「おういうことですか?」 į§ã¯ãƒ•ã‚Ŗãƒŗ様へとčĻ–įˇšã‚’向けた。åŊŧはįŦ‘éĄ”ã‚’å´Šã•ãĒい。 フã‚Ŗãƒŗ様はæœŦåŊ“ãĢäŊ•ã‚’č€ƒãˆãĻいるぎかčĒ­ã‚ãĒい。 「ヘãƒŗãƒĒはã‚ĸãƒĒã‚ˇã‚ĸぎことが大åĨŊきだからね。それãĢäģŠãžã§ã ãŖãĻäŊ•ã‹é›†ãžã‚ŠãŒã‚るとすれば、ãƒĒã‚ēぎことかã‚ĸãƒĒã‚ˇã‚ĸぎことだãŖたもんね」 「ですが、äģŠãžã§ã¨ã¯éšåˆ†ã¨įŠļæŗãŒå¤‰ã‚ã‚Šãžã—た」 į§ã¯ãƒ•ã‚Ŗãƒŗ様ぎįœŠã—いįŦ‘饔ãĢč˛ ã‘ãšãĢ、ニッã‚ŗãƒĒと垎įŦ‘んだ。 「......ぞぁ、ヘãƒŗãƒĒが朝からäŋēãŸãĄã‚’å‘ŧんだãŖãĻことは、ã‚ĸãƒĒã‚ˇã‚ĸãĢäŧšã‚ã›ãŸããĒかãŖたんだろうけおãĒ」 ã‚Ģãƒŧテã‚Ŗ゚様がäŧščŠąãĢå‰˛ã‚Ščžŧんでくる。 įĸēかãĢそうよね。......けお、į§ãŒã“ãŽåą‹æ•ˇãĢäŊã‚“でいるäģĨ上、æĨåŽĸとäŧšã‚ãĒいãĒんãĻįĩæ§‹į„Ąį†ãŒã‚るわよね? 「ã‚ĸãƒĒã‚ˇã‚ĸが朝旊くからåē­ã§å‰Ŗを振り回しãĻいることをäēˆæ¸ŦしãĻいãĒかãŖたヘãƒŗãƒĒがæ‚Ēいんだよ」 「ああ。あいつがæ‚Ēい。äŋēãŸãĄã¯ã“ã“ã§ã‚ĸãƒĒã‚ˇã‚ĸãŒæą—ã ããĢãĒりãĒがらå‰Ŗを振り回しãĻいるãĒんãĻ思ãŖãĻもãŋãĒかãŖたんだから」 「ã‚ĸãƒĒã‚ˇã‚ĸぎやりそうãĒことではあるけおね」 ......さãŖãã‹ã¨ã‚‚ãŠã“ã‹å¤ąį¤ŧじゃãĒい? それãĢå‰Ŗを振り回しãĻいるãŖãĻč¨€ã„æ–š! å‰Ŗぎį¨Ŋ古をしãĻいるãŖãĻ言ãŖãĻよ! į§ã¯äēŒäēēをčģŊくį¨ã‚“だ。フã‚Ŗãƒŗ様はそんãĒį§ã‚’čĻ‹ãĻもæĨŊしそうãĢįŦ‘ãŖãĻいる。 åŊŧãĢ恐怖åŋƒã¨ã„うもぎはãĒいぎだろうか。......ãã†č¨€ãˆã°ã€ãƒ•ã‚Ŗãƒŗ様が怯えãĻいるとこをčĻ‹ãŸã“とがãĒい。 「それãĢしãĻも銚いたよね!」 フã‚Ŗãƒŗæ§˜ãŽč¨€č‘‰ãĢį§ã¯éĻ–を傞げる。åŊŧはį›Žã‚’čŧã‹ã›ãĒがらį§ã‚’čĻ‹ã¤ã‚ãĻいる。 「だãŖãĻ、あぎã‚ĸãƒĢバãƒŧトも勝ãĻãĒかãŖたんだよ!」 「äŋē達ぎ中でもかãĒりåŧˇã„æ–šãĒぎãĢãĒ」 ã‚Ģãƒŧテã‚Ŗã‚šæ§˜ã€ããŽä¸€č¨€ã¯äŊ™č¨ˆãĢã‚ĸãƒĢバãƒŧトお兄様ぎåŋƒã‚’えぐりぞす。 というか、フã‚Ŗãƒŗ様も厚čĩĻãĒい。もう少しフりロãƒŧしãĻあげãĻよ。į§ãŽįĢ‹å ´ã‹ã‚‰ã˜ã‚ƒäŊ•ã‚‚č¨€ãˆãĒいぎだから。 åĨŗぎ子ãĢč˛ ã‘ã‚‹ã“ã¨č‡ĒäŊ“ã‚‚åąˆčžąįš„ãĒはず。それãĒぎãĢもé›ĸれたåĻšãŖãĻč€ƒãˆã‚‹ã¨ãƒ—ãƒŠã‚¤ãƒ‰ãŒã‚ēã‚ŋã‚ēã‚ŋだ。 į§ã¯čĒ°ãĢã‚‚čˆã‚ã‚‰ã‚ŒãĒいぐらいåŧˇããĒりたかãŖたし、それãĒりãĢ鍛éŒŦもįŠã‚“できた。äēēä¸ĻãŋäģĨ上ãĢしãĒいとį”ˇæ€§ã¨åŒį­‰ãĢãĒれãĒい。 だからこそ、äēēä¸Ļぎ数十倍ぎ鍛éŒŦをæ—Ĩ々重ねãĻきた。 į§ãĢもプナイドがある。äģŠãžã§åŋ…æ­ģãĢčļŗæŽģいãĻã€č…•ã‚’įŖ¨ã„ãĻきたぎだもぎ。 čĻ‹ããŗãŖãĻもらãŖãĻは困る。 ......ãŖãĻč€ƒãˆã‚‹ã¨ã€ã‚¯ã‚ˇãƒŖãƒŠãŽã‚ãŽå¨åŠ›ã¯ãƒã‚ąãƒĸノね。 洗įˇ´ã•ã‚ŒãĻいãĻ、į„Ąé§„ãĒ動きが一切ãĒかãŖた。それãĢã€ã‚ãŽč…•åŠ›ã€‚å‹ãĻãĒかãŖたけお、åŊŧåĨŗとæˆĻえたことをčĒ‡ã‚ŠãĢ思う。 「ãĒんか、ã‚ĸãƒĢバãƒŧãƒˆå‚ˇã¤ã„ãĻãĒい?」 ãĄã‚‡ãŖとフã‚Ŗãƒŗ様! 夊äŊŋãŽéĄ”ã§ãŠå…„æ§˜ãĢãĒんãĻã“ã¨čžã„ãĻいるぎよ! æŗŖいãĻしぞうわよ! ã‚Ģãƒŧテã‚Ŗ゚様もフã‚Ŗãƒŗæ§˜ãŽč¨€č‘‰ãĢã¯ã€Œãã‚Œã¯č¨€ãŖãĻやるãĒ」と気をéŖãŖãĻいる。 けお、お兄様からしたらこぎ気éŖいが逆劚果ãĢãĒるだろう。 「......ã‚ĸãƒĒã‚ˇã‚ĸがåŧˇã„ことはįŸĨãŖãĻいたからåˆĨãĢå‚ˇã¤ã„ãĻはいãĒい。ただč‡Ē分があぞりãĢも不į”˛æ–ãĒいだけだ」 čĒ°ã‚‚äŊ•ã‚‚č¨€ãˆãĒい気ぞずいįŠē気がæĩã‚Œã‚‹ã€‚ フã‚Ŗãƒŗ様はč‡Ē分ぎį™ēしたことをæ‚Ēいと思ãŖãĻいる様子は一切ãĒい。むしろåŊŧは「äŊ•ã‹č¨€ãŖãĻあげãĻ」というį›Žã§į§ã‚’čĻ‹ã¤ã‚ãĻくる。 ......もしかしたら、これがフã‚Ŗãƒŗ様ãĒりぎ配慎ãĒぎかもしれãĒい。 į§ã¯ãƒ•ã‚ĨãŖと小さく息を吐いãĻã€č¨€č‘‰ã‚’į™ēした。 「ここからåŧˇããĒればいいぎです。å‰Ŗ術ãĒんãĻただぎ゚キãƒĢ。嚸いãĒことãĢ、゚キãƒĢは鍛éŒŦをįŠã‚ã°ã„くらでもįŖ¨ãã“とができぞす」 į§ã¯æ…°ã‚ãŽč¨€č‘‰ã‚’かけるようãĒäēē間じゃãĒい。 可愛いåĻšãĢはãĒれãĒい。......けお、それでいい。
“What do you mean?” I turned my attention to Finn-sama. He didn’t break his smile. I really couldn’t read what Finn-sama was thinking. “Henry loves Alicia. And even up until now, if there’s been any kind of gathering, it’s been about Liz or Alicia.” “But things have changed a lot since then.” I smiled, not to be outdone by Finn-sama’s dazzling smile. “...Well, if Henry called us in the morning, I guess, maybe he didn’t want Alicia to see us.” Curtis-sama interrupted the conversation. I could certainly agree with that. But it was pretty much impossible for me to avoid seeing visitors when I lived in this mansion, you know? “It’s Henry’s fault for not anticipating Alicia’s early morning sword practice in the garden.” “Yeah, it’s his fault. We didn’t expect Alicia to be here, sweating and swinging around a sword.” “That’s exactly what Alicia would do, though.” ...You two had been somewhat rude to me since the beginning, you know? And the way you said about me swinging around a sword! Say that I was practicing with a sword! I scowled at them both, and Finn-sama looked pleased to see me glaring at him. I wondered if he had any fear. I had never seen Finn-sama scared before. “That’s amazing, right!” I tilted my head at Finn-sama’s words. He looked at me with a sparkle in his eyes. “Because Albert never won!” “Even though he’s one of the strongest among us.” Curtis-sama, that one word excessively gouged Big Brother Albert’s heart. I mean, Finn-sama was relentless, as well. You should have covered up for him instead, even by a little. I couldn’t really say something about it from my point of view. It must be humiliating to lose to a girl. And yet, he lost to not only a woman but his younger sister who was five years younger than him, the damage must have been worse. I wanted to be strong enough so that no one would underestimate me, and I had trained myself accordingly. I aim to be as strong as I could be, even surpassing a man’s level. That was why I trained dozens of times more than other people. I also had pride. I worked hard and honed my skills until now. I would hate for them to underestimate me. When I thought about it, I realized that Kushana’s power was monstrous. She was so refined, and she didn’t waste any of her movements. And she had such power in her body. I didn’t win, but I was proud to have had the chance to fight her. “Albert, are you hurt or something?” Hey, Finn-sama! How dared you ask my brother like that with that angelic face of yours! You’re going to make him cry! Curtis-sama was also careful about what Finn-sama said, telling him, “Don’t ask that”. But from big brother’s point of view, this concern had the opposite effect. “...I knew Alicia was strong, so I’m not really hurt. It’s just that I’m too unworthy.” The air was awkward, with no one able to say anything. Finn-sama did not seem to feel bad about what he said. Rather, he looked at me with a stare that said, “Say something”. Perhaps this was Finn-sama’s way of showing consideration. I let out a small sigh and spoke. “You can get stronger from here on. Swordsmanship is just a skill. Fortunately, skills can be honed as much as you want with training.” I was not the kind of person to offer words of comfort. I could never be a sweet little sister. But that was fine.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
こぎįĩĩį”ģãĢは į›ŽãĢ映るäģĨ上ぎもぎが隠されãĻいぞす ごčĻ§ãŽã¨ãŠã‚Š į”ˇæ€§ãŽã‚ĸクãƒĒãƒĢį”ģです でも キãƒŖãƒŗバ゚ãĢ 描いたぎではありぞせん į”ˇæ€§ãŽä¸ŠãĢ į›´æŽĨ 描きぞした į§ãŒã‚„ãŖãĻいるã‚ĸãƒŧトは キãƒŖãƒŗバ゚をäŊŋいぞせん もしįš†ã•ã‚“ãŽč‚–åƒį”ģを 手がけるとしたら įš†ã•ã‚“ぎäŊ“ãĢ į›´æŽĨ 描きぞす č€ŗぎ中がįĩĩãŽå…ˇãŸãŖãˇã‚ŠãĢãĒるぎを čĻšæ‚Ÿã—ãĻください č€ŗぎ中がįĩĩãŽå…ˇãŸãŖãˇã‚ŠãĢãĒるぎを čĻšæ‚Ÿã—ãĻください č€ŗぎ上ãĢ č€ŗを描くからです ã“ãŽã‚ˇãƒŧãƒŗでは äēēį‰Š čĄŖ服 ― 椅子 åŖ すずãĻをįĩĩãŽå…ˇã§åĄ—ã‚Šã¤ãã— そぎ下ãĢあるもぎを 描きå‡ēしãĻいぞす そうやãŖãĻ 3æŦĄå…ƒãŽæƒ…景を 2æŦĄå…ƒãŽįĩĩį”ģぎようãĢ čĻ‹ã›ã‚‹ã“とができぞす ãŠãŽč§’åēĻから撎ãŖãĻも 2æŦĄå…ƒãĢčĻ‹ãˆãžã™ Photoshop はäŊŋãŖãĻいぞせん ã“ãĄã‚‰ã¯ åˆĨぎ3æŦĄå…ƒįĩĩį”ģを æ’ŽãŖた写įœŸã§ã™ äēēをįĩĩį”ģãĢ変えãĻしぞうã‚ĸイデã‚ĸを おんãĒéĸ¨ãĢ思いついたか ãŠčŠąã—ãžã™ 元々は äēēやįĩĩį”ģとは ぞãŖたくį„Ąé–ĸäŋ‚で 陰åŊąã‹ã‚‰å§‹ãžã‚Šãžã—た 光がãĒいįŠļ態ãĢ魅せられãĻ åŊąã‚’有åŊĸ化しãĻ æļˆãˆãĻしぞう前ãĢ į•™ã‚ãĻおきたかãŖた そこで åŊąã‚’描くã‚ĸイデã‚ĸを 思いつきぞした 気ãĢå…ĨãŖたぎは 描いたåŊąã¯ 原際ぎåŊąãĢ隠れãĻ ãģとんおčĻ‹ãˆãžã›ã‚“が é™Ŋが傞くことで įĒåĻ‚としãĻ ― 光ぎ中ãĢ č‡Ē分ぎ描いたåŊąãŒįžã‚Œã‚‹ã“と äģ–ãĢもåŊąã‚’描けるか č€ƒãˆãŸã¨ã“ã‚ 友äēēぎバãƒŧニãƒŧを思いつきぞした でも ただåŊąã‚’描くだけではãĒく ハイナイトも描きたいと思い グãƒŦãƒŧã‚šã‚ąãƒŧãƒĢで äŊ“ãĢ描きå‡ēしぞした 友äēēを描いãĻいるとき おんãĒéĸ¨ãĢäģ•ä¸Šã’たいか とãĻも明įĸēãĒã‚¤ãƒĄãƒŧジがあãŖãĻ ããŽã‚¤ãƒĄãƒŧジãĢ できるだけčŋ‘ãĨけようとしぞした でも į§ãŽį›ŽãŽå‰ã§ äŊ•ã‹ãŒįžŦいãĻいãĻ それがäŊ•ã ã‹åˆ†ã‹ã‚Šãžã›ã‚“でした 一歊 é›ĸれãĻãŋたįžŦ間 ― 魔æŗ•ãŒčĩˇã“りぞした 友äēēをįĩĩį”ģãĢ変えたぎです åŊąã‚’描きたかãŖたときãĢは 思ãŖãĻもいぞせんでしたが åŊąã‚’描きたかãŖたときãĢは 思ãŖãĻもいぞせんでしたが 丸々1つぎæŦĄå…ƒã‚’取りå‡ēしãĻ æŠŧしæŊ°ã— įĩĩを友äēēãĢäŊœã‚Šä¸Šã’ 友äēēをįĩĩãĢåŧ•ãčžŧんだ ということです ãĄã‚‡ãŖã¨ã—ãŸč‘›č—¤ãŒã‚ã‚Šãžã—ãŸ č‡Ē分ぎį™ēčĻ‹ãĢ とãĻã‚‚čˆˆåĨŽã—ぞしたが ãĄã‚‡ã†ãŠå¤§å­Ļを卒æĨ­ã™ã‚‹ã¨ãã§ æ”ŋæ˛ģå­Ļ専æ”ģだãŖたį§ã¯ いつも å¤ĸčĻ‹ãĻいたからです ãƒ¯ã‚ˇãƒŗトãƒŗDCãĢ行ãŖãĻ ― įĢ‹æ´žãĒデ゚クãĢåē§ãŖãĻ æ”ŋåēœæŠŸé–ĸで働くんだ! ãĒぜ こんãĒã‚ĸイデã‚ĸを 思いついãĻしぞãŖたぎか? é›Ŗしいæąē断を下しぞした 卒æĨ­åžŒã¯ 原åŽļãĢ帰ãŖãĻ å›Ŋäŧšč­°äē‹å ‚ではãĒく åŽļぎ地下厤ãĢもぐりčžŧãŋ įĩĩį”ģãĢついãĻå­ĻãļことãĢしぞした äŊ•ã‹ã‚‰æ‰‹ã‚’ã¤ã‘ã‚Œã°č‰¯ã„ã‹ 分かりぞせんでした įĩĩは 16æ­ŗぎとき ― ã‚ĩマãƒŧキãƒŖãƒŗプでįŋ’ãŖたきりです æ˜”ãŽåˇ¨åŒ ãŽįĩĩã‚’æ¨Ąå†™ã—ãŸã‚Š キãƒŖãƒŗバ゚をåŧĩãŖãĻ äŊ•åēĻもäŊ•åēĻも描くようãĒ įˇ´įŋ’はしたくãĒかãŖた こぎプロジェクトãĢは 意å‘ŗをãĒさãĒいもぎでしたから į§ãŒãƒ†ãƒŧマとしãĻいたぎは įŠē間と光です 初期ãĢキãƒŖãƒŗバ゚としãĻ äŊŋį”¨ã—たぎは įš†ã•ã‚“ãŒč€ƒãˆã‚‹ã‚ˆã†ãĒ キãƒŖãƒŗバ゚ではãĒく こんãĒéŖŸãšį‰Šã§ã™ æ˛šãŖこいį›ŽįŽ‰į„ŧきãĢ įĩĩãŽå…ˇã‚’ã¤ã‘ã‚‹ãĒんãĻ ãģãŧ不可čƒŊですよね もãŖと手こずãŖたぎは グãƒŦãƒŧプフãƒĢãƒŧツぎ酸でした čĻ‹ãˆãĒいイãƒŗクãŋたいãĢ įĩĩãŽå…ˇã‚’æļˆã—ãĻしぞうんです č‰˛ã‚’äš—ã›ãŸã¨ãŸã‚“ æļˆãˆãĻしぞいぞす äēēをキãƒŖãƒŗバ゚ãĢしたいと思ãŖたとき ãĄã‚‡ãŖとæĨずかしかãŖたぎが č‡Ē分ぎã‚ĸトãƒĒエãĢé€ŖれãĻきãĻ 地下厤でトãƒŧ゚トãĢ įĩĩを描いãĻいるぎを čĻ‹ã‚‰ã‚Œã‚‹ã“とでした そこでč‡Ē分ãĢįĩĩãŽå…ˇã‚’åĄ—ãŖãĻ įˇ´įŋ’しãĻãŋることãĢしぞした į§ãŽãŠæ°—ãĢå…ĨりぎãƒĸデãƒĢぎ一äēēは ã‚ã‚‹é€€čˇã—ãŸ おじいさんです じãŖとåē§ãŖãĻいãĻくれãĻ č€ŗãĢįĩĩãŽå…ˇãŒå…ĨãŖãĻも 気ãĢしãĒい äŊ•ã‚ˆã‚Š å…Ŧå…ąãŽå ´æ‰€ãĢ é€ŖれãĻ行ãŖãĻも そんãĒãĢæĨずかしがりぞせん åą•į¤ēぎためãĢ 地下鉄ãĢ乗ãŖたりしぞした こぎプロã‚ģ゚は æœŦåŊ“ãĢæĨŊしかãŖたです 様々ãĒã‚šã‚ŋイãƒĢぎ描き斚を č‡Ē分でå­Ļãŗ äģ–ãĢおんãĒことができるか æŽĸりたいと思いぞした å”åŠ›č€…ãŽ ã‚ˇã‚§ã‚¤ãƒŠãƒģãƒ´ã‚Ąãƒŗドと一įˇ’ãĢ もãŖと意外ãĒもぎãĢ įĩĩを描くã‚ĸイデã‚ĸを 思いつきぞした į‰›äšŗです プãƒŧãƒĢをį”¨æ„ã—ãĻ į‰›äšŗでいãŖãąã„ãĢしぞす ã‚ˇã‚§ã‚¤ãƒŠã‚’å…ĨれãĻ 描き始めぞした å‡ēæĨä¸ŠãŒã‚‹ã‚¤ãƒĄãƒŧジは いつも とãĻも思いがけãĒいもぎでした おんãĒéĸ¨ãĢäģ•ä¸Šã’るか å…ˇäŊ“įš„ãĢã‚¤ãƒĄãƒŧジしãĻ それãĢ合わせãĻ描きぞすが ― ã‚ˇã‚§ã‚¤ãƒŠãŒį‰›äšŗãĢ æĩ¸ãŖたįžŦ間 すずãĻが変化しぞす プãƒŧãƒĢ内は 常ãĢæĩå‹•įš„です それãĢ逆らうぎではãĒく 受けå…Ĩれ おんãĒéĸ¨ãĢãĒるかčŠĻしたり もãŖã¨č‰¯ã„ã‚‚ãŽã‚’äŊœã‚‹ãŸã‚ãĢ čĒŋ整したりしぞす 時ãĢは ã‚ˇã‚§ã‚¤ãƒŠãŒ į‰›äšŗぎ中ãĢæ¨Ēたわると 腕ãĢついた įĩĩãŽå…ˇã‚’ 洗いčŊとしãĻしぞいぞす 少しåŧˇåŧ•ã‹ã‚‚しれぞせんが į§ãŸãĄãŽč§Ŗæąēæ–šæŗ•ã¯ č…•ã‚’éš ã™ã“ã¨ あるときは éĢĒがį‰›äšŗぞãŋれãĢãĒãŖãĻ éĄ”ãŽįĩĩãŽå…ˇã‚’ 全部 洗いæĩã—ãĻしぞいぞした それãĒら éĄ”ã‚’éš ã—ãĻãŋよう すると į§ãŸãĄãŽæƒŗ像äģĨ上ãĢ エãƒŦã‚ŦãƒŗトãĒもぎが į”Ÿãžã‚Œãžã—た ããŽã‚„ã‚Šæ–šã¯ãĄã‚‡ã†ãŠ 手を上手く描けãĒくãĻ 苛įĢ‹ãŖた子䞛が æ‰‹ã‚’ãƒã‚ąãƒƒãƒˆãĢ 隠すようãĒもぎでしたけお 「į‰›äšŗプロジェクト」を始めたとき ― 大å­Ļを卒æĨ­ã—たとき ― æ”ŋæ˛ģへぎ道をå¤ĸčĻ‹ãĻ デ゚クで働くことから 陰åŊąãĢ魅せられãĻ äēē々をįĩĩį”ģãĢ変えãĻ į‰›äšŗぎプãƒŧãƒĢãĢå…ĨãŖた äēēを描くãĒんãĻ 思ãŖãĻもいぞせんでした でも æ…ŖれčĻĒしんだもぎから æœĒįŸĨぎもぎをčĻ‹ã¤ã‘るぎは äēˆæ¸Ŧ不可čƒŊではありぞせん 光でį…§ã‚‰ã•ã‚ŒãŸã‚‚ぎぎ 先をčĻ‹ãĻãŋãĻください åŊąãĢ隠れãĻいる そぎ下ãĢあるもぎを čĻ‹ã‚‹ã“とができぞす すると į›ŽãĢ映るäģĨ上ぎもぎが åž…ãĄå—ã‘ãĻいぞす ありがとうございぞした
There's more to this painting than meets the eye. And yes, it's an acrylic painting of a man, but I didn't paint it on canvas. I painted it directly on top of the man. What I do in my art is I skip the canvas altogether, and if I want to paint your portrait, I'm painting it on you, physically on you. That also means you're probably going to end up with an earful of paint, because I need to paint your ear on your ear. Everything in this scene, the person, the clothes, chairs, wall, gets covered in a mask of paint that mimics what's directly below it, and in this way, I'm able to take a three-dimensional scene and make it look like a two-dimensional painting. I can photograph it from any angle, and it will still look 2D. There's no Photoshop here. This is just a photo of one of my three-dimensional paintings. You might be wondering how I came up with this idea of turning people into paintings. But originally, this had nothing to do with either people or paint. It was about shadows. I was fascinated with the absence of light, and I wanted to find a way that I could give it materiality and pin it down before it changed. I came up with the idea of painting shadows. I loved that I could hide within this shadow my own painted version, and it would be almost invisible until the light changed, and all of a sudden my shadow would be brought to the light. I wanted to think about what else I could put shadows on, and I thought of my friend Bernie. But I didn't just want to paint the shadows. I also wanted to paint the highlights and create a mapping on his body in greyscale. I had a very specific vision of what this would look like, and as I was painting him, I made sure to follow that very closely. But something kept on flickering before my eyes. I wasn't quite sure what I was looking at. And then when I took that moment to take a step back, magic. I had turned my friend into a painting. I couldn't have foreseen that when I wanted to paint a shadow, I would pull out this whole other dimension, that I would collapse it, that I would take a painting and make it my friend and then bring him back to a painting. I was a little conflicted though, because I was so excited about what I'd found, but I was just about to graduate from college with a degree in political science, and I'd always had this dream of going to Washington, D.C., and sitting at a desk and working in government. Why did this have to get in the way of all that? I made the tough decision of going home after graduation and not going up to Capitol Hill, but going down to my parents' basement and making it my job to learn how to paint. I had no idea where to begin. The last time I'd painted, I was 16 years old at summer camp, and I didn't want to teach myself how to paint by copying the old masters or stretching a canvas and practicing over and over again on that surface, because that's not what this project was about for me. It was about space and light. My early canvases ended up being things that you wouldn't expect to be used as canvas, like fried food. It's nearly impossible to get paint to stick to the grease in an egg. Even harder was getting paint to stick to the acid in a grapefruit. It just would erase my brush strokes like invisible ink. I'd put something down, and instantly it would be gone. And if I wanted to paint on people, well, I was a little bit embarrassed to bring people down into my studio and show them that I spent my days in a basement putting paint on toast. It just seemed like it made more sense to practice by painting on myself. One of my favorite models actually ended up being a retired old man who not only didn't mind sitting still and getting the paint in his ears, but he also didn't really have much embarrassment about being taken out into very public places for exhibition, like the Metro. I was having so much fun with this process. I was teaching myself how to paint in all these different styles, and I wanted to see what else I could do with it. I came together with a collaborator, Sheila Vand, and we had the idea of creating paintings in a more unusual surface, and that was milk. We got a pool. We filled it with milk. We filled it with Sheila. And I began painting. And the images were always completely unexpected in the end, because I could have a very specific image about how it would turn out, I could paint it to match that, but the moment that Sheila laid back into the milk, everything would change. It was in constant flux, and we had to, rather than fight it, embrace it, see where the milk would take us and compensate to make it even better. Sometimes, when Sheila would lay down in the milk, it would wash all the paint off of her arms, and it might seem a little bit clumsy, but our solution would be, okay, hide your arms. And one time, she got so much milk in her hair that it just smeared all the paint off of her face. All right, well, hide your face. And we ended up with something far more elegant than we could have imagined, even though this is essentially the same solution that a frustrated kid uses when he can't draw hands, just hiding them in the pockets. When we started out on the milk project, and when I started out, from pursuing my dream in politics and working at a desk to tripping over a shadow and then turning people into paintings and painting on people in a pool of milk. But then again, I guess it's also not unforeseeable that you can find the strange in the familiar, as long as you're willing to look beyond what's already been brought to light, that you can see what's below the surface, hiding in the shadows, and recognize that there can be more there than meets the eye. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
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Guided by several military officers inside a dim, underground tunnel, a man in his prime with respectful social status and a man in his mid-twenties were breathing heavily. They kept running as fast as they could. “Please hurry, your majesty. If we can escape from here, we will come out of a hut on the outskirts of the royal capital. Afterward, we shall hide inside Duke Baldi’s place for a short time. Then we will seek help from the empire or the holy kingdom to sweep those rebels and demons out of this country.” “I-I know. As if I would hand this country over to those kinds of demons or rebels! I will definitely take it back with my own hands.” The man in his prime, who doesn’t have bad looks, but somehow lacks ambition, grumbled annoyingly while carrying a small box like it was something of great importance. “Of course, father. Let’s teach them who owns this country. At any rate, more irritating than those demons are the citizens! They kept enjoying a great life under father’s rule and yet they turned sides and changed into insurgents that blame us ―Damn those ungrateful looters!” The young man is more brazen; dazzling flames of malice burned in his eyes. “It’s just as his highness said. Fortunately, this passage is only known to a few people outside of the royal family. Also, earlier we blocked the exits and entrances to the castle, so, Your Majesty, please feel at ease.” Hearing the words from the military officer, the man ―Amitia Kingdom’s current king, seemed to hesitate for a moment. “...However, my sons, my daughters, and my empresses remain in the royal palace.” “There’s no other way. The public would take notice and they would slow our escape. However, as long as we have father who is the current king, and myself who is the next term’s king, and above all, if we have the seal of state, then the Amitia Kingdom will still be at peace. They are also royalty, so they already should have had the resolve to sacrifice themselves, right?” Being told with a firm tone by the young man ―the first prince, his son who was first in line for the throne, the king looked upon the small box held in his hands and sank into silence. Then, at that moment, inside the underground tunnel where there should be no presence other than their own, cute clapping sounds like they were made by small hands echoed. “W-Who?” Everyone present became confused and halted their advance. They drew their swords and turned toward the direction of the clapping sounds ―the darkness where they were supposed to go. Before long, within the range of the lantern’s light held in their hands, not using a candle but through a magical tool which by turning on the enchantment inside made it quite bright, there appeared a little girl wearing a black luxury dress arranged with roses. Her appearance still maintained her innocence and yet her face was terribly seductive. She was accompanied by a swordsman equipped with red armor who had the upper half of his face hidden by a devil mask. Towards that very out-of-place intruder, momentarily, the question of, ‘Was that a ghost or a spirit?’ floated in everyone’s mind, but the girl didn’t even consider their bafflement and opened her mouth with a fully bright and frank tone. “Splendid, splendid! That’s right~ Royalty must take responsibility. Naturally they have the resolve for it, you said it yourself right?” Saying so, she folded her arms and nodded in consent. “Who are you? Why are you here?” The girl sent a cold gaze toward the prince who asked the questions with a sharp light in his eyes for a moment and then she elegantly performed a curtsy. “I am called Hiyuki, the sovereign of the demon kingdom, Imperial Crimson. It’s a pleasure to meet you for the first time. ―And, I bid you my final farewell.” “Wh...Why are people from Imperial Crimson here...?” Among his brethren who were speechless, the first prince could barely express his question. “Who knows? You won’t exist anymore so it’s useless to know, don’t you agree?” Hearing her words, the military officers remembered their duty and readied each of their swords. They came rushing toward Hiyuki. The red knight drew his long sword and stood in their way, and they clashed with him. Since this is a narrow underground tunnel, an attack from several directions would be too much for him, that’s why those military officers believed they had attained victory. However... “Haze Storm.” At the same time the man who was called Maroudo stepped in, his figure seemed to duplicate. Simultaneously, the military officers’ eyes opened in surprise. “Th-that skill!!” “Yo-you are―!?” “Don’t tell me, pri-” It all happened in an instant. And then, at the same time Maroudo walked out, the military officers dropped down together with spurts of blood. “Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!” The first prince, not even gripping his sword, screamed and escaped with neither shame nor concern for his reputation. Looking upon his disgraceful act, Maroudo breathed a sigh and brandished his sword. The sword’s flash cut through the darkness. The sound of something heavy falling could be heard. Only one person remains... the king. Rather, the reason he remains was that he already dislocated his back and was unable to move. Hiyuki swayed her head, “Oh dear, oh dear” while approaching him until they faced each other. “You see, the things you said and the things you did don’t match up. In Prince Acyl’s case, it was just like that: accusing him of inviting foreign intervention and conspiring with your country? Then what are you guys saying just now? Isn’t ‘seeking help from the empire or the holy kingdom’ just the same? That sort of thing is what we call double standards.” However, the king probably didn’t hear her words, as he prostrated himself and presented a small box, “Sp-spare me! I carry my seal of state. With this, my country is yours. Th-that’s why, please...” He appealed while crying. Hiyuki is taken aback, looking at the situation. She raised both of her hands, giving up. “I believe the country isn’t going to turn around only with this single seal. Well, if I gave this to Collard later, I wonder if I could use it for some kind of bluff? For the time being I shall accept it.” Saying so, she lightly kicked up the small box, caught it, and stored it in her back pocket. “...H-how about it then? Just my life.” Having said that, the king rubbed his head on the ground. Hiyuki turned her cold yet subtly bewildered gaze toward Maroudo, but he shrugged his shoulders showing that he left the decision to her. She sighed. “I heard that your character was a bit better, but rather than to say I’m disappointed... Nah, that miserable look, on the contrary, is refreshing once in a while. ―Well, the seal of state is a very valuable thing for sure.” Despite being told that, the king’s body was trembling, he repeatedly begged for his life again and again, muttering incoherently. Seeing his figure, Hiyuki sent her lukewarm gaze blended with shock and contempt, and then she shrugged her shoulders. “I understand. It seems there is no value in taking your head in this place. I and the Imperial Crimson won’t interfere with anything.” “O-oooooh...!!” The king glittered with hope because of those words. “...Therefore, I shall leave everything to the citizens of this country. After this, we are going to take you to the plaza in front of the royal palace. How will the citizens judge you, I wonder? ...Well, since you are managing the country well, making the people rejoice at how great their lives are, they should jump with delight in receiving you.” As her words were the equivalent of a consecutive death sentence, the king’s face was once again dyed in despair. He shook his head in denial, backing off from that place but Maroudo seized his neck. Tears and saliva poured out, escaping from his face like a spoiled child. “Unsightly. Tengai.” Responding to that call, faint light particles flew out from Hiyuki’s chest and gathered beside her; it then transformed into a golden-colored knight. “Yes. Did you call me, princess?” “Sorry, but will you throw this out into the plaza in front of the royal palace? Aah, the exit is closed so breaking out wherever suitable would be no problem. Later, explain to the gathered citizens that we gave them this thing for them to clean up.” With a relaxed tone like she was dealing with kitchen waste, Hiyuki pointed at the king who is currently struggling. “Acknowledged.” Tengai bowed once again, then he gripped the king’s neck, taking him from Maroudo, and casually dragged him away. “No, nooooooooooooo. Wh-what are you going to do with meee!!!” “We won’t do anything. Therefore that’s the outcome isn’t it?” Although the king couldn’t hear it anymore, Hiyuki replied to him after he disappeared across the underground tunnel. She turned toward Maroudo who stood still in silence. “...Looks like the first prince and the king didn’t even notice you until their last moment. Even though their subordinates did.” “Whether I should feel sad or delighted is a complicated thing, but this result is everything.” Looking around at the corpses of the military officers and the first prince strewn across the ground inside the underground passage, Maroudo replied to her remark with an indifferent tone. He swung the long sword held in his hand once, erasing the splash of blood, and returned it to his scabbard. “Now then, I am going to give this seal to Collard. ―Well, I think he is going to hate it for sure.” Hiyuki, suppressing her giggles, imagined the scene. “In that case, I will finish some minor business in the meantime.” “Hmmm. Oh well, we have finished % of our business here anyway so you can take it easy.” Maroudo silently nodded. He proceeded to walk straight in the direction of the royal palace. Seeing him off, Hiyuki turned her body and returned down the way she came from.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 5, "inserted_lines_trg": 2 }
äģŠæœ€ã‚‚やられたくãĒいäē‹ã€ã‚„られたらåĢŒãĒäē‹ã¯äŊ•ã‹ã€‚ į›¸æ‰‹ãŒčŗĸければ、įĸē原ãĢ、įš„įĸēãĢ、 希望įš„čĻŗæ¸ŦãĒおいつもいつもčŖåˆ‡ã‚‰ã‚ŒãĻきた。世ぎ中は最æ‚ĒだけでできãĻいる。だからこそ、äēˆæƒŗは厚易い。 åŽŋぎčŖæ‰‹ãĢåŋãŗ寄るæ€ĒしいåŊąãŒã‚ãŖた。 čĸ–ã‚„čŖžã‚’たくし上げた動きやすいæ ŧåĨŊで、éĻ–ãĢは手ãŦぐいをかけãĻいる。 äŊ“æ ŧãŒč‰¯ããĻ、いかãĢも力がありそうãĒį”ˇã ã€‚ そういうį”ˇã¯äģŠã€ã“ぎクグトフãƒĢãƒ ãŽčĄ—ãĢįĩæ§‹ãĒäēē数、å…Ĩりčžŧんでいる。æŋæĩãŒãƒĄãƒãƒŖクチãƒŖãĢã—ãŸã“ãŽčĄ—ã§ã€č‰˛ã€…ã¨į‰Šã‚’į‰‡äģ˜ã‘たり運んだりするぎãĢåŋ…čĻã ã‹ã‚‰ã ã€‚おこをうろついãĻいãĻもæ€Ēしぞれはすぞい。 しかし、åŊŧãŒã“ãŽčĄ—ã§ã“ãĒすずきäģ•äē‹ã¯ã€čˇį‰Šã‚’運ãļことでもゴミぎį‰‡äģ˜ã‘でもãĒかãŖた。 åžŠčˆˆäŊœæĨ­ã§æ…ŒãŸã ã—ã„čĄ—ãĢį´›ã‚Œã€ã‚„ãŖãĻきたåŊŧã¯ã€å‘¨å›˛ã‚’äŧēãŖãĻäēēį›ŽãŒį„Ąã„ことをįĸēčĒã™ã‚‹ã¨ã€ã‚ēボãƒŗãŽãƒã‚ąãƒƒãƒˆãĢ手をįĒãŖčžŧむ。 すると外čĻ‹įš„ãĢはå…ĨãŖãĻいるはずがãĒい大きさぎ、ã‚Ŧナ゚įŽ‰ãŋたいãĒį‰ŠäŊ“がå‡ēãĻきた。 čĸ‹ã‚„įŽąãŽä¸­ã‚’äēœįŠē間ãĢįš‹ã’ãĻ、多くぎ品į‰Šã‚’äģ•čˆžã„čžŧむマジックã‚ĸイテムというぎが世ぎ中ãĢã¯ã‚ã‚‹ã‚ã‘ã ãŒã€æœãŽãƒã‚ąãƒƒãƒˆã‚’ããŽã‚ˆã†ãĢé­”åŒ–ã—ãŸã‚Šã€ã‚ã‚‹ã„ã¯ãƒã‚ąãƒƒãƒˆãŽå†…čĸ‹ã¨ã—ãĻそういうもぎをäģ•čžŧんだりもできるぎだ。 』ãĢ充åĄĢされãĻã„ã‚‹ãŽã¯ã€æąšã‚‰ã—ã„č‰˛ãŽãƒšãƒŧ゚トだ。 į”ˇã¯ãã‚Œã‚’čĻ‹ãĻ『こんãĒį‰ŠæœŦåŊ“ãĒã‚‰æŒãĄæ­ŠããŸãã‚‚ãĒã„ã€ã¨ã§ã‚‚č¨€ã†æ§˜å­ã§įœ‰ã‚’ã˛ãã‚ã€ãã‚Œã‚’ã€åŽŋぎčŖåŖį›ŽãŒã‘ãĻ振りかãļり...... 「うãŖ!?」 ãģとばしる閃光ãĢį›Žã‚’įœŠãžã›ã‚‰ã‚ŒãĻ、たじろいだ。 「čĻ‹ã¤ã‘た」 æ™¯č‰˛ã‚’å†™ã—å–ã‚‹é­”æŗ•ãŽįŽąãĢは、間違いį„Ąãã€æąšã„もぎを投げつけようとしãĻいるį”ˇãŽå§ŋがį„ŧきäģ˜ã‘られãĻいた。 ã“ã“ã¯ã€Žå˛Šãƒˆã‚Ģã‚˛é¤¨ã€ãŽčŖåŖ、ではãĒい。 「ホãƒŗト、įŦ‘えるくらいéĻŦéšŋで分かりやすいぎね。餌をčĻ‹ã›ã‚Œã°ã™ããĢéŖŸã„つく。 ãƒĸニã‚Ģは、éĸéŖŸã‚‰ãŖた様子ぎį”ˇã‚’å˜˛įŦ‘する。 ãĢもかかわらず、äŊ•æ•…、通りからもčĻ‹ãˆã‚‹åą‹ä¸ŠãĢå§ŋを晒しãĻ写įœŸæ’ŽåŊąãĢčˆˆã˜ãĻいたか。 こぎåŽŋとč‡Ē分č‡ĒčēĢを囎ãĢしãĻ、『æ‚Ē戯』ぎįŠ¯äēēをおãŗきå‡ēすためだ。 『ã‚ĩãƒŗã‚ļã‚ˇäē­ã€ã¯įŽ„é–ĸ側ぎ通りが運æ˛ŗãĢæ˛ŋãŖãĻいãĻ、čĻ‹é€šã—ãŒč‰¯ã™ãŽã‚‹ã€‚ãã—ãĻåˇĻåŗは(åŖãŽä¸­ã¯åœŸåœ°ãŒé™ã‚‰ã‚Œã‚‹ãŽã§ã‚ˆãã‚ることだが)äēēがå…ĨるぎがįĒŽåąˆãĒãģおãĢåˆĨぎåģēį‰ŠãĢくãŖついãĻいる。 をäģ•æŽ›ã‘ã‚‹ãĒらåģēį‰ŠãŽčŖåŖがä¸ĻãļčŖé€šã‚Šã ã‚ã†ã€ã¨ã„うぎはäēˆæ¸Ŧできる。 åŽŋぎä¸ģãĢは少々į”ŗしč¨ŗãĒいかとも思ãŖたが、こぎぞぞįŠ¯äēēを野攞しãĢすればおうせäē‹ã¯ã€Žå˛Šãƒˆã‚Ģã‚˛é¤¨ã€ã ã‘ã§æ¸ˆãžãŦぎだ。 č€…ã‚’æ”ģ撃する千ぎ抟äŧšã¯é€ƒã—たくãĒいはず。......そう、全ãĻは最æ‚Ēぎäēˆæ¸Ŧぎ内だãŖた。 「それでおうするぎ? 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What was the one thing you would least have wanted to experience at that moment, or something you would have disliked happening to you? If the other person were intelligent, they would have executed accurately and precisely. Optimistic views had always been betrayed time and time again. The world was made up of only the worst. That’s precisely why predictions were easy. There had been a suspicious shadow sneaking up behind the inn. Dressed in a manner that allowed for easy movement, with sleeves and hem rolled up, a cloth was draped around the neck. He had a good physique, the kind that seemed to hold considerable strength. Men like him had been present in quite a number within the city of Kugutfulm. In this city that the turbulent currents had turned chaotic, it had been necessary to tidy up and transport various things. No matter where he wandered, he wouldn’t have been suspected. However, the task he had had to accomplish in that city hadn’t been about transporting goods or cleaning up trash. Blending into the bustling city that had been busy with reconstruction efforts, he had looked around to confirm that no one was watching, then had reached into his pants pocket. Then, something like a glass bead, which logically shouldn’t have fit in his pocket due to its size, had emerged. In the world, there were magic items that could connect bags or boxes to a subspace, allowing many items to be stored within. Similarly, it had been possible to enchant clothing pockets in such a way or incorporate such items as inner pockets within the pockets themselves. What filled the glass-like object... the potion ball, was a paste of a dirty color. The man frowned at it, as if saying “I wouldn’t want to carry something like this around,” and raised his hand, preparing to swing it toward the inn’s back door. “Ugh!?” Dazzled by the gushing flash of light, he staggered. “Found you.” Monica, who had been hiding beside the doorway, appeared holding a Chrome Shooter. In the magical box that captured the scene, without a doubt, the figure of the man attempting to throw something dirty was imprinted. This wasn’t the back entrance of the Rock Lizard Inn. It was the back entrance of the inn called Hawthorn Pavilion, where Monica was staying. “Really, you’re so laughably foolish and obvious. Show bait, and you bite right away. Even the fish in a fishing pond are a bit smarter, aren’t they?” Monica mocked the man, who seemed taken aback. From the start, Monica had been secretly brought here through teleportation magic and left behind, and she understood the intention behind it. However, why had she, despite this, exposed herself on the rooftop, visible from the street, engaging in photography? It was to use this inn and herself as bait to lure out the culprit behind the “prank.” Hawthorn Pavilion’s entrance faced the street running along the canal, offering an unobstructed view. And on the left and right sides (a common layout due to limited space within the walls), it was tightly attached to other buildings, leaving little room for anyone to enter. were to be set up, it would be in the back alley lined with the inn’s back entrances. She felt a bit sorry for the innkeeper, but if she let the culprit go free like this, it wouldn’t just end at the Rock Lizard Inn. If they could be lured, then that would be the best strategy. The most effective bait that was needed would be... Monica herself. The other party surely wouldn’t want to miss the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to attack the person who was currently “So, what’s your plan? If you give in and spill everything, you might get a reduced sentence, you know?” The man’s face, as he looked at it, twisted like an intimidating dog. “...You little piece of sĖ˛hĖ˛iĖ˛tĖ˛!!” Before she knew it, Monica’s face was grabbed by a large hand, and she was pushed down onto the damp cobblestones of the narrow alley. Her lips cut against her own teeth, and the taste of blood spread in her mouth. —This man, he doesn’t know me (Monica)...!? Caught off guard by the sudden, too sudden, burst of violence, Monica could only freeze in astonishment and confusion, her body tensing up. There were two miscalculations. First, the culprit behind the “prank” wasn’t acting alone. There had been someone who investigated Monica and the movements of Golden Helmet, giving instructions to the perpetrator. It was the person who, under the orders of the mastermind, had a complete understanding of the situation and was carrying out the actions. This executing perpetrator had never directly seen Monica. Neither her true appearance nor her current appearance concealed by the Mob Glasses. He had no interest whatsoever in politics or political affairs and didn’t even know about the scandal that had rocked the country over a decade ago, leading to the abdication of the queen and the first princess. And the second miscalculation was that Monica’s imagination hadn’t caught up with the foolishness of the culprit. Throughout her life, Monica had been exposed to a lot of malice. As a result, she was extremely sensitive to hostility and ill will, and had a nature that allowed her to peer into the depths of others’ hearts. However, she lacked crucial experience in dealing with “vulgar malice.” The nobles who had cornered Monica were cultured, had something to lose, and cared about appearances. That’s why their actions had been careful, designed not to get spattered with backlash, gradually wearing down her spirit with calculated, elaborate, and cruel methods. Yes... their malice had been a refined and intricate thing. For the side setting up this “prank,” directly targeting Monica was one of the worst moves they could make. That’s why Monica had exposed herself here. But the opponent might not be intelligent, and they might not always consider their actions carefully to choose the optimal course of action. There were individuals out there who went even lower than what Monica could imagine. There were those whose anger was directly linked to their arms. There were individuals who would engage in fatal violence without a second thought, saying “It looks dangerous and annoying, so I’ll just go for it!” The man drew a knife, larger than one might use for self-defense, and brandished it. The dirty blade emitted a gleam tainted with grime. “Mgh! Mnghhh!!” “Don’t... underestimate... adults, you damn brat...! Just playing... the hero, huh... What a joke!” The man aimed for her throat. It was a vital spot, and crushing the throat to prevent her from calling for help would be a reasonable choice, if he was only thinking about his safety five minutes later. The strike, although unskilled, was swift and forceful, devoid of hesitation. The knife descended. “Gyaah!!” In an instant, both the man and the knife were propelled into the air. A knight, who had rushed in from the side at a speed akin to the wind, sharply kicked the bulky man’s body as if it were a kicked ball. The knife slid across the cobblestones as it spun. Monica’s heart pounded loudly, her breathing erratic as she struggled to catch her breath. Before Monica, two knights dismounted their horses and subdued the man, restraining him with a serpent chain —a Mythril chain designed to ensnare adversaries upon impact— wrapping him in multiple layers. “Secured!” “Guards!?! You little... you damn... calling for...” The man struggled, but it seemed unlikely he could break free from the restraints. The man seemed to have misunderstood, but it wasn’t guards who captured him, and Monica hadn’t called for them either. Dressed in civilian attire that allowed them to blend into the city, they were knights who, upon closer inspection, wore Mythril chain shirts beneath their clothes and had their swords polished—a disguise to be able to move around unnoticed. Likely, they were retainers of Duke Foster. They kept a close but not too close distance, guarding... or perhaps, monitoring Monica. They would observe Monica’s actions, report to the duke, and if necessary, even reprimand her behavior. They were knights sent for this purpose. Monica didn’t know where they had been observing from, but they seemed to have sensed something happening in the narrow alley and rushed over. ““Monica!”” Just at that moment, Lucella and Viola smashed open the inn’s back door and rushed out.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 15, "inserted_lines_trg": 4 }
ã‚Ēãƒŧクで倒したãƒŦã‚Ē。 äŊ•ã¨ã‹į›Žã§čŋŊえるくらいぎ速åēĻだãŖたが、やãŖãąã‚ŠãƒŦã‚ĒãŖãĻåŧˇã„んだãĒぁ。 į›Žã§čŋŊえるからãŖãĻ、äēē間ãĢはあぎ速さはå‡ēせãĒいだろうし、寞å‡Ļをするäē‹ã‚‚å‡ēæĨãĒいと思う......。 ãƒŦã‚Ēがį°Ąå˜ãĒäŊœæĨ­ã‚’įĩ‚えたようãĒåŖ°ã‚’å‡ēしãĒがら、äŋēぎ所へæˆģãŖãĻæĨる。 ã‚ģバ゚チãƒŖãƒŗさんを始め、äŋēäģĨ外ぎįš†ã¯åŖをあんぐりと開けãĻãƒŦã‚Ēがã‚Ēãƒŧク達を倒しãĻæˆģãŖãĻæĨるぎをčĻ‹ãĻいた。 ãƒŦã‚ĒがæˆģãŖãĻæĨるぞでãĢ、äŋēは抜いãĻã„ãŸã‚ˇãƒ§ãƒŧトã‚Ŋãƒŧドを鞘ãĢしぞう。 ......æ…ŖれãĒいå‰Ŗを振る抟äŧšãŒį„ĄããĻč‰¯ã‹ãŖた。 「ワフãƒŧワã‚Ļ、ワフワフ」 「......ああ、偉かãŖたãĒãƒŦã‚Ē」 「ワフフ」 äŋēぎところぞでæĨたãƒŦã‚Ēã¯ã€č¤’ã‚ãĻæŦ˛ã—そうãĢéĄ”ã‚’ä¸‹ã’ãĻäŋēãŽæ‰‹ãŒåąŠãã¨ã“ã‚ãĢ持ãŖãĻæĨたぎで、しãŖかり頭をæ’ĢでãĻやãŖた。 それをčĻ‹ãĻã‚‹č­ˇčĄ›ã•ã‚“é”ã€‚ 「äŋē達......äŊ•ã‚‚å‡ēæĨãĒかãŖたãĒ......」 「はい......į§é”ぎいる意å‘ŗãŖãĻ......」 「某はぞだぞだæœĒį†Ÿã ......」 č­ˇčĄ›ã•ã‚“é”ã¯ãƒŦã‚Ēぎæ´ģčēãĢ、ここãĢいる意å‘ŗをčĻ‹å¤ąã„かけãĻる。 ãĄã‚ƒã‚“ã¨äēēé–“ãŽč­ˇčĄ›ã‚‚åŋ…čĻã§ã™ã‹ã‚‰ã€å¤§ä¸ˆå¤ĢですãŖãĻ! ......きãŖと......。 ã€Œã‚ˇãƒĢバãƒŧフェãƒŗãƒĒãƒĢぎæˆĻ闘がこれį¨‹ã¨ã¯......さすがは最åŧˇã¨č¨€ã‚ã‚Œã‚‹äē‹ã¯ã‚りぞすãĒ」 「はい......あぎ可愛いãƒŦã‚Ē様が......」 「į§ã‚’劊けãĻ下さãŖた時もそうでしたが、やはりãƒŦã‚Ē様ãĢとãŖãĻã‚Ēãƒŧクį›¸æ‰‹ã¯ä¸€įžŦでįĩ‚わるぎですね」 「ワフ? ワフワフãƒŧ。ワフワãƒŧフã‚Ļワã‚Ļ」 äŊ•ã‚„らã‚ĒãƒŧクをčĻ‹ãĻ、éŖŸãšã‚‹ã‚ˆã†ãĒåŖぎ動き......。 ãƒŦã‚Ēはã‚Ēãƒŧクぎäē‹ã‚’ただ単ãĢéŖŸæ–™ã¨ã—ãĻしかčĻ‹ãĻį„Ąã„ようだãĒ......。 ãƒŦã‚ĒãĢとãŖãĻはį°Ąå˜ãĒį‹Šã‚Šã‚’しãĻる気分ãĒぎかもしれãĒい。 「ã‚ŋクミさん、ãƒŦã‚Ē様はäŊ•ã¨?」 「......ã‚Ēãƒŧクは単ãĒã‚‹ãŠã„ã—ã„ãŠč‚‰ã ãŖãĻ言ãŖãĻるんだと思いぞす......」 「ワã‚Ļ!」 そうだとばかりãĢé ˇããƒŦã‚Ē。 「......ã‚Ēãƒŧクはį†Ÿįˇ´ãŽå…ĩåŖĢã§ã‚‚æ˛šæ–­ã™ã‚‹ã¨åąãĒい魔į‰ŠãĒぎですが......」 クãƒŦã‚ĸさんが、ã‚Ēãƒŧã‚¯ã‚’ãŠč‚‰ã¨č¨€ãŖたãƒŦã‚Ēã‚’éŠšã„ãŸčĄ¨æƒ…ã§čĻ‹ãĻいる。 č­ˇčĄ›ã•ã‚“ã¯ã€ã‚ˇãƒ§ãƒƒã‚¯ã‚’å—ã‘ãĻč¨€č‘‰ã‚‚å‡ēãĒいようだ。 「......ã¨ã‚Šã‚ãˆãšã€åˇã‚’į›ŽæŒ‡ã—ãžã—ã‚‡ã†ã€‚ãã“ã§ä¸€æ¯ã¤ãã¨č‰¯ã„ã§ã—ã‚‡ã†ã€ 「ワフ? ワフワフãƒŧ?」 ãƒŦã‚Ēが倒したã‚Ēãƒŧク達をčĻ‹ãĻäŊ•ã‚„らéĻ–を傞げãĻる。 えãŖと......äģĨ前は倒したã‚ĒãƒŧクをéŖŸãšãŸãŽãĢäģŠå›žã¯éŖŸãšãĒã„ãŽã‹čžã„ãĻるぎかãĒ。 「......でもãĒぁ......3äŊ“はさすがãĢ持ãŖãĻčĄŒã‘ãĒくãĒいか? ã‚ģバ゚チãƒŖãƒŗさん、ãƒŦã‚Ēがã‚ĒãƒŧクをéŖŸãšãŸã„ã¨č¨€ãŖãĻるんですが......おうしぞしょう?」 「そうですね......フã‚ŖãƒĒップ、持ãŖãĻčĄŒã‘ãžã™ã‹?」 「ãƒŦã‚Ē様がįœŸãĢしたやつãĒら、äŊ•ã¨ã‹æŒãĻるかと......」 「ãĩむ......それãĒら、åŧ•ãæ‘ēãŖãĻčĄŒããžã—ã‚‡ã†ã€‚æŒã¤ã‚ˆã‚Šã¯æĨŊだと思いぞすよ。それãĢã€ã‚‚ã†ã™ãåˇã§ã™ã‹ã‚‰ã­ã€ 「わかりぞした。ヨハãƒŗナ、ニã‚ŗナ」 「はい」 ã€Œč‰¯ã„é›éŒŦãĢãĒりそうです」 č­ˇčĄ›ã•ã‚“é”ä¸‰äēēは、ãƒŦã‚Ēが倒したã‚Ēãƒŧクぎ所ãĢ向かう。 「ãƒŦã‚Ē、ã‚Ēãƒŧクを持ãŖãĻčĄŒã‘ã‚‹ãŽã‹?」 ãƒŦã‚Ēもã‚Ēãƒŧクぎ所へ向かãŖãĻ、éĻ–ãĢ噛ãŋついãĻ倒したã‚ĒãƒŧクãĢčŋ‘ãĨく。 「ã‚Ŧフ」 ãƒŦã‚Ēは全čēĢが掋ãŖãĻるã‚Ēãƒŧクぎ頭をåŖã§æ•ãžãˆã€ããŽãžãžæŒãĄä¸Šã’ãŸã€‚ ......ã‚Ēãƒŧク一äŊ“ãŖãĻ、大きさはäēēé–“ãã‚‰ã„ã ãŒã€ãŠč…šãŒä¸¸ã€…å¤ĒãŖãĻãĻįĩæ§‹é‡ãã†ãĒんだけお、ãƒŦã‚ĒãĢとãŖãĻは大したことį„Ąã„ãŋたいだ。 「ãƒŦã‚Ē様が運んでくれるãĒら、æĨŊがå‡ēæĨそうですãĒ」 「į§é”は掋りぎã‚Ēãƒŧクを運ãŗぞす」 掋ãŖたã‚ĒãƒŧクはãƒŦã‚ĒãĢよãŖãĻåŧ•ãčŖ‚かれ、äēŒã¤ãĢãĒãŖたぎが2äŊ“で合。 フã‚ŖãƒĒãƒƒãƒ—ã•ã‚“ãŒããŽã†ãĄäēŒã¤ãŽč…•éƒ¨åˆ†ã‚’、åˇĻåŗぎ手でそれぞれ掴ãŋ、運ãŗ始める。 掋ãŖたäēŒã¤ã¯ãƒ¨ãƒãƒŗナさんとニã‚ŗナさんがčļŗ部分をåŧ•ããšãŖãĻ運ãļ。 三äēēå…ąã€čˇį‰ŠãŽå…ĨãŖたčĸ‹ã‚’持ãŖãĻいãĻ、さらãĢé‡‘åąžčŖŊぎ鎧をį€ãĻるぎãĢ、更ãĢã‚Ēãƒŧクを運ãļぎはįĩæ§‹čž›ãã†ã ã€‚ おぉ、そうだ......あれがあãŖた。 「フã‚ŖãƒĒップさん達、少し垅ãŖãĻ下さい」 äŋēは、ã‚Ēãƒŧク達を運んで歊きå‡ēそうとしたフã‚ŖãƒĒップさん達をå‘ŧãŗæ­ĸめãĒがら、持ãŖãĻæĨãŸčˇį‰Šã‚’æŧã‚‹ã€‚ お、あãŖたあãŖた、これだ。 ã€ŒãĄã‚‡ãŖとæ€Ēしいかもしれぞせんが、これをéŖŸãšãĻãŋãĻ下さい」 「これは......?」 äŋēãŒčˇį‰ŠãŽä¸­ã‹ã‚‰å–ã‚Šå‡ēしãĻ、三äēēãĢæ¸Ąã—ãŸãŽã¯ã€æ˜¨æ—Ĩã€Žé›‘č‰æ Ŋ埚』ぎį ”įŠļをしãĻいた時ãĢå‡ēæĨた植į‰ŠãŽč‘‰ã ã€‚ 「多分、ã‚Ēãƒŧクを運ãļぎがæĨŊãĢãĒると思いぞすよ」 「......はぁ」 「......äŊ•ã‚„らåĨ‡æ€ĒãĒč‰˛ã‚’ã—ãĻいぞすãĒ......」 æ¸Ąã—ãŸč‘‰ãŖãąãŽč‰˛ã¯é’ã€‚ čŠąã§ã¯į„Ąãã€č‘‰ãŖãąãŒé’č‰˛ãŽæ¤į‰ŠãĒんãĻ、č–Ŧč‰ã¨įŸĨãŖãĻいãĻもéŖŸãšã‚‹ãŽã¯čēŠčē‡ã™ã‚‹ã ã‚ã†ã€‚ それでも三äēēはäŋēをäŋĄį”¨ã—ãĻくれたぎか、思い切ãŖãĻそぎč–Ŧč‰ã‚’åŖãĢå…Ĩれた。 「これは......įĩæ§‹ã„けるãĒ......」 「įžŽå‘ŗしいですね......」 ã€Œč‰˛ã‹ã‚‰ã¯æƒŗ像がå‡ēæĨãĒいå‘ŗですãĒ」 お、å‘ŗはåĨŊčŠ•ã ãŖたようだ。 å‘ŗぎ斚も気ãĢしãĻã€ã€Žé›‘č‰æ Ŋ埚』をäŊŋãŖãĻãŋたからãĒ。 äŋēもįĢ¯ãŖこを少しだけéŖŸãšãĻãŋたが、ナムネãŖãŊいå‘ŗだãŖた。 植į‰Šã‹ã‚‰ãƒŠãƒ ãƒãŽå‘ŗãŖãĻだけでかãĒりæ€Ēしいį‰ŠãĒ気がするけおãĒ.........。 「ん? äŊ•ã ã‹äŊ“がčģŊいようãĒ......」 ã€ŒåŠåˆ†ã¨ã¯č¨€ãˆã€ã‚ĒãƒŧクをčģŊã€…ã¨æŒãĄä¸Šã’ã‚‰ã‚Œãžã™ãžã€ č–Ŧč‰ã‚’éŖŸãšãŸä¸‰äēēはすぐãĢåŠšæžœãŒčĄ¨ã‚ŒãŸã‚ˆã†ã§ã€ãƒ¨ãƒãƒŗナさんとニã‚ŗナさんは、ã‚Ēãƒŧクぎ下半čēĢ部分をį°Ąå˜ãĢæŒãĄä¸Šã’ãĻいた。 フã‚ŖãƒĒップさんぎ斚はäēŒã¤ã ã‹ã‚‰ã•ã™ãŒãĢæŒãĄä¸Šã’ãĒかãŖたが、それでも運ãļぎがæĨŊãĢãĒãŖたようだ。 č‰¯ã‹ãŖãŸã€ãĄã‚ƒã‚“ã¨åŠšæžœãŒå‡ēたようだ。 厉全はįĸēčĒã—ãĻるが、原験ãŋたいãĢãĒãŖたけおぞぁ、大丈å¤Ģだろうと思う。 「ã‚ŋクミさん、これは?」 三äēēぎ様子をčĻ‹ãĻいたクãƒŦã‚ĸさんが、äŋēãĢčžã„ãĻæĨる。 「昨æ—ĨčŖåē­ã§čŠĻしãĻたäē‹ã§ã™ã‚ˆã€‚ã€Žé›‘č‰æ Ŋ埚』でおんãĒäē‹ãŒå‡ēæĨるか、ですね」 「こぎč–Ŧč‰ãŽäē‹ã ãŖたんですね、čŠĻしãĻãŋたいäē‹ãŖãĻ」 「......んãƒŧ、いえ。こぎč–Ŧč‰ã ã‘ã˜ã‚ƒãĒいんですけおね。というかこぎč–Ŧč‰ã¯čŠĻしãĻるæŽĩ階でåļį„ļå‡ēæĨたį‰ŠãĒぎで、į‹™ãŖãĻæ Ŋ埚したわけじゃãĒいんです」 「そうãĒぎですか? それãĒら、æœŦåŊ“はäŊ•ã‚’čŠĻしたかãŖたんですか?」 「ぞぁ、それは垌ãĢしぞしょう。äģŠã¯ãžãšåˇã‚’į›ŽæŒ‡ã—ãĻ歊きぞしょう」 「......むぅ、わかりぞした。でも、įĩļå¯žåžŒã§čžã‹ã›ãĻ下さいね」
Leo had defeated the orcs in an instant. My eyes were barely able to keep up with her. And I was reminded of just how strong Leo was. Even if I could see it, it was too fast for a human to copy, let alone deal with... Leo sounded like she had just finished a simple task as she returned to me. But everyone excluding me had their mouths hanging open as they watched Leo walk back. In the meantime, I sheathed the short sword I had been carrying. ...It was a good thing that I hadn’t been forced to use it while still not accustomed to it. “Wuff-wou. Wuff-wuff.” “...Yes, very good, Leo.” “Wuffuff.” As she returned to my side, Leo lowered her head as if she wanted to be patted, and so I reached out and patted her head. Upon seeing this, the guards said, “We...weren’t able to do anything...” “Yes...what is the point of us being...” “I am still green...” Leo’s display had taken away their purpose. Don’t worry. I’m sure we still need human guards as well! ...I think... “So this is how a Silver Fenrir fights... It is no wonder they are considered to be the greatest of monsters.” “Yes... To think that the Great Leo, who is so cute...” “It was like this when they rescued me as well. For the Great Leo, a battle with an orc lasts just a second.” “Wuff? Wuff-wuff. Wuff-wuff wou!” She was looking at the orcs and moving her mouth as if to eat them... It seemed like Leo just saw the orcs as a food supply... So perhaps this was all just a casual hunt for her. “Mr. Takumi, what did Leo say?” “...I think she said that orcs are nothing but tasty meat...” “Wou!” Leo nodded as if to confirm it. “...But orcs are monsters that can even be dangerous for seasoned fighters if they let their guard down...” After hearing that Leo thought of orcs as meat, Ms. Claire looked very surprised. The three guards were also too shocked to speak. “...In any case, let’s head to the river. And we can rest there.” “Wuff? Wuff-wuff?” Leo looked towards the orcs and then tilted her head to the side. Uhh... As we had eaten an orc after defeating it previously, she was asking why we weren’t going to do it this time. “...But... I don’t think we can carry three of them? Mr Sebastian. Leo is saying that she wants to eat the orc meat... What should we do?” “Indeed... Phillip. Can you carry them?” “If it’s the ones that the Great Leo has split into two, we might...” “Hmm... In that case, let’s drag them.. It will be easier than carrying them, I think. Besides, we’re already close to the river.” “Very well. Johanna, Nicholas.” “Yes.” “This will be good training.” And so the three guards walked towards the orcs that Leo defeated. “Leo. You can carry the orcs?” And then Leo walked over to them and stopped at the orc whose neck she had bitten. “Guff.” Leo’s jaw went around its head and then she lifted it up. ...An orc’s body was about the same size as a human’s, but they were quite fat and looked heavy. But Leo seemed to barely even notice the weight. “It will be a lot easier if the Great Leo carries one.” “Then we will carry the remaining orcs.” The remaining orcs had been split in half by Leo, which meant that there were four pieces. And so Phillip grabbed the two torso pieces by the arms and pulled them away. Johanna and Nicolas took the remaining two pieces and dragged them by the legs. As all three of them were already carrying baggage, on top of wearing metal armor, it seemed quite harsh to have to carry the orcs on top of that. Ah, that’s right... There was something that I could do. “Uh, Phillip. Please wait one moment.” I stopped Phillip and the other guards as they were about to start walking. And then I rummaged through my bag. Ah, there it is. This. “I know it may look suspicious, but please eat this.” “What is it...?” What I took out of the bag and handed to them was the leaves of the plant I had made yesterday while studying Weed Cultivation. “I think it will help you while carrying the orcs.” “...Ah.” “...It has a very strange color...” The leaves had a blue color. Even if you knew that it was a medicinal plant, most people would hesitate to eat it if it was the leaves that were blue, and not the flower. Still, the three seemed to trust me, and so they put the leaves into their mouths. “It’s not...bad at all...” “It’s rather good...” “I would not have expected it to taste like this.” Oh, so they even liked the taste. It was probably because I was thinking about taste as well when using Weed Cultivation. I had tried eating a small piece myself, and it tasted like soda pop. However, the idea of a plant tasting like soda pop didn’t make it sound any less suspicious... “Hmm? My body suddenly feels lighter...” “While it’s only half an orc, I can lift it up easily now.” The effect was felt immediately after the three ate the plant. And Johanna and Nicolas raised the legs easily. As Phillip was carrying two, he wasn’t able to do that, but it seemed that it was still easier for him now. That was good. So it had worked. While I was sure it was safe, it was still a little like an experiment. But it was probably fine. “Mr. Takumi. What is that?” Ms. Claire, who had been watching the three guards, asked me. “Something I was testing in the back garden yesterday. I wanted to see what I could do with Weed Cultivation.” “So you were making this plant. That was the secret.” “...Hmm, no. It’s not just this plant. In fact, this one was made quite by accident while I was testing other things. I wasn’t trying to make it.” “Is that so? Then what were you really trying to do?” “Well, I think we should talk about that later. For now, let’s head to the river.” “...Hmph, very well. But I will have my answer from you when we get there.”
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 7, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 2 }
いざという時、į§ãŸãĄãĢは大きãĒå‰ĩ造力がåŋ…čĻã¨ã•ã‚Œãžã™ å‰ĩ造力は寛厚ぎį˛žįĨžã‚’äēē々ぎ間ãĢåēƒã’ることもできぞすし、č‡Ēį”ąã‚’æ“č­ˇã™ã‚‹ã“ã¨ã‚‚ã§ããžã™ã—ã€ æ•™č‚˛ã¨ã„ã†ã‚‚ãŽã‚’äŊ•ã‹ã™ã°ã‚‰ã—いもぎであるかぎようãĢčĻ‹ã›ã‹ã‘ることもできぞす 偉大ãĒå‰ĩé€ åŠ›ã¯č˛§å›°ãĢ゚ポットナイトをåŊ“ãĻることもできれば、 それがåŋ…ãšã—ã‚‚č˛§å›°ã¨ã„ã†ã‚‚ãŽã§ã¯ãĒいというéĸ¨ãĢčĻ‹ã›ã‚‹ã“ともできぞす 偉大ãĒå‰ĩ造力はぞたæ”ŋæ˛ģåŽļやæ”ŋ党を選ãļäžĄå€¤ãŽã‚ã‚‹ã‚‚ãŽãĢも äžĄå€¤ãŽãĒいもぎãĢもすることができぞす。 ぞたæˆĻäē‰ã¨ã„ã†ã‚‚ãŽã‚’æ‚˛åŠ‡ãŽã‚ˆã†ãĢもぞたčŒļį•Ē劇ぎようãĢもčĻ‹ã›ã‚‹ã“とができぞす å‰ĩ造力はT-ã‚ˇãƒŖツぎ゚ロãƒŧã‚Ŧãƒŗや į§ãŸãĄãŒåŖãĢã™ã‚‹čĄ¨įžã‚’å‰ĩりå‡ēすもぎです ぞたå‰ĩ造力はį§ãŸãĄãĢã‚ˇãƒŗプãƒĢãĒ道を教えãĻくれãĻ 通り抜けられãĒいようãĒãƒĸナãƒĢぎčŋˇčˇ¯ã‹ã‚‰ãŽč„ąå‡ēčˇ¯ã‚’į¤ēしãĻくれるもぎでもありぞす į§‘å­Ļというもぎはčŗĸいもぎですが、しかし偉大ãĒå‰ĩ造力というもぎは、 äŊ•ã‹įŸĨč­˜ã¨ã—ãĻよりį˛åž—しãĢくいようãĒã€ã‚ˆã‚Šé­”čĄ“įš„ãĒもぎです。そしãĻäģŠã€į§ãŸãĄã¯ããŽé­”æŗ•ã‚’åŋ…čĻã¨ã—ãĻいぞす。 äģŠã“そ「いざという時」ãĒぎです。 į§ãŸãĄãŽåœ°įƒãŽæ°—候がæ€Ĩ速ãĢ変化しつつありぞす。あぞりãĢもæ€Ĩ速ãĢ、です。 そしãĻ、ドナマテã‚Ŗックでå‰ĩ造įš„ãĒč¨€č‘‰ã‚’é€šã—ãĻį§ãŸãĄãĢこれぞでとは違ãŖãŸč€ƒãˆæ–šã‚’ã•ã›ãĻくれるようãĒ、 偉大ãĒå‰ĩ造力がいぞåŋ…čĻã¨ã•ã‚ŒãĻいぞす。 æĨŊしくå‰ĩ造įš„ãĒクãƒĒップを通しãĻį§ãŸãĄãĢこれぞでとは違ãŖãŸč€ƒãˆæ–šã‚’ã•ã›ãĻくれるようãĢ、 å‰ĩ造力をį”¨ã„ãĻäēē々ぎį’°åĸƒæ„č­˜ã‚’éĢ˜ã‚ã‚‹ãŸã‚ãĢį§ãŒé–ĸわãŖãĻいるある運動ぎ そぎようãĒクãƒĒップを į´šäģ‹ã—たいと思いぞす。 ビデã‚Ē: į”ˇæ€§:äģŠæ—ĨはčģŠã˜ã‚ƒãĒくãĻ歊くことãĢするよ。 ナãƒŦãƒŧã‚ˇãƒ§ãƒŗ:そしãĻåŊŧは歊き始めぞした。歊いãĻいる途中で、åŊŧはいろいろãĒもぎをį›ŽãĢしぞした。 歊かãĒければčĻ‹ã‚‹ã“とはãĒかãŖたようãĒį›Žæ–°ã—い、すばらしいもぎです。 čļŗをį—’がãŖãĻいるéšŋ。įŠēをéŖ›ãļバイク。 ミ゚テãƒĒã‚ĸã‚šãĒåŖãĢよãŖãĻč‡ĒčģĸčģŠã‹ã‚‰éš”ãĻられãĻいるįˆļと娘。 そしãĻåŊŧはįĢ‹ãĄæ­ĸぞりぞした。åŊŧぎ前を歊いãĻいたぎはåŊŧåĨŗでした。 子䞛ぎころよくåŊŧと一įˇ’ãĢč‰åŽŸã‚’ã‚šã‚­ãƒƒãƒ—ã—ãĻいた、 でもįĩåą€åŊŧをãĩãŖたåŊŧåĨŗ。 そう、įĸēかãĢåŊŧåĨŗは少し嚴を取りぞした。 いや、原はとãĻも嚴を取ãŖãĻいぞした。 しかしåŊŧは昔ぎあぎåŊŧåĨŗへぎ情į†ąãŒåžŠæ´ģするぎを感じぞした。 「フりãƒŧド」、とåŊŧはå„Ēしくå‘ŧãŗかけぞした。それがåŊŧåĨŗぎ名前だãŖたぎです。「 「それäģĨä¸ŠãŽč¨€č‘‰ã¯čĻã‚‰ãĒいわ、ã‚Ŧ゚テã‚Ŗ。」とåŊŧåĨŗã¯č¨€ã„ãžã—ãŸã€‚ それはåŊŧぎ名前でした。 「トãƒŦãƒŧナãƒŧぎとãĒりãĢãĢテãƒŗトがあるわ。ここから300ヤãƒŧãƒ‰ãĄã‚‡ã†ãŠã€‚ そこãĢ行ãŖãĻ、いいことしぞしょう。テãƒŗトぎ中で。」 フりãƒŧãƒ‰ã¯æœã‚’č„ąã„ã§ã€į‰‡čļŗを、æŦĄãĢもう一斚ぎčļŗを開きぞした。 ã‚Ŧ゚テã‚Ŗã¯å¤§čƒ†ãĢåŊŧåĨŗぎ中ãĢå…ĨãŖãĻいき、ãƒĒã‚ēミã‚ĢãƒĢãĢã‚ģック゚をしぞした。 そぎ間、åŊŧåĨŗはずãŖとåŊŧをビデã‚ĒãĢæ’ŽãŖãĻいぞした。ãĒぜãĒらばåŊŧåĨŗはį†ąåŋƒãĒã‚ĸマチãƒĨã‚ĸポãƒĢノ映į”ģį›ŖįŖだãŖたぎです。 大地はäēŒäēēぎためãĢ動きぞした。 それからäēŒäēēはずãŖと嚸せãĢ暎らしぞした。 それは、äŊ•ã‚ˆã‚Šã‚‚åŊŧがそぎæ—ĨčģŠã§ã¯ãĒく歊くことãĢæąēめた、そぎおかげだãŖたぎです。 (拍手) ã‚ĸãƒŗデã‚Ŗãƒģホブã‚ēボãƒŧム:į§ãŸãĄã¯į§‘å­Ļを手ãĢå…Ĩã‚Œã€ãžãŸã‚‚ã†ååˆ†č­°čĢ–もしãĻきぞした。 į§ãŸãĄãŽį›ŽãŽå‰ãĢあるぎは道åžŗįš„ãĒå‘Ŋäģ¤ã ã‘です。 そぎすずãĻを受け取り、 ã‚ˇãƒŗプãƒĢかつ鋭いもぎãĢするためãĢは偉大ãĒå‰ĩ造力がåŋ…čĻã¨ã•ã‚ŒãĻいぞす。 それをæ­Ŗしいもぎとすること。äēē々がやãŖãĻãŋようと思うようãĒもぎãĢすること。 だから、これはäŋĄã˜ã‚‰ã‚ŒãŦぐらいい才čƒŊčąŠã‹ãĒTEDぎįš†ã•ã‚“ãĢへぎå‘ŧãŗかけであり、 å˜†éĄ˜ã§ã™ã€‚ 気候変動ãĢ寞しãĻ我々ぎå‰ĩ造性をį™ē揎しぞしょう。 そしãĻãã‚Œã‚’ã™ãå§‹ã‚ãžã—ã‚‡ã†ã€‚ã”æ¸…č´ã‚ã‚ŠãŒã¨ã†ã”ã–ã„ãžã—ãŸã€‚
Discuss. Great creativity is astonishingly, absurdly, rationally, irrationally powerful. Great creativity can spread tolerance, champion freedom, make education seem like a bright idea. Great creativity can turn a spotlight on deprivation, or show that deprivation ain't necessarily so. Great creativity can make politicians electable, or parties unelectable. It can make war seem like tragedy or farce. Creativity is the meme-maker that puts slogans on our t-shirts and phrases on our lips. It's the pathfinder that shows us a simple road through an impenetrable moral maze. Science is clever, but great creativity is something less knowable, more magical. And now we need that magic. This is a time of need. Our climate is changing quickly, too quickly. And great creativity is needed to do what it does so well: to provoke us to think differently with dramatic creative statements. To tempt us to act differently with delightful creative scraps. Here is one such scrap from an initiative I'm involved in using creativity to inspire people to be greener. Man: You know, rather than drive today, I'm going to walk. Narrator: And so he walked, and as he walked he saw things. Strange and wonderful things he would not otherwise have seen. A deer with an itchy leg. A flying motorcycle. A father and daughter separated from a bicycle by a mysterious wall. And then he stopped. Walking in front of him was her. The woman who as a child had skipped with him through fields and broken his heart. Sure, she had aged a little. In fact, she had aged a lot. But he felt all his old passion for her return. "Ford," he called softly. For that was her name. "Don't say another word, Gusty," she said, for that was his name. "I know a tent next to a caravan, exactly 300 yards from here. Let's go there and make love. In the tent." Ford undressed. She spread one leg, and then the other. Gusty entered her boldly and made love to her rhythmically while she filmed him, because she was a keen amateur pornographer. The earth moved for both of them. And they lived together happily ever after. And all because he decided to walk that day. Andy Hobsbawm: We've got the science, we've had the debate. The moral imperative is on the table. Great creativity is needed to take it all, make it simple and sharp. To make it connect. To make it make people want to act. So this is a call, a plea, to the incredibly talented TED community. Let's get creative against climate change. And let's do it soon. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
ã“ã“ã§č˛ ã‘ãĻはいけãĒã„ã¨æ€ã„ã€å˜˛įŦ‘しãĒãŒã‚‰ãã†č¨€ã†ã€‚ 「おい! čēĢ分をわきぞえろ!」 衛å…ĩが大きãĒåŖ°ã§į§ãĢ怒éŗ´ã‚‹ã€‚ ããŽå°čŠžã€ãã‚ãã‚čžãéŖŊきãĻきたわ。もãŖã¨é•ã†å°čŠžãŒå‡ēãĒいぎかしら。「äŊ•æ§˜ã ã€ã¨ã‹į„Ąé›ŖãĒ言葉ãĒぎãĢãžã‚‚čžã„ãĻãĒいわよ。 ぞぁ、į§ãŒčžãé€ƒã—ãĻいるãŖãĻ場合もあるけれお。 įŽ‹å­ãŽį›ŽãŽč‰˛ãŒå°‘し変わる。おうやらį§ãĢå°‘ã—čˆˆå‘ŗをį¤ēしたãŋたい。 「栚性はあるãŋたいだãĒ」 「ãĒかãŖたら、とãŖくãĢ脱čĩ°ã—ãĻいるでしょ」 「......お前、æœŦåŊ“ãĢį›ŽãŒčĻ‹ãˆãĒいぎか?」 įˇ‘č‰˛ãŽį›ŽãŒį–‘ã„æˇąãį§ã‚’čĻ‹æŽãˆã‚‹ã€‚ やãŖãąã‚Šãã†ãã‚‹ã‚ã‚ˆã­ã€‚į§ã‚‚įŽ‹å­ãŽįĢ‹å ´ãĒらそうčŗĒ問するわ。 ......もしį§ãŒįŽ‹å­ãŽįĢ‹å ´ãĒら、ãĒんãĻč¨€ã‚ã‚ŒãŸã‚‰äŋĄã˜ã‚‹ã ã‚ã†ã€‚昨æ—Ĩぎæąē闘でもかãĒりæ”ģ撃をかわしãĻいるし、įĩļ寞ãĢį§ãŽã“ぎ包帯がæŧ”å‡ēじゃãĒいかãŖãĻį–‘ãŖãĻいるäēē間も多そうだわ。 「į­”えãĒいぎか?」 「僕はæœŦåŊ“ãĢį›ŽãŒčĻ‹ãˆãĒい。ãĒんãĒら、įĸēかめる?」 「掴られる? čš´ã‚‰ã‚Œã‚‹? åˆēされる? ここぎįŽ‹å­ã¯ãŸã‹ãŒã‚Ŧã‚­ãŽč¨€č‘‰ãĢč…šãŒįĢ‹ãŖãĻ、暴力を振るうんだ」 あえãĻ怒らすようãĒことを一気ãĢ言ãŖãĻãŋる。 ãƒŠãƒ´ã‚ĄãƒŧãƒĢå›ŊぎįŽ‹å­ãŽčŗĒをčĻ‹ã•ã›ãĻもらおうじゃãĒい。įĸēかãĢį§ãŽč¨€č‘‰ã¯į›¸åŊ“č…šãŒįĢ‹ã¤ã ã‚ã†ã‘お、そんãĒč¨€č‘‰ã§æœŦ気で怒ãŖãĻいたらきりがãĒいわ。 ぞぁ、たとえįŽ‹å­ãŒæš´å›ã˜ã‚ƒãĒくともéĻ–を切られそうãĒč¨€č‘‰ã‚ˆã­ã€‚ 「ハッ、威å‹ĸぎいいã‚Ŧキじゃねえか」 åŊŧはåŖ元をくãŖと上げãĻニヤãƒĒとįŦ‘う。 「äŋēは、ヴã‚Ŗクã‚ŋãƒŧãƒģハãƒĒ゚トだ。こぎå›Ŋぎ子だ」 ということは、ロãƒŗ毛ぎ斚がお兄様ãŖãĻことね。 ただぎ偏čĻ‹ã ã‘お、äŊ•æ•…かįŸ­éĢĒãŽč˛´æ–šãŽæ–šãŒåŧŸã‹ãĒãŖãĻ思ãŖãĻいた。 「僕ぎ名前はãƒĒã‚ĸ」 「それだけか?」 「それäģĨ外ãĢč¨€ã†ã“ã¨ãĒい」 「æœŦåŊ“ãĢį”Ÿæ„æ°—ãĒ小僧だãĒ」 ヴã‚Ŗクã‚ŋãƒŧは席をįĢ‹ãĄã€į§ãŽæ–šã¸ã¨å‘かãŖãĻくる。 一įžŦでį§ãŽæ‰€ãĢくるãĒんãĻ、一äŊ“おんãĒčļŗãŽé•ˇã•ã—ãĻるぎよ。元ãƒĸデãƒĢãĒぎ? ......čŋ‘くãĢæĨると分かるけお、かãĒりčēĢé•ˇãŒéĢ˜ã„。そぎ上、įŸ­éĢĒだし、ãĒã‚“ã‹ãƒã‚šã‚ąã¨ã‹åž—æ„ãã†ã­ã€‚ 品厚めするようãĢ、į§ã‚’鋭いį›Žã§ã˜ãŖとčĻ‹ä¸‹ã™ã€‚ 子おもį›¸æ‰‹ãĢよくそんãĒ威圧するようãĒį›Žã‚’å‡ēæĨるわね。そこらčžēãĢčģĸがãŖãĻいるäģ¤åŦĸãĒã‚‰ã€å¤ąįĨžã—ãĻしぞうんじゃãĒいかしら。......äģ¤åŦĸはそこらčžēãĢはčģĸがãŖãĻいãĒいわね。 旊くこぎ品厚めぎ時間įĩ‚わãŖãĻくれãĒいかしら、äģŠãžã§ã‚‚č‰˛ã€…ãĒ圧をįĩŒé¨“しãĻきたけれお、こぎ圧は......č‹Ļ手だわ。 åŊŧはæšĢくį§ã‚’čĻ‹ãŸåžŒã€į§ãŽæ‰‹ã‚’ã‚Ŧッと力åŧˇãæŽ´ã‚“だ。 「į´°ã„ãŒã€č‰¯ã„į­‹č‚‰ã—ãĻいるãĒ」 「é›ĸせよ」 ヴã‚Ŗクã‚ŋãƒŧはį§ã‚’掴んでいる手ãĢさらãĢ力をå…ĨれãĻ、グッとč‡Ē分ぎ斚へとåŧ•ãå¯„せる。包帯でį§ãŽį›Žã¯čĻ‹ãˆãĻいãĒいはずãĒぎãĢ、がãŖつりとįŽ‹å­ã¨į›ŽãŒåˆãŖãĻいるようだ。 ãĒんかåĢŒãĒäēˆæ„Ÿã—かしãĒい。åŋƒč‡“ぎéŸŗがうるさくãĒるぎが分かる。 「......お前、åĨŗか?」 äŊŽã„åŖ°ãŒéƒ¨åą‹ãĢéŸŋく。
I say this with a sneer, not wanting to appear weak. “Oi! Know your place!” The guards yelled loudly at me. I was getting tired of hearing that line. I wonder if they could come up with something different. Well, it could just be that I was not listening. The expression in the prince’s eyes changed a little. He seems to be a little interested in me. “You seem to have some guts.” “If I didn’t, I’d have escaped a long time ago.” “...Are you really blind?” The green eyes look at me suspiciously. I knew he would ask that. That was a question I would ask myself if I were the prince. ...If I were the prince, I wonder what I would believe. I dodged a lot of attacks in the duel yesterday, and I bet there would be a lot of people who would suspect that my bandages were staged. “You’re not going to answer?” “I’m really blind. If you want, you can check?” “Will you hit me? Kick me? Or stab me? The prince of this country becomes enraged and furious because of the comments of a child.” I dared to say something that would make him angry. Let’s see the quality of the prince of Ravaal. My words would undoubtedly enrage him, but if he were truly enraged by such words, there would be no end to his anger in the future. Well, even if the prince wasn’t a tyrant, those words could get a person’s head chopped off. “Ha, you’re a bratty little thing, aren’t you?” He smirks, his mouth lifting into a pout. “I’m Victor Harrist, the second prince of this country.” So that means the long-haired one was the older brother. I know it was just a prejudice, but I had already assumed you were the younger brother because of your short hair. “My name is Ria.” ” Is that all?” “That’s all I have to say.” “You really are a cocky little thing, aren’t you?” Victor stood up from his seat and made his way over to me. What kind of legs do you have to rush over to where I was in an instant? A former model? ...I could tell when he got closer that he was pretty tall. And with short hair, he looks like he could be good at basketball. He stared down at me with sharp eyes, as if he was assessing me. How could you be so intimidating to a child? I’m sure if any lady were present here, she would definitely faint. ...I doubt that any young ladies are present here, though. Could you please hurry up and finish the interrogation?I have experienced a lot of pressure in my life, but this pressure... I couldn’t stand it. He glanced at me for a moment before firmly grasping my hand. “You’re thin, but you’ve got good muscles.” “Let go of me.” Victor puts more strength into the hand grabbing me and pulls me towards him with a good yank. He couldn’t see my eyes because of the bandages, but I was firmly eye to eye with the prince. I have a bad feeling about this. I could already feel my heartbeat getting louder. “...Are you a woman?” A low voice echoed in the room.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
像ぎæ­ŖäŊ“を教えãĻくれたčĻĒ切ãĒäēēは、äŋēがåēƒå ´ã§įĢ‹ãĄå°ŊくしãĻいる間ãĢåŽģãŖãĻいãŖた。 「ãĒぜäŋēぎ像が......äŧŧãĻãĒいけお」 そうつãļやいãĻã‹ã‚‰č€ƒãˆã‚‹ã€‚ 明らかãĢ、エãƒĒックとゴナãƒŗぎäģ•æĨ­ã ã€‚もともと友情ãĢį¯¤ã„åĨ´ã§ã¯ã‚ãŖた。 äŋēがåŊŧらを逃がすためãĢ魔įĨžã‚’čļŗæ­ĸめしたことãĢ恊を感じãĻ暴čĩ°ã—ãĻしぞãŖたぎだろう。 「というか、これįĩļ寞、äŋēがæ­ģんだと思ãŖãĻるだろ......」 とつãļやいたところで、ãĩと気ãĨく。 さãŖきぎå„Ēã—ã„é€ščĄŒäēēは10åš´å‰ã¨č¨€ãŖãĻいた。10嚴もぎ間、æˆĻãŖãĻいたぎだろうか。 そんãĒãĢé•ˇã„é–“æˆĻãŖãĻいたčĻšãˆã¯ãĒい。äŊ•ã‹ãŽé–“違いでは? äŋēは先į¨‹ã¨ã¯åˆĨãŽé€ščĄŒäēēをå‘ŧãŗį•™ã‚ã‚‹ã€‚ 「おæ€Ĩぎぎところį”ŗしč¨ŗありぞせん。äģŠæ—ĨãŖãĻäŊ•åš´äŊ•æœˆã§ã™ã‹?」 ãŗくãŖとした垌、įŦ‘饔ãĢãĒãŖãĻį­”えãĻくれる。 ãŧろãŧろぎ服をį€ãĻいるぎãĢã€é€ščĄŒäēēがå„Ēしい。 ã‚„ã¯ã‚Šã‚ˆãč€…ãĢはčĻĒ切ãĢするというポãƒĒã‚ˇãƒŧでも持ãŖãĻいるぎだろうか。 「įŽ‹å›Ŋæ­´315åš´6月10æ—Ĩですよ」 「ありがとうございぞす」 通行äēēはåŽģãŖãĻいãŖた。 äŋēが、魔įĨžã¨æˆĻい始めたぎは、įŽ‹å›Ŋæ­´305嚴ぎことだãŖた。 やはり、10嚴前ということãĢãĒる。 æˆĻ闘ãĢåŋ…æ­ģ過ぎたせいで、時間感čĻšãŒãŠã‹ã—くãĒãŖたぎだろうか。 å‚€å„ĄäēēåŊĸ ぎ副äŊœį”¨ã‹ã‚‚しれãĒい。 č‡Ē分ぎ魔æŗ•ã§č‡Ē分ぎäŊ“を操äŊœã™ã‚‹ã¨ã„うぎはイãƒŦã‚ŽãƒĨナãƒŧãĒ運į”¨ã ã€‚ ãã‚Œã‚’é•ˇæœŸãĢわたãŖãĻäŊ•åēĻもäŊ•åēĻもäŊŋいįļšã‘た。 時間感čĻšãŒãŠã‹ã—くãĒãŖãĻã‚‚ä¸æ€č­°ã§ã¯ãĒい。 æœŦåŊ“はãĒãĢがį†į”ąã‹ã¯ã‚ã‹ã‚‰ãĒい。 ãŠãĄã‚‰ãĢせよ、äŋēぎ時間感čĻšãŒãŠã‹ã—くãĒãŖたぎはäē‹åŽŸã‚‰ã—い。 「......これは困ãŖた」 攚めãĻ呆į„ļとした。 čĻ‹ä¸Šã’ã‚‹ã¨ã‚„ã¯ã‚Šã‚¤ã‚ąãƒĄãƒŗ過ぎるäŋēぎ像がį›ŽãĢå…Ĩる。 čĻ–įˇšã‚’下ãĢæˆģすと、æĨŊしそうãĢæ•Ŗ歊するčĻĒ子がį›ŽãĢå…ĨãŖた。 10嚴前よりずãŖとåšŗå’Œã§ã‚ˆã„čĄ—ãĢãĒãŖãĻいると思う。 それはとãĻもåŦ‰ã—い。 「čĩ°ãŖãĻはいけぞせんよ」 子䞛がčģĸんだ。3,4æ­ŗぐらいだろうか。可愛らしいį”ˇãŽå­ã ã€‚ 「う、う。うえぇぇ」 「ãģら、čĩ°ã‚‹ã‹ã‚‰ã€ 子䞛がæŗŖいãĻ母čĻĒが駆けよる。 「åŧˇã„子ãĒぎだからæŗŖいãĻはいけぞせんよ」 「æŗŖきč™ĢだとナックさぞãŋたいãĢãĒれぞせんよ」 「......うぅ......æŗŖかãĒい」 子䞛はæļ™ã‚’拭いãĻįĢ‹ãĄä¸ŠãŒãŖた。母čĻĒと手をつãĒいで歊いãĻいく。 「......äēēをだしãĢæ•™č‚˛ã—ãĒいでãģしいぞ」 思わずäŋēは小さãĒåŖ°ã§ã¤ãļやいた。 äŋēはけしãĻįĢ‹æ´žãĒäēē間ではãĒいぎだ。čĻ‹æœŦãĢされãĻも困る。 äŋēはとãŧとãŧと歊きãĒがら、冒é™ēč€…ã‚ŽãƒĢドへと向かãŖた。 冒é™ēč€…ã‚ŽãƒĢドぎåģēį‰Šã¯å¤‰ã‚ã‚‰ãĒい。 10åš´įĩŒãŖãĻいるから少しだけ古くãĒãŖãĻいたがそれだけだ。 「ãĒんかうれしいãĒ」 懐かしさを感じる。少しåŦ‰ã—くãĒãŖた。 すこしうきうきしãĒがら、冒é™ēč€…ã‚ŽãƒĢドぎ扉を開ける。 途įĢ¯ãĢč‚Šã‚’ã¤ã‹ãžã‚ŒãŸã€‚ 「やãŖとæĨやがãŖたか!」 ã€ŒãĄã‚‡ãŖ!」 「こãŖãĄãĢæĨい! čŠąã¯ãã‚Œã‹ã‚‰ã ã€ 冒é™ēč€…ã‚ŽãƒĢドでは、ゴナãƒŗãŒåž…ãĄæ§‹ãˆãĻいた。 éĢĒãĢį™Ŋã„ã‚‚ãŽãŒæˇˇã˜ã‚Šã€éĄ”ãĢは少しだけしわがåĸ—えãĻいる。 ゴナãƒŗはäŋēãŽč‚Šã‚’ã¤ã‹ã‚“ã ãžãžã€åģēį‰ŠãŽåĨĨへとåŧ•ãŖåŧĩãŖãĻいく。 ã€ŒãŠå‰ã€č€ã‘ãŸ?」 「あたりぞえだろうが! 10åš´įĩŒãŖたんだからãĒ! というかお前が変わらãĒさすぎじゃねぇか。というかč‹Ĩčŋ”ãŖãĻるだろ」 åĨĨãŽéƒ¨åą‹ãĢå…Ĩると、ゴナãƒŗがäŋēãŽä¸Ąč‚Šã‚’ã¤ã‹ã‚€ã€‚ 「よくį”ŸããĻæˆģãŖãĻæĨãĻくれた......」 「お前æŗŖいãĻる?」 ゴナãƒŗはそういうが、ãŊろãŊろæļ™ã‚’こãŧしãĻいる。 į›ŽãĢæļ™ã‚’æĩŽã‹ãšã‚‹ã¨ã„ãŖたãƒŦベãƒĢではãĒã„ã€‚åˇæŗŖだ。 「ãĒ、æŗŖくãĒよ」 į”ˇã¯åĨŗぎæļ™ãĢåŧąã„とかいうが、į”ˇãŽæļ™ãĢもåŧąã„ぎだとわかãŖた。 たとえおãŖさんでもæŗŖかれると困る。いや、むしろおãŖさんぎ斚が困るかもしれãĒい。 æŠąãã—ã‚ã‚‹ã‚ã‘ãĢもいかãĒいぎだ。 ただ、éģ™ãŖãĻįĢ‹ãŖãĻいるしかãĒい。į”ŗしč¨ŗį¨‹åēĻãĢ肩ãĢ手を䚗せãĻおいた。 äŋēはゴナãƒŗがæŗŖきやむぞで、しばらく垅ãŖた。 「......すぞんãĒ」 「いや、いいさ」 それからゴナãƒŗが、čĒŦ明しãĻくれた。 「ナックを名䚗るåĨ´ãŒåŽļãĢæĨたãŖãĻã€ã†ãĄãŽé–€į•ĒãĢčžã„ãĻãĒ。æœŦåŊ“ãĢお前ãĒら、æŦĄãĢ向かうぎは冒é™ēč€…ã‚ŽãƒĢドだろうと、ずãŖと垅ãŖãĻたんだ」 「いや、éĸ倒でもäŊ•ã§ã‚‚ãĒいぞ」 ããŽæ™‚ã€éƒ¨åą‹ãĢおčŒļã¨ãŠč“å­ãŒé‹ã°ã‚ŒãĻくる。 一åŖéŖŸãšãĻãŋた。 もぎすごくįžŽå‘ŗしかãŖた。10åš´ãļりぎéŖŸãšã‚‚ぎだ。 「......うぞい」 「そうか。æŦĄå…ƒãŽį‹­é–“ではéŖŸäē‹ã¯ãŠã†ã—ãĻたんだよ?」 「いや、ãĒãĢもéŖŸãŖãĻãĒいãĒ」 äŋēはドãƒŦイãƒŗã‚ŋッチãĢついãĻčĒŦ明する。 ゴナãƒŗはãģうãģうと感åŋƒã—ãĒãŒã‚‰čžã„ãĻいたが、įĒåĻ‚æ…ŒãĻ始めた。 ãŠč“å­ã‚’å–ã‚Šä¸Šã’ã‚‰ã‚Œã‚‹ã€‚ 「10åš´äŊ•ã‚‚éŖŸãšãĻãĒかãŖたんだろ?」 「そうだが......」 「断éŖŸæ˜Žã‘ãĢå›ēåŊĸį‰ŠéŖŸãšãŸã‚‰ã‚„ばいんじゃねãƒŧか?」 「お、重暯でも、持ãŖãĻこさせよう」 「大丈å¤Ģだ。ãĒぜかわからãĒいが、意外と大丈å¤Ģだぞ」 äŋēはそういãŖãĻčĒŦ垗しようとしたが、ゴナãƒŗはį´åž—しãĒい。 「せãŖかくį”ŸãåģļãŗたぎãĢ、こんãĒことでæ­ģんだら困るだろうが。うぞいį‰ŠãĒらこれからいくらでもéŖŸãˆã‚‹ã‚“だからãĒ」 そういãŖãĻã€čˇå“ĄãĢ重暯を持ãŖãĻくるよう指į¤ēをしãĻいた。 気をäŊŋãŖãĻくれるぎはありがたい。 ã ãŒã€ãŠč“å­ãŒã‚‚ãŽã™ã”ãįžŽå‘ŗしかãŖたぎで、すごく掋åŋĩでもある。 重暯が運ばれãĻくるぞでぎ間、äŋēはæŦĄå…ƒãŽį‹­é–“でぎå‡ēæĨäē‹ãĢついãĻゴナãƒŗãĢčĒžãŖた。 おčŒļぎäģŖわりãĢ果原ぎジãƒĨãƒŧã‚šã‚’å‡ēされたぎでそれをéŖ˛ã‚€ã€‚ 「ジãƒĨãƒŧ゚もうぞいãĒ」 一通りčĒžã‚Šįĩ‚わãŖたころ、重暯が運ばれãĻきた。 運んできたį”ˇã¯ã€čĻ†éĸをかãļãŖãĻいた。もぎすごくæ€Ēしい。 「お、やãŖとæĨたか。エãƒĒック。ナックが帰ãŖãĻæĨたぞ」 「おお、ナック! æœŦåŊ“ãĢナックじゃãĒいかãŖ!」 į”ˇãŒčĻ†éĸをとãŖãŸã€‚ãã‚Œã¯ãžã•ã—ãå‹‡č€…ã‚¨ãƒĒックæœŦäēēだãŖた。
The Legendary Ruck The kind man who told me about the statue walked away as I stood there in the plaza. “Why is there a statue of me...and it doesn’t even look like me.” I muttered and thought. This was clearly the work of Eric and Goran. They had always been passionate when it came to friendships. They must have felt grateful about my sacrifice in stopping the devils, and they had gotten a little carried away. “Also, they totally think that I died...” I said and suddenly realized one other thing. That kind man had said that it was years ago. So that meant I had been fighting for years. I don’t remember it being that long. Was it some mistake? I stopped a different person who was passing through. “I’m sorry to disturb you while you’re busy. But what year and month is it today?” There was a moment of shock that was followed by a pleasant smile. These people were very kind in spite of the tattered clothes I was wearing. Perhaps they really did have some kind of policy to be kind to outsiders. “Year of the kingdom era, June 0th.” “Thank you.” The person left. I fought against the devils in the year 305. So it really had been 10 years ago. Could I have been fighting so desperately that my perception of time had become messed up? No, perhaps it was a side effect of the Marionette spell. Controlling your own body with magic wasn’t exactly business as usual. And I had done it repeatedly for extended periods of time. It was not too surprising then, that my perceptions had been affected. But I didn’t really know what the reason was. In any case, the truth was that it had been altered. “...Well, this is troublesome.” I felt a renewed shock. I looked up and saw the exaggeratedly handsome face of the statue. When I looked down again, there was a family happily taking a stroll. The city seemed much nicer and peaceful than it had been 10 years ago. That made me very happy. “Don’t run here.” The child fell. An adorable boy of 3 or 4 years of age. “Uh, uhhh...wahhhhh!” “See, that’s what happens when you run.” The mother rushed to her crying child. “Be strong and do not cry.” “Ahhhh....!” “You will never become like Ruck if you are such a crybaby.” “...Uh...I...won’t cry.” The child wiped his tears away and stood up. They held each other’s hands and walked away. “...Don’t use me to educate your child.” I muttered to myself without thinking. I really wasn’t anything impressive. I shouldn’t be seen as a role model. I continued to walk as I headed for the Adventurer’s guild. The building for the guild was the same as it was before. The only difference was that it looked slightly older, as 10 years had passed. “Ah, this makes me happy.” It was somewhat nostalgic. I couldn’t help but be happy. And so I opened the door with a feeling of excitement. Someone immediately grabbed me by the shoulders. “You finally came!” “Hey!” “Come over here! Then we’ll talk!” Goran had been waiting for me at the Adventurers Guild. There was white in his hair now, and a few lines on his face that had not been there before. With Goran’s hands still on my shoulders, I was pulled into the back of the building. “Did you age?” “Of course I did! It’s been 10 years! It’s you who hasn’t changed enough. If anything, you look younger.” When we entered the back room, Goran put his hands on my shoulders again. “I’m so glad that you returned alive...” “Are you crying?” Goran denied it, but tears were running down his face. It wasn’t just teary eyes. He was sobbing. “Do-don’t cry.” They say that men were weak to the tears of women, but I learned that I was also weak to the tears of men. Even if it was this old man. I felt uncomfortable. Well, maybe it was especially uncomfortable because it was an old man. I couldn’t exactly hug him. I could only stand there. Apologetically, I put a hand on his shoulder. It took a while for him to stop crying. “...Sorry about that.” “No, it’s fine.” And then Goran explained to me. “I heard from the gatekeeper that someone called Ruck had visited. I knew that if it was really you, you would come to the Adventurer’s guild next. And so I was waiting here.” “Bah, it’s nothing at all.” Right then, tea and snacks were brought into the room. I took a bite. It was delicious. It was the first time I had eaten in 10 years. “...This is good.” “Is it? What were you eating in that place between our dimensions anyway?” “I actually didn’t eat anything.” I told him about Drain Touch. Goran listened with great interest, but then suddenly turned frantic. He swiped the snacks from off the table. “You really haven’t eaten in 10 years?” “Yeah...” “Isn’t it dangerous to eat solids after a long period of fasting?” “I-I’ll have them bring you some rice water.” “I’m fine. I don’t know how, but I feel just fine.” I said and tried to persuade him, but Goran was not convinced. “You survived through so much to come here, I’m not going to let you die over something like this. You will be able to eat plenty of delicious food later.” So saying, he ordered the staff to bring me some rice water. I was thankful that he felt so concerned. But the snack had tasted so good, which was too bad. As the rice water was being prepared, I told Goran about what had happened in the place between our dimensions. Then I drank some fruit juice that had been brought after the tea. “The juice is also delicious.” When we were finished talking, the rice water was brought in. The man carrying it was wearing a mask. He was incredibly suspicious looking. “Ah, you are finally here. Eric. Ruck’s returned to us!” “Oooh, Ruck! It really is you!” The man took off his mask. It was the Hero, himself. Eric.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 11, "inserted_lines_src": 3, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
ã‚ˇã‚ĸ、ã‚ģãƒĢãƒĒ゚、ニã‚ĸがį‹ŧぎįŖäēē族とともãĢå‡ēかけ間がįĩŒãŖた。 äŋēはそぎæ—Ĩも水įĢœãŽé›†čŊãĢæŗŠãžãŖãĻいた。 ここぎところ毎æ—ĨぎようãĢ、ãƒŦッã‚ĩãƒŧãƒ´ã‚Ąãƒŗパイã‚ĸぎčĨ˛æ’ƒãŒã‚る。 äŋēはおんãĒ少数ぎčĨ˛æ’ƒã§ã‚‚、åŋ…ずįžå ´ãĢ向かうことãĢしãĻいた。 åŊ“į„ļ、äŋēが到į€ã—たころãĢはãƒŦッã‚ĩãƒŧãƒ´ã‚Ąãƒŗパイã‚ĸはį‹Šã‚‰ã‚ŒãĻいることぎ斚が多い。 äŋēがã‚ŦãƒĢヴと一įˇ’ãĢ駆けつけると、水įĢœãŒį”ŗしč¨ŗãĒさそうãĢč¨€ã†ã€‚ 「ナックさん、ありがとうございぞす。ですが......」 「ああ、もうį„Ąäē‹į‹Šã‚‰ã‚ŒãŸãŽã§ã™ã­ã€‚ãĒãĢよりです」 「į„Ąé§„čļŗã‚’č¸ãžã›ãĻしぞãŖãĻį”ŗしč¨ŗありぞせん」 「いえいえ。万一ぎためãĢ駆けつけãĻるだけãĒぎで、äŊ•äē‹ã‚‚į„Ąã‘ればそれが一į•Ēですよ」 æ°´įĢœã¯įĢœãŽä¸­ã§ã‚‚上äŊį¨Žã ã€‚ そこらぎワイバãƒŧãƒŗやãƒŦッã‚ĩãƒŧドナゴãƒŗãĒおとはわけが違う。 ãƒŦッã‚ĩãƒŧãƒ´ã‚Ąãƒŗパイã‚ĸごときį›¸æ‰‹ãĢはãĒらãĒい。 「それãĢしãĻも......。ãĒぜ毎æ—ĨčĨ˛æ’ƒã‚’äģ•æŽ›ã‘ãĻくるぎでしょう。ナックさんぎおãŖしゃられãĻいたįĩį•ŒãŽãģころãŗをæŽĸすというį†į”ąãĒらば......」 「įĸēかãĢもãŖと劚įŽ‡įš„ãĒ手æŗ•ã¯ã‚るかもですね」 「はい」 ã€Œãƒ´ã‚Ąãƒŗパイã‚ĸぎ上äŊį¨Žã¯ã€ãƒŦッã‚ĩãƒŧをæˆĻ力としãĻ計įŽ—しãĻいãĒいぎで、äŊŋい捨ãĻãĢしãĻいるかもしれぞせんね」 「そんãĒもぎでしょうか? もしそうãĒら、æĨŊでいいぎですが」 「ぞたは、æ…Ŗれをį‹™ãŖãĻいるぎかもしれぞせん」 「æ…Ŗれですか?」 「集čŊへぎæ•ĩぎäžĩå…Ĩã‚’å ąã›ã‚‹č­Ļå ąãŒéŗ´ãŖたとき、おうせãƒŦッã‚ĩãƒŧだろうと寞åŋœãŒãŠã–ãĒりãĢãĒるときを垅ãŖãĻいるぎかもしれぞせん」 そしãĻ、äŋēは懸åŋĩをäŧãˆã‚‹ã€‚ たとえãƒŦッã‚ĩãƒŧでも魔čŖ…抟æĸ°ã‚’æŒãĄčžŧむことはできる。 そうãĒれば、大きãĒčĸĢåŽŗがå‡ēかねãĒい。 「ãĒるãģãŠã€‚č‚ãĢ銘じぞす」 「įˇŠåŧĩ感をįļ­æŒã™ã‚‹ã“とは大変でしょうが......ãŠéĄ˜ã„ã„ãŸã—ãžã™ã€ 「はい!」 そしãĻ、äŋēはã‚ŦãƒĢヴと一įˇ’ãĢæ°´įĢœãŽåŽŽæŽŋãĢæˆģãŖãĻã˛ã¨įœ ã‚Šã—た。 朝、čĩˇåēŠã—ãĻ、ãƒĒãƒŧã‚ĸと一įˇ’ãĢčģŊく朝ごはんをéŖŸãšã‚‹ã€‚ ããŽåžŒã€åą‹æ•ˇãĢ帰還する前ãĢ、äŋēはįĩį•Œã‚’į‚šæ¤œã™ã‚‹ã€‚ ã‚ŦãƒĢヴをé€ŖれãĻæ°´įĢœãŽé›†čŊをį‚šæ¤œã—ãĒがらぐるりと一周するぎだ。 ã‚ŦãƒĢヴぎæ•Ŗæ­Šã‚‚å…ŧねãĻいる。 ãƒĒãƒŧã‚ĸと水įĢœãŽč‹Ĩč€…ãŸãĄæ•°äŊ“がついãĻæĨãĻくれる。 äēēぎå§ŋįŠļ態ぎãƒĒãƒŧã‚ĸもčļŗが速い。čĩ°ã‚‹ã‚ŦãƒĢヴãĢしãŖかりついãĻくる。 「いつもぎようãĢ、ãƒĒãƒŧã‚ĸも水įĢœãŽįš†ã•ã‚“も、気ãĨいたことがあãŖたら教えãĻください」 「ナック、わかãŖたぎ」 「おäģģせください!」 ã‚ŦãƒĢヴは嗅čĻšãŒé‹­ã„。 もしæŊœã‚“でいるãƒŦッã‚ĩãƒŧãƒ´ã‚Ąãƒŗパイã‚ĸãĒおがいたら気ãĨいãĻくれるだろう。 æ°´įĢœãŽé›†čŊぎįĩį•ŒãĢį•°å¸¸ãŒãĒいことをįĸēčĒã™ã‚‹ã¨ã€äŋēはįŽ‹éƒŊãĢæˆģる。 いつもぎようãĢミãƒĢã‚Ģがå‡ēčŋŽãˆãĻくれた。 「ロックさん、おかえりだ! äģŠæ—Ĩも寝るぎかい?」 「ああ、少し寝るかãĒ」 「æ˜ŧ頃ãĢčĩˇã“せばいいかい?」 「é ŧむ。ミãƒĢã‚Ģも勉åŧˇé ‘åŧĩれよ」 ミãƒĢã‚ĢとãƒĢッチナは、午前中はフã‚ŖãƒĒãƒŧぎ授æĨ­ã ã€‚ 冒é™ēãĢå‡ēãĻいるぎで、授æĨ­ã‚’受けられãĒいニã‚ĸが少しåŋƒé…ã ãŒäģ•æ–šãŒãĒい。 「įœ ã„ぎか。わかãŖた」 ã‚ŦãƒĢヴがæ€ĨかすようãĢ、äŋēãŽæ‰‹ãŽã˛ã‚‰ã‚’éŧģ先でįĒãŖついãĻきた。 äŋēはã‚ŦãƒĢヴと一įˇ’ãĢã€éƒ¨åą‹ãĢæˆģãŖãĻ少しįœ ãŖた。 įœŸå¤œä¸­ãŽčĨ˛æ’ƒãŽã›ã„で、įĄįœ ä¸čļŗãĢãĒã‚ŠãŒãĄã ã€‚ いざというときãĢ、įĄįœ ä¸čļŗで力をį™ē揎できãĒいと困る。 ã‚ŦãƒĢヴも子į‹ŧãĒぎで、įĄįœ ã¯å¤§åˆ‡ãĒぎだ。 「ロックさん、おæ˜ŧだよ」 ミãƒĢã‚Ģがčĩˇã“しãĢæĨãĻくれた。 あãŖという間だãŖた。少ししかįœ ãŖãĻいãĒい気がする。 「ミãƒĢã‚Ģありがとう」 ã‚ŦãƒĢヴがベッドぎ上で、思いãŖきりäŧ¸ãŗをしãĻいた。 「ã‚ģãƒĢãƒĒã‚šã•ã‚“ãŸãĄãŒã€æˆģãŖãĻきたよãƒŧ」 「おお、そうか、æ€Ĩいでいこう」 äŋēはæ€Ĩã„ã§åą…é–“ãĢ向かう。 「ロックさん。ただいぞ」 ã‚ģãƒĢãƒĒã‚šã¨ã‚ˇã‚ĸとニã‚ĸã€å…¨å“ĄãŒį„Ąäē‹ãĢ帰ãŖãĻきãĻいる。 åŋƒåē•ãģãŖとした。 「į„Ąäē‹ã§ã‚ˆã‹ãŖãŸã€‚é­”é“å…ˇã¯ãŠã†ã ãŖた?」 「うん。おかげさぞですごくåŋĢčĒŋだãŖたわ! ロãƒŧドぎ魅äē†ãĢもæŠĩ抗できたもぎ」 「それはį´ æ™´ã‚‰ã—い」 フã‚ŖãƒĒãƒŧもåŦ‰ã—そうãĢうãĒずいた。 「ぞあ、フã‚ŖãƒĒãƒŧとロックさんがäŊœãŖたぎだ。そぎぐらいはåŊ“į„ļだ」 äŋēはã‚ģãƒĢãƒĒã‚šãŸãĄãŽæ§˜å­ã‚’ã˜ãŖくりčĻŗ察する。 į€ãĻいた鎧はåŖŠã‚ŒãĻいãĒい。だが、į›¸åŊ“ãĢå‚ˇã¤ã„ãĻいる。 かãĒりæŋ€ã—いæˆĻいをこãĒしãĻきたぎだろう。 おんãĒ冒é™ēをしãĻããŸãŽã‹čžã„ãĻãŋたいところだ。 ã¨ã‚‚é›°å›˛æ°—ãŒå¤‰ã‚ãŖãĻいるが、一į•Ē変わãŖたぎはニã‚ĸだ。 「ニã‚ĸ、大きくãĒãŖたか?」 「そんãĒãĢは変わãŖãĻいãĒいと思いぞす」 ã€Œãã†ã‹ã€‚é›°å›˛æ°—ãŒå¤‰ã‚ãŖたãĒ。æŋ€æˆĻをæŊœã‚ŠæŠœã‘たんだろう」 äŋēがそういうと、ニã‚ĸはį…§ã‚Œã‚‹ã€‚ 一斚、ã‚ģãƒĢãƒĒ゚はįœŸå‰ŖãĒčĄ¨æƒ…ã‚’ã—ãĻいた。 「で、į§ãŸãĄãŒæˆģãŖãĻきたぎãĢはį†į”ąãŒã‚るぎ」 「もしかしãĻ、æ•ĩぎæœŦ拠地をčĻ‹ã¤ã‘たぎか?」 「そうãĒぎ! į‹ŧぎįŖäēē族ぎ斚々はæœŦåŊ“ãĢ凄いぎ」 「ぞだ、įĸē厚ではãĒいでありぞすよ」 įĸēåŽšæƒ…å ąã§ãĒãã¨ã‚‚ã€æƒ…å ąã¯ã¨ãĻもありがたい。 ã€Œčžã‹ã›ãĻくれ」 ã‚ģãƒĢãƒĒ゚はうãĒずくとčĒžã‚Šã¯ã˜ã‚ãŸã€‚
A week had now passed since Shia, Serulis, and Nia had gone to the beastkin tribes. During this time, I spent the nights in the water dragon settlement. The lesser vampires continued to attack every night. But no matter how few there were, I always went to the scene of the fight. Of course, there were many times when the job was done by the time we arrived. When Grulf and I would reach the place, the water dragons would look at us apologetically. “Mister Ruck. Thank you for coming, but...” “Oh, so you already finished here. That’s good.” “I’m sorry that you wasted your time.” “No, no. I always come, just in case. And it’s better that nothing serious happens.” Water dragons were stronger than most dragons. Much stronger than wyverns and lesser dragons. And so lesser vampires were no match for them. “Still... Why do they keep attacking us like this? If they were really just trying to find a weakness in the barrier, as you suggested...” “Yes, there are better ways of doing that.” “Indeed.” “Perhaps the greater vampires do not even include lessers as part of their fighting force. And they are completely disposable.” “Do you really think so? It would be a relief to know it doesn’t mean anything.” “Or perhaps they want us to get used to this?” “Used to it?” “So every time the alarm goes off, we will just assume that it’s lessers attacking again.” It was something I had been worried about. After all, lessers could bring in the magic machines. That would be incredibly dangerous. “I see. We will be careful.” “It will be hard to stay cautious at all times...but we must try.” “Yes!” And with that, Grulf and I returned to the water dragon palace and got some sleep. When we woke up the next morning, we had a light breakfast with Leea. And then I inspected the barrier before returning to the mansion. This meant taking Grulf and me walking around the settlement while checking the barrier. So it was also a walk for Grulf. Leea and some of the water dragons came with us. Even while in human form, Leea was very fast. She could easily keep pace with Grulf. “As always, please tell me if you notice that there is something strange.” “Okay, Ruck.” “Leave it to us!” Grulf had a sharp sense of smell. He would notice if there were any lesser vampires hidden here. Once I was sure that there was nothing strange about the barrier, I returned to the city. As always, Milka greeted me. “Welcome back Mister Locke! Are you going straight to bed today as well?” “Yeah, just for a little while.” “Should I wake you up for lunch?” “Yes, thanks. Good luck with your schoolwork.” Milka and Luchila studied under Philly in the morning. I was a little worried about Nia, who was out adventuring instead of studying, but there was nothing that could be done about that. “You’re tired too? Alright.” Grulf pushed his nose into my hand as if to hurry me on. And so I went to my room with him and we rested for a short while. The midnight attacks were resulting in sleep-deprivation. And it would be no good if that affected my ability to fight when the time came. Grulf was still a pup, so sleeping was also important for him. “Mister Locke. It’s lunchtime.” Milka said as she woke me up. It felt so soon. I felt as if I had hardly slept at all. “Thank you, Milka.” Grulf stretched on top of the bed. “Serulis and the others are back!” “Ah, I see. I better hurry.” I hurried down to the drawing-room. “Mister Locke. We’re back.” Serulis, Shia and Nia had all come back safely. I was quite relieved. “I’m glad that you’re all well. How was the magic tool?” “Yes. It made things much easier! I was able to resist the Charm of a Lord.” “That’s wonderful.’ Philly also nodded happily. “Well, it was made by Philly and Locke, so it’s no surprise that it was effective.” I then inspected Serulis and the others. Their armor was not broken. However, there were lots of scratches. They must have been through a lot of intense battles. I would have like to hear more about it. And all three seemed a little changed, but Nia seemed especially different. “Nia? Have you grown taller?” “I don’t think I have that much.” “I see. You seem different. You must have been through quite a battle.” I said, and she looked embarrassed. On the other hand, Serulis looked very serious. “Well, there is a reason that we have returned.” “Did you find the enemy base then?” “We did! The beastkin wolves are really incredible!” “But we are not sure yet.” Even if the information wasn’t confirmed yet, it was very valuable. “Tell me about it.” Serulis nodded and began to talk.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 7, "inserted_lines_src": 2, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
「うわぁãŖã¨ã€åąãĒãŖ! いきãĒりäŊ•ã™ã‚‹ã‚“ですか!」 「ãģぉ、意外ãĢčēĢぎこãĒしがį´ æ—Šã„じゃãĒいか。éŋけるとは思わãĒかãŖたぞ」 すごい、äģŠãŽã‚’éŋけるãĒんãĻ......。 ã‚ĸãƒĢキãƒĨãƒŧネも少し銚いãĻいる様子だ。 ã€ŒãĄã‚‡ãŖと冗čĢ‡ã¯ã‚„めãĻ――ãŖãĻã‚ĸãƒĢキãƒĨãƒŧネ先į”Ÿã‚ŗ゚プãƒŦですか! いきãĒり変čēĢ魔æŗ•ãĒんかäŊŋãŖãĄã‚ƒãŖãĻ。ãĒんでぞたæ€ĨãĢ......」 「くãŖくãŖ、ぞだäē‹æ…‹ã‚’į†č§ŖしãĻいãĒいぎか。ã‚ĒツムはãĻんで鈍いとčĻ‹ãˆã‚‹ã€ 「ãĒãŖ!? ã‚Ē、ã‚Ēツムが鈍いですãŖãĻぇえ! うãŖきぃ――それが教å¸ĢãŽč¨€ã†č¨€č‘‰ã§ã™ã‹!」 テã‚ŖãƒŦã‚ĸã•ã‚“ãŒéĄ”ã‚’įœŸãŖčĩ¤ãĢしãĻ憤慨しãĻいる。ã‚Ēãƒ„ãƒ ãŒéˆã„ã¨č¨€ã‚ã‚ŒãĻよãŖãŊお頭ãĢæĨãĻいるãŋたいだ。 うん、こればかりはã‚ĸãƒĢキãƒĨãƒŧãƒãŽč¨€ã†ã“ã¨ã‚‚ä¸€į†ã‚ã‚‹ã€‚ã“ãŽåąæŠŸæ„č­˜ãŽãĒã•ã¯å•éĄŒã ã‚ˆã€‚ テã‚ŖãƒŦã‚ĸさん、魔族ぎプãƒŦãƒƒã‚ˇãƒŖãƒŧを感じãĒいぎかãĒ? とãĢかくテã‚ŖãƒŦã‚ĸさんãĢįžįŠļがおんãĒãĢåąé™ēか旊くį†č§ŖさせãĒいといけãĒい。 「テã‚ŖãƒŦã‚ĸさん、そんãĒ場合じゃありぞせん。åĨ´ã¯äēēをčĨ˛ã† ã€Œå¸čĄ€éŦŧ? 魔族? äŊ•č¨€ãŖãĻいるぎ? いくら先į”ŸãĢåąã‚‰ã‚ŒãŸã‹ã‚‰ãŖãĻそんãĒæ‚ĒåŖã‚’č¨€ãŖãĄã‚ƒã ã‚ã ã‚ˆã€ もぉお、ãĒんãĒぎこぎäēē! įˇŠčŋĢしたįŠļæŗã‚ã‹ãŖãĻよ。ぎんきというかずれãĻいるというか、テã‚ŖãƒŦã‚ĸさんãĢは遠回しãĒ襨įžã¯ã ã‚ã ã€‚はãŖãã‚Šč¨€ã‚ãĒいとわかãŖãĻくれãĒいだろう。 「æœŦåŊ“ãĒんです! į§ã‚‚æŽēされそうãĢãĒãŖたし、čĻĒ友もそいつぎ手ãĢかかãŖãĻいるんですよ!」 「......ぞ、ぞじで?」 「ぞじです。冗čĢ‡ã§ã‚‚é­”æŗ•ã§å¤‰čŖ…しãĻいるわけでもありぞせん」 į§ãŽæœŦ気がäŧã‚ãŖたぎか、テã‚ŖãƒŦã‚ĸさんは攚めãĻã‚ĸãƒĢキãƒĨãƒŧãƒãŽéĄ”ã‚„å§ŋをčĻŗ察しãĻいる。 そしãĻ......。 「うぁあああ! æœŦåŊ“ãĢ魔族ãĒぎ? 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åĨ´ãŒæĨたら一斉ãĢこれを投げつけるぎよ」 「あ、あぎテã‚ŖãƒŦã‚ĸさん。やãŖãąã‚ŠåˆĨぎäŊœæˆĻã‚’č€ƒãˆãŸãģうが――」 「しãƒŧãŖ、æĨたãŋたい」 テã‚ŖãƒŦã‚ĸã•ã‚“ãŽč¨€ã†é€šã‚Šã€ã‚ĸãƒĢキãƒĨãƒŧネが息を切らしãĻčŋŊいついãĻきた。 「はぁ、はぁ、おぎれぇ! ãĄã‚‡ã‚ãĄã‚‡ã‚é€ƒã’čļŗぎ速いåĨ´ã ã€‚だがčŋŊã„čŠ°ã‚ãŸãžã€ 「äģŠã‚ˆ!」 テã‚ŖãƒŦã‚ĸさんからぎ合å›ŗ、こうãĒã‚Œã°ã„ãĄã‹ã°ãĄã‹ã ! į§ã¯ã›ã„いãŖãąã„åŠ›ã‚’čžŧめãĻクã‚Ģノミをã‚ĸãƒĢキãƒĨãƒŧネãĢ投げつける。だが、į§ãŒæŠ•ã’たクã‚Ģノミは攞į‰Šįˇšã‚’描いãĻポã‚ŋãƒĒと地éĸãĢčŊãĄãŸã ã‘ã ãŖた。 だめだ......。 クã‚ĢノミãĢ劚果があるかäģĨ前ãĢ、į§ãŽč…•åŠ›ã˜ã‚ƒã‚ĸãƒĢキãƒĨãƒŧネãĢåŊ“ãĻることすらできãĒい。į§ãŒčŊčƒ†ã™ã‚‹ã¨ã€ įĒį„ļã€éƒ¨åą‹ä¸­ãĢ断æœĢ魔じãŋたåŖ°ãŒéŸŋく。čĻ‹ã‚‹ã¨ã€ãƒ†ã‚ŖãƒŦã‚ĸさんから攞たれたクã‚Ģノミがã‚ĸãƒĢキãƒĨãƒŧãƒãŽč‚ŠåŖãĢå‘Ŋ中しãĻいたぎだ。ã‚ĸãƒĢキãƒĨãƒŧãƒãŽč‚ŠåŖãĢクã‚Ģノミがめりčžŧãŋ、ぞるで鉄įƒãĢでもåŊ“たãŖたかぎごとくé™Ĩæ˛Ąã—ãĻいた。é™Ĩæ˛Ąã—ãĻã„ã‚‹č‚ŠåŖからはドロãƒĒã¨čĄ€ãŒãŸã‚ŒãĻいる。 「す、すごい......テã‚ŖãƒŦã‚ĸさんãŖãĻæˆĻåŖĢだãŖたんですね」 「æˆĻåŖĢじゃãĒいãŖãĻ。だからクã‚ĢノミがåĨ´ãŽåŧąį‚šã ã¨č¨€ãŖたでしょう」 「え、でもこれãŖãĻクã‚Ģノミぎ力?」 ã€Œãã†ã‚ˆã€‚ãžãã€ã‚¤ãƒĄãƒŧジではåŊ“ãĻたらじゅわãŖとæēļけãĻã„ãã‚¤ãƒĄãƒŧジだãŖたけおね。į†čĢ–と原čˇĩは違うãŖãĻところかしら」 æœŦåŊ“かãĒ? おうčĻ‹ãĻも、テã‚ŖãƒŦã‚ĸã•ã‚“ãŽč…•åŠ›ãĢもぎをいわせた力技ãĢしか思えãĒいけお......。 「ぜぇ、ぜぇ、ぜぇ、ãĒ、äŊ•ã‚’しやがãŖた? たかがäēē間éĸ¨æƒ…が! はぁ、はぁ、ãĒã€čˆã‚ã‚„ãŒãŖãĻ!」 ã‚ĸãƒĢキãƒĨãƒŧネからäŊ™čŖ•ãŽįŦ‘ãŋがæļˆãˆã€æŋ€ã—ã„æ€’ã‚ŠãŽčĄ¨æƒ…ãĢ変化しãĻいた。 お、恐ろしい。これが魔族ぎæœŦ気ぎ重圧ãĒぎか......。 そぎおすéģ’いæŽē気はäēē間ぎæ‚Ē意とは重さが違う。į§ã¯ææ€–からテã‚ŖãƒŦã‚ĸã•ã‚“ãŽč…•ãĢしがãŋついた。 「はぁ、はぁ、æŽēす! あ、遊んでやãŖãĻいたらつけあがりやがãŖãĻ。ただではæŽēさん。į”ŸããŸãžãžčĄ€ã‚’すすり、そぎčēĢをåŧ•ãčŖ‚いãĻくれん!」 そぎåŖ°ãĢ、ãŗくãŖとčēĢを震わせる。テã‚ŖãƒŦã‚ĸさんもã‚ĸãƒĢキãƒĨãƒŧネぎ恐ろしさãĢ震えãĻいるようだ。 ã‚ĸãƒĢキãƒĨãƒŧãƒã¯ãƒ€ãƒĄãƒŧã‚¸ã‚’č˛ ãŖãĻる。äģŠãĒら外ãĢåŋœæ´ã‚’å‘ŧずるはずだ。 ã€Œã¯ãã€ã¯ãã€č¨ąã•ã‚“ã€‚į§ã‚’å‚ˇã¤ã‘ãŸãŠå‰ã¯į‰šãĢč¨ąã•ã‚“! ã“ãŽåąˆčžąãŽãŠčŋ”しはお前だけでãĒく、お前ぎåĻšãĢも同じč˛Ŧめč‹Ļをå‘ŗあわせãĻやるからãĒ!」 ãĒんãĻおぞぞしい。テã‚Ŗãƒ ãĄã‚ƒã‚“ã‚‚é€ŖれãĻ遠くãĢ逃げãĒいと。į§ã¯ä¸€åˆģも旊く逃げå‡ēそうとするが、æ€ĨãĢテã‚ŖãƒŦã‚ĸさんぎčļŗがæ­ĸぞる。 「テã‚ŖãƒŦã‚ĸさん?」 ã€Œã‚¸ã‚§ã‚ˇã‚ĢãĄã‚ƒã‚“ã€å…ˆãĢ行ãŖãĻ」 「え!? 旊く逃げãĒいと」 「だめ。åĨ´ã¯ãƒ†ã‚ŖムをčĨ˛ã†ã¨č¨€ãŖた。こぎぞぞ逃げãĻもいつかåĨ´ãŒãƒ†ã‚ŖムをčĨ˛ã†ã‹ã‚‚しれãĒい」 「で、でも」 「先ãĢ行ãŖãĻ。æ­Ŗį›´ã€ã™ã”く怖いけお、テã‚ŖムをčĨ˛ã†ãŖãĻ言ãŖãĻいるåĨ´ã‚’、こぎぞぞ野攞しãĢするわけãĢはいかãĒい」 テã‚ŖãƒŦã‚ĸさんはč¸ĩをčŋ”すとã‚ĸãƒĢキãƒĨãƒŧネãĢ向かãŖãĻいく。 ã€Œã¯ãã€ã¯ãã€ã‚‚ã†æ˛šæ–­ã¯ã—ã­ã‡ãˆã€‚ããĄã‚ƒããĄã‚ƒãĢč„ŗéĢ„をかきå‡ēしãĻやるからãĒぁああ!」 ã‚ĸãƒĢキãƒĨãƒŧネはč‡Ēらぎį‰™ã‚’むきå‡ēしãĢしãĻテã‚ŖãƒŦã‚ĸさんãĢčĨ˛ã„掛かãŖた。 テã‚ŖãƒŦã‚ĸさんは大きくčļŗをあげåŧ“ãĒりãĢčēĢäŊ“ã‚’ã˛ã­ã‚Šã€ããŽå‹ĸいぎぞぞクã‚Ģノミを凄ぞじい速åēĻで投げつける。クã‚ĢノミはうãĒりをあげãĻã‚ĸãƒĢキãƒĨãƒŧネぎå¤Ē股ãĢæŋ€įĒã—た。 テã‚ŖãƒŦã‚ĸã•ã‚“ãŽæŠ•æ“˛ã‚’ãã‚‰ã„ã€ã‚ĸãƒĢキãƒĨãƒŧネはよたよたと垌退した。å¤Ēč‚Ąã‹ã‚‰ãŽå‡ēčĄ€ãŒãŠãŗただしい。 「はぁ、はぁ。お、お前は、ãĒ、ãĒんãĒんだ? ãĒ、äŊ•æ•…ã€ãŸã‹ãŒæŠ•æ“˛ãŽä¸€ã¤ã§ã“ã‚ŒãģãŠãžã§ãŽãƒ€ãƒĄãƒŧジを――」 ã€Œã˛ãŖ、やめ......」 テã‚ŖãƒŦã‚ĸさんが掛けåŖ°ã¨ã¨ã‚‚ãĢ攞ãŖたとおめぎ一撃は、éŸŗ速をčļ…えたå‹ĸいであり、į§ãĢはとãĻもčĻ–čĒã§ããĒかãŖた。気ãĨいたらそぎ凄ぞじい一撃はã‚ĸãƒĢキãƒĨãƒŧãƒãŽéĄ”éĸãĢå‘Ŋ中しãĻいたぎである。ã‚ĸãƒĢキãƒĨãƒŧネはぴくぴくとį—™æ”Ŗし、そぎぞぞ動かãĒくãĒãŖた。 ã€Œã•ã€čĄŒãã‚ˆã€ 魔族をįžŦæŽē......。 テã‚ŖãƒŦã‚ĸさんãŖãĻäŊ•č€…ãĒんだろう? クã‚Ģノミぎ力ãŖãĻ言ãŖãĻるけお、おうčĻ‹ãĻもテã‚ŖãƒŦã‚ĸさんぎ力だãŖた。魔族を倒すãĒんãĻ晎通ぎ一čˆŦäēēとはとãĻも思えãĒい。もしかしãĻテã‚ŖãƒŦã‚ĸã•ã‚“ã¯å‹‡č€…ãŽæœĢčŖ”で、äŊ•ã‹å¯†å‘Ŋを帯ãŗãĻおりæ­ŖäŊ“ã‚’äģ–äēēãĢばらさãĒいようãĢしãĻいるとか? うãƒŧん、それãĢしãĻã¯č¨€å‹•ãŒå˜į´”というかæ­Ŗį›´ã™ãŽã‚‹æ°—がする。テã‚ŖãƒŦã‚ĸさんãĢ隠しäē‹ãĒんãĻį„Ąį†ãã†ã ã€‚それともそう思わせるæŧ”技をしãĻいる? ぞぁ、でもテã‚ŖãƒŦã‚ĸさんぎおかげでå‘Ŋが劊かãŖãŸãŽã ã€‚čŠŽį´ĸãĒんãĻしãĒいでį´ į›´ãĢ感čŦã—よう。それãĢテã‚Ŗãƒ ãĄã‚ƒã‚“ãŒåŋƒé…ã ã—旊く合æĩã—ãĒいとね。 į§ã¨ãƒ†ã‚ŖãƒŦã‚ĸさんはæ€Ĩぎæ­Ŗ門へと向かãŖた。å‡ēåŖãĢčŋ‘ãĨくãĢつれäŊ•ã‹é¨’がしい。先ãģおぞで静寂をæĨĩめた夜であãŖたぎãĢæ€’åˇãŒéŖ›ãŗäē¤ãŖãĻいる。 気ãĢãĒãŖたぎで、įĒ“から外をįœēめãĻãŋる。 ãĒãŖ!? äēēがäēēをčĨ˛ãŖãĻいる! æ˜ŧ中ãĢはあれãģおčĻĒしげãĢčŠąã—ãĻいたéšŖäēē同åŖĢでäē‰ã„をしãĻいるぎだ。いや、よくčĻŗ察するとäē‰ãŖãĻいるį‰‡æ–šã¯å¸čĄ€éŦŧ化しãĻいる。čĨ˛ãŖãĻã„ã‚‹ãŽã¯å¸čĄ€éŦŧで、äēēはåŋœæˆĻをしãĻいるãŋたいだ。 ぞさかぞた魔族ぎäģ•æĨ­? ã‚ĸãƒĢキãƒĨãƒŧネãĢäģ˛é–“がいたぎかãĒ? 「い、いãŖたい外でäŊ•ãŒčĩˇã“ãŖãĻいるぎ?」 「はは......バイã‚Ēハã‚ļド」 テã‚ŖãƒŦã‚ĸさんが䚞いたåŖ°ã§ã¤ãļやいた。
“Uwah-! That was close. What the heck are you doing all of a sudden!?” “Hohh? Surprisingly nimble, aren’t you. I didn’t think you’d dodge.” Amazing... To think she dodged something like that... Alcyune looked a little surprised as well. “Hey, stop joking around already― wai-, Mr. Alcyune, you’re cosplaying!? And you suddenly used some weird magic to do it. Why all this weird behaviour suddenly...” “Ku ku, you still don’t understand the situation? A truly slow head you’ve got there.” “WHA-!? S-, Slow head you say!? Grrrgrgr― Is that something a teacher of all people should be saying!” Ms. Tilea turned bright red with indignation. Apparently she was really angry about the slow head comment. Mn, but this is probably the only thing I have to agree with him about. Her non-existent sense of danger is really a problem, you know. Can’t Ms. Tilea feel the pressure from a demon? Anyway, I have to hurry up and make her understand just how dangerous this is. “Ms. Tilea, this isn’t the time for that. He attacks people. A vampire, a demon. He’s trying to kill us, you know!” “Vampire? Demon? What on earth are you saying? No matter how harshly he scolded you, you can’t slander people like that, you know?” ARGHHH! What’s with this person!? Please just understand how tense our situation is. Maybe you could call her optimistic, or maybe a bit out of touch with reality, but the point is that indirect expressions won’t work with her. I don’t think she’ll get it unless I say it outright. “It’s true! He tried to kill me too, and he’s already attacked my friend, you know!” “...S-, Seriously?” “Yes, seriously. This isn’t a joke, or a magical disguise, or anything else.” Perhaps she realized how serious I was, because Ms. Tilea looked back towards Alcyune and started observing his face and figure. And then... “UWAHHHHH! He’s really a demon? Eh? Eh? Vampires are real? This isn’t some prank show, right?” “Ku ku. Quite right. So you finally know terror? Honestly, I never thought I would be troubled by my prey being too dumb. Even though I was quite taken by your beauty, I’ll subtract some points for your lack of intelligence.” Alcyune frankly stated his opinions. I wanted to disagree, but I’m bad at lying. “S-, S-, S-, Seriously... A-, As expected of the Capital. A-, Aahh, so what if I can use elementary magic? T-, This is a real adventure. So at last, in the truest, truest sense, I too have set foot into a fantasy world. W-, What do I do? My heart wasn’t prepared for this. At least start me off on a slimeeee...!” Perhaps because she was frantic, Ms. Tilea started to speak nonsense. It can’t be helped though. After all, there’s a demon in front of her eyes. I’m a student who took lessons in magic, and even I almost fainted from his aura. To say nothing of a normal person. There’s no way Ms. Tilea would be in a normal state of mind. I have to try my best for us! If I can’t act during times like this, just what on earth did I learn magic for! “Ms. Tilea, let’s run!” I took her by the hand and started sprinting down the hallway. But to be honest my feet felt unsteady. If I let up even a little, I might faint at any moment. My endurance is reaching its limit, and we won’t get away at this rate. “Hahh, hahh, hahh...” “Jessica, are you okay?” Ms. Tilea spoke to me with a worried expression. Even though she was that scared just now, she’s worrying about me instead. She really is a kind person, just like I thought. I have to let her escape at least. What should I do? He’s probably toying with us by having us run. I guess I have no choice except to hold him back with magical bullets while he still isn’t being serious. “Ms. Tilea, I’ll hold him back somehow.” “Jessica. Thank you. And sorry. I fell into a bit of a panic, didn’t I. It’s pathetic that I’m the older one here.” “Not at all. At any rate, I’ll use magical bullets to hold him back. In the meantime, please escape.” “Jessica, that’s what they call a death flag you know? Definitely not. We escape together.” “But, I can’t run anymore.” “I see. Got it.” The moment she heard my words, Ms. Tilea suddenly lifted me up like a princess and began to run. No way! Ms. Tilea is surprisingly powerful. And fast. Like the wind, she ran faster and faster. “Ku ku, run, run. Tremble in fea― wai-, wha-, s-, so fast! Oi, wait up! Wait, I say!” Alcyune’s face changed, and he started running after us. Apparently Ms. Tilea’s running speed shocked him too. With me still in her arms, she bolted up the stairs without missing a breath. Rather, it was me, being carried, that was out of breath due to the speed... Ms. Tilea’s leg strength really isn’t normal. I don’t think you can get this kind of speed without body reinforcement magic, and a high-level spell at that. So could that mean that Ms. Tilea is actually a famous adventurer maybe? “Ms. Tilea, you were actually an adventurer, weren’t you.” “Heh? What the heck are you saying? Of course not. I’m just a normal chef.” “B-, But, you’re running so fast with me in your arms...” “Well, I do have confidence in my physical strength.” “Just that much wouldn’t explain it. A normal chef wouldn’t be able to―” “Tsktsktsk. Jessica, you shouldn’t make light of chefs. Cooking needs a lot of strength, you know?” Ms. Tilea replied with an admonishment. T-, That’s the problem here? No, no, that’s crazy, Ms. Tilea. I was about to speak to her again when Ms. Tilea suddenly stopped her legs. “Jessica.” “What is it?” “That thing’s a vampire, right?” In the direction that Ms. Tilea pointed, Mr. Geil limped on one leg. He had lost his reason, and sometimes roared like a beast. “Yes. He was a teacher I respected... but because of Alcyune...” “I see... It must have been hard on you.” “Hic-, I still can’t believe it... A teacher who cared so much about us students looking like that is... it’s cruel. It’s just so cruel.” “It’s unfortunate, but he’s a vampire now. We can’t let him attack us.” It’s just like Ms. Tilea says. I can’t just grieve here. We have to prioritize escaping right now. “Ms. Tilea, please don’t let Alcyune drink your blood. If he manages to do so, you’ll be turned into a vampire.” “Mn, I know that. In the same way, we can’t let those new vampires bite us either.” “Ah-!? You’re right. Also, it looks like the new vampires gain physical strength too, so we have to be careful about our movements.” “Hm~mm... So they resemble the cliches in that way too huh... He’s moving about even with an injured leg, so I guess it looks like he has some zombie traits too, huh?” “Um, Ms. Tilea, you know about the demon race?” “Mn. Well, rather than the demon race, you could say that they’re characteristics of a vampire. It’s my very own Reincarnation Cheat; I have some special knowledge. You could even say that it’s my only weapon.” Rheeyin Carnashon Cheet? Whatever could that mean? Special knowledge... It does look like she’s knowledgeable on the vampires. “But still, I’m glad I had Timu wait outside. To think that this academy would turn into such a den of monsters.” “Speaking of which, Timu is at the front gate, right?” “Yeah. Ah~ Wait! This is bad. If I take too long, Timu might get worried and come looking for me inside!” It’s possible. If Ms. Tilea doesn’t come back after a long time, there’s a high chance that Timu would search the school for her. “What should we do?” “Jessica, is there a food storage room?” “A food storage room? If you’re looking for one, there should be one in the back of the dining hall.” “And where’s the dining hall?” “If we follow this hallway and make a right, we’ll arrive just at it.” “I see. Let’s go then.” “Yes. But, why that room?” “Huhu, it’s to get our hands on one of the vampire’s weak points; garlic.” “Gar Lik?” “Aah, umm, in this world we call it laminariales, don’t we?” “Is that one of their weak points?” So she declared, filled with confidence. Laminariales is their weak point...? We have a lot of dishes on our menu that feature laminariales. It’s good for stamina so the boys happily eat it up, but it stinks to me, so I’m no good with it. Is Alcyune also bad with it? Hmmm... I get the feeling that Alcyune just ate it like normal too, but maybe he secretly left it behind? ...Something feels a little off about this. “U-, Umm, Ms. Tilea, I really don’t think that laminariales is their weak point, but...” “Jessica, believe in me!” Aahh, even though I’ve only just met Ms. Tilea, I more or less understand her type. Whenever she declares anything brimming with confidence, she’s basically always wrong. “B-, But, Ms. Tilea. I really don’t think―” “Jessica, we don’t have time. We have to beat him and meet up with Timu!” Like that, Ms. Tilea brought me along, and we reached the dining hall and storage room in an instant. “Hmm~ So this is the Magic Academy’s food storage room. Huge, as you’d expect. Oohh! They even have heraia fruits!” Ms. Tilea opened every cupboard and drawer in search of laminariales. Occasionally, perhaps because she spotted a rare ingredient or something, but she would sigh with emotion too. Considering how moved she is by ingredients, it looks like the thing about being a chef is the truth. “Okay, found it. There’s quite a bit too. Thank goodness.” “Here, this is your portion, Jessica.” I took the laminariales from Ms. Tilea. The strong smell assailed my nose. Checking with a squeeze that I had them in hand, I found that they weren’t hard or soft, and just your average, lumpy ingredient. It’s impossible to think that I can use this to defeat a demon. “Listen, okay? When he comes, we’ll throw these together.” “U-, Umm, Ms. Tilea. I really do think we should think of another tact―” “Shhh. Looks like he’s here.” Just like she said, Alcyune came running in, out of breath. “Hahh, hahh, you bĖ˛iĖ˛tĖ˛cĖ˛hĖ˛eĖ˛sĖ˛! Running about so hard to catch. But I’ve got you now.” “NOW!” Ms. Tilea signaled. At this point, it’s do or die! I threw the laminariales with all my might at him. But the laminariales that I threw just traced a parabola in the air before plonking onto the ground. It’s no good... Before even considering the effect of the laminariales, my arm strength was too weak to hit him. As I was feeling despondent, A death agony suddenly resounded through the room. When I looked up, I found that Tilea’s laminariales had made a hole in the area around his collarbone. The laminariales was caved in like it was an iron ball. Thick blood overflowed from the cavity. “A-, Amazing... So you were a warrior, weren’t you, Ms. Tilea.” “I’m not a warrior. I already told you that laminariales is his weakness, right?” “Eh-, but, are you saying this is the power of laminariales?” “That’s right. Well, in my mind it was more of a ‘shuwawa~’ kind of thing where he’d dissolve after touching it though. Is this what they mean by the difference between theory and implementation?” Really? However I look at it, it just looks like Ms. Tilea used her arm strength though... W-, What the hell did you do? A mere human! Hahh, hahh, d-, don’t make light of me!” The smile of composure had vanished from his face, and in its place was an intense look of fury. H-, How horrifying. Is this the pressure from a demon when he’s serious...? This deep black bloodlust is completely different from a human’s spite. Because of the terror, I clung to Ms. Tilea’s arm. “Hahh, hahh, I’ll kill you! F-, FĖ˛uĖ˛cĖ˛kĖ˛iĖ˛nĖ˛g taking advantage because I was just playing with you. Don’t think you’ll die an easy death. I’ll drain you of your blood alive, and then I’ll rip your body to pieces!” My body trembled violently at his voice. It looked like Ms. Tilea was trembling from fear as well. Alcyune had taken damage. What we needed to do now was escape and call for help. “Hahh, hahh, unforgivable. Hurting me like this is unforgivable! I won’t just repay this humiliation. I’ll have your little sister taste the same hell as well!” How repulsive. We have to take Timu away as well. I was determined to escape even a second faster, but suddenly, Ms. Tilea stopped in her tracks. “Ms. Tilea?” “Jessica, you go ahead.” “Eh-!? We have to hurry and run.” “No. This guy said he would attack Timu. If I run here, I’ll never know when he might attack her.” “B-, But.” “You go ahead. Honestly, I’m really scared, but there’s no way I can let him go after what he said.” Ms. Tilea turned around and headed back to face Alcyune. “Hahh, hahh, no more carelessness... I’LL CLAW YOUR FĖ˛UĖ˛CĖ˛KĖ˛IĖ˛NĖ˛GĖ˛ BRAINS OUTTTT!” Alcyune bore his fangs, and rushed towards her. Ms. Tilea lifted her leg up high, bending her body like a bow, before launching the laminariales at tremendous speed. It roared through the air, before crashing into his thigh. Suffering Ms. Tilea’s toss, Alcyune staggered away from her. Blood was flooding from his thigh. “Hahh, hahh... W-, What are you? W-, Why am I taking s-, so much damage from a single toss―” “Hii-, sto-...” Ms. Tilea yelled to pump herself up before launching the final blow with such force that it seemed to pass the speed of sound. It was so fast that I couldn’t even see it. Before I knew it, that incredible toss had struck Alcyune right in the face, and after convulsing a few times, he stopped moving altogether. “Now then, let’s go.” Instantly killing a demon... Just who is Ms. Tilea? She said it was the power of the laminariales, but no matter how you look at it, it was Ms. Tilea’s strength. I can’t imagine that a normal person could defeat a demon. Could it be that Ms. Tilea is actually a descendant of a hero, and was bound by some secret fetters that stopped her from revealing herself? Hmmm... But if that’s the case, her behavior is too simple, or rather, too straightforward. I really can’t imagine that she’s capable of hiding anything. Or is that also just an act to fool me? But well, thanks to Ms. Tilea, my life was saved. I should just feel thankful instead of prying. And also, I’m worried about Timu so we need to hurry. Ms. Tilea and I hurried to the main gate. As we approached it, I started to hear some kind of fuss. Even though it was the dead quiet of the night just before, I could hear roars and bellows flying about now. Wondering what was going on, I tried looking out the window. WHA-!? People are attacking each other! Neighbors who were talking so intimately just this morning were attacking each other. No, once I looked carefully, I noticed that the side doing the attacking were vampirized. The attackers were vampires, and the humans were fighting back. Is this also the work of the demons? Did Alcyune have companions? “W-, What on earth is happening outside?” “Haha... Resident Evil.” Ms. Tilea muttered those words in a hoarse voice.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 13, "inserted_lines_src": 4, "inserted_lines_trg": 4 }
「はは、はははãŖ! これはおもしろい!......おåŦĸさん、ãƒŦã‚ˇãƒ”ã‚’åŖ˛ã‚‹ã¤ã‚‚ã‚ŠãĒら、おおよそ遊æ­Ŗ䞥æ ŧですよ。ã‚ŦãƒŦãƒƒãƒˆã¯å˜äžĄãŒäŊŽã„分、それäģĨ上å‡ēすäēēはいãĒいでしょう」 「え......?」 ã€ŒãŸã ã—ã€ã‚ˆãč€ƒãˆã‚‹ã‚ˆã†ãĢ。ãƒŦã‚ˇãƒ”ã‚’åŖ˛ã‚‹ã¨ã„うことは、同じå‘ŗぎåē—ができるかもしれãĒいということです。äģŠåžŒã€å–ļæĨ­č¨ąå¯ã‚’とãŖãĻ場所äģŖを払ãŖãĻも、ã‚ŦãƒŦットはåŖ˛ã‚ŒãĒくãĒるかもしれぞせん。ナã‚Ēヤさんが、同じå‘ŗぎ違うåē—ã‚’å‡ēした場合は」 ã‚ŦãƒŦットぎãƒŦã‚ˇãƒ”ã‚’č˛ˇã„å–ã‚‹ã€‚ äŋēãŒãã†č¨€ãŖたぎãĢ「こんãĒãĢもらえãĒã„ã€ã¨č¨€ã„å‡ēしたåĨŗぎ子。 こぎお金をもらわãĒきゃ、å¨ŧ館で働かされることãĢãĒるぎãĢ。 困ãŖたäŋēを劊けたぎは、いぞぞでã‚ŦãƒŦットをåŖ˛ãŖãĻいた少åĨŗãĢčŠ°ã‚å¯„ã‚Šã€ã‚¯ãƒ­ã‚¨ã‚’į…ŊãŖãĻいた商äēēã‚ŽãƒĢドぎゎãƒĢãƒ‰é•ˇã ãŖた。 ãƒ‹ãƒ¤ãƒ‹ãƒ¤ã¨ã€ãžã‚‹ã§å€¤č¸ãŋするかぎようãĢäŋēをčĻ—きčžŧã‚“ã§ãã‚‹ã€‚åŽŸéš›å€¤č¸ãŋしãĻるんだろう。 äŋēはおうするつもりãĒぎか、商åŖ˛äēēとしãĻäŋēãĢãŠã‚Œã ã‘ãŽäžĄå€¤ãŒã‚ã‚‹ãŽã‹ã€‚ たãļã‚“ã‚ŽãƒĢãƒ‰é•ˇã¯ã€äŋēをčĻ‹æĨĩめるためãĢこんãĒã“ã¨ã‚’č¨€ã„å‡ēしたんだろう。 「さあ、受け取るんだ。明æ—Ĩぎことは明æ—Ĩč€ƒãˆã‚Œã°ã„ã„ã€ čŋˇã†å°‘åĨŗぎ手ãĢ、äŋēはお金をæŠŧしäģ˜ã‘る。 「商åŖ˛ã™ã‚‹ãŽãĢč¨ąå¯ãŒåŋ…čĻã§ã€ãŠé‡‘を払わãĒきゃいけãĒいこともある。おんãĒåŊĸでもį¨ŧぐãĢはčĻå‰‡ã‚’厈らãĒいと。å¨ŧ館で働くんじゃãĒくãĻ、明æ—Ĩも商åŖ˛ãŒã—たいãĒら......受け取るんだ」 æ­Ŗį›´ãĢč¨€ãˆã°ã€å•†äēēã‚ŽãƒĢドぎゎãƒĢãƒ‰é•ˇã¯å„Ēしいとさえ思う。äŋēとクロエと少åĨŗぎåŋƒæƒ…はåˆĨãĢしãĻ。 分ぎ場所äģŖãĒぎãĢã€é‡‘éĄã¯äŋēぎįĩĻ料ぎ半月分、三嚴į›Žį¤žå“ĄãŽåšŗ均月įĩĻį¨‹åēĻ。 おそらく遅åģļãĢå¯žã™ã‚‹å‰˛ã‚Šåĸ—しもãĒい。 払えãĒいãĒら働きåŖをį´šäģ‹ã—ãĻåˆ†å‰˛ã‚‚čĒã‚ãĻいる。äģ•äē‹å…ˆã¯ã‚ĸãƒŦだけお。 しかも商äēēã‚ŽãƒĢドぎゎãƒĢãƒ‰é•ˇã¯ã€ãĒぜかäŋēãŽææĄˆãĢ乗ãŖãĻくれた。 ãĒぜかというか、ã‚ŋãƒŧã‚˛ãƒƒãƒˆã‚’ã‚ŦãƒŦットåŖ˛ã‚ŠãŽå°‘åĨŗからäŋēãĢ変えたんだろう。 äŋēが単ãĒる同情で金をå‡ēしたぎか、それともこぎチãƒŖãƒŗã‚šã‚’č‡Ē分ぎ刊į›ŠãĢįš‹ã’られるぎか。 čĻã¯äŋēを、ã‚ĸã‚¤ãƒ˛ãƒŗãƒĸãƒŧãƒĢį•°ä¸–į•Œåē—ぎ新しいåē—é•ˇãŽæ‰‹č…•ã¨čƒŊ力をčĻ‹æĨĩめるいい抟äŧšã ã¨æ€ãŖたわけだ。 エグい。 ãļãŖãĄã‚ƒã‘ã€ã‚ŦãƒŦットぎãƒŦã‚ˇãƒ”ãŽåˆŠį”¨æ–šæŗ•ã¯æ€ã„ついãĻãĒい。 「わかり、ぞした」 少åĨŗは、震える手でäŋēからお金を受け取ãŖた。 ã€ŒããĄã‚‰ãŽå–åŧ•ã¯æˆįĢ‹ã—たようですãĒあ。では三嚴分ぎ場所äģŖをいただいãĻ、支払いč¨ŧæ›¸ã‚’ãŠæ¸Ąã—ã—ãžã—ã‚‡ã†ã€ ã‚ŽãƒĢãƒ‰é•ˇãŒå°‘åĨŗぎ手からįĄŦč˛¨ã‚’å–ã‚ŠåŽģり、いつぎ間ãĢかæ¨Ēã„ãŸč­ˇčĄ›ãŖãŊい鎧å§ŋぎį”ˇãĢ預ける。 手ãĢ持ãŖãĻã„ãŸæ›¸éĄžãĢã‚ĩナã‚ĩナとã‚ĩイãƒŗしãĻ、少åĨŗãĢæ›¸éĄžã‚’æ‰‹æ¸Ąã—ãŸã€‚ 「これで支払いもįĩ‚äē†ã§ã™ã­ãˆã€‚äģŠåžŒéŖŸå“ã‚’貊åŖ˛ã™ã‚‹éš›ã¯ã€å•†äēēã‚ŽãƒĢドãĢį”ŗčĢ‹ã—ãĻ場所äģŖをį´ã‚ã‚‹ã‚ˆã†ãĢ。ぞあã‚ŦãƒŦットぎãƒŦã‚ˇãƒ”ã‚’åŖ˛ãŖたようですし、äģŠåžŒã‚‚商åŖ˛ã§ãã‚‹ã‹įŸĨりぞせんが」 「そぎへんはäŋēã¨ã“ãŽå­ãŒčŠąã—ãĻæąēめぞすよ。ゆãŖãã‚ŠčŠąã—åˆã„ãžã™ã€ 「ãĩãĩ、はははãŖ! ではäģŠåžŒã‚’æĨŊしãŋãĢしãĻぞすよ、ナã‚Ēヤさん」 最垌ãĢニãƒŗマãƒĒとįŦ‘ãŖãĻ、ゎãƒĢãƒ‰é•ˇã¯éĻŦčģŠãĢäš—ã‚ŠčžŧんでåŽģãŖãĻいãŖた。 掋されたぎはäŋēとクロエと、ã‚ŦãƒŦットåŖ˛ã‚ŠãŽå°‘åĨŗだけ。 ã€Œã‚ãŽã‚˛ã‚šãŒã€åŧ•ãä¸‹ãŒãŖた......だと......?」 「ぞだ、お金が、掋ãŖãĻる......」 ぎåĨŗ性は呆į„ļとしãĻる。 「あãƒŧ、クロエ。とりあえずã‚ŦãƒŦットとジãƒŖムはポãƒŧチãĢå…Ĩるか? それからキミãĢキミぎåŽļãĢ行ãŖãĻいいかãĒ?」 「ああ、å…Ĩるぞナã‚Ēヤ。垅ãĻ! ぞさかナã‚Ēヤは少åĨŗぎåŽļãĢ行ãŖãĻ! 『劊けãĻやãŖたį¤ŧをもらわãĒいとãĒあ』ãĒãŠã¨č¨€ãŖãĻ少åĨŗをčĨ˛ã†ã€ã„やそれおころか少åĨŗぎ母čĻĒとそぎ場ãĢいたį§ãžã§ã‚‚ッ! くãŖ、æŽēせ!」 「ãĒいから。äģŖ金を払ãŖたã‚ŦãƒŦットぎãƒŦã‚ˇãƒ”ã‚’æ•™ã‚ã‚ŠãĢčĄŒãã ã‘ã ã‹ã‚‰ã€‚æ´ģį”¨æ–šæŗ•ã¯æ€ã„ついãĻãĒいんだけおさ」 ã‚ŽãƒĢãƒ‰é•ˇã¯åŒã˜å‘ŗでåˆĨぎåē—ã‚’å‡ēせるãŖãĻ言ãŖたけお、それは間違いだ。 から。 ã‚ŦãƒŦットだけ再įžã§ããĻã‚‚č˛ˇãŖãĻくれるäēēはいãĒいだろう。 そりゃã‚ĸã‚¤ãƒ˛ãƒŗãƒĸãƒŧãƒĢį•°ä¸–į•Œåē—ãĢは、æ—ĨæœŦでåŖ˛ãŖãĻるジãƒŖムもあるだろうけお。封鎖されたæŖšãĢįœ ãŖãĻるジãƒŖムをäŊŋえばäģŖį”¨ã§ãã‚‹ã‹ã‚‚しれãĒいけお。 いぞぎところ、äŋēãĢそぎ気はãĒい。 「はあ、ãģんとį”˜ã„ãĒäŋē。これで商äēēã‚ŽãƒĢドぎゎãƒĢãƒ‰é•ˇãĢį›Žã‚’つけられたわけだ。ああ、名前をįŸĨられãĻたし ã„ãžã•ã‚‰éĄ”ãŒåŧ•ãã¤ãŖãĻくる。 ã‚ĸã‚¤ãƒ˛ãƒŗãƒĸãƒŧãƒĢį•°ä¸–į•Œåē—ぎ商åŖ˛æ•ĩ、商äēēã‚ŽãƒĢドはãĒかãĒか手åŧˇã„らしい。 ぞあ、とりあえず。 「おおおおお! 支åēĻ金があãŖãĻ劊かりぞした! ありがとうã‚ĸã‚¤ãƒ˛ãƒŗãĄã‚‡ãŖとčĻ‹į›´ã—た! でもいぞぎでäŊŋい切ãŖãĄã‚ƒãŖãĻ明æ—Ĩからおうしよう!」 「......あぎ、だ、大丈å¤Ģですか? 騎åŖĢさぞ、おé€Ŗれぎお兄さんが」 「少åĨŗよ、気ãĢしãĒくãĻいいぞ! ナã‚ĒヤはときおきこうãĒるんだ!」 「čĒ°ãŽã›ã„だと思ãŖãĻんだよ! お前らだよお前ら!」 「そ、そぎ、よくわからんが、すぞん」 「ごめんãĒさい......æœŦåŊ“ãĢ、ありがとうございぞす」 「お、おう、わかãŖãĻくれればいいんだ。でもクロエはあとで反įœäŧšãĒ」 「ぞぞぞさかナã‚Ēヤ! 反įœäŧšã‚’名į›ŽãĢį‹­ãæš—ã„éƒ¨åą‹ãĢį§ã‚’æŠŧしčžŧんで! é€ƒã’å ´ã‚’å¤ąãŖたį§ã‚’čĨ˛ã„」 「そういうぎいいから。äŋēãĄã‚‡ãŖとį–˛ã‚ŒãĄã‚ƒãŖãĻいぞį›¸æ‰‹ã§ããĒいから」 ã‚¯ãƒ­ã‚¨ãŽč¨€č‘‰ã‚’éŽã‚‹ã€‚ ãĩうãŖと大きくため息を吐く。 「んじゃキミ、åŽļãĢæĄˆå†…ã—ãĻくれるかãĒ? ã‚­ãƒŸãŽãŠæ¯ã•ã‚“ã¨ã‚‚čŠąã—ãĻおきたいし」 「そぎ、ã‚Ļチはäēēを招垅できるãģおキãƒŦイじゃ......」 「あãƒŧ、いいãŖãĻいいãŖãĻ。äŋēもクロエも気ãĢしãĒã„ã‚ˆã€‚ã‚¯ãƒ­ã‚¨ãŽéƒ¨åą‹ãŽæ–šãŒããĄã‚ƒããĄã‚ƒãŖãŊいし」 「ãĒ、ãĒãĒ、ãĒんでわかãŖたナã‚Ēヤッ! さãĻはį§ã‚’å°žčĄŒã—ãĻéƒ¨åą‹ã‚’čĻ—き」 「åŽļはここからčŋ‘いぎかãĒ?」 「はい、čŖé€šã‚Šã§ã™ã‘お、少し歊いたところãĢ」 ぞたäŊ•ã‹č¨€ã„å‡ēしたクロエをį„ĄčĻ–しãĻ、äŋēはã‚ŦãƒŦットåŖ˛ã‚ŠãŽå°‘åĨŗと一įˇ’ãĢ歊きå‡ēした。 ã‚ĸã‚¤ãƒ˛ãƒŗãƒĸãƒŧãƒĢį•°ä¸–į•Œåē—ãĢ帰るぎは少し遅れãĻ、夕斚ぎピãƒŧクãĢ間ãĢ合わãĒくãĒりそうだ。 ......ぞあ大丈å¤Ģか。ピãƒŧクãŖãĻ言ãŖãĻも重ãĒるおåŽĸさぞは10äēēぐらいだし。少ãĒすぎãĻツナいです!
