2 values
[ { "author": "Tsuya Ishiyama", "message": "\"That's a good point too...\" *Tsuya nodded slowly and rubbed her chin. Extra resources for research in exchange for teaching others about the awesome and amazing art of making super expensive gizmos did seem like a sweet deal.*\n\n\"Well, I guess we'll see what happens!\" *The oni shrugged and grinned.*\n\n*Once Sirdan started eating, Tsuya eagerly followed suit. It would become clear the hesitation wasn't for lack of interest.* \"Mmm... This is so tasty! I'll have to remember what this dish is called.\" *She tilted her head to the side at his inquiry.* \"Spirit magic, sure. But not arcane magic. I can only imagine how hungry people who use both of them get...\"" }, { "author": "Sirdan", "message": "\"Mhm! Well. Then I'll introduce you to the rest of my companions after we finish the food here - The last group we had didn't stick together, so you'll find they're all new faces to you.\" *Sirdan would continue devouring the food.* \n\n\"This is gyro rice - or just the rice they serve at the Hombaxian shop, really, I don't think there's a name for it. I believe it is cooked with butter and chicken broth, and a spice I am not too familiar with.\" *Sirdan then cast his eyes toward the kitchen, spying on the Hombaxian cook.* \n\n\"It is important to practise with your magic everyday so you can eat up three people's share of food.\" *Sirdan chuckled. It didn't take long before the rest of the food was obliterated by Sirdan, and he would wave over a waiter to pay his bill. Just a mere eight copper,*\"Would you like any snacks or appetizer? Or are you full?\"" }, { "author": "Tsuya Ishiyama", "message": "\"Sounds good to me!\" *Tsuya agreed with a nod as she finished up her portion of the meal.* \"Hmm, what are they like?\"\n\n*The Oni made sure to commit the dish to memory in case she ever saw it at another shop along her adventures. It sounded like there were different ways to make it—and that was good. More variety! She chuckled along with Sirdan's comment about magic and nodded in agreement.*\n\n\"That should be good for now. Thank you for the food.\"" }, { "author": "Sirdan", "message": "*Sirdan then sipped on the tea, which was generously refilled.* \n\n\"Hmm... Let's see. I'll start from the top. Myhan Strong. Never learned his actual name, I oughta ask. He's a Titan who was working as a mercenary and became a baron of a domain just opposite mine. We're working together, and he summons and ride a beast that's even bigger than he is and charge into battle.\" \n\n\"Cuo, a Runran girl who is really four people in one, she has a much more experienced harpy mage binded to her called Garuda, who hsa a fox spirit binded to her called Loki, who has a... Snake binded to him... Her... It? Called Chroma. Fights in war with magic.\" \n\n\"It gets complex and weird.\" \n\n\"A...\" Sirdan paused a bit, looking for word to describe **The** Priestess,\"Weird and strange priestess called Sol. She's Reptilian. Also a mage and spiritbinder. I'd be a bit careful around her. I can never get a reading on her.\"\n\n\"And then there's Yuuka Haya... Haya... Hira... Ugh, I forgot her last name. She's a arquebusier from Runra. She's a rabbit, and she likes carrots. No, really, that's all I know about her so far.\"" }, { "author": "Tsuya Ishiyama", "message": "*Tsuya nodded slowly and listened with intent as Sirdan explained the different characters of his party. They almost seemed stranger than the last bunch they'd adventured with. Or maybe that was just due to the spin Sirdan was putting on it? Regardless, the oni was sure they'd be more than capable of holding the front while she summoned her construct to wreck havoc on the battlefield.*\n\n\"They sound like a curious bunch... I can't wait to meet them!\" *She smiled, then cast a glance towards the door.*" } ]
[ { "author": "nesymerp1", "message": "*The trees waved to the rhythm of the wind, the sunlight pierced through the cover of the trees. The birds fluttered their songs into the heavens. The sky was shrouded with feathery clouds, it cast soft shadows over the forest. There was a man with colourful clothes, he wandered across the woods without ever looking up. His eyelids hanged over his eyes as if he had been tired for a long time.*\n\n\"...Jesus... Life is so boring...\" *The thoughts swirled through his mind while his past experiences were terrific.* \"All because of a toast... Come on Nesy.\" *Grumbled Nesy. The blood coursed through his boiling veins, his chest thumped harder while the memories thundered through his mind.* \"I wish I wasn't an idiot... Now I am here... Doing stuff.\" *The air tugged his hair while the wind howled through the trees. He rubbed the tip of his nose with his pinky finger. The words filled his mind with doubts about if he could succeed the next quest.* \n \n\"...I am not sure what to do.\" *Murmured Nesy, his left hand rubbed the back of his head.*" }, { "author": "d0cahkiin", "message": "*The sounds of bare feet walking on the leaf litter could be heard by the man, coming from a short, slim reptilian, who appeared to be wondering though the forest. She was wearing a heavy looking backpack and weapon sling, but didn't seem to be hindered by the weight whatsoever. At the moment, she hadn't noticed Nesy yet, she just looked up at the canopy*" }, { "author": "nesymerp1", "message": "*Sticks snapped underneath Nesy's feet, as his feet dragged him through the forest. His head was pointed downwards, his eyes searched through the colourful ground and among the weird creatures that lived in this forest.* \"Hell, I need to take a break from being an idiot.\" *His lungs expanded, a deep breath swooshed through his moulth and back out again while covering his moulth.* \"Geez... Why can't I stop thinking about these things for once.\" *He raised his left hand and hit it to his face.* \"Mhm...\"" }, { "author": "d0cahkiin", "message": "\"Wait. Who was that?\" *The reptilian called out, looking down from the canopy and looking around, her eyes resting on Nesy* \"Oh. Hi. Didn't expect to find anyone else out here\" *She said, looking the man up and down. For a reptilian, she was surprisingly attractive, with smooth features and pretty eyes.*" }, { "author": "nesymerp1", "message": "*Nesy's body recoiled to the sound of a differing voice, holy crap! Another voice in so many days. His body slowly turned towards the source of the voice and there the female was!* *A wave of energy cascaded through his body, he wasn't hallucinating was he? It was a person!* \"Oh hello there! I didn't see you there either... Just uh, casually walking through the forest yeah?\" *He asked with an awkward tone as if something bothered him from the inside.*\n\n*Nesy's eyes had multiple colours in them, of course, this meant he had full heterochromia. It was an other young boy in his 18's? Yes, at least that's how old he is.*" }, { "author": "d0cahkiin", "message": "\"Yeah...\" *She stared at his eyes for a few seconds, before blinking rapidly and looking away* \"Uh... I'm Jezanne... Jezanne Delmetriv...\" *She didn't really know what to say. What to ask. Why was he here? Was he really just going for a walk? She hadn't seen him around in the town...*" } ]
[ { "author": "nesymerp1", "message": "\"Yeah... Yea well...\" *His head went up and down, thoughts continued to nag him at the back of the head.* *His hands ran through his hair and his eyes shifted from her to a bunch of trees in the distance, it appears he was lost in thought for a moment. However, he jumped up a little after he realised he was taking long.* \"Ah uh... My name is Nesy Celvius.\" *He added, giving a nod towards the other person.*" }, { "author": "d0cahkiin", "message": "\"Well... Nice to meet you Nesy\" *She grinned, and extended a hand* \"You new in town?\" *She asked curiously, tilting her head to the side, as she continued to look the man up and down*" }, { "author": "nesymerp1", "message": "\"Well I find goodness in meeting new people.\" *Exclaimed Nesy, his hand took hers and shook it.* \"Well I am very new around here. As if this place did not exist.\" *Said Nesy, rubbing the back of his head.* \"I've just been adventurin' and going through a lot of things since.\" *Nesy added while his eyes strayed away from their surroundings.*" }, { "author": "d0cahkiin", "message": "\"Uh-huh. So an adventurer huh? Where have you come from then? I recently just arrived from the lower kingdoms. Stopped here for supplies\" *She crossed her arms, rubbing them a bit. She seemed to be cold*" }, { "author": "nesymerp1", "message": "\"....I'm not from here... I am actually a complete foreigner to this... Place and all that stuff.\" *Nesy explained to Jezanne and rubbed the back of his head again.* \"...So yeah, I am just an adventurer so has been raised in an unknown country, so pretty much that is it.\" *He added, his eyes shifting to the right to eye some of the things that surrounded them.*" }, { "author": "d0cahkiin", "message": "\"Oh? That's... Pretty interesting...\" *She replied, looking down at her feet.* \"Well, uh, do you want to go get some food?\" *She asked, looking back up at his face*" } ]
[ { "author": "d0cahkiin", "message": "\"Oh right. Sorry. Can you tell me about this adventure of yours?\" *She asked curiously, leaning against a nearby tree, crossing her arms*" }, { "author": "nesymerp1", "message": "\"My adventure is going around and finding out new things about the world I reside in. I am also willing to fight and become stronger but also help those who are in need.\" *Nesy exclaimed.*" }, { "author": "d0cahkiin", "message": "\"Huh. Well, sounds pretty cool. You should join my small party\" *She replied, semi jokingly. She wondered what her companion was up to. Probably still buying clothes*" } ]
[ { "author": "Georg Von Frundsberg", "message": "**It's not everyday that any child has to bury their parents, and certainly not in the manner that Frundsberg is doing. Choosing a spot beneath a tree some distance away from the smoldering ruins of his village, he has already dug five four foot deep square holes. His fine garb is coated in specks of dirt, and sweat runs down his brow and face like a river. A simple peasants shovel is standing upright in the loose soil nearby, and five well cleaned bodies - but still damaged, and bloodied in some areas, lie stacked adjacent to the graves. Looking over them and then to the graves a grimace falls over Frundsberg face, so he takes out a bottle swishing with liquid and pops the cork and swallows some of the liquid inside. He's killed many a man and buried even more but it's never been so gut wrenching for him, regardless he grabs the first person - his mother, and gently lays her down into the first grave, and begins to bury her. Once finished he hammers a wooden cross into the soil at the head of the grave using the flat of the shovel. He begins to do this for each grave, muttering a prayer for each individual he buries. Once finished, he sits down onto the grass and attempts to bring his knees up to his chest and sits in complete silence his face adopting a forlorn expression as he tries to process what exactly just happened**" }, { "author": "Thorne", "message": "**Calamity was no scarcity during the throes of armed conflict. Such was a harsh reality one would need to grow accustomed to in their own way if it meant survival, and unfortunately, the Mentian kingdoms had been brewing up many a typhoon of these atrocities that would scar otherwise peaceful demographics and serve as a wake up call to their own people, they had to take up arms, they either fought, fled or stood a hopeless bulwark in the face of doom...**\n\n**Amidst the black plumes rising from the ruined village, murders of crows and other birds of prey had begun to scout over, some even landing atop disfigured corpses to pick out what remains they could nourish from; an inconveniently brutal, yet vital cycle of nature. The smoke attracted the attention of not only birds, but quite a few concerned wayfarers in the area as well, among them, villagers that had been out on errands, and horse drawn coaches going about their usual commute through the land. The village was a scorched reminder that death had been wrought, and unfortunately, the sight of bodies acted as a grim memento mori.**\n\n**Other than that, the area was uncannily tranquil. Crackling fire broke the still air along with decaying structures from the paroxysm, and shrilling birds overhead, which were the only sign of life that remained. Before long, it was disturbed by a slew of neighing and whinnying though, a brown lymian palfrey horse drew near from a beaten dirt road close by, it's woman rider, clad in ebony garments, hooded and masked with a cowl of the same dark colour.** \"T'cha!\" **The steed became startled at the sight of danger looming in the form of flame and sharp beaked birds, causing it's rider to pull back on the reins and turn around, heading the way they came in a hurried trot.**\n.\n\n**But along the way, a peculiar sight caught the eye; a lone man, between freshly cultivated graves, who appeared woebegone. It caused the rider to shift her mount toward them, and hurry on over.** \"Hey!!\" **The femme voice shouted, lowering as she approached, and halted. Appended to the saddle was an ornate shortbow, along with a full quiver, and around the woman's waist lied a belt with two scian daggers on each side; this was no ordinary rider making their way through, crimson eyes peered out the cowl would attempt to scan the scene for themself.**\n\n\"What happened to the village? When did it happen?\" **She asked, expecting an explanation with haste.** \"Did... Did Corrion make it?\"" }, { "author": "Georg Von Frundsberg", "message": "**He would remain uncomfortably quiet for a period of several seconds before lifting his head up to look at the woman clad in black. His grimace would return before he shakes his head and gets up off the ground, sighing as he dusts the dirt off his fine garments and responds** \"Bandits. Bandits and raiders happened to this village. I don't know when it happened.\" **He would appear slightly stand-offish with how precise and quick his responses are, but a hint of more volatile emotions could be picked up in his otherwise serious tone. He would shrug and respond** \"No clue. I don't know a Corrion.\" \n\n**With that said, he'd take out the bottle he drank from earlier and chug the remaining liquid within it. Wiping his mouth with his nominally clean sleeve, he would then scan the horizon, seeming to look for any signs of someone else - or something else. He wouldn't give any further explanation, but the dirt on his garments and the nearby shovel would tell a story in of itself. One thing she would notice upon getting closer is a rather massive sword hanging off his back bundled in linen - at least the same length of his body, and the fine cutting blade hanging off his hip. If the finery of his clothing didn't inform her that this was no peasant the swords definitely would.**" }, { "author": "Thorne", "message": "**Tension was to be expected in a crucial time like this. The man was handling bloodied corpses, no doubt of his own people, or kin, and Thorne deduced his emotional instability the very moment she laid eyes on him. As the man stood, she pulled the steed's reins yet again, causing the mount to make a few back steps, in case he had malice aforethought. One can never be too prepared. Emotions may not be the** ***Only*** **Thing volatile after all, hostility and anger came with the grieving process. Thorne was all too familiar with it.** \"Bandits and raiders did *That?\"* **The woman muttered, her tone unbelieving, but concise nonetheless. When he revealed no relation or knowledge about her associate named Corrion, Thorne lowered her gaze downcast, and shut her eyes in reverence; her first display of emotion of her own.**\n\n**Quickly, she reverted back to her neutral ground, giving the man a moment to think before her next order of query. He appeared soiled by dirt, grime and mud where it brushed on him, and absorbing the graves, shovel and greatsword on his back was all the more critical in her assessment.** \"You're a warrior I presume. You tried to defend your people, but... Doom prevailed.\" **In one swift motion, Thorne lowered her hood and mask, revealing much as she did; elven ears, a pale, but healthy visage and a caring inflection.** \n\n\"...And now you too must prevail from the very troth you gave them, warrior. My name is Thorne. If I were here when it had happened, I would have stepped in but...\" **She shook her head.** \"What will you do now? Where will you go?\"" }, { "author": "Georg Von Frundsberg", "message": "**He gazes downwards and then turns his head to look at thorne before responding** \"If only.\" **Seeming to respond to the statement that he was here to defend them, when he indeed was not. He seems to pause for a moment, to comprehend the words she has stated - he only rests his gaze upon her for a moment before turning back to scan the horizon - a man who is wary as can be. He responds concisely** \"There is no where to go but forwards - and with hope and luck it will allow me justice.\" **He takes several steps towards the road below before turning and stating** \"You can call my Frundsberg. I'm heading to the local garrison, in the town of Frundstead.\"" }, { "author": "Thorne", "message": "**The very sight of this crestfallen man was saddening, his forlorn voice even more of a testament to his state. Thorne followed him behind with her horse, making an obvious attempt to try and boost his spirits, even if they were at their lowest. She made no comment about his dejected response, but had something to add to his thoughts.** \"They will only get you so far, hope and luck, Frundsberg.\" **Thorne has contemplated expressing her sorrow in the form of an apology, but it wouldn't change the fact that his people were gone, and would only serve as an unnecessary attempt.**\n\n**Instead, she figured accompanying him along the way was lifting in it of its own.** \"I've been... Best not go alone, warrior. Not while the assailants could be about. What do you say I give you a ride? My palfrey is strong, in both fortitude and stamina, she can endure both our weights. Her name is Amena – What do you say?\"" }, { "author": "Georg Von Frundsberg", "message": "**He pauses, and responds** \"They will get me far enough. Thank you.\" **It's not certain whether or not she was boosting his spirits, or whether the alcohol was finally kicking in, but he seems to be brighter then before - or maybe he's accomplished the task of bottling up his emotions for later. When she mentions giving him a ride he raises his right eyebrow in response and states** \"I'd be very grateful, thank you once more.\" **He slings off the shovel and spears it into the dirt next to him and awkwardly responds** \"I'm afraid i've never had to mount a horse before, would you be kind enough to show me?\" **As they talk it seems that Frundsberg cannot keep himself from constantly scanning the horizon - likely out of fear of whatever was here returning, or possibly because he isn't in a stable enough mental state to look anyone in the eyes.**" }, { "author": "Thorne", "message": "\"That's fair of you to believe in. You have a strong heart, warrior. I commend you for that.\" **Thorne was genuinely impressed that Frund appeared to take the tragedy so well. Perhaps it was the mettle of man, or the spirit he'd ingested just then, that did not go unnoticed by her. She tapped the side of her mare, causing a whinny to escape its lips, and it halted for the man. She would now have to coach his very first time mounting a horse? Was he a warrior after all? These ideas went to ponder, but quickly dissipated as she came up with a brief guide.** \"You're welcome... You'll take my hand, I'll lift you while you place one foot into the stirrup,\" **She informed, gesturing to the stirrup on the side if the saddle, hanging just beneath the steed's center mass.**\n\n**Thorne took her own foot from it to allow his to fit instead.** \"Use your other hand to lift the rest of you onto her back, there's enough room on the saddle for us both. I have taken a passenger before, good thing I bought an extra large seat, hm? Hold onto my waist if you need, the ride will get bumpy when we accelerate. Even from this height, a fall would wind even the manliest of men if they aren't braced.\"\n\n**With that, the elf put her left hand downward, awaiting his.**" }, { "author": "Georg Von Frundsberg", "message": "**Ever the gentleman he would wipe his dirty hand in the grass, cleaning it off as much as possible before grasping hers in hand - his hand is heavily calloused, but at least it isn't dirty. He then grabs the saddle with his other hand and places his left foot into the stirrup and pulls himself and over onto the back of the horse. He would then state** \"Let's go. You know where the town is?\" **He would make sure there is a sliver of space between the two - mostly to keep her from becoming dirtied by grave soil. He doesn't put his hands over her waist, likely because the physical contact with be quite odd especially with a fair lady such as herself. **" }, { "author": "Thorne", "message": "**Thorne would find his impression on her laughable. A fair lady she once was, belonging to nobility back in Ulnoor, Silnaria. Now, she is a lady of the macabre, globetrotting the Mentian borders in search of mercenary work, and searching for the Revenant whenever she visited Lymia. Her hands were nevertheless soft compared to his, and once he was behind her, he may catch a whiff of something aromatic; it was her, in fact. She found ways to bathe regularly, be it in streams, ponds or other secluded bodies of water, and she always keeps a pouch of flowers on her for the occasion.**\n\n**A well tended mercenary, who would have thought?** \"I know the way, I've been before. I've even done missions for them here and there.\" **Thorne added, putting her foot back in the stirrup, she quickly whipped the reins and knicked the horse's side, causing it to enter a slow jog, cantering forward. The force would be quite tricky to endure for that of an inexperienced rider, passenger or not. So long as it didn't break into a gallop right away. Soon, the scorched village behind them grew smaller and smaller as they made distance. Thorne made no comment, but wondered if Frund had taken one last look at his former life, as he began his new one.**\n\n\"So...\" **Silence had been made for a moment, to be broken then, by small talk.** \"What happened, if you don't mind?\"" }, { "author": "Georg Von Frundsberg", "message": "**He takes a deep breath in, and is immediately reminded of his current state of \"Dirtiness\" Compared to hers. He makes a mental note of washing before meeting with the local garrison. He nods and responds to her stating she knows the way with** \"Good.\" **He would then fall into silence for a time, taking in the scenery as they would travel - always wary and attentive of any threats around. When he hears her ask what exactly happened he takes a deep breath and slowly releases it - composing himself. He then responds with a dark expression** \"I was returning home from a large city and I found the place burnt to the ground. I managed to find my family, and I... Buried them.\" **He finishes the last part quickly, stopping soon after and taking another deep breath to compose himself once more.**" }, { "author": "Thorne", "message": "**The revelation that Frund had not been there to defend his people after all only made his plight more difficult to imagine. It was one thing to lose your entire family, but discovering them that way... In some form, Thorne would have preferred to find hers dead, that way she would not have witnessed it firsthand and had to listen to their agonizing pain, although she got to say goodbye in the end. She can sleep better at night knowing they shared their final moments, before she made her escape. Great... Now she was thinking about that time as well as Frund's. If only he knew how similar their sorrow was.** \"I see. Well, you got to hold them one last time, warrior. Some are not so lucky, some like me.\"\n\n**She alluded to her own story, but added nothing, instead preferring to move on from the grim subject at hand.** \"When we arrive in Frundsberg, I'll be meeting with a few of my associates. I was coming to your village in search of another one named Corrion, and knowing him, he would have never abandoned it. I just... Know he vanquished as well.\" **Sadly, it wasn't as easy to move on as she thought, they were already back onto it.** \"I speak from experience when I say, it will be difficult to move on. Unless you're without a soul.\"" }, { "author": "Georg Von Frundsberg", "message": "**He nods slowly, not so sure of what to say in response to the hinting of what she said. He doesn't say anything in response, rather just listening to what she has to say until she finishes in which case he responds** \"I know. For what it's worth, Your friend died with honor.\" **The best he can muster for as a comforting response, alongside the allusion that he's no stranger to tragedies. He would leave the subject behind as he asks** \"Do you know of any good ponds or streams nearby, I have need of a bath.\" **He would add nothing else.**" }, { "author": "Thorne", "message": "**That he did. Corrion was an elf just like her, only wood, and not dark. They had gone on objective more than once, and came out alive and prosperous, the last time they interacted though, was months ago before Thorne made her way into Lymia. Knowing Corrion perished with valor made it easier to endure the inconvenient truth. She could only hope that he would be in Frundsberg alive and well, but that was highly unlikely. Thankfully, Frund put her train of thought back on a lighter topic. While she did know of bathing spots nearby, she figured they were unsafe, given what happened back down the road.**\n\n\"I know many, but none safe. You wouldn't want to be caught with your britches down, would you?\" **The elf snickered.** \"They have 'bath tubs' in Lymia, have you heard of them? In Pepor, the commodities have reached a very advanced stage. Commodities in their inn's and other lodging is truly fantastical. There is an apparatus there that can deliver freezing, cold, warm or hot water at will, into a tub for bathing, and a drainage system for an easy cleanup. But it seems the further away from Lymia and Silnaria I go, the less modern it gets. Salvainia, I am not so sure of. I haven't been.\"" }, { "author": "Georg Von Frundsberg", "message": "**He laughs quietly in response to \"You wouldn't want to be caught with your britches down\", before he would continue to listen to her he would interrupt her slightly** \"I'm certain that I need a bath. Please take me to the nearest one, I can take care of myself if any were to ambush me.\" **He seems insistent and there's a hint of desperation in his tone. But with that, he wouldn't interrupt her any further as he allows her to finish her point about baths in Lymia. His response is as the following** \"Indeed, I have heard of them.\" **He doesn't seem to be very talkative right now, clearly something is eating away at his mind - indeed, the emotions from earlier are bubbling up and he needs some kind of outlet. A bath, in an isolated location alone, is exactly what he needs to let out some of those bottled away emotions - before the metaphorical bottle shatters.**" }, { "author": "Thorne", "message": "**Although his persistence at having a bath was respectable, Thorne still considered it careless and unwise, but who was she to deny Frund, with the blood of his own relatives on his hands a proper washing? It would be criminally rude to.** \"If you insist, Frund.\" **Thorne pulled the reigns back and to the right, which caused her horse to steer leftward and canter the same way, off the road and into the woods. She knew her way around, a waterhole was not far from them. This time, she made her mount reach a brisk pace instead of a jog; a challenge for Frund to cope with, but necessary if they wanted to reach the destination quickly.**\n\n**Along the way, Thorne would keep the talk brief, having noted his troubled temperament. It was entirely expected.** \"What were you?\" **She queried, trying to attribute an occupation to his outfit.** \"Were you a scribe?\"" }, { "author": "Georg Von Frundsberg", "message": "**He would nod, before suddenly being jolted around due to the sudden acceleration, he would grasp the saddle with both hands as he would be jerked around by the horse. As he adapts to the sudden change he would hear Thorne ask him about his occupation. Pausing a bit to contemplate how to answer this he states** \"I'm a Mercenary.\" **One could easily assume that by the weapons he carries and the breast plate he wears, though it doesn't afford her much more information then that. He adds onto it by continuing** \"I'll tell you more once I'm presentable.\"" }, { "author": "Thorne", "message": "**Another mercenary, Thorne found it odd she didn't recognize him, since she was well acquainted with many self-appointed vigilante's and mercenary coteries near the Mentian borders, within Lymia as well, all but the elusive Revenant; a mass murdering canifor from Silnaria, but worthy of Thorne's veneration due to the nature of his crimes. While she was on that thought, Thorne figured it wouldn't do harm to inquire about any knowledge Frund may have.** \"Have you ever heard or know anything about The Revenant, from Silnaria? There's not been news about them in quite some time, but I've sought counsel for a very long time to no avail. They're as elusive as a woodland rodent when predators are about.\"\n\n**Thorne left the question in the air for his response, while they approached an area where the trees were packed closely together, making navigation on horseback treacherous. It was beneficial for the waterhole however, since the forest offered privacy by nature. The obstacles caused Thorne to slow down their pace, while skillfully guiding her horse along with reigns and well-timed strides.**" }, { "author": "Georg Von Frundsberg", "message": "**Slowing down would be the best thing to happen for Frundsberg during this ride thus far. Since he no longer has to needlessly stabilize himself on the horse he's able to relax - somewhat at least. Taking a deep breath and allowing it to escape as quickly as it came he quickly states** \"Never heard of them before.\" **Silence would once more fill the scene, with the clopping of horse feet and the cracking of underbrush filling the air as the horse moves. Eventually though, Frundsberg would notice her fine riding skills and comment** \"Fine horsemenship. You're noble aren't you?\" **It wasn't a hard deduction, anyone who could ride this fine throughout the land was noble in some aspect - whether by riches alone or by title. Once they reach the watering hole Frundsberg will slide off the horses back, thank thorne for the diversion - and acknowledge that such a detour is indeed unwise but he needs privacy.**" }, { "author": "Thorne", "message": "**It became rather awkward now that they were on the topic of her own origins. While Thorne** ***Was*** **Indeed a noble before, it had been over ten years since, and she never made it to womanhood with her title, nor claimed entitlement of that status. She stood home a lot back there while her family planned a revolt, she studied, rode ponies, palfreys, and even made an attempt at leading once. It wasn't until after losing her family and noble house that she attuned herself with horseback riding and martial arts, unarmed as well as armed. How coincidental for Frund to bring that up, she thought. After a moment of sustained, silent musing, Thorne opened up.** \"Lady Eillemar, I was called.\" **She revealed casually, not one to shy away from the talk.**\n\n\"But I'm noble no more, as you can tell. My boots are dirty, and I go a day without showering at times. My house was House Eillemar in Silnaria, but... The Clan Aesilnari had us silenced when word got out of our planned revolt in the capital. I suspect one of our own tenants on land revealed us, and I know who it was. It was our associate family Paddock, they helped distribute harvests from our fields, and weapons when we smithed them. They were unharmed, but us? My family was caught, tried and executed all in the same hour. We stood no chance against armored cataphracts in the dead of night...\"\n\n**Thorne ended, as they approached the waterhole; it was large, thirty meters around, with gleaming fresh water, and if one looked closely there were even small fishes of no distinct species. Thorne stopped a few meters away, giving Frund leverage with her hand if needed.**" }, { "author": "Georg Von Frundsberg", "message": "**He grumbles something about \"Hating noble politics\" And replies** \"Your family was more noble then those that destroyed it.\" **He manages to get off the horse by himself quite fine, and as he lands with a thud onto the soft ground. He looks up at Thorne and says** \"Thank you. This is tactically foolish but I need some alone time. If you could give me some privacy I'll be as brief as possible.\" **He then turns around, slides off his travel bag, and his sword, takes off his breast plate and the belt holding his messer, and lays it onto the ground nearby. He also takes off his plumed hat, resting it ontop of his zweihander, and revealing brownish red short cut hair. If Thorne gives him privacy he would begin to strip, all of his clothing - revealing that the dirt crusted top layer is just that, one of two layers. That layer would go with him into the water for a wash, the bottom mostly clean layer would be folded and stacked next to the rest of his belongings.**" } ]
[ { "author": "Thorne", "message": "**Noble politics were the least of House Eillemar's concerns back then. The gradually declining state of Silnaria, the fact that indentured servitude and beastkin slavery was at its peak injustice, was their issue, and Clan Aesilnari batted no eye, they kept the practice alive without falter. In the end, Thorne's family was seized for their differentiated belief when it came to laboring. Although she had not been to Silnaria in many years, Thorne was sure the imperial house was still reigning over all with an iron fist, and one day she hoped to put an end to them. That day would not arrive any time soon however.**\n\n\"That they were...\" **She replied softly, seeking to move on from that topic at last. As Frund dismounted, Thorne pulled on the reins making her steed turn around.** \"Here, you may smell like a freshly bathed maiden after, but it should mask the aroma of death.\" **From her bag, the elf produced a small pouch, she tossed directly at Frund for him to catch. Inside, was an abundance of fragrant leaves, aromatic flower petals, and a small thumb-sized chunk of soap she'd been saving.** \"I will be back in fifteen minutes to take you to Frundsberg, there we'll find the garrison and get ourselves situated. Be wary, there could be foes lurking for all we know.\"\n\n**Kicking the side of her mare, it entered a brisk trot forward and away from the waterhole, Thorne up top re-equipped her cowl and mask, sauntering off to give the perimeter a brief patrol.** \"Cha, kut!\"" }, { "author": "Georg Von Frundsberg", "message": "**He catches it quickly, his reflexes honed after a decade of mercenary work. He replies before she leaves fully** \"Thank you!\" **He then turns back to the water hole, strips off his clothing and armor and takes the fancy top layer of clothing into the water with him. He uses the aromatics and soap sparingly, as to make sure that Thorne will still have plenty left - and as he scrubs himself down, he takes a moment to let some of those tears he's been holding back out. He manages to stifle a scream in place for a despair filled moan. Quickly though he manages to compose himself - a man of war sees many deaths, and he's no stranger to tragedy and he has a mission to accomplish - he will not be accomplishing it crying in a pond.**\n\n**He quickly finishes washing himself, and begins to work on his clothing as well - rubbing out the mud and blood staining the water near him a brownish red. He uses the aromatics on the clothing rather then himself since he wagers that it'll last longer and make the clothing look finer. Once finished, he walks out of the water and to his travel satchel grabbing his Zweihander and unwrapping one layer of linen sheet from it - using it to dry off his body before he gets dressed in the clothing that isn't currently wet. He also takes some time to wipe off his breast plate, but is careful to not use water since that can cause rust - which is the last thing he needs right now. With all said and done he looks incredibly clean now, and far more handsome - though he looks less regal with only tights on. He didn't wash his feathered hat at least, so there's that. Now, he waits for Thornes return - it only took him about ten minutes to accomplish all of this, including getting dressed and re-equipping his gear.**" }, { "author": "Thorne", "message": "**It would be another five minutes before the thrumming of hoofbeats broke the still air around the pond, coming through the trees and brush was Thorne again, atop her beautiful purebred palfrey, fully equipped like before. As it turns out, she really did mean fifteen minutes, honesty meant alot to her, brute or not.** \"Hey, you look...\" **The elf regarded Frund with soft red eyes, warned by a smile beneath her mask. He looked genuinely better than before, certainly in better spirits and... Somewhat attractive. If it weren't for his quizzical garb, she may have commented further.** \"...Better. I hope the aromatics worked, man stench is especially potent.\" **She remarked with a single chuckle, beckoning him over to the horse.**\n\n\"Time to go Frund. We have a long way to go.\"" }, { "author": "Georg Von Frundsberg", "message": "**He walks in confident strides up to the horse, and without aid manages to swing himself up and onto the saddle. Hugging the horses body with his legs he states** \"Indeed! Let's get going.\" **Once they get moved and back onto the road, Frundsberg would start up another conversation** \n\"I apologize for my withdrawal from conversation earlier. Now that I am in much better spirits I will elaborate further on questions you asked earlier; No, I was not a scribe - rather I was a mercenary sergeant for the Dekoratsknechts. Past tense because the company has since disbanded. My audacious dress was the dress of all sergeants within the company, and I wear it to this day. And the aromatics which you lent me, for which I am grateful, were used mostly on my finery - rather then myself. When we stop I will hand you back the sack you gave unto me to wash myself with - much still remains, including the soap.\" \n**He smells nicer, but the aromatics indeed seem to have been used on his finery - she can smell the flowers coming from his satchel where the damp clothing was placed. After he finishes talking he scans the area, specifically the forestry that flanks either side of the road - looking for banditry.**" }, { "author": "Thorne", "message": "**Frund's willingness to initiate the dialogue between them was much appreciated, since Thorne is typically one that enjoyed speaking at length with her associates, or even strangers such as him. Although their conversation had a chance to turn towards the macabre elements before again, it seemed meaningful now that they were both in a better mood. Thorne tapped her mare, indicating an increase in their pace–it entered a steady jog. The elf waited her turn to speak, absorbing Frund's particulars with interest, as she too was willing to divulge information if it meant they weren't in silence.**\n\n\"Dekoratsknechts. I may have heard of them before, but no time recently.\" **Thorne admitted in perfect pronunciation, as expected of a former noble, she was articulate and capable of all forms of vernacular, and she understood dialects as well.** \"It's unfortunate they have disbanded. We need them now more than ever, the skirmishes at the three Mentian borders are grueling, and will only get worse as each monarch makes vain attempts at reclaiming their indubitably entitled land. I'm sure you're also aware of the troubling affray that's leaving Siui, Tiai and Ombu a constant mess. Wood elves, Steppe and Macen taking each other's lives so willingly, and with malice aforethought, all over control... No doubt, these nefarious warbands have affected quaint villages like yours in the worst of ways and for that I cannot begin to express my sorrow.\"\n\n**There was much, much more to elaborate on about the continent's political and militant affairs, but Thorne decided to let Frund give his input, but not before clarifying her own intentions.**\n.\n\n\"I've been helping out my people; Elves, wherever and whenever I can, although I insist on disarming or imprisoning rather than needless slaying, my kin can't be bothered to care. That, and the Mentian conflict... I want to start a small band of my own, and grow into a retinue like the Dekoratsknechts were. We would fight for justice and righteous authority where we could, but repel villainy where it needed repelling.\" **At last, the elf took a breather, having explained so much.** \"I believe it's your turn, sorry... I have a lot to say. I haven't even gotten to my intentions back in Silnaria.\"" }, { "author": "Georg Von Frundsberg", "message": "**He strokes his beard in silent contemplation as he takes in what Thorne has to say about ongoing geopolitical events, before admitting** \"After the dissolution of the company I had not kept up with geopolitical news. Though it doesn't surprise me that war has sparked once more - it's ever present in this day and age afterall. Indeed, such is the nature of cyclical warfare - raise levies, fight, dissolve levies, former soldiers raid conquered territories and return home. I doubt however that my village was any such case - being that the place was razed to the ground. Prisoners are expensive and deadly mind you - they can easily come back to stab you in the back, but I commend your moral backbone where men such as myself would just kill if there was no pragmatic reason for keeping them as prisoners. I warn you Thorne, such heroism and good intentions does not get you very far in the mercenary company world. You may be able to perform such compassionate acts as an individual but once you form a company you will be participating in wars where there is no clear moral justification - just gold and silver. However, it is not my place to discourage or block you from pursuing your desires for justice and good!\"\n**He silently nods after finishing, tightening his grip on the horse before mentioning** \"Oh, and the reason I needed aid in mounting your horse is because we Dekoratsknecht do not use cavalry - we in fact had a general distaste for them. Horses kick up dust and we often had to march behind such horses... It was never too pleasant on the eyes or mouth.\" **He laughs at the end of his statement before resuming his silence, awaiting Thornes response.**" }, { "author": "Thorne", "message": "**Alas, their viewpoints had to differ somewhere, no relationship was perfect, however the way in which one managed their differences meant more than the ideologies themselves. Keeping things unhallowed was very important for bolstering camaraderies, Thorne firmly believed; if they could remain civilized with their expressions, she was more than willing to continue in that track. Now, she regarded his belief with no disdain. All was fair. Little did Frund know that Thorne's moral compass was not as pure as she made it out to be...** \"I believe I concur with your analogy on mercy. There are indeed times where it is practical, and times where it could lead to one's untimely demise. However... There are...*Other*...\"\n\n**The lady reached an impasse in her speech, having trouble finding the appropriate words to correspond with her point, she stifled any further stuttering and decided to drop formalities, divulging plainly, and blunt.** \"...For me, it depends on a multitude of factors. Some fighters give their lives for their beliefs, or their birthright to perish for their monarch, or their cause. Some fighters are compelled to follow a particular course of action or be met with dire consequences. But these principles can be rather difficult to consistently follow in a spur of the moment. I wouldn't want to kill a slave who is forced to fight in the stead of their lord, rather than liberate them from their plight. I believe there are alliances to be made within most enemies.\"\n\n**Of course Thorne also had to imagine things from Frund's perspective at the moment. It seemed he was an avid practitioner of the law of retaliation; an eye for an eye, as they say. Or perhaps there was a deeper meaning she had yet to learn.** \"I've been told I am softer than most, because I'm a woman. We're meant to be dainty little wallflowers, aren't we?...No, we are just as capable of weighing in on one's decided fate as any inquisitor of strife.\"" }, { "author": "Georg Von Frundsberg", "message": "**If he could shrug he definitely would, but that is difficult to accomplish on horseback without jeopardizing ones balance. So instead he replies with haste** \"Morality rarely informs the actions of a soldier-for-hire. I'm uncertain if that was how they operated within the Silnarian empire, but within the Kingdoms of Mentia we tend to base our actions off our pay - indeed, pay is how every soldier for hire is motivated. The only time a moral compass would inform me in my actions during hire is for things where payment was not applicable, such in the looting of sieged cities or towns. Depending on the nature of the siege and the city in question, looting may take the form of kicking down doors and grabbing valuables, likewise it may be as simple as walking into someones home and \"Asking\" For a meal. I've done the latter countless times, the only thing I tend to walk away with is fine garments or, even finer wine.\" **He laughs once more at the last part, but like before quickly silences himself once he realizes he's making too much noise - which prompts him to check all possible sight lines for possible enemies. He does however continue with this**\n\"My company rarely took women on as soldiers, but that's mostly because the women in the company were the wives or sisters of the soldier themselves. Besides, it is a rarity to find a properly beefy woman for combat duty - though we did have a couple, none of them ever ended up in my unit. I do have to say that they wore the same finery we did and it looked quite nice on a few of them indeed!\" **He looks ahead of Thorne, towards the snaking pathway towards Frundsberg trying to gauge how much longer the ride will be, before returning to his previous position.**" } ]
[ { "author": "Georg Von Frundsberg", "message": "**He sticks his chin up and scratches at the base of his beard, contemplating on how to respond - it's true, he would probably go along with it as long as it isn't too unethical but then again he was blessed with commanders who weren't dipshits. Instead of saying so he responds** \"I'm fortunate enough to not have idiotic commanders.\" **He seems to be skittish around the question, as if he isn't too certain about answering it fully and with total honesty - which is uncharacteristic of him. **\n\n**He rolls his shoulders and cranes his neck to look into the forestry flanking them, staring into the eyes of any creature who would dare stare back. As he does this he takes in what Thorne is saying - He could tell that she wasn't a mercenary, true soldiers-for-hire have a way of carrying themselves and behaving and she certainly didn't fit into it. Besides, Mercenaries tend to be morally grey and she seemed too morally good. He responds carefully with A** \"Yes indeed, I do undoubtedly see where our principles diverge. However, I believe it's more of a diverging job market - I fight wars, guard nobles and caravans. It seems to me like you help people or aim for it at least.\" **In the far distance the tallest spire of Frundsberg castle in the distance, they shouldn't be more then a couple hours ride... When she kicks up the speed Frundsberg releases a quiet grunt as he's thrashed around a bit before regaining his balance.**" }, { "author": "Thorne", "message": "\"I help where I believe it's needed, and where it's my business to do so. Most of all, I assist *My* People – Elves. The only elves that don't deserve my time and effort are the High Elves of Silnaria, unless it's exacting my revenge for what they did to my family ten years ago. Then I'll act. T'cha! Hya!\" **Thorne whipped the reins forward as soon as she saw the first sight of Frundsberg's tallest spires. It took a split second to gauge the distance from where they are, it would be... Hours at this pace, but only one if they'd entered a gallop here and there. There were two concerns to muse about though; Amena's stamina with the heavy adult man on her back, and the weather. It was becoming gloomy above, light receding as closer overhead made their way above and stood still over the landscape shrouding it in an ebon hue.**\n\n\"I want you to hold onto my waist for this strait, we're going to get there quickly, hopefully before the shower above. Go ahead, I don't mind. It *Will* Get hard to remain seated, least for you, big man!\"\n\n**The elf remarked with a sly jab at Frund's figure, whether or not it was about the armor or what lies beneath. He might not see it, but perhaps he'd have a clue on her expression, it was a simper behind the mask. Amena began to speed up very quickly, hoofbeats in brisk sequences of four happening every less than a second. A remarkable feat of athleticism from the dainty palfey...**" }, { "author": "Georg Von Frundsberg", "message": "**With slight hesitation he would place his hands upon her waist and grasp them firmly. Though he would attempt to maintain some level of distance between their two bodies as the horse speeds up to a gallop! Certainly he would have fell if he had not taken her advice, as he is jostled around even rougher then before! Travel would be quick and quiet - save for a few refugees along the road with what little of their personal goods towed behind them in carts usually drawn by mules or donkeys. Eventually, they would clear the forest revealing the expansive fields of farm land surrounding the town. Peasants and serfs could be seen working and tending to the fields - afterall, it's almost harvesting season.**\n\n**The town itself from this distance is still quite some distance away, maybe another half an hour or so. Even from this distance however the castle - and the garrison presumably within can be seen. The stone walls are made of granite, a strong stone making the walls incredibly strong against attack. There appears to be a tavern from this distance, a town square with a well, and of course presumably some stores.**" }, { "author": "Thorne", "message": "\"Shhhhh, tsk tsk!\" **The elf uttered a vocal command to the steed below them, indicating a steady decrease in their acceleration. They slowed to a jog yet again, which meant that the central portion of Frundsberg was now an hour away again, at that pace at least. Amena had been galloping for forty minutes, and needed to take a breather or risk falling out from exhaustion.** \"Alright, we're getting closer. I need to let Amena relax for a moment, can you get down and feed her for me?\" **Thorne asked him politely, handing a large apple behind her as she did.**\n\n\"Just a moment sweetheart... Don't fret.\" **She seemed to be addressing the horse directly, leaned over and muttering into its ear very delicately.** \"A little longer. Then the big man will have his own ride...\"" }, { "author": "Georg Von Frundsberg", "message": "**He eyes the apple, feeding horses? Eh, at least he can apply SOMETHING he learned during his time as a camp servant. He grabs the apple before sliding off the horse, walking out in front of it and holding the apple out for the horse to eat. Once the horse has a grip on the apple he pulls his hand away and would scan the horizon and state** \"Once we get into town we may be momentarily splitting up. However, we can meet at the Plumed Hat Inn which is across from the garrison itself. Drinks'll be on me!\"\n\n**He then would take his bag, removing the damp but now mostly dried top layer of clothing and begin to re-apply it over the tights. After he finishes attaching the arm sleeves to the plate and the leg ones to the breast plate as well he stretches, showing off his multi-colored apparel. A faint breeze would coax the floral scent of the clothing towards Thorne, allowing for her to get a nose full of where the majority of the floral scented stuff that he used went.**" } ]
[ { "author": "tiredfroslass", "message": "So like bandits work, slavers would be the best" }, { "author": "brebmel", "message": "**Metzu can be seen traversing a forest, the trees packed so tightly that she often has to squeeze between the trunks, all the while deftly maneuvering over the thick roots sticking out of the soil. The only sign that this was ever a trail is the hard packed earth beneath her feet, compared to the far more soft soil flanking it. Birds chirp from above and the faint sound of leaves rustling can be heard overhead. Clumps of mushrooms with red caps rest upon a fallen log nearby and the sweet aroma of pollen hangs in the air. In the distance, faintly, the sound water running through rocks can be heard. The temperature is mild and it doesn't appear like that will be changing anytime soon. The trail in front of her stretches on for quite some distance - before a log seems to block the path, though it doesn't look nearly as rotten as the one off the road... The sound of flowing water seems to be coming from in front of her and to the right some distance.**" }, { "author": "Meztu kianaco", "message": "*Meztu has made her home amongst these trees and knows how to move aongst them quickly and quietly, with minimum stumbles, the sound of rushing water is good though she wanted to find some more water. With her purple Kimono wooden sandles and black undershirt its very minimal if not surprisingly clean. On her back is a backpack full of supplys from her run to the farmers market and on her belt hidden by the kimono are 2 items, a special built raiper and a wooden painted butterfly mask that covers the entire face. She heads toward the water in order to build herself some new tea from a fresh water source sensei was always the best at making tea...*" }, { "author": "brebmel", "message": "**Walking down the trail she waits until the water noise is to her right. Walking off the trail she weaves her way through the trees, the trunks becoming increasingly more cloistered together before they begin to disperse as a small creek comes into view. Water flows through the rounded rocks that make up the creek bed - the rocks exposed to air are covered in moss and lichen. The canopy still blocks out any direct sunlight from reaching down here however, and as such there's very little plant life around the creek. A few hardy plants can be spotted however - stinging nettles being one of them. They supposedly make an extremely good soup... The water looks relatively clean thanks to its flowing status but it's also extremely shallow.**" }, { "author": "Meztu kianaco", "message": "*She smiles as she would sit down on her knees unzipping her bag and getting out a tea set, as she puts some kindling from her sack into the mini firepit that comes with a tea set, she would fill the Jade teapot with water from the rushing stream and puts it on the metal grate suspended over the fire as she wits for it to boil she gets out the herbs and spices to add to her tea once its hot enough as she sits A yellow almost golden winged butterfly would fly right onto her black hair intreagued by the fact that the tips of her hair are purple and lay hanging down by her slightly dirty cheeks. She hasent had a real real bath for... About a year now, sure she has washed off in lakes and used herbs and other natural scents to make herself smell better but theres only so much one can do while living off the grid as it is*\n\n\n*She would light a stick of incense by her small fire and put it in a small ornate bowl as she prays for those she has lost in her guild.*" }, { "author": "brebmel", "message": "**Setting up the tea set is easy enough. She manages to dig the legs of the grate into the soft soil next to the creek and the fire catches easily enough, tiny wisps of smoke rising into the air and past the canopy. Since the Kettle is made of jade it will take some time to heat up, being that jade isn't a good conductor of heat. Regardless, setting the incense alight causes the stick to glow brightly at the tip - a waft of pleasant smelling gas accompanies the smoke rising from said stick. The back-drop of the stream drowns out most of her prayer. Even after she finishes her prayer she will still have quite some time - perhaps an hour even, before the Jade Kettle gets warm enough for the water within to begin boiling. This should give her plenty of free time to do whatever else she desires during this \"Resting\" Period.**" }, { "author": "Meztu kianaco", "message": "*She would open up her bag and take out some very rough salted meat to preserve it and she soaks the thing in water thoroughly then aggressively eats it, now seeing as this is the past and not today this has about a gallon of salt on it and its as hard as eating a shoe. But its food and importantly its protein, beans are hard to come across. As she eats that she looks around, sadly no obvious berry's are seen so she would go into her bag and get out a small green apple and after washing it in the creek she would force herself to finish that salted chunk of... Meat, what even was it? Beef? Pork? Rabbit? Didint matter. She gladly eats her fruit, this should keep herself fed for at least another day until she gets back to her main base. Not being hungry is a nice feeling, despite a long time of her life being poverty, then luxury then back to impoverish conditions she trys her best to keep herself in the lap of luxury*" }, { "author": "brebmel", "message": "**The salt quickly diffuses out of the meat and into the water, to make sure it wouldn't be lethal for consumption she likely soaks it for something like thirty minutes to make sure a lot of the salt has left the meat. This also hydrates the meat, taking something that would otherwise be impossible to eat into something that whilst very chewy is at least edible if very salty. Green apples tend to be sour but the acidity helps break down the meat proteins remaining in her mouth and overall helps combat the overly salty after-taste of the meat. A good combination and meal overall, though not something one would suggest to be eaten several days in a row. By the time she's finished with the meal the whistling of steam escaping the end of the Jade kettle can be heard.**" }, { "author": "Meztu kianaco", "message": "*She would grab a leather rag and get it off the kettle as fast as possible, putting it down in the soft wet soil as she gets out the matching teacups. Pouring the tea kettles liquid into the cup, her hands covered in leather to minimize the risk of burns. Once its in she would put in her array of ingredients and herbs inside of it, getting out her one proper utensil. A tea spoon made of actual metal, once she has made her proper mix of ginger and other spices she contently sips in her sweet and slightly tangy concoction after giving the flavors time to soak into the hot water around it* \n\n*She lets out a calm sigh as she sips, almost like senseis tea. Shortly after she would throw dirt onto the small fire to stop the smoke for safety as she puts the tea kettle on the grill*\n\n*The calming incense and tea in her system is a blessing, she spends the next while meditating in stone called silence for a while, the scents in the air attracting several butterfly's around her. The people in her guilds sector were known as the butterfly's for a reason, the main master of it was well, a master using techniques and ability's nobody has seen before. Anyone who practices with her talents seems to attracts them, easily about 8~12 different butterfly's flutter around the meditating Meztu*" }, { "author": "brebmel", "message": "**Serene silence dominates the stream and herself for some time, before the sudden snapping of branches and hurried stomping of feet fills the air behind her. Someone mutters something and quickly exclaims in a surprised - and somewhat relieved tone** \"Oh! It's you! Thank the gods that I found you before they did, we need to go! Right now, before they arrive!\" **The voice sounds oddly familiar, and if Meztu turns around to face her she would find the individual to be, of course, the other student that was tutored by the \"Sensei\" - Lindorias, a former \"Slave\" Of dubious origins who rarely spoke of her past. Strange to find her here, and in such a panicked state too - one may be wise to heed her words... She seems semi-dirtied, her clothing seeming to take on a duller brown with leather prominent on the chest, shoulders, and upper legs. Beyond that a short sword seems to be sheathed and attached to a leather belt on her waist, and her face is unprotected - though a thick scarf is wrapped around her neck. Her boots are tall and caked in dirt, though the leather laces can still be seen through the dirt. Sweat runs down her forehead in large pellets, splattering onto the dry ground.**" } ]
[ { "author": "Meztu kianaco", "message": "*She was meditating but suddenly its disturbed by the sounds of somebody approaching rapidly. So she calmly stands up and turns around thinking its a curious animal at first, then briefly shes startled. Out of all of the things that could have appeared its her. Her blank face shows stunned surprise for a solid 2 seconds then she stares, her dark purple eyes being as blank as they were when she was inside the guild. Her pupils and irises are dulled and faded, representative of whats shes been through, even with someone this important she still dosent talk, Even back in the guild she would never. Ever talk, you heard her talk once and that was when she got her sword made by the guild. So she CAN talk*\n\n*She stares at you blankly before dumping out her hot tea into the creak and finishes her tea as she puts all of her things away shes not going to have any of her belongings break they are much to important to her. They are from the guild, once they are all away then she would grab her hand and starts running with her*" }, { "author": "brebmel", "message": "**Her hand is rough and course with dirt and callouses. She stumbles along the path heading towards the fallen log, seeming to make a fool of herself as she looks this way and that - into the forest and behind them. She doesn't say anything, but an attentive individual may pick up on the falseness of the fear painted upon her face. Upon reaching the log she forcefully rips her hand from Meztu's and leaps over the fallen log landing with a deft thud on the otherside. Turning to face Meztu a cruel grin forms as she states** \"You're as stupid as you are silent!\" **Suddenly, two burly men clad in armor roughly equivalent to that of Lindorias - Cured leather plates covering the chest, shoulders, and upper legs with thick layered gambesons beneath it. They have hats made of hardened leather, with gambeson coifs that cover the majority of their faces. Both of the opponents grip short spears with a nasty barbed point, with short swords attached at their waists. Lindorias also takes this moment of distraction (at least she hopes that Meztu would be distracted) to pull out her own short sword...**" }, { "author": "Meztu kianaco", "message": "*The second she sees the grin her mind raced, something was wrong and she immediately goes on guard, her alertness was rewarded as she gets promptly betrayed by her once friend and honorary sister. Almost immideatly she jumps back something being made in her hands, she throws it at her feet. The object explodes in a thick dark purple smoke, she has been taught by sensei, she was an amazing assassin and teacher these 2 hired goons are more armored then her normal targets but they will go down, she just has to take a better approach*\n\n*Being an Air macen her jumps are insane, as well as learning the silent skill this old classic of the ninja vanishing in smoke works wonderfully. As the bomb pops she jumps into the tree not even a rustle of the branches or the sound of leaves is heard as she does this. She ties her bag to the log of the tree and puts on her butterfly mask her sensei made her, purple wings with green tips. 2 slits used for the eyeholes its useful to glance sword blows and for the psychological detachment of murder. She sits on the tree thinking about her next move, it being so dense she has much more hiding space. And her silent aura makes it impossible to detect with ears.*" }, { "author": "brebmel", "message": "**For a brief moment there is confusion, but as the smoke clears Lindorias's careful eyes scan the area, noticing butterflies flying up into the trees and towards something a realization sparks within her head - Duh! Butterflies are a sign of where she is or at least is heading to. Silently pointing up into the trees the two goons nod and one drops their spear, reaching behind their back and pulling out a tinder box before approaching the trunk of the tree. The other uses his free hand to gather dry kindling from around the area as Lindorias states in a confused tone of voice** \"Where did she go! You buffoons were supposed to keep a *Careful* Eye on her! Now what will we do?\" **She would then fake a sigh and look from the right to left and then down at the ground. From Meztu's position she wouldn't be able to see the guards moving, especially with her mask inhibiting her eye-sight.**" }, { "author": "Meztu kianaco", "message": "*Of course meztu wouldnt be wasting this time, sure the goons know her general location but not exact. This forest is very close to water as well, this wood is damp and without dry kindling it wont light easily so she still has some time to use another spell of hers. In her hands forms 9 magically sharp knives. She would skulk to the left of the entire group her dark colors blending well into the dense canopy of trees. Then after giving a moment to steady her breaths she throws all nine of these temperd double edged, steel blades toward the foes necks. Its a lot of knives being thrown at once at least a few will hit the vital neck area*" }, { "author": "brebmel", "message": "**It takes some time for her to maneuver into a position where she has the sight-lines required to throw the knives. As they whiz through the air sparks are struck off steel and embers ignite within the gathered kindle thus far. Flames erupt not soon after as the guard gathering kindle hits the dirt - three knives sticking out the side of his neck and blood staining his gambeson. The other guard reacts to this and moves out of the way just in time - the only knife that hits him fails to penetrate or cause any significant damage. Lindorias snarls as she bats two of the knives going for her out of the air with her short sword and narrowly dodges the final one. She yells in anger** \"You can hide and play your tricks all you want but *I'll* Be the one watching your burnt corpse hit the floor!\" **By now the fire has really begun to strengthen, the flames licking the bark causing it to singe and burn - it won't take very much longer for some of the flames to finally take hold within the actual bark itself...**" }, { "author": "Meztu kianaco", "message": "*That fire was a problem, she tied her heavy bag the tree in order to not get weighed down but if that stuff goes up in smoke, the items will fall and get burned and she has the tea set in that. She makes a jump from branches being very adept at jumping it seems, she shouldnt have problem with this. Plus the silence of her makes it so its impossible to react to the sound of shaking leaves or her foot hitting the wood. So once she gets to the burning tree she grabs her bag and places it on a rock nearby. Knowing that foes will be chasing her once shes on the ground she draws her blade and gets ready to fight hand to hand. He blade is not small, not a dagger or a short sword no. Its a duelist weapon, not one meant for slashes its meant for stabbing. Its a raiper, a mighty fine raiper at that, The sword has words engraved on it saying* \"Silence is the strongest tool\" *And the hilt is a custom made hilt that looks like a blooming lotus flower, it functions the same as a basket hilt.*" }, { "author": "brebmel", "message": "**Leaping from branch to branch she manages to make it back to the original tree, flames now inching up the trunk like a hungry snake. By the time she manages to remove the bag from the trunk the flames are already licking the bottom of her wooden soles. By the time she's leapt off the tree and landed on the ground the faintest singes upon her clothing and shoes can be seen. Luckily, she didn't actually get burnt. Upon landing on the ground Lindorias points at Meztu and yells** \"Get her!\" **Before she slinks away, using the cover of the remaining grunt charging at Meztu with his spear in both hands to escape. Using his superior reach he attempts to close the distance and stab at Meztu's midsection. If she fails to dodge out of the way, the point of the spear will bury itself in her flesh and the inverted barbs will latch into her flesh - making it extremely painful to pull out, and likely causing a large chunk of flesh to accompany the spear if it was pulled out. However, if she dodges then the lunge of the grunt will leave them open for counter attack.**" }, { "author": "Meztu kianaco", "message": "*'She was not in the slightest surprised, in fact she was ready for a fight against a spear so she side steps using her small size and quick speed to evade it, now a forward thrust will need him to readjust his arms and hands in order to block a sword swipe so as she dodge she thrusts her sword upward toward his vital eyeballs, this is a fient however as she does that she stabs with all of her might even leaning inward to increase momentum into an exposed spot around his sides. Hopefully stabbing him. If it does land the wonderfully made blade would peirce right through, then she leaves it in there*\n\n\n \"In my bag I have rags and healing herbs. Tell me were the woman you serves home is and I will heal you.\" *Wow a full*Sentence. She must be very mad*" }, { "author": "brebmel", "message": "**The spear thrusts through empty air, however when the grunt notices that he's exposed from the side he uses his forward momentum to leap forwards, dodging Meztus graceful feint and stab at him. Rolling on the ground he manages to get back to his feet a mere twelve feet away from Meztu. Holding his spear out in front of him he slowly approaches this time, allowing Meztu to get in a second attack if she wants - however he seems more then prepared for any attack as he slowly closes in.**" }, { "author": "Meztu kianaco", "message": "*She would not let him regain composure, that is not the style one has when using a weapon such as this. She immiedatly charges at him, air macens have great endurance shes not going to get winded, as she charges she would make a jump using her long kimono to billow out causing her body to become harder to hit due to the fact that this long kimono is obscuring her body. She would stab at the goons back*\n\n*If this hit she would say her phrase that I dont feel rephrasing*" } ]
