[ { "author": "_d6", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Roewen, despite never fully understanding what was happening, could feel the pressure and uneasiness from Leo. Honestly, it scared them a little bit.*\n\n*If Roewen could assure Leo that he'd get Selena back, they would, but bokoblins are not known to be good motivational speakers- or speakers at all for that matter.*\n\n*Anyway, Roewen didn't really do anything important at the moment. Sorry.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Lusaimi was quick to enter Hyrule Field and go to the meeting point. By now, the wonderful happy thoughts that had filled her mind had left- fleeting things, as was her nature. She had to focus. She could appreciate her new friend another time.*\n\n*No warning was given to her abrupt landing. Anyone experienced in air travel might realize the Kargarok had a chance to break its feet with how forceful and quick the landing was... but the beast was expendable, after all.*\n\n\"So. What did you find in Ordon.\"\n\n*The incredibly curious and exciting tone from the tundra was gone. As far as Lusaimi was concerned, it was back to normal business. Her question was directed at Leo... she eyeballed the shadow appearing before him, Nahla, and Roewen, giving Nahla a fleeting turn of the head of acknowledgement, while not even looking at Roewen, as if he didn't even exist.*" }, { "author": "_d6", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Oh- hello, scary lady.*\n\n*Roewen wasn't afraid of many people, but they couldn't help but quietly squeal to themselves, startled at Lusaimi's sudden arrival. She reeked of bad vibes.*\n\n*...Well, the only thing you should fear is fear itself, right? Roewen figured that maybe they could overcome this fear.. Maybe Lusaimi isn't as bad as they thought? Maybe the lack of acknowledgement was because Roewen was short? ~~It couldn't possibly be that Roewen is cannon fodder in her eyes, since they're such a valuable member of the team!~~*\n\n*Hesitantly, Roewen decided to attempt to use the one friendly gesture they knew. Headpat, here we go...*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leos attention then turned to Lusaimi, who luckily arrived. He approached her, the fury still in his eyes.* “They have her in the dungeons. We need to make a plan and move now.” *Yes he needed to be calm and focus, but it’s hard for him to when his daughter is in the dungeons AGAIN! This time though, there’s a chance to save her.*\n\n*He then stepped back to try and clear his head. His shadow finally took form again, no longer a boundless shape. He approached Leo and the others.* “`We will not lose another daughter.`”" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Nahla was not a mastermind, but she could think of at least a few ways to slip in and get Selena out on her lonesome. However, she was not entirely looking to risk her own well-being like that. Certainly, these people would be keen on appeasing her should she be mainly responsible for the child’s return, and thus might be willing to grant other benefits, but was that worth potential imprisonment and death? Did she care enough about the prospect of saving a child that she was willing to override her common sense. She would need a bit of a shove. Nahla resolved herself to participate in any plan they surmised, predicting that they’d want to take and active role and she’d not be alone.*\n\n“I don’t mind participating in the infiltration. My skills are particularly effective in sneaking about.”\n\n*She did not immediately mention compensation, since she felt it would undermine the gesture, and thus the preferred outcome of her actions.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Control yourself. Going to your rage is only going to make you fall. And for Hylia's sake, put your shadow under control. That thing only serves to be your downfall under you properly have it under your control.\"\n\n*Lusaimi felt like she was telling Leo to control himself, over and over and over again. It was a constant problem for him... a rather annoying little thing, it seemed. Although, at least he wanted to make a plan before acting...*\n\n\"Before we do that, we need to tell the others. We'll need everyone's help in getting into Hyrule Castle of all places.\"\n\n*All the soldiers were centralized at the Castle. Should they be spotted, they'd likely have the entire army on them... Leo and Nahla would likely have the best way in due to their shadow abilities... but since Selena doesn't have them, they wouldn't have such a boon upon attempting to leave...*\n\n*An assault, was of course out of the question. Lusaimi may have been able to create a solid army to fight them before, but now? She'd probably need to control hundreds of Moblins to do that... she probably could eventually, but it wouldn't be anytime soon, making it out of the question.*\n\n*Hmm... perhaps if they gave a large enough distraction, it would allow Leo the opportunity to sneak in and escape with Selena. How to do that...*\n\n\"Castle Town... you certainly can't go there, or you'll just put everyone on high alert...\"\n\n*She didn't trust Nahla to do the job. She'd just as likely just tell the crown what they're doing for some rupees as simply running away. Actually, now that they knew where Selena was, why was she here again?*\n\n\"I theoretically could... although I believe our resident Ice Mage or the Ordonian would be our best bet in gathering Saina and Sylvester... once we're there, we can formulate an actual plan... perhaps at the place to avoid any unwanted attention.\"\n\n*The Castle wouldn't kill Selena. As terrible as it may be, they had some time. Obviously, she couldn't stay in there for long... but trying to save her ASAP would only lead to downfall.*\n\n*Lusaimi also made sure to avoid names still. The less Nahla knew, the better. If she was lucky, the lack of knowledge would equal the ability to spare her life.*\n\n*This thought process, however, was totally interrupted by a... red hand coming up past her face...*\n\n*She immediately clocked it as Roewen's, since no other bokoblin was around... but what the hell was it trying to do?*\n\n*Either way she was not a fan of a bokoblin's hand reaching her face. Without hesitation she'd grab it quickly and force it down. Her grip was painful, as she simply did not care about Roewen's well being, which was evident when she tried to push the arm to the side and sent the Bokoblin to the ground. Her focus was still on Leo; she didn't give enough of a shit about this bokoblin to even look at it as she attempted to injure it.*" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "_Friend. The word conflicted inside of her. She wished to believe in this safety, but could she truly do so? Not even her dearest love had known of her true nature, now needing to put faith in one she met hours ago._\n\n_Would it have been better to speak of her power? To allude to her true strength, so that those she truly trusted already had known, learned, accepted... Now when life jeopardized her that these wishes manifested, a desire to be better._\n\n_A wish to correct her wro-_\n\n\"NoVA-\" _Thalia exclaimed, startled by the sudden dive her bird took; following the Kargarok as her rider instructed. She shut her eyes to shield against the rushing winds, pulling onto her reigns to try and slow her bird down, which eventually complied- Nova slowing down to an idle flap in the air, about halfway down from the height they were previously at._\n\n\"Slow down, girl...\" _Thalia sighed, relaxing her shoulders as her bird cawed in response; almost like a sarcastic retort._ \"I'll never understand how you have so much energy, love.\" _Thalia said apathetically, though smiling as she patted Nova's neck. Soon, the duo would land more conventionally than Lusaimi done; and more uncommonly to Thalia and her bird._\n\n_ The magician dismounted from her loftwing further back, instructing it to stay grounded for the time, before making her way to where the group convened, seeing Lusaimi standing amongst them._\n\n\"Sorry, had some air troubles.\" _Thalia said softly in pardon, moreso to Lusaimi as she had arrived earlier than her, despite leaving at the same time. She kept quiet after, listening in to what was being discussed. Peculiarly, Thalia's distinctive pink hair was absent, strangely replaced with a light brown brunette colour._\n\n{There's Leo, Luna, and the one Lusaimi must've mentioned before.}\n\n{``And a Bokoblin.``}\n\n{Yeah... Is this... Lusaimi's? She mentioned controlling monsters, but it doesn't seem like her to dress one up like this.}\n\n**[Alter Appearance: 2/10 Turns]**" }, { "author": "choris_vulpes", "is_bot": false, "message": "“If i may i can probably walk to the prison block unhindered, with my reputation from kakariko they wouldn’t suspect me.”\n\n*Luna was more than fine entering the lions den, the problem was getting out. But if her allies could make a distraction she knew she was more than capable of dispatching a few of the unwary guards in her path.*\n\n“Besides i know the layout from my prior infiltration.”\n\n*Truth be told luna didn’t have much of a plan beyond lie her way through as much as possible and use a sword when necessary, planning wasn’t much of her strong suit anyhow.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The shadow glared at Leo before it got fanned away by him. The shadow dispersed back into the sword while Leo looked up to breathe. Once he collected himself he turned back towards Nahla.* “I appreciate the help, but I can’t ask of you to put yourself in danger just for a few criminal strangers.” *Sure he needed all the help he could get, but they just met Nahla, and she’s still young too. Getting her caught up in this wouldn’t be good on anyone’s conscience.*\n\n“There’s also the sewer system. I’ve been in and out of there multiple times. It’s how I got in last time.” *He said as he approached the others.* “I have the shadows, and I can walk in without making a sound. I know where the dungeons are as well. Anyone know the whereabouts of Saina? Is he still in castle town?”" }, { "author": "_d6", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Ow wait ow OW STOP STOP*\n\n*Okay! Guess that serves as a reminder as to why the scary lady is scary. Even for someone with such high pain tolerance, Roewen's wrist still hurt, at least enough for them to tear up slightly.*\n\n*So much for positive gestures. People who aren't monsters are so complex... If only befriending them was as easy as offering them a delicious bug, or perhaps a fragrant berry or two. Roewen had much to learn about these strange creatures.*\n\n*The bokoblin got up off of the ground with a bit of difficulty- their wrist still hurt, so they couldn't use it. Afterwards, they ran to the safety and comfort of Leo's side instead, and from there they glared at Lusaimi as they tried to think of ways to have her not-not give a shit.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Lusaimi didn't even notice the Bokoblin's tears. The only thing she did notice was it scurrying to its master, hiding behind Leo. Good, it knew its place*\n\n\"Most likely, but there could've been complications. Although, I imagine if they had to escape from Castle Town me and our Ice Mage would've noticed it when we flew over.\"\n\n*It was very unlikely they had gotten into trouble so quickly... still, it was a possibility. As Lusaimi said this she turned to Thalia and nodded, acknowledging her presence*\n\n\"Sneaking in would be our best bet, but with so many soldiers, escape would roughly be impossible if you get caught. Considering Selena's already been caught, and you're a well-known bounty, a disguise won't work forever...\"\n\n\"...but if they were distracted, that might give you the edge. I can create such a thing. Gather as many Moblins from the Monster Village I can find... create a commotion. Perhaps at Ordon Village? It's remote enough to need the soliders to travel, but close enough to where I could begin almost immediately.\"\n\n*Her plan of distraction was an attack on Ordon Village. That... sounded crazy, right? Was that overkill? Lusaimi didn't care. The Moblins wouldn't kill unless they were ordered too. And the place was small enough to where she could likely keep track of everyone there with a small number of Moblins... was 10 enough? Potentially.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo glared at Lusaimi as he saw the way he treated Roewen before. He held his arm to the side to shield Roewen before looking back at her.* \"You plan on taking monsters to a peaceful village? Hmm...\" *If she has complete control over them then she could command them not to harm, or at least kill any innocents there. If Gaash takes the bait then that could lure enough soldiers out to give the others a chance to slip in.*\n\n*He also had to think about Luna. That is her home after all.* \"If we agree to that then you must make sure no lives are lost during this distraction. But it needs to be big enough to have Gaash's eyes fixed on you, and let us slip in undetected.\" *Luna can walk in no problem. There were no survivors to report that she was helping Leo out. Meanwhile Leo and whoever else would need to slip in through the shadows.*\n\n*Then a thought came to Leos mind. They can get in, but could they get out?* \"If we manage to pull this off then how would we escape? There's no telling what condition Selena is under. Besides, they could detect she's missing before we could make it out. They'll lock down the whole kingdom including our escape route.\" *The only way out he could think of is through the sewers, which is where he recommended to sneak in through.*" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"If we agree.\" _Thalia interjected._\n\n\"I do not wish to fall into criminality after all of this. The mere threat of innocent lives would make us enemies to the crown.\" _The magician began, breaking down the sheer insanity of this proposal. Her doubts from before blossomed, seeing the gerudo act as a mere echo to their ancient king; a quest for brutality and power, seeking destruction and domination. Nothing else truly mattered; as shown by her actions against the mighty Roewen._\n\n_Her gaze, however, fell upon Strider; looking at him with intensity whilst crossing her arms across her chest._\n\n\"If _you_ are truly innocent, then do not give them a reason to make you an enemy.\"\n\n\"Even if no one was put at risk, what after when Selena is released? Flee from Hyrule? The armies would hunt for us all. We wouldn't be safe here.\" _Thalia continued, locking her cerulean eyes onto Leo's own as she spoke again- asking questions that they had failed to consider. Other reasons flocked to her mind, but she held her breath for her words to strike deeper._\n\n_Perhaps Strider could survive such fate as having lived it before, but what of Selena? The one Thalia trusted with the life of one girl fell into dark selfishness, unable to grasp the gravity of his actions said to the one he called his daughter._\n\n_Thalia raised her left hand with her palm facing towards her, the glint of the silver ring fixed to her fourth finger shined in the dawning sun, the multicoloured crown jewel resting atop it._\n\n\"I have a life to live, Demose. Don't forget who had fought for yours.\"\n\n**[Alter Appearance: 3/10 Turns]**" }, { "author": "choris_vulpes", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Luna’s eyes widened in surprise at the mere thought of sacking her home, she went to speak up but thalia seemed to put her points forward for her. Non the less the scout spoke up after the bubblegum witch finished her piece.*\n\n“I will not allow the raiding if my home village, and thalia is right. If we step out of line were enemies to the eye of the people.”\n\n*Luna looked at the robed figure with a stern glare, making sure it was absolutely clear she was bot on board for their antics. Their was surely another way of making a distraction, they certainly had the tools for such. But if the sewers led in… then they certainly led out.*\n\n“We could escape via the sewers, and if need be we could use bombs to seal of the path behind us.”" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"We are already enemies to the crown, as far as the kingdom is concerned. And besides, this is nothing but a scare tactic. Get their attention. I have no plans to actually kill anybody in the village.\"\n\n*Such a statement was true... but she wouldn't be against it if she had to. One life for the world was nothing to her, after all. A necessary price.*\n\n\"The easiest way to gather attention would be to allow one to escape and hold the rest hostage, anyways. A massacre means they'd sent a small squad to find out what they can about the deaths. Hostages would mean far more numbers and a much larger threat. And if one of those hostages manages to break away, I imagine they'd have quite the story to tell.\"\n\n*QUITE the story, indeed.*\n\n\"What happens after Selena is released is simple. They leave Hyrule. Go outside the crown's jurisdiction. The crown can't chase after them mired in the laws of another land, after all. I can give them a Kargarok to make the journey, and the process would be done.\"\n\n\"And besides, I would be the only one associated with this situation in the first place. Far as the crown could be concerned, none of you would be related. You could easily live your life without such a threat weighing you down.\"\n\n*A one-and-done mission. It would be easy. Once Selena is back, Leo and Selena escape Hyrule, and Lusaimi focuses back on her power, perhaps with Thalia. Bring the fight to the one who controls both of their power. Things would be far easier with a partner, after all.*\n\n*Despite Thalia looking at Strider, Lusaimi answered her questions with what she surmised as the most logical answers. *\n\n\"Still... I am no fool. If you all are so against such a tactic, then so be it. I'm not stupid enough to strike out on my own.\"\n\n*Shame... it was a good plan. But looking at Luna, who was from Ordon, Lusaimi surmised it unlikely to change her mind, especially from her stern glance... which did nothing to Lusaimi.*\n\n\"Perhaps a fake attack on Castle Town, then? Arm the Moblins with shields and smaller weaponry, and allow a solid distraction at the front of the Castle? It wouldn't be as far from the Castle as I'd like, but it may garner a larger response...\"\n\n*It was an option, of course, but it was so close to the Castle she wasn't sure how effective it would be as a true distraction. There were ups to it, of course... but the moment it went sour, there would be no delay to the soldiers returning. In essence, there'd be a smaller window of time for the soldier's return.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo showed no emotions towards Thalia's words. Her ring was burned into his eyes as she flashed it.* \"You're making the decision to help here. I understand what you’re risking for someone you don’t care much for.” *He was meaning him. He then pointed at the road that leads out of Hyrule, and he looks at the rest of the group.* \"If you're worried about your own lives, nobody is stopping you. But I'm willing to risk everything to get Selena back.\"\n\n*He now turned to Lusaimi.* \"We need to time it perfectly. Your monsters won't last long if you're planning on targeting castle town. Gaash's eye won't be focused on your for too long.\" *He also nods towards Luna, agreeing with her escape plan.*" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*It seemed that it was a mix of their not trusting her and not wanting her to involve herself with their nonsense that they rejected her help. Both were fair if not infuriating reasons. But then what was she meant to do, wait for these people to pull off their absurd plan? There was no guarantee that they’d come back to her. Especially if they were trying to lay low.*\n\n*In addition to not wanting to loose track of them, she also felt like an unresolved loose end—she was hearing all of their planning and could easily have warned this Gaash, though she had no reason to. If everything went south, she’d be easy to blame. Of course, she supposed that was also true with her involvement.*\n\n“…I’ll stay with the Bokoblin, then, if you’re so sure,” *she decided. For really, how did Roewen factor into any of this in a way where he wasn’t used disposably? And since value was assigned to him for some reason, surely the Sting would come back.*" } ]
[ { "author": "_d6", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Back on the road again, as usual.*\n\n*It was sunny out, and pleasantly warm. The middle of the day. The sun shone through the clear blue sky like a default Windows background. Awful comparison aside, it was the textbook definition of a good day overall out here.*\n\n*That monster village was nice and all, but Yuko decided that he missed the sunlight, and wandered to the surface once again to get some much-needed vitamin D and ultraviolet radiation... and what better place to do that than out here, in the basically-just-grass place?*\n\n*...Though, the place \\*was\\* mostly grass and, truth be told, Yuko kind of had no idea where he really was. He just hoped he wasn't getting too close to Hylian civilization. He'd already experienced firsthand how they feel about big scary monsters (hint: they feel about as good as you'd expect-- not very). Regardless, the moblin continued on their leisurely stroll outside. Unbeknownst to him, however, he was beginning to get a little close to Lon-Lon Ranch, not that he exactly knew where it was, or noticed in the first place.*" }, { "author": "jayricktor", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Another day, little to do. Walking from the nearby ranch, Yuko's worst fears made manifest. A Hylian woman, by the looks of it, and an armed one. Not on the road road either, the girl strolls leisurely through the copse, absentmindedly eating a handful of foraged grapes. A rather pointy looking sword hangs from her chest bandolier, and a shield to accompany it.\n\nTirith cracks her neck as she takes a slow look around. Nice days like this, it's a shame to not have any work. Her eyes scan slowly over her surroundings, until they unfortunately lock with another's. A big, yellow, glowy pair. Freezing in her tracks, Tirith... Well, the word Mexican standoff comes to mind.*" }, { "author": "_d6", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Oh look, something to do... but at what cost?*\n\n*The moblin stared back, petrified, frozen like a rabbit. Visibly tensed up. Perhaps if he didn't move, the Hylian couldn't see him... or maybe he got it wrong. Maybe they can smell fear, in which case, Yuko was currently about as pungent as a hearty durian in that regard. Every moment or so he would glance off to the side, perhaps looking for a way out. When he found none, the monster took a step back as his hand slooowly reached for his spear. A wooden piece of junk. Its merit as a weapon was unverifiable, as it had only really been used to scare people off. He couldn't exactly run from this, since he wasn't the best runner.*\n\n*His hand stopped halfway, though. He really wasn't trying to instigate here. Maybe this one was nice and they would sit down and have tea or whatever it is that Hylians drink and everything would be fine and okay. Maybe. He'd suggest talking it out, but his communication skills were a bit... lacking.*" }, { "author": "jayricktor", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Okay so Hylians can't smell fear. Or maybe they can, honestly Tirith doesn't know. But she can pretty clearly see this little Moblin- Bokoblin whatever- is terrified out of it's wits. As it reaches for it's club, she in turn reaches for her much more decidedly razor keen weapon. Tea is probably off the table, but the woman isn't actively rushing Yuko.*\n\n\"Might be a nest nearby...\" *She mutters to herself. Hving monsters so close to her most steady employer, Lon Lon ranch, would probably become an issue sooner or later.*\n\n\"Maybe if I follow it.\" *She takes a step forward, assuming it doesn't understand her.*" }, { "author": "_d6", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Okay, okay. Yuko didn't feel like getting shanked on such a nice day. Just one look at the weapon was enough.*\n\n*Then came the question of fight or flight. Yuko, in case it wasn't excruciatingly obvious, was not much of a fighter. A gentle giant. 11 feet and 9 inches of total wuss.*\n\n*His hands hovered in front of him now, away from the spear. See? Friends! Everything is fine!*\n\n*The monster continued to backpedal, not really understanding enough of what this hylian was saying to know what she was talking about.*" }, { "author": "jayricktor", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Odd. Thing seems to be surrendering? Tirith's hand comes off her weapon, and moves to pop another grape in her mouth. Hell, she never knew these things to be capable of that sorta thing. Curiosity gets the better of her, and she continues to follow along with a quirked eyebrow.*\n\n\"Alright then. First time one of you haven't tried to slice me in half on sight.\" *Tirith cocks her head to the side, tossing the empty fruit vine to the side.*\n\n*She's clearly the adventurous, fighty type. A long, razor keen sword and accompanying round wooden shield on her back. A bow, quiver, y'know your basics. An odd mask hangs from her adventuring satchel. Like a bird, or eagle.*" }, { "author": "_d6", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Huh, that actually worked. Hooray for peaceful resolutions! Usually this didn't work; Yuko had to be careful around these parts lest he receive more wounds to patch up.*\n\n*Perhaps it would be best to turn around and leave... but as the moblin turned halfway around, curiosity got the better of him. He couldn't help but curiously sniff at the hylian a bit... it wasn't every day he was able to get this close to one without consequence. Just a little observation and he'd be on his way...*" }, { "author": "jayricktor", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Like cows, and honey, and grass, and fruit. And something... Off, wrong, strange, however you want to phrase it. That's how she smells. As the Moblin turns to investigate, Tirith likewise pauses and tenses slightly. For all she knows, the thing could be reconsidering it's choice to let sleeping dogs lie.*\n\n\"Hm? What?\" *Her hand once again flexes slightly, towards her sword. Apparently the type to stand her ground.*\n\n\"Whadya want now?\"" }, { "author": "_d6", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Hm. Unusual for a hylian, but still... Hylian? Maybe? Yuko wasn't exactly sure who or what he was smelling right now. Definitely better than some monsters Yuko had met... coupled with the fact that he identifies people through sense of smell? Yeugh.*\n\n*Anyway, as promised, it was just one little observation and he would be on his way. The monster backed up, giving the Hylian some personal space before he went on his way, walking like he was before.*\n\n*...Only problem was, Yuko was on the same path as earlier; the monster was walking directly towards Lon Lon Ranch. Maybe he didn't know? Maybe he did? He didn't have a map, nor could he read one... moblins aren’t exactly known for being smart.*" }, { "author": "jayricktor", "is_bot": false, "message": "*. . .*\n\n*Oh that's going to be an issue. Tirith sighs and reaches back to her sword and shield before giving Yuko a sharp whistle. The kind you call a horse's attention with. She points with the tip of her blade, certainly an uncommon design in these parts, and shakes her head at the beast. The swordsman then jabs a thumb back over her shoulder, away from the ranch.*\n\n\"Can't have you going that way, big guy.\" *Mumbling the words, not like it can understand them, before resting her sword on her shoulder and waiting for some sort of reaction. Or for the Moblin to give her a reason to end this whole song and dance. For whatever reason, this monster seems... Less than dangerous to her.*" }, { "author": "_d6", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The moblin paused... then he turned to Tirith, seemingly confused. He looked like he understood the gesture, though.*\n\n*...However, the moblin didn't listen. He turned back to where he was going, moving a little faster this time, like a dog with a piece of plastic in its mouth after you tell it 'no'. Looks like he was dead-set on getting to the ranch. Whatever business he had there was unknown, but it looked like he wasn't going anywhere else.*" }, { "author": "jayricktor", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Of course that didn't work. Indignant thing. Well, maybe she could try... Something else. Tirith sheathes her weapons, and unties the mask from her pack. Donning it upon her face, she then reaches into the satchel itself to produce something. A small, purple something the young woman brings to her lips. She takes a long, deep breath through her nose and closes her eyes. For some reason, she hopes this works instead of having to slay the Moblin. Who knows why. Tirith begins a somber, eerie marching tune that echoes throughout the copse.*\n\n*One-two-one-two-one-two. Tirith begins marching in place alongside the music. If the mask worked on salkids, maybe... Just maybe. She opens her eyes as she plays, looking over to Yuko.*" } ]
[ { "author": "jayricktor", "is_bot": false, "message": "-----------\n\n*Broken skies frame Hyrule Field, light sunshowers and isolated stormclouds here and there. Travelers meander along the winding, twisting, forking country roads of the central kingdom. All kinds, colors, and creeds passing along and waving and chatting. Among the diverse rabble rides a lone girl atop her horse, hood drawn to try and maintain some scrap of dryness. She nods amicably to the various merchants and travelers who offer their waves and hellos, stopping once or twice to swap words and buy arrows or bombs or whatnot from a passing merchant. A young swordswoman, evident by the traveler's shield and bastard sword hanging from her back. An interesting, fairly long one handed blade with a razor keen leaf shaped blade and a harshly curled crossguard. A quiver of painted bearskin hangs from her belt, and a deep chestnut recurve bow from her shoulder. She chews lazily on a long blade of wheatgrass, absentminded to the road ahead, allowing her steed Ajax to set the pace and course. Her attention, instead, drawn to the looming doom of death mountain. It's just eyecatching.*\n\n*Hanging from her belt, most interestingly of all, are two small objects. Odd objects. A deep purple ocarina, lovingly made and lovingly maintained. A mask, a facsimile of an eagle that emanates an offputting aura.*" }, { "author": "notbees", "is_bot": false, "message": "*A second traveler wandered the roads of Hyrule field, with loose clothing and very little weaponry. She rode with no horse, but in her hands was what she thought was a worthy substitute: a beautifully crafted biwa. As she brought her pick on the strings and sang along in a soft voice, any strain on her legs seemed to wash away as always.*\n\n*Another traveler passed by on the road on a steed, and the song paused to let the nomad admire the animal.* \"Aren't you quite the eye catcher,\" she said to the horse. \"I'd offer you a carrot for your travels, but I know I'd get carried away.\"\n\n*She looked to the stranger atop her new friend and motioned for permission to give her steed a well deserved pat.*" }, { "author": "jayricktor", "is_bot": false, "message": "*He is in fact a rather striking horse. Dark brown, with black patches around the hind and on the nose, and a sandy mane and tail. Tirith looks downward to the stranger, quirking an eyebrow from below her hood. Making conversation on the road is nothing strange, but this stranger... Reminds her.*\n\n\"Garo? Ah, no please be my guest. He likes the attention.\" *She assumes a soft, tired-but-friendly smile.*\n\n\"You're a musician then? It's a very impressive instrument you have there.\"" }, { "author": "notbees", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"I am no Garo. A Sheikah, maybe. Ulralis, but you may call me Eula.\" *The stranger gave the lovely horse a pat on the head. Despite her doing her best to resist, the snuck the good horse a carrot.* \"Thank you,\" *she continued,* \"It is my own, by my own hands. I like to think I'm quite good with it too.\" *Eula gestures to Tirith's own instrument around her waist.* \"And you? That's a finely made Ocarina if I may say so.\" *She did always have an eye for that sort of thing.*" }, { "author": "jayricktor", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Ah, sorry. The hood reminds me of something is all, you're one of those sorcerers from Kakariko in that case.\" *She'd never been herself, magic like that's strange. Off-putting. In a relative sense anyway, subjectively. Tirith dismounts Ajax with the sort of ease and comfort of a farm girl, leading him by the reins for the walk and talk. Speaking down to people isn't exactly proper manners. The traveler places a hand over her instrument, a combination of affirmation and protectiveness over Eula's comment.*\n\n\"Mh. It's just an old flute, but having something to occupy yourself on long roads is nice. Quiet puts me on edge. Music fills empty spaces.\" *Pulling down her hood now, thank Goddess the rain's lightened to a mist. A lovely rainbow even crests mount Lanayru in the distance.*" }, { "author": "notbees", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Maybe when I was young. I only use magic to heal the sick and wounded nowadays. Conflict was never my forte\" *She gives the horse one last pat on the head before turning her attention back to Tirith to listen to her tale about her ocarina. Eula gave an agreeing nod.* \"I agree, although sometimes I feel listening to the silence fills it on it's own. Or... perhaps I am just old.\" *Eula gave a smile, though it was partially hidden behind her veil.* \"Do you travel often, then? You seem to have everything for a grand adventure. I'm not holding you from saving the world now, am I?\"" }, { "author": "jayricktor", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"There's a difference between quiet and silence, then.\" *She replies somewhat ominously. There's a flash of something or other across her face, less than a second.*\n\n\"Oh I don't have delusions of grandeur like saving the world. It's mostly bokoblin nest clearing, and finding lost dogs. But mmhm, I wander here and there, it's a living. Healing magic hm?\" *There's a hint of recognition in her voice, as she holds her ocarina a little tighter. She whistles a few notes, a simple little tune, a sad tune, a quiet and reflective tune.*\n\n\"Something like that?\"\n\n*It's not a song from around here. Or anywhere.*" }, { "author": "notbees", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Eula's warm smile faded, and was replaced with concern. She took a less casual posture and lowered her own instrument.* \"I see... where did you learn that song, may I ask? You... carry it with grief. Are you alright, Dear?\" *She asked with a motherly worry and soulful eyes. Helping other's grieve was a large piece of Eula's healing* \"You don't have to speak of it if you don't wish to\"" }, { "author": "jayricktor", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Tirith's small smile stands unwavering at the concern, offering a little laugh at the fuss even. She waves off the Shiekah dismissively.*\n\n\"It's not my song, but I appreciate the worry. Really I do. It's just a very old little song, about a lost boy who couldn't save everyone. A... Legend, from back home. Sad, sure, but it takes a heavy heart to heal a heavy heart.\"" }, { "author": "notbees", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Eula gave a short nod.* \"Yes, I suppose you're right. My apologies, I say we allow the mood to lighten.\" *With her words, Eula pulled back up her Biwa and continued a soft, pleasant tune. Judging by the stranger's words, her home seemed to be a touchy subject as well.* \"You never did give me your name? The first impression carries the rest of the friendship if we are to see each other again. If you need a scratch or scrape mended, or perhaps your instrument, I offer my services freely.\"" }, { "author": "jayricktor", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Oh, rude of me. Tirith, please meeting you Eula.\" *offering a nod, she turns back forward to quickly scan the road seems the pair are en-route to castle town by now. Tirith didn't have a particular destination in mind when she set out, but the capital is as good a place as any.*\n\n\"And if you need a sword, I'm confident enough in mine to sell it.\"" }, { "author": "notbees", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Perhaps I will! That is quite the sword, but I suppose I'm no connoisseur. I admit I'm no fighter either, but I make do.\" *Eula looks forward at the road. She was heading to Castle Town for her own reasons. She was always travelling and always walking. No time to rest.* \"So you have no destination, do you? Are you simply looking for work?\" *she asked, walking along the horse and gently strumming her biwa.*" } ]
[ { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Fair. Had to ask, though,” *she responded.* “What are you… what’s over there?”\n\n*A glance was sent out toward the fields area was observing. It was back where she had come from, so there was a chance that it could have been someone she was associated with. But that would have been ridiculous luck. Had they really been so efficient in the volcano without her? She glanced up to the caldera as she stood herself. Big mistake. The dawn sun caught her right in the face before she hissed and pulled down her hood.*\n\n“Fuckin’…! URGGHHHH!!!!” *she growled, pressing her hand toward the searing skin.*" }, { "author": "_d6", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Yuko's ear twitched... A moment after Rea and Nahla stood up, the moblin stood up too; very noticeably so, being very tall and very red. Despite his near-sightedness, he could still make out a group of people travelling. He was curious, but not curious enough to approach.*\n\n*Suddenly, a noise caught him off guard. The moblin quickly turned to face Nahla, and noticed the burn... It looked bad. Really bad.*\n\n*...Fortunately, Yuko had brought with him a small waterskin, which he had stored beneath his garments. (It was people sized. He definitely stole this.) With a nervous, shaky hand, he offered the water to the twili to help her treat her wound.*" }, { "author": "rocketbat", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Syl thought he heard something like that, but he needed some sort of confirmation about whether or not his friend was truly gone, and this was that confirmation. As they passed beneath a lone tree on the vast plains, he began to slow his pace, then stop walking entirely. A few silent moments passed before he let out a yell, running towards the tree and giving it a good punch.*\n\n\"... Why...\" *He said, struggling to hold back tears. His fist hurt a little from hitting a hard surface, but he didn't care. His friend was gone. Roewen... was gone. And there ws nothing he could do about it.*\n\n*There was a tension in the silence that followed. The most that came from the hylian was his breath, heavy with sorrow.*\n\n{... So this is what it's like, to lose someone close to you...}\n\n*... However, he knew, he shouldn't be burdened by this. Roewen sacrificed himself, he realized. They shouldn't let that go to waste. Around a minute passed before he took a step, back to Leo.*\n\n\"... S-sorry about that...\" *He muttered.* \"Let's... carry on.\"" }, { "author": "nokoribiprojectis", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Trudging through the plains of hyrule field, Oracle kept to the path, doing his best to avoid groups of monsters and keeping quiet when passing by those who were also traveling on foot or steed. Truth be told, he was slightly envious of those that rode on horses, was sure as hell faster than his slow gait.*\n\n{Perhaps I ought to get one of my own...although again, after this excursion, i have doubts I'll use them again. Maybe simply renting one would suffice...if it doesn't buck away from me.}\n\n*Externally, he simply hummed, before stopping at a crossroads to take a look around. Perhaps he should have brought a map, for he could see the castle in the distance, but he could not see a straight road to it. A sigh escaped behind his placid mask.*\n\n\"Mmmgh...maybe I ought to find a stable. They should be able to point me in the right.\"\n\n*And with that, he started moving again.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The sheikah kept walking until he noticed that Syl stopped. Confused he turned around to witness the Hylian mourning over the loss of a friend. Usually Leo would just say get over it and move on, but he’s been in Syls shoes more than once.* “There’s nothing we can do about it Syl. The most we can do is carry on his memory, and make sure he didn’t die in vain.”\n\n*He gestured Syl to keep walking with him. Then an idea popped in his head. Leo pulls out Selena’s harp and slowly began to play Selena’s lullaby. It’s the same one that has soothed Leo when he sleeps, ridding him if the nightmares that usually plague him. Perhaps it would help Syl! Depending on how quiet the fields are, the song could echo a good bit away.*" }, { "author": "fierce_rea", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Rea flinched as she watched one of the men stop, then eventually run up and strike a nearby tree. It caught her off guard, at least until she heard the sound of a harp. She was sold. She had to check this out.*\n\n*She quietly moves behind the group in an attempt to follow behind unnoticed. She had to know where that song came from!*" }, { "author": "kunari.hunter", "is_bot": false, "message": "*As Akuma II trotted along towards the castle Sun worked on some upgrades. He started by attaching flint at the mouth of his saber and katana's scabbards. Metal and flint make sparks. Good. Next he took some of the grease he had mixed with some fats and oils. Then he coated the scabbards with it on the inside. Was hard work but it'll help. With his longsword he simply sharpened it. But here comes a dilemma. No potions. At least, good ones. He did have a bottle of black liquid. But he doubted it was actually a potion. How much money did he have again? Did it even matter?? He always found himself trading, or working to pay off purchases. But the castle's town may not operate the same way.*\n\n\"Lovely. Alright. Looks like we'll have to steal.\"\n\n*Akuma II snorted and reared her head*\n\n\"I'm joking relax. We'll have to sell things first. Luckily we have one last gem. Was hoping to use it for upgrades at Gerudo Town but oh well.\"" }, { "author": "nokoribiprojectis", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Oracle perked up on his path as he heard music in the distance, taking a couple moments to stop and savor it. It was always nice to hear the good of the world conveyed through such wonderous sounds...but they were always cruelly fleeting. As the music continued, Oracle pressed onward once more.*\n\n*Eventually, after a good deal of walking, Oracle had finally found a stable, recognizable by their...unique building sense. Approaching the front, he kept his features hidden, even though he had a mask over his \"face\" to guard against potential revelations. When he spoke, his voice had a withered feel to it.*\n\n\"Mm, do you know the quickest route to Hyrule Castle Town?\"\n\n*His averted gaze instead drifted over the horses, thinking of if he should try to borrow one or not.*" }, { "author": "rocketbat", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Syl was following behind Leo, though his attention was elsewhere. Even though he tried to tell himself to cheer up, he still felt down. He didn't think much of anything after that point...\n\n... until he heard the melody of a very soothing tune. Slowly but surely, his face lost its somber expression, and was replaced by a more peaceful one, until at last his eyes closed for the remainder of the song's duration. He seemed more at ease than before the song begun. He didn't even notice the person following behind the two.*" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Nahla glanced at the Moblin holding out the water to her, once she was out of pain enough to move her head and notice it. She wasn’t exactly sure what was going through it’s brain, since it was offering valuable drinking water to supposedly… pour on her face? Okay gesture, but, really sort of stupid, if she was being honest.*\n\n“Ghnnn.. I’m fine. Put that away,” *she responded.*\n\n*Nahla wiped her face a bit more with her hand and tried to turn back toward Rea, only she noticed that the girl had run off from them. Though her sight had a terrible colorburn to it for the moment, her eyes were still decent enough to follow the girl, heading off toward the people she’d seen. Because what, they were playing music? She tried to squint and get a look at these people. Surely, there was a more interesting reason.*\n\n*Nope, her distance sight was shit in the day and even worse now she’d gotten a faceful of sun. With a glance to the Moblin, she tried to decide what she ought to do.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo continued to play Selenas lullaby. At some point, he began to hum to the music. It was a deep and rough tone, but it sorta went together? When Selena sang it was soft and smooth, easing pain. When Leo does it, it sorta uplifts any down emotions, like warriors singing before war. Doesn’t matter if it’s happy or sad, this was meant to take the thoughts of guilt and pain away.*\n\n*He continued to play, but as the winds blew, he faintly noticed something.*\n\n{`We’re being followed?`} *Thought his shadow.*\n\n{Perhaps. A new smell is near. I faintly hear extra steps.}\n\n{`If it’s Hylian we need to deal with the threat. Spies could be watching.`}\n\n{Definitely Hylian. Too light for Goron, too heavy for rito or Zora, out of the way for gerudo. We’ll wait a moment.}\n\n*And so, Leo continued to play. His tune gets a bit louder as the song continues, but he mainly played to help Syl get better, and to think of Selena.*" }, { "author": "fierce_rea", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The steps Rea took were somewhat to the beat of the song. It was a subconscious act, moving to its melody. Almost as subconscious as following the group in the first place.*\n\n*She was none the wiser to being noticed by Leo or his shadow.*\n\n{A song this good surely tells a story. What it could be? Only one way to find out I suppose.}" }, { "author": "choris_vulpes", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Luna had made her way back towards where she separated from strider, but had no luck finding him. That was until she heard a familiar tune, was salena free? But leo stated otherwise. As luna made her approach she decided to sing along on beat with the melody, it would at least help them to forget about the volcano.*\n\n“There i was in a damper mood when my life was struck by you~”\n\n*The scout waltzed up next to strider, she had noticed the person following them but didn’t really bother and just assumed they were walking in the same direction… such a thing was no oddity on the road.*" } ]
[ { "author": "_d6", "is_bot": false, "message": "*You could probably see Yuko's brain bluescreen in real time when his offer to help was rejected. He didn't... understand? If you’re burned, shouldn't you...*\n\n*He stood there for a second, confused, arm still extended, then just... dropped the waterskin on the ground. He didn't know what to do.*\n\n*With that, he went back to seeing what Rea was seeing... but Rea had gotten up and moved closer to the people. No worries. Yuko decided to stay put; he'd come to realize that people tend not to like if a 12 foot tall monster beelines towards you.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The sheikah sorta stopped for a moment, but continued you okay once he realized who joined in. He found it somewhat amusing to hear her sing along with the song. So, the humming and harp playing continued. Selena never put words into her lullaby, so Luna filling that in was interesting.*\n\n*Up ahead he noticed a stable. Hes been meaning to tinker something up that would be useful. Hopefully they would have tools for him.*" }, { "author": "choris_vulpes", "is_bot": false, "message": "*luna nodded along to leo’s whistling as she recalled the lyrics to a song she came up with awhile ago, it was nice to finally get an excuse to sing it. This was her first time actually revealing her happy which was oddly comforting.*\n\n“Your gaze broke my defenses, my heart was mended in seconds.”\n\n{So she isn’t around… guess I’ll just enjoy the moment.}" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Hey that's—\" *she seemed frustrated with it getting the waterskin all dirt-covered, but then what did she expect?*\n\n*Really, what concerned her more was why she was baby-sitting the moblin that had literally left scars on her form their last encounter. And now that Rea was gone, she didn't actually have the excuse of sparing its life to avoid traumatizing her. Trouble was that she was kind of sick of fighting when she didn't have to. Didn't mean she had to stick around.*\n\n\"Alright, Andy, I'm getting lost. I need a snack or something,\" *she said to it.* \"Hopefully you're smart enough not to follow.\"\n\n*Nahla picked up her things, and examined to see if Rea had left anything behind. It didn't look like it. She only managed half a glance to the creature as she left. This was still weird.*\n\n*The twili trudged her way back towards the main stable, hoping to inquire something about food reserves. But it looked like a scuffed up old traveler was already asking about something. She stood behind him, as patiently as she could manage. With how fidgetty she naturally was, it didn't actually look that way though.*" }, { "author": "fierce_rea", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Rea felt tempted to join in on the song, but seeing as she’d just played her own and forgotten to breathe by the end, she didn’t want to bother them too much. So the best she could do at the moment was continue to follow along and listen.*\n\n*She was still unsure that she had been seen, but even if she had, they hadn’t immediately gone for her. What could possibly go wrong?*" }, { "author": "rocketbat", "is_bot": false, "message": "*At first, Syl didn't react to the voices around him, but he slowly opened his eyes to see the scout besides Leo. His music was definitely working, that's for sure. He's just... never seen this side of his friend before.*\n\n{... He must've learned that from Selena...}\n\n{Also wait, didn't I meet that girl an hour or so ago, back on the volcano?}\n\n*He still didn't notice Rea behind them.*" }, { "author": "nokoribiprojectis", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Conversation with the Stable Master was going...middlingly with Oracle*\n\n\"Why can't I rent a horse? ...Theives? Urgh...Fine. I'll just walk.\"\n\n*However, instead of turning to leave immediately like he would normally do, he instead turned to the direction of music, surprised somewhat to hear the same song from before, but in chorus with others.*\n\n{How curious...}\n\n*He stepped away from the Stable Master's desk, instead turning and heading inside the stable. Maybe someone had a map he could buy.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The music continued a bit longer for the group. Leo was never really the music type, so he even surprised himself how well this was going. Gracefully, he strung the last few notes, stopping the humming and letting the harp do the rest of the work.*\n\n*Eventually the music fades away, and Leo lets out a deep sigh. It was as if a huge amount of stress was lifted off of him. He sorta glanced at the castle then back at Luna.* “I miss her.”" }, { "author": "rocketbat", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Sylvester kept to himself for a bit as the song ended. It definitely helped him take his mind off of Roewen, that's for sure.*\n\n\"... Don't worry, Leo. You're not the only one.\" *The hylian stated from behind the two.*\n\n*If Luna were to turn around, she'd see a hylian with golden hair, wearing an outfit that she had seen only an hour or so ago, however long it has been since she exited the shrine. The main difference between then and now is that the outfit was not being worn by a lizalfos (also it looked less tattered now, and the gauntlet was replaced by a leather, fingerless glove).*" }, { "author": "fierce_rea", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Rea suddenly had the bright idea of speaking up to ease the tension.*\n\n“So… where are we going?”\n\n*The song was over now, and the opportunity to join it as well. She might as well take the time to get to know these people she seems to have stowed away with.*" }, { "author": "choris_vulpes", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The music came to an abrupt end, most unfortunate since it helped pass the time.*\n\n“We’ll find a way to get her back, we always do.”\n\n*Luna spoke with complete faith in her words, even if it may not be under the circumstances they hope for it will happen. But that brings to mind a few questions she had, what was the plan for selena? What were they biding their time for?*\n\n“Hey i wanted to ask, wha-“\n\n*Her question was cut off by the individual following them, wait she was part of the group? Were the two tagging along new guys that strider managed to recruit? Once again more questions.*\n\n“Gathered more companions i see.”\n\n*She noticed the lizal was gone, this was a good thing. Those things are an eyesore, and they smell awful.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo was ready to hear what Lunas question was, before getting interrupted by a random person. He raised a brow and gave Rea a harsh “who tf are you?” look.* “**We**? I don’t even know who you are.” *He said with a grunt.*\n\n*His eyes were fixed on Rea, letting the malice red in his eyes shoot into hers. Sort of a test to see how she’ll react. Meanwhile he answered Lunas new question.* “We don’t know this one. And that’s the lizalfos you met earlier. Simply wears a mask to transform.”" }, { "author": "nokoribiprojectis", "is_bot": false, "message": "*After a couple moments of slow haggling with one of the travelling people, Oracle had managed to acquire no map, but instead directions, to his dismay. Stepping partially out, he tugged the side of his red hood against the sun, leaning against the side of the stable doorway with his Zweihander glinting slightly in the light. His gaze roamed, eventually settling on the newcomer group, the one that had been playing music. An ambient watch.*" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Alright great, the old bag of bones had moved out of her way. Nahla leaned sideways, resting a hand on the counter as she posed her own inquiry.*\n\n“Does the stable have food services or anything? Or is that more of like… the merchants that come around here?” *she asked.*\n\n`”Well, like we do offer food to the folks who pay to stay over and everything. But uh.. most of the rest of it is for our horses and folks under our employ, y’know?”`\n\n“Right. Yeah that figures…” *she replied, tapping her hands a bit on the counter before leaning back.*\n\n*Jokingly, she considered getting a job here for a day, but didn’t kid herself for more than a moment. no, she had a better plan. The guy before her had been asking for directions. She could probably get a decent snack out of him for solving his issue. The twili cautiously approached Oracle, trying not to be entirely to stealthy.*\n\n“You had a question, right? I could probably point you the right way if you’ve got a snack or some rupees to spare. Not looking for all that much.”" }, { "author": "nokoribiprojectis", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Oracle turned his head slightly, acknowledging Nahla's presence and question without fully turning his face to her, the most seen being placid and smooth white from the edge of his over-mask. When he spoke, he sounded rather decrepit.*\n\n\"Mmm, Yes. I'm looking for both a map and a potential route to Hyrule Castle Town...the fastest by foot, if possible.\"\n\n*His speech was...somewhat slow, but not intolerable. His arms crossed a bit, although one hand did reach down for a rupee bag hidden under his coat.*\n\n\"...How many rupees do you need? I don't carry any food on me.\"" }, { "author": "_d6", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Well. It seemed like everyone was off doing their own thing. Looks like Yuko had the nice little spot in the field all to himself. The content moblin sat back down and quietly spectated as everyone went on with their days. No tension. No fighting. It was a chill day, the vibes were immaculate (at least to him), and Yuko liked it like that.*" }, { "author": "rocketbat", "is_bot": false, "message": "*When Rea spoke up for the first time, Sylvester jumped back a little, startled by the unfamiliar voice. Reflexively he reached down for his dagger, and pulled his hand up to point it at the newcomer... except he had failed to pull it out of its sheath, meaning he was holding nothing in his hand. His eyes widened, his hand opened, and brought his hand back to his side.*\n\n\"Goddess, please don't scare people like th-that.\" *He said, half upset at the fact that there was someone who was just trailing them. However, after a quick glance he did notice that she didn't look like much of a threat, compared to someone like Leo or Saina anyways.*\n\n*He did not comment on what Leo said to Luna.*" } ]
[ { "author": "caity9820", "is_bot": false, "message": "*she pauses, all joy fades from her face* what? But he was right here! *She starts pacing* {this isn't possible} how do you know it was her? Were you there? Did you do nothing‽ *Her anger rises as smoke flares out her nostrils* What do you **know**? I have a right to understand! *her anger breaks away into tears and she crumbles into a chair*\n\n*after her tears fade she asks in a timid voice* does she know Axel? Would she do something to such a small boy? Maybe we better check the woods, that's where we were told he could be....though if Cyrus didn't stand a chance, *she chokes a little on a sob before continuing; most of this voicing her thoughts outloud* I have no idea how I could protect Axel more.... *She dejectedly pours another drink and takes a shot* I think I need to take some time to come to terms with this news....I'm sorry Gaash but I don't think I can help you find this woman....after all I thought I could do; making this home, trying to create a family....if I can't even protect these, I have nothing....maybe...maybe I should be nothing *she takes another swig and curls further into the table (not sure how to describe it but like trying to sleep on a desk and someone's just turned the light on would be the action, though a little slower and sadder)*" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"He and I had begun an expedition to locate this murderous woman, when we decided to divide our resources and split up. By the time he had notified me of her location, it was too late. I arrived in time to see his body being tossed into the magma, but nothing else. She had escaped.\" *He spoke in a soft and reassuring tone, like a whisper. His hands twitched every now and then, and he drew a small piece of iron out of his cloak.*\n\n\"This is all that remained when I found him.\" *A skeletal black hand rested on her shoulder as he handed the metal to her. It was one of Cyrus's belt clips; Or at least, it looked like it. In reality it was the band that had been wrapped around Cyrus's neck simply remolded to mimic the buckle, imbued with the same listening charm.*\n\n\"I know not what she knows of Axel, but should I find him I will defend him.\"" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*strider collected his things and puts away his blade. He steps out of the room and stands in the hallway facing the two talking* is everything okay Crimson?.*his voice was at a calm and low tone*" }, { "author": "caity9820", "is_bot": false, "message": "No, everything is not okay, Cyrus is dead! Look...I think I just need some space, perhaps Lilly can find Axel, I don't think I can be there for him right now, after all this...if you want there's eggs in the kitchen, I'm heading to my room *all her emotional strength depleted she collapsed into sleep as soon as her head hits the pillow, tears pour as she dreams*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*he exhales a bit deeply and turns to \"Wayne\" putting his hands behind his back* so you're her kid? Strong boy. Missing your mask?" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Gaash was already opening the door to leave when Strider spoke.*\n\n\"Sorry? What mask?\" *He looked back, brow furrowed.*\n\n{Does he know something? Can he...? Is this perhaps another one of Wayne's associates?}" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*strider hesitates to answer a bit but stands still* the one in the painting. And I couldn't help but over hear a man named Cyrus has passed? I'm guessing he is her lover and your father figure. Are you not going to mourn with your mother?" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Gaash glanced at the painting and a look of comprehension dawned on his face.*\n\n\"Ah, right, that. Sorry, thought you were talking about something else. I lost that thing a while back. No idea where it went. Got a new one in the mean time.\" *He patted one of his pockets, where a mask was surely stored within.*\n\n{Ah, yes, their conversation. I was too heavily focused on dealing with Cyrus. I'll discern what I missed later, no matter.}\n\n\"And... i'm not really one to grieve with others.\"" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "I see. Well I hope you've taken care of your mother when you have the chances. *he walks to the still and sits on it* a good family is....*very* hard to come by these days. *he has quick flashbacks of his dead family and shakes his head*" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Right. Maybe I do take it for granted sometimes.\" *With a somber nod, Gaash departed out the door. He walked up the main street of the town, vaguely watching some construction workers go about their day. The sign next to the house they were working on said \"STAND CLEAR: LYNEL PROOFING\". Gaash blinked down at the sign. He knew of Lynels but had never seen one for himself. Shrugging to himself he kept walking. His normal brisk pace was gone, replaced by a meandering trot.*\n\n{...It seems as though my studies have lead only to dead ends. The woman; No trace of her, not a single soul recognizes one dressed as she. That dreadful dark knight; Pitiful, taking care of him should he return would be no issue. Dark magic; A path yes, but a bleak one without a final achievement waiting at the end. And those great remains of the desert... They seem little more than bones, nothing special. Immortality yet evades me, and still... if my plan is to progress then it is essential.} *He came to a halt beside a cucco pen. Gaash watched the little things flutter around in the enclosure, but not really watching them. His mind was wandering off in a hundred different directions at once.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "Hm. {Strange boy he is} *he stands and leaves the house a bit after \"Wayne\". He walked out and makes his way towards the middle of the market. His attention is towards a man that seems to be shouting his name.*\n\nStranger: \"You! Yeah you! You're that bounty Hunter huh?! Was it you that killed my partner huh?! You sonuvabitch!\"\n\n*The man comes charging at strider with a knife. The guards didn't get the attention until after the yelling and was charging for him. But he was already too close to strider. Strider grabs his arm with the knife and slings him toward a tree. He takes the knife, lifts him up, and nails his shoulder to the tree as he hangs there. He rips off the man's shirt and shoves it in his kith to keep him from screaming loudly* shut it! Your voice is annoying. *he turns to the guards as they witnessed what has happened* he's all yours. *he walks past the gaurds as they try to get him off the tree. Strider walks away from them dusting his coat off*" }, { "author": "gibpuncc", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"It was a pleasure, i'm glad you enjoyed it.\" *Taga begins to pack up his things* \"It was nice meeting you, but I must be going.\" *Taga leaves and heads back out #hyrule-field*" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Gaash looked up at the sound of the screams. He spotted a familiarly cloaked and hooded person walking away from. His eyes narrowed, watching Strider from a distance.*\n\n{Now THAT... is intriguing. But perhaps a matter for another time.} *He stood still for a long time, unflinching and unmoving.*\n\n{...Hiza. One i've not spoken to in a great deal of time... One with experience in body modification and alteration. Answers may lie with her. Shisa will be the next destination, then} *Gaash straightened up and stretched. His journey back to Shisa began as he trotted out of the town at a brisk, business-like pace.*" } ]
[ { "author": "Jolt", "is_bot": true, "message": "*He looked to lux trying to get into the castle for some grub. Normally, he wouldn’t mind. But this woman seemed...fishy. Not because she was a twili, but because of the way she talked, and how she got mad at him for borrowing a horse. Instead, he did a move he would probably regret.*\n\n*He took out some Rupees, about 100, and threw it at lux.* “Take it or leave it lady.”\n\n*He began to walk off, motioning for Varian and strider to follow.*\n\n{Annoying little shit...}" }, { "author": "bryanna6722", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Varian's chest rose to let out a chuckle, but he stopped himself as he got the tone of her voice.* ***It wasn't a joke. Great, fucked that one up.*** *He sighed, scratching his neck for a moment as he followed Percy off.* \"Seeya Luna.\" *He gave her a wave as she headed off, before looking back forwards. His breathing was getting noticeably louder and heavier as he continued on with Percy.*" }, { "author": "bryanna6722", "is_bot": false, "message": "Wheeze" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Strider follows behind Percy and Varian with his hands in his pockets. He has a feeling that something bad is gonna go down*" }, { "author": "choris_vulpes", "is_bot": false, "message": "*luna follows behind strider with a look of confusion when he said see ya so she decided to joke to remove the awkward air*\n\n“Yep, see you next time you turn around”\n\n*she chuckled before pulling out some pictures and looking at them carefully. She rubbed some dirt off of some*\n\n{I hope Percy doesn’t mind me here... I wonder if he gave the mercenary offer any thought... he’d probably get bullied by the others though... I wonder where Ryder is?}" }, { "author": "Miki", "is_bot": false, "message": "_She caught the Rupees in her hands, looking down at him from the full height of her Horse_\n\n{Tch, of course he actually hands me money, that's all those pathetic Hylians know how to do}\n\n_She reluctantly took the offer of money, knowing full well that she would probably throw it away once she returned to Saina and the others back at her base. 'Umbra' felt disrespected by this, and made sure he would reimburse his debt to her, no matter what lengths she would go to_\n\n_Luna clicked her fingers, and the Kargoroc flew up into the air, and passed the dark clouds of Night. She kicked Asríal into a slow trot, passing through the Fields, as she did so she took no notice of the group that travelled with Percy, in fact, this only gave her a reason to move along faster. Taking the short route through the woods of Faron and into #underground-grotto_" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Strider walks back into the ruined village. He begins to take in everything that has happened here. The damage, the malice. But he knew exactly where he was going. He manuever hisbwas around the broken paths, around the damaged building. He finally gets towards the back of the village where a half collapsed house lays. He breaks open the door, seeing that a family use to live here. But he begins to have flashbacks of his past life, and that he use to live here with his dead wife and daughter. He forced himself to walk into the bedroom and throws over the bed. He pulls out his sawblade and begins to attack the floor, breaking the floorboards. He finally breaks it all the way through and removes the broken wood. He reaches down and pulls out something long wrapped in a cloth. He kneels down and unwraps it to reveal his old katana from his past life. He picks it up, getting nothing but flashbacks from his time being a sheikah warrior. He sees that his old emblem was faded away on it leaving room for another. He then leaves the building and goes up to some old pieces of rubble. Strider starts to attack it, slicing it, dicing it, hacking and slashing using his old Sheikah techniques. He exhales deeply*\n\n\"Time to get started.\"\n\n*He puts his blade away and walks out of the village and back into #ordona-province*" }, { "author": "dreaming_holidays", "is_bot": false, "message": "*After some time, Koddah would be standing at the edges of the town. Hesitant to enter as she eyed the state it was in. She felt uncomfortable, like it was hard to breathe. She couldn’t say she expected to see it uncovered from malice within her life time, but not that it was...she didn’t know how to feel.*\n\n*She had been too frozen in shock to help out, the very sight of the malice sending her into a fit when she first arrived to try...she really felt like a failure right now as she stared at the ruins. Even now, she still felt too much shame to even feel worthy of helping out here. She was a coward, and weak.*\n\n*Too weak to do anything or help anybody. She felt sick, honestly.*\n\n*She could try her hand at repairs...she was a tinkerer after all, and good at spotting weak areas. But she felt stiff as she slowly entered the town to view the damage left. No doubt it would take time to rebuild...but maybe she could start.*\n\n*So she found her way to any piles of rubble left. And just...slowly worked at clearing them where they needed it, fully taking in the damage as she ran her fingers over the ruins of her once home.*" }, { "author": "Deleted", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The sound of four clawed feet hitting the ground, similar to a large wolf or smaller horse, could be heard approaching the once-village. Grass and dirt were flung behind him as the always protective lizard rushed to make sure his friend was okay. Upon his arrival, he slowed to a stop, moving to his normal two-legged posture and slowly walking to a stop as he completely took in the damage. He would have whistled, had he been able to. He approached quietly, staring at the damage.*" }, { "author": "dreaming_holidays", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Koddah herself was staring down at the ruins of a house, brushing her fingers over it as she cupped her hand over her mouth. Tears blurring her vision as she tries to rapidly blink them away.*\n\n*It hurt seeing her once proud village like this, more so than when it was covered in Malice. Now you could see there were signs of life, of struggle...how long had the people suffered under the malice before giving up? It suddenly felt far more rea and Koddah was feeling a bit dizzy, her mind reeling as she fell to her knees. The tears falling before she could stop them as a strangled noise escaped her.*\n\n*She wanted to force it down, she shouldn’t be crying right now...but she couldn’t. Not now. Not this time.*" }, { "author": "Deleted", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The sudden sob catches Karst's attention, his head snapping to where he had heard it from. He's moving again, towards the sound, trying to follow it quickly. When he finds her, he stops, and looks down.*\n\n{Oh, Farore...}\n\n*He speaks silently, in the language taught by his master, the one he uses to communicate privately with the gods and cast spells. He felt extremely sorry for her, and wanted to go give her a hug, but... He didn't want to intrude. She needed to grieve, as she had just fully realized that she had lost everything.*" } ]
[ { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*he kinda pats the picori with his finger very softly before looking up at Nadya*\n\n\"Anything else while we're here?\"" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "“If they have any non-bakery type food that’d be a good idea. If we’re going to travel, the energy we get from bread will only last us so long.” *She turned her head back toward him as she spoke to him, though her attention was still a bit split. She couldn’t really help it if she was distracted.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*he nods happily then walks back to the bar*\n\n\"Some goat butter please!\"\n\n*He sets the money on the counter and puts his hands behind his back to wait. Once he got his items he hands the butter to Nadya. He reaches into his pouch to munch on some small fruits he had from before. Are they old yet? Nah they taste pretty good. He gets a small berry and hands it to Syeros*" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*She looked at him with stifled disappointment, as he’d gone and done the exact opposite of what she’d intended, by getting bread. But she’d never have admitted it. She just sighed, and decided she’d keep a look out for better food as they went along.*" }, { "author": "reissryhas", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"If she wants more than bread, I think I saw a spot selling dried meat earlier, as a stall. Breads nice, but stuffed bread is even better.\"\n\n*Oooh, berry. Munch munch.*" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "_After fiddling around with it, Thalia managed to seal the red bottle cap on properly. The green bottle to glow lightly and shake before returning to its normal state, indicating the message written inside was sent to it’s recipient._\n\n“Alright, best be going now.” _Thalia said to herself as she got up from her chair, beginning to gather up her things and leaving the dishes to be picked up for later. As she made her way to the entrance, however, she stopped in front of Keegan’s crew and gave a little wave with a soft smile, greeting the seeming duo; still not recognizing the Picori on Keegan’s shoulder._\n\n“Hello! I’m sorry to bother, but I was curious- how did that happen?” _She asked, placing a hand on top of her own head, indicating the horns that protruded out of Nayda’s head as she spoke to her._ “I don’t mean to be rude, I was just wondering about it.”" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Gaash materialized just inside the gate to Hyrule field within the village. Grains of sand made a circle on the ground as they were dislodged from his cloaks with a ruffle.*\n\n{Reconstruction completed at last. How delightful, I had missed the quaint coziness of the hamlet... But on to more pressing matters} *Gaash garnered no shortage of odd looks as he strode through the village. More than once he had to meticulously dissuade the guards from tailing him.*\n\n{How irksome... Ah, but here we are at last...} *Where Crimson's old house had once stood, there was a new one. New shadows bustled about inside, their shapes blurry but discernible behind the white curtains. The house was tidy, and being rebuilt, bore no signs of the makeshift family that had once inhabited it. With his hands, the lord dug a shallow hole in the dirt a good way away from the fence. In it he dropped the swimming bracelet he had never known the use for.*\n\n\"And so ends the role,\" *He spoke in a tone so low only he could hear.*\n\n\"but what you can provide I shall seldom require from now on, loyal but unwilling Wayne.\" *He brushed the dirt and sealed the 'grave'.*\n\n*A flash of pink. Only after Gaash had stood up could he identify where it had come from: The tavern window. As soon as he turned to see, it had gone. Imagination acting up maybe? Or had the owner simply moved out of the window's view...*" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*If Nadya had known what the picori was saying, she’d have been grateful, but alas, his words were lost to her ears. Instead, they took to Thalia’s question. She let her eyes turn back toward Thalia, looking at her hand, and realizing that the girl meant her. Reactively, she almost put her hand to her head, before realizing what it indicated. She was a bit slow in her response, trying to determine how to phrase her words.* “Magic. I frustrated a sorcerer, and he retaliated.” *She held her arms close to herself. She wasn’t exactly uncomfortable, she just didn’t really know how to describe it without seeming pitiful. She wanted to be over it, and for her explanation to sound that way. And by this point, she was accustomed to her form, mainly it was just the scar that worked against her.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*He listens to the picori and nods a bit*\n\n\"A spot selling dry meat? Well that sounds good! Hear that Nadya? The picori said he saw someone selling dry meat nearby.\"" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Ah, alright- Sorry to bother. Have a nice day~” _Thalia answered back simply. Despite her attempts, it seems like just asking was a bad idea- at least in her ears. Seemed like something they don’t want to discuss. She bowed forward slightly to the duo and made her way out of the little shop, back in the open of Kakariko._\n\n“Maybe I should take some pictures while I’m here. It would be a good way of recording where I go...” _Thalia muttered time herself as she made her way down the roads, looking around more thoughtfully than before. She wandered down the path that was opposite to where Gaash was present, walking away from him unaware._\n\n“Could send them to Astelle as well...” _She murmured._\n\n{Maybe those two were also magicians, my pendant was going kinda crazy around them.}\n\n{``Yet no darkness is expressed. Their lives are not of your concern.``}\n\n{Yeah...}" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Gaash had turned away just as the flash of pink returned. Almost out of obligation he glanced back. A wry smile creased his lips beneath the mask. It was like Hylia herself had granted a wish. Wary of the potential encounter to come, he replenished his magic meter with a green potion and started down the path after her. In no time he had matched her stride.*\n\n\"Well well, what have the goddesses deposited in my sight?\" *His voice was elegant and smooth. He had almost forgotten what it sounded like after being subjected to Wayne's voice so frequently.*\n\n\"A sorceress I presume? An aura of your nature is difficult to mistake, oh difficult indeed.\"\n\n*Assuming she looked around to see him, he would teleport immediately to her other side and bend down so as to be at her eye level when or if she looked the other way.*" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "_Thalia was about to take out her Pictobox from her back to do exactly as she said, but the voice behind her caught her off guard, not expecting another encounter with someone so quickly. She spun about to see who had been following her, only to be met with nothing and the voice coming from behind again. She turned around once more- faster this time, taking a small step back and raising her guard._\n\n“..Hey.” _Thalia said carefully, looking Gaash in the eyes. Immediately she thought this was some kind of monster or demon, given it’s elongated form and devilish horns, but any darkness it held wasn’t apparent. Still, she wondered why it hasn’t drawn any more attention to both villagers and guards alike. Perhaps this was just some kind of projection that only she was able to see? Yet it looked so real..._\n\n{``Do not be fooled. Illusions are your speciality. Do not lose at your own game.``}\n\n{Oh good, so _you’re_ not just tricking me or something.}\n\n“What... Are you, exactly?” _She asked innocently enough, choosing not to address anything it had said. Even though the initial surprise of its appearance passed over, she still maintained a defensive stance. As much of a stance she could muster without a weapon, anyways._\n\n{Well, it can teleport. But it’s faster than mine...}" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Gaash tutted playfully, shaking his head a bit. His tone remained light however, giving every indication there was a smile beneath the mask.*\n\n\"How very inconsiderate! To inquire one's species before identity.\" *He placed a hand on his chest in mock distress while standing up fully.*\n\n\"You may call me Lord Gaash. I am a Doom Prophet, you could say. I unravel prophecies of the future and relay them. Living such a tiresome life has sculpted an accomplished magician, if you would permit me a boast.\"\n\n\"Now who have I been granted the privilege to speak with? Surely a being as individualistic as yourself would harbor an equally striking identifier, no? Or perhaps it is more appropriate to inquire 'what' you are?\" *He chided genially.*" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Uh sure.” *She, glanced toward the picori, glad that they had been listening to her. She wasn’t exactly mad at Keegan, but she did question his listening skills quite a bit as a result of his behaviour. Oh well, it’s not like it really mattered.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Keegan then starts walking out of the tavern still eating some berries. He's starting to think that the picori is like a cute let on his shoulder. After walking out he kinda feels a dark presence. Not like the huge malice one from the event but still pretty evil. He looks around and shakes his head of the thought*\n\n\"So... Where did you see this meat stand?\"\n\n*He glances down at Syeros*" }, { "author": "reissryhas", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"It was over to the... north? It had a red awning over it, I'm sure of it. Near where what looked like a tool stall..\"\n\n*....He didn't notice anything himself. Probably because he didn't know what it felt like before. Just trying to remember where he saw it.*" } ]
[ { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Kelle was annoyed that his request wasn't immediately answered. Perhaps xey could draw on the resident's sympathy. Xey did in fact actually need help, after all. Usually, that wasn't xyr plan of action, being as robust as xey were. Kelle was trying to pull xyr mind away from the possibility that there was no one home. That would have complicated things.*\n\n\"If there's anyone in there. . I hurt my arm bad and it's dangerous out tonight. I can't even use my weapons if that's what you're worried about,\" *Kelle tried,* \"I suppose I could try to leave them at the door if you're really concerned. . \"\n\n*Kelle was not well versed in coersion. It didn't help that the pain was really distracting xem. Honestly, whomever was inside was luckily xey weren't trying to bust down the door in desperation. The only thing between Kelle and that was pride. And. . wondering if that would hinder xem being a good person.*" }, { "author": "rocketbat", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Sylvester was very worried at the implications of someone coming in. As much as he wanted to help, he couldn't really stay as a hylian for too long, and he doesn't want to risk getting caught as a monster. He walked over to the door, and opened the peephole to look outside without xem really being able to see who was doing so.*\n\n\"Wh-who is it...?\" *He asked, a little worried.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*As Leo traveled around in the fog, trying to get to a good vantage point he stops as he sees a shadowed figure flying his way, only for it to be the guard landing in front of him. He readied his weapons, but lowered them as he noticed laying there motionless.*\n\n{Dammit...}\n\n*he puts away his blades and grabs the guard, slowly dragging him towards where he thinks the house is. Once he makes it there he notices Kelle. He drops the soldier and draws his blade again*\n\n\"Who are your and why are you at my house?\"" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Kelle Fiacre. I don't believe you would know me but I—I literally just told them my n—\" *Kelle was in the middle of answering when xey realized that there was someone behind xem with a blade.*\n\n*Xey put xyr back to the door and put a hand on xyr short sword, just in case, though xey doubted xey'd be really effective in combat against this guy without at least both of xyr hands functional. This was what xey'd been trying to avoid by getting inside and out of the darkness. Of course the residents had to give xem a hard time, though, right?*\n\n*Kelle tried to keep xyr composure xey responded, but xyr eyes never drifted from Leo's sword.*\n\n\"I'm Kelle. I hurt my arm and I was hoping to come in from the night. I was left behind by my travelling companion, and I wasn't well situated with the town layout, so I just picked the first house,\" *xey said, with complete honestly.* \"I would like if you put your sword down. I'm not in the process of breaking your door down. I was asking nice, like I was told to.\"" }, { "author": "rocketbat", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Sylvester, uncertain about opening the door to the stranger, looked over to Selena.* \"Uh... I-I can't let people see me after what just happened...\" *He stated, before backing away from it.* \"I-I'm sorry...\" *The lizalfos then went into the house, looking for somewhere to hide in the event that they let this stranger inside.*" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Once Sylvester steps aside, Selena looks through the window again. Strider was there now... that was good. She lands back on the ground and realizes Sylvester had... left somewhere. She walks further into the house to search for him.*\n\n\"Syl! It's okay, I think Strider's talking to whoever that is now!\"" }, { "author": "rocketbat", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Selena easily found Sylvester hiding behind one of the beds in one of the bedrooms, due to the tip of his tail sticking out in plain view.* \"I- he is...?\" *He asked.*\n\n\"... Nevermind. Still doesn't change the fact th-that I need to hide in case they come i-in...\"" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Why? You're nice, whoever it is wouldn't want to...\"\n\n*It's only at this that Selena remembered what Sylvester looked like.*\n\n\"...Oh, yeah...\"" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo listened to the newcomer and groaned. He literally had no time for this. If they tried anything it would be three against one*\n\n\"Alright fine get inside. Selena open the damn door! This strangers coming in and I got an injured, possibly dead, guard!\"\n\n*he puts away his blades before picking the soldier back up*" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Selena jumps a bit at this.*\n\n\"Coming! Give me a second!\"\n\n*She runs over to the door, opening it for those in front of the entrance. She looked very flustered at her situation.*\n\n\"Sorry! Come in!\"" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "\". . uh. . thank you,\" *Kelle replied, quietly.*\n\n*Kelle was entirely surprised xey were let in, but wouldn't test xyr luck in addressing that. Xey got what xey wanted and that had been enough. Kelle slipped in and stepped off to the side, letting xyr hand off of the short sword. Xey gave the place a bit of a look around before moving over to some nearby chair. Xey lay xyr arm out on one of xyr legs, pulling back copious layers of fur and cloth to examine it. A pretty dark bruise ran from xyr lower forearm to xyr elbow.*\n\n*Xey didn't exactly have the materials on xem to really deal with it, so xey gave another look to xyr surroundings, eyes resting on Selena for a moment.*\n\n\"Got anything for this kind of. . injury? I have rupees if you're that uptight.\"" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The gusts of wind from Saina's spell whipped the fog and rain around him, clearing his view for a fraction of a second. The shape of the four legged Kasmir chasing something on the outskirts of the village was the most apparently through the gloom. Something skeletal and galloping, heading for #eldin-wilderness.*\n\n*Still within the haze, all of the guards seemed to have been knocked unconscious. The red armored one was safely within Leo's house, very much knocked out, but the others were lost out in the frigid night. But somewhere in the village another lantern had come on to try and vanquish the fog. A villager had come to help!*" }, { "author": "aefre", "is_bot": false, "message": "*A frigid surface wrapped around Everest’s face snapped him back into consciousness.*\n\n*His eyes were slowed by the grogginess he felt, and he couldn’t see very well with the dizziness that seemed to originate from the overwhelmingly painful headache he seemed to have.*\n\n*He stayed on the ground, laying flat with his limbs about. So many things flew by his vision. so many things that seemed like…*\n\n*Until finally, he suddenly escaped from his stupor, his mind springing back to life.*\n\n*Many questions were sub-consciously asked, but one seemed to come back repeatedly.*\n\n{How did I get on the ground?}\n\n*He layed there, stupefied and still as he groggily combed his memory for the answer.*\n\n*He fell.*\n\n*He aimed to protect Sylvester and Leo from the guardsmen and that boy, but on his way he slipped on the icey surface of the boy’s magic and hit his head in the fall.*\n\n*Everest groaned.*\n\n*What a disgraceful display…*\n\n*As his mind returned slowly, he slowly regained his composure as he unsteadily planted his hands and feet on the ground, lifting his body back up to an upright stance.*\n\n*The fog was his only hope. Hopefully nobody saw that.*\n\n*The poor visibility affected Everest the same as the rest of them, and the cold of night was causing a slight shiver in his torso, and goosebumps running down his arms.*\n\n*He couldn’t get over this disgrace. His hand formed a fist as he gazed into the darkness.*\n\n*He didn’t even want to show his face to the strangers. That beast… he’ll meet it again, and he will decide it’s fate when that day comes.*\n\n*Everest walked out of the village main entrance, somehow missing each and every body on the ground.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*once the door opened, Leo dragged the soldier in and layed him on the couch*\n\n\"Fetch a warm rag and treat his wounds Selena. I'll be back.\"\n\n*he readied his crossbow attachment and bolted back out to search for more survivors. He saw the lantern and sighed in relief*\n\n\"Over here! We need to search for the guards.\"" } ]
[ { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo turns to look and Kelle and sees that they're not gonna leave, so he's just gonna go ahead and say it. He needed to get this off of his chest*\n\n\"Listen well. You know most of my past Selena, but not all. Six years ago I had another life, another family, another daughter. We lived here, in the village.\"\n\n*he took a deep breath before continuing*\n\n\"My name was Leo Demose. I was the highest ranked Sheikah warrior in my class. I was on the path to be the Kings personal body guard. Word spread quickly of my success, but not everyone was happy to hear the news.\"\n\n*he turnd to sit down to become somewhat leveled with Selena*\n\n\"One night Hylian soldiers invaded our home and threw us in the dungeons. They beat and tortured me and my family. I lost count on how many days I spent down there hearing the screams of my wife and daughter. They pronounced us dead in their files, erasing us from ever existing basically. Leo was dead.\"\n\n*he looks at Kelle for a second, then locked eyes with Selena again*\n\n\"Soon they killed my wife and daughter, and left me there to die alone. Whether it was by fate or luck I met someone down there. He made a deal with me to help me escape. I wanted to die down there, but he guaranteed me revenge. In which I accepted his offer. As Leo died, Strider was born. And so Strider spent the next five years searching and killing the men and women who were behind Leo's family's death. Some of the people Strider killed were not involved.\"\n\n*Leo took another deep breath and continued once more*\n\n\"I am Leo Demose. Strider was someone who was born in darkness and malice. Yes I killed people. Innocents as well. But eventually I found everyone who killed my family and I got revenge. The evil and rage that was once in me is now trapped within this blade.\"\n\n*he drew his saw blade and showed it to Selena. Of course he was referring to his shadow, which Selena probably didn't know about, and shouldn't know about.*\n\n\"I now have no reason to get revenge or to have hate. So...now you know the truth. My name is no longer Strider, but is Leo.\"" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Oh so this was the person that Kelle was looking for. That was if Kelle was remembering the name right, of course. It should have been the secondmost important thing on xyr mind, but Kelle didn't seem all that fazed. Perhaps it just seemed like a grand story to xem. Or maybe Kelle saw killing those people as a neccessity that Strider needn't be blamed for. It would have been hard to tell without asking Kelle directly because all Kelle said out loud was,*\n\n\"Oh so you're the one that Saina was referring to.\"\n\n*It probably wasn't the best thing to say, depending on the relationship that Saina had with Leo. Kelle didn't care. Xey were fine with being completely transparent with these people about xyr journey to get here because xey believed xyr motives weren't something needed to be hidden. Kelle almost laughed at the convenience of the situation xey'd been put into.*" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "*As Selena listens to Strider- er, Leo's tale, her heart sinks a bit. Now she understood why he acted the way he did when she told him her story. Surprisingly, the whole \"killing\" part affected Selena the least.*\n\n\"...Oh.\"\n\n*She thinks a bit more on this, before nodding.*\n\n\"...Okay, Stri- I mean... okay, Leo. I'll use that name now.\"\n\n*Once Saina is brought up, she turns to Kelle.*\n\n\"- Oh! You're the person Saina sent.\"\n\n*Selena felt... mixed about this, given the conversation they'd had while fixing up the soldiers.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo pauses a bit and looks at Kelle, then to Selena*\n\n\"So...are you upset with me? I apologize for keeping this from you all this time-\"" }, { "author": "aefre", "is_bot": false, "message": "*With a loud thump, Everest would swing open the door, slamming it against the wall.*\n\n\"Leo Demose! I found a milk bar not three doors down! If we hurry we'll get the bar seats before the morning crowd takes them! It's cheap, too!\"\n\n*He had tied the harness Sylvester had given him to his wound, completely covering the red stains around the perimeter.*\n\n*Everest took no time to read the room, and had this wide, undefeatable smile on his face.*" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Selena jumps a bit at Everest suddenly barging in, having been invested in the conversation with Leo. Her wings quickly open as well from the shock, though they slowly fold back once she realizes the person who had just barged in meant no harm.*\n\n\"- Oh! Hi! It's, uh, it's you! Um, Everest... right?\"\n\n*Selena looks back to Leo, a bit confused. Weren't they... not friends before the fog had set in? Like, right before she went to the house and the fog came down?*" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Kelle was not pleased with the sudden loud noise that was Everest's existence. Xey refused to look the guy's way and instead kept xyr gaze more towards the man who had been xyr goal to reach. With the new context in mind, xey tried to recategorize xyr past impressions of him, but it all seemed brief and muddled. Best to start now. Everest would only prove an obstacle to that and xey hoped Leo did not take the offer.*\n\n\"||Fucking guy. .|| has he no respect for anyone's ears?\" *Kelle muttered.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo pointed his blade at the door the second someone barged in, but lowered it a bit as he saw who it was*\n\n\"-oh... right. First help me with the guards.\"\n\n*he put his sword away and looks down at Selena.*\n\n\"Take all the time you need to process this. Me and Everest are...going to get some milk.\"\n\n*he then scooped one of the guards up and walked out the door with them. He soon found another guard and handed then to them*\n\n\"We patched them up, another is right behind me.\"" }, { "author": "aefre", "is_bot": false, "message": "*With no delay, Everest untied his pauldron and hauled the unconscious guard up onto his shoulder.*\n\n*He... decided not to ask why there were guards in his house, not to mention they're hurt and unconscious.*\n\n*He ended up just thinking of Leo as a good samaritan and left it as that, not thinking on how they ended up this way.*\n\n*With no word to those inside, Everest exited behind Leo.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*after the guards were delivered to other guards Leo looked at Everest*\n\n\"If it's the milk bar I think you're talking about I can get us bar seats whether the morning rush comes in or not.\"\n\n*he then begins to talk there*\n\n\"I...know, someone that works there.\"" }, { "author": "aefre", "is_bot": false, "message": "*He started to run his chin methodically.*\n\n\"I see. It's a new place to me here. I have a place I like to frequent in Castle Town, but I never truly enjoyed their product.\"\n\n*Everest's eyes strayed away, aiming more at the grass beside them.*\n\n\"I never had a taste for milk, but that place's atmosphere was always so calming.\"\n\n*His face showed clearly that he was combing through memories of good times.*" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Selena simply nods to Leo as he leaves. Well, there he goes again. She sits back down and sighs, thinking about the story Leo had just told her. She thinks about the wife and the daughter he had. She wonders about what they were like, what they might have thought of her once Leo took her in... then she thought about if Leo would have even been there to bring her in at all had his wife and his real daughter not died. She shakes her head at this thought, though. It probably wasn't best to be thinking about things like that. She tries to think about other things instead, like the sword. What did he mean when he said his rage was inside the sword? Though she thought she understood this tale at first, the more she thought about it the more confused she became... So she sat, and pondered her questions, her hands holding her chin up and her wings stretching out a bit in thought. She said nothing, though, as that would interrupt her thinking.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"I usually have her slip something in for a little extra kick.\"\n\n*eventually the two made their way inside the milk bar. There was a couple people here and there, but his main focus was the bar tender. He slowly approached her and sat at the bar. She was a decent height, very pretty and has some curves. Definitely someone boys would stare at but get a good slap on the face.*\n\n\"Two pints...\"" }, { "author": "aefre", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"-Something softer for me. Bar's choice.\"\n\n*Everest cut Leo off there, giving a wink as he spoke to the bartender.*\n\n*When drinks were brought, he would slide the glass cup between his hands back and forth, clearly hesitant to take the first sip.*\n\n\"... I know it's bad manners to discuss someone else when we just met, but you must understand my curiosity.\"\n\n*His hand grasped the handle on the cup.*\n\n\"... Sylvester. Who is he?\"\n\n*He lifted the cup up, still clearly showing hesitance.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*once the bartender gave the men their drinks she couldn't help but stare at Leo. There was just something about him that seemed, familiar, but she couldn't put her finger on it. Leo took a sip of his milk and looks at Everest*\n\n\"He is who he said he was. A Hylian who was almost killed in a fire. He wears a mask that curses him to look the way he does. You have to understand that man has lived so many years, looking and being treated like a monster. Eventually one would give in to the fact he might be one if that continues.\"\n\n*by there he would already drink half of his milk.*\n\n\"....he's conflicted. He thinks there are monsters out there with hearts, and wills to live. Like him.\"\n\n*he looks at the bartender for a second. He knew her...but did she know him?*" }, { "author": "aefre", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Everest stares blankly for a while pondering.*\n\n*He finally takes his first swig after seeing Leo... already having drank half? This impressed Everest.*\n\n\"Y'know... I think I believe him. The part about monster having hearts, I mean. At least partially, anyway.\"\n\n*Another swig.*\n\n\"I came to this village because I had heard rumors. Not of Sylvester, but of another case.\n\nI travel the kingdom, ending those born from darkness, be it monster and hylian. I believe I am just in doing so. Those born of darkness must end in darkness. Up until yesterday I believed all monsters were just that, monsters. Driven by the will of an evil king.\"\n\n*Everest began to look tired physically.*\n\n\"But that Sylvester. Don't agree with me at all.\"" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*while he talked Leo finished his first pint. He waited until Everest was done before ordering another*\n\n\"Not all monsters are born in darkness. There are those who were created...and driven mad. I know your kind. You're a fool Everest, but an honest fool. Sometimes the world doesn't need a hero. It needs a professional.\"\n\n*Leo then slide his glass down to the bartender to get another refill*\n\n\"Also...what rumor led you here?\"" }, { "author": "aefre", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"A fool, huh.*\n\n*He chuckled, and went for another drink. He was nearly done now.*\n\n\"A fool it is then. A damn good fool.\"\n\n*He chugged what was left in his glass, sighing with a bit of relief as he placed the glass down. He waved the bartender when she came for Leo's glass, wanting a refill as well.*\n\n\"Oh, nothing to get yourself worried about. Just some camp up in Eldin. The Goron can handle themselves, but I just wanted to make sure it was taken care of. I'm a bit of a free spirit, do what I please. That sort of thing. I used to be tied to a job, but that wasn't the life for me. I left those guys an age ago.\"\n\n\"If what I have been doing is wrong, where do you think I should go now, Leo?\"" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"I honestly don't give a shit where you go now. As long as it doesn't involve endangering my daughter or getting in our way of living in peace.\"\n\n*finally. It clicked. The bartender knew Leo years ago back when \"Leo\" was alive. She slid the men their drinks. She had a stupid smirk on her face*\n\nBartender: \"Well well well. Leo Demose. Last I heard you were dead. Now you're a bit beaten up and drinking with a dashing fellow.\"\n\n*Leo smirked as she finally recognized him*\n\n\"About time. Although there is something I should tell you. Especially about my drink.\"\n\n*he sorta cover his mouth with his hand to imitate his old mask he used to wear*\n\n\"`Make sure my refill comes from the sweetest cow you have`\"\n\n*the second he finished she slaps him hard across the face*\n\nWoman: \"You were Strider?!?!\"" }, { "author": "aefre", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Everest was a bit disappointed at his answer. He was hoping for some sort of direction to be pushed in, but he did realize how much he was actually asking. Oh well.*\n\n\"I pegged you as the type to give out life advice for kicks. Guess I was wrong.\" *Clearly not a funny joke, but Everest chuckled confidently all the same.*\n\n*Everest simply watched the even unfold with curious eyes, up until the name Strider was mentioned. His eyes widened and quickened to look at Leo.*\n\n\"That Murderer from 6 or 7 months ago? That Strider?\"" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*he knew the slap was coming, but didn't expect it to hurt that much*\n\n\"Aow.. yeah. That was me. Nice to see you again Clary.\"\n\n*she was obviously pissed at him. For one he lied to her. Two they were somewhat friends before Leo's \"death\".*\n\nClary: \"But like..we..OOoooo I'm so pissed at you right now.\"\n\n*Leo raised his hand up a bit*\n\n\"I know and you have every right to be. Can we talk about this later?\"\n\n*she huffed and stormed off to handle another customer. Leo then turns his attention back to Everest*\n\n\"I apologize for not giving you any special advice. I say do what you think right, but don't be a fool about it. If you want to be the hero type then go ahead, but don't like blind you. I've dealt with people like that and it didn't end pretty.\"\n\n*he sips on his milk a bit*\n\n\"And yes I was Strider. I stopped going by that name half a year ago. But all the stories you've heard throughout the years are probably true.\"" }, { "author": "aefre", "is_bot": false, "message": "*He smiled at the sight of Leo getting slapped. Brought him some sick pleasure, for some reason.*\n\n*Everest chugs the second glass like nothing, finishing it in one fell swoop.*\n\n\"Heh, You and your group just keep getting more interesting. A murderer turned father and a hylian turned monster. What's next, the kid is ganon himself?\"\n\n*Everest bellowed with a crazed laughter. It seems the milk was finally getting to his head.*\n\n*The gaping mouth he once had in his fit transitioned back to his usual smile.*\n\n\"I'll always be the hero type. There's no stopping that. It'll be on you if it ends pretty or not.\"\n\n*He gets up from his stool and places a sum of rupees on the counter.*\n\n\"... Thank you, Leo. But I may live out my life as a fool just a bit longer. Maybe until it bites me back. Thank Sylvester too. He's got some big words in 'em.\"" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo chuckles a bit and even broke a smile. Seems the milk was about to get to him. Maybe 2 more pints*\n\n\"If she is then I've been a bad father so far. Do me a favor and go get you one of these tingle bottles. Somethings going on around here... After the kings we had six months of peace. Now this shit is happening.\"\n\n*he finished his second pint and let's out a good burp*\n\n\"Now you know where I was coming from when I told Sylvester about thr dark path of a monster and one being created.\"" }, { "author": "aefre", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Everest gave nothing but an assuring nod in response.*\n\n*The Kings, huh...*\n\n\"Well then. I'll leave you to your lady friend. Seems you both have a pressing discussion to go about.\"\n\n*He started his approach towards the exit, but stopped shortly after starting.*\n\n\"If it means much from a fool like me, I don't see the criminal I had heard so much about in you.\"\n\n*He then continued his exit, and walked out the door.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo thought about what Everest said before he left. Maybe he was right, but there's no changing the past, only the future. He then stood up and set a small sack of rupees to tip Cary.*\n\nCary: \"Nuh uh. Don't think tips are gonna make me forgive you.\"\n\n*she crossed her arms and tilted her hip, as she has a bad attitude. Leo smirked and gave her a wink*\n\n\"Maybe you'll see me again, maybe not.\"\n\n*those were the words he'd always say before he left from their, \"adult conversations\" back when he was Strider. She scoffed, but smiled secretly. Leo made his way back to the house where Selena and Kelle remained.*" }, { "author": "rocketbat", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The upstairs bedroom of the house Selena and Kelle were in remained desolate for quite some time at this point. However, that silence was broken when Sylvester crept through the open window, closing it as he made his way into the abode.*\n\n{I'm glad I remembered about this and didn't knock on the door...}\n\n*The first thing he did just after was basically collapse on the floor. He was definitely feeling tired after his recent endeavor. He still hasn't yet really received any proper medical attention since he left the sand ship, and he had stayed up all night.\n\nA quick little nap wouldn't take too long, right?*" }, { "author": "aefre", "is_bot": false, "message": "*It wasn’t long after his departure from the bar that Everest decided to head tot he market. He had tired his himself quite a fair bit from the endeavor, and was looking for refreshments in food and supplies. The milk only soothed his soul, not his body.*\n\n*A quick rummage through his pockets and he found a fair sum of rupees left over.*\n\n*With a quick, worried look through the markets, Everest decided to buy a few small supplies.*" }, { "author": "UnbelievaBoat", "is_bot": true, "message": "Aefre#0634\n\nYou have bought 1 Green Potion for 70! This is now in your inventory.\n\nUse this item with the `use` command.\n\nYou drink the green potion, and immediately regain your magic power!" }, { "author": "aefre", "is_bot": false, "message": "*In his milk induced stupor, a splurge was bound to happen. He reached in his pocket a brought out a whole handful of rupees, slamming it on the counter of this artisan’s store.*" }, { "author": "UnbelievaBoat", "is_bot": true, "message": "Aefre#0634\n\nYou have bought 1 Clawshot for 200! This is now in your inventory.\n\nUse this item with the `use` command." }, { "author": "aefre", "is_bot": false, "message": "*With a wide grin he took his new tool, and immediately fired the clawshot up into the air.*\n\n*…*\n\n*After nearly hitting a passerby and a profuse apology, Everest hooked the clawshot to his belt, letting it dangle at his side.*" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Kelle was stuck with babysitting again. Man, was it boring as heck when the kid didn't have anything to say. The one good thing about her was probably that she didn't make useless conversation, though, so xey figured it was probably for the best she wasn't forcing a ramble. The silence seemed to further benefit xem when the closing of a window caught xyr ear. Kelle wasn't sure if the kid had heard it, since it was quiet, but didn't care to trouble her. Xey stood up and walked stealthily behind where she was sitting, hoping to go investigate the noise. Kelle already had xyr sword on xem, luckily, so there wasn't much time wasted there.*\n\n*Kelle kept as silent as possible, disinterested in letting a possible intruder know xey were investigating. There was a good chance that Selena—absorbed in thought—would fail to notice also. Step by step, xer rose until they found the top and the room xey were certain housed the intruder. The door was closed, so Kelle grabbed the handle, turned it as slowly as possible, and then swiped it open, drawing xyr sword right after.*\n\n*Looking upon the Lizalfos, Kelle was mostly confused. Xey stood in place, looking down at it as it lay there.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*not too long after, Leo walked back inside to see only Selena. He paused for a second and kneeled down*\n\n\"Hey...where'd that stranger go?\"\n\n*he had an idea where they were at, so he kept his hand close to one of his kunai*" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Selena looks up a bit at Leo's question. Truth be told, she had noticed Kelle leave, but didn't think much of where xey were going. She was too busy in her own thoughts, after all.*\n\n\"Uhm... Kelle? Further inside, I think... why do you-\"\n\n*It's only now that it registers to Selena what could be happening.*\n\n\"...Oh no.\"" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Him and Selena might've had the same idea. With his sheikah skill and the sheikah statue, he crept through the house unheard by anyone and anything. He had his blade close as he approached Kelle from behind*\n\n\"I hope you don't intend on hurting our companion?\"" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Once Selena is sure she would not interrupt Leo's sneakiness, she follows Leo up to Kelle. She doesn't say a word - yet - but she's there for the confrontation, at least.*" } ]
[ { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Maybe until I find someone who is obviously good and I can bear to be around. There's been a lot of insufferable figures I've met. Maybe some of them were good but. . \" *Kelle huffed,* \"None of you are rude or murderers. I don't think I want to be out travelling and searching right now. It works.\"\n\n*Kelle cocked xyr head a bit at Leo claiming to be able to teach xem some new things. It seemed entirely unlikely to xem in multiple regards. Perhaps Leo was just seeing xyr youth and making assumptions.*\n\n\"I think you'll find I know a lot about how to survive already. I was raised in the barren mountains of Hebra and have had to be tough from a young age. That's what the scars are from on my arm.\"\n\n*Kelle tried to study Leo's face for surprise or arrogance.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*there was in fact no surprise expression on Leo's face. He just simply nodded seeing this young one talk about their skills and scars, in which Leo did not ask for*\n\n\"Wow I see. I don't want to come off as rude but I don't like it when someone mentions their scars, unless it was from a good fight. I also don't care how you were raised as pretty much everyone here that doesn't live at the castle had a rough life growing up. I can also show and tell you the number of all the scars on my body, but I'm not going to. Because I haven't even told Selena yet, and it's none of your business.\"\n\n*he then leaned forward, making direct eye contact with them. He seemed very serious now*\n\n\"I could be the one that you're looking for, but I need to know how this would benefit me.\"" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"I wasn't asking for that,\" *Kelle retorted, frustrated by the way that xyr words had been taken.* \"It was meant for. . \" *Showing him that xey weren't weak was the worst answer but popped into xyr and distracted xem. It took a lot longer to come up with the words.* \". .you seemed to be underestimating how much I know.\"\n\n*Kelle shifted xyr eyes our of direct eye contact, made extremely uncomfortable by it and that only made xem moodier. Maybe xey were going to have a bad time with Leo, Kelle considered. Leo didn't understand xem as well as xey'd hoped and it was starting to show.*\n\n*Hesitantly, Kelle tried to come up with an answer for why xey should be kept around, even though xey had uncertainty in staying.*\n\n\"Obviously the kid needs someone to look out for them while you're out and doing stupid things. That lizard is much too. . timid,\" *Kelle started with.* \"Yyou don't seem to have anyone who can work with the wind except for me.\"" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"**Selena** is fine. She's old enough to take care of herself while I'm out completely bounties. Sylvester is also fine. He's just a bit on the edge right now. Are you frustrated? Do my words anger you?\"\n\n*he then stood up and crossed his arms*\n\n\"And you think I **need** you?\"" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Kelle wanted to stab Leo. There was no hiding the wave of anger that washed over xyr face. It was the best that xey could do to sit, left hand clenched and stare off into a space that didn't have Leo in it. Kelle considered this an act of kindness to Leo, but wasn't sure how long that xey could go without at least trying to hurt the guy.*\n\n\"I hate the ||fuck||ing way that you hear my words with some stupid lack of literalness to your understanding,\" *Kelle hissed,* \"I never ||fuck||ing said 'need', don't alter my words. I don't know what kind of stupid thing you find beneficial because you haven't said a ||fuck||ing thing.\"\n\n*It wasn't entirely intended, but an implication of those words was the indication of a coming threat of not being on Leo's side. Kelle was not petty enough to devote xemself to that, but Leo seemed not to be a good judge of xyr character. There was a good chance that this self restraint would still be percieved as a threat.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo stares at them as they finally blew up at him. He took everything they said in and exhales deeply*\n\n\"That's what I was waiting for. I lit the fuse and you blew up, instead of remaining calm you lashed out. Everything you said was true yes, but I don't know if I can work with someone who can't control their temper.\"\n\n*was this a test? Was Leo just making this up? Or was he using the same methods as his old sensei used on him? Either way if Leo wanted to take Kelle in, he would have a lot of work to do.*\n\n\"If I was to let you tag along then I would not only need your loyalty but your trust as well. I can't have a untrustworthy stranger being around my daughter. Syl will be fine though.\"" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"If you call this lashing out—sitting here in this chair expressing my-my thoughts to you—you have some ||fuck||ing stupid definition,\" *Kelle retorted.* \"You know what I really wanted to do, though?\"\n\n*Kelle grabbed their shortword, glanced at Leo and tossed it across the room behind xem, knowing that it was going to be a issue if they got any more enraged by Leo, which was entirely likely with the way that things were going. Kelle still refused to look his way, to keep xyr anger from spiking again. Kelle's mouth was still slightly open, teeth bared, but didn't have the patrience to say anything else at the moment. Xey imagined that Leo would just come up with something more insufferable to say.*\n\n*Kelle tried to keep xyr energy in check by digging xyr toes into the soles of xyr boots. Anything to distract xem from how unreasonably terrible Leo was being was something that helped.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo watched them throw their shortsword across the room, making it seem like a kid throwing a tantrum fo him. He sighs and walks over to the blade and picks it up. He then opens the door and stands there.*\n\n\"Outside. Let's go..\"\n\n*he then walks outside with Kelles blade. If they wanted it back, they would have to follow him*" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Kelle refused to go outside, expecting a fight or the door to be shut behind xem. Xey shut their eyes and ran xyr hand through xyr hair a few times. How far from xyr comfort zone were they willing to stray to put up with this guy? The hostility from Leo had come out of nowhere and xey weren't sure if xey could put up with any more. If xey got any angier there was a good possibility xey'd throw up.*\n\n\"Not unless you ||fuck||ing tell me what your intent is,\" *Kelle hissed.*\n\n*Kelle very much wanted xyr blade back, but doubted its use in the current moment. Leo seemed to be treating it like a leash like Kelle was some rabid dog.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo saw how this was affecting Kelle and lowered the act a bit. He slowly walks to them and handed their blade back*\n\n\"Just follow me.\"\n\n*the serious tone was gone. He resulted to a much more calm tone, sorta like a parent speaking to their scared kid*" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Answer my question,\" *Kelle responded,* \"What can be done out there that you can't talk to me about in here? I'm a ||fuck||ing adult. I deserve honesty.\"\n\n*Kelle let the sword drop next to xem instead of picking it up and sheathing it. It was going to be an excuse to hurt Leo, even if xey knew better. Xyr eyes did stick to the blade, however. Anything was better than Leo's face.*\n\n\"I'm still putting up with this ||shit|| so I don't ruin the only ||fuck||ing lead I've had.\"" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"I was simply going to buy you some potions to heal you. I want to see what you're made of for a bit so calm down before I have to kick you out.\"\n\n*still, his voice was calm and less serious. This time he just wanted to be reasonable but their temper was still a little issue.*\n\n\"No more games, no more \"tests\". I'm dropping all that and simply want to see your skill.\"" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"So that was a ||fuck||ing game to you?\" *Kelle asked,* \"Did you enjoy seing me get upset? Or was that to make sure I had feelings like everyone ||fucki||ing else? You better start being upfront to me from now on or I might actually cave and try to stab you.\"\n\n*Kelle stood up, leaving the short sword where it was.* \"If you're looking for that, it's the wrong day. I don't know if you're under the delusion that a potion's going to fix up my arm. And I don't pick fights I know I'll lose.\"\n\n*Kelle was trying to calm down but it was hard when every word out of Leo's mouth was one that xey hated hearing.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"It was not a game. I was seeing if you was fit to be mentored by me. Which it seems you are not!\"\n\n*he went back fo his serious tone and uncrossed his arms*\n\n\"I don't want to actually **fight** you. But if you try and stab me then I'm going to have to break my promise and protect myself and my daughter.\"\n\n*he didn't want this conversation to end up like this, but did*" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"On the basis of what have you decided that?\" *Kelle replied, holding in much more xey had to say. Xey felt like Leo had verbally assaulted xem and expected xem not to say anything.*\n\n\"You're terrible at listening to what I'm actually saying.\" *Kelle responded.*\n\n*They were trying to switch to a different form of talking that was more defensive than angry, but it was a hard change to make when Leo still wanted to focus on Kelle's 'fighting words'. Or at least that's what xey percieved Leo as observing xyr words as.*" }, { "author": "rocketbat", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"What in the name of the goddess is going on out here?\" *Called a voice from the entrance of the house.*\n\n*If either of them actually glanced over towards the front door, they'd see Sylvester, poking his head out through the doorway.*\n\n\"Y'all are causing such a ruckus out there... I've been trying to get some sleep.\"" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*as Leo opened his mouth to say something to kelle he was quickly interrupted by the angry lizard. He looks up at where the door was and sees Syls head poking out. He raised his hand up in a \"sorry\" way and looks back at Kelle to sigh.*\n\n\"...Look. Clearly we got off on the wrong foot and I-....apologize..if I upset you.\"\n\n*Leo was still getting the hang of apologizing to people as well.*" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*It was noon and the lizard was sleeping? Kelle was too preoccupied to actually care about Sylvester's feelings (or even consider them, for that matter). Kelle gave a slight glance over to the lizard, then back to where xyr eyes had been residing through the conversation.*\n\n\"If you don't want to die, I suggest you get back inside,\" *Kelle responded, much too matter-of-fact. Only after a moment did it occur that xey might have needed to be a bit more clear.* \"People will see you and panic.\"\n\n*Kelle guided xyr eyes back toward Leo, just for a moment to let him know he was being talked to.*\n\n\"Just tell me what the hell you want from me. I don't want half answers.\"" }, { "author": "rocketbat", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Sylvester took in a deep breath as he contemplated Kelle's words. As much as he wanted to continue watching, xey had a point. He closed the door so that nobody could see that there was a lizalfos inside, but he then opened the peephole so that he could still see out. His claw was still on the door's handle so that he could open it at a moment's notice.*" } ]
[ { "author": "mspaintnecoart", "is_bot": false, "message": "*As Nabasa washed herself, forced to watch as the blood stained the water, her stomach turned and twisted and she had to actively try not to vomit. She hadn't had to do this since she had left...*\n\n*She continued washing, going through multiple buckets of water before being fully cleaned. She turned to the doctor, sighing.* \"I can go refill these if you like. Where's the water source?\"" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*the doc poked his head up from his medical table and points at the back door*\n\nDoc: \"There's a pump by the door, but you don't need to do that miss. Also I advise that you rest here for a few days before venturing back out.\"\n\n*he said to Waahid. He even set a pair of wooden crunches in case he decided to move around the room. Meanwhile Keegan sat across from Waahid and just stared at him for a bit, trying to piece together why he looks so familiar*\n\n\"Hmmm....\"" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Waahid glanced a little distastefully at the crutches, knowing what a pain they were going to be to work with. Hopefully that wasn’t the doctor’s long term solution for mobility. It wasn’t that hard to tell that as he was a traveler and needed to be more mobile than what the crutches could give him. Even if they’d been the ones that he grabbed onto with his hands and hung around his upper arm, they’d be better than the stupid medical ones. Waahid put a hand through his hair and sighed, knowing that contesting what help was available was probably going to hurt instead of help. He’d keep his negative thoughts in his head.*\n\n*Waahid lifted their eyes from themself to see the young man staring at them. It was more than a little unnerving. Was the man trying to compare the to a wanted poster he’d seen? Was he looking at the mask? Whatever it was, Keegan was making him a bit uncomfortable, so he turned away and picked up the crutches in his hands which were, as expected, too short for a Twili like him.*\n\n“||It’s only temporary||,” *he muttered in Twili, before mustering you the courage to ask:* “When the wounds not as fresh, where are people I could go to for a… replacement limb?” *He realized he had no idea what the word was in Hylian.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The doctor casually points out the window towards the center of the village while still looking down at his medical work*\n\nDoc: \"Usually the blacksmith would make or repair travelers prosthetic. Isn't cheap, and you might need to bring him materials or else you'll get a cheap wooden one.\"\n\n*While the convo when on Keegan continued to try and piece together why Waahid looks so familiar*\n\n{Are they related? Nahhh, they never mentioned any relatives. Still though...}\n\n*He then realized he's been staring and quickly shook his head, a bit embarrassed*\n\n\"S-sorry. You just remind me of another Twili I know. For a second I thought you were them, but after looking closer I realized you wasn't . Do all Twili's look similar?\"" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Not really the answer they wanted to hear, but they weren’t quite sure what they were actually expecting out of the doctor. Was it unfair to expect there to be some kind of medical collaboration for…whatever it was that the doctor had said? Waahid wasn’t confident in their ability to repeat the word. He slipped a hand into a pouch and pulled out a rather small book and pencil, quickly noting the extra steps he was going to have to take to get such a thing. As if he had feet to spare…*\n\n*Waahid’s eyes wandered back slowly to Keegan. He wasn’t sure what the man was getting at yet—the posters or something else—so he was hesitant to reply, especially in front of the doctor.*\n\n“I don’t know,” *Waahid said.*" }, { "author": "tenortoddler", "is_bot": false, "message": "*After a few hours of riding, Ashi finally made it to Kakariko Village. She had only been there a few times compared to the amount of time they had been to Gerudo Town or Rito Village. Regardless, it was better to get some sleep before her and Hilda continued their journey.* {Besides, maybe some sleep will help me decide if I go back to Hyrule Castle Town and actually apply for a guards position...} *With a small chuckle, she half-smiled and shook her head as she continued riding through the village to the inn before hopping off the horse.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Keegan sorta looks down after not getting the answer he was looking for. He then exhales and got up from his seat and walked out the door to get some fresh air. Once he made it out the door he took his greatsword off his back and leaned it on the wall next to him, so he could lean back as well*\n\n\"Pssshhhhh....wooooo I'm definitely getting stronger..\"\n\n*he says sarcastically to himself*" }, { "author": "mspaintnecoart", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Nabasa herself sat down, pulling up a chair next to Waahid, but not too close.*\n\n\"I'm really sorry things happened the way that they did. Really...\" *She began with a huff, placing her eyes in the palm of her hands.* \"Please let me know of absolutely anything I can do for you.\"" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Waahid was a little weirded out that she seemed to be more upset about this than him. Maybe all of his unreleased emotions would find their way to his head later, since he was still dazed. Anyway, the result was that they ended up giving her an awkward pat on the shoulder, saying,* “You probably kept me from dying, so…don’t feel too bad.”\n\n*But Waahid wasn’t going to pass up help for the sake of being polite, and added on,* “If…you have money to give for helping me with a leg, that would be good. I am not very rich.” *It came out a little more bluntly than he would have said in his own language.*" }, { "author": "tenortoddler", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Looking around and smiling at the quaint village, she brought Hilda to the stable before heading into the inn, ready to get some well-needed rest. It was definitely time for sleep, and maybe it would help her make some decisions.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*As Keegan stood outside he started to clear his mind a bit. He still needed to find a way to get stronger, and at this point it needed to be a way without a mentor.*\n\n\"Hmm...I could stick with Nabasa and train until we find the wolfos. But there's also the army.. Am I old enough? Hmm.\"\n\n*he groaned and pushed off the wall and grabbed his blade. After putting the strap back on he walks back inside to check up on Waahid and Nabasa*" } ]
[ { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Thirty-seven? Waahid held set the inside of their hand against their lips as they pondered the low sum. Whatever. Fine, it was fair work. Maybe this guy would feel like he owed them. Waahid, in all honesty, was just looking for reasons to convince themself to do something that they had already thought they should do. Maybe so it looked like they didn't care all that much. So they didn't look weak, or something like that.*\n\n\"I'll wipe it off and sew it up,\" *they said.* \"For that amount.\"\n\n*Waahid had an easier time hiding the sweat on their face with the help of the mask they wore, but there was an uneasiness in their posture. Potentially from the combination of the continuous sickening pain from their leg, but also just looking at the guy's wound. The quicker they dealt with this the better.*\n\n\"Shouldn't...need more than that,\" *they huffed.*" }, { "author": "Deleted", "is_bot": false, "message": "**Daigo would walk over towards Waahid but not before grabbing the nearest chair he could find and seating himself next too Waahid with his injured arm facing Waahid. He would put his wallet in his the hand attached to his uninjured arm.**\n\n\"I'm a bit squeamish so be gentle please .\"" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Uhuh. .” *they muttered, rubbing one of their eyes through the mask.*\n\n*Waahid tried to set up all of the supplies so they weren’t fumbling around and getting all of the supplies dirty. They managed to find the type of ointments and cleaners the doctor had used to treat their own wound and applied it to Daigo’s. Unlike the doctor, however, they pulled out some numbing ointment—something they’d gathered in their travels to deal with the hot scars that plagues their face and lower leg—and applied it to the surface of the skin they’d be messing with. It was a lot less horrific to look at the arm after that, but still, they tried to make quick work of it. They restrained Daigo’s arm tightly between their right arm and left leg as they wove the string and shut the wound. It wasn’t half bad. At worst, the stitch work was uneven, but still highly effective. They’d probably done this before many times.*\n\n*They set the materials aside in a tray once they were done, wiping it with a once-white towel and leaned back, sweating quite profusely. Despite this, they refused to take off their mask. Instead, they fumbled for their water, leaning their head to the left to drink it, so there was no risk of them spilling. A dazed look shone in their eyes—though it was sort of hard to tell where exactly they were looking—as they set the flask down at their side.*\n\n“I forgot how terrible that was,” *they managed, before they touched their throat and winced at an acidic feeling.* “Next time, don’t get hurt when the doctor is out.”" }, { "author": "Deleted", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Well it's a bit difficult given my line of work ... I got hurt a lot, but I always manage to make it work. I mean it hasn't failed yet but if it does well then I wouldn't be here.\"\n\n**Daigo laughs at his own joke, before resuming normal conversation.**\n\n\"What about you? What's your story?\"" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Oh, uh, I dunno actually\" *Silvest said with a sheepish chuckle. He changed the blade into a wide shield next.* \"I've always been able to do it though.\"\n\n*He took another bite, but this time almost choked as Keegan withdrew his blade. He pounded his chest and with much coughing regained the ability to speak.*\n\n\"T-That's your weapon?! How do you even swing that thing? Let alone hold it?\" *Silvest said in awe.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Years of practice! And knowing which muscles in your body to use.\"\n\n*he began to point in specific parts of his arm and back as he held it. Afterwards he sheathed his blade and stretched his arm*\n\n\"At one point I wanted to learn how to use other weapons. So that if I'm in a sticky situation I wouldn't be the odd one out.\"" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"You should learn how to fix yourself up,\" *Waahid told him.* \"Saves you money and from risk of dying with the supplies you need on you.\"\n\n*Waahid rested his head against the wall that the bed sat up against, trying not to look too dazed, or at least any more than they had before. The nausea that they'd felt from dealing with all things medical and the pain of their leg in the postion they'd had it was fading, now that they were no longer fixing up Daigo's leg.*\n\n*Waahid's face of discomfort became more stern for a moment as they were asked about their story. That question had always sort of bothered them, but it did so even more that they had things to hide. Waahid tried not to hesitate to much in their reply.*\n\n\"What exactly do you mean? Why I'm here? Or...?\"" }, { "author": "Deleted", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Yeah, how you got here and all that ... I like listening to other people's stories. It helps makes traveling on the road a little bit easier you know?\"\n\n*Daigo would move his wallet towards Waahid and began shaking it.*\n\n\"Your payment?\"" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Oh. I just got.. .uh. . broken leg,\" *Waahid said.* \"Nothing you'd want to see and not all that interesting of a story. Slipped on some rocks.\"\n\n*Waahid wasn't really sure why they were lying at first. They'd slowly surpassed the point were they were immediately concerned about being recognized or taken advantage of. Then they realized that it was probably that same discomfort with being pitied and assumed less of just because they'd gone through something so intense. Waahid looked down at their leg to check and make sure that the blanket was still pulled taught over their right side.*\n\n*They hadn't forgotten about the payment, but had been willing to let Daigo assume they did. They only took about half of the sum—18 rupees—but made no mention of doing so. There was no benefit in drawing attention to good deeds like that.*" }, { "author": "Deleted", "is_bot": false, "message": "**Daigo would place his bag of money back into his pocket and began rolling down his shirt-sleeve to cover the injured arm that had just been stitched up.**\n\n\"Well if you ever need monster-hunting service, please remember your's truly! I just happen to have the reputation of being the best monster hunter around, all the competition are of course dead.\"" } ]
[ { "author": ".drstone.", "is_bot": false, "message": "A. *Alloces Wisteria the tiny child ridden with poverty hardships sat on his bed and he began to get ready for his shop. He grabbed his open sign and pasted it on the pretty banged up scrap door. He had found it in a dumpster and had since used it. The shop wasn’t the cleanest and most of the food and stuff he sold he took from the trash secretly. A little elbow grease made some things look new looking as the fruit, veggies, and bread were the ones that were tossed after a day of being in the shop.\n\nAlloces sit and waits for any customer. Though based on the state of the store and the lack of cleanliness, it probably wasn’t too popular and it was run by a child. After realizing he should go he left. He did have a money box and his store sometimes ran on the honor system when he wasn’t attending. He exits out of his shop and onto the path to the city.\n\nAllcoes the merchant made his way around the city getting supplies and all that. He decided maybe he could do a contract sort thing with the ravens. He made his way here and he would notice someone. He wasn’t paying attention where he was going and smashed into someone\n\nHe needed new shoes due to having no shoes at all. His feet were super dirty and hardened due to the tough environment. He would enter the shop. He probably didn’t even have enough for shoes yet when a single shoe. Maybe the store owner would take pity on the poor child.*" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*But, the next person who walked through the door was neither their family, nor anyone who seemed like they could afford to purchase shoes. The person looked like a small, lost child, or perhaps one that was faking that in order to get by. Yes, when things couldn't feel more frustrating, of course Hylia had to throw in a child to remind them that it could be a lot worse.*\n\n*Waahid gently rested their face up against their hand, watching the child walk through. They were further in the back, mending some shoes for a customer that came in a half-hour back. The owner of the shop, the older Sheikah woman, would have been the one to patrol the shop. Even if Waahid was willing to sell their work again for free, they doubted that the owner would let them. Waahid couldn't see it that happening except if she had some soft spot for small, helpless children. They didn't know how likely that was when she actively sought to murder job applicants. Unless that had been a unique instance, rather than a test she put everyone through. Waahid sighed and looked back down to the shoe, waiting to see how the owner would react.*\n\n\"Don't come in here with that little face kiddo, I've seen plenty like it!\" *the lady announced, in a semi-shrill voice, approaching the kid.* \"Get!\"" }, { "author": ".drstone.", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Alloces stepped into the shop which it felt much cooler than outside. His dirty feet while didn’t smear mud around wasn’t really nice to look at. One could maybe contract a disease from treading where he walked. The small child sees the shoes on display and he showered great interest to the shoes. They smelled good too, like the smell of fresh leather. He seemed rather happy over the scent. He wandered through the little like cubicles and boxes of nice shoes on display.\n\nAlloces’s pure and happy thoughts were soon interrupted by a voice that sounded like a scream. Looking up confused he immediately began to tear up thinking he was in trouble. Tears could be seen as a little mechanism to get what he wanted. *\n\n“But I don’t do anything!” *The child starts crying in the middle of the store. * “and I have money!” *He proclaimed taking out some little change of rupees." }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The shopkeeper gave the kid a sour look, then a glance to Waahid.*\n\n\"Tailored costs extra. When you find a pair you want, you go the tall folk in the back and pay. If you don't, I'll know and I'll hunt you down, kid,\" *she told him.* \"I got other, better nonsense to be doin'.\"\n\n*She then started off towards the back.*\n\n*Waahid watched her walk off—though it was somewhat hard to tell with the way that their eyes looked—then gave a quick glance to the kid. If he managed to get some shoes and get out, Waahid wasn't really confident that they could catch up to him, but they didn't doubt that the shopkeeper's threat was real. She was nimble, to say the least.*\n\n*Awkwardly, a piece of hair slipped into their face, so they had to take it all down and tie it back up again. At least it was a god excuse to look away from the kid. There was a rather tense climate left behind by their boss.*" }, { "author": ".drstone.", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Alloces heard the tailoring was expensive. He had no idea what that meant*. “I’m like five, I don’t know how much that is.” *he said getting his age wrong. He would look for some smaller pair of shoes. He found the perfect pair which he put his dirty feet in to test the side. It fit perfectly and he takes it off. The inside of the shoes somewhat dirtied by feet, he brings it over handing the ruppee. He did not have even half of the amount needed. His hair was dirty and it seemed he was homeless and shoeless for a while. Would Wahid have a kind heart and take some rupee from the money storage to aid the child in a much needed pair of shoes?*" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Honestly? Waahid had expected that the kid wouldn't have enough and Waahid was slightly weirded out that their boss hadn't counted every rupee that the kid had to make sure it was enough. Now, they were in the awkward position of having to decide whether to accept or object to this kid trying to get the shoes for something over 60% off.*\n\n\"There's a clothes drive, you know. The temple has extra clothes for kids and adults alike. If you went there...\"\n\n*Waahid wasn't really in the mood to reject the kid. The shoes were probably disgusting with the kid's feet inside them and they were not keen on being the one to clean them out. If it came to it, Waahid would cover the rest of the cost so it at least wouldn't be suspiscious. They'd probably get their money back from the purchase anyway.*\n\n\"But if you have to have it...\" *Waahid fumbled around for the 13 rupees that the kid was missing.* \"Just know that you're hurting my livelihood by making me do this for you.\"\n\n*Waahid would have been facing the kid sideways, still at the worktable. They were sat in a wheelchair with one elbow rested on it.*" }, { "author": ".drstone.", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Alloces would not have enough at all. He glanced at her as he was sure he had enough money for everything. Did he not? He smiled softly and he nodded.*\n\n“Clothes drive?” *The tiny child asked wondering if they’d give him some clean shoes. He stood there hoping he could get the shoes at least. He sees the money be taken out and his eyes lit up. He nodded his head taking the shoes and putting it on*. “Thank you!” *The child said happily. He gives her a kiss on the cheek as a thanks! Though the child did have lots of dirt and grime on his face! *" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Waahid was not too keen on the physical contact with his face. To make it worse, it was dangerously close to their scar. But they put up with it. It was basically harmless and there was really no need to be mean to a child who was probably also an orphan.*\n\n\"You uh. . get in the habit of asking consent for that, alright kid?\" *Waahid replied, pulling back and messing with the back of their neck uncomfortably.* \"Not everyone is going to want your face up in theirs.\"\n\n*Waahid set all of the rupees in the storage then stretched out their arms. Their mouth tugged a bit to one side as they ponded the paler heat-scars that remained. The twili was rather glad for an occupation that didn't make them risk life and limb to get by.*" }, { "author": ".drstone.", "is_bot": false, "message": "A. *Alloces backed after after the kiss. He thought he had seen other greet and say good he with a kiss so he was just doing that. He soon heard he needed to ask for consent and he gives a small nod. * “Okay.” *He gives a nod as he’d back away further. he grabbed a little blue rock he had and set it on there. * “It’s to thank you for.” He said smiling." }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"I really have no need for that. You should hold onto it for...bartering purposes,\" *Waahid replied.*\n\n*They weren't entirely sure why this kid was sticking around. Did he expect to get food and water next? That was much too far and Waahid would have instantly turned him down. They were too caught up caring for themself to look after some kid. There was most definitely someone else out there for him.*\n\n\"Look, uhm..if you want to get out without getting another scolding, now's your chance. \"" }, { "author": ".drstone.", "is_bot": false, "message": "*alloces nodded his head and he takes it back happily. He sees her and he smiled nodding his head. * “Okay bye bye!” Hre said and he flew before he could get scolded westing his brand new shoes." } ]
[ { "author": "grenalix", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Ebas quietly sighed in relief when he saw the entrance to Kakriko village. His bad leg had become sore from the exertion and he hoped to rest at an inn... or maybe just a public bench, given his financial state.*\n\n*At first glance, Kakariko didn't look all too different from when he had been there all those years ago, but the longer he looked, the more he realized all of the small changes which had happened with the passing of time. What had once been an armour shop has since been made into a villagers residence, and in the back he noted that the potion's shop looked more put together and cared for than it had back then.*\n\n*He gave Salina a gentle pat, before taking the blanket off of her back and wrapping it around the rope. Then he slung the now cushioned part of the rope around her neck and fastened a loose knot around a nearby hitching post, before taking off into the village. His leg hurt with every step and he tried his best at concealing the limp he was developing.*\n\n*The road took him deeper into the settlement and he stopped in front of a cobblers shop, contemplating.*\n\n{Shoes, or a bed?}\n\n*Taking out his bag of rupees defeatedly, he approached the door, before pushing it open and stepping in.*\n\n\"Hello?\"" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Despite the fact that the door had no bell for making noise, Waahid was conscious as soon as they heard the wooden door open. The wood sliding against wood left for a more than slightly disturbing exit to their dream, which had already been weirder than the normal sort. They were glad it was indeed just a dream.*\n\n*Their waking act almost sent them off the table that they’d been resting against, but a hand was quick to grab at the table and pull their chair forwards again. Since they had not expected to fall asleep, the locking mechanism had never been turned on. Waahid sighed, pulling their hands up to look at them before they realized they had a customer. They muttered quietly some curses in Twili, before trying to at least fix their hair and turn toward the person. With how late it was, they doubted the old shopkeeper would be maybe trying to relax, even if she has her ear pinned to one wall at all times to see if there was trouble.*\n\n*Waahid ran a hand down the left side of their face before finally giving the guy a reply, in Hylian,* “Yes?”" }, { "author": "grenalix", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Ebas eyed the Twili he seemingly had just woken up warily. He hadn't really expected to find anyone but Sheikah in the village, but it seemed things had changed quite a bit more than he had thought... or maybe he just hadn't paid enough attention.*\n\n*Gripping his bag tighter he took another careful step forward, before trying his best to stand up straight without putting too much weight on his bad leg. No need to give away too much to a stranger.*\n\n\"Good evening. I hope I'm not too late? I'm looking for the cobbler,\" *he said, smiling apologetically at them. Losing track of time in such a manner was not quite like him, but perhaps the events of the past days were finally getting to him.*\n\n\"Well, if he's still awake, that is,\" he added." }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Was that some kind of joke? Or was this person just really stupid and thought that they couldn’t have possibly been the cobbler? Waahid couldn’t immediately tell. Instead, they cut straight to the chase.*\n\n“What are you here for?” *Waahid asked, hoping it was pre-made shoes.*\n\n*Their hands were still aching from the boot that they had been in the middle of working on. Waahid was glad to procrastinate work on that, even if it meant talking to people in their unfavorable Hylian tongue. However, they felt no need to try and approach the man. Their hands were already strained, no need to apply them further.*\n\n“Beside just ‘shoe.’”" }, { "author": "grenalix", "is_bot": false, "message": "{Irritating.}\n\n{Well then. Here goes nothing.}\n\n*He cleared his throat awkwardly. Clearly, there was some hostility in the air; Ebas chalked it up to the late hours. Really, what was he here for? Beside just 'shoe', as they had stated. Joked? Had it been a joke? He couldn't exactly tell.*\n\n\"I am in need of a new pair of insoles. I'm afraid my current ones have worn out...\" *He tried at a smile again.* \"If that is something you... guys do.\" *Gesturing vaguely with his hands he looked around the room for some clues or guidance that he wasn't making a complete and utter fool of himself.*\n\n*Thirty-two, he reminded himself. Too old to be nervous when talking to... people. The other did seem significantly younger than him as well. Absentmindedly, he shifted some more weight onto his good leg. Really, couldn't the twili get up? Wasn't that the polite thing to do? Too used to the strictness of the royal guard, he reminded himself. Casuality is acceptable outside of private walls, he reminded himself.*" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Yes, that is done here,” *Waahid replied.* “Among other things.”\n\n*They gestured to a piece of parchment by the entrance that had the service costs. This particular one—insole replacement— was about half the price of buying a pair of shoes, so something around 10 rupees. Waahid would get about 4 rupees out of that. It felt like too little sometimes, but shoes were meant to be affordable and Waahid’s cut was probably a good deal, looking back to the circumstances of his hiring.*\n\n“If there’s none in your size, you’re going to wait a day. I have other things to do that are paying more for people who came in before you,” *Waahid said, pointing at the boots he was working on.*\n\n*Waahid actually had very little opinion of this person. Compared to everyone else, he was relative agreeable and straightforward. However, Waahid’s bluntness, honesty, and overall jaded existence might have been working to put together a different impression altogether.*" }, { "author": "grenalix", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Yes, thank you,\" *he muttered as he was directed to the piece of parchment.*\n\n*Stepping closer to it he began deciphering the words. Twenty-one... thirty? Was that for a pair of shoes, or...? He chuckled awkwardly as he saw the letters shift and morph in front of his eyes. Curse his brain. A child could read better than this!*\n\n\"One moment, I'm afraid my eyes... are...\" *he trailed off undecidedly.*\n\n{Just say something, you're embarrassing yourself.}\n\n*Ebas swallowed thickly and plastered another strained smile onto his face as he turned back to the Twili.*\n\n\"Just a pair of twenty-four centimetrar longs, please,\" *he told them. Internally, he prayed the shop offered his size.*" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Waahid tried to glance back to the storage of insoles and see if they had done any of that size. It had only been a few weeks, so chances were slim. Most of his effort had been making shoes, not insoles. No surprise, he saw only the insole that he’d been taught to make by his boss, which was his own size, a lot larger than 24 cm.*\n\n“You’re unlucky,” *Waahid replied.* “I am going to have to make new ones.”\n\n*He fumbled around for some measuring instruments and lifted them up to be seen. They seemed relatively heavy, and that wasn’t even considering the fact that he had to also work with a notebook to jot things down.*\n\n“Come over here for measurements? It’s a pain to carry everything over there.”" }, { "author": "grenalix", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Of course,\" *he nodded. The least he could do for keeping someone up at such an hour was be as accomodating as possible.*\n\n*He'd crossed the shop in just a few steps, and the closer he got the bigger the other seemed to get, despite his sitting position. Ebas placed his bag in front of the desk before walking around it to wait for more instructions when he was caught off guard by only one whole leg instead of two. His brain immediately began picking apart the details of it, where any discomfort might stem from and possible treatment that might be needed in the future. He looked back up at them hurriedly when he realized his zoned out state could be interpreted as staring, but decided not to comment on it.*\n\n\"What... well, what measurements does your superior need? I know some of my sizes, if that's of any help?\"" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Foot width, ar…arch height, and for the shoes I’m supposed to be putting this in.”\n\n*Waahid messed around with their fingers, trying to remember everything applicable. Honestly, they wished this guy had instead come in for new shoes. There was probably a pair for him in here; Waahid wouldn’t have had to pile on more work to get paid. They said nothing, though; they weren’t paid for opinions. It was kind of frustrating that to be “professional,”they had to put themselves second. They had to stifle the anxieties that they had with every customer potentially posing them trouble. He just hoped none of them lived in or near Lurelin or Ordon.*\n\n“Do you have any of that?” *they asked.*\n\n*Waahid wasn’t nearby the bench that they used to measure feet. He probably was going to have to maneuver himself onto the ground to get this guy’s measurements. Waahid braced himself for the complications of that.*" }, { "author": "grenalix", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Ebas tried to keep his surprise at bay when they said that they'd be putting the insoles in, instead racking his brain for the measurements he had been given some time ago.*\n\n\"The point of my insoles is to make the arch of my foot bigger, er, it's not high enough right now. I'm at about two centimetrars, whereas I should have double the height. And they'll just go into the shoes I'm wearing right now.\"\n\n*He hoped he wouldn't have to explain too much; getting into the details of his injury had certainly not been on his to-do list for that day. Then again, the other didn't seem all too interested in conversation, so perhaps he would get away with a mildly awkward ordeal after all.*" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Waahid knew what insoles were and how they worked He wasn't stupid or inadequate. His wording was just...less than graceful, since he wasn't very fond of the Hylian language. When Waahid said that he needed to see the shoes they were putting this in, they meant that he needed to make sure that the insole wouldn't slip around in the shoes that he was wearing. He tried to compose his face when he thought he was being talked down to. There was no point. He doubted that he was going to be seeing this person outside of a business interaction. Waahid dipped his pen in ink and started with a few notes, in twili, so Ebas probably couldn't have read them.*\n\n\"Alright. I can have your feet, then your shoes,\" *Waahid requested.*\n\n*Waahid pulled out a small, cloth tape measure that they wrapped around their finger as they waited. They weren't keen on dealing with anyone else's feet, especially with their strong sense of smell, but they had brought this upon themself, so they had no right to complain.*" } ]
[ { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Before Keegan could say anything else he began to recognize who he was speaking too* “Oh hey! You’re uhh..Wa-Waah? Waahid! It’s good to see you’re in good health! B-but yeah I’m not entirely sure what my shoe size is. Dad usually just gives me his old shoes until I grow out of them.” *he sorta kicked his foot around until his foot sorta slips out of the boots.*\n\n*he then found somewhere to sit in case his feet did need to be measured* “Sorry for my bokoblin feet. Me and a friend just got done with a quest. Sorta why I look like a mess as well.” *he chuckled a small bit before scratching his head*" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Close your mouth…” *they muttered quietly, trying not to be impolite, even though being responded to like that by Keegan was entirely uncomfortable. Not in a traumatic way, just..they probably weren’t used to it. And the fact that Keegan also had managed to correctly remember Waahid’s name had caught them entirely off guard, since the dude had just up and left him alone in a hospital. Quickly, they tried to refocus with the transaction aspect of the conversation. However, they were momentarily thrown off as they tuned back in.* “Dad?” *Waahid replied before remembering that it was the Hylian masculine word for parent. They rarely had use for the word and had almost mistaken it for a common noun. Hopefully Keegan missed the slip up and got on with his shoes instead.* “Well, your dad has not been here to have their feet measured. And I do not think we need to give other customers shoes your feet have been in,” *Waahid said, trying to reason himself into doing his job. Maybe he’d add a fee for foot measurements, if he could convince the owner.*\n\n*Waahid set two shoe sets that Keegan could potentially fit in their lap and picked up some measuring tape. Ideally, he could just hold the shoes next to the foot and estimate. They rolled over to the guy.* “Don’t put these on. .just, uh. .put your foot to the underside. I need to see if it would be large enough,” *Waahid said, holding up the left shoe with one hand, a slight shake to it, since there was nothing to support his aim.* “It’s quicker than me having to handle your foot. And more clean, I would say.” *Waahid probably didn’t have to justify every decision that he made to Keegan, but he wanted to avoid questions. And just conversation in general, but there wasn’t much to be done about that.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Mhm! Okay!” *Keegan picked up the show and placed the bottom end against his foot to see if they were the same size or not. As his mind wandered while he was holding the shoe he then remembered Waahids missing leg. A small shock struck his head as he remembered what he owed* “O-oh!! Hold on!”\n\n*Keegan rummaged through his rupee pouch and pulled out about half of what he earned from his quest, so roughly 150 rupees. He then placed them in a separate sack to hand over to Waahid* “This is what I owe you from before! Im sorry it took so long, but hopefully this will help you towards a new prosthetic!”" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*What had this guy got in his head now? Waahid was concerned at the sign of an idea or memory striking Keegan. In a sense, he was fair in his concern as Keegan had put him in a rather unexpected position that he was uncomfortable with. This same situation also unambiguously benefitted them, which made things harder. Now how were they supposed to act?*\n\n“O-oh,” *Waahid managed,still malfunctioning.* “I didn’t expect you to come back or do anything.” *Well, at least he was being honest, right? He knew he was supposed to show some verbal or physical sign of gratitude, but it felt ingenuine and unnatural of him to force something when honestly he just felt dazed. It was weird to be so much closer to what had felt like an unreachable goal.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Keegan shrugged as he still held the rupees* “I promised I would come back with the money didn’t I? Why wouldn’t I keep my word?” *Keegan was actually confused. Did Waahid actually think Keegan was going to ditch the twili after what he put them through?*\n\n“Besides…I guess i got what I deserved for causing you to not have a leg.” *with his free hand he unsheathes his broken blade. A little less than half of the blade was left. It was more like a large dagger now really*" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"You were gone for a very long time,\" *Waahid responded.* \"On a quest even. Relying on your safe return would have been stupid.\"\n\n*Waahid started to examine the fit of the shoe but was interrupted by the drawing of the blade. Impulsively, he grabbed Keegan's hand and forced the blade back down. It wasn't out of fear of that particular blade, or that he expected to lose the other leg if that thing came out. It was something deeper that Waahid probably wasn't ready to delve into yet. Not something they could easily explain. But they made an excuse anyways.*\n\n\"If it's broken, then it's not safe to wave around. Khshaa, even my little siblings know better than you.\"\n\n*Their eyes moved forcefully back to the foot and shoe. It seemed like a plausible fit. Perhaps their skill had paid off. Just in case, Waahid set forward the other pair to see if they were better in any regard.*" }, { "author": "eagletalon007", "is_bot": false, "message": "*As he looked around Ecbert saw Kos come towards him. He waved at him thinking that he had found their target now. But something was bugging him he thought something wasn’t going to go as whatever the case couldn’t back down now.* “Kos good to see you. Did you find our pray?”" }, { "author": "reissryhas", "is_bot": false, "message": "{Where did we come from again...? I must have been so preoccupied I didn't pay attention...}\n\n*The rito knew not to open any other doors since the odd person said someone else was living here. Still...he'd just..quietly move. Still, they were gone, but maybe they were just elsewhere in here?*\n\n\"Er...hello...?\" *He'd call out, though still in not too loud of a voice.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "“S-sorry! My bad Khayri-Waahid! Waahid. Sorry!” *He chuckled as he accidentally said the wrong name* “I gotta get a hold of that. It’s just you look really similar to someone I know.” *he shook the thought out of his head before positioning his feet again* “S-so. Would these shoes be a good choice for what I’m looking for?”" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"It is the first door to your left. The open one,\" *Waahid informed the bird. They were a little irked, since the layout was so simple. Well, at least this person wasn't familiar with the place—he'd make a lousy robber; probably end up walking straight into his boss and getting his ass handed to him.*\n\n*Waahid turned their eyes back to Keegan's feet, with a sigh, but that cut off at the mention of the name which they very much recognized. And based on the context, it seemed like exactly what he'd been looking for. What, was this a trap? Had he finally gone insane? Waahid stared into space for a moment, trying to figure out the best course of action. Best to get more information.*\n\n\"How do you know this person?\" *Waahid asked, trying to be casual, but it likely came of as more interrogative due to his distaste for small talk.* \"Of course they would. These ones fit better than the others, also.\"" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Keegans ears perked up once Waahid asked him the question. Interesting, so they know each other? This intrigued Keegan, so he went ahead and answered* \"Well...I met Khayri in the fields months ago. For some weird reason they wanted to tag along with my adventures. We didn't do much, but I did grow fond of them. They were my first close friend.\" *Keegan couldn't help but smile the entire time he explained his moments with Khayri.* \"My favorite adventure was tracking down the spirit dragon Farosh. Of course Khayri tried to explain to me that it was just myths and legends, until we actually saw it!\" *He leaned back and stretched his arms in the air to exaggerate how big it was*\n\n*With a soft sigh his big smile slowly turned into a slight grin* \"But until recently, they wanted to travel alone. Wanted to find more purpose for who they were. They were probably the coolest Twili I've ever met...\" *But quickly he shook the thought and his eye grew wide* \"Wait...are you two related?! Is that why you know their name and why you two look alike??\"" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Kos was doing a small jog as he approached Ecbert; by now he was out of sight of their bounty target.*\n\n\"Yeah, I found him. Apparently he's running a small shop near the edge of town. He's got a pair of goggles on, but otherwise, he's an exact match.\"\n\n*Kos looked back at the shop. The person in there was a threat, not just to him and the rest of Kakariko, but the people of Ordon as well, should they leave Kakariko and want to visit another small village.*\n\n\"We should be careful. How do you want to approach this?\"" } ]
[ { "author": "eagletalon007", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Ecbert rubbed his chin and thought about it for a moment. How should they go about this?* “We could try confronting him right now make a big show of it. Or we could go to the elder of the Sheikah and tell him or her that they have a criminal in their village. That we have found him and that we will need help to apprehend him. Being that the Sheikah are bootlickers for the royal family I doubt they will ask for the reward money.”" }, { "author": "reissryhas", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The door was open. That...probably should have been a indicator. But well, Mornais was having a difficult night, or well...whatever you would call it earlier. He'd come through the door into the shop area. He looked remarkably less anxious than before, so that was good. Kind of looked a bit red in the eyes like he cried, but he seems otherwise much better. Sleep must have done him some good.*\n\n\"Thank you for letting me stay here, sir. I'll just get my things and get out of your hair, alright?\"" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Keegan’s descriptions were infuriating, for Waahid was certain that there was a lot that he was missing out upon that this guy was just to ignorant to recognize. That and most certainly the nuances of whatever Khayri had said were more clever and nuanced than Keegan described them to be. It sort of made him want to slap the guy for doing them such a disservice, but that wasn’t right. He’d been the only source of information as to anything about his family. And given him money for his leg. And was patronizing his shop. It was solely the personality that he couldn’t stand. A privileged innocence. Hopefully that would never change, for the boy’s sake, however infuriating it was to put up with.*\n\n*A brief break for the civil, non-robber was given.* “Right. It’s still storming. But the inn should be open with food and. . more resources. Your things are in that hole.” *Waahid pointed to a shoe cubby at the edge of one of the cabinets near the entrance.*\n\n*Now Waahid had to find some way to respond to Keegan’s question.* “Yes,” *they managed.* “From the same Twili, raised by the same parents.” *Waahid tried to focus his attention on preparing the shoes for Keegan. He checked with all of the prices and rolled to set the other pair back in their place.* “The shoes—they cost about 24 rupees,” *they told him, in an almost strained manner. They were giving a discount, because they felt it was the right thing in this case, all things considered.* “Unless you meant to cover the shoes with the other amount you gave.”" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Keegan looked at Waahid in awe as he confirms him and Khayri are related. Small world huh? Well… worlds. Since the twilight realm and hyrule are technically separate worlds…anyways! Keegan hopped down and rushed to the cubby where his new kicks were at. He examines them before giving them a fit test.* “Hmm a little snug…but can be worked into.” *he mumbled to himself*\n\n*He paced around the room a bit before glancing over at Waahid* “O-oh. I’ll pay for the shoes separate from the money I gave you!” *he then stashed his hand down the rupee pouch and pulls out the correct amount before handing it to Waahid* “Here ya go! Thanks a bunch! And again sorry about the leg, but hey now you can get a prosthetic! You’ll look even more badass.” *and with that he wave to Waahid before exiting the shop. It finally felt nice now that Keegan had a new pair of boots.*\n\n*He roamed around the village until he found Silvest and Snaggy again.* “Alrighty! Lets get some grub and some warm clothes before we set out again!”" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Man this kid was rich. Hopefully that owl didn’t consider robbing him. Yes, Waahid considered himself a comedy genius at this callback and had to wipe a stupid grin from his face. Luckily, there was no one around to see the guy experience a brief moment of contentness but a bird who would be preoccupied gathering his things. Waahid watched this, of course, but took care to store away the amount that Keegan had brought in a secret place, then his bosses’s share of the shoe sale in its designated place. No point in carrying it around in his lap all day.*\n\n*At completing this task, they had little else to do. Certainly they could work on a shoe of their own or start making some new shoes for stock, but there wasn’t too high a demand where he either was an immediate need. There was plenty of time for messing around and playing with their scarf like a hood, or staring into space at a concerningly accurate painting of the owner hanging across the way.*" }, { "author": "reissryhas", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Yeah, he was a little more preoccupied with his own things, retrieving them after looking around for the cubby since he didn't look when they pointed it out. Delivery bag right back where it belonged. Though he paused when he got to the door. He stared at the outside, sighing. Despite the dream, it wasn't going to be that quick for the feeling to just go away, but..he felt he could start to work on it.*\n\n*So with that, he'd open the door and slowly go through, but just kind of stick close outside, next to the door against the wall.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Contacting the Shiekah...? That's a good idea.*\n\n\"If the Shiekah are willing to help, then we should get their help. I'd rather not risk letting this bounty escape over petty pride. Do you know where to find them?\"\n\n*The Shiekah... they were certainly elite warriors, and this was their village. It would be doubtful that they'd ignore such a criminal in their midsts; and even if they didn't get the pay, it's better the bounty gets caught than if they didn't. The Shiekah would help ensure that.*" }, { "author": "eagletalon007", "is_bot": false, "message": "“We should head to the center of the village where we can speak to one of the elders. From there we can request some warriors and bring him in. If all goes well we should be able to bring him in without so much as drawing our swords.”" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Silvest got up once his breath had returned. He looked down at Snaggy. His stomach rumbled again. He weighed his options.*\n\n\"S'pose we better check around about an owner first, eh?\" *The Zora beckoned to the chain chomp to follow with a resigned smile.*\n\n*The first two houses were no help. The third had a little girl asking if she could keep the chomp while her mother refused. The fourth was locked, but when Silvest knocked he heard a yelp followed by the sound of several dozen fruit hitting the floor. No one came to answer.*\n\n\"This is going great...\" *Silvest grumbled, passing by a pair of men in the shade of a house. Then he stopped and doubled back to tap Kos on the shoulder.*\n\n\"'Scuse me, sorry to bother. I'm looking for this dog's owner. I found him way downstream at Lake Hylia.\" *He pointed at the chain chomp, Snaggy.* \"Would you know who the owner is?\"" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"That's a great idea. Let's head...\"\n\n*Kos basically cut himself off from the tap on his shoulder. He was quick to basically turn around; in front of him was now a Zora; admittedly he wasn't super knowledgeable about most species, but he had the basic gist down for each.*\n\n*A dog down near Lake Hylia... wouldn't they be closer to... Woah! That is not a dog! But what in Hylia's name is that thing? As Kos watches it move slowly, it seemed to act like a dog... maybe 'dog' is just simplifying it, then. It was at making up his mind that Kos realized he had been staring at the dog for a longer period of time than he should've without actually acknowledging the Zora.*\n\n\"Ah! Sorry, I just... wasn't expecting that dog to look like that. Eh... sorry, I'm afraid I don't know anyone who'd ever own a dog like that. I'd definitely remember someone who owned such a... unique animal.\"\n\n*Kos was about to turn back to Ecbert, before realizing that it probably wouldn't be safe for people to walk around right now; they were about to expose a killer, after all. They might take a hostage to avoid capture.*\n\n\"Before you continue on, I think it would be wise for you to head to one of the taverns and stay there for a few minutes, or even leave Kakariko. Me and my friend here are chasing a killer, and we believe we've found them. We were just about to involve the Sheikah and hopefully capture them without a fight. But one could still break out. You should stay somewhere safe for a while in case that happens.\"" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Whoa, wait, what?\" *It took Silvest a moment to fully comprehend Kos's words. He looked between the pair of them, as if expecting one to yell \"NOT!\", but quickly ruled this out from the looks on their faces.*\n\n\"Who are they? Where are they?\" *Silvest looked over his shoulder. His eyes swept over the cobbler's shop, the store, a few houses, and the Elde Inn across the quiet street. The windmill overlooked it all stalwartly.*" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Through the door came his boss, nearly startling him, save for the fact that she'd made some noise because there was hardly any point in startling him.*\n\n`That feathery one didn't take off with any shoes did he?` *she remarked, before shaking her head. She'd probably been up for hours, even at the first sign of someone else coming in.* `Since there's no dire need for your services right now—that and I'm having an old friend come in—you wouldn't mind taking a break? Might do your hands some good to rest.` *It seemed like less of a request and more of a notice. But she didn't say she was firing him, which was ideal.* `That and I saw some lookie-loos in the alley. Might be trouble for you if you aren't looking for attention today,` *she informed him, with an odd smirk. A heavy implication there that she was well aware of his wanted status. It. . would explain the near murder upon his first entrance. Waahid sucked in his bottom lip a bit.*\n\n\"Is there uh. . some place you might suggest for some. . alone-ness?\" *Waahid asked. Tranquility was not in his vocabulary.*\n\n*She wiped her nose idly and set his shoe aside in a drawer.* `Might be some nice lakes nearby? Woods to get lost in. Not certain of how accessible they are, since I've never been when on ill legs.` *She thought a second longer.* `If you can stand it, perhaps you could pull that shadow trick you showed me? I'm certain you would have no issue just keeping to the guest room and hiding away when any visitors come.`\n\n*Waahid was a bit concerned with how much effort she'd put into this. Was she seriously that invested in him as an employee, or did she have some deal with someone elsewhere that if she turned him in specifically, she'd get a certain sum. Well, Waahid decided he'd figure that out not in front of her.* \"Right. I'll just be in my room then.\" *He started to roll there, but then figured a wheelchair might evidence his location. He managed an awkward balance on one leg and began to scoot toward the door one one foot before—when out of view—using his hands to scramble to the room. Upon getting there, the curtains were already drawn shut. It was just a dark cool room for him to chill in and lose his mind in. Waahid wondered if prison was like this for a moment, before remembering his wits, closing the door and sitting down on his bed. He certainly hoped his boss's hunch was wrong, but she seemed to clever for that.*" } ]
[ { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Kos pointed to the shop behind Silvest; they were a ways away from it, and while they could see the building, they weren't near the front of it; Waahid could not see them, and were far away enough from that Kos felt safe talking about the bounty*\n\n\"They're in that shop; they seem to be running it right now; most likely as a way to try and lay low. If you won't leave Kakariko, I'd ask you to at least steer clear of that shop for a while.\"\n\n*Kos shows Silvest the bounty paper, keeping it in his own hands, yet making sure it's close enough to read. There was a picture of Waahid on the paper; if Silvest has seen Waahid, he'd recognize it. The bounty paper also details his crime; murder in Lurelin Village.*\n\n\"As I said, we're getting the Shiekah to help to ensure nothing bad happens, but it's just as a precaution. You never know how the murdering types will act when cornered; whether they accept defeat or lash out is always up in the air.\"" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Keegan was a bit behind Silvest and the group for a moment, but eventually caught up to him* “Hey-hey! What about some food-“ *his attention was then directed to the bounty paper. Keegan’s heart sorta dropped for a moment*\n\n{Oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit}\n\n*He quickly had to think of something before they get too suspicious* “A-are you guys after whoever is on that paper?” *he wasn’t here for the first half of the conversation, so he was just trying to clear things up*" }, { "author": "reissryhas", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The 'feathery one' was still in front of the building, still preoccupied with some mental issues.*\n\n{Where...where do I go from here? Should I go see dad and tell him what happened? Should I go find someone that could help me figure out just what the hell happened to me? Ahghgh...I hate this. Why did it happen?}\n\n*He'd stare at his wing, sort of focusing on it. Somehow, something told him to clench it like a fist, and when doing so a bit of electricity began to crackle over it with a bluish-green glow.*\n\n{I could still hurt someone with this...but it...is kind of neat.}\n\n*He'd fumble through his bag with the other hand to look for his Picto Box, wanting to take a picture of it. It would be unsteady with one hand, but eventually he'd manage to take a somewhat unfocused picture.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Kos' eyes quickly darted to the new person who approached them; it was clear this one knew who Silvest was.*\n\n\"Yes, I was just telling your friend here to avoid that shop over there; the person running it is wanted for murder. We're hoping to get the Shiekah involved to avoid conflict, but depending on how they act we may be left with no other choice.\"\n\n*Kos hadn't seen Keegan interact with Waahid; he was facing Ecbert at the time. And since he didn't know what that store even sold, the extra pair of boots didn't tell Kos anything; if he had to guess, he definitely wouldn't have expected Waahid to be running a shoe store.*\n\n*Soon after making sure both Keegan and Silvest had time to properly read it, he rolled it up and turned slightly to Ecbert.*\n\n\"Would you rather I speak with the Shiekah? I'm sure you'd rather not be the point of contact with them.\"\n\n*Normally Kos would have had no issue with naming the issue; but with 2 strangers here, he understood that he couldn't just talk about it in the open; it was a private matter, after all. Besides, Kos was older as well; while Ecbert was certainly mature, the Shiekah seemed like the type to assume being older meant being mature and wise and... whatever else the Shiekah elders are like.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Keegans mind began to race. Murder? Waahid? Keegan didn’t believe this, but then again he doesn’t know him as well as his sibling Khayri.*\n\n*He had to think of something quick before he made the big decision. He need more information.* “W-wait! I could go speak to one of the elders for you. I am from this village if you can’t tell.” *Even though Keegan was only half sheikah, he still had most of their traits. His eyes, the white in his hair and the sheikah eye tattoo around his eye* “It may be easier for them to consider if they were warned by one of their own. No offense of course!” *he sorta held his hands and chuckles slightly as he didn’t want to seem like he was offending anyone here*" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Whoa, whoa, slow down. This is way too much!\" *Silvest said holding his hands up.* \"That looks like that twili guy I ran into in the woods— Think his name was Waahid. I saved him from a moblin. They didn't seem like a killer to me. This seems like some kind of misunderstanding!\"\n\n*He stared at the paper, uncomprehending. If anything Waahid didn't want much to do with him and insisted they stay away from towns.*\n\n{Was he already on the run then...? Did he just not want to deal with offing another person...?}" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "Kos: “Wait, wait… you know this… Waahid guy?”\n\n*Kos turned back to Ecbert with a look of almost disbelief and mouthing “What the hell?” before turning back to Silvest and Keegan.*\n\n“Well… killing a monster can be very different than killing a fellow person… I mean it’s clear he’s trying to lay low, but I don’t think seeming like they wouldn’t kill and hiding are enough to say Waahid didn’t do it.”\n\n*Finally, Kos turned to Keegan.*\n\n“Alright, we’ll leave getting the Shiekah to you then. I hope you can muster a large number of warriors.”\n\n*The thought that these 2 were helping Waahid had come up. But looking at Keegan now, he at least looked the part of Shiekah; his word would be far better at convincing the Shiekah than theirs. If Keegan was truly protecting him, he’d probably end up turning the Shiekah away from Waahid. Either the Shiekah would show with more force, or not at all; who’s on who’s side would become clear, at the very least.*" }, { "author": "MEE6", "is_bot": true, "message": "**Dun dun dun duuun!** @Kos & Lusaimi (PowerSurge) Has been blessed by Hylia and advanced to level 16!" }, { "author": "eagletalon007", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Ecbert gritted his teeth now annoyed that these two were bringing attention to themselves.* “We do not have time for this. This murderer needs to be brought in. Either help us or get out of our way!” *He said annoyed with the people who were now bugging them.* “If you are going to bring you clans men then do so. Kos and I will stop him from escaping. He no doubt is aware of us now. We need to move fast.”" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Internally Keegan began to panic a bit, but he did his best to control himself.* “Okay okay let’s just calm down. If we act rashly then he could get the upper hand. You know where he is and he probably doesn’t know you’re here. Lets just take this nice and slow.” *He had hope to calm down the situation a bit before turning to Silvest* “Come on. Lets speak with Elder Kazalk. He will listen to us.”\n\n*He nudge Silvest before heading down the path towards one of the larger houses. He walked at a slow enough pace to for Silvest to follow and walk with him*" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Uh, right, right.\" *Silvest said, starting to follow after Keegan. It wasn't a hard choice at all. Silvest was still struggling to wrap his head around it all. He was so distracted he forgot to call Snaggy along with them.*\n\n*Once they were out of earshot of Kos and Ecbert, Silvest turned to Keegan. He couldn't really decide what to say first.*\n\n\"Do you know what's going on? I didn't know about any of this when I met the guy, I swear. Called himself a 'Twili' when we met, but I don't even know what that is. Is it some kind of monster? Are they really here in Kakariko?\"" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Keegan kept his voice low for Silvest to hear* “Listen I know just as much as you do. But I know the Twili isn’t a race of monsters. They’re like us? Civilized and such.” *He then pointed to the right before clearing his throat*\n\n*He made sure his voice was raised a bit for more to hear* “Yeah yeah he lives down here.” *He then turned right and went down a smaller road where a few homes were. He went back to lower his voice a bit* “I also know he’s related to someone im close to, so if he actually did kill someone…I hope it was in self defense.”" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Right, good luck speaking to the Elder.\"\n\n*Kos began to watch the duo, before they eventually turn a corner, out of sight. Not knowing the duo were speaking to each other instead, Kos became to speak to Ecbert*\n\n\"Ecbert, I understand your annoyance, but lashing out will get us nowhere. We must stay calm; otherwise it is of no doubt that our target, Waahid, will escape. We're lucky they don't seem offended...\"\n\n*Kos looked back at the shop; they were a good distance behind it, and the front of the building isn't even visible. The only thing that they can see is a single, closed window with the curtains pulled... wait, the curtains pulled? It's daylight out now... something has to be up; that certainly isn't normal.*\n\n\"Shit... you may be right. They probably know we're here. We'll wait for the Shiekah and head straight there.\"\n\n*At his own comment, he looked in the direction where Silvest and Keegan went off. Were they going for the Shiekah? Seeing their reactions they seem... far more shocked than someone would be. One of them had actually met him, and since the other was his friend, perhaps he was there too... Looking to make sure neither Silvest nor Keegan are watching, he leans in and whispers to Ecbert.*\n\n\"Honestly I'm not entirely sure they're getting the Shiekah... I've got no real proof but they may be protecting him... we need to be extremely careful. We may need to ride to Castle Town if things get too bad to get the Royal Guard if a member of the Shiekah is protecting a criminal.\"" } ]
[ { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Khayri had expected he was going to be excited. Running at them at full speed like a hug-seeking missile was not entirely what they imagined, but they had the reaction time to brace themself. They carefully shifted to one side and caught them, taking away some of the momentum by swinging him around. He was grown, but still so small in comparison, so it wasn't hard to pull off this maneuver.*\n\n*Once they lost the momentum, they set him down and broke from the hug, then stepping back to get a better look at him. They couldn't keep a smile entirely off of their face, even if it looked a bit dorky. Keegan would totally see this, as they stood with no hood on in the long shadow of a nearby home. He'd also see that aside from growing maybe a half-inch, the only thing that had much visually changed about them was their clothing and the length of their hair. Their sparse beard had evened out a bit, though they still kept it short.*\n\n\"Oh man...\" *Khayri managed, after a moment of catching their breath.* \"Still full of life and energy, then.\" *As their mouth opened back up to the uneven smile, their ears lifted a little.* \"And still intact looking? Oh, uh...hi, by the way.\" *Khayri was a little bit dazed still by their reunion, even though they had more time to think of what to say, having seen him first.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Keegan kept the goofy smile on his face as he stepped back a bit.* “Man! A whole lot has happened since I last saw ya! Oh- by the way this is snaggy!” *He said as he pointed at the little chopper.*\n\n*Afterwards, he walked a bit, trying to figure out where to start!* “Oh where do I start?! Uhhh let’s see. Met with Silvest again! Fueled him after he didn’t believe that I live on a giant floating rock like most people even though to me it’s completely normal but I guess it isn’t to most.” *He inhales.* “Buuut yeah then Luna invited me on a quest to save someone’s journal DEEP underground! Like I’m talking about almost pitch black but it was a grotto so there were trees and shit everywhere! Anyhoooo there were like three giant Staldra’s which are like these serpent thingies with three heads but to kill it I had to cut all three off at once!” *He breathes again.* “They broke my sword, I almost died, but then I blew their heads off with the help of Luna with my not-so-mastered sheikah magic! Got some tokens, some new clothes, oh yeah I found your brother BUT THEN I traveled up the mountains in Hebra and met a mysterious lady that was totally into me but I had to let her down easy.” *He said while crossing his arms with a slight smirk.* “But she then fixed my sword and now look at it!” *He then unsheathes his blade now looking way different than the last time Khayri saw it.*\n\n*At this point Keegan doesn’t realize how much his big mouth has been moving and is now making everyone suffer for it.* “So then I came back met ANOTHER twili who was also really cute but was too nervous to do anything again like always cause that’s just me and uh yeah I met a weird mechanical girl who I just fought and totally won….” *He stood there, trying to think of anything else he missed.* “Uhhh…somewhere along those lines I found snaggy and took him in. Uhhh met up but got separated from Silvest again. And I think that’s it?”" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Snaggy had a lot to process through all this. He had been watching the fight, but once it had ended, a lot began to happen at once. He follows Keegan, of course, up to the new person - well, new to him, at least. The chomp takes a few hops toward the new twili after being introduced, taking a few sniffs. Who was this? They seemed friends with Keegan, at least...*" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*She glanced to a moment to Snaggy. Huh. Best not to think of how that creature came to exist. Her mind would be on a nonstop train to nonsenseville instead of engaging with the conversation before her. Not lying, she was afraid as it approached that it was going to try to chomp on her leg.*\n\n\"My brother?\" *Khayri repeated. Of course she was going to fixate on that bit. Keegan was a jokester, but a joke about a dead/missing family member was not something that they suspected he would have slipped in in the middle of his conversation, especially when he seemed to want to get important information about his journey out. It wasn't favorable to shift the conversation to serious so soon, but this information was the priority.* \"Which one? Was he okay?\"\n\n*She couldn't remember how much she'd told Keegan about her family. Or how she'd said the specifics. Maybe he hadn't known anything and had just mistaken another twili who looked like her for being related? But then he'd met a second twili that he knew wasn't related. She knew that her mind was probably just making excuses because it was hard for her to imagine that she'd been wrong about the fates of her family. That she had someone else out there and instead her childhood was spent apart from them.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Hm? Oh yeah your brother. He uhhh. Looked like you. That’s about all I could say. He’s missing a leg…for some reason…” *He stood there frozen, trying not to look suspicious.*\n\n*He then looked at snaggy and knelt down.* “They’re a friend! You can trust them as much as you do me!” *He then pets snaggy where he did last time, hopefully not touching any injured spots.*\n\n*Afterwards he stood back up.* “His name was Waahid? I think? He also wore a mask to hide his face. It wasn’t until he took it off that the resemblance showed. Sure I’ve ran into a couple twili’s since I’ve been down here but you guys still looked different. I also asked and he said that you’re related to him.” *Keegan crossed his arms and tilted his head.* “How come you’ve never told me you had a brother? A twin actually!”" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Waahid. Of anyone surviving, she supposed it made sense. He’d never got sick or severely injured like everyone else. No, he’d just…disappeared without a trace in the middle of winter as a child. Someone had taken him in then? That was relieving. She took her time to take in the rest of the information before she decided it would actually best to write things down. It took her a moment to get a book and utensil out.*\n\n*As she was writing, she spoke,* “Well… I assumed he was dead. Incorrectly. I never expected fate would let him live. It hadn’t been merciful before.”\n\n“Was he shorter than me? Is he still taller if he stands up? …On the one leg?” *Khayri asked, trying to lighten the mood in some way. It was hard when she was trying to dodge saying ‘oh yeah the reason I was raised by Vychan is because my whole family is just gone.’*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Well…he might’ve loss some inches due to the leg loss heh.” *He said scratching his head. Regardless he sighed and looked up at his old friend.* “So this entire time, you thought he was dead?…I’m sorry.”\n\n*Keegan never had any siblings, so he wouldn’t know what it was like to assume one was lost or dead. It made him feel a bit sick thinking about it, but as always he shook his head to shake the thought.*" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Well, that's not your fault,\" *Khayri said.* \"Do you have any idea where he might have gone?\"\n\n*Khayri wasn't keen on breaking off from Keegan to go search. Ideally, he'd come with, if she were to commit to a search for Waahid. But she had reservations about it. What if the reason she'd not found him was that he didn't want to be found? And what if she wasn't ready to see him again? And how long was she willing to take off from research to look for him? Khayri hadn't seen him for so long that she had trouble determining the worth of the relationship that they might have now. They'd spent more than half their lives apart. Still, she'd asked, so she had the choice.*\n\n*Khayri messed around with their wool poncho, glancing down at the chain chomp again. It was hard not to look at it, since it was just so... out of place in its surroundings.*" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The way the two were talking... they definitely knew each other, alright. Snaggy's picking up that Keegan tends to be more talkative about people he likes. What they're talking about or how important it could be is beyond the chomp. As Khayri looks down at him, he looks back up at her. He could tell she was... confused, though about what was again beyond him.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Keegan's ears perked up a bit as he realized something.* \"Here! Last time I saw hi was here-\" *But then he remembered his last encounter with Waahid. He was hesitant on telling Khayri, but he couldn't keep it a secret.* \"He's wanted...I tried to give him a chance to escape, but I guess it's because he didn't know me, because he chose not too. He worked at a shoe shop in the village, and got me some nice boots for sale.\" *He said as he lifted his foot up, trying to lighten the mood a bit.*\n\n*He sighed as he looked up at her.* \"Maybe he's still there? There hasn't been any big talk about a wanted man lately so maybe he's still hiding?\"" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Do you mind if we at least went and inquired?\" *Khayri asked.*\n\n*In truth, she was entirely reluctant to do so, because she was concerned that he was going to be there and her emotionally exhausting day was going to become exponentially more so, but she felt that she at least owed it to Waahid to check. She wasn't so sure what she felt about his being wanted because he didn't know what it was for, but she preferred to have the chance to find out from him.*\n\n\"If he's still here, it would be stupid not to look, right?\" *Khayri said, stating the obvious to further convince herself.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"I don't see why not,\" *He said with a slight shrug and a grin. He led the way away from the village, whistling for snaggy to follow. He took the back path behind the building, the path he took to try and sneak Waahid out.*\n\n*While they walked he might as well get her side of the time she spent away from Keegan.* \"So what have you been up too since I last saw ya?\"" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Oh yeah. She did trust Keegan, but he was the talkative sort. But she suspected he wouldn't give away secrets if she asked him to keep one. Nor should be in the context where her secret doings were valuable secrets.*\n\n\"Oh uh.. well.. I found myself a library to try to figure things out in. And I came across some literature that inspired me to realize that hey, maybe I could start my own collection of information about all things Twili. Of course, I have to fund that sort of thing, and do lots of research, so I've been making connections and doing the occasional little quest for a while now. It's about time I do another quest cause the person I was meant to meet with this time got sick,\" *she said, not all that loudly.* \"But...I'd like if you don't tell people too much about that. I figure some people might feel threatened if they knew about my work, and I don't want them to know.\"\n\n*She barely met eye contact with him during this since she was trying to carefully conduct what she was saying. But after the fact, she sent him a glance.* \"So you know, somewhat boring things mixed in with a little adventure.\"" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Snaggy absentmindedly follows after the two, unsure of their next destination. Having not been with Keegan at the time, this would be another new place for the chomp. Not that he minded, though - all this walking/hopping around was good for him in the long run. He lets out the occasional quiet bark as he follows, just to let the others know he was still there.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"No no! That sounds cool! We already have scholars up in Skyloft so it's not like I can do anything like that, but it's interesting!!!\" *He said with his usual smile on his face. Now he has a question for her. He ran in front and began to walk backwards to face her.* \"So I have a question slash favor to ask. Is it possible for you to teach me how to speak Twili? It doesn't have to be right away! Or rushed at all, but I just think it's something I really wanna learn.\" *To Keegan this meant more than Khayri thinks. He's been around more of her people than he imagined he would. Their culture is so mysterious and yet fascinating. If he could help her with her goal by learning her language then that's an even bigger plus for him.*\n\n*There was also an alternative motive with this. If there was a chance he'd run into Nahla again he need to not mess up this time. Take her out on a hunt or a quest. Expand his knowledge of the Twili, show her what he knows and see if he could teach her a thing or two! These thoughts ran through JKeegan's head before tripping on a small pebble.* \"Whoops!\" *He caught himself before turning back to her.*" } ]
[ { "author": "ace_stargale", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Quovien nods, bringing out the compass and looking at it.* “I had only checked it for a moment after exiting the Lost Woods before meeting you and Willow- I can confirm as fact, though, that I saw the sands of Lanayru, and the compass had pointed directly west. We are still missing one of our number- should we wait any longer for her?”" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The sun had thoroughly risen by now, leaving only the last fragments of golden dawn light to steadily fade behind eastern cliffs.*\n\n\"Time is of the essence. I motion we provide no more than 5 minutes for her to materialize. Should she not appear, I will investigate the domain myself; Her participation is far too integral to this mission to allow for deviation.\" *With all wagon preparations complete, Gaash turned to cycling through his own inventory and stores. One skewer was still balanced on the back of his palm as he looked. The other had already been eaten, but... when did he have time to do that?*" }, { "author": "Jolt", "is_bot": true, "message": "*Tamil wasn’t really paying attention to anything, until a rito mailman came soaring towards him and landed on the wagon. He was almost in tears.*\n\n*Tamil jumped out of the wagon in surprise, and looked at the mailman with suspicion.*\n\n“I have a letter! Straight from the army! Rito village is gone! Eradicated! Please, save it!” *The rito said whispering, so it was hard to hear for everyone but Tamil.*\n\n*Tamil took the letter and opened it. Sure enough, a letter signed by the army telling him to investigate. Tamil threw the letter on the ground and grabbed his stuff.* “Gentlmen, I must beg my leave.” *With that, Tamil rushed of towards #tabantha-tundra.*" }, { "author": "ace_stargale", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Quovien waves good-bye to Tamil, frowning.* “So much for four people...” *With that, he turns to Gaash, still holding the compass in one hand.* “I’ve been meaning to ask, if you don’t mind- what exactly do you know about the Five Kings?”" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"I shall find it simpler to reply when danger of repetition has receded to nonexistence.\" *Gaash said cryptically, watching Tamil's sudden departure with mild curiousity.*\n\n\"Military. How fickle. As to the matter at hand,\" *He looked back down at Quovien. The pale mask contrasted the black hair and horns strikingly in the morning sun.*\n\n\"I would find it to be prudent to acquire steeds to pull this vehicle. I would leave this task to you.\"" }, { "author": "ace_stargale", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Quovien nods.* “I’ll go speak to the owner, he owes me a favor from a while back.” *He walks towards the main farmhouse. Several minutes and a few promises later, he gently leads two horses over, patting them as he goes.* “Alright, here we are. Needed to haggle a bit, but these two are used to pulling carts long-distance. We should be set.”" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "_Thalia... Appeared. Gracefully? She did not. One could potentially observe the magician running across the field and towards the ranch. It was rather slow and rather amusing to watch depending on your perspective, but it certainly was faster than simply just walking. By the time she arrived she was already panting quite heavily, appearing drastically different from her Goron attire hours earlier, now dawned in a yellow and black Vai outfit, minus the veil and hood as it was held within her hands._\n\n_Due to Gaash's extremely monstrous and ungodly height, Thalia didn't have too much issue finding where the others had been rallied._ \"I'm... Sorry... I'm... Late...\" _She said, clearly exhausted from her little run. She certainly wasn't the kind of person who went out of their way to do physically straining exercises, which shows quite clearly; despite her experiences with the Gerudo Guard._ \"I really need... To... Get out more... Ahaha...\" _She huffed word by word trying to bring some humour to the situation, though her sentences fragmented with heavy breathing._\n\n\"I was so busy that... I lost track of time...\"\n\n{``Busy doing mindless things with no purpose...``}\n\n{Just shut up for once, you can't control everything I do...}\n\n{``Ah, but you forget. I can.``}\n\n{Then why haven't you, huh? It feels like I've been ticking you off...}\n\n{``All of your mistakes are not... Critical.``}\n\n{``You may be incompetent... But you do not put yourself in reckless danger.``}\n\n{``You say it so often... Darkness attracts many things. It would be unwise for me to be reckless, as well.``}\n\n{``Your life is the primarily objective. As it is also mine.``}" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"They will do quite nicely,\" *Gaash said, tilting his head to look at the horses. Even as tall as they were Gaash still found himself looking down at the animals. He had only just finished hooking them up to the wagon when Thalia appeared in a whirlwind of exhaustion.*\n\n\"So you have chosen to join us at last. Wonderful.\" *His tone was nothing short of pleasant and welcoming, but the undercurrent of annoyance was buried deep in the greeting's roots if you listened hard enough. He dropped it with all his forthcoming conversation however.*\n\n\"The final preparations have been completed. I have gone to the trouble of considering your nutrition,\" *He handed her the meat and mushroom skewer gently.*\n\n\"And now we might be on our way. I constructed this wagon for the purposes of our task. I hope very much the accommodations suit you, Lady Willow.\"\n\n*The lord bowed deeply to her, and at last made his way to the wagon to sit. The inside was surprisingly roomy.*" }, { "author": "ace_stargale", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Quovien waves to Willow.* “Ah, just in time. Shall we?” *He follows Gaash into the wagon, ready to start their long journey.*" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Whew. Wow. Okay.” _Thalia said to the pair, still adjusting to a breathable pace. There were several things that caught her attention as she listened to Gaash speak, though at the moment she wasn’t quite physically capable of asking a question._\n\n_So she just followed along with the instructions she was given, climbing aboard and taking seat inside the wagon. She took a small bite out of the skewer as she took it out of her mouth, having held it there as she went in._\n\n“Whoa...” _She muttered to herself. It wasn’t anything special, but it certainly lit up her face for the others to see. She was surprised that Gaash was able to cook- creating a wagon? She could realistically imagine magic facilitating that process. Cooking was it’s own skill entirely; one which she wasn’t particularly good at. Maybe she could try and find a cookbook at some point, she figured._\n\n“So, who’s driving?” _She asked after having fully swallowed, though took another small bite after asking._\n\n{..This isn’t poisoned, right?}" } ]
[ { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Khayri was procrastinating actually doing what they'd set off to do and there was no one to eget after them for it but themself. It was sort of refreshing to have that kind of freedom, even though it came along with the guilt of not being able to hold themself accountable. They could deal with that. Right now they were in the mood to get more milk and in the process avoid the very very crowded streets of castle town. Man, that place made them anxious to wander around during the day.*\n\n*Sure it was dangerous out here, but they could handle what came. Overall the tradeoff of danger for less stress was well worth it. Khayri was not yet to the ranch, just beginning to trek up the small hill it was set on.*" }, { "author": "_d6", "is_bot": false, "message": "*...One would find it hard to shake the feeling they were being watched right now...*\n\n*And who other than K'yrrik would be doing the watching...? The lizalfos had their eyes set on what to them seemed like an unsuspecting victim... As they moved, K'yrrik followed from the side, camouflaged, and trying their absolute hardest not to make any noise.*\n\n*Their eyes were set on one of the soon-to-be-victim's kopeshes, which to K'yrrik, were an unusual shape for a sword, as opposed to the other gear monsters tend to carry. It looked like it could fetch a high price.*\n\n*...One may also feel something occasionally brush by, and their possessions shift around... (evil laugh)*" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Khayri had only one of their khopesh swords out and visible, the other being for if they ever lost the first. It was sheathed and strapped tightly to Khayri's left thigh underneath two layers of relatively heavy material—their coat and their jacket. If anyone was seeking to steal it, it was not going to go unnoticed in one go.*\n\n*Khayri had nothing else to devote their ears to other than the sound of their environment. Idly, they listened to the grass around them as the wind blew it in gusts. But then it occurred to them that they also were hear it when they could not also feel the breeze. Slightly paranoid on their own, they turned back toward the Lizalfos, prying the khopesh from its sheathe as well as the shield they carried. It took a moment to spot anything awry in the patter of the field. How had they let a lizal sneak up on them? Khayri cursed in Hylian and held their ground.*" }, { "author": "_d6", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Now with eyes on them and an unsheathed sword in the other person's hands, K'yrrik took a step back.*\n\n{Damn it. What K'yrrik say here?}\n\n*The monster awkwardly stared back at the twili, their hands halfway raised, and appearing unarmed. They weren't 100% sure what to do here, what this person was like, or what else, other than the unusual swords, they had. Playing an obvious attempt at thievery off was... not easy.*\n\n*K'yrrik cleared their throat.*\n\n\"H-Hello. Traveller... Nice... day, yesss?\"\n\n\"Is good day, yes. *Rrark.* Much windy. Blow your ssstrange swordsss around, yes yes.\"\n\n*Wow. Nailed it. Totally.*\n\n*Anxiously, and trying their hardest to hide it, K'yrrik stared back at the other person, with their lower jaw hung slightly ajar: the closest thing to a facial expression they could manage.*" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Khayri wasn't entirely expecting them to understand Hylian. They didn't focus on that for long, though because it was obvious that it had been up to something. This seemed to frustrate them. Khayri decided to speak in Twili first, despite being certain that the Lizalfos wouldn't understand, just to catch the lizard off guard for assuming that they they would speak Hylian too. Then, they repeated their words in Hylian.*\n\n\"I'm not an idiot,\" *Khayri replied.* \"You try and steal from me again, you'll lose a hand or something. Believe me when I say that I don't want to do that to you.\"\n\n*Khayri did not have it in them to attack someone for stealing, no matter who or what they were, but they valued their personal space and items quite greatly. She gave a warning in the hopes that it would stop the lizard before she had to lash out at them.*" }, { "author": "_d6", "is_bot": false, "message": "*K'yrrik stared back in stunned silence as they attempted to make sense of what the twili was saying at first.*\n\n{Wait, they not understand--}\n\n*Then they heard it repeated in Hylian.*\n\n{O-oh..}\n\n\"...Stealing? No, no! K'yrrik no steal! *Rrk...!* K'yrrik no steal ever! Just...\"\n\n*They wrapped their tail around a nearby rock, then passed it to their hands.*\n\n\"K'yrrik sssell you this-... this-... thisss... *rock.* Yes, yes, *krr,* good rock! Just sssell rock, no sssteal!! *rrk!*\"\n\n*This was all entirely improvised, if that wasn't painfully obvious.*\n\n\"Much good rock, yesss...?\"" }, { "author": "eagletalon007", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The sound of hoof steps could be heard as a man riding in upon a black mare with a white stripe on her face and four white socks. He was a still young around 19 years of age. A human with round ears that made him stand out amongst the Hylians. Judging by the look of his attire he was from Ordona Provence, part of the Kingdom of Hyrule on the far edge of her borders. He looked around to get sense of the place he was in. Gripping the reins of he turned his horse to a hitching station with water. He dismounted and hitched his horse giving her a soft pat as she leaned in to drink some water. He then went to the trough and started to wash his face of the grime and dirt he had accumulated during his journey. While he did that he took a glance at what was going on.*" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"I don't want your rock. Just. . don't steal from me and I won't hurt you,\" *Khayri said.*\n\n*Khayri had developed an unspoken code of trying not to hurt people and creatures unless she was in danger, and wanted to specify this to K'yrrik. It seemed like they had an experience of being threatened after theivery—no surprise there—and might have been paranoid that she was lying to them.*\n\n*As they were speaking to the lizal, Khayri's elongated twili ears moved back to catch the sound of another traveller up ahead. She turned her head a bit and glanced up to him, then back to the Lizalfos. Hopefully the traveller didn't come over. They had this situation under control and didn't wnat anyone getting hurt.*" }, { "author": "eagletalon007", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Ecbert was uninterested in the monster trying to sell it’s dumb rock. The strange looking Hylian or at least he thought was a Hylian was worth at least some attention. She was cute in a strange kind of way. After getting a good look at her he went back to cleaning his face.*" }, { "author": "_d6", "is_bot": false, "message": "*K'yrrik heard it too. Typically, someone approaching wasn't a good sign. It usually meant more improv would be needed.*\n\n*They certainly were no stranger to threats or actual harm, especially having been a thief and a peddler all this time, but- what- wait- hey!?*\n\n*The approacher... simply did not care? Strange.*\n\n*The 'I won't hurt you' was not very reassuring. It was better to not trust whoever you're trying to scam, than to trust them and have them cut you in half or something.*\n\n\"A-ahh, but! Rock is no ordinary rock! Is... unique rock! Is...\"\n\n*The lizalfos glanced over at the other person.*\n\n\"...Is ssspecial design! Yes, yes! Special design for throwing at people who ssstare at you while clean stupid face! *Rrark.*\"" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Khayri almost let out a chuckle at this, and glanced back over to the other guy.*\n\n\"You know uh. .I don't appreciate you pitting people against each other to sell something,\" *Khayri remarked, though they didn't really care.*\n\n*Khayri made their way uphill toward the other person, mostly for the purpose of trying to move away from the open field. In a more populated and closed in area, they'd have the benefit of someone looking out for them if the lizard tried to steal from them again and if more people showed up, K'yrrik was more likely to be scared off. It was debatable, though, whether they had sense enough to run.*" }, { "author": "eagletalon007", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Ecbert chuckled as saw and heard what had transpired. The girl had spunk and handed what was most definitely a snake oil merchant with class. But as she moved closed Ecbert got a better look at her. Her skin tone was very strange and her garb as well. Squinting his eyes he could see some marking on her skin. His mouth went agape it was like seeing a rare spirit animal like a blupee.*\n\n“Could she be... a Twili? Just like the stories of the Hero of Twilight father used to tell. First day back and already things are interesting. Wonder what else I might see?” *He said to himself as he dried himself off and then went into his saddle bag to get a grooming brush for his horse.*" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Sorry for bringing them your way,\" *Khayri said quietly to Ecbert.*\n\n*Even still slightly downhill of Ecbert, Khayri towered over him. It might have proven intimidating if they'd been facing his direction and looking down at him, but their gaze was still on K'yrrik. It was hard to take their eyes off of a person that they weren't entirely sure wouldn't steal from them again. However, they did sheathe their khopesh, finally, feeling that they would be able to take a fight from the lizard if that was what needed to transpire.*\n\n\"Neither of us want your rock, no matter what it can be used for,\" *Khayri informed K'yrrik.*\n\n*She made the effort of crouching all the way down to the ground to pick up two similarly sized rocks.*\n\n\"We already have ones that are pretty effective right here.\"" }, { "author": "eagletalon007", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Don’t worry about it twili. Just finish dealing with this... Thing, and make it leave. I don’t have the patience to deal with vermin especially one that is obviously trying to rip you off. Now where was I? Oh yes... come here Juno girl let me... Geeet this heavy thing off of you...” *He removed the saddle from Juno and placed it on the hitching post along with the blanket that was underneath. With the brush in hand he started to groom his horse still listening to her and what was going on with the monster trying to sell it’s rock.*" }, { "author": "_d6", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"V-Vermin?...\"\n\n*The lizalfos actually seemed kind of hurt by this... Their tail scrunched up and flicked side to side, as their face took on the closest thing to a downcast expression they could manage. They still looked kind of silly, with their tongue still hanging out of their mouth.*\n\n\"K'yrrik not vermin... *Rrrrgk...*\"\n\n*They moved the rock back over to their tail. It would be harder to steal from the two, as they'd certainly be watching out for each other, but K'yrrik was very, very stubborn, and wouldn't take 'no' for an answer easily.*\n\n*In one final attempt to at least get something out of this, the lizalfos slinked uphill towards the two, but remained a safe distance away (less than 6 feet)(not actually very safe).\n\n\"...Well,...\"\n\n*They didn't finish their sentence, instead just choosing to remain silent and think of what else they could do.*" }, { "author": "eagletalon007", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Ecbert sighed turning to glare at the monster he gritted his teeth and went back to grooming Juno, doing his best to ignore it. The ran the brush through her mane getting any dirt or knots out. Next he moved out to her coat and brushed the dirt away from that too. Juno meanwhile was happily drinking the water and enjoying the care her master was giving her.*" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Obviously they're their own person. It's not like I can force them to leave permanently,\" *Khayri replied, semi-frustrated that they were being helled responsible K'yrrik's presence. Khayri looked back to the Lizalfos, trying to think of something to say.*\n\n\"Uh. . I saw a lot of travelers in and out of hyrule field as I was passing through. I bet a few people over there might enjoy your wares.\"\n\n*It felt terrible to essentially go tell them to prey on someone else, but at this moment, Khayri was not interested in fighting K'yrrik off or devoting all of their time to keeping an eye on them. It was better than letting anyone get hurt here.*\n\n*Khayri looked back up to where Ecbert was and saw a few ranch hands wandering about. Khayri walked a bit past Ecbert so that the Lizalfos, if they wanted to come any closer, would be in view of more people.*" }, { "author": "_d6", "is_bot": false, "message": "*K'yrrik glared back at Ecbert, who had gritted his teeth at them.*\n\n\"What *you* problem, round-ear scum? *rrRRrgh.*\"\n\n*The monster's head turned as they heard Khayri say something. She was right, there may be some other fool with even fuller pockets. Basically just... try to get someone else?*\n\n*...But they looked back at Ecbert. Hmm. He was someone else too, right...?*\n\n*The lizalfos silently took note of whatever the human had on them. There had to be something of value they could take and run off with, right?*" }, { "author": "eagletalon007", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Ecbert roled his eyes and went back to grooming Juno. This damned monster is was getting on his nerves but he did his best to keep his cool. Still he kept his sword on hand should things escalate into violence.*\n\n“Listen, I don’t want what your selling and grooming my horse is more important then dealing with you. So please, go away.”" }, { "author": "MEE6", "is_bot": true, "message": "**Dun dun dun duuun!** @🦅 Eagle Talon 🦅 Has been blessed by Hylia and advanced to level 4!" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"You heard the guy, he doesn't want your. . special rocks. And the ranch hands are going to see you if you stick around too long. You should take your business somewhere else,\" *Khayri said, though it felt wrong in mutiple ways to make this suggestion.*\n\n*Khayri's face was one of discomfort as they pulled their gaze from K'yrrik and Ecbert. They moved in a bit further to the ranch to actually do what they'd planned to come here and do. She was in no mood to put up with persistent annoyances. They'd been doing that for quite a bit as of late.*" }, { "author": "eagletalon007", "is_bot": false, "message": "*He nodded in agreement to what she said as he finished grooming his horse. After which he took her to the stables to get some proper rest. Leaving his saddle and blanket there as he kept his saddle bags with him.*\n\n“I’m going to get some lunch. You are welcome to join me. Hope this one gets the message and leaves.” *He took one last look at the monster and walked off to find a spot where he could sit down and rest awhile.*" }, { "author": "_d6", "is_bot": false, "message": "*K'yrrik didn't say anything. He simply glared back and walked (waddled, more like (botw lizalfos have comically short legs (and equally silly walk cycles))) the other direction. Bummed. But whatever, they could always find someone else.*\n\n\"*Raagh,* hyrulean scum... K'yrrik never pay off debt now.\" *They mumbled to themself.*\n\n*They figured they didn't need the rock anymore. The jig was up. It was worthless now. The monster threw it full force, smashing it open on the ground... But much to their surprise, it really *was* no ordinary rock... It was a **geode**! Eureka! K'yrrik immediately ran back to it, picking up the pieces and admiring them.*\n\n{Shiny... Shiny...!}\n\n*They considered trying to sell this rock again, but... nah. They didn't want it, right? Besides, this shiny stuff could fetch a much better thing than a weirdly shaped sword!*\n\n\"*Kekekekekeke...* Sssuckers! *krhrr!*\" *They laughed at the two, before tripping on their own tail and falling on their ass.*\n\n*Awkwardly, they picked themselves back up and ran away, leaving the two to do whatever it was that they do.*" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"I'd be fine getting lunch with you, thank you for the offer,\" *Khayri replied.*\n\n*They hadn't entirely expected the guy to offer such a thing when he'd rather coldly suggested that they be responsible for getting rid of the Lizalfos. Still, they weren't going to hold a grudge just on that basis. It was an understandable ask, based on the fact taht Khayri was already talking to K'yrrik. They would have appreciated a little reinforcement, but that wasn't a responsibility of his.*\n\n*A brief glance back saw the Lizalfos, semi-concerned about their excitement, but not willing to figure out what had cause it. They knew that everything was on them at this point. Perhaps the lizard had just thought up a better idea. That's what they hoped.*\n\n\"So uh. . who are you?\"" }, { "author": "eagletalon007", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Opening his saddle bag he pulled out some bread that was wrapped in cloth and opened it. Taking the loaf in his hands he broke it in half and handed her the other half.*\n\n“My name is Ecbert, son of Ecbert of house Godwinson. This is my first day back in the Kingdom of Hyrule in.... a decade now.” *He told her as he took a bite of the bread and took out some dried meat to go along with his bread as well as some water mixed with a little bit of honey for flavor.* “And you are?”" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Khayri wasn't entirely interested in bread as it made for a hard chew with her teeth. Still, they took the bread and held it in their hands as they observed Ecbert. He looked around her age, judging by what she knew of Hylians and Humans. It might have been hard to tell otherwise, since there was such a stark height difference between them. If he was around her age then he'd probably left Hyrule around the time they were adopted by the Kokiri, a weird comparison that they wished their head had not made. Khayri pulled herself from her thoughts back into the conversation.*\n\n\"Oh. . uh. . I'm Khayri Fsh. Of uhm. . Akila and Varidhi Fshd. Sorry, I don't really have a title to give.\"" }, { "author": "eagletalon007", "is_bot": false, "message": "“It’s of no consequence. I thought I would stand out being an Ordonian and all. Looks like I was wrong. You are one of the shadow folk? One of the Twili of the Twilight realm? I know of your tribe only from the stories and songs of the Twilight Princess. I thought she shattered the mirror?” *He asked curious about this woman and how she came to be in the realm of light walking among them.*" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"You seem like you know more than I do,\" *Khayri remarked, a slight mark of embarassment to their voice.* \" But uh. . I mean somewhat. I was born here in Hyrule to twili parents and then raised by Kokiri for the rest of my life so. .\"\n\n*Khayri was a bit disappointed in not knowing more. That was their mission right now, after all. Still, they were a little bit intruiged to hear what this guy had to say about it since it might give them some leads that they'd been unable to find for all their time spent searching. (It wasn't a long amount of time, but it felt the part.)*\n\n\"Say. . uh how much do you know about that kind of thing?\"" }, { "author": "eagletalon007", "is_bot": false, "message": "“You don’t say?” *He nodded and looked to the floor and took another bite of his food before looking back up to her. She was definitely tall very tall. And he couldn’t tell if she was older then him or younger it was hard to tell he never met one of her kind before.*\n\n“The story of the Hero of Twilight and Midna the Princess of Twilight are popular children stories among my people. And songs have been written by bards about it as well. I can tell you what I know but the story changes depending on which version and who is telling it. In some versions of the story it is said that the Twilight Princess and the Hero had romantic feelings for each other while in others he marries his childhood friend Ilia daughter of the mayor of Ordon.”" }, { "author": "eagletalon007", "is_bot": false, "message": "“At least I think those are their names. It’s hard to tell. So much time has passed since those days some believe it never even happened. Even the Hero’s name has been lost and no attempt to try and figure out his name has ever been made. Only ever referring to him as the Hero of Twilight or simply as the Hero like all the rest of the stories of Hyrule’s past.” *He explained to her.*" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*His unreliable account ruined any investment that they had in his words. It was disappointing that their best lead seemed only to be about the royalty and Hylians, something rather irrelevant to them. Khayri decided not to query too much further on that. They wanted to find a scholar on the subject.*\n\n\"Just stories then,\" *Khayri remarked.* \"That's mostly what I've been stuck with. Only difference is that my family told them and not the Ordonians.\"\n\n*Seeing as it looked like they would be standing here for a bit, they leaned into the shade of a nearby building and took off their hood. Their face had been visible before, but now he could see her dark magenta hair better. On the right side it was shaved, save for a braid. On the left side there was a swoop of wavy hair that hung loose about as far down as their ears. At back, their hair was tied up in a short wolf's tail.*\n\n\"Are you Ordonian?\" *she asked, observing his ears.*" }, { "author": "eagletalon007", "is_bot": false, "message": "*He nodded to her before swallowing.* “Yes, born and raised. My father was a knight and a commander of the local garrison in Ordona. My mother worked with wool, spinning yarn and making clothes. I spent most of my childhood playing and helping the ranchhands.” *He told Khayri taking the glass bottle and drink some of his flavored water.*" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Khayri wasn't entirely certain that it was necessary that she know these things about his family, but listened nonetheless. They didn't plan to delve into their family history too much with someone they just met. Khayri ended up slipping the piece of bread into their bag for later. They didn't have anything to eat it with since they'd not actually gone and purchased what they wanted.*\n\n\"Sounds nice. I uh. .\" *Khayri paused, determining whether or not they should even mention Vychan.* \"Well I certainly didn't live in a big village growing up so I can't say the same.\"" }, { "author": "eagletalon007", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Ecbert could see that she wasn’t much in the way of conversation. Understandable since they had just met some people are just slower to open up then others or have their biases. Wanting to break the ice a little he asked her,* “What brings you here Khayri? Business or pleasure?” *He asked not wanting to dig too deep into what she was up to so he kept the question simple.*" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"I'm just here to get some milk. I don't really know what option that counts as,\" *Khayri replied, a bit of a lopsided grin on their face.*\n\n*Khayri was not used to being asked personal questions, so she was a little more off guard than she meant to be. There was nothing terribly confidential about her it was more that she was used to not discussing a lot about her personal life with people—not even her friends.*\n\n\"Why do you want to know?\"" } ]
[ { "author": "choris_vulpes", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Luna let out a short lived chuckle, cut off by the sound of a third party to their left. The scout shifted her head to see the traveler. Hornets? Luna knew she didn’t sign up for that. The scout reached into the pouch on the small of her back and pulled out a piece of parchment, making a crumpling noise as she did.*\n\n“Uhhhh i don’t think so, were here to see an individual named danny?”" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Oh,\" *Danny said. She sat up a little straighter, winced, and gave up.* \"That's me. I didn't realize the help request was already out. I guess I'll need to thank the workers here double time. Musta carted it out with a milk delivery.\"\n\n*Danny beckoned them closer, rifling through her pouch shortly to withdraw a few random objects. She reached with her bad arm first, yelped in pain, and then used her good arm.*\n\n\"I'm glad there's two of you. I can't imagine going back down there again.\" *She truly meant it. Her green eyes were wide and fearful, maybe even on the brink of tears. She cleared her throat and regained her composure slightly.*\n\n\"I'm nothing that special, I know how to use a sword. I've been adventuring for about 4 years now. I'm sure you've heard them too— I doubt there's a Hylian kid who didn't get told warnings and stories about the Underworld— but I was a little low on funds and I thought I'd try my hand.\"\n\n\"It went well at first. But after a while I stumbled into this sorta underground meadow. At first I thought it was empty. There were crates and barrels and stuff like someone had lived there. But then...\"\n\n*A shiver went up her whole body. A cloud passed over the noon sun. The otherwise relaxing breeze was now a freezing blight on a temperate day.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Keegan listened to Danny's story and what had happened to her. Shortly after he leaned in to whisper to Luna again* \"Sooooo we're going to thr underworld?\" *He cleared his throat and puffed his chest a bit* \"Don't worry! We'll take care of...whatever is down there for ya!\"" }, { "author": "choris_vulpes", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Luna nodded along, she had many excursions into the underworld so far and they almost always led her to a gripping battle with a fearsome foe. Oh yea, this wad gonna be good. Luna’s interest grew with each word, until the cold winds blew in, causing the windowsill’s on the cottage to give an eerie creek. The scout pulled her cloak over her shoulders to keep warm and leaned over to whisper.*\n\n“This is great, thats where all the cool shit is. I wonder what we’ll face.”\n\n*Luna hid her giddiness for the upcoming excursion. However her excitement turned into confusion as keegan started puffing out his chest, he reminded her of a goose. She quickly returned her attention to the adventurer after a moment of confusion.*\n\n“So then what happened?”" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Danny gave Luna a strange look. Concern? Pity? Guilt?*\n\n\"It was the hissing I heard first,\" *She croaked. It was like something was caught in her throat.* \"I've never heard anything like it. And then the eyes... I've never looked at something so evil. So horrible. Even with other monsters I never imagined...\"\n\n*She covered her mouth like she was going to be sick. Up close the chainmail glinted more clearly through the worn vest and tunic. No, not worn: Torn. Slash marks had ripped through the layers, even the chainmail. Her boots were in tatters. Her shield was warped and splintered like it had been crushed from two sides.*\n\n\"I tried fighting, but I almost lost my arm and probably my life. I rushed out as fast as I could and I might've gotten away if there weren't more of them. They got my legs,\" *She was speaking faster now. Her breath came in shallow gasps.* \"If I hadn't been so scared I wouldn't have lost it.\"\n\n*Now she was really crying. The green eyes were lowered to the grass. She drew deeper breaths and seemed to regain a little composure.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Keegans goofy attitude quickly faded as he listens to the scared woman. He glanced at Luna while he listens to her description of the creatures and the situation* \"L-lost what? And wha-what were these creatures?\"\n\n*his hand was constantly opening and closing as the urge to fight was surging through his blood. He hasn't been on a life or death quest since he traveled through time.*\n\n{Many legs...giant spiders maybe? Hmm it hissed at her, \"and then the eyes\".. hmm.}\n\n*He figured it would be giant spiders, but he hoped he was wrong. He REALLY doesn't like spiders*" }, { "author": "choris_vulpes", "is_bot": false, "message": "{a tektite maybe, a deeler it could also be geldram, just look at her shield it had to have pincers}\n\n“How many were there? And was there anything out of the ordinary about the area around you?”\n\n*She was more curious than ever, and was already thinking up a game plan. It was subterranean and they had “many legs” so she was almost sure they were skulltula, that would explain the hissing sound. Whatever it was she could use her fire to help funnel them so she and keegan could dispatch them efficiently.*\n\n*The scouts hand met her chin as she looked over the adventures gear… but she said it was far worse thank anything she had ever seen so it couldn’t have been skulltula… right?*" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"I couldn't tell. It was so dark. It could be a whole swarm, or maybe they're always slinking through the Underworld. They were huge and moved so quickly...\" *Danny said with a shudder, wiping her eyes. She took another deep breath. When she spoke, she sounded more in control.*\n\n\"I wish I could ask you to go down there and get rid of them. I know how dangerous they are though, so I hope for your sake you don't run into them.\" *She took another deep breath and continued.*\n\n\"What I really want is something that I lost down there. A journal. I was so busy trying to stuff rupees and gold into my bag I took it out to make room. It has the last letter my mom sent me in it before she passed away. And her recipe for honey glazed wheat bread.\" *She added a little sheepishly.*\n\n\"I know I'm asking a lot, so if you can get me that journal I'll give you everything I found in that meadow. I think I snagged most of the good stuff. It would really mean a lot.\"" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Keegan give luna a quick glance and a confident nod* \"We'll do it.\" *he was confident they could pull this off.*\n\n{Mmmmmmm. Honey glazed wheat bread..}\n\n*On the outside he looked serious, but inside he was drooling over the bread. Just the thought of it almost made his stomach growl*" }, { "author": "choris_vulpes", "is_bot": false, "message": "*so all they had to do was grab a journal? Probably wasn’t going to be that easy but as long as there were monsters to fell and fun to be had she was more than willing, especially with the promising pay check. She returned keegans nod before quickly looking back at danny.*\n\n“Deal, can ya mark it on our map quick?”\n\n*With a rustle from her bag she fished out a roughed up looking map and held it out to the injured adventurer excitedly.*" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Not a problem,\" *Danny drew a large X at the mouth of a small mountain range just south of Lon Lon Ranch.* \"The cave entrance I left through should be about here. From there it's a mostly straight shot through the tunnels.\"\n\n\"May the goddess watch over your travels.\" *She said, managing a weak smile.*" } ]
[ { "author": "gemilingo", "is_bot": false, "message": "*An eerie, tense silence fills the air, contrasting  with the former ambience of villager commotion and the sounds of wind and grass and ground. It's so cold.* ***And he needs to breathe.***\n\n*Sol takes in a sharp gasp of air and pulls his hand back suddenly, palm sputtering and sparking with wild red flame. The flame's thrashing form seems to envelop parts of the fingers and curl off into sharp ends (that is, if a flame could take on a sharp shape.) The harsh, sudden glow is bright, and casts sharp black shadow around where the firelight isnt. In an instant he's turned around, face contorted and teeth bared sharp. The hand lashes out, swiping at the killer in an arc at his chest, smoke and cinders trailing behind the fire. With their proximity, however, his arm wouldn't reach from that distance, just barely. It didn't matter. Distance. He needed distance created, and now.*\n\n{92}" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Strider stands still as he sees the swipe barely miss him. He stares at All the entire time as he goes berserk. He slowly takes a step close as he lowers his mask*\n\n\"Sol. Please listen, you're mind is being clouded.\"\n\n*He looks over at Luna and nudges his head towards Sol. His shadow stands next to strider giggling*\n\n\"``Finally. This kid has some potential after all!``\"" }, { "author": "amiamia", "is_bot": false, "message": "*alezzi would jump when sol unleashed the fireball thing at strider* {I made a mistake bringing him here didn’t I?} *she would then whisper to herself* “I always mess things up, it’s nothing new.” *she would prepare to take out her rapier to neutralize attacks just in case sol tries to attack again* {i sure hope I’m helping}" }, { "author": "choris_vulpes", "is_bot": false, "message": "*luna picked up the baby and pit it in a jar to contain it for later. She held the jar up to viewing level and taped her finger on the jar in front of the skulltula playfully before turning around to see that shit has hit the fan... she looked rather disappointed*\n\n{i look away for five seconds...}\n\n*she looked at the situation as strider motioned to sol. Her expression went cold as she turned to strider and the armed alezzie somewhat concerned now*\n\n“You so much as lay a finger on him, i’ll make sure your bloodline can’t continue... that kick will look like pussy shit”\n\n*she pointed at strider before turning to sol in an attempt to grasp the situation... she wasn’t exactly good at this stuff*\n\n{the attack didn’t land... he’s not dumb enough to miss but then again he doesn’t look like he’s focused on thinking... why is he getting closer.?.. strider doesn’t seem to want to harm him... is that his lackee?}\n\n*her thoughts swarmed as she desperately tried to find a solution*" }, { "author": "gemilingo", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Oh, if only such words would do as they so commanded. The smoke left behind by the arc begin to fan out, creating a thick feeling in the air. Sol's breathing shallowed and quickened. His eyes were fixed- no, flickering around madly, crimson in the firelight, blood in destruction. His eyes would travel. The Anemone, the wind, the Sheikah behind with a face he couldn't discern. Every time it would come back to the man stepping closer.. no, please, no no* ***NO***\n\n*GET AWAY.*\n\n*He couldn't even fucking remember the moment. All he could feel was the cold, freezing cold of the ice and night and now and the lions, the dreams that made it apparent. He didn't even see the exact moment. He was just gone, everything was black and he woke up numb and he was gone, that gold-eyed boy, warm arms and the ruthless preahing bastard he was gone, GONE. Sol backed up and backed up, tears welling and eyes, was it a trick of the light or were his pupils narrow?*\n\n\"N.. no. No. I believed- I believed in you, the world needed you, why did you do it?\"\n\n*He had been kind to Kalot, he believed in Sol before, no, it couldn't have happened. The boy's ears lowered visibly, flattening to the sides of his head. His throat was tight. He did, Strider-he hurt him, he would hurt them too. No, no, no!*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Sol glares at Luna and raises a brow*\n\n\"What the hell are you talking about?! stay back! And Sol, I didn't want to kill him. I tried to avoid fighting all together but you saw it! You tried to stop the fight and I was on your side but he wouldn't listen.\"\n\n*He swipes at his shadow to vanish it. He had his hands up a bit to show he didn't want to hurt anyone*" }, { "author": "gemilingo", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"You both! You both kept- did it, why can't anyone listen, why did it happen?\" *His voice starts to raise, attracting the attention of some townsfolk to the scene. None approached yet. The fire is still burning, beginning to climb up his arm. He couldn't shake the unbreakable memory of cold on his skin, so cold, freezing, he couldn't move. The Sheikah kept going back, shaking his head.*\n\n*The feeling of drowning in that lake which shattered beneath him, cold red eyes, the selfish declarations of heroism and justice, shit, all of it. His breath came out and in in weak bursts. No, no, No, COLD,* ***GET HIM AWAY-*** *he couldn't-couldn't he didn't want to see him, no!*\n\n*The fire flares up, sparks swirling and tongues of flame dancing madly about him.* {76}" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Strider steps back a bit after seeing the flames on his arm. Instead of his shadow walking out it was another figure. It resembles striders shadow but instead of it being dark with red eyes, it was a bit bright with bright blue eyes. It was faceless except for the eyeholes. The only thing it did was stand in front of strider and hold his arms out for an embrace*" }, { "author": "choris_vulpes", "is_bot": false, "message": "*she watched rather helplessly as this continued. She eyed strider sternly, her eyes glowing in the moonlight. She was at a loss on how to proceed*\n\n{he doesn’t look like he wants to harm sol... i guess i judged the situation wrong}\n\n*she kept her gaze on the two with an expression of both concern and confusion plastered on her face*" }, { "author": "gemilingo", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The smoke began to spread as what was happening became clear. He was changing, something was changing and he was still crying, drowning in his thoughts.* {66}" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*the light figure then goes in for a hug. A soft, comforting, safe hug to hopefully try and end things peacefully. Strider stands there with his head tilted understanding what it's trying to do.*" }, { "author": "gemilingo", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The reaction to the lights first touch is a scream. Sol lashes out at the silhouette, and the flames flare up brighter before receding, blackening and becoming more smoke than light.*\n\n\"***Don't!***\" *The boy shouts in a shrill voice, stepping back too fast and falling to the ground. The contact is freezing, it's too bright and he feels useless, useless! His eyes are strtin to blur with tears and he squeezes his eyes shut, fighting the twisting feeling in his stomach. The Sheikah curls up, and the fire begins to assume a different form.*\n\n*Curling in from the tendrils of suffocating smoke are curved horns of a ram,blending in with the dark if the night. From within, it ignites, glowing embers pouring out from a newly formed maw. Embers wink out and settle in dust as it's body forms. Some have seen it before. But this is so much unlike his usual spell; it's twisted and massive, half formed and contorted with rage. As a crowd gathers, it roars, not incredibly loud but in a way that warns to come no closer.*\n\n\"Get- Don't touch me!\"\n\n{39}" }, { "author": "choris_vulpes", "is_bot": false, "message": "*luna’s eyes dart to strider and back to the large flame familiar. All she could tell was that sold didn’t want to be approached and that strider had a light thingy that’s not as cool as the shadow thingy... atleast in her view of what’s cool*\n\n{he should probably hold off on approaching... should i intervene? He looks upset}\n\n*she was rather lost without anyone she trusted to command her*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*the light figure steps back as Sol lashes out again. It glares at sol as it senses some sort of corruption. It slowly draws it's blade before strider grabs the figure and pulls it back*\n\n\"What in the world are you doing?!?\"\n\n*It states at strider before disappearing. Strider then looks at Sol as he's curled up. He sighs and kneels down as he's still a good distance away*\n\n\"Sol...do you remember when you made this?\"\n\n*He pulls on his harness*\n\n\"I came to you for help. I asked if you could help me by making this. Same with that medallion of yours. You wanted to help people? Then why are you feeling like you failed? You helped me, and my cause isn't murdering anymore. You know my goal now. And so does she.\"\n\n*He glares up at Luna before looking back at Sol*\n\n\"The world needs you Sol. Your mind is unlike any others here. I know you can be stronger than this.\"\n\n*He stands up then turns away from him*" }, { "author": "gemilingo", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The incoherent screams continue as he starts pulling at his hair and scratching, shouting and trying to drown out the noise. Everything is buzzing, his nails- there's a pressure and sharpness that fades to numbness. Terror and panic and rage and everything are swarming. On the outside, it's clear that his nails have sharpened and his teeth are sharp, hair lengthening in patches on his arms and feet. Luna likely knows from the forest beyond time that the dragon will not stay like that forever. In a short time, it would burst into flames.* {29}\n\n\"I- can't -.. we thought - this isn't how..\" *fragments of words become coherent through his screaming. The dragon begins to advance, crouching low before leaping forwards at the hunter, massive form scattering embers and tongues of flame in its wake.*" }, { "author": "choris_vulpes", "is_bot": false, "message": "*luna watches as sol makes another attack at strider... or at least the familiar did. She didn’t know if she could actually help since the beast was made of fire*\n\n“Wait the flame out strider”" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*in instinct striders aura bursts around him. But this time is itsnt his shadow aura, instead it's has a silver glow. Rising up behind him his aura begins to take shape. Those who were with him to fight the giant beat the rose from kakariko has seen this before. His aura shapes into a lynel, a silver one, with dark blue eyes. It stood guard in front of strider facing this dragon and roars at it*" } ]
[ { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Strider makes his way back into Ordon on his horse. Following behind him was the small group of kids from the hideout. The weather was definitely better here than in the desert so they're more relieved. He slowly makes his way to Luna's house and hops off his horse. He knocks on the door to see if she was home*" }, { "author": "choris_vulpes", "is_bot": false, "message": "*there was no response since she wasn’t home but her brother watched from the window before opening the door*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*He looks down at Axel and squats a bit*\n\n\"Hey little man. Is your big sis home? I have a...gift for her.\"\n\n*Over his shoulder stood the group of kids. Some afraid, some calm.*" }, { "author": "choris_vulpes", "is_bot": false, "message": "*the boy simply simply shook his head as an answer before leaning to the left to see the bunch of kids and fully expecting them to be a gang of bullies that had come to attack him*" }, { "author": "gemilingo", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Kalot sits down with a deep sigh, looking back to his friend. He's a bit exhausted, and really worried now that Sol has been asleep for more than an entire day. The Picori has done as much as he can to fix the scratches, and for the most part it's worked. What he worried about now were the pains that healing magic couldn't quite fix.*\n\n*Was he having nightmares? Every once in a while he would see Sol's breath hitch, or he would move, flip over, murmur something incoherent in sad or angry voices. The larger boy's brows had been knit most of the times Kalot had checked. Kalot knew he wasn't at his best right now. The incident days ago had proven he was far from alright. What was he dreaming about? Maybe it was Leon. Or Strider. Or could it be someone totally different?*\n\n*The picori noticed the dawning of the sun outside, and sighed again. He should probably get something to eat. Kalot jumps down from the bed to the ground, a relatively long fall which is slowed by his feathery tail. He begins to make his way out before hearing a shifting noise.* {Hm?}\n\n*Sol's crimson eyes open to sun shining directly into them. Raising an arm in front of his face, he groans softly and pushes himself upright. The room, as he took it in, he recognized as reality, and the thoughts of before he realized as dreams. Blinking hard to adjust, he registers his senses. It's uncomfortably warm in the room. His throat is dry. And... there's morning sounds. Lowering his arm, he notices the dull, faded pain of his cuts from previously.* {Do they. . . heal that fast?} *Soon after, he's struck with the full contents of his memories and puts his hands in his face, making a loud, very frustrated sound.* \"*Hylia. . .*\"" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*He stands up looking back at the kids staring at all of them*\n\n\"Now listen up! This kids sister is coming back home soon and she's going to take care of you guys. If you so much as lay a finger on the kids you're going to have to deal with me. And I remember all of your faces.\"\n\n*He glares at them then turns to Axel*\n\n\"Tell your sis I'm coming back to check up on them once she gets here.\"" }, { "author": "choris_vulpes", "is_bot": false, "message": "*axel nods at his request before scratching the back of his head as he looked at the children before muttering in a rather casual manner “let’s see if I remember how to do this...”*\n\n*the boy looked for a few moments before snapping quick smoothly to a parade rest and yelling “File, in!”*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The kids immediately get into a single file line and slowly make their way into axels house. Strider nods as he's impressed*\n\n\"Not bad kid.\"\n\n*He steps back a bit*\n\n\"You take care now, and keept your sister out of trouble.\"\n\n*He leaves the house and makes his way down the hill. He pulls out the hooded lady's journal and finds the address where the murderer lives. He makes his way to the house and climbs his way on to the roof. He sits there planning his way to get in.*" }, { "author": "gemilingo", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Sol!\" *Kalot's small voice pipes up from below. The boy blinks hard and leans over the side of his bed to see Kalot.* \"*Oh,*\" *he says softly, lowering his good arm down to pick up his miniscule companion.*\n\n\"You've been sleeping for a while. I was starting to get really worried!\" *his little friend exclaims. A while? Sol's brow furrows. His own dream had felt like minutes, maybe a little more. But then again, that was how all dreams were.* \"How. . . how long?\"\n\n\"Sol. . . well, how should I say this? Not to worry you or anything, but you've been asleep since two nights ago.\" *His eyes widen as he hears this from Kalot, and he groans.* \"*Dammit, damn, dammit.* Did I miss anything?\"\n\n\"Well, a festival back in your village. B-but it's probably alright!\"\n\n\"**FUCK!**\" *Sol yells loud enough to cause Kalot to jump a few inches into the air. He sets his friend down and puts his hands in his face, grabbing at his hair slightly and mumbling with clear frustration. He can't believe it. He's never overslept, and certainly not this fuckasseringly long. He then kicks off his blanket and gets up fully, starting to leave the room before remembering Kalot was there and just sort of stopping in the doorway.* \"So much time lost. . . I'm gonna eat and get to work.\" *he extends his arm out, and Kalot climbs aboard before he heads over to his kitchen.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*after thinking he came up with a good way to get in. He wanted to waste no time getting this over with. He cloaks himself in shadow and shadow jump through his cracked window. Using the statue he is now completely invisible and unheard in the room. The house was small, but average. Some nice furniture, the captains armor on display, along with his shield and weapons. He slowly walks up to it and in rage wanted to blow it to bits, but did not. He searches the house and notices a basement leading downward.*\n\n\"``Hooo boi! Here we go hehehe``\"\n\n*His shadow hangs over his shoulder has he makes his way down. As he does he is met with a big basement covered in papers overdrawn with red 'X'. They're hit lists, and at the end of the room sat a hunched over man without a leg scribbling on a paper*" }, { "author": "Jolt", "is_bot": true, "message": "*Percy, and hopefully with Serkit, arrived in ordon village. Percy began to look for strider I’m ordon.* “Alright, now don’t do anything stupid. People are already probably very confused and scared about you.” *Percy said as he looked up to serkit.*" } ]
[ { "author": "gemilingo", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"I said *drink!* I can and *will* force feed you if I have to, Captain,\" *the young man growls in a slightly high voice, almost indignant. Are all army members deaf to his words? The Sheikah tries to grab Percy by his shoulder once he fails to stand and presses the bottle at his mouth again, insistent on him not dying.*\n\n*While he continues to attempt this, Sol casts a glance towards the damaged bot. The electricity running lines around in the rain isn't good. It'd make it more difficult to get up close and personal. The circuits beneath the shell of the bot catch his interest, but he doesn't have time to nerd out over something that may possibly kill him. But. . . maybe later he could get a good look if he shut it down. In the rain, heat begins to emanate from himself as he prepares to cast another fire spell soon, the rain warming and even steaming on the surface of his body.*" }, { "author": "choris_vulpes", "is_bot": false, "message": "*luna waltzed right into ordon completely ignoring the fiasco happening in the peaceful town. But as soon as she entered her abode she was met with a ‘pleasant’ surprise. About 14 orphans greeted her, and upon questioning them as nicely as possible she found out the culprit*\n\n“Ah so strider blessed me with you little ones. I’ll make sure to thank him and snacks are in the kitchen”\n\n*she grit her teeth silently as the many children walked to the kitchen. She was going to kill strider for this and slowly... but after a moment taken to calm down she went to her room and grabbed her armor before heading back to #castle-town*\n\n{perhaps I’ll use his guts as streamers? No}" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Serkit looked at Strider for a good few moments. Thunder roared overhead, illuminating the robot in a white lighted silhouette for an instant. The raindrops hammer down ever harder. Even after this seeming contemplation, it only repeated the line it had given Percy already.*\n\n\"I am LD-009S *brzzzt* 'Serkit' dispatched by the Armos Council to retrieve the glyph. *Vrweep* Relinquish it.\" *Serkit began to advance again. The clawshot was primed. The sword crackled with powerful energy. The machine's heavy form left deep prints in the muddy earth.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Strider starts to advance forward as well. The rain and wind pushed hard against strider as he moves. His saw blade was readied in his right hand while his mini arm crossbow was loaded and readied. The words Serkit said was now hammered into his head*\n\n{The council of Armos..}\n\n\"Why does the council want the Glyphs, why are they so important?\"" }, { "author": "Jolt", "is_bot": true, "message": "*Percy still refused to drink the potion. It was only a matter of time before...well...* “F-fight, sol...here...” *Percy said as he gave sol a fire crystal.*" }, { "author": "gemilingo", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"That's a later problem! *I'm not letting you die just because you want to be difficult!*\" *he yells louder.*\n\n\"Everyone all wants me to fight and do all these things- don't you think about what I want to fight *for*? I want people- I want people to live, you idiot of a knight!\" *The boy's emotions pour over in the form of tears and cracked shards of sound. It's cold, and wet, and there's sound everywhere like splashing and pattering and air and lightning. He doesn't want to fight for justice. Not for justice, not for- not for good, not for evil, not for victory, not for all that right now. He's just a child, with hands meant not to kill, a mind filled with grief and shards of a wish that push forth stronger than anything. He wants them to live. He wants everyone to live.*\n\n\"I'll fight! I-i'll fight, but you, you *have* to survive first! I won't do anything until you drink,\" *he grits his teeth once the words leave, arms trembling enough to shake the captain slightly and breath trembling with the gentle, receding flow of sound. He takes the crystal, but presses the bottle into the captain's palm, eyes crimson and glistening with tears and determination.*\n\n*The boy pushes himself up to a crouch, not leaving Percy's side until he was guaranteed to survive. In the rain, and in the wet hair pressed to his face from gravity and torrential water, he can make out the figure of the enemy. He bares his teeth, turning the orb over in his hands.The exposed parts beneath its core. . . he had to get it there. Sol noted immediately that its blade and clawshot were ready. He had to get close without being hit. It was raining, but that wouldn't diminish the power of a close, overwhelming flame, nor would it the light of radiance.*\n\n*The moment any sort of reply was produced, he would be ready to tear that thing apart.*" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Again Serkit was silent for a time before doing anything. Then it began walking forward. The clawshot clicked and fired the chain over Strider's shoulder. A loud squelch announced the grappling of another pumpkin, and the chain began reeling back to try and slam the orange fruit into the back of the sheikah's head. At the same time, the greatsword raised with its great crackling power and thrust forward at his chest! Unless Strider managed to dodge completely the arcing lightning wouldn't leave him unscathed!*" }, { "author": "Jolt", "is_bot": true, "message": "*Percy again resisted the potion, but out of instinct he put a dome shield around strider to stop the attacks from coming at him. Realizing the mistake what he had done and how villagers were watching him, he knew he’d be better off dead. He then looked to strider.* “Listen here you son of a bitch...I can’t die in peace if you don’t promise me something.” *Percy said as he coughed afterwards.* “You better not do another god damn crime...or associate with any crooks, any murderers, any day...or else I will rise out of my grave and Fucking kill you in your sleep. You understand me asshole?!” *Percy said, using his last bit of energy.*\n\nMM: 35%" }, { "author": "gemilingo", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"DIE IN PEACE?!?\" *Sol practically roars, furious.* \"Why are all of you like this? Why can't you just live and stop trying to be heroic and- and making pointless sacrifices just because you think it won't hurt you? Stop! Stop, stop stop STOP!\" *he slams his left arm down and chokes on a weak sob.*\n\n\"Why are you so much like- like LEON!?\" *the name brings a fresh rush of pain and myriad emotions to the forefront with the steady flow of tears and rage.* \"Why can't you put aside your pride for me? For everyone?\"\n\n*The Sheikah stands as the bot approaches and decides on what he has to do. He can't use the crystal. He can't for the safety of everyone near him. So, he resorts to a blade. Desperately rummaging through his pocket, he charges and pulls out an eightfold blade. It's not wielded perfectly, but for someone with a weak hand and rusty experience, it's good enough. He rushes forwards, past Strider, trying to slash at the exposed areas of Serkit's form. As he does this, a great burst of light emanates from him, rays piercing through the night and rain and being bright enough to possibly blind onlookers.* {16}" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Strider sees the pumpkin being swung around and instantly goes to dodge it, but the sudden shield left him confused. Serkits thrust was also unexpecting , so strider attempts to dodge both but not knowing the lightning would take damage to him. He falls back a bit dropping his weapon and sits up a bit. He hears Percy's words and chuckles*\n\n\"You have such little faith in your life captain. I'll kill to make this world better for everyone. It's too late for me t-to go good like you. B-but..\"\n\n*He slowly starts to get up, coughing and aching from the damage that was done to him*\n\n\"...I will promise that I will help s-save Hyrule, I'll take down these k-kings. I can't do this alone.\"\n\n*He stands up fully and holds his arm out to Percy again*\n\n\"All I ask is for your trust...\"\n\n*He lowers his mask revealing his face and glances at Sold*\n\n\"Both of your trust. We can't win this alone...but we could together.\"" } ]
[ { "author": "choris_vulpes", "is_bot": false, "message": "*and with that luna opened the door to see... oh, oh dear. It was immediately clear to her that there was blood all over the floor and two children at knife point and neither of which were her brother. Her face was filled with shock that immediately turned to anger*\n\n{what did that thing do? Where? FUCK... focus}\n\n*luna moved inside and kept her distance not bothering to activate her spear*\n\n“What’s the meaning of this!?”\n\n{don’t want to spook her...}" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "_As soon as Luna open the door, the sensation of slaughter became immediately apparent. The darkness of night masked most of the crimson-painted walls and floors, but the shining moonlight illuminated some within it's silver glow. This light extended from the windows to the center of the room, just barely able to reveal the Zora that sat in the middle of the room._\n\n\"Ah, ah, ah! You best keep quiet. Or these two will meet the same fate.\" _The Zora hushed, a soft chuckle filling the air. A flash reflected off the two blades revealed their presence as she tilted them to their sides, each one held to the necks of the two remaining children that she and Ozarek had spared. She had propped them up to sit at her sides whilst bound to chairs, cloths and gags to impair the senses even further. It was clear if anything brash was done, she was not afraid to do the job._\n\n_They had already butchered so many. What is two more to them?_\n\n\"Scream, run, draw your swords or spells- I must only need to move an _inch_. These remaining lives are but for you to decide.\"\n\n_Niko stood up tall, towering over the Ordon hero at nearly six feet, even a distance away. The knives she held floated in the air and remained in their lethal striking position, the magnetism within allowing her to control them with ease. These kids meant nothing to Niko; she could end it all as fast as she could blink. Though she knew she could exploit the fears of those who cared, or the morality of those who wished to do \"good\"._\n\n\"Come here and drop your weapons. Slowly, haha~\" _She demanded quite clearly, in which she assumed Luna- along with whatever companion she was being accompanied by- would follow without question. She didn't need them running away with what she needed, or for a sudden draw of the sword. This simple command solved both issues quite nicely, while easing Ozarek's position to now guard the only conventional exit out of the house to conduct his own misdeeds._" }, { "author": "schmilkk", "is_bot": true, "message": "*Ozarek cracked a grin as he heard voices coming through the back window from the front of the house. He leaned out, around the side, making sure he was in the clear, and began creeping up the side of the house, slowly, quietly, like a serpent on the hunt. That was what Niko and Ozarek were. Predators, hunting their prey.*\n\n{This is where the fun begins.}\n\n*Ozarek got closer and closer to the front as he heard Niko demanding that they drop their weapons. He didn't know of Sol's presence, as they reamined quiet thus far, but he wasn't going to come into view or even attempt to see Luna until everyone was engaged in conversation. Niko's diversion would help him immensely when it came time to take them by surprise.*\n\n*For now, he merely waited for their footsteps, their voices, any confirmation that they were all the way inside. He'd only move after that.*" }, { "author": "gemilingo", "is_bot": false, "message": "*No. No, no, no. No. No. Sol's breathing becomes hard to control, everything is colors, shapes, glistening redness, no, tiny shapes, tiny hands, curled against the floor, no movement, what have they done, why have they done it, no, no, No, his back is turned from the moon and it's too dark to make out every shape, Axel, where's Axel, brother, that's her BROTHER,* ***where is he***.\n\n*His nerves crackle, screaming out with energy, emotions running rampant, terror, muted blue sorrow, fire burning him alive whispering, roaring, crying out for vengeance. To let it out again and let it devour everything in ash and radiance. He can't feel anything and feels everything, he wants to charge forwards and wrap his hands around a throat, around the shape that mocked him, dig claws into muscles and make his grip tighter and tighter until even bone gives away, even flesh and blood cave in until life, no breathing, no voice to mock them, no throat to breathe. His heart beats like a frail rabbit heart, merely a warm mass of flesh and blood and force spasming just to keep himself alive. He needs. . To clear . . Clear his head. He needs things to make sense. Nothing makes sense. He's so. .*\n\n*He can barely register words. He can only move, move his arms out in front of him where he can be seen, palms open. There's two shapes, still there, still breathing, still can be saved. Please be saved. He's got to protect them somehow, make a barrier, make the earth embrace them so that nothing can hurt them. His arms, low and spread out wide, don't move. No. She was too close. She would kill them. He doesn't move. He waits. He needs a chance. Luna. He can't ask. He wants to scream it out in a way that only she could hear, no one else, no one to interfere. He needs a chance.*" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Come, come. _Do not be shy._\" _Niko pressed for both of them to step deeper into the house, her voice eerily calm as she smiled sharply._\n\n\"I merely wish to talk; Should all go well, there will be no _further_ bloodshed, hmm?\" _She said carefully. It was not as if she was unaware of the death that surrounded her; she relished in it. Though she offered them a bargain to at least spare those who were left alive, something that they would most certain do at any cost. A blatant lie, of course. As the Gerudo she allied herself with had his own agenda._\n\n\"This is not a position you would wish to _aggravate_ me in, is it?\" _She concluded, reminding the pair what exactly she was clearly willing to carry out, should either of them had conjured an impulsive idea._" }, { "author": "choris_vulpes", "is_bot": false, "message": "{great... so if she doesn’t want further bloodshed then why did she kill most of them?}\n\n*luna was taught one thing in her school and that was that every problem has an answer. She hated this situation forced to decide the fate of children... if she acted fast she could hit the knifes away... but they were floating*\n\n{well im not fast enough to do this... I’ll leave it to sol}\n\n*luna turned her head to sol and winked so niko wouldn’t see then nudged her head as if to say “come on” trying to seem as if she was going through with the demands*\n\n“Fine”\n\n*luna slowly walked forward acting as best she could that she was going to drop her weapons*" }, { "author": "schmilkk", "is_bot": true, "message": "*Ozarek peaked only when he heard Luna speak, a confirmation that they were entering. He caught a glimpse of the two for a fraction of a second and moved back behind the wall. It was not like him to be sneaking around, but this was necessary for Niko to get what she wanted. He didn't dare take the spotlight from her just yet. She'd been planning this longer than he had even known who Luna was, after all, and he had begun to respect her in that sense. Just in case things went south before he could act, he held his sword in one hand, letting it drape against the ground due to its sheer size.*\n\n*Niko could most likely handle this by herself, he reckoned, however he still wanted Luna to know who he was before she met her demise. For now, he waited for any sort of confirmation that it was time. The ideal confirmation would be hearing the other presence's footsteps leading inside as well. After that, he'd tip-toe behind, making sure they actually dropped their weapons, and introduce himself. No doubt they'd be surprised, at least he hoped, anyways.*" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "_While she knew Ozarek was just around the corner to assist if a brawl was to brake out, in their eyes she was the only threat that could be overwhelmed due to their favourable numbers._\n\n“I said slowly, not _stalling_.” _She said, her patience clearly running thinner as she huffed. She quickly draw her own weapons- differing from the ones that threaten the hostages- and spun them upwards into the air. The Arc Royals she wielded circled about a few times before locking on forwards, their tips pointed towards the Knight and Sheikah to threaten their well being. A drastic move on her part to draw weapons on them, that was for sure. Though the hostages served as leverage that allowed her to make such a play, a luxury that the pair could not afford so long as they wished to rescue these remaining children._\n\n_A single misstep could spell the end._" }, { "author": "choris_vulpes", "is_bot": false, "message": "*her face contorted with anger. Her sole reason in life was stripped from her and it was time to vent her anger. Luna jumped in front of sol and raised her shield before shooting a burst of arrows at the zora*\n\n{i hope the kids make it...}\n\n*fire... she would prove effective against the zora with her magic at least... honor was off the table now. She was going to decimate the zora or die trying*" }, { "author": "gemilingo", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The knives were pointing at them. The Knives were Pointing at Them. Walk. WALK. His head is screaming, and a fire still runs rampant in his blood, roaring for vengeance, and he barely registers a sound coming from the outside of the house. His vision is so tunneled, so focused on the house and the room and the shapes and red glistening with silver and he cannot turn his head in the terror that one blink, one mere moment of diverting his eyes and there would be more colors, more shapes. He can't look. He can't lose. He can't. Lose. Them.*\n\n*The Sheikah, the creature, a boy with a rabbit's heart and a dragon roaring through his blood in an electric panic, takes mere steps forwards. He's got to save them. Now. Right now. How. Right now, it didn't matter if he was stabbed, he didn't care, once there was nothing to lose, once he couldn't lose them at a moment's notice, he could do what he had to do. He could end this. Kill. Kill the Zora, tear it apart. It mocks him. It made these shapes, it spilled these colors. He's got to do it now. He has to do something.*\n\n*His hands are shaking. Hands. Hands, he needs hands. Right now. Fast. To pull them away. He could. He's gotta. In the silver light, there's a pair of barely-visible hands, suddenly by the knives, gripping the handles. His own hands twitch, moving barely an inch, and the hands at the knives try to pull them away from the hostages. He gets ready to fight if need be. It doesn't matter if they do. Needed to save them.* {86}" }, { "author": "schmilkk", "is_bot": true, "message": "*As soon as Sol and Luna began their assault on Niko, Ozarek was ready. He moved up behind the two and gave a nasty slash towards Sol's left achilles heel. He wasn't trying to end the fight with a death, he was trying to devestate the two of them further. This decision was based on the way they jumped to action instead of discussion with Niko. Obviously their hands were tied with trying to kill her off as soon as possible, so Ozarek used that to his advantage. Of course, he hoped Niko would be able to move, however if she took the damage, it wouldn't be the end of the world. After all, one of these heroes was about to lose their ability to walk with one of their legs.*\n\n*Should Sol take the slash, Ozarek would bring him to his knees with a hard kick to the back of the knee, before holding the sword to his neck. This was all speculation, and planning. It played through his head over and over as the sword's tip flew nearer and nearer to Sol's foot. Ozarek couldn't help but crack a smile.*" } ]
[ { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Keegan stops all of a sudden and slowly crouches*\n\n\"Shhh....\"\n\n*in the distance a small rustle could be heard. It was a deer eating berries by a tree. Keegan looks up at kharyi and points at it, waiting for her command*" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "'Don't shush me when you're the loud one,' *she mouthed at him before quietly pulling her a sword out from her sheathes.*\n\n*Khayri actually did not need his help to hunt in the night so she gave no commands. She just suddenly disappeared in the darkness. A few moments passed and she was suddenly by the deer with the sword, before she pieced it into where she knew its heart to be, quick and simple. It let out some upsetting noises for a few moments, but as she'd disrupted its life support system, she easily held it, then picked it up when it went limp. She'd probably done this before.*\n\n\"We have meat now. Maybe you should look for berries.\"\n\n---\n\n*A rather messy looking young man made his way through the woodwork, looking around. This was the nearest town he knew of, and certainly the culprit lay here for whomever had sent Rit to his place of rest. He was strangely quiet and unseen in the darkness, as he was keeping a keen lookout for any sigh of hylian or humanoids. They posed a threat to him after all. The man was not far from the camp of Strider and Selena.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Keegan stood up and sighs at how easy this was*\n\n\"Dang it. I actually wanted to do more sneaking. Oh well, let's see what berries it was eating.\"\n\n*he begins to pick the berries off the bush to fill a small sack. He straps it to his side then grabs some rope to tie the legs of the deer together and lifts it over his shoulder*\n\n\"Well, good hunting. Let's go!\"\n\n*he makes his way back to camp with Kharyi*\n\n---\n\n*Leo jolts awake after his dream. He sees Selena still asleep so he doesn't bother to wake her. He exits the house to get some fresh air. The light drizzle hits him slowly. He wasn't a fan of the rain, but this felt nice.*" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "*It's not long after Leo leaves the house that Selena practically jumps off the couch as she snaps back to reality.*\n\n\"- I... oh. I was dreaming.\"\n\n*She sits up, before standing back up, stretching her wings out and inspecting them.*\n\n\"...My wings are still okay, that's good...\"\n\n*She then takes a look around the room. Everything was how she left it, except for...*\n\n\"...Strider? Where'd you go?\"\n\n*She starts looking around the room to find him.*\n\n\"...He's not here... maybe he went outside?\"\n\n*Selena slowly opens the door as to not be that loud, closing it behind her as she exits the house. She folds her wings back down upon feeling the drizzle, hoping her wings won't get too wet, before stepping out to look around.*" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Yeah. And strong too,\" *Khayri pointed out. Her size helped her carry the deer with more ease than she would have been able to otherwise. She felt a bit proud that she was able to help out now like no one else was able to. It certainly helped to relieve a lot of the angst that she was feeling earlier about being left out and left behind.*\n\n---\n\n*Feral saw a faint light up ahead and assumed that it was the base camp of his enemy. He got closer and this only seemed more so as it came from a structure. As his eyes scanned the scene he saw a small Hylian-esc being standing there. Immediately he assumed she was the messenger for this whole plot. Certainly if he got ahold of her, he could tell them to stop sending their stupid people to kill his family. Out of the darkness, he pounced to tackle Selena, unaware of the larger man standing further within the night.*" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Selena didn't quite spot the stranger in time and fell from the tackle quite easily.*\n\n\"- Ack!\"\n\n*Although taken off guard, Selena quickly raises her legs up at the stranger on top of her, attempting to slash at him with her talons. With any luck, that would be enough to get him off, and she could make her escape after, she thought to herself in the moment.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Keegan begins to hum a small tune as they carried the deer. He meets up back at camp and sets the deer down next to the fire*\n\n\"Oki doki! Kharyi got us a good size. I'll go ahead and start the skinning, and if anyone else knows how to would you please help?\"\n\n*he pulls out his knife and cuts the ropes. He begins to skin the deer*\n\n---\n\n*as soon as he heard the feral pounced he turns quickly, seeing it on top of Selena. He instantly tackles him off of her and pins him to the ground, using his boot and right arm. He was not about to lose another one... especially at Lunas place. He flicks his wrist and aims the bolt at his head*\n\n\"Who the hell are you?!\"\n\n*his voice rough and angry*" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Khayri was a little bit frustrated that Keegan hadn't indeed backed up that she was strong. But whatever, Khayri could deal. This was almost the literal least of her problems. She watched Keegan for a moment before realizing that he was skinning a deer, which was sort of gross. Instead, she glanced toward the spring past the others, warily.*\n\n---\n\n*Feral yelped as he was thrust off of the messenger by some strange force and pinned on his back. The guy was stepping on his chest, which was particularly painful. Feral tried to claw at the man's foot, but then saw the guy's weapon pointed at him. He was stupid, but certainly not stupid enough to attack the guy with his own life in danger in doing that. Feral was very much a coward.*\n\n\"From the forest! I want your messenger!\" *he announced, momentarily glancing to Selena. His voice was not nearly as rough, though he too was yelling. It was a lot more feminine than Strider's but certainly a masculine voice.*" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "*As Selena recovers once Strider tackles the stranger, she stands up, flapping her wings in an attempt to shake the mud off. She hears what the man says, and takes a few steps towards the two in her confusion.*\n\n\"...Huh? I'm a... what?\"\n\n*She's never heard that word before - messenger - much less known what it means.*" }, { "author": ".squidcakes.", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Aurora suddenly awakens from her slumber... she somehow finds herself wrapped in her robe and looked a bit shocked.*\n\n“Gah! Wait... what happened?” *She looks around and sees Keegan and Khayri back with food. She scratched her head trying to quickly get herself back up to speed.*\n\n“Hey... um I can help!” *She got out of her robe and placed it aside and walked over towards the fire to help.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Yes you can. You can thank Kharyi for this. She's the one that killed it with one slice. Didn't even see her coming.\"\n\n*he lifts the deer up after skinning a but of it and hangs it upside down from a tree. He ties the bottom feet then steaks it to the ground to keep it in place. He begins to finish skinning one side, letting Aurora skin the other*\n\n\"Hey kharyi, how does the kid look? She doing okay?\"\n\n---\n\n*he raised a brow at what the feral said. He hears Selena approach*\n\n\"Stay back Selena! Go back inside.\"\n\n*he examines the man...having no idea what he is. Looks humanoid, but has some inhuman features*\n\n\"She's not a messenger. She's a fucking kid. She's been with me the entire time so you have the wrong person.\"\n\n*his tone stayed the same, having no emotions in his words except a but of anger and frustration*" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Upon hearing Strider telling her to head back inside, she frowns a bit, but nods.*\n\n\"- ...Oh... mmkay. I'm sorry...\"\n\n*Without sticking around for the next line, she turns and heads back to the house, once again closing the door behind her. What was all that about, she wonders...?*" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Khayri glanced back to Keegan.*\n\n\"I can't see her from here and I don't plan on getting closer. If there's a light spirit in that thing, I think I'm as good as dead,\" *she informed him. There was a strange amount of concern in her voice, similar to when she was talking about her father finding her.*\n\n---\n\n*Feral was very much a hylian, though had many monstrous traits to him. He did not like staying under Strider's foot and tried to move it from his chest, with less clawing involved. Maybe Strider would be decent enough to not step in that area. Feral doubted it, though, based on the stupid words.*\n\n\"Who else makes people come? Kids can be messenger too.\"\n\n*Feral was not one who's mind was changed easily.*" }, { "author": ".squidcakes.", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Aurora nodded and looks around for a small knife, unfortunately she didn’t have one so she takes her father’s sword to skin the other side of the deer. Before she starts cutting the skin off the deer she looks over to Khayri and smiles.*\n\n“Well, thank you Khayri for hunting the deer for us. May Hylia bless you for your efforts!”\n\n*She holds her father’s sword parallel to the deer’s skin and began skinning the deer. At first she struggled bit, but then she got the hang of it and worked a bit faster. She eventually finished and the deer was ready to cook.*" } ]
[ { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*He nods at the group. He then hops on his loftwing, guessing kharyi would hop in his shadow or on the loftwing with him and flies into #castle-town where he and kharyi would discuss their plan of action*" }, { "author": "amiamia", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Rin would be seen exiting her home, but something's different. There's an eye patch on her left eye, and her hair is black. Interesting changes, wouldn't you say?*\n\n{A new day, a new opportunity to find a friend. The only problem is well, finding them.}\n\n*She would sigh*\n\n\"I guess we should try the field, I doubt I'll find anybody interesting here.\"\n\n*She would look up at the sky.*\n\n{Dawn huh? I should have more than enough time.}\n\n*She would then make her way for #hyrule-field, excited to start the day off.*" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*At the crack of dawn, a rather unkempt Hylian found his return to Ordon, though not nearly in the same manner as before. His attitude was far less forgiving and inquisitive. One could sense his emotions were at the extreme and that he'd come with some clear goal in mind.*\n\n*Last time he'd come here, Feral had left his family to bribe Leo and Selena. Upon his return, his family was dead, by hunters or by Rit. He wasn't much of a detective, so he couldn't tell. Without much logical or deductive reasoning, he'd assumed that he'd been tricked and was returning to challenge Leo to a fight. But Leo and Selena had left, so he was yelling at a closed, locked door at an unholy time of morning, wielding his rusty sword and weathered shield. He looked absolutely absurd.*\n\n\"OPEN THE DOOR! I'll KILL YOU!\" *he yelled, not providing a really convincing reason to open the door. Of course he wasn't reasonable. Even when he was calm, he made no sense and didn't do things the 'normal' or acceptable way. It was hard to blame a man raised by bokoblins for his absurdity, though.*" }, { "author": "Deleted", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Welp, that's perfect timing alright.*\n\n*The little woman's silhouette appeared at Ordon's entrance, shrouded in the light of dawn. At a leisurely pace, leaning on her spear, she continued walking down the path towards home when the raucous voice from someone yelling nearby caught the attention of her ears. Exchanging her usual calm expression for a soft grin for a few seconds, she changed her course in that direction, trying to figure out why there was so much fuss at that time of the morning.*\n\n\"Well, isn't that a nice statement. What's going on in here?\"\n\n*She couldn't see who she was talking to, at least nothing more that a blurry shadow in front of her cloudy eyes, but she made an effort to sound as friendly as possible, recognising it had to be someone way taller than her, and obviously in a very bad mood.*" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Standing within range of Feral when he was angry was far from the safest idea. Even if his problems weren't directly related to someone, it took only seconds before he was able to shift the blame. And for this, he was rather desperate to be able to do something and saw someone to fight and went for it. Feral had nothing to say in response to her. He growled, turning around, and ran at her, swinging his sword in a rather wild way. There was no method in his madness. Likely the only way to stop him was to disarm or restrain him. Feral was just that unreasonable.*\n\n*It wouldn't prove terribly hard. Feral was an untrained fighter who usually hunted instead of fought. He'd almost been outdone by a deku before. Of course, he was unpredictable and much have accidentally done well in this fight do to his drive of fury. It at least made his attacks stronger, though. . .not as strong as they could have been, somehow he was holding back.*" }, { "author": "Deleted", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Not much of a talker, are you?\"\n\n*Finding a method in the madness, a pattern within the attacks, was precisely the one thing that helped her the most, so this one was going to be tricky. Now that she had his full attention, might as well drive him further from any other person in range and prevent an unfortunate accident.*\n\n*It was quite easy for her to avoid the first swing of his blade, slightly jumping towards her left side and twirling a bit, knowing that it would be challenging for him to turn faster if he kept attacking with such strength and momentum. Much like an Ordon Goat.*\n\n*Aiding herself with her Staff -like spear and considering that she was now standing by his side, she placed the end of it right in front of his feet so that he would trip with the next blind step he took (No pun intended). With enough luck he would fall for it, and if not, she could still keep evading his furious sword attacks until they were far enough from the village. Even when in potential danger, she still wore a small smile, having fun with it.*" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*He was immediately frustrated with her evasive tactics and slowed down a little to try and actually aim. He didn't want to make a return to the forest if he could avoid it since he was set on attacking, well, someone. If she kept on dodging, he'd end up looking for someone else and trying to get them. He was upset and only became more so with each dodge. Without release, he was seemingly going to fight until he exhausted himself. He had a lot of stamina, though, by the looks of things.*\n\n*Feral dodged the spear that was set at his feet and tired to wrap his shield arm around it to hold it in place. He was naturally strong, so he expected to be able to do that rather easily. After that, he'd. . well, he was more of an improviser than a planner.*" }, { "author": "Deleted", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Great. The spear is out of the game. Now what?*\n\n\"Should have thought about that...\"\n\n*Her balance was a bit affected now that she didn't have something to rely on while moving, but on the other hand, having him way near her provided her new stimuli to gather information from, and the very first thing that completely surprised her was his scent. Familiar enough and yet completely illogical in that context.*\n\n\"Huh. Bokoblin, but Hylian.\" - *She muttered under her breath while she tried to distance herself again, working out a way to calm him down given that fighting was not much of an option now that she was defenseless, and that he was making an effort to actually aim.* \"Might wanna tell me the reason why you're going to kill a blind gal, buddy?\"\n\n*Tackling him was not a very smart option, and running away would only make that somebody else's problem. Maybe knocking him out with something, but finding a stone would take time.*\n\n\"Please don't make me hurt you. You seem nice enough.\"" }, { "author": "MEE6", "is_bot": true, "message": "**Dun dun dun duuun!** @Deleted User Has been blessed by Hylia and advanced to level 4!" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*He backed up and chucked it into Luna's house's door like the thoughtful and respectful young man that he was. Then he again started to work at her. He did not reply to her questions, set on landing a hit, but also he didnt know what half of the words she was saying were. Especially not 'blind'. 'Not-seeing' would have been easier for him to understand. But then again, this wasn't much of a conversation so she wouldn't have known to try that. All she eventually got was:*\n\n\"YOU SENT THE NUT AND THE NUT KILLED THEM!\" *he yelled.*\n\n*It was a surprise that half the village wasn't out there coming after him for causing such a ruckus. Maybe they knew better not to head out during a ruckus, based off of their past experiences during the Twilight Era.*" }, { "author": "Deleted", "is_bot": false, "message": "*She was tempted to shout \"Careful!\" when hearing the spear hit the wood, but knew that it would do no good anyway. After that, she only raised her hands in submission, noticing that he had at least stopped attacking for the moment, although she was prepared to step back once again if he tried to hit her.*\n\n\"Killed wh-...?\" - *She tried to connect the dots as quickly as possible. Either he was one of those monster fanatics or he was extremely upset for something else, but at least she knew it was because of loss, and against the villagers.* - \"Do you think they would be capable of doing such a thing? They don´t even know what all this fuss is about.\"\n\n*She let out a shaky sigh, and slowly started to walk around him in search for the spear, her hands extended in front of her to measure the distance between them better.* - \"Look. We can work this out together, but someone is definitely getting hurt if you don't calm down, alright?\"" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Feral wasn't starting a conversation with her. All he'd intended to do was provide his reasoning. Maybe he had been hoping that she would have information on Rit, but it ended up not being the case, or she refused to tell him. Feral, assuming that all Hylians were acquainted (except himself) then decided that she had been lying. His reasoning remained circular, as he was certain that by hurting anyone, he'd be one step closer to revenge.*\n\n*Feral shoved her with his shield to knock her back and pointed his sword toward her outstretched arms, unafraid to actually push the point into her skin. Whatever restraint he had was being used right now not to slice her arm right off. Perhaps her offer of a conversation had made him hesitant to kill her straight away.*\n\n\"Say to me what you know or I can take your arm,\" *he threatened.* \"Who went to kill my family and where is the leader?\"" }, { "author": "Deleted", "is_bot": false, "message": "*She tried to place her arms behind her to avoid hitting the ground too hard, to no avail, and remained completely still once she sensed the blade right next to her arm. There was no time to think, so she had to choose her next words wisely if she wanted to still turn that situation around.*\n\n\"My favourite arm, nonetheless... Fine.\"\n\n*Bingo. Those two questions were enough for her to finally complete the puzzle she had assembled in her mind. Since she didn't know where his eyes actually were, she looked directly to the skies and kept her expression as neutral as possible.* \" I don't know who killed your family, but I can help you find them. And the second question...\"\n\n*She didn't enjoy lying, but if her response meant someone else was getting hurt...* - If you mean the Village Leader, the Mayor, that would be **my** father.\n\n*Once again, she tried to direct all the attention to her in order to keep everyone safe.* - \"So, technically, you hit the jackpot. Kidnapping the Leader's daughter would mean that you can find more information and get revenge, right? No reason to kill me for now.\"\n\n*Hopefully, that would be enough to at least distract him for now from attacking anyone else, and at the same time she would have another chance to calm him down. After all, he was hurting, no matter how weird that situation was.*" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*He didn't understand all of the weird words that she was using. 'Jackpot', 'nonetheless', 'Mayor', 'technically', 'information', and 'revenge' were just some of the words that he lacked the translation for, but he got the gist of what she was saying from 'leader's daughter' and 'I can help you find out'. Though Feral was rather upset and illogical, he knew better than to ruin his chances by murdering someone out of spite. He huffed, pressing the sword into her arm hard enough to make her bleed before pulling it back.*\n\n\"If you lie, you also get your arm taken,\" *he growled, waiting for her to spill the information.* \"Tell me also of the bird child and large sword man. Why are they not here?\"\n\n*He, luckily for her, was trying to be coherent through his anger so he could get to the people he really wanted to kill. Man, did this guy need counseling or something. And Hylian language lessons. His words were a mix based on things he'd actually learned and stuff he'd learned through context. His knowledge was very incomplete.*" }, { "author": "Deleted", "is_bot": false, "message": "*She bit her tongue to keep herself silent as the metal pierced her skin with little to no effort at all. Once she had confirmed he was not going to hurt her anymore, she unwrapped the headscarf that was holding her hair back, letting her blue locks rest against her forehead, and tied it around the cut to keep it from bleeding more or getting it infected, teary-eyed.*\n\n- Yup! Understood, buddy... Very nice sword you've got there. Ok... {Ouch, ouch, ouch...} - *Welp, being raised by Bokoblins - judged by his scent and the way he talked of his late family - probably turned him into a simple lad, she thought. Right to the point. She tried to place her hands on the ground, slowly.*\n\n\"Can I get up, now?\"\n\n*Although she had lived most of her life in that village, \"Bird child\" and \"Large sword man\" did not ring a bell to her, so she had to improvise again.*\n\n\"They are probably traveling, bud. I don´t know them\" *Better keep on going with much simpler sentences, recognizing that his Hylian was a bit broken. Maybe she could find more about him later. Still holding her arm, she managed to give him a kind smile that reached her silvery eyes.*\n\n\"Whats your name?\"" }, { "author": "choris_vulpes", "is_bot": false, "message": "*the young hero luna made her way out of hyrule field and into ordonian. Not paying much mind to the two near the entrance other than a short glance, as she thought they were just kids playing. The young scout made her way down the main path of ordon.*\n\n{it’s nice to have the scent of ordon back... hopefully nobody broke into my house while i was away. I wonder if terry opened up shop yet?}\n\n*luna rubbed the back of her head as she climbed up the small hill she lived on and approached her abode, unknowing that a boko boy was slamming on the door... well almost unaware*\n\n“What the... WHAT THE FUCK?!”\n\n*luna shouted in frustration as she eyes the spear lodged in her door. Who the hell did this!? It certainly wasn’t someone local because they know what they’d be in for. She unlogged the spear from her door with an expression of anger overtaking her face*\n\n{the only just punishment is to stick this spear in their fucking gut.}\n\n*luna looked around to see if she could eye any potential tourist that was getting a little to rambunctious*" } ]
[ { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Feral seemed not to care about any damage he had caused in her in his rage. The scars that were scattered about him indicated that he'd probably learned this behavior from his family; that he'd been abused and was passing on this behavior. But of course to one who couldn't see his scars, it would be harder to determine why he behaved this way.*\n\n*Seeing as she was complying now, he slowly lowered his sword to his side, but still did not plan on telling her have the spear back. She hadn't suddenly gained his trust. He'd lost all trust in people rather recently for reasons he'd already provided to her.*\n\n\"Yes, stand,\" *he replied to her question, and then replied to her next statement with only:* \"Find out.\"\n\n*And again Feral found himself encountering the term 'name'. Why was everyone so intrigued with that when he obviously didn't have one? He was annoyed and shook his head.*\n\n\"I don't have that, stupid.\"" }, { "author": "Deleted", "is_bot": false, "message": "“I’m not really your servant, bud. But I guess I can help with that too.”\n\n*She stood up slowly, in a clumsy sort of way as she flailed her arms for a few seconds to avoid falling again, and kept her hands at chest level to keep that balance.*\n\n“No chance in getting my Spear back, right? Can’t I find a twig or something before we... Uh... Start? I can’t really see without i-...”\n\n*His last response made her chuckle a bit, and she nodded, trying to make it clear she understood the situation.*\n\n“Right, but I can’t go around calling you BokoBoy...”\n\n*Taking a risk, or trying to lighten up the mood, she slightly tilted her head, her gaze placed upon a random point.*\n\n“...How about Nyraah? Can I call you that? And you can give me a name too, just for a few days while I get to know you.”" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*He held her by the arm so she didn't try to walk away but also didn't fall over. At this point, he was aware that she was blind. It made him feel worse that she'd been dodging so well, but that was not what he was meant to be focusing on right now. He replied to her question.*\n\n\"I threw it. Maybe get a new one.\"\n\n*He showed little remorse for his action, but the fact that he'd calmed down from his murder fest was something. He was even a bit comical as he expressed lack of knowledge concerning names. He was aware that people called each other things, but had never grasped the concept of 'name' for some reason. Probably because no one had ever named him, he'd only heard other's names.*\n\n\"Only because it sounds cool,\" *he replied, trying to think of a name for her.* \"You have the name of. . \" *he stalled a minute, looking around for something.* \"Mud.\"\n\n*He seemed pleased with himself and for the moment distracted from the fact that he was a recent orphan.*" }, { "author": "Deleted", "is_bot": false, "message": "“You threw-... No surprise there, I guess. Might look for it later, then.”\n\n*She didn’t even flinch when grasped by the arm, although she was a bit surprised that he didn’t immediately avoid being touched by others. Well, at least he didn’t appear to fear her.*\n\n*She stopped herself from laughing out loud, only chuckling once more, and agreed to it. From what she knew right away, she couldn’t tell his real age, but he did seem a bit childish, so it was better to not give him a hard time on the topic of actual names.*\n\n“Okay. Nice to meet you then, Nyraa... Now what?”\n\n*Although she was blind as a bat, that instinct to “look around” in search for her lost spear or at least to gain some sense pf her surroundings was still there. Now, al she had left was to rely on the young man’s judgement.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Coming out of the woods, and surprisingly near Lunas house, a bokoblin charges out in rage and fear. As if it's running away from something. The next thing that came out was a bolt that pierced its head, making it fall to the ground. It bursts into a cloud of malice, leaving nothing but a horn and some bones. The man that shot the bolt was strider, and he walks out of the woods to claim his bounty.*\n\n\"Would've been a lot easier if it didn't run away.\"\n\n*he goes to pick up the pieces and stashes them in his coat to soon cash in. He looks around to find himself in Ordon. Near him he sees the feral, who he hasn't seen in a few months. He turns around and yells back into the woods*\n\n\"Hurry up Selena! I already got it.\"" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Sorry, sorry! I'm coming!\"\n\n*Selena comes out after Strider. Now that her hurry to catch up to him was over, she looks around as well.*\n\n\"...Oh! We're back here!\"" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Yes we are. And you were falling behind. That's two math lessons when we get home. No buts or why's got it?\"\n\n*he didn't sound mad or anything, but you could tell there was seriousness in his tone. He looks around and sees Lunas house in the distance*\n\n{Maybe she's finally home}" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"...Mmkay.\"\n\n*She sounded a bit down by this... but only a bit. She catches Strider looking at Luna's house, and she gazes over to it too.*\n\n\"...Do you think the owner's there now? They have to be, right? It's been so long...\"" }, { "author": "choris_vulpes", "is_bot": false, "message": "*luna looked frustrated but decided that whoever did it would come back for the spear so she simply headed inside with it and set it near the fire place before taking a step back*\n\n{well hopefully nobody decided to enter uninvited while i was gone... again}\n\n*luna produced a flask from her shirt and uncapped it. The scout took a swig before plopping on the couch and crossing her legs. She relaxed herself and sank into her seat as she began to think.*\n\n“Non stop fighting and now i get to kick back and relax... perhaps I should take some time off and head to lurelin?”\n\n*luna closed her eyes and smiled as the thought of a beach vacation filled her head. But first she would have to get her pets back and clean her house... it had gotten a bit dusty*\n\n“ACHOO!... perhaps i should’ve got somebody to clean this dump.”" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*in the distance he sees luna enter her home. Of course he was going to go bother her straight away, it's been a while since he saw her. He walks up to her door and knocks on it a bit. He looks down at selena*\n\n\"You remember the last time you saw Luna?\"" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Selena thinks about Strider-s question for a few seconds, before nodding.*\n\n\"...I think so! She came with us to fight that giant bird, right?\"" }, { "author": "choris_vulpes", "is_bot": false, "message": "“I should go s-“\n\n*luna heard the knock on her door and sighed. Company already?... or perhaps it was the one who lodged a spear in her door? Nevertheless luna got up and went to her door and quickly unlocked it before opening it to see strider and salena standing there.*\n\n“Oh, hello. You got here right as i got back... oh well hello kiddo”\n\n*she addressed strider in her usual calm tone but as she looked down and saw salena she gave a smile and happily greeted the little siren. They got here fast... were they stalking and waiting for her to arrive? She didn’t think salena would do that but strider certainly fit the bill for that kind of behavior*\n\n“So what brings you two here?”" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "\" I came here to give you this, as a thanks for letting us crash here when you wasn't here.\"\n\n*he hands her a small sack of rupees*\n\n\"And, I got some information, directly from the bulbin kings last words.\"\n\n*he pats Selena's head to get her attention*\n\n\"Why don't you go into the kitchen for a bit. The...grown ups have to talk in private.\"\n\n*he didn't like keeping secrets from Selena, but she's too young to understand the information he's about to tell luna*" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Hi, Luna!\"\n\n*Selena looks up at her head getting patted. While she frowns a bit having to leave the two, she nods knowing it was probably something she wouldn't understand anyway.*\n\n\"...Okay. I'll be over there, then.\"\n\n*As she heads to the kitchen she turns around to speak again, but decides against it. She heads to that room silently.*" }, { "author": "choris_vulpes", "is_bot": false, "message": "*she held her hand out as the pouch was given to her. Perhaps she could use this to repair the door? She did her best to ignore his grammar despite how funny it was. Luna raised her brow at the mention of information from the bulblin king. She then looked down at salena as she walks by, stepping to the side to let her through.*\n\n“There’s some snacks in the cabinet. Help yourself.”\n\n*she smiled as the child went into the kitchen before turning to strider with a plain expression. She’ll finally be able to track down that zora! Just as the bulblin king promised! Her face turned serious at the anticipation*\n\n“Let’s hear it”" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"As I said before, revenge isn't the best path to go down, but I can't stop you from doing that, so I might as well help you.\"\n\n*he walks I'm and sits down on her couch*\n\n\"Niko Aluta. That's the name of the Zora that murdered the kids and your brother. Did some digging and asking around and she also goes by Zapfish, which you might've already known.\"\n\n*he pulls out his flask and takes a sip. He then holds it out and raises a brow to see if she wanted any*" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Nyraa heard some yelling and glanced off toward it, but soon let his attention return to Mud. He valued her as far as information, so he wasn't going to go check on whomever had yelled out. A mistake, because it was the sword man with the bird child that he'd sought. Also a mistake because he could have saved a fellow bokoblin. He was blissfully unaware.*\n\n\"I want the telling of what you know, and finding out. You want to go to a place that helps?\"\n\n*He was reluctant to approach more people, but desperate for information. Doing this investigation made him feel like he could actually make a difference. Perhaps he was experiencing some form of denial. It was not the easiest thing to read Nyraa's emotions.*\n\n\"Not where the people have too many pointy things, though. No tricks.\"" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "*As Selena enters the kitchen, she thinks about what Luna had said, about the snacks in the cabinet. She was pretty hungry after that hunt... well, if Luna said she could have some, why not get some? She hops up to open the cabinet, using her wings to go higher up if necessary, and looks inside for something to eat.*" }, { "author": "Deleted", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The Bokoboy wasn't the only one who had paid attention to his surroundings, as the sensitive ears of the girl caught up that quite well, recognising the cry for help of one of his kind immediately and praying he hadn't seen what happened after, letting out a nervous sigh. Luckily enough, she also sensed three more silhouettes nearby, and a very much needed idea popped up in her head.*\n\n\" Yeah, a place that helps... Huh... We **could** go and search for the friends you were looking for earlier, if that would help at all.\"\n\n*She made a small gesture with her hands, trying to ensure that he got what she was saying, and nodded.*\n\n\"No pointy things, no. I don't like them either, but you'll have to trust me a bit on this one. I promise nothing bad is gonna happen again.\"\n\n*Reluctant to move without his permission at first, knowing he was still holding the sword in his hand, she began to walk slowly along the path of the village towards the last spot she sensed those figures, stumbling a bit.*\n\n- Uh... Could you tell me where did you meet your friends? Which house?" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*They weren't her friends, but he also knew that she probably wouldn't condone murder, so he didn't correct her. He would take advantage of her assumptions to get the information that he needed and then prove her assumptions wrong later. Technically it wasn't lying if he didnt say anything, right? He wouldn't mess it up that way.*\n\n\"House closest to us. I threw the spear that way,\" *he replied.*\n\n*Nyraa was going to throw the spear again if he found where it landed. He did not consider her a friend and would go out of his way to hinder her to make sure she had to stick with him and tell him everything. He kept an eye out along the way to determine if it was in the bushes or a tree nearby. How would he have known that Luna retrieved it?*\n\n\"They were not there when I came. But maybe they are now?\"" }, { "author": "Deleted", "is_bot": false, "message": "*She nodded again, and turned a few degrees to get it right this time as she walked.*\n\n\"Okay. Thanks! Yeah, that's possible. Just, uhm, let me check before we enter, alright? A smile can open any door, y'know?\"\n\n*She made her way through until she reached the door, passing her fingers through a deep gash that was probably caused by the hit of the spear, but the item itself was nowhere to be found. Hoping for the best, she knocked on the door gently, hearing footsteps inside. Perhaps they were still too scared to open up?*\n\n-\"Uh... Hello? I- Well...\" *She glanced behind her, sensing the young man's shadow, while thinking on a way to explain the situation without condemning them both.* \"I was training earlier, and I think I might have accidentally chucked my spear at your door? Clumsy me, you see... I just wanted to check if everyone was alright, and maybe I can compensate... That.. {Yeah, sounds about right}\n\n*She gulped, waiting for the house's owner to open and yell at her. Welp, you win some, you lose some, I guess. And it was preferable than having to calm two angry Hylians now.*" }, { "author": "choris_vulpes", "is_bot": false, "message": "*probably a surprise to salena but most certainly a delight to the siren. The cabinet was absolutely filled to the brim with every snack one could possibly imagine. Definitely more than enough to fill salena’s stomach without making a considerable dent in her supply... and that wasn’t even counting her other stash*\n\n“Niko huh?”\n\n*a name was good and all but that information really didn’t do much in the way of aiding her search at all. She let out a saddened sigh, she still had a long way to go before she could make the monster pay. Her face went almost blank of emotion as she went to respond to strider but was cut off with the knocking on the door*\n\n“I kno-... this fucker”\n\n*luna’s expression and tone went immediately to one of anger. Clumsyness? She lived on a hill alone how would one throw it up that far by accident. The angered scout opened the door to see someone of her height standing there*\n\n“Sure, watch where your throwing you could kill someone.”\n\n*luna’s tone was stern and aggressive. But she really didn’t have time to scold the girl... and on top of that she was clearly blind. Luna tapped the adventurer with the but end of the spear as she handed it off*" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Nyraa stood sort of obviously behind Mud, not really making any attempt to hide. He actually didn't expect anyone to be in there but was curious when he heard the not so quiet shuffling around in the place. Had those demons come back? His stature became a little bit more hostile as he guided his eyes toward the door. And. . ? It opened to Luna, who he didn't know. He tried to drop the attitude so she believed that he was a normal Hylian.*\n\n*He grabbed the spear as it was offered to Mud, because he didn't want her to have a weapon. He thought on his feet, trying to explain himself logically.*\n\n\"Yes. .I was trying to teach, but she is bad at it. Maybe I will take Mud deeper in the wood?\" *He glanced toward her. He was not the best liar and it was probably going to blow up in his face some point.* \"Also have you seen a nut man around?\"" }, { "author": "Deleted", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The Hylian chuckled nervously, letting Nyraa take the spear along with her chances of getting it back at that point, and she resigned herself to nod rapidly.*\n\n\"I will. Again, I'm terribly sorry, it's just that its a bit difficult, but Nyraa here is trying his best to teach me... Uhm..\" *She quickly drew her hands to the inside of her bag, and eventually took out a little paper package, which turned out to be a slice of Apple Pie, offering it to Luna.* \"I really hope I can make things better. I'm... Uh... Mud. It is nice to meet you!\"\n\n*She let out a nervous laugh when hearing the Bokoboy's last question, and made an effort to explain.*\n\n\"We were trying to find two of Nyraa's friends. A very tall man and a little girl. Do you happen to know where we can contact them?\"" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "*A delight it most certainly was, Selena's eyes practically lit up at the sight of all the snacks. Not knowing where to start, Selena grabs something towards the top and opens it up. It's some small cookies! She pours a few out before putting the rest back and starting to dig in. She can't hear the commotion of the front door from the kitchen.*" }, { "author": "choris_vulpes", "is_bot": false, "message": "*luna’s grip immediately tightened as the boko boy tried to rip it out of her hands. She gave the feral hylian an evil glare as he tried to explain himself... which is when a really obvious question came to mind*\n\n“So do you mind telling me why you were training a blind women to throw a spear? Or perhaps your trying to make a fool of me?”\n\n{and who names such a pleasant women mud?}\n\n*luna began scanning the two up and down. Especially at the mention of a tall man and a child... this was easily the weirdest and most suspicious encounter she ever had with an individual. It didn’t take her long to notice the wound aswell*\n\n“And what do you want with those two”" }, { "author": "Deleted", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Nyru to the rescue once again, as she tried to keep it as sincere as possible while preventing Nyraa from bursting into another fit, knowing he would probably be very impatient.*\n\n\"Ah, well, I don't really use it as a spear all the time, more like a Staff... But you never know, right? It's useful to learn how to defend yourself, though I'm not a fan of fighting...\"\n\n*She blinked rapidly, noticing that she was drifting away from the main topic, and she gave her a kind smile.*\n\n\"Anyways, uh... I'm not really sure of why he was searching for them. We are in the middle of a very serious-super-important-investigation!\"\n\n*Maybe joking a bit would release the tension in the air. Or maybe it would seal her terrible faith. Either way, did she even have a chance?*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo hears the commotion and also sighs. He recognized one of the voices and stood up. He walks over and stood behind luna, also glaring at the feral.*\n\n\"Well well. Mind explaining what you're doing here again?\"\n\n*he crossed his arms and huffed a bit*" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Nyraa had been a tad bit irked because Mud was speaking for him. He sought the deku more than he sought the two whom he thought had betrayed him. He seemed disinterested in explaining his reasoning and crossed his arms, idly looking into the rest of the room. And that's when he heard and saw Leo. His anger was revitalized.*\n\n*Though he had no immediate proof that it was Leo or Rit who had killed his family, he still was under the impression that they had worked together or separately to bring an end to them. An immediate look of hostility escaped from his face as he squeezed his arm. He tried hard not to break character despite his murderous urges. He tried to stop glaring at the man. He wasn't terribly successful.*\n\n*After a good 30 seconds of staying silent and letting the others talk, he couldn't help but speak up. At least to know whether or not Leo and Selena had been the ones to do it themselves.*\n\n\"I look for the people who killed all 7 of my family. They know or they did it,\" *he growled. So much for having a cover.*" }, { "author": "choris_vulpes", "is_bot": false, "message": "“That still doesn’t answer the question of why he is training you to throw a spear. And i know for certain it was no training acci-“\n\n*her scolding was cut short by strider as he up and revealed himself despite her efforts to keep him hidden. This clearly aggravated luna... but oddly enough she just dropped the spear and walked away calmly. She was getting angry alot lately and she was on vacation. She didn’t need any more stress.*\n\n“You can handle this. no fighting inside, if you do I’ll make sure no one here ever fights again... im going to check on her”\n\n*luna patted strider on the back in a friendly enough manner as she spoke in her cold, serious tone. Warning him of her rules... then she smiled and walked to the kitchen. As she walked in she closed the door and waived to the young siren. Luna then smiled as she began grabbing cooking appliances as she spoke in a soft voice that she usually used with children*\n\n“Did you have anything to eat today kiddo?”" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Selena turns to Luna, smiling and waving.*\n\n\"Yeah! I got some cookies!\"\n\n*As she puts the last cookie in her mouth, she thinks for a second before asking Luna a question. Surely it wouldn't hurt, right?*\n\n\"...So, what were you guys talking about? It was probably important if we came here a second time for it...\"" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Strider sighs and leans against the doorway*\n\n\"I have no idea what happened to your family. I havnt heard anything about a murder or a family being slaughtered. I could look into it, for a price of course. And it depends on what I'm up against. Other than that I can't help you.\"\n\n*he raised a brow at him, then glances back at thr person behind him*" }, { "author": "Deleted", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"See? I told you that talking was the best way to find the answer.\"\n\n*Mud smiled at both of them before kneeling in search for the spear, but thought better midway, and decided to instead leave it there, with another nervous chuckle.*\n\n\"I presume you're the man Nyraa's been talking about. I'm N-.. Mud. Nice to meet you. And sorry if we came at the wrong time, but its... Kinda urgent for him to get help...\" *And she meant that on both ways. She didn't think he was necessarily bad, just that he was going through a very rough patch, and sometimes people like him just needed a little push in the right direction.*\n\n*The blind Hylian fixed the improvised bandage on her arm, and thought best to keep herself between the BokoBoy and the Tall man as they spoke.*" } ]
[ { "author": "choris_vulpes", "is_bot": false, "message": "*luna began setting up her equipment onto her cooking plate. The young soldier then opened an overhead cabinet and began grabbing ingredients.*\n\n“Im glad you like them. Are you still hungry? Im about to cook a meal and I’ll have leftovers”\n\n*luna looked the other way as she asked her question and opened a drawer and began sifting throughout it. How would she respond to this? Perhaps it was best to just not. She didn’t much like talking about the incident anyhow. She turned back to selena with a smile.*\n\n“I don’t think the old man would be happy if i told you. He’s really protective like that... but im sure you know that by now. Has he been treating you okay? I hope he’s not too protective.”\n\n*luna then moved to her counter and grabbed an assortment of various mushrooms along with a cutting board and a knife. The scout then started to slice the mushroom down the middle. She seemingly began to relax as she went*\n\n“Oh- would you fill that pot with water please? The faucet is on that wall over there by the drain”\n\n*luna raised the knife first to point to the pot and then to the faucet. It was far from a command and her tone made that clear. Luckily for salena this house was laid out with luna’s height in mind so she wouldn’t have much trouble grabbing anything*" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Yeah! - Uh, if you don't mind that is.\"\n\n*She smiles at this, though it fades once Luna responds to her question.*\n\n\"...hm. Okay, I guess...\"\n\n*Though she's not particularly fond of Luna's response, though she takes it.*\n\n\"Yeah, he's been really nice to me, though! He's been teaching me to read and write, and how to fight, and how to do math, and all kinds of things!\"\n\n*Upon being asked to help, Selena nods. After staying in her house uninvited for a bit, the least she could do was help out this time. She grabs the pot and sets it down under the faucet.*\n\n\"...mm, so... how do I- Ahck!\"\n\n*As she messes with the faucet to try and figure out how it works, she ends up turning it on at an... inopportune time for her, splashing water all over her. Nevertheless, the pot begins to fill.*\n\n\"...Got it!\"" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"I can smell our blood on the sword you have. . .\" *he replied.* \"Not of my family, but of us. . !\"\n\n*Nyraa indicated that he could tell that the man had recently murdered a bokoblin, even if it wasn't one of his family. That put this guy as a potential culprit. Just on that, he wanted to lunge at the guy. And lunge he did. All of his restraint had waned when he decided not to kill Mud, and he had none left now that there was proof that Leo had done harm.*\n\n*Nyraa tossed his weapons to the ground—he didn't want to kill the person who he was certain could tell him more—and pummeled past Mud to try and tackle the guy (who was much larger than him.) He anger from before resurfaced as he growled and tried to claw at the guy'. Leo had become Nyraa's outlet for his anger, whether or not that was going to put him in danger or not.*\n\n\"I'LL CLAW YOU UP! ADMIT YOU KNOW!\"" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The second he mentioned the blood om his sword he raised a brow*\n\n{Wait...is this kids family bokiblins-}\n\n*he didn't know he would lunge at him so sudden, but his reflexes were pretty good. The second he dropped his spear he stood his ground and grabbed him by the arms when he went after him. He held him I'm place by pushing against him*\n\n\"Hey hey. Calm down now. I didn't know your family was a bunch of bokobkins. Yeah I killed one but that doesn't mean I killed your family. Last time I wiped out a group of monsters it was in the middle of the night. And they were stalfos.\"\n\n*he pushes Nyraa away from him to get some distance.*\n\n\"I have a kid here and I don't want to draw my blade on you.\"" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Nyraa yelped as his wrists were grabbed in uncomfortable ways and used against him to halt his own movement. He hadn't expected such an effective defense and was further angered by Leo. He rammed his head into the guy a few times, fruitlessly before he was shoved back, and he fell back onto his rear. He breathed hard, obviously not the most careful listener over his own breaths.*\n\n*He longed for vulgar words to come out of his own mouth as he lectured the guy, but the only way he could have done that was in a language that Leo did not understand. He hated speaking the Hylian tongue, even if it prevented injury and allowed him to seek revenge.*\n\n\"Who else kills us like you, then?\" *he spat, gripping the dirt around him.* \"The nut tried.\"\n\n*His tone was slightly more calm, but he spoke in the most disrespectful tone he could muster without bringing in curses.*" }, { "author": "Deleted", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Now, now. There's no need to-\"\n\n*Aaaand he was already on the floor. The Hylian girl let out a tired sigh, and offered her hand to Nyraa, in an attempt to help him understand that not everyone he met was going to be against him.*\n\n\"What nut? There are way more hunters than the ones on this village, Nyraa. And there's no reason he would have killed them, would it?\"\n\n*She \"looked\" at the man at the doorstep with a gentle smile, hoping he would be more reasonable. She wasn't a fan of conflict, so she was truly trying to keep that situation as stable as possible.*\n\n\"As you can see, he's very confused. I was... Well, hoping you could shed a light on everything he's saying so that we can find out what really happened...\"" }, { "author": "choris_vulpes", "is_bot": false, "message": "*luna nodded and continued chopping the mushrooms. And kept going un-phased after the incident. Though she lets out a chuckle at the sirens mistake*\n\n“Don’t worry I’ll get you a towl and you can dry off by the fire when i start it”\n\n*luna moved to the other side of the kitchen and procured a bag of rice along with some carrots and various spices. The scout layed them out on on the counter. Hopefully nobody minded waiting for food*\n\n“Well im glad he’s treating you well. Did he teach you anything really cool yet?”\n\n*luna then crouched down and got a pan out and spun it in her hand before standing back up to continue with prepping. She originally going to just make some stew but decided pouring it over rice with a thicker broth would be more interesting*" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Well, he's been teaching me how to fight without using my wings, so that's nice... but I don't think we've gotten to the cool stuff yet.\"\n\n*Once the pot fills, she reaches to the faucet and turns it off again, though not before getting herself sprayed a bit more.*\n\n\"Bleh... okay, it's full!\"" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"I'm sorry, but I can't help much of the family was a group of bokoblins. Monsters get slain every day. And it's my job to do that if the pay is good. I remember you asking me this month's ago and I havnt killed a group of bokoblins in almost a year so it's not me.\"\n\n*he looks at the blind woman and nods, not that she can see him do so but it's just normal for him to do so. He then looks back down at Nyraa*\n\n\"Are you calm now?\"\n\n*he extends his arm out to help him up*" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Not monsters, stupid. People messed with us.\"\n\n*He lay back on the ground in such a way that he seemed to be pouting now. The guy was pretty youthful, but probably too old for this sort of thing. Still. . . all of his family had died except for him, so he was going to react negatively. He kicked at Leo's arm as it was extended to him.*\n\n\"Calm when my family is gone? [Bokoblin equivalent of ||fuck||] to that,\" *he retorted.*\n\n*Nyraa began messing increasingly with his weapons that he was lying next to. They were in terrible condition, as was he. It looked like he'd probably tried to take down a tree in anger, even before he started hassling people.*" }, { "author": "Deleted", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Okay, bud. I've had enough.\"\n\n*The girl frowned. She was trying to solve a rather complicated dilemma, not to mention that she could feel nothing but sorry for Nyraa's situation, considering that, monsters or not, this was the family he loved and respected. She wasn't sure if he would understand what she was about to say, but at least she could try to help him in another way. The only other way she knew.*\n\n*She crouched beside him, feeling the ground with her hands as to avoid falling, and while being extremely gentile, she gestured for him to lower his arms, just as she would have done with one of his younger brothers, strict and yet comprehensive.*\n\n\"Look, you're right. I'm sorry. You can't be calm. It must hurt a lot, and you sure must feel lonely, and angry... But you **can** be smarter in order to deal with all of this. Do you understand? And the first thing you can do, if you want to know what it was what happened, is to cooperate. All we want to do is help. We are not the ones who killed them, but we can help you find who *did,* only if you let us help.\"" }, { "author": "choris_vulpes", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Thank you selena, let me put some rice in it and I’ll get you a towel”\n\n*luna walks over and picks up the pot and then doubles back to put it on the cooking plate. Once she placed it down she wandered out of the kitchen and into the restroom. There she procured a towel after some digging and made her way back into the kitchen. Luna then closed the door behind her before handing the towel to the siren*\n\n“Here I’ll get this fire started so you can dry off”\n\n*after the hand off luna made her way back to the cooking plate and poured some rice into the pot before bending down and opening a small metal door and lighting the fire. She left the door slightly ajar so selena could warm up easily*\n\n“So have any idea of what weapon you want to use?”" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Selena nods in gratitude upon taking the towel, using it to wipe off the areas she got sprayed. Afterwards she walks up to the fire - close to it, but staying on their side of the door - and returns her attention to Luna.*\n\n\"...mm, well, I still have the harp. And I can do more than make fire with it now! I've been learning to do other things with it, too. And when I'm alone I like to practice my singing, too!\"\n\n*She leans towards Luna, lowering her voice to a play-whisper before continuing.*\n\n\"I can't sing with Strider around, or else he'll fall asleep.\"" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Due to his knowledge he kinda knew what the word meant, but not exactly. Just that it wasn't a pleasant word. He then sighs and watches the girl kneel down for him.*\n\n\"Listen to the girl. Look I can't help you with your...family. Too many people, especially the knights of the Kingdom goes around killing your people. To me they all look and act the same. I'm sorry.\"\n\n*he then steps back and slowly closes the door. He starts to walk back towards the kitchen where the two were*\n\n\"You two better not be talking about me.\"" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Lying there, Nyraa sat with an emptiness and solitude that was contrasted by his surroundings. Everything felt empty. He couldn't understand these people and their motives, so their words and promises did not strike him as particularly touching nor convincing. He was frustrated that he was surprised by this, for it only reinforced his preconceived biases relating to other people.*\n\n*Nyraa stood, leaving her to fumble around on the ground for him. He kicked her spear in the opposite direction from where he planned to go as he scooped up his weapons and began to sprint off in his own direction. This was a journey that Nyraa felt like he was forced to take by himself.*\n\n*He planned to head back to where he'd begun and track from there.*" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"- Oh!\"\n\n*She quickly looks up to Luna, holding a finger to her own mouth and going \"shhh\" through a smile, before turning back to Strider.*\n\n\"Hi, Strider! I was helping Luna make food!\"" }, { "author": "choris_vulpes", "is_bot": false, "message": "*luna looks down as the siren begins to whisper and tilts her head down to hear her speak. The scout let out a chuckle as she heard and immediately whispered back*\n\n“Yea he’s a big softie”\n\n*as strider walked in luna looked at salena and gave a wink in response. The scout then began prepping the other ingredients. Thowing a few types of spices together into a bowl and setting a spoon in it. She then went to the other part of the kitchen and grabbed a stool, pulling it up to the counter and looking at the siren*\n\n“It’s true, she is really helpful. Selena, could you mix this for me? I have to cut up and cook the other veggies.”" }, { "author": "Deleted", "is_bot": false, "message": "*She let out another sigh, trying to get up and starting to head towards her spear, making sure she remembered the direction in which he ran out of there. Once she found it, knowing the others would probably be too busy with their own matters, she didn't really have any other choice but to keep following him. No one deserved to be alone in a time like that, especially in his condition.*\n\n\"Could you at least run a little slower?\"\n\n*The Hylian girl left the little slice of Apple Pie right at the door of the house as an apology, and headed towards the same direction Nyraa had fled moments before, aiding herself with the Spear with noticeable ease in contrast with the moments she hadn't had it.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Strider was gonna mention that she shouldn't eat as it'll mess up her eating schedule...but he didn't. He relaxed a bit and let her be a kid.*\n\n\"Well I'm glad to see that. She usually helps me around home. I've been teaching her how to do chores, but not enough cooking.\"\n\n*he looks at the food they were making and sighs*\n\n{We've mainly been eating rations and small things. Havnt had a homecook meal in a while}" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Selena nods at Luna's request, hopping up onto the stool. She moves the spoon in circles around the bowl, as that's how she thinks mixing works. It may not be the most efficient way but it's not like she knew any better.*\n\n\"...Ok... how much do I mix it?\"" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Nyraa did not want to be followed and made extra efforts to try and lose her, going up through the trees or wading through water. He was quick in navigating the forest, and knew the way back home, but he took major detours to get there so as not to lead her back home. But in seeing that she was rather stubborn, he ducked off to the side of the path he'd been traveling with his sword and shield in hand. He planned to attack her for following him. His intent was to be alone and now he was keen to achieve it.*\n\n\"Go away, Mud. I'll slice your head,\" *he yelled, certain that she was the one who followed, by the voice he'd heard.*\n\n*Quietly, he cursed multiple times under his breath. Honestly, he had no plan after he separated himself from her. Being alone in the forest was not the best idea.*" }, { "author": "choris_vulpes", "is_bot": false, "message": "“You don’t have to mix it for long, by the time im done here it should be done”\n\n*the young warrior grabbed the carrots and walked over to the cutting board and began cutting them into thin four sided sticks about an inch long. Shen then looked at strider as he began to speak. She wore a plain expression now as she relaxed herself*\n\n“Yea i figured you wouldn’t teach her that. You should do that eventually... also can you fill up a pot with water while me and selena do this? Thanks.”\n\n*luna then returned to her devices. Luna loved to sing aswell, just like the little siren. Even if she hid it now. The scout then began humming as she worked on the two main ingredients. Perhaps she could teach selena something right after she was finished*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Striders plain and dead facial expression showed. He should ignore her. He should just leave...but he grabs a pot and walks out side to get water. He sighs as we was walking out. He gets to the water pump and begins to pump the water from the ground and into the pot*\n\n\"The things I do for these two..\"\n\n*he then carries the pot of water back inside and sets it on the counter*" }, { "author": "Deleted", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"That sounds great, but how about you *don't*?\"\n\n*Through water and through tall grass she went, without hesitation, luckily for herself, growing up playing in the woods had made her instincts for avoiding obstacles almost flawless, and even though she tripped from time to time, she proved to be extremely agile. That, and the fact that it wasn't hard to follow him, considering how much noise he was making.*\n\n\"In fact, I'm gonna give you 3 reasons not to kill me.\"\n\n*Even after that death threat, the Hylian woman stood by the path with a bright smile, making it almost comical. She dug the staff into the dirt, so that it could stand by itself for a moment, and crossed her arms.*\n\n\"First being you'll probably need a bit of help if you want to start mixing among people and going places. I'm basically the perfect type of bait! Not to mention I'm an adorable guide.\" *She joked, chuckling a bit as if she was talking to her dearest friend.*\n\n\"Second, and with no intention to offend you... You might want to improve your Hylian. It's... Pretty bad, bud. You're gonna need it if you wanna investigate.\" *At that point, she had fixed her eyes on a nearby branch over her head, hoping he would still be listening.*\n\n\"And third... Uhm... Well, who knows? Everyone could use a friend. And, for being a Hylian, I'm not that awful. . . Right? I know I would have wanted someone to help me, at least. When things were bad, I mean.\"\n\n*She tilted her head slightly knowing she was taking a risk. But at least it was for a good cause.*" } ]
[ { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*After setting the pot on the counter and leans against the walla bit and watching the two cook*\n\n\"So what are you two making by the way?\"" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Why do you want to help me?\" *Nyraa asked, in a similarly impatient tone.*\n\n*He wanted to know why she was so insistent that she wanted to stick by him, despite his behavior. It made no sense to him and it was going to continue to fuel is anger until he figured it out. He was not entirely giving her a chance, for he glared at her as she caught up and raised his sword and shield. He'd meant what he said. He had no remorse when it came to killing people.*\n\n*Nyraa did not want to listen to her words because he knew that they were true about him. There was a lot he didn't understand from what she'd said, which was at the benefit of him not wanting to understand, but most of it actually was reasonable and would have been convincing in different circumstances.*" }, { "author": "choris_vulpes", "is_bot": false, "message": "*luna raises her eyebrow as strider left entirely with the pot. Where was he going? She had a faucet in here. As soon as strider returned luna pointed to the faucet hanging over the drain*\n\n“We have one in here”\n\n{for a sheikah he sure is incapable of sight}\n\n*luna finally finished with the veggies. She then took the pot and walked over to the drain, dumping some of it out. Luna then put it on the cooking plate. The scout grabbed a jar of broth from her ice box along with some flour*\n\n“We’re making my mom’s mushroom stew but im changing it a bit”\n\n*luna began mixing them together in the pot and after it was mixed she just let it cook*" }, { "author": "Deleted", "is_bot": false, "message": "“To tell you the truth...” *That was actually a great question, one which’s answer was hard to pin down for the first few seconds. Usually, helping people was just a normal instinct she used to follow, but helping him was a bit different.*\n\n“Because you kind of remind me of myself in a way.” *Her eyes lit up for an instant, as if she was actually seeing what was in front of her. Although there was a bit of fear in her chest, her will to keep going was stronger.* “When you’re different, and you don’t really fit neither here or there, you have to make a place for yourself in the world, right?”\n\n*Her voice was a bit shaky, knowing those could be her last words. Better make them epic, then.*\n\n“That takes a lot of courage, and a lot of power. And I respect and admire anyone who goes through life like that.”\n\n*She caught the sound of movement through one of her ears, and turned around calmly, trying to define the silhouette of the boy nearby with a faint smile.*\n\n“So, basically, because I like you. It’s nice to know that I’m not the only one fighting for a place in this world.”\n\n*After a few moments of silence, she chuckled to relieve the weight of her words with a joke.*\n\n“Plus, if we are ambushed by Stalfos they’ll probably go after me first, so that’s a good distraction.”" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"I am not like you,\" *he hissed,* \"And I am not 'different'.\"\n\n*Nyraa was not fond of being compared to Hylians, because he so loathed them, nor did he like feeling singled out by being called different. He was unable to understand her motives. To him, many of her words were just nonsense as well. He shook his head.*\n\n\"There is no strong bond we have. You could turn and stab me. You could be a spy.\"\n\n*His Hylian, annoyingly had gotten better over 6 months, but was nowhere near perfect. He hated being as fluent as he was because he thought the language sounded gross in his mouth. Bokoblin was a lot softer and less harsh. He was used to trying to make those noises as well, so his Hylian also possessed the strange accent.*" }, { "author": "Deleted", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Right, right, okay.”\n\n*She raised her hands, once again making it clear she had no intention to fight there.*\n\n“It’s a funny thing to say, since you’re the one holding the pointy thing. And... I don’t really have a reason to do that, don’t you think? I haven’t given you a reason to think I’ll do you any harm, right?”\n\n*Another shaky sigh. How did she always end up in situations like this? Probably because she usually bit off more than what she could chew.*\n\n“I’m just... Asking for a chance. Okay? Just give me a chance to prove to you I can be a friend. And that things are not as awf- as bad as they seem.”" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Ah...\"\n\n*he hasn't really ate well in a while. He didn't know what else to do so he went back into the living room and sat down to calm his head a bit. He waits until Selena was done cooking with luna*" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Selena glances over at Luna as she sits back to let the pot cook. Thinking Luna was done, Selena just kinda drops the spoon into the pot and hops down from the stool.*\n\n\"...O-kay! That's mixed, then!\"\n\n*She smiles a bit at this, before looking around for Strider.*\n\n\"...Wait. Where'd Strider go?\"" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*He did not want to have common sense with her because she refused to leave him. He wanted to be alone so he could pout and cry not around other people. He perceived that as a sign of weakness and didnt want anyone to see it. How he'd managed to not break down previous to being alone was a feat of his own with how wild his emotions were.*\n\n\"I have no reasons to trust,\" *he retorted,* \"I do not want to be with you.\"\n\n*Nyraa held his his sword out toward her, his hand trembling as he did so. He wasn't afraid of her, but his breathing was uneven, and it had been for a while.*" }, { "author": "Deleted", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The Hylian girl gave him a kind smile, struck by a soft gust of wind produced by the movement of the sword that she recognised easily, as well as his shaky breath. She could afford the risk of getting cut, at least she thought so as she slowly and peacefully led her hands towards the blade and tried to lower it, with all the patience and the courage left within her.*\n\n\"It's alright. I've felt like that too. But... You don't have to go through this alone, Nyraa. Not like this. Angry, and Confused and...\"\n\n*She knew she could't get near him, that she had to respect his space, but she couldn't help but fear the worst seeing him so unstable, knowing that, being probably his first time completely alone, he could even hurt others or himself.*\n\n\"And believe me when I say it is okay to feel like this, sometimes. I don't know what I have to do for you to hear me, but please, let me help. At least a bit.\"" }, { "author": "choris_vulpes", "is_bot": false, "message": "“I believe he went to the living room. You can go if you want, I’ll have this finished up soon”\n\n*the las then grabbed a pan and started sautéing the mushrooms and carrots that she had cut up earlier. There wasn’t much else to do at all except let it cook, mix, and add spice. The real question on the scout’s mind was how she was going to spend her vacation? Lurelin was a nice idea... she’ll have to go check it out*" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Okay! Thank you, Luna!\"\n\n*She smiles to her once again, waving goodbye as she walks out to the living room. As she exits, she takes a quick look around before noticing Strider.*\n\n\"Oh! There you are, Strider!\"" } ]
[ { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Nah you’re okay. I don’t really talk about…deep stuff like that ya’know?” *he too adjusted his position, but mainly just slouched back in his chair. A little sigh escaped him and he sees the sun rise.*\n\n*Her mentioning her work interested him though.* “You a mercenary? Little sword for hire?” *He said while making little hand gestures.* “I have a friend that recommended that to me but I don’t know… I like feeling free and flying around Hyrule sometimes.”" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Sure. Sure,\" *she nodded, acting indifferently to his admission.*\n\n*She rolled up one of her sleeves to correct some rogue hair that had gotten caught in the fabric. She brushed over her skin back and forth for a moment, to make sure that it wouldn't get caught again. Then she looked back to him. She was still paying attention of course.*\n\n\"What about me gives off that impression?\" *she asked.* \"No, I tend to do more freelance work.\" *She took a brief glance over herself and her outfit. Maybe it was the dark outfit that he thought was somewhat intimidating? Still, there wasn't any sharp object anywhere within ten feet of her. Hard to be a sword for hire without a sword around.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Keegan sorta shrugged his shoulders as he took that guess.* “Eh. Mercenaries are sorta common. That and bounty hunters. Whatever gets them money to eat and stuff.” *Then suddenly, a loud rumbling noise was heard. It shook Keegan without warning. It scared him instantly. It echoed through the room with the weirdest gurgling sound ever! It was…his stomach!*\n\n*It has been longer than he wanted since he last ate and it showed. His face turned a bit red as he looked away for a moment.* “Heheh… M-man I’m so sorry. I guess its still early to get served breakfast.”" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Yea—\" *she paused mid-word with a look of confusion at first, but then as soon as he realized she did as well.*\n\n\"That was. . do you not have any rations to tide you over?\" *she asked, positioning herself to start looking through her pack, though she didn't start because she didn't want to look desperate to help him. She wasn't. Well, maybe to get rid of the dried fruit and nut mix that she'd bought at one point because she felt guilty about not doing so in that one store. But she wasn't going to go and pull that out unwarranted.* \"If you're desperate...\"" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*He noticed the slight movement she made towards her bag and sat up quickly.* “N-no! There’s no need. I ran out a few days ago so I haven’t really made a shopping run yet. I could though…hmmm.”\n\n*He thought of the places he could go. Obviously his first choice was castle town, but it’s pricy there. Then there’s home, but it’s sooooo faaaarrrr. He could try some exotic fish over in zoras domain!*\n\n*He rummages through his pack sack to see if he had anything he forgot about…nope. Mainly just leaf wraps to preserve the food he already ate.* “Heh. Yeah I’ll have to swing by somewhere soon. Maybe skyloft?.” *He said under his breath.*" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*It was hard to tell if he'd been alarmed by the movement toward her bag. A bit unsettled, she moved her hands upward, holding the wrist of her left hand and pressing her thumb into the palm. She caught herself doing this and stopped, shaking her head slightly and putting on a smirk.\n\n\"Okay? I mean, all the better for me, I'll have more rations to last,\" *she said.*\n\n*She leaned back onto her further elbow, using that hand to mess with the back of her hair. It occurred to her that the natural dyes were fading out again. She'd have to make a visit back to the woods near home to procure the plants she needed. That would be unpleasant.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The longer they sat here the less things Keegan can think of to keep the conversation going. So far the Twili’s he’s met were a challenge for keeping a conversation going. Everything he’s say would either be uninteresting or somewhat obvious to them. So he sat there and quickly tried to think of something.* “Ye-yeah. Hm…so if you don’t mind me asking. Can you also shadow step? Like jump into shadows to hide? Or any kind of unique Twili magic?”" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Yeah. I think that's pretty common amongst most of us,\" *she remarked.* \"I'm still learning. But I doubt anything would be remarkable enough to show off.\" *She shrugged a bit nonchalantly.*\n\n\"Do you have any magic of your own? I've never really. . seen any Hylians or. . wha—Sheikah show off any magic. Maybe I've just been in the wrong places,\" *she asked. She was hoping to get the attention off of her on this. She felt a little bit uncomfortable for not knowing as much as she should—as much as other members of her family knew.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "“W-well I uhh… sorta? It’s hard to explain.” *His left hand was raised up as he spoke and it gave off a blue hue. While this happened his read sheikah eye tattoo also turned blue.* “I’m also still learning. I don’t do the cool hand gestures or use kunai’s or anything like that.” *He said as he waved his hand around when he named off all the cool sheikah stuff.*\n\n*The blue light fades away as he lowered his hand.* “I keep telling myself I’ll go to the sheikah village to enhance my skill, but I don’t know. I hear they don’t train sheikah until they’re like, 6 or 7 years of age? So I’m a bit behind.” *There wasn’t much confidence in his words, but he quickly shrugged it off.* “Besides I’m not even a full sheikah.” *He points to the brown in his hair.* “Half sheikaaahhh.”" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*She glanced to it for a moment before shifting her weight to one side, an uncomfortable smile visible.* \"Alright, don't point that at me if you're 'still learning.' Even if it's some kind of healing thing...\"\n\n*She let her head list to a side at his excuses.* \"If there even is such a thing as 'full sheikah,\" I doubt that not being that would hold you back from learning if you're interested. Unless the community there is really racist. But even then. . there's other people around who probably know enough to share.\"\n\n*She did ramble on a bit longer than she meant to. She just wanted to be sure that this guy didn't misunderstand her. Wait. Damnit, had she forgot to ask his name? A look of dismay came over her face.*\n\n\"Alright, this is kind of stupid, but I think I forgot to tell you that my name is Nahla. Apparently I got caught up in conversation. Kinda rare.\"" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Keegan had smile on his face the entire time they spoke. Whether if it was a slight grin or a full smile.* “Calm down my mom trained me enough to at least know when I want to use this.” *He referred back to his magic. Her words lingered for a moment. Maybe he was making up excuses? He HAS been trying to get stronger in his other skills, but not magic.*\n\n*His smile sorta widened as she told him her name.* “I’m Keegan. And so far I’m enjoying this conversation. Been a while since I actually sat down and talk to someone.”\n\n{Under normal circumstances.}\n\n*Instant flashbacks went to watching Waahid get his leg healed up after cutting it off.*" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"So you say,\" *she asserted, in jest as his reassurance.*\n\n*Nahla was glad to see that she seemed to be getting on well with him. To not be a total klutz at conversation was a boost to her confidence, especially seeing as it was someone her age, someone she wanted to like her. It'd been a while for her as well since she'd had a conversation like this. But she didn't want to take away from his moment in trying to empathize.*\n\n\"Well that's good. I've not too much practice with people who are as charming as you. You'd be surprised at how weird people act when they've no idea what you are.\"" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Oh I know that feeling. There were some kids that grew up with me on skyloft that thought I looked strange because of my hair. Or why my mother made me get this tattoo.” *It wasn’t a good memory, but it taught him to love people for who they are without caring about their appearance.* “I guess they were a bit racist? They didn’t like how my mom was sheikah and dad was skyloftian. I just looked and acted different from them.”" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Respectfully, I have to disagree with those kids,\" *Nahla said, shaking her head slightly.* \"Though I'm willing to bet it was more about them feeling insecure about themselves since the hair and the tattoo are all rather. .cool.\" *She seemed to have been going somewhere else with that sentence, but corrected herself. Quickly, a change of topic. Luckily, Keegan had already piqued her interest with something.*\n\n\"On. . Skyloft? What is that..?\" *she inquired. It was weird to her that he's not said in, for certainly that's how most people talked about towns.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*He tilted his head a bit in confusion, but quickly remembers some people have never ventured above the clouds.* “Oh shoot! My bad heh. It’s just a giant floating land mass in the sky that has an entire town on it.” *He said it so casually, as if it was common knowledge for most.* “There’s a giant statue of Hylia up there too, and it’s where the Knights academy is located too. I attended there but… a-anyway yeah it’s pretty nice up there.”\n\n*He then remembers the awesome bird species that live up there as well.* “The best way to travel up there is to ride a loftwing, which is a giant rideable bird. They’re also very common up there.”" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Right right,” *she said, after he’d said everything, trying not to overreact at this new information. It was hard to find a balance between this and sounding disinterested.* “Well tragically, I can’t fly nor do I have a giant bird. Cant say I’ve ever accidentally passed through there before and know what you’re talking about. But I imagine it’s lovely.”\n\n*She noted that he sort of deflected talk about the knights academy, but she didn’t intend to inquire. Perhaps it was one of those deep experiences he preferred not to talk about. Or just a continuation of people being cruel to him, in which case asking was redundant. Instead, a more tame query.*\n\n“Do you get weather up there? Are there clouds above you at all?”" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "“You see that’s the weird part. We’re at this perfect height where the weather doesn’t really change at all? It’s a consistent nice warm and cool feeling. Well actually I take that back. Every now and then the heat would rise but it’s nothing like below the surface.” *This made him lean toward a bit as he broke down this information.* “And early in the morning we’ll get this nice mist, which I guess is like a cloud? that goes through the area which helps with our crops. There’s partial clouds that fly by but it’s nothing like the cloud barrier that separates up there to down here.”\n\n*He begins to get a bit homesick after talking about Skyloft for so long. Once he noticed he quickly changed the subject.* “B-but what about you? Have you lived here all your life, or were you raised in the Twilight realm?”" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Now he had them just wanting to go and see that mist effect he was talking about. They imagined laying in the fields in the morning, seeing the crops coat with dew and spotting nice rainbows through the mist. She wondered if he’d ever done that, but as she was about to ask, he changed the topic. She let it happen, but only because she wasn’t trying to be rude.*\n\n“I don’t know if you know, but that’s been closed for multiple centuries. I know it’s hard to tell, but I’m just eighteen,” *she informed him.* “No, grew up some place between towns. I don’t think I could point it out on a map.”" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Oh yeeahh. I remember someone mentioning that. Totally slipped my mind. My bad.” *He said, now a bit embarrassed again.* “So what kind of work do you do? Like the most common thing, if you don’t mind me asking of course!”" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"I tend to do bounties for small towns; they usually don't get a lot of attention,\" *she replied.* \"I'll know what money to expect and they can't change it on me with the excuse that I might unnerve customers.\" *She huffed a bit, though not all that seriously.* \"Far from the only reason, but it's a pretty important one.\"\n\n*Her eyes for the most part had been wandering the small space around them again, but she realized this eventually and looked back to him. There was an impatience to it. Most likely not with him, but with the waiting for the folks who ran this haphazard little place.*" } ]
[ { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"All over? You must have quite the many stories! Were you alone for all of it or did you have someone helping you?\"\n\n*Although Kos gave off quite the smile, in truth, he was certainly worried about Selena. A child's gone through that many places? Hopefully, she wasn't on her own through all of it... asking with that smile would hopefully mean Selena wouldn't think how bad it was. He was worried, sure, but since these were past events he wasn't SUPER worried. The major thing was just reinforcing how he wanted to get Selena to a doctor soon.*\n\n\"Well of course I do! It can be quite a scary thing to travel around Hyrule. I'm sure you've probably seen lots of monsters around in your travels, and going on that travel, especially for someone as young as you are, that can be quite the scary thing. And since bravery is doing stuff despite being scared... yeah, you're pretty brave!\"\n\n*Of course Selena was brave. Traveling across Hyrule, at her age?Quite the scary endeavor. And that doesn't even begin to mention how she's lived on despite her mother abandoning her...*" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "*It seems like it was time for Selena to lie again... She didn't like doing it, but how else was she going to survive this mess? And she didn't want Leo in any more trouble, either.*\n\n\"Uh- no, I was by myself for most of it... I met some new friends, but that was only for a little bit. I haven't seen them in a while.\"\n\n*As she listened to Kos's description of bravery, she became... confused.*\n\n\"...huh? I thought bravery was when you weren't scared of anything...\"\n\n*That was what the little girl gathered from all the books of fairy tales and legends she had been allowed to read, anyway.*" }, { "author": "rocketbat", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Sora had mostly been keeping to himself up to this point, and he almost didn't notice Hana asking him a question. Almost. It took him a second but he finally perked up at what she had said.*\n\n\"Hm?\" *He took a second to look over at her, still a little in thought.* \"Oh, uh... I guess you could say we both have an interest in hunting.\" *Really, they had just found each other, looking at bounties.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Oh, I see. Well, I hope your friends are doing well. Perhaps we can all meet one day?\"\n\n*Of course, a meeting with Kos and Leo meeting would not be such a friendly thing, as Kos implied. Especially since Leo was wanted, and Kos was a bounty hunter.*\n\n\"Bravery... that's what fairy tales and legends would tell you... I'm sure the Heroes of Legend look like they have no fear as they fought the bad guys and saved the day...\"\n\n*Being scared and bravery were certainly concepts at odds with each other. The how of it, however, was something many people didn't understand.*\n\n\"But you can only be brave when there's something to be afraid of. You can't be brave for breathing, after all; that'd be silly!\"\n\n*Kos ruffled Selena's hair a bit once more.*\n\n\"Being brave means doing something despite being scared. To move forward even when you really, really don't want to. And you, Selena, are a very brave girl.\"\n\n*Kos offered her a small smile before taking another bite of his food. A good meal, a good talk... how very nice.*\n\n---\n\nHana: \"So you're a bounty hunter as well? Well, good to know my husband isn't alone... have you 2 decided on a bounty to take together, or are you heading out alone after this?\"\n\n*Of course, Hana would much rather her husband have a partner in such bounty hunting; it kept him a lot safer. And anything that kept him safer was a good thing in her book, even if doing so meant they got less money. No amount of it was worth Kos' life, obviously.*\n\n\"I admit, I'm also a bit curious... how dangerous are these bounties usually? I think Kos might be downplaying how dangerous they are to keep me from worrying... and, well, it hasn't really stopped me, hehe...\"\n\n*Of course Hana was worried about Kos; he was bounty hunting! Not exactly the most peaceful job in the world.*" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Yeah... that'd be nice.\"\n\n*Well, it'd be nice once her friends are no longer wanted criminals, anyway. Of course, Selena doesn't say this out loud. She listened to Kos's words about bravery. As he explained it, it started to make sense again.*\n\n\"...Thank you, Kos...\"\n\n*In all honesty, hearing that was a much needed break for the girl. She hadn't exactly had the most comforting time since Leo stepped foot in the castle. She looked far less stressed now than she had been since she met Kos. She smiles at his ruffling of her hair... until he accidentally rubs where she had gotten hit by the guard, at which point she instinctively flinches.*\n\n\"- Ow!\"" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Kos simply nods at both of Selena's words, mainly because he's taking a bite out of his food at the moment and can't speak. He looked both thankful and sincere; he certainly seemed happy to help Selena.*\n\n*That smile went away as Selena reacted to Kos irritating her injury, not knowing about it at all. He swallowed his food quickly and put it down, turning to Selena in the process.*\n\n\"Are you alright? Did you get hit on the head earlier?\"\n\n*Kos knew his little hair ruffle wouldn't have hurt Selena normally; he didn't put a lot of force into it, after all. Most likely, it meant Selena had been hit on the head somewhere... Damn, now they really had to get to a doctor. Like now. First, though, he'd want to see where this injury was exactly, and if Selena had any more.*" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"I...\"\n\n*Selena realizes she messed up, but she can't back down now. She'll just have to... not tell him how she got hurt? She guesses?*\n\n\"...yeah...\"\n\n*She cups her hand around an area on the back of her head where the shield had hit her, in an attempt to... she doesn't really know, honestly, she just sorta did it naturally. The area she covers at its highest point was just around where Kos had been rubbing her hair. That was it, alright.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Kos moves a bit to look better at the injuries... yeah, he definitely had ruffled her hair there...*\n\n\"How'd you get this injury? Do you have any others?\"\n\n*Kos seemed to entirely ignore his food now, focusing 100% on Selena. What was once a passing \"I'll need to take her to the doctor soon\" very quickly became \"She needs to go to the doctor now.\" Probably right after this question, actually. Kos wasn't keen on letting Selena have these injuries without getting a doctor to look at her...*" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"I, uh... I just fell... I don't think I have anything else... I think I'm okay.\"\n\n*Whether she intended to lie here or not didn't matter, because either way it was incorrect. Now that Kos was taking a better look at her for injuries, small indents in her arm were visible where her rito kidnapper had been holding her, along with a few minor bumps and such from how she was tossed around during the fight.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Looking more at Selena, Kos, of course, saw the small additional injuries. The fact that they were so small told Kos that she probably just didn't know about them. Selena wasn't exactly limping or anything, so these injuries likely weren't that bad right now. But, without proper care, they could get a lot worse.*\n\n\"Hmm... well, since you've been on your own for a long time, let's get a doctor to check up on you before we say you're okay, alright? You can finish your food before we go, though; I don't think any of these are so bad that it's an emergency...\"\n\n*Selena seemed fine, there wasn't any bleeding... and she probably needed to eat in general considering how long she'd been alone. Waiting a bit for her to finish was probably the better idea, although honestly, Kos didn't know for certain. It was just a guess.*" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Though Selena was eating as they talked generally throughout the conversation, she freezes up a bit. A doctor? But that would mean her wings might be... uh oh. She quickly gulps the bite she had in her mouth.*\n\n\"- Uh, I think I'm okay. I don't think I need to go anywhere...\"" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Selena...\"\n\n*The tone wasn't harsh, but it was definitely a tone a parent might have for a child who's not doing what they need to do. Despite not actually being a parent, Kos had already practiced the required tones. Wonder why that is...*\n\n\"You've been alone for a long time, right? I doubt you'd had proper medical care for a long time. You might have problems you don't know about, and we need to make sure you're a healthy girl, alright?\"\n\n*Kos, of course, had no way of knowing about Selena's wings. He was just genuinely concerned for the poor girl.*" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"But... mmh...\"\n\n*She REALLY didn't want to go to the doctor... but she couldn't think of anything to argue with. She simply looks back down at her food.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Hey.\"\n\n*Kos put his hand on Selena's shoulder. She definitely shouldn't be against it so much. Was she scared?*\n\n\"Remember what I said about being brave? It's alright to be scared. I'll be with you every step of the way.\"\n\n*There was a serious, yet soft look to Kos as he spoke. A soft smile, and softer eyes, making sure Selena is okay.*\n\n\"Truth be told I'm a bit scared to see if the doctors will find something bad. So we'll both have to be brave, alright?\"\n\n*Kos wasn't even lying there. He was scared about the docs saying something about her having something really bad, like maybe a disease from a swamp or something... it wasn't a comforting thought.*" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"...\"\n\n*Selena sighs a bit. Still no defense without giving herself away...*\n\n\"...okay. Right.\"" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Kos patted Selena on the shoulder before taking his hand off and grabbing his food. When Selena was done, the two would head out. He'd eat while he was waiting for her to finish up.*" } ]
[ { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"I informed everyone that we'd meet where the roads to Ordon and Kakariko intersect. Or were you not listening?\" *He said with a slight eyebrow raise. Kos's house was now in plain sight of Leo. Now...how would he approach this? It's possible Selena told them about him, which makes him go back to the worst thought. He believes they discovered she's wanted and they took her to the castle. Before he enters he glances back at Nahla.* \"...these good people?\"\n\n*He wanted to know what he was getting himself into before he meets these people. If they were nice, lovely people then it shouldn't be too difficult. But if they were greedy bounty hunters then he would have some issues.*" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"I mean...they're probably...contagiously law abiding. And at least the guy can fight and ride, by the looks of things,\" *Nahla remarked.* \"You could just send me in and have me ask, but I suppose you wouldn't trust my word. Really, you should have brought along one of your less conspicuous companions.\"\n\n*She glanced forward towards the house* \"Maybe I can have the conversation outside, so you can eavesdrop. In that case, maybe you should tell me what to ask beforehand.\"" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo shook his head.* \"No need. I'm getting tired of hiding. Roewen.\" *He said, snapping his finger. Once he got his attention he pointed towards a bush for him to hide in. He couldn't take any chances for these people to assume he's some sort of necromancer working for monsters or anything.*\n\n*Once Roewen was hidden, Leo approached the door and knocks on it. He awaits for someone to answer by stepping back slightly.*" }, { "author": "_d6", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Reluctantly, Roewen walked towards the bush.*\n\n*...and after all his efforts...*\n\n*He didn't want to wait in this stupid bush, so he planned to follow them in when the door opened. He was an equal, dammit! Besides, the disguise was flawless, so there would be no reason for him to worry about anyone being afraid of him.*\n\n*Besides, it was probably safer in there than out here...*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "Kos: \"Let me put all this stuff away and he can head out right now!\"\n\n*Kos was quick to drag the extra couch back underneath the staircase before either Sora or Hana could help. He didn't want to trouble either of them, after all. He was quick to finish, of course, keeping the fire lit for Hana, since she'd likely be awake for a-*\n\n*Knock knock.*\n\nHana: \"I got it!\"\n\n*Quickly answering the door as always, Hana opened the door as Kos was finishing up.*\n\n\"Oh, hello! It's a bit late out to be out... do you need something?\"\n\n*Roewen and Nahla were still hidden at the moment, so Hana didn't see them. Kos turned to look at Hana once she opened the door, though.*\n\n*Both he and Sora had plenty of space to see Leo, and of course, the duo of bounty hunters would recognize him, especially when they had just looked and discussed his bounty earlier today. Right before coming to Kos' home, in fact.*\n\n*His heart sank as fast as he dropped the couch the moment he saw Leo, creating a rather big noise behind Hana. From this distance, Kos didn't see Nahla either, although that didn't stop the questions in his head. Why was he here? What were his plans? Kos hadn't done anything to Strider before... or... had he? Had he done something to Strider?*\n\n*Questions that were important, but his paralysis wasn't from any of them... it was the danger his wife was in. He wasn't prepared for this at all... so his body basically went into shock. He'd be back to movement in a moment... but for now, fear controlled him and kept him from doing anything*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leos eyes darts towards Kos the second he dropped the couch, but flinching or moving at all. He cleared his throat as Hana opened the door.* “Apologies for disturbing you folks so late. I was told by an acquaintance of yours, a Twili, that a blond girl that goes by the name Selena was here. Is this correct?” *His tone was calm, and non threatening. He came here meaning no harm, just a peaceful conversation between him and the residents of Ordon.*\n\n*His hands were held together in from of his body, giving Kos some peace that he isn’t hiding anything dangerous behind his back. As he asked this question his eyes bounced from Hana to Kos.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "Hana: \"Oh, do you mean-\"\n\n*A hand rested on Hana's shoulders. Kos had freed himself from his paralysis.*\n\nKos: \"Hana. Upstairs. Please.\"\n\nHana: \"Kos? Is something...\"\n\n*Hana could see it. The fear in her husband's eyes. This wasn't natural, nor was it predictable, either. Was this someone dangerous with a bounty on them? He would know far better about that then she would.*\n\n\"Alright. Be safe, Kos.\"\n\n*A kiss on the cheek, Hana was... somewhat quick to head upstairs. It wasn't casual, at least.*\n\nKos: \"Keep an eye on her, please?\"\n\n*Kos turned to Sora, that same fear still in his eyes. He could be brave if he knew someone was watching over her in this instance. He needed someone to watch over her right now. Regardless of his answer, of which he'd assume yes, he turned back to Leo.*\n\n\"Let's talk outside, please. Not here.\"\n\n*A very out-of-character response from Kos, but again, he was afraid for his wife's safety. Of course he'd be acting less open to others at this moment. He'd walk through the door and be just outside of it, assuming Leo would allow them to talk outside.*\n\n\"I didn't hear you the first time you asked; what are you here for?\"\n\n*A... stern voice. Sterner than he'd done in a long time. Kos fully imagined he'd be fighting Strider soon... a part of him hoped to avoid it, to make sure Hana was in no danger... but a criminal like Strider would likely be doing something that needed to be stopped...*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo calmly steps back to allow the two of them to speak outside. Frankly Leo understood Kos’s attitude. It confirms his suspicion that they know who he is and that he’s a wanted man. What surprises him though, is that Kos isn’t immediately attack Leo on sight…unlike some people in the past.*\n\n*Once they were outside Leo cleared throat again.* “I’m looking for my daughter Selena. I was told by the Twili,” *he nudged his head in Nahlas direction* “that she was here with you guys.” *He crossed his arms slowly, making no sudden movements. If Selena mentioned her playing the harp, or having one, it would be seen strapped to his hip.* “Any kind of information would be most appreciated.”" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Selena?\"\n\n*Did... did that make Selena the kid that was with him? But she didn't have wings, so either this was a different Selena... or she had hidden them.*\n\n\"The Twili?\"\n\n*Kos looked to where Leo looked... he didn't see who he was referring, but the only one who could know that would be Nahla... She had led him here? Was she under threat? Or were they simply in it together? Had he been tricked from the start?*\n\n\"I suppose that doesn't matter... does it? What does matter is that you want the little girl.\"\n\n*Was... he really her father? A lie, perhaps. It fit in well with his criminal life. Although that would probably be the only valid answer for why Strider took a girl along... although Kos would never do such a thing.*\n\n*...what should he tell Strider? He thought at least some part of the truth; that she had been taken in by an Ordonian and a solider who claimed to be her sister. They weren't wanted, of course. They walked the streets of Hyrule Castle. Strider... Leo, wasn't. Even if Leo was her dad, she'd be in danger as long as she was with him.*\n\n\"...She's safe, I can promise you that. She won't be with you, Strider. She'll be in danger every day of her life if she's with you, so I can't tell you where she is, or who's she with.\"\n\n\"I didn't bring her in if you're worried about that. Far as I know, her bounty hasn't been collected. I doubt the people that took her in would do that to her. They all certainly cared for each other when they met.\"\n\n*Leo couldn't check here, but he was correct; her bounty hadn't been taken in, and Kos doubled Vekhi and Lenel would do such a thing. Selena deserved better than that.*" }, { "author": "rocketbat", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Sora almost immediately pulled out his bow upon seeing the criminal in the doorway. He wanted to fire a shock arrow at Leo the instant he came into view, but he didn't want to miss (again) and accidentally strike Kos. Regardless, he was holding his Savage Lynel Bow in his right wing, and a shock arrow in his left, ready to draw and fire at a moment's notice.*\n\n{What... in the name of the goddess... is *he* doing here?}\n\n*However, he then heard Kos' request to accompany his wife upstairs, and at first he didn't want to. He didn't want to stand by idly and watch Kos get killed confronting this man. He didn't want to miss out on the opportunity of a lifetime; it's not everyday when the most wanted man in the kingdom literally comes knocking on your door (not that it was Sora's, mind you, but it was close enough).\n\nAlthough... a thought did cross his mind. Maybe the room Hana was heading to had a view of what was going on. After a few moments, the Rito gave a slow nod, and began to follow her.*\n\n-----\n\n*Once the two had made it to the room in question, Sora noticed the window on one side, and opened it up to see if he could spot the two... which, fortunately enough, happened to be the case.*\n\n\"I'll see if I can take aim at the man down there. There's no telling what could happen, if I had to be honest, but if anything does happen let it be known that I won't be idle.\"\n\n*He still had his bow and shock arrow out, the former of which was now beginning to aim right at Leo's head.\n\n... Where he thought it was, anyway, it wasn't easy to tell where everything was in the darkness of night when your eyes see everything as a much darker shade of what it normally is (a trait common among the Rito).*" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Nahla camped out in the bush by Roewen. She wasn’t risking her reputation by associating with the guy, and she seemed to have been wise in making this choice as Kos seemed supremely freaked out by this guy. With such a reputation, perhaps she should have been more careful initially, now had worked out, so there really was no need to fret over that, though. However, she certainly allowed herself to be bothered by the old man’s insistence on mentioning her as a source. What was to gained by that? He was only dragging her down with him and losing the intimidation factory that came from the mystery of inner workings. Honestly…This guy needed a coaching.*\n\n*Nahla wasn’t surprised that Kos wasn’t spilling any info to the wanted criminal. It was why she’d suggested herself to go ask, but no, he had to act prideful. He was needlessly putting his own wants at risk. It was stupid, entertaining, and at the same time entirely frustrating. She knew that the kid was in Castle Town and he was wasting his time here stirring up trouble for himself.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo raised a brow as Kos spoke. There was some truth in his word’s however. So, Leo sighed as he looked around, examining the area of the house. His shadow was already paranoid at this point. It as observing any vantage point someone could ambush them.*\n\n{`Leo if she’s not here then she’s in castle town. Saina and the others will be there to find her. We need to leave!`}\n\n*Leo ignored his shadows words as he stared at Kos, keeping the same stern expression.* “You’re right. She is better off without me. She’s probably better off living here, with a family like yours.” *He then looked around with his head, making it obvious that he’s looking for someone that’s hiding, watching him.*\n\n“You don’t know the full situation we’re in. We’re wanted yes, but for false reasons. You can choose to believe my words, or not. Either way I’ll understand.” *His eyes then focused on Kos’s once more.* “But if you took her to where I’m thinking, then you just put her in more danger.” *He’s assuming the worst once again. Yes she’s in castle town with Vehki and Lenel, but to Leo she’s in the palm of Gaash’s hand. His men cover castle town head to toe, and if they catch Selena there then it’s games over.* “I’m not the only one looking for her. The only difference is that I’m trying to protect her from the bad guys.”" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Kos simply listened as Leo spoke. He hadn't been expecting the admittance of that idea... nor the claim that he was wanted under false charges.*\n\n*But this wasn't the first time he was wanted. Strider had to be lying here, attempting to use a sob story against Kos. Considering he was crazy enough to go for the king, and then skilled enough to escape, such a story didn't seem to be out of his wheelhouse.*\n\n\"No, Strider. You're the bad guy. So if you want to protect her, you'll stay away from her. She's safer without you in her life.\"\n\n*Kos didn't expect Leo to stop. Why would he? He was capable of such extreme actions, and had acted on them. Finding a child would be the least extreme thing he's done.*\n\n\"If you want to see her, maybe the guards will let her visit when you're in jail.\"\n\n*...Kos drew his sword and shield.*\n\n\"Leo Demose, you are under arrest for the attempted murder of the King and his Advisor. Come peacefully and you may be allowed some small freedoms.\"\n\n*It was a cold line from Kos, but that was the 'official' reason for bringing him in. In truth, it was to protect Selena. Strider's actions had suddenly become personal to Kos. He wasn't about to let him ruin a little girl's life, not when she just found family again.*\n\n-------------\n\n*Hana went upstairs with Sora, igniting a small candle in the back for some light in the room. She sat down on the bed, certainly worried about her husband.*\n\n\"I hope he doesn't act too rash...\"\n\n*She saw Sora open the front window and aim his bow at Leo.*\n\n\"He's not trying to do anything to Kos, is he?\"" }, { "author": "choris_vulpes", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Luna finally opened her eyes, and after she realized what had happened the scout jolted out of bed and hurriedly put her armor back on. Once Luna was finished she exited her room and looked over the note, she was changed? The scout didn’t want to know what that entailed but it was clear they were going ahead with the plan.*\n\n“Well… at least Leo finally learned his lesson. I doubt he’ll get himself into any more trouble over a dumb plan again.”\n\n*Luna spoke to ease the stress on her mind, once Selena was back she could finally go and enjoy the sandy shores of Lurelin. With her mind clear and her gear fitted the scout made her way outside and onto the pathway leading out of the village when she saw strider yet again getting into trouble. Luna scowled and approach wordlessly, the moon giving her eyes a luminescent silver glow that gleamed angrily at strider.*" }, { "author": "_d6", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Okay okay okay, fuck- what's going on?? This was not what Roewen had in mind at all!*\n\n*Part of him wanted to jump out and pull a 'get down mr president' on Leo or fight or be a distraction or anything he could do to help, but coming out of this bush would probably be bad for the both of them.*\n\n*With worried eyes- I mean eye, Roewen simply remained a spectator. For now.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo glared at Kos upon drawing his blade. He's seen and heard this way too often, so he let out an annoying sigh and slowly raised his hands up, revealing that he won't fight back.* \"I understand, but you see, I would agree to follow peacefully if that were true.\" *He had an idea of how to prove to them that what he says is the truth, but it's risky.* \"You have no right to trust me on this, but whatever you're led to believe about me isn't true. And I have something to back up my claim.\"\n\n*He sorta glanced in the direction Roewen was hiding in, hoping he stays put, but hopes he's okay during all this.* \"But, if you still don't believe me then I'll go to castle town. I've been peaceful with you so far. This is all I ask from you.\" *All he needed was Kos's approval. He could keep his blade drawn and his friends bow aimed at him, but he didn't want to make any sudden movements without their permission.* \"We both want the same thing...\"" } ]
[ { "author": "_d6", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The bokoblin heard his name and leapt out of the bush, snarling, and with a rock good enough to throw at someone!*\n\n*...Then they read the room. Huh, well hooray for peaceful resolutions I guess. Awkwardly, the expression left their face as they dropped their rock and nudged it away with their foot. Oh, \\*this\\* rock? The one on the floor that could definitely be weaponized? Nuh-uh. Wasn't his.*\n\n*With all suspicion cleared, Roewen sauntered over next to their good friend and ally Leo. With their one good eye (more like their one intact eye), they glanced at everyone else with curiosity, but with a hint of distrust.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*A grin appeared on Leo's face as Roewen sprung out of the bushes.* \"Hmph.\" *Before anyone else could react in a negative way, Leo held his hand out towards everyone.* \"Guys this one's a friend. I know it's hard to believe but-\" *He could try to explain it, but at this point he's tired of explaining shit. He lets out a sigh.* \"This is Roewen. And yes Selena knows about, she was the one that convinced me to keep him.\"\n\n*He sorts stepped out of Roewens way so he could sorta \"introduce\" himself to the others. But any sudden movements then Leo would stand between them.* \"Roewen.\" *He said, nudging his head at the others in a \"be polite\" attitude.*" }, { "author": "rocketbat", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Before Leo could even let the two know that the bokoblin among them was a friend, Sora had immediately pulled out his bow and aimed a drawn shock arrow at the little fella.*\n\n\"I don't care if it's friendly. That *thing* is still a monster.\" *The rito stated, eyes trained on Roewen. One wrong step and the hunter wouldn't even* hesitate *to let go of the string.*\n\n\"What is it doing here, anyways?\"" }, { "author": "_d6", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Roewen stared down the bow, showing no apparent signs of fear. In fact, he leaned a tiny bit closer to sniff at it.*\n\n*Yes, Roewen knew what a bow was, but these arrows were new to him. Slowly, Roewen inched back, but stood between Sora and Leo. In case arrows were to fly, Roewen wanted to be sure it was him and not Leo taking then.*\n\n*But besides this, Roewen didn't seem cautious or afraid... they seemed pretty casual about the whole situation. Like having weapons pointed at him wasn't a new thing. Yup, that pride and lack of self preservation was showing.*" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Now that they weren't out to arrest this old man and her by association, Nahla was free to do or say a lot more things without consequence. And she wanted to get this nonsense over with since clearly, she'd been right and they needed to get moving. For someone who wanted to find his daughter, Leo certainly had no sense of urgency.*\n\n\"Right, bird, fuck off, they've helped out a lot,\" *Nahla remarked, slinking out of the bush.* \"Honestly, they've shown a lot more brains than the old man in this situation. They didn't run in and cause a scene, like he did.\" *She sent a probing glance to Kos, remembering a brief interest to how her appearance would make the guy feel. Hopefully she wasn't burning any bridges on Leo's behalf.* \"Anyway, we don't have time for the 'monster' nonsense. The old man already wasted a lot of time making a show of himself.\"" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Hey hey woah woah!” *He said as he tried to get between them, but Roewen kept him from doing so.* “He’s not just a monster.”\n\n*And now Nahla popped back out. At least she was somewhat defending Leo and roewen, sorta. He gave her a slight glare before turning back to Sora.* “Roewen has protected and even saved Selena. You trust me now right? After I’ve told the truth…then you’ll trust my word again.” *Nahla was right too. They were wasting their time the longer they lingered.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Unlike Sora, who's first instinct was to attack Roewen, Kos moved back to the door. He still drew his sword, of course, but his instinct was to ensure it didn't get inside and reach his wife.*\n\n*His eyesight was mainly on Roewen, although he looked at Nahla once she spoke aloud. He already figured she was nearby, but... well, she certainly heard the truth now, and he assumed she had heard it beforehand... did Leo use the same thing? Or had she just trusted his word? A bit foolish... although now he realized that perhaps she didn't recognize him? She never mentioned being a bounty hunter, so maybe she simply never knew? Kos wasn't sure... but ultimately, her guidance to Leo meant no harm to him and Hana... so he supposed she could still be trusted.*\n\n\"Just... As Nahla said, you guys should all get moving. Get Selena, clear your name. My offer stands, but as such I'll need to remain out of this conflict. I can offer... some assistance should you truly need it.\"\n\n*...Kos trusted Leo on his words about their deal. Very well. If Selena didn't wish for such a thing, then that was her choice.*\n\n\"She's with a pair of women. An Ordonian and a solider who claimed to be her sister. I believe the Ordonian called her... Vekhi? Selena clearly recognized them both, at the very least, and they were all happy to meet once again. Last I saw, she was safe with them.\"\n\n\"I'm sure I don't need to tell you about this for your own daughter, Leo, but keep her safe at all costs. Throw away whatever pride, or shame, or anything you have for her should you need to, without hesitation.\"" }, { "author": "_d6", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Okay, okay. Sometimes it's easy for Roewen to forget that regular people who don't like bokoblins exist.*\n\n*Slowly, he began backpedaling behind Leo, as if to hide himself again, just not in the bush this time. From behind Leo, they poked their head out and cautiously glanced back and forth at Sora and Kos.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo sorta held his arm out to shield roewen as he stepped back behind Leo. Once Kos mentioned Vehki his ears twitched and eyes lit up.* \"Vehki and Lenel. I know them and they know Selena. This is good; thank you.\" *And with that Leo nods his head towards the group and departs from their area. Whether or not Nahla decides to join it didn't matter to him.*\n\n*Once they were a good distance away he exhaled deeply as he realized he'll have to walk all the way back now that the sun is out.* \"Dammit. That'll slow us down a bit.\" *Leo continued to walk back towards #hyrule-field and make his way to the rendezvous point as agreed, hoping the others returned with new or found Selena.*" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Nahla was not keen on heading to Castle Town. But else was she going to do? Wait at the rendezvous spot for who knows how long and hope they were actually giving accurate information about their intent to meet there? Nahla knew she'd be fine so long as she kept to the shadows and preferred to have a guarantee that she'd be seeing them all again. When they got closer, she planned on hiding in the shadow of the bokoblin again, but for now, walking was fine.*\n\n\"There's always wild horses, if one wants to take a risk.\"" } ]
[ { "author": "eagletalon007", "is_bot": false, "message": "“It is good to be home. I have been away for far too long. We should see how Hana is doing.” *Ecbert said to his friend and brother as they made it down the dirt road. As he looked at the land of homes and families he could see the future of their people. Ecbert knew that after gaining his estate again he would be a leader for the people here. Ordona had always been a collection of small villages and homesteads. But one day he figured as the population increased and land cultivated it would grow even larger. While a city within the province was still long way’s away it was on the path to becoming a wealthy province. What it needed was further investment and nurturing.*\n\n“One day this land will become a central pillar of the realm. As my father always dreamed for our people. To that end my friend I have plans to help it grow faster. But I’m getting a bit ahead of myself.”" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Alright. If you're looking for us, we'll be in the house to the direct left after the entrance of Ordon. House in a big tree, you can't miss it.\"\n\n*Giving Moranis directions to the house, he rode on with Ecbert, now going at a much slower pace, simply... enjoying the stroll. Looing at the much more calming and varied greenery of Ordon compared to Faron. Certainly less wet, at least.*\n\n\"I certainly feel the same way. That dungeon I crawled through was... something else. I feel exhausted...\"\n\n*The name Walto still danced in Kos' head. It was a word that was never spoken to him, and yet... he felt it had meaning. Importance. And... Walto was Gaash, right? The 2 were one and the same? He knew the man in the desert was Walto... but others had said that was Gaash...*\n\n*It was so confusing for this simple Ordonian mind. If there was a man to untangle it all, it wasn't Kos.*\n\n\"A valiant dream... although, I must be honest, I've always found value in the quaint life of Ordon. Well... maybe not always, but after coming to my senses. The tight knit community, the peaceful lull of the river, the chirping of birds and the ever slight sway of the trees of the wind... to call it relaxing is an understatement.\"\n\n*It was why Kos had come back. Once, he had left the village... but he had come back. He had chose Ordon for what it currently was. Small... but vibrant. Full of hidden life and beauty. It may not be an economic center... but it was truly home. Kos knew that, deep in his heart.*\n\n\"Just don't forget me and Hana when you build this place up, alright? I'd hate to be trampled under the march of progress!\"\n\n_ _\n\n*A small yet hearty laugh crossed his lips... before the duo made it to the abode. The evening sky held a special... twilight as the sun crossed to the night sky. Not quite day... but not quite night, either.*\n\n\"Still, progress or not... Ordon is home, no matter what happens. For me, for Hana... and for you, Ecbert.\"\n\n*Getting off Gwendolyn, but not tying her up and letting his trusted stead goes as she pleased, which in this case was the river, Kos was about to knock on the door... before he stopped.*\n\n*That wound on his right side... Hana would faint if she saw that!*\n\n\"Uh... shit.\"\n\n*Kos cursed under his breath, before immediately moving the nearby bloodied cloth behind him, hoping to make sure Hana wouldn't notice.*\n\n\"I don't look... abnormal, do I?\"\n\n*He asked Ecbert to check him over. This was a very serious manner; ensuring Hana didn't find out he was wounded, even if the Red Potion he drank earlier ensured it was more a surface wound now. It truly looked far worse than it actually was at this point.*" }, { "author": "eagletalon007", "is_bot": false, "message": "“It’s not going to castle town’s rival anytime soon. But it doesn’t hurt to make life much easier for the future generations. After all your children you and Hana will have eventually will want a place of their own.” *He said with a chuckle as he looked at the place.*\n\n*Looking at Kos he chuckled.* “Oh Kos you were always ugly. The wound is an improvement.” *He chuckled poking fun at his friend but not being mean about it. He got off Juno and hitched her to a post. And then walked over and undid the cloth.* “You are overdue for a fresh one anyway.* “He took out the ripped up cloth that he had originally when he saved the Sheika warrior but turned down his bandage. He was glad it was finally being put to use here. Putting the new cloth bandage on he nodded.* “You should be fine now.”" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Hearing the voices nearby, Leo’s hears flickered as he looked down road leading away from Kos’s house. There lied Kos and his friend Ecbert.*\n\n*He decided to wait a moment for them to get closer, instead of just dropping in unexpectedly.*\n\n{`You think the companion would complicate things?`}\n\n{Hope not. He’ll learn to see me not as a threat.}\n\n*Once the two approached the house Leo would drop from the tree and land near them softly and quietly.* “Kos.” *As he revealed himself to Kos the battle damage from his shoulder and other various parts of his armor could be seen.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"...Can't deny that...\"\n\n*Kos didn't deny the eventuality of that thought. Of course one day he would... the question was always \"when,\" not \"if.\" He found it hard to answer that question... things got more complicated as life went on.*\n\n*Maybe Ecbert was right... or maybe Kos was too unsure. He wasn't sure.*\n\n*Such thought were quick to leave Kos' mind as Ecbert jokingly insulted the older man, giving him another quite quick laugh.*\n\n\"You're gonna call me the ugly one when I'm the one who's married, huh? I don't see anyone promising to spend their entire life with you... maybe after this quest we'll go on another to find someone to fix that, huh?\"\n\n*Another laugh as Ecbert was kind enough to give him a bandage, and even put it on.*\n\n\"Thank you. That should keep Hana from worrying sick about m-\"\n\n*\"Kos.\"*\n\n*He didn't even hesitate to draw his blade as his face completely dropped. With all the absolute fuckery that had happened in that dungeon, along with the Hylian Hunter, he was on edge. He'd done well to hide it... but Ecbert would see every part of his face go from a smile to sheer focus.*\n\n*The immediate worry about the monster finding its way to Ordon, and threatened Hana entered his mind. He turned to see who spoke...*\n\n*Considering they'd only spoken once, Kos didn't have Leo's voice memorized, especially at such a whisper. He still looked... tense, but the fear was gone, at least. That was something.*\n\n\"...Stay by the door, Ecbert. Don't do anything. Trust me on this.\"\n\n*His tone shifted entirely from comical to serious. Perhaps more serious than Ecbert had heard in a long time. Kos knew Leo was no true traitor to the crown... but even fully knowing Leo told the truth via magic didn't sway his immediate worries. And besides... he liked having someone protecting the path to Hana. Made him feel more confidant.*\n\n_ _\n\n*Kos hadn't expected to see Leo again... and looking around, while he spied a wounded shoulder... he didn't spy Selena. He covered the small distance between himself and Leo... even with Ecbert at the door, he'd certainly still be able to hear Leo as well.*\n\n\"I take it getting Selena back didn't go as plan?\"\n\n*Cut to the chase. He hadn't even told Ecbert who Selena was... he was probably actually about to, what with Hana probably about to tell the young Ordonian the moment they got inside. More important matters had come up... and here, perhaps Kos was about to pay the price.*\n\n*What is it with Kos and meeting bounty targets... and not bringing them in? This was twice now...*" }, { "author": "eagletalon007", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Ecbert saw his Kos’s expression change from a jovial one to a deadly serious one. His head turned to see this Sheika warrior standing before them. Just when he had thought of them one came up. Normally seeing one was unusual outside of their village but a welcoming sign. However something told him this was not the case. Ecbert trusted Kos and did what he asked him to do. Naturally he figured whoever this man was wanted something and might not exactly be friendly about asking. Standing by the door Ecbert knew should anything happen he would be the last line of defense for Hana. He kept his hand on the grip of his blade ready to strike. Ecbert gave the man the glare he was becoming famous for the one of hawk eyeing its prey. Without a word he told this man everything he needed to know. You come anyway near this door I will not think twice about taking your head.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo shot back a glare at Ecbert, letting his red eyes do most of the talking. After he made his way to the door he turned his attention back to Kos.* “No. The shard told the truth, she was in the dungeon, but they knew we were coming.” *As he spoke he slowly approached Kos, showing no signs of any threats.*\n\n*Slowly he reached for his injured shoulder, readjusting his clothes to ease some of the pain.* “Took me all day to track you. Started here, made my way into Faron wilderness only to come back here.” *A slight grin appeared on his face before shaking it away.* “May I come in for a moment?”" }, { "author": "eagletalon007", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Ecbert look to Kos. He would have the final say weather or not he would walk into the his home. He stayed stalwart and was betraying no other emotion then pure focus making sure this man didn’t try anything.* “That’s far enough... You stay there until I hear other wise.”" }, { "author": "reissryhas", "is_bot": false, "message": "*....He looked around to ensure that nobody else was around. He...really did not want to be bothered right now. Seeing that there was ideally nobody else around the spring, he sighed, before taking out the Star Fragment in his possession. Just sort of...holding it out.*\n\n\"This...can't just grant wishes, it's just...a gem, right? But...I get the feeling that...\"\n\n*...Many thoughts raced through the Rito's head. Thoughts, emotions. Fear, unease, worry, hope, guilt, joy...but it all settled onto one thing in the end. His late mother. She...she could come back, right? They could...could live together again and he could learn more from her...right? **She deserves to come back to life, right?** ....Gah. He needed to get ahold of himself. He just...*\n\n*Looking down at the water, he went over to the deeper edge of the spring, and just...putting all of his hope into this, let the fragment into the water and just...knelt down and prayed.*\n\n{Please....if there's any generosity in you goddesses...please...PLEASE...bring my mother back. She...she deserves to be alive still..i...I miss her...and...and I want a second chance to know her better after forgetting what really happened that day...i...I want to make it up to her. Please...please...}\n\n*As he quietly uttered these words up to...well, anyone up there listening, he started to weep. The trauma from all those years ago...and what he experienced earlier on..its gotten to him. Plus...he was just...**exhausted.** At this point, he just needed something.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Damn…”\n\n*Kos cursed under his breath yet again. Selena was in a dungeon… a child was in chains… and yet the Castle did nothing but facilitate it!*\n\n*As for if Leo could come inside… He was hesitant to say yes, but he knew Leo wasn’t a threat… so there wasn’t technically a reason to say no…*\n\n“…Yes, you may come in. Come quick.”\n\n*Kos turned to the door, moving to it and Ecbert.*\n\n“He’s not a threat to us or Hana… but keep an eye on him anyways.”\n\n*This WAS Strider, after all. If he wanted to he could probably fight and win against both Ordonians… and that we always a possibility.*\n\n*Entering the house, Hana, who was inside, was quick to get up and exclaim in delight… before spying Leo. She recognized the figure of the man.*\n\n“Kos, isn’t that…”\n\n*Kos was quick to answer her.*\n\n“Yes, it is. But we’re on good terms for the time being. He has something to tell us, probably about Selena or at least related to her.”\n\n*Hana simply nodded… and as Kos pulled out the extra couch under the stairs quickly, the duo sat there… turning to Leo.*\n\n*Kos was the only one to speak.*\n\n“Start from the beginning.”" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo walked in, glaring at Ecbert once he moved out of the way. Once inside he saw Hana and gave her a polite nod.* “Ma’am.” *The shadow inside the blade scoffed at Leo, but he paid no attention to it.*\n\n*He found a chair to sit in across from Kos, so he sat down and groaned as he took off some of his gear and half his trench coat.* “We went in through the sewers, since that’s where an old organization of mine use to dwell. Knew how to navigate through there easily. We made it inside, only problem is that it wasn’t guarded at all.” *He said as he finished taking off his trench coat.*\n\n*He laid it next to him and began to properly clean his shoulder wound.* “Me, Nahla, Luna, Roewen and my witch companions had s plan. One would stay at the exit, me with my appearance altered would go with Luna to the armory and split up. That was the last I saw Luna…We had a slight argument before shit went sideways. Then- I’m sorry may I have some water?” *He asked Hana politely.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Kos and Hana listened, Hana simply... nodded back at Leo upon his first acknowledge. She wasn't privy to the details... only that this man had come to their house and left. She understood that he was a threat at the time... she hadn't seen Kos so nervous before. Was he a threat no longer? Was it a misunderstanding? Kos hadn't said... he went to deal with the weather at the time, after all...*\n\n*They were both silent at the words stated. While it was clear Hana was having... some difficulty of understanding everything due to the lack of context, Kos only... furrowed his eyebrows. Heavily so. And they both understood that Luna, a fellow Ordonian, may be dead. They'd both know her name from living here as long as they have.*\n\n*Hana nodded to Leo's quest, before getting up and getting some water. It would seem like it took a bit too long, until one looked over and realized she got multiple cups; 1 for everyone here, handing one to both Ecbert and then Leo before returning to where she had been sitting; with Kos, putting both down.*\n\n*As Hana did this, Kos... had a question.*\n\n\"A... witch friend? Sounds a dangerous sort... magically and morally. Why is she helping you?\"\n\n*If there was one thing one should never do, it was trust a witch. A simple prospect, for plenty of reasons. It was the kind of thing one was told as a child; it was so simple and straightforward that even kids could understand why. They were dangerous, and usually served evil forces. Tricksters who told half truths often and lied where it suit them. Kos was concerned that Leo was working with one such person...*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Once Leo got his water he took a small sip, then a gulp. A sigh a relief escaped him as the water was refreshing.* “Hm. I understand your concern about the witch. I’ve had my fair share with them in the past…but this one is to be trusted.” *He sets the cup next to him slowly.* “She saved my life. For some reason she believes me and Selena are part of some key to Ganons plan? It’s a gibberish to me but she believes me getting Selena back will ruin ganons plan, as Gaash is a “vessel” for ganon.” *He tried his best to remember exactly what Lusaimi believed in.*\n\n*He shook his head to get back on topic.* “Anyways. One by one we began to drop in numbers. I went to the dungeon to find Selena just to find more of my allies plotting to turn me in, hoping that would save her.” *As he talked he began to patch up his shoulder wound.* “You don’t make deals with Gaash. He’s tricky and will lure you into a trapped that **you** agreed to. She’s still in the castle but we don’t know where.”\n\n“After shit went sideways I decided to come find you to update our situation. Tracked you through the wilderness, ran into the Hylian hunter **again** and now here we are.”" }, { "author": "eagletalon007", "is_bot": false, "message": "“That bastard seems to be running into a lot of people. I swear to Hylia I will mount his head on a pike next time I see him.” *Ecbert said as the more he heard about that wretched beast the more he wish to slay him and bring his rampage to an end.*\n\n*Still keep his guard up he looked at this man and wondered what he wanted. From the talk of Gannon which he figured was a story but unsurprised that it was real to some extent. What he really wanted to know was why he was hear.* “Enough beating around the question at hand. Why are you here and what do you want with Kos?”" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Kos... was very much so not convinced of this witch's trust by his final words. It sounded like a very complex lie... difficult to understand... and therefore difficult to get your head around. But, he didn't argue that point further... as Leo moved on to explain the dungeon further.*\n\n*Hana finally got the context that this was all about Selena... and she looked quite concerned from here on out. Selena was the one in the dungeon? That was horrible! She was so young... she'd certainly done nothing to deserve that!*\n\n*Her nervousness around Leo had slowly disappeared as well, now starting to understand why Kos chose to trust him; likely due to some relation to Selena.*\n\n*Kos, meanwhile, sighed about the words relating to Hylian Hunter, speaking about Ecbert's anger burst out.*\n\n\"I happened to fight him for a small time while hunting for the cause of the rainfall in Faron... sorry you had to fight him searching for me.\"\n\n*...That meant he was still around the woods when they camped. So that was... close. Too close for comfort, honestly.*\n\n\"Mm... I can take a guess as to why.\"\n\n*Kos took a sip of the water Hana had gotten for him as well, before continuing the thought.*\n\n\"You're here to recruit me to help you free Selena, I take it?\"\n\n*Kos' face was... almost stern as he said this. He was supposed to be outside the crime part of Leo's efforts. He only wanted to ensure Selena's safety; that was his sole involvement in this matter. And yet... he assumed Leo was about to ask him to help invade Hyrule Castle, of all things...*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*He for once ignored Ecbert’s words and focused on Kos. Leo softly shook his head.* “No. I’m here because you and Hana are kind, simple folks who live in a peaceful part of Hyrule. I’m going in one last time. If me and her walk out with Gaash dead then we’ll settle down. But if she walks out and I don’t, I want you two to take care of her.”\n\n*He finishes his water before cleaning his throat.* “Ever since Selena was born her life has been hell. Her mother almost killing her, wandering around stranger to stranger to take care of her, no place to call home. After i helped defeat the five kings we had nobody but each other. So, I took her in and as we traveled together, I-“ *Quickly he got choked up on his words. Clearing his throat he got rid of the emotions.* “I loved her like she was my daughter. Nothing else matter but her. I wanted to protect her. But my paranoia caused her to fall into this situation.”\n\n*Leos expression was soft and honest, showing no signs of lies.* “She deserves to live a normal life, go to a normal school, make friends her age, and grow up as a normal person. Not living in a stronghold in a desert, making friends with ex criminals and friendly monsters…” *Then s memory of Roewen popped up. He remembered glancing at Selena as her and Roewen were both drawing together back at the desert sting stronghold.* “I don’t want you to get involved in saving Selena. Can’t have you risk your life and you blood on my hands.”" }, { "author": "eagletalon007", "is_bot": false, "message": "“You daughter. Where is she held?” *Ecbert said to the man. He heard the story and it mirrored his own. While not exactly the same he could tell that a grave injustice had been done against him.* “I may not know all the details but I know this. A good father would do anything for their child. You have my blade sir. Though I believe it is possible to help her without bloodshed.”" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "“…If she was in Hyrule Castle, then she’s probably either moved somewhere else in the Castle or… somewhere that isn’t public knowledge. I don’t like that thought…”\n\n*Kos could partially answer that question for Leo. He knew that, for whatever strange reason, Selena had a bounty on her. That alone gave the kingdom the permission to do so… but only on paper. Morally? Kos found it reprehensible. Why the hell was the Castle doing this to a child?*\n\n“I’ll tell you what I’ve already told you. The moment you rescue your daughter, she comes here. For as long as that false bounty is on your head, she will always be in danger by your side. Once it is cleared… you may have your daughter back, and you can visit when you feel the need to before you complete such a task; I trust your skills at hiding enough to give you that. But, she lives here until you clear your name and prove your innocence.”\n\n*Kos had asked for this last time, but there was no asking. He demanded it, especially now. His other allies sounded like they shouldn’t take care of her either; they’ve either betrayed Leo or are known to be criminals… either way, their lifestyle are too violent for a child to tag along either.*\n\n“Do we have an understanding, Leo?”\n\n*Hana looked towards everyone as they spoke, but stayed silent, mostly in shock from learning everything. She was no fighter, but everything sounded… so dangerous.*" } ]
[ { "author": "lonelyscarab", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Minerva and Kaden made a much nicer landing in the Ordonian Spring. The sky knight hops down as her boots made contact with the ankle deep waters. Birds chirped happily above matching with the calming laps of the water fall behind. The two took their time looking around, making their way toward the village. Everything seemed so similar to home in Minerva's eyes it's as though the surface dwellers took many inspirations from Skyloft...*\n\n*Once at the entrance of Ordon, Minerva's watery blue hues lightened up at the scene. Pumpkins were a warm sight to see, along with farmers and the vast lake behind two rock structures. Kaden immediately took his perch on one of these formations, leaving Minerva to explore the village on her own.*" }, { "author": "eagletalon007", "is_bot": false, "message": "*As Ecbert was ready to take Kassandra to Kos’ home he felt a shadow cast over him for a moment and then he gave a perplexed look. He turned to Tempest who was still there and not up in the sky.*\n\n“What in Hylia’s dimpled….” *He looked up to see to his surprise another loftwing and it’s rider. Ecbert at this point was no longer amused by this divine prank that Hylia had placed on him. First it was the Twili, now it was bloody loftwing riders?! While he was pleased to see the stories of his childhood come to life to have them just out and about so casually as if they were commonplace was absurd to him. Or maybe he had lived a sheltered life and these things really were more common then initially imagined.*\n\n*He turned to meet this new rider and greet her.* “Greetings I am Ecb…..” *He stopped for a moment as he got that chance to get a proper look at this young woman. And she made his heart skip a beat for a moment just by looking at her. Ecbert had always enjoyed being in the company of beautiful women but this was special. He shook his head and regained his composure before he appeared uncouth.* “….Welcome to Ordona. I am Ecbert, son of Ecbert, of House Godwinson. What brings you here? Do you two happen to know each other?”" }, { "author": "lonelyscarab", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Minerva’s head whipped around, followed by her long golden braid that whipped to the side facing the stranger who spoken up. A smirk adorned her features approaching the two.*\n\n“I’m here to explore. First time on the surface.” *She looked real confident, she extended her hand the smirk that left dimples never fading,* “Minerva Daybreak. At your service Sir Eggbert…” *She trailed the name, questioning herself if it was correct. Whatever it was she’s going to stick to calling him Egg. Minerva’s attention turned to the other sky knight, her smile immediately fell. Eyes narrowed, and if looks could kill…*\n\n“Nope not at all. Never seen her in my life.” *The smile was back, completely oblivious to the sudden mood change.* “What brings you here?” *Minerva folded her arms behind her and leaning her torso toward the man. Her thick golden braid cascaded over her shoulders playing an innocent look.*" }, { "author": "kunari.hunter", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"You're just mad I still wooped you at that loftwing race foxkit.\" *Kassandra said with a smirk. She put her crossbow away and looked at her.* \"Same as you, adventure. Maybe we'll see who's finally better eh?\" *She said teasingly. If course, she knew the truth. But hey, things could've changed.* \"Watch out for her Ecbert. She's crazy. Almost got kicked out of the academy multiple times.\" *Kassandra warned, Pump sitting at Minerva's feet and looking straight up at her. The boyo had no such rivalry.*" }, { "author": "eagletalon007", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Well… in either case welcome to Ordona Province. I was just talking to your acquaintance about adventuring and hero work. I have a problem that I think a loftwing can help with.” *He said hoping that she would be interested in this. If he could get two loftwings to help with their escape then the plan to save is Leo’s daughter. However Ecbert for a moment completely forgot to consider if this girl was a spy. Such was his weakness when it came to attractive woman. The only reason it didn’t happen when he talked to Kassandra was because she still underdeveloped.*\n\n*Hearing that she was crazy certainly made him think but with the way the two looked at each other and how they talked to one another. It sounded like a kind high school rivalry between them and a desire to tear each other down.* “I’ll be sure to keep that in mind Kas.” *He smiled softly and chuckled a bit.*" }, { "author": "lonelyscarab", "is_bot": false, "message": "“What seems to be the problem? Whatever it is, count me in!” *Minerva completely ignored Kassandra’s words, they did sting a bit-but she was taught to never let your enemies know your next move. Such as this, she plucks Pump off the ground with gentle handling and secured him in her arms.* “Pump says otherwise tricorn weirdo.” *She gave Kassandra a smug look as she rubbed Pump’s big head.*" }, { "author": "kunari.hunter", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Pump also had raisins for brains.\" *She said, taking the remlit from her and changing his scarf. She sat back down besides her rock and looked at Ecbert.* \"So? What's the current plan? Said we had to rescue a friend's daughter?\" *Kassandra asked, tilting her head a bit. Pump stood on her knees, quite proud of his fashion change. Tempest still sat nearby, unmoving but watching carefully.*" }, { "author": "eagletalon007", "is_bot": false, "message": "“I made a promise to a man that I would rescue his kid daughter from the dungeons of Hyrule Castle. My plan is this. To head to castle town and scout the area for patrols. I was thinking about setting a fire at the castle stables to cause a distraction and lure guards away while me and Kos look for her in the dungeons. Should we find her or information on her whereabouts that is when we will escape with the loftwings for a speedy escape. If you agree to help of course. I will not lie this will be very dangerous and you have no stake in this so I won’t blame you if you say no. But I need all the help I can get to get that little girl back to her daddy.” *He said with earnest and true words. There was no hint of doubt in his voice. They could tell he was committed to saving her.*" }, { "author": "lonelyscarab", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Sounds easy enough.” *the blonde nods, grasping her utility belt. “If we’re trying to get into the dungeons we should form a plan. I’d say disguise one of us with the castle knight uniform and use the other as a prisoner. And the other can patrol above.” *Minerva nods again with her opinion, would it work? Worth a shot.* “We can use the fire distraction, someone who’s got a great aim could do that.”" }, { "author": "kunari.hunter", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"That's where I'd come in.\" *Kassandra said, pulling back the string on her crossbow. She raised it and pulled the trigger, firing three bolts directly into a pumpkin.* \"Finally got the firing working. But the reload is gonna take ages.\" *She said proud of herself, pushing up her cap. She looked at Ecbert and nodded.* \"I'm ready for a jailbreak. I'm in.\"" }, { "author": "eagletalon007", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Luckily for us I’m technically a wanted criminal. I it would work if I was the one brought in.” *He explained. His banished status had not been revoked as far as he was aware so it would make the most sense if he was the one.*\n\n“We also have plenty of fire arrows and bombs we can make use of in case we have to create our own escape path. Even so keep you blades sharp and close at hand.”" }, { "author": "lonelyscarab", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Works out just great. Guess I’m playing knight then,\" *she muttered with a resigned sigh, Minerva’s fingers tracing the edges of the worn leather gauntlet which adorned her forearms. lost in thoughts of the mission ahead just to give a worried father his daughter back. Speaking of father’s…Minerva hasn’t seen her’s in forever. Minerva shrugs off her thoughts.*" }, { "author": "kunari.hunter", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Shall we go get your friend Sir Ecbert?\" *Kassandra asked, gathering her equipment and stashing them away.* \"Wouldn't wanna keep him waiting huh?\"" }, { "author": "eagletalon007", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Yes we shall. I’m sure he is finished meeting with his wife this way.” *He took Juno’s reins and took them through beautiful scenery that was Ordona. Eventually they would find themselves outside of Kos’ home.* “Kos! It’s me I met some people I would like you to meet.”" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*When Ecbert spoke with the others, Kos had been home, brushing Gwendolyn, making sure she was clean and happy for another ride, and talking to his wife Hana, explaining the situation. She was happy he didn't have to enter some terrible dungeon for his sake, although the topic of his next course of action had just come up before Ecbert yelled.*\n\n*And, as Ecbert predicted, he had just roughly finished speaking with her, the door already half way open. His face was pulled in just a bit before the shout surprised him a little forcing him back.*\n\n\"I'll be back when I can, love you, Hana!\"\n\n*And with that, the door was shut, before Kos turned around to Ecbert... before seeing the 2 people in tow.*\n\n*He looked at them... back to Ecbert... then back to each of them... and then, once more, back to Ecbert.*\n\n\"Ecbert... one of these days I'm going to teach you the value of finding the one, I swear...\"\n\n*Ecbert was... always the smooth talker, wasn't he? Kos had to wonder what he'd said to get these 2 to follow him... it had to be quite good, in his opinion...*\n\n*He stepped to each of them, putting a hand forward to each of them, one at a time.*\n\n\"Kos Loboloph. I see you've met my friend Ecbert already. I hope he hasn't been a bother to you 2.\"\n\n*The handshake would be firm and sincere, as was an effective way of summing up Kos as a person. He'd step back the moment it was over, a simple, second long shake.*\n\n\"Now... how did you 3 all meetup so quickly?\"\n\n*That HAD to be a story and a half... and one that Kos was too curious about, especially when he hadn't been talking to Hana for that long...*" }, { "author": "eagletalon007", "is_bot": false, "message": "“On the contrary two is actually what I need right now.” *He chuckled as he then introduced the two fair ladies.* “These girls are Kassandra and Minerva. They are loftwing riders and adventurers. They have agreed to help us save Selena. With their help I think we can come up with a very good plan to get her out or find out where she is.”" }, { "author": "kunari.hunter", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Kassandra shook Kos's hand and nodded. Pump peeked over her shoulder at the new person. He liked him. He smelled like pumpkins.* \"Kassandra. It's a pleasure. Hopefully you're more reasonable in planning.\" *She said jokingly, smiling a bit. It's awkward being the youngest of the newly formed party. But she'll take the adventure and new companions. Except Minerva. She was weird. And a bit crazy.*\n\n\"As Sir Ecbert here said, I'm here to help rescue an unlawfully imprisoned maiden. Any way I can.\" *She said proudly, Tempest walking up behind her and staring at yet another person. He was strange.*" }, { "author": "lonelyscarab", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Not at all Mr. Lobo.\" *Minerva gave Kos a firm handshake before tucking it back onto her belt.* \"We've been plotting before coming to bother you. If you have any ideas, don't hesitate to shout.\" *As she said this, Minerva's eyes panned toward Kassandra mouthing 'do better' to the sky knight. Kaden waddled over to the small party, dropping a new treasure he found. It appeared to be a rock in the shape of an ocarina. The corvin loftwing croaked proudly of his new find, hoping Minerva liked it.*\n\n{*don't make fun of his name, don't make fun of his name- oh cool a rock.*} *Minerva's attention immediately changed to the rock in her hand, admiring it. She knew not to eat it.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Kos... stood still for about 10 seconds, his head switching to all of them for a moment...*\n\n*Did... did they know Selena was in Hyrule Castle? Surely they couldn't, right? Ecbert had just convinced them to save Selena without mentioning where she was, right?*\n\n*I mean, who'd possibly believe him? It's an insane story... and even if you believed the story, its the Castle! Who could possibly believe they could break into there and escape with a prisoner! It was an insane idea...*\n\n\"...Kos is fine, please.\"\n\n*A statement to ground himself a little, he spoke to Minerva with just a hint of a stutter, although he had taken a while to say it.*\n\n\"Kassandra and... Minerva, was it? My friend Ecbert has told you that Selena is held within... Hyrule Castle, right?\"\n\n*Unfortunately for Ecbert, Kos was not a fan of that plan. Largely because... well, c'mon! Breaking into Hyrule Castle was, again, insane! They didn't know where she was within the Castle, not to mention they'd likely have to fight every soldier in there... if the Shiekah didn't get to them first!*" }, { "author": "kunari.hunter", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Yea. But we've a plan to divert most of the armed traffic. Besides. I'm not just some kid. I'll have you know that I'm a Knight of the Sky.\" *She said proudly, crossing her arms. Her sword and shield moved a bit on her back, her crossbow on her waist.* \"So it'll be easier than it sounds. Hopefully.\" *Pump was now trying to gauge a jump onto Kos's shoulder.*" } ]
[ { "author": "ash5012", "is_bot": true, "message": "*Aleyba turns to survey Thalia, looking not unlike a bird of prey or a wolf getting ready to spring on her next meal. Then as suddenly as it comes, she relaxes. Red magic sparks around her, and she takes the form of her sword. \"As I do not currently have a Wielder,\" the disembodied voice speaks from the black katana. \"I see no problem in allowing you to use my sword, as it works easiest in this form. Simply raise the blade and think of that which you are searching for specifically. A red light at the end of the blade will glow brighter as you turn to face the direction of said object or person. Be warned however. Touching my blade will create a link between the two of us, thus allowing me to dowse for the item you seek. While in hand, we will be able to hear the thoughts of the other. It is not a power I share lightly.\" This warning spoken, the sword simply levitates, as if daring Thalia to reach out and take it.*" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "{She’ll be able to hear my thoughts?}\n\n{``Remember your place.``}\n\n{Wonder if she will be able to hear you-}\n\n{``Only one way to find out.``}\n\n_Thalia takes a few moments to think to herself, before reaching out carefully and grabbing at the sword. She didn’t really train in one-handed blades, and sort of just holds it in front of her statically, grasping it now with two hands._\n\n{..Testing?}" }, { "author": "ash5012", "is_bot": true, "message": "*{Congratulations, you have aquired a demonic sword,} Aleyba's voice deadpans mentally, her voice fully audible to Thalia's mind though no words are spoken aloud. The red glow fades, and there seems to be a twinge of amusement in her voice. That fades quickly however. {I have yet to decide if you will be an appropriate Wielder. I suppose this will allow for a trial run of sorts.}*" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "{Well, I hope I don’t disappoint~} _She hums mentally, bringing the blade closer just to inspect it. She was a sword, after all._\n\n{Alright! Well, this will be a little strange. Anyways- Remember that kid we met during our last visit together? Had a colourful mask and all?} _She asked, referring to Wayne._ {I met him recently and... Something is off about him. I took his most prized possession and he doesn’t even mention when we were face-to-face once again. I want to see what’s up.} _She explained, as she slowly started to swing the blade around gently. Think slow, then go slower. That’s how fast she’s swinging. She didn’t want to yeet her sword into a tree by accident._\n\n{-And while I’m not quite certain if it’s dark in origin, he does possess some rather ‘unique’ magical abilities now, where he didn’t prior; or at the very least, is using them more frequently as far as I know.}\n\n{Do you think you could search for him, please?}" }, { "author": "ash5012", "is_bot": true, "message": "*Aleyba lets out a laugh, which sounds strangely foreign, as if she has no idea the emotion that should normally go with it and is simply attempting to recreate the noise. {I am certainly able to use my powers in such a way,} the sword spirit replies. {However there is no need to speak of it. Raise the sword and point it before you, fixing the thought or image of whom you wish to find in your mind. My own latent magic will respond in kind and show you the way.} At this, Aleyba falls silent again, speaking as if she is a tutorial that Thalia is taking too long to complete.*" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "{Well, maybe I just want to~} _She responds coyly, and starts to turn about, pointing her sword in front of her as she spins. She figures that this would be the best way to find a person._\n\n{And it seems like you’re entertained by my ramblings.}\n\n{``It bores quickly.``}\n\n{Oh, yeah! This is Gamelon, by the way. I dunno if you can hear him though... This is the dark deity I mentioned before. Remember? I mean, if you can hear him...}" }, { "author": "ash5012", "is_bot": true, "message": "*{Ah yes,} the sword's unbothered reply easily comes. {I suppose your ramblings do tend to amuse me. And this must be the presence I felt when we first met. Intriguing. Gamelon, was it? Perhaps this will be more...entertaining than I first believed.} She doesn't elaborate on what she means, but her voice has taken a clearly amused tone. As Thalia spins, which she makes no remark on, the blade finally begins to glow brightly, pointing in the direction of* #tabantha-tundra" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "{``As yourself. Not many can feel my presence passively.``}\n\n{I already told her that.}\n\n{``My words outweighs yours.``}\n\n{Says the deity who doesn’t like Hydromelons-}\n\n{Anywho-} _Thalia giggles as the light starts pointing towards one particular direction._ {Perfect! Keep that energy in mind, I just want to do two more searches then we can go off on someone~}\n\n_ She started to pace around in small circles in thought, keeping the sword still for now._ {So, there’s this other person I’ve been keeping in the back of my mind. That... Lady. I don’t recall her name. It was when we first met in Castle Town. She was talking with you before you confronted me. Remember?} _She asked, trying to jog her memory of Hiza._\n\n{She has Dark Magic written all over her; From her being to her weaponry. I haven’t seen that little snake in a while, so can locate her too, please?}" }, { "author": "ash5012", "is_bot": true, "message": "*{I believe that Gamelon is correct,} the sword replies nearly immediately. {His word will far outweigh yours, as both an older and more powerful being.} She falls silent again to listen, her mind almost abnormally blank. {I recall, yes. She was certainly an interesting specimen. Very well. Focus your will and raise the sword again.}*" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "{``This humors me.``}\n\n{;-;}\n\n{``Child.``}\n\n_Thalia let out a hmph, and started to turn about once again, trying to find the sweet spot of her target’s location._" }, { "author": "ash5012", "is_bot": true, "message": "*{Ah, yes,} she says. {I believe we shall be able to withstand the presence of one another.} Her tone also speaks of amusement, but she falls silent again. Quickly enough, the blade lights up, this time pointing towards* #castle-town" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "{``Everything seems to be going well.``}\n\n{Mhm! Thank you so much, Aleyba~}\n\n{Ok! Keep that one in mind as well, wanna search for one last thing- scan the area for Dark Magic, and other things along those lines. Cursed items, cursed people, things like that. Don’t include common types of Monsters, though. Like Bokoblins. I only care if they’re... “special” in some way.}\n\n{``This seems to be pushing her abilities.``}\n\n{It’s worth a try- unless it tires you out. Then by all means stop if you get exhausted or something-}" }, { "author": "ash5012", "is_bot": true, "message": "*Aleyba is silent for several moments, the sword about as responsive as a normal sword. Finally she speaks, her voice as bland as before. {I have yet to tire,} she says. {However my dowsing ability will not work this way. You will need something specific to focus on. I am unable to latently sense dark magic in this form, even with my dowsing ability.}*" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "{``See, I am more knowledgeable.``}\n\n_Thalia mentally blows raspberries at him._\n\n{Well that’s alright. It was more of a shot in the _dark_ anyways. Hehe~} _She giggles, and turns towards the rough direction of Hebra Mountains._\n\n{This way for the kid, right? I don’t think I’ll need you to douse constantly, so you can come out of your sword form- if you want. Up to you, I don’t really mind either when we’re just travelling.}\n\n{I don’t really use a sword in a fight, though. So if it comes to that I would ask you come out of it, if that’s okay.}" }, { "author": "ash5012", "is_bot": true, "message": "*{If I were to do so,} Aleyba says, allowing herself to be carried. {Then I would be unable to converse with your interesting companion. We have not yet bonded as Wielder and sword, therefore we must be in contact. I believe I shall endeavor to give Gamelon more entertaining company for a while. I shall take my human form however should the need to fight arise. I do believe there were legends of other sword spirits from this land to do so. What was the name? Ghirahirtham? I believe I spoke it incorrectly...} The sword says nothing for a while, apparently trying to figure out the name of a sword spirit that Hyrule had probably long forgotten.*" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "{What, am I not sufficient entertainment?}\n\n{``No.``}\n\n{I’ve never been so hurt in my life. After all I’ve done for you-}\n\n{``Cease your words.``}\n\n{Hmph.}\n\n{“Ghirahirtham”, though. That’s sounds quite interesting. Perhaps we can look into it more one day~}\n\n_With this, Thalia goes off towards the Hebra mountains. Castle Town was much closer, though she was more familiar with Wayne’s abilities than with Hiza- even by just a little. And Hebra was already isolated by itself._\n\n_She continued her little banter with Aleyba as she walked throughout the night, Gamelon now chiming every once in a while._\n\n{``Gamelon is not my true name, she merely calls me it for simplicity. My true name is...``}\n\n_The voice distorts, quickly morphing into an incomprehensible demonic screech._\n\n{Oh my goodness I told you not to say that it’s gives me a headache-}" } ]
[ { "author": "CephalonMuffin", "is_bot": true, "message": "*The sorceress simply looked back for a moment, turning back to the pit of dancing women shortly after.*\n\nHiza: \"Ah. Just a hero. You have nothing to worry. These women are just... releasing a bit of stress. Have you heard of what happened in this part of the woods?\"\n\n*She'd point to the ruined buildings a ways into the forest while walking to the pit. The chanting ceased as all the women lowered themselves to their hands and knees, silently chanting as the goblet began to glow.*" }, { "author": "ace_stargale", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Quovien’s staff lights up, though no magic comes forth just yet.* “Not directly, though I surmised what had occurred. I wouldn’t exactly call that chant “stress relief,” though. Kindly refrain from ignoring the question: *what are you doing with this dark magic?*” *Quovien’s eyes narrow as he speaks. The white-yellow-green light from the gem set in his glaive is visibly trailing off into the air ever so slightly.*\n\n{I will not let it happen again. NEVER AGAIN. I already lost the woman I loved, if this is the same kind of ritual I have no hope of stopping it with my life intact. But... that’s okay.}" }, { "author": "CephalonMuffin", "is_bot": true, "message": "Hiza: \"Simple. In order to fight darkness, you must use it. There's a girl with a demon that I must either tear limb from limb or turn in to the Royal Family. Whichever one is the safest for me is what I'll do. Truth be told, I hope that I don't have to kill her, but... well... I'm dealing with a demon. I can't be too careful. Don't you agree?\"\n\n*She leans forward, picking up the chalice. A red liquid was glowing inside, appearing almost like lava. She'd hold off on drinking it, glancing over at Quovien*" }, { "author": "ace_stargale", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Quovien’s eyes remain narrowed, though not quite as sharply as they were before.* “I suppose usually this would be where I give some sort of speech about good and evil, and you rebuke it, drink whatever that concoction is, and turn into a monster and attack me, no?” *He scoffs.* “Pah. I’ve seen enough of this world to know that pure black and pure white don’t exist. Though, might I say, it seems strange to me that you would spring for whatever you’re planning to transform youself into before informing the Royal Family. Wouldn’t this ritual prevent you from being trusted if you were to send that message, therefore forcing you to fight this ‘demon’ regardless of your choice? It looks to me like you’re already dead-set on that fight.” *He taps the tips of his fingers against the shaft of his glaive, the light trailing into the air more visibly now, and clearly stained more green than yellow or white.*" }, { "author": "CephalonMuffin", "is_bot": true, "message": "Hiza: \"Darkness is a simple aspect of life. It walks behind the light, protecting it from the unseen. Darkness is not evil, but the essence of passion and duty. If you truly understand Light, then you would not fear what it casts. The fact that you assumed I would attack you is proof of how much you still have to learn.\"\n\n*She drinks from the goblet, tossing it aside. Her body would become enveloped in a red, fiery aura, singing the grass beneath her. Her hear would ash over, becoming a rich gray as horns would slowly sprout from her head. Red, rock-like scales would begin forming on her arms and torso as a pair of large wings and a finned tail would sprout from behind. The witches turned to the dragoness, yelling praises of beauty and power, begging her to \"avenge their children\". Their pleas were full of sorrow and hate, though, Hiza herself still haven't decided her course of action. Should she kill or simply convince the Ice Mage to submit herself to a test and extraction before the Royal Court?*" }, { "author": "ace_stargale", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Quovien raises an eyebrow, unimpressed.* “I know fully well what darkness and light truly mean to each other. My suspicion arose from the fact that the last time I felt this much dark magic in one place, it was Kakariko during the attack, and before that was a madman trying to perform a ritual to become a god by sacrificing and absorbing a hundred souls. It’s been fifteen years and I can still hear his laugh as he tore Sentet’s soul from her body...” *Quovien takes a deep, shuddering breath before refocusing on Hiza.* “So, you said the person you’re after is a demon, or is possessed by a demon? Could that have any connection to what happened in Kakariko?”" }, { "author": "CephalonMuffin", "is_bot": true, "message": "HIza: \"You've been through quite the trauma. Interesting. Everyone goes through something horrid these days, it seems. The woman... or being that I've found was a caster. Ice magic and something else they've kept hidden. She told me that she was a victim of a demon attack or something similar, but she stole from me and tried her hardest to lie her way out of it. I still want to believe that she's simply been possessed, but I can't be too sure. She... reminds me of myself, in a way.\"\n\n*Her wings would flap a few times as she gave her limbs a test. She was still familiar with the feeling, but she felt quite stiff.*" }, { "author": "ace_stargale", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Quovien raises an eyebrow again.* “Ice magic? There was an ice mage at Kakariko, she called herself Thalia. I did get the feeling she wasn’t showing all she could do, as well. Quite likely they’re the same woman.”" }, { "author": "CephalonMuffin", "is_bot": true, "message": "Hiza: \"Maybe. I didn't get her name. In all honesty, I wouldn't be surprised if that was a fake name. Pink hair, a cloak, and possibly accompanied by another Ice Mage. She has an attraction to Dark Magic items and such. I thought she was a researcher, but perhaps there's something more to it. Anyway, where did you last see them? I'd like to have a chat with her as soon as possible.\"" }, { "author": "ace_stargale", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Quovien shrugs.* “Castle Town, but everyone split up after that and I was too busy thinking about some... sensitive information I had been given and was heading to Hyrule Castle. I didn’t see where she went.” *He falls quiet for a moment.* “Might I ask your name? I am Quovien Luvije.”" }, { "author": "CephalonMuffin", "is_bot": true, "message": "Hiza: \"I am... Hmm... I go by a few names, but which should I give you...? Perhaps I should assume a new name and title to assume this grand form. No... Too much work... I am Hiza, a simple Dragon Aspect, or one who simply borrows the power of one. Katesh knows my body wouldn't be able the full power of such beautiful creatures... Now unless you're lending a hand, we'll be leaving to track the girl. I've taken a guess that they're either in Hebra or Zora's Domain given their power. I wager Zora's Domain there's no rush to survive there. But... Hebra's relatively isolated, making it perfect for a filthy criminal to set up camp.\"\n\n*Her draconic features would begin to subside, disappearing in a cloud of embers. Her hair changed back to it's raven black color as she draped her cloak around her body. The witches would take a few moments to return to their more... civilized selves, mounting up on their horses. Mayhem, Hiza's phantom horse walked over, letting her climb up.*\n\nHiza: \"I'll just check Zora's Domain first. Going to Hebra will require a bit of preparation since we'll have to gather quite a bit in the ways of food and clothing.\"" }, { "author": "ace_stargale", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Quovien nods for a moment, then snaps his fingers.* “Oh. You’d know of the situation with the Five Kings, then?”" } ]
[ { "author": "Deleted", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Doru was awake. He has seen the world grow around him, but more specifically the trees. The stone from the temple was long gone, either moved by living things repurposing it, or by time and erosion, burying it beneath the stones that time didn't want to take. Doru was never able to remove his host weapon from the rubble, so he waited patiently for something to happen. He noticed the wind was strong, weaving itself between the trees and pushing out towards civilization. The spirit weapon decided that it was a good time to use his flute. Maybe he would attract some strong adventurers...*" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Roland the Goriya was doing his treks through the Faron Woods as he always did. He felt a strong kinship now that it was his business to help patrol and protect the kokiri. It gave him a sense of purpose and almost harkened back to his days where he was a simple monster with simple orders like attack, defend, or attack. The harsh summer sunlight was balanced by the shade of the trees and the breeze off of nearby ponds. Then with his keen senses he picked up on the sounds of a beautiful flute somewhere. An oddly upbeat flute to have with no cheers or claps accompanying it. He had no fear to Satiate his curiosity as he moved closer to the music*" }, { "author": "Deleted", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Doru liked the sunlight, contrary to what his origin might imply. It was warm. He basked in it like a cold blooded lizolfos, letting it warm up the surface of his skin. He saw something, likely a monster by it's looks, approach him from between the tall trees. His flute faltered for a moment, but he continued until they got closer. Once Doru could see them fully and could size them up, he ended the song with a flourish.*\n\n\"Who are you?\" *He asked, wondering if they could actually speak, first and foremost.*" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Roland sniffed through the air his snout wiggling and his ears twitching trying to key on and what could be near. Nothing seemed to pick up except for the sound of the faltering flute and an unnatural metallic scent. He then caught what seemed to be a hylian in his sight then they spoke to him* “my name is Roland, who are you? You do not smell like hylian”" }, { "author": "Deleted", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"I am not Hylian.\" *He says simply. He places the flute in his spear quiver, then hops off of the stone pile with unnatural lightness, considering his skin texture.* \"My name is Doru. I'm from the Twilight plane, so to speak, and I am not something that creates scent, so far as I know. What would that make you?\" *He would have asked if they were a bokoblin of some sort, but he was unsure if that would have offended them.*" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Roland grabs a boomerang from his belt and scratched his neck fur with it* “not a hylian? Are you Twili... I never seen twili or hylian with stupid hair” *he squinted continuing to sniff but to not much avail* “Roland is Goriya, Goriya best monsters ever known!” *he nods assertively and raises his chin with confidence* “you do have scent though... really old and... weapon like” *he tapped his button like doggy nose while his mustache furrowed* “really old metal... blacksmith?”" }, { "author": "Deleted", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Doru shook his head, sitting cross-legged on the ground.* \"I am not a blacksmith. The word for what I am has a specific name in the Twili language, though I don't think it translates well. Something like a spirit that was created when a weapon was forged. My other body is stuck underneath that rubble.\" *He pointed to the stones he had been sitting on not too long ago.* \"With my magic drained, I don't have the sufficient ability to move the rocks or pull myself from them. Perhaps you have something to help?\" *He asked, looking to the boomerang. He knew of their ability to retrieve items for the wielder.*" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Roland dozed off through his speak of twili languages and such. A bit of drool leaking from the bottom corner of his maw. His tail then straightened as he mentioned something about bodies being stuck in rubble* “you must be really weak if you can’t move rocks” *he shrugged* “but no need for worry ‘bout that! Roland always helps twilighty spear it things... yeah...” *he scratched his head and walked up the pile of rubble* “how do you have two bodies though? Everyone only have body, Roland has seen more heads though. Roland always wonder if they all smart or one smarter than others” *he daydreamed about that before looking back to the rubble and beginning to lift it with relative ease and getting into more of a rhythm as he began to dig*" }, { "author": "Deleted", "is_bot": false, "message": "Doru once again ignores the dig at him, this time at his ability rather than his appearance. He had already explained that he was magicless, and didn't feel the need to repeat himself. \"Thank you for your assistance, Goriya.\" The Spirit Weapon wondered to himself if the creature had the brains to consider different levels of intelligence of a multi-headed creature, how come it seemed to almost fall asleep while he was talking? \"As for my other body, well... you will see.\"" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Roland dug and dug till he found not a body but an almost unchanged spear. With how old the material around it seemed to be it was quite odd to see such a well kept item. He dug around it trying to find an actual body but nothing seemed to be there. So he simply raised the spear and looked at it in awe* “such a pretty spear, sadly Roland can not find body. Can Roland keep this though? Roland is really good with boomerangs and spears. Big arms and big accuracy” *he tapped his head with a grin*" }, { "author": "Deleted", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Once Doru saw the spear, his eyes lit up, figuratively, of course. He reached up and brought down the spear that was being raised to him, letting his fingers feel the familiar grooves in the weapon.* \"No, you can't keep me. This is my body.\" *He straightened the spear to the sky, electricity crackled down it's length, Doru being reconnected with the rest of him gave him the strength to let out one final shock, but that's all it was. The two certainly looked like they belonged together. Doru brought the spear down, sticking the butt of the spear into the ground and stood with it.* \"Thank you again for your assistance. I will be grateful to you for a long time to come.\"" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Roland gave a confused look to Doru as he seemed so entranced by the spear. Soon it was even taken from his hands without a warning* “that is not a body, that is spear. Roland didn’t expect others to be so dumb” *he exhaled through his nose pridefully before seeing what he was doing with the spear. Going into such a weird pose before Roland could feel his fur begin to stand up and become poofier. He patted himself then saw the sparks and then bolt of electricity run through it. He blinked slowly and processed it* “woo that was very bright but you messed up Roland’s fur. Roland rolls in plenty of mud to not get it so poofy and fluffy” *he growled in a whining tone* “why so grateful? Roland pretty sure that isn’t body... Roland doesn’t require any debts. Roland can always handle himself by himself” *he then pulled out his throwing spear* “yes... not body”" }, { "author": "Deleted", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"If you truly feel that way, then there is no debt. I-\" *Doru stopped himself before thanking Roland again.* \"I wouldn't be so against\n\nfluffy. Fluffy looks good on you,\" *He remarked, pointing to one section of blue fur that was missed. He brought the spear over his back into his quiver, and it seemed to resonate with the rest of the weapons in there, producing a melodic sound. He looked around, realizing he had no idea where he was besides the small area he was able to explore. He knew every nook and cranny of the area, but was never able to totally see past it.* \"Well, I am off to find a restoration pool, if you still have those. Have a good day, Roland, my small, blue and furry friend.\"\n\n#rito-village" }, { "author": "MEE6", "is_bot": true, "message": "**Dun dun dun duuun!** @Deleted User Has been blessed by Hylia and advanced to level 5!" } ]