“Haha, hahahha! This is interesting! ...... Miss, if you intend to sell the recipe, it’s roughly the right price. No one will pay more for a galette than that for a low unit price.” “Eh ......?” “However, think about it. Selling the recipe means that a restaurant with the same taste may be opened. In the future, even if you get a business license and pay for the place, you may not be able to sell the galette. If Naoya opens a different restaurant with the same flavor.” I buy out the recipe for the galette. I told her so, and the girl said, “I can’t get this much.” Without this money, she would have been forced to work in a brothel. The one who came to aid me in my time of need was the guild leader of the merchant guild, who had been pestering the girl who had been selling the galette, and who had been instigating Chloe to do the same. He was grinning at me, as if he was trying to price me out of a job. In fact, I think he’s trying to price me out. I wondered what he was going to do with me and how much I was worth as a businessman. Perhaps the guild leader is trying to gauge my worth by saying something like this. “Come on, take it. Whatever happens tomorrow, you can think about it tomorrow.” I put the money into the girl’s hesitant hands. “There are times when you need a permit to do business, and you have to pay for it. You have to follow the rules to earn any form of money. If you want to do business tomorrow, instead of working in a brothel, take it .......” Honestly, I even think the head of the merchant guild is kind. Apart from the sentiment of me, Chloe and the girl. Although it is a three-year location fee, the amount is half of my salary, about the average monthly salary of a third-year employee. And probably no additional payment for additional time. If she can’t pay it, I’ll give her a job offer and allow her to split the money. The job is not the same, though. Furthermore, for some reason, the merchant guild leader agreed to my proposal. I guess he changed his target from the galette girl to me. I wonder if he paid me out of mere sympathy, or if he can use this opportunity to his own benefit. In short, he saw me as a good opportunity to assess the skills and abilities of the new manager of the Aion Mall Otherworldly Store. Yikes. To be frank, I have no idea how to use the galette recipe. “I- understand.” She took the money from me with trembling hands. “It seems we have a deal. I’ll give you the three years’ rent for the place and a receipt for the payment.” The guild leader took the coins from the girl’s hand and gave them to a man in armor who was standing next to the guild leader before I knew it. He signed a document in his hand and handed it to the girl. “This completes your payment. When you sell food in the future, you must register with the merchants’ guild and pay for the place. Well, it seems you sold the recipe for galette, so I don’t know if you can continue to do business.” “This girl and I will talk about it and make a decision. We will discuss it carefully.” “Fufu, hahahhha! I am looking forward to the future, Naoya-san.” The guild leader smiled at the end, got into his carriage, and left. All that remained was me, Chloe, and the galette girl. “That prick backed down,......?” “There’s plenty of money left .......” The two ladies are stunned. “Uh, Chloe. Can you get the galette and the jam on the pouch for now? And you, can I come to your house with you?” “Ah, sure, I’ll join you, Naoya. Wait! You know, you can’t just go to a girl’s house. Naoya went to the girl’s house, said something like, ” You should thank me for saving your life,” and attacked the girl, or even her mother and me, who were there! Kuh, kill me!” “I’m not. I’m just going to learn the recipe for the galette I paid for. I can’t think of a way to use it.” Beside- The guild leader said I could open another restaurant with the same flavors, but he’s wrong. Even if I could recreate the galette, no one would buy it. Although there may be some jam available for sale in Japan at the Aion Mall’s Otherworld Store. I might be able to substitute jam that’s sitting on a shelf in a sealed-off store. I have no intention of doing so at the moment. “Sigh, I’m really naive. Now the merchant guild leader is on to me. Ah, he knew my name and had been on to me from the very beginning.” My face is getting tense now. The merchants’ guild, the business rival of the Aion Mall’s Otherworldly Store, is apparently quite formidable. Well, for now. “Ooooooh! I’m so glad I had the money to prepare! Thank you, Aion, you’ve made me think a little bit more about you! But now I’ve used it all up, what am I going to do tomorrow?!” “Uhmm ...... is everything okay? Sir knight, is this brother with you?” “Don’t worry about it, young girl! Naoya sometimes does this!” “Whose fault is it that I’m like this? It’s you and your friends!” “W-well, I don’t know. Sorry.” “I’m sorry ......, and ...... ......, thank you so much.” “A-ah, I hope you understand. But Chloe, we’ll talk about it later.” “D-d-d-don’t tell me, Naoya! You pushed me into a small, dark room under the guise of a meeting to reflect on the situation! And then you attacked me.” “Don’t worry about that. I’m a little tired and I can’t deal with you right now.” Chloe’s speech was interrupted. I let out a big sigh. “So, you’re going to show me the house, right? I’d like to talk to your mother.” “Well, my house isn’t pretty enough to invite people over. ......” “Ah. I don’t mind, and neither does Chloe. Chloe’s room is more messy.” “H-how did you know that, Naoya? You must have followed me to my room.” “Is your house close to here?” “Yes, it’s in a back alley, just a few short steps away.” Ignoring Chloe who started to say something again, I started walking with the galette girl. My return to the Aion Mall Otherworld Store is going to be a little late and I’m going to miss the evening peak. ......Well, that’s okay. I say peak, but there are only about customers that overlap. It’s just too few and it’s so frustrating!
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 3, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
åŊ“ãĻはぞらãĒい斚もいるでしょうが į§ã¯ į”Ÿæ´ģしãĻいく上で いかãĢ多くを äģ–ぎäēēãĢ䞝存しãĻいるぎだろうと 原感することがありぞす それを少し怖いと思うこともありぞす でもäģŠæ—ĨãŠčŠąã—ã™ã‚‹ãŽã¯ こうしたį›¸äē’䞝存が 原はåŧˇåŠ›ãĒį¤žäŧšåŸēį›¤ããŽã‚‚ぎであり そこãĢã‚Ēãƒŧプãƒŗã‚Ŋãƒŧ゚ぎ協同äŊœæĨ­ã‚’加えることで 非常ãĢæ šæˇąã„į¤žäŧšå•éĄŒãŽ įˇŠå’Œį­–ãĢãĒりえるということです 数嚴前 ãƒžã‚¤ã‚ąãƒĢãƒģポãƒŧナãƒŗ氏が ニãƒĨãƒŧヨãƒŧクãƒģã‚ŋイムã‚ēčĒŒãĢ寄į¨ŋã—ãŸč¨˜äē‹ã‚’čĒ­ãŋぞした éŖŸæ–™ã‚’ãģんぎ一部でもč‡ĒäŊœã™ã‚‹ã“とで į’°åĸƒãĢとãŖãĻ非常ãĢč‰¯ã„ åƒãã‹ã‘ãŒã§ãã‚‹ãŽã ã¨ã„ã†č¨˜äē‹ã§ã™ ããŽč¨˜äē‹ã‚’čĒ­ã‚“だぎは įœŸå†Ŧでしたし į§ãŒäŊã‚€ãƒ‹ãƒĨãƒŧヨãƒŧクぎã‚ĸパãƒŧトãĢは 土をå…ĨれるようãĒ゚ペãƒŧ゚もありぞせんでした それでį§ã¯ とりあえず ワイã‚ĸãƒŧドčĒŒãŽæŦĄåˇį™ēčĄŒã‚’åž…ãŖãĻ こういãŖた将æĨãŽå•éĄŒã¸ãŽ 専門åŽļãŸãĄãŽčĻ‹č§ŖをčĒ­ã‚‚うと思いぞした しかしそれこそ ポãƒŧナãƒŗæ°ãŒč¨˜äē‹ä¸­ã§ 指摘しãĻいたことだと気ãĨきぞした つぞり 専門åŽļãĢ 全ãĻぎč˛Ŧäģģをåŧ•ãæ¸Ąã™ã“とが äģŠįĩŒé¨“しãĻいるようãĒéŖŸå“įŗģぎ æˇˇäšąã‚’čĩˇã“す原因だということです たぞたぞį§ã¯äģ•äē‹ãŽé–ĸäŋ‚で NASAが厇厙でぎéŖŸį‰Šč‚˛æˆæŗ•ã‚’æŽĸるため 養æļ˛æ ŊåŸšã‚’čĄŒãŖãĻいることをįŸĨりぞした 植į‰ŠãŽæ šãŽå‘¨ã‚ŠãĢ 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And there are days -- I don't know about the rest of you guys -- but there are days when I palpably feel how much I rely on other people for pretty much everything in my life. And some days, that can even be a little scary. But what I'm here to talk to you about today is how that same interdependence is actually an extremely powerful social infrastructure that we can actually harness to help heal some of our deepest civic issues, if we apply open source collaboration. A couple of years ago, I read an article by New York Times writer Michael Pollan in which he argued that growing even some of our own food is one of the best things that we can do for the environment. Now at the time that I was reading this, it was the middle of the winter in my New York City apartment. So I was basically just willing to settle for just reading the next Wired magazine and finding out how the experts were going to figure out how to solve all these problems for us in the future. But that was actually exactly the point that Michael Pollan was making in this article -- was it's precisely when we hand over the responsibility for all these things to specialists that we cause the kind of messes that we see with the food system. about how NASA has been using hydroponics to explore growing food in space. And you can actually get optimal nutritional yield by running a kind of high-quality liquid soil over plants' root systems. Now to a vegetable plant, about as foreign as outer space. But I can offer some natural light and year-round climate control. Fast-forward two years later: we now have window farms, which are vertical, hydroponic platforms for food-growing indoors. And the way it works is that there's a pump at the bottom, which periodically sends some of this liquid nutrient solution up to the top, which then trickles down through plants' root systems that are suspended in clay pellets -- so there's no dirt involved. Now light and temperature vary with each window's microclimate, so a window farm requires a farmer, and she must decide what kind of crops she is going to put in her window farm, and whether she is going to feed her food organically. Back at the time, a window farm was no more than a technically complex idea that was going to require a lot of testing. And I really wanted it to be an open project, is one of the fastest growing areas of patenting in the United States right now and could possibly become another area like Monsanto, where we have a lot of corporate intellectual property in the way of people's food. So I decided that, instead of creating a product, what I was going to do was open this up to a whole bunch of co-developers. The first few systems that we created, they kind of worked. We were actually able to grow about a salad a week in a typical New York City apartment window. And we were able to grow cherry tomatoes and cucumbers, all kinds of stuff. But the first few systems were these leaky, loud power-guzzlers that Martha Stewart would definitely never have approved. So to bring on more co-developers, what we did was we created a social media site on which we published the designs, we explained how they worked, and we even went so far as to point out everything that was wrong with these systems. And then we invited people all over the world to build them and experiment with us. So actually now on this website, we have 18,000 people. And we have window farms all over the world. What we're doing is what NASA or a large corporation would call R&D, or research and development. But what we call it is R&D-I-Y, or research and develop it yourself. So for example, Jackson came along and suggested that we use air pumps instead of water pumps. It took building a whole bunch of systems to get it right, but once we did, we were able to cut our carbon footprint nearly in half. Tony in Chicago has been taking on growing experiments, like lots of other window farmers, and he's been able to get his strawberries to fruit for nine months of the year in low-light conditions by simply changing out the organic nutrients. And window farmers in Finland have been customizing their window farms for the dark days of the Finnish winters by outfitting them with LED grow lights that they're now making open source and part of the project. So window farms have been evolving through a rapid versioning process similar to software. And with every open source project, the real benefit is the interplay between the specific concerns of people customizing their systems for their own particular concerns and the universal concerns. So my core team and I are able to concentrate on the improvements that really benefit everyone. And we're able to look out for the needs of newcomers. So for do-it-yourselfers, we provide free, very well-tested instructions so that anyone, anywhere around the world, can build one of these systems for free. And there's a patent pending on these systems as well that's held by the community. And to fund the project, we partner to create products that we then sell to schools and to individuals who don't have time to build their own systems. Now within our community, a certain culture has appeared. In our culture, it is better to be a tester who supports someone else's idea than it is to be just the idea guy. What we get out of this project is we get support for our own work, as well as an experience of actually contributing to the environmental movement in a way other than just screwing in new light bulbs. But I think that Eileen expresses best what we really get out of this, which is the actual joy of collaboration. So she expresses here what it's like to see someone halfway across the world having taken your idea, built upon it and then acknowledging you for contributing. If we really want to see the kind of wide consumer behavior change that we're all talking about as environmentalists and food people, maybe we just need to ditch the term "consumer" and get behind the people who are doing stuff. Open source projects tend to have a momentum of their own. And what we're seeing is that R&D-I-Y has moved beyond just window farms and LEDs into solar panels and aquaponic systems. And we're building upon innovations of generations who went before us. And we're looking ahead at generations who really need us to retool our lives now. So we ask that you join us in rediscovering the value of citizens united, that we are all still pioneers.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
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In 2003, I was ready to do a talk about the Skoll Foundation and social entrepreneurship. No call. In 2004, I started Participant Productions and we had a really good first year, and no call. And finally, I get a call last year, and then I have to go up after J.J. Abrams. You've got a cruel sense of humor, TED. When I first moved to Hollywood from Silicon Valley, I had some misgivings. But I found that there were some advantages to being in Hollywood. And, in fact, some advantages to owning your own media company. And I also found that Hollywood and Silicon Valley have a lot more in common than I would have dreamed. Hollywood has its sex symbols, and the Valley has its sex symbols. Hollywood has its rivalries, and the Valley has its rivalries. Hollywood gathers around power tables, and the Valley gathers around power tables. So it turned out there was a lot more in common than I would have dreamed. But I'm actually here today to tell a story. And part of it is a personal story. When Chris invited me to speak, he said, people think of you as a bit of an enigma, and they want to know what drives you a bit. And what really drives me is a vision of the future that I think we all share. It's a world of peace and prosperity and sustainability. And when we heard a lot of the presentations over the last couple of days, Ed Wilson and the pictures of James Nachtwey, I think we all realized how far we have to go to get to this new version of humanity that I like to call "Humanity 2.0." And it's also something that resides in each of us, to close what I think are the two big calamities in the world today. One is the gap in opportunity -- this gap that President Clinton last night called uneven, unfair and unsustainable -- and, out of that, comes poverty and illiteracy and disease and all these evils that we see around us. But perhaps the other, bigger gap is what we call the hope gap. And someone, at some point, came up with this very bad idea that an ordinary individual couldn't make a difference in the world. And I think that's just a horrible thing. And so chapter one really begins today, with all of us, because within each of us is the power to equal those opportunity gaps and to close the hope gaps. And if the men and women of TED can't make a difference in the world, I don't know who can. And for me, a lot of this started when I was younger and my family used to go camping in upstate New York. And there really wasn't much to do there for the summer, except get beaten up by my sister or read books. And so I used to read authors like James Michener and James Clavell and Ayn Rand. And their stories made the world seem a very small and interconnected place. And it struck me that if I could write stories that were about this world as being small and interconnected, that maybe I could get people interested in the issues that affected us all, and maybe engage them to make a difference. I didn't think that was necessarily the best way to make a living, so I decided to go on a path to become financially independent, so I could write these stories as quickly as I could. I then had a bit of a wake-up call when I was 14. And my dad came home one day and announced that he had cancer, and it looked pretty bad. And what he said was, he wasn't so much afraid that he might die, but that he hadn't done the things that he wanted to with his life. And knock on wood, he's still alive today, many years later. But for a young man that made a real impression on me, that one never knows how much time one really has. So I set out in a hurry. I studied engineering. I started a couple of businesses that I thought would be the ticket to financial freedom. One of those businesses was a computer rental business called Micros on the Move, which is very well named, because people kept stealing the computers. So I figured I needed to learn a little bit more about business, so I went to Stanford Business School and studied there. And while I was there, I made friends with a fellow named Pierre Omidyar, who is here today. And Pierre, I apologize for this. This is a photo from the old days. And just after I'd graduated, Pierre came to me with this idea to help people buy and sell things online with each other. And with the wisdom of my Stanford degree, I said, "Pierre, what a stupid idea." And needless to say, I was right. But right after that, Pierre -- in '96, Pierre and I left our full-time jobs to build eBay as a company. And the rest of that story, you know. The company went public two years later and is today one of the best known companies in the world. Hundreds of millions of people use it in hundreds of countries, and so on. But for me, personally, it was a real change. I went from living in a house with five guys in Palo Alto and living off their leftovers, to all of a sudden having all kinds of resources. And I wanted to figure out how I could take the blessing of these resources and share it with the world. And around that time, I met John Gardner, who is a remarkable man. He was the architect of the Great Society programs under Lyndon Johnson in the 1960s. And I asked him what he felt was the best thing I could do, or anyone could do, to make a difference in the long-term issues facing humanity. And John said, "Bet on good people doing good things. Bet on good people doing good things." And that really resonated with me. I started a foundation to bet on these good people doing good things. These leading, innovative, nonprofit folks, who are using business skills in a very leveraged way to solve social problems. People today we call social entrepreneurs. who started the Grameen Bank, has lifted 100 million people plus out of poverty around the world, won the Nobel Peace Prize. But there's also a lot of people that you don't know. Folks like Ann Cotton, who started a group called CAMFED in Africa, because she felt girls' education was lagging. And she started it about 10 years ago, and today, she educates over a quarter million African girls. And somebody like Dr. Victoria Hale, who started the world's first nonprofit pharmaceutical company, and whose first drug will be fighting visceral leishmaniasis, also known as black fever. And by 2010, she hopes to eliminate this disease, which is really a scourge in the developing world. And so this is one way to bet on good people doing good things. And a lot of this comes together in a philosophy of change that I find really is powerful. It's what we call, "Invest, connect and celebrate." And invest: if you see good people doing good things, invest in them. Invest in their organizations, or in business. Invest in these folks. Connecting them together through conferences -- like a TED -- brings so many powerful connections, or through the World Forum on Social Entrepreneurship that my foundation does at Oxford every year. And celebrate them: tell their stories, because not only are there good people doing good work, but their stories can help close these gaps of hope. And it was this last part of the mission, the celebrate part, that really got me back to thinking when I was a kid and wanted to tell stories to get people involved in the issues that affect us all. And a light bulb went off, which was, first, that I didn't actually have to do the writing myself, I could find writers. And then the next light bulb was, better than just writing, what about film and TV, to get out to people in a big way? And I thought about the films that inspired me, films like "Gandhi" and "Schindler's List." And I wondered who was doing these kinds of films today. And there really wasn't a specific company that was focused on the public interest. So, in 2003, I started to make my way around Los Angeles to talk about the idea of a pro-social media company and I was met with a lot of encouragement. One of the lines of encouragement that I heard over and over was, "The streets of Hollywood are littered with the carcasses of people like you, who think you're going to come to this town and make movies." And then of course, there was the other adage. "The surest way to become a millionaire is to start by being a billionaire and go into the movie business." Undeterred, in January of 2004, I started Participant Productions with the vision to be a global media company focused on the public interest. And our mission is to produce entertainment that creates and inspires social change. And we don't just want people to see our movies and say, that was fun, and forget about it. We want them to actually get involved in the issues. In 2005, we launched our first slate of films, "Murder Ball," "North Country," "Syriana" and "Good Night and Good Luck." And much to my surprise, they were noticed. We ended up with 11 Oscar nominations for these films. And it turned out to be a pretty good year for this guy. Perhaps more importantly, tens of thousands of people joined the advocacy programs and the activism programs that we created to go around the movies. And we had an online component of that, our community sect called But with our social sector partners, like the ACLU and PBS and the Sierra Club and the NRDC, once people saw the film, there was actually something they could do to make a difference. One of these films in particular, called "North Country," was actually kind of a box office disaster. But it was a film that starred Charlize Theron and it was about women's rights, women's empowerment, domestic violence and so on. And we released the film at the same time that the Congress was debating the renewal of the Violence Against Women Act. And with screenings on the Hill, and discussions, and with our social sector partners, like the National Organization of Women, the film was widely credited with influencing the successful renewal of the act. And that to me, spoke volumes, because it's -- the film started about a true-life story about a woman who was harassed, sued her employer, led to a landmark case that led to the Equal Opportunity Act, and the Violence Against Women Act and others. And then the movie about this person doing these things, then led to this greater renewal. And so again, it goes back to betting on good people doing good things. Speaking of which, our fellow TEDster, Al -- I first saw Al do his slide show presentation on global warming in May of 2005. At that point, I thought I knew something about global warming. I thought it was a 30 to 50 year problem. And after we saw his slide show, it became clear that it was much more urgent. And so right afterwards, I met backstage with Al, and with Lawrence Bender, who was there, and Laurie David, and Davis Guggenheim, who was running documentaries for Participant at the time. And with Al's blessing, we decided on the spot to turn it into a film, because we felt that we could get the message out there far more quickly than having Al go around the world, speaking to audiences of 100 or 200 at a time. And you know, there's another adage in Hollywood, that nobody knows nothing about anything. And I really thought this was going to be a straight-to-PBS charitable initiative. And so it was a great shock to all of us when the film really captured the public interest, and today is mandatory viewing in schools in England and Scotland, and most of Scandinavia. We've sent 50,000 DVDs to high school teachers in the U.S. and it's really changed the debate on global warming. It was also a pretty good year for this guy. We now call Al the George Clooney of global warming. And for Participant, this is just the start. Everything we do looks at the major issues in the world. And we have 10 films in production right now, and dozens others in development. I'll quickly talk about a few coming up. One is "Charlie Wilson's War," with Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts. And it's the true story of Congressman Charlie Wilson, and how he funded the Taliban to fight the Russians in Afghanistan. And we're also doing a movie called "The Kite Runner," based on the book "The Kite Runner," also about Afghanistan. And we think once people see these films, they'll have a much better understanding of that part of the world and the Middle East in general. We premiered a film called "The Chicago 10" at Sundance this year. It's based on the protesters at the Democratic Convention in 1968, Abby Hoffman and crew, and, again, a story about a small group of individuals who did make change in the world. And a documentary that we're doing on Jimmy Carter and his Mid-East peace efforts over the years. And in particular, we've been following him on his recent book tour, which, as many of you know, has been very non-controversial -- -- which is really bad for getting people to come see a movie. In closing, I'd like to say that everybody has the opportunity to make change in their own way. And all the people in this room have done so through their business lives, or their philanthropic work, or their other interests. And one thing that I've learned is that there's never one right way to make change. One can do it as a tech person, or as a finance person, or a nonprofit person, or as an entertainment person, but every one of us is all of those things and more. And I believe if we do these things, we can close the opportunity gaps, we can close the hope gaps. And I can imagine, if we do this, the headlines in 10 years might read something like these: "New AIDS Cases in Africa Fall to Zero," "U.S. Imports its Last Barrel of Oil" -- -- "Israelis and Palestinians Celebrate 10 Years of Peaceful Coexistence." And I like this one, "Snow Has Returned to Kilimanjaro." And finally, an eBay listing for one well-traveled slide show, now obsolete, museum piece. Please contact Al Gore. And I believe that, working together, we can make all of these things happen. And I want to thank you all for having me here today. It's been a real honor. Thank you. Oh, thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
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“Eh......” (Man) Larushia’s ridiculous remarks made the squad leader utterly confused... Da! Dadada! Several clerks rushed out, splitting off to the left and right. Of course, they went to the royal palace according to Larushia’s instructions. “Ah! Wa, wait! Hey, waaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiit!!!” (Man) The squad leader shouted frantically, but no one would be stupid enough to stop there. “Go after them, seize them aaallll!!!” (Man) He ordered his men to do so, but the clerks had already scattered far and wide, each taking a different route to the royal palace...... at full speed. Even though they’re employees of the store, they’re quite physically fit from loading and unloading the shipments, carrying the goods into the warehouse, and so on. No matter how many guards he had brought, it was unlikely that they could keep up with them running as fast as they could with their weapons and armor on. Therefore, none of the guards wanted to run. In the first place, even if they could catch up with them, they would be punished for seizing an ordinary citizen who had done nothing wrong. They were not willing to follow the instructions of their superior officer, who had already done something wrong and throw their lives away. And the soldiers were united in their feelings toward their superior officer. (((((... It’s already too late!))))) Larushia, who did not seem to listen to the words of the squad leader at all, but only shouted out her own arguments, continued to impeach the guards as an established fact, deciding the guards’ reasons for their actions by herself. ......It was already a mess. Then the guards thought. The future of this squad leader has already been decided. Yeah, it has been decided. This time, all of what he said here. And, of course, the wrongdoings that will be investigated and exposed later on. In contrast, we have not said or done anything wrong here. We just followed the squad leader here at his orders. We then objected to the clearly illegal order and refused to comply with it. This may allow us to get away with it without being involved in the punishment of our superior who continued to act illegally, as we showed the dignity of a Guardsman by doing justice even at the risk of being punished...... The guards, who had been displeased for being dragged on such a disgusting job of trying to catch the obviously innocent victims, were inwardly relieved to have an unexpected “we protested” story to claim that they did. ===== (Just as planned...) I chuckled as I blended among the employees who were frozen in the corner. Yeah, I was wearing a colored wig and a little makeup to change my skin color, and I was blending in with everyone else wearing the employee’s tailored clothes. Of course, if push comes to shove, “Don’t you see this crest?” I’ll go out and protect Larushia. If someone asked me why a daughter of a noble family dressed as an employee, I would simply say that I was allowed to do it as a social experience because it looked interesting. It’s a “common story of a noble’s daughter!” It’s just a noble’s daughter’s selfishness and pretending to be a commoner because she’s bored, and there would be no reason to doubt me. To prove that I’m a nobleman, I could just say that my home country was far away and that they should check with the royal palace or a senior nobleman in the Vanell kingdom. Well, if the owner of the Larushia Trade, which was currently the focus of royalty and nobility, can vouch for me, there would be no doubt about it. ......Anyway, if a commoner were to tell such a lie, everyone involved would be beheaded, their families would be destroyed, and their personal property would be confiscated for sure. No, even an aristocrat can’t get away with it scot-free...... And conversely, of course, they knew what’ll happen to those who’d call me a liar and insult me, knowing that this was the case, i.e. The probability that Larushia and I were lying and fraudulently claiming the title was tremendously low. After all, I am the head of a noble family in another country and the supplier of the rumored “Viscount Yamano’s Specialty Products”...... That means no one would question or deny my status. Unless they’re stupid or suicidal...... The employees who ran to the palace were unstoppable, his subordinates disobeyed his orders, and a large number of the people of the royal city witnessed everything. And the cold eyes of the ever-growing crowd were on the squad leader. In a way, if he could continue to forcibly arrest Larushia at this point, I would respect him... ......For stupidity and courage. And of course, the squad leader was neither stupid nor courageous and left in a hurry with his men. The subordinates also seemed to obediently obey the order to withdraw. The employees who suddenly barged into the palace should not have been captured. Since Larushia ordered them to “go to the royal palace to inform the king”, they have been properly taught in advance how to act. What explanation to give if stopped by the gate guard, how loudly to make the noise, and how to explain to the other soldiers and civil servants who rushed to the scene, were all properly arranged....... The fact that they dispersed and ran away when Larushia ordered them to do so was also a result of their prior education. Otherwise, they would not have been able to react like that on the spur of the moment. And, of course, Larushia and I had already laid the groundwork on the royal court’s side. No, even if I had not done so, if an employee of Larushia Trading, who was quite well-known, had told of the crisis and asked for help, the Lord would have been in a better position to help him. Moreover, if it was an illegal act by the guards in full view of the public, they should be able to send out soldiers to check the situation. If they were not careful, the guards that protect the security of the capital would lose credibility, which could lead to a major incident. And of course, the Guards, the Royal Army, and the Royal Knights have a rivalry with each other, and apparently, they don’t get along very well, like fighting over women in the bars and being territorial. ......There were similar industries where the boundaries of the scope of work responsibilities were blurred. Furthermore, the thoughts and interests of the respective upper echelons and the aristocrats in charge of the departments under their jurisdiction were intertwined...... Well, that’s why I say that if the employees of the Larushia Trade rushed in and asked for help, they would not be ignored. Even if there was no prior notification. ......And this time, the groundwork has been properly laid. The upper echelons of the Guardsmen were at odds with the nobility, the senior officers of the Royal Knights, and the officers of the Royal Army. Yeah, a visit (with a souvenir and information to their advantage) from a young girl merchant owner of “Larushia Trading, which exclusively sells liquor, fine foodstuffs, cosmetics, etc. from the Viscount Yamano’s territory, which rarely comes”, and her friend, the wholesale source, an exotic girl viscount. That would work nicely, wouldn’t it?...... That’s how I was able to meet a number of aristocrats, civil servants, high-ranking military officers, and royalty...... indeed, not His Majesty the King, but His Royal Highness the Prince, or Her Royal Highness the Princess, they’re somewhat much lower....... Yet rather too easy. They’re not “idols you can meet anytime,” but “aristocrats and royalty you can meet easily”. Therefore, if there’s a dispute in front of the gate, a person who’s in charge of the situation would be expected to come to the scene immediately. Those who wield chintzy power should be put up against those who wield higher power. Let it be widely publicized that whoever was in charge of the tiger was the one who was responsible for everything it does. They think that they will not be held responsible for anything they do, so they can act like fools. If we make their names public and let them know that they will be held responsible for everything they do, they will instantly calm down. ......Well, of course, by that point it’s already too late. And I will make sure to tell his superior what that guy did. If his superior was also the same, then I’ll go to a higher ranking one. If I keep doing that, I may find a decent superior. But if we don’t get anywhere, the next step would be to talk to the opposing faction...... of course, with the souvenir of preferential sales of Viscount Yamano’s products. This time, I did not contact the upper echelons of the Guardsmen to prevent them from leaking information to the guards or taking other countermeasures in advance. We don’t know how deep the corruption had rooted. It could possibly be corrupt all the way to the top or even to the nobility in charge. Well, let’s see how the situation would be handled after this, and I’ll make a decision based on that. Yeah, well, I can handle it!
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 4, "inserted_lines_trg": 2 }
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Amitia Republic Capital City, Alra. Originally, Alra was widely known as a free city. However, matching the transformation of Amitia’s name from a kingdom to a republic, the capital relocated from the old one of Chaedia which had some roads that were difficult to access. Usually when relocating a capital, it takes several years of work, but through the will of King Collard who has a restrained personality, they didn’t build the royal palace; they re-used the town hall building for political functions so the normally impossible short time for relocation became possible. However, now as the king triumphantly returned to the new capital (He originally was from the city so the citizens were highly conscious of it), he was dumbfounded as the unplanned royal palace ―a castle with a red pointed roof like those in fairy tales where kings live― stood before his very eyes. That was secretly built by the sponsorship from Amitia’s suzerain state, Imperial Crimson’s sovereign (Among the countries there were some who called her things like ‘Demon Empress’ or ‘Demon Emperor’, but from her appearance, ‘Princess’ is the most popular one). Officially it is a grant, as the raw materials, human resources, and expenses were all covered by Imperial Crimson. Collard who received it prostrated himself on the ground with a broken heart, and murmured, “The revenge backfired...” As a result, in more than half a year the town changed into the largest, both in size and population, in Amitia. Although for the citizens, instead thinking something like “Should we change the king”, “Should we change the country’s name”, or “Should we settle under the jurisdiction of a demon country”, the price of tomorrow’s grain is a much more important matter. From their perspective there is no dissatisfaction with the present regime. Each person followed their ordinary regular business and passed their time normally. More or less, if you’re talking about something that’s different from before, noble social status is now gone, but from the start they didn’t have a direct influence on the people. The only case where people were affected was with tax collection. Right now the duty is covered by tax collectors from the government’s bureaucrats so there isn’t anything particularly different. On the contrary, the dispersed tax rate along the region was now unified, and therefore for the regions which suffered from noble oppression, that was nothing but good news. Still, the visible changes can be seen here and there throughout the town. There were things which were unthinkable before but now can be seen in town, like goblins or orcs negotiating for prices. The suzerain state, Imperial Crimson, demanded recognition of personal rights for adapting demons into human society. However, there were no special privileges for demons as people feared at first. It was widely spread that they were treated as equal to normal citizens: they had tax duties, and were punished for crimes they committed. With that, compared to the society with nobles, it was much more fair, equal, and peaceful. ◆◇◆◇ While sitting on a park bench that faced the main street, Joey was watching the stream of people who were moving into the town. ‘This town is changing a lot...’ he obscurely thought. From what he could see, the races referred to as demi-humans in the western area like elves, dwarfs, and the like, were increasing within the population (In some regions they were treated as demons). Not only that, goblins from the Great Forest, orcs from the dungeon, and cyclops from the Northern Dragon Mountain Range, which previously couldn’t be thought of as anything besides monsters to be subjugated, were swaggering around downtown. Not to mention the one beside him, Collard, who formerly was a guild master, has now become his majesty, the king. “You must be wondering how things turned out like this right? I also want to know that. Aha ha ha ha...” Collard who came over to transfer the title of guild master met with Joey after some time, he somehow talked with vacant eyes. Gald ―Who had trained the hell out of Joey at the guild training school― became the new guild master and also smiled bitterly. “By the way Joey, there are two reasons why I called you here. One of them is this―” At the new guild master’s signal, Mia, who was on stand-by (She had been promoted from a receptionist to the guild master’s secretary), brought a familiar metal plate ―the guild emblem and handed it over to the new guild master, Gald. “I thought this would be a bit early, but our boss here became his majesty the king... so congratulations. ―You are now promoted to D-rank. With this you’ve finally come out from your eggshell.” The new guild master Gald struck Joey on the chest while he stared in wonder and was handed the guild emblem. As the pain gradually made him realize the truth, Mia smiled with her whole face and applauded him. “Congratulations Joey. With this you are publicly a full-fledged guild member.” He meekly nodded in response to those words. “―Okay, putting the matter about your ranking aside, there is one more reason. Did you remember your promise?” ‘Promise’ ―That moment, the face of an unforgettable beautiful girl freshly resurrected in his mind. “O-of course! I have said that I will guide her...!” Hearing Joey’s enthusiastic speech, for some reason Collard pinned down the bridge of his glasses and breathed a sigh. “Well, regarding that, rather than stopping you, her majesty had some words about it while we were having another chat.” Again, he breathed a grand sigh. “She said ‘I am going! I am going! It’s a bit boring here anyway,’ in a time where our country had a mountain of internal discussions and foreign negotiations, I wonder where her majesty got the leisure...” “Uh-huh...” Joey vaguely nodded. ‘Come to think of it, I heard Hiyuki is more important than Collard who became the king, I guess its surely very grave~’, Joey pondered carefreely and continued his thoughts, ‘In that case, perhaps guiding her around the town would not be so easy―’. “The meeting place and the time are written in this envelope. ―Can you read the characters?” “Ah, yes. I’ve taken a lesson about it in training school, so I should be able to get the gist of it...” This means I could meet her! Joey’s face instantly shined. “Very well. Then, to prevent any uproar from happening as much as possible, please grasp tightly to that person’s reins. ―Since on the paper it’s purely ‘An ordinary young lady sightseeing with a guild adventurer escorting and guiding her,’ even the country is not planning a lot of inference.” Being given the warning with a serious expression, Joey nodded with an unsure one. “...but, is this really okay?” Be that as it may, instinctively he thought, ‘Wouldn’t that be dangerous?’ So he confirmed it, again Collard gave a huge sigh. “There is no good explanation though―. I would rather say when you make unnecessary fuss or trouble, our side will just say ‘We didn’t know anything.’ So please, Joey.” “Uh-huh.” Hearing Joey’s unreliable answer, all members realized ‘Ah, this guy doesn’t know what the meaning is.’ “Well, ya don’t need to think so much, just escort her properly!” Gald struck Joey’s shoulder hard in order to erase his anxiety. So then, Joey was waiting at the time and place written in that letter, but that conspicuous girl’s figure couldn’t be seen. Is there some sort of mistake? So he thought then from his back pocket ―since he has escort duty, today he wore his favorite leather armor and hung his sword so the only usable pocket was his back one― he took out the letter and frowned looking at the contents. “’s not wrong right? What is she doing?” Shortly after he talked to himself, a dearly clear voice was heard. “―Yo, sorry-sorry. Pardon me for being late.” He was about to say ‘You’re late!’, but at that moment he thought that he had mistaken someone else as her. He saw her face once again making sure of it, then he lightly caught his breath. Hiyuki wore a cotton white summer dress and a hat coiled with a light blue ribbon adorned with a single red rose. She smiled. Joey was caught unexpectedly, thinking that she would surely come with her usual showy dress. Also, not to mention her fresh and yet defenseless figure made him feel the quickness of his throbbing heart. “Y, you, um... didn’t wear the usual dress.” “As expected, I think that dress is too conspicuous. Also, about the ‘usual’ you said, actually the first day I wore a line dress and the second day was a princess line dress so everything was different. By any chance did you not notice it?” “......” Joey was at a loss for words, thinking both of them were the same. “Well it’s no problem. For that reason I tried to wear a disguise, did it not suit me?” So she said, she pinned down her hat with one hand and spun around in a circle in place. Her skirt softly fluttered, the slender white feet etched in Joey’s eyes. His flustered face became red. “No, I think it suits you. Besides, I also didn’t know who you were at first.” He expresses rapidly what he was thinking. “Is that so? Then the disguise is a success.” Hiyuki delightfully smiled. Although with that appearance of hers, she was causing those surrounding them to notice just by standing silently. As expected, Joey, who had taken notice of their reactions, judged that remaining here any longer would cause an uproar. He stood up from the bench in a hurry and forcibly took Hiyuki’s small delicate hand. “Now then, let’s go soon. Is there any place you would like to visit?” “Well, I’ll leave that up to you. ...Why did you grasp my hand? ―Moreover, we’re holding hands like lovers.” The latter part was spoken in a low voice so Joey seemed to not have heard it. He asked her again, puzzled. “Hmm? Mia taught me to do it like this when guiding someone around town, is this wrong?” With the opposite hand, Hiyuki pinned down the side of her forehead. “She is still... rather, eight months have passed and yet you are still not on good terms with her?” “Well, that’s not true. We eat together and she makes me boxed lunches when I receive requests and go outside. Mia is really kind!” Towards Joey who declared that while having a clear face without a single cloud, Hiyuki made a beyond delicate smile that was mixed with various feelings, then she stared at him again. “Was Miya too much of a late bloomer? Or is this one too dense? ...I feel either one could be the cause.” “I kinda don’t understand but anyway, where would you like to go?” “I’ll leave it to you. Any place that you think would be good.” With her careless request, Joey pondered a little and then replied. “Then, let’s go to my favorite weapon shop.” “...Your thoughtless reactions are as lively as ever, Joey.” ‘Well I have some interest in this world’s weapons though. But normally, was this somewhere you would take a girl first...?’ Hiyuki thought of this question greatly in the innermost part of her heart. ◆◇◆◇ ― hour later. Wearing a brand new sword on his waist, Joey walked along the street together with Hiyuki with a pleasant face. (Of course, their hands were still connected) “Is it really all right? Buying this sword for me?” While touching the sword with his other hand, Joey made sure for an unknown number of times. “It’s no problem. I thought of it as a substitute for your promotion present. Besides, it’s just a normal sword, not a magic one... In the first place it was exchanged with your previous sword so, by any means, it doesn’t mean I’m paying for it.” Hiyuki lightly shrugged her shoulders. Responding to her, Joey said, “Is that so, my bad.” although he seems to be happy. “But, even the uncle at the weapon store said, ‘Young lady, you really have good eyes. The blacksmith who forged this one is still young, but his arms are the best,’ as I thought you are great!” “Well that thing has + while having the same price as the other swords, so the endurance is higher. Remember the inscription next time when you buy a replacement sword again, I recommend you to buy from that smith.” “Hmmm...” Joey nodded, but suddenly he felt someone’s gaze and wondered. “...Say, is that beastman one of your acquaintances?” “.....?” She opened her eyes so wide that they wouldn’t go any further. “...That’s...impossible...” Because of Hiyuki’s trembling hand and her shivering voice that he hadn’t heard of before, Joey was surprised and stared at that person. It was a young beastman who appeared to be from the wolf tribe, having an age around years old with black hair and blonde highlights flowing in. He continuously grinned. His attire did not particularly stand out, being a linen top and bottom. Speaking of conspicuous things perhaps it’s the leg armor that covered both of his hands and legs. That man, who while seeing Hiyuki had a face like a wolf in front of a prey, approached. “Yo! Long time no see! Hiyuki.” A husky voice leaked from Hiyuki’s mouth hearing that greeting. “......! A-Animaru! You’re here too...?” That man was the guild master of ‘Aniki and Happy Friends’, the holder of court rank equal to Hiyuki, ‘Bladeless Beast King’. He didn’t reply to that question and deepened his cheerful smile.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 15, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
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Three days had passed since Hajime and his party left Ul. Although there were vexing problems; such as how to dispose of the corpses of the demonic beasts, and how to repair the roughened ground, the townspeople were unhurt. A result that could only be considered nothing but a miracle. The good news was immediately spread to the people who took shelter, peripheral towns, and even the Imperial Capital. The returning townspeople met their lovers and families. Some were hugging their close friends, and the joy of their safeties wrapped Ul in a festival-like clamor. The protective wall Hajime left behind was surrounded the town as is, and the people who were talking about the details of the fight were gesturing how it exceed the common sense similar to how storytellers talked about a myth as they looked at the roughened ground outside of the protective wall. Thus, the townspeople who didn’t know anything about Hajime and Aiko believed Hajime and his party were dispatched by the “Goddess of Good Harvest,” and Hajime’s wall was named “Goddess’s Shield” to honor it. Furthermore, the white-haired, eye-patched boy; Hajime, was called “Goddess’s Sword” and “Goddess’s Knight” in respect. However, it was a different story when David and the other Knights, or rather the real bodyguard Knights, recalled what was said about Aiko and Hajime. They would rampage while shouting, “As expected, I hate that guy!!!” In the future, Hajime would writhe in agony whenever he hears his name, but that’s another story. It was somewhat a miscalculation that resulted in earning himself some embarrassing nicknames, but just as Hajime thought, Aiko’s fame and popularity were through the roof. When she walked into town, all the people would turn around and focus their gazes on her. Among them, there were also some who began to worship her while saying things such as “Bless us~.” In this town Aiko, who saved the people, was certainly seen as nothing less than a “Goddess.” The rumor had also already spread to the surrounding towns. At the very least, it might be correct to say that Aiko’s words carried more weight than the Church of Saints’ bishop, in the town of Ul. The rumored Aiko was... safely supporting the town leaders in the town’s reconstruction, but although she acted cheerful around people close to her, her mind wasn’t there. The cause was the various impacts of the shocking truths Hajime had revealed before the fight. But above all, it was how Hajime killed Shimizu. The scene of that moment consumed her mind and gnawed at her heart. Even today, after they finished their day duty and it was time for dinner, the students and bodyguard Knights were dining at “Water Fairy Inn,” Aiko just mechanically carried the food into her mouth and blankly looked some place else without registering the conversation of the others in her mind, only answering with the same reply. “Ai-chan sensei... Ai-chan sensei’s magic is amazing after all! Even those roughened ground recovered quickly... Looks like it’ll return to normal in just a week!” “... I see... that’s good.” Sonobe Yuka, who noticed Aiko’s mind was somewhere else, intentionally talked to her cheerfully. She tried to somehow encourage Aiko, since she knew the source of her abnormal state. However, even Sonobe’s cheerful words only received an indifferent answer in return, like pre-typed-like words. Sonobe drooped her shoulders as she said “Still won’t do, huh~.” “Aiko... did the mayor or the bishop said anything today? If you’re really troubled by it, I won’t forgive them for troubling Aiko, even if it’s the bishop. I am Aiko’s Knight after all. No matter when, only I will be Aiko’s ally.” “... I see... that’s good.” It was unknown whether David said those words to encourage Aiko or to seduce her. The remark on how he was willing to go up against the bishop was considerably dangerous as a Templar Knight, although it might not be important to David; the warrior of love. The “I” part was emphasized. In regards to going against anyone... it was also considered by the surrounding Knights, as they agreed with him while they directed sharp glares at their commander who casually made his advance. However David’s casual appeal was easily tossed aside like the words coming from a certain long running TV program during daytime. It was doubtful as to whether or not she heard him. The expression on the student’s faces were saying “Serves you right~” to David who drooped his shoulders. The same expression was on the other Knights’ faces. Without taking any notice of the students and the Knights, Aiko indifferently continued to eat without responding. Why did he kill him... Even though they were classmates... Was it simply because he was an enemy?... Could killing someone be so simple because of such a reason? Was it so simple to kill a person?... How could it be done so naturally?... Presently, regret and self-condemnation repeated themselves in Aiko’s mind... Thus, if she thought of it unconsciously, the buds of fear and grudges towards Hajime would appear, she would deny them in a panic, and she would once again return to her first thoughts, repeating the process. There was too much she wanted to think about, and there were also a lot things she didn’t want to think of. Aiko’s mind was similar to a library where the bookshelves had crumbled and unorganized information were scattered around in a chaotic manner. Suddenly, a calm and warmth voice reached Aiko. “Aiko-sama. About today’s dish, is it not up to your taste?” “Eh?” It was Foss Selo, the owner of “Water Fairy Inn.” His voice was far from loud, it was actually said in a rather small voice. However, there was no one inside the inn who missed Foss’s words. His calm and deep voice would reach anyone without fail. Even now, Aiko whose mind was caught in whirpool of thought easily heard his words, and it made her senses return to reality. When she noticed she had cried out in a rather strange and loud voice, Aiko’s cheeks flushed slightly as she turned towards the smiling Foss. “U-Umm, what was it? I’m sorry, I was daydreaming for a moment.” “No, no, don’t worry about it. I just thought the dish was not to your taste because you didn’t raise your face. If so, I thought of sending out another dish...” “N-No need! The food is really delicious. I was just thinking about something...” Although Aiko said the food was very delicious, she herself couldn’t remember what it tasted like. When she looked at her surroundings, her students and the Knights were looking at her with a somewhat anxious expression. She noticed what was on their minds, and she thought she mustn’t continue the way she has been acting as she pulled herself together and continued on with her meal. However, she coughed in a panic when food entered her lungs. Because Aiko was coughing with teary eyes, the students and the Knights were panicked. Seeing the situation, Foss casually prepared napkin and water. “I-I am sorry. To trouble yo-...” “It is not a trouble at all.” Although Foss saw Aiko’s blunder, he kept a calm smile which made Aiko feel grateful and relieved. Seeing Aiko’s current state, Foss narrowed his eyes and thought of something. He spoke with a small and still calm voice. “Umm. Aiko-sama. Though it might be presumptuous, may I ask one thing?” “Eh? Ah, yes. What is it?” “Why can’t Aiko-sama believe what you want to believe?” Unable to understand Foss’s words, Aiko tilted her head as a question mark floated above her head. Because of that, Foss continued with a wry smile, “Looks like those words were too lacking.” “Apparently, Aiko-sama’s mind is currently in serious confusion. There are too many things you want to think about, there are also things you don’t want to think of, and you don’t know what should you do. What’s best is to do what you want, even if you’re not sure of what you want yet. There are many things you don’t understand, which only increases your impatience, and become the impetus towards the vicious circle of confusion. Am I wrong?” “H-How...” Because he had correctly guessed what she was thinking of, Aiko instantly became speechless. Seeing her reaction, Foss calmly explained with a smile, “I’ve seen a lot of guests, after all.” “During such times, it’s better to just ‘believe in what you want to believe in’ for now. But then again, people will overlook things if they only want to believe what they want, those words also came with such warning. That saying is correct. However, in my opinion, people only act in what they believe in. That’s why, I feel that during times when one ‘can’t move on,’ it isn’t a bad thing to ‘believe in what you want to believe in’.” “... To believe in what I want to believe in.” Aiko contemplated in Foss’s words. Aiko’s mind was currently filled with regret and guilt which became a bud of doubt in Hajime as the hatred swirled around. Hajime was certainly Aiko’s important student, but Shimizu who was also a similarly an important student to her was murdered. The moment she understood he was an existence who, according to situation, would deprive the other students of their lives. She recognized Hajime as a threat who would deprive her of her important people. Even so, Hajime was also her student, she couldn’t simply cast him away. It was the same reason why she couldn’t just abandon Shimizu, who tried to commit mass murder. That’s why she was confused since because didn’t know what to do. Though Aiko herself thought she had a difficult personality, she couldn’t help it. Hatayama Aiko was a ‘teacher,’ after all. Foss didn’t know what happened to Aiko. He didn’t know she was, in a certain sense, believing too much in what she wanted to believe in. Even so, he could see she had committed a large blunder since she couldn’t move on after what she believed in had collapsed. While he was lost in thought, Aiko’s hands had stopped from partaking of her meal and began to get absorbed in her thoughts. (To believe in what I want to believe in. I wonder... what is it that I want to believe in? One of the things is that I want all of the students to return to Japan. However, it’s something that can no longer be fulfilled. Now what I want to believe in is for it to be possible to return home without any more losses... Aiko closed her eyes as she tried to hold down the resurfaced dark feelings. The surrounding people were anxiously looking at her as she moved slightly while thinking of something. (‘Because he’s an enemy’ is what he said, and ‘I have no time for that’. He also feared Shimizu-kun will once again attack him and his important people if he let him live. That was something anyone would have thought of. There was a clear reason why Hajime shot Shimizu dead. He was not a broken human who would think nothing of murder. He was not a monster who couldn’t be understood. He wasn’t an enemy who blindly harm the students. Aiko decided to believe in him because he was a ‘student’, and her words could still reach him. With such thinking process, she recalled the shocking scene where a student shot another student to death, and she tried to search for the reason behind it. (That’s right. I had forgotten it until now. To begin with, I was the one who asked him to help the dying Shimizu-kun, and that was the result. Shimizu-kun would have died even if he didn’t do anything. It was completely unnecessary for him to purposely shoot him! So why?! Why did he do that?! To make sure he dies? No, there’s no need for him to do such a thing. That child only had a few minutes left to live, it was why I asked him for his help, but there’s nothing more left to be done. After all, there was nothing I could do... Shimizu-kun was shot because of me— Kh!?) Aiko opened her eyes widel She was aghast by the truth she had just noticed. (... That’s right. Shimizu-kun received the wound from the attack aimed at me. If nothing was done during that time, I would have surely died. It was my fault he had to die! But everyone was convinced Shimizu-kun was killed by him! He was the one who convinced us of it!) It was her fault, it was her who killed her own student. Just like Hajime feared, Aiko finally realized the truth and paled in an instant. The existence of her students were Aiko’s supporting pillars. The fact that she was the cause of one of her student’s death broke Aiko’s mind. The impact of the fact made her mind unintentionally turn on its defensive mechanism, and Aiko’s mind blanked out. With her outlook wrapped in darkness, she thought of giving herself to the darkness. However, the words Hajime left behind revived her mind. “If possible, please don’t get demoralized.” At that time, her mind didn’t understand it because of consecutive impacts. Even though it was troublesome to think well of the meaning behind those words, they were simple words if she thought hard enough. (If, if he said those words because he had predicted my situation... Wasn’t he worrying about me?... I, he noticed I would break down because I realized I was the cause of Shimizu-kun’s death. That was the reason why... he unnecessarily shot him... to convince us it was he who killed him... so I wouldn’t be crushed by guilt... to keep being a teacher...) Aiko understood Hajime’s sense of values. Therefore, she didn’t think it was done entirely for her sake. Even so, there’s no denying Hajime had rushed into action because he thought of Aiko. The closing of the door in Aiko’s mind was immediately stopped right before it completely shut, and it began to slowly open once again. Her narrowed view once again broadened. Though there was still the cold feeling like one of the coldest season inside her mind, but at the same time, there certainly was a small fire present. (Looks like I was being protected by him... No, not only him, but a lot of people have protected me. The children by my side are protecting me even now. I only thought of protecting him, but I didn’t realize I was also being protected... How immature of me. That’s now’s not the right time for me to keep trying to be independent...) Aiko wore a resolute expression. However, her thoughts involving Shimizu-kun and the fact that she was the reason he was killed wouldn’t disappear for the rest of her life. Even so, she couldn’t just stand still because there were students who adored and relied on her as their teacher; she didn’t want to. Aiko renewed her vow to do the things she could do as a ‘teacher’, even if the world had changed. In addition, she also engraved in her mind to not let her current ideals be shaken. There is already, without a doubt, fear or grudge against Hajime. When I think back, I’ve only been saved by him. He told me the truth, and in the end, he even saved this town. Moreover, during the battle, he fulfilled his promise and brought Shimizu-kun back. If I reconsidered those things, I’ve only been unreasonable. I only talked of my ideals... and I’ve pressured him with that... How truly immature of me. Even so, he saved us... even though his way of thinking is cold... Looks like parts of his previous self still remained... No, at the very least, he regained some of them, right? Could it be because of those girls?) Once again, Aiko smiled wryly as she thought of becoming indebted to him. Even though her immaturity was shameful as teacher, she smiled as remembered the Hajime who had sluggish status in the beginning, transforming into a truly dependable man. Thus, even though Hajime had completely changed, she felt happy when she caught a glimpse of his previous self. But at the moment, she guessed the reasons were Yue and Shia, the girls who were always close to Hajime’s side. Aiko somehow felt a pain in her heart. Aiko inclined her neck, but she immediately thought of it as nothing but her imagination. (Incidentally, I still haven’t said my thanks to Shia-san who protected me. Even though she is someone I owe my life to... Next time, I must properly make sure to thank her... In addition, I also owe my life to him...) About the poison and the raging development, Aiko reflected. She had not thanked Shia, and the other benefactor of her life, Hajime. It was only now that she recalled something sealed in the corner of her memory, and she blushed as though fire came out of her face. (Th-That’s just an artificial respiration! A lifesaving measure! There’s absolutely nothing more than that! I-It’s not like such an intense thing was my first time. I never thought of it as pleasant! Yup, I absolutely never thought of it like that!) When she thought of the reason behind her flushed face, Aiko suddenly began to beat the table. She repeated her excuse to no one in particular. In addition, even though Aiko was an adult, she didn’t have any experience in love. Even so, it was true that with her lovely looks, speech, and behavior changed, becoming like someone who was seriously in love. After all, in Japan, there were only ‘gentlemen,’ who treated her seriously because of her teenage-like appearance. Aiko knew there were a lot of men who thought of her appearance as good, but most of them ended up as good friends because none of them wanted to experience shame in being labeled as something beginning with ‘Lo’. Since it was not unusual for people in their earlier teens to marry in this world, no one was bothered by Aiko’s short height and childish face; the so-called a little girl’s appearance. So even though David and the other Knights were serious,... her small experience in love and her small stature made her believe no man would be interested in her, since she didn’t even notice the love call clearly sent by men from this different world. Thus, the mouth to mouth life-saving measure Hajime had quite the impact on Aiko. She calmed her mind, and once again recalled the things that wouldn’t get out of her head. (... To begin with, he already has girlfriends named Yue and Shia... There were already two, so it doesn’t matter if it increases by one. Just what I am saying?! I am a teacher! He’s a student! Wait, that’s not the problem! It’s not like he thinks of me like that! Besides, he somehow managed to casually two-time! Illicit sexual relationships are forbidden! That’s insincere! Love should only be one way!... To have two at the same time... Kh, how shameless! I won’t allow such immoral relationships! Hmph, I won’t allow it!) The sound of her beating the table became louder. (... But his feelings towards Yue-san is quite special. Though her style isn’t so different from me... Could it be that h-he likes child-like women? F-For example, like me? No, no, no, what am I thinking! So what if I know his tastes! To begin with, he is eight years younger... Now that I think about it, aren’t people from the Vampire race like Yue-san have a long lifespan? In other words, he likes child-like older woman? Wait, so what if I knew that! Return to your senses, Hatayama Aiko! You are a teacher! He is a student! You are disqualified as a teacher if a little kiss makes you confused!) Maybe because she was done beating the table, she held her face with both hands, began shaking her head while saying ‘No, no’, once again she beat the table, continued with another ‘No, no’, and finally she shouted “I am a teacher—!!,” as she began to pound the table with her forehead. As expected, even the students and bodyguard Knights; the group who loves Aiko, was taken aback by her eccentric behavior. When Foss noticed Aiko, who started a one-man show, he said, “Oh my, looks like you’ve cheered up,” with his unchanging calm smile. What a big person. Afterwards, Aiko was able to come to terms with her feelings towards Hajime about this and that, and self-concluded that was only a temporary hesitation caused by unstable emotion. Thus, there’s no change, Hajime was her student. While it was necessary to deliver information about Hajime to the top management in Church of the Saint and the Kingdom, she also needed to be prepared to protect Hajime from them in case of emergency, since she was determined to return to the Kingdom. Aiko didn’t notice it. The thing about Hajime wasn’t concluded, it was just put on hold. While she called the students in her mind as “that child,” only Hajime was called “he.” Thus the feeling began to bud. The time when Aiko finally took notice of it would be a little bit more in the future...
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 13, "inserted_lines_trg": 7 }
6階ぎæŽĸį´ĸは比čŧƒįš„ãĢ順čĒŋだãŖた。 į”Ÿæ¯ã—ãĻã„ã‚‹ãŽã¯æ­ŠčĄŒãŽįŒĢéĄ”ãŽįŖäēēã¨ã€å¯¸čƒ´ãŽč›‡ã§ã‚ã‚‹ã€‚ įŒĢįŖäēēはį™ēé”ã—ãŸå‰č…•ã¨é‹­ã„įˆĒでį´ æ—Šãåˆ‡ã‚Šã‹ã‹ãŖãĻくる。äŋŠæ•ãĒ動きは厄äģ‹ã§ã¯ã‚るが、ミトロフからすればéģ„土įŒĒã‚ˆã‚Šã‚‚åžĄã—æ˜“ã„ã€‚į´ æ—Šã„į›¸æ‰‹ãĢはミトロフぎæąē闘å‰Ŗ技はį›¸æ€§ãŒč‰¯ã„。 å¯¸čƒ´ãŽč›‡ã¯åœ°ã‚„åŖã‚’這ãŖãĻčŋ‘ãĨいãĻくる。ぎゅãŖとčēĢをį¸Žã‚ãŸã‹ã¨æ€ã†ã¨ã€į ˛åŧžãŽã‚ˆã†ãĢéŖ›ãŗかかãŖãĻくる。čĻ‹ã¤ã‘æŦĄįŦŦã€ã‚°ãƒŠã‚ˇã‚¨ãŒå°„čŊとすこともあれば、ミトロフがã‚ŦãƒŗトãƒŦットでåŧžãčŊとすこともあãŖた。 å¯¸čƒ´č›‡ãŽį ˛åŧžã‚’ã€ãƒŸãƒˆãƒ­ãƒ•ã¯č…šãĢå—ã‘ãŸã€‚čƒƒã‚’åŠã‹ã‚Œã‚‹ã‚ˆã†ãĒ手į—›ã„čĄæ’ƒã ãŖたが、ミトロフぎあぞりãĢåˆ†åŽšã„č„‚č‚ĒぎためãĢã€å¯¸čƒ´č›‡ãŒčˇŗねčŋ”されることãĢãĒãŖた。 寞å‡Ļæŗ•ãĢæ…ŖれãĻしぞえば、6階は比čŧƒįš„、æŽĸį´ĸãŽã—ã‚„ã™ã„å ´æ‰€ã ã¨č¨€ãˆã‚‹ã€‚ã—ã‹ã—įŒĢįŖäēēã‚‚å¯¸čƒ´č›‡ã‚‚ã€å‰Ĩぎ取ãŖãĻäžĄå€¤ãŽã‚ã‚‹éƒ¨äŊãŒãĒく、収įŠĢというį‚šã§ã¯5階ぎãģうが原り多い場所ぎようだãŖた。 「やはり青éšŋはおらãŦãĒ」 ã‚°ãƒŠã‚ˇã‚¨ãŒãŧãã‚Šã¨å‘Ÿã„ãŸã€‚č€ƒãˆãŒæ€ã‚ãšã“ãŧれたようである。åšŗåĻãĒåŖ°ã§ã¯ã‚ãŖたが、そぎåŖ°éŸŗãĢį„Ļりや不厉といãŖãŸč‰˛å‘ŗãŒæˇˇã–ãŖãĻいることを、ミトロフは感じる。 6階ぎæŽĸį´ĸは順čĒŋである。しかし青éšŋぎį—•čˇĄã‚‚ãĒければ、トロãƒĢぎå§ŋもčĻ‹ãˆãĒã„ã€‚æą‚ã‚ã‚‹ã‚‚ãŽãŒčĻ‹ã¤ã‹ã‚‰ãĒいäģĨ上、æŽĸį´ĸとしãĻ順čĒŋであãŖãĻも、åŋƒã¯į–˛åŧŠã—ãĻいく。 そぎį•°å¤‰ãŒčĩˇããŸãŽã¯ã€ã‚ĢヌãƒŦがãĩたりぎ様子をåŋƒé…ã—ãĻ、äŧ‘æ†Šã‚’ææĄˆã—ãŸã¨ãã ãŖた。 「äŊ•ã‹ãŒæš´ã‚ŒãĻおるようじゃãĒ」 č€ŗãŽã‚ˆã„ã‚°ãƒŠã‚ˇã‚¨ãŒåˆã‚ãĢ気ãĨã„ãŸã€‚ããŽå…ˆå°Žã§é“ã‚’æ›˛ãŒã‚Šã€čŋ‘ãĨいãĻようやく、ミトロフもそぎéŸŗã‚’čžã„ãŸã€‚ たしかãĢå›ēいもぎがåŖãĢãļつかるéŸŗがしãĻいる。čŋˇåŽŽã§čžã“えるそぎéŸŗは、ãģãŧįĸē原ãĢčĒ°ã‹ãŒäŊ•ã‹ã¨æˆĻうéŸŗã ã€‚ã—ã‹ã—ä¸æ€č­°ãĒぎは、6階ãĢはそこぞで大きãĒéŸŗをįĢ‹ãĻる魔į‰ŠãŒã„ãĒいことだãŖた。 ãŠã†ã—ãŸãŽã‹ã¨é€ščˇ¯ã‚’é€˛ã‚ã°ã€ããŽå§ŋがčĻ‹ãˆã‚‹ã€‚æˆĻãŖãĻいるぎはį‹ŧ々ノéĸ¨ã ãŖた。 大å‰Ŗã‚’æ§‹ãˆãŸãƒŸã‚ąãƒĢがミトロフãĢ気ãĨいた。 「ミトロフ! é›ĸれãĻろ! トロãƒĢぎ ããŽč¨€č‘‰ãĢ反åŋœã‚‚できず、ミトロフはį›Žã‚’丸くするばかりだãŖた。 é€ščˇ¯ãĢæ¨ĒįŠ´ãŒįŠēいãĻいる。そこからトロãƒĢがčēĢã‚’äš—ã‚Šå‡ēしãĻいるところだ。それだけではãĒã„ã€‚é€ščˇ¯ãĢは3äŊ“ぎトロãƒĢãŒãƒŸã‚ąãƒĢãŸãĄã¨äē‰ã„、すでãĢ力å°ŊきたトロãƒĢもčĻ‹ãˆã‚‹ã€‚ こぎ場所だけで10äŊ“čŋ‘いトロãƒĢぎå§ŋがあるぎだ。 「劊けぞすか?」 ã‚ĢヌãƒŦãŒå†ˇé™ãĒåŖ°ã§ãƒŸãƒˆãƒ­ãƒ•ãĢč¨Šã­ãŸã€‚ãã‚Œã¯ã“ã“ã‚’é›ĸれるか、あぎæˆĻいãĢ参加するかをæąēめろということである。 ã‚‚ãĄã‚ã‚“ã€ãƒŸãƒˆãƒ­ãƒ•ã¯čŋˇã‚ãĒい。 ã€Œâ€“â€“â€“â€“čĄŒãã€‚ã‚ĢヌãƒŦはここãĢ掋ãŖãĻãã‚Œã€‚ã‚°ãƒŠã‚ˇã‚¨ã€ã„ã„ã‹?」 ã€Œã‚‚ãĄã‚ã‚“ã˜ã‚ƒã€‚čĻ‹æ¨ãĻるãĒおエãƒĢフぎįŸœæŒã‚’æąšã™ã ã‘ã˜ã‚ƒã‚ã„ã€ ã‚°ãƒŠã‚ˇã‚¨ã¯įŸĸį­’かぎįŸĸを抜いた。一æœŦをåŖãĢå’Ĩえ、一æœŦをåŗ手ぎ小指とč–ŦæŒ‡ã§æĄã‚Šã€æœ€åžŒãŽä¸€æœŦをį•ĒえãĻåŧĻをåŧ•ã„た。 ミトロフはį´°å‰Ŗã‚’æŠœãæ”žãĄã€é§†ã‘å‡ēした。 ãŠã‚€ã€ãŠã‚€ã€ãŠã‚€ã€ã¨č…šč‚‰ã‚’æēらしãĒがら、それでもį´ æ—Šãé§†ã‘る。 垌ろからįŸĸがčŋŊい抜いた。一、äēŒã€ä¸‰ã€‚ é€Ŗ射はæ¨ĒįŠ´ã‹ã‚‰å§ŋをčĻ‹ã›ãŸãƒˆãƒ­ãƒĢぎéĻ–と頭ãĢæ­ŖįĸēãĢåˆēさãŖた。 æ‚˛éŗ´ã€‚しかしåˆēさりはæĩ…い。 トロãƒĢãŽč‚Œã¯åˆ†åŽšãã€č„‚č‚ĒãĢ厈られãĻã„ã‚‹ã€‚č‡´å‘Ŋå‚ˇãĢはč‡ŗらãĒã„ã€‚ã—ã‹ã—ã“ãĄã‚‰ãŽå­˜åœ¨ã‚’įŸĨらせるãĢは充分だãŖた。 トロãƒĢはåˆēさãŖたįŸĸをぞとめãĻæĄãŖãĻ抜き、地éĸãĢ及きつけた。喉åĨĨから掠れた咆哎をあげ、čĩ°ã‚Šå¯„るミトロフãĢį¨ãŋをつけた。 「おい! 逃げろãŖãĻ言ãŖãĻんだろブã‚ŋ!」 ã¨ãƒŸã‚ąãƒĢがåĢんだ。 「劊け合うぎが冒é™ēč€…ã ãŖãĻ言ãŖただろうチビ!」 とミトロフはåĢãŗčŋ”した。 トロãƒĢはそぎ手ãĢæŦ ã‘たįŸŗæ–§ã‚’æĄãŖãĻいる。切れå‘ŗãĒお期垅できるわけもãĒいįŸŗãŽåĄŠã ãŒã€ãļつかればそれだけでミトロフはæ­ģãŦだろう。 æ€Ĩæŋ€ãĢį‡ƒãˆä¸ŠãŒã‚‹ã‚ˆã†ãĢčēĢäŊ“がį†ąããĒる。柄をåŧˇãæĄãŖた。トロãƒĢがįŸŗ斧を振り上げ、振り下ろす。そぎ動きをčĻ‹åˆ‡ã‚ŒãĒいわけがãĒい。 ミトロフぱテップをåˆģãŋ、įŸŗ斧をéŋけた。į •ã‹ã‚ŒãŸåēŠãŽį ´į‰‡ãŒãƒ“ã‚ˇãƒ“ã‚ˇã¨ãƒŸãƒˆãƒ­ãƒ•ãŽčļŗãĢéŖ›ã‚“だ。気ãĢしãĒい。そぎ懐ãĢå…Ĩりčžŧãŋ、トロãƒĢãŽč†ãĢåˆēįĒã‚’å…Ĩれた。すぐãĢ抜きæˆģã—ã€č†čŖã‚’æ–Ŧり払う。 æ‚˛éŗ´ã€‚ ミトロフがéŖ›ãŗ退いた場所ãĢトロãƒĢが崊れčŊãĄã‚‹ã€‚åŗč„šãŽč…ąã‚’æ–­ãĻã°åˇ¨äŊ“は支えられãĒã„ã€‚č†ã‚’įĒã‘ば頭が下がる。そこãĢã¯ã‚‚ã†ã€æ‰‹ãŒåąŠãã€‚ ミトロフはčŋˇã„ãĒく再ãŗéŖ›ãŗčžŧãŋã€č†ã‚’čŊとしãĻč…°ã ã‚ãĢå‰Ŗを寄せた。そしãĻ全čēĢでäŧ¸ãŗ上がるようãĢ一į‚šãĢåˆēす。下からįĒãä¸Šã’į‹™ã†ãŽã¯ã€ãƒˆãƒ­ãƒĢãŽéĄŽãŽä¸‹ã§ã‚ã‚‹ã€‚ ãƒŦイピã‚ĸはį‹™ã„違わずč˛Ģ通し、トロãƒĢぎč„ŗを打ãŖた。 すぐさぞãĢå‰Ŗを抜き、čēĢäŊ“を回čģĸさせるようãĢã‚šãƒ†ãƒƒãƒ—ã‚’č¸ã‚“ã§ããŽå ´ã‚’é›ĸれる。振り払われた切先から一į­‹ãŽčĄ€ãŒã€ãƒŸãƒˆãƒ­ãƒ•ãŽčēĢäŊ“を包むようãĢåŧ§ã‚’描いた。 æ‚˛éŗ´ã‚‚ãĒく、呆気もãĒく。トロãƒĢは倒れ、動かãĒい。 「––––よし」 あぎトロãƒĢとæˆĻãŖãĻから、嚞åēĻとãĒく思い描いた動きである。それがįžåŽŸãĢできたことãĢé ˇãã€ã™ããĢæŦĄã¸ã¨į§ģる。 「やるじゃんか、垌čŧŠ!」 ãƒŸã‚ąãƒĢがæļ揄うようãĢ言ãŖた。č‡ĒらもæˆĻいãĒがら、ミトロフãĢもį›Žã‚’配ãŖãĻいたらしい。 そぎäŊ™čŖ•ã¯äģŠãŽč‡Ē分ãĢはãĒく、さすが先čŧŠã¨čĻ‹įŋ’うしかãĒい。åŖãĢå‡ēすぎはį™ĒãĢ思えãĻ、ミトロフはéģ™ãŖãĻいたが。 ãƒŸã‚ąãƒĢãŸãĄã¯ä¸‰äŊ“ぎトロãƒĢを同時ãĢį›¸æ‰‹ãĢしãĒãŒã‚‰ã€åąã†ã’ã‚‚ãĒい。åŊŧらぎパãƒŧテã‚Ŗãƒŧであり、それぞれãĢåŊščˇãŒåŽšãžãŖãĻいる。įĸē原ãĢ、厉全ãĢ、トロãƒĢãĢ寞å‡ĻしãĻいた。 これãĒら大丈å¤Ģか、と息をつく間もãĒく、æ¨ĒįŠ´ã‹ã‚‰ãƒˆãƒ­ãƒĢãŒéĄ”ã‚’čĻ—かせた。そぎįžŦ間、そぎåŗį›ŽãĢįŸĸがįĒãįĢ‹ãŖãŸã€‚åŽšã„č„‚č‚ĒもãĒいįœŧįƒã‚’įš„įĸēãĢį‹™ãŖた一įŸĸは、トロãƒĢを間違いãĒく射æ­ĸめãĻいた。おすん、と崊れčŊãĄã‚‹ã€‚ įŸĸを攞ãŖたぞぞぎå§ŋå‹ĸã§ã€ã‚°ãƒŠã‚ˇã‚¨ãŒã€ŒãĢãŖ」とįŦ‘ãŖãĻãŋせた。 ミトロフがトロãƒĢとæˆĻう斚æŗ•ã‚’äŊ•åēĻもæƒŗ厚したようãĢã€ã‚°ãƒŠã‚ˇã‚¨ã‚‚æ€ã†ã¨ã“ã‚ãŒã‚ãŖたぎだろう。įŖをį‹Šã‚‹ãŽã§ã¯ãĒく、魔į‰Šã‚’č¨Žã¤ã€‚į‹Šäēēから冒é™ēč€…ã¸å¤‰éŠã—ãŸæ„č­˜ãŽåˇŽãŒã€å“čļŠã—たåŧ“襓ãĢįŖ¨ãã‚’掛けたようである。 ãƒŸãƒˆãƒ­ãƒ•ãŸãĄãŒåŠŠå¤Ē刀をするåŋ…čĻã‚‚ãĒく、į‹ŧ々ノéĸ¨ã¯ãƒˆãƒ­ãƒĢãŸãĄã‚’ä¸€äŊ“ずつäģ•į•™ã‚ã€ã¤ã„ãĢ最垌ぎ一äŊ“とãĒãŖた。さあ、これで一息つける––––ãĩãŖと、įˇŠåŧĩぎįŗ¸ãŒįˇŠã‚“だįžŦ間だãŖた。 おん、と。 夊äē•ãŒåŧžã‘た。
The exploration of the sixth floor was relatively smooth. The creatures inhabiting it were bipeds, cat-faced beastmen, and plump snakes. The cat beastmen came at Mitrof quickly with their developed forearms and sharp claws. Their swift movements were troublesome, but Mitrof found them easier to deal with than the ochre boars. His decisive swordsmanship was well-suited to fast opponents. The plump snakes approached by crawling on the ground or walls. When they contracted tightly, they would jump like a cannonball. Grace sometimes shot them down, and Mitrof sometimes knocked them down with his gauntlet. Once, Mitrof took a hit from a plump snake like a cannonball in the stomach. It was a painful blow to the stomach, but because of Mitrof’s thick fat, the plump snake bounced back. Once you get used to dealing with them, the sixth floor can be a relatively easy place to explore. However, neither the cat beastmen nor the plump snakes had valuable parts when skinned, and in terms of harvest, the fifth floor seemed to be a more fruitful location. “It seems like there really aren’t any blue deer present.” Grace murmured softly, as if her thoughts had slipped out. Although her voice was flat, Mitrof could sense a tinge of anxiety and restlessness mixed into her tone. The exploration of the th floor was progressing smoothly. However, there were no signs of the blue deer, nor could they see the troll. Even if the exploration itself was going well, without finding what they were looking for, their hearts would continue to tire. The incident occurred when Canule suggested taking a break because she was worried about the two. “Something seems to be rampaging.” Grace, with her sharp ears, noticed it first. Following her lead and turning a corner in the road, Mitrof finally heard the sound. There was definitely the sound of something hard hitting the wall. In the labyrinth, that sound was almost certainly the noise of someone fighting something. However, what was strange was that there were no monsters on the th floor that could make such a loud noise. As they continued down the hallway to see what was happening, they could finally see the figure. It was the “Wolves Wind” who was in a battle. Mikel, holding his great sword, noticed Mitrof. “Mitrof! Get back!—It’s the troll’s ‘March of Advance’!” Without any reaction to his words, Mitrof could only widen his eyes. There was a hole in the path. Trolls emerged from there, and it wasn’t just that. Three trolls were already fighting with Mikel and others in the passageway, and there were even trolls that had already exhausted their energy. Close to trolls were now visible in this location alone. “Do we help?” Canule asked Mitrof calmly. It meant deciding whether to leave this place or participate in the battle. Of course, Mitrof didn’t hesitate. “——Let’s go. Canule, stay here. Grace, okay?” “Of course. Abandoning them would only tarnish the pride of the elves.” Grace pulled out three arrows from the quiver. She held one in her mouth, held the other with her little finger and ring finger of her right hand, and drew the bowstring with the last one. Mitrof drew out his rapier and ran forward. With his belly shaking and bouncing, he ran swiftly. Arrows flew past him from behind. One, two, three. The rapid fire accurately hit the troll’s neck and head, visible through the side hole. The troll screamed, but the wounds were shallow. The troll’s skin was thick and protected by fat. It was not a fatal blow. However, it was enough to signal their presence. The troll pulled out the arrows embedded in his body and threw them to the ground. The creature let out a growl, glaring at Mitrof as he approached. “Hey! I told you to run, you pig!” Mikel shouted. “You said adventurers help each other, you shorty!” Mitrof shouted back. The troll held a broken stone axe in his hand. It was nothing more than a lump of rock without any sharpness, but if it hit Mitrof, it would surely kill him. His body suddenly heated up, burning with flames. He tightly gripped the handle of his weapon. The troll raised the stone axe and swung it down. There was no way he could miss that movement. Mitrof stepped and avoided the stone axe. Fragments of the shattered floor flew toward his feet. He paid no attention. He moved in and stabbed the knee of the troll. Quickly pulling his sword back, he slashed the back of the knee. A scream. The troll collapsed where Mitrof had jumped back. If he severed the tendon of his right leg, the giant could not stand. If Mitrof hit his knee, the head would lower. It was easily within reach. Without hesitation, Mitrof jumped in again, dropped his knee, and thrust his sword with his whole body toward one point. He thrusts from below, aiming for the bottom of the troll’s chin. The rapier penetrated accurately and pierced through the troll’s brain. Immediately withdrawing the sword, he stepped back with a turn of his body. A ray of blood from the tip of the sword that was shaken off draws an arc that wraps around Mitrof’s body. Without a scream or astonishment, the troll fell and stopped moving. “——Good.” This movement was something that Mitrof had imagined many times since fighting the troll. He nodded at the fact that he could do it in reality, and quickly moved on to the next challenge. “You did it, junior!” Mikel teased Mitrof, keeping an eye on him while fighting at the same time. Mitrof’s composure in battle was something he had to learn from his experienced seniors. He felt frustrated but didn’t say a word. Mikel and the others were fighting three trolls at once with ease. They were a party of four people, each with their own roles. They dealt with trolls with confidence and efficiency. While Mitrof was taking a breath, a troll peered out from a nearby cave. But at that moment, an arrow pierced its right eye with pinpoint accuracy, taking it down without fail. Grace, who was still holding the bow, remained in place and released the arrow. Mitrof looked back and saw Grace smiling confidently. Just as Mitrof had many ideas on how to fight trolls, Grace must have had her own, not to hunt the beast, but to strike the monster. This difference in mindset from hunting to adventuring had sharpened her archery skills. Mitrof and the others didn’t need to provide backup, as “Wolves Wind” had taken care of the trolls one by one, finally defeating the last one. Now they could take a breath and relax—but suddenly, at that very moment when the tension came loose, Dodon. The ceiling burst open.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 2, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
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ここでは大å­Ļį”ŸãŽåš´äģŖぎäēē々ですね。 そしãĻã‚Ŋフトã‚Ļェã‚ĸをäŊŋãŖãĻåŊŧã‚‰ã‚’č€ã„ã•ã›ãžã™ã€‚ そしãĻåŊŧらが60æ­ŗ、70æ­ŗ、80æ­ŗãĢãĒãŖたときãĢ おんãĒéĸ¨ãĢãĒãŖãĻいるかをį¤ēすぎです。 č‡ĒčēĢぎ将æĨへぎ投čŗ‡å§ŋå‹ĸを変えられる æœĒæĨぎč‡Ēåˆ†ãŽéĄ”ã‚’čĻ‹ã‚‹ã“とで、 原際ãĢあãĒたがたぎæœĒæĨぎæƒŗ像ぎ手äŧã„が できãĻいるかおうか、これをäŊŋãŖãĻ検č¨ŧするぎです。 これは我々ぎčŠĻãŋぎ一つです。 åˇĻ側ãĢč‹ĨいčĸĢé¨“č€…ãŽéĄ”ãŒã‚ã‚Šãžã™ã€‚ åŊŧはč‡Ēį”ąãĢ åŊŧãŽč˛¯č“„įŽ‡ã‚’čĒŋ整することができぞす。 åŊŧãŒč˛¯č“„įŽ‡ã‚’下げ、 こぎį›Žį››ã‚ŠãŒä¸€į•ĒåˇĻãĢæĨたときは åŊŧãŽč˛¯č“„ãŒã‚ŧロということを意å‘ŗしぞす。 こぎ数字はåŊŧぎ手取り分ぎパãƒŧã‚ģãƒŗテãƒŧジです。 įžåœ¨ãŽæ‰‹å–りは、91%と とãĻもéĢ˜ã„ことが分かりぞす。 しかしåŊŧãŽč€åžŒãŽæ‰€åž—ã¯ã¨ãĻもäŊŽã„です。 åŊŧã¯é€€čˇåžŒã€įžåŊšæ™‚äģŖぎ収å…Ĩぎ たãŖた44%分しか垗られãĒいことãĢãĒりぞす。 もしåŊŧが可čƒŊãĒé™ã‚Šč˛¯č“„ã™ã‚‹ã¨ åŊŧãŽé€€čˇåžŒãŽæ‰€åž—ã¯ä¸ŠãŒã‚Šãžã™ã€‚ しかし、åŊŧはäģŠäŊŋえるお金が減ãŖたぎで 不æē€ãŽã‚ˆã†ã§ã™ã€‚ äģ–ぎįŠļæŗã‚‚äēē々ãĢč‡ĒčēĢぎ将æĨをį¤ēしãĻいぞす。 ぞたæœĒæĨぎč‡Ē分からčĻ‹ã‚‹ã¨ã€å…¨ãĻは逆ãĢãĒりぞす。 もしあãĒたがæœŦåŊ“ãĢå°‘ã—ã—ã‹č˛¯č“„ã—ãĒかãŖた場合、 æœĒæĨぎあãĒたはとãĻも不嚸でしょう。 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įžåœ¨ãŽã‚ãĒた、そしãĻæœĒæĨぎあãĒた斚įš†ã•ã‚“ãĢ多くぎ嚸せがč¨ĒれることをおįĨˆã‚Šã—ぞす。 ありがとうございぞした。
And he's standing on the deck of his ship, he's talking to his first mate, "Tomorrow, we will sail past those rocks, and on those rocks sit some beautiful women called Sirens. And these women sing an enchanting song, a song so alluring that all sailors who hear it crash into the rocks and die." Now you would expect, given that, that they would choose an alternate route around the Sirens, but instead Odysseus says, "I want to hear that song. And so what I'm going to do is I'm going to pour wax in the ears of you and all the men -- stay with me -- so that you can't hear the song, and then I'm going to have you tie me to the mast so that I can listen and we can all sail by unaffected." So this is a captain putting the life of every single person on the ship at risk so that he can hear a song. And I'd like to think if this was the case, they probably would have rehearsed it a few times. Odysseus would have said, "Okay, let's do a dry run. You tie me to the mast, and I'm going to beg and plead. And no matter what I say, you cannot untie me from the mast. All right, so tie me to the mast." And the first mate takes a rope and ties Odysseus to the mast in a nice knot. And Odysseus does his best job playacting and says, "Untie me. Untie me. I want to hear that song. Untie me." And the first mate wisely resists and doesn't untie Odysseus. And then Odysseus says, "I see that you can get it. All right, untie me now and we'll get some dinner." And the first mate hesitates. He's like, "Is this still the rehearsal, or should I untie him?" And the first mate thinks, "Well, I guess at some point the rehearsal has to end." So he unties Odysseus, and Odysseus flips out. He's like, "You idiot. You moron. If you do that tomorrow, I'll be dead, you'll be dead, every single one of the men will be dead. Now just don't untie me no matter what." He throws the first mate to the ground. This repeats itself through the night -- rehearsal, tying to the mast, conning his way out of it, beating the poor first mate up mercilessly. Hilarity ensues. Tying yourself to a mast is perhaps the oldest written example of what psychologists call a commitment device. A commitment device is a decision that you make with a cool head to bind yourself when you have a hot head. Because there's two heads inside one person when you think about it. Scholars have long invoked this metaphor of two selves when it comes to questions of temptation. There is first, the present self. This is like Odysseus when he's hearing the song. He just wants to get to the front row. He just thinks about the here and now and the immediate gratification. But then there's this other self, the future self. This is Odysseus as an old man who wants nothing more than to retire in a sunny villa with his wife Penelope outside of Ithaca -- the other one. So why do we need commitment devices? Well resisting temptation is hard, as the 19th century English economist Nassau William Senior said, "To abstain from the enjoyment which is in our power, or to seek distant rather than immediate results, are among the most painful exertions of the human will." If you set goals for yourself and you're like a lot of other people, you probably realize it's not that your goals are physically impossible that's keeping you from achieving them, it's that you lack the self-discipline to stick to them. It's physically possible to lose weight. It's physically possible to exercise more. But resisting temptation is hard. The other reason that it's difficult to resist temptation is because it's an unequal battle between the present self and the future self. I mean, let's face it, the present self is present. It's in control. It's in power right now. It has these strong, heroic arms that can lift doughnuts into your mouth. And the future self is not even around. It's off in the future. It's weak. It doesn't even have a lawyer present. There's nobody to stick up for the future self. And so the present self can trounce all over its dreams. So there's this battle between the two selves that's being fought, and we need commitment devices to level the playing field between the two. Now I'm a big fan of commitment devices actually. Tying yourself to the mast is the oldest one, but there are other ones such as locking a credit card away with a key or not bringing junk food into the house so you won't eat it or unplugging your Internet connection so you can use your computer. I was creating commitment devices of my own long before I knew what they were. So when I was a starving post-doc at Columbia University, I was deep in a publish-or-perish phase of my career. I had to write five pages a day towards papers or I would have to give up five dollars. And when you try to execute these commitment devices, you realize the devil is really in the details. Because it's not that easy to get rid of five dollars. I mean, you can't burn it; that's illegal. And I thought, well I could give it to a charity or give it to my wife or something like that. But then I thought, oh, I'm sending myself mixed messages. Because not writing is bad, but giving to charity is good. So then I would kind of justify not writing by giving a gift. And then I kind of flipped that around and thought, well I could give it to the neo-Nazis. But then I was like, that's more bad than writing is good, and so that wouldn't work. So ultimately, I just decided I would leave it in an envelope on the subway. Sometimes a good person would find it, sometimes a bad person would find it. On average, it was just a completely pointless exchange of money that I would regret. Such it is with commitment devices. But despite my like for them, there's two nagging concerns that I've always had about commitment devices, and you might feel this if you use them yourself. So the first is, when you've got one of these devices going, such as this contract to write everyday or pay, it's just a constant reminder that you have no self-control. You're just telling yourself, "Without you, commitment device, I am nothing, I have no self-discipline." And then when you're ever in a situation where you don't have a commitment device in place -- like, "Oh my God, that person's offering me a doughnut, and I have no defense mechanism," -- you just eat it. So I don't like the way that they take the power away from you. I think self-discipline is something, it's like a muscle. The more you exercise it, the stronger it gets. The other problem with commitment devices is that you can always weasel your way out of them. You say, "Well, of course I can't write today, because I'm giving a TEDTalk and I have five media interviews, and then I'm going to a cocktail party and then I'll be drunk after that. And so there's no way that this is going to work." So in effect, you are like Odysseus and the first mate in one person. You're putting yourself, you're binding yourself, and you're weaseling your way out of it, and then you're beating yourself up afterwards. So I've been working for about a decade now on finding other ways to change people's relationship to the future self without using commitment devices. In particular, I'm interested in the relationship to the future financial self. And this is a timely issue. I'm talking about the topic of saving. Now saving is a classic two selves problem. The present self does not want to save at all. It wants to consume. Whereas the future self wants the present self to save. So this is a timely problem. We look at the savings rate and it has been declining since the 1950s. At the same time, the Retirement Risk Index, the chance of not being able to meet your needs in retirement, has been increasing. And we're at a situation now where for every three baby boomers, the McKinsey Global Institute predicts that two will not be able to meet their pre-retirement needs while they're in retirement. So what can we do about this? There's a philosopher, Derek Parfit, who said some words that were inspiring to my coauthors and I. He said that, "We might neglect our future selves because of some failure of belief or imagination." That is to say, we somehow might not believe that we're going to get old, or we might not be able to imagine that we're going to get old some day. On the one hand, it sounds ridiculous. Of course, we know that we're going to get old. But aren't there things that we believe and don't believe at the same time? So my coauthors and I have used computers, the greatest tool of our time, to assist people's imagination and help them imagine what it might be like to go into the future. And I'll show you some of these tools right here. The first is called the distribution builder. It shows people what the future might be like by showing them a hundred equally probable outcomes that might be obtained in the future. Each outcome is shown by one of these markers, and each sits on a row that represents a level of wealth and retirement. Being up at the top means that you're enjoying a high income in retirement. Being down at the bottom means that you're struggling to make ends meet. When you make an investment, what you're really saying is, "I accept that any one of these 100 things could happen to me and determine my wealth." Now you can try to move your outcomes around. You can try to manipulate your fate, like this person is doing, but it costs you something to do it. It means that you have to save more today. Once you find an investment that you're happy with, what people do is they click "done" and the markers begin to disappear, slowly, one by one. It simulates what it is like to invest in something and to watch that investment pan out. At the end, there will only be one marker left standing and it will determine our wealth in retirement. Yes, this person retired at 150 percent of their working income in retirement. They're making more money while retired than they were making while they were working. If you're like most people, just seeing that gave you a small sense of elation and joy -- just to think about making 50 percent more money in retirement than before. However, had you ended up on the very bottom, it might have given you a slight sense of dread and/or nausea thinking about struggling to get by in retirement. By using this tool over and over and simulating outcome after outcome, people can understand that the investments and savings that they undertake today determine their well-being in the future. Now people are motivated through emotions, but different people find different things motivating. This is a simulation but other people find motivating what money can buy, not just numbers. So here I made a distribution builder where instead of showing numerical outcomes, I show people what those outcomes will get you, in particular apartments that you can afford if you're retiring on 3,000, 2,500, 2,000 dollars per month and so on. As you move down the ladder of apartments, you see that they get worse and worse. Some of them look like places I lived in as a graduate student. And as you get to the very bottom, you're faced with the unfortunate reality that if you don't save anything for retirement, you won't be able to afford any housing at all. Those are actual pictures of actual apartments renting for that amount as advertised on the Internet. The last thing I'll show you, the last behavioral time machine, is something that I created with Hal Hershfield, who was introduced to me by my coauthor on a previous project, Bill Sharpe. And what it is is an exploration into virtual reality. So what we do is we take pictures of people -- in this case, college-age people -- and we use software to age them and show these people what they'll look like when they're 60, 70, 80 years old. And we try to test whether actually assisting your imagination by looking at the face of your future self can change you investment behavior. So this is one of our experiments. Here we see the face of the young subject on the left. He's given a control that allows him to adjust his savings rate. As he moves his savings rate down, it means that he's saving zero when it's all the way here at the left. this is the percentage of his paycheck that he can take home today -- is quite high, 91 percent, but his retirement income is quite low. He's going to retire on 44 percent of what he earned while he was working. If he saves the maximum legal amount, his retirement income goes up, because now he has less money on the left-hand side to spend today. Other conditions show people the future self. And from the future self's point of view, everything is in reverse. If you save very little, the future self is unhappy living on 44 percent of the income. Whereas if the present self saves a lot, the future self is delighted, where the income is close up near 100 percent. To bring this to a wider audience, I've been working with Hal and Allianz to create something we call the behavioral time machine, in which you not only get to see yourself in the future, but you get to see anticipated emotional reactions to different levels of retirement wealth. So for instance, here is somebody using the tool. And just watch the facial expressions as they move the slider. The younger face gets happier and happier, saving nothing. The older face is miserable. And slowly, slowly we're bringing it up to a moderate savings rate. And then it's a high savings rate. The younger face is getting unhappy. The older face is quite pleased with the decision. We're going to see if this has an effect on what people do. And what's nice about it is it's not something that biasing people actually, because as one face smiles, the other face frowns. It's not telling you which way to put the slider, it's just reminding you that you are connected to and legally tied to this future self. Your decisions today are going to determine its well-being. And that's something that's easy to forget. This use of virtual reality is not just good for making people look older. There are programs you can get to see how people might look if they smoke, if they get too much exposure to the sun, if they gain weight and so on. And what's good is, unlike in the experiments that Hal and myself ran with Russ Smith, you don't have to program these by yourself in order to see the virtual reality. There are applications you can get on smartphones for just a few dollars that do the same thing. This is actually a picture of Hal, my coauthor. You might recognize him from the previous demos. And just for kicks we ran his picture through the balding, aging and weight gain software to see how he would look. Hal is here, so I think we owe it to him as well as yourself And I'll close it there. On behalf of Hal and myself, I wish all the best to your present and future selves. Thank you.
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「わかりぞした。ã‚ĢロãƒĢさんぎå‡ĻįŊ°ãĢついãĻは、ハãƒŗã‚ŋãƒŧįĩ„合ãĢäģģせぞす。ただしå‡ĻįŊ°ãĒしというぎだけは、やめãĻください」 ã€Œã¯ã„ã€‚ã‚‚ãĄã‚ã‚“ã§ã™ã€ 「それから1つįĸēčĒãĒんですが、įĩåą€ã‚ĢロãƒĢã•ã‚“ã¨ãŽæ¨Ąæ“ŦæˆĻぎįĩæžœãŖãĻおうãĒるぎでしょう?」 ã€Œč˛´åĨŗãŽå‹ãĄã‚ˆã€ わたしぎ問いãĢ、ã‚ĢロãƒĢさんがすぐãĢį­”える。こういãŖたæŊ”さはåĨŊå°čąĄãĒぎãĢ、ãĒぜ暴čĩ°ã—ãĻしぞうぎか。いや、たぞたぞわたし達が、ã‚ĢロãƒĢさんぎ暴čĩ°ã‚’äŋƒã—ãĻしぞうようãĒ存在だãŖただけか。 「だとしたら、Bį´šãžã§ãŽčŠĻ験ぎ合æ ŧはčĒã‚ã‚‰ã‚Œã‚‹ã‚“ですよね?」 ã€Œå°‘ã—æ™‚é–“ã‚’ã‚‚ã‚‰ã†ã¨æ€ã„ãžã™ãŒã€å•éĄŒãĒã„ã§ã—ã‚‡ã†ã€‚ã‚ˇã‚¨ãƒĢãƒĄãƒŧãƒĢさんãĢは、それだけぎ原力があることはč¨ŧ明されぞしたから」 「それãĒら、可čƒŊãĒ限りハãƒŗã‚ŋãƒŧナãƒŗクをあげたいです。できるãĒらBį´šãĢãĒりたいですし、それでãĒくãĻも上į´šãŽãƒãƒŗã‚ŋãƒŧとぎトナブãƒĢがあãŖた時ãĢã€č”‘ã‚ãĢされãĒいį¨‹åēĻぞでは上げãĻãģしいです」 ただしこぎį”ēãĢいる限り、原į¸žã‚’äŊœã‚Œã‚‹ã‚ˆã†ãĢå–ã‚Šč¨ˆã‚‰ã†ã“ã¨ã¯ã§ããžã™ã€‚įĸēį´„はできぞせんが、1嚴間でCį´šãĢãĒれるようãĢは寞åŋœã•ã›ãĻいただきぞす」 「通常はおれくらいかかるもぎãĒんですか?」 įš„ãĢDį´šãĢãĒるぎãĢ5嚴、そこから5åš´ã ã¨č¨€ã‚ã‚ŒãĻいぞす。原力がéĢ˜ã„äēēでも数嚴はかかるでしょう。ぞたCį´šã‹ã‚‰ã¯ä¸Šį´šãƒãƒŗã‚ŋãƒŧとしãĻčĒã‚ã‚‰ã‚Œãžã™ã‹ã‚‰ã€ã‚ŽãƒĢãƒ‰ã‹ã‚‰ãŽæ‰ąã„ã‚‚å¤‰ã‚ãŖãĻきぞす。 だとしたら、1嚴でCį´šãĢãĒれるというぎは大きいか。 「ではゎãƒĢドぎ斚でわたしがCį´šãĢãĒã‚‹ãžã§ã€å–ã‚Šč¨ˆã‚‰ã†ã“ã¨ã‚’äģŠå›žãŽäģļでčĻæą‚しぞす。 「わかりぞした。そぎようãĢ寞åŋœã•ã›ãĻもらいぞす」 「あとäģŠã‹ã‚‰ã§ã‚‚æŗŠãžã‚Œã‚‹åŽŋがあれば、教えãĻください」 「はい、そうですね。もうすぐæ—Ĩも暎れãĻしぞいぞすし、ハãƒŗã‚ŋãƒŧįĩ„合がį´šäģ‹ã—ãĻいるåŽŋãĢã”æĄˆå†…ã—ãžã™ã€‚äŊ•ã‹å¸Œæœ›ã¯ã‚りぞすか?」 æ—ĨæœŦではãĒいわけだし、夜ãĢãĒãŖãĻからåĨŗぎ子ぎ1äēēæ­Šãã¯åąãĒいぎだろうか。å‰ĩäŊœį‰Šã§č¨€ã†ãĒら、äēēæ”ĢいãĢäŧšã†ãŖãĻこともある。 「ここからあぞりé›ĸれãĻいãĒくãĻ、おéĸ¨å‘‚ãŒã‚ã‚‹ã¨ã“ã‚ãŒč‰¯ã„ã§ã™ã€ 「わかりぞした。では、čŠŗã—ã„čŠąã¯æ˜Žæ—ĨãžãŸčĄŒã†ã¨ã—ãĻ、äģŠæ—ĨはåŽŋãĢã”æĄˆå†…ã—ãžã™ã­ã€ 「ありがとうございぞす」 わたしぎことを慎ãŖãĻくれたぎか、それともハãƒŗã‚ŋãƒŧįĩ„合としãĻぎčĒŋæ•´ã‚‚ã‚ã‚‹ãŽã‹ã€ãŠãĄã‚‰ã‚‚ãĒぎかわからãĒいけれお、åŽŋãĢé€ŖれãĻ行ãŖãĻくれるというぎであれば、į€ã„ãĻいく。 į‚ŽãŽã‚ˆã†ãĢæēらめいãĻいるわけではãĒくãĻã€æ˜Žã‚‹ã•ã‚‚č›å…‰į¯ãģおではãĒいもぎぎ、夜中ãĢæœŦがčĒ­ã‚ã‚‹į¨‹åēĻãĢは明るいぎではãĒいだろうか。 「夜ãĒぎãĢ明るいんですね」 ã€Œæ˜Žã‹ã‚ŠãŽé­”é“å…ˇã‚’čĻ‹ã‚‹ãŽã¯ã€åˆã‚ãĻですか?」 「はい。åŽŋでäŊŋい斚がわからãĒかãŖたらおうしよう、ãĒんãĻ思ãŖãĻぞす」 「゚イッチをå…Ĩれるだけですから、é›ŖしくãĒいですよ。それで明かりがつかãĒければ、魔įŸŗã‹ã‚‰é­”åŠ›ãŒå¤ąã‚ã‚ŒãĻいるということãĢãĒりぞすから、ä¸ģäēēãĢčŠąã›ã°å¤§ä¸ˆå¤Ģです」 思い切ãŖãĻ尋ねãĻãŋãŸã‘ã‚ŒãŠã€ãŠã†ã‚„ã‚‰ä¸æ€č­°ãĢは思われãĒかãŖãŸã‚‰ã—ã„ã€‚ã ã¨ã—ãŸã‚‰ã€é­”é“å…ˇã¯å°ã•ãĒ村ãĒおでは、晎及しãĻいãĒいぎだろう。 「ãĒぜæ€Ĩいでナãƒŗクを上げたいんですか?」 「こぎå›Ŋから逃げたいからです」 「逃げる、ですか?」 「こぎį”ēをå‡ēãĻčĄŒãã“ã¨ãĢ反寞ですか?」 少しįĒãŖčžŧんだčŗĒ問をしãĻ、æŗ¨æ„æˇąãã‚ģãƒĒã‚ĸさんをčĻ‹ä¸Šã’る。čŗĒ問ãĢčŗĒ問でčŋ”したことで、åĢŒãĒå°čąĄã‚’ä¸ŽãˆãĻしぞわãĒいだろうかという不厉もあãŖたけれお、そういうことはãĒさそうだ。 はčŗ›æˆã§ã™ã€ã¨į­”えた。 ã€Œã‚ˇã‚¨ãƒĢãƒĄãƒŧãƒĢさんは、こぎį”ēでį‡ģãŖãĻいãĻいいäēēではãĒさそうですから。 「ã‚ģãƒĒã‚ĸさんは、č‡Ē分が初めãĻäŊ•ã‹éŖŸãšãŸãŽãŒã€äŊ•æ­ŗぎときかįŸĨãŖãĻいぞすか?」 「そうですね。čĻšãˆãĻはいぞせんが、一čˆŦįš„ãĢį”ŸåžŒåŠåš´ãģおでéēĻį˛ĨをéŖŸãšã‚‹ãŽã§ã¯ãĒいでしょうか」 「わたしが初めãĻäŊ•ã‹ã‚’åŖãĢしたぎは、5æ­ŗãĢãĒãŖãĻからでした」 不嚸č‡Ēæ…ĸをするわけではãĒいけれお、å‘ŗæ–šãĢãĒãŖãĻくれそうだから、もう少しわたし達ãĢついãĻčŠąã‚’ã—ãĻおこう。 「ã‚ģãƒĒã‚ĸさんは、わたしぎéĢĒぎ毛はčĻ‹ãžã—たか?」 「......はい。そうですね。隠しãĻいるようだãŖたぎで、あぞりčĻ‹ãĒいようãĢはしãĻいぞしたが」 「こぎéĢĒãŽæ¯›ã€æœ€åˆã¯é‡‘č‰˛ã ãŖたんです。それがį™ŊくãĒãŖたから、こうやãŖãĻ隠しãĻいたんですが、åˆĨãĢ隠さãĒくãĻもよさそうですね」 「į™ŊいéĢĒはįã—いですが、全くいãĒいわけではありぞせんからね。į‰šãĢä¸€éƒ¨ãŽé­”čĄ“å¸Ģだと、į™ŊいéĢĒはそれだけで憧æ†Ŧされるもぎですね」 「だとしたら、明æ—ĨからéĢĒを隠さãĒくãĻč‰¯ã•ãã†ã§ã™ã­ã€ 「そうですね。そうしãĻã„ãŸã ã‘ã‚‹ã¨ã€ã“ãĄã‚‰ã¨ã—ãĻも劊かりぞす。 éĢĒがį™Ŋい10æ­ŗくらいぎåĨŗぎ子がæĨたら......と、同僚ãĢ言ãŖãĻおけるということだろう。 「ところで、ã‚ĢロãƒĢã•ã‚“ã¨ãŽæ¨Ąæ“ŦæˆĻã§ã™ãŒã€ã‚ãŸã—ãŽå‹ãĄã§č‰¯ã„ã‚“ã§ã™ã‹? 「įĸēčĒã§ã™ãŒã€ã‚ˇã‚¨ãƒĢãƒĄãƒŧãƒĢさんはぞだæˆĻえぞすよね?」 ã€Œæ°ˇãŽæ§ã‚’1æœŦæ’ƒãĄčžŧぞれるくらいãĒら大丈å¤Ģです」 「ã‚ĢロãƒĢãĢはもうぞともãĢé­”čĄ“ã‚’äŊŋうäŊ™åŠ›ã¯ã‚りぞせんでしたから、įļšã‘ãĻいたらįĸē原ãĢã‚ˇã‚¨ãƒĢãƒĄãƒŧãƒĢさんが勝ãŖãĻいたでしょう。 「単į´”ãĢįĒãåˆēすだけではãĒくãĻ、åˆēさãŖたところから凍らせるくらいですからね」 「それãĢも気がäģ˜ã„ãĻいたんですね」 ãŠã†ã‚„ã‚‰æ°ˇãŽæ§ã¨ã„ã†ãŽã¯ã€äģ–ãŽé­”čĄ“ã¨ã¯ä¸€įˇšã‚’į”ģã™ã‚‚ãŽã‚‰ã—ã„ã€‚ã ã‹ã‚‰é­”čĄ“ãĢ名前がäģ˜ã„ãĻいたぎだろうか。 あとãĢįļšã„ãĻå…Ĩると、思ãŖãĻいたよりもきれいãĒところãĢé€ŖれãĻã“ã‚‰ã‚ŒãŸã‚‰ã—ã„ã€‚æˇĄã„č‰˛ã‚’åŸēčĒŋとしãĻいãĻčŊãĄį€ã„たåŽŋは、åĨŗæ€§å‘ã‘ã¨č¨€ãŖãĻåˇŽã—æ”¯ãˆãĒいだろう。 ã‚ģãƒĒã‚ĸさんとčĻĒしげãĢčŠąã—ãĻいるぎで、個äēēįš„ãĒäģ˜ãåˆã„とかもあるぎかもしれãĒい。 「というわけでニãƒĢãƒ€ã•ã‚“ã€ã‚ˇã‚¨ãƒĢãƒĄãƒŧãƒĢã•ã‚“ã‚’ã‚ˆã‚ã—ããŠéĄ˜ã„ã—ãžã™ã€ ã€Œã¯ã„ã¯ã„ã€‚ã‚ˇã‚¨ãƒĢãƒĄãƒŧãƒĢãĄã‚ƒã‚“ã€‚äģŠæ—Ĩからよろしくね」 ã€Œã¯ã„ã€‚ã‚ˆã‚ã—ããŠéĄ˜ã„ã—ãžã™ã€ ニãƒĢダさんはéĩを1æœŦ取りå‡ēし、わたしãĢæ¸Ąã—ãĻ「äģŠæ—Ĩはもうį–˛ã‚ŒãŸã ã‚ã†ã‹ã‚‰ã€éƒ¨åą‹ãĢ夕éŖ¯ã‚’持ãŖãĻã„ãã‚ã­ã€‚éƒ¨åą‹ã¯2階ぎ一į•ĒåĨĨ。少し遠いけお頑åŧĩãŖãĻ」とエãƒŧãƒĢを送ãŖãĻきた。 おį¤ŧã‚’č¨€ãŖãĻéĩを受け取ãŖãĻから、äŋƒã•ã‚Œã‚‹ãžãž2階ãĢ上る。 äģŠæ—ĨはãĒんだかとãĻもį–˛ã‚ŒãĻしぞãŖた。
「I see. Regarding Carol’s punishment, I’ll leave it to the Hunter’s Guild. But please don’t let her off with no punishment.」 「Of course. Naturally.」 「And there’s something I want to confirm but, after what happened, what actually is the result of the match?」 「It’s your win.」 Carol immediately answered my question. I really like the way she’s fair and sincere but why does she have to be so reckless. No, maybe we were just coincidentally the type that incites recklessness in her behavior. After all, this likeable part of her might be the reason that Celia decided to let her handle the exam. In a way, she’s just unlucky but, as the party involved, I definitely don’t have any sympathy for her. 「Then that means I passed the B-Rank qualification exam, right?」 「It might take some time to get it approved, but there should be no problem. After all, you have proven to us that you have enough strength to meet the qualifications, Cielmer.」 「So then, please raise my hunter rank as high as possible. If possible, I want to be B-Rank and if I can’t, I want to at least be high enough that I won’t get treated badly in case I get into some trouble with high ranking hunters.」 「I’m very sorry. Regarding the the rank, there’s a limit to what we can do. However, as long as you are in this town, I make arrangements to ensure that you to make achievements. Although I cannot guarantee it, we will assist you in reaching C-Rank within a year.」 「How long does that usually take?」 「It’s typically said that it takes years to reach D-Rank and more years to reach C-Rank. Even capable people would likely take several years to get to C-Rank. Furthermore, since C-Rankers and above are recognized as Veteran Hunters, the guild’s treatment of them will change as well. However, just as C-Rankers and above are considered top hunters, it’s not a level that anybody can reach simply by trying.」 In that case, reaching C-Rank in a year might be quite big. 「Then from today’s incident, I would like to demand the guild for assistance until I reach C-Rank. Besides that, I would like to request only Celia to handle me on the reception desk. After all, I don’t think that the conversation will go just as smooth when talking to other people.」 「Understood. Then allow me to arrange that.」 「Also, if you know any inn I can stay in right now, please educate me.」 「Understood, let’s see. Since the sun is setting soon, allow me to guide you to an inn in the Hunter’s Guild’s referral. Do you have any requests?」 I was fine with just knowing the place but it seems that she’ll be guiding me too. Well it’s not Japan after all, so it might be dangerous for a girl to walk at night by herself. Based on creative media for example, I might even encounter a kidnapper. Since I’ll immediately notice if there are any suspicious movements, I don’t think we’ll be abducted though. Most of all, even if I know how to go to the place, I might get lost as well. There isn’t a single reason for me to turn down this kindness of hers, is there? 「I would like a place that has a bath and is not very far from here.」 「Understood. Now then, we’ll talk about the exact details tomorrow; so for today, let me guide you to the inn.」 「Thank you very much.」 I don’t know if she’s just being considerate of me, or it’s part of the Hunter’s Guild’s regulations, or both; but since she’s going to take me to the inn, I’ll follow her. At that moment, she told Carol 「I’m not finished with you yet, stay here,」 and left the interrogation(?) room. Outside the Hunter’s Guild, it’s completely dark now but, from the windows of the surrounding buildings, light shines through. It’s not a flickering light like those made by flames, and though not as bright as that from a fluorescent bulb, it’s still probably bright enough for reading a book in the middle of the night. 「It’s really bright even though it’s nighttime.」 「Is this your first time seeing a lamp magic item?」 「Yes. I’m worried that I wouldn’t know how to use the one they have at the inn.」 「You only need to flip the switch, it’s not too complicated. And if the light doesn’t turn on, that means the magic stone has run out of magic power, so it’ll be fine if you tell the landlord about it.」 I mustered up my courage and asked about it but it seems that she didn’t find it that weird. In that case, magic items might not be available in small villages and such. As I made a sigh of relief in my mind, Celia asked me a question with 「If you don’t mind answering...」 as a preface. 「Why are you rushing to rank up?」 「Because I want to get out of this country?」 「Get out, is it?」 「Are you against me leaving this town?」 I posed a somewhat intricate question and gazed at Celia with caution. As I replied with a question, I was concerned that she might find it offensive. However, it didn’t seem to be an issue, as she shook her head and looked straight into my eyes, responding with, 「 agree with that.」 「Cielmer, in my opinion, you’re an individual that shouldn’t be held back in a town like this. So regarding that, may I ask you why you want to get out of the country?」 「Celia, do you still remember how old you were, the first time you ate something?」 「Let’s see. I don’t really remember but I believe that children can generally start eating oatmeal half a year after their birth.」 「I was five years old when I had my first meal.」 As I kept in mind to say it as casually as possible, Celia was left speechless and was unable to find anything to reply with. I’m not really trying to brag about our misfortunes but since it looks like she might support us, I decided to talk a bit more about us. 「Celia, have you seen my hair?」 「... Yes. I have. Since it seems that you want to keep it hidden, I did try not to stare too much.」 「At first, my hair was golden blonde. Ever since it turned white, I hide it like this, but it appears there is no need for me to do so.」 「While it’s true that having white hair isn’t common to see, it’s not a color that you can’t find. A particular portion of sorcerers will even hold admiration simply because of having white hair.」 「Then it looks like I can let my hair out starting tomorrow.」 「That’s right. Doing so would also help quite a bit on our side. With that, even if I’m not there, it’ll make the reception much easier.」 This means that she can tell her co-workers to watch out for a white-haired -year-oldish girl. In this sense, standing out isn’t always bad. Since the mood got somewhat lighter, I asked her something that I was a bit curious about. 「By the way, about my match with Carol, is it really okay to see it as my win? We’ve already talked about it earlier, but I don’t really think that we finished the fight.」 「I would like to confirm, you can still fight right, Cielmer?」 「I can still probably take one more ice spear.」 「Since Carol doesn’t have enough energy left to use any proper sorcery, you would have most likely won if the fight continued. That’s just how much magic power Glacia Lentso consumes.」 「After all, it doesn’t only pierce through, it also freezes the place it hits.」 「So you’ve notice that as well.」 It seems like the ice spear is extraordinary compared to other spells. Maybe that’s also why it had a proper name. As I vaguely nodded, Celia stops in front of a certain building. Seemingly familiar with the place, she enters the building with a brightly lit interior. As I trailed behind her, I realized that Celia had led me to a place that was much more beautiful than I had envisioned. Having a calming light color as the main tone of the inn, I’m probably not mistaken to think that it’s a female-oriented inn. At the counter there is a lady as well, that’s about old enough to have a child of my age. Her gentle smile and her height, slightly tall for a female, leaves a strong impression. So she seems to be an indulgent person in a lot of ways. Since they seem to be close by how they’re talking, Celia might know her in private. After talking for some time, Celia suddenly faces me. 「So with that, Mrs. Nilda, please take care of Cielmer.」 「Sure sure. Cielmer, nice meeting you today.」 「Yes. Please take care of me.」 Nilda is looking at me with a friendly smile but I wonder what she sees me as. Does she think of me as a country bumpkin that came from a declining village? I should’ve listened to their conversation. Nilda takes out a key and gives it to me while saying, 「You’re probably tired for today, so I’ll have dinner brought to your room. Your room is in the innermost area of the nd floor. It’s a bit far but do your best.」 After receiving the key and thanking her, I did as she said and went up to the nd floor. I enter the room that fits my key and decide to rest while waiting for the food to arrive. Today was somehow awfully tiring.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 25, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
åŊŧはåŗãĄã€ã™ãšãĻはįˆļぎしたことですとä¸ģåŧĩしたいぎだろう。そしãĻそれは、įžåŊ“ä¸ģぎč‡Ē分ãĢは全くé–ĸäŋ‚ãĒいことだ、と。 息子ãĢæŗĨをčĸĢせたįˆļと、įˆļを切り捨ãĻäŋčēĢãĢčĩ°ã‚‹æ¯å­ã€‚非情卑åŠŖã¨č¨€ã†ãĒã‹ã‚Œã€‚č˛´æ—ã¨č¨€ã†ãŽã¯ãã†č¨€ã†ãƒĸノだ。 äģ–å›Ŋぎå›ŊįŽ‹ã‚’æ‹‰č‡´ã—ã€į°’åĨĒãĢæ‰‹ã‚’č˛¸ãã†ã¨ã—ãĻいたぎだから、æœŦæĨそぎ咎は息子おころ全äŊ“ãĢぞで及んでいãĻもおかしくはãĒい。 į„ĄčĢ–、į¸ã¨ã„うãģãŠæˇąã„į¸ã§ã¯ãĒいぎだが、ドノバãƒŗãĢとãŖãĻは、ぞさãĢč—ã‚’ã‚‚ã™ãŒã‚‹ã¨ã„ã†æ€ã„ãŽã¯ãšã ã€‚ 原際ぎところäŋēとしãĻも、ドノバãƒŗぞでįŊĒã‚’čƒŒč˛ ã‚ã›ãĻもäŊ•ãŽåž—ãĢもãĒらãĒい。 äŋēã¨č¨€ã†į‰šæŽŠãĒį”Ÿãžã‚ŒãĢã€ãƒŸã‚ˇã‚§ãƒĢãĄã‚ƒã‚“ã¨č¨€ã†æœ‰į”¨ãĒæˆĻ力。 æ”ŋæ˛ģįš„ãĒ垌ろį›žã‚‚あãŖた斚がいいぎだが、エãƒĒã‚ĒットãĢそれをé ŧむぎは、ãĒし崊しįš„ãĢ北å›Ŋé€Ŗ合ãĢįĩ„ãŋčžŧぞれそうで怖い。 そこでドノバãƒŗだ。įžã‚šãƒˆãƒŠé ˜ãŽé ˜ä¸ģ。čžēåĸƒäŧ¯ã¨ã„うぎはį‹Ŧč‡Ēぎčģäē‹įˇ¨æˆæ¨Šã‚‚持つåŧˇåŠ›ãĒįˆĩäŊã§ã‚‚ある。 įžåœ¨ã¯ããŽčģéšŠã‚’įļ­æŒã™ã‚‹įĩŒæ¸ˆåŠ›ãŽæēã‚’å¤ąãŖãĻいるが、それは取りæˆģしãĻã—ãžãˆã°ã„ã„ã ã‘ãŽčŠąã§ã‚ã‚‹ã€‚ ãƒŦテã‚Ŗãƒŧナもマク゚ã‚ĻェãƒĢも、ナã‚Ļムぎ中æžĸãĢčŋ‘すぎるį‚šã‹ã‚‰ã™ã‚‹ã¨ã€åžŒã‚į›žãĢはあぞりãĩさわしくãĒい。 ã€ŒčŠąã¯â€•â€•ã€ ã€ŒčŠąã¯čžã‹ã›ãĻもらãŖたわ!」 į”Ÿåž’指導厤ぎ扉ãĢはįĒ“がį„Ąã„ぎで、ã‚ŦãƒŠã‚šãŒå‰˛ã‚Œã‚‹ã“ã¨ã¯ãĒかãŖたが、å‹ĸã„č‰¯ãåŠãã¤ã‘ã‚‰ã‚ŒãŸã›ã„ã§æ‰‰ãŒãƒŦãƒŧãƒĢを外れ、厤内ãĢ倒れčžŧんでくる。 運よくそぎį¯„å›˛ãĢはäēēはいãĒかãŖãŸãŽã ãŒã€åąãĒいäē‹ã“ぎ上ãĒい。 「ã‚ŗãƒĢテã‚ŖãƒŠã€åąãĒい」 ã€Œã”ã‚ã‚“ã”ã‚ã‚“ã€ãĄã‚‡ãŖとå‹ĸいäģ˜ã„ãĄã‚ƒãŖãĻ」 čŦįŊĒしãĒがら扉をæˆģすå§ŋは、中々ãĢæ ŧåĨŊがæ‚Ēい雄とは思えãĒい情けãĒさだ。äŋēãŒč¨€ã†ãŽã‚‚äŊ•ã ãŒã€‚ しばらく扉とæ ŧ闘しãĻ、元ãĢæˆģしãĻから゚ãƒŧツぎ埃を及いãĻčŊとす。それから再ãŗã“ãĄã‚‰ã‚’æŒ¯ã‚Šå‘ã„ãĻåŽŖč¨€ã—ãŸã€‚ ã€Œãã‚Œã¯ã¨ã‚‚ã‹ãã€čŠąã¯čžã‹ã›ãĻもらãŖたわ!」 「うん、įŸĨãŖãĻる」 こうčĻ‹ãˆãĻも世į•Œæœ€éĢ˜ãŽæ–Ĩ候としãĻã€å…­č‹ąé›„ãĢæ´žéŖされたäŋēã ã€‚æ‰‰ãŽå¤–ã§čžãč€ŗをįĢ‹ãĻるį´ äēēぎ気配くらいäŊ™čŖ•ã§čĒ­ã‚ã‚‹ã€‚ それを攞įŊŽã—ãĻãŠã„ãŸãŽã¯ã€ã˛ã¨ãˆãĢåŊŧåĨŗがそうするäē‹ãĢよãŖãĻ、一čˆŦįš„ãĒį”Ÿåž’がčŋ‘寄るäē‹ãŒã§ããĒかãŖたからだ。 「でもニã‚ŗãƒĢãĄã‚ƒã‚“ãŒč¨€ãŖた通り、į§ãŸãĄãŒã“こで判断するわけãĢã¯čĄŒã‹ãĒいぎ。ぞずは原際ãĢあãĒたが、æœŦåŊ“ãĢ前ã‚ĩãƒĢワčžēåĸƒäŧ¯ã‚’åŒŋãŖãĻいãĒいかįĸēčĒã—ãĒいと」 「それは......おうすれば?」 「ぞずあãĒãŸãŽåą‹æ•ˇã€ãã‚Œã‹ã‚‰ã‚šãƒˆãƒŠé ˜ãŽåą‹æ•ˇã¨é–ĸé€Ŗæ–Ŋč¨­ã‚‚čĒŋずさせãĻもらうわ」 「ですがそれではäģŠãžã§ã¨åŒã˜ã§ã€į§ãŽį–‘惑が晴れãĒいぞぞãĢ......」 「だから、į–‘æƒ‘ãŒæ™´ã‚Œã‚Œã°čĄ†į›ŽãŽå‰ã§åŽŖč¨€ã—ãĻあげる。゚トナ領įžåŊ“ä¸ģぎį–‘いは晴れたと。そうすればį„ĄåŽŸã¯å‘¨įŸĨされることãĢãĒるでしょ? むしろäģ–ぎ領ä¸ģよりもæŊ”į™Ŋがč¨ŧ明されたことãĢãĒるわ」 「それはありがたいですが......å•éĄŒã¯æ™‚é–“ã§ã™ã€‚äģŠãŽæŽĩ階ですでãĢį–‘惑ぎį›Žã‚’向けられãĻいぞすぎで、領民が逃げå‡ēすようãĢãĒるぞで、もう時間はあぞり掋ãŖãĻいぞせんぎで」 「そこはæ€Ĩãã¨ã—ã‹č¨€ã„ã‚ˆã†ãŒãĒいわね。でもこぎčžēがåĻĨ協į‚šã ã¨ã€į§ã¯æ€ãŖãĻいるんだけお」 ã‚ŗãƒĢテã‚ŖナもそんãĒåŊŧをæ€ĨかすことãĒく、čŋ”äē‹ã‚’åž…ãŖãĻいた。 時間ãĢしも垅ãŖただろうか。ようやくåŊŧã¯č€ƒãˆã‚’įēã‚ã€ã‚ŗãƒĢテã‚ŖナãĢ向きį›´ãŖた。 ã€Œã‚ã‹ã‚Šãžã—ãŸã€‚ãã‚Œã§ãŠéĄ˜ã„ã—ãžã™ã€‚ã§ã™ãŒã€åž´į¨Žæ¨ŠãĢé–ĸしãĻは......」 「そればかりはįžå›ŊįŽ‹ãĢčŠąã‚’é€šã•ãĒいと、おうãĢもãĒらãĒいわね。įžčĄŒãŽæ›¸éĄžã‚’į„ĄåŠšåŒ–し、新čĻãĢį™ēčĄŒã—ãĻもらえばį„ĄčĢ–č§Ŗæąēするけお、それはあãĒたぎįŽĄį†čƒŊ力を問われるäē‹æ…‹ãĢãĒるわよ」 「おãŖãĄãĢしろäģŠã¯åˆå¤ã€‚äŊœį‰ŠãŽåŽįŠĢぎ始ぞるį§‹ãžã§ã¯ãã†å¤§ããĒå•éĄŒãĢはãĒらãĒいでしょう。それぞでãĢおįˆļ上を捕į¸›ã™ã‚‹äē‹ã‚’č€ƒãˆãŸæ–šãŒã„ã„ã‚ã­ã€ 「感情įš„ãĢは垎åĻ™ãĒ気がしぞすが、それしかãĒいですね」 ã‚‚ãĄã‚ã‚“å¤ãĢ収įŠĢするäŊœį‰Šã‚‚あるが、ä¸ģ力とãĒるéēĻはį§‹ãŒæœŦį•Ēだ。 しかしそれとãĻæĨŊčĻŗčĻ–はできãĒい。垴į¨Žã¨ã¯ã‚らゆるもぎãĢかかãŖãĻくる。鍛å†ļã‚„æŽĄæŽ˜ã€å•†åŖ˛ã€čĄŒå•†ã€é€ščĄŒæ–™ãĢ到るぞで、それらぎ収į›Šã™ã‚‰äģŠã¯å›žåŽã§ããĒいįŠļæŗãĒぎだ。 åŧˇåˆļįš„ãĢįˆĩäŊã‚’æŠŧしäģ˜ã‘られ、旨ãŋぎある場所だけåŧˇåĨĒしãĻé€ƒã’ã‚‰ã‚ŒãŸã¨ã¯č¨€ãˆã€č˛´æ—ã¨ã‚‚ãĒã‚‹ã¨ããŽč¨€ã„č¨ŗは通į”¨ã—ãĒい。 それができãĒい場合、åŊŧãĢはčēĢ内ぎæĨをå‡Ļį†ã§ããĒいį„ĄčƒŊã¨č¨€ã†ãƒŦッテãƒĢをč˛ŧられãĻしぞう。 「ぞãŖãŸãč˛´æ—ãŖãĻぎはéĸ倒ãĒ......」 「äŋēもäģŠ......つくãĨくそう思ãŖたよ」 äŋēã‚„ãƒŸã‚ˇã‚§ãƒĢãĄã‚ƒã‚“ãŒč˛´æ—ãĢ取りčžŧぞれたら、そういうéĸ倒が降りかかãŖãĻくるようãĢãĒるぎだ。
For the time being, I understood what Donovan wanted. Basically, he was claiming that everything was done by his father. In other words, none of it was related to him, the current lord. A father that left the son in mud, and a son that cast his father aside to save himself. It wasn’t something to call cruel or dirty – that’s simply how nobles acted. He took part in the kidnapping of the king of another kingdom and the attempted usurpation, so normally, not just his son but his entire household would be put to blame. So Donovan trying to depend on his sole connection, that is, me, to get out of that situation was a natural course of action. Naturally, our connection was not deep in any way, but he was grasping at the straws at this point. But the truth was, there was nothing for me to gain by putting that blame on Donovan. Rather, by winning his favor here, it could prove to be extremely valuable in the future. I was a unique existence in this world, while Michelle was a dependable war power. What the two of us needed was some kind of backing. If we lacked that, someone influential might try to make use of us. Of course, we had an influential person like Lyell, but at the end of the day, he was just one person. We would be better off also having a backer in politics. If I were to ask Elliot to do that, I feared it would eventually lead us to be incorporated into the United Nations. And there came Donovan in the picture. He was the current Lord of the Stolla domain. The peerage of Margrave was one influential enough to hold rights to the military formation. He had presently lost the economic strength to maintain such an army, but everything would work out as long as we fixed that. People that were too close to the Raum’s center like Letina or Maxwell would not be too convenient for us as backers. So a Margrave was a really convenient choice. Winning his favor here would prove very useful. “I—” “I heard everything!” . I was about to say that, but the door behind me was busted open with those words that interrupted mine. The counseling door had no windows on it so nothing broke, but due to the powerful push, the door went out of its rails and collapsed inwards. Fortunately, no one was standing there at the moment, but it was nonetheless dangerous. “Cortina, that was dangerous.” “Sorry, sorry, I put a little too much strength in that.” She went to fix the door while apologizing. It was quite a sad sight, too pathetic for someone like a Hero. Not that I was in any position to say that. After grappling with the door for a while and finally returning it to normal, she dusted off her suit, and once again turned towards us and said. “Leaving that aside, I heard your talk!” “Yeah, I know.” I used to be the world’s best scout that was part of the Six Heroes. I could easily spot some amateur straining their ears at the door. But my answer made her turn dejected for some reason. The reason I let her be was that by doing that she prevented the other students from doing the same. “Anyway, as Nicole said, we can’t decide based on what you told us alone. We first have to confirm whether you are really not trying to shelter the previous Margrave.” “I... What should I do?” “For now, let us investigate your mansion, then the Stolla mansion and all related facilities.” “But that way the doubt regarding me would not go away...” “I am saying that if we manage to clear our suspicions, we will declare it in front of the public that the Lord of Stolla is innocent. If we do that, it would become common knowledge, right? You would be considered more innocent than any other Lord at that point.” “I would be grateful if you do that, but... The problem is the time. I am already viewed with suspicion so it is only a matter of time until my population leaves me, and there’s not much left of that time.” “I can only suggest that we hurry it up then. But I think we can find a common ground here.” Donovan meekly lowered his head at Cortina’s words. He was probably weighing his losses and gains, as well as the time left until his people would lose trust in him. Cortina did not try to hurry him up and quietly awaited his answer. About five minutes passed after that. Having finally collected his thoughts, he once again faced Cortina. “Understood. Please do that. However, as for the tax collection...” “That cannot be resolved without the intervention of the present king. The current certificate has to be annulled and reissued to fix everything, but that would come at the cost of people questioning your administrative ability.” “Either way, it’s early summer now. It should not pose many problems until fall where the harvest of the crop happens. You should hope that your father gets arrested before then.” “I feel complicated about that, but that seems to be my only choice.” Of course, there were some crops that they harvested during the summer, but the mainline was the fall harvest, in the end. Even so, it was not something to be optimistic about. Taxation involved many things other than that. At present, he could not collect any earnings from blacksmithing, mining, businesses, peddlers, or even the toll. While the peerage was forcibly pushed on him all while his father pillaged everything valuable from him, that excuse would not work in the noble society. Instead, making that excuse would deepen the mud on his name. Secretly... Would be impossible, but he had to handle it as quickly as possible. Otherwise, he would be labeled a powerless Lord who couldn’t even solve the disgrace caused by his own relatives. “Good grief, nobles are such a pain...” “I am... wholeheartedly of the same opinion.” Donovan surprisingly agreed to my idle grumble. If Michelle and I got rolled up into the affairs of the noble, we would find ourselves surrounded by these kinds of troubles.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 12, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
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æ°‘čĄ†ã‚ˆã€čĄ—ãĢæˆģるがいい!」 æˆĻįĨžã‚ĸãƒŦクãĢ地įĨžãƒžãƒŧãƒĢ。そぎ名ãĢäēŒäēēã¯čžãčĻšãˆãŒã‚ãŖた。 å¤§é™¸å—æąãĢあるæ­Ļぎå›Ŋ、暗æŽē者ãƒŦイドをčŧŠå‡ēしたã‚ĸãƒŦクマãƒŧãƒĢå‰ŖįŽ‹å›Ŋぎį”ąæĨとãĒãŖたįĨžã€…ぎ名である。 千嚴ぎ昔、į ´æˆ’įĨžãƒĻãƒŧãƒĒとéĸ¨įĨžãƒã‚šã‚ŋãƒŧãƒĢã¨å…ąãĢ世į•Œæ¨šãĢ上り、魔įŽ‹ã‚’倒したとされãĻいるįĨžã€…だ。 そんãĒとんでもãĒいäē‹åŽŸã‚’įĒãã¤ã‘られ、思わずã‚ĩãƒĒã‚ĢãŸãĄã¯éĄ”ã‚’čĻ‹åˆã‚ã›ã‚‹ã€‚ 魔įĨžãŽæ­ģäŊ“だけが掋された港をčĻ‹ãĻã€č¨€č‘‰ã‚‚ãĒくįĢ‹ãĄå°Ŋくすéŋé›Ŗæ°‘ãŸãĄã€‚ そんãĒ中、įœŸãŖ先ãĢ我を取りæˆģしたぎは、やはりã‚ĩãƒĒã‚ĢだãŖた。 「と、とãĢかくåĩ察隊をįˇ¨æˆã—ãĻ! 魔įĨžãŒčĄ—中ãĢ掋ãŖãĻいãĒいかįĸēčĒã—ãĒいと!?」 ã‚ĩãƒĒã‚ĢはそこãĢ思いč‡ŗり、åŗåē§ãĢčĄ—ãŽåŽ‰å…¨ã‚’įĸēčĒã™ã‚‹ãŸã‚ãĢ指į¤ēをéŖ›ã°ã™ã€‚ ◇◆◇◆◇ æˆĻįĨžã‚’名䚗ãŖた少嚴はčļŗæ—ŠãĢæ¸¯čĄ—ã‚’å‡ēãĻ、そぎぞぞ北をį›ŽæŒ‡ã—ãĻいた。 「あãƒŧあ、せãŖかく䚅しãļりãĢäēē里ãĢ降りãĻきたãŖãĻぎãĢ、こぎ騒動だもんãĒぁ」 「むしろ騒動がčĩˇããĻã‚‹ã‹ã‚‰ã€ã‚ãŸã—ãŸãĄãŒå‡ēãĻきãĻるんだよ?」 「ãƒĻãƒŧãƒĒ姉はé ģįšãĢéĄ”ã‚’å‡ēしãĻるãŋたいじゃãĒい?」 「ぞぁ、ãƒĻãƒŧãƒĒさんだから......」 愚į—´ãŖãŊく不åšŗをæŧã‚‰ã™å°‘嚴ぎå§ŋは、先ãģお魔įĨžã‚’ä¸€čš´ã—ãŸé”äēēとは思えãĒいくらい、子䞛ãŖãŊい。 æˆĻįĨžã‚ĸãƒŦクはį ´æˆ’įĨžãƒĻãƒŧãƒĒã¨å…ąãĢ世į•Œæ¨šãŽčŋˇåŽŽã‚’踏į ´ã—たįĨžã¨ã—ãĻ有名だ。 「ãƒĻãƒŧãƒĒさんもäģŠã¯æ‰‹ãŒé›ĸせãĒいãŋãŸã„ã ã‹ã‚‰ã€ã‚ãŸã—ãŸãĄãŒããĄã‚“ã¨ã—ãĒいと」 「ãƒĻãƒŧãƒĒ姉をå‡ēし抜くとか、怖いことするよãĒぁ。įĩļ寞ãĒんか反撃されるよ」 「......そう、だね」 ややåŧ•ãæ”ŖãŖãŸéĄ”ã§ãƒžãƒŧãƒĢãŒé ˇãã€‚ 「それより、北ぎ斚は大丈å¤ĢかãĒ?」 魔įĨžãŽįž¤ã‚ŒãŽį™ēį”Ÿæēã§ã‚る北部三かå›Ŋé€Ŗ合は、かãĒã‚Šåąé™ēãĒįŠļæŗã‚‰ã—ã„ã¨čžã„ãĻいる。 「ãƒŦヴã‚Ŗさんがいるから大丈å¤Ģだろ。é‚ĒįĢœé¨’動ぎ時ãĢäēēを動かせるようãĢãŖãĻ北ãĢåą…åē§ãŖãĻたãŋたいだし」 「それãŖãĻいいぎかãĒぁ?」 įĨžã€…はäēēぎå–ļãŋãĢは手をå‡ēさãĒいという不文型があãŖた。 įŠæĨĩįš„ãĢトナブãƒĢãĢ手をå‡ēすというわけではãĒく、あくぞでäēēæč‚˛æˆã‚„æˆĻčĄ“æ•™å°ŽãĒおをį›Žįš„ã¨ã—ãŸåš˛æ¸‰ã§ã‚ã‚‹ã€‚ ãƒĢãƒŧãƒĢãĢæŠĩč§ĻするゎãƒĒã‚ŽãƒĒをæ”ģめãĻã„ã‚‹ã¨ã‚‚č¨€ãˆãŸã€‚ 「äģŠã¯åŒ—ぎ斚でゎãƒĢドマ゚ã‚ŋãƒŧをやãŖãĻいるんだãŖけ?」 「寞魔įĨžæˆĻčĄ“ã¨ã‹č¨€ãŖãĻ、į ´åŸŽæ§Œã‚’搔き集めãĻãŸã‚ˆã€‚ã‚ã¨č…•åˆŠããŽå†’é™ēč€…ã‚‚ã€ 「ãƒŦヴã‚ŖさんãĢ振り回される冒é™ēč€…ã•ã‚“ã‚‚å¯å“€æƒŗ」 æ ŧã§č¨€ãˆã°ã€æŧ‚įĨžãƒŦヴã‚ŖはåŊŧらよりもéĢ˜ã„。 「あとčĨŋ側はマãƒĒエãƒŧãƒĢさんだãŖけ?」 「うん。ぞぁ大čģį›¸æ‰‹ãĒらäŋēãŸãĄã‚ˆã‚Šã¯å‘ã„ãĻるさ」 「じゃあ北ãĢ向かãŖãĻいるぎは、ãƒŦヴã‚Ŗさんぎフりロãƒŧぎためね?」 「ãƒŦヴã‚Ŗさんというか、ãƒŦヴã‚ŖさんãĢ振り回されãĻいるであろう冒é™ēč€…ãŽãŸã‚ã ãĒ」 「ãĒらæ€ĨいであげãĒいと可哀æƒŗ」 気配をæļˆã—、æ•ĩãŽčƒŒåžŒã‚’å–ã‚‹é”äēēã¨ã„ã†æã‚ã—ã„æŠ€čĄ“ã‚’æŒãŖãĻいãĒがら、æˆĻいäģĨ外ではそんãĒį´ æŒ¯ã‚Šã‚’一切čĻ‹ã›ãĒい。 そういう意å‘ŗでは、åŊŧåĨŗはおそらくこぎ世į•Œã§ã‚‚有数ぎ暗æŽēč€…ã ã‚ã†ã€‚ 「噂ぎニã‚ŗãƒĢãŖãĻ娘よりも、怖いかもãĒぁ」 「ã‚ĸãƒŦクくん、äŊ•ã‹č¨€ãŖた?」 「......いや、äŊ•ã§ã‚‚ãĒいよ」 čžã“ãˆãĒいようãĢ言ãŖたつもりãĒぎãĢ、č€ŗčĄãčžãã¤ã‘ãĻきたåŊŧåĨŗãĢã€å†ˇã‚„æą—ã‚’æĩã—ãĒがらčŋ”す。 ◇◆◇◆◇ ナã‚ĻムæŖŽįŽ‹å›Ŋ、äŋé¤Šåœ°ã€‚ 渊æŗ‰ã§æœ‰åãĒこぎį”ēãĢも、魔įĨžãŽč„…威はæŠŧし寄せãĻいた。 かつãĻニã‚ŗãƒĢãĢå‘Ŋを救われた少嚴、マイキãƒŧã‚‚é˜˛čĄ›æˆĻãĢ駆りå‡ēされãĻいた。 「くãŖそ、反則ãŋたいãĒé€Ŗ中だãĒ......」 åŊŧぎ手ãĢは柄ぞで鉄でできた槍があãŖたぎだが、そぎ柄はすでãĢæŠ˜ã‚Œæ›˛ãŒãŖãĻいた。 そぎ間åˆĨぎ冒é™ēč€…ãŒå‰įˇšã‚’受け持ãŖãĻã„ãŸãŒã€é•ˇãã¯æŒãĄãã†ãĢãĒい。 「あいつãĒã‚‰ã€æŒãĄã“ãŸãˆã‚‹ã‚“ã ã‚ã†ãĒ......」 かつãĻæ¨Ąæ“ŦæˆĻをしたことがあるクナã‚Ļドぎå§ŋを思いæĩŽã‹ãšã‚‹ã€‚ 「くそ、もう大丈å¤Ģだ、äē¤äģŖしãĻくれ!」 「いいぎか!?」 「構わãĒい!」 万全とはいいがたいįŠļ態で前ãĢå‡ēるマイキãƒŧ。クナã‚ĻドãĢ寞するåŠŖį­‰æ„ŸãŒã€åŊŧをį„Ļį‡ĨãĢ駆りįĢ‹ãĻãĻいた。 だがäģŖわりãĢ借り受けた槍は木čŖŊぎ柄で、魔įĨžãŽå‰Ŗを受けæ­ĸめるãĢは到åē•čļŗりãĒい。 「ぐあãŖ!?」 「マイキãƒŧ!」 č‚ēã‚’å‚ˇäģ˜ã‘られることはéŋã‘ã‚‰ã‚ŒãŸãŒã€č‚‹éĒ¨ãĢãƒ€ãƒĄãƒŧã‚¸ã‚’č˛ ã„ã€å‘ŧ吸がぞぞãĒらãĒくãĒãŖãĻしぞう。 æ­ģを垅つばかりぎマイキãƒŧãĢįĩļ望ぎåŖ°ã‚’上げる冒é™ēč€…ãŸãĄã€‚ パキãƒŗã¨é‡‘åąžãŒå‰˛ã‚Œã‚‹ã‚ˆã†ãĒéŸŗã¨å…ąãĢ、čĻ–į•ŒãŒį™Ŋく染ぞる。 「é‚Ē魔ですから、垌ろãĢ下がãŖãĻいただけぞす?」 æ°ˇã‚’č¸ãŋå‰˛ã‚ŠãĒがら、グナマナ゚ãĒč‚ĸäŊ“ぎåĨŗ性がマイキãƒŧぎそばぞで歊ãŋ寄る。 čąĒåĨĸãĒåˇģき毛を持つåĨŗ性は魔įĨžã‚’一įžĨし、éŧģをéŗ´ã‚‰ã—た。 「ぎんãŗり隠遁į”Ÿæ´ģをしゃれこんでいぞしたぎãĢã€é¨’ã€…ã—ã„čŠąã§ã™ã‚ã­ã€ č­Ļ戒する魔įĨžã‚’ä¸€éĄ§ã ãĢせず、åŊŧåĨŗã¯čƒŒåžŒãŽå†’é™ēč€…ãŸãĄãĢ撤退をäŋƒã—た。 「ここはį§ãŒåŧ•ãå—けぞすから、あãĒãŸãŸãĄã¯æ‘ãĢお帰りãĒさいãĒ」 「村......? いや、それよりあんたは?」 ããŽč¨€č‘‰ãŽé¸ãŗæ–šãĢį–‘å•ã‚’æŒãĄã¤ã¤ã€ãƒžã‚¤ã‚­ãƒŧはåĨŗ性ãĢčĒžã‚ŠæŽ›ã‘た。 「į§ã¯ãƒžãƒĒエãƒŧãƒĢãƒģブナãƒŗã‚ˇã‚§ã€‚æ°´įĨžã‚¨ã‚¤ãƒĢとå‘ŧãļäēēもいぞすわね」 周čžēを水ぎåĩãŒåˇģきčĩˇã“り、įļšã‘様ãĢå†ˇæ°—ãŒåšãäģ˜ã‘る。 そぎ惨劇をį›Žæ’ƒã—たマイキãƒŧは頭がįœŸãŖį™ŊãĢãĒã‚Šã€ãŸã ã†ã‚č¨€ãŽã‚ˆã†ãĢåŖ°ã‚’æŧã‚‰ã™ã€‚ 「įĨž......様......?」 「そうį”ŗしぞしたわよ? ãģら、æ€Ē我はもうæ˛ģしぞしたからįĢ‹ãŖãĻくださいぞし」 æ°´įĨžãĢ告げられ、マイキãƒŧは初めãĻč‡Ēåˆ†ãŽčƒ¸ãŽå‚ˇãŒåŽŒæ˛ģしãĻいることãĢ気がäģ˜ã„た。 「あ、ありがとうございぞす」 「おį¤ŧは受け取ãŖãĻおきぞすわ。į´ į›´ãĒ子はåĨŊきですぎ。ãģら、さãŖã•ã¨čĄŒããĒさい」 ããŽæ°—é…ã‚’čƒŒãĢ感じ、マイキãƒŧは一äŊ“äŊ•ãŒčĩˇããĻいるぎかとæˆĻ慄した。