[ { "author": "brebmel", "message": "**As she flings herself through the air and over him the grunt in respond rotates and tracks her - not stabbing at her, rather keeping his short spear forwards and pointed at her. So as she lands on the ground and moves to thrust her rapier into his back she finds that he is facing her, and the spear held in front of him is preventing her from closing the distance. Though thankfully for her he didn't attack due to the uncertainty of whether or not an attack would actually land upon her body or just get entangled in her Kimono...**" }, { "author": "Meztu kianaco", "message": "*She would get annoyed, this target is being very stubborn to take down. She would jump back and get into a stance and her blade starts glowing purple as phantom blade is used.* \"*Special technique, fading strikes of the butterfly.*\"" }, { "author": "brebmel", "message": "**Meztu leaps back, putting herself two yards away from her target. For metric peeps, two yards is: 1.8 meters. There isn't much space to fight in, and her sight-line of the grunt is obstructed by the tree trunks, though his sight-line of her is also obstructed. The grunt however uses the thick forest around him to his advantage, maneuvering himself between two trunks that makes it impossible to feasibly attack his sides, and to reach his back one would have to maneuver through the thick canopy overhead.**" }, { "author": "Meztu kianaco", "message": "*Her blade is now ready as she realizes she could use this. She jumps up grasping onto a branch and crawls along the top of the trees slowly and carefully then she, with her favorite silent skill. Drops down from the trees and does a downward strike at his shoulders, a ghostly apparition of t he blade lasts for a few seconds after she made her stabbing attack*" }, { "author": "brebmel", "message": "**As she jumps into the air, grasping the lowest hanging branch capable of holding her weight a blue shimmering sword begins to materialize at the end of her blade. Moving through the canopy she manages to maneuver herself directly above the grunt. Dropping upon him he feels the blade enter his shoulder and jerks his spear upwards in response, the spear head sinking into her mid-section just below the right breast as she falls upon the grunt driving her rapier further into his shoulder and into his heart killing him - but not without a grievous injury of her own...**" }, { "author": "Meztu kianaco", "message": "*She would be used to agonizing pain, her backstory was nothing but pain. Hard labor was worst then this, thankfully she has a thing called a rib cage. She would take off her shirt revealing that her bra is just leather. She would go into her bag and take out some drinking water, a couple bandages, and remedy herbs.*\n\n*She would grit her teeth as she grabs a small hunting knife and uses it to attempt to get the spear out without it killing her, muscle rips amd blood splatters as she still dosent make a sound then pours some water on the wound doing her best to treat it. Then she puts pressure on it wrapping it quickly in many layers of bandages as she starts chewing medical herbs \". . . . .\" \"This dosent hurt, nothing hurts, this is nothing\" She tells herself as she swallows the herbs with the help of some more water from her water skin, she puts her shirt back on but she remains on the forest floor putting pressure on the wound to stop the bleeding as much as possible. How does she know all of this? Shes a girl that why, one of her first dutys was helping guild members get over there ailments and because she was so quiet many requested her so they didint have to talk. She learned how to treat wounds like this.*" } ]
[ { "author": "brebmel", "message": "*After successfully patching herself up it's inevitable that she would search the two corpses of the men she killed. The first one she searches - the one who managed to land a hit on her, yields sixteen silver coins located within a pouch, within that same pouch is a folded square of paper. The paper when unfolded reveals a map of the region, several locations are marked off - a question mark nearby to her current location, a triangle pointing upwards located not too far away, a square quite some distance away. At the very north western edge of the map is a star.*\n\n*The second body requires a small hike to reach. Easy to find is another money pouch containing five silver coins and nothing else besides the slavers spear. According to Meztu's understanding of the region, the question mark is the creek she was previously stationed at - the creek where the majority of her gear is currently sitting. The triangle wouldn't be more then a couple hours walk, the square a day or two's walk, and the star would take a week if not more.*" }, { "author": "tiredfroslass", "message": "*She would hold her chest, it still sitngs but thankfully she carried with her a proper medical kit and that has a suture able to stop the bleeding after she got that spear out, shes wrapped in a lot of bandages and she lost a sizeable amount of blood. But she will live. She noticed an odd detail with them, they brought no food or drink. So clearly they came from a place nearby.*\n\n*She would first take only the essentials, so food,water, bandages left over, and leaves the tea set and other valuables hanging in a bag from a tree branch, nobody goes here and she made a simple snare trap for any animal that tried to reach it, or unfortunate person. Then taking her map she would go to what must be there camp. The triangle, because they have no food or water they must have put there food and water in somewere close by. But... Why did Meztus battle sister want her dead. Meztu did not know the length of her betrayal yet*" }, { "author": "brebmel", "message": "*Weaving between the tightly packed trees of the forest, they would eventually begin to thin as they open up into a massive clearing. A pillar of smoke stretches into the sky, and the faint cracking of a whip can be heard in the far distance. The ground begins to steadily angle upwards and Meztu finds herself atop a hill, looking down towards a pond and what looks to be a sizable camp. She can count around a dozen or more tents - one large tent, two medium tents, and the rest being small tents. A rough wooden palisade surrounds the camp. There is only one entrance, which is north of her on the other side of the camp. No one seems to have spotted her yet, though that may change depending on how long she wants to observe the camp.*" } ]
[ { "author": "brebmel", "message": "She flings herself into a bush rustling silent leaves and snapping stiff twigs. Stabbing the spear into the ground it's relatively easy to tie all required elements onto it, now whether someone will see it or not is completely up to chance... Unfortunately for Meztu the elevation of the hill makes it basically impossible for anyone not on the hill itself to see anything - and therefore no one sees her little decay. However, fortune does benefit her - the wind blows in her direction, bringing with it the sounds of voices within the camp. Little bits of useless stuff, like how one man misses the touch of a woman and another wishes for a soft bed once more. However she does pick up something interesting - they do indeed have slaves, those slaves according to whispers having once been associated at least in some regard with her former assassins guild!" }, { "author": "Meztu kianaco", "message": "*Seeing this, she would need a new distraction so she instead of making her knives grabs one of her smoke bombs she made. And then chucks it as hard as she can out into the field the abrupt smoke screen HAS to grab attention. After waiting for a while in a dark corner of the base. She takes a deep breath and activates her plan, daggers generating in hand her presence fading into the wind. If she was hesitant before thats all faded she must save those inside. No matter if they were just those that wash the dishes everyone in that guild was her familly*" }, { "author": "brebmel", "message": "Unfortunately for Meztu, once more it seems her luck has failed her and the smoke bomb plops harmlessly on the soft grass within the field - failing to have had enough impact force to set off anything. Though, since it was not under effect of her stealthy silence the loud plop onto the ground seems to have attracted one singular guard from outside of the wall. He approaches slowly and cautiously as if aware of their illegal operation and the ramifications it could have if exposed to some governing body within the region - before finding the clay pot, and scratching his chin in interest before squatting down to investigate the object further. \n\nPresumably taking advantage of this distraction Meztu would speed past him and vault over the wooden pallisade, landing gracefully on the otherside behind a tent. Beyond the canvas wall the sound of two people chatting in hushed tones can be heard - two men, one saying \"SHUSH! WE can't let them know that we're here together, what would they think if they saw the two of us in this tent hmmm? We'd get flogged at best and outright killed at worst!\" No words are heard from the other person but the second person does respond \"I KNOW, listen once this is over he can get on one of those fancy ships and go southwards towards the golden cities - i'm pretty sure there's plenty of people like us down there.\"" }, { "author": "Meztu kianaco", "message": "*She would stealth around the tent seeing were the guard patrols are. She would lay flat on tbe ground to hide her profile. Being so close she could hear everything, she grabs a sizeable stone and throws it at one of the metal bars just to make a loud noise. Hopefully drawing some attention she would take her generated daggers and hold them. She then throws them right into the tent for a quick and easy double kill. They have members of her guild. They are all slavers they do not deserve there right to live on this earth. No hesitation no doubt in her mind. The knives being so sharp would make the kills easy, puncturing the tent and with enough force to easily puncture a human.* \n\n*She would then sprint into another tent dagger in hand her silence makes her sudden intrusion very sudden as she would do a plunging stab into anyone inside*" }, { "author": "brebmel", "message": "Crawling on the ground like a worm she manages to position herself in an alley between two tents that gives her a decent enough view of this area of the camp, allowing her to see guard patrols - there's quite a lot, and they're extremely frequent. It seems like the whole camp is at alert, like they're expecting something... Regardless, she manages to spot something made of metal nearby and chucks a rock at it. The rock bounces off the iron which resonates with a loud PING.\n\nSeveral nearby guards heads instantly snap in the direction of the ping and begin to investigate it, anothers head cranes around looking for what may have thrown whatever hit the iron but doesn't seem to find anyone. But when she throws the two daggers through the tent one man, seemingly in terror and distress yells out \"NO! NOT MY BELOVED!\" Which causes all the nearby guards attention to snap to the tent, and since Meztu is presumably standing their attention is also brought onto her!" } ]
[ { "author": "brebmel", "message": "Dodging out of the line of sight and behind one of the tents, she manages to deftly avoid further detection by pressing herself against the canvas wall of the tent. The fabric is cool, and stretchy. As the soldiers fan out the one sent to look behind the tent manages to walk right past her, however as she moves to assassinate him some kind of six sense of \"Being watched\" Must have tingled in the back of the mind of the soldier as he turns around and gets slashed by the dagger, injuring him but failing to land a killing blow. He yells out \"Intruder! The intruder is over here!\" It will not be long before the other guards show up, and no amount of passive stealth will work here after being spotted so directly. The guard wears the same armor as the goons sent to kill her earlier, however instead of a spear he wields an arming sword and moves to have a downwards horizontal slash - if it hits, the blade will dig into the flesh on her right shoulder and cut down to the lefthand side of her hip." }, { "author": "Meztu kianaco", "message": "*The instant she knows shes spotted, she knows better then to let him do what he wishes so she would dive roll away forming another smoke bomb, this is sucking up mana but its needed she has to save the people here. She would run around the tents weaving then as shes trapped against the corner she throws the claw smoke bomb directly onto the wooden pallisade, it exploading with a purple color same as her hair. As this thick smoke billows and wafts she would dip out of sight and go for another close up stab on the main persuer, then pushes his body to another guard and continues to run. She can keep this up for a while as long as nothing terrible happens*" }, { "author": "brebmel", "message": "This tactic of pursuit, disappearing, and then assassination works temporarily - she manages to dispatch at least three pursuers via this method. However as she throws her latest victim against a guard she is immediately thrown to the ground as the corpse of the guard slams into her body. A bellowing voice, like that from a giant can be heard following this \"IF YOU ARE GOING TO HIDE LIKE A RAT YOU SHALL DIE LIKE A RAT!\" Loud thumping can be heard as the smoke clears and a man, something like eight feet tall and half that wide wielding a club the size of Meztu and with muscles so thick they could easily be mistaken for tree trunks comes barreling towards her. Trapped underneath the corpse of a man larger then her, and in a prone position - she has only several precious moments to escape before her head gets turned to paste by the club wielded by this giant of a man!" } ]
[ { "author": "brebmel", "message": "She manages to wriggle out from underneath the mans corpse, and just in time too since the club comes crashing down into the corpse crushing it like a pumpkin dropped from the empire state building. When she jumps into the air to make a follow up attack, her rapier begins to extend - however since she jumps and attacks in the same turn, and it takes one full turn for the ghost blade to activate it does not benefit from the extension. The man lets out a growling \"WORM!\" As he drops the club and reaches up with his meaty right hand, which grabs the blade of the rapier. Being that this man is likely six times stronger then she is, and that she is in the air and therefore has no leverage, the man would likely easily manage to use the grip on the sword to throw her into the tent, with such force that it would likely hurt *Like hell.* If she lets go, it's likely she would manage to avoid being thrown like a rag doll - but she would still end up losing her rapier, for now." }, { "author": "Meztu kianaco", "message": "Seeing as she made an underestimation of her stances activation time. (Its her flavor of using magic) She would wait for him to lift the rapier straight up. Then letting go drawing her dagger quick and plunging it forward, the sharp tempered steel easilly puncturing flesh and if successful would cause a gaping hole in his neck quickly bleeding the giant out. If she got knocked away she would be hurt but not dead. But the worst outcome of all of this is her darling rapier getting bent or broken, from this giant mans hands.*" }, { "author": "brebmel", "message": "Despite his size he is quite quick on his feet, and to respond to outside threats. Gravity is, unfortunately, a bitch most of the time and this causes the attack to miss the mark especially since he shifts his whole entire body with the swinging of the blade, which he lets go. The blade flies through the air, and into the tent. It cannot be heard landing due to the giants grunt of pain as the blade embeds itself into his shoulder instead of neck - very hard to land anything accurately, and much less with any significant force when you have no steady ground to rest yourself upon. The dagger probably poked into flesh, hence the grunt, but it clearly hasn't done very much as she falls to the ground - and coincidentally, right into his knee as he whirls it around slamming her in the side and flinging her body into the wall. That must have ***Really*** Hurt by the looks of it. Not crippling or killing, but really painful none the less." }, { "author": "Meztu kianaco", "message": "*She would grunt with pain, as the wind is knocked out of her, she would stand up shaky and more going on the pure instinctual need to survive would again make another smoke bomb and throw it. Directly at the idiots skull, then using it as cover sprints into the tent shaky and racked with pain. But she has been in mass pain before, whipped, forced to work to her breaking point, climbing rocks, making her hands bleed with labor and work. She is used to pain, no he thrives in pain. This will not stop her*" }, { "author": "brebmel", "message": "The smoke bomb arcs through the air, and as soon as the giant realizes its coming right for him it's already too late. With a roar that sounds somewhere between pain and rage it explodes in his face covering the area in thick smoke. With that bomb, she depleted the majority of her already low mana. She manages to scramble out of the path between the wall and tents into the wrecked tent next to them. The tent is full of sleeping bags, or was at least. She searches for her blade among the fallen tent and finds none - luckily for her however, it seems she threw a particularly strong smoke bomb which should allow her some more time to maneuver - to escape, or do whatever she needs to do. For the guards pursuing her cannot see where she is exactly." }, { "author": "Meztu kianaco", "message": "*She has a little bit of time and shes inside a tent, thinking on her feet she grabs the thick rope thats holding the tent up and use her hunting knife to cut it as fast as humanly possible, she then runs behind the giant knowing that shes in his blind spot, she would tie the rope around a sturdy peg then tie the other end onto the palisade itself, making a tripwire for the beast. She then has to do something she never ever does.*\n\n\n*Talk to get its attention to run after her with a slight moment of hesitation she takes a breath and shouts as loud as she can* \"HEY SLAVER PIG! THIS RAT IS GOING TO RIP YOUR THROAT OUT\" *She then runs praying that hes so blinded by rage he ignored the tripwire and trips.*" }, { "author": "brebmel", "message": "Using one of the wooden pegs used to keep the fallen tent up and some scavenged rope from the tent itself she manages to create one half of a trip wire. Tying it to the palisade is difficult, and requires her to pry the tight rope from the wooden logs using that same hunting knife. This allows her to slip the rope through, using the tightness of the rope to make tying the other end easy. By the time she's positioned herself she knows she only has a couple moments before the smoke clears and her trap is rendered useless so she speaks. The giant turns around towards her and yells \"I'M GOING TO DISMEMBER YOUR CORPSE YOU WHORE!\" Before the heavy thumps of his feet can be heard as he moves towards her, as the smoke clears he notices the trip wire but it's too late - his momentum is too great, and with a yell - one definitely of rage, he trips. Though the trip wire doesn't hold all that well, since the stake in the ground wasn't meant to be dealing with this kind of force he does manage to trip and fall. She has enough time to do one thing before he's capable of responding..." }, { "author": "Meztu kianaco", "message": "She would run forward as fast as she could grabbing her signature dagger then go onto his neck wrapping around his neck with her legs she grabs the dagger and stabs inward plunging the dagger directly into the back of his neck hard, squeezing her legs to get more force and gravity to plunge into his neck, the blades length is decently long this aint no pocket knife. Blood would be spurting and shooting out as this is a very important blood vessel that shes cutting. Blood staining her clothes and face*" } ]
[ { "author": "brebmel", "message": "The soldiers seem to make no intent on advancing. In fact as she manages to wriggle her legs out from underneath the man she just killed the men seem to part. The person who tricked her earlier comes walking out and states in a matter of fact voice \"You better appreciate the fact that I need you alive.\" She then motions to the men in the half circle around her and yells out \"Seize her and have her brought to my tent at once! Do NOT hurt her.\" She then turns around and walks off, the men from around her approaching slowly as one of them sheaths their short spear taking out some rudimentary handcuffs and placing her in chains. Around six of the twelve or so men present march on either side of her as she is led through the camp. Coming upon the largest tent in the camp she is led inside and placed on her needs before a simple oak desk. The woman from before reclines in it with her legs prompted up on the desk top, picking at her teeth with a tooth pick as she begins to speak \"You know. I didn't think you'd actually make it this far or do this much damage. It's a good thing though, because you clearly want something and I clearly need something. First I want to know what you want, because even if I'm criminal I'm not *That* Criminal as to promise you something I can't give.\"" }, { "author": "Meztu kianaco", "message": "\". . . .\" *She would be foribly taken, though with these handcuffs shes still not harmless. She could just choke someone with the chain if it really came down to it. Thankfully, or saddly, she knows how ones in chains are to act, and how ones in slavery are to conduct themselves. Back all the way down to her past. Her blank expression washes over her face one again and she walks with the guards not fighting against them.* \n\n*She would then look up at this woman, deep down in her shes mad very mad. Confused and enraged* \". . . .\" *She dosent respond at you she just smiles softly as she sits comfortably on her knees, the same way sensei would sit. Though after about a minute she would simple say* \"Why.\" *She then looks up at your eyes* \"Why did you do this.\" *No anger, no hatred in her tone just questioning and soft*" }, { "author": "brebmel", "message": "She slides her legs off the desk and sits up from her chair, walking around her desk and sitting on the opposite end in front of Meztu as she states \"What's that saying? Oh yes, \"If you can't beat them join them.\" Now, answer my question. What do you want? You clearly came all the way out here for something. No one in their right mind would attack a camp if they didn't have a reason for it...\" She's wearing something between a dress and a legitimate suit of leather. Hardened boiled leather plates cover the vital areas of the upper torso and then a leather \"Skirt\" Split down the middle on both sides covers her legs. She also wears a pair of simple flax pants underneath, and her boots are knee high and seem to also have hardened leather plates covering the shin and top of the foot. A heavy looking messer is slung through a simple leather sheath on her right side attached to the belt holding up the \"Leather skirt.\"" }, { "author": "Meztu kianaco", "message": "*She would just look at you* \". . . . .\" *Sighs gently* \"Theres people from home here. The guild, I heard them.\" *Wow a complete sentence, she hasent said one of those... Ever sense you have known her*\n\n\"I came to rescue them. Why... Why are *You* Here I thought you died when the raid... Burnt down my home\" (her home = guild) \"....\" *She takes another sigh as for once she looks saddend. Actual sadness, she did jobs with her before why would she team with slavers!* \"...Sensei would be dissapointed.\" *She says looking at you dead in the eyes, with her glazed over eyes*" }, { "author": "brebmel", "message": "She tilts her head and looks thoughtful before saying \"Yes. You didn't hear? Your sensei was a fool. He took no precautions against infiltrators, so when they ultimately exposed the entirety of the guild I managed to escape before it was razed to the ground. There are very few of us who were not infiltrators that survived. A good portion of them are within those iron cages alongside bandits and criminals.\" She sighs before sliding off the desk and walking around Meztu in a circle continuing to talk \"I'll ask you one more time, and then I will not ask again. What did you come here for? What are you looking for?\"" }, { "author": "Meztu kianaco", "message": "*The more she talks the more pissed meztu seems to get. But she supresses it more and more, keeping herself forcefully calm.* \". . . . .\" *Meztu does not want to talk at all it seems but not wanting. Death, she would have to say something. Also all of this blood on her is starting to smell. She would reach into her pocket and search around for a moment, then brings out a quill. She then would gesture the need for writing as she looks at her captor*" }, { "author": "brebmel", "message": "She pauses in front of Meztu and rolls her eyes in annoyance before sighing and stating \"Sure. Of course you suddenly can't speak and need to write... Whatever. I'll get you your paper. You'd better have come all the way out here for something worth a damn though.\" She walks back over to her desk and pulls open a drawer pulling out a piece of rolled up yellowed paper. She also takes out an ink pot and places it ontop of the desk. Walking over to Meztu she nods to the desk and says \"I'm not putting two valuable things on the floor. You'll have to get up if you want to write.\" She doesn't seem to plan on helping her get up though." }, { "author": "Meztu kianaco", "message": "*She would stand and breifly spin her pen around in her hand, taking notice of the 2 heavily armed guards she would decide not to do her assassination and do her back up* \"....\" *She then writes down something on the parchmant and puts her pen down.* \"*I could hear that you kept those from home imprisoned here you bitch. Not a single slaver deserves to live for there crimes you know this. What would sensei say if she saw you now.\"* \n\n*Its impressive how much hate she could channel in such pretty cursive*" }, { "author": "brebmel", "message": "She picks up the paper from the desk and smooths it out in her hands as she reads it. She smirks and seems to hold something back before she bursts out laughing. Then she stops, looks at Meztu and carefully places the paper back onto the desk as she states \"I didn't know you had sympathies for traitors. Every last one of those people in each cage is either a criminal, bandit or infiltrator. And I don't care what that old fool would say, if she could not keep infiltrators out of her organization to the point where they were able to easily destroy us then whatever she has to say is pointless and a waste of time.\" True to her word she doesn't ask for what Meztu wants and seems to contemplate something as she turns her back to Meztu and stares at the tent wall." } ]
[ { "author": "brebmel", "message": "Her skin begins to shimmer slightly, her hatred and rage boiling just beneath the surface. Soon the white glow consumes her flesh and melts away her body - dozens of glittering butterflies taking her place. The manacles and bindings clatter onto the floor - clipping one of the butterflies wings, causing her to suddenly re-materialize. Failing to have fully escaped - she at least does not have to worry about her bindings anymore. Just as she revels as the fact she's now free of her bindings a guard walks into the room - carrying what seems to be a bundle of items. Laying them onto the table and unrolling the cloth reveals a well decorated rapier and two daggers. He grins and comments to his fellows \"How much do you think I'll get for these? I haven't seen such quality in my entire life!\" One of the guards raises his eyebrow and in response states \"How the hell did you get those? I thought they were in the armory...\" He laughs and responds \"Since I found the bitch running around the camp they were given to me as reward.\" The third guy, having been silent this whole time pipes in \"How about we play a game or two and you bet your fancy blades? Hm? I have plenty of money saved...\"\n\nThe conversation trails off as one of the slaves in the cell next to her whispers loudly \"Hey girl! Yeah you. I saw what happened - great job on getting out of your manacles! Do you think you could distract the patrolling guard when he reaches our cages? I'll grab his key and we'll be out of here in no time trust me...\" Looking him over reveals a disheveled man - long matted black hair, grime covered skin that seems to have once been a fair white, and eyes that are brown. His clothing is little more then rags more appropriate in a garbage fire then on a person. The guard in question seems to have reached the end of the tent to her left and is just beginning to turn around to head back down." }, { "author": "Meztu kianaco", "message": "*She would blink a few times as she just did the butterfly step, her rage being replaced with wonder of a new sensation. Quickly her attention is taken away by the guards. She pretends to still be stuck in the restraints, she would skoot over to the man and looks over to him. She would smile and give him a nod, her face still half coverd in blood not like it bothers her she holds her hands behind her back and creates a hard clay jar, you know it. You love it, its a smoke bomb she would skoot herself against the wall laying dead clutching it close to her.*\n\n\"*Just get closer... Closer... And... THROW*\" *She would chuck it at the bars causing it to expload as the guard does its pass. The dark purple smoke filling the room but hopefully the man can get the keys*" }, { "author": "brebmel", "message": "The guard takes his sweet time as the three at the table begin to roll the dice in a manner of speaking. Booing, cheers, whoops of success and of failure fill the air. Soon the guard approaches Meztu's cell and looks in through the bars with a raised eyebrow. Meztu chucks the smoke bomb into the bars of the cage, clay shattering into a thousand pieces before it and the surrounding air is clouded in a thick purple smoke. The men at the table shout in surprise and even curse - especially the man who is now enshrouded with smoke. The faint sound of metal clanking upon metal can be heard as the smoke hangs heavy in the air. A woosh sound is then heard as a door swings open and a prompt yell fills the air. Soon her own door swings open, and though she can't see the man due to the smoke she can only assume it must be the peasant who requested her to create this distraction. Presumably the men at the table are also now up and about, and the slaves within their caves have begun yelling loudly most begging to be freed or for this to be a sign from the gods and the like.\n\nIt does appear like this is the best time to escape. Or at least leave this cage..." }, { "author": "Meztu kianaco", "message": "*She would dash out quickly making a dive for her weapons, her dark black undershirt helps her blend in nicely. Her weapons are as much her as is her clothes. She cannot leave without these, now knowing that this camp has more then about 30 guards. It has more around 100+ guards she has 2 options. Either start a slave revolt, or leave. She first looks around and sees how many slaves are either A. Fit to fight and B. Are moralized enough to even try to fight before making her decision.*\n\n*If anyone attempts to stop her from grabbing her weapons she would run up and choke them leaning backward and covering there mouth with there hand. Well at least trying to, her aura of silence+the obsuring of vision makes 2 senses unable to detect her.*" }, { "author": "brebmel", "message": "Dashing out of the cage she manages to narrowly avoid tripping over the corpse of the guard who was formerly patrolling the tent. The wooshing of blades flying through the air as the guards swing madly around them in a desperate attempt to attack whatever may be causing this disturbance allows Meztu to sneak behind them and to the table. Though it too is shrouded in smoke, forcing her to feel around for the weapons which were unfortunately knocked around the table by all the commotion. She does manage to recover all of them however. \n\nThe smoke is far too thick in this tent due to it being an enclosed space. She can't gauge whether the people present are capable of fighting but she can hear their desperation to be let out - some of them are even threatening whomever escaped lives to be let out too, so clearly some people are confident in their capacity for violence... Even if they're willing to direct it at whomever would be rescuing them." }, { "author": "Meztu kianaco", "message": "*She would use mostly her ears, that are very sensitive to pick out certain sounds. Specifically the jingle of keys, or something along those lines. She makes sure shes well out of the way of the guards, in a few seconds the smoke will be fading leaving only a dark purple stain on the ground. So with this much fervor she might as well let them out.* \n\n*She would go over to one of the men that got released and grab his shoulder quickly putting a finger to her lips showing to be silent. As she adjusts her grip on her raiper* \"*Weres those damm keys, does every guard have a set or just that one!? The smoke will be wearing off in a few more seconds. I need to unlock the gates sooner rather then later or Im going to have to cut my way out and jump over the fence*\"" } ]
[ { "author": "ansari", "message": "```fix\nQuest Beginning\n```\nTwo Mentian, one from Upper Mentia, one from Kadho, ended up in the same job together in the middle - in Middle Mentia, naturally. The feuding kingdoms were abundant with opportunities for employment hungry mercenaries - specifically those who wandered around. \n\nA local lord's retinue has been summoned to join in another raid - leaving him depleted of much needed garrison. As a result, a group of common bandits and escaped peasants have taken up arms and started robbing travellers. The local lord put down a bounty on their head. It is said they were poorly armed and numbered... Around less than a dozen. That is the most accurate information they could gather. \n\nThe two would've been hired by the lord to deal with the bandits, and provided transport to a small unfortified market town close to the hideout - though the lord might've expressed his dismay at the impoverished, horseless status of the two adventurers - still, he needed fighting men (and women), so he isn't exactly going to complain - not like he will pay them unless they take down the bandits. \n\nNow the two have an hour or two to themselves to find out where the bandits are...\n\nThe town have a small militia, several merchants selling ordinary good and provide some ordinary services expected of a town housing perhaps, five hundred permanent inhabitant at most." }, { "author": "Deleted User", "message": "*'Poorly armed peasants?' she thought as she scanned the paper, though not really a men-at-arms request for battle, it seemed like enough justification to have her sent out. Arriving at the staging point via a cheap carriage to near the location and then paid for it to stay near the city for when she returned.*\n\n*She saw the other person hired for this quick and hopefully, easy task, and waved them over and then began to check her modest gear and supplies for at the light mission. Both daggers secured, well sharpened were put back into their holsters inside of her loose clothes.*" }, { "author": "ansari", "message": "*The locals greeted the two strange armed person with a bit of precaution. Nothing out of the ordinary, it seemed.\n\nIt seems the local militia leader has been informed of their arrival. He would arrive to greet them, dressed up in nothing but his tunic and pants along with a sword on his belt*\n\n\"Hello! My name's Falrich, are you two the mercenary our lord has sent to help us deal with the bandits?\"" }, { "author": "Deleted User", "message": "_She nodded, \"I am Tara, a soldier for the area,\" She paused for a moment, \"Outside of robberies, has there been anything else strange going on?\" She said abruptly, cutting to the chase as fast as possible, \"Any information could assist us in this.\"_" }, { "author": "ansari", "message": "*The militiaman shook his head,*\"Nothing more than the usual, M'lady. We had a few farmer robbed of their goods - mostly food, on the route leading here from the east. The garrison are away and the lord's soldiers are too, there've been more wolves attack than usual... Ah...\" \n\n*He scratched his head,*\"They keep coming from the east, perhaps that's where the bandits are coming from. We also have a grain merchant who was robbed.\"\n\n\"I can muster three good volunteers at most to come with you, but they'll want a share of the bounty for the risk.\"" }, { "author": "Deleted User", "message": "*Nodded along with everything he was saying, and then took a moment to think about the volunteers, \"I guess it will help, just please do not get overzealous if we find them,\" Tara said before continuing, \"East? Has there been any sightings of campfires?\" She asked.*" }, { "author": "ansari", "message": "*He shook his head,*\"They are the best man this village have that isn't fighting with the lord - quite young, please make sure they come back alive and intact. Our lord didn't hire adventurer for us to risk our men, after all.\"\n\n\"We have not seen any campfire, only know they hit us from the east. There's a few hills you could look for them on, however. We have stopped herding our sheeps nearby because of the bandits.\"" }, { "author": "Darian Weiger", "message": "`After a couple of minutes missing, the large man comes back, dusting off his ragged shirt, he looked like an ordinary peasant, large and burly peasant to say the least, no armor, no weapons... Or so it seems.`\n\n\"Please excuse ma' absence, had to get a piss on a tree nearby, hah!\"\n\n`He approaches the militia leader, and extends his callouses filled hand towards him... The knuckles were quite prominent, filled with scars and callouses the size of coins, a punch from this man would send ya right into the heavens!!.`\n\n\"Name's Darian, also...\"\n\n`He takes out the paper with the instructions, and shows it to both the woman and the leader.`\n\n\"Can't read shit with this fancy ass lettering, can you help me out what does it say please?\"" }, { "author": "ansari", "message": "Falrich barely suppressed a \"Eugh\". At least this new lady looked... Somewhat well equipped. But what the hell was with the newest man? \n\nNot that any of the adventurer would know, but the eyebrows on the leader was straining a bit. \n\n\"...I've heard of man who fight with their bare fist against swords. You one of them?\"" }, { "author": "Deleted User", "message": "*She stared up at the giant for a moment and then read out the letter that she had tucked away, \"We kill bandits, they are east, probably around the hills,\" She said in a clear and hopefully straightforward way. \"We are almost off ...\"*\n\n*\"And I apologize, young soldiers,\" Tara turned to face them, \"I did not know your skills and I am sorry for that.\"*" }, { "author": "Darian Weiger", "message": "\"Oh, absolutely! Nothing better that your own fists... Blades get dull, break... Arrows are limited, and Hammers are just too big and bulky, a nuisance... But these babies, the best tools a man can have alright!\"\n\n`He shows his huge hands, tough fingers and knuckles that show the hard work of a laborer.`\n\n\"Now, i cannot catch swords mid-swing, but im good at evading, trust!.\"\n\n\"Oh, and my deepest thanks, uh...\"\n\n`the man diverts his attention to the rogue woman`" }, { "author": "ansari", "message": "*Falrich looked rather perplexed, then stood up*\n\n\"I will gather the men for you, in the meantime, you two can have tea at the local tavern\"\n\n*He led the two to the local tavern, a humble establishment with eight rooms. He informed the tavern keeper of the new arrival. A boy in his mid teen would run up to the table* \n\n\"Tea or small wine?\"\n\n*As he asked, a remarkably fat and well dressed man barged into the tavern, looking around anxiously*" }, { "author": "Deleted User", "message": "_\"Small wine,\" Tara said as she sat at the table they had set for us alongside and took a sip when the large fat man entered the room. \n\n\"Sir?\" She asked the man who was looking around._" }, { "author": "Darian Weiger", "message": "`Darian would stand there, waiting for the name of the lady, sadly, she didnt get the message. Sighing, he would follow the military leader, which doesnt know the name either.`\n\n\"Ooh, fer me some tea, wine dampens performance alright.\"\n\n`He looks at the kiddo, and not so subtlety looks at him.`\n\n\"Aye!! You remind me of myself when younger, but more bony and smaller...\"\n\n`Says while scratching the thin beard of his chin with his index finger and thumb.`\n\n\"Got any girls behind ya? Or maybe boys?~\"\n\n`he smirks slyly.`\n\n\"Haha, you should, yer handsome, boy!!\"\n\n`he loudly says, with a genuine smile on his face, quite uncomfortable yet warm`" }, { "author": "ansari", "message": "\"Ah! There you are!\" The merchant exclaimed as he made his way to the table. He found a nearby chair and set it down.\n\nThe boy nodded nervously at the large, burly man, and then hurried back to the safety of the tavern keeper.\n\nHe returned a minute later with a cup of small wine for the rogue, and black tea for the burly man. Pure black tea, sans milk and sugar.\n\nThe merchant began to speak,\"I heard you two are the mercenaries our lord sent to us, right? The bandits took three mules from a caravan of mine, loaded with cloth and spices. I will reward you two handsomely if you could take them back for me\"\n\n\"The caravan leader told me that they numbered around six and were armed with swords and shields.\"" }, { "author": "Darian Weiger", "message": "`Dorian sees the boy arrive, quite excited for his tea, he was thirsty.`\n\n\"Thanks ya!!\"\n\n`he pulls out three silver coins from a bag, takes the boy's hand and bruteishly puts them on his palm, the raw strength of this man was quite notorious.`\n\n\"Shush.\"\n\n`he then looks both left and right, then leans forward towards the boy, without letting go, whispering.`\n\n\"Buy ya something, kiddo, you should enjoy yer youth while you can.\"\n\n`then he nods and lets go, sitting back onto his seat, taking the cup of tea with four fingers, lifting his pinky just slightly, taking a sip... He freezes for a second, processing the taste, then inevitably spitting the liquid.`\n\n\"Shite, this has no sugar... Yo kid, have some sugar?\"" }, { "author": "Deleted User", "message": "_\"Easy peasy,\" She said, taking a sip from her wine, \"Could easily do it, but it will cost you, but not as much as hiring a rescue team and paying off the mercenaries to get it back, much cheaper.\"_" }, { "author": "ansari", "message": "\"Su... Gar..\" *The boy looked at him with wild eyes,*\"I can get some.\" *The boy went back to the tavern keeper, who seemed astonished they wanted sugar, and then fetched them a pittance of sugar in a spoon - enough to make the tea more bearable for someone with a sweet tooth.* \n\n\"How about this - I'll pay you in kind, with a... Quarter of the goods on the mule. Is that fine for you?\"" }, { "author": "Deleted User", "message": "*Tara tapped her chin and then reached out her hand to shake his, \"I think that is a fair deal, and if there is nothing?\" She asked with a perked brow.*" }, { "author": "ansari", "message": "*The merchant rubbed his chin,*\"Mmm... I am sure the lord is already paying you.\" *He stared back at her, hesitating to shake her hand.* \n\n\"Alright, I'll throw in four hundred silver for each of you for getting rid of them. Just don't tell the militiaman about that.\"" }, { "author": "Deleted User", "message": "*She rolled her eyes and took her hand back, \"That is more than fair, a good deal,\" Tara turned to the big man and the captain, \"We should head out as soon as possible, before some little spy or wind tells them we are coming.\"*" }, { "author": "ansari", "message": "*The militia leader would open the door to the tavern, and turned toward Tara. Behind him were two men with shield strapped to their back, with a mass produced falchion on their belt, a small quiver of bolts and a crossbow on the side.* \n\n\"I've gathered the men who will fight with you.\" *Falrich said.* \n\n\"Are you ready to go? There is not much time before sunset.\"" }, { "author": "Deleted User", "message": "*\"I would prefer to do this at night, but if they got the goods of a caravan ... They are not going to stay here long and will likely go somewhere else, so we should leave now,\" Tara got up from her seat and waited for the big man to get up.*" }, { "author": "ansari", "message": "*Falrich leaned forth*,\"Are you one of those who can see at night? My men can't, and I am not sure about your companion either.\"\n\n\"Surely torches would alert them to your presence.\"" }, { "author": "Deleted User", "message": "_\"Ah, I see ...\" She glanced at them and then said, \"Doesn't matter though, we will head out now, I will be off about thirty or sixty horse lengths away, the big man will lead, if you are ambushed, whistle, I will be stalking and flanking.\"*_" }, { "author": "ansari", "message": "\"I wish you all good luck.\" *Falrich said, before leaving the tavern. The two men would leave the tavern too, and find their third companion standing outside impatiently, holding their boar spears for them - which would've been awkward to carry into the tavern.* \n\n*One of them pointed at the hill that Falrich proposed they scout out earlier,*\"That is where I used to herd my sheep. Shall we scout together?\"" }, { "author": "Deleted User", "message": "_Following them out, she rehashed what she said to the big man and then went on her way to scout on her own so that they could cover more ground but also so she could ambush the peasants if need be. She stalked from hill to hill, bush to bush, tree to tree, keeping a line of sight on them as much as she could, and backtracking when she couldn't._" }, { "author": "ansari", "message": "*While the four would presumably go up the hill, Tara would strike out on her own. Her skill as a former bandit in Mentia would help her quite a bit, and she would quickly locate several ideal campsites. Her luck would be frustratingly bad, with the bandit's trail not turning up for two hours, until she happened upon a trail leading from the main road east back to the camp - it looked like there were animal tracks too, and they made a sloppy job covering it. \n\nIt seems to be relatively fresh - having been trodded over by only a few animals in the meantime.*" }, { "author": "Deleted User", "message": "_She made three claps as she neared the others, \"I found a trail, these bandits are probably new to this as they covered it up horribly,\" Tara said of her findings to them, \"Sorry it took me so long ... The terrain out there is all sorts of bad luck.\"_" }, { "author": "Darian Weiger", "message": "`Darian would take a good while to think while on the foot.`\n\n\"If they are really carrying the goods, doubt they would go too high or in a steep place, makes the moving of the carriages harder, and movement is fairly slower and sloppier, i'd suggest we check into more wider areas with less obstacles and more folliage, which i suppose they will try to use as a compensation.\"" }, { "author": "Deleted User", "message": "_\"Lets follow the trail and if it doesn't work out we will do that,\" She said to the big man and then showed them the trail and started scouting in circles around them, remaining hidden the entire time._" }, { "author": "Darian Weiger", "message": "\"Be careful, not every trail is to trust.\"" }, { "author": "ansari", "message": "*The three soldiers would follow them, strapping their spear in favor of holding out their falchion, which was more compact to carry in the forest.* \n\n*Tara's luck wouldn't improve much, but she managed to find a way to the main camp following the trail. Darian though, would spot another animal trail, leading away from the one Tara was leading them to, it seemed to lead up a hill, toward a stream in the distance.*\n\n*Now the two could choose to follow the trail to the presumed campsite, or toward the stream.*" }, { "author": "Darian Weiger", "message": "\"Wait, im such an idiot... Of course they wouldn't take the carriage, less through a forest!!\"\n\n`he facepalms himself.`\n\n\"They would take the animals only!! And thus take more riskier routes.\"" }, { "author": "ansari", "message": "*One soldier tapped Darian's shoulder.* \n\n\"SHHHHH!\"" }, { "author": "Darian Weiger", "message": "`The man jumps from the sudden tapping, and then he whispers.`\n\n\"Oh yeah, sorry... My bad.\"" }, { "author": "Deleted User", "message": "_She had been trying to find them, then heard the exclaimation through the woods and set off, \"I found the trail, big dude, it is back there ...\"_" }, { "author": "ansari", "message": "Now that they've gathered, it is up to the two to sneak directly to the campsite, attempt to find another route - or try to do something in the stream. There's plenty of vegetation around the stream, and it seems to be relatively flat." }, { "author": "Darian Weiger", "message": "`The best case scenario for the big boy, would be am ambush, to charge right into their faces before they even get to their weapons, but big guy isn't exactly stealthy, as previous interactions have shown.`\n\n\"Yo, hunter girl, i best believe that yer should attack first, im not good at stealth, so... You ambush them first, get their attention and i'll smack their heads with these babies.\"\n\n`Says as he shows his barehands.`" }, { "author": "Deleted User", "message": "_She gave another few taps to her chin and pondered it for a moment before saying \"I think you should go in first, along with the spearmen, and I will come up behind and get em',\" She said, \"I don't even have any armor either ... So maybe the spearmen first?\"_" } ]
[ { "author": "ansari", "message": "*One of the spearman stepped forward,*\"We can take the lead, but we are inexperienced and not well equipped either.\" *The spearman were wearing Almain Rivet. Imported from Silnaria, judging by the look of it - with supplies of armor snapped up for constant wars, it seems even Mentia has to occasionally import foreign plates.* \n\n\"...If the big man lead, we'll follow.\"" }, { "author": "Darian Weiger", "message": "\"Yo woman, did they have their weapons on them?\"\n\n`he turns towards the huntress, which he doesnt know her name yet, but that is not important for now.`\n\n\"If they are resting and with their weapons laying down, we have a short window of time to push and strike.\"" }, { "author": "Deleted User", "message": "_\"Hmm, I guess we can all just attack at once if we catch them unawares. Follow me and fan out when I raise my hand above my head, be mindful of twigs and leaves and we should get through this easy,\" She said before they all headed out, following her through the tracks in a slow and methodical pace so nothing was tripped and no sentries spotted them._" } ]
[ { "author": "ansari", "message": "Tension Die: 0 / 6\n\nThe two would sneak to the vicinity of the camp, finding a good set of bush to observe the camp from. \n\nThe three were around 20 meters away - the camp is surrounded by several trees, and there's clearing leading to it form all sides. How amateurish. There was a firepit in the middle of the camp, built similarly to a dakota firepit, emitting barely any smoke at all. \n\nTara is slightly ahead of the rest of the group, but the clearing means that the enemy will spot them sooner or later - the two and the volunteers must take positions quickly. Upon surveying, it looks like that there were three bandits armed with sword and shield, two with a spear, and two armed with bow and a sword by their side. The bowmen looked like they were of Siuian origin - native Mentian bowmen can be found, but not as abundant as crossbowmen. \n\nMust've been foreigners seeking a fortune here. \n\nBehind the main campsite, there was several mules along with several sacks besides them, along with the usual provisions." }, { "author": "Deleted User", "message": "*Taking the nearest soldier, she explains that he is going to come with her, since she half remembered that she needed to keep them alive, which she did grumbling internally. Speaking with the other soldier, she said for him to move forward and then told the big man (Noxx ) to head left and then cut them off from that position with the other lad, \"This makes sure that everyone has everyone. Middle guard ... I need you to get close as possible and then in about one minute, yell to spook them and we will ALL rush out.*" }, { "author": "ansari", "message": "*The right soldier reluctantly followed her, unsure about this whole affair. But more reluctant was the middle guard, who would be at risk of being rushed down by potentially seven men.* \n\n\"...Are you sure? I would be facing all of them alone if they ran at me.\" \n\n*He glanced at Darian, who he felt was a bit more suitable to the job of being a distraction. Just look at how burly he is.*" }, { "author": "Deleted User", "message": "_She wondered what the big man thought._" } ]
[ { "author": "ansari", "message": "Tension Die: 2 / 6\n*The soldiers took their new position - The two soldiers to the left moved as close as they can, without falling into the line of sight of bandits - sadly, there was only so much the two could move in without being seen by one of the archer - and the same goes for Darien.*\n\n*A little bit of crawling later, Tara and the volunteer would manage to sneak pass on the other side of the camp, with the bandits being blissfully unaware for now.*\n\n```fix\nContinuation\n```\nAs the Ambush prepared to be sprung, part of the camp would be distracted and sent asides to deal with the impending assault from the other side, leaving only the volunteer and Tara there, **Hidden** And ready to strike. Looks like the odd wasn't too great in her favor, and she will need to pull every trick she has under her belt to win.\n\nThe other soldier besides her whispered. \n\n\"Should we charge and strike the same target? Or do you want to split up our targets?\"\n\n\n```\nPC Side has surprise advantage - they can move and strike the first two bandits on the right without the enemy being able to act. \n```" }, { "author": "Deleted User", "message": "*She gave it a thought, and then \"I will sneak up behind one and try to dispatch him quickly, I want you to hold my left against the other one. I think I can get him fast enough and take out the spear wielder after,\" She said and slid out both of her daggers, then proceeded to quietly move through the bushes.*\n\n*Moving up behind the first one, she sent her dagger straight at the back of his head without any fanfare or anymore hesitation.*" }, { "author": "ansari", "message": "```fix\nRound 1 Action Phase - PC\n```" } ]
[ { "author": "Lucrum T. Khamiel", "message": "*Amidst the forest there was a strange sense of unfamiliarity for the wandering Elf. Not just by the sight of the many cookie cutter trees or violent rushing streams. But in a sense of __uncertainty__.\n\nThe feeling of uncanny, that feeling that you've experienced such events before? But __believe__ you certainly never have.*\n\n**Simply put; That was Jamais Vu.**\n\n*In which, today was that day. Terrel had never experienced such. As it seemed his senses would dulled over the time of their absence, he could've spotted a figure crimson wearing a winter coat on this chilly noon. They sat nearby the river bed skipping rocks, being perfectly aligned with a bush and a tree that hid him early before further examination, if Terrel was listening to his surroundings he'd notice a horse laid down almost camouflage with the color of wood next to a tree and in which became startled by Terrels sudden appearance.\n\nAlmost instantly, the figure would unsheathe his Estoc before showing themselves fully to Terrel. The blade was pointed towards the ground and not towards Terrel. Although, there furred hood seemed to obscure most of their face as they tried to see who it may be. By voice Terrel might've known it was someone around his age. It seems for the first time in awhile the person had been catch by surprise, they spoke in a spooked tone. His voice familiar to an old acquaintance.*\n\n**\"—Does thou seek quarrel? Who are you—Why are you here. . .—\"**\n\n*The figure would hesitate as his oversized jacket— seemed to hinder his own gaze wearing it. Not moving as he awaited a response from Terrel. He'd make a quip*\n\n**\"Before you tell me your trying to fish in the winter. . . Please, think about your excuse thoroughly.\"**" }, { "author": "Terrel Bales", "message": "*Terrel's gaze would flit over to the camouflaged horse as it would suddenly move, soon revealing its rider as the man would walk over to him with his sword removed from its sheathe. He eyed the man, almost tempted to lower his own hand to the hilt of his Shortsword only to pause as the man would start speaking to him. With unnecessary vocabulary nonetheless. Somehow in those short moments of the words reaching him, the person no longer seemed like much of a threat, instead most likely startled by the pig man.\n\nTerrel didn't seem to recognize him, maybe from the hood or the tone, he didn't seem phased by whatever familiarity would have once existed between the two.*\"Simmer down before I toss you in the river.\"*He'd say in response as the man questioned what he was doing here. Whether or not the Elf actually meant that was hard to tell with him, but at the slight smirk before the turn of his head, it seemed as if he was merely joking with the Macen.*\n\n\"Just here to find a place to camp, but seems like this place was already claimed by an invisible horse and his professional rock skipper.\"*He'd say, deciding to get comfortable anyways to contradict his own words.*" }, { "author": "Lucrum T. Khamiel", "message": "\"**Tsh,** Like hell you would be able to touch me. . . —But Man, I'll give it to you got me good though. Your horse is rather fleet footed.\"\n\n*The squire would give a soft heckle a smirk even, trying to use humor to ease his mind knowing the guys had no intentions of standing of against him. Just another person trying to find a quiet place away from the qualms of society. He'd put his sword away, and try a more civilized approach. It was an honest misunderstanding.*\n\n\"Hey man, Don't knock rock-skipping. Its an art, don't be bitter you don't know how to toss a rock.\"\n\n*He'd pause for a moment as he squatted down to find another flat rock.*\n\n\"Ah? Go ahead, you can setup here. I'll be gone in a bit, I'm just trying to beat my highest. . . Which I believe was four.— Be at it for awhile now. So expectations aren't too high.\"\n\n*The squire sigh, as he found a decent flat stone. He'd place the stone to his lips; kissing it, and mumbling about the number four. . . \n\nThe squire would step back reeling his arm back to the side of his body, in one fluid motion he'd yank his forward and the stone would release from his hand spinning. The sound and sight of water swishing would send the squire in to erratic counting*\n\n**\"1...2...3...?...4...!—5...!...6...!...7—!\"**\n\n*The rock would seem to sharply dive down at the end. The squire would squeal gleeful*\n\n\"HAHA!— YES!—\"\n*He'd turn to man, rushing over to him nearly tripping. He stood next to him pointing to the stream*\n\n\"Did you see it—? DID YOU SEE IT?—Huh?— I think I counted eight—nine? I believe that was seven?— Your sudden appearance and presence may be good luck\"\n\n*The squire remarked*" }, { "author": "Terrel Bales", "message": "*Terrel would give a brief shake of his head out Lucrum's statement of rock skipping be an art. He saw it as nothing more than something to do out of boredom or frustration even. Not that he understood the actual skill behind it, simply saw it as either the rock skipped or it didn't. He'd watch as the squire would toss the rock, seeing it skip out seven times before sinking into the river. He had to admit it was rather impressive, though with Lucrum excitedly rushing over to him and yelling out at his accomplishment, he'd look over to him and say:*\"You don't get out much do you?\"\n\n*At the mention of his appearance being good luck, he'd take a moment to think it over.*\"Well if a pig is considered good fortune now, I'll add that to my list of hog quips.\"*He'd joke before eventually coming to sit down at the waters' edge. His horse would draw his head away as he had finished drinking, turning towards the Squire's horse as he would let out a whinny before trotting over.*\n\n\"So do you just come out here to skip rocks all day?\"*He'd ask as he found his hand drawing over to one of the flatter stones. He'd simply hold it in his hand for the time being while he leaned back enjoy the forest for how it was for a moment. Wood Elves would have definitely enjoyed the place, but to him? It was simply relaxing with the loud bustling of the cities being distant to him. He was never much of a big city person, not growing up nor now, but having to visit them was simply part of his tasks to getting his job done.*" } ]
[ { "author": "dotsisataurus", "message": "*Lucrum would've returned with his hood down, white bandages wrapped tightly around his forehead, and his hair reaching his shoulders. His spectacles were clearly in view, A look of terror sat on his face as he darted out from behind the bushes to reveal that he had brought the company of three little avian companions, waddling hastily behind him*\n\n**\"IS SHE OKAY—SHE ISNT—?!\"**\n*Lucrum would pause as he realized his Equine was fine. The squire would suck his teeth loudly*\n\n\"Haha, very funny. . . I'll get you back for that—\"\n*Lucrum would stare dumbfounded at the pig man's mask and vaguely similar attire; to an old acquaintance he once glory promised to. . . He would freeze up, tempted to question him. But would divert his attention to the bigger picture, as squawking and quacking of baby ducks drown his senses.*\n\n\"—Well, on my trip to find a tree. I felt the sensation of being watch. For a moment, I was creeped out believe it was you, but I was sorely mistaken. These ducks I believe are newborn and they seemed to have—\"\n\n*He sighed, as he approached the waters edge, sitting down and having the trio of ducklings follow. Him close behind. The chirp and squawked, dance and finally sat on his lap, a sense of dread creeping to his face.*\n\n\"They imprinted on me... Now, I didn't think I was going to have to father 3 children but if that's what nature calls for? I guess this is what I shall do.\"\n\n*He would look over to Terrel, his visage serious as ever as he spoke.*\n\n**\"Ya want a baby duck?\"**\n*The squire seemed to not take his own comment seriously, he was joking—or in shock he had three more mouths to feed.*\n\n\"Didn't thank I'd wake today having this as my new responsibility... But I get when life get you duck— I guess? You raise them as you own?\"\n\n*The mare would be just as receptive to Carl as he was to her, now standing she'd rest her's on his. It seemed the mare was comfortable with the unit, as she stamped her hooves excitedly*" }, { "author": "Terrel Bales", "message": "*Terrel would watch as the man would run out in panic of his horse, only to soon realize that she was doing just fine. The Elf would grin, using it to suppress breaking out in full laughter.*\"I doubt it.\"*He'd say back in response to Lucrum getting him back.\n\nHis gaze would travel down to the ducks that followed him. Seeing it in its entirety, it was a ridiculous sight to him as he found himself listening to the whole story of how Lucrum managed to become a father in the few minutes he was gone for.*\n\n\"Mother Nature can be so cruel...\"*He'd say in reference to the ducks having to be fathered by the Macen. Terrel supposed the other option was death, but they seem to be doing just fine.\n\nTerrel would walk over to the Macen, sitting down a short distance from him as he looked at the trio. Eventually being offered a duck, the Elf would say:*\"I don't think my wolves will be very happy with that or they may be just fine with it, but I doubt those ducks will last in my care.\"\n\n*He rested his arms behind him as he'd lean back and gaze out towards the river.*\"You can always let them take their chances in the river.\"*He'd say, laughing a bit at his own dark humor before finally looking back to the Macen.\n\nHe had to admit, there was something oddly familiar with him and with the horses seemingly comfortable with one another, surely there was a time they'd met before. Terrel had met so many people with horses, however, not many of which that lasted so long.\n\nHe supposed there was this one man with several horses, but to pick one specifically out of them was a harder task than needed. The Elf's gaze would travel over to the spectacles. There was only one person he had ever seen with them and that was paired with a crown and a broken compass.*\n\n*Terrel would narrow his hidden eyes at the man, drawing back faint memories of traveling with a certain duo after getting a pair of mysterious letters promising reward. Surely this wasn't the exact same person, though Terrel found himself deciding to jab at the thought.*\n\n\"Besides... Not like I can take them with me on the job. Mercenary work is always dangerous.\"*He'd begin, holding up his hand as he would start to count off each thing.\"*Long traveling, fighting bandits, outrunning self-created forest fires, getting shot at by goblins, not to mention all on horse back...\"*Gradually the intense battle became coming back to him in small figments before he'd eventually turn his head to stare back at the Macen.*\n\n\"And all for what? Some gold? Fortune beyond what one could imagine?\"*He'd jab before tilting his head back more thoughtfully.*\"A lot to bear for a pig.\"*The Elf would finish, his hand slowly lowering the his sword's sheathe. As far as the Elf knew, the ambush was planned with the Macen having ran off to who knows where without any pay for what they went through. Ironic to be found here once again, but now, running wouldn't be an option.*" }, { "author": "Lucrum T. Khamiel", "message": "*Lucrum would sigh and wave him off once again, returning his view to his sons—? Or daughters as he petted each one of them. Each duckling my seemed relatively active and stood out more than he one before; \n\nThe first, was poofy with a lot of head fur much similar to Lucrum's own hair style he dipped and dashed, up and down. Peeping loudly on Lucrum's thigh as if he was angsty, The second, was brown and gold with a spotted beak it stared Terrel in his eyes and squawked, and the last one had a Diamond shape birthmark on its back. . . It remained relatively close to Lucrum. Seemed petrified.\n\nHow long were they alone? Where was their mother— Oh god, he was truly going to become a father of ducks.*\n\n\"Mother Nature has always been cruel. Didn't you know? Seems quite obvious that whatever happened to their mother was...\"\n*Lucrum took his statement literally, unaware of the sarcastic undertone of his response. He took the well-being of the ducks to heart. As he knew leaving them to fend for themselves would mean certain death. Death, although being very much so apart of his life. He couldn't bare to leave the innocence in cold winter of Mentia. He was more thankful that he'd found them now towards the end of the season. There were warmer days to come. The Macen would sputter as the Pigman deny his offer. Rationalizing the situation.*\n\n\"Yeah... Baby ducks and canines aren't the best duo, only when they're raised together from young. I can see that but... —No, that is a terrible idea.\"\n\n**Lucrum would frown, disappointed in the Terrel's Dark humor. He respond in a surprised tone**\n\n\"Yikes, They're babies I can't do that. Gotta at least give them a chance at live before I set them free. That's like— sending a toddler to fight a crazy man with a funky looking hat.\"\n\n**Lucrum memory would click; A-pawn further listening and putting. One-and-two together. He'd feel a long lost guilt rush into his chest. Lucrum had already knew from the pig mask, So almost mockingly he retort**\n\n||*He'd gently push the ducklings aside, and go to stand up and walk a distance away to give Terrel space*\n\n\"I can prove to to you that you need not to worry of me being a weak link no more. . .As a __friend__, I ask that you take up arms against me. So I can prove my strength to you.\"\n\n*He'd place his hand on the hilt of his Estoc, and flipped his hair out of his face. . . The reflection of his crimson glasses would hide his iris but he smiled.*\n\n**\"To first blood.\"**||" }, { "author": "Terrel Bales", "message": "*It was clear the Macen didn't get the sarcasm, but the Elf figured he shouldn't expect much more of him with his demeanor. Terrel would eye the ducks as one of the squawked at him, his humor slowly fading with the Macen's sudden remembrance of who he was. The Elf sat there silently, listening to the Macen as he would get up, stating to take up arms against him. \n\nThe Elf's gloved fingers would individually wrap themselves around the hilt of his sword, a moment of tension in the way he held it while Lucrum finished his statement about taking arms against him as friends. Terrel's eyes would narrow at the comment. Friends? Did he really think they were friends after the stunt he had pulled?\n\nThe Macen had lead the duo into a literal death trap and for what, to simply run away in splitting up? Terrel didn't know what happened on his end of the fight, merely knowing the self combustion of the forest by the Macen's own hands with them ending up separated with nothing in return for it. \n\nThe Elf would slowly stand up, not caring much for the space the Macen have him. Ranged or up close, he would bare arms against the him. The Elf would draw his blade out from its sheathe, a darkened shade of red staining it from its use. He'd rotate his head a bit as if to pop his neck before refocusing his gaze on Lucrum.\n\nHe wanted to prove his strength eh? Time to see just how long he'd last then. No words would leave the Elf. Lucrum spoke enough for the both of them anyways. Without hesitation, he'd suddenly dash forward in clearing the little space created between the two, his sword making a horizontal arc across the Macen's torso, tracing the same attack he had once did on the assassin bugs before completely cratering the its carcass in itself.*\n\n*Funny how memories could replay itself in moments like these. It seemed like they could both help and hurt one in such a situation. His blade would tilt around in his hand, the hilt facing the Macen as he would side swipe him in an attempt to bash his head with the hilt of the sword. \n\nHis horse's head would snap up, tail whisking nervously at the sudden fight breaking out between the two. If it wasn't such a common occurrence, he probably would have ran. However, the horse merely found himself shying away from the flashing of weaponry, whinnying quietly.*" } ]