[ { "author": "snowysummers", "is_bot": false, "message": "*towards the east, there looks to be a large fire growing along with screams and begging for mercy, only to be cut off with screams of pain and anguish. The smell of smoke permitting throughout most of the woods" }, { "author": "gemilingo", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"They. Can. *What.*\" *Sol's eyes widen with fascination as he hears the idea.* \"I don't really know how to use a crossbow, literally the only thing I can remember is how it's fired. And... I. . . oh, I didn't really plan this out. I sort of just assumed it's the type you load by hand, but I guess I'll have to read into that. D'you know what this one is?\" *He flexes his fingers and the stone flips, transforming into a fairly large crossbow on his arm. The Sheikah initially staggers at the sudden weight, but gets the hang of it after a second or two. It appears to be the kind you load by hand (asked milk and I think it is but correct me if im wrong), and probably a little heavy for his arm.*\n\n*The boy looks over at luna's spear, a little fascinated by the glow and patterns. It's certainly of Sheikah make, and just looking at it fills him with a sort of awe. It's something that he feels like his aunt would be able to shower him with facts over, and it's just so beautiful and techy and it makes him want to be that good one day; good enough to make a glowy blue spear.* \"Oh, didn't you get that from. . . the well?\" *he says, a little softer and edged with doubt as he remembers its origins. The memories of his actions back then return to put more weight upon his chest, and he can't help but feel a tad of guilt.*\n\n*But. . . there's something else, isn't there? To his right. . . the glow of flame, thick wood smoke and cries fo people. No. No no, not good. The Sheikah's ears visibly flatten to the sides of his head as he watches the flames and hears the noise. He runs it through his brain a few times and comes to register that he has to do something. Now.* \"Do you mind making a few adjustments to that plan?\" *he asks a little loudly.*" }, { "author": "choris_vulpes", "is_bot": false, "message": "*luna stood up from her seat and inspected the crossbow and looked at where the bolt was to be slotted with a focused eye*\n\n“It can certainly hold a few reserve arrows”\n\n*luna then perked up at the mention of her new spear and turned her head inspecting it for a moment before turning her had to sol opening her mouth yo answer only to be cut off by the call to battle. As sol pointed it out she nodded*\n\n“It’s hunting all the same. Let’s get some”\n\n*she picked up her spear and summoned her shield before dashing towards the flames using her pegasus boots for some extra speed*" }, { "author": "snowysummers", "is_bot": false, "message": "*when you arrive there, it’s a bloodbath. 6 bodies on the ground and trees on fire around them as 5 moblins search the kart that the people were probably using. Two of them chasing after a small 11 year old girl with horns deeper into the woods. She’s the only survivor" }, { "author": "gemilingo", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Sol catches up to the very fast Luna, panting from exhaustion as his eyes behold the scene. At first, it's complete denial. The harsh glow of the flame and the heat and his vision are all there but he just can't accept it. His mouth remains open, not even saying a word. It feels. . . he feels like he's there again, and it feels like he's crying, and the people he knew and the people he lived with were rotting, malice oozing out of skeletal remains and the reek of decay so strong and stifling and thick and the smoke was just.. just like it. He feels weak in the face of all this. He can't, he can't-*\n\n\"*Sol*.\" *a tiny voice whispers to him. He can feel Kalot's very tiny hand pressed to his cheek as the little picori speaks to him.* \"*Don't panic. You're very strong, and you can help them now.*\" *The Sheikah takes in a few deep breaths after the words, blinking hard and registering the scene more fully. He nods hard, looking towards the young soldier next to him.* \"Charge- can you charge ahead and block those moblins? I'll be right behind you.\"" }, { "author": "choris_vulpes", "is_bot": false, "message": "*luna gazed at the blood bath with a rather plain expression. They were dead and there wasn’t anything for her to do. What worried her was the child, they wouldn’t last long like this*\n\n“Roger that sol, let’s focus on getting the kid. There’s nothing we can do for the rest except prey that they find peace... stay a bit behind im going to blast em”\n\n*luna bursts forward with great speed assisted by her pegasus boots and like lightning she sprinted in front of the two moblins chasing the child. She sheathed her weapons quickly and put her hands out as they’re enveloped by hot embers. She then steps forward and makes a push motion and creates a large blast of searing hot fire using a good portion of her magic*\n\n“Hey kid stick close”\n\n*she unsheathed her spear and ignited the luminous blue tip casting a blue hue on the grass below*" }, { "author": "snowysummers", "is_bot": false, "message": "*i quickly dive to ten ground as the blast launches the two moblins back into a nearby tree. I quickly getting up and sprinting over in a panic. My clothes are slightly burnt and torn. I looking overwhelming distraught and terrified. I hyperventilating as I look up at you. Clutching a beautifully crafted platinum harp to my chest like my life depends on it*\n\n“M... my family... y-you need to help my family and friends!! Please!!”" }, { "author": "gemilingo", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Sol tries his best to ignore the thick smoke and the harsh smell of metal and blood. He walks quietly towards the moblins investigating the cart, and there's scarcely a whisper of noise from his movement. He would try to make this quick so that he could catch up to Luna.The glow on him is harsh and bright, and it's almost. . . no, it's more than just the light of the fire. From him rises fire, and the fire changes shape with light and shadow until just behind him is something almost like a dragon, horns curled into arcs just short from touching each other and a mantle of ash settling over its back in the pattern of scales. It's no taller than he is, but it hovers just above him, ready to strike.*\n\n*He rears his hand back before thrusting it forwards, and the image of the dragon leaps forth with ferocity, aiming at the nearest moblin. If it made contact, it would burst into flames 5 feet around it.* {63}" }, { "author": "snowysummers", "is_bot": false, "message": "*the moblin is instant evicerated along with the kart, sending the 5 others flying. What goods that was in the kart also got sent flying in all directions as well*" }, { "author": "choris_vulpes", "is_bot": false, "message": "*luna scans around making sure her two were done in before looking over at the child as she pleads for luna to assist the others. But luna could have sworn they were dead... perhaps the kid didn’t know yet but she had to check now*\n\n“Don’t worry kid I’ll see what i can do”\n\n*luna spoke sweetly in the same manner she did with her little brother before looking over at sol to see his fireworks display*\n\n{THATS MY BOY. Ok now time to regroup}\n\n*luna let her shield burst into embers and absorbed it in her skin before placing a hand on the child and moving forward to regroup with sol*\n\n“Hey dragon boy try not to hit the bodies apparently there might be some survivors”" }, { "author": "gemilingo", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Survivors? His ears almost prick up with the hope that some of them might still be alive, but there's some doubt.* \"Let's... let's hope so,\" *he murmurs, looking around at the killed and then wishing he hadn't.*\n\n\"I'll try and put out these fires too. . . dragon boy?\" *He turns around, ears tilting and a brow raised at the nickname.*" }, { "author": "snowysummers", "is_bot": false, "message": "*i standing next to the woman who saved me and just looking around with a horrified expression on my face. Tears rolling down my face as I quickly run over to two bodies and try to drag them*\n\n“I-it will be okay! I-is there a village nearby?? T-they can help mommy and daddy!! P-please!! Please you have to help me!! W-we have to save them!!”\n\n*i plead out to the two strangers with tears of denial running down my face. They were already long dead. There was no chance of saving them*" }, { "author": "choris_vulpes", "is_bot": false, "message": "*luna looked rather blankly at the carnage before examining the 2 bodies of the child’s parents quickly concluding that they were dead. She watched the kid still trying to help them... it reminded her of the boy with his dog back when she met percy. It was a sad sight but it was reality in the end*\n\n{tsk... no good, nothing we could have done}\n\n*luna shakes her head before hesitantly walking forward and kneeling before the kid. She had been in the same situation when the soldiers raided her home. Alone, confused, and questioning what she was going to do. She still remembers thinking about how to take care of axel... that priority never left*\n\n“Hey kid... i wish i could sugar coat this but that will only make it worse in the end. We can’t help them, they are gone... sorry”\n\n{I really should have consulted sol first, I’ve never been good at putting it lightly}\n\n*luna simply pated the kid after her rather blunt speech as she scanned the area. Perhaps it would be best to get this child somewhere*" }, { "author": "snowysummers", "is_bot": false, "message": "“N... no... please no... nonono...” *I say as I look down at the corpses of my parents and my friends. Dropping to my knees while I clutch the harp to my chest as I begin to sob out loudly. I being so scared and confused but right now, all that I feel is anguish throughout my entire being.*\n\n*i standing up after a while and with shaky breaths, I begin digging graves in the dirt. Using my hands to dig as we didn’t have a shovel with us*" }, { "author": "gemilingo", "is_bot": false, "message": "*After creating a rain to try and extinguish the fire, the tall boy approaches, kneeling down without a sound and putting a hand in between her's and the soft earth. The sight of this hurts. It hurts so much, because this girl just lost people she loved, and she's alone, and it hurts to just see this and she's just a child.* \"We can do that later. Please,\" *he says in a soft voice. He looks over the girl in her torn, burnt clothes, trying to make sure she's not injured. The horns remind Sol of that other girl, whose name he can barely recall but he knew sounded something like Lanayru. At least, that's what he associated it with. But that was very much beside the point.* {33}\n\n\"*I'm sorry,*\" *he manages to whisper, closing his eyes and fighting down the growing lump in his throat. There's tears gathering at the corner of his eyes, but he tries to blink them away for now.* \"*We need to get you somewhere safe. Could you come with us for now?*\"" }, { "author": "snowysummers", "is_bot": false, "message": "“But... b-but they deserve to be buried. T-they were amazing people... a-all of them. Please... y-you can go if you want. I... i-i guess that I’ll go to castle town...? T-that’s where we were headed originally...”\n\n*i say as I place one of the bodies in a shallow grave. A Zora male with purple colored scales, looking down at the man with tears welling up again but I bury him slowly and respectfully*\n\n“Y-you are with your wife now, Mikkile...”" }, { "author": "choris_vulpes", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Let her have this final moment. We dealt with the monsters already and it’s unheard of to be attacked twice in such rapid succession”\n\n*luna simply watched her as she buried the bodies of the fallen. Would she end up the same? No, she made sure of that. After a bit luna summoned her old steel spear and began digging as well. She honestly had nothing better to do. She didn’t seem to emotionally or really affected by what just happened at all*\n\n“Do you have a place to stay?”" }, { "author": "gemilingo", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Do. . .do you have anyone you can. . you can go to there?\" *He asks just a few seconds after Luna starts speaking, stopping himself and looking away.* \"W-we can handle this. You shouldn't have to,\" *he says, voice still soft. The Sheikah looks over to Luna, not really knowing what to do. Luna has a brother her age, right? Shouldn't she have an answer for this? Well, the way she put her words before. . .well, it seems neither of them had a clear idea of what to do.*\n\n*Sol obeyed the words of his friend, and as she began to dig he decided he might as well do something to help. He went over to the now destroyed cart, wondering what happened to the contents. He didn't really keep track of where they went when his spell exploded. As the light from the flames began to dim thanks to the spell of rain earlier, he lit a lantern and began looking around for any possesions that could've survived combustion, with he and Kalot looking in different directions.*" }, { "author": "snowysummers", "is_bot": false, "message": "“No... w-we we’re a traveling band... w-we didn’t have a home. B-but our plan was to explore hyrule and play for the people there... b-but I’ll mostly okay on my own...”\n\n*I say as I place two male hylians together in a single, large grave.*\n\n“M-May you both Rest In Peace together. I-I hope you both find a place where people will accept you...”\n\n*sol would find a shortsword, a large sachel, and a strange musical instrument that looks like a strange ocarina *" }, { "author": "gemilingo", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Sol gathers these things as well as he can in his arms, having to summon a few extra hands to carry the objects.* {21}\n\n*He returns, boots padding against the grass without trying to be silent anymore.* \"*I found these things from the cart. Do you need them?*\" *he asks, not sure how else he would put it. Was there even a right way, honestly? DId she need help, or was she going to be alright alone? Luna had said Axel was fine on his own for a while, but Axel was different. This wasn't something that he could walk away from; at least, something he'd never forgive himself for if he just walked away from it.*" }, { "author": "snowysummers", "is_bot": false, "message": "*i let out a gasp as I see the strange ocarina, running over and grabbing it, clutching it to my chest*\n\n“I-I can’t believe you found it! T-thank you. T-this is a family heirloom on my fathers side. I-I thought that it got destroyed...”\n\n*i smile softly as I close my eyes, sniffling as I hug it close to my chest dearly*" }, { "author": "gemilingo", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Sol smiles a little, albeit thin and strained from distress. He's glad that at least he's done something to help the young girl in this situation.* \"The woods are still dangerous out here. Would it be alright if we just made sure you got to the town safely?\" *he asks, though pausing slightly and looking to Luna for affirmation. She was supposed to meet someone, right? And he was still supposed to go to the village with Kalot. . . this was important, yeah, but were they going to be ok with this? Sol looks to his friend, who nods.* \"*We can visit later,*\" *The little minish says. That just left Luna, then.*" }, { "author": "snowysummers", "is_bot": false, "message": "*i nod and go back to burying graves. Now making ones for my parents, it taking a while but I eventually bury them together with their eyes closed and holding each others hand\n\n“Bye mommy... bye daddy... I-I love you...”\n\n*i sit there for a while before standing up and walking over. Having put the shortsword on my back, my harp in the sachel, and the strange ocarina in a holster on my hip*\n\n“Y-you can come with me if you want... but I-I think that I would be fine on my own. I-it’s whatever you two want to do.”" }, { "author": "choris_vulpes", "is_bot": false, "message": "“I need to do some shopping in castle town actually... i also have to meet up with someone there aswell”\n\n*luna stood up and walked over to the young girl and knelt down offering to carry her piggy back to their destination. Luna was too short to carry them any other way considering she was only a measly 5’2”*\n\n{someone is gonna have to train her...}" }, { "author": "snowysummers", "is_bot": false, "message": "*i shake my head and look up at you two*\n\n“T-thank you miss, b-but I can walk on my own... um... s-should I play any music on the way? Harp or ocarina?”\n\n*im still clearly distraught but trying to find ways to distract myself*\n\n*i write the two a note saying that I’m going to hyrule castle town and start on my way" } ]
[ { "author": "eagletalon007", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Hmmmm...” *He responded with a simple hum. He started to get some more milk warmed up and then when it was ready set it to the side where they could easily get it.* “Ready.”\n\n*With that out of the way he started to get his cooking gear out but not before he took off his cloak and let it dry at the fire letting them see his face clearly. A young and handsome man with stubble starting to come in with hair that went down to his shoulders. Looking at the Twili he asked them.* “What do you eat?”" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Khayri came forward just close enough to pick up the milk. They could feel the fire’s warmth drifting in their direction. It wasn’t entirely unwelcome, but it was hard to find comfort in it, know it’s origins. They glanced down over to Ecbert at his question, registering his face for what probably was the second time in their life, but what felt like the first. It wasn’t that he was knocking their socks off—though he certainly was what they’d call attractive—it was more that they honestly forgot what he looked like when they initially met.*\n\n“Most types of food. Except Goron cuisine and things that are spicy. It’s not fun to feel like you’re on fire from the inside out. I’ll probably be fine with my own rations, so don’t worry about using your resources for me. Bazen would probably appreciate something, though. I don’t know about this guy. He’s probably going to have a dramatic wake up if I don’t do this right.”\n\n*She knelt down by Daeval’s side and adjusted his position, setting him up against a pole, with her hand raising his face so whatever he was given didn’t spill out. She kept the milk in the other hand.*\n\n“I’ll admit I’m a little nervous. Hopefully he doesn’t freak out.”\n\n*Khayri looked toward Daeval with hesitation, trying to imagine how best to go about this.*" }, { "author": "eagletalon007", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Ecbert took some mushrooms out of his pack and then started to put them into the pot along with butter and thyme.* “Cream of mushroom soup it is then!” *He said with a bit of enthusiasm as he started to make the dish. Other ingredients were also added the left over milk and extra herbs to bring out the flavors and flour for texture.*\n\n*While the pot simmered he took his boots and started to polish and clean them. Making sure they were maintained would ensure long term use. When he was done with that he took out the letter that was given to him. He opened it and noticed who it was from.*\n\n“Aylin...” *He said out loud as a clear and very genuine smile formed on his face. It was his sister that had sent him the letter.*" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*They glanced to him at his announcement, but then returned their eyes to the unconscious Twili. Carefully, Khayri poured less than a spoon’s worth of warm milk into the guy’s mouth. Surely it was not much more than he’d salivate and was something he’d get down unconsciously. Quickly, Khayri set the cup aside so if he floundered he wasn’t at risk of spilling anything.*\n\n“||You good||?” *she inquired in Twili. Mostly it was to herself, under her breath.*\n\n*Their gaze remained on Daeval, though their ear was guided in the direction of Ecbert as he spoke, in case he’d been saying something to them. Seemed not to be the case.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The feeling of liquid shocked his body a bit, due to how long it’s been since he’s had anything to eat or drink. He had awoken, but it was less sudden than it was before. The Twili did jolt slightly, but it was more of a twitch. His eyes slowly open. His vision was blurry, and his eyes had to adjust for a moment.* “||Ugh…wha?||”\n\n*Daeval tried to move on his own, but ended up collapsing back on his back* “||Agh! Ugh what the fuck?||” *Yeah there no moving for him right now. He managed to lean on his left arm and looked at Khayri.* “||You. You understand me?||”" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*It was relieving how he’d reacted. It seemed like he had some wits about him, even upon immediately waking. Common sense was another matter, she decided as she saw him try and fail to immediately get up. Well, at least he was in no shape to fight them.*\n\n“||Well, I’ve only been speaking Twili since I was young,||” *she responded.* “||You want more milk?||”\n\n*They held the cup before him. He could take it, or he could guide their hand to his mouth. Whichever worked better.*\n\n*Khayri kept their attention on Daeval for the moment. She was not eager to find out if there’d be any trouble between Daeval and Ecbert like there was with Bazen.*" }, { "author": "eagletalon007", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Ecbert was in a surprisingly good mood as he forgot where he was and who he was with. He read the letter and it read as fallows:*\n\n‘Hello little brother, I heard you had returned to Hyrule and I heard about your run in with the Hylian killer and saved a Sheika. It’s been too long and I would like to see you again. I living in Gerudo Town they won’t let Voe in as I’m sure you know but there is an oasis outside the town that is open to all. I will met you there.\n\nYour sister, Aylin.’\n\n“It has been too long.” *Ecbert said as he then folded the letter and then put it away.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Daeval looked at Khayri confused. First he was mainly confused of why Khayri looked the way they did. The clothes were foreign to him, and her skin tone did not match their peoples color, to his knowledge.*\n\n*He then glanced at Ecbert for a moment and tilts his head.* “||What…happened? Are we in Hyrule?||” *Just from this interaction alone everything was overwhelming. First off, to Daeval Khayri looked VERY sick or unhealthy in some way due to how different they looked compared to his people back in the Twilight realm. Second, seeing Ecbert instead of a Hylian spirit meant this world is no longer consumed in Twilight.*" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Daevel spent a good long while looking at Khayri and then a moment on Ecbert. They were interested to know what was particularly curious about themself. Their mere presence, or was it the way they looked? Well, whatever it was, they were glad that his priority was not to bother with Ecbert, and vice versa.*\n\n“||Yeah. Not a particularly scenic part, I’m afraid,||” *hearing their voice more gave him a chance to hear the difference in her accent. On occasion, there might have been a word between the two of them that was unknown, or used differently than before. So far, Khayri hadn’t run into anything she didn’t understand from him.*\n\n*They glanced back down to the milk, sitting back and crossing their legs as they held it on their knee. Daeval could ask for it any time.*" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Bazen reemerged from the inside of the skull a bit muddier than before. She carried a rusty old broadsword with her now. Her helmet was still up.*\n\n\"||I see the mystery man is awake.||\" *She scooped up the milk with the other hand and sat against the trunk of the supporting tree, looking the rusted sword up and down. Aside from the dull comment she paid little mind to anyone else.*" }, { "author": "eagletalon007", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Ecbert took the lid off and looked at the soup that was being made. A quick smell of it and he noticed with delight.* “Food is ready. Come and get it.” *He said as he put the lid to the side and then started to take his bowl out and serve himself a meal.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*He rubbed his face on exhaustion. Without asking he grabbed the cup of milk and took a sip…then gulped the rest of it down.* “||Thank you…||” *He then managed to sit up completely and leans against the wall. After a few seconds he clears his throat.* “||That man. He’s Hylian correct?||”\n\n*Then Bazen walked in. Once she did he got startled a bit, but once she spoke to him he calmed down.* “||You…||”" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "“||If I'm right and Hylian means|| Hylian...||I believe so. And he says that the food is ready. If you’d like some, I can retrieve it for you. Some sort of mushroom stew, I believe.||”\n\n*She took a moment to look back at Ecbert, who probably was getting none of this communication. He didn’t seem too bothered at the moment. A relief. They’d of course answer his inquiries, not wanting to leave him out. Aside from the valuable favor he’d done for them, it was just a unfair to keep him out of the loop in that way.*\n\n“||Oh, by the way, his name is|| Ecbert. ||Then that’s Bazen… and my name is Khayri.||”" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Daeval cared not for the Hylian other than him not attack the three Twili around him. Hearing Bazen speak and being told her name relaxed him a bit as she isn’t a corrupted Twili. He sorta glared at everyone around him for a moment before sitting up even more.* “||Never ate mushrooms before. Did the Hylian race result to eating fungi or something?||” *He said as he nudged his head at a bowl, indicating that he wants some.*\n\n*Afterwards he placed his hand over his chest.* “||Daeval, of the Tinith Mor clan. Which clan do you two hail from?||”" }, { "author": "eagletalon007", "is_bot": false, "message": "“You know I’m not making a fuss about it. But I would prefer if we all spoke a language we all could understand.” *Ecbert said with a bit of annoyance. Of course he had no way of knowing if the other one could even speak his language but the others did. He did know one word though, Hylian.* “And, I am not a Hylian. Ordonian.”\n\nHe brushed the side of his hair and showed them his ear round and not pointed like Hylians.\n\n“Though I think some of us make no distinction for us ‘light dwellers’.”" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"||I don't think it's anything new,||\" *they responded, standing up.*\n\n*Khayri moved over toward where the stew was, toward Ecbert. A semi-apologetic glance was sent his way as they picked up the bowl.* \"Sorry. It was easy to assume Hylian with no indication of your ear shape.\" *Khayri let her eyes drop back down to the stew.* \"And the differences beyond that are...certainly not well known to me, much less to them. I've mostly been around Sheikah and Gerudo affiliates...\"\n\n*Surely if Daeval understood Hylian he would meet the request. If not, then Khayri would...painstakingly translate again. Hopefully Daeval was considerate enough to let them avoid that. She returned with the stew, setting it down in his lap, since the bowl was well insulated enough.*\n\n\"||I think he'd appreciate knowing what we're saying. If you don't understand|| Hylian||, that's fine. I can translate.||\"\n\n*A pause as she got out her notebook. She hesitated in her response responding for her clan as she wrote something down.*\n\n\"||I'm not aware of any we're connected to. That was information which was lost or purposely disregarded in my own family, I think.||\" *She looked to one side with slight embarrassment.* \"||My family name is Fshd, if that helps in any way.||\"" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Daeval exhaled in annoyance.* “||I can speak their language.|| I just choose not to.” *He spoke fluent Hylian, but his accent was odd. Back when he was around the Hylian tongue wasn’t too different.*\n\n*His head tilted slightly as Khayri told him her family’s name.* “Never heard of that clan…” *He thought for a moment.* “How long have you been in hyrule?” *He asked before taking the soup and sipping it. His eyes widen a bit as it was better than he thought.*" }, { "author": "eagletalon007", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Ecbert smiled with satisfaction as he then started to eat more of the soup,* “Help yourself to as much as you want.”" } ]
[ { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "_As Voiss was still focused on the skeletons, Niko drew her knifes magnetically to remain inconspicuous, and sending them down into the darkness of the cave, gently lowering them down onto the ground before following the little shadow._\n\n“Hmm? What is it?” _She asked as she walked over to his position, crouching down and looking at the thing herself. She tapped it and similarly, it bounced back like slime._ “Huh. That’s interesting. Though I have no idea what this could be.” _She shrugged, standing back up and looking towards the path in which they came._\n\n“Well, I best be going now. My people are probably looking for me.” _She said, though she remained still with her body turned to the side, and her head still locked towards the entrance._" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Really?” *He looked around, taking in his surroundings. He didn’t really wanna leave, but Niko was an adult so she knew best, right?*\n\n“Okay,” *He stood up and brushed some of the frost from his cloak.* “I’m ready!”\n\n*He walked over to her, following her gaze to the exit. The lantern was drawn close to him for warmth, but the sword was gone; Probably dematerialized again.*" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Ah, I think you misunderstood, little one.\" _She said as he walked on ahead of her. She sent her dagger forward with a flick of her wrist, the blade slicing through the air with a sharp 'voosh', it's target locked onto the Shadow Nightmare. She didn't aim for the kill right away- hoping to strike his lower body like his legs to impair movement. It was more fun when they screamed._ \"_I_ will be leaving. You will stay.\" _She said, her white teeth seemingly glowing in the darkness of the cavern. The second dagger followed suite, targeting the same general location. This would give her a second chance to land a hit, or follow up nicely with the first to ensure his escape is futile._\n\n\"Forever, it seems. How does that sound? Haha~\"" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Huh-?” *He looked around at her words, and the dagger dug into his shin, hard. He screamed in pain and doubled over. The second dagger slammed into his shoulder as he fell, causing him to howl more. The blades had no issue ripping through his thin cloak. He rolled on the ground, clutching his shoulder.*\n\n“W-Why?!” *Little teardrops burgeoned in his eyes. He grabbed the knife on his upper body and ripped it free with another howl of agony. No blood came out, just a trickling black liquid. He inched away from his attacker, still in disbelief.*" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "_The two blades were pulled back into her hands magnetically, ripping the second blade out of his shin. She walked towards him painfully slowly, inspecting the knives of it's strange blood. Was it editable? She would force one of her lackies to try it later. For now she placed them back into her sheathe, crouching over the slow crawl._\n\n\"My, that was quite easy.\" _She said simply, tilting her head as if she was watching insects scurry._ \"Not going to fight back at all? It's no fun if you just run.\"" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "*He didn’t say anything. He couldn’t. His mind was racing, this was all happening so fast, but his adrenaline was starting to kick in. His legs felt like they were about to fall off if he didn’t use them for something, anything! This pain... it was too much. Fighting would mean more of it...*\n\n“NO!” *He yelled, not really responding to anything in particular. He leapt to his feet and bolted as fast as he could, all injury momentarily forgotten.*\n\n“Mister Varian, h-help!” *A whisper was all he could muster as he darted into the tunnels.*" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "_Niko could help but let out a monstrous laugh, her voice echoing like a demon throughout the frost tunnels. She thought about pursuing him- but what would she gain out of killing such a thing? The little shadow could spread her name around the kingdom- the horrors of the Zapfish. Yes, a little dangerous, but it would be so much more interesting... Warriors coming by the rivers to investigate..._\n\n_Yes. She would let the thing live, to run off and find it's 'friends'. Besides, it is a monster- a weakened one, at that. Some other noble adventurer will surely be able to finish it off. It does mean he could return to the rivers and continue his scare on the Hylians, but with such an experience, she was confident she wouldn't have to worry about such a thing._\n\n_So she hopped up to her feet and walked out simply, letting out a single call for_ \"Oh, Voiss~\" _To cement his fear forever._" }, { "author": "Jolt", "is_bot": true, "message": "*Craros arrived in this cold place. He liked it, and has never seen it before. It was cold, so he threw on his winter apparel. He looked around, and sat down on a nearby ice block. He began to try and take a nap, until the voice came back.\n\nIt was the same words. This time, there was a bunch of shadows appearing. They were yelling at him to tell his secret. He kept refusing, hit after 10 minutes of torture, he finally gave in.*\n\n“I KILLED MY FAMILY!!!” *Craros shouted throughout the entire ice cavern*\n\n“Dad was abusive! Mother didn’t care! And my brothers and sisters constantly teased and verbally abused me! I slaughtered all of them, and blamed it on the farmer who came to investigate!! I regret nothing!!!” *Craros shouted. Unannounced to him, something magically appeared on his face...\n\n...a mask. What could this mean? Was this a curse? Or was thus a gift?*" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "*It worked like clockwork. Her voice spurred him on even more as he ran flat out through the caverns. He was so panicked he got lost once or twice, but eventually he found his way out. He stopped dead about 10 feet from Craros in the entrance. His chest rose and fell in rushed succession. His mind was going even faster than when he was running. Another stranger? Could he trust them? Miss Zapfish had just attacked him, but Mister Varian was a stranger once too. All his friends were. He just stood and stared at the Hylian with tears running down his face and dripping the black liquid down the front of his stained, ragged, and torn cloak.*" }, { "author": "Jolt", "is_bot": true, "message": "*Craros likes to the little shadow nightmare. At first he was scared, but then he was quickly worried.* “What happened to you? Who would’ve done such a thing!” *Craros said, tuning to Voiss.* “Oh dear...we should get you fixed up. Here, follow me. We can get to my house in Ordon.” *Craros said, kneeling down to look at Voiss. He looked at him genuine worry, not fear. He was harmless, clearly.*" } ]
[ { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Everyone was in their place, this was it. He got ready to strike until-. He looked down to see Roewen still next to him*\n\n{Wha-!?}\n\n*He glares and snarls at the bokoblin for not listening to him. Sighing, he placed his hand on its shoulders and pointed to the ground, more aggressively this time*\n\n\"`You. Stay. Me. Go. I'll signal. You'll come.`\"\n\n*he whispers to Roewen. He showed some hand gestures to demonstrate to the monster. Afterwards, he switches to his hookshot and shoots up at the ceiling, pulls up and swings over Kazak once at a good height, then glides down silently.*\n\n*once he landed he uncloaked himself from the shadows and whistles to get kazaks attention*\n\n\"Hylian Hunter..\"" }, { "author": "_d6", "is_bot": false, "message": "*...Very well.*\n\n*He'd only been instinctively following Leo up until then, and he hadn't even realised he was doing it. He stayed put this time, however, since it was part of the strategy.*\n\n*...He was a bit nervous. And a bit embarrassed that he almost subconsciously blew Leo's cover.*" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Kazak hadn't taken notice of the dull footsteps and voice of Siegfried in the halls behind him. They weren't in the cavern yet, and Leo's appearance was more important. His eyes fell on Roewen.*\n\n\"The false monster shows himself again,\" *Kazak spat. His eyes were shining with fury.* \"You still see fit to use monsters to your own ends!\"\n\n*Kazak turned his attention to Roewen and uttered in malicious tongue:*\n\n\"What are you doing with this filth?! Do you serve him like a mere pet, just as those in the desert did?\" *Kazak crouched low. Not only to be on Roewen's level, but also to ready himself for an attack, either provoking or defending.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Before we start this I must ask. How did you earn your name? How many Hylians have you hunted down? How many have you actually killed?\"\n\n*he would be walking side to side, his eyes beaming at Kazak. The red glow could be seen from the other side of the cave.*" }, { "author": "choris_vulpes", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Siegfried marched forward and rounded the frozen corner before coming to a dead stop to examine the scene, they remained silent however. Not yet wanting to set his next actions in stone.*\n\n{Ah, A dark lizalfos!… how peculiar, he seems to be missing the fabled gauntlet his kind usually bare.}\n\n*It didn’t take Siegfried long to spot the the light dweller and the bokoblin standing beside it, rare sight that he was not fond of. This revelation urged him to take two steps forward. Their upper right hand reached up and grasped the great sword resting on his back. Hopefully the light dweller would reevaluate and retreat.*\n\n“Do you require another sword brother?”" }, { "author": "_d6", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Again....? Hold on, Roewen never met this guy.*\n\n*Roewen was not intimidated in the slightest, staring the lizalfos dead in the eyes.*\n\n||\"'Wow. Intimidating.\"||\n\n*He was anticipating an attack. You never know with lizalfos. Roewen held onto his dagger in preparation.*\n\n||\"My reasons for being around them are beyond your understanding. You know not what it's like to be insignificant.\"||\n\n*God damn it this is why you dont follow people down caves you idiot! You blew both of your covers, asshole!*\n\n{IM SORRY JEEZ}\n\n{F||U||CK.}" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Kazak's eyes flashed. He flexed his left hand. But before he could give a response, Siegfried's arrival distracted him.*\n\n*He peered around at the stalfos. For a moment, all he could do was stare. Not for surprise, but dilemma.*\n\n{Why should I need help? I'm capable of destroying any Hylian on my own... But I was in bad shape last time, I couldn't beat those fighters... Perhaps... if it is to ensure victory I must recognize help...?}\n\n\"I would indeed.\" *Kazak said with a sinister grin to Siegfried. He turned to Leo again and straightened up.*\n\n\"I am the Hylian Hunter. I hail from Eldin, where I felled dozens of your kind and one of the great Goron heroes. I have defeated fighter after fighter that is put in my way. Your defeat, false monster, will pave the way for greater victories! I will be the one to destroy you and plunge this land into DARKNESS!\"\n\n*With every word he grew more venomous, more animalistic, more vengeful. The cavern was afraid to echo his cries like it did with so many others. The glow of Leo and siegfried's eyes reflected off the ice magnifying into a violent violet aura around the Lizalfos. Kazak crouched down and prepared for battle.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo clenched his katana as the Stalfos entered the cavern. This was gonna be more difficult than he thought.*\n\n{Dammit. This complicates things.}\n\n*Afterwards his focus was back on Kazak. He continued to walk side to side, his voice slowly getting more and more venomous*\n\n\"Only dozens? You're no different than a bokoblin camp next to a small pond.\"\n\n*shadow oozes from his body, surrounding him*\n\n\"`I cut down hundreds of my own, double of yours. Slayed Kings. You? Plunge this world into darkness? I was born in the darkness..`\"\n\n*he made sure his Bulbin King horn and Helmaroc King feather was noticeable once he mentioned the kings. He then stopped, gripping the katana that was infused with Master ore. Leo too got into his stance, ready for battle*" }, { "author": "choris_vulpes", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Siegfried eyed the light dweller with contempt, he did not like the idea of the betrayal of one’s own kind. He deserves to be put down.*\n\n{A man boasting about slaughtering its own kind? Fitting it be pared with a bokoblin whom betrayed their own kind out of self pitty.}\n\n“It brings me solace to be fighting alongside a proven warrior, brother. By what moniker shall i refer to you?”\n\n*The stalfos drew his massive blade from its scabbard and gripped it with his other upper hand, his lower hand cast his cloak over his shoulder armor and drew the duel short swords from their respective scabbards.*\n\n{Well if he slaughters his own why is he fighting us?}\n\n{It lives in a moral grey area Tati. It is nobody’s friend and only fights for its selfish needs and not for the cause of it’s people}\n\n*With the monologues finished they pressed forward towards the enemy waiting for the first shrike to ring out. He mainly watched the bokoblin, planning to dispatch them and then move in to help with the human.*" }, { "author": "_d6", "is_bot": false, "message": "{Ugh... I forgot to think of a cool and edgy monologue...}\n\n*Even if he wasn't sure if he wanted to fight, everyone else seemed to have made up their minds... And they wanted blood. Technically, this would be self defense.*\n\n*Even now he was being underestimated. Neither of his opponents tried to reason with him, to even at least try to convince him to return to their side. Was he that insignificant to them?*\n\n*A fire burned within him. One glaringly visible to everyone and anyone who would bother as turn their gaze to him, like that stalfos. Roewen certainly did not leave their gaze unnoticed. They were planning to attack him.*\n\n{I'll show you I'm not just some meaningless bokoblin! I'm not afraid of you!}\n\n{Rusthide was fodder. I, Roewen, am not the same. I'm going to prove myself to you both. And if not you both, then I'll have proven myself to Leo.}\n\n*His dagger was unsheathed, a blur as it danced and spun perfectly around his digits. He swore to himself that he would stop living in fear. Today, that would be tested.*\n\n*He awaited their next moves, anticipating an attack at any moment.*" } ]
[ { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Kelle glanced back to the little girl. Honestly, xey weren't sure what xey expected. In conversation, she had been a highly empathetic, although morally questionable little thing and that kind of seemed the same right here. Even though she was small, she looked ready to jump in. Kelle wasn't sure how that would work. She didn't appear that tough to xem, even with her little talons out. Kelle gave a light shake of the head and quickly let xyr eyes return to xyr bow.*\n\n*From here, they were pretty far from the action, but that was what xey wanted. No need for anyone to notice the guy with the arrows—xey were more than willing to avoid a melee fight here and assumed the same of the child. Worst case scenario, Kelle could rely on xyr wind magic. This cavern was pretty confined, and the air would be direct as could be for pushing back enemies.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo wasn't prepared for the lizalfos to be this fast, but he could work with it. Quickly he side steps to the right with his sword in defense position, in case kazak would use to tail to whip around*\n\n{Tsk! Damn he quick!}\n\n*during this he had his cross bow gauntlet loaded and readied to fire once he found an opening. If the block was successful he would follow up with a quick shot towards him*" }, { "author": "_d6", "is_bot": false, "message": "{They're attacking!}\n\n*While the first hits were being dealt, Roewen predicted that most likely the stalfos would be at least a bit distracted by them. Barely even glancing to the side, he made his move- it was now or never!*\n\n*The bokoblin's dagger jabbed forward at almost an instant, a speed surprisingly fast, especially for a red bokoblin. Expecting the target to attempt to dodge last second, Roewen aimed for where he predicted Siegfried would dodge, rather than where he was already.*\n\n*This was a risky move, but Roewen had been paying attention to the stalfos' center of balance, and was currently looking for any weak points in the bones like joints or anything exposed that could be exploited.*\n\n*Outside of combat, yeah, Roewen was pretty dumb, but right now he was keeping a ludicrous amount of tabs on his mind.*" }, { "author": "choris_vulpes", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Siegfried began speaking but was immediately cut off by the bokoblin’s approach. Luckily for the stalfos, they had the reach advantage over the boko. Siegfried raised his great sword skyward as he prepared to strike. His opponent moved swiftly which served to impress the old stal*\n\n“If you are to flee i will not give chase bokoblin. But for now, show me your grit!”\n\n*His great sword came crashing down at the bokoblin, intent on cleaving them in two. As a precaution his two lower arms rose up at the ready im case he dodged to the side and attacked*" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Kazak swung his tail, but not at Leo's sword hand. It was at his legs! The spiked ball swung so close to the ground long scratch marks left a trail in the snow and ice.*\n\n*Whether or not it hit Kazak followed up. He pivoted on his foot and dove forward at Leo with another brutally fast shield bash, bouncing the bolt off of it! He was pressing the warrior and leaving as little room as possible to let Leo counterattack with such a long sword and close range.*\n\n*This was the fight Kazak had been waiting for, and he was determined to leave no doubt in any onlooker's minds who the superior fighter was!*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*he expected the swipe to be at the sword, but he was quick to recover. After the leg sweep he rolled over and got up but this time he took the shield bash head on. Once Kazak came at him and held his sword up to defend and pressed against the shield, the force causing him to slide on the ice*\n\n\"`You're fast for a lizard.`\"\n\n*now that he was close to him, he leaped off the ground and pushed down how the shield to give him leverage. Once over him he did a half helm split move and landed back behind him. He was quick to reload his bolt as well*" }, { "author": "_d6", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Roewen decided to cut his losses and didn't try to attack again this time, rolling backwards and diagonally, to the side, just outside of the stal's reach. However, this meant the stal was out of his reach too.*\n\n*His dagger spun around his fingers, as they usually did. He tended to spin it around faster in combat. It was a good intimidation tactic, plus it helped him focus.*\n\n{If I back off, they won't chase me?}\n\n*Roewen simply sheathed his dagger and backed up a few meters.*\n\n{Let's see if that bag of bones speaks the truth.}\n\n*Roewen simply stared back at them, a neutral expression on his face. This could be a good opportunity to further analyze them... Unless they continued attacking. In which case Roewen could simply just retaliate.*\n\n...\n\n{I wonder if this guy's limbs are detachable.}" }, { "author": "choris_vulpes", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The sword collided with the ice below and sent chips of ice into the air, but sadly it missed its mark. Siegfried raised his sword up once more and reated it on his shoulder, simply staring at the bokoblin. He noded his head to the cave behind rowan.*\n\n“Are you intent on leaving? If so you best not betray my trust, i wont be so forgiving.”\n\n*Their voice was calm and ghostly, and made a soft whistle as it went through his mask. The stal stood still and watched, waiting to see what the little warrior did next. If he were to leave they could focus on the hylian and move on quickly, however he doubted kazak wanted the help with his prey.*" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Pushing down on the shield forced Kazak down with it. He snarled with anger, but the move was a blessing in disguise. The tip of Leo's sword grazed the top of his head, but even that was enough to leave a burning, searing pain that rippled through the monster's bones!*\n\n{It burns! That wretched sword!} *Kazak spun around to face Leo again with a fresh wave of fury.*\n\n\"Talk during battle is a sign of weakness!\" *Kazak slashed his arm through the air. The ice rod was in his hand! A blast of frozen wind was speeding at Leo, almost invisible against the backdrop of the frozen cave.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*he noticed the ice rod in his hand, but due to the environment he was in it was difficult to see the frozen wind coming! He attempted to side step and rolled in time. After he got up he waited for Kazaks next move*\n\n\"`Then why do you speak?`\"\n\n*Even though he was using a blade of light, the aura of dark magic surrounded him. But somehow, his left arm isn't as surrounded as the rest of his body*" } ]
[ { "author": "schmilkk", "is_bot": true, "message": "*Akiva grinned beneath his mask, of course, unbeknownst to his new acquaintance. Thrasir enjoyed spilling blood, it seemed, given what she announced as her occupation. It was very bold of her to admit to so much right away, especially since she knew nothing about him aside from his name. Granted, she really didn't have anything to worry about. Akiva only targetted the 'hero' types, mostly, and it was blatantly obvious Thrasir wasn't in that category.*\n\n\"This lake is large enough for more than just myself. Feel free to enjoy the water. You'll get no objection from me.\"\n\n*Akiva turned back toward the water and folded his arms. He wasn't looking for anything in particular, but was far more enjoyable than he'd previously envisioned it being. It had been a long time since he'd been able to relax without being disturbed. This Thrasir, he didn't necessarily consider her a disturbance, just an interesting addition to his day.*" }, { "author": "tuls.", "is_bot": false, "message": "*As he told her it was alright to hang out at the lake, the demon smiled. Well... this didn’t seem too bad. She was expecting a worse encounter, so this was alright with her.\n\nAs he made his way back to his spot, Thrasir hesitantly followed, trailing behind, keeping her distance from the fellow. And once he sat down, so did she, sitting down on the sandy front, looking down at the rising sky ahead of her, and down at the water, reflecting the peachy-pink sky.*\n\n{What a wonderful day.} *She thought to herself, as the demon slipped her stub-like feet into the water.\n\nClosing her eyes, she finally seemed at peace for a moment, but it was cut off, when a another thought came to mind.\n\nTurning her head, she looked at Akiva who was several feet from her.*\n\n“I’m sorry for the interruption, but what brings someone like you here? You have me quite fascinated in you, you know. “ *Her voice, seeming softer, it seemed, just for a moment, her guard was let down.\n\nPerhaps it was that she could finally speak to someone who was like her, or how he wasn’t too bad like he seemed to be.*" }, { "author": "schmilkk", "is_bot": true, "message": "*Akiva's attention was on the sky, at this point, but he still listened to Thrasir's question, not wanting to be rude. Still, he let the silence hang for just a few seconds after she spoke, before he answered. Too much noise would break that thin barrier of peace that he felt with the environment. It was almost like a vial that was filling, and any interruptions made the \"peace\" decrease. Precious seconds of silence would make it fill again.*\n\n\"I'm taking a well-needed break from my hunt,\" *Akiva said with a sigh relieving his chest.*\n\n\"The people of this world aren't very strong, admittedly. I am searching for the strongest hero. I want to feel their prowess, and all of their potential.\"\n\n*Akiva paused for only a brief moment.*\n\n\"So far, my hunt hasn't been exciting. Some have died trying to prove their worth to me, and I couldn't care less about them.\"\n\n*He realized that he had gotten wrapped up in his rambling, and revealed so much more. It was like nature made him more trusting, even with the violent aura that surrounded him. It 'opened' him up in a way.*\n\n\"But I digress. I am here to soak in what peace this world still has left.\"" }, { "author": "tuls.", "is_bot": false, "message": "*After listening to the male beside her, Thrasir looked back at the lake ahead them.* “...I see. “ *She replied.\n\nAn idea had struck in her mind, yet... it was too fast. Not yet.*\n\n“Is that your goal, walking upon this fragile world? Or is there more? “ *She asked, looking back at Akiva, a glint of malice shined in her eyes.* “World domination? A new world forged without anarchy and noble snobs taking from the weak? “ *At her words, each one spat with harshness, and a malice tone rising through her voice. It was as if the very thoughts of it angered her.* “Those are my goals. Hunt the privileged and leave none standing. It’s irremissable to what they done to the weak, the unfortunate, and I **will** see a change, even if it means my own death. “ *She then went quiet again and looked at the water and her reflection, immediately regretting her words. How foolish, she just opened herself up to a total stranger, one who could kill her, backstab her...\n\nNow the grey demon sat in a warped mind, as if malice taken over.\n\nHer horns, enlarged and more spiky, showed her hatred to those with privilege, and more so the royal family. Just the mention of them may set her off.\n\nFor now, she stayed in a oddly calm state, one that could be deemed as cold as well.*" }, { "author": "schmilkk", "is_bot": true, "message": "*Akiva absorbed everything Thrasir said with attentive ears. He'd heard similar ideologies in the past, many many years ago. It seemed some hero always came along to stop those with keen minds for world domination. Akiva wasn't one to focus on political status like that. He'd much rather travel and test those who deem themselves worthy of heroic titles.*\n\n\"World domination... No, I don't care enough about people to want to rule over them.\"\n\n*Akiva took a moment to formulate his next words in his head, trying not to bore Thrasir, as they obviously had different views.*\n\n\"I can't deny that the people of this world can be cruel to their surroundings, and pollute the air with filth, however I am just not interested in those who do not wish to become stronger. And genocide really isn't what I strive for, either. I only take lives that are unworthy of pure power. I crush the wills of those with fake heroism.\"\n\n*Once again he was rambling on and on. That was just how he felt, however. He wanted to find his perfect match.*\n\n\"Once I find an adversary that I deem stronger than myself, my journey will end. But the ending is when we've both exhausted our last breath, of course. I don't wish to 'settle down' at any point.\"" }, { "author": "tuls.", "is_bot": false, "message": "*With each word he spoke, the demon begun to relax. Taking everything in he said, she closed her eyes and huffed.* “It seems our goals in a way do cross eachother for a moment, however. “ *Slowly standing up, the demon stared ahead, as if a unmoving statue.* “Your ideas are plain. You cast yourself off as a brute, only wanting to kill those with heroism. This is the only thing I can feel, talking to you. “ *Then, the demon turned to look at Akiva.* “Is this what fate has in store for you? If so, I pity you. You could have **more** power than you ever imagined if you just went off to conquer Hyrule. You would have the world at your fingertips. “ *Placing a hand up to her mouth, Thrasir chuckled.* “**NO ONE** would be able to stand in your way. Wouldn’t that be more exciting, no? “" }, { "author": "schmilkk", "is_bot": true, "message": "*Akiva chuckled a little at Thrasir's brutish tone. She didn't seem to fully understand his goals, but he didn't expect anyone to right away. It wasn't normal for a demon to not desire more power over others. Akiva only wanted the aforementioned 'others' to prove their worth to him. This was his creed.*\n\n\"How very 'demon' of you,\" *Akiva said in a lightehearted tone, meant to tease.*\n\n\"I don't think you understand. I *could* take what I wanted, if that is what I desired, of course. I could raid, pillage, and spill blood for eons. That just isn't interesting to me. It's all been attempted by every other demon in our history, and I'd much rather be known for something else. I still enjoy spilling the blood of the weaklings that choose to attack me, but I yearn to feel *real* power from an adversary. Why take something so easily? Without resistance, life is dull.\"\n\n*Akiva thought about all of his past fights. There weren't many tough fights, but he had a handful of deeply cherished battles. Of course, he won every single one, eventually, as he was still here.*" }, { "author": "tuls.", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Sighing, Thrasir stood there with a frown. Oh, how she only wanted someone she could follow, someone who had the same mindset as her and wanted to change the world for the better.*\n\n*Walking back to the waterfront, she sat down, submerging her legs into the water, while looking at her lap.* “...Who exactly would want to go after you, though? From my understanding, you wouldn’t be important in most’s eyes. Just a little nuisance in the way of the bigger picture, if you were— even in the way of said picture. “She murmured, looking at Akiva for a moment, looking upset, before turning away, looking back at the water.\n\n“...I strive to make a better place for those who couldn’t get help, but I can’t do it on my own... “ *Her tail curled around her body and rested on her lap.* “I’m not one to lead. “" }, { "author": "MEE6", "is_bot": true, "message": "**Dun dun dun duuun!** @tuls. Has been blessed by Hylia and advanced to level 8!" }, { "author": "schmilkk", "is_bot": true, "message": "*Akiva shook he head rather slowly. Thrasir had her own good intentions, but she simply did not understand Akiva's plight. He was truly bored with the normal way of life set out in front of the races with darker auras. He just wanted something interesting to leave behind, and being a conquerer was never something that made history books the same way as a wandering fable. Sure, children in schools may learn of his wrongdoings, but would they dwell on the tale of him roaming the lands late at night in their comfy beds, unable to sleep? Probably not.\n\nIf he could just make a name for himself in a more peculiar way, he might find a shred of happiness. Commoners live a good story, and his would be one to tell, surely.*\n\n\"Once travellers hear of my name, they'll tell their wives, their children, their brethren... I don't need to conquer their livelihoods. The more heroes I slay, the more will want to prove themselves to me. You don't have to agree with my ideology, but it is what I *truly* desire.\"\n\n*The more he dwelled on this conversation, the more he wanted to hurry and find the next target. Someone was bound to run into him, soon.*" } ]
[ { "author": "Miki", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"I guess the catch is that if the cape rips or somehow takes damage it will not function properly anymore. I propose you don't wear that often so you can preserve it in times of need\" _She paused for a little while and spoke again_ \"I don't mind going at the same time, as long as it means I'm going with you\" _She warmly smiled at Thalia_ \"Once we're down there I want to test out the Tunic on the waterfall on our way back up\"" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "_She nodded, walking up to the ledge of the cliff and grabbing onto both ends of her cape. Once the two were ready, she leaped off over the edge and tried to angled herself downwards, thinking of a diving bird to build up speed._\n\n_After a second or two, she pulled back into the air to carry the momentum upwards, allowing her to soar high into once again._ “Wooooohooo!” _She screamed in enjoyment. She let go of her cloak to enter it’s more angled descent, allowing her to land onto another high cliff that overlooked the spring._ “That was great!” _She called down, laughing wildly. She never really considered it before, but the capabilities of flight were exhilarating._" }, { "author": "Miki", "is_bot": false, "message": "_42A jumped off simaltaneously, a few metres down she whipped an arm across her and brought it up again, a wave formed underneath her from the waterfall and she speed surfed her way down, with the wind fiercely blowing her hair she let out a laughter of happiness and adrenaline as she sped past Thalia_ \"Haha! My Goddesses, this. is. AMAZING!\" _She geniunely sounded like she was enjoying herself. She reached the bottom where Thalia would have landed, laughing with joy_ \"I wanna do that again! That was so fun!\"" }, { "author": "choris_vulpes", "is_bot": false, "message": "*axel started to slowly fall asleep*\n\n{this may be a bit too relaxing...}" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Yeah!\" _She yelled back, about to jump off and glide down to surface level, though something seems to catch her eyes from atop the rocks._ \"..Um, in a second! You can go again, I'll be down in a moment.\" _She called out, before turning towards the glint that caught her eye. It was across a gap between the two cliffs, a sparkle from within a small cave._\n\n\"I wonder what's over there...\" _She muttered to herself, stepping back to give herself a build-up. She looked like she was about to jump the impossible gap- impossible for most. She leaped forward towards the other side, boosting herself up with a second jump and clearing the distance with ease._ \"This cape has so much utility~\" _She chimed to herself happily, and made her way into the opening in the rock._ \"Didn't think this would be a tight fit, though... Stupid height...\" _She commented, though squeezing through just enough._\n\n_She entered the rather small tunnel that seemed to glow with blue light from various crystals, before opening up into a larger room. There was a completely circular spring of water in the center, it's water glowing with magic. Erected in the center of the shallow pond was a single stone pedestal, holding a small, glass bottle._ \"Whoa...\" _She mumbled while walking closer, stepping into the pond and reaching out for the item. She brought it up for inspection, the seemingly filled with the same special water she was standing in._\n\n_Soon after, however, the water's glow dispersed into the air and the crystals' light dimmed._ \"Well, I can't get more of this stuff, even if I wanted to...\" _She said while looking back at the bottle, which still glowing brightly like a lantern._ \"I have a feeling that... This will be important. Only for when I need it...\" _She muttered, making her way back out into the cave. She dropped the bottle off into her dark portal since she left her bag down on the surface._\n\n_She glided down with a single jump, landing on the ground easily. She seems to have gotten used to the cape's properties._ \"Sorry! I just thought I saw someone... It was weird, so I just wanted to check it out.\" _She explained to the other two while untying the cape and putting it along with her other things._ \"Let's go try and swim up that waterfall!\" _She exclaimed happily, jumping into the pool and allowing her mermaid tail to form. She glanced over at Axel, noticing how calm he seemed to be. Maybe a little too calm._\n\n{Oh, I'll let be. He is just a kid, after all.}" }, { "author": "Miki", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"..Okay\" _She turned her attention to the waterfall and began walking over to it, though when a person walks through water, you usually can hear them, but not with 42A, she was definitely walking to the fall but you couldn't hear her, why? She was walking on the water, effortlessly. When she got close enough she looked up_\n\n{So I've just got to dive into it and swim upwards}\n\n\"Whenever you're ready Thalia\"" }, { "author": "choris_vulpes", "is_bot": false, "message": "*axel was just about to fall asleep when he heard the words “swim up a waterfall”. He perked up and looked over at them*\n\n“You can swim up a waterfall?”" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Oh, good. You're not asleep.\" _Thalia turned towards Axel, swimming towards him slightly._ \"And yeah! The Zoras say this helps Hylians do things similar to them, so by theory we should be able to scale this waterfall like them.\"\n\n\"Though, I wanted to ask you a little something. I know you just got here, but I just remembered something _really_ important. Do you think you can go do it for me?\" _She asked. Assuming he would say yes, she was rejoice to herself lightly, before continuing on. She went on to describe Wayne's appearance, and that the last time she saw him was around Lake Hylia._\n\n\"Just ask him if he's been to Gerudo Town lately. Then remember what he says to you. Don't tell him you know me at all, though. It'll be like our little secret! Hehe~\" _She joked._\n\n_With Axel presumably off to run her little errand, Thalia swam back and nodded at Yoni._ \"Sorry if that was so random; I remembered that thing just now. I guess it slipped my mind for a while.\" _She said, and waited for Yoni's lead to attempt up the falls. She was the water mage, after all- and she already had her fun with her cape._" }, { "author": "Miki", "is_bot": false, "message": "_YonjuniA looked up the full height of the waterfall, she took a couple of steps back before running and diving into it. It looked like she had disappeared, but she reappeared a few inches above where she had jumped in and was now vertically swimming up the waterfall with great speeds, it wasn't as fast as when she was going down but nonetheless, she found it to be thrilling. At the end she somersaulted out and landed perfectly on her two feet_ \"It's actually not as bad as I thought it would be! It's pretty easy too!\" _She spoke to Thalia_" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Whoa..” _Thalia watched in amazement as Yoni scaled the falls. Was this really apart of her Zora armor kit, or was she using her magic to boost herself to such speeds? She would soon see for herself as she raced on your after her, somehow managing to propel herself upwards through the water. She gained a good amount of height at the very peak, though Yoni soared above her._\n\n“WhoaaaAAA!” _She screamed, as she didn’t plan this far ahead and simply crashed into the river water un gracefully._\n\n“Mhm. Pretty easy.” _She said dully after breaching the surface._" }, { "author": "Miki", "is_bot": false, "message": "_42A peered over the edge at her, giggling to herself a bit_ \"Are you okay? That last part didn't look too fun at all, I find that it is pretty easy, although that may sound biased since water is my element, I preferred going down the waterfall\" _She stated_" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Yeah, I think so.” _She shook her head rapidly like a dog drying itself, fixing her hair and forcing a smile._ “* guess it’s something to practice, huh?” _She said with a chuckle, before nodding at her next statement and peeking up, like she had just remembered something._ “Oh, um, Yoni. I wanna tell you something real quick... Can you come over here?” _She asked, gesturing her to come closer._" }, { "author": "Miki", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Oh, yeah sure, what is it?\" _She moved closer towards Thalia and bent her knees so she could whisper in her ear_" }, { "author": "gemilingo", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Raiyn continues walking up and down trees like the bird they are. Eventually, the Hylito gets bored, and starts to fly away.*" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "_Thalia moved in closer and reached out for a whisper, cupping her hands together and up against her ear. Though right before they made contact she pushed hard against the water to swim backwards, reaching out to touch her shoulder instead._ “Tag!” _She yelled out, turning on an instant and swimming towards the falls._ “You’re it!”\n\n_Just as she swam up, Thalia was able to swim down the falls. It wasn’t quite like simply falling, as there was a degree of control to it. Though naturally it was much faster than trying to ascend. She was giggling wildly as she tried to speed away, her little bubble allowing her to._\n\n“I totally got here there~” _She said to herself, fleeing away further across the spring if she wasn’t already yet tagged back on the way down._" } ]
[ { "author": "Miki", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"I guess I can do it by myself?....\" _She shrugged her shoulds, though her tone completely contradicted the line she just spoke, she felt like doing this by herself would be a bit problematic but she would have to learn to be independant, she was only going to a Library so it shouldn't be much of a complicated task. She could care less about the Hylito and where they were going_" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Alright! I think we’ll head down to a lower part of the Domain. Don’t wanna accidentally blow something up, somehow. Haha~” _She joked, and gestured Axel to come follow her._ “When you’re done you’re free to join us there, too!” _She waved off to Yoni, before turning around completely and walking forward._\n\n“Don’t you think she’s pretty?” _She said to Axel, sighing to herself happily._ “I think she’s nice.”" }, { "author": "choris_vulpes", "is_bot": false, "message": "*axel hopped along with Thalia taking in the view around him*\n\n“My sister says all girls are pretty except Veronica. Sister says she’s a bitch... but she says I can’t say that word”" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Yeah, um, don’t say that.” _She laughed softly._\n\n“What have you been up to since we last met? It certainly got a little more chilly, haha~” _She asked the little magician, noting the autumn weather. The Faron Woods were quite beautiful, but the stronger winds was certainly not very fun._" }, { "author": "choris_vulpes", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Oh I was just wandering around... I don’t think I did much. Uhm there was this lady I helped uhm hiza she’s pretty weird, I don’t think she likes me”\n\n*a feather floats next to him but it gets zapped. axel doesn’t seem to notice that he zapped it*" }, { "author": "CephalonMuffin", "is_bot": true, "message": "*The shuffle of feet could be heard as the group of cloaked women would enter the domain. Hiza directed the group to a nearby guard who seeemed quite concern with the sudden apperance of women. She bowed, showing that she had no ill intentions. Above, two Rito women wearing their colors, circled the area in an attempt to locate their target.*\n\nHiza: \"I do not mean to come here in such a display, but we need youre aid... A girl... one tainted by a foul demon destroyed our village and took the lives of our childeren. Have you seen anyone with pink hair? Perhaps accompanied by another Hylian or Sheikah woman?\"\n\n*As she spoke, the women spread out, asking the other guards and dwellers of their whereabouts.*" }, { "author": "Miki", "is_bot": false, "message": "_YonjuniA walked off after Thalia waved her a goodbye, she didn't wave back since she didn't feel like it. She headed back in the direction of which they had previously been shopping, it was her best bet that a Library would be found nearby or she could ask a Zora where it was. She soon reached the shop and decided on asking for directions, she thought if she had just wandered around she could get lost, the Zora pointed her in the trajectory of the Library, 42A thanked them and headed there. She arrived at the Library and walked inside_ \"......Hello? Can somebody help me with this?\" _She lifted up her stone tablet, displaying to those inside, but almost every single one of them shook their heads, even the Zora at the front desk, she sighed, thanking them for their help and departed from the Library_\n\n{What if this really is worthless?}\n\n_She headed over to where Thalia had suggested they meet back up, taking a seat on a rock, looking at the artifact_" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "_As Axel and her reached the bottom, she could feel a presence. It was faint, given the size of the Domain, but from the safety of the place, she could only think of one person who could emit such magic passively._\n\n{For fuck’s sake, can’t I just be left alone?}\n\n{``You could flee.``}\n\n{Yoni’s isn’t even with us...}\n\n{``You have more than enough potions to return back for retrieval.``}\n\n{Ugh. But this witch lady may take it as a sign of me fleeing. Only the guilty flee.}\n\n{``You are guilty.``}\n\n{That’s not the point. There’s a reason I always teleport in isolated areas. So a person of that magical caliber could find it quite easily.}\n\n{``So you wish to stand and fight.``}\n\n{If I really need to. She still doesn’t have concrete evidence for the things I’ve done. I can still make a case for myself with this whole “Kill all evil” persona. There were people who saw me at Kakariko.}\n\n{I need you to retreat out of my conscience. It seems like even that she can sense. Then I can put more emphasis on suppressing your darkness. I haven’t used your magic for a while, so it should be easy...}\n\n{``As you wish. But I will not be able to watch your back. Should I sense injury, I will return.``}\n\n“Oh, electricity?” _She commented in a surprised tone, hearing the sharp spark of the feather._ “Do you know Lightning Magic as well?” _She asked him, seeing how the event was completely abnormal._ “I dunno how the Zora would feel aout that here, since I’m pretty sure it’s lethal to them.”\n\n_She held out her hand, creating a small illumination out of magic to help see in the darkness of night._ “This was the only thing I was able to really pick up in that book, haha~” _She said to Axel, tossing the orb up and suspending it above them._\n\n{Using Light Magic should help.}\n\n“So, what do you want to do first?” _She asked him, continuing as normal whilst still keeping her eyes open. She was expecting a random rock spike to come flying towards her head at any second._" }, { "author": "choris_vulpes", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Oh yea lightning magic is my main form of magic. We could do some reading or practice magic... I can’t really think of anything else... I did something similar to that aswell but it was a bunch of marbles that would float around in the air”\n\n{wait... miss Thalia looks a lot like my sister}\n\n*he seems to be squinting at Thalia in recognition to her similarities with his sister*" }, { "author": "CephalonMuffin", "is_bot": true, "message": "*The witches report back after a bit with some news. She's here, but she's somewhere below the domain. A few people saw her head down with a child. She groans at the mention of this, deciding to stay up top. There was too much water below, enough for her to freeze all of them solid if they were to approach her now. But, they'd probably be more open to talking if they feel to have the upper hand.*\n\nHiza: \"Stay near the entrance for now. If she somehow slips by me, follow after her. Don't try to fight.\"\n\n*Against her better judgement, Hiza would begin slowly decending to the lower area, hands inside of the burgundy cloak. She appeared focused, her piercing gold eyes attentively swaying to and fro.*" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "{It feels strange, not having him taking up my mind all the time.}\n\n{It's a little nice to have the extra room, if I'm going to be completely honest. Though I still end up talking to myself, haha~}\n\n{-Oh, she's getting closer. Did she find me already?}\n\n\"Alright! I still have that book you gave me a while ago.\" _She said, taking a seat on small rock and pulling her bag in front of her, digging into it and taking out the tome of Light Magic._ \"I'm more of a spells and seals kind of girl, invoking names and gestures- all that stuff. Though this magic seems to draw from natural light, so you have to rely on outside forces to control it.\" _She explained to Axel if he didn't already know._\n\n\"So what you need to do is concentrate on your surroundings; Don't think about how much you have to work with. Mages like this are capable of doing anything, despite the lack of resources they can draw from.\" _She said, drawing things from her memory of her magic college, and what she's personally observed from Yoni. Now that she thinks about it, Yoni would probably make a much better teacher than her, since she actually applies this use of magic herself._\n\n\"I'm not super good at it, though I'm still able to create that little ball of light from just the moonlight. So try it out, except try to go for something bigger, maybe~\"" }, { "author": "choris_vulpes", "is_bot": false, "message": "*he looks at the ball for a moment then snatches it out of the air and examines it closely for several minutes before it breaks apart in his hands. Something seems to snap and axel creates a child sized sword out of hard light*\n\n“Oh there we go... I just had to remember how to hold it together”" }, { "author": "CephalonMuffin", "is_bot": true, "message": "*The sorceress made her way to the bottom, taking a look around. Nice and peaceful here. She almost felt horrible for bringing her problems to the domain. Almost... She glanced up as she spotted her target and the rather familiar boy. As expected, there were plenty of eyes on her. The Zora Guards were wary of her, so she couldn't do anything rash. A mild inconvenience, but the same went for them. She spoke up. Keeping her distance from the two.*\n\nHiza: \"I suppose it makes sense for a little thief to be accompanied by a bigger one. Well, I suppose you're more than a thief, but that's just a theory... An Educated Theory. How have you been, Ice mage?\"" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"That's it. You got it! The magic is fairly interesting, I must say.\" _She said in awe, clapping her hands a little in amazement. If this was what was possible, she could create some extraordinary things in the future. But that is for the future- the present is now, and a little more pressing._\n\n\"Oh, hello.\" _Thalia said simply, hiding his discontent by her presence and putting on a soft smile. She disregarded her comments since she didn't want to create a stir, though the first half of her statement alluded to Axel's past that gave her a puzzled look._\n\n{Maybe he isn't as innocent as I thought.}\n\n\"I've been well, just minding my own business.\" _She said vaguely, not saying anything directly just yet, since she has no idea what she's even here for. Perhaps she just came on by on mere coincidence. Though Thalia was assuming the worst, and was anticipating some kind of trap at any given second._\n\n\"How about you, miss?\" _She asked back kindly._" }, { "author": "choris_vulpes", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Oh hello miss hiza... hey I’ll have you know I don’t steal anymore. I sell flowers for money now! Do you want some? They’re pretty cheap”\n\n*he pulled out a bouquet of flowers from his bag and showed it to her*" }, { "author": "CephalonMuffin", "is_bot": true, "message": "Hiza: \"I make my own, thank you.\"\n\n*She holds out a hand, creating a green spell circle. A black flower with a purple-glowing center would rise from her palm.*\n\nHiza: \"But, I suppose I'm glad you're out of trouble. So... Ice Mage. Have you considered my offer last we met? I hope you didn't think I was going to forget.\"\n\n*She sets the flower in the water nearby, letting it float away. The woman slowly repositioned herself, sitting atop a rock surrounded by water.*" }, { "author": "gemilingo", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Raiyn, who is heading to a shop to sell their molted feathers like that's totally normal, pauses as they look over at the bunch of people that they recognize.* {Oh... It's her again.} *they look at the sorceress standing near Axel and Thalia. And the flowers Axel is holding.* {Ok then.} *They continue walking. Away. At a slightly above average speed.*" } ]
[ { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Through the door was a short set of wooden stairs, leading into yet one more very familiar place.*\n\n*It was her home. Her cozy Ordon home here in this trial. Recreated from furniture to fireplace with nothing out of order. Well, there was ONE change...*\n\n*The light fruit's effects had worn off just as she entered, but the last remnant of it guided her eye to the only addition to the house: A portrait hanging over the fireplace. A painting of Axel housed in a simple silver and wood frame. Slightly worn and cracked from age. His young face smiled down into the room blissfully. His green-blue eyes sparkled even in paint.*" }, { "author": "choris_vulpes", "is_bot": false, "message": "*luna looked around the room silently, already knowing it like the back of her hand. Except for the new addition. The picture caught her off completely guard. She frowned not wanting to think about the incident*\n\n{I’ll burn that monster at the stake... and that shadow probably had something to do with this. How else did the king have the glyph. He’s mine}\n\n*she approached the painting and set it gently on the ground facing away from her. She couldn’t stand the boys gaze. Not until she avenged him*" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Sitting just in a nook behind the painting was the tear she sought. The glow of farore that made his eyes shine.*\n\n*The final bulb filled on Luna's spirit Vessel. The flower stopped wilting at once. The door she had come through opened to show the courtyard once again. The trial was finished.*" }, { "author": "choris_vulpes", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Finally... man the others aren’t gonna believe this”\n\n*luna stretched her arms back before walking out the door and towards the circle. She had enough hide and seek for the day*" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "*With just one foot in the circle Luna was stepping back into #deleted-channel's Isle of Songs once more...*\n\n**Trial of Courage End - Canon**\n\n**Trial of Power Begin - Canon**\n\n*Saina was standing beneath a bloody orange sky with ashy black clouds. Trees with leaves and berries of fire were scattered about a scorched wasteland of red grass. The air was thick and smelled of charcoal, and a tiny bit of roasted meat. In the distance was a volcano's silhouette spewed its guts into the sky.*\n\n*But none of that mattered compared to the thing before him. A tremendous tower standing as a monolith of the land. Along its side ran a spiral ramp that stopped at ledges for doorways. From his vantage point he could count at least 5 doors, but there was no telling how many there could be.*\n\n*Saina himself was standing in a small circle with a barrier around it. The voice spoke to him through his mind again:*\n\n```fix\n\n\"Your trial shall begin once you don the cursed medal. Items and mystic potential are null with it. Climb the tower to vanquish the beast and rid yourself of the curse. For each foe you slay the others shall grow stronger. For every wound you endure your might shall grow accordingly.\"```\n\n*Before him was a tiny medallion on a plinth. Gold with purple highlights, and a pair of evil yellow-red eyes carved onto its face. The cursed medal the voice spoke of.*\n\n```fix\n\n\"Power robs all that it gives to the careless...\"```" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Saina looked upon the odd wasteland and it had an almost ashen sense to it. The smell of all burning of course fire was often connected with destructive power he thought.* {oh I’m sure lady Umbra would’ve loved a place like this} *he put a finger to his lip and frowned slightly* {personally not my kind of aesthetic. Fire only leaves thing gray or black totally omitting the beautiful colors of a clean slaughter}\n\n*he then gazed at the tall tower quite impressed by it. Then the voice came piercing through cerebrally* “hey you’re not one of the usual voices. You actually sound quite nice does being an omniscient being give you plenty of time to hone your vocal prowess?” *he then actually listened on the instructions of the voice. He then looked to the beautiful medallion holding it in his hands with keen interest.* “oh a fine bit of jewelry how’d you know I do a lot for something shiny” *he then heard the medallion itself speak* “yes yes I’m sure it does you beautiful hunk of metal. Now get in my head with the incredibly heated golden cucco, the goddess, and whatever stranger may be happening by” *he took the medallion and set off to climb the tower*" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The moment he touched the medal it burned his hand. The blazing hot metal was melding to his skin! After a few seconds of pain, it stopped. The medal had vanished. The back of his hand bore a scar with its design. He didn't merely hold it, it was part of him now. The tingle of magical power disappeared. Even trying to grab for one of his items felt like it was out of reach. Only his trusty scythe remained reachable.*\n\n*The instant he left the circle he was attacked! A pair of stalchildren poked out of the earth and began to march on him. One with a spear and one with its claws! Each one barely came up to his waist.*" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Saina was planning on just continuing to walk normally but then he felt that same searing pain. That same heat that gave him the adrenaline on the coldest mountain top. His teeth grit as a hiss of pain expelled from him and grunted afterwards* “never mind you’re just like that damn cucco. You Magical treasures really like leaving your mark eh?”\n\n*he stepped out feeling so rugged and dragged down. He even tried to access the power of the golden cucco to no avail. He groaned before seeing the stalchildren begin to rise. All he could raise his arm to was his pile so that’s exactly what he did. With groggy limbs and the feeling of an immense wait upon him he pulled out the pole and backed up before swinging horizontally at the Stal children’s heads while backing up*" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "*In a single stroke the stalchildren crumple into bones and disappear in a burst of purple flames.*\n\n*The path forward was sure to contain more of these foes.*" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Saina then smacked at the side of his head* “oh right you poor kids probably were just fodder so you could power up the next. Those goddesses sure do like making you adhere to their rules and riddles” *he looked at the mark on the back of his hand before using the pole as a walking stick to move forward*" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The ramp wasn't too steep fortunately. The next encounter Saina met was right before the door to the first chamber. Another stalchild emerged from the tower's grey stone. It was slightly larger than the others though not any amount more intimidating. It hobbled forward and took a swipe at him with its claws!*" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Saina moved along as fast he could before simply trying to knock off the attacking arm of the stal and move along* “you give a valiant effort young one have you ever considered coming with me to the real world to sort out some pests? I promised you some flesh and skin” *he chuckled as he moved forward*" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The stalchild was smoke before it even hit the ground. The door was metal and stone, but wasn't too heavy to lift open. Din's mark emblazoned it.*\n\n*The room he entered was a circular chamber with pillars around the walls, with Din's mark upon the floor. Lanterns of ornate design burned with pink-red flames upon the ashy white walls.*\n\n*Three stal-children and a stalfos were in the center (TP Stalchildren and OoT Stalfos). At once the stalchildren rushed forward to challenge Saina with their little spears. The Stalfos hung back with sword and shield drawn, red eyes shining.*" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Saina growled as even the smallest hits would make these stal-children dissipate into smoke. Not to mention the already ashy and smoky air that seemed to plague this odd land. He entered the room and saw more of the same along with a bigger one* “alright enough with this playing it smart if I really want to be the most powerful I have to show I can knockout anything in my way. I will show you skinless freaks what for!” *he swiped his pole before mid-swing letting the scythe contraption pull out of the pole to give him extra reach in cutting away their skulls.*" } ]
[ { "author": "aefre", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Molita shared the same sentiment. No way could they take down such a storm, but why now? Right when she finally got some rest...*\n\n*One thing she did* not *share, was that Dragol believed he could carry both her* and *her pack, and expect to be fast enough. If they don’t escape, she’s putting it on him.*\n\n“Can’t you defend yourself with your ice magic? They’re made of *fire*, are they not?”\n\n*She decided she wouldn’t fight him on the piggy-back issue.*" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "*They would not make the escape easy four kargarok would fly into their way flying talons first into the faces of the two trying to claw and dig their talons into their eyes and neck. There were two trying to pull them back not allowing for a very quick get away but soon realized the girl must be weaker so they tried to claw along her back to loosen her grip and pull her away as Nazerien commanded perhaps she could be good bait. One thing was for sure if they focused on running the kargoroks would tear them to pieces the longer they ignored them. The keese simply kept formation and kept a perimeter around the two best they could. Nazerien herself stayed outside in the air being able to see through the keese what they were doing*" }, { "author": "kingofthegods", "is_bot": false, "message": "“ALRIGHT FINE MOLITA HERE” *he grabbed his scythe and dropped molita behind him as the kess were grabbing at Dragol and her the other monsters we getting very close so Dragol steps towards the swarm and started to swing his scythe in a cycle as he blew icy wind at the monsters to try to keep them back* “HERE YOU GO FUCKERS” *he said as the scratches and burns pained him he killed a few of the kess but the larger ones still had yet to be dealt with* “RUN MOLITA I WILL HOLD THEM OFF” *he screamed at her as some of the kess got to his arms and then a blow to the neck as a sharp claw killed Dragol*\n\n\nDownvoteRupee (7) nikoupsidedown (2) 🙃 (2) Evillaugh" }, { "author": "aefre", "is_bot": false, "message": "“DRAGOOL, NOOOO”\n\n*As frantic as anyone could be, she ran on all fours to Dragol as she body fell, catching it before it slammed to the ground.* Damnit, damnit! Not here, not now! Don’t leave me here alone! Please, open your eyes, we gotta get the other glyphs, right? We gotta... we gotta...” *tears now riddled her face, the constant flow dripping onto his mask, before it combusted in almost an instant.*\n\n*She let out a crazed shrill, the most powerful she’s ever screamed, before bawling. The monsters closed in as she sobbed uncontrollably.*\n\n*Why did she feel this way* now *? It’s not like she felt anything while traveling with him. Was it that she simply felt bad for him? Did she... secretly have feelings for him? Despite his sheer mediocrity? Or was it... that he was the first person she truly talked to besides her... parents.*\n\n*her... parents*\n\n*If she dies here, then she’ll have never said a true goodbye... she’ll never see them again... they’ll never... see her...*\n\n*Rage festered within her, this wasn’t here time to die. She’d run... ran as far as she could. Screw her maps, screw Dragol. She had to get home... to her father. He’d fix this. He fixes everything.*\n\n*she had too...*\n\n*She stood, shaking with rage and sorrow, and drew her sword. Her pack slamming to the ground, everything spilling out from the top. The tablet, now exposed.*\n\n*She spun on one foot to face the Kargarocs that were heading for her, her eyes reflecting the flames. Due to her little outburst of emotion, they were right up on her, but in almost an instant, she side stepped to dodge and slashed where she was, attempting to go for its talon.*\n\n{Reactions}" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Nazerien cackled killing a masked sheikah warrior with ease might means little when you’re out numbered.* {oh ho wishes here I come and after a mission as easy as this? This is just one easy step to being the most feared vire, no monster, no Supreme Warlord the world has ever seen!} *she kept watching through her keese. The kargorok charging her would fall flat as it’s feet sliced off but it would take much more to stop the swarm. The magic was already set in place. In what would seem to be an odd move to the girl the kargorocs would retreat back but the Keese would swarm around her until off in the distance probably barely heard over the monsters screeches. A snap of fingers from a grinned demon floating above the building itself. The flame vortex was released from the Keese as she activated the magic she gave to their spiral before. Nazerien hoped it would be just that easy* “bye bye!”\n\n{Reactions}" }, { "author": "aefre", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The situation was dire, (vire ) and Molita was running out of options. She* really *didnt want to leave her pack behind.. but it seemed like leaving it was the only option. A keese bit here, a talon scratched there. She was constantly being prattle by the searing attacks, wincing with each strike. Luckily, she was moving and slashing enough to protect her vital areas, and the heavy clothing she had on protected the lighter attacks.*\n\n*Her options ran thin. She couldn’t land a single attack on the keese. She simply just wasn’t skilled enough fighting beasts...*\n\n*Even if she got away, the keese would follow.. her mind trailed, her attacks slowed, and she was struck on her face, leaving a large gash in its place. No blood trailed, as it burned and congealed instantly. No reaction came, her mind raced even faster for a way out of this.*\n\n*Nothing came... this was the end... her only thought was too...*\n\n*What seemed to be an instant, she dove to her bag, grabbing the blanket she had used to sleep in that slipped out, covered herself, and dashed towards the edge, using the blanket as a pseudo shield. Fire surrounded her, she was burnt quite heavily. And the constant barrage of keese didn’t make it easy to hold onto the blanket. But, with sword and cloth in hand, she leaped, into the dark dunes below, the blanket flowing behind her like a cloak.*" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Nazerien has to get some proof of death while this girl was sly and managed to take burns there no way she was getting far. Until the girl seemed to go to her own demise oddly enough. Having her monsters bring back some scraps of what was left would he good. The fire keese flew down with the girl illuminating the area while the kargorocs kept their sharp eyes looking for whatever that girl may be doing. The keese were still relentless following her down whether there was movement or not they had to at least rip off a good chunk of her to show that she was dead and so they tried their best to follow her on the way down and finish her off. The kargorocs simply kept watch seeing if anything might be afoot or if she’d just dip into the sands*" }, { "author": "aefre", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Her thought process ended with a thump. She tried to land with her feet into the sand, but it just wasn’t soft enough to protect her from the massive height of the ruins. Her legs shattered, and she lost consciousness. Her plan, failed. Her only saving grace was if the swarm couldn’t find her, as she fell beneath the dunes, out of sight, and if she wakes up soon enough to save herself from suffocating.*" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The monsters could hear the bone shattering crunch as whatever was near had broken. They knew she went off into the ground but now it was just a matter of searching* {I’ve gotta say what a resilient duo they are the girls must have broken so many bones and yet didn’t let out a scream that would give her away? Or perhaps it was muffled from drowning into the dunes. Well now it’s just a matter of time to find the corpse or whatever remains...} *the monsters went hard to work patting the sand to where the noise was the kargorocs were much more efficient at it by using their claws to dig through while the keese did and odd head but knocking away sand and just took turns doing so*" }, { "author": "aefre", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The beasts would find her. And at that point, she had already passed away.*\n\n*With little hope, she fell in darkness, and along with the darkness came the eternal embrace of death.*\n\n*she layed dormant in the cold sand, regret riddled her face.*\n\n*Although, there was a slight tingle of content... almost as if something... somewhere comforted her. Or maybe she knew some*one *would long for her?*\n\n*Alas, she was gone, and her ideals and dreams followed. Goodbye, father, mother... Dragol...*" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Nazerien let out a deep breath and wiping the sweat off her fore head. Once she was found they would confirm the kill with a kargorok gashing upon her neck before they carried her off to Nazerien. Nazerien herself went inside and dragged along the body out of the building. They were soon both laid out in the roof* “well I can’t say I feel bad since you never really said much except for screaming and insulting my monsters. But none of this was personal simply just a means to an end your sacrifices shall not go without a purpose” *she smirked* {now uhh... do I have to just take a nap or something to get that shadow demon? Oh I swear if these were the wrong guys!”}\n\n{Reactions}" } ]
[ { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Soon, the Kargarok would arrive at its destination with its guests in tow, dropping them off in the area without any tarps covering the rooftop. Even if someone’s hadn’t seen this place, it was obvious someone had taken residence here.*\n\n“I take it you don’t wish to stay long. Let’s make this quick then.”\n\n*Surrounded by over a dozen of her Stalfos was Lusaimi, staring at where Leo an Roewen were. She didn’t even address the small Bokoblin… that was more of an annoyance than anything, but it was acceptable for the time being. At least they were alive.*\n\n“Come. We’ll speak downstairs.”\n\n*How did Lusaimi even get here so fast? For Leo, that shouldn’t be possible… she was quite the mystery… as she walked away from the duo, her Stalfos seemed to form a path for them to walk, as if their movements had to be controlled. Yet, it was clear these skeletons didn’t move like normal beasts. Were they… under her control? Or perhaps the duo would notice that, when she turned around, she still had the arrow in her back from the sand sea. Her right arm barely seemed to move, as if it was restricted.*\n\n*The Kargarok, meanwhile, flew off, in an attempt to find Saina. Keeping them all together would be good. It wouldn’t head back ti the port, but it would be above #gerudo-province for the time, hoping to spot the ally of its master.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Once Leo was free of the kargaroks grasps he flung himself forward and turned to face the witch. Roewen being here was a bit calming, but it only applied his fear. He followed Lusaimi to wherever she was leading them, but he definitely had his blade readied.* “We have no time to talk. I need to get back to the stronghold as soon as possible.”\n\n*The Stalfos didn’t bother him, or how she appeared there so quickly. He’s had his fair share of witches…and he wasn’t too fond of them.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Yes, your friend Saina spoke of such a stronghold. Although I imagine by now, the soldiers have already ransacked it for all its worth.”\n\n*Obviously, the place they fought wasn’t the stronghold. That was a port of the sea itself. And if the soldiers were willing to put that much firepower on the port to the stronghold, then there was no doubt they had already started attacking the stronghold.*\n\n“Now, I recognize you from the mountaintop earlier with Lenel and Vekhi. You rode a Stalhorse. And with that bokoblin with you, I take it that means you can control such beasts the same way I can?”\n\n*To her, it made sense. No beast would ever willingly work with people, so that was really the only possible option. The Stalhorse only reinforced the thought.*\n\n*The Stalfos continued behind them, 4 staying on the roof. A bridge, central platform, and second bridge met the duo as the witch walked around seemingly without a care for the world, only eyeing the remains of her project as she passed it. She retrieved a blank book from a bone shelf, before sitting in a bone chair and beginning to write something in it on a bone table…*\n\n*That was about all the furniture here, and all of it was made from Stalfos bones. It was… kinda creepy, actually, but it was the most plentiful resource Lusaimi had at her disposal.*\n\n*In this writing, however, she pulled out her Pictobox and retrieved the picture she took of the Guardian, putting it on the first page on the book… what was she doing?*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo tilted his head a bit once she asked him the question. He was sorta pissed that she called Roewen a beast, but forgot they were literally a bokoblin.* “I don’t control Roewen. They simple stick with us by their own free will.” *Then he sorta tapped on the mask clipped to the belt.* “As for the Stal-horse. This mask does the trick.” *The room they entered didn’t affected Leo in any way. He’s seen creepier and worst places.*\n\n*While she was doodling in her book, Leo pulls out his book. The cover was the five kings book but he still had blank pages wedged in between them. It was getting full, and was in worst shape than before. He began to draw a quick sketch of the scouts and labeling all the information he knows about them so far…which isn’t much.*\n\n“Anyways we don’t have time for a tea party down here. As I said we need to get back. I appreciate your assistance but I had it under control.” *And with that he turns around and walks towards the exit, waving his head to Roewen so they could follow.*" }, { "author": "_d6", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Roewen did not stick the landing, tumbling a bit on the ground when the Kargarok dropped them off. It didn't keep them down for long, as they quickly got up and went right back to Leo's side.*\n\n*They looked fucked up. Their arms hung tired and noodly at their sides, almost scraping the ground, and their tongue stuck out of their mouth as they panted. Not just from physical exhaustion, but from mental as well. They could hardly even hold their sword right now.*\n\n*As soon as Roewen arrived, Leo began turning around. Roewen let out a quiet sigh.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Lusaimi wasn’t doodling in her book; with the Pictobox photo of the Scouts, Lusaimi was making notes about the Scouts.*\n\n```Extremely proficient in combat, both close and far away.\n\nCentral eye could be weak point? Highly defended. Also releases energy of some kind; likely lethal\n\nOnly 2 seen so far. Low numbers?\n\nWeapons and armor made of unknown material. Likely not organic in nature. Needs further, in-depth study.\n\nStrange way of movement. Strikes are obvious, but don’t move naturally. Similar details to how controlled beasts act; very lifeless\n\nLikely new Shiekah weapons; fought with Royal Soldiers. Unknown power source. Unknown creation method and unknown materials utilized.\n\nToo many unknowns. Easy to distract with beasts. Avoid when possible. Only combat with Dyanfalos and sustained orders, and only one at a time then. Will need something better to kill until better understood.```\n\n*Lusaimi looked up as Leo spoke. There was a notable look of disappointment on her face; somewhat hidden, but not completely. Was it the fact that Leo had revealed he wasn’t like her, or the fact that he named the beast before him and seemed attached to the murderous cur.*\n\n*So she was still alone in her pursuits. Fine. What’s another 20 years of solitude when you’ve already done over 150?*\n\n*When Leo turned around, he’d see 2 of the Stalfos that came with in front of the exit, blocking it off. There was still about a dozen more Stalfos in the room as well…*\n\n“No, you’re not. Saina asked me to defend her friends, and I would be a fool to allow an injured fellow to leave in such a state. Besides, whatever you think you have at that stronghold is likely already gone; either destroyed or stolen by the soldiers. So if you want it back, I suggest you let yourself heal.”\n\n*Lusaimi put the book down, and one of the Stalfos took it back to the shelf. She then grabbed the book she had a Stalfos place down earlier and wrote in it instead. As she did this, one of the Stalfos came up behind her and began to ever so slowly pull the arrow out of shoulder; at times Lusaimi would wince at the pain and stop writing, but for the most part she didn’t act like it interrupted her writing at much.*\n\n*The Stalfos didn’t move nor did they make any threat to Leo. They simply stood still, watching his movements… waiting…*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo stopped at the exit and slowly turned to face Lusaimi.* “Saina? You now pink haired golden boy?” *There was a bit of annoyance in his voice, but only because she was keeping him from leaving. He marched back to her.* “You should care not for my current state. My daughter is in that stronghold, and if what you say is true then it’s more of a reason for me to get back out there.” *His words were deep and very serious. The tone showed how much he cared for Selena and how urgent this situation is.*\n\n“If Roewen is here then she’s not. And I entrusted her in the care of a companion…” *This is the second time Leo have a kid to Luna and something happened. Maybe he’ll have to find another babysitter.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*So, this was the one who took care of the child. Saina mentioned the existence of such a child before… things just be desperate to live a life of crime with a child in tow.*\n\n“Yes, I know Saina. We were investigating the strange weather the desert was giving off. It was her, me, the two lovebirds, Lenel and Vekhi, and… that soldier, Tamil. He didn’t recognize any of us, luckily, and together we all destroyed the beast causing the weather change.\n\n*How that beast was able to keep Nayru down was certainly up for debate. Lusaimi had her answer, but it wasn’t time to such theories.*\n\n“Then you certainly didn’t hear her request for our aid. I may be a dark witch who bends these creatures will to my own, but even I know empathy. Which is why you can’t leave: I gave Saina a promise, and I intend to keep it.”\n\n*She was about to continue, explain how the soldiers likely kidnapped her already, or perhaps even killed her, depending on who was truly ordering them… and then Leo mentioned the Bokoblin protecting her. Her hand basically slammed to her face, and the moment that happened, a bit of pain occurred as the arrow was finally taken out of her shoulder. She lowered her hand at that point, although her body shook at bit at the final action as well.*\n\n“I’m going to ignore the fact that you just said that you let a murderous demon protect your daughter, and instead point out that if that’s true, then the Soldiers likely already have your daughter. Which means she’s either on her way to the Castle with either a large or quick escort, or she’s already there. Either way, going to your stronghold isn’t going to accomplish anything.”\n\n*Logically, even mentioning her displeasure at that idea was a bad idea. Lusaimi knew that. But like… that’s such a terrible idea she had to at least comment on it. She literally felt required to do it. She hadn’t finished writing in the current book, tho; whatever she was writing, it was much longer than simple note taking.*" }, { "author": "MEE6", "is_bot": true, "message": "**Dun dun dun duuun!** @Kos & Lusaimi (PowerSurge) Has been blessed by Hylia and advanced to level 31!" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "“I’m not too fond of the way you’re speaking to my companion. I’m not entirely sure why, but it went against its own nature to defend me and my daughter.” *He raised a brow and Roewen, then glares back at the witch.* “Whether it’s a primal trait and it’s just following the strongest it’s seen, or these creatures are more than what we know of. Either way watch your tone.”\n\n*He turns back around to look at the stals guarding the exit.* “So you think me sitting here will save my daughter then? If that’s the case then we still need to head to the stronghold. I have supplies that’ll help me and my members. If you’re so bent on helping Saina then you’re more than welcome to join.” *He placed his hands on the table, letting his red eyes burn into the witches forehead with the intense glare. With each word he spoke they turned into malice. He was getting angrier by the second. He was low on magic, but his shadow aura still circles his hands.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Having her comment done with, Lusaimi just sighed and dropped the whole thing. Clearly Leo didn’t understand monsters… at least like she did. Yes, it was true that they followed the strongest; but the strongest was their creator, Ganon, who taught them the art of war as if it were their instinct. Their species was designed to kill Hylians and all the wonderfully blessed races of this world. And while the mutations of evolution may let one get away with a change or two, instinct is still instinct. If it lives to see it, “Roewen” would easily kill that girl without hesitation if Ganon ever came back. Without mercy. Without remorse.*\n\n*And then she proceeded to sigh again at Leo’s so called plan. He was thinking with his heart, not his brain. It was… almost warming to see, in a sense, as it easily told Lusaimi of the care Leo has for his daughter, but 150 years of isolation had taken their toll on her reaction to such things. She didn’t even look up as Leo got closer.*\n\n“A plan to rest before counterattacking is far better than running in to get yourself killed. Those things we fought did quite a number on you, and that was when I was distracting one, not to mention the fact that they seemed completely unscratched when I appeared. If you want to run there and get yourself killed, then I’m afraid I’ll have to deny you the chance.”\n\n*Hmm… would she help them? She very much so didn’t like the people they were fighting… the saying “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” popped into her head. And despite her being used to a lack of company, she certainly wasn’t against it…*\n\n“My reasons may be different than yours, but I do plan to offer my support. I already have a Kargarok looking for Saina in the desert; it’ll lead her here when it spies her. And since I know it hasn’t found her yet, then perhaps she’s decided to check on the stronghold. She can fly, after all, and would be able to leave the area before the soldiers caught up to her, if they even tried to give chase.”\n\n*The Stalfos seemed to take the arrow to the side of the bone shelf as Lusaimi continued to write in her book. She hadn’t even looked up at Leo during her talking; now that the arrow wasn’t being taken out, she didn’t have that small second of discomfort to look up. Lusaimi was thinking purely logically, and as such, felt no need to plead with the man before her. She was simply right. Going to the stronghold would be suicide, at least for now.*" } ]
[ { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*He scoffed has he pushed off the table, causing it to move slightly. Leo was indeed thinking with his heart, which is something he’s been doing ever since Selena came into his life. Lusaimi doesn’t know the importance of the situation, but of course not.* “…You have before dawn.” He needed as much moonlight as possible. It would take him way longer to make it to selena on foot, so it being night would make it easier and allows him to use his Stal horse.*\n\n*Meanwhile, he took the time to examine the interior of the witches base. It might prove useful to him later on…once he gets a green potion.* “You wouldn’t happen to have an extra green potion would you?” *He felt a bit defenseless being down here without magic, but he can still make do with his own skills.*\n\n*Also…why was she helping him? She only just met Saina and the others, but only knows Leo through Saina. To Leo she’s just some random Gerudo witch.*" }, { "author": "_d6", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Roewen avoided eye contact and focused mostly on their surroundings. They perked up the moments their name was spoken, but would soon go right back to normal as soon as they realized they had no idea what they were saying.*\n\n*It was true that monsters had a tendency to follow the strongest, which was part of the reason Roewen followed Leo around all the time, but the way Roewen saw it, it was mostly because Roewen got something that they had been wanting from Leo: respect. Something that isn't too abundant when you're cannon fodder in Ganon's massive army. Being with Leo and the Sting made Roewen feel more like... someone. Hell, Roewen didn't even have an official name before they met the Sting. That's how unimportant they used to be.*\n\n*Through the Sting, Roewen discovered that having actual friends beats lounging around in a camp only waiting to be thrown at someone by a moblin or blown up or shot or-... Yeah. It was a cruel world for weaker monsters like Roewen, but they had found a second life. One where they weren't fodder, meant to die for someone else's sake.*\n\n*...But of course, these were thoughts that Roewen, while grateful for them, had no way of expressing.*\n\n*Whatever. The bokoblin resumed their regular bokoblin behavior, wandering off a few meters to sniff at something interesting they found on the ground.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Lusaimi almost seemed to chuckle a bit as Leo claimed she had still dawn. As if Leo had control over the situation, or had the ability to demand anything. The Dozen around him were quite the proof of his lack of power here, in her domain.*\n\n“Sure. We’ll go with that.”\n\n*Besides the added on bone furniture, the place looked the exact same as the boss room… with one exception. Now that he was looking in detail, Leo would spy that the central thing Lusaimi spied earlier was a strange i of Stalfos bones, meshed with tiny pieces of bone that seemed… different somehow. Logic would dictate they aren’t more Stalfos bones, as there would be no reason for them to be so small… and what was with the symbols surrounding it? Judging by the circle surrounding it, it was a ritual of some sort… but for what purpose?*\n\n*Lusaimi closed the book. She finally finished writing in it, getting lucky enough to not have screwed up her writing after Leo shook the table. With a slam and handing it off to a Stalfos, she finally looked up to see the shadow around Leo’s hands… Well. He may not be a dark magician like her, but shadow magic was very useful.*\n\n“Before that… I have a favor to ask. The magic potion is yours after that. Just follow me.”\n\n*Walking to the only interesting thing in the room, the central ritual, she stood next to it.*\n\n“This small piece here. Touch it. What do you sense from it?”\n\n*Although Lusaimi believed either kind of Shadow magic would work for the Stallord, in truth, it was only the Twili’s brand of it that would work; it was simply too different from the other on a core level. But the Shiekah’s shadow magic would feel a beat of life from within; perhaps even knowledge that this was indeed the Stallord’s tiny remains. It wouldn’t be enough to weave a connection tissue between those remains and the Stalfos’ bones, but it would see the path to do so, and gain the knowledge that it was physically possible.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo was a bit hesitant at first, but he would’ve been given a potion, so he did what he was told. He approached the piece and first hovered his hand over it.* “Hmm…hmph?” *He felt something, familiar, but different. He then places he hand on it, letting his shadow circulate it.*\n\n*He closed his eyes as he felt the energy in this piece.* “It feels…familiar, but different. It’s hard to explain.” *He then lets go and wipes his hand on his jacket.* “It’s like walking into your house with different furniture…if that makes sense.” *He sorta looks at the object before turning to the witch.* “What the fuck is this?“" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The Kargarok, having found Saina above the sand sea, led her back to the grounds without delay.*\n\n“The entire reason I’ve chosen to take residence here. The exact part you touched is a part of the shattered remains of the great beast that resides in this chamber; the Stallord, the lord of all Stal, as the name implies. Most of the rest of the skull is its replacement skull, as apparently somebody had smashed the original before I arrived. But the beauty of the Stal is their mastery over death. As long as a tinge of life remains, they can pull themselves back together. Especially this one, as it seems to be infused with a kind of shadow magic. Judging by your reaction, you felt it then? That tinge of magic infused into its being?”\n\n*Lusaimi actually seemed to show some emotion here. Intrigue, mostly, but she also seemed to seriously care for Leo’s answer. The scientist within her was absolutely ecstatic right now, finally getting progress on something she had been stuck on for months.*\n\n*As the Kargarok landed, it have out a squack to let itself be known. The 4 Stalfos on the roof looked at it, then Saina, then made a tiny path down the stairs. It wasn’t as walled off as when Leo had to deal with the same thing, but the idea was the same. The Stalfos in front of the staircase up would move as well, allowing Saina to enter without anything in the way.*\n\n“Ah, perfect timing.”" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Saina would go through the skies as determined as ever however his mood was even more dower now. It seemed no good deed went unpunished. Because of his own absence everything around him went to the realms of demise. He tried to reconcile it within himself more and more, but it seemed thinking on it only made him more emotional. His reddened face filled with rage and despair was this perhaps what Leo felt after his loss? Having the ones closest to you taken or absent with nothing you could do? Once again he was put into that dark part of his mind back to who he was… powerless.*\n\n*Saina finally flew over the staircase and past the Stalfos only to see Leo and Lusaimi talking with each other. He landed with a loud stomp and his golden aura fading with his wings. He sighed and slammed his fist against a wall.* “Damn it all! Everything ruined… AGAIN!!!” *He tugged at the bangs of hair at the front of his face.* “They took Selena they ruined our base and now they know where we are!” *His eyes shot daggers to Leo.* “Look at me I try doing what you like. Saving the day slaying monsters helping those in need. Yet somehow you manage to bring the forces of hyrule against in barely a few days?! Damn it leo you know I ca-“ *He then shifted his head.* “You were pardoned we had no trace to us and you throw it all away for what this time?! Something digging at your pride again that you had to take on some guard captains again?!” *He let out a stressed grunt.* “Wh-what’s wrong with you. Before you never listened to me even when you weren’t a supposed leader. Look where it got you.” *He took his scarf off and threw it.* “Now you have all the power the world in our palm and you take everything away from me. Have I not worked hard enough to gain some damn respect!!! **Next time you do this I don’t know if I can save you again!!!**” *He yelled while his eyes began welling up again.*\n\n*He looked into his palms seeing part of his reflection in the well of tears that had built. His hair disheveled, his clothes tattered, bags under his eyes.* “Look what you’ve done to me!” *He winced.* “Now everyone around me sees nothing, but weakness… a worthless leader that can’t even control their emotions!”" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo's face didn't change at all while Saina spoke, but he took every word to heart. As Saina approached him, he did the same. He felt what Saina was going through...and everything he said was true.* \"Saina...\" *He placed a hand on his shoulder, letting a tear fall from his left eye.* \"You're right. Ever since I walked into your life I've made it a shit hole. I know they took Selena, and believe me I want to get her back more than you could imagine..\" *He removed his hand and glanced at the witch for a second.* \"But we can't do anything in our current state. We're defeated, for now.\"\n\n*He then marched to the bone table and opened up his book, revealing the sketches he drew of the scouts. As well as his pictobox which had images from the dark meadow.* \"I was right Saina. I know that's not something you want to hear right now, but there's something big working in the shadows, and Gaash is the source.\" *He approached Saina again.* \"I was pardon for doing something I shall carry for the rest of my life, but this time I was framed. What I found from Gaash...could be worst than the Five Kings.\" *He didn't expect Saina to listen to his words, but they needed to be said, and he wanted Saina...or somebody to listen.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Lusaimi was... very much so annoyed that the answer to her question hadn't been told. The Stallord was important to her, dammit; it would be proof of her power over Ganon; that she did not need the Triforce of Power to control such powerful beasts. That she was deserving of it's title and power, not that wicked cur.*\n\n*But... she was also no fool to interrupt these 2. They were, quite frankly, having a moment of some kind. So she just watched for now. She was glad Leo had at least tried to stop escaping this tower, at least, and accepted the reality of the situation.*\n\n*When she heard the name Gaash, she stopped for a moment. Obviously, she didn't recognize the name but... it sounded so similar to... would he really pick such a similar name? That would just be stupid... but he was doing something in the shadows... and it was something big... could it be...?*\n\n\"Well, spit it out, then. Acting dramatic won't get us anywhere here.\"\n\n*Maybe Saina wouldn't listen, but Lusaimi would. Her curiosity had been peaked by Leo's words. An unknown man, assumed to be well-known within the Castle, was doing something in the shadows... something sinister... well, of course her mind would relate it back to Ganondorf. How could it not? With how she was, especially knowing her existence mocked him, AND the magically created soldiers, AND the great beast that was being defended by those very same soldiers? At this point, in her mind, everything was starting to add up, one by one, piece by piece...*" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Saina walked to a wall feeling ignored still. He put his head down and sat with his hands held together. He listened to the two, but seemed pretty closed off by now. Once again Leo was spouting about the five kings and some grand conspiracy. He simply shook his head and waved his hand forward at him.* “Say what you will just tell me when we move to save selena.”" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*He sighed seeing how Saina was acting, but was well deserved.* \"The wanted posters claim I attempted to attack the King, which is false.\" *He laid the wanted poster on the table next to the book.* \"I approached Gaash and spoke my suspicions towards him, in which he replied by throwing me in a cage. The floor fell beneath me and I fell which what felt like hundreds of feet under the castle.\" *As he spoke he drew a sketch of his situation. He sorta nudged his head at Roewn and Lusaimi, indicating they should approach the table as well.*\n\n*Once he drew where he landed he flipped to the sketches he made of the meadow, which was old royal like stone structures, wooden floor with old carpet, then a small room.* \"I explored where I traveled under the castle. It was so dark even I couldn't bend the shadows to my will as efficiently. I made it to a room where I discovered this.\" *Finally he revealed the image from the pictobox. It was a young lady dressed in royal clothing. The frame that surrounded the painting had ancient hylian text imbedded.* \"I cannot read the language, but I know it's a form of hylian. Gaash had scribbles of these scattered across his desk.\"\n\n\"It wasn't long until he found me down there, in which he revealed where I was.\" *He posture stiffened before he made the big reveal.* \"I was in the hyrule castle of old. The old kingdom of hyrule centuries ago, buried deep underneath the one we see today.\" *He then flipped to the page where he sketched the new castle on top of an old one...Leo likes to sketch every detail he can.* \"There is where he revealed what he's been working on. Covered from corner to corner what seemed to be a giant plaza, soldiers. **His** soldiers. The same ones we've been fighting all day.\"\n\n*He pointed towards the exit, exampling where they were fighting.* \"I knew something seemed off when they stopped me. I believe my hunch was right, that Gaash is working in the shadows to control Hyrule. He's got then trust of the King, he's in a high powered position, and now he has the army.\" *Leo's head tilted to the side a bit.* \"He must've known about something under the castle... Something in the castle of old only he knew about...\"" }, { "author": "_d6", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Roewen seemed taken aback by the events of the last 5 responses. All the monster could do for the moment was freeze up and watch, wide-eyed, as Saina had a mental breakdown.*\n\n{Eyes making water. Bad thing? Bad thing maybe. Friend is suffering.}\n\n*Having absolutely no clue how to properly deal with this kind of situation, Roewen slowly went up to Saina to properly deal with the situation.*\n\n*What makes it even worse is that Roewen is very bad at reading emotions, but they wanted to do whatever they could to contribute...*\n\n*Sooner or later, the bokoblin had approached, and sat next to Saina by the wall.*\n\n*Hopefully this would go well..." }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Lusaimi, of course, approached the table, taking note of the sketch Leo had. The image from the pictobox, however, intrigued her much more.*\n\n\"Ancient Hylian... how I wish I could read it. But I've read enough legends of the past to stumble upon the language once or twice and to recognize it. Why would he possess such a thing...\"\n\n*A centuries-old castle? How she longed to visit such a place. That would be a wellspring of knowledge... she'd need to ask Leo how he entered such a place...*\n\n\"What might interest both of you to know is that the soldiers we've been fighting aren't real people. They're magical constructs that disappear upon their death. The ones me and Saina fought that were guarding the entrance to that Temple were certainly that, and I have reason to believe the soliders at that port are the same. Whatever's happening certainly hasn't been sanctioned by the crown if real people aren't even involved.\"\n\n*Leo was only confirming more and more theories in her mind. She already suspected these soldiers belonged to a certain demon, and the fact that they apparently were controlled by this so-called \"Gaash\" meant, to her, the two were one and the same. But...*\n\n\"But, why would he tell you all this? What does he have to gain by revealing his army and motivations to you? Is he simply that full of himself, or do you suspect other motives?\"\n\n*Currently, that was the one discrepancy at the moment. If Gaash was Ganon, then why would he tell Leo all this? The likely answer was that he simply believed no one could stop him... Lusaimi certainly felt it was something he would do, but... why gloat to Leo, then? What was so important about him?*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "“He asked me to lead his army..” *On the next page he begins to sketch the Darknut armor Gaash had presented him. He got the main details, the size, the helmet and armor design.* “I knew that if I would’ve accepted I’d be walking down a darker path than before…so I declined his offer.”\n\n*He scratched his head a bit, still trying to figure out Gaash’s true meaning of recruiting Leo.* “He was trying to butter me up, complimenting my determination and hate forwards the kingdom. But one things for certain. If I would’ve accepted and wear that armor, I wouldn’t be the one in control.”" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Saina watched as the wild haired bokoblin watched with sorry eyes. Then it slowly made its way to sit next to him and he simply nodded to it.*\n\n*Even with his head down he listened to Leo’s synopsis of his experience within the castle. Once again he had swore some kind of vengeance on a being out of his league. Of course he couldn’t do it alone either he had to drag everyone he knows into it. For some reason he always seemed to find trouble, but the trouble seemed to always be with powerful beings that could destroy all of hyrule.*\n\n*In the end Saina simply sighed and patted Roewen’s head.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"No... you certainly wouldn't be in control.\"\n\n*So, that was why. To lure Leo to his side, to corrupt him. An interesting plan, but certainly one that fit Ganon's M.O. That answered that question. Although... that also spawned a question. Why Leo in particular? There MUST be something special about Leo... Ganon doesn't just try to corrupt any old warrior to his side unless he's simply attempting to gather an army; and clearly, Gaash already had that.*\n\n\"Your... I'm sorry, I don't even know your name. I've told it to Saina already, but you can call me Lusaimi; although I imagine you have a few nicknames to call me instead.\"\n\n*Witch. Devil-Spawn. Demon-Lover. Monster-Sleeper. The list of names was endless, truly. She pretty much stopped expecting to get called her actual name at this point when someone knew who she was. She truly was a hated individual, at least to her knowledge. She was lucky to have grown used to it.*\n\n\"I apologize if this sounds... insulting, but, why would Gaash attempt to only recruit you among your group? Is there something unique you possess, some powerful ability you have mastered, or some artifact you won't part with?\"\n\n*Lusaimi was pretty clearly fishing for info, but it's not like she hid anything from Leo or Saina here. She was pretty upfront with who she was, and what she could do. In her mind, it was only fair they shared the same knowledge. Lusaimi knew enough about Saina, but Leo was still a mystery to her. And now, such a thing became relevant in her understanding of the situation. If he was special in some way, then perhaps he was a missing piece in the entire puzzle.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo nods his head as the witch introduced herself.* \"Leo Demose, but I'm commonly known as Strider.\" *If Lusaimi has been around for all these years, then she should know Leo by his criminal name.* \"I was an enemy to the kingdom for a few years. I committed crimes I regret, and ones I'd repeat.\" *He watches Roewen for a second. It was calming seeing the little monster comfort another friend, as it did to Leo.*\n\n\"The only thing I could think of is he wants to use my abilities and bend me to his will. I escaped the grasp of the kingdom multiple times. Seems he was fond of it.\" *Quickly though, he shook his head as he got back on the original topic.* \"Anyways, Gaash knows I'm Selena's caretaker. Which is why the soldiers were more worried about taking only me or her. He's trying to draw me in, using my daughter against me.\" *His attention then turned to Saina, making sure he's listening.* \"Selena mentioned that she new Gaash I the past. If he gets to her he will attempt to convince her that we are the real villains here.\"" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Hmm. Lusaimi didn't keep track of bounties. And considering she's been away for 20 years hiding from the Shiekah, letting them assume she's dead, growing her power in secret, it didn't help her really recognize the name. Granted, she had heard of it... but didn't know the importance of it.*\n\n\"A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Leo Demose. I have no problems with such crimes, regardless of regret or not; how do you think I discovered those soldiers were magical constructs?\"\n\n*The implication was simple in that she had killed the soldier, but any logical thought process would put that together, so she had no fear in inferring such a thing.*\n\n*\"Bend me to his will...\"*\n\n*That phrase... it made Lusaimi think... hard. Was he...? No, she didn't know enough about Leo yet. But... could he be...?*\n\n*Dammit, she was close. There was just one missing piece of info on this Leo...*\n\n\"If nothing else, that proves Gaash's corruption. No true soldier of the king would kidnap a child, If I recall, they are supposed to be above such things.\"\n\n*Lusaimi listened to Leo's words. Gaash was indeed trying to lure Leo in. The real question was whether Gaash could convince Selena that he was the \"good guy\". Clearly, the idea was to break Leo's spirit by turning his daughter against him... which meant Leo was considered important enough to even try that...*\n\n*Which made it all the more clearer that, even if her exact thought process was wrong, Leo was extremely important to this Gaash in some form. He was a key piece.*\n\n\"Rushing to the castle will only get us killed, especially with just us 3. First things first; we need to find and reassemble your team. From there, we'll need to formulate a plan to storm the castle; likely we'll need some new tool Gaash won't expect us to have to enter... or perhaps we can utilize the underground castle as an entrance of sorts, but before even then, we'll need to know the layout of the castle itself to find your daughter. Perhaps someone on the inside would be useful if you have one, or...\"\n\n*Lusaimi kept thinking in her head, before giving off a loud yawn. Dear Din, she had been awake for almost 2 whole days now. Her adrenaline and curiosity had kept her awake, but now, she was just too tired to formulate an invasion plan.*\n\n\"But... with your injuries, we'll need to rest first. We can't expect to fight those things again without being in peak condition. You're both free to spend the night here; I doubt you'd be able to safely spend the night at your stronghold, or many other places for that matter. I apologize in advance for the lack of furniture; I've grown used to sleeping on the floor, or a wall, and wasn't expecting guests.\"\n\n*With that, Lusaimi collected her things, had her Stalfos put everything away, and simply leaned against a wall... was she really just about to go sleep right now? She hadn't closed her eyes yet, although she definitely looked like she was ready for it.*" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Saina could hardly spare too much sympathy for Leo at this point. He stood up and joined where they were discussing their plans. All the while having that same irked expression on him with his brow continuously flinching.* “Well they’ve already done a well enough job in convincing Vekhi and Lenel. Not even a second after I left that mountain was my life threatened and I was pinned to the ground. They turned on me in an instant and I could do nothing to change their mind. Simply over my proximity to you!” *He scratched his head.* “I know you like to call me crazy often, but have you ever considered that ever since you joined the Dai Lai and the Desert’s sting. You were always a massive liability I’m sure even now none of what I’m saying is getting through to you!”\n\n*He squinted.* “You’re lucky I care so much for Selena in any other case I don’t know if I’d come to save you from whatever dungeon dark world you were trapped in. I mean when’s the last time you’ve come to rescue me? Certainly when we weren’t capturing the golden cucco or tracking down glyphs. You just slipped away whenever it suited you. Maybe it was because you thought I could handle it and guess what I could!” *He grabbed at Leo’s collar his teeth gritted.* “I’ll tell you this now once we save Selena I don’t know if I can afford to have you around. As a matter of fact I want you to promise right now! Promise you’ll listen to what I say and take heed of my commands! If you keep acting in your own self interest no matter how valiant you think your cause is! You’re gonna get us all killed you self righteous imbecile!”" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo allowed Saina to grab his collar before meeting him with his usual glare.* “We’re not going to discuss the past and who saved who. I understand your feelings towards me.” *He then grabbed his wrist and forced Saina to let go of his collar.*\n\n“Right now we don’t need one leader. We all need to work together if we’re going to save Selena.” *He began to collect his evidence and stashed them into his coat.* “Once she’s saved you can decide whether you want us around or not. I don’t care about the Sting. Selena is my main priority, and I hope she’s yours too.”" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Saina simply pushed Leo away and put his head down with only a glancing eye at him as he walked away.* “Of course you don’t care about the Sting. You’ve only ever cared about what **you** want. I don’t know why I ever expected anything different. At the end of the day you’re just an old man set in his ways. A bounty hunter with no cause.”" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Lusaimi was... mostly annoyed at the altercation, really, but it seemed to solve itself, so she didn't enter it. There was room for all 3 of them to sleep in separate areas if they wished, although one of them would have to be nearby Lusaimi. Perhaps tomorrow she'd focus on giving herself more space in this place...*\n\n*With Lusaimi's eyes finally closing, the shelves on the wall were all perfect for looking and reading from, so long as you didn't try to steal one, anyway. On the right, each had the name of some monster on them; \"Bokoblin\", \"Moblin\", \"Lizfalos\", although some seemed more specific than others.*\n\n*\"How does mastering an element affect a monster?\", one was called*\n\n*\"The rare intelligence of monsters, and how it directly relates to their power.\", another was titled.*\n\n*Each book on this shelf were research notes of monsters, accumulated over 150 years of time and energy in order to understand and control them. Seemingly, the lower one went on the shelf, the more powerful a beast was. The bottom one even had \"Darknut\" and \"Lynel\" on there, despite Lusaimi not summoning one in a situation that would've easily been useful to have one.*\n\n*The left one, however... was simply numbered. But the strange thing was that they didn't start at 1. Well, not technically. There was a book with the number 1 on it... but it also seemed to imply that the book went through 1-19. From 20 onward, each book held only a single number, all the way up to 180. For what purpose... it was entirely unknown. Perhaps reading through them would answer some questions?*" }, { "author": "_d6", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The bokoblin didn't move from their spot. Their typically expressionless face had a dejected, downcast look on it.*\n\n*They were scared and angry. They were mad at themself for not being able to save Selena when they could, despite their best efforts.*\n\n*...and to make things worse, the situation had gotten super heated, too. Since their ears were too big for their hands to cover, they had to listen, even if they didn't understand.*\n\n*What were they even supposed to do at this point?*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Maybe Saina was right. No matter how hard he tried to change in the end he always goes back to his nature. He sighs as he made his way to one of the rooms. It was the one next to Lusaimi. He laid his swords down and took off his coat, laying it on the ground. The blood that was drawn was now more visible; stained on to his clothes.*\n\n*He groaned and mumbles “fuck” as he touched the wound, still not treated properly. Then he remembered what he was owed. He approached the witch and cleared his throat to get her attention.* “Hey so…about that green potion.” *As he waited he noticed Roewen. He gave the little bokoblin a small wave and a gentle smile.*" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Saina went back to the corner of the walls and put his head in his arms once again. This time he brought out his pole and released the scythe blade from it leaving a loud ‘shink’ that broke the silence of the room. Within the darkness slow cuts could be heard as small locks of hair began to fall away.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"I don't recall you answering my question. Did you feel that tinge of magic from the skull? What did it feel like?\"\n\n*Lusaimi opened her eyes, given some energy to hear out Leo's answer. She took one of her Green Potions out as she asked this, ready to give it. As long as her question was sufficiently answered, whether she liked it or not, she'd give it to him.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Like I said before, it was hard to explain. It felt familiar, like its mine but isn’t.” *He looked at the shadow aura rising from his hands then looked back at Lusaimi.* “Like entering your house but the furniture wasn’t yours.”\n\n*Leo didn’t know how else to explain the feeling as he’s still learning how to use his shadow magic. Having holy light magic mixed in didn’t help either, as at times both battle inside him to take control.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Hmm... Unfortunate. I'll need a Twili's help then... perhaps I will need to further experiment with that...\"\n\n*Lusaimi hadn't bothered to extend her life again ever since the first time she did it, what was likely close to 160 years ago now. She was fully confident that, if she ever took the time to do so, she could give herself another century or so, maybe even 2, so that wasn't a problem. It was, however, very annoying... although she wouldn't do it immediately. She'd give herself time.*\n\n\"Thank you, either way. You've saved me some time and effort in researching the wrong magic, as well as clarified an important difference.\"\n\n*So they were more different than she thought... unfortunate. Lusaimi walked over and handed Leo the potion, not willing to throw it and it potentially breaking.*\n\n\"I would like to know how exactly you can fight tomorrow if you wouldn't mind. If we're going to fight the royal guard, we'll need to work together and know each other's strengths and weaknesses like the back of our hands. And that also means solving whatever problem you have with Saina. You two arguing is only going to keep you from getting your daughter back.\"\n\n*Lusaimi looked over to Saina, listening to the cuts. Damn it all... this was a rough crew she was working with, but it was better than no crew at all.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Saina is an…” *He listen to the cuts as well.* “…interesting character. But he’s not that bad. We just, don’t see eye to eye at times.” *He sorta leaned against the wall next to Lusaimi as he spoke.* “Every second we wait, the longer the kingdom has Selena….” *He mumbled under his breath, sorta zoning out.*\n\n*He then snapped back in for a bit, answering the witches question.* “Once my magic is regenerated I’ll be fine to fight. We’ll need to move quickly, but carefully. And we do need to make it to the stronghold. Once we gather what we need from there I can lock it down, preventing anyone or anything from entering.” *His sawblade shimmered in the light of one of the torches.* “…there’s something I need to do there.”" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"No, I don't believe she is. I've already worked with her for a bit. Eccentric, sure, but certainly not bad.\"\n\n*God, now she was reminded of the whole bad disguise thing from earlier. That was a nightmare and a half.*\n\n\"Hopefully the enemy will have left by then. It's possible the guards will have trapped the place, or taken it as an outpost. At the very least, they'll expect your return.\"\n\n*Of course they would. Lusaimi would if she did the same. Considering the fact that Leo was going to before Saina came, the logic proved itself. At least he had calmed down.*\n\n\"So long as your injuries are taken care of, then I don't see why we can't visit the stronghold. Let's just hope Gaash hasn't already taken whatever it is you need there.\"\n\n*From here, Lusaimi had planned to close her eyes, but that last bit of energy gave way for her to feel... a sense of familiarity from Leo. It was clearly dark magic of some sort... she could recognize it from a mile away, especially due to how rare it was.*\n\n\"Do you... utilize dark magic of some sort? Forgive me for asking, but I've lived with it for so long that I can practically sniff out that magic.\"" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "“I don’t think Gaash would want a forge with extra metal.” *He slowly reveals the evil crystal he’s had ever since he made the trip up to Hebra.* “Im going to use this to help defeat Gaash.” *He made sure she could see it, but kept it close to him.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Lusaimi crouched down to look at it... now THAT was a beauty.*\n\n\"Where did you get that?\"\n\n*Without even thinking, Lusaimi's hand seemed to slowly move towards the crystal. She didn't intend to steal it, of course, she was just so... fascinated by such a thing. She wanted to study it, to see how it might've been made... to utilize it for her own gain.*\n\n*It wasn't hers to use, of course, as it was Leo's, but her innate curiosity carried her in this moment.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo slowly moved it away from the witch, stashing it back in his pocket.* “I traded skulltula tokens for this. There’s a woman in a cave over in Hebra mountains that trades randoms items for them.” *He raised a brow as he looked down at her.* “Figured you of all people would know about her. You two would probably get along.”\n\n*Leo obviously knew of Lusaimi’s nature. She works with evil arts that are shunned and hated upon by the royal family and anyone that’s generally good. Seems the two have some things in common.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Fascinating. I'll need to find some then.\"\n\n*Where she would begin looking for any, she didn't know. When Leo moved his hand back, Lusaimi finally got enough self-control to move her hands back as well.*\n\n\"For the past 2 decades, I have hidden away underground, convincing the Shiekah I was dead. I had too much heat on me at the time. I understand I missed some big things. Unfortunate, but now I certainly won't be missing such things.\"\n\n\"A rather valuable item that is. Whenever you feel the need to utilize it, I'd like to see the result. Condensed Dark Magic... I wonder what it will be capable of...\"\n\n*Leo was becoming a more fascinating subject as he spoke; she was certainly wrong to be disappointed earlier. The things he had, the plans he was involved in... clearly, he was an important one to watch out for.*" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Saina had gone at it in a focused daze for what seemed like a millennia to himself. He had to make sure every spot was even. With just the use of his hands he kept desperate track of each measurement and how he cut across it. The sides of his head was reduced to a fine stubble while he was still working out how to properly style the hair on the top of his head.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo had a plan. But it required digging up the past, which isn’t what he wanted.* “I’m going to infuse it into my sawblade. There’s just one issue.” *He stared at his blade with a menacing glare.* “Part of my soul in trapped inside the sword. A part of me I do not wish to bring back out.” *He was talking about his shadow, the one that haunted him for over a year.*\n\n*If Lusaimi was paying attention to any details while Leo’s been here, then she would’ve noticed that Leo was the only one not casting a shadow within her ruins. He disconnected his shadow from his body and soul, trapping it within his blade.*" }, { "author": "_d6", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Roewen hardly acknowledged te wave; they were a bit too mentally exhausted to do much of anything. (Also I was busy so I couldn't write anything either)*\n\n*...Back to the present, after a minute they took to gather their thoughts and clear their mind, the bokoblin got up to go check on Leo and... that other individual whose name slipped from Roewen's mind... Loo... Lu.. uh, Lu... Lwait hold on I got this- Lou...*\n\n*Loose Salami.*\n\n*Close enough.*\n\n*Roewen would eventually find the two, letting out a grunt to announce their arrival.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Lusaimi did not a shit about the little Bokoblin that joined them… “Row boat” or whatever stupid they gave this Bokoblin. Another strange stipulation this group had. As long as it didn’t bother her, she didn’t care. She had no plans to make a connection with a being designed from the ground up to kill people. It was more of a weapon than anything.*\n\n*What was more surprising, however, was Leo mentioning how he had locked away a part of his soul. Like, excuse me? What the hell?*\n\n“You… trapped a part of your own soul within your weapon? Why?”\n\n*Lusaimi’s own soul was as black as the magic she used. Tainted after over a century of being too close to corruption. If she would, she would likely get a new one…*\n\n*Of course, that was impossible. And even if it was, her soul had proven it’s worth. It stood against the corruption well, and here she was, still crouching near Leo, still sane.*\n\n*Still fighting. And winning, at that.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "“It’s….complicated…” *he waved at Roewen, acknowledging their presence.* “I met a young witch, who was the leader of our little group a while back. I did her a favor, and she gifted me a spell book to learn how to control the shadows.” *After saying that he downed the green potion that was given to him.*\n\n*Once his magic was replenished, a surge of shadow aura circled him for a quick second before dying down.* “The book took possession of me. Days later I noticed strange things happening to my mind and body. I discovered my shadow abilities, but was soon confronted by my own shadow.” *Waving his hand, he conjured a shadow clone right in front of him. The figure was pitch black, only outlining Leo’s body with glowing red eyes.* “It was alive, and wanted to take control of me. Yes it saved me from time to time, but I knew if it lingered I wouldn’t be in full control.”\n\n*Once the figure disappeared he points to his blade.* “So I sealed it away. Using the ancient Magic blade I managed to cut the shadow from my soul, and trapped it in my blade.”" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Lusaimi listened intently to Leo’s words. About a book that tries to possess him, to control him. About his own shadow trying to take control of him.*\n\n*As the copy appeared before her, it became apparent that Leo’s shadow powers were… certainly powerful. And likely only moreso if he took this part of his soul back. And yet… there was a question Lusaimi had left.*\n\n“When you cut that shadow out… I would images you lost a bit of power. What did you replace it with?”\n\n*Lusaimi imagined it was another element he hadn’t shown. Perhaps fire or ice; those 2 were pretty standard. Those words of her shadow were giving her ideas, thoughts, breakthroughs… she almost seemed fully awake again.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*This is where it gets more complicated. He raised his left hand and showed her a scar that never healed properly. Within the scar there was a slight glow. And it got brighter, and brighter. Eventually a light figure of himself appeared where the shadow stood. It was the same way except it gave off a light golden glow, with a light blue glow where the eyes were.* “This filled in some of it.”\n\n“I obtained master ore from the same mystery woman and infused it into my katana. This…light version of me is what kept my shadow from taking over my body. But just like it, I sealed it away into my blade. That’s why I wield them both.” *The light figure disappears and Leo slouches against the wall.*\n\n*He let out a quiet sigh as he rubbed his head.* “So…technically half my soul or spirit is fused inside those blades. It weakened my magic a bit, but it made me focus on more important things.” *He was referring to Selena of course. Every second he’s been away from her has been hell.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Lusaimi’s mouth went… agape when she saw the light. She didn’t expect it. How could she? From shadow to light… it made sense, of course, but still….*\n\n*The same, mysterious person had given him both powers. They were responsible for both the attempt on his life and this new, seemingly better path…*\n\n*But Leo was important to Gaash. Which meant he was important to Ganon. To turn a user of the light…*\n\n*Suddenly, everything clicked. The mark of light mixed with that of shadow. He just couldn’t help himself, could he? Not for a single moment could he hold himself back.*\n\n*She just understood everything. But… she wanted to know one more thing. Out of curiosity, not out of necessity.*\n\n“Tell me, Leo Demose… why did you accept the shadow book from that individual? Was it for power? Revenge?”\n\n*A story weaved in Lusaimi’s mind. Whether it was accurate or not, no one would know, but she thought it was. And so such a grand tale, of revenge and death, made in her head, as all things involving this old witch must be.*\n\n*The death of the world was upon them all. And by chance or by fate, Lusaimi had just found the one guided to cause it. And she decided to use him against the one who guided him to such a fate. After all, she had gone against hers time and time again. Helping someone else to do the same would be… the greatest thing she might be able to do.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "“…” *He hesitated for a second. He’s already told her so much of his past, but at this point he doesn’t have much left to lose.*\n\n*He clears his throat before he spoke.* “I had a wife and a daughter. Mary and Rose. Rose just turned 6…and I was on my way to become the kings personal sheikah guards.” *He choked up a bit, but straighten himself out.* “The kingdom let their men get corrupted, and so they targeted me as a threat to replace their squad. They took me and my family, and forced me to watch as they murdered them both.” *As he spoke his body was frozen, staring at the ground the entire time.*\n\n“I was locked in that dungeon for months, before a man saved me. He brought me to the organization called the brotherhood, where he gave me my second life. Leo Demose was dead, and Strider was born.” *He then glanced at the gauntlet crossbow attached to his left arm.* “I merely used them to get closer to my goal. I wanted to slaughter each and every one of those soldiers that was part of the murder of my family. Anyone who got in my way suffered the same fate…but it wasn’t enough. On that night I craved for power. I needed to be stronger to take down the kingdom, and so I made the deal with the witch.” *He raised his right hand again, letting the shadow swirl.* “So to answer your question, yes. For power **and** revenge.”" } ]
[ { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Once again, Lusaimi listened again to the whole thing. Unlike the previous bits of information, this wasn't technically necessary, as she felt confident in her assumption; this was simply proving it, as well as giving some... backstory.*\n\n*To Lusaimi, Gaash was either a direct puppet of Ganondorf or the dark lord himself. The proof in this was the soldiers he commanded; they disappeared upon death, as they were magical constructs. These constructs were deployed both to attack Leo's base of operations and defend a certain monster that was supposedly hurting Nayru, one of the 3 golden goddesses. That beast certainly belonged to Ganon, so the soldiers that were keeping people from fighting it were certainly serving him as well; hence the connection between Gaash and Ganon.*\n\n*Leo, meanwhile, had been manipulated since day 1. His family was killed to make him hate the royal family, and given dark, ever-consuming magic to have the deed done. And yet... he resisted, found his way to the light, and started a new family. As if this was a fairy tale. But that was all part of the plan. Gaash had offered him a seat of power to make sure he wasn't corrupted just yet; when it was proven, his family was taken from him once more.*\n\n*His child will be executed before him. And he will kill everyone in that castle; without mercy, without remorse, without hesitation. From here, Ganon will rise from the ashes of the castle, free to destroy this world without any resistance or warning; he will allow the Gods to watch a war he orchestrated both sides of, from the very beginning.*\n\n*This was Leo's fate. To usher in the death of the world. It wasn't his fault... he was manipulated for this very purpose; made to believe it was right to cause this much death. But the dark lord had forgotten to account for her. In his pride, he forgot to account for the being that he a taken part of his plan from.*\n\n*Lusaimi placed a hand on Leo's shoulder. Selena must live, or this world will burn. There is no other way around it. The Dominoes are too close to each other; when the child dies, nothing will stop the wrath of a father who has lost his family twice over.*\n\n\"You have my word, Leo Demose, that I do everything in my power to rescue your child. But I must ask you, Leo Demose... when you retrieve that sword with the darkened half of your soul... shatter it. I will teach you to control your dark half, as I learned to do for over 150 years. I will not allow you to fall into the darkness that half of your soul harbors. Whether you trust it or not, you have my word.\"\n\n*Whether Leo took her for her word or not, Lusaimi was dead serious. Utilizing the light was Ganon's plan; to make this war look like a classic \"Good vs. Bad\"... only to flip the script and have the 'Good Guy' burn the world down. The Gods did love their 'plot twists'... fucking animals.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*There was some comfort in what she said, but he was also confused. Why is this stranger all of a sudden wanting to help him? Maybe she's been through a similar situation...* \"If I wanted to destroy my shadow I would've a long time ago.\" *He sorta took her hand off his shoulder and laid it back down.* \"Even if it's the dark side of me, it's still me. But, if you still wish to teach me how to control it, I'll overcome it.\" *His eyes then faced his blade.* \"I'll put it in its place...\"\n\n*After a moment he turned to the witch.* \"Other than magic, how else do you command these monsters? Last time I did, I was only able to convince a small army to follow me.\" *He was of course talking about the early stages of the Sting. Back when it went by The Dai Lai.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Lusaimi nodded at what Leo first said. Good. If he was willing to learn, then all would be well. In her mind, the Dark Lord's plan had already failed by their meeting.*\n\n\"These beasts are used to following the commands of whoever is the strongest. Yet, who would be stronger than the one who possesses the artifact of power itself, a fragment of the triforce? That is the philosophy they live by; and yet, their creator hasn't shown himself in centuries. These monsters possess the instinct to follow him but have never practiced it. My control over them is... invasive, to say the least. I enter their mind and repurpose this instinct to follow me instead. To ensure I remain their God if their original Lord comes back... I remove their free will. They have no choice but to follow my orders. They are slaves to me. And that is a far better role than the one they were initially given life for; to kill for the sake of killing.\"\n\n*Lusaimi finally stood up, leaning back onto the wall. With Leo's agreement, and her curiosity sated, she was ready for sleep...*\n\n\"It has taken me decades to study them to perfect this craft, and I have centuries' worth of improvements to make. I will not be done until every single monster in this land bows before me, their free-will destroyed and their choices mine to make for them. It will not be done until I prove to the Goddess Din herself what someone with Ganon's power can do for this land, not against it.\"\n\n*This would be the first time she actually spoke his name in... decades. She basically never spoke it aloud. Think about it, sure, as he was a constant presence in her work, but usually her interactions with others never related back to it, so such a topic was simply not there. But his plan was coming to fruition, and Leo was not just a central piece; he was the most important piece in it.*" }, { "author": "_d6", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Roewen was pretty sure that if they believed reeeeeal hard they could probably mind control someone into doing a goofy lil dance.*\n\n*Actually no they didn't. Roewen didn't really know how to do anything right now other than stand around and silently hope no one tried to mind control them or something. They weren't actually sure how vulnerable their mind was.*\n\n*...Anyway, the next best thing to do than standing around and staring at random objects is to go around and touch said objects.*\n\n*...Which is what the bored bokoblin decided to do. Reaching up to the bookshelf (that I'm assuming is in the same area), they pulled out a random book and started flipping through it, looking to see if there were any pictures in it (are there even pictures in them?)*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*His perspective on Lusaimi slightly changed after hearing this. He knew she was some sort of witch, but one that wants to dominate all monsters? Someone with that much power…* “Yeah…Everyone has a goal right?” *He honestly didn’t know what to say, but he would have to keep an eye on her from now on.*\n\n*He then stood up and stretched a bit before giving the witch one last glance.* “We should rest… We’ll discuss our next plan in the morning.” *Leo then made his way back to his gear where he sat up against the wall, and began to meditate.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*In truth, Lusaimi was ready to join Leo… until she saw Roewen reach for a book on the left shelf.*\n\n*Oh no you don’t.*\n\n*To Roewen, the book would just contain words. No pictures or anything like it. So it probably wouldn’t matter when the book was snatched from his claws, forcibly taken off the pages as not to rip anything. There was no kindness in her movements whatsoever.*\n\n*Looking at the cover, Roewen had pulled the book with the number “30” on it… she decided to read a bit of the page, just for memories sake.*\n\n```Day 3,750\n\nThey come every night now. I’m not sure why. I don’t know anything about them. It’s difficult to remember them. All I know is that I want to die each and every time it happens.\n\nThe pain is getting worse. Headaches are becoming more debilitating. I have to take breaks inbetween writing. Pain in my wrists and legs, as if someone is sawing into them.\n\nI… I’m scared. I want to go home. I don’t understand what’s happening and I want to see my parents again. I’m sorry… just let me die in peace… ```\n\n*Damn it all. Why did Roewen have to pull this one out? Unlucky cur… she put the book back in its place.*\n\n“No. Bad.”\n\n*Maybe if it was their pet, it would understandable simple words? Lusaimi might need to stay awake until it falls asleep… she didn’t need it ripping into her research notes…*" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Saina after a bit of shivering in the corner and going about twisting and combing his hair. It reminded him of his own childhood in a way. It was what his mentor liked to keep him looking like. A proper aspiring scholarly mage with well kept short curled while well groomed on the sides. He would’ve shaved his face too, but he always did that almost every three days habitually.*\n\n*He then looked up to see Roewen perusing the books and snickered a bit.* “Oh leave him be he’s just trying to learn like the rest of us. There’s more to that head of his then his horn.”" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Lusaimi didn’t much care for Saina’s new hairstyle. It was more effective at not getting in the way of anything, at least, so it wasn’t inherently bad.*\n\n“This isn’t knowledge I want shared with anyone, beast or not. I wouldn’t let my own mother read these if she was still alive.”\n\n*Lusaimi’s parents were both definitely dead. She had outlived them likely twice over by now. She barely remembered who they were, anyways. For mow, Lusaimi was forced to watch this bokoblin, making sure it didn’t grab any other important journals.*" }, { "author": "_d6", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The bokoblin stopped and allowed the book to be taken from their hands; they didn't understand it anyway. However, Roewen was not a pet, and would most likely not listen to this for long.*\n\n*Oh, hi Saina.*\n\n*Roewen had been meaning to check in on him earlier, actually. The books had them a bit distracted, though. Anyway, Roewen greeted Saina with a friendly grunt.*\n\n*...And unlike Salami over here, Roewen seemed interested in the new hairstyle. Recently, Roewen had been styling their own hair to be less in their face, actually.*" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Oh I see a personal collection that’s fair enough. Do you perhaps have anything you’d be willing to let others read? I know your area of expertise revolves monsters and such so maybe you have a book on bokoblins? That was Roewen can learn how to read and learn more about himself in the process.” *He leaned over Roewen’s head smiling when he sounded his friendly grunt.* “In a way perhaps even Roewen here could teach you more about monster? Who knows what really goes on in the inner machinations of this amazing bokoblin’s mind.” *He touched the tip of Roewen’s horn.* “At the very least he’s loyal.” *He said snidely in reference to a certain someone.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Meanwhile, Leo was deep into meditation, trying to clear his mind as he drifts away. He wanted to find Selena, he needed to find her. He made a promise and so far he’s close to breaking it. She hasn’t fully made it to the kingdom yet, so there’s still hope.*\n\n*He sat with his legs crossed, back flat against the wall, his hands laid on his knees. His breathing was slow but consistent. This was the way he’s always meditated. Learned it from his time back in kakariko village.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Lusaimi sighed and went over to the right shelf, filled to the brim with actual research notes she didn't mind sharing. They had... some drawings of the animal in question. The more thesis-based ones sometimes had drawings, although it was simply luck of the draw for them. She grabbed... there; the one simply titled \"Bokoblin.\" Giving this beast one of her less valuable ones was probably a good idea; if ripped it up, it wouldn't matter as much, and hopefully, the one filled with drawings of its own species would be one it wouldn't want to rip up.*\n\n\"It's not getting another if it destroys this one.\"\n\n*She was too tired to stay awake to watch this thing. So she walked over and placed it near Saina and the bokoblin. If it stayed on the floor, that was fine. Better than it being chewed up. Afterwards, she walked back to her wall, leaned against it, and finally closed her eyes with the full intent of sleeping. As long as no one did anything to grab her attention, she would find herself asleep.*" }, { "author": "_d6", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Roewen stayed up. They happily opened the book up and started to 'read' it.*\n\n*...Upside down.*\n\n{Strange thing?}\n\n*It's upside down, genius.*\n\n{Oh.}\n\n*How long had it been since Roewen had seen another bokoblin? As far as their camp knows, they just wandered off one day and never came back... not that they cared about a lowly red.*\n\n*Say, that drawing looks familiar...*\n\n{...Me?}\n\n*Good observation, Roewen. You are, in fact, a bokoblin.*\n\n{...Needs more hair.}\n\n*Fair point.*\n\n{...}\n\n{...Guts. Inside... me?}\n\n*Ohhh boy. Maybe save that part for later, dude...*\n\n*Roewen took the time to admire each drawing, before they closed the book and set it aside. It remained in surprisingly good condition, for something that had been in the hands of an actual bokoblin for more than a minute.*\n\n*...Say, they oughta give this drawing thing a try one day.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The drawings of bokoblins were surprisingly varied. The first was a simple, straight-on drawing of one holding a normal club. Another was of multiple surrounding their most recent kill, slobbering over an animal. A third was of close to half a dozen huddled around a fireplace, cooking meat, among other drawings with relevant notes in place.*\n\n*Roewen should consider itself lucky, however, that he couldn't read the notes. They were very much so being insulted on every page.*\n\n```An aggressively stupid beast that lives in packs\n\nDisgustedly slobbering over their kill, they seem to find satisfaction in the act of killing in and of itself\n\nDespite their general lack of intelligence, they seem to have learned how to cook; it isn't necessary for their life, though; perhaps it is purely meant for the further enjoyment of their kills? Or maybe they just like seeing the meat burn to a certain color.```\n\n*Yeah, good thing they couldn't read the words. The drawings were surprisingly good, though. 180 years of living gave Lusaimi time to learn a few different skills, one of which included drawing for research.*" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Saina was standing over Roewen’s shoulder. He observed the slow, but still forward moving profess of Roewen’s own observations. Seems he saw himself and was delighted. With this Saina thought it best to help the bokoblin further internet it.*\n\n“Let me see here Roewen I think I can help explain to you what this book knows about your species.” *Saina put his finger over the words as he read them aloud.* “Aggressively stupid beast that lives in packs.” *He hummed and mumbled in between as it seemed Lusaimi didn’t have much care for bokoblins.* “Disgustedly slobbering- find satisfaction in killing…” *Saina then laughed nervously as he brushed his hand over and smiled to Roewen.* “Erm this may be a bit more biased so I’ll tell you some of my own observations in bokoblins.”\n\n“You’re exceptional builders and survivalists able to form successful groups in almost any biome. On few occasions I’ve even seen them dancing in excitement when a nice bit of meat is on the spit. Not to mention you yourself Roewen have a beautiful mane of hair!”" }, { "author": "_d6", "is_bot": false, "message": "*From the death of one comes the sustenance of others... Perhaps this is why bokoblins enjoy the act of killing so much.*\n\n*Roewen remained completely oblivious to anything that was written, thank fuck, but they understood enough about what Saina said about their hair to take the compliment. The bokoblin ran one of their hands through their hair and grunted happily in response.*\n\n*The rest of what Saina said had Roewen a bit confused, though. The words were a bit too long for their little idiot bokoblin brain.*\n\n*Roewen yawned. They could take a little bit more 'reading' before they would decide to catch those pesky Z's.*" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Saina could hardly sleep after the day he had. There was at least comfort in caring for Roewen one of the few sting members left loyal to the cause and uncaptured. Many often mocked the intelligence and cruelty of monster. Saina believe they were just like any other with goals that often get into conflict with others. Just like people they could be manipulated or bribed into coming under your command. Not to mention stab you in the back when things seemed less fruitful.*\n\n*These thoughts clouded Saina’s mind all night. It left in the corner fixing up his appearance to the very last detail all night. He was still shaking from the absolute weakness he felt in himself…*\n\n*Saina grew bored simply sitting around wide eyed and unnerved. With everyone else dozed off or sleeping Saina had to find someway to pass the time.*\n\n*Quietly he rose up from the floor and moved his way to the bookshelves. In the darkness of midnight and sparse torches around he couldn’t make out the titles of the books to well. So Saina just picked from the top shelf a book at random and made sure none of the books tipped over.*" } ]
[ { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*With the right books holding Lusaimi's research notes, the book Saina chose was rather simple. The cover simply read \"Keese\"*\n\n```Flying annoyances. Nocturnal with only one eye. Sleeps in small groups, and some subspecies have evolved to control ice, fire, and electricity individually. Very easy to dispatch, even for the average Hylian.\n\nAt night, however, they come out in swarms. Due to the small amount they sleep in, Keese likely only interact with a few, and join up with other groups of Keese to form hunting packs. Judging by their small size, anything they killed would likely feed most of, if not all of, the group.\n\nElemental Keese contain the ability to release a small explosive of energy, and their organs have seemingly adapted to whichever element they control. Not powerful, but enough for the unprepared adventurer to be taken off guard. Perhaps a mutation that caught on due to the increased survival rate among Keese with such power?\n\nUnimpressive creatures that feel like a first draft in Ganon's army more than anything else. Hardly seen doing any that could be considered actual bidding for their master. They have, however, sometimes seemingly picked rather convenient spots to sleep for anyone attempting to work against him.```\n\n*It was lots of science, mainly. There were pictures of Keese, both alone and in swarms, as well as pictures of elemental Keese that picked apart their differences; from color, to structure. It was thorough, if nothing else.*" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Saina hummed quietly as he read through thinking to himself along the way.* {For someone who focuses their magic in darkness and summoning monsters they sure do have disdain for the bunch. Not that I have any particular interest in learning the ins and outs of monsters myself.} *He sighed as he walked back to the bookshelf reaching high to put it back. However he lost his grip and there was a loud **thud** as it fell all the way to the ground.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The loud thud was Leo’s hero for saving him from the nightmare he was having. His body jolted, followed with a slight gasp. Once he saw Saina and the book on the floor he rubbed his head and groaned.* “This is agony…” *He stood up to stretch a bit then recognized Sainas new haircut.* “…not bad.”\n\n*He decided to read something to drift him back asleep. He walked to the left bookshelf to see what the witch had to read.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Surprisingly, Lusaimi didn't awaken from her sleep. Although her stalfos all looked at Saina, then Leo, before continuing to just... stare into space. They weren't allowed to sleep.*\n\n*Unlike the books on the right, the books on the left didn't feel like scientific entries. They felt like... journals. One could honestly say diary entries and it wouldn't be too far off. This book had the number 21 on the cover; another early one.*\n\n```Day 600: You know, even though I was exiled from Gerudo Village, every other place I've gone through just adores how I look. It's easy to make money off of it... and with this magic, keeping these looks won't cost me a single rupee!\n\nI bet that, once I get famous as the \"Immortal Beauty\", I could try selling some of these journals for money... oh, or maybe selling \"rumors\" in them! Ah, so exciting! It would keep attention on me 24/7!```\n\n*That... couldn't be right. That didn't sound like Lusaimi at all. Was that really a journal entry from her?*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo tilts his head as he reads this. Was this her? or did she steal this off of someone. The amount of magic and dark sorcery she dabbles in wouldn't surprise him if it was her. Out of instinct and pure interest he continued to read, but made sure she was still asleep.*\n\n*He leaned against the wall as he read more. Was this wrong? It felt like he was invading her privacy, but he needed to know as much as he can about her. Just like everyone he meets, he needs to have a contingency plan in case they turn on him or Selena.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "```Day 601:\n\nAnd you bet they loved it! I'm rolling in rupees now. Castle Town took a while to get to, but man did it pay off!\n\nI can imagine; signs made to advertise my arrival in a town; \"Lusaimi, The Immortal Beauty\"\n\nI'll still look this good in a century! I'll still be alive in a century! People are afraid of this magic for nothing!\n\nWell, more for me, then! I'll have so much money I won't know what to do with it!```\n\n*Well... that proved it. This was in fact written by Lusaimi. So then... why is the tone so drastically different? It's nothing like her scientific notes... not even a little.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*He would look up from the book and at Lusaimi. So, she's over 100 years old?...Leo's gonna have to find her secret. He always knew he'd live longer than an average Hylian, but over 100 years? To him, this means longer time to protect Selena until he knows she's completely safe.*\n\n*He puts away that journal and draws out another, even more intrigued with her life. Maybe something happens along the way that made her change? Made her shun herself away from the world. Or made her want to explore the dark arts even more.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The journal Leo grabbed was titled 100. Fitting, considering what Leo had just learned.*\n\n```Day 29,000\n\nMade it underground before the Shiekah could find me. Damn ninjas just wouldn't slow down. They killed some of my experiments... I was close to controlling that Stalfos, dammit! I had it!\n\n...Keep control. These tunnels wind all around Hyrule. I can make it to the Gerudo Desert before they even know where I went. If I'm lucky, perhaps I can draw a Stalfos from the Arbiter's Grounds...although I don't know truly how deadly that place is though.\n\nI'll need to be more careful, though. I got lucky this time with my recent teleportation development. Exhaustive, but it's the only reason I escaped. They won't be caught off guard by that next time.```\n\n*Now that sounded like Lusaimi... logical, in control, with what seemed to be a hint of anger... clearly, at this point, she was still developing her magic. If the previous journal was truly from her, something must've happened...*" }, { "author": "_d6", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Roewen was curled up on a nice spot the floor at this point, gently snoring as they rested their head on the closed 'Bokoblin' book. Man, could this goober fall asleep anywhere.*\n\n*~~DO NOT PRESS Y TO SNEAKSTRIKE~~*\n\n*They seemed to be tuckered out from all those edumacations...\n\n*...Or the fact that the majority of the previous day/night-whatever time it was was spent fighting soldiers, and recieving a nasty wound or two, stressing over Selena, and holding onto Leo for dear life while they got carried away by a Kargaroc...*\n\n*They seemed to be sleeping relatively peacefully... For now.*\n\n*Perhaps if they slept on top of the book they would absorb the knowledge overnight... This was entirely untrue, but the only thing they'd be able to absorb from this book anyway would be self-hatred and hatred of their own kind. Maybe it's for the best that they can't absorb book knowledge overnight.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo raised a brow upon reading this journal. Now he was intrigued about learning more of her past a bit…or maybe he’s just bored. He puts away the journal and picks one that was between the two entry’s.*\n\n*Once he opened it he skimmed through the pages, searching to see what changed her overall mood.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Assuming Leo would look through several journals, the numbers in the journals would go down as he scoured for answers*\n\n*The first one he found spoke of either her second or third encounter with Shiekah; another detailed how she was stalking a camp of bokoblins. The third simply talked about how she learned to sleep on walls and floors; too many decades being forced to do it.*\n\n*Finally, however, it was the fourth journal Leo reached for that started giving answers, the one titled 30; the same one Roewen had grabbed earlier.*\n\n*Initially, the journal started similarly to the very first one Leo read; detailing how Lusaimi was this \"Immortal Beauty\"; how she was getting more and more popular, getting more and more money.*\n\n*But then... something changed. The first journal entry to describe it is thus:*\n\n```Alright... I thought they were just a passing thing I was getting, but I think something is happening to me. I'm getting a lot of headaches recently; so far, they aren't too intrusive, but still... they happen quite a bit. Almost every other day, I think.\n\nI'm also having trouble... remembering things. So far, it's just small details I'll eventually remember, like where I put a brush or where my mirror is, but recently I've already forgotten a show I scheduled.\n\nI think it's getting worse.```" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Side effects? Possibly. It seems she was enjoying her new abilities a bit too much. Now they’re taking a toll on her. Is it possible she wants to achieve this much power not only to control monsters, but to control whatever affects her?*\n\n*Leo dwelled on this for a moment before putting the journal back where it belonged. He decided that was enough reading for tonight, and he didn’t want to risk her waking up.*\n\n*Once the book was put away, he sat back down against the wall and closed his eyes once more. It would take him a good bit for him to fall back asleep, but he needed to relax a bit too.*\n\n*After resting his eyes for a good bit, it was safe to say he wasn’t going back to sleep, not under the conditions he’s in right now. Luckily the green potion is giving him some extra stamina due to his magic.*\n\n*While he waits for the others to wake up, he tinkers with his gear. He began by recalibrating his crossbow gauntlet with the hookshot attached to it. Basically he takes it apart and puts it back together, making sure all pieces are still good and nothing needs to be replaced.*\n\n*He slipped it back on and ran a few tests. He loaded the crossbow with nothing and fired it to see if it was working properly, which it was. Then he shit his hookshot that was connected on the bottom of his arm, it did not shoot properly.* “Fucking dammit…” *He mumbled as he took it off again. A piece of the chain he sued was getting caught against the side of the gadget. He didn’t have any tools to properly fix it, so he just had to deal with it for now until he was back at the stronghold.*" } ]
[ { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Saina nodded with his hands upon his hips and a tucked lip as he came to terms with their lackluster numbers.* “Yeah the key word for Lenel and Vekhi is **was**” *He sighed.* “They’ll be more opposition if they see us. Especially if strider is nearby and if I had to guess.” *His expression further soured.* “They might be present at the castle itself for their own trials and questioning.” *His eyes then seemed to flare up for just a second fueled by rage.* “Not to mention they’re probably squealing like pigs about everything they know about us.”\n\n*His hands gripped together as veins became visible on his arms.* “They don’t matter anymore as long as they stay out of our way. Even with our lack of numbers our goal isn’t a full frontal assault on the castle. It’s just a simple espionage mission” *He then coughed into his hands as a golden gleam popped from his eyes for just a second. Once he spoke again he sounded exactly like Lusaimi.* “Something I happen to be quite proficient in.” *He smirked.*\n\nMM: 110%" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Mimicking me is... well, a rather bad example, but I see your... your point, argh...\"\n\n*Lusaimi walked a bit... back, and one of her hands went up to her head. God, what the hell was happening....*\n\n\"Ugh... this... this isn't right... what the hell...\"\n\n*The second hand came up to her head. Everything got worse... and then it happened.*\n\n*Everything, all at once, seemed to snap in her mind. Like breaking a stick in half, it felt like the various bits that came off were stabbing into her head. Each bit felt like a knife going through brain matter and her skull...*\n\n*To the point that when she fell to the ground, one hand forced to it to catch herself, she didn't feel the slight pain on her knees from the impact. She couldn't stand; everything was getting worse.*\n\n\"Arggghhh.... what.... rrnnnggg....\"\n\n*Slowly, the Stalfos Lusaimi had ordered to the side came up behind her....*" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Saina being the closest one to her quickly caught Lusaimi before she took the fall. Her pained face and discomfort was plain to see which was a nice forewarning.* “Is everything alright Lusaimi?” *He watched a Stalfos was making its way behind her. Surely wasn’t in the state to still give orders to them right?* {Curses we can’t lose a formidable dark mage before we even start the mission. We’ve got to keep her in a good state for the time being. After all I suppose I have to return the favor I asked of her.}\n\n*He quickly pulled her away on to her shoulder. Usually it would be awkward pulling away someone of gerudo stature luckily Saina was only two inches lower. He then looked to Leo and Roewen.* “Could we already be getting ambushed in someway?!”" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The Stalfos around all of them... stared at Lusaimi. Every single one of them. Only the one from earlier moved, but each seemed to have a... renewed sense of hatred that they didn't possess before...*\n\n*Was it all aimed at their master? That shouldn't be possible...*\n\n\"Rnngghh.... I... Aggghhh!!\"\n\n*Screams came from Lusaimi as what felt like the broken remnants of her mind seemed to dissolve further; an acid burning them away, along with the inside of her skull, brain and bone.*\n\n*Whatever was happening was clearly painful. But as this happened... Lusaimi's scar seemed to glow, along with the wound at her shoulder, where the arrow had been. Something was happening with her magic...*\n\n*...and as the Stalfos finally came behind Lusaimi, it didn't seem to move a single bone when it arrived. Only... that was what Saina could see; it not moving.*\n\n*Leo and Roewen, meanwhile, could see it, plain as day; it raised its blade, aimed directly at its master. It was getting ready to strike?!?*" }, { "author": "_d6", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Roewen just so happened to be glancing up from their journal at the right time. They did a double-take before slamming their journal shut and instinctively breaking out into a sprint almost immediately, not having time to even pick up their weapon, as they bolted towards Lusaimi.*\n\n*They seemed to be alright with Leo and Saina, and any ally of them was an ally to Roewen as well... and allies dont let stalfos creep up on other allies.*\n\n*With all the force of a speeding bokoblin, they attempted to run over the stalfos before it could strike, like a reverse 'get down, Mr. President' type of move.*\n\n~~*insert 'The Boys' logo, as Roewen sprints through a skeleton.*~~" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo watched Lusaimi scream in pain, not knowing what it was. Could it be her magic? Was her long life finally coming to an end? These thoughts ran through leos mind, until he saw one of her own raise its blade at her.*\n\n*Before he could react, Roewen was already on the move to save her. If their tackled didn't work then he would've done a spinning kick move at its head, attempting to knock it right off. If Roewen was successful then he would approach Lusaimi* \"W-what's wrong?\" *Leo didn't have his blades on him. They were still laying down next to his coat on the other side of the room*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Roewen's charge didn't kill the Stalfos, but it was enough to make it stumble, throwing it off entirely and forcing it to take several steps to the side and drop it's blade. Good thing Roewen was quick too; the Stalfos had just started to bring the weapon down. Lusaimi didn't have much more time from that...*\n\n*But by the time the weapon stopped coming down, Lusaimi had stopped screaming. The glow in her face and back had only seemed to further intensify, but Lusaimi had seemed to have regained control. She was still breathing heavy, though...*\n\n*In Lusaimi's head, the constant snapping and burning of her mind had stopped... but now, she realized what it was. What just happened. What was just burned away in such a painful matter.*\n\n*So... taking that into account.... what was wrong?*\n\n***\"....Everything.\"***\n\n*The sense of pain in her voice was replaced by pure rage. The muscles in her face that had contracted in an attempt to control the pain were long gone... replaced by the attempt to control herself.*\n\n*She got up, forcibly, from Saina's care. She passed by Leo, and didn't even look at Roewen, despite all 3 caring for her in this moment. She was too used to being alone; so in this anger, she didn't even seem to acknowledge them, To Leo and Saina, it was quite clear that she wasn't angry at them; whatever she was at angry in that moment.... it certainly wasn't them. Perhaps Roewen would identify that too, especially when she didn't look at him.*\n\n**\"GODDAMNIT\"**\n\n*Lusaimi basically upheaved the bone table. It remained intact, but everything on it fell down. Papers, a book or two, bokoblin blood/ink that spilled and pooled away from the pages, luckily. She basically punched the bone chair, where it hit the floor, but similarly did not break. She was basically pacing now, unsure how to release this anger.*\n\n**\"I will feed whoever did this to my slaves and make them feel the pain of being eaten alive. I will destroy everything they built and kill everyone they love. I will make whoever FUCKED WITH ME SUFFER FOR THIS.\"**\n\n*Shaking her arms and hands, she needed something to use this anger on... anything at all... she looked around for something to punch, or kick, or stab, or anything.*\n\n*What was interesting, however, was that the stalfos from before... didn't move anymore. It remained frozen, it's look of anger gone and didn't seem to dare move. Looking at all the stalfos... all of them had lost that look of hatred. Seemingly, they were back to normal.*" }, { "author": "_d6", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Roewen got up and almost attenpted to calm Lusaimi down, before she had flipped the table. The bokoblin blood inkwell fell off and splashed Roewen all over their face... A couple sniffs later, and only now had they realized what the ink was made of this whole time.*\n\n*They seemed a lot less comfortable now.*\n\n*......Perhaps it was for the best that they didn't get in Lusaimi's way right now, lest they be punched or kicked or stabbed or anything.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo takes a step back and Lusaimi lashes out. He sorta understands her issues. He's had his fair share with anger and rage. He watched her storm off, stopping anyone who tries to go near her as it's not a good idea to.*\n\n*He then approached Roewen to help them up. Poor thing probably doesn't know what's going on.* \"Why don't you...go over to Saina.\" *He said to the bokoblin. Afterwards he just stood there, waiting for the witch to calm down. He kept a straight and serious face the entire time, especially if she turns to look at their reaction.*" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Saina watched as Lusaimi came out of his grasp in a fit of rage. Seeing as he had succumbed to the same emotions not even hours ago he could fairly understand. Although at this point it was hard to tell what exactly was making her so riled up. He nearly moved to put his hand on Lusaimi’s shoulder until a frightened Roewen was sent his way. He simply crouched down and patted him on the back.* “I’m sure you understand we all get a bit angry sometimes.” *He said trying to comfort him.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*In her rage, Lusaimi looked to see what she could commit an act of violence on... her eyes missed Leo and Saina, although even if she had seen them, she likely would've had the control to not attempt to kill them... however, she also didn't see Roewen, the one of this new trio here she wouldn't have had qualms with kicking for stress relief.*\n\n*No, her eyes spied the traitor; the stalfos Roewen had saved her from. In her mind, she ordered it to kneel... and of course, it didn't comply. That ability simply wasn't hers anymore... but she knew that. So why did she try it? Partly due to disbelief in what she knew had happened... and partly because she simply didn't want to lower herself to have to speak to these things again. She had overcome that a century ago...*\n\n*Such a thought only brightened the purple glow around her.*\n\n**\"I said KNEEL\"**\n\n*It was only then the Stalfos followed its orders, bending its knee, subservient to its master again. That didn't pardon its previous actions, however. Not one bit. Lusaimi approached it, still ignoring the trio of those with free will*\n\n**\"A CENTURY of work! One HUNDRED years! Wasted! Gone to the Wind!\"**\n\n*The room was rather small, so the rant wasn't long. At this, this particular one.*\n\n**\"You... how dare you go against your God. You are my slave, and nothing more; a collection of bones whose sole purpose is by MY design.\"**\n\n*She takes out her knife, gripping it tighter than ever. it was brought up to the Stalfos, mirroring what it did to her.*\n\n**\"Now... before the REST of you get the idea of free will...\"**\n\n*A stab through the skull; the blade had no problem piercing the bone, and once it did, the Skeleton fell apart entirely, leaving behind the bones of its body. The skull, however, disappeared entirely, in a tiny explosion of no value.*\n\n**\"Disobey me and you will be cut down like the rabid dogs you are. Now collect these bones and put them in a pouch.\"**\n\n*This one's body still has a use. The closest Stalfos obeyed the order, attempting to find... something to put them in.*\n\n*Lusiami simply stood there now, the glow around finally beginning to subside. Killing her creature was a catharsis to her, her hatred finally beginning to subside. Of course, anger at the whole situation still remained, but the much more extreme nature of her hatred was finally gone. She could be approached without going for your throat... well, as long as you didn't say the wrong thing, anyway.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo watched as the witch continued to take out her anger on her minions. He allowed it, but if it continued then he would step in.* “Lusaimi!…” *Once she turns to face him he held his hand’s halfway up.* “We need to focus. I’m sure there’s a reasonable explanation about your minions, but let’s focus at the task at hand.”\n\n*Slowly he made his way to his equipment and loads them back on to his body. His attention turned to Saina.* “Are you okay with flying to gather allies while I head to the stronghold? Or do you wish to stick together. Either way the stronghold is my first destination.”" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Lusaimi turned to Leo, still angry. Yes, of course there was an explanation for this: Either the Golden Goddesses or Ganondorf, and by extension Gaash, finally had enough of her antics. That's what she believed. Which one, she couldn't tell, but it was one of the two.*\n\n\"Before we go anywhere, we should get some supplies. There's a village underground filled to the brim with monsters that should have what we need. They have stolen supplies from other shops.\"\n\n*Lusaimi held her hand out, not to Leo or Saina or anyone, but to see a spark of her dark power... it was weak, at least in comparison to what it had been. Thin and fleeting. They would pay for what they did...*\n\n\"I, at the very least, need to. Saina, I believe you would be best suited to look for your allies, but I doubt Leo should head to that stronghold alone. Me and him will gather supplies and head there together.\"\n\n*A pit stop for supplies would be necessary at some point; doing it early meant they would be well-prepared for any threat.*\n\n*Saying all this, however, her anger hadn't left or dissipated. She was bitter right now; and certainly wasn't going to be accommodating to any antics right now.*" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Saina rolled his eyes at the notion of gathering Allies. Leo had already burned many of those bridges for him and many of the allies that were left weren’t exactly fighters.*\n\n“What could you possibly need from the strong hold that isn’t probably broken in the mixup?” *He then shifted his eyes.* “Whatever I’ll do the dirty work as always…”" }, { "author": "_d6", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Well then, what a scene... Roewen was a lot more uncomfortable around Lusaimi, as if they needed any more reason to be.*\n\n*...They suddenly were very conflicted about having free will right now.*\n\n*Roewen hadn't bothered to do anything about the blood on their face. They kind of just stood there... derealizing for a moment.*\n\n*~~Boko.exe has stopped working.~~*\n\n*Almost instinctively, Roewen backed towards Saina, as away from Lusaimi as they could right now.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leos mood sorta goes down as he sees how Roewen reacts around the witch. He sorta felt bad.* “Sorry little one. I’ll return shortly. Saina will watch over you.”\n\n*And for going back to the base, there were plenty of good reasons to go back. The forge is most likely still intact. He will be able to upgrade his blade. Also some armor of his was locked tight.* “I doubt flying around is considered dirty work. We won’t be long.” *Leo was also in desperate needs of supplies, so taking a trip into monster village wasn’t a bad idea. Although it might go more smoothly if Roewen tagged along, but they’re having mixed feelings with a certain someone.*" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Yeah and I suppose shopping and doing a little arts and craft is?” *Needless to say Saina was still peeved about Leo’s whole debacle. After all he still seems quite casual about the whole situation other than getting selena back.* “By the time we arrive at wherever holding her they’ll probably already have her under lock and key.”" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Charging after her as we now are will just lead to death. We need to prepare, and heavily. Besides, she’s properly already under lock and key; so that ship has already sailed.“\n\n*Lusaimi had the full expectation that Selena was already at the Caslte. Maybe she wasn’t taken to the dungeon yet, but she definitely would be by the time they got there.*\n\n“We’re heading to restock, then heading right back to where the soldiers were. We don’t know if they’ve made the base an outpost or not to keep you both from returning or not, so this certainly isn’t some walk to the park.”\n\n*Lusaimi would begin to walk up to the stairs of the building that lead to the roof, although she had not left the room yet.*\n\n“If you need something, you should say it now. We can get it for you while we’re there. Better to minimize unnecessary trips where we can.”\n\n*Lusaimi paused at the stairway, waiting for Saina or Leo to answer. She was ready to leave the tower.*\n\n“Rrnngh… right. Fix this place up.”\n\n*It was at this point that the Stalfos began to put everything back; the table and chair went back up, and all the papers and books went back on it. Some of the blood was still usable, so that was put back up as well. She detested having to say her orders.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo just looked at Saina before following behind Lusaimi.* “Shes right. We must assume the worst. If we go out to search now then it’s suicide. It’s best to be at full strength.” *Once he made it to the stairs he turned back to Saina.* “I know she’s okay. She’s strong and has been through worst.” *He then turned ti go up there stairs, mumbling a few words.* “…I will not lose another daughter.”\n\n*As he followed Lusaimi he cloaked his body in shadow, allowing his eyes to be seen the most as they glow red.* “`I’ve been to the village a few times. We shouldn’t have a problem going in and out.`” *His voice would seem different. It was more demonic, as if two of him were speaking but one of the voices were deeper.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Best of luck on your search, Saina. Call in everything you can, if you must.\"\n\n*Lusaimi finally went up the stairs to her Kargarok. She trusted Saina and Roewen to at least not demolish the place. Well... she trusted Saina not to. She wasn't comfortable leaving Roewen here, but honestly, did she have a choice? Time wasn't on their side. She'd just have to take the risk.*\n\n\"Good to know. I've my own spell to hide me. I'll activate it when we arrive.\"\n\n*Reaching the roof, her Kargarok came down to her. It's general order was to fly her places; so ordering it to get down here and let her and Leo on wouldn't cost any magic. That would change if it was ordered to fight, however.*\n\n\"Right, let's get going then. This will be faster than walking.\"\n\n*Lusaimi got on the Kargarok, leaving enough space for Leo. She didn't think he could fly, so this would be necessary.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo nodded as he approached the flying beast. The shadow cloak wasn’t really to hide him from the monsters, but to blend in. He managed to recruit a small group of them looking like this, so he believed it’s a good disguise.*\n\n*He hopped on to the kargarok and got himself situated. He’s never flown on one of these before, so this would be a new experience.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Flight came easy to the Kargarok, but it didn't move... why?\n\n*Oh. Right.*\n\n\"Goddamnit; fly.\"\n\n*Now, the Kargarok rose to the sky, flying with its 2 passengers. Soon it would be above #gerudo-province, looking for an entrance to the caves*" } ]
[ { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Soon, the Kargarok landed on the roof, and both Leo and Lusaimi arrived.*\n\n\"Come.\"\n\n*A single word, and with it, Lusaimi would go down the staircase and head inside the only room she had available the once-boss room, the giant Stallord skull still standing in its center with tables across the way.*\n\n\"Book and Quill, on the table\"\n\n*An order told to the various Stalfos in the room. One grabbed the most recent book, '180,' before also grabbing a bottle of bokoblin blood and a Kargarok feather.*\n\n*Lusaimi was quick to begin writing in the book with her quill, and fervently at that. Judging by the last time they were here, though, it made sense; a lot had happened since they were here.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo would soon follow behind her, still hanging his head low. What else could he say or do? He has to mentally heal and prepare for what comes next, all while hanging on to the hope that Selena is still alive.*\n\n*He found a wall to lean on, In which he did. After a few moments of silence, he broke it.* “Why do you choose to be immortal?” *He could not remember if he asked this already, but he must hear it again.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Lusaimi... stopped writing at the question. She hadn't expected it, to be honest. Silence, maybe. Anger, more likely. Here, Leo could be as mad as he wanted. She wouldn't like it, but considering the circumstances, she couldn't blame it.*\n\n\"It is... a necessary action for my goals, nothing more.\"\n\n*She needed to extend her life again... should be easy. She could do it before she left this room, really, so she didn't sweat the details of it. That wasn't the problem though...*\n\n\"...But I wouldn't wish it on another soul. Solitude becomes an easy friend when you outlive everyone you could possibly meet... doubly so when done through my means.\"\n\n*Even if she wanted to make attachments, pragmatically speaking, they'd only cause more pain when she watches everyone she could ever know die. Course, she never even had that option due to her dark magic, but... it was something she figured out long ago.*\n\n\"If you ask with the intention to learn my magic to fight Gaash, you'll be disappointed. Even if you saved your daughter with such magic, you'd do more long-term damage to her that way than anything Gaash could do.\"\n\n*That was her rationalization for such a question. An interest in a tool Leo didn't have but could use. Might it make a difference? Perhaps... but one with far worse consequences in mind.*\n\n*By now, she began to write once again.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "“What would be the difference in extending my life compared to yours.” *he was actually curious about this, but of course his intentions with knowing wouldn’t be out to good use. At this point he’s do anything to save Selena even if it means hurting or killing himself in the process.*\n\n*He then glanced at her monster minions as well. A monster army would be a huge help as well, but almost impossible to summon or control.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"The difference is simple.\"\n\n*Once again, Lusaimi stopped writing. She was about to be done, but the interruptions kept coming. About... important matters, sure, but still. Interruptions nonetheless.*\n\n\"The difference is I extended my life after coming into contact with this dark magic. My life was already over, and solitude was all I'd ever know from then on. You, meanwhile, still have a chance. No matter how big or small you see it, you have a chance to live on your own, with your daughter, without such pain.\"\n\n*Lusaimi then looked up at Leo for one final tidbit.*\n\n\"And besides... despite its strengths, this magic brings pain I would never wish upon another. You will not be learning this magic in any form, and that is final.\"\n\n*Lusaimi looked back to her book, and attempted to finish what she was writing...*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo slowly nods his head as he approached a nearby table.* “I see.” *He would then unclip his harness that holds his blades and lay them on the table. He unsheathes them both and began to sharpen the katana slowly and carefully.*\n\n*There were so many mixed emotions running through Leo right now. He did not know how to process this as it’s been so long since he’s felt this way. Every now and then his strokes would seem shaky. This would be correct every now and then, but it would slip at times.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "```Day 65,700\n\nMy magic has been reduced heavily. Whether The Golden Goddesses decided I was approaching some... line too fast, or if Ganon himself has finally had enough of me, I don't know. I've lost roughly a century of research and magical ability... only time will tell if I can regain such strength quickly or not.\n\nLeo, Saina, and their pet, Roewen, were all there to witness the forceful downgrade to my magic before we split off. I joined Leo on his journey to his old base while Saina and the bokoblin hunted down Sylvester, an old team member who I had met earlier.\n\nLeo both strengthened his gear and released an old part of himself. His shadow now mocks him and attempts to influence his actions. Knowing how emotional the man can get, if I don't stay with him, he'll fall to such influence soon.\n\nWe eventually came across 2 allies of his; Luna and Thalia. While Luna is of little importance, Thalia revealed to me an important secret. I will not betray her by writing it here. When the child is rescued, I should ask if we could work together on a certain project. We should both greatly benefit from it.\n\nBefore we continued, a Twili who couldn't mind their own business joined us. She seemed to know small bits of useful info, but other than that was hardly useful.\n\nWe all met together with Saina and Sylvester soon after before splitting away from them. Leo discovered for certain that his daughter was in the Castle, and without a proper plan, we rushed in.\n\nWe were fools. They knew we were coming.\n\nLuna is likely dead, along with the pet bokoblin. The Twili is either dead or abandoned us at the first sign of danger, and Thalia is nowhere to be seen.\n\nAll that remains is Leo and me with little chance of finding our other allies.\n\nNo plan as of yet.\n\nWe will not be stopped.```\n\n*Lusaimi sighed... before deciding against putting the book back. It'd be better to write these notes as they happened rather than afterward... and besides, these days she wasn't certain she'd have daily returns to this place.*\n\n*Lusaimi took the Kargarok feather and small bottle of Bokoblin blood before putting each in her claok... doing so, however, ended up putting some blood on her hand... right, her wounds. Adrenaline had kept her running before, but now that wasn't there,*\n\n\"Great...\"\n\n*Being safe, she didn't want to waste a red potion... it would heal well enough overnight. Instead, she looked around...*\n\n*About a dozen keese were now inside this room, atop shelves or perched on the roof. Another level of security, especially when they were easy to control. The 20 or so Stalfos continued to simply stand around, filling most of the room, largely clumped near the doorways, but they weren't blocking anything of importance. a few were near the shelves, and 2 were near the Stallord skull, but beyond that, they seemed focused on defending the entrances and exits of the room.*\n\n*And then were was Leo. Even though she wasn't one with a blade, she could see the shakiness in his hands. She sighed... great, these things were not in her skill wheelhouse, but she was really the only one here, wasn't she?*\n\n\"Hey.\"\n\n*Lusaimi got up, and approached Leo, leaning against the table he was using with her arms crossed, one of which had some blood going down it. Not a lot, luckily, but still. An untreated injury for now.*\n\n\"If you wanna let those emotions out, you're not gonna get a better time than this.\"\n\n*Better here than in those sewers. Here, Lusaimi could be confidant in that they were safe.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo looked up at her and tilted his head.* \"What do you mean? You wish for me to slay one of your minions or his a stick against the wall like a child? Or go somewhere high and scream until my voice gives out?\" *He did not mean to sound so sarcastic. He sighed and laid his weapon down on the table before also leaning against it.* \" Sorry...didn't mean to sound harsh. Gaash won, again. I lost more people close to me and now we don't know where Selena is. Maybe the goddess's are reminding me that I need to work alone again. Go back to isolation. Doing what I do best.\"\n\n*The sound of her blood dripping from her arm caused his ear the flick a bit. Once he noticed he grabbed a piece a cloth from his pouch and pulled her arm softly.* \"You need to treat this before it gets infected.\" *All he did was clean the blood that was running down her arm and around the wound.* \"Got any water to clean this?\" *He said before laying out some other herbs that could help with it as well.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"If the Goddesses want you to do something, then trust me, it's usually the worst option. All they enjoy doing is seeing you in pain.\"\n\n*The Goddesses did not have anyone's best interest at heart. And Lusaimi didn't seem bothered by the sarcasm in his first words, nor did she respond to them. She had no reason to when she had actual, coherent words to respond to instead.*\n\n\"If they want you to be alone, then that means that's the most entertaining version of you to them. Someone to watch kill, maim, and torture others, just because you can. And honestly? You're too emotional for that line of work. Doesn't fit you. Being a father... that I can see more of.\"\n\n*While such emotions were largely a detriment in this current line of work, they'd be positives in another set of circumstances. Being a father certainly seemed like one. Lusaimi didn't know if Leo was a good father, but he at least tried.*\n\n*Of course, much like Leo did earlier, Lusaimi resisted the pulling on her arm. Despite looking right at Leo, the resistance was on an instinctual level... she hadn't even thought about it.*\n\n\"I'll be fine. I've dealt with worse injuries in worse climates. This is nothing.\"\n\n*Despite such a... drab place, Lusaimi wasn't wrong. A slash to her arm wasn't much in comparison to some of the injuries she'd been given before, either from Shiekah before she knew how to deal with them as well, or from monsters even before then, before she could control them so easily.*\n\n\"I appreciate the concern, but it is wholly unnecessary. Besides, you've got more... personal problems to deal with. If I understand these issues right, a sword scratch is nothing compared to that.\"\n\n*Mental issues were a fleeting issue she had long ago, but she recalls it being far worse than any physical injury she ever had... focusing on her stupid cut wasn't going to accomplish much, anyways.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*He scoffed and shook his head once she mentioned the goddesses.* \"You're not wrong there.\" *But when she mentioned him being more of a father than hunter, it made him see himself differently. He tried to be a father, then that life was taken from him. He lived the life of a bounty hunter. Worked pretty well; just had to give up all emotional ties on people and himself. Then his shadow came to life, then selena fell into his life. One thing after another he's here.*\n\n*He let her take care of her own wound he grabbed his blades. The crustal now placed in the saw blade, the evil crystal, reflected back at Leo.* \"Have you heard of the butcher of Hyrule recently? The Silver Lynel? Strider?\" *he said as he twirled his sawblade a bit. He asked this, because he wanted to know if she heard of the rumors or the stories people spread around. If so, then he would be even more confused on why she's helping him or thinks he's better off as a father.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"I've lived for almost 2 centuries, and work magic the goddesses have ordained as 'evil.' Of course I'm not wrong.\"\n\n*Living magic with nothing but evil might make one think Lusaimi would be the furthest things from the Goddesses. But in truth, they were an unavoidable part of their life. She didn't worship them or anything like that, but, due to her... heresy, one could say. resisting them meant knowing them.*\n\n\"No, I'm afraid not. I was in hiding for 20 years before now... I've only recently come back and taken a look at the world.\"\n\n*It was an unfortunate reality. It appears such lost times had been important, too. No point crying over spilled milk, though. Time was still important, and wasting it moping about the distant past was futile.*\n\n*Although... it didn't take a genius to guess why Leo had asked. He'd done terrible things in the past, hadn't he? 'The Butcher of Hyrule' did not inspire kindness and compassion, obviously...*\n\n\"I can take a solid guess what you're getting at, though. Something terrible you've done in the past, right? Killed some people you shouldn't have killed, stuff like that?\"\n\n*The idea of he couldn't change was clear, although Lusaimi saw folly in it.*\n\n\"I don't tell people this often, but the reason I looked into this dark magic? Messed with something considered nothing short of pure evil?\"\n\n*Lusaimi hesitated... was she really going to share something so... honestly, embarrassing? Leo didn't need to know this... but, it was an example of change, so to speak. So it might do some good.*\n\n*Besides... Leo told her his history. This was trivial, but he had earned this much, even if she'd partially wished he hadn't.*\n\n\"...I was vain. I thought myself beautiful and feared losing it to age. I looked to preserve my body, and found my answer in such dark magic when I was simply 20 years old.\"\n\n*The simple answer... but there was more to share, even if she didn't want to.*\n\n\"For... 10 years or so, I continued with such a mindset. Beauty above all, and I held no shame in using it for money, no matter the means. I thought I was above it all.\"\n\n\"And then...\"\n\n*She decided to share things with Leo, yes... but not that. Not those nightmares.*\n\n\"After... a while, I understood. For whatever reason, I was still sane, despite my interest in such corrupt magic. I should've been a husk long ago, and yet, there I was still was.\"\n\n\"So I changed. I stopped such frivolous pursuits and begun studying the mind and mentality of the monsters born from dark magic... and eventually, would become the person you see now.\"\n\n*...Where was she going with this.*\n\n\"I was vain. Thought only of myself. And yet, even on my own, I changed... hopefully for the better, and I'd like to think so. You, meanwhile, have had others with you... and a daughter still. If I can change on my own, then you can change with her.\"\n\n*This was all... surprisingly personal from Lusaimi. Even from her face, you could tell she wasn't happy to share such personal details... and yet, here she was, sharing a part of her past she'd rather have buried.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo listened to every word she said. Every detail, every bit of it was heard and understood. He still twirled his blade, and began to walk around the table.* “Years ago I lost my family, as I told you before. It set me down that dark path, turning me to what most people know me as Strider.” *His sawblade shined slightly as the light of the torches reflected off of it. He looked at the blade, only seeing his past self through its reflection.* “I hunted people, monsters, average creatures, anything that would fill my pocket with rupees. But they were all to keep me in the same mindset to reach my goal.” *He then points the blade towards the exit.* “Revenge against the kingdom. To avenge the death of those they took from me.”\n\n*Was he being s hit dramatic? Yeah a bit, but it fit. Shortly after he laid the blade down and picked up the eightfold blade.* “Before all that I was just a sheikah in kakariko. Had the goal to be the kings blade master. Trained more than my brothers and sisters until I was amongst the top three to go to the castle. Juyi, one of the three went early due to her skill. Meanwhile Martha stayed as she married a young fool.” *Leo the taps his chest with the blade.* “The **fool** also decided to stay. We got married, had s daughter, and loved a peaceful life. She wanted me to pursue my dream like Juyi did. I asked her: ‘What about your dream?’.” *He paused for a second and looked down.* “She said hers already came true. Her goal wasn’t the same as ours, to make it to the castle, to fight along side our future brothers and sisters, to aid the king. It was to have a family.” *He laid the blade back on the table.* “There’s no greater honor than being a parent and a husband to those you love.” *No tears were shed this time.*\n\n*His hands were laid on the table as he stared at his two blades, both revealing his reflection.* “I’ve lost my honor among the sheikah. There’s a reason why you don’t see many sheikah bounty hunters. It’s dishonorable.”\n\n*He pushed off of the table.* “What fucking fool would turn their back from the most honorable position? What bastard would face against a kingdom he was sworn to protect? Who trained his whole life to fight for the glory of the land he lived in? To rip everything that was owed to him away?! To take the lives of the people in the land he **swore** to protect!?! **What fool?!?**” *He stopped to catching his breath. His eyes began to water as rage was built up. The red within them shined bright, revealing the fury behind them. Slowly, he points to himself.* “..this fool. This fool was sent down an unforgiven path.” *All he could think about was how simple life was for Leo, how clear his path was when he was in kakariko. Then a storm hit, and that path was no longer available to him.* “I’m a sheikah…without a doubt. But s sheikah with no honor? A fool. A sheikah with no honor, no family, nothing to lose? A bastard.”" } ]
[ { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Lusaimi listened intently to Leo's story. It didn't take a genius to figure out who the fool was early on in the story. Training to be the best in the kingdom... and abandoned it for love, huh?*\n\n*There were other Shiekah in the world. To Lusaimi, he was wise to do what he did. He had his priorities... especially now, when such Shiekah served Gaash.*\n\n\"And who would you be serving if you stayed on that path? The King? No, you'd be serving Gaash at this moment, protecting him and allowing him to perform whatever dark deeds he wishes. Far as I can tell, you were right to avoid that path.\"\n\n*Of course, the more solid reasoning to her was the one she spoke aloud; continuing down the path of the Shiekah would've had him working with the man he's fighting so desperately now.*\n\n\"And besides, honor isn't all it's cracked up to be. Just another rulebook to follow, designed to keep the followers in line and from doing anything that could give them ideas... Honor is a tool of control and not much else.\"\n\n*Most things in this world were something like that. Control was always vied for. And any means were used to take it. Honor... seemed like something to make people think such means were bad, so their own methods weren't used against them. It was a simple process that it engrained so heavily in people that it became effective.*\n\n\"If you're worried about 'Glory,' then you truly are a fool. Such a thing matters not. As you've said, what matters, though is protecting this land and its people...\"\n\n*Lusaimi took one of those blades from the table...*\n\n\"And you've continued to keep such a value, even with your methods.\"\n\n*She looked at her own reflection within it, then turned it slightly to look at Leo's. Distorted, yes, but still very much Leo.*\n\n_ _\n\n\"It is of my opinion, through his magical construct soldiers and what he's had them defend, that Gaash is either a puppet of the Dark Lord... or simply the Demon King himself. Allowing him to win would mean the end of the world. As such, fighting against him means you are fighting for this land... regardless of your methods.\"\n\n*She didn't care about the how. The end result was what mattered to her.*\n\n\"The Sheikah serve him now, as do the soldiers of Hyrule, corrupted or not. He has put innocents in our line to fire to deter us from fighting and perhaps has even attempted to trick those we considered allies to fight against us.\"\n\n*The last line was a possibility... but she wasn't sure. Lusaimi would rather prepare for such a possibility.*\n\n\"Innocents will be sent to hunt us, and to survive, we must kill them first. There is no situation where either of us come out of this without killing those who don't deserve it.\"\n\n*Lusaimi flips the blade, holding the metal now with her blood-dripping hand, with the handle pointed to Leo.*\n\n\"But if we refuse to kill them, then Gaash will kill them regardless, along with the rest of the world. Who we kill will have died either way. We have a chance to at least save those who aren't put in our way. And avenge those who we've already killed.\"\n\n*If they failed, everyone would die. Killing some to save the others was not an issue, then, when those people would've already fallen regardless of their actions.*\n\n_ _\n\n\"Far as I can tell, you've done nothing wrong. You've just been made to think you have been. Because those we fight against want you to struggle with these matters. Using 'Honor' and 'Glory' against you makes you rethink your actions and falter. Forget such ideas. They do not matter. They are the propaganda of the enemy, designed to weaken you.\"\n\n*Such thoughts were probably easy to guess Lusaimi held when she was a Dark Witch. Honor was not a concept they held. Perhaps Leo had such an experience, as he's dealt with witches before?*\n\n\"You wanna win? Don't hold back. Forget the morals the enemy has beaten into you. What you did is what you had to do, whether you believed it or not.\"\n\n*Lusaimi spins the second blade’s handle to face Leo.*\n\n\"The enemy has no honor. If you want to win, you'll forgo it as well.\"" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Her words struck Leo true. He has forgotten that he doesn’t need honor to live, or survive. He’s done so for years and it’s gotten him this far. He looks at the handles facing him, slowly grasping them with each hand. He crossed the blades in an ‘x’ form to see his reflection in both. He saw nothing but himself, neither pure or corrupted. Just Leo Demose*\n\n*He twirled both blades before flicking them downwards, like he would after executing a kill.* “…Thank you. I needed to hear that.” *He put both the blades back in their sheathes and slung it back on to his back.*\n\n*Right after he roamed her lair for a moment before turning to her.* “Where do you go to train?”" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Lusaimi only nodded to the thanks, acknowledging it but not having much else to say about it. She was glad her words struck Leo, though. An ally in pain wasn't going to be a very useful one, after all.*\n\n*Although, she looked around as Leo asked where she trained. Yeah, she... didn't have a space for that.*\n\n\"I... am not one to train in combat. I've gotten good at being agile through decades of evading Shiekah but beyond that, I do not have much prowess with a blade.\"\n\n*She took out her dagger, still containing the catalyst made with her blood on it's hilt. She needed a way to properly use it again soon... before, it was easy to use it during her teleports, but now such a thing took so long that using the catalyst in such a way wasn't possible. Before heading back to the Castle, she'd need to find a proper use.*\n\n*Although... now that the concept of physical training was in her head...*\n\n\"I have always been one to... train my mind. Understand my enemy and their plan before I ever fight them. My physical disadvantage never meant much when I could predict my enemy and summon a beast to do dirty work for me.\"\n\n\"But with my... newly changed circumstances, I suppose learning how to more... properly fight would be a good idea. Perhaps I cannot rely on my magic for everything anymore... So, Leo Demose...\"\n\n*Putting her knife away, she bowed towards him.*\n\n\"I would be... grateful if you could teach me the proper way of the blade, and of the Shiekah.\"\n\n*A... part of her kind of assumed he'd say no. The pessimist, as always. After all, she refused to teach Leo her magic, so why would he teach her? Granted, she believed she had a good reason... they may not be using the best methods, but this Dark Magic would deconstruct everything they did should Leo learn it in her eyes. The end mattered more than the means, but these means would destroy their end goal.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*He raised a brow as she wanted to learn the way of the sheikah, especially from him. Granted, he was teaching Selena, but she’s still very young. Leo and every other sheikah started their training at s really young age. Lusaimi is well…not so young.*\n\n*Although she has some experience with surviving and avoiding the sheikah, so maybe it won’t be as difficult as it seems. Although it’ll be easier if they were in a different environment, but this will do.* “I’ll…have to think about it. How would I know you won’t use this knowledge for your own selfish reasons? Or what if it’ll corrupt your mind?” *Of course he was being sarcastic, and it showed. He revealed a slight smirk and the tone in his voice made it noticeable. This was to sorta get back at her for not revealing to him her magic or methods that she survived off of.*\n\n*He then leaned against the table and crossed his arms.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Mmm... yeah, she couldn't blame him. Even with the sarcasm, she still felt like he meant what he said... although she did seem to scoff at the notion of corruption.*\n\n\"I doubt the martial art practices of the Shiekah would corrupt me. I don't need to know their magic, just their physical adeptness. I've already got speed and defensive agility... using such a thing for the offense, however, would be a skill I'm sure would be quite helpful to both myself and you.\"\n\n\"And besides... a selfish move here would just doom the world. I may be... prideful, but I'm not stupid.\"\n\n*Lusaimi knew she was prideful, of course... not so much that she it was a problem, whether it truly was or not, but she didn't think it was one.*\n\n\"Or would you prefer to not have a sparring partner?\"\n\n*Lusaimi and Leo were truly the ones left at the moment. So who else was he going to practice against?*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*This stumped Leo. As far as he knew they were the last two out of the group. Everyone else is either dead, missing, or turned against him. His eyes dart to the floor as he tried to think of another reason.* “Hmm. Fair enough.”\n\n*But, they would not start now. They just got back from almost getting killed and Leo’s physically and emotionally tuckered out.* “If you wish to start then we’ll discuss our next plan in the morning. Gaash knows we’re trying to rescue Selena. Our failure only strengthens the kingdom.”\n\n*He then walked to the book shield and leaned against it for a moment after unequipping his blades and taking off his trench coat. Meanwhile his shadow popped back out of the blade and stretched a bit.* “`My apologies if my words struck worst than those machines. I merely speak what Leo feels.`” *He said with his hands up. Slowly it made its way towards Lusaimi.* “`Now. I say it’s only fair that we show you our ways of fighting if you show us how to harness your powers. Just a bit-`” *it pinched its fingers together* “`enough for us to I don’t know, live a few extra years and create our own army to wipe out the kingdom?`”\n\n*Leos arms were crossed with his eyes closed. He interrupted,* “That’s not our goal.” *The shadow then turns to Leo.* “`Ah but it was at one point yes?`”" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Thank you.\"\n\n*Lusaimi didn't expect such a thing today anyways, and Leo's next words only confirmed that. Very well. She nodded to him as he said that, both in approval of the request to delay it and his statement on their failure. Both were true, after all.*\n\n*Of course... then, the damned puppet appeared. It seemed more... amicable, but that hardly mattered. She immediately gave it a sour look, like she was disgusted in seeing it. Lusaimi approached it as well, though...*\n\n\"Learning my magic would help you in the short term but not in the long term. You might save Selena with it... but eventually, either you'd fall to the magic... or your daughter, who would always be close to you, would. And since she's just a child, my guess is the latter.\"\n\n*These were words she knew Leo didn't like to hear, but they were the truth. They were why she refused to teach Leo her magic.*\n\n\"And teaching me how to fight your way will only benefit you, as I'm working with you on this matter. For my own purposes, I don't need such a skill... but for our shared enemy, such a thing would prove useful.\"\n\n*Re-taming the beasts she lost control... she wouldn't need Shiekah fighting techniques for that. It was only to fight the kingdom... both to fight against Shiekah far better and rely on her magic so well. And to better predict them, of course*\n\n\"And immortality isn't as good as you think. Especially for someone who has someone their close to.\"\n\n*Those were her only words on the subject, before she pulled out that Proto Torch again to make the shadow return to it's blade. She was done talking to the puppet.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The shadow chuckled a small bit as it teleported to another shadowed spot.* “`You forget how I came to be. We made a deal with a witch to gain power. I was the side effect.`” *it then raised its hand to point at Leo.* “`Before Selena we didn’t care what the price was. Once a sheikah has nothing to lose, well, there’s no telling.`”\n\n*Leo then opened his eyes to glance at Lusaimi.* “Immortality was on my list of power to acquire. To most it’s a myth or fantasy. To others it’s a curse. To some it’s a gift.” *his head nudges at her.* “And to very few, it’s a necessity.”\n\n*Leo had the idea of obtaining immortality back when he was in the hunt. But now that he has Selena, and he killed all who was involved with his family’s murder, he had no reason to. Now he can grow old and die, as long as he knows Selena is safe.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Lusaimi almost seemed to ignore the shadow and put away her Torch, as it seemed no longer necessary. Instead, she walked closer to Leo in response to his question.*\n\n\"Well then, let me tell you the truth of immortality then. It is very much so real. When I acquired it, I believed it was a gift... but it is very much a curse for those with something to lose. If you were to acquire immortality, the only thing you could be certain of is that you will watch your daughter die. Even in 100 years, when she's reached the end of her life, you will have another century of life to live with that loss.\"\n\n*She leaned in close, her black eyes almost gleaming a small purple in the weak torchlight of the chamber...*\n\n\"I have kept my sanity because I have nothing to lose. No people to care about when I outlive them. You do not have that luxury. I will not make you suffer.\"\n\n*And with that... Lusaimi stopped leaning in, and approached the Stallord skull. In truth, she wasn't interested in the skull right now... just one of the magic circles within the large runic magic circle around them. It was bigger than the others, it seemed... Lusaimi stopped within it. If Leo had paid attention, it was close to the magic circle Lusaimi used to have with her when she summoned those beasts before her power dwindled...*\n\n*Except she didn't do anything yet. All she did was take her knife out, but beyond that, nothing...*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leos hears flickered as she got close. It was almost a bit sudden for him as he didn’t expect her to get this close. It’s true, leo now has something to lose. But if she wants to help him and his daughter to reunite, then does she truly have nothing to lose?*\n\n*He watched her grab her knife and approached the magic circle. Quickly and quietly he approached her* “Do you wish to extend you life once again?” *If her answer was, what would he do?*\n\n*Meanwhile the shadow stayed where it was. It shook its head before it faded back into Leo’s blade.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"I have no choice.\"\n\n*Holding out her hand, she cut into her finger, and blood rushed out, and hit the magic circle. As soon as her blood touched the runes on it, the circle around her glowed a deep, bright purple.*\n\n*Soon, the blood, now coming out of her finger... began to float in the air. Her wound seemed to stop bleeding as well, and Lusaimi, now putting her knife away, turned to face Leo, and, using her free hand, began to take her blood in her hands and manipulate it in strange ways.*\n\n\"In my years to make myself immortal, I have obtained a deep understanding of the core of magic. It is intrinsically tied to this world and how it operates. To understand the world is to understand magic, and vice versa.\"\n\n*Lusaimi's euyes glowed even more purple... and she seemed to take something from her blood. Leo wouldn't see it; he'd need a tool not even invented yet to see it. Lusaimi couldn't see it either, but... she could sense it with her magic. Sensing her own dark magic within whatever thing she grabbed, she began to fiddle with it. Although what she was doing seemed more arcane than anything.*\n\n\"Immortality is the same. When you understand the cycles of life and death, you understand how to manipulate them. The same goes with fire, and ice, lightning and shadow... any number of elements could be applied using the same principle if they are understood well, including your Shiekah magic.\"\n\n*Lusaimi's eyes glowed even deeper than before... but for now, she still seemed fixated on this thing that came from her blood. Whatever it was, it took a while to change it in whatever way she wanted... enough so that Leo had plenty of time to act, even with Lusaimi keeping an eye on him.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The glow of the circle reflected off of Leo’s red eyes. He’s seen witchcraft before, but it still fascinates him every time. He knew what she was doing as well, and it didn’t sit well with him.*\n\n*As he watched the process he acted upon instinct. He bolted in a blink of an eye and grabs her wrist, using all of his strength to try and pull her out.* “W-wait!” *If she resisted he’d say this while inside the circle, if not then outside it.* “Instead of surviving this next life, why not try living your last one?” *He says this as he sees her still in his life with Selena and him.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Even with Leo in her line of sight, the reality of it was she wasn't really focused on him. It was just to make him think she was carefully watching him. She was good... but not that good.*\n\n*The hand was quick to successfully grab her, and while Lusaimi was initially confused, she resisted, HARD. Due to this, Leo entered the circle, and Lusaimi broke free from his hold, although Leo wasn't pushed out yet. The special... thing in her blood was still in her other hand for now.*\n\n\"I've lost a century of work and power from that... damned headache earlier. If I'm going to get it back, I need more time than I have... I don't know how long I have, but I know it isn't much. 30... 20 years, tops. That isn't enough time to get it all back. I need more. I don't have a choice in this matter.\"\n\n*Lusaimi's eyes were still purple and cold. Despite the magic energy running through them, they didn't hold any warmth to them.*\n\n\"...And besides, I can't live my life. Not with this magic. Some people might treat me as a person in times of crisis, but when its all said and done, almost everyone in this world believes me to be a monster. There is no living a life like that. Better I use such magic for a century-long purpose than try and fail to live for 2 decades at most.\"\n\n*...There was no living her life. Not really. Many people hated her because of her tools, and she understood such hatred. She hated their origin too, so hating what seemed like an extension of it made sense. She liked people who didn't judge her on it, but to say that such judgment was unwarranted was foolish. So she accepted the hate. The isolation. All of it. In her mind, there was no other way.*\n\n\"This may not affect your quest, Leo, but it is necessary for mine. Now, please exit.\"\n\n*She was polite... for now. Leo's thought was nice, to be sure... But if Leo didn't leave soon, though... well, her attitude might change for the worse.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo scoffed at her using the term “monster”. That has been a label on his back for years.* “You think I don’t know what it’s like to be a monster?” *He said as he opened his arms.* “Everyone is a monster in their own way, but you can’t keep running from what you are. You made me see that, and now it’s your turn.”\n\n*This time he just held out his hand.* “We may be monsters, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have something to live for. I have Selena, and you can have something too. Just-“ *He stumble on his words for a moment before looking back at her.* “-just slow down and actually live this life. Not everyone gets a chance to do so, you’ve had plenty.” *To Leo, Lusaimi has been trying to get him to understand his goals and value in life. He sees her as a hypocrite, not taking her own advice.* “Whatever fucked up thing you think you have in your life will not hurt me or Selena.”" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Lusaimi was silent... for a moment... was she shocked? Surprised?*\n\n*Then she scoffed. Her silence came from ridicule.*\n\n\"You don't know a damn word you're talking not. You think you calling yourself a monster and me saying I'm one is the same? They're nothing alike.\"\n\n*Her voice was sharp, full of venom. She put her face even closer to Leo now, closing whatever distance there was as if it would close some kind of confusion.*\n\n\"At the end of everything, your actions were born from love. Love for your fallen family, and now, love for your currently alive daughter. You'd do whatever it takes for your family, as a father should.\"\n\n\"Me? Do you seriously think I'm the same as that? I learned dark magic because I thought I had beauty too good to lose to old age. Selfishness. Entitlement. Pride. Even after becoming exiled, I kept these traits for a decade, never once thinking I'd made a mistake...\"\n\n*Until...*\n\n*She was too angry to stop now. She found the comparison Leo made too stupid to stop now. She should stop, she wanted to stop... but Leo had forced her hand. He had to understand, whether he wanted to or not.*\n\n\"Until the nightmares came. Every night, Ganon tempts me. Attempts to corrupt me. He put me in agony every night, and you wanna know something?\"\n\n*The scar on her face flashed purple now.*\n\n\"He still does. He's in my head every night, attempting to make me his puppet. I am a monster not because of my actions but because He will hurt anyone around me, even just by circumstance or chance.\"\n\n_ _\n\n\"So one day, Leo, when I'm living this life of mine... what do you think is going to happen when those around me become haunted by this Demon? Or lose their being? Am I just supposed to live with the fact that anyone around me can turn into nothing more than a husk of meat and a body for the Devil at any moment?\n\n*...The truth of the matter was this was not a real phenomenon. Whether Ganon was actually in those dreams was up for debate, those around her did not get them as well. It was most unfortunate, though, that she believed this wholeheartedly. And without those with dark magic experience around... who could deny it?*\n\n\"Or, tell me this, Leo Demose. How do you plan to protect your daughter from the influence of the Devil? Do you plan to step into her dreams and fight the Dark Lord off? Make Ganon force his nightmares upon you? Kill me before Ganon has the chance to hurt her? I'd *very* much like to know.\"\n\n*Her voice was... almost aggressive. But not a hint of a lie appeared. Why would there be? She was telling the truth, as far as she knew. Aggressively, yes, but the truth.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Her words did nothing to Leo but understand her more. It was actually humorous to him that she thinks ganon was after her.* “Tell me. Has the thought ever occurred to you that if you didn’t extend your life to this point ganon wouldn’t be after you at all? You claim your a piece of that demons puzzle, but all of this dark magic, you extending your life more and more only gives him what he wants. If he still hasn’t acted to this point then you would’ve lived a normal life decades ago. What makes you think something’s **bound ** to happen now??”\n\n*This was the only logic Leo saw. Besides, to his knowledge there’s are still other series of events that need to lead up that would eventually reveal Gabon’s return.*\n\n*The talk of nightmares was something both he and Selena now had in common with her. He took another step, closing their distance even more.* “I could only imagine what it’s like living with nightmares all those years. But you’re not suffering alone. That girl has survived through hell and back at such a young age. She doesn’t remember what a normal dream was like, only nightmares. After I took them in they were less common, and now they might’ve gotten worst.” *His eyes matched hers.* “If there’s a new threat that involves the safety of Selena then I’ll deal with it like I would this and any other situation. Do whatever it takes to save her, even if it my life is on the line.”" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"You still don't understand. It isn't about me. I know nothing will happen to me. Ganon continues to try to agonize me, but there is no chance one of those dreams will corrupt me. It's about the others. Everyone else will suffer as I have, out of my control.\"\n\n*Lusaimi felt that Leo didn't understand any of it. Yes, she explained that she was a potential threat, but as he said, at this point in her life there was no reason to suspect she would actually break. But that didn't mean Ganon couldn't do it to others. She was strong; isolation had made it difficult for Ganon to find weaknesses to break her. Others did not have that luxury in a fight like that.*\n\n*But... as Leo stopped talking, Lusaimi... backed down. The purple color from her scar began to fade, and while the purple color in her eye did not, it was... something.*\n\n\"I know you would, Leo. That's what makes you a father.\"\n\n*...Suddenly, she rammed into him. Hard. Using her whole body to do it, she attempted to forcibly push him out of the circle.*\n\n*She expected resistance, which was why she used her whole body weight to do it. If she was right, Leo should be outside the circle when she finished...*\n\n*Her plan hinged on him resisting, though. If he didn't at all, then she'd be outside the circle too, although getting back inside it wouldn't be too hard. The blood in her hand would remain inside though... Lusaimi would have to retrieve it before continuing*\n\n*And then, assuming she had the time, she quickly put the thing in her hand back into her finger cut. If Leo was outside the circle for even a moment, she'd have the time for this.*\n\n\"And I'll do what it takes to ensure I never hurt her, or you.\"" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*As Leo was pushed back he lost his footing and fell back a bit. Once he caught himself he saw that the process was already in motion once again. Years as already been extended for her and there wasn’t much else he could do.* “Tsk..”\n\n*His show chuckled in his head afterwards.*\n\n{`At least you tried cowboy.`}\n\n*Leo paid no attention to his shadows thoughts. He stood up and watched her, his eyes glaring at hers.* “If you have the heart to step off of your own path to help others, then you’re no monster Lusaimi.” *He faced her one last time.* “I’ve lived one life, and I still have time to be with the one I care about and die happily. You can to, regardless of what haunts you. Step off the path you’ve been traveling on. A new one just might be a good change for you.” *And with that he turned his back and made his way away from the circle, and outside of her base to get some fresh air. Once he made it outside he sat against an old pillar, placing his coat next to him.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Lusaimi was silent as Leo spoke. She didn't regret what she did, no... she just didn't want to argue it.*\n\n*The magic in eyes finally faded as Lusaimi thought about what Leo said*\n\n{You say that as if I have people to care about.}\n\n*She didn't care about people. Why would she, when so many of them despised her just for her existence alone? Exceptions were laid out, yes... but only in times of need.*\n\n*Some day Leo would understand. And likely never want to see her again. That was fine. That was the expectation. One day, everything would return to the way it was... with peace and quiet. What she's grown accustomed to.*\n\n*She took her journal and quill and wrote a small amendment to that page from earlier*\n\n```I have extended my own life for the second time. Another 200, hopefully.\n\nLeo did not like it. Why does he act as if he cares about me? We have only just met, and I am a witch, the type of person who has apparently screwed him over more than once in his past.\n\nLeo has always been emotional; perhaps this affects his positive emotions as well as his negative ones.\n\nI am worried I have been around Leo too long now that the nightmares will come for him. It has been 150 years since I've been around someone this long as an ally.\n\nI hope my heightened resistance delays the nightmares.```\n\n*...She closed the journal and put it in her cloak along with her quill. While doing this, she continued to apply pressure to the wound on her finger to ensure the blood circulated around her body. That would all but confirm her magic applied...*\n\n*As for now, though, without Leo around to distract her...? She wasn't sure. She planned, mainly. Their next move. Taking stock of what she might need more of, like potions and bombs. Thinking of how to reutilize this catalyst... continuing to hypothesis how to use that Ice Chuchu she picked up in the dungeon... she focused her mind on what might be useful for the upcoming war.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*While Leo was outside he could feel the wind of the desert get slightly warmer as the sun rose. He took this opportunity to do something he doesn’t do very often anymore. He sat on his knees, straightens his back, and placed his hands on his thighs. He controlled his breathing and began to mediate. The calmness of the desert and the quietness helped him focus and calm his mind.*\n\n*He thinks back at everything that has happened recently and where they went wrong. Gaash knew they were coming from the very beginning, but how? He has eyes and ears everywhere. The bastard now controls the castle so it’s not that hard to place spies that could report to him in an instant.*\n\n*Luna is missing, either captured or dead. This weighed on Leo’s heart heavily as she’s already been through so much, and their last words together was in an argument. Saina and Sylvester are now hunting for him. If they find out Leos not at the castle, then they may end up coming here to look for him as well. Nahla and Roewen were nowhere to be found. Lusaimi hasn’t mentioned a word about the bokoblin, so he assumes she left him there to die. He can’t really blame the witch, as she doesn’t seem to care for those creatures, but to Leo Roewen was different.*\n\n*Leo still wears the necklace Roewen has given him, and he shall remain to do so til he dies.*" } ]
[ { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Eventually, Lusaimi would sit at her table and continue to think. Plans, plans, plans... something had to be done...*\n\n*Eventually, though, the combination of being just overall tired, plus her wounds, got to her. Lusaimi fell asleep in her chair, hunched over onto the table itself.*\n\n*She had quite the dream ahead of her...*\n\n*Should Leo return to her... well, she'd actually look kind of peaceful. Despite what she said about being a monster, it didn't seem like such thoughts actively bothered her too much if she was able to sleep like this. Of course, she'd also lived about 150 years with such thoughts... so maybe that was more worrying than one might think.*\n\n*Regardless, similar to last time, the bookcases, while technically guarded by Stalfos, were not blocked to Leo, as the Stalfos didn't care about whether Leo borrowed a book or not. A single book would be missing, though; the journal labeled 180 on the numbered shelf. The shelf with the scientific books was all intact, though, barring a single empty Journal. The one Roewen had taken with him. Of course, its only value was from after Roewen took it... so, from Lusaimi's perspective, nothing of value was lost. To Leo and everyone else? It was quite the opposite...*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*After some time went by Leo sorta jolted awake after almost passing out of exhaustion. Yeah no he wasn’t gonna take a nap out in the desert. He would go back down into her base just to find her passed out at the table. He scoffed slightly, but would then approached her. He dusted his coat off from the sand, folded it up, and gently raised her head up and place the folded coat between her head and arms for cushion.*\n\n*Meanwhile, Leo browsed her books once more. He approached a shield old to hear the sound of crushed paper. He looked down and sees he accidentally stepped on a torn piece. He picked it up and unfolded it, only to find a really rough sketch of a bokoblin. It was Roewen. He cleared his throat and folded the paper and slips it in his pocket for safe keeping*\n\n*Afterwards he scanned the books, only to pick the newest entry that would be on the shelf. Once he got it, he glared at the Stal as if he wanted it to actually try something. Leo then opened it and began to read.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*In truth, Lusaimi was out colder than usual. Probably from those injuries of hers... regardless, she didn't awaken from it... instead, she seemed to start... mumble something.*\n\n*The Stalfos around looked back at Leo, but in the end, did nothing to Leo. Its eyes were soulless and held little emotion, a far cry from the usual hatred in the heart of many monsters.*\n\n*Regardless, book 179 would be the newest entry...*\n\n```Day 65,335\n\n179 years old today... experiments continue to be progressing well. Dynafalos dutifully follow orders without question or emotions. At this pace, the Stallord will be fine in a few years now.\n\nI'm not sure if I comment on this every year, but I don't feel like checking the other journals. I don't think I'd remember my birthday if not for these journals. I keep getting surprised when I realize I've written a year's worth of entries in one book... Time flies, huh?\n\nNext year I'll hit 180... I should start thinking of when I should come out of hiding. Shiekah must think I'm dead by now, and I was 160 when I went into real solitude... I've got Dynafalos under my control, so I'm likely fine even if they're still hunting me.\n\nI'm close to finishing everything... I have to be. Once I get that Triforce of Power, Ganon will finally die... and then maybe I can too. Or maybe this Triforce of Power will be more than it's cracked up to be. I don't know... something I'll figure out in the future.\n\nHappy Birthday, me. Here's to another year of solitude, One Hundred and Forty-Nine years in a row```\n\n*This entry seemed... solemn. As if Lusaimi was barely keeping together. Everything was going well, apparently... but she didn't seem thrilled at all. Almost... saddened by the success. This journal, however, was in far better shape than the others... this was a very recent addition. Of course, now, based on the discussion of her birthday, it didn't take a genius to figure out that the journals were numbered by her age, as the number of his book and the age she claimed to be were one and the same. Lusaimi has said that she's about 180 years old... and curiously, book number 180 was missing... where'd it go?*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo sighed upon reading this. She was sorta right. Living this long all alone? Maybe isn’t too great. Before he met Selena he would’ve taken this opportunity in a heart beat. Going around bounty hunting, collecting coin, eventually turning into a myth/legend? Sounded nice at first, but every story has gaps. What happens in between affects individuals more than they think.*\n\n*After closing the book he placed it back and wandered around, looking for 180. He remembered that she was writing in a journal earlier. Maybe it was near? He approached the table in hopes it was nearby.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The closest table didn't seem to possess the journal... but it became clear from the movement of the... honestly pretty bloodied cloak that the journal was inside it. It held a strange heft to it that would've matched a journal all right...*\n\n*Now, Leo could probably get the journal without waking up Lusaimi... both since the pockets of the cloak were pretty open on the inside and due to his Shiekah skills. But, judging by her words, this was the most recent journal. These entries wouldn't really be history... they'd be current day. This journal, in particular, was far more personal than the others.*\n\n*Just how curious was Leo about Lusaimi?*\n\n*Nearby the table, Lusaimi continued to seemingly... mutter something. It was so quiet and kind of unintelligible... Leo would definitely hear it this time, although not understand it. He'd need to take the time to listen closely to do that...*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The urge to read this journal was unbearable, even though this was a huge invasion of her privacy. He began to reach for it, but stops himself. Sadly, his shadow rose behind him to whisper poisonous words.* \"`Take it! Aren't you curious what could be written in there? About us? About her? Is she plotting against us? Using us?.`\" *These were real thoughts Leo had in the back of his head, his shadows head.*\n\n*Leo clenched his fists and resisted the urge to take it. Although, he did hear her mumbles. Leaning in, he tried to listen to what she said. After years of training, one of his \"sheikah skills\" is excellent hearing. Most sheikah are gifted with this trait, others had to focus their mind and adapted to this way of living. Leo both was born with this, and trained to enhance his senses, just in case he loses one of them.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*At first, Lusaimi seemed to stop her muttering... was Leo too late to hear it?*\n\n*Soon, though, Lusaimi muttered something again, and judging off the pattern of the previous mutter, it was the same phrase.*\n\n\"Why do you... care so much... about me?\"\n\n*And that was it. 8 words. But with the context he knew, they had to be powerful ones.*\n\n*If nothing else, it would certainly reveal that Lusaimi didn't understand why Leo cared about her. Why he would try to help her as she helped him. Why he'd even think she was worthy of living a good life and thought it so seriously that he'd try to stop her from extending her life.*\n\n*But, at the same time... it also revealed that Lusaimi had kept thinking about such actions. Enough so that, even in her dreams, which she said were more ruled by Ganon, they remained an idea...*\n\n*Why? That was the question, wasn't it... it seemed a question that stumped Lusaimi, even if Leo knew the answer...*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Upon hearing this, Leo froze. Was she talking about him? He thought about that for a second before stepping back. If so, how could he answer that? He doesn’t truly know either. It could be because she’s determined to save Selena as well, even if for her own reasons. Does her flare remind him of someone he once knew? Maybe.*\n\n*Regardless, he knew what was right and wrong in this situation. If she wished to tell him whatever is in that journal it’ll have to be on her own time. He made his way back to the shelves and leaned against it sliding down to sit. Laying his head against the shelf, he slowly began to doze off and eventually fell asleep.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*As the dream faded, Lusaimi blinked once, twice... and returned to consciousness.*\n\n\"Mmm...\"\n\n*She did not have the best sleep. She usually never did, but this time, in particular, was a bit worse...*\n\n*Although, that truth was only from her mind. In reality, her body had a slightly better sleep due to the soft cloth supporting her head, a rarity in her isolation.*\n\n\"Mm... what?\"\n\n*Still slightly groggy, Lusaimi leaned up, allowing the cloth to fall to the table... before she unfolded the strange thing. And in doing so, she recognized it as Leo's cloak...*\n\n*Wait, so he...*\n\n*Lusaimi's face... actually went slightly red before it returned to normal as she looked over at Leo, leaning over on the shelf, still asleep. Damn this man. Why the hell was he doing this? What was the point of showing this care to her?*\n\n*...How was he even slightly attached to someone he had just met a small time ago, who fit neatly into a box with others who had betrayed him before? She was a witch, and Leo had a history with witches. One where they promised one thing and then did another.*\n\n*So why? Was he just that fucking stupid?*\n\n*Lusaimi sighed... she didn't know. Whatever emotions led Leo were ones she'd had time to cut from herself. Caring about people wasn't a feeling she got when there was no one around to care for, even as an option.*\n\n*So... she got up, cracking her neck a bit to just sort of wake her up... before putting Leo's cloak over his head, carefully, as not to him. It wasn't neatly done... but it wouldn't fall off, and that was the point. Really, it looked more like she was using him as a coatrack... but it was the best place for his own cloak, really.*\n\n*After that, she just sat down quietly... she got out and looked at her journal before putting it back. This was going to be a long change in her life, wasn't it?*\n\n*There was a lot to talk about once Leo awoke... she'd wait to think until then, letting herself enjoy the momentary silence. It wouldn't last, after all.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo would still be asleep even after the coat was placed on him. It was clear he was exhausted. Part of the harness that holds his blades there is a leather holster, about the size of a book. It held…well a book, but it seemed weathered by where it’s poking out. There’s also pieces of loose paper poking out of every other pages.*\n\n*He was as still as a rock. These past few days has been exhausting, physically and mentally. Of course he’s use to this, but adding all these emotions takes a toll on the sheikah.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Eventually, Lusaimi would look at Leo... and while the cloak was over him, it didn't really hide much of value... especially that book.*\n\n*Curiously, Lusaimi walked over to it, and begun to think over whether she should give it a once over.*\n\n*Oh baby, was she tempted. A part of her certainly wanted to take it and scour the knowledge it likely contained. What had he recorded? What had Leo seen? Knowledge was a powerful tool, after all... and getting more of it benefitted Lusaimi greatly...*\n\n*But, she had no guarantee what kind of knowledge lay within. It could be something useful... or it could be a diary.*\n\n*As Lusaimi looked at her collection of books, journals, and scientific papers, she... wasn't sure. If it were a journal, she'd be interested, but considering what she's told the others not to do, she didn't think it wise to be a hypocrite. A log of events would be much, much more useful...*\n\n*But the same logic still largely applied, didn't it? Currently, the 2 were working together against a large, common foe. Breaking trust was going to get her nowhere.*\n\n*Course, some of her wasn't sure if Leo trusted her. For all she knew, he was attempting to manipulate her... she'd seen enough with her eyes, though, that even if he was using her, she was still fighting against the right foe. So for now, she did it, regardless of Leo's true intentions...*\n\n*She didn't really have much of a choice.*\n\n*In the end, Lusaimi didn't take the book, although she had been staring at it for a long time. Well... that was that then, wasn't it?*\n\n*Time to sit back down and enjoy the silence...*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*As soon as the witch turned her back the sounds of Leo chuckling could be heard. Although, it was revealed to be the shadow instead of him. It rose up in the corner of the room before stepping back out.* “`Ever since you came along I’ve had more and more reasons to pop right back out.`”\n\n*As usual this shadow would take the form of Leo, wearing his trench coat and normal gear. But it’s also wearing his hunter hat and mouth mask to cover most of its face. This was what Leo looked like when he was known as Strider.* “`You’re interested in what we’ve worked on before shit went sideways huh?`” *It said as it gestured the book.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*...It wouldn't make sense for Leo to laugh just as he woke up. Meaning the laughter came from...*\n\n\"Am I supposed to take that as a compliment, Puppet?\"\n\n*Her voice was filled with disdain. Guess she wasn't getting any more silence. Ah well, it lasted... well enough... she guessed.*\n\n\"I've been outside of the world events for about 20 years now, barring the last couple days. Leo has done... roughly the exact opposite, I believe.\"\n\n*She didn't seem to include this dark half of Leo in his achievements. Although, this time, she didn't try to make the shadow go away...*\n\n\"Why are you here? What do you have to gain by conversing with me?\"\n\n*A straightforward question. Lusaimi was never one to beat around the bush, and she didn't care enough about this shadow to feign pleasantries. Plus, she doubted she had anything to possibly gain from conversing with the shadow on her end... apart from learning its motivations, perhaps...*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The shadow held his chest, as if her words actually hurt him.* “`Ooo ouch. Now why are you so nice to Leo and not to…well Leo?.`” *It said, calling itself the same as the real Leo.*\n\n“`We would be dead if it wasn’t for me anyways. These bad luck events all started after he got rid of me.`” *Now it was mentioning back when Leo was know as Strider.* “`Things were good. Money was great. The kills were perfect. It was all until-`” *it points at the book in Leo’s harness.* “`-that damn thing.`”" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"You are a part of Leo, but not the whole. The worst parts of him manifested into shadow. You are nothing more than a way for a higher power to influence him. A-\"\n\n*Hang on...*\n\n\"No, I was right earlier. You're nothing but a slave, following the master you were born to serve.\"\n\n*This shadow may be a part of Leo, but it was not a natural part of him. When did it manifest? Lusaimi couldn't say, but since Leo has interacted with witches before her, there were plenty of times when it could've been done. As such, she didn't stress the details; it fell in line regardless of the timing.*\n\n\"Hmph. 'Things were good.' From a single, twisted perspective, perhaps, From the perspective of a slave who sees death and chaos as good, yes, you could consider it good. But I've heard it said that the high road is one full of danger... and if things were so easy when you were involved, I can only imagine which road you decided to take.\"\n\n*The Shadow had a very narrow outlook on life, that much was obvious. If anything, listening to the opposite of what it says was a much safer bet. If it wants to make a choice, going with the opposite choice was more likely the better option.*\n\n\"And what about 'that damn thing' changed everything?\"\n\n*It felt like the shadow had a... monologue coming up. Lusaimi did not want to hear it... but it may reveal important information. So she'd suffer through one.*" } ]
[ { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*This sudden shift of her attitude was a surprise to both Leo and the shadow. The two’s expressions were actually the same. Their eyes widen and lean back a bit.* “U-um. Well…I can’t depict the exact location in the desert. I think it was near the mountain ranges.” *To sorta calm her down, he grabs her hands and slowly lay them back at her side.* “Whatever they did in the tower resulted in it crumbling.”\n\n*There was a possibility that there were some remains, but nothing that would interest Lusaimi.* “I never ventured inside. I merely fought the king before he entered it.”" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*...And her excitement, just as fast as it was created, died down upon the reveal of not knowing where it was, and the reveal that it was destroyed...*\n\n\"...Oh. Well then, suppose that... hardly matters now then, does it?\"\n\n*She of course let Leo put her hands to her sides... well, this was suddenly very... awkward, wasn't it? For Lusaimi, at least.*\n\n\"My uh... apologies for that... uncouth display. Entirely new discoveries can... excite the more scientific side of me than I'd like.\"\n\n*Well... that was disappointing. In about 3 different ways. Lusaimi backed up, leaving her hands to the side, not knowing what to do with them...*\n\n\"So... your little solo trip into the Castle... what did you find?\"\n\n*Changing the subject seemed like the best idea right now. Seemed whatever history Leo went through no longer applied to the present day... barring Gaash, of course. But that could be asked later. Whatever Leo found in the Castle, if anything, would be good to know...*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leos mind raced a small bit as she asked this question. Once he realized what she meant his eyes sorta wandered.* “We…we met up in the armory and she was displeased. We argued for a moment. She backed up my claim of causing trouble everywhere I go.” *He said as he leaned against the shelves. He sorta chuckled as well.* “Hmph. It’s funny. Every time I was in some sort of trouble she was always there just in time to get me out of it.” *His smirk then quickly faded.* “Now she’s gone…kidnapped or killed. And our last conversation was an argument…”\n\n*He tried to shake the thought away, getting less emotional about it before glancing at his shadow.* “`She kicked our ass when we first met her.`” “We underestimated her when we first met.”" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Lusaimi simply... nodded at Leo recounting his history. Sounds roughly right...*\n\n*Although, his recounting of their history really wasn't what she was asking for. She wanted something functional. The only really functional thing there was that Leo had seen Luna, but had not seen where she'd gone...*\n\n\"What about after? Where'd you get that feather? Actually, how was that thing supposed to lead to your daughter anyways?\"\n\n*She kinda... didn't think about it during the Castle, but yeah... how did a feather lead back to Selena? Did she just have feathers on her, like a collection? Lusaimi didn't know she had wings, after all, and such a thing didn't really cross her mind?*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo sorta tilted his head, but realized that she’s never really seen Selena in person.* “We both left the armory and went down separate hallways. I made it to the dungeon where she was held and all that was left was her feather.” *He tried to explain this the best he can as he never really met anyone like her before.* “Shes a siren, so she has certain features that are different than a normal hylians. Wings on her back, talons as feet.”\n\n*The shadow chuckled as Leo struggled to describe Selena.* “`I always saw it as half Rito half hylian.” *Leo nods and shrugs.* “More or less yeah. So it was a feather from her wings which I brought to Roewen. His nose has been true multiple times so wherever he lead you two was where Selena was taken to.”" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Okay, some useful information. Good.*\n\n*A siren? Interesting. Lusaimi wasn't made aware of that before, but it hardly mattered. Would help her identify Selena though, at least, even without knowing her name.*\n\n\"Hmph. I may not like beasts, but I know well enough that they have biological advantages.\"\n\n*She hated them, but they had advantages. Numbers or size, mostly, but some, like bokoblins, had some good senses.*\n\n\"It led me to a hallway full of statues. And since I agree with you that its nose was true, my guess would be she was hidden through a secret path of some kind. I destroyed the closest one, seeing if the entrance was under it or not... it wasn't, but the statue itself had a plaque called \"Sir Raven\" on it. After that... well, the Shieikah found me. And where there are 4, 20 aren't far behind, and neither are their... weapons of war.\"\n\n*'Me,' as if Roewen wasn't important. Which, to Lusaimi, he wasn't. His improvement in scent was replaceable. Give her some time, and she could regain control of Bokoblins. After all, she still had Moblins, so it wouldn't take that much effort. It wasn't... the most useful thing in an overall sense, but she did probably need a sunlight monster of some kind... really, in the Castle, a Stalhound would work just as well, so that might not even be necessary. So maybe she won't take that time right now.*\n\n*That was the truth of the matter... but, that should be enough from the Castle. Now, to planning...*\n\n\"Well... first things first, we need to find the others that we still can find, and make a proper plan this time. If nothing else, we need to explain what happened to Saina and Sylvester.\"\n\n*Mm... Lusaimi just thought about how Saina and Sylvester might've come to the meeting point after the others left for the Castle. They could be anywhere...*\n\n\"Where might they go?\"\n\n*It was... a starting point, at least.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The name of the statue lingered in Leo’s mind. It puzzled him a good bit.* “Sir Raven?…” *He walked around a small bit as he tried to remember. His eyes widen as he remembered walking past that statue a few times during his short moments in the castle.* “This statue, was the figure pointing?” *He said as he demonstrated, posing exactly like the statue.*\n\n*He needed to get this information out of the way before they plan their next course of action. Meanwhile the shadow answered her other question.* “`Saina mentioned something about finding s nice place to sleep. My guess is he rented out the fanciest tavern in castle town so he doesn’t get bed bugs.`”" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Was it? Lusaimi knew all the others were... Leo's... honestly helpful copy of the statue helped her confirm it though, and Lusaimi quickly cursed herself for not properly memorizing it on her own.*\n\n\"Yes, it was, although all the others were pointing in different places as well. I'm sure there's some hint as to where the passage entrance is, but I'm unsure about which statue reveals it.\"\n\n*She didn't have enough time to figure it out before the Shiekah came in. And they'd still probably be watching that hallway too...*\n\n\"Tavern in Castle Town? Hmm... Out of either of us, I'm probably the least likely to get in trouble, just because you're known all across the kingdom... so I can try and find them there...\"\n\n*Leo going to Castle Town felt like a bad idea overall. Too many guards there who might know his face or even just his figure.*\n\n\"Thalia is just... missing. Any idea where she could've gone?\"\n\n*Everything was quick and chaotic, but they had lost track of her. Lusaimi didn't think she abandoned them... perhaps she had to run in a different direction to survive? It was feasible, and considering Thalia seemed to have some history with the group, a betrayal felt unlikely...*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo exhaled and rubbed his face, as they were so close to finding Selena.* “It’s possible the statue was pointing to some castle entrance. It has a few of those hidden all around.” *He then walked to the table and laid his hands on it.* “Gaash knew we were coming, took Selena from the dungeons and led her to wherever that hidden entrance went to.”\n\n*Now comes the matter of finding the others. Once she brought it up again he shook his head.* “No. If you know anyone then go get them, but you already know what happened to everyone I dragged into this.” *Leo couldn’t risk losing more allies than he already has. Who could he even trust now?*\n\n*The shadow glared at Lusaimi.* “`Surely you have some friends that haven’t died of old age and forgotten about you after staying locked up in here.`”" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Pointing, huh... Lusaimi would've probably figured that out eventually, but she didn't have the time to explore any further options.*\n\n\"Good to know at the very least.\"\n\n*As for the further question... Lusaimi's first response was a facepalm.*\n\n\"Have you been listening to when I tell you of my past? At all?\"\n\n*Isolation meant alone. Really. Alone. Not only that, but she's 180. Almost anyone she could've met before dark magic would've died of old age.*\n\n*And for the record, she was never locked up. This isolation was voluntary. She sighed before properly responding.*\n\n\"No. Not a soul. I don't know why you couldn't figure that out for yourself, but I have no allies I could call upon.\"\n\n*Saina mentioned how everyone at the dungeon with her betrayed her, including Lenel and Vekhi. They couldn't be trusted. Which meant Lusaimi knew literally no one that hadn't already been accounted for.*\n\n\"Right... so instead of allies, let's look at ourselves then. We need to be stronger. I've got some ideas for myself, but do you have any plans to improve yourself?\"\n\n*A serious question, especially considering their current inability to fight the Guardian Scouts. They'd need something to fight those in particular...*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo paused for a moment as he thinks about what he could do to prepare for what comes next.* “Only mentally. I was dull. Letting my emotions get the best of me. There will be less of us this time, less people to keep checks on.” *Leo could also train and sharpen his reflexes, but in terms of upgrading nothing came to mind.*\n\n*He pulls out his 5 Kings book and lays it on the table. Flipping through the hold and new pages he stopped at the guardian scouts. There was a sketch of the ones they fought, along with lines and notes of their appearance and what they’re capable of.* “We need to study these things as well. As far as we know only Gaash has these at his disposal. We’ve seen a total of four so far, two at the docks and two in the castle. If they’re the same from both events then that’s all he has, but we should expect more.” *He points at various parts of the scouts.* “They fire a type of energy beam, whether its technology or magic it doesn’t matter. They’re fast, sheikah fast. Reflexes are almost perfect. When I dodge before both could strike they stopped themselves from hitting each other instantly. An average warrior, and a sloppy sheikah would’ve hit one another.” *He added some more detail to the sketch, mainly to its body and leg joints.*\n\n*The shadow also made its rounds around the table.* “`They seem to travel in pairs as well. Maybe they fear only sending one would be too easy to take out?`” *Leo nods.* “Their eye is the source of their energy beams. When I struck their heads it seems to deal a great amount of damage.” *The shadow once again continued.* “`Three arms as well. Two weapons, one shield. It rotates between each one in an instant. Even using their offense as defense.`”\n\n*Leo straighten his posture and rubbed his chin as he began to think.* “Separating them would make it easier to take out. Aiming for their limbs would make the situation easier as well.”\n\n*Leo was locked in. Discussing battle strategies and learning the opponents strength and weaknesses was something Leo was always fond of. That’s all he did when he was a bounty hunter, so it’s basically his job to do this.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Lusaimi did not respond to Leo's claim, as it did answer her question. So be it then...*\n\n\"We should assume the worst and guess at 4.\"\n\n*As was standard to do when facing an unknown enemy. Plan for the worst but hope for the best.*\n\n\"Perfect, huh? If that's the case, then they might be predictable. Beyond those lasers, their moves were simple; every single cut was meant to be the last strike.\"\n\n*Perhaps they were predictable. Lusaimi wasn't too sure. The strikes were strange... but not so strange that it was difficult to dodge. And if their reflexes were perfect, then shouldn't they always block it no matter what? Dodging an attack didn't seem like something in their wheelhouse...*\n\n\"More likely a way to keep people from finding the weakness of one. Can't stop and think about 1 when the other is closing in. And for now, it ensures a small team won't be enough to deal with a pair of them.\"\n\n*Head is a potential weak point... perhaps a lot of either tech or magic is stored there specifically to allow for the eye beams? The reasoning hardly mattered...*\n\n\"3 arms... even in a 1v3, it would still hold its own. A straightforward fight isn't an answer...\"\n\n*They needed something... outside the box.*\n\n\"Separating the 2 weapons won't be easy when they're flanked by soldiers or even Shiekah. The only advantage we have is likely the ability to think further ahead. As far as I can tell, these things look for immediate results; not long-term ones. Combine that with what is likely Gaash's overconfidence giving the orders, and we potentially have a way to trap one and destroy it before it sees us. Your wrecking ball might come in handy for that, along with a myriad of bombs...\"\n\n*An ambush? Maybe... although they'd need a plan if it didn't go well...*\n\n_ _\n\n\"We need to think outside the box. Perhaps cut down the castle's forces enough to where they need to send these weapons out on their own? Lure monsters into supply lines, and make a trap for them when the soldiers come to eradicate them?:\n\n*Guerrila Tactics... they were facing an enemy that heavily outnumbered them. Making those numbers less valuable seemed like a good idea...*\n\n*But such a thing could also be equated to terrorism. Lusaimi didn't care; hitting weaker targets to make the biggest target weaker as well seemed the best idea at the moment... perhaps they'd find some information out as well?*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Create a diversion large enough to draw those things out? That could work.” *That plan was a bit vague for now, but of course it was. Now was the time to throw in ideas. Leo had one, although he will not speak of it at the moment. Once he thought of it, his shadow shot an furious glare at him.*\n\n*Leo cleared his throat and pressed off the table.* “We need to heighten our reflexes if we’re going to be successful against them, you especially.” *He says this as he’s had training over his years plus his profession. Lusaimi did say she wishes to learn from Leo. He looks around the room before closing the book.* “You say you wish for me to show you the way of my people?”" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"It's a start. We'll need more than a vague idea of a trap.\"\n\n*Lusaimi stayed at the table, standing with Leo. He noticed the furious look from the shadow... were they conversing in Leo's head? Likely. Of what? She wasn't sure.*\n\n*Lusaimi simply nodded to Leo's remark. She may not like it, but it was true. She could use some extra reflex skills...*\n\n\"The more I know and learn of your people's ways, the better chance we have to succeed.\"\n\n*It was certainly the truth, and no doubt about that. Especially with his people being the enemy...*" } ]
[ { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo crossed his arms as he hears her reasoning again.* “Alright, but I’m not teaching you the way of my people. I’m introducing things my way.” *And with that Leo grabbed his trench coat, and his book, then made his way outside the hideout.*\n\n*The shadow scoffed slightly and followed behind Leo.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Lusaimi... raised an eyebrow.*\n\n\"Your way?\"\n\n*Lusaimi was quick to follow, making sure she had everything. Her knife, her journal and writing implements...*\n\n\"And what is this so-called 'New Way' I'll be learning? It got a name?\"\n\n*A part of her was... curious about this change from Leo. Another just felt she needed to have the info. Either way, she was hoping he'd answer her question as the pair made it to the tower's roof.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The shadow sorta stoped before exiting* “`The way of the Lynel?`” *It said with a slight shrug before dispersing into a puff of shadow when getting exposed to sunlight.*\n\n*Leo was a good distance outside, trying to find a nice flat area to start.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Lusaimi almost chuckled at the name, continuing to follow Leo.*\n\n\"The Silver Lynel, huh? I've worked with monsters all my life... what's one more, huh?\"\n\n*That was an... attempt at some sort of humor? Lusaimi had no clue. Honestly, she found the name kind of strange, but it hardly mattered to her. So long as Leo would teach it, she'd learn the 'Way of the Lynel.'*\n\n*As for Leo's search, it was pretty easy to find a nice flat area; almost this entire place was flat, apart from a staircase leading up to where the Mirror of Twilight had been a few thousand years ago, far back. There was plenty of flat land to work with, both in the sun and... in the shade actually, as a few tarps had been set up around the staircase. The purpose was to let the Stalfos be on the roof for defense but... well, some shade from the blistering sun of the desert wasn't bad to have at all.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo found a nice spot to sorta stand around and get a good layout of the area to work with. He laid his coat over some very important sacred figurine that he doesn’t give a shit about. Meanwhile his shadow appeared in one of the shaded parts of the stands.*\n\n*With his coat off Leo was now seen wearing his under tunic Gemesaur shell as part of his armor. It covered his shoulders, his right gauntlet, and his shins thins that goes up to his knees. The sun shined against them and gave off a crystal purple hue.* “I really prefer the wilderness to train in…but this will do.” *He said as he unsheathes both blades and whipped them around a bit.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Lusaimi eventually joined Leo, taking off her own cloak and putting it on another nearby sacred figure she couldn't give a shit about. 2 people who just really didn't like the goddesses and their followers... go figure, right?*\n\n*Such a thing revealed 2 things; A, that outfit from earlier she was still wearing. A very traditional set of Gerudo clothing, with a mix of new and old cloth keeping the thing together. Honestly, it looked like the whole thing was about to come apart... which wasn't good cause it didn't cover much, as is expected of Gerudo clothing, which was worn in the blistering sun at all times.*\n\n*The second and more important thing was that it revealed the full extent of her injuries. That slash to her arm looked worse than before in broad daylight and without cloth covering it up. It ended up being a messy slash, too; one end of it was at least straight, but the other looked to be slightly jagged. That wound from the arrow that had gone into her shoulder earlier back at the port was also visible; it looked alot better and was clearly slowly healing; It was clear which injury Lusaimi had used a potion on, and which hadn't, even with the time difference.*\n\n*The last thing Lusaimi did though, is pull out her dagger. It... was all she had.*\n\n\"So, what's the starting point?\"\n\n*She was ready to learn, although... maybe a little underequipped. No sword... just a knife. A good sized knife, but... just a knife.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*He examines Lusaimi’s attire for a moment before looking away for a second and clearing his throat.* “I think for right now we test to see how fast your reflexes are. It’ll help me decide what you need to work on and could save us some time as well.” *He began to approach her.* “You’re not going to learn everything today, or tomorrow, or the next day. These things take years to get the hang of. But it’s good to know the basics.”\n\n*They we’re now about 3 feet away from each other. He glanced at her dagger and flipped his blades so the flat end was facing her.* “I’m going to throw a few swings. Going to start slow then progressively get faster. Your goal is to try and well, not get it. Simple.” *To him it was. Lucky for her if she gets hit there won’t be any critical or lethal damage; just getting smack really hard by steel.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Course not. Nothing gets thoroughly learned in a day. But I'm a solid learner, so I'll take in all I can.\"\n\n*'Bout the only thing she did was learn for 180 years. It may be a different skill, but learning, of all things, was something that came easy to her.*\n\n*With Leo's explanation, though... the knife was put away. No need for it, after all. She was just dodging right now, after all...*\n\n\"Make your swings, and I'll make my dodges.\"\n\n*The sooner they started, the better.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo nods while the shadow laughed. He started with some casual swings, ranging from high to low.* “You’ve fought before so I shouldn’t have to tell you how to step and to move as you dodge.”\n\n*If there were any monsters around the shadow he would treat them as if their actual spectators.* “`I remember when I was young and doing shit like this…it was annoying.`” *It said as he taps the shoulder of a nearby monster.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Of course.\"\n\n*Lusaimi successfully dodged the strikes, moved away from the various strikes, and moved whichever part of her body was most threatened first, moving her head first for an overhead strike and moving her legs when a strike went low. Simple, yes, but it was a second extra that helped her dodge.*\n\n\"Annoying or not, it's useful.\"\n\n*There are quite a few monsters around, actually. 2 Kargaroks were perched up nearby, overlooking the sparring duo from high above. Another set of Keese seemed to be hanging around the roof as well, about roughly half as many as down in the base itself. The only monsters that were close to the shadow were 2 Stalfos, though; all the others remained inside the base. In effect, the Shadow and the Stalfos had some sort of kinship, in that they both couldn't exist in sunlight.*\n\n*The Shadow, however, had some sort of personality to it, mimicking Leo's in a twisted sort of way. The Stalfos had no such thing. They didn't react to the Shadow in any form, and their eyes looked like there was no life behind them. They simply... didn't do anything beyond standing there.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The shadow scoffed and watched the witch dodge the childish swings.* “`Tough crowd..`”\n\n*Leo was only using one out of two swords for the first few swings. After every few he would speed up the swings.* “Good. It seems you’re getting the hang of it already.” *The pace then speeds up even faster. It was almost as fast as the scouts swings back at the castle.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*While Lusaimi hadn't dodged the strikes of the Scouts at the Castle, he had done so at the port; and Leo's were much more natural strikes, so it was ever so slightly easier to dodge these ones.*\n\n\"Had enough close calls with the Shiekah early on in my decades. Speed always seemed more important than strength in the long run.\"\n\n*For her, it certainly was, especially when she could summon a beast far stronger than any normal man or woman could get to. Being fast, then, became a priority.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "“You’re right, but keep in mind it takes more than just speed or strength to take down your opponent.” *After now swinging as fast as he could with his right sword, he then began to swing with both swords. His stance wasn’t as stiff either.* “Don’t just dodge, block, parry, strike. Move your feet, don’t look at them. Strike when you can.” *Now he was moving left and right, changing his strike patterns.*\n\n*He really was trying his best not to strike as hard or move as fast, but it’s been so long since he’s trained so he might’ve gotten carried away.*" } ]
[ { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo scoffed for a second ad he got into his stance. He was ready for her next attack.* “A common excuse. Once you know you weapon your mind would be the only thing slowing you down!” *Her attempt to strike his leg made him block with his sawblade, but wasn’t expecting the switch up. The only way he could somewhat protect himself was by turning in his shoulder, causing the blade to skim up his gauntlet. He also moved his head back during this action in case she was going to go for the head.*\n\n*The dash to the right was somewhat expected, so he played along. He turned his leg so when she kicked it he’d be kneeled down. As he was low to the ground he used the momentum with his left leg and return a powerful kick. Wether or not it hit his next move would be aggressive. He pushed off the ground in her direction and slashed diagonally with his eightfold repeatedly; while using his sawblade to parry or block any other upcoming attacks.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Lusaimi didn't respond as her gambit worked...*\n\n*Well. almost worked. She didn't push the strike further than the one strike, mainly since Leo could defend himself and strike her while her strike was nullified. Trickery was the only way she'd get a strike in...*\n\n*And she was right to do so. She used both arms to block the oncoming kick, keeping her balance, before Leo went for a diagonal strike, moving her head back and slightly stepping back to dodge the strike.*\n\n*Leo continued his strikes, but at the second, Lusaimi immediately had an idea. Dodging again in a similar manner, she had her knife directly follow the back of Leo's blade, not to block it, but to force it and Leo's hand to the ground, and stop his continuous assault.*\n\n*Letting her dagger make sparks against Leo's eightfold blade, she tried to bring it up to Leo's hand, and tried to slash at Leo's hand again...*\n\n*And at the same time, the free, right side of her body was driven into Leo, hoping to stun him and allow her to wound his hand.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Now he definitely didn’t expect her to pull this kind of move. The eightfold blade was forced downwards, but her knife slash was again blocked by the sawblade. Lucky for her, she managed to stun him with the body bash.* “Oof!”\n\n*To somewhat recover from this, he took her with him. As she got close for the bash his right arm was wrapped around her. He slung her ahead of him, mainly towards the ground as he recovered.*\n\n“I can see how the sheikah had trouble finding you now.” *He said as he regained his footing.*\n\n*For now, he sheathed the sawblade and resulted to only use the eightfold blade. Now, his stance changed. It was a more sheikah traditional one, but there were a few things off about it. His stance wasn’t as low and his body looked more loose. He now awaits for her next move.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Using her own body weight against Leo, she had already planned to need to regain her footing. That was the natural way to go. While Leos' move was successful in having her stumble, her preparations had kept her from falling to the ground.*\n\n\"Can't help but wonder how things would've gone if you'd born a century earlier. Think you would've been sent to hunt me down?\"\n\n*Lusaimi... actually had a smile on her face, and not even a creepy one that had some kind of strange implications with her magic. This was quite exhilarating, actually, and she was actually finding some enjoyment from duel between the 2. She certainly to like it better than fighting her own monsters.*\n\n*Lusaimi rushed Leo, going for a strike on high...*\n\n*Another feint, of course, as her blade moved down to strike his leg...*\n\n*Except that wouldn't make it either. A second feint!*\n\n*Instead of her knife going for the leg, it went across, attempting to predict Leo's dodge away from her knife. His loose figure made it clear that his legs were like a springboard now...*\n\n*Her first feint would hopefully make it seem like Lusaimi understood that and changed targets... and she did understand that; enough so that she planned for Leo's dodge entirely instead of trying to outpace it.*\n\n*Her leg now went for Leo's leg instead, whichever was closer depending on which he dodged, hoping to bring him down his knees again...*\n\n*Where she'd go for a punch straight to the neck, hoping to draw Leo's breath out of his body and force him to take a moment to breathe.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*A smile also appeared on Leo’s face. It seems he too was enjoying this training session. It was better than some training dummy as well.* “Hmph…”\n\n*Leo was ready for her first feint. He didn’t react at all to it, but he reacted to her second one. His blade swooped down to parry it, but had to flick it back up quickly as it wasn’t going to connect! He would then have his blade held close to him to parry any other knife attacks.*\n\n*As for her leg, he learned from her last leg attack. All he had to do was lightly jab her leg with his, but the she threw that punch. Due to his free hand he managed to catch it, and held it in place. His eyes glared into hers.* “Watch it.”" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Or else what, Sensei?\"\n\n*As a more devilish smile appeared across her face, she responded to Leo's grab by pulling Leo into her, moving her leg up to hopefully sweep him off his feet, her knife going with a flurry of blows to keep his katana busy. She expected her knife to be parried at each turn, so she didn't put much force into it, allowing her to rebound from it rather quickly.*\n\n*Her hand was quick to unravel from a punch and grab Leo's own hand, not really moving but meeting his grip with her own. Assuming he fell to the ground, her knife would immediately go for Leo's outstretched arm, as his hand was still in her hand, and attempt to cut it off.*\n\n*Well... not really cut it off. She'd stop at the exact last second if Leo couldn't block it, but the energy from the strike made it look as if it was a real attempt*\n\n*Her other leg would attempt to stomp on Leo's blade, and keep him from attacking back.*\n\n*This all assumed the sweep worked, of course.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo matched her devilish smile with his own, following with his glowing red eyes. His katana met with her knife as he constantly parried her attacks. He stood his ground as they were exchanging strikes and holding each other in place.*\n\n*But being pinned in this situation made it tricky to get the advantage. So, he allowed himself to fall back and have her pin his blade down. His breathing was a bit heavy as he laid there, ALMOST defeated.*\n\n*Right before she could claim victory a cold blade was pressed against her neck. If she turned around to look it would be his shadow, standing within hers. He grinned and shook his head slightly. Meanwhile, Leo still being on the ground raised his head up.* “Do you yield?”\n\n*This position, this situation, this scene. It all felt too familiar to Leo. There was once a time where he dueled someone years ago. The two fought for hours until a fool thought he was victorious, minus the shadow. Until his opponent pulled a fast one on him. That day set him on the path he travels on now.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Lusaimi's blade stopped the moment she felt the cold steel, looking back at the shadow.*\n\n\"You seemed to be the one who yielded, considering your use of your shadow.\"\n\n*Lusaimi considered this a nonmagical duel. If you include magic in the fight, then she'd get more than a few Stalfos to support her fight. Or a moblin. Or keese. Or another creature. By Leo using it, he seemed to yield to her.*\n\n*And so, she pulled her knife away and got her foot off of Leo's blade, pulling Leo off the ground. Due to this, the 2 would be... mighty close. An inch or so, maybe 2.*\n\n\"Well... I must say that was... rather fun. I can see why you Shiekah train so hard, if its this enjoyable.\"\n\n*She really hadn't been expecting to find fun in this, but everything about it seemed to blend well together...*\n\n\"Thank you, Leo.\"\n\n*A strange bit of sincerity, although there was no trick to it. To her, this new discovery would be useful to have. While training against monsters may not be as fun, it would be better than boredom... something to keep boredom away was always welcome, especially when her mind was still thinking of tactics to use.*\n\n*A shame that was why she was thankful for it, though...*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*As Leo stood up he didn’t realize how close they were, mainly because his eyes went directly to hers. He couldn’t even see any red reflecting because he’s so capture with the purple hue in her eyes.* “Yeah…”\n\n*To he honestly he didn’t know what to do in this position. He was feeling emotions he thought was dead years ago. This situation was almost identical to when he first met his dead wife. After a few seconds of collecting his thoughts he cleared his throat.* “You’re welcome, but all I did was test you..” *His shadow then would’ve dispersed after not wanting to be around for this event.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Lusaimi had forgotten her the meaning of the battle for a moment, but with Leo saying 'Test her,' she remembered it.*\n\n*She took a step back, putting her knife away, before looking back at Leo.*\n\n\"Speaking of a test... pointers?\"\n\n*She didn't seem to notice how enamored Leo was of her eyes. How could she, when such feelings were so foreign to her? Anger and calm was one thing... but what Leo felt? That was something she had no experience with.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*After she stepped back, Leo snapped out of whatever trance he was under. He too stepped back and looked around for a second.* “Y-yes. You’re speed and accuracy is on point. I wouldn’t rely on those feint attacks too often or else your opponent will begin to predict them.” *He then walks past her, not looking in her direction.*\n\n“If you wish to improve then we would need to continue training after this mess is over. Right now if you’re comfortable with that dagger and your magic then you’re okay.” *Was he angry? Maybe. But not at her. More towards himself. He never wished to feel these kinds of emotions again. It wasn’t her fault. He was the one that allowed this to happen.*\n\n*Leo continued to walk away from Lusaimi and back down into her lair.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "“I see.”\n\n*After this mess? Maybe. Lusaimi had no plans to stick around once this mess was over though. Although coming out to train once in a while may not be terrible…*\n\n*But she was hesitant to go with the idea. For now at least, it was a no.*\n\n*Lusaimi followed Leo down back into the layer. All the excess bones had been gathered up behind the left Shelf, and despite now 4 Stalfos missing, it was quite the crowd.*\n\n“2 of you, get up there and stand guard.”\n\n*Lusaimi walked past 2 Stalfos who went to replace the first 2 Stalfos that were killed.*\n\n*Lusaimi grabbed her journal and began writing the day’s events in it. It wouldn’t be long, as the day had just started, but she had time to do it.*\n\n“Do you have any ideas on where to improve from here, or any possible point to get information on our foe? I have a few magic orientated ways to improve, but I’m not sure if you’d benefit from them at all. Id rather we both improve rather than just I.”\n\n*Lusaimi had plenty to do, but most of it only improved her magic. It didn’t improve Leo’s. As such, at least while they were both here, she was hesitant to chase after it this exact moment. If Leo had a better idea to improve that included both of them, she’d go with that one.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo sighs as he placed his hands on the table.* “I have ways of gathering information. Mainly from men on the inside. Right now, I don’t know who to trust.” *There was one person he has received information about their enemy, but it’s a lot difficult to reach him now.*\n\n“There’s a scholar inside the castle. His name is Ardan. He holds the records, he’s kept up to date with castle events, he knows what’s going on inside and outside the castle. If anyone can help us defeat our enemy, it’s him.” *Leo then pressed off the table and sighs in annoyance.* “I had a way to contact him without being in the castle. Not anymore. Reaching him is nearly impossible.” *Was there anyone else Leo might’ve known that could give them informs on Gaash or anything helpful within the castle? None at the moment.* “You’re my only source to become “more powerful”. My magic came from a book that’s technically inside my blade now. It’s been infused with the evil crystal. Other than that I have no way on improving myself other than mentally.”" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "```Day 65,701\n\nI have trained with Leo a bit on my physical prowess. It isn't much, but with the numbers we face, ensuring I can fight with no magic is important.\n\nHe stared at me, a bit longer than was necessary when we were done. I may be able to enter the minds of any I wish on a surface level, but I admit, I wish I had more prowess in understanding a person's mind, and not just monsters. What is he thinking? Are his thoughts even important?\n\nPeople are far more confusing than monsters. Much more complex. If only I could understand them.```\n\n*That was all she had to write for now. She closed and put the journal away.*\n\n*Ardan, huh? Perhaps that was the lead to chase?*\n\n\"Hm... if you can't get him while he's in the castle, is there a lure him out of the castle?\"\n\n*That was Lusaimi's first idea. Arden sounded valuable; a resource. Getting him out of the Castle... even if it was just Castle Town, that was something. That was a workable problem.*\n\n\"Hm. Unfortunate, then.\"\n\n*Lusaimi wasn't teaching Leo her magic, so this was it his power for now, then. It seemed fine, but still... a lack of a path to improve seemed a bad one.*\n\n\"Hmm... Well, we should find Saina and Sylvester before continuing forward with anything. Well... not completely. We should head back to the Monster Village to restock on supplies, then find them. I can head into Castle Town while you... well, if finding information on the inside isn't an option, then what other options do you have?\"\n\n*Leo said he mainly gathered info from people on the inside... but surely that wasn't his only way to gather info. He did say 'main' and not 'only,' after all.*" } ]
[ { "author": "Miki", "is_bot": false, "message": "_42A found amusement in catching her partner off guard, she had even smiled at her reaction_\n\n_the Water mage's heels clonked against the dry plains of the province, she took a look at what the scenery had to offer, which unfortunately wasn't much. The land was almost barren, with nothing else but the sounds of the whistling of the wind and scorching heat of the sun. YonjuniA, as resilliant as she always was, didn't appear to be reacting to the sudden rise in temperature_ \"It shouldn't be too far from here, it should come into view within another 1.5 miles. If it doesn't then that could prove to be an issue\" _She speculated, placing a finger to her chin in thought_\n\n\"The desert is a mystical place I find. How can a place hold so many secrets yet the plain stretches as far as the eye can see? Truly fascinating. I can see why Earth Mages prefer to travel here rather than stay with the Gorons up in Death Mountain\"" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Phew-“ _Thalia sighed, the heat already starting to get to her. She was still in her Snowquill Outfit from the previous winter, which she didn’t mind in the chilly morning in the fields. The hotter afternoon was already taking it’s toll._ “I need to go change...” _S he stated mostly to herself, taking off her headpiece and fiddling with her outer jacket._\n\n“Hmm. What made you pick water, anyways?” _Thalia asked 42A simply, trying to ignore the rising heat._\n\n{Did I ask this already? It must’ve been a while, since I asked her about _her_ past...}\n\n“Were you assigned that specialty? Or did you pick it out for yourself?”" }, { "author": "Miki", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Hmm, well before I officially started my education, I was presented with the four elements they taught which I've mentioned are: Air, Fire, Water and Earth. Originally I was drawn to Air, it sounded like a peaceful and calming element, and along with studying it, you would travel to Skyloft for extra studies. But my mother wasn't too fond of me being thrusted above the clouds, I tried to convince her I would be perfectly fine within the Honkai's care, but she was as hard as steel. So the next thing I thought about was Water. It didn't draw me in as Air had done, but I found some similarities with the two, and decided to go with that\"\n\n\"My first few lessons were awful, but that might have been the result of my dissatisfaction with what I was being taught, but after a confrontation with another student, I had realised that maybe I _was_ meant to be a Water user\" _She reminisced her time at school, flicking through her memories with her friends, events, lessons, anything that came to mind as she spoke of her magical past_\n\n\"To imagine myself as a master of Air feels wrong to me now. The gusts had drawn me in, but in the end the grace and beauty of Water had won me over. I am thankful to my past self for seeing it through to the end\"" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Wow-“ _Thalia said as Yoni concluded her tale, really unsure of what else to say. She was honestly expecting Yoni to choose water from the very start, as she uses the art so beautifully in her eyes. It was an interesting twist, which got Thalia more curious than before._\n\n“I’m just going to swap out to my Goron Tunic real quick, if you don’t mind the small break, love.” _Thalia said quickly, pointing out a rocky wall where she could change. Winter clothes in the desert was quickly becoming a very poor experience that she didn’t want to prolong for herself._\n\n“Anyways, the ‘other student’... Was that when, um... Your...” _She started, but struggled to come up with a word. Without her even noticing, she place her finger on one of her eyes, before quickly taking it off and looking up._ “Um... Eye..?” _She asked, though she seemed to have confused herself._ “Wait-“" }, { "author": "Miki", "is_bot": false, "message": "_She smiled, giving Thalia the okay to change out of her current outfit_\n\n\"Oh no, that was a different student, one of my close friends to be specific. She meant no harm so I do not see it as a malicious deed. The subject isn't very sensitive so feel free to mention it outright\" _42A had removed her gloves as her hands began to sweat from the heat, she neatly folded them and placed the item in her pocket_\n\n\"This student was renowned for being a troublemaker. And I unfortunately was on the receiving end of her animosity. A fight erupted when I had tried to protect a dear friend from her ruthlessness. I believe she received an exclusion as a punishment, or was heavily surveyed by Sanzarian authorities. I was...\" _She trailed off, trying to find the right words to finish her sentence, but ultimately couldn't decided on a synonym_ \"...Excluded...for a couple days, for my involvement with the brawl. At least I got to study Water theory during my time away\"" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "_The two took a small detour towards some rocky walls, where Thalia continued to dismantle her winter gear for something more favorable. She didn’t mind Yoni being close by, though she still put a wall between them._\n\n“This is so much better; I really missed my cape.” _Thalia hummed as she returned back her partner. her tunic resembled climbing gear, swapping her color scheme to red and black._\n\n“Do you know what happened to your old classmates? I’m sure you must think about your friends from time to time.” _Thalia asked, curious about those who were raised like Yoni. It was odd, however, as she never specified any names or number designations._ “Or that excluded girl... She doesn’t sound like someone you would want to meet...”" }, { "author": "Miki", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"I do not know much about my old Aqua classmates and what they did after the tradegy. That girl's fate is left unknown to many in Sanzara, some say she was killed while others speculate she left for Holodrum. She was being controlled by another group of students, they manipulated her, in a way, to get what they wanted. It's a sad thing, really\"\n\n\"My old friends...\" _She thought_ \"Well, Sixty-One 'C' had returned back to Sanzara to teach at the Honkai. She's a very skilled Earth user and had figured out how to manipulate Metal too, which everyone thought was impossible.\n\nFive 'PR' had left to return to Hytopia after reaching the highest rank in Fire, she has her picture hung up towards the entrance of the Fire classes and in the main hall.\n\nNine 'V' had...unfortunately lost her life along with other students as she tried to defend Sanzara from an unexpected Lynel attack. Although they managed to successfully defeat the beast, it came with a cost. Many thought Air would be futile against a Monster of that size, but it proved more useful than expected\"" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Oh, I'm sorry.\" _Thalia said out of instinct, even though she knew what 42A would say in response. She can imagine that it was a tragic memory, though she can't quite tell how Yoni truly feels about those events._\n\n{I hope she's not being haunted by her past in any way. If she is, then she's doing a good job not showing it...}\n\n\"Have you ever thought of trying to look for them? I'm sure some would still be Hyrule somewhere; I would love to meet them one day!\" _She said while ending off with a soft giggle, trying to change the tone of the conversation, even if Yoni's would remain monotone._ \"I'm sure they're masters of their craft; Just like you~\"\n\n\"Oh- Look! I think that's it-\" _She pointed out in the distance. Just across a rather treacherous valley on a wooden bridge was some kind of building, built right on the boarder between the rocky province and the shifting sand seas._ \"It shouldn't be too far now, love. Have you ever shield surfed before? It's-\" _She started, about to exploded off into a rant before biting her tongue as she realized she already prompted Yoni with a question._ \"..Er, I'll hold that thought for now, hehe-\"" }, { "author": "Miki", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Thank you, Thalia\" _42A stated her gratitude towards her compliment_ \"I would like to know what Hytopia looks like. It should be quite the change from Hyrule, if it is suitable enough, I might even consider moving out there, with you of course~\" _Her tone had in fact changed, it sounded much more lighter than usual_\n\n{Perhaps after a ceremony of some sort..}\n\n_She too looked out into the distance, squinting her eyes to get a better look at the structure appearing over the horizon_ \"I can't say I have ever participated in shield surfing before. I guess I have a rather amusing time ahead of me\" _She chuckled, evidently smiling. YonjuniA admittedly was looking forward to the activities that were suggested_" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Oooh! I've always wanted to visit Hytopia! I hear they have an _amazing_ sense of-\" _She started off, before Yoni's words truly set inside her mind. She struggled to come up with her next phrase, even though it was fresh in her mind._ \"Of... Of-\" _She stuttered, a pink blush painting over her face. She quickly shook her head and shutted her eyes, before playfully smacking Yoni's arm in frustration._\n\n\"You can't just say something like that!\" _She yelled out to her partner, crossing her arms in an angry \"hmph\"._\n\n{Well, it's nice to see her smile at least...}\n\n{I'm glad she's happy...}" }, { "author": "Miki", "is_bot": false, "message": "_She audibly laughed at Thalia's reaction. This was most likely the first time she had ever truthfully laughed like this in front of her partner- or anybody else for that matter_\n\n\"Gotcha~\" _She teasingly whispered into Thalia's ear, placing a hand on her shoulder. She considered this a sort of payback for what happened back in Castle Town the same day. She lightly patted her significant other's head_ \"Perhaps if you were a bit taller you could reach my lips\" _42A said, not realising just exactly what came out of her mouth. She was so used to being matter of fact to the point where sugarcoating phrases was rather difficult_" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Hey!\" _She said, almost sounding offended by her words. She turned about and grabbed Yoni by the arms, looking up at her six feet tall companion, her eyes shining with determination. Her pink shade turned into a lighter red, though that didn't seem to slow her down._ \"I can reach up there- Watch me!\" _Thalia pouted._\n\n_The short five-four magician stood up on the balls of her feet, pulling down on Yoni while trying to land on her target, trying to give her partner a kiss. She closed her eyes as she reached up further, but Yoni was just too tall for her short stature._\n\n_In a desperate attempt to succeed, Thalia leaped up from the ground to close the distance with a short hop- Though to no avail, as she still came up too short. Though something unaccounted for happened in the heat of the moment: Thalia ended up leaning too far forward as she jumped, causing her toppling on top Yoni and knocking the pair to the ground._" }, { "author": "Miki", "is_bot": false, "message": "_She smirked at Thalia's failed attempts, a playful smile spreading across her face. She was about to make another remark when she was pounced on without any forewarning. 42A stumbled backwards, her heels only made the situation worse as it caused her to lose balance, sending her crashing down onto the ground with her partner placed ontop. She held a protective arm around Thalia, as a reflex action to what had just happened_\n\n_She remained silent awaiting to see what her compatriot would get up to next. It took her a while before she realised the way the pair were positioned, naturally, it had caused her face to flush a bit_\n\n{Reactions}" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Ow...\" _Thalia grumbled, though was over exaggerated considering Yoni took the blunt of the impact. Her eyes lit up as she remembered what just happened in the last few seconds, causing her to push herself up and shuffle upwards closer to her face._ \"Yoni..!\" _She exclaimed, worried about her partner's well being._\n\n_Their emotions looked to be in sync, the pair flushing once again as they realized the situation they were in at the same time. The two staring into each other's eyes for what seemed like hours, when only a few seconds have passed._\n\n_Thalia smirked softly as devious thought popped into her mind._\n\n\"Hey...\" _She whispered as she leaned closer. She clenched her hand softly around Yoni's wrist, pressing it to the ground beside them softly._\n\n\"Gotcha...\"\n\n_She leaned in forward and closed her eyes, pressing her lips against her partner's for a deep kiss. This was no quick peck; this was a passionate show of affection, and Thalia wanted to endorse in it. She could feel her head begin to spin and her heart race, the heat of the afternoon sun causing her to sweat, even in the heat resistance tunic._" }, { "author": "Miki", "is_bot": false, "message": "_42A accepted her kiss, softly melting into it. This was the first time she had experienced a rush of adrenaline like this, her temperature rising along with hee partner's. And she liked it. Sure there were other fleeting moments, but none could top this moment right here, even if they were combined_\n\n_She was glad to have met a woman like Thalia, every previous thought of potentially being followed by Gaash and Lalni, the stone tablets, the Five Kings, had all faded. It wasn't worth worrying too much about the future, it would be a wiser choice to plan for the here and now. The present._\n\n。。。\n\n_After what felt like a substantially long time, which really was roughly around 30 seconds, she pulled away, brushing her partner's hair behind her ear. The Water Mage giggled_ \"Love you\" _She spoke with tenderness_" } ]
[ { "author": "ace_stargale", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Coensi dodge-steps back twice, putting some distance between herself and the Dinolfos. She glances around the monster’s armor, looking for weak points, before seeing what Varian is trying to do and grinning. She shoots him a thumbs-up, trying to indicate that she can follow up if he gets a piece of armor away, and preps to move at any moment.*" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The arc of lightning shot through the Dinolfos's armor. The beast recoiled, but seemed largely unfazed! A monster of this size would be capable of resisting a small strike of lightning like that.*\n\n*Varian's clawshot latched onto the Dinolfos's shield, but the electricity was still surging through it! The sparks of yellow electricity shot up the chain toward the young knight!*\n\n*The Dinolfos growled and sliced the clawshot chain off the grapple with the blade of the spear. It would reduce the charge going toward Varian, but the loss of the item would nullify the danger of at least one of these pests. It switched its wide eyes back to Tamil and swung the spear like a huge bat around it. If nothing else, this would create some serious space between the fighters and the monster.*" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Khayri, though not a fan of the desert climate, was set on exploring. Whether or not they followed, she trudged out into the sand, hood up and sleeves pulled down. She did not want to risk getting burnt out here, even if it meant overheating in her dark clothes. Her mouth hung open, not nearly as much as a dog's would, to cool down in the heat around her. She'd have hung out in her companion's shadows, but they walked slow enough where it bothered her.*\n\n*Off in the distance, she saw some sort of a scuffle, and set her hands on her khopesh swords.* \"What's over there?\" *she muttered, as she started traversing at a quicker pace. It was not long before she closed the distance.*" }, { "author": "rocketbat", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Finch was a little tired as well as he traveled on with the group. His feathers were used to trapping in head... the problem here was, it was a really hot day. Rito are more used to colder climates. This was his greatest worry as his talons sifted through the sand to try to find a proper grip on the ground with each step. And now he saw, in the distance, what seemed to be something like a fight.\n\nHe couldn't really see what was going on at the moment over in the distance, as he could barely tell what was going on. He squinted at the horizon, saying,* \"I can't tell what in the world that is...\" *Before spotting Khayri pick up her pace. He quickened as well, only to trip and fall into the sand. Maybe that's why Finch was walking so slowly...?*" }, { "author": "jolt0857", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Tamil quickly crouched down to dodge, his beret flying of his head from the wind the monster created when swinging his spear. He then charged forwards and attempted to give two quick slashes to the legs of the monster.*" }, { "author": "bryanna6722", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Varian quickly pulled away as he realized the electricity was coursing through the metallic armor, and by association his clawshot. He hadn't the time to think about how else he could have retreated before he witnessed the Dinolfos slicing the claw off of the chain entirely.*\n\n***Shit.***\n\n*He stepped back further to be a decent distance from the Dinolfos' wide swing before beginning to reconsider. Not only was he down one of his most important tools, the clawshot, it seemed that Tamil was capable of generating lightning easily with his strikes. This made things easier and harder simultaneously - while it was a direct path to defeating the monster, it would also mean that he couldn't be in contact with the thing while the Royal Guard was on the offensive. And to make things worse, this thing seemed at least intelligent enough to utilize strategy and tactics. The loss of the clawshot wasn't a chance happening, it was calculated by the Dinolfos.\n\nIf the three wanted any hope of defeating this thing, they'd need to coordinate - though, easier said than done while they were under pressure by the massive beast. So, for the moment, the best thing to do would be to distract or disorient the beast so they could group up and plan.*\n\n*He put the dagger away once again before starting to run forwards as soon as the beast had finished its wide attack. He attempted to use the follow-through and recovery from the swing to act while it couldn't. He first threw the boomerang forwards, whipping it slightly to the side so it approached from an angle closer to parallel with the line from Tamil to the Dinolfos. Secondly, after letting the boomerang loose, he reached the same hand back and grabbed with it his Eightfold Blade, swinging forwards and sending a gale forwards. Finally, at the same time as he mentally recalled his boomerang, he retrieved from his pack and lit a bomb, rolling it towards the Dinolfos. The final double-angled strike would hopefully give the group a chance to convene.*" }, { "author": "ace_stargale", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Coensi jumps and flips back, away from the Dinolfos’ blade.* “Tough fucker, aren’t you? How about THIS?!” *She hurls a fireball at it, aimed to hit the monster on the side. If it landed, it would do so at the same time as Varian’s attacks- most importantly the bomb. Hopefully the residual heat from the fireball would set it off before the Dinolfos could get away. Magic: 95%.*" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The attacks all landed simultenously on the Dinolfos. The bomb, the fireball, Tamil's strikes, and the boomerang's stuns with the eightfold blade's slices. The monster didn't stand much chance of blocking them all at once, and its attack had left it wide open. The dinolfos slammed backward into the sand, rolling into a dust cloud! Bits of armor were tossed here and there, but it was still largely intact. This thing could take a serious beating!*\n\n*The monster propped itself up by the spear and gripped the weapon with both claws and let out its low, crowing growl. The jaw snapped menacingly and its head wiggled tauntingly, with yellow eyes narrowed. It stepped tentatively to one side, then the other. The armor rattled with each movement.*\n\n*Then without warning The dinolfos charged full tilt at them all. Its shield was up and ready to ram right into Tamil and Varian with a mighty bash!*\n\n---\n\n*Gaash watched the skirmish from high atop a cliffside, making quite certain he was out of sight for travelers and monsters alike. Fighting was their business. In the distance, the clash of the Gerudo and the monster forces seemed almost like ants. A battlefield shrouded in darkness and blinks of lightning. But it was where they came from that was of more interest to the lord. Stealthily, he ventured onward toward the base of the tower to observe the coming battle.*" }, { "author": "bryanna6722", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Finally, the three were linked back together - now that they were together, they could coordinate their movements and prevent any more lightning mishaps. Hopefully. And even as the Dinolfos stood back up with seemingly little damage, even to its armor, he was confident that they were starting to once again get the upper hand.\n\nAs the beast began to charge him and Tamil down, Varian had to think quick - there were an odd number of people, meaning that no matter what trying to coordinate a dodge would leave the monster with an advantageous choice - two go left or right, and that's the side the monster is going to try and charge down. Though, what if they didn't have to charge down one side...? Though, there wasn't a way to clear a jump to get above that shield. Was there?*\n\n***There was.***\n\n*With a confident step forwards as he reached into his pack, he looked to both Coensi and Tamil, motioning for one to move to the left and one to the right, before beginning to charge forwards, towards the Dinolfos. As he ran he pulled out a large piece of cloth, bright yellow that flew in the wind as he ran: the Roc Cape. As he ran he twisted his ran to cause the cloth to wrap around him, pulling it tight enough to keep it set. It wasn't the most traditional of definitions, but he was 'wearing' it.\n\nHe jumped as he and the Dinolfos closed in on each other - and though his initial jump seemed as if he wasn't going to make it, the second jump sent him up and over the shield, instead about head height with the large lizard monster.\n\nHopefully, if the plan went off well, this would leave one person attacking the front end of the best and two people on the flanks - another three-way attack that the Dinofos wouldn't be able to fully block. And if it went very well, this could be ended right here...*" }, { "author": "ace_stargale", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Coensi understands immediately and grins, taking the right side. She circles the Dinolfos before quickly stabbing her rapier into an open point in the armor near where her fireball had landed earlier. If it hit, it’d do a lot of damage- or at least a lot of pain.*" }, { "author": "jolt0857", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Tamil swiftly took the left side and with a mighty jump and some wind magic, Tamil attempted to go straight for the neck of the monster. He attempted to cut as deep as possible, hoping that it would be the final blow.*\n\nMM: 70%" } ]
[ { "author": "schmilkk", "is_bot": true, "message": "*Donikbo expected the Geldman to put up more of a fight, but he guessed the ball and chain was too much for it. Now that he had momentum, he started swinging it around like it was a discus, but low to the ground, so if that new foe decided to jump out at him again, its face would immediately be met with steel ball. Being raised by Gorons, he was used to spinning, rolling, manipulating heavy stuff, and the like, so it would be a while longer before he began getting dizzy. He wagered the worm would definitely come out before then. If there were more, he may need to revise his strategy, but he'd wait until he saw them. For now, he just kept swinging. Around and around he went. A spinning top of impending steely-destruction.*" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The chief was going blow for blow with the mighty blue maned Lynel. In each hand she wielded a golden claymore and swung them as effortlessly as if they were daggers. But it was clear she couldn't keep this up, given the injury to her side.*\n\n*The monster itself gripped 2 savage swords, and a mighty spear and bow were mounted on its back. Flames expelled from its nostrils. The monster lowered its horns and charged forward at the Gerudo leader!*\n\n---\n\n*Sure enough the lanmola shot into the air again. The side of the ball and chain caught it hard on the side, but the monster pressed on. It launched itself downwards with pincers bared at Donikbo! At the same time its twin burst out of the ground to accrue a similar ball and chain injury, but nonetheless stood ready to attack at a moment's notice, gliding through the air above him.*" }, { "author": "ace_stargale", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Coensi dashes towards the Lynel, trying to aim and lead a spell as she hops up the mesa.* “HEY! Blue monster guy! I’m gonna kick your ass!” *She stomps the ground of the mesa, causing four stone pillars to rise up in a row- right in front of the Lynel, and angled so that if the Lynel broke them, they would fall on top of the monster instead of toppling like dominoes on top of the Gerudo chief. Magic: 80%.*" }, { "author": "bryanna6722", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Varian followed close behind Coensi, waiting for her to act before choosing to do anything. As Coensi stomped down and caused pillars of Earth to emerged from in front of the beast, Varian was again quick to act. He threw the baby-blue boomerang forwards, in an arc that initiallu missed the Lynel. However, it was clear enough that it's return arc would strike it cleanly.\n\nAs he began to circle around the Lynel again, attempting to get around to at least it's side, he simultaneously unsheathed his Eightfold Blade and recalled the magic boomerang - causing it to change course again to strike the Lynel at a completely different angle. He attempted to use this quick, unexpected change to not hit the beast, but instead distract it so he could come around, use his Roc Cape to propel himself high into the air and stab down into the Lynel's back - both damaging it and attempting to semi-mount it with the blade.*" }, { "author": "schmilkk", "is_bot": true, "message": "*Donikbo drops the chain and lets the ball fly several feet away from him, crashing to the ground as the momentum fades. He grabs the first Lanmola by it's front pinchers and takes a braced stance, his left foot closer the the Lanmola, and his right foot behind him. The monster immediately proved stronger than he presumed, and his grip and balance were met with brute force. His feet slid back, hard, and this was before the second one seemed to ready the same attack. Donikbo was losing his grip faster than he was hoping, but he held on, hoping he could flip the monster over, or perhaps take its own strength and momentum away for just a moment, to give him an opening to jump aside.*\n\n{Not good.}\n\n*Sweat beads ran down the sides of his face and down his nose as he struggled. This wasn't how he saw the fighting at the desert going. Not at all. Once he got away from these monsters and back to the weaker ones, he'd surely feel more comfortable.*" }, { "author": "jolt0857", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Tamil, being quick thinking, accessed the situation very clearly and realized what the two were doing. He then did a wing double jump and midair realized a mighty lightning arc straight towards the monsters face, so that it wouldn’t hurt Varian.*\n\nMM: 30%" }, { "author": "rocketbat", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Already aerial, Finch flew overhead of the lynel fight, noting the scene. With Varian nearby the blue beast, and the stone pillars blocking its way forwards, the rito knew that an arrow from his bow could strike the beast... but there was a chance that he could accidentally harm Varian, partly because of said arrow and partly because it could cause the blue lynel to knock over the pillars. Nevertheless, the lynel was a monster that needed to be stopped. And so, with his bow now in one hand, and an arrow in another, he drew the string on his bow back and let loose the arrow, streaking through the air, right at the lynel.*" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The Lynel and the chief stop dead to look around at the sudden attackers, in the Lynel's case skidding to a halt by digging its hands into solid rock.*\n\n\"What are you-\" *The chief spluttered and watched the boomerang go flying, and stumbling back to avoid the pillars. Seeing an attack from all sides the Lynel jumped high into the air and backward nearly 30 feet to the very edge of the rock face. The boomerang, Varian, lightning all missed, but Finch's arrow managed to skin one of the beast's legs. It snarled ferociously. The beady red eyes locked with each of the combatants. Coensi, Varian, Tamil, and Finch high in the sky.*\n\n*The beast adjusted its swords as if to charge for an attack but stopped. A howling wind was near: The endless sandstorm of #the-haunted-wasteland. This battle had carried them to the edge of the charted desert. The monster seized its advantage and leapt off the mesa and toward the swirling winds.*\n\n\"After it! If you don't it will pick us off with its arrows!\" *The gerudo chief boomed in a voice more powerful than any of the monsters on the battlefield.*\n\n---\n\n*Donikbo's flip half-worked. The monster was shunted to the side into the ground, but the loose sand below the warrior's feet didn't do him any favors. The second Lanmola surged forward to ram Donikbo's side! The first crashed into the ground and quickly dug itself under again. It would be back very soon, no doubt.*" }, { "author": "schmilkk", "is_bot": true, "message": "*Donikbo grunted and stepped to the side to narrowly avoid any potential puncture from the pincer mouth, but the Lanmola still crashed into him pretty hard, and knocked him to his knees, but he rolled over and prepared to grab onto the Lanmola as it skittered overtop of him. He wasn't going to let the duo get any more potshots on him. Goron sumo wrestling had taught him well with handling foes larger than himself, like this situation with bearhugging the Lanmola, however he was upsode down, and practically on his back. It was as if he was crawling but upside down and without the use of his arms.*\n\n*The Lanmola was able to pull him pretty far, but it wasn't able to dig back under the sand as long as he was holding on, or at least, that's what he hoped. Every time he got a small moment of wiggle room, he reach up and started bending at one of the Lanmola's many legs, attempting to break them, one by one. It was a petty attempt, and certainly not an honorable attack, but Donikbo was far from honorable. If it came to survival, he was going to do what he needed to live.*\n\n{Just tire out already.}" }, { "author": "jolt0857", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Tamil cursed as his arc missed and immediately turned around towards the chief.* “You heard the lady.” *The royal guard said with anger. He then hurried off towards the Lynel in the #the-haunted-wasteland.*" }, { "author": "rocketbat", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Finch nodded at the two.* \"That thing is too dangerous. It'll take more arrows to kill it than I thought.\" *The rito stayed in place for a moment before soaring over to #the-haunted-wasteland, keeping his eyes on the target at all times.*" }, { "author": "ace_stargale", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Oh, no you don’t! *GET BACK HERE*!” *Coensi charges after the Lynel to #the-haunted-wasteland.*" }, { "author": "bryanna6722", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Varian muttered a 'shit' out as caught the boomerang once again, moving to follow the Lynel by gliding down from #the-haunted-wasteland.*" } ]
[ { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Before Stusonab could reach the head, Raiyn appeared in a blaze of fire and claws! Their kick cracked the Lanmola's already damaged shell. It tumbled to the ground, lopsided from Stusonab's grip, and melted to ash from a burst of yellow flames. The monsters were defeated.*" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Stusonab falls from the Lanmola as it tumbles to its death, landing on the ground with a -splat-. Amongst the mass splattered all over the ground was... was that a mask? The mass quickly reforms over this though, rebuilding and reforming into a dazed but mostly unharmed Stusonab.*" }, { "author": "gibpuncc", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Valter had grabbed the bat and spun around, ready to swing at... Nothing. All he saw was the ash of the Lanmola falling to the ground. He lowered the bat and looked around.* \"Is everyone alright?\" *He also looked around to see if his sword maybe uncovered itself.* {Where could that thing be? I did not put all that effort into making it only to lose it now.}" }, { "author": "gemilingo", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The wild blaze trailing from the person's feet and feathers roared briefly in the impact, and they remained airborne for one or two flaps of the wing before touching down on the sand with a flourish. Their wings shake off the flame as if it were droplets clinging to their feathers, letting a lingering heat drift through the cold desert air.*\n\n\"Not my most elegant- *hck*- enterance,\" *an androgynous voice begins with a slight tint of deepness,* \"But- you all, nobody injured?\" *they inquire. Now that the flames wreathing their form had dissipated, their features become more apparent. Indeed, this was a Hylian- or. . were they? The pointed ears, messy brown hair, arms- all seemed like that of Hylia's chosen people, but it was impossible to ignore the broad wings stretching from their back and their almost clawlike feet standing in the sand. They look about, taking stock of the distant chaos and the people near- this adventurer, a larger, almost Goron-like figure not too far away, and. . something familiar.*\n\n\"Oh. . ah, you, our paths have crossed, have they not?\" *the person's expression brightens as they crouch to the reforming mass of darkness, taking on a slightly sophisticated tone. Certainly they couldn't forget meeting a being like this, and what- or, well, Who it was searching for.*" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Stusonab squints a bit at the winged Hylian, not quite recognizing them at first... but after a second, it clicks. They were from the Domain, weren't they? When it thought it saw... him. Regardless, it makes a garbled noise of affirmation, showing its recognition of them.*" }, { "author": "gibpuncc", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"I am not injured from that battle thankfully.\" *He notices the rather out of the ordinary looks of this new person. He had never seen anyone like them in his entire life. But he didn't pay much mind to it since this person appeared to know Stusonab.* \"You know this creature?\"" }, { "author": "schmilkk", "is_bot": true, "message": "*Donikbo retrieved his ball and chain and began hobbling back. The leg was already feeling better just for the lack of stress he was under. And because he had stopped running with it. Now, he could actually greet these newcomers properly. The two that saved him, and then this other one that killed off the remaining Lanmola. Perhaps they were after the same thing, or maybe something similar. Either way, Donikbo assumed King Bulblin was wanted dead by more than just himself. And so, he approached the group.*\n\n\"Greetings. Thanks for the assistance.\"\n\n*Yup, that was as good of a greeting as any, coming from Donikbo. They wouldn't get much more out of him, should they care to try. He didn't imagine they were all going to sit around yammering in the midst of a war, however. He trusted they weren't like the ones Gaash sent him to meet. Though he did wonder if they had met Lord Gaash at any point in their travels.*\n\n*But that was a question for another time.*\n\n\nhmm" }, { "author": "gemilingo", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Indeed!\" *they affirm, glancing back briefly at the blonde-haired Hylian. Their wings tuck in comfortably on their back, the edges and the feathers that make up a bird's tail behind them brushing against the sand.*\n\n\"It's been. . I can't really remember, but I met this fascinating fellow in Zora's Domain some time ago. It. .they. . . hey, what do you go by?\" *they inquire the creature. They didn't want to assume anything about the mass yet, not knowing their name or pronouns. It seemed all up to the familiar creature's preference of what they'd like to be called. In a way, maybe that made them lucky. The Hylito spares a glance and a \"of course\" to the bulkily armored man coming back to the group.*\n\n{Are these folks all together as a group?} *Considering the danger, it made sense, but- such an odd company! A man all dressed up as if he's about to have a speech, this mass of darkness, and. . a Goron in armor? Or was someone else within that scarlet shell?*" }, { "author": "gibpuncc", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"From my time with this creature, it will respond to *it* and it's name, Stusonab... That's at least what I know according to my notes of this creature.\" *He looks back at Donikbo, nodding to his greetings. Valter then notices the way Donikbo was walking and he knew that Donikbo was injured,* \"Say, are you hurt? I could give you something if you are...\" *He set his backpack on the ground, reaching in and grabbing a small health elixer.* \"This isn't much and I'm not sure if this will help, but I mean, worth the try right?\" *It would be the first time any of his potions would be consumed by a non hylian so he wasn't even sure if the effects of the potion would be the same. But this could be a learning experience for him.*" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The monsters had been successfully held back so far, but it seemed that was the most the thinly spread forces of the desert could manage on their own. And without more help, that wasn't likely to hold. The Lynel scourging the battlefield had seemingly vanished, along with the Gerudo Chief battling it. One could only hope for the best...*" } ]
[ { "author": "choris_vulpes", "is_bot": false, "message": "*vent leaped backwards to avoid the strike and landed a few feet away, sliding a few inches on the sand as he did. He watched the beast for a moment before grabbing a deku seed and hurling it at knight’s face before moving in*\n\n{that should leave me an opening...}\n\n*once vent got close he leaped up and went for a swift downward strike to the monster’s head. He didn’t know how durable the darknut’s hide and bones were so he was betting on luck again*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*after flying around the desert for some time he almost began to lose hope, until he saw some commotion nearby. He made sure he was in a position where thr King couldn't see him very well. But when closer he wanted the king to see him. Once he got close enough and loaded his crossbow and shoots a warning shot at its feet.*\n\n\"King Bulbin!\"\n\n*Once it notices strider would hop off his loftwing and slide on the sand, lining up with the King*" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "_Thalia followed behind Strider, seeing how he knows of the King's name would let him be a better lookout. They flew low and relatively close to the ground, traversing slowly to avoid crashing into high cliffs and over tall barriers. It was nothing compared to the high action of the open sky, though it was best to avoid conflict with the storm above._\n\n_As Strider took a sudden dive, Thalia looked out below to see what he was going for. The hulking beast amidst the darkness, clad in distinctive armour and a shining axe hoisted within its grasp. Thalia nodded to herself and prepared to make a decent herself, believing that they had found their target._\n\n{Large and armoured, and different from the other monsters we've seen on our flight.}\n\n{``Surrounded as well.``}\n\n{Yeah. I'm not suited to close quarters either.}\n\n\"Stay a flight, Nova. Don't want you getting shot with arrows.\" _Thalia spoke to her bird, giving it instructions to maintain their current height, circling in a pattern to stay above the King that Strider faced. She prepared to descend to join, though with the seemingly unfavourable odds she held out for the moment. She wanted to see what the presumed King would do next, and how monsters encircling around it would respond._" }, { "author": "ace_stargale", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Quovien stays at an equal height with Thalia, shouting over to her.* “Anything you can do to restrict its strength or movement would be optimal!” *He looks down to the monster, trying to decide how to make his opening move.*" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"That's the plan- though I'm weary of the ones that surround the King. This could be a trap.\" _Thalia answered back, warning the rest of her observation. They could just be waiting for an order to rush in, a devastating encircling tactic that could easily overwhelm, or cost a lot of their strength._\n\n{There's no way there's just observing. Monsters are not that honourable...}\n\n\"Same tactic as before- pass around the staff when the opportunity is presented.\"" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The Darknut tried to block, but Vent was too quick. His strike grazed along the blade's edge as it flew up to defend, but the monster was tossed backward from the blow to the head. It fumbled on the ground, but got to its feet slowly with back facing the sheikah!*\n\n---\n\n*King Bulblin looked around to the sound of Strider's challenge. His beady red eyes narrowed against the sandstorm, and the storm of clashing Hyruleans and monsters around them. The mounted Bulblins shifted around, some drawing arrows.*\n\n\"`And so he has come,`\" *The King said. His booming voice traveled even through the din.*\n\n\"`You are not the first warrior I have felled today. Nor will you be the last.`\"\n\n*His eyes flitted to Thalia and Quovien, now soaring away over the battle. The king kicked aside a few scraps of armor and weaponry as he drew nearer to Strider. The great axe was drawn and ready.*\n\n\"`Come then. Let us settle this.`\"" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Strider slowly draws the magical sword from his back and grips it tight. His red and blue eyes meet with his eyes*\n\n\"I am a man of my word.\"\n\n*he lowers his smog. His coat and roc cape flew against the wind of the sand storm. He starts to approach him slowly waiting for his first move*" }, { "author": "choris_vulpes", "is_bot": false, "message": "*vent saw his opportunity and dashed forward without delay as he leaped up and came slashing down on the knight’s neck attempting to lob it off in one clean slice*\n\n{this is it!}" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"They're drawing arrows.\" _Thalia warned, calling out to the others that remained in the sky. She was confident that their current height was out of their firing range, though she was still cautious to their potential._\n\n\"We should take out the ones surrounding us- Then we can swoop in to face the King.\" _Thalia suggested, wanting to thin the numbers of their foes before taking on the main target. She figured that Srider could hold his own, the Magical Sword suited to take on a monster such as this._\n\n_With this now in mind, Thalia sought to enact her plan. She hoped that her flight gave her a greater advantage over the monsters below, able to rain from above while they needed to hit a precise shot. She drew her spear and held it behind her, magic channelling within as its runes glowed in power. Sharp and thin icicles began to form from its tip, long yet sturdy as it fell from her weapon, gravity causing them to fly down below onto the archers' positions. She continued to rain down a sharp storm of spikes onto the Bulblins as she flew around in evasion, hoping to slay some or at least cause a break in formation, scattering their collective power._\n\n[MM: ~~100%~~ > 80%]" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The Darknut fell just like the others. Vent's quick retaliation rendered it into evil smoke.*\n\n---\n\n*The bulblins responded to Thalia's assault with a hail of flaming arrows toward her and Quovien! The ice spikes took out a fair few monsters, but there were still plenty retaliating.*\n\n---\n\n*King Bulblin drew the axe back and rushed at Strider! He dove in for an armored body slam with the axe ready to punish any slip ups.*" }, { "author": "choris_vulpes", "is_bot": false, "message": "*vent looked around before sprinting away to do battle with other foes. There was still much work to be done*" }, { "author": "ace_stargale", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Quovien replies to Thalia,* “Agreed,” *before he sends his Loftwing soaring skyward, just out of the vertical reach of the arrows.* “Well, then. My turn.” *He quickly downs a green potion, then raises the staff and points it downward. Many small beams of light lance downward, aiming to cut through the Bulblins below! Magic: ~~10% 100%~~ 80%.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*strider matches the Kings speed when charging at him. But before they collided Strider double jumps over the king and does the helm splitter. On he lands goes for a sword beam slash. Keeping his guard up in case the king goes for some quick swings*\n\nIf both hit MM 10%" }, { "author": "gemilingo", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The arrows seem inevitable as long as the group is within range, in Pyrrah's vision. They had arrived in timely fashion with the rest of the adventurers, though unsure of how to bring themselves into the true finale. Now they find an opportunity to be of use! As the rain of arrows drew ever closer, the warlock would find her view of the shower highlighted with the outlines of two great palms.*\n\n\"Guess whooo?\" *Pyrrah's playful shout borders on a yell over the din of noise as they fly just over Thalia, their shadow almost perfectly lining up on Nova's wings. For this instance, they made sure to stay close to the mage. The two hands, each as large as Pyrrah's body, position themselves between the bard, the mage, and the flaming streaks coming towards them.* {65}" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "{``Ascend.``}\n\n{What?}\n\n{``Below you.``}\n\n_Spending too much time guiding her bird accordingly, Thalia noticed almost too late that the arrows were launching to reach her height, their orange tips igniting the dark sky in mere seconds. She retracted her spear and was about to pull up to try and minimize damage, bracing herself to be flung off should the worse come._\n\n_But yet nothing didn't. Her bird remained sound and flying steady, no arrows flying past as they nearly missed._\n\n\"What?\" _Thalia's tension slowed, checking around from the underside of her bird to find two ethereal barriers between them and the arrows, keeping her and Nova safe within the sky. She turned around to see the bard sticking close behind them within their shadow, guarding her against the incoming fire._\n\n\"Oh, thanks... Thank was close.\" _Thalia sighed in relief, owing gratitude to her ally. She figured she would need to adjust her height to remain out of arrow range, though she figured she might as well continue her aerial assault if she had something protecting her, allowing for more accurate attacks._\n\n_The magician put away her spear after being saved, wanting to preserve her magic for the later encounter. Instead, she quickly pulled at her bag and pulled out a small armful of three blue spheres, tops with a wick and armed to detonate. She attempted to land her shots accurately, looking down onto the ground below and throwing her bombs where monsters seem to cluster, spacing them out to cover a wider range._\n\n{``Ah, this reminds me of your original world. You were so much more volatile, like the explosives you use.``}\n\n{Hmph. I just hated Dodongos. Reptiles are unnerving.}\n\n{``Destruction follows all the same.``}" } ]
[ { "author": "ace_stargale", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Quovien follows up Thalia’s spell by grabbing onto the staff and slamming his glaive into the ground, sending out a wave of power that turned the sand beneath all of the enemies throwing bombs into quicksand! Magic: 60% (-20%).*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*strider barley sees the swing coming and quickly ducks under. He follows up with an upward slash to its chest, then he pushes off of the beast to get some distance from it*\n\n\"I'm still curious. Why did you give us a piece of the glyphs?\"\n\n*he spins the sword a bit, giving him enough time to observe it and thr helmaroc feathers in his hat*\n\nMM:60%" }, { "author": "gemilingo", "is_bot": false, "message": "*As the ground near them becomes a sinking sand-trap, Pyrrah pushes themselves into the air with their wings, taking off just later than the burst of shattered ice. The arcane hands take their bow and unintegrate, from ghostly to mere lines to nothing. Sparking glitters of red light indicate the direction of the archers, and Pyrrah very suddenly realizes how few ranged attacks they possess in their magical repertoire. \"Prodigy\", their go’ss-forsaken tailfeathers! Well, they supposed they’d go out like any showman. As Pyrrah flies slightly closer to the bulbins, they let their throat clear in a rumble and prepare to shatter their vocal chords harder than the ice flying below them.*\n\n“*MmmyyyyYYYY*yyyYY- **MY**! Don’t you bulbins know that playing with bombs is dangerous? **But if you want a light show, YOU GOT IT!**”\n\n*There’s a brief, tiny circle of light preceding a most brilliant beam. Streaking towards the archers is a ray of great light, radiance crashing down towards the midnight sand in a circle 20 feet across.* {55}" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Through the group's combined efforts, the bulblins nearby were exterminated! The ice particles shot through the air like sharp hail and destroying monsters and mounts alike! Quovien's quicksand stopped any approaches. The remaining bulblins slid into the traps. The bullbos squealed and roared in terror.*\n\n*Pyrrah's light beam didn't find its target; It found all of them. The beam bounced between each of the ice shrapnel refracting into something far more dangerous. The very air around them looked like it was cracking like glass! Constellations of ice and light shot through monster after monster and rendering them to dust.*\n\n*The Rod's ice power amplified the beam's strength and not one, but THREE 20 foot circles all around them. All the bulblins and bullbos in the range were completely ANNIHILATED! All but one.*\n\n---\n\n*The King blocked the slash, but it still managed to knock off some of the armor! King Bulblin closed the distance quickly and this time swung both clubs at the same time in an X shape.*\n\n\"`I did-`\" *The Monster King's reply was cut short as a brilliant light enveloped him! He yelled in fury, immobilized by the blinding light circle!*" }, { "author": "ace_stargale", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Quovien’s attention turns to the immobilized King.* “Now! While it’s distracted, strike with everything you have!” *He punctuates this by placing a hand on the Rod again, calling out* “BURNING JUDGEMENT!” *as he fires off his spell: light bursts from the orp atop the Rod, beams twisting in every direction before changing direction and impacting the King Bulblin from all sides! Magic: 40% (-20%).*" }, { "author": "gemilingo", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Light shatters the midnight of the desert, claws of radiance, each beam, each millionth refraction tearing through the veil of the night and its storm. The storm above the desert was nonexistence: the radiance of the storm, as if torn from the powerless Medallion about Strider’s neck was here. Pyrrah’s chest, their lungs rattle and quiver in the shock before letting out a whooping scream!*\n\n“**Your finale draws near, dear king! THE TYRANT OF THE SKY IS DEAD, AND ITS STORM IS HERE!**”" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "{Did the...}\n\n{``Your theory is tested. I suppose light is not so pitiful after all.``}\n\n{And that was just my ice- imagine what would happen if I used a _real_ mirror, like my shield.}\n\n_Armed again with her Leviathan Tooth, Thalia prepared to pick apart the remaining Bulblins that survived their shimmering onslaught spurred by a flurry of ice, showering the battlefield in a powerful ray of light. However, nothing approached- no monsters screeched in senseless anger or the distant fire of an incoming explosive. She scanned the battlefield around them but found nothing- not a soul that survived their overwhelming attack._\n\n_Except for one._\n\n_Her allies had already shifted targets, taking aim and firing upon the King that Strider duelled. She resolved to follow instantly, seizing the opportunity to maintain their momentum without interruption. Her silver spear glimmered in the shining rays of light before thrusting into the soft sand below, freezing upon contact before shooting forwards, its path outlined by its frozen trail. It was not as swift as when she did the same on Thunderhead with no rain to catch, though the drier desert air was a boon- allowing the rays of Quovien's attack to land in full before her ice reached itself, bursting in a cloud of frost and freezing the King to the ground it stood, trapping his position so that her allies could easily follow with a decisive blow._\n\n[MM: ~~40%~~ > 10%]" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Strider was about to try to block a devastating blow, but was luckily stopped by Quovien and Thalia. Seeing his allies come on to help put a small smile on striders face, but it didn't last long. He used this opportunity to attempt to disarm the king from his clubs by shooting a beam at his hands.*\n\nMM 50%" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "*King Bulblin's armor was sent scattering all over as Quovien's beams struck him hard in the back as the light from Pyrrah's attack faded. Thalia's ice solidified over his form, though didn't linger for long. Strider's beam knocked knocked the clubs askew and disarmed one of them completely.*\n\n\"`Ah... I can smell it. The... hah.. end.`\" *The king fell to his knees covered in frost and broken steel. The narrow strip of dawn on the horizon made the ice sparkle on green skin to contrast with deep shadows. He leaned on the remaining club for support, breathing heavily.*\n\n\"`Enough. I will... hah... accept this fate.`\"" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Strider points his blade at the king and stands a good distance away. He then holds his free hand out towards quovien and Thalia*\n\n\"Wait...\"\n\n*he stares at the king, seeing he is defeated*\n\n\"Answer me. Why did you give us the glyph if you knew it would lead us to treasure? And give me a reason not to end you now.\"" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"`I follow the strongest side. That is all I have ever known. Perhaps I foresaw this defeat. Perhaps it was arrogance.`\" *The King's eyes bored into Strider's. Even at death's doorstep that churning fire was not dowsed. The dawn's light glinted off the sparkling Magical Sword to the King's frozen form.*\n\n\"`Niko Aluta. The Zora your friend seeks. Tell her.`\"" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*he then remembers about the children being murdered and Luna speaking of a zora. He nods hearing his words*\n\n\"Appreciate the information.\"\n\n*walking from behind him his shadow circles the king with a devilish grin*\n\n\"``OH I've waited a loooong time for this Bulbin King. Leo here took his time, but I would've gone straight for you.``\"\n\n*Strider glares at the shadow as it spoke to the king. But then turns his attention to him*\n\n\"You accept this fate. I'll spare you some last words. Make them quick.\"" } ]
[ { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"`None.`\" *The King said firmly. He adjusted the grip on his club, but only to lean a little better. His face was set and his body was motionless.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*he nods. Gripping the blade tightly and kicks the club out from under him to make him fall a bit. While he was falling he would swing his blade upward to slice his head off*\n\nMM:40%" }, { "author": "gemilingo", "is_bot": false, "message": "*A brief whistle of air precedes the bard's descent, wings folding in as they stand mere feet from the dead King Bublin. They're still gripped with disbelief, looking over the desert clear of the king and his soldiers.*\n\n\"I. . He's. .\" *they have fewer words than ever for the shock coursing so great through their body that the feeling almost seems solid, frozen.* \"You've done it.\"" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The King's form slumped over. His other horn fell into the sand. The body was coated in a veil of red flames. They bloomed into a bonfire and then vanished with a cloud of black smoke and orange embers.*\n\n*The Bulblin King was no more.*\n\n*Sounds of battle still came from all around them as the forces fought one another viciously. But something of the King's defeat must have been understood by the crowd, because the Hyrulean army was pulling ahead! The monster ranks were still being reinforced, but slower.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Strider breathes heavily, still trying to take in this victory. He walks up and picks up the horn that was left over and straps it to his belt. He now has proof of the demies of two of the five kings. He looks around at the others and nods*\n\n\"Appreciate the help. Shall we gather up the others?\"" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "_Thalia followed behind the winged bard, dashing over the sand pits that Quovien had spun to join Strider. She watched as the sword was held up ready to strike, and in a flash swung across almost instantly with a sharp zing of the air. The dark desert night illuminated faintly as the body was set alight before bursting in a hue of purple smoke, obliterated by the divine weapon._\n\n\"..Yes. I believe so.\" _Thalia affirmed, staring at the King's former position. She did not hold a personal vendetta as Strider did, but there was another thing that ached within her body and mind, drawing her closer like a beacon. Though the smoke may have cleared, the evil and malice that fueled the King lingered- even if it was faint. It was unnatural to even observe such a phenomenon, to see the pure essence of a monster's evil._\n\n{``Ahaha...``}\n\n_If only she was natural._\n\n\"We should... Rest.\" _Thalia muttered, seemingly unsure of herself. It all felt so surreal, so strange yet exciting. It felt as if her blood began to boil, countered by the frost of her magic- two extremes that balanced each other, the slightest tick that could set the opposite off._\n\n_Though it was addicting._\n\n_The culmination of two Kings, their essence poured into one singular channel. She had long forgotten the original evil she had consumed, the power of a tyrant and the sins of fallen heroes. Though it now felt like it had begun to return, the sliver of the former chaos that was sewed within her so long ago._\n\n_She quickly masked her strange emotions by pulling out at her bag, grabbing a potion from within and popping open its cap. She swiftly raised the green liquids up and down her mouth._\n\n{MM: ~~10%~~ > 100%}\n\n\"Hold on...\" _Thalia whimpered softly, holding her spear down for support while grabbing at her head._\n\n{``Don't you feel it? The power of two titans...``}\n\n{Is that not enough? I feel so... Volatile...}\n\n{``Hush, child. There is more evil to consume.``}" }, { "author": "ace_stargale", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Quovien looks over to Thalia, sensing the strange magic around her, but quickly disregards it as he sees the tower in the distance start to shake.* “Well, then... we’ve won, it looks like. Not just our battle, but the war.”" }, { "author": "gemilingo", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Pyrrah looks to the very summit of the tower, suddenly overcome with an urge to see what was happening at the top. They were winning, the group was strong, they'd be fine, Pyrrah could do whatever they wanted, they were fine! They could go up now, right now.*\n\n\"There's surely more to be seen in the spire, also get your loftwings and *restherei'mgonnacheck*!\" *with no warning, the Hylito kicks off the sand and ascends, streaking off towards the tower like an Octorock balloon that had been anchored under the water and released.*" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "_..._\n\n_In a completely different part of the province, Juyi entered the territory by crossing across Hyrule Field on foot, travelling tirelessly until dawn broke apart the sun. Juyi looked out from atop a high cliff, desolated from life apart from the few birds that perched onto the rocks._\n\n\"Hope the combat unit recovered before that happened.\" _Juyi muttered, watching from her high vantage point. The ominous tower that sprouted up from the ground began to crumble, sinking back into the earth. She felt it was careless to send their experiment to war, the secrets of their techno-magic possibly being seized by their foes. Though that was not her decision to make. She was merely a watcher- one who observes and records, ensuring that the source of each evil is exposed and understood._\n\n\"The Gerudo will send their story, so it is of least priority.\" _Juyi continued speaking to herself, accustomed to her isolation as she listed off her next course of action._\n\n\"I need to verify if that unit was lost or not, and see what emerges from that tower's ruins.\" _She huffed. If those Shiekah has indeed fallen in battle, she would have to recount the events herself to report back into the base. If the tower signified the defeat of whatever lingered- and not the emergence of a greater foe._" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Strider watched Pyrrah fly off towards the tower, but as soon as he did he sees it collapsing. He rushes towards it but stops quickly as he knows it's useless by foot.*\n\n\"Wait! Lunas in there.\"\n\n*He sighs then looks back at Quovien and Thalia*\n\n\"Well. We won. I'm no hero, but I think we did something right.\"\n\n*Striders shadow surrounds his body and grips it as if it was their body.*\n\n\"Wh-wha? Hmph!!\"\n\n*the shadow chuckles and extends a shadow hand out and punches through his chest. It didn't kill him, but it did some internal damage. The shadow then removes itself from strider and stands in front of him*\n\n\"``Too long. Too long have you been in control. Now that the fight is over. You're exhausted and can't resist me for long. Soon you'll give out, and then I'll be able to take that body for myself.``\"\n\n*the shadow turns away and puts its hands behind its back. Strider gasps and hunches over, using the blade to support himself up. He was getting short on breath*\n\n\"``I'll take that body one day. Maybe when you're asleep. Maybe when you're traveling. Whenever you least expect it.``\"\n\n*strider grunts and catches his breath. The fatal shadow punch in the chest did some damage. He struggles to lift up the blade, but was helped by the light spirit. The two nod at each other, knowing what he must do. The spirit slowly enters the blade and striders hand. He then holds up the blade and stabs his right hand, the one that doesn't have a scar on it. Once he did so the shadow flashes in and out of existence, as if there's a bad connection. It gasps then turns around to see what strider was doing*\n\n\"``Woah! H-hey! Wha-what are you doing?!?``\"" } ]
[ { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Saina didn’t care much for the rest of these battles and what the others felt in this moment. It seemed history was destined to repeat itself as he felt what he had was slowly slipping away from him.*\n\n*Not much personified that better than the man he was staring at from not too far away tearing away at himself. He held his scythe blade only slightly off the ground as he stared intently.* {I should just cut him down right now I’ve probably squeezed for all he’s worth at this point and he’ll only become a bigger liability. Especially if he keeps in contact with these new found friends.} *his hair swayed above his eyes in the dusty wind as he continued pondering this with a dead neutral face*\n\n*his hand holding the scythe shook sporadically for a moment before he simply kept it at his side and only spectated* “whether that demon consumes you or you consume it that will not change who you really are or what you’ve done Strider. You may find solace in the judgement brought upon yourself, but there will always be someone above you really deciding what you are” *he said coldly*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*stabbing the hand didn't do as much as he hoped, so he aims the blade at his chest where the shadow injured him and thrusts it in a bit. He grunts in pain then pulls it back out. The shadow flashes even quicker in and out of existence*\n\n\"``L-Leo! Stop! You don't know what you're doing!!``\"\n\n*again, it didn't work either. Blood started to rush out of him. Then he realizes. He looks down and sees his shadow still connected to him. He thrusts the blade down on one end of the shadow on the ground, physically going to cut the shadow off from him. The shadow then rushes up to him and drops to its knees*\n\n\"``Leo PLEASE! I'm-im on me knees here!``\"\n\n*strider stares at it as he begins to cut. The shadow keeps flashing, looking up at strider with pity on its face*\n\n\"``Th-theres nothing after this. Don't you get it? It's lonely and dark. After you die there's no heavenly world with hylia! There's just, nothing. Don't send me back there!``\"\n\n*strider then looks at it*\n\n\"....I'm sorry Strider.\"\n\n*he then finishes the cutting. The shadow then growls and stands up to charge at strider*\n\n\"``NOOO-!``\"\n\n*Strider finishes the cut, spins then stabs the shadow. The shadow bursts into a malice cloud, then just hovers around. Strider then takes put his sawblade, stabs it in the ground, and does some sheikah hand movements, to seal the shadow into the blade. The cloud enters the blade*\n\n*Leo then hunches over, coughing up blood. He slowly pulls out a red potion and drinks it, slowly healing thr wound in his chest and hand*\n\n*Slowly, his hair began to change into a more silver color. Though his eyes stayed the same color, blue and red. He walks up to his sawblade and lifts it out of the ground. He stares at it for a second before sheathing it on his back. The light spirit pops out for a second. Three words were said from the spirit*\n\n\"**Welcome back, Leo**\"\n\n*it then slowly enters strider katana. He exhales deeply, as his wounds are still healing. They'll definitely leave scars, but that didn't concern him that much*\n\n*he would then looks over to see Saina. He removes his smog from his mouth and walks up to him*\n\n\"Even though we're not heros, we kinda did save hyrule.\"" }, { "author": "gemilingo", "is_bot": false, "message": "*A spray of water tailed the stolen sand boat as it cut through the dunes, turning to dust as soon as it fell from the little boat's range. Water glistened the color of dawn, near identical to the sand if not for its cold gleam. Sol kept his chest up, leaning low and forward. One hand kept a grip to the wheel; his other clasped the cord of the medallion beneath his collar, fingers twirling through the ribbon. The pirates didn't seem to be following yet; he didn't care. His gaze pierced forwards against the glare of the sunrise, watching, no, Feeling that presence, that dark like a sound echoing in his awareness.*\n\n*Hot, open feeling flamed through his head, fanned by the exhilarating wind as he drove the vessel forth, putting a hand over his eyes to see where he was going. His mind flooded with sparks of memories pulled up by this feeling, overlapping colors that made such black, confusing but becoming more and more distinct in their clamor. Tumbling, opening his eyes to see Leon over him. The forest wreathed in darkness and Strider consoling a tiny, fearful Kalot. Sol’s eyes squeeze shut. Rain crashing down around them, ice swallowing his body, deep crimson eyes and flashes of radiance like lightning through a rainstorm, endless words he couldn't take back, disbelief, frozen pain, falling and screaming the name of the knight fallen, Leon, Leon, Varian, Luna, Toklo. Young memories were clawed up all of a sudden, the warriors he'd always admired, the loss and sorrow that wrapped over him like thick flame, that idol training on the rooftops, that man who had lost everything, who fought back, still trying to be better than the darkness enveloping him, the darkness that he drove himself closer to by the second-*\n\n*In mere moments, the darkness shattered. Eyes flash open, pupils knife-sharp, and his arm pulls the wheel towards the side. The boat is dragged into a drift, skidding over the sand-turned-water with a great splash, it's edges reverting to a cloud of dust as they scattered out of the boat's range. Sol takes heavy breaths, sparing a stare ahead of him, and there the hunter stood. Everything made no sense, he knew nothing of how to react, and therefore withdrew, enclosing himself in a shell of uncharacteristic loudness.*\n\n\"HEY THERE. I. UH. HI Willow! What happened here? Also, do you need a ride, if not I'm going to. Leave. Right now.\"" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Saina scoffed and turned his head* “that’s what you may see it as I simply saw it as knocking out further competition and getting some overgrown kids playing hero off our backs”\n\n*he then leaned on his pole that stabbed into the ground* “so what if this is really redeeming as you say it is? Does that make me some hero forgiven of my sins? If so I’d like you to get off your high horse before we really come to blows” *he growled*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*he chuckles and grins a bit*\n\n\"I know you're no hero. I'm not one either, and this was me getting rid of a thorn in my ass.\"\n\n*he glances up a bit*\n\n\"Every word I said up there, I meant it. But, that doesn't mean you can't prove me wrong. You are strong. You are a good leader. And you are actually mentally insane. But that doesn't mean you're not a good leader.\"\n\n*he extends his hand out to saina*\n\n\"With you around, the Dai Lai is a force I wouldn't want to mess with.\"" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Saina raised a brow and couldn’t help but let out a stiffened giggle under his breath as half his smile could be seen over his scarf* “and yet why do I get the distinct feeling that will come to pass sooner than later?” *he crossed his arms*\n\n*he watched as the hand of ‘Leo’ extended and he raised a playful brow* “I think you know far better that I do not deal in handshakes” *he smirked slyly with one arm open* {why can’t I help but love this troubled shadow boy} *he rolled his eyes on the inside*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*he sighs then goes in for the hug. Saina knows Leo doesn't do hugs, but now it's only for Saina. Suddenly though strider drops a bit, losing balance and having trouble standing*\n\n\"Ah s-shit.\"" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Saina walks up to him and decides to do it himself as he pulls strider up into the hug* “at the end of the day you should remember the you need the Dai Lai more than we need you... but you’ll always have a place there if you like” *he said the last part quietly and begrudgingly*" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "*After what feels like far, far too long, Selena finally has the energy again to stand and speak.*\n\n\"...ngh. Everything hurts...\"\n\n*As she stands, she takes a look around. She was in the desert now, a bunch of friends were around... she remembers getting cold again while fighting that giant bird... and then...*\n\n\"...what happened...?\"" }, { "author": "gibpuncc", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Valter, after just standing by and not really haven done much for everything that just happened, decided to leave the area and head back to #castle-town and back to his main lab. He needed a quiet area to write down all the notes he needed to catch up on writing.*" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "_As Strider and Saina spoke with each other, Thalia noticed a distinctive shape of a loftwing spiralling skyward from the tower's peak, soaring into the sky as the tower collapsed beneath it. Strider did say the Luna was there- one that she doubted, but now reconsidered. Was that Luna's bird that had returned, flying towards the direction of Gerudo? This thought lingered within her mind and she witnessed Strider's rather radical transformation, standing next to Quovien before hearing a particular voice._\n\n\"Selena?\" _Thalia turned, spotting the small siren a little distance away. She rushed up to her in a little panic, appearing to have taken some damage. Was she shot out of the sky in their scuffle? She pulled at her Roc's Cape and unclipped it from her vest, pulling it off of herself and wrapping the cloak around the girl._\n\n\"Are you all right, dear?\" _She asked with concern, kneeling slightly as she addressed Selena._\n\n\"We should get to Gerudo. I think Luna is there now. Though Pyrrah isn't back yet...\" _She followed, speaking to the others around her, noting on both Selena's perceived condition and the location of her friend, making it a fine place to head towards next. The scattering dust of a desert vessel answered back, causing the magician to look up in response, holding her arm out to cover the sun rising onto the horizon._\n\n\"Oh, Sol?\" _She asked questioningly, both unsure of his presence and his name. She recalls a similar Sheikah accompanying Luna when she was in Zora's Domain, figuring that this was the same scientist she encountered prior._\n\n\"Yes, um. Well, we should get going to Gerudo Town...\" _She muttered, not really sure how to respond. Everything felt like it was happening so quickly, that if she blinked something critical would be missed._\n\n{Am I just... Tired?}" }, { "author": "ace_stargale", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Quovien quietly looks to the staff, which Thalia had let go of during her... breakdown? Something had happened to her, but he wasn’t sure. He grips the staff tightly, then looks towards Gerudo Town.* “It’s good to see you safe, Selena,” *he tells the girl, patting her shoulder.* “Shall we head to Gerudo Town, then?” *he asks the group.*" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "_..._\n\n\"Well. Perhaps I was wrong.\" _Juyi said in surprise, her tone shifting as she noted a very distinctive shape of a blue bird soars out from the tower's dark spire, piercing the skies before rocketing towards the direction of Gerudo. With no other leads to follow besides the victorious Hyrulean armies, Juyi had no choice but to chase down the escapees that were in the heart of that dark pillar. She turned back up to the tall mountain walls and climbed its rocky face, making her way towards the desert settlement of #gerudo-town._" }, { "author": "gemilingo", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Sol remains overwhelmed, but seeing the hunter staggering spurs him to action. Sparing a glance in the distance, he jumps from the vessel and strides over to the injured man, offering an arm silently. He had no time to stay still and no potions either; he could likely get him a potion if they made it to Gerudo town, or. . Ask someone here for a potion.* \"The one and only,\" *he says, sparing a brief glance to the warlock.* \"Boat. In. I can drive.\"" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Selena looks up at Thalia, smiling at her concern sweetly. She nods, grateful for the attention of the two and also the Roc Cape cover.*\n\n\"Yeah, I think so... thank you.\"\n\n*As she listens to the group talking around her and gets herself prepared to follow them onto Sol's boat should they take the opportunity, she gets to thinking.*\n\n\"...So... did you guys beat that big bird we were fighting? Everything got really cold, and then all of a sudden I was down here with you guys...\"" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Far off into the lonely Gerudo peaks the black cloaked scholar was walking. Walking, not aimlessly, but about the site of the Tower's fall. He had watched the knights carry off the Tempest Crown. He had seen the mirror shatter. He had watched the battle with the shadow demon. He had seen the duel with the Bulblin King. And he had watched the monsters tear across the desert.*\n\n*Lord Gaash was not anxious to involve himself with the aftermath of this battle just as he had not approached the final conflict with anything more than his gaze. The masked lord glided like an arcane specter over orange rock burning in the dawn. Now and then he paused to run his skeletal fingers over the ground, still coated in a dense layer of dusty clouds. He was looking for something, but what? Perhaps not even he knew.*\n\n*Dawn gave way to day. The lord at long last paused. Had his search relented? Or concluded in success? A wiry smile creased his unknowable face. He stepped into the shade of the cliffs and vanished on the desert winds...*\n\nGaash magic: 0%" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Strider regains his balance and shakes his head a bit. He pushes off of saina*\n\n\"Sorry. I'm still a bit weak. I need to rest a bit.\"\n\n*he tries to walk on his own for a bit, then sees in the distance a familiar face*\n\n{Sol?..}" }, { "author": "gemilingo", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The Sheikah averts his gaze, picking the direction in which he came to stare at, away from the orange of dawn and away from the hunter. He takes in a a sharp, silent breath, trying to ignore every feeling rising up; his tongue presses hard to the bottom of his mouth as if trying to keep it from spitting words he’ll regret. On the very edge of the horizon, he sees the movement of ships. It’s time to go, NOW.*\n\n“Up You Go,” * he announces, attempting to carry the wounded man onto the boat with little warning.* “Get in. Now. Or you'll have to walk,” *he says in a flat, forced tone to the rest of the group, feeling a twinge of guilt as it comes out harsher than intended. He’s still trying to process the absence of dark clouds above them, the vanishing of the spire, the hunter once again in his presence and the pirates soon to be on his back; he can't help but be a little snappy.*" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Yes, we did~\" _Thalia hummed happily, before pushing Selena forward towards Sol, urging her to board the sand ship he manned. However, Thalia never boarded herself- instead backing off away from the vessel, gesturing to those on board a wave for both farewells and rejection._\n\n\"I'll meet you guys there- I've got some wings in the sky.\" _She clarified, figuring that lightening their load would be easier for everyone. She then brought her hand up to her mouth and held her fingers in a ring, firing off a sharp yet short whistle. She did a short scan of the group as she waited for her call to be answered, verifying that both the Magical Rod and Sword were in the hands of Quovien and Strider. Soon enough, the massive beast of the sky descended downwards near Thalia's position, its rose wings kicking up sand as the loftwing landed gracefully._\n\n\"How are you, Nova? Getting tired?\" _She said in a soft tone as she walked towards its back, the pink bird lowering itself to allow its rider to mount._ \"I'll give you a real rest soon, don't worry.\"" } ]
[ { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Strider follows up on the boat coughing a bit. The bleeding finally stopped and the potion is taking full affect. He clears his throat and leans over the side and sigh*\n\n\"Never...am I going to stab myself in thr chest again.\"" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"- Oh, okay. Bye, Willow!\"\n\n*Selena figures she'll see Willow again at... wherever it is they're going, and boards the boat. Once situated on board, she feels it - her stomach started to rumble. Come to think of it, she hadn't eaten in a while... When was the last time she ate? She decides to walk to the person who happened to be nearest - in this case, it was  Strider - and tug his jacket a bit to get his attention.*\n\n\"Hi - sorry - do you know if the, uh... where we're going, has somewhere to eat? I'm getting pretty hungry...\"" }, { "author": "ace_stargale", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Quovien quietly leaves, intending to go back to his house and rest for a while.*" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"So THIS is where you've decided to run off to this time,\" *The Captain emerged from the swirling sands, accompanied by Tamil and 3 other troops. Her eyes darted to the Magical Sword in its sheathe, and narrowed.*\n\n\"Making off with that as well, aren't you. I'm not here to fight you though. I'm here to take you in.\"" }, { "author": "jolt0857", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Tamil stood there next to the captain, menacingly. He had his sword out and was ready to attack on the captains orders.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo looks down at Selena and gives her a soft smile*\n\n\"Let's see...gerudo town is nearby. How about we get you something to eat? My trea-\"\n\n*he was then interrupted by a captain. He knew it by the stern voice she had. He slowly turns to face her*\n\n\"Now...captain. I know this will be impossible to believe, but I didn't \"run\" off anywhere. I was merely doing what everyone else here was doing, fighting the kings.\"\n\n*he flashed the feathers of the Helmaroc and the horn of the bulbin king*\n\n\"And, I earned this blade. You might as well ask hylia herself.\"\n\n*Leo then kinda glances around everyone else to see if they'll back him up*" }, { "author": "rocketbat", "is_bot": false, "message": "*In the distance, a figure seemed to be flying over the province. His head looked around and he spotted the boat in the distance. Didn't the captain mention something about a boat earlier? Maybe he should stop by...*\n\n*... Nah. He's got more important things on his mind. The guards have this, they don't need him. His head turned back to in front of himself as he approached #castle-town.*" }, { "author": "jolt0857", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Surrender or Die.”\n\n*Tamil said like he was listing off striders options. He made his best effort to ignore Selena. He had a job to do, and he couldn’t have that on his mind...*" }, { "author": "gemilingo", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Sol’s shoulders relax as he assumes his place at the steering wheel.* “I’ll be seeing you, I suppose,” *he directs to Thalia in a soft voice. His pupils soften and round slightly, ears twitching with an alertness as he starts the boat again.*\n\n“Gerudo it is,” *he says to the young siren, turning and going completely silent as the troops surround them, pupils thinning to slivers. His breath tightens as he acknowledges the sudden heaviness of his stolen vessel, the tension weighing it down like stones. His skin feels open, burning hot from the eyes of the soldiers, red, white, tan all torn from his face and surely assimilated into their memories. His lower jaw trembles. He’s part of this now. He’s involved, and nothing he could do would take his face from their accounts.*\n\n“Go with Willow, kid,” *the boy says to Selena in a low voice, distinctly aware of the danger she was in otherwise. He turned his head to the soldiers again, and here was his conundrum. Here were the two paths running parallel to him ever since that shadow of a hunter had rode into Ordon that stormy night. He was here and now. Mere meters in front of him were knights. The choice was as easy as pulling the man off his boat. Surrender or die, Surrender or Die, the words rang through his ears as he stood stock-still at the wheel. His decision needed to be made very soon.*" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "{Oh. Right. Criminals.}\n\n_As everyone seemed prepared to go and Thalia herself about to kick off into flight, a squadron of soldiers appeared before them, focusing Strider and holding him at sword point._\n\n{``Let him die. You are not associated.``}\n\n{But he did help. Didn't he?}\n\n{``Do not go against the army. You will draw attention to yourself.``}\n\n\"Hmmm...\" _Thalia watched anxiously. He was a wanted criminal- a man with a sizeable bounty on his head, given the posters, she too pictures of before. Though was he purely chaotic, like the demon within her soul? She had witnessed him slay the great kings, not once turning his back for his gain and a shadow that seemed to possess him? She could not manifest it in thought, though she knew it was similar to herself- a fate that could befall her, for better or for worse._\n\n_The great pink bird outstretched its wings widely, casting a shadow from the rising dawn as it let out scree- not vicious or ear-splitting, but enough to overpower the words of the others._\n\n{``Foolish child.``}\n\n{I went over this in my head, haven't I? I'd like to think I'm a credible witness...}\n\n\"Whoa! That's quite intense, sir.\" _Thalia followed, the loftwing she rode retracting as it took small steps forwards and turning to make the magician more seen._\n\n\"Doesn't Hyrule have some kind of justice? Surely there is a chance for us to, _speak_, no?\" _Thalia questioned, targetting Tamil's rather gruesome threat upon the mere sight of the man. She knew that the kingdom was better than this- not to just slay people on the spot as if mere monsters._" }, { "author": "jolt0857", "is_bot": false, "message": "“If he wants justice, he will surrender and we will discuss the matter at the castle.”\n\n*Tamil said as he turned towards the pink haired lady, being Thalia. He sheathed his sword to show that he was willing to let strider surrender.*" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Selena turns to Sol upon being addressed. She turns to the soldiers, then to Strider, and then back to Sol to ask...*\n\n\"...But what's going to happen to him?\"\n\n*Nevertheless, just in case, she takes some steps back towards Willow. If she needed to get away, it'd be better for her to close a bit of the distance now.*" }, { "author": "gemilingo", "is_bot": false, "message": "“I’ll take care of him. Please, you have to stay safe,” *his voice softens more, and he turns to Selena with a voice thin and brittle as glass. He can’t look at Selena without seeing the moonlit blood on Luna’s floors, tiny, cold bodies severed from the neck. A lump grows in his throat, only pushed down when he tears his gaze away. He stands still as Willow comes in to defend them, and he doesn’t know how to react. Does he help? Does he let the hands of justice take their course? What of all that they worked for, all the pain he went through and what he had taken from him so that the hunter lived still?*" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"I see why not just spare him now- if we could discuss it now. Doesn't that make it easier for everyone, sir?\"\n\n_Thalia answered back, though still respectful of his clear rank. Though she went against her demon, she still was cautious of her words, lest the focus be brought upon her._\n\n\"I have been tracking this man for some time now- Castle Town posters are quite... Numerous.\"\n\n_Thalia huffed as she hoped off from her bird, standing considerably short but still tall in front of the man. She noted him as being similar to her partner's height, having clung to her side often though was still slightly shorter._\n\n_When she returned to the ground, Thalia pulled at her silver spear and immediately thrusts it into the sand behind her, taking a step forward to distance herself from her weapon. This left her visibly defenceless for the time being, only the shining mirror shield remaining on her back._\n\n_Though her words were false and their meeting was of circumstance, not one of her allies knew of her \"true motive\" either, making for an excellent illusion. She dug into her bag and swiftly sorted through a small pile of pictographs, before holding up the one she took of Strider's poster- proving of her search._\n\n\"And through that, I have been observing rather carefully. In which I can assure: this man has more than made up the crimes the beseech him. In fact- Hyrule may have debt into him.\"\n\n_Thalia continued, letting a brief pause take hold as her words settled in their minds. She was keenly aware of Strider's crimes along with the prize that came with his head, though still defiantly claimed such things to a member of the Royal Guard. She may be dishevelled by the prospects of battle, but her well-spoken words hopefully indicated more than just surface intelligence._\n\n_She completed the Trial of Wisdom, after all._\n\n\"Shall I continue? If you are indeed still attuned to my words, sir.\"" }, { "author": "jolt0857", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Madam, I am not a judge. My job is to bring him in.”\n\n*The old guard stubbornly said to Thalia as she noted her rather short height. He didn’t underestimate her though, now that he met Varian he probably wouldn’t underestimate short people for the rest of his life.*" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Then is the highest judge the Gods themselves?\"\n\n_Thalia tried her best to hold in her smile, though a small smirk managed to break through. She put her hands on her hip as if she was winning this little debate. He had no retort to her words, merely falling back to the military procedure._\n\n\"You have to excuse my knowledge of the legends, sir, though from what I can interpret is _that_ sword is sacred. If such a man could wield a divine weapon, should he still convicted of his crimes?\" _She followed, inferring to the Magical Sword that Strider had solely held. She then turned to the man, looking at him dead in the eyes._\n\n\"Go on- show it to us. It's clearly sacred- obtained through the trials of the goddesses, Earned in a temple high above in the sky.\" _Thalia explained, making the presence of her loftwing make sense. Though she merely described the events that took place, it aligned with Luna's retelling- an alternative source to prove that this was not some facade._\n\n{``Why fight an unnecessary battle?``}\n\n{I still have this front to maintain as being kind- I can't just turn the other way all of a sudden.}\n\n{Besides. He helped- those Kings would not have fallen without him.}\n\n{``...``}\n\n\"If the Gods had not punished him then, why should he be convicted at all? That blade is coated in the blood of kingly titans, held by him alone.\"" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Why should we believe anything you say?\" *The captain cut in with a frown. Though it wasn't a frown of anger, rather contemplation. She held the shield in one hand, waiting for what was to come. Thalia's story DID line up with Luna's telling... But how much could that prove?*" }, { "author": "jolt0857", "is_bot": false, "message": "“I’m losing my patience ma’am.”\n\n*Tamil said as he looked right back at Thalia with the same intense eyes. It was obvious he wasn’t gonna budge unless hylia herself came down and told them off striders doings.*" }, { "author": "gemilingo", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The Sheikah listens to Thalia pleading the hunter’s case, realizing more and more about what has happened in his absence. So he made good on his promises. . . Sol’s emotions simmer with an intense need for movement, pressure building in his head, he had to do something, make a choice, make a choice, he was brittle as glass ready to shatter at the slightest break in tension.*" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Fine. You want a pointless trial? Then you'll get one.\" _Thalia retorted, equally stubbornly. She reached into her bag once more, pulling out a particular green-glassed bottle, capped with a red top._\n\n\"We _all_ witnessed it. Not only the ones here- but Luna and Quovien as well. I'll summon these persons to your little court and can retell the same tale to nausea. They too hold the other weapons we had earned - a shield and staff of limitless power.\"\n\n_She added on, recalling the intense power of the staff. Having clearly known them enough to call these people by name, it would be rather easy to send a message with a Tingle Bottle in hand- presuming they too had one of their own._\n\n\"I refuse to let our efforts devolve into conviction. We defeated those Kings- and that _will_ be recognized. Sir.\"" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo looked back and forth at the debate. He was more surprised that Thalia was taking his side. Everything she said was true. And there were some things he did where she wasn't around that would back him up. He turns to the guard and looks down at them as he was on the boat. He then unsheathes the magical blade and raises it high*\n\n\"Every word she says is true.\"\n\n*he then sheathed the blade*\n\n\"If such a weapon is sacred by the goddess, then why am I wielding it? If the only way to avoid blood here is by me going to the castle then so be it.\"\n\n*he looks down at Selena, then Thalia, then Sol, and Saina*\n\n\"But it'll be on my terms. They will come with to provide evidence and their side of the story. They will not be harmed or convicted of anything related to me. And if you people won't judge me, and since you care not of the judgment of Hylia, then let me be judge by the last person I want to see. The King.\"\n\n*he crossed his arms and stares at the captain*\n\n\"Well **did** defeat those Kings. And as she said, it will be recognized.\"" }, { "author": "jolt0857", "is_bot": false, "message": "“You make good arguments. I will agree on your terms, however that decision is ultimately not up to me. I will have to restrain strider until we get there.”\n\n*Tamil said as he pulled out some rope and got ready handcuff strider. If Tamil was being honest, he didn’t really know whether if he could actually keep his promise. He made the promise because it seemed like the best and most low threat option. Besides, by the time they get to the castle their already screwed if they try anything. And admittedly, they did bring up some fair points.*" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The Captain silently watched the proceedings, not sure if she believed them or not. Not even sure if she WANTED to believe them. But nevertheless Tamil seemed to, and that would have to be good enough.*\n\n\"But first,\" *She interjected.*\n\n\"The sword. You'll have to hand that over.\"" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo sighs. He unsheathes the blade once more and looks at it one last time*\n\n\"Question first. Why should I? If it was given to me by a trial from the goddess herself?\"" }, { "author": "jolt0857", "is_bot": false, "message": "“You haven’t exactly proved *where* you got that.”\n\n*Tamil interjected as he switched his death glare towards strider. He was still holding the rope, waiting to confiscate him.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Same place where that shield came from. Which I'm guessing you've already taken it from luna. And i bet she wasn't too happy about it.\"\n\n*he let out a smirk*" }, { "author": "jolt0857", "is_bot": false, "message": "“And if we don’t trust the hero of kakariko with a magical weapon, we’re not trusting a wanted criminal with one either.”\n\n*Tamil said as he continued to glare at Tamil, fiddling with the rope.*" }, { "author": "gemilingo", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Step. Step. Closer to the Ship, closer to the man, he was flooded, overwhelmed with fire pouring from the back of his head, it was all in his head, stuck in his mind, memory, loss, back again, someone would hurt, someone would die, all those sacrifices lost, they wouldn't, it would fail, no, no no, no no no-*\n\n*The glass shatters. Sol’s ears flatten to the sides of his head and he slams the boat into action. The thruster flashes bright-ancient cyan, and a burst of sand-waterdrops fly up, turning to dust as it sprayed out of the boat’s prehistoric influence. In seconds he's gone a meter, two, ten, barreling right past the soldiers. He takes off towards the sea, but as he sees pinpricks of sand boats approaching in the distance, he pulls the vessel in a wide arc past the soldiers’ lefts and sets his course to graze past Gerudo Town. Goddess Goddess Goddess Goddess, he was freaking out, if they went near the town the pirates wouldn’t if they kept just far enough maybe they’d avoid the guards there too, damn, damn, damn!*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo was surprised by the sudden escape. He knew this would cause further trouble for him, and now possibly everyone else. He rushes up to sol*\n\n\"Turn it around now! This will only make things worst!\"\n\n*he scoffs and rushes off the side and jumps off before it sets back out into the sand sea*" } ]
[ { "author": "rocketbat", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Some time later...*\n\n*The hylian's eyes fluttered awake to a beam of light crashing against his face. Instinctively, he held his hand up to protect from the harsh rays, and was somewhat surprised to see something different about it:\n\nThe hand, which previously had several burn scars, no longer had most of them.\n\nImmediately following this revelation, his left hand rose up to touch his cheek, and felt that the hole that was previously there had definitely gotten smaller. It was still present, and it still stung, but it had become a lot more bearable.\n\n... But it still hurt, so he reached over for his mask. Just before he put it back on, however, he took a glance over at Lenel.*" }, { "author": "loquaciouslark", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Though being, herself, half at rest, Lenel raises her head from the spring's enchanted waters, dark hair dripping behind her, as Syl reaches for the lizalfos-faced mask at the shoreline.*\n\n\"...You're going to put it back on for now, then?\"" }, { "author": "rocketbat", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Sylvester nodded his head, sliding the mask back into it, which in turn shifted him back into a lizalfos.* \"It's better, but it still hurts...\" *Following this, he decided to hop out of the pond to put his clothes back on.\n\n... And promptly regretted it, considering it was much colder than he was expecting, he only had a damp loincloth on, he was just in warm water, and while he's a lizalfos he's technically cold blooded.*\n\n*He ended up getting fully out of the pond, then ran right back in.*\n\n\"C-c-cold...!\"" }, { "author": "loquaciouslark", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Lenel winces as Sylvester again changes to squamous, saurian form- but quickly loses track of her thoughts as he ungracefully scampers back into the pond's waters, spraying droplets in every direction.*\n\n\"Wait, cold, really? In the desert? It's early in the day, to be sure, but I'd imagine that would make little difference...\"\n\n*Slowly, Lenel paddles to the same shoreline bank, preparing to leave the pool and feel the supposey cool wind herself.*" }, { "author": "rocketbat", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Sylvester nodded, saying to the hunter,* \"Y-yeah... It might just be me, but I felt the temperature change a lot more than usual, and not just because of the water...\" *In truth, it was probably just an overreaction on his part, but he wasn't wrong.*\n\n*He tried to get out again, more slowly this time, and by the time Lenel made her way to the bank, he was halfway out- and slightly shivering.*" }, { "author": "loquaciouslark", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Lenel does the same, pulling herself onto land with her elbows- and quickly feels the same unnaturally cold winds Syl described snake over her back. Quickly redressing into her conventional gear, the huntress makes idle conversation on the strange weather-phenomena as she adjusts her tunic and her tools.*\n\n\"That is... rather strange, isnt it? I've never felt a chill like this so far south-west...\"" }, { "author": "rocketbat", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Syl gave a nod as he responded.* \"Yeah... It's weird seeing that the desert isn't... *hot*... during the day.\"\n\n*Once he got out of the water again, the chill returned to him, and he dipped back into the water. It was still pretty cold to him, and what wasn't helping was the fact that he only had the soaked loincloth on.\n\nHowever, maybe that was something he could fix. Still mostly in the water, he slipped out of the loincloth and began to wring it out of the water.*\n\n{I'm so glad that lizalfos don't actually need to wear clothes... Makes this much easier for me...}" }, { "author": "_d6", "is_bot": false, "message": "*And speaking of lizalfos...*\n\n*Oh man, Kybo didn't like when it got so cold... Usually they'd be huddled up next to a fire about now, but they didn't even know how to make one. For now, they'd have to settle for just having to deal with it. Lizalfos of their kind usually did not have problems with the cold; this was a matter of personal preference for Kybo.*\n\n*They honestly didn't have anywhere to go. They just had to... well, go somewhere. Wherever somewhere would be. And maybe do something. At somewhere. Something at somewhhhhat is that thing over there-*\n\n*In their aimless wandering, Kybo had come across the spring. They had meant to explore this place eventually, but they never had the time to; the sun set too fast and they had to return to their camp or get scolded. Good thing they didn't need to worry about that anymore.*\n\n*What they needed to worry about now was who these guys were... It seemed to be a... another lizalfos, and some... other? monster? Kybo wasn't actually sure what that creature was. Oh man, their eyesight was so bad.*\n\n*They decided to approach. Maybe they'd say hi or something.*" }, { "author": "loquaciouslark", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Before she can further remark on the unnatural tempest that churns about the canyon's walls, the huntress's attention is, inevitably, drawn to the intruder- another lizal, with a cracked, keratinous horn, it's talons clicking in the soft lakeside mud as it approached.\n\nFar warier than it, Lenel clasps the hilt of the dagger that hangs from her hip on instinct as it draws close- hissing out an order to her companion.*\n\n\"Syl- You speak their tongue, don't you? Try and talk to it.\"" }, { "author": "rocketbat", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Sylvester, at first, continued to wring out the loincloth without noticing that there was now someone else among them. It was only when Lenel hissed at him did he actually look up to see what she was talking about... and he was immediately startled.*\n\n\"AHH!\" *He let out, his hands momentarily flailing about... sending the loincloth into the air... just out of his reach.*\n\n{... Dammit.}\n\n*He paused for a few seconds, before turning to the hunter once again.* \"... Don't really have much of a choice...\" *He responded with a quiet laugh, before turning back towards the other lizal.*\n\n\"||Uh... Hey. You scared me.||\" *Syl called out, his tone having a hint of surprise.* \"||What... are you doing here?||\"" }, { "author": "_d6", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Kybo stopped right beside the water.*\n\n\"||My apologiess. I did not mean to frighten you.||\" *they responded, in the same tongue. Their 's's sounded weird since their tongue was constantly hanging outside of their mouth. They couldn't help it.*\n\n\"||Jusst here looking. I do not have much elsse to go.||\"\n\n\"||That iss a lie- I do not know where elsse to go. sSo I come here.||\"\n\n*Their horn sparked a bit, brightening up very briefly. In that same moment, they twitched a little bit.*\n\n\"||What bringss you here, friend? And who iss the...||\"\n\n*The lizalfos pointed over at Lenel, unfamiliar with what exactly she was.*\n\n\"||Forgive me if I am rude. I have not sseen thiss creature before.||\"" }, { "author": "rocketbat", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The lizalfos took in a deep breath before he began.* \"||Got a few wounds in my latest battle, and I remembered that this place heals wounds.||\"\n\n*Following this, Sylvester briefly glanced over at Lenel, the look on his face suggesting that he was pondering how to respond, before he turned back to Kybo.* \"||This is my accomplice. And I find it hard to believe you haven't seen a hylian before, considering they're one of our sworn enemies.||\" *Bit of a risky play, but he had... part... of a plan.*\n\n\"||Not all hylians are bad, I've come to find. This one's proven a valuable hunter, for instance.||\" *He looked back at Lenel, a mischievous grin on his face.*" }, { "author": "_d6", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The lizalfos did a sort of a double take at Lenel.*\n\n\"||That iss a hylian...?||\" *Kybo asked. There was some obvious fear/uncertainty in their voice now.*\n\n{I didn't think they would be this small...}\n\n\"||My friend, that iss a funny joke; ssurely you would have been... eaten by now if it were true.||\"\n\n*Eaten? Clearly this lizalfos wasn't joking about not having seen a hylian before. They've also been horribly misinformed about hylians and their nature.*\n\n\"||sSo, what iss thiss creature, really?||\" *They asked, refusing to believe that this... strange, scale-less creature was a hylian.*\n\n*They sat down near the water, not touching it, but getting scarily close to it.*" }, { "author": "rocketbat", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"||EATEN?!||\" *He blurted out, before he realized that he had actually said that aloud. He found that hilarious, but he tried not to laugh at this. Attempting to stay in character, he ended up bursting in laughter and slamming his claw on the side of the pond.* \"||***WE*** eat ***THEM!!*** What did you *think* they were like?||\"" }, { "author": "loquaciouslark", "is_bot": false, "message": "*As the two exchange in their inhuman words, Lenel, profoundly out of the loop, keeps her grip firm on her blade, unmoving- watching, from her perspective, as the two beasts bellow, hiss, and snap their toothy jaws at one another.*" }, { "author": "_d6", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"||...Well, your tail iss sstill intact... I do not know what they do with our tailss but I alwayss asssumed it had ssomething to do with... conssumption?||\"\n\n*Attempting to mirror Sylvester's hand gesture, Kybo dipped their own hand into the pond. The splash sent a weak ripple of electricity through the water.*\n\n\"||............sSo are you gonna eat that?||\"" }, { "author": "rocketbat", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Sylvester was quickly and lightly shocked by the lizalfos, but he didn't react much to it.*\n\n\"||Eat our tails?||\" *Sylvester was just curious as to what they meant by that.* \"||Where did you grow up, where you learned those things?||\" *Just to make sure that he was alright, he lifted his tail out of the water and took a quick glance at it. It was still perfectly fine.*\n\n\"||... Oh right, I forgot to introduce myself. The name's Syl!||\" *The lizalfos proclaimed.*" }, { "author": "_d6", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The lizalfos shrugged.*\n\n\"||I dunno. That iss jusst what they told me... I did not know it wass the other way around.||\"\n\n*They spaced out for a moment. Their eyes crackled with electricity and they twitched yet again. After a couple seconds, they came to again.*\n\n\"||Syl...||\" *they repeated.* \"||An interessting name... It ssounds very...||\"\n\n{What's the word?}\n\n\"||...unussyual. Like... uhh... not from around here.||\"\n\n{Nailed it.}\n\n\"||Pleasse call me Kybo. I am pleased to meet you, Syl, tamer of hylians.||\"\n\n*Kybo approached their new friend and tried to lick him (the concept of a handshake was foreign to them). As they approached, their horn began to glow a little brighter, and produce a quiet crackling noise.*" }, { "author": "loquaciouslark", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Lenel sighed lightly as the two saurians continued to hiss and chirp at one another, tails curling and dragging along the fertile bank of the Lanayru pool- silently musing on how strange the circumstances of the past few days had been, now leaving her, in effect, embroiled in the heart of some ragtag monster pack.\n\nRegardless, she tries to call back her more humanlike companion's attention, even as the other lizal licks at his hardened hide- still making no motion to let go of her weapon.*\n\n\"Syl. Are they any threat to us?\"" }, { "author": "rocketbat", "is_bot": false, "message": "*So Kybo was friendly to him and Lenel, that much was obvious. Seeing as how he didn't really have to hide anymore, and that he had to exit the pond anyways, he stepped out of the ping, revealing the sleek body he had to bear for the time being in all its glory.*\n\n\"||It is an honor to meet you, Kybo.||\" *He said to the lizalfos, before turning to the huntress next to him.*\n\n\"He's not a threat.\" *He explained, on the assumption that the other lizal could not understand him.* \"He believes that I've 'tamed' you, and that we're both not host-*GAH!*\"\n\n*It was then that he noticed a tickling feeling somewhere on his body. He immediately jumped back just a bit as a reaction, not used to that sensation.*\n\n\"||I'm, uh...||\" *He began.* \"||... Not really from around here, that completely caught me off guard... Also I was just bathing in the soothing waters, so uh...||\" *The yellow lizalfos raised a claw, pointing at a band of red cloth just behind Kybo.* \"||... I kinda n-need that...||\"" }, { "author": "_d6", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Kybo backed up when he heard Syl exclaim. The crackling got louder as they struggled to keep their under control from the excitement.*\n\n*They were a little confused at Syl's reaction, since this was a normal lizalfos behavior, but he guessed this had something to do with not being from around here.*\n\n\"||sSorry.||\" *the lizalfos chirped quietly.*\n\n*They noticed the red cloth and Syl's accompanying gesture, so they walked over and picked it up. It was still kind of damp, so as Kybo touched it, electricity flowed through it. Not to mention that they were already sort of losing control of their electricity. Kybo, blissfully unaware, handed it over to Syl.*" } ]
[ { "author": "loquaciouslark", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The huntress only nods along at Lusaimi and Corobo's words as the pair moves to head their frigid hike up the mesas, Lenel choosing to follow in suit behind the Gerudo- beckoning to her other companions with a free hand. The winds seem only to grow more intense as she heads further inwards- gales whipping past her now thoroughly-frostbitten ears.\n\nUp ahead, Lenel, too, sees the distant, gold-glimmering light of Saina's spells- though she, of course more easily recognizes it's origin as coming from another set of her fellows.\n\nIt comes as small reassurance to the Ordonian, but a comforting one nonetheless- glimpsing a few more familiar figures out in the heart of the Lanayru hinterlands.*" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Saina wasn’t given much of a signal in the dark evening of where the others, but he assumed they’d find him. He has all the time in the world after all. The magic of the golden cucco once burned at his very skin when he first captured it. To this day it’s searing heat stays with him in a smaller way.*\n\n*Saina didn’t want them to take too much time however as he called out into the darkness.* “Hello!!!? Your letter seemed pretty urgent so could you give some hint of where you are? I mean, I know I’m a dazzling beacon of hope in these frigid nights. However things would go by faster if we met halfway!”" }, { "author": "loquaciouslark", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Wildly as the storm roars, Lenel just makes out the voice of her companion as her group begins to round the windworn walls of the upper mesas, loose dunes turning to hard bluffs of sandstone underfoot as they rise. In places, the red rocks of the cliffs shimmer with unnatural coatings of ice, each one reflecting the starlight above.\n\nThis high in altitude, the first streaking clumps of snow begin to form along the gullies, pooling between frozen boulderstones and withered Wildberry-bushes.\n\nThe huntress raises a hand to the sky in an attempt to make her position more clear, and calls back over the badlands.*\n\n\"Down here, Saina! Just follow after our voices! And my thanks for coming over on such short notice, aye!?\"" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*As they walked, Lusaimi noticed the chill of the Gerudo Desert worsen; despite how cold it already was, it was only getting even worse. An even clearer sign that something was wrong.*\n\n*Soon, they reached the highlands; a far more naturally cold place. From up here, the viciousness of the storm above Faron was even clearer, and the smoke above Death Mountain only became more ominous as time went on. What had happened to this land while she had been away, studying and perfecting her dark magic? And how intertwined was such magical energy in all this? It would be Lusaimi’s job to find out… and to control such magic if it truly was affecting the world in such a powerful way. It could be… repurposed into a far more positive affect on the world, after all.*\n\n“I trust these comrades of yours are as intelligent as you and Sylvester, Lenel?”\n\n*Corobo’s intelligence was of no question to Lusaimi; if you could accept Dark Magic, then you were respected. And both Sylvester and Lenel were able to work with her despite their distaste for her skill set. The other monster was of course too stupid to even understand her, so it’s intelligence was obviously known; and with how fooled it was she didn’t even need her magic. How… useful.*\n\n*Lusaimi could handle the cold; despite being born to handle the heat, you don’t live for over a century without braving the elements from time to time. Even if she didn’t, she did have a small cloak on, one that now she put the hood on. For his own safely, she let her cloak cover the hand Corobo was on; it was the best protection from the weather he’s get from her, mainly because it was the only protection she could offer.*" }, { "author": "rocketbat", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Syl motioned for Kybo to follow along, and he began to follow the others. He mostly remained silent as the squad traveled onwards, but he did pipe up to the question.* \"Outside of the most loyal b-bokoblin I've ever h-had the honor of meeting, y-yes...\" *He stammered, keeping his head low as he did so.*" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "*It was a path already beset with snow far below them that guided the eye to something most strange. At the bottom of the canyon an offshoot path curved up the side of the cliff and into the snowfields to the west out of sight.*\n\n*At the base of the path stood two soldiers in bright red armor wielding tridents. A small campfire twinkled off to the side sending a small stream of smoke to be whisked off by the roaring wind.*" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Saina was glad to hear the voice of Lenel, but figured there would be someone even happier to see her. Then there was something that had caught his eye. He must not of noticed it on his flight over, but there was a campfire beset by two guards far too the bottom of a path. Smoke billowed from it and it didn’t seem to belong to his friends either.*\n\n*He patted Vekhi trying to nudge her to find the group.* “You should meet up with the others I’m going to try to investigate something…” *Saina then ran and jumped off the mountain down into the canyon only stopping due to his wings flapping at the last second lightening his fall. With that they then disappeared and Saina’s golden aura evaporated for the time being.* {Are those guards in the distance? All the way out here in the province?}" }, { "author": "mspaintnecoart", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Upon hearing Lenel's voice, Vekhi's dissatisfaction delightfully diminished as she jogged down the hill, trying to not slip and fall, the wind biting at her face, feeling as if the wind was cutting her cheek. She decided it would be better to bite the bullet and get it done quickly, hopping into a slide down the frozen slope, all the way down to her group. Very cold. Bad idea. At least she recognized (most) faces in a mix of blinding white snow.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*As Lusaimi watched the Hylian climb down the mountain, her Kargarok finally flew down to her. The stupid creature took a while to spot the 2 Hylians, but once it did it flew down to her almost immediately, circling back as to do so while not divebombing, which it had no way to stop itself from without immediately dying. Once Lusaimi turned to notice it, the Kargarok kept staring at the direction of the foes; the only way it could communicate it's knowledge. Lusaimi was used to the stupidity of such creatures, and as such understood the intent.*\n\n\"Before we begin our search it seems we have company. We should act slow from here on in; monster, hylian, whatever race they are, someone may have beat us to it first.\"\n\n*Lusaimi walked upward from the slope, the snow moving down as she stepped into it. The amount of snow here made it difficult to gauge where land exactly was... but the light reflected off the moon helped guide her enough... and help her spot the hylian guards, although she didn't know of Saina, nor did she spot her. She could only spot the hylains due to their rather reflective armor in the moonlight.*\n\n\"Down there. 2 guards. As I'm your guest I'm more than willing to follow any plan any of you propose, but I have my own plan as well should you all have none.\"\n\n*Her plan was simple, really. Jump down onto them, using her roc's cape to survive the fall. and proceed kill them with her knife with a surprise. From there, she could easily beat a simple guard 1-on-1, even with his longer reach. Teleportation magic made fights really simple when the opponent had no idea it was coming. Of course, she would only execute it if no other plan was held; perhaps the Hylains had no desire to spill blood of their fellow species just yet.*" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Selena rides on in front of Tamil as they enter the province. The cold winds hit her off guard - it was much colder now than when she had left. What was going on here? Though she starts to shiver, she powers through as she looks for landmarks she remembers by now to lead to the dock they could use for transport to the Sand Sea.*" } ]
[ { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Saina flying over could notice that the two standing in front of the guards were getting no where fast. Hylia knows Vekhi would most likely crumble if their rouse went up in smoke…* {hmm smoke? Should be just fine for the monsters to go through a bit of dark mist. I mean I could just eliminate the guards right now, but Lenel and Vekhi would probably give me an earful.}\n\n*Saina released a blindingly dark mist beginning to surround his body his aura also fading away with only his shining wings able to be spotted. From inside he gave Lusaimi a heads up.* “You’ll realize I have a lot of tricks up my sleeve lady of darkness. You also kind of remind me of someone…” *With that he dove through the air releasing a trail of dark mist around and behind him.*\n\n{Now all we need is a little added flair to get those guards shaking in their boots} *Eventually his dive leaned forward quickly with great speed still retained. Right as he passed through the middle of the guards he pinched Syl on his side to make him release a monstrous shriek as they speeded by.* {Sometimes I’m just too good aren’t I?} *With that a dark blinding fog would be left in his wake*\n\nMM: 65%" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Well know the duo had no chance to get by with disguises intact. Lusaimi made her Kargarok go into a divebomb, trying to catch up with Saina. Slowly, she rose up from the divebomb to slow her and the Kargarok's descent... before launching Kybo at the duo of soldiers, effectively bomb-running the 2 of them. While she couldn't see the soliders due to the dark mist now covering them, thanks Saina, instead she aimed the beast within the mist, a small distance from Lenel and Vekhi. It wouldn't be perfect; but the beast would be closer to the hylians than the duo of friends, at least. And better the uncontrolled monster kill them than Lusaimi kill them; Lenel was already not fond of her, and spilling blood may keep her from investigating this issue.*\n\n*Once the dive-bombing was done, the Kargarok, now free of some extra weight, was quick to slow and turn around towards the mist. Lusaimi kept an eage eye, and made sure she was in range to teleport, but not so close to where the beast she dropped should be, in case of an issue. She grabbed her knife and focused into the stone on the hilt, just to ensure she had the magical power for any range. While she was confidant in her allies skills and their ability to take care of the enemy, it was good to be prepared. And she'd rather a soldier die than one of her newest compatriot's die.*" }, { "author": "mspaintnecoart", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Vekhi sighed, rubbing her eyes with her forefinger and thumb as she turned around to begin walking away.*\n\n\"Come, Whitehorn. Let us go retrieve a letter from the capitol.\" *She trudged her way through the snow, crossing her arms and once she was enough away, the sudden dive bombing causing her to hit the dirt or snow or whatever as she dove into a roll, looking back at the sudden scene of destruction and chaos, instinctively drawing her blade as she scurried back to a standing position.* \"L-Lenel, you alright?!\"" }, { "author": "rocketbat", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Sylvester did not necessarily yell immediately as Saina gave him a good pinch, but it didn't take the theatre boy long to realize that he had to improvise. Taking a quick breath in, the beast let out a mighty* \"SCREECH!\" *as they flew past the guards.*\n\n{Ow...}" }, { "author": "_d6", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The other lizalfos didn't need acting or improvization to let out a much louder and more terrified screech as they were flung towards the ground from a moving flying bird monster.*\n\n\"||waitwhatareyounonoNO||\"\n\n***\"||AAAHHHHHHHHH||!!!!!!\"***\n\n*As the mass of screaming flailing scaly limbs sailed through the air, electricity crackled all around their body, from their talons, horn, and eyes, even. It was a miracle that they didn't break anything else this time.*\n\n*The lizalfos tumbled a good few meters off the ground. Overwhelmed by the current situation, they were unable to hold back their electricity, and discharged it, creating powerful arcs within a sizeable radius of the monster. Anyone caught in it would get a nasty shock... Heck, even Kybo began feeling light-headed from it!*" }, { "author": "loquaciouslark", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Lenel hardly turns before the crack of thunder splits the air, catching her off guard before she has time to begin fully following her Sheikan companion. Closer to the core of the blast, the huntress, even surrounded by whipping snow, biting strands of hail and Saina's magically-conjured mist, clearly sees a piercing blue light swallow up the space around her-\n\n-and then is thrown back by bolts of burning elemental force, a sharp blow that crashes up through Lenel's chest, spewing shimmering white-hot sparks and crackles off the sleek metal blades of her weapons and the dingy brass of her shoulder-pauldron. When Lenel, tossed by the lightning, slams against the icy ground at Vekhi's feet, the electricity discharges and disperses as suddenly as it came- but the Ordonian is left on her back, hacking and coughing from the impact.*" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The guards had only a moment to put their shields up. A shadow fell over the sky above them, barely visible in the gloom of night and tempest. The shadow morphed into a cloud of glittering feathers that oozed a trail of mist.*\n\n*For those who sailed right between the two guards, a nasty consequence: Their crossed tridents made quite the sharp barrier! Saina and Sylvester gouged a squat a trench in the frosty dirt bearing matching wounds from the trident blades!*\n\n*Black mist enveloped them all. The tridents landed in the dirt with dual clanks. The campfire was snuffed out.*\n\n*BZZZZZZZZZZZT!*\n\n*Lenel, Vekhi, Saina, Sylvester, and the two guards were all caught by the crisscrossing net of electricity Kybo discharged! The branches of lightning lit up the mist like a grounded thundercloud.*" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Saina with Sylvester in his hands has to think quickly as his muddled view is given some sort of sense with the clanging of tridents . His wings do their best to do a quick reversal and flap a gust of wind at the guards, but Saina is too late as he is gouged along his ribs but goes into a curl with in order to keep Sylvester from taking the brunt of it.* {Damn it those two couldn’t stop them for a second once they saw how things were going… whatever a wound on both sides from tridents… I’ve gotten through worse.} *Little did he know it would be much worse.*\n\n*Saina entrapped in the small trench took in deep breaths doing his best not to reveal his position when suddenly a flashing light appeared. Perhaps one of the group members coming to his aid, but no it was so much worse. In a flash lightning flowed through he and Syl’s bodies. Saina couldn’t hold his composure and let out a sharp cry in pain as his raw wounds were immediately burned upon. If he had the wherewithal and constitution at the moment he would want to slaughter everyone in arms distance. Fortunately for everyone Saina was in no state to move again so quickly.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Watching the elecrified storm below her, Lusaimi knew entering the chaos would only serve to disorientate to her. However... she did have one advantage, The Kargarok she rode on. Unlike a usual Hylian hunter, it didn't just use sight to hunt. Smell was a very, very important part of hunting prey, after all, and a Kargarok needed such a sense to find their prey in particular; not just for eating, but also for finding targets they've been told to kidnap.*\n\n\"Take one.\"\n\n*With those words, the Kargarok, only understanding her orders via the mental connection the 2 shared, swooped into the smoke.If Lusaimi's plan were to succeed, the Kargarok would be flying away with one of the Hylians in it's claws; carried by it's shoulders. Whether it collected the Hylian or not, it was quick to rise up so that if the Hylian tried to stab the bird, assuming he was in it's claws, he would suffer serious damage, and perhaps even death. Lusaimi, however, would be fine; The Roc's Cape would protect her from most injuries. And it wasn't like she needed the Kargarok; she could find another in the Monster Village, after all.*" }, { "author": "mspaintnecoart", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Vekhi was engulfed by the static, electrical burns covering her exposed skin as she dropped to the ground, stabbing her blade into the snow to stop herself from falling over completely. She was dazed and confused, ears ringing and her entire body went numb from the blinding pain, simply watching everything unfold but with no clue with was happening, until something she loved came crashing to a stop in front of her, as the world crashing down into Vekhi, nerve endings snapping and firing off until she suddenly regained every sense at once, almost as blindingly painful as the original impact. She reached out, stumbling into a frantic scurry on her hands and knees as she desperately and painfully cried out, tears welling up in her eyes.*\n\n*Words are difficult to form. Sometimes when the things you love are in mortal danger, you can only cry it's name.* ***\"Lenel!\"***" } ]
[ { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "```fix\n\nSaina```\n\n*The narrow mountain path wound up yet further. Looking over the side revealed only the churning windstorm and the mountains of fog it stirred. There was no ground to see except for the path and the wall it clung to.*\n\n*Finally it began to level out. Saina was beholden to a vast snowfield between high rocky walls in something of a colossal U shape. The other end was obscured behind foggy wind. Except for the mountain that rose in the middle. It was nearly as tall as Death Mountain. Something like an upside down tornado was spinning above the misty peak.*\n\n*Intense winds blew uninhibited across the field in all directions, like the mountain itself was trying to blow Saina away.*\n\n*A small camp was set up just around where the path leveled out and shielded from the worst of the wind by large boulders. It was deserted. Beyond it was an open stretch of snow leading up to the base of Mount Lanayru.*" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Saina’s scarf blew out to the side as he treaded up the mountain path while the harsh winds threatened him at every moment. He stayed low to the ground and began wrapping his scarf around his head. His eyes could barely make out anything until for a moment he got clear view of a snowy field.*\n\n{Oh boar of darkness! Seems no matter where I go cold mountain tops is where I end up…} *He then held on to his arms. Beginning to groan in regret.* “Curse Vekhi’s retched welcoming about the cold. I left my dear Gracie’s wonderful fleece sweater with her yet I’m the one who must endure the trek up a frigid mountain! Thanks Hylia, I guess this is what kindness and generosity gets me!” *He spurred out with no real target for his anger, but perhaps the heat of his emotion would keep him warm. Saina then saw a camp in the distance and thought that should be his next stop. With that he continued his trek onwards to it.*" }, { "author": "loquaciouslark", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Still along the cliffside below, Lenel rubs her temple with her free hand in consideration as Vekhi gives her order, the snow-filled squall still whipping past her Ordonian ears. But after a moments consideration, the huntress nods her head in resolute dissagreement.*\n\n\"Nonsense- The sympathy's sweet of you, but the two of us have known Leo for little more than a day, and half of what I've heard of him from Saina is hardly pleasant. His back's strapped with more blades than a Morth-shell- I'm sure the Sheikah can handle whatever trouble he's gotten himself into.\n\nMaybe Syl knows him better, but frankly I'm quickly growin' loathe to get any more mired in troubles with rogues than we already are.\n\nBut the curse on this mountain seems a Province-threatenin' affair, if not a threat to the whole Crown. There's no doubt in my mind it's the more important issue, I've hardly the trust to let the Witch take it alone.\"\n\n*Lenel gestures to Lusaimi as she mentions the Gerudo, idly twirling her gold-glimmering blade in her hands.*\n\n\" If you want to follow us instead of crossin' swords, then fine, you've my permission spare us all the headaches. Just know that if you try another Bomskit-brained scheme like that, or for that matter, if I hear another peep from you of wicked-incantations, well, you should hope what's left of your magics can summon up a Bubble from what's remainin' of your head after it's lopped from your shoulders, aye?\"" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Lusaimi watched as she was insulted and effectively spat on, with Sylvester's blade to her throat and the \"stinging\" words of Lenel and Vekhi. She didn't much care of their opinion, of course. She was used to such... tactics, such thoughts against her. If anything, she was slightly saddened by the fact that she had thought these people were far more... intelligent than they had led on. But if they weren't going to impede her, then vocalizing such thoughts would only harm her objective.*\n\n\"Thank you. I'll refrain from such... crossfire, in the future.\"\n\n*With such tension in the air, Lusaimi found it best to revert to her normal state of being; isolated, even among a group of people. Effectively, she would just be charging up the mountain, ignoring the rest of the group behind her. Granted, she would still be somewhat near them, but the idea was to catch up to Saina as fast as possible; despite his rash actions, they had worked rather well...*\n\n*Passing through the path where Saina had encountered reinforcements, she soon reached the very same snow field Saina found herself in; followed by her trio of Stalfos rising from the snow directly behind her. Looking up, the storm above blotted out the sun; and so effectively that even her skeletons could fight in the day. Despite how helpful such circumstances were, such events were definitely not natural; giving even more reason to discover what was happening. Looking through the massive snowfield, eventually, she too would spot a camp hidden from the worst the storm had to offer and would head to it, spotting a figure that seemed to match the look of Saina heading there as well.*\n\n*Lusaimi could certainly handle such cold, but only in the sense that she wouldn't complain about it. She certainly wasn't comfortable, but her monsters didn't care about such conditions; after all, they were already technically dead. It was part of the reason Lusaimi utilized Stalfos so heavily; as long as there was no direct sunlight, they could adapt to any environment very easily. As she continued this trek, her Kargarok finally returned to her, finishing dropping off the soldier at the Arbiter's Grounds.*\n\n\"I thought you were quick with flying. No matter... you've given me an idea.\"\n\n*Effectively thinking aloud, she realized that she didn't need to walk with her monsters; but while a Kargarok was too fast, her 3 Stalfos could easily support her weight. Now she would be sitting atop 3 shields, as the Stalfos had arranged themselves in a triangle, putting their shields above their heads for her to sit on. The trio of skeletons under Lusaimi, along with the large bird behind her, approached the camp together at much the same speed as before, still a ways behind Saina.*" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The camp had been recently vacated, as told by the dwindling fire and the spilled pot of soup. Ramshackle tents surrounded a wagon half covered in snow. The royal crest emblazoned its side.*\n\n*Beyond the little camp stretched the open snowfield. Waves of powdery snow rose and fell at the wind's beck and call. An open plain like many of the area, but known to hide all sorts of nefarious monsters ready to snag a meal of incautious wanderers.*" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Saina looked through the camp inspecting what was left.* {if nothing else I imagine those big armors guards pack some coats with them. That is if this belonged to the guards in the first place. Although maybe some torn royal crest cloth would look nice on a mantle. It’s a win no matter what!}\n\n*Saina would begin rummaging wherever he could in the map mostly looking out for left over warm clothes or treasure. He paid no heed to any members that may be behind as the harsh snowstorm and it’s winds were all that howled in his ears.*" }, { "author": "mspaintnecoart", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Vekhi growled to herself. She had a* ***really*** *bad feeling about continuing upwards on the mountain...but she couldn't abandon her comrades.*\n\n\"Fine. I'm mostly just worried about the girl, but who knows. Maybe the bokoblin just tried to cook something.\" *She joked to hide her worries, gazing once more towards the sand sea before turning back towards her companions, taking her place by their side.* \"But, both of you will stop blatantly threatening Lusaimi. Threats out of battle are just going to start another one. She made a, I'll be honest, *very, VERY stupid mistake that could've ended MUCH worse,* but it was a mistake nonetheless and we're going to leave her be. All of us...Alright?\" *As Vekhi was requesting the uneasy alliance, she was clutching her left forearm; she knew what it was like to make stupid life choices...*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*With the Stalfos carrying her, reaching the camp took no energy at all, although she was still cold as all hell. Once she arrived, the trio of skeletons lowered their shields, allowing for Lusaimi to step down. The moment she did, she approached Saina, who she could tell was searching the camp.*\n\n\"Ah, searching the camp? Smart idea; I wonder if they left anything of note behind...\"\n\n*Lusaimi would begin searching the camp as well, attempting to look at places she didn't believe Saina looked at. While she certainly wouldn't mind finding a warmer coat or something along those lines, she was more looking closely for some information of any kind; research on what was happening, info on troop deployment; something of tactical value. Anything to help out discover just what was happening around the mountain, or to give them a heads up of the danger coming soon.*" }, { "author": "rocketbat", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Sylvester took a deep breath, before backing away from Lusaimi.* \"... Y-you're right, Vekhi.\" *He turned around, biting his tongue and looking straight between the two Stingers.*\n\n\"You said Leo was in need, right?\" *He asked, his face more stern than usual.* \"I've known him for a good while now. Helped him with a catastrophe in Kakariko just the other day.\"\n\n*He took another deep breath, looking down at the road that leads to the docs.* \"I presume the two of you, plus Saina, can handle whatever's on this mountain...?\"" }, { "author": "jolt0857", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Tamil rode through the desert, shivering from how cold it was. He patted Sade to keep pushing, knowing it couldn’t be much better for her either. He was racing towards the fog, trying to find the source of it and inevitably heading towards mount lanayru.*" } ]
[ { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The camp seemed to be rather close to drying up its stock of materials. In each of the three tents there was one small chest surrounded by clay pots and a few cots. The insides of the tents were carpeted and slightly warmer than the outside.*\n\n*Saina's search began in the first tent. The pots yielded a sum of 16 rupees. The chest clicked open with a soft music tone.*\n\n*Lusaimi's search of the second tent offered her 20 rupees from the pots. The wooden chest opened.*\n\n*The letter read:*\n\n```Loyal Knights of Hyrule,\n\nA powerful demon has made its home on Lanayru's peak. Once a sacred place, it has since been spawning most loathesome monsters. No citizens may be allowed up. Once the guardians have been completed we will begin to move. Do not fail.\n\nKing Bastus Hyrule```" }, { "author": "jolt0857", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Tamil and Sade were now riding up the mountain trail on mount lanyaru, trying to go at a fast pace with Sade. Sade was getting tired, but Tamil made sure to keep pushing her to go towards the fog.*\n\n*Without Tamil knowing, he was quickly heading towards the camp where the sting was.*" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Saina let out an audible squeal as he quickly nabbed the rupees, but his eyes were set upon the ruby circlet. He quickly unraveled his head scarf and fixed up his hair before gently setting the ruby circlet on his head and aligning it just right on the middle of his forehead.*\n\n*Saina then strutted outside with the warm feeling overcoming his body.* “Ahh I think I’ve found just the right thing!” *He called to Lusaimi expecting her to come out soon he was already posed leaned forward and presenting his new circlet as a centerpiece.* “you’re a gerudo right? What do you think, do I wear it better.” *He smirked and winked.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Ah, perfect...\"\n\n*While the added rupees were nice, the piece of information inside the chest was much more valuable to her. Reading it to herself, she was quick to walk outside the tent... finding Saina posted up, showing off his newest piece of jewelry.*\n\n\"I would say it looks good on you, yes. That gem must be comfortable in this weather, at least.\"\n\n*Simple pleasantries, nothing more. Such an item would likely be of great help to Saina; after such words, Lusaimi's eyes were drawn to the third and final tent, left unchecked.*\n\n\"This is what I found; a note from the king himself. It seems a powerful demon is causing this storm. Could you be the one to share such info with your comrades? They might receive it better from someone they actually trust.\"\n\n*Handing the note to Saina with the assumption that she won't be seeing it again, she walked to the third and final tent, searching both the jars and final chest. Now that she had information, this time she was hoping for an item that would be helpful to her in some form, be it with combat, or weather.*" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The pots yielded 11 rupees. The last chest clunked open. A jingle played as the item inside floated in Lusaimi's palm.*" }, { "author": "jolt0857", "is_bot": false, "message": "*In the distance, Tamil was seen racing towards the campsite, almost shivering from how cold it had gotten. Tamil couldn’t make out that the sting was in front of him, but he was easily visible and rapidly approaching.*" }, { "author": "loquaciouslark", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Whether from falling battle tensions, or simply by the passage of time, the last streaks of enchanted-light fade from Lenel's blade as she talks with the others.*\n\n\"That settles it, then. My thanks, Syl- it does the heart well to know someone will be there in the desert to help the child, should she need helping. The sand-seals should still be moor'd where we'd left them. Ordona grant you speed.\"\n\n*The Ordonian lets her weapon slide back into her sheath against her back, and, as she does so, unfolds the goat's-pelt wrapped over her shoulder, letting it's wooly skin drape over her like a cloak.*\n\n\"Now, shall we be off, Vekhi? I'll try to keep my tempers in check- I'm sure the others are waitin' for us just up the bend. \"" }, { "author": "rocketbat", "is_bot": false, "message": "*With a small nod, Sylvester gave the two a bit of a smirk.* \"Good luck.\" *He said quietly, before rushing back towards the main road. He had to hurry, he knew that much, but he didn't know how long it would take him per se.*\n\n*Hopefully he could set off from the port at #lanayru-sand-sea quickly enough to help the other Sting members in time...*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Lusaimi was... a bit disappointed at the treasure she found, but this was one something she would be keeping; either it would unlock a room with a more useful reward, or would be necessary for her to come closer to the source of the storm. A demon... she was certainly intrigued by the possibility of it. What could cause such a devastating storm? Her biggest thought, of course, was the potential of controlling such a demon. Was she likely able to? No, but even trying to would give valuable insight and knowledge in some form, and there was no downside in doing so. As she exited the tent, her thoughts dwelled on it. Perhaps she should go back to that Village, and gather that army she offered Lenel before continuing on their journey. She could get comrades readied with potions as well... well, maybe. That would depend on if they wanted to work together or if they were simply going to ignore each other.*\n\n*As she exited, however, before looking over to Saina, she saw someone in the distance, riding towards their position... shit. They didn't look like Lenel, Vekhi, or Sylvester...*\n\n\"We've got company, Saina. I suggest you lead the talking; that note may keep us from wasting energy fighting them if they're a soldier.\"\n\n*Moving closer to him, Lusaimi kept her eyes on the potential new target, eventually moving behind Saina, hoping to make him the natural point of communication; after all, Saina now held the note., which would be needed for such deception.*" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Perfect you say?” *He smiled and nodded along.* “Why yes you described this new look aptly thank you Lusaimi.” *Saina didn’t take heed to the part where she was actually complimenting him by just calling it good and useful.*\n\n*Saina then received the note beginning to read through it murmuring it to himself before speaking up again.* “Oh demon schmemon I’ve fought a thousand plus the kings they belong to!” *He pulled out a large king Helmaroc feather from his bag.* “Trust Ms. Lusaimi whilst you’re under my protection you’ll be able to share in some of my glimmering glory.” *Saina then looked up as she pointed out a rider making their way here. He didn’t know it too well either, but didn’t find much intimidating about it.* “I’ve got a better idea I’m a fashion designer and you’re my gerudo apprentice! Trust I’m a master of illusion and disguise.” *He begin adjusting her stature and motioning her to make a big smile.* “begin scene in three, two, one!”" }, { "author": "jolt0857", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Tamil began to see the camp, and also the pair that seemed unfamiliar too him. He raced towards them with a Sade, and skirted her to a stop when he was in front of them. Sades hooves launched into the air, and she let out a loud neighing noise before settling down. Tamil appeared as a hooded figure, his hylian hood on to to shield him from the cold.*\n\n*He pulled down his hood to reveal his face and signature royal guard beret, along with his pissed off face. He looked at them both up and down, and then said,*\n\n“Can you fight?” *He said rather coldly and bluntly to them.*" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Saina stood proudly next to his apprentice and adjusted his tone of voice to be warm and deep.* “Ah well how do you do kind soldier! I’m but a humble merchant of fine garments, this gerudo here is my apprentice.” *He looked her up and down.* “Don’t mind her dull dark cloak. If she were already acquainted with fashion she wouldn’t be my apprentice.” *He chuckled.*\n\n*Saina then pulled out the letter he had acquired.* “While my apprentice and I were just looking for some rare mountain goat furs we stumbled across this seemingly abandoned camp of what seems to be your fellow soldiers. Seems the very king himself has ordered you and your like to guard this mountain. So if you don’t mind I think we’ll just get going now.” *He did a small salute and began backing away.*" } ]
[ { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Honestly? Lusaimi ignored Saina mishearing her words. Correcting such a thing would just be counter-productive, and would require more effort than it was really worth. But it was that feather that was far more interesting to her. Of course, she hadn't seen it until after she came out of that third tent, so she couldn't ask about it... such a \"king\" would be of great study to her....*\n\n*But seriously, just how many of these beasts would be annihilated before she got a chance to study them? This was what, the third one now? The recent years seemed to be far busier than the last century ever had...*\n\n*Staying behind Saina, she was honestly a bit surprised by the soldier's words to them. It was pretty obvious this one was a soldier anyway, considering the signature royal guard beret; that certainly hadn't changed in... well, quite a number of decades now.*\n\n\"I- Indeed.\"\n\n*Excuse me?*\n\n*What*\n\n*The*\n\n***Fuck***\n\n*Did Saina just say? What kind of story is that? An apprentice? Merchant of Garments? What the hell was she on about? And what kind of nonsensical story did he make up? This note gave them the perfect story; this was their orders by the king, and they were the soldiers sent to deal with the problem. It'd be a great way to pretend to ally with them, find out info, then stab them in the back when they didn't expect it. Not... whatever THAT was.*\n\n*The most unfortunate thing, of course, was that Lusaimi couldn't just... retract those words. Otherwise, there would be an obvious lie... damn it, she's never letting someone else lead a deception again after this. And with that stutter of absolute, pure confusion earlier... damn it, she hated tapping into that side of her...*\n\n\"Y-yes, we were looking for some rare materials. My teacher has been ver-very helpful in learning about fashion as well... ah, yes, we'll be leaving now!\"\n\n*Giving a small bow, Lusaimi's body language changed to reflect a more... timid individual and ran off to join Saina, before whispering at him, her tone of voice changing to an almost aggressive manner.*\n\n\"Remind me to kill you for that later.\"\n\n*God, she hated using this specific kind of deception. She was very good at it, but only because she had decided to use her lack of ability to handle very, very specific social situations to her advantage. It was a waste of time to try and fix it, and it gave her a very good second personality to utilize in tricking someone. It was, of course, also extremely humiliating as well, but considering she was using dark magic, avoiding embarrassment and humiliation were both absurd hills to die on.*\n\n*Lusaimi's monsters, on the other hand, were ordered to circle around the camp and rejoin the trio once line of sight was broken; attempting to use the wind and snow to break the line of sight, or at least appear to be moving away from the camp on their own in different directions. The Kargarok flew backward, then high into the sky, watching over the number of people through the harsh winds, while the Stalfos simply walked away in various directions. After all, if Tamil wasn't a threat, then creating a fight wouldn't be necessary; and the Kargarok could keep him busy while the Stalfos re-approach the soldier if one did break out.*" }, { "author": "jolt0857", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Good, best to leave now. Danger lies ahead.” *Tamil said too then both in a gritty tone, seemingly having no suspicion whatsoever too them. He was about to leave when he noticed a hidden detail in what the pair said, the part about King Bastus orders.*\n\n“If you don’t mind me asking, how do you that King Bastus ordered for the army to guard this mountain?” *Tamil said. Again, not suspicious, but a more questioning tone.*" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Saina shook his head as he continued to walk backwards still facing the royal guard.* “Sorry, no can do this special goat subspecies that only appears one month out of the year is only found around the highest peaks of Mt lanayru!” *He then had to walk back up quickly and showed the note to Tamil.* “Sorry, but we already told you how we acquired the letter you may keep it if you like. The camp was already abandoned when we got here so we looked through and found this letter.”\n\n*He then grabbed Lusaimi’s hand and began walking once more this time faster.* “How could you kill me for a dazzling performance? You can’t bring your fist down upon success?!” *He said quietly to Lusaimi hopefully out of earshot especially with the howling icy winds.*" }, { "author": "jolt0857", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Tamil read the note and nodded his head, seemingly approving his question. He watched as the odd pair walked away, and whipped around to begin his journey up the mountain once more.*\n\n*He got off Sade and decided to leave her at the camp, and he then walked a little bit before stopping to look out the mountain.*\n\n*Alone. So far, he was charging into whatever was causing this storm alone. No help. His upper body and head were completely covered by the hylian hood, but he was shivering underneath. He knew charging up this mountain alone could very well be the death of him. This is not a single person task, even for an adept fighter such as Tamil. He was risking everything, but…\n\n…that’s his job. Right?*\n\n*And with that, Tamil began to walk up the mountain, at a fast pace.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Lusaimi just kinda… let herself be grabbed, once again letting Saina answer the question before being dragged off by the her ‘companion’.*\n\n“I could for that kind of humiliation, but I suppose I could choose not to use such force…”\n\n*Once Lusaimi believed she was out of Tamil’s earshot, she yanked her hand away from Saina, and quickly started to speak.*\n\n“Alright, before we continue on, I plan to head to a village and get control of some new beasts; at the same time, I can get you any available equipment there. We should probably prepare for what is likely going to be a big battle while we can.”\n\n*The anger from her tone was gone now, although a bit of annoyance still remained, mainly due to Saina’s plan still being in Lusaimi’s head*\n\n“I can simply teleport there and back, so the trip will take barely any time at all. While I’m there, is there something you feel would help us in this trek?”" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Saina seemed a bit offended by her ungrateful attitude but was still prideful in his amazing act.* “Relax Lusaimi that wasn’t you who was embarrassed it was the apprentice of a master fashionista!” *He snickered while continuing his trek up the mountain although away from Tamil. The last thing he needed was authorities breathing down his neck. After all Vekhi and Lenel were practically honorary guards in their morals and temperament.*\n\n“Just get some potions for the journey ahead and we should be fine.” *He huffed through his nose.* “Oh and maybe bring a newfound sense of wonder and adventure eh? There’s plenty of fun to be had even on the verge of death!” *He put his index fingers to the sides of his lips and raised up a smile.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "“I suppose that’s one way to think about it…”\n\n*With those words, Lusaimi pulled out her spell book, and laid out her teleport sigil. It was a simple and quick process. The sigil itself was faint, although that was mainly due to the snow on the ground slightly obscuring it from a lore obvious point of view.*\n\n“Alright, I’ll be back soon. Don’t touch this marker with anything from the Light, otherwise my trek back will be far longer than just a few minutes. And I’ll make sure to grab a potion for you and the others.”\n\n*As Lusaimi prepared a teleportation spell to the #monster-village, she gave Saina one last sentence.*\n\n“You know what? Dominating the minds of Ganon’s creature sounds therapeutic right about now. I’m sure I can bring a newfound sense of energy when I return as well. At the very least, I can promise you that.”\n\n*And with that, Lusaimi vanished, dark inklings of her magic remaining for but a moment, as she disappeared. She would be back very soon, assuming everything went well.*" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "*It was only a very short ways up the mountain that Tamil found something of interest. Columns of dense ice fanned out in a U shape around a set of frosted stairs. They fed into a huge rectangular door set into the mountain. Chains crossed it in a large X with a lock at the intersection.*\n\n*The cold was at its most bitter here, where the wind blew directly down upon him.*" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Saina realizing the trail up to the mountains peak was rather un-forking ended up following Tamil from a distance rather awkwardly. However more than awkwardness consumed him, it was the feeling that he wasn’t the first to find these stairs and door that they came across.*\n\n*Because of that Saina had to think rather quickly on what his excuse would be this time. Of course he could’ve told the truth from the beginning, but Saina being as prideful as he is just decided to dig himself deeper in the lie.* “Ahem Mr. Guardsmen, it’s with great deliberation that I have decided to come with you on this adventure to defeat the great demon the note warned about! My great apprentice and I have traveled the world large in search of the finest materials. In doing so we’ve gathered quite the skill set that I think will aid you in your journey!”" }, { "author": "jolt0857", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Tamil investigated the staircase before deciding to climbing up it, and he carefully took each step on the stairs. He was experienced with these sorta things, and didn’t want to set of a trap or anything of the such.*\n\n*Once he was up, he walked towards the door and looked at the lock, and a little anger came upon him. He was now fully shivering from the cold, and now he was pissed. Where the hell could he find a key?*\n\n*As Saina’s voice hit his ears, Tamil whipped around with his sword, a distinctive swish as it left its holster. It almost seemed like Tamil had teleported around with the sword in hand. As he saw the Saina, he put his sword away and turned back around, sinking into his hylian hood.*\n\n“Go away. Your gonna get yourself killed.” *Tamil said in a gritty and blunt voice.*" }, { "author": "mspaintnecoart", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Within about 20 minutes, Vekhi and Lenel had caught up to the approximate location of Saina, though quickly lost the trail.*\n\n\"That's strange...He should be around..\"\n\n*\"My great apprentice and I have traveled the world large...\"*\n\n*With that, Vekhi looked over to Lenel with a smirk, nodding into the direction her windbitten ears heard the sound of Saina's beautifully warm voice.* \"If the shrill ringing in my ears tell me anything, I'd say he's that way. I'm guessing we're his apprentices at this point...Follow my lead.\"\n\n*She began to call out into the snow, heading back towards her comrade.* \"Master..! We've dealt with that Lizalfos! We're on our way back to you!\"" }, { "author": "loquaciouslark", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Lenel sighs as she's pulled into the next scheme, her breath coming out as a streak of whispy, white steam in the frigid, alpine air of the Lanayru snowfield.\n\nThe huntress's leather-boots step lightly across the thick sheets of snow beneath her, with a grace befitting someone well-aquainted in mountain travel from years of hiking in the southern Ordonan ranges, until she, alongside Vekhi, reaches the foot of the stony gate where Saina and Tamil talk amongst themselves. Seeing the stranger, but to far away to clearly hear his words, Lenel raises a gloved hand over her shoulders in greeting, and calls out to introduce herself before some cover as another 'apprentice' can be made for her, miring her more deep in trouble than her last encounter with the Hyrulean soldiery already had. But in spite of her recent troubles, the Ordonian keeps a chipper air as she speaks, glad to at least finally have made her way up Gerudo's icy peak.*\n\n\"Ah, hail, traveller! You've surely come to look into the source of this blasted storm as well, aye? Name's Lenel, of Ordon. A huntress, and somethin' of a fellow warrior- one who's been travellin' alongside these two, for a time. You've a name?\"" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*It took a while, but finally, Lusaimi came back to the province. The moment she came back, and saw that Saina was gone, she realized that she was probably gone for a bit longer than she wanted... Oh well, that key she picked up would keep her in the game for now. It wasn't difficult to follow the trail... and she was certainly glad to see her fire keese catch up to her position. Looking around, her trio of Stalfos and Kargarok also come back around as well, and along with other monsters she had prepared, along with a few more she already had, she had quite the versatile set atm. They followed behind her as she traveled along the path, following a pair of footprints...*\n\n*Eventually, she found her way to the rest of the group, quickly recognizing Saina, Lenel, Vekhi... and that soldier. Dammit, that meant she had to use that godforsaken cover... fine, but this time she refused to hide her monsters, especially when they would be so useful.*\n\n*As she approached, the fire keese around her would go above each of the 3 she recognized; heating each of them up from the cold. One was still around her, and the fifth... well, that was meant for Sylvester, but he wasn't here anymore... Despite not knowing Tamil at all, it would slowly approach Tamil from above, in an attempt to make sure it wasn't treated as hostile, and soon, it would heat him up as well.*\n\n\"Ah yes... Sorry, I fell behind... I got lost a bit...\"\n\n*Her voice was very different than what Lenel and Vekhi heard. Technically, it was the same, but the tone of the whole thing and the breaks in the speech made it almost seem as if Lusaimi was a different person. Her surprising proficiency in the change didn't help things, either. You know, instead of killing Saina, she might kill this soldier to really ensure she didn't need to do this...*" } ]
[ { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Saina twisted the ice rose between his fingers marveling it’s beauty and attention to detail. Slowly he rose it to his head and placed it into his hair and smiled.* “Not as good as a limb for keepsake, but it is quite beautiful isn’t it?” *He giggled happily while looking back to the others.* “You all fought well back there.”" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Lusaimi watched as Lenel and Tamil spoke about meeting in a bar and drinking. She was never a fan of alcohol or anything of the sort. Keeping in control was paramount to her, after all, so such an activity would be... rather heinous. Still, if they wanted stories, Lusaimi had almost 2 centuries worth... but she didn't have the time for such frivolous activities. So instead, she replied to Saina.*\n\n\"Indeed, indeed, we all did. Thank you all so much for allowing me to tag along. This whole experience has been... enlightening, to say the least.\"\n\n*As she finished this, she approached her Kargarok, still nearby Vekhi, and began to speak again.*\n\n\"I do believe I will make my way out now, however. Much to do with this new information and experiences. And more beasts to make kneel as well.\"\n\n*She offered one last sentence, however, although this was only whispered to Vekhi as she passed.*\n\n\"And I would hate to intrude on what you and Lenel have to discuss, hmm? A fine catch, Mrs. Vekhi.\"\n\n*Lusaimi was in a very good mood. A new artifact, ruining what she thought was a part of the Dark God's plan... quite the accomplishment! As such, she was willing to indulge in a bit of... entertainment on her part. She only whispered to save Vekhi from the comments of the others.*" }, { "author": "mspaintnecoart", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Vekhi blushed furiously at Lusaimi's little comment, but nodded, thanking her with a breathy whisper as she sat up, head resting in her hands. She wants to go home...*" }, { "author": "loquaciouslark", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Lenel gives no goodbyes as Lusaimi moves onto the back of her Kargarok steed. As much as she was grateful for the assistance of the Witch in slaying the ice-serpent, her own distaste for the Gerudo's willful alignment with the dark is still far too much for the Ordonian to consider her an ally. Instead, she talks idly to the rest of the group, still lying in a drift of mountain snow.*\n\n\"...I suppose the next step'd be report this all to the Crown then, aye? I'm sure Tamil's plenty of experience with that, but Vekhi's an old corporal of the Kakariko Guard, so I'm sure she'll be just as handy talkin' with the knights up in the capital. Wonder if they'll reward us with anythin'.\n\n...Besides, there's warm beds and hot food there, and even I'm growin awful sick of cots.\"" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Saina looked to his allies with a stern expression and placed his pole firmly into the ground.* “I don’t know if you’ve all forgotten this, but an ally of ours is in danger along with a child who’s safety we don’t know of. You may all seek to rest from this experience soon, but I believe the work is far from over.” *He walked back slowly.* “As much as a hero seeks a reward and a life of indulgence after a great deed. There is hardly time to rests in crucial times like these.” *He took out a green potion and drank it down quickly.* “I know most of you don’t have a connection to a place you’ve just found. But people I love have sent a letter of distress to me and I don’t intend on making them wait any longer. If you’d wish to help me you may come along.” *This may have been one of very few moments of Saina showing true sincerity. Even wiping his face with a scarf in an attempt to not look so weak in front of them.*" }, { "author": "loquaciouslark", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Lenel scratches a few scattered flakes of snow off her head as Saina gives his call to action, pocketing her monster-loot into her sachel.*\n\n\"Ah, I'd half forgotten about that. Suppose it'd be the right thing to do fer me to come along, even if it's only to help the little dove. Back out to the Sand-Seas, then.\n\nWhat kinda trouble do you think they got into all the way out there in the desert, anyway? Rogue pack of Spumes?\"" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Lusaimi listened to Saina. She was ready to take off, to head back to her home, to both interrogate the soldier she had and research this new piece of ice Chu she had... but she stopped. And listened.*\n\n*It was fair to assume this person in danger was the one from before, who was riding on that Stalhorse. That was someone Lusaimi was curious about, so helping them wasn't something off her agenda. But the mention of the child... even if she was close to 200 years old, she wasn't one to allow a child to be hurt.*\n\n\"I have... a few errands to run, but I don't see why I can't join you. Allow me a small bit of time, and I shall fly over.\"\n\n*She'd need to be quick with it... but she would have the time. By now, she already ordered the small bird she left in the monster village to find her beasts to control... another Dynafalos, among others....*\n\n\"The Sand Sea... understood. Consider this my payment for allowing me to come along and learn.\"\n\n*Her fun was done, and soon, her presence was done as well. She had teleported #arbiters-grounds ... before controlling any monsters, she had an important matter to deal with first.*\n\n*The Kargarok, meanwhile, flew to the entracne to the cave she first found itself in... to collect it's master*" }, { "author": "mspaintnecoart", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Oh, right, Leo needed some help back at base.*\n\n*Vekhi laughed at Lenel's joke, before remembering Leo frantically riding a stalhorse, the color fading from her cheeks.* \"...A man doesn't tame a stalhorse for spumes.\"\n\n***Oh.***\n\n*Suddenly, Vekhi felt a twinge in her heart.* \"There's only one thing that can make you so brave, so steadfast, so *desperate,* that you can know of preemptively. it all makes so much sense to me now...\"\n\n\"Who in their right mind would establish their quarters in the most hostile, inhospitable, navigationally challenged terrain? Would come up with aliases every damn time they meet someone? People hiding from the law. The only thing that could make a man so brazen is being found, and trying to salvage the remains...I should've seen it as soon as it happened. I am a fool...A damn fool!\" *She turned to Saina, a flash of anger crossing her face, pointing an accusatory finger.* \"Leo doesn't just 'have a history.' I'll bet that Hylian Knights are on their way. Leo saw that and stopped his quest, running back home as soon as possible. ***Why did you house us with outlaws!*** Leo, that cursed lizalfos, that edgy bastard, that little girl...!\"\n\n*Vekhi paused, color fading once more before growling with rage, snarling with her speech.* \"...oh, sweet Hylia, YOU HAVE SELENA MIXED UP IN ALL OF THIS, DON'T YOU! SHE'S JUST A GIRL YOU DAMN FOOLS!\"\n\n*Remembering that a child there flipped a switch inside Vekhi; Suddenly, she didn't care that every inch of her body ached with pain, she kicked her shit into gear ran towards the sea, scabbard held in her hand, ready for a Iaido draw in case of trouble, her mind only on helping that sweet little girl.*" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Saina’s eyebrow immediately being twitchy. Saina had endured many of his own pains only gritting his teeth and letting it pass. However as much as he endured in life he made a promise to never be belittled by anyone. Not a sheikah, not a guard, **and certainly not by the crown**. *He stood up right in the face of Vekhi as she put her finger to him and immediately slapped the hand down.*\n\n*He continued to stand there through her whole tirade until she even thought about walking away from him. He immediately put a harsh grip on to her shoulder injured or not. He then held her by the collar and glared deep into her eyes with his own golden irises.* “Don’t you dare accuse me of being a fool, a criminal or some kind of worthless lecher beneath you.” *He growled in between with his face getting red with rage by the second.* “So the coward sheikah chooses now to be some kind of paragon eh?! You have no idea what I sacrifice what I did and why I did it to get here.” *His glasses felt to the snow, but still he continued.* “By the grace of the forest spirits themselves you two would’ve been put on a lynel’s fire spit were it not for me! So would much of hyrule itself everything I’ve done even putting my own ideals to the side to defeat monsters that left my perfect body scarred for eternity!” *His forehead butted against hers as he continued.* “I’ve done nothing, but help this place and the people I consider my own. I’m sure you all can look back upon some familial or cultural tradition to guide your virtues. I was born with nothing, but a tutor and my own strength to guide me. A guard or some adventurer never came to save me!”\n\n“Those people you call **outlaws** had to see their family violated and slaughter in front of their eyes. Or were simple monsters just trying to rid themselves of the stereotypes you put on to them! Life is never light or darkness not some destiny by divine beings. It’s those who can stand up for themselves or be crushed under others weight!”\n\n“I’ll tell you what I truly feel looking into the ugly red eyes of you! Disgust that in my time of need I’m demeaned and seen as nothing but a liar. I simply do what needs to be done unlike you and your constitution that I assume is made up of chu chu jelly! Go ahead spit upon my name my goals and what I have done, but I don’t regret any of it for a second. I don’t care what any of your spirits or goddesses tell you my path is a path of righteousness!” *He screeched for each of his comrades to hear.* “I slaughtered bandits and pirates in that stronghold I’ll admit it. I convinced people to my cause and offered them something better! I usurped and took control of my organization when our leader thought us less important than her homeland.” *He then let out one last tempered sigh.* “Now I ask you shut up and follow me lest I hear more of what you think of the care I have for that child!” *His tone then greatly simmered down as he moved the long strands of hair that had gathered around his face.* “I at least can say after all this I’d probably still offer you a hot meal and a place to sleep. Which is more than I could say for you who will probably urge to have me put in chains by the end of this…. You didn’t even have the power to be your true self till you saw someone like me… someone who believes in themself, someone who lets their true self shine.”" }, { "author": "jolt0857", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Tamil nodded at Lenel, and was about to go off on his way. He heard something very…peculiar. Leo.*\n\n*Tamil whipped around to see Vehki talking about Leo. At first he thought it could’ve been some other leo, but as soon as Selena was mentioned, Tamils face turned to great disdain. Housing with outlaws? The fuck did that mean.*\n\n*He then turned towards Saina as they went on their whole monologue. He listened closely, in a way. He was less focused on the personal. He got bored as Saina went on and on, but listened closely for every detail. At the very least he could retort this information back to Gaash or other leaders in the army. As Saina finished, Tamils face was mixed with a shock and anger. Great, he fought alongside associates of strider. That’s gonna look good on his record.*\n\n“How stupid are you two?“ *Tamil said in a cold and blunt attitude, as he scoffed and sighed. He inches the bridge of his nose and his face grew with more anger and frustration.*\n\n“You both just admitted to multiple crimes, directly in front of a royal guard. This includes being a associate of the most wanted criminal in hyrule, who just tried to kill the king less than a day ago.” *He said, specifically looking at Vehki and Saina and not so much Lenel.*\n\n“Come to the castle. Now.” *Tamil ordered.*" } ]
[ { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*They weren’t sure if he knew really what they meant—based on his blunt reply—but it was probably a blessing, based on how impulsive her words were. She decided to give up on the matter while that was true.*\n\n“It probably would help. And the ability to tag along in either of their shadows,” *Nahla observed.*\n\n*She considered adding a quip onto the end, but honestly, she wasn’t in the mood for his possible serious response. It said a bit about her headspace that she wasn’t so eagerly making light of things. Leo had known her for such little time. He probably just enjoyed the seriousness and didn’t inquire too much into it. More importantly, there were other more pressing things to think about than accounting for their fluctuating emotions. Man, she needed real friends. She missed Reggie.*\n\n“I see we’re not heading to the forest or mountain. What’s the thing we’re doing right now?”" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*After riding through the fields, Leo and Nahla eventually made it to gerudo province. The Stal horse still managed to gallop at an appropriate speed due to its lack in weight.* “We’re meeting up with Lusaimi and discussing our plan with her. She needs to do some research for me while we set out for Eldin.”\n\n*Their time in Gerudo would hopefully be short. As the sun sets the cool breeze hits Leo as they ride.* “Again, I appreciate you helping us, but you have a decision not to. This is dangerous and you’re risking your life for not so good people. You really up for this?”" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Right… Lusaimi. Nahla wondered what the woman would have to say to her, if anything. She wasn’t exactly looking forward to their reunion, as the woman had previously been so cold to her. She doubted that had changed. No way that miraculously, in thinking Nahla dead, Lusaimi had begun to care deeply? It was an amusing thought.*\n\n*Nahla was a bit surprised by the ignorance in Leo’s words as he changed tone.*\n\n“Firstly, it’s more for the kid’s well-being that I’m risking my life,” *she corrected him.* “And you’re mistaken about my having a valuable decision at this point. Either way, I have a bounty. But tagging along with you makes allows me to do something worthwhile. And I get to make sure that you can’t just scramble out of the very real thing I need done.”\n\n*She leaned her chin on his shoulder for a moment, as her neck was tired, but all the jostling from the horse made it far from worthwhile to keep doing.*\n\n“If things get bad, I know how to get out. I’ve already escaped certain death twice now, that has to count for some proof.”" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*He didn’t realize she now had a bounty on her. A deep sigh escaped him as he didn’t wish that kind of target on her back.* “We’ll get everything sorted out. Once Gaash is out of the picture our names will be cleared and we can go back to our normal lives.”\n\n*But was Leo’s life ever normal? He only had those 6 months of peace with Selena before all this went down. Having a bounty on you is one of the most stressful things that could happen to a person in hyrule. There’s always someone that’s on the hunt, Leo has been both the hunter and the hunted.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Searching for a cave entrance meant directly looking down... Lusaimi spotted Ecbert, although didn't engage him, instead looking where he came from... there was SOME sunlight, after all, even if it was really minimal...*\n\n*She was quick to head down... until she spotted movement. From the... hollow steed, the holes matching the figure of a stalhorse... her mind only went to one thing.*\n\n*It was Leo, right?*\n\n*She floew directly above them for a second, before landing a small ways away, speaking to Corobo quietly while above.*\n\n\"Do not mention your teachings to anyone. Many of my alliances are of a fragile nature, and if they know I am spreading my dark magic, they may see fit to make sure I can't do so. I will tell anyone who is allowed to know, and let you know when I do.\"\n\n*Leo would get to know... but in private. Corobo should not overhear her words... otherwise he may decide that these teachings are not worth it to him.*\n\n\"Leo.\"\n\n*Now calling out while landed in front of him, Lusaimi stayed still as Leo hopefully approached... and took note of Nahla.*\n\n\"So the Twili survived. Or is this a new one that you let tag along?\"\n\n*She noticed what seemed to be a Twili figure, but honestly couldn't see Nahla's face. So she couldn't really tell if that was the Twili from before or not.*" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*From the way he'd been talking, she assumed that Gaash was the masked figure she saw. The Sting had never officially informed her of him, which would have been useful to know about beforehand and she wanted to make sure she knew it now.* \"At some point I'd enjoy an actual briefing on this Gaash and his abilities. I can only assume who I encountered was him.\" *She tried not to sound too salty. It was her life on the line, and Leo claimed her cared... she wanted to make sure he had chances to back that up before doubting.*\n\n*From the way the approaching Lusaimi addressed her, Nahla felt no such need to inquire into how much the woman cared. It was definitely refreshing.*\n\n\"Same twili, you'll find. The trick is to count the fingers,\" *Nahla remarked, leaning her head to the side to Lusaimi could actually see her. Momentarily, she held up her right hand, the one where her middle finger was just entirely missing.* \"Or look at my face and recognize it, I suppose.\"" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*It was a relief to run into Lusaimi now as they didn’t have to travel very far. The Stal steed approached the witch as Leo looked in her direction, wearing his carver mask.* “New plan Lusaimi. I met with the one who took care of Selena in Ordon, Kos. We’re now heading to Elden to deal with the issue there.”\n\n*If Lusaimi was going to say something right after Leo would raise his hand to stop her from speaking.* “The reason being is I believe it’s linked to Gaash. Ever since he entered that Castle strange weather patterns appeared. The cold weather here, the rain in Faron, and death mountain. You dealt with the desert issue. And kos did the same in Faron. What he found inside the ruins was proved Gaash is involved.” *He needed to be quick and brief on his information while providing enough for Lusaimi to understand.* “We were fools trying to rush the castle in the first place. We need to step back and handle the other issues Gaash is related to, slow him down, then attack.”" }, { "author": "eagletalon007", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Ecbert made it to the area where the statues of Gerudo warriors of the past stood proudly. Aylin readied her staff and looked upon her brother.* “Begin.”\n\n*He stood and got ready to fight. He took it slow watching his sister’s footwork and then struck. She blocked it and then reposed. Ecbert blocked but only barely. Fighting with a pole arm weapon was a lot different then using a long sword. Even so he continued to work at it.*\n\n*The sounds of wood on wood cracking through the area across the sands could be heard as brother and sister spared. While Ecbert was tripped and bruised several times by Aylin he got back up and started again. Aylin could tell there was a change for he was more focused but still maintaining his never give up attitude. After one bout Ecbert had finally managed to land a hit.*\n\n“Well done little brother. Time for a break.” *Placing the staffs to the ground Ecbert sat down with his Aylin.* “I hope you can forgive me.”\n\n“Forgive you for what?” *Ecbert asked Aylin wondering what she could possibly be referring to.*\n\n“I should have been with you and father when everything happened. I left you alone all those years to fend for yourself.” *Ecbert raised a hand to stop her.*\n\n“There was a time I was angry at you. Not anymore. Your place was here with your people. And you had no idea what would happen after we were banished. That is not on you Aylin.”\n\n“Still if I was there then maybe you wouldn’t have struggled as much as you have up until this point.”\n\n“And yet it has made me a better man for it. And had you did come would you have come out the same woman you are today? Perhaps not. We shouldn’t dwell so much on the past. It’s because of it that I nearly lost myself.” *Ecbert explained as he watched the setting sun.*\n\n“Look at you.” *Aylin smiled and punched him in the arm.* “Sounding more like a philosopher then a warrior.”\n\n“Ya right. Aylin. I am going to be heading off to help a man find his daughter. And it sounds like I will be there in for a fight. If I need help will you offer me a place to stay.”\n\n“I can do one better. I will help you fight. Just say the word and I will come.” *Ecbert nodded and kept it in the back of his mind. Though a part of him hoped he didn’t need it. Something told him something bad would happen to her if he took her aid.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Lusaimi didn't have time to respond to Nahla, as Leo was quick to start talking, and fast, even interrupting her before she could fire back her own thoughts.*\n\n*And her thoughts? One could call them... paranoia.*\n\n\"...Sounds like you're being manipulated by a man in Gaash's pocket.\"\n\n*She was quick to recall the info Nahla provided... and she certainly didn't like the implications of it all.*\n\n\"Only reason we know of that guy is because of Nahla; who approached you. You, who is possibly the most famous bounty in Hyrule at the moment. She's followed you around, and we left her alone at the entrance of the sewers... and what happened, after Nahla was out of sight? We were attacked, and the only thing who Nahla was with died.\"\n\n*She was quick to eye the Twili...*\n\n\"AFTER the attack, she's gone for a long while... before she just so happens to find you again. That doesn't sound like a coincidence. That sounds like a deception.\"\n\n*While the blade wasn't revealed, one of her hands moved to her dagger...*\n\n\"It SOUNDS like Nahla and this Kos are both agents for Gaash. He's using your connection to Selena as an emotional point for \"trust\" for Kos, and she's the one who lead you to Kos. So get off your horse and turn your blade, now.\"\n\n*Was she overthinking things? Perhaps. But deception was the exact too Gaash would use. And so, she assumed some kind of deception was being utilized. Saina and the others were a new one from what Leo discovered. A future threat, yes, but not one that affected the past. This... this sounded accurate. It would also explain why the others might've taken the deal; they were cornered and ambushed using information that Nahla gave Gaash.*\n\n*And of course, the only beast that could confirm if Nahla had interacted with any soldiers... was dead. What ARE the odds?*" }, { "author": "eagletalon007", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Ecbert rose up and said to Aylin.* “I’m ready to begin again.”\n\n“Very well now I shall show you a technique that you can use for any pole arm. You are familiar with the spin attack the heroes of the stories are so well know for doing?”\n\n“Of course.”\n\n“Well the. Let me show you how you can achieve that same attack with a polearm. Observer.” *She took her staff and bent down like a coiled spring and while gripping the far end of the staff with one arm before leaping with a spin picking up wind before landing with a downward strike.* “Now you try.”\n\n*Ecbert nodded and did as instructed. Leaning down with legs bowed he prepared to do this Whirlwind strike. He leapt up and did the attack but with some errors.*\n\n“Again. Keep practicing until you master this.”" }, { "author": "reissryhas", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Corobo understood when he was told to stay close down in the caves. But then, there was people he's never seen. Normally he wouldn't care and treat them as such, but he didn't want to make his new sensei look back so he kept quiet. Plus, if she said not to say a word, he won't. He still wanted to learn, and if she's unable to do her magic, then he can't! He understands that at least. He didn't hide this time, just sort of sat on her shoulder, or wherever else she wanted him. He was here to just sort of watch, at the moment.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo raised a brow at Lusaimi as she spoke her accusations. He wanted to scoff, even yell at her. But the way she spoke reminded him of how he acted at the beginning of all this. Throwing random theories and assumptions and acting to hasty. He exhaled deeply, sliding pat of his mask up to reveal his face.* “Lusaimi, take a step back and think about this.”\n\n“The first time I met Kos he had every chance to capture or even kill me. He didn’t. Same with Nahla riding here or her being in Roewens shadow. She didn’t.”\n\n*Then he actually did get off his horse, but only to approach Lusaimi.* “I understand you’re line of trust is very thin. Trust me I’ve been there. But what choice do we have at this point?” *His voice was stern and serious, really letting his rasp voice be heard.* “And for the last time, that **thing** had a name. And it would still be around if you didn’t leave it to die. Nahla at least tried to go back for it regardless of who or what Roewen was.”\n\n*Leo then raised his hands up slightly.* “If you don’t trust them, fine. But do what you’ve been doing and trust me. I’ve made it this far with all eyes on me and knives in my back. Besides. If Kos really is on Gaash’s side why would he get rid of the problem he caused in Faron?”\n\n*He waited a moment before asking Lusaimi why he’s really here.* “Now…you can either come with me to try and prove me wrong, or you can do me a just as important favor while I’m gone. Your choice.”" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Her reunion with Lusaimi wasn’t nearly as pleasant as what she deluded herself to what it would be. But she was glad that Leo was sound enough of mind to defend her.*\n\n*Quietly, she glared at Lusaimi, before adding,* “The only reason Gaash saw me was because I was trying to save Re—Roewen. And I nearly was incinerated from his fire magic, and then jumped out a freaking window during the day to escape him. I don’t appreciate your insinuation that he and I have been working together.”\n\n*She leaned back for a moment and glanced downward into space, away from the Gerudo. It seemed like her nose was continuing to pain her.*\n\n“I assuming I could tell you all of the reasons and traumatic nonsense explaining exactly why I’m not your enemy, but you wouldn’t believe me,” *she said.* “But I’ll answer your damn questions if it helps you not be such a bi— hinderance.”\n\n*Nahla clearly had some choice words she was trying to avoid.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Lusaimi stared at both Nahla and Leo...*\n\n*Nahla was right to assume Lusaimi didn't believe her. She didn't believe the Twili's words at this very moment. It was obvious, of course...*\n\n*But Leo's damn emotions were getting in the way.*\n\n*Why hadn't either of them tried to capture him? Simple. It's called a Long Con, moron. He's been used to accomplish a task since day 1; why would that suddenly change? No. He's still being used, even now, to accomplish these goals...*\n\n*And as for that thing...*\n\n\"Oh boo hoo, a replaceable slave died. Want me to find you another one? I was just about to go underground, so it would be rather perfect timing, really. Or would you prefer a moblin this time around?\"\n\n*While Leo was getting sick of her calling Roewen a thing, she was getting sick of him humanizing a monster of all things. It wasn't a \"Will they, won't they\" situation; Roewen would've turned on them like a rabid dog. That thing death had a short term consequence... but nothing more. And one Lusaimi would fix quickly.*\n\n*At least Corobo was keeping in line... but he was already marked for death. Shame SOMEONE can't listen to reason... but a Shiekah should be able to figure the problem out on his own. So Lusaimi let him.*\n\n*As she listened to the rest of what Leo had to offer, it was clear he wasn't going to listen to reason. Eyeing Nahla as she spoke further, noting how Nahla had clearly stifled calling her a 'bitch.'*\n\n*It meant nothing. She'd been called much worse by much more people. If anything it was just par for the course.*\n\n\"...Just tell me what you want me to do then, Leo.\"\n\n*Her tone was very annoyed at the moment. She looked to the side as she spoke, already planning where to go from here. She saw a small cave entrance nearby; close enough to walk to. She'd be heading that way once everything was done with.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*He sighed as he feels the tension in the air. Looking to the side he cleared his throat before looking back at her.* “I need you to look for a name. You’ve been around a lot longer than me so maybe this came means something to you.”\n\n*Leo thought back at the clues Kos found in the ruins of Faron.* “Walto. That’s the name. While Kos was in the ruins he saw paintings that seemed to be ancient, but depicted people who are around now. After touching one he saw visions of a man, a spirit, and a sword on a battlefield of hatred. Ring any bells?”" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Whatever additions Nahla had simply didn't care to Lusaimi.*\n\n\"I don't know the name, nor the visions, nor of the business of these paintings.\"\n\n*Truth was spoke, of course... but Lusaimi had an immediate person to ask. Thalia. She may not be as old as Lusaimi, but she had gone outside of Hyrule... along with having a surprisingly intelligent beast. That beast might know more... hell, it's likely older than both of them. Either way, she was another person who might've been alive during whatever events.*\n\n*She might be a traitor now, though... that was certainly an option. She'd need to be careful about what answer she got from Thalia.*\n\n\"You mentioned those ancient ruins under the Castle, though. So I can begin looking there for any potential clues relating to... \"Walto\". Been meaning to head down there anyways... so this'll be a good excuse to head there. Why is this name important?\"\n\n*That was certainly the most important question. What gave this name value?*" }, { "author": "eagletalon007", "is_bot": false, "message": "*As their time together reached its peak Ecbert had finished his training for now. But now was getting to around the time that he would head out to meet up with his comrades at the rendezvous point.* “Thank you for your time sister. But I will have to put off the rest of this training till next time.”\n\n“Take care little brother. Don’t forget what I have taught you and remember I am here for you.” *She said as she watched him get on Juno and then made his way to #hyrule-field*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo was a bit uncomfortable of the idea. He barely made it out of those ruins when this mess started. Who knows that’s down there now?* “I recommend not going down there. Yes you can be careful but so were we entering the castle and Gaash still found us. The source is down there so who knows how bad it is?” *He advised this mainly for her safely. If she was out of the equation, this whole mission won’t go as smoothly.*\n\n“I want us to go down there once the Elden issue is solved. Could weaken Gaash…but if you still wish to go I won’t beg.” *He said taking off his mask, completely ignoring the fact that Nahla will now be dropped as the horse crawls back underground.*\n\n“The name and those visions are related to Gaash. My hunch is, he doesn’t know that we know this. Any information on him is valuable, as he hides everything behind that mask.” *The longer he dwells on the details given by Kos, the closer Leo is to solving this puzzle.*" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Nahla was glad that the conversation had diverted from her for the moment, but she was unable to trust that Lusaimi didn’t still hold those ridiculous perceptions of her. She’d watch her back around that one.*\n\n*She let the two of them talk for the moment about the logistics of what to do. It wasn’t really her place to get involved, especially if Lusaimi was so paranoid. Additionally, she was preoccupied with the horse which just disappeared from right under her. It was more than a little bit surprising, and Nahla ended up on her butt rather than her feet. But it wasn’t too far a fall. She’d rode it’s bones most of the way down.*\n\n“What the…?” *she muttered.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"I have an...\"\n\n*She eyed Nahla for a minute. No, she wouldn't reveal it just yet, actually.*\n\n\"... method of escape you don't have, so I'll be fine. Still, if that's the case then I may wait then. I can use the time to control some more beasts and prepare.\"\n\n*For now... Lusaimi was simply planning. Multiple options to take. She had time on her side... perhaps she'd use it go back over the basics of her magic? She wasn't sure just yet...*\n\n*Related to Gaash, though? That was interesting... although that begged the question of how they were related... perhaps the old name of Gaash before he turned to a puppet?*\n\n*She ended up smirking at Nahla falling on her ass though. Considering she didn't trust the Twili... seeing her in some form of pain brought her a smile. Although one could also consider this the smile of learning that Gaash, who she considered either the newest puppet, or reincarnation of, Ganon was related. Info related to him was VERY important...*\n\n*Hell, it was why she tolerated a lot of the dumb emotional shit from Leo.*\n\n\"Then I've got to prepare before that outing. I'll likely be in Arbiter's Grounds for a time. Come there when you're done.\"\n\n*And with that... she walked.*\n\n\"Follow.\"\n\n*The Kargarok on her shoulder followed Lusaimi to the cave entrance... with a goal in mind, she didn't stick around for pleasantries.*\n\n*She was quick to reach the cave...*\n\n\"Stay.\"\n\n*The Kargarok complied, and soon... Lusaimi headed down to the #monster-village...*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*A sigh of relief escaped Leo once she made her decision. Now that that’s all out of the way, Leo turned around and saw Nahla on the ground.* “Come on. Let’s head to Eldin.”\n\n*He then slips his mask back on, causing the horse to rise out of the ground, and scooping up Nahla. Leo casually stepped up on to the horse as it was crawling up and out.* “Unless you need supplies?”" } ]
[ { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Once everyone was done chit chatting, Leo allowed everyone that was on the wagon to hop off so he could direct it to the nearest stables. Shouldn’t be too far since they’re at the border of the desert.*\n\n*He sighed slightly as this process was taking a bit longer than he wanted. He’d hoped to have reached Lusaimi before sundown, but now it’s the middle of the night. He just hopes Selena is staying strong in the castle. Soon, they would make their way back to the castle and finally save her.*" }, { "author": "fierce_rea", "is_bot": false, "message": "*This was when Rea unconcealed herself and hopped out of the wagon. She wiped the sweat off her brow and sighed, then took a good look at where they were now that she could actually see more than just wood.*\n\n“You know, you guys really should check the wagon next time. You’re lucky I know how to get around here, otherwise I would’ve just left by now, and also that I’m not here to kill anyone or anything of the sort.”\n\n*The desert was a cruel place for Rea. When it was cold at night she was perfectly fine, but during the day… absolutely not. She would tolerate it to help out these potential friends, but she sure wasn’t gonna like it.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leos reaction was slight, but definitely alerted. With one hand holding the reins the other grabbed his crossbow and pointed it at Rea’s head.* “If you work for the castle say so now and I’ll make it quick. If not I suggest you hitch a ride back wherever you came from.” *His glare was trained on her like his crossbow was.*\n\n*The sheikahs red eyes wouldn’t move from her until she gave him a reasonable answer. His shadow would appear next to him, mimicking him.* “`It would explain the unusual weight on our way here.`” “And your disappearance. Frankly I will say I’m impressed that I didn’t hear you. Either you’re well trained, or I’m out of touched with my training.” *A sheikah should always be on alert, using every sense they have to their full potential. But, he did not hear, see or smell her while they traveled. His mind has been elsewhere these past few days.*" }, { "author": "fierce_rea", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Rea calmly held her hands up once the weapon was pointed her way. She expected this. No sign of nervousness was visible in the golden eyes that Leo was prepared to put a bolt between.*\n\n“Must’ve been a fluke. Anyway I’m here to help, so kindly put the crossbow down. Please? No I’m not with the castle I can promise you that.”\n\n*She had to force herself to be stubborn at this point. Stupid desert and it’s stupid sun and the stupid sand that gets in her stupid boots…*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "“`Promises don’t mean shit to us girl. I promise you I’m not a talking shadow.`” *The talking shadow said as an example. Leo sighed and glared at his shadow before lowering the bow.* “Front and center, so I can keep an eye on you.” *He said as he snapped, causing the shadow to disperse, and pointed where it sat next to Leo.*\n\n*He lowered the crossbow, but kept it out for safe measures.* “So is this what you do? Follow random people and sneak into their wagons? If I knew any better I’d say you’re a thief or an assassin playing the waiting game.”" }, { "author": "fierce_rea", "is_bot": false, "message": "“I can prove you wrong if you let me.”\n\n*Rea put her hands down and moved to the designated area so Leo could monitor her accordingly. Perfect! She can now multitask helping them and researching the music lost to time! Of course she had to use unconventional methods to do so, but that’s how she rolled. (Pun intended.)*\n\n“I overheard something about someone saving a part of their family and would feel terrible if I didn’t help out. I have two sisters and would feel awful if I knew they were in jeopardy and just… didn’t do anything.”" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The stables were in their sight, but still a bit to go. Leo gave her the side eye before clearing his throat.* “…it’s my daughter. She was taken and we’re getting her back.” *And that’s all he will say about their mission for now.*\n\n*He examined Rea for a second, predicting what she’s capable of and getting as much visual intel as possible.* “So, the heroic type then? You’re still young so I’ll save you the trouble, and suggest you do something more your speed, or normal.”" }, { "author": "fierce_rea", "is_bot": false, "message": "“I just like to multitask. I’m looking for songs lost to time that I can return to their former glory. The more I move around Hyrule, the better a chance I have of stumbling across anything interesting. Although, didn’t I say that first part already?”\n\n*The scimitar she wore at her back looked to be Gerudo in origin from what Leo could see. It was a well worn blade, but also well kept. It was also definitely well used. The sockets on the sheath where gems once were had been scraped and taken out from supposedly years of combat.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Hmmm. That's right, a traveling bard.\" *He said a bit sarcastically. He has ran into a couple of her kind in the past. Those who want to bring joy to the land, ones that do it for money, and those who try to uncover stories this land hides. Doesn't matter though, Leo found them all to be somewhat annoying. Thye talk too much. His mouth opened as he was about to speak, until he was reminded of the last day he saw Selena. He told her to stay with Luna as they watched a musical troupe perform in castle town. A sorrow expression appeared on his face.*\n\n*He snapped out of it once they arrived at the stables. He adjusted his hat and slid his mouth mask over his face before hopping off. Leading thew horse, the stableman waved at the two individuals before pausing.*\n\n\"Say... have I seen you somewhere before?\" *The older stableman asked.*\n\n*Leo casually shook his head and handed the reins to the old timer.* \"Nope. Have a good night.\" *Leo said before turning around and walking back towards the group. Rea was welcomed to accompany him, but there's no telling how much Leo's willing to talk.*" }, { "author": "fierce_rea", "is_bot": false, "message": "*…and so she did. She was glad it all worked out in the end. She held her breath once the stableman asked about him, remembering he was in fact a wanted man.*\n\n*But why? What had this guy done to deserve his daughter being taken away from him? Why then, would they hunt him down? It was troubling to think about, but it put Rea at ease knowing she could help put a stop to all of it.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*After a couple seconds, Leo grew tired of walking. So, he slipped on his wood carver mask and let the stal horse rise back from the earth and scooped him up. It didn't gallop, it just walked the same pace. Rea would still be able to match his speed and continue speaking if wished.*\n\n\"By the way. We're meeting the witch of the gerudo desert. Now I can vouch for my companions, but you're still a stranger. If she has suspicions of your pressence my hands are tied.\" *He said, glancing down at Rea. In the black of night the only thing that's revealed from Leo is the red glow that shines through the eye slits of the mask. Was this a warning, threat, or just him being sarcastic again?*" }, { "author": "fierce_rea", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Well there shouldn’t be anything to worry about, I haven’t done anything to warrant- OOOH is that another mask? Where’d you get it? Did you find it somewhere? How does it work?”\n\n*Once she saw the mask, her eyes lit up and the assumption that Leo had about bards talking to much was proven more than correct on Rea’s part. She couldn’t help it, she had to know more about masks! She needed to.*" } ]
[ { "author": "Miki", "is_bot": false, "message": "_She put a finger to her chin in thought, trying to think of potential destinations the pair could travel to before heading off to the inn_\n\n\"I believe there isn't any place that requires us to be there before our trip to the spa. So it is okay if we begin to go there now\" _Of course, there **was** a place 42A wanted to go to before going to bed, but she couldn't say it aloud, otherwise that would certainly jeopardise her surprise for her partner_\n\n_She nodded her head, agreeing to equally share whatever they were going to pay for in expenses. She called for Thalia to follow with her until she noticed that something had caught her attention_ \"What are you looking at, love?\" _The Water mage asked her companion, also examining the sheet of paper for herself, unless she was interrupted_" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Oh, it’s nothing. I don’t know, it looked out of place...” _Thalia said, her gaze briefly interrupted when Yoni questioned her, shaking her head slightly after realizing she was staring. Despite her own words, she drew closer to the parchment that was a short detour away, reading the words printed on it._\n\n“Wow, I didn’t even know there _was_ a monster village. Apparently it’s deep underground...” _Thalia muttered as she read Unknown’s request for help._ “And the Kokiri...”\n\n“Though this thing looks a few days old now. We might have missed our chance to help. A village full of monsters sound pretty scary, too. I don’t think we could go on down there and check...”" }, { "author": "Miki", "is_bot": false, "message": "_42A read Unknown's call for help. She did want to try and put in her own efforts to aid in the cause, but Thalia's words were much more convincing. Walking into the territory of the enemy would be like walking straight into your grave, especially with the unimaginable size of Monsters that lay around the Village_\n\n\"You do have a valid point. I wish to help but this mission may have been cleared already, and travelling there would be a waste of time. If it hasn't been carried out yet then I wish them all the best. May Hylia bless the rescue\" _She bowed, as if this was the end of some sort of prayer_ \"The Kokiri are such vulnerable people, I cannot imagine who would have such a twisted heart to kidnap the poor children of the Forest, let alone bring harm to them. The world is plagued with people of ill intention. When you are not around me please make sure to take care of yourself, I do not wish to see you hurt\" _YonjuniA expressed her concern for Thalia, even though the two were around each other almost all the time, there would be certain situations which would require them to split for an indefinite time period_\n\n_But for now she put the Kokiri problem behind her and took Thalia by the hand, making their way towards the Inn. Along the way, 42A reminisced on her first memory in the Town, which was with Thalia, when they had discovered the stone tablet and went on a search to find the mystery behind it. It still remained enigmatic to this day, but at least she had made some progress_" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "_Thalia nodded alongside Yoni’s thoughts about the situation, not having much more to add onto it that hasn’t already been mentioned by her partner._\n\n_Her ending line took her by surprise, however- and it caused her to flush softly._ “O-oh! Um, you too, love. I don’t want you getting hurt either...” _Thalia replied, returning the concern for Yoni. Though she looked down at the ground as she said this, kicking at the dirt idly. Clearly Thalia was afraid of something._\n\n{What if... I have to hurt her...}\n\n{``You wish to spar, no?``}\n\n{What if she finds out and she changes her mind...}\n\n{What if we have to kill each other..?}\n\n{I don’t... Wanna kill her...}\n\n{``You yourself was afraid of such things. Now you hold close to this insignificant with emotion. It could cost you everything.``}\n\n{``It could cost us, everything...``}" }, { "author": "Miki", "is_bot": false, "message": "_She smiled, patting the top of her partner's head in a loving gesture, which could also be taken as an act of reassurance. In all honesty, 42A liked it whenever she got the chance to do that, she found it adorable, mainly due to their drastic height difference, but also because she found Thalia cute_\n\n_She noticed that something was wrong with her almost immediately. For someone who acted like emotions didn't exist 42A was rather good at picking up changes in mood, whether they were obvious or subtle_ \"Is there something bothering you? If you don't want to say it outside in the street then we can hurry our advances towards the Inn, so we are isolated from prying eyes\" _Her tone shifted, it sounded much more calm and gentle, even relaxing to some extent_" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "{I won’t...}\n\n{``You must.``}\n\n{Yo``u ca``n’t..``!``}\n\n{``I wi``ll..!}\n\n_As Thalia rises her head up to face her partner, you could clearly see shining in the sun a few tears that streaked down the sides of her face. Her breath fluttered as she tried to hold it in, though some squeaks found their way out into the open. Despite her current state of distress she tried her best to form a smile, her lips quivering slightly as she tried._ “I’m sorry...”\n\n_She crumbled. She rose her hands to her eyes to wipe away her tears and turned away slightly, not wanting to show her partner she was in such a state. Her breath quickened, transforming into soft sobs as her eyes watered more. She still made an attempt to hold herself back, but it was slowly and surely deteriorating._ “I’m... So sorry... I... I.. Shouldn’t... when p-people... Are..”\n\n{Reactions}" }, { "author": "Miki", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Thalia!\" _She exclaimed, this sudden outburst of tears not only frightened her, but worried her too. She frenzied around on the spot for a couple of seconds, her mind racing with what to do next. Should she try and calm her down here? Or take her some place safe where they could discuss the matter? Or maybe she should run to the Inn and book the night instead of Thalia, but what if the sight of people was too daunting for her?_\n\n_42A eventually came to a conclusion. She sweeped Thalia off of her feet, taking her up in her arms, she spontaneously turned corners. The Water mage had no clear destination in mind, the only thing she was hoping to acheive was to reach a private enough area for the pair_\n\n_She eventually reached a narrow alleyway seemingly towards the backend of the Town, she placed her partner gently onto the ground, leaving both her hands on her shoulders. 42A looked on at Thalia, anxiety clearly showing through her eyes_ \"My Goddesses! Did I say something to upset you? If I did I completely redact it, if I knew it would warrant a reaction like this I wouldn't have said it and I'm so sorry-\" _Her words were rushed and she stuttered a few times. She had never expected this to happen, and she was caught off guard_" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "{``End th``is no``nse``nse``!``}\n\n{I do``n’t`` wan``t`` to``!``}\n\n{``Kil``l h``er``!}\n\n{``N``o!}\n\n_Thalia gasped as she was sweep up suddenly, but it was hard to distinguish from the other quick breaths she made as her tears flowed more freely._\n\n_When she was put down and prompted, Thalia didn’t know what to say. She looked up at her companion, her eyes filled with tears and a expression of fear. Her first thought was to reassure Yoni did nothing wrong, shaking her head as she still bawled away, using the palms of her hands to clear her face._\n\n“I... I’m sorry... I’m-I’m making you... Worried..! I... I just don’t... Wanna lose you, you-you know..?”\n\n_She lied, not wanting to reveal her true reasoning. She cherished her travels with Yoni as they had built a special bond together, bringing out emotions in herself that she had not felt in years. The thought of severing this relationship with blood... To erase it all with her own hands... Her heart sank even further at the mere thought of it. This had the adverse effect of making her cry even harder, leaning towards Yoni and pressing onto her, crying into her shoulder- At least she would, if she was taller._ “I don’t want you... To be gone... I don’t-don’t wanna see you go...”\n\n{``You already deceive your little doll...``}\n\n{``Now...``}\n\n{``Discard her like one.``}\n\n“You can’t...” _She whimpered quietly, her thoughts escaping in her voice. She wrapped her hands around her partner, wanting to embrace in a hug._\n\n“``Yo``u can’t...” _She repeated, but her voice distorted ever so slightly. Her eyes flickered in a bold yellow glow, fading away just as quickly as it came._" }, { "author": "Miki", "is_bot": false, "message": "_She stood in silence, but her actions spoke volumes. She pulled Thalia into a tight hug, her own tears falling down her face as this event passed_\n\n_The idea of losing Thalia was too much for her to bare either. Everything she had worked so hard for, the first person to have ever brought out this much passion and emotion from her, to suddenly lose someone such as Thalia would be beyond heart breaking. Sure, she had a past lover, but this relationship she had built with the cherry haired magician surpassed this beyond words, actions and belief. What would she do without her? If the only person who gave her life meaning were to disappear off the face of the Earth, with no trace or contact, what would 42A do with herself? What could possibly fill that empty void once again the same way Thalia had?_\n\n_YonjuniA didn't take much notice of the pitch alteration in Thalia's voice. She was so overcome with compassion and sadness that she couldn't comprehend the change in tone, nor pay attention to anything that was happening around her_\n\n_At this point in time, their height difference had become a bother. The Water mage picked up Thalia once again, holding her as you would with a baby, this was so she could rest her head upon her partner's, and be able to properly hold her close. She let her cry into her shoulder, the close proximity began to take it's toll on 42A. Muffled sounds escaped from her mouth in short bursts as the flow of tears fastened_\n\n\"I can't lose you either....\" _Was the only line spoken from her. Her voice sounded hoarse and broken, she wasn't sure if she could speak again_" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "_Thalia was once again picked up rather easily, readjusting herself to the new height and wrapping her hands around Yoni’s chest, placing her head onto her shoulder for comfort. She rubbed her hands along Yoni’s back in an effort to comfort her, hearing her own soft whimpers._ “It’s okay...” _She said, trying to still her own voice from breaking, while placing a hand on the back of her head._ “It’s okay...”\n\n_Thalia pulled herself out of Yoni’s shoulder and continued to rub her back, seeing it as her turn to comfort the other. Though as her tears seem to have dried out, the underlying sadness was still pulling at her heart. The fear of Gaash and Lalni stalking them started to develop into an anxiety that caused her to tighten her grasp on Yoni, her heart rate picking up it’s pace once again. She felt if she were to let go, it would be like falling from a cliff- A never ending plunge into the darkness of a valley with nothing she could do._\n\n_It was terrifying._\n\n“I love you...” _She hushed in a whisper, closing her eyes and tilting her head slightly, resting the side of her face on Yoni’s shoulder. Her heart still boomed quickly, her breath morphing into distressed gasps as her thought continued to eat away at her mind._" }, { "author": "Miki", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"I...love you too...\"\n\n_Surprisingly, she had managed to get that sentence out to her own shock, but...that feeling wasn't going to last forever unfortunately_\n\n_She unexpectedly burst out into tears, her loud cries of suffering and denial of losing Thalia were loud and clear. Despite the comfort of being her partner's arms, it only brought out more pain and anxiety. Though this wasn't all due to Thalia, as this was also influenced by her own opinions of herself_\n\n_Why was she so expressionless all the time? No wonder people didn't like her, with a monotonous attitude like that how did she expect to make new friends or get along with people on a deeper level? Yes, she did secure herself another woman, but 42A felt as though as time went on, she would slowly start to slip away from her, wanting to find someone else who could easily produce sentiment. What if Thalia was only pretending to love her? Why had she decided to listen to the Honkai's words and become this way? How idiotic did she have to be to think it was good advice? These thoughts had begun to plague her mind previously, but now they were infesting her entire being, gradually taking over. There wasn't much time left before she did something rash and regrettable_\n\n_Her doubts caused YonjuniA to fall to the ground, in pieces. She was mentally shattered, tired of everything going on around her. The stone tablet, the Five Kings, the Skulltula attack- the list seemed endless. She felt incapable of putting an end to the evil that relentlessly threatened Hyrule. Maybe she should stop altogether, give up, it's not like she had would get anywhere in life with the state she was in now. So what if Hyrule was brought to ruins? Watching the world deteriorate around her didn't affect her. She was already living in darkness.._\n\n{Reactions}" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Yoni?” _Thalia exclaimed as her partner suddenly burst out sobbing. She then felt herself begin to fall, her grip loosening and the two breaking apart from their tight embrace. Thalia landed on her feet while Yoni crumbled to the ground, where she could truly see what kind of state she was in. She knew the topics they were mourning about were quite heavy-hearted, but this was completely different. It felt like all of the emotion, the pain, the sacrifice she had endured finally released out into the world. It felt as if something Thalia should’ve saw coming, but didn’t._\n\n“W-What’s wrong, love?” _She asked quickly though in vain, likely not getting an answer. She bent over herself pulled Yoni towards her, holding her in a sitting position. She placed her own hand on her shoulder while putting the other between Yoni’s fingers, looking into her partner’s eyes and smiled softly, her own eyes beginning to water once again though her best to not fall apart herself. She wasn’t able to pinpoint the exact problem, or what to say to alleviate the pain, but she knew one thing:_ “Whatever we face, whatever comes our way...”\n\n“We’ll do it together, okay?”\n\n{Reactions}" }, { "author": "Miki", "is_bot": false, "message": "_She hastily nodded her head at Thalia's words. The current state she was in rendered her incapable of speaking, if she tried to construct a sentence it would only result in a cry for help. But she understood what she was being told and that gave her comfort_\n\n_The one thing she did attempt was to look up at her partner, it took her a while to do so, but eventually she looked up into Thalia's eyes. She held on tight to her fingers, perhaps a little too tight, but that was to be expected as she had tensed up. Her cheeks were wet with tears and her vision was beyond blurred, though she was still able to make out those bright, teal eyes that 42A liked getting lost in. The calm colour reminded her of the ocean's waves, relaxing, yet holding so much secrets within them, they were fascinating. This alone had started to ease off the pain she had felt, though she still remained a mess_\n\n_She raised a hand and delicately wiped away Thalia's tears, though her own still continued to travel down her face. YonjuniA tried to form a smile, but her lips trembled as she did so. It was hard to smile when she was this destroyed_\n\n{Reactions}" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "_Thalia repeated the action 42A did on herself, shifting her hand to hold at her cheek in her palm and softly cleaning her tears away with the gentle stroke of her thumb. Thalia didn’t mind the increasingly tighter grip, and even returned the favor- though not to the same strength. Her own worries had not completely subsided, but she stowed them away for another time and continued to put on a reassuring smile; for Yoni._\n\n_Thalia pulled her hand away from her companion’s face, bring both of her hands together and wrapping her own around them. Even if she emitted little to no body heat, Thalia heart was always warmed by her presence._ “It’s okay... We’re still together, right?” _Thalia said in a whisper, her pitch changing to resemble her old, cheerful voice. While cracks could still be heard, she did her best to sound as warm and reassuring as possible; for Yoni._\n\n_Thalia always longed for her presence. They had been through so much together, their relationship even exceeding her own initial expectations. It was hard to imagine a time before they had met- but that didn’t matter. The past is in past and she couldn’t change it even if she want to. Right now, she had to focus on the present; for Yoni._\n\n“I know it can seem hard... Our life, the dangers, the challenges that lie ahead... But we have each other to depend on, and we always will.”\n\n“I promise.”" }, { "author": "Miki", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"O-okay...\" _She quietly spoke. She tried to force out more words but they were intercepted by her sporadic breaths. Thalia's mirrored action caused her once previously failed smile to reappear again, she finally had regained the ability to display happiness, and that in itself made her joyful_\n\n_With this newfound satisfaction 42A began to calm herself down, she firstly aimed to slow down the speed of her breathing, with the help of Thalia's loving gestures and words that process was quickened. Within a few moments the Water mage had returned to her original state. Unlike before, YonjuniA's hands were warm, and so was the rest of her body, the comfort she received from her had healed her cold, numb matter_\n\n_Her partner's words touched her heart, she had also enjoyed being around her, and that's what made the idea of separation so difficult to process. Even when she had left on her own to delve more into her Stone artifact she still missed being around her, hence why she had decided to send those letters to her. But after this situation, she realised that she **had** to fulfill her dream, perhaps if she performed this one action it would eliminate all chances of the pair splitting, and she could finally begin to live in peace_" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "*A young boy trudges up to the town. Underneath his robes, he holds with one arm his green tome.*\n\n\"...Almost there...\"\n\n*He smiles to himself. Finally, somewhere to stay! Unfortunately, he was completely unaware of how the Gerudo react to those who aren't women...*" } ]
[ { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "_A few more moments of silence passed between the couple, before Thalia let out a small huff and began to slowly stand up, still holding her hands together with Yoni’s._ “Alright, I think we need to go clean ourselves up now. We can’t just stay in this dark alleyway all day.” _Thalia said sweetly with a little laugh, pulling gently at her arms to gesture her to follow._\n\n{Don’t to that again...}\n\n{``As you wish, foolish child. But I will takeover should your life be at risk.``}\n\n{``Your being is my being. Remember that, little one.``}\n\n{...}\n\n“Maybe we should hold off on that spar for a day. Or a couple...” _She said, her voice trialling off as she said those last few words. While Thalia knew it was important to keep an eye out to their stalkers and be ready for anything, after everything that had just happened she wished she could simply relax and spend time intimately with Yoni. It was a strong desire, but she didn’t want it to take over her mental thinking._\n\n{If only we stayed in the Domain a little longer... Then we would’ve have met them...}\n\n———\n\n_As Seth approached the town’s entrance, he could see two Gerudo guards stood firm at each side, tall golden spears that emphasized their own massive stature. The standard guard, enough to send most intruders off running at the sight of their red hair._\n\n_They didn’t seem to speak with the small boy as he drew closer, since he didn’t seem to pose an immediate threat. They knew what line her would need to cross- and were ready to act about it. There was no mercy, no matter the voe: None were permitted inside._" }, { "author": "Miki", "is_bot": false, "message": "_She stood up, brushing off the dirt from the floor from her dress. She lightly giggled at Thalia's remark, though it was true; staying inside a dark alleyway wasn't the best of ideas_\n\n\"I would very much like to continue with it, we can never be sure of when they will make their appearance\" _She stated. Though after a little while of thinking it over, she accepted her partner's proposal_ \"....Alright, I'll change my phrase. We can put the training on hold for a few hours\"\n\n_This was perfect, now she had more time to search around the Jewellery stores, looking for the most flawless accessory for the pair of them. The only problem was, how was she going to execute this without causing any suspicion? Especially with the event that had just passed, it would be even more difficult to pull this plan off_" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "“That would be nice...” _She said sweetly, before positioning herself beside 42A and wrapping her hands around her one arm, holding onto her that was more expressive than simply holding hands._\n\n{It’s just a couple hours. We were about to go and try out that spa thing anyways, if she still wants to go afterwards...}\n\n“I was also sort of thinking- Maybe we could take some pictures with the Pictobox thing I bought.” _Thalia suggested as they walked out of the alley Yoni had brought her in, back into the open streets in the open sun._ “It could help us remember our visits to places, or each other...” _She said trailing off again. Was it alright to deal in such a topic that was so sensitive just a moment ago? Would it bring her happiness, or would it remind her of the pain she had just felt?_ “..Cause you know, we can take picture of each other! Haha...” _She said carefully with a small gulp, unsure of how Yoni would react._" }, { "author": "Miki", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"That sounds like a wonderful idea\" _She smiled towards Thalia_ \"I would've suggested taking one now but...\" _She decided to let her partner fill in the blanks_ \"....That happened\" _42A let out a nervous chuckle, it wasn't exactly best to bring back the subject which had caused the pair of them to crumble in the manner they did, so she tried her best to avoid it, alluding to the matter_ \"Perhaps a little later\"\n\n_She scouted the streets for any shops that looked as though they sold accessories. A few had caught her eye, though they weren't nearby each other at all. A lot of distance would need to be covered in order to view all of them within one night. Perhaps it would be best if she went into them one at a time, one on one night and the other the next, that made it sound a lot more bearable_" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Perhaps we could continue what we were doing in Castle Town, before we got interrupted.” _Thalia suggested, taking a glance up at Yoni herself taking a look around._ “Gerudo is just as well stocked as Castle Town I’m sure- This is a trading town, after all.”\n\n_She thought back to that day in Castle Town, trying her best to block out Gaash and Lalni’s encounter, though they lingered around in the back of her mind._ “I was looking at this ‘Tingle’ thing, I think it was. Though I never got a chance to ask about it. I also heard they’re still making those Shiekah swords! I always thought those were cool~” _She rambled on, trying to make the best of that memory._\n\n“Or we can go somewhere else, if you have something different in mind. I know there’s a bar around here somewhere, if you’d like.”" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Seth slows his approach as he takes notice of the guards. Are these people just protective? Did he mistake this for a town when it was really something else? No matter the cause, he figured to at least try to figure out if he could enter. He walks forward only a little bit more, still stopping well before the guards.*\n\n\"...E-excuse me...? Can I... can I rest here?\"\n\n{I don't know why there are guards here, but... let's hope for the best...}" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "_The two spears are their sides crossed to form an “X”, the metal blades seeming to slice against each other in a sharp zing._ “Voe are not permitted into our city.” _They said sternly, loud and clear with no hesitation._\n\n“There is a Fortress in the Gerudo Valley. Go there, if you seek shelter.”\n\n_As Seth was turned away, he could see in the corner of his eye a person- no, a Gerudo around the corner of the city’s outer walls, waving their hand and gesturing him to follow. She looked like a civilian, no weapons seen and in a typical Gerudo garb that differed from the guards._\n\n\nhmm" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Oh.... okay... thank you.\"\n\n*Seth turns to walk away, and it's not until he starts that he sees the Gerudo waving for him. Curious, he starts towards her.*" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "_As Seth rounded the corner, he could see a tent pitched up to block out the sun, a red rug providing a soft floor to the hot sand._\n\n_Inside this miniature booth was the Gerudo, who looked to be wearing a silken red robe and leaning on the older side. She leaned forward towards Seth as she said with her legs crossed, her hands on her knees to maintain her balance._\n\n“I see you were trying to get into Gerudo, little voe?” _She asks, the rasp in her voice minor but still noticeable._ “I may have something you’re interested in...”\n\n{Reactions}" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Now, under normal circumstances, would Seth trust a stranger with a raspy voice saying that she had \"something he's interested in\"? Of course not - this is stranger danger 101. However, these weren't exactly normal circumstances. Seth was pretty desparate. He hasn't had any food in a while, and he didn't know if the fortress the guard had referred to was even inhabited - much less friendly or in reach. He doesn't see another choice, so he clutches his tome a bit tighter and responds. He tries to sound like he'd be fine, but it's unavoidable how weak he sounds - it's obvious that his journey has taken a large toll on him.*\n\n\"...What do you mean...?\"" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Fufufu~” _The woman leaned back in her original position, letting out a soft cackle. She looked to her sides slowly, before swiftly pulling on her robe and holding it open._\n\n_On the inside of the robe dangled three, golden tokens. Slips of paper that dangled from strings, Gerudo Script written on each of them. The woman gestured her other hand under the shiny items, looking at the trinkets herself._\n\n“They call these Gerudo Tokens. Even if you’re a voe, if you hold one of these... You could enter the city inside.”" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "{That's what they called me at the gate... so that means...}\n\n\"...So... I can go in if I just show them one of those...?\"" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Indeed- Though, nice things come for a price. A town full of vai is any voe’s dream, I’m sure. Fufufu-“ _The women cackled again, before holding up three fingers._ “Three Silvers; or Three Hundred Greens.” _She said, clearly talking about rupees._\n\n“If you cannot pay them now, you can find these little things in other stores in Hyrule as well.” _The woman tapped the side of her head, a small grin forming on her face._ “I made sure of that~”" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Well, Seth saw that coming. Not like his parents kicked him out of house and home with a full wallet. He nods slowly.*\n\n\"...I don't have any money... I'm sorry, for wasting your time...\"" }, { "author": "Miki", "is_bot": false, "message": "_She was about to agree with taking a look around the stores, as a continuation of their endeavour in Castle Town before it harshly got cut off. This could have also been a way to have a better idea at what kind of jewel Thalia liked the most. But at the mention of a nearby bar, 42A's eyes lit up_\n\n\"There's a bar?\" _She exclaimed, beginning to get a little hyper at the thought_ \"Do you know where it is exactly?\" _She pressed on the question, not realising she sounded obsessed with the image of drinking. YonjuniA wasn't too sure as to why she liked Taverns so much, but some things you can never quite understand, no matter how many different angles you looked from_" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Oh- You drink?” _Thalia said, rather in shock, too. She didn’t take 42A as one to drink alcohol. Nevertheless, she didn’t want to stop her from having a good time; maybe this was what they needed after that little session._\n\n“I passed by it a few times but I never went inside. It’s call the “Noble Canteen”, I think. It’s near the far end of town- do you wanna go check it out?” _She offered, knowing her way around town before she had met Yoni._\n\n_The robe dropped at the women chucked, crossing her arms with a warm smile on her face._ “Do not worry, little voe. You can find my trinkets in most stores now. Come back when you have enough- and you may meet a little vai of your own, ahaha~”\n\n“Should you be heading to the Fortress then? Just follow the path and you should find your way without danger...” _Her voice trailed off, before she looked to the sides again. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a shiny red rupee, holding it out towards her._ “Perhaps this could help you, little voe. _Sav'orq-_ till we meet again.”" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Seth lightens up a bit as she gives him the rupee. Setting his book in a holster within his robe, he reaches out with his arm and takes it.*\n\n\"...Thank you... so much!\"\n\n*He looks to the path.*\n\n\"...That way, right...?\"" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "_She nodded confidently. It didn’t seem like she was trying to trick him._" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"...Alright. Thank you...\"\n\n*He stows the red rupee away, and with that, he turns and starts away on the path. Guess there really isn't a choice except to go the fortress. Oh well.*" }, { "author": "Miki", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"I'm not so sure of the reasoning behind my liking of alcohol\" _She furrowed her brow_ \"But one cannot understand everyone and everything that goes on in the world, so I suppose I followed through with that fondness\" _She concluded, but perhaps there was an underlying reason that she hadn't been able to pick up on yet_ \"It would be a great pleasure if you led me there\" _She beamed, clearly still as eager as ever to find the location of this 'Noble Canteen'_\n\n\"You don't have to follow me in if you want, I understand the events that can take place in spaces such as these can be unpredictable and dangerous at times. But don't fret about me, I can handle myself\" _The Water mage smiled at her partner as they walked_" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Alright. It should be this way, if I remember correctly.” _She pointed to the left of them, before returning to her original position._ “Are you sure? We did just talk about this...” _Thalia said with concern, her hands clutching on Yoni’s arm tighter as they walked on. Would she really be alright in such an impaired state? They were in the safety of town, but it still left Thalia worried._ “I guess... It’ll be safe. I never really liked drinking alcohol myself, anyways.” _She was right- They we’re in town for a reason. It’s not like she would be far from reach if the worse was to come._ “I tend to get a little tipsy after, hehe~” _She laughed softly to herself, thinking back to the first time she ever drank, passing out and blabbing our things she probably would regret saying. It wasn’t a common sight for her when growing up, causing a susceptibility to it’s effects even as an adult._\n\n“Here we are!” _She exclaimed, simply reverting back to holding her hand and projecting the other forward in a grand gesture._ “The Noble Canteen. They say it’s the best bar in the kingdom- at least from what I hear~”" } ]
[ { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Well that’s nice to hear. Having someone close...” _Thalia trialled off, lightly blushing as she was indirectly mentioned by her lover. It was comforting to know how much she respects her- the high regard she holds her in, even in this blurred state of intoxication._\n\n{I should do the same...}\n\n_She chuckled as she was ‘challenged’ by the water mage, leaning back and looking up at the ceiling. She let out a sigh, her thoughts winding back... Recalling everything that she cherished._\n\n“I have... Someone as well. Such a kind soul, they are...” _She started, her voice breaking into blissful little giggles. She decided to hide ‘their’ identity, not wanting to make her ‘true’ identity be known too easily._\n\n“They’re so strong. So ready to just... Sacrifice, for me. No matter the cost, it was for me...”\n\n“I want us to be equals, but I’m afraid they still think of me as some kind of authority... I want to show them that, like... They can depend on me too, you know?”\n\n_Thalia shook her head, her mindset already drifting away from her words._ “They’re an example of how to live; to be... Generous, to give to others; to protect others- to save and fight for them, even at your own cost. It lights up my world, hehe~”\n\n_As Thalia was about to continue on, her eyes shifted onto the window and she noticed something particular: the darkness._ “-Oh, I haven’t even noticed the time. I should probably get going at this hour...” _Thalia said worryingly, as if she had someplace else to be- which was true. She stood up and turned towards the mage, preforming the same little courtesy she did when they first ‘met’._ “Well I must say, it was wonderful meeting you, miss. Regardless of how you feel, I hope your days grow brighter~”" }, { "author": "Miki", "is_bot": false, "message": "_She somehow had been able to listen to what the 'stranger' had to say, although it took her a while to process the meaning of her words, she got there eventually_\n\n\"Ah you see, it's people like that that are going to save this world from peril I tell ya. Not those run-of-the-mill legendary heroes you hear from fables or conversations you happen to eavesdrop on\" _She gave her opinion on the matter, not realising that Thalia was describing the Water mage's own nature_ \"I'm sure whoever they are know they can depend on you too\" _She chuckled lightly_\n\n\"When you've got each other's backs it's hard not see the other as some sort of authority, I'm guessing with how generous they are towards ya they overwork themselves a lot. My suggestion to you is to tell 'em not to do so much, and enforce that. Don't just say: \"Please stop doing too much\" - and leave it at that 'cause they ain't gonna listen. You have'ta really grind that mindset in, that way they'll probably stop seeing you as such a top priority\" _42A put a strong emphasis on the word 'grind' which was followed by hand motions describing what she was trying to get across to her_\n\n\"Alright now you get to going to your bed or wherever you need to go. I'll still be waiting here for her to arrive\" _She begun to say her goodbyes to her, watching her as she left, taking a swift glance out of the window_\n\n\"It's already dark outside, how is my day supposed'ta get brighter haha\" _YonjuniA joked, as she continued to laugh it turned into a terrible chesty cough. Though in the end she lifted up her drink up to her as a way of giving her final gestures_ \"See ya around, the world is a small place so I'm sure I'll see ya again soon\"" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "_Thalia giggles at Yoni’s little joke, giving a final way before making her departure out of the Noble Canteen and back out into the streets. She made her way down and rounded a corner, before disappearing into a small alleyway in-between some buildings._ “Alright. Let’s see how much I remember on dismantling this thing...” _She muttered to herself, taking off the veil and looking to the rest of the set._\n\n_She sighed audibly._\n\n_..._\n\n_Thalia exited her hiding place shortly after, wearing her the Goron Tunic that she was wearing previously. While she did feel herself stand out more, it was much more familiar to wear and walk around in. She held her spellbook in her hands and up against her chest, just as another indicator that they were ‘different’ people._\n\n_Thalia walked up to the bar once again, entering the bar and shooting another wink to the Gerudo._ “Hello! Is there a... Tall Hylian lady here?” _Thalia asked, wanting to contrasting from her previous visit. She held her hand up high, indicating the height part of her question._ “Wearing black with a blindfold...”\n\n{It sounds like I’m describing a criminal...}\n\n{Maybe I should take Yoni to that place, too. It’ll help out in blending in here.}\n\n{Maybe we could dye our hair as well, instead of using magic all the time... I’m sure there’s a place for that here somewhere.}" }, { "author": "Miki", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Vasaaq little Vai\" _The Gerudo greeted her once again. She listened to Thalia's description, and recognised it clearly_ \"Ah!\" _She exclaimed_ \"She's just over there\" _She tilted her head in 42A's direction, towards her left_ \"She's a little off her rockers, but what can I do\" _The bartender shrugged her shoulders. She had finished cleaning the counter by the time Thalia had arrived again, and even poured herself a drink_\n\n_And indeed the Water mage sounded insane, she was singing- or at least trying to, in some sort of dialect which wasn't Hylian. Her feet were up on the table as she slouched in her chair, one arm lay across her body whilst the other kept the bottle of liqour. She hadn't realised that her lover had returned, as she was too absorbed in her singing. YonjuniA went to take another gulp of her alcohol, to only find that the bottle was in fact empty_\n\n\"Oh come on!\" _She shouted in frustration, smashing the bottle to pieces on a nearby wall_ \"For fuck's sake, can't I just get a drink which won't run out so damn quick?!\" _She growled, turning her head to look out the window. Still no Thalia_ \"Where is she?\" _She questioned, seemingly becoming annoyed with how long it was taking, unbeknownst to her that she was in the same vicinity as her_\n\n_The Water mage let out another mighty cough, it sounded horrible, and even painful. She fiddled about with her clothing, trying to fix herself up a little, which only made her look less presentable. Her dress was angled awkwardly, her hair was all over the place, one of her stockings was halfway up her thigh whilst the other barely passed her knee_" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "*As he approaches the walls of the town again, Seth looks over to Tango.*\n\n\"You can go ahead over the wall... I'll meet you inside!\"\n\n*Tango silently does so, perching in an area where the entrance was visible to it. Seth, meanwhile, makes his way back towards the entrance. In his new gerudo garb he should be able to get past, he figured. He clears his throat before making it to the guards, intent on making his voice a bit higher than usual to sell it more. He was a bit nervous, though - in this new garb his lack of a right arm was clearly visible - and as a result he clenched the spellbook in his hand tighter. Despite his nerves, he approached the entrance and the guards.*" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Oh dear-“ _Thalia turned as she spotted Yoni across the room, wincing as the glass bottle shattered on the wall. She was just here moments ago, how did her state deteriorate so quickly?_\n\n{I mean, I didn’t take _that_ long changing...}\n\n“..I’ll pay for that.” _She said with a sigh, leaving a sum of rupees at the counter before approaching her girlfriend. She tried to anticipate what Yoni might say, though there was an uncertainty that she couldn’t predict reliably._\n\n“Yoni? How are you doing?” _Thalia said, walking forward with caution, speaking in a toned down voice. She didn’t think Yoni would ever try to hurt her on purpose, even while impaired. She was more worried that she was going to start ripping the place apart._ “It’s night time now, are you ready to go, love?” _She asked sweetly, trying her best to subdue anything kind of trigger._\n\n———\n\n_The guards looked down at the small little ‘Vai’, their eyes narrowing as she passed through the gate. Ultimately however, Seth was able pass. He would still have to be careful to not let his true identity be revealed while within the city, but the first obstacle was overcome._ @TheKrazyStew" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Seth smiles after getting past the guards, and the grip on his book loosened just a bit again. Tango flutters down to him and lands on his shoulder. He was only pleasantly warm to the touch, as always.*\n\n{We're in! Now maybe we can get some more food...}\n\n*He begins to walk, wandering the town and taking in the sights.*" }, { "author": "Miki", "is_bot": false, "message": "_The Gerudo took the sum of money as she watched the events unfold, looking on in playful disappointment_\n\n\"What?\" _42A queried, looking at her partner. It took a few moments of silence before she ever so slightly came to her senses_ \"Oh Thalia, you've decided to show up now\" _She stated. This would have been phrased differently if not for her current state of insobriety. 42A attempted to get out of her chair but ultimately failed. She misjudged where her foot would land, causing it to slide underneath her as she loudly thudded against the floor on her front_\n\n\"Good Goddesses...\" _She commented, picking herself up from the floor_ \"What took ya so damn long? I've been waiting here for you for a good couple of hours. I even 'ad a nice chat with some other woman who came in here\" _She swirled her hand around at the place where the 'stranger' had previously sat. YonjuniA steadied herself, using the table as a method of balance. Her heels made things a lot harder as she wobbled on occasion_" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Oh my goodness!” _Thalia exclaimed as she watched her fall down, placing her book on the table and rushing to her side, helping her recover from her abrupt fall._\n\n“Alright, _you_ just stay there. I’ll help you this time.” _Thalia said as she guided Yoni back into a sitting position, before crouching down to Yoni feet and gently trying to take off the heels she was wearing. She admired how dedicated she was to wearing these things- even in the heat of combat. Though now they only proved to be a handicap._ “You’ll walk easier with these off...”\n\n“Well, I just thought you would like to spend some more time in here, so I left you alone while I did some other things. Seems like you might’ve had _too_ much fun, though.” _Thalia giggled lightly, hopefully assisting her partner without issue._ “Did you miss me?” _She asked playfully, poking her gently in the leg as a little tease._\n\n“So who did you meet?” _Thalia asked after her first question was answered, asking as innocently as ever._" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "*As Seth wanders the town, he comes across the Noble Canteen.*\n\n{This might be a good place to look for food in...}\n\n*He opens up the book just a bit. The red rupee that he had been given was inside, tucked between two pages.*\n\n{...I wonder what I could get with this red one?}\n\n*He closes the book and heads in, not entirely sure what to expect.*" }, { "author": "choris_vulpes", "is_bot": false, "message": "*luna makes it to gerudo town in a rather short amount of time and browses through the volt fruit picking out the freshest she could find and paying the lady before looking at the outfits out for display*\n\n{you’d think that being a fire mage would help you deal with the heat...}" }, { "author": "Miki", "is_bot": false, "message": "_Her heels easily slid off her legs as she didn't resist the extra help. She heavily groaned as she stretched her arms, proceeding to crack her neck_ \"What'd'you mean I've had too much fun? I haven't had enough I'll tell ya that!\" _She 'corrected' Thalia, slamming her hand against the table, it jumped in place a little from the force she hit it with_ \"And of course I missed ya, I've been staring out of this window for Nayru knows 'ow long tryna locate you\" _She tilted her head at the window gap_\n\n\"Oh it was some woman, she had the same sort of complexion as you though she mostly hid her face in one of those veil things you see in some of the clothing stores. I think it was Yellow and....\" _She struggled to recall the right colour scheme_ \"Blue? Yellow and Green? Agh whatever the fuck it was. One thing I can remember about her was she was extremely short haha!\" _She wheezed at the remark, placing her hand at the table's legs in an exaggerative example of displaying the height of the 'stranger', not exactly understanding that it would perhaps be insulting towards her girlfriend_\n\n\"She was pleasant to talk to I guess, rambled on about the world and everything like that. I still believe this whole 'look on the brighter side of life' thing is a bunch of nonsense\" _Or perhaps she **didn't**, but due to her intoxicated mind she wasn't thinking straight, and brushed it aside instead of delving deeper into the solution?_" } ]
[ { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Alright, take it easy, love.” _Thalia winced again as the table seemed to be nearly smashed. She stood up, holding pair of shoes in her hand before extending the other to Yoni, pulling her up from her seat and onto her feet._ “Maybe we can have some fun together, then~” _Thalia giggled, wrapping Yoni’s arm around her shoulder while putting her own around her back, allowing her to act as a support to Yoni to hang onto. They set off slowly to ensure the same accident wouldn’t happen again, walking towards the bar’s exit._\n\n_Thalia’s responses to Yoni’s adventures amounted to “Oh”, “That’s nice”, and things along that line, though her emotions and thoughts of the matter were keenly different from her rather neutral responses._\n\n{I’m not that short... I’m pretty sure I grew, as well. She can’t keep holding this above me forever...}\n\n{She’s not really in it though, so it’s harmless, I suppose.}\n\n{I shouldn’t be surprised that she didn’t take all of that in, but I hope she’ll still remember some of it.}\n\n{This world isn’t _all_ bad...}\n\n{``If it was, I would be superiority stronger by now.``}\n\n“Well, I think it’s a good time to go get ourselves a room, hm? You look like a mess.” _Thalia said bluntly as Yoni finished, noting her rather unkept appearance. She wasn’t too shocked given the circumstances- if anything she found it rather amusing to see her in such a state._ “Then you can have me _all_ to yourself. What do you think?~”\n\n———\n\n“You look a little too small to be here, little Vai. This place is for adults.” _The Gerudo at the counter said as Seth entered, very clearly underage given his height._ “It is evening now too, child. You should run off to bed.”" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Seth jumps a bit at this. He wasn't expecting to get yelled at so soon upon entering- wait, adults only? Well, this wasn't going to work. He responds in a higher voice than he usually speaks, though he still tries to sound natural.*\n\n\"Hm- Oh! Okay, sorry...\"\n\n*With that he turns quickly and leaves the bar. After exiting, he leans up against the wall.*\n\n\"Well, that didn't work...\"\n\n*Silence for a second.*\n\n\"...I didn't know that was an adult place! We can try somewhere else, I guess...\"\n\n*He starts again at this point, going to look elsewhere to purchase food.*" }, { "author": "choris_vulpes", "is_bot": false, "message": "*luna finds one that reminds her of fire. It was a vai outfit designed after a furnix and even had furnex feathers on it. But to her it looked like fire and that’s all she cared about and bought it*\n\n{maybe I like fire too much...}\n\n*she put the outfit in her bag and looked around for a place to try it on*" }, { "author": "Miki", "is_bot": false, "message": "_Her face lit up at the idea of being able to enjoy herself more. She began brainstorming of ways in which they would be able to do this, though it was primarily through more bars and bottles of alcohol. She gently rubbed her partner's shoulder, despite 42A being an utter mess, both physically and mentally, her touch was still as soft and calm as ever_\n\n_The Water mage didn't notice Seth as the pair departed, only focusing on the scenarios in her mind. She occasionally swayed to the left or the right of her, but because of her lover's support she didn't stray too far, nor fall to her demise on the cold, hard streets of Gerudo Town._\n\n\"It's nighttime already?\" _She questioned in response to Thalia's mention of a room, her slur coming through_ \"Isn't that the sun in the sky?\" _YonjuniA looked up, pointing towards the Moon, a little off target. She remained silent for a while, attempting to figure out what that glowing ball was in the air, though she eventually gave up. Instead, perking up again at her partner's proposal_ \"You're already mine\" _She stated_ \"Though I guess spending some 'quality time' together alone is another way to find satisfaction\" _She reasoned_ \"Are we gonna be alone-alone?\"" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "{..Hm. Who was that little girl? I can’t imagine they would like the stuff served here. Oh well, I have my own things to worry about...}\n\n_The two left the Noble Canteen, winking once again towards the Gerudo as they departed as a sign of thanks. She laughed at Yoni’s bouts of confusion, guiding her down the road carefully._ “The sun’s much brighter, love. Look- don’t you see it’s a bit dark out? Lanterns are lit up.” _She said, gesturing to Yoni to look around her to the street lamps that lit up the road and the darkness of night in little cracks between buildings. The moonlight shines a silver glow on everything, helping illuminate the otherwise pitch darkness._\n\n“Well, who else is going to be there, silly?” _Thalia said slyly, her grip tightening slightly as she let out a soft sigh, a smile on her face._ “It’ll just be us. Wouldn’t that be fun?”\n\n_Eventually the couple would make it towards their destination: the Hotel Oasis._ “Alright. I want _you_ to say here, and I’ll go get us a room. Then I’ll come back and get you, okay?” _Thalia instructed, sitting Yoni down nearby just outside the inn. She gave her a quick little peck on the forehead, before giving her a soft pat on the head. It was funny seeing how the tables have turned._ “Don’t go running away, now.”" }, { "author": "choris_vulpes", "is_bot": false, "message": "*luna goes into a changing room and reemerges with her new vai outfit on. She plays with the feathers for a bit before doing a hop*\n\n{I’m not used to being this light, i could outrun a lizal in this}\n\n*she smiled under her mask before grabbing her bag and making her way towards the exit but stops to admire the moon in the sky*\n\n{what luck to be named after something so beautiful}" }, { "author": "Miki", "is_bot": false, "message": "_42A looked down the roads in the directions her companion's gestures guided her to_\n\n\".....\"\n\n\"...It's the sun I'm tellin' ya\" _She insisted, even though Thalia had proven her judgement wrong and provided a logical answer, the 6'0\" woman leaving her opinion as it was. Unchanging_\n\n\"Ain't there usually some other people in a hotel when you get there? The room service people or whatever they call 'emselves\" _She questioned, recalling the last few times she had stayed in an inn. As she had finished the sentence the Hotel Oasis was in sight. Once they were close enough, YonjuniA obediently followed Thalia's instructions to her, in spite of previously becoming irritated when they had parted ways at the Noble Canteen_\n\n\"Hey, do that again..\" _She whined in a playful manner as she was lightly kissed by her lover. She tried to grab onto her partner's arm as a way to force her to stay, but missed in the end by a couple of inches. Her shoulders dropped as she lazily sat in place, awaiting for Thalia's return_" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Later.” _She held up a finger as she left, walking inside the inn with haste. She wanted to check in as soon as possible to minimize whatever Yoni could do in her absence. She waved to the Gerudo as she walked in, her smile as bright as ever as she took out her wallet, already fumbling around with rupees._\n\n“Hello! Just one room please, with a larger bed. I have someone with me tonight.” _She requested, clean and concise while pulling out eight red rupees, putting them on the counter with a soft clink._\n\n“Would you prefer to have two beds? We have rooms for multiple people.” _The Gerudo asked, taking the rupees Thalia had given and counting them in her hand, before writing down the total somewhere as a note._\n\n“Oh, just... One big one will do, please.” _She confirmed, swaying lightly back and fourth as she waited. The Gerudo looked at her in the eye with a raised eyebrow, though ultimately didn’t comment on the matter._ “Oh, and that’s for the spa treatment I think it’s called? I’d like that too, please. Hehe~”\n\n“Alright. Just a moment, little Vai...” _The Gerudo woman said, turning about and putting the money away. Thalia pouter lightly as she turned, placing a hand on the top of her head._\n\n{I’m not that short...}\n\n_..._\n\n_Thalia returned back outside, checking back to see if Yoni remained as she told her too. In her hand was a key, as well as two paper slips with Gerudo script written on them. She gestured for her to stand up, putting out her free hand to help. They assumed a similar position they were in before, entering the inn and guiding her through the halls to their room._ “Alright, let’s go. We’ll do that spa thing in the morning, I feel like you would appreciate it more then.” _She said, outlining what was planned happen the following morning. She decided to postpone from tonight because Thalia knew what kind of hangover 42A is likely to experience, and the massage treatment would likely ease the morning after blow._\n\n“I think this is it...” _Thalia muttered as she slid the key into the handle before hearing the click as she turned, opening the door that led inside. It was pretty typical of most inns, with small tables and chairs lined about with a window to moonlight to pour inn. Various banners and rugs decorated the rest of the empty space, colored in red and emblazoned with the Gerudo Symbol, including the bed itself. It was over hanged with a red silk covered drape, large enough for two to allow the couple to sleep together. The Gerudo’s sense of fashion was unrivalled, to say the least._\n\n“Alright. How are you feeling now, love? Do you need me to help you change? Or can you do that by yourself?” _Thalia asked as they entered, closing the door behind them. She was rather enamoured by the decor, though her priorities lay into her partner first._" }, { "author": "Miki", "is_bot": false, "message": "_She flopped face first into the bed, not stopping to admire the intricate scenery which lay before them, as she had incorrectly assumed they were heading to bed. She pushed herself up, and made an effort to remove her clothing by herself, but that didn't go as well as she had primarily thought_\n\n\"I've got it by myself\" _She answered. At first she thought she could immediately lift off the first layer, but that was prevented by the ribbon which held her top and lower halves together. 42A didn't bother with that and instead took to removing her stockings, she had been able to take off the one which rested below her knee however, the other that remained at the top of her thigh was causing some trouble_\n\n\"Ugh I need some help\" _She reluctantly asked, another great cough emanating from her mouth. Even in this disfunctional mess she had still preferred it if she had done it herself. But had become too lazy to bother with it, taking Thalia's offer for some aid_ \"What makes ya want to help me anyway? You could 'ave just gotten yourself ready first\" _She commented_ \"I probably would've figured it out some time sooner or later by the time you were done\" _YonjuniA sat herself on the edge of the bed, slouching over her own body. She strecthed her arms and legs, having sat down in a chair for multiple hours without standing for long bursts of time_\n\n_The Water mage seemed puzzled at the mention of a spa earlier on, highlighting that she had once again forgotten what was going on around her in the world_" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "_Thalia has set her own things down on the table while Yoni was fumbling around with her own clothes, taking off quick things like her cape and necklace, setting them alongside her book. She took off her boots and set beside Yoni’s heels, before finally coming to her partner’s cry for help. The rest of her own outfit was rather easy to remove, but Yoni’s looked like it was a puzzle by comparison._\n\n“Well you sound a bit sick, for one. Maybe you drank too much...” _Thalia said as she joined Yoni on the bedside, propping her to face her so she could assist her with her clothing. It took her a while of feeling her way around, but eventually she figured out how to undo her attire and pulled on the ribbon, pulling it over her head and slipping off the top half. It took her some time to figure what to do, but it wasn’t all as innocent as it seemed._\n\n“Plus, I get to touch you more...~”\n\n_ She hummed quietly, throwing the piece off the bed to free her hands before gliding them down Yoni’s arms gently. Her smile grew as the sensation of touch excited her more, the soft feeling of her partner intoxicating to her, pushing her to want more. Her hands shifted to slip into the sides of her body as she reached her waist, repeating the slow motion upwards in-between her arms before reaching the second bottom layer of her top. Her thumbs hooked into the piece and tug downwards, being a rather inefficient way to get undressed, but it seems like that wasn’t the point. Thalia looked into Yoni’s eyes, inching so close to her partner’s face that they could feel each other’s breath, speaking to her in a whisper. It was hard to tell in the dark room, but a faint shade of pink blushed on her face as she made her intentions clear._\n\n“Aren’t we going to have fun, too?~”" }, { "author": "Miki", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"I'm not sick.....and I definitely haven't drank too much-\"_She complained, almost sounding like a child begging for more sweet treats. 42A wasn't as heavy as she looked to be, despite the decieving size of her thighs, though she wasn't as light as a Loftwing's feather_\n\n_42A let Thalia do the handiwork. As the first section came off, a cold shiver ran throughout her body due to the temperature change, but that effect was instantly reversed when the delicacy and warmth of her partner touched her skin. The gentle touch of Thalia's hands soothed her, the Water mage beginning to move about ever so slightly in an attempt to sit in a better position as the sensation continued. She clearly enjoyed what was going on,_\n\n_And she wanted to experience it fully._\n\n_Despite her current state of inebriation, these actions that were being performed by her significant other were fully understood. YonjuniA giggled, her muscles tensing with every brush of Thalia's fingers. Everything came off exceptionally easily, contrasting the complex appearance. As her lover inched closer to her, she slowly lowered herself closer to the duvet, pulling her companion down with her by the waist. The Water mage ripped off her blindfold, casting it aside along with the other pile of clothing_\n\n_Although her face had already flushed from the intake of liqour, it had turned an even lighter shade of pink during the situation. She replied to her partner in a mischievous tone, knowing full well the meaning behind the euphemism_\n\n\"Of course we are~\"" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "_Fades to black..._" } ]
[ { "author": "Miki", "is_bot": false, "message": "_She was about to ask what Seth was afraid of, when the door to the room had swung open and her partner had stepped out_ \"Ah there you are. She's not my friend, but she had almost bumped into me as I was waiting for you\" _42A turned around to face Thalia, briefly explaining the situation_ \"We were just discussing books, which isn't much of an important topic so I will drop it for now\" _She declared. YonjuniA still noticed Seth's tightenned grip on the book, but it looked as though further questioning would have to indefinitely wait_\n\n\"Are you ready to leave?\" _She asked Thalia, resting her hand on the hilt of her sword_" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Oh, what do you mean, love? Books are fantastic- if you drop them, you might ruin their pages.” _She said sarcastically to her partner with a little giggle, before turning her attention towards Seth once more. She was so use to seeing people above her own height that she found it strange to look below eye level for once, even if it was only slightly._\n\n“Is that important to you?” _She asked simply and friendlily enough, talking about the one thing Seth held in his hands._" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"...Y-yeah. It's... from home.\"\n\n{No, no, no, why'd you say that? Now they might take it away, like those thieves from earlier wanted to!}\n\n*He was growing more visibly nervous by the minute. It's not like he didn't WANT to trust her, but he felt he didn't really have a choice on who he COULD trust if he wanted to survive in the world.*" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Well!” _She said swiftly, before shuffling over and reaching up on Yoni’s arm, wrapping around it with both of her hands, resting her head on her shoulder._\n\n“_This_ is important to me~” _She said with a smile, trailing her finger up her and down her partner’s arm as she spoke._\n\n“And you have to protect the things that are important to you, cherish it with everything you’ve got...”" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "*That... isn't what Seth expected to happen next. His grip on the book eases just a little bit, and he holds it up to his chest with his arm, standing back up from leaning against the wall.*\n\n\"...R-right. I... I will. Thank you...!\"\n\n{...I wonder what she means by that. Are they sisters? Tulan had a big sister, but they didn't really act the same way as these two are... Maybe friends, then? I dunno...}" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "_Thalia giggled as she broke off from her partner, leaving only one hand anchored around Yoni's. That seem to have done the trick and broken her nervousness, at least a little._\n\n\"Do you have a name, little missy?\" _She said sweetly, talking down to the child with the impression that Seth was a girl._\n\n\"I'm Thalia, and this is...\" _She started to introduce her girlfriend, before trailing off in silence. She came across this dilemma once again, where she was unsure weather to refer to her partner by her nickname or her number designation. Would it be rude to give others a nickname instead of an actual name?_\n\n\"..Yoni.\" _She decided after a brief pause. The nickname would probably be simpler for him to remember compared to the numbers, she figures._\n\n{Hmm. I wonder what those numbers mean. I'm sure she has them for a reason.}\n\n{She called herself a 'unit' before, after all. Is it a military identification sort of thing?}" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "{Uh- oh no. Whatdoidowhatdoido- quick, think of a girl's name. Uh-}\n\n*His mind suddenly raced back to home. To school, and everyone he knew there, trying to remember a girl whose name he could borrow. It didn't even take a second of this to remember his best friend from school before he had to leave: a girl named...*\n\n\"...T-tulan. My name's Tulan.\"" }, { "author": "Miki", "is_bot": false, "message": "_She smiled lightly towards Thalia as her arm wrapped around hers. The words she spoke had struck a chord with 42A, in the best way possible. She stood by her partner as a small conversation had ensued between the 'girl', who was now realised to be Tulan, and her girlfriend, with YonjuniA listening in_\n\n_She internally cringed at her introduction, which had slightly translated into an expression on her face_\n\n{..Yikes...it's '42A'..}\n\n_The Water mage would have preferred it if her companion had referred to her by her designation, but what's done is done, she reasoned. Perhaps she would correct her error later on_ \"Well it was a pleasure meeting you Tulan. May the Goddesses bless your journeys and the days ahead of you\"" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"...Well, thank you, Yoni. Thank you, Thalia. I guess I'll just have to go now... I have to find something to eat.\"\n\n*With that, Seth starts walking back towards where he saw the marketplace. He had to find something to eat as he traveled if he wanted to move on. He wasn't sure what he'd be able to buy with twenty rupees, but... surely he could get something, right?*" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Best of travels, Tulan~” _Thalia waves on as the small magician girl departed. She returned her attention to her partner, looking up to her face._ “Sorry I took so long. I’ll show you the way to the store I visited yesterday, then we could have a matching set~” _She said playfully, under the impression that Yoni would even want to have something similar. The duo exited the Hotel Oasis shortly after and continued their conversation while they walked, Thalia a short lead a head of her companion as to directed her to Passion Fashion: the clothing store she visited prior._\n\n_Her head tilted as she looked up the sun, getting a general estimate of the time of day._\n\n{Wow, this day is just flying by.}" }, { "author": "Miki", "is_bot": false, "message": "_She nodded her head to 'Tulan' as the little girl set out on her own endeavours_ \"I don't mind stopping to have a miniscule conversation with people, especially if the topic is intruiging\" _YonjuniA walked alongside Thalia, as she guided her to the store, explaining that there was no need to apologise_ \"If we didn't need to go somewhere then I am 76.20 percent sure I would have persued that discussion\" _She admitted. It was a rather engrossing matter that was being talked about, though it had to be cut short as the day was passing by quickly_\n\n\"Ah!\" _42A exclaimed_ \"I hypothesise that you reach some sort of dilemma when it comes to introducing me. To rid of the problem, please refer to me by my designation to those who we do not have close ties with\"" } ]
[ { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "*One of the Hylian captains was in conversation with the Gerudo chief some ways away. Groups of soldiers were clapping one another on the back, preparing meals, swapping stories, and hugging friends. As the dawn's light rose higher over the desert the captain noticed them, but before she could head over her attention was seized by something else.*\n\n\"Captain! We found this at the base of the Tower.\" *The soldier was holding an orb around the size of an apple in a bug net before him. Its surface was rippling like water yet solid as ice. A white-hot firestorm burned within. Electricity danced over the water surface: It was the attack the Shadow had poured the last of its power into.*\n\n\"What... is it?\" *The captain looked at it with awe and confusion.*\n\n\"No idea, sir. We nicknamed it the Tempest Crown, sir, but I have no idea where it came from. I've never seen anything else like it!\" *Their conversation carried easily over to the small group just off to the side.*" }, { "author": "rocketbat", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"'Boomerang boy'?\" *Sora looked over at Varian, cocking his head to the side.* \"Is it because of that boomerang that you threw?\" *He asked.* \"Wait... you *did* grab that before the tower collapsed, right?\"\n\n*As he asked this, the other conversation going on outside of town caught his attention, and he looked back with an eye. Sora's gaze arrived back at the group as they mentioned the name of the Tempest Crown. A mischievous smirk arrived on the Rito's face as he asked,* \"You think we should let them know about what that is and how it came to be... or do you want to see what happens if we *don't?\"*" }, { "author": "bryanna6722", "is_bot": false, "message": "*He gave a sigh at the nickname. It was usually annoying, but... at this point, he was glad to have just about anyone familiar to be around. And Luna was an oasis in that regard. He gave a shake of the head in response to her question.*\n\n\"I mean, stopping the end of Hyrule for starts. Though I suppose it was hardly the end if they couldn't even reach this town. Then again, that thing did show up to help... stop it? I'm not sure. Speaking of which, you came from the chambers below the surface right, what happened to those Sheikah?\"\n\n*He felt he already knew the answer, considering they didn't emerge with Luna... but knowing for certain would be good. He looked to Sora as he spoke up.*\n\n\"Yeah, that boomerang. Well, less that boomerang and more the fact that I *use* a boomerang. Anyways, yeah, I forgot about that...\"\n\n*He rose a hand up after a moment, seemingly grabbing towards nothing as he attempted to recall the boomerang, hoping it would be able to come back from... wherever it ended up with the Tower. If it even went with the tower in the first place.*\n\n*His ears picked up the conversation after a moment, glancing over to see a rippling orb of water, coursing with electricity and burning with flame yet still held perfectly solid. He remembered exactly what it was, primarily because it was the Shadow's last gambit to try and stop __his__ last gambit. How it remained in that perfect state now... well, it was uncertain. But he knew enough that whatever it was likely wouldn't be great if it got into the wrong hands - or even the right hands. He decided to speak up, clearing his throat and approaching the captain and soldier.*\n\n\"Captain. I would strongly advise you take that - the 'Tempest Crown\" as they called it - report it to the Royal Family, and put it somewhere safe and hidden. It was created by the last breath of the thing that caused the Tower to appear, and has been responsible for more catastrophes in recent times, including the destruction of Kakariko Town some months back. I would hate for the being to extend that destruction even beyond its death.\"" }, { "author": "jolt0857", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Varian has a point.”\n\n*Tamil said simply. He looked over towards the captain and glared at him. He wasn’t exactly in the mood for a formal introduction just yet, but nonetheless he got up and began making his way towards the captain. He saluted and opened his mouth to speak.*\n\n“Tamil Cutan. Royal guard.”" }, { "author": "choris_vulpes", "is_bot": false, "message": "*luna nodded at varian’s response and then raised an eyebrow when he asked his questions. A look of genuine confusion formed on her face illuminated by the light of dawn. Her voice sounded just as confused.*\n\n“Sheikah? There were none.”\n\n*her ears perked up at the sound aswell... even if no one could see them. She watched varian walk away and silently followed behind him, using her spear as a walking stick. She really had nothing to do other than follow her friend since she was the only one here she knew*\n\n{hey that thing looks pretty neat... i wonder if it’s some kind of weapon}" }, { "author": "rocketbat", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The Rito walked over with the others, and nodded at the Captain.* \"Inside of that sphere of water is an exploding fire crystal, along with the electricity of a shock arrow. I would not advice sticking a finger into that.\" *His attention turned towards Luna as she answered the question\n\n\"There... Oh, no...\" *Sora's face had a look of shock as the realization hit him. He looked down, an obviously pensive expression on his face as it began to look down. They had been killed.*" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The captain strode over to the group with her eyebrows raised in interest. The soldier with the net followed suit.*\n\n\"So I take it you're the ones who went inside that thing then, sir?\" *Her eyes raked over each of them from injuries, to weapons, and finally to Tamil, who she stood at attention to.*\n\n\"What happened?\"" }, { "author": "jolt0857", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Tamil crossed his arms and again he glared at the captain. It was obvious he didn’t exactly wanted to talk about what happened.*\n\n“We entered on the orders of chief, and first we had to beat a giant gem creature. Next, 3...things attacked us. 4 shiekah with a guardian stayed behind so we could get to the towers summit, and we found some shadow. We killed it, and that’s what’s leftover. We *think*”\n\n*Tamil explained it in the most simplified version he could give. He wasn’t in the mood for a detailed version of what they did, and he didn’t think the captain was too.*" }, { "author": "rocketbat", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"The girl here came in well after the rest of us, and first we saw of her in there, when she was at the top telling us that we had to get off because it was collapsing.\" *Sora motioned to Luna with his wing.* \"One thing is certain- whoever's ass we just kicked on the top isn't coming back for a long time.\"" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The Captain looked at Luna curiously. Her eyes traced down to the shield the girl held, and her expression changed into shock. She pointed at the Magical Shield with mouth slightly open.*\n\n\"That's... that looks just like the shield from the legends!\" *The other soldier stopped gazing at the Tempest Crown to look up at the remark.*" }, { "author": "bryanna6722", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Varian looked back as the captain pointed to Luna's new shield - oh, yeah, she had gotten a new arm. Though, he wasn't sure about the legends the captain spoke of, he wasn't going to doubt her on it. His eyebrows perked up for a moment as he looked up to make eye contact.*\n\n\"Wow, so you were doing that while we were tackling the tower? Nice.\"" }, { "author": "choris_vulpes", "is_bot": false, "message": "*luna looked up at the captain with a confused expression before looking down at her shield... oh yeah the trials. It certainly wasn’t worth all she had lost but at least she didn’t suffer for nothing. She then looked up at varian and put on a smile*\n\n“Yeah the glyphs lead to this floating temple in the sky. I had to do this weird trial of courage to get it. My other party members also did some trials and got a staff and a sword. Then we had to fight the king with wings... he electrocuted me something terrible...“\n\n*she continued rambling about her little escapade in the sky to her friend varian before stopping herself. She had a bad habit of being chatty but was most certainly not gonna break it. She then looked up at the captain*\n\n“But yeah it’s pretty nifty... It was a costly endeavor though”\n\n*she ended her sentence in a serious note. She stowed her feelings however. Crying and sob stories weren’t really her thing*" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Sir should... shouldn't we-... I mean, this isn't... Isn't there something we should do?\" *The soldier said, looking from Tamil to the captain. The Captain looked equally unsure, still in a state of awe looking at the mythical weapon.*\n\n\"You said a sword and a staff too?\" *She asked.*\n\n\"Could it be...? This looks just like the shield used by the Hero of Hyrule ages and ages ago. They went missing at some point and haven't been seen since! May I?\"\n\n*The captain cast a glance at Tamil to make sure it was okay and stretched out a hand to inspect the shield.*" }, { "author": "jolt0857", "is_bot": false, "message": "“That would be up to her.”\n\n*Tamil said as he looked at the Luna, then back at the captain. It was Luna’s shield, and Luna wasn’t under Tamils command. He saw it as only far to let her decide.*" }, { "author": "choris_vulpes", "is_bot": false, "message": "{is it because of my height? Why did she look to him for permission?... well at least he stood up for me}\n\n*luna looked at the captain, then the shield. Was it truly the shield that the hero used?! Luna loved collecting weapon and armor but this was truly the rarest she has ever acquired. Luna then looked back at the captain.*\n\n“Alright”\n\n*luna slipped the shield off her left arm then gripped it with both before handing the relic to the hylian captain*" }, { "author": "rocketbat", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Sora looked at the captain as she spoke, and then his eyes shifted over to Luna... specifically, her shield. The Rito couldn't help but examine it.* {That shield looks cool... I want one...} *He thought. He only carried a bow and his quiver on him. He originally thought that extra equipment would hinder his flight, and besides, he didn't have enough rupees to buy a kite shield before his exile.* {I want a shield like that, but I can't get one...}\n\n*And then an idea hit him. He didn't need to buy or find one... What if he could* make *one?* (Cue Vsauce thought music.) *Sora has access to wind magic; he previously never thought to expand upon it until he used it back on top of the tower. What if he could not only strengthen that skill, but also manipulate it in other ways... such as condensing it to make it into a weapon, or shield?*\n\n*It was an interesting thought process... but one he could not expand on at the moment.* {I'll have to look into that later...}" }, { "author": "bryanna6722", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Varian took a step back as the attention shifted to Luna for the moment. He wasn't too interested in the shield - it was nice for her to have, but he never had such an interest in weapons or shields, nor in legends such as those. He looked out to the dunes of the desert for a moment, thinking about nothing in particular for the moment. Though, as he stood there, he began to wonder about that boomerang-\n\nHis thoughts were punctuated by the loud 'THUNK' of wood meeting Varian's skull at high speed, the boomerang bouncing off the back of his head and falling into the sand at his feet. He tilted his head forwards for a moment, both hands gripping the point of contact.*\n\n\"Fuck - great timing, great timing...\"\n\n*He muttered to himself as he turned around and picked the boomerang up, one hand still over the back of his head.*" } ]
[ { "author": "bryanna6722", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Varian gave a sigh as he walked around the walls of Gerudo, making his way around to the back entirely. Sure, maybe this was a joke or a funny little bit for Luna, but Varian was legitimately relieved to be able to relax after what felt like months of tension - not just the whole ordeal since Gerudo, but even the lead-up to these events, both the ones he participated in and the ones he didn't. And though the relief wasn't complete, nor permanent, it was a step in the right direction.\n\nAfter completely leaving the Gerudo soldiers' line of sight, Varian had already had the outfit fit for a Vai herself over his arm - he didn't prefer it, but it was in-arguably cheaper than a Gerudo Token, and he never had any guarantee that he would be in a situation where he could buy one before entering Gerudo Town. Though, of course in this case, this wasn't that... but, it was a better use than any other now, probably. Better than it collecting dust in the satchel around his body.\n\nIt took him a moment to notice the stone statue on the City's outer walls, raising an eyebrow softly as he turned fully towards it.*\n\n\"... Huh. Odd, didn't know they had statues around the back. Its like its watching m-\"\n\n*He reeled back as the stone started moving, perhaps slightly too far as he stumbled back. As the stone stepped forwards and faded away into a Sheikah woman, he took a few more steps back - perhaps distancing himself from the approaching non-threat, perhaps simply still startled.*\n\n\"... Uh. Hello. So uh-\"\n\n*He recognized the Sheikah imagery rather quickly enough, causing him to loosen up slightly - he wasn't fully comfortable with the Sheikah still, after the disaster in Kakariko, but she didn't seem to be hostile, except for... appearing like that.*\n\n\"I suppose you want to, uh, know about the other Sheikah that went into that tower? Or just the tower in general?\"" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "_Juyi nodded silently. She was surprised by his quick wit, finding more soldiers questioning the secrets of the Sheikah. Compliance was quite rare, especially for a comparatively younger age._\n\n{Hmph. Though he plays around with dresses.}\n\n“I see the presence of one Royal Guard, and you were assigned to his authority.”\n\n_She said as she steps forward, closing the distance of Varian’s initial retreat. It sounded like she had been watching, though careful of her words; ensuring what she says is only what is required._\n\n_The Royal Guard only ever concerns themselves when the Royal Family is concerned. They are to invoke the spirit of the hero, and would no doubt charge straight into that dark tower if given the opportunity._\n\n“It sounds like you are able to provide defining detail— I suppose you were amongst others?\n\n_She questioned, countering his own. She had been stalking the shadows for a while, picking up on distance conversations and observing various things. Though now was the time to put these pieces together, approaching a key target to gain what her mission demands._\n\n“Tell me everything.”" }, { "author": "choris_vulpes", "is_bot": false, "message": "*luna turns towards coensi as she arrives in the gerudo plaze. She was right, the place was stunningly beautiful. The gerudo put alot of effort in to making everything visually appealing and it showed.*\n\n“It really is, I really like how the water runs through the town... i wonder if it comes in through a river? Or perhaps an underground system.”\n\n*luna scanned the plaza filled with merchants and the likes. They truly had everything here. Food, armor, weapons, clothes, and jewelry. Luna didn’t come here often so it was nice to see it all again*\n\n“My mom used to have a friend here that we’d visit sometimes. I believe she moved to new hyrule?”" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Hey, hey! You!\" *A voice from amidst the chattering and cheering crowds called out to Coensi. The blacksmith was waving to her with a wide smile from her forge.*" }, { "author": "ace_stargale", "is_bot": false, "message": "“...*New* Hyrule? I’ve never heard- Oop, one sec!” *Coensi says to Luna, then jogs over to the blacksmith.* “Hiya! How are you doing?” *she asks with a smile.*" }, { "author": "bryanna6722", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Varian stopped as she seemed to close the distance, deciding that trying to step away was pretty useless - at least, in so much that she didn't understand not violating a person's own space. His mind wasn't on the thought of the Vai outfit hanging across his arm at the moment, though perhaps it wasn't the best thing to be caught with.\n\nHe didn't speak until prompted to do so - and even then he was hesitant to do so, trying to think of exactly what to say - how far is everything before he was getting into non-information?*\n\n\"Well, to start, I was not assigned to his authority - I went to that Tower, not under obligation to the Hyrulean Army nor the Royal Family, but of my volition and intercepted the Royal Guard you refer to during an engagement with a Dinolfos, along with two others who had accompanied me after the fight.\"\n\n*He stopped for a moment again, considering - would excluding names be more suspicious than simply being open? Why was he even worried about being suspicious? He was speaking the truth, after all.*\n\n\"After we drove off the Dinolfos, we arrived just in time to provide assistance against a Lynel the Gerudo Chief had been locked into single combat with. We drove it away from the area and defeated it in the Haunted Wasteland. And after recuperating and gathering supplies, we pushed through the horde of monsters to the Tower - we were not necessarily on the order of the Chief herself, but she had encouraged pushing out a path to the Tower so that chances of victory didn't stagnate or lower.\"\n\n*He glanced past the fight with the Lynel quickly - it wasn't important, all things considered. He didn't want to get distracted in some kind of 'harrowing tale.' Hence why he also failed to mention their... 'unique' method of reaching the Tower.*" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "_As Varian spoke, the Shiekah pulled out a parchment of paper, beginning to write swiftly of Varian's note. It didn't seem like she was trying to keep up, though its speed was certainly noticeable._\n\n{\"Of his own volition.\" Hmph.}\n\n{And to do battle with a Lynel. I'll have to see about that.}\n\n\"Names.\" _Juyi requested simply, interjecting during one of his brief pauses. She would need to reaffirm that these people exist in the first place and to get in contact, ensuring that this spoken tale was consistent. It would be unreliable as a scout to gather rumours as factual information, unlike a certain publication does._\n\n\"And forsake other battles, unless they were notable in any way- Anomalous in some fashion, or otherwise.\"\n\n\"Though I must say, your compliance is highly respectable.\" _Juyi added on, though was more of an observation than a direct compliment that was spoken without emotion. Too many soldiers get too suspicious of sheikah activities, always pressing to learn of their secrets. It was admirable to see someone so fresh express high devotion so quickly._" }, { "author": "bryanna6722", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Varian raised an eyebrow as Juyi interjected, asking for the names. It was a simple enough request, though he hesitated - everyone else's name was probably but Sora... for now, he'd hold back on that. The Rito trusted him enough to tell him his true name, he shouldn't go and betray that trust by telling some random Sheikah his true name in turn.*\n\n\"Tamil Cutan, Coensi and Finch.\"\n\n*He continued on, not responding to the note about his compliance.*\n\n\"When we reached the Tower, we were greeted by... well, I suppose the best way to describe it is a Shadow. This Shadow was also, as far as I am aware, present and likely partially responsible for, among other things, the calamity that occurred in Kakariko and the disappearance of the entirety of Rito Village.\"\n\n*He hoped to use this statement to attempt to catch the Sheikah's attention - so far she had seemed rather apathetic to the situation at a whole. Or perhaps that was what all Sheikah were like...*" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Heard all about what you did out there. I think I owe you a little something by now.\" *The Gerudo went rummaging in the stack of boxes and bags in her house. Finally, she withdrew a large blue chest and set it out for Coensi.*" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"I see.\" _Juyi noted, despite the mention of Kakariko's Calamity. She merely continued to write and note of his encounters, going over them quickly when possible. It was strange to point out a shadow of all things; something that could only be seen if a light was also present. Though regardless she wrote down everything, no matter how un-important she perceived it to be. She did just ask to omit irrelevant hardships, then mentioned this right after- it must mean it had some value._\n\n\"And what did this Shadow do?\" _She requested, pressing deeper into this in particular. It about as abstract of a description as one could provide, with no way to infer anything further from its appearance alone. Then it's supposed appearances in previous events made it stick out even further, especially as it was cited as its primary instigation._\n\n\"Speak, fight, magic, etcetera. Anything it had done.\" _She clarified, ensuring that no detail was spared. It was for archival purposes; building detailed documents for sheikah to better prepare against future evils._\n\n{Kakariko _and_ Rito Village. Interesting.}\n\n{I would like to return with a detailed report, but this may be too much to process in one session.}\n\n\"You may be approached again sometime in the future. Either by me or some other of my clan. I'll need your name as well.\" _Juyi said, realizing how quickly this could sway off the course of her current mission. While Kakariko and Rito's calamities were recorded, Juyi wasn't certain if their source had ever been traced down specifically- at least in any report. It could prove beneficial to gather that data, though she had no way to determine its validity at the moment and it wasn't her current mission._\n\n\"Continue about the tower solely.\"" }, { "author": "bryanna6722", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"It'll be easier to explain what I really mean in... a few moments.\"\n\n*He put a pin into the topic of the Shadow for the moment as he continued on - it was obvious that he had an explanation, and a thorough enough one, but it was... difficult to explain without context.*\n\n\"After we entered the Tower, we fought four beasts - the first one was a masked beast, that shrouded everything in darkness and had gemstone that acted as armor. After slaying that, there were three exceptionally powerful Armos - we weren't able to defeat the three, but that was when a group of Sheikah came in, along with one of those... things. That Sheikah technology. They held off the Armos to let us ascend to the Tower's Summit.\"\n\n*He tilted his head back a moment for consideration. How to explain the Shadow...? He didn't even fully understand it, honestly, so it was difficult to explain...*\n\n\"At the Summit, there was the Shadow and an apparent artifact - something called the Dark Mirror, which is able to reflect all of the darkness of the world. The Shadow was, manifested, the darkness of everything. It fought back against us - it was intelligent, intelligent enough to upkeep banter during the fight and recognize and use strategies aplenty. It also had the ability to cast magic - some of which I recognized from other people, both living and dead.\"\n\n*He took another moment, as Juyi elaborated on potential future meetings. Hopefully he wouldn't be, but he couldn't control that. He gave a light nod.*\n\n\"Varian.\"" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Interesting. Most monsters tend to be more primitive in nature.\" _Juyi said solemnly, being the most amount of emotion she had displayed thus far. The paper she had written one was getting cramp, opting to finish her notes and simply remember everything by ear: at least enough to relay it back to a Gossip Stone, encrypted to be retrieved at a later time._\n\n{Intelligence, and could harness the magic of others.}\n\n\"And the fate of everything there? I presume all matter was destroyed or killed in battle.\" _She followed, her tone shifted ever so slightly: It felt urgent like she was concerned or merely worried about something or someone._\n\n{I have not seen those shiekah report back. I fear we have lost our tech.}\n\n\"Losses of our own as well.\"" }, { "author": "bryanna6722", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"... The Shadow is dead, I am certain. I am not certain of the Armos' fate, however. As for our side - as far as I am aware, the Sheikah and the thing they brought were killed. However, you would be better off asking the person who entered the Armos' chamber last - Luna. She came rushing out of the Tower just before it vanished.\"" } ]
[ { "author": "loquaciouslark", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Meanwhile, far from the bustling night-markets of the interior Gerudo citadel, a small party crests one of the endless, pale dunes of Lanayru's rolling expanse. The chill winds of a winter's night whistle in their ears, and crystaline sand, whipped up by the wind, scratches at any bare skin.\n\nBut in the distance, glittering in the moonlight- the stately walls of the oasis-city are far from hard to make out. Embossed plates and carvings, cabachons of fine-cut southern gems, in blues, and pinks, and violets, dot the face the settlement's sandstone wall. In the darkness, torchlight glows richly through any windows and cracks in the border, and the air carries not only the sounds of hundreds of voices- but the pungent, peppery scent of foreign Gerudo spices- a welcome reprieve from the stagnant, dusty scent of the deserts.\n\nBut visible, too, against the stony pallisade, are the infamous spearwomen of the Gerudo guard. Tall and imposing, with spears of gleaming gold and hair red like the flames of Din herself- the warriors at the gates cut an intimidating figure, even seen from afar.\n\nLenel, heading the party, turns to those who are with her, ready to make for the gates.*\n\n\"...Everyone prepared? To my understanding, the guardswomen are rather strict, even when giving passage.\"" }, { "author": "mspaintnecoart", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Vekh was already shivering from the cold, but now he shivered from the sheer pressure and aura of the guard. Shaking, voice cracking as he spoke,* \"...a-are we sure...? L-like I'll be able to...\" *he stuttered aimlessly, words failing him. He was never so nervous in his life, let alone in his time with the group.*" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Kelle had placed xemself between Vekh and Lenel. Even if it wasn't the most gender affirming idea for xemself, xey expected that in direct comparison with xem, Vekh would look more feminine, so that there would be less worry of them not getting in. As far as xyr own entry, Kelle wasn't sure what the guards would make of xem, but was prepared to face some resistance. The band of people xey were travelling with seemed to be an outlier in their less commonly assuming of gender. Well, at least they had that one redeeming trait going for them.*\n\n*Kelle didn't plan on changing xyr presentation to get in. Why ought xey conform to other people's stereotypes of gender to be allowed access to a town? The idea was absurd. Honestly, xey had a hard time believing it was true, if not for the blanket child's. seemingly genuine worry.*" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "*It's at this that Selena finally caught up with the others.*\n\n\"Sorry I'm late... ready!\"\n\n*The gerudo town rule hadn't even crossed her mind... oh well, not that it mattered for her anyway.*" }, { "author": "loquaciouslark", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Lenel, too, tried her best to steel herself for the sake of her companion Vekh- admittedly having little worry for the Sheikah's ability to enter the arching gates of the sand-city, an assurance she tried her best to voice.*\n\n\"I assure you, Vekh- you needn't worry yourself. And...\"\n\n*Lenel scanned the trio before her for a moment. Selena and Vekh were accounted for, but the band's lattermost member- who's name Lenel still hoped to catch - hadn't made any statement. The Ordonian presumed xey simply weren't male- but thought it best to ask.*\n\n\"...You're fine to pass through the gates as well, yes?\"" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"I'm waiting for an answer on that,\" *Kelle replied.*\n\n*Xey still weren't entirely keen to talk to Lenel, but right now, she was being reasonable enough. That was probably because this was meant to be brief and there wasn't as much time to spend messing with people. Or she was being respectful, but xey doubted such a sudden change from her after just meeting xem.*\n\n\"There may be a struggle. I don't mind. I need something to do besides follow people around mindlessly.\"" }, { "author": "loquaciouslark", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Lenel nodded, then, and motioned for the others to move to the entryway, before herself stepping down the dusty slope.*\n\n*The leftmost guard, a leaner woman, with the gilded eyes and scarlet hair characteristic of her people, was the first to react, drawing the filigreed shaft of her polearm across the entryway to block it- the silvery, curvéd blade at the spear's tip shining against the dim torchlight of the inner-citadel.\n\nElegant jewlery of every color was interwoven between the ruby braids of her hair- brooches of amber and sapphire, and twirling gold-threads, carved into the shapes of winding serpents. A deep violet gloss lined her lips, and when she spoke, her voice was gruff and brusque.*\n\n***\"Sav'orr, ve vasaaq. No Voe follow you to our sanctuary, yes? - Lhei, Vai?\"***\n\n*The other guardswoman, a shorter vai, stands at an idle rest. An ochre marking beneath her eye depicts the swirling symbol of the Spirit Sages, and the blue-green feathers of the desert Hroks hang from either end of her bangs. She makes no motion to move or speak.*" }, { "author": "mspaintnecoart", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Vekh was dead silent. He would be completely motionless if not for the shivering, but he didn't feel cold anymore...His breathing was quickened, made evident by the frequent puff of vapor coming from his mouth, quickly trying to hide as just warming his hands. He kept his posture straight, doing his best to make his chest appear a bit more round (than it already was) as well as shift his hips a bit as he stood, giving them a bit of a wider feel. He made sure his teal painted nails were visible, gripping the blanket.*\n\n*He did his best to disguise his masculinity, but he didn't dare speak, lest his voice give anything away.*" }, { "author": "loquaciouslark", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Lenel nodded her assent at the first spearwoman's question*.\n\n\"Not one of those with me, no.\"\n\n*The latter guard, though, cocked her head to the side, with a low, though audible, snort, digging the hilt of her pike into the sands at her feet.*\n\n***\"Ei? And the bearded one as well, little Vai?\"***" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Kelle didn't know all that much about the Gerudo, so of course xey would not understand the language. Still, xey could pull from context that these seemed to be the gender descriptors that the language made use of. Kelle wondered whether they had any neutral ones.*\n\n\"Not sure what you think a 'voe' is.\"\n\n*Kelle stepped aside, in case the others didn't want to stick around. It wasn't specifically xyr intent to start trouble, but xey wouldn't have been surprised if these people lost patience with xem. Kelle had that effect on people when xey were seeking attention.*\n\n\"Is there a Hylian equivalent?\"\n\n*Kelle assumed that it was the masculine descriptor since that was people's perception of xem, but it never hurt to make sure. It could have meant just 'non woman' in which case it wasn't exactly mis-assuming. Xey gave the Gerudo as much benefit of the doubt as xey were willing to afford.*" }, { "author": "loquaciouslark", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The guard shifted her stance to one of more-relative neutrality at Kelle's questioning, pulling her gold-lined spear back to her side.*\n\n***\"Ei, those called \"men\" in your tongue. Forbidden within the walls, as is in accordance with the old tradition.\"***" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"You'll be pleased to know I'm not breaking that tradition, however ill-concieved it is,\" *Kelle replied.*\n\n*Xey used the most accurate word xey knew of to communicate this. It would have been easy to just say what xey were feeling and insult the culture, but Kelle wasn't trying to get barred from this place. Waiting out here in the chilly desert, alongside the guards was not a pleasant exerience in xyr mind. Xey'd much prefer walking around inside and revel in the stares of people who similarly mis-assumed.*\n\n\"You're wasting your time with me. The problems I imagine you think you are preventing wouldn't be originating from me even if I were.\"\n\n*Kelle was being a little high-and-mighty with xyr language, but only because xey were irked more than xey let on.*" }, { "author": "loquaciouslark", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Immediately indignant, the rightmost guardswoman huffed, striking the butt of her spear firmly against the ground below.*\n\n***\"Ai, so you insult the honor of my people! For just that I should-\"***\n\n*-But just as quickly, the other lashed back at her companion, voice full of venom.*\n\n***\"Enough, Usvali - always such a Leever-Gut. There is not a Voe among them- They tell us as much, no? They are free to pass.\"***\n\n*As she spoke, the taller guard moved her own spear from the gate, unbarring entry into the city for the party.*\n\n***\"Vasaaq, vasaaq, all of you, and Sand-Goddess bless.\"***" }, { "author": "mspaintnecoart", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Vekh couldn't believe it at first, almost tripping as he walked through the arched entryway. Panic didn't leave however, and he gripped onto Lenel's clothes a few moments after entering, his heart beat able to be felt through his palms.*\n\n\"...pl-please I need to sit down...\" *he whimpered,quietly gasping for air.*" }, { "author": "loquaciouslark", "is_bot": false, "message": "*As the huntress, too, passed through the gates, and into the embrace of the midnight-bazaar, she took a moment to observe her now-verdant surroundings. Fine-woven tapestries and rugs of every color and pattern lined the intricate tile-mosaics of the square, and tradeswomen laughed and chatted idly among each other, passing all manner of luxury Gerudo goods, from the rare gems of the Highlands, to blades and bowstrings. A smoky scent wafted through the air, interspersed with the already-present smell of desert spices- Incense, Lenel recognized, the burnt nectar of saffina and the resin of desert-trees.\n\nPalms and tropic ferns, fed by an intricate web of aquifers and flowing-fountains, bloomed in all directions across the plaza, in spite of the unforgiving conditions of the desert. To the Ordonian, to see a settlement so different from the forest-villages she knew- It was fascinating.*\n\n*But then she felt a hand grasp her tunic, and immediately was reminded some things are far more important. Wordlessly, taking Vekh's hands into her own, Lenel slipped into the relative quiet of the first alley she saw- dissapearing from the rest of her group.*" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Kelle glanced toward Selena as the others had suddenly disappeared. It was bizarre to be left alone with the kid by the other two. Xey had been under the impression that Lenel would have taken responsibility. Such was not the case. A quick glance was given to the seething woman before xey went inside and leaned against a wall, making sure that Selena followed.*\n\n“What are you doing tagging along? I don’t expect that you have some secret fondness of me. Is there an errand?”\n\n*Kelle’s annoyance still lingered and xey wanted to have a further word with the woman, but xey were wise enough to put Selena first. Xey imagined Leo would flay xem alive if the girl was left unattended to wander through the city, which might have been the case if Kelle had been halted at the door.*\n\n“You better have your own funds, if that’s the case.”" } ]