In the Matara Alliance, offshore. Due to the commander’s injury, Celica Helion and Zanastia Amamiya, who were suddenly entrusted with the command of the defense force, gazed at the city with mixed emotions. Following the teachings of their high school classmate, Nicole, they concluded that they couldn’t defeat the Devils. As a result, they prioritized the evacuation of civilians and the military, leading to the abandonment of the city. They managed to minimize human casualties, which, for two recently graduated from the academy, was a significant achievement. However, they couldn’t celebrate the outcome of abandoning their hometown with open arms. Three Devils loomed offshore, staring at the city’s harbor. Only three Devils, and yet, it was these mere three that led to the city’s defeat. They clench their fists until their knuckles turn white, suppressing their anger at this fact. “Target all cannons at the Devils in the harbor, but do not fire,” Celica ordered calmly, considering the possibility of pursuit. No soldier questioned her orders anymore. They knew that without the two’s guidance, the extent of the damage would have been immeasurable. “Yes, understood.” Firing upon the Devils prematurely might provoke them, potentially leading to a protracted naval battle against these uncertain adversaries. Aiming the cannons was merely a show of force. The Devils should’ve understood the disadvantage of fighting at sea, so the instruction was issued under the assumption that the Devils wouldn’t pursue them. “The question is how much damage the city will suffer.” “Zanas...” “No, we can rebuild as long as people are safe. I understand that, but...” “For now, we should be glad that everyone is safe.” Celica returned a resentful gaze to the Devils staring at them from the harbor. For someone as mild-mannered as her, it was an unusually intense look. “The problem is how to deal with those Devils.” “It would be nice if they just went somewhere else.” “Someone defeating it would be appreciated, as there’s a possibility it might come back. But can the Adventurer’s Guild handle it?” “It might be difficult right away; it was a sudden attack.” The Adventurer’s Guild itself had also moved to the evacuation ships. There shouldn’t be a single soul left in the city now. If anyone remained, the Devils would likely head there. Even if adventurers capable of opposing the Devils appeared elsewhere or means to defeat them were developed, there would be no city to accommodate them. It would take a considerable amount of time for information to reach the evacuation ships offshore. “The problem is food and water, right? How much did we manage to load?” “About three days’ worth. Even with rationing, it won’t last a week.” Having evacuated the entire city, there were quite a few magicians who could magically purify seawater for drinking. However, the shortage of food was critical. Given the lack of time to load supplies, securing three days’ worth was considered a success. However, within three days, it seemed unlikely that they could expect help from elsewhere. It would take well over three days for anyone to learn about the crisis in this city, prepare, and comprehend the current situation. Moreover, there was no guarantee that the Devil attack was exclusive to this city. If other cities were under attack, the relief effort would be further delayed. “This is tough.” With a grinding sound, Celica forced the words out. Faced with the helpless reality, she realized that gritting her teeth was the only option. At that moment, the Devils suddenly shifted their gaze in another direction. Clearly diverting their attention from the evacuation ships, they focused on a narrow alley. From that alley, a boy appeared. Even from a distance, it was evident that he was a young boy from his slim figure. On his back, he carried a giant sword taller than himself. When the boy saw the Devils, he silently readied the sword on his back. The boy took the initiative. Despite watching from the sea, Celica couldn’t perceive the start of his movement. In hindsight, the boy’s movements weren’t exceptionally fast – a speed the Devils should easily handle. However, everyone who watched him couldn’t recognize his movements. It was like he slipped through the gaps in consciousness, moving smoothly. The Devils seemed equally unaware, unable to defend against a powerful strike directly to the front from the boy, hitting them without any means of defense. The Devil, impervious to swords and spears, was effortlessly cleaved in two by the boy’s strike, as if slicing through soft fruit, much to the astonishment of Celica and the others watching from a distance. Seeing their comrade being bisected without any resistance as if it was predetermined finally prompted the other Devils to react. One Devil circled to the right, attempting a thrust as if to restrain the boy. However, he effortlessly deflected it and countered with a powerful kick that shattered the Devil’s knee due to the significant size difference. Grabbing the destabilized Devil’s other arm, the boy executed a throw, rolling him to the ground. With a swift motion, he thrust the sword into the Devil’s throat, delivering the finishing blow. The remaining Devil, wary of the boy’s strength, cautiously distanced itself. The boy lowered his sword lazily, extending his left hand provocatively. Unable to discern his intention, the Devil crouched down, readjusted its stance, and raised its sword in a defensive posture. Suddenly, a blade pierced through the Devil’s chest. “Gua...?” The Devil, witnessing the phenomenon, uttered a bewildered sound. The blade rotated halfway, seeming to extract its essence with a probing motion before exiting from the back. Abruptly, a girl appeared behind the Devil, her beautiful appearance somewhat lacking in impression. Observing from the ship, Celica and the others noticed a strange fact. They were quite a distance away from the shore now. At the very least, it was far enough that a normal conversation shouldn’t have reached them. And yet, the voices of the Devil and the serene girl reached their ears. “Huh? What’s happening...?” Baffled by this mysterious phenomenon, Celica instinctively looked at Zanastia beside her. Zanastia, too, placed a hand on her ear, returning a puzzled gaze. As if in response to their confusion, the boy from the harbor raised his voice. “The Devils of this city have been defeated by the War God Alec and the Earth God Marle! People, you may return to the city!” War God Alec and Earth God Marle. The names resonated with both of them. No one in this world would be unfamiliar with these names. They were the names of the gods that originated from the Alecmarle Sword Kingdom, a martial nation in the southeast of the continent known for producing the assassin Reid. A thousand years ago, they, along with the God of Destruction Yuuri and the Wind God Hastur, ascended the World Tree and defeated the Demon King. These gods were said to have ascended to godhood based on their achievements during that time, and the land where they were born was named after them. The legendary gods, now present right before their eyes, confronted Celica and Zanastia with an unbelievable reality. Faced with such an astounding fact, the two couldn’t help but exchange glances. However, the boy and the girl at the harbor left the scene without answering their unspoken questions. The only remnants were the lifeless bodies of the Devils strewn across the harbor, leaving the evacuees standing in silence. Amidst the confusion, Celica was the first to regain her composure. “A-Anyway, form a reconnaissance team! We need to confirm if any Devils are still lurking in the city!” There was no time to stand there in bewilderment. Celica realized this and promptly issued instructions to ensure the city’s safety. ◇◆◇◆◇ The boy who claimed to be the War God swiftly left the harbor city, heading north. Accompanying him was a girl who identified herself as the Earth Mother Goddess. “Ah geez, just when I came down to the human world after a long time, this uproar happens.” “Actually, we can only come out because there was an uproar, you know?” “Doesn’t big sis Yuuri pop up here all the time?” “Well, that’s because it’s Yuuri, after all...” The boy, complaining with a tone of discontent, seemed surprisingly childish compared to the master who had just defeated Devils moments ago. The girl, chiding him, also appeared quite young, giving off the impression of siblings playfully interacting. War God Alec was famous as a god who, along with the God of Destruction Yuuri, conquered the labyrinth of the World Tree. Marle, too, was one of the gods who accompanied them. As former comrades, their relationship was excellent, and Yuuri, in particular, treated them like beloved siblings. “Yuuri seems to be quite busy now, so we need to handle things properly.” “Trying to outsmart big sis Yuuri, they’re doing something really scary there. She’ll definitely retaliate somehow.” “...Yeah, you’re right.” Marle nodded with a slightly strained expression. “More importantly, is everything okay in the north?” They had heard that the Northern Alliance, the origin of the Devil horde, was in a considerably perilous situation. They had heard that their comrade, the Drifting God Levi, had gone to handle it. “Levi is there, so it should be fine. It seems like she stayed in the north during the Evil Dragon strife to be able to mobilize people.” “Is that really okay?” There was an unwritten rule among the gods that they shouldn’t interfere with human affairs. This rule led them to live relatively isolated lives, avoiding extensive interaction with humans. In contrast to them, the Drifting God Levi actively immersed herself in human society. Her involvement was not about actively meddling in troubles but rather interference with the purpose of talent development and tactical instruction. One could say she was pushing the boundaries, just shy of violating the rules. “Isn’t she currently acting as the guild master in the north?” “Yep, she brought up some anti-Devil tactics and started gathering siege hammers and recruiting skilled adventurers.” “Oh the poor adventurers getting manipulated by her.” In terms of status, the Drifting God Levi was higher than them. Normally, making jests about her would not be tolerated. However, Levi herself had a personality that didn’t care about such things, making her an easy target for playful banter. “And on the west side, it should be Marielle, right?” “Yeah. Well, she’s more suited to dealing with large armies than us.” “So, are we heading north to support Levi?” “More accurately, the adventurers who are probably being tossed around by her.” “In that case, we should hurry; it would be pitiful otherwise.” With a modest and warm smile, she moved forward in front of the War God. Despite possessing a terrifying skill set of concealing her presence and seizing enemies from behind, she never displayed such traits outside of battle. In that sense, she was probably one of the top assassins in this world. “Maybe she’s scarier than that rumored girl Nicole.” “Alec, did you say something?” “...No, it’s nothing.” Even though he thought he spoke too quietly to be heard, she picked it up with her keen ears. Alec responded with a nervous sweat, quickly overtaking her again, ensuring his face remained hidden, and swiftly headed towards the north. ◇◆◇◆◇ The Forest Kingdom of Raum, at the health resort. Even in this town famous for its hot springs, the threat of Devils was looming. Adventurers and elves fought back with bows and magic, but it was clear that their efforts were falling short. Mikey, the young boy whose life was once saved by Nicole, was also thrust into the defensive battle. “Darn it, these guys are like cheaters...” In his hands was a spear made entirely of iron, but the shaft was already bent. It was the result of thrusting it into a Devil and receiving a counterattack. He stepped back momentarily and received a replacement spear. Meanwhile, another adventurer took over the frontline, but it seemed unlikely that they would last long. “If it’s him, he could hold his ground...” Mikey recalled the figure of Cloud, with whom he had once engaged in a mock battle. With Cloud’s robust defense, enduring the attacks of the Devils seemed possible. This thought stimulated Mikey’s pride. “Damn it, I’m fine now, switch with me!” “Are you sure!?” “It’s fine!” Mikey stepped forward in a less-than-ideal condition. His sense of inferiority to Cloud drove him to impatience. However, the spear he borrowed as a replacement had a wooden shaft and was insufficient to withstand the Devil’s sword. It was snapped with a single blow, leaving him with a deep wound in his chest. “Gaah!?” “Mikey!” Though he managed to avoid damage to his lungs, Mikey sustained rib injuries that left him unable to breathe properly. The Devil raised its sword over Mikey, who was immobilized as a result. Adventurers shouted in despair for Mikey, who could only await his fate. In this seemingly hopeless situation, a cool voice shattered the despair. With a sound resembling the breaking of metal, the field turned white. No, the surroundings were sealed by ice. “You are in the way, so could I ask you to back off?” Crushing the ice beneath her feet, a woman with a glamorous figure approached Mikey. The woman, with luxurious curly hair, glanced at the Devil and snorted. “I was enjoying a leisurely life of seclusion, and now it has become so noisy.” The Devil, wary of the sudden appearance of the woman, raised its dual swords. Ignoring the wary Devil, the woman urged the adventurers behind her to retreat. “I shall take care of this, so all of you should return to the village.” “The village...? No, more importantly, who are you?” The town, famous for its hot springs, was no longer a village in size. With doubts about the choice of words, Mikey addressed the woman. Looking down at Mikey, the woman proudly declared, “I am Marielle Blanche. Some also call me the Water Goddess Eir.” With a wave of her arm, she activated a spell or rather... magic. A storm of water surged around, followed by a blast of cold air. The Devil’s outer layer froze in an instant, and without a chance to resist, it was shattered. Witnessing this gruesome spectacle, Mikey’s mind went blank, and he muttered incomprehensibly. “A... God...?” “Yes, that is what I said. Come now, your injuries are healed, so please stand.” Upon hearing the Water Goddess’ words, Mikey realized for the first time that the wound on his chest had completely healed. For a moment, he thought the injury was just a dream as he looked at his unscathed chest. However, the damaged chest plate served as a reminder that it was indeed real. “Th-thank you.” “I shall accept your gratitude. I like honest children. Now, go on, do not linger.” Nodding meekly at the Water Goddess’ words, Mikey turned away so as not to be a hindrance. Soon after, a chilling wind swept through the deep forest of Raum, freezing it so much that even the air seemed to solidify. Feeling the presence behind him, Mikey shuddered, wondering what exactly was happening. At the very least, he understood that a situation beyond his comprehension was unfolding.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 3, "inserted_lines_src": 59, "inserted_lines_trg": 3 }
äģŠæ—Ĩ、įŽ‹éƒŊãĢ母さんがやãŖãĻæĨる。ãĒぜ、こんãĒæ€ĨãĢ母さんがやãŖãĻくるぎかといえば、čŋ‘æŗã‚’įŸĨらせた手į´™ãŽã›ã„ãĒぎだ。äŋēは厚期įš„ãĢ母さん達ãĢ手į´™ã‚’送ãŖãĻいる。įˆļさんも母さんも子䞛達だけでįŽ‹éƒŊで暎らすことãĢすごくåŋƒé…ã—ãĻいた。だから、小ぞめãĢ手į´™ã‚’送ãŖãĻ厉åŋƒã•ã›ãĻいたぎだ。そぎ手į´™ãŽã‚„り取りぎ中でついåē—ぎįĩŒå–ļãĢついãĻ愚į—´ã‚’書いãĻしぞãŖた。 すると、母さんが「åē—ぎå¸ŗį°ŋを送ãŖãĻくれ」と手į´™ãĢ書いãĻきたからå¸ŗį°ŋを送ãŖたんだけお......。 ãĒんかそれがぞずかãŖたらしい。 が母さんをčŋŽãˆãĢいãŖãĻいるぎだ。母さん、手į´™ã§ã¯åˆ‡įžŊčŠ°ãžãŖたようãĒ感じだãŖたけお、杞憂ãĒんだよね。もう、åē—ぎįĩŒå–ļãĢついãĻã¯å•éĄŒãĒい。ドãƒĒãƒĨã‚ĸ゚君ぎã‚ĸイデã‚ĸぎおかげでåē—ã‚‚æŒãĄį›´ã™ã¯ãšã ã€‚母さんがåŋƒé…ã™ã‚‹ã“とはãĒいぎãĢ......。 ぞぁ、いいや。䚅しãļりãĢ母さんãĢäŧšãˆã‚‹ãŽã ã€‚æĨŊしãŋãĢは違いãĒい。おåē—ãŽčŠąã¯ã™ããĢįĩ‚わらせãĻ、čĻĒ子でå›ŖæŦ’といこうではãĒいか。 で、そろそろį€ãã¨æ€ã†ã‚“だけお......。 すると、遠くからéĻŦčģŠãŽéŸŗãŒčžã“ãˆãĻきた。 åē—ぎ外へとéŖ›ãŗå‡ēす。そこãĢはéĻŦčģŠã‹ã‚‰éĄ”ã‚’å‡ēす懐かしき母さんぎå§ŋがあãŖた。 「母さん!」 æ€ã‚ãšæ¯ã•ã‚“ãŽã‚‚ã¨ã¸ã¨é§†ã‘å¯„ã‚ŠæŠąæ“ã™ã‚‹ã€‚ 「テã‚ŖãƒŦã‚ĸ、䚅しãļりね。元気ãĢしãĻた?」 「うん、į§ã‚‚テã‚Ŗムも元気だよ」 ãĩぁあ、母さんだ、䚅しãļりãĢį”˜ãˆãĄã‚ƒã†ãžã€‚æ¯ã•ã‚“ãŽãŠčƒ¸ãĢすりすりする。わぁい、柔くãĻあãŖたかい。それãĢ懐かしい母さんぎ匂いだ。くんくん。 「や、やぁ。テã‚ŖãƒŦã‚ĸãĄã‚ƒã‚“ã€äš…ã—ãļり!」 ぞãŖたく、įŠē気čĒ­ã‚ãŖãĻぎ! äŋēと母さんぎ憊いぎ時間だよ。ã‚ŋイミãƒŗグをčĻ‹ãĻよね。 はį¨ãžã‚Œã‚‹ã¨æ€ãŖãĻいãĒかãŖãŸãŽã‹ã€å›°æƒ‘éĄ”ã§į‹ŧį‹ŊえãĻいた。 はčēĢ銭を切ãŖãĻ母さんぎ送りčŋŽãˆã‚’しãĻくれたぎだ。そこãĢ下åŋƒãŒã‚るかおうかはåˆĨãĢしãĻ、おį¤ŧãã‚‰ã„ã¯č¨€ã‚ãĒいといけãĒいね。 「ビã‚ģフさん、母さんをčŋŽãˆãĢæĨãĻくれãĻありがとうございぞす」 「いやいや、大したことしãĻãĒいよ」 「そんãĒことãĒいです。劊かりぞした」 「いいãŖãĻ、いいãŖãĻ。おうせ、äŋēはįŽ‹éƒŊãĢæĨるį”¨äē‹ãŒã‚ãŖたしね」 「į”¨äē‹?」 「あぁ。原はね、äŋēもįŽ‹éƒŊãĢäŊã‚€ã“とãĢãĒãŖたんだ」 「えぇ、そうãĒんですか!」 「ãĩãĩ、銚いたかい。これからäŊ•ã‹ä¸åŽ‰ãŒã‚れば、いつでもäŋēをé ŧãŖãĻくれãĻいいんだからね」 「はは......そうですか」 よ。ãĻめãƒŧぎæ­ŖäŊ“は、ばãŖãĄã‚Šã‚ã‹ãŖãĻいるんだ。äŊ•ãŒæ‚˛ã—ゅうãĻ、あんたをé ŧらãĒくãĻはãĒらãŦ。もうね、あんたãĢé ŧるぐらいãĒらč‡Ē分でč§Ŗæąēしたãģうが全į„ļぞしãĒぎよ。 äŋēãŒå†ˇã‚ãŸįœŧで 「ビã‚ģフさん、æœŦåŊ“ãĢã‚ã‚ŠãŒã¨ã†ã”ã–ã„ãžã™ã€‚å¨˜ã‚’åŽœã—ããŠéĄ˜ã„ã—ãžã™ã€ ぎところãĢäŋēをåĢãĢå‡ēすãŋたいだから勘åŧã—ãĻよ。 「おįžŠæ¯ã•â€•â€•ã‚´ãƒ›ãƒŗ、ã‚ģãƒŧナさん、äģģせãĻください。テã‚ŖãƒŦã‚ĸãĄã‚ƒã‚“ã¨ãƒ†ã‚Ŗãƒ ãĄã‚ƒã‚“ã¯äŋēが厈りぞす」 おい、äģŠã€ãĒんãĻč¨€ãŠã†ã¨ã—ãŸ? もうäŋēぎå¤Ģ気取りか! ――ãŖãĻ母さんもæœĒæĨぎ息子ãŋたいãĒįœŧを それから はäŋēとčĻĒå…ŦčĒãŽäģ˛ãĢãĒãŖたと思ãŖたぎか、上抟åĢŒã§å‡ēãĻ行ãŖた。čģŊく゚キップをしãĻいるし......。 よ。äģŠåžŒã€ã‚‚ã—å‹˜é•ã„ã—ãŸčĄŒå‹•ã‚’å–ã‚ã†ã‚‚ãŽãĒら厚čĩĻãĒく鉄æ‹ŗを振るうから。ぞじだよ。 そしãĻã€ã—ã°ã—ãŽæ¯å¨˜ãŽæŠąæ“åžŒã€æ¯ã•ã‚“ãŒæœŦéĄŒã‚’åˆ‡ã‚Šå‡ēしãĻきた。 「テã‚ŖãƒŦã‚ĸ、å¸ŗį°ŋはčĻ‹ã›ãĻもらãŖたわ」 ã€Œãžã€ãžãã€ãĄã‚‡ãŖとčļŗがå‡ēãĄã‚ƒãŖたけお、大丈å¤Ģã€‚ãĄã‚ƒã‚“ã¨æŒŊ回į­–ã‚‚č€ƒãˆãĻあるんだよ。äŊ•ã‚ˆã‚Šį§ãŽæ–™į†ãŽč…•ã¯å¤Šã‚“だから」 「あ、あãĒた、あぎčĩ¤å­—ãŒãĄã‚‡ãŖとですãŖãĻ! ãĩざけるんじゃありぞせん。ãĒんでもãŖと旊くį›¸čĢ‡ã—ãĒかãŖたぎ!」 「ご、ごめんãĒã•ã„ã€‚ã§ã‚‚ã­ã€äžĄæ ŧč¨­åŽšã¨ã‹įĢ‹åœ°æĄäģļã¨ã‹č‰˛ã€…č€ƒãˆãĻ――」 「テã‚ŖãƒŦã‚ĸ、もうそんãĒæŽĩ階じゃãĒい。手遅れよ」 「そ、そんãĒことãĒいよ。įĸēかãĢ数千万ゴãƒŧãƒĢドぎčĩ¤å­—ã‚’čŋ”すぎは大変だけお」 「数千万ゴãƒŧãƒĢドですãŖãĻ! あãĒた、もう一åēĻå¸ŗį°ŋをčĻ‹į›´ã—ãĻごらんãĒさい」 「えãŖ!? おういうこと......? įĸē万ゴãƒŧãƒĢドぎ借金だãŖたはず......」 「はぁ~テã‚ŖãƒŦã‚ĸã€æĄã‚’ä¸€ã¤é–“é•ãˆãĻいるわ。įžåœ¨ãŽå€Ÿé‡‘は三億ゴãƒŧãƒĢドです」 うãŖそ! 慌ãĻãĻå¸ŗį°ŋをčĻ‹į›´ã™ã€‚ えãƒŧと、これがįš°ã‚Šä¸ŠãŒãŖãĻこうãĒるから......。 えãƒŧと......。 「テã‚ŖãƒŦã‚ĸã€ã“ã“ãŽč¨ˆįŽ—が間違ãŖãĻいる。それと、ここも。そしãĻ、そこぎ魚ぎäģŖé‡‘ã‚’åˆč¨ˆãĢå…ĨれãĻいãĒいわ。それから......」 母さんがįš„įĸēãĢポイãƒŗトをį¤ēしãĻくれる。さすがäŧŠé”ãĢįĩŒį†ã‚’しãĻいãĒい。 三億ゴãƒŧãƒĢドぎčĩ¤å­—ã§ã™ã€‚å†č¨ˆįŽ—したから間違いãĒい。 借金が「億」ãŖãĻ......。 「か、母さん、おうしよう?」 äŋēはæļ™į›ŽãĢãĒりãĒがら母さんãĢč¨´ãˆã‚‹ã€‚ 「テã‚ŖãƒŦã‚ĸ、į§ã¯ã‚ãĒたが料į†åē—ã‚’äģģã›ã‚‰ã‚Œã‚‹ã¨čžã„ãĻ、ãĻãŖきり料į†äēēとしãĻ雇われたと思ãŖãĻたぎ。それがぞさかįĩŒå–ļから全ãĻあãĒたがäģ•åˆ‡ãŖãĻたãĒんãĻ......」 母さんぎį–‘問は最もだ。äŋēも最初は、įĩŒå–ļはだれかã‚ĒãƒĢįˆļぎ部下ãŋたいãĒäēēがしãĻくれるぎかと思ãŖãĻた。だけお、ã‚ĒãƒĢは全ãĻを一äģģしãĻãã‚‹ã‚“ã ã‚ˆã€‚é‡‘ã ã‘æ¸Ąã—ãĻ一切文åĨã‚’č¨€ã‚ãĒかãŖた。ãĒんãĻį„ĄčŦ€ãĒと思ãŖたけお、それだけäŋēをäŋĄé ŧしãĻくれãĻたぎかもしれãĒい。äŋēãĒら料į†åē—ã‚’äģģせられるãŖãĻ......それをこんãĒåŊĸでčŖåˆ‡ãŖãĻしぞãŖた。 「お、おうしよう? å‡ēčŗ‡č€…ぎã‚ĒãƒĢãĢは数千万ぎčĩ¤å­—ãŖãĻå ąå‘Šã—ãĻたんだ。あわわ、それが億だãŖたãĒんãĻ......」 「ã‚ĒãƒĢさんがこぎåē—ぎã‚ĒãƒŧナãƒŧãĒぎ?」 「うん、æ­ŖįĸēãĢはã‚ĒãƒĢ......ã‚ĒãƒĢテã‚Ŗãƒƒã‚ˇã‚ĒぎčĻĒがそうãĒんだけおね。ã‚ĒãƒĢがįĒ“åŖãĢãĒãŖãĻčŗ‡é‡‘ã‚’čĒŋ達しãĻいたんだ」 「そぎã‚ĒãƒĢテã‚Ŗãƒƒã‚ˇã‚Ēさんは毎月čŗ‡é‡‘ã‚’å‡ēしãĻいたぎよね? こんãĒãĢčĩ¤å­—でäŊ•ã‚‚č¨€ã‚ãĒかãŖたぎ?」 「そうだよ。それãĢ毎月おころか、月ãĢよãŖãĻã¯æ¯Žé€ąãŠé‡‘ã‚’å€Ÿã‚ŠãĻいたけお、ã‚ĒãƒĢはäŊ•ã‚‚æ–‡åĨをつけãĒかãŖた」 ã€Œæ¯Žé€ąãŖãĻ......そういえば先々月、ずらãŧうãĢお金をäŊŋãŖãĻいたわね?」 「先々月......? ã‚ãã€ãã†ãã†ãĄã‚‡ã†ãŠæŧã‚’įĩ‚ãˆãŸčˆšãŒæ¸¯ãĢį€ã„たばかりで、ハマチぎいいところが市場ãĢå‡ēãĻã­ã€‚ã¤ã„ã¤ã„æ¯Žé€ąâ€•â€•ã€ 「こぎおバã‚Ģ! あãĒたもįˆļさんもだけお料į†ãƒã‚ĢãĢãĒるぎも大æĻ‚ãĢしãĒさい。おåŽĸぎニãƒŧã‚ēãĢåˆã‚ã›ãŸč˛ˇã„æ–šã‚’ã—ãĒいと」 「だ、だãŖãĻ......æœŦåŊ“ãĢč‰¯ã„į´ æã ãŖたんだ。あれをčĻ‹é€ƒã™ãĒんãĻできãĒいよ。ã‚ĒãƒĢã‚‚ã€Žã¯ã„ã€ãŠã†ãžã€ã¨ã‹č¨€ãŖãĻ気čģŊãĢãŠé‡‘ã‚’æ¸Ąã—ãĻくれたし」 äŋēãŽč¨€ã„č¨ŗã‚’čžã„ãĻ、母さんが頭をæŠŧさえãĻæ‚Šã‚“ã§ã„ã‚‹ã€‚ã†ã‚“ã€å†ˇé™ãĢãĒãŖãĻãŋるとäŋēはとんでもãĒいことをしãĻたんだよね。 「......もういいわ。とãĢかくå‡ēčŗ‡č€…ぎã‚ĒãƒĢテã‚Ŗãƒƒã‚ˇã‚ĒさんãĢäŧšã‚ã›ãĻくれる?」 「えãŖ!? ã‚ĒãƒĢãĢäŧšã†ãŽ? 大丈å¤ĢかãĒ?」 æ‚Ŗ者ãĢ免į–ĢがãĒい母さんが、ã‚ĒãƒĢãŽč¨€å‹•ãĢついãĻいけるであろうか。 「テã‚ŖãƒŦã‚ĸ、悊んでãĒいで。もうį§ãŒčŠąã‚’するしかãĒいでしょ。それともあãĒたは億ぎ借金ãĢついãĻčŠąã‚’ã¤ã‘ã‚‹ã“ã¨ãŒã§ãã‚‹ãŽ?」 「で、できãĒいかも。でも、į§ã¨ã‚ĒãƒĢぎäģ˛ã§......」 「テã‚ŖãƒŦã‚ĸ、å‡ēčŗ‡č€…ぎã‚ĒãƒĢテã‚Ŗãƒƒã‚ˇã‚ĒさんãĢそんãĒį„Ąį¤ŧãĒ態åēĻはだめよ。ã‚ĒãƒĢテã‚Ŗãƒƒã‚ˇã‚ĒさんはįŽ‹éƒŊãŽč˛´æ—æ§˜ãĒんでしょ」 「うん、そうだよ。でも、į§ã¨ã‚ĒãƒĢぎäģ˛ã¯ãã‚“ãĒčēĢ分ãĢとらわれãĒいんだから」 ã‚ĒãƒĢã¯å¤§č˛´æ—ãŽãŠã›ãŒã‚Œã ãŒã€ãã‚Œã‚’éŧģãĢかけãĒい。åēļ民ぎäŋēとも寞į­‰ãĢæŽĨしãĻくれãĻいる。というか、むしろäŋēをæ ŧä¸Šæ‰ąã„ã—ãĻくる始æœĢだ。 「はぁ~あãĒたはベãƒĢã‚Ŧぎ気ぎいいäēē達しかįŸĨらãĒいでしょう。だけお、įŽ‹éƒŊãŽč˛´æ—æ§˜ã¯ãŠé‡‘ãĢついãĻã‚ˇãƒ“ã‚ĸãĒč€ƒãˆæ–šã‚’ã•ã‚Œã‚‹ã‚ã€ 「そ、そうかãĒ? ã‚ĒãƒĢはそぎčžē、į„Ąé “į€ãĒ感じがするけお」 だãŖãĻ、äŋēがã‚ĒãƒĢãĢé‡‘ã‚’č˛¸ã—ãĻã¨č¨€ãŖたらåŗį­”するんだよ。全į„ļ、åĢŒãŒã‚‰ãĒい。厝į‰ŠåēĢもį›—んでといわんばかりãĢ開攞しãĻã‚ã‚‹ã—ã€č˛ĄãĢåŸˇį€ã—ãĻいるようãĢ思えãĒいんだけお。 「テã‚ŖãƒŦã‚ĸã€č˛´æ—æ§˜ãŒį„Ąį‚ēãĢお金をæļˆč˛ģã™ã‚‹ã“ã¨ã¯č€ƒãˆã‚‰ã‚ŒãĒいぎよ。äŊ•ã‹čŖãŒã‚る。į§ãŒã‚ĒãƒĢテã‚Ŗãƒƒã‚ˇã‚ĒさんãĢäŧšãŖãĻįœŸæ„ã‚’問いčŗĒしぞす」 「そんãĒ。母さん、ã‚ĒãƒĢãĢčŖãĒんãĻãĒいよ」 あんãĒéĻŦéšŋæ­Ŗį›´ãĒäēē間はいãĒい。あれでčŖãŒã‚ã‚‹ãĒんãĻč¨€ã‚ã‚ŒãŸã‚‰äēē間不äŋĄãĢé™ĨãŖãĄã‚ƒã†ã€‚ 「テã‚ŖãƒŦã‚ĸ、あãĒãŸã¯ä¸æ€č­°ãĢ思わãĒかãŖたぎ? これãģおå‡ēčŗ‡ã—ãĻもらうãĒんãĻ不č‡Ēį„ļよ。それもįĩŒå–ļãĢé–ĸしãĻはã‚ēブぎį´ äēēであるあãĒたãĢ一äģģだãĒんãĻ......」 「それはį§ãŽæ–™į†ãŽč…•ã‚’čĻ‹čžŧぞれãĻ――」 「įĸēかãĢあãĒたはįˆļさんからãŋãŖãĄã‚Šäģ•čžŧぞれただけあãŖãĻ、料į†ãŽč…•ã¯ä¸€æĩã¨č¨€ãŖãĻもいい。でも、だからといãŖãĻįĩŒå–ļぞで一äģģするãĒんãĻおかしすぎぞす。さãŖãã‹ã‚‰čŠąã‚’čžã„ãĻいると、こぎ数ãƒļ月、おåē—ãĢé–ĸしãĻあãĒたãĢ丸投げįŠļ態じゃãĒい。これじゃあ、意å›ŗįš„ãĢčĩ¤å­—ãĢさせãĻいると思ãŖãĻã‚‚ä¸æ€č­°ã§ã¯ãĒいわ。大äŊ“、いきãĒりåē—ã‚’į”¨æ„ã—ãĻくれるãĒんãĻありえãĒい」 「テã‚ŖãƒŦã‚ĸ、そぎäģ˛ãŖãĻおういう意å‘ŗ? もしかしãĻ、あãĒたã‚ĒãƒĢテã‚Ŗãƒƒã‚ˇã‚Ēさんぎ愛äēēãĢでもãĒãŖたぎ?」 がãŧãŖ! あぞりãĒį‰Šč¨€ã„ãĢむせãĻしぞう。äŋēがã‚ĒãƒĢぎ愛äēē? 冗čĢ‡ã˜ã‚ƒãĒい。 「か、母さん、いくらãĒんでもあんぞりでしょ。į§ã¯ãã‚“ãĒãĢ厉くãĒいよ」 「わかãŖãĻいるわ。あãĒたがそんãĒことはしãĒいãŖãĻ。だけおね、そうでもしãĒいとこぎįžįŠļをčĒŦ明できãĒいぎよ」 æ¯ã•ã‚“ãŒčˆˆåĨŽã—ãĻいる。įĸēかãĢčĻ‹ãšįŸĨらずぎäēēがこんãĒ小娘ãĢåē—を与えãĻくれるãĒんãĻäŊ•ã‹čŖãŒã‚りそうだ。いくら料į†ãŽč…•ãŒãƒ”ã‚ĢイチãĒäŋēだからといãŖãĻ不č‡Ēį„ļã™ãŽã‚‹čŠąã§ã‚ã‚‹ã€‚ čĻã™ã‚‹ãĢ母さんはã‚ĒãƒĢをį–‘ãŖãĻいるんだ。こんãĒãĢお金をå‡ēčŗ‡ã™ã‚‹č¨ŗは、ã‚ĒãƒĢがäŋēをį‹™ãŖãĻいるんじゃãĒいかãŖãĻ......。 ã ãŒã€č¨€ãˆãĒい。æœŦåŊ“ぎところは、ã‚ĒãƒĢがäģĨ前äŋēをčĨ˛ãŖた慰čŦæ–™ãŽã¤ã‚‚りでおåē—ã‚’į”¨æ„ã—ãĻくれたぎだ。 う~ん、おうしようか。こぎぞぞでは母さんがį´åž—しãĒい。æ­Ŗį›´ãĢčŠąã—ãĻもã‚ĒãƒĢがぞすぞすäŋĄį”¨ã‚’å¤ąãã™ã ã‘ã ã—......。 「テã‚ŖãƒŦã‚ĸ、だからねã‚ĒãƒĢテã‚Ŗãƒƒã‚ˇã‚ĒさんãĢäŧšã‚ã›ãĻ。そぎčžēもåĢめãĻきãŖãĄã‚ŠįœŸæ„ã‚’問いčŗĒしぞす」 これはã‚ĒãƒĢãĢäŧšã‚ã›ãĒいãŖãĻ選択č‚ĸは選ずãĒいãŋたいだ。母さん、ã‚ĒãƒĢãĢäŧšã†ãžã§ãƒ†ã‚ŗでも動かãĒい感じである。 しょうがãĒい。とりあえずã‚ĒãƒĢãĢäŧšã‚ã›ã‚‹ã ã‘äŧšã‚ã›ã‚ˆã†ã€‚垌は、įŠļæŗãĢåŋœã˜ãĻč‡¨æŠŸåŋœå¤‰ãĢ寞å‡Ļする。 ã‚ĒãƒĢ、母さんとトナブãƒĢだけはčĩˇã“すãĒよ。 äŋēは万感ぎ思いで地下帝å›ŊãĢいるã‚ĒãƒĢをå‘ŧãŗãĢいãŖた。
Mum was coming to the Capital today. Why so suddenly, you ask? It’s because I mentioned my financial state in one of my letters. I regularly send letters to my parents because of how worried they are about letting their kids live alone here. That’s why I write whenever I can. Some of those letters may have included my grumblings about shop management. She replied, “Send me your account book,” so I did and then... Apparently that had been a bad idea. I got this letter saying that she was coming immediately, which is why Loser (Bizef) was accompanying my mum here. Mum, I might have exaggerated things a bit in the letters, but we’re really okay now. Geez, the shop is just fine. Dryas’ ideas should make everything just fine. Well whatever. It was a good chance to see Mum again so I’d be lying to say I wasn’t somewhat happy. I decided to get the business talk over with and then spend some quality bonding time with her. Now then... It was about time for her to arrive I think... Before long, I heard the sound of an approaching horse carriage. I rushed out of the store to check. Alighting from the carriage was my beloved mother. “Mum!” Before I knew it I had rushed over to embrace her. “It’s been a while, Tilea. Have you been well?” “Yeah. Both Timu and I have been great.” Fwahh, it’s Mum. It’s been a while so I’ll fawn on you! I rubbed up against Mum’s chest. Waah, it’s so warm and soft. And I missed this smell. Sniff sniff. “H-, Hey, Tilea. Sup!” Honestly, it’s called reading the mood! Mum and I are supposed to be catching up right now! I glared at him. He looked flustered and confused as though he had been expecting something else. “Bizef, thank you very much for accompanying my mother here.” “No, no, it was nothing.” “Don’t say that. I’m grateful.” “It’s fine, I said, fine. I had some business in the Capital anyway.” “Business?” “Yeah, to tell the truth I’m moving here.” “Really!?” “Huhu, surprised? If you have any troubles, you can come find me any time.” “Haha... I see.” Hey, Loser (Bizef). I’ve completely seen through you. When the hell would I go looking to you for help. Trying to rely on you would make everything ten times harder. I gazed coldly at him for a while. “Bizef, I really have to thank you too. Please take care of my daughter.” Mum started to thank him. Please, Mum, the way you worded it sounds like I’m getting married to him. “Mu-, AHEM, Madam Sera, please leave it to me. I’ll take care of Tilea and Timu for you.” Oi, what the hell did he almost say just now? Are you already pretending to be my husband!? Oh god, please stop that Mum. You’re looking at him like he’s your future son-in-law or something. He’s going to misunderstand, okay! Loser (Bizef) was in a good mood after that. Probably because he thought he had my parents’ approval or something. He even started getting touchy-feely with me... Bro... If you keep this misunderstanding up you’re going to meet my cestus, okay. Seriously. Anyway, after I was done hugging Mum, she moved onto the main topic. “Tilea, I looked at your ledger,” she said, letting out a huge sigh. “W-Well, it’s true that I overspent a little but it’s okay. I’ve got a plan to turn this around. Plus, you have to know that nobody can beat my cooking.” “A-, A little!? Do you have any idea how serious this is? Why didn’t you ask me for help earlier!” “Sorry, b-but I’ve been thinking about the pricing and like the location and all sorts of stuff and―” “Tilea, we’re a little past that stage. It’s too late.” “D-, Don’t be like that, come on. I know it’s going to be hard to pay back a few dozen million but...” “A few dozen million!? Show me that account book again.” “Eh-!? What do you...? Wasn’t it like million gold...?” “Hahh~ Tilea, you forgot a digit. Right now you’re million gold in debt.” WHA-!? I flusteredly looked over the ledger again. Umm, so you carry this over and then... Umm... “Tilea, this calculation is wrong. This one too. And also you forgot to add the price of this fish. There’s also...” Mum began accurately pointing out everything I did wrong. Wow, she’s not the manager of the restaurant for show. After a lot of fixing, the result...?,000,000 gold in debt. Double checked. A debt in the hundred millions... Even the government would feel it if they had to bail me out. “M-, Mum? What should I do?” I looked at my mum tearily. “Tilea, when you told me that you were working at a restaurant, I assumed you meant as a chef. Never had I imagined that you were doing everything from the cooking to the management...” Mum had a good point. To begin with I thought I was going to work for Orty’s dad or something. But then Orty just left everything to me. He just gave me money and didn’t ask for a thing. I thought it was pretty reckless of him but then decided it might have been his way of saying he trusted me. That’s why I thought I would do it all... but then I let him down like this. “W-What should I do? I told Orty that I was just 30 million behind. Awawa, for that to have turned into 300 million...!” “Orty is the owner of this restaurant?” “Mn, it’s actually Orty’s... Ortissio’s relative that owns it though. Orty is just the middleman who hands me the funds.” “And this Ortissio provides you with money on a monthly basis? He didn’t say a thing about this debt?” “Yeah. And far from each month, on some months I even ask for money each week but he’s never complained about it.” “Each week...? Speaking of which, the month before last you used an absurd amount of money didn’t you.” “The month before...? Ohh, right, right, there was this fishing boat that had just come back from the ocean with some fresh young yellowtail so I kinda―” “You silly girl! Both you and your father are such idiots whenever it comes to cooking. Listen, when you buy ingredients you need to match the needs of your customers.” “B-But... it was so good. I couldn’t just let it go. And Orty said it was okay too and gave me the money.” After hearing my excuses, Mum held her head in her hands. Yeah, thinking back on it, even I think I was being ridiculous. “...I’ve heard enough. Anyway, can you arrange a meeting with Ortissio for me?” “Eh-!? A meeting with Orty? I dunno...” Mum isn’t used to chuunibyou like I am so will they even be able to communicate? “Tilea, don’t think so much about it. At this point you can only leave it to me, right? Or are you telling me that you can tell him you’re 300 million in debt?” “M-, Maybe not. But Orty and I are close so...” “Tilea, you can’t be that disrespectful to Ortissio. Isn’t he the son of a noble here?” “Mn, yeah. But Orty and I are close, so we don’t care about that.” Orty might be a major noble but he’s never been arrogant about it. He treats commoners like me equally. Actually, I’ve kind of ended on top. “Hahh~ You only know the friendly people from Beluga, but the nobles of the Royal Capital are strict when it comes to their money.” “R-, Really? Orty never seems to really care that much though.” I mean, whenever I bring up money he immediately forks some over. Not a bit of hesitation. I’m basically robbing his treasury and he doesn’t care at all. “Tilea, it’s impossible that a noble would thoughtlessly waste money. He has a reason. I need to meet with him to find out what it is.” “That’s impossible. Mum, Ortissio doesn’t scheme like that.” I mean, I’ve never met a more stupidly honest person. If I found out somebody like that was actually a schemer I don’t think I’d be able to trust other people anymore. “Tilea, have you never thought it strange? It’s unnatural that somebody would just hand you this much money. Not only that, but to leave the entire store to somebody with zero experience like yourself...” “That’s because he saw through my skill in cooking and―” “It’s true that you inherited your dad’s talent. I’d even call you a first class cook. But leaving the entire store for you to manage would be unthinkable. From what I’ve heard, he’s basically left everything up to you these last few months, hasn’t he. Then in that case it wouldn’t be strange to think that he’s bankrupting you on purpose. To begin with, it’s unthinkable that he suddenly prepared a store for you.” “Tilea, what do you mean by Close? Don’t tell me you’ve become his mistress or something?” I choked on my drink. Me, Orty’s mistress? Don’t even joke about that. “M-, Mum, don’t suddenly say something so shocking. I’m not that cheap, okay.” “I know. I don’t think you’d do that either. But I can’t explain this situation any other way.” Mum was getting agitated. I mean, looking at this objectively I can kind of see her point. You wouldn’t just hand over your shop to some random girl you met on the streets. No matter how great my cooking was, it was completely unnatural. In other words, Mum was suspicious of Orty. Suspicious that he was handing out all this money because he had his eye on me... But I couldn’t tell her the truth either. That Orty prepared the restaurant as consolation for trying to assault me. Ahhh, what do I do? I don’t think I can fool Mum. But if I told the truth it would make her suspect him even more... “That’s why I want you to arrange a meeting, Tilea. I’ll make sure to find out the truth for you.” I don’t think she was giving me any other option. Mum was being really adamant about it. I decided to just arrange the meeting. After that I’d just deal with whatever happened. Orty, no matter what you do, don’t start trouble with my Mum. Lost in my thoughts, I headed underground to look for Orty.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 3, "inserted_lines_src": 28, "inserted_lines_trg": 7 }
äŋēはすぐãĢåŋœæˆĻã—ã‚ˆã†ã¨č€ƒãˆãŸã€‚......が、そぎåŋ…čĻã¯ãĒいãŋたいだ。 あぎ、éĸ¨ãŽéŸŗã‚’čžã„ãŸãŽã‹ã€3äēēはæ—ĸãĢ集ぞãŖãĻいた。 「おいおい、į•°å¸¸ãĒéŸŗãŒčžã“ãˆãŸã‹ã‚‰ãŖãĻæĨãĻãŋりゃ......」 「ãĒんでį°é¨ŽįŠŦがこんãĒところãĢいるぎ!? ミãƒĨãƒĒ、子䞛達は?」 「子䞛達と村ぎäēē達はã‚ĸãƒĒãƒ ãĄã‚ƒã‚“ãŒéŋé›ŖさせãĻくれぞした」 「わかãŖãŸã€‚ãžã åƒ•é”ãŒåą…ãĻよかãŖた。明æ—ĨじゃãĒくãĻ、æœŦåŊ“ãĢ」 「それでも、į§é”が勝ãĻるとはæąēぞãŖたわけじゃãĒいでしょ? äģŠãžã§æˆĻãŖた魔į‰ŠãŽä¸­åŧˇã„ãŖãĻ言ãŖãĻã‚‚éŽč¨€ã˜ã‚ƒãĒいわ」 「そうだね......。įš†ã€ã‚€ãĄã‚ƒã—ãĒいで」 ......あいつãŖãĻ、そんãĒãĢåŧˇã„ぎ? äģŠã ãŖたらį´ æ‰‹ã§ã‚‚いけるぞ。 äŋēはäģŠã€äŊæ°‘ã‚’éŋé›Ŗさせた垌ãĢčŋ‘くぎį‰Šé™°ãĢ隠れãĻæˆĻいぎ様子をčĻ‹ãĻいる。 「......きぞすãŖ!」 ミãƒĨãƒĒã•ã‚“ãŒãã†č¨€ãŖた。į°é¨ŽįŠŦぎ前ãĢ魔æŗ•é™Ŗがįžã‚Œã€ãã“から4äēēãĢむかãŖãĻ暴éĸ¨ãŒæ”žå°„される。 「ã‚Ļイãƒŗãƒ‰ã‚¨ãƒŸãƒƒã‚ˇãƒ§ãƒŗ!」 ãƒĒロさんぎ魔æŗ•ã ã€‚čĻ‹äē‹ãĢį°é¨ŽįŠŦぎ魔æŗ•ã¨ã‹ãļせį›¸æŽēさせた。同時ãĢãƒĒロさんが合å›ŗをする。 「いぞよãŖ!」 「čŖœåŠŠé­”æŗ•ã€ã‹ã‘ぞす!」 それãĢã‚ĒãƒĢゴさんとミãƒĨãƒĒさんがčŋ”äē‹ã‚’した。ミãƒĨãƒĒさんはã‚ĒãƒĢゴさんãĢ、čŖœåŠŠé­”æŗ•ã‚’かけãĻいる。åŧˇåŒ–čĄ“ãŽé­”æŗ•ãĒぎだろう。 ã‚ļã‚ˇãƒĨッ__________ が、ã‚ĒãƒĢゴさんもį°é¨ŽåŖĢįŠŦãĢčļŗを噛ぞれたようだ。 「ハイãƒģヒãƒŧãƒĢãŖ!」 ミãƒĨãƒĒさんがåŋĢ垊魔æŗ•å”ąãˆã‚‹ã€‚čĄ€ãŒæ­ĸぞり、č‹Ĩåš˛å‚ˇãŒį™’えãĻいるぎはここからでもわかる。 「ã‚ĩãƒŗキãƒĨãƒŧ、ミãƒĨãƒĒ!」 「いえ」 一斚でãƒĢイãƒŗさんはį°é¨ŽįŠŦãĢæ–Ŧりかかるも回éŋされãĻしぞう。うãƒŧん、ãĒかãĒã‹č‰¯ã„å¤Ē刀į­‹ã ãŖたんだけお。 「くそãŖ!」 「äģģせãĻ!フãƒŦã‚¤ãƒ ã‚¨ãƒŸãƒƒã‚ˇãƒ§ãƒŗ!」 äģŠåēĻはãƒĒロさんから魔æŗ•ã‚’å”ąãˆã‚‹ã€‚ į°é¨ŽįŠŦãŒå‹•ãã‹ã‚‰å°‘ã—čˇé›ĸをとる。 さらãĢ、ã‚ĻイãƒŗドボãƒŧãƒĢã‚’å”ąãˆãŸã‚ˆã†ã ã€‚ į‹™ãŖた先はãƒĒロさん。ãƒĒロさんもボãƒŧãƒĢã‚’å”ąãˆã€ãã‚Œã‚‰ã‚’į›¸æŽēする。 「ãĒめãĒいでよねãŖ!」 だが、čĒ°ã‚‚æ°—ãĨいãĻãĒかãŖた。 ãƒĒロさんぎčļŗ元ãĢã‚¨ãƒŸãƒƒã‚ˇãƒ§ãƒŗぎ魔æŗ•é™Ŗがあることを。 「ãĒãŖ!?」 ミãƒĨãƒĒさんはそれãĢ気äģ˜ãã€åŗåē§ãĢãƒĒロさんãĢčŖœåŠŠé­”æŗ•ã‚’掛ける。 ã ãŒã€ãã‚Œã§ã‚‚ãƒ€ãƒĄãƒŧジは多大だãŖたようだ。 「キãƒŖã‚Ąã‚Ąã‚Ąã‚Ąã‚Ąã‚Ąã‚ĸã‚ĸã‚ĸッ!!」 暴éĸ¨ãŒæ”žå°„ã•ã›ã‚‹ã¨å…ąãĢãƒĒロさんがįŠē中ãĢæ‰“ãĄä¸Šã’ã‚‰ã‚Œã‚‹ã€‚ ......ぞずい。äģŠãŽãƒĸロãĢ喰らãŖた一撃でHPはだいãļ削られたかもしれãĒい。 あぎã‚ģイãƒŗフりãƒŧã‚šãƒĄãƒŗバãƒŧはおそらく、4äēēともãƒŦベãƒĢ20前垌だ。 あれはį°é¨ŽįŠŦãŽã‚¨ãƒŸãƒƒã‚ˇãƒ§ãƒŗを受けたことがãĒいからわからãĒいが、様子をãŋるãĢ、ãƒŦベãƒĢ20äģŖãĢはキツイ威力ãĒぎだろう。 ともかく、地éĸãĢこぎぞぞčŊ下したらæ­ģんでしぞう恐れがある。そうはさせãĒい。 旊く劊けãĢ___________ 「......ãŖと」 ああ、よかãŖた。ãƒĢイãƒŗさんがうぞくキãƒŖッチしたようだ。おå§Ģæ§˜æŠąãŖこで、あら~。 いや、そんãĒã“ã¨č€ƒãˆãĻる場合じゃãĒいわ。 ãƒĢイãƒŗさんがéŦŧぎåŊĸį›¸ã‚’しãĻいる。 「よくもãƒĒロをãŖ......!å–°ã‚‰ãˆã€ãƒŠã‚¤ãƒˆã‚¨ãƒŸãƒƒã‚ˇãƒ§ãƒŗ!」 ん?čžã„ãŸã“ã¨ãŒãĒいãĒ。ナイト......光か。į°é¨ŽįŠŦぎčļŗ元ãĢį™Ŋい魔æŗ•é™ŖãŒåą•é–‹ã•ã‚Œã€ãã“ã‹ã‚‰į™Ŋい光įˇšãŒå‡ēãĻきた。 たしかãĢåŊ“たりはした。 ......が、åĨ´ã‚’倒すãĢは不十分ãĒようだ。 ãƒĢイãƒŗさんはã‚ĒãƒĢゴさんãĢã‚ĸイã‚ŗãƒŗã‚ŋクトをしãĻいる。ã‚ĒãƒĢゴさんはéģ™ãŖãĻé ˇã„ãŸã€‚ そぎ刚é‚Ŗ、ã‚ĒãƒĢゴさんはį°é¨ŽįŠŦãĢむかãŖãĻå‰Ŗを振るう。あぎå¤Ē刀į­‹ã¯į›¸æ‰‹ã‚’遠ざける切りつけ斚だ。 ã‚ĒãƒĢゴさんをæ•ĩãĢ集中させãĻる間ãĢ、ãƒĢイãƒŗさんはãƒĒロさんを遠くぎ木ぎ下ãĢ寝かせる。 ミãƒĨãƒĒさんもそぎ場所ãĢæĨãĻ、åŋ…æ­ģãĢヒãƒŧãƒĢã‚’å”ąãˆãĻいた。時間į¨ŧぎぎã‚ĸイã‚ŗãƒŗã‚ŋクトか。 ãƒĢイãƒŗさんはそぎ場所からすぐãĢé›ĸれ、ã‚ĒãƒĢゴさんぎ所へ加å‹ĸしãĢčĄŒãã€‚ ãƒŠã‚¤ãƒˆã‚¨ãƒŸãƒƒã‚ˇãƒ§ãƒŗを攞ãŖたが、回éŋされたようだ。 ぞた、į°é¨ŽįŠŦぎåĨ´ã¯ã‚ĒãƒĢゴさんãĢ噛ãŋつき、įˆĒでåŧ•ãŖæŽģいãĻいる。 ã‚¨ãƒŸãƒƒã‚ˇãƒ§ãƒŗよりは威力がäŊŽã„だろうが...... 「くぅãŖ!? くそãŖ」 やはり、į›¸åŊ“ãĒãƒ€ãƒĄãƒŧã‚¸ã‹č“„įŠã•ã‚ŒãĻいãŖãĻいるようだ。それでも、ã‚ĒãƒĢゴさんぎæ”ģ撃はį°é¨ŽįŠŦãĢåąŠã„ãĻいãĻ、åĨ´ã‚‚å°‘ã—ãšã¤ãƒ€ãƒĄãƒŧジがæēœãžãŖãĻ言ãŖãĻいるぎがわかる。 こぎぞぞ、いけるぎではãĒいか? ãã†č€ƒãˆãŒã€‚į°é¨ŽįŠŦは大嚅ãĢį§ģ動する。 ......もしかしたらį‰Šå‡„くマã‚ēイかもしれãĒい。 あぁ、įŠē気ぎ魔力からį°é¨ŽįŠŦはぞたã‚Ļイãƒŗãƒ‰ã‚¨ãƒŸãƒƒã‚ˇãƒ§ãƒŗをå‡ēそうとしãĻいるぎがわかる。 だが魔æŗ•é™Ŗはおこだ? そぎ魔æŗ•é™Ŗぎ場所は、ãƒĢイãƒŗさんでãĒく、ã‚ĒãƒĢゴさんでãĒく、木ぎ下ãĢいる、ãƒĒロさんとミãƒĨãƒĒさんぎ所ãĢだãŖた。
I thought I was going to fight. But it seemed that it wasn’t necessary. From the looks of it, it seems the of them have made it there. 「Hey, that was an abnormal sound......」 「Why is there an Ash Dog in a place like this? Muri, what about the children?」 「Earlier they have left fpr evacuation.」 「All right.Lucky that we were still here, but not really for tomorrow, huh. 」 「Still, aren’t we determined to win? It’s no exaggeration that this is the strongest demon by far that we will fight.」 「Yeah.....Everyone, please don’t be reckless.」 Is it so strong? It looks like I can go bare handed. After the villagers took refuge, I hid in the shadows to see the battle start. 「......It comes!」 Muri yelled. Magic forms appear in front of the Ash Dog, directing it to the adventurers. 「Wind Emissions!」 It’s Lilo’s magic. It covers the Dog. At the same time, Lilo makes a signal. 「Go now!」 「Support Magic, go!」 Besides Orgo, Muri chanted. Muri is applying support magic to Orgo. It’s reinforcement magic. Zashu-tsu__________ Orgo got struck by the foot of the Dog. 「HighãƒģHeal!」 Muri quickly chants recovery magic. The blood stops, and some of the wounds close. 「Thank you, Muri.」 「Yeah.」 On the other hand, Ruin seems to avoiding deadly slashes. He’s still pretty good. 「Dammit!」 「Leave it to me. Flame Emissions!」 Lili released some magic. It moved. It reduced its distance. Moreover, he seemed to recite Wind Ball. It aimed for Lilo. She counterattacks with the same move. 「Don’t eat me!」 But no one noticed. That Lilo had a magic formation under her. 「Huh!?」 Muri finally noticed and casted supporting magic towards Lilo. But the damage was too great. 「GAAAAAHHHH!!」 A storm radiated as Lilo was launched into the air. ....This is bad.Her HP must gone down considirerably. All of them should be around level . But by just looking at the Dog, it’s obvious that it’s a higher level. Anyways, no one would blame her if she scared of dying. I can’t let her die.. I gotta help quickly.___________ 「......Tsk.」 Oh good, Ruin caught Lilo on time. Well, in a princess carry~. No, that’s not the case. Ruin has the face of a demon. 「Well done Lilo. Light Emission!」 Hmm? I never heard that before.Light...light? A white magic light was deployed under the Ash Dog. It got hit. ......Though it seems that it wasn’t enough. Ruin makes eye contact with Orgo. Orgo nodded silently. Orgo then immediately wielded his word at it. A way to cut off the enemy. While Orgo is distracting it, Ruin let’s Lilo off under a distant tree. Muri came and desperately chanted heals. Eye-contact? Ruin leaves immediately and helps out Orgo. He released more Light Emission, but it was avoided. The Dog bites Orgo and starts scratching him. The difference in power is obvious...... 「Kuu!? Dammit!」 As expected, he accumulated heavy damage.But still, Orgo keeps on fighting, he keeps going. Can I go in like this? So I thought. The Ash dog is really agile. ......This is terribly bad. Just from feeling the air, he’s going to release a powerful Wind Emission. But where is the magic formation? It wasn’t aimed at Ruin, Orgo or Muri, it was aimed under a tree, it was aiming for Lilo.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 5, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
ã‚ąãƒŧテがåŽģãŖãĻから、äŋēとニã‚ĸとã‚ŦãƒĢヴはįŽ‹éƒŊãĢ向けãĻ歊き始めた。 ニã‚ĸもã‚ŦãƒĢヴもæ•Ŗ歊開始åŊ“初ぎ元気はãĒい。 į‰šãĢã‚ŦãƒĢヴはį–˛ã‚ŒãĻいるようãĢčĻ‹ãˆãŸã€‚ 「ã‚ŦãƒĢヴ、大丈å¤Ģか?」 「がぅãƒŧ」 「ニã‚ĸは大丈å¤Ģか?」 įŽ‹éƒŊぞで、垒歊間į¨‹åēĻ。晎通ãĢæ­Šã‘ã‚‹čˇé›ĸだ。 だが、全力でčĩ°ãŖたり、ゴブãƒĒãƒŗ退æ˛ģしたりしたぎで、į–˛ã‚ŒãĻいるぎもわかる。 ニã‚ĸもã‚ŦãƒĢヴもぞだ子䞛ãĒぎだ。 ã‚˛ãƒĢベãƒĢã‚Ŧさぞは、äŋēãŽčƒ¸ã‚ãĻぎ中ãĢå…ĨãŖãĻうとうとしãĻいた。 おæ˜ŧ寝ぎ時間ãĒぎだろう。ゆãŖくりįœ ãŖãĻãģしい。 「ãĒんだ、ã‚ŦãƒĢãƒ´ã€‚ã‚ąãƒŧテãĢ送ãŖãĻãģしかãŖたぎか?」 ãŠã†ã‚„ã‚‰æ­Šãã‚ˆã‚Šã¯ã€ã‚ąãƒŧテãĢ送ãŖãĻãģしいようだ。 ã‚ąãƒŧテãĢ寞する恐怖を克服したぎかもしれãĒい。 「ã‚ŦãƒĢãƒ´ã€‚ã‚ąãƒŧテは大きãĒåŖ°ã§åĢんでしぞãŖたからãĒ。いぞはč­Ļ戒されぞくãŖãĻいる」 ã€Œã‚ã€ãã†ã§ã™ã­ã€‚ã‚ąãƒŧテさんãĢ乗ãŖãĻčŋ‘ãĨいたら大騒ぎãĢãĒãŖãĻしぞいぞす」 「よくわかãŖたãĒ。ニã‚ĸãŽč¨€ã†ã¨ãŠã‚Šã ã€ ãģめるとニã‚ĸはį…§ã‚ŒãĻいた。 「ニã‚ĸもã‚ŦãƒĢヴもæœŦåŊ“ãĢį–˛ã‚ŒãŸã‚‰č¨€ãˆã‚ˆã€‚čƒŒč˛ ãŖãĻあげよう」 「大丈å¤Ģです!」 ã‚ŦãƒĢヴはäŋēぎ垌ろãĢ回る。そしãĻ前čļŗをäŋēãŽč‚ŠãĢ䚗せた。 旊速、äŋēãĢ背負ãŖãĻもらおうとしãĻいるぎだ。 「ã‚ŦãƒĢヴ、もう少し頑åŧĩれよ......」 ã‚ŦãƒĢヴはéĻŦãã‚‰ã„å¤§ãã„ãŽã§ã€čƒŒč˛ ã†ãŽã¯å‡ēæĨればéŋけたい。 ã‚ŦãƒĢãƒ´ã‚’č‚Šã‹ã‚‰é™ã‚ã—ãĻã€åŠąãžã—ãĒがら歊いãĻいく。 帰り道、čĨŋぎ丘ぎčŋ‘くを通ãŖた。 ゴナãƒŗと数äēēぎ冒é™ēč€…ã€ãã‚Œã¨é¨ŽåŖĢが十äēēいた。 ゴナãƒŗãŸãĄã¯å†’é™ēč€…ã‚ŽãƒĢドぎį˛žé‹­ã ã‚ã†ã€‚ 十äēēぎ騎åŖĢは、鎧から判断するãĢ、čŋ‘襛騎åŖĢぎ一個分隊だろう。 エãƒĒックぎå‘Ŋで駆けäģ˜ã‘たãĢ違いãĒい。 ゴナãƒŗがäŋēãĢ気äģ˜ã„ãĻčŋ‘ãĨいãĻきた。 「ã‚ŦãƒĢヴ。よしよし。あとで遊んでやるからãĒ」 ゴナãƒŗã¯æ‡ã‹ã‚‰åš˛ã—č‚‰ã‚’å–ã‚Šå‡ēしãĻ、ã‚ŦãƒĢヴãĢあげãĒãŒã‚‰č¨€ã†ã€‚ 「やãŖãąã‚ŠįĢœãĢよばれãĻいたロックãŖãĻ、ロックぎことか?」 「そうか......。そうかもしれãĒいとは思ãŖãĻいたんだ」 「そういえば、ゴナãƒŗãĢã‚ąãƒŧãƒ†ãŽã“ã¨čŠąã—ãĻãĒかãŖたãĒ」 ã€Œã‚ąãƒŧテ?」 äŋēã¯ã‚ąãƒŧテãĢついãĻゴナãƒŗãĢį°Ąå˜ãĢčĒŦ明した。 ã€Œãã†ã„ã†ã“ã¨ã¯æ—Šãč¨€ãˆã‚ˆã€ 「すぞãĒã„ã€‚å ąå‘Šã‚’åŋ˜ã‚ŒãĻã„ãŸã€‚ãƒ´ã‚Ąãƒŗパイã‚ĸã¨ã‚‚æ˜ãč€…ãŠã‚‚ã¨ã‚‚é–ĸäŋ‚ãĒいと思ãŖãĻいたからãĒ」 「それはそうだが......」 「あとでゴナãƒŗぎåŽļãĢ行ãŖãĻčŠŗしくčĒŦ明しよう。äŊ•æ™‚ごろãĢ帰る?」 「いや、äģ•äē‹ãŒįĩ‚わりæŦĄįŦŦ、ロックぎåŽļãĢäŋēãŒčĄŒã“ã†ã€ 「わかãŖた。垅ãŖãĻる」 そしãĻ、ゴナãƒŗは冒é™ēč€…ã‚„é¨ŽåŖĢãŸãĄãĢčĒŦ明しãĢæˆģãŖãĻいãŖた。 åąé™ēはもうãĒいと、うぞくčĒŦ明しãĻくれることをįĨˆã‚ã†ã€‚ äŋēぎことを抜きで、čĒŦ明するぎはé›Ŗしそうだ。č‹Ļ労を掛けãĻしぞãŖた。 あとで、čŦãŖãĻおこう。 「ã‚ŦãƒĢヴ。思いãŖきりäŊ“動かせãĻすãŖきりしたか?」 åš˛ã—č‚‰ã‚’ã‚‚ã‚‰ãŖたせいか、ã‚ŦãƒĢヴは少し元気ãĢãĒãŖた気がする。 å‡ē歊くときはã‚ŦãƒĢヴがčģŊくéŖŸãšã‚‰ã‚Œã‚‹ãŠã‚„つをたくさん持ãŖãĻčĄŒãã“ã¨ãĢしよう。 įŽ‹éƒŊぎ門をくぐり、č‡Ē厅へとぞãŖすぐ帰る。 ゴブãƒĒãƒŗロãƒŧãƒ‰ã¨ãƒ´ã‚Ąãƒŗパイã‚ĸロãƒŧãƒ‰ã‚’č¨Žäŧã—た。 åŧˇæ•ĩãĢé­é‡ã—ãŸå ´åˆã€č¨Žäŧã€æœĒ討äŧãĢé–ĸã‚ã‚‰ãšå ąå‘Šã™ã‚‹ãŽãŒįžŠå‹™ã§ã¯ã‚る。 å ąå‘Šã‚’ã‚‚ã¨ãĢ冒é™ēč€…ã‚ŽãƒĢドはåŧˇæ•ĩぎ分布やå‡ēįžé ģåēĻをčĒŋずるぎだ。 だが、äģŠæ—ĨはゴナãƒŗãĢå ąå‘Šã—ãŸã‹ã‚‰ã„ã„ã ã‚ã†ã€‚ それãĢFナãƒŗクæˆĻでゴブãƒĒãƒŗロãƒŧãƒ‰ã‚’č¨Žäŧã—たといãŖãĻもäŋĄã˜ãĻもらえãĒい。 「遊åŊ“ãĢお土į”Ŗ財ãŖãĻ帰るか」 「お土į”Ŗですか?」 「ãĒãĢかéŖŸãšãŸã„もぎãĒいか?」 ã€ŒãŠč“å­ã¨ã‹......」 「ã‚Ŧã‚Ļ!」 ニã‚ĸãŽč¨€č‘‰ãĢ、ã‚ŦãƒĢヴもčŗ›æˆãŽã‚ˆã†ã ã€‚ ãĒぎで、äŋēã¯č“å­åē—で、クッキãƒŧをæ˛ĸåąąč˛ˇãŖた。 「į‹ŧãŖãĻクッキãƒŧéŖŸãšãĻ大丈å¤ĢãĒぎか?」 ã‚ŦãƒĢヴは不厉そうãĢãĒる。 もらえãĒい可čƒŊæ€§ã‚’åąæƒ§ã—ãĻいるぎだろう。 「ã‚ŦãƒĢヴは霊įŖさぞãĒぎで大丈å¤Ģですよ?」 ã‚ŦãƒĢヴはåŦ‰ã—そうだ。 åą‹æ•ˇãĢæˆģると、ミãƒĢã‚ĢãĢå‡ēčŋŽãˆã‚‰ã‚ŒãŸã€‚ 「ロックさん。お帰り! įĩæ§‹é•ˇã„æ•Ŗ歊だãŖたんだãĒ」 ã€Œč‰˛ã€…ã‚ãŖãĻãĒ......。あ、これはお土į”Ŗだ」 ã€ŒãŠč“å­ã‹! おčŒļをå…ĨれãĻくるよ!」 ã‚ŦãƒĢヴぎå°ģ尞がãļんãļん振れる。 「いや、やãŖãąã‚ŠãŠč“å­ã¯åžŒãŽæ–šãŒã„ã„ãĒ!」 ミãƒĢã‚ĢãŽč¨€č‘‰ã§ã€ã‚ŦãƒĢヴぎå°ģ尞がしゅんとãĒる。 「おæ˜ŧごはんぎ斚が先だよãĒ! もうãģとんおできãĻるから、すぐ持ãŖãĻくるぞ」 おæ˜ŧã”ã¯ã‚“ã¨čžã„ãŸé€”įĢ¯ã€ã‚ŦãƒĢヴぎå°ģ尞がぞたæŋ€ã—く動き始めた。 胸åŊ“ãĻぎ中でįœ ãŖãĻã„ãŸã‚˛ãƒĢベãƒĢã‚Ŧさぞも、ごéŖ¯ã¨ã„ã†č¨€č‘‰ã§čĩˇããŸã€‚ パã‚ŋパã‚ŋはばたいãĻã€čƒ¸åŊ“ãĻぎ外ãĢå‡ēる。 朝ごはんぎ垌ぎæ•Ŗ歊だãŖたぎだが、もうæ˜ŧごはんぎ時間ãĢãĒãŖãĻいたようだ。 ミãƒĢã‚Ģとå…Ĩれæ›ŋわりでãƒĢッチナ、ã‚ģãƒĢãƒĒã‚šã€ã‚ˇã‚ĸがæĨた。 「おかえりãĒã•ã„ã€‚ã‚˛ãƒĢベãƒĢã‚Ŧさぞは喜んでおられぞしたか?」 ã‚˛ãƒĢベãƒĢã‚ŦさぞはãƒĢãƒƒãƒãƒŠãŽčƒ¸å…ƒãĢとãŗこんだ。 ã€Œãƒ­ãƒƒã‚¯ã•ã‚“ã€ãŠã‹ãˆã‚Šã€‚ã‚ąãƒŧテぎåŖ°ã™ã”かãŖたわね」 ã€Œã“ã“ãžã§čžã“ãˆãĻたか......」 įŽ‹éƒŊ中ãĢéŸŋいたぎだろう。こぞãŖたįĢœã ã€‚ 「おかえりãĒさいでありぞす。ニã‚ĸはごčŋˇæƒ‘をおかけしぞせんでしたか?」 「ニã‚ĸは全くčŋˇæƒ‘ではãĒかãŖたぞ」 「それãĒらよかãŖたでありぞす」 ã‚ˇã‚ĸはニã‚ĸぎ頭をå„Ēしくæ’Ģでた。 そこãĢミãƒĢã‚Ģがå…ĨãŖãĻくる。 「おæ˜ŧごéŖ¯ã ãžãƒŧ」 「ありがとう」 ã€Œã‚˛ãƒĢベãƒĢã‚ŦさぞãĢは、これだぞãƒŧ」 ã‚ŦãƒĢヴぎå°ģ尞がビãƒĨãƒŗビãƒĨãƒŗæēれる。 ã‚ŦãƒĢヴį”¨ãŽãŠæ˜ŧごはんはį„ŧã„ãŸč‚‰ãŽåĄŠã ã€‚ ã‚˛ãƒĢベãƒĢã‚Ŧさぞį”¨ãŽãŠæ˜ŧごéŖ¯ã¯ã€é‡ŽčœãŽį››ã‚Šåˆã‚ã›ã ãŖた。 ã‚˛ãƒĢベãƒĢã‚Ŧさぞは晎通ぎéļã‚ˆã‚ŠãŸãã•ã‚“éŖŸãšã‚‹ãŽã ã€‚ おæ˜ŧごéŖ¯ã‚’éŖŸãšãĒがら、 「æ•Ŗ歊ぎ内厚ãĢついãĻå ąå‘Šã—ã‚ˆã†ã€ äŋēãŒãã†ã„ã†ã¨ã€å…¨å“ĄãŒčˆˆå‘ŗを持ãŖたようだãŖた。
After Kathe left, we started to walk back towards the capital. Nia and Grulf were not nearly as cheerful as during the beginning of the walk. Grulf was especially tired. “Grulf. Are you alright?” “What about you, Nia?” “I’m fine!” It was an hours walk back to the capital. A completely manageable distance. But then again, we ran as fast as we could and then killed goblins, so they were likely tired. Nia and Grulf were still young. Lord Gerberga was sleeping in my breastplate. It was his nap time, I guess. I hoped he had a good rest. “What is it, Grulf? You wanted Kathe to take us back?” It seemed that he would have preferred that to walking. Which suggested he had gotten over his fear of the dragon. “Grulf. After Kathe shouted so loudly, people will be on the lookout.” “Yes, that is true. People will see us if we rode on the back of a dragon.” “Exactly, Nia is right.” Nia looked a little bashful. “Still, let me know if either of you are really tired. And then I will carry you.” Grulf went behind me and put his front paws on my shoulders. He was fully prepared to take me up on my offer. “Grulf, how about you try walking just a little more...” Grulf was nearly the size of a horse, so I didn’t actually want to carry him. And so I took him down and encouraged him to walk more. We passed the western hills on our way back. Goran and several Adventurers and ten knights were there. Goran was likely with the best of the guild. As for the knights, their armor suggested they were part of the royal guard. So Eric must have sent them. Goran noticed me and walked over to us. “Grulf. Good boy. I’ll play with you later.” Goran said as he pulled out some dried meat and offered it to Grulf. “So, this ‘Locke’ that the dragon was calling was you after all?” “Yes.” “I see... I thought it might be.” “Now that I think of it, I didn’t tell you about Kathe yet, did I?” “Kathe?” And so I gave him a short outline of what had happened. “You should have told me this sooner!” “I’m sorry. I forgot. It didn’t seem related to the vampires and dark ones at first.” “Still...” “I’ll visit you at your house later and tell you the rest. What time will you be back?” “No, I will visit you when my work is done.” “Alright. I’ll be waiting.” And then Goran went back to tell the Adventurers and knights. Hopefully he could explain to them that there was no danger in a satisfying manner. It would be hard, since he couldn’t talk about me. I felt bad for him. I would apologize about it later. “Grulf. Do you feel better now?” Perhaps it was because of the meat, but he seemed more energetic now. I would have to remember to bring food with us next time for him to snack on. We went through the city gates and walked straight towards the house. We had killed a goblin lord and a Vampire Lord. It was your duty to make a report about powerful enemies whether you killed them or not. This information helped the guild understand the distribution, or population of strong monsters. However, I had already told Goran, so it was probably fine. Besides, it was not likely that they would believe that two F-rank Warriors had killed a goblin lord. “Maybe we should buy something for the others.” “A gift?” “Is there anything you want to eat?” “Snacks...” “Groof!” Grulf agreed with Nia’s suggestion. And so we entered a candy store and bought a lot of cookies. “Can wolves eat cookies?” Grulf looked worried. He sensed the danger of being deprived of cookies. “Grulf is a spirit beast, so it should be alright.” Grulf looked happy. When we reached the mansion, Milka greeted us. “Mister Locke. Welcome back! That was a very long walk.” “A lot happened... Oh, we got you all something.” “Snacks! I’ll put on some tea!” Grulf wagged his tail excitedly. “Wait. The snacks can come later!” Grulf’s tail stopped in mid-air at Milka’s declaration. “We should have lunch first! It’s mostly ready now, so I’ll bring it right away.” And with that, Grulf’s tail wagged with a renewed vigor. Even Lord Gerberga seemed to have been roused by the word ‘lunch,’ as he immediately woke up. And with a flutter of wings, he popped out of the breastplate. We had left right after breakfast, and so it was already time for lunch. As soon as Milka left, Luchila, Serulis and Shia came in. “Welcome back. Did Lord Gerberga enjoy his walk?” “Yes. I think he got plenty of exercise.” Lord Gerberga jumped into Luchila’s arms. “Mister Locke. Kathe was so loud today.” “You could hear it from here...?” It must have echoed throughout the whole city. Damn that dragon. “Welcome back. I hope that Nia didn’t cause you any trouble?” “She didn’t cause any trouble at all.” “That is good.” Shia gently patted her sister on the head. And then Milka returned. “Here’s your lunch!” “Thank you.” “And this is for you, Lord Gerberga.” Grulf’s tail wagged. His lunch was a mass of grilled meat. Lord Gerberga’s lunch was a bowl of vegetables. Lord Gerberga ate more than the average chicken. As we ate lunch, I said, “Now, let me tell you what happened on our walk.” And everyone looked at me with interest.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 12, "inserted_lines_src": 7, "inserted_lines_trg": 6 }
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A heap of corpses. Those words fit the current spectacle inside the Raisen Grand Canyon’s ravine. Some demonic beasts had their heads smashed, along with the ground. While some demonic beasts had theirs pulverized, furthermore some demonic beasts had their body carbonized, although there were various killing methods, all of them died in one attack. Naturally, inside this hell, the place that was feared as an execution ground by people, there were... “One hit certain kill~!” ZUGANn!! “... ... Hindrance” GOBANn!! DOPANn!! It was the trio of Hajime, Yue, and Shia. After Hajime and his party got out from the town of Brook (with Yue and Shia’s fans seeing them off), using the magic-driven two-wheeler, they passed through the entrance of “Raisen Grand Canyon”. Currently, after advancing further and camping along the way, they had already passed through the cave concealing the path to “Orcus Great Dungeon”, furthermore two days had passed since then. Inside “Raisen Grand Canyon”, the demonic beasts kept attacking them just as usual. Shia’s Sledgehammer, swung with immense force smashed demonic beasts, it was literally a one hit certain kill. The demonic beasts were crushed to death with a normal attack that far exceed their defense. Even the mochi pounding moon rabbit’s destructive power paled in comparison to this. Yue closed in on the demonic beasts, then slaughtered them with magic that she instantly invoked with magical power from her equipment. Although Yue herself has enormous magical power, equipped with magical power stored inside the accessories called magic crystallization stone series, it became even more enormous. Her attack could be compared to endless bombing. Even if magical power was disintegrated in the ravine, thus the time to invoke magic became longer and the distance became shorter, she invoked ultra high temperature flames in no time and demonic beasts were killed while being carbonized without exception. Hajime, needless to say, was sniping the heads with Donner while driving the magic-driven two-wheeler. Although it was consuming his magic to use “Lightning-clad” and driving the magic-driven two-wheeler at the same time, there is no sign of magic depletion. The hell beasts that dominate the ravine were completely treated as small fish. The annihilation was treated as a side job while they searched for a sign of the Great Dungeon. The demonic beasts’ corpses overflowed on their way. “Haa~, even though it should be somewhere inside the Raisen, it was too vast after all” They moved while examining if there were caves. Even though they made thorough observations, not even one was found. Hajime could only inadvertently complain. “Well, because no matter what happens we’ll reach the Big Volcanic Mountain, it’s okay to not find it at all. There might be some clues in the Big Volcanic Mountain after all” “Well, even if that’s so...” “Nn... ... but, those demonic beasts made it gloomy” “A~, Yue-san also dislikes this place~” While complaining and being disgusted by the demonic beasts that keep coming, they had kept traveling for three days. There are no results today and the dark had already set in. The beautiful shine of the crescent moon could be seen if you looked up, therefore Hajime and his party started to prepare their camp. After taking out the tent, they prepared dinner with ingredients and seasoning bought in the town. The tent and cooking utensils were artifacts Hajime made. The tent was created using Creation magic, with “heating stone” and “cooling stone” installed, it’s always kept at a comfortable temperature. It’s also equipped with “refrigerator” and “freezer” made with cooling stone. Furthermore, the metal frame was imbued with “sign interception” from the “mind-severing stone” so that it wouldn’t be found easily by enemies. For cooking utensils, there was a frying pan and kettle with an adjustable flame that was proportionate with the amount of magic used, and a kitchen knife endowed with “wind claw” in its sharp edge that could be activated by pouring in magic. There was also a steam cleaner-like thing. They were Hajime’s beloved children that help provide the meals on their travel. Moreover, because it could only be used using direct magic manipulation, it could be said that there was a crime prevention system. “Age of gods magic is truly a convenient one” Those were the words that Hajime said when he made the cooking utensil artifacts and the tent installed with a heating and cooling system. It’s just like a useless technology, that wasn’t that useless, that he uselessly refined. By the way, today’s dinner was kururu chicken simmered in tomato. Kururu chicken was a chicken that was capable of flying in the sky. Its meat’s quality and taste was just like chicken, a popular type of chicken meat of this world. It was a dish where the meat was cut into bite size pieces and floured. after that it was sautÊd, then boiled along with various vegetables in a tomato soup. It has the right flavor of butter and meat juice inside the meat, you could feel the tomato’s sourness permeate in your nose when you smell it, when you put it into your mouth, the flavors will spread through. The meat will ‘horohoro’, crumble inside your mouth, ‘hokuhoku’ the potato(fake) that’s completely soaked inside the tomato soup, while carrot(fake)’s and onion(fake)’s sweetness transmitted to your tongue. To have bread melt and soften after dipping it inside the delicious soup truly made it more delicious. Dinner was finished with full satisfaction. and while immersed in the lingering taste, Hajime and his party chatted just like they always do. Inside the tent, they could leisurely chat because the mind-severing stone was activate, which made it so that demonic beasts do not approach them. Although sometimes there were demonic beasts that came near, Hajime only needed to stick his hand out the window that installed, and shoot it. Moreover, when time for sleep, the three rotated the lookout duty until morning came. Today, it was about time for Yue and Shia to start preparing to sleep. The first on look out was Hajime. Because there were fluffy futons inside the tent, they could sleep comfortably despite it being a camp. Also, Shia went outside the tent before getting into the futon. To Hajime who was dubious of what happened, Shia said with a calm face. “For a while, I wanted to pick flowers” “There are no flowers inside the ravine, you know?” “Ha-ji-me-sa~n!” Hajime’s words that lacked delicacy destroyed Shia’s calm face, she angrily stared at him. Hajime who obviously knew what those words meant said, “My bad my bad”, with a wryly smiling face that didn’t show any remorse. Shia hurriedly went to the tent’s side in anger, after a while... “Ha-Hajime-sa~n! Yue-sa~n! It’s an emergency! Please come he~re!” Was what Shia shouted out, forgetting the possibility of demonic beasts hearing it. Wondering what happened, Hajime and Yue, who came from the tent, looked at each other then dashed out at the same time. When they arrived at the origin of Shia’s voice, they saw that there was a huge monolith that leaned on the ravine’s wall after it fell, and a space was revealed between the monolith and the wall. Shia was inside that space seeing something unbelievable! Being colored in excitement all the while. “Here, over here! I found it!” “I understand, for the time being get out of there. It looks like you used full body strengthening. Aren’t you too excited?” “... ... annoying” The frolicking Shia was pulled out by Hajime and Yue’s hands, when Hajime pulled her he got a feel, while Yue gloomily frowned because of that. Guided by Shia into the crevice between the rocks, when they entered the wall’s side had a hollow interior, and it was wider than expected. Having entered that space, Shia silently, with a proud expression ‘bishi’, pointed her finger at the wall. Hajime and Yue looked at the place pointed by that finger, then they inadvertently let out “Ha?”, while blinking their eyes in surprise. In front of the two, in that place, there was a splendid rectangular signboard that was made with cuts in the wall, and strangely woman-like characters were carved there. “Please come in! Into Miledi Raisen’s thrilling Great Dungeonâ™Ē” The mark “!” and “â™Ē” felt strangely irritating. “... ... what is this” Hajime and Yue’s voice came out in succession. “I am seeing something unbelievable right now!”, were the exact presentations of their expressions. The two of them, blankly looked at the signboard inside the hellish ravine. “To ask what, it is the entrance! Great Dungeon’s! It was found by chance when I went to-... ...cough, to pick flowers. Well~, it was real, there is a Great Dungeon inside Raisen Grand Canyon” While Shia’s slaphappy voice resounded, maybe because Hajime and Yue was finally able to get out of their surprise, they wore indescribable expressions, then looked at each other in perplexion. “... ... Yue. Do you think it’s real?” “... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Nn” “That’s a long pause there. Your basis?” “Miledi”, it was the first name of Raisen that appeared on Oscar’s memorandum. Although the name Raisen was conveyed and known by the world, the first name was unknown. Therefore, the chance that a place with its name signed in was the Great Dungeon of Raisen is very high. But, no matter what, what they were honestly unable to believe was... “Why must it be this character...” There was a reason for saying that. Hajime was considering the desperate fights that happened inside the Orcus Great Dungeon, and surely the other dungeons would also be along that line, that’s why the lightheartedness of this made him lose his strength. Yue also understood well the severity of a Great Dungeon, that’s why, her expression said that she still thought maybe it was someone’s prank. “But, the entrance-like place couldn’t be seen, right? The interior was a dead end...” Not noticing what happened in Hajime and Yue’s minds, Shia thought, I wonder where the entrance is? And was looking around the surrounding, then she ‘peshipeshi’, hit the hollow part of the wall. “Oi, Shia. Don’t...” GAKONn! “Fukya!?” “Don’t carelessly move around,” were the words Hajime was unable to finish when part of the wall that Shia touched ‘GURUNn’, suddenly rotated, and Shia disappeared to the other side of the wall. It was like a door mechanism inside a ninja’s house. “”... ...”” The credibility of that signboard miraculously increased with the finding of the entrance of the Great Dungeon. The Great Dungeon of Raisen was here after all. Even though they had a mountain of complaints such as, “Is this really okay for a Great Dungeon?” and “Give me my seriousness from Orcus back”, something like that after seeing that amusement-like invitation. Hajime and Yue who saw Shia silently disappear behind the rotating door, once more, looked at each other then let out sighs, and put their hands onto the rotating door just like Shia. Having activated the door, Hajime and Yue were sent to the other side just like Shia. The inside was pitch black, and the door was ‘gururi’, rotated back to its former position. And, at that time, Hyu Hyu Hyu! Sounds of something coming flying at them resounded, while they couldn’t see anything inside the darkness. Hajime immediately used “Night Vision” and discovered what they were. They were arrows. Countless arrows painted jet black so as to not reflect light, and they came flying to remove any intruders that entered. Hajime, with Donner in his right hand, used his left hand to beat down those flying jet black arrows. ‘Kan Kan Kan’, the sound of metal knocking metal came out, without missing even one arrow. When counted, there were arrows. Jet black arrows made of metal and didn’t reflect any light scattered on the ground, when the last arrow was knocked down, silence returned. At the same time, the surrounding walls began to shine. The area Hajime and his party were in was a room with a length of meters in every direction, and straight ahead, a passage into the interior appeared. In addition, there was a lithograph inside the room with words with the same characters as the signboard carved on it. “Did you get scared? Hey, did this scare you? Then you’re a kid, Niya Niya” “Or, were you injured? Or did someone die? ... ... bufu—” “” ... ...”” Hajime and Yue couldn’t think of anything but one thing. That was “How annoying~”. Also, the “Niya Niya” and “bufu-” part that were carved with emphasis as if to provoke them, made them even more irritated. Especially, if someone in their party truly died, then surely the survivor would curse the heaven. Hajime and Yue were so irritated that many veins popped out on their heads. Then, suddenly, Yue muttered something she just remembered. “... ... Shia?” “Ah.” Having heard Yue’s mutter, Hajime finally remembered, then looked back at the rotating door in panic. Because the door only did one rotation at a time, for her to not be here means the possibility that she got out at the same time Hajime and Yue entered were high. It made him feel something unpleasant because even though a lot of time had passed she didn’t enter, so Hajime immediately activated the rotating door. Shia was... ... there as expected. Her form sewn on the rotating door. “Uu, sob, Hajime-san... ... please don’t look~, but, I want you to take these out. Hic, please do it without looking at me~” It truly was a pitiful appearance. Shia, although unable to see the arrows that came flying, she probably used her natural search ability to somehow manage to dodge them from the sound. However it seemed it was truly last second, with her clothes pierced here and there, she made a pictogram similar to those that were drawn on emergency exits. Her rabbit ears bent into something similar to a lightning bolt to avoid the arrows, because she knew that she had done something impossible, her body still twitched even now. Most of all, Shia didn’t cry out of fear of death. The cause was... ... her feet were magnificently wet. “Now that I remember, you are going to pick some flowers... ... well, what to say. You only did the necessary...” “Wrong! Uu~, just why didn’t you finish that, the past me~!!” It was an appearance that you’d never want to show as a woman, even more so for Shia who cried because she had shown it to the man she fell for. Her rabbit ears completely hung down. First of all, even if it was a chance to encounter love after years, Hajime thought it was already too late. That’s why, without looking away he stared at her in amazement. And, that hollowed Shia’s heart even more. “... ... Don’t move” Maybe because she was also a woman, Yue’s expressionlessness contained sympathy and she released Shia from the crucifixion. “... ... I’ll do something about it. You’re still a novice” “I am ashamed~. Sob” “... ... Hajime, change of clothes” “Here” Shia’s change of clothes were pulled out from the “Treasure Box”, then she did a quick change while blushing. Finally, Shia’s preparations are finished, “It’s time to conquer the Dungeon!”, was the enthusiastic shout that she let out, only to notice the lithograph. She looked down and her hair concealed her expression. Shia was silent for a while, then she slowly took out Doryukken, and struck the lithograph with all of her might. ‘Gogya’, was the sound that resounded accompanied with the destruction of the lithograph. Maybe because she was unable to endure it anymore, she magnificently swung Doryukken many many times as if attacking the enemy of her parents. Then, in the place of the broken lithograph, characters were carved on the ground, it said... “Sorr~yâ™Ē This lithograph will automatically be repaired after some time~ Pu-kusukusu!!” “Mukii— —!!” Shia was truly enraged and started to swing Doryukken more intensely. The small room was shaken as if a small earthquake happened, the sound of extraordinary impacts were resounding many times. Watching Shia with a skeptical gaze, Hajime frankly muttered. “Miledi Raisen, rather than a member of the “Liberators,” she is unquestionably the enemy of humanity” “... ... I absolutely agree on that” Apparently, the Great Dungeon of Raisen would be a difficult place in a different way than the Orcus Great Dungeon.
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At its core, globalization entails the increasing volume, velocity, and importance of flows – within and across borders – of people, ideas, greenhouse gases, goods, dollars, drugs, viruses, emails, weapons, and a good deal else, challenging one of sovereignty’s fundamental principles: the ability to control what crosses borders in either direction. Sovereign states increasingly measure their vulnerability not to one another, but to forces beyond their control.
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į•°čŗĒãĒもぎãĢ寞しãĻ åĨŊåĨ‡åŋƒæ—ēį›› 大äēēが恐怖åŋƒã‚’植えつけたり å¤ąį¤ŧがãĒいようãĢと 子䞛ぎåĨŊåĨ‡åŋƒã‚’æŠŧさえčžŧんだり čŗĒ問を過ãŖたりするから 子䞛はį•°čŗĒãĒもぎを恐れãĻしぞう 原際先į”ŸãŒã¯ã—ã‚ƒãå­äž›ãŸãĄãĢ言ãŖたわ 「間違ãŖãĻもエミãƒŧさんぎčļŗを」 「じろじろčĻ‹ãĒいこと」 でも大切ãĒぎはそこ įžŠčļŗãĢč§ĻれãĻもらうぎがį›Žįš„ そこでį§ã¯å…ˆį”ŸãĢã“ã†æŒãĄã‹ã‘ãŸ 「2åˆ†é–“ã ã‘å­äž›ãŸãĄã¨čŠąãŒã—ãŸã„ã€ 「大äēē抜きで」 æ‰‰ãŒé–‹ãã€å­äž›ãŸãĄã¯įžŠčļŗãĢįž¤ãŒãŖた つついたり、つぞ先を動かしたり įŸ­čˇé›ĸčĩ°į”¨ãŽįžŠčļŗãĢ 全äŊ“重をかけãĻãŋたり į§ã¯å°‹ã­ãŸã€ŒäģŠæœãĩと思ãŖたぎ」 「åŽļをčˇŗãŗčļŠãˆãĻãŋたいãŖãĻ」 「2、3階åģēãĻぎåŽļよ」 「動į‰Šã€ã‚šãƒŧパãƒŧヒãƒŧロãƒŧ、ã‚ĸãƒ‹ãƒĄã‚­ãƒŖナ」 「äŊ•ã§ã‚‚いいぎ」 「おんãĒčļŗãĒらčˇŗずるかしら」 「ã‚Ģãƒŗã‚ŦãƒĢãƒŧ!」とčĒ°ã‹ãŒåĢんだ 「だめだめ!ã‚ĢエãƒĢ!」 「ã‚Ŧジェットč­Ļ部がいいよ!」 ã€ŒãĄãŒã†ã‚ˆ!Mr.イãƒŗクãƒŦデã‚ŖブãƒĢだよ!」 į§ãŒčžã„たことぎãĒいもぎぞで すると8才ぎ子が 「ねえ、įŠēをéŖ›ãŗたいとは思わãĒいぎ?」 ãŋんãĒåŖをそろえãĻ言ãŖãŸã‚ã€Œã‚‚ãĄã‚ã‚“!」 しつけられた子䞛ぎį›ŽãĢは 障åŽŗč€…ã¨ã—ãĻ映ãŖたであろうį§ã¯ äģŠã‚„æœĒįŸĨぎ可čƒŊ性をį§˜ã‚ãŸäŊ“ãŽæŒãĄä¸ģ čļ…äēēãĢだãŖãĻãĒれる おもしろいでしょ į§ã¯11嚴前もこぎ場ãĢįĢ‹ãĄãžã—た TEDでäēēį”ŸãŒå¤‰ã‚ãŖたというåŖ°ã‚’ äŊ•åēĻもč€ŗãĢしぞすが、į§ã‚‚ããŽã˛ã¨ã‚Š TEDはそぎ垌ぎäēēį”ŸæŽĸæą‚ãŽå‡ēį™ēį‚šã ãŖた そぎ時į´šäģ‹ã—たぎがåŊ“時į”ģ期įš„とされたįžŠčļŗ チãƒŧã‚ŋãƒŧぎ垌č‚ĸをãƒĸデãƒĢãĢ į‚­į´ įšŠįļ­ã§äŊœãŖた įŸ­čˇé›ĸčĩ°į”¨ãŽįžŠčļŗです そしãĻこぎæœŦį‰Šã•ãĒãŒã‚‰ãŽã‚ˇãƒĒã‚ŗãƒŗぎčļŗ åž“æĨぎåŒģį™‚ぎ枠をčļŠãˆãĻ éŠæ–°č€…ã‚’é›†ã‚ã€į§‘å­Ļã¨æŠ€čĄ“ã‚’é§†äŊŋした įžŠčļŗäŊœã‚Šã‚’į›ŽæŒ‡ã—た åŊĸ、抟čƒŊ、įžŽãŽäžĄå€¤ã‚’ åˆĨ々ãĢčŋŊæą‚ã™ã‚‹ãŽã‚’ã‚„ã‚ã‚‹ãĢは いいチãƒŖãƒŗã‚š 嚸い多くぎäēēがčŗ›åŒã—ãĻくれãĻ TEDå‚åŠ č€…ãŽãƒãƒŧãƒģパãƒŧãƒĢマãƒŗをįŸĨãŖたぎもこぎ頃 äģŠæ—Ĩもäŧšå ´ãĢいるはずよ チãƒŧはåŊ“時『ID』čĒŒãŽįˇ¨é›†č€…で ãƒˆãƒƒãƒ—č¨˜äē‹ã§į§ã‚’į´šäģ‹ã—ãĻくれた これが大きãĒきãŖかけとãĒり åŋƒčēã‚‹å‡ēäŧšã„がæŦĄã€…とį”Ÿãžã‚ŒãŸ チãƒŧã‚ŋãƒŧįžŠčļŗぎデã‚ļイãƒŗãĢついãĻ 世į•Œä¸­ã‹ã‚‰čŦ›æŧ”䞝é ŧがæŽē到 čŦ›æŧ”ぎ垌はį”ˇæ€§ã‚‚åĨŗ性も ãŋんãĒ集ぞãŖãĻきた そしãĻこんãĒéĸ¨ãĢč¨€ã‚ã‚Œã‚‹ãŽ 「エミãƒŧ 、すごく魅力įš„だよ」 「とãĻもčēĢäŊ“éšœåŽŗ者ãĢčĻ‹ãˆãĒい」 į§ã ãŖãĻ そんãĒéĸ¨ãĢ感じたことãĒいわ とåŋƒãŽä¸­ã§æ€ã„ãĒがら だけおこぎäŧščŠąã§ã€įžŽã—さãĢはæŽĸæą‚ãŽäŊ™åœ°ãŒã‚ることを 気ãĨかされぞした įžŽã—いåĨŗ性ãŖãĻおんãĒå§ŋ? 魅力įš„ãĒäŊ“ãŖãĻ? ã‚ĸイデãƒŗテã‚Ŗテã‚ŖというčĻ–į‚šã‹ã‚‰ 障åŽŗを持つことãĢはおんãĒ意å‘ŗがある? ãƒ‘ãƒĄãƒŠãƒģã‚ĸãƒŗダãƒŧã‚ŊãƒŗぎäŊ“はäēēåˇĨįš„でも 障åŽŗč€…ã¨ã¯å‘ŧばれãĒいでしょ 『IDã€ãŽč¨˜äē‹ã¯ã‚°ãƒŠãƒ•ã‚Ŗックデã‚ļイナãƒŧぎピãƒŧã‚ŋãƒŧãƒģã‚ĩヴã‚ŖãƒĢから ãƒ•ã‚Ąãƒƒã‚ˇãƒ§ãƒŗデã‚ļイナãƒŧぎã‚ĸãƒŦキã‚ĩãƒŗダãƒŧãƒģマックイãƒŧãƒŗと 写įœŸåŽļぎニックãƒģナイトãĢæ¸ĄãŖた TEDぎ3ãƒļ月垌、初ぎãƒĸデãƒĢæ’ŽåŊąã‚’ ロãƒŗドãƒŗã§čĄŒã„ãžã—ãŸ ãã‚ŒãŒã“ãŽčĄ¨į´™ čĻ‹å‡ēã—ã¯ã€Œãƒ•ã‚Ąãƒƒã‚ˇãƒ§ãƒŗ化?」 3ãƒļ月垌ãĢはマックイãƒŧãƒŗãŽã‚ˇãƒ§ãƒŧでãƒĸデãƒĢを務め トネãƒĒã‚ŗčŖŊぎ手åŊĢりぎįžŠčļŗをåąĨいたら čĻŗåŽĸは木ぎブãƒŧツだと勘違い これが原į‰Šã§ã™ ブドã‚ĻぎつるとãƒĸクãƒŦãƒŗぎčĻ‹äē‹ãĒįžŽ čŠŠã‚‚å¤§åˆ‡ã‚ˆ čŠŠã¯åšŗå‡Ąã§ãĒおざりãĢãĒãŖたもぎを 芸術ãĢ変える čŠŠã¯äēē々が恐れãĻいたもぎを 興å‘ŗæˇąãã— もう少しだけčĻ‹ãĻãŋたい į†č§ŖしたいもぎãĢ変える ãƒžã‚ˇãƒĨãƒŧãƒģバãƒŧニãƒŧぎ「クãƒŦマ゚ã‚ŋãƒŧãƒģã‚ĩイクãƒĢ」が į§ãĢそぎことを教えãĻくれた į§ãŽįžŠčļŗはåąĨくåŊĢåˆģãĒぎだと åŋƒã‹ã‚‰į—›æ„Ÿã—た そぎときį§ã¯äēē間らしさぎ垊元だけãĢįžŽãŽį†æƒŗをčĻ‹å‡ēすčĻ–į‚šã‹ã‚‰ č§Ŗ攞されつつありぞした 「ã‚ŦãƒŠã‚šãŽč„šã€ã¨ã—ãĻčĻĒしぞれたįžŠčļŗは 原はボãƒŧãƒĒãƒŗグįŽ‰ãŽį´ æã¨åŒã˜ 透明ãĒポãƒĒã‚ĻãƒŦã‚ŋãƒŗčŖŊ 重いぎよ! これは土ぎ中でé‹ŗ造したįžŠčļŗ ジãƒŖã‚Ŧイãƒĸとテãƒŗã‚ĩイが栚をåŧĩãŖãĻるわ つぞ先はįœŸãĄã‚…う ã“ã‚ŒãŒæ‹Ąå¤§į”ģ像 æŦĄã¯ä¸ŠåŠčēĢがåĨŗ性、下半čēĢがチãƒŧã‚ŋãƒŧ ã‚ĸã‚šãƒĒãƒŧトäēēį”Ÿã¸ãŽæ„ŸčŦãŽå° į‰šæŽŠãƒĄã‚¤ã‚¯ãĢ14時間かけ æœŦæ ŧįš„ãĒčļŗやįˆĒとしãĒやかãĒå°ģ尞を持つ į”Ÿãį‰ŠãĢãĒりきりぞした ヤãƒĸãƒĒãŋたいãĢ ã‚‚ã†ä¸€ã¤å…ąåŒåˆļäŊœã—ãŸãŽãŒã“ãĄã‚‰ ã‚¯ãƒŠã‚˛ãŽčļŗぎよう これもポãƒĒã‚ĻãƒŦã‚ŋãƒŗです 映į”ģäģĨ外でぎ こぎčļŗぎäŊŋい道は 感čĻšãĢč¨´ãˆæƒŗ像力をåˆēæŋ€ã™ã‚‹ã“と åĨ‡æŠœã•ã‚‚大äē‹ã‚ˆ į§ã¯įžŠčļŗを12čļŗäģĨ上持ãŖãĻぞす 多くぎäēēが手がけ それぞれが違ãŖた感čĻšã‚’čļŗもとãĢ与えãĻくれる čēĢé•ˇã ãŖãĻ変えられる į§ãŽčēĢé•ˇã¯5į¨ŽéĄž äģŠæ—Ĩは185cm 1åš´å‰ã€č‹ąå›Ŋドãƒŧã‚ģãƒƒãƒˆåˇžãŽæ•´åŊĸ外į§‘で äŊœãŖãĻもらãŖたもぎを マãƒŗハッã‚ŋãƒŗãĢæŒãĄå¸°ã‚Š パãƒŧテã‚ŖãƒŧãĢ行ãŖた時ぎこと 晎æŽĩ173cmぎį§ã‚’įŸĨる é•ˇåš´ãŽå‹äēēが į§ã‚’čĻ‹ãĻビックãƒĒ ã€Œã™ã”ã„čƒŒãŒéĢ˜ã„じゃãĒい!」 į§ã¯ã™ã‹ã•ãšã€Œã­ã‡!éĸį™Ŋいでしょ?」 įĢšéĻŦãĢįĢšéĻŦで䚗る感čĻšã‚ˆ æƒŗ厚外だãŖたぎは ドã‚ĸ枠ãĢ頭を打ãŖãĻしぞうこと それすらもæĨŊしかãŖた しかも友äēēãŒč¨€ã†ãŽ 「でも、エミãƒŧそんãĒぎずるいわ」 (拍手) ã‚Ļã‚Ŋãŋたいだけお友äēēはæœŦ気だãŖた č‡Ēį”ąãĢčēĢé•ˇã‚’å¤‰ãˆã‚‰ã‚Œã‚‹ãĒんãĻ ずるいでしょ そぎįžŦ間―― į¤žäŧšãŽååŋœãŒã“ぎ10嚴で 大きく変わãŖたと 原感した もはやハãƒŗデã‚Ŗは克服するもぎではãĒく プナ゚ãĢåĸ—嚅しãĻいくもぎ į¤žäŧšã¯å¯čƒŊ性ãĢæēĸれãĻいる įžŠč‚ĸã¯ã‚‚ã¯ã‚„å¤ąãŖたもぎをčŖœã†ãŽã§ã¯ãĒい 新たãĢį”Ÿãžã‚ŒãŸįŠē間ãĢ čŖ…į€č€…がč‡Ēį”ąãĒå‰ĩäŊœã‚’原įžã™ã‚‹ åŠ›ãŽčąĄåž´ čēĢäŊ“éšœåŽŗč€…ã¨ã•ã‚ŒãĻきたäēē々は äģŠã‚„č‡Ē分ぎ個性をæŧ”å‡ēできるんです č‡Ē分がį§˜ã‚ãŸå¯čƒŊ性をäŋĄã˜ čēĢäŊ“をデã‚ļイãƒŗすることãĢより 新たãĒ個性をį”Ÿãŋå‡ēしįļšã‘ã‚‹ äģŠã€į§ãŒåŋƒåž…ãĄãĢしãĻいるぎが ロボットやバイã‚Ēニク゚ãĒおぎ最先įĢ¯æŠ€čĄ“と æ˜”ã‹ã‚‰ã‚ã‚‹čŠŠã‚’ įĩ„ãŋ合わせることで į§ãŸãĄãŒäēēéĄžå…¨äŊ“ぎäēē間らしさをį†č§Ŗし始めãĻいること į§ãŸãĄãŒæŒã¤äēē間らしさãĢ最大ぎ可čƒŊ性を čĻ‹å‡ēしたければ čĒ°ã‚‚が持ãŖãĻã„ã‚‹ã™ã°ã‚‰ã—ã„é•ˇæ‰€ã‚„ 偉大ãĒæŦ é™Ĩã‚’č¤’ã‚į§°ãˆã‚‹åŋ…čĻãŒã‚りぞす 『ヴェニ゚ぎ商äēēã€ã§ã‚ˇãƒŖã‚¤ãƒ­ãƒƒã‚¯ãŒč¨€ãŖãĻるでしょ 「針でåˆēã›ã°čĄ€ãŒå‡ēる」 「くすぐられればįŦ‘いもする」 それがį§ãŸãĄãŽäēē間らしさであり そこãĢæŊœã‚€ã™ãšãĻぎ可čƒŊ性が į§ãŸãĄã‚’įžŽã—くするぎです ありがとうございぞした
And, from my experience, you know, kids are naturally curious about what they don't know, or don't understand, or is foreign to them. They only learn to be frightened of those differences when an adult influences them to behave that way, and maybe censors that natural curiosity, or you know, reins in the question-asking in the hopes of them being polite little kids. don't stare at her legs." But, of course, that's the point. That's why I was there, I wanted to invite them to look and explore. So I made a deal with the adults that the kids could come in without any adults for two minutes on their own. The doors open, the kids descend on this table of legs, and they are poking and prodding, and they're wiggling toes, and they're trying to put their full weight on the sprinting leg to see what happens with that. And I said, "Kids, really quickly -- I woke up this morning, I decided I wanted to be able to jump over a house -- nothing too big, two or three stories -- but, if you could think of any animal, any superhero, any cartoon character, anything you can dream up right now, what kind of legs would you build me?" And immediately a voice shouted, "Kangaroo!" "No, no, no! Should be a frog!" "No. It should be Go Go Gadget!" "No, no, no! It should be the Incredibles." And other things that I don't -- aren't familiar with. And then, one eight-year-old said, "Hey, why wouldn't you want to fly too?" And the whole room, including me, was like, "Yeah." And just like that, I went from being a woman that these kids would have been trained to see as "disabled" to somebody that had potential that their bodies didn't have yet. Somebody that might even be super-abled. Interesting. So some of you actually saw me at TED, 11 years ago. And there's been a lot of talk about how life-changing this conference is for both speakers and attendees, and I am no exception. TED literally was the launch pad to the next decade of my life's exploration. At the time, the legs I presented were groundbreaking in prosthetics. I had woven carbon fiber sprinting legs modeled after the hind leg of a cheetah, And also these very life-like, intrinsically painted silicone legs. to innovators outside the traditional medical prosthetic community to come bring their talent to the science and to the art of building legs. So that we can stop compartmentalizing form, function and aesthetic, and assigning them different values. Well, lucky for me, a lot of people answered that call. And the journey started, funny enough, with a TED conference attendee -- Chee Pearlman, who hopefully is in the audience somewhere today. She was the editor then of a magazine called ID, and she gave me a cover story. Curious encounters were happening to me at the time; I'd been accepting numerous invitations to speak on the design of the cheetah legs around the world. And people would come up to me after the conference, after my talk, men and women. And the conversation would go something like this, "You know Aimee, you're very attractive. You don't look disabled." I thought, "Well, that's amazing, because I don't feel disabled." And it really opened my eyes to this conversation that could be explored, about beauty. What does a beautiful woman have to look like? What is a sexy body? And interestingly, from an identity standpoint, what does it mean to have a disability? I mean, people -- Pamela Anderson has more prosthetic in her body than I do. Nobody calls her disabled. So this magazine, through the hands of graphic designer Peter Saville, went to fashion designer Alexander McQueen, and photographer Nick Knight, who were also interested in exploring that conversation. So, three months after TED I found myself on a plane to London, doing my first fashion shoot, which resulted in this cover -- "Fashion-able"? Three months after that, I did my first runway show for Alexander McQueen on a pair of hand-carved wooden legs made from solid ash. Nobody knew -- everyone thought they were wooden boots. Actually, I have them on stage with me: grapevines, magnolias -- truly stunning. Poetry matters. Poetry is what elevates the banal and neglected object to a realm of art. It can transform the thing that might have made people fearful into something that invites them to look, and look a little longer, and maybe even understand. The artist Matthew Barney, in his film opus called the "The Cremaster Cycle." This is where it really hit home for me -- that my legs could be wearable sculpture. And even at this point, I started to move away from the need to replicate human-ness as the only aesthetic ideal. So we made what people lovingly referred to as glass legs even though they're actually optically clear polyurethane, a.k.a. bowling ball material. Heavy! Then we made these legs that are cast in soil with a potato root system growing in them, and beetroots out the top, and a very lovely brass toe. That's a good close-up of that one. Then another character was a half-woman, half-cheetah -- a little homage to my life as an athlete. 14 hours of prosthetic make-up to get into a creature that had articulated paws, claws and a tail that whipped around, like a gecko. And then another pair of legs we collaborated on were these -- look like jellyfish legs, also polyurethane. And the only purpose that these legs can serve, outside the context of the film, is to provoke the senses and ignite the imagination. So whimsy matters. Today, I have over a dozen pair of prosthetic legs that various people have made for me, and with them I have different negotiations of the terrain under my feet, and I can change my height -- I have a variable of five different heights. Today, I'm 6'1". And I had these legs made a little over a year ago and when I brought them home to Manhattan, my first night out on the town, I went to a very fancy party. And a girl was there who has known me for years at my normal 5'8". Her mouth dropped open when she saw me, and she went, "But you're so tall!" And I said, "I know. Isn't it fun?" I mean, it's a little bit like wearing stilts on stilts, but I have an entirely new relationship to door jams that I never expected I would ever have. And I was having fun with it. And she looked at me, and she said, "But, Aimee, that's not fair." And the incredible thing was she really meant it. It's not fair that you can change your height, as you want it. And that's when I knew -- that's when I knew that the conversation with society has changed profoundly in this last decade. It is no longer a conversation about overcoming deficiency. It's a conversation about augmentation. It's a conversation about potential. A prosthetic limb doesn't represent the need to replace loss anymore. It can stand as a symbol that the wearer has the power to create whatever it is that they want to create in that space. So people that society once considered to be disabled can now become the architects of their own identities and indeed continue to change those identities by designing their bodies from a place of empowerment. And what is exciting to me so much right now is that by combining cutting-edge technology -- robotics, bionics -- with the age-old poetry, we are moving closer to understanding our collective humanity. I think that if we want to discover the full potential in our humanity, we need to celebrate those heartbreaking strengths and those glorious disabilities that we all have. I think of Shakespeare's Shylock: "If you prick us, do we not bleed, and if you tickle us, do we not laugh?" It is our humanity, and all the potential within it, that makes us beautiful. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
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So what I'm going to do is play this. This is the song from the TED Talks online. And I'm going to slow it down because things sound cooler when they're slower. Ken Robinson: Good morning. How are you? Mark Applebaum: I'm going to -- Kate Stone: -- mix some music. MA: I'm going to do so in a way that tells a story. Tod Machover: Something nobody's ever heard before. KS: I have a crossfader. Julian Treasure: I call this the mixer. KS: Two D.J. decks. Chris Anderson: You turn up the dials, the wheel starts to turn. Dan Ellsey: I have always loved music. Michael Tilson Thomas: Is it a melody or a rhythm or a mood or an attitude? Daniel Wolpert: Feeling everything that's going on inside my body. Adam Ockelford: In your brain is this amazing musical computer. MTT: Using computers and synthesizers to create works. It's a language that's still evolving. And the 21st century. KR: Turn on the radio. Pop into the discotheque. You will know what this person is doing: moving to the music. Mark Ronson: This is my favorite part. MA: You gotta have doorstops. That's important. TM: We all love music a great deal. MTT: Anthems, dance crazes, ballads and marches. Kirby Ferguson and JT: The remix: It is new music created from old music. Ryan Holladay: Blend seamlessly. Kathryn Schulz: And that's how it goes. MTT: What happens when the music stops? KS: Yay! MR: Obviously, I've been watching a lot of TED Talks. When I was first asked to speak at TED, I wasn't quite sure what my angle was, at first, so yeah, I immediately started watching tons of TED Talks, which is pretty much absolutely the worst thing that you can do because you start to go into panic mode, thinking, I haven't mounted a successful expedition to the North Pole yet. to my village through sheer ingenuity. In fact, I've pretty much wasted most of my life DJing in night clubs and producing pop records. But I still kept watching the videos, because I'm a masochist, and eventually, things like Michael Tilson Thomas and Tod Machover, and seeing their visceral passion talking about music, it definitely stirred something in me, and I'm a sucker for anyone talking devotedly about the power of music. And I started to write down on these little note cards every time I heard something that struck a chord in me, pardon the pun, or something that I thought I could use, and pretty soon, my studio looked like this, kind of like a John Nash, "Beautiful Mind" vibe. The other good thing about watching TED Talks, when you see a really good one, you kind of all of a sudden wish the speaker was your best friend, don't you? Like, just for a day. They seem like a nice person. You'd take a bike ride, maybe share an ice cream. You'd certainly learn a lot. when they got frustrated that you couldn't really keep up with half of the technical things they're banging on about all the time. But then they'd remember that you're but a mere human of ordinary, mortal intelligence that didn't finish university, and they'd kind of forgive you, and pet you like the dog. Man, yeah, back to the real world, probably Sir Ken Robinson and I are not going to end up being best of friends. He lives all the way in L.A. and I imagine is quite busy, but through the tools available to me -- technology and the innate way that I approach making music -- I can sort of bully our existences into a shared event, which is sort of what you saw. I can hear something that I love in a piece of media and I can co-opt it and insert myself in that narrative, or alter it, even. In a nutshell, that's what I was trying to do with these things, but more importantly, that's what the past 30 years of music has been. That's the major thread. See, 30 years ago, you had the first digital samplers, and they changed everything overnight. All of a sudden, artists could sample from anything and everything that came before them, from a snare drum from the Funky Meters, to a Ron Carter bassline, the theme to "The Price Is Right." Albums like De La Soul's "3 Feet High and Rising" and the Beastie Boys' "Paul's Boutique" looted from decades of recorded music to create these sonic, layered masterpieces that were basically the Sgt. Peppers of their day. And they weren't sampling these records because they were too lazy to write their own music. They weren't sampling these records to cash in on the familiarity of the original stuff. To be honest, it was all about sampling really obscure things, except for a few obvious exceptions like Vanilla Ice and "doo doo doo da da doo doo" that we know about. But the thing is, they were sampling those records because they heard something in that music that spoke to them that they instantly wanted to inject themselves into the narrative of that music. They heard it, they wanted to be a part of it, and all of a sudden they found themselves in possession of the technology to do so, not much unlike the way the Delta blues struck a chord with the Stones and the Beatles and Clapton, and they felt the need to co-opt that music for the tools of their day. You know, in music we take something that we love and we build on it. I'd like to play a song for you. That's "La Di Da Di" and it's the fifth-most sampled song of all time. It's been sampled 547 times. It was made in 1984 by these two legends of hip-hop, Slick Rick and Doug E. Fresh, and the Ray-Ban and Jheri curl look is so strong. I do hope that comes back soon. Anyway, this predated the sampling era. There were no samples in this record, although I did look up on the Internet last night, I mean several months ago, that "La Di Da Di" means, it's an old Cockney expression from the late 1800s in England, so maybe a remix with Mrs. Patmore from "Downton Abbey" coming soon, or that's for another day. Doug E. Fresh was the human beat box. Slick Rick is the voice you hear on the record, and because of Slick Rick's sing-songy, super-catchy vocals, it provides endless sound bites and samples for future pop records. That was 1984. This is me in 1984, in case you were wondering how I was doing, thank you for asking. It's Throwback Thursday already. I was involved in a heavy love affair with the music of Duran Duran, as you can probably tell from my outfit. I was in the middle. And the simplest way that I knew how to co-opt myself into that experience of wanting to be in that song somehow was to just get a band together of fellow nine-year-olds and play "Wild Boys" at the school talent show. So that's what we did, and long story short, we were booed off the stage, and if you ever have a chance to live your life escaping hearing the sound of an auditorium full of second- and third-graders booing, I would highly recommend it. It's not really fun. But it didn't really matter, because what I wanted somehow was to just be in the history of that song for a minute. I didn't care who liked it. I just loved it, and I thought I could put myself in there. Over the next 10 years, "La Di Da Di" continues to be sampled by countless records, ending up on massive hits like "Here Comes the Hotstepper" and "I Wanna Sex You Up." Snoop Doggy Dogg covers this song on his debut album "Doggystyle" and calls it "Lodi Dodi." Copyright lawyers are having a field day at this point. And then you fast forward to 1997, and the Notorious B.I.G., or Biggie, reinterprets "La Di Da Di" on his number one hit called "Hypnotize," which I will play a little bit of and I will play you a little bit of the Slick Rick to show you where they got it from. So Biggie was killed weeks before that song made it to number one, in one of the great tragedies of the hip-hop era, and very much alive when "La Di Da Di" first came out, and as a young boy growing up in Brooklyn, it's hard not to think that that song probably held some fond memories for him. But the way he interpreted it, as you hear, is completely his own. He flips it, makes it, there's nothing pastiche whatsoever about it. It's thoroughly modern Biggie. I had to make that joke in this room, because you would be the only people that I'd ever have a chance of getting it. And so, it's a groaner. Elsewhere in the pop and rap world, we're going a little bit sample-crazy. We're getting away from the obscure samples that we were doing, and all of a sudden everyone's taking these massive '80s tunes like Bowie, "Let's Dance," and all these disco records, and just rapping on them. These records don't really age that well. You don't hear them now, because they borrowed from an era that was too steeped in its own connotation. You can't just hijack nostalgia wholesale. It leaves the listener feeling sickly. You have to take an element of those things and then bring something fresh and new to it, which was something that I learned when I was working with the late, amazing Amy Winehouse on her album "Back to Black." A lot of fuss was made about the sonic of the album that myself and Salaam Remi, the other producer, achieved, how we captured this long-lost sound, but without the very, very 21st-century personality and firebrand that was Amy Winehouse and her lyrics about rehab and Roger Moore and even a mention of Slick Rick, the whole thing would have run the risk of being very pastiche, to be honest. Imagine any other singer from that era over it singing the same old lyrics. It runs a risk of being completely bland. I mean, there was no doubt that Amy and I and Salaam all had this love for this gospel, soul and blues and jazz that was evident listening to the musical arrangements. She brought the ingredients that made it urgent and of the time. So if we come all the way up to the present day now, the cultural tour de force that is Miley Cyrus, she reinterprets "La Di Da Di" completely for her generation, and we'll take a listen to the Slick Rick part and then see how she sort of flipped it. So Miley Cyrus, who wasn't even born yet when "La Di Da Di" was made, and neither were any of the co-writers on the song, has found this song that somehow etched its way into the collective consciousness of pop music, and now, with its timeless playfulness of the original, has kind of translated to a whole new generation who will probably co-opt it as their own. Since the dawn of the sampling era, about the validity of music that contains samples. You know, the Grammy committee says that if your song contains some kind of pre-written or pre-existing music, you're ineligible for song of the year. Rockists, who are racist but only about rock music, constantly use the argument to — That's a real word. That is a real word. They constantly use the argument to devalue rap and modern pop, and these arguments completely miss the point, because the dam has burst. We live in the post-sampling era. We take the things that we love and we build on them. That's just how it goes. And when we really add something significant and original and we merge our musical journey with this, then we have a chance to be a part of the evolution of that music that we love and be linked with it once it becomes something new again. So I would like to do one more piece that I put together for you tonight, and it takes place with two pretty inspiring TED performances that I've seen. One of them is the piano player Derek Paravicini, who happens to be a blind, autistic genius at the piano, and Emmanuel Jal, who is an ex-child soldier from the South Sudan, who is a spoken word poet and rapper. And once again I found a way to annoyingly me-me-me myself into the musical history of these songs, but I can't help it, because they're these things that I love, and I want to mess around with them. So I hope you enjoy this. Here we go. Let's hear that TED sound again, right? Thank you very much. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
きãŖと、さãŖきぎ光景を少しだけčĻ‹ãŸã‚“だろうãĒ。 ã‘ãŠã€č–åĨŗぎ魔力を持ãŖãĻいるぎãĒらデãƒĨãƒŧã‚¯ãŒã“ãŽéƒ¨åą‹ã‚’įļēéē—ãĢする前ãĢč§ŖæąēしãĻæŦ˛ã—かãŖた。å‹ŋčĢ–、こんãĒæŽ‹é…ˇãĒ光景をčĻ‹ã‚‹ãŽã¯č‹Ļį—›ã ã‚ã†ã‘お。 それでもåŊŧåĨŗãĢãã“ãžã§æą‚ã‚ãĻしぞうぎはæŦ˛åŧĩりすぎãĻいるぎだろうか。 ......ぞぁ、しょうがãĒいよね、キãƒŖã‚ļãƒŧãƒģãƒĒã‚ēは晎通ぎåĨŗぎ子だから。ã‚ĸãƒĒã‚ˇã‚ĸとは違うんだ。 「æ˛ģせるか?」 デãƒĨãƒŧクがãƒĒã‚ēãĢčžãã¨ã€ãƒĒã‚ēはįœ‰é–“ãĢ少しįšēを寄せãĻエマをčĻ‹ã¤ã‚ã‚‹ã€‚ぞるでエマぎį—›ãŋをč‡Ē分もå‘ŗわãŖãĻいるかぎようだ。 「æ˛ģせると思うわ」 ãƒĒã‚ēã¯ãã†č¨€ãŖãĻ、エマぎ前ãĢįĢ‹ãĄã€åŊŧåĨŗãĢ魔æŗ•ã‚’かける。ãƒĒã‚ēから攞たれる魔力はæƒŗ像äģĨ上ぎもぎだãŖた。įœŠã—い光がåŊŧåĨŗ達を包む。 ......ã“ã‚ŒãŒč–åĨŗぎ力ãĒんだ。初めãĻį›ŽãŽåŊ“たりãĢするキãƒŖã‚ļãƒŧãƒģãƒĒã‚ēぎ魔力ãĢ思わず垌退ãŖãĻしぞう。 聖åĨŗã¨č¨€ã‚ã‚Œã‚‹ã ã‘ãŽã“ã¨ã¯įĸēかãĢある。 ã‚¨ãƒžãŽéĄãŽå‚ˇã¯æļˆãˆã€čļŗぎč…Ģれも収ぞり元通りãĢãĒã‚‹ã€‚éĄ”č‰˛ãŒã•ãŖãã‚ˆã‚Šéšåˆ†ã¨č‰¯ããĒãŖた。 ああ、ã‚ĸãƒĒã‚ˇã‚ĸãŒč¨€ãŖãĻいたぎはこぎことãĒぎかも。キãƒŖã‚ļãƒŧãƒģãƒĒã‚ēãĢはåŠĒ力じゃæ•ĩわãĒいãŖãĻ。けお、čŋ‘äģ˜ãã“とはå‡ēæĨる。 こんãĒäēēをį›ŽãŽå‰ãĢしãĻ、頑åŧĩりįļšã‘られるã‚ĸãƒĒã‚ˇã‚ĸが凄い。僕ãĒらčĢĻめãĻしぞいそうだ。 キãƒŖã‚ļãƒŧãƒģãƒĒã‚ēがエマをæ˛ģしãĻいる間、僕はそんãĒã“ã¨ã‚’č€ƒãˆãĻいた。 「į›¸å¤‰ã‚ã‚‰ãšæĩįŸŗだãĒ」 全ãĻįĩ‚わãŖた垌、ヘãƒŗãƒĒã¯å°‘ã—éĄ”ã‚’åŧ•ãã¤ã‚‰ã›ãĒãŒã‚‰ãã†č¨€ãŖた。 キãƒŖã‚ļãƒŧãƒģãƒĒã‚ēはį„Ąäē‹ãĢエマをæ˛ģせたことãĢホッとしãĻいる。 これãģおぎ魔力をäŊŋãŖたæ˛ģį™’é­”æŗ•ã€‚į›¸åŊ“ãĒäŊ“力をæļˆč˛ģしãĻいるはずãĒぎãĢ、ãĩらつく様子もãĒい。 「やãŖãąã‚Šã€ãƒĄãƒĢはåĢŒã„」 éšŖでボã‚Ŋãƒƒã¨ãƒĄãƒĢãŽå‘ŸããŒčžã“ãˆãŸã€‚åĢŒã„ãŽå¯žčąĄã¯ã‚­ãƒŖã‚ļãƒŧãƒģãƒĒã‚ēぎことだろう。 ãƒĄãƒĢはキãƒŖã‚ļãƒŧãƒģãƒĒã‚ēぎことをåĢŒã„ぎぞぞでいいと思う。それをåĢめãĻãƒĄãƒĢだ。åŊŧåĨŗがæ€ĨãĢキãƒŖã‚ļãƒŧãƒģãƒĒã‚ēをåĨŊきãĢãĒãŖãŸã‚‰é•å’Œæ„Ÿã‚’æŠąããã†ã ã—ã€‚ 「劊かãŖた」 デãƒĨãƒŧã‚¯ãŽč¨€č‘‰ãĢãƒĒã‚ēはåŦ‰ã—そうãĢåŖč§’ã‚’ä¸Šã’ã‚‹ã€‚ 「ううん。į§ã˜ã‚ƒäŊ•ã‚‚å‡ēæĨãĒかãŖたから有é›Ŗう。......それãĢしãĻもčĒ°ã‹ã—ら。こんãĒ惨いことをするãĒんãĻ」 ãƒĒã‚ēはエマぎ斚をčĻ‹ã¤ã‚ã‚‹ã€‚僕はåŖを開く。 「ãƒĒã‚ēäŋĄč€…だよ」 「え、į§ãŽäŋĄč€…?」 「ãƒĒã‚ēをį›˛į›Žįš„ãĢäŋĄã˜ãĻã„ã‚‹č€…é”ã¯ã‚ĸãƒĒã‚ˇã‚ĸæ´žãŒã„ã‚‹ã“ã¨ã‚’č¨ąã›ãĒいんだ。だから、čĻ‹ã›ã—めãĢこんãĒことをしたんだと思う」 「......そんãĒ」 ã‚ˇãƒ§ãƒƒã‚¯ã‚’å—ã‘ã‚‹ãƒĒã‚ēãĢ寞しãĻデãƒĨãƒŧクはåŖ°ã‚’かける。 「おãŖãĄãŽæ€č€ƒã‚’äŋĄã˜ã‚‹ã‹ã¯å‹æ‰‹ã ãŒã€æĩįŸŗãĢここぞでåŽŗを及ãŧすとãĒるとäŊ•ã‹æ‰‹ã‚’č€ƒãˆãĒいといけãĒいãĒ」 「ええ、å‹ŋčĢ–よ。į§ãŒå…ƒå‡ļだもぎ。č‡Ē分がしたことぎ垌始æœĢã¯ãĄã‚ƒã‚“ã¨ã—ãĒいと」 力åŧˇã„åŖ°ã€‚åŊŧåĨŗぎį›Žã¯čĻšæ‚Ÿã‚’æąēめたもぎだãŖた。 キãƒŖã‚ļãƒŧãƒģãƒĒã‚ēが最初からæœŦæ€§ã‚’čĄ¨ãĢå‡ēしãĻいれば、デãƒĨãƒŧクãĢ少しはåĨŊかれたかもしれãĒい。éĻŦéšŋãĒč€ƒãˆã ã‘ãŠã€ä¸€į†ã‚る。 ぞぁ、それでもデãƒĨãƒŧクがã‚ĸãƒĒã‚ˇã‚ĸ一択ãĒぎは間違いãĒいだろうけお。だãŖãĻ、デãƒĨãƒŧク間もã‚ĸãƒĒã‚ˇã‚ĸぎことをæƒŗいįļšã‘ãĻいるんだから。 「けお、į†ąį‹‚įš„ãĒãƒĒã‚ēäŋĄč€…はãƒĒã‚ēぎことをæƒŗãŖãĻこんãĒことをしãĻいるんだよãĒ」 「じゃあ、į§ãŒã“ã‚“ãĒぎ望んでいãĒいãŖãĻč¨€ãˆã°ã„ã„ãŽã‹ã—ã‚‰?」 「いや、それもあんぞり意å‘ŗがãĒいようãĒ気がする」 ヘãƒŗãƒĒはé›Ŗã—ã„éĄ”ã‚’ã—ãĻéģ™ã‚Ščžŧんでしぞう。 įĸēかãĢ下手ãĢ動くとįĢãĢæ˛šã‚’æŗ¨ãã“とãĢãĒãŖãĻ、äē‹æ…‹ãŒæ‚Ē化する。 æšĢãæ˛ˆéģ™ãŒįļšã„ãŸåžŒã€ãƒĄãƒĢぎ明るくčģŊåŋĢãĒåŖ°ãŒéƒ¨åą‹ãĢéŸŋいた。
I’m sure she must have seen a little of the scene earlier. But if she had the magic of a saint, I wanted her to solve it before Duke cleaned up this room. Of course, witnessing such a horrific scene would have been upsetting for her. Still, was I being too greedy to expect so much from her? Well, it couldn’t be helped. Liz Cather was just an ordinary girl, different from Alicia. “Can you heal her?” Duke asked Liz, and Liz looked at Emma with a slight furrow between her eyebrows. It was as if she were experiencing Emma’s pain herself. “I think I can heal her.” Liz said as she stood in front of Emma, casting a spell on her. The magic emanating from Liz was more than I could have ever imagined. A blinding light enveloped them. ...This was the power of a saint. I involuntarily backed away the first time I saw Liz Cather’s magical power. She was undoubtedly a saint. The wound on Emma’s forehead disappeared, and the swelling on her leg subsided and returned to normal. Her complexion was much better than before. Ah, maybe this was what Alicia meant when she said that she couldn’t match Liz Cather with efforts alone, but she could come close. It was incredible that Alicia could keep working so hard with such a person ahead of her. If it were me, I would have given up. That was what I thought as I silently watched Liz Cather heal Emma. “You’re still as amazing as ever.” Henry said with a bit of a scowl after everything was done. Liz Cather was relieved that she was able to heal Emma safely. This kind of healing magic should have consumed a considerable amount of physical strength, but she didn’t seem to be affected. “Mel still doesn’t like her.” I heard Mel muttering next to me. The object of her dislike must be Liz Cather. I guess Mel would rather continue to dislike Liz Cather. That was just part of her being Mel. It would be uncomfortable if she suddenly took a liking to Liz Cather. “Thanks.” Liz’s smiled at Duke’s words. “No problem. I couldn’t have done it without your help, so thank you. But who could have done such a terrible thing?” While Liz was looking at Emma, I answered her. “A follower of Liz.” “Eh, a follower of mine?” “Those who blindly believe in Liz can’t tolerate the presence of the Alicia faction. I think that’s why they did this, to make an example.” “...That’s just...” Duke responded to Liz’s shock. “They can believe in whatever they want, but if it’s going to cause this much harm, we’ll have to think of some way to deal with it.” “Yes, of course. I’m the one who caused this. I have to clean up after what I did.” Her voice was strong and her eyes determined. Perhaps Duke might have liked her a little better if Liz Cather had shown her true colors from the beginning. It was a foolish notion, but she made a point. Well, I was confident that Duke would still choose Alicia. Because Duke had been in love with Alicia for nine years. “But the enthusiastic Liz followers are doing this because they are thinking about Liz, right?” “So should I just tell them that I don’t want this?” “No, I don’t think that would make much of a difference either.” Henry looked confused and fell silent. Surely, a bad move would add fuel to the fire and make things worse. After a few moments of silence, Mel’s bright voice echoed through the room.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
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Guys are flaming out academically; they're wiping out socially with girls and sexually with women. Other than that, there's not much of a problem. So what's the data? So the data on dropping out is amazing. Boys are 30 percent more likely than girls to drop out of school. In Canada, five boys drop out for every three girls. Girls outperform boys now at every level, from elementary school to graduate school. There's a 10 percent differential between getting BA's and all graduate programs, with guys falling behind girls. Two-thirds of all students in special ed. remedial programs are guys. And as you all know, boys are five times more likely than girls to be labeled as having attention deficit disorder -- and therefore we drug them with Ritalin. What's the evidence of wiping out? First, it's a new fear of intimacy. Intimacy means physical, emotional connection with somebody else -- and especially with somebody of the opposite sex who gives off ambiguous, contradictory, phosphorescent signals. And every year there's research done on self-reported shyness among college students. And we're seeing a steady increase among males. And this is two kinds. It's a social awkwardness. The old shyness was a fear of rejection. It's a social awkwardness like you're a stranger in a foreign land. They don't know what to say, they don't know what to do, especially one-on-one [with the] opposite sex. They don't know the language of face contact, the non-verbal and verbal set of rules that enable you to comfortably talk to somebody else, listen to somebody else. There's something I'm developing here called social intensity syndrome, which tries to account for why guys really prefer male bonding over female mating. It turns out, from earliest childhood, boys, and then men, prefer the company of guys -- physical company. And there's actually a cortical arousal we're looking at, because guys have been with guys in teams, in clubs, in gangs, in fraternities, especially in the military, and then in pubs. And this peaks at Super Bowl Sunday when guys would rather be in a bar with strangers, watching a totally overdressed Aaron Rodgers of the Green Bay Packers, rather than Jennifer Lopez totally naked in the bedroom. The problem is they now prefer [the] asynchronistic Internet world to the spontaneous interaction in social relationships. What are the causes? Well, it's an unintended consequence. I think it's excessive Internet use in general, excessive video gaming, excessive new access to pornography. The problem is these are arousal addictions. Drug addiction, you simply want more. Arousal addiction, you want different. Drugs, you want more of the same -- different. So you need the novelty in order for the arousal to be sustained. And the problem is the industry is supplying it. Jane McGonigal told us last year that by the time a boy is 21, he's played 10,000 hours of video games, most of that in isolation. As you remember, Cindy Gallop said men don't know the difference between making love and doing porn. The average boy now watches 50 porn video clips a week. And there's some guy watching a hundred, obviously. And the porn industry is the fastest growing industry in America -- 15 billion annually. For every 400 movies made in Hollywood, there are 11,000 now made porn videos. So the effect, very quickly, is it's a new kind of arousal. Boys' brains are being digitally rewired in a totally new way for change, novelty, excitement and constant arousal. That means they're totally out of sync in traditional classes, which are analog, static, interactively passive. They're also totally out of sync in romantic relationships, which build gradually and subtly. So what's the solution? It's not my job. I'm here to alarm. It's your job to solve. But who should care? The only people who should care about this is parents of boys and girls, educators, gamers, filmmakers and women who would like a real man who they can talk to, who can dance, who can make love slowly and contribute to the evolutionary pressures to keep our species above banana slugs. No offense to banana slug owners. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
ぞず最初ãĢãĄã‚‡ãŖとした原験をしãĻãŋぞしょう。 ãƒĄã‚Ŧネをやã‚ŗãƒŗã‚ŋクトãƒŦãƒŗã‚ēをつけãĻいたり ãƒŦãƒŧã‚ˇãƒƒã‚¯ã‚’å—ã‘ãŸã“ã¨ãŒã‚ã‚‹äēēは手を挙げãĻください。 掋åŋĩãĒことãĢ芲åŊ“č€…ãŒå¤šã™ãŽãĻæ­ŖįĸēãĒįĩąč¨ˆãŒã¨ã‚Œãžã›ã‚“ね。 しかしおそらく推æ¸ŦãĢã‚ˆã‚‹ã¨ã€čŠ˛åŊ“č€…ã¯60%į¨‹åēĻでしょう。 å…ˆé€˛å›ŊでčĻ–力をįŸ¯æ­ŖしãĻいるäēēãŽå‰˛åˆãŒ だいたいこぎくらいですからね。 世į•ŒäŋåĨ抟構ぎčŠĻįŽ—ãĢよるとãƒģãƒģãƒģぞぁ、 世į•ŒäŋåĨ抟構ではįœŧéĄã‚’åŋ…čĻã¨ã™ã‚‹äēēぎ数ãĢついãĻ様々ãĒčŠĻįŽ—をしãĻいぞすが 少ãĒくčĻ‹įŠã‚‚ãŖãĻ1億5千万äēēã§ã‚ã‚‹ã¨č¨€ã‚ã‚ŒãĻいぞす。 10億į¨‹åēĻというčŠĻįŽ—もありぞす。 しかし、原際、äģŠã“ã“ã§čĄŒãŖた原験ãĢよãŖãĻ čĻ–čĻšįŸ¯æ­Ŗå™¨å…ˇã¯ä¸–į•ŒãŽį´„半数ぎäēēから 需čĻãŒã‚るとわかりぞした。 そしãĻčĻ–力äŊŽä¸‹ãŽå•éĄŒã¯ã€å˜ãĢåĨåēˇä¸ŠãŽå•éĄŒãĢとおぞらず æ•™č‚˛ä¸ŠãŽå•éĄŒã€ įĩŒæ¸ˆįš„ãĒå•éĄŒã€ãã—ãĻį”Ÿæ´ģぎčŗĒãŽå•éĄŒã§ã‚‚ã‚ã‚‹ãŽã§ã™ã€‚ įœŧéĄã¯ãã‚“ãĒãĢéĢ˜äžĄã§ã¯ã‚りぞせんし、大量ãĢį”Ÿį”ŖされãĻいぞす。 å•éĄŒã¯ã€čĻ–力įŸ¯æ­Ŗå™¨å…ˇã‚’æ­ŖしくčŖ…į€ã§ãã‚‹ã‚ˆã†ãĒ ã‚ĸã‚¤ã‚ąã‚ĸぎ専門åŽļが不čļŗしãĻいることです。 åŊŧį­‰ã¯å…ˆé€˛å›ŊãĢしかいãĒいぎです。 ã“ãŽæˇąåˆģãĒ専門åŽļ不čļŗãĢ寞åŋœã™ã‚‹æ–šæŗ•ã‚‚ありぞす。 でぱナイドをčĻ‹ãĻください。これがįœŧ鏡čĒŋčŖŊぎ専門åŽļで、 青く小さいäēēはį´„1万äēēã‚’čĄ¨ã—ãĻいぞす。 これがイゎãƒĒ゚でぎ比įŽ‡ã§ã™ã€‚ ã“ãĄã‚‰ãŒã‚ĩハナäģĨ南ぎã‚ĸフãƒĒã‚Ģでぎįœŧ鏡čĒŋčŖŊぎ専門åŽļとäēēåŖぎ比įŽ‡ã§ã™ã€‚ 原際、ã‚ĩハナäģĨ南ぎã‚ĸフãƒĒã‚ĢãĢは 800万äēēを1äēēぎįœŧį§‘åŒģがč¨ēãĻいるようãĒå›Ŋもあるぎです。 おうでしょう。おうすればč§Ŗæąēできるでしょうか。 į§ã¯ã“ãŽå•éĄŒã‚’č§Ŗæąēする斚æŗ•ã‚’思いつきぞした。 そしãĻčŖœå„Ÿå…‰å­ĻをåŸēį¤ŽãĢしたč§Ŗæąēį­–ãĢčĄŒãã¤ã„ãŸãŽã§ã™ã€‚ そぎč§Ŗæąēį­–とは、č‡Ē分でįœŧéĄã‚’äŊœæˆã—、 これãĢよりįœŧ鏡čĒŋ整åŖĢ不čļŗã¨ã„ã†å•éĄŒãŒč§Ŗæąēできるぎです。 それではäģŠã‹ã‚‰1äēēでįœŧéĄãŒäŊœæˆã§ãã‚‹ã“とをč¨ŧ明しãĻãŋせぞしょう。 įœŧéĄãŽäŊœã‚Šæ–šã‚’おčĻ‹ã›ã—ãžã™ã€‚ã“ã‚Œã‚’ãƒã‚ąãƒƒãƒˆãĢå…Ĩれぞす。 į§ã¯čŋ‘čĻ–でね。一į•Ē垌ろぎã‚ĩイãƒŗをčĻ‹ãĻも、ãģとんおčĻ‹ãˆãžã›ã‚“。 ではãƒģãƒģãƒģよし、これであそこをčĩ°ãŖãĻいるäēēがčĻ‹ãˆã‚‹ã‚ˆã†ãĢãĒりぞした。 あそこでčĩ°ãŖãĻいるäēēも。 これでį§ãŽå‡Ļæ–šãĢ合ãŖたįœŧéĄãŒčĒŋčŖŊできぞした。 ではæŦĄãŽã‚šãƒ†ãƒƒãƒ—ãĢį§ģりぞしょう。 į§ãŽå‡Ļæ–šãĢ合ãŖたįœŧéĄãŒčĒŋčŖŊできぞした。 はい。įœŧéĄã‚’čĒŋčŖŊしたら はい。į§ãŽå‡Ļæ–šãĢ合ãŖたこぎįœŧéĄã‚’čĒŋčŖŊしたら あとはこうしãĻãƒģãƒģãƒģ これでįœŧéĄãŽã§ãã‚ãŒã‚Šã§ã™ã€‚ (拍手) 世į•ŒãĢはäģ–ãĢもこぎようãĢčĒŋčŖŊできるįœŧéĄãŒå­˜åœ¨ã—ãžã™ã€‚ ã“ãŽæŠ€čĄ“ã¯æ—Ĩã€…é€˛æ­Šã—ãĻきãĻいぞす。 1985嚴ぎ開į™ēäģĨæĨ 非常ãĢゆãŖãã‚Šã§ã¯ã‚ã‚Šãžã™ãŒé€˛æ­Šã—ãĻきãĻいぞす。 įžåœ¨ã€äŊŋį”¨ã•ã‚ŒãĻいるぎはį´„30000įĩ„。 15ã‚Ģå›ŊでäŊŋį”¨ã•ã‚ŒãĻおり、世į•Œä¸­ãĢåēƒãžã‚Šã¤ã¤ã‚りぞす。 į§ã¯ã˛ã¨ã¤ãŽãƒ“ジョãƒŗをもãŖãĻã„ãžã™ã€‚ãã‚Œã‚’ã“ã‚Œã‹ã‚‰ãŠčŠąã—ãžã—ã‚‡ã†ã€‚ čĻ–力ãĢé–ĸするå›Ŋ際įš„ãĒビジョãƒŗです。 そぎビジョãƒŗとは2020嚴ぞでãĢ10億äēēぎäēēが それぞれåŋ…čĻã¨ã™ã‚‹įœŧéĄã‚’ã‹ã‘ã‚‰ã‚Œã‚‹ã‚ˆã†ãĢすることです。 これは、ぞだ始ぞãŖãŸã°ã‹ã‚ŠãŽæŠ€čĄ“ã§ã—ã‹ã‚ã‚Šãžã›ã‚“ã€‚ æŠ€čĄ“ã¯ã•ã‚‰ãĢé€˛åŒ–ã‚’įļšã‘ãĻいぞす。 ã‚ŗ゚トもäŊŽæ¸›ã—ãĒければãĒりぞせん。 įžåœ¨ã§ã¯ã“ぎįœŧéĄã¯19ドãƒĢぎč˛ģį”¨ãŒã‹ã‹ãŖãĻいぞす。 しかし、ã‚ŗ゚トはäŊŽæ¸›ã—ãĒければãĒりぞせん。 1æ—Ĩ1ドãƒĢでį”Ÿæ´ģしãĻいるようãĒč˛§ã—ã„äēē々ãĢäŊŋãŖãĻもらうためãĢは ã‚ŗ゚ト削減がåŋ…čĻä¸å¯æŦ ãĒぎです。 ã“ãŽå•éĄŒã¯ãŠã†ã™ã‚Œã°č§Ŗæąēするでしょうか? さらãĢčŠŗしくčĻ‹ãĻãŋぞしょう。 ゚ナイドをč¨ēãĻãã ã•ã„ã€‚ã‚ã‚‰ã‚†ã‚‹å•éĄŒã‚’į°Ąå˜ãĢčĒŦ明しãĻいぞす。 配布斚æŗ•ã¯?フã‚Ŗッテã‚Ŗãƒŗã‚°æ–šæŗ•ã¯? čĻ–力ãĢå•éĄŒãŒã‚ã‚‹ã“ã¨ãĢ気äģ˜ã„ãĻもらうãĢは? ãƒĄãƒŧã‚Ģãƒŧへぎ寞åŋœã¯? そぎį­”えがčĒŋæŸģです。 į§ãŸãĄã¯į™ēåą•é€”ä¸Šå›ŊčĻ–čĻšæ”¯æ´ã‚ģãƒŗã‚ŋãƒŧを こぎ大å­ĻãĢå‰ĩč¨­ã—ãŸãŽã§ã™ã€‚ čŠŗį´°ãĢついãĻは、ã‚Ļェブã‚ĩイトをごčĻ§ä¸‹ã•ã„ã€‚ã”æ¸…č´ã‚ã‚ŠãŒã¨ã†ã”ã–ã„ãžã—ãŸã€‚
I'd like to start with a little experiment. Could you put your hand up if you wear glasses or contact lenses, or you've had laser refractive surgery? Now, unfortunately, there are too many of you for me to do the statistics properly. But it looks like -- I'm guessing -- that it'll be about 60 percent of the room because that's roughly the fraction of developed world population that have some sort of vision correction. The World Health Organization estimates -- well, they make various estimates of the number of people who need glasses -- the lowest estimate is 150 million people. They also have an estimate of around a billion. But in fact, I would argue that we've just done an experiment here and now, which shows us that the global need for corrective eyewear is around half of any population. And the problem of poor vision, is actually not just a health problem, it's also an educational problem, and it's an economic problem, and it's a quality of life problem. Glasses are not very expensive. They're quite plentiful. The problem is, there aren't enough eye care professionals in the world to use the model of the delivery of corrective eyewear that we have in the developed world. There are just way too few eye care professionals. So this little slide here shows you an optometrist and the little blue person represents about 10,000 people and that's the ratio in the U.K. This is the ratio of optometrists to people in sub-Saharan Africa. In fact, there are some countries in sub-Saharan Africa where there's one optometrist for eight million of the population. How do you do this? How do you solve this problem? I came up with a solution to this problem, and I came up with a solution based on adaptive optics for this. And the idea is you make eye glasses, and you adjust them yourself and that solves the problem. What I want to do is to show you that one can make a pair of glasses. I shall just show you how you make a pair of glasses. I shall pop this in my pocket. I'm short sighted. I look at the signs at the end, I can hardly see them. So -- okay, I can now see that man running out there, and I can see that guy running out there. I've now made prescription eyewear to my prescription. Next step in my process. So, I've now made eye glasses to my prescription. Okay, so I've made these glasses and ... Okay, I've made the glasses to my prescription and ... ... I've just ... And I've now made some glasses. That's it. Now, these aren't the only pair in the world. In fact, this technology's been evolving. I started working on it in 1985, and it's been evolving very slowly. There are about 30,000 in use now. And they're in fifteen countries. They're spread around the world. And I have a vision, which I'll share with you. I have a global vision for vision. And that vision is to try to get a billion people wearing the glasses they need by the year 2020. To do that -- this is an early example of the technology. The technology is being further developed -- the cost has to be brought down. This pair, in fact, these currently cost about 19 dollars. But the cost has to be brought right down. It has to be brought down because we're trying to serve populations who live on a dollar a day. How do you solve this problem? You start to get into detail. And on this slide, I'm basically explaining all the problems you have. How do you distribute? How do you work out how to fit the thing? How do you have people realizing that they have a vision problem? How do you deal with the industry? And the answer to that is research. What we've done is to set up the Center for Vision in the Developing World here in the university. If you want to know more, just come have a look at our website. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
äģ–ぎã‚ĸãƒĄãƒĒã‚Ģぎæ”ŋæ˛ģåŽļも同じįĢ‹å ´ã‚’とãŖた。äŋåŽˆįš„ãĒå…ąå’Œå…šãŽä¸Šé™ĸč­°å“Ąīŧãã—ãĻ中įĩļåå¯žč€…ã¨ã—ãĻ有名ãĒīŧãƒˆãƒŦãƒŗトãƒģロットはæ”ģ撃ãĢついãĻ、「įĩļ寞ãĢやるずきだ」とčŋ°ãšãŸã€‚晎æŽĩã¯ãƒ–ãƒƒã‚ˇãƒĨãĢåå¯žã™ã‚‹ã“ã¨ãŒå¤šã„å…ąå’Œå…šæŒ‡å°Žåą¤ãŽä¸Šé™ĸč­°å“Ąã‚¸ãƒ§ãƒŗãƒģãƒžãƒƒã‚ąã‚¤ãƒŗもぞた、民間ぎįŠ į‰˛č€…ãĢ哀æ‚ŧをį¤ēしãĒがらも、「同じことをįš°ã‚Ščŋ”さãĒã„ã¨ã¯č¨€ã„åˆ‡ã‚ŒãĒい」とäģ˜ã‘加えた。
Senator Trent Lott, a conservative Republican – and a prominent opponent of abortion – said of the attack: “Absolutely, we should do it.” Senator John McCain, another leading Republican, though one often ready to disagree with Bush, expressed regret for the civilian deaths, but added, “I can’t tell you that we wouldn’t do the same thing again.”
{ "source": "news_commentary", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
エãƒĢフぎ里ãĢ冒é™ēがč¨ĒれたというįŸĨã‚‰ã›ãŒãƒĄãƒĢクぎč€ŗãĢå…ĨãŖãĻããŸãŽã¯ã€é‡Œé•ˇãŒäžé ŧをå‡ēしį›ŽãŽã“とだãŖた。 「え? 嘘だろう?」 čŠąã‚’čžã„ãŸæ™‚ã€ãƒĄãƒĢクは䞋ぎようãĢåē­ã§æœ¨ãŽæŖ’を振り回しãĻいた。いい感じãĢæą—ã‚’æŽģき始めた頃ãĢ、息を切らせãĻロãƒŧが帰ãŖãĻきたぎだ。 ロãƒŧはぞるでæ—ĨčĒ˛ãŽã‚ˆã†ãĢ、äģŠæœã‚‚æŖŽãŽé–ĸ所へとčĩ´ã„ãĻいたぎだが、おうやら冒é™ēč€…ãŒįžã‚ŒãŸã“ã¨ã‚’ãƒĄãƒĢクãĢäŧãˆã‚ˆã†ã¨čĩ°ãŖãĻæˆģãŖãĻきたらしい。 äģĨ前はãģとんおåŽļからå‡ēず、äŊ“力も同嚴äģŖãĢ比ずãĻåŋƒč¨ąãĒかãŖたロãƒŧがæŖŽã‹ã‚‰čĩ°ãŖãĻくるãĒんãĻæˆé•ˇã—ãŸã‚‚ãŽã â€•â€•ãƒĄãƒĢクはそんãĒéĸ¨ãĢ呑気ãĢč€ƒãˆãĻいた。 「ãģ、æœŦåŊ“ãĒんだよįĩ„ぎパãƒŧテã‚Ŗãƒŧが、æŖŽãŽé–ĸ所ãĢįžã‚ŒãŸã‚“だãŖ! お母さんが取りæŦĄã„で、äģŠã¯é‡Œé•ˇãŽåą‹æ•ˇãĢ向かãŖãĻいるはずだよ」 ã€ã‚’č¨Žäŧã™ã‚‹ãŸã‚ãĢエãƒĢフぎ里へč¨ĒれるãĒんãĻäŊ•ã‚’č€ƒãˆãĻるんだ? しかも三äēēãŖãĻことは、よãģお原力ぎあるパãƒŧテã‚ŖãƒŧãĒんだろうãĒ......) 䞝é ŧを受ける冒é™ēč€…ãŒįžã‚ŒãĒいことをčĻ‹čļŠã—ãĻã„ãŸãƒĄãƒĢクは、åŊ“ãĻが外れ内åŋƒã§č‹›įĢ‹ãĄã‚’čĻšãˆã‚‹ã€‚ æœŦæĨであれば䞝é ŧã‚’å—ã‘ã‚‹č€…ãĒおいãĒいと思われãĻいた『į‚Žįŋŧį‹ŧã€č¨Žäŧã‚’、冒é™ēč€…ãŸãĄãŒčĢ‹ã‘負ãŖãĻãã‚ŒãŸãŽã¯ã‚ã‚ŠãŒãŸã„ã“ã¨ã ã€‚ãƒĄãƒĢクだãŖãĻそれは分かãŖãĻいるし、č‡Ē分がčēĢ勝手ãĒ ãĒく䞝é ŧを達成しãĻã—ãžãˆã°ã€ãƒĄãƒĢã‚¯ãŒé‡Œé•ˇãĢčĒã‚ã‚‰ã‚Œã‚‹æŠŸäŧšãŒį„ĄããĒãŖãĻã—ãžã†ã¨ã„ã†ã“ã¨â€•â€•ã¤ãžã‚Šã€ãƒĄãƒĢクがエãƒĢフぎ里をå‡ēるįŽ—æŽĩがつかãĒくãĒãŖãĻしぞうということだ。 それはæœŦéŸŗã‚’č¨€ãˆã°å–œã°ã—ããĒいことだãŖた。 「įžã‚ŒãŸå†’é™ē者ãŖãĻいうぎは、おういうåĨ´ã‚‰ã ãŖた?」 「え? うãƒŧん、į”ˇãŽäēē一äēēãĢåĨŗぎäēēだãŖたよ。ãŋんãĒč‹ĨくãĻ、äēē間ぎæ­ŗだãŖたらäēŒåã„かãĒいくらいかãĒ? į”ˇãŽäēēはå‰Ŗを持ãŖãĻたよ」 「へぇ、į”ˇä¸€äēēãĢåĨŗäēŒäēēか」 冒é™ēč€…ã§ã‚ã‚Œã°ã€įĩ„ã‚€į›¸æ‰‹ãŽæ€§åˆĨãĒおäēŒãŽæŦĄã€ä¸‰ãŽæŦĄã ã€‚ į„ĄčĢ–、よくįŸĨらãĒいį›¸æ‰‹ã¨æ€§åˆĨを気ãĢせずパãƒŧテã‚Ŗãƒŧをįĩ„めば、性čĸĢåŽŗãŽåąé™ēはåĸ—す。しかし、æˆĻうį›¸æ€§ãŒč‰¯ãã€æ°—が合うぎであればį›¸æ‰‹ãŒį”ˇåĨŗぎåĻ‚äŊ•ãĢé–ĸわらず、įĩ„んだ斚が冒é™ēはしやすい。性åˆĨãĢこだわる斚が非劚įŽ‡įš„ãĒぎだ。 そぎため、世ぎ中ãĢはį”ˇä¸€äēēãĢåĨŗãŒč¤‡æ•°ãŽãƒ‘ãƒŧテã‚Ŗãƒŧや、それとは逆ãĢåĨŗ一äēēãĢį”ˇãŒč¤‡æ•°ãŽãƒ‘ãƒŧテã‚ŖãƒŧだãŖãĻįã—くはãĒい。 だよãĒぁ。äŋēも一åēĻくらいは、åĨŗ冒é™ē者ãĢå›˛ãžã‚ŒãŸã‹ãŖた) そんãĒãƒĄãƒĢクぎようãĢ下åŋƒæē€čŧ‰ã§č€ƒãˆã‚‹å†’é™ēč€…ãŒã€å˜ãĢ卑しいだけである。 「よし、原į‰Šã‚’čĻ‹ãĒければはãŖきりしãĒいし、į§ãŸãĄã‚‚é‡Œé•ˇãŽã¨ã“ã‚ãĢčĄŒãã‹ã€ 「え? ãŧ、僕はいいよ......æŖŽãŽé–ĸ所でčĻ‹ã‚‰ã‚ŒãŸã—」 「äŊ•č¨€ãŖãĻるんだよ? お前だãŖãĻ気ãĢãĒるんだろう? é‡Œé•ˇãŒäžé ŧをå‡ēしãĻからé€Ŗæ—Ĩ、気ãĢãĒãŖãĻ様子をčĻ‹ãĢ行ãŖãĻたんじゃãĒいか」 「う、うん......」 初めãĻ里ãĢįžã‚ŒãŸå†’é™ē者ãĢ、あるいはäēē間という存在ãĢ興å‘ŗがãĒいはずはãĒいぎである。 åĢŒãŒã‚‹į´ æŒ¯ã‚Šã‚’しãĻいるぎは単į´”ãĢ、期垅と不厉がå…Ĩã‚Šæˇˇã˜ãŖãĻいるせいだろう。 「ãģã‚‰ã€čĄŒã“ã†ã€ 木ぎæŖ’を持つ手とは反寞ぎ手でロãƒŧぎ手をį„Ąį†ã‚„り掴ãŋã€ãƒĄãƒĢã‚¯ã¯é‡Œé•ˇãŽåą‹æ•ˇã¸ã¨å‘ã‹ã†ã€‚ ã€ŒãĄã‚‡ã€ã˛ã€åŧ•ãŖåŧĩらãĒいでよ」 文åĨã‚’č¨€ã„ãĒがらではあるが、ロãƒŧもæąēåŋƒãŒã¤ã„たぎかį‰šãĢæŠĩ抗はしãĒかãŖた。 é‡Œé•ˇãŽåą‹æ•ˇãĢčžŋりį€ã„ãŸãƒĄãƒĢクとロãƒŧã¯ã€åą‹æ•ˇãŽįĒ“ã‚„į¸å´ãŽéšœå­ã‹ã‚‰ä¸­ã‚’įĒēã†é‡ŒãŽč€…ãŸãĄã‚’čĻ‹ã¤ã‘た。 子おもが大半ではあるが、中ãĢは大äēēãŸãĄã‚‚æˇˇã˜ãŖãĻいる。 ãŠã†ã‚„ã‚‰ã€č€ƒãˆã‚‹ã“ã¨ã¯įš†åŒã˜ã‚‰ã—い。 「ãŋんãĒ、里ãĢæĨた冒é™ēč€…ãŸãĄãŒæ°—ãĢãĒるんだね」 ã€Œã‚ã‚ã€ã‚ãžã‚ŠčĄŒå„€ãŽč‰¯ã„æŒ¯ã‚‹čˆžã„ã˜ã‚ƒãĒいが、ãĒ」 さãŖãããƒĄãƒĢクとロãƒŧも、įŸĨã‚Šåˆã„ãŽå­ãŠã‚‚ãŸãĄãĢ゚ペãƒŧã‚šã‚’įŠēけãĻもらãŖãĻ中をčĻ—きčžŧむ。 čĻ‹ã‚Œã°é‡Œé•ˇã¨į›¸čĢ‡åŊšã€ãã—ãĻ向かい合うようãĢ三äēēぎäēē間達がåē§ãŖãĻいた。ロãƒŧãŽčŠąã—ãĻいたようãĢ、į”ˇä¸€äēēとåĨŗäēŒäēēぎ冒é™ēč€…ã ã€‚å°‘åš´ã‚„å°‘åĨŗã¨ã¯č¨€ãˆãĒいが、ãŋãĒ一様ãĢč‹Ĩい。 一äēēぎåĨŗは槍éŖいãĒぎだろう。æ­Ŗåē§ã—ãĻいるč‡Ēåˆ†ãŽč„šãŽæ¨ĒãĢ槍をįŊŽãã€į›´ããĢでも手ãĢ取れるようãĢしãĻいる。 æĄƒč‰˛ãŽé•ˇéĢĒを垌ろãĢįēã‚ãŸã€čŠ¯ãŽåŧˇãã†ãĒįžŗをしãĻいた。 もう一äēēぎåĨŗは、čĻ‹ã‚‹ã‹ã‚‰ãĢ魔æŗ•äŊŋいであることが分かるå‡ēでįĢ‹ãĄã ãŖた。 厤内ãĢも拘らず魔導å¸ŊをčĸĢり、æ˜Ĩ先だというぎãĢįœŸå†ŦぎようãĒéģ’く厚手ぎ外åĨ—ã‚’įēãŖãĻいる。杖はčĻ‹åŊ“たらãĒいが、きãŖと外åĨ—ぎ内側ãĢ隠しãĻいるぎだろう。 おうやら大陸でもįã—い、éģ’č‰˛ãŽéĢĒをしãĻいるようだ。 (......äēŒäēēともįžŽäēēだãĒ) įžŽåŊĸぎ多いエãƒĢフãĢå›˛ãžã‚ŒãĻいるおかげで少しįžŽįš„æ„ŸčĻšãŒį‹‚いそうだが、äēŒäēēぎåĨŗ冒é™ēč€…ã¯äēē間ぎ中では間違いãĒくįžŽäēēã¨č¨€ãˆã‚‹ã ã‚ã†ã€‚ã‚¨ãƒĢãƒ•ãŸãĄã¨æ¯”ãšãŸãŖãĻčĻ‹åŠŖりしãĒい。そしãĻäŊ•ã‚ˆã‚ŠäēŒäēēã¨ã‚‚â€•â€•čƒ¸ãŒãƒ‡ã‚ĢかãŖた。 「でけぇ......」 ã€ŒãŠå§‰ãĄã‚ƒã‚“?」 「......ãĒんでもãĒい」 でåĨŊ青嚴そぎもぎといãŖた感じだ。čĻ‹ãĻいるだけで勝手ãĢåĨŊ感åēĻが上がãŖãĻしぞいそうãĒ、そんãĒį†ä¸å°ŊãĒå°čąĄã‚’å—ã‘ã‚‹ã€‚ãŠãžã‘ãĢįšŽéŽ§ãĢ包ぞれたäŊ“æ ŧもすこãļるいい。 「あぎäēē、æ ŧåĨŊいい......」 里ぎエãƒĢãƒ•ãŸãĄãĢはãĒい凛々しくį”ˇã‚‰ã—ã„éĄ”ã¤ãã¨čēĢäŊ“つきãĢã€å‘¨å›˛ãĢいたåĨŗエãƒĢãƒ•ãŸãĄãŒå˜†æ¯ã™ã‚‹ã€‚ãƒĄãƒĢクとしãĻはäŊ•ã ã‹æ‚”しい。 ã€ŒãĄãŖ、äŊ•ã ã‚ぎį”ˇã€‚č€ŗも尖ãŖãĻãĒいし、éŧģもäŊŽã„じゃãĒいか」 ãƒĄãƒĢã‚¯ãŽå‘¨å›˛ãĢいたį”ˇã‚¨ãƒĢフが、åĢ‰åĻŦ丸å‡ēしぎ陰åŖを及く。 晎æŽĩであれば陰åŖãĒおくだらãĒいもぎと切り捨ãĻã‚‹ãƒĄãƒĢクだが、こればかりはį´ į›´ãĢ同感しãĻしぞãŖãŸã€‚ã‚‚ãĄã‚ã‚“ã€åŖãĢはå‡ēさãĒいが。 「å‰Ŗ......は、čĻ‹ãˆãĒいãĒ」 äģŖわりãĢ気ãĢãĒãŖたぎは、ロãƒŧãŒč¨€ãŖãĻいたå‰Ŗである。 ãŠã†ã‚„ã‚‰ãƒĄãƒĢクからčĻ‹ãˆã‚‹å ´æ‰€ãŽåå¯žå´ãĢįŊŽã‹ã‚ŒãĻã„ã‚‹ã‚ˆã†ã§ã€čž›ã†ã˜ãĻ鞘ぎ先がčĻ‹ãˆã‚‹į¨‹åēĻである。これではおういãŖたå‰Ŗか分からãĒい、はずだãŖた。 「あれ?」 え......åã‚Šå…ˇåˆã‚„éĸ¨å‘ŗã€č‰˛......そしãĻ醸しå‡ēã•ã‚Œã‚‹é›°å›˛æ°—â€•â€•äŊ•æ•…ã‹ã„ãšã‚Œã‚‚ãƒĄãƒĢã‚¯ãŽč¨˜æ†ļぎ中ãĢあãŖた。 おこかでčĻ‹ãŸã€ã‚るいは感じた懐かしい気配だãŖた。
The fourth day after the Chief of the village made the request, Merc received word that a group of adventurers had arrived in the village. “What? You must be joking.” Merc was swinging in the back of the garden, as usual, when she heard the news. Law had rushed in and told her just as she had worked up a good sweat. It had recently become a habit of his to go to the forest early in the morning. He had gone there earlier today as well, but he returned specifically to inform Merc of the news. To think that Law, who rarely leaves the house and is less physically fit than his peers, ran all the way from the forest to here. “I-It’s true. A party of three appeared at the barrier! Mother was assigned to guide them, and they’re currently on their way to the Chief’s mansion.” Ridiculous! What are they thinking?! Visiting the elf village to subdue a Ghezo Velche! Furthermore, there are only three of them, so they must be quite good... Merc was furious since her prediction that no one would show up had proven to be incorrect. Normally, no one would accept a Ghezo Velche’s subjugation mission, so Merc should have been grateful that a group of adventurers had shown up. Merc was well aware of this, and she also recognized that her outrage was completely selfish. However, if those adventurers completed the assignment without incident, Merc’s chances of getting approved by the Chief would vanish. Her chances of leaving the village would also vanish. And Merc honestly didn’t like that. “What kind of guys are they? The adventurers I mean.” “What? Oh. There is one man and two women. They all appear to be quite young. If I had to estimate their age in human years, I’d say they’re in their twenties. The man also carried a sword with him.” “Really? So one man and two women, huh?” When it came to seeking companions, gender usually didn’t matter much to adventurers. Normally, it would come in second or third place. Of course, forming a group with someone unfamiliar with the opposing gender could result in harassment. However, if the members of a group got along well, it was easier to embark on an adventure if they teamed up, regardless of whether their companions were male or female. It was inefficient to be concerned about gender. As a result, it wasn’t uncommon to encounter parties made up of one man and numerous women, or vice versa, all over the world. Well I guess that’s what adventuring is all about... I, too, have wished to be surrounded by female adventurers at some point. There were also adventurers, such as Merc, who solely had lecherous thoughts. “Well, unless I see them for myself, I won’t know for sure. We’re off to the Chief’s mansion.” “What? I-I’m staying here... I already saw them at the barrier.” “What are you saying? You’re curious as well, aren’t you? Aren’t you the one who’s been waiting for them every day since the Chief made the request?” “T-That’s right, but...” He couldn’t possibly be uninterested in the adventures, particularly the first humans to visit the elf village. The reason Law had been training with Merc recently was most likely due to his anticipation and anxiousness colliding. “Come on, let’s go!” Merc approached the Chief’s mansion with her wooden stick in one hand and Law’s hand in the other. “W-Wait! D-Don’t pull me!” Despite his protests, Law didn’t put up much of a fight, as if he’d made up his mind. When Merc and Law arrived at the village Chief’s mansion, they noticed that the other villagers were peeping in through the windows and holes in the paper sliding doors. The majority of those present were children, but there were a few adults present as well. Everyone appeared to be thinking the same thing. “It seems like everyone wants to get a glimpse at the adventurers.” “Yea. However, the manner they’re going about it isn’t exactly graceful.” Without further ado, Merc and Law asked one of the children, a friend of theirs, to clear some space for them to look. Inside, Merc could see the village chief and counselor, as well as the three adventurers sitting across from them. Just as Law had told her, there was one man and two women. They couldn’t be categorized as teens, but they were unquestionably young. One of the women seemed to be a spearman from what Merc could see. She sat gracefully, her spear poised next to her legs, ready to be snatched at any moment. Her long pink hair was pulled back into a ponytail, and her eyes shone with confidence. The second woman seemed to be a magician. She wore her magician’s hat inside the room, and despite the fact that it was spring, she was clad in a black and thick-looking mantle. Her wand was nowhere to be found, so Merc assumed it was hidden inside her mantle. Her hair was black, which was rare on this continent. ... Both of them are quite the beauties. Merc’s perception of beauty had twisted a little from being surrounded by elves all this time, but the women standing before her could undoubtedly be characterized as beauties among humans. They were in no way inferior to the elves. To top it off, they both had massive breasts. “Massive...” “Sis?” “... I-It’s nothing.” He didn’t appear to be the flirtatious, playboy kind at all, and was actually listening intently to the Chief’s explanation. He appeared to be a very decent young man. Merc felt closer to him simply by looking at him. That was the kind of irrational impression the youth made on others. Furthermore, the physique covered by his leather armor was well-developed. “He’s so stunning...” The female elves sighed as they saw the youth’s masculine and dignified appearance, as well as his body, which the male elves lacked. Seeing them like that enraged Merc. “Tsk. What’s wrong with that man. His ears aren’t even pointed, and his nasal bridge is quite high.” The men gathered around Merc could be heard complaining. Normally, she would dismiss such remarks, and even though she didn’t say it out loud she agreed with the men on this occasion. “I can’t see his sword.” Merc’s attention was drawn to the man’s weapon, which Law had told her about, rather than his appearance. Unfortunately for Merc, the man’s weapon was positioned on the opposite side of him, allowing her to only see a part of the sword’s scabbard. And with just that little, Merc had no way of knowing what kind of weapon it was, or so she assumed. “What?” She had a vague recollection of that sword. She remembered the craftsmanship in the sword’s scabbard, to be more specific... Its curve, uniqueness, and color... For some reason, the atmosphere it emitted was all too familiar to Merc. It was as if she’d seen it before.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 4, "inserted_lines_src": 8, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
「......じãŖãĄã‚ƒã‚“?」 僕は朗らかãĒčĄ¨æƒ…ã‚’æĩŽã‹ãšãĻいるじãŖãĄã‚ƒã‚“ã‚’ã˜ãŖとčĻ‹ã¤ã‚ãŸã€‚ äģŠãĢもį›ŽãŒčĻšã‚ãã†ãĒぎãĢ、もと動くことぎãĒいじãŖãĄã‚ƒã‚“ã€‚åƒ•ã¯ã˜ãŖãĄã‚ƒã‚“ãŒã“ãŽä¸–ã‚’åŽģãŖたことをį†č§Ŗå‡ēæĨずãĢいた。 僕がå›ēぞãŖãĻいると、垌ろからåŖ°ãŒčžã“えた。 「おį–˛ã‚Œã•ãžã§ã—た」 僕はå›ŊįŽ‹ãŽæ–šã¸ã¨æŒ¯ã‚Ščŋ”る。åŊŧã¯æˇąãé ­ã‚’ä¸‹ã’ãĻじãŖãĄã‚ƒã‚“ãĢ最大ぎæ•Ŧ意を払ãŖãĻいた。そぎįžŦé–“ã€å…¨å“ĄãŒã˜ãŖãĄã‚ƒã‚“ãĢ向かãŖãĻ頭を下げた。 ä¸æ€č­°ãĒ光景だãŖた。å›ŊįŽ‹ã¨č˛´æ—ã¨åšŗæ°‘ãŒåŒã˜éƒ¨åą‹ã§é ­ã‚’ä¸‹ã’ãĻいるぎだから......。 čĒ°ã‚‚がじãŖãĄã‚ƒã‚“ãĢ寞しをįŊŽã„ãĻいた。じãŖãĄã‚ƒã‚“ãĒらこぎå›Ŋを救ãŖãĻくれると期垅ぎįœŧåˇŽã—ã‚’å‘ã‘ãĻいた。 じãŖãĄã‚ƒã‚“ãŽčŋ‘くãĢいれば、čĒ°ã‚‚がåŊŧを尊æ•Ŧしただろう。éĻŦが合う合わãĒいはあるかもしれãĒいが、じãŖãĄã‚ƒã‚“ã¯ãƒ‡ãƒĨãƒĢã‚­ã‚šå›ŊãĢとãŖãĻåŋ…čĻä¸å¯æŦ ãĒ存在であãŖた。 こぎ世į•Œã¸ã¨ã‚‚う一åēĻæˆģãŖãĻæĨたじãŖãĄã‚ƒã‚“ãĢčĒ°ã‚‚が期垅した。そしãĻ、åŊŧがå›ŊįŽ‹ãĢãĒã‚‹ã“ã¨ã‚’éĄ˜ãŖた。 ......ããŽéĄ˜ã„ã¯ã‚‚ã†åļわãĒいけれお。 æŗŖããŸã„æ°—æŒãĄã‚’ã‚°ãƒƒã¨å Ēえようと思ãŖたが、į„Ąį†ã ãŖた。 勝手ãĢæļ™ãŒæēĸれãĻくる。僕はéēäŊ“ãĢしがãŋã¤ã„ãŸã€‚ãŠã‚Œã ã‘æŠąãã—ã‚ãĻも、じãŖãĄã‚ƒã‚“ã¯ã‚‚ã†åƒ•ã‚’æĄã‚Ščŋ”すことはãĒい。 æœŦæĨãĒã‚‰č˛§å›°æ‘ãŽåƒ•ãŒįŽ‹åŽļぎäēēãĢこんãĒį„Ąį¤ŧãĒ行į‚ēをするãĒんãĻč¨ąã•ã‚ŒãĒいだろう。 ã ãŒã€ã“ãŽéƒ¨åą‹ãĢいるčĒ°ã‚‚僕をæ­ĸめることはãĒかãŖた。äŊ•ã‚‚č¨€ã‚ãšæŗŖき崊れãĒがらじãŖãĄã‚ƒã‚“ãĢしがãŋつく僕をčĻ‹åŽˆãŖãĻくれãĻいた。 あぎæ­ģとéšŖり合わせぎ村で唯一ぎå‘ŗ斚だãŖた。じãŖãĄã‚ƒã‚“ãŒã„ãŸã‹ã‚‰åƒ•ãŽåŋƒč‡“はぞだ動いãĻいるんだ。 じãŖãĄã‚ƒã‚“ã¯æ­´å˛ãĢ名を掋せるだろう。 そしãĻ、じãŖãĄã‚ƒã‚“ãŽã“ã¨ãŒæ­´å˛ãĢåˆģぞれたと同時ãĢじãŖãĄã‚ƒã‚“ã¯ã“ãŽå›ŊãĢåžŠčŽã§ãã‚‹ã€‚ じãŖãĄã‚ƒã‚“ã‚’åˆ‡ã‚Šæ¨ãĻたデãƒĨãƒĢã‚­ã‚šå›ŊãŽåˆ¤æ–­ãƒŸã‚šã¯æąšį‚šã¨ã—ãĻäŧã‚ãŖãĻã„ãã€‚ã“ãŽæąšį‚šã‚’掋したということが、じãŖãĄã‚ƒã‚“ãĢとãŖãĻãŽåžŠčŽã ã€‚ こぎå›Ŋã¯ã€ã‚ˇãƒŧã‚Ģãƒŧãƒģã‚Ļã‚ŖãƒĢをįŊĒäēēãĢし、そぎ垌、åŊŧãĢ劊けãĻもらãŖãĻいるぎだ。 じãŖãĄã‚ƒã‚“ã€č˛´æ–šã¯åžŒä¸–ãĢį´ æ™´ã‚‰ã—いäēēæ ŧč€…ã ã¨äŧã‚ãŖãĻいくよ。 「兄上」 čĒ°ã‚‚いãĒくãĒãŖãŸéƒ¨åą‹ã§ã‚ˇãƒŧã‚ĢãƒŧãƒģãƒĢãƒŧクはベッドぎ上で厉らかãĢįœ ãŖãĻいるéēäŊ“ãĢ向かãŖãĻそう呟いた。 ジãƒĢはæŗŖきį–˛ã‚ŒãŸãŽã‹ã€ã‚Ļã‚ŖãƒĢãĢæŠąãã¤ã„ãŸãžãžå¯ãĻしぞãŖた。ヘãƒŗãƒĒがジãƒĢã‚’æŠąãˆãĻéƒ¨åą‹ãžã§é‹ã‚“ã§čĄŒãŖた。 そぎ場ãĢいたčĒ°ã‚‚がã‚Ļã‚ŖãƒĢぎæ­ģをæ‚ŧんだ。 ãƒĢãƒŧクは椅子ãĢč…°ã‚’ä¸‹ã‚ã—ã€ã‚Ļã‚ŖãƒĢをčĻ‹ã¤ã‚ãĒがらåŖを開いた。 「åŋƒãŽæē–備はしãĻいたはずãĒぎですが、......いざį›´éĸするとかãĒりキツいですね」 įŽ‹ã§ã‚る限りæļ™ã¯æĩã—ãĻはãĒらãĒいと、ãƒĢãƒŧクはåŋ…æ­ģãĢč‡Ē分ãĢč¨€ã„čžã‹ã›ãŸã€‚ それãĒぎãĢ、おうしãĻもあãĩれå‡ēã™æ‚˛ã—ã•ã‚’čĻ†ã„隠すことができãĒい。 「......äģŠã“ぎįžŦ間、......ã“ãŽéƒ¨åą‹ãĢいる時だけは、ただぎ兄åŧŸãĢãĒãŖãĻもいいでしょうか」 ãã†č¨€č‘‰ã‚’æ”žãŖたįžŦ間、ãƒĢãƒŧクはé ŦãĢ静かãĢæļ™ãŒäŧãŖた。 ã€Œč˛´æ–šãŽåŧŸã§åš¸ã›ã§ã—た」 それだけäŧãˆã‚‹ã¨ã€ãƒĢãƒŧクはそãŖとそぎ場をįĢ‹ãĄåŽģろうとした。そぎįžŦ間だãŖた。ã‚Ļã‚ŖãƒĢぎéĻ–å…ƒãĢäŊ•ã‹å…‰ãŖたもぎがčĻ‹ãˆãŸã€‚ ã‚Ļã‚ŖãƒĢがäēĄããĒãŖãŸã“ã¨ãŽčĄæ’ƒãŒå¤§ãã™ãŽãĻ、äģŠãžã§æ°—äģ˜ã‹ãĒかãŖたぎだろう。 ä¸æ€č­°ãĢ思い、少しぎ間ã‚Ļã‚ŖãƒĢぎéĻ–元をčĻ‹ã¤ã‚ãŸåžŒã€äŊ•ã‹įĸēかめるようãĢåŊŧぎ元へとčŋ‘ãĨいた。 そãŖと、ã‚Ļã‚ŖãƒĢぎéĻ–å…ƒãĢ手をäŧ¸ã°ã—、ネックãƒŦ゚を外した。 「............éĩ?」 ネックãƒŦã‚šãĢはčĻ‹ãŸã“とぎãĒい古ãŗたéĩがついãĻいた。
“...Gramps?” I stared at Gramps, who had a cheerful expression on his face. It was as if he were about to wake up, but he never moved again, and I couldn’t bring myself to accept that he had left this world. As I froze, I heard a voice from behind me. “Thank you for your hard work.” I turned back to the King. He was bowing deeply and paying his utmost respect to Gramps. At that moment, everyone bowed toward the Gramps. It was a strange sight. The King, the nobles, and the commoners all bowing in the same room.... Everyone was looking at Gramps with awe, hoping that he would save the country. Anyone who was close to Gramps would have respected him. Although they might not have seen eye to eye, Gramps was indispensable to Duelkis. Everyone had high hopes for Gramps’ return to the world. And they hoped he would become King. Though that wish could no longer be fulfilled. I tried to hold back my desire to cry, but it was impossible. Tears started to flow on their own. I clung to his body. No matter how much I hugged him, Gramps never held me back. Normally, it would be unforgivable for me, from an impoverished village, to be so disrespectful to a member of the Royal Family. But no one in this room stopped me. They watched over me as I clung to Gramps, sobbing without saying a word. Gramps had been the only ally I had in that grim village, and he was the reason my heart still beats. Gramps would have made history. And as soon as Gramps was written in the history books, Gramps could take revenge on this country. The Duelkis’ error of judgment in cutting off Gramps was a stain that would be passed down to the rest of the world. The fact that this stain was left behind would be revenge for Gramps. This country made Will Seeker a sinner and then had him help them. Gramps, your story would be passed down to future generations that you were a man of great character. “Brother.” Luke Seeker muttered to the body resting peacefully on the bed in the empty room. Gilles, tired of crying, fell asleep in Will’s arms, and Henry carried Gilles to his room. Everyone present mourned Will’s death. Luke sat down in a chair, looked at Will, and started talking. “I thought I was prepared for this,’s pretty hard when I have to face it.” Luke desperately told himself that as long as he was King, he should not shed tears. And yet, he just couldn’t cover up the sadness that was overflowing. “...At that moment... just when we are in this room, can we be just brothers?” The moment he released those words, Luke had silent tears rolling down his cheeks. “I was happy to be your brother.” With these words, Luke quietly turned to leave. It was at that moment that he saw something shiny around Will’s neck. The shock of Will’s death must have been too great for him to have noticed it. He stared at Will’s neck for a moment, wondering, and then moved closer to him as if to check something. Gently, he reached around Will’s neck and removed the necklace. “...a key?” There was an old key on the necklace that he had never seen before.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
中å›ŊãŒč¸ãŋå‡ēしたæĩå‹•į›¸å ´åˆļへぎ控えめãĒįŦŦ一歊が、įĩŒæ¸ˆãĢおうåŊąéŸŋを及ãŧすãĢせよīŊ¤æˆ‘々はそぎæˆĻį•ĨãŽåˇ§åĻ™ã•ãĢ感服するずきだろう。äģŠå›žãŽå°åš…ãĒ攚靊īŧˆäēē民元ぎį‚ēæ›ŋãƒŦãƒŧトを寞ドãƒĢでīŧ’īŧ…切り上げīŧ‰ã¯ã€ã“ぎ先いつおう動くぎか、全くäēˆæƒŗがつけられãĒいį‚šãŒį‰ščŗĒįš„であるīŊĄ
Whatever the ultimate economic effects of China’s first modest step towards floating its currency, one has to admire its strategic brilliance. The genius of China’s mini-move (allowing the Yuan to rise 2% against the dollar) is that no one can tell when or what is going to happen next.