[ { "author": "Lucrum T. Khamiel", "message": "*Lucrum would keep his distance, or try to make use of the lack there was. As Terrel was perusing him, Lucrum was looking for the weakness in his armor. . . It had been forever since he had to fought an armored opponent seeing his only options: Forerm, Thigh, Armpit or... His face. A thought emerged as he stared holes into his anatomy. He found his point of interest. \n\nLucrum lowered his guard but, this time keeping the Estoc in the center of his body assuming a plow guard.*\n\n\n*Lucrum would jab towards his face and backpedal. Keeping the point there to ward him from approaching; keeping him at bay, Lucrum watched his waist. Which way would he pívot? To determine what way he'll swing next. He broke the silence of the duel, in attempt to clear the air, or distract him entirely. He'd speak with tinges of guilt in his voice, as he focused on the mask.*\n\n\". . . I fear for you and Shaori!— I tried to get to you!—TERREL!\"\n\n*Lucrum's breathing would grow shaky as he tried to think of what to say whiling try to keep the pig from cutting him down. His eyes and heart race as strands of blonde stuck to his forehead. He'd feel his back against a tree, with no more space behind him he stood his ground. . . Watching for his moment.*" }, { "author": "Terrel Bales", "message": "*Terrel found himself having to shift back to avoid the jab to his face, teeth grinding at the purpose behind it. It seemed Lucrum was all prepared to kill him right then and there. The Elf could hear Lucrum yelling out to him, his eyes flashing at the Macen as he would slowly follow him to the tree he found himself backed into. A stance he took, any closer and Elf would probably end up impaling himself in the pursuit. A flash, a single arc of the blade before Terrel would suddenly stop mid swing with the tip inches away from his face, the space created between them with their two weapons.*\n\n\"You created that forest fire, you got us separated, you didn't even bother looking for us **Did you**?\"*The Elf would snap at him. What should he care anymore of what this Macen did? He was a paid mercenary and all that Lucrum failed to do was seal his end of the deal upon forcing the Elf to risk his life for whatever it was the Macen had wanted to do.*\"I. Want. My. Pay.\"*He'd say through his teeth.*\"And if I have to cut it out of you, I'll do so and make sure those ducks learn why you shouldn't follow someone giving false promises.\"" }, { "author": "Lucrum T. Khamiel", "message": "*Lucrum's voice seemed to cracked at his accusations. The squire was trying to tell the truth— that or trying to get him to lower his guard. . . —This, was one of the many cons of being raise by Dark Elves. There was no such thing as sincerity... But Lucrum was trying to falsify this stereotype. He spoke as he would any other day, however he hissed with raw guilt.*\n\n\n\n*Lucrum didn't react to the blade that stopped by his face; Either out of shock, stupidity, or willpower. He had nothing to fear but Terrel's complacency to understand. He remained calm, he has him talking for now...*\n\n\"I looked— For days. . .\nI asked— many people. . .\nI searched— Kadho, Upper, Middle— and even returned to the forest by myself. Fearful not of my own life, __but yours.__\"\n\n*There was a pause and a moment of eerie silence.\nThe frigid wind stopped, the ducks grew quiet and the Mare stared. Everything in the forest stood still even Lucrum.*\n\n||\"—**I know. I have it. Take it... **\nI don't want to hold onto it anymore—! It always kept me hoping that we'd cross paths again. So I could right my wrongs. Shaor—\"||\n\n\n\n\n\n*He kept talking.\nSpitting the truth. \nHis voice fell deeper, and more distraught.*" }, { "author": "Terrel Bales", "message": "*Terrel didn't shift from his stance, keeping the sword held out in front of him while the Macen rambled on about trying to search of them. His expression remained neutral, part of him not wanting to buy Lucrum's sob story. However, in being an Elf, Terrel had the knack for being able to read a person based on look alone. It wasn't a skill he cared much for, though now he actually had reason for it.\n\nHe'd shift his sword ever so slowly as the pointed end of it would meet the face of the Macen, just at the tip of the nose. It would a rather light touch, soon moving on as the sword would trace its way up his face. It wasn't pressurized enough to leave a mark, but touching enough to know any sudden moves would warrant a bigger cut than wanted. Eventually the tip would reach bridge of his glasses before he'd use his sword to move them up over Lucrum's eyes.\n\nThe Elf's eyes would narrow at the sight of him crying, whether because of suppressed frustration or disapproval of it, it was left uncertain. The moment seemed to last for ages with Terrel watching Lucrum in dead silence. After a while of studying him, he'd move his sword away from the Macen, lowering it back down to his side in waiting for Lucrum to hand over the money he promised. With what the Macen said, it seemed that he was unsuccessful in finding Shaori and, unfair as it might be, Terrel would take her pay nonetheless. He didn't know her enough to determine her whereabouts nor care of what happened to her after the events.*\n\n*He would move one hand to his head, coursing his fingers through his long pink hair before he'd grab at something and remove it from its original resting place within his locks. A small crown, one he had chosen months ago between the choice of it, a pair of glasses, and a compass. It was a stupid question then and even stupider one now for why he still had it. Perhaps it was left forgotten all the time leading up to seeing the squire again.*\n\n\"Here. You can have this back.\"*He'd say, carelessly tossing the small thing to Lucrum's feet.*\"Not my style. Way too small.\"" }, { "author": "Lucrum T. Khamiel", "message": "*Lucrum would lower his Estoc, the two handed blade slouching in his single dominant hand by his side. He was relieved that neither of them were hurt. The weight of the world releasing from his chest as Terrel seemed to listen to his pleas, he would've held a look of disappointment. As he gestured to the horses, he'd sheath his blade and would stare at the small crown. Wondering why it looked so familiar— Until realizing It was his, he could've swore he still had it. Lucrum would reach to his empty head and only to feel blonde hair and realize he never received his crown back. \n\nLucrum would catch it crown and read the engravings. He'd give a sad smirk, as his voice genuinely depressed as he recites his infamous line. When he was much more adamant.*\n\n\"__Neither choice is Wrong... You've found it...__\"\n\n*Lucrum's head hung low, obviously upset at this misunderstanding of a reunion. \nAnother thought emerged, Maybe that's why that canifor looked at him crazy? He had forgotten he had give his crown to Terrel so long ago. The squire, would sheath his Estoc into its scabbard. Reaching into his jacket. \n\nHe'd pull out a leather pouch, with dark reddish-Brown color. It had a letter 'T' embroidered into it. The pouch was practically full in size comparison to his hand...*\n\n\"Here, Novelty pouch. Made it with my Elven guardian... She does tailoring and leather— Yada, Yada. .. After the fiasco. I saw this as a homage. So I wouldn't forget. Has one too.\"\n\n*Lucrum would begrudgingly, drag himself to the Horses. . . Rummaging through the mare's saddle bags, till he found out a leather pouch similar to Terrel's, before handing it off to him. Though this one seem more feminine. Lucrum didn't wanna say her name; he gave Terrel a nod. The squire would make himself busy as he would try to accommodate his new children. He'd make light out of this misfortune.*\n\n\"Well— I did learn a lot in my absences, sadly timely payment wasn't one of them. . .\"" } ]
[ { "author": "Lucrum T. Khamiel", "message": "**Lucrum seemed distraught. As he tried to keep the conversation afloat. He was forcing himself to keep Terrel's attention.**\n\n\"I've grown lazy over the last year. . . Busy with forming connections, for the big thing. But in doing so my swordsman has dulled— yet my magic has prospered. It's safe to say, I've lost my edge. Heh.\"\n**The squire said with a glance to his Estoc; a weapon with no edge.** \n\n*Lucrum would look to the tear in the Pigs cape. Before frantically speaking.*\n\"I can sew the cape back together if you'd like. It's the least I could do. M—my elven mother practically engrained it into my head.\"\n\n*He'd take the mare by her reigns and walk her over to the waters edge to allow her to drink. The ducklings would be placed in his saddle bags, with the cover open. The equine kept an eye on Carl, and would huff lowly as she had just watch the two riders duke it out. She was unsure if it was safe, But could felt her riders low emotion. Lucrum brushed her mane and in response the mare would rest it's chin atop of the short squire head. He closed his eyes feeling sorry for himself.*\n\n\"—But I've met some new people; From Canifors Lords and optimistic adventures... To Harlot Kemo—? What is the name of the cat people? I can never pronounce their race right...\"\n\n*He'd sigh loudly, The squire had grownup, although it wasn't was anything tangible. Aside from his Cuirass and Estoc, he remained the same person visibly and at heart. With the addition from the bruises he'd obtained from getting jumped by elves in Lymia and most recently the bar fight with Hikari. . . Sketchy lady, bad manners. That left him with bandages that wrapped around his forehead was a sign he had been in a pickle since. His experience couldn't been seen but heard as he recites the events. He stops himself, as he realized he hadn't formally apologized.*\n\n**\"Terrel are you listening?\"**" }, { "author": "Terrel Bales", "message": "*Terrel would turn his gaze towards Lucrum, staring back at him with a frown forming on his face with what could be perceived as mild annoyance with the squire. What more did he want with him? He already left him to burn alive, near attempted decapitation, and torn his cloak in his weak excuse for swordsmanship that he claimed to have improved upon in the year that had passed.*\n\n\"Mhm.\"*He'd respond back simply to confirm Lucrum's question of him listening. His business with Lucrum was already through, now it was just a matter of teaching those bandits a lesson about messing with him, whether they were after the squire or not. The Elf never liked unfinished business and in having to run away, Lucrum was merely a reminder of what he had to go back to.\n\nHe didn't have much faith in the squire, even if he felt inclined to help seeing as he was the cause of this in the first place. At this point, he'd probably slow him down or perhaps make decent fodder for a while. Either way, he probably wasn't going to get much help in this and that mattered little to the Pig Elf. He had faith in his own wit and sword skills and if it's a fight they wanted to start, it was one he going to finish. Perhaps it was about time to start getting prepared.*" }, { "author": "Lucrum T. Khamiel", "message": "\"C'mon don't do that...\"\n*Lucrum became frustrated with Terrel's disinterest, the shuffle of foot steps could heard as he approached Terrel from behind. The squire instincts was to shove him as he raised his palm; but didn't have the gall to pull through. He would reach out to grab his shoulder to stop him from leaving.*\n\n\"**Tsh, you're a—...**\"\n*Lucrum bit his tongue it was laced with poison for what he wanted to say out of Frustration, speechless as he danced on eggshells. He decided to keep it honest.*\n\"Terrel, did I ever tell you what we were doing that day before we were ambushed?— What was in the parcels? Where we going?—\"\n\n*Lucrum stared him down, his eyes flicking between portions of his mask. He'd point to his mask, gesturing him to take it off.*\n\n\"—Life is unfair, I didn't expect things to turn out that way it did. It has affected me more than you think old friend. You had a choice to stand and fight by my side... I told them you weren't with me yet.—\"\n*He'd pause.*\n\"...What you did, even with the outcome now. Left me dumbfounded. You have warrior's heart.\"\n\n\"...I can plea until my lungs run out, and my eyes roll back... But nothing can change what happened that day. We either would've died or been captured—. Those snobs that hired him... Are worse than you and I combined. But, I strive to cut down that stupid looking floppy hat bandit and those who hired him... That made me look like a fool, I want to show you I am truly...\"\n*He'd exhale, looked to the pig's greaves.*\n\n\"**—__Sorry.__** But your making it difficult walking away... Just listen to me\"" }, { "author": "Terrel Bales", "message": "*Terrel would remain where he was as Lucrum went through the effort of coming up behind him, only turning his head back to look at him as he'd place a hand on his shoulder. He was sure the Macen was trying to explain something important, but after all this talking, the Elf had found his mind drifting elsewhere for a while.\n\nHe took notice of Lucrum gesturing to his mask, though simply ignoring the hand gesture's request to remove it. Why should he anyways? Only after there was finally silence, would Terrel slowly grab Lucrum's hand to pick it off his shoulder and move it away from him.*\n\n\"You know what you're problem is Lucrum?\"*He'd question, using the squire's name for the first time well ever maybe. It was hard to recall a time when he had needed to say it really.*\"You talk too much for your own good.\"\n\n*The Elf would turn around fully, bringing his arm up to rest on the back of his horse.*\"I have some business to finish with those ambushers of yours, so are you going to help me or not?\"\n\n*Quick and to the point the Elf seemed. Lucrum's apology seemed to have mattered little to him at this given point, that window of opportunity having already closed. The Macen seemed insistent enough, so who was he to stop him lest he proved to only repeat history as it so often did.*" }, { "author": "Lucrum T. Khamiel", "message": "**\"__what?\"**\n\n*Lucrum would blink dumbfoundedly, almost entirely baffled as he stood there coming up with this extravagant apology for Terrel. . . Only to be hit with his words being excessive. His mind would take a moment to process what he had said. As it seemed to knock him completely off his equilibrium and take him off guard. After snapping back to reality, the squire would groan loudly as he placed his palms in for a double facepalm. He'd pívot, and walk back to make sure he had everything, before taking the mares reigns and lead her to Terrel*\n\n\"Y'know? I could've saved my breathe if I knew you was going say that. . .\" *He'd say rolling his eyes*\n\"Tsh, You sat here and made me go through the 5 stages of grief just to tell me we're going go finish some business?— Uh, Of course I'm going to help!\"\n\n*He let out an exasperated laugh that shifted into a hesitating one. . . At least he remained the same at heart.*\n\n\"So we're good?—Were heading out of here or you still setting up to camp here?\"\n*The squire said while saddling up. He sized up Carl for a moment the his own mare. Before dropping the question.*\n**\"We gonna race?\"**" } ]
[ { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "*A Canifor of great importance has been captured by the Middle Mentia guards during a surprise raid. This rebellion faction has sent for help and that's where Ashnard and Hikari was recruited. The rebellion consisted mostly of beast men and rebelled against slavery, but their actions caught Middle Mentia's Attention in their last attack. And so one of their commanders were targeted and captured*\n\n*Ashnard and Hikari would be informed that Ziek, their target, was held in a nearby village for the moment. They had to hurry to the location before he would be transported and and tortured for information. After a few says travel they would arrive at their destination. Standing right in front of the of the Prison entrance. The only clue they had to work with was that the entrance was located north. Their best option would be stealth for the time being, but luckily for them most guards we out doing other stuff. So a frontal attack wasn't impossible*" }, { "author": "Ashnard", "message": "Mentia sure was a long way from Ashnard's common hunting grounds, yet an opportunity like that was not one he could easily pass up. He had a *Name* To preserve, after all; an infamy to spread as both scourge to Silnari and liberation to beastkin. And luckily- for himself, not so much for his foes- the renegade hound had accurate some new tools of the job. The wealth and status he'd amassed in recent years afforded him that much. \n\nStygian scales covered his body from neck to heel; a semblance of armour, twisted and malformed as though by fell sorceries. Infused with runes that made it reflect no light but for an ominous crimson glimmer across his horns and no footwear to keep himself silent on his paws, Ashnard was truly like a shadow in the night- and for his enemies- a fiend, a mythical hellhound sent to ravage them with no remorse or mercy. Lightless black flames resonating from his fists only reinforced that assumption. Perhaps fear alone would be enough to deter the most weak-willed of enemies... If they get the chance to spot him at all. \n\nOf course, Ashnard still knew better than to rush head-first into the den of enemies. He gestured his ally for that mission as well to keep a low profile, at least for the time being. He bowed his posture and cautiously closed in toward the northeast side of the prison building. He stuck near the walls, both to avoid sentries from above and provide himself natural cover in the shade before he'd press an ear against the cold stone. Any sounds from inside would be easier to eavesdrop like that, and few can contest the keen senses of a canifor. \n\n```\nAshnard enters stealth mode, closes in from northeast to eavesdrop.```" }, { "author": "Hikari Hisakawa", "message": "*An \"Average Macen man\" By the name of Magnus Faulkner had decided to take up the offer from Ashnard once more, arriving at the prison with their equipment at the ready.*\n\n*\"Magnus\" Wasn't in it for a greater purpose like Ashnard was, but Hikari did want to aid the canifor's conquest against the Elves in any way they could, and sought to make amends of sorts after disappearing for so long.*\n\n*Hikari followed their ally, sneaking alongside him.*" }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "*The guards would not even sense anything wrong, but the villagers near Ashnard, did grow a little suspicious. His looks was to blame.*\n\n*Ashnard would approach the north side and there would be a window for him to get a clear listen in.* \"Heard that guy the others caught a week ago is going to be transported tomorrow, what a relieve. Would have though some rebels would have tried something a little better then what happened 5 days ago. Huh, bunch of cowards\" *The reports match up with their target \"Honestly, would rather have snuck in from the south\" *One guard would say before being interrupted* \"Good thing our champions are down there*\n\n*Meanwhile on Hikari's side, he would hear a woman coming to offer some food to the two sitting in front and the heavily armed person would speak out* \"Hah, seems this positions does have it's perks, glad I volunteered \" *The woman and man would be talking for a bit while the other receptionist continued writing with irritation*" }, { "author": "Hikari Hisakawa", "message": "*Eugh. It was just a man trying to get into a gal's pants. Nothing interesting.*\n\n*...Hikari opted to continue waiting though. Although they didn't like the thought of harassing an innocent woman, they might have had to for the mission... Assuming she knew anything, an untrained type like her was almost sure to blurt something stupid out.*" }, { "author": "Ashnard", "message": "Some weird looks from peasants were the least of Ashnard's worries now. After all, they'd know better than to try any more than that. What his attention was focused on would be the information these guards blurted out- most notably the south entrance being one of the riskier paths to take.\n\nThe window was definitely out of question for an entry spot with guards this close... But the roof, perhaps? With another gesture toward Hikari to follow, Ashnard hid from common sight and sought a spot where he could scale the prison wall. More often than not, small city guards did not expect an assault from unorthodox angles." } ]
[ { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "*Ashnard could smell smell the sent was strong here. This room might have been the entrance from the smell. Other than that, the other walls looked the same. Was a shame there was bars in the windows making it impossible to climb through. But scouting around a little they would arrive to the south. There was the entrance the guards talked about... Bit it was also made of wood and it looked easy to climb onto. The wall that continued going up from it to the higher garrison also did seem as smooth... Was the walls smoothed out after this little shack was added?*" }, { "author": "Ashnard", "message": "There was a lingering scent of another canifor alright... But how well-guarded would the prisoner be? At a glance, the souhern entrance looked far easier to break into... Or perhaps that was deliberate. One way to find out.\nHe'd wait for Hikari to join him before signalling them to wait. *\"Let's test their wit, shall we?\"* The hound muttered vaguely and focused his gaze toward north. There, he conjured an illusion, the echo of a young girl screaming that resonated across the prison through its windows as though it was coming from the north. Ashnard would then wait next to the south entrance, ears planted to the wall so he can eavesdrop the guards' reaction... And whether the coast was clear." }, { "author": "Hikari Hisakawa", "message": "*Hikari gave a thumbs up as they waited alongside Ashnard. There wasn't much left for them to do but await the chance to sneak in.*" }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "*Everyone stood up and headed that direction asking what that was and what made that noise*" }, { "author": "Ashnard", "message": "*Almost too easy.* Ashnard slowly pushes the shack door open once the guards fall for his distraction to reach the entrance for the main prison. His hooked claws may not have been effective enough at climbing smooth stone... But hopefully they would do the trick as lockpicks. \n*Might as well buy more time to be sure,* He reflected before attempting to lockpick, repeating the illusory echo of screaming alongside a pair of heavy footsteps towards the alleyways on the western side of the city. Without direct line of sight, Ashnard hoped the illusion could keep on fooling them.\n```Action 1: Repeat/reposition minor illusion\nAction 2: Lockpick attempt on inner door```" }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "*Ashnard successfully manage to enter the first door and pick the second door. As he swings it open, he sees an empty room and hear the guards walking around. The guards are now on alert for any intruders with their swords drawn and their shields up*" }, { "author": "shadow_wizard69420", "message": "*Hikari took a chance to scout out the southern door. If it's empty, with nobody seeming to be there, they attempted to get through to the bottom building. If not, they awaited more distractions.*" }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "*Hikari could spot some heavily armed personnel walk towards the screams. Other than that. There was a few roots he could take*" }, { "author": "Ashnard", "message": "Ashnard takes a moment to focus into his illusion once more to have it imitate the distinct coppery smell of blood as the screams kept on echoing across the town's alleyways to lure in the guards- always few steps ahead. He expected that would buy them a precious minute or two before his control radius got out of reach. For now, he himself decided to follow the path from which he had caught the canifor scent earlier, the path on his left side." } ]
[ { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "*Hikari ends up blocking the door entrance somewhat. But seeing as this was more of a gate than a door, the reliability was questionable*\n\n*Ashnard would travel up left to where the would be another gate. However the gate that continued though the right seemed to be locked.*" }, { "author": "Ashnard", "message": "*Oh no. My greatest enemy. Locked gates.* Ashnard scoffed and rolled his eyes before procuring an elaborate lockpick from his belt. Might as well stop wasting time, the guards won't be distracted forever.*" }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "*Ashnard successfully picks the lock and continues on.*" }, { "author": "Ashnard", "message": "*Right. The distraction.* Ashnard recalled and took a moment to focus on his illusion again. The sound of some broken ceramics, the sound of a shadowed figure climbing a rooftop right before it vanishes from view and a final young girl's scream for good measure. All he had left was hope the guards were either stupid or bold enough to give pursuit on the rooftops. Ashnard's limited magic reserves and range wouldn't afford him to keep the trickery up much longer. \n*And just in case they return from a different entrance...* \nHe procured a trio of enchanted daggers hidden between the crevices of his armour and plunged them to either side of the gate threshold he'd just unlocked before moving forward. For a smart and perceptive guard, those would serve as a warning. For a fool, death." }, { "author": "Valk's Quests", "message": "Hikari slowly walks away from the gate: If he's wedged it right, it should stop any visitors. He heads down the corridor towards where Ashnard went, following him through the door and watching the odd dagger-stabbing behaviour. Maybe it's a beastman thing; and he thinks not much else of it.\n\nHe crosses his arms quietly, speaking in a hushed whisper and communicating properly since they entered. \"Well? Where now?\"" }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "*There seemed to be a ladder leading up and another gate leading way right*" }, { "author": "Ashnard", "message": "Ashnard quickly scans the room for clues and hints that may lead him to his target, taking note of the ladder and gate as potential paths. After a brief consideration, he speaks up. \n\"Bar the gate, then follow me up the ladder. Shouldn't be too far now.\"\nHis command to Hitoshi was flat and stern, waiting for no response before he'd begin to ascend the ladder himself." } ]
[ { "author": "Ashnard", "message": "Ashnard moved with practiced finesse, like a predator on the prowl; never making a sound and never leaving the shadows. Thanks to his vampiric affliction, he almost seemed to meld into the shade of walls, his form blurred to the naked eye as he stalked by to infiltrate further into the prison building and guided by the scent trail of his target. If all went to plan, this could be a simple rescue for the canifor prisoners. If not, well, Ashnard hadn't fed in a while." }, { "author": "Valk's Quests", "message": "Hikari climbs up after him, slowly stepping up onto walkway. This wasn't their first infiltration, so they walked calmly across the walkway behind the wolfman. Brawling wasn't really on his plan, but he didn't bring his blades for fun.\n\nForward to the next room, he supposes." }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "*The bunch move across the pathway with ease, avoiding the suspicious eyes of the guards. They open the lockless gate and wander down the stairs. Once to the ground, they see a not so hidden entrance below the stairs to the prison and the enter it, The sent of their target grew stronger. The stairs downwards are a little longer than expected and as they go down the outside noise slowly dies out. Would have even be possible to Hear Ashnards Illusion in this Gloomy place? The didn't even reach here, the only light hear was the glow of the candles and torches*" } ]
[ { "author": "Ashnard", "message": "His pupils widened to adjust in the darker corridors below, allowing him to see as clear as if it was daylight. Meanwhile, his very form blurred in the shadows except for a black smog that begun permeating his body. The claws on his fingertips began to seethe in stygian flame; to an observer, Ashnard's current visage resembled a vengeful wraith than anything remotely mortal or humane- an aberrant black light that moved into the dim halls in search for prey. \"I will take the south path, you go west. If you find guards or prisoners, I presume you know what must be done,\" He spoke with a raspy growl that mirror his ghastly appearance." }, { "author": "Valk's Quests", "message": "The lack of light was no problem to a man of the shadows such as 'Magnus'. He had experience in the dark - and with his sixth sense, his plan was to feel - not see. \n\nWith the wolfman beginning his journey, Hikari nods as he speaks softly, twisting his body to the right. \"Of course. I'll follow your steps once I'm done.\"\n\nHe slips his way to the stairway wall, peering over it down the corridor softly. He'll have to rely on bouncing shadows. Wouldn't this be eastern? Well it depends which way they came in - he supposes - perhaps there's a compass under all that fur. He slips his one-handed shotel off of his belt, the dark blade not glimpsing off the light. Here's to hoping he doesn't need to use it to see round any corners with a reflection.\n\nHe begins to make his way down the dark corridor with quiet steps." }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "*The two would move unnoticed through the dimly lit prison. Even though It was dimly lit in some corners of this underground prison, other places where the candles and torches stood would be lit enough to notice these two intruders*\n\n*Ashnard would be able to see the Guard just in time. Seems he was on, lookout in the main entrance. Wasn't paying much attention, but it would be enough to spot Ashnard if he did decide to continue into the light, which would easily disperse the aura from his abnormal body. The sent was jumbled up with the stench of despair and unbathed bodies.*\n\n*Hikari's snooping around the corner would reveal a place of rest for these guards it seemed. Here was a little darker than what Ashnard was experiencing. Here lied only two guards. One removing his armour, whilst the other was sleeping soundly on the bed. Seemed like these two had a hard shift with their now temporary inhabitant of this dark and gloomy domain.*" }, { "author": "Ashnard", "message": "*Another feeble-minded fool to get through. How jolly,* Ashnard thought, rolling his eyes. Now, to toy with their perceptions of reality once more in a manner that wouldn't cause mass hysteria...\n\nAn illusory shade this deep into the prison would be certain to raise mass alarm, as would any suspicious noise he feigned. But a scent... Perhaps for these creatures with so weak noses would be just subtle enough to make use for his goals. And so he remained in the shadows and focused into conjuring another illusion, this time as a false scent around the mage guard's vicinity: a pungent waft of burnt wheat and barley certain to make his own nostrils each but also alarm the guard on a potentially devastating prospect- that their food storage had caught fire... Or just the cook had an accident. There would be one way to find out, of course, and it didn't involve standing in their position. \n\nAshnard focused his ears to hear the guard's reaction before hiding behind some nearby barrels for good measure; far enough to hide from sight but also close enough to assault the guard should they raise an alarm greater than anticipated." }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "*The man would have irritation written on his face as he smelled the sent, But he would not move even an inch. The cooks must just not care what the prisoners ate. What ever the case. It was non of his concern. He doesn't know anything about cooking anyway.*" } ]
[ { "author": "Valk's Quests", "message": "Hikari slowly moves his back to the northern wall, taking a long slow breath as he waits for the man to finish taking off his armor. He has time to burn. He can wait. Time isn't particularly of the essence.\n\nHe could wait until they're unarmored, then try to strike and kill them. Maybe slit both of their throats in the silence... But he doesn't need to as of now. A true spy - a true assassin - does not need to kill their way to victory. If they can find the prisoner first, they can secure a clean escape from there. Perhaps this can be done non-lethally altogether.\n\nIf not, it complicates things, but he'll have to play by what he has now. He hears no screams or chaos; so he has time to burn. He can wait for this one to strip off, then go from there." }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "*The man eventually strips from his armour, only having some cloth left to cover his body. Didn't seem to be very valuable cloth at that. The man would soon lay down on the bed and stretch before closing his eyes and soon falling asleep, unaware that tonight might be his last. There would be some voices that Hikari could hear. Though they didn't seem to be getting closer nor moving further away.*\n\n*There was a gate between them though. The gate would be locked of course. The needed to protect themselves from the prisoners if the escaped their cells. Because most people just love being held captive*" }, { "author": "Valk's Quests", "message": "Hikari took his time to take inventory. He has some magic flowing through his veins, but nothing useful. He should have practiced more before he came out. It's a crutch anyway - he supposes; content to sour the grapes.\n\nHe looks through the gate a little more to see how things are going. With the guard having fallen quiet, he might as well get to work on the gate. He pushes on it, but it's clearly locked. He wasn't super prepped for this, so he'll have to get creative.\n\nHe slips a dart out of his bag. He'll try to pick it open." }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "*Hikari would easily pick the lock, however. A mighty surprise would wait for him. The iron gate would swing open, creaking with increasable noise from all the rust on it. The guard from before would mummer something, which would be followed by an intense silence. Seemed these guards were fast asleep and weren't waking up anytime soon*" }, { "author": "Ashnard", "message": "Dog stay hidden. Dog turn to east. Dog then turn up. Prison cashier too stronk for him. Must dispatch everyone else first instead." }, { "author": "Valk's Quests", "message": "Very good. He steps through the gate quietly, slipping the dart back into his bag and swinging his shotel errantly. He moves to the table in the middle of the room, snuffing out the candle with the side of his blade. Here's to hoping that makes it easier to move through here undisturbed. He then moves towards the gate, taking careful steps. If anyone or anything were to come into view, he'd stop, analyse and then step back." } ]
[ { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "*Th sneak into the room there guards rest in without much effort. However, There was another Gate in their way... There sure is allot of gates these two had to dead with*" }, { "author": "Ashnard", "message": "*Insert generic lockpicking post here.*" }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "*Ashnard would successfully pick the lock of the gate and enter quietly, but he would see some guards patrolling the prison. Be carefule*" }, { "author": "valethros", "message": "To-do list:\n-Tell Hikari to follow as backup\n-Stay in the shadows to avoid patrols\n-Kill said patrols if spotted\n-Track the canifor scent to find the prisoners\n-Look edgy while doing all of the above." } ]
[ { "author": "Valk's Quests", "message": "Hikari is caught off-guard. The wolfman moved quickly and to get past him and pick the lock before he even noticed him was something else. He wasn't prepared for that. \n\nWith Ashnard already advancing, he'll have to follow quickly. With a hushed voice, he speaks quietly. \"I'll take left.\" He steps through the gate, swivelling his body to the left and towards the long corridor, hugging the wall to his left. He doesn't go any further than the edge of the gate, watching the hall carefully in a slight hunch." }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "*They seemed to have reached the prisoner area it seems. There seemed to be two guards walking up and down the two ways. The didn't seem alerted much as they've been doing this for a long time and never had the need to do anything else but talk to the prisoners and occasionally punish them is they got out of hand or just when ever they felt like it*" }, { "author": "Ashnard", "message": "Ashnard splits up with Hikari once again, opting for the straight path ahead (and toward the eastern side of the prison). His keen senses pick up the presence of a patrol guard ahead whom he would have to wait by the corner to pass, ever shrouded in the shadows. \nHolding his breath, Ashnard placed another trio of enhanced daggers between the stone crevices on the wall to trap the approaching guard as a backup plan. His goal was to wait for that guard to pass by otherwise before sneaking into the east wing himself." }, { "author": "Valk's Quests", "message": "Hikari will have the trickier time this time, it seems. There's an oncoming guard, so he slips back through the gate into the room with the sleeping men. He's not really got a plan for this - He's not sure if he can kill him by himself instantly. There's no useful place to hide on his wing; so maybe he'll have to play distraction for Ashnard. He's not sure. \n\nHe thinks his plan is to give it a rotation, from which he'll watch from the gate; then he thinks he'll try to move up the corridor. He'll be waiting longer than Ashnard, then." } ]
[ { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "*With Ashnard's sudden attack the man was caught of gaurd and was put the the brink of death right before hikari finished him off with a swift throw of his shuriken. The man would die without much effort. The two triggered no alarm inside.*" }, { "author": "valkyrtankyr", "message": "Hikari relaxes his back, straightening it out as he walks more nonchalantly to the cell door. \n\nWith a hushed voice, he speaks to Ashnard. \"You're welcome.\"" }, { "author": "valethros", "message": "\"I will thank you in gold later,\" Ashnard retorted with a scoff before clutching the dead guard's body by the neck. A stygian, crimson-tinted aura returned to his hands; this time not entirely off his own volition. This aura was darker, older, hungrier. The hound felt his grip clench tighter at the guard's neck and a snarl escape his teeth. \n\n*Right. Let's get this over with.*\nAshnard let in to the encroaching hunger and his fingertips plunged into the skin like ravenous needles. He savoured the warmth of lifeblood coursing through its now-useless cadaver and assimilated into precious virile energy to his own body. The whole process couldn't have been longer than a few seconds, but when Ashnard finally let go of the body, he had left it a pale, dried husk barely able to lean against the wall without crumbling under the weight of its armour. *It is always easier on empty vessels,* The beast reflected.\n\n\"Now then...\" He huffed, casually as ever, moving toward the cell holding the canifor rebel.\n\"It is your lucky night, friend. I wouldn't squander it if I were you,\" He offered and subtly threatened at once before procuring a lockpick to break him out." }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "*The beastmen would wake from his dreadful slumber. Didn't seem like he could sleep that well though. His body was bruised and battered from his excursion in the ambush. He look at the fellow carnifor. He was unsure how to react to this beast, did he smile from the familiarity or is this the reaper coming to claim his soul. He heavily stood up and with this a smile appeared on his face as he winced* \"Well I guess the pain means I'm still alive... Unless death is as cruel as life\" *He said before looking at the carnifor again* \"You're a new face, but a welcome one, even if I'm a little hesitant. What or well, who brings you down here brother\" *He said in a slight whisper. Their contractor's name was Liz*" }, { "author": "valethros", "message": "\"No, it seems you are still of more use to someone alive than dead,\" Ashnard affirmed with a dry snort, carefully unlocking the cell door. He unlaced his cloak and threw it at the imprisoned canifor to use as cover; it wouldn't serve to be seen escaping, let alone in such a poor state. \"Come. We're leaving this place before any of these fools realise we've been here,\" He ordered between Hikari and the prisoner. Ashnard saw no benefit in revealing the contractor's name... Not yet at least." } ]
[ { "author": "Valk's Quests", "message": "Hikari shrugged his shoulders errantly, looking back down the hall. Time to backtrack. He nods his head, stepping slowly down the corridor and drawing his shotel again. It can't hurt the assassin to be battle ready. \n\nHe peers down the hall to his left, to see if the guard had patrolled down and then glimpsed left towards the door on the right towards the sleeping guard quarters. He needs to keep his head on a swivel." }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "\"W-well... As long as it's not Elieze...\" *The broken man said* \"I'd rather try and talk with out with these disgusting \"Elves\" \" *The man said emphasising the elves part as though the the word it self made his skin shiver. But the man Tried hi best to follow and he tried not leaning on Ashnard to much. He was as stubborn as he was proud*\n\n*The two would make it down the hallway and into the sleeping cotters with ease. Even all the way back up to the surface where the sounds of the city crew and the kitchen and dropping of water would fade into a bad memory. The guards were how ever back on their old posts and seemed a little on edge.*" }, { "author": "valethros", "message": "\"A wolf does not make deals with cattle,\" Ashnard responded with a scornful growl, keeping the contempt in his voice contained as he led th eway back upstairs. He extended an arm to signal a halt and took a moment to sniff the air around him.\n\n\"Smell that, brother? That's *Fear*. They know who's coming for them. Alas, they do not know from *Where*.\" The hound flashes a wicked grin and focuses his mind into conjuring another illusion, this time a howl echoing into the night from the north, outside of prison. *Run, cattle. Chase once more after an enemy that was never there.*\nHe turns back to his companions and signals them to follow, leaving from the way they came- south, peeking at every corner for a potential foe to dispatch." }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "*The howl would catch their attention, but they would move more with irritation the fear seeing as last time it was just a goose chase. But none the less, the got up and moved one more. The champion Frey however was still quick to act and as she ran down to the main area, she would immediately spot trio leaving the Prison. These must be the pranksters... And the looked to be well armed. So she would yell out* \"Intruders\" *And get ready to engage in combat*\n\n*Mean while the others would quickly rush to her screaming out the same thing so the rest could hear. They seemed more that eager to welcome their visitors after their little prank*\n\n```ini\n[ Round 1 ]\n```" }, { "author": "valethros", "message": "*They want to play rough, then. So be it.* Ashnard scoffed, letting go of the prisoner canifor and signalling Hikari to take him up the stairs. He heard the heavy footsteps and shout for alarm coming his way and hid over the corner to meet them. *Bitch won't be yelling so loudly with a few broken teeth.*\n\n```Work up activated: +2 Tempo```\n\nNo sooner would the champion cut near the corner than Ashnard lunged with a flaming infused fist right at her jaw and following with a roundhouse kick square into her breastplate with enough force to send her flying against the window few feet behind her. Maybe the other guards alerted by her would think twice about coming after him with that welcoming presentation... And perhaps even assume he might escape through that broken window.\n\n```\nAshnard\nHP: 48/48 \nMana: 6/ 6\nFocus: 7/ 7\nTempo: 2/ 5\n\nMovement: 6\nAttack 1: 21/ 19/ Crushing Earth / \nAttack 2: 25/ Miss / Stun /```" }, { "author": "Valk's Quests", "message": "Hikari has little to say about Ashnard's comments about fear. He doesn't think that's so accurate; but perhaps his kitsune nose isn't as good as the wolfman's.\n\nBeing spotted wasn't something he was looking forward to. He's going to blame the crippled wolfman for this one, but it doesn't matter. He has nothing to say, no edgy quips or smug retort: Not until he knows he can win.\n\nAshnard pushing his target around is awkward, but he'll play it the same regardless. He'd move forward towards the champion, readying his sundering-enchanted shotel for his first attack. Regardless if that one would land, he'd strike forward again with his shotel, with no fancy plays at work." }, { "author": "valkyrtankyr", "message": "```\nRound 1: Hikari\nHP: 54/54\nMana: 6/ 6\nFocus: 6/ 6\nMomentum: 0\nDefense: 16\nMovement: 6 tiles\nAttack 1 Roll: 19\nAttack 1 Damage: 7\nAttack 2 Roll: 4\nAttack 2 Damage: 5\n```" }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "*The loud clanking of armour and ring of chainmail could be heard fast aproaching the group as well as a horn going off letting all the other guards know of this.*\n\n*Meanwhile, the two soldiers that mange to get closer ends of missing all of their, but the would soon be surrounded to the point of no escape. Not like the could run while caring the target anyway*\n\n```diff\n! Fray & Gaurd A misses both shots\n! Fray takes 26 dmg\n```\n\n```ini\n[Reaction Phase]\n```" }, { "author": "valethros", "message": "Ashnard seems to have little trouble weaving his path between the soldiers' attacks, evading one and simply deflecting another. When he finds an opening in Frey's guard, he wastes no opportunity to grasp her by the forearm and move behind her, driving a knee strike to her back. The force brings her down, her sword arm still clutched in Ashnard's grapple as the black beast glances over the new recruit with a sinister leer. \n\"You might want to run, boy. You're next once I am done with her.\"\n\n```Reaction: Flowing water.```" } ]
[ { "author": "Valk's Quests", "message": "They're in for some chop, that's for sure. Hikari isn't sure where the prisoner went, so he's going to have to play this one interestingly. Seems with the wolfman dipping out, he's going to be in for some chop alone. He knows his chances and this isn't one of them. With a better chokepoint, he could maybe make a meat-grinder here, but that's unlikely.\n\nHe thinks he has it. He's not afraid to take some attacks as he steps in, so he steps into the space made by Ashnard. From there, he uses Right Behind You, moving to the other side of his foe - Joe - to land onto the stairs. From there, he turns and stabs at Joe again, using Hit and Run to get two more tiles of movement, heading up the stairs and starting to move towards the walkway.\n\nHe then uses the last five tiles of movement he has to climb up onto the walkway. Ashnard's on his own, but Hikari will have to ensure the target is safe and escaping with them if he's not." }, { "author": "valkyrtankyr", "message": "```\nRound 3: Hikari\nHP: 52/54\nMana: 6/ 6\nFocus: 2/ 6\n\nDefense: 16\n\nAttack 1: Right Behind You - Roll: 19\nDamage: 6\nAttack 2: Hit and Run - Roll: 8\nDamage: 10\n```" }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "*The guards would begin to tire from all the asoult, but the hanged in because george was there. With the pair moving the carnifor revolutionist moved with them, grabbing Joe's Sword and shield. The other guards scurry off , presumably to get to the other side*\n\n```diff\n! Ashnard kills poor joe, but why?\n! George misses arong with a few archers\n```\n\n```ini\n[Reaction Phase]\n```" }, { "author": "valethros", "message": "Seeing the knight approach, Ashnard shifts his posture quick, catching his sword arm and bringing him to the ground, free arm clenched around his shield. \n\"Is that the best you fools have to offer?\" The black beast mocked as he drove searing claws past the gaps in George's armour and into his skin.\n\n```Reaction: Flowing Water 25 | 14```" }, { "author": "Valk's Quests", "message": "Hikari's movement is swift, and for that he needs to do nothing more than keep his momentum.\n\n```\nRound 3 Reaction: Hikari\nReaction: Nothing!\nMomentum: Now 2\n```" }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "```diff\n! Goerge takes 3 damage and is grapled\n```\n\n```ini\n[Round 5]\n```" }, { "author": "valethros", "message": "Ashnard begins to drag the champion behind him up the stairs, making sure to use him as a human shield so the archers would think twice about targeting him in fear of hurting their captain. In the meantime, his tail blade takes a jab at George's spine with a focused venom to cripple him temporary and erode his armour. \"Let this be a lesson to all of you. *This* Is what happens when you earn the *Revenant's* Wrath,\" He exclaimed upon reaching the top of the stairs, pushing the knight face-first against the barbed fence below.\n\n```\nAshnard Round 5\nHP: 48/48\nMana: 2/6\nFocus: 4/7\nTempo: 2/5\nBlood Charges: 1/3\nDefence: 18 \nMovement: 3, dragging George up the stairs\n\nAction 1: Crushing Earth on George | 29 | 12\nAction 2: Push on George towards fence | 34 | 12```" }, { "author": "Valk's Quests", "message": "Hikari has little left to do. The exit is in sight. Though he would have preferred to walk out, he understands the urgency requires a different method.\n\nBut he might just do such a thing anyway. He speaks sharply to the target. \"About time you popped back up. Come, jump for the street and I shall shove you. Then it's all on you to land well - for you certainly will land. Are you ready?\"" }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "*The Carnifor looked at Hikari before looking down at the height, he'd much rather deal with the gaurd then have to face what poor George went through. However there was no time to think, so he Closed his eyes and Jumped with all of his might*" }, { "author": "valethros", "message": "*Done and done. Now for the final step.*\n\"Our game is done, gentlemen. Thank you for your entertainment,\" The hound quipped at the remaining guards, some of them still harbouring wounds from his last assault. \"I will be taking my leave for now. But remember, *I have your scent.*\"\n\nAnd with that, he signalled Hikari and the prisoner to leap off the fence, doing so himself in the process." }, { "author": "Valk's Quests", "message": "Hikari shoves forward: knowing it might not do much, but it's enough to be a cute little addition to his momentum. \n\nFrom there, he thinks he might actually walk out on his own accord - but he's not sure. He suppose he'll take a tile or two south before making his attempt at a jump - He wouldn't want to land on any of them, would he?\n\n...As if he'll clear it. Here's for a soft landing, either way.\n\n```\nRound 4: Hikari\nHP: 52/54\nMana: 6/ 6\nFocus: 2/ 6\n\nDefense: 16\nMovement: 2 south, leap west.\nAttack 1: Shove - Roll: 9\nAction 2: Leap - Roll: 9\n```" } ]
[ { "author": "Arlean", "message": "```fix\nShaslandi, Middle Mentia. On a certain Spring Day\n```\nIt was a rather quiet street in Shaslandi. The kitsune has just arrived the previous day. He wandered all around, trying to look for a job. Yet for some reason, the city was empty, barely a soul. There was someone recruiting though - the army, looking for cheap disposable mercenary for the next war. But he didn't feel like it. \n\nSo he wandered around, and after a day, found no where to stay without a single coin in his pocket. So he slept underneath some abandoned building's roof, with his golems as companions. \n\nNow, morning has came, and he dismissed two of his golems - leaving two more to be summoned at night as his guard again. Walking around with armed golems attracts... Unwanted attention. Not like there is much he could do - he had white hair and a pair of fluffy white ears, and tails. And it was rather telling. He wasn't sure if it would be much help here...\n\nThe kitsune wandered around the city for another morning, knocking on door for some sort of employment - something that would be better than hard labor and give him sustainment. By noon, he has given up again, and sat near the steps of a tavern where a few panhandlers were gathered. He sat a few steps away from the beggar. \n\n\"What you doing here, pretty boy?\" *The beggar said, in a barely discernible accent of some sort. Nothing like the Standard Mentian he learnt in school.* \n\nThe kitsune pretended to not hear it, and looked at the sky. Seems like the heaven have taken pity on him, or maybe it was raining on his parade. A small puddle formed in a crack in the pavement in front of him. He stared into it, seeing his face reflected - broken, tired, and a bit thinner than it was two weeks ago. \n\nHis ears flopped and his tails lowered. \n\nA sad puddle in front of a sad puddle." }, { "author": "Akasha Isolet", "message": "\"Are you okay?\"\n \n*After some time has passed, a soft, pleasant voice called out to the downcast kitsune in a fluent silnari language. On the surface of the puddle, another reflection appeared on top of his. In contrast with the kitsune's blurred, white image on the water, the other figure's visage seemingly radiates a golden gleam. In a miraculous coincidence, the rain subsided at that very moment. If he decided to lift his eyes, he would see their appearance clearly, comparable to that of the renascent sun of midday.*\n \n*Of course, it was a woman. He should be able to tell that simply from her voice when she spoke earlier. She is a young girl, no older than twenty. Her slender body is clad in armour. Her long hair, as reflected by the puddle earlier, shines in a beautiful shade of blond. In front of him, he would see that the woman is slightly bending her body forward. One of her hands is on her knee, while the other is extended forward in a gesture of offering help for him to stand up.*\n_ _\n\n_ _\n\"What gives today? Isn't it young Miss Isolet? Why are you only paying attention to that boy and forgetting us, eh?\" *Some of the beggars on the side began to chuckle.*\n \n\"I'd help you when you'd finally stop gambling your money for drinks, Old Ron.\" \n \n*The girl cast a cold glance towards the group of the beggars, as they laughed in turn. It's clear that they're homeless for a specific reason. Returning her attention to the kitsune, the air of warm kindness found itself inside her eyes once more. Her eyebrows are slightly furrowed in worry, as her hand remained offered to the stranger.*\n \n\"It seems that you've met some unfortunate events.\" *She smiled understandingly.*\n \n\"My name is Akasha Isolet. It's quite sudden, but will you come with me? I have some questions that I need to ask... Though, before that, I suppose we should provide you with a good, hearty meal first.\"" }, { "author": "Arlean", "message": "*The kitsune sat still for a few more minute. Feeling more discomforted and depressed every minute. Sleeping on floor and eating nothing when you are used to bedding and being fed can be quite devastating to one's psyche.* \n\n*The kitsune noticed a figure pass in - golden, gleaming, slender, beautiful. He looked up as he heard the pleasant voice. Was she calling out for him? He wondered as he lifted his head up, looking at her. Was she offering to help him in specific?*\n\n*The kitsune hesitated for a moment, but decided to not waste the opportunity, and held out his hand, taking hers and standing up. Then he let go once he stood up.*\n\n\"Thank you.\" *The kitsune said, with an obvious Runran accent to his otherwise fluent Silnarian.* \n\n*He awkwardly stood by as the beggars and his savior (?) bantered, then smiled.*\n\n\"Yes... I've ran into some unfortunate events indeed. I'll come with you... And, what do you mean by we?\" *Arlean felt a bit of suspicion, but he was desperate enough to follow her. Besides, she looked kind enough, and all he's got is his staff. What could happen in broad daylight?*\n\n\"I'm Arlean Song. I came here from Runra.\"" }, { "author": "Akasha Isolet", "message": "\"You're welcome.\" \n \n*The girl's gaze scanned up and down at Arlean's appearance after he stood up. She blinked a few times, pondering the rarity to find a person of his height in Sashlandi. Normally, a men of similar age as his would tower at two or three head taller than her. But she can see that they almost have the same height, maybe with a little difference of 5 centimetres. She turned her attention to his dishevelled clothing afterwards, recognizing the pristine nature of it which had seen better days. It is a telltale sign of a person who was once hailed from a better off background, but fell due to some circumstances.*\n \n\"Well...\" *Akasha pointed her finger at him, then back to herself.*\n \n\"We.\"\n \n*She smiled charmingly as she said that, and then walked past Arlean, taking the steps nearby that leads into the tavern. She pushed the door of the premise open, and looked back at the kitsune's direction. Her tone and expression appears to be genuine, not concealing any hidden agenda.*\n \n\"This isn't the best place to talk. Come inside, we'll talk over a meal. I'm sorry, but I'm quite worried that you will drop unconscious at any moment..\"\n \n*After she said that, her eyes widened for a brief second, and she quickly added.*\n \n\"Of course, I would pay for it.\"" }, { "author": "Arlean", "message": "\"Thank you. Again.\" \n\n*The fox thanked her again, thinking it better to be tedious than to seems unappreciative. Little does he know, the kitsune was already getting his height compared to the locals - who are on average indeed taller than him - perhaps a head or two taller.*\n\n*He tilted his head, confused. We should provide us with a comfortable, hearty meal? That... Is that a Silnarian expression?* \n\n*The kitsune continued following her, despite his utter confusion - the girl seemed to be his only ticket out of his current trouble, so he followed faithfully.* \n\n\"I'm... Fine.\" *The kitsune murmured. But in truth, he was indeed running short on energy, having no food since he spent the last bit of his ration yesterday. He walked inside the tavern, sniffing as the smell of delicious food entered his nostrils. Ah, he can feel himself salivating already.* \n\n*Is that a local porridge? It looks like congee, with bread. Some beans... Mmm, he could really use some meat, just like that pork roast over there, but anything would do for now...* \n\n*Then he remembered something about \"We\", and his eyes widened with a bit of panic, like a child left at the checkout counter by their parent. The payment have reassured her.* \n\n*He wondered how to open the conversation - to thank her emptily, or to explain his circumstances?* \n\n\"I came along with a noble as a mage, but he left.\"" } ]
[ { "author": "way8306", "message": "Separate thread started- Participants:" }, { "author": "Arlean", "message": "*The fox once again tilted his head, his eyes wide at what she was amused by, showing a bit of shock.* \n\n\"...Uhm.\" *He said shyly before turning back to his drink, gulping down the water in embarassment.* \n\n\"Yes, I'll meet you here tommorow morning, then we can go on a tour together.\" \n\n*He quickly extended his hand to meet her handshake, shaking hers gently but eagerly - almost too eagerly like a dog. Then he nodded and released his hand.* \n\n\"It was nice to meet you, too. I will go help out Madam with her houseworks now.\" \n\n*The fox would turn around, walking over to the Madam before offering to summon his servants - right here and there, to help out with the work in the tavern - cleaning, cooking, whatever they can help with.*" }, { "author": "Akasha Isolet", "message": "\"Eh? Aah, so you want to help right away? Sure sure! Hehee, what a good boy, don't you think so~?\"\n\n*Catherine puts one of her hands on her cheek, staring with interest at what kind of summons would the boy bring forth. She also puts a smug smile on her face at Akasha. The priestess only exhaled and shook her head to the side. As she took a few coins from her purse, she walked towards the counter and put it on top of the table. Then, she proceeded to walk over to the exit/entrance.*\n\n\"Heeey~\" *Catherine called out once again, one of her eyes closed in a relaxed manner. However, the smile can nowhere be found in her face anymore.*\n\n\"Don't go too hard at it.\"\n\n\".....\" \n\n*Akasha paused her steps for a fleeting moment. Though, she didn't give out a response, walking out from the door right afterwards. The light from the candle flickered from the passing wind of the afternoon. It seems like it will be a cold night.*" } ]