[ { "author": "loquaciouslark", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Hmm...\"\n\n*Lenel took her own glances about the courtyard, now with the leisure to take in the sand-hewn expanse of the city center. Each adobe wall, embedded with pastel paving stones, glittered in the amber torchlight, and each of the stately, thick-fronded palms that burgeoned forth from the desert earth of the square rustled in the breeze, living testament to the dominion of the city's vai over the unforgiving elements of the encricling wastes.\n\nThe same bustling stalls as before crowded in every direction- women beneath fine-woven canvases hawking out a litany of handmade wares; diadems and circlets embedded with precious shimmering stones, silken textiles, the carved horns and scales of all manner of beast, even a few gold-plated shields and scimitars- wonderous trinkets, but hardly helpful. But beneath a tarp of deep-blue fabric, a fairly large tent caught the eye of the huntress. Though the swirling Gerudo-Script text on the placard above it's awning meant little to her, below, a simple Hylian translation was crudely scribbled into the sign-*\n\n***The Gold-Shell Geldarm - General Goods and Supplies***\n\n*Visible from where Lenel stood, a variable of adventuring tools jutted out from the under the thin canvas of the Geldarm. Bombs and bowstrings, fruit and dry rations- but notably, faintly glowing in a few low, wide pots, unmistakable green and red vats of fresh-brewed potions.\n\nThe huntress pointed for the shop as soon as she caught sight of it, before placing her other hand on one of her sachels.*\n\n\"...That stall look's like it'd do. You've your own rupees, Selena, or should I cover?\"" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "*As Selena looks over to where Lenel had pointed, she smiles at the solution. She looks up to Lenel, nodding.*\n\n\"It's okay, I have money. Thank you very much!\"\n\n*With that, Selena was off on her adventure to- wait a second. She turns back to the others, pondering.*\n\n\"Wait. Is anyone else coming?\"" }, { "author": "loquaciouslark", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Lenel nodded, already starting to pace to the stall.*\n\n\"Well, at the very least I'll head along. Ought to actuslly bring some kind of supplies back with us, for the sake of the other's trouble. I'll just pack some rations to port with us the boat out to base.\"" }, { "author": "mspaintnecoart", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Vekhi grasped Lenel’s shoulder gently, holding her own wallet.*\n\n\"I hate to bother, but…do you want to take my wallet and pick some clothes for me…? Like…new me, you know what I mean..? \" *she whispered to her, blushing as she clarified.* \"Like girl clothes…?\"\n\n*Color filled her cheeks as she requested her friend to shop for her, embarrassed but somehow relieved at the same time.*" }, { "author": "loquaciouslark", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Lenel nodded once more, without hesitation- clasping the Sheikah's rupee-bag and dropping it into her own sachel- before wordlessly taking Vekhi in hand and heading off after Selena again.*" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Kelle felt like xey had missed something, or perhaps a bit more than while xey had been looking around for a shop. Suddenly, the woman and the blanket child were leading Selena away. Kelle was a little unnerved by how far away xey had gotten from xem. Perhaps xey needed to learn how to recognize their voices, rather than just block everyone out. The main downside would have meant xey would be forced to pay attention to everything these people said, whether or not xey wanted to hear it.*\n\n*Awkwardly, Kelle followed the girls shopping. Xey didn’t think it wise to separate from Selena, and wasn’t keen on making conversation with people who saw xem alone and misjudged that as an opportunity. Honestly, the most fitting place would be with Leo and Roewen, but Kelle wanted to avoid Saina. Of all of his crew, he was the most likely to talk to xem and that was where the problems started with all of the people xey disliked. At least Selena and Lenel had the sense to focus their interests elsewhere.*" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "*With the group behind her, NOW Selena is off on her mini adventure to the store Lenel had pointed out. Approaching the stand, she hops up on her tiptoes to reach the counter.*\n\n\"Hi! Do you think I can get a green potion, please?\"\n\n*The gerudo running the stand looks down at this and can't help but smile at the little winged girl at her storefront.*\n\n\"Of course, dear. But that would cost... you realize this, yes?\"\n\n\"Yeah! How much is it?\"\n\n*The girl's enthusiasm catches her off-guard a bit.*\n\n\"...Erm, seventy rupees.\"\n\n\"Okay!\"\n\n*Being just a kid, she does take a minute counting out her rupees, but sure enough - the transaction can be completed!*" }, { "author": "UnbelievaBoat", "is_bot": true, "message": "TheKrazyStew#8438\n\nYou have bought 1 Green Potion for 70! This is now in your inventory.\n\nUse this item with the `use` command." }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "*As Selena grabs the potion, she steps aside for the others to buy what they need.*\n\n\"Thank you!\"" }, { "author": "mspaintnecoart", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Vekhi sat down just outside the store, wanting the clothes to be a surprise, though wishing she could’ve at least asked for something practical as well as something showy...*\n\n*Oh well…At least the sound of flowing water had out her at ease. The vai of Gerudo Town seemingly paid her no mind; she was one of them!*" }, { "author": "loquaciouslark", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Lenel was the next to walk up to the woman behind the sand-brick counter, pulling with her one of the well-worn, empty barrels that sat at the storefront's side. Exchanging some words with the merchant that, admittedly, were hard to parse over the constant murmurings and mutterings of the city crowds, she pointed at a number of the varied goods that lined the tent-walls, and then let a solid handful of green-and-yellow gems spill from her sachel onto the counter- Lenel's own rupees, of course.\n\nThe store-woman, an older vai, her skin just starting to turn the pallid green hues that some Gerudo took on in their latter years, then took to filling the barrel with all manner of edible goods- The sweet fruits of Southeastern Hyrule- sweet green pear and palm-fruit flesh, and highland wildberry clusters carefully packed into tight-woven sacks. Bannana, ripened by the new spring wind, and orange, and lime, and red-spined voltfruit, and, though the full green-rinded bulbs were far too large to fit in the huntresses' keg, a few stray slices of nectar-rich hydromelon.\n\nThe rest was devoted to more hearty rations. The lean, cured meats of desert game-birds, and a handful of brown-speckled eggs. Hard sausages and breads, and, bound with strings, or packed into clay vials, all manner of dry herbs, salts, and tropic spices. The last of the now-packed drum is filled with a few, paper-wrapped cuts of salt-corned Sand-Seal loin- a reigonal delicacy, the dark meat striated with streaks of ivory blubber. When the barrel-top is finally closed and latched, it takes no small effort- and Lenel herself stops to test she can lift it, to carry the swollen container out to the boats. Again with no small effort on her part, it soon is proved apparent she can, if only with both hands.*\n\n\"There we are. That ought to hold us all over for some time. Now if you'll allow me to just attend to one last thing-.\"\n\n-\n\n*Saying so, Lenel put down the barrel, and wandered off to another of the market-tents to make a much more personal purchase - a small fashion-boutique, it's outer and inner canvas lined with silken textiles of every color and pattern - and dissapeared inside.*\n\n-\n\n*Coming out some moments of deliberation later, Lenel first ambled over to, and then handed off to her compatriot Vekhi both a rupee wallet- only a a bit lighter then when she waa given it- and garb that clearly was some variant of the typical vai wear.\n\nThreaded in deep navy blue, and rich violet, the dark, silken fabrics of the outfit clearly mirrored the shadowy colors common to conventional Shiekan aesthetics, if a bit more brightly. And the form of the outfit, though distinctly Gerudo in style, differentiated in a few key places- for though the upper veil retained it's typical form, the normally scant top of the costume attached directly to the sleeves and shoulders, evoking something more casual, and slightly more reminiscent of the tunics of Hyrule- though still clearly leaving more bare around the collar and abdomen than nearly all claassical Kingdom wear.\n\nThe lower half of the garment, in a similar sense, eschewed the conventional baggy sirwal for thinner, more form-fitting leggings- the excess fabric, instead, flowing down the rightmost side of the legs to the knee in something of an asymmetric half-skirt, the deep cobalt of which was certainly the most striking-colored aspect of the ensemble.\n\nThe most distinct part, however, was not the form of the vai-attire, but it's patterning. While the typical Gerudo garb featured primarily swirling symbols and shapes, embodying the fine styles of Gerudo caligraphy, this outfit, instead, was embroidered with flowers in pink, pale purple, and white, forms unmistakable to any Kakarikan Sheikah. The plum blossom- weaving and winding up and along every part of the dress, from veil to skirt. An implicit symbol of the mountainside village, and it's inhabitants. Lenel leaned close to Vekhi as she handed over the garb, half-whispering.*\n\n\"I hope it's... to your liking, Vekhi. There's a stall to dress in the tent, just due left of the entryway.\"" } ]
[ { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leos facial expression went to a blank as they approached the outskirts of the village.* “…yes I am going to wait out here because I am a Voe. You, I assume, are a Vai.” *He said like he was teaching a child something new.*\n\n*He also dwelled on her mission for a moment, thinking back when he had a similar, yet messier one.* “Are you looking for revenge? Do you wish to hunt these soldiers down and kill them? Or simply ask where they buried your brother without harm?”" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Something like that,” *she responded. It seemed like Nahla was aware of the language already, but more was trying to have an open mind about his gender than anything else. In seeing it was nothing complicated, she had no trouble moving on.*\n\n“My priority is my brother. If some of them die in the process, I will not mourn them. But no, I’d take more pleasure in showing them mercy. Im sure that would affect more. Maybe even for the better.” *She sighed for a moment, feeling it easier to loosen up as her healing was getting the boost it needed from the elixir.* “Of course, that’s the principle. Someone might have to hold me back if they’re particularly terrible.”" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo felt somewhat better about her mission, but he could still sense some form of vengeance in this. He hopped off his horse and took off his mask, letting it sink into the sand.* “I’d be careful going down this path, especially at your age. Losing someone that close to you can make you do unthinkable things.”\n\n*He speaks from experience. For five years straight he roamed hyrule murdering those who deserved it, and those who didn’t. He killed soldiers both normal and royal family as they got in his way of getting his revenge. Somewhere along the way, he lost a bit of himself that he could never get back.*\n\n“I can aid you in your mission once all this blows over. If you allow me of course.” *He said as he approached the village walls. He leaned up against it as he waits for her to enter.*" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*This time she managed to stumble off of the horse before it disappeared. Still, she’d have liked if he warned her first.*\n\n“I’m not stupid enough to burn bridges like that over this. I just… I can’t have closure without finding him. Not that I don’t hate letting child murderer’s run free. I just suspect the law would only see my misdeeds.”\n\n*Nahla examined the town’s walls as she approached. They weren’t entirely done talking, so she was hesitating to go until then.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "“True…No one like that should run free.” *He exhales before looking out in the distance, watching the sky slowly go from a fire red to black.*\n\n“Do you know who I am? Or, who I was?” *As far as Leo knows she only knows him by Leo and the dad who’s kid has been taken to the castle. He wasn’t sure if she was in this realm when he was known as Strider, amongst other names as well.*" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Not really. I mean I know what you’re wanted for. I saw your posters around, finally. Killing the king, of all things. But that doesn’t really plausible with how poorly the other plan went. I don’t really trust those posters.” *She paused for a moment,* “I suspect you’re trying to lead up to telling me, right?”\n\n*She had been born in this realm, counter to his assumptions, but she had been far from any of his doings up until recently. It was just last year, maybe a year and a half now that she’d run away on this mission. He’d likely been pardoned at the point she’d made it to castle town and thus off her radar.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*He slightly shook his head before correcting her.* “**Attempted** murder of the king. I went to speak to Gaash before everything went down and told him why I think he’s no good. He caught on to my suspicions and locked me in a cage before dropping me below the castle. Then he spread the lie that I attacked him and was going after the king next.” *He chuckled before leaning his head back against the wall.* “Should’ve saw it coming.”\n\n“Months ago I went by the name Strider. I was the most wanted man in hyrule before getting pardoned. I roamed hyrule searching for the soldiers that killed my family.” *He paused for a moment.* “I killed more than just soldiers. Anyone and anything that got in my way. Eventually I lost a part of myself and craved more. I became a bounty hunter and took up anything that paid the most.” *Stashed deep in his coat was his original wanted poster. It depicted him wearing essentially the same clothes as he is now, but his mouth was hidden my a mask and his face looked more stern and vicious.*\n\n“For Five years I hunted those soldiers. Until one day I found their captain. I killed him without hesitation. After that, I wanted more. If it wasn’t for a witch I met around that time and selected individuals I would still be hungry for more.” *It was because of his shadow, Percy, Sol, and others that he was no longer the monster is was then. But part of him is afraid it would return one day.* “Bottom line is, if you’re going to search for your brothers remains and those soldiers, be careful. Don’t go down the same path as I did.”" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "*What Leo said he did sounded very very stupid of him. But she let him live without her emphasizing it. He probably already knew well enough the the worthlessness of it from yeh consequences he’d suffered.*\n\n*As for everything else. Well, she had a hard time truly registering the weight of all of it, having not been there. It was easy to disregard it all. But she still gave him reassurances that she wouldn’t follow in those sorts of acts. Whether it was genuine or not was hard to tell from words alone, but the irked tone with which she spoke might have informed him that she was bothered by his lack of trust in her character.*\n\n“I don’t intend to do that kind of shit. For one, my whole family isn’t dead. I have people to live for who I’d lose the respect of. But also, I’m not the sort who enjoys seeing dead people. Not if I can help it. I’ve already seen one too many.”" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo nods at the reassurance of Nahla not making the same mistake he did.* “Good…Having something to lose helps someone make the right decision.” *He then glances in her direction.* “I didn’t then, now I do.”\n\n*After a moment Leo’s shadow popped back out for a moment.* “`I miss those time. Inflicting fear in peoples hearts. Hunting down bounties. Making our victims know there’s nowhere in hyrule they could hide from us. Good times.`” *Leo scoffed at the shadow before only facing Nahla.* “Once you’re a bounty hunter, the thrill of the hunt is what keeps you going. Even to this day it still does. That’s the only thing that’s stuck with me.”\n\n“`Money was good then too. Everyone in Hyrule knew who we were and what we were capable of. No bounty we couldn’t do.`” *Of course there were more than just people bounties. There were the occasional monster one as well as search & rescue ones. Leo didn’t even want to mention his times in the brotherhood.* “…I definitely didn’t have any money issues then.”" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"I suppose it's lucky that I never really put my heart into bounty hunting,\" *Nahla said, giving as little attention as she could manage to the shadow.* \"Otherwise I'd have more than ten rupees in my pocket.\"\n\n*Clearly that was not the consequence that was to be worried about, and she was joking. But they were wasting time. She looked toward the town, again, then toward the gate. She took a few steps toward them before pausing.*\n\n\"What's the plan if they don't have it in stock? I'd prefer not to be burned to a crisp, but I doubt it would be all that fun for you either,\" *she observed.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The shadow chuckled a bit before disappearing back into the blade. Leo exhales slowly after hearing this new issue.* “I- don’t know. We don’t have time to run all over hyrule for shops that have them. Besides they’ll all be closed soon.”\n\n*He rubbed his face a bit before breathing deeply.* “What do you suggest?”" }, { "author": "twilitprince", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Well, I was asking you for a reason,” *Nahla responded.* “The only thing I can suggest is that I accompany someone else on another task, or stick in someone’s shadow the whole time and be useless. Not particularly ideal.”\n\n*She sighed, looking towards the town.* “I’ll…stop wasting time and go check, at the very least. Don’t get too lonely without me.”\n\n*Nahla made her way toward the entrance of the town. She didn’t expect too much resistance from the guards, but she kept a wary eye toward them anyway. Never hurt to be just a little paranoid about things.*" } ]
[ { "author": "takithecat", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Gracie, taking a break from playing on her flute, is chilling in the lower deck and reading a book to hopefully learn more spells she can play on her flute. No luck so far, but she’s a determined bird and will look through all the books she can.*" }, { "author": "tuls.", "is_bot": false, "message": "*As Plumeria entered the lower deck, she found Saina’s right hand bird sitting, with a book in her hand.\n\nPlumeria having her hand on the entrance of the door looked over at Gracie.* “Greetings. Here to learn some spells as well? “ *She questioned, walking over to the Rito, she sat down next to her, looking over at all the books ahead of them.* “Ah, wonderful. One of these should have what I’m looking for... “ *She murmured, reaching towards one of the spell books in the pile.*" }, { "author": "takithecat", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Oh, hello there. Yes, I am. It’s hard though, not many spells can be used by song, and since my conduit is a flute...well, you know.” *Gracie put her book down and walked over to the newest recruit with a studious look in her eyes.* “What sort of spells are you looking for? It could be dangerous practising alone, you know.”" }, { "author": "tuls.", "is_bot": false, "message": "*As she grabbed a book and begun flipping through pages, skimming through, she replied to Gracie.* “Have you not seen any spells that may, say, boost your ally’s attacks, speed... defence— you know, like a supporter? “ *She asked, humming, she listened to Gracie again. Sighing, she lowered the book, looking up at Gracie with her crimson eyes.* “I am looking for a spell to assume the identity of others. “ *She explained, glancing back down at the spell book, she looked back at Gracie.* “Imagine the possibilities. Assume the identity of an enemy— turn their allies against them! “ *She grinned with a tint of malice shining in her eyes.* “What fun that would be! Wouldn’t you agree? “*She asked with a snicker.* “And, I could possibly pull some pranks off with something like that...~ “ *Plumeria’s grin then turned into a wicked smirk. Returning her gaze back to the book, she continued to flip through the pages.* “I could imagine the reactions I would get here though, would I to pull such pranks off— being the newest recruit and all. “ *She ran a hand through her hair, now paying attention to the book.\n\nThe next page that she flipped through was all about assuming new identities; either it be creating a new identity from scratch, or copycatting others—\n\nWhich immediately got her interest.\n\nHer eyes, darting from side to side, reading the spell, the costs, the process and the risks. Plumeria slowly got up.* “Why, this certainly is interesting. “ *She thought aloud. Book in hand, she turned to Gracie.* “May you be my observer? There’s no mirrors down here, and I would genuinely like your opinion on the spell I want to attempt using. “\n\n*The Sheikah then looked to the side.* “...The risks too are quite large. I could possibly injure myself internally with the first couple of uses, or lose my breath, resulting in unconsciousness— “ *She frowned, but then shook her head, looking determined, she looked back at Gracie.* “Albeit the positives outweigh the negatives... “\n\n*Plumeria then continued.* “I am willing to take the risks. “" }, { "author": "takithecat", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Personally, I’m like the supporter of the group myself. However, my support is much different from your idea- instead, I can change the weather at will with my flute. I’m still learning though so I haven’t picked up all the spells for it just yet...” *She took a couple steps back from Plumeria and tilted her head.* “I guess I could watch and give out opinions on your successes. However, right now I have no ability to heal so the most I could do if anything bad happens is bring you to a safe place, alright?”" }, { "author": "tuls.", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Plumeria nodded in response.* “Yes, yes, that is fine. We demons are quite resilient. “ *Holding her conduit book in her other hand, she thought about who she should assume the identity of first.* “Hmmmm... “ *She then looked up at Gracie.* “Any suggestions? “" }, { "author": "takithecat", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Considering I’m here, why not try to copy my appearance?” *She brought a wing up to her chin as she thought about it.* “If you could, I wonder if you would be able to fly too...”" }, { "author": "tuls.", "is_bot": false, "message": "*At her suggestion, Plumeria’s eyes widened.* “Oh! That would be cool! Hmmm... let me try that! “\n\n*Reading the spell again and the process, she closed her eyes, taking a deep breath.\n\nMentally picturing Gracie, her voice, echoing in her head, and imagining being as light wait as a Rito... the spell begun to work it’s magic.\n\nBeing someone who depended on magic for fighting, the first times would be much easier than those who know little of magic or magic theory.\n\nShaping and shifting form, the Sheikah was enshrouded by a black fog, hiding herself.\n\nBut as quickly as the black fog came, it slowly disappeared, and what was left was Thrasir—\n\nWho, while looking like Gracie physically, her color palette was different. Having pinks, purples and whites and red eyes, Thrasir spoke.* “So...- “\n\n*Her voice, as well, while sounding like Gracies, had a big difference, still having a mix of her original form’s voice, having a slight echo and toughness to it.\n\nHearing her own voice, it somewhat alarmed her.\n\nEyes widening, she looked down at where her hands would be, instead, finding wings, but a different color.\n\nSquinting, she then looked at Gracie.* “So... do I at least look like you in some way? “ *She questioned, hoping that would be the case.*\n\n[[USE: 15% MM: 55%]]" }, { "author": "takithecat", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Well, at least you can copy body shape and race. That might actually be beneficial- not for sabotage, but for escaping the law. If you can look like someone but not identical to them, you could hide in plain sight! Though the voice could use some work...”\n\n*She continued on.* “...Also, I’m probably not a good candidate, to be honest. My feather pattern is a bit unique, looking a bit like an owl or leopard print. That could have had an effect on this, you know?”" }, { "author": "tuls.", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Putting her wing with her conduit book up to her beak, Thrasir thought.* “That IS true. “She sighed. “Well, all spells will require great use before perfection, so... “ *Looking down at the other book in her other wing, she lowered her one wing.* “It says this spell can stay, except I cannot use my own spells. “ *She looked a bit upset at that.* “What a pain. I suppose I will need to learn physical combat then. “ *She groaned, but shook her head.* “Never mind that! Being a Rito now... “ *Looking back at Gracie, her eyes gleamed with excitement.* “Teach me how to fly! If it’s possible! “ *She begun to act like a little kid.* “That would be amazing if I could— this spell would most definitely be beneficial then! “ *The copycat Rito smiled.*\n\nWhy am I thinking of them as being animal crossing character rn" }, { "author": "takithecat", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Gracie smiles at the suggestion but it quickly turned into a small frown.* “I don’t know how to teach it with words...you’ll have to learn from example and just try and try again. That’s how most of us learn it, anyway. With that being said...”\n\n*Gracie spread her wings out and crouched down, then jumped up and flapped her wings to propel herself up to the roof of the lower deck and stays up there, constantly flapping her wings to not fall.* “Try it!”" }, { "author": "tuls.", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Looking up at Gracie, going to the roof of the lower deck, she stared, blinking.\n\nWell, at least it wasn’t full blown going outside and flying suddenly.\n\nHuffing, Thrasir nodded.* “Mmmm’kay. I’ll try. “\n\n*Mimicking the Rito before her, she crouched down, her wings, spread out, she sighed, thinking to herself.*\n\n{Am I really going to be successful with this? I’m not exactly someone who’s physical...}\n\n*The demon doubted herself, but continued anyways.\n\nJumping up and flapping her wings, the demon was able to hover a little bit off ground for a tiny amount of time, before she landed back down on the ground.\n\nSquinting as she looked back at Gracie, the demon repeatedly attempted to propel herself up.\n\nWhile she was able to get a bit higher every time, she kept falling to the ground, the last time she tried, she landed on her rear, which immediately casted off the spell.\n\nThe black fog quickly returned, enveloped the demon and returned her to her Sheikah form.\n\nHuffing and puffing and also rubbing her lower back, she complained.* “O “ *Picking her books up and slowly standing up, she looked up at Gracie again.* “Flying sure requires a lot of stamina and physical labor... I think it will be some time before I can master that. “" }, { "author": "takithecat", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Probably, but good shot at trying! It’s especially hard when your arms are your wings too, I know that from experience.” *The Rito flew down and gently hovered above the ground before laying her talons down and putting her feet on the ground.* “I think you could do it if we gave it a few more shots. Though in moderation, of course, not all in one session.”" }, { "author": "tuls.", "is_bot": false, "message": "“I suppose so. “ *Plumeria nodded, thinking about who to copy next.\n\nPlacing a finger up to her chin and tapping, the Sheikah hummed.* “So, any other requests? “ *She asked, tilting her head.*" }, { "author": "takithecat", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Not particularly, since the others are busy. If you want, we could probably just hang out and talk though! It’s always a pleasure to learn more about the crew. After all, if we’re better friends, the better we can work together at critical points.”" }, { "author": "tuls.", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Nodding, Plumeria smiled.* “That sounds lovely. Would you like to head to a different location to chat, or to stay here? “ *She suggested.*" }, { "author": "takithecat", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Might as well stay here. And I’m glad you agree! The others aren’t very talkative and...don’t tell him I said this, but Sai is a bit, umm...self-centered. Makes it hard to talk to him without complimenting everything he does. I do still like him though...” *Gracie pulls up a seat to the table where she was reading before Plumeria came in.*" }, { "author": "tuls.", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Plumeria nodded.* “Right. I do agree, in a sense. The vibes I have gotten off him most definitely gave that away, even from the short speakings I’ve just had with him. “ *Walking over to the chair Plumeria was sitting in before attempting the spell, she sat down on it and scooted up to the table.\n\nPlacing the two books to the side, but making sure her conduit was in reach, Plumeria looked over at Gracie.* “So, is there anything you would like to learn of me? “ *She hummed softly.*" }, { "author": "takithecat", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Actually, yes. Where do you come from? I’ve never seen anything like your true self before. I’m honestly quite interested about it!”" }, { "author": "tuls.", "is_bot": false, "message": "*As she asked where she came from, the demon thought about it.\n\nIt was an incredibly long time ago, and her mind had been foggy since then.\n\nRecalling her memories, the Sheikah had a hand through her hair, her elbow, resting on the table, Plumeria stared ahead.* “I come from a small village on the border of Hyrule, a long, long time ago. Possibly two hundred years or more. Time flies when you’re practically an immortal.\n\nThe village was named Akaraki, however, you wouldn’t find the village in any history books, or it mentioned anywheres; it was wiped off the face of the Earth. I; being the only living being with such knowledge of the place. “ *She looked down at her lap, sinking down in the chair.* “One day, I rose from the ground. Being a late arriver of said demons, I was young and didn’t know a thing of the world. Weak, without hope.\n\nI stumbled upon Akaraki, the people were nice. While most Hyruleans feared demons; the small village was accepting of me. They treated me like one of their own— the village, mainly being of Sheikahs, taught me of their way, the magic they use, their beliefs, their culture.\n\nI felt like I was one of them— a Sheikah, myself. “\n\n*She then placed her head on the table.* “However, one day, a gang of pillagers, thieves, rapists, killers— they came, they burned our village down— everyone died, except for I. I was too weak. “\n\n*Plumeria’s form begun to fade out, until she was back to her original form; Thrasir.\n\nThrasir’s horns were incredibly large with rough, spiked ends on the inside. The tips of her horns, a vivid pink hue.* “I went to Hyrule Castle. Albeit my injuries. I inquired to the crown about helping our poor village, find those who inflicted chaos and heartbreak to the village; but I was turned away. “ *Lifting her head up, Thrasir’s blank white eyes stared through Gracie.* “Hyruleans living in peace with demons? How absurd! How unheard of! Demons are only evil. They only care about conquering and bringing an end to the Hyruleans. “" }, { "author": "takithecat", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Without the ability to utter a single word after hearing her story, Gracie simply moved over to Thrasir and hugged her.* “I’m sorry for your loss and how they treated you...I lost my mother to the crown, so I know how much it can hurt to have what appears to be a good force turn evil towards you...”" }, { "author": "tuls.", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Thrasir then looked away, her body, begun to tremble as Gracie hugged her.*\n\n“...I was casted away like a poor man. They didn’t care for my fallen friends, family, they didn’t care about I; a demon who chose to go out of bounds from the personality of others like I. “\n\n*Thrasir’s voice immediately changed.*\n\n“T̵͒̉h̴̄́e̶̎̈́ÿ̵̉ ̷̓͂ö̵̽n̶̄̔l̴͌̕ÿ̶͖ ̶̎̋c̶͋́ä̴́́r̸̀̀e̷͂͐ ̴͋͝ǎ̶̚b̶̎͝ò̵̅ǘ̴̈́t̴̄͘ ̷̌̾P̷̽̎O̴̿̏W̸̐̊E̷̍̍R̵̐̔.̸̔̈ “" }, { "author": "takithecat", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Gracie, despite being a bit more scared of her now, stood her ground and kept the hug up.* “Hey, calm down...The Dai Lai is all in this together. All of us will get our revenge. We’ll get it very soon, I promise. And listen to me here, ok? I will be here for you just as much as I am for the others. I’ll keep your secrets safe and I’ll be here to comfort you whenever you need it.” *She gave Thrasir a warm smile before finally letting go of the hug.*" }, { "author": "tuls.", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Thrasir sat there, in a world of negativity, her mind, warped. As she looked back at Gracie, these white lines were coming out of her eyes and down her face, most likely; tears.*\n\n*Her voice, now almost back to normal, still had the harsh roughness and echo to it.*\n\n“C̷a̷n̴ ̴I̵ ̸t̶o̷r̶t̴u̴r̸e̸ ̴t̶h̸e̸ ̴K̶i̴n̵g̴ ̵w̴h̷e̸n̴ ̷w̸e̴ ̸g̷e̷t̷ ̶r̶e̸v̴e̶n̶g̵e̷?̵ “\n\n*She asked, looking extremely upset about remembering her broken past.*" }, { "author": "takithecat", "is_bot": false, "message": "“I believe Saina likes to let his victims feel pain before they die, so yes. Yes you can.”" }, { "author": "tuls.", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Thrasir slumped into the chair even more. The demon’s horns begun to shrink in size, but the spikes on the inside stayed. Her voice as well, returned to normal.*\n\n“Good. “ *She took a breather, the white tears, still streaming down her face.*\n\n*Wiping the tears away, Thrasir looked at Gracie.* “I’m sorry for letting my emotions get ahead of me. I haven’t fully healed from my troubled past. “" }, { "author": "MEE6", "is_bot": true, "message": "**Dun dun dun duuun!** @tuls. Has been blessed by Hylia and advanced to level 14!" }, { "author": "takithecat", "is_bot": false, "message": "“It’s completely fine! Like I said, I’ll be here for you. Whether you want to get something off your chest or you need a shoulder to cry on, I’m here to lend it. And, to be honest, I’m probably the only one in the group who’s compassionate enough to do that...”" }, { "author": "tuls.", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The demon sighed, as she rested her head on the table again.*\n\n“At least there’s someone here with some humanity. “ *As the demon closed her eyes, she huffed.* “Anything else? “" }, { "author": "takithecat", "is_bot": false, "message": "“No, that’s all. Let me know if you ever need a hug or someone to listen as you blow off some steam. I’m happy to help.”" }, { "author": "tuls.", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Thrasir thought about what she wanted to ask Gracie.\n\nLifting herself up and opening her eyes, she looked over at her.* “Mind telling me your life story? “ *She asked, then explained a bit more.* “How you’ve come to hate the crown, what you did when you realized your hatred towards them— how you met the Dai Lai. It isn’t every day to see a Rito in a group like this. Your kind are known to be peaceful. “*She chuckled lightly.*" }, { "author": "takithecat", "is_bot": false, "message": "“And I think I live up to that stereotype!” *The bird giggled at the comment before moving on to the question.* “While I was growing up in Rito village, my mom and dad divorced. Mom took me to live with her in Hyrule Ridge, near the Thundra Plateau. The place there is always storming, so I grew up to do what many other Rito cannot- fly in stormy weather without a problem. When I was around 12, I had finally found the first song I could play on my flute- the Song of Storms. Ya might have heard about it from one of the legends! Anyway, I went back to show my mom what I could do but found out she had been killed by the royal guard while trying to protect our home. From that day forward I vowed to take the royal guard out to avenge her. A few months ago, Strider approached me and invited me in here. I’ve been with the Dai Lai ever since.”" }, { "author": "tuls.", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Nodding at Gracie’s story, the demon seemed to frown.*\n\n“I’m sorry for your loss. I’m glad you’ve found a purpose here though. “\n\n*Her mentioning the Song of Storms, Thrasir’s eyes gleamed.* “Oh! I really like that song. Such a beautiful melody. “" }, { "author": "takithecat", "is_bot": false, "message": "“I would play it, but it drains me a lot and...well, I don’t wanna cause a massive sandstorm and give our location away.”" }, { "author": "tuls.", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Thrasir laughed at that.* “My, that would be bad. “*She shook her head.* “Perhaps another time. “\n\n*Slowly standing up, Thrasir stretched.* “It was nice talking to you, Gracie. I believe we will become quick friends. “ *She continued to smile.* “I believe it’s time to sleep, though. You two had me quite drained, making me run through all that sand, tsk tsk! “ *She shook her head playfully. She then grabbed her conduit book off of the table quickly.*" }, { "author": "takithecat", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Gracie chuckles and stood up too.* “I do believe we’ll make good friends. Remember that I’m always here if you need anything or anyone to talk to! Now, sleep well, ok? Don’t want you to be slouchy during a battle.” *Gracie smirked at her comment and flew up to her perch on the highest floor of the base, settling in her nest to sleep.*" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Saina sat near the glyphs for a while. It seemed he was just lost in thought staring at their haze. It seemed he had stayed up longer than he usually does. His eyes grew a bit baggy and his yawns became ever heavier. Only the far hearings of thunder was what his ears could hear.* {No wonder Lady Umbra has so much trouble planning. These relics are so hard to figure out. Almost as if taunting us with so many in our grasp but not al. But as long as they are in our hands we’ll forever have a stake to play in hyrule} *he tapped his cheek*" }, { "author": "tuls.", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Thrasir only shook her head at her comment and chuckled.* “Oh, I most certainly will not! Have a good sleep as well Gracie, and again. Thank you. “ *Nodding, she watched her fly off, and that’s when Thrasir begun heading to her room.\n\nAlong the way though, passing the Bokoblin room, but spotting Saina there, she backed up, looking back at him.* “You should get some sleep, Saina, sir. It’s not wise to stay up late in the night. Predawn is already amongst us. “*She spoke with concern, her eyes looking down at the relics he was holding, deciding not to comment on them.*" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Saina’s eyes flickered before turning to see the new recruit address him. He had never been called sir before it was quite a nice change. Almost as if he was some noble man but that’s just one of the perks of being high rank he supposed* “Hmm? Oh yes sleep... I really shouldn’t be wearing out my body and beautiful face” *he gave a tired laugh and leaned back in his chair* “yes yes, no need to worry about me Plumeria. I should be getting some rest in no time. “ *he slowly stood up and stretched while he brought the glyphs with him towards his room*" }, { "author": "tuls.", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Her tail gently swayed from side to side, her eyes following him as he past her, heading towards his room.* “Have a good sleep. I look forward to working with you all tomorrow. “\n\n*Then, when he was gone, she headed to her own room.\n\nGetting inside and closing the door behind her, the demon moved to her nightstand, placing her book there.\n\nThen, moving to her bed, sitting down, she begun to unwind.*" } ]
[ { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Saina had been slightly dozed off on the blubber of his seal. That was till he heard the distant sound of waves and Jimmy start to bark. He looked up and adjusted his glasses with a glint from a torch light coming through.* {seems we have visitors already. They don’t look like the type that odd automaton would send or gerudo soldiers. Perhaps they were just explorers or adventures, either way it’s just bad news. Let’s just hope they won’t get their nose into what they’re not supposed to}\n\n*he moved up a lock of hair from his forehead and waved with a big grin. He was still sitting but slowly stood up. He looked rather ordinary though. His clothes of the day were just plain his tight white shirt and black trousers. He took a second to yawn and stretch making sure to keep his cool for the time being* “Yes, simply stay right here near the entrance and we’ll see what we can help you with. I warn you though our shelter is quite full, but we’d like to help anyway we can” *his arms gracefully rose till he moved them down to his chest horizontally and did a small bow with his legs crossed. In the midst of this though his seal looked quite uneasy growling eerily and shaking a bit*" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"So we are not the first. What course of action are we to take now?\" _Thalia asked, careful to withhold her question until it was only the boat passengers that were able to hear her words. She may had been quite silent for the entire ride, she had been making careful observations of her surroundings, noting key landmarks and the interaction between Lord Gaash and this unfamiliar. Their own pink vibrant hair reminded her a bit of her own, brushing it past her ear as she thought further._\n\n{Well, I don't think they're Gerudo Pirates... Though the way he answered suggested this is not but a ruin to pick apart for relics.}\n\n{But who would live all the way out here? Gerudo Town is probably a much simpler solution, and less dangerous...}\n\n_She had been anticipating a barrier to gaining this fabled artifact, be it guarded by malice or obstructed by nature, but she wasn't entirely certain how they- as a collective- would decide to handle this situation of other adventurers. Should they simply use brute force to find what they are looking for? Or is deception the key to success? Thalia knew what she would do on her own, but the party she had found herself in forced her to take account of the majority._" }, { "author": "ace_stargale", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Quovien glances towards Thalia, keeping his voice similarly low.* “A good question. I believe we should keep quiet for now. Ask questions, gather information, avoid conflict.” *He gestures to their group.* “Goodwill is the key. Even if their goals and ours do not align, we must ensure that we do not anger them, and thus burn any bridges before they can be built. This must be a relatively recently established group, else I’ve no doubt at least one of us would have heard of a group making their home here of all places.”" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Your hospitality is admirable,\" *Gaash set foot on the rocky shore, striding toward their host and stopping several feet in front of him.*\n\n{This appearance... how curiously familiar...} *The lord bowed deeply to Saina. Contemplation of his person's identity would need to come later.*\n\n\"We four are travelers come to this isle in search of treasure shards, perhaps word of their nature has reached even this, most distant corner of the world: The glyphs.\" *He spoke carefully and deliberately, never taking his eyes off Saina and standing still as a statue. All that moved was his hair and cloak in the wind.*" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Saina put his hands behind his back and tilted his head. It was hard to see the others behind this mountain of a masked figure. He put a finger to his lip and acted confused and curious* “oh a hardy bunch of travelers happening upon our humble abode in search of treasure” Jimmy the sand seal awkwardly flopped to the side of Saina’s leg and let out a snort to Gaash whilst shaking his head. Almost like a sneeze, but Saina soon enough eagerly petted through the seal’s scruff “Oh don’t mind Jimmy he’s a bit wary of new people. We don’t often get visitors in these parts” *he chuckled happily before cutting it off after not too long* “Oh yes Glyphs! We’ve heard quite a lot about those we even have one!” *He smirked and his foot rotated playfully along the floor* “We’re actually researching them as we speak, but...” *he shuddered a bit and feigned fright but none the less convincingly leaned back while Jimmy wrapped towards the front of him* “Y-you don’t plan on barging through our home to take them do you? I’m sorry if I’m being a bit too wary but the usual visitors are bandits and pirates” *he gulped whilst rubbing his cheeks nervously*" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "*As Selena finishes off the radishes, she peers over the edge of the ship to watch Saina as she talks, holding the harp close again as she hops off and flutters down. She smiles a bit at the seal, before it fades at the mention of stealing the glyph, and of bandits and pirates. They weren't REALLY planning on stealing, right? That wasn't what she got from the whole \"treasure hunting\" bit she had been told earlier.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Aftera while strider finally got done washing himself. He leaves the room with some clean clothes on, but immediately freezes a bit as he feels a disturbance. He slowly glances at the entrance as he made his way towards the main room, hearing Saina talking. We had visitors, and he wanted to see who. He slips on his gear and trench coat, rolling up the sleeves as he walks. He slips both blades in his back and made his way outside standing at the door entrance*\n\n\"What's all this about Saina?\"" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "_Thalia was only really half paying attention to the details Quovien outlined as she departed from the sand vessel, stepping onto the stable bank land were the mighty stronghold was built on. She wrapped her hands around her front as she continued to marvel at the tall structure, trying to shield herself from the cool nights the desert were known for. She wasn't freezing- it would be embarrassing for an Ice Mage to succumb to the biting weather- though she couldn't deny how the Gerudo attire was designed to cope with the day, not night._\n\n\"Oh, hello!\" _She said as her eyes drifted downwards towards the seal at Saina's side, her eyes lighting up as she crouched to the ground to meet it at eye level, giggling softly though still maintaining her distance. She had surfed the sands on these animals before, though she wasn't guaranteed her safety if she approached. It would have to warm up to her, she figures._ \"Aren't you... _Large_. Haha~\" _She continued to laughed, as if she could communicate with it directly._\n\n{It's amazing how they can survive in such harsh environment. The capabilities of the fauna in this kingdom is quite the spectacle.}\n\n{Like Winterwing Butterflies. Those are Astelle's favourites... I remember, it's when we first went Seal Surfing here in Gerudo.}" }, { "author": "ace_stargale", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Quovien glances towards the newcomer, but keeps his mouth shut. {{Ah. So they already have Glyphs. Presumably they’re the owners of the one... or ones? The Glyphs that the compass pointed us to. Best to keep it civil, then.}} Stepping out of the boat, Quovien smiles gently.* “No, no pirates here- we’re merely adventurers looking for treasure. I could never imagine being a pirate, quite frankly- as enjoyable as the open ocean can be, spending more than a month on a boat would drive me insane. I suppose I’m too much of a land-lover,” *he chuckles.*" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Gaash nodded solemnly in affirmation of Quovien's response. The sand seal went quite ignored.*\n\n\"Our search for these artifacts is belabored by no threats of violence should Nayru deem it avoidable,\" *Gaash said, resting a hand over his chest.*\n\n\"However, I think it prudent that the potential of these glyphs be impressed, and the urgency of their acquisition acknowledged.\"\n\n*Gaash withdrew his hand. His eyes flicked to Strider as he exited the fort, but the pale mask did not move.*\n\n{That coat, the crimson gaze, and gruff tones... Rose hair, 'Saina' and 'Sai'... all confined within the desert's farthest sprawl... Ah, the machinations of the divine have been made clear at last! Our earthen encounter was not devoid of meaning as I so hypothesized... But to wager my hand so swiftly? I think not...}\n\n*Gaash bowed to Strider in gracious greeting, and addressed Saina.*\n\n\"Ah, how splendid to meet the 'We' you spoke of.\" *His attention turned to Strider.*\n\n\"Our merry traveling troupe was just explaining our purpose for the intrusion: We are seeking the treasures known as glyphs, and we have been made privy to a hiding spot upon your islet.\"" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "_Thalia stood back up after having her little moment, clearing her throat softly before finally joining in on the conversation. She noted now how there were now two strangers at the entrance to this fortress, though she didn't pay it much mind at first._\n\n\"Apologies for that; but yes, that is correct. We have arrived here on good terms- these weapons are but for self defence.\" _She added on, helping to bolster Gaash's words of peace should violence not be needed. Making friends was far simpler that creating enemies, after all. Why trouble yourself with self-inflicted hardship?_\n\n_Thalia's eyes rested upon both Saina and Strider who stood near the door of this grand stone structure, inspecting the pair carefully. She attempted to gauge their strength via the magical resonance of her pendant, but the high number of others targets interfered with it's abilities. Sure, it's vibrancy rose, but that hardly tells much of anything. However this was not entirely fruitless, because as she inspected them for anything visually striking, she felt as if she had seen this man 'Strider' before despite having no recollection of meeting prior._\n\n{He seems so familiar, but I don't remember why...}\n\n{``Perhaps it is because your mind is filled with frivolous memories. Your mind should only house what is useful.``}\n\n{Maybe I'll try to talk to him later, see what's up. Maybe I had met him before somewhere, like how Selena was also in those abyssal depths.}\n\n\"May we enter inside? This wind is rather _chilly._ I am equipped more to deal with the heat, so I'm rather uncomfortable at the moment.\" _Thalia requested, laughing softy in half-embarrassment. The night of the desert was only really beginning to set into her after the sun had long faded away._\n\n\"Then perhaps we could speak further? And to properly introduce ourselves, might I add.\"" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*strider slipped his hands in his pockets hearing what Gaash said*\n\n{Great...another group accidentally stubbling upon us looking for the glyphs...wait.}\n\n*He stares at Gaash for a good bit and begins to talk closer*\n\n{His energy, feels familiar. But I've never met this thing before}\n\n\"What did you say your name was?\"\n\n*He looks up at Gaash*" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Selena simply decides to let the adults talk this one out. Last time she said someone's name, after all, she could FEEL the tension in the group raise. She takes a step back, clutching her harp a bit nervously, as if to give them the spotlight so to speak.*" } ]
[ { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Saina tapped his finger on the rugged table a bit annoyed with their gaul to not sit down like he asked. This was interrupted soon enough by Gracie. He would be lying if he thought having her so close by and putting her in danger didn’t make him nervous. But he would hide those feelings and simply gently push her wing down and calm her* “now then there’s no need to take this to violence. Our guests seem to be feeling a little tension already. Just take a breather” *he patted her and pointed for her to back up slightly*\n\n*his heart shaped glasses gave him in odd demeanor in this darkness. For some it must’ve been odd to see the reflections of flames in cute hearts. Saina though merely began to lean back with out a care in the world* “don’t you all know it’s rude to stand near the dining table? Please do sit everyone lest you hurt my feelings.” *he did a small frown and rested his head on his hand* “you all may just call me Sai.” *He then looked towards Gaash he was quite the odd one out in the group. Most of them look like they’ve barely hurt a fly. Yet they do carry weapons and have made it this far. Perhaps this thing has given them powers or something of the sort?* “Yes, the glyphs are quite an interesting thing. But I’ve never seen anyone who knows where to go to find them? Now how did you do that? We got a glyph from heroic tasks, but you all seem to find them through people? Are you even worthy of these treasures? My poor friends have had to risk life and limb whilst you seek to simply grab some through some talking? Please tell us what makes you all worthy of a glyph?” *he tapped his cheek in a sorrowful manner*" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Apologies, I just find it a bit _unnerving_ when there’s blood on the ground and that you have pacified monsters for whatever reason. It surely is an uncommon practice, both for its required skill and it’s social acceptance.” _Thalia spout, quite annoyed on how innocent this Sai seemed to be speaking. This certainly was not a normal in any capacity and the excessive questioning did not help._\n\n“You question us as if we are going to take this “Glyph” from you, yet we have already declared our wish to avoid bloodshed. If you want to talk about being _rude_, then making accusations against others is quite hurtful.”\n\n_They had already established that they are not pirates, but perhaps this was the opposite way around. They may not be Gerudo, but more she thought about it, the more it made sense: Monsters, blood, the continuous questions and the twitch for violence. Not to mention a clear “treasure” they hope to guard, all out and far away from any other settlement in the kingdom._\n\n“Perhaps we should leave, my Lord- It does not appear that these people are willing to cooperate with us to stop these monstrous tyrants.” _She suggests to Gaash, cringing lightly at the thought of anyone being her superior. Though what she had followed up with was almost nonsense to her. She was merely building off of what Quovien had claimed, something that she wasn’t in on. Still, she was ever so careful with her words, ensuring she wasn’t feeding anymore information than they had already leaked out._\n\n{I had thought these Gylphs and Five Kings are but two different mysteries, but what Quovien words suggests they are linked together.}\n\n{Are these Kings too also trying to seek out this treasure? Or will the power the Glyphs provide assist in their demise?}" }, { "author": "ace_stargale", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Quovien nods, having come to the same conclusion as Thalia.* “I am of a similar mind to Lady Willow, Lord Gaash. I would not wish to impose our presence any longer upon these good people.” {Seems like we’ll have to forego getting any Glyph that might be here for now. Maybe I’ll come back at some point. With backup. Preferably several professionally-trained squads’ worth of backup.}" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Ah, and here I must decline your hospitality,\" *Gaash shook his head sorrowfully at Saina's request.*\n\n\"The duration of the voyage saw our band firmly within seats. I should much enjoy the opportunity to allow my limbs freedom.\"\n\n\"I too must accredit the Lady Willow for communicating our position plainly; Our fascination with these glyphs are no greater than what is known. It is a mystery, an uncertainty. A phenomena the land quite lacks, yes?\" *Gaash gestured to Thalia as he spoke.*\n\n\"Your suspicion is not unwarranted, this is true! Our prowess at detecting artifacts as these is unusual. We are most aware. Yet, we do not proclaim to be of higher standing: Puzzles are split to be solved, and we would only wish to piece them together.\"\n\n*Gaash bowed his head to Saina, Gracie, and Strider and straightened up.*\n\n\"Is this a goal the Dai Lai objects to?\"\n\n---\n\n*The red star still shined outside, brighter than the others. But... it had moved?*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Strider raises a brow and pushes himself off the wall*\n\n\"How the hell do you know that name?\"\n\n*He slowly starts to approach the table and puts his hands on it, leaning forward*\n\n\"You remind me of someone. Someone else also came to us in search of the glyphs, except this kid looked nothing like you, but his aura his...energy felt almost the same.\"\n\n*He then begins to walk around a bit*\n\n\"Not too long ago I met a woman, she claims to be the adoptive mother of a boy name Wayne, claiming that after an accident he wasn't the same. I havn't seen her since. Then not too long ago I met the boy twice. The last time I met him he was after the exact same thing you are. Him and his group. It's just a hunch, but you and him have very similar energy.\"\n\n*He crosses his arms and stares at Gaash*\n\n\"I'm sure you wouldn't know anything about all this do you? \"Wayne\"?\n\n*He then leans back on the table directly across from Gaash staring dead at him*" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Saina would be lying if he thought the tension rising didn’t make his heart beat like a wild gerudo drummer. His pupils dilated and went out and back into focus repeatedly as he let out one large breath. He slowly started into a snicker which evolved into a giggle more and more it became louder until it was a deep laugh from his core. He then put his hand down on the table a bit roughly while the gold sheen slowly began to go off and on in his body* “My oh my Lord Gaash or Wayne whatever you like to be called” he shrugged and looked to strider when he announced it before glaring at Quovien and Thalia* “you have quite the unruly subjects unlike your pleasant interaction they are not so well behaved. I hardly think Ms willow deserves the title of lady whilst she looks like she was barely let out from her mother’s grasp. Even more having the gaul to insult us and our use of monsters when they call a shadowy man like you their lord?” *He chuckled more this time much shorter before sighing*\n\n“Look at your contemptible rigid face disrespecting us in our home when you sought within our refuge?” *his head shakes and his teeth grind against each other before he points a shaky hand* “when someone invites to sit you sit lest you be seen as both ugly in manners and appearance” *his eyes rose fully glowing at her*\n\n*this was shortly cut off as he looked back to Gaash. Though his heart and hands thirsted for their blood now. He’d cut them down like the plan ruining nuisances they are. It took most his will to suppress those urges before readjusting his glasses and collar. Then he simply put his hands together and smiled at Gaash* “Yes, the Dai Lai do have a vested interest in those glyphs.” *he shakes his head at Gaash* “your lady must be reprimanded this instant though. Few would hardly stand for her dissidence among diplomatic meetings. We did as all others did having to stand in the Kings way obtaining these glyphs that connect to them. Even the smallest of our groups managing to do so risking it all. If you think we have no right to them you’d be sorely mistaken.”\n\n*he pinched the bridge of his nose and muttered* “having to put up with such childish pestilence from your group mates may just leave me with stress marks” *he rubbed his face* “there is still ways for us to put the pieces together. Just make sure your children stay in line” *his breathing grew harsh*" }, { "author": "ace_stargale", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Quovien’s eyes narrow just a bit.* “I would like to establish that the three of us are *partners* in this venture. None of us is subservient to any of the others. Titles are merely a sign of respect between us. “ *His tone softens, and he bows his head respectfully.* “None of us have ever claimed that you do not have the right to those Glyphs. Indeed, I would not ask for them to merely be handed to us, knowing that you own them. By all accounts you claimed them as yours, and I will not dispute such claims. All that we are asking for is cooperation, such that we may build a united front against the Five Kings.”\n\n{The Dai Lai. I’ve heard my fair share of rumors, and I had my suspicions, but this confirms it. Hm. Certainly I would rather not work with or join them, but personal qualms must be put aside in the face of a threat such as the Kings. The longer this discussion goes, though, the less likely that seems. If it does go south, we must prioritize either escaping or striking a death-blow, and we are at a heavy disadvantage on their home turf, at night, in the desert.}\n\n{...well, he just confirmed some suspicions I had. Issues for later, when we aren’t at immediate risk of a fight.}" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "{...}\n\n*Things weren't going very well for either side - even a child like Selena could see that. But she couldn't think of any way to de-escalate the situation, either. She looks down at her harp, nervously thumbing the strings without actually playing it. She supposes the only thing TO do is to be ready in case a fight breaks out. She flaps her wings out from their folded position - another nervous fidget more than anything else.*" }, { "author": "takithecat", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Noticing the harp Selena was fidgeting with, Gracie took out her own flute and decided to try and help out. With her best efforts to reduce the tension within the room, Gracie brought her flute up to her beak and began to play a soothing melody in the background of all this talking. Even if it wouldn’t help much, something was better than nothing. In all honesty, the Rito was actually hoping Selena would join in too, using this moment as a way to encourage the young girl.*" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Selena looks up a bit at this and, taking the cue, begins strumming the harp to the flute music. Anything to help lighten the mood a little at this point, she thought.*" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Gaash surveyed Strider for a long moment before speaking. The mask made any expression impossible to read. Not even the dark eyes yielded clues to the lord's emotion. But when he spoke, it was the Dai Lai at large he addressed first.*\n\n\"None have taken it upon themselves to sling insults but yourself. Our arrival unto the present moment we have been gracious of your customs,\" *Gaash put a hand on the back of the chair, drumming his fingers and making a low clacking sound.*\n\n\"As you have so observed, my stature is replete in aberrance. I am woefully inhibited from fulfilling your request. It is my deepest hope my limitations might be forgiven.\"\n\n\"The name you speak was a student of mine,\" *Gaash said, now to Strider.*\n\n\"Wayne, as he so chose to be dubbed, was indeed in an accident and did change much as you have said. It was after this incident that he beseeched me to tutor him in the ways of magic. I did not object. Is it not likely the pupil's talents mirror the master's?\" *The folds of his cloak rustled as he moved a hand to adjust the collar idly.*\n\n\"You speak of a group, yet none of his own circle bears semblances of mine own. Your accusation extends to none but myself, exposing nought a thread of intersection. We are an independent entity as you are, yet Nayru wills our paths collide. Rumors of this united goal's existence have festered within the Kingdom's mind for quite some months. I ask: Is it not probable there are many searching for these relics just as you and I?\"\n\n*The lord's calm and pleasant tone didn't waver once during his speech. Gaash ran a thumb along the chin of the mask, adjusting its fit slightly.*\n\n\"If there are no further aspersions to be weighed upon our characters, I think there is much to be gained from seeing our conflict become unity.\" *And for the first time in the encounter Gaash's words were not punctuated with stiff silence, but the musicians' melodic harmony.*" }, { "author": "wingsoficarus", "is_bot": false, "message": "_What Thalia wished to say was only echoed by Quovien and Gaash's remarks, leaving her with only bitterness in her mouth. Perhaps she was taking this too personally given that these people were most certainly bandits, based on the evidence she produced. The Doom Prophet's origin did linger in the back of her mind, but the direct use of monsters- a universal evil that are a malice on the land- is much more telling of their true intentions then following this lord and his mysterious nature._\n\n\"I appear to have struck a nerve...\" _Thalia whispered, leaning towards her party subtly. Someone was clearly agitated by their presence, having been diminished to plainly insulting them for pointing out objective facts against their instinctive remarks. She figured that only her allies needed to understand and not enemies, in which her speech was not wasted._\n\n\"I shall wait outside. This should ease this annoyance, hopefully...\"\n\n_This felt like a trap- to thin their numbers further so that picking them off would be easier. Still, she can assume that the three of them can hold themselves together long enough for her to return should it be necessary. Selena and Gaash had proven themselves in her mind, while Quovien must've obtained that compass somehow._\n\n_So she left, turning about and walking out the entrance that they had came as the shining reflection of the Mirror Shield sparkled in the dim light the torches provided. She passed by the monsters taking rest in the cool night outside, slowly down slightly to stare at a Lizalfos._\n\n{This is not the first time someone had pacified monsters to their side.}\n\n_Thalia thought she could deal with the situation similar to how she did before, giving her an excuse to finally test those special crystals she created. Though this was far different- far larger with more people at play, not to mention quite reckless in retrospect. So she walked on, passing the beasts and stopping at the base of the harbour where their ship had docked._" } ]
[ { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Well it certainly was pristine when I was the one cleaning it.” *He pointed his thumb at himself.* “it’s just most of the time you warrior types feel like hygiene and maintenance is so far beneath you.” *He rolled his eyes.* “At least the sea’s breeze is a nice reprieve from the winds of the desert.” *He whistled Jimmy on to the boat as they set sail.*\n\n“Still though as much as I love having a little group back together… What *really* sparked your interest enough for you to go out of your way like this? When the Dai Lai was in its prime you seemed like you could just as easily betray us at any time.” *He raised a brow.* “Was it just my pretty face that made you so nostalgic.” *He used the back of his hands to hold his chin and smile.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*He gave saina a side glance before looking away from him. The way saina acts still makes him wanna vomit, or hit him. But for now he'll hold back that urge* \"I ran into some monster trouble that could get worst in the future. Better to secure everyone in one spot before we get picked off one by one.\"\n\n*he then leans over the railing as the boat was on a natural course* \"And...I guess taking care of Selena is bringing back that feeling again. Being part of a group and shit like that.\"" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Monster trouble, you? I have to say strider perhaps being a family man again has made you lose your touch.” *He knew that would get under his skin as he said that demeaningly.* “Not too long ago we could have monsters kneel at our feet and be a force all our own.”\n\n“But I understand I’m more than happy to nanny your little siren. I’d like to think I’ve always been good with children. They still have the imagination and lens of a creative that soon dies out when they learn the cruelties of the real world” *He tapered out*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"I was a different person back then and you know that.\" *The smell of the sea made things easier than smelling normal desert sand. Leo grabbed the navigation rod and began to turn back on course*\n\n*once they were back on course the stronghold was straight ahead. Leo then eases off of the pole* \"But I guess you're right. After sealing what **was** me in the sword, getting pardoned by the king, and raising a daughter, I no longer have a list for power.\"\n\n\"My main priority is to teach Selena everything I know to survive...and to make sure she turns out better than I did.\" *with a slow turn he then faced Saina* \"This is my second chance Saina. I can't lose her.\"" }, { "author": "_d6", "is_bot": false, "message": "*...Leo would feel a light tug on his clothing.*\n\n*The typically fearless Roewen was clinging to Leo and staring out at the water around the boat. He seemed a lot more nervous than usual, kind of like how he was on the boat to Windfall, except this time, he had something to cling to that wasn't the floor.*\n\n*As he stared into the water, his hands trembled ever so slightly. He hated this. Roewen would never admit being afraid of the water. It was just... drowning. Yeah, he was afraid of drowning.*\n\n*Roewen remembered a time he almost drowned.*\n\n*Ahem,* ***FLAAASHBAAACK...***\n\n*He had dropped his dagger into the water once. (Since it was mostly made of bone and wood it floated, thankfully.) Chasing it, he went too deep, felt the water fill his snout, then his throat, and-*\n\n*Next thing he knew, he was on the shore, coughing up water. He never wanted to experience that again.*\n\n***Flashback over.***\n\n*Ever since, even looking at the water made his fingers go numb. They felt like TV static, whatever that was. Roewen didn't know what a TV was.*" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "“I wouldn’t say that you were necessarily a different person. Nothing ever truly leaves you, it’s just what takes over that conscience of yours. And the other stuff just gets pushed to the back. Doesn’t really matter though I saw how much you struggled with it. However although that shadow manifested itself physically you should always be aware it can come back in some way.”\n\n*Saina then giggled as he tried to put on his glasses from his bag, but came up empty handed.* {Darn it would’ve been so cool if I put my glasses on after saying this. Quick think fast.} *He tried to pull it off by putting that hand to his hip and leaning a bit.* “I however love every part of myself and I’m all the better for it!” *He then looked down at the scared bokoblin grabbing at his side.* “Oh seems you have more than just one child now, how adorable.” *He said in a baby voice*" }, { "author": "MEE6", "is_bot": true, "message": "**Dun dun dun duuun!** @November Nimbus Has been blessed by Hylia and advanced to level 53!\n\n{Reactions}" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Hmph...\" *looking away, he couldn't think of anything to say. It's true, nothing truly leaves. He pushed back his past and sealed it inside a sword.*\n\n*The stronghold was now approachable. Leo docked the ship along the pier, and struck the stone to keep the boat from moving*\n\n\"Now, we'll discuss more inside.\" *Leo then leads his horse up the steps and let's go od the reins, the horse knew where to go. As he walked inside he made his way to his room and tosses his things inside*\n\n*After he walked out he finds reowen* \"You can choose your room. Down the hall.\" *he points down the hall full of rooms*" }, { "author": "_d6", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Ever since he heard Saina call him that **wretched, accursed thing,** Roewen had been staring daggers into Saina the entire time... He understood what that word meant, **'adorable'.** Yeeugh. And that tone of voice? Deplorable.*\n\n*The first moment he got, Roewen turned and bit Saina on the hand as hard as he could.*\n\n*...it... wasn't that hard, really. Bokoblin fangs tend to be worn down and dull, and Roewen was not physically strong. Still, one could feel the **absolute hatred** in that bite.*\n\n*Satisfied for the moment, but having had his day ruined, he huffed angrily out of his snout and waddled down the hall.*" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Saina put his hands behind his head to stretch and take in the stagnant air of their former hideout.* “ahh there’s still a hint of blood and rust in the air.” *He sighed happily.* “Just how I remembered it.” *He put his arms down to see things in still rather good shape.* “it’s a shame those trifling heroes stepped foot here ruining so much of our own plans, but I suppose it was for the best… maybe”\n\n*He then watched as the bokoblin was about to make its dandy way to its room till it turned on a dime and bit him on the hand.* “Oh a feisty one, perhaps if I weren’t already battle worn that wouldn’t have felt so peculiarly nice.” *He brushed the slobber off his hand while looking at the small scab marks left on his hand where the fangs were.* “Even drawing blood, I like your style.” *He got just a droplet of blood on his finger and marked the back of the bokoblins head as it went off.*" } ]
[ { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Hey hey! No roewen. If you want to bite him go bite something else instead.\" *Leo spoke as if he was yelling at a dog not to bite or bark. He walks past Roewen and pats him on the head before approaching Saina*\n\n\"Now that we're here, we need to discuss the past events since we've departed.\" *he circled the large table in the center of the room. Finding his seat he dusts off, letting the sand and dust fly through the dry air and takes a seat* \"Tell me everything that seemed strange to you from the kings to now. How long were the events between each other and such.\"" }, { "author": "rocketbat", "is_bot": false, "message": "*CREEEEEE-*\n\n*A loud noise could be heard throughout the stronghold, originating from the front of the ship. A few seconds later, another followed.*\n\n*-EEEEEE\n\nSLAM!*" }, { "author": "_d6", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Roewen was about to enter a room down the hall, when-*\n\n> *CREEEEEE-*\n\n*The bokoblin tried to cover his ears (Which proved difficult because bokoblin ears are huge)upon hearing this sudden loud noise.*\n\n*A few seconds later, he instinctively whipped out his dagger and looked around, not finding anything.*\n\n*Then,*\n\n> *SLAM!*\n\n*This sound startled him again. He had sensitive ears.*\n\n*What was that?!*" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Seeming strange? I wouldn’t call anything too strange.” *Saina flexed a bicep and kissed it.* “After you and I saved those bumbling bunch of heroes from certain death against the kings. Both with our strength and possession of glyphs… *which might I add I think we got the short end of the deal*.” *He let out a little hmph still a bit tinged about the proceedings that went on.*\n\n“Otherwise I’ve been enjoying my time for the last few months. After saving the world and being awesome as ever don’t I deserve some sleep and recreation. It’s just unfortunate I haven’t seen Gracie in quite a while.* “He looked off at a wall.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*He nods as he listened to saina, giving a few side glances away as he was flexing and such* \"Something just feels off. Like it did when the kings were around.\"\n\n\"I had some events go down in kakariko. A stalfos appeared, but it felt alone. It attacked anything that messed with a pumpkin or got in its way.\" *He then unclips the mask on his hip and flashed it* \"Got this from a pumpkin seed. But before that i-\"\n\n*Leo was then cut off from the sudden creek and slam. He layed his head back and groaned, then he stood up in anger* \"Can't fucking sit down for two seconds in my own damn stronghold without something fucking appearing on our fucking doorstep.\" *he mumbled in anger. His aura was flashing, but disappeared as he's out of magic. He grunts and pops open a green potion to fuel up his magic.*\n\n*as he appeared at the entrance where the sound originated, he let his shadow and light aura circle his arms, and his eyes glow red* \"`Who the fuck is out there?!`\"" }, { "author": "_d6", "is_bot": false, "message": "*That day, Roewen learned a brand new word. Thanks, Leo!*\n\n{Reactions}" }, { "author": "rocketbat", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo didn't actually get out of the doorway before he came upon the \"intruder\". Just as he rounded the corner to the main entrance, he heard a bit of a scream as something fell backwards in surprise and scrambled back a few feet. After just a moment, the creature calmed down, and looked up at the hylian above him.*\n\n*It was not easy to tell what the creature looked like, but not impossible. He looked like a lizalfos with gold scales, and he had a loincloth, vest, and outlaw-esque hat on.*\n\n\"... Oh, h-hey, Leo...\"" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*As Leo turned the corner to face the \"intruder\" his blood was pumping. Guess all the built in stress was finally enough. But once he saw who it was he lowered his guard and made his aura disappear* \"Sylvester? Wh-..why are you back so soon?\"\n\n*He slowly approached him in a calming way* \"Sorry for the anger. It's been a rough four days since you left.\"" }, { "author": "_d6", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Just then, Roewen finally came to see what was going on...*\n\n{A lizalfos?!}\n\n*Immediately, Roewen jumped in front of Leo, his dagger out, pointed at the monster.*\n\n{I won't let you hurt Leo, you-}\n\n*Sniff sniff.*\n\n{...you...}\n\n*Sniff sniff sniff.*\n\n{Ohh...}\n\n*Roewen dropped his dagger on the floor and swept it aside with his foot. Heh heh, let's forget about that thing now, shall we?*\n\n*Anyway, he gave Sylvester a big ol bokoblin hug. Aw. But don't say aw out loud or he might pick that dagger back up*\n\n||\"It's been a while!\"|| *He oinked in incomprehensible monster language.* ||*Though, the way he said it translated more like \"Not looked at you for large time!\"*||\n\n*And with that, he awkwardly stepped back aside.*\n\n*...and kicked the dagger further away.*" }, { "author": "rocketbat", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The lizalfos picked himself up, giving a laugh at the apology.* \"It's okay... And, well... I didn't feel I was-\"\n\n*It was at that time that Roewen came along and threatened, then hugged, the newcomer. A scaly claw wrapped around the pig-like beast, an actual smile appearing on his face.* \"Yeah... It really has, hasn't it?\"\n\n*After this, however, he turned back to Leo and continued,* \"Sorry 'bout th-that... I'm back b-because I didn't feel like I was progressing any further by just listening to other l-lizalfos talk. Plus a f-few of them got angry at me at one point, and one even shoved me out of th-their way...\" *He had not been paying attention at the time, so he didn't know that the lizalfos that pushed him was Kazak.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo stepped back a bit to give Roewen and Sylvester some room. A small grin appeared on his face after they exchanged a hug* \"It's because you're not a monster Sylvester. You may appear like one on the outside, but on the inside you're still a hylian; there's nothing wrong with that.\"\n\n*He placed his hand on Sylvesters shoulder to reassure him* \"I'm glad you're back.... Because we got some cleaning to do. Saiana is about to throw a fit if we don't get this place in top shape.\" *instantly he turned around and began to point at the different rooms and hallways* \"The cleaning supplies are down there first door on the left. It'll he faster if we all pick one end and make our way back here.\"\n\n*he then turned around to see if the two have got to work. If not he would raise his deep, raspy voice and yell at them* \"`Now!`\"" } ]
[ { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo glanced back and Saina, mentally thanking him sarcastically for his input* \"He's right though. If you plan on killing me then the cycle starts again.\"\n\n*he then inhales, and exhales deeply* \"Is it my sword? Yes. I was Strider, but not anymore. The king pardoned me for my actions during the Five Kings incident. I no longer walk that path, and neither should you.\"" }, { "author": "dv5kh34rt", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Tarume lowers her arm and shoots Saina a dirty look.*\n\n“Don’t you *dare* group me in with those murderers. My family did nothing.”\n\n*She listens to Leo and grumbles at his words, gripping her shields tighter.*\n\n“Think you can play innocent, huh? Should’ve thought of that when your psychotic ass was elbow deep in my **DAD**. Screw your cycle of violence. You owe me *blood*, and I’ll stop at nothing to collect the debt. Tell your lapdog to pipe down and fight me, damn it! Don’t you dare try to leave like a goddamn coward like before.”\n\n*Tarume holds back a torrent of rage in her words and it’s apparent to anyone who listens. Her tone is low and strained, full of malice being chained down.*" }, { "author": "rocketbat", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Sylvester had been cleaning until he heard a loud crash from the front. He had made his way over there, but remained hidden... up until this moment.*\n\n\"Calm down!\" *Spat a slightly high-pitched voice coming from another entrance to the large room.*\n\n*Standing in the entrance was a Hylian, wearing a somewhat formal outfit. He wore a nice pair of khaki pants, a light shirt, and he had a light brown fedora on. Covering the right side of his face, he wore a Lizalfos mask, with its left eyehole fitting perfectly over his right eye. He had somewhat long, golden hair, and several scars over the parts of his face and body that wasn't hidden by clothing (primarily burn scars).*\n\n\"Leo's turned over a new leaf. He even raises a daughter by himself, although she isn't here at the moment, I don't think.\" *The hylian continued.* \"But he's put his dark past behind himself. He's a good guy now.\"\n\n*He took in a deep breath as he continued.* \"Violence isn't the answer. As much as you want revenge on him for something he might've done in the past, getting him back isn't right. It'd just be best to m-move on... instead of breaking down the front door of his home and demanding that you kill him...\"\n\n*What didn't help his case, though, was the one thing I forgot to mention earlier, in terms of what Sylvester was wearing. He had on a dark brown vest... And not just any vest, but the same exact one that Leo wore when he killed Tarume's parents.*" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Saina seemed to be absolutely fuming as being insulted as a lap dog when he was obviously next in line for leader was an affront he could hardly let pass. A bang of his hair shifted on his face while he had his hand slowly going to his pole.*\n\n*Then another thought crossed his mind. What would those little justice seekers Lenel and Vekhi think? He put his hand down after that thought, but was still on the verge of covering the distance and giving her a piece of his mind. Slowly he closes his eyes and began to think deeper.* {calm yourself Saina some sheikah runt with a sob story isn’t enough to invoke your wrath. You’re a leaf a leaf on a calm stream…} *He let out a fee deep breaths before that tiny voice in the back of his mind became louder.* {**What happened last time when you let some worthless whelps walk into your base with open arms! They pried at your weakness and moved to ruin your aspirations!!!**}\n\n*He snapped as one eye was seen opening back up with the same wrath reeling from his last lost battle.* “You hardly deserve a fair fight busting down entrances to my base! Make another move and I swear I’ll have you weighed in quick sand while rebuilding what you just broke down piece by piece until your body is broiled in the sun and your hands made raw!”" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"*`Enough!`*\" *His voice rumbles deep and echoes all around the room. Everyone talking at once, trying to help and threatening each other was pissing Leo off. He sighed and turned his eyes back to Tarmue* \"I put that life behind me. I was a different person then.\"\n\n*He then holds his arms out, leaving himself wide open* \"if you wish to kill me, then go ahead. But if you go down this path, there's no turning back.\"" }, { "author": "dv5kh34rt", "is_bot": false, "message": "“So be it.”\n\n“I’ll avenge my family or meet them. Fine by me either way,” *She replies.*\n\n*Without a moment of hesitation, a blast of explosive fire rings out from under her boot and launches her into an aerial kick at Leo. She spins it towards his abdomen. She hurls at him with no regard for her own safety, her boots cooling down mid-kick.*\n\n[MM %0]" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*with a blink of an eye Leo attempts to block the attack, but he underestimated the amount of power she put into the kick. A small \"crack\" sound came from his left arm*\n\n{Dammit! She's stronger than I thought}\n\n*As he was sent back from the kick, he grabbed her leg and swings her down on the stone floor. Using his knee, he pins her arm behind her lower back and uses his knee to hold her down.* \"Y-you're strong, but a move like that can get you killed.\"\n\n*with his good hand he strikes her in the back of the head, causing her to be knocked out.*\n\n*once she was unconscious, he held his damaged arm and whistled for the rest ofnthe group* \"Saina, go get some rope or something to bind her arms and legs....especially her legs.\"" }, { "author": "dv5kh34rt", "is_bot": false, "message": "*After she’s slammed into the floor, she growls and grabs a dagger; a flash of metal from inside her shirt with her free hand and slashes at Leo.*\n\n“SHUT THE HELL U-“ *She begins before going limp. She’s knocked out cold.*" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Saina stood there still in a flux of rage and anger before she was quickly taken care of right on the ground. He tapped his foot hearing the sound of the slam looking down at her face. He let it in for a bit before letting out an uncontrollable laugh.* “pffftttt-haha oh man, I didn’t expect to be in such good sports so soon.”\n\n*His laughter quickly fell and he sighed.* “You know I don’t appreciate order when I was just called a lap dog, but since you put on such a performance I’ll acquiesce. Just remember to give a please and thank you next time *Leo*” *He then summoned a gelatinous substance from his hand and it grew out. He then wrapped it around all the way around her body only leaving her head uncovered.* “This’ll be a temporary solution, but maybe we can get some proper chains later.” *He then began lifted her on to his shoulder.* “So let me guess what you want me to do. Keep her locked up in a room till she wakes up and you two can have a proper chat? Or would you rather I’m left to my own devices.” *He snickered.*\n\nMM: 115%" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"She's still a kid Saina. And it's my fault she's the way she is.\" *He held his damaged arm and stood over Tarume* \"And **thank you** saina.\"\n\n*He then turned to Sylvester and Roewen and sighed* \"Could you two clean up the damaged door? You're free to do whatever afterwards.\"" }, { "author": "rocketbat", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The others probably weren't paying attention to him before this moment, but Sylvester was back in hylian form, at least for the time being.\n\nHe gave a somewhat hesitant nod and a sigh at the sight of the door.* \"Man... That was such a nice door. Probably my favorite door.\" *He said with a small laugh, before placing his hand on his mask. He then mumbled to himself,* \"Guess *that* plan didn't quite work out the way I thought...\"" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Don’t you all worry I’ll make sure that door is repaired somehow… I think it’s more than fair to have this little trespasser work on it.” *He snarled a bit as he was walking away, but was turned by Strider’s reply.* “Oh please she just crashed through our door and sailed a time shifting ship through the deserts of Lanayru. When I was around this age I’d of probably already realized how perfect and successful I’d be. She knows what she’s done.”\n\n*He then kept on walking as the substance seemed adhere to his shoulder already. Which was quite cumbersome, but he’d easily unstick it once he released its bonds.* “You should probably follow strider otherwise she’ll probably throw some paper out of her pocket that teleports her and seeing as you’re a sheikah I imagine you know someway to stop it.” *He rolled his eyes.* “Or I could just stay on full guard and she can become my next best friend. Wouldn’t that be funny? A sheikah disciple” *He chuckled.* “but seriously her crimes won’t go unpunished…”" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Find a place to lock her up and I'll deal with her. Just keep an eye on her until I get my damn arm fixed.\" *He grunted as he made his way towards his room. He moved his arm around, then groaned as it was in pain*\n\n*he then popped open a red potion and downed it to start the healing process. Poking his head out he yelled for Saina* \"Do we even have a dungeon?\"" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Saina looked back at Leo with a smirk wider than a hinox and winked.* “I can certainly improvise.” *He winked before walking away towards the guest rooms.*\n\n\n😰" }, { "author": "_d6", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Roewen's mean, fierce look disappeared instantly as soon as the threat was neutralized. His face returned to its normal, goofy bokoblin look.*\n\n{Clean?}\n\n{Clean... clean...}\n\n{Don't know this word...}\n\n{\"Clean\"...}\n\n*Kind of a foreign concept to a bokoblin. Have you seen their camps? Absolute dumps they are. They stink too. Roewen didn't miss them.*\n\n*He turned to Sylvester, to see if he understood the strange command, but saw a... hylian? And in the exact same clothes too. Weird.*\n\n*The bokoblin waddled over to this new person and sniffed him... but he smelled exactly like Sylvester?? Roewen was confused. Who were they and what did they do with the real Sylvester??*\n\n*Roewen didn't act yet, but WOW did that feel wrong...*" } ]
[ { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo sighed, thinking they need to install one instead of using a guest room. He grabbed a small note, writing:\"Install dungeon.\" then pins it to his board*\n\n*Later, as Tarume was locked up, he appeared in the same room with her. Having his aura circling his arms, shadow oozes from his hands. Slowly a set of shadowed chains fall from his hands and quickly wrap around her arms, waists, and ankles*\n\n*Afterwards the pins the other ends to the ceiling and the floor. Once she wakes up she would be completely pinned by Leo's `Shadow Bind`*\n\nMM: 95%" }, { "author": "rocketbat", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Sylvester didn't react much to what Leo and Saina were doing with Tarume... but he* did *notice a confused bokoblin sniffing him at that moment. It was at that moment he knew... he had a lot of explaining to do.*\n\n\"Oh- uh... Y-yeah, I'm not really a lizalfos.\" *Syl stated to his porker partner, rubbing the back of his neck and looking away.* \"I wear a mask so that I look like one... primarily b-because it hurts to not have it on. L-like, it hurts *a lot* if I have it off like I d-do now...\" *At this point in time, his right hand reached up to the mask and pressed against it slightly.* \"M-might just change back now, if th-that's okay with you... I'm s-sorry you didn't know earlier, Roewen...\"" }, { "author": "dv5kh34rt", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Tarume’s eyes shoot open and she glances around, feeling the restraints.*\n\n{Goddamn it,}\n\n“**LET ME OUT, ASSHAT! I’LL GUT YOU!**” *She shouts.*\n\n*Tarume tries pulling the restraints apart through brute force, twisting and yanking at them to try and shatter it.*" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Saina was already in the room as well seeing Strider opting for his own spell bindings upon their new found guest.* “Oh you know we haven’t often taken prisoners have we strider? Look at us acquiring some new scruples about how we handle *nit-witted property damaging intruders!*” *He said the last part through grit teeth then crossed his arms and sat down. He decided to play with the remains of his stick and stretch substance twirling it around his fingers and twisting it.*\n\n“You should feel lucky we gave you this chance since it seems you’re far from regretting your heinous actions. Not even guards would give you such the courtesy if you were to act like this.” *He squinted*" }, { "author": "dv5kh34rt", "is_bot": false, "message": "“SHUT THE HELL UP! LAPDOGS DON’T SPEAK WITHOUT PERMISSION, or did your owner not teach you any manners, bigoted idiot?” *Tarume snaps back, seething. Her words come out like venom and she jerks forward.*\n\n*She squirms angrily and glares at Saina, still trying to brute force out of the restraints.*" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Saina had just about enough of playing nice. Taking prisoners wasn’t much his style anyway. So this time he wouldn’t give any regard for Strider’s thoughts to the situation. He stood up off his feet pulled off his gloves. Making sure to take the proper time to shake them out and loosen his wrists. He then looked down and took a deep breath seeming to come to a place of serenity. Only to follow up without a single word and backhand the sheikah right on her cheek before turning away.* “You’ll learn soon enough where I stand whether be amongst my crew or a pathetic stowaway like you!”" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*With the twist of Leo's wrist he tightens the restraints, so any loose chain slack would've been tightened.* \"Damn you're annoying.\"\n\n*To Tarume, Leo appeared in his trench coat, hat, half mask and red eyes. She would be looking at what she saw years ago when her parents were killed.*\n\n*He didn't do anything once Saina slapped her, but he stepped up and softly pulls saina behind him* \"Is this what you want to see? The dark, shadowed murderer who killed your parents?\" *Before she had any reaction, his clothes would disappear, revealing to just be a shadowed illusion and his eyes returning to normal* \"Well he's no longer around..\"" }, { "author": "dv5kh34rt", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Tarume takes the slap and glares right at Saina, not giving him the pleasure of showing weakness. She goes to reply until Leo steps in.*\n\n*Tarume freezes up, her movement stopping and her struggling ceasing at once, especially after the tightening of the restraints. The appearance of Strider drowns out everything else. In her eyes, the clothes stayed on even after he dropped the illusion.*\n\n“…You…” *Tarume murmurs, her scowl darkening.*\n\n“..What the hell is wrong with you? Do you get some kind of sick pleasure from this? I AIN’T HAVING NONE OF IT, DAMN IT! YOU BELONG IN THE GODDAMN **SEWERS** WITH WORMS EATING YOUR FLESH! YOU WORTHLESS PSYCHOPATH! I HOPE YOUR KID LEARNS ABOUT YOUR SINS AND LEAVES YOU FOR DEAD, DAMN IT!”\n\n*The sheikah starts pulling on the restraints even further, no matter if it hurts her or not. It clenches her skin with a titanic grip, but she doesn’t relent.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"She knows. And she accepted that I've turned over a new leaf.\" *He said immediately after Tarume spoke.*\n\n\"You have every right to be pissed off. I took very important people from you, and now you want revenge. You want to kill the person who murdered you're family, and anyone who gets in your way. Sound familiar Saina?\"*he turned his head to face Saina after he spoke.*" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "“No one ever murdered my family I hardly knew them.” *He brushed up a hair from his brow before leaning against a wall.* “What I do know is there’s plenty of finer things to be doing with your life than seeking vengeance that’ll only become a death wish.” *He began tapping his index finger on his elbow.* “Either way Strider knew full well who he was killing so I assume they deserved it.” *He then chuckled a bit.* “of course with that reasoning strider probably deserves it, but that rout will only leave you in stronger bindings.”" } ]
[ { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The little siren's name being called causes her head to look up. She hadn't been paying particular attention to the particular conversation, so it takes her a second to realize what they were talking about.*\n\n\"Hm? ...Oh yeah! I know about that place! I lived there for a bit.\"\n\n*Selena stands up from her Tingle Bottle at this point, picking it up and quickly placing it back in its holster.*\n\n\"It looks like this biiiiiig shark... thing, and you go in through its mouth! When you go in, there's a lobby-room, and from there you can...\"\n\n*The siren attempts to explain to the best of her ability what all is in the base, which... well, it's better than knowing nothing, I suppose.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Saina...shut up.\" *He stared at Saina for a good three seconds before walking past him. Hoping he would follow behind him, Leo leads saina back into the meeting room*\n\n*once he entered he sat down and rubs his head* \"Alright. Back to what we were discussing. I think another threats coming to hyrule Saina. I'm getting that...feeling. The same feeling I had when the Kings were around.\"\n\n*he leaned forward and exhales while he thinks Back at everything that had happened* \"A lot of monster activity has been occurring lately.\"" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Saina follows discontentedly not taking too kindly to Leo’s blunt orders even if they were in jest. Hands on his hips while looking down mumbling to himself “I’ll show you who has to shut up I’m the one who runs this stable.”*\n\n“Who cares about what the monsters are up to now? We have one in our own squad and plenty before that. It’s just your usual power vacuum. Once the top dog is gone there will be plenty of runts scrounging for the scraps.” *He twisted a finger in his hair then sitting down at the table with his feet up.* “I think a more pressing matter is our new group name.”" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*He shook his head as Saina spoke.* \"We may have a strong group, but there's something in the works. In the shadows, and we can't see it.\"\n\n\"A new name isn't a bad idea though. The \"Dai Lai\" was the old group, with an old meaning.\" *leaning back in his chair, he crossed his arms as he began to think*" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "“There will always be ‘work in the shadows’” *He used his fingers to punctuate.* “Why is it out job to risk our skin at every suspicion of a dark awakening? All you got for your killing of the kings was a pardon to something you shouldn’t have been jailed for anyway?”\n\n*Saina seemed to have a growing contempt for the conversation until the name was brought up again.* “You’re exactly right strider and I’ve already got a few ideas. How about the heartbreakers of hyrule!”" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo gave Saina his usual \"are you serious\" blank stares.* \"No.\"\n\n*He stood up, sliding his chair under the table. After taking a few steps around the table he suggested a name* \"The Hunters of Hyrule?\"" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Jeez it’s like I’m talking to beige wall.” *He groaned and hung his head up.* “alright perhaps not some kind of occupational thing, but a concept.” *He did a square with the index and thumb with each of his hands like a pictobox.*\n\n“How about the golden dawn?”" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"We're not really a beacon of hope. So nothing too glorifying.\" *Eventually he made his way back around and stands across from Saina* \"I've never been good with names..I've also not use to being a leader.\"\n\n*in the past, Leo has been just a member of a group or organization. They told him what to do, and he did it with no questions asked. Of course, it only involved killing or hurting someone*\n\n*he groaned a bit as he starts to get off track* \"You keep thinking, I wanted to mention this before.\" *Leo softly placed his hands on the table as he looks at Saina* \"Do you remember Gaash? That tall, stranger individual that helped us find the glyphs?\"" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Saina gave a deep insightful glare into Leo’s eyes much different from his laid back posture. He spoke slowly and proper while doing so.* “Well that’s good because you were never the leader and still aren’t.” *He played it off with a playful giggle* “You can consider yourself a grand vizier or something of that sort. Y’know like a delegator.” *He smiled.*\n\n*Of course the conversation had to return to some stupid monsters worth little to his time.* “what of him? The tall dark thing that had all those little hylians under his boot? Those glyphs are useless now so I could hardly give a damn about them.”" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"We both brought members here and we both have somewhat authority over them, so we're **both** leaders of this **new** group.\" *there was that grumpy tone in his voice as he spoke.*\n\n\"Anyways, he's working with the new king of hyrule. He's this \"Doom prophet\"...\" *just thinking about it made him anxious. He knows nothing good can come from this* \"Someone like him isn't going to work for the king unless he gets benefits that fits whatever motive he has. He could he a future threat Saina.\"" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "“A future threat to what? Your little pie in the sky initiative to be the greatest of hyrule just so you can take some burden off your mind? Look you can do that all you want, but it’s not gonna get you anywhere. If that smarmy shadow being can keep getting every Hylian he meets to fall under his persuasion there’s not much we can do. I mean if we were to do it your way that is. As it seems now that Gaash probably has more credit than you and I if we were to launch some campaign against him.”\n\n*He had a hard time entertaining any ideas from Leo as his dimming expression seemed to only worsen.* “I have a feeling with your lack of initiative you’ll just end up doing what you always do. Be a **liability** to the bigger goals at hand.” *He said bluntly while pounding a fist into his palm.* “you need to pack away those high ideals if we are to accomplish anything practical.”" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"What **bigger** goals do you have in mind then? Taking over hyrule?! I took down the kings because they were a threat to our home. Gaash could be picking up the pieces and plan a smarter attack.\" *His mood was only getting worst the more they argued over this topic* \"I'm not trying to be a hero, but I will make sure those who don't deserve to die will get a proper death, and those who deserve worst than death will meet the end of my blades.\"\n\n*he straightened his posture, his eyes beaming at Saina* \"What goals do you have in mind that involves this group?\"" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Did you consider that when you killed that soldier boy of that noble family? Was he truly in line to be put in the dirt for taking down a wanted criminal dead or alive?” *He then rolled his eyes.* “If you’re so on board to the kingdom’s sense of justice now why don’t you play the same game? Become another lap dog of the royal family I mean you’re a sheikah aren’t you? Is it just in your nature after a while to bow down to those you consider your betters?” *Saina was really striking at delicate nerves it seemed.* “I want to be free to do whatever I please anytime, anywhere. Considering your dedication to ‘enact justice’ over the comfort of your friends I can already see where your allegiance is leaning.” *He began to squint.* “Some things in my heart may have changed, but I’m far from straying from who I truly am. So for once in your life mr silver why can’t you make a black and white decision. Maybe then you’d see some proper progress in your goals when you don’t have others cleaning up your mess.” *Saina then slammed his fist on the table with a brow fidgeting.* “Was this what it was really all about to you in the end?! Dropping everything we stood for just to end up under a boot again! Well I for one am vehemently opposed to being another one of Hyrule’s tributes.”\n\n*He then sighed as the steam from his heated statement wore off.* “Not that I expected much you were never fully on board with the Dai Lai to begin with”" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Saina did struck a nerve once he mentioned Leon. It wasn't his fault. It wasn't his fault...wasn't? Leo couldn't look at Saina for a moment; he was getting lost in his own thoughts. The same words echoed in his head:*\n\n{`Death. Murderer. Your fault. Weak.`}\n\n*quickly he shook the thoughts away as Saina continued his rant.* \"Dammit Saina NO! I don't wish to work for them or for anyone! All I care about is Selena and the safety of everyone in this group.\" *he too slams his fist on the table* \"Back then all I wanted is power. I wanted the world to bend to my will. I wanted vengeance!..but not anymore.\"\n\n*he then stares down at the table blankly. Not saying a word for a few seconds.* \"I've made progress in my goals Saina..without you or anyone else cleaning up my mess. I have a second chance with Selena, and preparing her for the harsh world we came from.\" *slowly, he raised his head up to face him* \"I want to live in a world where nothing can pose as a threat to us.\"" }, { "author": "_d6", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Roewen had sorta been spacing out as usual, doing his own thing the entire time.*\n\n*Fortunately, his own thing involved collecting the pieces of the door and putting them in one moderately-sized pile. It was... somewhat cleaner there. The bokoblin sat there, gently placing one piece on top of the other, forming a few tiny towers made out of door.*\n\n*What snapped him out of it was a tower- the biggest tower he had- toppling over and hitting him in the snout.*\n\n*...And that's 3 times getting hit in the snout by a door. Is this a recurring thing? It is now.*\n\n*Roewen got up off the floor to go and greet the others. He brushed a hand through his hair and fixed his cloak as he moved. So vain.*" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Saina once again dismissed his notions of how this would all play out as he brushed away his words.* “well you know what’s the best to keep the ones you love safe? Through power and authority, so forgive me if I roll my eyes at your false ideals. The only progress I’ve really seen is you got a bunch of bright eyed young people to believe your pipe dreams.”\n\n“Just look at you now, you just let that girl trying to kill you and all your friends away. For all you know she’ll completely disregard your kindness and slash you to pieces when the times right. Not to mention words of royal are cheap and fickle. The second you slip up in their eyes you’ll be in that dungeon again. And trust me I’m not about to join you in your atonement locked up in a cage for decades.” *He dragged his hands down his face just thinking about it again. Staying inside a room just going mad…*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"It's my fault she's like that Saina. I killed her parents and started a new cycle of vengeance.\" *He scoffs as he pushed off the table* \"I can't help but feel you liked the old me more.\"" }, { "author": "mspaintnecoart", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Within maybe an hour, the shark shaped fortress had came into view.*\n\n*Vekhi steered off to the side, searching for the entrance until she found it, pulling into the docks with the other boats.*\n\n“Yo! Where is everyone?!“ *She called out, turning to Lenel for a moment.*\n\n“…do you think you could help me explain to Saina..?“" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "*As the ship pulls into the docs, Selena is quick to hop off, gliding her way toward the entrance. As she does, she calls to the people inside.*\n\n\"Heeeeeeey! We're baaaaaaaaack!\"\n\n*She lands in front of the entrance, not expecting to be greeted by a tarp instead of a door.*\n\n\"...Hm. That's weird... there used to be a door here.\"" }, { "author": "loquaciouslark", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Lenel nodded, in simple show of assent to Vekhi, as she took her supplies in hand and headed for the entryway with the others- sweeping aside the hall's crude tarp-door lining and preparing to step down the metal stairs into the belly of the complex.*\n\n\"Oi! We've some provisions for ya.\"" }, { "author": "dv5kh34rt", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Tarume’s vision snaps to them as they arrive, the sheikah not noticing the group until now in her rage. She pauses for a moment, eyes tracking the group carefully, watching them like a lion watches it’s prey.*\n\n{Who the hell are they? More of Strider’s damn goons?}" }, { "author": "mspaintnecoart", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Vekhi waved at her Sheikah kin, waving at them, before accidentally locking eyes, the other Sheikah’s discontent visibly felt by Vekhi.*\n\n\"Uh, greetings…Have you seen Saina? Pink hair? Funny way of speaking?\"" }, { "author": "dv5kh34rt", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Tarume takes a deep breath before speaking. She has nothing against the girl talking to her, and if she sparks a fight, her chance will be wasted.*\n\n“…*it’s* inside. Punch *it* in the fucking jaw when you see *it*.” *Tarume replies after struggling for a moment. Her voice is tinted with a barely concealed rage.*" } ]
[ { "author": "mspaintnecoart", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Vekhi opened her mouth to speak, though words couldn't come out. She struggled to find a way to say it, a way to explain this otherwordly idea to one of her best friends...The fact that she's always been a woman, even if she didn't know it.*\n\n*But wait...**always been a woman.**That could work, actually.*\n\n\"Sadly, I do...You see, I've been lying to you. My name is Vekhi, and I am not a man...I apologize for deceiving you. I want a friendship where I don't have to have secrets...Where we can all be honest with each other.\"" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"Okay!\"\n\n*Selena, excited by the prospect of finally learning how to use a sword, looks down at her paper again, looking at the Moldarachs she had drawn. After thinking about it for a few seconds, she points to one of them on the paper. It was a front facing one, with all eyes visible.*\n\n\"...How about this one?\"" }, { "author": "_d6", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Hm.*\n\n*While he left Leo and Selena to do their thing, Roewen stepped outside for a minute. Mostly just to be outside and breathe air, but also to check up on the people outside.*\n\n*Roe sort of just looked over at them for a moment and moved along. Bokoblins didn't know what private conversations were, nor did they care. Or understand them, for that matter.*\n\n*It was nice to be outside though, and stare out into the vast sands that surrounded them what the hell was that*\n\n*Why, 'that' appeared to be an unfamiliar thing, a possible entity, flying through the air. Was this cause for concern? Perhaps. Roewen kept a close eye on it.*\n\n*Admittedly, he was a bit near-sighted. To this day he still didn't have any idea why his old camp chose him of all people to keep watch. God he hated standing on those stupid towers and looking out for intruders that pass by. He wasn't even that good of a shot with a bow, much preferring daggers instead.*\n\n*But I digress. Thing. Up in the air. Do we know who they are? Not at all. Roewen squinted up at it to see what it would do.*" }, { "author": "reissryhas", "is_bot": false, "message": "*As he'd get closer to what the shape in the distance, it'd slowly focus into what looked like....some sort of giant head? It was hard to tell anyway, the heat was getting to him, and his vision was starting to blur. The rito needed to stop and rest, but there wasn't exactly anywhere to without falling into deadly quicksand. But maybe he can just...stick it out a bit longer and glide to the head? There looks like platforms...*\n\n*The shape would seem to be getting bigger/closer. Someone with better sight would be able to see it was more than just a shape, but as it is..*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Hmmm.” *he hunched over to examine the sketch for a second before nodding* “Alrighty. I’ll take this to Saina.” *Grabbing the book he begins to exit the door before stopping after passing through the doorway* “Meet me in the training room. There’s a rack of wooden swords. Begin to warmup before I get there.”\n\n*Afterwards, Leo made his way through the hallways, the main room, then outside where Saina and the others were heading. The warm winds and sand hit his face once he made it outside.*\n\n{Damn. Might need the shemagh again.}\n\n*He spots Saina with the others and whistles for him* “Saina. Selena sketched up a few ideas for our new emblem. This one’s her favorite and I agree with her.” *he points at the sketch Selena showed Leo*" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Saina seemed less bewildered and more unimpressed honestly. He simply raised a brow as he did a side smile seeing this as mostly just an unnecessary note.*\n\n“Oh well uhhhh I’m glad you can be honest with me Vekhi…” *Saina then brushed it off and chuckled.* “Honestly I myself don’t really feel like a boy or a girl. I find it fun to be whatever I want when I want. That kind of freedom just feels right.”" }, { "author": "_d6", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Huh wh.... where did it go...*\n\n*{Now if that thing would stop moving so much...}*\n\n*Roewen squinted, focusing on the thing in the sky, but it was still a bit difficult from its irregular movement.*\n\n*Irregular movement? Was whatever that was up there tired or something?*\n\n*Anyway, he finally was able to see what it was. More than a shape. A bird- no, a rito more specifically. What was it doing here?*\n\n*The bokoblin instinctively reached for the horn they did not have strapped to their waist. Guess the'd have to alert everyone else the old fashioned way...?*\n\n*He trotted over to Leo who just so happened to be here too, but just before he could tug on his clothing as usual, he lost track of the rito thing.*\n\n*{huh whuh whered it-}*\n\n*He decided not to bother Leo for now, and walk over to investigate. Perhaps from a different angle? Or could he predict where this rito would land?*" }, { "author": "reissryhas", "is_bot": false, "message": "{I just...need a few minutes..}\n\n*Moranis was finally close enough to where he could try to pick out somewhere to land. But he wasn't really able to take notice of anyone outside, since he was running on fumes... Once he was close enough to where he could just...stop gliding, he would, and he started plummeting. Thankfully he ended up dropping onto one of the higher platforms, instead of a pillar. Still didn't exactly land gently, though. Ow.*" }, { "author": "_d6", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Okay now this was slightly concerning. An unidentified rito person? ON the base? Yeah, concerning.*\n\n*Without hesitation, Roewen sprinted over, scrambling up to where the rito landed. For a bokoblin, he was surprisingly quick, with that weight and those short legs and whatnot.*\n\n*Anyway, it still took him a while and by the time he'd gotten up there, he was out of breath. He took a moment, sort of leaning onto his knees and panting.*\n\n*Immediately afterward, his dagger spun out from inside his cloak into his hand. He promptly pointed it at what he believed was an intruder, as he screeched something incoherent in monster.*\n\n\"Gree-yaargk!\" *or something like that.*\n\n*His voice was kind of aphonic from the whole climb up. It would've been kind of hard to take seriously, had it not been for the dagger.*\n\n*Just doing his best to protect The Sting. His tribe. His family.*" }, { "author": "reissryhas", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Moranis was...not exactly doing well. That crash landing surely would have caused a sprain at least.. he ended up face down, but he could still hear the cries of a bokoblin.*\n\n{Ugghhhhh....} *Pretty much nothing but a panting mess, he'd turn a bit to look up at the boko. Yep...This was the just about the worst timing possible. His hat had fallen off during the crash landing, but luckily he didn't land on his cargo cage, so it remained relatively unharmed. But that wasn't exactly on his mind.*" }, { "author": "loquaciouslark", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Lenel hardly made notice of Saina's speaking, or Leo's subsequent entry- her, too, being caught off guard by the sudden drop of a rito on the Stronghold's roof.\n\nWordlessly scrambling up the slate walls of the complex quick as she could, the huntress, grasping on brick-ridges and rusted awnings to reach the newcomer, and the bokoblin that outpaced her to reach his side. The young Ordonian considers, for a moment, to draw her dagger in turn- but eschews the impulse in favor of simply outstretching a hand- the bird hardly seeming a threat from his position on the ground.*\n\n\"You'd suppose life'd be a tad more private this far from the Kingdom's borders. But 'pparently not, eh?\n\nYou've a name, stranger?\"" }, { "author": "reissryhas", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Based on the sort of uniform the Rito was wearing, they looked to be a postman, along with the bag for carrying mail.*\n\n\"Mo..Moranis..\" *Was all he'd get out. He really should have stocked up on heat resistance food...he would wouldn't have made such a embarrassing landing like that.*\n\n\"Drink..please... I didn't bring anything.\"\n\n*While the bird man did have a bow with him, he really didn't look like he was any state to use it, as he looked rather exhausted.*" }, { "author": "_d6", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Roewen looked over at Lenel, who didn't immediately pull out a weapon and begin questioning the stranger.*\n\n*On second thought, it seemed this rito was way too injured and dehydrated to be much of a threat. Whoops, haha. Good thing Roe realized this before slapping them on the beak for 'answers' in a language neither could understand. Maybe he got ahead of himself.*\n\n*The bokoblin withdrew, allowing Lenel to take care of things. Still, Roewen, basically being The Sting's guard... dog? pig? something?, was still very skeptical of this 'mailman' creature. If he were a literal dog he would be barking a whole lot right now. Kind of how dogs bark at mailmen, yknow?*" } ]
[ { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Meanwhile, Selena was oblivious to all of the shenanigans inside. After giving Leo the drawing, she had gone over to the training room, excited to learn the sword... though, in the meantime, she should probably do some solo training since she was here, she figured. As she thinks about what she could do, her mind flashes back to that fight in the ice cavern. She could still remember that fight between Leo and Kazak vividly... in fact, maybe that's what she could do. Taking a few deep breaths, the siren begins re-enacting Leo's movements throughout the fight to the best of her ability.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo overheard Vekhi and waved his hand back towards her* “Leave the boat for now. Next time we set out we’ll round it back. But if you want to then go ahead.”\n\n*Leo then made his way to the training room. He began to stretch a bit as he walked, but paused after the sounds of wood hitting wood was heard. He slowed his pace and peaked into the room to see what Selena was up to. The way Selena moved was sloppy, but that was expected for someone that never used a sword. But one thing he noticed was what she was try to attempt. It almost made him smile, but the sheikah in him made him want to yell and point out everything she’s doing wrong*\n\n“You’re stance is wrong. You’re not fluent in your strikes, and you’re suppose to hit them with the sharp end.” *Leo approached her with his arms crossed. He then reached over for a wooden sword and got into his stance* “Keep your feet firm, and keep your balance. One bad foot placement and the opponent can knock you down easily.”" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Selena, having not noticed Leo entering, jumps a bit upon hearing him speak up all of a sudden. Her face begins to turn red as Leo points out more and more that she had been doing wrong.*\n\n\"S-sorry... I'll do better!\"\n\n*The little siren shifts her grip of her practice sword and, after looking at Leo's ready stance, imitates it. She was now ready to learn.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Follow. My. Movement’s.” *Positioning himself next to her, he slowly began to flow through his sword swipes and swings. He swung upward slowly, slashed downward, and thrusted. His feet shifted as he moved, like a dance teacher counting each step they take, he did the same* “One. Two. Three. One. Two. Three.” *he would repeat this, turn around, and repeat it again until she gets it. Obviously she won’t master his techniques in a week, but he hoped with his teachings, she could be taught quicker than he was*" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Closely watch Leo's swings, Selena tries to follow him. Up, down, thrust. Up, down, thrust. At first, she was... pretty sloppy. Her footwork didn't match at all, and she her sword went way too far in each direction. Wirh each repetition though, she began to improve. After a dozen or so tries, she had already massively improved. It still wasn't PERFECT, but her feet were much more closely aligned to Leo's, and the swings weren't looking too shabby either. As she got closer, her confidence began to pick up as well, her swings becoming less a general motion and more deliberate. This siren might be a decent swordswoman yet...*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Control your breathing. Let the sword flow as you swing.” *Up, down, thrust. Up, down, thrust. No matter how many times he does it, his movements do not change. There’s no sign of exhaustion or slipping up. This is the training he had to endure when he was her age.*\n\n*After a few more sets he stopped and led her to a test dummy.*. “Like with your physical training, every day you train you’ll repeat the same material. You’ll start with the one, two , and three. Then you’ll head here and practice that set on the dummy.”\n\n*he face the dummy and swiped up, slashed down, and thrusted! But instead of driving the blade into the dummy, he quick stepped back as he thrusted, so the wood blade won’t make contact but was still in point* “Until I’m satisfied with your work, I’ll teach you new material. This is the most basic part I can teach you. So this shouldn’t be a problem.” *he would the step back to see her work*" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "*As Selena is led over to the dummy, she listens intently to what Leo has to say.*\n\n\"...Okay! I'll try!\"\n\n*She takes a deep breath, and readies her stance once again. Up, down... thunp. She hadn't backed up quite enough, and accidentally hit the dummy with her thrust! Luckily it wasn't enough to actually damage it, but Selena felt it nonetheless. Quickly, her face once again blushing from embarassment, she tries again. Up, down... thrust. Much better. The point didn't make contact with the dummy that time. What a relief! She does it again, and again... each time coming ever so slightly closer to how Leo did it. She won't be able to match him anytime soon, obviously, but her improvements are still noteworthy.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo kept his arms crossed as he observed her. Every now and then he would point out the mistakes she was making up, but they were just slight ones. He’s honestly surprised by how quickly she’s progressing, but again she has a long ways to*\n\n“Even though you’re taking a break from school doesn’t mean you’re done with training. You need to be prepared for the next fight.”\n\n*Honestly, he wishes she could just be a normal kid and not be tangled up in his affairs, but he made a promise to her, and he needs her to be ready for anything*\n\n*this training reminded him of when he was in the brotherhood. He was in charge of training the younglings in the hunter division. Although, he wasn’t anything like he is now with Selena, than he was then. He quickly shook the thought out of his head and continued to observe her* “Again….again….Again!”" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "*As Selena continues her sets against the dummy, she continued to improve... until she didn't. The eight year old didn't have the stamina Leo did, and after a few minutes it was starting to show. Over time her breathing began to get heavier, and her swings and thrust started to lose their focus.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*once Leo noticed her fatigue kicking in he kneeled next to her* “Don’t lose focus. You keep your eyes on the target. Not me, not the ground, not the sword, your target.” *his voice got serious. He wasn’t angry, but she could tell he wasn’t talking in his normal Leo/dad voice* “You don’t stop when you’re tired. You stop when you’re done.”\n\n*He stood up and crossed his arms again* “Again!”" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Selena nods at this. Taking a second after a set to catch her breath, she re-aligns herself and begins again. It was an improvement, but one could tell it was taking her more effort now to keep going than before. Even despite this, though, the little siren kept going. Her arms were starting to ache, but she did her best to ignore it and keep going. Anything to make Leo proud of her.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Faster Selena. If you’re this slow in a fight the enemy would’ve killed you already.” *he would then position himself next to the dummy. He began to make it difficult for her not to look at him by getting leveled with it* “Don’t look at me! Keep your eyes on the target.” *his eyes glared at Selena’s. He saw her struggle. He saw her in pain, but he also saw victory past all this pain*" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Selena does begin speeding up at this - not immediately, but gradually. Her eyes narrowed - not in anger, but in focus. Up down thrust, up down thrust, up down thrust. Admittedly, the faster speed did make things a bit easier for her, but not to where she was able to smooth out to before her fatigue began to set in. The longer she repeated the swings, the more sore her arms became, too. A single tear rolled down her cheek, but she did her best to ignore it. She had to tough it out. She had to prove she was good enough for this.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo stood there, examining her. A normal kid would’ve stopped minutes ago, but she’s pushing through her limits. He gripped his wooden blade and leaped in between her and the dummy when she quick steps back. She would have have to perform the exercise on him* “Up, down, thrust. Up, down, thrust!” *he wanted to test her against a real opponent this one time to see if she would slip up*" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Selena would be lying if she would have said that Leo didn't surprise her by jumping between her and the dummy so suddenly. Her wings pop out a bit from the shock, but she manages to keep her stance. She realizes pretty quickly that she's going to have to do this on Leo, so she goes for it. Up down thrust. Up down thrust. Keeping her rhythm from the dummy, she repeats the set aimed at Leo. By now she was only focused on what she was doing - she couldn't even close her wings subconsciously. All of her focus was aimed at Leo, even though the pain in her arms and now starting in her legs were eating away at it. She had to keep going. She had to...*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Selena already surpassed Leo’s expectations by now. She was determined, and he could see it.* “Good! Good! Sloppy! Good..”\n\n*Todays session was over. In one glued motion Leo stuck her blade hard enough to send it flying out of her hand, sweeps her legs to knock her down, and catch her by grabbing her vest. He holds her there until she collects herself for a moment. Once she was calmed down he set her back on her feet*\n\n“Your breathing was out of control. You twisted your hips to much with the motion, and your arms were too stiff as you swung.” *his voice was raspy and firm. It would be normal to be confused if he was angry or not. Either way, he lets go of her and cleared his throat* “…Same time tomorrow. I’ll be training with you, but you will keep practicing what I taught you today.”" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Selena, quite expectedly, was caught offguard by the sudden attack, and as she is set back down her face is practically red as a tomato - both from exhaustion, and humiliation as Leo listed more that she had done wrong. She sits down and covers her face with her hands, though it didn't do much to hide how she felt as she spoke up.*\n\n\"...I-i'm sorry... I did bad, I s-should have...\"\n\n*She can't quite bring herself to finish her sentence as tears welled up in her eyes again. In her mind, Leo's reprimands were all she needed to confirm that despite her efforts, she had failed him.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Did I say you did bad? I don’t remember saying that.” *he placed his hand under her chin to raise her head up. He bared no smile, but that doesn’t mean he wasn’t proud of her*\n\n“You’re young, and this was your first day. Of course you’re not as good as a sheikah warrior, but soon, you’ll be even better.”\n\n*he then wiped the tears that swelled up in her eyes away* “Don’t cry. You have no reason to.”" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Comforting as it was for Selena to hear Leo say this, the siren couldn't help but be confused at this.*\n\n\"...But, what about all that stuff you said? About the breathing, and the twisting, and...\"\n\n*She interrupts herself with a sniffle.*\n\n\"...Doesn't that mean I did bad?\"" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "“Those are just flaws you’ll have to fix next time. Nobody is perfect Selena. Besides, I’ve trained kids your age before, and over half of them would’ve quit before I stopped you.” *he moved his hand down to her shoulder* “There’s always room for improvement. Find the flaws, work on them, and get stronger, yeah?”\n\n*he leaned in and held his fist up for her to fist bump it. Now a grin appeared on his face*" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Despite the redness of her face not going away, Selena can't help but smile back at Leo's grin. She puts up her own fist and bumps Leo's, before going in for a hug.*\n\n\"...Thank you...\"\n\n*With the humiliation subsiding, though, the pain began to set in for real. And this time she didn't have a focus to ignore it with. Unfortunately this cuts her hug short.*\n\n\"...uh. My arms and legs... they hurt. More than when we train normally...\"" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*the sudden hug surprised Leo, but he still held her tight. He was very proud for how she did today.*\n\n*he sorta squeezed her arms a bit before moving them around a bit* “Yeah that’s gonna happen. You’ll be sore now than you’ve ever been. But you’ll see progress before you know it.” *standing up and stretched a bit before setting the wooden swords away* “Rest and wash up. I think there’s an ice block in the cellar somewhere. I’ll cut a slab of that for you to use on your arms and legs.”" }, { "author": "thekrazystew", "is_bot": false, "message": "\"...Mmkay. Thank you...\"\n\n*As she walks away is when the pain really hits her. She had pushed herself too hard, and it showed in the way she walked away. Even so, it wasn't the end of the world. After all, despite how the session ended, Leo seemed proud of her... and that was enough for her.*" } ]
[ { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The soldiers met the Stalfos head on. They blocked the strikes with dual clangs off the shields. They retaliated in unison with slashes at the Stalfos' heads!*\n\n*The Guardian Scout parried the Dynalfos's strike with surprising accuracy from its sword. And Lusaimi's own strike was blocked with its shield. The Guardian Scout seemed perfectly content to take them both on at once! Its axe swiped at them both in a long horizontal arc!*\n\n*The Scout blocked the arrow with its shield and returned fire. A hail of energy bolts fired at Leo targeting all points of his body, at least 8 in total.*\n\n*High above and near invisible in the darkness, the Kargoroc's scouting revealed a newcomer. A rito bearing the hallmarks of the army. The rito knocked a trifecta of arrows and loosed them all at the flying monster!*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Before anything else, the first thing that occurred was the Kargarok alerting Lusaimi of the threat. Lusaimi didn't completely understand the warning, but it was ordered only to speak when communicating a warning to her; so she at least understood that. She didn't know what it was, how many of them there were, how much of a threat, even if it was more of the army or someone else. But still... reinforcements were here, regardless of who or what they were.*\n\n*The Kargaork was fast in the sky, flying to the side to avoid the arrows. It seemed to circle around the Rito, not really attacking but attempting to find an opening. Even it knew that rushing head-on would be suicide. Although, it did seem to turn towards the Rito, as if it was slowly closing the distance between them...*\n\n*Lusaimi decided the best course of her action at the moment was to restrategize. Both her and her Dynafalos would duck down, before jumping back. This Leo had been here for... who knows how long, fighting these things and the soldiers. He seemed to do well... but these things... just what were they? She hadn't expected the parry at all, nor the very fast reflex to her own attack...*\n\n*But it was in that struggle that she learned something. These things... whatever they were, they weren't alive. Their actions were too... exact. A living being doesn't act in such a way; they sway up and down, left and right, have a certain element to their movements that expressed a tinge of... a beat of sorts; their movements vary, ever so slightly, in an act of proof that blood runs through them, and that they were granted life*\n\n*No... these were weapons. Pure terrors made, either by hand or magic, to destroy all that remained on the battlefield. And she knew this because her beasts were the exact same. When she took control, they lost that element in their movement, the beat of life. It was an important distinction, one she noted early on in her work, and it was something these things shared.*\n\n*But that's just it; it was a weapon. Her monsters were similar, but what they did had was loyalty; their minds were bent to her will, and their entire existence would become in her name.*\n\n*In a way, she found herself wanting to test if these things held such a strong sense of loyalty.*\n\n\"Meet me in the middle! Keep them across from us!\"\n\n*Despite keeping her focus on the Guardian in front of her, Lusaimi had watched the one that attacked Leo. That attack... was exploitable. Very exploitable. From here, she, and her Dynafalos both moved to the left, putting their backs to Leo and the Guardian he fought. The Dynafalos remained slightly in front of Lusaimi, striking with its tail axe at it's side as fast it could, while she stayed behind it, moving backward ever so slightly as they did...*\n\n*The stalfos, meanwhile, held no such complex thoughts. They only had one thought.*\n\n*Serve*\n\n*The first Stalfos would actually duck under the attack just barely, the blade slightly chipping the bone on the skull. A loss of no consequence. It crashed its shield into the soldier, attempting to follow it up by stabbing the soldier in the arm with his shield!*\n\n*The second, meanwhile, blocked it straight on with it's shield, going for a sweep with its blade instead, attempting to cut into his legs!*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Seeing the energy build up, he knew what was coming. He dashed towards the center to dodge most of the blasts, and leaped forward and rolled to escape the rest. Now the witch was giving Leo orders. Although at this point he had no choice. Any idea was a good idea.* \"Right!\" *So he did. he rushed towards Lusaimi and turned his back, facing the scout once again.*\n\n*For now he unequipped his ball and chain, but the proto blade makes a reappearance. He twirls the blade around a bit to get ready, sorta knowing the witches plan.* \"I hope you know what you're doing. These things aren't like anything I've faced.\"" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The rito was just as skilled in the air as his foe. He swooped and navigated around the Kargoroc's attempts to close in. He knocked trio of arrows again and fired in a spread upside down!*\n\n*The Guardian Scout blocked the tail strike again with its shield and immediately counterattacked with both axe and sword in a flurry of razor edged light! Just like with Leo whether a strike hit or not the scout didn't stop; it targeted a new part of the body to hit.*\n\n*The Stalfos were both successful in knocking down the weary soldiers. They crashed to the ground, but weren't defeated yet.*\n\n*Leo's Guardian Scout chased after him, completing the line. He, Lusaimi, and the Dynalfos between the two machines. The scout launched itself at him with a heavy chop from the axe!*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*With the Dynafalos tail swipe hitting the shield, it proceeded to simply bounce off of it, ready to assist in blocking the Guardian’s strikes. One of its arm shields took to the sword, letting the sword in that arm swing to strike the Scout in a swift, but not powerful, strike, while another blade and its tail blocked the heavy hitting axe, hoping the duo of weapons would be able to push back the axe and create an opening. Curiously, the Dynafalos seemed to move with more expertise than before…*\n\n*And that was because of Lusaimi. She was behind her minion, ordering it on exactly how to fight back. A Dynafalos was combat trained, sure, but her instant orders made it even more efficient.*\n\n*Once the order was made, however, she looked up to see her Kargarok, finally checking its warning… a Rito. Shit. For now, it surviving and wasting the Rito’s time and arrows was the most important thing.*\n\n*Supported by Lusaimi’s orders, the Kargarok found an opening to dodge the arrows, moving perpendicular to the spread of the arrows, as if to only dodge one, without moving too far back, finding a Goldilocks distance; it could dodge the Rito’s arrows, but if the Rito took its attention off of it, then the Kargarok would find an opening for itself to attack.*\n\n*Of course, Lusaimi would summon more monsters to help the Kargarok, if it weren’t for the fact that she needed to be ready to dodge in an instant. Summoning a creature could just get it immediately killed, and would ruin her plan at the same time. So she bided her time and supported the beasts she already had.*\n\n*The Stalfos, meanwhile, seemed to be the only things doing well with their assault. Knocking both to the ground, each went and attempted to step on the Soldier’s swords, before lowering their swords to the soldier’s necks, attempting to deliver the final blow.*" }, { "author": "choris_vulpes", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The port and the towering wall of fire came into view, wordlessly she began communicating with her new friend. She handed him the oars and motioned to herself then the wall ahead of them, then she slammed her fist into her palm in an attempt to say she was going to smash it. She could see one rito in the sky, clearly in combat.*\n\n*With that done she racked a bomb arrow and took aim at the wall. The sound of battle emanated from the other side of it, perhaps she could use it as a distraction to grab selena. The scout let loose the bomb arrow on the fire wall.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leo stood his ground and parried the scouts attack once again. Once the axe swung downwards he drew his katana with his left hand to block it, keeping it in place. Meanwhile he slashed at the scouts arm that held the axe, attempting to disarm it! These thing had way too many arms, so cutting them down one by one could do the trick,*\n\n*The battle once again seemed consistent. Leo and Lusaimi fighting their scouts, the witches minions fighting off the remaining soldiers. Everything seemed to be mentally marked down by Leo, until a sudden explosion accrued near the boats. He assumed it was one of the witches minions that caused this, but he wasn't 100% sure.*\n\n{This fight is taking too long. There's no telling what's going on at the stronghold. Selena better be safe. As long as Luna is with her everything should be okay.}" }, { "author": "jeremy.exe_", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The rito had arrows to spare. Twice more he hailed the monster with arrow trios and continued to evade it. These were after all common menaces of the fields, and ones he had dealt with many times before.*\n\n*As one the Guardian Scouts backed up out of harm's way, causing Leo and the Dynalfos's retaliations to whiff. Their heads wound back like how one would wind up a clock. And then they again fired those twin lasers that lingered as their heads spun back around, carving out great circles of light 20 feet across and merging like a venn diagram right on top of Leo, the Dynalfos, and Lusaimi!*\n\n*The Soldiers stayed down, partially injury from the stalfos's blows and partially foreknowledge of the lasers danger. Their swords and shields had mitigated the killing blows, but not left them unscathed. However the Stalfos were directly in the path of one of the sweeping Guardian beams!*\n\n*The explosion blew apart the fire barrier. The tinders of the crates splashed down everywhere, some being obliterated by the beams of light.*" }, { "author": "powersurge2o", "is_bot": false, "message": "*The Kargarok, despite being a common menace, didn't act like its kin. It seemed so much more focused on its own survival than landing a hit. If it had to, it moved back as need be, but otherwise tried to stay just around this Goldilocks range... of course, that probably only made it more deadly, since it seemed to know not to attack recklessly. As twice more the Rito fired, twice more it dodged, this time going in between the first set of arrows by going backward, letting the arrows spread out, then… failing to dodge the second volley, not taking the trajectory of one of the side arrows into account. The arrow hit its wing, and with that, it’s flight was over. The arrow didn’t technically kill it, but the crash into the ground certainly did. Lusaimi could feel the severing of the connection as well… although she didn’t have time to deal with it. Although, the Rito would recognize that this Kargarok had acted very strangely.*\n\n*The moment the Scouts backed up, Lusaimi only watched them more closely... before seeing the great beams of light across the ground through their eyes.*\n\n\"Jump!\"\n\n*It was both said to Leo, and her Dynafalos. Using her Roc's Cape, Lusaimi jumped into the sky in order to dodge the circles of light, using her gliding to slow her fall, and only jump once more if she gets too close to the ground. Focusing on her Dynafalos, she ordered the beast to jump exactly as it needed to; its jumps were small and fast, but as long as it kept doing them, it could dodge the lasers, only due to Lusaimi's control.*\n\n*Her Stalfos, however, were not helped in such an endeavor. Instead, they just tried to attack the soldiers again, only to get knocked on their feet, and as a result, fall to pieces. The Stalfos weren't dead, mind you; they would reform soon. But the bones were scattered around, needing a moment to collect themselves. For now, the process hadn't even begun, so the bones just... rolled around as physics demanded.*" }, { "author": "choris_vulpes", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Luna now looking past the wall could grasp the situation, putting her years of scout training to use she deducted that selena was definitely not there. Upon viewing the field she turned to rowen and pointed to him “boko”, then strider “leo” before clasping her hands together “assist”. The scout then patted the bokoblin on the head before leaping off the boat and making a B line for #hyrule-field. Hoping her pegasus boots would see her through unscathed.*" }, { "author": "mr_wayne365", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Leos attack failed again, so he stepped back. But the scout did the same, and seeing its head spin he knew what was about to come. Lusaimi's words were heard, and so he reacted.* \"Right!\" *Using his Roc cape as well he leaped up to avoid the blue energy beam radius. He Mimicked the witches movements, as she seems to know what she's doing.*\n\n*He stared at the scouts some more, observing them some more and piecing together everything he knows so far. His assumption on their weak points remains true, as every time he aim for it, they either dodge or protect that one source. When there was a moment to speak, Leo spoke.* \"Try aiming for their eye. Wherever their energy beam is exiting seems to be their current source of weakness. That's all I've gathered so far.\"\n\n*While Leo was airborne, he whipped out the ball and chain once again! As the ball and chain weighed him down, he performed a previous move once again to see if it connects. From a soldiers viewpoint, Leo could be seen playing \"Whack-a-scout\". A game that will soon be Leo's favorite. But after landing he looked ahead past the guardian once the ball landed. For a slip second he saw a figure dash away from the docks and near the gerudo province. The figure looked oddly familiar to him.*\n\n{Luna?}" }, { "author": "neon_nimbus", "is_bot": false, "message": "*Far out in the distance a figure bursted through the night sky with focused eyes full of vim. He had journeys far from the geroudo province, but now made his appearance already seeing his comrades at the docks taking on gruesome odds. Some kind of new machinery, soldiers, and a rito as well? He could only imagine how long they’ve had to hold out, but Saina would look to even those odds.*\n\n*His first target was the rito flying through the air and dodging their every attack. Despite his glowing figure he’d attempt to swoop down from above and deliver a quick knock out blow to the back of the head of the rito.*" } ]