{ "source": "news_commentary", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
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After her classes were over, Sheila suddenly had the urge to go to the library. She was curious about the book on military tactics that Seiryuu had mentioned, but above all, she wanted to do some serious research about the political upheaval. “Wow....” When Sheila first set foot in the library, it was overwhelmingly huge. There were bookshelves so high that a ladder was required to reach them on one wall, and there were countless stacks of books beyond them. The domed ceiling was lined with long, narrow skylights that radiated out. The room was comfortable, with constant humidity and temperature, calculated to prevent the sunlight from damaging the books. It was so quiet that even if one shouted, the sound would be absorbed by the many books and disappear. Sheila looked around as she walked on the soft carpet. Cody had once told her that the library had the second most extensive collection of books after the royal palace, or maybe he hadn’t. Anyway, all she knew was that it was going to take her years to find the book she wanted to read. Giving up on trying to find the book on her own, Sheila went to the reception counter. There sat a kind-looking elderly gentleman. “Excuse me. I have a book I want to read. Can you tell me where I can find it? Um, it’s about the history of the Kingdom of Steitz. Also, I would like to read books about military tactics and some books on mythology, if you have them.” When Sheila spoke in faltering honorifics, the elderly man smiled softly. “Of course. You’re very studious, wanting to learn history even before the written test.” Sheila inwardly felt gloomy, wondering if there was a written test, but the kind old man who seemed to be the librarian led the way as they weaved their way through the gaps between the bookshelves. The surroundings suddenly became dim, as if she had wandered into a deep forest. The bookshelves were probably too high for the light to reach them. “The history books are quite thick, and there are many volumes of them. Which areas would you like to research?” “I want to know about the political upheaval.” “The last political upheaval, is that correct?” It was natural that political upheavals had occurred many times in the country’s long history. Sheila realized that she hadn’t said enough and nodded her head affirmatively. “I’m sorry, yes. Thank you.” “You don’t have to apologize. Now, let’s go this way.” As the elderly man said, the history book was quite large and thick. Her aversion to the printed word made her hesitate, but she managed to accept it. The military law books were even more extensive, so much so that one shelf wasn’t enough. She didn’t know where to start, so she pulled out the first book for now. Already feeling overwhelmed by two books, Sheila decided to take the book on mythology next time. “Oh, that’s right. I would like to read some books about magic, too.” Sheila remembered that, during the competency test, she had realized that learning about magic was a shortcut to becoming stronger. She was hoping to see a book with spells written on it, but the elderly man lowered his eyebrows apologetically. “I am sorry. I don’t mean to be rude, but you seem to be a special student. Only aristocrats are allowed to read books on magic.” “Eh? Why is that?” “The reason, I suppose, is that those who cannot use magic have no need to view it....” “Is there such a reason like that? At least change the system so that people can see it if they register for it at the counter....” “I think so too, but rules are rules.... I’m very sorry.” If he apologized again and again, Sheila wouldn’t be able to say anything. After all, he wasn’t the one who made the rules, so it wasn’t his fault. Sheila apologized for her selfishness and parted ways with the librarian. She carried the heavy books to the reading table and took a seat. First, she turned to the history books. It had a relatively new deep scarlet leather cover with a crest of an eagle and a sword stamped in gold foil. When she opened it, the scent of ink tickled her nose. The contents were all written in an old-fashioned, rigorous phraseology. It would take some time, but thanks to Claushezade’s education, Sheila managed to understand it. “Faril’s history of the year ..... So, that means four years before I was born?” At that time, His Majesty the King had six princes and five princesses. The king had been ill for a long time, and it was said that it was only a matter of time before the power would be transferred to the first prince. It was said that it was called the Vladsaliam Rebellion, after the third prince. Dissatisfied with this, the third prince, Vladsaliam, plotted to usurp the throne and assassinate the first prince, who had already ascended to the throne. The fourth prince cooperated in this plot. The two princesses, who had been friends with them, also joined in the plot. On the side of the first prince were the second and fifth princes, and the remaining three princesses. The sixth prince was still young at the time and was not involved in the power struggle. “When you look at the numbers, the crown prince’s side seems to have the advantage....” The first prince died the following year in an unfortunate carriage accident. From that point on, it was a bloody struggle between friend and foe alike. The country was in shambles after losing its official heir. The king collapsed amidst the intensifying conflict between the princes. The national government ceased to function properly. At the worst possible time, the country was suffering from a continuous drought, and the number of people starving to death was on the rise. A mountain of people begging for help formed in front of the castle gate, which eventually turned into a wreck. Even in the rough domestic situation, the princes didn’t join hands. It was quite ironic that Vladsaliam, who had caused the struggle for supremacy, was the first to be struck down. The second and fifth princes were poisoned next, and the fourth prince, who seemed to have survived, was killed by one of the princesses. In the end, the only survivor among the male heirs to the throne was the sixth prince, who was isolated from the power struggle. When the sixth prince hastily ascended the throne, it had been seven years since the first prince died in an accident. That made it sound like there was only one surviving son of the king, but in fact, there was another prince. Shortly after the king’s death, his third wife gave birth to a baby boy, who was at the time six years old. The king died without ever seeing his youngest child. The sixth prince was a wise man and did not kill the youngest prince, who might have sparked another political strife. The main reason for this was that he was too sickly to have children. Because of these circumstances, he took in the two children left by the first prince and was raising them as heirs even now. “The child of His Majesty the King was adopted and the second prince in this academy is, to be precise, the nephew of the current King....” Although it was written in a casual way, the political upheaval was said to have resulted in the loss of quite a lot of lives. It was written that nobles and knights who supported the enemy were also purged. The people suffered greatly, and it was a truly terrible time. “I had no idea.... Very few people go in and out of the village, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t any at all.” Sheila was only three years old when the political upheaval ended. It was probably not necessary for an adult to go to the trouble of teaching her. At the end of the book, the names of all the nobles who died in the political upheaval were listed. Civil servants, knights, and all other nobles, regardless of their status, had died. The head of a ducal family, the son of a nobleman who belonged to the Imperial Knights, a princess, and a commoner who was a patrolling soldier.... Among them were the names of the then Commander of the Imperial Knights and his wife, who had assisted him. “Regald Norstein, Mira Norstein.....” Her fingers, which had been slowly following the letters, stopped. Sheila slowly looked up at the ceiling. Before she knew it, an orange color mixed in with the bright sunlight poured down from the high ceiling. The sun would be setting soon. It was about time the cafeteria opened, so Sheila had to get back to the dormitory as soon as possible or she would run out of food. She knew that, but she couldn’t get up. She recalled his facial expression in which she couldn’t read what he was thinking. The first clear rejection she ever saw from someone who always answered her questions, even when they looked annoyed. ――Clauschezade Norstein. Why did he avoid telling her the details? Sheila kept staring out the window at the narrow sky, wondering how he had felt when she had asked him about the upheaval.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 2 }
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Hello, this is Ren, I’ve been training in blacksmithing and for some reason I decided to register with the commerce guild. It seems that the pasta machine and mincer that I used earlier was considered quite revolutionary, thus the revenue from the patents were quite profitable. According to what I heard at the commerce guild when I went to register the patents. The recipe didn’t exist in this country, but long pasta dishes did exist in the central continent. But the tools that are used to make the noodles for the pasta dishes sound’s somewhat like making tokoroten in how you have to forcefully push it in and then pull it out. Compared to that, the pasta machine I made was like a ground-breaking invention since it allowed for noodles to be made easily! Was it something like that? On the other hand, the mincer was considered amazing because it was a smaller version....... Although mincers did exist, there were apparently no hamburgers in this country. Which I didn’t really understand. The staff also said that there wasn’t a recipe that required the usage method for it in the central continent. I think in this country, meatballs are made using leftover scraps? So the mincer wouldn’t sell here either. While long pasta dishes didn’t exist in this country, it seems to exist in a trade city in the west. Hm, I want to go there at least once. I want to try all the various foods there. That aside, I was able to make these since I knew about the structure due to my previous life. I’m not the one who invented them, yet I’m earning some income from them.....somehow I feel bad in various ways...... Oh, right. I guess this would be considered a knowledge cheat. The protagonists in the otherworld genre usually have quite the knowledgebase. I guess I would have to get used to it too? But still, I know this world is still in various stages of development, but to think there would be a patent system and such. This world really is over the top, I don’t even know where to begin commenting. Incidentally, the commerce guilds have a high registration fee. The cost would depend on the business being started, but it would be about to gold coins. Depending on the case, it could even go up to gold coins. Apparently, it was because the cost would be used as compensation to cover any losses that might occur if the initial business failed. In my case, I had to pay gold coins. Considering that, the adventurer’s guild which didn’t charge a registration fee was quite generous. Also regarding my case, since I registered for a patent for the design, a fee would be charged each time the device was manufactured. The commerce guild was an international organization that spanned across multiple countries, so even if it was manufactured in another country, I would still earn money. The commerce guild also received a portion of the fee. As such, it seems that the fee would be properly collected in the surrounding areas in order to protect the guild’s interests. In addition, as a result of listening to various explanations at the commerce guild, it seems that this country was more rural and was quite backward. When I came here to get the patent for the tools, the process was quite exhausting. Furthermore, the income from the patent fee would be processed by the guild and automatically transferred. Registering with the commerce guild would allow me to open an account with them, thus all the fees would be transferred to that account. Apparently, the account could be accessed from other guilds too since the various guilds had business dealing with each other, so money could still be withdrawn even if it was a completely different guild. So in my case, I could access it even at the adventurer’s guild. Unlike the adventurer’s guild, it seems that the commerce guild required an annual membership fee, but if you allowed it to be withdrawn from your account, you wouldn’t have to come to pay for it and it would be automatically deducted. But the investigation process was quite long when I was registering for the patent, so I guess it’s quite nice that I don’t have to come to pay fees? Seriously, the eyes of the surrounding merchants are scary. I wasn’t expecting them to recognize me as the person who made tonkatsu back in Harula and the one at the poultry farming village. There were even suspicions about me being the rumored witch of the forest, scary! But I managed to mislead them into thinking that the matters regarding the witch of the forest was just something that happened close to me. And so, I didn’t want to come to the commerce guild anymore because of that. Or rather, I was worried about running into the toad-faced merchant if I frequented the commerce guild too much. ......He wouldn’t send pursers after me, right? Depending on the case, I might have to consider running away, but I had already rented a smithy, so it would be really annoying to do so. For now, I guess I’ll just wait and see......but I’ll prepare so that I’m able to escape anytime. I’ve been doing a lot of things based upon the surrounding mood, so I have to be a little more careful.......I don’t want to stand out. No, for real. Additionally, the rank of the commerce guild increases when revenue and taxes paid to the commerce guild and to the country generated from a guild member’s business exceeds a specific amount for a year. For me, since it would be automatically deducted from the income from the patent fee, it seems it was alright to leave it alone. Well, it seems that sometimes I would have to visit to update my rank and such.....but if possible, I don’t really want to come back...... Despite such troubles, I still had time to forge swords and such afterward. Later that day, I took a break before noon and went outside the workshop for a bit. There was a door behind the main building that led outside of the perimeter walls of the workshop. Exiting from there would then lead to a back alley. The other end of the back alley was fenced and the open sky could be seen beyond. In other words, there was a highland ahead, or a cliff so to say. When I placed my hands on the fence and looked down, I could see the roofs of the houses below. If I fell from here, I would get seriously injured, the difference in elevation was quite large so I had to be careful not to fall. However, since there was a solid fence around here, it seems that if someone fell from here, it would be considered their own fault, and the person who fell would probably go down as a laughingstock. Apparently, there also wouldn’t be any compensation from the country even if someone fell from here. As such, let’s be careful. But being here is like standing on top of a hill, the wind feels very nice. Should I take a break near the fence? There were benches set up at regular intervals, and it seems people would sit and rest here despite it being an alley. Even though it was located in such a place, it didn’t mean there weren’t any people, so I was naturally wearing my cloak. Norn was also next to me. And the wind really did feel nice. It might be a good idea to take a break here from now on. “Fwah~” Woah, I let out a weird voice. “Um, you came out from there, are you perhaps an apprentice of the workshop?” Huh!? Did my weird voice get heard!? No way, how embarrassing! “Ah, what? No, that’s not it.” “Huh? Is that so? But you came out from there......” “Oh, I see.....if that’s the case, then I guess it won’t be possible......” The person looked disappointed and depressed. It wasn’t like I did anything wrong, but for some reason, I felt guilty. And the person was giving off quite a depressing atmosphere. Hmm... “ there something troubling you?” This is something that should never be asked. It’s a flag. I know this will bring something troublesome. But I asked since I was Japanese. And above all, the person is a child..... “Eh?” “Is there anything that’s troubling you?” “Oh, should I put this? That is, I’m still just a newbie adventurer.......” The adventurer’s guild and craftsmen guild operated on a mutual assistance contract system. The contract was that new adventurers and new craftsmen would help each other to improve their own skills. For example, new adventurers might not have enough money for equipment. Good equipment would cost a bit of money. Furthermore, equipment would be considered consumables. Likewise, it would be similar for apprentice blacksmiths. The person would be a new blacksmith who only just recently began forging. As such, they wouldn’t be able to afford materials. They also wouldn’t be allowed to use the smithies whenever they pleased. And even if they made something, there wasn’t a method to test its actual performance or usability. But the mutual assistance contract would allow such new adventurers and craftsmen to make up for each other’s needs. Adventurers could get necessary weapons and armor at low prices or for free. And craftsmen would be able to test the performance of the products they made. Adventurers could also provide the materials craftsmen would need at low prices or for free, and thus obtain new weapons, armor, and more experience. Craftsmen would also be able to experience working with new materials, and through learning about the performance and usability of their products, make improvements, and thus improve their own skills. As a result, they would be able to make up for each other’s lack of money, gain experience, and improve together. Hence the mutual assistance contract. However, there were also disadvantages. The abilities of new adventurers were limited. Sudden death was inevitable. Naturally, they wouldn’t be in possession of many skills either. Thus, gathering the required materials wasn’t easy. The same applied to new craftsmen, since they were only mere apprentices. The performance and reliability of the products created weren’t well-established. Sometimes, they could even suddenly break during a battle. Therefore, there was a clause in the mutual assistance contract that both parties would not be held responsible for the life and death of the other. Even if you died, it would be your own fault. There were also clauses regarding the companions of dead adventurers. In the case that a fellow adventurer died due to equipment failure, taking action upon the craftsmen who signed the mutual assistance contract wasn’t allowed. Naturally, breaking the agreement would result in penalties. However, if too many fatal accidents occurred, the penalties would be applied to the craftsmen. Thus, signing a mutual assistance contract would mean agreeing to these trade-offs. Apparently, the girl in front of me had been wandering around the blacksmith district every day, looking for someone to sign the mutual assistance contract with. The rapid manner the girl spoke in, how she would keep rambling on, and yet still be able to convey her meaning. .....She hasn’t changed. She’s just like before. She had light blonde hair, and the length was at the point where the hair could be neatly tied into a single, small bun. But before, she used to have long hair. Her skin was darker than I remembered. I guess she became tanner? But her sharp blue eyes were the same as before, a look full of willpower. ......Right, I know this girl. “......And so, considering the burden on the children who left the orphanage together with me, I thought it would be best to look for someone to sign a mutual assistance contract? But how would I find someone like that to begin with? Haa, how troubling.” It seems that after becoming years old, she left the orphanage with some other children of the same age to become adventurers. Originally, the orphanage we were from would allow us to stay until we reached 5 years old. But she and the others had chosen to leave the orphanage to make space for children younger than them. “I thought it would be manageable, but I wasn’t able to tell herbs apart from each other. And with good armor, I’m able to fight against goblins and lesser wolves, but my weapon didn’t hold up at all.” She had a worn-out looking dagger on her waist. Although it was sheathed, the various tears all over it made it was obvious how much hardships she had been through. Her hands were also quite worn-out. All the children in the orphanage had somewhat rough-looking hands, but their hands were still in much better shape than her hands. “I understand I brought this upon myself, but I still think that with a mutual assistance contract, it’ll be alright! And if it goes well, I might even be able to ask for weapons for the other children. perhaps?” She hasn’t changed at all. She’s just like in the past. She was always looking after everyone and taking the extra burden upon herself. “......You haven’t changed at all, Triela.” She looked at me with widened eyes. The look in her eyes was the same as back at the orphanage, and for some reason, it felt relieving.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 14, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
įĸēかãĒことは同嚴äģŖぎ中ではすãŖかりæŗ¨į›ŽãŽįš„ãĢãĒãŖたということだ。 「いやもうãģんとおうしãĻこうãĒãŖた」 されãĻ困ãŖãĻるぎはヴェãƒĢナãƒŧぐらいじゃãĒいかãĒ」 é­”æ—č¨ŽäŧãŽåŠŸį¸žã§å‹˛åŠŸãĢ選ばれたマã‚ŧãƒĢがåŋœã˜ã‚‹ã€‚æœŦæĨãĒらマã‚ŧãƒĢč¤’ã‚ã‚‰ã‚ŒãĒきゃいけãĒã„ã¯ãšã ãŒã€‚ã‚˛ãƒŧãƒ ãŽã‚ˇãƒŠãƒĒã‚ĒãĢį‹‚いがį”Ÿã˜ãĻるぎはįĸēかだろう。 そもそもあぎæˆĻいぎ垌でパãƒŧテã‚Ŗãƒŧ開くäŊ™čŖ•ãĒんかãĒかãŖたはずだし。įŽ‹å¤Ē子がæ­ģんでるんだからãĒ。 いやæœŦåŊ“ãĒらこれからも魔族や魔įŽ‹é–ĸé€Ŗぎäē‹äģļはé ģį™ēするからパãƒŧテã‚ŖãƒŧおころじゃãĒいんだが、それをäŊ•ã§įŸĨãŖãĻるぎかãŖãĻ芹ãĢãĒるとäŊ•ã‚‚č¨€ãˆã‚“ã€‚ ãĒおそぎįŽ‹å¤Ē子はå›ŊįŽ‹ã¨åŒã˜ãæ—Šã€…ãĢåŧ•ãŖčžŧんだ。äŊ•ã‹ãģかぎäģ•äē‹ãŒã‚るぎかもįŸĨれãĒã„ãŒé›˛ãŽä¸ŠéŽãŽãĻč§Ŗらん。 それãĢしãĻもこãŖãĄã¯č˛´æ—ãŽį¤ŧ服でマã‚ŧãƒĢはå­Ļį”ŸæœãĒぎãĢあãŖãĄãŽæ–šãŒæ ŧåĨŊいいぎはおういうことだ。įĨžãŒåˇŽåˆĨしãĻるとしか思えãĒいんだが。 įĨžãŽå­˜åœ¨ã‚’äŋĄã˜ãĻãĒくãĻもįĨžãŽåˇŽåˆĨをäŋĄã˜ã‚‹ãŽã¯įŸ›į›žã‹? 「æŽĸせばãģかãĢも一äēēぐらい......いãĒいか」 「いãĒいと思う。å­Ļ園でうらやぞしがるäēēはいると思うけお」 マã‚ŧãƒĢぎåĨ´ã¯äģ–äēēäē‹ã§ã‚る。ぞあ晎通はそうか。だがäŋē個äēēぎįŸĨč­˜ã§ã„ãˆã°įŠļæŗã¯æœ€æ‚Ēだ。 å­Ļį”Ÿã ã‹ã‚‰įŽ‹éƒŊã‹ã‚‰é•ˇæ™‚é–“é›ĸれられãĒいし、įˆĩäŊã‚’預かãŖたäģĨ上įŽ‹åŸŽãĢいる可čƒŊ性もéĢ˜ããĒる。čĻã™ã‚‹ãĢあぎイベãƒŗトぎ時ãĢ城内ãĢいる可čƒŊ性が上がãŖたわけで。 ã€ŒčƒƒãŒį—›ã‡ã€ 「僕は昨æ—Ĩぎãģã†ãŒčƒƒãŒį—›ã‹ãŖたんだけおãĒ」 とãĻもそうはčĻ‹ãˆãĒいが多少įˇŠåŧĩからč§Ŗæ”žã•ã‚ŒãŸé›°å›˛æ°—ã¯ã‚ã‚‹ã€‚ã‚„ãŖãąã‚Šį¤ŧ儀を気ãĢはしãĻたぎか。 ããŽå‰˛ãĢ陛下とぎやり取りは教į§‘書ãĢčŧ‰ãŖãĻもいいぐらいだãŖたがãĒ。ãĒんでもそつãĒくこãĒすぎもä¸ģäēēå…Ŧチãƒŧトかねえ。 ぞあéŖ¯ã‚’éŖŸã†æ°—はãĒã„ãŽã§čƒƒãŒį—›ã„ぎはåĨŊéƒŊ合か。 そんãĒことを思ãŖãĻいたらį¤ŧ服をį€ãŸåŖŽåš´ãŽį”ˇæ€§ãŒčŋ‘ãĨいãĻきた。čĻ‹čĻšãˆãŽã‚ã‚‹éĄ”ã€‚ãƒŽãƒĢポト䞯įˆĩだ。 「ヴェãƒĢナãƒŧãƒģãƒ•ã‚Ąãƒŗãƒģツェã‚ĸフェãƒĢトåŋ、ぞずはįĨã„ãŽč¨€ã‚’čŋ°ãšã•ã›ãĻもらう所だãĒ」 「恐į¸Žã§ã”ざいぞす、ノãƒĢポト䞯įˆĩ」 ぞずは、か。ああ、やãŖãąã‚ŠãĒというぎがæ­Ŗį›´ãĒ感æƒŗである。ここは先ãĢčŦã‚‹å ´éĸか。 「それと、先æ—ĨぎæˆĻé™Ŗã§ã¯å¤§å¤‰å¤ąį¤ŧをいたしぞした。čŦšã‚“でおčŠĢãŗį”ŗし上げぞす」 「ãģう」 いやそぎ反åŋœã€ã‚ã‹ãŖãĻãĻ言ãŖãĻã‚‹ã ã‚ã€‚ã¨ã¯č¨€ãˆé †åēã§ã„えばäŋēぎãģã†ãŒå…ˆã ã—å•éĄŒčĄŒį‚ēはäē‹åŽŸã ã‹ã‚‰é ­ã‚’下げãĻおく。 éšŖぎマã‚ŧãƒĢが頭ãĢクエ゚チョãƒŗマãƒŧクをæĩŽã‹ãšãĻるがäē‹æƒ…ã‚’įŸĨらãĒいからåŊ“į„ļだãĒ。 そんãĒã“ã¨ã‚’č€ƒãˆãĻたらノãƒĢポト䞯がãĩãŖとįŦ‘ãŖた。ダãƒŗデã‚ŖãĒã‚Ēジã‚ĩマがやると様ãĢãĒるãĒ。おうしãĻäŋēぎ周りはįžŽį”ˇįŽ‡ãŒéĢ˜ã„ぎか。 「č§ŖãŖãĻいるぎであればよい。įŽ‹å¤Ē子æŽŋä¸‹ã‹ã‚‰ã‚‚č¨€ã‚ã‚ŒãĻおるしãĒ」 「æŽŋ下が?」 「į›¸æ‰‹ã¯č‹Ĩいぎだから咎めるぎもãģおãģおãĢしãĻおけ、と釘をåˆēされãĻいた。それでも銕ãŖãĻいるようãĒã‚‰ä¸€č¨€č¨€ãŠã†ã¨ã¯æ€ãŖãĻいたが、åŋ…čĻã¯ãĒさそうだ」 ã˛ãˆãƒŧ、äŊ•ã‹įŽ‹å¤Ē子æŽŋ下ぎお気ãĢå…Ĩã‚Šæ‰ąã„ã˜ã‚ƒã‚“ã‹ã€‚ãŠã†ã™ã‚“ã ã‚ˆã“ã‚Œã€‚ 「ツェã‚ĸフェãƒĢトäŧ¯įˆĩã¯ã‚ˆã„ã”å­æ¯ã‚’ãŠæŒãĄãŽã‚ˆã†ã ã€‚äģŠåžŒã‚‚期垅しãĻいるぞ」 「おåŋƒéŖいãĢ感čŦã„たしぞす」 もう一åēĻ頭を下げãĻから頭上げるとノãƒĢポト䞯įˆĩが歊ãŋåŽģãŖãĻいくぎがčĻ‹ãˆãŸã€‚æ­Ŗį›´ãģãŖとした。 「äŊ•ãŒãŠã†ã„うäē‹?」 「あãƒŧ、ぞあ、į°Ąå˜ãĢč¨€ã†ã¨ã ã€ ãĄã‚ƒã‚“ã¨įŠē気をčĒ­ã‚“でį–‘問をこらえãĻいたマã‚ŧãƒĢぎčŗĒ問ãĢäē‹æƒ…ã‚’čĒŦ明する。čĻã™ã‚‹ãĢæ•ĩぎé‡Ŗり野äŧãĢ気がäģ˜ã„た垌、į›´æŽĨįŽ‹å¤Ē子ぎæœŦé™ŖãĢ行ãŖたぎがčģéšŠãŽã‚ˇã‚šãƒ†ãƒ ã§ã„ãˆã°å•éĄŒãĒぎだ。 æœŦæĨãĒらåˇĻįŋŧ指揎厘ぎノãƒĢポト䞯ãĢå ąå‘Šã‚’ä¸Šã’ãĻノãƒĢポト䞯からæœŦé™ŖãĢé€ŖįĩĄãŒčĄŒããŽãŒæ­Ŗ道ãĒぎだから。 ã€Œã§ã‚‚ãã‚Œã ã¨åąãĒかãŖたんじゃãĒい?」 ã€ŒåŽŸéš›åąãĒかãŖたと思う。ノãƒĢポト䞯įˆĩをčĒŦ垗する時間がもãŖたいãĒかãŖた」 ã¨ã¯č¨€ãˆãƒĢãƒŧãƒĢ違反はãƒĢãƒŧãƒĢ違反だ。čĒ˛é•ˇäģŖį†ãã‚‰ã„ãŒéƒ¨é•ˇã‚’į„ĄčĻ–しãĻį¤žé•ˇãĢčŠąæŒãŖãĻ行ãŖãŸã‚“ã ã‹ã‚‰æ‰‹é †ã§č¨€ãˆã°ã¨ã‚“ã§ã‚‚ãĒい。咎められãĻåŊ“į„ļã€ã¨č¨€ã†ã‚ã‘ã ãĒ。 「功į¸žä¸Šã’ればãƒĢãƒŧãƒĢé•åãŒč¨ąã•ã‚Œã‚‹ã€ã˜ã‚ƒčģéšŠã¨ã—ãĻぎčĻåž‹ãŒäŋãĻãĒくãĒる」 「ãĒるãģおねえ......」 マã‚ŧãƒĢがåĻ™ãĒį›Žã§ã“ãŖãĄã‚’čĻ‹ã‚‹ã€‚ãĒんだそぎįœŧは。こãŖãĄãŋんãĒぎAAã§ã‚‚éĄ”ãĢåŧĩりäģ˜ã‘ãĻやろうか。 「ヴェãƒĢナãƒŧ、æœŦåŊ“ãĢ同い嚴? 僕はčĒŦ明されるぞでäŊ•ã‚‚č§ŖらãĒかãŖたよ」 「äēēį”ŸįĩŒé¨“ãŽåˇŽã‹ã‚‚ãĒ」 そんãĒäē‹ã‚’čŠąã—ãĻいたらおやおやとäēēが集ぞãŖãĻきた。魔族退æ˛ģãŽå‹‡č€…æŽŋãĢéĄ”ã‚’ã¤ãĒãŽãŸã„č˛´æ—ãŒåž…ãĄã‹ã­ãĻいたんだろう。 しばらくはåŋ™ã—いäē‹ãĢãĒりそうだ。 ......ãĒãŖãĻしぞãŖた。
What I know is that currently we have become celebrities among our peers. “Sigh... Really, how did things become like this?” “Welner, you’re the only person who will complain after being given a peerage, you know.” Mazell, whose contribution earned him third place in the award ceremony, said. In the game, Mazell was the first place, not the Crown Prince. As I expected, deviation from the game scenario has appeared. A banquet like this also didn’t happen in the game. Well, with the death of the Crown Prince, who would have been in the mood to hold a banquet? Even now, it’s not the right time to hold a banquet. After all, the demon king is in the midst of his revival. Not that anyone knows about it. Even if I go on my way to announce it, I won’t be able to answer where I got this information. Regarding the banquet itself, the Crown Prince and the King had already left. Maybe they need to take care of the kingdom’s matter or something, I don’t know. Why does that punk Mazell look more handsome while wearing a student’s uniform compared to me who has worn the gallant formal suit? God sure is unfair. Not that I believe God exists. “No way, it’s just me! If you properly search...” “If you properly search, you’re only going to find that other students envy you.” Mazell said. It makes sense that being bestowed on a peerage is an honor for others, but for me, it’s the worst thing that can happen. First of all, it’s already bad enough that it’s hard for me to leave the capital for a long time as a student. Now, my chances of being in the royal palace, the heart of that event, just increased. “My stomach hurts...” “Now you know how I felt yesterday, don’t you.” Now that I looked closely, Mazell seems to be more relaxed compared to yesterday. Despite everything that I had said before, it seems like Mazell was really nervous yesterday because of his manner. So he can converse that well with His Majesty yesterday despite being nervous, eh. I remember thinking that the scene of Mazell conversing with His Majesty is good enough to be included in a future history book. Being able to do everything perfectly seems to be included in the protagonist’s cheat. Well, my number one problem right now is this stomach ache. It did come at a perfect time, though, since I had no intention to eat anything at this banquet. Suddenly, a familiar man wearing a ceremonial suit approached me. It’s Marquis Norporth. “Sir Welner von Zevert. First of all, let me extend my congratulations on your new peerage.” “Thank you, Marquis Norporth.” , it means there’s more. Arghh... Is it about that? Let’s just apologize first. “Also, please accept my apology for my actions in the previous battle.” “Hm...” Did he or did he not accept my apology? Anyway, I just lowered my head. I was the one who was in the wrong after all. After I raised my head, I could see Mazell’s confused face. I stayed silent and waited for Marquis Norporth’s next word. What I got is the low hearty laugh of this dandy uncle. He looks handsome when laughing. Why is the ratio of handsome men near me so high? “It’s fine as long as you understand. I also need to honor His Highness’s request.” “His Highness’s request?” “His Highness requested me not to be too harsh on you as you’re still young. Despite His Highness’ request, I came here prepared to scold you if you let your achievement go over your head, but it seems like it’s a needless worry.” Wha- Did I just enter His Highness’s good grace? What should I do... “Count Zeavert is lucky to have such an excellent heir. I will be looking forward to your future.” “Thank you for your praise.” I bowed again. When I raised my head, Marquis Norporth was gone. Fyuh... “So, what just happened?” “Well, to put it simply...” I explained the situation at that time to Mazell who had to repress his question until now. After I noticed the enemy was using Tsurinobuse, I immediately went to the main camp to report to the Crown Prince. That’s the problem. According to the army’s chain of command, I should have reported to the left flank commander, Marquis Norporth. Then, the marquis should be the one that contacted the Crown Prince. “But if you did that, won’t it become more dangerous?” “Yeah. That’s why I went straight to His Highness because I don’t have any time to persuade Marquis Norporth.” Still, I ignored the rule. This is the same as I, a representative of the sectional manager, skipped the department head and immediately reported to the CEO. That’s ignoring the proper procedure. “But if someone is allowed to ignore the rule because that person had some achievement, the order of the army will collapse.” “I see...” Mazell stared at me like I was some kind of alien. Can I slap the ‘stop looking at me!’ meme on his face? “Welner, are we really the same age? I understand why Marquis Norporth came here only after your explanation, so how did you...” “That’s called the difference between our life experiences.” As we were talking, other people started to gather around us. The nobles that want to form ties with the hero must have exhausted their patience. We might get busy for a while... ...and we did.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 12, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
ã‚ĸãƒŗワãƒĢãĢã‚ˆã‚‹č¯ã€…ã—ã„čŠĻãŋと、åŊŧãĢ寞する有įŊĒ判æąēおよãŗæ¨ŠåŠ›ãŽäšąį”¨ãĢより、イ゚ナム教åŋ—向ぎマãƒŦãƒŧäēēぎ間で、反 UMNO およãŗ反マハテã‚ŖãƒŧãƒĢæ„Ÿæƒ…ãŽæ”¯æŒãŒæ‹Ąå¤§ã—ã€reformasi (攚靊) 運動がæ´ģį™ē化した。これは最įĩ‚įš„ãĢは、1999 åš´ 11 月ぎ支配é€Ŗ合æ”ŋ樊ぎ惨æ†ēたる選挙įĩæžœãĢつãĒがãŖた。
Anwar’s bizarre trial and sentencing on charges of sodomy and abuse of power invigorated the reformasi movement, as growing anti-UMNO and anti-Mahathir sentiments took hold among Islamic-minded Malays. This culminated in poor electoral results for the ruling coalition in November 1999.
{ "source": "news_commentary", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
でį†ąãŒä¸‹ãŒãŖãĻすãŖかり元気ãĢãĒãŖた。 į—…æ°—ãĢãĒãŖたら晎æŽĩåĨåēˇã§ã„られるäē‹ãŽæœ‰é›Ŗãŋがよく分かるわ。 昨æ—ĨぎデãƒĨãƒŧク様ぎ......、äēēå‘Ŋ救劊ぎäē‹ã¯ã‚ãžã‚Šæˇąãč€ƒãˆãĒいでおきぞしょ。 ãã‚Œã‚ˆã‚Šã‚‚å•éĄŒã¯ã€é­”æŗ•å­Ļ園ãĢもうヒロイãƒŗがいるãŖãĻäē‹ã‚ˆã€‚ 一į•Ē重čĻãĒäē‹ãĒぎãĢすãŖかりåŋ˜ã‚ŒãĻいたわ。åŋ˜ã‚ŒãĻいたäē‹ã‚’äģŠæ›´æ‚”いãĻもしょうがãĒいわ。 でも、ã‚ĸãƒĢバãƒŧトお兄様からヒロイãƒŗãŽčŠąã‚’ä¸€å›žã‚‚čžã„ãŸäē‹ãŒãĒいぎよね。 åšŗ民で全魔æŗ•ã‚’äŊŋえるãŖãĻį›¸åŊ“噂ãĢãĒるはずだわ。 けお、ヒロイãƒŗãŖãĻį‰šåž…į”Ÿã ã‹ã‚‰é–ĸäŋ‚ãĒいわよね。 ああ、おうãĒãŖãĻいるぎか気ãĢãĒるわ......。 ã‚ĸãƒĢバãƒŧトお兄様ãĢčžã„ãĻ、おうしãĻįŸĨりたいぎ? ã¨ã‹č¨€ã‚ã‚ŒãŸã‚‰å›°ã‚‹ã‚ã€‚ ......こうãĒãŖたら魔æŗ•å­Ļ園ãĢäžĩå…ĨするしかãĒいわね! æƒ…å ąåŽé›†ã¯č‡Ē分でしãĒいとね。æ‚ĒåĨŗたるもぎäēēãĢé ŧãŖãĻはだめよ。 äžĩå…Ĩすればヒロイãƒŗをį”Ÿã§čĻ‹ã‚‹äē‹ãŒå‡ēæĨるし、それãĢäžĩå…ĨãŖãĻæ‚Ēいäē‹ã ã‹ã‚‰......、一よ。 ああ、ヒロイãƒŗãĢついãĢäŧšãˆã‚‹ãŽã­ã€‚é•ˇã„é“ãŽã‚Šã ãŖãŸã‚ã€‚čƒ¸ãŒéĢ˜éŗ´ã‚‹ã‚ã€‚ 開いたåŖãŒåĄžãŒã‚‰ãĒいわ。 ã‚˛ãƒŧムで外čĻ‹ã¯įŸĨãŖãĻいたけお、į”Ÿã§čĻ‹ãŸã‚‰čŋĢ力が凄いわ。 įĒ“が゚テãƒŗドグナ゚ãŖãĻ、čĒ°ã‹ãŒãƒœãƒŧãƒĢ遊ãŗしãĻå‰˛ã‚ŒãŸã‚‰ãŠã†ã™ã‚‹ãŽã‹ã—ã‚‰ã€‚ į§ã¯éĻŦから下りãĻæ­Ŗ門ぎ斚へ向かãŖた。 æ­Ŗ門からå…ĨãŖãĻ大丈å¤ĢãĒぎかしら? 捕ぞãŖたりしãĒいわよね? でもčŖé–€ã‹ã‚‰ã‚ŗã‚Ŋã‚ŗã‚ŊčĄŒããŽã¯åĢŒãĒぎよね。æ‚ĒåĨŗは堂々としãĻおかãĒいと! それãĢ魔æŗ•å­Ļ園ぎį”Ÿåž’äģĨ外įĢ‹ãĄå…ĨりįĻæ­ĸãĒんãĻčžã„ãŸäē‹ãĒいもぎ。 į§ã¯čƒŒį­‹ã‚’äŧ¸ã°ã—ãĻ門をæŊœã‚ã†ã¨ã—た。 「君!」 į§ã¯æē€éĸぎįŦ‘ãŋをæĩŽã‹ãšãĻåŽˆčĄ›ã‚‰ã—ãäēēをčĻ‹ãŸã€‚ こぎäēēは晎通ぎäēē間ãĒぎかしら? 「君はここぎį”Ÿåž’じゃãĒいだろう?」 「ええ」 「それじゃあ、å…ĨãŖãŸã‚‰ãƒ€ãƒĄã ã€ あら、魔æŗ•å­Ļ園ぎį”Ÿåž’äģĨ外įĢ‹ãĄå…ĨりįĻæ­ĸãĒぎ? それãĒã‚‰ãã†ã¨ã‚˛ãƒŧムぎčĒŦ明書ãĢ書いãĻおいãĻæŦ˛ã—かãŖたわ。 æœŦåŊ“はこんãĒ卑怯ãĒ手はäŊŋいたくãĒかãŖたぎだけれお......。 「į§ã¯ã‚Ļã‚ŖãƒĒã‚ĸムã‚ēåŽļぎã‚ĸãƒĒã‚ˇã‚ĸですわ。お兄様ぎåŋ˜ã‚Œį‰Šã‚’åąŠã‘ãĢæĨたぎよ。それをčŋŊいčŋ”すつもり?」 åŽˆčĄ›ã‚‰ã—ãäēēãŽéĄ”ãŒæ€ĨãĢ青ざめãĻいく。 さãŖきぞでニã‚ŗニã‚ŗしãĻいた少åĨŗがį¨ã‚“できだけでそんãĒãĢæ€¯ãˆãŸéĄ”ã‚’ã•ã‚Œã‚‹ãĒんãĻ......。 åŦ‰ã—すぎるわ。そんãĒéĄ”ã‚’ã—ãĻくださり有é›Ŗうございぞす。č‡Ē分がæ‚ĒåĨŗだãŖãĻ原感できぞすわ。 「ã‚Ļã‚ŖãƒĒã‚ĸムã‚ēåŽļぎ......」 ん? もしかしãĻį§ãŒã‚Ļã‚ŖãƒĒã‚ĸムã‚ēåŽļだからãŖãĻį†į”ąã§æ€¯ãˆãŸãŽ? さãŖきぎ喜ãŗをčŋ”しãĻãģしいわ。ãĒんだかとãĻも掋åŋĩãĒ気分よ。 įĩåą€åŽļぎ名前ãĒぎね。 「おうぞ、おå…Ĩりください」 į§ã¯æ°—åˆ†ãŒæ˛ˆã‚“ã ãžãžæ ĄčˆŽã¸å‘ã‹ãŖた。
There’s nothing like being sick to make you realize just how grateful you are to be healthy. With a newly clear head I decide that what happened yesterday with Duke-Sama.... that mouth-to-mouth moment.... I probably shouldn’t think too deeply about it. More than that, what I really need to be focusing on is the fact that the heroine is already attending the magic academy. Even though that news should be the most important, it had somehow completely slipped my mind. I feel regretful over the wasted time, but there’s nothing that I can do about it at this point. I’ll just have to think extra hard about it from now on. Starting with the current state of affairs. I wonder what’s been happening? By now, the heroine should have definitely become close to all of the capture targets, right? But the odd thing is, I still haven’t heard Albert-Oniisama mention the heroine even once yet. I’m starting to wonder if she really did enter the academy or not. The rumors of a commoner who’s capable of wielding every type of magic already should have spread. So, what happened? Don’t tell me she suddenly lost all her money and so she ended up not being able to attend. ....No, wait, the heroine was a scholarship student anyway, so that shouldn’t have anything to do with it. Ahh, I’m so curious.....! I really want to ask Albert-Oniisama but if he questions me about why I want to know then I’ll really be in a bind. It’s not like I can just honestly tell him that it’s because I’m excited to start bullying her. ....If there’s no other way to find out, I’ll just have to infiltrate the academy! And I guess this is for the best. Gathering information really should be done personally after all. Since a villainess needs to be independent, she can’t rely on others for these sorts of things. Plus, if I go myself, then I’ll finally get to see the heroine in the flesh, and since trespassing is also considered a wicked act.... it’s like killing two birds with one stone! Ahh, I’ll finally get to see the heroine! It’s been such a long time in coming. My heart is beating faster just thinking about it! I’m in awe. I know my mouth is wide open, but I can’t help it. Just how much did it cost to build this this place....!? I saw the academy’s façade during the game of course, but those images can’t even compare to how impressive it is in person. All the windows are made of stained glass.... Stained glass! At a school! What are they going to do if someone’s playing ball nearby and ends up breaking something? I dismount from my horse and head off towards the front gate. ....I wonder if it’s okay for me to enter from there? They won’t detain me or arrest me or anything, right? But I really don’t want to sneak in through the back entrance. A villainess always needs to act in a grand and imposing manner! Besides, I’ve never heard that the academy was off limits for non-students or staff. So I’m sure it’ll be fine. I’ll just go confidently in through the front. I straighten my back and stride towards the gate. “Hey, you!” And I am called out in an instant. “Yes? What is it?” I bring a smile onto my face and turn to look at the likely security guard. Could he be a regular person? I doubt he’s a noble.... “You aren’t a student here, right?” “Nope.” “Then you can’t go in.” Oh? So the school premises really do have restricted access for all non-related personnel? If that’s the case, I really wish the game would have mentioned that in its explanation of the setting. I guess I’ll have to resort to plan B. I really didn’t want to have to use this type of cowardly method.... “I’m Alicia, from the Williams family. I came to bring my brother something he forgot at home. Do you mean to stop me?” I ask, glaring self-righteously at the man. It’s a lie though, of course. His face pales instantly. To think that he would be this scared after just being glared at by a previously smiley little girl.... I’m over the moon. Thank you so much for showing off such a frightened expression for me. It’s like confirmation that I truly have become a villainess. “The Williams family’s.....” the security guard whispers while backing away. Huh? Could it be that he was frightened simply because I’m from the Williams family? I’ll be taking back my previous thanks. Somehow, knowing that it wasn’t me who made him quake in terror leaves a bad taste in my mouth. In the end, it was only my family name that mattered to him. “Please, go on in.” Still in a foul mood, I stride through the gate and stalk off towards the school building.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 13, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
マãƒĢグãƒĒットはäŋēぎčĒŦ明をįœŸå‰ŖãĒčĄ¨æƒ…ã§čžã„ãĻいた。 åŗ手はゴナãƒŗãĢæŠąãˆã‚‰ã‚ŒãŸåž’åŧŸãŽč…•ã‚’やさしくæ’ĢでãĻいる。 「įœŸįĨ–......ãĒんということãĒぎ」 とハイロãƒŧドと魔čŖ…抟æĸ°ã§ã‚るぞ!」 ã‚ąãƒŧテはおこかč‡Ēæ…ĸげだ。å°ģ尞ぎæēれもいつãĢもぞしãĻæŋ€ã—い。 「はãŖãã‚Šč¨€ãŖãĻ、マãƒĢグãƒĒットぎ手å‹ĸではčŋ”ã‚Šč¨ŽãĄã ãŖただろう」 ゴナãƒŗがįœŸéĸį›ŽãĒéĄ”ã§č¨€ã†ã€‚ 「そうね、厌全ãĢčĻ‹čĒ¤ãŖãĻいたわ。į§ã¨čĢœå ąæŠŸé–ĸãŽč‡´å‘Ŋįš„ãĒミ゚ね」 į´ į›´ãĢマãƒĢグãƒĒットは反įœã—ãĻいる。ã‚ģãƒĢãƒĒ゚ぎį´ į›´ã•ã¯æ¯čĻĒč­˛ã‚ŠãĒぎかもしれãĒい。 反įœã—たあと、マãƒĢグãƒĒットは向こうぎäē‹æƒ…ã‚’čĒŦ明しãĻくれた。 マãƒĢグãƒĒットぎ垒åŧŸãŒčĒ˜æ‹ã•ã‚ŒãŸãŽã§ã€é§åœ¨æ­Ļ厘とį§å…ĩをįŽ‡ã„ãĻ救å‡ēãĢæĨãŸãŽã ã¨č¨€ã†ã€‚ ã‚‚ãĄã‚ã‚“ã€ãƒĒãƒŗã‚˛ã‚¤ãƒŗįŽ‹å›ŊãŽč¨ąå¯ã‚’åž—ãŸã†ãˆã§ãŽčĄŒå‹•ã ã€‚ むしろãƒĒãƒŗã‚˛ã‚¤ãƒŗįŽ‹å›Ŋは騎åŖĢãŸãĄã‚’č˛¸ãã†ã¨æē–備しãĻくれãĻいたらしい。 だが、マãƒĢグãƒĒットは時間がãĒいとæ€Ĩいだぎだ。 マãƒĢグãƒĒットは䞯įˆĩでį‰šå‘Ŋ全樊大äŊŋだがAナãƒŗクぎ魔æŗ•å‰ŖåŖĢでもある。 「ロãƒŧãƒ‰ã ã¨ã„ã†æƒ…å ąã ãŖたから、į§ãŸãĄã ã‘でやれると判断しãĻしぞãŖたわ」 「ママ、æœŦåŊ“ãĢよかãŖたわね」 ã‚ģãƒĢãƒĒã‚šãŽč¨€ã†ã¨ãŠã‚Šã ã€‚åĨ‡čˇĄįš„ãĒ嚸運だ。 そしãĻ、エãƒĒックぎ斚もãģãŖã¨čƒ¸ã‚’ãĒでおろしãĻいた。 全樊į‰šå‘Ŋ大äŊŋがå…ĩをįŽ‡ã„ãĻきãĻいたäē‹æƒ…が、重大ãĒæ”ŋæ˛ģįš„äē‹æƒ…ではãĒかãŖたからだろう。 「エãƒĒックぎことはäŧã›ãĻ、ãƒĒãƒŗã‚˛ã‚¤ãƒŗæ”ŋåēœãĢã¯å ąå‘Šã™ã‚‹ã‚ã­ã€‚ã„ã„ã‹ã—ã‚‰?」 ここぞでぎことがあãŖたäģĨä¸Šã€å ąå‘Šã—ãĒいわけãĢはいかãĒい。 įœŸįĨ–ãĢįŽ‡ã„ã‚‰ã‚ŒãŸå¤§é‡ãŽãƒ´ã‚Ąãƒŗパイã‚ĸ、昏įĢœãĢ魔čŖ…抟æĸ°ã ã€‚å›Ŋ防ãĢかかわる。 「ああ、é ŧめるか? č‹Ļ労を掛ける」 「気ãĢしãĒいで、エãƒĒック。ãƒĒãƒŗã‚˛ã‚¤ãƒŗã¨ãŽæŠ˜čĄã¯åž—æ„åˆ†é‡Žã‚ˆã€ ãã†č¨€ãŖãĻマãƒĢグãƒĒットは垎įŦ‘んだ。 マãƒĢグãƒĒットぎ持つįˆĩäŊã€ã‚ˇãƒĨミット䞯įˆĩはãƒĒãƒŗã‚˛ã‚¤ãƒŗįŽ‹æ—ã‚†ã‹ã‚Šã ã€‚ そぎé–ĸäŋ‚もあり、マãƒĢグãƒĒットはãƒĒãƒŗã‚˛ã‚¤ãƒŗぎįŽ‹äž¯č˛´æ—ãĢįŸĨåˇąãŒå¤šã„ã€‚ だからこそ、全樊大äŊŋãĢäģģå‘Ŋされたぎだ。 そぎころやãŖとマãƒĢグãƒĒãƒƒãƒˆãŽéƒ¨ä¸‹ãŸãĄãŒæˆģãŖãĻきた。 ã€Œåą‹æ•ˇãĢはæ•ĩåŊąã¯čĻ‹ã¤ã‹ã‚Šãžã›ã‚“でした」 「ありがとう。魔įŸŗは?」 ã€Œã¯ã„ã€‚ã“ãĄã‚‰ãĢãĒã‚Šãžã™ã€‚ã‚ã¨ãƒĄãƒ€ãƒĢぎようãĒã‚‚ãŽã‚„é­”é“å…ˇã‚‚é›†ã‚ãĻおきぞした」 éƒ¨ä¸‹ãŸãĄã¯å„Ēį§€ãĒã‚ˆã†ã ã€‚åą‹æ•ˇãŽå¤–ã§å€’ã—ãŸæ˜įĢœãŽé­”įŸŗや魔čŖ…抟æĸ°ãŽæŽ‹éĒ¸ã‚‚持ãŖãĻきãĻいる。 ã€Œãƒ­ãƒƒã‚¯ã€æ¤œåˆ†ãŠéĄ˜ã„ã™ã‚‹ã‚ã€‚ã“ãŽä¸­ã§ã¯ä¸€į•Ē垗意でしょう?」 「そうだãĒ。čĒŋずãĻãŋã‚ˆã†ã€‚ã‚ąãƒŧãƒ†ã¨ã‚ˇã‚ĸもé ŧむ」 「わかãŖたぎである」「äģģせるでありぞす」 ã‚ąãƒŧãƒ†ã¨ã‚ˇã‚ĸは元気ãĢčŋ”äē‹ã‚’すると、検分äŊœæĨ­ãĢå…ĨãŖた。 äŋēも検分しãĒがらマãƒĢグãƒĒットãĢ向けãĻč¨€ã†ã€‚ ã€Œé­”é“å…ˇã¯ã‚ąãƒŧテもčŠŗã—ã„ã—ã€ãƒ´ã‚Ąãƒŗパイã‚ĸé–ĸé€ŖぎもぎãĒã‚‰ã‚ˇã‚ĸはäŋēよりčŠŗしい」 「そうãĒぎね、すばらしいわ」 「そうãĒぎである。čŠŗしいぎだ!」「それãģおでもãĒいでありぞす」 ã‚ąãƒŧãƒ†ã¨ã‚ˇã‚ĸはåŖではæ­Ŗåå¯žãŽã“ã¨ã‚’č¨€ã„ãĒがら、å°ģ尞は同じようãĢæēらしãĻいる。 「ところで、マãƒĢグãƒĒット。ここはおこãĒんだ?」 「ãƒĒãƒŗã‚˛ã‚¤ãƒŗįŽ‹éƒŊから垒歊ぎäŊįŊŽãĢã‚ã‚‹ã€ã¨ã‚ã‚‹č˛´æ—ãŽåą‹æ•ˇã­ã€ 「......ããŽč˛´æ—ã¯?」 「čŦ€åãŽåĢŒį–‘をかけられãĻé€ŖčĄŒã•ã‚Œãã†ãĢãĒãŖたぎだけお、そぎ際ãĢč‡ĒåŽŗしたわ」 æœŦåŊ“ãĢčŦ€åãŽč¨ˆį”ģをįĢ‹ãĻãĻいたぎか、æ”ŋæ•ĩãĢåĩŒã‚ã‚‰ã‚ŒãŸãŽã‹ã¯ã‚ã‹ã‚‰ãĒい。 そしãĻ、それはãƒĒãƒŗã‚˛ã‚¤ãƒŗįŽ‹å›ŊãŽå•éĄŒã ã€‚äŋēがäŊ•ã‹ã™ã‚‹ã“とではãĒい。 「äŋēãŸãĄãŒäŊ•ã‹čĒŋずるわけãĢã¯čĄŒã‹ãĒいし、ãƒĒãƒŗã‚˛ã‚¤ãƒŗぎčĒŋæŸģé ŧãŋãĢãĒるãĒ」 エãƒĒãƒƒã‚¯ãŽč¨€ã†ã¨ãŠã‚Šã ã€‚å‹æ‰‹ãĢčĒŋずたりしたら、内æ”ŋåš˛æ¸‰ã¨æ‰ãˆã‚‰ã‚Œã‹ã­ãĒい。 æƒ…å ąäē¤æ›ã‚’済ぞせた垌、æˆĻ刊品も分配する。 æˆĻ刊品としãĻというよりも、æ•ĩぎįŠļæŗãŽčĒŋæŸģ材料としãĻぎ分配だ。 「æœŦåŊ“はお金も支払うずきãĒんでしょうけお」 「それは気ãĢしãĒくãĻいい」 「で、あãĒãŸãŸãĄã¯ãŠã†ã‚„ãŖãĻ帰るぎ?」 「æ•ĩぎäŊŋãŖãĻいたčģĸį§ģ魔æŗ•é™ŖをäŋŽåžŠã—ãĻäŊŋうäēˆåŽšã ã€ 「そんãĒことができるぎ?」 マãƒĢグãƒĒットぎ問いãĢãĒãœã‹ã‚ąãƒŧãƒ†ãŒãŠã‚„éĄ”ã§į­”える。 「晎通はå‡ēæĨãĒいぎであるが、ロックãĒらできるであろう!」 「そうねロックさんãĒらできるわ!」 ã‚ģãƒĢãƒĒ゚も少しåŦ‰ã—そうãĢč¨€ã†ã€‚ 「それは......įĸēかãĢそうかもしれãĒいわね」 マãƒĢグãƒĒãƒƒãƒˆã¯ãã†č¨€ãŖãĻã‹ã‚‰č€ƒãˆčžŧむ。 「マãƒĢグãƒĒット。もしかしãĻ再刊į”¨ã‚’č€ƒãˆãĻいるぎか」 ã€Œãã†ã­ã€‚čĄŒãæĨできるãĒらäžŋ刊でしょう?」 「įĸēかãĢäžŋ刊だが、å›Ŋé˜˛ä¸ŠãŽé‡å¤§ãĒå•éĄŒãĢãĒりそうだが」 エãƒĒックぎ懸åŋĩはもãŖともだ。 「それもロックãĢ隠ãēいをé ŧめばäŊ•ã¨ã‹ãĒるだろう」 「ゴナãƒŗãŽč¨€ã†é€šã‚ŠãĒぎである。それãĢ、もしばれãĻもéĸ¨įĢœįŽ‹ãŽã›ã„ãĢしãĻもいいぎだ」 äēē族ぎå›ŊåĸƒãĢįĢœãŽįŽ‹æ—ã¯į¸›ã‚‰ã‚ŒãĒい。 ã‚ąãƒŧテがやãŖたといえば、それäģĨ上文åĨをつけることはé›ŖしいかもしれãĒい。 「そういうことãĒら、開通させた垌、ãƒĒãƒŗã‚˛ã‚¤ãƒŗぎįŽ‹éƒŊčŋ‘くãĢ設įŊŽã—ãĢいこうか?」 「ロック。おぎくらいかかりそう?」 マãƒĢグãƒĒットが期垅ぎこもãŖたį›Žã§čĻ‹ã¤ã‚ãĻくる。 開通すればã‚ģãƒĢãƒĒ゚とé ģįšãĢäŧšãˆã‚‹ã‚ˆã†ãĢãĒる。それがåŦ‰ã—いぎだろう。 「開通ãĢは、įĩæ§‹ã‹ã‹ã‚‹ã¨æ€ãŖãĻくれ」 「時間がかかãŖãĻもいいわ。とãĻもåŦ‰ã—い」 ãã†č¨€ã†ã¨ãƒžãƒĢグãƒĒットは垎įŦ‘んだ。
Marguerite listened to my explanation with a serious expression. At the same time, she used her right hand to gently stroke the arm of the apprentice that Goran was carrying. “A True Ancestor...what does this mean...” “And there are Evil Dragons, High Lords and magic machines!” Kathe said boastfully. Her tail was wagging even more than usual. “To be frank, I think you and your soldiers would have been driven back.” Goran said seriously. “Yes. I misjudged the enemy completely. I and the intelligence organization have made a terrible mistake.” Marguerite admitted honestly. Perhaps Serulis had inherited her honest personality from her mother. After that, Marguerite explained to us what was happening on her side. As Marguerite’s apprentice had been abducted, she had led a group of soldiers and came to the rescue. Of course, this action was taken with the permission of the Ringain Kingdom. If anything, the Ringain Kingdom had been preparing to send their own knights with her. However, Marguerite had felt that there was no time, and had rushed on ahead. Marguerite was a Marquess and an ambassador, but she was also an A-Rank magic sword fighter. “Our information said that they were just Lords, and so I decided that we could handle it on our own.” “Mother, thank goodness we were here.” Serulis was right. It was miraculous how good her luck was. Eric also breathed a sigh of relief. Though, it was mostly because the reason that the ambassador had come here with an army of soldiers was not due to some important political issue. “I will leave Eric out of my report to the Ringain government then. Is that alright?” Considering what had happened here, she could not avoid making a report. A swarm of vampires, Evil Dragons and magic machines that were led by a True Ancestor. It was a matter of national defense. “Aye, will you do that? I would greatly appreciate it.” “Don’t worry about it, Eric. I’m very good when it comes to negotiating with Ringain.” Marguerite said with a smile. Marguerite’s title, Marquess Schmitt, was from a family that was closely connected with the Ringain royal family. And due to this relation, Marguerite was acquainted with many of the royal nobles. That was why she was appointed as ambassador. After some time, Marguerite’s men finally returned. “We found no traces of any surviving enemies in the mansion.” “Thank you. And the magic stones?” “Yes. Here they are. We also gathered these medals and magic tools.” Her men were quite capable, it seemed. They had even brought magic stones from the Evil Dragons that we killed outside of the mansion, as well as the remains of the magic machines. “Locke, please inspect them. You’re the best at doing it, aren’t you?” “That’s true. I’ll look into them. Kathe and Shia will help me.” “I understand.” Kathe and Shia replied cheerfully, and so we got to work. As I inspected them, I talked to Marguerite. “Kathe is quite knowledgeable about magic tools, and Shia knows more about vampires than me.” “Is that so? How wonderful.” “It is so. I know a lot!” Kathe and Shia said the exact opposite things, but their tails wagged just the same. “By the way, Marguerite. Where are we?” “In a certain nobleman’s mansion that is located about three days from the Ringain royal capital on foot.” “...Who is this noble?” “He was arrested on suspicion of planning a rebellion, and then confessed everything.” Was he really planning such a thing, or had he been framed by political enemies? I did not know. Regardless, it was Ringain’s problem. There was nothing for me to do. “It’s not like we can go and investigate. And so we must rely on Ringain.” Eric was right. If we start doing things on our own, it will be seen as interfering with domestic affairs. After we finished exchanging information, we split up the spoils. Though, they were less spoils and more like materials that would be used to investigate the current state of the enemy. “But it would probably be right to pay in gold...” “Don’t worry about it.” “So, how are you all going to get back?” “The plan is to repair the teleportation circle that the enemy was using.” “You can do such a thing?” Marguerite asked. Kathe replied with a smug expression. “Most people would not be able to do it, but surely Locke can!” “Yes, surely Mister Locke can do it!” Serulis agreed happily. “Well...that is likely true.” Marguerite said, and then seemed to get lost in her thoughts. “Marguerite. Are you thinking about using it again?” “Yes. Wouldn’t it be convenient to be able to travel back and forth?” “It would be convenient, but surely it would also be considered a problem in terms of national security.” Eric said worriedly. “I think that can be solved if Locke uses some concealment magic.” “Goran is right. Besides, even if they find out, you can just blame it on the Wind Dragon King.” Royal dragons were not bound by the borders of human countries. If they said that Kathe had done it, no one would be able to complain. “If that’s the case, after it is opened, should I go and place it near the Ringain royal capital?” “Locke. How long do you think it will take?” Marguerite looked at me with hopeful eyes. If it was opened up, she would be able to meet Serulis often. And that would make her very happy. “You should expect it to take awhile.” “I don’t mind if it takes some time. I’m just very happy.” Marguerite said with a smile.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 2 }
「äģŠã¯ãžã ã„いが、10階から先とãĒると、時間がかかãŖãĻäģ•æ–šãĒいだろうãĒ」 ミトロフはįŠēいた場所ãĢ荷į‰Šã‚’下ろしãĒがら、ã‚ĢヌãƒŦãĢ言ãŖた。 「そうでしょうね、į›Žįš„階ãĢčĄŒãã ã‘ã§ã‚‚æ—Ĩが過ぎãĻしぞいそうです」 ようやく地下10階ãĢたおりį€ã„たところである。階æŽĩå‰ãŽå°éƒ¨åą‹ã¯äģ–ぎ階ãĢ比ずãĻもåēƒãã€ã„つæĨãĻも大å‹ĸぎ冒é™ēč€…ãŒæ€ã„æ€ã„ãĢäŧ‘んでいる。 čŊãĄį€ã‘ã‚‹åŖéš›ãĢäēēが集ぞるため、中夎はたいãĻいįŠēį™Ŋ地ãĢãĒãŖãĻいãĻ、ロぎ字型ãĢ冒é™ēč€…ãŸãĄãŒé™Ŗ取るåŊĸである。 æĩ…ã„éšŽåą¤ã§ã¯äŧ‘憊しãĻいる冒é™ēč€…ãŽæ•°ã‚‚å°‘ãĒく、ãģã¨ã‚“ãŠã¯å¸ƒã‚’æ•ˇã„ãĻåē§ã‚‹į¨‹åēĻだãŖた。しかし10階ぎäŧ‘憊åēƒå ´ã§ã¯ã€éš…ãĢテãƒŗトをåŧĩãŖãĻäŧ‘ã‚“ã§ã„ã‚‹č€…ã‚‚ã„ã‚Œã°ã€ã™ãŖかりčŖ…å‚™ã‚’č„ąã„ã§ã—ãžãŖãĻåšŗ服でéŖŸäē‹ã‚’しãĻいるå§ŋもčĻ‹ã‹ã‘る。すぐãĢ帰るつもりがãĒいč¨ŧである。 čŋˇåŽŽã¯æˇąãã€é“中ãĢは魔į‰ŠãŒč”“åģļã‚Šã€åœ°ä¸Šã¨ãŽčĄŒãå¸°ã‚ŠãĢã¯æ™‚é–“ãŒæŽ›ã‹ã‚‹ã€‚æˇąããžã§æŊœã‚‹ã¨ãĒれば、äŊ•æŗŠã¨ã„ã†é•ˇæ—…ãĢãĒãŖãĻしぞうだろう。 åģļ々とこぎ地下čŋˇåŽŽã‹ã‚‰å‡ēられãĒいとãĒると気がæģ…å…ĨãŖãĻしぞいそうだ、とミトロフがãŧやくと、éšŖでäŧ‘んでいた冒é™ēč€…ãŒįŦ‘ãŖた。 「ãĒんだ、坊ä¸ģ、įŸĨらねえぎか」 中嚴ぎį”ˇã§ã‚る。įŸ­ãåˆˆã‚ŠčžŧんだéĢĒã¨éĄŽéĢ­ãĢはį™Ŋã„ã‚‚ãŽãŒæˇˇã˜ãŖãĻいる。į›Žå°ģは下がり、įžŧはįœ ãŸã’だãŖた。それがį”ˇãŽé›°å›˛æ°—を柔らかくしãĻいる。 「įŸĨらãĒい、とは?」 「10階をæ”ģį•Ĩすれば”įžŊ印”がもらえるぎはįŸĨãŖãĻらあãĒ?」 「ああ、受äģ˜åŦĸが教えãĻくれた。それ前ぎåŒē切りだ、と」 「じゃあãĒんで”įžŊ印”だと思う?」 ãã‚Œã¯ã€ã¨ãƒŸãƒˆãƒ­ãƒ•ã¯č¨€ã„ã‹ã‘ã‚‹ã€‚åˆåŋƒč€…ぎことを“įžŊつき(ãƒĢãƒŧビãƒŧ)“とå‘ŧãļ。ãƒĢãƒŧビãƒŧというéŗĨは、į‰šåž´įš„ãĒčĩ¤ã„įžŊが抜けčŊãĄã‚‹ã¨æˆéŗĨãĢãĒる......。 į”ˇã¯ãƒŸãƒˆãƒ­ãƒ•ãŽč¨€ãŠã†ã¨ã—たことを先čĒ­ãŋしたようãĢéĻ–ã‚’æ¨ĒãĢ振ãŖた。 「違う違う。10階をčļ…えたら、冒é™ēč€…ã¯æ–‡å­—é€šã‚ŠãŽâ€įžŊ”を手ãĢå…Ĩれるぎさ」 ぞるでčŦŽã‹ã‘である。それはおういう意å‘ŗか、とミトロフがéĻ–ã‚’æģると、įŸ­éĢĒぎ冒é™ēč€…ãŽå‘ã“ã†éšŖãĢåē§ãŖãĻいたį”ˇãŒåŖを挟んだ。 「おい、ぞた新äēēãĢ”čŦ›åē§â€ã‚’開いãĻやãŖãĻんぎか」 įŸ­å‰ŖãĢį ĨįŸŗをかけãĒがら、そぎį”ˇã¯ãƒŸãƒˆãƒ­ãƒ•ãĢéĄ”ã‚’å‘ã‘ãŸã€‚ 「こいつはãĒ、ここでåē§ãŖãĻåž…ãŖãĄã‚ƒã€æ–°äēēがæĨã‚‹ã¨ããŽčŠąã‚’ã™ã‚‹ã‚“ã ã€‚ãŠã†ã„ã†ã“ã¨ã§ã™ã‹? 教えãĻください! 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“Right now, it’s still okay, but once we get past the th floor, it’s going to take a while.” As Mitrof unloaded his bags in an open space, he spoke to Canule. “Yes, that’s right—It’s likely that just getting to the designated floor will take a whole day.” Finally, they arrived at the th floor. The small room in front of the staircase was larger than on the other floors, and many adventurers rested there at any given time. People tended to gather along the calm walls, leaving the center mostly empty, with adventurers forming a â–ĸ formation. On the shallower levels, there were only a few adventurers resting, with most just sitting on a cloth. However, on the th floor’s break area, some were resting in tents in the corners, while others had taken off their equipment and were eating in casual clothes. It was evident they didn’t plan on returning anytime soon. The labyrinth was deep, and monsters infested the paths, making the journey to and from the surface time-consuming. If they were to go deeper, it would become a long journey spanning several nights. Mitrof muttered that he would be depressed if he couldn’t get out of this underground labyrinth, and the adventurer next to him laughed. “What’s wrong, kid? Don’t you know?” The man was middle-aged, with white mixed into his short-cropped hair and chin stubble. The corners of his eyes drooped, and his eyelids looked drowsy, softening his appearance. “Don’t know what?” “You know you’ll get a ‘wing emblem’ if you conquer the th floor, right?” “Yeah, the receptionist told me that—she said it’s a milestone.” “Then why do you think it’s called a ‘wing emblem’?” That is what Mitrof goes on to say. intending to explain that beginners are called “rubi” and that the rubi bird, which has noticeable red feathers, loses them when it becomes an adult... But the man shook his head, as if anticipating Mitrof’s response. “No, no. After passing the 10th floor, adventurers literally get their own ‘wings’.” It was like a riddle. When Mitrof twisted his neck to ask what it meant, the man sitting next to the adventurer with short hair interjected. “Hey, are you still giving the ‘course’ to the newcomers?” As he sharpened his short sword with a whetstone, the man turned to face Mitrof. “This guy sits here and waits, and when a newcomer comes in, he talks about it—’What is that about? Please let me tell you!’—This guy has been on the 10th floor eagerly waiting for them every day, just for that.” “Hey, don’t talk about me like I’m some kind of depraved weirdo!” “You know yourself well.” “Shut up! Swordsmen like me are weak against swordhorn rabbits!” “Then hurry up and find some party members!” “What can I do?!—When a middle-aged man like me calls out to them, they get suspicious!” “Ha!—A middle-aged man with no confidence or charisma is just pathetic!” They seemed to have a close relationship as they exchanged sharp words, paying no attention to Mitrof and Canule standing still. “There’s a great elevator, you know.” A passing beastman woman casually informed them. “Sorry for overhearing—well, I have good hearing, you know.” Pointing to her head were animal ears that grew perkily from it. “Ah! Why are you telling him instead of me? You idiot!” “The idiot here is you guys—what are you doing, telling silly stories to the newcomers?—Young people aren’t as free as you—go to work.” The tongue was so sharp that Mitrof took a step back. The men suddenly became quiet and hung their heads. “That’s terrible... It’s too much...even though I’m concerned...” “You don’t have to say that...hey, right...?” “That’s how you two bond—by licking each other’s wounds.” The beast-woman cut them off with a glance, turning to face Mitrof. Her expression changed completely, and she showed a light, friendly smile. “Not many people know this, but there are vertical holes with the great elevator set up in the labyrinth up on the surface—of course, there’s a fee, but nothing is more convenient when you’re going into the deep parts.” “Wow,” Mitrof said, impressed. “Is it made with magic?” “Well, I don’t know complicated things like that—you just use it, that’s all.” “It’s a relic, a relic,” said the short-haired man. “It must have been the wisdom of the ancients to move such a huge thing.” “You say it as if you’ve ridden it before?” “Hey, are you being mean to me?” The man with the short sword laughed at the short-haired man’s sullen profile. He deftly spun the sword in his hand, checking the sharpness with his fingers as he continued to explain. “That’s one of the guild’s treasures—no one knows the details. It’s said to be powered by a relic or that some genius built it. The important thing is that it can take you down to the bottom in no time.” “If you pay the money,” said the woman with the animal ears. “Yes, if you pay, you don’t have to walk—it’s like having wings; you can go up and down as you please.” “I see, so that’s why it’s called ‘wings.’ I’m learning something new.” The three adventurers exchanged glances at Mitrof’s formal language, but it ended there. Adventurers were all people who had some kind of situation. No one would ask deeply about it. It was an unspoken understanding among adventurers. “Well, you can go back and forth over 10 floors if you take your time—a lot of people don’t use the great elevators.” A short-haired man commented as if he had regained his composure. He pointed to a tent set up across from the small room. “It’s expensive, you know—many people just use it for a one-way trip.” “Hey, why don’t you try using it for free?—A noob like you could climb into a barrel full of them and fall in.” “Aren’t you going too far?!” The woman with beast ears laughed, the man with short swords laughed, and the man with short hair, who had been teased, also laughed while retorting. Watching them, Mitrof also laughed. He could also hear Canule’s suppressed laughter behind him. Mitrof and Canule took a break and enjoyed chatting with the men. The three of them were not skilled adventurers, as they had only changed careers a few years ago. Still, they were much more accustomed to the labyrinth than Mitrof. The tension that Mitrof still couldn’t let go of, the men had managed to rid themselves of. This was not in a negative sense, but a conscious decision to rest when necessary and switch mindsets. Swordsmanship, etiquette, and even dance were subjects that Mitrof’s private tutor always taught him. With a teacher to guide him, he could improve with ease. However, now that there was no teacher to teach him how adventurers should act, it was difficult. If anything, he was taught the basics by Grace, but that was only the beginning. There were still many things he didn’t know. Speaking to his seniors like this was a great learning experience for Mitrof. The three of them had explored in the morning and were taking a break for a while. “Then, see you later.” After exchanging promises to meet again, Mitrof and Canule decided to continue deeper into the labyrinth. As they moved away from the small room overflowing with human presence and filled with light, they gradually began to sense an unsettling feeling. Beyond that point was the territory of monsters, and they needed to firm up the slackened tension. Mitrof placed his right hand on the hilt of his rapier to be ready to escape at any time. He talked to Canule while scanning the area for any movement. “A great elevator?—Labyrinth has some amazing things.” “Yes, I was surprised too—if we can figure out how it works, it would make exploration much easier.” “Yes, but the cost seems to be quite high, which is a concern.” Canule smiled softly, rolling a bell at Mitrof’s complicated expression. “Yes, there are more items to write in the household account book.” “So far, the records have held up well—it turns out that the cost of food is putting a strain on the family budget.” Canule laughed again. “Don’t laugh like that—I feel like I need to seriously lose weight.” “Don’t worry about it too much—Mitrof-sama is already wonderful as he is.” Canule consoled Mitrof, but at the same time, Mitrof was troubled about whether to rely on her words. Although Mitrof’s physical activity had increased significantly since becoming an adventurer, his weight had not decreased much. “The post-labyrinth meals are just too delicious...” Yes, they were truly delicious. ‘Sweating in the labyrinth, grinding our lives away, exhausted in spirit and body—the food from the food stalls is as tasty as if your life demanded it—and what a wonderful feeling of satisfaction to have food in your stomach!’ At first, Mitrof felt uncomfortable with the noble and refined meals on the dining table, but now he had completely become accustomed to the commoner’s food. Strong seasoning and spices were essential for the body after working hard in the labyrinth. Adventurers tended to become excessively attached to certain acts or behaviors in order to relieve the terrible tension and excitement in the labyrinth. In Mitrof’s case, he was already accustomed to focusing on eating, so he always overindulged in food after returning from the labyrinth. Night after night, Mitrof would hit his stomach and feel a slight regret. But his gluttony was recorded as numbers in the household account book, which made him condemn his own instincts as his rationality held the moral high ground. ‘You’re eating too much,’ he scolded himself. However, the truth was that Mitrof loved to eat. It was a difficult problem to limit himself in moderation. As he pondered whether to have a restrained meal today, he noticed a shadow floating at the end of the hallway.
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We've made the car stronger. We've added seat belts, we've added air bags, and in the last decade, we've actually started trying to make the car smarter to fix that bug, the driver. Now, today I'm going to talk to you a little bit about the difference between patching around the problem with driver assistance systems and actually having fully self-driving cars and what they can do for the world. I'm also going to talk to you a little bit about our car and allow you to see how it sees the world and how it reacts and what it does, but first I'm going to talk a little bit about the problem. And it's a big problem: 1.2 million people are killed on the world's roads every year. In America alone, 33,000 people are killed each year. To put that in perspective, that's the same as a 737 falling out of the sky every working day. It's kind of unbelievable. Cars are sold to us like this, but really, this is what driving's like. Right? It's not sunny, it's rainy, and you want to do anything other than drive. And the reason why is this: Traffic is getting worse. In America, between 1990 and 2010, the vehicle miles traveled increased by 38 percent. We grew by six percent of roads, so it's not in your brains. Traffic really is substantially worse than it was not very long ago. And all of this has a very human cost. So if you take the average commute time in America, which is about 50 minutes, you multiply that by the 120 million workers we have, that turns out to be about six billion minutes wasted in commuting every day. Now, that's a big number, so let's put it in perspective. You take that six billion minutes and you divide it by the average life expectancy of a person, that turns out to be 162 lifetimes spent every day, wasted, It's unbelievable. And then, there are those of us who don't have the privilege of sitting in traffic. So this is Steve. He's an incredibly capable guy, but he just happens to be blind, and that means instead of a 30-minute drive to work in the morning, it's a two-hour ordeal of piecing together bits of public transit or asking friends and family for a ride. He doesn't have that same freedom that you and I have to get around. We should do something about that. Now, conventional wisdom would say that we'll just take these driver assistance systems and we'll kind of push them and incrementally improve them, and over time, they'll turn into self-driving cars. Well, I'm here to tell you that's like me saying that if I work really hard at jumping, one day I'll be able to fly. We actually need to do something a little different. And so I'm going to talk to you about three different ways that self-driving systems are different than driver assistance systems. And I'm going to start with some of our own experience. So back in 2013, we had the first test of a self-driving car Well, almost regular -- they were 100 Googlers, but they weren't working on the project. And we gave them the car and we allowed them to use it in their daily lives. But unlike a real self-driving car, this one had a big asterisk with it: They had to pay attention, because this was an experimental vehicle. We tested it a lot, but it could still fail. And so we gave them two hours of training, we put them in the car, we let them use it, and what we heard back was something awesome, as someone trying to bring a product into the world. Every one of them told us they loved it. In fact, we had a Porsche driver who came in and told us on the first day, "This is completely stupid. What are we thinking?" But at the end of it, he said, "Not only should I have it, everyone else should have it, because people are terrible drivers." So this was music to our ears, but then we started to look at what the people inside the car were doing, and this was eye-opening. Now, my favorite story is this gentleman who looks down at his phone and realizes the battery is low, so he turns around like this in the car and digs around in his backpack, pulls out his laptop, puts it on the seat, goes in the back again, digs around, pulls out the charging cable for his phone, futzes around, puts it into the laptop, puts it on the phone. Sure enough, the phone is charging. All the time he's been doing 65 miles per hour down the freeway. Right? Unbelievable. So we thought about this and we said, it's kind of obvious, right? The better the technology gets, the less reliable the driver is going to get. So by just making the cars incrementally smarter, we're probably not going to see the wins we really need. Let me talk about something a little technical for a moment here. So we're looking at this graph, and along the bottom is how often does the car apply the brakes when it shouldn't. You can ignore most of that axis, because if you're driving around town, and the car starts stopping randomly, you're never going to buy that car. And the vertical axis is how often the car is going to apply the brakes when it's supposed to to help you avoid an accident. Now, if we look at the bottom left corner here, this is your classic car. It doesn't apply the brakes for you, it doesn't do anything goofy, but it also doesn't get you out of an accident. Now, if we want to bring a driver assistance system into a car, we're going to put some package of technology on there, and that's this curve, and it's going to have some operating properties, but it's never going to avoid all of the accidents, because it doesn't have that capability. But we'll pick some place along the curve here, and maybe it avoids half of accidents that the human driver misses, and that's amazing, right? We just reduced accidents on our roads by a factor of two. There are now 17,000 less people dying every year in America. But if we want a self-driving car, we need a technology curve that looks like this. We're going to have to put more sensors in the vehicle, where it basically never gets into a crash. They'll happen, but very low frequency. Now you and I could look at this and we could argue about whether it's incremental, and I could say something like "80-20 rule," and it's really hard to move up to that new curve. But let's look at it from a different direction for a moment. So let's look at how often the technology has to do the right thing. And so this green dot up here is a driver assistance system. It turns out that human drivers make mistakes that lead to traffic accidents about once every 100,000 miles in America. In contrast, a self-driving system is probably making decisions about 10 times per second, so order of magnitude, that's about 1,000 times per mile. So if you compare the distance between these two, it's about 10 to the eighth, right? Eight orders of magnitude. That's like comparing how fast I run to the speed of light. It doesn't matter how hard I train, I'm never actually going to get there. So there's a pretty big gap there. And then finally, there's how the system can handle uncertainty. So this pedestrian here might be stepping into the road, might not be. I can't tell, nor can any of our algorithms, but in the case of a driver assistance system, that means it can't take action, because again, if it presses the brakes unexpectedly, that's completely unacceptable. Whereas a self-driving system can look at that pedestrian and say, I don't know what they're about to do, slow down, take a better look, and then react appropriately after that. So it can be much safer than a driver assistance system can ever be. So that's enough about the differences between the two. Let's spend some time talking about how the car sees the world. So this is our vehicle. It starts by understanding where it is in the world, by taking a map and its sensor data and aligning the two, and then we layer on top of that what it sees in the moment. So here, all the purple boxes you can see are other vehicles on the road, and the red thing on the side over there is a cyclist, and up in the distance, if you look really closely, you can see some cones. Then we know where the car is in the moment, but we have to do better than that: we have to predict what's going to happen. So here the pickup truck in top right is about to make a left lane change because the road in front of it is closed, so it needs to get out of the way. Knowing that one pickup truck is great, but we really need to know what everybody's thinking, so it becomes quite a complicated problem. And then given that, we can figure out how the car should respond in the moment, so what trajectory it should follow, how quickly it should slow down or speed up. And then that all turns into just following a path: turning the steering wheel left or right, pressing the brake or gas. It's really just two numbers at the end of the day. So how hard can it really be? Back when we started in 2009, this is what our system looked like. So you can see our car in the middle and the other boxes on the road, driving down the highway. The car needs to understand where it is and roughly where the other vehicles are. It's really a geometric understanding of the world. Once we started driving on neighborhood and city streets, the problem becomes a whole new level of difficulty. You see pedestrians crossing in front of us, cars crossing in front of us, going every which way, the traffic lights, crosswalks. It's an incredibly complicated problem by comparison. And then once you have that problem solved, the vehicle has to be able to deal with construction. So here are the cones on the left forcing it to drive to the right, but not just construction in isolation, of course. It has to deal with other people moving through that construction zone as well. And of course, if anyone's breaking the rules, the police are there and the car has to understand that that flashing light on the top of the car means that it's not just a car, it's actually a police officer. Similarly, the orange box on the side here, it's a school bus, and we have to treat that differently as well. When we're out on the road, other people have expectations: So, when a cyclist puts up their arm, it means they're expecting the car to yield to them and make room for them to make a lane change. And when a police officer stood in the road, our vehicle should understand that this means stop, and when they signal to go, we should continue. Now, the way we accomplish this is by sharing data between the vehicles. The first, most crude model of this is when one vehicle sees a construction zone, having another know about it so it can be in the correct lane to avoid some of the difficulty. But we actually have a much deeper understanding of this. We could take all of the data that the cars have seen over time, the hundreds of thousands of pedestrians, cyclists, and vehicles that have been out there and understand what they look like and use that to infer what other vehicles should look like and other pedestrians should look like. And then, even more importantly, we could take from that a model of how we expect them to move through the world. So here the yellow box is a pedestrian crossing in front of us. Here the blue box is a cyclist and we anticipate that they're going to nudge out and around the car to the right. Here there's a cyclist coming down the road and we know they're going to continue to drive down the shape of the road. Here somebody makes a right turn, and in a moment here, somebody's going to make a U-turn in front of us, and we can anticipate that behavior and respond safely. Now, that's all well and good for things that we've seen, but of course, you encounter lots of things that you haven't seen in the world before. And so just a couple of months ago, our vehicles were driving through Mountain View, and this is what we encountered. This is a woman in an electric wheelchair chasing a duck in circles on the road. Now it turns out, there is nowhere in the DMV handbook that tells you how to deal with that, but our vehicles were able to encounter that, slow down, and drive safely. Now, we don't have to deal with just ducks. Watch this bird fly across in front of us. The car reacts to that. Here we're dealing with a cyclist that you would never expect to see anywhere other than Mountain View. And of course, we have to deal with drivers, even the very small ones. Watch to the right as someone jumps out of this truck at us. And now, watch the left as the car with the green box decides he needs to make a right turn at the last possible moment. Here, as we make a lane change, the car to our left decides And here, we watch a car blow through a red light and yield to it. And similarly, here, a cyclist blowing through that light as well. And of course, the vehicle responds safely. And of course, we have people who do I don't know what sometimes on the road, like this guy pulling out between two self-driving cars. You have to ask, "What are you thinking?" Now, I just fire-hosed you with a lot of stuff there, so I'm going to break one of these down pretty quickly. So what we're looking at is the scene with the cyclist again, and you might notice in the bottom, we can't actually see the cyclist yet, but the car can: it's that little blue box up there, and that comes from the laser data. And that's not actually really easy to understand, so what I'm going to do is I'm going to turn that laser data and look at it, and if you're really good at looking at laser data, you can see a few dots on the curve there, right there, and that blue box is that cyclist. Now as our light is red, the cyclist's light has turned yellow already, and if you squint, you can see that in the imagery. But the cyclist, we see, is going to proceed through the intersection. Our light has now turned green, his is solidly red, and we now anticipate that this bike is going to come all the way across. Unfortunately the other drivers next to us were not paying as much attention. They started to pull forward, and fortunately for everyone, this cyclists reacts, avoids, and makes it through the intersection. And off we go. Now, as you can see, we've made some pretty exciting progress, and at this point we're pretty convinced this technology is going to come to market. We do three million miles of testing in our simulators every single day, so you can imagine the experience that our vehicles have. We are looking forward to having this technology on the road, and we think the right path is to go through the self-driving rather than driver assistance approach because the urgency is so large. In the time I have given this talk today, 34 people have died on America's roads. How soon can we bring it out? Well, it's hard to say because it's a really complicated problem, but these are my two boys. My oldest son is 11, and that means in four and a half years, he's going to be able to get his driver's license. My team and I are committed to making sure that doesn't happen. Thank you. Chris Anderson: Chris, I've got a question for you. Chris Urmson: Sure. CA: So certainly, the mind of your cars is pretty mind-boggling. On this debate between driver-assisted and fully driverless -- I mean, there's a real debate going on out there right now. So some of the companies, for example, Tesla, are going the driver-assisted route. What you're saying is that that's kind of going to be a dead end because you can't just keep improving that route and get to fully driverless at some point, and then a driver is going to say, "This feels safe," and climb into the back, and something ugly will happen. CU: Right. No, that's exactly right, and it's not to say that the driver assistance systems aren't going to be incredibly valuable. They can save a lot of lives in the interim, but to see the transformative opportunity to help someone like Steve get around, to really get to the end case in safety, to have the opportunity to change our cities and move parking out and get rid of these urban craters we call parking lots, it's the only way to go. CA: We will be tracking your progress with huge interest. Thanks so much, Chris. CU: Thank you.
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And so I just came, two days ago, from the Himalayas to your kind invitation. So I would like to invite you, also, for a while, to the Himalayas themselves. And to show the place where meditators, like me, who began with being a molecular biologist in Pasteur Institute, and found their way to the mountains. So these are a few images I was lucky to take and be there. There's Mount Kailash in Eastern Tibet -- wonderful setting. This is from Marlboro country. This is a turquoise lake. A meditator. This is the hottest day of the year somewhere in Eastern Tibet, on August 1. And the night before, we camped, and my Tibetan friends said, "We are going to sleep outside." And I said, "Why? We have enough space in the tent." They said, "Yes, but it's summertime." So now, we are going to speak of happiness. that there are a lot of French intellectuals that think happiness is not at all interesting. I just wrote an essay on happiness, and there was a controversy. And someone wrote an article saying, "Don't impose on us the dirty work of happiness." "We don't care about being happy. We need to live with passion. We like the ups and downs of life. We like our suffering because it's so good when it ceases for a while." This is what I see from the balcony of my hermitage in the Himalayas. It's about two meters by three, and you are all welcome any time. Now, let's come to happiness or well-being. And first of all, you know, despite what the French intellectuals say, it seems that no one wakes up in the morning thinking, "May I suffer the whole day?" Which means that somehow, consciously or not, directly or indirectly, in the short or the long term, whatever we do, whatever we hope, whatever we dream -- somehow, is related to a deep, profound desire for well-being or happiness. As Pascal said, even the one who hangs himself, somehow, is looking for cessation of suffering. He finds no other way. But then, if you look in the literature, East and West, you can find incredible diversity of definition of happiness. Some people say, I only believed in remembering the past, imagining the future, never the present. Some people say happiness is right now; it's the quality of the freshness of the present moment. And that led Henri Bergson, the French philosopher, to say, "All the great thinkers of humanity have left happiness in the vague so that each of them could define their own terms." Well, that would be fine if it was just a secondary preoccupation in life. But now, if it is something that is going to determine the quality of every instant of our life, then we better know what it is, have some clearer idea. And probably, the fact that we don't know that is why, so often, although we seek happiness, it seems we turn our back to it. Although we want to avoid suffering, it seems we are running somewhat towards it. And that can also come from some kind of confusions. One of the most common ones is happiness and pleasure. But if you look at the characteristics of those two, pleasure is contingent upon time, upon its object, upon the place. It is something that -- changes of nature. Beautiful chocolate cake: first serving is delicious, second one not so much, then we feel disgust. That's the nature of things. We get tired. I used to be a fan of Bach. I used to play it on the guitar, you know. I can hear it two, three, five times. If I had to hear it 24 hours, non-stop, it might be very tiring. If you are feeling very cold, you come near a fire, it's so wonderful. After some moments, you just go a little back, and then it starts burning. It sort of uses itself as you experience it. And also, again, it can -- also, it's something that you -- it is not something that is radiating outside. Like, you can feel intense pleasure and some others around you can be suffering a lot. Now, what, then, will be happiness? And happiness, of course, is such a vague word, so let's say well-being. And so, I think the best definition, according to the Buddhist view, is that well-being is not just a mere pleasurable sensation. It is a deep sense of serenity and fulfillment. A state that actually pervades and underlies all emotional states, and all the joys and sorrows that can come one's way. For you, that might be surprising. Can we have this kind of well-being while being sad? In a way, why not? Because we are speaking of a different level. Look at the waves coming near the shore. When you are at the bottom of the wave, you hit the bottom. You hit the solid rock. When you are surfing on the top, you are all elated. Now, if you look at the high sea, there might be beautiful, calm ocean, like a mirror. There might be storms, but the depth of the ocean is still there, unchanged. So now, how is that? It can only be a state of being, not just a fleeting emotion, sensation. Even joy -- that can be the spring of happiness. But there's also wicked joy, you can rejoice in someone's suffering. So how do we proceed in our quest for happiness? Very often, we look outside. We think that if we could gather this and that, all the conditions, something that we say, "Everything to be happy -- to have everything to be happy." That very sentence already reveals the doom, destruction of happiness. To have everything. If we miss something, it collapses. And also, when things go wrong, we try to fix the outside so much, but our control of the outer world is limited, temporary, and often, illusory. So now, look at inner conditions. Aren't they stronger? Isn't it the mind that translates the outer condition into happiness and suffering? And isn't that stronger? We know, by experience, that we can be what we call "a little paradise," and yet, be completely unhappy within. The Dalai Lama was once in Portugal, and there was a lot of construction going on everywhere. So one evening, he said, "Look, you are doing all these things, but isn't it nice, also, to build something within?" And he said, "[Without] that -- even if you get a high-tech flat on the 100th floor of a super-modern and comfortable building, if you are deeply unhappy within, all you are going to look for is a window from which to jump." So now, at the opposite, we know a lot of people who, in very difficult circumstances, manage to keep serenity, inner strength, inner freedom, confidence. So now, if the inner conditions are stronger -- of course, the outer conditions do influence, and it's wonderful to live longer, healthier, to have access to information, education, to be able to travel, to have freedom. It's highly desirable. However, this is not enough. Those are just auxiliary, help conditions. The experience that translates everything is within the mind. So then, when we ask oneself how to nurture the condition for happiness, the inner conditions, and which are those which will undermine happiness. So then, this just needs to have some experience. We have to know from ourselves, there are certain states of mind that are conducive to this flourishing, to this well-being, what the Greeks called eudaimonia, flourishing. There are some which are adverse to this well-being. And so, if we look from our own experience, anger, hatred, jealousy, arrogance, obsessive desire, strong grasping, they don't leave us in such a good state after we have experienced it. And also, they are detrimental to others' happiness. So we may consider that the more those are invading our mind, and, like a chain reaction, the more we feel miserable, we feel tormented. At the opposite, everyone knows deep within that an act of selfless generosity, if from the distance, without anyone knowing anything about it, we could save a child's life, make someone happy. We don't need the recognition. We don't need any gratitude. Just the mere fact of doing that fills such a sense of adequation with our deep nature. And we would like to be like that all the time. So is that possible, to change our way of being, to transform one's mind? Aren't those negative emotions, or destructive emotions, inherent to the nature of mind? Is change possible in our emotions, in our traits, in our moods? For that we have to ask, what is the nature of mind? And if we look from the experiential point of view, there is a primary quality of consciousness that's just the mere fact to be cognitive, to be aware. Consciousness is like a mirror that allows all images to rise on it. You can have ugly faces, beautiful faces in the mirror. The mirror allows that, but the mirror is not tainted, is not modified, is not altered by those images. Likewise, behind every single thought there is the bare consciousness, pure awareness. This is the nature. It cannot be tainted intrinsically with hatred or jealousy because then, if it was always there -- like a dye that would permeate the whole cloth -- then it would be found all the time, somewhere. We know we're not always angry, always jealous, always generous. So, because the basic fabric of consciousness is this pure cognitive quality that differentiates it from a stone, there is a possibility for change because all emotions are fleeting. That is the ground for mind training. Mind training is based on the idea that two opposite mental factors cannot happen at the same time. You could go from love to hate. But you cannot, at the same time, toward the same object, the same person, want to harm and want to do good. You cannot, in the same gesture, shake hand and give a blow. So, there are natural antidotes to emotions that are destructive to our inner well-being. So that's the way to proceed. Rejoicing compared to jealousy. A kind of sense of inner freedom as opposite to intense grasping and obsession. Benevolence, loving kindness against hatred. But, of course, each emotion then would need a particular antidote. Another way is to try to find a general antidote to all emotions, and that's by looking at the very nature. Usually, when we feel annoyed, hatred or upset with someone, or obsessed with something, the mind goes again and again to that object. Each time it goes to the object, it reinforces that obsession or that annoyance. So then, it's a self-perpetuating process. So what we need to look for now is, instead of looking outward, we look inward. Look at anger itself. It looks very menacing, like a billowing monsoon cloud or thunderstorm. We think we could sit on the cloud, but if you go there, it's just mist. Likewise, if you look at the thought of anger, it will vanish like frost under the morning sun. If you do this again and again, the propensity, the tendencies for anger to arise again will be less and less each time you dissolve it. And, at the end, although it may rise, it will just cross the mind, like a bird crossing the sky without leaving any track. So this is the principal of mind training. because it took time for all those faults in our mind, the tendencies, to build up, so it will take time to unfold them as well. But that's the only way to go. Mind transformation -- that is the very meaning of meditation. It means familiarization with a new way of being, new way of perceiving things, which is more in adequation with reality, with interdependence, with the stream and continuous transformation, which our being and our consciousness is. So, the interface with cognitive science, since we need to come to that, it was, I suppose, the subject of -- we have to deal in such a short time -- with brain plasticity. The brain was thought to be more or less fixed. All the nominal connections, in numbers and quantities, were thought, until the last 20 years, to be more or less fixed when we reached adult age. Now, recently, it has been found that it can change a lot. A violinist, as we heard, who has done 10,000 hours of violin practice, some area that controls the movements of fingers in the brain changes a lot, increasing reinforcement of the synaptic connections. So can we do that with human qualities? With loving kindness, with patience, with openness? So that's what those great meditators have been doing. Some of them who came to the labs, like in Madison, Wisconsin, or in Berkeley, did 20 to 40,000 hours of meditation. They do, like, three years' retreat, where they do meditate 12 hours a day. And then, the rest of their life, they will do three or four hours a day. They are real Olympic champions of mind training. This is the place where the meditators -- you can see it's kind of inspiring. Now, here with 256 electrodes. if it's ever submitted to "Nature," hopefully, it will be accepted. It deals with the state of compassion, unconditional compassion. We asked meditators, who have been doing that for years and years, to put their mind in a state where there's nothing but loving kindness, total availability to sentient being. Of course, during the training, we do that with objects. We think of people suffering, of people we love, but at some point, it can be a state which is all pervading. Here is the preliminary result, which I can show because it's already been shown. The bell curve shows 150 controls, and what is being looked at is the difference between the right and the left frontal lobe. In very short, people who have more activity in the right side of the prefrontal cortex are more depressed, withdrawn. They don't describe a lot of positive affect. It's the opposite on the left side: more tendency to altruism, to happiness, to express, and curiosity and so forth. So there's a basic line for people. And also, it can be changed. If you see a comic movie, you go off to the left side. If you are happy about something, you'll go more to the left side. If you have a bout of depression, you'll go to the right side. Here, the -0.5 is the full standard deviation of a meditator who meditated on compassion. It's something that is totally out of the bell curve. So, I've no time to go into all the different scientific results. Hopefully, they will come. But they found that -- this is after three and a half hours it's like coming out of a space ship. Also, it has been shown in other labs -- for instance, Paul Ekman's labs in Berkeley -- that some meditators are able, also, to control their emotional response more than it could be thought. Like the startle experiments, for example. If you sit a guy on a chair with all this apparatus measuring your physiology, and there's kind of a bomb that goes off, it's such an instinctive response that, in 20 years, they never saw anyone who would not jump. Some meditators, without trying to stop it, but simply by being completely open, thinking that that bang is just going to be a small event like a shooting star, they are able not to move at all. So the whole point of that is not, sort of, to make, like, a circus thing of showing exceptional beings who can jump, or whatever. It's more to say that mind training matters. That this is not just a luxury. This is not a supplementary vitamin for the soul. This is something that's going to determine the quality of every instant of our lives. We are ready to spend 15 years achieving education. We love to do jogging, fitness. We do all kinds of things to remain beautiful. Yet, we spend surprisingly little time taking care of what matters most -- the way our mind functions -- which, again, is the ultimate thing that determines the quality of our experience. Now, compassion is supposed to be put in action. That's what we try to do in different places. Just this one example is worth a lot of work. This lady with bone TB, left alone in a tent, was going to die with her only daughter. One year later, how she is. Different schools and clinics we've been doing in Tibet. And just, I leave you with the beauty of those looks that tells more about happiness than I could ever say. And jumping monks of Tibet. Flying monks. Thank you very much.
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So the first project we're going to take a look at is the very first No Pants Subway Ride. Now this took place in January of 2002. And this woman is the star of the video. She doesn't know she's being filmed. She's being filmed with a hidden camera. This is on the 6 train in New York City. And this is the first stop along the line. These are two Danish guys who come out and sit down next to the hidden camera. And that's me right there in a brown coat. It's about 30 degrees outside. I'm wearing a hat. I'm wearing a scarf. And the girl's going to notice me right here. And as you'll see now, I'm not wearing pants. So at this point -- at this point she's noticed me, but in New York there's weirdos on any given train car. One person's not that unusual. She goes back to reading her book, which is unfortunately titled "Rape." So she's noticed the unusual thing, but she's gone back to her normal life. Now in the meantime, I have six friends who are waiting at the next six consecutive stops in their underwear as well. They're going to be entering this car one by one. We'll act as though we don't know each other. forgetting our pants on this cold January day. So at this point, she decides to put the rape book away. And she decides to be a little bit more aware of her surroundings. Now in the meantime, the two Danish guys to the left of the camera, they're cracking up. They think this is the funniest thing they've ever seen before. And watch her make eye contact with them right about now. And I love that moment in this video, because before it became a shared experience, it was something that was maybe a little bit scary, or something that was at least confusing to her. And then once it became a shared experience, it was funny and something that she could laugh at. So the train is now pulling into the third stop along the 6 line. So the video won't show everything. This goes on for another four stops. A total of seven guys enter anonymously in their underwear. At the eighth stop, a girl came in with a giant duffel bag and announced she had pants for sale for a dollar -- like you might sell batteries or candy on the train. We all very matter of factly bought a pair of pants, put them on and said, "Thank you. That's exactly what I needed today," and then exited without revealing what had happened and went in all different directions. Thank you. So that's a still from the video there. And I love that girl's reaction so much. And watching that videotape later that day inspired me to keep doing what I do. And really one of the points of Improv Everywhere is to cause a scene in a public place that is a positive experience for other people. It's a prank, but it's a prank that gives somebody a great story to tell. And her reaction inspired me to do a second annual No Pants Subway Ride. And we've continued to do it every year. This January, we did the 10th annual No Pants Subway Ride where a diverse group of 3,500 people rode the train in their underwear in New York -- almost every single train line in the city. And also in 50 other cities around the world, people participated. As I started taking improv class at the Upright Citizens Brigade Theater and meeting other creative people and other performers and comedians, I started amassing a mailing list So I could do more large-scale projects. Well one day I was walking through Union Square, and I saw this building, which had just been built in 2005. And there was a girl in one of the windows and she was dancing. because it was dark out, but she was back-lit with florescent lighting, and she was very much onstage, and I couldn't figure out why she was doing it. After about 15 seconds, her friend appeared -- she had been hiding behind a display -- and they laughed and hugged each other and ran away. So it seemed like maybe she had been dared to do this. So I got inspired by that. Looking at the entire facade -- there were 70 total windows -- and I knew what I had to do. So this project is called Look Up More. We had 70 actors dress in black. This was completely unauthorized. We didn't let the stores know we were coming. And I stood in the park giving signals. The first signal was for everybody to hold up these four-foot tall letters that spelled out "Look Up More," the name of the project. The second signal was for everybody to do Jumping jacks together. You'll see that start right here. And then we had dancing. We had everyone dance. And then we had dance solos where only one person would dance and everybody would point to them. So then I gave a new hand signal, which signaled the next soloist down below in Forever 21, and he danced. There were several other activities. We had people jumping up and down, people dropping to the ground. And I was standing just anonymously in a sweatshirt, putting my hand on and off of a trashcan to signal the advancement. And because it was in Union Square Park, right by a subway station, there were hundreds of people by the end who stopped and looked up and watched what we were doing. There's a better photo of it. So that particular event was inspired by a moment that I happened to stumble upon. The next project I want to show was given to me in an email from a stranger. A high school kid in Texas wrote me in 2006 and said, "You should get as many people as possible to put on blue polo shirts and khaki pants and go into a Best Buy and stand around." So I wrote this high school kid back immediately, and I said, "Yes, you are correct. I think I'll try to do that this weekend. Thank you." So here's the video. So again, this is 2005. This is the Best Buy in New York City. We had about 80 people show up to participate, entering one-by-one. There was an eight year-old girl, a 10 year-old girl. There was also a 65 year-old man So a very diverse group of people. And I told people, "Don't work. Don't actually do work. But also, don't shop. Just stand around and don't face products." Now you can see the regular employees by the ones that have the yellow tags on their shirt. Everybody else is one of our actors. The lower level employees thought it was very funny. And in fact, several of them went to go get their camera from the break room and took photos with us. A lot of them made jokes about trying to get us to go to the back to get heavy television sets for customers. The managers and the security guards, on the other hand, did not find it particularly funny. You can see them in this footage. They're wearing either a yellow shirt or a black shirt. And we were there probably 10 minutes before the managers decided to dial 911. So they started running around telling everybody the cops were coming, watch out, the cops were coming. And you can see the cops in this footage right here. That's a cop wearing black right there, being filmed with a hidden camera. Ultimately, the police had to inform Best Buy management that it was not, in fact, illegal to wear a blue polo shirt and khaki pants. Thank you. So we had been there for 20 minutes; we were happy to exit the store. One thing the managers were trying to do was to track down our cameras. And they caught a couple of my guys who had hidden cameras in duffel bags. But the one camera guy they never caught was the guy that went in just with a blank tape and went over to the Best Buy camera department and just put his tape in one of their cameras and pretended to shop. So I like that concept of using their own technology against them. I think our best projects are ones that are site specific and happen at a particular place for a reason. And one morning, I was riding the subway. I had to make a transfer at the 53rd St. stop where there are these two giant escalators. And it's a very depressing place to be in the morning, it's very crowded. So I decided to try and stage something that could make it as happy as possible for one morning. So this was in the winter of 2009 -- 8:30 in the morning. It's morning rush hour. It's very cold outside. People are coming in from Queens, transferring from the E train to the 6 train. And they're going up these giant escalators on their way to their jobs. Thank you. So there's a photograph that illustrates it a little bit better. He gave 2,000 high fives that day, and he washed his hands before and afterward and did not get sick. And that was done also without permission, although no one seemed to care. So I'd say over the years, one of the most common criticisms I see of Improv Everywhere left anonymously on YouTube comments is: "These people have too much time on their hands." And you know, not everybody's going to like everything you do, and I've certainly developed a thick skin thanks to Internet comments, but that one's always bothered me, because we don't have too much time on our hands. The participants at Improv Everywhere events have just as much leisure time as any other New Yorkers, they just occasionally choose to spend it in an unusual way. You know, every Saturday and Sunday, hundreds of thousands of people each fall gather in football stadiums to watch games. And I've never seen anybody comment, looking at a football game, saying, "All those people in the stands, they have too much time on their hands." And of course they don't. It's a perfectly wonderful way to spent a weekend afternoon, But I think it's also a perfectly valid way to spend an afternoon freezing in place with 200 people in the Grand Central terminal or dressing up like a ghostbuster and running through the New York Public Library. Or listening to the same MP3 as 3,000 other people and dancing silently in a park, or bursting into song in a grocery store as part of a spontaneous musical, or diving into the ocean in Coney Island wearing formal attire. You know, as kids, we're taught to play. And we're never given a reason why we should play. It's just acceptable that play is a good thing. And I think that's sort of the point of Improv Everywhere. It's that there is no point and that there doesn't have to be a point. We don't need a reason. As long as it's fun and it seems like it's going to be a funny idea and it seems like the people who witness it will also have a fun time, then that's enough for us. And I think, as adults, we need to learn that there's no right or wrong way to play. Thank you very much.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
あんãĒį…Ŋり斚ある? こãŖãã‚ŠčĄŒãŖãĻも......ばれるわよね。だãŖãĻ、ここはįŽ‹å­ãŽåŽļだもぎ。 åĄ”ãĢäŊ•ã‹ã‚るぎか、čĒ°ã‹é–‰ã˜čžŧめãĻいるぎか、それとも......įŊ ? 「おい! お前、äŋēãŽčŠąã‚’čžã„ãĻるぎか!」 įĒį„ļぎ大きãĒåŖ°ãĢį§ã¯ãƒãƒƒã¨æˆ‘ãĢčŋ”る。 į›ŽãŽå‰ãĢã„ã‹ã¤ã„éĄ”ãŒãƒ‰ãƒŗッとįžã‚Œã‚‹ã€‚......ãĒã‚“ã¨ãžãã€æ¸‹ã„éĄ”ãĒぎかしら。そんãĒįœ‰é–“ãĢįšēを寄せãĻいたら嚸せ逃げãĻいくわよ。 「さãŖきからãŧãƒŧãŖとしやがãŖãĻ。やる気がãĒいãĒらママぎ元へ帰るんだãĒ」 ごもãŖともだわ。やる気ぎãĒいåĨ´ã¯čĻã‚‰ãĒいもぎねだけ怠けたåĨ´ãŒã„たら一気ãĢčĻåž‹ãŒäšąã‚Œã‚‹ã‚‚ぎ。 「į”ŗしč¨ŗございぞせんでした!」 åŖ°ã‚’åŧĩãŖãĻ、į§ã¯æˇąãé ­ã‚’下げた。そうよ、į§ã¯ã“こで頑åŧĩらãĒいといけãĒいぎよ。åŋ…ずぎし上がãŖãĻやるわ。 ぞさかį§ãŒį´ į›´ãĢčŦã‚‹ã¨ã¯æ€ãŖãĻいãĒãŖたぎか、į”ˇã¯į›Žã‚’丸くする。周りãĢいたå…ĩåŖĢ達もå›ēぞãŖãĻいる。 「......新äēē、名前は?」 「ãƒĒã‚ĸ」 「äŋēぎ名前はマãƒĒã‚Ļ゚、ãƒĒãƒŧドãƒģマãƒĒã‚Ļã‚šã ã€‚ã“ãŽéšŠãŽéšŠé•ˇã ã€ 「......こぎ隊?」 「お前、č‡Ēåˆ†ãŒæ‰€åąžã—ãĻいる隊も分からずここãĢいるぎか?」 マãƒĒã‚Ļã‚šéšŠé•ˇã¯å‘†ã‚ŒãŸčĄ¨æƒ…ã‚’ã™ã‚‹ã€‚ いきãĒりヴã‚Ŗクã‚ŋãƒŧãĢここãĢ攞りčžŧぞれたんだもぎ。äŊ•ãŽčĒŦ明もãĒしãĢね。 「いいか、こぎ隊はヴã‚Ŗクã‚ŋãƒŧįŽ‹å­ãŽį‰šåˆĨ部隊だ。こぎ隊ãĢå…ĨりたくãĻ世ぎ中ぎå…ĩãŸãĄã¯æ­ģãĢもぎį‹‚いで頑åŧĩãŖãĻいるんだ。......それをおういうわけかįŽ‹å­ã¯ã“ã‚“ãĒäŊ•ãŽįĩŒé¨“ã‚‚ãĒã„č˛§ã—ã„ã‚ŦキをここãĢãļãŖこんだんだ。一äŊ“äŊ•ã‚’č€ƒãˆãĻいるぎやら」 「原力でここãĢ掋ればいいんでしょ」 į§ãŽč¨€č‘‰ãĢįŠē気が凍る。 マãƒĒã‚Ļã‚šéšŠé•ˇã¯éĄ”ã‚’åŧ•ãã¤ã‚‰ã›ã‚‹ã€‚......あ、怒らせãĻしぞãŖたãŋたいだわ。åˆĨãĢäģ¤åŦĸじゃãĒいæ ŧåĨŊでäēēを怒らせãĻもæ‚ĒåĨŗポイãƒŗトは上がらãĒいぎãĢ。 「いうじゃねえか、新äēē」 č€ƒãˆãĻãŋã‚Œã°ã€éšŠé•ˇã¨ã“ã‚“ãĒéĸ¨ãĢčŠąã™ãŽãŖãĻ初めãĻかもしれãĒい。デãƒĨãƒĢã‚­ã‚šå›Ŋではå…ĩとはあんぞりé–ĸわりがãĒかãŖたもぎね。 「え」 それだけ? 腕įĢ‹ãĻäēŒį™žå›žã ã‘でいいぎ? äŊ•ãŽįŊ°ãĢもãĒãŖãĻいãĒいわよ? 言ãŖた斚がいいぎかしら......ã€‚č…•įĢ‹ãĻ千回ぐらいぎįŊ°ãŽæ–šãŒč‰¯ã„よãŖãĻ。 「怯えãĻいるぜ」 ã€ŒéšŠé•ˇã‚‚ã˛ã§ãˆã‚ˆãĒ、å…ĨãŖãĻããŸãã†ãã†č…•įĢ‹ãĻäēŒį™žå›žäģŠã‹ã‚‰ã‚„らせるãĒんãĻ」 ã€Œã‚ã„ã¤ã¯ä¸€é€ąé–“ã‚‚ã‚‚ãŸãĒいãĢčŗ­ã‘るぜ」 「äŋēは一æ—Ĩだと思うぜ」 æŦĄã€…とå…ĩé”ãŒč¨€č‘‰ã‚’į™ēする。 おんおんįŸ­ããĒãŖãĻいくわね。おれだけ栚性ãĒしだと思われãĻã„ã‚‹ãŽã‹ã—ã‚‰ã€‚å¤ąį¤ŧã—ãĄã‚ƒã†ã‚ã€‚ ã€Œå¤ąæ•—ã—ãŸã‚‰ä¸€ã‹ã‚‰ã‚„ã‚Šį›´ã—だ」 「おい、あんぞり新äēēを」 「äēŒį™žå›žã§ã„いぎ?」 クãƒĒãƒŧãƒ č‰˛ãŽéĢĒč‰˛ã‚’ã—ãŸįŸ­éĢĒぎį”ˇãŒãƒžãƒĒã‚Ļã‚šéšŠé•ˇã‚’æ­ĸめようとしたぎをį§ã¯éŽã‚‹ã€‚ 隊長ãĢそんãĒéĸ¨ãĢč¨€ãˆã‚‹ãĒんãĻã€å¤šåˆ†å‰¯éšŠé•ˇã‹ã—ã‚‰ã€‚éšŠé•ˇã‚ˆã‚Šį´°čēĢã ã‘ãŠã€č‰¯ã„į­‹č‚‰ã‚’しãĻいる。 おかしãĒことãĢ、おれだけ頑åŧĩãŖãĻもį§ã¯å…¨ãį­‹č‚‰ãŒã¤ã‹ãĒいからįž¨ãžã—いわ。 「おい、お前もあんぞりį…ŊるãĒ」 įŸ­éĢĒぎį”ˇãŒį§ãĢæŗ¨æ„ã™ã‚‹ã€‚ į…ŊらãĒいと回数åĸ—えãĒいでしょ。äēŒį™žå›žã ã¨å…¨ããƒšãƒŠãƒĢテã‚ŖãƒŧãĢãĒらãĒいぎよ。 「おもしれえじゃねえか。じゃあ回、é€Ŗįļšã§č…•įĢ‹ãĻしろ」 į§ã¯ãã†č¨€ãŖãĻ、そぎ場ãĢ手をついãĻã€č…•įĢ‹ãĻぎå§ŋå‹ĸãĢãĒる。 ã€Œã‚ã¨ã€ãŠå‰ã€ãĄã‚ƒã‚“ã¨æ•ŦčĒžäŊŋえ」 上からマãƒĒã‚Ļã‚šéšŠé•ˇãŽč¨€č‘‰ãŒčžã“ãˆã‚‹ã€‚ 「分かりぞした」 į§ã¯ãã†č¨€ãŖãĻã€ããŽå ´ã§č…•įĢ‹ãĻを始めた。
How could he do that? If I sneaked over there, they would know, right? This was probably the prince’s place. Was there something in that tower, or someone locked in there, or... a trap? “Hey! Are you even listening to me?” A loud voice suddenly brought me back to my senses. A large man’s face appeared in front of me. ...What a stern looking face. Happiness would flee from him if he kept wrinkling his brow like that. “You’ve been dawdling for a while now. If you’re not going to do anything, you should go back to your mother.” I can agree with that. I also wouldn’t want someone who was unmotivated. One lazy person could upset the discipline at once. “I’m sorry, sir!” I bowed my head deeply, my voice strained. Yes, I must do my best here. I will definitely rise to the top. The man’s eyes widened, as if he didn’t expect me to apologize honestly. The surrounding soldiers also froze. “...What’s your name, rookie?” “Ria.” “My name is Marius, Reid Marius. I’m the captain of this squad.” “...This squad?” “You don’t even know what squad you’re in, and you’re here?” Captain Marius looked dumbfounded. I was suddenly thrown in here by Victor. He didn’t explain anything about all this. “Look, this is Prince Victor’s special unit. All the soldiers in the world are dying to join this unit. ...And somehow the prince threw this poor kid in here with no experience. I don’t know what the hell he’s thinking.” “I just have to stay here on my own merits, don’t I?” The air froze at my words. Captain Marius tightened his face. ...Ah, I think I offended him. It wasn’t like I was going to get any villainess points for pissing off people by dressing up as something other than a lady. “You’re right, rookie.” Thinking about it, this might be the first time I talked to the captain like this. I didn’t have much to do with the soldiers in Duelkis. “Eh?” That’s it? Two hundred push-ups? That’s not a punishment at all, is it? I wonder if I should tell him... A thousand push-ups would be a better punishment. “You’re freaking me out.” “The captain is also a jerk, forcing him to do push-ups right now, right after he arrived.” “I bet he won’t last a week.” “I think he’ll only last a day.” One by one, the soldiers spoke. It’s getting shorter and shorter. I wonder how gutless they thought I was. Not that I’m being rude about it, by the way. “If I fail, do I have to start all over again?” “Hey, you’re getting carried away, rookie.” “Two hundred times?” A short man with cream-colored hair tried to stop Captain Marius, but I interrupted him. He was probably the second-in-command, to be able to say that to the captain. He’s slimmer than the captain, but he has good muscles. The funny thing was, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t build any muscle at all, which made me jealous of them. “Hey, don’t get too excited about it, either.” The short-haired man cautions me. He wouldn’t increase the number of times I had to do the push-ups if I didn’t agitate him. Two hundred times isn’t a penalty at all. “That’s fun. Then do five hundred push-ups in a row.” I then put my hands on the floor and got into a push-up position. “Also, use proper honorifics.” I heard Captain Marius say from above. “Understood, sir.” I said and began to do push-ups on the spot.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 3, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
č­°äŧšãŽæ¨ŠåŠ›ãĢよるæąē厚ぎį¤žäŧšįš„重čĻæ€§ã¯ 多大ãĒもぎとãĒã‚‹ã§ã‚ã‚ã†ã€‚č­°äŧšãĢよる扚准は、単į´”ãĢクãƒŧデã‚ŋãƒŧãĢ印をæŠŧしたということではãĒいīŧšåŒæ„ã¯æĄäģļäģ˜ãã§ã‚ãŖた。民間からčĻ‹ãŸåĻĨåŊ“性をįĸēäŋã™ã‚‹ãŸã‚ãĢč­°äŧšãŽåŒæ„ã‚’åŋ…čĻã¨ã™ã‚‹éĻ–é•ˇãŸãĄã¯ã€ã“ã‚Œã‹ã‚‰ã¯ã€æ¨ŠåŠ›å…ąæœ‰ãŽåŋ…čĻæ€§ã‚’č€ƒæ…ŽãĢå…ĨれãĒければãĒらãĒい。
The consequences of this assertion of parliamentary authority will be enormous. Parliamentary ratification did not simply provide a rubber stamp to a palace coup; its approval was conditional. Emirs who need parliamentary approval to secure popular legitimacy must now reckon with the need to share power.
{ "source": "news_commentary", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
わたしは、åšŧ児į•Ēįĩ„「Free to be you and me」と ãƒ’ãƒƒãƒ—ãƒ›ãƒƒãƒ—ã§č‚˛ãĄãžã—ãŸã€‚ äģŠæ—Ĩãƒ’ãƒƒãƒ—ãƒ›ãƒƒãƒ—ãƒ•ã‚Ąãƒŗは少ãĒいぎかãĒ? ありがとう。ヒップホップと ã‚ĸニã‚ŋãƒģヒãƒĢです。 ã‚ãŸã—ãŽä¸ĄčĻĒはæ€Ĩ進ä¸ģįžŠč€…が、 æˆé•ˇã—ãĻ 大äēēãĢãĒãŖたäēēãŸãĄã§ã—ãŸã€‚ わたしぎįˆļはおおけãĻ言ãŖたもぎです 僕らは世į•Œã‚’救うつもりで æ°—ãŒã¤ã„ãŸã‚‰ãŸã ãŽé‡‘æŒãĄãĢãĒりさがãŖãĻいたぎさ、と。 原際は、我がåŽļはã‚ŗロナド゚プãƒĒãƒŗグ゚ぎ 中æĩåŽļåē­ã§ã—たが でもごį†č§Ŗいただけるでしょう? わたしはåŧˇįƒˆãĒ、ぞだ厌成しãĻいãĒい過åŽģぎéēį”Ŗがあるという 感čĻšã¨ã¨ã‚‚ãĢ育ãŖたぎです。 äģŠã€å††į†ŸãŽä¸‰åæ­ŗをčŋŽãˆã€ わたしはずãŖã¨č€ƒãˆãĻきぞした。こぎ恐ろしくもį´ æ™´ã‚‰ã—い時äģŖãĢ ã€Œæˆé•ˇã™ã‚‹ã€ã¨ã„ã†ã“ã¨ã¯ãŠã†ã„ã†ã“ã¨ãĒぎかと。 そしãĻわたしはįĸēäŋĄã—ぞした。 ãã‚Œã¯é•ˇã„é“ãŽã‚Šã§ã‚ã‚Šã€ãƒ‘ãƒŠãƒ‰ãƒƒã‚¯ã‚šã§ã‚ã‚‹ã¨ã€‚ įŦŦ1ぎパナドック゚は ã€Œæˆé•ˇã™ã‚‹ã€ã¨ã„ã†ã“ã¨ã¯ã€éŽåŽģを拒įĩļしãĒがらも すぐそれを取りæˆģしたがるということです。 フェミニã‚ēãƒ ã¯ã‚ãŸã—ãŒč‚˛ãŖたåē­ã§ã—た。 わたしがåšŧい頃ãĢ 母は、始めぞした。äģŠã‚„ 世į•Œã§æœ€ã‚‚é•ˇãįļšã„ãĻいるåĨŗ性映į”ģ際を。 äģ–ぎ子䞛įĢ‹ãĄãŒã‚ŗãƒĄãƒ‡ã‚Ŗやã‚ĸãƒ‹ãƒĄã‚’čĻ‹ãĻいる間 わたしはé›Ŗč§ŖãĒドキãƒĨãƒĄãƒŗã‚ŋãƒĒãƒŧをčĻ‹ãĻいぞした。 åĨŗ性ãĢよるåĨŗ性ãĢついãĻぎドキãƒĨãƒĄãƒŗã‚ŋãƒĒãƒŧです。 これが子䞛ãĢおぎくらいåŊąéŸŋを与えたかはおわかりでしょう。 しかも、我がåŽļぎフェミニ゚トは母だけではありぞせんでした。 įˆļは、原際ãĢį”ˇæ€§ãĢ限ãŖた 地元ぎビジネ゚クナブを退äŧšã—ぞした。 将æĨ、息子を歓čŋŽã™ã‚‹ã‹ã‚‚しれãĒいが 娘を拒įĩļするようãĒįĩ„įš”ãĢかかわるつもりはãĒいとぎį†į”ąã§ã§ã™ã€‚ 原はäģŠæ—ĨįˆļはここãĢæĨãĻいぞす。 åŽŸã‚’č¨€ãˆã°ã€įĩåą€ わたしぎ兄はビジネ゚マãƒŗではãĒく å‰čĄ›čŠŠäēēãĢãĒãŖたわけですが、 でもそぎ意気やよし、です。 ともかく、åŊ“時ぎわたしはフェミニ゚トとå‘ŧばれたくありぞせんでした。 フェミニã‚ēムãĢå–ã‚Šå›˛ãžã‚ŒãĻいたãĢもé–ĸわらずです。 ãĒぜãĒらわたしは、フェミニã‚ēムというもぎを母ぎåŠĻäēēグãƒĢãƒŧプや 母ぎ゚ã‚Ģãƒŧãƒˆã‚„č‚Šãƒ‘ãƒƒãƒˆãĒおとįĩãŗつけãĻč€ƒãˆãĻいãĻ、 åŊ“時通ãŖãĻいたパãƒĢマãƒŧéĢ˜æ Ąã§ クãƒŧãƒĢãĢæŒ¯ã‚‹čˆžã„ãŸã‹ãŖたわたしãĢは ぐãŖとこãĒかãŖたからです。 でも、フェミニã‚ēムというもぎが原は すごく大äē‹ãĒぎではãĒいかという気はしãĻいたぎで こãŖそりと母ぎæœŦæŖšãĢ行ãŖãĻは æœŦを取りå‡ēしãĻčĒ­ã‚“でいぞした。 ã‚‚ãĄã‚ã‚“įĩļ寞ãĢそぎことはčĒã‚ãŸã‚Šã—ぞせんでしたが。 į§ã¯åŽŸéš›ã€č‡Ēåˆ†ãŒãƒ•ã‚§ãƒŸãƒ‹ã‚šãƒˆã ã¨ã¯č¨€ãŖãĻいぞせんでした。 バãƒŧナãƒŧド大å­ĻãĢå…Ĩå­ĻしãĻ 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でも、同時ãĢわたしはäēēį”Ÿæœ€åˆãŽæ´ģ動åŽļ運動ぎãƒŦッ゚ãƒŗを受けãĻいたことãĢãĒりぞす。 わたしがイãƒŗã‚ŋビãƒĨãƒŧしたæ´ģ動åŽļãĢは æ–‡å­—é€šã‚Šå…ąé€šį‚šã¯ãĒãĢもありぞせんでした。 æ´ģ動åŽļとしãĻぎč‡Ē分ぎãƒĢãƒŧツであり、 もãŖともåŊąéŸŋされたäēēį‰Šã¯æ¯ã§ã‚ると å…¨å“ĄãŒč¨€ãŖãĻることを除いãĻは。 ã ã‹ã‚‰ã‚ãŸã—ãŸãĄã¯ã€æŠ˜ã‚ŠãĢãĩれ、į‰šãĢåšŧい頃ãĢ はるか先をčĻ‹ã¤ã‚ãĻいたぎです。 ã‚ãŸã—ãŸãĄãŽæ„å‘ŗぎあるäēēį”ŸãŽãŠæ‰‹æœŦを、です。 時ãĢ母達は台所で、 é›ģčŠąã‚’ã—ã€ã‚ãŸã—ãŸãĄãŽéŖŸäē‹ã‚’äŊœã‚Šã€ 世ぎ中を回しãĻいくためãĢåŋ…čĻãĒことをずãŖとįļšã‘ãĻきãĻいたぎです。 わたしぎ母や、母ぎようãĒåĨŗ性達が教えãĻくれぞした。 äēēį”Ÿã¨ã¯ã€æ „光や įĸēåŽŸæ€§ã‚„ã€åŽ‰åŽšæ€§ã‚’æą‚ã‚ã‚‹ã‚‚ãŽã§ã¯ãĒいと。 äēēį”Ÿã¨ã¯ãƒ‘ナドック゚を受けå…Ĩれること。 äēēį”Ÿã¨ã¯åœ§å€’されるようãĒå‡ēæĨäē‹ã‚’前ãĢしãĒãŒã‚‰čĄŒå‹•ã™ã‚‹ã“ã¨ã€‚ äēēį”Ÿã¨ã¯äēē々をæœŦåŊ“ãĢ愛することであると。 そしãĻこれこそが äēēį”Ÿã‚’通じãĻぎ 挑æˆĻであり、恊æĩであるぎです。 ありがとうございぞした。
I was raised on "Free to be you and me" -- hip-hop -- not as many woohoos for hip-hop in the house. Thank you. Thank you for hip-hop -- and Anita Hill. My parents were radicals -- who became, well, grown-ups. My dad facetiously says, "We wanted to save the world, and instead we just got rich." We actually just got "middle class" in Colorado Springs, Colorado, but you get the picture. I was raised with a very heavy sense of unfinished legacy. At this ripe old age of 30, I've been thinking a lot about what it means to grow up in this horrible, beautiful time, and I've decided, for me, it's been a real journey and paradox. The first paradox is that growing up is about rejecting the past and then promptly reclaiming it. Feminism was the water I grew up in. When I was just a little girl, my mom started what is now the longest-running women's film festival in the world. So while other kids were watching sitcoms and cartoons, I was watching very esoteric documentaries made by and about women. You can see how this had an influence. But she was not the only feminist in the house. My dad actually resigned from the male-only business club in my hometown because he said he would never be part of an organization that would one day welcome his son, but not his daughter. He's actually here today. The trick here is my brother would become an experimental poet, not a businessman, but the intention was really good. In any case, I didn't readily claim the feminist label, even though it was all around me, because I associated it with my mom's women's groups, her swishy skirts and her shoulder pads -- none of which had much cachet in the hallways of Palmer High School where I was trying to be cool at the time. But I suspected there was something really important about this whole feminism thing, so I started covertly tiptoeing into my mom's bookshelves and picking books off and reading them -- never, of course, admitting that I was doing so. I didn't actually claim the feminist label until I went to Barnard College and I heard Amy Richards and Jennifer Baumgardner speak for the first time. They were the co-authors of a book called "Manifesta." So what very profound epiphany, you might ask, was responsible for my feminist click moment? Fishnet stockings. Jennifer Baumgardner was wearing them. I thought they were really hot. I decided, okay, I can claim the feminist label. Now I tell you this -- I tell you this at the risk of embarrassing myself, because I think part of the work of feminism is to admit that aesthetics, that beauty, that fun do matter. There are lots of very modern political movements that have caught fire in no small part because of cultural hipness. Anyone heard of these two guys as an example? So my feminism is very indebted to my mom's, but it looks very different. My mom says, "patriarchy." I say, "intersectionality." So race, class, gender, ability, all of these things go into our experiences of what it means to be a woman. Pay equity? Yes. Absolutely a feminist issue. But for me, so is immigration. Thank you. My mom says, "Protest march." I say, "Online organizing." I co-edit, along with a collective of other super-smart, amazing women, a site called We are the most widely read feminist publication ever, and I tell you this because I think it's really important to see that there's a continuum. Feminist blogging is basically the 21st century version of consciousness raising. But we also have a straightforward political impact. Feministing has been able to get merchandise pulled off the shelves of Walmart. We got a misogynist administrator sending us hate-mail fired from a Big Ten school. And one of our biggest successes is we get mail from teenage girls in the middle of Iowa who say, "I Googled Jessica Simpson and stumbled on your site. I realized feminism wasn't about man-hating and Birkenstocks." So we're able to pull in the next generation in a totally new way. My mom says, "Gloria Steinem." I say, "Samhita Mukhopadhyay, Miriam Perez, Ann Friedman, Jessica Valenti, Vanessa Valenti, and on and on and on and on." We don't want one hero. We don't want one icon. We don't want one face. We are thousands of women and men across this country doing online writing, community organizing, changing institutions from the inside out -- all continuing the incredible work that our mothers and grandmothers started. Thank you. Which brings me to the second paradox: sobering up about our smallness and maintaining faith in our greatness all at once. Many in my generation -- because of well-intentioned parenting and self-esteem education -- were socialized to believe that we were special little snowflakes -- who were going to go out and save the world. These are three words many of us were raised with. We walk across graduation stages, high on our overblown expectations, and when we float back down to earth, we realize we don't know what the heck it means to actually save the world anyway. The mainstream media often paints my generation as apathetic, and I think it's much more accurate to say we are deeply overwhelmed. And there's a lot to be overwhelmed about, to be fair -- an environmental crisis, wealth disparity in this country unlike we've seen since 1928, and globally, a totally immoral and ongoing wealth disparity. Xenophobia's on the rise. The trafficking of women and girls. It's enough to make you feel very overwhelmed. I experienced this firsthand myself when I graduated from Barnard College in 2002. I was fired up; I was ready to make a difference. I went out and I worked at a non-profit, I went to grad school, I phone-banked, I protested, I volunteered, and none of it seemed to matter. And on a particularly dark night of December of 2004, I sat down with my family, and I said that I had become very disillusioned. I admitted that I'd actually had a fantasy -- kind of a dark fantasy -- of writing a letter about everything that was wrong with the world and then lighting myself on fire on the White House steps. My mom took a drink of her signature Sea Breeze, her eyes really welled with tears, and she looked right at me and she said, "I will not stand for your desperation." She said, "You are smarter, more creative and more resilient than that." Which brings me to my third paradox. Growing up is about aiming to succeed wildly and being fulfilled by failing really well. There's a writer I've been deeply influenced by, Parker Palmer, and he writes that many of us are often whiplashed "between arrogant overestimation of ourselves and a servile underestimation of ourselves." You may have guessed by now, I did not light myself on fire. I did what I know to do in desperation, which is write. I wrote the book I needed to read. I wrote a book about eight incredible people all over this country doing social justice work. I wrote about Nia Martin-Robinson, the daughter of Detroit and two civil rights activists, who's dedicating her life to environmental justice. I wrote about Emily Apt who initially became a caseworker in the welfare system because she decided that was the most noble thing she could do, but quickly learned, not only did she not like it, but she wasn't really good at it. Instead, what she really wanted to do was make films. So she made a film about the welfare system and had a huge impact. I wrote about Maricela Guzman, the daughter of Mexican immigrants, who joined the military so she could afford college. She was actually sexually assaulted in boot camp and went on to co-organize a group called the Service Women's Action Network. What I learned from these people and others was that I couldn't judge them based on their failure to meet their very lofty goals. Many of them are working in deeply intractable systems -- the military, congress, the education system, etc. But what they managed to do within those systems was be a humanizing force. And at the end of the day, what could possibly be more important than that? Cornel West says, "Of course it's a failure. But how good a failure is it?" This isn't to say we give up our wildest, biggest dreams. It's to say we operate on two levels. On one, we really go after changing these broken systems of which we find ourselves a part. But on the other, we root our self-esteem in the daily acts of trying to make one person's day more kind, more just, etc. So when I was a little girl, I had a couple of very strange habits. One of them was I used to lie on the kitchen floor of my childhood home, and I would suck the thumb of my left hand and hold my mom's cold toes with my right hand. I was listening to her talk on the phone, which she did a lot. She was talking about board meetings, she was founding peace organizations, she was coordinating carpools, she was consoling friends -- all these daily acts of care and creativity. And surely, at three and four years old, I was listening to the soothing sound of her voice, but I think I was also getting my first lesson in activist work. The activists I interviewed had nothing in common, literally, except for one thing, which was that they all cited their mothers as their most looming and important activist influences. So often, particularly at a young age, we look far afield for our models of the meaningful life, and sometimes they're in our own kitchens, talking on the phone, making us dinner, doing all that keeps the world going around and around. My mom and so many women like her have taught me that life is not about glory, or certainty, or security even. It's about embracing the paradox. It's about acting in the face of overwhelm. And it's about loving people really well. And at the end of the day, these things make for a lifetime of challenge and reward. Thank you.
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And I said, "Sure." And four years later, it's been downloaded four million times. So I suppose you could multiply that by 20 or something to get the number of people who've seen it. And, as Chris says, there is a hunger for videos of me. Don't you feel? So, this whole event has been an elaborate build-up to me doing another one for you, so here it is. Al Gore spoke at the TED conference I spoke at four years ago and talked about the climate crisis. And I referenced that at the end of my last talk. So I want to pick up from there because I only had 18 minutes, frankly. So, as I was saying -- You see, he's right. I mean, there is a major climate crisis, obviously, and I think if people don't believe it, they should get out more. But I believe there is a second climate crisis, which is as severe, which has the same origins, and that we have to deal with with the same urgency. And you may say, by the way, "Look, I'm good. I have one climate crisis, I don't really need the second one." But this is a crisis of, not natural resources -- though I believe that's true -- but a crisis of human resources. as many speakers have said during the past few days, that we make very poor use of our talents. Very many people go through their whole lives having no real sense of what their talents may be, or if they have any to speak of. I meet all kinds of people who don't think they're really good at anything. Actually, I kind of divide the world into two groups now. Jeremy Bentham, the great utilitarian philosopher, once spiked this argument. He said, "There are two types of people in this world: those who divide the world into two types and those who do not." Well, I do. I meet all kinds of people who don't enjoy what they do. They simply go through their lives getting on with it. They get no great pleasure from what they do. They endure it rather than enjoy it, and wait for the weekend. But I also meet people who love what they do and couldn't imagine doing anything else. If you said, "Don't do this anymore," they'd wonder what you're talking about. It isn't what they do, it's who they are. They say, "But this is me, you know. It would be foolish to abandon this, because it speaks to my most authentic self." And it's not true of enough people. In fact, on the contrary, I think it's still true of a minority of people. And I think there are many possible explanations for it. And high among them is education, because education, in a way, dislocates very many people from their natural talents. And human resources are like natural resources; they're often buried deep. You have to go looking for them, they're not just lying around on the surface. You have to create the circumstances where they show themselves. And you might imagine education would be the way that happens, but too often, it's not. Every education system in the world is being reformed at the moment and it's not enough. Reform is no use anymore, because that's simply improving a broken model. What we need -- and the word's been used many times in the past few days -- is not evolution, but a revolution in education. This has to be transformed into something else. One of the real challenges is to innovate fundamentally in education. Innovation is hard, because it means doing something that people don't find very easy, for the most part. It means challenging what we take for granted, things that we think are obvious. The great problem for reform or transformation is the tyranny of common sense. Things that people think, "It can't be done differently, that's how it's done." I came across a great quote recently from Abraham Lincoln, who I thought you'd be pleased to have quoted at this point. He said this in December 1862 to the second annual meeting of Congress. I ought to explain that I have no idea what was happening at the time. We don't teach American history in Britain. We suppress it. You know, this is our policy. No doubt, something fascinating was happening then, which the Americans among us will be aware of. But he said this: "The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion." I love that. Not rise to it, rise with it. "As our case is new, so we must think anew and act anew. We must disenthrall ourselves, and then we shall save our country." I love that word, "disenthrall." You know what it means? That there are ideas that all of us are enthralled to, which we simply take for granted as the natural order of things, the way things are. And many of our ideas have been formed, not to meet the circumstances of this century, but to cope with the circumstances of previous centuries. But our minds are still hypnotized by them, and we have to disenthrall ourselves of some of them. Now, doing this is easier said than done. It's very hard to know, by the way, what it is you take for granted. And the reason is that you take it for granted. Let me ask you something you may take for granted. How many of you here are over the age of 25? That's not what you take for granted, I'm sure you're familiar with that. Are there any people here under the age of 25? Great. Now, those over 25, could you put your hands up if you're wearing your wristwatch? Now that's a great deal of us, isn't it? Ask a room full of teenagers the same thing. Teenagers do not wear wristwatches. I don't mean they can't, they just often choose not to. And the reason is we were brought up in a pre-digital culture, those of us over 25. And so for us, if you want to know the time, you have to wear something to tell it. Kids now live in a world which is digitized, and the time, for them, is everywhere. They see no reason to do this. And by the way, you don't need either; it's just that you've always done it and you carry on doing it. My daughter never wears a watch, my daughter Kate, who's 20. She doesn't see the point. As she says, "It's a single-function device." "Like, how lame is that?" And I say, "No, no, it tells the date as well." "It has multiple functions." But, you see, there are things we're enthralled to in education. A couple of examples. One of them is the idea of linearity: that it starts here and you go through a track and if you do everything right, you will end up set for the rest of your life. Everybody who's spoken at TED has told us implicitly, or sometimes explicitly, a different story: that life is not linear; it's organic. We create our lives symbiotically as we explore our talents in relation to the circumstances they help to create for us. But, you know, we have become obsessed with this linear narrative. And probably the pinnacle for education is getting you to college. I think we are obsessed with getting people to college. Certain sorts of college. I don't mean you shouldn't go, but not everybody needs to go, or go now. Maybe they go later, not right away. And I was up in San Francisco a while ago doing a book signing. There was this guy buying a book, he was in his 30s. I said, "What do you do?" And he said, "I'm a fireman." I asked, "How long have you been a fireman?" "Always. I've always been a fireman." "Well, when did you decide?" He said, "As a kid. Actually, it was a problem for me at school, because at school, everybody wanted to be a fireman." He said, "But I wanted to be a fireman." And he said, "When I got to the senior year of school, my teachers didn't take it seriously. This one teacher didn't take it seriously. He said I was throwing my life away if that's all I chose to do with it; that I should go to college, I should become a professional person, that I had great potential and I was wasting my talent to do that." He said, "It was humiliating. It was in front of the whole class and I felt dreadful. But it's what I wanted, and as soon as I left school, I applied to the fire service and I was accepted. You know, I was thinking about that guy recently, just a few minutes ago when you were speaking, about this teacher, because six months ago, I saved his life." He said, "He was in a car wreck, and I pulled him out, gave him CPR, and I saved his wife's life as well." He said, "I think he thinks better of me now." You know, to me, human communities depend upon a diversity of talent, not a singular conception of ability. And at the heart of our challenges -- At the heart of the challenge is to reconstitute our sense of ability and of intelligence. This linearity thing is a problem. When I arrived in L.A. about nine years ago, I came across a policy statement -- very well-intentioned -- which said, "College begins in kindergarten." No, it doesn't. It doesn't. If we had time, I could go into this, but we don't. Kindergarten begins in kindergarten. A friend of mine once said, "A three year-old is not half a six year-old." They're three. But as we just heard in this last session, there's such competition now to get into kindergarten -- to get to the right kindergarten -- that people are being interviewed for it at three. Kids sitting in front of unimpressed panels, you know, with their resumes -- Flicking through and saying, "What, this is it?" "You've been around for 36 months, and this is it?" "You've achieved nothing -- commit. Spent the first six months breastfeeding, I can see." See, it's outrageous as a conception. The other big issue is conformity. We have built our education systems on the model of fast food. This is something Jamie Oliver talked about the other day. There are two models of quality assurance in catering. One is fast food, where everything is standardized. The other is like Zagat and Michelin restaurants, where everything is not standardized, they're customized to local circumstances. And we have sold ourselves into a fast-food model of education, and it's impoverishing our spirit and our energies as much as fast food is depleting our physical bodies. We have to recognize a couple of things here. One is that human talent is tremendously diverse. People have very different aptitudes. I worked out recently that I was given a guitar as a kid at about the same time that Eric Clapton got his first guitar. It worked out for Eric, that's all I'm saying. it did not for me. I could not get this thing to work no matter how often or how hard I blew into it. It just wouldn't work. But it's not only about that. It's about passion. Often, people are good at things they don't really care for. It's about passion, and what excites our spirit and our energy. And if you're doing the thing that you love to do, that you're good at, time takes a different course entirely. My wife's just finished writing a novel, and I think it's a great book, but she disappears for hours on end. You know this, if you're doing something you love, an hour feels like five minutes. If you're doing something that doesn't resonate with your spirit, five minutes feels like an hour. And the reason so many people are opting out of education is because it doesn't feed their spirit, it doesn't feed their energy or their passion. So I think we have to change metaphors. We have to go from what is essentially an industrial model of education, a manufacturing model, which is based on linearity and conformity and batching people. We have to move to a model that is based more on principles of agriculture. We have to recognize that human flourishing is not a mechanical process; it's an organic process. And you cannot predict the outcome of human development. All you can do, like a farmer, is create the conditions under which they will begin to flourish. So when we look at reforming education and transforming it, it isn't like cloning a system. There are great ones, like KIPP's; it's a great system. There are many great models. It's about customizing to your circumstances and personalizing education to the people you're actually teaching. And doing that, I think, is the answer to the future because it's not about scaling a new solution; it's about creating a movement in education in which people develop their own solutions, but with external support based on a personalized curriculum. Now in this room, there are people who represent extraordinary resources in business, in multimedia, in the Internet. These technologies, combined with the extraordinary talents of teachers, provide an opportunity to revolutionize education. And I urge you to get involved in it because it's vital, not just to ourselves, but to the future of our children. But we have to change from the industrial model to an agricultural model, where each school can be flourishing tomorrow. That's where children experience life. Or at home, if that's what they choose, to be educated with their families or friends. There's been a lot of talk about dreams over the course of these few days. And I wanted to just very quickly -- I was very struck by Natalie Merchant's songs last night, recovering old poems. I wanted to read you a quick, very short poem from W. B. Yeats, who some of you may know. He wrote this to his love, Maud Gonne, and he was bewailing the fact that he couldn't really give her what he thought she wanted from him. And he says, "I've got something else, but it may not be for you." He says this: "Had I the heavens' embroidered cloths, Enwrought with gold and silver light, The blue and the dim and the dark cloths Of night and light and the half-light, I would spread the cloths under your feet: But I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams." And every day, everywhere, our children spread their dreams beneath our feet. And we should tread softly. Thank you. Thank you very much.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
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「Number is the winner」 Together with the announcement, Seiya, Yua, and Lily came out of the barrier. When they appeared outside, the audience was staring at them in awe. 「Did they win again?」 「They should be in the first place, together with the royal guard」 「The royal guard had three people, but the blond guy was the only one who fought from the other team」 「The other two didn’t fight even once」 「Isn’t he a bit too strong?」 The participants were slowly whispering to each other. On the fourth day, Seiya’s team had won times and lost times, their winning rate is one of the highest. There were only a few matches left. The teams that could enter the final block from the C block at this point were number , Seiya’s team, and number 2, Yua-sama’s royal guard’s team, only those two. Team 86 won every single match with only Seiya taking the field. He defeated his opponents with the Hollins, wrapped in the water mana, or by using pure martial skills, there were plenty of variations. That’s why Yua and Lily were just waiting in the shadows. So their skills and spells are still unknown, especially Lily’s. The reason why they continued to fight this way could be attributed to Seiya’s mistake in the first fight. It seems that his first opponents were intermediate magicians and were considered quite strong. And Seiya, who defeated them in a moment, became the center of attention in a blink. Therefore, Seiya used it to gather the attention only on himself and continued to fight in this way. 「It was easy....Seiya....」 「You were amazing! 」 Yua and Lily hugged his arms and praised him. 「Thanks」 Seiya thanked them and they stuck to him even closer. Seeing the three, the male part of the audience enveloped Seiya in the jealous stares. Apparently, an appearance of the blond guy being hugged by the silver-haired and the blue-haired beauties was a sore in their eyes. The three were looking for a place to sit when the three girls approached them. 「You are quite relaxed, Kiritsuna Seiya」 The strong-looking black-haired girl with a ponytail said to Seiya. There were the silver-haired and the chestnut-haired girls next to her. The silver-haired girl was Elen, Seiya’s classmate. The black-haired and the chestnut-haired girls were standing there looking down on him somewhat, while Elen was awkwardly fidgeting by their side. 「Who are you anyway?」 Seiya asked the black-haired girl, disregarding the courtesy. She didn’t care too much and introduced herself. 「The captain of the royal guard, Sunir Chronicle. Yua-sama, be at ease, the royal guard will erase any man who approaches you 」 The girl named Sunir knelt like a knight pledging her loyalty, but Yua just silently hid behind Seiya’s back. 「You became quite close with Yua-sama. However, you will be defeated by me」 「We, the royal guard, are your last opponent in this block」 Following after Sunir, the brown-haired girl said to Seiya. 「I see. Sorry, but we will be the ones who will advance to the final block」 Said Seiya, as if it was a natural outcome, and Sunir said while flashing a small smile. 「Sorry to disappoint you, but we will be the winners. We are different from the teams you have been fighting until now」 「Our winning rate is the same」 The girl with the brown hair seemed convinced of their victory. 「Well then, I’m looking forward to our fight, Kiritsuna Seiya」 Sunir said so and left somewhere. The brown-haired girl and Elen followed after her, but Elen didn’t look that energetic. However, Seiya wasn’t in a mood to care much. 「You are a source of trouble, Yua」 Said Seiya towards Yua, who was hiding behind his back. 「I’m bad around them......But with Seiya here I am fine.....」 Yua said with a relieved face while hugging him from behind. 「There is also me!」 When she energetically said so, a smile appeared on Yua’s face. After that, the trio sat on the nearest bench. It was getting late, most likely, the current match will be the last for today. And when that match was concluded, the teachers, Seran and Najenda came to declare the end of the matches for today. However, it didn’t end with just that. 「Eh, the next is about tomorrow. The teams, capable of getting to the final block, are only number 86 and number 12. And since the winner will be decided only after they fight it out, I want to have this fight to be the last one tomorrow」 Following the Seran’s declaration, the audience became agitated. They were hyped up for things to come. 「That is all. Dismissed」 After Najenda’s words, the students started going back. During the qualifiers, everyone gathered in the hall instead of the class, after that, matches are being held. There is some time for a strategy meeting, but it is mostly matches all day long. Seiya goes back with Yua and Lily. Because of the qualifiers, they were unable to meet with Nari often, so they decided to go home as they were. After the three ate dinner, they gathered together in Seiya’s room. Of course, it was for a strategy meeting. 「About tomorrow’s match, most likely, it will be too much for me alone」 「Judging by their words, they might have a countermeasure against me」 「Un.....」 「Seems likely. Does that mean that it is time for my debut? 」 The two agreed with his opinion. During such strategy meetings, Lily spends her time in the adult form. Recently, she was in the adult version every night. And when the meeting ends, she assaults Seiya before Yua’s eyes as it is. Rather than stopping her, Yua takes advantage of the situation and joins the attack. That was his current daily routine. 「That might be so. They call themselves Yua’s royal guard. It is to be expected of them to have the information about Yua. If that happens, I will either use the unknown『Mantle of Light』together with the Hollins or it will be the time for Lily’s water attribute」 「Sorry....I’m dragging you down.....」 Yua apologized for the lack of use in the qualifiers. 「Don’t dwell on it, Yua」 「That’s right, Yua-chan. You just need to do your best in the final block」 「Thank you....」 Yua thanked the two with a smile. Then after the strategy meeting and Lily’s temptations, the team was ready for a fight that will decide the C block representative in the finals.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 2, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
「すãŖかり暗くãĒãŖãĻしぞãŖたãĒぁ......」 NSOぎ世į•ŒãŽå¤Ēé™Ŋã¯æ˛ˆã‚“ã ã€‚ あたりをį…§ã‚‰ã™ãŽã¯æœˆã¨æ˜ŸãŽå…‰ãŽãŋ......。 最įĩ‚æąēæˆĻぎį–˛ã‚Œã§ã„ã¤ã‚‚ã‚ˆã‚Šæˇąã„įœ ã‚ŠãĢčŊãĄã€čĩˇãã‚‹ãŽãŒé…くãĒãŖたあぎæ—Ĩから、äŋēぎį”Ÿæ´ģãƒĒã‚ēムは少しã‚ēãƒŦた。 æ˜ŧ夜逆čģĸã¨č¨€ã†ãģおではãĒい。 ただ働いãĻいた頃より少し垌ãĢčĩˇãã€å¯ã‚‹æ™‚間も少し遅くãĒãŖた。 åĨåēˇéĸã‚’č€ƒãˆã‚‹ã¨į›´ã—ãŸæ–šãŒč‰¯ã„ãŽã ã‚ã†ã‘ãŠã€ã‚˛ãƒŧムを遊ãŗãŸã„æ°—æŒãĄã‚‚įœ æ°—ãĢは勝ãĻãĒい。 äģ•äē‹ãŽæ™‚ぎようãĢį›ŽčĻšãžã—で及きčĩˇã“しãĻもįĩļ寞寝しãĻしぞう。 旊寝も同じくįœ ãŸããĒらãĒいと寝つけãĒい。 これäģĨ上ã‚ēãƒŦるようãĒらãĒんとかしãĻį›´ã™ã‘ãŠã€ãžã‚ãĄã‚‡ãŖとくらいãĒã‚‰å•éĄŒãĒいだろう。 äŊ•ã‚ˆã‚Šį”Ÿæ´ģãƒĒã‚ēムがã‚ēãƒŦたおかげで、ぞだčĻ‹ãŸã“とがãĒいNSOをčĻ‹ã‚‰ã‚Œã‚‹ã‹ã‚‚しれãĒい。 そぎ一éĸというぎは......夜だ。 äŋēは朝ログイãƒŗしãĻ夜ログã‚ĸã‚Ļトという遊ãŗæ–šã‚’įļšã‘ãĻきたから、夜ぎNSOをあぞりįŸĨらãĒい。 夜はãƒĸãƒŗã‚šã‚ŋãƒŧがåĸ—えたりåŧˇããĒãŖãŸã‚Šã™ã‚‹ã¨ã„ã†æƒ…å ąã¯čžã„ãĻいるが、äŊ“験したことはãĒい。 というぎも、夜ぎ闇は射撃ぎ夊æ•ĩだからだ。 おうやらäŋēãĢはåŧ“įŸĸぎ才čƒŊがあるらしいから、čĻ‹ãˆãĻいるæ•ĩãĢåŊ“ãĻるぎはč‹ĻãĢãĒらãĒい。 でも、闇ãĢæŊœã‚€čĻ‹ãˆã–ã‚‹æ•ĩを撃ãĻã¨č¨€ã‚ã‚Œã‚‹ã¨......困る。 å¤œčĄŒæ€§į”Ÿį‰ŠãŽã‚ˆã†ãĢ闇をčĻ‹é€šã™į›Žã‚‚ãĒく、ã‚ŗã‚ĻãƒĸãƒĒぎようãĢčļ…éŸŗæŗĸでį‰ŠãŽäŊįŊŽã‚’æŽĸãŖたりもå‡ēæĨãĒい。 čĻ–į•ŒãŽį‹­ã•ã¯é•ˇå°„į¨‹ã‚’æŽēす。 įĩåą€čĻ‹ãˆãĒいもぎは撃ãĻãĒい。 だからäŋēは夜をéŋけãĻきた、 あと、æĨずかしãĒがら単į´”ãĢ暗いぎはč‹Ļ手だ。 ãƒĒã‚ĸãƒĢぎ夜もそんãĒãĢåĨŊきじゃãĒい。 暗がりをčĻ‹ãĻいãĻも気分はčŊãĄčžŧんでいくだけだ。 だから、ホナãƒŧã‚˛ãƒŧãƒ ã‚‚ãƒ€ãƒĄãĒんだよãĒぁ......。 äŊœã‚ŠčžŧぞれたダãƒŧクãĒč¨­åŽšã‚’čĒŋずたりするぎはåĨŊきだが、原際ãĢプãƒŦã‚¤ã—ã‚ã¨č¨€ã‚ã‚Œã‚‹ã¨......。 é€˛ã‚ã‚‹ãŸãŗãĢ怖いį›ŽãĢあうとわかãŖãĻるぎãĢ、おうしãĻやる気がå‡ēãĻこようというぎだ......。 とぞあ、äŋēč‡ĒčēĢもäŋēぎæˆĻ闘゚ã‚ŋイãƒĢも夜がč‹Ļ手だ。 ãĒらãĒぜäŋēは夜ぎフã‚ŖãƒŧãƒĢドぎįœŸãŖåĒ中ãĢいるぎか? ......厌全ãĢミ゚だ。 äŋēがクãƒĒã‚ĸしただけで『éģ„道十äēŒčŋˇåŽŽã€ãŽã‚¤ãƒ™ãƒŗトはぞだįļšã„ãĻいる。 最čŋ‘は最įĩ‚æąēæˆĻぎ挑æˆĻč€…ã‚‚åĸ—え、é›Ŗ易åēĻを下げãĻ同時ãĢäŊ•ãƒ‘ãƒŧテã‚ŖもæˆĻえるåŊĸåŧãĢãĒãŖたが、それでもクãƒĒã‚ĸč€…ã¯å°‘ãĒい。 よく勝ãĻたãĒぁ......とäģŠã§ã‚‚思う。 もう一回æˆĻãŖたら晎通ãĢおうãĒるかわからãĒい。 そんãĒã‚ŽãƒĒã‚ŽãƒĒぎ勝刊だãŖたからãĒぁ......。 ã„ã‚„ã€ã“ãŽčŠąã¯įŊŽã„ãĻおこう。 äģŠã¯ãã‚“ãĒ場合じゃãĒい。 äŋēはチãƒŖãƒĒãƒŗã‚‚č¨€ãŖãĻいたようãĢ隠しčŋˇåŽŽã‚’æŽĸしãĻフã‚ŖãƒŧãƒĢドを駆け回ãŖãĻいた。 しかし、そうį°Ąå˜ãĢはčĻ‹ã¤ã‹ã‚‰ãĒい。 もãŖと隠れた場所ãĢあるぎではãĒいかと思い、äģŠæ—Ĩはåļį„ļčĻ‹ã¤ã‘た洞įĒŸãĢæŊœãŖãĻãŋた。 įĩæžœã¯......ハã‚ēãƒŦ。 ã‚„ãŸã‚‰é•ˇã„ãŽãĢäŊ•ã‚‚ãĒい洞įĒŸã ãŖた。 ã‚Ēãƒŗナイãƒŗã‚˛ãƒŧムではいつかイベãƒŗトやクエ゚トでäŊŋうマップを先ãĢäŊœãŖãĻおくことがある。 でも、通常ãƒĸãƒŗã‚šã‚ŋãƒŧは晎通ãĢå‡ēãĻくるぎでįĩæ§‹æ™‚é–“ã‚’éŖŸãŖãĻしぞãŖた......と思いãĒがら外ãĢå‡ēãĻきたら、įŠēが暗くãĒãŖãĻいた。 しかも運がæ‚ĒいことãĢäģŠã„ã‚‹æ´žįĒŸã¯ãžã åœ°å›ŗを手ãĢå…ĨれãĻãĒいįœŸãŖéģ’ãĒエãƒĒã‚ĸだ。 ãŠãĄã‚‰ãĢé€˛ã‚ã°å¤œã§ã‚‚æ¯”čŧƒįš„厉全ãĒ街道ãĢå‡ēられるぎかわからãĒい。 ãƒ•ã‚Ąã‚šãƒˆãƒˆãƒŠãƒ™ãƒĢã¯čĄ—ã‹ã‚‰čĄ—ãŒåŽŸå‰‡ãĒぎで、フã‚ŖãƒŧãƒĢドからワãƒŧプすることはå‡ēæĨãĒい。 さãĻ、おうしたもぎか......。 ログã‚ĸã‚Ļトをį›ŽæŒ‡ã™ãĒã‚‰čĄ—é“ã‚’æŽĸし、そぎ道æ˛ŋいãĢį‚šåœ¨ã—ãĻいる村をæŽĸすぎがベã‚ŋãƒŧだ。 村は最äŊŽé™ãŽæ–Ŋč¨­ã—ã‹ãĒいが、ログã‚ĸã‚Ļト可čƒŊã ã—čĄ—ã¸ãƒ•ã‚Ąã‚šãƒˆãƒˆãƒŠãƒ™ãƒĢもå‡ēæĨる。 逆ãĢčĄ—ã‹ã‚‰æ‘ãĢはéŖ›ãšãĒいぎが少し不äžŋã ã‘ãŠã€ã‚ããžã§æ‘ã¯čĄ—ã‹ã‚‰é›ĸれたフã‚ŖãƒŧãƒĢドでも回垊やã‚ĸイテムぎčŗŧå…Ĩ、ログã‚ĸã‚Ļトを可čƒŊãĢするためぎ救済čĻį´ ã ã€‚ ãĄãĒãŋãĢ街äģĨ外でログã‚ĸã‚Ļトすることも可čƒŊは可čƒŊだ。 ã—ã‹ã—ããŽå ´åˆã€æ„č­˜ãŽæŠœã‘ãŸäŊ“がそぎ場ãĢ掋るぎで、ãģãŧįĸē原ãĢãƒĸãƒŗã‚šã‚ŋãƒŧぎ餌éŖŸãĢãĒる。 チãƒŖãƒĒãƒŗæˆĻã§å‚ˇã¤ã„ãŸčŖ…備をį›´ã—たばかりだし、それは選択č‚ĸãĢå…ĨらãĒい。 記æ†ļをé ŧりãĢčŋ‘くぎ村をį›ŽæŒ‡ãã†ã€‚ グãƒĢãƒĢãƒĢãƒĢãƒĢãƒĢ............! įŖぎ唸りåŖ°ã ã€‚ ã—ã‹ã‚‚č¤‡æ•°ã§ã€čˇé›ĸもčŋ‘いãĒ。 ã‚ŦãƒŧåŠã¯æˇąã„æĩˇãĢäŊã‚“でいたけお暗čĻ–čƒŊ力はãĒい。 いつもぎ様ãĢ威嚇ぎéŗ´ãåŖ°ã‚’あげãĒかãŖたぎもåŊ“į„ļか。 「杞明、杞明......」 åŋĩぎためãĢæžæ˜Žã‚’č˛ˇãŖãĻおいãĻæ­Ŗč§ŖだãŖた。 それもéĢ˜äžĄã§ã€ã¨ãŗãã‚Šæ˜Žã‚‹ã„ã¨čŠ•åˆ¤ãŽæžæ˜Žã‚’ãĒ! 杞明をã‚ĸイテムボック゚から取りå‡ēしãĻ『äŊŋう』を選択する。 すると、į™ŊãĢčŋ‘いį‚ŽãŒãƒœãƒƒã¨į‡ƒãˆä¸ŠãŒãŖた。 čŠĻįˇ´ãŽæ™‚ãĢ貰ãŖた杞明ãĢ比ずるとį†ąã•ã‚’感じる......! でも、あぎ時ぎäŊ•å€ã‚‚明るい! įœŸãŖéģ’ãĒäŊ“毛ãĢゎナゎナ光るčĩ¤ã„į›Ž......äŊ“ã‚‚į­‹č‚‰čŗĒで大きい。 æ˜ŧ間ãĢå‡ēãĻくるã‚Ēã‚Ēã‚Ģミよりåŧˇã„んだぞãŖãĻčĻ‹ãŸį›Žã§ä¸ģåŧĩしãĻいるãĒ。 「いくぞ、ã‚Ŧãƒŧ坊」 「ã‚Ŧãƒŧ! ã‚Ŧãƒŧ!」 ã‚Ŧãƒŧ坊を前ãĢ、äŋēは洞įĒŸã‚’čƒŒãĢしãĻæˆĻう。 洞įĒŸãĢもãƒĸãƒŗã‚šã‚ŋãƒŧはå‡ēるが、ãģãŧ倒したぎでしばらくはå‡ēįžã—ãĒいだろう。 厉全ãĒ場所ãĢčƒŒã‚’å‘ã‘ã‚‹ã“ã¨ã§ã€å‰æ–šã ã‘ã‚’æ°—ãĢã™ã‚Œã°č‰¯ããĒる。 ã‚Ŋからæ”ģ撃されるįŠļæŗã¯ã”æŗ•åēĻだからãĒ。 キãƒĒãƒĒãƒĒãƒĒ......ã‚ˇãƒĨ! ã‚ļクッ! įŸĸをおんおん撃ãŖãĻいく。 杞明は地éĸãĢįĒãåˆēしãĻある。 æ•ĩぎå§ŋさえčĻ‹ãˆã‚Œã°åŊ“ãĻるぎはį°Ąå˜ã ã€‚ ã‚Ēã‚Ēã‚ĢãƒŸãŸãĄãŽå‹•ãã¯į´ æ—Šã„ã¨č¨€ãŖãĻも、チãƒŖãƒĒãƒŗãĢは及ばãĒい。 ただ、こいつらįĄŦいぞ......! ãƒ˜ãƒƒãƒ‰ã‚ˇãƒ§ãƒƒãƒˆã‚’æąēめãĻも一撃では倒れãĒい。 ã‚Ēã‚Ēã‚Ģミ型ãƒĸãƒŗã‚šã‚ŋãƒŧはį´ æ—Šã„äģŖわりãĢč€äš…åŠ›ã¯äšã—ã„ã¯ãšãĒぎãĢ。 これが夜ぎãƒĸãƒŗã‚šã‚ŋãƒŧか......! 「į”ŸåŠå¯ãĒæ°—æŒãĄã§å‡ē歊くもぎではãĒいãĒ」 ã‚Ēã‚Ēã‚ĢãƒŸãŸãĄã‚’å…¨æģ…させãĻ一息つく。 č˛ ã‘ã¯ã—ãĒいが、æˆĻう場所がæ‚ĒかãŖたらもãŖとč‹ĻæˆĻしãĻいたかもしれãĒい。 į›¸æ‰‹ãŒã‚¯ãƒžåž‹ã ãŖたりゴãƒĒナ型だãŖたりしたら......æ€–ã„ã‘ãŠãĄã‚‡ãŖとæˆĻãŖãĻãŋたいと思ãŖãĻしぞãŖたäŋēは、もはやæˆĻ闘į‹‚ãĒぎかも。 でも、äģŠå›žã¯ã¨ã‚Šã‚えず村をį›ŽæŒ‡ãã†ã€‚ į‹Šã‚Šã‚’する時はį‹Šã‚Šã‚’するåŋƒãŽæē–備がいる。 さãŖãã‚‚č¨€ãŖたようãĢį”ŸåŠå¯ãĒæ°—æŒãĄã ã¨į—›ã„į›ŽčĻ‹ãã†ã ã‹ã‚‰ãĒ。 「あ、地éĸãĢãļãŖåˆēした杞明を回収しãĒいと!」 åĻ™ãĢ明るいと思ãŖたら杞明をしぞうぎをåŋ˜ã‚ŒãĻいた。 せãŖかくéĢ˜ã„åĨ´ã‚’財ãŖたんだから1回äŊŋãŖãĻį„Ąãã—ぞしたでは困る。 ......あれ? 杞明をしぞãŖãĻも明るいぞぞだ。 įŠēから光が......。 「............」 åŖ°ã‚‚å‡ēãĒかãŖた。 頭上ãĢéŖ›čĄŒčˆšãŒæĩŽã‹ã‚“でいるぎだ。 ãŧんやりと光るäēē魂をåŧ•ãé€Ŗれ、ツゎハゎぎã‚Ŧã‚ščĸ‹ã§įŠēをéŖ›ãļå§ŋはぞるでåšŊ霊船......。 åšŊ霊éŖ›čĄŒčˆšã ......!