[ { "author": "Arlean", "message": "*The fox would use all of his contracts to summon useful maid and butlers, and commanded them to take over all the work in the tavern. Himself, though, would follow Catherine and try to learn the work himself - though his summon knew how to do most of those work given a bit of instructions, Arlean himself knew nothing about how a tavern worked.* \n\n*And he worked hard until the night, when he became visibly fatigued - though his summon not so, hoping he has earned his keep.* \n\n*Arlean then went upstairs to his room, quickly closing the door - without locking it, and then faceplanted into the bed, burying himself in the comfortable linen - or straw mattress and pillow. It took only a few minutes before he fell asleep, exhausted from being exposed to the element.* \n\n*Though Arlean fell asleep early, he'd still be fully asleep late into the next morning - maybe into eleven, until someone rudely wake him up. The fox was splayed over the bed, the blanket thrown onto the floor, and drooling onto his pillow.* \n\n*Must be sleeping well.*" }, { "author": "Akasha Isolet", "message": "*Akasha herself had returned to her home a little bit later that night. She put her armour away and wore her nightgown, then went to wash her face. She sighed on the warm comfort of fur sandals, slightly relieving her weary and sore feet, after walking all day. In front of the mirror, her hands run a comb through her hair.*\n\n*Staring at her own clear reflection, her thoughts drifted towards the events that transpired this day. It was quite noisy earlier, but she managed to coerce the original owner of that tavern's room to just sleep on the hq. She imagined that Arlean might already be asleep by now. In her canvas of mind, a picture of the fox kemonomimi appeared. He is snuggling on his blanket, ears twitching as he is deep in dreams.*\n\n\"Fufu..\"\n\n*Akasha giggled at the fleeting picture. The shine of moonlight seeps through the crevice of the window of her room. Alluring her attention towards it, she pondered the silent night. Let tomorrow be a good day.*\n\n- -\n\n_ _\n\"That boy sure sleeps like a log.\" *Catherine said, as she walked downstairs.*\n\n\"Since his summons had already helped a lot, I told him not to, but he still insists on helping me. What a diligent kid.\"\n\n\"He must be tired...\"\n\n*From one of the tables of the tavern, the priestess replied. As usual, she is clad in her armour. The remains of breakfast eaten late in the morning can be seen in front of her. Though, Akasha had actually already woken up early this morning. She went to check on Arlean earlier, but seeing that he was still asleep, she decided to finish some business in the city first, then went back again.*\n\n\"It can't be helped. He has been sleeping on the street for days. Under his circumstances, anyone would also be exhausted physically and mentally.\"\n\n_ _\n*She remarked with a sympathetic smile. But hearing how the madam praised his hard work, a hint of happiness can also be found in that smile. Though, just as she raised her cup to take a sip from the served tea, it almost spilled– a sudden thudding sound startled her. She blinked, her vision darted upwards. It was from upstairs.*\n\n\"Oh, looks like he woke up after all.\"\n\n*The madam sat on her usual chair. With one hand on her cheek, she also leered towards the stairs with a playful grin. She had knocked on Arlean's room door a few times.*" }, { "author": "ansari", "message": "*Arlean was deep in the land of dream, fantasizing about sleep and rest, and delicious food of all kind that does not even exists in Mentia. \n\nSuddenly, an enormous Akasha kicked in the door of his room, and screamed at him to wake up. He struggled to control his body, and as he panicked, he woke up for real - with his body falling off the edge of the bed.\n\nThe fox fell onto the floor with a loud thud, hitting his hip and squishing his tails between himself and the floorboard.* \n\n\"Owww...\" *The fox moaned, loud enough to hear from outside if anyone was paying attention.* \n\n*The fox quickly stood up and tidied his clothes, catching his breath from an unexpected awakening. Part of his brain was still groggy - just a night of sleep wasn't enough to recover all of the energy lost prior, but it was a good start.* \n\n*Then he walked downstairs, looking at the Madame and Akasha. The tavern looked... Remarkably cleaner than last night, it looked like the summons have done their job well.* \n\n\"Good morning Madam! And Akasha!\" *He turned toward Catherine,*\"How should I refer to you?\" *He wondered - calling her Madam may make her feel older than she like to be, after all.*" }, { "author": "Akasha Isolet", "message": "\"Good morning.\" *Akasha gives off a warm smile as usual.*\n\n\"Morning~ Looks like you had a rough tumble there hm?\" *Catherine said almost simultaneously. She then raised her eyebrows at what Arlean said afterwards.*\n\n\"Oh? How considerate of you~ Then you can call me big sis. Hm hm, if only anyone else **Nearby** Would call me like that, Catherine will be happy~\" *The corner of her mouth curved into a smirk. It was clear who those words are intended to, but the person in question simply ignored it and focused on her tea.*\n\n\"Have you had a nice rest?\" \n\n*Akasha asked, turning towards the fox kemonomimi. Putting aside her cup on the table, she motioned with her hand for him to come over. The image is almost like an owner who called for her puppy.*" }, { "author": "Arlean", "message": "\"Good morning!\" *Arlean said, giving off a bright smile.* \n\n*Arlean blushed at Catherine's mention of a rough tumble,*\"I didn't expect to fall off the bed...\" *He cleared his throat,*\"I'm clearly too tired.\" \n\n*Then he looked at Catherine and nodded, and then took in a deep breath,*\"Alright, Big Sis!\" *He grinned - now he has an older sister of some sort in Mentia, a family. He wondered if Akasha will be his little sis - still unaware of Akasha's nefarious intentions toward him.* \n\n\"Mhm. I am feeling a lot better.\" *Arlean said as he obediently walked over to her table, sitting opposite of her,*\"So, what we will be doing this morning?\"" }, { "author": "Akasha Isolet", "message": "\"My my..\"\n\n*Catherine puts her hand on her mouth, hiding her smile of satisfaction. Akasha rolled her eyes and exhaled on her acquaintance's antics. From that, and looking at him as he approached the table, she realised just how pure and obedient he is even by her standard (which is very low, considering Akasha's personality). *\n\n*\"I'm worried that some bad people will deceive him in the future..\" A passing thoughts like that echoed inside her mind. \"Nevermind, the very reason he is here is because he was deceived by those businessmen.\"*\n\n\"Humm, it's almost noon already. Yesterday, I was planning to take you on a tour around the city first, but looking at the time..\" *She crossed her arms and pondered for a few seconds.*\n\n\"Maybe we can cover the main district and the city hall. Just near the bridge from Alioth tower.\"\n\n_ _\n*Akasha pointed with her index finger towards the open window. From there, they can see rows of massive stone pillars. It forms a line, extending from the outer gate, cutting through the city districts, and ending up on the high wall which encircles the plaza. Each pillar must be at least 50 metres tall, supporting a gigantic bridge above which connects the Alioth tower and the military district inside the plaza.*\n\n\"That's one of the three bridges of Trias Gladius. The bridge itself can only be used for military personnel and nobles, so we'll take the ground route. From the main district nearby, we'll stop a little to see the city hall. That place had become an impromptu rallying ground for mercenaries and recruiters recently, so there should be a lot of people there.\" *Akasha paused to take a sip from her tea with a graceful table manner.*\n\n\"From there, we can enter the lower gate to the plaza, then the military district, where the Knights headquarters is located to receive our preparation drill... I.. But I wanted to know, you are feeling well already right?\"\n\n_ _\n*A sign of worry can be traced on her gentle face. She put her cup aside, and without any warning, she extended her hand forward, grabbing one of Arlean's hands. It is noticeably daintier in size than his, and slightly colder. Maybe this gesture was intended so he can be more at ease in being honest with her.*\n\n\"I know that yesterday we talked about this, but it's okay to not push yourself in accepting this job.\"" } ]
[ { "author": "Arlean", "message": "*Arlean listened carefully to what she said, and felt a sense of guilt at having overslept, his ears flopping slightly. He stayed silent, too embarassed to reply. He had no idea what she was talking about, but put up some enthusiasm anyway.* \n\n\"Sure! Let's go and look at the city.\" \n\n*Arlean turned his eyes toward the windows, examining the pillars - which he did not pay much attention to while starving. The gigantic bridge and pillar looked quite impressive - he has seen nothing like that in Runra, making him wonder how could a country in constant warfare afford this.* \n\n\"That is an impressive bridge.\" \n\n*Arlean turned back toward Akasha, confused by her. Then he blinked for a moment, shocked for a moment that his hand was held by Akasha. He seemed to enjoy it though, and relaxed a bit, wishing it would last longer.* \n\n\"I'm committed to this job. I don't want to waste away in this city. Take me to the training grounds.\"" }, { "author": "Akasha Isolet", "message": "\"Is that so..\"\n\n*The priestess gives a half- smile to his response. Her gaze is lowered to the table. After a few moments passed, she released his hand and lifted her eyes again.*\n\n\"Well, I suppose you will be needing breakfast first, then.\"\n\n*Catherine had already cooked the fresh meal for the day. Because she knows Arlean has no money at all in him, she took the initiative to fill the similar plate as yesterday, then brought it to the table. After serving the plate and mugs, she placed her hand on Akasha's shoulder.*\n\n\"It's in the house. He has been a real great help yesterday, so it's only right.\" *She said, winking at Arlean. After that, she returned to her chair.*" }, { "author": "Arlean", "message": "*Arlean smiled brightly at the mention of free breakfast - he wanted some cash, quick, and the ability to pay for his meal. But for now, a free breakfast is all he can hope for.* \n\n*Arlean smiled back at Catherine,*\"Thank you. I'll help you out whenever I have time.\" *He offered - maybe it could be a full time job of some sort. With how many mercenaries are in the city, maybe the tavern would be short-handed and he could get himself a job here...*\n\n*The fox started eating the breakfast quickly, but less voraciously than he was yesterday, maintaining some semblance of grace. He still felt a bit hungry though - having not eaten for two days.*" }, { "author": "Akasha Isolet", "message": "*As he filled his stomach, Akasha waited patiently while sipping her tea once in every while. She figured that there isn't any need to rush. It isn't noon yet, and they would certainly make it into the training station before afternoon. A comfortable silence wafts along the atmosphere, only occasionally broken by coming and going of the tavern's patrol. They can be counted in number by one hand.*\n \n*It looks like this particular place wasn't crowded with more people because of its cumbersome distance from the main district. Nonetheless, Akasha liked it more for the reason of its more serene atmosphere.. And some others. Time passed, and after she noticed that Arlean had cleaned his plate, she spoke.*\n \n\"Have we filled our belly now?\" *A rhetorical question was shot, followed by a mischievous smile directed towards him.*\n\n_ _\n\"Well, I suppose we can depart then. Don't forget to bring anything you might need for the drill as well. It most likely will be a long, and tiring day. Hnnng~ Fuuh..\"\n \n*The priestess lifted both of her hands overhead, stretching her body after sitting for a while. Enjoying the comfortable sensation on her relaxed back, she inadvertently lets out a content sigh. After that, she stood from the table and paid for the meal with a few coins. Amiably gesturing a farewell wave to Catherine, she walked towards the doorway of the tavern.*\n \n\"I'll wait for you outside.\"" } ]
[ { "author": "Arlean", "message": "*The kitsune nodded his head.* \n\n\"Yep! I'm full.\" *Then the kitsune stood up, remembering he forgot something in his room after crashing out of his bed. He walked upstairs and retrieved his focus staff, and then returned to Akasha.* \n\n*He saw her stretching and rested his focus staff on a pillar, and then imitated her movement, feeling his muscles more relaxed after the motion. Then he followed Akasha outside, and peered around the skyline for any sign of the training ground - unfortunately, it didn't look too obvious to his untrained, foreign eyes.*\n\n\"So, what does a Knight of Firmament drill involves? Do I have to cast fancy magic? Or summon soldiers to fight?\"" }, { "author": "Akasha Isolet", "message": "*After Arlean approached her, they walked side by side, following Akasha's steps. She glanced to the side, noting the hint of curiosity in his eyes. The girl isn't sure on what he is scanning the horizon for, but the act itself does appear as quite adorable. It feels like she is walking with her pet for the first- 'Ahem, don't think of rude things like that, Akasha Isolet'. She pressed her index finger in between her closed eyes while reprimanding herself.*\n\n\"Hm?\" *She turned her face to the side. A sign of surprise is painted on her slightly raised eyebrows, which quickly dissipates.*\n\n\"Aah, well.. Since we will be dispatched on a mission that may involve combat afterwards, I think so. You're not experienced in a battle, yes? Then, as a mage, some practical lessons for a mage like basic close quarter combat would be taught.\" \n\n*The route in which they are taking is largely sparse in population at first. Though, as Akasha continued to talk, the density of the people around them noticeably increased. It is attributed to the fact that they are approaching hither towards the main district and the city hall. A shadow is cast on the road they travelled in, created by the rising sunlight against the gigantic pillars. Akasha closed her eyes, relishing the pleasant coolness of the shade which can be distinctly felt. Her pale golden hair dims when it's not reflecting the sun.*\n\n_ _\n\"Speaking of which, Arlean. \" *She broke the silence, while amusedly looking at a few children who were passing by, playing tag with each other.*\n\n\"Do you know how to ride a horse? I confirmed some details of this mission yesterday.. And earlier this morning. It involves a lot of horse riding. I suppose that we will be travelling from Shaslandi, all the way to the Duchy of Nupazdum in the north.\"\n\n*When her words touched the subject of the Duchy, her tone pointedly became sharper. The continuing border skirmish and some pillaging done by the raiders of the North is by no means a lighthearted subject, after all. Her eyes trailed to look at Arlean. The glow behind its visage is visibly clouded with uncertainty – albeit the sternity that remains in her face.*\n\n\"I suppose you know about the condition there, if you have heard some rumours during your stay here. I heard that we– the assembled troops of Shaslandi will particularly march under the field of heavy conflicts, for this mission.\"" }, { "author": "Arlean", "message": "\"I am not. I have learnt how to summon soldiers for my own protection - like the golems you have seen the other day. But not how to command them. I was taught on basic polearm techniques with my focus staff, but that is it.\"\n\n*He explained, wondering what real combat will look like.*\n\n\"This city looks so lively.\" *Arlean commented as he walked besides Akasha, trying to keep pace but not overtake her.*\n\n\"I know how to ride a horse - just not very well. For travel, but not for combat.\"\n\n*He nodded his head and tried to take in the news of heavy conflict, a sense of fear overcoming him for a split second - first blood in combat, someone trying to kill him for once..*\n\n\"Will we have the advantage on the battlefield?\"\n\n*The fox asked with a tinge of worry - he don't fancy himself a hero, yet.*" } ]
[ { "author": "Akasha Isolet", "message": "\"Yes, we have many groups of sellswords here in Middle Mentia. Collectively, they are commonly known as the 'Free Companies'.\" *She explained.*\n\n\"R-run?\"\n\n*Akasha raised one of her eyebrows, seeming to be intrigued – but also perplexed at the image they would conjure. It would be quite embarrassing to see two full grown people running around like a toddler, in a military establishment nonetheless. On the other hand, she also doesn't want to put a lid over Arlean's newly regained enthusiasm.*\n\n\"Let's... Just take ordinary pace, but faster, yes?\" *She advised. At least that way they would still retain some grace, while simply appearing as hurried personnel to other people.*\n\n—\n\n*Not long after, the towering structures of military bases can be seen sprawling in the district in front of them. They arrived on the lower level of the Adelqin Plaza, where the Knights of Firmament HQ is located. Looking behind, the scenery of the city below and mountains far is quite the sight for sore eyes.*\n_ _\n\n_ _\n\"Hmm..\" \n\n*Akasha mused, leading Arlean through the streets. Cleanly paved paths, stairs, and alleyways scattered just about everywhere on the corners, leading to multitude of different buildings. It seems like a difficult place to navigate through for those who aren't familiar enough with the area. The activities on the streets are considerably busy, mostly filled with people who are clearly members of the Knights of Firmament, looking at their armour and insignia. Some are on their drill and jogging following a route, some are having conversation in small groups, while the others look like they are in a hurry to travel somewhere.*\n\n\"Oh, there he is. Come, it's this way.\" \n\n*Akasha grabbed Arlean's hand and pulled it towards one of the buildings. Judging from the swords, spears, and other weapons displayed in front of it, it can't be mistaken for none other than a weapon shop. She doesn't lead him inside, instead, stopping in front of a customer who is inspecting one of the displayed bows.*\n\n\"May the Lord protect you under the shadow of his wings. Captain.\" *She lets go of his hand and performs the Order's standard salute; straight posture, balled right hand on left chest, and left hand on the sheath of her sword followed by a 15 degrees bow.*" }, { "author": "Captain Alphonse Grunewald", "message": "\"Oho, if it isn't the Honorary Knight.\" \n\n*The man replied with a similar salute. However, without lowering his head. His face is wrinkled, time chiselled and weather beaten. He appears to be almost in the dusk of his life. Be that as it may, his eyes are not world weary – rather, they are gleaming with energy. Similar to Arlean, a pair of fluffy, grey ears protrude out from his fancy feathered chapeau.*\n\n\"May he protect us all.\"\n_ _" }, { "author": "Akasha Isolet", "message": "\"Please just call me by my name..\" *She muttered with a weary expression. It looks like this isn't the first time she told him that.*" }, { "author": "Captain Alphonse Grunewald", "message": "\"Pardon this old man's rudeness. Alas, I get more and more forgetful at my age.\" \n\n*The man laughed slowly and put on a warm smile. While rubbing his greyed goatee with a sagely motion, his eyes trailed to the side. His greyed visage is observing Arlean with a certain glimmer of interest.*\n\n\"And would I be mistaken to guess that you are the young man Akasha here was talking about? I have heard of the unfortunate circumstance – that you are one of the people stranded in this land. I hope you are able to find the strength to regain your footing, young man.\"" }, { "author": "Akasha Isolet", "message": "\"Arlean, this is Captain Alphonse Grünewald. He has helped me a lot in the past. I trusted the arrangement of our pre-training and involvement in the mission to him. Captain, this is Arlean Song.\"" }, { "author": "Captain Alphonse Grunewald", "message": "\"Good to meet you, my son, good to meet you.\" *The captain offered his hand for a handshake.*\n\n\"I wished to speak on this subject after we met eye to eye. If you recognize the wrongs in the conduct of those.. Businessman, as I recall? You can always file a report to the Knights. Aye, it would be shameful for our lawmen if we are unable to bring justice into such cases.\" *He said, after shaking his hand firmly with a vigour befitting of a veteran soldier.*" }, { "author": "Arlean", "message": "\"Oh! Free Companies. Are they free to hire? Free as in freedom?\" *The kitsune quipped, not quite understanding what the free means.*\n\n*The kitsune nodded enthusiastically,* \"Yes, run.\" \n\n*Then he realized from Akasha's answer how silly it would look - it is a shame he is no longer a little kid, and no longer get to run wherever he like unless he was exercising. A shame.* \n\n\"Alright!\" \n\n— \n\n*The two would pace quickly and arrive at the military base. Once again, Arlean seems to be quite impressed, standing around and taking in the sight of the streets and the knights.* \n\n\"There's more knights here than civilians... Is this a city of the knight?\" *An exaggeration, but the place were indeed full of knights.* \n\n\"Oh!\"\n\n*Arlean took in Akasha's hand, and followed her along. He let out a contented sigh, and squeezed her hand tighter - he quite liked the pose. The moment he reached the Captain, he'd relax his grip.* \n\n— \n*Arlean followed Akasha's suit and gave a little bow - not used to whatever salute that Akasha did. Besides, it could be a tradition that only members of the Knights are accustomed to.* \n\n*Arlean's eyes sparkled as he saw the pair of fluffy grey ears.* \n\n\"I thought the Knights of Firmaments would be all Mentian... But I see you're a Kemonomimi.\" \n\n— \n\n*Arlean giggled at the two's banter about the name. Alphonse Grunewald. That is definitely not a local name. So this Kemonomimi has gone native - unlike him. He thought it would be appropriate to ask in another setting.* \n\n\"I'm Arlean Song, good to meet you.\" *Wait, Son? The kitsune looked quite confused as he shook Alphonse's hands.* \n\n\"I was travelling together with a Runran nobleman when he abandoned me here - and I'm now volunteering to fight with the Knights of Firmament. I'm a vocator - and I know a decent amount of magic.\" \n\n*The kitsune looked confused about the mention of businessmen, then deducted he probably meant the noble that abandoned him here.*\n\n\"It would be too late to chase after th\n\nEm - they most likely departed for Silnaria already.\"" } ]
[ { "author": "Akasha Isolet", "message": "*Answering each previous question asked by Arlean, Akasha would have stated:*\n \n\"Oh! Free Companies. Are they free to hire? Free as in freedom?\"\n \n\"Hmm, maybe? I never thought too deeply about their naming before..\"\n \n\"There's more knights here than civilians... Is this a city of the knight?\"\n \n\"Sort of. This whole block represents the Knights of Firmament HQ.\"\n \n—\n \n\"There are a lot of other races in the Knights aside from Macenlikes. As you see before in the hall, we're not discriminating against other races, so long they are capable.\" *Akasha chimed in the stead of the captain.*\n \n*She would signal for Arlean to see inside the weapon sword with her eyes. Visible from outside, the one who is running the premise behind the counter is not a macenlike. With a larger body, green skin, and tusks, it was a mogash. It must be noted that the plate of the shop is decorated with the crest of the Knights of Firmament, which means that it is under its wing.*" }, { "author": "Captain Alphonse Grunewald", "message": "\"Yes, son. I do not mean it in a literal sense, jolly no. It seems that you're unfamiliar with the expression of western language, eh?\"\n \n*Alphonse said with a friendly old-man esque smile. It seems that it wouldn't be strange for an old man of his age to refer to a younger man like Arlean with 'son'. He stroked his beard while his eyes gauged the fox up and down. In his opinion, although his mannerism lacks certain confidence, he is certainly talented. He just needs to polish his determination for the making of a great knight material.*\n \n\"Hoho, it's not an impossible matter to settle. Silnaria would know better than to protect those who have committed crimes inside our border. Even in the case that they have ties with higher authority, it's still within your rights to ask for remuneration. So, how will it be? Would you choose to pursue the matter?\"\n \n*The old kemonomimi produced something from behind his robe as he talked. It seems to be a sealed letter, with the insignia of the Knight of Firmament.*\n \n\"And towards your intention to come here. I have it ready.\" *She handed the letter to Akasha.*" }, { "author": "Akasha Isolet", "message": "\"This is...?\"\n \n*The priestess, who had been listening intently to their conversation in silence stares towards the letter with puzzled expression. On the day before, he asked for an adjustment for their training schedule because she would bring Arlean – a vocator, along on board. She was expecting the captain to bring them to the practice field and have their lesson there today, with the other Operation Windmill candidates.*" }, { "author": "Captain Alphonse Grunewald", "message": "\"The arrangements have changed, in your favour. Deliver this letter to the Freefencers, addressed at Master Kohm Fidres. Your training will also take place there.\" *He said, patting Akasha's shoulder.*" }, { "author": "Akasha Isolet", "message": "\"Eeh? But, why at such short notice? And why us?\"\n \n*She was understandably perplexed. It's quite unexpected and out of the blue to have them trained by the fencing guild. Normally, this kind of situation would be equal to the apprentice exchange event between both organisations. And in that type of event, only those who are talented – those who are trusted to be able to represent the name of their organisation without tarnishing their respective reputations would be chosen.*" }, { "author": "Captain Alphonse Grunewald", "message": "\"Both of you kids are the only candidates who are yet to be assigned into the training roster. So think nothing of it beyond that it's merely your fate.\" *The captain answered calmly.*\n \n\"Hmm.. But yes, other factors do exist. But you would learn regarding that eventually. Do not focus on superficial things, keep your horizon within your training. That is if you want to produce maximum results.\"" }, { "author": "Akasha Isolet", "message": "*She doesn't seem to be perfectly satisfied with that answer. But nevertheless, no other questions were asked.*" } ]
[ { "author": "Arlean", "message": "\"So, I can have a good career here?\" *Arlean's eyes shined. He has always wanted to travel the world - and it seems the conflict stricken Mentia could be his way out of a life of normalcy - summoning soldiers and escorting nobles... It felt exciting. A sense of adventure tugging at him.* \n\n\"Maybe I will have a great career here! Become the strongest vocator in Mentia.\"\n\n— \n*Arlean shook his head. Pursuing a nobleman for restitution seems to be a fool's errand, and he is not exactly sure what kind of local laws can abandoning an employee be charged under - chances are, the nobleman's already gone.* \n\n\"I'll pursue this matter personally if I return to Runra.\" *Arlean said, with a hint of determination in his eyes. He felt he would be staying in the place for a long time. They say that for a gentleman, 10 years is not too late for vengeance... Though he wondered if he will forget about this in ten years,*\"If I still remember it ten years later, that is.\" \n\n—\n*Arlean scratched his head and flattened one of his ears. He thought he would be joining up with the knights of firmament - but instead, the two would be heading over to some... Freefencers thingie, with a person that is called Kohm.* \n\n\"Aw, I was hoping to join up with the Knights. I suppose we should go, then.\" *Arlean sounded a bit tired - it feel like he has been sent on another spin, and he felt eager to show off his abilities.* \n\n\"I'd like to show off my abilities.\"" }, { "author": "Captain Alphonse Grunewald", "message": "\"I'll pursue this matter personally if I return to Runra.\"\n \n\"Very well. You are quite cool headed for a young man of your age. That is admirable.\" *Alphonse nodded with a tone of understanding.*\n \n\"And of course! We are always accepting any able bodied knight. Don't worry son. If you hadn't changed your mind then, after you completed the training and successfully carried out this mission, I will personally recommend you for the job.\" \n \n*The old man said, patting his shoulder akin to a father who is encouraging their son. It seems like Arlean might secure a position higher than what you allowed from the start if he can manage this task successfully.*" }, { "author": "Akasha Isolet", "message": "\"Strongest vocator.. Hee, that's a tall ambition. But I believe you'll be able to do that, Arlean.\"\n \n*Akasha also smiled encouragingly towards the fox. For some reason, she could trust that he might be able to pull it off, and become even stronger than those of the Holy Knight Vocator. She puts the stamped letter away inside her pocket, and then salutes once more to the captain.*\n \n\"We will depart, then. I suppose.. We'll see each other again?\"" }, { "author": "Captain Alphonse Grunewald", "message": "\"Yes. If you are fortunate, you kids might be assigned into this old holy knight's command on the day of the operation.\" *He laughed with a slightly bragging tone, though none of that is unearned.*\n \n\"Take care now, and mind your manners with Master Kohm. Try to learn as much as you can.\"" }, { "author": "Akasha Isolet", "message": "*Akasha nodded. She turned towards her companion, signalling him to follow her. And thus, they departed for the freefencers, leaving the HQ area.*" } ]
[ { "author": "Akasha Isolet", "message": "*Both of them had resumed their walk for a while, heading towards the Freefencers Headquarters. The sun is almost up and about above their head. Its heat can be felt, gradually prickling through Akasha's white skin. Middle Mentia, and by extension – Shaslandi is quite renowned for its breezy landscape. And while that's true, as a wave of winds caresses her slightly dampened skin, it would only grant a momentary coolness on its surface. Against the bane of pale people; sunburn, though?*\n \n\"Sigh..\" \n \n*She frowned, wrinkling her nose as she walked. Her steps hastened. She leads both of them to approach the side of the road which casts what remains of their shade. After all, the angle of the sun doesn't exactly accommodate the brickstones of buildings in creating additional covers.*\n \n\"It should be around that corner..\" *Akasha swept her bangs, looking pointedly at a large, commerce-like building. It is likely intended for merchant use. They continued their steps, until the face of the Freefencer guild was in full view in front of them.*" }, { "author": "Arlean", "message": "Arlean would step forward, suddenly gaining a bit of confidence. Like Akasha's skin, Arlean's was also quite white - enough that with some change to his facial features, he could've been mistaken for one of the native. \n\nThe fox stepped up to the headquarters of the guild, and then called out for some attention from the guard - or the receptionist. \n\n\"Hello! Captain Alphonse sent us two here! We're looking for Master Kohm Fidres - we have a letter from the captain!\"" }, { "author": "way8306", "message": "There was silence at the door for a brief period, and nothing could be heard except the hustle and bustle of the merchants behind them.\n\nJust as it was nearing the conventionally agreed upon point where things got awkward, the door creaked open, a tall man with long flowing red hair and a strange hat slipped through the gap of the half-ajar passage.\n\n\"Well, I sup-\" He suddenly stalls as he nearly runs into the duo just outside, taking a startled step back in response \"Woah! Ghost!\"" }, { "author": "Arlean", "message": "\"What? Ghost is what we call you in our continent. Is that how you call us in this continent too?\" \n\nArlean quipped, looking at the man up and down. Surprisingly young looking. Light skin, long red hair. \n\n\"Are you Master Kohm Fidres?\"" }, { "author": "Akasha Isolet", "message": "*She stood still for a moment, eyes fixed on the man who spouted ghosts in broad daylight. A moment later, an exhale escaped from her lips. The weather is a bit too hot for her to deal with something like this.*\n \n\"I suppose not.\" *She chimed in to answer Arlean's query, before the red-haired man could.*\n \n*Master Kohm Fidres.. She has heard that name before from the knights, after all. The figure is supposed to be a dignified veteran fencer who had fought in a war that took place a few decades ago. Whoever this person was, he's too young to embody Kohm's description. Not to mention that he's slightly.. No-offence, far too 'jumpy'.*\n \n\"Pardon for startling you. As my companion said, we are looking for Master Kohm Fidres.\" *Akasha slipped her hand inside her pocket and took out the badge of the Knights of Firmament, showing it to the red-haired man.*\n \n\"A delivery is in order. A letter from Captain Grünewald, and...\" *She paused. Her lips curved into a light smile.*\n\n\"Including us.\"" }, { "author": "way8306", "message": "\"No, and no, but don't just stand outside the door like that for no reason! Were you people expecting a doorman or something? Sheesh...\" Patting his chest to calm down, he turns to Akasha, listening to her finish her explanation, chuckling slightly at the joke at the end.\n\n\"Well then, Miss Part-of-the-parcel, if you people are looking for unc- I mean, Master Fidres, I can lead you to him myself, he should be free right now. Now, then, follow me for a bit!\"\n\nWith that said and done, the man fluidly reopens the door, this time fully ajar, thus exposing the contents of the hall within, before gesturing to them to go ahead." }, { "author": "Arlean", "message": "*Damn.* Arlean thought to himself, mildly disappointed that such a jumpy, happy go lucky figure is not gonna be his mentor. He started toning down his mental expectations. It is probably gonna be something harder. \n\n\"Alright!\" The fox mustered some enthusiasm, following the person around - swaying his tail gently, maybe accidentally fluffing Akasha with it if she strayed too close. \n\n\"The architecture of this place is grand. Antique-like. Like another age, from before modern Mentia.\"" }, { "author": "Akasha Isolet", "message": "*Akasha smiled pleasantly at the invitation. After casting a momentary glance to the banner of the Freefencers outside, she then followed the man inside. Some tension – which she didn't notice was there, left her shoulder alongside the sunlight outside. She also can feel a fluffy sensation which occasionally brushes her fingers. 'It must be his tail..' she thought, resisting the urge to grab and pet it.*\n \n\"Yes. The Freefencer has been present for quite a while.\" *She added towards Arlean's comment, eyes roaming at the structures.*\n \n*It was the first time she actually stepped foot inside of the Guild hall. Coming from the bright day outside, the interior of the place seems almost dark. But soon, her eyes adjusted and made out the better details. The walls are similar like the exterior, old, dark-grey rocks with timber woods in some places. A few windows line the walls, allowing additional light sources from the outside. The premise is filled to the brim with the air of history.*\n \n\"May I know who you are?\" *She asked, turning her attention towards their guide. To her, he doesn't appear to be a common guard or house-servant.*" }, { "author": "way8306", "message": "\"Call me Nikon. If you care about ranks and all that, I'm a Free Scholar of the Freefencers!\" The now named Nikon responded as he led the duo through the winding hallways in the area. It seemed that it would take a while for them to arrive, for the place certainly felt deceptively large, in a way that almost felt as if the place was somehow larger on the inside." }, { "author": "Arlean", "message": "\"Nikon? Are you from Runra, like me?\" *The name didn't sounds very Mentian, but that might be because of some linguistic coincidence.* \"Free scholar of the Freefencers? So you are double free! Not only are you amongst the freefencers, but you are free to operate.\" \n\n\"Does that mean you are a mage of some sort, studying whatever you like?\"" }, { "author": "Akasha Isolet", "message": "\"Nikon? Are you from Runra, like me?\"\n \n\"Ah, this is Arlean, and my name is Akasha. Nice to meet you.\" *She politely nodded at the man on the behalf of them both.*\n \n*As the showing of her badge earlier should be enough to confirm their affiliation with the knights, she doesn't feel the need to reiterate. After all, the circumstances of their rank is a bit more complicated, and less straightforward than other members of the Order, in a way. In his part, Arlean is rankless as unofficial temporary member, while she is below telling Nikon about her title – fearing that it would come across as pompous.*\n \n\"Free scholar of the Freefencers? So you are double free! Not only are you amongst the freefencers, but you are free to operate.\" \n \n*If her memories are correct, the Free Scholar should hold a position equivalent to that of an assistant instructor. Nikon would be one or two steps higher in stature than your average Freefencers. As she thought of that, her gaze occasionally darted towards the other hallway and passages which didn't conform with their route. Something is a little amiss..*\n \n*\"It's a little quiet.. Where could the other members be?\" She thought, bringing one of her arms closer to her chest. The atmosphere of the Guild Hall is a contrast from what you'd expect from a major organisation.*" }, { "author": "way8306", "message": "\"Nikon? Are you from Runra, like me?\"\n\n\"Ah, a Runranian fellow! Uncle always did tell me like telling me stories of that far off place...\" Nikon mused. \"Sorry to disappoint, but I'm Siuian, you see!\"\n\n\"Ah, this is Arlean, and my name is Akasha. Nice to meet you.\" \n\n\"Nice to meet both of you!\" Nikon cheerily replied, nodding his head. \"Gave me quite a scare at first, but hopefully we'll get well aqciuanted soon!\"\n\n\"Free scholar of the Freefencers? So you are double free! Not only are you amongst the freefencers, but you are free to operate.\" \n\nNikon burst into laughter. \"Double free?! Well, that's one way to put it! You have quite a way with words!\"\n\"Does that mean you are a mage of some sort, studying whatever you like?\"\n\n\"Not far off the mark.\" Nikon wagged a finger. \"Free Scholars have free access to all treatises held within any hall of the Freefencers, and indeed we are afforded a deal of respected, and often trusted to help out with instruction should it be needed.\"\n\n\"It's a little quiet.. Where could the other members be?\" She thought, bringing one of her arms closer to her chest. \n\nNikon fails to notice Akasha's ponderings, being mostly occupied with leading the way.\n\nEventually he stops at a doorway, one that seemed to have little difference from the rest, before grabbing the handle and pushing it open.\n\nA large empty hall with a high, arched ceiling revealed itself, the architecture sharing the simple refinement the rest of the guild hall held, only further accentuated by the sunbeams shining through the windows from high above. Racks of equipment and gear of all sorts lined the walls, ranging from training dummies to suits of armor, along with a few benches for rest. At the end of it all, there was a balcony overlooking the hall which could be accessed by ladder. \n\nIn the center of the hall, a strange man wearing a chaperon hat upon flaming red hair and a side cape, both of an orange-brownish color, as well as pitch black robes kneeled in front of what appeared in be a suit of armour that was apparentally standing under it's own strength, his hands working on something as his back faced the doorway.\n\nThe man turned, showing his siuian features, a full beard and molten orbs of eyes that were coincidentally enough, of the same tone as Nikon's own.\n\nAs he opened his mouth, Nikon pre-empted him. \n\n\"Uncle, these are the students you said the Knights would send to you!\"" } ]
[ { "author": "way8306", "message": "\"Well, I certainly have seen better days.\" The old master chuckled, with a resigned weariness that he made no attempt to hide. \"Been working myself to the bone coordinating with the Knights in regards to various matters, and I'm certainly not as energetic as I once was... But worry not, I wouldn't have accepted if I thought I was unable to do the best I could.\"\n\nThe veil of exhaustion suddenly peels away for a brief moment, as his eyes sharpen.\n\n \"After all, is that not the obligation of a master?\" \n\nThe gravity in that statement punctuated, he continued.\n\n\"Well, lets not tarry! Though, the young man over there seems to be thinking quite intently, so I shan't bother him right now.\" Kohm nodded at Ah Lean with understanding. \"So, I suppose you know how to use a sidesword, eh? You have professed that you are rusty, but how good are do you think you currently are? And from whom did you learn your skills from?\"\n\nThough there was quite the barrage of questions, Kohm seemingly knew how to pace them- there was always a pause of just the right length in between, giving Akasha ample time to internalise his questions." }, { "author": "Arlean", "message": "\"I'm a vocator - not much of a physical fighter myself.\" *Arlean said, stepping forward toward the master.* \n\nKohm seem to be talking about sidesword and martial arts - so he decided to also introduce himself. \n\n\"I've not had any real combat experience, but spent some time in the academy sparring and occasionally sparred my own summons when bored - I've learnt basic polearm techniques mostly from one of my Kuilei contract, and an instructor at the academy... I only know how to use my focus staff properly.\" \n\nHe wondered what Kohm could teach him - he is after all, a mage, and this man looked like a martial artist of some sort. There's no point for him to learn so many polearm combat technique... Or is there?" }, { "author": "Akasha Isolet", "message": "*It's an admirable sight for her, how Kohm is able to say that with a very convincing tone, even when he is not in his best condition. She suppose that is simply thanks to the 'air of master' he possesses. To respect his readiness, she erased the worry in her eyes and changed it into a determination of learning.*\n\n\"Ah.\" *She smiled when Kohm mentioned Arlean.*\n\n\"I'm.. Not entirely sure.\" *She said hesitantly. While she has tried to execute a few manoeuvres with it lately, she hasn't wielded her sword against other people at all to get a grasp on how much her skills have deteriorated. A flush crept on her cheek, thinking at how embarrassing it is that she didn't even think to test her skills first before coming here.*\n\n\"But I think I can fare against someone with the skill of an ordinary knight. Maybe not a knight from our Order, though. *Not yet.*\" *She said, almost whispering those last words.*\n\n\"My swordsmanship..\" *She paused.*\n\n*Akasha's eyes creased. It looks like she wanted to add something to her words, but struggled to weigh whether it'd be better to say it or not. Kohm has graciously set aside his time to teach them, and it would be impolite of her to abstain from saying anything that would help him in doing so.*\n\n\"My surname at birth is Adalsteinfostre.\" *She finally stated.*\n\n\"My swordsmanship is taught by my father, Sir Rostam Adalsteinfostre. My brother had also taught me swordsmanship of the late Grand Master Vollhardt. He is one of his pupils.. I believe my brother has met you in the past.\"\n\n*Akasha seems to expect that Kohm would recognize those names, even without an explanation. It's quite a common knowledge – at least in the Middle Mentian martial community, after all.*" }, { "author": "way8306", "message": "\"Loathe I am to admit, I do indeed have little idea myself if you are uncertain.\" Kohm freely admitted without reservations. \"Afterall, I did not have sufficient time to properly plan due to the harried nature of the arrangement.\"\n\nThis was doubly true for Ah Lean, whose inclusion was very much done at the eleventh hour in quite a literal sense. Had there been an extra day, perhaps two, Kohm would have had enough notice to come up with something more concrete. \n\nAs it stood he simply knew too little to formulate one.\n\n\"Hmm... Would you be fine if you followed along with the flow of the lesson for now?\" Kohm stated seriously, gauging Arlean's response. \"It's good to get exposure to different systems, and perhaps you may discover an interest you weren't aware of initially. Even if not, I promise to arrange something different for you in the next few days.\"\n\n\"Adalsteinfostre...\" Kohm's eyes flickered in surprise before homing onto her face. \"Well, my eyes must be going at this age, indeed- I should have noticed that you carried his eyes earlier...\" He shook his head resoundedly, as he snorted with self-mirth.\n\n\"Regardless, this coincidentally does make things easy for me. Firstly though, pray tell how your father is doing, currently?\"" }, { "author": "Akasha Isolet", "message": "*Akasha's lips curved into a half-smile at his response upon hearing her surname. Peculiarly, there seems to be a hint of bitterness in her visage when Kohm stated that they possess the similar kind of eyes. Whether it was out of self-realisation or not, the girl swept the signs of that kind of emotion away from her face, as swiftly as it appeared.*\n\n\"I do not know.\" *She answered. Heaviness can be discerned in her tone.*\n\n\"Forgive me, but we seldom speak with each other. He is currently stationed in the stronghold bordering East Mentia, as I recall.\" \n\n*She pursed her lip tightly after that, adding nothing more to the answer. Her gaze wanders to the side, avoiding the master's eyes. It's no doubt that the story contains more than that, nevertheless, she doesn't appear to be very keen in divulging more than what she already spoke of.*" }, { "author": "Arlean", "message": "*Arlean listened in from the side - as a mage, he felt very much sidelined in this whole conversation. But it mattered not.*\n\n*He now learnt that Akasha has an estranged father, and it seems... A family name that sounded quite different. He has no idea who is this Adalsteinfostre person or family lineage, but it seems to be quite prominent.*\n\n\"Perhaps I'll just follow along and learn about sword fencing. I heard sword take years to master, so perhaps we could focus on the most basic technique to defend myself.\" \n\n\"After all, when push come to shove, I suppose I can be a half decent fighter\" *Arlean patted his chest and knocked his fist against the exoskeleton covering him*" }, { "author": "way8306", "message": "Quick did his mirth come, and quick did it leave his face.\n\n\"Ah, I see.\" Kohm nodded with solemnity.\n\n\"So...\" Making no more mention of his previous question, the topic quickly shifted back on track.\n\n\"Is there any specific area you would you like to work on?\"\n\nKohm hummed as he put a finger to his chin, rubbing it as his eyes shifted across Arlean's frame and exoframe.\n\n\"Well, you do have a solid frame, so might as well put that to use, eh?\" Kohm joked. \n\n\"Quite an astute observation.\" A hint of approval entered his eyes. \"If you are interested and willing, I can give a crash course on just that- a few techniques to defend yourself with. It will not be anywhere close to the complete system, but a mere fragment divorced from the full meaning. Still, given the span of time we have it'll be sufficient to defend yourself with, if worse were to come to worse. Does that sound good?\"" } ]
[ { "author": "Akasha Isolet", "message": "*Akasha comes to a stop. Her heartbeat and breathing is still steady, a pleasant thing for her, considering how long it has been since the last time she practised like this. She nodded at his explanation, shrugging off the slightly uncomfortable feelings in the joints which are used for a manoeuvre she hadn't performed for years.*\n\n\"Haha..\" *She shots a dry smile at Arlean's oblivious response.*\n\n\"I don't know either.\"\n\n*Not like she's any better, it seems. She could remember the name of Vunian, but that's about the extent of it.*" }, { "author": "way8306", "message": "\"No worries about lack of knowledge. Theory is something discussed, not drilled. There is often little need for the average soldier to know about it, for often the principles come intuitively through practice and action.\" \n\nKohm shook his head slightly, though his slight smile made it clear that it was not of any true dissapproval.\n\n\"Still, it is useful to know for those seeking a more conscious understanding of the specific intention behind what certain master taught, so lets go over a brief summary of it, without mincing words.\"\n\nClasping his hands , he then pointed his index finger upward.\n\n\"One. All things equal, Vunian masters prefer not acting first, instead waiting for their opponent to move. To them, a settled guard is the most safest position, for it means you are balanced and prepared to act. \n\nBy acting first you abandon this safety, and most importantly, it is likely that your enemy will themselves have the safety of the guard, prepared to deliver a counter to your now vulnerable position.\n\nThis is not to say you shouldn't act first at all, *All things equal* Is the key point here. Say, what do you think that means?\"" }, { "author": "Akasha Isolet", "message": "*Though he explained the nature of knowledge well, a little part of her still sees it as a mere consolation from the old man. She nodded again. In an imperceptible twitch, her head reclined in disappointment towards herself.*\n\n\"The balance of offence and defence?\" *She answered, her finger touching her chin.*\n\n*Akasha thought about the words she stated before the practice. Guards provided the much important positioning of the whole body and the sword. Aside from the obvious functions to prepare against an incoming assault, it also serves as the starting position to launch an intuitive— following counterattacks. In short, a mix of defence and offence.*\n\n\"You can utilise the guard as the foundation of your offence itself. It comes with a clear balance between defending and attacking, not leaning too heavily on either side.\"" }, { "author": "way8306", "message": "Kohm blinked, before nodding thoughtfully.\n\n\"A good point actually. As one master Manciolino once told me, just as you should not strike without parrying, you should not parry without striking— always observing the correct tempi. \n\nIf you were to always parry without striking, you would make your timidity plain to your adversary, unless you were to push the opponent back with your parry, in which case you would show your valor. \n\nCorrect parries, in fact, are performed going forward and not backward; in this manner, you can not only reach your opponent, but you will also attenuate his blow against you, as from close by the opponent can only strike you with the part of the sword from mid-blade to the hilt; much worse it would be if he were to reach you with the other half of the sword.\"\n\nKohm pauses to let it sink in before, continuing.\n\n\"Now, this was not quite the point I had intended to make, but it is nontheless a pertinent one. Very good thinking!\" He praised.\n\n\"Returning to the earlier question, consider this. If two people arm wrestle each other, only to discover they are of equal strength, what should they do to win?\"" }, { "author": "Akasha Isolet", "message": "*She noted Kohm's explanation in her head. Not initiating a strike without parrying, and vice versa. It's a handy verse to remember. A handy set of words from whoever this master Manciolino is, as it encompasses the art of parrying in simplicity.*\n\nThey are of equal strength, what should they do to win?\"\n\n\"Having better techniques?\"\n\n*Akasha answered, almost promptly. This was something that she learned by chance, after witnessing such a match between middle mentian guards some years ago. Timing and positioning, things like that can't be overlooked even in something as mundane as arm wrestling.*\n\n\"Someone said to me that the key to win in arm wrestling is by knowing the right time to exert the push and to wind it down.\" *Or to pull the opponent's arm close in. But that's cheating, frankly.*" }, { "author": "way8306", "message": "The slight smile on Kohm's face widened as Akasha explained her reasoning.\n\n\"Close, very close. One would say that two arm wrestlers of equal strength have in theory the same *Advantage*.\" He started, drawing the last syllable out with much meaning.\n\n\"But in reality, as you mentioned, there are...?\" Kohm trailed off, leaving a clear blank to be filled in." } ]
[ { "author": "Zenith", "message": "*Zenith was sat on the rocks by the river. He had crotchet needles in his hands and he was attempting to create a hat. What it looked like was a messy ball of colors knotted together however, not anything resembling a hat. His boots were rested to the side of him and muddy, like he had been walking through a swamp. His socks had gotten wet, so he had left them to bake in the sun. Sighing, he put down the needles to take a drink from his canteen. As he did so he almost choked, A huge fish had jumped out of the water in front of him.* \n\"He would have loved to see that one... Damn.\" \n*The wind picked up and he looked to the sky. Closing his eyes he took a deep breath in and smiled, leaning deeper into the rocks.*" }, { "author": "Melody Vander", "message": "*There was the distant sound of hoofbeats, the noise gradually becoming louder as something drew close to where he was. Melody ran across the rocky terrain, her breathing heavy as she kept up the pace. The Centaur looked back for a brief moment to see if her pursuers were still after her, only to almost miss the man she was hurling towards. She glanced back just in time, suddenly skidding to halt and letting out a gasp of air as she came to a quick stop.*\"My, there are a lot of you-.\"*Melody said between breaths, switching her gaze between him and where she had come a few times before finally looking at him with a face of accusation.*\"You're not another opportunist are you?\"*She asked.*" }, { "author": "Zenith", "message": "*He had looked up with a start at the sound of hoofs coming towards him. Now sitting in an upright position with his hands between his legs, he rubbed his eye and looked at her in confusion. What the hell had happened to her? Why was she running? As she accused him, he pointed to himself confused.* \n\"Me? Opportunist? I'm not sure what you mean by that ma'am.\" \n*He looked to where she had come from, still confused but then looked back at her, concerned.* \n\"Are you okay?" }, { "author": "Melody Vander", "message": "\"Shhhh!\"*She quickly said to him as if she hadn't just asked him a question. The Centaur turned her head, standing rather still as she tried to listen out for something. A long moment of silence seemed to pass before she finally let out a tired sigh.*\"Right right, not an opportunist then, maybe anyways.\"*She finally said skeptically as she turned to face him. The fur along her deer half stood up in clumps while her hair hardly seemed any better than the rest. Whoever or whatever she had been running from clearly sent her through a lot. She stretched back one of her hind legs, wincing at the popping sound that came from it before trying to test it a bit.*\"I... Suppose I look like a mess don't I?\"*She asked him, eventually holding out a hand in greeting.*\"Melody Vander.\"*The Centaur winced.*\"Currently having my abilities being tested out here with how things are going.\"" }, { "author": "Zenith", "message": "*He had kept his mouth shut just watching her, nervously. As soon as she had relaxed, he did too.*\n \"Zenith Scirocco...\"\n *He took her hand and shook it. His hands were rough with calluses and he held her hand tightly, but not enough to hurt her.*\n \"What's going on?\" \n*You could see that his left eye was brown and his right eye was a cloudy grey. He had gone blind in that eye. It didn't bother him however, as he had slowly gone blind in early childhood.*" }, { "author": "Melody Vander", "message": "\"Bandits and raiders.\"*She breathed.*\"A whole lot of them around here. If I could take them on all at once I would have, but it seems the further I go through Mentia, the worst it gets.\"*She lowered her hand away after a while of shaking his, silently studying the man.*\"Nice to meet you Mr. Scirocco. Apologies for the interruption, seems like there have been more people taking advantage of this war than I originally thought. She gradually lowered herself to the ground, part of her body begging for some rest between all the traveling and running.*\"Don't mean to intrude, but you wouldn't mind if I stayed here for a short while would you? At least until I'm sure they're fully gone from here.\"" }, { "author": "Zenith", "message": "*He smiled and shook his head. Leaning back he sprawled out more on the rocks, wiggling his toes.* \n\"No I don't mind. I should probably be more social anyway.\" \n*He closed his eyes and sighed, the sun feeling good on his face.*\n \"What are you doing still in Mentia if it's causing this for you? Have family or friends down here?\" \n*He kept his eyes closed, enjoying the meditation of sorts. The water nearby was a nice noise too, it felt calming to him.*" }, { "author": "Melody Vander", "message": "*Melody decided to relax back for a bit, reaching out towards the river water to cup some of it in her hand.*\"Family.\"*She said simply, using the water to wash out her dirtied hair.*\"Had I known the war would make it this difficult to get back to them, I'd have simply taken them with me the first time I left.\"*She removed her hair tie, allowing all the strands to fall down the length of her back as she continued to wash it, her deer half still seeking needed attention. Suddenly she lifted her head back up, shaking it to and fro and causing several large droplets of water to fly from it.*\"What are you doing out here? Seem pretty relaxed for being in a nation at war.\"" } ]
[ { "author": "Zenith", "message": "*He frowned and sat up, opening his eyes.* \n\"I apologize for being insensitive... I'm here for work.\" *He crossed his ankles, looking at the water.* \n\"I'm sorry your family isn't near...\" \n*He sighed, a guilty look staying on his face. There was a silent pause from him until A huge fish jumped out of the water. Standing up he went to the side of the bank, trying to see where the fish went. It wasn't that he necessarily liked fish or fishing, it just reminded him of someone. He put his hand in the water, taking a drink. She sure made it look better then it tasted.*" }, { "author": "Melody Vander", "message": "\"Don't be.\"*Melody said modestly.*\"Everyone has their own problems they're going through around here. Just the thing with Mentia I suppose.\"*She let out a half-hearted laugh, inching up towards the river edge to finally wash at her deer half. The Centaur followed the man's gaze as he seemed to watch after a large fish with its temporary appearance.*\"You a fisher?\"*She asked curiously.*" }, { "author": "Zenith", "message": "*He shook his head and looked to her. A happy but distant look on his face.* \"No, I don't... I knew someone who did though and so it's become a reaction thing...\" *He smiled and took a breath, closing his eyes, chuckling he spoke again.* \"I don't like fish actually. I can't get over the taste... Even with a lot of seasonings...\" *He put a hand through his hair, feeling a tad embarrassed. Shaking his head he tried to shake that feeling.* \"What about you? You do fishing or... Uh what are your hobbies?\" *Yeahhhh the embarrassment is still there.*" }, { "author": "Melody Vander", "message": "\"It has an interesting taste to say the least.\"*She said in half agreement. The Centaur didn't mind fish too much, though the process of catching it would have been a silly sight of her in this form. As he asked if she did, Melody gave a light shake of her head.*\"Can't say I have. I'm simply a crime fighter at heart.\"*The Centaur's tail gave a light flick, flinging a bit of water from her sodden pelt.*\"Recently became a Guildmember, was hoping to earn the title of captain someday, but I guess I'm having to abandon that idea for a while since I left to came here.\"*She gave a tired sigh, it always being a stressful decision in having to leave her new job just as soon as she had gotten it.*\"I didn't want to have to come back so soon, but... Timing right..?\"*She said the last part, trying to be a bit more light hearted of the situation.*\"Guess I've always been one up for a bit of action as far as hobbies go.\"*She crossed her arms a bit, the cold air now becoming more apparent after washing off a bit.*\"What about you?\"" } ]
[ { "author": "Melody Vander", "message": "*Melody carefully stepped out across the icy terrain, her movements slowed by how frigid the weather was getting. Winter wasn't treating her the best in having to travel so far only to get turned around along the way. She had suffered the consequences of getting lost out here. It was a constant reminder each time one of her legs refused to hold her entire weight without sending a shock of pain through her. She tried to stay resilient, but as the temperature dropped, the space between each town seemed to grow. Melody was trained for not being able to work in the most ideal conditions, but with how prolonged it was, that training began to grow less useful by the day. She sucked in a breath of cold air as she felt herself sliding slightly, trying to retain her balance so as not to plummet awkwardly into the snow again. The road seemed to have been long since covered and now she could only remind herself to continue heading in one direction, hoping she didn't get lost again along the way.*\n\n\"Just to the next town...\"*She breathed in constant reminder to herself. It was the only thing keeping her going between each stop. That and the idea of getting ever so closer to her family. Of course, the positivity didn't come without the reminder of having to trek through this again all the way back to Salvainia. The thought made her shoulders sag in mild defeat. At least she wouldn't be alone coming back, hopefully. Melody shook her head to and fro, having to retain focus on what was ahead. Her deer half made her vulnerable enough out in the wilderness not to mention the war still going on. Oh how she wished it could have been at any other time that she heard the news of its progression. Maybe she could have avoided this season entirely and remained in the warm guild she had worked to join.*" }, { "author": "Leonhard Falkenrath", "message": "Leon trudged on through the thick snow and icy terrain taking care not to slip, it wasn't his first winter and it probably wouldn't be his last. He'd been traveling for several days now having just finished visiting a small village a few kilometers back. The roads were cold and rough, but the pace at which he kept himself to spurred him onwards and kept him somewhat warm. It'd get colder still though, especially as he took notice of the sun starting to set. Walking in the dark, especially in these conditions was nothing short of a death sentence to all but the most experienced of rangers, something Leon was decidedly not. Heaving a sigh he broke off the road slightly making sure it was still visible and unslung his pack.\n\n\"***Damned cold, suppose there's nothing for it***\" He cursed as he realized he'd have to spend the better part of the next hour setting up his shelter for the night. Sighing more he pulled the framing and other materials out of his pack and began setting up a rather large and rounded tent that was constructed of heavy furs and fabrics. This was something that would take quite a bit of his time and that wasn't even taking into the account he had to get a fire going after this and get started on a meal. All in all he wasn't exactly looking forward to all of this work, but it had to be done. He didn't exactly have a strong desire to freeze to death in the snow or worse get eaten by wolves." }, { "author": "Melody Vander", "message": "*Melody squinted her eyes against the white environment, hoping to find any checkpoint that could help her get to the next place. Or at the very least, find anything other than snow out here. Her gaze had eventually fallen upon something in the distance, perhaps a place where she could at least rest at with how late it was getting. She trudged onwards, the small shadow in the distance growing to appear to be some kind of tent of sorts. Surely that must mean someone else was around, though Melody wasn't quite sure if that was a good thing or not after having the occasional run in with people taking advantage of the chaos brought up by the war. She let out a quiet sigh, deciding to take her chances with this one.*\"Hello?\"*She called out, gradually approaching the area rather slowly, both from lack of knowing who was around and having to endure the pain with every time she managed to limp forward through the growing mass of snow at her bare deer legs.*\"Anyone here?\"" }, { "author": "Leonhard Falkenrath", "message": "Leon had finished setting up the tent about twenty minutes ago, at this point he'd been foraging for wood and managed to amass a sizable bundle. The winter hadn't been kind to anyone it seemed, not even the trees. There had been no shortage of deadwood and fallen logs to scavenge and he was grateful for this. He silently counted his luck and had been making his way out of the treeline with his bundle of wood. He heard a soft voice echoing out towards his tent. Normally he'd be on edge and ready to rush in with his zweihander, but something about the mild-mannered tone of the voice he heard calling out gave him pause. \n\n*Probably not a bandit..*\nThis was the first thought that crossed his mind as he stepped into view. It didn't take him long to discover who the voice belonged to. It was a centaur and she was shivering with every breath she took. The deer-girl although a strange sight was definitely not a bandit. \"***You're lucky you caught me, I just finished gathering wood, you're welcome to stay and warm up. I'm going to try and get a fire going.***\" Leon wasted little breath on formalities or introductions, he offered a place beside the fire, but he was more focused on getting the fire going so he didn't freeze to death and could start on dinner. His singlemindedness could be mistaken for coldness, but he was really just preoccupied. He set the bundle of logs down and crouched in front of the tent and removed his gloves so he didn't get them wet. He cupped his hands together and began scooping out a hole in the snow, he dug down a few inches his hands and fingers quickly growing numb from the cold. Satisfied with the depth of his firepit he moved over to the road and gathered up a handful of stones moving back to the hole in the snow and set them around to enclose the fire. With all the prepwork out of the way he tossed the logs into the firepit and started fiddling with a flint and steel he pulled from his pack that sat by the tent." }, { "author": "Melody Vander", "message": "*Melody didn't say another at first, simply relieved at having some place to rest at for the time being. She walked over to the small camping area, coming to lower herself to the ground with her legs splayed out, one in particular needing her attention. Melody figured from his tone that he may not care much for conversation, but she felt the need to express the slightest bit of gratitude while she tried to wrap up her leg from what supplies she still had in her bag.*\"Thank you.\"*She said to him in simple response.*\"And... Apologies for invading your camping space. I suppose I wasn't the most prepared coming out of here.\"*Melody added a bit of formality to her words. It was something she had been trying to hold onto whenever speaking with people, especially the ones out here that didn't seem to think twice before attacking at times. It was best to state her intentions first hand it seemed.*" }, { "author": "Leonhard Falkenrath", "message": "\"***Really can't overstate how lucky you are that you ran into me out here, you'd probably be dead in a few hours otherwise. Next town is about a half a days travel from here.***\" Leons response was brutally honest as he finally managed to light the timber he'd gathered working quickly to ensure that the few embers quickly blossomed into a roaring fire. It took a few moments but soon the fire was blazing and radiating heat. He got back up to his feet and warmed his hands by the fire for a few moments before he moved back over to his pack. He dug around for a few moments before producing a segmented tripod. He snapped the sections together and set it above the fire heaving a satisfied sigh as he watched the hook dangle above the fire. \"***Going to get started on dinner, you're welcome to it...***\" He offered as he retreated into the tent and came out lugging a heavy cast iron cauldron that he quickly hooked onto the tripod over the fire. \n\nHe rummaged through his pack again and produced a slab of cured meat wrapped in butchers paper as well as a large onion, some carrots and a few potatoes. He reached for his dagger at his belt and sat down upon a log as he got to work peeling the potatoes and very roughly dicing the onion and carrots. He glanced back up to the centaur and made an earnest attempt at conversation having relaxed more now that the two most immediate concerns were out of the way. \"***Names Leonhard, Leon to those that know me. How long've you been on the roads? Aren't exactly the safest right now, specially not this time of year.***\"" }, { "author": "Melody Vander", "message": "*She gave a dip of her head to the offer. Finally some food that wasn't the small bit of snacks she brought with her for the road.*\"Yes, thank you...\"*Melody said to him. To think that it would be another half a day before she'd be able to reach the next town. Even then, money was growing so low from all the traveling that even her rations were diminishing with each purchase. Melody pushed the concern to the back of her mind. She simply had to reach home which was now just a country away. How bad could it be?*\"I'm Melody. I... Would give a longer title than that, but... I think all this traveling has made me a bit too tired. I've been... Traveling for weeks... Erm... Months now maybe...? Sorry, I'm usually much better at keeping track of time.\"*She said, rubbing at her head idly in trying to think.*\"It wasn't my plan for me to come out here at this time, but I'm afraid an emergency had come about and... Well the trip had taken me much longer than I originally thought it would...\"*Her body grew more lax with conversation, figuring she was safe to get some rest here for now. All the pushing through this weather and now all she could wish for was a warm bed for once. Ironically enough.*\"You seem rather prepared for it. Been traveling long?\"" }, { "author": "Leonhard Falkenrath", "message": "\"***Only most of my life.***\" He half joked as finished peeling and dicing the vegetables and setting them to the side. \"***It's refreshing to see someone that isn't trying to rob me on the road...***\" He continued the idle chatter as best he could as he drug his dagger along the cured meat slicing it into large chunks. When all was said and done in terms of prepwork he tossed everything into the cauldron satisfied as he heard the ingredients for that nights dinner sizzle loudly. He stood beside the cauldron stirring things every so often as he turned back towards Melody. \"***Probably not the best of signs that you've lost so much track of time. You should move closer to the fire, warm up... You're shivering.***\" He pointed out as he moved back over to his pack and pulled a large jug of mead from it. He took a few sips and then dumped the rest into the cauldron listening to it hiss and steam as the honey-tinged liquid glugged out into the pot. Feeling better about the state of things now he took a seat oncemore upon the log warming his hands by the fire." }, { "author": "Melody Vander", "message": "\"Really? I haven't noticed-.\"*She tried to say nonchalantly at the idea of her being cold. Melody could hardly feel anything at this point. Even the simple action of moving ever so slightly closer to the fire felt like enough of an effort. She wrapped her arms around her, half conscious of it.*\"If I may ask, why are you out here exactly?\"*She asked him.*\"I'd assume even most travelers wouldn't be so inclined to come out in this weather even if prepared for it.\"*At least, she wouldn't assume Macens would of all people. Beastkins, it at least seemed a bit more understandable the closer she strayed to their border.*" }, { "author": "Leonhard Falkenrath", "message": "\"***On my way to Kadrush, have some work waiting for me there.***\" He got back up and moved over to the cauldron giving the stew a few stirs before he sat back down. \"***You're going to freeze to death, so we might as well share the tent... Big enough to fit four comfortably, I think I have an extra bedroll somewhere if you want it.***\" He shrugged, it was an awkward situation to say the least. He didn't really know Melody, but the two would be sharing a tent together due to the circumstances. \"***What is it that brought you out here... You said some sort of emergency right? Forgive me if I'm prying too much***\" He asked wanting to at least break some of the silence between them. It was hard to find something to talk about to the stranger that was forced to share his camp with him, after all he'd expected to be alone for the majority if not all of his journey to Kadrush. So the fact someone else had stumbled upon his camp let alone a seemingly friendly face was a bit shocking to him." }, { "author": "Melody Vander", "message": "\"Family. Mainly.\"*She answered, trying to force herself to stand up and test out the leg until she could comfortably place it down.*\"I'm sure you've been made aware of this long war with all your travels. Recently, I was notified of there be an advance into my home country... I...Have to make sure my family is okay.\"*She trotted away a bit, becoming antsy in trying to get some feeling back in her legs. If only it hadn't gotten so cold this quickly. She depended a lot on her mobility, but the longer she was out here, the more it began draw the strength out of her.*\"It's okay. I won't take up much space.\"*She told him, despite her size.*\"The only reason I stay in this form now is because I'm afraid I'd fine myself reduced to only having one working leg rather than three.\"*She let out a lighthearted laugh at the thought, coming to circle back around to the fire and settling down once more to try to warm up her hands against it.*\"I suppose I won't need it much whenever I get some rest though.\"" }, { "author": "Leonhard Falkenrath", "message": "\"***You're certainly welcome to travel with me if we're going the same way, damned if this road doesn't get lonely.***\" He voiced aloud as he got back to his feet and moved over to the cauldron. He gave it a few more stirs and then moved back over to his pack pulling out some cutlery and a pair of bowls that appeared to be carved from some sort of animal horn. They clacked together in a noisy manner as he moved back to the cauldron. He dipped one bowl in filling it with stew and then handed it to Melody along with a wooden spoon. \"***Here, it isn't much but it should fill your belly and keep you warm. Water in my pack if you're thirsty***\" He then moved back to the cauldron and filled his own bowl before taking a seat back on the log. \n\n\"***Did you hurt your leg? Notice you've been limping. I can take a look at it come morning if you'd like. Seen my share of wounds and dressed them.***\" The mercenaries voice was gruff and he alluded to his experience dressing his own battlewounds as he tucked into dinner." }, { "author": "Melody Vander", "message": "\"That would probably be... Much easier...\"*She admitted, lowering her head as she did in mild defeat. Between getting turned around, passing through countries at war, and making sure she survived day to day, maybe it would be easier to at least have one person that knew what they were doing. While it did seem to take some burden off of her, part of her wondered if she could even make a good captain in the future if she could hardly manage herself out here. No, she simply got unlucky was all. She was sure she'll figure her way out once she was on the way back home with her family in tow. Melody was broken away from her thoughts as he offered her the food, soon being made aware of just how hungry she was after sipping from it. Hunger seemed to take over for a while, shifting her focus away from the man to eat away at the bowl of stew as quickly as her stomach allowed. Only when he brought up her leg, did she find lift her head up to take a breath. \n\nShe glanced back at it, trying to tuck it underneath her only for it to cause mild discomfort.*\"Yeah...\"*She admitted.*\"Turns out being half deer tends to bring unwanted attention out in the wilderness. Which I should have probably seen coming... If I could even see those wolves to begin with... They got me pretty good there, but... I think I can manage.\"*She glanced back over towards him at the mention of being able to dress them, eyeing him curiously.*\"Have you ever tended to a Centaur's wounds before?\"*She half teased in figuring it was all the same to them.*" }, { "author": "Leonhard Falkenrath", "message": "Leon told her the truth \"***Yeah, actually I have. Had an archer in the company I was a part of. He'd taken an arrow to the leg and I was the only one around at the time, wasn't too much different to dressing my own wounds. I'll at the least disinfect it after I eat, for now you should probably finish your dinner***\" Leons response was a little surprising, Melody's joke seemingly went over his head. He took a few more bites scooping the contents of the bowl into his mouth slurping the contents up. It seemed tablemanners were not something in demand out in the wilderness. He set his now empty bowl onto the log next to him and moved over towards his pack removing a bundle of clean bandages and a bottle stoppered with a cork that appeared to be filled with a clear liquid that looked like water. \n\n\"***Alright, let me see it.***\" He asked as he crouched down next to the centaur. As he waited for her response he bit into the cork and uncorked the bottle a strong smell of alcohol immediately filling the area. He took a swig and then coughed hard. \"***Pah... Strong stuff***\"" }, { "author": "Melody Vander", "message": "*Melody drew silent at the answer, not expecting him to actually have one. At least not one as detailed. A perplexed expression seemed to cross her face for the moment. Most moments up to now, the Melody would have hardly believed other people ever interacting with centaurs after her stay in Mentia. Perhaps there was actually a decent number that did and she rarely came across them. She lowered her bowl away as he grabbed the supplies to treat her. Melody's hind leg gradually moved out from under her, causing her to wince slightly before she laid it out for him.*\"I should warn you that I am a bit of a fighter.\"*She said. It mostly had two perceivable meanings, more so forewarning him of the reaction of whatever pain he may inflict on her leg while treating it. The other meaning of course being its more literal form.*" } ]