“It’s completely dark now...” The sun in the world of NSO had sunk. Only the light of the moon and stars illuminated the area around... Ever since that morning after the final battle, where I had fallen into a deep sleep after becoming more tired than usual, my daily rhythm shifted slightly. I wouldn’t say that day and night had been reversed. However, I did wake up later than I did while I was still working, and I also went to bed at a later time. It was probably not a good thing, from a health perspective, however, the desire to play the game was stronger than the desire to sleep. Even if I used an alarm clock like I used to, I would always just fall right back to sleep. Similarly, I would have trouble falling asleep if I tried to go to bed early. I meant to fix it if it got any worse, but I suppose this much of a shift was not really a problem. After all, thanks to this shift, I would likely be able to see parts of NSO that I had not seen before. Such as...the night. I had always logged in during the morning and logged out at night, and so I didn’t know what NSO was like at night. There was information out there about how monsters were stronger and appeared in larger numbers at night, but I had never experienced it. After all, the shadows of night were the mortal enemy of archers. Apparently, I had a knack for using bows. And so I didn’t have much trouble with shooting enemies that I could see. However, when it came to shooting enemies that lurked in the dark...that was another matter. I didn’t have eyes that could see through the dark like some nocturnal animal, or supersonic waves that told me the location of something, like a bat. Not being able to see far meant that my Range was useless. You couldn’t shoot what you couldn’t see. And so I had been avoiding the night. Also, while it was a little embarrassing, I just did not like the darkness. I didn’t even like the night in the real world. Seeing the darkness just made me feel depressed. That’s why I didn’t like horror games... I did like looking in the dark setting or backstories, but when it came to actually playing it... Just knowing that I would see something horrifying if I continued was enough to kill my motivation... So, the night just wasn’t a good fit for me or the way I fought. Then why was I currently in the middle of a dark field at night? ...It was all a mistake. While I had finished it, the zodiac event was still continuing. More people were taking on the final boss now. The difficulty had dropped, and multiple parties could now fight simultaneously. However, the number of winners was still low. Even felt surprising that we had made it. Who knows what would happen if we fought again. It had been a really close call... No, nevermind that. It wasn’t the time to think of such things. I had taken Charin’s advice and decided to run through the fields and search for the hidden labyrinths. However, this was no easy task. And so I thought that they must be in a more hidden location, and so I entered a cave that I found by accident. The result was...nothing. It was a long cave, but there was nothing inside. In online games, they sometimes created maps that would be used for events or quests in the future. But as there were normal monsters inside, it ended up taking a long time to get through... It was with such thoughts that I stepped out of the cave, only to see that the sky was dark. Not only that, but unluckily, this was an area where I hadn’t gotten the map yet, so it was all black. And so I didn’t know how to get to the main roads, which were relatively safe, even during the night. And since you could only fast travel from town to town, I could not warp out of the field. So, what should I do... If I wanted to log out, I should search for the road, which would hopefully lead me to a village. While villages only had the bare minimum facilities, it was possible to log out and fast travel to a town. On the other hand, you couldn’t warp to a village from a town, but villages were really just a small relief measure that allowed players far away from a town to heal, buy items and log out. It wasn’t actually impossible to log out when not in a town. However, if you did, your body would remain there without a conscious, so would likely become prey to some monster. But I had only just repaired my equipment after the Charin fight, and so that wasn’t an option for me. And so I would try and find a village while relying on my memory. Grrrr...! I heard the growl of a beast. Multiple beasts. And they weren’t too far away. While Garbow lived in the deep sea, he did not have night vision abilities. So it was no wonder that he didn’t let out his usual hostile cry. “Torch, torch...” It was a good thing that I had bought a torch, just in case. An expensive torch that was known for being extra bright! And so I took it out of the item box and selected ‘Use.’ And then a flame that almost looked white began to burn up. It seemed so much hotter than the torch I used during the trials...! And it was also a lot brighter! The black fur and the glimmering red eyes... The bodies were large and muscular. It was like their eyes were telling me that they were stronger than the wolves that appeared during the day. “Let’s go, Garbow.” “Gar! Gar!” With Garbow in front of me, I fought with my back facing the cave. While monsters had been in the cave as well, I had killed most of them. So they shouldn’t appear for a while. As my back was safe, I just had to focus on what was in front of me. As a solo player, I could not allow myself to be attacked from all sides. Kiriri...shu! Zhunk! The arrows were unleashed one after another. I had stabbed the ground with the torch. If I could see the enemy, the rest was easy. While the enemy was fast, they weren’t nearly as fast as Charin. But, these guys are tough...! They wouldn’t go down in one hit, even if I shot them in the head. Wolves were supposed to be fast, but have weak defense. So this was how different night monsters were...! “You can’t walk out here half-heartedly.” I finally killed all of them and caught my breath. While I wouldn’t lose, had I been fighting in a less ideal place, I would have had a difficult time. And if they were a bear or gorilla type monsters... Well, while the thought was scary, I actually wanted to fight them. Was I becoming obsessed with fighting? In any case, for now, I would just try and reach a village. I needed to be prepared if I was going to go hunting. Like I said before, going out half-heartedly could have disastrous results. “Ah, I can’t forget the torch in the ground!” I had thought that it was strangely bright, and realized that I had forgotten to put away the torch. As it was expensive, it would be a big waste to only use it once and then lose it. ...Huh? It was still bright, even after putting the torch away. There was a light in the sky... “...” I had no words. There was an airship flying overhead. I could see vague, glowing figures in the craft that flew with a patchwork envelope filled with gas, like some kind of ghost ship... A ghost airship...!
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
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zawa...... zawa...... All over the city, the people of the royal capital were gossiping. “It’s terrible....... The royal family, who did nothing when the Wennar Barony was in crisis, and now, the duchess, who did nothing for the Society, is trying to take over the Society, own it, and monopolize its prestige......” “Unacceptable! Preying on the saints and ruling over them is an act against the goddess! No matter how royalty they are, such treacherous and outrageous behavior is unforgivable!” “Even though the Goddess of Mercy has bestowed good fortune upon our country through the efforts of the saints, now the Goddess will abandon us!” Such voices can be heard all over the capital....... “What the hell is going on! Where are these rumors coming from? And how is it possible for them to know those things?” (King) “No, no matter how you look at it, it is obvious to anyone your intentions in bringing the young lady Elisha into the society as its head. Moreover, under your backings, Your Majesty......” (PM) The king was shouting, while the Prime Minister gave him a sound argument. Apparently, this matter was not discussed with the Prime Minister but was secretly worked out between the King and Duke Keriskor. So the Prime Minister, who was brought into the conversation after the issue had arisen, seemed to be in a very bad mood. “No, I mean, it is a free and effective way to restore the popularity of me and my son Ale, who has lost reputations in various ways related to Viscount Yamano, and to make the young lady Elisha, who is popular among the people, the candidate as the crown princess.” (King) Hearing this, the Prime Minister lets out a weary sigh. “...And the result is the current situation...” (PM) Ugh Yes, for some reason ... Rumors spread all over the royal capital in a blink of an eye, and the criticism of the royal family from the people of the royal capital, or rather, from the people of the kingdom, was growing intensely. Moreover, even among the nobles, the king has been criticized as shameless, an outcast who tried to seize control of the children’s social gatherings, for political purposes and use them as a stepping stone, and so on. In particular, the Wennard Barony, which was saved by the Society, their relatives, and factional nobles, and the nobles whose daughters had joined the Society, began bashing the royal family en masse. Originally, Mitsuha’s intention was to have a few daughters of barons and viscounts join the Society, but the majority of the Society’s members were the daughters of powerful counts and marquises. The members were also from different factions. So when those noble families rallied together, there was no easy way to do anything about it, no matter how royalty they may be. “Marquis Mitchell’s faction has good relations with the royalist faction and is not on bad terms with Duke Keriskor. So I thought he would accept a bold request from the duke! Certainly, it would be a shame to be deprived of such delicious foods, but it’s still a request from the royal family and the duke, and since he will certainly get something in return, it’s obvious from a political point of view that there’s not much of a loss. That’s why......” (King) ?” (PM) The Prime Minister sounded appalled. “No, surely, Marquis Mitchell would judge it that way......” (PM) “Then why......” (King) To the king’s questioning tone, the Prime Minister replied ruthlessly. “That’s because the [Society] is an organization that has nothing to do with Marquis Mitchell, right? The presiding officer of that organization is not Marquis Mitchell, but his daughter, the young lady Micheline... And the mastermind is, needless to say, Viscount Yamano. If the young lady Micheline was a puppet of her father, then Viscount Yamano’s products would have been delivered to the royal palace, or they would accept the duke’s daughter, wouldn’t they? The Society is a fellowship genuinely run by children, not puppets of adults......” (PM) “............” “Maybe this is a deliberate manipulation leak. I don’t know if it’s the work of some nobles or the commoner clerk in the royal palace who was fascinated by the girls of the society... And what’s more frightening is the speed with which these rumors spread and their accuracy. Usually, rumors are distorted, altered, and jumbled in the process of spreading. In this case, however, the rumors spread quickly and with total accuracy. This is unlikely unless someone was intentionally controlling it. ......Anyway, they’ve made it very clear that if you are hostile to the [Society], you are also hostile to the people, the nobility, and those who are supposed to be your allies......” (PM) “............” The Prime Minister also said that the operation to help Baron Wennar was to get the people on their side. And it seems that even the Prime Minister could not detect that the leak source was the [Society] itself. Moreover, the young girls can complain and discuss their problems with their fathers, servants, and their noble children’s friends. Additionally, the public relations effect of using Viscount Yamano’s network and the broad face of the Refilia trade...... “...Duke Keriskor has withdrawn his request to have the young lady Elisha join the Society.” (Mitchell) Micchan and I grinned at the words of Marquis Mitchell. Yes, the blatant souls were exposed and criticized, it would be counterproductive for them to keep pushing to join the [Society]. Far from being a great saint, it’s certain that the devil’s minions will be called the saints... Instead of getting closer to the position of the crown princess, I think she has gone farther away from it this time. Had she not attempted to do something unnecessary, she might have become the first prince’s fiancÊe naturally. I just hope this will be the end of those who have turned on our [Society]. Namu namu....... I wondered if the messenger had returned from the empire by now, so I showed up at the royal palace in my country. Of course, to receive compensation. “Here is the pledge and , gold coins. They are imperial gold coins, but they have the same value as our gold coins and can be used in our country as well.” (King) Ah, because the creditworthiness of the country was irrelevant, only the bullion value of the currency. And to eliminate hassle, all gold coins from neighboring countries have the same value as gold, I guess...... Granted, it was physically the same, but the purity may be slightly different. Of course, that would be compensated for by the size, though. Ah! So far, the only gold coins I have redeemed on earth have been those of this kingdom, but since it was a new kind of gold, there’s a chance it could fetch a higher price! It’s also possible that the metal they’re mixing to give them hardness may be different from the one used in the kingdom. In the meantime, the governments of each country will definitely try to obtain them, so if I auction them off... Moreover, maybe a collector or two will do their best to bid on it... And the king complained to me, who was giggling like an idiot. “So when the hell is Sabine coming back......?” (King) Yes, both my Japanese residence and Colette-chan’s hospital room have air-conditioning and heaters, games, Blu-Rays, novels, manga, and real-time TV broadcasts. Moreover, all the snacks and fruits you can eat. ......Colette-chan is a patient, so she gets guidance from doctors, but Sabine-chan doesn’t care about that. But for the bath, they demanded that I teleport them to the Yamano Family Japanese Residence just to take a bath. ......Why am I complying with that? It was a part of the reward for helping me check the recordings, it’s a “Request as part of that reward!” they said... If they use that against me, I can’t say no...... Moreover, that’s ‘part’ of the reward, just a ‘part’! And they don’t seem to be satisfied with just that. Besides, Colette-chan’s reward was entirely untouched and unused. Her reward... In addition, I owe Colette-chan more than I can ever repay her for this incident...... I wonder how much I owe her for saving my life. ...Well, I’m not worried about Colette-chan, because she’s not the kind of girl who demands extravagant things. And when Sabine-chan stays at the hospital to sleep, she sneaks into Colette-chan’s bed and they both sleep together. Two children in an adult bed had plenty of sleeping space. Normally, the hospital would not allow such a thing, but... well, I guess the higher-ups told them, ‘let them be’... Damn it, mix me in there as well!!!! ......But as expected, a hospital bed cannot accommodate two children and one adult...... And so, I can only reply with a dry laugh at the king’s complaint...
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 4, "inserted_lines_src": 9, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
ぞず27嚴前äē¤é€šé•åãƒã‚ąãƒƒãƒˆã‚’切られ į§ã¯ã“ã†č€ƒãˆãžã—ãŸ それäģĨæĨäŊ•åēĻã‹č€ƒãˆãĻいるんですが つぞりエネãƒĢã‚Žãƒŧ劚įŽ‡ã¨ã„うぎは č‡Ē動čģŠã ã‘ãŽå•éĄŒã§ã¯ãĒく é“čˇ¯ãĢもé–ĸäŋ‚しãĻいるぎです é“čˇ¯ į‰šãĢäē¤åˇŽį‚šãŽč¨­č¨ˆãŒé‡čĻã§ã™ 2į¨ŽéĄžãŽäē¤åˇŽį‚šãŒã‚りぞす äŋĄåˇæŠŸäģ˜ããŽã‚‚ぎと ”æ­ĸãžã‚Œâ€ãŽæ¨™č­˜ã§ã™ 50%ãŽčĄįĒäē‹æ•…はäē¤åˇŽį‚šã§čĩˇã“ãŖãĻいぞす これãĢ比ずロãƒŧã‚ŋãƒĒãƒŧはかãĒり厉全です 24įŽ‡æ‰€ãŽäē¤åˇŽį‚šã‚’čĒŋæŸģしたところ äŋĄåˇãŽäē¤åˇŽį‚šã‚’ロãƒŧã‚ŋãƒĒãƒŧãĢ変更すると 衝įĒäē‹æ•…が40%減少することが分かりぞした 衝įĒãĢã‚ˆã‚‹č˛ å‚ˇã‚‚76%減少しぞした 致æ­ģįš„ãĒ衝įĒäē‹æ•…は90%減です しかしこれは厉全éĸãŽčŠąã§ã—ã‹ã‚ã‚Šãžã›ã‚“ 時間とã‚Ŧã‚ŊãƒĒãƒŗはおうでしょう? æĩã‚ŒãŒã‚šãƒ ãƒŧã‚ēだとブãƒŦãƒŧキぎ回数が減りぞす つぞりã‚ĸクã‚ģãƒĢぎ回数、į‡ƒæ–™æļˆč˛ģé‡ã€å¤§æ°—æąšæŸ“ į„Ąé§„ãĒ時間も減少することãĢãĒりぞす ヨãƒŧロッパぎエネãƒĢã‚Žãƒŧ劚įŽ‡ãŒ ã‚ĸãƒĄãƒĒã‚Ģぎもぎよりå„ĒれãĻいる一因です äŋĄåˇãĒしäē¤åˇŽį‚šãŽåœæ­ĸæ¨™č­˜ã¯ 多くぎå‘Ŋを救ãŖãĻいぞすが 停æ­ĸæ¨™č­˜ã¯åĸ—えすぎぞした 小さãĒロãƒŧã‚ŋãƒĒãƒŧもį™ģ場しãĻきãĻいぞす č‡Ē厅čŋ‘くぎもぎです äŋĄåˇæŠŸã‚„ ”æ­ĸãžã‚Œâ€ãŽæ¨™č­˜ 4 æœŦよりもずãŖとよいですね 設įŊŽã¯å€¤ãŒåŧĩりぞすが æ¨™č­˜ãŽãžãžã ã¨ もãŖとお金がかかりぞす čĻ‹ãĻãŋぞしょう ”æ­ĸぞれ”がãĩさわしくãĒい場所もありぞす そこで、䞋えばTå­—čˇ¯ 小さãĒ道から大きãĒæ–šãĢå…Ĩるところぎ ”æ­ĸぞれ”はį†ãĢかãĒãŖãĻいぞすが 掋りぎ2įŽ‡æ‰€ãĢはį–‘問が掋りぞす こんãĒäē¤åˇŽį‚šã‚‚ į§ãŒį ”įŠļã—ãŸãŽã¯ã“ãĄã‚‰ãŽäē¤åˇŽį‚š 3 į•Ēį›ŽãŽé“からぎčģŠã¯å°‘ãĒいぎです そこで“æ­ĸぞれ”ぎč˛ģį”¨ã¯ã„ãã‚‰ã‹ã¨ã„ã†å•éĄŒã§ã™ į§ãŒčĻ‹ãŸã“ぎäē¤åˇŽį‚šã§ã¯æ¯Žæ—Ĩ 各斚向から3000台ぎčģŠãŒé€šéŽã—ぞす ã‚ĸクã‚ģãƒĢã‚’č¸ã‚€ã¨2ã‚Ēãƒŗ゚分ã‚Ŧã‚ŊãƒĒãƒŗがæļˆč˛ģされぞす 毎回 5 ã‚ģãƒŗトãĢ 毎æ—Ĩ 3000 台をかけãĻ 嚴間で51000ドãƒĢãĢãĒりぞす これはã‚Ŧã‚ŊãƒĒãƒŗäģŖだけ äģ–ãĢå¤§æ°—æąšæŸ“ã‚„ čģŠäŊ“償却č˛ģや時間もé–ĸわりぞす 時間はäŊ•ãƒ‰ãƒĢãĢãĒるでしょう? 10į§’ずつ 3000台ãĒら 一æ—Ĩでは8.3時間 å›Ŋ内ぎåšŗ均時įĩĻは20ドãƒĢ すãĒã‚ãĄåš´é–“6万ドãƒĢį›¸åŊ“です ã‚Ŧã‚ŊãƒĒãƒŗäģŖと合わせãĻ 11万2千ドãƒĢ これが一斚向ぎ“æ­ĸぞれ”ぎã‚ŗ゚トです å‰˛åŧ•įŽ‡ 5% でįžåœ¨äžĄå€¤ãĢį›´ã™ã¨ 200 万ドãƒĢäģĨ上です ä¸€æ–šå‘ãŽæ¨™č­˜ãŽã‚ŗ゚トです さãĻčŋ‘所ぎįŠē地ãĢはおれäŊäžĄå€¤ãŒã‚るでしょう įš†ã•ã‚“土地をčŗŧå…ĨしãĻ かん木を切ãŖãĻčĻ‹é€šã—ã‚’č‰¯ãã—ãĻ 再åēĻåŖ˛ã‚Šæ‰•ã†ã“とも可čƒŊãĒんです こぎãģうがお垗です そこで”äŊ•ã§ã“ã‚“ãĒもぎがあるぎ?”と思いぞせんか? つぞり、ãĒんで3つも”æ­ĸãžã‚Œâ€ãŽæ¨™č­˜ãŒã‚ã‚‹ãŽã‹? å‘Ŋを厈ãŖãĻいるからです äģ–ぎ達成æŗ•ã¯ ãĒいでしょうか? č„‡é“ã‹ã‚‰åŽ‰å…¨ãĢ合æĩã§ãã‚Œã°ã„いぎです Tå­—čˇ¯ãŽåˆæĩã§ã¯ åššįˇšãŽčģŠãŒæ¸›é€Ÿã—ãĒいぎで č„‡é“ã‹ã‚‰å‡ēられãĒいčģŠã‚’先頭ãĢ é•ˇã„åˆ—ãŒå‡ēæĨることãĢãĒりぞす 果たしãĻæ—ĸå­˜ãŽæ¨™č­˜ã§å¤§ä¸ˆå¤Ģでしょうか? ”æ­ĸãžã‚Œâ€ã¨â€č­˛ã‚Œâ€ãŽæ¨™č­˜ãĢã¯é•ˇã„æ­´å˛ãŒã‚ã‚‹ã‚“ã§ã™ ”æ­ĸãžã‚Œâ€ãŽæ¨™č­˜ã¯1915åš´ãĢäŊœã‚‰ã‚Œãžã—た â€č­˛ã‚Œâ€ã¯1950åš´ãĢ、これでįĩ‚わりです â€č­˛ã‚Œâ€ã‚’äŊŋえばいいじゃãĒいか â€č­˛ã‚Œâ€ãŽæ¨™č­˜ã¯ã€åŗ側ぎčģŠãĢé“ã‚’č­˛ã‚Œã¨ã„ã†ã‚‚ãŽã§ã™ つぞりもしčģŠãŒ5台ä¸ĻんでいたらあãĒたは6į•Ēį›Ž 5å°å…¨éƒ¨čĄŒããžã§é€˛ã‚ãžã›ã‚“ これãĢは č­˛ã‚Šåˆã„ãŽį˛žįĨžãŒæŦ čŊしãĻいぞす ã“ãŽæ¨™č­˜ã¯åŋ…ãšč„‡é“ãĢ設įŊŽã•ã‚Œ åššįˇšãŽæ–šãĢå„Ē先樊を与えぞす æ—ĸå­˜ãŽæ¨™č­˜ãĢ新たãĒ意å‘ŗを与えるぎはé›Ŗしく 「äģŠãžã§ãŽ"č­˛ã‚Œ"はåŋ˜ã‚Œã‚ˆã†ã€ というわけãĢはいきぞせん これでは駄į›Žã§ã™ そこで我々がäģŠåŋ…čĻãĒぎは 新しいã‚ŋã‚¤ãƒ—ãŽæ¨™č­˜ã§ã™ (拍手) 下側ãĢ指į¤ēã‚’č¨˜čŧ‰ã—ãŸæ¨™č­˜ã‚‚ã¤ã‘ãžã™ åŽ˜å ąã‚’čĻ‹ãĒいäēēもいぞすから čĻã¯â€æ­ĸãžã‚Œâ€ã¨â€č­˛ã‚Œâ€ãŽčžåˆäŊ“です T ぎåŊĸは 「äē¤äē’ãĢ 」 ぎ T čĻ‹æ…ŖれãĒいぎでæŗ¨æ„ã‚’åŧ•ããžã™ 寞å‡ĻぎわからãĒいæœĒįŸĨぎįŠļæŗä¸‹ã§ã¯ ゚ピãƒŧドをčŊとしぞす さぁ įš†ã•ã‚“もうįĢ‹æ´žãĒ”äē¤é€šå­Ļč€…â€ã§ã™ ã“ãŽæ¨™č­˜ã‚’åž…ãŖãĻはだめですよ すぐãĢ変えられるもぎではありぞせんから でもįš†ã•ã‚“å…¨å“ĄãŒåœ°åŸŸãŽä¸€å“Ąã§ã™ã‹ã‚‰ 地域ãĢはたらきかけãĻ 思いやりあるäē¤é€šãŽæĩã‚Œã‚’äŊœã‚Œã‚‹ã§ã—ょう įš†ã•ã‚“ぎ地域でこういう変化をčĩˇã“せば į’°åĸƒå•éĄŒãĢ寞するč˛ĸįŒŽã¯ čģŠã‚’æ›ŋえるよりも 大きãĒもぎãĢãĒりぞす ありがとうございぞした
I've had some time to think it over. And energy efficiency is more than just about the vehicle -- it's also about the road. Road design makes a difference, particularly intersections, of which there are two types: signalized and unsignalized, which means stop signs. Fifty percent of crashes happen at intersections. Roundabouts are much better. A study of 24 intersections has found crashes drop 40 percent from when you convert a traffic light into a roundabout. Injury crashes have dropped 76 percent, fatal crashes down 90 percent. But that's just safety. What about time and gas? So, traffic keeps flowing, so that means less braking, which means less accelerating, less gas and less pollution, less time wasted, and that partly accounts for Europe's better efficiency than we have in the United States. So, unsignalized intersections, meaning stop signs, they save many lives, but there's an excessive proliferation of them. Small roundabouts are starting to appear. This is one in my neighborhood. And they are much better -- better than traffic lights, better than four-way stop signs. They're expensive to install, but they are more expensive not to. So, we should look at that. But they are not applicable in all situations. So, take, for example, the three-way intersection. So, it's logical that you'd have one there, on the minor road entering the major. But the other two are somewhat questionable. So, here's one. There's another one which I studied. Cars rarely appear on that third road. And so, the question is, what does that cost us? That intersection I looked at had about 3,000 cars per day in each direction, and so that's two ounces of gas to accelerate out of. That's five cents each, and times 3,000 cars per day, that's $51,000 per year. That's just the gasoline cost. There is also pollution, wear on the car, and time. What's that time worth? Well, at 10 seconds per 3,000 cars, that's 8.3 hours per day. The average wage in the U.S. is $20 an hour. That is 60,000 per year. Add that together with the gas, and it's $112,000 per year, just for that sign in each direction. Discount that back to the present, at five percent: over two million dollars for a stop sign, in each direction. Now, if you look at what that adjacent property is worth, you could actually buy the property, cut down the shrubbery to improve the sight line, and then sell it off again. And you'd still come out ahead. So, it makes one wonder, "Why is it there?" I mean, why is there that stop sign in each direction? Because it is saving lives. So, is there a better way to accomplish that goal? The answer is to enable cars to come in from that side road safely. Because there are a lot of people who might live up there and if they're waiting forever a long queue could form because the cars aren't slowing down on the main road. Can that be accomplished with existing signs? So, there is a long history of stop signs and yield signs. Stop signs were invented in 1915, yield signs in 1950. But that's all we got. So, why not use a yield sign? Well the meaning of yield is: You must yield the right-of-way. That means that if there are five cars waiting, you have to wait till they all go, then you go. It lacks the notion of alternating, or taking turns, and it's always on the minor road, allowing the major one to have primacy. So, it's hard to create a new meaning for the existing sign. You couldn't suddenly tell everyone, "OK, remember what you used to do at yield signs? Now do something different." That would not work. So, what the world needs now is a new type of sign. So, you'd have a little instruction below it, you know, for those who didn't see the public service announcements. And it merges the stop sign and yield signs. It's kind of shaped like a T, as in taking turns. And uncertainty results in caution. When people come to an unfamiliar situation they don't know how to deal with they slow down. So, now that you are all "Road Scholars" ... don't wait for that sign to be adopted, these things don't change quickly. But you all are members of communities, and you can exercise your community influence to create more sensible traffic flows. And you can have more impact on the environment just getting your neighborhood to change these things than by changing your vehicle. Thank you very much.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
デãƒĨãƒŧク様ぎ构んだ青いįžŗãĢ、おこかį–˛ã‚ŒãŸčĄ¨æƒ…をしãĻいるį§ãŒæ˜ ãŖãĻいた。 じãŖとčĻ‹ã¤ã‚ã‚‰ã‚Œã‚‹ã¨ã€æ€ã‚ãšį›Žã‚’逸らしたくãĒる。そぎįœŸãŖį›´ããĒįžŗãĢ上手くåŋœãˆã‚‰ã‚ŒãĒい。 いきãĒã‚Šä¸Ąį›Žã§ã“ぎįžŽåŊĸをį›´čĻ–するぎはしんおいわ......。 į›Žã‚’į„Ąį†ã‚„ã‚ŠãĢでもæ‚ĒくさせãĻ、ずãŖとčĻ–į•Œã‚’ãŧやけさせãĻおこうかしら。むしろ、そぎ斚がį›ŽãĢč‰¯ã„ã‹ã‚‚ã—ã‚ŒãĒい。 そんãĒéĻŦéšŋãĒã“ã¨ã‚’č€ƒãˆãĻいるはずãĒぎãĢ、åŋƒãĢãŊãŖかりとįŠēã„ãŸč™šã—ã•ã‚’æļˆã—åŽģることはå‡ēæĨãĒかãŖた。 į§ãŽä¸­ã§äŊ•ã‹ãŒæŦ ã‘ãĻしぞãŖたようãĒ感čĻšãŒãšãŖとある。 「äŧ¯įˆļは......」 「......ええ。............ごå†ĨįĻã‚’おįĨˆã‚Šã„たしぞす」 į§ã¯ãƒ‡ãƒĨãƒŧク様から少しé›ĸれãĻ、頭をゆãŖくりと下げた。 ã‚Ļã‚ŖãƒĢおじさんとį§ã¯äŊ•ãŽčĄ€į¸é–ĸäŋ‚ã‚‚ãĒい。åŊŧはį”Ÿãžã‚ŒãĻからæ­ģãŦぞでįŽ‹æ—ã§ã‚り、こぎå›Ŋを担うためãĢį”Ÿãžã‚ŒãĻきた重čĻäēēį‰Šã ã€‚į§ãĒんかとæ ŧが違う。 ã‚Ļã‚ŖãƒĢおじさんとčĻĒ族であるデãƒĨãƒŧク様ãĢį§ã¯é ­ã‚’下げることしかå‡ēæĨãĒかãŖた。 į§ã¯åŊŧãĢæŗŖãã¤ãã“ã¨ã•ãˆč¨ąã•ã‚ŒãĒいįĢ‹å ´ã ã¨æ€ãŖãĻいる。きãŖã¨ã€ãã‚Œã‚’č¨€ã†ã¨ãƒ‡ãƒĨãƒŧク様はåĻ厚するぎだろう。 それでも、į§ã¯č‡Ē分ぎエゴでã‚Ļã‚ŖãƒĢおじさんãĢもį”Ÿãã‚‹å¸Œæœ›ã‚’与えãĻしぞãŖた。そしãĻ、åŊŧはį§ãŽį‚ēãĢäēēį”Ÿã‚’捧げãĻ下さãŖたぎだ。 įŽ‹æ—ãŽæ–šã‚’......、デãƒĨãƒŧク様ぎäŧ¯įˆļ上をį§ãŽå¤ĸぎį‚ēãĢ刊į”¨ã—ãĻしぞãŖたぎはäē‹åŽŸã ã‚‚ぎ。 デãƒĨãƒŧク様がおんãĒčĄ¨æƒ…ã‚’ã—ãĻいるぎか分からãĒい。 ただ怒ãŖãĻいãĒいことは分かる。それでもį”ŗしč¨ŗãĒã•ã§éĄ”ã‚’ä¸Šã’ã‚‹ã“ã¨ãŒã§ããĒい。 「ごめんãĒさい」 į§ã¯ãã†å‘Ÿã„た。åŋƒãŽåē•ã‹ã‚‰åŊŧãĢčŦįŊĒした。 きãŖとデãƒĨãƒŧク様からしたらåŋ…čĻãŽãĒいčŦįŊĒãĒぎだろうけれお......。 一å‘ŧ吸įŊŽã„た垌、デãƒĨãƒŧク様ぎåŖ°ãŒčžã“えた。 「äŊ•æ•…ã‚ĸãƒĒã‚ˇã‚ĸがčŦã‚‹ã‚“だ?」 「......į§ã¯č‡Ē分ぎå¤ĸをåļえたいį‚ēãĢ、ã‚Ļã‚ŖãƒĢおじさんを刊į”¨ã—ぞした。č‡Ē分ぎ嚸せぎį‚ēãĢã‚Ļã‚ŖãƒĢおじさんぎæ­ģが旊ぞãŖたぎかもしれãĒい。......そこãĢ因果é–ĸäŋ‚があるぎかは分からãĒいけれお、それでもč‡Ēåˆ†ãŽæ°—æŒãĄãĢåŒē切りをつけることができãĒくãĻ」 č‡Ēåˆ†ãŽč¨€ãŖãĻいることがį„ĄčŒļč‹ĻčŒļだと分かãŖãĻいる。 äģŠãŽį§ã¯ããŖと頭が働いãĻいãĒい。......そんãĒįŠļ態でデãƒĨãƒŧã‚¯æ§˜ã¨å¯žčŠąã™ã‚‹ãŽã¯ã‚„ã‚ãĻおいたãģうがいいわ。 勝手ãĢįŊĒæ‚Ēæ„Ÿã‚’æŠąã„ãĻã„ã‚‹č€…ãŽčŦįŊĒãĒんãĻéŦąé™ļしいだけかもしれãĒいもぎ。 「äŧ¯įˆļ上ãĢもう一åēĻ嚸せを与えたぎはäģ–でもãĒいã‚ĸãƒĒã‚ˇã‚ĸだ」 į–˛ã‚Œåˆ‡ãŖたį§ãŽč„ŗãĢį”˜ããĻå„Ēã—ã„č¨€č‘‰ãŒéŸŋいた。į§ã¯é ­ã‚’上げãĻ、デãƒĨãƒŧク様をčĻ‹ã¤ã‚ãŸã€‚ åŊŧはおこか切ãĒそうãĒéĄ”ã‚’æĩŽã‹ãšãĻいる。 「君はおこぞでもäŋēをé ŧろうとしãĒいんだãĒ」 こんãĒčĄ¨æƒ…ã‚’ã•ã›ãŸã„ã‚ã‘ã˜ã‚ƒãĒい。ただį§ã¯............。 「それがį§ãĒぎで」 į§ã¯æ–°ã—いäģŽéĸをかãļり、į„ĄčĄ¨æƒ…ã¨å…ąãĢå†ˇãŸã„åŖ°ã‚’į™ēした。
Duke-sama’s clear blue eyes reflected my somewhat tired expression. When he stared at me, I couldn’t help but want to look away. I couldn’t respond well to his straightforward eyes. It was hard for me to suddenly look directly at this beauty with both eyes... I should force my eyes to go bad and keep blurring my vision. In fact, that might be better for my eyes. I should have been thinking of such a foolish thing, but I couldn’t erase the emptiness that had left a gaping hole in my heart. I kept feeling as if something was missing in me. “Uncle...” “...Yes. ...may he rest in peace.” I backed away from Duke-sama a little and slowly bowed my head. Uncle Will and I were not related in any way. He was royalty from birth to death, an important person born to lead this country. He was different from me. I could only bow down to Uncle Will and his kin, Duke-sama. I felt like I was in a position where I was not even allowed to cry for him. I was sure Duke-sama would deny it if I told him. Still, with my ego, I gave Uncle Will the hope of continuing to live. And he gave his life for me. It was true that I exploited Royalty...and Duke-sama’s uncle for my dream. I did not know what expression was on Duke-sama’s face. I just know that he was not angry. Still, I couldn’t look up because of my regret. “I’m sorry.” I muttered. I apologized to him from the bottom of my heart. An apology that was probably unnecessary from Duke-sama’s point of view, but... After a pause, I heard Duke-sama’s voice. “Why is Alicia apologizing?” “...I used Uncle Will to make my dream come true. Maybe Uncle Will’s death was hastened for my own happiness. ...I don’t know if there is a cause and effect relationship there, but I still couldn’t put closure on my feelings.” I knew what I was saying was absurd. I was sure I was not thinking straight at the moment. ...I should not be interacting with Duke-sama in such a state. An apology from someone who felt guilty might be just too depressing. “It was none other than Alicia who made my Uncle happy once again.” The sweet, gentle words echoed in my exhausted brain. I lifted my head and looked at Duke-sama. He looked somewhat longing. “You don’t want to rely on me to any extent, do you?” I didn’t mean to give him this look. I just... “Because that’s who I am.” I put on my new mask, and my voice was cold, along with my expressionless face.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
ãã†č¨€ãˆã°ã€åƒ•ãŒã€ŽãƒĒãƒŧフ』としãĻį”Ÿãžã‚ŒãĻから、おぎくらいįĩŒãŖたぎだろう? äŊ•åēĻかįœ ãŖたが、ぞだ時間ぎ感čĻšã¯ã‚ˆãã‚ã‹ã‚‰ãĒい。äģŠãŽįŠļæŗãĢはæ…ŖれãĻきたようãĢæ€ã†ãŒã€æ˛šæ–­ã™ã‚‹ã¨ã™ããĢįœ æ°—ãĢčĨ˛ã‚ã‚Œã‚‹ãŽã§ã€åŽŸã¯ã‚‚うäŊ•æ—ĨかįĩŒãŖãĻいるぎかもしれãĒい。 だが――。 おうやらæœŦåŊ“ãĢ『čģĸį”Ÿã€ã—ãĻいるようだ。 これだけぎ新åĨ‡ãŽæ„ŸčĻšãĢæēĸれたå¤ĸというもぎを僕はįŸĨらãĒいし、僕がįœ ãŖãĻã„ã‚‹é–“ã‚‚ä¸ĄčĻĒはį”˛æ–į”˛æ–ã—ãåƒ•ãŽä¸–čŠąã‚’ã—ãĻいるようだ。 įˆļčĻĒはãƒĢドナ。į”Ÿãžã‚ŒãŸã¨ããŽäŧščŠąã‚’čžãé™ã‚Šã§ã¯ã€ãŠã†ã‚„ã‚‰čģäēēらしい。 母čĻĒぎナã‚ŋãƒĢã¯ã€ãŠã†ã„ã†čˇæĨ­ãĒぎかはわからãĒい。ãĒãĢかと僕ãĢ構ãŖãĻくれるところをčĻ‹ã‚‹ã¨ã€äģŠã¯åƒ•ãŽä¸–čŠąã‚’ã™ã‚‹ãŽãŒäģ•äē‹ãŽã‚ˆã†ã ã€‚ 「これからずãŖと大äē‹ãĢ育ãĻãĻčĄŒã‹ãĒければãĒらãĒいね」 「娘とはいえぎå‘Ŋを預かãŖãĻいるんですもぎ。č˛Ŧäģģ重大よ」 いつぎ間ãĢか寝å…ĨãŖãĻしぞãŖãĻいたぎか、ぞた時間がéŖ›ã‚“でいる。夜ãĢãĒãŖãĻいたはずぎįĒ“ぎ外が明るくãĒãŖãĻいるぎがわかãŖた。 æŦ äŧ¸ãĢäģģせãĻčēĢäŊ“ã‚’äŧ¸ã°ã—ãĻãŋようとするが、手čļŗãŒãĄãã¯ããĢ動く。反射といわれる反åŋœãĒぎかもしれãĒいが、それãĢしãĻもčēĢäŊ“が思うようãĢ動かせãĒいぎãĢはぞだæ…ŖれãĒい。それでも、éģ’įŸŗį—…ã§å¤ąã‚ã‚ŒãŸã‚°ãƒŠã‚šãŽčēĢäŊ“よりは、これから動くであろう希望が感じられるぎが救いだ。 「ãƒĒãƒŧフ、おはよう。äģŠæœã¯æ—ŠčĩˇããĒぎね」 おこからか母ぎåŖ°ãŒčžã“えãĻæĨた。č€ŗã¯ãžã‚ãžã‚čžã“ãˆã‚‹ãŒį›Žã¯ãžã ã‚ぞりčĻ‹ãˆãĒã„ã€‚č‰¯ã„åŒ‚ã„ãŒã™ã‚‹ã¨ã“ã‚ã‚’čĻ‹ã‚‹ã¨ã€ã‚­ãƒƒãƒãƒŗãĢいるぎだろうと思ãŖた。 それãĢしãĻも、寝るかéŖŸãšã‚‹ã‹ã—かすることがãĒいぎは、さすがãĢ暇だ。せめãĻこぎ世į•ŒãŒãŠã†ã„う場所でおういう時äģŖãĒぎかわかれば劊かるぎだが......。 木でįĩ„ぞれたらしいåŽļぎ夊äē•ã‚’čĻ‹ä¸Šã’る。丈å¤ĢそうãĒå¤Ēい木は、恐らく 寝čŋ”りおころか、č‡Ē力でéĻ–を動かすぎもé›Ŗしい。頭が重すぎるぎか、éĻ–がåŧąã™ãŽã‚‹ãŽã‹ã‚ã‹ã‚‰ãĒいが、čĒ°ã‹ãĢæŠąãä¸Šã’ã‚‰ã‚ŒãĻいãĒければ、外į•ŒãŽåˆēæŋ€ã‚‚かãĒり限られる。 「あãƒŧ、あãƒŧう」 æēœæ¯ã‚’吐いたつもりが、čĩ¤ã‚“åŠãŽã‚ãŽčˆŒãŖčļŗらずãĒéŸŗがåŖからæŧã‚ŒãŸã€‚ ã€ŒãŠã‚„ãŠã‚„ã€‚é€€åąˆã•ã›ãĻしぞãŖたかãĒ、ãƒĒãƒŧフ」 įˆļが気ãĨいãĻčŋ‘ãĨいãĻãã‚‹ã€‚é€žã—ã„č…•ãĢæŠąãä¸Šã’ã‚‰ã‚Œã‚‹ã¨ã€čĻ–į•ŒãŒéĢ˜ããĒã‚Šã€éƒ¨åą‹ãŽæ§˜å­ãŒãŧんやりとčĻ‹ãˆã‚‹ã‚ˆã†ãĢãĒãŖãŸã€‚éƒ¨åą‹ãŒæ˜Žã‚‹ã„ã›ã„ã‹ã€į›ŽãŒå°‘しį™ē達しãĻããŸã›ã„ã‹ã€ã‚ã‚‹ã„ã¯ããŽä¸Ąæ–šã‹ã€‚ 「あãŖう」 せãŖかくãĒぎで、įˆļãĢį§ģ動をäŋƒã—ãĻãŋる。こんãĒčĩ¤ã‚“åŠãŽčŠąã‚’čžã„ãĻくれるとは思わãĒかãŖたが、į‰Šã¯čŠĻしだ。 「おお、あãŖãĄãĢčĄŒããŸã„ãŽã‹ã€ãƒĒãƒŧフ?」 おうしãĻ通じるぎかわからãĒいが、įˆļã¯åƒ•ã‚’æŠąã„ãŸãžãžįĒ“ぎ斚へとį§ģ動しはじめた。æŸĩつきぎベッドからé›ĸã‚ŒãŸãŽã¯ã€æ˛æĩ´ãŽæ™‚äģĨ外では初めãĻだろう。明るい時間ãĢéƒ¨åą‹ã‚’čĻ‹æ¸Ąã›ã‚‹ã¨ã„うこぎįŠļæŗã¯ã€åƒ•ãĢとãŖãĻかãĒり新鎎だãŖた。 įĒ“ぎ外を大きãĒäēē型ぎåŊąãŽã‚ˆã†ãĒもぎが過ãŖãĻいく。大きさからしãĻ、äēē間ではãĒさそうだãŖãŸãŒã€čĄ—ä¸­ãĢ抟å…ĩぎようãĒæˆĻ闘į”¨ãŽãƒ­ãƒœãƒƒãƒˆãŒã„るとは思えãĒかãŖた。 「大変、ゴミぎæ—ĨだãŖたわ。ãƒĢãƒ‰ãƒŠã€ãŠéĄ˜ã„ã€ 「ああ、æ€ĨがãĒいと」 母がäŊ•ã‹ãĢ気ãĨいたようãĢåŖ°ã‚’上げ、反åŋœã—たįˆļが僕をベッドãĢæˆģす。 「äģŠã€åž“抟が通ãŖãĻいãŖたと思ãŖたんだよ」 ......? あぎ抟å…ĩぎようãĒもぎは垓抟だãŖたらしい。グナ゚=デã‚ŖãƒĄãƒĒã‚ĸがį”ŸããŸæ™‚äģŖ――į‰šãĢäēē魔大æˆĻぎ時äģŖでは、抟å…ĩとともãĢ魔族とæˆĻã†åˇ¨å¤§ãĒäēē型ぎå…ĩ抟だãŖãŸãŒã€ä¸ĄčĻĒぎäŧščŠąã‹ã‚‰æŽ¨æ¸ŦするãĢ、こぎ時äģŖぎ垓抟はおうやらゴミを回収するåŊšå‰˛ã‚’担うもぎぎようだ。
I wonder, how long has it been since I was reborn as “Leafa”? I’ve taken several naps, but I still don’t have a good sense of time. I’m getting used to the current situation, but if I let my guard down, sleepiness quickly overwhelms me, so it may have been several days already. But... It seems like I have truly “reincarnated.” I’ve never experienced such a novel sensation in my dreams, and it seems that my parents have been taking care of me while I sleep. My father is Rudra. Based on the conversation I heard when I was born, he appears to be a military man. As for my mother, Natal, I’m not sure what her profession is. Judging by the way she cares for me, it seems like her job is taking care of me now. “We have to raise her with care from now on.” “Even though she’s our daughter, we’re entrusted with a single life. It’s a significant responsibility.” I must have dozed off without realizing it, and time seems to have passed again. The window that should have been dark at night was now bright. I tried to stretch my body and let out a yawn, but my limbs moved awkwardly. It might be a reflexive reaction, but I was still not used to not being able to move my body as I wanted. Nonetheless, I was relieved that there was a hope that I’d be able to move better in the future compared to the body of Glass which I lost to the Black Stone Disease. “Leafa, good morning. You’re an early riser this morning, aren’t you?” I heard my mother’s voice coming from somewhere. My ears were working fine, but my vision was still limited. Judging by the pleasant scent, I figured she must be in the kitchen. Nevertheless, it’s quite boring when all you do is sleep or eat. It would be helpful if I could at least understand what kind of place this world was and what era it belonged to... I gazed up at the ceiling of what seemed to be a wooden house. The sturdy, thick wood logs were probably the beams. I wondered if this house was a one-story or two-story structure. It was my own home but I didn’t even know that. I couldn’t even turn over, let alone move my head on my own. I wasn’t sure if my head was too heavy or my neck too weak, but without someone lifting me, my exposure to the outside world was quite limited. “Ah, aau...” I intended to sigh, but it came out as that babyish sound from my mouth. “Oh, did I bore you, Leafa?” My father noticed and approached. When he picked me up with his strong arms, my view rose, and I could vaguely see the room. Maybe it was because the room was well-lit, or perhaps my eyes were developing a bit, or maybe both. “Ah-uu...” Since he took me up, I decided to encourage my father to move me. I didn’t expect him to engage in baby talk, but it was worth a try. “Oh, do you want me to take you there, Leafa?” I’m not sure how he understood, but my father began to move me toward the window while still holding me. This was the first time I had moved away from the crib, except during bathing. Being able to look around the room during the daytime was quite refreshing for me. Something that looked like a large, humanoid shadow passed by outside the window. Judging by its size, it didn’t appear to be human, and I couldn’t imagine combat robots like mecha soldiers strolling the city. “Oh silly me, it’s garbage day today. Rudra, can you handle it?” “Ah, gotta hurry!” My mother said something upon realization and my father reacted to it, and returned me back to the bed. “I think I saw a subordinate unit passing by just now.” Subordinate uni...? It seemed that the mecha soldier-looking thing outside was called a subordinate unit. In the era I lived as Glass Dimelia, especially during the Human-Demon War, they were massive humanoid automatons that fought against demons alongside the mecha units. However, judging from my parents’ conversation, in this era, the subordinate units seemed to have taken the role of collecting garbage.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
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“I’m going to go and put this little one to bed.” “Indeed. I’m going to drop my things off in my room first. And then, can I have some tea in the drawing room? The tea you serve here is very delicious and helps me relax.” “Very well. It will be prepared.” So Ms. Claire was going to let the fenrir sleep in her room. At first, she had seemed a little anxious about being with the fenrir when Leo and I were not there, but that was no longer the case, it seemed. The fenrir had never shown any signs of hostility, and it just ran around playfully. And so Ms. Claire probably realized that there was nothing to worry about now. Tilura followed after Ms. Claire in order to look at the fenrir. “Leo, let’s go.” “Wuff...” I called Leo, who was looking sadly at Tilura leaving with the fenrir. And then I headed to my room. I needed to hurry up and drop off my things and go to the drawing room. Sebastian was bound to have the tea ready in no time. Ms. Lyra had been like that as well. The servants seemed capable of moving through the mansion with such a speed that I wondered if they were capable of teleporting. The tea might be ready in the drawing room by the time I reach my door. And so I took Leo, who kept glancing back in the direction that Tilura went, and headed for my room. Don’t be so sulky, Leo. You’ll get plenty of attention later. I put down my things in the room and then changed my clothes. They were the clothes that I had left here, but the ones that I was wearing were much too dirty. Though, Ms. Lyra and Johanna had washed our clothes in the river while we were out exploring. However, there was no detergent in the forest, and so the clothes wouldn’t be completely cleaned. And they had gotten dirty on the journey back as well. After I was changed, I took Leo and walked to the drawing room. While walking down the hall, I looked at Leo and noticed that her silver fur looked dull. I suppose that I’d have to bathe her again. Though, I wouldn’t bring it up now. Leo was already feeling both sad and sulky over Tilura’s attention being directed elsewhere, and she would not take the news of a bath very well. When we entered the drawing room, Ms. Gelda was waiting there with a pot and tea cup placed on the table. “Welcome back, Mr. Takumi. Your tea is ready.” “Thank you. It’s good to be back.” I thanked her and sat down at the table. Leo also approached Ms. Gelda, and greeted her. Once I had sat down, Ms. Gelda poured me a cup of tea. “Welcome back, good Leo. Would you like to have some milk?” “Wuff!” Leo nodded at Ms. Gelda’s words. Ms. Gelda seemed to be used to Leo now. She used to talk to Leo so fearfully, but now she was acting quite normal. Perhaps it was because she and Ms. Lyra had ridden on Leo’s back in the garden? Well, now that I looked carefully, she still seemed a little tense. But then again, I had a feeling she was always like that, even when not around Leo. “Ah, this tea really is delicious.” “Thank you.” I took a sip while Ms. Gelda prepared the milk for Leo. I didn’t feel like I had truly returned to this mansion until I had a cup of tea. There was something very comforting about the taste. The milk must have been prepared in advance, as Ms. Gelda brought out a bowl that was the size of a large bucket, and placed it in front of Leo. Leo looked at Ms. Gelda and barked once with gratitude, and then she dunk her face inside and drank greedily. She had not been able to drink any milk while we were in the forest. But Leo, be careful to not stick to anyone while you have all that milk on your face, all right? After giving Leo her milk, Ms. Gelda stood by the door and waited. And so Leo and I drank our tea and milk and relaxed. Eventually, there was a knock on the door, and Ms. Claire and Tilura entered, with the fenrir by their feet. “Mr. Takumi, thank you for accompanying me to the forest. I am grateful for your cooperation.” “Not at all, Ms. Claire. I hope you are not too tired.” Ms. Claire thanked me as soon as she came in. She then sat at the table and Ms. Gelda poured her some tea. Tilura and the fenrir went straight towards Leo. It seemed a little too soon, but perhaps it was because they were both children. After all, children seemed to be capable of becoming friends in an instant. “So it woke up.” “Yes. It woke up just as we reached my room. Hehe!” Ms. Claire chuckled as if she had just remembered something. What was it? “Did something happen?” “Not really. But it was when the fenrir woke up. It fell asleep inside of the carriage, yes? And so it was surprised to suddenly wake up in this mansion. It was quite adorable as it ran about, trying to figure out where it was.” I see. From the fenrir’s point of view, it had suddenly appeared in an unknown place, so it was no wonder that it felt alarmed. But I’m sure it would get used to being here. Ms. Claire recalled the moment with a smile as she watched Leo and Tilura play. Yes, I could imagine how cute it would have looked. Because the fenrir just looked like a dog... However, it would one day grow large and become a terrifying wolf. “Now that I think about it, Mr. Takumi. Weed Cultivation, which you demonstrated in the forest...” “Well, you were testing all sorts of things in the garden. Perhaps it’s time that you told me more about that.” “Ah, yes. I haven’t explained it to you yet.” So much had happened that I had forgotten. But we had plenty of time now, with nothing important to do. So it was a good opportunity. And so I started to think of how best to explain it to her. But then my mind suddenly went blank. No, it wasn’t just my mind. But my vision. Huh? What is this? “Mr. Takumi? Are you all right?” Everything was white. I couldn’t see anything. But I could hear Ms. Claire’s concerned voice. “Wuff? Wuff-wuff!” “What is it, Mr. Takumi?” “Kyau?” I could only hear voices and sounds around me. However, the worry in Leo’s voice sounded like this was a state of emergency. And I could hear Tilura and the fenrir as well. But my vision remained white and I could see nothing. Not only that, but a blackness started to creep in from the edges, and the sounds grew more distant. What is this? What was happening to me? No, I had experienced this before...yes... Once, I had fainted after being forced to work for days and days without rest... Without being able to finish the thought, everything turned black and I lost consciousness...
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 7, "inserted_lines_trg": 6 }
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We've got some of the most incredible video of Titanic that's ever been seen, and we're not going to show you any of it. The truth of the matter is that the Titanic -- even though it's breaking all sorts of box office records -- it's not the most exciting story from the sea. And the problem, I think, is that we take the ocean for granted. When you think about it, the oceans are 75 percent of the planet. Most of the planet is ocean water. The average depth is about two miles. Part of the problem, I think, is we stand at the beach, or we see images like this of the ocean, and you look out at this great big blue expanse, and it's shimmering and it's moving and there's waves and there's surf and there's tides, but you have no idea for what lies in there. And in the oceans, there are the longest mountain ranges on the planet. Most of the animals are in the oceans. Most of the earthquakes and volcanoes are in the sea, at the bottom of the sea. The biodiversity and the biodensity in the ocean is higher, in places, than it is in the rainforests. It's mostly unexplored, and yet there are beautiful sights like this that captivate us and make us become familiar with it. But when you're standing at the beach, I want you to think that you're standing at the edge of a very unfamiliar world. We have to have a very special technology to get into that unfamiliar world. We use the submarine Alvin and we use cameras, and the cameras are something that Bill Lange has developed with the help of Sony. Marcel Proust said, "The true voyage of discovery is not so much in seeking new landscapes as in having new eyes." People that have partnered with us have given us new eyes, not only on what exists -- the new landscapes at the bottom of the sea -- but also how we think about life on the planet itself. Here's a jelly. It's one of my favorites, because it's got all sorts of working parts. This turns out to be the longest creature in the oceans. It gets up to about 150 feet long. But see all those different working things? I love that kind of stuff. It's got these fishing lures on the bottom. They're going up and down. It's got tentacles dangling, swirling around like that. It's a colonial animal. These are all individual animals banding together to make this one creature. And it's got these jet thrusters up in front that it'll use in a moment, and a little light. If you take all the big fish and schooling fish and all that, put them on one side of the scale, put all the jelly-type of animals on the other side, those guys win hands down. Most of the biomass in the ocean is made out of creatures like this. Here's the X-wing death jelly. The bioluminescence -- they use the lights for attracting mates and attracting prey and communicating. We couldn't begin to show you our archival stuff from the jellies. They come in all different sizes and shapes. Bill Lange: We tend to forget about the fact that the ocean is miles deep on average, and that we're real familiar with the animals that are in the first 200 or 300 feet, but we're not familiar with what exists from there all the way down to the bottom. And these are the types of animals that live in that three-dimensional space, that micro-gravity environment that we really haven't explored. You hear about giant squid and things like that, but some of these animals get up to be approximately 140, 160 feet long. They're very little understood. DG: This is one of them, another one of our favorites, because it's a little octopod. You can actually see through his head. And here he is, flapping with his ears and very gracefully going up. We see those at all depths and even at the greatest depths. They go from a couple of inches to a couple of feet. They come right up to the submarine -- they'll put their eyes right up to the window and peek inside the sub. This is really a world within a world, and we're going to show you two. In this case, we're passing down through the mid-ocean and we see creatures like this. This is kind of like an undersea rooster. This guy, that looks incredibly formal, in a way. And then one of my favorites. What a face! This is basically scientific data that you're looking at. It's footage that we've collected for scientific purposes. And that's one of the things that Bill's been doing, is providing scientists with this first view of animals like this, in the world where they belong. They don't catch them in a net. They're actually looking at them down in that world. We're going to take a joystick, sit in front of our computer, on the Earth, and press the joystick forward, and fly around the planet. We're going to look at the mid-ocean ridge, a 40,000-mile long mountain range. The average depth at the top of it is about a mile and a half. And we're over the Atlantic -- that's the ridge right there -- but we're going to go across the Caribbean, Central America, and end up against the Pacific, nine degrees north. We make maps of these mountain ranges with sound, with sonar, and this is one of those mountain ranges. We're coming around a cliff here on the right. The height of these mountains on either side of this valley is greater than the Alps in most cases. And there's tens of thousands of those mountains out there that haven't been mapped yet. This is a volcanic ridge. We're getting down further and further in scale. And eventually, we can come up with something like this. This is an icon of our robot, Jason, it's called. And you can sit in a room like this, with a joystick and a headset, and drive a robot like that around the bottom of the ocean in real time. One of the things we're trying to do at Woods Hole with our partners is to bring this virtual world -- this world, this unexplored region -- back to the laboratory. Because we see it in bits and pieces right now. We see it either as sound, or we see it as video, or we see it as photographs, or we see it as chemical sensors, but we never have yet put it all together into one interesting picture. Here's where Bill's cameras really do shine. This is what's called a hydrothermal vent. And what you're seeing here is a cloud of densely packed, hydrogen-sulfide-rich water coming out of a volcanic axis on the sea floor. Gets up to 600, 700 degrees F, somewhere in that range. So that's all water under the sea -- a mile and a half, two miles, three miles down. And we knew it was volcanic back in the '60s, '70s. And then we had some hint that these things existed water's going to get down from the sea into cracks in the sea floor, come in contact with magma, and come shooting out hot. We weren't really aware that it would be so rich with sulfides, hydrogen sulfides. We didn't have any idea about these things, which we call chimneys. This is one of these hydrothermal vents. Six hundred degree F water coming out of the Earth. On either side of us are mountain ranges that are higher than the Alps, so the setting here is very dramatic. BL: The white material is a type of bacteria that thrives at 180 degrees C. DG: I think that's one of the greatest stories right now that we're seeing from the bottom of the sea, is that the first thing we see coming out of the sea floor after a volcanic eruption is bacteria. And we started to wonder for a long time, how did it all get down there? What we find out now is that it's probably coming from inside the Earth. Not only is it coming out of the Earth -- so, biogenesis made from volcanic activity -- but that bacteria supports these colonies of life. The pressure here is 4,000 pounds per square inch. A mile and a half from the surface to two miles to three miles -- no sun has ever gotten down here. All the energy to support these life forms is coming from inside the Earth -- so, chemosynthesis. And you can see how dense the population is. These are called tube worms. BL: These worms have no digestive system. They have no mouth. But they have two types of gill structures. One for extracting oxygen out of the deep-sea water, another one which houses this chemosynthetic bacteria, which takes the hydrothermal fluid -- that hot water that you saw coming out of the bottom -- and converts that into simple sugars that the tube worm can digest. DG: You can see, here's a crab that lives down there. He's managed to grab a tip of these worms. Now, they normally retract as soon as a crab touches them. Oh! Good going. So, as soon as a crab touches them, they retract down into their shells, just like your fingernails. There's a whole story being played out here that we're just now beginning to have some idea of because of this new camera technology. BL: These worms live in a real temperature extreme. Their foot is at about 200 degrees C and their head is out at three degrees C, so it's like having your hand in boiling water and your foot in freezing water. That's how they like to live. DG: This is a female of this kind of worm. And here's a male. You watch. It doesn't take long before two guys here -- this one and one that will show up over here -- start to fight. Everything you see is played out in the pitch black of the deep sea. There are never any lights there, except the lights that we bring. Here they go. On one of the last dive series, we counted 200 species in these areas -- 198 were new, new species. BL: One of the big problems is that for the biologists working at these sites, it's rather difficult to collect these animals. And they disintegrate on the way up, so the imagery is critical for the science. DG: Two octopods at about two miles depth. This pressure thing really amazes me -- that these animals can exist there at a depth with pressure enough to crush the Titanic like an empty Pepsi can. What we saw up till now was from the Pacific. This is from the Atlantic. Even greater depth. You can see this shrimp is harassing this poor little guy here, and he'll bat it away with his claw. Whack! And the same thing's going on over here. What they're getting at is that -- on the back of this crab -- the foodstuff here is this very strange bacteria that lives on the backs of all these animals. And what these shrimp are trying to do is actually harvest the bacteria from the backs of these animals. And the crabs don't like it at all. These long filaments that you see on the back of the crab are actually created by the product of that bacteria. So, the bacteria grows hair on the crab. On the back, you see this again. The red dot is the laser light of the submarine Alvin to give us an idea about how far away we are from the vents. Those are all shrimp. You see the hot water over here, here and here, coming out. They're clinging to a rock face and actually scraping bacteria off that rock face. Here's a tiny, little vent that's come out of the side of that pillar. Those pillars get up to several stories. So here, you've got this valley with this incredible alien landscape of pillars and hot springs and volcanic eruptions and earthquakes, inhabited by these very strange animals that live only on chemical energy coming out of the ground. They don't need the sun at all. BL: You see this white V-shaped mark on the back of the shrimp? It's actually a light-sensing organ. It's how they find the hydrothermal vents. The vents are emitting a black body radiation -- an IR signature -- and so they're able to find these vents at considerable distances. DG: All this stuff is happening along that 40,000-mile long mountain range that we're calling the ribbon of life, because just even today, as we speak, there's life being generated there from volcanic activity. This is the first time we've ever tried this any place. We're going to try to show you high definition from the Pacific. We're moving up one of these pillars. This one's several stories tall. In it, you'll see that it's a habitat for a lot of different animals. There's a funny kind of hot plate here, with vent water coming out of it. So all of these are individual homes for worms. Now here's a closer view of that community. Here's crabs here, worms here. There are smaller animals crawling around. Here's pagoda structures. I think this is the neatest-looking thing. I just can't get over this -- that you've got these little chimneys sitting here smoking away. This stuff is toxic as hell, by the way. You could never get a permit to dump this in the ocean, and it's coming out all from it. It's unbelievable. It's basically sulfuric acid, and it's being just dumped out, at incredible rates. And animals are thriving -- and we probably came from here. That's probably where we evolved from. BL: This bacteria that we've been talking about turns out to be the most simplest form of life found. There are a number of groups that are proposing that life evolved at these vent sites. Although the vent sites are short-lived -- an individual site may last only 10 years or so -- as an ecosystem they've been stable for millions -- well, billions -- of years. DG: It works too well. You see there're some fish inside here as well. There's a fish sitting here. Here's a crab with his claw right at the end of that tube worm, waiting for that worm to stick his head out. BL: The biologists right now cannot explain why these animals are so active. The worms are growing inches per week! DG: I already said that this site, from a human perspective, is toxic as hell. Not only that, but on top -- the lifeblood -- that plumbing system turns off every year or so. Their plumbing system turns off, so the sites have to move. And then there's earthquakes, and then volcanic eruptions, on the order of one every five years, that completely wipes the area out. Despite that, these animals grow back in about a year's time. You're talking about biodensities and biodiversity, again, higher than the rainforest that just springs back to life. Is it sensitive? Yes. Is it fragile? No, it's not really very fragile. I'll end up with saying one thing. in the sediments and the rocks of the sea floor. It's an incredible story. What we see when we look back in time, in those sediments and rocks, is a record of Earth history. Everything on this planet -- everything -- works by cycles and rhythms. The continents move apart. They come back together. Oceans come and go. Mountains come and go. Glaciers come and go. El Nino comes and goes. It's not a disaster, it's rhythmic. What we're learning now, it's almost like a symphony. It's just like music -- it really is just like music. And what we're learning now is that you can't listen to a five-billion-year long symphony, get to today and say, "Stop! We want tomorrow's note to be the same as it was today." It's absurd. It's just absurd. So, what we've got to learn now is to find out where this planet's going at all these different scales and work with it. Learn to manage it. The concept of preservation is futile. Conservation's tougher, but we can probably get there. Thank you very much. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
え、äģŠäŊ•ã¨ãŠãŖしゃいぞしたか? 世į•ŒãŽä¸­ã§ãŽã“ぎå›ŊぎäŊįŊŽ? äŊ•æ•…それをį§ãĢčžããŽã‹ã—ã‚‰ã€‚į§ãŒãã‚“ãĒäē‹ã‚’į­”えられるわけがãĒいでしょう。 ぎ少åĨŗですよ? ......中čēĢはįŊŽã„ãĻおいãĻ。 もしかしãĻこれはį§ãŒæ‚ĒåĨŗかおうかをčŠĻすįĨžæ§˜ã‹ã‚‰ãŽčĒ˛éĄŒã‹ã—ら。 きãŖとそうよね、そうじゃãĒきゃこんãĒå›ŊįŽ‹æ§˜ãŒįžã‚ŒãĻこんãĒčŗĒ問投げかけãĻくるわけãĒいじゃãĒい。 į§ã¯æœēãĢįŊŽã‹ã‚ŒãĻいる地å›ŗした。 こぎå›Ŋ、デãƒĨãƒĢã‚­ã‚šå›Ŋぎ世į•ŒãŽįĢ‹å ´......。そうね、大å›Ŋã ã‘ãŠč‰¯ã„å›ŊではãĒいわ。 最čŋ‘、æœŦでčĒ­ã‚“だぎよね。やãŖãąã‚ŠčĒ­æ›¸ãŖãĻ大切ね。 ã“ã‚Œã‚’č¨€ãˆã°ã„ã„ãŽã‹ã—ã‚‰ã€‚æ‚ĒåĨŗãŖãŊいわよね? だãŖãĻå›ŊįŽ‹æ§˜ãŽå‰ã§ã“ぎå›Ŋã¯č‰¯ã„å›ŊじゃãĒいãŖãĻč¨€ã†ãŽã‚ˆã€‚įĩĩãĢ描いたようãĒæ‚ĒåĨŗよ。 ã“ã‚Œã‚’č¨€ãŖãĻå›Ŋ外čŋŊ攞ãĢãĒãŖãĻしぞãŖたらおうしぞしょ。ぞぁ、そぎ時はそぎ時よね。 だãŖãĻ、į§ã¯æ‚ĒåĨŗãĢãĒるためãĢこぎ世į•ŒãĢčģĸį”Ÿã—たんだもぎ。 「恐れãĒがら、こぎå›Ŋは大å›ŊではありぞすがæąēしãĻč‰¯ã„å›Ŋã¨ã¯č¨€ãˆãžã›ã‚“ã€ å›ŊįŽ‹æ§˜ãŽéĄ”が曇る。そりゃそうよね、č‡Ē分ぎå›Ŋをå…Ģæ­ŗぎ子䞛ãĢč˛ļされãĻいるんだもぎ。 ......デãƒĨãƒŧクはおうしãĻそんãĒãĢæĨŊしそうãĒéĄ”ã‚’ã—ãĻã„ã‚‹ãŽã‹ã—ã‚‰ã€‚č˛´æ–šã€å›ŊįŽ‹æ§˜ãŽæ¯å­ã‚ˆã­? į§ãŒč¨€ã†ãŽã‚‚ãĒんだけお怒るずきãĒぎでは? 「おういうį‚šãŒč‰¯ããĒいぎだ?」 そぎčŗĒ問、įĩļ寞ãĢæĨると思いぞした。 č‡Ē分より嚴上ぎį§€æ‰é”ãĢå›˛ãžã‚Œã€å›ŊįŽ‹æ§˜ãĢčŗĒ問æ”ģめãĢされるãĒんãĻ一äŊ“おんãĒæ‹ˇå•ã‹ã—ã‚‰ã€‚ã‘ãŠã“ãŽå¨åœ§ãĢč€ãˆãĻこそæ‚ĒåĨŗよ。 į§ã¯čĒ­ã‚“だįŸĨč­˜ã¨č‡Ēåˆ†ãŽč€ƒãˆã‚’įŒ›ã‚šãƒ”ãƒŧドで頭ぎ中でįĩãŗつけた。 「一čĻ‹įĩŒæ¸ˆãŒæŊ¤ãŖãĻčĻ‹ãˆãžã™ãŒã€ãã‚Œã¯čĻ‹ã‹ã‘ã ã‘ã§æˇąãæŽ˜ã‚Šä¸‹ã’ãĻãŋã‚‹ã¨ã€č˛§å¯ŒãŽåˇŽãŒéžå¸¸ãĢ大きいと思われぞす。こぎå›ŊãŽč˛§å›°æ‘ã¨č¨€ã‚ã‚Œã‚‹å ´æ‰€ã¯čĻ‹ã‚‹ãĢå ĒえãĒいįŠļæŗã§ã™ã€‚åŊŧらが暴動をčĩˇã“す可čƒŊæ€§ã‚’č€ƒãˆã‚‹ã¨ã‚‚ãŖã¨č˛Ąæ”ŋæ”ŋį­–ãĢ重きをおかãĒければãĒりぞせん」 å›ŊįŽ‹æ§˜ãŒį›Žã‚’čĻ‹é–‹ãã€‚ãģう、と呟きãĒがらéĢ­ã‚’č§ĻãŖた。 「じゃあ、そぎč§Ŗæąēį­–としãĻäŊ•ãŒã‚ると思う」 ãžã čžããžã™ã‹!? å…Ģæ­ŗぎåĨŗぎ子ãĢäŊ•ã‚’į­”えさせようとしãĻいるんですか。 こんãĒé›ŖしいčŗĒ問晎通ぎåĨŗぎ子がį­”えられるわけãĒいじゃãĒい。 ......もしかしãĻ、こぎčŗĒ問でį§ãŽæ‚ĒåĨŗぎį´ čŗĒをčĻ‹æŠœã“うとしãĻいるぎかしら。 そうよ、æœŦåŊ“ぎæ‚ĒåĨŗãĒらこぎč§Ŗæąēį­–ãĢ非情ãĒ回į­”を持ãŖãĻくるわ。 ã€ŒãƒŠãƒ´ã‚ĄãƒŧãƒĢå›Ŋぎ支配下ãĢあるã‚ĢãƒĢベナå›Ŋぎį‹ŦįĢ‹ã‚’支援するぎはいかがでしょう?」 įš†ãŽčĄ¨æƒ…がå›ēãžã‚‹ã€‚ããŽčĄ¨æƒ…ã¯ã‚‚ã†äŊ•åēĻも拝čĻ‹ã—ãĻいるわ。 「ã‚ĢãƒĢベナå›Ŋぎį‹ŦįĢ‹ã‚’支援しãĻも、こぎå›Ŋぎ傘下ãĢはįŊŽã‘ãĒいぞ」 有é›Ŗã†ã‚˛ã‚¤ãƒĢæ§˜ã€‚ããŽå°čŠžåž…ãŖãĻいぞしたわ。 「そうです。傘下ãĢはįŊŽã‘ぞせん」 さぁ、ここからがæ‚ĒåĨŗぎæœŦ領į™ē揎よ。 į§ã¯ã‚‚う一åēĻå§ŋå‹ĸをæ­Ŗしå›ŊįŽ‹æ§˜ãŽį›Žã‚’ぞãŖすぐčĻ‹ãŸã€‚ 「恊をåŖ˛ã‚‹ãŽã§ã™ã€
Um, what did he just say? He asked about what? The position that our country occupies in the world? Why is he asking me that? There’s no way that I would be able to answer that sort of question, right? I’m just an -year-old girl, you know? ....At least on the outside.... Maybe this is a challenge sent down from God to test whether I’m really fit to call myself a villainess? That must be it. Otherwise there’s no way that a king would be sitting in front of me and asking that sort of question. I glance over at the map that lays open on the desk. This country, the Duelkis Kingdom’s position in the world.... That’s right, we’re a big country, but that doesn’t necessarily make us a good country. That’s what I’ve come to understand from the books that I’ve been reading recently. It seems all that reading that I’ve been doing was worthwhile after all. Will it be enough if I just say something like that? It certainly sounds like something a villainess would say. Because that would mean I’d be telling a king to his face that his country isn’t that good! That’s the very picture of a villainess! I wonder what I should do if he banishes me from the kingdom for saying that.... Well, if that happens, I’m sure I’ll figure something out. I mean, I was reborn into this world in order to be a villainess after all, I couldn’t possibly back down here. “This country may be large, but with all due respect, I can’t call it a good country,” I say, keeping steady eye contact with the king and standing as straight and tall as I can. At my words, His Majesty’s face darkens. Which is to be expected, considering he just had his own country badmouthed by an -year-old child. ......But Duke on the other hand.... why does he look like he’s enjoying this? Aren’t you the king’s son?? I probably have no right to judge, since I was the one who said that and all, but shouldn’t you be feeling angered by my words? “What’s not good about it?” I figured that question would be coming. But wow. I’m surrounded by a bunch of geniuses all older than me and being interrogated by the king.... what sort of torture is this? But enduring ordeals like this is also an important aspect of being a villainess. So without stopping to feel sorry for myself, I start formulating my answer. At an insane speed, I try to gather all my knowledge on the current state of affairs and combine them with my own thoughts on the country to come up with a reply. “At a glance, our country seems to have a booming economy, but upon closer inspection it becomes clear that there is a large economic inequality between the upper class and the common people. It’s to the point where the impoverished areas and villages are so miserable that no one can bear to look at them. And the people living under those conditions run the risk of revolting, which means we must revise the fiscal policy that is currently in place.” The king’s eyes go wide. Hmm, he murmurs while stroking his mustache. “Then what do you propose to fix this problem?” You’re going to continue questioning me about this!? What the heck are you trying to make an -year-old girl answer? There’s no way that a normal little girl would be able to answer something like this! .....Could they possibly be testing me right now? Trying to see what villainous qualities I possess? Well I suppose that a true villainess should have a heartless solution on hand for this sort of problem, so how about this... “What about if we were to support Calverra’s desire to secede from the Ravaal Kingdom?” Jeez. I’ve already seen that expression too many times to count. I’m getting tired of it, so can you guys try something new the next time that you’re surprised? “Even if we support Calverra’s request for independence that doesn’t mean that we can put them under our own jurisdiction,” Gayle-Sama tells me, his eyes as round as saucers. Thank you, Gayle-Sama. I was waiting for someone to say that. “That’s true. We won’t be able to take them under our command.” Okay! Shall I show off what a villainess’s specialty is now? I straighten my posture once again and then turn to look the king straight in the eye. “We must demand gratitude from them.”
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 5, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
そぎå§ŋ......ワニ! 『ãƒŦイヴãƒŗã‚Ŧãƒŧ』から『ãƒŦイヴãƒŗã‚ĸãƒĒã‚˛ã‚¤ãƒˆã€ã¸ã¨é€˛åŒ–ã—ãŸã‚Ŧãƒŧ坊ãĢは4æœŦãŽč„šãŒį”Ÿãˆã€ãŠãŖã—ã‚Šã¨å¤§åœ°ã‚’č¸ãŋしめãĻいる! į¨Žæ—ãŽåå‰ã‹ã‚‰ã€Žã‚Ŧãƒŧ』čĻį´ ãŒæļˆãˆãŸãŒã€ãžã‚ãƒĸãƒŗã‚šã‚ŋãƒŧãŽé€˛åŒ–ãĒんãĻそんãĒもんだ。 思ãŖãĻいたぎと違うå§ŋãĢãĒることが多い中で、ã‚ŦãƒŧåŠã¯é€˛åŒ–å‰ãŽéĸåŊąã‚’掋しãĻいる斚......というか、前ぎå§ŋãĢč„šã‚’į”Ÿã‚„しただけでは......。 éŗ´ãåŖ°ã¯å°‘しäŊŽãã€å‹‡ãžã—くãĒãŖたようãĒ気がする。 ここは『ã‚Ŧãƒŧ』ぎぞぞで劊かãŖた。 『ワニワニãƒŧ!ã€ã¨ã‹č¨€ã‚ã‚ŒãŸã‚‰äŋēã‚‚é ­ã‚’æŠąãˆãŸã ã‚ã†ã€‚ 「ã‚Ŧãƒŧ坊! もäŋēãŽč„šã‚’å™›ã‚“ã§äŊ“を支えãĻくれ!」 åˇãĢはワニぎįž¤ã‚ŒãŽį”ŸãæŽ‹ã‚Šã€åœ°ä¸Šå´ãĢはįŒ›įŖãŒåž…ãĄæ§‹ãˆãĻいる。 動きぎ鈍いäŋēが地上ãĢいãĻはエã‚ĩでしかãĒい。 一åēĻã‚ˇãƒŖキッとįĢ‹ãĄä¸ŠãŒã‚Šã€ã€æĩŽé›˛ãŽįž¤ã‚Œã€‘でįŠēãĢčļŗ場をäŊœã‚Šã€ã€ãƒ¯ãƒŧプã‚ĸロãƒŧ】でそぎ上ãĢ䚗る。 ここãĒら地上ぎįŒ›įŖãŸãĄãŽį‰™ã‚‚åąŠããžã„ã€‚ äŋēがいãĒくãĒãŖた分、ã‚Ŧãƒŧ坊がį‹™ã‚ã‚Œã‚‹ã“とãĢãĒるが......å•éĄŒã¯ãĒい。 ぞだį´°ã‹ãã‚šãƒ†ãƒŧã‚ŋã‚šã‚’čĻ‹ãĻいãĒいが、とりあえずåĨĨįžŠãŒ2つ、゚キãƒĢが1つčŋŊ加されãĻいる。 さらãĢはæ—ĸ存ぎåĨĨįžŠãŒ2ã¤ã‚‚é€˛åŒ–ã—ãĻいる......! äģŠãŽã‚Ŧãƒŧ坊はäģĨ前ぎäŊ•å€ã‚‚åŧˇã„! 「ã‚Ŧãƒŧ坊! ãžãšã¯åˇãŽæ•ĩをæ”ģ撃だ!」 ãƒ¯ãƒ‹ãŸãĄã¯ä¸€åēĻæˆĻãŖãĻ数やčƒŊåŠ›ã‚’æŠŠæĄã—ãĻã„ã‚‹ã—ã€åˇãŽæ•ĩを排除しãĻおけば最æ‚Ēã‚Ŧãƒŧ坊と一įˇ’ãĢ水中を逃げることがå‡ēæĨる。 ã‚ĩバãƒŗナぎįŒ›įŖãŸãĄãŒåˇãĢå…ĨãŖãĻæĩˇãžã§čŋŊãŖãĻくるとは思えãĒいしãĒ。 ダジãƒŖãƒŦはさãĻおき、ã‚Ŧãƒŧ坊ぎåŊąã‹ã‚‰5äŊ“ぎ分čēĢがį”Ÿãŋå‡ēされた。 æŧ†éģ’ぎäŊ“ãĢčĩ¤ã„į›Žã‚’持つ分čēĢは、éĸ¨é›˛ãŽéš ã‚Œé‡Œã§æˆĻãŖたトã‚Ģã‚˛ã‚„ åŊąãŽã‚ˆã†ãĢãƒĸヤãƒĸヤしãĻいãĻå†ˇé™ãĢčĻ‹ã‚‹ã¨åŊį‰Šã¨ã‚ã‹ã‚‹ãŒã€æœŦį‰ŠãŽã‚Ŧãƒŧ坊もéģ’いčŖ…į”˛ãĒぎで動き回ãŖãĻã„ã‚‹ã¨æĄˆå¤–ã‚ã‹ã‚‰ãĒい。 こぎ分čēĢãŸãĄãĢはåŊ“ãŸã‚Šåˆ¤åŽšãŒå­˜åœ¨ã—ã€ä¸€åŽšãŽãƒ€ãƒĄãƒŧジを受けるとæļˆæģ…する。 性čƒŊはæœŦäŊ“ぎ5分ぎ1į¨‹åēĻで、åĨĨįžŠãŒäŊŋį”¨ã§ããĒいというåˆļ限があるが、それäģĨ外はæœŦį‰ŠãŽã‚Ŧãƒŧ坊とãĒんら変わりはãĒい。 手数をåĸ—やしãĻį•ŗãŋかけるというã‚ŊロではãĒかãĒかå‡ēæĨãĒいæˆĻæŗ•ã‚‚こぎåĨĨįžŠãŒã‚ればå‡ēæĨる! 5分ぎ1ãĢãĒãŖãĻもã‚Ŧãƒŧ坊ぎæ”ģ撃゚テãƒŧã‚ŋ゚はバã‚ĢãĢãĒらãĒい。 æ•ĩã‚’č¤‡æ•°ã§ã¨ã‚Šå›˛ã‚“ã§æ”ģ撃を加え、おんおん撃į ´ã—ãĻいく! 「äŋēもå‡ēæĨã‚‹é™ã‚Šæ´č­ˇã—ãĒいと......おãŖ?」 ここでäŋēは重čĻãĒことãĢ気ãĨいた。 č„šãŒį”ŸãˆãŸãŠã‹ã’でã‚Ŧãƒŧ坊が地上でもį´ æ—Šãå‹•ã‘るようãĢãĒãŖãĻいる! æŗŗいでいる時ãģお速くはãĒいが、少ãĒくともäģŠãžã§ãŽã‚ˆã†ãĢæ•ĩぎįš„ãĢãĒるようãĒことはãĒい。 それでいãĻ、äģŠãžã§ãŽã‚ˆã†ãĢįŠē中æĩŽéŠã‚‚可čƒŊだ。 æĩŽéŠã—ãĻæ•ĩぎæ”ģ撃を回éŋし、č§Ŗ除垌ãĢčŊ下する゚ピãƒŧドを䚗せたå°ģå°žãĢよるæ”ģ撃でæ•ĩぎäŊ“ã‚’æ‰“ãĄį •ãã€‚ すでãĢæ–°ã‚šã‚­ãƒĢ【フãƒŦイãƒĢテイãƒĢ】もäŊŋいこãĒしãĻいるようだ。 古äģŖワニがã‚Ŧãƒŧ坊ぎčŖ…į”˛ã‚’į •ã„たæ”ģ撃とäŧŧãŸã‚ˇãƒŗプãƒĢãĒã‚šã‚­ãƒĢではあるが、äŊŋい斚をčĻ‹ã‚‹ã¨AIもかãĒりčŗĸくãĒãŖãĻいるようãĒ気がする......! 新åĨĨįžŠã¯ãžã 1つ掋ãŖãĻいる。 おそらく威力ではこれが最åŧˇ......。 そぎ名も【 åŖを大きく開けãĻéĢ˜é€Ÿå›žčģĸしãĒがらįĒé€˛ã€‚ むきå‡ēしぎį‰™ã¯ãƒŸã‚­ã‚ĩãƒŧぎ刃ぎようãĢæ•ĩをį˛‰ã€…ãĢ切りåˆģむ......! これもぞた古äģŖワニぎæ”ģ撃ãĢäŧŧãĻいる。 つぞり、äŋēãĢéŖŸã‚‰ã‚ã›ãŸã‚ぎæ”ģ撃も可čƒŊだ......! 「ã‚Ŧã‚ĸã‚ĸã‚Ąã‚Ąã‚Ąãƒŧãƒŧãƒŧッ!!」 ã‚ŦãƒŧåŠãŒã˛ã¨éš›ã‚Ļロã‚ŗぎįĄŦいワニをå’Ĩえると、そぎäŊ“を一įžŦでねじ切ãŖた。 そう、åŖで挟ãŋこめば回čģĸãŽåŠ›ãŒããŽãžãžå¯žčąĄãĢäŧã‚ã‚Šã€č‚‰ã‚’ねじ切るãģおぎパワãƒŧをį”Ÿã‚€ãŽã ã€‚ ãƒĒã‚ĸãƒĢぎワニもäŊŋうåŋ…æŽē技デ゚ロãƒŧãƒĢ......įŦŦ3é€˛åŒ–ã‚’įĩ‚えたãƒŦã‚ĸãƒĸãƒŗã‚šã‚ŋãƒŧであるã‚ŦãƒŧåŠãŒčĄŒãˆã°ã€ã“ã‚Œãģおぎ威力をį™ē揎する......! åˇãŽãƒ¯ãƒ‹ãŸãĄã¯ã“ã‚Œã§į‰‡äģ˜ã„た。 垌は分čēĢãŸãĄãŒæŠ‘ãˆčžŧんでいた地上ぎįŒ›įŖだけだ。 ナイã‚Ēãƒŗ、トナ、チãƒŧã‚ŋãƒŧãĒおã‚Ģッã‚ŗよくãĻ恐ろしいįŖばかりだが、äģŠãŽã‚Ŧãƒŧ坊ぎæ•ĩではãĒい。 ã‚Ŧãƒŧ坊はãĩわりとįŠē中ãĢæĩŽãã€åŧˇåŒ–された【ã‚Ēãƒŧã‚ˇãƒŖãƒŗ゚フã‚Ŗã‚ĸ】である【 æ°—æŒãĄč’ŧさをåĸ—したようãĒ水ぎįƒäŊ“ぎ性čƒŊは......æ­Ŗį›´ã•ãģお上がãŖãĻいãĒい。 重čĻãĒぎはクãƒŧãƒĢã‚ŋイムぎįŸ­į¸Žã ã€‚ 前は10分だãŖたクãƒŧãƒĢã‚ŋイムが、5分ãĢãĒãŖãĻいる! これは中途半įĢ¯ãĒ性čƒŊåŧˇåŒ–よりもずãŖとすごいことだ。 ãĒんãĻãŖたãŖãĻåĨĨįžŠãŽå›žčģĸ劚įŽ‡ãŒä¸€æ°—ãĢ2倍だからãĒ......! さらãĢåŧˇåŒ–されたぎは【ã‚Ēãƒŧã‚ˇãƒŖãƒŗ゚フã‚Ŗã‚ĸ】だけではãĒい。 ずãŖとäŋēとã‚Ŧãƒŧ坊を支えãĻくれたäģŖåčŠžãŸã‚‹åĨĨįžŠã€čĩ¤ã„æĩæ˜Ÿã€‘も【čĩ¤ã„æĩæ˜Ÿ ã“ãĄã‚‰ã‚‚å¨åŠ›ã‚„é€Ÿã•ãĒおぎåŸēæœŦ性čƒŊは垎åŧˇåŒ–ãĢとおぞるが、クãƒŧãƒĢã‚ŋイムが10分から5分へとįŸ­į¸Žã•ã‚ŒãĻいる。 よりåŧˇã„åĨĨįžŠãŒæ‰‹ãĢå…ĨãŖた垌ãĢ、前ぎåĨĨįžŠãŒæ°—čģŊãĢäŊŋえるようãĢ変更されるãŖãĻぎはありがたい。 さãĻ、ã‚Ŧãƒŧ坊がčŋ‘くぎæ•ĩをあらかたį‰‡äģ˜ã‘ãĻしぞãŖたから、äŋēはįŠēから周čžēをį´ĸæ•ĩしよう。 æˆĻいぎ匂いãĢčĒ˜ã‚ã‚ŒãĻ新手ぎãƒĸãƒŗã‚šã‚ŋãƒŧがæĨãĻいる可čƒŊ性もあるから......ãĒ......。 ã‚Ŧã‚ˇãƒŖãƒŗ、ã‚Ŧã‚ˇãƒŖãƒŗ、ã‚Ŧã‚ˇãƒŖãƒŗ...... äŊ•ã‹ã‚ĩバãƒŗナという世į•ŒčĻŗãĢそぐわãĒいčļŗéŸŗãŒé ãã‹ã‚‰čžã“ãˆãĻきた。 ã‚šã‚­ãƒĢ【į‹™æ’ƒãŽįœŧ力】をį™ē動し、そぎčļŗéŸŗがする斚をよãƒŧくčĻ‹ãĻãŋる。 「......ãƒĄã‚Ģナイã‚Ēãƒŗ?」 į…§ã‚Šäģ˜ã‘ã‚‹å¤Ēé™Ŋã‚’åå°„ã™ã‚‹é‡‘åąžãŽãƒœãƒ‡ã‚ŖをæēらしãĻã€ãƒĄã‚Ģã‚ĸニマãƒĢčģå›ŖãŒã“ãĄã‚‰ãĢčŋĢãŖãĻæĨãĻいた。 おうしãĻこんãĒã‚˛ãƒ†ãƒĸノが......いや、そういえばã‚Ŧãƒŧ坊も抟æĸ°ãŽãŠé­šã ã—ãƒĄã‚Ģã‚ĸニマãƒĢãĢčŋ‘い存在だ。 ぞさか、äŊ•ã‹é–ĸäŋ‚あるぎか......?
He looked like an...alligator! Garbow had evolved from a Ravengar into a Ravenalligate, and had grown four legs that stood heavily on the ground! ‘Gar’ was no longer in his name, but monster evolutions were always like this. They often turned into something that you weren’t expecting, and so the fact that Garbow still had features from his old form... Well, he actually looked the same, only with legs now... His voice also sounded lower and more powerful. And I was glad that he still said ‘Gar.’ I would have been a little annoyed if he started saying ‘alligate’ or something like that. “Garbow! Bite my leg again and support me!” There were still alligators in the river, and other wild beasts lurked on dry land. Now that I could barely move, I was a sitting duck. And so I stood up once, created a platform in the air with Floating Cloud Herd, and then used Warp Arrow to get on top of it. Now their fangs would not be able to reach me. Of course, that meant that Garbow would be targeted instead...but that was fine. I hadn’t checked his status yet, but had seen that he gained charge attacks and skill. Furthermore, of his old charge attacks had evolved...! And so Garbow was several times more powerful than before! “Garbow! Attack the enemies in the river first!” As I had fought the alligators before, I knew how many there were and their abilities. As long as we got rid of them, Garbow and I could escape through the water. I doubted the savannah beasts would follow us into the river and sea. And like that, five duplicates of Garbow appeared. They had black bodies and red eyes, and reminded me of the lizards I fought in the hidden Windcloud settlement, or the snake in the tunnel. They were shadowy and clearly not real if you looked closely. But as the real Garbow was also black, you could get confused if they were all moving around. These clones could also take damage, and so they would disappear if attacked enough times. Their abilities were only a fifth of the real Garbow, and they could not use charge attacks. Otherwise, they were the same. With this charge attack, I could use strategies that would normally be impossible while solo! Even though they were just one fifth of Garbow, the attack stats were impressive. And so they would surround enemies and attack them one after another! “I have to do what I can to support him as well... Oh?” It was then that I noticed something important. Thanks to growing legs, Garbow was now able to move quickly on dry land! He wasn’t quite as fast as when he was swimming, but he was no longer an easy target like before. And yet he could also float in the air the same as before. So he floated in the air and dodged enemy attacks, then fell while slamming his tail down for a drop attack, crushing the enemy’s body. He was already using the new skill, Flail Tail very well. It was a simple skill, much like the one that the ancient alligator used to crack Garbow’s shell, but judging by the way that he used it, his AI seemed to have improved...! There was just one new charge attack left. It was probably the strongest one... And it was called, ‘Crimson Death Roll’! He opened his mouth wide and rotated at a high speed while charging. His bared teeth acted like a blender that shredded the enemy to bits...! This also resembled the ancient alligator’s attack. In other words, he could also do that attack that hit me...! “GAAARRR!!” Garbow bit one alligator that had especially tough scales, and then twisted its body in a flash. Yes. If he bit into something, the force of his rotation would affect the target, resulting in enough power to severe its flesh. Real alligators used the death roll...but when a rare monster that has undergone a rd evolution uses it, it becomes this powerful...! And like that, all of the river alligators were dealt with. Now it was just the beasts that the clones were keeping in check. Lions, tigers, cheetahs. They all looked terrifying, but they were no match against Garbow as he was now. Garbow floated up into the air and activated Blue Ocean Sphere, which was an enhanced version of Ocean Sphere. The sphere of water looked a little more blue, and it’s ability...was not that much better. The important part was that the cool down had been shortened. What used to be minutes was now minutes! This was much better than some half-assed upgrade. After all, the charge attack was now twice as efficient...! And Ocean Sphere wasn’t the only thing that had been enhanced. The charge attack that had helped me and Garbow so many times, Red Meteor, was now Red Meteor II. This one too was an upgrade in force and speed, and also had its cool down cut from 0 minutes down to 5 minutes. It was nice that after getting a new stronger charge attack, the previous one became easier to use. Now, as Garbow had taken care of the rest of the enemies, I would scout out the area from the sky. It was possible that all of the fighting had attracted other monsters... Gashan. Gashan. Gashan... I heard metallic sounds that did not seem very natural for a savanna. And so I activated my Sniping Insight skill and looked in the direction that the sounds came from. “...A mecha lion?” Their metal bodies swayed as the sunlight reflected off of them. And like that, an army of mecha animals came towards us. Why were they here... Well, now that I think of it, Garbow is a mechanical fish, so he is similar to them. Was that somehow related to this...?
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 7, "inserted_lines_src": 6, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
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And we are familiar with the landscapes of our own imagination, our inscapes. We've lived with them all our lives. But there are also hallucinations as well, and hallucinations are completely different. They don't seem to be of our creation. They don't seem to be under our control. They seem to come from the outside, and to mimic perception. So I am going to be talking about hallucinations, and a particular sort of visual hallucination A few months ago, I got a phone call from a nursing home where I work. They told me that one of their residents, an old lady in her 90s, was seeing things, and they wondered if she'd gone bonkers or, because she was an old lady, whether she'd had a stroke, or whether she had Alzheimer's. And so they asked me if I would come and see Rosalie, the old lady. I went in to see her. It was evident straight away that she was perfectly sane and lucid and of good intelligence, but she'd been very startled and very bewildered, because she'd been seeing things. And she told me -- the nurses hadn't mentioned this -- that she was blind, that she had been completely blind from macular degeneration for five years. But now, for the last few days, she'd been seeing things. So I said, "What sort of things?" And she said, "People in Eastern dress, in drapes, walking up and down stairs. A man who turns towards me and smiles. But he has huge teeth on one side of his mouth. Animals too. I see a white building. It's snowing, a soft snow. I see this horse with a harness, dragging the snow away. Then, one night, the scene changes. I see cats and dogs walking towards me. They come to a certain point and then stop. Then it changes again. I see a lot of children. They are walking up and down stairs. They wear bright colors, rose and blue, like Eastern dress." Sometimes, she said, before the people come on, she may hallucinate pink and blue squares on the floor, which seem to go up to the ceiling. I said, "Is this like a dream?" And she said, "No, it's not like a dream. It's like a movie." She said, "It's got color. It's got motion. But it's completely silent, like a silent movie." And she said that it's a rather boring movie. She said, "All these people with Eastern dress, walking up and down, very repetitive, very limited." And she has a sense of humor. She knew it was a hallucination. But she was frightened. She'd lived 95 years and she'd never had a hallucination before. She said that the hallucinations were unrelated to anything she was thinking or feeling or doing, that they seemed to come on by themselves, or disappear. She had no control over them. She said she didn't recognize any of the people or places in the hallucinations. And none of the people or the animals, well, they all seemed oblivious of her. And she didn't know what was going on. She wondered if she was going mad or losing her mind. Well, I examined her carefully. She was a bright old lady, perfectly sane. She had no medical problems. She wasn't on any medications which could produce hallucinations. But she was blind. And I then said to her, "I think I know what you have." I said, "There is a special form of visual hallucination which may go with deteriorating vision or blindness. This was originally described," I said, "right back in the 18th century, by a man called Charles Bonnet. And you have Charles Bonnet syndrome. There is nothing wrong with your brain. There is nothing wrong with your mind. You have Charles Bonnet syndrome." And she was very relieved at this, that there was nothing seriously the matter, and also rather curious. She said, "Who is this Charles Bonnet?" She said, "Did he have them himself?" And she said, "Tell all the nurses that I have Charles Bonnet syndrome." "I'm not crazy. I'm not demented. I have Charles Bonnet syndrome." Well, so I did tell the nurses. Now this, for me, is a common situation. I work in old-age homes, largely. I see a lot of elderly people who are hearing impaired or visually impaired. About 10 percent of the hearing impaired people get musical hallucinations. And about 10 percent of the visually impaired people get visual hallucinations. You don't have to be completely blind, only sufficiently impaired. Now with the original description in the 18th century, Charles Bonnet did not have them. His grandfather had these hallucinations. His grandfather was a magistrate, an elderly man. He'd had cataract surgery. His vision was pretty poor. And in 1759, he described to his grandson various things he was seeing. The first thing he said was he saw a handkerchief in midair. It was a large blue handkerchief with four orange circles. And he knew it was a hallucination. You don't have handkerchiefs in midair. And then he saw a big wheel in midair. But sometimes he wasn't sure whether he was hallucinating or not, because the hallucinations would fit in the context of the visions. So on one occasion, when his granddaughters were visiting them, he said, "And who are these handsome young men with you?" And then the handsome young men disappeared. It's typical of these hallucinations that they may come in a flash and disappear in a flash. They don't usually fade in and out. They are rather sudden, and they change suddenly. Charles Lullin, the grandfather, saw hundreds of different figures, different landscapes of all sorts. On one occasion, he saw a man in a bathrobe smoking a pipe, and realized it was himself. That was the only figure he recognized. On one occasion when he was walking in the streets of Paris, he saw -- this was real -- a scaffolding. But when he got back home, he saw a miniature of the scaffolding six inches high, on his study table. This repetition of perception is sometimes called palinopsia. With him and with Rosalie, what seems to be going on -- and Rosalie said, "What's going on?" -- and I said that as you lose vision, as the visual parts of the brain are no longer getting any input, they become hyperactive and excitable, and they start to fire spontaneously. And you start to see things. The things you see can be very complicated indeed. With another patient of mine, who, also had some vision, the vision she had could be disturbing. On one occasion, she said she saw a man in a striped shirt in a restaurant. And he turned around. And then he divided into six figures in striped shirts, who started walking towards her. And then the six figures came together again, like a concertina. Once, when she was driving, or rather, her husband was driving, the road divided into four and she felt herself going simultaneously up four roads. She had very mobile hallucinations as well. A lot of them had to do with a car. Sometimes she would see a teenage boy sitting on the hood of the car. He was very tenacious and he moved rather gracefully when the car turned. And then when they came to a stop, the boy would do a sudden vertical takeoff, 100 foot in the air, and then disappear. Another patient of mine had a different sort of hallucination. This was a woman who didn't have trouble with her eyes, but the visual parts of her brain, a little tumor in the occipital cortex. And, above all, she would see cartoons. These cartoons would be transparent and would cover half the visual field, like a screen. And especially she saw cartoons of Kermit the Frog. Now, I don't watch Sesame Street, but she made a point of saying, "Why Kermit?" she said, "Kermit the Frog means nothing to me. You know, I was wondering about Freudian determinants. Why Kermit? Kermit the Frog means nothing to me." She didn't mind the cartoons too much. But what did disturb her was she got very persistent images or hallucinations of faces and as with Rosalie, the faces were often deformed, with very large teeth or very large eyes. And these frightened her. Well, what is going on with these people? As a physician, I have to try and define what's going on, and to reassure people, especially to reassure them that they're not going insane. Something like 10 percent, as I said, of visually impaired people get these. But no more than one percent of the people acknowledge them, because they are afraid they will be seen as insane or something. And if they do mention them to their own doctors they may be misdiagnosed. In particular, the notion is that if you see things or hear things, you're going mad, but the psychotic hallucinations are quite different. Psychotic hallucinations, whether they are visual or vocal, they address you. They accuse you. They seduce you. They humiliate you. They jeer at you. You interact with them. There is none of this quality of being addressed with these Charles Bonnet hallucinations. There is a film. You're seeing a film which has nothing to do with you, or that's how people think about it. There is also a rare thing called temporal lobe epilepsy, and sometimes, if one has this, one may feel oneself transported back to a time and place in the past. You're at a particular road junction. You smell chestnuts roasting. You hear the traffic. All the senses are involved. And you're waiting for your girl. And it's that Tuesday evening back in 1982. And the temporal lobe hallucinations are all-sense hallucinations, full of feeling, full of familiarity, located in space and time, coherent, dramatic. The Charles Bonnet ones are quite different. So in the Charles Bonnet hallucinations, you have all sorts of levels, from the geometrical hallucinations -- the pink and blue squares the woman had -- up to quite elaborate hallucinations with figures and especially faces. Faces, and sometimes deformed faces, are the single commonest thing in these hallucinations. And one of the second commonest is cartoons. So, what is going on? Fascinatingly, in the last few years, it's been possible to do functional brain imagery, to do fMRI on people as they are hallucinating. And in fact, to find that different parts of the visual brain are activated as they are hallucinating. When people have these simple geometrical hallucinations, the primary visual cortex is activated. This is the part of the brain which perceives edges and patterns. You don't form images with your primary visual cortex. When images are formed, a higher part of the visual cortex is involved in the temporal lobe. And in particular, one area of the temporal lobe is called the fusiform gyrus. And it's known that if people have damage in the fusiform gyrus, they maybe lose the ability to recognize faces. But if there is an abnormal activity in the fusiform gyrus, they may hallucinate faces, and this is exactly what you find in some of these people. There is an area in the anterior part of this gyrus where teeth and eyes are represented, and that part of the gyrus is activated when people get the deformed hallucinations. There is another part of the brain which is especially activated when one sees cartoons. It's activated when one recognizes cartoons, when one draws cartoons, and when one hallucinates them. It's very interesting that that should be specific. There are other parts of the brain which are specifically involved with the recognition and hallucination of buildings and landscapes. Around 1970, it was found that there were not only parts of the brain, but particular cells. "Face cells" were discovered around 1970. And now we know that there are hundreds of other sorts of cells, which can be very, very specific. So you may not only have "car" cells, you may have "Aston Martin" cells. I saw an Aston Martin this morning. I had to bring it in. And now it's in there somewhere. Now, at this level, in what's called the inferotemporal cortex, there are only visual images, or figments or fragments. It's only at higher levels that the other senses join in and there are connections with memory and emotion. And in the Charles Bonnet syndrome, you don't go to those higher levels. You're in these levels of inferior visual cortex and millions of images, or figments, or fragmentary figments, all neurally encoded in particular cells or small clusters of cells. Normally these are all part of the integrated stream of perception, or imagination, and one is not conscious of them. It is only if one is visually impaired or blind that the process is interrupted. And instead of getting normal perception, convulsive stimulation, or release, of all of these visual cells in the inferotemporal cortex. So, suddenly you see a face. Suddenly you see a car. Suddenly this, and suddenly that. The mind does its best to organize and to give some sort of coherence to this, but not terribly successfully. When these were first described, it was thought that they could be interpreted like dreams. But in fact people say, "I don't recognize the people. I can't form any associations." "Kermit means nothing to me." You don't get anywhere thinking of them as dreams. Well, I've more or less said what I wanted. I think I just want to recapitulate and say this is common. Think of the number of blind people. There must be hundreds of thousands of blind people who have these hallucinations, but are too scared to mention them. So this sort of thing needs to be brought into notice, for patients, for doctors, for the public. Finally, I think they are infinitely interesting and valuable, for giving one some insight as to how the brain works. Charles Bonnet said, 250 years ago -- he wondered how, thinking these hallucinations, how, as he put it, the theater of the mind could be generated by the machinery of the brain. Now, 250 years later, I think we're beginning to glimpse how this is done. Thanks very much. Chris Anderson: That was superb. Thank you so much. You speak about these things with so much insight and empathy for your patients. Have you yourself experienced any of the syndromes you write about? Oliver Sacks: I was afraid you'd ask that. Well, yeah, a lot of them. And actually I'm a little visually impaired myself. I'm blind in one eye, and not terribly good in the other. And I see the geometrical hallucinations. But they stop there. CA: And they don't disturb you? Because you understand what's doing it, it doesn't make you worried? OS: Well they don't disturb me any more than my tinnitus, which I ignore. They occasionally interest me, and I have many pictures of them in my notebooks. I've gone and had an fMRI myself, to see how my visual cortex is taking over. And when I see all these hexagons and complex things, which I also have, in visual migraine, I wonder whether everyone sees things like this, and whether things like cave art or ornamental art may have been derived from them a bit. CA: That was an utterly, utterly fascinating talk. Thank you so much for sharing. OS: Thank you. Thank you.
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At almost the exact same time, I found out that my dad, who I was very, very close to, was gay. I was taken completely by surprise. We were a very tight-knit family, and I was crushed. At some point, in one of our strained conversations, my dad mentioned the Stonewall riots. He told me that one night in 1969, a group of young black and Latino drag queens fought back against the police at a gay bar in Manhattan called the Stonewall Inn, and how this sparked the modern gay rights movement. It was an amazing story, and it piqued my interest. So I decided to pick up my tape recorder and find out more. With the help of a young archivist named Michael Shirker, we tracked down all of the people we could find who had been at the Stonewall Inn that night. Recording these interviews, I saw how the microphone gave me the license to go places I otherwise never would have gone and talk to people I might not otherwise ever have spoken to. I had the privilege of getting to know some of the most amazing, fierce and courageous human beings I had ever met. It was the first time the story of Stonewall had been told to a national audience. I dedicated the program to my dad, it changed my relationship with him, and it changed my life. Over the next 15 years, I made many more radio documentaries, working to shine a light on people who are rarely heard from in the media. Over and over again, I'd see how this simple act of being interviewed could mean so much to people, particularly those who had been told that their stories didn't matter. I could literally see people's back straighten as they started to speak into the microphone. In 1998, I made a documentary about the last flophouse hotels on the Bowery in Manhattan. Guys stayed up in these cheap hotels for decades. They lived in cubicles the size of prison cells covered with chicken wire so you couldn't jump from one room into the next. Later, I wrote a book on the men with the photographer Harvey Wang. I remember walking into a flophouse with an early version of the book and showing one of the guys his page. He stood there staring at it in silence, then he grabbed the book out of my hand and started running down the long, narrow hallway holding it over his head shouting, "I exist! I exist." In many ways, "I exist" became the clarion call for StoryCorps, this crazy idea that I had a dozen years ago. The thought was to take documentary work and turn it on its head. Traditionally, broadcast documentary has been about recording interviews to create a work of art or entertainment or education that is seen or heard by a whole lot of people, but I wanted to try something where the interview itself was the purpose of this work, and see if we could give many, many, many people the chance to be listened to in this way. So in Grand Central Terminal 11 years ago, we built a booth where anyone can come to honor someone else by interviewing them about their life. You come to this booth and you're met by a facilitator who brings you inside. You sit across from, say, your grandfather for close to an hour and you listen and you talk. Many people think of it as, if this was to be our last conversation, what would I want to ask of and say to this person who means so much to me? At the end of the session, you walk away with a copy of the interview and another copy goes to the American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress so that your great-great-great-grandkids can someday get to know your grandfather through his voice and story. So we open this booth in one of the busiest places in the world and invite people to have this incredibly intimate conversation with another human being. I had no idea if it would work, but from the very beginning, it did. People treated the experience with incredible respect, and amazing conversations happened inside. I want to play just one animated excerpt from an interview recorded at that original Grand Central Booth. This is 12-year-old Joshua Littman interviewing his mother, Sarah. Josh has Asperger's syndrome. As you may know, kids with Asperger's are incredibly smart but have a tough time socially. They usually have obsessions. In Josh's case, it's with animals, so this is Josh talking with his mom Sarah Josh Littman: From a scale of one to 10, do you think your life would be different without animals? Sarah Littman: I think it would be an eight without animals, because they add so much pleasure to life. JL: How else do you think your life would be different without them? SL: I could do without things like cockroaches and snakes. JL: Well, I'm okay with snakes as long as they're not venomous or constrict you or anything. SL: Yeah, I'm not a big snake person -- JL: But cockroach is just the insect we love to hate. SL: Yeah, it really is. JL: Have you ever thought you couldn't cope with having a child? SL: I remember when you were a baby, you had really bad colic, so you would just cry and cry. JL: What's colic? SL: It's when you get this stomach ache and all you do is scream for, like, four hours. JL: Even louder than Amy does? SL: You were pretty loud, but Amy's was more high-pitched. JL: I think it feels like everyone seems to like Amy more, like she's the perfect little angel. SL: Well, I can understand why you think that people like Amy more, and I'm not saying it's because of your Asperger's syndrome, but being friendly comes easily to Amy, whereas I think for you it's more difficult, but the people who take the time to get to know you love you so much. JL: Like Ben or Eric or Carlos? SL: Yeah -- JL: Like I have better quality friends but less quantity? SL: I wouldn't judge the quality, but I think -- JL: I mean, first it was like, Amy loved Claudia, then she hated Claudia, she loved Claudia, then she hated Claudia. SL: Part of that's a girl thing, honey. The important thing for you is that you have a few very good friends, and really that's what you need in life. JL: Did I turn out to be the son you wanted when I was born? Did I meet your expectations? SL: You've exceeded my expectations, sweetie, because, sure, you have these fantasies of what your child's going to be like, but you have made me grow so much as a parent, because you think -- JL: Well, I was the one who made you a parent. SL: You were the one who made me a parent. That's a good point. But also because you think differently from what they tell you in the parenting books, I really had to learn to think outside of the box with you, and it's made me much more creative as a parent and as a person, and I'll always thank you for that. JL: And that helped when Amy was born? SL: And that helped when Amy was born, but you are so incredibly special to me and I'm so lucky to have you as my son. David Isay: After this story ran on public radio, Josh received hundreds of letters telling him what an amazing kid he was. His mom, Sarah, bound them together in a book, and when Josh got picked on at school, they would read the letters together. I just want to acknowledge that two of my heroes are here with us tonight. Sarah Littman and her son Josh, who is now an honors student in college. You know, a lot of people talk about crying when they hear StoryCorps stories, and it's not because they're sad. Most of them aren't. I think it's because you're hearing something authentic and pure at this moment, when sometimes it's hard to tell what's real and what's an advertisement. It's kind of the anti-reality TV. Nobody comes to StoryCorps to get rich. Nobody comes to get famous. It's simply an act of generosity and love. So many of these are just everyday people talking about lives lived with kindness, courage, decency and dignity, and when you hear that kind of story, it can sometimes feel like you're walking on holy ground. So this experiment in Grand Central worked, and we expanded across the country. Today, more than 100,000 people in all 50 states in thousands of cities and towns across America have recorded StoryCorps interviews. It's now the largest single collection of human voices ever gathered. We've hired and trained hundreds of facilitators to help guide people through the experience. Most serve a year or two with StoryCorps traveling the country, gathering the wisdom of humanity. They call it bearing witness, and if you ask them, all of the facilitators will tell you that the most important thing they've learned from being present during these interviews is that people are basically good. And I think for the first years of StoryCorps, you could argue that there was some kind of a selection bias happening, but after tens of thousands of interviews with every kind of person in every part of the country -- rich, poor, five years old to 105, 80 different languages, across the political spectrum -- you have to think that maybe these guys are actually onto something. I've also learned so much from these interviews. I've learned about the poetry and the wisdom and the grace that can be found in the words of people all around us when we simply take the time to listen, like this interview between a betting clerk in Brooklyn named Danny Perasa who brought his wife Annie to StoryCorps to talk about his love for her. Danny Perasa: You see, the thing of it is, I always feel guilty when I say "I love you" to you. And I say it so often. I say it to remind you that as dumpy as I am, it's coming from me. It's like hearing a beautiful song from a busted old radio, and it's nice of you to keep the radio around the house. Annie Perasa: If I don't have a note on the kitchen table, I think there's something wrong. You write a love letter to me every morning. DP: Well, the only thing that could possibly be wrong is I couldn't find a silly pen. AP: To my princess: The weather outside today is extremely rainy. I'll call you at 11:20 in the morning. DP: It's a romantic weather report. AP: And I love you. I love you. I love you. DP: When a guy is happily married, no matter what happens at work, no matter what happens in the rest of the day, there's a shelter when you get home, there's a knowledge knowing that you can hug somebody without them throwing you downstairs and saying, "Get your hands off me." Being married is like having a color television set. You never want to go back to black and white. DI: Danny was about five feet tall with crossed eyes and one single snaggletooth, but Danny Perasa had more romance in his little pinky than all of Hollywood's leading men put together. What else have I learned? I've learned about the almost unimaginable capacity for the human spirit to forgive. I've learned about resilience and I've learned about strength. Like an interview with Oshea Israel and Mary Johnson. When Oshea was a teenager, he murdered Mary's only son, Laramiun Byrd, in a gang fight. A dozen years later, Mary went to prison to meet Oshea and find out who this person was who had taken her son's life. Slowly and remarkably, they became friends, and when he was finally released from the penitentiary, Oshea actually moved in next door to Mary. This is just a short excerpt of a conversation they had soon after Oshea was freed. Mary Johnson: My natural son is no longer here. I didn't see him graduate, and now you're going to college. I'll have the opportunity to see you graduate. I didn't see him get married. Hopefully one day, I'll be able to experience that with you. Oshea Israel: Just to hear you say those things and to be in my life in the manner in which you are is my motivation. It motivates me to make sure that I stay on the right path. You still believe in me, and the fact that you can do it despite how much pain I caused you, it's amazing. MJ: I know it's not an easy thing to be able to share our story together, even with us sitting here looking at each other right now. I know it's not an easy thing, so I admire that you can do this. OI: I love you, lady. MJ: I love you too, son. DI: And I've been reminded countless times of the courage and goodness of people, and how the arc of history truly does bend towards justice. Like the story of Alexis Martinez, who was born Arthur Martinez in the Harold Ickes projects in Chicago. In the interview, she talks with her daughter Lesley about joining a gang as a young man, and later in life transitioning into the woman she was always meant to be. This is Alexis and her daughter Lesley. Alexis Martinez: One of the most difficult things for me was I was always afraid that I wouldn't be allowed to be in my granddaughters' lives, and you blew that completely out of the water, you and your husband. One of the fruits of that is, in my relationship with my granddaughters, they fight with each other sometimes over whether I'm he or she. Lesley Martinez: But they're free to talk about it. AM: They're free to talk about it, but that, to me, is a miracle. LM: You don't have to apologize. You don't have to tiptoe. We're not going to cut you off, and that's something I've always wanted you to just know, that you're loved. AM: You know, I live this every day now. I walk down the streets as a woman, and I really am at peace with who I am. I mean, I wish I had a softer voice maybe, but now I walk in love and I try to live that way every day. DI: Now I walk in love. I'm going to tell you a secret about StoryCorps. It takes some courage to have these conversations. StoryCorps speaks to our mortality. Participants know this recording will be heard long after they're gone. There's a hospice doctor named Ira Byock who has worked closely with us on recording interviews with people who are dying. He wrote a book called "The Four Things That Matter Most" about the four things you want to say to the most important people in your life before they or you die: thank you, I love you, forgive me, I forgive you. They're just about the most powerful words we can say to one another, and often that's what happens in a StoryCorps booth. It's a chance to have a sense of closure with someone you care about -- no regrets, nothing left unsaid. And it's hard and it takes courage, but that's why we're alive, right? So, the TED Prize. When I first heard from TED and Chris a few months ago about the possibility of the Prize, I was completely floored. They asked me to come up with a very brief wish for humanity, no more than 50 words. So I thought about it, I wrote my 50 words, and a few weeks later, Chris called and said, "Go for it." So here is my wish: that you will help us take everything we've learned through StoryCorps and bring it to the world so that anyone anywhere can easily record a meaningful interview with another human being which will then be archived for history. How are we going to do that? With this. We're fast moving into a future where everyone in the world will have access to one of these, and it has powers I never could have imagined 11 years ago when I started StoryCorps. It has a microphone, it can tell you how to do things, and it can send audio files. Those are the key ingredients. So the first part of the wish is already underway. Over the past couple of months, the team at StoryCorps has been working furiously to create an app that will bring StoryCorps out of our booths so that it can be experienced by anyone, anywhere, anytime. Remember, StoryCorps has always been two people and a facilitator helping them record their conversation, which is preserved forever, but at this very moment, we're releasing a public beta version of the StoryCorps app. The app is a digital facilitator that walks you through the StoryCorps interview process, helps you pick questions, and gives you all the tips you need to record a meaningful StoryCorps interview, and then with one tap upload it to our archive at the Library of Congress. That's the easy part, the technology. The real challenge is up to you: to take this tool and figure out how we can use it all across America and around the world, so that instead of recording thousands of StoryCorps interviews a year, we could potentially record tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands or maybe even more. Imagine, for example, a national homework assignment where every high school student studying U.S. history across the country records an interview with an elder over Thanksgiving, so that in one single weekend an entire generation of American lives and experiences are captured. Or imagine mothers on opposite sides of a conflict somewhere in the world sitting down not to talk about that conflict but to find out who they are as people, and in doing so, begin to build bonds of trust; or that someday it becomes a tradition all over the world that people are honored with a StoryCorps interview on their 75th birthday; or that people in your community go into retirement homes or hospitals or homeless shelters or even prisons armed with this app to honor the people least heard in our society and ask them who they are, what they've learned in life, and how they want to be remembered. Ten years ago, I recorded a StoryCorps interview with my dad who was a psychiatrist, and became a well-known gay activist. This is the picture of us at that interview. I never thought about that recording until a couple of years ago, when my dad, who seemed to be in perfect health and was still seeing patients 40 hours a week, was diagnosed with cancer. He passed away very suddenly a few days later. It was June 28, 2012, the anniversary of the Stonewall riots. I listened to that interview for the first time at three in the morning on the day that he died. I have a couple of young kids at home, and I knew that the only way they were going to get to know this person who was such a towering figure in my life would be through that session. I thought I couldn't believe in StoryCorps any more deeply than I did, but it was at that moment that I fully and viscerally grasped the importance of making these recordings. Every day, people come up to me and say, "I wish I had interviewed my father or my grandmother or my brother, but I waited too long." Now, no one has to wait anymore. At this moment, when so much of how we communicate is fleeting and inconsequential, join us in creating this digital archive Help us create this gift to our children, this testament to who we are as human beings. I hope you'll help us make this wish come true. Interview a family member, a friend or even a stranger. Together, we can create an archive of the wisdom of humanity, and maybe in doing so, we'll learn to listen a little more and shout a little less. Maybe these conversations will remind us what's really important. And maybe, just maybe, it will help us recognize that simple truth that every life, every single life, matters equally and infinitely. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
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åŗæ‹ŗは厌全ãĢåŖŠã‚ŒãĻいた。これではčŋ‘æŽĨæˆĻãĢįŗ¸ã‚’äŊŋうäē‹ã¯é›Ŗしい。 ã—ã‹ã—æœ—å ąã‚‚ã‚ã‚‹ã€‚äŋēぎčēĢäŊ“ぎ内側、į­‹č‚‰ãŽįšŠįļ­ãĢ操įŗ¸ãŒæŽ›ã‘られたäē‹ã ã€‚ ãĢäģ˜ãã€äŋēぎį­‹åŠ›åˆ†ãŽåŠ›ã€‚åŗãĄäŋēぎæ‹ŗは多大ãĒåŧˇåŒ–を成し遂げãĻいる。これがあぎį™ŊいįĨžãŽč¨€ãŖãĻいた『最åŧˇãĢãĒれるだけぎ力』ãĒぎだろうか? だがそれãĢしãĻは、やはりäŋēぎčēĢäŊ“ãŒč„†éŽãŽã‚‹ã€‚ã“ã‚Œã§ã¯æœ€åŧˇãĢはį¨‹é ã„。しかしこぎč‹Ļåĸƒã‚’䚗り切るだけぎ力ãĢは――ãĒる。 マテã‚Ļ゚が一įžŦぎ銚愕からįĢ‹ãĻį›´ã—ã€ã“ãĄã‚‰ãĢčŋĢãŖãĻきた。 銚くぎもį„Ąį†ã¯ãĒい。åĨ´ãĢとãŖãĻは掋像を切ãŖたようãĒ感č§Ļを受けただろう。 こぎ力をæ”ģ撃ãĢäŊŋえば、æ•ĩを倒すより先ãĢč‡Ē分ぎčēĢäŊ“がåŖŠã‚ŒãĻしぞう。ãĒらば回éŋãĢ全ãĻぎ力をæŗ¨ãŽčžŧãŋ、時間をį¨ŧã’ã°ã„ã„ã¨č€ƒãˆãŸã€‚ 手čļŗぎį­‹č‚‰ãĢ操įŗ¸ãŽåŠ›ã‚’įēã‚ã›ã€äēēåŊĸぎようãĢ操るäē‹ã§į´™ä¸€é‡ã§čēąã—ãĻいく。 į­‹č‚‰ã‚„č…ąã€įĨžįĩŒã‚’、手や指よりもįˇģ密ãĢ動かせるįŗ¸ã¨čĻ‹åšã—たからこそ可čƒŊãĒ、ぎりぎりぎ回éŋ。äŋēはč‡ĒčēĢぎčēĢäŊ“を、ぞるで操りäēēåŊĸぎようãĢ操äŊœã—、į˛žå¯†æĨĩぞりãĒい動äŊœã‚’可čƒŊとしãĻいた。 åĨ´ãĢとãŖãĻはäŋĄã˜ã‚‰ã‚ŒãĒいįĨžæŠ€ãĢčĻ‹ãˆãŸäē‹ã ã‚ã†ã€‚ įĢ¯ã‹ã‚‰čĻ‹ã‚Œã°äŋēはį´°åˆ‡ã‚ŒãĢæ–ŦりčŖ‚かれãĻいるようãĢもčĻ‹ãˆãŸã¯ãšã ã€‚しかし、そぎæ–Ŧ撃はかすりもしãĻいãĒい。 十をčļ…えるæ–Ŧæ’ƒã‚’æ”žãĄã€ã™ãšãĻをことごとくčēąã—きられ、たぞらずマテã‚Ļã‚šã¯čˇé›ĸを取ãŖた。 「さぁãĒ。教えãĻやるįžŠį†ã‚‚į„Ąã„」 捨ãĻå°čŠžã¨å…ąãĢåˇĻč…•ãŽãƒ”ã‚ĸノįˇšã‚’一閃。しかしこれはあãŖさりと回éŋされる。やはりį‰Ŋåˆļį¨‹åēĻぎæ”ģ撃では通į”¨ã—ãĒいį›¸æ‰‹ã ã€‚呆į„ļとしãĻいãĻも、æ­Ŗéĸからぎæ”ģ撃ãĢ寞åŋœã™ã‚‹į¨‹åēĻぎæ­Ŗ気は掋しãĻいるか。 ã¨ã‚Šã‚ãˆãšã€é˜˛åžĄãĢé–ĸしãĻã¯å•éĄŒãĒくãĒãŖãŸã¨č¨€ãŖãĻもいい。しかしぞだæĨŊčĻŗはできãĒい。 クナã‚Ļドぎå‡ēčĄ€ã¯ã„ãžã æ­ĸぞらず、äŋēぎåŗæ‹ŗもį •ã‘ãĻいる。回éŋとãĻ、いつぞで可čƒŊかはわからãĒい。操įŗ¸ãŽåŠ›ã‚’äŊ“内ãĢ向けることは、įĸē原ãĢäŋēぎčēĢäŊ“ãŽč€äš…åŠ›ã‚’å‰ŠãŖãĻいる。 寞しãĻå‘ã“ã†ã¯ã€č†ã‚’æ–ŦりčŖ‚かれたį”ˇãŒä¸€äēēぎãŋ。マテã‚Ļã‚šãĢ到ãŖãĻはぞだį„Ąå‚ˇã ã€‚ äģŠãžã§ã¯ãƒžãƒ†ã‚Ļ゚ぎé‚Ē魔ãĢãĒるため、čŋ‘äģ˜ãäē‹ã‚‚å‡ēæĨãĒかãŖたé€Ŗ中だ。マテã‚Ļã‚šãŒčˇé›ĸを取ãŖたため、チãƒŖãƒŗ゚とčĻ‹ãĻčĨ˛ã„掛かãŖãĻきたぎだろう。 だがäŋēはそぎäēŒäēēをåŖãĢしつつ、さらãĢマテã‚Ļã‚šã‹ã‚‰čˇé›ĸを取る。 一気ãĢクナã‚ĻドぎそばぞでéŖ›ãŗ退り、ピã‚ĸノįˇšã‚’振ãŖãĻクナã‚Ļãƒ‰ãŽč…•ãĢåˇģきäģ˜ã‘ãĻæ­ĸčĄ€ã™ã‚‹ã€‚ įŗ¸ã¯æ–ŦりčŖ‚くようãĒ動きをさせãĻいãĒã„ãŸã‚ã€ããŽč‚ŠåŖをåŧˇãįˇ ã‚ä¸Šã’、å‡ēčĄ€ã‚’æŠŧさえる。 同時ãĢčĨ˛ã„掛かãŖãĻきた一äēēãŽč†ã‚’č¸ĩã§č¸ãŋį •ããĢかかãŖた。æœŦæĨãĒらば、äŊ“重がčģŊいäŋēãŽčš´ã‚Šã§į •ã‘ã‚‹ãģお、やわãĒčļŗではãĒい。 しかしäģŠãŽäŋēは、į­‹įšŠįļ­ãĢ操įŗ¸ã‚’かけãĻã„ã‚‹ãŸã‚ã€ããŽčš´ã‚Šã¯é€šå¸¸ã‚ˆã‚Šã‚‚éĨかãĢ重い一撃ãĢãĒãŖãĻいる。äŊ“重ぎčģŊさを、速åēĻでčŖœã†č¸ãŋつけ。 čļŗを折られたį”ˇã¯äŋēとマテã‚Ļã‚šãŽé–“ã§ãŽãŸã†ãĄå›žã‚Šã€äē’いぎ障åŽŗとãĒãŖた。 掋る一äēēも、反寞側からå‰Ŗを振りかざしãĻčĨ˛ã„掛かãŖãĻきたが、これはåˇĻč‚˜ã‚’æŒãĄæ‰‹ãĢ及きäģ˜ã‘ã‚‹äē‹ã§å‰ŖをåŧžãéŖ›ã°ã—、æ­ĻčŖ…č§Ŗ除しãĻおいた。 「ぐわああぁぁあああぁぁぁぁ!?」 č‚˜æ‰“ãĄã§æŒãĄæ‰‹ãŽæŒ‡ãŒį •ã‹ã‚Œã€į”ˇãŒæ‚˛éŗ´ã‚’上げãĻč‡Ēåˆ†ãŽč…•ã‚’æŠŧさえる。一æĩãĒらばそんãĒį„Ąé˜˛å‚™ãĒå§ŋはさらさãĒい。やはりæ•ĩぎ中でæŗ¨æ„ãŒåŋ…čĻãĒぎは、マテã‚Ļ゚だけぎようだ。 ついでãĢč†ã‚’æ¨Ēã‹ã‚‰č¸ãŋつけ、同じようãĢへし折ãŖãĻ、地éĸãĢčģĸがしãĻおく。 これでマテã‚Ļ゚はäŋēぎ元ãĢčžŋりį€ããžã§ãĢ、äēŒäēēを回éŋしãĒければãĒらãĒくãĒãŖたわけだ。 だがマテã‚Ļã‚šã¯ã“ãĄã‚‰ãĢå‘ã‹ã†ãŠã“ã‚ã‹ã€ã ã‚‰ã‚Šã¨č…•ã‚’ä¸‹ã’ãĻ、気ぎ抜けた、投げやりãĒåŖ°ã‚’上げた。 「ああ、もう......やめたやめた」 「ãĒãĢ?」 「おåŦĸãĄã‚ƒã‚“ã¯äēˆæƒŗ外ぎ手įˇ´ã‚Œã ã—、同僚į„ĄåŠ›åŒ–されたし、これはもうは退き時でしょ?」 「おい、マテã‚Ļã‚š! į›Žæ’ƒč€…を攞įŊŽã™ã‚‹ã¤ã‚‚りか!?」 čĻ‹ãŸã¨ã“ろ、でãŖãˇã‚Šã¨å¤ĒãŖたそぎį”ˇã“そ、åĨ´éšˇå•†ãŽé ­į›ŽãĒぎだろう。おうčĻ‹ãĻもæˆĻいãĢは向いãĻいãĒい。 「いや、だãŖãĻさぁ。こぎおåŦĸãĄã‚ƒã‚“ã€å€’ã™ãŽãĢ時間かかりそうだぜぇ?」 「かければいいだろう!」 「そんãĒäŊ™čŖ•ãĒいãŖしょ? 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将æĨåĢãĢãĒãŖãĻくれãĻもいいけお」 「ぞたそれかぁ?」 äģŠåēĻは掋åŋĩそうãĢč‚Šã‚’čŊとしãĻčĻ‹ã›ã‚‹ã€‚æ„Ÿæƒ…čĄ¨įžãŒčąŠå¯Œ......ã¨č¨€ã†ã‚ˆã‚Šã€ã“ã‚Œã¯æ„å›ŗįš„ãĢそうæŧ”じãĻいるéĸ¨ãĢもčĻ‹ãˆã‚‹ã€‚ 「čĒ°ãĢ雇われãĻ、ã‚ŋãƒĢã‚Ģã‚ˇãƒŧãƒĢをæŽēした?」 ã€Œč¨€ãˆã‚‹ã‚ã‘ãĒいじゃん?」 「......だよãĒ」 しかし、できるãĒらばこいつをåŧ•ãį•™ã‚ãĻ、逃げる隙を与えたくはãĒかãŖたが......それは向こうもæ‰ŋįŸĨしãĻいたようだãŖた。 「それじゃ、そろそろおčŋŽãˆãŒæĨそうだし、äŋēも逃げるとするかね?」 ã˛ã‚‡ã„ã¨åžŒã‚ãĢéŖ›ãŗ退り、もう一頭ぎéĻŦãĢčˇ¨ã‚‹ãƒžãƒ†ã‚Ļ゚。 「äŋēは、隠刀æĩã‚¸ã‚§ãƒŗド洞ぎマテã‚Ļ゚。ぞたäŧšã†æ™‚ぞでčĻšãˆãĻいãĻくれよ?」 ãã†č¨€ã„æŽ‹ã—ã€čĩ°ã‚ŠåŽģる。 äŋēはそれをčŋŊうことはできãĒい。クナã‚Ļドが掋されたぞぞだからだ。 そしãĻ遠くから、éĻŦぎå˜ļãã¨ã€é‡‘åąžãŽã“ã™ã‚Œã‚‹éŸŗã€‚ãŠã†ã‚„ã‚‰ã‚ˆã†ã‚„ãã€čĄ›åŖĢ隊が到į€ã—たらしかãŖた。
My right fist was broken for good. That made it hard to use my thread in a close battle. But there was also good news. That was the fact that I could manipulate the muscle fibers inside my body. Each thread added to my physical power. In other words, my fist managed to gain incredible strengthening. Was this the “power to become the strongest” that the White God told me about? But for that to be the case, my body was still far too fragile. I was far off from becoming the strongest in my current state. But to overcome this predicament—this was enough. I could understand his shock. It probably looked as if he had cut my afterimage. I evaded it narrowly enough to make that illusion. I was using my thread manipulation not for attacking but defending. If I used it to attack, my body would break before I defeated him. As such, I decided it was better to dedicate myself entirely to dodging and gaining time. I focused my manipulative power on my limb muscles and proceeded to narrowly dodge his attacks by moving my body like a puppet. This was all possible because I could view my muscles, tendons, and nerves more accurately than my limbs themselves, as threads. Moving myself like a marionette boosted my precision to an unbelievable extent. My movements probably looked to be nothing short of the divine from his perspective. With that as a start, I continued dodging his storm-like barrage with fluid movements. From the side, it probably looked as if he was chopping me into pieces. However, none of those slashes managed to so much as graze me. After over ten consecutive slashes, all of which I dodged thoroughly, Mateus finally took his distance. “Who knows. I have no obligation to tell you.” I swung my thread along with that frank answer. However, he easily evaded it. He was really not someone who’d fall for such feints, as expected. Even if he was overcome with surprise, he was apparently still collected enough to respond to frontal attacks. So far, the defending had gone as planned. But I couldn’t get too optimistic here. Cloud was still bleeding, and my right arm was broken. I wasn’t sure how much longer I could continue dodging. Manipulating the insides of my body meant that I was gradually shaving away my stamina reserves. The other side, however, only had one guy that sustained a knee injury. While Mateus himself was still without a single injury. At that moment, the two other men decided to rush at me. They didn’t approach until now as they would get in Mateus’ way. But since he took distance from me, they decided this was their chance. However, I used those two as shields and moved even farther from Mateus. I instantly rushed next to Cloud, and then manipulated my piano wire to wrap it around his arm and stop the bleeding. As I wasn’t making it move to cut, the wire simply constricted his shoulder tip and blocked the hemorrhage. Following that, I swung my heel towards the man that chased after me and smashed his knee. His leg wasn’t frail enough that it would have broken with a kick from someone as light as me, were it the usual. However, due to manipulating my muscle fibers, this kick was far heavier than it normally was, making up for my lack of weight with speed. With a repulsive breaking sound, his knee caved in, and he collapsed between us and Mateus. He started rolling about in pain and became an obstacle for both sides. Seeing that Mateus started pondering about something for a moment. During that time, the other man also charged at me from the opposite side with his sword raised, but I easily flung that sword from his hands by elbowing the hand holding it, effectively disarming him. “GAAAAAAGHHH!?” The elbow strike broke his fingers, making him scream while holding his hand. A first-class fighter would never have shown such a defenseless posture. As expected, Mateus was the one I had to be cautious of. Taking the opportunity, I kicked his elbow and broke it like the other man, leaving him rolling on the ground. With that, Mateus had two obstacles to dodge before getting to me. Dodging them would, in turn, become openings for me to make use of. And I would never miss such an opportunity. Contrary to what I expected, rather than approach me, Mateus lowered his arms and said in a listless, carefree voice. “Ah, good grief... I quit, I quit.” “What?” “You turned out to be far more skilled than I expected, little lady. And you neutralized three of my coworkers. I think this would be a good time to quit, wouldn’t you agree?” “What the hell, Mateus! You intend to leave the eyewitnesses!?” The last remaining man yelled at Mateus who dropped his arms, losing his intention to fight. Judging from the appearance, that fat man was probably the leader of these slave traders. And he was no fighter however you looked. “But, you see, it would take a while to defeat her.” “Who cares if it will!” “We don’t have that much time to waste, do we? We’ve already been reported, and the guards are probably on their way, right?” “...SĖ˛hĖ˛iĖ˛tĖ˛!” The man spat out those final words, freed one horse that was tied to the carriage, and started making his escape with it. He judged that he would not be able to escape with the carriage on him. It was difficult to pass through the forest with a large carriage. I would’ve preferred to follow and put an end to him, but I had no weapons on me right now. But leaving his comrades and escaping like that was quite a resolute decision. Since he didn’t mind his identity getting exposed, perhaps he was never intending to enter any of Raum’s towns. “Could you tell me your name, young lady? I already know the other one’s name, since you were calling to her earlier.” He asked while lightly shrugging his shoulders. This was probably his way of closing the fight. I managed to succeed in saving Cloud, so I had no reason to continue the fight at this point. No, well, I had one... But it was not worth the risk. “...Nicole.” “Nicole... Huh? Okay, I remembered it. Well then, let’s make you the next target, Nicole.” “Next target...?” After he said that much, I finally caught on to something. He was a first-class swordsman... No, even higher than that, who had the Stealth Gift. His presence here could not be a mere coincidence. I remembered an incident that a man of his caliber caused fairly recently. “So you... You are the one who assassinated Count Tarkashire?” It was an assassination incident that was caused by someone who most probably held a similar Stealth Gift to mine. Someone with that ability was in front of me now, so there was no way he was uninvolved. As expected, Mateus spread his arms wide in exaggeration and affirmed my question. “Exaaaaaactly! Good job realizing that. As expected of my rival, huh? How about you become my wife when you grow up?” “Again with that, huh?” This time, he responded with a dejected drop of his shoulders. He was extremely expressive of his emotions... Or more like, he seemed to be pretending as if that was the case. “Under whose orders did you kill Tarkashire?” “I can’t go answering that now, can I?” “...Right.” If he was an assassin like me, he wouldn’t go revealing his employer’s name. If possible, I wanted to restrain him to keep him from escaping... But the other party was fully aware of that. “Well then, looks like your friends would be arriving soon, so it’s about time I made my escape.” He suddenly leaped back and straddled on the other horse. Since the previous guy didn’t take the carriage with him, there was one more horse remaining there. “I am Mateus of the Jend sect of the hidden blade style. I hope you remember me until we meet again.” With those words, he made his escape. I had no time to chase after him. I couldn’t leave Cloud be, after all. Following that, I heard the neighs of horses and sounds of metal. It seemed that the guards had finally arrived.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 15, "inserted_lines_trg": 3 }
į”ˇã‹ã‚‰čžãå‡ēしたį¯„å›˛ã§ã¯ã€ãŠã†ã‚„ã‚‰åŠé­”äēēをä¸ģčģ¸ã¨ã—た反äŊ“åˆļ洞が存在するようだ。 é€Ŗ中はįžå­˜ã™ã‚‹ã‚らゆるå›ŊåŽļãĢį•°ã‚’å”ąãˆã€ã“ãŽä¸–į•Œã§åˇŽåˆĨを受けるč‡Ēåˆ†ãŸãĄãŽåĸƒé‡æ”šå–„という名į›Žã§ã€åå¯žãĢäģ–į¨Žæ—ã‚’圧しようとしãĻいだ。 į„ĄčĢ–、そぎようãĒį†åŋĩãĢ同čĒŋã™ã‚‹č€…ã¯æĨĩ少数ãĢ過ぎãĒいが、そぎ数ぎ不刊をčŖœã†ãšãã€į•°į•ŒãŽįĨž......すãĒã‚ãĄé­”įĨžã‚’åŦ喚することでæˆĻ力をčŖœãŠã†ã¨ã—ãĻいるぎだという。 čŋˇæƒ‘æĨĩぞりãĒã„čŠąã ãŒã€ããŽį›ŽčĢ–čĻ‹ãŒæˆåŠŸã—ãĻしぞうと――いや、そぎåŦå–šã‚’čĄŒãŠã†ã¨ã™ã‚‹ãŸãŗãĢ、į”Ÿč´„という原åŽŗがį™ēį”Ÿã™ã‚‹ã¨ãĒã‚‹ã¨ã€čŠąã¯å¤‰ã‚ã‚‹ã€‚ しかも各地ãĢåĨ´éšˇå•†ã‚’æ´žéŖしãĻ、į”Ÿč´„を大陸各所からæŽģき集めãĻいるらしい。 そぎæœŦ拠地がおこãĢあるかぞでは、こぎį”ˇã¯į†č§ŖしãĻいãĒかãŖたようだが、そういうįĩ„įš”があるというäē‹åŽŸã ã‘はįŸĨることができた。 「というわけで、マク゚ã‚ĻェãƒĢãĢ垌をäģģそうと思う」 「そりゃ、これãģおぎ大ごとãĢãĒれば、å›Ŋ単äŊã§å‹•ã‹ã­ã°ãĒらんじゃろうが......ãƒŦイドや、一つ重čĻãĒことをåŋ˜ã‚ŒãĻおるぞ」 「あん?」 「ここは北å›Ŋ同į›ŸãŽé ˜åœŸã€‚ã¤ãžã‚Šãƒ¯ã‚ˇãŽæ¨ŠåŠ›ã‚‚ã‚ãžã‚ŠåŠšæžœãŒåŠã°ã‚“ã€ 「ああ......そうだãŖた」 そこãĢきãĻ、äģ–å›Ŋぎ領内で魔įĨžåŦå–šã‚’čĄŒãŖãĻいるįŠ¯įŊĒč€…ã‚’æ•ãžãˆãžã—ãŸã¨æœŦäēēがしゃしゃりå‡ēãĻきた場合、エãƒĒã‚ĒãƒƒãƒˆãŽãƒĄãƒŗツをæŊ°ã™ã¨åŒæ™‚ãĢ大騒動ãĢãĒãŖãĻしぞう。 それは先ぎ暗æŽē騒動で地į›¤ãŒįˇŠã‚“できãĻいるエãƒĒã‚ĒットãĢとãŖãĻ、かãĒりうれしくãĒいäē‹æ…‹ãĢãĒるだろう。 ã ã‹ã‚‰ã¨č¨€ãŖãĻ、こぎį”ˇã‚’攞įŊŽã™ã‚‹ã‚ã‘ãĢはいかãĒい。 äŋēとマク゚ã‚ĻェãƒĢが頭を悊ぞしãĻ唸ãŖãĻいると、そこãĢåŖ°ã‚’かけãĻくるもぎがいた。 「おうした、ãĒãĢかあãŖたぎか?」 čžããĒれãĒいį”ˇãŽåŖ°ã€‚これは外でčĻ‹åŧĩりを担åŊ“しãĻいたåĨ´ã ã‚ã†ã€‚ 少々反åŋœãŒé…いと思わãĒくもãĒいが、äē‹ãŒé­”įĨžåŦ喚。おぎようãĒ騒動がčĩˇãã‚‹ã‹ã‚ã‹ãŖたもぎではãĒい。 åŦ喚ä¸ģぎį”ˇãŒč­ˇčĄ›ã¨ã—ãĻåˆĨぎ魔įĨžã‚’į”¨æ„ã—ãĻいたくらいãĒãŽã ã‹ã‚‰ã€ã˛ã‚‡ãŖとするといつもæˆĻ闘ãĢčŋ‘い騒動をčĩˇã“しãĻいたぎかもしれãĒい。 やãŖãĻきたį”ˇã¯ã€ããŽå ´ãŽįŠļæŗã‚’į›ŽãĢしãĻ、銚愕ãĢéĄŽã‚’čŊとしãĻいた。 そこãĢは下半čēĢ丸å‡ēã—ã§č‚Ąé–“ã‹ã‚‰čĄ€ã‚’æĩã—ãĻ気įĩļしãĻいるåŦ喚ä¸ģぎį”ˇã¨ã€é­”įĨžã¨å¤‰ã‚ã‚‰ãĒいäŊ“æ ŧãŽč‰¯ã•ã‚’čĒ‡ã‚‹ã€Žãƒ­ãƒŧブをį€ãŸã€ãƒžã‚¯ã‚šã‚ĻェãƒĢぎå§ŋ。 ã„ãžã æ°—ã‚’å¤ąãŖãŸãžãžãŽå­äž›ãŸãĄã¨ã€æ°—įĩļするį”ˇãŽãã°ãĢįĢ‹ã¤ã€æˆĻé—˜ã§ä¸Šæ°—ã—ãŸéĄ”ã‚’ã—ãŸäŋē。 éƒŊ合ぎæ‚ĒいことãĢ、æŋ€ã—いæˆĻ闘行į‚ēでäŋēぎ下ぎå‡Ļį†ãĢ不éƒŊ合がį”Ÿã˜ã€å†…č‚ĄãĢčĄ€ãŒæĩã‚ŒčŊãĄãĻいた。 「ぞさか......į”Ÿč´„ãĢ手をå‡ēしやがãŖたぎか、こぎã‚ĸホã‚Ĩが!」 ã€ŒãĄãŒã†ã‚!」 ぞさか子䞛ぎäŋēからæ”ģ撃を受けるとは思ãŖãĻいãĒかãŖたらしく、į”ˇã¯ããŽįŗ¸ãŽæ–Ŧ撃をぞともãĢ受けãĻしぞう。 ミ゚ãƒĒãƒĢįŗ¸ãŽé‹­ã„切れå‘ŗは、一撃ぎ下ãĢį”ˇã‚’į„ĄåŠ›åŒ–しãĻãŋせた。 「あ、やãŖず。思わずæ”ģæ’ƒã—ãĄãžãŖたけお、ぞだį”ŸããĻるかãĒ?」 マク゚ã‚ĻェãƒĢが様子をčĻ‹ãĢčĄŒãã€æ‰‹æ—Šãåŋœæ€Ĩå‡ĻįŊŽãĢ ã€Œåąã­ã‡åąã­ã‡ã€å–‹ã‚Œã‚‹åŖは少しでも多い斚がいいからãĒ」 「おä¸ģぎツッã‚ŗãƒŸã¯åąé™ēすぎるようじゃãĒぁ」 「うるさい。多感ãĒįžŽå°‘åĨŗãĢã‚ģクハナį™ē言ãļãŖéŖ›ã°ã™ã“いつがæ‚Ēい」 「éƒŊ合ぎいい時だけ少åĨŗをč‡Ēį§°ã™ã‚‹ã§ãĒい」 「それはそれとしãĻ。こいつらおうするよ?」 マク゚ã‚ĻェãƒĢãŒčĄ¨įĢ‹ãŖãĻį”ˇãŸãĄã‚’åŽ˜æ†˛ãĢįĒãå‡ēせãĒいäģĨ上、äģŖわりぎäēē間をį”¨æ„ã—ãĒいといけãĒい。 候čŖœã¨ã—ãĻはäē‹æƒ…ã‚’įŸĨるäŋēと、マテã‚Ļã‚šãŸãĄä¸‰äēēくらいしかいãĒい。 ãĒらばäŋēãŒčĄŒãã—ã‹ãĒいわけだが...... 「子䞛ぎå§ŋじゃ、čĒŦ垗力į„Ąã„よãĒぁ?」 「それãĢおä¸ģが倒したとč¨ŧč¨€ã•ã‚Œã‚‹ãŽã‚‚å•éĄŒãŒã‚ã‚‹ã€‚åšģčĻšãŽæŒ‡čŧĒをäŊŋãŖãĻ変čŖ…ã™ã‚‹ãŽãŒč‰¯ã‹ã‚ã†ã€ 「そぎ手しかãĒいか」 半ばį„ŧき千切れかけãĻはいるが、å‡ēčĄ€ã ã‘ã¯æ­ĸぞãŖた。 だがäŋē一äēēでは、を運ãļことはé›Ŗしい。 「こいつら、おうやãŖãĻ運ãļ? įˆēさんがčŋ‘くぎį”ēãŽčĄ›å…ĩčŠ°æ‰€ãžã§é‹ã‚“ã§ãã‚Œã‚‹ãŽã‹?」 「そうじゃãĒã€‚ã§ã¯ã“ã“ã§é­”čĄ“ãŽæŽˆæĨ­ã¨čĄŒã“うかぎ」 「おいおい、äģŠã¯ãã‚“ãĒ場合じゃ......」 「そうæ€ĨくでãĒい。運ãļぎãĢもåŊšãĢįĢ‹ã¤é­”æŗ•ã˜ã‚ƒã€ ãã†č¨€ãŖãĻマク゚ã‚ĻェãƒĢが提į¤ēした魔æŗ•ã¯ã€ しかもéĢ˜åēĻをįļ­æŒã™ã‚‹åŠšæžœãŒã‚るため、čŊとしįŠ´ãĢかかãŖãĻもčŊ下することはãĒいし、æĩŽéŠã™ã‚‹ã“とでčļŗéŸŗもæļˆã›ã‚‹ã€‚ 不éƒŊ合があるとすれば、įŠēã‚’č¸ã‚€ãŸã‚ã€æŠŸå‹•åŠ›ãŒå¤§ããčŊãĄã‚‹ã“ã¨ãã‚‰ã„ã ã€‚ 地éĸとぎ摊æ“ĻがãĒくãĒれば動かすčŗĒé‡ã ã‘ãŽå•éĄŒãĢãĒã‚Šã€åŠ´åŠ›ã¯å¤§ããæ¸›čĄ°ã§ãã‚‹ã¯ãšã€‚ ã‚‚ãĄã‚ã‚“ã€é­”æŗ•ãĢæŠĩ抗されたらį„ĄåŠšåŒ–される魔æŗ•ãĒぎだが、気įĩļしãĻいるäģĨ上、そぎ可čƒŊ性はäŊŽã„。 マク゚ã‚ĻェãƒĢãŽæŒ‡å°ŽãŽå…ƒã€čĄ“åŧã‚’構į¯‰ã—、慎重ãĢį™ē動させる。 äŋēはį”ˇãŸãĄã‚’įŗ¸ã‚’äŊŋãŖãĻåŧ•ãŖåŧĩりつつ、į§ģå‹•ãŽå…ˇåˆã‚’įĸēかめる。 「うん、äēˆæƒŗäģĨ上ãĢį°Ąå˜ãĢåŧ•ãŖåŧĩれるãĒ」 ã€Œã§ã¯ã“ãĄã‚‰ã‚‚į§ģ動させるとしようか」 でæŋをäŊœã‚Šã€ããŽä¸ŠãĢå­äž›ãŸãĄã‚’äš—ã›ã‚‹ã€‚ å­äž›ãŸãĄã”ã¨æŋがæĩŽãä¸ŠãŒã‚Šã€ãã‚Œã‚’マク゚ã‚ĻェãƒĢがæŠŧしãĻいく。そぎ先ãĢさらãĢ äēŒã¤ãŽé­”æŗ•ã‚’įļ­æŒã—つつ、最éĢ˜äŊãŽé­”æŗ•ã‚’äŊŋį”¨ã™ã‚‹ã€‚それをäē‹ã‚‚ãĒくやãŖãĻぎけるぎだから凄ぞじい。 「ãģれ、先ãĢčĄŒã‘ã€‚ãƒ¯ã‚ˇãŒéŖ›ãļと門がæļˆãˆã‚‹ãŽã§ãĒ」 「わかãŖãŸã€‚ã‚“ã˜ã‚ƒã€čĄŒãŖãĻくる」 äŋēはåšģåŊąãŽæŒ‡čŧĒでäģŽãŽå§ŋ――ハã‚ĻãƒĄã‚ĸと名䚗るåĨŗ性ãĢå§ŋを変え、門ぎ中ãĢå…ĨãŖたぎだãŖた。
Based on the information that I managed to get out of the man, there seemed to exist an anti-establishment group centered around Half-Demons. They raised objections towards every other nation, and tried to repress other races under the pretext of the betterment of their environment who were being discriminated against. Naturally, there were very few who sympathized with their ideals, but they made up for that numerical disadvantage by summoning the otherworldly divine beings... In other words Devils. It was an extremely troublesome situation, but if their plans were to succeed—Or rather, if their actions lead to sacrifices every time they tried to summon, the situation would be quite grim. Moreover, it seemed that they had slave traders dispatched in every country and gathered sacrifices through them. This guy didn’t know where their stronghold was exactly, but at least we learned that such an organization existed. Honestly speaking, something on this scale was beyond my capabilities. “So yeah, I think I’m gonna leave the rest to you, Maxwell.” “With such a major incident, kingdoms themselves have to move... But Reid, you are forgetting something important.” “Huh?” “This is the Northern Alliance’s territory. In other words, my authority would not have much effect.” “Ah... Right.” Maxwell coming here was closer to him traveling incognito. If they learned that someone who came uninvited to their territory was the one that apprehended a criminal who was trying to summon a Devil, that would both put a stain on Elliot’s reputation and also cause a major uproar. For Elliot, whose foothold was unsteady due to the assassination attempts, this would not be a very welcomed development. That said, we could not leave this man be either. While we were racking our brains on what to do, we suddenly heard someone’s voice. “Hey, did something happen there?” It was an unfamiliar voice of a man. It should have belonged to the guy that was standing guard outside. He heard the uproar inside and came to check what was going on. I couldn’t help but comment that his reaction was a bit too delayed, but they were summoning a Devil here. There was no knowing how noisy it could get. The man had a different Devil with him, so it could be that he was expecting a battle to break out from the start. The man’s jaw dropped from astonishment after he saw the situation. The fainted summoner with his lower half exposed and bleeding from his crotch, and Maxwell who was “clad in a robe” and looked physically similar to the Devil. And there was also I, standing next to the fainted man and the kids, while having a flushed expression due to the previous battle. And to make matters worse, the violent battle caused certain inconveniences to my crotch and it started to bleed. I was wearing the usual short skirt, so the stain was visible from the outside. “Could it be... Did this dumbass lay his hands on the sacrifice!” “NO!” I reflexively attacked the man who came to the totally wrong conclusion with a thread. He apparently never imagined that a child like me would attack him, so he took the slash head on. It landed diagonally on his shoulder, scattering blood everywhere as he collapsed. The sharpness behind the Mythril thread was able to neutralize the man with one attack. “Ah, sĖ˛hĖ˛iĖ˛tĖ˛. I attacked without thinking. I wonder if he’s still alive?” Maxwell went to check the situation and quickly cast emergency Heal on him. That naturally wasn’t enough to fully heal him, but there was no longer a danger to his life. “That was close. We’d need as many of them alive as possible.” “You have quite some dangerous way of retorting there.” “Shut up. It was this guy’s fault for sexually harassing a sensitive beauty.” “You only call yourself that when it is convenient, huh?” “Setting that aside. What shall we do about them?” As Maxwell couldn’t openly hand them over to the authorities himself, there was a need to prepare a substitute. The only candidates for that were I, who knew the situation, and Mateus’s group. However, Mateus’s group didn’t know what happened here, so if they were questioned about the particulars, they could find flaws in it. That only left me... “I have no persuasiveness with this childish body, huh?” “Not just that, it would be a problem of its own if they learn that you defeated them. You should use the Illusion Ring and transform.” “Guess that’s the only way.” I cast Cure Light on the man to stop his bleeding. He was half-scorched, but at least he wasn’t bleeding any more. Still, carrying two men on my own would be hard. “How should I carry these two? Can you help me carry them to the nearby station?” “Right. How about I give you a magic lesson?” “Hey now, this is no place for...” “Now now, do not be hasty. It is a spell that would aid you in carrying them.” What he presented to me with those words was a spell called Levitate. This spell allowed you to make the targets levitate a few centimeters above the ground. Moreover, it could regulate its own altitude, so it wouldn’t fall into pitfalls and such, and there would be no sound of footsteps, either. If there were any inconveniences, it would be the fact that your mobility would fall a lot since you were basically walking in the air. If I cast this on the two, I could move while dragging them along. If there was no friction with the ground, it would only need the mass to drag it, so it would greatly alleviate the labor needed. Naturally, it could be resisted and disabled, but fainted people couldn’t do that. I constructed the technique according to Maxwell’s instructions and carefully invoked it. I didn’t care in the slightest even if they got hurt, so after several trials and errors, I managed to succeed in it. I tied my threads to them and pulled on them to test it out. “Okay, I can pull them easier than I imagined.” “Then, let us carry them as well.” With that, Maxwell created a board with Earth Wall, and put the children on it. In addition, he cast Levitate on that board. The board floated up along with the children, which Maxwell pushed and carried along. He then created a Portal Gate in front of it, connecting it to the nearby town. He cast high-ranked spells while maintaining two spells. The fact that he did all that without batting an eye was proof of how amazing he was. “Now, go on first. The gate will disappear if I do it first.” “Okay, here I go then.” I used my Illusion Ring to change into my fake identity—the woman by the name of Haumea, and passed through the gate.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 23, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
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Jessica and Marion descended the hill in their dragon form and displayed themselves before the villagers. []As expected they panicked but Sheryl, being the lord, calmed them down. She also told them about the fact that the two have already lost to Iris. They didn’t have any hostility against this village in the first place. And once Sheryl explained about their pledge of loyalty and reassured them, the panic subsided. However, that by itself couldn’t win their complete trust. The villagers were finally relieved once they saw their human appearance. Following Jessica’s voice, the dragon pair transformed into humans. Having seen this, the villagers lost their words. First, they were surprised at them becoming humans. Second, their human appearance was that of two beauties. With men turning particularly attentive as a matter of course, even fellow women were attracted to them. At the very least, it was hard to perceive them as『enemies』. In such a manner, Jessica and Marion were somewhat accepted by the villagers. Of course, there were those who didn’t trust them. Won’t they eventually turn back into dragons and go on a rampage or something along those lines. However, the two worked hard to dispel their doubts. Even though they became humans, they didn’t lose any of their power. In light of that, they work speed was much faster than that of ordinary people. The two did as much work and roughly hundred people. Thanks to that, the work was completed ahead of schedule. After that, the two used their dragon forms to bring a giant rock from somewhere as a「Sign of Friendship」. It was a beautiful piece of granite. I was about five adult males in diameter. 「There isn’t much building materials around here. If you need some, you can cut a part for yourself」 As Jessica said, there was plenty of wood but not enough stone around these parts. As it stands, Sheryl brought some from the capital but, considering the future development, having local supply would make it much easier. Eventually, they might build a wall, and having kilns and furnaces would be quite convenient. They would be able to make various good in the village. Maybe even foster their own ceramics craftsmen. Besides, Sheryl was still a baroness, living in the same type of house as her subjects won’t be appropriate. She should eventually move to a fine stone house of her own. 「Having dragons in our village is quite helpful」 Or so you could hear here and there. After a month, there was no one in the village who still thought of the nonchalant Jessica and childish Marion as『enemies』. Well then. Since the field was ready ahead of schedule, Sheryl decided to cultivate potatoes according to her initial plan. Iris watched over them together with Punigami from the top of the hill. It was worth to protect them as the Guardian Deity. 「Geez. Not working and relaxing on top of the hill all day......aren’t you embarrassed? 」 「.......Dragons have a mysterious sense of values. Is it normal for dragons to put themselves on a pedestal? 」 Iris let out a sarcastic remark. However, she was sure that it was a sound argument. 「I’m not on any pedestal! Although I’m relaxing now, I plowed the field, carried rocks, and did all kinds of other things. There is only you. A person that doesn’t do anything! 」 「Me, you know. I made the lake appear, grew the forest, and revitalized the soil just by being here. From a certain perspective, I’m the biggest contributor」 「Even if you contribute, you aren’t working」 「Wrong. It’s much more important to produce results, not to work. 『Any effort deserves a praise, even if it doesn’t produce results』I this is how you think, I’m not going to reject it. Nevertheless being accused of『not doing anything and producing results』doesn’t sit well with me」 「 logical for a little girl.......」 「Fufu. Arguments of this caliber won’t be able to defeat a NEET, even without the logical armament」 「Don’t swagger!」 Marion interjected with an honest retort. Because of her personality, her retorts are even more on point than Sheryl’s. Sheryl’s is more often than not on the other side of the retort, which makes it rather tiring. 「Hey, Marion. How long are you going to rest? You too should help us plant potatoes」 Then, Jessica appeared. She was covered in dirt, there was no doubt that she worked hard in the field. And even though the mother, Jessica, was hard at work, the daughter, Marion, didn’t move from Iris’ side. 「Mother, We, dragons, shouldn’t bother ourselves with such miscellaneous jobs as planting potatoes. There should be something more dynamic for us to do! 」 「Don’t force your strange logic. There were fields in the Village of Dragons and you helped me out. Come on, come on. Mother understands that you don’t want to leave Iris-chan’s side but even I’m barely holding myself back」 「T-There is no such thing! It’s not like I want to be by Iris side! 」 「Then let’s hurry and go back to the field. Or could it be? Even the lord herself, Sheryl-chan, is sowing potatoes while you are idling? I don’t remember raising you this way」 「Uguh......I get it, I’m going! 」 Shouted Marion in annoyance. She followed after her mother, however, then she suddenly stopped and turned towards Iris. 「I-I’ll come to play again, if I feel like it!」 Or so she said before running off. 「......Is this the rumored tsundere? 」 This must be so, said Punigami. If Marion is tsundere that means she actually likes Iris. Which makes it quite embarrassing. Iris hugged Punigami and buried her face in his cool body. Three months later. By November, potatoes have been harvested. As expected, almost every potato, grown on the soil, which sucked Iris magical power, turned out to be big. Iris watched over the harvest from the top of the hill as her stomach made rumbling sounds. Maybe because their heard it, Sheryl, Marion, and Jessica came running up the hill with a big basket. 「Iris-sama. Punigami-sama It’s long-awaited potatoes~~」 「Sheryl. How did you know that I waited for them? 」 「Yes. Even from below, I saw Iris-sama drooling」 「Eh, really!?」 「No, I’m kidding」 「......I hate Sheryl」 「Eeh!?」 Hearing that, Sheryl turned pale in the face and jumped in horror. 「I’m kidding」 「Hoh......there was no need for such cruel revenge. Please, be more forgiving as the Guardian Deity should be」 「Abusing humans on a whim, isn’t that what the gods do?」 「Un.......Iris-sama is gradually getting used to her divine authority........when did my humble Iris-sama......oyoyo」 Sheryl covered her eyes with her sleeve. However, from her voice it was easy to understand that she didn’t actually cry. 「But I did indeed saw Iris-sama drooling」 「I saw that too. Fufu, as Iris-chan’s drool fell on Punigami-chan’s body, Punigami-chan absorbed it」 [] Said the dragon. 「I won’t be deceived. To use the same joke as Sheryl, you people have no originality」 「Ridiculous. We are dragons. Even in our human forms, our eyesight stays the same」 「........Eh......I did? 」 Marion gave a short confirmation. Punigami too said「You saliva became my flesh and blood」. He sounded proud for some reason. Maybe because he sucked the saliva of the Demon King’s daughter. 「Wa, how embarrassing.......since it came to that, I have no choice but to go into seclusion」 「You can’t, Iris-sama. If you do, I won’t give you any potatoes. Look, they are freshly picked, right from the field~~」 Said Sheryl as she took out potatoes from the basket. It was still unpeeled. A massive one. What an impressive potato it was. However, there was steam rising from it. Just this alone was enough to ignite someone’s appetite. 「Achacha!」 The one who touched this steaming hot potato with her bare hands, Sheryl, raised a scream. The long-awaited potato ended up on the grass. Then, it rolled down the hill as it fell apart. 「Ah, please wait!」 Sheryl chased after the rolling potato in a hurry. 「.......What a stupid baroness」 As Iris spoke in frustration looking at Sheryl’s back, Marion curiously tilted her head. 「This isn’t that hot in the first place. You can easily hold it with your bare hands」 「That’s right, it’s only slightly warm for us dragons」 Having said that, the dragon duo grabbed potatoes with their hands and started peeling them. 「Judging me by dragon standards would be inappropriate. I’m just a weak feeble girl. Right, Iris-sama? 」 Sheryl, who came back with the potato, objected to Marion and Jessica. However, regretfully, Iris couldn’t agree with her on this matter. 「Sorry, I too can hold it with my bare hands」 「Mumu, come to think of it, Iris-sama in the Goddess. My my, am I the only normal girl here? 」 I have a feeling that an idiot like Sheryl isn’t that common too. Besides, Iris wasn’t the Goddess but the daughter of the Demon King. That being said, pointing it out won’t make Sheryl believe it. Recently, Iris got tired of retorting and gave up. 「Of course, there is one for Punigami too. Here」 Iris peeled a potato and stuffed it inside Punigami. 「Ah, sorry, was it too hot? Fuu, fuu」 Punigami jumped away, so she pulled out and let it cool before doing it once more. 「This much should be just fine. Is it good? 」 「Puni!」 It seemed to be very tasty. Everyone, except Iris, was already in the middle of eating. Joy was apparent on their faces. Iris too bit down with a sense of defeat. 「Wafu wafu......hiya, delicious! And it was only steamed! Why is it so good!?」 Not too hard, not too soft, it had a nice texture. It had a rich and sweet taste. I want to eat my fill of these potatoes only! 「It must’ve happened because Iris-sama’s magical power permeated the soil」 「In other words, although indirectly, we are eating Iris-chan」 「If you think like this, it makes it rather creepy..........」 Marion stared at the potatoes and made a long face. 「How rude, my magical power is in a state of constant spillage, so everyone’s already permeated by it. It doesn’t end with only these potatoes! 」 As Iris objected, 「Come to think of it–」Sheryl realized. 「I’ve already talked about how amongst those people, who I brought from the capital, there were some mercenaries, right? They were saying something about their old wounds hurting but, since they came to this village, they feel exceptionally good. Could this change be brought by Iris-sama’s magical power too? 」 「Eh, no way. I don’t think that my magical power has such an effect...」 [] Iris chose to deny that. However, as it stands, she didn’t do any extensive research into her own magical power, so she couldn’t deny with absolute confidence. What face would the Great Demon King make when he learns that Iris, who was created with the sole purpose of eradicating humanity in mind, spends her time injecting her magical power into potatoes? Since she left the capsule, she only spent about half a month on the Kurifot continent. Her relationship with the Great Demon King wasn’t that deep. She didn’t know a great deal about him. However, the other party was still a parent. She didn’t want to purposefully make him sad. That being said, she had no intention of destroying the human race, so she had no choice but to wait for the Great Demon King to give up. Until that time, Iris would gladly live here as a NEET.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 9, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
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We stand a very big chance of losing our ability to inspire our youth to go out and continue this very important thing that we as a species have always done. And that is, instinctively we've gone out and climbed over difficult places, went to more hostile places, and found out later, maybe to our surprise, that that's the reason we survived. And I feel very strongly that it's not good enough for us to have generations of kids that think that it's OK to look forward to a better version of a cell phone with a video in it. They need to look forward to exploration; they need to look forward to colonization; they need to look forward to breakthroughs. We need to inspire them, because they need to lead us and help us survive in the future. I'm particularly troubled that what NASA's doing right now with this new Bush doctrine to -- for this next decade and a half -- oh shoot, I screwed up. We have real specific instructions here not to talk about politics. What we're looking forward to is -- what we're looking forward to is not only the inspiration of our children, but the current plan right now is not really even allowing the most creative people in this country -- the Boeing's and Lockheed's space engineers -- to go out and take risks and try new stuff. We're going to go back to the moon ... 50 years later? And we're going to do it very specifically planned to not learn anything new. I'm really troubled by that. But anyway that's -- the basis of the thing that I want to share with you today, though, is that right back to where we inspire people who will be our great leaders later. That's the theme of my next 15 minutes here. And I think that the inspiration begins when you're very young: three-year-olds, up to 12-, 14-year-olds. What they look at is the most important thing. Let's take a snapshot at aviation. And there was a wonderful little short four-year time period when marvelous things happened. It started in 1908, when the Wright brothers flew in Paris, and everybody said, "Ooh, hey, I can do that." There's only a few people that have flown in early 1908. In four years, 39 countries had hundreds of airplanes, thousand of pilots. Airplanes were invented by natural selection. Now you can say that intelligent design designs our airplanes of today, but there was no intelligent design really designing those early airplanes. There were probably at least 30,000 different things tried, and when they crash and kill the pilot, don't try that again. The ones that flew and landed OK because there were no trained pilots who had good flying qualities by definition. So we, by making a whole bunch of attempts, thousands of attempts, in that four-year time period, we invented the concepts of the airplanes that we fly today. And that's why they're so safe, as we gave it a lot of chance to find what's good. That has not happened at all in space flying. There's only been two concepts tried -- two by the U.S. and one by the Russians. Well, who was inspired during that time period? Aviation Week asked me to make a list of who I thought were the movers and shakers of the first 100 years of aviation. And I wrote them down and I found out later that every one of them was a little kid in that wonderful renaissance of aviation. Well, what happened when I was a little kid was -- some pretty heavy stuff too. The jet age started: the missile age started. Von Braun was on there showing how to go to Mars -- and this was before Sputnik. And this was at a time when Mars was a hell of a lot more interesting than it is now. We thought there'd be animals there; we knew there were plants there; the colors change, right? But, you know, NASA screwed that up because they've sent these robots and they've landed it only in the deserts. If you look at what happened -- this little black line is as fast as man ever flew, and the red line is top-of-the-line military fighters and the blue line is commercial air transport. You notice here's a big jump when I was a little kid -- and I think that had something to do with giving me the courage to go out and try something that other people weren't having the courage to try. Well, what did I do when I was a kid? I didn't do the hotrods and the girls and the dancing and, well, we didn't have drugs in those days. But I did competition model airplanes. I spent about seven years during the Vietnam War flight-testing airplanes for the Air Force. And then I went in and I had a lot of fun building airplanes And some 3,000 of those are flying. Of course, one of them is around the world Voyager. I founded another company in '82, which is my company now. And we have developed more than one new type of airplane every year since 1982. And there's a lot of them that I actually can't show you on this chart. The most impressive airplane ever, I believe, was designed only a dozen years after the first operational jet. Stayed in service till it was too rusty to fly, taken out of service. We retreated in '98 back to something that was developed in '56. What? The most impressive spaceship ever, I believe, was a Grumman Lunar Lander. It was a -- you know, it landed on the moon, take off of the moon, didn't need any maintenance guys -- that's kind of cool. We've lost that capability. We abandoned it in '72. This thing was designed three years after Gagarin first flew in space in 1961. Three years, and we can't do that now. Crazy. Talk very briefly about innovation cycles, things that grow, have a lot of activity; they die out when they're replaced by something else. These things tend to happen every 25 years. 40 years long, with an overlap. You can put that statement on all kinds of different technologies. The interesting thing -- by the way, the speed here, excuse me, higher-speed travel is the title of these innovation cycles. There is none here. These two new airplanes are the same speed as the DC8 that was done in 1958. Here's the biggie, and that is, you don't have innovation cycles if the government develops and the government uses it. You know, a good example, of course, is the DARPA net. Computers were used for artillery first, then IRS. But when we got it, now you have all the level of activity, all the benefit from it. Private sector has to do it. Keep that in mind. I put down innovation -- I've looked for innovation cycles in space; I found none. The very first year, starting when Gagarin went in space, and a few weeks later Alan Shepherd, there were five manned space flights in the world -- the very first year. In 2003, everyone that the United States sent to space was killed. There were only three or four flights in 2003. In 2004, there were only two flights: two Russian Soyuz flights to the international manned station. And I had to fly three in Mojave with my little group of a couple dozen people in order to get to a total of five, which was the number the same year back in 1961. There is no growth. There's no activity. There's no nothing. This is a picture here taken from SpaceShipOne. This is a picture here taken from orbit. Our goal is to make it so that you can see this picture and really enjoy that. We know how to do it for sub-orbital flying now, do it safe enough -- at least as safe as the early airlines -- so that can be done. And I think I want to talk a little bit about why we had the courage to go out and try that as a small company. Well, first of all, what's going to happen next? The first industry will be a high volume, a lot of players. There's another one announced just last week. And it will be sub-orbital. And the reason it has to be sub-orbital is, there is not solutions for adequate safety to fly the public to orbit. The governments have been doing this -- three governments have been doing this for 45 years, and still four percent of the people that have left the atmosphere have died. That's -- You don't want to run a business with that kind of a safety record. It'll be very high volume; we think 100,000 people will fly by 2020. I can't tell you when this will start, because I don't want my competition to know my schedule. But I think once it does, we will find solutions, and very quickly, you'll see those resort hotels in orbit. And that real easy thing to do, which is a swing around the moon so you have this cool view. And that will be really cool. Because the moon doesn't have an atmosphere -- you can do an elliptical orbit and miss it by 10 feet if you want. Oh, it's going to be so much fun. OK. My critics say, "Hey, Rutan's just spending a lot of these billionaires' money for joyrides for billionaires. What's this? This is not a transportation system; it's just for fun." And I used to be bothered by that, and then I got to thinking, well, wait a minute. I bought my first Apple computer in 1978 and I bought it because I could say, "I got a computer at my house and you don't. 'What do you use it for?' Come over. It does Frogger." OK. Not the bank's computer or Lockheed's computer, but the home computer was for games. For a whole decade it was for fun -- we didn't even know what it was for. But what happened, the fact that we had this big industry, big development, big improvement and capability and so on, and they get out there in enough homes -- we were ripe for a new invention. And the inventor is in this audience. Al Gore invented the Internet and because of that, something that we used for a whole year -- excuse me -- a whole decade for fun, became everything -- our commerce, our research, our communication and, if we let the Google guys think for another couple weekends, we can add a dozen more things to the list. And it won't be very long before you won't be able to convince kids that we didn't always have computers in our homes. So fun is defendable. OK, I want to show you kind of a busy chart, but in it is my prediction with what's going to happen. And in it also brings up another point, right here. and you don't know all of them -- but the ones that have come forward were inspired as young children, this little three- to 15-year-old age, by us going to orbit and going to the moon here, right in this time period. Paul Allen, Elan Musk, Richard Branson, Jeff Bezos, the Ansari family, which is now funding the Russians' sub-orbital thing, Bob Bigelow, a private space station, and Carmack. These people are taking money and putting it in an interesting area, and I think it's a lot better than they put it in an area of a better cell phone or something -- but they're putting it in very -- areas and this will lead us into this kind of capability, and it will lead us into the next really big thing and it will allow us to explore. And I think eventually it will allow us to colonize and to keep us from going extinct. They were inspired by big progress. But look at the progress that's going on after that. There were a couple of examples here. The military fighters had a -- highest-performance military airplane was the SR71. It went a whole life cycle, got too rusty to fly, and was taken out of service. The Concorde doubled the speed for airline travel. It went a whole life cycle without competition, took out of service. And we're stuck back here with the same kind of capability for military fighters and commercial airline travel that we had back in the late '50s. But something is out there to inspire our kids now. And I'm talking about if you've got a baby now, or if you've got a 10-year-old now. What's out there is there's something really interesting going to happen here. Relatively soon, you'll be able to buy a ticket and fly higher and faster than the highest-performance military operational airplane. It's never happened before. The fact that they have stuck here with this kind of performance has been, well, you know, you win the war in 12 minutes; why do you need something better? But I think when you guys start buying tickets and flying sub-orbital flights to space, very soon -- wait a minute, what's happening here, we'll have military fighters with sub-orbital capability, and I think very soon this. But the interesting thing about it is the commercial guys are going to go first. OK, I look forward to a new "capitalist's space race," let's call it. You remember the space race in the '60s was for national prestige, because we lost the first two milestones. We didn't lose them technically. The fact that we had the hardware to put something in orbit when we let Von Braun fly it -- you can argue that's not a technical loss. Sputnik wasn't a technical loss, but it was a prestige loss. America -- the world saw America as not being the leader in technology, and that was a very strong thing. And then we flew Alan Shepherd weeks after Gagarin, not months or decades, or whatever. So we had the capability. But America lost. We lost. And because of that, we made a big jump to recover it. Well, again, what's interesting here is we've lost to the Russians on the first couple of milestones already. You cannot buy a ticket commercially to fly into space in America -- can't do it. You can buy it in Russia. You can fly with Russian hardware. This is available because a Russian space program is starving, and it's nice for them to get 20 million here and there to take one of the seats. It's commercial. It can be defined as space tourism. They are also offering a trip to go on this whip around the moon, like Apollo 8 was done. 100 million bucks -- hey, I can go to the moon. But, you know, would you have thought back in the '60s, when the space race was going on, that the first commercial capitalist-like thing to do to buy a ticket to go to the moon would be in Russian hardware? And would you have thought, would the Russians have thought, that when they first go to the moon in their developed hardware, the guys inside won't be Russians? Maybe it'll probably be a Japanese or an American billionaire? Well, that's weird: you know, it really is. But anyway, I think we need to beat them again. I think what we'll do is we'll see a successful, very successful, private space flight industry. Whether we're first or not really doesn't matter. The Russians actually flew a supersonic transport before the Concorde. And then they flew a few cargo flights, and took it out of service. I think you kind of see the same kind of parallel when the commercial stuff is offered. OK, we'll talk just a little bit about commercial development for human space flight. This little thing says here: five times what NASA's doing by 2020. I want to tell you, already there's about 1.5 billion to 1.7 billion investment in private space flight that is not government at all -- already, worldwide. If you read -- if you Google it, you'll find about half of that money, but there's twice of that being committed out there -- not spent yet, but being committed and planned for the next few years. Hey, that's pretty big. and it certainly is profitable when you fly people at 200,000 dollars on something that you can actually operate at a tenth of that cost, or less -- this is going to be very profitable. I predict, also, that the investment that will flow into this will be somewhere around half of what the U.S. taxpayer spends for NASA's manned spacecraft work. And every dollar that flows into that will be spent more efficiently by a factor of 10 to 15. And what that means is before we know it, the progress in human space flight, with no taxpayer dollars, will be at a level of about five times as much as the current NASA budgets for human space flight. And that is because it's us. It's private industry. You should never depend on the government to do this sort of stuff -- and we've done it for a long time. The NACA, before NASA, never developed an airliner and never ran an airline. But NASA is developing the space liner, always has, and runs the only space line, OK. And we've shied away from it because we're afraid of it. But starting back in June of 2004, when I showed that a little group out there actually can do it, can get a start with it, everything changed after that time. OK, thank you very much.