[ { "author": "Leonhard Falkenrath", "message": "Leon nodded at Melody's words as she revealed the extent of her wound to him. She wasn't kidding when she said the wolves had got her good it wasn't a pretty sight to look at. \"***Best I can do is disinfect and wrap this up, going to hold your leg still this will burn.***\" He placed the bandages down beside him and put one hand firmly on Melody's leg holding it in place so she wouldn't kick him involuntarily. He then slowly poured the contents of the bottle onto the wound disinfecting it and cleaning it at the same time, he watched as the blood and dirt around the wound washed off. His grip was very firm and he held her fast, but he still noticed a bit of squirming. He couldn't exactly blame her though, it wasn't a fun experience. It was necessary though if she didn't want to take ill. After he was satisfied that the wound had been properly cleaned and treated he let go of her leg and stood up, she'd notice he wasn't bandaging her, not yet at least. He walked over to the fire and cleaned his dagger in the snow next to it before sticking the blade in. He waited a few minutes until it started to glow red radiating heat. Before he pulled it out he grabbed a bit of wood that seemingly missed the fire. He then returned to Melody's side.\n\n\"***Bite down on this, it's going to hurt and screams will attract wild animals or bandits***\" He handed her the bit of wood he'd grabbed and instructed her to bite down, then he put one hand back on her injured leg and held firmly. He locked eyes with her briefly before unceremoniously holding the red hot dagger to her wound. He was immediately met with the strong smell of burning flesh as he started to burn the wound closed. It would leave a nasty scar, but at least she wouldn't lose it. He didn't take any pleasure in what was occurring it simply had to be done. After the wound had been cauterized fully he grabbed the bandages and released his grip on her leg starting and finishing the process of wrapping it." }, { "author": "Melody Vander", "message": "*Squirming wouldn't be the end of her actions. While she was able to prepare herself for the alcohol at the very least, the catalyzing came as more of a surprise. She took the piece of wood in confusion, slowly biting down on it as he instructed only to notice too late what he was planning to do. The pain of it came as a shock, though instead of trying to tug the injured leg free, she instinctively tried to stand up, her other hind leg, kicking back at him to get him to stop. At the very least any scream that could have come from her hardly seemed audible. By the time he had finally released her leg, she had hobbled forward to regain her balance, turning to him and glancing between him and her bandage leg. A look of exasperation crossed her face.*\"What was the point of that if you were just going to bandage the leg anyways!\"*She snapped at him breathily as if she was trying to get all the screaming she wanted to do out at once. The centaur dropped the piece of wood to ground, testing her leg out on the snow. The burning sensation left a tenderness in it, though overtime it began to feel like nothing more than a numbing feeling.*" }, { "author": "Leonhard Falkenrath", "message": "She'd caught him in the chest with her other leg and he'd be lying if he said it wasn't sore. He stood up and addressed her. \"***The point was you needed stitches, I don't have any. If I didn't close the wound you wouldn't have made it to the next town... To be honest I'm surprised you even made it to my camp. I imagine the adrenaline coursing through you will be wearing off soon.***\" Leon spoke in a very matter of fact tone. He was blunt, but there was a certain concern behind his bluntness even if Melody couldn't see it. \"***The bandage by the way, is to keep it clean. It might be closed now... But that doesn't mean it isn't at risk of getting infected. Regardless, you should sit back down... Stay warm by the fire its getting darker and darker means colder... You're welcome to more food if you want it.***\" He rubbed his side gingerly from where she'd nailed him and winced. It'd likely leave a nasty bruise, but he'd dealt with worse. He exhaled and took a seat back on the log warming himself by the fire." }, { "author": "Melody Vander", "message": "*Melody took a slow breath, her frustration gradually fading away as she tried to sit down again. The treatment didn't help with the pain at all, but at least she'll still have a functioning leg at the end of the day.*\"I think I've had my fair share.\"*She said in a lighter tone, all the struggling having tuckered her out a bit. The centaur idly stared out at the plain landscape. She hardly recognized the place now, but surely she must have trekked through at some point.*\"How do you keep track of where you are out here...?\"*She asked eventually. It had been so easy to get turned around out here. Melody had simply been using the towns as checkpoints this whole time, but now she could hardly orient herself to figure out which way she was already heading.*" }, { "author": "Leonhard Falkenrath", "message": "\"***Easily recognizable landmarks, traveled these roads up and down for years. You learn to recognize things. Rock formation over there for instance, big looks like a skull. Even in snow you can recognize it.***\" He gestured towards the rock in question, a massive boulder jutting out from the landscape around them. It was easily visible and stood out amongst the forest surrounding them even in the dark. \"***It's best to pick out one or two things that you can easily look for in any given weather. Helps to keep you oriented.***\" He further explained as he held his hands over the crackling fire and idly tended to it. The sun had all but set at this point leaving the pair of them in a darkness that was now only illuminated by the light of the fire illuminating the camp around them." }, { "author": "Melody Vander", "message": "\"I guess traveling through aimlessly a few times doesn't help much with navigating, huh?\"*She said with a half-hearted laugh. Melody brought her hands close to the fire as the darkness began to set in, blocking away most of her vision to the area that surrounded them.*\"I didn't think I'd have to do so much traveling when I left home, thought I'd be all settled in Salvania for years to come, but here I am only a month after making my way back...\"" }, { "author": "Leonhard Falkenrath", "message": "\"***Life is funny like that isn't it? Well, I'm glad you at least found a friendly face out here.***\" He gave a chuckle as he continued to warm up by the fire, things were starting to get colder as the night drew on. \"***Going to be rough tonight, I'll do my best to keep the fire going... Should probably take care of what's left of dinner don't want to attract animals***\" Leon got up and unhooked the cauldron, there was hardly anything left to dump out, but he needed to make sure it was cleaned for the morning. He lugged it a fair distance into the treeline and dumped it out before using the surrounding snow to clean it out, it was a laborious and tiring process but it was an important one and one that needed to be done. After a few minutes he returned and put the cauldron beside the tent before joining Melody again. \"***What do you do for a living?***\" He asked aiming to continue some small talk with her before they retired for the night." }, { "author": "Melody Vander", "message": "*Melody offered a light smile, shifting her gaze as he headed off to dump out what remained of the food. It felt like a waste to her in a way, but if no one was going to eat it, she supposed this was the only option out here. She took the time to untie her hair and take off the bag that sat strapped around her just as he made his way back to continue their conversation.*\"Law enforcement mainly.\"*She answered him.*\"I had recently joined in a guild back in Salvania, but... Well... Had to leave almost immediately after. It wasn't a good look I'm sure, but I'm hoping to be able to resume working there whenever I get back... It's... All I've been wanting to do since first leaving home.\"" }, { "author": "Leonhard Falkenrath", "message": "\"***Law enforcement huh? Not something I'd have considered you doing, but to each their own. I'm sure it suits you if you've that much of a passion for it.***\" He nodded and rubbed his hands together his breath growing cold. \"***Think we're in for a rough night, damned cold***\" He shook his head, \"***I'm a blacksmith, not the most experienced... But I'm hoping to hone my craft more with a job I've been offered in Kadrush. Silnarian acquaintance of mine made the offer. Friend of his is apparently looking for smiths for something, wasn't told much. Money is supposed to be good though and it's a good contract to take for the winter months..***\" The Silnari in question was a man he hardly knew, but there was no real use in telling Melody he barely knew the man. Besides he was just looking to keep the conversation going and keep her comfortable. The poor girl had clearly had an awful time on the road and he wanted to do his best to keep her mind off things." }, { "author": "Melody Vander", "message": "\"It's something I take great pride in.\"*She said in confirmation towards it being her passion for quite some time.*\"I wanted to become captain of my own guard one day, but I got a lot of work still left ahead of me until I get there.\"*She couldn't help but feel like she was further from that goal than ever now that she was out here, but she was sure she'll find a way to make do. The centaur fell silent for the time being while the man explained his own work. As he brought up the new job he was planning to do in Kadrush, she couldn't help but let out a snort of laughter at the thought. A silnari offering a job in the land of the beastkins to a Macen? Knowing the lots history, it was amusing to hear them getting long.*\"I'm sorry-.\"*She laughed, trying to push it away.*\"I don't know why that's funny to me-.\"*The Centuar let out a light cough, trying to clear her throat of it.*\"I wish there was a way for me to get to where I'm going and work at the same time. Supplies are getting low, but I'm afraid that if I stay in one place too long I'm risking my own family's safety for it. I've been hoping it would last me enough to get here at least. Afterwards, I'll just have to make do with what I have left. My family are good merchants. I didn't really pick that up from them.\"*She said, mainly thinking aloud.*\"But I'll just have to see what is offered around here.\"" } ]
[ { "author": "venzkaizer", "message": "_Middle mentia, the strongest and largest region of Mentia Empire, despite hampered by its poor geography and misfortune of being in middle of all of the other pretenders. Middle Mentia inherits the largest, richest and most inhabited tract of Mentia. People of Menti are known for their hospitality, artisanship, dedication of hard work, and... Beer addictions. Although not all people of Menti loves beer, because Von Heldberg didn't like it due to it taste and being drunk. He currently live in Middle mentia inside his parent cottage, alongside his companion; Esteban, and his Wife: Carilarah; a succubus that once following a vile path as an assassin and hedonistic life, now she's atone toward her vile sins and become a person with good personality thanks to his help and rescue._\n\n_The dawn is rising, from once quiet place illuminated with a darkness and the light of a moon, now defeated by the light of a sun. The chickens crowed as usual, became an alarm and sign for people of menti to woke up, including Von Heldberg and his family. His wife, Carilarah, after wearing back her clothes, transformed herself into an ordinary female peasant with retaining a beauties of her new appearance. This is done in the first place to avoid people witnessing her true form, as her devilish bodies may made their nearby neighbors angry or even attracted to her beauty snare, causing a lot more trouble and unwanted attentions._\n\n_They then have a breakfast together, where this time, von heldberg cook the dish himself, serving both his companion and wife a most famous menti cuisine: Menti Stew. Both of them like it, but for von heldberg, it's just an ordinary day, eating his 405th menti stew. Yet at the same time, he can't stay there for long, as he need to find a job quickly, or else, they will starved to the death itself. He then bid farewell to esteban, as well as his wife by a sweet-passionate kiss on her mouth. He went out from his house door with his family garment dress and hat, carrying his hand made saber and blacksmith hammer with him. Of course, he's not forgot to bring his leather flask and his lunch with him. He stand in front of his home for a moment, where he later on saw a bunch of youth are starring on his house from afar, waiting for his wife to leave the house as usual and he's uncomfortable with that. It is well known that his wife \"Fake appearances\" Are considered as the most beautiful woman in that neighborhood and it is often attract young men. But he calm himself and ready to start his day_" }, { "author": "haronkineme", "message": "*Haron was a simple person. He was not living like a rich person nor he was poor, living in a building where he usually worked at. Mostly it was just rent. It was cheaper and it was actually more comfortable for haron. The human with a halo on his head sat up on his bed and stretched up, rubbing his hair again. He then walked down the stairs and put on his working clothes, opening up his business building. Which was a smithing shop*\n\n*Working as a smith was not that hard for haron. But the main problem was just... Boredom. Haron once in childhood had a sorts of flame inside of his chest. Flame that usually led haron to travelling around the forests and flying with his dark wings. But the teachings of his parents, forced this flame to die out. The dreams of becoming a brave warrior with various titles, riding on a horse with a spear and shield in his hands and riding into the battles... It made him boil with determination! Will to fight! But... Here he is. Working as a smith*\n\n*He sat down, him only wearing a white shirt and black pants, waiting for a customer to walk through the door. This boredom... It was making him soulless. Like all of this child like dreams of becoming a warrior died out. But hey. If he becomes a legendary smith, it would do just fine. Although it won't be as different as now.*" }, { "author": "venzkaizer", "message": "_Haron's smithing shop are busy as usual, where people enter back and forth on his shop to buy various things of his handmade weapons, mostly adventurer that just return from their adventure. They do engaged in conversation at the same time, spreading words and rumors about what the adventurers encounter during their journey. It is... Indeed such a boredom... His current profession and the conversation he did with the adventurer... Made him wondering, when he can become a brave warrior with such noble titles, riding to the battles with determination. Then... Someone coming to his shop._\n\n_His dress... Is eye-catching as no one ever wear such of those thing before. Some adventurers are watching him with such admiration, wondering where he got such those garment and hat? Nevertheless, he came there as he carefully take a look on every weapons displayed there. He slowly walk around where he later on, heading toward you, clearing his throat for seconds before he initiate another, probably a boring conversation with you_\n\n\"Good morning, sire. My apologize if i bothering you, but i'd like to speak with the owner of this smith shop, does he present in this place, sire? Because i am looking for a job as a blacksmith and i've been studied, practicing an art of blacksmithing for 8 years while i recently just return from my adventure.\"" }, { "author": "haronkineme", "message": "\"Hm? Oh... The owner is on their adventure so I'm kinda in the charge as if now. They will come back in a week approximately. Besides I think we do have enough blacksmiths here.\"\n\n*The person who spoke with haron could see haron as a rather young person. He was around 18 with black hair and yellow eyes. He had a halo floating around his black hair. It was a rather rare thing to see on someones head. It was glowing with yellow and white colours. From the bags under his eyes and dirt on his hands, he was one hell of a smith. There were some talks about a smith with a halo. Some said he had been hunting on animals and got this halo. Some said he was an angel. But the truth was simple. He was born like this*\n\n*Haron then looked at the person with more serious look. They were an adventurer. It could be easily said by an outfit. The boy then rubbed his chin after few seconds before continuing to answer the question of the person*\n\n\"But I might. Might talk about this later on with the owner. Maybe he will accept you after few days or so. However If you have any other questions, ask me away\"" }, { "author": "venzkaizer", "message": "_He then gazing his eyes to the walls and weapons displayed there. His memories was played when he was once study the art of blacksmithing in the beginning, till when he was working as a blacksmith in the very same city he was born and live at. He then asked you_\n\n\"You are reminding much about my youth day where i was learning the art of blacksmithing... If i may ask, sire, how do you ended up being as a blacksmith in this store? How long does this store being established? I am not much remember when i were entering this shop after 2 years im going on my own adventure, yet this shop light up my memories for being a blacksmith once. It is great for you anyway, for being a blacksmith in the young age, although you should sometimes spend your time learning or doing a new thing. As it grant you more knowledge and wisdom, sire. So i see that the owner are an adventurer as well... Not much blacksmiths are being an adventurer back in my childhood time. They were tend to stay on their daily routine of their endless jobs as blacksmiths. If you want to excuse me\"\n\n_He then took out his leather flask and drink some water from it. You can see a beautiful motive on that leather flask. You also notice his sword on his scabbard that you were never seen before. Recurved and slim, unlike the scimitar you usually saw or make_" }, { "author": "haronkineme", "message": "\"Oh me? I was taught blacksmithing when I was a small kid. I already made swords and stuff at very young age. I increased mastery with time and now I'm pretty good with the hammer and anvil. And I ended here not so long ago. Like a month or two.\"\n\n*Haron answered questions rather quickly and without much hesitation. Usual question asked about himself. He was so used to answer questions like this. He was taught on how to be a good hunter on animals. He isn't a good one, only a newbie at this. But hey. He could provide himself food*" }, { "author": "venzkaizer", "message": "\"I see... Where is your parent if you don't mind? Because such a young man as yourself should still have parents, for most of the times...\" \n\n_said him as he recalled his long gone parents._\n\n\"My father was once adventurer, leading his own mercenaries formation, only later on decided to retire and become a blacksmith afterward... He even start learning it when he was 37 years old, a year after he married my mother. But he still be able to teach me an art of blacksmithing, no wonder anyhow when he usually sent me to another blacksmiths to learn more. My mother is a merchant on other side, she usually busy herself with trade deals, shipping her goods by reaching out sailors on the docks. I do once accompany her to the mentia's dock, it's such a long journey, but the dock view... It was magnificent!\"" }, { "author": "haronkineme", "message": "\"My family is okay. They are merchants and they don't do too much. They doesn't visit me or anything cause we are all busy people. I like the sea as well. It is charming somehow and one day I might travel to it. Not sure about it though.\"\n\n*His small part of a traveler slipped through this conversation. Him wearing all of this armor and on the horse, just riding to see the sea and just rest his mind after such a boring life. Although he quickly said \"Khm\" Him trying to make this phrase about sea forgotten. He didn't want to seem childish or anything in particular. His parents taught him that if he would risk his life, he would probably die in the first days of his adventure. It was better if he was just working here. And that's all. Nothing too serious really*" } ]
[ { "author": "Melody Vander", "message": "*It was a sunny day outside as Melody quickly moved along the roadways towards the marketplace. She had only recently made it to North Mentia, though what she had found after her long months of searching for her family was far from what she had wanted to see. The towns had been burned to the ground, yet no matter how far she trekked and how many she asked around, none seemed to have known where they could have gone or if they were even still around. She grew wary of the idea that she may never find them, that something bad could have truly happened to them. However, she tried to keep a steady mind, knowing she wasn't going to travel this far for nothing. The Centaur continued asking around the crowded marketplace, occasionally apologizing as she incidentally bumped into some people in forgetting about her size.*" }, { "author": "- `, Haron kinemeV//@", "message": "*Haron was as usual, working in the blacksmiths shop, him standing at the counter and humming some small tunes under his breath. The boy with black hair and a big pair of black wings behind his back while he was minding his own business. And this business was just searching papers. Sooo he had his halo flying on his head, him still searching some papers. The look of this guy... It could be confused with a literal angel! And many people did confuse haron. It was at first funny but then it became annoying*" }, { "author": "Melody Vander", "message": "*Melody let out a quiet sigh as yet another person was unable to note any sign of what she was looking for. She trotted off to the side of the road for the time being, watching people pass by while idly thinking of what she could do out here. Melody supposed she'll have to try again in the next town over, though there was no telling how far that'll be. She might as well get supplies while she was still around. The centaur glanced over at what was nearby, noticing a couple of food stalls and what looked to be a blacksmiths shop. She hadn't really visited one since leaving Salvainia. Maybe she could sharpen up some of her gear now that the warmer weather would only bring about higher stakes in the warfronts. She walked towards the door, a golden glow passing over her body as her centaur half vanished from sight and instead was placed by two normal human legs. As she opened it, the centaur gazed around a bit before entering. Making her way in, her gaze fell upon the young lad at the counter, which soon led to her offering a quick greeting.*\"Hello there. Would this place happen to be open?\"" }, { "author": "- `, Haron kinemeV//@", "message": "\"Oh yes it is open. How may I help you my lady?\"\n\n*Haron was saying with a rather calm and gentle tone as he looked curiously at the person who was rather unique looking person. He was curious of why such person who could be an adventurer. He was curious of the reason, that the person walked in here. It wasn't the best blacksmith shop around here so it made haron curious*" }, { "author": "Melody Vander", "message": "\"I wanted to know if you worked with weapon enchanting here. Or had any material you can use to strengthen it.\"*She said to him, grabbing the Kusarigama she wielded and walking over to where he was to hold it out to him.*\"Also if you would happen to have a way of making armor more fitted for Centaurs.\"*Without context, the latter part could appear like a strange request considering she was in her Macen form, however, she didn't think much of it with her growing used to swapping back and forth.*\"I have a bad feeling that the war efforts are going to start picking up again, so I'd rather be prepared in the event that I accidentally end up amidst the chaos.\"" }, { "author": "- `, Haron kinemeV//@", "message": "\"Hmmmm... Let me think. I don't have any idea about enchanting and unfortunately I don't have any good materials to make your weapon stronger. I mean if you would get a material I could definitely make it. However I already worked with centaurs already so I could make an armor for you.\"\n\n*Despite the age of 18, haron was a really advanced blacksmith. Haron only smiled as he rubbed his chin slowly. He didn't have any good purchases in a long ass while and he was actually glad*'\n\"So... Whats going on outside of the mentia? I'm not the traveler or adventurer. Just... Working here all the time.\"" }, { "author": "Melody Vander", "message": "\"I'll take what I can get...\"*She says with a sigh before offering a gentle smile to him.*\"Thank you.\"*Despite only being there for a short visit, Melody decided to take the time to relax for a bit. There were very few times she could feel safe enough to what with all the raids and bandits. At the mention of what goes on outside of Mentia, she returned her weapon back to its holster.*\"I'd say what goes on outside of Mentia is a lot calmer than what goes on inside. This place is meant to be close to home from me, but I would love nothing more than to return to Salvainia and continue my training right now seeing how bad it's gotten.\"" }, { "author": "- `, Haron kinemeV//@", "message": "\"Oh... So it is that bad I suppose... That isn't good at all. I haven't fought in my life actually but wanted that a lot. Just tend to work here. In safety as my parents told me. Now could you hold still? I need to measure the body for the centaur armour. And we could do it in the backyard of the shop if you are more comfortable\"\n\n*Haron said grabbing a notepad and his pencil as he said already prepared to write measures. Haron honestly was curious a lot about outside world but... He usually stayed inside. He only worked here. Day and night..*" }, { "author": "Melody Vander", "message": "\"Well the good thing about Salvainia is it seems to be full of guilds to join that ensure you fight things at your skill level. Well at the very least they try anyways. No telling what could happen on a mission.\"*As he asked for measurements, she looked about the shop a bit.*\"It's alright, this place seems spacey enough.\"*Her body began to glow for a short moment, causing the bottom half to change and morph back to its deer-state. The centaur stood up more straight, holding her arms out in readying for him to measure her.*" }, { "author": "- `, Haron kinemeV//@", "message": "\"...Yeah... Guilds..\"\n\n*Haron sighed before flying to her height and measuring everything quickly. Arms length, check, legs check. After a minute or two haron pointed big finger up, saying that it is enough now. Haron didn't use his wings in a long ass while. So a little stretch on wings won't hurt much. Haron then wrote down the measures before closing the notepad*\n\n\"The armor will be made in a day. Come back tomorrow to pick it up. Payment tomorrow as well.\"" }, { "author": "Melody Vander", "message": "*She tilted her head a bit at the sigh, wondering if something happened to him with the guilds.*\"Something wrong?\"*She asked him, lowering her arms once more at him finally finishing up her measurements and changing back to her Macen form.*" }, { "author": "- `, Haron kinemeV//@", "message": "\"Hm? Oh no no. It is alright just some thoughts and all\"\n\n*Haron sighed as he then looked at the woman again and tiredly sighed. He decided to speak again in order to distract himself from more thoughts*\n\n\"So can I help somehow else?\"" }, { "author": "Melody Vander", "message": "\"Yeah... I get that..\"*She says with a similar sigh before shifting her gaze back to the door.*\"You wouldn't happen to know where the nearest town to here is would you...? Or at the very least have a map of sorts or a guide that can help me?\"" }, { "author": "- `, Haron kinemeV//@", "message": "\"Ah towns... Ummm... I think to the east there is a lake with a small village. Usually they just sell fish and stuff. You just walk through woods and then you will see it. It is hard to get lost on the path to this town. I hope that helps in all honesty-\"" }, { "author": "Melody Vander", "message": "\"Well even a little help can be enough.\"*She says with a smile, turning away once more as she restates the instructions in her head.*\"I'll be back tomorrow. Hopefully things won't get too hectic.\"*The Centaur said glancing back.*\"Stay safe around here.\"" } ]
[ { "author": "Heide Theres Sephiran", "message": "*Once the Wolfman spoke there would come a jostling from the back of the wagon, then a short yelp, and then a thud against the would before said accomplice would groan and poke her head out of the front flaps of the wagons cover.* \"Home? Where?\" *Heide would ask even though the man's home was as visible as the sun at this point.*" }, { "author": "Grey the Hound", "message": "*Grey almost winced his partner made such a ruckus, his ears flicking with every thud. Glancing back at her as she poked her head out, before lifting a hand from the reigns and pointing at the large hime ahead.*\n\"There. Home.\"\n\n*Grey would take the reigns in his firm wolfish grip, cracking them to motivate the horses. The cart jerking forward as they were set to reach their location in no time. The cart is left in a shed, defended from the elements, while the horses are led out to stables to rest.*" }, { "author": "Heide Theres Sephiran", "message": "*The girl would fall back into the cart as her boss willed the horses to a gallop and that's where she'd stay, her fingers clutching the floorboards for stability, after all she abhorred riding these things so she was more than eager to jump out of it and back onto the solid and unmoving ground before the thing was stowed.* \"Ahhhh! Free at last!\" *She'd exclaim while stretching her arms above her, letting a few things pop before resting and looking over to the mansion.* \"Hmm... You sure you own this?\"" }, { "author": "Grey the Hound", "message": "*Grey would glance back as he locked the pen of the horses.*\n\"You think me a liar?\" \n\n*He questioned as he sauntered over to the woman.*\n\"It was a gift.\"\n*Granted, a gift he paid for in blood for his lord back in the old days.*\n\"Come Heide. It's been abandoned for quite some time, so excuse the mess.\"\n*He'd motion to the front door, an aged yet elegant design. The house itself was very much the same, with windows shaded in dust and wood that split and tore from the weather. One could tell it was a lavish beautiful place before time set its creeping hands upon it.*" } ]
[ { "author": "Heide Theres Sephiran", "message": "\"*Start with the bed*.\" *The brat would repeat in an overly mocking tone before she took in a deep breath and then yanked the sheets off of said bed, quickly clouding the air once again, but she was prepared; turning away from the dusty explosion and balling up all the cloth to toss it into the corner of the room, then quickly yanking away the pillow and other bed stuffs.\n\n\"Haaaah!\" *She'd gasp out about a minute later after the dust settled, and then look upon the slightly less dusty yet now bare bed, her hands on her hips in triumph.* \"All done, fucko!\"" }, { "author": "Grey the Hound", "message": "*The wolf glances back at Heide, rolling his eyes promptly.*\n\"Good, now go wash them outside. Unless you want to sleep without a blanket or on a dirty bed.\"\n\n*Grey shakes his head, beginning to sweep up the floors. Dusting off what he could and returning the bedroom to its former glory.*\n\"Maybe I *Should* Hire a maid...\"" }, { "author": "Heide Theres Sephiran", "message": "*The woman would shrug and practically throw herself onto the bed, then quickly scooting to the center and getting all comfortable.*\n\"I'm tent girl, remember? I've slept on worse... Though I don't know if I've slept with worse~.\"\n*That'd seem to prompt a chuckle out of the girl as she smirked at the older man before then stretching out on the bed and popping a few of her joints, afterwards crossing her legs and rest her hands behind her head.*" }, { "author": "Grey the Hound", "message": "*The wolf sighed as his only help seemed to call it quits for the day. Sadly there was a lot of house to clean and not much day left to clean it. He'd have to call it quits as well, propping his broom against a wall.*\n\n*Stepping over to the bed and crossing his arms expectantly at Heide.*\n\"Move.\"" }, { "author": "Heide Theres Sephiran", "message": "\"Hmmmm...\" *Heide would begin to contort her face in an exaggerated fashion as she seemed to think on if she would let Grey onto his own bed... Not that she could really put up a fight if he were to force her... But well Heide is Heide, so she'd stick her tongue out like a child and quickly bark* \"Make me~!\"" }, { "author": "Grey the Hound", "message": "*Grey would huff, obliging by promptly scooping up Heide and tossing her onto the other side of the bed. A rather rough execution, but the wolf didn't care as he lays down and makes himself comfortable.*\n\"Made.\"\n\n*The dog glances over to his side of the bed, a small nightstand beside it. Leaning over and opening a drawer, in which a pair of glasses and a book lay. He puts the almost comically sized glasses on and cracks open the book marked by a bookmark.*\n\"Hmmm~\"" }, { "author": "Heide Theres Sephiran", "message": "*While she was so suddenly scooped up and tossed the merc would wear a rather blank expression, the idea of being moved so easily taking a bit to register in her mind before she hit the other side of the bed with an* \"Umph!\" *Though she'd managed to catch herself before she went over the edge and onto the floor, and once she'd settled she'd growl at the dog.*\n\n\"You coulda just pushed me... Asshole?\" *Heide's usual insult would quickly shift into a question as her boss slipped his reading glasses on... And soon would follow a stifled snorting and chuckling as the girl tried to hold back her laughter.*" }, { "author": "Grey the Hound", "message": "*The wolf glances over at Heide, arching an eyebrow at the woman. He looked at her as if she was insane, which she may be. He'd attempt to return to his book, interrupted only by the woman's muffled laughter.*\n\n*Eventually getting fed up and glaring at the woman.*\n\"Keep it up and I'll make you sleep in the hallway.\"" }, { "author": "Heide Theres Sephiran", "message": "\"Y-you... Pfft... You... You just look so... So...\" *Heide would manage to stop herself by quickly taking in a deep breath and letting it out, still barely containing herself, but managing.*\n\"*Ahem*....I uhh... Y'know just didn't think you wore glasses... And that they'd look so ummmm... F-funny.\"" }, { "author": "Grey the Hound", "message": "*Grey stares in a disappointed disbelief. Shaking his head as he removes said glasses.*\n\"I'm old. My eyesight ain't what it used to be... You'll understand when you can't move a few feet without a cane. Assuming you live that long. \"\n\n*The wolf sighs and puts his glasses back on, attempting to begin reading again.*" }, { "author": "Heide Theres Sephiran", "message": "*She'd roll her eyes* \"Oh boohoo, my eyes are failing cause I'm a dusty old mutt, oooooh my back isn't what it used to be and my dick hasn't worked in years ooooh...\" \n*The brat would mock in a deep voice to mimic his, but afterwards she'd seem to be finished terrorizing the older man and roll over onto her side with her back facing Grey.*\n\"Anyway, Imma sleep, you better not be reading anything that'll give you any ideas.\"" } ]
[ { "author": "Terrel Bales", "message": "*After finishing up with the war efforts of Mentia and having a quick wardrobe change back, Terrel and the rest of the group had begun to set back off west to return to the town. Along the way, the Silnari decided to do a quick pitstop in what used to be Middle Mentia, wanting to take the time to resupply in a nearby town and also get his weapons fixed up and restocked after the trauma they went through. For now, he was on the hunt for a blacksmith, realizing it had been quite a while since he visited one outside of Sento.*" }, { "author": "- `, Haron kinemeV//@", "message": "*In the town, where people mostly hid in the wooden houses, there, stood up a building with the name called \"Blacksmith of dark hands\". That was... A weird name, but, whatever. It was wooden too, except, the front door had a sign, with the words:\"Open!\". And upon entering it, the warrior was met with a bell sound, resonating that a new customer arrived, for the blacksmith. The atmosphere was cozy, and the smell of molten iron and steel, could hit the nose. And finally, on the front counter, a boy wearing a white shirt and having a belt with various instruments, came out. He looked young, around 18, having some coal on his cheeks, and a smile*\n\n\"Hello there traveler! Welcome to black hands forge! How may I service you today?\"" }, { "author": "Terrel Bales", "message": "*The Elf looked towards the young Macen, partially being reminded of the one he had once hired to do work in Sento. Eventually he approached Haron, removing his sword from its sheathe and lying it gently on top of the counter. It seemed like it had seen better days and still bore some of the stains from the people that had faced it.*\"You able to do some repair work? Got a few weapons I need fixed up before traveling again.\"*He says, giving a brief glance around the shop.*\"And wouldn't mind stocking up a bit while I'm here-. War efforts may have calmed down, but some people sure haven't.\"*He added as a partial joke. From looks alone, it appeared like the Elf had just come out of a fight already. While any injuries he may have received was hardly visible, the armor he wore bore several markings where whatever had attacked him failed to connect.*" }, { "author": "- `, Haron kinemeV//@", "message": "*The boy nodded, him checking the condition of the weapon, humming a bit to himself. His eyes were curious, of what it had seen. Haron then spoke again, smiling*\n\n\"Oh of course! Feel free to pick up anything here, to gear up and stuff. And yes, I'll be able to fix the stuff of yours. And also your armour. Cause from the looks of it, it can break from a light touch at this point!\"\n\n*Haron spoke, trying to joke a bit, and awkwardly chuckling. The thing about this macen, were the bandages over his left part of the face, that covered the eye, and a portion of the cheek. His black hair did cover a bit of the left part of his face, where bandages were, while he was preparing to clean the sword from any stains, and then get to the fixing.*" }, { "author": "Terrel Bales", "message": "*Terrel looked down at his armor, as if only now noticing the state it was in. He gave a chuckle.*\"What do you reckon the chances are of getting ambushed again out here?\"*He asks before letting a laugh.*\"I guess I may well get this fixed up too.\"*It had been a while since the Silnari had taken off his armor. Even the slow process of doffing it, made him feel under protected considering how long he had spent fighting here. Eventually all the armor was off, leaving him with his causal pants and shirt and he set the pieces atop the counter as well.*\"Be careful with it. Still got a lot of Mentia left to trek through.\"" }, { "author": "- `, Haron kinemeV//@", "message": "\"Ambush? Dunno... The area around town isn't the best suited for that kind of stuff. Besides, there isn't much to take from us here. So, rest a bit here\"\n\n*Haron noticed how slowly was the soldier taking off the armour. The question about the ambush, and that? It gave signs of paranoia to the blacksmith. He then inspected the armour, before speaking once more, being considerate towards the warrior*\n\n\"If you feel uncomfortable without armour, I have a replacement one to give you for the time being!\"" }, { "author": "Terrel Bales", "message": "*Terrel waved off the offer.*\"I'll adjust.\"*He says, eventually coming to rest against the counter, his back turned and gaze mostly on the door. With his armor fully off, the scarring on his bare arms were a lot easier to see now, though most seem pretty old. He had likely been fighting for a long time. The Silnari kept silent for a while, appearing to be lost in thought until he finally gave a shake of his head and spoke once more.*\"Guessing not much has been happening in the local area here? Kinda of surprised to find a town gone untouched out here. With a blacksmith nonetheless.\"" }, { "author": "- `, Haron kinemeV//@", "message": "*The blacksmith was meanwhile working on the sword, polishing it and sharpening it, him quietly humming, and listening in to the warrior*\n\n\"You guessed it right. It is pretty quiet here, sometimes, boars can run by, and cause some ruckus, or, sometimes other similar stuff, connected to nature and forests around. It is boring\"\n\n*Haron admitted, him turning the sword to the other side, and continuing his work on the sword*\n\n\"And, that was a good place for me. It is quiet and not very populated, so I can work at my own pace.\"" }, { "author": "Terrel Bales", "message": "*Terrel could understand the peace and quiet at least. Every so often between constant battling, he craved it. It wasn't to say he enjoyed adventuring any less, but the balance was nice. He glanced back towards the blacksmith, idly watching him work.*\"Ever thought about leaving? Most usually set off and travel a bit whenever they get bored of places.\"*He said.*" } ]
[ { "author": "- `, Haron kinemeV//@", "message": "\"I did, of course. But um... Unsure of it much. I had to travel around before, setting the place here and all\"\n\n*Haron admitted, him nodding to the fact that he carved for something new. Haron always dreamed of making perfected weaponry. So perhaps... An adventure would not sound half bad for Haron*" }, { "author": "Terrel Bales", "message": "*Terrel let an amused exhale of air.*\"Well y'know if you really want to, can travel out west with the rest of my group. There's an adventurer's guild there that you can join and several places that have yet to be explored in the local area. Something to consider at least, may find yourself skilled in more things than smith work.\"" }, { "author": "- `, Haron kinemeV//@", "message": "\"Guild? Yknow... I can't always stay in one place... So, yknow what? I'm in!\"\n\n*The young boy smiled brightly, before standing up, smiling brightly, in order to get this adventure started*" }, { "author": "Terrel Bales", "message": "\"Easy now, I still need my gear finished up.\"*He said with a laugh.*\"We'll be setting out by the end of the week so you should take the time to grab anything you need to take with you. The guild provides housing to those that become members. That way you can have a sort of home base to return to between adventures.\"" }, { "author": "- `, Haron kinemeV//@", "message": "\"I know, I know. Just excited by it! And alright! It will be more enough for me to prepare, besides I'll be able to fix your stuff, as well as prepare for the travel\"\n\n*Haron smiled brightly, him being happy for the fact that he would be now into the guild!*" }, { "author": "Terrel Bales", "message": "*Terrel nods in return.*\"I'll stop by later to collect my stuff, alright?\"*He says as he stood more upright, seeming like he was getting ready to head out.*\"And you as well.\"*He added as a joke before turning away.*" }, { "author": "- `, Haron kinemeV//@", "message": "\"See ya later! Come by later!\"\n\n*The boy cheerfully waved, before the blacksmithing started the forge, the smoke started to rise from the windows... And the blacksmith began their work, awaiting the warrior to pick him up. The time finally, were changing for Haron*" }, { "author": "Terrel Bales", "message": "*Terrel takes his leave from the blacksmith shop, promising to return at a later time.*" } ]
[ { "author": "red.ultra", "message": "*Dragovin stood towards the ships' bow, looking ahead. Soon the cog they had been riding across the Crimson Gulf would be landing on Salvania's shores. They'd set sail just a few days ago, but the Slaver's War felt far away from everything here. Dragovin had spent much of his life already dodging between the battle lines and territory borders, trying to recover who he was hired to find. The work wore on him, physically and emotionally, so he was glad to have a new start. The Pale Oni turned back towards the rest of the ship, trying to see if he could spot Evette anywhere. Dragovin wore his armor under his coat, practically keeping all of his belongings strapped to him.*" }, { "author": "goblinslime", "message": "Evette had thought the way the boat swayed was pretty neat the first couple hours but after a couple more it had become decidedly less neat. She had been standing at the back of the boat for the past twenty minutes, leaning over the side to watch the smaller row boat get dragged behind. She was also pretty sure leaning over the side was making her less dizzy so long as she didn't close her eyes. All of this open water was making her miss the city and all of the people with their tasty bread. She had eaten the last of her bread yesterday so all that she had left were berries and nuts. With a grumble she leaned back to prop her elbows up to rest against the top of the wood, resting her chin in her hands. The crew had an abundance of fish and had offered that to her but Evette didn't much care for it. Turning her head to regard the other end of the ship, she perked up at the sight of Dragovin. The pale oni (that is what he had told her he was) had always been pretty friendly so if he had any bread left he might be willing to give her some. Smiling, she made her way towards the bow of the ship, moving fairly gracefully across the lightly swaying deck, while making sure she didn't clip any of the shiphands with her antlers.\n\n\"Good morning!\" She chirped at Dragovin, giving him her friendliest smile. \"You, wouldn't, maybe, have any bread that you didn't want? I guess, I must have forgotten to ration it.\" The concept of storing food for long periods of time was not one that she was taking to." }, { "author": "red.ultra", "message": "\"Good morning.\" *Dragovin returned the smile, though paused as he tried to remember. Did he eat the last of his bread?* \"Here, give me a second.\" *Dragovin dropped to a knee as he moved his gear around, trying to find the small knapsack that he kept his small supply of food in. He hadn't thought to bring much, but was sure to have some left. He had barely eaten once setting foot upon the ship. He removed the bundle made from his clothes and rope and untied it, revealing it contents. All he had was an apple, a small loaf of bread, and a bit of salted jerky. It wasn't exactly a king's feast, but Dragovin had gotten used to eating lightly on his long trips searching through the woods and plains. Gingerly, he took the bit of bread and held it up to Evette.* \"We should be able to find something better once we land, but this should do for now.\"" }, { "author": "goblinslime", "message": "\"Oh, thanks!\" She immediately took the offered bread and began eating. It wasn't as good as the bread she would make at her bakery. The soft, flaky, fluffy bread. Nice and hot after just being pulled from the oven, with a butter and honey spread. Those were the days. \n\n\"I sure do hope we land somewhere with a nice bakery! That would be swell.\" She remarked between mouthfuls. All in all, they had boarded the ship in order to get away from the war which everyone said was getting worse with each passing day. It was definitely worse to her when they burned down her bakery. \n\n\"Say, what did you plan on doing in this new land?\" She asked, curious as she dusted the crumbs from her fingers." }, { "author": "red.ultra", "message": "*Dragovin had been thinking about that question during the voyage over. His role felt natural up North, but he wondered if he would find such similar job here. After all, slavers weren't running rampant, and Salvania had been well settled. For the most part, at least. Even his life as a tracker had been providence, something he fell into more than anything else. As Dragovin tied his gear back up, making sure to leave the apple out, he answered Evette's question to the best of his ability.* \"I think more of the same. I want to see the New Sunlight Guild at some point, but that's easily a month's ride away.\" *He straightened up and tied his bundle to his back before wiping nonexistent dust from the breastplate of his armor.*" } ]
[ { "author": "goblinslime", "message": "\"Oh, will the New Sunlight give you money?\" All of the two legged creatures did things for pieces of metal which they traded for things. She didn't understand why they traded valuable things for the metal when she had never seen anyone do anything with the metal other than give it away. However, it was undeniably that they all hoarded or coveted the small pieces of metal. As she watched him, she wondered if he was sad that they were traveling to this new place. It appeared to her that at the very least he seemed unsure so she went to pat him on the back, mimicking what she had seen other people do to provide comfort." }, { "author": "red.ultra", "message": "*Dragovin nodded with a chuckle.* \"I sure hope so.\" *The ship would be reaching the docks soon, and their journey would begin.* \"What about you, Evette? What do you plan to do? Start another bakery?\" *He remembered how hers had been burned down, and hoped bringing it up would be too sore of a subject. Dragovin braced himself as the ship would anchor at the docks, putting a hand out to help steady Evette in case she wasn't ready for the sudden stop.*" }, { "author": "goblinslime", "message": "\"That would be nice. Hopefully this new place has less people going around, burning down villages.\" She paused, thinking about the money situation. \"I'll need a lot more metal if I'm going to start one.\" She had gotten lucky with the last bakery, getting hired and all. She wasn't quite sure how people acquired their structures but if she had to guess it was with the metals.\n\nEvette took Dragovin's hand and shook it excitedly as the ship pulled into dock. \"Welcome!\" She said, shaking his hand as she was taught to do when someone offered their hand." }, { "author": "red.ultra", "message": "*Dragovin blinked, surprised and amused by Evette's response. Letting go of her hand and taking his apple, he stepped off the ship and onto the docks. With the boatman already paid, the two were left to their own devices. He had yet to ask if they'd be travelling together, or even where Evette was headed. However, from their conversation, it seemed that she didn't really know either. Still, he wouldn't completely make the decision for her.* \"So, I was thinking of passing through some of the border states in Tadon Barana, just outside Salvania. I know there are some towns there we can stop for a little while in.\"" }, { "author": "goblinslime", "message": "Evette sighed with relief as they stepped off of the boat and onto the weathered wood of the docks. How wonderful to be able to roam freely once more. The freedom felt good. \n\nShe cocked her head curiously to one side as Dragovin explained his plan. She was familiar with people giving names to parts of the land but she couldn't remember hearing anything about Tadon Barana. She had seen papers with markings on the that allowed people to know such things but she had no way to decipher any of that.\n\n\"Well, you are the expert, so if you think that is the way to go , I believe you!\"" }, { "author": "red.ultra", "message": "*Dragovin nodded, though he was unsure of himself. Expert he was not, but Evette seemed like she could use the help. He knew she was a powerful healer as well, and frankly he enjoyed her company, as naive as she was.* \"Alright, Tadon Barana it is.\" *He led his horse off the ship and onto the docks, where it happily ran to solid ground. Dragovin would walk towards his horse, smiling back at Evette.* \"Ride or walk?\"" }, { "author": "goblinslime", "message": "Evette gave his horse a nervous pat on the neck. \"Oh, I'll walk but if we need to go fast let me know!\" She would much rather run herself than ride another animal. Shifting her quarter staff off of her back and into her right hand, she turned fully towards Dragovin, grinning. \"The faster we get there the faster we can get more bread.\"" }, { "author": "red.ultra", "message": "*This made Dragovin laugh as he sorted some of his gear onto his horse, splitting the burden.* \"Yeah, that's right. I'm sure there'll be a bakery or something there.\" *He didn't really know what the future held for him, but a bakery and the upcoming Auctobalfest seemed like a good enough goal for now.* \"Belle can just walk beside us for now. It's early and shouldn't be too far.\" *Dragovin started to lead the horse down the dirt path, one that would lead to" } ]
[ { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "*Upturning the waves, the rockjng of the ship over every bump, rising up, and crashing back down, spraying the sea's foam upwards-*\n\n*The ship itself glistened, the mast, full sail, creaked as the wind blew the ship forward- the ropes tide down at the base of the mast pulled taut. The hull of beautifully rounded, and at the very front of the ship hung an ornate carving of a fox head- the cabin of the ship had long but short windows along it, and inside were all the belongings of the owner of the small ship, along with a couple valueless goods he hopes to sell for something.*\n\n*The owner himself, a particular* ***Akumo Onikawa,*** *Stop stop the fox carving, a large real fox standing at his feet, both enjoying the wind as akumo spied around for land- he'd been at sea for quite some time now. He looked down at his companion-*\n\n\"Do you see anything, Suki?\"" }, { "author": "UKI", "message": "*Suki huffed, and opened his mouth*\n\n\"SCREEE!\"" }, { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "*Akumo laughed*\n\n\"Oh shush, you rat.\"\n\n*Akumo hopped down from the carving, and the fox followed him- he went below deck, and dragged up the anchor. He went and made sure that all the belongings and goods were secure, and untied the ropes- he allowed the mastss to close most of the way, and angled them slightly into the wind, allowing for a more precise and slow ride into a harbor.*" }, { "author": "UKI", "message": "*Suki just followed him around on the ship the whole time*" }, { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "*After he does all this, he jumps over the edge of the ship, and hangs onto a rung as he sips his left hand into the cool water, and puts a finger in his mouth as he climbs back up- tasting for salt, as large amounts of that would be bad for his ship, and he'd have to make some preparations- it seemed to be alright for now.*" }, { "author": "UKI", "message": "*Watching from the railing, gets happy feet when akumo comes back up*" }, { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "\"What's got you so excited?\"\n\n*He looks up at the sky, for the sun's position*\n\n\"Oh, lunchtime! Come inside the cabin then.\"\n\n*Akumo opens the cabin door*" }, { "author": "UKI", "message": "*Dashes in immediately, and scratches at the cabinet with the food in it*" }, { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "*Akumo opens it and gets out a loaf of bread and a bit of raw beef, tearing the loaf into thirds, stuffing thirds of the meat into each, handing the middle third of the loaf to Suki, and keeping the other two for himself.*" }, { "author": "UKI", "message": "*Starts clawing at the bread trying to only eat the meat inside*\n\n*Huffs, and just starts tearing chunks off the bread*" }, { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "*Akumo gets up after finishing, and walks out*" }, { "author": "UKI", "message": "*Suki finishes just then and follows before the door shuts in his face*" }, { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "*Akumo smiles ahead at the land he's heading to-*\n\n*Akumo grins for a second more as he spots the docking place, and hops down, and heads into the cabin, and then down below deck where passengers were kept (the beds had chains and shackles tucked behind them but attached to them, pretty odd*\n\n\"Hey! Wake up! We're almost there!\"" }, { "author": "Angelo Oakenheel", "message": "*Somebody produced a deck of cards, as they sat playing and laughing, there came a voice of good news. They were almost there. Most likely near land. Meanwhile, Angelo had no idea how long he has been on the ship. He wanted to play games, get some things off his mind. At least traveling far away was a good idea. He thought it was perfect timing as well. To just get away.* Hmm? Captain perhaps? That's good to hear. *The bard mused to himself in thought, and the good news wasn't much of a shock but enough to give a man that's sleeping near a jolt when he hears it.* Alright, I'm putting an end to this game now. We can play later. *In an instant, Angelo was on his feet, grabbed his lute and went through the door, and onto the deck. He was just in time to see the Captain's point of view and understand it.* You're captain of this ship, right?*" }, { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "*He followed him up onto the deck of the ship, and closed the door*\n\n\"A Captain had a crew. Nay, I'm a sailor, lone sailor. I ferry people sometimes. Before I picked you up, I was a quarter of the way around the world.\"\n\n*He walked up and set the sails completely down, and allowed the boat to cruise slowly as they came closer-*\n\n\"I don't remember whether you paid, but I won't make you now. If you need help moving things, I'd be glad to.\"" }, { "author": "UKI", "message": "*Suki starts clawing at Angelo's foot, growling quietly*" }, { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "\"Down, boy! He's a friend!\"\n\n*Akumo shoos Suki away from Angelo with his foot*" }, { "author": "UKI", "message": "*Hisses at both of them, and runs up to his spot on top of the cabin*" }, { "author": "Angelo Oakenheel", "message": "*Angelo didn't seem to mind the creature. It looked adorable.* I can tell you've traveled a long way here. *He looks back at the Captain, in deep thought for a moment.\n\nMhmmm. Angelo's face seemed to be admitting a dubious possibility to this suggestion. There's no need for that. The only thing I carry with me is my lute. I am forever in your gratitude.*" }, { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "\"I come from the other side of this world. So in that, you're right. Curious, though, your expression. Is something bothering you?\"\n\n*He hoists the anchor up onto the railing getting ready to drop it, and put a bamboo stuck into the water, measures how deep it is, and starts estimating the distance to the dock*\n\n\"You can talk to me. I could keep some secrets too, you know.\"\n\n*He shoves the anchor off the side, and the anchor chain slides over the railing all the way down to the back of the boat, and the boat started to slow and turn, and he climbed back onto the cabin, and turned the rudder so it would correct the boat*" }, { "author": "UKI", "message": "*Suki slides right off the cabin when the boat suddenly slows down, right off the side of the boat, and Angelo heard a plop as he splashed itto the water*" }, { "author": "Angelo Oakenheel", "message": "*I'm fine. He said, looking over his shoulder to see if there was land. Angelo heard a splash in the water. \n\nHe stands to his feet, walking over as he peered at the sea, a worried look on his face. Your uhhm. The bard cleared his throat before replying. Your pet is in the sea. I think he fell in.*" }, { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "\"It's alright, he'll find his way back.\"\n\n*He kepr steering, they were still maybe a hundred yards from the dock*" }, { "author": "UKI", "message": "*Suki was swimming after them a little slower then the boat, and then latched onto one of the planks, and just rode there, still completely in the water*" }, { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "\"By the way.. Angelo, was it? Where are you from?\"\n\n*He keeps on the boat's rutter- 80 yards now*" }, { "author": "Angelo Oakenheel", "message": "*Silnarian, Angelo answered, still looking out at the sea, watching the creature to ensure he finds his way back. He couldn't help but feel sympathetic for animals.*" }, { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "\"What's it like?\"\n\n*He realizes angelo's worry and smiles sympathetically*" }, { "author": "UKI", "message": "*Suki had found his new favorite spot on the boat, and closed his eyes, actually taking a nap*" }, { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "\"Don't worry about Suki.. He can take care of himself.\"\n\n*Akumo was thinking about where he was from for a split second before he stopped himself*" }, { "author": "Angelo Oakenheel", "message": "I strongly dislike it. I don't have regrets either. It's too late to turn back now. *Angelo said without hesitation, he didn't really want to talk about it. Whenever he felt some type of way, he'd usually end up distant. It was better than nothing.*" }, { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "\"What do you have a problem with over there?\"\n\n*He was pushing the matter further, he was curious- and bored.*\n\n\"If you're from there, wouldn't you have fond memories of it?\"\n\n*He takes his hands off the rutter, he was getting hot, so he took off everything but his pants and boots, tossing it into the hatch of the cabin on the top- should Angelo look, he'd see a lot of scars*" }, { "author": "Angelo Oakenheel", "message": "*Apparently, our race is being slaughter because of slavery. Innocent or not, that's my reason for getting away, and I can assure you that is not something to be fond of. \n\nIf I was involved, I would have been dead long ago. Angelo casually spoke, as if he had no problem telling true stories. That helped past time faster, and he felt the same way.\n\nThis is just the beginning of the end. Angelo couldn't help but see it from his point of view.*" }, { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "\"Well. I must say, if I had heard that information earlier, from someone else, you might have been chained to the bed down there for sale, and not up here on the deck. I'm honest in words but not in practice. But I understand you; so don't you worry. I spent the childhood and early adult years of my life being tortured and beaten. I never saw my parents because they didn't want me. All these scars I have, save for a few, are from those years.\"\n\n*His smile faded, and he realized how close the the dock he was, so he suddenly turned the rutter, and the boat slowed dramatically, coming to a slow float towards a docking place*" }, { "author": "UKI", "message": "*Suki lost his grip and floated right over to the rungs, where he happer up into the boat*" }, { "author": "Angelo Oakenheel", "message": "*Now that's scary. It looks like I beat them to it.\n\n Angelo mused, smiling abit as he attempted to lighten up the mood abit. It was nice to speak to someone he can relate to and understand.* Well, looks like we're on the same boat? Or should I say ship? \n\nAngelo felt there was little movement, on the ship, looking as he saw there was a docking place. Something came to mind, before he was going to go.\n\nHow much do I owe you in coin?*" }, { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "\"I'll miss talking with you.. And you don't owe me anything. ..Wait. You said there are people trying to enslave your race? Say, maybe it isn't a good idea to be anywhere without proper protection- how about this. I'll be your bodyguard at nighttime, for 2 silver a night. How does that sound?\"\n\n*He brought the boat to a stop as they came to the dock, and jumped down, tying the boat down and putting the gangway across-*" }, { "author": "UKI", "message": "*Suki started biting at Akumo's feet*" }, { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "\"I mean, I can assume you have a fairly public profession. Thateans if there were any slavers here looking for you, they'd find you pretty easily.\"\n\n*Akumo didn't have any weapons on him, bit if he had offered such a thing,* ***Surely*** *He must have some, and know how to.*" }, { "author": "Angelo Oakenheel", "message": "*The bard shook his head. No, other races are being enslaved, which is causing chaos. You know, the usual. So, the elf race in general is... Hated.\n\nAngelo suddenly just stared with a dumbfounded look on his face, and surprised.* You're absolutely right. Why haven't I thought of that? \n\nHe asked a rhetorical question, making sure he brought his lute with him, and walks down the passage way that was provide. And answered his question, after giving some thought to it. \n\nOf course, sure, I don't mind at all. Angelo had walked off the passage way, now he could see Captain up close, giving a friendly smile. He looked back at his ship in consideration. And your ship? Will your ship be safe here?\n\nFlowing red hair, eyes that showed green even from a distance, with long pointed ears. His hat decorated in flowers.*" } ]
[ { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "*He smiled greatly*\n\n\"No one would think to steal this here ship, it doesn't look like it could stand up to any other of these here ships, even if it is faster.\"\n\n*He finishes knotting, and goes the the cabin, gets all the clothes he had on before, puts on the weapons belt, and loaded on what looked like three katanas of varying sizes- a katana on his left hip, a Wakizashi on his right, and an ōdachi on his back- before taking pieces of some old-looking armor, and fitting them to himself, shin guards on his boots, plated gauntlets on his arms, and the large body piece under his coat- he closed the chest, and left, meeting Angelo back on the dock- he looked very, very ready to take on a full group of thugs at a moment's notice. Suki was at his feet, curled up*\n\n\"Say, you ready to get on into the city?\"" }, { "author": "Angelo Oakenheel", "message": "*Good, yeah good. Angelo nods, watching his surroundings for a quick moment and relaxes abit. You know I don't fight, right? He reminds him, watching the male as if he preparing for battle.\n\nHe curiously looks at the creature at his feet, before asking, What's your pet's name again?*" }, { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "\"I know, that's why I'd be the one fighting. And his name is Suki. He's been my friend for.. A few years now. He'll live as long as me.\"\n\n*He kneels and gives Suki a pat on the head*" }, { "author": "UKI", "message": "*Hisses and backs up right off the dock*" }, { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "\"He's a bit clumsy, and fighty. He doesn't like this bigger than him, and he eats things smaller than him.\"\n\n*He picks up Suki and puts him back on the dock*" }, { "author": "Angelo Oakenheel", "message": "*Well, he sure does seem like the angry type. Angelo thought about petting Suki, reframing from that as soon as he begin to growl and hiss.\n\nOn second thought, where are we heading to now?*" }, { "author": "UKI", "message": "*Suki bites akumo's finger*" }, { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "\"Down.\" *He points at Suki*\n\n\"Down. Last chance.\"" }, { "author": "UKI", "message": "*Bites harder, making akumo bleed*" }, { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "*Akumo flicks Suki in the ear so hard it knocks him out*" }, { "author": "UKI", "message": "*Immediately passes out and hits the dock with a* ***Thud***" }, { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "*Akumo picks up the fox and turns to Angelo*\n\n\"Hm? Oh- probably an inn? I don't know, I'm following you.\"\n\n*He pets Suki, who was completely unconcious*\n\n*Akumo holds Suki in a way where is Angelo wanted to pet Suki, he could*" }, { "author": "Angelo Oakenheel", "message": "An Inn sounds good. We can head there, and see what they have. *Angelo looks at the adorable creature, a smile on his face with welcoming arms. He wanted to pet, and hold him.*" }, { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "\"Go ahead, you can hold him.\"\n\n*He gives the fox to Angelo*\n\n\"Alright, I've never been here before, so you'll have to lead. Ill be right behind you.\"\n\n*He slides the katana a little out, but it still looks completely sheathed- it made a clicking noise- it would be easier to unsheathe at a moment's notice. He waits*" }, { "author": "UKI", "message": "*Suki was still calm, and warm- and surprisingly light*" } ]
[ { "author": "YAGPDB.xyz", "message": "Edit this to change the output of the command!" }, { "author": "Angelo Oakenheel", "message": "*He brought out his lute, thinking of playing a song and singing. Maybe this will ease him.*" }, { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "*Akumo finished trying down the sails, and got up on top of the cabin, and from there climbed a top to the top of the highest mast, beyond the sound of the lute, beyond suki's screeching, taking in the scenery and the surroundings, being able to see farther than normal into the water from this angle as well.. He let out a heavy sigh, as he became completely focused on finding something*\n\n*Akumo picks up a board that the rope was attached to, and climbed back down*" }, { "author": "Angelo Oakenheel", "message": "*Angelo closed his eyes without fear of where they were heading, as he began to sing and pluck easeful notes from his lute, as he had felt the ship being steered further away from the docks.\n\nSing me a song of a lass that is gone\nSay, could that lass be I?\nMerry of soul she sailed on a day\nOver the sea to Skye\nBillow and breeze, islands and seas\nMountains of rain and sun \nAll that was good, all that was fair\nAll that was me is gone\nSing me a song of a lass that is gone\nSay, could that lass be I?\nMerry of soul she sailed on a day\nOver the sea to Skye~\n\n\nEverything was silent, but except in the distance soft, beguiling fragments of music carried on on a glacial wind, as he climbed back down, the music became louder, the melody clearer, more insistent.*" }, { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "*Akumo hopped over the edge of the boat with Suki in one hand, and the board in the other- the rope of now tied to his waist*" }, { "author": "Angelo Oakenheel", "message": "*Angelo was done playing his music, looking at Akumo, concerned.* What are you doing?" } ]
[ { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "*He hits the water with the board under his feet, surfing on the water, the boat pulling him along- he holds Suki just above the water, who kept looking around all excited*" }, { "author": "Angelo Oakenheel", "message": "*Akumo, - before Angelo knew it, he immediately was on his feet, rushing towards his direction, looking at the sea. His heart beating rapidly in fear. Have you done this before? It looks dangerous.-*" }, { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "*He sips Suki into the water, and pulls him up- Suki was completely clean in appearance now- the water scoured away the dirt- akumo tosses Suki back up to Angelo*\n\n\"Don't worry so much-\"\n\n*He grabs the board and does the same thing to himself, but uses the rope to get to the rungs on the side of the boat, and climbs up, soaking, but clean*" }, { "author": "Angelo Oakenheel", "message": "*He caught the fox in his arms, giving him headpats.* Well, I really don't know how to swim." }, { "author": "artimatheestusaddict", "message": "\"I could teach you the way I was taught. Throw you in a lake, you'll learn before you drown.\"" }, { "author": "Angelo Oakenheel", "message": "*I - What about my clothes? The sharks? Sea monsters? I'm afraid of deep water.*" }, { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "\"I'm only joking. I'd much rather heroically save you from drowning every time you were in water.\"" }, { "author": "Angelo Oakenheel", "message": "*Angelo scoffs, and watches him with a slight amused smile from the joke he told. He didn't really want to smile but he did. How could he stay mad at him forever? How generous of you.*" } ]
[ { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "*Akumo picked up Suki, who was shiny, but all of his fur was soaked, so he looked really, really skinny*" }, { "author": "UKI", "message": "*Looks miserable, but tail is whipping around happily*" }, { "author": "Angelo Oakenheel", "message": "*I guess I should go in next?*-" }, { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "\"I wouldn't if I were you, just get a bucket. You have to really hang onto that board, the water will tear you from it very quickly.\"" }, { "author": "Angelo Oakenheel", "message": "*That doesn't sound fun. Angelo gets a bucket for water to clean himself with. He wondered where he should collect the water, looking over at the sea.*" }, { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "*Akumo takes the rope and ties the end to the handle of the bucket*\n\n\"There you go.\"\n\n*Akumo takes the rope and ties the end to the handle of the bucket*\n\n\"There you go.\"" }, { "author": "Angelo Oakenheel", "message": "Should've thought of that sooner. *Angelo lowers the bucket, letting it sink into the sea, collecting some water, and carefully lifts it back onto the ship to avoid spilling water.*" }, { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "\"You're welcome.\"\n\n*He pats Angelo on the head*" }, { "author": "Angelo Oakenheel", "message": "*Angelo smiles abit, and focuses on the bucket of water. He takes off his bonnet. Then he picks the bucket with two hands, pouring the bucket of water over his head. His hair and clothes drenched, his body stiff and cold.\n\nI've never done this before. It's.. Different. Hopefully, Angelo would adjust to bathing himself this way.*" }, { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "\"See? All better. That's how I always cleaned myself, seawater. It doesn't smell nice, and it feels a little sticky later, but you won't get any nasty infections from it.\"" }, { "author": "Angelo Oakenheel", "message": "*It just feels unsual. I'm a woodelf, so this will take some time.*\n\nSpeaking of seawater, is it good for infections and wounds?" }, { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "\"I'd say neutral, but it's good for healing.\"" }, { "author": "Angelo Oakenheel", "message": "Good to know. *Angelo collects more seawater and pours more of it on himself.*" } ]
[ { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "*Akumo turns and walks off, chuckling, going to see if anything else required attention*" }, { "author": "Angelo Oakenheel", "message": "*Angelo collects more sea water, for special medical purposes. He had hope the water was beneficial, so he was going to test it.*" }, { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "*Akumo laughed at this*\n\n\"It's just salted water! You won't find anything special, I'm sure.\"\n\n*He goes the the steering wheel and inspects a lever next to it.. He goes the the ropes of the mast, and ties them to what appears to be a moving set of notches- then he goes back up to the wheel, and pulls the lever- the moving set pulls back, and the mast pulls up a little*\n\n*He goes downstairs and gets a couple of bits and pieces, and goes down below deck to work on something inside the deck floor- he comes back up, and pulls the lever again, and now the masts pull up a little more- he sighs, and reties the ropes to the sturdy set of notches*\n\n*He turns the wheel, and the boat starts to turn slightly out of the direction of the wind, and cuts diagonally across the waves- it crosses a large one and turns a little forward again as the front came down- the head of the boat split the water as it came down- the sea spray came up past the boat*\n\n*His eyes watched the horizon, and he spotted a small ship- he turned the boat to intercept it, and went downstairs to get his chest*\n\n***When he came back up, he had an asymmetrical bow, only about 6 inches shorter than himself, and a quiver of large, slender arrows***" }, { "author": "Angelo Oakenheel", "message": "*Angelo grumbled in defeat, disappointed in what he said.*\n\nWhat makes you say that? Change of mind? *He begin to feel his anxiety, as his friend took control of the boat, water below his foot. Which felt slippery underneath his footwear, he tried to gain his balance and slipped, falling back on his bottom with the bucket of water spilling on him once again. His clothes drenched, embarrassed. He felt like a complete failure.* It's worth a try, so I will do it anyway.- *Angelo replied, in a stubborn tone.*" }, { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "*He didn't reply- he held the bow aimed straight up, legs straight, arrow held just above the string- he slid one foot back, bending the knee, as he brought the bow down, arrow drawn as far back as he could bring it, the bottom of the bow firmly planted in the planks- he aimed for the speck that was the captain of the far off ship*" }, { "author": "Angelo Oakenheel", "message": "*Angelo stands up to his feet with the now empty bucket and rope, looking over to Akumo with curiousity. Though he looked concerned. It seems he was too busy.* What are you doing?" }, { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "*When he let go, the bow made a sound like a far off cannon- the arrow was simply g o n e. A couple seconds later, the sound of a an arrow head driving into wood like a bullet is heard across the water*" }, { "author": "Angelo Oakenheel", "message": "*Angelo reaches his hand out to poke the male's ear, hoping he'd have his attention. He looks out at the ocean, still dumbfounded.* Are you trying to start a war?" }, { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "\"DAMNIT! I missed.. No, I just need a little bit more materials to finish my ship, and I haven't got money.\"\n\n*He does the same draw with another arrow, so far back the bow creaked- he now has to hit the captain on a moving, turning boat*" }, { "author": "Angelo Oakenheel", "message": "You knew this would happen. I was offering you coins, why deny it?" } ]
[ { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "\"Because it's not fun- and I like this better than taking money from friends..\"" }, { "author": "Angelo Oakenheel", "message": "*I could care less about money. You may need it now. Sooner or later either way.*" }, { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "\"Well I want to exert myself, how else should I do it? I haven't got anything to do!\"" }, { "author": "Angelo Oakenheel", "message": "*Just let me support you. That's all I am saying. Why is it so difficult for you to accept that?*" }, { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "\"..Because it's boring.. I don't want to live a boring life..\"" }, { "author": "Angelo Oakenheel", "message": "*Hmm, *Angelo thought to himself, reconsidering what he's saying.*" }, { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "*He hesitates for a moment, before immediately aiming ng and firing again- the arrow whistles through the air, and soared past the other boat-* ***Having passed through the target***" }, { "author": "Angelo Oakenheel", "message": "*Angelo looks to see if he shot his target, and gives him a pat on the shoulder instead.* Nice shot." }, { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "*Akumo then puts the bow down and gets the sails to full mast, and comes just out in front of their boat, out of the line of their cannons, and grins*\n\n\"I would suggest getting into the cabin.\"" }, { "author": "Angelo Oakenheel", "message": "*And if something happens? Angelo looks concerned, wondering why he had to hide.*" }, { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "\"Oh, nothing will, just get in there.\"" }, { "author": "Angelo Oakenheel", "message": "*He nods, nervously going into the cabin. He was still wondering why he wanted him in the cabin.*" }, { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "\"Things are gonna get messy.\"" }, { "author": "Angelo Oakenheel", "message": "*Angelo gave him a nod, before covering his ears.*" }, { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "*Akumo turned and ran off, and fought for nigh on 20 minutes, from the deck of his ship and then on board theirs to finish off the guarding forces, leaving the sailors who didn't fight alive- he himself sustained substantial injury.*\n\n*He came back and knocked on the door*" }, { "author": "Angelo Oakenheel", "message": "*Angelo heard a knock on the door, startled with his ears perked up. He looked half scared to death. He opens the door, peeking out with a sigh of relief. Oh, thank the gods, I live to see another day.*\n\n*Did you find anything valuable?" }, { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "*Akumo was covered in cuts and his back had a couple arrows in it*\n\n\"Hey, how many beds do we have downstairs? I need 40 total, any we don't have, you can put blankets on the floor for.\"\n\n*He turns, and puts the gangway board across to the other boat- he had pulled alongside it*" }, { "author": "Angelo Oakenheel", "message": "*No, no, get back here. You need to rest. Angelo's stubborn trait surfaced, attempting to get him to rest. He looked horribly injured.*" }, { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "*Akumo gave Angelo a very deathly look to let him know this wasn't time for an argument, before walking across the board*" }, { "author": "Angelo Oakenheel", "message": "*He lowers his ears, sighing in defeat before he followed him across the walking board, carefully. He feared heights, trying not to stare down at the sea.*" }, { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "Someone came out of the cabin with a sword, probably the captain- The one akumo had killed with the bow was just the first mate- and came at akumo, not bothering for words before lunging at him with his whole body- akumo evaded, throwing Angelo the other way- the captain his the ground on his hands and knees, and was getting up, when akumo drew his katana, holding it upside down, doing a half spin as he drove the sword straight through their back, and into the floor- he gripped the sword correctly, and dragged it out before swinging the sword to the side, flinging off the blood, and re-sheathing it*\n\n\"Just go get the beds ready, alright?\"" }, { "author": "Angelo Oakenheel", "message": "*Angelo stands back to his feet, dusting himself off before walking back across the board. \n\nOf course.\n\nHe looked worried,but he didn't want to make him stress or angered than he already had. Minutes later, he was carrying beds back to Akumo's ship with quick haste.*" } ]
[ { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "*Akumo got some let's off of the captain and went down to the bottommost floor of the boat, and looked around inside- he started unlocking doors*" }, { "author": "Angelo Oakenheel", "message": "*Angelo puts the blankets on the floor, walking back onto deck, and across the walking board to check on Akumo.*" }, { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "*Akumo was taking chains off of slaves- elves like Angelo*\n\n\"They were flying the flag of one of the slave trading ships I saw where I picked you up.\"\n\n*The elves had the tips of their left ears clipped, some kind of mark of property*\n\n\"Noticed right when you were talking to me before my second shot at this boat. It's about a little more than the materials now.\"\n\n*The \"Slaves\" Had clothing that barely covered them, and walked off of the boat onto the deck of Akumo's in a single-file line, avoiding the bodies- each one stared at akumo as they passed, wondering how in hell he's still standing with so many injuries*" }, { "author": "Angelo Oakenheel", "message": "*Angelo immediately looked away, refusing to see what caused his race damage.\n\nYes.. The bard felt sick in the stomach, this new was just horrific. He hated it.*\n\n*He quietly moves onto collecting many blankets, avoiding to see them.*" }, { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "\"They don't trust me, they think I'm just stealing them to sell them myself.\"\n\n*He said as he took the chains off a boy who immediately stuck to a woman in the line- akumo reaches around and pulls out one of the arrows*\n\n\"Why do you look away from them?\"" }, { "author": "Angelo Oakenheel", "message": "*It's nothing, really... I'm just too busy, at the moment. \n\nAngelo walks to the bottom of the ship, as he opens every door to see if anyone else was left behind. He collects more blankets, refusing to think about it.*" }, { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "*Right when Angelo was in the hull of Akumo's ship, he heard akumo yell at someone to stop doing something*" }, { "author": "Angelo Oakenheel", "message": "*Angelo rushes back up the ship to see what was happening.* What the hell happened?" }, { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "*Akumo was being another kitsune by the wrists, they seemed pissed, specifically at him*" }, { "author": "Angelo Oakenheel", "message": "*Angelo pushed them away from him, protecting Akumo as he warned them. He's my friend, and he doesn't mean any harm to any of you. The capturers are now dead, we'll take care of this from now on. Angelo said, reassuring his race safety, he felt disappointed.*\n\n*Akumo, we need to talk.*" }, { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "\"Then speak.\"\n\n*He grabs the Kitsune and chains them right back up, but behind their back now so they can't reach forward anymore*" }, { "author": "Angelo Oakenheel", "message": "*Somewhere private.*\n\n*Angelo waited, so that he would also have a chance to treat his wounds.*" }, { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "*Akumo went and put the Kitsune away in the cabin of his boat, and came back*\n\n\"Alright?\"" }, { "author": "Angelo Oakenheel", "message": "*He thought for a moment, changing his mind. Though he looked worried, and unsettled. He didn't want to believe this was all happening to him.\n\nDo you mind if I treat your wounds?*" }, { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "\"Just say what you were going to say first.\"\n\n\"Why did you want to be private?\"" }, { "author": "Angelo Oakenheel", "message": "*We have all ears around us.*\n\n*Angelo decided to keep that thought to himself, smiling abit before leading the elves at the bottom of the ship for proper rest. He felt somewhat responsible for his race, as they were none to care for each other.* No worries, friend. I will take care of this." }, { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "\"You don't need to. I'm dripping them off where they came from\"" }, { "author": "Angelo Oakenheel", "message": "*How would you know where they live?*" }, { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "\"They're bound to live nearby to where you were- this ship was docked there when I was picking you up.\"\n\n*He walks off of the slave trading ship, and hoists Angelo over with him, before hopping back over and taking out his large sword, and began ripping up the floors looking for something*" }, { "author": "Angelo Oakenheel", "message": "*We shouldn't go back. They deserve a new beginning.*" }, { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "\"Then where? We can't simply drop them off anywhere. They're marked, they'll be hunted anywhere but their home, as far as I know.\"" }, { "author": "Angelo Oakenheel", "message": "Well, I'm not going back. It's too risky." }, { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "\"..I'm dropping them off at the nearest shore.\"\n\n*He rips a pulley and some chain out of the boat and jumped back into his, climbing back up to the wheel*" }, { "author": "Angelo Oakenheel", "message": "*Angelo looks at Akumo, wondering if he was angry or not. Though he carried on with the conversation.* I'm sure you haven't heard of our home, but it's called the Great Silnaria. All kinds of elves live there.\n\n*He stood on Akumo's ship, making sure his lute was in tune. What is a kitsune doing on your ship? It's strange.*" }, { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "\"The Kitsune was locked by herself on their ship. She seems to be beyond reason.\"\n\n*He leans on his wheel*\n\n\"I just.. I'm going to test my eyes a bit, ok? See if any of those elves can sail for me..\"\n\n*He slumped over, passed out from blood loss*" }, { "author": "Angelo Oakenheel", "message": "*You idiot...-\n\nAngelo approaches Akumo with a sigh, deciding to help him with his wounds. But he worried he'd only make it worse. He wasn't used to so much blood. Angelo looks around, wondering what he should use. Few minutes later he returns with a blanket and water. He needed to clean the wounds first and so he did.*" }, { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "*He was barely breathing, and would definitely take quite a while to heal- someone else would need to sail for a while.*" }, { "author": "Angelo Oakenheel", "message": "*Angelo had covered his wounds, slowing down the bleeding abit. He took his time to help Akumo the best way he could.*" }, { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "*Akumo was laid against the railing, wrapped up in a blanket- the bleeding had stopped, he'd be ok*\n\n*A couple elves who realized they weren't moving came out and started looking around, they looked young, and they came over and saw akumo laying there- apparently they didn't speak the same language as akumo and Angelo, because they started talking, and couldn't be understood*" }, { "author": "Angelo Oakenheel", "message": "*Angelo sighs, and leads the slaves back to where they came, attempting to ensure their safety once again and not to worry them. He walks back to Akumo, sat down by him and begin to comfort him again.*" }, { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "*The elves came back and started messing with the ropes on the sails, trying to figure out the knots*" }, { "author": "Angelo Oakenheel", "message": "*Don't mess with the ropes! Do you've any idea what you're doing?*" } ]
[ { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "*Two let the sails down while the next two went to the wheel and the anchor, pulling it up and turning away from the other boat-*\n\n*Evidently, they had been sailors where they were from, as they started directing the ship better than akumo was doing (though Akumo was by himself)*\n\n*Perhaps they would be a crew, perhaps they just felt that staying there wasnt good- but they were moving the ship, and that's what needed to be done*" }, { "author": "Angelo Oakenheel", "message": "*Angelo watches the elves for abit, wondering what they were doing. But soon he begin to understand what they were doing.*\n\n*Hopefully, we're not heading back to our homeland. Things are not what they always seem.*" }, { "author": "AKUMO OnIKAWA", "message": "*They sailed for a long time- a couple hours, maybe more, it was hard to tell- they kept sailing in one direction, for out into ocean*" }, { "author": "Angelo Oakenheel", "message": "*Angelo was starting to feel nervous and restless.* Alright, very funny, we've been sailing for quite awhile. Tell me where we're heading?" } ]
[ { "author": "Ling Kazami", "message": "*The comforting stroking of her back brought slight relief to the seasick woman, though her nausea didn't completely go away.*\n\n\"I need some sake...\"\n\n*Spitting out the foul tasting bile, Ling attempts to stand straight, before the rocking of the waves throws her against the railing once again. Ling's able to catch herself though; her reaction hadn't been dulled only due to sickness. After all, she wasn't going to let some simple vertigo disrupt her plans for Runra.*\n\n\"Which day is it again? I lost count.\"" }, { "author": "Machi Oyama Hayashi", "message": "*She would continue to stroke her back, and held her hair for a few moments later, when she saw Ling attempt to stand straight. She would shake her head a little, as she reached for a small bottle of sake she had on her, for such moments, and handed it over to her beloved.*\n\n\"Its not much, but it should least get the taste out...\"\n\n*She thought over the days of the week, silently counting for a second. She wasn't entirely sure, actually, given that she never could keep track well.*\n\n\"Uhh... I believe today is a Teusday? I think...?\"" }, { "author": "Ling Kazami", "message": "\"So... What's that, another week of this hell?\"\n\n*Ling quickly unstops the top of the bottle, taking a large swig to get the taste of vomit out, replaced with the strong sense of alcohol. She then handed it back to Machi.*\n\n\"Want some? It's not contaminated, don't worry.\"\n\n*A small smile can be seen on Ling's face as she stands up straight.*\n\n\"So... When we get to Runra. Do you have anything, or anyone over there?\"\n\n*Over their adventures, the pair had accumulated a large amount of wealth and nothing to spend it on. So far, it had been used for repairs, food, equipment, and drink. Ling had considered getting a magic weapon, but she didn't want to imbalance between her chokuto and wakizashi; favoring one over the other would make her fighting style odd.*" }, { "author": "Machi Oyama Hayashi", "message": "*Machi rubbed her chin, thinking for a moment, before nodding.*\n\n\"Uhhh, roughly a week sounds right?\"\n\n*The Oka replied, and would take her flask back, leaning a little, as she took a sip or two, and corked the bottle for later.*\n\n\"Thankfully sea sickness isn't contagious.\"\n\n*She giggled softly, and turned towards the ocean the ship sailed to, thinking. Did she know anyone in Runra?*\n\n\"Honestly... I probably don't. I don't recall ever visiting Runra in my life, and anyone I might know form my old days as a mercenary who moved there, if anyone... Probably isn't still around.\"\n\n*She admitted, with a small shrug. She turned her glance back to Ling with a small mile, and she thought about their travels thusfar, and the wealth they had acquired through their travels. Enough coin to refit her father's old armor, and to reinforce it quite a bit over all, and a bit more.*\n\n\"I know my father went on travels a lot, so maybe someone who knew him, might recognise his armor, or maybe his sword. He used to say it had a bit of a story, though he never quite told me what kind of story it had.\"\n\n*She smiled softly, and then, the thought dawned on her.*\n\n\"What about you, know anyone there?\"\n\n*She asked, curiously.*" }, { "author": "Ling Kazami", "message": "\"Ugh... I guess it's from person to person...\"\n\n*As Machi mentioned the lack of contacts, Ling knew that this adventure would be similar to all the others; just the two of them. She looked off to the bleak horizon, ever present and unwavering, except for her perception, which rocked up and down.*\n\n\"Your father was that famous a mercenary? Must have been quite the man.\"\n\n*Ling attempted to rack her head about anyone she knew. The only thought that came up were the others in the village, the nobles who ran it, and her 'family'.*\n\n\"No one in particular. Just my crapload of a 'family'. But I don't need them; I have you.\"" }, { "author": "Machi Oyama Hayashi", "message": "\"Least its only another week and not more.\"\n\n*She thought for a moment, looking off to the horizon as well, as she thought over how her father's status. She wasn't really sure what the situation was, truth be told, and she shrugged a little.*\n\n\"Maybe not so much famous, but, perhaps he was just that dependable, or something. He... Told stories of his life of course, but he wasn't exactly, talkative of himself, just the jobs he did, and the sort of monsters he fought along the way. But, maybe he was simply famous.\"\n\n*She glanced back to Ling, as she leaned against the railing, listening as she spoke, rather lowly of her family, and her cheeks burned as Ling said she didn't need them, since she had her.*\n\n\"I... Thank you Ling. That means quite a lot to me.\"\n\n*She said, with a soft smile, and her twin-tails began to wag appreciatively.*" }, { "author": "Ling Kazami", "message": "\"I wish I had a father like that. Something to be proud of. Even if he wasn't around, just wanting to be like him.\"\n\n*Despite the statement, Ling smiles, reaching for one of Machi's fluffy tails and scratching it. The soft, warm fur always gave her comfort, no matter what she was thinking.*\n\n\"It's not that much, really, when you see how bad they are. Of course, I shouldn't compare you to them. It's not even close.\"\n\n*The swordswoman places a tender kiss on Machi's cheek, followed by some affectionate ear scratches. She would easily sacrifice her relatives back home if it meant Machi gained a couple of pennies; that was how little they meant to her and how much significance the kemonomimi held in her life.*" }, { "author": "Machi Oyama Hayashi", "message": "*She yipped softly as she felt the affectionate touch to her tails, and she nodded listening.*\n\n\"I suppose that's fair, he was certainly something to be proud of, even if he wasn't always there. Helping others, ensuring we had enough to get by happily. And that was enough to be proud.\"\n\n*She frowned a little, listening to hear how bad Ling's family had been. Of course she knew it, she remembered how she mentioned her family overall in the past, but even still...*\n\n\"It doesn't bother me, they are still family after all, but... I appreciate the thought.\"\n\n*She yipped a little, as she felt the ear scratches, her leg beginning to shake instinctively, and her tails wagged faster. She wasn't really sure what to think of her beloved's poor family opinion, as she didn't have experiences with them overall. It made her realize just how lucky she was overall.*" } ]
[ { "author": "Ling Kazami", "message": "\"I'm just glad we're doing well. You know that my old family wasn't well off in terms of money.\"\n\n*Ling continued to pet and rub the kemonomimi with vigor, smiling, yet sighing.*\n\n\"But I can never figure out why they didn't try to get themselves out of that hole. Well... They tried by using me. But of course, I had other plans. I wasn't going to be married off and be stuck in a boring household. Instead, I'm on an exciting and wonderful adventure with you-hold that thought-\"\n\n*Ling quickly places both hands on the railing, leaning and lurching over, once again feeling the nausea take over. Talking with Machi had helped, but that wouldn't mean it went away completely. Empty bile once again is launched out into the deep blue waters below.*\n\n\"Fuck...\"" }, { "author": "Machi Oyama Hayashi", "message": "\"We certainly are doing well. Maybe it helps we were raised on budgets, so we know how to scrape and save coin, where it matters.\"\n\n*And of course as the pets and rubs to her tails & ears came, the Oka's yips would continue, and her leg shook a little faster, as she nodded softly, listening.*\n\n\"Not so horrible, some would argue, but, for people like us, life at home, feet planted in the ground of a shelter all day, and night... Well it just isn't for us. I could never live like that, or well, at least I can't picture it for myself. I always felt the call to wander, and travel. To do as needed to help others physically.\"\n\n*She watched as Ling was cut off by another bout of sea sickness, and she began to hold her hair, and stroke her back again. She sighed softly, as she glanced to her bottle of sake, realizing they were going to likely need a larger flask at this rate.*\n\n\"I think, we'll need more Sake.\"\n\n*She teased a little, with a soft sigh, and a glance to the horizon to think.*" }, { "author": "Ling Kazami", "message": "\"I prefer to think of it as we make a lot of money doing those quests. I mean, if you think about it, when we're in the city we eat out and rent inns a lot. Though I suppose we set up camp around half the time.\"\n\n*While Ling knew that the pair shared many common traits, caring for others was not one of them. Oftentimes she instead chose to oppose those that went against her. Helping people didn't exist in her vocabulary.*\n\n\"I think this trip needs to get to shore quickly.\"\n\n*As she was stroked like a dog would (or like Ling would do so for Machi), Ling spat out the acidic-tasting substance. She quickly took another swig of sake, her face now turning red from the alcohol.*\n\n\"You know if it gets better if we go downstairs?\"" }, { "author": "Machi Oyama Hayashi", "message": "\"I suppose that is a fair point. I guess I didn't think of it like that.\"\n\n*She smiled a little, as she thought of things to say in the moment, she ultimately didn't really know of Ling's differentiation, that it was more so about opposing their enemies rather than helping those in need. She never really, thought about it, she might suppose if she had known about it overall.*\n\n\"Well, if only it was more possible to make it go by faster. Sadly, we are lacking in ways to speed things up as it is, though maybe we can find something to do to get your mind off of it.\"\n\n*She smiled a little more as she noticed Ling's cheeks reddening from the alcohol, and she patted her back a little, and she turned towards the passage that would lead below deck, with a shrug.*\n\n\"Its worth a shot at least, isn't it? Even if it just calms things down a little more overall, it can't possibly make things work, surely.\"\n\n*She said with a small laugh.*" } ]
[ { "author": "Ling Kazami", "message": "\"And I'm happy if you're happy. So... I guess we're always happy together.\"\n\n*Blushing at the stroking of her cheek, Ling began rubbing Machi's ears in return. She took another bite of the hard cracker, with nearly no crumbs as the hardtack cracked cleanly in half.*\n\n\"The only time and distance I need is next to you, all the time.\"\n\n*Her hand then shifted to scratching the base of Machi's tail. For untold reasons, she loved doing it; and Machi loved receiving it.*\n\n\"Does anything even happen here? Or do people just lie around?\"" }, { "author": "Machi Oyama Hayashi", "message": "*She smile grew to full overall, and nodded in agreement. She agreed with it overall as it was. She yipped a little as she felt Ling's hands upon her ears, and her tails wagged happily in the moment.*\n\n\"I guess we will always be happiest together then. Seems simple enough overall.\"\n\n*She said with a small laugh, as she watched Ling gnaw into the hardtack, and she thought for a moment. She stroked Ling's cheek a little more, as she yipped again, leaning her head towards the ear rubs.*\n\n\"Good, good. That's all the reassurance I needed to hear.\"\n\n*She closed her eyes as she felt the attention to her tail, and she yipped a little more, her leg shaking instinctively as always.*\n\n\"Uhhh, I guess, people gamble with money down here, sleep, lie around, and the like.\"\n\n*She said, opening her eyes to think if she remembered anything of importance from her travels, long, long ago. But, nothing was directly coming to mind.*" }, { "author": "Ling Kazami", "message": "*In her head, Ling knew that they would be even happier than they were now. Certainly after when they got off this damned boat. For now though, she laughed along with Machi as she gnawed on the thumbtack, making it an effort to gnaw on it as much as possible like a beaver grinding away at a log.*\n\n*The macen placed her head on Machi's as the two cuddled, now presumably sitting down, and pulled Machi onto her lap.*\n\n\"I never understood gambling. It's just playing games and losing money to me. Lying around though, I think I can deal with. Especially with you around.\"\n\n\"When we get to Runra... What do you want to do first?\"" }, { "author": "Machi Oyama Hayashi", "message": "*Suffice to say, Machi didn't truly mind the tender cuddle moment. She also knew things owuld improve once they landed ashore in Runra and she thought of what Ling said. Truly... She wasn't sure what she would do, when they arrived, and she rubbed her chin in quiet thought to think of what to do indeed.*\n\n\"I think its just the thought of staking one's hard-earned coin all on the whims of lady luck. The wonderful, possibly euphoric high of winning it all, and more back in a single stroke of luck, I suppose is how they think of it...\"\n\n*She said, and wondered more on what she would do. Her twin-tails wagging happily in the moment, and she rubbed her chin in thought.*\n\n\"I suppose, we could do find a beautiful blossom field to paint you in, like I planned to do, or maybe... Maybe I'll look into possible contacts my father knew. Maybe try to find a good source of coin for us, since we likely won't leave Runra for some time, given the pains to travel.\"\n\n*She added, the last part a little tease as her mind wandered, and she tried to imagine what kind of man her father really was, if they found any of his former employers, which she doubted to begin with, but... One has to wonder.*" } ]
[ { "author": "Ling Kazami", "message": "\"I don't like luck. And I *Really* Don't like losing. You and I both know results are created by training. Well, when it comes to things like competition anyway. In other things, it might just be lucky in meeting the right person. Like you.\"\n\n\"I think I would prefer the painting. We've done enough work for a while now. Work should be easy for us to find; we're pretty good at what we do. Hey... Do you think we should just stay in Runra? I mean, it's not like we have anything over there.\"\n\n*Ling began to think about life in Runra. How different would it be? The people there, the culture, the food. Did she fit in? Machi most likely did; she's been there a lot longer. Ling traveled over when she was 16; and fighting for her life since then, until now. She wasn't entirely sure if she knew all about the customs; not that it mattered, she didn't obey customs.*\n\n\"And I like the artistry in Runra better.\"" }, { "author": "Machi Oyama Hayashi", "message": "\"Luck is a fickle thing, and from what I hear, most gambling dens are rigged, in that while they might lose some money here and there, they still win, in the end. And, well, we certainly were lucky to meet when we did, I can agree with that.\"\n\n\"I think, then, that the painting will be fine. I suppose we have been doing pretty good lately. As for staying? Well, Runra should be familiar enough to home for me, I suppose I wouldn't mind it too much to stay awhile, perhaps forever really. Maybe that wouldn't be so bad overall...\"\n\n*She thought about it, rubbing her chin a little. Decisions, decisions... She didn't recall ever visiting Runra in her past, but somethings blurred away while traveling for a hundred years. The foods and culture would likely be a good reminder of her youth in Keguntan though. And that... Couldn't hurt could it? She wondered if it was possible she might feel a little homesick, and she thumbed the hilt of her father's sword, instinctively.*\n\n\"I suppose it is a rather pretty land. With beautiful artistry, architecture, and everything else of course. I even hear they can build a castle entirely of wood, without a single nail.\"" }, { "author": "Ling Kazami", "message": "\"Ah, rigged. Of course.\"\n\n\"If it's familiar in the slightest, we'll do fine for sure. Nothing on my part, hah. There's only one bad thing in Runra for me; and I can deal with it easily.\"\n\n*The macen finished the stone-like biscuit, feeling a little thirsty afterwards.*\n\n\"A castle entirely of wood, with no nails? That sounds like a way for it to burn down. And how do the beams stay connected? Even the rickety shack back home used some nails.\"" }, { "author": "Machi Oyama Hayashi", "message": "\"What better way to make a profit, if one has no qualms with cheating, I suppose is their way of it all.\"\n\n*She shrugged a little, and nodded as she nodded, with a small laugh as she mentioned the only bad thing of Runra, that she could handle. She shook her head a little, as she reached for a waterskin, passing it to Ling.*\n\n\"I have no clue how it works either, maybe its a myth, but, its an interesting thought process for it really. Maybe, its a... Thing about the way they work the wood or something, I don't know.\"\n\n*She said with a small shrug.*" } ]
[ { "author": "Ling Kazami", "message": "\"Well, I'm not a woodworker. Could be some special technique I guess.\"\n\n*Ling, confused on how Machi knew she was thirsty, took the waterskin.* \"Thanks.\" *Maybe she had a special sense that lovers had between them, and knew just exactly what the other wanted. Perhaps she could think of what Machi needed.*\n\n*An assault of scratching hands on Machi's chin, ears and tails commences, disregarding the fact that the waterskin was open and Machi was still eating the biscuit. Ling smiled while playfully rubbing the kemonomimi, not caring about people's eyes looking at her strangely.*" }, { "author": "Machi Oyama Hayashi", "message": "*She nodded in agreement that it was likely some sort of special technique overall. She wasn't really certain, and she shrugged a little.*\n\n\"No problem.\" *She replied, and smiled a little.* \"I just, figured a little bit of water, couldn't hurt with these biscuits. Sometimes it can soften them up a little, least in my experience.\" *She added.* \"This... This is nice. Just, sitting down to relax for a time. Your seasickness any better?\"\n\n*She asked, and yipped a little as the scratching assault came, her tails wagging rapidly in the moment, and she closed her eyes, just... Enjoying the moment they had, it felt good, and sure they had plenty of them, this time it just felt, more comforting than usual. She began to laugh a little, letting herself truly just, relax, and that was when she remembered the waterskin.* \"O-oh, the skin... We shouldn't let it go to waste...\"\n\n*Truth is, she didn't really want to ruin the moment by mentioning it, but, being at sea, fresh water wasn't exactly easy to obtain. So, she spoke up, even if she didn't quite want to in the moment.*" }, { "author": "Ling Kazami", "message": "\"I don't even notice it anymore. I guess\n\n*Ling continues on for a while, not knowing what Machi means by 'skin' until she feels the sensation of wet cloth on her knee and thigh.*\n\n\"Oh crap!\"\n\n*Quickly putting the stopper on, Ling checks the waterskin. Not much lost. Only a small sip. However, she didn't want to break the spell Machi was under, and quickly resumed the rubbing assault. As Machi felt the pleasure of being scratched on the chin, behind the tears, and near her tail, Ling soon felt the bliss as well. For a moment, she completely forgot she was even on a ship.*\n\n\"Hey... Do you think we could find somewhere private on the ship?\"\n\n*The swordswoman would whisper into the kemonomimi's ear, as not to let the others around them know.*" }, { "author": "Machi Oyama Hayashi", "message": "\"I guess that's a good sign?\"\n\n*She would relax in the moment, closing her eyes again as she relaxed in the moment. It just felt, so nice to relax like this, to enjoy the tender moment overall with her, even if they had a small scare with the water in the moment.*\n\n\"Well its okay, could be worse, you know?\"\n\n*She said reassuringly. Though once the pets and rubs began to strike her again, she would yip and her tails wagged crazily once again. She was glad to have the moment, it just felt, so wonderful in the moment. She never felt like she was in the moment, the happy moment of getting affectionate attention from Ling was wonderful in the moment.*\n\n\"Somewhere... Private... Well, probably yeah?\"\n\n*She said, quietly, and nodded.* \"Ship must have some sorta privates places to go, I'd imagine...*" } ]
[ { "author": "Ling Kazami", "message": "\"I'm just glad we didn't knock it over.\"\n\n*Slowing down, Ling eventually stops, standing up and holding onto Machi's hand. Eventually, the pair would find an unused cabin; completely vacant. Quickly opening it and moving inside, the bladeswoman locks the door, leading Machi to a nearby wall.*\n\n\"Here. Clasp your hands in front of you.\"\n\n*Assuming Machi did so, Ling would clasp both hands using her right, soon pinning the kemonomimi against the wall with her hands up.*\n\n\"I've always wanted to try this.\"\n\n*The macen moved in, kissing Machi deeply and passionately.*" }, { "author": "Machi Oyama Hayashi", "message": "\"Agreed. That could've been bad for us, if we had.\"\n\n*She would sigh happily when the affectionate attention stopped, and she happily followed Ling about to the unused cabin, she would look about tilting her head a little once inside, and she raised an eyebrow when she heard Ling mention to clasp her hands.*\n\n\"Alright...?\"\n\n*She clasped her hands together in front of her, as Ling said, tilting her head a little, and blushing when she was pinned against the wall.*\n\n\"Try this...?\"\n\n*She asked, before her cheeks burned, and her eyes widened as Ling moved in, and closed her eyes as she felt the macen's lips against her own. And she began to return the kiss.*" }, { "author": "Ling Kazami", "message": "*Her other hand moved downward, untying the belt holding Machi's kimono together, letting it fall to the floor. The flaps of clothing spread open, and Ling placed herself in between them, all while maintaining the kiss. Ling herself undid her sash, letting her top loosen. Her hand then returned to the back of Machi's head, pulling her in as Ling continued to kiss her, lips, tongue and all.*\n\n\"All the way today?\"" }, { "author": "Machi Oyama Hayashi", "message": "*Her cheeks burned a bright crimson as she heard her belt fall to the ground, and she felt her heart racing in the moment. The moment was, just, well, it just felt like it was right, and the perfect moment overall. She would return the kiss with an equal passion, setting her hands onto her beloved's sides, and blushing more as she nodded quietly.*\n\n\"I... Uhm, y-yeah.\"\n\n*She said, embarrassed in the moment.*" } ]
[ { "author": "boom1341", "message": "*Rhogharr, walking slowly up to the tops of the Mt. Agaya Axu, mostly looking for any ores that he may chip away. Armed with only his axe, spear, and round shied attached upon he back. Wandering more or less aimlessly up the slope, expecting to bump into a ore vein for future prospecting. He also brought along his oxen named 'Alxeld', expecting for the both of them to come back with maybe a sled.*" }, { "author": "Khan", "message": "Khan had just left his cave, his four arms moving in motion with him, his foot steps had broken smaller rocks, he was unarmed with only his fists. He ended up climbing up the mountain, his four arms helping with such as he reached a ledge. Khan had looked at his surroundings." }, { "author": "boom1341", "message": "*Rhogharr would more or less trot to keep up with 'Alxeld', clambering up the mountain with the ox. He wondered about his blacksmithing forge back at home, thinking it's either being raided by bandits or worse...* \"C'mon Alxeld, the sooner we find what we're looking for, the easier it will be for the both of us, and maybe get you some sugar with your oats.\" *Said Rhogharr, patting his oxen*" }, { "author": "Khan", "message": "Khan saw Rhogharr walking with the Ox. He found it odd to see a living creature that wasn't with a large group this far into the mountain. He let go of the cliff dropping down, making a loud crush of rocks under him. The sound slightly echoed." }, { "author": "boom1341", "message": "*Rhogharr, hearing the sudden crash of rock, would usher his oxen closer to the side of the mountain, fearing that a rockslide is about to happen. After a moment, Rhogharr would go back to the mountain trail, and then looked at the man named Khan. He jumped a little bit at the size of the lad, but still, he kept on one side of his ox.* \"Well, i can see now i'm not officially alone here..\"" }, { "author": "Khan", "message": "Khan kept his eyes on Rhogharr, he just gave a stare, only people he has seen have been here to hunt him. Khan's species was strange, it didn't look like most. He looked to the Oc then back to Rhogharr." }, { "author": "boom1341", "message": "*Rhogharr would stand awkwardly as he watched Khan just stare at his oxen and himself. He'd try to be the first to break the ice in this situation, albeit, very awkward situation in general.* \"My name's Rhogharr Dragrisl, blacksmith back in Salvainia. I came up here to do some spelunking up here in these mountains, what about you?\"" }, { "author": "Khan", "message": "Khan's voice was rough and deep, he says **\"This is my home. In a nearby cave. Your the first person I've seen near here not looking to kill me and show me off as a prize.\"** Khans four arms crossed, his upper arms crossing then his second set crossing." }, { "author": "boom1341", "message": "*Rhogharr was surprised on why people would try to hunt this man anyways, for he looked like a unit itself. Alxeld would nervously paw at the ground, upset of the large man at first. Rhogharr would pet his oxen, calming it down, not wishing it to flee down the slope the third time already.* \"Why would anyone try to kill a person such as yourself? Right now, you seem like a pretty alright stranger.\"" }, { "author": "Khan", "message": "Khan says **\"Well, look at me. I'm different, most of this world doesn't accept change, it doesn't accept the different people. Ever since birth I've been an outcast, which is why I live in these caves. A four armed, oversized macen isn't exactly normal.\"** The man stood a distance away from the two, not wishing to inflict fear or aggression towards either." }, { "author": "boom1341", "message": "*Rhogharr would take a few cautious steps towards Khan, his weapons either in his belt or on his back of all things. The oxen would also slowly move with Rhogharr, although it was understandable, because he was basically a parent to him.* \"Well, people in this world may look at you differently, but i still see opportunity in you to be a functional person in society.\"" }, { "author": "Khan", "message": "Khan says **\"Only things I see myself as in civilization is a gladiator, slave or a prize for a hunter. Civilization wants nothing to do with me and I'm aware of it.\"** Upon further inspection he only had 3 fingers on each hand and 2 toes on each foot, on his shoulder was seen skin resembling scales, leading down his back." }, { "author": "boom1341", "message": "*Rhogharr, would start to think of a solution that could benefit the both of them. That was when it dawned upon him, like a figure from above just blessed him.* \"How about this, people are afraid of you, and i need a few helping hands at my shop. I'll tell people that you're under my ownership while i give you basic free will. You'll be able to sleep in the guest room of my house while i integrate you into society, how does that sound?\"" }, { "author": "Khan", "message": "Khan took a second to think, he says **\"I haven't left the mountain as far as I can remember, but I'll come along and help. However if I feel it as necessary I'll leave and come back to my cave here.\"** Khan didn't care for payment, as long as he is fed and has a place to sleep he was alright with damn near everything." }, { "author": "boom1341", "message": "*Rhogharr would hold out his hand towards Khan as a symbol of friendship, showing that he doesn't mind him basically being a genetic freak and an abomination towards nature itself. Bit nonetheless, He was still a little scared of him, but kept it to himself. His ox on the other hand, would be a foot or two away from Khan, but still showed some respect towards him.*\n\n\"Then it's settled, now you can sit on the ox or just walk, doesn't bother me none which. I just hope you can swing a hammer!\" *Said Rhogharr, pulling at the reins of his ox down the mountainside*" }, { "author": "Khan", "message": "Khan says with a chuckle **\"I wouldn't want to crush the Ox. But I sure can swing hammers, four actually.\"** He shook Rhogharr's hand, his hand was massive, it was almost scary how large his hands alone were." } ]
[ { "author": "thejackal6106", "message": "Ash was exploring the mountains, looking for some game that wasnt found in the forest. She had her bow drawn with an arrow ready. It was held loosley to her side as she ventured." }, { "author": "boom1341", "message": "*Rhogharr was trudging up the mountain, pick in hand as he brushed his hands long it. The feeling of his old home would rush through him as he walked the side of the mountain, looking for loose spots of ore to pick and use for the forges back at home.*" }, { "author": "thejackal6106", "message": "She rounded a corner and seen a man holding a pickaxe, he was ohviously looking for some ore. \"Hey there!\" She called out to him, putting the arrow back in its quiver and putting her bow on her back." }, { "author": "boom1341", "message": "*Rhogharr would look on down at her, not expecting anyone but himself to be here. He'd give her a wave, take out a small chunk of iron ore out of the mountain, and come down to see who it was exactly.*\n\n\"Nice to meet you, name's Rhogharr.\"" }, { "author": "thejackal6106", "message": "\"Likewise, im ashlyn, but most just call me ash.\" She said. \"Wasnt quite expecting to find anyone up here.\" She stated" }, { "author": "boom1341", "message": "\"Nice to meet you Ashlyn, but besides that, i too wasn't expecting any visitors up this mountain.\" *Said Rhogharr, a fluffy looking Ox would be trotting slowly behind him.* \"What are you doing up here in these mountains anyways?\"" }, { "author": "thejackal6106", "message": "\"Hunting, and exploring. Im looking for something i could get a good price off of.\" She said. \"Also looking for some adventure, doing the same thing day in, day out can be boring.\"" }, { "author": "boom1341", "message": "\"Well, usually there's a few herds of mountain goats, maybe even a few elk. But, other then that, maybe a few mythical beasts.\" *He'd pet his oxen a little to try and broaden the cope of what's usually here.* \"Adventure on the other hand, i don't see it much, but i always aspire to be one.\"" }, { "author": "thejackal6106", "message": "\"I doubt anyone sees a whole lot of it much these days.\" She said, shifting her weight to her left foot. She looked over to the ox. \"Whats his name?\" She asked with a curios tone." }, { "author": "boom1341", "message": "\"That's true, adventures are only done by a short few these days.\" *Said Rhogharr, looking on over to Alxeld.* \"Ah, the oxen's name is Alxeld, he's mostly my pack animal and friend up here.\"" }, { "author": "thejackal6106", "message": "\"Interesting name.\" She said as she walked up to the oxen and offered it her hand, knowing that most animals despise being petted without at least getting a scent of the person petting them. \"Hes pretty, how much did you get him for?\" She asked" }, { "author": "boom1341", "message": "*Rhogharr would pet Alxeld's head, who would move his head towards him.* \"Well, he was a little over 1 maybe 2 gold for the feed. He's big, and eats more then me, which I'm surprised by.\" *Said Rhogharr, letting out a chuckle.*" }, { "author": "thejackal6106", "message": "She let out a small chuckle herself as she pet him a little bit. \"Thats pretty expensive.\" She stated. \"Have you considered bringing him to a feild for grazing?\" She asked as her hand returned to her side." }, { "author": "boom1341", "message": "\"Not really, the rent for him to be in a field is too much for me anyways. Nobles just tax me to the point where i barely make a profit already, don't need anymore of that.\" *Rhogharr would open up one of the saddle bags, depositing the pick and iron ore inside.*" }, { "author": "thejackal6106", "message": "\"Stupid rich nobles, as if it wasnt bad enough they already have all of the money, they do anything and everything they can to get more, its truly a shame.\" She said with a sigh." }, { "author": "boom1341", "message": "*Rhogharr would just sigh, petting his Oxen before he took the lead.* \"Now i got a question for you Ashlyn, how's the hunting buisness going so far?\"" }, { "author": "thejackal6106", "message": "\"The usual, i make a good amount of money and i dont really have anything i need to spend it on, so i normally just spend my time during the spring, summer and fall raking in money so i can enjoy te winter in comfort in some random inn or something, been like that for the last... Id say... About 12 years now? Yeah, that sounds about right.\" She said. \"Why?\"" }, { "author": "boom1341", "message": "\"Just sounds like a good life, being a hunter and all. I work as a blacksmith in New Salvainia, but used to be a miner for a good part of my life for a long time. Been a miner for about 20 or so years and a smith for 160. It's tough work, but the rewards for doing it is nice.\"" }, { "author": "thejackal6106", "message": "\"A blacksmith eh? Do you know how to make a sheild?\" She asked, her voice perking up after she heard about his profession.. \"One that would match my equipment?\" She asked. \"Its hard to find someone who can get the green tinge into steel, and i'd be more than happy to compensate you generously for your time, i just need some time to get the proper funds, ive been a little broke lately.\"" }, { "author": "boom1341", "message": "\"I do know how to make arms and armor, but making a green shield? You do know that a wooden base, leather grips, and a steel boss would do just fine. But, i could make a green tinted steel if you wish, it'll be about 40 silver, depends on the modifications really.\"" }, { "author": "thejackal6106", "message": "\"I'd like it t be made out of mostly steel if thats at all possible, i dont feel like wood could do a whole lot of good against, say, a lance, or an axe for that matter.\" She said. \"I mean i doubt i would be fighting any people any time soon, but better safe than sorry.\"" }, { "author": "boom1341", "message": "\"You prove a good point, but the shield may be a little heavy. I'll need you to test the weight of it first before i actually make the thing. Besides that, i can get the rest done and dusted for you.\" *Said Rhogharr, tightening the straps on Axleld*" }, { "author": "thejackal6106", "message": "\"Alright, the weight shouldnt be too much of an issue, other than for my hunting habbits, its already a pain in the ass enough to drag a deer on its own, even with minimal gear. Anyways, how long do you think it would take for such a project?\" She asked." }, { "author": "boom1341", "message": "\"I don't know, maybe a week at the most. Depends on the weather, and if the prices for steel are good this time of year. Besides that, it should be a fine shield you'll be getting. I'm sure of it.\"" }, { "author": "thejackal6106", "message": "\"Good to hear. Glad my money is going into good hands.\" She said before looking off the mountain to take a look at the veiw. \"Huh, beautiful up here isnt it?\"" } ]
[ { "author": "warlordsuntzu", "message": "*Balance is a fool's game. The masters failed trying to protect it. Proof of the weakness of unity. There is only power, and the victory goes to those who take it!*\n\n*That was what the scrolls had read, posted all over several nearby villages. Many were stained with blood and ink, some seeming to be green colored, infected. The parchment stunk with necromancy, especially for our local edgelord.*\n\n*Atop the great mountains, there had been a massive dojo, home to the some of the land's greatest masters, hosting nearly over a thousand students.*\n\n*Yet, rumor had it that it had fallen, the once peaceful place overtaken by dark magics. Some even say that a former student had aided in its downfall.*\n\n*And yet it keeps growing. Everyone at the base of the mountain could feel a large sense of unease, the shadows whispering to them.*\n\n*Then one day, a student of the temple stumbled onto the village, her arm withered and dying with necrotic flesh corrupting it. It was amputated, and she was taken in to the local healer. She had said that she was the only one alive.*\n\n*It was obvious that this had grown into more than a problem, and it needed to be purged. So you four had been called in.*\n\n*You would begin entering the medical center, where the girl would be waiting to explain the situation.*" }, { "author": "Alloces Raizos", "message": "*Alloces Raizos idly watched the brief wisps of steam from his breath leave his mouth, dissipating slowly into the chilling air. His gloved hands grasped the reins slightly, tugging back lightly. His warhorse, an expensive breed hailing from the southern lands, snorted but obediently stopped. Alloces dismounted, pulling back his hood to reveal lightly pointed ears and a tan face easy enough on the eyes, patting his horse slowly.*\n\"Stay here, Ventus. Try not to eat everything you see.\"\n *Alloces said wryly. His horse was uncharacteristically silent, ears flattened. He too, could tell that something was off about the place, and without his training, would probably have bolted to a safer place. To calm himself slightly, Alloces reached up to check that his dual blades, Eins and Zwei, were safely ensconced in their scabbards.*\n *He would have need of their services soon enough, Alloces thought grimly as he waited slightly by the entrance to the medical center, not quite entering just yet, so that he could catch a glimpse and some conversation with the people he would be working with." }, { "author": "Mevis", "message": "*It had been a long time since Mevis had gone out on a job. He had spent the past month training at New Sunlight, as well as learning how to be a proper Squire for the guild. He was aware he still had a ways to go, but staying cooped in for so long was starting to feel a bit cowardly for him. What was the point of getting stronger if he didn't actual use his strength to help those around him?*\n\n*Thus, he left the guild to get some fresh air and find something heroic to do and so happened to come across the infected village. Mevis wasn't particularly fond of the undead, recalling his previous unfortunate encounters with them, causing him to shudder a bit. For better or worse he had equipped himself with some anti-undead enchantments due to those encounters, but as of late they seemingly stopped working. Were the runes faulty, or did he have to refresh them? In either case with his ace in the hole gone, fear and anxiety naturally consumed him. But regardless of the negative emotions that were consuming him, he would slowly make his way to the medical center.*" }, { "author": "Ardon Surfist", "message": "*As usual for quests and jobs the large six armed titan took he didn't really put much thought into it whether he should take it or not or if it was dangerous in anyway. He had just saw the stinky scroll that had something about a game written on it with interested him* \"Uhhh Hello?!?!?\" *Ardon had shouted out upon entering the medical center after being called in for... Something? He didn't really know and he wouldn't have listened either way but the stinky scroll did say some interesting stuff* \"Uhh I read something about some kind of game and power and then something of victory? Is this the place that I have to go to get that or something?\" *He just asked out loud into the room while one of his hands reached over to scratch the back of his head in the sort of manner one would do if they were confused.*\n\n*He had brought with him all his usual adventuring gear which included his topless armor and the bag filled with provisions leaving only his cute little pets Furry and Rocky 2.0 not interested in bringing them with him when on jobs because of the possibility that something bad might happen. Whenever wondering about the room his heavy footsteps thumped and his deep voice bellowed with every word, it was clear that the man was excited and curious and very very confused all at the same time.*" }, { "author": "valethros", "message": "The stench of death and decay hanged low in the air. Ashnard felt like his nostrils were *Burning* From it, causing him to flinch under his hood and clench his nose. It was times like this he thought a sensitive sense of smell was more of a curse than a blessing, especially when he didn't need it to know that something here was really, really *Wrong*.\n\nThough the fell energies made his fur stand on end, the dark beastkin could not deny his growing intrigue over this perilous situation. The call of power was not one he dared refute, part of him even agreeing with the words writing on those bloodstained scrolls. His cloaked figure stopped right before the entrance to the infirmary, few ways away from what seemed to be a rogue dark elf. For now, he disregarded the fellow wonderer. His priority now was to know *More*.\n\nHis gaze studied the injured survivor underneath his hood. It stunk like hell in there, but he had to persevere a while longer... Until there was finally time to learn what he was up against and act." }, { "author": "warlordsuntzu", "message": "*Once you all entered, the girl, dressed in bloodied blue robes, both her own and foreign, would sit up from the hospital bed. She blinks once, to make sure that she's seeing everything right. A massive, 6 armed Titan, a hooded figure with two swords, a martial artist with an oni mask, and what looked like a hooded canifor. Oh well. Not the strangest thing she's seen. She's keeping a calm complexion, but those who were more attentive would be able to see that she was really quite frightened inside.*\n\n\"I hope you all know the circumstances. And no, this is-goddamn it.\"\n\n*She didn't seem to expect the nearly childish Titan, but she's going to have to deal with it.*\n\n\"I'm just going to get straight to it. You could consider it a game, if you consider dying losing. A necromancer's taken over the dojo. They've turned everyone in it to undead. They have to be stopped.\"" }, { "author": "frankenstein", "message": ">*Mevis would look over the group that had come with him. To say the least, they didn't really look like the heroic sort, but he knew that would just be hypocritical of him considering his attire. That being said he had never seen a titan before and would stare with a bit of awe in his eyes at how massive he was. He would then return his attention to the task in hand and nod in understanding.*\n\n\"Do you happen to know how the necromancer gained control over the dojo? Cus frankly I'm a bit concerned that the 4 of us might not be enough to take down someone that managed to take down dojo filled with what I assume to be competent martial artists...\"<" }, { "author": "valethros", "message": "Fucking hell. He'd have to deal with the constant stench of rotting corpses *And* A loud titan? Now, the beastkin was *Really* Questioning whether or not the gold and promise of power was worth going through this ordeal, but it was too late to turn back now regardless.\n\n\"So a single necromancer managed to bring down a thousand monks, huh.\" The beastkin murmured sardonically. \"He has earned bragging rights all across the nearby, I'll give 'em that.\" Ashnard leaned across the infirmary walls near the entrance, crossing his arms. With his travelling cloak on, he seemed like the most unassuming of the group, aside from the spiked hinges of his jaw and a severed right eye, though his voice was deep and ominous, bereft of any empathy.\n\n*\"Have you anything actually useful to tell us of the necromancer's twisted 'game', lass? Or has your mind already rotted alongside your arm?\"*" }, { "author": "Ardon Surfist", "message": "\"Okay then! I'm ready for this!\" *He started to get himself pumped up for this 'game' that they were about to play. He began putting on his enchanted knuckle dusters but nor before cracking his fingers intimidatingly.* \"Undead huh? I've never really fought undead before but I have heard a great deal about them, can I punch them back to death Miss Bloody Blue Robe woman?\" *He looked over to the other people who surrounded him remembering that he had to work with them since they were there to play the 'game' too. He gave all of them including the robed woman a wave with one of his hands* \"Oh yeah! Hiya there everyone!!! My name is Ardon, Ardon Surfist. You can just call me Ardon though. Its nice to meet you.\" *He had a big bright smile on his face as he greeted them all*" }, { "author": "Alloces Raizos", "message": "\"Do you want any of the bodies to be intact?\" *Alloces said bluntly. He had heard of such assignments before, and knew somewhat that they might not appreciate the sight of their valued ones chopped up into sashimi. Of course, he didn't normally leave the bodies in such a state if possible, but it would help to have a list of people to be careful in dispatching. He looked at Ardon, instinctively feeling that the man might be a bit gullible, but refraining from telling him that the sky was composed of purple moldy pizza until he annoyed Alloces somewhat.*\n\"Hello, Alloces Raizos. I don't really mind what you call me, so long as it's legible.\"" }, { "author": "warlordsuntzu", "message": "\"Ok ok, one at a time.\"\n\n*She visibly rolls her eyes at the Titan's childishness.*\n\n\"First up. The masters. She beat *All* Four. Then once she turned them into wights, it was easy to force the students to turn.\"\n\n\"Second. It only takes turning one master into a wight. They retained all their powers, but none of the good.\"\n\n*The girl would look at the canifor with a dead look.*\n\n\"Already? Not quite. I didn't hear everything, but I remember the necromancer requesting a 'duel' with each of the masters. Individually. And most of the students there are simply mindless zombies now. A few of the advanced ones still retained their skills, but the majority became simple moving corpses.\"\n\n\"Show no mercy, please. They have to die. If you take down the necromancer, they'll all go. But there's no bringing them back.\"" }, { "author": "valethros", "message": "\"Mercy is a luxury we cannot afford. Nor can we expect any in return...\" The beastkin stated nonchalantly, well-aware of the situation they were in. \"To duel undead martial masters... At least she keeps things interesting. Or at least more interesting than cutting through swarms of mindless thralls.\"\n\nHis gaze turned towards the rest of the group, piercing eyes of scarlet regarding each individually. \"Name's Jackal. I trust each of you can handle yourselves well enough to not become a liability, hm?\"" }, { "author": "Mevis", "message": "*Mevis would click his tongue and shake his head in disappointment. There was no meaning behind crying over spilled milk, but he still couldn't help but feel some regret over the loss of all those lives. To think the necromancer would take advantage of their honor and dignity to take the masters down in a 'duel'. All the culture and teachings of this dojo was more or less loss all because of one selfish individual. As a hero, he could not let them go unpunished, and as a fellow martial artists, he felt responsible to restore at least some of the honor lost by his comrades*\n\n\"I'm sure mercy will be delivered through their deaths. I'm certain as fellow martial artists they didn't hone their bodies only to be used as puppets. I'm sure their spirits will find peace in seeing their bodies be put down\" *Mevis would say to the girl*\n\n*As for his fellow compatriots, he would turn and bow his head slightly as a show of respect* \"The name's Mevis Malum. I hope we will work well together to clean up this undead crisis\"" }, { "author": "Alloces Raizos", "message": "*Alloces frowned to himself, wondering how many of the undead swarms he would need to chop through.* \"Alright, I think we know all we need to know. No worries, I believe I shall handle myself well.\" \n*He turned over to the girl.* \n\"Are there any entrances to the building that we might slip through without much trouble? Old windows and the like?\"" }, { "author": "Ardon Surfist", "message": "\"Well Hi there Jackal! Mevis! And Alloces! Its nice to meet all of you guys. Miss we're gonna do the best that we could to help you and defeat this woman who had turned the masters into uhh rights? Is it rights? Yeah rights that sounds wright!\" *Turning towards the beastkin still with a smile on his face as he was just happy being there meeting new people he spoke once more.* \"Yeah! I can handle myself... I think? I can punch stuff really good and I can throw cool light pilums too! Wanna see?!?\" *He said excited to learn if he can show off the recently learned ability of making light pilums and throwing it really hard. He had always liked throwing things at people*" }, { "author": "warlordsuntzu", "message": "\"Thank you, Mevis. And no. Last time I checked, there was only one door for each room. Though, some of my other friends may know about some other places...\"\n\n\"And it's ok, Ardon. You don't need to show us now. Before you go though, you should learn at least a little about the masters.\"\n\n\"The first one is Shifu Shi Zong. He's a Mogash, and his style is called the Sky Scraping Mountain Fist. I don't know much about it, but it's very grounded and strong.\"\n\n\"The next is Shifu Zhang Qi Xiao. She's a Tigress Felinid, wielding the Tiger Claw style. It's fast and ferocious, with a lot of slashing.\"\n\n\"The third is Shifu Yan Wang. He's a Pale Oni, and he uses the Hurricane Fist. I haven't seen it at all, only his students, but he's supposed to be really fast.\"\n\n\"The last one... Shifu Suan Ni. My master. She's a treton, with the style Flowing River Palm. The style's all about using an enemy's force against them, focusing far more on deflecting and entangling rather than launching powerful strikes, which she can still land. Shifu's able to throw opponents far larger than she is, despite not being the strongest.\"" }, { "author": "valethros", "message": "The dark beast listened intently to the girl's information, taking a mental note of each master. So subterfuge was not an option here- their best bet for getting by was by one on one duels. Perfect. It had been a long time since he tested his own martial arts against a master, doing so when in a life or death situation made it all the more interesting.\n\n\"Playing along the necromancer's little 'game' seems like wisest plan here, I reckon. Better than facing a swarm of rabid corpses at any rate.\" He stated nonchalantly, unfazed by the direness of their situation. With one last nod and tip of his hood, the shady canifor padded out the infirmary, his winded cloak flowing behind him.\n\nThere was one last thing to do before leaving for the monastery. Assuming they were anywhere to be found, he would seek the village elder, keeping a hand under his cloak. *\"Once you treat this girl of her wounds, make sure she's kept under tight lock and key. For the sake of your people.\"* He didn't wait for an explanation or argument, but would offer a pouch worth 5 gold if he noticed any hesitation from the elder. Once it had been said and done, the jackal made his way promptly to the edge of the village, waiting for the rest." }, { "author": "Alloces Raizos", "message": "*Alloces committed the information given to memory, nodding to himself. He would probably be better against Zong or Suan, since they seemed to be mainly unarmed, and relied upon qualities that he could mitigate to some degree. Well, it wouldn't be long until he got to put his theory to the test, he thought as he bowed quietly and left the medical center, mounting Ventus again, checking his composite longbow with the requisite arrows in the saddlebags, before digging in his heels and sending Ventus into a canter, to the edge of the village.*" }, { "author": "Ardon Surfist", "message": "\"Aww... Okay then. Guess we better go now. Goodbye Miss Bloody Blue Robe Woman!\" *Ardon mumbled to himself what the names of the masters as well as what they were able to do doing his best to remember it in his head but by the time he left the door he was already focusing on a monotone looking butterfly or something not remembering a word she had said except for the fun ones like Sky Scraping Mountain! And Flowing River Palm hehe fun names. Hmm How would punching dead flesh feel different from regular ones? Is it weird he's thinking about dead flesh? How is Rocky 2.0 and Furry doing? Did he turn off his iron?*" }, { "author": "Mevis", "message": "*Mevis would take mental note of each of the masters and would get more nervous the more he heard about their styles. Mevis didn't receive formal training from a proper martial arts master, so he had no idea how strong they usually were, but considering the unique styles each of them had, he was certain it wasn't going to be easy. Especially now that they had the advantage of being an undead that doesn't tire, have pressure points, or feel pain. He still shuddered recalling the impact that the normal zombie gave him to his belly by simply going beyond its physical limits. He couldn't imagine how much more devastating a blow from a proper martial artists that was now an undead could do to him...*\n\n*That being said, as Jackal said, there didn't seem to be any other option that to 'play' along with the necromancer's game, despite it being very disadvantageous to them. So Mevis would just 'suck it up' and start to head toward the dojo with the rest of the group*" }, { "author": "warlordsuntzu", "message": "*The climb to the dojo would be a steep one, taking place on a series of towering mountains. The dojo itself would prove to be large itself, the entrance a massive series of stone steps. Fires might have burned once in braziers, but they were now dark. What looked like smoke rose in massive plumes from the black mountain tops.*\n\n*In front of the entrance would be a single wight, sitting on the ground cross-legged. It would be male, wearing white robes, but it seemed to be controlled by an external force. Its eyes would glow purple, and its voice would be an echoing feminine one.*\n\n\"So you accepted my challenge. Good. 4 masters, 4 warriors. This will be fun. Let's see if you can survive...\"\n\n*The doors would mysteriously open, revealing a massive stone arena. The wight would seemingly die as it collapses.*\n```Round 1```" }, { "author": "Alloces Raizos", "message": "*Alloces took out two talismans labelled Scion in rapid succession, summoning into being two soldiers with crossbows replacing their polearms. A polearm probably wouldn't be effective at all in swarm environments where impaling one just made you a target for Rick, Harry, Steven, Edgar, John, Nathan, Wallace, and that douche that always stole the last nacho, Malcom. \nHe pulled out his swords after he had summoned his troops into existence, hearing them hum lightly as he swung them out, before looking into the arena, and proceeding slowly in. His two soldiers would go ahead of him, shields raised forward and arming swords pointed outwards.*\n\"Come, we'll probably need to slog through a few dozen grunts before reaching anything of note. Those not suited to melee, can stay near the back. My summons will try to protect you if possible.\"" }, { "author": "d.l.j.", "message": "``` 30/150 Mana, Mana cap of 120.\nGen Speed: 1.12```" }, { "author": "valethros", "message": "Ascending the mountainside was an arduous task to test one's endurance before the battle even begun. Thankfully for the dark beastkin, he was light on his feet and saved his energy as he padded across steep rocks until he finally reached the main destination. \n\nListening to the wight's welcoming message, his concerns of dealing with a very potent necromancer were fully confirmed- he'd have to be *Very* Careful moving forward on a path any sane man would have long ran away from. \n\nStanding before the dojo's gate, the dark jackal took a deep breath, closing his eyes in focus for a moment. Clenching his fists, an aberrant pair of blades sprung from the sides of his arms, tearing through the leather cloak, followed by a scorpion-like tail on his back. \n\nOnce his moment of meditation ended, an ominous scarlet aura radiated from him briefly, taking a quick jab on the now dormant wight with his tail stinger, right between the eyes. He was not going to take any chances with undead. \"Keep your eyes open, and mind clear. Death waits for no one.\" He snarled, stepping forward into the darkness, his senses on high alert and blades ready to feast.\n\n```\nPsionic Speed used - 2.5/15 Mana left\nGen Speed: 1.5\nHeightened senses (1000%) and parallel processing active```" }, { "author": "Ardon Surfist", "message": "*He didn't really do anything extra like what the other two had done since he could just cast what he needed in battle. Instead he simply walked forward joining the two summoned knights of course giving them a friendly wave before readying his stance. Keeping his feet wide and his torso low while two arms were raised to defend his face and body the other four were ready to hit anyone that came near. He was curious though, are the battles actually going to be one on one? 4 Masters, 4 Warriors huh. This would be very interesting for sure!*\n\n```\n Impervious, Seraphorm, Corrupted Skin Active\n```" }, { "author": "Mevis", "message": "*Mevis would be hanging in the back, clearly not eager about walking into the lion's den of undeath, but would slowly trudge forward. He made mental note that Alloces was some sort of summoner which would certainly be helpful in handling the hordes of weaker undead and that Jackal was some sort mutant filled with blades. I would seem everyone was getting ready for combat, for which Mevis was grateful or as it showed that the group was serious about this. He would also prepare himself, but he didn't have the inner chi necessary to sustain his defense for long, so he decided it would be best to hold off till an enemy was approaching. For the time being though, he would shift his mask over his face and turn on his thermal vision. He didn't expect it would help much considering the enemies were all corpses, but it didn't hurt to perhaps look around for survivors* \n\n```Thermal vision activated```" } ]
[ { "author": "warlordsuntzu", "message": "*Mevis wouldn't be able to detect anything using his thermal vision, but Ashnard would detect the rotting of corpses. It was all around them as they entered and the gates closed shut. The last signs of light allowed them to see that there was a massive sort of balcony surrounding them, as they entered the first arena, seemingly stripped of mats.*\n\n*If one person entered the center of the arena, they would find that it would glow brightly with a blue light, and would illuminate the massive room around them. On the balcony, there are suddenly a massive amount of mindless zombies of various race, all wearing white robes, though most of them seem to be on the leaner side.*\n\n*Several wights would be seen as well, seemingly far more intelligent and cold than their mindless counterparts. One pole vaults from the balcony using a flexible spear, another rushes in using a single handed Jian, and yet another can be found spinning a rope dart, and another would be unarmed.*\n\n*However, the wights seem to bow before the incoming battle.*" }, { "author": "Alloces Raizos", "message": "*Alloces looked around, before eyeing the rope dart wight in front of him with a cold and detached gaze. His summons formed up on his flanks protectively as a brief shroud of blue light enveloped him. He didn't possess much magic, but what magic he did possess was efficient in regards to himself.*\n\"Don't try and charge out on your own. We're outnumbered in this scenario, and getting separated would enable the undead to drag you down from weight of numbers alone..\"\n*Alloces said to the others, even as he positioned his swords in a fighting stance, ready to slash across at the first undead to come within reach. His left sword arm, holding Eins, would be held across his chest and over his face, protecting his throat and covering most of his features but his eyes. The sword would be edge out, cutting edge pointing at the enemies. His right arm would be across his stomach, horizontal and cutting edge pointed outwards for a horizontal slash.*\n ```15/150 Mana, Mana cap of 120.\nGen Speed: 1.17```" }, { "author": "valethros", "message": "Oh how he *Yearned* For somewhere to let out all his frustration after this tedious road and constant smell of rotting corpses burning his nostrils. As soon as the doors closed behind them and he caught the stench of undeath in the dark, Ashnard knew he was finally going to have his due. His feet planted firmly upon the cold stone, he snarled with a bloodthirsty grin as his twisted blades glistened over the arcane lights. \n\n***\"COME ON, YE UGLY BASTARDS. LET'S DANCE.\"*** The grim beastkin barked out, grinding his arm blades together like butcher's knives. The shrilling din of serrated steel against one another echoed into the room like nails on a chalkboard, only for the beast's weapons to be enveloped in midnight-onyx flames immediately after. At the same time, a blackened haze begun to spiral under his knees taking a martial fighting stance. His body faced sideways to his right, with left arm and foot on the front, blade held vertically. The right arm blade was held horizontally, pointing right at the jian wight along with his piercing gaze. The scorpion-like tail curled upwards with the stinger over his shoulder, preparing to cover any flanking attacks.\n\nAny undead that might have had a mind left to remember of martial arts would recognize that stance as a form of Bajiquan. The canifor's entire body was one lethal weapon, braced to eviscerate any undead foolish enough to approach him. Though if none of them actually did within the next few seconds, *He* Would be the one to strike first, caution be damned. He'd strike with a horizontal flaming sweep coming from his right arm, aiming at the jian wight's head. His left blade and tail would cover either of his flanks, in case more undead tried to impede his assault.\n\n```\nFlaming Blade and Flowing footwork used. 0/15 Mana left.\nGen speed 1.5, 4.4 m/s walk speed\nAll DEX perks and parallel processing active```" }, { "author": "Mevis", "message": "*Mevis would take a readied stance and nod in agreement with Alloces. Running out on your own would simply leave you open to the horde. Seeing there were now actual threats in sight, Mevis would now reinforce his skin and channel his inner chi to boost his quickness to prepare himself for the incoming fight. He didn't trust himself to make the first move, so he would instead play the role of flanking support. Jackal seemed the most ready to fight, so Mevis would ready an Air Palm to fire at any undead that might attempt to flank him*<\n\n```Air Skin, Chi Flow cast. Air Palm at the ready. 72.5/130\nGen speed 1.36```" }, { "author": "Ardon Surfist", "message": "*Ardon really wanted to just go in there and attack but it was clear that Alloces disliked the idea and he wasn't about to upset his comrades due to a silly mistake he took a few steps forward and waited until one of the undead neared him and if they ever did he would use two of his hands to grab hold of the monster before just wailing on it with his two fits all the while using his two extra arms to block attacks. Just innately as the enemies revealed themselves his body began to take on a silvery shine due to him casting Scaled Skin adding another layer of defense onto the titan's body. He was so ready for this!!!*\n\n```\nScaled Skin Cast\n20/40 Mana Pool\n```" }, { "author": "warlordsuntzu", "message": "*The rope dart wight only needs to move forward slightly in order to launch his dart at Alloces, albeit with a large wind up time.*\n\n*The Jian wight blocks the incoming strike using the blade, but the serrated blades catch the sword, pulling it with it, leaving the Jian wielder quite open. He tries to pull the blade back and strike with a stab at the canifor's face.*\n\n*The spear wight closes in on Mevis, taking a jab at his face.*\n\n*Ardon is easily able to close in on a zombie and kill it, but the unarmed wight is able to close in extremely quickly. He bends down low and begins to deliver an onslaught of punches at Ardon's knee, seemingly that of Wing Chun. If left unattended, it could possibly dislocated it, though the Titan wouldn't exactly be bothered.*\n\n*The other zombies would close in.*" }, { "author": "valethros", "message": "Catching the wight's Jian was exactly the opening Ashnard needed. Forcing the wight to pull back its blade for a counterattack, the jackal would move his head and body to the right in order to avoid the incoming stab. Meanwhile, his left arm would aim a jab through the wight's temple, with his prehensile tail still guarding his flank.\n\nIf the wight was somehow fast enough to block that left-side attack as well, Ashnard would use his tail blade to stab it right through the heart. If not, he would use his tail to decapitate the unarmed wight on his left that was attacking Ardon, assuming the titan wasn't able to defend from it himself. Lastly, his right hand blade braced to eviscerate any undead coming from that flank.\n\n```\nParallel processing, fast reactions 10 and agile footwork 10 used\n2.5 Mana restored, 2.5/15 Mana left```" }, { "author": "Alloces Raizos", "message": "*Alloces eyed the rope dart user, quickly lunging sideways behind Summon 2, before pivoting and slashing, utilizing that momentum to step forward and use his downward diagonal slash from right to left(Left sword hand) against the zombie next to Summon 2, making sure to put as many bodies between himself and the rope dart wight as possible. \nThe wight would need to try a very risky shot through multiple moving bodies in combat, one of them being a dedicated protector with a shield, have the undead clear away somehow, or get in close. His horizontal slash from left to right(Right sword hand) would be directed towards the other zombie, the one next to Mevis. However, he would have his summons keep an eye on the rope dart wight, ready to alert him with their cheat telepathy when it did fire, if it did fire. \nSummon 1 would sort of sidestep to the left before advancing forward at the zombie in green, keeping a careful eye on the rope dart wight as it put the other zombie to the right of green zombie between it and the wight. It would slash at the zombie in green, from left to right, slash starting up and going down diagonally, shield angled to protect it from the rope dart wight. \nSummon 2 simply dug itself in, widening it's stance and keeping the shield between it and the rope dart wight, protecting Alloces. However, it did keep an eye on the other zombies, ready to engage them as soon as they got within easy reach. Alloces would also free cast flaming strike on his left sword hand, causing that blade to erupt into flames as he struck, also to interfere somewhat with the vision of rope dart, since a fiery beatstick wouldn't make aiming at the head behind it any easier.*\n``` 12.5/150 mana, mana cap of 120\nGen speed of 1.17, Psion Speed 5 Turns, Flaming strike(Left Sword) 3 turns, both strikes with effective 10 str (5 from weapon spec, 2 from warrior blood dark, 3 naturally```" }, { "author": "Mevis", "message": "*Mevis didn't like this one bit, not one bit at all... Assuming his reflexes were quick enough, he would attempt to side step the jab to his face try to close the distance between him and the spear wielding wight. Spears have the advantage with their reach after all. Assuming he got in close enough, he would attempt a fake jab at the wight's face before following it with a punch towards its chest*\n\n```2.5 mana recovered, 2/4 Air skin, 2/6 Chi flow, 75/130 mana```" }, { "author": "Ardon Surfist", "message": "*Ardon's head would cock and look over to the left towards the unarmed wight punching his knees. His eyebrow raised slightly as he didn't really feel a thing. He lowered his body down even lower than it was earlier keeping his ribs hidden away from anyone that might want to break it before doing the same as he did with the other wight but instead of using his two middle arms to defend he instead used it to grab the arms while the other arms attempted to just grab the whole body itself before wailing on its face once more. His whole technique seemed to be, defend, disable, dehead? Yeah Dehead!*\n\n```\n2.5 Mana Regenerated\n22.5/40 Mana Pool\nScaled Skin Lasting 3 Turns\n```" }, { "author": "warlordsuntzu", "message": "*Ashnard's technique allows him to stab into the wight's head as well as take the other zombie's head off, and the wight bursts into flames and ash.*\n\n*Summon 1 would be able to successfully kill one of the zombies, but would soon find itself facing several more. A leftmost one strikes it in the back of the knee, forcing him to kneel. The sword also cuts slightly into the leg of another zombie.*\n\n*Summon 2 is also able to stab and take out another zombie. However, the rope dart wielder is able to swiftly pull back his weapon. Instead of using like a dart, he swings it at Summon 2's leg's entangling them and pulling him onto his side.*\n\n*Mevis wouldn't be quite close enough to the spear for the fake jab to work, but the punch downward does cause it to react, stepping backwards. Afterwards, as aiming for the head didn't work, it raises the spear up and tries to bring the blade of the spear onto the Macen's head.*\n\n*Ardon wouldn't be quite fast enough to grab the wight's arms as it pulls them away, but the Titan is able to land a punch, which is blocked using the wight's two arms. The sheer force from it though sends it flying into two other zombies, which are knocked down. It gets back up, and goes into a standing up Wing Chun stance, only to realize that its left arm is hanging loose, broken.*" }, { "author": "Mevis", "message": "*Well then, it looked like he was stuck in a dilemma as Mevis notices the spear slash coming down vertically toward his head. He would raise his arms in the shape of a cross block to halt the spear, grateful for his airy aura of protection. He would only hope that he was strong enough to withstand the blow*\n\n```2.5 mana recovered, 3/4 Air skin, 3/6 Chi flow, 75./130 mana```" }, { "author": "d.l.j.", "message": "```15/150 mana, mana cap of 120\nGen speed of 1.17, Psion Speed 4 turns, Flaming strike(Right sword) 2 turns, both strikes with effectively 10 str.```" }, { "author": "Alloces Raizos", "message": "*Alloces saw the predicament of his comrade, and lunged forward at the spear user as he was thrusting, pulling one blade down for an vertical slash upwards, directly as the spear user was chopping down. With his buffed Gen Speed, he should be able to cut it off or at the very least mitigate a lot of the force. This would be his right hand sword, the one not on fire. His left hand sword swung around in a diagonal slash at the spear user, starting high and ending low, from left to right in Alloces perspective. Summon 2 would swiftly drag their legs up, pulling the string taut before using their arming sword to cut themselves out of the entanglement, which would simultaneously ruin the rope dart being used due to the rope being chopped up. Summon 1 could see which way the wind was blowing, and quickly stood back up to retreat back towards the center of the blue light, still facing the enemy, and yanking out his arming sword to deliver a slash at the zombie that bit it on the leg.*" }, { "author": "valethros", "message": "With no more undead on his trail, Ashnard set sights on any remaining wights left standing as well as his own companions' capabilities. For being surrounded by zombies, the situation seemed under control, surprisingly enough, though he was well aware letting his guard down for a single moment would likely seal everyone's fate. \n\nHis next target would be the rope dart wight who had left itself seemingly exposed to entangle one of Alloces' guard summons. A blazing scarlet aura spiralled around the beastkin's feet as he charged after the wight at a sudden burst of speed, unsated black flames raging around his blades. If the dark elf's summons weren't able to finish the job with any lesser zombies on his path, Ashnard's tail would with quick slashes towards their decayed necks, and upon reaching within 2m of his main target, the jackal would lunge with a quick stab at the wight's heart, using the right blade. His left blade remained raised vertically, preparing to perry any potential counterattacks, should there have been any.\n\n```Burst dash used, 2.5 Mana restored, 5/15 Mana left\n1.5 gen speed, 4.4 walk speed \nParallel processing active```" } ]
[ { "author": "Ardon Surfist", "message": "*Ardon stepped towards the nearest wright an intense glare in his eyes as he would bend over and lift the undead by the arms gripping them tightly if he was able to do so. Once he was able to get a hold of it he would take a few steps back before throwing the body towards the knocked down wright letting out a loud guttural grunt as he did so. If the wright were to resist to much that he was unable to actually get a hold or throw it then he'd simply send a barrage of punches at him way with the multiple right arms*\n\n```\n2.5 Mana Regenerated\n25/40 Mana Pool\nScaled Skin Lasting 2 Turns\n```" }, { "author": "warlordsuntzu", "message": "*Mevis only feels the top of the spearhead clatter against his skin, as Alloces' blade chops through the spear, the percussive force of the blow amplified by the spear slamming down on it.*\n\n*Summon 1 is able to kill the zombie that hit its leg.*\n\n*Ashnard is able to kill both the wight and a nearby zombie with ease, as the unguarded wight tries to pull back the rope dart.*\n\n*Summon 2 would be able to untangle themselves.*\n\n*Ardon would have to go through several zombies before getting to the wight, though he's able to easily stampede the zombies. The wight steps back, keeping the distance.*\n\n*The spear wight now only has a quarterstaff, and backs away from Alloces' strike, using the shaft to deflect the blow. Afterward, he would go for a wide right to left sweep at both warriors.*" }, { "author": "valethros", "message": "Ah, there's nothing like the smell scorched, putrid flesh in the evening. Compared to the constant stench of decaying corpses, it smelled like a freshly cooked meal. And by the looks of his handiwork, Ashnard had to commend himself for having roasted it *Just right*. Alas, time was not a luxury the beastkin could afford. More undead were closing in, as if waiting their turns on the chopping block- he might as well oblige them.\n\nMaintaining a high momentum from his charge, the jackal pivoted past the slain wight, his flaming blades seeking the line of zombies that were closing in on Summon 2. Assuming none of them were fast enough to impede his charge, the trio of blades would move ahead in a crescent motion to sever the necks of all three zombies in that row, clearing some of that much-needed space to have a clear lunge at his next text.\n\n```\n2.5 Mana regen- 7.5/15 Mana left\nFlowing footwork- 1 turn left active\nFlaming Blade- 1 turn left active\nParallel processing used```" }, { "author": "Mevis", "message": "*Mevis would wince slightly from the impact, but was grateful that the the spearhead blocked. Perhaps he could take advantage of this situation. Mevis would attempt to grab hold of the spear shaft and pull it while twisting his hip and raising his leg to deliver a side thrust kick to the wight's chest. He hoped the counter force of him pulling the spear and his side thrust would be sufficient enough to destroy the wight's chest cavity. If however the wight was quick enough to let go of his spear Mevis could at least be grateful about disarming it*\n\n```2.5 mana recovered, 4/4 Air skin, 4/6 Chi flow, 80/130 mana```" }, { "author": "Alloces Raizos", "message": "*Alloces already had his right hand blade up in the air from having cut short the spear user's spear, so he simply flipped the blade so that the cutting edge, gleaming and razor-sharp, was pointing down, before lunging forward as the spear user moved back, bringing the blade downwards as he moved. With his Gen Speed, he was confident in being able to split the wight in half before the wight's strike connected. His left hand blade, he would pull back as he moved forward, to sweep it forward in tandem in a horizontal chop at the zombie above, from right to left. By the by, at this point he would be above the wight somewhat in terms of the map, not directly charging it to allow his comrade to do his thing.\nSummon 2 would charge at the zombie in the green shirt, his shield angled to deflect any potential blows from the zombie in orange, leaving his right sword arm space to slash at the zombie starting high and ending low, left to right.\nSummon 1 would charge at the remaining zombie above and to the left of him, bashing it with the shield before delivering a slash to it, in order to finish off the undead in that corner of the arena.*\n``` 17.5/150 mana, Mana cap of 120.\nGen speed of 1.17, Psion Speed 3 turns, Flaming strike(right sword) 2 turns, Both strikes with effectively 10 str```" }, { "author": "Ardon Surfist", "message": "*As the wight stepped back Ardon stepped backwards aswell going toward the center before summoning a weapon from his hands. A pale glow released from his hands as he cast Armory of The Corrupted Light, as he cast the spell the light around his hand materialized into a 4.2 meter long pilum that he would then throw towards the unarmed wight. The object was twice as heavy as a regular Heavy Pilum along with being twice the size. The pilum itself didn't look like a proper pilum though, it looked like the general silhouette of the object but the material it seemed to be made of what some sort of transparent yellow light that had flashes of black and red streaking through it. Very Cool*\n\n```\nArmory of The Corrupted Light cast\n2.5 Mana Regenerated\n7.5/40 Mana Pool\n```" }, { "author": "warlordsuntzu", "message": "*Ashnard easily dispatches of the remaining 3 zombies surrounding Summon 2, as well as Alloces's blade cutting straight through one of them.*\n\n*The wight, retaining his skills as a martial artist, deflects the blow just enough that the blazing blade doesn't hit him, and he does let go of his weapon. However, he raises his knee and blocks Mevis's side kick. His arms would grab onto the foot as the kick connects, and he would try to wrap his leg around Mevis's, which would put it in a kneebar, with Mevis's foot on his hip and the wight's foot on Mevis's knee.*\n\n*By now, two zombies would have crept up on Mevis since he was preoccupied with the wight. One would strike him in the back with a sloppy yet powerful swing, and it would impact him in the shoulder, throwing him off balance. The other would be crawling, and it would sink its teeth into Mevis's calf despite his protection.*" }, { "author": "valethros", "message": "Once he'd cut a burning swath across the lesser zombies, Ashnard would finally set sights on the spear wight ahead of him that had Mevis pinned so far. Might as well finish what his teammates started, lunging with his right blade forward. \n\nThe blackened flames aimed for its temples, flanking from its right and maintaining the ruthless momentum from before. Assuming the attack was successful and the wight burned to ashes like all the other undead before it, Ashnard would move on to dispatch the lesser undead that lingered around Mevis, feeding the black flames one final meal before they were sated.\n\n```2.5 Mana restored, 10/15 Mana left.\n Parallel processing used```" }, { "author": "Alloces Raizos", "message": "*Alloces would have already essentially resigned the wight off to the land of the permanently dead, seeing as how his teammates were about to polish it off. He took his composite bow back from his back, nocking and drawing an arrow to point at the unarmed master over by the corner that was being static, before releasing to put the wight out of his misery.* \nWhile he did that, Summon 2 would essentially rush the zombie behind Mevis, shield bashing it and slashing it down. \nSummon 1 would go on to eliminate the last zombie in his quadrant via the same method.*" }, { "author": "d.l.j.", "message": "``` 20/150 mana, Mana cap of 120. Gen speed of 1.17, Psion speed 2 turns, Flaming strike(Right blade) 1 turn, Both strikes with effectively 10 str```" }, { "author": "Mevis", "message": "*With Mevis' right leg caught, his left calf bitten, and his shoulder/body knocked off balance, it wouldn't be a huge surprise to see Mevis flop the ground with his strongest weapon, his feel, rendered immobile. That said, he didn't scream or cry for help, cus how could he? Everyone came to this dojo expecting one another to look after themselves. It would be selfish to request aid from these strangers simply because he himself wasn't strong enough to protect himself. He would reactivate his air defense and from the ground he would also attempt to aim an air blast at the wight's leg to knock him off balance, hopefully causing it to let go of his leg in the process*\n\n```2.5 mana recovered, 1/4 Air skin, 5/6 Chi flow, 47.5/130 mana```" } ]
[ { "author": "warlordsuntzu", "message": "*In short, all of the zombies were dead, including the wights. It wasn't without cost though, as Mevis gains a bite on his leg and a large bruise on his back.*\n\n*Once you were all done, a white robed wight would walk out from the darkness. He would be a white oni, with his horns visible.*\n\n\"I am Shifu Yan Wang, of the Hurricane Fist.\"\n\n*His voice would soon have the same one from before, echoing.*\n\n\"Choose one to fight, and one only.\"" }, { "author": "valethros", "message": "*\"Ashes to ashes, dust to dust...\"* The jackal muttered as the initial swarm was dealt with in full, extinguishing the blackened flames that permeated his blades. In the short moments of reprieve after the battle ended, Ashnard regarded the condition his group was in- besides Mevis, everyone seemed unharmed. That was reassuring enough of their competence, allowing himself a low sigh.\n\nTurning to face the young macen, he reached under his cloak to procure a glass vial filled in vibrant red liquid before extending his arm and offering it to Mevis. \"Drink. Before you make yourself a burden.\" Whether or not Mevis accepted his gesture, the beastkin's gaze would focus on the approaching wight, standing his ground. He was more than ready for another fight- even if it was entertain the necromancer's challenge for duels. And if none of his companions had stepped forward first, he would." }, { "author": "Ardon Surfist", "message": "\"Huh that wasn't as difficult as I thought! I've fought owlbears more powerful than these guys. Well an owlbear.\" *Ardon would say as he began to look at his bruised knee while stretching his arms. He watched the beastkin give out what seemed to be a potion of healing judging from the red blood like liquid that he was fairly familiar with, he nodded thinking that was a good idea to copy to! Taking out two healing potions he downed it in his gullet before stepping over to Jackal drops of the red liquid still at the side of his chin as he spoke* \"Hey Jackal! You feeling a bit tired? Cause I have a spell that can help with that before you start fighting with that person!\" *Ardon had said with a big goofy smile on his face while placing his hand on the man's shoulder*" }, { "author": "Mevis", "message": "*Mevis would look up to Jackal, and while grateful that he had helped and was providing aid for him, he didn't wish to become anymore of a burden to a group.*\n\n\"Thank you for your offer, your kindness is appreciated. However I do not wish to be any more of a burden to you, so you best save your vial for yourself. I can tend to my own wounds\"\n\n*With that Mevis would channel his inner chi to focus on recuperating his body* \n```2.5 mana recovered, 2/4 Air skin, 6/6 Chi flow, Breath of Life used for severe wound on leg 10/90 mana```" }, { "author": "valethros", "message": "\"Very well...\" The canifor nodded at Mevis' refusal, placing the potion back under his cloak. Turning to Ardon's request next, an almost unhinged grin would curve on the jackal's lips, razor-sharp fangs flickering underneath. \"Tired? I've never felt more *Alive*. Unlike our honoured Shifu over here, that is. Let us entertain his duel challenge, hm?\"\n\nSeeing as the rest of his group weren't in as good shape as he was after last fight- be it in health or magical reserves, the beastkin would be the to step forward, standing few meters from the oni wight before tipping the top of his hood. His gaze regarded the wight thoroughly, seeking the subtlest of details on the undead's body that could give any useful knowledge away. \n\n\"Seems that I shall be your opponent, Shifu Yan.\" He stated with a subtle bow, preparing a martial stance." }, { "author": "warlordsuntzu", "message": "\"May everyone else please step off the arena?\"\n\n*The same feminine voice would echo again. Assuming everyone complies, the Oni would press his fist and his palm together.*\n\n*Ashnard would notice the ever so slight clink of metal as Yan presses his fists together, and soon sees that the back of his hands are covered in metal from bracers. He soon summons a pair of butterfly swords in his hand, and gets in a stance presumably that of Wing Chun, the twin blades facing down the centerline.*" }, { "author": "valethros", "message": "Though he might have agreed to play the necromancer's little game, Ashnard still trusted undead and their masters as far as he could throw them. A silvery glint flashed in his eye as he gazed into the wight, looking through anything metallic the master might be hiding beneath his robes. Meanwhile, he grinded his blades together, soon catching into the abyssal black flames from before which permeated his every step. Moving around his target in a circle and keeping a distance of 4m at all times, he braced himself with a Baji stance, waiting for Shifu Yan to strike first.\n\n```Flaming blade and flowing footwork used. 5/15 Mana left.\nMetal detection used```" }, { "author": "warlordsuntzu", "message": "*Shifu Yan would circle around as well, staying mobile. The canifor sees his blades briefly glow white before launching two quick mid-air slashes, and the subsequent blades flying from them. In this action though, Ashnard would be able to see a hint of metal hidden in his sleeves.*" }, { "author": "valethros", "message": "The moment Ashnard sees the white glow, he covers his face with the wide side of his right blade before arching his body forward. A scarlet aura burst from his feet as he lunges at high speed against his opponent, the metal vision allowing him to keep track of the Shifu's hands.\n\nWhether the air blade struck on his own weapons or the twisted carapace that laid underneath Ashnard's cloak, the impact would be minimal. The beastkin would instead counter by quickly closing in as the spell was cast, fainting an upward diagonal swing with his left blade. If the Shifu raised his weapon to guard against the incoming fire blade, he'd leave his heart exposed for Ashnard to take a quick jab with his prehensile tail stinger.\n\n```Burst Dash used, 5/15 Mana```" }, { "author": "warlordsuntzu", "message": "*As Ashnard suddenly lunges towards his opponent, he would notice that the Shifu's left foot would be pressing down onto the stone sideways, which would cause the bluish line he was stepping on to glow white. He moves incredibly fast along said line, moving even faster than Ashnard as his own feet glow white. Both of Ashnard's lightning fast attacks are deflected by the even faster pale oni.*" }, { "author": "valethros", "message": "That was odd. So *Something* Was up with the arcane circle they were fighting in, and Ashnard had only just begun to figure out what. He would follow the same trajectory as his foe in pursuit, not intending to give any moment to prepare another spell nor letting the shifu predict his attack patterns. \n\nLunging after the wight, he would go for a jab with his left blade against the chest, keeping his right blade vertically to guard against a counterattack. If the Shifu remained on the defensive, he would instead follow up with a horizontal slash with the right blade from right to left, aiming for the neck, while his tail would attempt to sweep his left foot." }, { "author": "warlordsuntzu", "message": "*The master would step off to his right and would deflect the jab using his left blade, and he now had access to Ashnard's back, although he can be seen shifting back slightly. After the deflection, the canifor would see the sharp blade being swung at his head.*" }, { "author": "valethros", "message": "Instead of retreating to a more favourable position like one would expect him to do, Ashnard pivoted forward with his attack, using his tail blade to parry and even catch the wight's blade aiming for the head between serrated ends. In the meantime, he'd go for a quick and sudden elbow strike in that close distance, where his blades would aim to sever the wight's left hand by the upper side, using his full body strength in a single motion. His arm would briefly flicker with a scarlet energy as he did, and he'd fellow up with a diagonal downward slash from his right arm if the wight blocked or backed off.\n\n```Empowered strike used. 10/15 Mana left```" } ]
[ { "author": "warlordsuntzu", "message": "*The Shifu would quickly pull back his sword as it's blocked, and uses the D-guard of his weapon to lift Ashnard's elbow, moving backwards as he does so to prevent being hit by the flaming blade. His left blade would then go from left to right, deflecting Ashnard's might blow yet again. He seemed to have an attentive eye as well, since the small sword is followed by the right, going for the bare hide of the canifor. At the same time, Yan would aim for a kick at Ashnard's thigh.*" }, { "author": "valethros", "message": "Once more, the canifor pivoted forward, pulling back his left leg as he lunged ahead with the right one. Twisting the grip on his elbow as the wight caught it with the sword guard, he would point the edge at Yan's chest, jabbing forward alongside his body. Even at point-blank range, the beastkin would lunge with a burst of speed to ensure his foe wouldn't be able to back away. If the wight sidestepped to the right, he would immediately follow up with a low sweep of his tail, and if it sidestepped on the left, his arm would take the hit to counter with an upward blade jab at its jaw at full force behind it.\n\n```Burst dash and empowered strike used. 7.5 Mana left```" }, { "author": "warlordsuntzu", "message": "*Ashnard would feel the blade dangerously close to the gap in his armor, but he's safe. Yan can feel the armor though, and now he knows there's more than just fur.*\n\n*The Shifu would indeed sidestep to the right, using the left sword to knock aside the jab. The master's forced to jump from his left foot to his right, since the leg had already been extended. In doing so though, he seems to place a massive emphasis on striking the ground beneath the two fighters. The magic circle underneath them would create a massive force upwards, sending both Ashnard and the Shifu 3 whole meters into the air, which is followed by several straight kicks.*" }, { "author": "valethros", "message": "Well, that was unexpected. Seemed like this arena held more than one trick to use. Though being knocked up had briefly halted the beastkin's assault, it didn't entirely cease his momentum. His blades glistened briefly before bursting with blackened flames, alongside his tail. As he was sent into the air, he continued his previous momentum with a spinning motion, which would meet the Shifu's kick with a clockwise rotation of diagonal slashes. As the eventual pull of gravity would cause both to land, the beastkin, would fining with a downward slam from his right blade, aiming right between the eyes, ~~all the while yelling in frustration of the shifu's stalling tricks.~~\n~~Useless, useless, useless... USELESS!!.~~\n```Purgatory used. 5 Mana left```" }, { "author": "warlordsuntzu", "message": "*Master Yan's kicks are met by the whirling infernal blades, which surprisingly meet steel as well. Ashnard's powerful blow is met by 2 D-guards of the butterfly knives, and the wight keeps his arms stiff to keep himself away from the blades. However, Ashnard's strength is too great for the master, and the flaming, serrated blade makes contact with his head, and the aberrant material finds itself in the skull of the undead creature.*\n\n*The echoing voice would soon be heard as another gate opens up.*\n\n\"Well done, well done! Such fury!\"" }, { "author": "valethros", "message": "Ashnard would land on his knees with a low thud, leaving nothing but ashes and cinders of the undead master to herald his landing. Lowering his head, he would pay his respects for such a challenging opponent by extending both arms diagonally to the west before standing up. \n\nThe blackened flames went out, and with them, his blades retracted back into his arms. He was quite certain he had put up a good show, but it seemed it was the curtain call for his part, bowing before the crowd as he turned.\n\"Death comes for us all... Eventually. Seems it was not my time just yet.\"" } ]
[ { "author": "Ardon Surfist", "message": "*As Ashnard finally defeated his foe the titan who was just sitting on the floor watching intently, his eyes not moving away from the two battling foes just jumped while shouting loudly like how one would while watching a gladiator match or sport.* \"WOOOOOO!!!! JACKAL! JACKAL! JACKAL! YOU'RE SO COOL AND AWESOME!!!\" *He'd be shouting out loudly while one set of his arms was raised up in the air and the rest of his arms giving him a loud applause which was slightly drowned out by the shouting. Overall it was a very entertaining match to watch between two powerful and skilled opponents :)*" }, { "author": "d.l.j.", "message": "*Alloces waited for the next wight to come out, yawning slightly with his summons.*" }, { "author": "Mevis", "message": "*Mevis would grin slightly at the titan's reaction, but he shared the same sentiment. Jackal was extraordinarily fast and watching him fight was an exhilarating experience. With his victory the group one was step closer to purging the area from the necromancer's grasps. He could only hope when it was his time to fight he could pull his weight*\n\n\"That was impressive Jackal. I hope I can complete my fight as cleanly as you\"\n\n*With that said Mevis would wait to see what the necromancer had in store for them*" }, { "author": "warlordsuntzu", "message": "*As you all continued to the next room, you would see that the floor was earthen. Not quite loose enough to dig up, but not solid enough to be hard. All the zombies and wights would be wearing green robes as well as having armor on them, specifically, bracers that extended to the fist, greaves, chestplates and helmets. The wights would have the same gear, though it looked like they could utilize it well.*" }, { "author": "valethros", "message": "Though Ashnard had not particularly enjoyed the titan's celebratory bellowing, he made an effort in not letting it show at his moment of triumph. He had shown his prowess for all to witness, and that was all that mattered at the time. \n\nThough the victorious smirk would fade from his muzzle upon entering the next room. \n\nWhen his foot paws made contact with the softened earth arena and he saw the undead horde before him was far better equipped than the last, Ashnard immediately realized his task was far from concluded. All of the still had an arduous way to go- though fortunately, eviscerating walking corpses had begun to grow on him. His movements would have to be more steady and calculated in such grounds, though that alone wouldn't hold back his bloodlust. Blackened flames danced at his blades and the tips of his toes. Not particularly compelled to state the obvious, he was the first to lunge the left side to begin carving a blood swath on the zombies, one neck at a time. \n\n```\nPurgatory and flowing footwork used. 10/15 Mana left```" } ]
[ { "author": "Mevis", "message": "*Mevis would hang in the back this time around as from what he could see he was the least protected individual in the group. He didn't have Jackal's speed or Ardon's massive frame or Alloces summons to protect himself. The only defense he had was his air guard but it was seemingly too weak to provide any sort of protection against the undead, and he didn't want to be a liability again. Thus he would use quick footwork to keep his distance while launching an Air Palm at any undead that would attempt to close the distance. He didn't have the capacity to kill any of these undead, so all he could do was stall them long enough till his team mates took care of them*\n\n```2.5 mana regen. Air Palm cast. 77.5/90 mana```" }, { "author": "d.l.j.", "message": "*Alloces sighed to himself, eyes roaming across the armor that the zombies possessed. His blades would have trouble cutting through them, even with the garishly oversized strength that he wielded them with due to repeated training. He would prepare to slash at the first zombie to get within range while both summons stepped back to draw out their crossbows, and aim at the nearest two zombies.*\n``` 110/150 mana, Psionic Speed applied, Gen speed 1.17```" }, { "author": "warlordsuntzu", "message": "*Ashnard's sheer speed allows him to easily slay a zombie, and it burns to a crisp. The next one would end up taking a wild swing at him, and the one wielding a Ji levels it at the Canifor.*\n\n*Ardon would easily be able to pick up a zombie and throw it, knocking two others over and damaging two, including the one that was thrown. That didn't seem to stop them though, as they get back up.*\n\n*Mevis's air palm knocks the closest zombie off balance, which gives him time for an attack of opportunity.*\n\n*The first summon wouldn't be able to kill the zombie outright, as it turns while swinging, causing the bolt to strike the side of the helmet. The other summon is able to kill it though.*" } ]
[ { "author": "Ardon Surfist", "message": "*Ardon would rush in towards the middle of the group of zombies in front of Alloces and Mevis forming a defensive stance as he did so using five of his six hands to protect his vital organs and head by covering them while casting Armoury of The Corrupted Light to create a large light Pilum with his last remaining hand (which will appear next turn). Like his stance in the last room he kept his torso low and his feet wide, ready to take the brunt of any attacks coming towards the group's way. He acted like a shield for the men since he knew that he was the largest of the group and so in his mind that equated to defence? Sure.*\n``\nScaled Skin 3 Turns Left\nCast Armoury of The Corrupted Light\n2.5 Mana Regenerated \n7.5 Mana Pool\n``" }, { "author": "valethros", "message": "Relying on quick reactions and footwork, Ashnard would swiftly counter the lesser zombie's attack with a slash of his own, using his fiery blade. At the same time, he would pivot himself out of the Ji wight's reach, using his prehensile tail to grip at the weapon's shaft. With enough strength to match the world's resident meta-golem, he would attempt to coil his tail around the weapon and yank it out of the wight's hands. And if the wight was too slow to pull back in time and dragged alongside the sudden motion, Ashnard would use his other free blade to drive it through its neck.\n\n```\n2.5 Mana regenerated. 12.5/15 Mana left\n4.4 m/s walk/sidestep speed, 2 turns left on purgatory and quick footwork.```" }, { "author": "Mevis", "message": "*Mevis would take the opportunity attack and attempt to quickly close distance to perform a high round house kick to its head. Hopefully he would be able to generate momentum and have enough strength to destroy the zombie's head. It was the only place he could really target as anywhere else would be rendered useless by the undead's fortitude. With those thoughts in mind he twists his hips and raises leg toward the zombie's skull*\n\n```2.5 mana regen. 80/90 mana```" } ]
[ { "author": "valethros", "message": "Facing the wight, Ashnard sidesteps to the right in order to avoid the ji pull and kick before lunging forward with his fiery blade to strike the neck. If the wight changes the direction of its ji pull, Ashnard will raise his left blade to catch the hook by the base, all the while using his tail to grip his target's leg by the shin as the wight raised it for a kick, yanking it downwards to throw the foe off-balance and secure his own attack.\n\n```\n2.5 Mana regenerated, 15 Mana left\n1 turn left on flowing footwork and flaming blade```" }, { "author": "Mevis", "message": "*Mevis would let out a sigh of relief to have succeeded in finishing at least one zombie. Well technically he didn't finish it, but was grateful that he was able to be of some assistance. In that sense, it would be best for him to play a support role. He would charge up another air palm to knock whichever undead Alloces decides to rush, and if close enough would rush in to deliver a finishing and or crippling blow if need be to assist*\n\n\"Whoever you decide to rush, I will do my best to support you\" *He would say to Alloces just to make sure he understand the plan of attack*\n\n```2.5 mana regen. Air Palm cast 67.5 /90 mana```" }, { "author": "Ardon Surfist", "message": "*Upon feeling the solid form of the weapon he conjured from thin air Ardon readied to strike an enemy seeking to do so on one that was further away but realizing quickly that what he wanted to do would be difficult with the zombie striking in front of him so taking a few steps backwards Ardon would grab hold of his pilum's shaft and thrust it forward into it's torso all the while trying his best to be aware of his surroundings and protect himself for anything under way*\n``\nScaled Skin 2 Turns Left\nArmoury of The Corrupted Light 7 Turns Left\n2.5 Mana Regenerated \n10/40 Mana Pool\n``" } ]
[ { "author": "warlordsuntzu", "message": "*Ashnard would easily be able to entangle the Ji as well as the wight's foot. The flaming stab ends up easily killing it.*\n\n*Ardon's able to destroy the zombie's heart, killing it.*\n\n*The mace wight brings in his arms and weapons, causing the twin swords to hit against solid steel mace shafts, and if not those, the wight's bracers.*\n\n*Summon 2 is able to cut deep into the zombie, but it still doesn't die, launching yet another hook, trying to bash against the shield, which by now has taken quite a beating.*\n\n*Summon 1 would be able to take one leg off, though not the other. The shield bash would result in the zombie grabbing onto the shield with both arms and biting the rim of it, weighing the shield down greatly.*\n\n*The Air Palm Mevis launches is avoided if aimed at the legs, or simply purely tanked if hitting the torso or head. His stance seems to be extremely stable.*\n\n*Another zombie takes a swing at Ardon.*" }, { "author": "valethros", "message": "As soon as the wight's body disintegrates, Ashnard takes a hold of its ji with his left hand, arching the weapon so the tip faces forward before sending it flying straight into the greataxe wight, aiming between the eyes. He assumes a low, front-arching stance, with his tail and right blade at the ready to cleave down the nearby zombie. If it got in the way before throwing the spear, he would instead make a quick sidestep on his left in order to have a clear shot at the dwarf, then retaliate with a jab at the zombie's neck\n\n```\nFlowing footwork used. 15/15 Mana left\n```" }, { "author": "d.l.j.", "message": "*Alloces would simply reverse the blade in his hands and chop downwards since the wight was kind enough to make himself enter a horse stance in actual combat. This would chop off the wight's left leg in a few brief moments. Meanwhile, he would turn slightly as he chopped, keeping pressure on the mace that was blocking his upper right blade. Without keeping his eyes off, he would speak to Mevis.*\n\"Try to hit his chest! His stance is supremely weak to blunt force from the front!\"\n*Meanwhile, Summon 1 would essentially slide backwards a bit, letting his shield touch down somewhat on the dirt. Now that the shield was on a diagonal, he would also slide his sword back, before entering into a rapid series of thrusts at the zombie on the shield. Due to telepathy, his strikes would be ridiculously accurate in the form of all of them aiming at the zombie's head.*\n*Summon 2 would sidestep the next haymaker, trying to minimize the deflection with his shield to retain it's integrity, before promptly trying to lop off the outstretched hand, currently engaged in making a punch that, one handed, would mean that the zombie was unbalancing itself every time it tried one. If the strike hit. Well. Armless zombie. Facing a man in armor with a shield and sword. Presumably, Summon 2 would dispatch the near helpless undead speedily.*\n``` Psion Speed, 3 turns. Flaming sword, 2 turns. Bullshit cheat telepathy: INFINITE, Gen speed 1.17```" }, { "author": "Mevis", "message": "*Mevis would do as Alloces suggested and aim his air palm toward the chest hoping that it would knocked it over. If it remains standing he would attempt to rush forward and sweep it's feet from behind, of if that was practical, he would attempt to hold down the zombie's shield arm to allow Alloces a more clear shot at the zombies head. All he could was support his allies, so he had to give it his all*\n\n```2.5 mana regen. Air Palm cast. 55/90```" } ]
[ { "author": "d.l.j.", "message": "*Alloces would be slightly surprised at how quickly the wight just... Deleted itself, but he shrugged and began to begin chunking through the zombies. Left blade swinging down low to chop off the legs of the zombie, before slicing upwards to take off the head in the return swing. Right blade chopping downwards at the armless zombie that had just unbalanced itself trying to headbutt bite his summon, who would easily be able to dodge, having arms, a shield, armor, and telepathy as well as actual coordination due to being alive. This would be done while Alloces was moving at a diagonal.\nIf the zombie in front died, the summon would walk slightly forward, knocking his sword against his shield lightly to bait the zombie behind armless zombie forward. Then he would sidestep with shield ready to guard and yeetus one of the zombie's arms, just like clockwork. \nSummon 1 on the other hand would look like they were about to block the swing, before suddenly stepping to the side and chopping downwards at the extended arm that the zombie had been so generous as to donate to the Armless Undead Foundation.*\n``` Psi Speed, 2 turns. Flammenslicer, 1 turn, Bullshite cheat telepathy, Infinite, Gen speed 1.17```" }, { "author": "warlordsuntzu", "message": "*Ardon lifting his own weight off the ground would prove to be detrimental. The dwarf is incredibly strong for his stature, and he's able to lift and throw Ardon over his head and behind him as the Titan jumps, Ardon then landing on the floor. A zombie wacks him while he's down, which once again does nothing.*\n\n*Mevis's fist successfully knocks the zombie's head from its neck, effectively giving it a severe case of whiplash.*\n\n*Alloces is easily able to take out both zombies and disarm another. Summon 1 is able to take off the zombie's arm easily.*\n\n*Ashnard's lunge brings out a lower left hook from the Qua, which is easily dodged and it hits nothing. The wight does turn with the strike though, so he would end up facing the Canifor. His guard is too defensive for any slash to be effective, but the first strike distracts the Qua from the second, who only has enough time to turn left just enough such that the flaming blade ends up hitting the wight's bracers instead of piecering into the side of the chest. Said blade ends up stabbing into the wight's chest. It knows that it's going to die, so it attempts to raise its upper arms up and slam it into Ashnard, running forward.*" }, { "author": "valethros", "message": "Ashnard could almost admire the undead's tenacity. Almost. They still were mindless thralls that deserve little more than a quick death, like one would be cropping out useless weeds. It was a tedious task, really. As the burning qua made on last desperate overhead smash against him, Ashnard raised his arms and crossed his guards to meet it, using the fiery blades to block and deflect it. If the qua was resilient enough to not have its wrists cut right off, the canifor would wrestle the grip to break its guard, lunging back against the qua... To ram against its face with his horns. The aberrant spikes were every bit as sharp as his arm blades and every bit as deadly, aiming to impale the qua right through the eyes and impale the brain, whether it still was alive or not. Disposing of trash zombies around him after that show of primal ferocity would only be the dessert. \n\n```\nEmpowered strike used. 10 Mana left```" }, { "author": "d.l.j.", "message": "*Alloces would look at the dwarf that was plaguing Ardon. He sighed. He really wat too old for this. A parting flaming slash at the zombie that was persevering through on his right, aimed at the head, ought to put it down. He would then put away his swords and bring out his composite longbow. He wouldn't have the time to nock and shoot, but he would have enough the next turn. Summon 2 would try to slice off a leg and then thrust at the zombie's if it was somehow still alive, then he would get in front of Alloces protectively. Summon 1 would essentially thrust the edge of his shield at the one-armed zombie for it to bash/bite, and then use that opening to deliver a quick thrust at the head.*\n\n``Psi speed 1 turn, Flaming sword end, Bullshit telepathy never ends, Gen speed 1.17``" }, { "author": "Mevis", "message": "*Mevis would see his giant comrade Ardon being tossed around. While it didn't seem like the zombie was doing much to him, he felt he could at least deal with the smaller nuisance while letting him focus on the dwarf itself. He would run forward and would take advantage of the zombie facing downward to attack Ardon by bringing down an axe kick to its head. If it someone managed to avoid it Mevis would attempt to quickly step back into safety*\n\n```2.5 recovered. 60/90 mana```" } ]
[ { "author": "Ardon Surfist", "message": "\"Wot.\" Ardon would stare blankly in a shocked pikachu-esque face as he watched the stout dwarf do what he just did to him. Eyes wide and mouth open Ardon would do his best to quickly recover from the attack by standing up and just thrusting the heavy pilum into the dwarf all the while using the length of his arms and his weapon as an advantage since it didn't seem like the dwarf would be able to hit him if he was far enough away from his range. He also was not expecting it to be very nimble since well it is a dwarf with shorter than average feet. He truly was shocked as he had never met anyone who could lift him. Well not many really tried but still! Guess there's a first time for everything. He used all six of his arms when thrusting in fear of the dwarf just grabbing his weapon and using it for himself*\n\n``Armoury of The Corrupted Light 4 Turns Left\n2.5 Mana Regenerated \n17.5/40 Mana Pool\n``" }, { "author": "warlordsuntzu", "message": "*Ashnard does end up feeling quite some shock in his arms from blocking such a strong blow, but not much else. He's able to use his horns and impale the Qua through the eyes. Gross.*\n\n*However, there's a zombie next to him as well, and it takes a wild swing at him while his horns are in the wight.*\n\n*Both summons are able to take out the zombies, and Alloces seems to be prepared to shoot. He wouldn't need to though, as the combination of the axe kick and the pilum stab take it out.*\n\n*Ardon takes another swing from the zombie. Doesn't do much.*" }, { "author": "d.l.j.", "message": "*Alloces, having seen that everything was more or less complete, would step forward lightly, pulling back his arrow as he did so as he aimed carefully for the zombie that was attacking Ashnard, sighting and loosing at the zombie's head, taking into account movement.*\n*Summon 1 sneak up on the zombie besides Ardon, angling behind it before slashing at the neck of it, aiming to take it off.*\n*Summon 2 would start advancing at the one remaining zombie over by Ardon, but would probably not make it before the zombie got mulched.*" }, { "author": "valethros", "message": "Ashnard felt the putrid blood and viscera begin to trickle down his horns as he impaled the wight right through the brain. Not the most pleasant sight, sound or smell to go with, but after slaying so many zombies, he'd grown desensitized to it. The zombie trying to take a sluggish swing at him would meet a fiery jab from Ashnard's tail blade right between the eyes if it hadn't been dealt with already. \n\nOnce that was said and done, the jackal would lift the qua's burning corpse off him, bringing this charade to brisk finale by throwing the body across the last puny zombie that remained before spitting a mixture of saliva and rotten blood that'd gotten on his muzzle from all the zombie slaying. How utterly droll." }, { "author": "Mevis", "message": "*Mevis would attempt to flank the remaining zombie with Alloces summon that was attacking Ardon and would aim to sweep it off its feet if it ducked/dodged the slash from the summon. He hoped by rendering it immobile Ardon would have the chance to crush it*\n\n```2.5 mana regen. 62.5/90 mana```" } ]
[ { "author": "warlordsuntzu", "message": "*In short, all the zombies are dead. The bodies began to decay and decompose, leaving behind only the metal they formerly wore.*\n\n*From the north, a stone door opens, and in walks a massive armored Mogash, with armor the same as the ones of the now defeated undead, though he is currently unarmed. His booming voice echoes throughout the room.*\n\n\"I am Shifu Shi Zong, of the Sky Scraping Mountain Fist!\"\n\n*The echoing feminine voice speaks again.*\n\n\"Choose one to fight, besides the dog, and the rest step off the stage.\"" }, { "author": "valethros", "message": "\"That's a big bastard if I've ever seen one...\" The jackal noted, scraping the putrid blood and gore off his blades before finally retracting them. He was itching for yet another fight after all this tedious mob-killing, but alas, he had to play along these dumb rules 'lest he be subjected to even more of that. His gaze turned to Ardon, the large and boisterous titan seeming like the perfect match for this foe.\n\"Oi, big guy. Deal with this one, will ya? Looks to be closer to your weight class.\"" }, { "author": "Ardon Surfist", "message": "\"Hmm? You want me to care of Ms. Mountain Lady Punchy Thingy? Sure! If you want me to, I'm always up for anything.\" *Ardon would say to Jackal as he began stepping towards the large mogash. As he did so he held his fists up like he was ready to fight, took on a more defensive stance by lowering his body, keeping a couple of hands close to protect his vital organs and readied himself for battle with the large woman.* \"Hiya Miss! My name's Ardon and I think I'm the one fighting you now, hope you do good! Oh but umm not as good as me cause we need to win this to help free the dojo...*I think?*\" *That's why they're there right? Or do they have to destroy the dojo... Or destroy the one who did this to the dojo! Was it help the one that did this to the dojo? Destroy the help? Help destruction? Ardon had a really hard time remembering and so did Plague*" } ]
[ { "author": "Mevis", "message": "*Mevis moves off to the side to watch the fight. He had faith in his big comrade to win this fight, so he wasn't particularly worried. He was more concerned on what he was going to do when it was his turn to fight*" }, { "author": "warlordsuntzu", "message": "*Shi Zong doesn't seem to take notice of Ardon's words. He gets into a _sideways_ horse stance, his open left hand facing towards the titan and his right hand at his waist.*\n\n*The feminine voice seems to echo somewhere throughout the room.*\n\n\"And begin!\"" }, { "author": "Ardon Surfist", "message": "*Ardon using one of his spare hands summons his light pilum while just waiting for his opponent to come to him. It didn't seem like a good idea to make the first move so he'd just stand there waiting patiently all the while just staring close. He wasn't the most dexterous but he should still try to dodge attacks that he can and not get hit... Which would be hard since he is fairly large but atleast his opponent was the same!* \n\n```\nCast Armory of Corrupted Light 1 turn to form weapon 15 Mana\nRegenerated 2.5 Mana\n27.5 / 40 Mana Pool\n```" }, { "author": "warlordsuntzu", "message": "*Ardon summoning his weapon would beckon a new twist in the field; two, in fact. The first is that a green glow comes from the Shifu's hand, and the massive outline of a Monk's Spade starts to take form.*\n\n*The second is that Shi Zong stomps on the ground, and this creates several floating pillars that come from the ground, blocking the Titan's view. They hover about half a meter from the ground.*" } ]
[ { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "With the recent upset in Upper Mentia, many slaves were either freed or escaped. Sensing opportunity, the nation of Huiruor styled itself as a safe harbor, offering land and other incentives to attract a new influx of specialized labor. Many of the beastkin Sonja helped free had made their way here to settle along Lake Agan. The small village was nestled between a forest and the lake. It boasted several communal cabins and a few larger community building. There was even a small garden! The scene was serene and tranquil, a far cry from the forced labor and servitude that once haunted most of the residents.\n\nAlthough hardly about to settle down, Sonja made a habit of stopping by from time to time. She liked to check on them, many of her old tribe members were there. Anja too. It was one such trip that brought the Ursinoid here today! The village was much busier than she remembered. There were a lot of new faces. But Sonja hardly stopped to check them all out. She instead made her way towards the blacksmith to get some new weapons." }, { "author": "Yuuka Hirabayashi", "message": "Along with many of the other freed slaves, Yuuka had also relocated to the area around Lake Agan. She had taken her time getting there, getting a small bit of adventuring experience before she did, and now, she was considering leaving already! Well, not really. She was just thinking of going out to find some work. \n\nBy then, she had already reclaimed herself and a large part of her culture, so the Runran was dressed in the traditional-looking red and white dress. Headed to the blacksmith to look at weapons before she headed out, she spotted something of a familiar face... Of course, she wasn't familiar with them at all, but that was clearly the famed bear, Sonja! A bright smile rose to her face, and the short bunny quickly approached her. Verily, she would intercept Sonja before either of them reached their destination!\n\n\"Ah, excuse me. If you're not busy, you're Sonja, aren't you?\"\n\n*Even with the ears, Yuuka was substantially shorter than the beastkin. Still, it was impossible not to notice her with how much her hair, attire, and overall appearance stood out.*" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "The tall Ursinoid was clad in simple medium armor, consisting of mostly leather with bits of iron metal to help defend the more vital regions. With a large arbalest slung on her back, a hatchet at her hip, and a stern expression on her face, one could only describe her as imposing. Give the height difference, she might have continued right along without even noticing the shorter bunny girl, if not for the fact she caught her name.\n\nBut, Sonja had heard it. She stopped and glanced around briefly, before her brown eyes settled on the short figure before her. The Ursinoid nodded slowly in response to the inquiry, affirming the girl's suspicions.\n\n\"...Yes. I am Sonja, not Busy.\" Sonja explained, raising an eyebrow as she took in the sight of the rather cute character. That outfit certainly stuck out. It wasn't from around here, that much was certain. \"How can I help you, traveler?\" She spoke as if a member of the village, addressing an outsider. Perhaps a bit cool and aloof. But not inhospitable either." }, { "author": "Yuuka Hirabayashi", "message": "\"Ah, it's a pleasure to meet you finally, Lady Sonja.\" Yuuka gave a respectful bow now, the ears on her head flopping down onto her head and dangling, though they stood up straight ahead once she raised her head. \"I thought I had recognized you, so I wanted to thank you, for...\"\n\nShe paused for a moment, clearing her throat and then seemingly contemplating before she continued. \"Thank you for saving everyone. Clearly, I'm not a beastkin, and I don't intend to stay with everyone here, but... I was also... There... So, I think that I owe you at the very least, that much...\" Yuuka spoke rather proper for a former slave, perhaps. She seemed to dance around the topic a little, but still offered a warm smile. The calm and slow pacing of her voice broke when she suddenly grabbed the cool bear's arm.\n\n\"Sonja, if you're not busy, may I treat you?\"" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "At the greeting, Sonja tilted her head to the aide slightly. It seemed like the foreigner knew her. And yet she didn't know from where. As the cute bunny girl bowed before her, the Ursinoid couldn't resist reaching out to ruffle the hair on her head with one of her large, gruff hands. It didn't take more than a second. Knowing they had been through similar ordeals provided an extra layer of comradery, even if they hardly knew one another.\n\n\"Of course... I don't leave anyone behind when I can help it.\" The Ursinoid explained with a low tone. \"I used to be a slave too... It wasn't pleasant.\" She remarked with a small frown. Somehow, she suspected this pretty, sophisticated creature had had it a little better than she did. But that didn't change much so far as Sonja was concerned.\n\n\"The villagers... They've been through that too. I can't stay in one place for long either... But I keep finding myself coming back. Beastkin or not, the people here will welcome other survivors.\" She assured the bunny a nod. \"... Especially one so cute.\" Sonja gently nudged the girl with her elbow.\n\nThe Ursinoid was taken a bit by surprise as the bunny latched onto her arm. She hesitated for a moment, then nodded. \"...I don't see why not. So long as it's within reason...\"" }, { "author": "Yuuka Hirabayashi", "message": "\"U-Uwaa...\" Before she could raise her head, Yuuka was suddenly interrupted by the Ursinoid's hand! The petting and ruffling was unexpected, but welcome to some extent, though a light brush had quickly risen to the short woman's face. \n\nOnce she had stopped bowing, she listened to Sonja's explanation and thoughts. Soon, though, her face turned red again at the thought that she was cute. \"I-Is that so? I never would have thought... Mm, never mind. Sonja, of course I'm glad you were able to free everyone... But, I'm happy for you, that you've been able to come so far... Let's talk more over lunch, though!\"\n\nShe thought it'd be bad if things were too gloomy, so the bunny quickly began leading the Ursinoid towards any random shop! Making her way inside, it'd turn out they'd found their way to a bakery, the smell of fresh bread in the air." }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "The Ursinoid was pleasantly surprised by the cute reaction to the head pats. She nodded solemnly at her assertion. This conversation would be best continued over a warm plate of food. The Ursinoid let the bunny guide her further into the village. They were particularly spoiled for choice. There didn't seem to be any competition businesses: a single bakery, a single tavern, a single market. Ultimately, Sonja found herself let towards the bakery.\n\nAs the pair approached the humble establishment, built with fresh pine wood from the nearby forest, delicious scents greeted their noises. Bread was the strongest, yes. But there was the hint of something sweet too. And something smokey? Clearly, a plethora of tasty ingredients were being concocted from within the bakery.\n\nUpon reaching the door, the Ursinoid slipped away to hold the door open for her guest, giving her a small nod. The inside of the bakery had a few tables and chairs towards the front, a counter and pastry display further back, and three large stone ovens against the far wall all with tall smokestack chimneys. A friendly Canifor baker was there to greet them." }, { "author": "Yuuka Hirabayashi", "message": "Yuuka actually found it quite nice that there wasn't any competition among the businesses. After all, that should have meant the people got along better. She wasn't too hurt by the lack of being able to choose between shops, either, since her adventurous nature was rather calmed down compared to what it had once been.\n\nAs the Ursinoid held the door open for her, Yuuka gave Sonja a bright smile, the bunny walking in. She was practically dragged into the store by the smells, though, promptly looking around in search of what the source of the sweetness might be before turning back to Sonja.\n\n\"Thank you for holding the door, Sonja~ It smells great, doesn't it? Shall we go order?\"" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "The Ursinoid gave her companion a nod as she followed inside. Sure enough, the smells were delicious. Sonja felt her mouth water. She headed for the counter to inspect what was for sale. Her eyes focused on a loaf of fresh bread, still steaming hot from the oven. Sonja licked her lips hungrily, then looked at her bunny companion to see what she might be interested in having.\n\n\"...I'll get some of that fresh bread. You?\" She put some gold coins on the counter, probably enough for whatever the bunny wanted too, along with a hefty tip. The canifor baker quickly set about fulfilling the request.\n\nIn addition to fresh bread, there seemed to be some other pastries. Muffins, as well as biscuits, and some sort of cookie. There didn't seem to be any fresh vegetables—but this was a bakery not a farm! Surely there was something that Yuuka would like among the various baker treats!" }, { "author": "Yuuka Hirabayashi", "message": "Yuuka followed along as Sonja headed towards the counter, looking at what they had as well. She only turned back to the bear-like companion when she noticed she was being looked at, but maybe a bunny would be reasonably scared to see a bear lick their lips? Now, though, she was fully concentrated on enjoying nice baked goods. \n\n\"Fresh bread... Mmm... I want something fresh and sweet. Cookies, maybe?\"\n\nOf course, it was a given that they'd be fresh, but you could never go wrong with cookies. Still, maybe it would be surprising to hear that the bunny wasn't after any carrots or anything!" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "\"Alright, one cookie too.\" The Ursinoid concluded briskly, giving the baker a nod. These cookies were pretty huge, between 2 to 3 inches in diameter. They had large chunks of chocolate in them—a chocolate chip cookie! It should be more than enough for a meal. Though, it was a bit unusual food for a rabbit.\n\n\"I'm surprised you didn't want to get some vegetables from the market.\" Sonja replied with a small chuckle. \"I guess your more human than rabbit, hmm?\" She mused, giving her bunny companion a curious look.\n\nMeanwhile, the baker packed up their tasty treats in thin paper bags and handed them over to the pair. They had started to count change, but the Ursinoid waved a hand dismissive. \"Keep the change.\"\n\nShe motioned her new companion towards the exit." }, { "author": "Yuuka Hirabayashi", "message": "The cookies *Were* Big. Yuuka was more used to butter cookies, but if they were filled with raisins like she was thinking, it'd be great! Little did she know... And so she gave an innocent smile to the Ursinoid.\n\n\"Eh?\" As Sonja made the comment about her seemingly odd choice in what to munch on, the Runran girl tilted her head, before realizing. \"Ah... Why shouldn't a rabbit like baked goods, then?\" She gave a slight pout, though giggling soon after. \"Of course, I eat things other than vegetables.\"\n\nNow, she took merrily took the bag. She found some of the ways things were packaged to be strange, as she could just carry around the cookie, no? It didn't matter too much, though, and her attention was caught by Sonja waving off the baker. \"Oh, thank you for paying, Sonja.\"\n\nSo it seemed Sonja had plenty of money to spare. \n\n\"Shall we eat together, now? Unless you were too busy for that.\"" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "\"Heard sweets can make rabbits sick, so they only eat vegetables.\" Sonja relayed with an idle shrug. \"Wasn't sure whether that would apply to rabbit beastkin or kemonomimi. Never met one before now.\" The Ursinoid explained cautiously.\n\nAt the thanks, Sonja managed a slight smile and gave her companion a nod. She then turned towards the door with her loaf of bread in hand. It took only a few moments to reach the exit, which Sonja promptly held open for her companion so they might head back outside. The sound of a bustling street greeted them. Despite the relatively quiet bakery, the streets were still lively and full of folks.\n\n\"I am not busy.\" Sonja quickly clarified, before backtracking. \"Together is fine.\" She had assumed that would have been the case. Though admittedly, the Ursinoid hadn't set her sights on a particular location.\n\n\"There are quiet places in the forest to eat. And of course a tavern and outdoor seating for a more lively place.\" She rubbed her chin thoughtfully. \"Or we could just stay here.\" The Ursinoid motioned back to the bakery, which they were on the verge of exiting." }, { "author": "Yuuka Hirabayashi", "message": "\"Oh, really?\" Considering the bunny was actually quite fond of sweet things whenever she got the rare chance to enjoy them, that was surprising to hear. She didn't know that about rabbits, either! Yuuka now looked down questioningly at the cookie, before shaking her head. \"Ah, so I'm the first you met? I... Don't *Think* I've ever had problems with them.\"\n\nAgain, the Runran accepted Sonja's kindness without protest, though she had to wonder about the gentlemanliness. Still, she figured the Ursinoid was just used to being kind. After all, she had gone on and saved a bunch of slaves. Once outside, she stopped and pivoted on her heel, waiting for a reply.\n\n\"Ohh, perfect...\" Though, much like Sonja, she wasn't sure where would be a suitable place to sit and talk. Luckily, they gave a few ideas. \"The forest? I think that would be fine. Of course, if that's fine with you?\"\n\nShe held the pastry bag by the top, just in front of her lap, taking a few steps back so that her outing partner could come outside as well." }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "Sonja nodded to reiterate that this girl was the first bunny girl she'd ever met. Frankly, it had never occurred to her they might exist. But seeing one now, she supposed it made a lot of sense.\n\n\"Good. I'll keep that in mind.\" The warrior affirmed, eyeing that large cookie skeptically. Could she *Really* Eat the whole thing?\n\nThere wasn't much behind the door holding. It was the polite thing to do. And Sonja had rather made a habbit of it as a slave. She'd been made to hold the door open for people all the time. By this point the Ursinoid just did it out of habit without thinking about it. Soon, the pair were standing outside. The door to the bakery clanked shut behind them. Though now faced with the sea of bustling villagers, the tasty bakery scents were still strong as ever.\n\n\"The forest, sure. That will be nice and quiet.\" Sonja concluded, \"Follow me.\"\n\nAnd so the Ursinoid dove into the crowd with little warning, forging a path towards the outskirts of town along the river's edge. Hopefully the bunny girl would be able to keep up! She came to a halt a the edge of the city, just in case her companion might have gotten lost along the way." }, { "author": "Yuuka Hirabayashi", "message": "Of course, Yuuka was a Runran. And she had personally never met another rabbit girl while on the continent, either, but it was a surprise to hear that someone such as Sonja hadn't, either. Were they simply not prevalent here?\n\nOn the other hand, the cookie was quite big, and so the thought of only having a small piece crept into her mind, and thus stopping herself from getting any sickness in the future. Though, she'd never felt bad about sweets before!\n\n\"Ah, wait-\" Now, though, she was focused on something else, not getting lost behind Sonja! Being so much shorter, it was hard for her to keep in step with the Ursinoid, much less find her again if she happened to get lost. Miraculously, she managed to keep up despite the crowd, eventually bursting out of it next to Sonja, even if she was panting by the end of it!\n\n\"H-Hah... A-Alright, let's keep going...\" With her hands on her knees, the bunny hunched over with her ears flat for a moment, before quickly standing back up straight again. Aside from all the running, her face was now red and hot from being embarrassingly slow in front of someone so great." }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "Sonja didn't seem the least bit worred by the slowness. She assumed the flustered state of her companion was on account of all the running. Perhaps the bunny wasn't used to such sudden movement? Regardless, the Ursinoid didn't dwell on the matter. Hearing that Yuuka wanted to continue, she promptly obliged and headed for the forest at a brisk pace. So much for showing mercy to her friend, huh? Not even a reduced pace, let alone a break.\n\nIt didn't take took long to reach the secluded location. There was a small grassy clearing by the lakeside, nestled amongst the trees of a deciduous forest that surrounded them on three sides. The sounds of the village had seemingly disappeared, replaced with the occasional chirp of birds, buzz of insects, and slosh of the waves.\n\nPerhaps the rush had been unwarranted, but that didn't mean the destination wasn't worth it! Between the beautiful natural scenery and relative quiet, one could only conclude it was the perfect location for a picnic.\n\n\"Right, here we are.\" Sonja annouced, putting a hand on her hip. \"Just like I remember.\" She smiled softly, glancing to her bunny companion. \"...Say, how did you recognize me back there?\" Sonja wondered, tilting her head to the side. It wasn't a huge surprise her name had spread, especially among this village. But tall Ursinoids weren't exactly a rarity." }, { "author": "Yuuka Hirabayashi", "message": "Yuuka would have thought that Sonja might slow down a little, but she didn't even give her any time to catch her breath before she started off again! It was a good thing that they didn't say anything along the way, too, or else the bunny would have probably collapsed from trying to do both.\n\nAt least she had fared better traversing simple forest, rather than trying to push through the crowded town. In fact, she was able to treat it more like a leisurely jog than anything else. \n\nOnce they arrived, Yuuka finally stopped and caught her breath for a moment, that being her only focus. Once she wasn't breathing too heavily, though, she was able to fully absorb the beauty around them, the wonderful return to nature. It certainly wiped her mind clean of anything else. Although she wasn't a beastkin, being surrounded by the natural state of things wasn't bad at all, of course.\n\n\"Like you remember...?\" Had Sonja been on a picnic here before? Though, before she could ask, the Ursinoid first asked the bunny girl a question of her own. \"E-Eh? Well... A-Ah, like the rest of that village... I, well, was freed by you back then... T-Though, I wouldn't expect you to remember me, of course...\" She had quieted down to a mellow and passive voice, holding the cookie behind her back while she looked to the side. \"... I'm sorry if you had some sort of business, or were expecting something more out of me...\"" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "\"Yes. I've been to this village two or three times before. This is where I often come to eat. Though, I am usually alone.\" The Ursinoid explained with a small nod. Evidently she preferred nature to crowded streets. Perhaps that was unsurprising, given that Sonja was a Beastkin. Nevertheless, it seemed to reveal a bit about herself. Clearly she was comfortable enough with the bunny to invite her here.\n\n\"Oh? I suppose that makes sense...\" She nodded slowly and chuckled. Sonja thought perhaps the girl had only heard about her from the other villagers. But that wasn't the case here! \"...Glad I could be of help.\" The Ursinoid reached over to pat her on the head and rub her bunny ears. So cute. Sonja soon pulled back her hands, not wishing to be too overbearing. Pun intended. \"You've come far.\" She assured.\n\nThe continued concern about taking up Sonja'stimes time was met with a black stare. \"No apologies are necessary. I was just preparing to hit the road—but there is no rush. It can wait.\" She explained with a nod and chuckle. \"So... How'd you end up out here? I heard that kemonomimi didn't usually come this way.\"" }, { "author": "Yuuka Hirabayashi", "message": "Sonja's explanation about what seemed to be her favorite picnic spot was a bit surprising to her. It was a beautiful view, really, but it now had Yuuka wondering why the other woman had led to her to such a private place. All she gave in response, though, was a nod and gentle \"Mmm...\" Before she got around to explaining how the two ended up meeting in the first place. Still, it remained in her mind, somewhat contributing to a blush growing on her face.\n\n\"Mhm... I-I'm very grateful to you- Uweeeh...\" Before she could continue to thank her, though, the Ursinoid had begun to pet the Runran and rub her ears. In response, Yuuka merely stood there, enjoying the hypnotizing sensation that was now gracing her bunny features. \"T-Thanks...~\" A pleasant squeaking noise soon came from her, followed by just a few heavy breaths as Sonja finally pulled away.\n\n\"How I got here...?\" As the barrage of questions continued, Yuuka took a moment before answering again. \"I used to be a servant while in Keguntan, but at some point, I was with traded me into slavery... And I was brought to this continent after that. But, now, I'm free.\" Trying not to make the mood too horrible, she ended her little story on a high note! Though, maybe Sonja could tell she was leaving out a few details? Before she could ask, though, Yuuka had a question of her own!\n\n\"Sonja, if you don't mind me asking, why did you bring me to this spot? You said you usually eat alone here...\"" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "Sonja was pleased to see her new friend marvel at the beautiful scenery. It was confirmation that she had picked the perfect spot for their impromptu picnic! Not that the wilderness expert had ever had any doubts about that.\n\nThough the Ursinoid was caught by surprise at the cute squeaks her companion emitted upon receiving those head pats. Hopefully the girl didn't mind the interruption too much. She managed a slight grin and nodded slowly in response to the thanks. Not particularly talkative, Sonja gave the bunny a moment to collect her thoughts and answer the question that had been asked.\n\nAs Yuuka explained her story, Sonja listened solemnly. Though her path to slavery had been perhaps less bloody and violent, that didn't make her ordeal any less harrowing. Not wanting to stir up old wounds, the Ursinoid didn't dwell on it much either. \"...I see. I'm glad you were able to find your freedom. No one deserves to be shackled like that.\" Sonja concluded with a grim nod.\n\nAs a question was sent her way, the Ursinoid paused for a brief moment. \"Here?\" Another pause. \"I suppose... I wanted to share it with someone.\" It was a rare moment of uncertainty brought about by the sudden introspection. \"What do you think of it?\"\n\nNot waiting for a response, Sonja sat herself down on a comfy patch of grass to unwrap her loaf of bread. She was starving! Her stomach grumbled, as if to emphasis that fact." }, { "author": "Yuuka Hirabayashi", "message": "\"Mmm...\" Yuuka certainly didn't like to think about her being in slavery. Despite not being a very violent experience for the most recent part, it was traumatizing in a few different ways. So, the bunny gave less than a proper response to what seemed like Sonja's reassurance. \n\nOnce Sonja replied to her question, though, Yuuka distantly blanked out for a moment before snapping back to reality and quickly answering her. \"A-Ah! Well, it's beautiful... I think it's a very good place to eat in peace.\"\n\nShe watched as Sonja sat, taking a moment before sitting seiza next to her. Although not quite as hungry as her, the bunny took out her cookie from the parchment and began to take small nibbles out of it. \"Thank you for bringing me here, Sonja. I should repay you at some point... Ah- I said the pastries would be my treat, didn't I...?\"" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "As a bear of few words, Sonja didn't seem to think anything of the brief response to her reassurences. Instead, she was content to continue on with the conversation and leave the dark topics further behind them. \n\n\"Good. I concur.\" The Ursinoid agreed with a nod, upon hearing her friend's verdict on the tranquil location. She was glad they could see eye to eye on that. Sonja had met some individuals who had little interest for nature and were content to live their entire lives in large cities. Truly a terrifying existence, so far as Sonja was concerned.\n\nShe blinked as her friend mentioned paying for the pastries.\n\n\"That... Does ring a bell...\" Sonja slowly admitted. But she just as quickly found answer. \"But I've saved up a precious sum from mercenary work.\" The Ursinoid explained. \"I couldn't ask you to pay.\" She suspected the bunny had only recently been freed, and probably still have tight purse strings. While her gesture was appreciated, Sonja was more concerned with ensuring her rabbit friend was able to make ends meet.\n\n\"Your thanks is all that I need.\" The Ursinoid assured with a nod. \"Though, if it still weighs on you, I'm sure we can find something...\" She pondered for a moment. Something that wasn't money related..." }, { "author": "Yuuka Hirabayashi", "message": "Of course, Yuuka was happy to forget all about the dark pasts they were discussing as well. In fact, her cookie tasted sweeter when those memories weren't in her mind. \n\nAlthough Yuuka came from a city-state, she wasn't a stranger to nature. In fact, she felt more connected to it when she compared herself to the average kemonomimi from Keguntan, at least. After all, she once lived with a family that owned a shrine. So, by all means, they saw eye-to-eye on that.\n\nOnce Sonja answered her inquiry on what had happened to paying for the pastries, the bunny suddenly began to fret, clearly evident by her ears giving a slight twitch before they slumped down. \"E-Eh? B-But...\"\n\nThough, it seemed the Ursinoid was prepared to counter any plea to let the kemonomimi pay, insisting that she didn't need *Any* Repayment. Not chewing on her cookie anymore, Yuuka shook her head. \"P-Please, I couldn't live with myself, if... If I didn't repay you for, everything...\"" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "Seeing the cute bunny ears twitch and slump, Sonja reached out to give them a small encouraging rub. She was fine with this being a treat for her new cute friend. Buuut the Ursinoid hardly wished to make the bunny feel bad about it! Slowly, Sonja concluded that if Yuuka remained insistent, she would find a way to be repaid. Buy not with raw currency! She knew her friend needed every coin.\n\n\"You couldn't life with yourself, huh?\" The Ursinoid repeated, rubbing her chin thoughtfully. Yuuka seemed particularly desperate to return the favor, though Sonja couldn't understand why. \"Well, I suppose it's settled then... I'll find a way you can repay me—without coin.\" She assured with a nod, before eventually adding, \"But if you find my terms to be too high, you are welcome to refuse.\" The Ursinoid assured.\n\nIt was a strange condition to add, but Sonja had a strategy. Ask for something she didn't expect the cute girl could provide, then subsequently let her get away with a free meal. Sonja hadn't *Quite* Realized how silly this idea sounded. Perhaps had she said it aloud, it would have occurred to her. But for now, the bear girl stood behind her plan." }, { "author": "Yuuka Hirabayashi", "message": "More ear rubs sent the bunny into euphoria again, squeezing her eyes shut and tilting her head in any which way against Sonja's hands. Groaning softly, though, she was able to mutter out a reply to Sonja's offer after a moment of consideration, and taking a breath.\n\n\"M-Mhmm... Without coin...? What sort of terms... Might that mean, Sonja...?\" Calming down again, she tilted her head at the ursinoid. What would this mean? Would the kemonomimi have to offer her ears to her for a daily petting?!\n\nOf course, she had no idea what the bear actually wanted, but needless to say, the bunny was curious, and it showed in her eyes without any hint of distrust or hesitation." }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "\"As I said, making you pay for it wouldn't sit right with me.\" The Ursinoid cautiously explained. \"But if you are determined to repay me, I have an alternative in mind.\" Sonja reiterated with a small nod. Though admittedly, she hadn't quite thought of what to suggest yet. While the plan to select something unreasonable was still a go, the Ursinoid needed a moment to think.\n\nSonja's brow furrowed for a moment as silence ruled the air. If her stalling hadn't already made her lack of ideas obvious, this clearly did the trick. Her brown eyes darted around the clearing, seeking some sort of inspiration..." } ]
[ { "author": "thehumbug", "message": "```Andikan and Concord join the battle!```" }, { "author": "tonyx3139", "message": "*As you shamble into the more tropical humid coastal town you quickly find a medium sized brackish lake leading out to sea than adi proceeds to lie back and fall into as you approach*\n\n\" Ughh can't remember the last time I missed water this much\"\n*He sinks below the surface grinning for abit*" }, { "author": "thehumbug", "message": "\"I have never been the biggest fan of the water, besides wetting my throat with it, but it is certainly not an unwelcome sight at the moment.\"\n\n*Concord leaves to go find some water that isn't full of salt*\n\n\"Ah. No need to find some, then.\"\n\n*It fills its waterskin and drinks deeply through a slit that opens in its throat.*" }, { "author": "tonyx3139", "message": "*Andi reemerges now sporting a fish tail in his legs place with soft golden scales*\n\" Yeah Took me a moment to remember the salt thing\"\n\n\" But no you definitely deserve a drink yes\"?" }, { "author": "Concord", "message": "\"I believe we all do.\"" }, { "author": "tonyx3139", "message": "*Andi began stretching out bobbing about the water*\n\" Soo I don't wanna burden a guardian angel with questions buuuut mind if I ask just one\"?" } ]
[ { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "*It has bean a while since Kibaru has visited the Hombaxia Realm. And after all he has been through, he was exited to return. He was hoping to scout out potential lands to start business on. In the capital of Hombaxia, Fodese, Kibaru was searching for anyone that might know of such a place. A place free of any other nation. A land unclaimed. But his search bore little fruit, but he didn't give up*\n\n*The Kemonomimi wore a white coat, open to expose his bare torso. Not yet cold enough to close it. Wearing boots, with the now colder climate, that had fur sticking out of the end. His torn pants reaching just to his ankles, but it seemed more like a fashion choice. His bright blue tails swirling behind his back making it hard to tell the exact number, somewhere from 5 to six tails it seemed. His wolf ears being the same as his tails were constantly rotating as he kept and ear out to his surrounding. His long hair, having a dark blue tint to it, reaching his neck with a braid on his right. A scar on his face matched that of those on his torso, showing his battle prowess.*" }, { "author": "Taylor Augustine Wilbourn", "message": "*Sat within the treeline far deeper then might be needed was a woman encased in what appeared to be half plate armor her height being quite intimidating aswell as her size as a kite shield sat by her side with a morning star on her hip as she looked on and watched waiting as the light crossbow that lay in her arms steadied as she toke but a few breaths before she began to adjustadjust aiming just a bit forward of the man as she waited for a proper gap*" }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "*Kibaru being quite in tune with his surrounding could easily spot the Titan taking aim at him, There would be no taking this wold of guard. Kibaru reacted and got ready to avoid the incoming attack. He would after he would try and see just how much ground he could gain before the next volley would come at him*" }, { "author": "Taylor Augustine Wilbourn", "message": "*Though thankfully for himself he had moved he had unfortunately not dodged though someone with ..... Less experience would most likely have missed entirely the arrow though having missed its inital region of target wavering slightly in the wind as it flew true sticking into his shoulder even if partially as the woman set her crossbow aside next to her pack as two Chaned bugs appeared by her side as they skittered across the undergrowth steered right towards him one from the left one the other from the life as his ambusher grabbed ahold of her kite shield and morning star as she began to steadily move her way through the undergrowth not seeming tto bbe iin too much of a hurry as she had the walk of that of a soldier or one of more ..... Malevolent background as the bugs themselves were most definitely nearing and quick*" }, { "author": "aukani.", "message": "HP: 40 / 40\nMana: 12 / 12\nDefense (Bonus/Malus): 17\nMovement: 0\nFree Action: Summon Chaned bug\n\nAction 2: Summon Chaned bugbug" }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "*Seeing the bolt incoming, Kibaru would react quickly and catch it out of the air before drawing his Katana. The Katana Bursting out in lightning as it was unsheathed* \"Well... Someone picked the wrong Okamimi to mess with\" *Kibaru said as he slid his mask onto his face, moving forwards towards his attacker. This person seemed quite inexperienced*\n\n```\nHP: 69 / 69\nFocus: 8 / 8\nDefense: 16\nMovement: 6\nReaction: N/A\nAction 1: N/A\nAction 2: N/A\n```" }, { "author": "Taylor Augustine Wilbourn", "message": "*Two more of the insects appeared by her side as the other two moved in a pincer of forms one taking the right the other left planning to circle around on command as she eyed kibaru as she went unseen due to her helm as she knew this would be a worthy fight*" } ]
[ { "author": "Taylor Augustine Wilbourn", "message": "*Having bid herself enough time the titan would suddenly strike shield raised as she rushed forward thunderous footsteps sounding out her kite shield raised ready to plow the man down were he stood as the bugs by her side and the ones near here came in for the strike two from the front the other two from the positions they held*" }, { "author": "aukani.", "message": "HP: 40 / 40\nMana: 12 / 12\nDefense (Bonus/Malus): 17\nMovement: 3\nFree Action: N/A\nAction 1: Morning star vs Kibaru / 20 / 7\nAction 2: Kick vs bug A / 17 / 4\n\nBug B\nHP: 8/8\nMovement: 4\nAction: Poison bite / 18 / 4\n\nBug C\nHP: 8/8\nMovement: 3\nAction: Poison bite / 16 / 4\n\nBug D\nHP: 8/8\nMovement: 3\nAction: Poison bite / 11 / 4" }, { "author": "Taylor Augustine Wilbourn", "message": "*As the woman rushed forward what as her summons which had effectively mounted to weak yet distracting cannon fodder fell one by one she would see her opportunity and strike shifting her shield slightly as she suddenly swung her morning star the impact being quite obviously as a metal spike fromfrom its head pierced his skin driving itself a bit deep whilst others either pricked or tore his clothing as she had struck her foe right on the side ..... And most likely broke one of his ribs but im not entirely sure i can state that*\n\n*And then almost adas swift as lightly whilst her foe was still dazed from her assault she had swung her shield upwards cracking it against their noise and most likely dislocating it or harming it in some way or form as she ripped her morning star from the mans side leaving some small scratchs and a deep gash before she quickly swung it down upon his knee .... He is most likely to be very very hurt by the end of this*" }, { "author": "aukani.", "message": "HP: 40 / 40\nMana: 12 / 12\nDefense (Bonus/Malus): 17\nMovement: 0\nFree Action: N/A\nAction 1: Shield vs Kibaru / 19 / 3\nAction 2: Morning star vs Kibaru / 17 / 5\n\nBug D\nHP: 8/8\nMovement: 3\nAction: Poison bite / 4 / 0" } ]
[ { "author": "Taylor Augustine Wilbourn", "message": "*She would hold strongstrong even as his blade cut into her from her loosely armoured side the plate which had been their having been shed earlier due to the repairs it had needed as a gash lay scourged into her side as she quickly raised her shield taking two or so steps back to steady herself as her exposed side now lay covered by her shield and as she straightened up her arm would swing out the morning star in hand as it slammed into the side of his cheek leaving only a few minor gashes from its spikes as she drew her weapon back to her*" }, { "author": "aukani.", "message": "HP: 30 / 40 \nMana: 12 / 12\nDefense (Bonus/Malus): 22\nMovement: 0 \nFree Action: N/A\nAction 1: Shield raise +5 AC \nAction 2: Morning starstar vs kibaru 21/ 5 /" }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "*Taylor was doing a decent bit of damage to Kibaru, but in a flash, that sense of achievement would dissipate as his wounds seemed to heal up and his bruises fade. This was the tendency of one that has the title of hero*\n\n```\nHP: 58 / 69\nFocus: 7 / 8\nRage: 7\n\nMovement: 0\nReaction: Katana vs Taylor / 15 / n/a\nAction 1: Kick vs Taylor / 19 / n/a\nAction 2: Kick vs Taylor / 26 / 19\n```" } ]
[ { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "*With The failed attack of the bandit attack, Kibaru decided to capitalize on, Kibaru moved in for the Kill from the Panicking bandit. He raising her shield up would prove to do nothing in the last moment. The moment the leaves burst away with a sudden boom from Kibaru. His body Igniting into blue flames with the final attack. Taylor would feel a sudden immense rage from the combusting wolf. With his blad drawing near, he flipped it around to the blunt to deliver a quick and final blow to her neck, Knocking her out cold without having to kill her*\n\n```\nHP: 55 / 69\nFocus: 5 / 8\nRage: 8\n\nMovement: 0\n\nAction 1: N/A\nAction 2: N/A\n```" }, { "author": "Taylor Augustine Wilbourn", "message": "*She would .... Actually not be panicing but rather being quite decisive as she had made to move back before the wave of heat rushed over herher her eyes suddenly snapping up as she posed to deflect his blade .... But was unfortunately not swift enough as her vision suddenly blackened as she fell as if a bag of bricks*" }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "*Seeing the Titan knocked out made Kibaru smile* \"Well I still got it. Thought I wonder what this one was thinking\" *Kneeling down at her, Kibaru decided to treat her wound with a magical pack of medicine before giving the person a lesser healing potion. Holding his Katana to her neck for when she wakes* \"Hello there sunshine\"" }, { "author": "Taylor Augustine Wilbourn", "message": "*Seeing the Titan knocked out made Kibaru smile* \"Well I still got it. Thought I wonder what this one was thinking\" *Kneeling down at her, Kibaru decided to treat her wound with a magical pack of medicine before giving the person a lesser healing potion. Holding his Katana to her neck for when she wakes* \"Hello there sunshine\"\n\n *The concussion itself had .... Unfortunately not lasted long as the woman had literally woken up mid way through mis medical treatment tried to get up failed then tried to strangle him and almost succeeded before failing when he put his blade to her throat as she had only been working with one arm as she blatantly refused to respond*" }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "\"Hey now. Don't be hasty. So why don't we have a talk, Hmmm. But don't test me. I will kill and leave your body to the vultures if you make a move. You're not my first kill and won't be my last\" *Kibaru said with a menacing tone to her. The flames on his body would die out and the marking would fade out*" }, { "author": "Taylor Augustine Wilbourn", "message": "*She would seem to snarl at him through her helm as she was beginning to regain movement in her dominant arm as he felt the glare of the definitely eight foot woman*" }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "\"Now. You hungry? I'm one killer cook\" *Kibaru said before bursting out into a chuckle as the pun he made* \"I had fun polishing my technique a little. What do you say. Don't worry I won't bite unless you ask me too\" *Kibaru said jokingly with a smile as he kneeled down with the Katana still at her through. She could feel the buzzing from the swords lightning. He the tried to reveal her face assuming she knew she didn't much have a choice already being bested by his blade*" }, { "author": "Taylor Augustine Wilbourn", "message": "*She would only glare further as he could feel the womans stare through her helm as she was very much not laughing at his jokes as she infact bit his fucking finger quite hard once her grabbed ahold of her helm*" }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "*Kibaru didn't expect a bite and just stared at her with his blood filling her mouth* \"Could you like not, please... I kinda don't wana loose a finger and what now. Would make life a little harder, you know\" *Kibaru almost laughing at her fierce behaviour. He was clearly amused by this and didn't show any hostility*" }, { "author": "Taylor Augustine Wilbourn", "message": "*Kibaru didn't expect a bite and just stared at her with his blood filling her mouth* \"Could you like not, please... I kinda don't wana loose a finger and what now. Would make life a little harder, you know\" *Kibaru almost laughing at her fierce behaviour. He was clearly amused by this and didn't show any hostility*\n\n *She would barely grunt as she foced his quite furociously bleeding finger out of her mouth as she spit his blood rght back at him as she had begun to scoot back*" }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "*Kibaru's blade still at her neck. He didn't mind the finger bite, but the spit of blood flying his way seemed to tick him of a little, but he held in his rage and pulled the blade from he neck before sheathing it and looking back at her before giving a bow* \"Names Kibaru. And I assume you have a name too?\"" }, { "author": "Taylor Augustine Wilbourn", "message": "*Kibaru's blade still at her neck. He didn't mind the finger bite, but the spit of blood flying his way seemed to tick him of a little, but he held in his rage and pulled the blade from he neck before sheathing it and looking back at her before giving a bow* \"Names Kibaru. And I assume you have a name too?\"\n\n *She would sneakily take a deep breath as she suddenly stood to her full height aaaand .... Fuck shes tall Christ but anyhow as would barely flinch as she grabbed her morning star before clipping it to her belt shield now in hand as she stared down at him* \"Augustine that is my maiden name little pup\" *She would rather bluntly state her anger having escaped her*" }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "\"Little pup. Girl, you even know how old I am? I could be your grandfather for all you know\" *Kibaru wasn't joking. Even Looking in his twenties, Okamimi tend to live for a long time. He might even be 200 and she wouldn't even know* \"So might I ask. Why the sudden attack. Doesn't seem like you enjoyed it nearly as much as I did\"" }, { "author": "Taylor Augustine Wilbourn", "message": "*She would seem to scoff a bit as she suddenly piped up her voice echoing a bit* \"Well if it werent obvious little Pup~ When one tends to wait at a well known trade route they seek reward weather it be physical or economic\" *She would state having punctuated pup this time* \"And I must admit myself little pup you have earned yourself quite the grace this time\" *She would state a slight tone of ..... Is that fucking happiness mixed with snark*" } ]
[ { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "*Kibaru a scoff at her words as he almost started laughing at her* \"Yeah. Beat your ass and treated your wounds and I earned grace. Well whatever floats your bout I guess, small one.\" *Kibaru said not even bothering to exclaim the small one part* \"So. Want something to eat or not little girl?\"" }, { "author": "Taylor Augustine Wilbourn", "message": "*She would once more scoff as she had begun to turn away from the .... I believe the word shes looking for is dog as she trotted over to her equipment her armour clinking every once in awhile with each step or so*" }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "\"Mmm, I'm guessing not then. Well very well. But you're loosing out. Not to brag, but I am a pretty good cook, you know\" *Kibaru was quite prideful in this fact. He's skill with the blade was both good in and out of combat*" }, { "author": "Taylor Augustine Wilbourn", "message": "*She would make a slight mental note that if she were to ever to meet this foul Dog again she wouldnt face him in what amounted to a duel but rather a actual battle as she hefted her pack and crossbow onto her back before disappearing off into the forest .... No like seriously what the hell shes fucking gone christ shes sneaky*" } ]
[ { "author": "Enu Mattithiah", "message": "*The Ocean was a peaceful place for Enu. It's cool slatly breezes washed over him from his spot on the beach. The rich blue waves crashing against the sand beach washing away all imperfections made by him. In a way he was a lot like the sand and the beach. Everyday more and more imperfect appeared on his beach and then cane the waves resetting him, washing him clean. It wasn't perfect, it didn't happen Immediately but it worked.* \n*He looked out at the waves, smiling at its beauty. The ocean reminded him alot of his mother. She had been a water macen, very different from him, but similar all the same. She was type of person who was never quick to anger but when she did get angry it made her very dangerous. You could say that he was similar but he was more stable with his anger, had better control. Because of this he was better at talking his way out of situations rather than fighting.*\n*In his hands he held a notebook. It was an average sized notebook, it cover embroidered with different colored stones and rocks. He kept it closed on his lap as he watched the waves. But after about ten minutes of sitting quietly he opened it and began to sketch, filling the note book with images of the landscape around him. He sat there for a long time, patiently taking nature's portrait and he was done he closed the book gently.* \n*He looked back up, and was bet with scarlet sunset. The sky a blood red that streaked into orange, then purple. He was stunned by it beauty, unable to full capture magnificence. So he sat there, watching the sun slowly dip beneath the horizon. And after maybe an hour the stars came out, once again lighting up the night sky. There were more than thousands of them, painting they sky like a tapestry with millions of possibilities of what was out there.*\n\n*Enu was a gentle soul, many compared him to a gentle breeze on the wind, soft and gentle. He very much had the look for it. With his soft brown eyes that were to many pools of chocolate. Those eyes were encased by a face of dark brown skin and even darker hair. He was tall and lean, but muscled all the same. His were something of interest as well. From his elbows to his finger tips, he was covered in white sprawling tattoos that to many had no mean but meant the world to him. He sat on the beach and embrace the world around him.*" }, { "author": "Issotha", "message": "*Issotha had sailed for quite some time. She had little sense of her surroundings of these new lands. The shallow beaches gave clarity but no where to set down for the night. Issotha ordered her crew of six to head to the nearest port. It was a small boat, enough to carry 50 or so people fully crewed. However Issotha could not afford much luxuries. Her intents were self centred. At least the perception of it. As she pulled in she excitedly jumped off of the deck. Wondering her way through the stalls and market.*\n*The stone walls hung over a small beach which ran the length of the coast.* **\"Pretty..\"** *Issotha said quietly. Maybe if she was fast she could catch the sun set. Quickly Issotha dropped down a stone staircase covered in a wet moss. She jumped into the sand. Almost rolling around in it. She quickly popped into a small fox and trotted just outside of city limits. With a low snap she popped back into her normal form.*\n*Issotha was a young kitsune, well in kitsune terms. She was well over one hundred an eighty years old. Still she looked maybe eighteen or nineteen, possibly twenty. Issotha wore quite expensive cloths. With fine fur coats with gold embroidered into the seams. Easily worth serval gold on its own. She had a crystal clear face with zero imperfections. Pale skin matched with pale blue eyes.*\n*Issotha was definitely very beautiful, she trotted along. Looking for a place to rest and catch the sunset. Quickly her eyes darted to a small tree near Enu. She raced up and climbed up the tree. Placing herself over the ground on a small branch, perched high enough to get a perfect view. She took out a small note book and began to write something in a sort of written code.*\n\n*The book was a black leather book with a small painting of a human captain on a small piece of paper. Which had been fused to the leather. It also contained a mix of strange symbols unlike anything else. The writing inside was also the same. Issotha liked it this way. Prevented unnecessary damages. Self preservation of sorts.*\n*Issotha simply hug up there. Swinging her legs softly while humming just load enough to be heard from a few meters away. She had zero care for the world and experiences that came with it. As time and distance was meaningless to someone who could easily live a thousand years.*" }, { "author": "Enu Mattithiah", "message": "*The sound of movement near him caught Enu's attention. He looked around and at first he saw nothing. The darkness of the night seemed to be obscuring whatever it was that had made the noise. He reached to his side and grabbed his hammer. The weapon was no more than a block of stylised metal attached to a metal rod. He lifted it with ease and scanned the darkness around him.* \n*He was a fool to stay away from his cabin for this long. He lived so for away, even if he had left earlier he would have been back by morning. He gripped his hammer tightly, slightly afraid for whatever may crawl through the dark. He took a step forward, his boots sinking into the sand beneath him. With the sea at his back he marched forward into the darkness.* \n\"Who is there?\" *His voice was gentle and kind. In truth he didn't want to fight anyone. In the past he had let many a bandit go after beating them half to death. Thats why he carried his hammer, kept away any unwanted attention.* \n\"If you are out there please come out. I would like to have a conversation with you.\" *He sat his hammer down and frowned. Curiosity of what was out there filled him. He started to figit, unsure that he had made the right choice of calling out. He picked up his hammer an made his way to a nearby tree and sat against it.*" } ]
[ { "author": "Ling Kazami", "message": "\"Are you *Sure* Your foot isn't bothering you?\"\n\n*It was the day after the two had just gotten off the caravan. No more desert now; the two were headed up into the cooler mountains. Now warmly dressed in red silk, Ling wore her armor in her backpack. She didn't need the extra weight right now. On the way, she had picked up some food from the caravan; as thanks for her protection against the bandits.*\n\n*What she was worried about was not the cold nor starvation. What worried her was Machi's foot. She had taken a slash to it, one that had crippled her and required a healer to fix. Worry still went through her mind. This was a mountain. If there were any flaws still remaining, it would show.*\n\n\"I just want to make sure you're safe.\"" }, { "author": "Machi Oyama Hayashi", "message": "*The Okamimi Warrior would nod faintly. She was keeping up well, without agitating her wound too much. She had her armor worn, as she was carrying her tent in her bag for now. She sighed a little, as she stretched.*\n\n\"Yeah, its feeling a lot better, thank you for asking, Ling.\"\n\n*She said, as she looked about. She was always wary of danger, but doubted she would need to worry to much this time. All in all, the Okamimi woman was glad they began the trek into the mountains. She was tired of how sand seemed to get everywhere.*\n\n\"At the very least I can walk. Don't know how well a jog will go however.\"" }, { "author": "Ling Kazami", "message": "\"Alright. We should take a break then. I don't want it to be strained too much.\"\n\n*Ling sits down on a flat rock, gesturing for Machi to take a seat next to her. Taking out the pack, Ling takes out a pork bun, handing it to the oriate.*\n\n\"We can probably find water with a spring or some snow. Mind if I take a look? I just want to make sure.\"" }, { "author": "Machi Oyama Hayashi", "message": "*The Okamimi nodded, as she took a seat. She began to remove her armor on her legs to begin massaging the previously injured foot. She set her backpack down too.*\n\n\"Yeah, that sounds fine. Hopefully we will be lucky enough to have a spring. Snow could also work, if we get a fire going.\"\n\n*She said, and took the pork bun, taking a bite to start with.*" }, { "author": "Ling Kazami", "message": "*Placing the bun in her mouth, Ling bends down to care for Machi's foot. The scar of the cut is still visible. Damn healer. Didn't do his job properly. Ling takes out a few bandages, wrapping Machi's foot in it.*\n\n\"It'll help keep your foot in place, as well as cushion it. We should find a walking stick to relieve some of the pressure.\"\n\n\"Do we have enough wood to start a fire?\"\n\n*Once Ling secures Machi's foot, she sits back up, taking a bite on the pork bun. Seeing Machi's ears, she had the sudden urge to pet them.*\n\n*\"Not now, dammit.\"*" }, { "author": "Machi Oyama Hayashi", "message": "*The Okamimi let off little happy noises, as her Macen companion began to care for her injured foot. Her fluffy ears twitched a little, an her twin tails began to wag a little.*\n\n\"I think we do have enough firewood.\"\n\n*She said, going to look at their firewood supply. Her tails wagged a little faster, and her ears twitched faster too, as her foot was sufficiently padded.*\n\n\"A walking stick... Hm, I hadn't thought about it.\"\n\n*She added, and nodded.*\n\n\"That sounds like a pretty good idea, actually.\"" } ]
[ { "author": "Ling Kazami", "message": "*She liked it. Machi liked Ling patting her.*\n\n*Ling shapes the rough branch into a manageable walking stick, handing it to the oriate,*\n\n\"Do all Okamimi like... Being patted?\"\n\n*Just to test her theory once more, Ling rubs the back of Machi's ears with both hands.*" }, { "author": "Machi Oyama Hayashi", "message": "*The Okamimi would pick up the walking stick. She smiled a little, as she felt it. She liked the walking stick as it was.*\n\n\"It's a nice walking stick, thank you and uh... I don't know actually. I would assume we all do.\"\n\n*She said, letting off more little yips as her ears were given affection. They twitched with the rubs too. Her twin tails began wagging again, happily.*" }, { "author": "Ling Kazami", "message": "\"Seems like you like it for sure! How about...\"\n\n*It was risky for sure, but Ling was risky. A hand shoots up Machi's shirt, beginning to rub her stomach like a dog would have been. The okamimi was absolutely adorable; for someone who thought of themselves as a warrior, they sure seemed happy and easygoing.*\n\n*Those cute little yips... Ling just wanted them to keep on going.*" }, { "author": "Machi Oyama Hayashi", "message": "\"How about wha-\"\n\n*The Okamimi would be cut off as her macen travelling companion riskily shot a hand up her shirt, and began rubbing her stomach. Much like a dog would, the Okamimi's uninjured leg began to shake. It seems about as controllable, as any dog getting the infamous, almost mystical belly rubs would.*\n\n\"H-huh?!\"\n\n*The Okamimi would blush, as she let off more of her cute little yips, and of course more of her leg shaking. Her tails are wagging like mad, and she's completely, and utterly embarrassed now.*" }, { "author": "Ling Kazami", "message": "*Machi was so damn cute.*\n\n*As she expected, just like a dog, Machi begins shaking and yipping even more. Not only that, but her face seemed to turn red. Right now, Ling just wanted to fondle her all over. But that would be going too far.*\n\n\"Machi, are you blushing?\"\n\n*The taller woman moved her hand closer to Machi's back, stroking her tails.*" }, { "author": "Machi Oyama Hayashi", "message": "*She shook her head, as her leg began to slow down from its nonstop shaking. She let off a few yips, and she sucked in a breath.*\n\n\"I... Uh... I-its just a little embarassing... That, w-well, my leg's shaking uncontrollably, I'm yipping like a dog, and I-I'm a wolf..\"\n\n*She moved her tails into Ling's touch. She let off a soft yip, as her trails got attention.*\n\n\"And I... Uh, I never knew I could... You know, be so... Dog-like, considering everything.\"\n\n*She said, her blush growing.*" }, { "author": "Ling Kazami", "message": "\"Well, they can be similar. Don't be too ashamed, it's cute.\"\n\n*Ling would continue to fluff Machi's tails only.*\n\n\"We should get going. Make a camp before it gets cold.\"\n\n*The woman stands back up, finishing her pork bun and giving a hand to the oriate, smiling.*" }, { "author": "Machi Oyama Hayashi", "message": "*The Okamimi thought over what Ling said, nodding slowly.*\n\n\"I... Suppose that is fair. I hadn't thought of it like that.\"\n\n*She continued to make little yips as her tails were fluffed. She hummed a little, and would look about the area. She agreed with Ling on the idea of making camp before it got late, and of course before the cold really set in.*\n\n\"Yeah. That's a good idea, actually.\"\n\n*She said with a nod, and took Ling's hand. She slowly got up, and started to use the walking stick to help support her weight.*" } ]
[ { "author": "Ling Kazami", "message": "*Ling's heart was pounding. She did not want to say the wrong thing; the macen had already embarrassed Machi enough.*\n\n\"Careful now.\"\n\n*Ling keeps Machi at her side, making sure the wolf doesn't trip, wrapping her hand around her side. That last part wasn't necessary, but Ling just... Wanted to. She's not sure exactly why.*" }, { "author": "Machi Oyama Hayashi", "message": "*The Okamimi would nod as she heard Ling's words. She smiled, as her tail wagged a little, as she felt Ling's hand wrap around her side. She blushed a little, but didn't really complain. She just assumed her traveling companion was ensuring she was being safe with her.*\n\n\"Yeah, I'll be careful.\" *She said, nodding.* \"Um... Obviously, be careful too, Ling.\" *She added, her cheeks growing a little more red.*\n\n*She let off a few little yips, of approval as it is. Her smile growing.*" }, { "author": "Ling Kazami", "message": "\"Yeah, I will. Just hope the wind isn't too bad.\"\n\n*Ling can feel the heat rushing to her face. To hide her blush, the woman stands tall, bringing red silk over her face in a mask.*\n\n\"It's for the dust.\"\n\n*In reality, Ling's cheeks are beet red. Machi was so cute... But she couldn't show her feelings. Didn't want to, anyways. Besides, they were just two girls traveling the mountains.*\n\n*...Right?*\n\n*It's a shame she can't see Machi's blush if she puts on a mask as well, but she knows that the wolf is red.*" } ]