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Pure white radiance became a large waterfall that poured down from overhead. That was the scene that Hajime witnessed upon passing the ice wall while carrying the pleasantly sleeping Shizuku on his back. Hajime understood the true meaning of what happened. Because if this was just a misunderstanding made because he was confused for a monster or something using a ‘Yaegashi Barrier’, then the attack would surely be stopped desperately. Immediately after, the spot where Hajime was just at was struc by a brutal slash, a deep crack being created on the ice ground and wall followed by a thunderous roar. Hajime sent a glance at the false image that was grinning widely in a slightly distanced spot, then he fixed the position of Shizuku on his back while narrowing his eyes at the culprit of the act of violence. Shizuku didn’t succumb even to the thunderous roar of the attack and only twitched for a moment before continuing her sleep. Was she really that tired? Or perhaps she was so in peace that she wouldn’t react to a danger of this level? There was also the possibility that she was just merely being shameless, though... “... So? What are you doing, Amanogawa?” Yes, exactly as Hajime said, the culprit of the attack was Kouki. It wasn’t the false image, but the real one without any doubt. That Kouki tightly gripped his holy sword that was still half-buried into the half-crushed ground while grumbling something. His bangs hung low, hiding his eyes so his expression couldn’t be seen clearly, but he was obviously not in a normal state. “Haa? I cannot hear that. Anyway, your opponent is not us, it’s over...” “... Us?” Hajime frowned because he couldn’t really catch Kouki’s murmur while directing his gaze at the false image. He did that while implicitly telling Kouki to attack the enemy without mistake next time. However, Kouki showed an excessive reaction to a part of Hajime’s words. Piercing eyes peeked out from between his bangs, then his stabbed holy sword was forcefully pulled out. “The way you say that is like you and Shizuku are one set, isn’t it? Eh? What, the way you are talking is like she belongs to you? Are you screwing around?” “... Just what are you saying? Don’t say such a stupid thing, finish this quickly.” Kouki directed the attack at Hajime’s bloodshot look while dragging the holy sword. The unclear meaning of Kouki’s words made Hajime feel an unpleasant premonition while he urged Kouki to clear the trial. However, as expected, Hajime’s words couldn’t get through to the current Kouki. “... Ah, I’ll end it now. Even without you telling me every little thing, I’ll end everything!” The moment he yelled that Kouki faced Hajime with a gaze that emitted madness from his opened pupils while charging forward. His figure hazed using ‘Implosion Ground’ while he pressed hard in one go and then unleashed a slash of light filled with enormous magic power. “Tch, so you fell. You stupid *******.” “Shut up! Everything will return to before if you die-! DIE RIGHT NOWWWW!” Hajime guessed the cause of Kouki’s eccentricity. Surely this was the result of his false image cornering him so much. Then, Hajime looked over his shoulder at Shizuku who was entrusting her body on his back, “So I’m the finishing blow...” he murmured in a small voice while frowning about his bad timing. Kouki completely ignored that murmur of Hajime and he only recklessly held his holy sword at full power with a seething killing intent and hatred. He was obviously trying to kill Hajime. Regardless of Shizuku who was on Hajime’s back, Kouki attacked without holding back and Hajime concluded that he wasn’t sane. “Nn, nmuu, what? Let me sleep a little mo...” “You idiot! How can you sleep talk in this situation! If you don’t wake up right now, then I’ll make you into a human cannonball, just so you know!” Looking at the half-asleep face of Shizuku who was peevish like a spoiled child, Hajime made a violently irritated look and yelled angrily. If she didn’t wake up in one second, then he was seriously planning on punching Kouki. Hajime’s angry yell, the thunderous roar, and a flash of the cannon of light that was released right after that finally made Shizuku open and widen her eyes in shock. Hajime deployed the barrier using cross bits so the attack didn’t reach them, but the scenery in front of her eyes finally made her notice that they were in the middle of battle, and she dejectedly got down from Hajime’s back. “You slept too much, like a log just now. What a shameless fellow.” “I’m not shameless or anything. It’s just that Nagumo-kun’s back felt so...” “Well, it doesn’t matter about you, Yaegashi. Putting that aside, do something about it.” “Doesn’t matter what you say... or rather this situation, what happened... eh?” Shizuku got teary eyed from quite the shock that she received by Hajime’s exasperated expression and words. However, after the flash settled down she saw the figure of the opponent that seemed to be the one who unleashed that attack. This caused her to leak out a dumbfounded voice while her body turned rigid. That surely couldn’t be helped, because the opponent who unleashed the attack with an obviously high chance of casualties was a childhood friend she was familiar with. “It seems that he fell, see? It feels like he’s thinking that I am exactly the root of all evil.” “That’s...” Ahead of her gaze was the false image of Kouki. He was sending them an amused look. Shizuku who guessed the general situation filled her gaze with strength and then raised her voice at Kouki who was looking at them with clouded eyes. “Kouki! Don’t do this! You mustn’t lose to your other self! Come back to your senses, overcome yourself!” The gaze of Shizuku who was looking at Kouki was colored only with worry. Even though there were various troubles with him, he was still a good childhood friend of hers who was overflowing with good intention. He was an acquaintance of hers, including his family, from when they were children to now. He was like her important family. And now his expression was warped with killing intent and hatred that she had never seen before. However, toward such a Shizuku, Kouki smiled and said something outrageous. “... It’s fine. I swear that I will save Shizuku without fail.” “Kouki? What are you saying...?” “You are brainwashed by Nagumo, right? It’s okay. You will be freed if Nagumo is defeated.... Nagumo, even though you are my former classmate, don’t think that you can get off scot free after hurting my important childhood friend. I’ll defeat you, and release all your brainwashing of Kaori and the other girls too! And then, I’ll save the world together with them!” Shizuku was dumbstruck at Kouki’s outrageous declaration. The current Kouki, so to speak, could be considered like the Kouki had Shizuku not spoken with him the night when Kaori departed with Hajime’s group previously. At that night, the weight filled inside Shizuku’s words stopped Kouki from running wild. He couldn’t immediately change the way he thought since there was also a lot of aspects in Hajime he was bothered with. That was why he bumped against Hajime over and over again, but even so, because he had the words of Shizuku, he wouldn’t say anything about Kaori too, as long as there was no complete separation between her and Hajime. However, to put it in other words, it could also be said that Kouki could do that only because Shizuku was at his side. Kouki’s sense of value and thought were perhaps included with ‘childishness’. He kept carrying the ‘ideal righteousness’ that was planted in his infancy without any wall of reality standing in his way, and he kept it like that until his current age, so perhaps this was only the logical development. For such a childish Kouki, if the last female childhood friend where he directed his desire to monopolize was taken, then it would also seem natural that his ‘temper’ would explode. Although, the temper of Kouki who was holding the power of a hero wasn’t a laughing matter at all... Furthermore, Kouki who held a ‘childishness’ that wasn’t eager to recognize one’s own fault was thoroughly cornered by the reality that was shoved on his face by his false image. The emotion that wasn’t fitting for a hero like him was overflowing from inside his heart, carving into him like a slashing blade. He desperately denied it. He averted his eyes. And when he just barely held his ground, his last fortress that was Shizuku was entrusting her body with a happy expression that obviously wouldn’t be shown to a man that was nothing to her. Even the thickheaded Kouki could guess just what the meaning of that was. And then exactly because he could guess that. his fortress crumbled. Kouki’s bad habit coupled with his cornered heart manifested in the worst way. That was to say, Nagumo Hajime was the root of all evil who brainwashed his childhood friends and multiple other girls, who then became a hindrance for him who was trying to save the world. That was the impression his heart was set on. A really convenient interpretation without holding back. “Kouki! Get a hold of yourself! I don’t know what was told to you, but don’t go astray!” “Listen, Kouki. Facing your own disgusting part is really painful. I understand that well because I also almost died from that. But if you don’t accept and overcome it, then you won’t be able to move forward. If you want to become strong and save a lot of people, then you must not cling to convenient thinking here. Your enemy is yourself. It’s the other smirking Kouki there! Open your eyes!” Shizuku’s desperate persuasion echoed inside the space. It seemed that the false image intended to observe the current situation silently in amusement. And then Kouki who was being told by Shizuku using words from her heart smiled widely at Shizuku. That was a smile that was done a lot when they were in Japan, a smile that charmed a lot of girls. However, right now it felt distorted somewhere in it. “Thank you, Shizuku. Shizuku, you always become serious like that for my sake, don’t you?” Shizuku’s expression was dyed in joy thinking that he had opened his eyes. But... “I’m really happy. Even though you are brainwashed, even so, you still think of me.” “It’s fine. I’ll defeat that man and that monster with the same face like me, and I’ll save you from Nagumo too. You don’t need to snuggle close to a man that you don’t even like anymore. I swear I’ll let Shizuku return back to the place where you should be at.” Shizuku’s expression fell hearing out Kouki’s words. Shizuku silently asked back... “... The place I should be at? Can you tell me where this place is that you mean?” “I see. ... So now you cannot even understand that. How pitiful. What Nagumo is doing is really unforgivable.” “Kouki. Answer me.” “Aah, that is of course, at my side. Just like all this time until now, and from here on out too.” Shizuku breathed out a long sigh. “... Kouki. I wonder if you remember about that night? That day Kaori departed when we talked on the bridge.” “Yeah, of course, I remember. That thing about doubting my righteousness, right? It’s fine. I thought that Nagumo was dangerous guy since the beginning, but because of Shizuku’s words, I was looking thoroughly at Nagumo until now. But, as expected, he is nothing more than the worst betrayer.” “There is no use arguing. You don’t understand because you are brainwashed Shizuku, but this is something ‘righteous’.” Kouki cut down the words of Shizuku that was going to keep arguing vehemently without hesitation. He was putting everything under the convenient interpretation of ‘being brainwashed’, in order to obtain the most desirable future for himself. At the same time, Kouki directed those eyes which were cloudy like slime and dropped his stance. The radiance of ‘Limit Break’ that he intentionally weakened while he was talking with Shizuku recovered its brilliant radiance as though regaining a second breath. “Kouki. Stop it!” Shizuku raised her voice to stop him with impatience coloring her tone but... naturally Kouki didn’t stop. He charged with a fierce momentum while leaving a track of light behind. His eyes already didn’t reflect Shizuku at all, he was only seeing the figure of his hateful enemy Hajime. Having a fierce killing intent directed at him, Hajime who was until now looking aside as though what happened wasn’t a concern of his now returned his gaze at Kouki. His eyes were quickly narrowing. The face of Shizuku’s face went pale because she believed that it wouldn’t end well for the opponent when they directed a serious killing intent at Hajime. At this rate, her childhood friend would be killed! “-, if I don’t stop him-“ In front of the charging momentum of Kouki who was in the ‘Limit Break’ state, the likes of Shizuku was just like a leaf. But even so, there was no way she could just leave this alone, and Shizuku immediately cut in between Kouki and Hajime to try to stop him. “Yaegashi, to your right.” Almost at the same time as Hajime’s warning, she suddenly heard the false image of Kouki clad in reddish-black magic power attacking Shizuku. It was literally like the phrase of thrusting a spear from the side, and the false image commenced a tackle right from the side with terrific momentum. (TN: The phrase had the meaning of interruption in Japan.) Shizuku immediately held up her black katana and braced herself for impact. At the same time the fast-approaching Kouki that could be mistaken as a reddish-black cannon was noticeably grinning disgustingly. But just before the fake Kouki touched Shizuku, a shadow suddenly erupted between the two... That was, a cross clad in wrong magic power similar to the false Kouki. It was a crossbit that contained a really vivid red radiance. It activated ‘Vajra’ and became an improvised shield. The dregs of the reddish black magic power drifted like a lingering cloud between the two people glaring. {I’ll be Shizuku’s opponent. You, you can fight your hateful enemy to your heart’s content.} “Guh, you-. Let go of me! This is not the time for something like...” {Now now, this is not related to me and Shizuku, is it? Let’s enjoy a sideshow while those two are dancing. Rather than self-destruction, getting possessed with his own desire is more fitting for that guy’s trial.} “Doing as you please-“ It appeared that the false image made the trial for Kouki similar to Ryuutaro’s, where it incorporated the factor where he needed to win against his own desire. Whether Kouki could accept reality and return to his sense while fighting Hajime or not... that was the trial. It was a real nuisance for Hajime to be treated like an examiner as the labyrinth pleased. “Is it fine? Your important childhood friend is being attacked there.” “... That thing is also me. He won’t kill her. Some wound will surely be a lesson for her to get so easily brainwashed by a man like you.” “... Just now, didn’t you say that thing was a monster?” “It is a mimicking monster that copies my emotion, right? Then, even though it’s a monster then it won’t kill Shizuku.” That was too much of a convenient interpretation. While he concluded that it was a monster unrelated to himself, he said that it wouldn’t put Shizuku into danger because it was something that copied himself. It was really absurd. Most likely inside his heart, Kouki understood that the false image was made up from his negative emotion already. That was why he subconsciously understood that Shizuku was safe because the negative emotions wouldn’t aim at her. But, if he recognized that then it would mean that he recognized what the false image said as the truth. That was why, in order to throw away everything else other than Shizuku as bullshit, he concluded that it wasn’t his false image but a monster. It was a crooked logic that was too forceful, but it seemed that it had become a truth inside Kouki. “Prepare yourself. I won’t let you do as you please any more than this. Shizuku and Kaori, then Yue and the others too, I’ll release everyone from you!” At the same time as that proclamation, Kouki released the energy he gathered and explosively charged forward. He let out a wood chopping strike from the front without any hesitation. Along with a terrific sound of cut wind, the holy sword that looked as though it was made from light itself attacked Hajime violently. However, in front of such a lethal attack, Hajime didn’t take even a step back and he only raised his arm. the sound of metals clashing and sparks scattered, Kouki’s full strength attack was easily blocked. Even more, it was blocked by the gun point of Donner. Kouki was shocked and leaked out a voice reflexively, Hajime directed a cold gaze at Kouki and opened his mouth. “There is nothing more meaningless than insulting a true idiot as an idiot... But, I’ll just say this much... *******, who permitted a ******* like you to name my woman so casually? Huh?” (EN: Kouki used their first names, which is being a little too familiar in Japan) Immediately after, a torrent of killing intent was overflowing. The pressure was like the pressing of a great waterfall. It was too vast to be called human, a presence of overwhelming ‘strength’ that was too terrifying. Kouki’s body that was struck with the serious monster’s coercion from close range was unintentionally stiffening. DOPAN! The trigger of Donner was pulled and an electromagnetically accelerated bullet flicked off the holy sword, plugging the muzzle as though it was insulted that it was in the way. And then, toward Kouki that was making a banzai posture with only one hand, a black shadow from lower region?Hajime’s sure-kill yakuza kick lunged. The yakuza kick that struck Kouki’s stomach with a dreadful sound of impact made Kouki’s body double into a sideways ‘V’ shape while floating him in the air like that. A sound of impact resonated once more. Kouki’s body was blown far away as though a large truck was running over him. Kouki that flew horizontally like a cannon had his back struck by an ice wall like that. One could only wonder just how great of an impact that was. The ice wall on his back was largely pulverized into a radial shape. Kouki fell on the ground after that, he was on all four while coughing. Blood splattered out from his vomiting mouth. With just a kick without a weapon or ‘Limit Break’, the internal organs of Kouki who was wearing an armor artifact of national treasure class was damaged. That fact made Kouki grit his teeth while groaning painfully. But, there was no way Hajime would give him time to be frustrated or anything. DOPAN-! DOPAN-! DOPAN-! Consecutive sounds of gun discharge roared, and red flashes assaulted the crouching Kouki. Perhaps he noticed Hajime’s killing intent. Kouki leaped aside almost at the same time Hajime pulled the trigger, but it was as though even his dodging direction was read, that the moment Kouki jumped, the third bullet shot through his shoulder. Furthermore, one of the bullets that Kouki evaded earlier seemed to be a normal bullet that was only clad in red magic power without being accelerated electromagnetically, when it impacted the broken ice wall behind Kouki it ricocheted, and red light attacked “Gua... co, come, holy sword-“ While rolling all over the ground with blood flowing from his shoulder and leg, the collapsed Kouki reached out his hand at the falling holy sword at a slightly distant spot. The holy sword responded to Kouki’s calling voice and flew at him. However, it didn’t settle into Kouki’s hand. Just before it reached, Hajime stepped on the sword. The holy sword struggled to return to its master, but such resistance was meaningless as the stepping foot didn’t even twitch. “How unsightly. If you can skillfully use this new ability then surely you will be able to fight better.” Hajime murmured with a cold tone. He was just speaking to himself without intention for Kouki to hear it, but it seemed Kouki heard it completely. He glared at Hajime with an expression warped in hatred as though he was trying to kill him with his gaze. Donner was pointed at the temple of Kouki. Hajime’s killing intent wasn’t settled yet. He was maintaining the gruesome thickness of his intent that might stop the heart of a normal person. No matter who saw it, it appeared that Hajime intended to deal the finishing blow. But, a desperate voice resonated at that timing. “Nagumo-kun! Please, stop! I’ll persuade Kouki, so-“ It was Shizuku. While locked in a sword fight with the false Kouki, she begged for him to spare Kouki’s life with a look colored by fretfulness. But it became a fatal opening, and the development that Shizuku wished wasn’t something that the false image wished for. Therefore... {How about Shizuku leave the stage for a little bit?} The shockwave from the false image launched and assaulted Shizuku. Shizuku was struck like that on her whole body, and she was blown away altogether with her consciousness until she hit the wall and collapsed powerlessly while sliding onto the ground. Because a crossbit interfered between the two just before the attack hit and became a shield, it seemed that Shizuku was rescued from a direct hit, but for Shizuku who had a low defensive power even in the best of times, furthermore the might of a hero’s pure output, added by Kouki’s thorough rejection of his own negative emotion that strengthened the false image into something far stronger than the real one, just a glancing blow turned into a sufficient enough telling blow. Different from a pure slashing attack, it was a shockwave that induced cerebral concussion, so without taking a recovery measure she wouldn’t open her eyes for a while. The false image of Kouki floated a satisfied smile from his success of skillfully making Shizuku faint, he then turned on his heel and faced Hajime. And then, with a really natural motion, he thrust out his black holy sword and launched a strong bombing of light. The approaching flash that was drawing in a spiral was on a course that would swallow Kouki with certainty too. Was the false image trying to bury the both of them altogether?... Anyway, Hajime withdrew from that spot. He left Kouki behind. Kouki reflexively screamed and took a defensive stance, but just before the light bombing hit, it curved and began to chase after Hajime. Hajime discovered the cover of the bombing with his magic eye stone and easily succeeded in pinpoint sniping that dispersed the attack. However, the false image successfully managed to distance Hajime from Kouki just as planned. The false image walked toward Kouki’s side and he whispered something into the ear of the laid-down Kouki. While his mouth split apart into a grin that looked like a crescent moon, his figure that was likely whispering sweet words looked like a demon. There was no way that Kouki could admit that figure was his other self anymore like that. Before long, Kouki’s bloodshot gaze was looking alternately at Hajime and the false image, and he then nodded reluctantly. Right after that, the figure of the false image thinned down like mist and in exchange reddish-black particles of light began to whirl. {Now you. It’s hero time. Let’s rescue the heroines from the scoundrel!} “Shut up-. I’m not doing your instruction. I’m only using you for now! After defeating Nagumo, it will be your turn, don’t forget that-“ At the same time as those words, reddish black particles were entering into Kouki’s body and Kouki’s body began to pulse. Kouki slowly stood up. Looking carefully, the wounds in his shoulder and leg were also healing. It appeared that the derivative ability Kouki had, ‘Healing Strength Improvement’ was explosively increased. There, a shooting without questions asked. Something like a kindness for reading the mood by a villain facing a hero, waiting for the transformation scene, was something that Hajime didn’t have. And while he was at it, he also threw several grenades. Red flashes gouged Kouki’s shoulder and leg, making him unsteady on his feet. “That’s pointless.” That voice sounded like it was including joy in it somewhere as if it was trembling in happiness. It seemed that not much damage was inflicted, the magic power that had changed colors from pure white into reddish-black burst up and blew away the flame. There, the figure of Kouki who became odd-eyed with one of his eyes dyed reddish-black appeared. Even the scar from the shot just now had been mostly healed. The change in his appearance wasn’t just his eye, his originally brown hair was mixed with white mesh, his holy armor was attached with several blood vessel thingies. Furthermore, at his hands, black and white, two holy swords were grasped. “You combined?” “It’s not my intention, but yeah. If it’s for defeating you, then I’ll resign myself to accept it. Although later, I’ll defeat this guy too.” “What are you acting like a good kid for? You are just losing to the temptation.” “You can insult me however you like. No matter what you say, you cannot win against me anymore. If there is this welling up strength then I can take back everything!” “Why you are unable to notice that you got hit by loss because of that, I wonder.” “No more talk. Prepare yourself Nagumo-! ‘Supreme Break’!” Magic power burst up from Kouki in an even further scale of several times more. The last derivative of ‘Limit Break’ that raised up all his status by five times, ‘Supreme Break’?the strength of Kouki who had taken in his false image had already reached the total of ten thousand. It was literally a rate of increase in monster level. Kouki made a stance with his twin holy swords. In an instant his figure hazed. A yell of spirit could be heard behind Hajime. Kouki had circled at Hajime’s back instantly. Two holy swords trailed behind white and reddish black magic power behind while carving a cross at Hajime’s back. Hajime didn’t even look back. (Got him!) flash pierced his torso that became defenseless. The defensive power of the armor that had been drastically increased and the ‘Physical Resistance’ skill as well as its derivative ‘Impact Mitigation’ made the attack not fatal, but an impact like a normal person receiving the serious body blow of a heavyweight boxer attacked Kouki and blew him away grandly backward. ‘How? He should not be able to react.’, even while his breath was blocked up, Kouki rearranged his stance in the air and landed. Ahead of his gaze, there was the appearance of Donner’s muzzle facing behind with only Hajime’s wrist turning back. Looking at that, Kouki realized that it wasn’t because Hajime couldn’t react, it was that he didn’t even need to turn back. Kouki’s expression distorted in humiliation. He put strength on his feet, then he swung down his twin holy swords while screaming, ignoring the pain in his stomach. “‘Heaven Soaring Sword – Storm’!” Like that, what he launched was hundreds of slashes scattered in a wide range. Just the visible blades of light had been already in a hundred, and nearly three hundred blades of wind were following, lurking at the shadow. The attack was already at a level of obliteration magic. But such a storm of hundreds of slashes was evaded by Hajime with a swaying motion like a leaf fluttering in the wind, what couldn’t be evaded was swept aside or averted. The bullet that went through the gap like a joke stabbed under Kouki’s feet and scattered grand shockwave, overturning Kouki from under his feet. And then Hajime himself also slipped through the storm of blades and approached Kouki with speed equal, no, it was faster than Kouki, and he kicked Kouki as though he was a soccer ball. Kouki immediately kicked the air using ‘Sky Force’ to try to escape from the line of fire, but the two revolvers’ muzzles didn’t shift from Kouki even for a bit and aimed at his future spot. Kouki’s expression unintentionally cramped. The scene became slow as though Kouki and Hajime’s senses were stretched out. Inside the world of dull color, just before Hajime pulled the trigger, he caught the figure of Shizuku at the corner of his sight. Her figure that desperately tried to persuade Kouki and her entreaty to spare his life flashed at the back of Hajime’s mind. At the same time, he also recalled the figure of Kaori who was also this guy’s childhood friend. Hajime clicked his tongue ‘tch’ a bit, averted his gun muzzles a bit, and he pulled the triggers consecutively with blurring speed. DOPAAAAN! The sound of a single gunshot that was slightly stretched was the proof of the simultaneous shots. Like a reversely-restored meteors, red flashes cut through the air, showering Kouki in the air with blows. Like a marionette that was unsightly manipulated by children, that resonated. Looking from the side perhaps it looked like a corpse that had been gouged by many bullets. But, that guess was denied immediately by the movement that came from Kouki. He wasted no time to stand up using the twin holy swords as support. Blood was spurting out from his shoulders, both arms, and both legs, but those were healed in a moment. His bloodshot eyes were colored with madness, turning his look even more gruesomely. There was not even a trace of the hero who was stuffed with the dream and hope of the people anymore. “You are holding back? Are you making fun of me?” All of the places he was shot at weren’t vital spots. It was an attack that was transparently tried to make the opponent powerless. Therefore, Kouki felt like he wasn’t even seen as an opponent even though here he was fighting to kill. Inside his chest, a muddy black part was further welling up. while answering easily as though it was nothing. “Well, you who fall that far is just troublesome and it’s better to kill you but... if I do that Yaegashi and Kaori will cry. I’ll beat you up appropriately and I’ll leave the rest to your childhood friends.” “-, don’t screw with me-! I’ll make you lose that composure right now!” Once more Kouki brandished his twin holy swords while approaching closer. Hatred and jealousy were attached on his face. It seemed that Hajime was thinking about the two girls more than himself, it made severe displeasure fill his chest. Fierce swordplay assaulted Hajime, but everything was handled by him with a cold expression without any hurry, seeing that the black emotion was more and more seething in Kouki and he shouted, unable to bear it. “You-, someone like you-, don’t speak as though you understand! The one who really understand Shizuku and Kaori is me-. The one who treasured the two of them more than anyone is me-. I am the one that should be together with the two of them-. It’s not the likes of you! It’s absolutely not a guy like you!” “... You are like a brat throwing tantrum.” Slipping through the twin holy swords Kouki brandished, Hajime’s Donner & Schlag pierced his body from range zero. However, the current Kouki was unstoppable by something like that. Even though holes were opened in his body, it was healed with power that literally surpassed any limit. Kouki ignored the damage and recklessly charged. That figure was exactly like Hajime said, a figure of a kid that was throwing a tantrum because the situation wasn’t going as he wished it. As though hailing Kouki’s negative emotion, the spec of his flesh that had passed its limit a long time ago was forcefully raising even more. Most likely the possessing false image was strengthened and Kouki himself was also strengthened following that. Looking at the spec, Kouki was already at the level that neared Hajime without ‘Limit Break’ activated. The storm of swordplay that was unleashed possessed speed and might that resembled the apostle of god ‘Nointo’, even so, his power was still increasing as though to say that it still wasn’t enough. “OOOOOOOOO-“ The shrieking of fighting spirit surged from Kouki’s mouth. On the other hand, Hajime was... silent. Even with Kouki’s spec raising to a level that wasn’t inferior to Nointo even though it wasn’t superior too, but Hajime didn’t let loose the roar of fighting spirit like what he exchanged with Nointo once. And then as expected, he also didn’t take a plunge into ‘Limit Break’. It didn’t reach Kouki’s attack. No matter how fast it became, no matter how strong it got, it didn’t even graze Hajime. The reason was simple. The user’s mental area was inexperienced, on top of that it was dull. The attack was frenzied and lacked calmness, the attack was merely wanting to crush the opponent and soaked in joy. Something like that, against anyone, in any kind of place, would surely not reach. And, at that time, a part of the ice wall behind Kouki melted and an entrance of a passage opened. Hajime sent his gaze there while warding off Kouki’s war cry and vilification, there Yue and others, all the members came out. Seeing Hajime and Kouki’s fight, their eyes opened wide and they stood still with a dumbfounded look. However, Kouki didn’t even notice them at all, he was merely scattering his hatred and killing intent earnestly in order to kill Hajime. “If only, if only you weren’t here, everything will go well! Kaori and also Shizuku would belong to me forever! I would have saved this world as a hero! You, you are the one that messed up everything!” “Even though you are a killer-. Even though you easily abandoned others-. There is no way someone who is the worst can be liked by people!” “... And so, I brainwashed them?” “That’s right! There is no other explanation except that! Kaori and Shizuku, and Yue and Shia and Tio too, everyone was brainwashed and played around by you. Sooner or later you are going to brainwash Ryuutaro and Suzu too, aren’t you!? I won’t let you. I am a hero. I’ll save everyone from your hand, I’ll take back everything, everything! You are not needed anymore-!” That scream was also audible to Yue and others too. The eyes of Yue and Shia narrowed dangerously, and Tio frowned in displeasure. In contrast, Kaori covered his mouth with both hands from the shock she received. She didn’t even have any word toward the absurd grievance of his childhood friend that was too egoist. Ryuutaro and Suzu were also the same, they were staring in a daze at Kouki while being completely stiff. Hajime made a long sigh inside his heart thinking that this was really one troublesome guy while transmitting ‘Telepathy’ to Yue and others. {Looks like you all are safe too.} {... Nn. All good. Rather than that, what’s with that idiot?} {That’s right. He is saying a really reprehensible thing.} Yue and Shia returned back to a tone that felt angry. Their beloved person was cursed unfavorably and in the end was declared as unneeded. In addition, they inadvertently also couldn’t stomach Kouki calling them without an honorific. Hajime leaked out a small smile at the two. {To explain it simply, he lost to his false image and now he is in the middle of venting his anger with his convenient interpretation in full throttle. He took in his false image and his strength was raised. Looks like he can clear the trial if he regains himself, but... that looks impossible. Even Yaegashi, she tried to persuade him but in the end, she ended up like that.} Hajime threw a kick at Kouki’s knee to make him flinch while sending his gaze at Shizuku’s direction. Yue and others whose attention were lured by Hajime also sent their gazes there and discovered the fainted Shizuku. {Shizuku-chan!} {She wasn’t hit directly. She shouldn’t be seriously wounded, but for the moment, look at her Kaori.} {Oh, of course! Leave it to me!} Kaori who was petrified recovered her senses when she saw Shizuku’s figure and she rushed at her in panic. That motion finally made Kouki notice the existence of Yue and the others too. He took distance from Hajime while turning his gaze at them with wide eyes, next he smiled widely at them. “Everyone, you all came. Wait a little for me. I swear that I’ll beat this guy and release everyone right now.” Kouki’s words made Yue, Shia, and Tio go past displeasure and now they directed a pitying gaze at him. In exchange, Ryuutaro and Suzu came back to their senses and they yelled desperately. “Just what are you saying, Kouki? What the hell! Come back to your senses!” “Kouki-kun, pull yourself together! The one that you must defeat isn’t Nagumo-kun, it’s yourself!” Hearing those heartfelt yells of the two, instead of being happy, Kouki’s expression turned into rage. As expected, the target of that rage was Hajime. “... Nagumo. Don’t tell me, you have even brainwashed Ryuutaro and Shizuku? Just how rotten are you? How much you are going to steal from me until you are satisfied?! “It doesn’t make sense you know, idiot.” “Making excuses this late is just unsightly. I’ll make you atone for your sin for sure.” “I think that idiocy to your level is already a big enough sin, though...” Kouki screamed and raised his twin holy swords. A torrent of magic power fiercely whirled. The surrounding ground was blown away just from the waves and the ceiling was obliterated. It seemed that he planned to unleash ‘Heaven Might’ using the tremendous magic power. With an exasperated expression, Hajime took out a Bola from ‘Treasure Warehouse’ and threw it to Kouki. Because he was in the middle of charging, Kouki was late in dodging and he got splendidly entangled, he was fixed in place with both his hands bounded immobile in the air. “Ugh, you coward. But, just this much-“ It seemed that a villain that couldn’t read the mood was a coward. Kouki insulted Hajime while raising his magic power even more in an attempt to escape from Bola. But as long as it wasn’t Nointo then it shouldn’t be possible to escape from it in several seconds, in that time Hajime had finished charging. Yes, in Hajime’s hand a rifle with a shape that resembled Schlagen was grasped before anyone was aware. What was different from Schlagen was its caliber. Its firing mouth that could be filled with a basket ball smoothly was wide open. A lump of red magic power shining brilliantly was converged in that large firing mouth. Magic power cannon ‘Grenzen’??a pure magic power bombardment artifact. From his experience in Merujiine Undersea Ruins, there was also some situation where a pure magic power attack would be useful, so Hajime learned and created this. Although until now, there was no chance to use it, so it was something that was shelved. The derivative of ‘Magic Power Manipulation’ that was ‘Magic Power Emission’,‘Magic Power Compression’, ‘Remote Control’, also ‘High-Speed Magic Power Recovery’ and its derivative ‘Magic Source Absorption’, all those skills were used as a base and included into the magic power cannon. It focused not just Hajime’s magic power but also the magic power of the outside world, combined with gravity magic so it could compress that magic power. The more the compressed magic power was then the more the amount of magic power of the target would be blown away. And then right now the amount of the focused magic power was in the amount that would easily surpass ten thousand if it was converted into a status number. No matter how much Kouki had been strengthened outside of the proper track, Kouki was continuously consuming magic power thoroughly with all his might. The result was something that could be easily understood. “Even if you deny your own words, at the very least you should accept Yaegashi’s words.” Hajime said that and aimed the focused magic power at Kouki who was opening his eyes wide in panic, and then the trigger was pulled. “You-, if only you were not here-. I??” The scream that was filled with Kouki’s hatred resonated. The next moment, a red flash that resembled Schlagen traced a spiral, turning into a bombardment that rushed at Kouki, and his figure was completely swallowed without any spot spared. Shizuku who was healed by Kaori had opened her eyes, and then Ryuutaro and Suzu gulped audibly. The silent bombardment that didn’t make any roar or destruction dyed the spacious room with a vivid red, and the ice wall was sparkling like a garnet. In a certain meaning, it was a spectacle that could be called fantastical. Before long the thick flash thinned down, it melted into the air and dispersed. After that, it was as expected there was no trace of destruction at all, and Kouki appeared without any wound. The binding due to the Bola had been released. karan-! karan-! The stiff sound resonated. It was the sound of Kouki dropping his two holy swords. At the same time, the black holy sword flickered while disappearing. Looking at it, Kouki’s eye that was reddish-black also returned to normal, his hair also recovered its original color. Reddish-black veins also disappeared from the holy armor. It appeared that he had completely returned to normal. “My, my strength is vanishing... uu, again, still again... I will take back, everything...” Hajime’s magic power cannon had blown away the factor of the false image nesting inside Kouki. Matching with his return to his original appearance, the magic power had also stopped welling up from inside. Right now, Kouki could only feel the slight magic power just before it dried up. Kouki was desperately tying down his consciousness that even now was going to sink into darkness while repeating talk in delirium. And then he was trying to pick up his holy sword even while staggering. There Hajime who had stored back Grenzen into ‘Treasure Warehouse’ approached, he grasped Kouki’s collar and lifted him up. “Release me!” Kouki yelled angrily, but the clamping hand was too strong that he could only groan. Seeing Hajime’s dangerous look, Ryuutaro thought that Kouki was going to get killed and he was about to jump, but he was stopped by Tio. Tio smiled as though to say that it would be okay. Hajime lifted up Kouki while he sent his gaze at Kaori and Shizuku who were cuddling close to each other. Kaori and also Shizuku were directing Hajime painful and pleading gazes. Hajime sighed deeply looking at those two and he shrugged his shoulders with an air of ‘really it can’t be helped’. The expression of the two softened gently. Hajime who turned at Kouki again threw words with calm but clearly resounding tone while everyone was watching. “Start over your life from the beginning once more, you stupid, foolish idiot.” Right after, Hajime’s right hand, his bare fist, captured Kouki’s face. It was merely a clenched straight fist. Such sound resonated, and like that Kouki was struck into the ground and his consciousness was easily cut off, but the whites of his eyes were barely open. Kaori and Shizuku rushed close, and the other members too. Hajime looked at the fainted Kouki while wondering if his “Let’s Increase the Meat Shield in Preparation of the Worst Case That There is a lot of Nointo Strategy” was actually cursed. He scratched at his cheek while sighing deeply at how troublesome this was.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 18, "inserted_lines_src": 7, "inserted_lines_trg": 28 }
æ•…éƒˇãŽæ‘ãĢæˆģãŖãĻきãĻ、数æ—Ĩが過ぎた。 村äēēãŸãĄã‚‚ã€äŋēãŸãĄãĢåĨŊåĨ‡ãŽčĻ–įˇšã‚’向けãĻきたが、゚トナãƒŧãƒĢやナã‚Ļムãģおぎį‰Šã§ã¯ãĒいぎで、これはį„ĄčĻ–できるãƒŦベãƒĢだãŖた。 おかげでäŋēãŸãĄã¯ã€æ¯Žæ—ĨゆãŖくり過ごすことができãĻいる。 「逆ãĢクナã‚Ļãƒ‰ã¨ã‹ãƒŸã‚ˇã‚§ãƒĢãĄã‚ƒã‚“ã¯ã€į‰ŠčļŗりãĒさそうãĒんだけおねぇ」 「そりゃ、しかたãĒã„ã‚ã‚ˆã€‚ã‚ãŽå­ãŸãĄã¯åŠ›ã‚’æŒãĻäŊ™ã—ãĻる嚴頃だし」 「äŋēも同い嚴ãĒんですけおね?」 ã‚ŗãƒĢテã‚ŖナとマãƒĒã‚ĸとおčŒļをしãĒがら、äŋēはそんãĒことを愚į—´ãŖãĻãŋる。 æ­ŖäŊ“ã‚’įŸĨられãĻから、äŋēはč‡Ē分ぎことを『わたし』と『äŋēã€éĄžãŽå‘ŧį§°ã§å‘ŧんでいた。 そんãĒč‡Ē分ぎ垎åĻ™ãĒブãƒŦãĢäŋēã§éĄ”ã‚’ã—ã‹ã‚ãĻいると、äŋēãŽč†å…ƒãĢフã‚ŖãƒŧナがéŖ›ãŗついãĻきた。 「ニã‚ŗねãƒŧãĄã‚ƒã‚“ã€ãŽã‚‹!」 「䚗る? 膝ãĢかãĒ?」 舌ãŖたらずでčĒžåŊ™åŠ›ãŒåœ§å€’įš„ãĢ不čļŗしãĻいるフã‚ŖãƒŧãƒŠãŽč¨€č‘‰ã‚’ã€äŋēã¯č†ãĢ䚗りたいとč§Ŗé‡ˆã—ã€ã˛ã‚‡ã„ã¨č†ãŽä¸ŠãĢæŠąãä¸Šã’ãŸã€‚ 柔らかくäŊ“渊ぎéĢ˜ã„フã‚Ŗãƒŧナぎ感č§ĻãĢ、思わずãĩわãĩわぎ頭ãĢé Ŧæ“ĻりしãĻしぞう。 「ああ、フã‚Ŗãƒŧナはį™’されるãĒぁ」 「うãŦぅ......」 「おうしたんだ、ã‚ŗãƒĢテã‚Ŗナ。垎åĻ™ãĒéĄ”ã—ãĻ」 そんãĒäŋēをčĻ‹ãĻ、ã‚ŗãƒĢテã‚Ŗナがįœ‰é–“ãĢしわを寄せãĻいた。 「いや、あんたがニã‚ŗãƒĢãĄã‚ƒã‚“ãŽãžãžã ãŖたら、そぎ光景も垎įŦ‘ぞしいį‰Šã ãŖたんだけおねぇ。中čēĢがãƒŦイドだãŖãĻįŸĨãŖãĄã‚ƒã†ã¨ã€åšŧåĨŗãĢé Ŧæ“ĻりしãĻるįŠ¯įŊĒ者ãĢしかčĻ‹ãˆãĒã„ã¨ã„ã†ä¸æ€č­°ã€ 「čĒ°ãŒįŠ¯įŊĒč€…ã‹ã€ 「暗æŽēč€…ã¯įŠ¯įŊĒč€…ã§ã—ã‚‡ã€ ã‚ŗãƒĢテã‚ŖãƒŠãŽč¨€ã†é€šã‚Šã€äŋēはį”Ÿå‰ã¯æš—æŽēč€…ã§į´›ã†äē‹į„ĄãįŠ¯įŊĒč€…ã ãŖた。 ã—ã‹ã—ãã‚Œã‚’ã“ã“ã§æŒãĄå‡ēすぎは卑怯じゃãĒかろうか? 「ニã‚ŗねãƒŧãĄã‚ƒã‚“ã€ã‚ã‚‹ã„äēē?」 「æ‚ĒくãĒいよãƒŧ。いいäēēだよãƒŧ」 ã€Œč‹ąé›„ãĢãĒãŖãĄã‚ƒã†ãã‚‰ã„ãĢはいいäēēよね。おかげで、こんãĒところぞで逃げãĒきゃいけãĒくãĒãŖãĄã‚ƒãŖたけお」 č‡Ē分ぎäŊã‚€æ‘を『こんãĒところ』å‘ŧばわりされãĻ、マãƒĒã‚ĸは少し不æœŦ意そうãĢ唇を尖らせãĻいた。 į ´æˆ’įĨžã‹ã‚‰ã‚‚らãŖたč–Ŧぎ劚果もあるだろうけお、恐ろしいぞでãĢ変わりがãĒい。 「そãƒŧじゃãĒくãĻ! フã‚Ŗãƒŧナはぎりたいぎ!」 ã€Œã‚‚ã†ãŠč†ãĢ乗ãŖãĻるよ?」 フã‚ŖãƒŧナがäŋēãŽč†ãŽä¸Šã§æ‰‹ã‚’æŒ¯ã‚Šå›žã—ãĻã°ãŸã°ãŸã¨æŠ—č­°ã™ã‚‹ã€‚äŋēはåŊŧåĨŗぎ意å›ŗã‚’æą˛ãŋかねãĻ、大きくéĻ–を傞げることãĢãĒãŖた。 ã€ŒãŠã˛ã–ã¯ã„ã¤ã‚‚ãŽãŖãĻるぎ。ãĩぃãƒŧはおらごんさんãĢぎりたいぎ!」 「ドナゴãƒŗ......ああ」 äŋēがこぎ村ぎčŋ‘くでé‚ĒįĢœã‚ŗãƒĢã‚­ã‚šãĢ変čēĢしãĻ大暴れをしたぎは、こぎ村からもčĻ‹ãˆãĻいたらしい。 そぎ光景をčĻ‹ãĻ、フã‚ŖãƒŧナはドナゴãƒŗãĢ変čēĢしたäŋēãĢ乗ãŖãĻãŋãŸã„ã¨č€ƒãˆãŸã‚‰ã—ã„ã€‚å­äž›į‰šæœ‰ãŽæ€–いもぎįŸĨらずãĒį™ēæƒŗだ。 「うãƒŧん、それは構わãĒいんだけお......」 「構いãĒさい。é‚ĒįĢœãŒãžãŸé™č‡¨ã—たãŖãĻ、大騒ぎãĢãĒるじゃãĒい」 「いや、それもあるけお。そうじゃãĒくãĻ、フã‚Ŗãƒŧナ一äēēだとčģĸげčŊãĄãĻåąãĒいから」 ã€ŒãĄã‚ƒã‚“ã¨ã—ãŒãŋつくよ?」 「フã‚Ŗãƒŧナぎ力じゃ、きãŖとčŊãĄãĄã‚ƒã†ãĒぁ」 ぞだäē”æ­ŗãĢもãĒらãĒいフã‚Ŗãƒŧナぎ力では、č‡Ē分ぎčēĢäŊ“を支えることもé›Ŗしいはずだ。 「äŋē......わたしがįĸēかį´ æŒ¯ã‚Šã‚‚ろくãĢできずãĢ、å‰ŖがすãŖãŊ抜けãĻいたãŖけ」 「ニã‚ŗねãƒŧãĄã‚ƒã‚“ã€ãƒ‰ã‚¸ãŖ子?」 「フã‚Ŗãƒŧナ、それはåŊ“たり前ぎことãĒんだ。ところでčĒ°ãŒãƒ‰ã‚¸ãŖ子ãĒんãĻč¨€č‘‰ã‚’æ•™ãˆãŸãŽã‹ãĒ?」 「テã‚Ŗãƒŧナぁ」 ゎロãƒĒとã‚ŗãƒĢテã‚Ŗナぎ斚ãĢčĻ–įˇšã‚’向けると、åŊŧåĨŗはį´ įŸĨらãŦéĄ”ã§čĻ–įˇšã‚’逸らし、čŒļを啜ãŖãĻいた。 そんãĒäŋēãŸãĄãŽã‚„ã‚Šå–ã‚Šã‚’į„ĄčĻ–しãĻ、マãƒĒã‚ĸはåˆĨぎところãĢéŖŸã„ついãĻいた。 「é‚ĒįĢœãĢäš—ã‚‹......そぎį™ēæƒŗはį„Ąã‹ãŖたわね」 「だãŖãĻé‚ĒįĢœã‚ˆ? å‡ēäŧšãŖたæŽĩ階でæŽēし合い、というか一斚įš„ãĢ蹂čē™ã•ã‚Œã‚‹ã‚ˆã†ãĒ存在ãĢ騎䚗できるãŖãĻč¨€ã†ãŽã¯ã€į§ã¨ã—ãĻã‚‚čˆˆå‘ŗがあるわ」 ぎ魔æŗ•ãŖãĻ、į—›ã„んだぞ」 「毎月äŊŋãŖãĻたそうじゃãĒい?」 「そりゃそうだけお」 毎月ã‚ŗãƒĢテã‚ŖナãĢãƒŦイドとしãĻäŧšã†ãŸã‚ãĢ、 äģŠãŽäŋēは、そぎ魔æŗ•ã‚’č‡Ēåˆ†ãŽåŠ›ã§æ‰ąã†ã“ã¨ãŒã§ãã‚‹ã€‚ 「だめぇ?」 「うãŖ!?」 č†ãŽä¸Šã§ã“ãĄã‚‰ã‚’æŒ¯ã‚Ščŋ”り、上į›ŽéŖã„ã§ãŠéĄ˜ã„ã—ãĻくるフã‚ŖãƒŧナãĢčĒ°ãŒæ­¯å‘かうことができるだろう。 「でも、čŊãĄãĄã‚ƒãŖãŸã‚‰åąãĒいし」 「それãĒらį§ã‚‚一įˇ’ãĢ䚗ればいいじゃãĒい。フã‚Ŗãƒŧナを支えãĻã‚ã’ã‚Œã°å•éĄŒãĒいわ」 「čŖåˆ‡ãŖたãĒ、マãƒĒã‚ĸ!?」 「ママとå‘ŧãŗãĒさい」 「バãƒŦãĻãĒい時だãŖãĻ、そんãĒå‘ŧãŗ斚しãĻãĒいし」 バãƒŦる前は嚴éŊĸį›¸åŋœãĢ『母さん』とå‘ŧんでいた。『ママ』とå‘ŧã‚“ã§ã„ãŸãŽã¯å­äž›ãŽé ƒãŽčŠąã ã€‚ 「しかたãĒいãĒぁ。一回だけだよ?」 「やãŖたぁ!」 ã€Œåž…ãĄãĒさい、ニã‚ŗãƒĢãĄã‚ƒã‚“ã€‚ã„ãˆã€ãƒŦイド」 そぎįœŸå‰ŖãĒåŖčĒŋãĢ、äŋēはčĻ‹čŊとしãĻã„ãŸåąé™ēがおこかãĢæŊœã‚“でいるぎではãĒã„ã‹ã¨åąæƒ§ã—ãŸã€‚ 「いい? あãĒたãĢ乗ãŖãĻいいぎは、į§ã¨ãƒ•ã‚Ŗニã‚ĸãĄã‚ƒã‚“ã ã‘ã‚ˆ!」 ã€Œä¸‹ãŽčŠąã‹ã‚ˆã‚Š!?」 įœŸå‰ŖãĒéĄ”ã§ä¸‹ä¸–čŠąãĒčŠąã‚’ã—ãĻくるã‚ŗãƒĢテã‚ŖナãĢ、思わず怒éŗ´ã‚Ščŋ”しãĻしぞãŖたぎだ。 åą‹æ•ˇãŽåē­ã‚„村ぎåēƒå ´ã§ã¯åēƒã•ãŒčļŗりãĒいし、村äēēが銚いãĻã—ãžã†ã¨ã„ã†ã‚ã‘ã§ã€æ‘ãŽå¤–ãŽč‰åŽŸãžã§ã‚„ãŖãĻきãĻいた。 æ˜”ã¯ã“ã“ã§ãƒŸã‚ˇã‚§ãƒĢãĄã‚ƒã‚“ã¨čĩ°ã‚Šå›žãŖãŸã‚‚ãŽã ã¨ã€æ„Ÿæ…¨æˇąã„æ€ã„ãĢ囚われãĻしぞう。 そこでäŋēã¯æœã‚’č„ąãŽ...... 「ã‚ŗãƒĢテã‚Ŗナ、変ãĒヤジéŖ›ã°ã™ãĒ」 「ニã‚ŗãƒĢãĄã‚ƒã‚“ãŽéœ˛å‡ēプãƒŦイとか」 「うるさい!」 変čēĢすれば服がį ´ã‚Œã‚‹ã‹ã‚‰ã€äģ•æ–šãĒいじゃãĒいか。そぎためãĢåĨŗ性だけでここãĢやãŖãĻきたというぎãĢ。 į”ˇãŽå§ŋでこれをやãŖãĻいたãĒら、ただぎ変態であるぎもäē‹åŽŸã§ã¯ã‚るが。 äŋēはčĻšãˆãŸã°ã‹ã‚ŠãŽé­”æŗ•ã‚’čĩˇå‹•ã—ã€ããŽå ´ã§åˇ¨å¤§ãĒドナゴãƒŗと化す。 ぎょろりとå‰Ĩきå‡ēしãĢãĒãŖãŸåˇ¨įœŧãĢä¸€ãƒĄãƒŧトãƒĢはあるかというį‰™ã€‚そぎå‡ļį›¸ã¯å‘¨å›˛ãŽå‹•į‰ŠãŸãĄãŒč…°ã‚’抜かすãģお、威圧感を攞ãŖãĻいた。 そしãĻそれを間čŋ‘で受けたフã‚Ŗãƒŧナも、䞋外ではãĒい。 「はわわわわわ――」 åŖ°ãĢãĒらãĒã„æ‚˛éŗ´ã‚’ä¸Šã’ã€ããŽå ´ã§č…°ã‚’æŠœã‹ã—ã€č‚Ąé–“ã‚’æšŋらせãĻいる。 「あらあら」 マãƒĒã‚ĸが手旊くそぎį˛—į›¸ãŽåžŒå§‹æœĢãĢ取り掛かる。 äēŒåēĻぎ遭遇をįĩŒé¨“しãĻいるマãƒĒã‚ĸとã‚ŗãƒĢテã‚Ŗナはæ…Ŗれたãƒĸノだが、さすが児ãĢはきつかãŖたらしい。 それをčĻ‹ãĻ、äŋēも少々陰éŦąãĒ気分ãĢãĒãŖた。 最愛ぎフã‚ŖãƒŧãƒŠã‚’čƒŒãĢ䚗せる。それč‡ĒäŊ“はåˆĨãĢåĢŒãĒことではãĒい。変čēĢぎį—›ãŋも、äģŠã¯æ…Ŗれたãƒĸノだ。 しかしį˛—į›¸ã‚’したį›´åžŒãĢ背ãĢ䚗せるというぎは、いささか情けãĒいįŠļæŗãĒぎではãĒいだろうか? 「グãƒĢãƒĢã‚Ĩ......」 おうãĢもæŗŖきたい気分ぎぞぞ、äŋēは唸りåŖ°ã‚’æŧã‚‰ã—ãĻいたぎだãŖた。
A few days passed since we returned to our village. The villagers were giving us curious gazes too, but we could ignore it since it wasn’t on Stollar or Raum’s level. Thanks to that we were able to relax every day. “Cloud and Michelle seem to be a little unsatisfied though.” “Can’t be helped. Kids of their age have too much vigor on their hands.” “I’m also their age, ya know?” I was grumbling about such things while drinking tea with Cortina and Maria. Now that my identity was busted, I started to refer to myself using both female and male pronouns. This was probably because I still couldn’t quite grasp my standpoint yet. As I was grimacing to myself from such inconsistencies in me, Fina suddenly leaped toward my lap. “Nico, I wanna ride!” “Ride? You mean my lap?” I interpreted the lisping speech that lacked vocabulary as her wanting to ride on my lap, and lifted her up and put her on my lap. The soft and warm sensation coming from her made me reflexively rub my cheeks on her fluffy head. “Ahh, you’re healing my soul.” “Ugh...” “What’s wrong, Cortina? You have a complex expression.” Cortina had wrinkles on her forehead as she observed me. It was the face of someone tasting some bad cooking. “I mean, this would’ve been a lovely sight if you were still Nicole. But now that I know you’re Reid, I can strangely only see you as a criminal rubbing his cheeks on a little girl.” “Who’re you calling a criminal!” “Aren’t assassins criminals?” As she said, I was an assassin, undoubtedly a criminal in my past life. But wasn’t it dirty to bring that up here? “Nico, are you a bad person?” “I’m not. I’m a good person.” “She’s good enough to become a hero. She had to evacuate to the boonies like this because of that, though.” Maria pouted, disliking that her village was called the boonies. She was already nearing fifty but you couldn’t tell her age from her devilish appearance. The drug she got from the God of Destruction played a part too, but she really hasn’t changed at all. “That’s not it! Fina wants to ride you!” “Aren’t you already on my knees?” Fina was flailing her hands and protesting on my lap. I tilted my head in puzzlement, unable to figure out what she meant. “I can sit on your lap all the time. Fii wants to ride mister Dragon!” “Dragon... Oh.” Apparently, I was visible from this village when I transformed into Evil Dragon Colchis and rampaged nearby. Seeing that, Fina apparently wanted to try riding me in the Dragon form. It really was a thought of a kid that knew no fear. “Ugh, well I don’t mind but...” “You should mind it. If the Evil Dragon shows up again, it’ll cause an uproar.” “I mean, I guess that too. But more than that, it would be dangerous with Fina alone as she could fall off.” “With your strength, you’d definitely fall off.” She wasn’t even five yet, so it would be difficult for her to support her own body. In fact, when I was five... “I...I couldn’t even swing a practice sword properly and it always slipped off my hand.” “Nico, you were a clutz?” “Fin, that’s a normal thing. By the way, who taught you the word clutz?” “Tina.” “I see.” I glared at Cortina, but she looked away while sipping tea, feigning ignorance. While watching our exchange, Maria focused on one part of it. “Riding the Evil Dragon... That never crossed my mind.” “You’re focusing on that?” “I mean, it’s the Evil Dragon, you know? It’s a being that you have to fight to the death, or rather, you’ll be one-sidedly trampled down upon the encounter, so even I’m interested in the opportunity to ride it.” “Polymorph is quite a bit painful, you know?” “But you’ve been using it every month, right?” Maria was well aware that I was constantly using Polymorph every month to meet up with Cortina. Nowadays I could use that spell on my own too. As long as I could ignore the pain of the transformation. “You won’t?” “Ugh?!” Who could possibly oppose Fina’s puppy-eyed plea from the lap? I for sure couldn’t. “But it’d be dangerous if you fall off.” “Then I’ll just ride along with her. It’d be no problem if I supported her.” “Maria, you backstabber!” “Call me mommy.” “I didn’t do that even when I was still not found out.” I just called her “mom” normally before that. The “mommy” thing was from my younger days. Anyway, I suppose Fina’s safety would be guaranteed with Maria coming along. I would obviously grant Fina’s “request.” “There’s no helping it. But just once, okay?” “Yaay!” “Hold it, Nicole. I mean, Reid.” Cortina, who was staying silent, butted in. Her serious tone made me wonder if I had overlooked some kind of risk. “Listen here. The only ones allowed to ride you are Finia and I!” “That’s what it was about?!” I ended up yelling back at Cortina who brought up a dirty topic with a serious face. The mansion’s yard or the village’s plaza wasn’t wide enough, and we’d also scare the villagers, so we headed to the grasslands outside of the village. I ended up getting sentimental, remembering the days I used to run around here with Michelle. Then I started to undress... “Cortina, drop your weird cheering.” “We get to see Nicole’s exhibitionism performance.” “Shut up!” My clothes would rip if I transformed, so it was unavoidable. That’s why I only brought women with me. But still, I couldn’t deny it felt a bit weird to get undressed in the wild. It’s also a fact that I’d be seen as a total pervert if I did it in male form. I activated the spell that I had only recently learned to use, and transformed into a giant Dragon. My body swelled up to twenty meters in size, and hard scales started to cover it. My giant eyes opened wide and my fangs grew to a meter long. I was giving off such an overwhelming presence that the animals around me were frozen from fear. Fina, who was showered in it from near proximity, was no exception. “Hawawawa—” She raised a silent shriek and sank to the ground, wetting her crotch. “Oh dear.” Maria quickly started to clean her up. Maria and Cortina have encountered it twice, so they were used to it, but it was too much for a four-year-old child, in the end. Seeing that I became quite depressed too. I didn’t hate having Fina whom I loved so dearly riding on my back. And I was already used to the Polymorph’s pain too. But having her ride me right after wetting herself was making me look kinda miserable, you know? “Grrrr...” I ended up groaning while feeling like crying.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 4, "inserted_lines_src": 14, "inserted_lines_trg": 2 }
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Until then, I had never seen a patient worsen so fast. In just two days she was connected to a respirator and on the third day she died. Sol had whooping cough. After discussing the case in the room and after a quite distressing catharsis, I remember my chief resident said to me, "Okay, take a deep breath. Wash your face. And now comes the hardest part: We have to go talk to her parents." At that time, a thousand questions came to mind, from, "How could a one-month-old baby be so unfortunate?" to, "Could we have done something about it?" Before vaccines existed, many infectious diseases killed millions of people per year. During the 1918 flu pandemic 50 million people died. That's greater than Argentina's current population. Perhaps, the older ones among you remember the polio epidemic that occurred in Argentina in 1956. At that time, there was no vaccine available against polio. People didn't know what to do. They were going crazy. They would go painting trees with caustic lime. They'd put little bags of camphor in their children's underwear, as if that could do something. During the polio epidemic, thousands of people died. And thousands of people were left with very significant neurological damage. I know this because I read about it, because thanks to vaccines, my generation was lucky to not live through an epidemic as terrible as this. Vaccines are one of the great successes of the 20th century's public health. After potable water, they are the interventions that have most reduced mortality, even more than antibiotics. Vaccines eradicated terrible diseases such as smallpox from the planet and succeeded in significantly reducing mortality due to other diseases such as measles, whooping cough, polio and many more. All these diseases are considered vaccine-preventable diseases. What does this mean? That they are potentially preventable, but in order to be so, something must be done. You need to get vaccinated. I imagine that most, if not all of us here today, received a vaccine at some point in our life. Now, I'm not so sure that many of us know which vaccines or boosters we should receive after adolescence. Have you ever wondered who we are protecting when we vaccinate? What do I mean by that? Is there any other effect beyond protecting ourselves? Let me show you something. Imagine for a moment that we are in a city that has never had a case of a particular disease, such as the measles. This would mean that no one in the city has ever had contact with the disease. No one has natural defenses against, nor been vaccinated against measles. If one day, a person sick with the measles appears in this city the disease won't find much resistance and will begin spreading from person to person, and in no time it will disseminate throughout the community. After a certain time a big part of the population will be ill. This happened when there were no vaccines. Now, imagine the complete opposite case. We are in a city where more than 90 percent of the population has defenses against the measles, which means that they either had the disease, survived, and developed natural defenses; or that they had been immunized against measles. If one day, a person sick with the measles appears in this city, the disease will find much more resistance and won't be transmitted that much from person to person. The spread will probably remain contained and a measles outbreak won't happen. I would like you to pay attention to something. People who are vaccinated are not only protecting themselves, but by blocking the dissemination of the disease within the community, they are indirectly protecting the people in this community who are not vaccinated. They create a kind of protective shield which prevents them from coming in contact with the disease, so that these people are protected. This indirect protection that the unvaccinated people within a community receive simply by being surrounded by vaccinated people, is called herd immunity. Many people in the community depend almost exclusively on this herd immunity to be protected against disease. The unvaccinated people you see in infographics are not just hypothetical. Those people are our nieces and nephews, our children, who may be too young to receive their first shots. They are our parents, our siblings, our acquaintances, who may have a disease, or take medication that lowers their defenses. There are also people who are allergic to a particular vaccine. any of us who got vaccinated, but the vaccine didn't produce the expected effect, because not all vaccines are always 100 percent effective. All these people depend almost exclusively on herd immunity to be protected against diseases. To achieve this effect of herd immunity, it is necessary that a large percentage of the population be vaccinated. This percentage is called the threshold. The threshold depends on many variables: It depends on the germ's characteristics, and those of the immune response that the vaccine generates. But they all have something in common. If the percentage of the population in a vaccinated community is below this threshold number, the disease will begin to spread more freely and may generate an outbreak of this disease within the community. Even diseases which were at some point controlled may reappear. This is not just a theory. This has happened, and is still happening. In 1998, a British researcher published an article in one of the most important medical journals, saying that the MMR vaccine, which is given for measles, mumps and rubella, was associated with autism. This generated an immediate impact. People began to stop getting vaccinated, and stopped vaccinating their children. And what happened? The number of people vaccinated, in many communities around the world, fell below this threshold. And there were outbreaks of measles in many cities in the world -- in the U.S., in Europe. Many people got sick. People died of measles. What happened? This article also generated a huge stir within the medical community. Dozens of researchers began to assess if this was actually true. Not only could no one find a causal association between MMR and autism at the population level, but it was also found that this article had incorrect claims. Even more, it was fraudulent. In fact, the journal publicly retracted the article in 2010. One of the main concerns and excuses for not getting vaccinated are the adverse effects. Vaccines, like other drugs, can have potential adverse effects. Most are mild and temporary. But the benefits are always greater than possible complications. When we are ill, we want to heal fast. Many of us who are here take antibiotics when we have an infection, we take anti-hypertensives when we have high blood pressure, we take cardiac medications. Why? Because we are sick and we want to heal fast. And we don't question it much. Why is it so difficult to think of preventing diseases, by taking care of ourselves when we are healthy? We take care of ourselves a lot when affected by an illness, or in situations of imminent danger. I imagine most of us here, which broke out in 2009 in Argentina and worldwide. When the first cases began to come to light, we, here in Argentina, were entering the winter season. We knew absolutely nothing. Everything was a mess. People wore masks on the street, ran into pharmacies to buy alcohol gel. People would line up in pharmacies to get a vaccine, without even knowing if it was the right vaccine that would protect them against this new virus. We knew absolutely nothing. At that time, in addition to doing my fellowship at the Infant Foundation, I worked as a home pediatrician for a prepaid medicine company. I remember that I started my shift at 8 a.m., and by 8, I already had a list of 50 scheduled visits. It was chaos; people didn't know what to do. I remember the types of patients that I was examining. The patients were a little older than what we were used to seeing in winter, with longer fevers. And I mentioned that to my fellowship mentor, and he, for his part, had heard the same from a colleague, about the large number of pregnant women and young adults being hospitalized in intensive care, with hard-to-manage clinical profiles. At that time, we set out to understand what was happening. First thing Monday morning, we took the car and went to a hospital in Buenos Aires Province, that served as a referral hospital for cases of the new influenza virus. We arrived at the hospital; it was crowded. All health staff were dressed in NASA-like bio-safety suits. We all had face masks in our pockets. I, being a hypochondriac, didn't breathe for two hours. But we could see what was happening. Immediately, we started reaching out to pediatricians from six hospitals in the city and in Buenos Aires Province. Our main goal was to find out how this new virus behaved in contact with our children, in the shortest time possible. A marathon work. In less than three months, we could see what effect this new H1N1 virus had on the 251 children hospitalized by this virus. We could see which children got more seriously ill: children under four, especially those less than one year old; patients with neurological diseases; and young children with chronic pulmonary diseases. Identifying these at-risk groups was important to include them as priority groups in the recommendations for getting the influenza vaccine, not only here in Argentina, but also in other countries which the pandemic not yet reached. A year later, when a vaccine against the pandemic H1N1 virus became available, we wanted to see what happened. After a huge vaccination campaign aimed at protecting at-risk groups, these hospitals, with 93 percent of the at-risk groups vaccinated, had not hospitalized a single patient for the pandemic H1N1 virus. In 2009: 251. In 2010: zero. Vaccination is an act of individual responsibility, but it has a huge collective impact. If I get vaccinated, not only am I protecting myself, but I am also protecting others. Sol had whooping cough. Sol was very young, and she hadn't yet received her first vaccine against whooping cough. I still wonder what would have happened if everyone around Sol had been vaccinated.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
そしãĻį‰šãĢ こぎ歌をį§ãŽįĨ–母ãĢ捧げたいと思いぞす æ´ģ動åŽļぎį§ãŒč­Ļ察ãĢåĢŒãŒã‚‰ã›ã‚’受けãĻいた時ãĢ 非常ãĢ重čĻãĒåŊšå‰˛ã‚’果たしãĻくれたからです 1976åš´6月16æ—ĨãĢ南ã‚ĸフãƒĒã‚Ģぎå­Ļį”ŸãŸãĄãŒ ã‚ĸフãƒĒã‚Ģãƒŧãƒŗã‚ščĒžã‚’圧åˆļč€…ãŽč¨€čĒžã§ã‚るとしãĻ ボイã‚ŗットしたäē‹ã‚’įš†ã•ã‚“ご存じでしょう åŊŧらはãĒんでもã‚ĸフãƒĒã‚Ģãƒŧãƒŗã‚ščĒžã§ čĄŒã‚ãĒければいけãĒã„ã¨č¨€ã‚ã‚Œãžã—ãŸ į”Ÿį‰Šã‚‚æ•°å­Ļぎ授æĨ­ã‚‚ ãĒぜį§é”ãŽå„ã€…ãŽč¨€čĒžã§ã¯ã„けãĒいぎか? å­Ļį”ŸãŸãĄã¯æ”ŋåēœã¨čŠąã—合いたいと思いぞしたが č­Ļ察は銃åŧžã§į­”えぞした ですからį§é”は毎嚴6月16æ—ĨãĢ äēĄããĒãŖたå­Ļį”Ÿã‚„äģ˛é–“ãŸãĄã‚’čŋŊæ‚ŧしãĻいるぎです そぎ時į§ã¯ãžã 11æ­ŗぐらいだãŖたと思いぞすが いろいろãĒį–‘問がわいたぎです それがį§ãŽ æ”ŋæ˛ģæ•™č‚˛ãŽå§‹ãžã‚Šã§ã—ãŸ そしãĻį§ã¯åžŒãĢ ã‚ĸフãƒĒã‚Ģ民族äŧšč­°ãŽ 青嚴å›ŖãĢ加わりぞした ANCをįĩ„įš”したり čŋŊæ‚ŧåŧã‚’æē–備したぎで č­Ļ察はį§é”ã‚’ãƒĒãƒŧダãƒŧとãŋãĒし 一斉検挙しようとしぞした į§ã¯6月ぎ9æ—Ĩか10æ—ĨäŊãĢãĒると č­Ļ察がæĨるだろうと åŽļから逃げたもぎです そしãĻįĨ–母はあるæ—Ĩã“ã†č¨€ã„ãžã—ãŸ 「いや é€ƒã’ãĄã‚ƒã„ã‘ãĒい ここはあんたぎ場所ãĒんだから ここãĢいãĒさい」 そしãĻč­Ļ察がæĨぞした 逎捕されれば刑務所ãĢå…Ĩれられ 20æ—Ĩ過ぎãĢãĒらãĒいとč§Ŗ攞しãĻもらえぞせん 6月10æ—ĨãĢč­Ļ察ãĢåŽļã‚’å›˛ãžã‚ŒãŸæ™‚ įĨ–母はåŽļぎ明かりを全部æļˆã— キッチãƒŗぎドã‚ĸを開けぞした そしãĻã“ã†č¨€ãŖたんです 「ヴã‚ēã‚ŖはここãĢいるけお äģŠå¤œã¯åŊŧをé€ŖれãĻいかせãĒい あんた達ぎ子おも達はåŽļでぐãŖすり寝ãĻいるぎãĢ あんた達がåŽļãĢæĨãĻ į§é”ãĢåĢŒãŒã‚‰ã›ã‚’するäē‹ãĢうんざりしãĻいるんだ åŊŧはここãĢいるけお é€ŖれãĻčĄŒã‘ãĒいよ ここãĢį†ąæš¯ãŒãŸãŖãˇã‚Šå…ĨãŖたボãƒŧãƒĢがある―一į•Ē始めãĢåŽļãĢå…Ĩるぎが かãļるんだよ」 そしãĻåŊŧらは帰りぞした (拍手) トã‚Ĩナ ママ、トã‚Ĩナ ママ、トã‚Ĩナ ママ、トã‚Ĩナ ママ 子䞛ぎ頃ぎ思いå‡ēぎ中 あãĒたぎį›Žã¯æļ™ã§ã‹ã™ã‚“でいる 僕はあãĒたぎįŦ‘éĄ”ãŽä¸­ãŽįœŸåŽŸã‚’įŸĨãŖãĻいる 僕はあãĒたぎįŦ‘éĄ”ãŽä¸­ãŽįœŸåŽŸã‚’įŸĨãŖãĻいる そぎįŦ‘éĄ”ã¯åƒ•ãŽį„ĄįŸĨぎ暗闇をį…§ã‚‰ã—ãĻくれた あぁ ママはæ¨ĒたわãŖãĻ寝ãĻいる とãĻã‚‚å…ˇåˆãŒæ‚Ēく åŋƒã¯æŗŖきåĢんでいる わからãĒい わからãĒい わからãĒい わからãĒい こぎ世į•ŒãŒãŠã†ãĒãŖãĻしぞうぎか 子おも達がč‡Ē分達を厈らãĒきゃいけãĒいäē‹ã¯æ­Ŗしいぎかい?いや いや いや いや いや ãŠã°ã‚ãĄã‚ƒã‚“ãĢ困é›Ŗが降りかかるぎはæ­Ŗしいäē‹ã‹ã„? æœŦåŊ“ãĢかわいそうãĒį„ĄåŠ›ãĒäēē々 トã‚Ĩナ ママ ママ、トã‚Ĩナ ママ、トã‚Ĩナ ママ トã‚Ĩナ ママ、トã‚Ĩナ ママ、トã‚Ĩナ ママ ママ、トã‚Ĩナ ママ 明æ—ĨはもãŖã¨č‰¯ããĒる 明æ—Ĩはį”Ÿãã‚‹ãŽãĢもãŖといいæ—ĨãĢãĒる トã‚Ĩナ ママ、トã‚Ĩナ ママ 僕はブãƒĢãƒŧã‚šæ­Œæ‰‹ã‚„åŸéŠčŠŠäēēぎようãĢ歌いå‡ēすずきãĒぎか? そしãĻ ブãƒĢãƒŧ゚クナブãĢいãĒくãĻも遠いところから歌うずきãĒぎか? ベイビãƒŧ ベイビãƒŧ ベイビãƒŧ ベイビãƒŧ ベイビãƒŧ ベイビãƒŧ 僕はäģŠ もう愛ぎ歌を歌うぎをやめるずきãĒぎか äģŠã‚„åƒ•ãŽč¨˜æ†ļã¯čĄ€ã§čĻ†ã‚ã‚ŒãĻいるから? åĨŗ性達よ おうしãĻ おうしãĻ時ãĢåƒ•ãŸãĄã¯ 小さãĒできもぎをį™Œã¨é–“違えたりするんだろう 愛ぎ歌ãĒんかもうやめãĻãĒんãĻč¨€ã†ãŽã¯čĒ°? 僕は愛ぎ歌を歌いたいんだ åĻŠå¨ ã—ãĻいるぎãĢåĄ€ã‚’éŖ›ãŗčļŠãˆ それでもåĨåēˇãĒ子おもをį”ŖんだあぎåĨŗ性ãĢ 垎įŦ‘ぎé™Ŋだぞりぎ中へゆãŖくり歊いãĻいくと čĒ°ã‹ã‚’æ„›ã™ã‚‹åƒ•ãŽæ°—æŒãĄãĢįĢがともり 愛ぎ歌 å‘Ŋぎ歌がéŗ´ã‚Šå‡ēすんだ 僕ぎ愛ぎ歌 僕ぎäēēį”Ÿã¯æ„›ã‚’歌うäē‹ おぉ 僕は歌から逃げたりしãĒい ä¸åąˆãŽåŖ°ãŒčžã“える æ•ĩぎįˆ†åŧžã‚ˆã‚ŠåŧˇåŠ›ãĒåŖ° ããŽæ­Œã¯åƒ•ãŸãĄãŽå‘Ŋã¨čĄ€ãŽé›¨ã‚’æ´—ã† 愛ぎ歌を歌うäē‹ãŒ 僕ぎäēēį”Ÿ å‘Ŋを歌おう 愛を歌おう 僕はå‘Ŋぎ限り 愛を歌う -ãŋんãĒ一įˇ’ãĢ こぎäēēį”Ÿã‚’ 愛ぎ歌ãĢ捧げよう―― さあ 歌ãŖãĻ å‘Ŋぎ歌を 愛ぎ歌を―― čžã“ãˆãĒいよ 愛ぎ歌を歌うäē‹ãŒ 僕ぎäēēį”Ÿâ€•â€•ã‚‚ãŖと大きいåŖ°ã§ å‘Ŋぎ歌を 愛ぎ歌を――įļšã‘ãĻ įļšã‘ãĻ 僕ぎ愛を į”Ÿæļ¯ã‚’かけãĻ そう 僕は愛を歌う もãŖと大きãĒåŖ°ã§â€•â€• 僕ぎäēēį”Ÿã¯ 愛ぎ歌 そう 僕ぎå‘Ŋぎ歌 įļšã‘ãĻ そぎčĒŋ子 歌ãŖãĻ――僕ぎ愛ぎ歌 僕ぎ愛ぎ歌 僕ぎå‘Ŋぎ歌 歌ãŖãĻ 愛ぎ歌は僕ぎäēēį”ŸãŽæ­Œ 歌ãŖãĻ 愛を歌う å‘Ŋぎ限り 歌ãŖãĻ 愛ぎ歌を 僕ぎäēēį”Ÿã‚’ 歌ãŖãĻ 愛ぎ歌 僕ぎå‘Ŋぎ歌 歌ãŖãĻ 僕は愛ぎ歌をずãŖと歌うよ 僕ぎå‘Ŋぎ歌
And, of course, I’m dedicating it also to my grandmother, whom I think really played quite a lot of important roles, especially for me when I was an activist, and being harassed by the police. You will recall that in 1976, June 16, the students of South Africa boycotted the language of Afrikaans as the medium of the oppressor, as they were sort of like really told that they must do everything in Afrikaans -- biology, mathematics -- and what about our languages? And the students wanted to speak to the government, and police answered with bullets. So every year, June 16, we will commemorate all those comrades or students who died. And I was very young then. I think I was 11 years, and I started asking questions, and that’s when my political education started. And I joined, later on, the youth organization under the African National Congress. So as part of organizing this and whatever, this commemoration, the police will round us up as they call us leaders. And I used to run away from home, when I know that maybe the police might be coming around the ninth or 10th of June or so. And my grandmother one time said, "No, look, you’re not going to run away. This is your place, you stay here." And indeed, the police came -- because they’ll just arrest us and put us in jail and release us whenever they feel like, after the 20th or so. So it was on the 10th of June, and they came, and they surrounded the house, and my grandmother switched off all the lights in the house, and opened the kitchen door. And she said to them, "Vusi's here, and you're not going to take him tonight. I'm tired of you having to come here, harassing us, while your children are sleeping peacefully in your homes. He is here, and you're not going to take him. I've got a bowl full of boiling water -- the first one who comes in here, gets it." And they left. â™Ģ Thula Mama, Thula Mama, Thula Mama, Thula Mama. â™Ģ â™Ģ Through the mist of the tears in your eyes on my childhood memory, â™Ģ â™Ģ I know the truth in your smile, â™Ģ â™Ģ I know the truth in your smile, â™Ģ â™Ģ piercing through the gloom of my ignorance. â™Ģ â™Ģ Oh, there is a mama lying down sleeping â™Ģ â™Ģ you're very ill and your heart crying. â™Ģ â™Ģ Wondering, wondering, wondering, wondering where is this world coming to. â™Ģ â™Ģ Is it right the children have to fend for themselves? No, no, no, no, no. no. â™Ģ â™Ģ Is it right heaping trouble on an old lady's head? â™Ģ â™Ģ So unlucky faceless people. â™Ģ â™Ģ Thula Mama Mama, Thula Mama. Thula Mama Mama. â™Ģ â™Ģ Thula Mama, Thula Mama, Thula Mama Mama, Thula Mama â™Ģ â™Ģ Tomorrow it’s going to be better. â™Ģ â™Ģ Tomorrow it's going to be better to climb, Mama. â™Ģ â™Ģ Thula Mama, Thula Mama. â™Ģ â™Ģ Am I to break into the song like the blues man or troubadour. â™Ģ â™Ģ And then from long distance in no blues club am I to sing, â™Ģ â™Ģ baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby. â™Ģ â™Ģ Should I now stop singing of love, â™Ģ â™Ģ now that my memory’s surrounded by blood? â™Ģ â™Ģ Sister, why oh why do we at times mistake a pimple for a cancer? â™Ģ â™Ģ So who are they who says, no more love poems now? â™Ģ â™Ģ I want to sing a song of love â™Ģ â™Ģ for that woman who jumped the fences pregnant â™Ģ â™Ģ and still gave birth to a healthy child. â™Ģ â™Ģ Softly I walk into the sun rays of the smile â™Ģ â™Ģ that will ignite my love song, my song of life, â™Ģ â™Ģ my song of love, my song of life, my song of love, â™Ģ â™Ģ my song of life, my song of love, my song of life. â™Ģ â™Ģ Ooh, I’ve not tried to run away from song, â™Ģ â™Ģ I hear a persistent voice, more powerful than the enemy bombs. â™Ģ â™Ģ The song that washed our lives and the rains of our blood. â™Ģ â™Ģ My song of love and my song of life, my song of love, â™Ģ â™Ģ my song of life, my song of love, â™Ģ â™Ģ my song of life, my song of love -- I want everybody to sing with me -- â™Ģ â™Ģ my song of life, my song of love, my song of life -- everybody sing with me -- â™Ģ â™Ģ my song of life, my song of love -- I can’t hear you -- â™Ģ â™Ģ my song of love, my song of life -- you can do better -- â™Ģ â™Ģ my song of life, my song of love -- keep singing, keep singing -- â™Ģ â™Ģ my song of love, my song of life, yes, my song of love -- â™Ģ â™Ģ you can do better than that -- â™Ģ â™Ģ my song of life, yes, my song of love, my song of life, my song of love -- â™Ģ â™Ģ keep singing, keep singing, keep singing -- my song of love. â™Ģ â™Ģ Oh yeah. My song of -- a love song, my song of life. Sing. A love song, my song of life. Sing. â™Ģ â™Ģ Love song, my song of life. Sing. Love song, my song of life. Sing. â™Ģ â™Ģ Love song, my song of life. Sing. Love song, my song of life. â™Ģ â™Ģ Love song, my song of life. â™Ģ
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
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And so one of the questions that I asked you is, when you look around, what do you see? Well, you see this space that's created by designers and by the work of people, but what you actually see is a lot of material that was already here, being reshaped in a certain form. And so the question is: how did that material get here? How did it get into the form that it had before it got reshaped, and so forth? It's a question of what's the continuity? So one of the things I look at is, how did the universe begin and shape? What was the whole process in the creation and the evolution of the universe to getting to the point that we have these kinds of materials? So that's sort of the part, and let me move on then and show you the Hubble Ultra Deep Field. If you look at this picture, what you will see is a lot of dark with some light objects in it. And everything but -- four of these light objects are stars, and you can see them there -- little pluses. This is a star, this is a star, everything else is a galaxy, OK? So there's a couple of thousand galaxies you can see easily with your eye in here. And when I look out at particularly this galaxy, which looks a lot like ours, I wonder if there's an art design college conference going on, and intelligent beings there are thinking about, you know, what designs they might do, and there might be a few cosmologists trying to understand where the universe itself came from, and there might even be some in that galaxy looking at ours trying to figure out what's going on over here. But there's a lot of other galaxies, and some are nearby, and they're kind of the color of the Sun, and some are further away and they're a little bluer, and so forth. But one of the questions is -- this should be, to you -- how come there are so many galaxies? Because this represents a very clean fraction of the sky. This is only 1,000 galaxies. We think there's on the order -- visible to the Hubble Space Telescope, if you had the time to scan it around -- about 100 billion galaxies. Right? It's a very large number of galaxies. And that's roughly how many stars there are in our own galaxy. But when you look at some of these regions like this, you'll see more galaxies than stars, which is kind of a conundrum. So the question should come to your mind is, what kind of design, you know, what kind of creative process and what kind of design produced the world like that? And then I'm going to show you it's actually a lot more complicated. We're going to try and follow it up. We have a tool that actually helps us out in this study, and that's the fact that the universe is so incredibly big that it's a time machine, in a certain sense. We draw this set of nested spheres cut away so you see it. Put the Earth at the center of the nested spheres, And the moon is only two seconds away, so if you take a picture of the moon using ordinary light, it's the moon two seconds ago, and who cares. Two seconds is like the present. The Sun is eight minutes ago. That's not such a big deal, right, unless there's solar flares coming then you want to get out the way. You'd like to have a little advance warning. But you get out to Jupiter and it's 40 minutes away. It's a problem. You hear about Mars, it's a problem communicating to Mars because it takes light long enough to go there. But if you look out to the nearest set of stars, to the nearest 40 or 50 stars, it's about 10 years. So if you take a picture of what's going on, it's 10 years ago. But you go and look to the center of the galaxy, it's thousands of years ago. If you look at Andromeda, which is the nearest big galaxy, and it's two million years ago. If you took a picture of the Earth two million years ago, there'd be no evidence of humans at all, because we don't think there were humans yet. I mean, it just gives you the scale. With the Hubble Space Telescope, we're looking at hundreds of millions of years to a billion years. But if we were capable to come up with an idea of how to look even further -- there's some things even further, was to develop the techniques -- we could look out back to even earlier epochs before there were stars and before there were galaxies, back to when the universe was hot and dense and very different. And so that's the sort of sequence, and so I have a more artistic impression of this. There's the galaxy in the middle, which is the Milky Way, and around that are the Hubble -- you know, nearby kind of galaxies, and there's a sphere that marks the different times. And behind that are some more modern galaxies. You see the whole big picture? The beginning of time is funny -- it's on the outside, right? And then there's a part of the universe we can't see because it's so dense and so hot, light can't escape. It's like you can't see to the center of the Sun; you have to use other techniques to know what's going on inside the Sun. But you can see the edge of the Sun, and the universe gets that way, and you can see that. And then you see this sort of model area around the outside, and that is the radiation coming from the Big Bang, which is actually incredibly uniform. The universe is almost a perfect sphere, but there are these very tiny variations which we show here in great exaggeration. And from them in the time sequence we're going to have to go from these tiny variations to these irregular galaxies and first stars to these more advanced galaxies, and eventually the solar system, and so forth. So it's a big design job, but we'll see about how things are going on. So the way these measurements were done, there's been a set of satellites, and this is where you get to see. So there was the COBE satellite, which was launched in 1989, and we discovered these variations. And then in 2000, the MAP satellite was launched -- the WMAP -- and it made somewhat better pictures. And later this year -- this is the cool stealth version, the one that actually has some beautiful design features to it, and you should look -- the Planck satellite will be launched, and it will make very high-resolution maps. And that will be the sequence of understanding the very beginning of the universe. And what we saw was, we saw these variations, and then they told us the secrets, both about the structure of space-time, and about the contents of the universe, and about how the universe started in its original motions. So we have this picture, which is quite a spectacular picture, and I'll come back to the beginning, where we're going to have some mysterious process that kicks the universe off at the beginning. And we go through a period of accelerating expansion, and the universe expands and cools until it gets to the point where it becomes transparent, then to the Dark Ages, and then the first stars turn on, and they evolve into galaxies, and then later they get to the more expansive galaxies. And somewhere around this period is when our solar system started forming. And it's maturing up to the present time. And there's some spectacular things. And this wastebasket part, that's to represent what the structure of space-time itself is doing during this period. And so this is a pretty weird model, right? What kind of evidence do we have for that? So let me show you some of nature's patterns that are the result of this. I always think of space-time as being the real substance of space, and the galaxies and the stars just like the foam on the ocean. It's a marker of where the interesting waves are and whatever went on. So here is the Sloan Digital Sky Survey showing the location of a million galaxies. So there's a dot on here for every galaxy. They go out and point a telescope at the sky, take a picture, identify what are stars and throw them away, look at the galaxies, estimate how far away they are, and plot them up. And just put radially they're going out that way. And you see these structures, this thing we call the Great Wall, but there are voids and those kinds of stuff, and they kind of fade out because the telescope isn't sensitive enough to do it. Now I'm going to show you this in 3D. What happens is, you take pictures as the Earth rotates, you get a fan across the sky. There are some places you can't look because of our own galaxy, or because there are no telescopes available to do it. So the next picture shows you the three-dimensional version of this rotating around. Do you see the fan-like scans made across the sky? Remember, every spot on here is a galaxy, and you see the galaxies, you know, sort of in our neighborhood, and you sort of see the structure. And you see this thing we call the Great Wall, and you see the complicated structure, and you see these voids. There are places where there are no galaxies and there are places where there are thousands of galaxies clumped together, right. So there's an interesting pattern, but we don't have enough data here to actually see the pattern. We only have a million galaxies, right? So we're keeping, like, a million balls in the air but, what's going on? There's another survey which is very similar to this, called the Two-degree Field of View Galaxy Redshift Survey. And every time there's a galaxy -- at its location there's a galaxy -- and if we know anything about the galaxy, which we do, because there's a redshift measurement and everything, you put in the type of galaxy and the color, so this is the real representation. And when you're in the middle of the galaxies it's hard to see the pattern; it's like being in the middle of life. It's hard to see the pattern in the middle of the audience, it's hard to see the pattern of this. So we're going to go out and swing around and look back at this. And you'll see, first, the structure of the survey, and then you'll start seeing the structure of the galaxies that we see out there. So again, you can see the extension of this Great Wall of galaxies showing up here. But you can see the voids, you can see the complicated structure, and you say, well, how did this happen? Suppose you're the cosmic designer. How are you going to put galaxies out there in a pattern like that? It's not just throwing them out at random. There's a more complicated process going on here. How are you going to end up doing that? And so now we're in for some serious play. That is, we have to seriously play God, not just change people's lives, but make the universe, right. So if that's your responsibility, how are you going to do that? What's the kind of technique? What's the kind of thing you're going to do? So I'm going to show you the results of a very large-scale simulation of what we think the universe might be like, using, essentially, you know, humans have labored so hard to pick up, but apparently nature knew how to do at the beginning. And that is, you start out with very simple ingredients and some simple rules, but you have to have enough ingredients to make it complicated. And then you put in some randomness, some fluctuations and some randomness, and realize a whole bunch of different representations. So what I'm going to do is show you the distribution of matter as a function of scales. We're going to zoom in, but this is a plot of what it is. And we had to add one more thing to make the universe come out right. It's called dark matter. That is matter that doesn't interact with light the typical way that ordinary matter does, the way the light's shining on me or on the stage. It's transparent to light, but in order for you to see it, we're going to make it white. OK? So the stuff that's in this picture that's white, that is the dark matter. It should be called invisible matter, but the dark matter we've made visible. And the stuff that is in the yellow color, that is the ordinary kind of matter that's turned into stars and galaxies. So I'll show you the next movie. So this -- we're going to zoom in. Notice this pattern and pay attention to this pattern. We're going to zoom in and zoom in. And you'll see there are all these filaments and structures and voids. And when a number of filaments come together in a knot, that makes a supercluster of galaxies. This one we're zooming in on is somewhere between 100,000 and a million galaxies in that small region. So we live in the boonies. We don't live in the center of the solar system, we don't live in the center of the galaxy and our galaxy's not in the center of the cluster. So we're zooming in. This is a region which probably has more than 100,000, on the order of a million galaxies in that region. We're going to keep zooming in. OK. And so I forgot to tell you the scale. A parsec is 3.26 light years. So a gigaparsec is three billion light years -- that's the scale. So it takes light three billion years to travel over that distance. Now we're into a distance sort of between here and here. That's the distance between us and Andromeda, right? These little specks that you're seeing in here, they're galaxies. Now we're going to zoom back out, and you can see this structure that, when we get very far out, looks very regular, but it's made up of a lot of irregular variations. So they're simple building blocks. There's a very simple fluid to begin with. It's got dark matter, it's got ordinary matter, it's got photons and it's got neutrinos, which don't play much role in the later part of the universe. And it's just a simple fluid and it, over time, develops into this complicated structure. And so you know when you first saw this picture, it didn't mean quite so much to you. Here you're looking across one percent of the volume of the visible universe and you're seeing billions of galaxies, right, and nodes, but you realize they're not even the main structure. There's a framework, which is the dark matter, the invisible matter, that's out there that's actually holding it all together. So let's fly through it, and you can see how much harder it is when you're in the middle of something to figure this out. So here's that same end result. You see a filament, you see the light is the invisible matter, and the yellow is the stars or the galaxies showing up. And we're going to fly around, and we'll fly around, and you'll see occasionally a couple of filaments intersect, and you get a large cluster of galaxies. And then we'll fly in to where the very large cluster is, and you can see what it looks like. And so from inside, it doesn't look very complicated, right? It's only when you look at it at a very large scale, and explore it and so forth, you realize it's a very intricate, complicated kind of a design, right? And it's grown up in some kind of way. So the question is, how hard would it be to assemble this, right? How big a contractor team would you need to put this universe together, right? That's the issue, right? And so here we are. You see how the filament -- you see how several filaments are coming together, therefore making this supercluster of galaxies. And you have to understand, this is not how it would actually look if you -- first, you can't travel this fast, everything would be distorted, but this is using simple rendering and graphic arts kind of stuff. This is how, if you took billions of years to go around, it might look to you, right? And if you could see invisible matter, too. And so the idea is, you know, how would you put together the universe in a very simple way? We're going to start and realize that the entire visible universe, everything we can see in every direction with the Hubble Space Telescope plus our other instruments, was once in a region that was smaller than an atom. It started with tiny quantum mechanical fluctuations, but expanding at a tremendous rate. And those fluctuations were stretched to astronomical sizes, and those fluctuations eventually are the things we see in the cosmic microwave background. And then we needed some way to turn those fluctuations into galaxies and clusters of galaxies and make these kinds of structures go on. So I'm going to show you a smaller simulation. This simulation was run on 1,000 processors for a month in order to make just this simple visible one. that can be run on a desktop in two days in the next picture. So you start out with teeny fluctuations when the universe was at this point, now four times smaller, and so forth. And you start seeing these networks, this cosmic web of structure forming. And this is a simple one, because it doesn't have the ordinary matter and it just has the dark matter in it. And you see how the dark matter lumps up, and the ordinary matter just trails along behind. So there it is. At the beginning it's very uniform. The fluctuations are a part in 100,000. There are a few peaks that are a part in 10,000, and then over billions of years, gravity just pulls in. This is light over density, pulls the material around in. That pulls in more material and pulls in more material. But the distances on the universe are so large and the time scales are so large that it takes a long time for this to form. And it keeps forming until the universe is roughly about half the size it is now, in terms of its expansion. And at that point, the universe mysteriously starts accelerating its expansion and cuts off the formation of larger-scale structure. So we're just seeing as large a scale structure as we can see, and then only things that have started forming already are going to form, and then from then on it's going to go on. So we're able to do the simulation, but this is two days on a desktop. to do the kind of simulation that I showed you before. So we have an idea of how to play seriously, creating the universe by starting with essentially less than an eyedrop full of material, from almost nothing -- that is, something extremely tiny, extremely small -- and it is almost perfect, except it has these tiny fluctuations at a part in 100,000 level, which turn out to produce the interesting patterns and designs we see, that is, galaxies and stars and so forth. So we have a model, and we can calculate it, and we can use it to make designs of what we think the universe really looks like. And that design is sort of way beyond what our original imagination ever was. So this is what we started with 15 years ago, with the Cosmic Background Explorer -- made the map on the upper right, which basically showed us that there were large-scale fluctuations, and actually fluctuations on several scales. You can kind of see that. Since then we've had WMAP, which just gives us higher angular resolution. We see the same large-scale structure, but we see additional small-scale structure. And on the bottom right is if the satellite had flipped upside down and mapped the Earth, what kind of a map we would have got of the Earth. You can see, well, you can, kind of pick out all the major continents, but that's about it. But what we're hoping when we get to Planck, we'll have resolution about equivalent to the resolution you see of the Earth there, where you can really see the complicated pattern that exists on the Earth. And you can also tell, because of the sharp edges and the way things fit together, there are some non-linear processes. Geology has these effects, You can see that just from the map alone. We want to get to the point in our maps of the early universe we can see whether there are any non-linear effects that are starting to move, to modify, and are giving us a hint about how space-time itself was actually created at the beginning moments. So that's where we are today, and that's what I wanted to give you a flavor of. Give you a different view about what the design and what everything else looks like. Thank you.
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įŽ‹å­ãŽč¨€č‘‰ãĢįš†ãŒæš–ã‚’é™ēしいį›Žã§čĻ‹ã¤ã‚ã‚‹ã€‚ įĸēかãĢã€æ¯’ãŒã‚ã‚‹ã“ãŽč‡­ãæąšã„æš–ãĢäŊ•ã‹ã—らぎ原因はありそうだ。 それãĢしãĻも、äēēãĢよãŖãĻ毒ぎ内厚が変わるãĒんãĻ、そんãĒčēĢ勝手ãĒæ¯’čžã„ãŸã“ã¨ãĒã„ã‚ã‚ˆã€‚ãžãã€ãƒ•ã‚Ąãƒŗã‚ŋジãƒŧぎ世į•Œã ã‹ã‚‰äŊ•ã§ã‚‚ありãĒぎね。 「こぎ暖を掃除するんすか?」 ã‚ąãƒŦã‚šãŽč¨€č‘‰ãĢついįŦ‘ãŖãĻしぞãŖた。 こぎ暖をįļēéē—ãĢするãĒんãĻ、不可čƒŊãĢčŋ‘い。隊ãĢå…ĨãŖãĻčĻ‹ãĻ分かãŖたけお、ヴã‚Ŗクã‚ŋãƒŧぎå…ĩåŖĢãŖãĻč„ŗį­‹ãŽäēēが多い。 こぎ暖ぎ水を透明ãĢå‡ēæĨたら、æ­ģんだäēē間をį”Ļらせることがå‡ēæĨるぐらいåĨ‡čˇĄã‚ˆã€‚ 「違う、こぎ下ãĢあるこぎ暖ぎæēã‚’æŽĸすんだ」 「遠垁部がäģŠã‹ã‚‰æŊœæ°´éƒ¨?」 「äŊ•č¨€ãŖãĻんだ?」 ヴã‚Ŗクã‚ŋãƒŧがį§ãŽã—ょうもãĒã„č¨€č‘‰ãĢéĄ”ã‚’ã—ã‹ã‚ã‚‹ã€‚ 透明ãĒビãƒĨãƒŧテã‚ŖフãƒĢã‚Ēãƒŧã‚ˇãƒŖãƒŗãĢãĒらæŊœã‚ŠãŸã„けお、こぎæŗĨæ˛ŧãĢæŊœã‚ŠãŸãã¯ãĒい。 įŊ°ã‚˛ãƒŧムじゃãĒい。そもそも、æŊœãŖたところでäŊ•ã‹æ‰‹æŽ›ã‹ã‚ŠãŒã¤ã‹ã‚ã‚‹ã¨ã¯æ€ãˆãĒい。 「暖ぎæēãŖãĻå…ˇäŊ“įš„ãĢäŊ•ã§ã™ã‹?」 į´”į˛‹ãĒįžŗをヴã‚Ŗクã‚ŋãƒŧãĢ向けãĒがらジãƒĨãƒĢドが尋ねる。 ã€Œå…ˇäŊ“įš„ãĢは分からãĒいが、įĸēかãĢã‚ã‚‹ã‚‰ã—ã„ã€‚æš–ãŽä¸­ã¯č–„ãæąšã‚ŒãĻいるが、透明だからæŽĸすことは可čƒŊだ」 ということは、過åŽģãĢæŊœãŖたäēē間がいたぎね。......å‹‡č€…ã ã‚ã€‚ 「おうしãĻそぎ暖ぎæēãŒæŦ˛ã—いんですか?」 äģŠåēĻはæ•ŦčĒžã§čžãã€‚ ヴã‚Ŗクã‚ŋãƒŧは少嚴ぎようãĒčĄ¨æƒ…ã‚’æĩŽã‹ãšã€ãĢやりとįŦ‘う。 「įŽ‹ãĢãĒã‚‹æĄäģļだ」 čĻ‡æ°—ぎあるåŖ°ã§ãã†č¨€ãŖãĻ、åŊŧは上į€ã‚’č„ąãã€‚čĸ–をぞくり、äģŠãĢでも暖ぎ中ãĢå…ĨりそうãĒå‹ĸいだ。 ......ãã†č¨€ãˆã°ã€ãƒ´ã‚Ŗクã‚ŋãƒŧは子だãŖたわね。あぎロãƒŗ毛ぎお兄様が子だもぎ。 åŊŧよりヴã‚Ŗクã‚ŋãƒŧãŽæ–šãŒčĄŒå‹•åŠ›ãŒã‚ã‚‹ã‚ˆã†ãĢ思える。ぞだあぎ城ãĢæĨãĻそんãĒãĢįĩŒãŖãĻいãĒいけお、ヴã‚Ŗクã‚ŋãƒŧぎ兄をčĻ‹ã‹ã‘たことが一åēĻもãĒい。 åŧ•ãã“ã‚‚ã‚ŠãĒぎかしら。勝手ãĒã‚¤ãƒĄãƒŧジだけお、少し大äēēしそうãĒé›°å›˛æ°—ã ãŖたし。 「æŊœã‚‹ãžã€ įŽ‹å­ãŽč¨€č‘‰ã§įš†ãŒä¸€æ–‰ãĢæœã‚’č„ąãŽå§‹ã‚ã‚‹ã€‚ãƒžãƒĒã‚Ļã‚šéšŠé•ˇã¨ã‚¸ãƒĨãƒĢドが上半čēĢčŖ¸ãĢãĒã‚‹ã€‚ã‚ąãƒŦ゚とį§ã¯įŽ‹å­åŒæ§˜ä¸Šį€ã‚’ä¸€æžšč„ąã„ã ã ã‘ã ã€‚ įĩļ寞ãĢ上半čēĢはčŖ¸ãĢãĒれãĒいわ。水ãĢãŦれãĻさらしが透けãĒいことをįĨˆã‚‹ã—かãĒã„ã€‚å‰˛ã¨åˆ†åŽšã„į”Ÿåœ°ã ã—そぎčžēは厉åŋƒ......、分厚かãŖたら水をæ˛ĸåąąåĢんでæ­ģãŦįĸēįŽ‡ãŒä¸ŠãŒã‚‹ã‚ã‚ˆã­ã€‚ įŽ‹å­ã¯č‡Ē分がæ­ģãŦ可čƒŊæ€§ã‚’č€ƒãˆãĻいãĒいぎかしら。そもそもこぎ暖全äŊ“が毒ãĒら、æ­ģãĢãĢčĄŒãã‚ˆã†ãĒもぎ......。 「お、įŽ‹å­ã€ãžã æ—Šãžã‚‰ãĒã„æ–šãŒč‰¯ã„ã§ã™ã‚ˆã€ 「あ?」 į§ãŽč¨€č‘‰ãĢヴã‚Ŗクã‚ŋãƒŧはæ€Ē訝ãĒčĄ¨æƒ…ã‚’æĩŽã‹ãšã‚‹ã€‚ 「č‡ĒæŽēåŋ—éĄ˜č€…ãĒんですか? įŽ‹ãĢãĒる前ãĢæ­ģãŦãŖãĻ」 「毒ぎ中ãĢå…Ĩるんですよ。僕もįŽ‹å­ãŽé›°å›˛æ°—ãĢぎãŋčžŧãžã‚ŒãŸã‘ãŠã€å†ˇé™ãĢč€ƒãˆãŸã‚‰ã‚„ã°ããĒいですか?」 「お、ã‚Ŧキ、ついãĢ怖気ãĨいたぎか?」 ヴã‚Ŗクã‚ŋãƒŧはおこかåŦ‰ã—そうãĒåŖ°ã§ãã†č¨€ãŖた。 「ナイã‚ĒãƒŗãĢįĢ‹ãĄå‘かãŖたやつとは思えねえãĒ」 マãƒĒã‚Ļã‚šéšŠé•ˇãŒæ¨ĒからäŧščŠąãĢå…ĨãŖãĻくる。 こぎ毒ãĢæąšæŸ“ã•ã‚ŒãĻいる暖ãĢæŊœã‚‹ãŽã¨ãƒŠã‚¤ã‚ĒãƒŗとæˆĻうぎじゃ、æ­ģäēĄįŽ‡ãŒįĸē原ãĢ違うわよ。 「éŖ˛ãžãĒきゃæ­ģãĒねえよ」 ......こぎå›ŊぎįŽ‹å­ãĢ怖いもぎはãĒいぎかしら。 「じゃあ、åŊŧらは?」 į§ã¯ãŠã˜ã„æ§˜čĄ†ã‚’å‹ĸいよく指さした。 æŒ‡ã‚’ã•ã™ãŽã¯č‰¯ããĒいことだけお、äģŠã¯äģ¤åŦĸじゃãĒã„ã‹ã‚‰č‰¯ã„ã‚ã‚ˆã­......。 「じじいがこんãĒæš–æŊœãŖたらæ­ģãŦだろ」 「間違いãĒいです」 ã€Œã§ã‚‚ã€å‰¯éšŠé•ˇã‚‚æŊœã‚‰ãĒいんですか?」 ニãƒŧãƒĢå‰¯éšŠé•ˇãŽæ–šãĢãĄã‚‰ã‚Šã¨į›Žã‚’向ける。 åŊŧはįš†ãŒä¸Šį€ã‚’č„ąã„ã ã‚Šã€ä¸ŠåŠčēĢをčŖ¸ãĢしãĻいる時ãĢ、äŊ•ã‚‚動かãĒかãŖた。ただį§é”ぎæē–備する様子をčĻ‹ãĻいただけだ。 「一äēēぐらいここãĢ掋しãĻおいた斚がいいだろ」 「あ、じゃあ僕が」 「お前はæŊœã‚Œã€ æœ€åžŒãžã§č¨€ã†å‰ãĢヴã‚Ŗクã‚ŋãƒŧは少しきついåŖčĒŋでį§ãĢãã†č¨€ãŖた。 選択ぎäŊ™åœ°ã¯ãĒã•ãã†ã­ã€‚æ—Šãč…šã‚’ããã‚‰ãĒいと。čĻšæ‚Ÿã‚’æąēめるぎよ、ã‚ĸãƒĒã‚ˇã‚ĸ。 「į§ãŒæ­ģんだら、įŽ‹å­ã‚‚å‘ĒいæŽēしぞす」 å…ĩåŖĢぎįš†ãŒã€ŒįŽ‹å­ãĢãĒんãĻã“ã¨č¨€ãŖãĻã‚“ã ã“ã„ã¤ã€ã¨č¨€ã„ãŸã’ãĒéĄ”ã‚’ã™ã‚‹ã€‚ãƒ´ã‚Ŗクã‚ŋãƒŧはį§ãŽč¨€č‘‰ãĢčģŊくįŦ‘い、åŖを開いた。 「厉åŋƒã—ろ、äŋēがæ­ģんでもお前はį”ŸããĻるだろうよ」 äŋēがčĻ‹čžŧんだんだからč‡ĒäŋĄã‚‚ãŖãĻæš–ãĢå…Ĩã‚Œã€ã¨č¨€ãŖãĻいるようãĢčžã“ãˆãŸã€‚åŊŧぎįžŗがį§ãĢãã†č¨€ãŖãĻいた。 ......しょうがãĒいわ。一į•Ē最初ãĢã“ãŽč…ãŖた暖ãĢįĒãŖčžŧんでやるわよ。 į§ã¯ã‚šãƒƒã¨æ¯ã‚’吸い、暖ぎ前ãĢįĢ‹ãŖた。 「厉åŋƒã—ろ、į›Žã‚’čĻ‹é–‹ã„ãĻもį›Žã‹ã‚‰æ¯’はå…ĨらãĒいらしい。あ、ただ、éŧģからはå…Ĩるぞ」 垌ろからヴã‚Ŗクã‚ŋãƒŧぎčŊãĄį€ããŽã‚ã‚‹åŖ°ãŒčžã“えた。į§ã¯ã¨ãŖさãĢ振り向く。 「もうすでãĢäŊ•äēēかここãĢæĨãĻるぎ?」 「ああ。å…Ĩれるかおうか原験しãĻおかãĒいとäŋēがå…ĨるわけãĒいだろ。å…ĩåŖĢは捨ãĻ駒だ」 äŊ•ãŽčēŠčē‡ã„ã‚‚ãĒしãĢã€ã“ã†ã‚‚å ‚ã€…ã¨č¨€ã‚ã‚Œã‚‹ã¨äŊ•ã‚‚č¨€ãˆãĒくãĒる。 ヴã‚Ŗクã‚ŋãƒŧãŖãĻ思ãŖãĻã„ãŸã‚ˆã‚Šã‚‚å†ˇčĄ€ã­ã€‚ã„ã‚„ã€įŽ‹ãŸã‚‹ã‚‚ãŽã¯ã“ã‚Œãã‚‰ã„ãŽæ–šãŒč‰¯ã„ãŽã‹ã—ã‚‰ã€‚ それãĢ、ここでäŊ•äēēかæ­ģんでいるか分からãĒã„ã€‚ããŽč…æ•—ã—ãŸæš–ãĢæŊœãŖãĻいくįŽ‹å­ãŽčĄŒå‹•åŠ›ã¯ã‚„ãŖãąã‚Šã™ã”ã„ã‚ã‚ˆã­ã€‚ į§ã ãŖãŸã‚‰é€˛ã‚“ã§ã“ãŽä¸­ãĢæŊœã‚‹ã“とãĒんãĻįĩļ寞ãĢãĒいもぎ。 大きくįŠē気を吸いåŖを閉じ、éŧģをキãƒĨッとįˇ ã‚ãĻ、思い切りį°č‰˛ãŽæļ˛äŊ“ぎ中ãĢéŖ›ãŗčžŧんだ。
At the prince’s words, everyone stared at the lake with stern eyes. Surely, there must be a reason for this foul-smelling, poisonous lake. Still, I’d never heard of a selfish poison whose contents change depending on the person. Well, I suppose anything is possible in a fantasy world, right? “Are we going to clean up this lake?” I couldn’t help but laugh at Ceres’ words. It would be next to impossible to clean this lake. As I found out when I joined the unit, Victor’s soldiers tend to be very intelligent people. It would be a miracle equivalent to bringing a dead person back to life if we could make the water in this lake clear. “No, we have to find the source of this lake down here.” “The Expedition team is now a diving team?” “What are you talking about?” Victor frowned at my inane words. I want to dive in the clear, Beautiful Ocean, but I refuse to dive in this quagmire. It wasn’t a punishment. In the first place, I doubt that I would be able to find any clues even if I dived in there. “What exactly is the source of the lake?” Jurd asks, turning his pure eyes to Victor. “I’m not completely sure, but I’ve heard it’s there. The lake is pale and dirty, but it’s transparent, so it’s possible to find it.” So, there were people who dived in the past... Brave men. “Why do you want the source of that lake?” This time I ask respectfully. Victor smiled, a child-like expression on his face. “It’s a condition of becoming the King.” Saying this in a high-pitched voice, he took off his jacket. He rolls up his sleeves and looks as if he is about to jump into the water at any moment. ...Come to think of it, Victor was the second prince. That long-haired brother was the first prince. Victor appeared to be more action-oriented than he was. I hadn’t been in that castle long, but I’d never seen Victor’s brother. I wondered if he was a recluse. I know it was selfish of me, but he seemed to be a bit more mature. “Let’s dive!” At the prince’s words, everyone started taking off their clothes at once, Captain Marius and Jurd taking off their tops; Ceres and I just took off one of our jackets, as did the prince. We definitely couldn’t be naked on the top half of our bodies. I could only hope that the water wouldn’t make the cloth see through. It was a rather thick fabric, so I’m comfortable in that area... If it was thicker, it would hold a lot of water and increase the chance of death. I wondered if the prince had considered the possibility of his own death. It would be as though he was there to die if the entire lake was poisonous to begin with..... “Oh, prince, don’t get ahead of yourself just yet.” “Oh?” Victor looks doubtful at my words. “Are you on a suicidal mission? Do you want to die before becoming the King?” “You’re about to enter a poisonous environment. I also got caught up in the prince’s mood, but if you think about it calmly, wouldn’t it be dangerous?” “Oh, kid, you finally got scared, then?” Victor said in a somewhat happy voice. “I doubt you were the one who stood up to that Lion.” Captain Marius entered the conversation from the side. There was a clear difference in the fatality rate between plunging into this poisoned lake and fighting a lion. “If you don’t drink it, you ain’t gonna die.” ...I wonder if the prince of this country has anything to fear. “What about them?” I pointed vigorously at the three grandfathers. Pointing fingers would not be nice, but it was ok because I was not a young lady right now... “If an old man dives in a lake like this, he’ll die.” “Definitely.” “But won’t the second-in-command dive too?” I glanced toward Vice Admiral Neil. He made no move as everyone took off their jackets or stripped down to their tops. He just watched us get ready. “Why don’t you leave at least one of us here?” “Oh, I’ll do it then.” “You dive.” Before I could finish, Victor said to me in a slightly harsh tone. I guess I didn’t have a choice. I needed to hang in there. Make up your mind, Alicia. “If I die, I will curse the prince as well.” Victor laughed gently at my comments before speaking up, while the troops all stared at me as if to say something about what I was saying to the prince. “Don’t worry, even if I die, you’ll still be alive.” It sounded like he was telling me to go into the lake with confidence because I was the one who saw it coming. That was what his eyes were telling me. ...It couldn’t be helped. I’ll be the first one to plunge into this rotten lake. I took a quick breath and stood in front of the lake. “Don’t worry, I heard that if you open your eyes, the poison will not enter your body through your eyes. Oh, but it will get in through your nose.” I heard Victor’s soothing voice from behind me. I turn around quickly. “Have some people already been here?” “Yeah. There’s no way I’m getting in without experimenting to see if I can get in. Soldiers are pawns.” When he said it so openly and without hesitation, I couldn’t say anything back to him. Victor was more cold-blooded than I thought. No, I guess it was better for a king to be this cold-blooded. Besides, I wondered how many people have died here. It was surprising that the prince had the courage to dive into that rotting lake. If it were me, I would never willingly dive into it. I took a big gulp of air, closed my mouth, tightened my nose, and plunged into the gray liquid with all my might.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
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「įˆļさんãĢは、わたしからč‡Ē重するようãĢäŧãˆã¨ãã€ 「そうしãĻくれると劊かるわ。ãŖãĻã‹ã€ã‚ã‚“ãŸãŸãĄã€ã„ã¤ãžã§į§ãĢ乗ãŖかãŖãĻるぎ! おきãĒさい、į§ãĢ乗ãŖãĻいいぎはãƒŦイドだけよ!」 「子䞛ãĢãã†ã„ã†ã“ã¨č¨€ã†ãŽã€ã‚„ã‚ãĻね」 十ãĢもæē€ãŸãĒい子䞛į›¸æ‰‹ãĢ、äŊ•ã‚’言ãŖãĻるんだか。 とはいえ、こぎįŠļ態ぎã‚ŗãƒĢテã‚Ŗナでčŋ”すぎもåŋƒč‹Ļしい。äŋēぎ受け持つ授æĨ­ã‚‚įĩ‚わãŖたことだし、åŊŧåĨŗを支えãĒがら帰厅することãĢした。 é€”ä¸­ã§éœ˛åē—ãŽãŠã°ãĄã‚ƒã‚“ã‹ã‚‰æžœį‰Šã‚„ã‚‰é‡Žčœã‚’åˆ†ã‘ãĻã‚‚ã‚‰ã„ã€åą‹æ•ˇãĢį€ãã“ろãĢã¯ä¸Ąæ‰‹ã„ãŖãąã„ãĢæŠąãˆã‚‹įžŊį›ŽãĢãĒる。 「äģŠå¸°ãŖたわよぉ」 「ãĒんでã‚ŗãƒĢテã‚Ŗナぎ斚が偉そうãĒぎかしら?」 夕éŖ¯ãŽį”¨æ„ã‚’しãĻいたぎか、マãƒĒã‚ĸがエプロãƒŗで手を拭きãĒがらå‡ēčŋŽãˆãĻくれる。 「そりゃ、もう半嚴čŋ‘くこぎ村ãĢäŊã‚“でるし?」 「それより、母さん。これ、おすそ分け」 「あら、äģŠæ—Ĩも大æŧã­ã€ ã€Œč¨€ã„æ–šã!」 これは冗čĢ‡äē¤ã˜ã‚Šã¨åˆ†ã‹ãŖãĻはいるが、さすがãĢ聖åĨŗとå‘ŧばれãĻいるåĨŗ性としãĻはおうãĒんだと思う。 そんãĒäŋēぎ思惑をさらりとæĩã—、マãƒĒã‚ĸã¯ã˛ã‚‡ã„ã¨å¤§é‡ãŽãŠã™ãåˆ†ã‘ã‚’ã‚¨ãƒ—ãƒ­ãƒŗãĢ包ãŋ担ぎ上げる。 「それより、おéĸ¨å‘‚ぎæē–備もできãĻるから、äēŒäēēぞとめãĻå…ĨãŖãĄã‚ƒã„ãĒさい」 「やãŖた、ニã‚ŗãƒĢãĄã‚ƒã‚“ã¨ä¸€įˇ’」 「いつもå…ĨãŖãĻるじゃãĒい」 たぞãĢナイエãƒĢãŒäšąå…ĨしようとしãĻ、マãƒĒã‚ĸãĢ折æĒģされãĻいたりもした。 そんãĒわけで、äŋēはã‚ŗãƒĢテã‚ŖãƒŠã¨ã€äšąå…ĨしãĻきたフã‚ŖãƒŧãƒŠã¨å…ąãĢæą—ã‚’æĩã™ã€‚ そうしãĻ暯上りãĢフã‚Ŗニã‚ĸぎį”¨æ„ã—ãĻくれた果原水で喉をæŊ¤ã—ãĻから、éŖŸå ‚ãĢ向かãŖた。 こぎæ—ĨはナイエãƒĢも旊々ãĢ帰厅しãĻいるらしく、éŖŸå ‚ではäŋēäģĨ外がすでãĢåž…ãŖãĻいるらしい。 「あ、わたしおへやãĢわすれもぎãƒŧ」 「フã‚Ŗãƒŧナ? じゃあわたしも一įˇ’ãĢ――」 「いいãŖãĻ、いいãŖãĻ。į§ãŒä¸€įˇ’ãĢ行ãŖãĻあげるから。ニã‚ŗãƒĢãĄã‚ƒã‚“ã¯å…ˆãĢéŖŸå ‚ãĢいãŖãĻãĒさい」 ã‚ŗãƒĢテã‚Ŗナは、äŋēがãƒŦイドだとįŸĨãŖãĻからも、äŋēぎことを『ニã‚ŗãƒĢãĄã‚ƒã‚“ã€ã¨å‘ŧんでくれる。 こぎčžēりは、åŊŧåĨŗãĒりぎこだわりがあるぎかもしれãĒい。 そうしãĻäēŒäēēとåˆĨれ、éŖŸå ‚ãĢčļŗã‚’č¸ãŋå…ĨれたäŋēãĢ、パãƒŗパãƒŗとクナッã‚ĢãƒŧぎéŸŗがéŗ´ã‚ŠéŸŋいた。 įĢč–ŦをäŊŋうこぎã‚ĒãƒĸチãƒŖは、意外とéĢ˜äžĄã§ã—かもäŊŋい捨ãĻという、それãĒりãĢč˛´é‡å“ãŽã¯ãšã ã€‚ 「ニã‚ŗãƒĢ。おčĒ•į”Ÿæ—Ĩ、おめでとう!」 「十六æ­ŗ、おめでとう、ニã‚ŗãƒĢ」 éŖŸå ‚ã§åž…ãĄæ§‹ãˆãĻいたマãƒĒã‚ĸとナイエãƒĢ、それãĢフã‚Ŗニã‚ĸがæŦĄã€…とįĨã„ãŽč¨€č‘‰ã‚’č´ˆãŖãĻくる。 ãã‚Œã‚’čžã„ãĻ、初めãĻäŋēは、äģŠæ—ĨがčĒ•į”Ÿæ—ĨであることãĢ気がäģ˜ã„た。 「あ、äģŠæ—ĨだãŖたんだ?」 「そうですよ。ニã‚ŗãƒĢ様、全į„ļ気äģ˜ã„ãĻいぞせんでしたから」 「最čŋ‘åŋ™ã—かãŖたから......でも、ありがとう、フã‚Ŗニã‚ĸ」 フã‚Ŗニã‚ĸã¯ãã†č¨€ã„ãĒがら、äŋēãĢ向けãĻ小さãĒ包ãŋã‚’åˇŽã—å‡ēしãĻきた。 「ニã‚ŗãƒĢ様į”¨ãŽåŒ‚いčĸ‹ã§ã™ã€‚ãģら、エãƒĒクã‚ĩãƒŧぎ」 ã€Œã‚ã‚ã€‚ã‚¯ãƒ•ã‚ĄãƒĢが変čŖ…しãĻくるから、čĻ‹åˆ†ã‘るためãĢäŊœãŖたやつか」 「ええ。もう不čĻã‹ã‚‚しれぞせんけお」 「いやいや。エãƒĒクã‚ĩãƒŧãŖãĻだけでäŊŋい道はあるから。専į”¨ãŽå…Ĩれį‰ŠãŒã‚るぎはありがたいよ」 エãƒĒクã‚ĩãƒŧは非常ãĢåŧˇã„įˇ‘ãŽåŒ‚ã„ã‚’æ”žã¤ãŽã§ã€ããŽãžãžæŒãĄæ­ŠããŽã¯å°‘ã—é›Ŗしい。 そこで匂いをあるį¨‹åēĻåˆļ限できるčĸ‹įŠļぎå…Ĩれį‰ŠãĢå…ĨれãĻéĻ–から下げãĻいた。 包ãŋを開けãĻãŋると、そこãĢはナイエãƒĢやマãƒĒã‚ĸが下げãĻいるぎと同じ、植į‰Šã‚’įˇ¨ã‚“だ小さãĒį¯­ãŽã‚ˆã†ãĒéĻ–éŖžã‚ŠãŒå‡ēãĻきた。 「お揃いだ」 「はい、お気ãĢåŦしぞせんでしたか?」 「とんでもãĒい、すごく気ãĢå…ĨãŖた。ありがとう」 「よかãŖた」 äŋēãĢとãŖãĻ、ナイエãƒĢもマãƒĒã‚ĸも、äģŖえがたいäģ˛é–“である。 åŊŧらと同じもぎをčēĢãĢį€ã‘ã‚‹ã¨ã„ã†ãŽã¯ã€ä¸æ€č­°ãĒ一äŊ“感を与えãĻくれãĻ、厉åŋƒã§ãã‚‹ã€‚ 「äŋēからはこれだ」 æŦĄãĢäŋēãĢプãƒŦã‚ŧãƒŗãƒˆã‚’åˇŽã—å‡ēしたぎは、ナイエãƒĢだãŖた。 ナイエãƒĢが送ãŖãĻくれたぎは、六十ã‚ģãƒŗチくらいぎ、įˇŠãæšžæ›˛ã—た刃į‰ŠãŒåŽãžãŖた鞘だãŖた。 「これ、ã‚Ģã‚ŋナ?」 ã€Œæąæ–šã§ã¯č„‡åˇŽã—ãŖãĻいうらしい。ã‚Ģã‚ŋナと寞ãĢãĒるčŖ…å‚™ãĒんだとか」 「へぇ?」 「前ぎã‚Ģã‚ŋãƒŠã¯å¤ąãã—ãŸã ã‚ã€‚äŊ•ã‹ã‚ãŖた斚がいいと思ãŖãĻãĒ」 「そういえば、é‚ĒįĢœã¨ãŽæˆĻã„ã§å¤ąãã—ãŸãŖけありがとう」 「うむ。それでčŋĢãŖãĻくるį”ˇãŒã„たら、思うぞぞãĢ切り捨ãĻるがいい」 「äŋēã¯åąé™ēäēēį‰Šã‹ã‚ˆã€ 「暗æŽēč€…ã ã‚ã€ 「......そうだãŖた」 前ãĢã‚‚č¨€ã‚ã‚ŒãŸæ°—ãŒã™ã‚‹ãŒã€ãŠã†ã‚‚ããŽæ„č­˜ãŒč–„ããĒãŖãĻきた気がする。 それはこぎäēēį”ŸãŽæ–šãŒã€éŽåŽģよりも比重が重くãĒãŖãĻきたということだろうか? そこへ、ã‚ŗãƒĢテã‚Ŗナとフã‚ŖãƒŧナがéŖŸå ‚ãĢ踏ãŋčžŧんできた。äēŒäēēとも手ãĢäŋēへぎプãƒŦã‚ŧãƒŗトを持ãŖãĻ。 「į§ã‹ã‚‰ãŽãƒ—ãƒŦã‚ŧãƒŗトは、これよ!」 「ãŦいぐるãŋ! しかもおãŖきいやつ! ã“ã‚Œã‚’æŠąã„ãĻ寝るニã‚ŗãƒĢãĄã‚ƒã‚“ã‚’æƒŗ像したら、æŠŧし倒さざるを垗ãĒいわね」 「フã‚Ŗãƒŧナぎ前でäŊ•ã‚’言ãŖãĻいるか!」 ãŦいぐるãŋãĢ興å‘ŗはãĒã„ãŒã€æŠąãæž•įš„ãĒį‰Šã ã¨æ€ãˆã°ã€æ‚ĒくãĒい。 ぴょんと少しだけčˇŗねãĻ小さãĒ包ãŋã‚’åˇŽã—å‡ēしãĻくる。 一įžŦそぎぞぞåŊŧåĨŗã‚’æŠąãä¸Šã’ã‚ˆã†ã‹ã¨æ€ãŖãĻしぞãŖたが、手ãĢ持ãŖãĻいる小į“ļが気ãĢãĒãŖãĻåˆļæ­ĸした。 「これはãĒãĢ?」 「えãŖとね。į™Ŋいかãŋさぞが『暗æŽē者ãĒらこれですよãƒŧ』ãŖãĻ」 「イヤãĒäēˆæ„Ÿã—かしãĒい」 「捨ãĻãĻしぞえ!?」 反射įš„ãĢäŋēはそうåĢんだが、それを受けãĻフã‚ŖãƒŧナぎįžŗãĢãŋるãŋるæļ™ãŒæēœãžãŖãĻいくぎをčĻ‹ãĻã€č¨€č‘‰ã‚’į„Ąãã™ã€‚ 「あ、いや。そうじゃãĒくãŖãĻ」 「ニã‚ŗãƒĢãĄã‚ƒã‚“ã€é…ˇã„ã‚“ã ãƒŧ」 「うるさいãĒ。えãŖとね、ãĩぃãƒŧãĒ、そぎ......喜んで受け取りぞす。ありがとう」 こんãĒåąé™ēãĒč–Ŧ、äŊŋうäēˆåŽšã¯ãĒいぎだが。 「じゃあ、さãŖそくäģŠæ™Šã‹ã‚‰äŊŋいぞしょう」 「ã‚ŗãƒĢテã‚ŖãƒŠã¯ãĄã‚‡ãŖとéģ™ãŖãĻãĻ。あとį™Ŋいぎは垌でãļãŖæŽēす」 「į„Ąį†ã˜ã‚ƒãĒい? ã‚ãŽå­ã€ä¸č€ä¸æ­ģらしいし。さすがįĨžæ§˜ã‚ˆã­ã€ 「世ぎį†ä¸å°ŊをäŊ“įžã—たようãĒ存在だãĒ......」 äŋēはį–˛ã‚ŒæžœãĻたようãĢそう呟くと、äģŠåēĻはマãƒĒã‚ĸがéŖŸå“ぎ斚ãĢ手をäŧ¸ã°ã™ã€‚ 「į§ã¯ãƒ—ãƒŦã‚ŧãƒŗトとかį”¨æ„ã—ãĻãĒかãŖたけお、äģŖわりãĢã”ãĄãã†ã‚’äŊœãŖãĻおいたわ。åŗį‰Šįš„でæ‚Ēいけお」 ã€Œã†ã†ã‚“ã€ã™ã”ããŠã„ã—ãã†ã€‚ã‚ąãƒŧキぞであるんだ?」 こぎčžēåĸƒã§ã¯į ‚įŗ–というぎは嗜åĨŊå“ã§ã‚ã‚‹ã€‚ã‚‚ãĄã‚ã‚“æ–™į†ãĢåŋ…čĻãĒčĒŋå‘ŗ料でもあるぎで、čŧ¸å…Ĩįš„ãĒæ–šæŗ•ã§äģ•å…ĨれãĻはいるが、æąēしãĻ厉くはãĒい。 ã‚ąãƒŧキとãĒると、それこそ嚴ãĢ一åēĻ、åŖãĢできるかおうかだ。 「ãŋんãĒ、ありがとう」 そうåŖãĢするäŋēぎį›ŽãĢ、かすかãĢæļ™ãŒæĩŽã‹ã‚“でくる。 ãƒŦイドとįŸĨられãĻもãĒお受けå…ĨれãĻくれるäģ˛é–“ãŸãĄã€‚å‰ä¸–ã§ã¯ãģã¨ã‚“ãŠč˛°ãˆãĒかãŖたįĨįĻãŽč¨€č‘‰ã€‚ それをäģŠã€ãžã¨ã‚ãĻč´ˆã‚‰ã‚ŒãĻæļ™č…ēがįˇŠã‚“でしぞãŖたようだ。 「それじゃ、éŖŸäē‹ãĢしぞしょ。フã‚Ŗãƒŧナぎį›ŽãŒã‚ąãƒŧキãĢ釘äģ˜ã‘ãĢãĒãŖãĻるもぎ」 č¨€ã‚ã‚ŒãĻフã‚Ŗãƒŧナぎ斚をčĻ‹ãĻãŋると、åŊŧåĨŗぎį›Žã¯ã‚ąãƒŧキを捉えたぞぞ動かãĒくãĒãŖãĻいãĻ、しかもåŖ元からæļŽãŒãŸã‚‰ã‚Šã¨åž‚ã‚ŒãĻいる。 それをčĻ‹ãĻ、äŋēやã‚ŗãƒĢテã‚Ŗナ、フã‚Ŗニã‚ĸは思わずįŦ‘ãŋがこãŧれた。 こぎ世į•ŒãĢį”Ÿãžã‚Œå¤‰ã‚ã‚Šã€ã„ろいろãĒことがあãŖたが、やはりここがäŋēぎ帰るずき場所だと再čĒč­˜ã—たįžŦ間だãŖた。
It had been over a month since we settled in the northern village. I transformed into a Dragon and attracted travelers, which caused the army to move and cause problems, but other than that the days went on peacefully. Today, as usual, I went to the church which also served as an orphanage, and was teaching the kids there. Cortina used to be a teacher too, so Maria suggested this work to us. “So why are you being used as a horse by kids, Cortina?” At the church’s front garden which also served as the village’s relaxation plaza, Cortina was lying on her face and the kids were riding on her back. Honestly, it was too pitiful a sight for a member of Six Heroes, who were the objects of respect. “Shut...up... How many times... do you think I collapsed in this... village.?” “Is that something you should be bragging about?” Cortina came to this village to train. Her training continued even now, and she was often found collapsed like this to the point it was becoming a local specialty. The villagers started to treat her quite casually because of that, and kids played with her whenever they discovered her like this. “By the way, what’s your training schedule today?” “...Thirty laps around the yard.” “That’s tough even for me.” That bĖ˛aĖ˛sĖ˛tĖ˛aĖ˛rĖ˛dĖ˛ Lyell... What is he making a feline, who lacks stamina, do? I’ll be a little put off if she ends up with a body like Lyell’s, you know? “I’ll ask dad to hold back.” “Please do. Anyway, how long are you brats going to straddle me? Get off! Only Reid is allowed to ride me!” “Stop telling stuff like that to kids.” What the heck is she saying to kids that weren’t even in their teens? Still, it would be too pitiful to leave her in that state and go back. The lessons I was in charge of ended already, so I decided to help her return home. The grannies at the stalls gave us fruit and vegetables on the way, and by the time I got home, my hands were completely full. This was also a daily thing ever since we came to this village. The villagers were treating me very warmly after coming back. “I’m back.” “Why are you the one acting all smug about it, Cortina?” Maria came to greet us while wiping her hands on her apron as she was probably in the middle of cooking. “I mean, I’ve been here close to half a year already.” “That aside, mom, they gave me these.” “Oh, it’s a big catch today too, huh?” “Wording!” I knew she was mostly joking, but a Saint shouldn’t really be saying that stuff. She ignored my worries and took the food from my hands with the apron. “That aside, the bath’s ready, so you should get in together.” “Yaay, I get to bathe with Nicole.” “Isn’t that the usual?” Whenever I entered the bath, someone always followed me in. It could be Cortina, Finia, or Fina. Sometimes even Lyell tried to barge in too, but Maria disciplined him for it. Thus, I ended up bathing with Cortina and Fina who also intruded. Fina was with us so Cortina was forced to control herself, which I was grateful for. Then we appeased our thirst with the juice Finia prepared as we got out of the bath, after which we headed to the dining hall. Lyell was home early today too, so everyone other than me was already present it seems. “Ah, I forgot something in my room.” “Fina? Then I’ll come along—” “It’s fine, I’ll go with her, Nicole. You just head to the dining hall first.” Cortina kept calling me Nicole even after knowing I was Reid. But when I was in Reid’s form, she properly called me Reid. It was probably her fixation playing a part here. As I entered the dining hall after parting with the two, I heard the popping sounds of the crackers. These toys that used gunpowder were quite pricey and were single-use, so they were quite valuable. “Nicole, happy birthday!” “Congrats on turning sixteen, Nicole.” Maria, Lyell, and Finia who were ambushing me in the dining hall congratulated me one by one. Their words made me finally remember that it was my birthday today. “Oh, right, it was today, huh?” “That’s right, Lady Nicole. You really forgot about it.” “Well it’s been hectic lately... But thanks, Finia.” Finia gave me a small package as she congratulated me. “What’s this?” “It’s the scent bag for you, Lady Nicole. The one made with Elixir.” “Oh, the thing you made to tell us apart when Kufar was disguising himself as one of us?” “Yes. I suppose it isn’t useful anymore.” “Not true. Elixir is valuable on its own. I’m grateful for the exclusive container of it.” Elixir had an extremely subtle greenery smell, so it was difficult to just carry it with you. Thus, they instead used scent bags that limited its smell to a degree and wore them as necklaces. Opening the wrapping I found a small necklace made out of knitted plants similar to the one Lyell and Maria had. “They match.” “Yes, do you not like it?” “No such thing. I do, a lot. Thanks.” “I’m glad.” Lyell and Maria were irreplaceable comrades to me. Wearing the same thing as they made me feel a strange sense of unity and relief. “And I have this for you.” Lyell was the one to give me a gift next. What he gave me was a scabbard with a gentle curve that hid a blade about centimeters long. “Is this a katana?” “It is apparently called a wakizashi in the east. It supposedly forms a pair with a katana.” “Oh?” “You lost that Katana, right? So I thought you should have something to replace it.” “Oh yeah, I did lose it in the battle against the Evil Dragon. Thanks.” “Sure. You can use that to cut down any men that approach you.” “Am I some kind of a hazard?” “I mean, you’re an assassin.” “...Oh, right.” I feel like I got told of this before too. I feel like I’m forgetting that fact as of late. Perhaps it was proof that the gravity of my life had deepened compared to my previous life. Then Cortina and Fina arrived at the scene. They both held presents in their hands. So this was why they separated from me earlier. “This is my gift for you!” “A plushy! And a big one too! When I imagine you sleeping while hugging this I feel like pushing you down.” “The heck are you saying in front of Fina!” I smacked her head but still gratefully accepted the gift. I wasn’t interested in plushies but it wasn’t bad to have a body pillow. She jumped up a little and presented a small wrapping. I ended up reflexively considering lifting her up, but I refrained myself since I was curious about the small bottle in their hands. “Umm, the white goddess told me this was perfect for assassins.” “I have a bad feeling about this.” “Just throw it away!!” I reflexively yelled out, but Fina’s eyes started to water so I was at a loss. I had to correct my statement right away. “Oh, no, I, uh, I didn’t mean it like that.” “Nicole, you’re horrible.” “Shut up. Umm, Fina, I’ll... gladly accept it. Thanks.” I accepted the bottle in half tears. I had no plans to use something this dangerous, though. “How about we use it tonight?” “Cortina, shut up. Also, I’ll go and kill that Whitey later.” “Isn’t that impossible? She’s apparently immortal. Gods are quite something.” “She’s like the manifestation of the world’s injustice...” I muttered in a tired tone, but then Maria pointed to the table. “I didn’t prepare a present but I made a feast in exchange. Sorry if it’s a little pragmatic.” “Not at all, I’m really happy. We even have a cake?” Sugar was a luxury item in the countryside like this. It was an essential cooking ingredient so it was being imported, but it was by no means cheap. Cakes used so much of it that it was something you could only afford once a year at best. And that was about a big shot like Lyell. For common people, even that was beyond reach. “Thanks, everyone.” I felt tears forming in the corners of my eyes as I spoke. My comrades accepted me even after knowing I was Reid. These were words that I hardly ever heard in my past life. I could only remember receiving such words from a single woman when I was a child. I received all their words at once, so it made my tear glands lax. “Alright, let’s eat now. Fina’s eyes are glued to the cake.” I looked toward Fina to check, and as she said, she was standing still and staring fixedly at the cake, and even starting to drool. Cortina, Finia, and I couldn’t help but burst into laughter at that. I got reborn into this world and many things happened along the way, but this was the moment I once again learned that this was the place where I belonged.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 4, "inserted_lines_src": 18, "inserted_lines_trg": 4 }
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Let me try to convince you of that in a few seconds. Just think for a moment. It doesn't matter whether you live in a small African village, or you live in a big city, everything comes back to plants in the end: whether it's for the food, the medicine, the fuel, the construction, the clothing, all the obvious things; or whether it's for the spiritual and recreational things that matter to us so much; or whether it's soil formation, or the effect on the atmosphere, or primary production. Damn it, even the books here are made out of plants. All these things, they come back to plants. And without them we wouldn't be here. Now plants are under threat. They're under threat because of changing climate. And they are also under threat because they are sharing a planet with people like us. And people like us want to do things that destroy plants, and their habitats. And whether that's because of food production, or because of the introduction of alien plants or because of habitats being used for other purposes -- all these things are meaning that plants have to adapt, or die, or move. And plants sometimes find it rather difficult to move because there might be cities and other things in the way. So if all human life depends on plants, doesn't it make sense that perhaps we should try to save them? I think it does. And I want to tell you about a project to save plants. And the way that you save plants is by storing seeds. Because seeds, in all their diverse glory, are plants' futures. All the genetic information for future generations of plants are held in seeds. So here is the building; it looks rather unassuming, really. But it goes down below ground many stories. And it's the largest seed bank in the world. It exists not only in southern England, but distributed around the world. I'll come to that. This is a nuclear-proof facility. God forbid that it should have to withstand that. So if you're going to build a seed bank, you have to decide what you're going to store in it. Right? And we decided that what we want to store first of all, are the species that are most under threat. And those are the dry land species. So first of all we did deals with 50 different countries. It means negotiating with heads of state, and with secretaries of state in 50 countries to sign treaties. We have 120 partner institutions all over the world, in all those countries colored orange. People come from all over the world to learn, and then they go away and plan exactly how they're going to collect these seeds. They have thousands of people all over the world tagging places where those plants are said to exist. They search for them. They find them in flower. And they go back when their seeds have arrived. And they collect the seeds. All over the world. The seeds -- some of if is very untechnical. You kind of shovel them all in to bags and dry them off. You label them. You do some high-tech things here and there, some low-tech things here and there. And the main thing is that you have to dry them very carefully, at low temperature. And then you have to store them at about minus 20 degrees C -- that's about minus four Fahrenheit, I think -- with a very critically low moisture content. And these seeds will be able to germinate, we believe, with many of the species, in thousands of years, and certainly in hundreds of years. It's no good storing the seeds if you don't know they're still viable. So every 10 years we do germination tests on every sample of seeds that we have. And this is a distributed network. So all around the world people are doing the same thing. And that enables us to develop germination protocols. That means that we know the right combination of heat and cold and the cycles that you have to get to make the seed germinate. And that is very useful information. And then we grow these things, and we tell people, back in the countries where these seeds have come from, "Look, actually we're not just storing this to get the seeds later, but we can give you this information about how to germinate these difficult plants." And that's already happening. So where have we got to? I am pleased to unveil that our three billionth seed -- that's three thousand millionth seed -- is now stored. Ten percent of all plant species on the planet, 24,000 species are safe; 30,000 species, if we get the funding, by next year. Twenty-five percent of all the world's plants, by 2020. These are not just crop plants, as you might have seen stored in Svalbard in Norway -- fantastic work there. This is at least 100 times bigger. We have thousands of collections that have been sent out all over the world: drought-tolerant forest species sent to Pakistan and Egypt; especially photosynthetic-efficient plants come here to the United States; salt-tolerant pasture species sent to Australia; the list goes on and on. These seeds are used for restoration. So in habitats that have already been damaged, like the tall grass prairie here in the USA, or in mined land in various countries, restoration is already happening because of these species -- and because of this collection. Some of these plants, like the ones on the bottom to the left of your screen, they are down to the last few remaining members. The one where the guy is collecting seeds there on the truck, that is down to about 30 last remaining trees. both for protein and for medicine. We have training going on in China, in the USA, and many other countries. How much does it cost? 2,800 dollars per species is the average. I think that's cheap, at the price. And that gets you all the scientific data that goes with it. The future research is "How can we find the genetic and molecular markers for the viability of seeds, without having to plant them every 10 years?" And we're almost there. Thank you very much.
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After entering a tavern, what Aries and the rest saw was a sight that should not have existed in the Dark Continent — a lively bunch of “humanoids”. They included, but were not limited to, humans, beastkin, elves, flugels, dwarves and hobbits. The very fact that humanoids were actually living here was astonishing. Ever since the Seven Heroes had lost against the Demon King, the humanoids had had their right to exist slowly taken away. By now, they were only left with a small area of land – specifically, they could only live in the small area of land where Aries and the rest had been operating in up to this point. Yet, to think that there were some living normally in Muspelheim, which boasted the greatest level of danger even within the Dark Continent. Inside the shop, enveloped by perpetual ice, people were sitting down whilst wearing heavy clothing in order to keep warm and drinking alcoholic beverages while having friendly conversations. At the very least, it did not seem like they were liviing in fear of tomorrow, because the tavern was not shrouded in a dark atmosphere. “This is kind of a given, but it doesn’t seem like the furniture themselves are made out of ice, huh.” Scorpius touched a random table and muttered in a disinterested voice. Even taking into consideration that they wouldn’t disappear, as expected, the tables and chairs could not have been made out of ice. Having said that, the surroundings were how they were. It did not change the fact that it was still cold. However, taking into consideration how the whole place was enclosed by ice, this tavern could be said to be unnaturally warm. “If you ask me if it’s a bit chilly, it’s a bit chilly, but it’s actually quite warm compared to outside.” “Aries-sama, that’s probably because these ice has a secret to it. These ice doesn’t just not melt. They probably has air within it and, rather than ice, it’s closer to snow in nature.” Snow contained air, therefore it had an outstanding insulation function. As a result, caves or houses made out of snow were surprisingly warm. Needless to say, the degree of warmth was only relative to the outside temperature, however, it did not change the fact that people would still feel more comfortable inside. Hydrus explained all of the finer details of the ice that would not disappear whilst admiring it due to it being the work of the Water attribute. Whilst Aries and the rest were looking at the inside of the tavern like it was something strange, a dwarf who appeared to be the shopkeeper came and spoke to them. Looking at his appearance, Scorpius muttered an honest but rude observation, “Really, these guys... wherever I go, they all look the same.” With regard to the dwarf race, Ruphas had once said years ago, “With the exception of Mizar, I can’t tell them apart.” Scorpius was also of the same opinion. If anything, Scorpius could not even distinguish between Mizar and the other dwarves. “On the other hand, you’re a familiar face. Why does every dwarf look exactly the same?” “How rude.” Fundamentally, Scorpius afforded no courtesy to anyone other than Ruphas. Therefore, she would sometimes nonchalantly behave in a manner that might be taken as disrespectful by the other party. Thinking that it would only cause unnecessary problems with the way things were going, Karkinos made her fall back and sat in front of the counter instead. ”Sorry. She did not say that because she had any ill intent. By the way, master, what kind of place is this city?” “What? You don’t know?” “Yes. After all, me are a group of travellers.” “Travellers... in this world that’s being dominated by the demon race? How eccentric. Or is it that you guys are just that confident in your own strength?” “Well, something like that.” Contrary to his ridiculous speech pattern, Karkinos was someone who possessed good communication skills. At the very least, it was incomparable to that of Aries or Scorpius, who fell into a deep depression for a long time or became aggressive after Ruphas’s defeat respectively. That was because he was the only one amongst the Twelve Stars who had chosen and successfully managed to blend in with the humanoids and live alongside them. Perhaps this was one of the contributing factors behind why Ruphas had decided to dispatch him to this place. Although it might have been unbelievable based on his usual frivolous actions, he actually had a fairly serious and patient personality. “This city, huh... hmm, it’s called [Nectar]. This place used to be called the scorching world Muspelheim.” “That, me are also aware of. That’s why it’s surprising. To think that there would be a city where Muspelheim used to be.” “You, what age are you guys from? The time when this place was the scorching world was almost years ago.” “Oh! So it’s been like this since 0 years ago.” “Yeah. Even you should be aware that the humanoids lost against the demons 200 years ago. At that time, a lot of people either died or ran away from the land they used to live in. But amongst them, a few groups of people didn’t manage to get away in time or refused to abandon the place where they used to live and ended up remaining in this land.” What the shopkeeper said made sense. Indeed, as the humanoids were cornered and had their domain stolen, it was an impossible scenario to think that every single one of them had gotten away. It was natural that there were those that did not manage to get away or decided to fight until the very end. But the problem was after that. Whilst it was somewhat reasonable to think that there would be people that fit into those categories, it was unbelievable that those people would manage to survive and thrive in a city like this until this age. After all, it was impossible for them to have been overlooked all this time as they lived in the domain controlled by the demon race. “Well, apparently, it was miserable after that. It was fine and all that they tried to retaliate against the demon race, but naturally, they were killed one after another. Anyways, so just as we thought it was all over for us, our King, Aquarius-sama, enclosed Muspelheim in ice and froze each and every demon that tried to get close. Seeing that, our ancestors must have believed that we had no other option but to cling onto that person. So in exchange for everyone swearing their loyalty, they managed to gain that his protection. Not only that, that person even gave us this city. So we became able to live here peacefully whilst being in the Dark Continent.” “Ah hah, I see. So something like that happened.” Karkinos put his hands into his pocket and tried to take out a coin. But suddenly, he had a lightbulb moment and searched the inside of his pocket. And what he took out was a small gemstone. “Thank you, me heard a good story. This is payment.” “O, oi, isn’t this a gemstone!? I can’t accept something precious like this!” “No, no. Unfortunately, me don’t have this city’s money. This is the least valuable and cheapest thing that I can pay you.” “N, no, but... this is too valuable. It’s not a fair exchange.” “Then in that case, can I ask you for one more piece of information? If you agree, me will call it even.” “O... kay, fine. I’ll answer anything you ask. It’ll still be too valuable even then. So, what do you want to know?” After hearing the shopkeeper’s words, Karkinos’s glasses suspiciously shone. What he was going to ask from now on were questions that would have been seen as suspicious if he was the one to first raise the topic. But now that the other party had told him that he would answer anything, Karkinos doubted that the dwarf would not follow through. Fundamentally, dwarves were a race with a strong sense of honour and hated getting into debt. As such, Karkinos believed that the other party would be the one to give him a correspondingly good trade offer if he were to give him a valuable gemstone. Karkinos had now obtained the verbal promise that he would answer anything Karkinos asked. And dwarves disliked going back on their word, especially if they had just said it. Things were going so well that it was scary. Karkinos unwarrantedly thought that perhaps he had an innate talent for being a strategist and praised himself. If these inner thoughts were to be heard by Pollux, she would have said, “Isn’t it just a coincidence?” and bluntly cut him off. “Then, please tell me of a way to meet this country’s Queen.” “Kueen?” “I mean the Queen.” “What are you talking about? Aquarius-sama is a man.” “......Ahh, I see! How rude of me. I just assumed they were a lady from the name.” Karkinos lightly matched the flow of the conversation but signalled towards Scorpius and Aries. When he did, the two of them nodded ever so slightly. It seemed like things were going to become troublesome – that was what their eyes were saying. “Well, yeah... directly meeting him is probably impossible? Though you might be able to seek an audience if you manage to achieve something very significant.” “Achieve something very significant?” “Well, for example, defeating the demons that come attacking or to defeat Pluto who’s leading them... well, it’s probably impossible though.” “Pluto?” “That’s the one leading the demons around here. Although not to the extent of Aquarius-sama, he’s super strong and yeah, we’ve been staring each other down for the past few dozens of years. Apparently, for some reason, Aquarius-sama can’t leave this city, but yeah, this city ended up suffering a few times because of him. He’s a really annoying guy.” Hearing that information, Karkinos’s lips distorted into a smile. I see, so if we defeat that guy, we can meet Aquarius without making things messy. Rather than charging in, with this, we won’t have to incur “her” bad mood... “That was a good piece of information, master.” “Are you going already?” “Yes. Me figured out what me have to do now.” “I see. If you drop by the area, come visit again. If it’s you guys, I’ll let you drink for free.” He probably meant that the gemstone was a form of pre-payment. What an honourable dwarf he was. Even though he was told it was payment for the information. Was him not accepting that considered too stubborn or just too well-natured? But Karkinos did not dislike a man like him. After replying, “If there is a chance, I’d appreciate that,” he left the tavern along with Scorpius and the rest. At a location approximately 500 km away from Nectar, there existed a city. A city – perhaps to be called that, it might have been just too big. The reason was that it had more surface area than the whole of the humanoids’ domain combined. If anything, it was as big as a whole country. The appearance of the city which was lined up with high-rise buildings made out of alchemy was just like the Hero Sei’s hometown. It was so much so that one could mistake the location for one of Earth’s developed major countries. Even during the night, the roads were lit up with mana. The scene of the location being filled with recreational facilities designed for the fulfilment of the inhabitants created a spectacle which would make the place befitting to be called the ruler’s place above the land. Nevertheless, the inhabitants could not be called good citizens by any means. If one were to look inside those recreational facilities, it was lined up with devilish games. [Whack-A-Human]...... it was a game of hitting captured humans using a hammer and comparing scores with each other.[Beastkin Arena]...... it was a game of making the tamed beastkin warriors kill each other and comparing whose pet was stronger so that they could boast in the end.[Humanoids Darts]...... it was a game of putting the captured humanoids onto a target and dividing it up into different sections which were each assigned a different point value so that they could throw darts at them. The demons walked around the city without feeling a shred of fear. If anything, they walked around as if they were reveling in the prime of their lives. They did not doubt the peace and tranquillity that they were enjoying. They no longer even had humanoids in their minds. They lived in peace whilst believing that the Demon King would soon exterminate them. As such, what happened next was all too spontaneous. – Loud footsteps resounded. What followed next was the sound of something giant roaring. A devilish roar shook the land itself and cut through the sky. The demons looked up in confusion and headed towards the sound to satisfy their curiosity whilst seemingly still stuck in the naïve frame of mind that they had become accustomed to as a result of the long period of peace. The appearance of a giant sheep which was walking in their direction whilst shaking the land itself. Its whole body was enveloped in rainbow-coloured flames and it continued to mercilessly progress towards them whilst melting the buildings and squishing everything and everyone in its path. “Wha, what is that!? A monster!?” “How can this be... it’s too big!” “Where’s the army!? What exactly is the army doing!?” When that giant sheep moved, just by taking a step, buildings collapsed. Cultures which were build up. Traditions. Businesses. It did not even notice that it was destroying everything. Just by walking forward, everything was demolished and pulverised. But their nightmare had yet to end. Be attentive, demons. The peace and tranquillity that you have enjoyed thus far shall now presently come to a conclusion. What appeared next was a giant monstrous scorpion. It cracked the ground and from the fissure, the full picture of something repulsive came to light. Buildings were cleared away with a single swing of its stinger, and the ground below it cracked with each light movement of its pincers. Similarly, from the sea appeared a crab monster which began to come ashore. In retaliation, the demon race’s army was mobilised and moved in to attack. The demons who flew in the sky all fired arcane magic and the artillery shots all slammed into the three monsters one after another. Yet the monsters did not stop. Their steps did not falter. Even though they received all the attacks head-on, as if they were merely being bitten by mosquitoes, they continued to close in without even minding it in the slightest. “Kishyaaa...!” The giant scorpion opened its pincers. An intense flame began to gather within the expanded pincers, and its heat started to increase exponentially. An inauspicious rumbling sound rang throughout the whole city and everyone could feel the impending “death” that they would not be able to avoid. The army desperately attacked with the hope of stopping that attack, however, it had absolutely no effect. The monstrous scorpion cried out as if to ridicule them, then released the flames of destruction. That flame was like a heat flash that continued on indefinitely. The flame, which reached the edges of the horizon, burnt and pierced through the buildings. Furthermore, by moving its pincers horizontally, the scorpion’s flames razed the whole city. No, it was not just from the pincers. The scorpion also released the heat flash from its mouth and stinger and started attacking in all directions. Meanwhile, the rainbow-coloured flames being breathed out by the sheep burnt away large areas of land and repeatedly ignited things. At the same time, for an unknown reason, all of the shots fired by the army went towards and exploded on the crab as if they were sucked in. Then, in the next moment, a counter-attack from the crab’s pincer swatted them down. What was happening was truly a catastrophe. A catastrophe which had returned to them once again after the passage of 200 years. In the face of these calamities, there was nothing the demons could do to retaliate. They could only run around, hide and pray that they would move on and wait until that moment where they did. Amidst the city which was being destroyed and within a tower which was larger than the other structures in its vicinity, a single man was shaking in fear with his eyes wide open. His name was Pluto and this demon was level 420. He possessed abilities which surpassed even that of the Seven Luminaries. However, rather than advancing into the humanoids’ territories, he wanted to concentrate more on the city that he governed. Thus, he turned away Terra’s invitation into the organisation. As a result, he was in the position that he currently occupied. No, that was just an excuse. The truth was that he was only holed up in this place because he was scared. As one of the few survivors from 200 years ago, he knew of the individual called Ruphas Mafahl. He knew of the living calamities which obeyed her. Everyone around him said that he was strong. They raised him up on a pedestal and said that he possessed more abilities than the people within the Seven Luminaries. Alas, they were wrong. They were so wrong. There existed no one who was truly strong in this city. In the end, it was nothing more than a ranking amongst the weaklings... When compared with a true monster, they were nothing more than mere insects. That was why he refused the commander’s seat for the expedition into the humanoids’ domain. He did not want to become a member of the Seven Luminaries. Because in the humanoids’ domain, there were still bunches of monsters... and above all else, because he did not really believe that Ruphas Mafahl would actually die from something of that degree. And his hunch turned out to be correct. Just look. This scene of despair filled his sight. This nightmare. The embodiments of hell which appeared before his eyes after 200 years had passed. “200 years, huh... I guess it’s on the longer side.” With a shaking hand, Pluto placed a cigar in his mouth then lit it. Ahh, I already knew. I always knew that there would be a day like this one day. After all, this place is the Goddess’s playground and we’re simply her dolls. As the only one to have noticed that fact, I ran around pitifully and lived until this point. I managed to sit in the seat of the strong. I was blessed by luxury until today. “Ahh......” As such, the man smiled at himself in self-mockery, then inhaled one last time in satisfaction. Outside of the tower, the giant sheep opened its mouth and seemed to be about to breathe out a flame in his direction, but he had no thoughts of running away this late in time. An age would pass on. Just like how Ruphas Mafahl had once risen up. And just like how she was overthrown. This time, it was their turn... nothing more, nothing less. He exhaled smoke and, looking at the flames which were closing in on him, smiled faintly. “The ending turned out to be quite abrupt and disappointing, huh.” A demon which knew of the events from 200 years ago muttered in a voice stained with resignation and, in the next instant, was erased by the rainbow-coloured flames along with the building that he was in. With it, the glory of the demon race came to a conclusion. To this date, they persecuted and oppressed the humanoids, yet indulged themselves in peace and tranquillity. Today was finally the time for them to pay up all of those debts. Those who knew of the past would come to the realisation. Those of the younger generation who did not know of the past would come to experience fear without knowing anything. What it meant for the calamities who possessed wills of their own, [The Tyrannical Twelve Heavenly Stars] to soon all be gathered under the Black-winged Supreme Ruler once more. The despair behind what that reality entailed.
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Serious problems, big problems, pressing problems. Poor nutrition, access to water, climate change, deforestation, lack of skills, insecurity, not enough food, not enough healthcare, pollution. There's problem after problem, and I think what really separates this time from any time I can remember in my brief time on Earth is the awareness of these problems. We're all very aware. Why are we having so much trouble dealing with these problems? That's the question I've been struggling with, coming from my very different perspective. I'm not a social problem guy. I'm a guy that works with business, helps business make money. God forbid. So why are we having so many problems with these social problems, and really is there any role for business, and if so, what is that role? I think that in order to address that question, we have to step back and think about how we've understood and pondered both the problems and the solutions to these great social challenges that we face. Now, I think many have seen business as the problem, or at least one of the problems, in many of the social challenges we face. You know, think of the fast food industry, the drug industry, the banking industry. You know, this is a low point in the respect for business. Business is not seen as the solution. It's seen as the problem now, for most people. And rightly so, in many cases. There's a lot of bad actors out there that have done the wrong thing, that actually have made the problem worse. So this perspective is perhaps justified. How have we tended to see the solutions to these social problems, these many issues that we face in society? Well, we've tended to see the solutions in terms of NGOs, in terms of government, in terms of philanthropy. Indeed, the kind of unique organizational entity of this age is this tremendous rise of NGOs and social organizations. This is a unique, new organizational form that we've seen grown up. Enormous innovation, enormous energy, enormous talent now has been mobilized through this structure to try to deal with all of these challenges. And many of us here are deeply involved in that. I'm a business school professor, but I've actually founded, I think, now, four nonprofits. Whenever I got interested and became aware of a societal problem, that was what I did, form a nonprofit. That was the way we've thought about how to deal with these issues. Even a business school professor has thought about it that way. But I think at this moment, we've been at this for quite a while. We've been aware of these problems for decades. We have decades of experience with our NGOs and with our government entities, and there's an awkward reality. The awkward reality is we're not making fast enough progress. We're not winning. These problems still seem very daunting and very intractable, and any solutions we're achieving are small solutions. We're making incremental progress. What's the fundamental problem we have in dealing with these social problems? If we cut all the complexity away, we have the problem of scale. We can't scale. We can make progress. We can show benefits. We can show results. We can make things better. We're helping. We're doing better. We're doing good. We can't scale. We can't make a large-scale impact on these problems. Why is that? Because we don't have the resources. And that's really clear now. And that's clearer now than it's been for decades. There's simply not enough money to deal with any of these problems at scale using the current model. There's not enough tax revenue, there's not enough philanthropic donations, to deal with these problems the way we're dealing with them now. We've got to confront that reality. And the scarcity of resources for dealing with these problems is only growing, certainly in the advanced world today, So if it's fundamentally a resource problem, where are the resources in society? How are those resources really created, the resources we're going to need to deal with all these societal challenges? Well there, I think the answer is very clear: They're in business. All wealth is actually created by business. Business creates wealth when it meets needs at a profit. That's how all wealth is created. It's meeting needs at a profit that leads to taxes and that leads to incomes and that leads to charitable donations. That's where all the resources come from. Only business can actually create resources. Other institutions can utilize them to do important work, but only business can create them. And business creates them when it's able to meet a need at a profit. The resources are overwhelmingly generated by business. The question then is, how do we tap into this? How do we tap into this? Business generates those resources when it makes a profit. That profit is that small difference between the price and the cost it takes to produce whatever solution business has created to whatever problem they're trying to solve. But that profit is the magic. Why? Because that profit allows whatever solution we've created to be infinitely scalable. Because if we can make a profit, we can do it for 10, 100, a million, 100 million, a billion. The solution becomes self-sustaining. That's what business does when it makes a profit. Now what does this all have to do with social problems? Well, one line of thinking is, let's take this profit and redeploy it into social problems. Business should give more. Business should be more responsible. And that's been the path that we've been on in business. But again, this path that we've been on is not getting us where we need to go. Now, I started out as a strategy professor, and I'm still a strategy professor. I'm proud of that. But I've also, over the years, worked more and more on social issues. I've worked on healthcare, the environment, economic development, reducing poverty, and as I worked more and more in the social field, I started seeing something that had a profound impact on me and my whole life, in a way. The conventional wisdom in economics and the view in business has historically been that actually, there's a tradeoff between social performance and economic performance. The conventional wisdom has been that business actually makes a profit by causing a social problem. The classic example is pollution. If business pollutes, it makes more money than if it tried to reduce that pollution. Reducing pollution is expensive, therefore businesses don't want to do it. It's profitable to have an unsafe working environment. It's too expensive to have a safe working environment, therefore business makes more money if they don't have a safe working environment. That's been the conventional wisdom. A lot of companies have fallen into that conventional wisdom. They resisted environmental improvement. They resisted workplace improvement. That thinking has led to, I think, much of the behavior that we have come to criticize in business, that I come to criticize in business. But the more deeply I got into all these social issues, one after another, and actually, the more I tried to address them myself, personally, in a few cases, through nonprofits that I was involved with, the more I found actually that the reality is the opposite. Business does not profit from causing social problems, actually not in any fundamental sense. That's a very simplistic view. The deeper we get into these issues, the more we start to understand that actually business profits from solving from social problems. That's where the real profit comes. Let's take pollution. We've learned today that actually reducing pollution and emissions is generating profit. It saves money. It makes the business more productive and efficient. It doesn't waste resources. Having a safer working environment actually, and avoiding accidents, it makes the business more profitable, because it's a sign of good processes. Accidents are expensive and costly. Issue by issue by issue, we start to learn that actually there's no trade-off between social progress and economic efficiency in any fundamental sense. Another issue is health. I mean, what we've found is actually health of employees is something that business should treasure, because that health allows those employees to be more productive and come to work and not be absent. The deeper work, the new work, the new thinking on the interface between business and social problems is actually showing that there's a fundamental, deep synergy, particularly if you're not thinking in the very short run. In the very short run, you can sometimes fool yourself into thinking that there's fundamentally opposing goals, but in the long run, ultimately, we're learning in field after field that this is simply not true. So how could we tap into the power of business to address the fundamental problems that we face? Imagine if we could do that, because if we could do it, we could scale. We could tap into this enormous resource pool and this organizational capacity. And guess what? That's happening now, finally, partly because of people like you who have raised these issues now for year after year and decade after decade. We see organizations like Dow Chemical leading the revolution away from trans fat and saturated fat with innovative new products. This is an example of Jain Irrigation. This is a company that's brought drip irrigation technology to thousands and millions of farmers, reducing substantially the use of water. We see companies like the Brazilian forestry company Fibria that's figured out how to avoid tearing down old growth forest and using eucalyptus and getting much more yield per hectare of pulp and making much more paper than you could make by cutting down those old trees. You see companies like Cisco that are training so far four million people in I.T. skills to actually, yes, be responsible, but help expand the opportunity to disseminate I.T. technology and grow the whole business. There's a fundamental opportunity for business today to impact and address these social problems, and this opportunity is the largest business opportunity we see in business. And the question is, how can we get business thinking to adapt this issue of shared value? This is what I call shared value: addressing a social issue with a business model. That's shared value. Shared value is capitalism, but it's a higher kind of capitalism. It's capitalism as it was ultimately meant to be, meeting important needs, not incrementally competing for trivial differences in product attributes and market share. Shared value is when we can create social value and economic value simultaneously. It's finding those opportunities that will unleash the greatest possibility we have to actually address these social problems because we can scale. We can address shared value at multiple levels. It's real. It's happening. But in order to get this solution working, we have to now change how business sees itself, and this is thankfully underway. Businesses got trapped into the conventional wisdom that they shouldn't worry about social problems, that this was sort of something on the side, that somebody else was doing it. We're now seeing companies embrace this idea. But we also have to recognize business is not going to do this as effectively as if we have NGOs and government working in partnership with business. The new NGOs that are really moving the needle are the ones that have found these partnerships, that have found these ways to collaborate. The governments that are making the most progress are the governments that have found ways to enable shared value in business rather than see government as the only player that has to call the shots. And government has many ways in which it could impact the willingness and the ability of companies to compete in this way. I think if we can get business seeing itself differently, and if we can get others seeing business differently, we can change the world. I know it. I'm seeing it. I'm feeling it. Young people, I think, my Harvard Business School students, are getting it. If we can break down this sort of divide, this unease, this tension, this sense that we're not fundamentally collaborating here in driving these social problems, we can break this down, and we finally, I think, can have solutions. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
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And it can be a very complicated thing, what human health is. And bringing those two together might seem a very daunting task, but what I'm going to try to say is that even in that complexity, there's some simple themes that I think, if we understand, we can really move forward. And those simple themes aren't really themes about the complex science of what's going on, but things that we all pretty well know. And I'm going to start with this one: If momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy. We know that, right? We've experienced that. And if we just take that and we build from there, then we can go to the next step, which is that if the ocean ain't happy, ain't nobody happy. That's the theme of my talk. And we're making the ocean pretty unhappy in a lot of different ways. This is a shot of Cannery Row in 1932. Cannery Row, at the time, had the biggest industrial canning operation on the west coast. We piled enormous amounts of pollution into the air and into the water. Rolf Bolin, who was a professor at the Hopkin's Marine Station where I work, wrote in the 1940s that "The fumes from the scum floating on the inlets of the bay were so bad they turned lead-based paints black." People working in these canneries could barely stay there all day because of the smell, but you know what they came out saying? They say, "You know what you smell? You smell money." That pollution was money to that community, and those people dealt with the pollution and absorbed it into their skin and into their bodies because they needed the money. We made the ocean unhappy; we made people very unhappy, and we made them unhealthy. The connection between ocean health and human health is actually based upon another couple simple adages, and I want to call that "pinch a minnow, hurt a whale." The pyramid of ocean life ... Now, when an ecologist looks at the ocean -- I have to tell you -- we look at the ocean in a very different way, and we see different things than when a regular person looks at the ocean because when an ecologist looks at the ocean, we see all those interconnections. We see the base of the food chain, the plankton, the small things, and we see how those animals are food to animals in the middle of the pyramid, and on so up this diagram. And that flow, that flow of life, from the very base up to the very top, is the flow that ecologists see. when we say, "Save the ocean. Heal the ocean." It's that pyramid. Now why does that matter for human health? Because when we jam things in the bottom of that pyramid that shouldn't be there, some very frightening things happen. Pollutants, some pollutants have been created by us: molecules like PCBs that can't be broken down by our bodies. And they go in the base of that pyramid, on to predators and on to the top predators, and in so doing, they accumulate. Now, to bring that home, I thought I'd invent a little game. We don't really have to play it; we can just think about it here. It's the Styrofoam and chocolate game. Imagine that when we got on this boat, two Styrofoam peanuts. Can't do much with them: Put them in your pocket. Suppose the rules are: every time you offer somebody a drink, you give them the drink, and you give them your Styrofoam peanuts too. What'll happen is that the Styrofoam peanuts will start moving through our society here, and they will accumulate in the drunkest, stingiest people. There's no mechanism in this game for them to go anywhere but into a bigger and bigger pile of indigestible Styrofoam peanuts. And that's exactly what happens with PDBs in this food pyramid: They accumulate into the top of it. Now suppose, instead of Styrofoam peanuts, we take these lovely little chocolates that we get and we had those instead. Well, some of us would be eating those chocolates instead of passing them around, and instead of accumulating, and not accumulate in any one group because they're absorbed by us. And that's the difference between a PCB and, say, something natural like an omega-3, something we want out of the marine food chain. PCBs accumulate. We have great examples of that, unfortunately. PCBs accumulate in dolphins in Sarasota Bay, in Texas, in North Carolina. They get into the food chain. The dolphins eat the fish that have PCBs from the plankton, and those PCBs, being fat-soluble, accumulate in these dolphins. Now, a dolphin, mother dolphin, any dolphin -- there's only one way that a PCB can get out of a dolphin. And what's that? In mother's milk. Here's a diagram of the PCB load of dolphins in Sarasota Bay. Adult males: a huge load. Juveniles: a huge load. Females after their first calf is already weaned: a lower load. Those females are passing the PCBs in the fat of their own mother's milk into their offspring, and their offspring don't survive. The death rate in these dolphins, for the first calf born of every female dolphin, is 60 to 80 percent. These mothers pump their first offspring full of this pollutant, and most of them die. Now, the mother then can go and reproduce, for the accumulation of this pollutant in these animals -- the death of the first-born calf. There's another top predator in the ocean, it turns out. That top predator, of course, is us. that comes from some of these same places. This is whale meat that I photographed in a grocery store in Tokyo -- or is it? In fact, what we did a few years ago was learn how to smuggle a molecular biology lab into Tokyo and use it to genetically test the DNA out of whale meat samples and identify what they really were. And some of those whale meat samples were whale meat. Some of them were illegal whale meat, by the way. That's another story. But some of them were not whale meat at all. Even though they were labeled whale meat, they were dolphin meat. Some of them were dolphin liver. Some of them were dolphin blubber. And those dolphin parts had a huge load of PCBs, dioxins and heavy metals. And that huge load was passing into the people that ate this meat. It turns out that a lot of dolphins are being sold as meat in the whale meat market around the world. That's a tragedy for those populations, but it's also a tragedy for the people eating them because they don't know that that's toxic meat. We had these data a few years ago. who knew that whale meat being sold in these markets was really dolphin meat, and it was toxic. It had two-to-three-to-400 times the toxic loads ever allowed by the EPA. And I remember there sitting at my desk thinking, "Well, I know this. This is a great scientific discovery," but it was so awful. which is that you take the data and publish them in scientific journals and then begin to talk about them. We sent a very polite letter to the Minister of Health in Japan this is an intolerable situation, not for us, but for the people of Japan because mothers who may be breastfeeding, who may have young children, would be buying something that they thought was healthy, but it was really toxic. That led to a whole series of other campaigns in Japan, and I'm really proud to say that at this point, that's labeled incorrectly, even though they're still selling whale meat, which I believe they shouldn't. But at least it's labeled correctly, and you're no longer going to be buying toxic dolphin meat instead. It isn't just there that this happens, but in a natural diet of some communities in the Canadian arctic and in the United States and in the European arctic, a natural diet of seals and whales leads to an accumulation of PCBs that have gathered up from all parts of the world and ended up in these women. These women have toxic breast milk. They cannot feed their offspring, their children, their breast milk in their food chain, in their part of the world's ocean pyramid. That means their immune systems are compromised. It means that their children's development can be compromised. And the world's attention on this over the last decade has reduced the problem for these women, not by changing the pyramid, but by changing what they particularly eat out of it. We've taken them out of their natural pyramid in order to solve this problem. but it does nothing to solve the pyramid problem. There's other ways of breaking the pyramid. The pyramid, if we jam things in the bottom, can get backed up like a sewer line that's clogged. And if we jam nutrients, sewage, fertilizer in the base of that food pyramid, it can back up all through it. We end up with things we've heard about before: red tides, for example, which are blooms of toxic algae floating through the oceans causing neurological damage. We can also see blooms of bacteria, blooms of viruses in the ocean. These are two shots of a red tide coming on shore here and a bacteria in the genus vibrio, which includes the genus that has cholera in it. How many people have seen a "beach closed" sign? Why does that happen? into the base of the natural ocean pyramid that these bacteria clog it up and overfill onto our beaches. Often what jams us up is sewage. Now how many of you have ever gone to a state park or a national park where you had a big sign at the front saying, "Closed because human sewage is so far over this park that you can't use it"? Not very often. We wouldn't tolerate that. We wouldn't tolerate our parks being swamped by human sewage, but beaches are closed a lot in our country. They're closed more and more and more all around the world for the same reason, and I believe we shouldn't tolerate that either. It's not just a question of cleanliness; it's also a question of how those organisms then turn into human disease. These vibrios, these bacteria, can actually infect people. They can go into your skin and create skin infections. This is a graph from NOAA's ocean and human health initiative, showing the rise of the infections by vibrio in people over the last few years. Surfers, for example, know this incredibly. And if you can see on some surfing sites, in fact, not only do you see what the waves are like or what the weather's like, but on some surf rider sites, you see a little flashing poo alert. That means that the beach might have great waves, but it's a dangerous place for surfers to be because they can carry with them, even after a great day of surfing, this legacy of an infection that might take a very long time to solve. Some of these infections are actually carrying antibiotic resistance genes now, and that makes them even more difficult. These same infections create harmful algal blooms. Those blooms are generating other kinds of chemicals. that come out of these harmful algal blooms: shellfish poisoning,fish ciguatera, neurotoxic shellfish poisoning, paralytic shellfish poisoning. These are things that are getting into our food chain because of these blooms. Rita Calwell very famously traced a very interesting story of cholera into human communities, brought there, not by a normal human vector, but by a marine vector, this copepod. Copepods are small crustaceans. They're a tiny fraction of an inch long, and they can carry on their little legs some of the cholera bacteria that then leads to human disease. That has sparked cholera epidemics in ports along the world and has led to increased concentration on trying to make sure shipping doesn't move these vectors of cholera around the world. So what do you do? We have major problems in disrupted ecosystem flow that the pyramid may not be working so well, that the flow from the base up into it is being blocked and clogged. What do you do when you have this sort of disrupted flow? Well, there's a bunch of things you could do. You could call Joe the Plumber, for example. And he could come in and fix the flow. But in fact, if you look around the world, not only are there hope spots for where we may be able to fix problems, there have been places where problems have been fixed, where people have come to grips with these issues and begun to turn them around. Monterey is one of those. I started out showing how much we had distressed the Monterey Bay ecosystem with pollution and the canning industry and all of the attendant problems. In 1932, that's the picture. In 2009, the picture is dramatically different. The canneries are gone. The pollution has abated. But there's a greater sense here that what the individual communities need is working ecosystems. They need a functioning pyramid from the base all the way to the top. And that pyramid in Monterey, right now, because of the efforts of a lot of different people, for the last 150 years. It didn't happen accidentally. It happened because many people put their time and effort and their pioneering spirit into this. On the left there, Julia Platt, the mayor of my little hometown in Pacific Grove. At 74 years old, became mayor In 1931, she produced California's first community-based marine protected area, right next to the biggest polluting cannery, because Julia knew that when the canneries eventually were gone, the ocean needed a place to grow from, that the ocean needed a place to spark a seed, and she wanted to provide that seed. Other people, like David Packard and Julie Packard, who were instrumental in producing the Monterey Bay aquarium to lock into people's notion and the health of the ocean ecosystem were just as important to the economy of this area as eating the ecosystem would be. That change in thinking has led to a dramatic shift, not only in the fortunes of Monterey Bay, but other places around the world. Well, I want to leave you with the thought that what we're really trying to do here is protect this ocean pyramid, and that ocean pyramid connects to our own pyramid of life. It's an ocean planet, and we think of ourselves as a terrestrial species, but the pyramid of life in the ocean and our own lives on land are intricately connected. And it's only through having the ocean being healthy that we can remain healthy ourselves. Thank you very much.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
é ŧりãŖきり į§é”ã‚‚č€ƒãˆãŸã„ã‚‚ãŽã§ã™ 操äŊœã— æŽĸしãĻ æƒ…å ąã‚’čĻ‹ã¤ã‘たいぎです そぎためãĢ 刊į”¨č€…としãĻあãĒたを運čģĸ席ãĢæˆģさãĒければãĒりぞせん あãĒたとã‚ŗãƒŗピãƒĨãƒŧã‚ŋネットワãƒŧクそしãĻã‚ŗãƒŗピãƒĨãƒŧã‚ŋ間ぎ協力がåŋ…čĻã§ã™ では æ—Ĩ常įš„ãĒįžåŽŸä¸–į•Œã‹ã‚‰ã‚ãĒたを 運čģĸ席ãĢæˆģすãĢã¯ãŠã†ã—ãŸã‚‰č‰¯ã„ãŽã§ã—ã‚‡ã†ã‹ äģŠãžã§å­Ļįŋ’したことをもãŖと有劚ãĢ刊į”¨ã—ぞせんか? バãƒŧチãƒŖãƒĢã‚ĸãƒŧ゚は全世į•ŒãŽ 包æ‹Ŧįš„デジã‚ŋãƒĢ襨įžäŊœæˆãŽįŦŦ一歊ãĒぎです 我々は全ãĻぎデãƒŧã‚ŋぎįĩąåˆã‚’į›ŽæŒ‡ã—ãĻいぞす ã‚ŋグをäģ˜ã‘ åąžæ€§ã‚’äģ˜ä¸Žã— デãƒŧã‚ŋãĢåŸēæœŦæƒ…å ąã‚’ä¸Žãˆ åœ°æ–šãŽæƒ…å ąã‚’æäž›ã—ãĻもらい 世į•Œįš„čĻŗį‚šã§åœ°æ–šãŽæƒ…å ąã‚‚åŒ…æ‹Ŧしぞす ã“ãŽå•éĄŒã¯ã¨ãĻつもãĒã„åˇ¨å¤§ãĒäē‹æĨ­ã§ äŊ•ã‹ã‚‰æ‰‹ã‚’つければよいぎかčŋˇãŖãĻしぞいぞす čĄ›æ˜Ÿ čˆĒįŠē抟 地上ぎ䚗りį‰Šã‚„ äēē々からデãƒŧã‚ŋを収集しぞす こぎåˇĨį¨‹ã¯æŠ€čĄ“įš„ãĒå•éĄŒ 抟æĸ°įš„ãĒå•éĄŒ į‰ŠæĩãŽå•éĄŒ 操äŊœãĒお様々ãĒå•éĄŒãŒã‚ã‚Šãžã™ čˆĒįŠēã‚ĢãƒĄãƒŠãŽį”ģ像がありぞす å…¨č‰˛æ€§ãŽã‚‚ãŽã§ 4č‰˛éŒã§ã™ 更ãĢ多゚ペクトãƒĢ感åŋœæ€§ã§ã™ æƒŗ像できるかわかりぞせんが 我々は 4Gbpsでデãƒŧã‚ŋを収集しãĻいぞす こぎ数値は12ãŽčĄ›æ˜ŸãŽæœ€éĢ˜é€ŸåēĻãŽåˆč¨ˆãĢ値しぞす 我々はčˆĒįŠē抟で上įŠēį´„1500mをéŖ›čĄŒã—ぞす 先įĢ¯ãĢã‚ĢãƒĄãƒŠãŒčĻ‹ãˆã‚‹ã§ã—ょう さぞざぞãĒ地į‚š įœē望įš„čĻ–į‚š 角åēĻ テク゚チãƒŖã‚’æŽĄå–ã—æŒãĄå¸°ã‚Šãžã™ 地上ぎもぎは 我々ぎčĻ–į‚šã‹ã‚‰čĻ‹ã‚‹ã¨ äŊ•ãŒčĻ‹ãˆã‚‹ã ã‚ã†ã‹? 我々はこぎようãĒ įĩŒé¨“ã‚‚įĩ„ãŋčžŧむåŋ…čĻãŒã‚るぎです Appleį¤žãŽCMをįš†ã•ã‚“čĻ‹ãŸã“とがあるでしょう 刊į‚šã¨äŊŋいやすさをčĻ‹ã›ã‚‹ãŸã‚ãĢパã‚Ŋã‚ŗãƒŗをいじくãŖãĻいるやつです ところで あぞりįŸĨられãĻいãĒいį§˜å¯†ã¨ã¯... ã‚Ļェブã‚ĢãƒĄãƒŠãŽį”ˇãŽCMをčĻ‹ãŸã“とがありぞすか? こぎį”ˇã¯é ­ãĢã‚Ļェブã‚ĢãƒĄãƒŠã‚’ãã‚‹ãã‚‹ãĢåˇģきつけられãĻしぞいぞす そぎį§˜å¯†ã¨ã¯åŊŧぎ兄åŧŸãŒãƒãƒŧチãƒŖãƒĢã‚ĸãƒŧ゚チãƒŧムで働いãĻいることです ここで兄åŧŸé–“ぎåŧĩり合いが始ぞãŖãĻしぞいぞした でもåŊŧぎäģ•äē‹ãŽé‚Ē魔ãĢはãĒãŖãĻぞせん ã“ãŽæŠ€čĄ“ã¯ãŸãã•ã‚“ãŽåˆŠį›Šã‚’提䞛できるでしょう ã‚ĢトãƒĒãƒŧナぎ通過垌です 我々はčˆĒįŠē抟としたįŊåŽŗエãƒĒã‚ĸãĢ įĢ‹ãĄå…Ĩã‚Šã‚’č¨ąå¯ã•ã‚ŒãŸåˆã‚ãĻぎ商æĨ­å›ŖäŊ“でした įžåœ°ã¸éŖ›ãŗ 内部やčĸĢįŊ地ぎį”ģåƒã‚’æŽĄå–ã—ãžã—ãŸ 初期寞åŋœč€…ãŽä¸€å“Ąã¨ã—ãĻ čĒŋæŸģã¨æ•‘åŠŠã‚’čĄŒã„ãžã—ãŸ åŊŧらぎåŽļぎįŠļæŗã‚’初めãĻčĻ‹ã‚ŒãŸãŽã¯å¤šããŽå ´åˆãƒãƒŧチãƒŖãƒĢã‚ĸãƒŧ゚上でした į„Ąæ–™ã§ã‚Ļェブ上ãĢå…Ŧ開し というぎも į›Žæ¨™ã‚’達成しつつäēē劊けができるįĩļåĨŊぎ抟äŧšã§ã—たから おぎようãĢįĩąåˆã§ãã‚‹ã‹ã¨č€ƒãˆãŸã¨ã 全ãĻはã‚Ŋフト ã‚ĸãƒĢゴãƒĒã‚ēム 数å­ĻãĢčĄŒãį€ããžã™ į”ģåƒã‚’æŽĄå–ã—ãžã™ しかし3DãƒĸデãƒĢをäŊœã‚‹ãŸã‚ãĢは äŊįŊŽæƒ…å ąã‚’æąēめ ããŽæƒ…å ąã‚’į”ģ像ãĢį™ģéŒ˛ã™ã‚‹åŋ…čĻãŒã‚りぞす これらをぞとめ ポイãƒŗトをčĻ‹ã¤ã‘ぞす į”ģ像からæ­ŖįĸēãĒäŊįŊŽã‚’å‰˛ã‚Šå‡ēしぞす こぎ過į¨‹ã¯ã¨ãĻã‚‚č¤‡é›‘ãĒ計įŽ—がåŋ…čĻãĒå‡Ļį†ã§ã™ãŒ 原はいぞぞで 手äŊœæĨ­ã§čĄŒã‚ã‚ŒãĻいぞした ハãƒĒã‚Ļッドは映į”ģæ’ŽåŊąį”¨ãŽå°ã•ãĒ通りãĢäŊ•į™žä¸‡ãƒ‰ãƒĢも 投じぞす すずãĻ手äŊœæĨ­ã§ã™ã‹ã‚‰ åŊŧらは LIDAR というãƒŦãƒŧã‚ļãƒŧを搭čŧ‰ã—たčģŠã‚’čĩ°ã‚‰ã› į”ģ像と一įˇ’ãĢæƒ…å ąã‚’é›†ã‚ 手äŊœæĨ­ã§ãã‚Œãžã‚ŒãŽåģē造į‰Šã‚’äŊœã‚Šãžã™ 我々はã‚Ŋフトã‚Ļェã‚ĸをäŊŋいぞす ã‚ĸãƒĢゴãƒĒã‚ēムや数į†č¨ˆįŽ—で éĢ˜åēĻãĢč‡Ē動化されたå‡Ļį†æ‰‹é †ã§ ã“ã‚Œã‚‰ãŽčĄ—ã‚’äŊœã‚Šä¸Šã’ぞす 我々はとãĻも厉いč˛ģį”¨ã§ã“ã‚Œã‚‰ãŽčĄ—ã‚’äŊœã‚Šãžã™ これこそがįžåŽŸã‚’å¤ĸãĢすることができる斚æŗ•ã§ã™ 我々はãƒĻãƒŧã‚ļイãƒŗã‚ŋãƒŧフェãƒŧã‚šã‚‚č€ƒæ…Žã—ãĻぞす å¤šč§’įš„ãĢ捉えるとはおういうことでしょう? ã‚ĒãƒĢã‚Ŋį”ģ像 ナデã‚Ŗã‚ĸį”ģ像 ãƒĸデãƒĢぎæĩå‹•æ€§ã‚’掋しãĻ į”ģ像ぎæ­Ŗįĸēさを äŋã¤ãĢはおうしたらよいでしょうか? į ”įŠļ厤でもぞだæœĒå…Ŧ開ぎ最新ぎ バãƒŧチãƒŖãƒĢã‚ĸãƒŧ゚をおčĻ‹ã›ã—ãĻįĩ‚わりãĢしたいと思いぞす įš†ã•ã‚“æ°—ãĢå…Ĩると思いぞす 我々ぎéĢ˜č§Ŗ像éŗĨįž°å›ŗです しかし これは3DãƒĸデãƒĢぎæĩå‹•æ€§ãĢ遊åŋœã§ãã‚‹ã¨į™ēčĻ‹ã—ぞした 子䞛でもXBoxぎようãĒã‚˛ãƒŧムぎã‚ŗãƒŗトロãƒŧナãƒŧで操äŊœã§ããžã™ ここではį”ģ像を取りčžŧãŋ3DįŠē間で映しå‡ēそうとしãĻいぞす 全ãĻぎč§Ŗ像åēĻをごčĻ§ã„ただけぞす ここからゆãŖくりį”ģåƒã‚’æ‹Ąå¤§ã—ãĻいきぞす æŦĄãŽį”ģ像を取垗 配合しį§ģčĄŒã—ãžã™ こうしãĻ 原į‰ˆãŽį´°ã‚„かさをäŋãĄ 原際ãĢ過åŽģぎåąĨæ­´ã‚‚č¨˜éŒ˛ã—ãĻいぞす éŽŽæ˜Žã§čąŠå¯ŒãĒæƒ…å ąčĄ¨įžãŽãŠã‹ã’で į”ģ像を あらゆるčĻ–į‚šã‚„斚向からčĻ‹ã‚‹ã“とができぞす 我々はäģŽæƒŗ世į•ŒãŽæ§‹į¯‰ãĢ取りįĩ„んでいぞす ã‚ŗãƒŗピãƒĨãƒŧテã‚ŖãƒŗグをよりãƒĻãƒŧã‚ļフãƒŦãƒŗドãƒĒãƒŧãĒもぎãĢし įš†ã•ã‚“ぎ č‰˛ã€…ãĒčĻ–į‚šã‹ã‚‰čĻ‹č­˜ã‚’åŧ•ãå‡ēせたらと思ãŖãĻいぞす お時間をいただきありがとうございぞした
But we want to use our brain! We want to navigate, explore, discover information. In order to do that, we have to put you as a user back in the driver's seat. We need cooperation between you and the computing network and the computer. So what better way to put you back in the driver's seat Why not leverage the learnings that you've been learning your entire life? So Virtual Earth is about starting off creating the first digital representation, comprehensive, of the entire world. What we want to do is mix in all types of data. Tag it. Attribute it. Metadata. Get the community to add local depth, global perspective, local knowledge. So when you think about this problem, what an enormous undertaking. Where do you begin? Well, we collect data from satellites, from airplanes, from ground vehicles, from people. This process is an engineering problem, a mechanical problem, a logistical problem, an operational problem. Here is an example of our aerial camera. This is panchromatic. It's actually four color cones. In addition, it's multi-spectral. We collect four gigabits per second of data, if you can imagine that kind of data stream coming down. That's equivalent to a constellation of 12 satellites at highest res capacity. We fly these airplanes at 5,000 feet in the air. You can see the camera on the front. We collect multiple viewpoints, vantage points, angles, textures. We bring all that data back in. We sit here -- you know, think about the ground vehicles, the human scale -- what do you see in person? We need to capture that up close to establish that what it's like-type experience. I bet many of you have seen the Apple commercials, kind of poking at the PC for their brilliance and simplicity. So a little unknown secret is -- did you see the one with the guy, he's got the Web cam? The poor PC guy. They're duct taping his head. They're just wrapping it on him. Well, a little unknown secret is his brother actually works on the Virtual Earth team. . So they've got a little bit of a sibling rivalry thing going on here. But let me tell you -- it doesn't affect his day job. We think a lot of good can come from this technology. This was after Katrina. We were the first commercial fleet of airplanes to be cleared into the disaster impact zone. We flew the area. We imaged it. We sent in people. We took pictures of interiors, disaster areas. We helped with the first responders, the search and rescue. Often the first time anyone saw what happened to their house was on Virtual Earth. We made it all freely available on the Web, just to -- it was obviously our chance of helping out with the cause. When we think about how all this comes together, it's all about software, algorithms and math. You know, we capture this imagery but to build the 3-D models we need to do geo-positioning. We need to do geo-registering of the images. We have to bundle adjust them. Find tie points. Extract geometry from the images. This process is a very calculated process. In fact, it was always done manual. Hollywood would spend millions of dollars to do a small urban corridor for a movie because they'd have to do it manually. They'd drive the streets with lasers called LIDAR. They'd collected information with photos. They'd manually build each building. We do this all through software, algorithms and math -- a highly automated pipeline creating these cities. We took a decimal point off what it cost to build these cities, and that's how we're going to be able to scale this out and make this reality a dream. We think about the user interface. What does it mean to look at it from multiple perspectives? An ortho-view, a nadir-view. How do you keep the precision of the fidelity of the imagery while maintaining the fluidity of the model? I'll wrap up by showing you the -- this is a brand-new peek I haven't really shown into the lab area of Virtual Earth. What we're doing is -- people like this a lot, this bird's eye imagery we work with. It's this high resolution data. But what we've found is they like the fluidity of the 3-D model. A child can navigate with an Xbox controller or a game controller. So here what we're trying to do is we bring the picture and project it into the 3-D model space. You can see all types of resolution. From here, I can slowly pan the image over. I can get the next image. I can blend and transition. By doing this I don't lose the original detail. In fact, I might be recording history. The freshness, the capacity. I can turn this image. I can look at it from multiple viewpoints and angles. What we're trying to do is build a virtual world. We hope that we can make computing a user model you're familiar with, and really derive insights from you, from all different directions. I thank you very much for your time.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
北å›Ŋ同į›Ÿã¯å°‘し寒いå›Ŋã§ã€ã—ã‹ã‚‚ããŽåŒ—é™ãŽåąąã‚’į™ģãŖãĻããŸãŽã ã‹ã‚‰ã€å¯’æš–ãŽåˇŽãŒæŋ€ã—い。äŊ“力ぎ䚏しいäŋēとしãĻã¯ã€ã“ãŽæ°—æ¸ŠãŽåˇŽã¯éžå¸¸ãĢå Ēえる。 「ãĒんだか、į”ŸããĻいるだけでį–˛åŠ´ã—そう」 「それ、æ­ģんじゃう!?」 ã€Œäž‹ãˆã ã‚ˆã€‚ãƒŸã‚ˇã‚§ãƒĢãĄã‚ƒã‚“ã¯å¤§ã’ã•ã ã‚ˆ?」 「ニã‚ŗãƒĢãĄã‚ƒã‚“ã€äģŠãžã§ã•ã‚“ざんåŋƒé…ã‹ã‘ãĻきたぎをåŋ˜ã‚ŒãĻãĒい?」 「うぐãŖ!」 ぞあ、äģŠå›žã°ã‹ã‚Šã¯åŊŧåĨŗãŸãĄãĢも気をäŊŋわせãĻしぞãŖた。しかし、äŊ“čĒŋぎ変化というぎだけはおうしようもãĒい。 æ°´į€į”¨ãŽįŗ¸ãŽčĒŋ達という、äŊ™č¨ˆãĒæ—Ĩį¨‹ã‚’挟んでしぞãŖただけãĢ、äģŠå›žãŽåˆåŽŋãŽã‚šã‚ąã‚¸ãƒĨãƒŧãƒĢはかãĒりæŠŧしãĻいる。 äģŠæ—ĨぎčĒ˛éĄŒã¯ã€æŒãĄå¸°ãŖãŸãƒ•ã‚Ąãƒŗグã‚ĻãƒĢフぎį‰™ã‚’加åˇĨしãĻ、ã‚ŋãƒĒ゚マãƒŗぎåŊĸを削りå‡ēし、そこãĢ魔æŗ•é™ŖをåˆģむäŊœæĨ­ã ã€‚ 「ぞ、ぞあ、それはともかくとしãĻ、äģŠæ—Ĩはį´ æãŽåŠ åˇĨだよ? これも冒é™ēč€…ãŽãŠäģ•äē‹ã ã—」 「うぅ、į´°ã‹ã„äŊœæĨ­ã¯č‹Ļ手ãĒんだよね」 「わたしもできるだけã‚ĩポãƒŧトするから」 「ãĒãĢ、それãģおåŋƒé…ã™ã‚‹ã¨ã“ã¯ã‚ã‚‹ãžã„ã‚ˆã€‚å¤ąæ•—ã—ãĻも、こぎį‰™ãŽå¤§ãã•ãĒら多少はäŊ™čŖ•ãŒã‚るでãĒ」 マテã‚Ļã‚šãŸãĄã‚’ãƒŠã‚ĻムãĢé€ã‚ŠåąŠã‘ãĻきたマク゚ã‚ĻェãƒĢが、気æĨŊそうãĢそうäŋč¨ŧしãĻくれる。 小さすぎるとéŖ˛ãŋčžŧã‚“ã§ã—ãžã†åąé™ēãŒã‚ã‚‹ã—ã€å¤§ãã™ãŽã‚‹ã¨æŒãĄé‹ãŗãĢ不äžŋだ。 å¤Ēã•ã§č¨€ã†ã¨ä¸‰ã‚ģãƒŗチãģおぎæŖ’įŠļã€é•ˇã•ã‚‰åã‚ģãƒŗチぎ間という感じか。 「įĩæ§‹å¤§ãã„ぎですわね、マク゚ã‚ĻェãƒĢ様」 「もãŖと小さくäŊœã‚‹ã“とも可čƒŊじゃがぎ。ぞあ、これくらいがéĻ–ãĢ吊るすãĢã¯ãĄã‚‡ã†ãŠč‰¯ã„ã€‚ãã‚ŒãĢ小さすぎるとčĩ¤ã‚“坊ãĢã¯åąé™ēじゃ」 「æ…ŖれãĻくれば、小さいã‚ĩイã‚ēでäŊœã‚Šį›´ã—ãĻæĨればよかろう。それができる技量を手ãĢå…ĨれãĻã‹ã‚‰ãŽčŠąã˜ã‚ƒãŒãĒ」 「あうãŖ、į˛žé€˛ã—ぞすわ」 ãĢæˆģり、ãƒŦテã‚Ŗãƒŧナが順čĒŋãĢåĸ“įŠ´ã‚’掘ãŖãĻいる間、äŋēã¯ãƒŸã‚ˇã‚§ãƒĢãĄã‚ƒã‚“ã¨ãƒ•ã‚Ŗニã‚ĸãĢ、加åˇĨぎ手順をčĒŦ明しãĻいた。 å­Ļé™ĸãĢ通ãŖãĻいるãƒŦテã‚ŖãƒŧナãĢはåŸēį¤ŽįŸĨč­˜ãŒã‚ã‚‹ãŒã€ã“ãŽäēŒäēēãĢはそれがãĒい。čŠŗį´°ãĢčĒŦ明せねばãĒらãĒい。ã‚Ēãƒžã‚ąã§ã‚¯ãƒŠã‚ĻドãĢも。 そうしãĻ丸一æ—ĨかけãĻį‹ŧぎį‰™ã‚’削りå‡ēし、äŋēが夜ãĒずでそぎį‰™ãĢ魔æŗ•é™Ŗをåˆģãŋčžŧむ。 ã›ã„ãœã„č–„ã‚ãŽéŠéŽ§į¨‹åēĻãŽé˜˛åžĄã ãŒã€ãã‚Œã§ã‚‚čĩ¤ã‚“åŠãŽåąé™ēを大きくčģŊ減しãĻくれるだろう。 č˛¯ã‚čžŧんだ魔力が切れれば、äŋēがぞたæŗ¨å…ĨしãĻやればよい。 これで『äŋēãŽč´ˆã‚Šį‰Šã€ã¨ã„うäŊ“čŖãŒæ•´ãˆã‚‰ã‚Œã‚‹ã‚ã‘だ。 そうしãĻ順čĒŋãĢ合åŽŋぎæ—Ĩį¨‹ã‚’こãĒし、最įĩ‚æ—Ĩはäēˆå‚™æ—ĨとしãĻæƒŗ厚しãĻいたぎで、もう一åēĻæĩˇã§éŠãļことãĢした。 そうやãŖãĻå­Ŗį¯€ãĢäŧŧ合わãŦæ—Ĩį„ŧけをしãĻから、äŋēãŸãĄã¯ãƒŠã‚Ļムへ帰還したぎである。 マク゚ã‚ĻェãƒĢãŽåą‹æ•ˇã§ã€é›†ã‚ãĻきたį´ æã‚’それぞれãĢ分担し、刊į›Šã‚’分配する。 ãƒŦテã‚Ŗãƒŧナとクナã‚ĻドがそれぞれぎåŽļãĢ帰る。äŋēã‚‚ãƒŸã‚ˇã‚§ãƒĢãĄã‚ƒã‚“ã¨ãƒ•ã‚Ŗニã‚ĸと一įˇ’ãĢ、通いæ…Ŗã‚ŒãŸå¸°čˇ¯ãĢついãĻいた。 いつもと違ãŖたぎは、äŋēãŸãĄãŒã‚ŗãƒĢテã‚ŖナぎåŽļぎ前ãĢæĨた時だãŖた。 ã€ŒãĄã‚‡ãŖと、æœŦåŊ“ãĢ大丈å¤ĢãĒんでしょうね!?」 åŽļぎ中からいつもではæƒŗ像できãĒã„ãã‚‰ã„å–ã‚Šäšąã—ãŸã€ã‚ŗãƒĢテã‚ŖナぎåŖ°ãŒéŸŋいãĻきた。 「ãĒ、ãĒんだろ?」 「わかんãĒい。でもいつもぎã‚ŗãƒĢテã‚ŖナãĒら、あんãĒãĢå–ã‚Šäšąã—ãŸã‚Šã—ãĒい」 「そうですね。いつもは悠į„ļと構えãĻいる斚ですから、įã—いです」 åŊŧåĨŗはåŸēæœŦįš„ãĢå†ˇé™ãĒäēē間だ。そぎ分、内ãĢためčžŧãŋやすい性æ ŧã§ã¯ã‚ã‚‹ãŒã€ããŽå†ˇé™ã•ã¯æˆĻ場では一つぎæ­Ļ器ãĢãĒる。 そぎåŊŧåĨŗが、いつãĢãĒいãģお我をåŋ˜ã‚Œã€åĨ‡åŖ°ã‚’上げãĻいた。 「そ、そんãĒぎäŋēãĢčžã‹ã‚ŒãĻも......ãĒぁ、ã‚ŦドãƒĢ゚、大丈å¤ĢだよãĒ?」 ã€Œãƒ¯ã‚ˇãŒįŸĨるか!」 įļšã„ãĻčžã“ãˆãĻきたぎはナイエãƒĢとã‚ŦドãƒĢ゚ぎåŖ°ã€‚こぎäēŒäēēも、æˆĻ場ぎįŒ›č€…である。 だがそぎåŖ°ãŒãƒ’ãƒŗトãĢãĒãŖたぎか、フã‚Ŗニã‚ĸはパãƒŗと手を及いãĻ歓åŖ°ã‚’上げた。 「あãŖ、もしかしたら......」 「フã‚Ŗニã‚ĸ、äŊ•ã‹æ€ã„ついた?」 ã€Œãˆãˆã€‚ã˛ã‚‡ãŖとすると、マãƒĒã‚ĸ様ぎおį”Ŗが始ぞãŖたぎかもしれぞせん!」 「えãŖ!?」 マãƒĒã‚ĸぎå‡ēį”ŖäēˆåŽšãĢã¯ã€ãžã ã˛ã¨æœˆčŋ‘いæ—ĨãĢãĄãŒæŽ‹ãŖãĻいたはず。少し旊いぎではãĒいだろうか? 「äēˆåŽšæ—ĨはæĨ月だãŖたよね?」 「少し旊くį”Ÿãžã‚Œã‚‹ãŽã‹ã‚‚しれぞせん。これくらいãĒら充分あり垗ぞす」 「そ、それãŖãĻ大変ãĒんじゃ!?」 「はい。ですぎでį§ã‚‚čĄŒãŖãĻお手äŧã„しãĻきぞす!」 フã‚Ŗニã‚ĸはいつãĢãĒãäšąæš´ãĢドã‚ĸã‚’é–‹ã‘ã€čˇį‰Šã‚’įŽ„é–ĸãŽč„‡ãĢ攞りå‡ēした。 「わ、わたしもãĒãĢか......ãĻつだうこと!」 「ニã‚ŗãƒĢãĄã‚ƒã‚“ã€čŊãĄį€ã„ãĻ! えãŖと、えãŖと......わたし、お母さんå‘ŧんでくるね!」 それをčĻ‹ãĻäŋēは、äŊ•ã‚’しãĻいいぎかわからず、あわあわと挙動不寊ぎぞぞįĢ‹ãĄå°ŊくしãĻいたぎだãŖた。
The next day, we returned to Maxwell’s islet. The Northern Alliance was a somewhat cold kingdom, and we even climbed up the mountain range there, so the difference in temperature was quite drastic. Given my meager stamina, that difference hit me pretty hard. “I feel like I’m suffering just by being alive.” “Oh no, are you gonna die!?” “I was just speaking metaphorically. You sure love overreacting, Michelle.” “Nicole, did you forget how much you worried us until now?” “Ugh!” Oh well, it was true that I made them worry over me this time. But it was due to my physical changes, not something I could help. Since procuring the threads for swimsuits got crammed in our tasks, our training camp schedule had turned quite tight. Today’s task was to shave the Fang Wolf’s fangs in talisman shapes and carve magic circles on them. We had to finish doing this within two days. However, I had already made the magic circle layouts, so the only thing left was molding the fangs and carving the magic circles by referencing what I had already drawn. “L-Leaving that aside, we have to process the materials today, you know? That’s one of the jobs of Adventurers.” “Ugh, I am not good at detailed work.” “I will do what I can to assist you.” “Oh, don’t worry, even if you fail, these fangs are big enough to allow for some mistakes.” Maxwell, who had already sent Mateus’ group back to Raum, assured us. I didn’t really care about the exact size for our share of the talismans, but I had to carefully consider it for the baby’s share. There was a risk of it getting swallowed if it was made too small, but making it too big would also make it inconvenient to carry around. After calculating its size, we ended up making it from one of the fangs, a bit on the bigger side. In terms of thickness, it was a cm cylinder, and the length was somewhere between - cm. “That is quite a big one, Lord Maxwell.” “We could make it smaller, but this looks like the right size to hang on the neck. And making it too small would endanger the baby.” “After the baby gets used to it, we could remake it in a smaller shape. But that is something you can consider after having the ability to do so, however.” “Ugh, I will do my best.” After we returned to the cottage, I went to explain the manufacturing process to Michelle and Finia, while Letina was busy digging her own grave. Since Letina attended the Academy, she had the fundamental knowledge, but these two didn’t. I had to explain it to them in detail. And to Cloud as well as a bonus. And thus, we spent the entire day shaving the fangs, and then came my night work of carving the magic circles on them. We just had to pour magic into them like with Magic Crystals and they would be finished. While the magic power remained inside them, they would continue to protect the wearers. It really only was on the level of a leather armor, but it still made a huge difference in baby’s safety. If the magic power ran out, I could just recharge it again. Like this, my “Gift” finally took on a proper form. Thus, we finished our training camp schedule favorably, and decided to use the last day that we had as a reserve to play at the sea. And finally, we returned to Raum while getting quite an unfitting tan considering the season. We split and shared the spoils at Maxwell’s house. That was the same plain old thing we did. After that Letina and Cloud went to their respective homes. I also followed the familiar path home along with Michelle and Finia. What was different from usual, was what happened after we reached Cortina’s home. “Hey, is this really alright!?” From inside came Cortina’s voice, appearing unimaginably shaken. It made us reflexively exchange gazes. “W-What’s going on?” “I don’t know. But normal Cortina would never sound so confused.” “True. She is always composed, so this is unusual.” She was by nature a calm person. Conversely, she tended to keep everything bottled inside, but her calm nature was also one of her weapons during battles. Someone like that had presently lost all her composite and raised strange voices. “W-Why are you asking that to me... Hey, Gadius, what do you think?” “As if I would know!” Following it came Lyell and Gadius’ voices. These two were fearless fighters too. It was really rare to hear such shaken voices from them. That seemed to have been some kind of hint for Finia, she suddenly clapped her hands in joy. “Ah, could it be...” “Finia, did you think of something?” “Yes. It could be that Lady Maria started giving birth!” “Wha-!?” There should have been close to a month until her childbirth. Wasn’t it a little too early? “Wasn’t she expecting it next month?” “She might be giving birth a little early. It happens quite often.” “I-Isn’t that quite a big deal!?” “Yes. So I will go help them right away!” Finia opened the door uncharacteristically violently and threw the luggage at the entrance. It was a strange act from someone who treated belongings with care. “I-I also... Have to help somehow!” “Nicole, calm down! Err, Uhh... I’ll go call my mom!” As Finia headed into the house, Michelle rushed towards her own. Seeing that, I just stood still and flapped around weirdly, unable to come up with what to do.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 15, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
クロキãƒĒãŸãĄã¯å€‹ãŽæ­Ļ勇ãĢよãŖãĻ、į‹å§ĢãŸãĄãŒæ–°ãŸãĒæŠ€čĄ“ãĢよãŖãĻ、é›ĒįŋãŸãĄãŒį­–čŦ€ãĢよãŖãĻ蛸įŽ‹ãŽãƒĸãƒŗã‚šã‚ŋãƒŧãŸãĄã‚’æ’ƒé€€ã—ãĻいた頃、『įą ã‚‹æĄœįĢぎįĢœå›ã€ãŽãƒ€ãƒŗジョãƒŗã€ŽæĄœåŗļį›´įĢåŖ』ãĢãĻ ã€Œã¯ã„ã€‚ãŠéĄ˜ã„ã—ãžã™ã€‚ã€ ã€ŽæĄœåŗļį›´įĢåŖã€ãŽåą¤ã¯æĄœåŗļぎ噴įĢåŖぎ内側ãĢå…ĨåŖが存在しãĻおり晎通ぎäēē間ãĢはå…Ĩるäē‹ã¯å‡ēæĨãĒã„ãŒã€åą¤ã¯įĢœå›ãŒįœˇåąžã‚’äŊœã‚‹ãŸã‚ãĢ外ãĢ一部がå‡ēるようãĢäŊœã‚‰ã‚ŒãĻいる。 そしãĻäģŠįžåœ¨ããŽįŦŦäēŒéšŽåą¤ãĢはįĢœå›ãĢæ•°åãŽæĄœįĢäēē、それãĢ十数名ぎäēēé–“ãŒåą…ã‚‹ã€‚ だが、åŊŧåĨŗãŸãĄãŽå‡ēã™é›°å›˛æ°—ãĢはį„Ļりと怒りが感じられるが、æ•ĩ寞ぎ意思は感じられãĒい。 それはäŊ•æ•…か。 「分かãŖた。港į”ēぎįŠļæŗã¯åˆģ一åˆģと不å‘ŗいäē‹ãĢãĒãŖãĻる。」 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そぎ垌į‹å§Ģぎ最新åŧčŖ…備を整えた援čģã‚‚駆けつけ、やがãĻ蛸įŽ‹ãŽãƒĸãƒŗã‚šã‚ŋãƒŧãŸãĄã¯ä¸€æ–šįš„ãĢそぎ数を減らしãĻいき、æˆĻいはįĢœå›ãŸãĄãŽå‹åˆŠãĢįĩ‚わることãĢãĒãŖた。
————– While Kurokiri and the others were fending off the Octopus King’s monsters with the individual valor, the Fox Princess’ group testing out the new technology, and the Snow Sage’s party strategizing, this was what was happening at the “Sakurajima Direct Crater” dungeon of the “Dragon Sovereign of the Caged Cherry Blossom Flame”. “Yes. Please do.” The first level of “Sakurajima Direct Crater” had an entrance within the Sakurajima crater, rendering it inaccessible to ordinary humans, but the second level was designed to allow a portion of the structure to be opened for Dragon Sovereign to create her kin. And as of now, the Dragon Sovereign of the Caged Cherry Blossom Flame as well as the Sakurahijin accompanied by a dozen or so human beings were on the second level of the structure. Nevertheless, despite the impatience and fury in their atmosphere, there was no sense of antagonism. You were wondering the reason for this? “I understand. The circumstances in the port city are getting worse by the minute.” To begin with, “Dragon Sovereign of the Caged Cherry Blossom Flame” was a Demon King who lacked the characteristics of a Demon King, and her typical behavior was to slumber in the dungeon while creating monsters as she saw fit. The only other thing she did besides that was to transform humans into her kin when they came to the second level, which she created for the purpose of creating kin, and she did not release monsters outside to attack the settlements. Right. The Dragon Sovereign was a Demon King who had never taken the initiative to harm any human being. On top of that, her kin, the Sakurahijin, possessed the ability to heal the injured with their unique skill â‰ĒCherry Blossom Rainâ‰Ģ and the bulk of them customarily wandered around the community to heal the wounded and were highly reputed. Therefore, the Dragon Sovereign and her kin, the Sakurahijin, were favorably accepted by the people in the surrounding areas, unlike other Demon Kings and their kin. “We are aware of that. That is why we ask for your power, Dragon Sovereign-sama.” In the midst of this, the monsters of the “Crawling Octopus King of Chaos” had abruptly stormed the port city, causing the humans and the Sakurahijin in the port city to suffer an uphill battle. The Dragon Sovereign and her team had to urgently maintain their strength and send in reinforcements. “Then I won’t stop you anymore. â‰ĒMonster Createâ‰Ģ.” For this reason, the Dragon Sovereign had gathered the group of humans who had made up their minds to resign from the human race and be her kin. So that they can protect what they desired to protect. With the activation of Dragon Sovereign’s skill, the hair color of the assembled humans turned into an alluring cherry blossom color, which was followed by cherry blossom-colored fire sparks that rained down on the area as if celebrating the birth of new kin. “I am counting on you.” “Yes!” And the batch of new kin headed off to the battlefield of their own accord. ————– The conflict was still tense, despite the cooperation of humans, Sakurahijin, and Dragon Sovereign’s monsters, as well as the additional kin dispatched by the Dragon Sovereign. What was the reason behind this? Indeed, the â‰ĒCherry Blossom Rainâ‰Ģ was a formidable skill that can both attack and heal at the same time, and if multiple Sakurahijin exercised it synchronously, most wounds can be healed instantaneously and the opponents can be inflicted with a certain extent of damage. Regardless, the primary effect of â‰ĒCherry Blossom Rainâ‰Ģ was recovery rather than offense. Many of Dragon Sovereign’s monsters also had recovery abilities, and since Dragon Sovereign was a Demon King who did not strike humans, the humans themselves had scarcely any experience in battle. Hence, the situation that occurred was... “Damn it! We’re outnumbered!” “Concentrate all your firepower in one place!” There was a critical shortage of firepower. As a result, the Dragon Sovereign’s side was now awaiting reinforcements from other Demon Kings, who may or may not arrive, and was gradually retreating to withstand the enemies’ aggression. Now, a question might be posed here. You may wonder, even if they lacked offensive capabilities, given their resilience, was it possible to maintain the war front even if it was impossible to push back the enemy? The current predicament, nevertheless, was not such a simple one. Recovery, by definition, only applied to those who are still alive ; not to those who perish with a single blow or damage to equipment, such as shields and spears. “It’s coming! Retreat!!” Yes. For instance, the giant octopus, whose physical strength was sufficient to crush a human being with a shield, was their natural antagonist. “Damn it! Fall back! Fall backkkkkk!!” “Reinforcements are not yet... gyaaaaa!!” The humans on Dragon Sovereign’s side fled while swearing, and the Octopus King’s monsters pounced on their vulnerable backs, snatching their lives away. “Damn it... If only we could do something about that giant octopus...” These humans, who managed to escape to the outer part of the city and put up a fighting appearance, involuntarily murmured to themselves. In their eyes, they can catch sight of the monsters of the Octopus King who were progressively advancing towards them from the city... that loathsome giant octopus. Should that giant octopus reach this point, they would be hopelessly devastated. That was what the humans were thinking, with some weeping and quivering, and others in despair. Yet, the time they had accumulated over the many sacrifices they had exerted up to this point will save them. “ãƒŧãƒŧãƒŧ!!” All of a sudden, the exclamation of the giant octopus pierced the area. They looked up to check what was going on. There, they witnessed the giant octopus that had tormented them for so long being slain in one blow by a girl. “You did your best. Please leave the rest to me.” Although she seemed to be far away, the girl’s voice sounded mysteriously familiar. That girl was clad entirely in black, with a metal gauntlet covering her left arm and a double-edged blade in her right hand. Ichiko was the name of the young woman. She carried the alias of “Blade Princess of the Undefined Sword” and was running around this country hunting monsters of the Octopus King under the command of Kurokiri. Her arrival at the scene drastically altered the course of events. That strength of hers could only be described as overwhelming. The giant octopus with which they had struggled so viciously was slashed to death in a heartbeat, while other monsters with threatening abilities succumbed after being hit in the vital parts with pinpoint accuracy. Even those who were able to retaliate were struck down by excruciating counterattacks without a single blow landed on her. In response to this spectacle, other humans, who until now had been on the defensive, also went on the offensive. As if their lack of firepower up to this stage were a falsehood, the humans were so vigorous that they were vanquishing the monsters of the Octopus King. Even the enemies’ occasional attacks were immediately cured by â‰ĒCherry Blossom Rainâ‰Ģ that poured down all over the vicinity. The speed of the healing was such that even a critically wounded man can regain his fighting strength within mere seconds. After that, reinforcements equipped with the latest equipment from the Fox Princess also arrived at the battlefield, and before long, the monsters of the Octopus King were unilaterally reduced in number, thus ending the battle with a victory for Dragon Sovereign and her team.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 2, "inserted_lines_trg": 7 }
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I look at the chemistry of the ocean today. I look at the chemistry of the ocean in the past. The way I look back in the past is by using the fossilized remains of deepwater corals. You can see an image of one of these corals behind me. It was collected from close to Antarctica, thousands of meters below the sea, so, very different than the kinds of corals you may have been lucky enough to see if you've had a tropical holiday. So I'm hoping that this talk will give you a four-dimensional view of the ocean. Two dimensions, such as this beautiful two-dimensional image of the sea surface temperature. This was taken using satellite, so it's got tremendous spatial resolution. The overall features are extremely easy to understand. The equatorial regions are warm because there's more sunlight. The polar regions are cold because there's less sunlight. And that allows big icecaps to build up on Antarctica and up in the Northern Hemisphere. If you plunge deep into the sea, or even put your toes in the sea, you know it gets colder as you go down, and that's mostly because the deep waters that fill the abyss of the ocean come from the cold polar regions where the waters are dense. If we travel back in time 20,000 years ago, the earth looked very much different. And I've just given you a cartoon version of one of the major differences you would have seen if you went back that long. The icecaps were much bigger. They covered lots of the continent, and they extended out over the ocean. Sea level was 120 meters lower. Carbon dioxide [levels] were very much lower than they are today. So the earth was probably about three to five degrees colder overall, and much, much colder in the polar regions. What I'm trying to understand, and what other colleagues of mine are trying to understand, is how we moved from that cold climate condition to the warm climate condition that we enjoy today. We know from ice core research that the transition from these cold conditions to warm conditions wasn't smooth, as you might predict from the slow increase in solar radiation. And we know this from ice cores, because if you drill down into ice, you find annual bands of ice, and you can see this in the iceberg. You can see those blue-white layers. Gases are trapped in the ice cores, so we can measure CO2 -- that's why we know CO2 was lower in the past -- and the chemistry of the ice also tells us about temperature in the polar regions. And if you move in time from 20,000 years ago to the modern day, you see that temperature increased. It didn't increase smoothly. Sometimes it increased very rapidly, then there was a plateau, then it increased rapidly. It was different in the two polar regions, and CO2 also increased in jumps. So we're pretty sure the ocean has a lot to do with this. The ocean stores huge amounts of carbon, about 60 times more than is in the atmosphere. It also acts to transport heat across the equator, and the ocean is full of nutrients and it controls primary productivity. So if we want to find out what's going on down in the deep sea, we really need to get down there, see what's there and start to explore. This is some spectacular footage coming from a seamount about a kilometer deep in international waters in the equatorial Atlantic, far from land. You're amongst the first people to see this bit of the seafloor, along with my research team. You're probably seeing new species. We don't know. You'd have to collect the samples and do some very intense taxonomy. You can see beautiful bubblegum corals. There are brittle stars growing on these corals. Those are things that look like tentacles coming out of corals. There are corals made of different forms of calcium carbonate growing off the basalt of this massive undersea mountain, and the dark sort of stuff, those are fossilized corals, and we're going to talk a little more about those as we travel back in time. To do that, we need to charter a research boat. This is the James Cook, an ocean-class research vessel moored up in Tenerife. Looks beautiful, right? Great, if you're not a great mariner. Sometimes it looks a little more like this. This is us trying to make sure that we don't lose precious samples. Everyone's scurrying around, and I get terribly seasick, so it's not always a lot of fun, but overall it is. So we've got to become a really good mapper to do this. You don't see that kind of spectacular coral abundance everywhere. It is global and it is deep, but we need to really find the right places. We just saw a global map, and overlaid was our cruise passage from last year. This was a seven-week cruise, and this is us, having made our own maps of about 75,000 square kilometers of the seafloor in seven weeks, but that's only a tiny fraction of the seafloor. We're traveling from west to east, over part of the ocean that would look featureless on a big-scale map, but actually some of these mountains are as big as Everest. So with the maps that we make on board, we get about 100-meter resolution, enough to pick out areas to deploy our equipment, but not enough to see very much. To do that, we need to fly remotely-operated vehicles about five meters off the seafloor. And if we do that, we can get maps that are one-meter resolution down thousands of meters. Here is a remotely-operated vehicle, a research-grade vehicle. You can see an array of big lights on the top. There are high-definition cameras, manipulator arms, and lots of little boxes and things to put your samples. Here we are on our first dive of this particular cruise, plunging down into the ocean. We go pretty fast to make sure the remotely operated vehicles are not affected by any other ships. And we go down, and these are the kinds of things you see. These are deep sea sponges, meter scale. This is a swimming holothurian -- it's a small sea slug, basically. This is slowed down. Most of the footage I'm showing you is speeded up, because all of this takes a lot of time. This is a beautiful holothurian as well. And this animal you're going to see coming up was a big surprise. I've never seen anything like this and it took us all a bit surprised. This was after about 15 hours of work and we were all a bit trigger-happy, and suddenly this giant sea monster started rolling past. It's called a pyrosome or colonial tunicate, if you like. This wasn't what we were looking for. We were looking for corals, deep sea corals. You're going to see a picture of one in a moment. It's small, about five centimeters high. It's made of calcium carbonate, so you can see its tentacles there, moving in the ocean currents. An organism like this probably lives for about a hundred years. And as it grows, it takes in chemicals from the ocean. And the chemicals, or the amount of chemicals, depends on the temperature; it depends on the pH, it depends on the nutrients. And if we can understand how these chemicals get into the skeleton, we can then go back, collect fossil specimens, and reconstruct what the ocean used to look like in the past. And here you can see us collecting that coral with a vacuum system, and we put it into a sampling container. We can do this very carefully, I should add. Some of these organisms live even longer. This is a black coral called Leiopathes, an image taken by my colleague, Brendan Roark, about 500 meters below Hawaii. Four thousand years is a long time. If you take a branch from one of these corals and polish it up, this is about 100 microns across. And Brendan took some analyses across this coral -- you can see the marks -- and he's been able to show that these are actual annual bands, so even at 500 meters deep in the ocean, corals can record seasonal changes, which is pretty spectacular. But 4,000 years is not enough to get us back to our last glacial maximum. So what do we do? We go in for these fossil specimens. This is what makes me really unpopular with my research team. So going along, there's giant sharks everywhere, there are pyrosomes, there are swimming holothurians, there's giant sponges, but I make everyone go down to these dead fossil areas and spend ages kind of shoveling around on the seafloor. And we pick up all these corals, bring them back, we sort them out. But each one of these is a different age, and if we can find out how old they are and then we can measure those chemical signals, this helps us to find out what's been going on in the ocean in the past. So on the left-hand image here, I've taken a slice through a coral, polished it very carefully and taken an optical image. On the right-hand side, we've taken that same piece of coral, put it in a nuclear reactor, induced fission, and every time there's some decay, you can see that marked out in the coral, so we can see the uranium distribution. Why are we doing this? Uranium is a very poorly regarded element, but I love it. The decay helps us find out about the rates and dates of what's going on in the ocean. And if you remember from the beginning, that's what we want to get at when we're thinking about climate. and one of its daughter products, thorium, in these corals, and that tells us exactly how old the fossils are. This beautiful animation of the Southern Ocean I'm just going to use illustrate how we're using these corals to get at some of the ancient ocean feedbacks. You can see the density of the surface water It's just one year of data, but you can see how dynamic the Southern Ocean is. The intense mixing, particularly the Drake Passage, which is shown by the box, is really one of the strongest currents in the world coming through here, flowing from west to east. It's very turbulently mixed, because it's moving over those great big undersea mountains, and this allows CO2 and heat to exchange with the atmosphere in and out. And essentially, the oceans are breathing through the Southern Ocean. We've collected corals from back and forth across this Antarctic passage, and we've found quite a surprising thing from my uranium dating: the corals migrated from south to north during this transition from the glacial to the interglacial. We don't really know why, but we think it's something to do with the food source and maybe the oxygen in the water. So here we are. I'm going to illustrate what I think we've found about climate from those corals in the Southern Ocean. We went up and down sea mountains. We collected little fossil corals. This is my illustration of that. We think back in the glacial, from the analysis we've made in the corals, that the deep part of the Southern Ocean was very rich in carbon, and there was a low-density layer sitting on top. That stops carbon dioxide coming out of the ocean. We then found corals that are of an intermediate age, and they show us that the ocean mixed partway through that climate transition. That allows carbon to come out of the deep ocean. And then if we analyze corals closer to the modern day, or indeed if we go down there today anyway and measure the chemistry of the corals, we see that we move to a position where carbon can exchange in and out. So this is the way we can use fossil corals to help us learn about the environment. So I want to leave you with this last slide. It's just a still taken out of that first piece of footage that I showed you. This is a spectacular coral garden. We didn't even expect to find things this beautiful. It's thousands of meters deep. There are new species. It's just a beautiful place. There are fossils in amongst, and now I've trained you to appreciate the fossil corals that are down there. So next time you're lucky enough to fly over the ocean or sail over the ocean, just think -- there are massive sea mountains down there that nobody's ever seen before, and there are beautiful corals. Thank you.
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も下æ—ŦãĢãĒãŖた。 ミãƒĨãƒĒエãƒĢはわずか数æ—Ĩで村ãĢ厌全ãĢæēļけčžŧんでしぞãŖた。 夜はã‚ĸイãƒĒ゚、イクãƒĒプ゚ãĢãƒ™ãƒƒãƒ‰ã§åˇãŽå­—ãĢãĒãŖãĻįœ ã‚Šã€æœãĢãĒるとįœŸãŖ先ãĢéŖ›ãŗčĩˇããĻ、丘ぎ下ãĢčĩ°ãŖãĻčĄŒãã€‚ãã—ãĻ毎æ—Ĩã€å­äž›ãŸãĄã¨éŠãŗ回る。 ã‚ˇã‚§ãƒĒãƒĢいわく、たぞãĢしかå‡ēãĻこãĒいã‚ĸイãƒĒ゚と違ãŖãĻčĻĒしãŋやすいと、村äēēãŸãĄãĢčŠ•åˆ¤ã‚‰ã—ã„ã€‚ ãã‚Œã‚’čžã„ãŸã‚ĸイãƒĒ゚は「ぐãŦãŦ」と唸ãŖた。 「だãŖãĻã‚ĸイãƒĒã‚šãŠå§‰ãĄã‚ƒã‚“ã€ãšãŖと教äŧšã‹ã‚‰å‡ēãĻこãĒいんだもん。たぞãĢは村ãĢčĄŒã“ã†ã‚ˆãƒŧ」 イクãƒĒプ゚は唸ãŖãĻいるã‚ĸイãƒĒã‚šãĢčĒŦ教しãĻくる。 「いやよ、äēē間がいるじゃãĒいぎ......」 「įš†ã„いäēēだよãƒŧ?」 ã€Œãã†ã„ã†å•éĄŒã˜ã‚ƒãĒいぎよ」 いいäēēとかæ‚Ēいäēēã¨ã‹ãŽčŠąãĢãĒると、ぞるでį›¸æ‰‹ãĢå•éĄŒãŒã‚ã‚‹ã‚ˆã†ãĢčžã“ãˆãĻしぞう。 しかしã‚ĸイãƒĒ゚は、į›¸æ‰‹ãŒäŊ•č€…であろうと、įŸĨらãĒいäēēとäŧščŠąã™ã‚‹ã¨ã„うぎが恐怖ãĒぎだ。 ã¤ãžã‚Šå•éĄŒã¯į›¸æ‰‹ã§ã¯ãĒく、ã‚ĸイãƒĒã‚šč‡ĒčēĢãĢある。 ã‚ĸイãƒĒ゚がã‚ĸイãƒĒ゚であるäģĨ上、åŧ•ãã“ã‚‚ã‚ŠäŊ“čŗĒはæēるがãĒいぎだ。 「我思う。ゆえãĢ我ニãƒŧト――」 「äŊ•ã‚’かãŖこよさそうãĢčĒžãŖãĻã‚‹ãŽã‚ˆã€‚ãŸã ãŽæ€ ã‘č€…ã˜ã‚ƒãĒいぎ」 と、マãƒĒã‚Ēãƒŗとプニã‚ŦミãĢéĻŦéšŋãĢされãĻしぞãŖた。 äē‹åŽŸã‚’指摘しãĻãã‚‹ã¨ã¯ã€é…ˇã„ãƒ‰ãƒŠã‚´ãƒŗと゚ナイムだãĒぁ、ãĒんãĻ思いãĒがら、ã‚ĸイãƒĒ゚はįœŸãŖæ˜ŧ間からベッドãĢもぞもぞæŊœã‚ŠčžŧんでįžåŽŸã‹ã‚‰é€ƒéŋする。 そぎぞぞぐãŖすりと寝ãĻ、æŦĄãŽæ—Ĩぎおæ˜ŧ前。 į›Žã‚’čĻšãžã™ã¨ã€ãƒ™ãƒƒãƒ‰ãĢはčĒ°ã‚‚いãĒかãŖた。 åĻ™ãĢč‚Œå¯’ã„ã€‚ 吐く息がį™ŊかãŖた。 ã‚ĸイãƒĒ゚は毛布でäŊ“を包んで、教äŧšãŽå¤–ãĢå‡ēãĻãŋる。 するとそこãĢはįœŸãŖį™ŊãĒé›Ēæ™¯č‰˛ãŒåēƒãŒãŖãĻいた。 「わぁ......」 ついつい感嘆ぎåŖ°ãŒæŧã‚ŒãĻしぞãŖた。 それãģお意外で、įžŽã—くãĻã€č‚ŒãĢå†ˇãŸããĻ、キナキナしãĻいãĻ、靴čļŠã—ãĢ柔らかい感č§ĻがあãŖãĻ――。 ãĒãĢせã‚ĸイãƒĒ゚はé›ĒをčĻ‹ã‚‹ãŽãŒåˆã‚ãĻだãŖた。 įˇ‘č‰˛ã ãŖãŸä¸˜ã‚‚ã€æ‘ãŽåą‹æ šã‚‚ã€æŖŽãŽč‘‰ãŖãąã‚‚ã€äŊ•ã‚‚かもが地åšŗįˇšãžã§į™Ŋい。 įĒåĻ‚としãĻ暖がå‡ēįžã—たときよりも、更ãĢ凄い変化だ。 一æ—Ĩ寝ãĻいただけで、世į•Œã¯ã“ã‚“ãĒãĢも変わãŖãĻしぞうぎだãĒぁと感動した。 そんãĒäŊ•ã‚‚かもが凍りäģ˜ã„たようãĒį™Ŋい世į•Œã§ã‚‚ã€å­äž›ãŸãĄã¯å…ƒæ°—ã ãŖた。 丘ぎ下でわãƒŧわãƒŧč¨€ã„ãĒがら、é›ĒįŽ‰ã‚’投げ、ãļつけ合ãŖãĻいる。 ã‚‚ãĄã‚ã‚“ã€ããŽä¸­ãĢはイクãƒĒプ゚とミãƒĨãƒĒエãƒĢã‚‚æˇˇã–ãŖãĻいる。 「æĨŊしそうね......」 と呟いãĻãŋãŸãŒã€ã‚‚ãĄã‚ã‚“ã‚ĸイãƒĒã‚šãĢはそれãĢæˇˇã–ãŖãĻいく勇気はãĒい。 ただ丘ぎ上からčĻ‹ã¤ã‚ã‚‹ãŽãŋだ。 そぎとき、é›Ēをåˇģき上げãĒがら怒æŋ¤ãŽå‹ĸいで丘をį™ģãŖãĻくるį‰ŠäŊ“がįžã‚ŒãŸã€‚ 背中ãĢã‚ˇã‚§ãƒĒãƒĢとマãƒĒã‚Ēãƒŗを䚗せたプニã‚Ŧミである。 「ã‚ĸイãƒĒ゚様、おはようございぞす! čĻ‹ãĻください、é›Ēですよ!」 「čŋŽãˆãĢæĨãĻあげたわよ。ぞさかこれでもåŧ•ãã“ã‚‚ã‚‹ã¨ã‹č¨€ã„å‡ēさãĒいわよね?」 おうやらåŊŧåĨŗらは、ã‚ĸイãƒĒ゚を下ãĢé€ŖれãĻčĄŒããŸã„ã‚ˆã†ã ã€‚ ã‚ĸイãƒĒã‚šã‚‚čĄŒããŸã„ã€‚ あぎé›ĒįŽ‰ã‚’投げる遊ãŗãĢ加わりたい。 が、怖い。 「......いや、そぎ。遠慎しãĻおこうかしら」 「äŊ•č¨€ãŖãĻるぎよ! そんãĒんだと教äŧšã¨äŊ“が一äŊ“åŒ–ã—ãĄã‚ƒã†ã‚ã‚ˆã€‚äģŠæ—Ĩくらいはįš†ã¨éŠãŗãĒさいよ!」 「そうですよ。新é›Ēですよ。įœŸãŖį™Ŋですよ。こんãĒãĢįļēéē—ãĒぎはäģŠã ã‘で、すぐãĢčžã‘ãĻビチãƒŖビチãƒŖãĢãĒãŖたり、æŗĨã¨æˇˇã˜ãŖãĻæąšããĒãŖたりするんですよ。さあ!」 ã€ŒãˇãƒŧãĢ!」 マãƒĒã‚Ēãƒŗã¨ã‚ˇã‚§ãƒĒãƒĢがã‚ĸイãƒĒã‚šãŽč…•ã‚’åˇĻåŗからåŧ•ãŖåŧĩる。更ãĢプニã‚ŦãƒŸãŒčƒŒä¸­ã‚’æŠŧしãĻきた。 「わãŖ、垅ãŖãĻåž…ãŖãĻ! čĄŒãã‹ã‚‰! だからせめãĻį€æ›ŋえさせãĻよ!」 「じゃあ旊くしãĒさい! あãƒŧ、もう、į§ãŒį€æ›ŋえさせãĻやるわよ!」 「あ、マãƒĒã‚Ēãƒŗさん、ずるいです! į§ã‚‚おį€æ›ŋえãĢ参加しぞすよ!」 と、ã‚ĸイãƒĒ゚は教äŧšãĢé€Ŗれčžŧぞれ、パジãƒŖマをå‰Ĩぎ取られ、いつもぎ服ãĢį€æ›ŋえさせられた。 そしãĻプニã‚Ŧミぎ上ãĢ䚗せられ、ãĩと気がつけば丘をã‚ēダダダダと下ãŖãĻいた。 垌ろからはマãƒĒã‚Ēãƒŗがã‚ēダダダダとčŋŊいかけãĻくる。 ãĒãŠã‚ˇã‚§ãƒĒãƒĢも頑åŧĩãŖãĻčĩ°ãŖãĻčŋŊいかけãĻきãĻいたが、途中でčģĸãŗ、ゴロゴロとįŽ‰ãŽã‚ˆã†ãĢčģĸがりčŊãĄãĻきた。 丘を下りãĒがら大きãĒé›ĒįŽ‰ã¸ã¨æˆé•ˇã—ãŸã‚ˇã‚§ãƒĒãƒĢは、プニã‚ŦミをčŋŊいčļŠã—、一čļŗ先ãĢ村ãĢįĒãŖčžŧんでいく。 そこは丁åēĻã€å­äž›ãŸãĄãŒéŠã‚“ã§ã„ã‚‹å ´æ‰€ã ãŖた。 「ぎじゃあ! 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The last days of December. Muriel completely mixed with the village in just a few days. At night, she slept with Iris and Eclipse on the bed, at sunset she immediately ran down the hill and played with the children. According to Sheryl, she enjoyed bigger popularity compared to Iris, who almost never shows her face. Hearing this, Iris could only groan in frustration. 「But Big Sister Iris never comes out of the church. Let’s visit the village from time to time」 Eclipse preached to the frustrated Iris. 「No way, there are people there......」 「They are good people, though?」 「That’s not the problem」 When judging people as good or bad it almost sounds like she has a problem with their attitude. But Iris was scared of talking with strangers, no matter their disposition. In other words, the problem lied with Iris, not with people themselves. Iris being Iris had an unshakable shut-in disposition. 「You’re a NEET. So I conclude」 「Why are you sounding so cool? You are just an embodiment of sloth」 Marion and Punigami mercilessly made fun of her. Hearing the truth from a scary dragon and slime, Iris crawled under the blanket to escape reality. There she fell asleep until the lunch of the next day. As she opened her eyes, she saw no one else on the bed. Strangely chilly. Her breathing turned white. Iris, wrapped in a blanket, decided to go out the church. There she saw a pure white expanse of snow. 「Waaa....」 She leaked a voice of admiration. So surprisingly beautiful, chilling on the skin, sparkling, with a soft feeling coming from her feet. After all, this was the first time for Iris to witness snow. The previously green hill, houses’ roofs, the forest, everything was white until the very horizon. The change was even more impressive compared to the time when the lake appeared. For the world to change so much in a day was truly impressive. Even in such a frozen world, the kids were as active as ever. They threw balls of snow at each other as they played. Of course, Eclipse and Muriel were among them. 「Seems fun.....」 Or so she muttered but didn’t have the courage to join them. She just watched from the top of the hill. At that time, a body of snow appeared and climbed the hill. It was Punigami with Sheryl and Marion on his back. 「Good morning, Iris-sama! Please look, it’s snow! 」 「I’m here to pick you up. You aren’t going to miss on this too, right? 」 Apparently, they came here to bring Iris down. Iris wanted to go. She wanted to join the game of throwing snowballs. But, she was scared. 「.......No, I mean. I’ll tactfully decline」 「What are you saying?! At this rate, your body will merge with the church. Go and play with everyone, at least today! 」 「That’s right. It’s the first snow. Pure white. It’s only this beautiful now, it’ll swiftly melt, mix with the mud, and become dirty. Let’s go! 」 「Pu-ni!」 Sheryl and Marion pulled her by the hands with Punigami pushing from behind. 「Wa, wait, wait! I’ll wait! Just let me change! 」 「Then hurry up! Ah, I’ll help you change myself! 」 「Foul play, Marion-san! I’ll participate too! 」 Then, Iris was dragged into the church stripped of her pajamas and changed into her usual attire. After that, Punigami brought her down the hill before she noticed. Marion followed closely behind. Must be noted that Sheryl tried to catch up but stumbled midway and rolled down like a ball. Gaining in size, she easily overtook Punigami and rolled into the village. Right where the kids played. 「No ja! Here comes a giant snowball! That’s cheating! 」 「You can’t use such big snowball in a snowball fight!」 Eclipse stood before the giant snowball and 「Ei」held out her hands. The giant snowball’s momentum was but a trifle for Eclipse. It stopped easily. Then it broke in halves and Sheryl came out with spinning eyes. 「Wa, the snowball gave birth to Sheryl」 「Since she was born from a snowball, let’s call her Yukiko-chan」 「Hie......don’t casually rename people......」 Sheryl didn’t forget to complain despite her spinning eyes. She seemed to be okay. 「Sheryl as clumsy as always」 「Punii.....」 Iris and Punigami sighed in exasperation. 「Well, humans aren’t as strong as we are.....can’t help it, I suppose?」 Or so Marion tried to defend her. However the kids around them 「Sheryl-sama is a role model of a human being」「We aren’t that clumsy」didn’t share her sentiment. 「H-How cruel.....」 Sheryl unsteadily got up with teary-eyes. 「Well then. Since Iris-sama was safely delivered let’s restart the snow fight......Iris-sama, you can’t just hide behind Punigami」 「Eh, but......」 There were unknown children besides the usual members present here. She thought she gathered enough courage on top of the hill, but when it came to it there wasn’t enough. 「Iris’ shut-in disposition is troublesome.....ei!」 Without any warning, Muriel smashed a snowball into Iris’ face. 「.....What are you doing......ei!」 Then Muriel threw again. Eventually it escalated into a skirmish. 「I see, so this is a snowball fight. Ei, ei!」 「Iris, I’ll join your side!」 Marion too started throwing snowballs at Muriel. 「Then I shall be Muriel’s ally」 「So Punigami-sama is Iris-sama’s comrade? Then I shall assist Muriel-sama」 In that manner, the two camps engaged in snowball warfare. Although there were no rules about winning or losing established. For now, hitting an opponent with a snowball was good and getting hit was bad. Nevertheless, it was fun. Iris forgot about her desire to shut herself in and had fun playing with snowballs. When the sun set, everyone sat on the ground exhausted. The snow has been completely trampled and there was no that fluffy feeling anymore. Perhaps it’s time to go back, thought Iris when Jessica came. 「Arara, Everyone played to their heart’s content. I made some butter roasted potatoes. Is someone interested? 」 As expected of Jessica. Nice timing indeed. Of course,「Me!」 everyone raised their hands. Everyone happily ate their share. With this, Iris completely accepted the children – or so everyone thought. How could I do something so grand, that night Iris trembled under the blanket. 「Big Sister only had a snowball fight.......」 Even Eclipse felt a wave of exasperation. 「My, my. Can’t be a Guardian Deity like that. This Mistress is essential to this village」 They said many things, but Iris wasted too much mental power interacting with strangers. She decided to stay inside for at least three days to recover her mental energy.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 8, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
ゴブãƒĒãƒŗロãƒŧドは、さãŖきぞでäŋēãŸãĄãŒã„ãŸã¨ã“ã‚ãžã§ã‚„ãŖãĻきた。 ぞるでį—•čˇĄãĢ気ãĨいたかぎようãĢčļŗをæ­ĸめる。 ゴブãƒĒãƒŗはäēē間ぎ小児ãģおぎ大きさだ。 だが、ゴブãƒĒãƒŗロãƒŧドぎ成äēēį”ˇæ€§ãŽ1.5倍ãģおčēĢé•ˇãŒã‚ã‚‹ã€‚ čƒ´ã‚‚čļŗã‚‚ã€č…•ã‚‚å¤Ēく、ゴブãƒĒãƒŗというよりã‚ĒãƒŧクãĢčŋ‘い。 ã‚ĸãƒĒã‚Ēã¨ã‚¸ãƒ§ãƒƒã‚ˇãƒĨはã‚Ģã‚ŋã‚Ģã‚ŋと震えãĻいる。 ゴブãƒĒãƒŗは雑魚だ。1寞1ãĒらFナãƒŗク冒é™ēč€…ã§ã‚‚č‹ĻæˆĻしãĒい。 だが、ゴブãƒĒãƒŗロãƒŧドとãĒると、1寞1ではBナãƒŗク冒é™ēč€…ã§ã‚‚åąé™ēである。 Fナãƒŗク冒é™ēč€…ãŒã„ãã‚‰æŸãĢãĒãŖãĻも勝ãĻるį›¸æ‰‹ã§ã¯ãĒい。 ãĄãĒãŋãĢFナãƒŗクは新äēē、Eは新äēēを抜けå‡ēしたころ。 Dで一äēē前、Cでį†Ÿįˇ´ã€Bは一æĩã€Aナãƒŗクはčļ…一æĩã ã€‚ äŋēぎSナãƒŗã‚¯ã¯æ­´å˛įš„ãĢčĻ‹ãĻも、ごくわずかãĒäēēį‰Šã—か与えられãĻいãĒいナãƒŗクだ。 äŋēはã‚ĸãƒĒã‚ĒãŸãĄãĢ向けãĻ小åŖ°ã§č¨€ã†ã€‚ 「čŊãĄį€ã‘」 「だが......」 Fナãƒŗクパãƒŧテã‚ŖãƒŧãĒら、ゴブãƒĒãƒŗロãƒŧドãĢ遭遇した時į‚šã§å…¨æģ…åŋ…č‡ŗだ。 だが、äŋēはSナãƒŗクãĒぎだ。 äŋēは世į•Œã‚’æģ…ãŧしかねãĒい魔įĨžįŽ‹ã‚’ã‚Ŋロで倒しãĻいる。 äŋēãĢとãŖãĻ、ゴブãƒĒãƒŗロãƒŧãƒ‰ã”ã¨ãã¯č„…å¨ã§ã¯ãĒい。 「いざとãĒれば、äŋēãĢäģģせãĻã‚ĸãƒĒã‚ĒãŸãĄã¯é€ƒã’ã‚ã€ 「そんãĒ、äŋēãŸãĄã ã‘é€ƒã’ã‚‹ãĒんãĻできぞせん......」 10嚴前ãĢもäŧŧたようãĒäŧščŠąã‚’äē¤ã‚ã—た。 少しだけ懐かしい気分ãĢãĒãŖた。 ゴブãƒĒãƒŗロãƒŧドはäŋēãŸãĄãŒčŋ‘くãĢいることãĢは気äģ˜ã„ãĻいるようだ。 ゴブãƒĒãƒŗį¨Žã¯įˇã˜ãĻéŧģがいい。äŋēãŸãĄãŽč‡­ã„ãĢ気ãĨいたぎだろう。 だが、おこãĢいるかはわからãĒいらしい。į›Žã¯ã‚ぞりよくãĒいぎかもしれãĒい。 大åŖ°ã§ã‚ã‚ããĒがら、æ­Ļ器を振り回しãĻいる。 大きãĒé‹ŧ鉄ぎこんæŖ’だ。坑道ぎåŖãĢåŊ“たãŖãĻ、大きãĒéŸŗがéŗ´ã‚‹ã€‚ å˛ŠãŒį •ã‘ãĻæ•ŖらばãŖた。 äŋēはæŗ¨æ„æˇąãã€ãã‚Œã‚’čĻŗ察する。 ゴブãƒĒãƒŗロãƒŧドぐらいはすぐ倒せる。だが、æ€Ēしい。 大きãĒįž¤ã‚Œã‚’įŽ‡ã„るゴブãƒĒãƒŗロãƒŧドともãĒると、それãĒりãĢčŗĸいもぎだ。 だが、こぎゴブãƒĒãƒŗロãƒŧドãĢįŸĨ性が感じられãĒい。 čŋ‘éšŖぎ村からåŽļį•œã‚’少しずつį›—むというぎがぞずおかしく思える。 įŸĨ性ぎį„Ąã„ゴブãƒĒãƒŗãĒらば全部į›—ぞãĒいとおかしい。 30匚もいるįž¤ã‚Œã ã€‚ åŽļį•œãŠã“ろか、村äēēã”ã¨å…¨å“Ąã•ã‚‰ã‚ã‚ŒãĻいãĻã‚‚ã€ä¸æ€č­°ã¯ãĒい。 ぞるで、小さãĒゴブãƒĒãƒŗぎįž¤ã‚Œã ã¨čĒ¤čĒã•ã›ãŸãŒãŖãĻいるようãĢčĻ‹ãˆã‚‹ã€‚ それãĢ、坑道ぎå…ĨりåŖãĢčĻ‹åŧĩりをįŊŽã„ãĻいた。 įĩ„įš”としãĻゴブãƒĒãƒŗãŸãĄã‚’é‹į”¨ã—ようとしãĻいるč¨ŧåˇĻだ。 į›ŽãŽå‰ãŽã€č‹›įĢ‹ãŖãĻåŖã‚’掴りつけãĻいるゴブãƒĒãƒŗロãƒŧドãĢできるとは思えãĒい。 恐らく、さらãĢčƒŒåžŒãĢäŊ•ã‹ã„る気がする。できればそいつを逃したくãĒい。 だからじãŖとäŋēはčĻŗ察した。 ゴブãƒĒãƒŗロãƒŧドがäžĩå…Ĩč€…ã‚’äģ•į•™ã‚ãã‚ŒãĒいと判断したらå‡ēãĻくるかもしれãĒい。 もしくはゴブãƒĒãƒŗロãƒŧãƒ‰ãŒå ąå‘Šã—ãĢæˆģるかもしれãĒい。 それを垅ãŖた。 「GRAAA......AAA?」 吠えãĻいたゴブãƒĒãƒŗロãƒŧドが一įžŦå›ēぞる。 坑道ぎå…ĨりåŖ斚向から、äŊ•č€…かがぞãŖすぐãĢ駆けãĻきた。 速い。一気ãĢ間合いをつめると、ゴブãƒĒãƒŗロãƒŧドãĢįĒãã‚’įš°ã‚Šå‡ēす。 įŖäēēぎ少åĨŗだ。ãĒかãĒかぎæˆĻåŖĢãĢčĻ‹ãˆã‚‹ã€‚ į´°čēĢぎå‰Ŗをįš„įĸēãĢゴブãƒĒãƒŗロãƒŧドぎæ€Ĩ所へとįš°ã‚Šå‡ēしãĻいる。 「GAAA!!」 åˇ¨äŊ“ãĢčĻ‹åˆã‚ãŦ速さで、ゴブãƒĒãƒŗロãƒŧドは反åŋœã™ã‚‹ã€‚ åˇ¨å¤§ãĒé‹ŧ鉄ぎこんæŖ’を木ぎ枝であるかぎようãĢ操ãŖãĻ、少åĨŗぎįĒãã‚’すずãĻいãĒした。 「雑魚がé‚Ē魔するãĒでありぞす!」 少åĨŗã¯ã€åˇ§ãŋãĢé–“åˆã„ã‚’čŠ°ã‚ãŸã‚Šåēƒã’たりしãĻゴブãƒĒãƒŗロãƒŧドをįŋģåŧ„する。 だが、ゴブãƒĒãƒŗロãƒŧドも、čĻ‹äē‹ãĢ寞åŋœã—ãĻčĻ‹ã›ã‚‹ã€‚ ä¸Ąč€…ã¨ã‚‚č‡´å‘Ŋįš„ãĒ一撃を与えられãĻいãĒã„ã€‚č† į€įŠļ態ãĢé™ĨãŖた。 「すげぇ......」 ã‚ĸãƒĒã‚Ēが、小さãĒåŖ°ã§ã¤ãļやいた。そぎįžŦ間、少åĨŗぎč€ŗがかすかãĢ動く。 「そこãĢいるåĨ´ã‚‰! 逃げられるãĒらäģŠãŽã†ãĄãĢ逃げるでありぞすよ!」 įŖäēēだけあãŖãĻ、č€ŗが非常ãĢいいようだ。 「ã‚ĸãƒĒã‚Ēã€ã‚¸ãƒ§ãƒƒã‚ˇãƒĨ、とりあえずčĩ°ã‚Œã€ 「お、おう」 「わかりぞした」 「一åŋœåĨ‡čĨ˛ãĢはæŗ¨æ„ã—ろ」 「う、うん」 ã‚ĸãƒĒã‚ĒãŸãĄã¯å´é“ã‹ã‚‰å¤–ãĢ向けãĻ駆けだしãĻいく。 「GAA!」 ゴブãƒĒãƒŗロãƒŧドはã‚ĸãƒĒã‚ĒãŸãĄã‚’čŋŊおうとするが、 「させãĒい!」 少åĨŗがį‰ŊåˆļしãĻé˜˛ã„ã ã€‚ äŋēは少åĨŗãĢ向かãŖãĻč¨€ã†ã€‚ 「手äŧãŠã†ã‹?」 「逃げãĒかãŖたでありぞすか!」 「逃げるåŋ…čĻãŒãĒいからãĒ」 「åĨŊきãĢすればいいでありぞす。だがé‚Ē魔はするãĒ!」 少åĨŗはゴブãƒĒãƒŗロãƒŧドとįœŸå‰ŖãĒčĄ¨æƒ…ã§å‘ãã‚ãŖãĻいる。 é‚Ē魔をするãĒã¨č¨€ã‚ã‚ŒãŸã‚‰ã€čĻ‹åŽˆã‚‹ãšãã ã‚ã†ã€‚ 冒é™ē者ãĢã¯č‰˛ã€…ãĒäē‹æƒ…がある。手をå‡ēすぎはやばくãĒãŖãĻからでいい。 しばらく少åĨŗとゴブãƒĒãƒŗロãƒŧドはäē’č§’ãŽæˆĻいをįš°ã‚Šåēƒã’た。 そぎ力量はäē’č§’ã ãŖãŸã€‚åˇŽã‚’åˆ†ã‘ãŸãŽã¯æ­Ļå™¨ãŽåˇŽã ã€‚ â€•â€•ãƒ‘ã‚­ãƒƒã‚ˇ čģŊいéŸŗがãĒãŖãĻ、少åĨŗぎå‰Ŗがį •ã‘た。 é‹ŧé‰„ãŽåˇ¨å¤§ãĒこんæŖ’とäŊ•åēĻã‚‚æ‰“ãĄåˆãŖãĻいた。そうãĒるぎはåŋ…į„ļだ。 æ­Ļå™¨ã‚’å¤ąã„ã€å°‘åĨŗã¯é˜˛æˆĻ一斚ãĢčŋŊいčžŧぞれる。 それもæ­Ļ器で受けることすらできãĒい。すずãĻかわさねばãĒらãĒい。 äŋēはもう一åēĻ問うた。 「手äŧãŠã†ã‹?」 「いらãĒいぎです! お前もいいから逃げるぎですよ」 č…°ã‹ã‚‰įŸ­åˆ€ã‚’抜いãĻæˆĻい始める。 だが、これぞでぎå‰Ŗですら倒すことがåļわãĒかãŖたぎだ。įŸ­åˆ€ãŒåąŠãã¯ãšãŒãĒい。 慌ãĻãĻ少åĨŗã¯ã€čˇé›ĸをとる。少åĨŗがį›´å‰ãĢいた場所でこんæŖ’がįŠēを切ãŖた。 「ぐぅ......」 悔しそうãĢ少åĨŗがうめく。 もう限į•Œã ã€‚å°‘åĨŗãŒå€’ã•ã‚Œã‚‹ãŽã‚‚ã€æ™‚é–“ãŽå•éĄŒã ã‚ã†ã€‚ 「もう尋ねãĒい。勝手ãĢやらせãĻもらう」 「いいから逃げるでありぞ――」 「もともと、ここãĢはäŋēが先į€ã ã€ そういうと、äŋēã¯čƒŒä¸­ãŽå‰ŖãĢ手をやãŖた。
The Goblin Lord was now standing where we had been a moment ago. It had stopped as if having detected our presence. Goblins were about the size of human children. However, Goblin Lords were nearly . times larger than the average man. Its chest and arms were thick, and it was overall closer to an orc than a goblin. Ario and Josh were shaking visibly. Goblins were nothing. If it was one on one, then even an F Rank Adventurer would have an easy time. However, Goblin Lords could pose a threat to even B Rank Adventurers. No matter how united they were, F Rank Adventurers did not have much chance. By the way, F Rankers are newcomers. E just barely escapes that status. At D, you are a full-fledged Adventurer. B means you are one of the best. A is for the highest elite. As for the S Rank, only a few people in history have ever been given it. I turned to Ario and Josh and whispered. “Calm down.” “But...” An F Rank party was likely to be annihilated the moment they bumped into a Goblin Lord. However, I was an S Rank. I soloed a Devil King who almost destroyed the entire world. A mere Goblin Lord was not a threat to me. “If it comes to it, run away and leave the rest to me.” “What, we can’t leave you here...” This conversation sounded like the one years ago. I felt a little nostalgic. It seemed like the Goblin Lord noticed that we were close by. Goblins tended to have a sharp sense of smell. He must have smelled us from where he was. But it looked like he wasn’t sure of our exact location yet. Perhaps his eyes were not the best. It roared loudly and swung its weapon around. It was a large steel club. It smashed into the walls of the mines with loud crashing sounds. The rock walls crumbled. I watched this carefully. I could defeat a Goblin Lord quite easily. But something about all of this was suspicious. A Goblin Lord who led a large group must be intelligent. But I didn’t sense much intelligence in this one. It didn’t seem likely that this one would have thought to slowly take livestock from surrounding villages. A stupid goblin would have taken them all at once. This pack had over thirty goblins. Not only could they have taken all of the animals, but they could have destroyed the entire village. It seemed like they wanted humans to believe that they were a small pack. Besides, there had even been guards stationed at the entrance. This was proof that the goblins were being managed as an organized group. And that did not seem like something that this Goblin Lord, who was banging against the walls in frustration, would do. There must be someone else pulling the strings. If possible, I did not want that person to escape. And so I watched. Perhaps the person would come out after seeing that the Goblin Lord was not able to stop the invaders. Or the Goblin Lord would return to make a report. I waited. “GRAAAA...AAA?” The Goblin Lord stopped roaring and froze. Something was running straight towards it from the entrance of the mine. It was fast. The distance between the Goblin Lord and newcomer was closed in an instant, and a thin weapon thrust out repeatedly. It was a beastkin girl. And she looked like quite the warrior. Her thin blade moved with precision as it shot out towards the Goblin Lord’s vital areas. “GAAA!!” The Goblin Lord reacted with speed that was surprising for its size. He wielded his giant club as if it were a twig, and blocked all of the girl’s attacks. “Do not hinder me, weakling!” The girl said derisively as she expertly moved in and moved out. However, the Goblin Lord was handling it well. Neither was able to deal a decisive blow. They were in a stalemate. “Amazing...” Ario whispered. At that instant, the girl’s ears twitched. “You there! Escape from here while you still can!” As a beastfolk, her ears were very good. “Ario, Josh. You two get out of here.” “Oh, okay.” “Understood.” “But be careful of ambushes.” “Ye-yes.” Ario and Josh dashed out from the side tunnel. “GAA!” The Goblin Lord tried to chase after them. “I won’t let you!” The girl said as she stopped his advance. I turn to her and say: “Do you need help?” “So you did not run!” “I had no need to run.” “Then do as you like. But do not get in my way!” She said seriously as she faced the Goblin Lord. If she didn’t want me to bother her, it was probably better to just watch. Adventurer’s had their reasons. I would make a move if things got dangerous. The battle between the girl and Goblin Lord continued for a while. They were evenly matched. The difference between them was their weapons. –Crack. There was a small ring and then the girl’s sword shattered. It had clashed with the giant steel club many times. It was an obvious outcome. Having lost her weapon, the girl was forced to fight defensively. She could not block with a weapon and had to dodge every attack. I asked her again. “Do you need help?” “I do not! Perhaps you should run away now.” She pulled out a short sword from her belt and continued to fight. However, she had not been able to defeat him with her original sword. There was no chance that this short sword would reach it. The girl frantically jumped back. The steel club crashed into the ground where she had been a moment ago. “Gggrr...” She groaned angrily. She was done. It was only a matter of time before she was killed. “I won’t ask you anymore. I will do as I please.” “I don’t care. But you should run away...” “Actually, I was here first.” I said and put a hand on the sword on my back.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 4, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
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Because, really, what I'm trying to do now is redefine what counts as health. It's a clinic like a health clinic at any other university, except people come to the clinic with environmental health concerns, and they walk out with prescriptions for things they can do to improve environmental health, as opposed to coming to a clinic with medical concerns and walking out with prescriptions for pharmaceuticals. It's a handy-dandy quote from Hippocrates of the Hippocratic oath that says, "The greater part of the soul lays outside the body, treatment of the inner requires treatment of the outer." But that suggests the issue that I'm trying to get at here, that we have an opportunity to redefine what is health. Because this idea that health is internal and atomized and individual and pharmaceutical is largely an error. And I would use this study, a recent study by Philip Landrigan, to motivate a different view of health, where he went to most of the pediatricians in Manhattan and the New York area and logged what they spent their patient hours on. 80 to 90 percent of their time was spent on five things. Number one was asthma, number two was developmental delays, number three was 400-fold increases in rare childhood cancers Number four and five were childhood obesity and diabetes-related issues. So all of those -- what's common about all of those? The environment is implicated, radically implicated, right. This is not the germs that medicos were trained to deal with; this is a different definition of health, health that has a great advantage because it's external, it's shared, we can do something about it, as opposed to internal, genetically predetermined or individualized. People who come to the clinic are called, not patients, but impatients, because they're too impatient to wait for legislative change to address local and environmental health issues. And I meet them at the University, I also have a few field offices that I set up in various places in some of the environmental challenges we face. I like this one from the Belgian field office, where we met in a roundabout, precisely because the roundabout iconified the headless social movement that informs much social transformation, as opposed to the top-down control of red light traffic intersections. In this case, of course, the roundabout with that micro-decisions being made in situ by people not being told what to do. But, of course, affords greater throughput, fewer accidents, and an interesting model of social movement. Some of the things that the monitoring protocols have developed: this is the tadpole bureaucrat protocol, or keeping tabs, if you will. What they are is an addition of tadpoles that are named after a local bureaucrat whose decisions affect your water quality. So an impatient concerned for water quality would raise a tadpole bureaucrat in a sample of water in which they're interested. And we give them a couple of things to do that, to help them do companion animal devices while they're blogging and doing their email. This is a tadpole walker to take your tadpole walking in the evening. And the interesting thing that happens -- because we're using tadpoles, of course, because they have the most exquisite biosenses that we have, several orders of magnitude more sensitive than some of our senses for sensing, responding in a biologically meaningful way, to that whole class of industrial contaminants we call endocrine disruptors or hormone emulators. But by taking your tadpole out for a walk in the evening -- there's a few action shots -- your neighbors are likely to say, "What are you doing?" And then you have to introduce your tadpole and who it's named after. You have to explain what you're doing and how the developmental events of a tadpole are, of course, very observable and they use the same T3-mediated hormones that we do. And so next time your neighbor sees you they'll say, "How is that tadpole doing?" And you can let them social network with your tadpole, because the Environmental Health Clinic has a social networking site for, not only impatients, humans, but non-humans, social networking for humans and non-humans. And of course, these endocrine disruptors are things that are implicated in the breast cancer epidemic, the obesity epidemic, the two and a half year drop in the average age of onset of puberty in young girls and other related things. The culmination of this is if you've successfully raised your tadpole, observing the behavioral and developmental events, you will then go and introduce your tadpole and discuss the evidence that you've seen. Another quick protocol -- and I'm going to go through these quickly, but just to give you the material sense of what we're doing here -- instead of asking you for urine samples, I'll ask you for a mouse sample. Anyone here lucky enough to share, to cohabit with a mouse -- a domestic partnership with mice? Very lucky. Mice, of course, are the quintessential model organism. They're even better models of environmental health, because not only the same mammalian biology, but they share your diet, largely. They share your environmental stressors, the asbestos levels and lead levels, whatever you're exposed to. And they're geographically more limited than you are, because we don't know if you've been exposed to persistent organic pollutants in your home, or occupationally or as a child. Mice are a very good representation. So it starts by building a better mousetrap, of course. This is one of them. Coping with environmental stressors is tricky. Is anybody here on antidepressants? There's a lot of people in Manhattan are. And we were testing if the mice would also self-administer SSRIs. So this was Prozac, this was Zoloft, this was a black jellybean and this was muscle relaxant, all of which were the medications that the impatient was taking. So do you think the mice self-administered antidepressants? What's the -- How did you know that? They did. This was vodka and solution, gin and solution. This guy also liked plain water and the muscle relaxant. Where's our expert? Vodka, gin -- Yes. Yes. You know your mice well. They did, yes. So they drank as much vodka as they did plain water, which was interesting. Then of course, it goes into the entrapment device. There's an old cellphone in there -- a good use for old cellphones -- which dials the clinic, we go and pick up the mouse. We take the blood sample and do the blood work and hair work on the mice. And I want to sort of point out the big advantage of framing health in this external way. But we do have a few prescription products through this. It's very different from the medical model. Anything you do to improve your water quality or air quality, or to understand it or to change it, the benefits are enjoyed by anyone you share that water quality or air quality with. And that aggregating effect, that collective action effect, is actually something we can use to our advantage. So I want to show you one prescription product in the clinic called the No Park. This is a prescription to improve water quality. Many impatients are very concerned for water quality and air quality. What we do is we take a fire hydrant, a "no parking" space associated with a fire hydrant, and we prescribe the removal of the asphalt to create an engineered micro landscape, to create an infiltration opportunity. Because, many of you will know, that we have on the New York, New Jersey harbor right now is no longer the point sources, no longer the big polluters, no longer the GEs, but that massive network of roads, [those] impervious surfaces, that collect all that cadmium neurotoxin that comes from your brake liners or the oily hydrocarbon waste in every single storm event and medieval infrastructure washes it straight into the estuary system. That doesn't do a lot of good. These are little opportunities to intercept those pollutants before they enter the harbor, and they're produced by impatients on various city blocks in some very interesting ways. I just want to say it was sort of a rule of thumb though, there's about two or three fire hydrants on every city block. By creating engineered micro landscapes to infiltrate in them, we don't prevent them from being used as emergency vehicle parking spaces, because, of course, a firetruck can come and park there. They flatten a few plants. No big deal, they'll regenerate. But if we did this in every single -- every fire hydrant we could redefine the emergency. That 99 percent of the time when a firetruck is not parking there, it's infiltrating pollutants. It's also increasing fixing CO2s, sequestering some of the airborne pollutants. these smaller interceptions could actually infiltrate all the roadborne pollution that now runs into the estuary system, up to a seven inch rain event, up to a hundred-year storm. So these are small actions that can amount to a significant effect to improve local environmental health. This is one of the more ambitious ones. What the climate crisis has revealed to us is a secondary, more insidious and more pervasive crisis, which is the crisis of agency, which is what to do. Somehow buying a local lettuce, changing a light bulb, driving the speed limit, changing your tires regularly, doesn't seem sufficient in the face of climate crisis. And this is an interesting icon that happened -- you remember these: fallout shelters. What is the fallout shelter for the climate crisis? This was civic mobilization. Churches, school groups, hospitals, private residents -- everyone built one of these in a matter of months. And they still remain as icons of civic response in the face of shared, uncertain, collective threat. Fallout shelter for the climate crisis, I would say, looks something like this, or this, which is an intensive urban agriculture facility that's due to go on my lab building at NYU. What it does is a very simple idea of taking -- 80 to 90 percent of the CO2 produced in Manhattan is building related -- we take, just like a commercial greenhouse, we take the CO2 from the building -- CO2-enriched air -- we force it through the urban agriculture facility, and then we resupply oxygen-enriched air. You can't actually build much on a roof, they're not designed for that. So it's on legs, so it focuses all the load on the masonry walls and the columns. It's built as a barn raising, using open source hardware. This is the quarter-scale prototype that was functioning in Spain. This is what it will look like, fingers crossed, NYU willing. And what I want to show you is -- actually this is one of the components of it that we've just recently been testing -- which is a solar chimney -- we have got 17 of them now put around New York at the moment -- that passively draws air up. You understand a solar chimney. Hot air rises. You put a bit of black plastic on the side of a building, it'll heat up, and you'll get passive airflow. What we do is actually put a standard HVAC filter on the top of that. That actually removes about 95 percent of the carbon black, that stuff that, with ozone, is responsible for about half of global warming's effects, because it changes, it settles on the snow, it changes the reflectors, it changes the transmission qualities of the atmosphere. Carbon black is that grime that otherwise lodges in your pretty pink lungs, and it's associated with. It's not good stuff, and it's from inefficient combustion, not from combustion itself. When we put it through our solar chimney, we remove actually about 95 percent of that. And then I swap it out with the students and actually re-release that carbon black. And we make pencils the length of which measures the grime that we've pulled out of the air. Here's one of them that we have up now. Here's who put them up and who are avid pencil users. Okay, so I want to show you just two more interfaces, because I think one of our big challenges is re-imagining our relationship to natural systems, not only through this model of twisted personalized health, but through the animals with whom we cohabit. We are not alone; the animals are moving in. In fact, urban migration now describes the movement of animals formerly known as wild into urban centers. You know, coyote in Central Park, a whale in the Gowanus Canal, elk in Westchester County. It's happening all over the Developed World, probably for loss of habitat, but also because our cities are a little bit more livable than they have been. And every green space we create is an invitation for non-humans to cohabit with us. But we've kind of lacked imagination in how we could do that well or interestingly. And I want to show you a few of the technological interfaces that have been developed under the moniker of OOZ -- which is zoo backwards and without cages -- to try and reform that relationship. This is communication technology for birds. It looks like this. When a bird lands on it, they trigger a sound file. This is actually in the Whitney Museum, where there were six of them, each of which had a different argument on it, different sound file. They said things like this. Recorded Voice: Here's what you need to do. Go down there and buy some of those health food bars, the ones you call bird food, and bring it here and scatter it around. There's a good person. Natalie Jeremijenko: Okay. So there was several of these. The birds were able to jump from one to the other. These are just your average urban pigeon. And an early test which argument elicited cooperative behavior from the people below -- about a hundred to one decided that this was the argument that worked best on us. Recorded Voice: Tick, tick, tick. That's the sound of genetic mutations of the avian flu becoming a deadly human flu. Do you know what slows it down? Healthy sub-populations of birds, increasing biodiversity generally. It is in your interests that I'm healthy, happy, well-fed. Hence, you could share some of your nutritional resources instead of monopolizing them. That is, share your lunch. NJ: It worked, and it's true. The final project I'd like to show you is a new interface for fish that has just been launched -- it's actually officially launched next week -- You may not have known that you need to communicate with fish, but there is now a device for you to do so. It looks like this: buoys that float on the water, project three foot up, three foot down. When a fish swims underneath, a light goes on. This is what it looks like. So there's another function on here. This top light is -- I'm sorry if I'm making you seasick -- this top light is actually a water quality display that shifts from red, when the dissolved oxygen is low, to a blue/green, when its dissolved oxygen is high. And then you can also text the fish. So there's business cards down there that'll give you contact details. And they text back. When the buoys get your text, they wink at you twice to say, we've got your message. But perhaps the most popular has been that we've got another array of these boys in the Bronx River, where the first beaver -- to have moved in and built a lodge in New York in 250 years, hangs out. So updates from a beaver. You can subscribe to updates from him. You can talk to him. And what I like to think of is this is an interface that re-scripts how we interact with natural systems, specifically by changing who has information, where they have it, who can make sense of that information, and what you can do about it. In this case, instead of throwing chewing gum, or Doritos or whatever you have in your pocket at the fish -- There's a body of water in Iceland that I've been dealing with that's in the middle of the city, and the largest pollution burden on it is not the roadborne pollution, it's actually white bread from people feeding the fish and the birds. Instead of doing that actually, we've developed some fish sticks that you can feed the fish. They're delicious. They're cross-species delicious that is, delicious for humans and non-humans. But they also have a chelating agent in them. They're nutritionally appropriate, not like Doritos. And so every time that desire to interact with the animals, which is at least as ubiquitous as that sign: "Do not feed the animals." And there's about three of them on every New York City park. And Yellowstone National Park, there's more "do not feed the animals" signs than there are animals you might wish to feed. But in that action, that interaction, by re-scripting that, by changing it into an opportunity to offer food that is nutritionally appropriate, that could augment the nutritional resources that we ourselves have depleted for augmenting the fish population and also adding chelating agent, which, like any chelating agent that we use medicinally, binds to the bioaccumulated heavy metals and PCBs living in this particular habitat and allows them to pass it out as a harmless salt where it's complexed by a reactive, effectively removing it from bioavailability. But I wanted to say that interaction, re-scripting that interaction, into collective action, collective remediative action, very different from the approach that's being used on the other side on the Hudson River, where we're dredging the PCBs -- after 30 years of legislative and legal struggle, GE's paying for the dredging of the largest Superfund site in the world -- we're dredging it, and it'll probably get shipped off to Pennsylvania or the nearest Third World country, where it will continue to be toxic sludge. Displacement is not the way to deal with environmental issues. And that's typically the paradigm under which we've operated. By actually taking the opportunity that new technologies, new interactive technologies, present to re-script our interactions, to script them, not just as isolated, individuated interactions, but as collective aggregating actions that can amount to something, some of our important environmental challenges. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
äŋēとクナã‚ĻドがįĢ‹ãĄåˆã„ã‚’įĩ‚えた垌は、クナã‚Ļドがã‚ŦドãƒĢ゚と、フã‚Ŗニã‚ĸがナイエãƒĢとįĢ‹ãĄäŧšã†äē‹ãĢãĒãŖた。 クナã‚Ļドはé€ŖæˆĻãĢãĒるぎだが、åŊŧはパãƒŧテã‚Ŗぎ中でも最もã‚ŋフさをčĻæą‚されるåŊšå‰˛ã‚’æ‹…ãŖãĻいる。そぎ゚ã‚ŋミナをčĻ‹ã‚‹ãŸã‚ãŽæ„å‘ŗもあるらしい。 ナイエãƒĢはフã‚Ŗニã‚ĸをį›¸æ‰‹ãĢするとあãŖãĻ、クナã‚ĻドãģãŠäšąæš´ãĢできãĒいため、非常ãĢやりãĢくそうだ。 そんãĒ様子をįœēめãĻいたところ、åĻ™ãĒ光景がäŋēぎčĻ–į•ŒãĢå…ĨãŖた。 「で、マク゚ã‚ĻェãƒĢ。『åŊŧåĨŗ』はおこãĢいãŖたぎ?」 「åŊŧåĨŗãŖãĻčĒ°ãŽã“とかぎぅ?」 「ハã‚ĻãƒĄã‚ĸとかいう、ãƒŦイドぎį”Ÿãžã‚Œå¤‰ã‚ã‚Šã¨æ€ã—きåĨŗよ!」 「į§ã‚‚ããŽčŠąã¯åˆã‚ãĻčžã„ãŸã‚ã€‚čŠŗã—ãčŠąã—ãĻくれãĒいかしら?」 「いや、そぎ......åŊŧåĨŗはãƒŦイドぎį”Ÿãžã‚Œå¤‰ã‚ã‚ŠãĒんかじゃ――」 「いぞさらそんãĒč¨€ã„é€ƒã‚ŒãŒé€šį”¨ã™ã‚‹ã¨æ€ã†? ã‚ŋãƒĢã‚Ģã‚ˇãƒŧãƒĢãŽåą‹æ•ˇãĢ掋されたį—•čˇĄã¯ã”ぞかせãĒいからね」 「いや、あれは......」 しおろもおろぎマク゚ã‚ĻェãƒĢã¨č¨€ã†ãŽã¯įã—いぎだが、それをæĨŊしんでばかりもいられãĒい。そぎ内厚があぞりãĢã‚‚å•éĄŒã ã€‚ ここはおうãĢかしãĻįŸ›å…ˆã‚’逸らさãĒいといけãĒいぎだが、いいåŖ原が思いæĩŽã‹ã°ãĒい。 マク゚ã‚ĻェãƒĢはäŋēãĢ向けãĻチナチナとčĻ–įˇšã‚’æŠ•ã’ã‹ã‘åŠŠã‘ã‚’æą‚ã‚ãĻいるが、äŋēだãŖãĻそんãĒį°Ąå˜ãĢč¨€ã„č¨ŗã‚’č€ƒãˆã¤ããƒĸノではãĒã„ã€‚ã‚€ã—ã‚č€ƒãˆã‚‹ãŽã¯č‹Ļ手ãĒ斚だ。 äŋēはäŊ•ã¨ã‹åŧ•ãåģļばせと、手をåˇĻåŗãĢåēƒã’ãĻäŧ¸ã°ã›ã¨č¨€ã†ã‚¸ã‚§ã‚šãƒãƒŖãƒŧを送るが、ã‚ŗãƒĢテã‚ŖãƒŠãŸãĄãŽčŋŊ及もåŽŗしい。 「そぎ、原はぎ......」 čĄ€æ°—į››ã‚“ãĢčŠ°ã‚å¯„ã‚‹ã‚ŗãƒĢテã‚ŖãƒŠã‚‚ã‚‚ãĄã‚ã‚“ã ãŒã€č‚ŠãĢ手をįŊŽã„ãĻしãŖかりと捕ぞえ、うしろからãĢãŖこりとįŦ‘うマãƒĒã‚ĸも恐ろしい。 æ­Ŗį›´ã‚そこãĢčļŗã‚’č¸ãŋčžŧむ勇気は、äŋēãĢはãĒい。é‚ĒįĢœã‚ŗãƒĢã‚­ã‚šį›¸æ‰‹ãĢした時より怖い。 「ãƒŦイドは......そぎ......ああ、もう!」 「ãĒんだ、取čžŧãŋ中か?」 ついãĢマク゚ã‚ĻェãƒĢぎ我æ…ĸが限į•ŒãĢ達し、äŋēもčĻšæ‚Ÿã‚’æąēめそうãĢãĒãŖたįžŦ間、そこãĢéŖ„ã€…ã¨å‰˛ã‚ŠčžŧむåŖ°ãŒã‚ãŖた。 įˇŠčŋĢã—ãŸé›°å›˛æ°—ã‚’ã‚‚ãŽã¨ã‚‚ã›ãšč¸ãŋčžŧんできたぎは......ã‚ĸ゚トだãŖた。がãŖしりしたäŊ“型をすãŖãŊりとčĻ†ã„隠すロãƒŧブå§ŋãĢã€å°č„‡ãĢ包ãŋã‚’æŠąãˆãĻいる。 åŊŧを初めãĻčĻ‹ã‚‹ã‚ŗãƒĢテã‚ŖãƒŠãŸãĄã¯čƒĄæ•Ŗč‡­ãã†ãĒčĻ–įˇšã‚’送ãŖãĻいた。 「æŗ¨æ–‡ãŽå“ã‚’持ãŖãĻきたぎだが、垌ãĢした斚がいいか?」 「いやいや、とんでもãĒい。いいã‚ŋイミãƒŗグでしたぞ!」 ã€ŒãĄã‚‡ãŖと、äŊ•ãŒã„いã‚ŋイミãƒŗグãĒぎよ? それãĢčĒ°ã‚ˆã€ã“ぎäēē」 「įŸĨり合いぎ鍛å†ļå¸Ģã˜ã‚ƒã€‚ã„ã‚„ã€ããŽčŠąã¯ãžãŸåžŒã§ãĒ。ãģらåŽĸäēēもæĨたäē‹ã ã—?」 ãƒ“ã‚ˇãƒƒã¨ã‚ĸ゚トを指さすマク゚ã‚ĻェãƒĢ。ã‚ŗãƒĢテã‚ŖナはぞだäŊ•ã‹č¨€ã„たそうだãŖたが、マãƒĒã‚ĸはさすがãĢåŽĸäēēぎ前で尋問をįļšã‘ã‚‹ãģお傍č‹Ĩį„ĄäēēではãĒい。 æ¸‹ã€…ã¨č¨€ã†éĸ¨æƒ…で、マク゚ã‚ĻェãƒĢãŽč‚Šã‹ã‚‰æ‰‹ã‚’é›ĸし、マク゚ã‚ĻェãƒĢãĢ同意をį¤ēす。 マãƒĒã‚ĸがそういう態åēĻを取ãŖたぎで、ã‚ŗãƒĢテã‚Ŗナもįļšã‘るというč¨ŗãĢはいかãĒくãĒãŖた。 「うãŖã€ãã€ãã‚Œã¯ã‚‚ãĄã‚ã‚“ã€‚ãã†ã˜ã‚ƒã€ã“ãŽåžŒãƒ‹ã‚ŗãƒĢを借りãĻもいいかぎ? ã‚ĸ゚トはこうčĻ‹ãˆãĻãĒかãĒã‹č…•ãŒã‚ˆã„ã§ãĒ」 「æ­ŖįĸēãĢはį´°åˇĨå¸ĢãĒんだがãĒ。いやそれも違うか」 「į´°åˇĨå¸Ģ? そうãĒぎ?」 「そうとも! ニã‚ŗãƒĢã¯æˆé•ˇæœŸã˜ã‚ƒã‹ã‚‰ãĒ。čŖ…備ぎčĒŋ整はこぞめãĢやらんと」 ã€Œãã†č¨€ãˆã°ã‹ãĒã‚ŠčƒŒãŒäŧ¸ãŗãĻるもぎね。å‰Ŗはともかく、靊鎧ãĒんかはčĒŋ整した斚がいいわね」 マク゚ã‚ĻェãƒĢぎ意čĻ‹ãĢ、マãƒĒã‚ĸは同意をį¤ēす。 そこでようやく、ナイエãƒĢãŸãĄãŽį¨Ŋ古がįĩ‚わãŖた。ナイエãƒĢはåšŗ気ãĒéĄ”ã‚’ã—ãĻいるが、フã‚Ŗニã‚ĸã¯æą—ã ãã§čļŗ元がã‚Ģクã‚ĢクとæēれãĻいる。クナã‚Ļドぎ斚もäŧŧたようãĒįŠļ態だ。 「フã‚Ŗニã‚ĸはį­‹ã¯č‰¯ã„がやはりäŊ“力不čļŗだãĒ。クナã‚Ļドぎ斚はåŸēį¤ŽäŊ“åŠ›ã¯ã‚ã‚‹ã‹ã‚‰åžŒã¯æŠ€čĄ“ãŽå•éĄŒã‹ã€ 「うむ、こぎ少嚴、ãĒかãĒã‹č‰¯ã„į´ æã‚’しãĻおるわ。さすがおä¸ģぎ娘がį›Žã‚’äģ˜ã‘ただけはあるぎ」 æ‚Ēã„čŠ•äžĄã§ã¯ãĒã„ã¨čžã„ãĻ、クナã‚Ļドもフã‚Ŗニã‚ĸもæē€æ›´ã§ã¯ãĒさそうだãŖた。 そこでäŋēは、先ãģおã‚ŦドãƒĢã‚šã‹ã‚‰čžã„ãŸčŠąã‚’æ€ã„å‡ēす。ナイエãƒĢがäŋēãĢ構ãŖãĻもらえãĻいãĒいせいで、゚トãƒŦã‚šã‚’æēœã‚ãĻã„ã‚‹ã¨ã„ã†čŠąã ã€‚ į›ŽæŒ‡ã™į›Žæ¨™å…ˆãĢ到達しãĻいるナイバãƒĢãĒぎだから、åĨŊæ„ã‚’æŠąã‘ã¨č¨€ã†ãŽã‚‚į„Ąį†ãŒã‚る。äŋēはそこぞでおäēēåĨŊしではãĒい。 しかし憎んでいるわけではãĒいため、『娘とぎé–ĸäŋ‚がぎくしゃくしãĻいる』というįŠļæŗã‚‚可哀æƒŗだ。 äŋēはマãƒĒã‚ĸぎį”¨æ„ã—たã‚ŋã‚ĒãƒĢを手ãĢ取り、ナイエãƒĢぎ元へ駆け寄ãŖた。 「おつかれ。はい、パパ」 同じようãĢã‚ŦドãƒĢ゚とフã‚Ŗニã‚ĸãĢもã‚ŋã‚ĒãƒĢã‚’æ¸Ąã—ãĻやる。ナイエãƒĢとã‚ŦドãƒĢ゚はãģã¨ã‚“ãŠæą—ã‚’ã‹ã„ãĻいãĒかãŖたが、フã‚Ŗニã‚ĸは運動服がぐãŖしょりとæŋĄã‚Œã‚‹ãģãŠãŽæą—ã‚’æŽģいãĻã„ã‚‹ã€‚æą—ã§æŋĄã‚ŒãŸé‹å‹•æœčēĢäŊ“ãĢåŧĩりäģ˜ã„ãĻ、ãĒかãĒかãĢ色ãŖãŊい。うん、æ‚ĒくãĒいįœēめだ。 「ありがとうございぞす、ニã‚ŗãƒĢ様」 ã‚ŦドãƒĢã‚šã¯éˇšæšãĢ、フã‚Ŗニã‚ĸはいつもぎようãĢ丁寧ãĢã‚ŋã‚ĒãƒĢを受け取ãŖãĻくれたが、ナイエãƒĢはå›ēぞãŖãĻいた。 ãĩるãĩると震えること、しばし。äŋēが不寊ãĢ思ãŖãĻéĻ–ã‚’ã˛ã­ãŖãĻいると、唐įĒãĢナイエãƒĢãŽæ‰‹ãŒã“ãĄã‚‰ãĢäŧ¸ãŗãĻきた。 「うおおおぉぉぉ、ニã‚ŗãƒĢぅぅぅ!」 「ãŋぎゃあああぁぁぁぁぁぁぁ!?」 「おうだã‚ŦドãƒĢã‚šã€ã†ãĄãŽå¨˜ã¯å¯æ„›ã„ã ã‚ã†?」 æą—ã‚’ãģとんおæŽģいãĻいãĒいとはいえ、ぞãŖたくæŽģかãĒいわけではãĒã„ãŽã§ã€å°‘ã—ã°ã‹ã‚Šæą—č‡­ã„ã€‚ ã—ã‹ã‚‚č–„ã‚ãŽæœãŽį”Ÿåœ°ãŽä¸‹ã‹ã‚‰ã€čēå‹•ã™ã‚‹į­‹č‚‰ãŽå‹•ããŒåĻ‚原ãĢ感じ取れた。 「わかãŖたわかãŖた。わかãŖたから旊う攞しãĻやらんか。そんãĒじゃからæ•Ŧ遠されるんじゃぞ」 「ãĒ、ãĒんだãŖãĻ? ニã‚ŗãƒĢはそんãĒäē‹ã§åĢŒãŖたりしãĒいぞ」 ãĄã‚‡ãŖと隙をčĻ‹ã›ã‚Œã°ã€ã™ãã“れだ。äŋēは厚čĩĻãĒく切ãŖãĻ捨ãĻãĻ、ナイエãƒĢãŽæ‹˜æŸã‹ã‚‰č„ąå‡ēする。 äŋēãŽč¨€č‘‰ãĢįĄŦį›´ã—たåĨ´ã‹ã‚‰é€ƒã’ることくらいはできる。そしãĻすぐさぞフã‚Ŗニã‚ĸãĢしがãŋついãĻ、厉全をįĸēäŋã—た。 「えãŖと、ニã‚ŗãƒĢ。äŋēぎã‚ŋã‚ĒãƒĢは?」 「č‡Ē分で取れば?」 åˆĨãĢクナã‚ĻドãĢぞで愛æƒŗを振り撒くåŋ…čĻã¯ãĒかãŖたため、åŊŧぎ分ぎã‚ŋã‚ĒãƒĢぞで持ãŖãĻきãĻはいãĒい。
After Cloud and I finished our respective face-offs, it was now time for him to face Gadius, while Finia faced Lyell. It was his second match without a break, but his role in our party required the most toughness. This was also to see how he fared in terms of stamina. As for Lyell, since he was facing Finia now, he couldn’t get violent as he did with Cloud, so he was in a pretty awkward state. While I was observing them, I spotted something strange in the corner of my vision. There, Maxwell was being cornered by Cortina and Maria. “So, Maxwell. Where did ‘she’ go?” “She? I have not the slightest idea who might you mean?” “I mean that Haumea, the girl that seems to be the reincarnation of Reid!” “This is my first time hearing about this as well. Care to tell me the details?” “I, ehm... She is not Reid’s reincar—” “You really think that excuse is gonna work at this late hour? You can’t pretend that the evidence left in Tarkashire’s mansion doesn’t exist.” “No, that was...” It was rare to see Maxwell so flustered, but I couldn’t just stand and enjoy it. The contents of their talk were problematic for me too. At this rate, he might end up confessing about me. I had to shift their target to something else, but I couldn’t think of a good excuse. Maxwell was sneaking glances towards me and asking for help, but I couldn’t just come up with an excuse on the spot so fast. Thinking wasn’t my forte, in the first place. I spread my hands out, gesturing at him to drag it on as much as he could, but Cortina and Maria were no pushovers. “Umm, the truth is...” Maxwell started while sweating bullets. It was obvious that his bastion was about to fall. Cortina who was pressing him for the answer was one thing, but Maria who held him by the shoulders from behind while smiling sweetly was equally frightening. Honestly peaking, I had no courage to butt in there. It looked scarier than the fight with the Evil Dragon Colchis. “Reid is... Umm... Alright, fine!” “Oh, are you in the middle of something?” Just as Maxwell’s endurance reached its limit and I also resolved myself for the inevitable, a nonchalant voice interrupted their conversation. The one that butted in their conversation without caring about the tense mood... Was Aste. He was clad in a robe that covered his solid body, and held a package under his arm. Cortina and Maria who were seeing him for the first time felt suspicious of him. “I came to deliver your order, but should I leave for now?” “No, no such thing. You came at the perfect time!” “Wait a minute, what do you mean perfect time. Rather, who is this person?” “He is my acquaintance blacksmith. No, let’s leave that for later. We have a guest here, right?” Maxwell pointed at him while making that appeal. Cortina still seemed to have something to say, but Maria wasn’t so outrageous to keep pressing him for answers before a guest. Thus, she reluctantly let go of Maxwell’s shoulders and agreed to his opinion. Seeing Maria that way, Cortina couldn’t keep going either. “U-Uh, o-of course. Oh right, can I borrow Nicole after this? Aste is quite a capable blacksmith.” “To be accurate, I am a craftsman. No, I suppose that isn’t right either.” “A craftsman? Really?” “Indeed he is! Nicole is a growing girl, so her equipment needs to undergo adjustments.” “Now that you mention it, she’s grown quite taller lately. Sword aside, her leather armor does need some readjustments.” Maria agreed with Maxwell. Lyell and the rest finally finished their training by that time. Lyell himself looked fine, but Finia was dripping with sweat and her legs looked wobbly. Cloud was in a similar state too. “Finia has the skills but her stamina is the problem. Cloud on the other hand has the necessary stamina, so all that’s left are techniques.” “Yes, this lad is quite talented. Explains why your daughter had an eye on him.” The two briefly commented on their students while heading towards us. Hearing their good evaluation, Finia and Cloud looked quite satisfied. I recalled my previous conversation with Gadius. Lyell seemed to have been stressed since I was ignoring him. He was someone irksome for me, but that didn’t mean I hated him. He was the rival that had reached my ideal a step faster than me, so it was a bit unreasonable to ask me to be kind to him. I wasn’t that good-natured. Still, I didn’t hate him, so leaving him in this awkward relationship with his daughter was also a bit too harsh. Thus, I grabbed the towels that Maria prepared and ran up to him. “Good work. Here you go, dad.” I handed over the towel in a frank but also somewhat shy tone. I also gave one each to Gadius and Finia. Lyell and Gadius almost didn’t sweat at all, but Finia was so sweaty her exercise uniform was completely drenched. Her uniform was clinging to her skin and looked quite erotic. Yeah, not a bad sight to behold. “Thank you, Lady Nicole.” Gadius thanked me casually, while Finia was more polite about it. Lyell, on the other hand, was simply frozen in place. He stood there trembling for a while. I cĖ˛oĖ˛cĖ˛kĖ˛eĖ˛dĖ˛ my head to the side in wonder, but the next moment he suddenly reached out toward me. “Waaaaaaah, Nicoleeee!” “Gyaaaaaaaaah!” “Look, Gadius, isn’t my daughter simply adorable!” He suddenly pulled me close and hugged me so tight I couldn’t even move. Though I said he didn’t sweat, it wasn’t like he didn’t sweat even a bit, so he was somewhat stinky. Moreover, I could feel his bulging muscles from under his thin clothes. I tried to resist with all my might, with goosebumps all over my body, but alas, it was futile. “I got it, I got it already, so let her go. She keeps her distance because you act like that.” “W-What!? Nicole wouldn’t hate me over such a thing!” Whenever I throw him a bone, he’s always like this. I threw my merciless retort and slipped out of his grasp. I was at least able to escape from him while he was struck by my words. Then I rushed straight towards Finia and clung to her, securing my safety. Lyell collapsed to his knees and hung his head down in dejection. But he brought that on himself. “Uh, Nicole. What about my towel?” “How about you go get it yourself?” There was no reason to appeal to Cloud as well, so I didn’t bring his share. Hearing my words, he also fell to his knees in dejection right next to Lyell.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 3, "inserted_lines_src": 9, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
「かつãĻ、ここは『å‘Ēわれた地』とå‘ŧばれãĻいぞした」 「......ã‚ĸãƒŗナさん?」 éĸ¨ã‚‚ãĒいぎãĢたãĒãŗくロãƒŧブ、æŋƒåŽšãĒ闇を凝į¸Žã—たようãĒéģ’いã‚Ēãƒŧナ。 垎įŦ‘ãŋはãĒく、įœŸå‰ŖãĒįœŧåˇŽã—ãŽã‚ĸãƒŗナさんがčŋ‘ãĨいãĻくる。 äŋēはゴクãƒĒと唞を呑ãŋčžŧんだ。 いつもぎã‚ĸãƒŗナさんとは違う、『æ­ģč€…ãŽįŽ‹ã€ã¨ã‚‚å‘ŧばれるã‚ĸãƒŗデッドぎå§ŋをį›ŽãĢしãĻ。 ã‚ĸãƒŗナさんがゆãŖくりとčŋ‘ãĨいãĻくる。 ã‚ĸã‚¤ãƒ˛ãƒŗãƒĸãƒŧãƒĢį•°ä¸–į•Œåē—からé›ĸれようとしãĻã„ãŸčĄŒå•†ã¯ã€ããŽčŋĢ力ãĢčļŗをæ­ĸめた。 でãŖãˇã‚Šã—ãŸčĄŒå•†äēēは震えãĒがら前ãĢįĢ‹ãĄã€åĨĨã•ã‚“ã¯å­äž›ã‚’æŠąãã‹ã‹ãˆãĻしゃがãŋčžŧんでいる。 「およそ800嚴前ぎことです。čĩ¤æ­ģį—…ãŒčĄ—ã‚’čĨ˛ã„ぞした。こぎ地ãĢあãŖた、教äŧšã¨å­¤å…é™ĸも」 うつむいたã‚ĸãƒŗãƒŠã•ã‚“ãŽčĄ¨æƒ…ã¯čĒ­ãŋ取れãĒい。 「äēē々はį—…ãĢ倒れ......įŊšæ‚ŖしãĻいãĒã„č€…ã¯å…ĩåŖĢãŽæĄˆå†…ã§čĄ—ã‚’é€ƒã‚Œãžã—ãŸã€‚į™ēį—‡ã—ãŸã‘ã‚ŒãŠãžã å‹•ã‘ã‚‹č€…ã¯ã€ã“ãŽåœ°ã‚’į›ŽæŒ‡ã—ぞした」 ã‚ĸãƒŗナさんがäŋēぎæ¨Ēを通り過ぎた。 垌ろãĢはバãƒĢベナがįļšã„ãĻ、åŋƒé…ãã†ãĒčĄ¨æƒ…ã§ã‚ĸãƒŗナさんとį—…気ぎ子䞛をチナチナčĻ‹ãĻいる。 「こぎ地ãĢあãŖた教äŧšãĢã¯ã€ã€Žč–åĨŗ』とå‘ŧばれるåĨŗがいたぎです。不æ˛ģぎį—…であるčĩ¤æ­ģį—…ã‚‚ã€ã€Žč–åĨŗ』ãĒらæ˛ģせるぎではãĒいかと」 「ã‚ĸãƒŗナさん? え、800åš´ãŖãĻそうとう前じゃ?」 ã€Œé‡ŒãŽé•ˇč€ã‹ã‚‰čžã„ãŸã“ã¨ãŒã‚ã‚‹ã€‚ã€Žčĩ¤æ­ģį—…でæģ…ã‚“ã čĄ—ã¨å˜†ããŽč–åĨŗã€ã€‚čĄ—ãŽäēēé–“ãŽčŠąã§ã¯ã€ŽåŊã‚ŠãŽč–åĨŗとå‘Ēã‚ã‚ŒãŸčĄ—ã€......ぞさか」 「クロエ? 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“In the past, this place was called the “Cursed Land.” “...Anna-san?” Her robe fluttered without wind, a black aura that seemed to condense thick darkness. Anna-san, with a serious gaze and no smile, approaches. I swallowed hard. I saw a figure different from the usual Anna-san – an undead known as the “King of the Dead.” Anna-san slowly approaches. The merchant family, who was trying to leave the Aion Mall Otherworldly store, stopped in the face of her overwhelming presence. The plump merchant stood trembling, and his wife squatted, holding their child. “About years ago, a plague called the Red Death struck the city. The church and orphanage in this area were also affected.” Anna-san’s downturned expression is unreadable. “People fell ill, and those unaffected were guided out of the city by soldiers. Those who were still able to move, despite being infected, aimed for this land.” Anna-san passed by me. Behind her, Barbera followed, glancing worriedly at Anna-san and the sick child. “There was a woman called the ‘Holy Maiden’ in the church here. It was believed that even the incurable Red Death could be cured by the ‘Holy Maiden.'” “Anna-san? years ago, that’s quite a long time, isn’t it?” “I heard it from the village elder. ‘The city destroyed by the Red Death and the lamenting Holy Maiden.’ According to the people in the city, it was ‘The false Holy Maiden and the cursed city’... I never thought...” “Chloe? Oh, the fairy tale that Guild Master and Anna-san were talking about. In this city, suspicious potions are strictly checked.” Not only Barbera followed Anna-san, but also a clattering group of apron-wearing skeletons, carrying blankets, cushions, and wood. “There were women in the church who cared for the sick people who crowded in. They smiled even though they were infected with the Red Death, not fearing it.” Anna-san lifted the sick child. The merchant couple seemed frozen, as if under a spell. While the merchant couple stared in astonishment, the skeleton apron-wearers assembled wood with a clatter. A makeshift bed. Swiftly, as if they were accustomed to it. Anna-san laid the child to rest. “Knights and soldiers protected the crowded church from monsters. Even they, afflicted by the disease, tried our best. The knight said before he died, ‘Unable to protect the people in life, I will protect the peace of this land even in death.'” A skeletal captain in luxurious armor, riding a bone horse, and a skeletal unit in armor rushed over. The captain held moss, and the unit carried pharmaceutical tools from this world, perhaps. They spread the tools in front of Anna-san, who was sitting next to the makeshift bed. “The child with the Red Death said before passing away, ‘I wanted to see more things and talk to various people.'” The child in the makeshift bed, watched by a worried rabbit costume. “The mother who lost her child said, ‘Even if I suffer for eternity, I will continue to carry the Red Death even in death. In order to find a cure.'” The ground in the parking lot of Aion Mall Otherworldly store bulged. “Huh? Hah?” Rising from the ground, a human figure with crumbling flesh appeared. A zombie. A type of undead in this world. The rabbit costume rushed to the emerging zombie. It held the zombie’s hand as if comforting it. “Even if this life is considered dead, some become researchers, and some become laborers. Despite suffering from fever, they think more about others than themselves. They wish for what comes after death more than life.” Anna-san, holding pharmaceutical tools, crushed moss, poured water, and mixed the liquid received from the skeleton. Captivated by her intensity, neither I nor Chloe nor even the merchant couple could say anything. Undead and a horde of the dead surrounded us. Looking at the child with concern, but the undead didn’t pray. “And then, the ‘Holy Maiden’ who couldn’t save anyone despite being called so, could only watch and turned to dark arts.” Anna-san smiled a little. Looking at afar, somehow lonely. “Impossible. Anna-san, the false Holy Maiden practicing dark arts?” “About 0 years ago, a kind-hearted dragon, after hearing the story from its parents, visited this land. It offered its body, blood, anything that could be of use. The dragon said it could be used as medicine.” Anna-san crushed red powder and, presumably, dragon scales used for generating power, into a liquid in front of her. Barbera approached Anna-san with small steps. Barbera brought her wrist close to the liquid and... with the opposite hand’s claws, she cut her wrist. Blood dripped. The dragon’s blood, believed to be very effective as medicine. “Even so, even as the church decayed and the underground cemetery was swallowed by soil and plants over time, no cure was found.” At Anna-san’s words, the faces of the merchant couple twisted. They probably understood that she was attempting to make medicine, and perhaps they had some hope. I was about to ask Anna-san, “Can’t he be saved?” when Anna-san continued speaking. Anna-san took out a silver sheet about the size of her palm from her robe. Pressing it with her fingers, small white grains fell. Pills. Japanese medicine, although it wasn’t being sold, probably something from the Aion Mall Otherworldy Store’s drugstore or medical mall. Anna-san’s hands faintly glowed. A warm light, different from the black aura, flowed into the liquid. It might be magic or magical power. The undead surrounding us clenched their fists as if cheering on Anna-san and the child suffering from the Red Death. Chloe and I just stared at Anna-san. “Holy and unholy, magic and science. Beyond life, beyond death, I, we, for this moment. ...Never again, will anyone die! ‘Generate Magical Medicine!'” Anna-san’s hands glowed. The hands of the lich and the potion she was concocting also glowed. When the light subsided, Anna-san stood up with the medicine in her hand. The apron-wearing skeleton put its hands, or rather, bones on the child’s back and lifted its upper body. Anna-san tilted the vessel and poured the thick red liquid into the child’s mouth. I, Chloe, the merchant couple, all watched in suspense. From the skin of the lying child, the redness gradually receded. The red spots also became smaller— As if melting, they disappeared. “Ohhh! Amazing, Anna! The Red Death spots disappeared! I never thought something like this could happen!” “Chloe, does that mean it’s cured!? Anna-san!?” Chloe’s words seemed to trigger it; the merchant couple rushed to the child on the makeshift bed. As Chloe and I approached, Anna-san seemed to sway and almost fall. So, I caught her. A soft sensation, Anna-san was a lich, no- that’s not it. “Thank you, Naoya-san. But I still have to do my best. After this, I’ll apply healing magic, provide nutrition, and keep them at rest.” “Great! Then Anna will rest! Leave the healing magic to me! The Holy Knight! Chloe!” “Seems like that, so let’s let Anna-san rest. Truly, thank you.” I held Anna-san, who leaned heavily on me, and watched. Barbera offered her arm to me. “Oh, dragon meat strengthens the body and enhances magical power, like in Anpanman. Anyway, it’s better to use energy drinks or nutritional drinks than meat, it looks heavy all of a sudden.” “...I see. Anytime you say.” Barbera obediently stepped back. While wondering where to put Anna-san and the sleeping child, I looked up and saw. Skeletons, zombies, and the rabbit costume were jumping and dancing in joy. “It’s like a festival. Even though it’s a completely horror spectacle. Well, I guess it can’t be helped; their long-cherished wish came true even in death.” I thought of forgiving them for today; it’s already night, and no one else is watching. “Oh. The merchant folks saw us a lot. They found out that the Aion Mall Otherworldly Store is filled with undead. Well, it should be fine, we’re their benefactors!... It’ll be okay, right?” On the 12th day of the Aion Mall Otherworldly Store, since I became the store manager. Although an emergency occurred after closing, it seems like we will manage to finish the day somehow. Number of visitors: 134 people. Sales: 364,000 yen. Anna-san and the undead turned out to be more capable than imagined, and it seems that considering a full-fledged drugstore or medical mall might be a good idea.
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◇◆◇◆◇ ナã‚ĻムæŖŽįŽ‹å›Ŋ。そぎįŽ‹åŽŽå†…ぎį”ˇåĨŗが密äŧšã—ãĻいた。 とはいえ、äŊ•ã‹č‰ļäē‹ãĒおがあるわけでもãĒい。äēēį›Žã‚’åŋãļぎはįĸēかãĢそうではあるが、そこãĢ色ãŖãŊã„é›°å›˛æ°—ãĒおは、垎åĄĩも存在しãĒかãŖた。 「それで、マク゚ã‚ĻェãƒĢäŧ¯įˆļ様。厄äģ‹ã”とはč§Ŗæąēしたぎですか?」 ã€Œã‚‚ãĄã‚ã‚“ã˜ã‚ƒã€‚æ€ãŖたäģĨ上ãĢæģžã‚ŠãĒくぎぅ。やはりãƒŦイドはäŊŋえるį”ˇã˜ã‚ƒãĻ。äģŠã¯åĨŗじゃが」 「į”Ÿãžã‚Œå¤‰ã‚ãŖãŸč‹ąé›„æŽŋですかおäŧšã„したいもぎです」 「į›ŽãŽå‰ãĢį”ŸããŸč‹ąé›„がいるんじゃが......いや、ずつãĢええんじゃよ?」 įŽ‹åŽŽå†…ãĢしãĻは『比čŧƒįš„』į‹­ã„厤内。せいぜいがã‚ŗãƒĢテã‚ŖナぎåŽļį¨‹åēĻぎåēƒã•ã ã‚ã†ã€‚ そぎ中夎ãĢテãƒŧブãƒĢã‚ģットをįŊŽãã€å„Ē雅ãĢčŒļをåŖ元ãĢ運ãļ少åĨŗ。 厤内ãĢはäģ–ãĢäēēぎå§ŋはãĒã„ã€‚ã‚‚ãĄã‚ã‚“ã€äŊŋį”¨äēēをå‘ŧãļためぎハãƒŗドベãƒĢはį”¨æ„ã—ãĻあるが。 「それãĢしãĻも、よりãĢよãŖãĻ......というところですね。ぞさかフã‚Ŗãƒŧナさんをį‹™ã†ã¨ã¯ã€ 「ã‚ĸã‚ˇã‚§ãƒŠæ•™įš‡ãŽå°Ŋ力ãĢよãŖãĻ、半魔äēēåˇŽåˆĨが比čŧƒįš„įŠã‚„かãĢãĒãŖãĻきたįŸĸ先ぎå‡ēæĨäē‹ã˜ã‚ƒã‹ã‚‰ãĒ。æ­Ŗį›´č‚ãŒå†ˇãˆãŸã‚ãƒã€ 「ナイエãƒĢ様とマãƒĒã‚ĸ様ぎお子さんãĢ手をå‡ēせば、下手をすれば世į•Œã™ãšãĻが一気ãĢ反半魔äēēãĢ傞倒しぞう所でした。よくやãŖãĻくれぞした」 ã€Œã‚ã‚ŠãŒãŸããŠč¨€č‘‰ã§ã™ã€‚ã‚¨ãƒĒゴãƒŧãƒĢ様」 少åĨŗãĢ寞し、わざとらしくč‡Ŗ下ぎį¤ŧを取ãŖãĻčĻ‹ã›ã‚‹ãƒžã‚¯ã‚šã‚ĻェãƒĢ。そぎį›ŽãĢはæ‚Ē戯ãŖãŊい光がæĩŽã‹ã‚“でいた。 ã€ŒããĄã‚“ã¨ã‚¨ãƒĒゴãƒŧとå‘ŧんでいただけぞせんか? 初äģŖ様ãģおぎ偉æĨ­ã¯ãžã æˆã—ãĻいぞせんぎで」 「かつãĻ回垊魔æŗ•ãŽį™ēåą•ãĢ寄与した『čļ…čļŠč€…』æŽŋぎパトロãƒŗでしたãĒã€‚ã„ã‚„å¤ąæ•Ŧ」 「čĻĒしãŋをčžŧめãĻエãƒĒゴãƒŧãƒĢãƒģã‚ļãƒģã‚ĩãƒŧド。もしくはエãƒĒ ã€Œé•ˇã„ãŽã§é æ…Žã—ãžã™ã˜ã‚ƒã€ かつãĻこぎå›ŊãĢ存在したåĨŗįŽ‹ãŽåã€‚そぎ垌įļ™č€…としãĻ三世と名を垗た少åĨŗだãŖたが、いかんせんおこかしらčŋ‚é—ŠãĒ少åĨŗだãŖた。 しかもそぎ少åĨŗが、こぎå›ŊぎįŦŦ一įŽ‹äŊįļ™æ‰ŋč€…ã§ã‚ã‚‹ã€‚č‡Ŗ下ぎåŋƒåŠ´ãŸã‚‹ã‚„、åĻ‚äŊ•ãģおぎことか。 そんãĒエãƒĒゴãƒŧãƒĢãĢ、čĻĒし気ãĢčŠąã—ã‹ã‘ã‚‹ãƒžã‚¯ã‚šã‚ĻェãƒĢã€‚čĄ€į¸įš„ãĢはäŧ¯įˆļとå§Ēだが、すでãĢįŽ‹åŽļからč‡ŖįąãĢ下ãŖた垌は、こうしãĻこãŖそりとäŧšã†į¨‹åēĻãĢ控えãĻいた。 įžåœ¨ãŽå›ŊįŽ‹ã¯åŊŧぎåŧŸã ãŒã€ããŽå›ŊįŽ‹ã¯åŊŧがįŽ‹åŽļとæŽĨč§Ļすることを、あぞりåŋĢくは思ãŖãĻいãĒかãŖたからだ。 だとしãĻも、マク゚ã‚ĻェãƒĢが有čƒŊãĒåŽļč‡Ŗであることは間違いãĒいため、äē‹ãŒčĩˇããĻはåŊŧをå‘ŧãŗつけることも多い。 そぎためマク゚ã‚ĻェãƒĢは、č‡Ŗ下でありãĒがらįŽ‹æ—ãŽé‡čĻäēēį‰Šã§ã‚るエãƒĒゴãƒŧãƒĢと、こうしãĻフãƒĒãƒŧパ゚でäŧšã†ã“とができãĻいた。 「äē‹ã‚’隠し通すことは可čƒŊですか?」 「すでãĢ įˇ˜åŖäģ¤ ã¯æ•ˇã„ãĻおる。もãŖともäēēぎåŖãĢ戸はįĢ‹ãĻられãŦもぎじゃãĻ」 「噂ãĢãĒるぎはéŋけられãĒい、ということですか」 「さいわい、äē‹ãŒčĩˇããŸãŽãŒäģ–å›Ŋぎ、しかもčžēåĸƒã§ãŽå‡ēæĨäē‹ã˜ã‚ƒã€‚ã“ãĄã‚‰ãžã§åąŠããŽã¯ã—ã°ã‚‰ãã‹ã‹ã‚‹ã˜ã‚ƒã‚ã†ã€ もしäģŠå›žãŽä¸€äģļがåēƒãžã‚Œã°ã€å†ãŗ半魔äēēã¯åˇŽåˆĨãŽå¯žčąĄãĢされãĻしぞう。それを恐れãĻぎčŗĒ問だãŖた。 å›ŊįŽ‹ã¯ããŽå•éĄŒãĢ興å‘ŗã¯č–„ã‹ãŖたが雄ãĢ憧れを持つåŊŧåĨŗとしãĻは、あぞりåēƒãžãŖãĻæŦ˛ã—くãĒい噂である。 ã€ŒåŒ—éƒ¨ã§ã¯å•éĄŒãĢãĒりぞすか?」 「エãƒĒã‚ĒットįŽ‹č‡ĒらがãƒŦイドãĢ劊けられたäē‹äģļがあãŖãŸã‹ã‚‰ãŽã€‚ã‚ãĄã‚‰ã¯čžēåĸƒã§ã‚‚ãĒければ、それãģãŠå•éĄŒãĢはãĒるぞい。むしろ――」 「ナã‚Ļムぎ斚が大きくéŸŋきそうですね」 「陛下がもう少し寛大ãĒ斚であれば......ã„ã‚„ã€å¤ąč¨€ã˜ã‚ƒãŖたãĒ」 「不æ•ŦįŊĒãĢãĒりぞすよ。äēē前ではæŗ¨æ„ã—ãĻください、äŧ¯įˆļ様」 「おä¸ģぎ前では、おうしãĻも気がįˇŠã‚“でしぞうんじゃよ。čĻĒしãŋやすくãĻよいことじゃ」 「威åŽŗがčļŗりãĒいと、į´ į›´ãĢäģ°ãŖãĻãã ã•ã„ãžã—ã€‚ãã‚Œã‚ˆã‚Šã“ãŽå•éĄŒã€äŊ•ã‹æ‰‹ã‚’打ãŖãĻおいた斚がよろしいでしょうか?」 エãƒĒゴãƒŧãƒĢãĢčžã‹ã‚Œã€ãƒžã‚¯ã‚šã‚ĻェãƒĢはéĢ­ãĢ手をやãŖた。åŊŧãŒč€ƒãˆäē‹ã‚’する時ぎį™–である。 しばしéģ™č€ƒã—た垌、重々しくåŖを開く。 「æ­Ŗį›´ã€ã“ã“ã§ãžãŸåˇŽåˆĨぎæŋ€ã—かãŖた過åŽģãĢæˆģãŖãĻしぞうぎはよくãĒいぎぅ。手は打ãŖãĻãŠã„ãŸæ–šãŒč‰¯ã„ãŽã¯įĸēかじゃ」 「では、おぎようãĢ?」 「そうじゃãĒã€‚å™‚ãŒã“ãĄã‚‰ãĢåąŠãã‚ˆã‚Šå…ˆãĢ、民ãĢčĻĒしãŋを感じãĻおいãĻもらうくらいしかできんじゃろう」 「半魔äēēãĢčĻĒしãŋを、ねぇ?」 「䞋えばäēē気ぎあるįŽ‹æ—ãŽå‹ãĢ半魔äēēがおる、とかãĒ?」 「į§ãĢ? あいãĢくとįŸĨäēēãĢはおりぞせんが......もしや、ãƒŦイド様をį´šäģ‹ã—ãĻいただけるぎで!?」 「そんãĒįœŸäŧŧã‚’ã—ãŸã‚‰ãƒ¯ã‚ˇãŒã‚ŗãƒĢテã‚ŖナãĢæŽēされるわぃ! それãĢあやつはäģŠåĨŗじゃ」 「į§ã¯åˆĨãĢそれでも。それはそれでæĨŊしãŋようが......」 「æ­Ŗ気ãĢæˆģれ、我がå§Ēよ」 め、マク゚ã‚ĻェãƒĢはæēœæ¯ã‚’つく。 しかしこれはこれで、いい抟äŧšãĒぎではãĒã‹ã‚ã†ã‹ã¨ã‚‚č€ƒãˆãĻいた。 「ナイエãƒĢぎåŧŸå­ãĢ、将æĨ有望ãĒ半魔äēēぎ少嚴がいãĻぎぅ」 「ナイエãƒĢ様ぎ......ということは、ニã‚ŗãƒĢ様ぎäģ˛é–“ですぎ?」 「うむ。įžåœ¨ã¯ã‚šãƒˆãƒŠãƒŧãƒĢãŽčĄ—ã§å†’é™ēč€…ã‚’ã‚„ãŖãĻおる。もう一äēēぎäģ˛é–“が少々厄äģ‹ãĒčƒŊ力を持ãŖãĻおãŖãĻãĒ」 「䞋ぎゴブãƒĒãƒŗé¨’å‹•ã§æŽ˛æģ…しãĻぎけた『åŧ“č–ã€ã§ã™ã‚ã­?」 「ぞぁ、そうじゃ。大äģ°ãĒäēŒã¤åãŒäģ˜ã„たもぎじゃ」 ゴブãƒĒãƒŗぎäžĩį•Ĩé¨’å‹•ã§ã€ããŽå¤§åŠã‚’čš‚čē™ã—ãĻãŽã‘ãŸãƒŸã‚ˇã‚§ãƒĢは、äģŠã‚„ナã‚Ļムではåŧ“č–ã¨ãžã§å‘ŧばれ恐れられãĻいる。 同時ãĢそれãģおぎæˆĻ闘力を取りčžŧã‚‚ã†ã¨ã™ã‚‹č˛´æ—ã‚‚ã€åžŒã‚’įĩļãŖãĻはいãĒい。 「嚸いãĒことãĢãƒ¯ã‚ˇãŽč¨ąåĢæŽŋぎ元äģ˛é–“じゃ。åŊŧåĨŗがæ­ŖåŧãĢå…ŦįˆĩäŊã‚’įļ™ã’ば、そぎåē‡č­ˇã‚’受けãĻナã‚Ļムへå‘ŧãŗæˆģすことも可čƒŊじゃろうãĒ」 「そんãĒ斚が......そういえばį§ã€ã‚šãƒˆãƒŠãƒŧãƒĢへå‡ē向くį”¨ãŒã‚りぞしたわね」 「それはéƒŊåˆãŒč‰¯ã„ã€ 「あそこもäģŖæ›ŋわりで、少しゴã‚ŋゴã‚ŋしぞしたぎで。įŽ‹åŽļãŽč€…ã‚’å‡ē向かせ、もãĻãĒさせることでäŋĄé ŧを喧äŧã—ã‚ˆã†ã¨ã„ã†č…šã§ã™ã‚ã€ ã€Œé™›ä¸‹ãŽč€ƒãˆã‹ã€‚ãžã‚ã€ãã‚Œã‚‚æ‚ĒくãĒかろうãĒ」 「そういうわけで、そぎ冒é™ēč€…ãŸãĄãĢé€ŖįĩĄã‚’取ãŖãĻくださいぞせん? ニã‚ŗãƒĢさんとäŧšãˆã‚‹ãŽã‚‚、æĨŊしãŋですわ!」 「それはそれで、あやつぎåŋƒåŠ´ãŽį¨ŽãĢãĒりそうじゃãĒã€‚ã˜ã‚ƒãŒãã‚ŒãŒč‰¯ã„!」 æ‚Ē戯ãŖãŊã„éĄ”ã§čĻĒ指をįĢ‹ãĻあうäēŒäēē。こぎäŧ¯įˆļとå§Ēは、おうčĻ‹ãĻもäŧŧãŸč€…åŒåŖĢだãŖたぎだãŖた。
◇◆◇◆◇ A man and a woman were having a secret meeting in the royal palace. That said, it wasn’t a love affair or anything. They certainly avoided being seen, but there was not a speck of amorous atmosphere between the two. “So then, Uncle Maxwell, did you solve the trouble?” “Of course. And even more smoothly than I expected. Reid really is a useful man. He is a woman now, however.” “The esteemed Hero who was reborn? I would like to meet him one time.” “You have a hero before your eyes right now... But that could be arranged I suppose?” They were in a narrow room for the royal palace. It was at most as wide as Cortina’s house. In the center of it, a young girl placed a table set in the center and elegantly carried tea to her lips. There were no other people in the room. There was of course a handbell to call servants with, however. “Nevertheless, of all things that could have happened... For them to aim for Fina.” “It had to happen just as Pope Ashella’s painstaking efforts somewhat improved the half-demon treatment. Frankly, I was breaking into a cold sweat.” “If they laid their hands on Lord Lyell and Lady Maria’s daughter, it would very well lead to the entire world turning against half-demons. Good work for avoiding that.” “Your words are wasted on me, Lady Eligore.” Maxwell made an affected servantly bow towards the young girl. His eyes were filled with an impish gleam. In response, the girl referred to as Eligor snorted in displeasure. That action was somewhat improper of a lady. “Could you call me Eligor III properly? I have yet to achieve something as great as the first ancestor.” transcendent who contributed to the development of recovery magic, was it? How rude of me.” “As a form of closeness, you may call me Eligor The Third. Or simply Elly thir—” “It is too long so I shall refrain.” It was the name of the Queen who once existed in this kingdom. She took the third generation title as her successor, but she was quite a careless girl in some respects. But this little girl was the primary heir of the throne of this kingdom. It was hard to imagine the worries her retainers faced. Maxwell was talking with that Eligor in a familiar manner. They were uncle and niece by blood, but as he had already resigned from the royal family, they only met secretly like this. The current king was his younger brother, but he didn’t like the idea of him meeting with the royalty very much. Even so, Maxwell was still a capable vassal, so he was often summoned when something happened. For that reason, Maxwell could get a free pass and meet with an important royal like Eligor despite being a retainer. “Will it be possible to keep this situation hidden?” “The gag order has already been issued. However, one cannot control what people say.” “You mean that it is bound to become a rumor?” “Fortunately, it happened in a different kingdom, and in the countryside at that. It will take some time before it reaches us.” If this incident spread, the half-demons would once again become targets of discrimination. She asked this question in fear of that. The king didn’t seem to care much for that problem, but she, who admired the Six Heroes, did not wish for that rumor to spread. “Will the north be alright?” “King Elliot had been saved by Reid before. Even if it did not happen in the countryside, I daresay nothing serious would have happened. Rather—” “It is more likely to spread in Raum, is it?” “If only His Highness was more broad-minded... Ah, that was a slip of tongue.” “That would be taken as lese majeste. Be careful what you say in front of others, uncle.” “I end up getting loose-lipped when I am with you. I am glad you are so easy to talk to.” “Please just admit you think I lack dignity. More importantly, is it better if we do something now?” Maxwell rubbed his beard at her question. It was his habit when he was thinking. After some silence, he spoke with a serious tone. “Frankly, it would be bad if we return back to the old days where the discrimination was severe. It is certainly true that we should take some measures.” “But then, what would it be?” “Well, we can only get them on friendlier terms before those rumors reach us.” “Friendlier with the half-demons, is it?” “For example, if a popular royalty member has a half-demon among their friends, it could work out.” “You mean me? Unfortunately, I have no one like that... Oh, could it be, you plan to introduce Lord Reid?!” “If I did that Cortina would kill me! And he’s a woman now.” “I am fine with that. That could be fun in its own way...” “Come to your senses, my niece!” Maxwell sighed as he rebuked his niece who was going above and beyond what he imagined. But this was a good opportunity from Maxwell’s perspective too. “There is a promising half-demon boy who is also Lyell’s student.” “Lord Lyell’s... That would mean, is he Lady Nicole’s comrade?” “Indeed. They are presently working as Adventurers in Stollar. Because one of their comrades has a very troublesome power.” “You mean the ‘Bow Saint’ that exterminated the Goblins during the raid, yes?” “Well, yes. That is quite some nickname she obtained.” Michelle, who trampled most of the Goblins during the raid, was feared as the Bow Saint in Raum nowadays. The nobles seeking to obtain a war power like her were still incessant. “Fortunately, she is also former-comrade of my fiancee. If she formally gains the Duke peerage, her protection should allow her to return to Raum.” “So there was such a method... Speaking of which, I do have an errand in Stollar.” “That is quite convenient then.” “Some trouble has been brewing there too due to the change in the governing body. We plan to appease them and gain trust by sending a royal member over.” “Was that His Highness’s idea? Well, it does not sound bad.” “In that case, could you contact the Adventurers for me? I am looking forward to meeting Miss Nicole too.” “I feel that that would only add to her worries. But serve her right!” The two exchanged thumbs up with impish grins. This uncle and niece were clearly made out of the same cloth.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 4, "inserted_lines_trg": 3 }
į›Žå‰ãŽäģģ務ぎé›Ŗã—ã•ã¯ã€č¨€č‘‰ã§čĄ¨įžã™ã‚‹ã“とができãĒいãģおである。ハマ゚は、イ゚ナエãƒĢäēē撤退を「æ­Ļ力闘äē‰ã€ãŽå‹åˆŠãĢ帰するためぎ、集中įš„ãĒãƒĄãƒ‡ã‚Ŗã‚ĸ キãƒŖãƒŗペãƒŧãƒŗを開始した。キãƒŖãƒŗペãƒŧãƒŗおよãŗそぎテãƒŧマは、ã‚Ŧã‚ļ地åŒēとäģ–ぎパãƒŦ゚チナč‡Ēæ˛ģæ”ŋåēœįŽĄčŊ„ぎ領域ãĢおける支配樊をäē‰ã†å†…部抗äē‰ã‚’反映しãĻおり、æ­ĻčŖ…č§Ŗ除をせず、čĨŋ部地åŒēãĢおける「æ­Ļ力闘äē‰ã€ã‚’įļ™įļšã™ã‚‹ã¨ã„うハマ゚ぎæąē断をåŧˇčĒŋしãĻいる。
Hamas has launched an intensive media campaign to appropriate the Israeli withdrawal as a victory of its “armed struggle.” The campaign and its themes reflect an internal fight for control of the Gaza Strip and other PA-administered territories, and stresses Hamas’ determination not to be disarmed and to continue the “armed struggle” in the West Bank.
{ "source": "news_commentary", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
č˛ŋ易援劊は、å›Ŋ際įš„ã‚­ãƒŧワãƒŧドとãĒãŖãĻいる。 援劊 (å‚ĩ樊攞æŖ„ã‚’åĢむ) ãŽæ‹Ąå¤§ãŠã‚ˆãŗã€č˛§ã—ã„å›Ŋ々ぎčŖŊ品ぎčŖ•įĻãĒå›Ŋ々ぎ市場へぎã‚ĸクã‚ģã‚šãŽæ‹Ąå¤§ãŒã€ã‚°ãƒ­ãƒŧバãƒĢãĒ最重čĻčĒ˛éĄŒã§ã‚るかぎようãĢčĻ‹ãˆã‚‹ã€‚äē‹åŽŸã€äģŠæ—ĨãŽč­°čĢ–はäŊ•ã‚’すずきかでãĒく、いかãĢčŋ…速ãĢいくらできるかãĢついãĻである。
More aid (including debt relief) and greater access to rich countries’ markets for poor countries’ products now appears to be at the top of the global agenda. Indeed, the debate nowadays is not about what to do, but howmuch to do, and how fast.
{ "source": "news_commentary", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
äŋēはそぎčļŗでマク゚ã‚ĻェãƒĢぎ下ãĢ向かい、先ぎå‡ēæĨäē‹ã‚’å ąå‘Šã—ãŸã€‚ 「ãƒŦイドぎ振りをしたæ•ĩか。ぞたåĻ™ãĒį›¸æ‰‹ã‚’......」 「おそらくã‚ŗãƒĢテã‚ŖナぎåŽļãĢå‡ēå…ĨりするäŋēをčĻ‹ãĻ、変čŖ…したんだと思う。åŖ°ã¯ã‹ãĒりč‹ĨそうだãŖた」 äŋēぎæ­ŖäŊ“ã‚’įŸĨるマク゚ã‚ĻェãƒĢはそぎį›¸æ‰‹ã‚’č­Ļ戒するį†į”ąãŒã‚ã‹ã‚‹ãŒã€ãã‚Œã‚’įŸĨらãĒいã‚ŗãƒĢテã‚Ŗナはį„Ąé˜˛å‚™ãĢäŋēぎå§ŋをしたæ•ĩãĢčŋ‘äģ˜ãã‹ã­ãĒい。 「それãģおčĻ‹äē‹ãĒ変čŖ…じゃãŖたぎか?」 「ああ、äŋēがäŋč¨ŧする。あれはäŋēでもčĻ‹åˆ†ã‘äģ˜ã‹ãĒいかもしれãĒいãĒ」 「そぎ変čŖ…、魔æŗ•ã‚’äŊŋãŖたもぎかわかるかぎ?」 åĨ´ã¨å‰Ŗをäē¤ãˆãŸã¨ãã€äŊ•åēĻも違和感をčĻšãˆãŸã€‚ もし、äŋēがåšģčĻšãŽæŒ‡čŧĒでやãŖãĻいるぎと同じようãĢ、åšģčĻšã‚’įēãŖãĻいたぎだとすれば、äŊ“æ ŧぎã‚ēãƒŦでæ”ģ撃が外れたというč§Ŗ釈もできるはず。 「だけお......ãĒんだかしãŖくりこãĒい」 「åšģčĻšã§ã¯ãĒかãŖたかぎ?」 「最垌ãĢはãĒãŖたįŗ¸ã€éˆã„けお手åŋœãˆč‡ĒäŊ“はあãŖたんだ。ただそれがおうも、ãĒ」 「į´åž—いかんぎか?」 「手åŋœãˆã¯ã‚ãŖãŸã€‚ã ãŒč‚‰ã‚’æ–ŦãŖた手åŋœãˆã§ã¯ãĒかãŖた」 äŋēぎ感æƒŗã‚’čžãã€ãƒžã‚¯ã‚šã‚ĻェãƒĢã¯ãƒ’ã‚˛ã‚’ã—ã”ããĒãŒã‚‰æ€æĄˆã™ã‚‹ã€‚ 「いくつか可čƒŊ性はあるがぎはį›¸æ‰‹ãŒäēē間じゃãĒかãŖた場合じゃ」 「というと?」 「䞋えば、äŊŋい魔をäŊŋį”¨ã—た場合」 「äēē型ぎäŊŋã„é­”ã¨ã‹ã€čžã„ãŸã“ã¨ãŒį„Ąã„んだが」 「そぎぞぞäŊŋã†ã¨ã¯č¨€ãŖãĻおらん。äŊŋい魔ãĢåšģčĻšã‚’įēã‚ã›ã‚‹ã“ともできる」 「ãĩむ?」 マク゚ã‚ĻェãƒĢぎ意čĻ‹ã‚’äŋēã¯č…•ã‚’įĩ„んで吟å‘ŗする。 䞋えば......æ¯›ãŽé•ˇã„äŊ•ã‹ã ãŖた場合。 äŊŋい魔ãĒら切ãŖた毛はæœŦäŊ“から外れたæŽĩéšŽã§åœŸåĄŠãĢæˆģるぎで、č¨ŧ拠ãĢãĒるもぎは掋らãĒい。 「įĸēかãĢそれだとつじつぞは合うかもしれãĒいんだが......äŊ•ã‹é•ã†æ„Ÿã˜ãŒã™ã‚‹ãĒ」 「ãģう、おう違う?」 「åĨ´ã¯ä¸æ„æ‰“ãĄãŽæŠœåˆ€ã‚’čēąã—ãĻčĻ‹ã›ãŸã€‚そんãĒ反åŋœé€ŸåēĻはäŊŋい魔ではå‡ēせãĒい」 「ãĩむ、ではゴãƒŧãƒŦムだãŖた場合は? 反åŋœé€ŸåēĻは上がるし、čĻ–į•Œã‚’ã‚´ãƒŧãƒŦムãĢį§ģã™čĄ“ã‚‚å­˜åœ¨ã™ã‚‹ãžã€ 「ゴãƒŧãƒŦムだãŖた場合も、į´åž—できãĒい。動きãĢゴãƒŧãƒŦムį‰šæœ‰ãŽãŽã“ãĄãĒさはãĒかãŖた。それãĢ酸をéŖ›ã°ã™ã‚ŽãƒŸãƒƒã‚¯ãžã§äŊŋį”¨ã—ãĻいたぞ」 「ãĒるãģãŠãŽã…ã€‚ã—ã‹ã—ã“ã“ã§č­°čĢ–しãĻもį­”えはå‡ēん気がするãĒ。しょせん推čĢ–ãĢすぎん」 「ぞぁãĒã€‚å•éĄŒã¯ã‚ŗãƒĢテã‚ŖナãĢおうč­Ļ戒をäŋƒã™ã‹ã ã€ ã€Œãã‚Œã¯ãƒ¯ã‚ˇãŽæ–šã‹ã‚‰äŧãˆãĻおこう。嚸いネã‚ŋもあることじゃしãĒ」 「ネã‚ŋ?」 魔æŗ•ã‚’æ„ŸįŸĨするエãƒĒã‚ĸで、čĻ‹äē‹ãĒ変čŖ…をしãĻé€ŖįĩĄã‚’æĄã‚ŠæŊ°ã—た存在がいたこと。 それはäģŠå›žãŽäŋēぎįĩŒé¨“と重ãĒる。 「魔æŗ•ã˜ã‚ƒãĒい変čŖ…か......ãƒŸã‚ˇã‚§ãƒĢãĄã‚ƒã‚“ãŽã¨ã“ã‚ãĢčžãčžŧãŋãĢæĨãŸčŠąã‚‚ã‚ã‚‹ã‹ã‚‰ã€åˆã‚ã›ãĻč­Ļ告しãĻおけば、ã‚ŗãƒĢテã‚Ŗナも気をäģ˜ã‘るだろうãĒ」 「うむ、じゃがそぎ場合、おä¸ģをčĻ‹åˆ†ã‘る手æŽĩがãĒい」 ã€ŒãƒĄãƒŗドくせぇãĒ。ãĒんかãĒいか?」 「ãĒã‚“ã§ã‚‚ãƒ¯ã‚ˇãĢ投げãŖãąãĒしãĢするでãĒã„ã€‚ã¨ã¯č¨€ãˆã€ãã†ã˜ã‚ƒãĒ......ãƒŦイド、そぎį”ˇã¯åŒ‚いはおうじゃãŖた?」 「匂い? ãã†č¨€ãˆã°ã€į‰šãĢäŊ•ã‚‚ãĒかãŖたãĒ」 「外čĻ‹ã ã‘ãĒらおうとでもįœŸäŧŧられãĻしぞう。ではį‰šåž´įš„ãĒ匂いをįēã†ã¨ã„うぎはおうじゃ?」 ã€Œã¨č¨€ãŖãĻも、äŋēとわかるようãĒ匂いãĒぁ。åŋƒåŊ“たりはãĒいんだが」 éĻ™æ°´ã¨č¨€ã†ãŽã¯įĸēかãĢいい手かもしれãĒいが、ありきたりãĒãƒĸノではあãŖさりとįœŸäŧŧをされãĻしぞい、意å‘ŗがãĒい。 ã€Œč˛´é‡ãĒéĻ™æ°´ã¨ã„うもぎãĒらば、いくつか持ãŖãĻはおるが......įœŸäŧŧできãĒいというãģおではãĒいぎ」 「äŋēもそãŖãĄįŗģã¯ä¸€åˆ‡čˆˆå‘ŗがãĒかãŖたからãĒ。むしろåŧˇã„匂いはäģ•äē‹ãŽé‚Ē魔だãŖたし」 「ナイエãƒĢãĢį›¸čĢ‡ã—ãĻもį„Ąé§„じゃろうãĒ」 「あぎ朴åŋĩäģã¯ã€äŋēをčļ…える」 「いや、それはãĒい」 「ãĒãĢおぅ!?」 怒ãŖãĻはãŋたが、įĸēかãĢåĨ´ã¯äŋēより先ãĢįĩåŠšã—ãĻいる。そういう意å‘ŗではäŋēよりį”˛æ–æ€§ãŒã‚ãŖたということかもしれãĒい。 ã ã‹ã‚‰ã¨č¨€ãŖãĻ、éĻ™æ°´ã¨č¨€ã†ãŠã—ゃれãĢ興å‘ŗがあるようãĢはčĻ‹ãˆãĒいぎで、į›¸čĢ‡ã¯æ„å‘ŗがãĒいだろう。 「ã‚ŦドãƒĢã‚š......å•éĄŒå¤–ã ãĒ」 「酒ぎ匂いãĒら嗅ぎ分けられそうじゃがãĒ」 「こういうぎはやはりåĨŗ性が有刊か。マãƒĒã‚ĸかã‚ŗãƒĢテã‚ŖãƒŠã¯ã€ã„ã„æĄˆã‚’æŒãŖãĻると思うか?」 ãƒ¯ã‚ˇã‚‰ã ã‘ã§ã¯ã‚­ãƒĒがãĒã„ãŽã€‚å¤–éƒ¨ãŽå”åŠ›č€…ãĢé ŧむしかãĒいか」 「外部ãŖãĻもčĒ°ãŒã„るんだ?」 ã€Œã„ã¤ã‚‚ãŽåžĄäģã˜ã‚ƒã‚ˆã€ マク゚ã‚ĻェãƒĢが尊æ•ŦをčžŧめãĻåžĄäģã¨ã„うäēēį‰ŠãĒお、一äēēしかいãĒい。 「ã‚ĸ゚トか。įĸēかãĢåĨ´ãĒらäŊ•ã‹č€ƒãˆãĻくれそうだ」 「じゃãĒ。さãŖそく向かいたいが、時間はあるかãĒ?」 がäŊŋえるマク゚ã‚ĻェãƒĢãĒら夕éŖŸæ™‚ぞでãĢは充分ãĢæˆģãŖãĻこれるだろう。 「ああ、おそらく大丈å¤Ģだ。それãĢことは一åˆģをäē‰ã†ã‹ã‚‰ãĒ」 だが明æ—ĨはわからãĒい。できるãĒらば、äģŠæ—Ĩ中ãĢäŋēぎįĸēčĒæ‰‹æŽĩをįĸēäŋã—ãĻおきたかãŖた。 「æē–備は、ぞあåŋ…čĻãĒいじゃろ。äģŠå›žã¯æ—Šã•é‡čĻ–ã˜ã‚ƒã€‚čĄŒããžã€ 「おいおい、さãŖそくかよ」 「マテã‚Ļ゚はåŧĩりčžŧãŋをさせãĻおるから、こぎåŽļãĢはだれもおらん。戸įˇ ã‚Šã™ã‚‹ã ã‘でいいんじゃ」 「さãŖさとしãĻきたら?」 「魔æŗ•ã§ä¸€æ‹Ŧæ–Ŋ錠できるんじゃよ」 「クッã‚Ŋ、į„Ąé§„ãĢäžŋ刊ãĒことしやがãŖãĻ」 ぎ魔æŗ•ã‚’į¯„å›˛æ‹Ąå¤§ã—ãĻåŽļ中ãĢ掛けるぎだろう。 一息ãĢåŽļ中をæ–Ŋ錠し、そしãĻ į›¸å¤‰ã‚ã‚‰ãšį„ĄčŒļãĒ魔力ぎäŊŋい斚をしãĻいると思うが、こぎįˆēさんãĢとãŖãĻã¯č˛ æ‹…ãĢすらãĒらãĒい。 そしãĻäŋēは門ぎ中ãĢéŖ›ãŗčžŧãŋ、ã‚ĸãƒŦクマãƒŧãƒĢå‰ŖįŽ‹å›Ŋへと向かãŖたぎだãŖた。
I headed right to Maxwell and reported what just happened. When he heard that, he started frowning. “An enemy pretending to be Reid, huh. It seems yet another oddball has shown up...” “He probably saw me going in and out of Cortina’s house and disguised himself as me. He sounded quite young.” Maxwell was aware of how dangerous this situation was. He knew me, so he knew to be vigilant of that enemy, but Cortina didn’t, so she might drop her guard and come into contact with the enemy pretending to be me. “Was it such a perfect disguise?” “Yeah, I can guarantee it. Even I might not tell it apart.” “Do you know if they used magic to disguise themselves?” When I exchanged blows with him, I felt an uncomfortable feeling over and over. When I thought I had him for sure, he managed to escape. If he was disguised similarly to how I did with the illusion ring, him escaping my attacks could be explained by the stature differences. “Still... It doesn’t feel right somehow.” “Are you saying it wasn’t an illusion?” “The thread I swung at him at the end managed to land on him even if it felt a bit dull. But that part bothers me.” “Does something not feel right?” “There was a reaction. But it was not the feeling of cutting flesh..” Hearing my impression, Maxwell started pondering while brushing his beard. “There are several possibilities. One is that the enemy wasn’t a human.” “Meaning?” “For example, they were using a familiar.” “I’ve never heard of a humanoid familiar.” “I did not say they used it directly. They might have cast an illusion on it.” “Oh?” I pondered about Maxwell’s opinion. Since it didn’t feel like flesh, it must have been something else. For example... If it was something with long fur, like a longhair rabbit or something, then even if I slashed at its fur, it wouldn’t feel like cutting flesh. And the cut fur would return to dust once it separated from the familiar’s body, so there would be no evidence left. “That certainly sounds consistent... But something still feels off.” “Oh? And what would it be?” “He bent back to dodge my katana slash. Such reaction speed should be impossible for a familiar.” “Hmm, then what if it was a golem? The reaction speed rises and there is a way to transfer your vision to a golem.” “It still feels off even if it was a golem. There was no awkwardness in his movements that’s characteristic of golems. He also had an acid shooting gimmick.” “I see. Well, we will not arrive at an answer if we just argue here. We are simply trying to deduce it, after all.” “Well, yeah. The question is, how should we raise Cortina’s vigilance.” “I will relay it myself. Fortunately, I have some backup information too.” “Information?” Then Maxwell told me the events that transpired in the north. That there was someone who had disguised perfectly in a magic perception area and destroyed the means of contact. It overlapped with my incident. “A disguise that’s not magic, huh... They seem to have gone to Michelle’s house to gather information too, if we are all careful, Cortina would be too.” “But in that case, there would be no way to tell you apart from them.” “That sucks. Isn’t there some way?” “Stop throwing all your problems my way. That said, hmm... Reid, did that man have any smell?” “Smell? Come to think of it, he didn’t have a particular smell.” “They may mimic your outer appearance whatever you do. However, what if you cover yourself with a characteristic smell?” “Well, what smell would make it know that it’s me. I don’t have any idea.” Perfume might be a good measure, but an average one would just get mimicked. If I were to do it, I had to use something characteristic that cannot be imitated. “I do have several expensive perfumes... However, they are not something that cannot be imitated.” “I had no interest in that stuff myself. Rather, a strong smell would just get in the way of my work.” “Consulting Lyell would most likely be fruitless too.” “That blockhead is even worse than me.” “No, I would not say that.” “Hey!?” I retorted in anger, but that guy had gotten married before me. In that sense, he may have been more resourceful than me. Having said that, he didn’t seem to be the type to be interested in perfume, so there was no point consulting him. “Gadius...Is out of the question.” “He might be able to tell the smell of alcohol apart.” “I guess it’s better to consult girls about this stuff. Do you think Maria or Cortina will have any good ideas?” “I have little hope about it. A unique smell is essential. There would be no end if we go about it by ourselves. We need to ask external collaborators for help.” “External... Do you have someone in mind?” “I am talking about the usual personage.” There was one person that Maxwell would refer to politely as ‘personage’. And that person’s knowledge knew no bounds even from my perspective. “Aste, huh. Right, he might have an idea.” “Indeed. I would like to head there right away, do you have time now?” It was close to evening now. Maxwell could use Portal Gate so we could easily make it back before dinnertime. “Yeah, should be fine. We are in a race against time now.” I managed to drive him away today, so I don’t think he’d start anything the very same day. But I wasn’t sure about tomorrow. If possible, I wanted to finish all preparations by today. “ not need preparations I suppose. Speed is more important this time. Let us go.” “Wait, are we leaving right away?” “Mateus is on the lookout so there is no one in this mansion now. I only need to lock up.” “Go do it then?” “I can lock everything with magic in one go.” “Damn, what a pointlessly useless trick.” He was probably using the wide-scale Lock spell on the entire house. As I thought, he started chanting before me and put so much magic power into the spell you wouldn’t think he was casting mere Lock. He instantly locked the entire house and opened up the Portal Gate. I was thinking that he was using his magic power wastefully, but he probably didn’t even feel any burden from it. Thus, I jumped into the gate and headed to the Sword Kingdom of Alecmarle.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 18, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
「あれ? įĩ‚わãŖãĄã‚ƒãŖた?」 æŦĄãŽæ•ĩをæŽĸしãĻã„ã‚‹ã†ãĄãĢチãƒŖãƒĒãƒŗぎčŠĻ合įĩ‚äē†ã¨ã„うã‚ĸナã‚Ļãƒŗ゚がæĩã‚ŒãĻきた。 ぎ勝刊だ。 ã‚ĩトミがã‚ŗã‚ĸとį›¸æ‰“ãĄãĢ倒れたようだが、äŋēãŒæ´č­ˇã—ãĻいれば厌全勝刊も......いや、į„Ąį˛‹ãĒã“ã¨ã‚’č€ƒãˆã‚‹ãŽã¯ã‚ˆãã†ã€‚ å…¨å“Ąį”ŸãæŽ‹ãŖãĻ勝刊しãĻも、1äēēだけį”ŸãæŽ‹ãŖãĻ勝刊しãĻもįĩæžœã¯å¤‰ã‚ã‚‰ãĒい。 トãƒŧãƒŠãƒĄãƒŗトはゎãƒĒã‚ŽãƒĒでも勝刊するたãŗãĢ1æ­Šå„Ē勝へとčŋ‘ãĨき、おんãĒãĢč‰¯ã„å‹č˛ ã‚’ã—ãĻも1å›žč˛ ã‘ã‚Œã°įĩ‚わりãĒんだ。 「ぞずは1つ......!」 å‹ãĄãŒįĸē厚した途įĢ¯ã€ãƒ•ãƒƒã¨æ°—が抜ける。 こんãĒæˆĻいをあと5回もįš°ã‚Ščŋ”し、すずãĻãĢ勝刊しãĒければ栄光は掴めãĒい。 ã ã‹ã‚‰ã“ãã€äžĄå€¤ãŽã‚ã‚‹ã‚‚ãŽãĒんだろうãĒ。 「さあ、垅抟場所ãĢæˆģãŖãĻ2回æˆĻぞでゆãŖくりäŧ‘むか」 それãĢãŋんãĒと勝刊ぎ喜ãŗã‚’åˆ†ã‹ãĄåˆã‚ãĒいとãĒ! ◆ ◆ ◆ 「やりぞした! 1回æˆĻįĒį ´ã§ã™! わぁ~パチパチパチ!」 集ぞãŖãĻãŋればテãƒŗã‚ˇãƒ§ãƒŗがéĢ˜ã‹ãŖたぎはã‚ĸãƒŗヌだãŖた。 そもそも寞äēēæˆĻぎįĩŒé¨“が少ãĒく、čĒ°ã‹ã‚’å€’ã™ã¨ã„ã†čˆˆåĨŽãĢæ…ŖれãĻいãĒいからハイãĢãĒるぎもうãĒずける。 æ ŧã‚˛ãƒŧでもčŊãĄã‚‚ãŽãƒ‘ã‚ēãƒĢでもFPSでもãĒんでも、į”ģéĸぎ向こうãĢいるäēē間ãĢ勝つぎはį—…ãŋつきãĢãĒる。 NPCį›¸æ‰‹ã¨ã¯ãžãŸé•ã†ãŽã ã€‚ 「ã‚ĸãƒŗヌがčŠĻ合をįĩ‚わらせたãŋたいだけお、おうやãŖãĻ勝ãŖたんだい?」 「それはですねぇ!」 「おおãŖ! いたいた! おãƒŧい! äŋēãŸãĄã‚‚æˇˇãœã‚ã‚ˆ!」 įžã‚ŒãŸãŽã¯ãƒžãƒƒãƒ‰ã‚šãƒŠã‚¤ãƒ COREぎ4äēēだ。 č˛ ã‘ãŸã°ã‹ã‚Šã ã¨ã„ã†ãŽãĢã‚ąãƒ­ãƒƒã¨ã—ãĻいる。 1äēēを除いãĻ......。 「うう......。すぞねぇãŋんãĒ......」 「æŗŖくんじゃねぇよã‚ĸã‚ˇãƒ‰ã€‚ãŠã†ã›ãŠå‰ã˛ã¨ã‚Šã˜ã‚ƒé€†čģĸãĒんãĻį„Ąį†ã ãŖたんだから悔いるåŋ…čĻã¯ã­ã‡ã‚ˆã€‚å…¨å“ĄãŒã‚ã‚Šãƒ!」 「でもよぉ......。やられ斚がだせぇんだ......。一į”ŸãƒãƒƒãƒˆãŽæ™’ã—č€…ã ......」 「そんãĒこãŖたねぇよ! あぎį¨‹åēĻで一į”ŸäēēぎåŋƒãĢ掋れるãģおネットはį”˜ãã­ã‡! ããŽã†ãĄåŋ˜ã‚Œã‚‰ã‚ŒãĄãžã†ã‚ˆ!」 「さãŖきからお前......慰めãĻるぎか、けãĒしãĻるぎか、わからねぇ......!」 フãƒŧドをį›ŽæˇąãĢかãļり、大型ぎバã‚ēãƒŧã‚Ģį ˛ã‚’čƒŒč˛ ãŖた大į”ˇãŒäŊ“を振るわせãĻæŗŖいãĻいる。 ã‚ŗã‚ĸãŽã€ŽãŠå‰ã˛ã¨ã‚Šã˜ã‚ƒã€ãŖãĻį™ēč¨€ã‹ã‚‰č€ƒãˆã‚‹ã¨ã€åŊŧがマッド゚ナイムCOREぎ最垌ぎį”ŸãæŽ‹ã‚Šã§ã‚ĸãƒŗヌぎ寞æˆĻį›¸æ‰‹ã ãŖたぎか。 「あ! į§ãŒå€’したぎはこぎäēēです! ぞあでも、倒せたぎはåļį„ļãĒんですけおね......!」 「ぐ、åļį„ļ......?」 「į§ã€įš†ã•ã‚“がæ•ĩを倒しãĻã„ã‚‹ã¨ã„ã†æƒ…å ąã‚’å—ã‘å–ãŖãĻ、č‡Ē分もそろそろæˆĻいかãĒãŖãĻįˇŠåŧĩしãĻいたんです! ãã‚Œã§ãƒˆã‚˛é‰„įƒã‚’ぐるぐる振り回しãĒがら歊くことで、åĨ‡čĨ˛ã‚’é˜˛ã”ã†ã¨ã—ãĻたんです!」 「ãĒるãģお、įĸēかãĢあれを振り回しãĻ歊いãĻたらæ•ĩも厚易ãĢはčŋ‘ãĨけãĒいよãĒぁ。それであぎåŊŧは......それãĢåŧ•ãŖかかãŖãĄã‚ƒãŖた感じ......?」 「垅ãĻ! æĩįŸŗãĢäŋēã‚‚ãã“ãžã§ãƒžãƒŒã‚ąã˜ã‚ƒãĒい! 勘違いするãĒよ! そもそもäŋēぎæ­Ļ器はバã‚ēãƒŧã‚Ģだ! åĨ‡čĨ˛ã‚’äģ•æŽ›ã‘ã‚‹ãĢしろæ•ĩãĢæŽĨčŋ‘するåŋ…čĻã¯ãĒい!」 「す、すいぞせん......。ã‚ĸãƒŗヌ、įļšãã‚’ãŠéĄ˜ã„ã€ 「あãƒŧ、įļšãã¨č¨€ãŖãĻももうįĩ‚わりãĒんですよ。ぐるぐる鉄įƒã‚’振り回しãĻã„ã‚‹ã†ãĄãĢ、手がį–˛ã‚ŒãĻããĄã‚ƒãŖãĻã€æĄãŖãĻた鎖がすãŖãŊæŠœã‘ãĄã‚ƒãŖたんですよね! それですごいå‹ĸいでéŖ›ã‚“でいãŖた鉄įƒãŒã‚ぎäēēãĢ......」 「そうだよ! åļį„ļåŊ“たãŖたんだよ! 厌全ãĢæ­ģč§’ã‚’ã¨ãŖãĻバã‚ēãƒŧã‚Ģでį‹™ãŖãĻたぎãĢã€ã“ãĄã‚‰ã‚’æŒ¯ã‚Šå‘ãã‚‚ã›ãšãĢ鉄įƒãŒéŖ›ã‚“できたから回éŋできãĒかãŖたんだ! そんãĒぎ......äēˆæƒŗできãĒいだろ!? そうだよãĒ、ãŋんãĒ!?」 マッド゚ナイムCOREぎéĸ々はįŦ‘いをこらえãĻいる。 やãŖãąã‚Šæ„‰åŋĢãĒ集å›ŖだãĒぁ......マッド゚ナイム。 「しかもåŊ“たり所が最æ‚ĒだãŖた! åŗæ­ģこそしãĒかãŖãŸãŒã€åˆŠãč…•ãŽåŗč…•ãŒæŊ°ã‚ŒãĄãžãŖたんだ! バã‚ēãƒŧã‚Ģã¯ä¸Ąæ‰‹æ­Ļ器だからäŊŋえãĒくãĒるし、åļį„ļåŊ“ãĻたãĢしãĻはäŋēへぎčŋŊ撃が速かãŖたし、そもそも振り回しãĻるだけãĢしãĻは威力がéĢ˜ã‹ãŖた! ãĒぜだ!」 「čŋŊ撃は反射įš„ãĒもぎだãŖたんです! į§ã‚‚ãŗãŖくりしãĻすぐ手がå‡ēãĄã‚ƒãŖたんです! 威力がéĢ˜ã„ぎは振り回すãģお威力が上がる゚キãƒĢをäŊŋãŖãĻたからですね。すぐãĢįĢ力がå‡ēãĒい垎åĻ™ãĒã‚šã‚­ãƒĢだと思ãŖãĻたんですが、äģŠå›žã¯åŊšãĢįĢ‹ãĄãžã—たね!」 「くぅ~! 運å‘ŊぎåĨŗįĨžã¯ã‚んたぎå‘ŗæ–šãŖãĻわけか! ã‚ˇã‚šã‚ŋãƒŧだけãĢ!」 「čĻ‹ãĻくれだけですけおね」 これでã‚ĸãƒŗヌæˆĻぎįœŸåŽŸãŒã‚ã‹ãŖたãĒ。 不嚸ãĒäē‹æ•…......ã‹ã‚‰ãŽæ˛šæ–­ãĒきčŋŊ撃ぎ勝刊だãŖた。 ã‚˛ãƒŧムįĩŒé¨“こそ少ãĒいが、闘äē‰æœŦčƒŊで最遊ãĒæˆĻいをįš°ã‚Šåēƒã’ã‚‹ã‚ĸãƒŗヌもぞたåŧˇč€…ãĒぎだ。 「んぞãŖ、ãĒんãĢせよこれでäŋēãŸãĄã¯ã‚ã§ãŸã1回æˆĻ敗退だ。やãŖãĻくれたãĒぁ! それäģĨ外į‰šãĢã‹ã‘ã‚‹č¨€č‘‰ã‚‚ãĒã„ãœã€‚æ•—č€…ãŒå‹č€…ãĢã‚ĸドバイ゚ãĒんざおこがぞしいし、äŋēãŸãĄãŽåˆ†ãžã§~ãĒんãĻį„Ąé§„ãĒã‚‚ãŽã‚’čƒŒč˛ ã‚ã›ã‚‹ã“ã¨ã‚‚ã­ã‡ã€‚å‹æ‰‹ãĢæˆĻãŖãĻ、勝手ãĢ勝ãĻよ。čēĢ内ãĢ2500万がčģĸがりčžŧんできたらäŋēも垗するしãĒ」 「あげぞせんよ。1円も」 ã‚ĩトミがã‚ŗã‚ĸãĢã´ã—ã‚ƒã‚Šã¨č¨€ã†ã€‚ 2äēēともįŦ‘ãŖãĻいる。 ã€ŒãƒĄã‚ˇãã‚‰ã„åĨĸれよåŧŸ! あと、2回æˆĻぎį›¸æ‰‹ã‚’よくįĸēčĒã—とけ!」 ãã†č¨€ã„æŽ‹ã—ãĻã‚ŗã‚ĸãŸãĄã¯åŽģãŖãĻいãŖた。 2回æˆĻぎį›¸æ‰‹......すでãĢæąē厚しãĻいる。 ãĒぜãĒら、äŋēãŸãĄãŽå‰ãŽčŠĻåˆãŽå‹č€…ãŒ2回æˆĻぎį›¸æ‰‹ã ã‹ã‚‰ã ã€‚ č‡Ēåˆ†ãŸãĄãŽčŠĻ合ぎį›´å‰ã ãŖたぎでįˇŠåŧĩしãĒがらぎčĻŗæˆĻだãŖたが、パãƒŧテã‚Ŗ名はハッキãƒĒčĻšãˆãĻいる。 おじさんぎさらãĢä¸Šã€ãŠã˜ã„ã•ã‚“ãŸãĄã§æ§‹æˆã•ã‚ŒãŸãƒ‘ãƒŧテã‚Ŗだ......!
“Huh? It’s over already?” As I searched for the next enemy, it was announced that the battle was over. The results were vs . The Ghost Guild had won. Apparently, Satomi had died taking down Core, which meant it might have been a total victory for us if I had helped him... No, I wouldn’t think about such things now. There is no difference between winning with everyone surviving and just one of us surviving. You moved forward in the tournament with every win, no matter how close it was. And no matter how well you fight, one loss means you’re out. “That’s one down...!” As soon as our victory was decided, all the tension left me. We would have to do this five more times and win every single one in order to achieve glory. That’s why it was something that had value. “Now, I should go back to the waiting area and rest until the next battle.” Besides, I wanted to celebrate our victory with the others! ◆ ◆ ◆ “We did it! We won the first round! Yes!!” After we had gathered together, it was Anne who was the most excited. In the first place, she didn’t have much experience with PvP, and so she wasn’t used to the excitement of beating another player. So it was no wonder that she was on such a high. Whether it’s a fighting game, puzzle game or shooter, winning against another player could become addicting. It was different from fighting an NPC. “It ended with you, Anne. How did you do it?” “About that!” “Ohh! There you are! Hey! Let’s go and talk to them!” It was the four from Mad Slime CORE. They seemed rather cheerful considering they had just lost. Well, except for one of them... “Uuu... I’m so sorry...” “Stop crying Ashido. There’s no need for you to be sorry, as it would have been impossible for you to turn things around at that point. We’re all at fault!” “But... It’s the way that I died that is so lame... I’ll be a laughing stock online...” “No you won’t! It will take a lot more than that to become eternally famous on the internet! If anything, you’ll be completely forgotten in no time!” “You...I don’t know if you’re encouraging me or mocking me...!” A large man who wore a hood and carried a bazooka on his back was crying uncontrollably. Judging by the conversation, this was clearly the last surviving member of Mad Slime CORE. The one that Anne had beaten. “Ah! That’s the guy I defeated! Well, it really just a coincidence...!” “A-a coincidence...?” “I received information that you were all fighting the enemy, and so I was getting quite nervous, knowing that my time was coming! And so I started swinging my spiked ball around as I walked, in order to prevent an ambush!” “I see. It’s true that no one would be able to get close to you if you were swinging that around. And so, uh...did he get caught in it...?” “Wait! Even I am not that stupid! Don’t get me wrong! In the first place, my weapon is a bazooka! I don’t need to get close to someone in order to ambush them!” “S-sorry... Anne, could you continue?” “Ah, well, there isn’t much else to say. As I was swinging it around, my hand grew tired, and I accidentally let go of the chain! And then the iron ball went flying off and hit that guy...!” “That’s right! It hit me by accident! I was completely hidden and aiming with my bazooka. She wasn’t even looking at me when the iron ball came flying in my direction, so I couldn’t dodge it! How was I...supposed to predict that!? Right?!” But the members of Mad Slime CORE were trying to hold back their laughter. They really did seem like an amusing group... “And it hit me in the worst place! While it wasn’t an instant death, it crushed my right arm! So I couldn’t use the bazooka, as it’s a two-handed weapon, and she was quick with the followup attack, which was very powerful! Why!” “The followup attack was mostly just reflexes! I was so shocked that I moved without thinking! I did a lot of damage because I was using a skill that gives you a boost the more you swing it. I had thought that it was a questionable skill, as it takes a long time to get fired up, but it was quite useful this time!” “Tsk! So luck was on your side this time! Because you’re a nun!” “It’s just a costume.” So now we know the truth of Anne’s fight. An unfortunate accident...that led to a quick followup attack and victory. While she lacked experience, Anne’s battle instincts had led her to fight in the best way, which is what made her strong. “Well, regardless of any of that, we were still defeated in the first round. You’ve really done it! I have nothing else to say to you. A loser shouldn’t be giving a winner any advice, and I’m not going to add more pressure by asking you to win for us. Just fight in your own way and win. Besides, I can still enjoy the benefits of a family member winning million.” “I’m not giving you a single yen.” Satomi said flatly. And then they both laughed. “You could at least buy me lunch then! Also, you better check out your next opponent!” So saying, Core and the others left. Our next opponent...was already decided. Because they were the people who won the battle before ours. As our battle was coming up, I had been quite nervous while watching them, and so I remembered their name clearly. They were called...G’z. Apparently, they were a party made up of grandfathers...!
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 5, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
ãžã™ãžã™æˇąé•ˇãĢãĒるベãƒŧãƒĢぎ意įžŠã¯ã•ã‚‰ãĢ、ãƒĸロッã‚ŗぎį”ˇæ€§ã¨åĨŗ性ぎ重čĻãĒ違いをåŧˇčĒŋした。イ゚ナミ゚トであろうとãĒかろうと、多くぎį”ˇæ€§ãĢとãŖãĻベãƒŧãƒĢとは、あくぞでイ゚ナムとぎつãĒがりとäŧįĩąįš„ãĒäŋĄåŋƒã‚’į¤ēすã‚ĩイãƒŗである。一斚で、多くぎåĨŗ性ãĢとãŖãĻぎベãƒŧãƒĢは、č§Ŗ攞ぎしるしīŧåŊŧåĨŗ達が厗教įš„æ…Ŗįŋ’ãĢ寞するč‡Ē分達ぎčĒč­˜ã‚’åæ˜ ã™ã‚‹ã‹ãŸãĄã§ãƒĸロッã‚ŗぎå…Ŧ務ãĢæēわることぎしるしãĒぎである。
For many men, Islamist or not, the veil remains a sign of Islamic affiliation and traditional piety. For many women, however, the veil is a token of liberation – an indication that they have engaged with the Moroccan public in ways that reflect their own sense of religious practice.
{ "source": "news_commentary", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
æ˜ŧ間とは違い、夜ぎ場合はįŖã‚‚åąé™ēだがäēēã‚‚åąé™ēãĢãĒる。 ãã“ã§čĄ—é“ã‹ã‚‰å°‘ã—å¤–ã‚ŒãŸå ´æ‰€ã§é‡Žå–ļすることãĢしãĻいるįĩ„ぎ場合はそぎåŋ…čĻã¯ãĒいだろうが、これもåŸēæœŦだ。 「というわけで、ぞずį„šãįĢはåŋ…須」 テキパキとクナã‚Ļドが三äēēįĩ„ãĢ指į¤ēをå‡ēしãĻいる。おうやら、同性ということでåĨ´ã ã‘ã¯æ°—åŽ‰ãčŠąã—ã‹ã‘ã‚Œã‚‹ã‚ˆã†ã ã€‚ įŖがįĢを恐れる、というぎは原はäŋ—äŋĄã§ã‚る。中ãĢはįĢãĢ興å‘ŗを持ãŖãĻčŋ‘äģ˜ã„ãĻくるįŖもいる。 įœŸãŖ暗闇ぎ中でåĨ‡čĨ˛ã‚’受けることãģお、恐ろしいことはãĒã„ã€‚čˇæĨ­æŸ„、äŋēはそれをよくįŸĨãŖãĻいる。 「ぞずはį‡ƒãˆåēƒãŒã‚‰ãĒいようãĢã€å‘¨å›˛ãŽč‰ã‚’æ¯ŸãŖãĻį„šãįĢぎ゚ペãƒŧã‚šã‚’äŊœã‚‹ã€ 「うãŖす」 åŊŧらは最初は反抗įš„だがčĒã‚ãŸį›¸æ‰‹ãĢは垓順ãĢãĒる性æ ŧぎようだ。 į”°čˆŽæ‘では、åŊŧらをねじäŧã›ã‚‹į›¸æ‰‹ãŒã„ãĒかãŖたぎで、æ¨Ē暴ãĒ行į‚ēをįļšã‘られたぎだろう。 åŊŧらãĢåœ§å‹ã—ãŸãƒŸã‚ˇã‚§ãƒĢãĄã‚ƒã‚“ã‚„ã€é­”æŗ•äŊŋいとしãĻå„Ēį§€ãĒフã‚Ŗニã‚ĸ、意外と歴æˆĻぎæˆĻį¸žã‚’持つクナã‚Ļドは、į›¸åŋœãĢæ•Ŧ意を持ãŖãĻ寞åŋœã•ã‚ŒãĻいた。 ã‚‚ãĄã‚ã‚“ã€åŊŧåĨŗãŸãĄã‚’įŽ‡ã„ã‚‹äŋēãĢもそぎčĻ–įˇšã¯å‘けられãĻいる。ただしそぎ中ãĢį–‘æƒ‘ãŽæ„Ÿæƒ…ãŒæˇˇã˜ãŖãĻいるぎはäģ•æ–šãĒいところだろう。 しばし夜å–ļぎæē–å‚™ãĒおを指導しつつ、夕éŖŸãŽæē–備を始める。 「だから、三äēēだけぎ時はパãƒŗとチãƒŧã‚ēãĢã€åš˛ã—é‡Žčœã‚’æˆģした゚ãƒŧプとかでも最äŊŽé™ãŽæ „養はįĸēäŋã§ããžã™ãŽã§ã€ãã†ã—ãĻください」 「うぃす、でもéĸå€’ã ã‹ã‚‰åš˛ã—č‚‰ã ã‘ã§ã‚‚â€•â€•ã€ ã€Œãã‚Œã¯åĄŠåˆ†ãŒåŧˇããĻやめた斚が......喉䚞きぞすし」 おうやらč‡Ē分ぎ土äŋĩであるこぎ分野では、気垌れすることもãĒãčŠąãŒã§ãã‚‹ã‚ˆã†ã ãŖた。 äŋēãŸãĄãŽãƒ‘ãƒŧテã‚Ŗで、äģ–ぎパãƒŧテã‚Ŗでは受けられãĒã„é•ˇæ‰€ãŒä¸€ã¤ã‚ã‚‹ã€‚ãã‚Œã¯ãƒ•ã‚Ŗニã‚ĸぎ料į†ã ã€‚ 「うめぇ! うめぇãŖ゚よ、フã‚Ŗニã‚ĸぎ姐さん!」 「čĒ°ãŒå§ã•ã‚“か。フã‚Ŗニã‚ĸはわたしぎãƒĸノだ」 プロぎ料į†äēēãĢもåŧ•ã‘を取らãĒい夕éŖŸãĢ、感æļ™ã—ãĻがãŖつく三äēēãĢäŋēはæ˜ŧãĢäŊœãŖたã‚Ēã‚ˇã‚ĒキæŖ’でツッã‚ŗミをå…ĨれãĻおく。 そぎ様子をčĻ‹ãĻã€ãƒŸã‚ˇã‚§ãƒĢãĄã‚ƒã‚“ã¯č‹ĻįŦ‘ã‚’æĩŽã‹ãšãĻいた。 「でも、しかたãĒいよね。フã‚Ŗニã‚ĸさんぎ料į†ã€ãŠã„しいもん」 「孤児é™ĸぎ料į†ã¨ã¯æ¯”ずį‰ŠãĢãĒんねãƒŧし」 「こんãĒおいしい料į†ã°ãŖかりéŖŸãšãĻたらå¤ĒãŖãĄã‚ƒã†ã‚ˆã€ 「ニã‚ŗãƒĢ様はぜんぜんå¤Ēりぞせんでしたけおね」 ã€Œã‚ãŸã—ã¯ã€čƒ¸ãĢã°ã‹ã‚Šč‚‰ãŒå¯„ãŖãĄã‚ƒãŖãĻ」 「ニã‚ŗãƒĢãĄã‚ƒã‚“ã€ãã‚ŒãŖãĻåĢŒå‘ŗかãĒãƒŧ?」 ã€ŒãƒŸã‚ˇã‚§ãƒĢãĄã‚ƒã‚“ãĢã¯č¨€ã‚ã‚ŒãŸããĒいよ!」 äŋēäģĨ上ãĢ豊æē€ãĒくせãĢäŊ•ã‚’言ãŖãĻいるぎだか。 そういえば、これから夜į•ĒをįĢ‹ãĻるわけだが、そぎįĩ„ãŋåˆã‚ã›ã‚‚č€ƒãˆãĻおかãĒいといけãĒい。 「こぎ垌はčĻ‹åŧĩりį•ĒをįĢ‹ãĻãĻ夜を過ごすんだけお、そぎįĩ„ãŋ合わせはおうする?」 いつもãĒらäŋēが指į¤ēしãĻãŠã—ãžã„ãŽčŠąéĄŒã ãŒã€äģŠå›žã¯äģ–ぎé€Ŗä¸­ãŽč‚˛æˆãŽãŸã‚ã§ã‚‚ã‚ã‚‹ã€‚ それãĢäŋēも、åŊŧåĨŗãŸãĄãŒãŠã†ã„ã†įĩ„ãŋåˆã‚ã›ã‚’ææĄˆã™ã‚‹ãŽã‹ã€čžã„ãĻãŋたい。 「そうだãĒ、三äēēはãŋんãĒバナバナãĢした斚がいいよãĒ」 「じゃあ三äē¤äģŖåˆļだね。į–˛ã‚Œã‚‚å°‘ãĒいしいいんじゃãĒいかãĒ」 ã€Œã‚ãŸã—ãŸãĄįĩ„だから一įĩ„でįĩ„ã‚“ã ã‚‰ãĄã‚‡ã†ãŠã„ã„ã§ã™ã­ã€‚ä¸€äēēは夜į•Ē抜きでずãŖとäŧ‘めãĻしぞいぞすが」 「じゃあ、それはニã‚ŗãƒĢãĄã‚ƒã‚“ã ã­ã€ 「え、わたし?」 ãƒŸã‚ˇã‚§ãƒĢãĄã‚ƒã‚“ãŒäŋēを夜į•Ēから外すようãĢææĄˆã—ãĻきた。そぎ意å›ŗがčĒ­ã‚ãšã€éŗŠãŒčą†é‰„į ˛ã‚’éŖŸã‚‰ãŖたようãĒéĄ”ã‚’čŋ”しãĻしぞう。 ã ãŒãƒŸã‚ˇã‚§ãƒĢãĄã‚ƒã‚“ã¯åŊ“į„ļというようãĒéĄ”ã§ã€čĒŦ明しãĻきた。 「だãŖãĻニã‚ŗãƒĢãĄã‚ƒã‚“ã¯ã€ä¸­ã§ä¸€į•Ēį–˛ã‚Œã‚„すいäŊ“čŗĒでしょ? ãĒらäŧ‘憊はこぞめãĢ取らãĒいと」 「でもわたしだけäŧ‘ã‚€ãĒんãĻ、æ‚Ēいよ?」 「そぎ分、æ˜ŧ間はæ–Ĩ候しãĻもらãŖãĻるだろ。気įĩļしやすいんだから、äŧ‘める時ãĢäŧ‘んおけãŖãĻ」 「そうですね、ニã‚ŗãƒĢ様はいわば切り札ですから、もう少しå‹ŋäŊ“ãļãŖãĻくれãĻもいいんですよ?」 æ˜ŧé–“ãŽå¤ąæ•—ã¨čĒŦ教、それとフã‚Ŗニã‚ĸぎ料į†ãĒおで、č‡Ēåˆ†ãŸãĄãĢはå­Ļãļことが多いと再įĸēčĒã—たぎだろうか? ãĒらばäŋēも、ここで意å›ē地ãĢãĒるåŋ…čĻã¯ãĒい。 そもそもäŋēぎįœ ã‚Šã¯åŸēæœŦįš„ãĢæĩ…い斚だ。万が一夜į•Ēがæ•ĩぎæŽĨčŋ‘ãĒおをčĻ‹é€ƒã—ãĻも、äŋēãĒらåĨ‡čĨ˛å‰ãĢ気äģ˜ãã“とができる。 äŋēはå‹ĸいčžŧんでフã‚Ŗニã‚ĸぎäŊœãŖãŸé‡Žčœã‚šãƒŧプをåŖãĢ運ãŗ......そぎį†ąã•ãĢčˆŒã‚’į„ŧかれãĻ、æ‚ļえたぎだãŖた。
Unlike the daytime, the nighttime was dangerous not just because of the beasts but people as well. Since we were in the middle of nowhere, other travelers could approach us with bad motives. It was all the more dangerous when we were all beauties. Thus, we decided to camp a little away from the highway. There was no need for that in the trio’s case, but it was still something fundamental. “Anyway, first we need a bonfire.” Cloud quickly issued instructions to them. Looks like he could talk to them normally, with all of them being the boys and all. Animals fearing fire... was actually a folk belief. Some animals even approached it out of curiosity. But without light, we couldn’t see our surroundings either. There’s nothing as scary as being suddenly attacked in total darkness. I knew that full well due to my profession. More than the damage you receive, the chaos that follows it is more frightening. “First, we should plug the grass around and make space for the bonfire so the flame doesn’t spread.” “Gotcha.” The three listened obediently when it came to simple work like this. They were rebellious at first, but they became docile towards those who they accepted. They had no one to make them yield in their rural village, so they were allowed to continue their high-handedness. Michelle, who defeated them overwhelmingly, Finia, who was skilled as a magician, and Cloud who had unexpectedly big combat experience, were all targets of respect for them. Of course, I who was leading them was also given similar respect. However, there were some doubts mixed in their gazes, but that was expected. Unlike Cloud, my body was small and dainty. It was rather unreasonable to make them accept that I was strong with words alone. They started getting ready for a meal while instructing the three on camping. I had nothing to offer in this regard, so Finia took the stage. That said, it wasn’t like they’d learn it immediately even if taught. “So when it’s just the three of you, you can eat bread and cheese and a soup with rehydrated dried vegetables, and it will give you sufficient nutrients.” “Okay, but it sounds like a pain so maybe just a jerky will—” “That has a lot of salt so I would advise against it... it will make you thirsty.” She was answering their questions while nimbly making the food. It seemed that she could speak without losing her nerve in her area of expertise. I would be happy if her shyness gets abated with this. Our party had one strong merit that other parties didn’t. That was Finia’s cooking. I could only make crude food, while Michelle was in charge of just eating, so we couldn’t make delicious meals. Cloud could apparently do it more or less, but he was not anywhere near Finia’s level. “Holy! This is delicious, big sis Finia!” “Who’re you calling a big sis? Finia is mine.” As the three were shedding tears of gratitude at Finia’s pro-level cooking, I used the smacking pole I made earlier to rebuke them. Michelle couldn’t help but laugh seeing that. “But it can’t be helped. Finia’s cooking is delicious.” “It can’t even be compared to the stuff I had to eat at the orphanage.” “I’d get fat if I ate nothing but this food.” “Lady Nicole isn’t gaining any weight, however.” “Well in my case, all the fat is going to my breasts.” “Nicole, is that supposed to be a snide remark?” “You’re the last person who should be saying that Michelle!” What was she complaining about when she was far more packed than me? Speaking of which, we had to keep watch after this, so we needed to think about the pairing. “We have to keep watch after this, so what do we do about the pairs?” Usually, it would be me giving directions, but we were doing this for others to train. They would only grow if they themselves decided on things and gave instructions. Besides, I was also curious about what kind of pairings they would decide on. “Right, it’s better for the three of you to divide.” “Then three shifts it is. We’d get less tired that way, so sounds good.” “There’s four of us, so if we go with pairs, it would be just right. The remaining person will just sleep without keeping watch.” “Then that would be Nicole.” “Huh, me?” Michelle suggested that I would be removed from the night watch. I looked at her surprised, not understanding her intention. But Michelle explained it as if it was natural. “I mean, you have the weakest constitution among us, right? So you have to rest properly.” “But I’d feel bad if only I were to sleep.” “You are making up for it by scouting during the day. You’re prone to fainting so just rest when you can.” “That’s right. You’re our trump card, so you should put on some more airs, Lady Nicole.” I glanced at the trio. But they seem to have no objections about their decision. Maybe they have reconfirmed that they had a lot to learn after their daytime failures and sermons, and Finia’s cooking on top. If so, I suppose I shouldn’t be stubborn here either. In the first place, my sleep is pretty light. Even if whoever is on the night watch overlooks the enemy’s approach, I will be able to notice it before they attack us. And if that happened, that failure would also serve as a good lesson for them. Convincing myself, I decided to accept Michelle’s proposal. With that settled, all that was left was to finish up the meal before my eyes. Eating Finia’s cooking without properly tasting it would be too much of a waste. Thus, I carried Finia’s vegetable soup to my mouth with enthusiasm... only to burn my tongue and writhe in pain.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 16, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
でも厇厙ãĢついãĻは 母ãĒる地įƒãŽį”Ÿå‘Ŋįˇšã§ã‚ã‚‹ åœ°ä¸‹æ°´čˇ¯ãĢついãĻよりも ずãŖとよくįŸĨられãĻいると分かりぞした だから もãŖと銚くずきことを することãĢしぞした 厇厙ぎäģŖわりãĢ 地įƒå†…部ぎ銚į•°ã‚’ æŽĸ検したかãŖたぎです 多くぎäēēが 洞įĒŸæŊœæ°´ã¯æã‚‰ãæœ€ã‚‚åąé™ēãĒ æ´ģ動ぎ一つだといいぞす æƒŗ像しãĻãŋãĻください ã“ãŽéƒ¨åą‹ãĢいるあãĒたが įĒį„ļ暗闇ãĢæŠŧしčžŧめられãĻ ã˛ãŸã™ã‚‰å‡ēåŖをæŽĸすぎをäģģ務とし 時ãĢはåēƒã„įŠē間をæŗŗぎ 時ãĢは椅子ぎ下を 這うようãĢしãĻ į´°ã„ã‚ŦイドナイãƒŗをたおãŖãĻ į”Ÿå‘Ŋįļ­æŒčŖ…įŊŽãŒæŦĄãŽæ¯ã‚’ 供įĩĻするぎを垅つぎです それがį§ãŽäģ•äē‹å ´ã§ã™ äģŠæ—Ĩお教えしたいぎは 地įƒã¯ä¸€ã¤ãŽå¤§ããĒ įĄŦã„å˛Šã§ã¯ãĒいということです むしろ゚ポãƒŗジぎようãĒもぎです į§ã¯åœ°įƒãŽã‚šãƒãƒŗジãĢある たくさんぎįŠ´ãŽä¸­ã‚’æŗŗげぞすが čĄŒã‹ã‚ŒãĒい場所でも äģ–ぎį”Ÿå‘ŊäŊ“とį‰ŠčŗĒが į§ãĒしで旅しãĻいぞす į§ã¯æ¯ãĒる地įƒãŽå†…部ãĢついãĻ įš†ã•ã‚“ãĢお教えするつもりです äēēéĄžåˆãŽå—æĨĩãŽæ°ˇåąąå†…éƒ¨ã¸ãŽ æŊœæ°´ã‚’æąēåŋƒã—た時 ã‚Ŧイドブックはありぞせんでした 2000åš´ãĢおいãĻ これは地įƒæœ€å¤§ãŽį§ģ動į‰ŠäŊ“でした ãƒ­ã‚šæ°ˇæŖšãŒåˆ†é›ĸしたもぎです æ°ˇį¸ãŽį”Ÿæ…‹įŗģをčĒŋæŸģし æ°ˇãŽä¸‹ãŽį”Ÿå‘ŊäŊ“ã‚’ æŽĸすためãĢæŊœã‚Šãžã—た į§ãŸãĄã¯ãƒĒブãƒĒãƒŧã‚ļãƒŧ とå‘ŧã°ã‚Œã‚‹æŠ€čĄ“ã‚’äŊŋいぞす 厇厙遊æŗŗãĢäŊŋã‚ã‚Œã‚‹æŠ€čĄ“ã¨ 非常ãĢäŧŧãĻいぞす ã“ãŽæŠ€čĄ“ã§ 10嚴前ãĢæƒŗ像したよりも æˇąãæŊœã‚Œã‚‹ã‚ˆã†ãĢãĒりぞした į§ãŸãĄã¯į‰šæŽŠãĒã‚Ŧã‚šã‚’äŊŋい 水中で20時間もぎäģģ務でさえ可čƒŊです į§ã¯į”Ÿį‰Šå­Ļč€…ãŸãĄã¨ 一įˇ’ãĢ働いãĻいぞす 洞įĒŸã¯éŠšããšãį”Ÿį‰Šã‚„ äģĨ前は存在をįŸĨらãĒかãŖた į¨ŽãŽåŽåēĢと分りぞした これらぎį”Ÿį‰ŠãŽå¤šãã¯ į‹Ŧį‰šãĒæ–šæŗ•ã§į”Ÿæ´ģしãĻいぞす 多くぎ場合 色į´ ã‚„į›ŽãŒãĒく そしãĻ非常ãĢ長į”Ÿãã§ã™ 原はäģŠæ—Ĩ洞įĒŸã§ æŗŗいでいる動į‰Šã¯ 恐įĢœãŽįĩļæģ…äģĨ前ぎ 化įŸŗとしãĻ掋されãĻいるį¨Žã¨å…¨ãåŒã˜ã‚‚ぎです だから これらは小さãĒ æŗŗぐ恐įĢœã ã¨æƒŗ像しãĻãŋãĻ下さい åŊŧã‚‰ã¯é€˛åŒ–ã¨į”Ÿå­˜ãĢついãĻ äŊ•ã‚’教えãĻくれるぎでしょうか? 䞋えば こぎį“ļぎ中でæŗŗぐ ムã‚ĢデエビぎようãĒ動į‰Šã¯ 大きãĒ毒į‰™ã‚’持ãŖãĻいぞす č‡Ē分ぎ40倍ぎ大きさぎもぎを čĨ˛ãŖãĻæŽēせぞす もしこれが įŒĢぎ大きさだとしたら 地įƒä¸Šæœ€ã‚‚åąé™ēãĒもぎ ãĢãĒるでしょう こうした動į‰ŠãŸãĄã¯ とãĻもįžŽã—い場所ãĢäŊãŋ 時ãĢはこぎようãĢ とãĻも新しい洞įĒŸã§ã™ãŒ 動į‰Šã¯å¤äģŖぎもぎです おうやãŖãĻそこãĢ 行ãŖたぎでしょうか? į§ã¯į‰Šį†å­Ļč€…ã¨ã‚‚åƒã„ãĻいぞす åŊŧらは大æŠĩ地įƒãŽ 気候変動ãĢé–ĸåŋƒãŒã‚りぞす 洞įĒŸå†…ãŽå˛Šã‚’æŽĄå–ã— č–„åˆ‡ã‚ŠãĢしãĻ å˛ŠãŽå†…éƒ¨ãŽåą¤ã‚’čĒŋæŸģしぞす 木ぎ嚴čŧĒãĢそãŖくりで æ­´å˛ã‚’éĄã‚‹ã“ã¨ãŒã§ã 全くį•°ãĒる時äģŖぎ 地įƒãŽæ°—候が分りぞす こぎ写įœŸãŽčĩ¤ã„部分は ã‚ĩハナį ‚æŧ ã‹ã‚‰ãŽį ‚です éĸ¨ãĢ拞われãĻ大čĨŋ洋をčļŠãˆãĻ éŖ›ã‚“できぞした こぎ場合 バハマぎã‚ĸバã‚ŗåŗļãĢ 大量ãĢ降りæŗ¨ãŽãžã—た 地éĸを通ãŖãĻ染ãŋčžŧãŋ 洞įĒŸå†…ãŽå˛ŠãĢ堆įŠã—ぞした ã“ã‚Œã‚‰ãŽå˛ŠãŽåą¤ã‚’æŒ¯ã‚Ščŋ”ると 地įƒãŽæ°—候が非常ãĢäšžį‡ĨしãĻいた 時äģŖãĢついãĻ分り äŊ•åä¸‡åš´ã‚‚éĄã‚‹ã“ã¨ãŒã§ããžã™ 古気候å­Ļč€…ã‚‚äģ–ぎ時äģŖãĢおいãĻ 地įƒãŽæĩˇéĸがおこãĢあãŖたぎかãĢ é–ĸåŋƒã‚’持ãŖãĻいぞす ここバミãƒĨãƒŧダで į§ã¯ãƒãƒŧãƒ ã¨å…ąãĢ ã“ãŽåœ°åŸŸã§æœ€ã‚‚æˇąã 有äēēæŊœæ°´ã‚’čĄŒã„ãžã—ãŸ æĩˇéĸよりäŊ•į™žãƒ•ã‚Ŗãƒŧトも下で かつãĻæŗĸãŒæ‰“ãĄå¯„ã›ãŸ æĩˇå˛¸įˇšã‚’æŽĸしたぎです 古į”Ÿį‰Šå­Ļč€…ã¨č€ƒå¤å­Ļč€…ã¨ã‚‚ äģ•äē‹ã‚’始めぞした ãƒĄã‚­ã‚ˇã‚ŗ バハマ キãƒĨãƒŧバãĒおぎいくつかぎ場所で 洞įĒŸãĢ掋された文化éēčˇĄã¨ äēēéĒ¨ã‚’čĒŋæŸģしãĻいぞす čĒŋæŸģãĢよãŖãĻ 初期ぎ地域äŊæ°‘ãĢついãĻ いろいろãĒことが分りぞす į§ãŽãŠæ°—ãĢå…Ĩりぎ プロジェクトは15åš´äģĨ上前 地下ぎ地åŊĸをæ­ŖįĸēãĒ3Dぎ地å›ŗとしãĻ 初めãĻäŊœã‚‹ãƒãƒŧムぎ ä¸€å“Ąã ãŖたもぎです į§ãŒæ´žįĒŸã§é‹čģĸしãĻいるčŖ…įŊŽã¯ 運čģĸしãĻいる最中ãĢ 3DãƒĸデãƒĢをäŊœæˆã—ãĻいぞした 洞įĒŸå†…でぎį§ãŸãĄãŽæ­ŖįĸēãĒäŊįŊŽã‚’ 地上ãĢäŧãˆã‚‹ãŸã‚ãĢ čļ…äŊŽå‘¨æŗĸį„ĄįˇšæŠŸã‚‚äŊŋいぞした åŽļ、äŧšį¤žã€ãƒœãƒŧãƒĒãƒŗグ場、ゴãƒĢフã‚ŗãƒŧã‚š ã‚Ŋニãƒŧã‚ēBBQãƒŦ゚トナãƒŗぎ 下さえもæŗŗぎぞした とãĻもį´ æ™´ã‚‰ã—かãŖた それでå­Ļんだぎは 地įƒãŽčĄ¨éĸã§ãŽčĄŒã„ã¯ éŖ˛æ–™æ°´ã¨ã—ãĻč‡Ē分ãĢ čŋ”ãŖãĻくるということです į§ãŸãĄãŽæ°´æƒ‘星は åˇã€æš–ã€æĩˇã ã‘でãĒく į§ãŸãĄã‚’įĩãŗäģ˜ã‘る地下水ぎ åēƒå¤§ãĒネットワãƒŧクãĒぎです それはį§ãŸãĄįš†ãŒéŖ˛ã‚€ å…ąæœ‰čŗ‡æēã§ã™ 地下水及ãŗ地įƒãŽæ°´čŗ‡æēã¨ äēē間とぎつãĒがりをį†č§Ŗしたら 恐らくäģŠä¸–į´€æœ€ã‚‚重čĻãĒ å•éĄŒãĢ取りįĩ„むでしょう į§ã¯ãšãŖとãĒりたかãŖた 厇厙éŖ›čĄŒåŖĢãĢãĒれぞせんでした でも ビãƒĢãƒģ゚トãƒŧãƒŗ博åŖĢãŒč¨­č¨ˆã—ãŸ こぎ地å›ŗäŊœčŖŊčŖ…įŊŽã¯ãĒれるでしょう 原際ãĢはå§ŋを変えぞした äģŠã‚„č‡Ēæŗŗåŧ č‡Ē型型ロボットとãĒり äēēåˇĨįŸĨčƒŊを持ãŖãĻいぞす そぎįŠļæĨĩぎį›Žįš„は 木星ぎ月ぎエã‚ĻロパãĢčĄŒã 凍įĩã—ãŸčĄ¨éĸ下ãĢあるæĩˇã‚’ æŽĸ検することです とãĻもį´ æ™´ã‚‰ã—いことです
So I decided to do something that was even more remarkable. Instead of exploring outer space, I wanted to explore the wonders of inner space. Now, a lot of people will tell you that cave diving is perhaps one of the most dangerous endeavors. I mean, imagine yourself here in this room, if you were suddenly plunged into blackness, with your only job to find the exit, sometimes swimming through these large spaces, and at other times crawling beneath the seats, following a thin guideline, just waiting for the life support to provide your very next breath. Well, that's my workplace. But what I want to teach you today is that our world is not one big solid rock. It's a whole lot more like a sponge. I can swim through a lot of the pores in our earth's sponge, but where I can't, other life-forms and other materials can make that journey without me. And my voice is the one that's going to teach you about the inside of Mother Earth. There was no guidebook available to me when I decided to be the first person to cave dive inside Antarctic icebergs. In 2000, this was the largest moving object on the planet. It calved off the Ross Ice Shelf, and we went down there to explore ice edge ecology and search for life-forms beneath the ice. We use a technology called rebreathers. It's an awful lot like the same technology that is used for space walks. This technology enables us to go deeper than we could've imagined even 10 years ago. We use exotic gases, and we can make missions even up to 20 hours long underwater. I work with biologists. It turns out that caves are repositories of amazing life-forms, species that we never knew existed before. Many of these life-forms live in unusual ways. They have no pigment and no eyes in many cases, and these animals are also extremely long-lived. In fact, animals swimming in these caves today are identical in the fossil record that predates the extinction of the dinosaurs. So imagine that: these are like little swimming dinosaurs. What can they teach us about evolution and survival? When we look at an animal like this remipede swimming in the jar, he has giant fangs with venom. He can actually attack something 40 times his size and kill it. If he were the size of a cat, he'd be the most dangerous thing on our planet. And these animals live in remarkably beautiful places, and in some cases, caves like this, that are very young, yet the animals are ancient. How did they get there? I also work with physicists, and they're interested oftentimes in global climate change. They can take rocks within the caves, and they can slice them and look at the layers within with rocks, much like the rings of a tree, and they can count back in history and learn about the climate on our planet at very different times. The red that you see in this photograph is actually dust from the Sahara Desert. So it's been picked up by wind, blown across the Atlantic Ocean. It's rained down in this case on the island of Abaco in the Bahamas. It soaks in through the ground and deposits itself in the rocks within these caves. And when we look back in the layers of these rocks, we can find times when the climate was very, very dry on earth, and we can go back many hundreds of thousands of years. Paleoclimatologists are also interested in where the sea level stands were at other times on earth. Here in Bermuda, my team and I embarked on the deepest manned dives ever conducted in the region, and we were looking for places where the sea level used to lap up against the shoreline, many hundreds of feet below current levels. I also get to work with paleontologists and archaeologists. In places like Mexico, in the Bahamas, and even in Cuba, we're looking at cultural remains and also human remains in caves, and they tell us a lot about some of the earliest inhabitants of these regions. But my very favorite project of all was over 15 years ago, accurate, three-dimensional map of a subterranean surface. This device that I'm driving through the cave was actually creating a three-dimensional model as we drove it. We also used ultra low frequency radio to broadcast back to the surface our exact position within the cave. So I swam under houses and businesses and bowling alleys and golf courses, and even under a Sonny's BBQ Restaurant, Pretty remarkable, and what that taught me was that everything we do on the surface of our earth will be returned to us to drink. Our water planet is not just rivers, lakes and oceans, but it's this vast network of groundwater that knits us all together. It's a shared resource from which we all drink. and all of our water resources on this planet, then we'll be working on the problem that's probably the most important issue of this century. So I never got to be that astronaut that I always wanted to be, but this mapping device, designed by Dr. Bill Stone, will be. It's actually morphed. It's now a self-swimming autonomous robot, artificially intelligent, and its ultimate goal is to go to Jupiter's moon Europa and explore oceans beneath the frozen surface of that body. And that's pretty amazing.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
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“Then, shall we start? All units, charge!” As Lunos uttered these words the blue army started its charge. Each unit was led by a knight, the foot soldiers charged and the archers advanced while shooting arrows. “Here they come, use the Echelon formation!” As Nals told me I ordered them to take a diagonal formation with the hill on the right-hand side in front and the forest on the left-hand side behind them. The well-trained foot soldiers were immediately able to form a diagonal line while the ones at the front raised their shields to protect the spear wielders behind them. “Archers, nock your arrows! After having attracted enough of them shoot!” The archers nocked their arrows at once and waited for instructions in a posture ready to shoot at any time. “Alright, shoot!” At my command, archers poured their arrows down on the closest enemies. It seems like they were able to splash paint on some soldiers with that single volley. I hear the frustrated voices of the other party. On the other hand, thanks to patiently waiting most of the arrows could be blocked and the damage to our infantry was just minor. “Don’t be daunted, attacking their front won’t work, attack their flanks!” At Lunos’ words the soldiers of the blue army turned around to attack the red army’s flank, but then they used the Echelon formation with the soldiers holding long spears in the back stabbing them instead. The meter long spear’s effect was tremendous, not only did they splash red paint on foot soldiers one after another but also on horsemen. “Ku, if it’s like this then......!” Lunos showed a sour expression as he saw his allies engaging in this hard fight, at that moment the unit which took a detour through the forest charged at them. 『Uooooo!』 『There they are, turn around and defeeend!』 The blue army’s surprise attack corps vigorously aimed their charge at the last troop of the Echelon formation but the red army’s pike men who had not yet engaged in battle changed direction in a splendid movement as if they were awaiting them and were able to deal with them. Furthermore, the archers who were standing behind them were able to reduce the blue army’s assault group’s numbers. “The surprise attack also failed, huh? Then, above all” Lunos shouted to his allied units. “Whole army, retreat to the camp! Ask for further instructions from General Marcus in the camp! Retreat!” After he shouted this he looked towards Carlo who was giving out orders and then muttered. “Well then, this is a precious opportunity. Please keep me company a little longer.” Yeah, it went well. It was Nals who prepared for this, so of course. Though I was a little surprised by their surprise attack operation but the soldiers acted calmly and were able to deal with them thanks to this formation. If it’s continuing like this we’ll be able to win without a problem......I also had some time to think freely. As I heard Lunos shouted this I thought “We won this” but why is the person himself coming over here?! Eh? Eh? Why won’t you retreat? While I was still puzzled Lunos came over and stopped in front of me. “Carlo-sama, I want to have a fight!” What is he saying? “Wai, wait a minute, this isn’t the right place to do this” “I don’t think it’s particularly strange for enemy commanders to engage in combat” As he said that he attacked with a wooden sword and shield in his hands. Is there no room for discussion? As I saw his match with F in the Sword Fighting Competition I understand Lunos’ strength all too well. When I had a fight with Lunos as the masked mercenary Akatsuki because of that incident with the kidnappers we only exchanged to blows. Originally it was just a farce and I immediately escaped using magic but I was able to experience his strength on my own body. As one would expect from the “Ex” strongest knight of Braham, he’s a powerful enemy. Besides, he’s a handsome guy popular with the girls so I don’t want to fight him! Even if I win I can’t be happy about it as his female fans will hold a grudge against me and if I lose I’ll get frustrated. That’s why I feel like I won’t be forgiven even if I say I didn’t want to. Why does this guy want to fight me that much?! “What’s wrong? Wouldn’t it be bad if the commander gets defeated?” Oops, while I was thinking about such things I was nearly killed (Though it’s just paint). As I heard Lunos’ words I pulled myself together. “Why are you trying so hard? This is just an exercise, right?” “Because it is an exercise. Wouldn’t it be a shame to let this golden opportunity slide? Ever since I saw the Sword Fighting Competition’s finals I thought about wanting to fight you once!” I tried to persuade him while parrying the wooden sword which was about to cut me as he said that. “Well then how about doing that on another day? Would you obediently withdraw from this place then?” Lunos’ fast sword swings became faster and faster but thanks to it being a wooden sword I was barely able to block. I can’t use my Oricalcum sword and if I use magic the thing with Akatsuki will come out, so forgive me. “To talk while still being able to deal with this speed, as I thought Carlo-sama isn’t an ordinary person.” As he said that Lunos started to attack more and more with a grin on his face. Even if I wanted someone to help there were just foot soldiers and archers around. As that was everyone’s first time seeing someone fight toe-on-toe with a knight in a one-on-one they completely forgot to chase the enemy army and just watched. How disappointing. Even if we win overall if the commander gets defeated it doesn’t feel like a complete victory, I mean, it’s not cool at all. Or rather doesn’t that practically mean our defeat? Mmm, I unexpectedly got myself in to a desperate situation――
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 3 }
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We still have one foot in the dark ages. And when you listen to some of the presentations here -- and the extraordinary range of human capability, our understandings -- and then you contrast it with the fact we still call this planet, "Earth:" it’s pretty extraordinary -- we have one foot in the dark ages. Just quickly: Aristotle, his thing was, "It’s not flat, stupid, it’s round." Galileo -- he had the Inquisition, so he had to be a little bit more polite -- his was, "It’s not in the middle, you know." And Hawkes: "it’s not earth, stupid, it’s ocean." This is an ocean planet. T.S. Eliot really said it for me -- and this should give you goose bumps: "we shall not cease from exploration and the end of our exploring shall be to return where we started and know the place for the first time." And the next lines are, "Through the unknown remembered gate, where the last of earth discovered is that which is the beginning." So I have one message. It seems to me that we’re all pointed in the wrong direction. For the rocketeers in the audience: I love what you’re doing, I admire the guts, I admire the courage -- but your rockets are pointed in the wrong goddamn direction. And it’s all a question of perspective. Let me try and tell you -- I don’t mean to insult you, but look, because it would be an insult, so I’m going to pretend, and it softens the blow -- I’m going to tell you what you’re thinking. If I held up a square that was one foot square and the color of earth, and I held up another square that was the root two square -- so it’s 1.5 times bigger -- and was the color of the oceans; and I said, what is the relative value of these two things? Well, it’s the relative importance. You would say -- yeah, yeah, yeah, we all know this; water covers twice the area of the planet than dry land. But it’s a question of perception, and if that’s what you’re thinking, "This is an ocean planet stupidly called 'Earth.'" If you think that that’s the relative importance, two to one, you’re wrong by a factor of ten. Now, you’re not as thick as two short planks, but you sound like it when you say "Earth," because that demonstration, if I turned around this way -- that earth plane would be as thin as paper. It’s a thin film, two-dimensional existence. The ocean representation would have a depth to it. And if you hefted those two things you might find that the relative scale of those is 20 to 1. 94 percent of life on earth is aquatic. That means that us terrestrials occupy a minority. The problem we have in believing that is -- you just have to give up this notion that this Earth was created for us. Because it’s a problem we have. If this is an ocean planet and we only have a small minority of this planet, it just interferes with a lot of what humanity thinks. Okay. Let me criticize this thing. I’m not talking about James Cameron -- although I could, but I won’t. You really do have to go and see his latest film, "Aliens of the Deep." It’s incredible. It features two of these deep rovers, and I can criticize them because these sweet things are mine. This, I think, represents one of the most beautiful If you look at that sub, you’ll see a sphere. This is an acryclic sphere. It generates all of the buoyancy, all of the payload for the craft, and the batteries are down here hanging underneath, exactly like a balloon. This is the envelope, and this is the gondola, the payload. Also coming up later for criticism are these massive lights. And this one actually carries two great manipulators. It actually is a very good working sub -- that’s what it was designed for. The problem with it is -- and the reason I will never build another one like it -- is that this is a product of two-dimensional thinking. It’s what we humans do when we go in the ocean as engineers; we take all our terrestrial hang-ups, all our constraints -- importantly, these two-dimensional constraints that we have, and they’re so constrained we don’t even understand it -- and we take them underwater. You notice that Jim Cameron is sitting in a seat. A seat works in a two-dimensional world, where gravity blasts down on that seat, OK? And in a two-dimensional world, we do know about the third dimension but we don’t use it because to go up requires an awful lot of energy against gravity. And then our mothers tell us, "Careful you don’t fall down" -- because you’ll fall over. Now, go into the real atmosphere of this planet. This planet has an inner atmosphere of water; it’s its inner atmosphere. It has two atmospheres -- a lesser, outer gaseous atmosphere, a lighter one. Most of life on earth is in that inner atmosphere. And that life enjoys a three-dimensional existence, which is alien to us. Fish do not sit in seats. They don’t. Their mothers don’t say to little baby fish, "Careful you don’t fall over." They don’t fall over. They don’t fall. They live in a three-dimensional world where there is no difference in energy It’s truly a three-dimensional space. And we’re only just beginning to grasp it. I don’t know of any other submersible, or even remote, that just takes advantage that this is a three-dimensional space. This is the way we should be going into the oceans. This is a three-dimensional machine. What we need to do is go down into the ocean with the freedom of the animals, and move in this three-dimensional space. OK, this is good stuff. This is man’s first attempt at flying underwater. Right now, I’m just coming down on this gorgeous, big, giant manta ray. She has twice the wingspan that I do. There I’m coming; she sees me. And just notice how she rolls under and turns; she doesn’t sit there and try and blow air into a tank and kind of flow up or sink down -- she just rolls. And the craft that I’m in -- this hasn’t been shown before. Chris asked us to show stuff that hasn’t been shown before. I wanted you to notice that she actually turned to come back up. There I am; I see her coming back, coming up underneath me. I put reverse thrust and I try and pull gently down. I’m trying to do everything very gently. We spent about three hours together and she’s beginning to trust me. And this ballet is controlled by this lady here. She gets about that close and then she pulls away. So now I try and go after her, but I’m practicing flying. This is the first flying machine. This was the first prototype. This was a fly by wire. It has wings. There’re no silly buoyancy tanks -- it’s permanently, positively buoyant. And then by moving through the water it’s able to take that control. Now, look at that; look, it’s -- she just blew me away. She just rolled right away from underneath. Really that’s the only real dive I’ve ever made in this machine. It took 10 years to build. But this lady here taught me, hah, taught me so much. We just learned so much in three hours in the water there. I just had to go and build another machine. But look here. Instead of blowing tanks and coming up slowly without thinking about it, it’s a little bit of back pressure, and that sub just comes straight back up out of the water. This is an internal Sony camera. Thank you, Sony. I don’t really look that ugly, but the camera is so close that it’s just distorted. Now, there she goes, right overhead. This is a wide-angle camera. She’s just a few inches off the top of my head. "Aah, ha, oh, he just crossed over the top of my head about, oh, I don’t know, just so close." I come back up, not for air. "This is an incredible encounter with a manta. I’m speechless. We’ve been just feet apart. I’m going back down now." Okay, can we cut that? Lights back up please. Trying to fly and keep up with that animal -- it wasn’t the lack of maneuverability that we had. It was the fact she was going so slow. I actually designed that to move faster through the water because I thought that was the thing that we needed to do: to move fast and get range. But after that encounter I really did want to go back with that animal and dance. She wanted to dance. And so what we needed to do was increase the wing area so that we just had more grip, develop higher forces. So the sub that was outside last year -- this is the one. You see the larger wing area here. Also, clearly, it was such a powerful thing, we wanted to try and bring other people but we couldn't figure out how to do it. So we opened the world’s first flight school. The rational for the world’s first flight school goes something like: when the coastguards come up to me and say -- they used to leave us alone when we were diving these goofy little spherical things, but when we started flying around in underwater jet fighters they got a little nervous -- they would come up and say, "Do you have a license for that?" And then I’d put my sunglasses on, the beard that would all sprout out, and I would say, "I don’t need no stinking license." "I write these stinking license," which I do. So Bob Gelfond's around here -- but somebody in the audience here has license number 20. They’re one of the first subsea aviators. So we’ve run two flight schools. Where the hell that goes, I don’t know, but it’s a lot of fun. What comes next in 30 seconds? I can’t tell you. But the patent for underwater flight -- Karen and I, we were looking at it, some business partners wanted us to patent it -- we weren’t sure about that. We’ve decided we’re just going to let that go. It just seems wrong to try and patent -- -- the freedom for underwater flight. So anybody who wants to copy us and come and join us, go for it. The other thing is that we’ve got much lower costs. We developed some other technology called spider optics, and Craig Ventner asked me to make an announcement here this morning: we’re going to be building a beautiful, little, small version of this -- unmanned, super deep -- for his boat to go and get back some deep sea DNA stuff. Thank you.
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How do you organize a group of individuals so that the output of the group is something coherent and of lasting value, instead of just being chaos? And the economic framing of that problem is called coordination costs. And a coordination cost is essentially all of the financial or institutional difficulties in arranging group output. And we've had a classic answer for coordination costs, which is, if you want to coordinate the work of a group of people, you start an institution, right? You raise some resources. You found something. It can be private or public. It can be for profit or not profit. It can be large or small. But you get these resources together. You found an institution, and you use the institution to coordinate the activities of the group. More recently, because the cost of letting groups communicate with each other has fallen through the floor -- and communication costs are one of the big inputs to coordination -- there has been a second answer, which is to put the cooperation into the infrastructure, to design systems that coordinate the output of the group as a by-product of the operating of the system, without regard to institutional models. So, that's what I want to talk about today. I'm going to illustrate it with some fairly concrete examples, but always pointing to the broader themes. So, I'm going to start by trying to answer a question that I know each of you will have asked yourself at some point or other, and which the Internet is purpose-built to answer, which is, where can I get a picture of a roller-skating mermaid? So, in New York City, on the first Saturday of every summer, Coney Island, our local, charmingly run-down amusement park, hosts the Mermaid Parade. It's an amateur parade; people come from all over the city; people get all dressed up. Some people get less dressed up. Young and old, dancing in the streets. Colorful characters, and a good time is had by all. And what I want to call your attention to is not the Mermaid Parade itself, charming though it is, but rather to these photos. I didn't take them. How did I get them? And the answer is: I got them from Flickr. Flickr is a photo-sharing service that allows people to take photos, upload them, share them over the Web and so forth. Recently, Flickr has added an additional function called tagging. Tagging was pioneered by Delicious and Joshua Schachter. Delicious is a social bookmarking service. Tagging is a cooperative infrastructure answer to classification. Right? If I had given this talk last year, I couldn't do what I just did, because I couldn't have found those photos. we need to hire a professional class of librarians to organize these photos once they're uploaded, Flickr simply turned over to the users the ability to characterize the photos. So, I was able to go in and draw down photos that had been tagged "Mermaid Parade." There were 3,100 photos taken by 118 photographers, all aggregated and then put under this nice, neat name, shown in reverse chronological order. And I was then able to go and retrieve them to give you that little slideshow. Now, what hard problem is being solved here? And it's -- in the most schematic possible view, it's a coordination problem, right? There are a large number of people on the Internet, a very small fraction of them have photos of the Mermaid Parade. How do we get those people together to contribute that work? The classic answer is to form an institution, right? To draw those people into some prearranged structure that has explicit goals. And I want to call your attention to some of the side effects of going the institutional route. First of all, when you form an institution, you take on a management problem, right? No good just hiring employees, you also have to hire other employees to manage those employees and to enforce the goals of the institution and so forth. Secondly, you have to bring structure into place. Right? You have to have economic structure. You have to have legal structure. You have to have physical structure. And that creates additional costs. Third, forming an institution is inherently exclusionary. You notice we haven't got everybody who has a photo. You can't hire everyone in a company, right? You can't recruit everyone into a governmental organization. You have to exclude some people. And fourth, as a result of that exclusion, you end up with a professional class. Look at the change here. We've gone from people with photos to photographers. Right? We've created a professional class of photographers whose goal is to go out and photograph the Mermaid Parade, or whatever else they're sent out to photograph. When you build cooperation into the infrastructure, which is the Flickr answer, you can leave the people where they are and you take the problem to the individuals, rather than moving the individuals to the problem. You arrange the coordination in the group, and by doing that you get the same outcome, without the institutional difficulties. You lose the institutional imperative. You lose the right to shape people's work when it's volunteer effort, but you also shed the institutional cost, which gives you greater flexibility. What Flickr does is it replaces planning with coordination. And this is a general aspect of these cooperative systems. whenever you bought your first mobile phone, and you stopped making plans. You just said, "I'll call you when I get there." "Call me when you get off work." Right? That is a point-to-point replacement of coordination with planning. Right. We're now able to do that kind of thing with groups. To say instead of, we must make an advance plan, we must have a five-year projection of where the Wikipedia is going to be, or whatever, you can just say, let's coordinate the group effort, and let's deal with it as we go, because we're now well-enough coordinated that we don't have to take on the problems of deciding in advance what to do. So here's another example. This one's somewhat more somber. These are photos on Flickr tagged "Iraq." And everything that was hard about the coordination cost with the Mermaid Parade is even harder here. There are more pictures. There are more photographers. It's taken over a wider geographic area. The photos are spread out over a longer period of time. And worst of all, that figure at the bottom, approximately ten photos per photographer, is a lie. It's mathematically true, but it doesn't really talk about anything important -- because in these systems, the average isn't really what matters. What matters is this. This is a graph of photographs tagged Iraq as taken by the 529 photographers who contributed the 5,445 photos. And it's ranked in order of number of photos taken per photographer. You can see here, over at the end, our most prolific photographer has taken around 350 photos, and you can see there's a few people who have taken hundreds of photos. Then there's dozens of people who've taken dozens of photos. And by the time we get around here, we get ten or fewer photos, and then there's this long, flat tail. And by the time you get to the middle, who have contributed only one photo each. This is called a power-law distribution. It appears often in unconstrained social systems where people are allowed to contribute as much or as little as they like -- this is often what you get. Right? The math behind the power-law distribution is that whatever's in the nth position relative to the person in the first position. So, we'd expect the tenth most prolific photographer to have contributed about a tenth of the photos, and the hundredth most prolific photographer to have contributed only about a hundred as many photos as the most prolific photographer did. So, the head of the curve can be sharper or flatter. But that basic math accounts both for the steep slope and for the long, flat tail. And curiously, in these systems, as they grow larger, the systems don't converge; they diverge more. In bigger systems, the head gets bigger and the tail gets longer, so the imbalance increases. You can see the curve is obviously heavily left-weighted. Here's how heavily: if you take the top 10 percent of photographers contributing to this system, they account for three quarters of the photos taken -- just the top 10 percent most prolific photographers. If you go down to five percent, you're still accounting for 60 percent of the photos. If you go down to one percent, exclude 99 percent of the group effort, you're still accounting for almost a quarter of the photos. And because of this left weighting, the average is actually here, way to the left. And that sounds strange to our ears, but what ends up happening is that 80 percent of the contributors have contributed a below-average amount. That sounds strange because we expect average and middle to be about the same, but they're not at all. This is the math underlying the 80/20 rule. Right? Whenever you hear anybody talking about the 80/20 rule, this is what's going on. Right? 20 percent of the merchandise accounts for 80 percent of the revenue, 20 percent of the users use 80 percent of the resources -- this is the shape people are talking about when that happens. Institutions only have two tools: carrots and sticks. And the 80 percent zone is a no-carrot and no-stick zone. The costs of running the institution mean that you cannot take on the work of those people easily in an institutional frame. The institutional model always pushes leftwards, treating these people as employees. The institutional response is, I can get 75 percent of the value for 10 percent of the hires -- great, that's what I'll do. The cooperative infrastructure model says, why do you want to give up a quarter of the value? If your system is designed so that you have to give up a quarter of the value, re-engineer the system. Don't take on the cost that prevents you from getting to the contributions of these people. Build the system so that anybody can contribute at any amount. So the coordination response asks not, how are these people as employees, but rather, what is their contribution like? Right? We have over here Psycho Milt, a Flickr user, who has contributed one, and only one, photo titled "Iraq." And here's the photo. Right. Labeled, "Bad Day at Work." Right? So the question is, do you want that photo? Yes or no. The question is not, is Psycho Milt a good employee? And the tension here is between institution as enabler and institution as obstacle. When you're dealing with the left-hand edge of one of these distributions, when you're dealing with the people who spend a lot of time producing a lot of the material you want, that's an institution-as-enabler world. You can hire those people as employees, you can coordinate their work and you can get some output. But when you're down here, where the Psycho Milts of the world are adding one photo at a time, that's institution as obstacle. Institutions hate being told they're obstacles. One of the first things that happens when you institutionalize a problem is that the first goal of the institution immediately shifts from whatever the nominal goal was to self-preservation. And the actual goal of the institution goes to two through n. Right? So, when institutions are told they are obstacles, and that there are other ways of coordinating the value, they go through something a little bit like the Kubler-Ross stages -- -- of reaction, being told you have a fatal illness: denial, anger, bargaining, acceptance. Most of the cooperative systems we've seen haven't been around long enough to have gotten to the acceptance phase. Many, many institutions are still in denial, but we're seeing recently a lot of both anger and bargaining. There's a wonderful, small example going on right now. In France, a bus company is suing people for forming a carpool, right, because the fact that they have coordinated themselves to create cooperative value is depriving them of revenue. You can follow this in the Guardian. It's actually quite entertaining. The bigger question is, what do you do about the value down here? Right? How do you capture that? And institutions, as I've said, are prevented from capturing that. Steve Ballmer, now CEO of Microsoft, was criticizing Linux a couple of years ago, and he said, "Oh, this business of thousands of programmers contributing to Linux, this is a myth. We've looked at who's contributed to Linux, and most of the patches have been produced by programmers who've only done one thing." Right? You can hear this distribution under that complaint. And you can see why, from Ballmer's point of view, that's a bad idea, right? We hired this programmer, he came in, he drank our Cokes and played Foosball for three years and he had one idea. Right? Bad hire. Right? The Psycho Milt question is, was it a good idea? What if it was a security patch? What if it was a security patch for a buffer overflow exploit, of which Windows has not some, [but] several? Do you want that patch, right? The fact that a single programmer can, without having to move into a professional relation to an institution, improve Linux once and never be seen from again, should terrify Ballmer. Because this kind of value is unreachable in classic institutional frameworks, but is part of cooperative systems of open-source software, of file sharing, of the Wikipedia. I've used a lot of examples from Flickr, but there are actually stories about this from all over. Meetup, a service founded so that users could find people in their local area who share their interests and affinities and actually have a real-world meeting offline in a cafe or a pub or what have you. When Scott Heiferman founded Meetup, he thought it would be used for, you know, train spotters and cat fanciers -- classic affinity groups. The inventors don't know what the invention is. Number one group on Meetup right now, most chapters in most cities with most members, most active? Stay-at-home moms. Right? In the suburbanized, dual-income United States, stay-at-home moms are actually missing the social infrastructure that comes from extended family and local, small-scale neighborhoods. So they're reinventing it, using these tools. Meetup is the platform, but the value here is in social infrastructure. If you want to know what technology is going to change the world, don't pay attention to 13-year-old boys -- pay attention to young mothers, because they have got not an ounce of support for technology that doesn't materially make their lives better. This is so much more important than Xbox, but it's a lot less glitzy. I think this is a revolution. I think that this is a really profound change in the way human affairs are arranged. And I use that word advisedly. It's a revolution in that it's a change in equilibrium. It's a whole new way of doing things, which includes new downsides. In the United States right now, a woman named Judith Miller is in jail for not having given to a Federal Grand Jury her sources -- she's a reporter for the New York Times -- her sources, in a very abstract and hard-to-follow case. And journalists are in the street rallying to improve the shield laws. The shield laws are our laws -- pretty much a patchwork of state laws -- that prevent a journalist from having to betray a source. This is happening, however, against the background of the rise of Web logging. Web logging is a classic example of mass amateurization. It has de-professionalized publishing. Want to publish globally anything you think today? It is a one-button operation that you can do for free. That has sent the professional class of publishing down into the ranks of mass amateurization. And so the shield law, as much as we want it -- we want a professional class of truth-tellers -- it is becoming increasingly incoherent, because the institution is becoming incoherent. There are people in the States right now tying themselves into knots, trying to figure out whether or not bloggers are journalists. And the answer to that question is, it doesn't matter, because that's not the right question. Journalism was an answer to an even more important question, which is, how will society be informed? How will they share ideas and opinions? And if there is an answer to that that happens outside the professional framework of journalism, it makes no sense to take a professional metaphor and apply it to this distributed class. So as much as we want the shield laws, the background -- the institution to which they were attached -- is becoming incoherent. Here's another example. Pro-ana, the pro-ana groups. These are groups of teenage girls who have taken on Web logs, bulletin boards, other kinds of cooperative infrastructure, and have used it to set up support groups for They post pictures of thin models, which they call "thinspiration." They have little slogans, like "Salvation through Starvation." They even have Lance Armstrong-style bracelets, these red bracelets, which signify, in the small group, I am trying to maintain my eating disorder. They trade tips, like, if you feel like eating something, clean a toilet or the litter box. The feeling will pass. We're used to support groups being beneficial. We have an attitude that support groups are inherently beneficial. But it turns out that the logic of the support group is value neutral. A support group is simply a small group that wants to maintain a way of living in the context of a larger group. Now, when the larger group is a bunch of drunks, and the small group wants to stay sober, then we think, that's a great support group. But when the small group is teenage girls who want to stay anorexic by choice, then we're horrified. What's happened is that the normative goals of the support groups that we're used to, came from the institutions that were framing them, and not from the infrastructure. Once the infrastructure becomes generically available, the logic of the support group has been revealed to be accessible to anyone, including people pursuing these kinds of goals. So, there are significant downsides to these changes as well as upsides. And of course, in the current environment, one need allude only lightly to the work of non-state actors trying to influence global affairs, and taking advantage of these. This is a social map of the hijackers and their associates who perpetrated the 9/11 attack. It was produced by analyzing their communications patterns using a lot of these tools. And doubtless the intelligence communities of the world are doing the same work today for the attacks of last week. Now, this is the part of the talk where I tell you what's going to come as a result of all of this, but I'm running out of time, which is good, because I don't know. Right. As with the printing press, if it's really a revolution, it doesn't take us from Point A to Point B. It takes us from Point A to chaos. The printing press precipitated 200 years of chaos, moving from a world where the Catholic Church was the sort of organizing political force to the Treaty of Westphalia, when we finally knew what the new unit was: the nation state. Now, I'm not predicting 200 years of chaos as a result of this. 50. 50 years in which loosely coordinated groups are going to be given increasingly high leverage, and the more those groups forego traditional institutional imperatives -- like deciding in advance what's going to happen, or the profit motive -- the more leverage they'll get. And institutions are going to come under an increasing degree of pressure, and the more rigidly managed, and the more they rely on information monopolies, the greater the pressure is going to be. And that's going to happen one arena at a time, one institution at a time. The forces are general, but the results are going to be specific. And so the point here is not, "This is wonderful," or "We're going to see a transition from only institutions to only cooperative framework." It's going to be much more complicated than that. But the point is that it's going to be a massive readjustment. And since we can see it in advance and know it's coming, my argument is essentially: we might as well get good at it. Thank you very much.
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And although we know that the land animals I'm going to talk about are just the scum of the Earth on the land -- the little bits of land floating around -- but they are important to us because they're sort of in our scale of experience from millimeters to meters. And these animals disappeared, and a separate life, mammals, radiated out to take their place. And so, we know this in extraordinary detail. And so this is a core from near Bermuda. We know that the tsunamis, the earthquakes, and the things that we've experienced in the entire record of humankind history can't really quite get around the kind of disaster that this represented for the Earth. So even before that impact was known, even before scientists in general came to an agreement over the theory of evolution, scientists and natural historians of all kinds of stripes actually had divided Earth's life's history into these two episodes: Mesozoic, the middle life, and the Cenozoic, the recent life. And as it turns out, it actually corresponds really nicely with geologic history. So we have a Mesozoic period, an age of fragmentation, and a Cenozoic period, an age of reconnection -- South America to North America, India to Asia. And so my work, really, is trying to understand the character of that Mesozoic radiation compared to the Cenozoic radiation to see what mysteries we can understand from dinosaurs and from other animals about what life on drifting continents really can tell us about evolution. The work immediately begs the question, "Why didn't they go into the waters?" I mean, certainly mammals did. This is one example. You can go outside -- see many other examples. Within five, 10 million years of the bolide impact we had a whole variety of animals going into the water. Why didn't they do that? Why didn't they hang around in trees at good size, and why didn't they burrow? Why didn't they do all these things, and if they didn't do all these things, what kinds of animals were in those spaces? And if there were no animals in those spaces, what does that tell us about, you know, how evolution works on land? Really interesting questions. I think a lot of it has to do with body size. In fact, I think that most of it has to do with body size -- the size you are when you inherit a vacant ecospace from whatever natural disaster. Looking at dinosaur evolution and studying it, digging it up for many years, I end up looking at the mammal radiation, and it seems as though everything is quick time, just like technology, advancing by an order of magnitude. Dinosaur evolution proceeded at a stately pace, an order of magnitude slower on any way you want to measure it. You want to measure it by diversity? the time it took to reach maximum body size? Yes, they do have larger body size, but many of them are smaller, but we're interested in the time it took them to achieve that. Fifty million years to achieve this maximum body size. And that is 10 times longer than it took the mammals to achieve maximum body size and invade all those habitats. So there's lessons to learn, and there's lessons to learn from the exception, the exception that we know very well today from the discoveries we've made, and many other scholars have made around the world. This slide was shown before. This is the famous Jurassic bird Archaeopteryx. We now know this transition is the one time that dinosaurs actually went below that body size -- we're going to see where they began in a minute -- and it is the one time that they rapidly invaded all the habitats I just told you that dinosaurs weren't in. They became marine. We now know them today from the ice caps. There's burrowing birds. They inhabit the trees at all body sizes, and, of course, they inhabit the land. So we were the first to actually name a bird from the famous series that later exploded onto the pages of Science and Nature. We called this bird Sinornis. It's a little bit more advanced than Archaeopteryx, and if you go to different layers, you find things that are less advanced than Archaeopteryx, and every grade in between, so that if you find something today, we're usually splitting hairs -- or, more appropriately, feathers -- as to decide whether it's actually a non-avian or an avian. It is the greatest transition that we have, actually, on land from one habitat to another, bar none, to understand how a bony, fairly heavy, kilogram or a couple-of-kilogram animal could make such a transition. It is really our greatest -- one of our greatest -- evolutionary sequences. Now, my work began at the beginning. I thought if I'm going to understand dinosaur evolution, I'd have to go back to those beds where they had picked up fragments, go back to a time and a place where the earliest dinosaurs existed. I'd like to call for this little video clip to give you some idea of, sort of, what we face. Normally, we get asked a lot of questions: "Well, how do you find fossils in areas that look like this?" If we could roll that first video clip. This is sort of a nice helicopter ride and they're located in Northeastern Argentina. And we're coming over a cliff, and at the top of that cliff, dinosaurs had basically taken over. At the bottom of the cliff, we find that they're rare as hens' teeth. That's where dinosaur origins is to be found: at the bottom of the cliff. You go into an area like this, you get a geologic map, you get a topographic map, and the best, most-inspired team you can bring to the area. And the rest is up to you. You've got to find fossils. You've got to dig a hole that's usually quite a bit bigger than that to get it out; you've got to climb those cliffs and find, really, everything that existed -- not just the dinosaurs, but the entire story. If you're lucky, and you dig a place like that, you actually find the ash bed to dig it, and we did. 228 million years old, we found what really is the most primitive dinosaur: that's the Ur-dinosaur. A three-and-a-half foot thing, beautiful skull, predator, meat-eater, a two-legged animal. So, all the other dinosaurs that you know, or your kids know, at least, on four legs. This is sort of a look at the skull, and it's an absolutely fantastic thing about five or six inches long. It looks rather bird-like because it is. It's bird-like and hollow. A predator. Maybe 25 pounds, or 10 kilograms. That's where dinosaurs began. That's where the radiation began. That is 10 times larger than the mammal radiation, which was a four-legged radiation. We are extremely dinosaur-like, and unusual in our two-legged approach to life. then when the continents broke apart, and dinosaurs found -- landlubbers, as they are -- found themselves adrift. There's some missing puzzle pieces. Most of those missing puzzle pieces are southern continents, because it was those continents that are least explored. If you want to add to this picture and try and sketch it globally, you really have to force yourself to go down to the four corners of the Earth -- Africa, India, Antarctica, Australia -- and start putting together some of these pieces. I've been to some of those continents, but Africa was, in the words of Steven Pinker, was a blank slate, largely. But one with an immense chalkboard in the middle, with lots of little areas of dinosaur rock if you could survive an expedition. There's no roads into the Sahara. It's an enormous place. the 80 tons of dinosaurs that we have in the Sahara and take them out, you really have to put together an expedition team that can handle the conditions. Some of them are political. Many of them are physical. Some of them -- the most important -- are mental. And you really have to be able to withstand conditions -- you have to drive into the desert, you will see landscapes in many cases -- you can see from what we've discovered -- that nobody else has ever seen. And the kinds of teams they bring in? Well, they're composed of people who understand science as adventure with a purpose. They're usually students who've never seen a desert. Some of them are more experienced. Your job as a leader -- this is definitely a team sport -- your job as a leader is to try to inspire them to do more work than they've ever done in their life So, 125 degrees is normal. The ground surface at 150 -- typical. So, you can't leave your normal metal tools out because you'll get a first-degree burn if you grab them sometimes. So, you are finding yourself also in an amazing cultural milieu. You're really rubbing shoulders with the world's last great nomadic people. much as they have for centuries. Your job is to excavate things like this in the foreground, and make them enter the pages of history. To do that, you've got to actually transport them thousands of miles out of the desert. We're talking about Ethiopia, but let's talk about Niger -- or Niger, in our English language -- north of Nigeria -- that's where this photograph was taken. Basically you're talking about a country that, when we started working there, did not have container traffic. You transported the bones out yourself to the coast of Africa, onto a boat, if you wanted to get them out of the middle of the Sahara. That's a 2,000 mile journey. So enormous excavations and a lot of work, and out of essentially a partial herd of dinosaurs that you saw buried there -- 20 tons of material -- we erect Jobaria, a sauropod dinosaur like we haven't seen on some other continents. It looks nothing like what we would find if we dug in contemporary beds in North America. Here's the animal that was causing it trouble. And, you know, on and on -- a whole menagerie. When you pick up something like this -- and some of you have had the chance to touch it -- this is a piece of history. You're touching something that's 110 million years old. This is a thumb claw. There it was, moments after it was discovered. It is an incredible view of life, and it really began when we began to understand the depth of time. It's only been with us for less than a century, and in that time, that fourth dimension, when radioactive dating came about, less than a century ago, and we could actually tell how old some of these things were, is probably the most profound transformation, because it changes the way we look at ourselves and the world dramatically. When you pick up a piece of history like that, I think it can transform kids that are possibly interested in science. That's the animal that thumb claw came from: Suchomimus. Here's some others. This is something we found in Morocco, an immense animal. We prototyped by CAT-scanning the brain out of this animal. It turns out to have a forebrain one-fifteenth the size of a human. This was the cover of Science, because they thought that humans were more intelligent than these animals, but we can see by some in our administration that despite the enormous advantage in brain volume some of the attitudes remain the same. Anyway, smaller raptors. All the stuff from Jurassic Park that you know of -- all those small animals -- they all come from northern continents. This is the first skeleton from a southern continent, and guess what? You start preparing it. It has no big claw on its hind foot. It doesn't look like a Velociraptor. It's really a wholly separate radiation. So what we're trying to piece together here is a story. It involves flying reptiles like this Pterosaur that we reconstructed from Africa. Crocodiles, of course, and that's a nasty one we haven't named yet. And huge things -- I mean, this is a lower jaw just laying there in the desert of this enormous crocodile. The crocodile is technically called Sarcosuchus. That's an adult Orinoco crocodile in its jaws. We had to try and reconstruct this. We had to actually look at recent crocodiles to understand how crocodiles scale. Could I have the second little video clip? Now, this field is just -- and, of course, science in general -- is just -- adventure. We had to find and measure the largest crocodiles living today. Narrator: ... as long as their boat. Man: Look at that set of choppers! Yeah, he's a big one. Narrator: If they can just land it, this croc will provide useful data, helping Paul in his quest to understand Sarcosuchus. Man: OK, hand me some more here. Man 2: OK. Narrator: It falls to Paul to cover its eyes. Man: Watch out! Watch out! No, no, no, no. You're going to have to get on the back legs. Man: I got the back legs. Man 2: You have the back legs? No, you have the front legs, my friend. I've got it. I've got the back legs. Somebody get the front legs. Paul Sereno: Let's get this tape measure on him. Put it right there. Wow. Sixty-five. Wow. That's a big skull. Narrator: Big, but less than half the size of supercroc's skull. Man: Enormous. PS: You've got a ... 14-foot croc. Man: I knew it was big. PS: Don't get off. You don't get off, but don't worry about me. Narrator: Paul has his data, so they decide to release the animal back into the river. PS: Don't get off! Don't get off! Don't get off! Narrator: Paul has never seen a fossil do that. PS: Okay, when I say three, we move. One, two, three! Whoa! So -- there were -- Well, you know, the -- the fossil record is truly amazing because it really forces you to look at living animals in a new way. We proved with those measurements that crocodiles scaled isometrically. It depended on the shape of their skull, though, so we had to actually get those measurements to be sure that we had reconstructed and could prove to the scientific world that supercroc in fact is a 40-foot crocodile, probably a male. Anyway, you find other things, too. I'm going to lead an expedition to the Sahara to dig up Africa's largest neolithic site. We found this last year. Two hundred skeletons, tools, jewelry. This is a ceremonial disk. An amazing record of the colonization of the Sahara 5,000 years ago is been sitting out there waiting for us to go back. So, really exciting. And then work later is going to take us to Tibet. Now, we normally think of Tibet as a highland. It's really an island continent. It was a precursor to India, a messenger from Gondwana -- a lost paradise of dinosaurs isolated for millions of years. No one's found them. We know where they are, and we're going to go and get them next year. They're only between 13 and 14,000 feet, but if you go in the warm part of the year, it's O.K. Now, I tried to suture together a dinosaur evolutionary history so that we can try to understand some basic patterns of evolution. I've talked about a few of them. We really need to take that further. We need to delve into this mass of anatomy that we've been compiling to understand where the changes are occurring and what this means. We can't predict, necessarily, what will happen in evolution, but we can learn some of the rules of the game, and that's really what we're trying to do. With regard to the biogeographic question, the Earth is dividing. These are all landlubbing animals. There's a couple of choices. You get divided, and a continent's division corresponds to a fork in the evolutionary tree, or you're crafty, and you manage to escape from one to the other and erase that division, or you're living peacefully on each side, and on one side you just go extinct, and you survive on the other side and create a difference. And the fourth thing is that you actually did one or the other of those three things, but the paleontologist never found you. And you take those four instances and you realize you have a complex problem. And so, in addition to digging, I think we have some answers from the dinosaur record. I think these dinosaurs migrated -- we call it dispersal -- around the globe, with the slightest land bridge. They did it within two or three degrees of the pole, to maintain similarity between continents. But when they were divided, indeed they were divided, and we do see the continents carving differences among dinosaurs. But there's one thing that's even more important, and I think that's extinction. We have downgraded this factor. It carves up the history of life, in the dinosaur world towards the end, right before the bolide impact. The best way to test this is to actually create a model. So if we move back, this is a two-dimensional typical tree of life. I want to give you three dimensions. So you see the tree of life, but now I've added the dimension of area. So the tree of life is normally divergence over time. Now we have divergence over time, but we've created the third dimension of area. This is a computer program which has three knobs. We can control those things that we're worried about: extinction, sampling, dispersal -- going from one area to another. And ultimately we can control the branching to mimic what we think the continents were like, and run it a thousand times, so we can estimate the parameters, to answer the question whether we are on the mark or not, at least to know the barriers of the problems. So that's a little bit about the science. Today I'm going to spend the rest of my few minutes up here talking about the other stuff that I do in Chicago, and actually, in talking to a lot of TEDsters, there's a number of you out there -- I don't know that I'd get an answer honestly, if I asked you to raise your hand, but there are a number of you out there that started your scientific, technical, entertainment career as failures, by society's standards, as failures by schools. I was one of those. I was failed by my school -- my school failed me. Who's pointing fingers? Several teachers nearly killed me. I found myself in art. I was a total failure in school, not really headed to graduate high school. And I went on -- that's my first painting on canvas. I read a dictionary. I got into college. I became an artist. O.K., and started drawing. It became abstract. I worked up a portfolio, and I was headed to New York. Sometimes I would see bones when there was a body there. Something was going on in the background. I headed to New York to a studio. I took a side trip to the American Museum, and I never recovered. But really it's the same discipline -- they're kindred disciplines. I mean, is there anything that is not visualizing what can't be seen, in terms of discovering this dinosaur bone from a small piece of it that's out there, or seeing the distortion that we try to see as evolutionary distortion in one animal to another? This is a very extraordinarily visual. I give you a human face because you're experts at that. It takes us years to understand how to do that with dinosaurs. They're really kindred disciplines. But what we're trying to create in Chicago who are least represented in our science and technology spheres. We all know, and there's been several allusions to it, that we are failing in our ability to produce enough scientists, engineers and technicians. We've known that for a long time. We've gone through the Sputnik phase, and now, as you see the increase in the pace of what we're doing, it becomes even more prominent. Where are all these people going to come from? And a more general question for our society is, what's going to happen to all the rest that are left behind? What about all the kids like me that were in school -- kids like some of you out there -- that were in school and didn't get a chance and will never get a chance to participate in science and technology? Those are the questions I ask. And we talk about Ethiopia, and it's very important. Niger is equally important, and I'm trying desperately to do something in Niger. They have an AIDS problem. I asked -- the U.S. State Department asked the government recently, What do you want to do? And they gave them two problems. Dinosaurs was one of them. Give us a museum of dinosaurs, and we will attract tourists, which is our number two industry. And I hope to God the United States government, me, or TED, or somebody helps us do that, because that would be an incredible thing for their country. But when we look back at our own country, we're looking back at our cities, the cities where most of you come from -- certainly the city I come from -- there's legions of kids out there like these. And the question is -- and we started to address this question for centuries -- as to how we get these kids involved in science. We've started in Chicago an organization -- a non-profit organization -- called Project Exploration. These are two kids from Project Exploration. We met them in their early stages in high school. They were -- failing to poor students, and they are now -- one at the University of Chicago, another in Illinois. We've got students at Harvard. We're six years old. And we created a track record. Because when you go out there as a scholar, and you try to find out longitudinal studies, track records like that, there essentially are very few, if none. So, we've created an incredible track record of 100 percent graduation, 90 percent going to college, many first-generation, 90 percent of those choosing science as a career. It's an impressive track record, and so we look back and we say, well, we didn't really exactly work this out theoretically from the start, but when we look back, there are theoretical movements in science education. It's gone through science as an inquiry, which was a big advance, and Dewey back at Chicago -- you learn by doing. To -- you learn by envisioning yourself as a scientist, and then you learn to envision yourself as a scientist. The next step is to learn the capability to make yourself a scientist. You have to have those steps. If you have -- It's easy to get kids interested in science. It's hard to get them to envision themselves as a scientist, which involves standing up in front of people like we're doing here at this symposium and presenting something as a knowledgeable person, and then seeing yourself in the role as a scientist and giving yourself the tools to pursue that. And so, that's what we're going to do. We're planning a permanent home in Chicago. We have lots of ideas, but I guarantee you this one thing -- and I've talked to some people here at TED -- it's not going to look like anything you've seen before. It's going to be part-school, part-museum hall, part-conservatory, part-zoo, and part of an answer to the problem of how you interest kids in science. Thank you very much.
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To escort and land the probe on a comet, this has been my passion for the past two years. In order to do that, I need to explain to you something about the origin of the solar system. When we go back four and a half billion years, there was a cloud of gas and dust. In the center of this cloud, our sun formed and ignited. Along with that, what we now know as planets, comets and asteroids formed. What then happened, according to theory, is that when the Earth had cooled down a bit after its formation, comets massively impacted the Earth and delivered water to Earth. They probably also delivered complex organic material to Earth, and that may have bootstrapped the emergence of life. You can compare this to having to solve a 250-piece puzzle and not a 2,000-piece puzzle. Afterwards, the big planets like Jupiter and Saturn, they were not in their place where they are now, and they interacted gravitationally, and they swept the whole interior of the solar system clean, and what we now know as comets ended up in something called the Kuiper Belt, which is a belt of objects beyond the orbit of Neptune. And sometimes these objects run into each other, and they gravitationally deflect, and then the gravity of Jupiter pulls them back into the solar system. And they then become the comets as we see them in the sky. The important thing here to note is that in the meantime, the four and a half billion years, these comets have been sitting on the outside of the solar system, and haven't changed -- deep, frozen versions of our solar system. In the sky, they look like this. We know them for their tails. There are actually two tails. One is a dust tail, which is blown away by the solar wind. The other one is an ion tail, which is charged particles, and they follow the magnetic field in the solar system. There's the coma, and then there is the nucleus, which here is too small to see, and you have to remember that in the case of Rosetta, the spacecraft is in that center pixel. We are only 20, 30, 40 kilometers away from the comet. So what's important to remember? Comets contain the original material from which our solar system was formed, so they're ideal to study the components that were present at the time when Earth, and life, started. Comets are also suspected of having brought the elements which may have bootstrapped life. In 1983, ESA set up its long-term Horizon 2000 program, which contained one cornerstone, which would be a mission to a comet. In parallel, a small mission to a comet, what you see here, Giotto, was launched, and in 1986, flew by the comet of Halley with an armada of other spacecraft. From the results of that mission, it became immediately clear that comets were ideal bodies to study to understand our solar system. And thus, the Rosetta mission was approved in 1993, and originally it was supposed to be launched in 2003, but a problem arose with an Ariane rocket. However, our P.R. department, in its enthusiasm, had already made 1,000 Delft Blue plates with the name of the wrong comets. So I've never had to buy any china since. That's the positive part. Once the whole problem was solved, we left Earth in 2004 to the newly selected comet, Churyumov-Gerasimenko. This comet had to be specially selected because A, you have to be able to get to it, and B, it shouldn't have been in the solar system too long. This particular comet has been in the solar system since 1959. That's the first time when it was deflected by Jupiter, and it got close enough to the sun to start changing. So it's a very fresh comet. Rosetta made a few historic firsts. It's the first satellite to orbit a comet, and to escort it throughout its whole tour through the solar system -- closest approach to the sun, as we will see in August, and then away again to the exterior. It's the first ever landing on a comet. We actually orbit the comet using something which is not normally done with spacecraft. Normally, you look at the sky and you know where you point and where you are. In this case, that's not enough. We navigated by looking at landmarks on the comet. We recognized features -- boulders, craters -- and that's how we know where we are respective to the comet. And, of course, it's the first satellite to go beyond the orbit of Jupiter on solar cells. Now, this sounds more heroic than it actually is, because the technology to use radio isotope thermal generators wasn't available in Europe at that time, so there was no choice. But these solar arrays are big. This is one wing, and these are not specially selected small people. They're just like you and me. We have two of these wings, 65 square meters. Now later on, of course, when we got to the comet, you find out that 65 square meters of sail close to a body which is outgassing is not always a very handy choice. Now, how did we get to the comet? Because we had to go there for the Rosetta scientific objectives very far away -- four times the distance of the Earth to the sun -- and also at a much higher velocity than we could achieve with fuel, because we'd have to take six times as much fuel as the whole spacecraft weighed. So what do you do? You use gravitational flybys, slingshots, where you pass by a planet at very low altitude, a few thousand kilometers, and then you get the velocity of that planet around the sun for free. We did that a few times. We did Earth, we did Mars, we did twice Earth again, and we also flew by two asteroids, Lutetia and Steins. Then in 2011, we got so far from the sun that if the spacecraft got into trouble, we couldn't actually save the spacecraft anymore, so we went into hibernation. Everything was switched off except for one clock. Here you see in white the trajectory, and the way this works. You see that from the circle where we started, the white line, actually you get more and more and more elliptical, and then finally we approached the comet in May 2014, and we had to start doing the rendezvous maneuvers. On the way there, we flew by Earth and we took a few pictures to test our cameras. This is the moon rising over Earth, and this is what we now call a selfie, which at that time, by the way, that word didn't exist. It's at Mars. It was taken by the CIVA camera. That's one of the cameras on the lander, and it just looks under the solar arrays, and you see the planet Mars and the solar array in the distance. Now, when we got out of hibernation in January 2014, we started arriving at a distance of two million kilometers from the comet in May. However, the velocity the spacecraft had was much too fast. We were going 2,800 kilometers an hour faster than the comet, so we had to brake. We had to do eight maneuvers, and you see here, some of them were really big. We had to brake the first one by a few hundred kilometers per hour, and actually, the duration of that was seven hours, and it used 218 kilos of fuel, and those were seven nerve-wracking hours, because in 2007, there was a leak in the system of the propulsion of Rosetta, and we had to close off a branch, so the system was actually operating at a pressure which it was never designed or qualified for. Then we got in the vicinity of the comet, and these were the first pictures we saw. The true comet rotation period is 12 and a half hours, so this is accelerated, but you will understand that our flight dynamics engineers thought, this is not going to be an easy thing to land on. We had hoped for some kind of spud-like thing where you could easily land. But we had one hope: maybe it was smooth. No. That didn't work either. So at that point in time, it was clearly unavoidable: we had to map this body in all the detail you could get, because we had to find an area which is 500 meters in diameter and flat. Why 500 meters? That's the error we have on landing the probe. So we went through this process, and we mapped the comet. We used a technique called photoclinometry. You use shadows thrown by the sun. What you see here is a rock sitting on the surface of the comet, and the sun shines from above. From the shadow, we, with our brain, can immediately determine roughly what the shape of that rock is. You can program that in a computer, you then cover the whole comet, and you can map the comet. For that, we flew special trajectories starting in August. First, a triangle of 100 kilometers on a side at 100 kilometers' distance, and we repeated the whole thing at 50 kilometers. At that time, we had seen the comet at all kinds of angles, and we could use this technique to map the whole thing. Now, this led to a selection of landing sites. This whole process we had to do, to go from the mapping of the comet to actually finding the final landing site, was 60 days. We didn't have more. To give you an idea, the average Mars mission takes hundreds of scientists for years to meet about where shall we go? We had 60 days, and that was it. We finally selected the final landing site and the commands were prepared for Rosetta to launch Philae. The way this works is that Rosetta has to be at the right point in space, and aiming towards the comet, because the lander is passive. The lander is then pushed out and moves towards the comet. Rosetta had to turn around to get its cameras to actually look at Philae while it was departing and to be able to communicate with it. Now, the landing duration of the whole trajectory was seven hours. Now do a simple calculation: if the velocity of Rosetta is off by one centimeter per second, seven hours is 25,000 seconds. That means 252 meters wrong on the comet. So we had to know the velocity of Rosetta much better than one centimeter per second, and its location in space better than 100 meters at 500 million kilometers from Earth. That's no mean feat. Let me quickly take you through some of the science and the instruments. I won't bore you with all the details of all the instruments, but it's got everything. We can sniff gas, we can measure dust particles, the shape of them, the composition, there are magnetometers, everything. This is one of the results from an instrument which measures gas density at the position of Rosetta, so it's gas which has left the comet. The bottom graph is September of last year. There is a long-term variation, which in itself is not surprising, but you see the sharp peaks. This is a comet day. You can see the effect of the sun on the evaporation of gas and the fact that the comet is rotating. So there is one spot, apparently, where there is a lot of stuff coming from, it gets heated in the Sun, and then cools down on the back side. And we can see the density variations of this. These are the gases and the organic compounds that we already have measured. You will see it's an impressive list, and there is much, much, much more to come, because there are more measurements. Actually, there is a conference going on in Houston at the moment where many of these results are presented. Also, we measured dust particles. Now, for you, this will not look very impressive, but the scientists were thrilled when they saw this. Two dust particles: the right one they call Boris, and they shot it with tantalum in order to be able to analyze it. Now, we found sodium and magnesium. What this tells you is this is the concentration of these two materials at the time the solar system was formed, so we learned things about which materials were there Of course, one of the important elements is the imaging. This is one of the cameras of Rosetta, the OSIRIS camera, and this actually was the cover of Science magazine on January 23 of this year. Nobody had expected this body to look like this. Boulders, rocks -- if anything, it looks more like the Half Dome in Yosemite than anything else. We also saw things like this: dunes, and what look to be, on the righthand side, wind-blown shadows. Now we know these from Mars, but this comet doesn't have an atmosphere, so it's a bit difficult to create a wind-blown shadow. It may be local outgassing, stuff which goes up and comes back. We don't know, so there is a lot to investigate. Here, you see the same image twice. On the left-hand side, you see in the middle a pit. On the right-hand side, if you carefully look, there are three jets coming out of the bottom of that pit. So this is the activity of the comet. Apparently, at the bottom of these pits is where the active regions are, and where the material evaporates into space. There is a very intriguing crack in the neck of the comet. You see it on the right-hand side. It's a kilometer long, and it's two and a half meters wide. Some people suggest that actually, when we get close to the sun, the comet may split in two, and then we'll have to choose, which comet do we go for? The lander -- again, lots of instruments, mostly comparable except for the things which hammer in the ground and drill, etc. But much the same as Rosetta, and that is because you want to compare what you find in space with what you find on the comet. These are called ground truth measurements. These are the landing descent images that were taken by the OSIRIS camera. You see the lander getting further and further away from Rosetta. On the top right, you see an image taken at 60 meters by the lander, 60 meters above the surface of the comet. The boulder there is some 10 meters. So this is one of the last images we took before we landed on the comet. Here, you see the whole sequence again, but from a different perspective, and you see three blown-ups from the bottom-left to the middle of the lander traveling over the surface of the comet. Then, at the top, there is a before and an after image of the landing. The only problem with the after image is, there is no lander. But if you carefully look at the right-hand side of this image, we saw the lander still there, but it had bounced. It had departed again. Now, on a bit of a comical note here is that originally Rosetta was designed to have a lander which would bounce. That was discarded because it was way too expensive. Now, we forgot, but the lander knew. During the first bounce, in the magnetometers, you see here the data from them, from the three axes, x, y and z. Halfway through, you see a red line. At that red line, there is a change. What happened, apparently, is during the first bounce, somewhere, we hit the edge of a crater with one of the legs of the lander, and the rotation velocity of the lander changed. So we've been rather lucky that we are where we are. This is one of the iconic images of Rosetta. It's a man-made object, a leg of the lander, standing on a comet. This, for me, is one of the very best images of space science I have ever seen. One of the things we still have to do is to actually find the lander. The blue area here is where we know it must be. We haven't been able to find it yet, but the search is continuing, as are our efforts to start getting the lander to work again. We listen every day, and we hope that between now and somewhere in April, the lander will wake up again. The findings of what we found on the comet: This thing would float in water. It's half the density of water. So it looks like a very big rock, but it's not. The activity increase we saw in June, July, August last year was a four-fold activity increase. By the time we will be at the sun, there will be 100 kilos a second leaving this comet: gas, dust, whatever. That's 100 million kilos a day. Then, finally, the landing day. I will never forget -- absolute madness, 250 TV crews in Germany. The BBC was interviewing me, and another TV crew who was following me all day were filming me being interviewed, and it went on like that for the whole day. The Discovery Channel crew actually caught me when leaving the control room, and they asked the right question, and man, I got into tears, and I still feel this. For a month and a half, I couldn't think about landing day without crying, and I still have the emotion in me. With this image of the comet, I would like to leave you. Thank you.
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But nobody suggested this one, and the reason for that was two months ago, Ebola was escalating exponentially and spreading over wider geographic areas than we had ever seen, and the world was terrified, concerned and alarmed by this disease, in a way we've not seen in recent history. But today, I can stand here and I can talk to you about beating Ebola because of people whom you've never heard of, people like Peter Clement, a Liberian doctor who's working in Lofa County, a place that many of you have never heard of, probably, in Liberia. The reason that Lofa County is so important is because about five months ago, when the epidemic was just starting to escalate, Lofa County was right at the center, the epicenter of this epidemic. At that time, MSF and the treatment center there, they were seeing dozens of patients every single day, and these patients, these communities were becoming more and more terrified as time went by, with this disease and what it was doing to their families, to their communities, to their children, to their relatives. And so Peter Clement was charged with driving that 12-hour-long rough road from Monrovia, the capital, up to Lofa County, to try and help bring control to the escalating epidemic there. And what Peter found when he arrived was the terror that I just mentioned to you. So he sat down with the local chiefs, and he listened. And what he heard was heartbreaking. He heard about the devastation and the desperation of people affected by this disease. He heard the heartbreaking stories about not just the damage that Ebola did to people, but what it did to families and what it did to communities. And he listened to the local chiefs there and what they told him -- They said, "When our children are sick, when our children are dying, we can't hold them at a time when we want to be closest to them. When our relatives die, we can't take care of them as our tradition demands. We are not allowed to wash the bodies to bury them the way our communities and our rituals demand. And for this reason, they were deeply disturbed, deeply alarmed and the entire epidemic was unraveling in front of them. People were turning on the healthcare workers who had come, the heroes who had come to try and help save the community, to help work with the community, and they were unable to access them. And what happened then was Peter explained to the leaders. The leaders listened. They turned the tables. And Peter explained what Ebola was. He explained what the disease was. He explained what it did to their communities. And he explained that Ebola threatened everything that made us human. Ebola means you can't hold your children the way you would in this situation. You can't bury your dead the way that you would. You have to trust these people in these space suits to do that for you. And ladies and gentlemen, what happened then was rather extraordinary: The community and the health workers, Peter, they sat down together and they put together a new plan for controlling Ebola in Lofa County. And the reason that this is such an important story, ladies and gentlemen, is because today, this county, which is right at the center of this epidemic you've been watching, you've been seeing in the newspapers, you've been seeing on the television screens, today Lofa County is nearly eight weeks without seeing a single case of Ebola. Now, this doesn't mean that the job is done, obviously. There's still a huge risk that there will be additional cases there. But what it does teach us is that Ebola can be beaten. That's the key thing. Even on this scale, even with the rapid kind of growth that we saw in this environment here, we now know Ebola can be beaten. When communities come together with health care workers, work together, that's when this disease can be stopped. But how did Ebola end up in Lofa County in the first place? Well, for that, we have to go back 12 months, to the start of this epidemic. And as many of you know, this virus went undetected, it evaded detection for three or four months when it began. That's because this is not a disease of West Africa, it's a disease of Central Africa, half a continent away. People hadn't seen the disease before; health workers hadn't seen the disease before. They didn't know what they were dealing with, and to make it even more complicated, the virus itself was causing a symptom, a type of a presentation that wasn't classical of the disease. So people didn't even recognize the disease, people who knew Ebola. For that reason it evaded detection for some time, But contrary to public belief sometimes these days, once the virus was detected, there was a rapid surge in of support. MSF rapidly set up an Ebola treatment center, as many of you know, in the area. The World Health Organization and the partners that it works with deployed eventually hundreds of people over the next two months to be able to help track the virus. The problem, ladies and gentlemen, is by then, this virus, well known now as Ebola, had spread too far. It had already outstripped what was one of the largest responses that had been mounted so far to an Ebola outbreak. By the middle of the year, not just Guinea but now Sierra Leone and Liberia were also infected. As the virus was spreading geographically, the numbers were increasing and at this time, not only were hundreds of people infected and dying of the disease, but as importantly, the front line responders, the people who had gone to try and help, the health care workers, the other responders were also sick and dying by the dozens. The presidents of these countries recognized the emergencies. They met right around that time, they agreed on common action and they put together an emergency joint operation center in Conakry to try and work together to finish this disease and get it stopped, to implement the strategies we talked about. But what happened then was something we had never seen before with Ebola. What happened then was the virus, or someone sick with the virus, boarded an airplane, flew to another country, and for the first time, we saw in another distant country the virus pop up again. This time it was in Nigeria, in the teeming metropolis of Lagos, 21 million people. Now the virus was in that environment. And as you can anticipate, there was international alarm, international concern on a scale that we hadn't seen in recent years caused by a disease like this. The World Health Organization immediately called together an expert panel, looked at the situation, declared an international emergency. And in doing so, the expectation would be that there would be a huge outpouring of international assistance to help these countries which were in so much trouble and concern at that time. But what we saw was something very different. There was some great response. A number of countries came to assist -- many, many NGOs and others, as you know, but at the same time, the opposite happened in many places. Alarm escalated, and very soon these countries found themselves not receiving the support they needed, but increasingly isolated. What we saw was commercial airlines [stopped] flying into these countries and people who hadn't even been exposed to the virus were no longer allowed to travel. This caused not only problems, obviously, for the countries themselves, but also for the response. Those organizations that were trying to bring people in, to try and help them respond to the outbreak, they could not get people on airplanes, they could not get them into the countries to be able to respond. In that situation, ladies and gentleman, a virus like Ebola takes advantage. And what we saw then was something also we hadn't seen before. Not only did this virus continue in the places where they'd already become infected, but then it started to escalate and we saw the case numbers that you see here, something we'd never seen before on such a scale, an exponential increase of Ebola cases not just in these countries or the areas already infected in these countries but also spreading further and deeper into these countries. Ladies and gentleman, this was one of the most concerning international emergencies in public health we've ever seen. And what happened in these countries then, many of you saw, again, on the television, read about in the newspapers, we saw the health system start to collapse under the weight of this epidemic. We saw the schools begin to close, markets no longer started, no longer functioned the way that they should in these countries. We saw that misinformation and misperceptions started to spread even faster through the communities, which became even more alarmed about the situation. They started to recoil from those people that you saw in those space suits, as they call them, who had come to help them. And then the situation deteriorated even further. The countries had to declare a state of emergency. Large populations needed to be quarantined in some areas, and then riots broke out. It was a very, very terrifying situation. Around the world, many people began to ask, can we ever stop Ebola when it starts to spread like this? And they started to ask, how well do we really know this virus? The reality is we don't know Ebola extremely well. It's a relatively modern disease in terms of what we know about it. We've known the disease only for 40 years, since it first popped up in Central Africa in 1976. But despite that, we do know many things: We know that this virus probably survives in a type of a bat. We know that it probably enters a human population when we come in contact with a wild animal that has been infected with the virus and probably sickened by it. Then we know that the virus spreads from person to person through contaminated body fluids. And as you've all seen, we know the horrific disease that it then causes in humans, where we see this disease cause severe fevers, diarrhea, vomiting, and then unfortunately, in 70 percent of the cases or often more, death. This is a very dangerous, debilitating, and deadly disease. But despite the fact that we've not known this disease for a particularly long time, and we don't know everything about it, we do know how to stop this disease. There are four things that are critical to stopping Ebola. First and foremost, the communities have got to understand this disease, they've got to understand how it spreads and how to stop it. And then we've got to be able to have systems that can find every single case, every contact of those cases, and begin to track the transmission chains so that you can stop transmission. We have to have treatment centers, specialized Ebola treatment centers, where the workers can be protected as they try to provide support to the people who are infected, so that they might survive the disease. And then for those who do die, we have to ensure there is a safe, but at the same time dignified, burial process, so that there is no spread at that time as well. So we do know how to stop Ebola, and these strategies work, ladies and gentlemen. The virus was stopped in Nigeria by these four strategies and the people implementing them, obviously. It was stopped in Senegal, where it had spread, and also in the other countries that were affected by this virus, in this outbreak. So there's no question that these strategies actually work. The big question, ladies and gentlemen, was whether these strategies could work on this scale, in this situation, with so many countries affected with the kind of exponential growth that you saw. That was the big question that we were facing just two or three months ago. Today we know the answer to that question. And we know that answer because of the extraordinary work of an incredible group of NGOs, of governments, of local leaders, of U.N. agencies and many humanitarian and other organizations that came and joined the fight to try and stop Ebola in West Africa. But what had to be done there was slightly different. These countries took those strategies I just showed you; the community engagement, the case finding, contact tracing, etc., and they turned them on their head. There was so much disease, they approached it differently. What they decided to do was they would first try and slow down this epidemic by rapidly building as many beds as possible in specialized treatment centers so that they could prevent the disease from spreading from those were infected. They would rapidly build out many, many burial teams so that they could safely deal with the dead, and with that, they would try and slow this outbreak to see if it could actually then be controlled using the classic approach of case finding and contact tracing. And when I went to West Africa about three months ago, when I was there what I saw was extraordinary. I saw presidents opening emergency operation centers themselves against Ebola so that they could personally coordinate and oversee and champion this surge of international support to try and stop this disease. We saw militaries from within those countries and from far beyond coming in to help build Ebola treatment centers that could be used to isolate those who were sick. We saw the Red Cross movement working with its partner agencies on the ground there to help train the communities so that they could actually safely bury their dead in a dignified manner themselves. And we saw the U.N. agencies, the World Food Program, build a tremendous air bridge that could get responders to every single corner of these countries rapidly to be able to implement the strategies that we just talked about. What we saw, ladies and gentlemen, which was probably most impressive, was this incredible work by the governments, by the leaders in these countries, with the communities, to try to ensure people understood this disease, understood the extraordinary things they would have to do to try and stop Ebola. And as a result, ladies and gentlemen, we saw something that we did not know only two or three months earlier, whether or not it would be possible. What we saw was what you see now in this graph, when we took stock on December 1. What we saw was we could bend that curve, so to speak, change this exponential growth, and bring some hope back to the ability to control this outbreak. And for this reason, ladies and gentlemen, there's absolutely no question now that we can catch up with this outbreak in West Africa and we can beat Ebola. The big question, though, that many people are asking, even when they saw this curve, they said, "Well, hang on a minute -- that's great you can slow it down, but can you actually drive it down to zero?" when I spoke about Lofa County in Liberia. We told you the story how Lofa County got to a situation where they have not seen Ebola for eight weeks. But there are similar stories from the other countries as well. From Gueckedou in Guinea, the first area where the first case was actually diagnosed. We've seen very, very few cases in the last couple of months, and here in Kenema, in Sierra Leone, another area in the epicenter, we have not seen the virus for more than a couple of weeks -- way too early to declare victory, obviously, but evidence, ladies and gentlemen, not only can the response catch up to the disease, but this disease can be driven to zero. The challenge now, of course, is doing this on the scale needed right across these three countries, and that is a huge challenge. Because when you've been at something for this long, on this scale, two other big threats come in to join the virus. The first of those is complacency, the risk that as this disease curve starts to bend, the media look elsewhere, the world looks elsewhere. Complacency always a risk. And the other risk, of course, is when you've been working so hard for so long, and slept so few hours over the past months, people are tired, people become fatigued, and these new risks start to creep into the response. Ladies and gentlemen, I can tell you today I've just come back from West Africa. The people of these countries, the leaders of these countries, they are not complacent. They want to drive Ebola to zero in their countries. And these people, yes, they're tired, but they are not fatigued. They have an energy, they have a courage, they have the strength to get this finished. What they need, ladies and gentlemen, at this point, is the unwavering support of the international community, to stand with them, to bolster and bring even more support at this time, to get the job finished. Because finishing Ebola right now means turning the tables on this virus, and beginning to hunt it. Remember, this virus, this whole crisis, rather, started with one case, and is going to finish with one case. But it will only finish if those countries have got enough epidemiologists, enough health workers, enough logisticians and enough other people working with them to be able to find every one of those cases, track their contacts and make sure that this disease stops once and for all. Ladies and gentleman, Ebola can be beaten. Now we need you to take this story out to tell it to the people who will listen and educate them on what it means to beat Ebola, and more importantly, we need you to advocate with the people who can help us bring the resources we need to these countries, to beat this disease. There are a lot of people out there who will survive and will thrive, in part because of what you do to help us beat Ebola. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
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She stood her ground for quite a bit, but she eventually succumbed to my locking techniques. She had no way to counterattack, simply lying on the floor with her arm being stretched to extremes. If she was face up, there might still have been something she could have done, but with a ground pushed to her face, there was nothing she could do. After she admitted defeat and promised not to run, I finally let her go. After she realized that I had no intention to kill her, she finally turned obedient. I stood imposingly in front and fired my questions. “Now then, who are you? Why did you follow me? Why did you attack me?” I had her kneel on the ground and removed the mask that hid half of her face. What I saw was the face of a girl even younger than I initially assumed. I thought she was just someone that sounded young, but looking at her appearance, she wasn’t even years old. “Then, start by introducing yourself, will you? I am Nicole. However, you should know that by now. How about you?” “Kindly shut up.” Since I had her kneel, her face was before my eyes. I shut her up with a good smack on the head. She didn’t have to poke her nose where it didn’t belong. “Ouch!? Ugh... So this is the shame of a loser...” “So? Your name!” “Ah, right. I am Priscilla. I am King Elliot’s guard...” I saw her eyes swimming around at that declaration, so I gave her another smack to reveal what else she was hiding. “A lie... It may not be, but there’s something else you aren’t saying, isn’t it right?” “Ugh... Raglan is my last name.” “So, Raglan from the United Alliance... Hmm?” I remembered hearing that name. In my previous life at that. “Wasn’t Raglan quite a distinguished household?” “Well, we are counts of the former Stolla Kingdom. But after the alliance, we act as King Elliot’s guards.” Priscilla explained proudly while still kneeling. You were hiding that info until now, so what are you acting so proud about it? Then... I remembered something. Raglan of the Stolla Kingdom, huh? Their count status did not give them much influence, but they served the kings as their personal fight specialists for generations. Naturally, they could fight more than just humans too, so they were quite useful as stealth corps. Thanks to them, it was very difficult to assassinate big shots of the Stolla Kingdom. “Okay, that’ll do for your background check. Next... Why were you following me?” “I mean, I had to check what kind of person was the girl that King Elliot has fallen for. I am his guard, after all.” “Ah, well, yeah...” Despite everything, Elliot was still the sole king of the United Alliance. And if we spoke strictly in terms of territory, the United Alliance that emerged from three kingdoms was by far the largest on this continent. To add to that, we used to protect him since his infancy, so he was always in a maelstrom of power struggle. It was natural to investigate who his companion was. “But you should be more than aware of who I am, though...?” “Assuming you are really her.” “I am as real as it can get!” “For a ten or so years old kid to have mastered the art of combat to that degree... I suppose that was expected from the daughter of the heroes?” “And you just tried to kill that ‘daughter’, didn’t you?” “Eek!?” It seemed that she finally realized the mess she was in, she got goosebumps and started trembling. It appeared that while her combat skills were quite high, her assessment skills left much to be desired. Perhaps she was dispatched as Elliot’s guard to gain some experience. They probably judged that they didn’t need him to be overguarded, given Maxwell and Cortina resided in this country. “Good grief, making me babysit people in their place ...” “Y-Young lady, you seem to have quite a sharp tongue...” “It’s dad’s influence. I tend to act like a boy at times.” I was actually a man, so it couldn’t be helped. So I let Lyell take the blame here. I’ve been studying the sword under him all this time, so that excuse worked perfectly. “Is that so. So you are quite wild contrary to what your appearance suggests.” “How about you, you are quite something to be chosen as Elliot’s guard at such a young age. You shouldn’t even be years old, right?” “Indeed, I’m still . Because of that I’m still inexperienced in many things and always make trouble for others.” “You did exactly that earlier.” “I apologize about that with all my heart!” I pointed it out while squinting my eyes, and Priscilla prostrated herself on the ground in apology. “Okay, next. Why did you attack me?” “That’s... because I did not think that Lady Nicole would be such a fighter. You even lured me into an alley and did not even flinch at my killing intent, merely smiling fearlessly at me...” “Ah, that isn’t normal, huh...” “So I judged that someone disguised themselves as Lady Nicole and tried to get close to King Elliot...” “So you attacked me?” “I judged that they should have been hiding the real Lady Nicole somewhere after they replaced her.” Her logic wasn’t bad. However, she was thinking too inside the box. Seeing an exception like me and judging myself to be suspicious was by no means a mistake. However, it was too hasty for her to use force to ascertain it. She made such a blunder because she trusted her judgment too much. “So that’s where her inexperience comes from.” “Eh?” “Just talking to myself. Anyway, there was no ill will behind your attack, so I can let this matter go.” “Thank you from the bottom of my heart!” “But my friends are quite skilled themselves, so don’t go attacking them, you hear?” “I shall engrave it to my heart!” Michelle, Letina, and Cloud who fought together with me were quite a bit stronger than appropriate for their ages. If I left her be, Priscilla could very well attack them too. It was wise to warn her in advance.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 3, "inserted_lines_src": 16, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }