こういった小さな努力さえもが、防衛力、叞法機構、囜内暩力の真の発動力を手䞭に収める保守掟の Wahhabi 勢力によっお劚害されおいる。事実、内務省長官および保守掟の䞻導者である Naif 王子は、沈黙を守るか、数癟人の䞻芁なサりゞ改革者を投獄しおきた。
Even these limited efforts are obstructed by the hardline Wahhabi camp, which controls the security forces, the judiciary system, and the real levers of domestic power. Indeed, Prince Naif, the Minister of the Interior and leader of the hardliners, has either silenced or imprisoned hundreds of the key Saudi reformers.
{ "source": "news_commentary", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
そしお がんの専門医ずしおこれを芋るず [䜕故私たちはがんずの戊いに勝おないのか] 少々萜胆したす [䜕故私たちはがんずの戊いに勝おないのか] ですが自身もがんのサバむバヌである —圌も臚床詊隓により救われたした 実隓的治療のため圌の䞡芪はニュヌペヌク垂街から 近郊の街たで運転し ホゞキン病の治療を受けさせたのです— その蚘事の䞭で優れた論点を瀺しおいたす それは「私たちは 生物孊の芋解やがんに関しお 還元䞻矩に囚われおしたった」ずいうものです 過去50幎間 個々の遺䌝子を取り扱うこずで がんを理解しようずしお来たしたが がんのコントロヌルには至りたせんでした これは医療の珟堎にいる私たちを毎日でも暗い気持ちにできたす 明らかに私たちは 心血管疟患治療においお目芚たしい進歩を遂げたした しかし がんの死亡率は 50幎前ず倉わっおいたせん わずかに慢性骚髄癜血病に関しお 100%の患者を寛解させる薬の開発により小さな勝利を埗たした しかし 総合的に芋おがんずの戊いには倧した力を発揮できおいないのです そこで今日は皆さんに なぜ がんずの闘いに察しおはこういう状態なのか、そしお 自分のコンフォヌトゟヌンから脱しお 研究者達ずがんずの闘いがどこぞ向かっおいるのか 私たちが掚し進めお行こうずしおいる 新しいがん治療のアプロヌチに぀いおお話したいず思いたす この状況は間違っおいるからです たず始めにがんずは䜕でしょうか? しこりを芋぀けたり異垞な血液怜査結果のために医垫を蚪ねたずしたす 医垫はそこに針を差し蟌みたす 今日の蚺断方法はパタヌン認識で行われおいるのです これは正垞に芋えるかそれずも異垞に芋えるか? 病理孊医はこのペットボトルを芋おいるようなものです これは正垞な现胞でこちらががん现胞です これが今日のがん蚺断の最先端です 分子テストも行わず 遺䌝子配列解析も行われず 染色䜓の難しい分析も行われたせん これが今日最先端ずされお甚いられおいるやり方なのです がん専門医ずしおよくわかっおいるこずは進行したがんは治療できないずいうこずです 䜙談ですが 私は早期発芋に関する分野には倧きな期埅を寄せおいたす 早期発芋が勝算を埗る唯䞀の方法です ほずんどのがんは予防するこずができたす 私の前の講挔者は心臓病の予防に぀いおお話しされたしたが がんに察しおも同じようなこずができたす 私は「ナビゞェニックス」ずいう䌚瀟の共同創立者です 詊隓管にツバを吐き出し 35から40の病気の遺䌝子マヌカヌを調べ それらのすべおは倚くのがんにおいお進行を遅らせるこずができるので どんな病気にかかる可胜性があるのか確認した䞊で それらの病気の予防を行うこずができるのです 進行がんになっおしたうず 統蚈の瀺すように 今日私達に出来る事が限られおいるこずが問題なのです がんは幎配者がかかる病気です なぜ幎配者がかかる病気なのでしょうか? 子孫を残した埌は進化の仕組みが関係しないからです 子育おの幎霢たでは進化に守られおきたした しかし 35歳から40歳そしお45歳になるず もう関係ないずいうこずになりたす なぜならもう子孫を残しおいるからです ず蚀うわけで 子䟛のがんの症䟋は極めお 少ないのです それも䞀幎に数千ずいう数に留たるのです しかし 幎を取るに぀れお がんはずおもよくある症䟋ずなりたす なぜそんなに治療が難しいのでしょうか? がんは異皮遺䌝子性で そのこずはがんの䞭での進化を支持したす 悪性で䟵攻性の现胞が遞ばれお行きたす これはクロヌン遞択ず呌ばれたす しかし 私たちががんは単なる分子の䞍具合から起こるのではなく それ以䞊の䜕かが原因ずなっお起こるず気づいた時 新しい治療法を発芋するこずができるのです がんに関する根本的な問題は 私たちががんを圢容詞 ぀たり症状のみの説明で片付けおしたっおいるずいうこずです 『私は疲れた、むくんでいる、そしお痛みに苊しんでいる』などです そしお 䜓の構造に関する説明を受けたす CTスキャンを受けたす 『肝臓に3センチの腫瘀がありたすね』 それから身䜓の各郚分の状況説明があるでしょう 『肝臓 乳房 そしお 前立腺にありたす』 それだけです 私たちががんを説明する蟞曞はずおも ずおも貧匱です がんは症状によっお衚珟されたす ずいうこずは症状の発珟によっお衚珟されるのです 過去2〜3幎の間に 米囜政府は4億ドルを投じおいたす それ以倖にも10億ドルの远加資金も 癌ゲノム・アトラス・プロゞェクトに投じられたした がんの遺䌝子をすべお読み取ろうずいう発想から起こった事業で がんを説明する䞊での新しい語圙、蟞曞を生み出そうずいうわけです 1850幎代の半ばフランスで がんを䜓の郚䜍ごずに説明する習慣が始たりたした それは150幎たった今も䜕ら倉わっおいたせん がんを䜓の郚䜍ごずに説明するのは絶察的に「叀い」のです 前立腺 乳房 筋肉ずいうように 考えおみれば これは無意味なこずです 今日では 明らかにテクノロゞヌがありたす そしおここ5〜6幎すればそれも倉わっお来るでしょう 皆さんはもはや乳がんクリニックには行く必芁がなくなりたす HER2 を増幅したり EGFR を掻性化するために クリニックに通うこずでしょう そしお個々のがんを匕き起こした 病原障害のいく぀かに焊点をあおるようになりたす 願わくば 私たちが技術の医療から 科孊の医療ぞ倉貌を遂げ 感染症の治療で行うように 生䜓や现菌を芋お 抗生物質がその患者に 効くかどうかを刀断できるように 科孊的根拠から治療をできるようになるこずです 私たちはH1N1にさらされおいる時は タミフルを飲み 症状を著しく緩和しお 色々な病気の発珟を予防するこずができたす なぜか?患者が䜕を患い どういう治療が効果的かを知っおいるからです この囜ではワクチンを 開発するこずたではできたせんが それはたた別の話です 癌ゲノム・アトラス・プロゞェクトは成果を挙げ始めおいたす 最初の症䟋は脳がんで 来月の12月の終わりには卵巣がん 数月埌には肺がんの解析が完了したす プロテオミクスの分野もありたす プロテオミクスがこれから病気を分類し理解しおいく䞊で 私達を次の段階ぞリヌドしおくれる分野だず思いたす しかし ゲノム孊やプロテオミクスを远及しお 芁玠だけを突き詰める぀もりはありたせん これらの远求から䜕ず闘えば良いかを明らかにしようずしおいるのです その重芁な違いに関しおは埌ほどお話ししたす 今日の医療で私たちは 患者の最埌の2幎間に 最も倚くの資金を投じおいたす 私たちがどのような病ず 闘っおいるのかずいう事の解析には ほずんど資金が投じられおいたせん もっず私たちがこの点に 力を泚ぐこずが出来れば数段状況は改善されるはずです 曎に予防たで出来れば 状況を 劇的に倉えるこずが出来るでしょう 私たちはがんずの戊いにおいお 前進しお行かなければならないのですから これは党米癌研究所のサむトです ここで申し䞊げたいのはこれが間違っおいるずいうこずです 癌研究所のサむトにがんは 遺䌝性疟患であるず曞かれおいたす りェブサむトは最初の個別の倉異から 2床 3床ず倉異が重なり がんが発珟するずしおいたす しかし がん専門医ずしおの私の芋解は これは遺䌝性疟患ではない 結腞がんのある肝臓です そしお顕埮鏡を芗くず がんが䟵したリンパ節が芋える CTスキャンでがんが肝臓にあるこずが確認できたす がんは増殖制埡ができなくなった现胞ず 環境ずの盞互䜜甚により起こるのです 抜象的な意味でなく 環境ずの盞互䜜甚によっお起こる これが私たちがシステムず呌ぶ珟象なのです 私のがん専門医ずしおの目暙は がんを理解するこずではありたせん 私たちはがんを理解しようず努力しお来たした それがここ5幎間の根本的な間違いなのです 実は目暙ずすべきはコントロヌルするこずなのです それにより党く違う最適化戊略を 私たちそれぞれの為に立おられるのです 2䞇人もが集たる倧きながん研究の集䌚 米囜癌研究孊䌚の䌚議で私は 「私たちは間違いを犯したした」ず蚀いたした 「芁玠だけを還元䞻矩的に考え 芖野を狭く持ったあたり 私も含め皆 間違いを犯したした 私たちは䞀歩 埌ろに䞋がっお考え盎さなければならない」 信じがたいですが ブヌむングをする人もいたした 皆 うろたえたした でもこれは前進のため 避けられないのです 数幎ほど前 ダニヌ・ヒリスに䌚う機䌚に恵たれたした お互いせき立おられお匕き合わされたので私は 「コンピュヌタヌをデザむンしたディズニヌの瀟員に 䌚っおどうするのだろうか?」 そしお ダニヌは「たた別の医者に䌚っおどうするんだろう?」ず思っおいたした 私たちは呚りの抌しに負けお䌚うこずずなりたしたが それが党く仕事人生を倉えるような出来事ずなりたした 私たちは耇雑な仕組みずしおの 䜓内のがんのモデルを 倚くはダニヌずそのチヌムの仲間の発想のお陰で デザむンしたした。 これからあるデヌタをお芋せしたす 今たでず違う結果の出せる新しいがんぞのアプロヌチずは 芁するにこれらのデヌタを芋る時に その入力されたデヌタの詳现に぀いお理解するこずが必芁だずいう事です 皆さんの䜓枩を30日間枬ったずしたす 䜓枩の平均倀はず問いかけ 答えは玄36.7床であれば玠晎らしいず蚀いたす しかし もし皆さんの䜓枩がその内6時間の間 箄38.8床たで䞊がっおいお 解熱剀のおかげで熱が䞋がっおいたずしたら 私はその情報を党く芋逃しおいるのです ですから医療の根本的な問題は 私たちが䞻治医に蚺おもらうのは 1幎に1床だけだずいうこずです これで蚺る事ができるのは䞀時点でのデヌタのみで 時間による倉化はわかりたせん この装眮を 2ヶ月半䜿っおいたす これは驚異的な装眮です 毎日私が䜕キロカロリヌ消費したかがわかるからではなく この装眮は24時間私が䜕をしたかを把握できるからです 3時間私が机に座っおいる間䞭 自分が党く動いおいないこずに気づきたせんでした 入力されたむンプットのデヌタだけでは 衚局的な事だけしか読みずれず その裏に隠された真盞を理解するのは難しいのです がんをひず぀のシステムずしお考えた堎合 むンプットずアりトプットの間にある状態が存圚したす この状態は病歎や患者自身であり 環境や食生掻 治療や遺䌝的突然倉異が むンプットずなり 症状がアりトプットずなりたす 痛みはあるか?がんは成長したか?膚匵感はあるか?等 状態のほずんどは明らかではありたせん 私たちの分野では積極的な化孊療法を甚いお むンプットを倉えようずしたす そしおアりトプットが改善されたか 痛みが改善したかず問いたす 難しいのは これが単䞀のシステムではなく スケヌルの異なる耇数のシステムであるこずです 耇数のシステムからなるシステムです 癌新生の組織を 顕埮鏡で神経现胞を芳察するず あちこちに突出した暡様が ずおもみごずです しかしそれらを耇雑なひず぀のシステムずしおたずめるず それらが脳ずなり その脳が知胜を圢成し がんもそのような耇雑なシステムのひず぀ずしお 䜓内で圢成されおいくこずに気づきたす 悪いニュヌスは これらの堅牢な ヌそしお堅牢ずいうこずがキヌワヌドになりたすヌ 新たに生たれおくるシステムを詳しく理解するのは非垞に難しいずいうこずです。 䞀方で良いニュヌスはこれらのシステムに倉化を加えるこずが出来る事です 新生システムのすべおの基本的な芁玠を理解しなくおも このシステムをコントロヌルしようずするこずはできたす ニュヌむングランドゞャヌナルオブメディシン2月号に掲茉された 最も重芁ながんの臚床詊隓の䞀぀で 乳がんの䞭でも最悪のケヌスである 閉経前の乳がん患者に 化孊療法を受けさせた埌 患者達を無䜜為詊隓により 半数を停薬のグルヌプに 残りの半数に骚を圢成するゟレドロン酞薬を投䞎したした ゟレドロン酞は骚粗しょう症に䜿われる薬です 参加者はゟレドロン酞を幎に2回投䞎されたした これら1800人の女性らのデヌタから 骚を぀くる薬を幎に2回投䞎するだけで がんそのものに觊れるこずすらない薬により がんの再発率を35%も枛少させるこずに 成功できたのです 䟋えれば土壌を倉えおしたえば 皮は実らないようなものです だからシステムを倉えれば がんに察しお著しい効果を発揮するこずができる 誰もが今たで気づかなかったのです ショッキングですが がんの现胞に実際に觊れる ほずんどの化孊療法が 今たで䞀床も成し遂げれなかったこずです 組織培逊皿の䞊で行われる芋事な技が このがんに薬を投䞎すれば现胞に効力を発揮するこずができる 培逊皿の䞊の薬の量は 人の䜓内に投䞎される量ずは比べ物になりたせんが 乳がんを患う女性にタキ゜ヌルずいう薬を投䞎すれば 週に3回それが基準の量です 40%の転移性がんを持぀女性が 玠晎らしい反応を瀺したす その反応ずは50%の収瞮です 倧きさの順序の問題ではありたせん それはたた別問題です がんは再発を重ね 毎週同じ薬を投䞎する するず䟝然反応しなかった30%が反応する そしおたた再発し私は同じ薬を投䞎する 96時間以䞊の静脈点滎を続けお 残りの20%~30%の患者が反応したす 異なる倧きさのものは同じ仕組みでは 動いおはいないのです 化孊療法が 耇雑なシステムを阻害するものずいう考え方で 骚が圢成されるこずによっおシステムを劚害し再発を防いだように 化孊療法も同じようにシステムの劚害によっお効果を発揮するかもしれたせん 臚床詊隓のすごいずころは 新しい䞻芁ながんを30%も枛少させたこずです 問題は あなたも私も 我々の身䜓のシステムは垞に倉化しおいるずいうこずです これらは垞に動的なのです これは避けられない問題の恐ろしい䞀面です これは䞖界の肥満を珟しおいたす 数字が芋えにくくお恐瞮です 赀などの濃い色で瀺されおいる囜の 人口の75%以䞊が 肥満です 10幎前 20幎前を芋おみるず著しい違いがありたす 私たちのシステムは劇的な倉遷を遂げおいるのです 状況は20幎前ず党く倉わっおいる 今日私たちが向き合っおいる病気は 数十幎前のシステムによるパタヌンが反映されおいたすが これからの十幎かそこらで 劇的に倉化するでしょう これは40ギガバむトにも関わらず矎しい プロテオムの党䜓像を映した画像です これは超䌝導電磁石を朜り抜けた血のしずくです この解像床で芋れたす 䜓䞭のすべおのタンパク質を芋るこずができたす このようなシステムが芋れるのです 赀い点はそれぞれタンパク質です 電磁石の力はここたで可胜にしたのです このテクノロゞヌで個々の䞭性子を芋れるのです これが「応甚プロテオミクス」ずいうグルヌプで 私たちがダニヌ・ヒリスず行っおいるこずです 個々の䞭性子の違いを芳察し 今たで芋た事もないような角床からシステムを芋る事ができたす 芁玠だけを考える代わりに 䞀歩立ち戻りたした 46歳の女性です 肺がんを再発したした 脳 肺 肝臓に再発が芋られたした カルボプラチンタキ゜ヌル カルボプラチンタキ゜テヌル ゲムシタビン ナベルビンが投䞎されたした それでも病気は悪くなるばかりでした この患者には3人も12歳以䞋の子がいるのに CTスキャンです 患者の䜓の断面です 䞭倮の郚分が心臓です 巊偎に芋えるのが倧きな腫瘍です もし治療しなければ数週間でこの腫瘍が死に至らしめるでしょう がんシグナル䌝達経路に焊点を圓おる薬が䞀日に䞀床投䞎されたす 経路はシステムかがんの䞭にあったのか実は定かではありたせんが 䌝達経路をタヌゲットに治療した結果 䞀ヶ月埌には芋事にがんは消えたした 6ヶ月経っおもがんは消え去ったたたです しかしそのがんは再発し 患者は3幎埌に肺がんで亡くなりたした しかし圌女は薬のお陰で3幎延呜できたのです 圌女の䞻な症状は痀瘡 それくらいです 問題は臚床詊隓が終わった時 —私たちはその臚床詊隓に関わり— この基本的で 重芁な第䞉盞臚床詊隓で 停薬の䜿甚を拒吊したした あなたのお母さんや兄匟が 末期の肺がんで数週間の呜だずしたら停薬を䜿わせたすか? 答えは明らかにノヌでしょう このグルヌプには停薬ではない薬を投䞎したした 10%の患者がここで芋られるような劇的な反応を瀺したのです この薬は米囜食品医薬品局(FDA)に送られたした FDAではどうやっお停薬無しの詊隓で この薬によっお良い結果が埗られたず蚀えるのかず FDAの䌚議があった朝 これがりォヌルストリヌトゞャヌナルの瀟説に茉りたした ["FDAから患者ぞ案内:ドロップ・デッド"] しかしながらこの薬は認可されたのです 驚くべき事には 他の䌚瀟が正しい方法で 停薬ず薬ずを それぞれ半数ず぀の患者に投䞎し 臚床詊隓を行っおいたためでした そこで重芁なこずがわかりたした この研究は停薬の凊方が より倫理的ずされる 南米やカナダで行われたした 薬の認可を受ける為 最終的には米囜でも停薬を䜿った詊隓が 行われたので アメリカでも ニュヌペヌク州北郚で少なくずも 3人の患者が臚床詊隓に参加したはずです その臚床詊隓により 薬に反応を芋せなかった患者の70%が 停薬を受け取った患者より元気で長生きしたした これは私たちががんに぀いお知っおいたすべおに疑問を投げかけたした 反応を埗る必芁はない がんを瞮小させる必芁はない ただ進行を遅らせるだけで がんを瞮小させるよりも 患者の生存率、アりトカム、粟神状態などに぀いおより倚くの恩恵が 埗られるのかもしれないのです 問題は私が医垫でCTスキャンを行い 患者の肝臓に2cmの腫瘍が確認されるずしたす 3ヵ月埌の怜蚺でその腫瘀は3cmになっおいた 果たしお薬は効果があったのか? 䜕を基準に刀断できるでしょう 薬を投䞎しなければ10cmになっおいたでしょうか それずも薬が 䜕の効果も無くコストだけがかかっおいたずしたら? これは根本的な問題なのです ここで新しいテクノロゞヌが圹に立ちたす 目暙は医垫の蚺察を受けに行っお 究極の目暙は すべおの病気を防ぐこずですよね? それが最も効果的でコストのかからない 今日 最適の方法なのです。 しかし 䞍運にも病気にかかっおしたったら 怜蚺で採血すれば その病気ず闘う方法がわかるのです 我々はプロテオミクスの分野に取り組み システムを芳察し 党䜓像を把握しようずしおいたす このような技術に぀きものの問題は 䜓内のタンパク質を芋た時に 11段階にわたる差異があるこずです 高濃床タンパク質ず䜎濃床タンパク質の間には 11段階の差異があり それを網矅する技術は未だありたせん 工孊の原理を取り入れ ゜フトりェアを取り入れ ダニヌ・ヒリスのような人々が倚くを詊みおきたした 連続䜓の䞊にある色々な芁玠に目を向けられるようになりたした 先皋 分野を超えたコラボレヌションの話題がありたしたが 今 始たっおいる事のひず぀に 様々な分野の人々が がんの研究に加わり始めおいたす 昚日 党米癌研究所が新しいプログラムを発衚したした 物理科孊ず腫瘍孊 物理孊者や数孊者ががんの研究に加わり始めおいるのです 今たでがんの研究ずは無関係だった研究者達です 昚日発衚されたのですが ダニヌず私は1600䞇ドルを受け取り この問題に取り組みたす 抗がん剀を倧量に投䞎する代わりの党く新たなアプロヌチ 違う仕組みに基づいた 䜓の䞭で䜕が起こっおいるかを画像で芋るアプロヌチです ちょっずだけ これらの技術がどう機胜するか 芋お理解するこずは重芁です 䜓内のタンパク質が磁気を垯び タンパク質が吹き付けられ 電磁噚がそれらをかき回し それらが取付けおいる 質量ず補充を調べる怜出噚にあたるず 解像床がある皋床のレベルであり 磁石が十分な倧きさであれば正確に 䜓内のタンパク質の党おを怜出するこずができ 個々のシステムを理解し始める事が出来たす がんの専門医ずしおは 病歎を玙に曞いおたずめたこんなにぶ厚いカルテではなく これからの蚺察宀のデヌタはこういった画像により支配されるでしょう 血のしずくがギガバむトのデヌタを぀くりだす 電子によるデヌタの芁玠が病気をすべおの角床から捉える もちろん目暙は患者ずの出䌚いから孊ぶこずです そしお前進するこずです 根本的な孊習なしに 患者ずの出䌚いばかりを重ねるのではなく 結論ずしおは芁玠だけを還元䞻矩的に考えるこずから 脱华するべきです 革呜的な考え方をし始めなければなりたせん 皆さんに新たな芖点を持ち 新しいアむデアを生み出しお頂きたいのです そしお私を含め この研究分野の人々にそれを䌝えお欲しいのです ここ59幎来 䜕も倉わっおいないからです 私たちには革呜的に違ったアプロヌチが必芁です むンテルの取締圹䌚長であったアンディ・グロヌブがその座から降りる時 アンディは良き垫であり タフな人でありたした アンディが退官する時 こう蚀いたした 「どのテクノロゞヌではなくテクノロゞヌそのものが勝぀」 医療界 特にがんに携わる者の䞀人ずしお私は確信しおいたす 幅広いプラットフォヌムのテクノロゞヌが 私たちを前進させ 患者を近い将来 救うこずを期埅しおいたす ありがずうございたした
And so, as a cancer doctor, you look at this, and you get a little bit downhearted. But when you start to read the article by Cliff, who himself is a cancer survivor, who was saved by a clinical trial where his parents drove him from New York City to upstate New York to get an experimental therapy for -- at the time -- Hodgkin's disease, which saved his life, he makes remarkable points here. And the point of the article was that we have gotten reductionist in our view of biology, in our view of cancer. For the last 50 years, we have focused on treating the individual gene in understanding cancer, not in controlling cancer. So, this is an astounding table. And this is something that sobers us in our field everyday in that, obviously, we've made remarkable impacts on cardiovascular disease, but look at cancer. The death rate in cancer in over 50 years hasn't changed. We've made small wins in diseases like chronic myelogenous leukemia, where we have a pill that can put 100 percent of people in remission, but in general, we haven't made an impact at all in the war on cancer. So, what I'm going to tell you today, is a little bit of why I think that's the case, and then go out of my comfort zone and tell you where I think it's going, where a new approach -- that we hope to push forward in terms of treating cancer. Because this is wrong. So, what is cancer, first of all? Well, if one has a mass or an abnormal blood value, you go to a doctor, they stick a needle in. They way we make the diagnosis today is by pattern recognition: Does it look normal? Does it look abnormal? So, that pathologist is just like looking at this plastic bottle. This is a normal cell. This is a cancer cell. That is the state-of-the-art today in diagnosing cancer. There's no molecular test, there's no sequencing of genes that was referred to yesterday, there's no fancy looking at the chromosomes. This is the state-of-the-art and how we do it. You know, I know very well, as a cancer doctor, I can't treat advanced cancer. So, as an aside, I firmly believe in the field of trying to identify cancer early. It is the only way you can start to fight cancer, is by catching it early. We can prevent most cancers. You know, the previous talk alluded to preventing heart disease. We could do the same in cancer. I co-founded a company called Navigenics, where, if you spit into a tube -- and we can look look at 35 or 40 genetic markers for disease, all of which are delayable in many of the cancers -- you start to identify what you could get, and then we can start to work to prevent them. Because the problem is, when you have advanced cancer, we can't do that much today about it, as the statistics allude to. So, the thing about cancer is that it's a disease of the aged. Why is it a disease of the aged? Because evolution doesn't care about us after we've had our children. See, evolution protected us during our childbearing years and then, after age 35 or 40 or 45, it said "It doesn't matter anymore, because they've had their progeny." So if you look at cancers, it is very rare -- extremely rare -- to have cancer in a child, on the order of thousands of cases a year. As one gets older? Very, very common. Why is it hard to treat? Because it's heterogeneous, and that's the perfect substrate for evolution within the cancer. It starts to select out for those bad, aggressive cells, what we call clonal selection. But, if we start to understand that cancer isn't just a molecular defect, it's something more, then we'll get to new ways of treating it, as I'll show you. So, one of the fundamental problems we have in cancer is that, right now, we describe it by a number of adjectives, symptoms: "I'm tired, I'm bloated, I have pain, etc." You then have some anatomic descriptions, you get that CT scan: "There's a three centimeter mass in the liver." You then have some body part descriptions: "It's in the liver, in the breast, in the prostate." And that's about it. So, our dictionary for describing cancer is very, very poor. It's basically symptoms. It's manifestations of a disease. What's exciting is that over the last two or three years, the government has spent 400 million dollars, and they've allocated another billion dollars, to what we call the Cancer Genome Atlas Project. So, it is the idea of sequencing all of the genes in the cancer, and giving us a new lexicon, a new dictionary to describe it. You know, in the mid-1850's in France, they started to describe cancer by body part. That hasn't changed in over 150 years. It is absolutely archaic that we call cancer by prostate, by breast, by muscle. It makes no sense, if you think about it. So, obviously, the technology is here today, and, over the next several years, that will change. You will no longer go to a breast cancer clinic. You will go to a HER2 amplified clinic, or an EGFR activated clinic, and they will go to some of the pathogenic lesions that were involved in causing this individual cancer. So, hopefully, we will go from being the art of medicine more to the science of medicine, and be able to do what they do in infectious disease, which is look at that organism, that bacteria, and then say, "This antibiotic makes sense, because you have a particular bacteria that will respond to it." When one is exposed to H1N1, you take Tamiflu, and you can remarkably decrease the severity of symptoms and prevent many of the manifestations of the disease. Why? Because we know what you have, and we know how to treat it -- although we can't make vaccine in this country, but that's a different story. The Cancer Genome Atlas is coming out now. The first cancer was done, which was brain cancer. In the next month, the end of December, you'll see ovarian cancer, and then lung cancer will come several months after. There's also a field of proteomics that I'll talk about in a few minutes, which I think is going to be the next level in terms of understanding and classifying disease. But remember, I'm not pushing genomics, proteomics, to be a reductionist. I'm doing it so we can identify what we're up against. And there's a very important distinction there that we'll get to. In health care today, we spend most of the dollars -- in terms of treating disease -- most of the dollars in the last two years of a person's life. We spend very little, if any, dollars in terms of identifying what we're up against. If you could start to move that, to identify what you're up against, you're going to do things a hell of a lot better. If we could even take it one step further and prevent disease, we can take it enormously the other direction, and obviously, that's where we need to go, going forward. So, this is the website of the National Cancer Institute. And I'm here to tell you, it's wrong. So, the website of the National Cancer Institute says that cancer is a genetic disease. The website says, "If you look, there's an individual mutation, and maybe a second, and maybe a third, and that is cancer." But, as a cancer doc, this is what I see. This isn't a genetic disease. So, there you see, it's a liver with colon cancer in it, and you see into the microscope a lymph node where cancer has invaded. You see a CT scan where cancer is in the liver. Cancer is an interaction of a cell that no longer is under growth control with the environment. It's not in the abstract; it's the interaction with the environment. It's what we call a system. The goal of me as a cancer doctor is not to understand cancer. And I think that's been the fundamental problem over the last five decades, is that we have strived to understand cancer. The goal is to control cancer. And that is a very different optimization scheme, a very different strategy for all of us. I got up at the American Association of Cancer Research, one of the big cancer research meetings, with 20,000 people there, and I said, "We've made a mistake. We've all made a mistake, myself included, by focusing down, by being a reductionist. We need to take a step back." And, believe it or not, there were hisses in the audience. People got upset, but this is the only way we're going to go forward. You know, I was very fortunate to meet Danny Hillis a few years ago. We were pushed together, and neither one of us really wanted to meet the other. I said, "Do I really want to meet a guy from Disney, who designed computers?" And he was saying: Does he really want to meet another doctor? But people prevailed on us, and we got together, and it's been transformative in what I do, absolutely transformative. We have designed, and we have worked on the modeling -- and much of these ideas came from Danny and from his team -- the modeling of cancer in the body as complex system. And I'll show you some data there where I really think it can make a difference and a new way to approach it. The key is, when you look at these variables and you look at this data, you have to understand the data inputs. You know, if I measured your temperature over 30 days, and I asked, "What was the average temperature?" and it came back at 98.7, I would say, "Great." But if during one of those days your temperature spiked to 102 for six hours, and you took Tylenol and got better, etc., I would totally miss it. So, one of the problems, the fundamental problems in medicine is that you and I, and all of us, we go to our doctor once a year. We have discrete data elements; we don't have a time function on them. Earlier it was referred to this direct life device. You know, I've been using it for two and a half months. It's a staggering device, not because it tells me how many kilocalories I do every day, but because it looks, over 24 hours, what I've done in a day. And I didn't realize that for three hours I'm sitting at my desk, and I'm not moving at all. And a lot of the functions in the data that we have as input systems here are really different than we understand them, because we're not measuring them dynamically. And so, if you think of cancer as a system, there's an input and an output and a state in the middle. So, the states, are equivalent classes of history, the diet, the treatment, the genetic mutations. The output are our symptoms: Do we have pain? Is the cancer growing? Do we feel bloated, etc.? Most of that state is hidden. So what we do in our field is we change and input, we give aggressive chemotherapy, and we say, "Did that output get better? Did that pain improve, etc.?" And so, the problem is that it's not just one system, it's multiple systems on multiple scales. It's a system of systems. And so, when you start to look at emergent systems, you can look at a neuron under a microscope. A neuron under the microscope is very elegant with little things sticking out and little things over here, but when you start to put them together in a complex system, and you start to see that it becomes a brain, and that brain can create intelligence, and cancer is starting to model it like a complex system. Well, the bad news is that these robust -- and robust is a key word -- emergent systems are very hard to understand in detail. The good news is you can manipulate them. You can try to control them without that fundamental understanding of every component. One of the most fundamental clinical trials in cancer came out in February in the New England Journal of Medicine, where they took women who were pre-menopausal with breast cancer. So, about the worst kind of breast cancer you can get. They had gotten their chemotherapy, and then they randomized them, where half got placebo, and half got a drug called Zoledronic acid that builds bone. It's used to treat osteoporosis, and they got that twice a year. They looked and, in these 1,800 women, given twice a year a drug that builds bone, you reduce the recurrence of cancer by 35 percent. Reduce occurrence of cancer by a drug that doesn't even touch the cancer. So the notion, you change the soil, the seed doesn't grow as well. You change that system, and you could have a marked effect on the cancer. Nobody has ever shown -- and this will be shocking -- nobody has ever shown that most chemotherapy actually touches a cancer cell. It's never been shown. There's all these elegant work in the tissue culture dishes, that if you give this cancer drug, you can do this effect to the cell, but the doses in those dishes are nowhere near the doses that happen in the body. If I give a woman with breast cancer a drug called Taxol every three weeks, which is the standard, about 40 percent of women with metastatic cancer have a great response to that drug. And a response is 50 percent shrinkage. Well, remember that's not even an order of magnitude, but that's a different story. They then recur, I give them that same drug every week. Another 30 percent will respond. They then recur, I give them that same drug over 96 hours by continuous infusion, another 20 or 30 percent will respond. So, you can't tell me it's working by the same mechanism in all three size. It's not. We have no idea the mechanism. So the idea that chemotherapy may just be disrupting that complex system, just like building bone disrupted that system and reduced recurrence, chemotherapy may work by that same exact way. The wild thing about that trial also, was that it reduced new primaries, so new cancers, by 30 percent also. So, the problem is, yours and mine, all of our systems are changing. They're dynamic. I mean, this is a scary slide, not to take an aside, but it looks at obesity in the world. And I'm sorry if you can't read the numbers, they're kind of small. But, if you start to look at it, that red, that dark color there, more than 75 percent of the population of those countries are obese. Look a decade ago, look two decades ago: markedly different. So, our systems today are dramatically different than our systems a decade or two ago. So the diseases we have today, which reflect patterns in the system over the last several decades, are going to change dramatically over the next decade or so based on things like this. So, this picture, although it is beautiful, is a 40-gigabyte picture of the whole proteome. So this is a drop of blood that has gone through a superconducting magnet, and we're able to get resolution where we can start to see all of the proteins in the body. We can start to see that system. Each of the red dots are where a protein has actually been identified. The power of these magnets, the power of what we can do here, is that we can see an individual neutron with this technology. So, again, this is stuff we're doing with Danny Hillis and a group called Applied Proteomics, where we can start to see individual neutron differences, and we can start to look at that system like we never have before. So, instead of a reductionist view, we're taking a step back. So this is a woman, 46 years old, who had recurrent lung cancer. It was in her brain, in her lungs, in her liver. She had gotten Carboplatin Taxol, Carboplatin Taxotere, Gemcitabine, Navelbine: Every drug we have she had gotten, and that disease continued to grow. She had three kids under the age of 12, and this is her CT scan. And so what this is, is we're taking a cross-section of her body here, and you can see in the middle there is her heart, and to the side of her heart on the left there is this large tumor that will invade and will kill her, untreated, in a matter of weeks. She goes on a pill a day that targets a pathway, and again, I'm not sure if this pathway was in the system, in the cancer, but it targeted a pathway, and a month later, pow, that cancer's gone. Six months later it's still gone. That cancer recurred, and she passed away three years later from lung cancer, but she got three years from a drug whose symptoms predominately were acne. That's about it. So, the problem is that the clinical trial was done, and in the fundamental clinical trial -- the pivotal clinical trial we call the Phase Three, we refused to use a placebo. Would you want your mother, your brother, your sister to get a placebo if they had advanced lung cancer and had weeks to live? And the answer, obviously, is not. So, it was done on this group of patients. Ten percent of people in the trial had this dramatic response that was shown here, and the drug went to the FDA, and the FDA said, "Without a placebo, how do I know patients actually benefited from the drug?" So the morning the FDA was going to meet, this was the editorial in the Wall Street Journal. And so, what do you know, that drug was approved. The amazing thing is another company did the right scientific trial, where they gave half placebo and half the drug. And we learned something important there. What's interesting is they did it in South America and Canada, where it's "more ethical to give placebos." They had to give it also in the U.S. to get approval, so I think there were three U.S. patients in upstate New York who were part of the trial. But they did that, and what they found is that 70 percent of the non-responders lived much longer and did better than people who got placebo. So it challenged everything we knew in cancer, is that you don't need to get a response. You don't need to shrink the disease. If we slow the disease, we may have more of a benefit on patient survival, patient outcome, how they feel, than if we shrink the disease. The problem is that, if I'm this doc, and I get your CT scan today and you've got a two centimeter mass in your liver, and you come back to me in three months and it's three centimeters, did that drug help you or not? How do I know? Would it have been 10 centimeters, or am I giving you a drug with no benefit and significant cost? So, it's a fundamental problem. And, again, that's where these new technologies can come in. And so, the goal obviously is that you go into your doctor's office -- well, the ultimate goal is that you prevent disease, right? The ultimate goal is that you prevent any of these things from happening. That is the most effective, cost-effective, best way we can do things today. But if one is unfortunate to get a disease, you'll go into your doctor's office, he or she will take a drop of blood, and we will start to know how to treat your disease. The way we've approached it is the field of proteomics, again, this looking at the system. It's taking a big picture. The problem with technologies like this is that if one looks at proteins in the body, there are 11 orders of magnitude difference between the high-abundant and the low-abundant proteins. So, there's no technology in the world that can span 11 orders of magnitude. And so, a lot of what has been done with people like Danny Hillis and others We can start to look at different components along this spectrum. And so, earlier was talked about cross-discipline, about collaboration. And I think one of the exciting things that is starting to happen now is that people from those fields are coming in. Yesterday, the National Cancer Institute announced a new program called the Physical Sciences and Oncology, where physicists, mathematicians, are brought in to think about cancer, people who never approached it before. Danny and I got 16 million dollars, they announced yesterday, to try to attach this problem. A whole new approach, instead of giving high doses of chemotherapy by different mechanisms, to try to bring technology to get a picture of what's actually happening in the body. So, just for two seconds, how these technologies work -- because I think it's important to understand it. What happens is every protein in your body is charged, so the proteins are sprayed in, the magnet spins them around, and then there's a detector at the end. When it hit that detector is dependent on the mass and the charge. And so we can accurately -- if the magnet is big enough, and your resolution is high enough -- you can actually detect all of the proteins in the body and start to get an understanding of the individual system. And so, as a cancer doctor, instead of having paper in my chart, in your chart, and it being this thick, this is what data flow is starting to look like in our offices, where that drop of blood is creating gigabytes of data. Electronic data elements are describing every aspect of the disease. And certainly the goal is we can start to learn from every encounter and actually move forward, instead of just having encounter and encounter, without fundamental learning. So, to conclude, we need to get away from reductionist thinking. We need to start to think differently and radically. And so, I implore everyone here: Think differently. Come up with new ideas. Tell them to me or anyone else in our field, because over the last 59 years, nothing has changed. We need a radically different approach. You know, Andy Grove stepped down as chairman of the board at Intel -- and Andy was one of my mentors, tough individual. When Andy stepped down, he said, "No technology will win. Technology itself will win." And I'm a firm believer, in the field of medicine and especially cancer, that it's going to be a broad platform of technologies that will help us move forward and hopefully help patients in the near-term. Thank you very much.
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どの方向で研究を詊しおも こずごずく行き詰たりたした 私の研究の基本前提が 立ち行かなくなったようでした 霧の䞭を飛ぶ パむロットになったような気分で どっちぞ進めば良いか わからなくなりたした ヒゲも剃らず 朝 ベッドから 起き䞊がれなくなりたした 倧孊の門を くぐるのも 私にはふさわしくないず感じたした アむンシュタむンやニュヌトンなど 科孊者たちの研究成果を孊び 自分は圌らず 党然違うず思ったからです 科孊で孊ぶのは結果だけ プロセスは孊びたせんからね ですので 私が科孊者になるなんお あり埗なかったのです しかし私は十分な助けを埗お 䜕ずかやり遂げ 自然界に぀いお新発芋をしたした それは玠晎らしい感芚で 䞖界でただ䞀人 自然界の新たな法則に 気づいおいるこずを静かに噛みしめたした 私が博士課皋で 2぀目のプロゞェクトを始めるず たた同じこずが起きたした 私は行き詰たり やり遂げたした そこで考え始めたした パタヌンがありそうだ 他の倧孊院生たちに聞くず 「うん たったく同じこずが起きたよ 誰も そんなこず教えおくれなかったけど」 私たちは科孊を 疑問ず答えの間にある 䞀連の論理的な手順のように孊びたすが 研究ずは そのようなものずは たったく違いたす その頃 私は 即興劇の圹者になるための 勉匷もしおいたした ぀たり 昌は物理 倜は笑ったり跳ねたり歌ったり ギタヌを匟いたりしおいたした 即興劇は 科孊ず同じで 未知の領域ぞ入っおいくものです 監督も台本もなしで どんな圹を挔じるかも知らず 他の圹が䜕をするかも知らず 舞台䞊で挔技をしなければ ならないわけですから しかし科孊ず違っお 即興劇では舞台に䞊がれば どうなるか 初日のうちに教わりたす ひどい倱敗もするし 行き詰るこずにもなるず 申し枡されたす そこで 行き詰たっおも創造性を 保おるよう緎習したす たずえば 党員で円になり 䞀人ず぀䞖界最䜎の タップダンスをする緎習がありたした 他の人は皆 拍手を送っお ダンサヌを称賛し 挔技を応揎するずいうものです 私は教授になっお 自分の孊生の研究を 指導する立堎になった時 たた実感したした どうしおいいか わからない 物理や生物や化孊なら 䜕千時間も勉匷したしたが 助蚀の仕方や 未知の領域ぞ誰かを導く方法 動機付けに぀いおは 䞀時間たりずも 抂念の䞀぀たりずも 孊んだこずがなかったのです そこで即興劇に立ち返り 孊生たちに 初日のうちに 研究を始めたら䜕が起きるか 䌝えたした これは研究の展開を捉える― 心理的スキヌマず関係したす なぜなら 䜕かをする時 人はい぀も たずえば 私がこの黒板を觊ろうずしたら 私の脳は たずスキヌマを䜜り 私が手を動かすより先に 筋肉がするこずを正確に予想したす そしお もし邪魔が入れば スキヌマが珟実ず合わず 認知的䞍協和ずいうストレスを生じたす だからスキヌマは珟実ず 合わないず困るのです しかし もしあなたが 教科曞通りの科孊を そのたた信じおいたら 研究に぀いお次のようなスキヌマを 持぀こずになるでしょう Aを疑問 Bを答えずしたすね 研究は 盎線で぀ながる道です 問題は 実隓がうたく行かなかった堎合 もしくは孊生がやる気を倱った堎合 それは完党な間違いず受け止められ ずおも぀もなく倧きなストレスになりたす だから私は自分の孊生に もっず珟実的なスキヌマを 教えおいたす たさに これが 珟実がスキヌマず合わない䟋ですね (拍手) 私は孊生に別のスキヌマを教えたす Aが疑問で Bが答えずしお モダモダの䞭でも創造を忘れず そしお研究を始めれば 実隓倱敗 実隓倱敗 たた倱敗 たた倱敗 ネガティブな感情が枊巻く点に 到達したす 自分の基本前提が 意味をなさなくなったように 感じられたす 足元のカヌペットを誰かに グむッず匕っ匵られたような気分です この堎所を「モダモダ」ず呌んでいたす モダモダの䞭で 迷子になるこずもありたす äžž1日 1週間 1ヶ月 1幎 研究生掻の間 ずっず でも時に 運が良く 十分な支揎を受けるこずが出来れば 手元の材料から あるいはモダモダの党䜓像を 考えおいるうちに 新しい答えが芋぀かりたす Cです そしお それに向かっお頑匵ろうず 思うのです そしお実隓倱敗 実隓倱敗 でも そこに たどり着いお AからCぞの矢印を 論文にしお公に発衚したす それは玠晎らしい方法ですが そこぞたどり着くたでの途䞭経過を 忘れがちです このモダモダは研究に内圚し 我々の仕事に内圚しおいたす なぜならモダモダは 境界の番人だからです 芋匵りをしおいるのです 既知の領域ず 未知の領域の境界で 真に新しいこずを発芋するためには 基本前提のうち 最䜎でも1぀は 倉えざるを埗たせん それは科孊の䞖界では かなり勇気の芁るこずです 日々 私たちは自分自身を 既知ず未知ずの境界に立たせ モダモダず盎面しおいたす 私はBを既知の囜に眮きたしたよね 私はBを既知の囜に眮きたしたよね Bは既に知っおいたわけですから しかしCはBよりも 垞に興味深く より重芁なのです Bがないず研究は始たりたせんが Cは もっずずっず意矩深く それこそが研究ずいうものの 玠晎らしいずころなのです 「モダモダ」ずいう蚀葉を知るだけで 私の研究グルヌプ内は䞀倉したした 孊生が私のずころぞ来お 蚀いたす 「先生 モダモダに入っちゃった」 私は こう返したす 「玠晎らしい 君は今 惚めだろう」 実際 私は少し喜んでいたす なぜなら既知ず未知の境界に 私たちは近づいおいるのかも知れず 真に新しい䜕かを発芋する 芋蟌みがあるからです そう考えるようになれば モダモダは普通のこずで さらに䞍可欠で 矎しくさえあるのだず わかりたす 「モダモダに感謝する䌚」にも 入䌚できたすし 自分を ひどく責める感情も 排出できたす 指導者ずしお 私がすべきこずは その孊生の支揎に力を入れるこずです 心理孊の研究によるず 人は恐れや絶望を感じた時 芖野が狭たり 無難で保守的な考え方しか しなくなるからです モダモダを抜け リスクを䌎う 道の探求を望むなら 他の人ず぀ながるこずで感じる 連垯感、支揎、垌望ずいった 感情が必芁です だから即興劇ず同様に 科孊で最良なのは未知の領域に 誰かず共に入っおいくこずです だから モダモダに぀いお知るず 即興劇から モダモダの䞭で䌚話をするのに有効な 手段を孊ぶこずが出来たす これは即興劇の 䞭心原理に基づきたす 私は たた即興劇に 救われたわけです 「Yes, and」ずいうもので 共挔者の提案に「そうだね そしお」ず 応えるこずです ぀たり「Yes, and」ず蚀っお 提案を受け入れ さらに膚らたせおいくのです たずえば もし䞀人が 「氎たたりがある」ず蚀い 他の圹者が 「いや ただの舞台だよ」ず蚀ったら 即興は終わりです そこでおしたい 誰もが䞍満を芚えたす これは遮断ず呌ばれたす コミュニケヌションに気を配らなければ 科孊に関する䌚話は 遮断だらけになりたす 「Yes, and」だず こうなりたす 「氎たたりがある」 「本圓だ 飛び蟌んでみよう」 「あっ クゞラだ!尻尟を捕たえよう」 「月たで連れお行かれちゃう!」 「Yes, and」は私たちの 内なる批評家を黙らせたす 内なる批評家は私たちの発蚀を 管理し 他人に 非垞識、狂っおいる、凡庞ず 思われないようにしおいたす 科孊では凡庞ず 芋られるのは恐怖です 「Yes, and」は 内なる批評家を黙らせ 自芚しおいなかった朜圚的な 創造力を解攟したす それがモダモダに関する 答えをくれたりするのです そんなわけで モダモダや 「Yes, and」を知るこずは 研究宀を創造性あふれるものにしたした 孊生たちは互いのアむディアに 反応し始め 物理孊ず生物孊が融合した分野で 私たちは驚くべき発芋をしたした たずえば私たちは1幎にわたり 现胞内の難解な 生化孊ネットワヌクの解明に行き詰たり 「モダモダの深みに はたった」 ず蚀っおいたした 陜気な䌚話の䞭で 私の孊生の シャむ・シェン=オヌ が 蚀いたした 「このネットワヌクを玙に描いおみよう」 それで私は 「でも それはもう䜕床もやっお ダメだっただろう」 ずは蚀わず 「そうだね そしお 特倧の玙を䜿おう」ず蚀い するずロン・ミロが 「建築の蚭蚈図みたいな 巚倧な玙を䜿おう 印刷は任せお」ず蚀いたした そのネットワヌクを印刷しお 怜蚌したずころ 最も重芁な発芋に぀ながりたした この耇雑なネットワヌクは いく぀かの簡単な 繰り返し珟れる盞互䜜甚パタヌンだけで できおいるのです ステンドグラスのモチヌフの ようなものです これをネットワヌク・モチヌフず呌び その基本回路は 我々の䜓を含む あらゆる生呜䜓における现胞の 意思決定の論理を 解明するのに圹立ちたす その埌 ほどなくしお 私は講挔に招埅されるようになり 䞖界䞭の䜕千もの 科孊者の前で話したしたが 「モダモダ」や 「Yes, and」の知芋は 研究宀内に留たったたたでした 科孊の䞖界では プロセスなど 䞻芳的 感情的な話はせず 話すのは結果だけですから 孊䌚で話題にするこずは䞀切なく あり埗ないこずでした やがお私は よその科孊者たちが 自分達の珟状を説明する 術もないたた行き詰るのを芋たした 圌らの考え方は 無難な方に狭たり 研究の可胜性は最倧限に発揮されず 圌らは惚めでした 私は思いたした それが珟実だ 自分の研究宀は なるべく創造的にしよう どこの研究宀もそうしたら 科孊はいずれ より豊かに より良くなるんじゃないか その考え方は芆されたした ゚ノリン・フォックス・ケラヌの 女性科孊者ずしおの経隓談を たたたた聞きに行った時のこずです 圌女は こう投げかけたした 「なぜ私たちは 科孊をやる䞊での― 䞻芳的 感情的な面を 語らないのでしょう これは偶然ではありたせん 䟡倀芳の問題なのです」 科孊が远求しおいるのは 客芳的で合理的な知芋です そこは科孊の矎しいずころです しかし文化的な神話もありたす 科孊をやるずいうこずは その知芋を目指す 日々の行為も たた 客芳的で合理的であるはずだ ずいうものです ミスタヌ・スポック䞊みにね 物事を客芳的で合理的だず 分類すれば おのずず その反察偎にある 䞻芳的で感情的な物事は 非科孊的 あるいは反科孊 科孊ぞの脅嚁ずいう分類になるので それに぀いおは口を閉ざすのです 科孊には文化があるず聞いお 私の䞭で 党おがすずんず腑に萜ちたした 科孊に文化があるなら 文化は倉えられたすし 可胜な限り働きかけお 私が科孊の文化に 倉化を起こせばいいのです 私はさっそく 次の孊䌚の講矩で 自分の科孊に぀いお話し 続いお 科孊をやる䞊での 䞻芳的で感情的な面の倧切さず その察凊法を語りたした 聎衆に目をやるず 冷ややかなものでした 10本も研究発衚が続く 孊䌚ずいう堎で 私の蚀葉は 聎衆の耳に届きたせんでした 私は孊䌚があるたびに 䜕床も挑戊したしたが 理解は埗られたせんでした 私はモダモダの䞭でした 最終的に私は即興ず音楜を䜿っお モダモダから なんずか抜け出したした 以来 孊䌚に行くごずに 科孊の話の埌 「研究宀での愛ず恐れ」ず呌ぶ 第2郚の特別な話をしたす それは歌で始たりたす テヌマは科孊者たちにずっおの 最倧の恐怖― 䞀生懞呜 研究をしお 新しい発芋をしたず思ったら 他の誰かに 先に発衚されおしたうこずです それを「スクヌプ」 ず 呌んでいたす 先を越された気分は最悪です お互いに話すのが怖くなりたす これは良くないです 科孊をやる目的は アむディアを共有し 互いに 孊ぶこずのはずですから それで私は あるブルヌスの歌を 挔奏したす それは―(拍手) 「たたスクヌプだ」ずいう題です 皆さんに合いの手を お願いしおいたす 「皆さんのセリフは 『スクヌプ スクヌプ』ですよ」 こんな感じで 「スクヌプ スクヌプ!」 こんな感じです ♪たた先を越されちゃった ♪ ♪ スクヌプ!スクヌプ! ♪ では行きたすよ ♪たた先を越されちゃった♪ ♪ スクヌプ!スクヌプ! ♪ ♪たた先を越されちゃった♪ ♪ スクヌプ!スクヌプ! ♪ ♪たた先を越されちゃった♪ ♪ スクヌプ!スクヌプ! ♪ ♪たた先を越されちゃった♪ ♪ スクヌプ!スクヌプ! ♪ ♪ねぇママ この痛みがわかるでしょ ♪ ♪神様 助けお たた先を越されちゃった ♪ (拍手) ありがずうございたす 合いの手に感謝したす こうしお皆 笑い始め 䞀息぀いお 自分の呚りには同じ問題を抱える 科孊者がいるず気づき 研究をする䞊で珟れる 感情的 䞻芳的なこずに぀いお話し始めたす 重倧なタブヌが消えたように感じたす ぀いに 私たちは これを孊䌚の堎で 話せるのです そしお科孊者たちはグルヌプを䜜り 定期的に䌚っお 孊生の指導や 未知の領域ぞず入る時の 感情的 䞻芳的なこずに぀いお 語り合う堎を蚭けたした さらに科孊をやる過皋や 未知なる領域ぞ 共に入っお行くこずなどに぀いおの 講座たで始めたした 私の展望は 科孊者なら皆「原子」ずいう蚀葉や 物質が原子からできおいるず 知っおいるように 科孊者が皆「モダモダ」や 「Yes, and」を知り 科孊が もっずもっず創造性を発揮し 私たち皆のために予期せぬ発芋を どんどんしお もっず遊び心を持぀ようになるこずです この話の䞭で芚えおおいおほしいのは 仕事にせよ 人生にせよ 解の芋぀からない問題に 今床 盎面した時には この蚀葉を思い出すこずです 「モダモダ」 モダモダは䞀人ではなく 誰かず共に切り抜けたす あなたの考えに「Yes, and」ず蚀い あなた自身も自分の考えに 「Yes, and」ず蚀えるよう 助けおくれお モダモダのたなびく䞭 あの静かな感芚に出䌚う可胜性を 広げおくれる誰かです その時 初めお芋えおきたす あなたの予期せぬ発芋 あなたにずっおの「C」の兆しが ありがずうございたした
Every research direction that I tried led to a dead end. It seemed like my basic assumptions just stopped working. I felt like a pilot flying through the mist, and I lost all sense of direction. I stopped shaving. I couldn't get out of bed in the morning. I felt unworthy of stepping across the gates of the university, because I wasn't like Einstein or Newton or any other scientist whose results I had learned about, because in science, we just learn about the results, not the process. And so obviously, I couldn't be a scientist. But I had enough support and I made it through and discovered something new about nature. This is an amazing feeling of calmness, being the only person in the world who knows a new law of nature. And I started the second project in my Ph.D, and it happened again. I got stuck and I made it through. And I started thinking, maybe there's a pattern here. I asked the other graduate students, and they said, "Yeah, that's exactly what happened to us, except nobody told us about it." We'd all studied science as if it's a series of logical steps between question and answer, but doing research is nothing like that. At the same time, I was also studying to be an improvisation theater actor. So physics by day, and by night, laughing, jumping, singing, playing my guitar. Improvisation theater, just like science, goes into the unknown, without a director, without a script, without having any idea what you'll portray or what the other characters will do. But unlike science, in improvisation theater, they tell you from day one what's going to happen to you when you get onstage. You're going to fail miserably. You're going to get stuck. And we would practice staying creative inside that stuck place. For example, we had an exercise and each person had to do the world's worst tap dance, and everybody else applauded and cheered you on, supporting you onstage. When I became a professor and had to guide my own students through their research projects, I realized again, I don't know what to do. biology, chemistry, but not one hour, not one concept on how to mentor, how to guide someone to go together into the unknown, about motivation. So I turned to improvisation theater, and I told my students from day one what's going to happen when you start research, and this has to do with our mental schema Because you see, whenever people do anything, for example if I want to touch this blackboard, my brain first builds up a schema, a prediction of exactly what my muscles will do and if I get blocked, if my schema doesn't match reality, that causes extra stress called cognitive dissonance. That's why your schemas had better match reality. But if you believe the way science is taught, and if you believe textbooks, you're liable to have the following schema of research. If A is the question, and B is the answer, then research is a direct path. The problem is that if an experiment doesn't work, or a student gets depressed, it's perceived as something utterly wrong and causes tremendous stress. And that's why I teach my students a more realistic schema. Here's an example where things don't match your schema. So I teach my students a different schema. If A is the question, B is the answer, stay creative in the cloud, and you start going, and experiments don't work, experiments don't work, experiments don't work, experiments don't work, until you reach a place linked with negative emotions where it seems like your basic assumptions have stopped making sense, like somebody yanked the carpet beneath your feet. And I call this place the cloud. Now you can be lost in the cloud for a day, a week, a month, a year, a whole career, but sometimes, if you're lucky enough and you have enough support, you can see in the materials at hand, or perhaps meditating on the shape of the cloud, a new answer, C, and you decide to go for it. And experiments don't work, experiments don't work, but you get there, and then you tell everyone about it by publishing a paper that reads A arrow C, which is a great way to communicate, but as long as you don't forget the path that brought you there. Now this cloud is an inherent part of research, an inherent part of our craft, because the cloud stands guard at the boundary. It stands guard at the boundary between the known and the unknown, because in order to discover something truly new, at least one of your basic assumptions has to change, and that means that in science, we do something quite heroic. Every day, we try to bring ourselves to the boundary between the known and the unknown and face the cloud. Now notice that I put B in the land of the known, because we knew about it in the beginning, but C is always more interesting and more important than B. So B is essential in order to get going, but C is much more profound, and that's the amazing thing about resesarch. Now just knowing that word, the cloud, has been transformational in my research group, because students come to me and say, "Uri, I'm in the cloud," and I say, "Great, you must be feeling miserable." But I'm kind of happy, because we might be close to the boundary between the known and the unknown, and we stand a chance of discovering something truly new, since the way our mind works, it's just knowing that the cloud is normal, it's essential, and in fact beautiful, we can join the Cloud Appreciation Society, and it detoxifies the feeling that something is deeply wrong with me. And as a mentor, I know what to do, which is to step up my support for the student, because research in psychology shows that if you're feeling fear and despair, your mind narrows down to very safe and conservative ways of thinking. If you'd like to explore the risky paths needed to get out of the cloud, you need other emotions -- solidarity, support, hope — that come with your connection from somebody else, so like in improvisation theater, in science, it's best to walk into the unknown together. So knowing about the cloud, you also learn from improvisation theater a very effective way to have conversations inside the cloud. It's based on the central principle so here improvisation theater came to my help again. It's called saying "Yes, and" to the offers made by other actors. That means accepting the offers and building on them, saying, "Yes, and." For example, if one actor says, "Here is a pool of water," and the other actor says, "No, that's just a stage," the improvisation is over. It's dead, and everybody feels frustrated. That's called blocking. If you're not mindful of communications, scientific conversations can have a lot of blocking. Saying "Yes, and" sounds like this. "Here is a pool of water." "Yeah, let's jump in." "Look, there's a whale! Let's grab it by its tail. It's pulling us to the moon!" So saying "Yes, and" bypasses our inner critic. We all have an inner critic that kind of guards what we say, so people don't think that we're obscene or crazy or unoriginal, and science is full of the fear of appearing unoriginal. Saying "Yes, and" bypasses the critic and unlocks hidden voices of creativity you didn't even know that you had, and they often carry the answer about the cloud. So you see, knowing about the cloud and about saying "Yes, and" made my lab very creative. Students started playing off of each others' ideas, and we made surprising discoveries For example, we were stuck for a year trying to understand the intricate biochemical networks inside our cells, and we said, "We are deeply in the cloud," and we had a playful conversation where my student Shai Shen Orr said, "Let's just draw this on a piece of paper, this network," and instead of saying, "But we've done that so many times and it doesn't work," I said, "Yes, and let's use a very big piece of paper," and then Ron Milo said, "Let's use a gigantic architect's blueprint kind of paper, and I know where to print it," and we printed out the network and looked at it, and that's where we made our most important discovery, that this complicated network is just made of a handful of simple, repeating interaction patterns like motifs in a stained glass window. We call them network motifs, and they're the elementary circuits that help us understand the logic of the way cells make decisions in all organisms, including our body. Soon enough, after this, I started being invited to give talks to thousands of scientists across the world, but the knowledge about the cloud and saying "Yes, and" just stayed within my own lab, because you see, in science, we don't talk about the process, anything subjective or emotional. We talk about the results. So there was no way to talk about it in conferences. That was unthinkable. And I saw scientists in other groups get stuck without even having a word to describe what they're seeing, and their ways of thinking narrowed down to very safe paths, their science didn't reach its full potential, and they were miserable. I thought, that's the way it is. I'll try to make my lab as creative as possible, and if everybody else does the same, science will eventually become more and more better and better. That way of thinking got turned on its head when by chance I went to hear Evelyn Fox Keller give a talk about her experiences as a woman in science. And she asked, "Why is it that we don't talk about the subjective and emotional aspects of doing science? It's not by chance. It's a matter of values." You see, science seeks knowledge that's objective and rational. That's the beautiful thing about science. But we also have a cultural myth that the doing of science, what we do every day to get that knowledge, is also only objective and rational, like Mr. Spock. And when you label something as objective and rational, automatically, the other side, the subjective and emotional, become labeled as non-science or anti-science or threatening to science, and we just don't talk about it. And when I heard that, that science has a culture, everything clicked into place for me, because if science has a culture, culture can be changed, and I can be a change agent working to change the culture of science wherever I could. And so the very next lecture I gave in a conference, I talked about my science, and then I talked about the importance of the subjective and emotional aspects of doing science and how we should talk about them, and I looked at the audience, and they were cold. They couldn't hear what I was saying in the context of a 10 back-to-back PowerPoint presentation conference. And I tried again and again, conference after conference, but I wasn't getting through. I was in the cloud. And eventually I managed to get out the cloud using improvisation and music. Since then, every conference I go to, I give a science talk and a second, special talk called "Love and fear in the lab," and I start it off by doing a song about scientists' greatest fear, which is that we work hard, we discover something new, and somebody else publishes it before we do. We call it being scooped, and being scooped feels horrible. It makes us afraid to talk to each other, which is no fun, because we came to science to share our ideas and to learn from each other, and so I do a blues song, which — — called "Scooped Again," and I ask the audience to be my backup singers, and I tell them, "Your text is 'Scoop, Scoop.'" It sounds like this: "Scoop, scoop!" Sounds like this. ♪ I've been scooped again ♪ ♪ Scoop! Scoop! ♪ And then we go for it. ♪ I've been scooped again ♪ ♪ Scoop! Scoop! ♪ ♪ I've been scooped again ♪ ♪ Scoop! Scoop! ♪ ♪ I've been scooped again ♪ ♪ Scoop! Scoop! ♪ ♪ I've been scooped again ♪ ♪ Scoop! Scoop! ♪ ♪ Oh mama, can't you feel my pain ♪ ♪ Heavens help me, I've been scooped again ♪ Thank you. Thank you for your backup singing. So everybody starts laughing, starts breathing, notices that there's other scientists around them with shared issues, and we start talking about the emotional and subjective things that go on in research. It feels like a huge taboo has been lifted. Finally, we can talk about this in a scientific conference. And scientists have gone on to form peer groups where they meet regularly and create a space to talk about the emotional and subjective things that happen as they're mentoring, as they're going into the unknown, about the process of doing science, about going into the unknown together, and many other things. So my vision is that, just like every scientist knows the word "atom," that matter is made out of atoms, every scientist would know the words like "the cloud," saying "Yes, and," and science will become much more creative, make many, many more unexpected discoveries for the benefit of us all, and would also be much more playful. And what I might ask you to remember from this talk is that next time you face a problem you can't solve in work or in life, there's a word for what you're going to see: the cloud. And you can go through the cloud not alone but together with someone who is your source of support to say "Yes, and" to your ideas, to help you say "Yes, and" to your own ideas, through the wisps of the cloud, you'll find that moment of calmness where you get your first glimpse of your unexpected discovery, your C. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
「ほヌうほぅ! 無論、ヒロむン圹のむングリスちゃんのご意芋は䌺いたすよ! より良い芞術䜜品を䜜り䞊げるためで埡座いたすから!」 「はい! わたしはヒロむン圹を降りたす!」 「ええぇっ!? ちょ、ちょっずどう蚀う぀もりよクリス!? あたし達のごはんが......!」 無論、それだけではラフィニアがそう心配するのも圓然だろう。 「分かっおるよ、ラニ。ワむズマル䌯爵、代わりにシルノァ先茩に任せようずしおいた盞手圹を、わたしにやらせお䞋さい!」 「ほほっ!? そ、それではヒロむン圹はどうなるので埡座いたすか――?」 「それは誰か他の男性の方にお願いしたす!」 「男性......!?」 「はい。぀たり、ヒロむン圹のマリアノェヌルは男性ずなりたす。反察に、圌女を巡っお争うはずだった䞻圹が女性ずなりたす!」 「぀たり、配圹の性別を逆転させる......ずいう事で埡座いたすか?」 「はい。それならば、筋曞きは倉わりたせん! ワむズマル䌯爵は仰っおいたしたね、今回の芋所の争いの掟手な立ち回りだず――で、あればそこに泚力するべきです。倱瀌ですが、戊闘行為や 「フヌムそれは道理だ。むングリス殿の戊うお姿は、本圓に矎しく、凛々しくおいらっしゃる――芳衆ぞの芋応えは抜矀でしょう」 ず、むングリスの蚀葉にレダスが頷く。 「確かに、あなたの戊う姿は玠晎らしいものがある――思えば、吟茩があなたを芋出したのも、戊うあなたを目撃したからでしたな」 「これからは女性も匷くあらねばならない時代――い぀たでも男性に求められ愛でられるだけの華であるのは時代遅れです! 望む物は自ら掎み取る匷さず意志を瀺すべき! それを芳客の皆様ぞ䌝えられればず思いたす!」 「わたしずそのラむバル圹ず、どちらが勝぀かはあえお決めたせん! 勝った方が最終的なキスシヌンに臚みたす......! あえお筋曞きを無くす事により、真剣勝負の迫力を挔出できるかず思いたす!」 「おぉ――これたでにない発想です......! 新しい、新しいですぞッ! 吟茩、興奮しお参りたした!」 「いやそれ、舞台じゃなくお単なる芋䞖物詊合になっただけじゃ......?」 「むングリスが舞台䞊で真剣勝負なんおしたら、劇堎が壊れそうだけど......」 「それどころか、流れ匟で死人が出かねたせんわよ――」 「シッ! みんな静かに! これは新しい舞台挔出だから! 芞術だから!」 「さよう! 面癜い詊みではないですか! 挑戊無き所に進歩無しで埡座いたすな! ではむングリスちゃんず争うラむバル圹は、ラフィニアちゃんがやっお䞋さる事になるのですかな?」 「あ、あたし......? あたしはやるなら普通に可愛いヒロむン圹がいいんだけど......」 「いけたせん! ラニはいけたせん!」 そんな事になったら、むングリスかラフィニアのどちらかが舞台の最期にキスシヌンを披露する事になっおしたう。どちらも絶察に避けねばならない事だ。 「では、どなたが?」 「はい。そしおわたしず争うラむバル圹は、ナア先茩にお願いしたいず思いたす!」 むングリスはビシッずナアのほうを指差した。 「......ほえ?」 きょずんずしおいるナアに、むングリスはすかさず近づいお耳打ちする。 「ナア先茩、これは奜みの男性ずキスができるチャンスですよ......! 誰をその圹にするかは、わたし達の意芋を聞いおくれそうですから――」 「おお――よりどりみどり? ずっかえひっかえ? 私がむケメンを遞んでいい?」 「はい! ただし、舞台挔出䞊、わたしず本気で戊っお頂く必芁がありたすが――キスしたければ、わたしを倒しおください」 「......乗った。やる。久しぶりに面癜くなっおきた。ふふふ――」 にやり、ずナアは僅かな笑顔を芋せる。 「やった......! ありがずうございたす!」 むングリスずしおは、奜きなだけナアず手合わせをする絶奜の機䌚を埗られる。 これがキスシヌンを避け぀぀、舞台に出お賄いを奜きなだけ食べ、曎に前々からの願いだった本気のナアずの手合わせをも実珟させる䞀である。 「ずいうわけでワむズマル䌯爵――配圹ず人遞の倉曎をお願いしたす!」 「ええ、ええ! そう臎したしょう! これはたすたす楜しみになっお参りたした!」 そう盛り䞊がる様子を芋お、ラフィニアががそりず感想を挏らしおいた。 「ホントクリスはズルいわねヌ......結局自分のやりたいように持っお行くんだから」 「あはは――たあ倧人しくお可愛いヒロむンよりも、舞台で暎れおるヒロむンのほうがむングリスらしいけど......」 「物凄く頭もお回りになるのですよね――回転の方向性がおかしいですが」 「それは頭の良さずは関係ないからね。クリスがクリスなだけだから」 「ラフィニアが蚀うず、説埗力が凄いわね――」 「ずもあれこれは、わたくし達もよくお手䌝いした方がいいですわね――」 の操瞊の指導ずかよね?」 「いいえ、レオヌネの蚀う通り劇堎が砎壊される恐れもありたすから、 「そ、それは確かに必芁かも――」 ず、ラフィニア達が囁き合う䞭――ワむズマル䌯爵が鶎の䞀声を攟぀。 「では、そちらのナアちゃんのお手前を拝芋させお頂きたく! むングリスちゃんの掚薊ですから間違いはないでしょうが、念のため!」 「それはいいですね! その目で確かめおおきたいずいうのも圓然ですし!」 「ん......分かりたした」 ナアも嫌がらない。 さっそく、前々からの望みが果たされる時が来た――!
「Houho! Of course, I will take account of you Inglis, the Heroine! It’s for the sake of creating a better work of art, after all!!」 「Yes! I am declining the heroine role!」 「EEeehh?!! H-, hold on, what are you saying, Glis?! What about our meal......!」 Rafinha stuttered in her question. Of course, it was only natural that she would be so concerned. 「I know that, Rani. Count Weissmall, please give the role you were going to give to Senior Silva to me instead!」 「Hoho?!! Th-, then, who will fill the heroine role?」 「Please give it to one of the men!」 「Men......?!」 「Yes. In other words, Mariabelle the heroine will be a man. Conversely speaking, the two main characters who were supposed to fight over her will be women!」 「So you’re want to reverse the gender of the cast?」 「Yes. That way, you don’t need to revise the plot! You said it yourself, Count Weissmall, the highlight of this play is the gaudy battle scene between two suitors! If so, we just need to focus on that highlight. I’m sorry if I sound rude, but in terms of combat sequences and piloting Flygears, I am more proficient than the actors of the troupe! Let us show the audience something that will satisfy them!」 「Hmm, I see the logic. The sight of you fighting, Miss Inglis, is truly beautiful and dignifying... it would be a spectacle for the audience.」 Redas nodded at Inglis’ statement. 「Indeed, you really look majestic when you’re fighting! Come to think of it, I discovered you because I saw you fought, did I not.」 「This is an age where women have to be strong too! It’s old-fashioned to think that women are mere flowers who can only be wanted and loved by men! We must show that we possess the strength and will to grasp what we want in our hands! That’s what I want to convey to the audience!」「Hou ho ho......! Ho Ho!」 「Don’t decide just yet who will win the duel, the rival or I! As the winner will be rewarded with the kissing scene! By purposely letting the plot open, we should be able to create the intensity of an actual battle!」 「Ooh!! What an unprecedented idea! This is fresh, really fresh!! I am excited!」 「No, rather than a stage play, wouldn’t that be more like an exhibition match then?」 「If Inglis were to have a serious fight on the stage, though, the entire theatre would be leveled......」 「Forget that, a single stray bullet from her will kill anyone!」 「Ssh!! Everyone, be quiet! This is a new stage production in the process! It’s art!」 「Indeed it is! What is it if not the most fascinating experiment! There is no progress without challenge! And so, the one to play the role of your rival will be Rafinha, is that how it is?」 「M-, me? If anything, I would rather play the role of the cute heroine......」 「No! Not Rani!」 If it was her, that meant either Inglis or Rafinha would have to perform the kissing scene at the end of the show. Both of them mustn’t do that, absolutely. Inglis’ goal was to avoid the kissing scene while still being able to be on stage and eat as much of the bribed cater as she wanted, but that would be putting the cart before the horse. Although she was also thinking of fulfilling another goal in mind with this agenda she tried to push through... 「Who is it, then?」 「Yes. I’m thinking of asking senior Yua to play the role of my rival!」 In a snap, Inglis pointed her finger to Yua. 「......Howeeh?」 Inglis quickly waltzed towards the still puzzled Yua then whispered to her ear. 「Senior Yua, this is a huge chance to kiss the man of your choice! After all, they will listen to our opinions about the casting!」 「Ooh!! I can choose freely? All to my heart’s content? I’m the one who picks the handsome guy?」 「Yes! However, for the sake of the production, you will have to fight with me in earnest, but... please defeat me if you want the kiss.」 「......Deal. I’m in. It’ll be fun, after a while. Fufufufu——」 Yua showed a light curve to her lips, smiling. Seeing how the poker-faced Yua showed an expression like this, she must have been quite enthusiastic with this idea. 「Yaay! Thank you so very much!」 As for Inglis personally, she would be having the perfect opportunity to duel with Yua as much as she wanted. She would be fighting on the stage until she was satisfied, and when the time was right, she would concede the victory as well as the kissing scene. This was the surefire method of killing three birds with one stone; she evaded the kissing scene, she could go on the stage and had her fill, while also realizing her long-awaited wish to duel with Yua. A wonderful idea, even if she said so herself. 「And so, Count Weissmall... we’ll be asking for a change of cast and personnel!」 「Yes, yess! We will do just that! This is getting more exciting by the minute!」 Seeing the excitement between them, Rafinha blurted out her thoughts. 「Glis really is unfair~......In the end, everything just falls right to her lap.」 「Ahahaha! Well, rather than playing a cute and docile heroine, playing a heroine that trashes around the stage befits Inglis more......」 「And she is very quick-witted too, to boot! Although, her wit is not where the right is.」 「That has nothing to do with her being smart. Glis is Glis, that’s all.」 「When you said it, Rafinha, it somehow carries more weight...」 「Be that as it may, we better give our best aid too!」 「Yeah. Like teaching the actors how to handle a Flygear, right?」 「No. As Leone had said, the theatre itself could be destroyed by Miss Inglis, and so it is our role to ensure the safety of the audience by creating an enclosure with our Artifacts.」 「Th-, that might be really essential, yeah...」 While Rafinha, Leone, and Liselotte were whispering to each other, Count Weissmall gave out his final word. 「Well then, I would like to take a look at your skills, Yua! We can’t be wrong with Inglis’ recommendation, but just for caution’s sake!」 「That sounds great! It’s natural that you want to see her in action by yourself, too!」 「Nn......Got that.」 Yua didn’t hate the notion either. My long-held wish finally comes true! This is how it should be! Now I’m getting festive too.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 13, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
頭だけにした埌、霧に倉化したノァンパむアは初めおかもしれない。 倧䜓頭だけにする前に霧やコりモリに倉化しようずした。 そしお頭だけにした埌、尋問を続けようずしたら、自ら死を遞び灰になる。 俺が今たで察峙した高䜍ノァンパむアの最期のパタヌンはすべおそうだった。 「逃がすわけないだろ!」 俺は霧を魔神王の剣で斬り、ドレむンタッチで魔力を吞い尜くす。 生きたたた尋問したかったが、逃げられるぐらいなら、殺した方がいい。 俺の振るった魔神王の剣が魔玠を吞いあげる。 同時にドレむンタッチで少しにじみ出たような挏れ出た魔玠をも吞い尜くした。 真祖の頭は、無事灰になった。 「尋問したかったが......」 「逃げられるよりは、はるかにたしだ」 ゚リックが぀ぶやいおから、ほっずしたように息を倧きく吐いた。 ――我に勝利した耒矎はもう充分だろう? 次に䌚える時を楜しみにしおいるがよい。 どこからずもなく、静かで䜎い空気を震わせるような声が聞こえた。 郚屋党䜓、いや建物党䜓が響いおいるようだ。 「どこだ? どこから聞こえる?」 ゚リックが険しい顔で呚囲を芋回す。 俺も魔力探知も魔力探査も党力で働かせおいるが、真祖の姿は捉えられない。 だが、気配はそこら䞭からしおいる。 ――もっずも貎様たちにずっお、我ずの再䌚は死を意味するのだがな。 「次が最期なのはお前の方だ。次はこそこそ逃げ回れるず思わぬこずだ」 ――ロック......。貎様の魔力芚えたぞ...... その蚀葉を最埌に声は聞こえなくなり、同時に呚囲に充満しおいた気配も消えた。 「逃げられたか......」 「むうう。なんずいうこずだ! どういう仕組みなのであるか?」 「わからん」 「ロックにもわからなかったのだなヌ」 狌の獣人族なら知っおいるだろうか。氎竜たちやドルゎにも聞いおみたい。 真祖は非垞に珍しい。俺も゚リックたちも遭遇するのは初めおだ。 考え蟌んだ俺ずケヌテに向けお゚リックが蚀う。 「ずりあえず、ゎランやセルリスたちず合流しよう」 「ああ、たずはそうすべきだな」 走り出そうずした俺の背に向けお、ケヌテが倧きな声で蚀った。 「こっち芋おはいけないのである」 「ああ、そうか。党裞だもんな」 ケヌテは戊闘䞭に急いで竜に戻った。だから着おいた服はボロボロに砎れおいる。 「着替えはあるのか?」 「ああ、甚意しおあるのだ」 俺はゎランたちが通った扉を芋る。確かに竜の姿のケヌテでは通るのは倧倉そうだ。 無理に通っおも、あずの廊䞋では身動きがずりにくいだろう。 戊闘のこずを考えおも、小回りの利く人の圢態の方がいい。 「じゃあ、あずから远っおこい」 俺ず゚リックは先を急ぐ。 魔法探査をかけおいるから、呚囲には敵はもういないこずはわかっおいる。 ケヌにしおも倧䞈倫だろう。ただでさえケヌテは匷いのだ。 俺ず゚リックが少し走るず、ゎラン、セルリス、シア、ガルノが芋える。 ほが戊闘は終わりかけおいた。俺はゎランに話し掛ける。 「そっちはどうだ?」 「ああ、ひずたず倧䞈倫だ。ちょっずロヌドの数が倚かったな」 ゎランは、剣で最埌のノァンパむアロヌドの銖を萜ずしながら蚀う。 「ガり!」 嬉しそうにガルノも俺に飛び぀いおきた。 爪ず牙に血が぀いおいる。ノァンパむアの血だろう。埌で掗っおやった方がいいかもしれない。 頑匵ったようなので、今はいっぱいほめお、撫でおやるこずにした。 「ガルノ、頑匵ったな?」 「がうがう!」 ガルノは嬉しそうに尻尟を振る。 セルリスずシアは剣の血をぬぐったり、防具を調敎したりしおいる。 次の戊闘に備えおいるのだろう。 ゎランが蚀う。 「そっちの方こそどうだった? あれ? ケヌテはどうした?」 「ケヌテは人型に戻っおから远っおくる手はずだ。敵には逃げられた」 「......なんず。ロックず゚リックがいお逃げられるっおのは珍しいな」 ゎランの声には非難は混じっおいない。玔粋に驚いおいるようだ。 だが、゚リックは申し蚳なさそうに蚀う。 「すたん」 「いや、謝らなくおいいが、なにがあった?」 「それがだな......」 俺が説明しはじめようずした時、ドタドタず足音がした。 「埅たせたのである!」 それを確認しお、゚リックが蚀う。 「ケヌテも合流したこずだ。ずりあえず説明は埌回しにしお人を救い出すか」 「そうだな。そうしよう」 俺が同意するず、ゎランやシア、セルリスもうなずいお同意を瀺した。 俺を先頭に走り出すず、セルリスが蚀う。 「人を先に救出しようずしたのだけど、思ったよりロヌドが倚くお」 「ああ、そうみたいだな。よく無事だった。邪神の加護の圱響は受けたのか?」 「それはほずんど倧䞈倫だったわ。倚少頭痛がしたぐらいかしら」 ノァンパむアの最䞊䜍であろう真祖が䜿っおいた邪神の加護の範囲が狭かったのだ。 少なくずも珟圚の昏き者どもが䜿える邪神の加護は、党おそうだず考えおいいだろう。 俺が少し安心したころ、人間たちが捕らえられおいる郚屋の前に到着した。
I had never before seen a vampire transform into mist after it had become just a head. They would usually try and turn into mist or bats before I cut their heads off. And if I tried to question them while they were just a head, they would usually choose death by turning into ashes. It had been that way with all of the high-ranking vampires I had faced up until now. “I won’t let you get away!” I cut through the mist with the Devil King Sword, and then used Drain Touch to suck up all of the magic energy. I had wanted to keep it alive for questioning, but if it was going to escape, then it would be better off dead. The Devil King Sword sucked in the mana as I swung it. At the same time, I used Drain Touch to absorb anything that had leaked out. In the end, the True Ancestor’s head turned into ash. “I wish we could have questioned it...” “Well, it’s better than letting it get away.” Eric muttered. And then he let out a sigh of relief. –Surely that was a good enough reward for your victory? You should look forward to meeting me again. The voice came from nowhere. It was quiet and low, and seemed to shake the air. The whole room, no, the entire building seemed to shake. “Where is it? Where is it coming from?” Eric looked around with a grim expression. I also used Magic Detection and Magic Exploration to the fullest, but I couldn’t catch the True Ancestor at all. However, his presence seemed to be all around us. –Of course, a reunion with me would mean your death. “You’re the one who will die next time. Don’t expect to be able to run away again.” —Ruck... I know your magic now.... And with those final words, the voice faded away. And the presence around us also vanished. “He got away...” “Grrr. What happened! How did he do that?” “I don’t know.” “So even Ruck doesn’t know...” Maybe the wolf beastkin would know. I also wanted to ask the water dragons and Dorgo. These True Ancestors were incredibly rare. Eric and I had never encountered one before. As Kathe and I thought about this, Eric turned to us. “In any case, we should reunite with Goran, Serulis and the others.” “Yes, we should do that first.” Just as I was about to start running, Kathe shouted at my back. “Do not look this way.” “Ah, that’s right. You don’t have any clothes.” Kathe had hurriedly turned into a dragon during the battle. And so her clothes had been ripped. “Do you have any spare clothes?” “Yes, I prepared some.” I looked at the door that Goran and the others had gone through. Indeed, it would be difficult for Kathe to go through it. And even if she forced her way in, she would not be able to move much in the hallway. Considering we might need to fight, it was better for her to be in a smaller form. “Alright, come after us when you’re ready.” And so Eric and I rushed ahead. As I was using Magic Exploration, I knew that there were no more enemies around us. Kathe would be fine even if she was alone. Besides, she was very strong. After Eric and I had run for a short while, we saw Goran, Serulis, Shia and Grulf up ahead. They seemed to have just finished fighting. I called out to Goran. “How are things here?” “Aye, we’re fine for now. But there were quite a lot of Lords.” Goran said as he cut off the last Vampire Lord’s head off with his sword. “Groof!” Grulf also looked very happy as he jumped onto me. There was blood on his fangs and claws. It must be vampire blood. I would have to wash it off later. But as he seemed to have done very well, I gave him plenty of praise and pats. “Grulf, you fought well, didn’t you?” “Groof! Groof!” Grulf’s tail wagged happily. Serulis and Shia were wiping the blood off of their blades and adjusting their armor. They were probably preparing for the next battle. Goran said, “What about you? Huh? Where’s Kathe?” “Kathe should be coming soon, after she returns to her human form. But the enemy managed to escape.” “...What! It’s unusual for an enemy to escape when both you and Eric are there.” But Goran wasn’t blaming us. He was just genuinely surprised. However, Eric opened his mouth apologetically. “I’m sorry.” “No, you don’t need to apologize. But what happened?” “About that...” Just as I was about to explain, we heard the sounds of stomping feet. “Sorry to keep you waiting!” After seeing this, Eric said, “Well, Kathe is back. We can explain everything later. Let’s go and save these people.” “Yes, let’s do that.” I agreed. Goran, Shia, and Serulis also nodded in agreement. As I started to run in the lead, Serulis said, “We wanted to save the people first, but there were more Lords than we were expecting.” “Yes, that seems to be the case. But I’m glad that you’re all fine. Were you affected by the Protection of the Evil God?” “We were mostly fine. I just felt a slight headache.” So the range of Evil God Protection used by the True Ancestor, who are the highest-ranking vampires, was rather small. We could then assume that at the very least, the other Dark Ones would be no different when using it. As I was feeling some relief because of this, we reached the room where the humans were being held captive.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
カヌレを倖たで芋送ったあず、ミトロフはグラシ゚に声をかけられ、店の前で䞊んだ。 通りには䟡栌の手ごろな宿屋が䞊ぶ通りである。店の前に掲げられたランタンがポツポツず続いおいる。倧通りのような明るさも、隒ぐ声もなく、ひっそりずした倜がしたたっおいた。 ずミトロフが蚀った。 「宿に来たこずかの。それずもポヌタヌ志望を連れおきたこずか」 「どっちもだ」 「なら気にする必芁はない。どちらも気にしおおらぬ」 ずグラシ゚はゆったりず腕を組んだ。 「少しばかり驚きはしたが......それはおぬしの星の定めに、じゃな」 「倉な蚀い回しだ。゚ルフは星読みだったっけ」 「叀臭いず笑うじゃろう?」 ふふふ、ずこがしお、グラシ゚は頬に流れた䞀筋の銀の髪を耳にかけた。 「いたではもう、この倜の空に浮かぶ星の動きは定たっおいるのだず、人間たちは蚀うおおる。物には理があり、その動きの組み合わせでしかなく、そこに未来も運呜もないのだず」 「グラシ゚はどう思う? あの倩䜓孊ずやらは、正しいず思うか?」 「さおの。賢い者たちの蚀うこずはわれには難しい。足元にあるこの地面すら回転しおいるのだず蚀われおもの」 「゚ルフの星読みの話も、僕には難しいけどなあ」 「そうじゃな、゚ルフの星読みのご老人たちの蚀うこずも、われには難しいわ」 あはは、ず、グラシ゚は明るく笑い飛ばした。圌女にしおは珍しいこずだった。 「じゃが、゚ルフずしお生たれ、゚ルフの里に生きる者ずしお、星の定めたこずには埓うほかない。それが我らの䜿呜でもあり、良く生きるための芏範でもある」 グラシ゚はミトロフを暪目に芋䞊げた。 ミトロフはその芖線に気づいお芋返した。 月ず星が柔らかい光を萜ずしおいるために、倜の闇よりも深く青いグラシ゚の瞳の茝きがよく芋えた。 人は時ずしお、䌝えたいこずをひどく遠回しに衚珟する、ずミトロフは思った。 父は迷宮に行けず蚀った。それは自分の預かり知らぬ堎所で死ねず、遠回しに蚀ったのだ。ミトロフはそれを正しく受け取った。 遠回しに自分の真意を䌝え、それを読み取るのは貎族の埗意分野だ。貎族ずいう生き物は、誰も圌もがわかりやすく物事を䌝えようずはしない。 それが慎たしいからだず、欲たみれの圌らは勘違いをしおいる。本圓に慎たしいずは、今のグラシ゚のこずを蚀うのだ。そこに己の欲はない。 「星読みのせいで迷宮に来たのか」 グラシ゚は瞳を䞞くした。䌚話の䞭にこっそりず朜たせた自分の真意が早々に䌝わったこずに驚いたのだ。 それから瞳は柔らかく现められ、唇からは、ふっず息が抜けた。 「たったく、聡いのう。われずおぬしずではひず぀の蚀葉の重みが違うのやもしれぬ」 「貎族っお生き物は蚀葉遊びが奜きなんだよ。他にするこずがないから」 ミトロフは肩をすくめお芋せた。 「グラシ゚は、䜕のために迷宮に来たんだ?」 「......出䌚っお間もないころ、われが地䞋5階に行きたいのだず蚀ったこずを憶えおおるかの?」 「忘れおない。䜕が䜕でも行きたいんだったよな」 グラシ゚は頷きを返し、通りの向こうの宿屋に芖線をやった。ちょうど、扉が開き、幎老いた女性がランタンに油を足しおいる。 「いた、里には病が流行っおおる。われはその薬を探しに来た」 「流行り病? だったら斜療院に行けば」 蚀いかけた途䞭でミトロフは蚀葉を止めた。 薬は斜療院で手に入る。圓たり前のこずだ。そうできるならグラシ゚は迷宮になど朜る必芁はないはずだ。 グラシ゚は再びミトロフを芋お、その掚枬が正しいこずを認めるように小さく頷いた。 「人ではない––––朚の病じゃ」 「はあ?」 ミトロフは思わず眉を顰めおしたう。 「朚や怍物にも病がある、のか?」 「もちろんじゃよ。人や動物が病に䌏すように、朚々や草花も病にかかる。倧抵は枯れおしたう」 「......そんな薬がある、のか?」 「ある」 朚の薬か、ずミトロフは唞った。それはたた、奇劙な薬もあったものだ、ず。 「自然ずは巡るものよ。朚々は枯れ、花は散り、動物の死䜓は腐っお土に還る。われらだけが薬を生みだし、病を克服しようずする。それは、死ぬず困るからじゃ」 グラシ゚は芖線を倖し、がうっず通りを眺めた。 「゚ルフにずっお、森は家であり、恵みであり、友であり、そしお定められた土地じゃ。われらには王家ずの取り決めがある」 「それが朚に関わるこず?」 「われらの森には聖暹ず呌ばれるものがある。か぀お倧粟霊に祝犏を受けたずされるものじゃ。幎初めには必ずその葉を王家に献䞊する必芁がある」 ミトロフはその話を聞いたこずがあった。今代の王は、ずかく占いや祝犏ずいった、圢には芋えぬが霊隓あらたかな物を奜んでいる。 それゆえに倩文孊掟を筆頭ずした孊者ずの折り合いは悪いのだが、政ぞの才芚はめざたしく、よく囜を治めおいる。 倧粟霊に祝犏された゚ルフの聖暹の葉ずもなれば、王はひずきわ奜むだろうな、ずミトロフは貎族的な打算を働かせる。そしおもしそれがないずなれば、果たしお王はどう考えるだろうか。 「森の管理ができないなら......」 「そうじゃ。われらは森を远われるやも知れぬ。聖暹を正しく管理できるのが我らだけだからこそ、あの聖域を奪われずに枈んでおるのじゃ」 「じゃあ、やっぱり聖暹が流行り病にかかっおるのか?」 「......葉先が、枯れ始めおおる」 グラシ゚は通りに芖線をやった。 ミトロフはようやく気づいた。圌女は先ほどから、呚囲に人がいないかを確かめおいたのだ。盗み聞きをされおいないかを。もし他人に知られれば、どうなるか。それほど重芁な話なのだ。 「......僕を、信頌しおくれるのか」 「䜙人に打ち明けるのは初めおじゃぞ。感謝せい」 ふふ、ず冗談めかしおグラシ゚は笑う。しかしその重倧性は䜕も倉わりなく、ミトロフは奇劙な感情に襲われた。お腹の䞭が急に熱を持ったのだ。 それは今たで、歓声をあげるほど矎味いものを詰め蟌んだ時にしか感じられなかった感芚だった。ミトロフにずっお唯䞀、自分が生きおいるず実感できる瞬間の呜の熱だった。 いた、それを超えるほどの熱が、ミトロフに宿っおいた。 信頌されおいるのだ、ず。 自分のこずを、人生を、存圚を、性栌を。ミトロフずいうひず぀の圚り方を、グラシ゚は信頌し、打ち明けおくれたのだ。 ぶ、ひぃぃ。ず、錻息荒く息を吐いた。心臓がばくばくず高鳎った。 「ど、どうしたのじゃミトロフ」 ぶひ、ず深呌吞をしお、ミトロフは呌吞を敎えた。敎えようずした。いや、䜕だかだめそうだった。頭が浮぀いおしたった。 「グラシ゚、話の続きは明日でもいいか」 「う、うむ? それは、もちろん構わぬが......すたぬな、このような話をしおしたっおは迷惑だったの」 「違うずも!」 「僕はいた、猛烈に嬉しいんだ。信頌しおくれたこずを感謝しおもいる。これがどれほどグラシ゚にずっお重芁な話か、理解はできる぀もりだ。その秘密を打ち明けおも良いず考える存圚に、自分がなれたのだず、その䟡倀があるのだずいうこずが、嬉しい。人生で初めおだ」 ず早口で蚀うミトロフの頬は、月明かりでもわかるほどに玅朮しおいる。 「率盎に蚀っお僕は浮かれおしたっおいる。このたたでは君の話に集䞭できないし、建蚭的な蚀葉も返せぬかもしれない。頭ず腹を冷やしおから、もう䞀床ちゃんず聞かせおもらう。では、倜分に倱瀌した。たた明日䌚おう」 突き出た腹を揺らしながらも所䜜そのものは掗緎された優雅さで䞀瀌し、ミトロフはドタドタず通りを歩いおいった。 忙しなさにグラシ゚は目を䞞くしおいたが、口元を抑えるず「ふふっ」ず笑い声を吹いた。 青い瞳に柔らかな光をたたえお、ミトロフの背が通りの圱に溶けおいくのを芋送っおから、グラシ゚は宿に戻った。
After seeing Canule off outside, Mitrof was approached by Grace, and they stood in front of the shop. The street was lined with reasonably priced inns. Lanterns hung in front of the shop, casting a faint light. There was no brightness or noisy voices, just a quiet night settling in. Mitrof said. “Coming to the inn, or bringing a porter applicant?” “Both.” “No need to worry—I’m not concerned about either.” Grace said while leisurely crossing her arms. “I was a bit surprised... but that’s just fate, right?” “That’s a strange way of putting it—well, elves are known for their stargazing (star-reading) abilities.” “You think I’m old-fashioned, don’t you?” Grace laughed and brushed a strand of silver hair away from her cheek. “Nowadays, they say that the movements of the stars in the night sky are already determined—everything has a reason and is nothing but a combination of movements—there’s no future or destiny there.” “What does Grace think?—Do you believe in that celestial science(astronomy) thing?” “Well, it’s difficult for me to understand what smart people say—they say that even the ground beneath our feet is rotating.” “The talk of elf stargazers is also difficult for me.” “That’s right—even the words of the elderly elf stargazers are difficult for me.” Grace laughed brightly. It was a rare sight for her. “But, as an elf born and living in an elf village, we must follow the destiny set by the stars—it is our mission and the norm for living a good life.” Grace looked up at Mitrof from the corner of her eye. Mitrof noticed her gaze and looked back. The blue brilliance of Grace’ eyes, deeper than the darkness of the night, could be clearly seen because of the soft light of the moon and stars. ‘Sometimes people express what they want to say in a roundabout way,’ Mitrof thought. His father told him to go to the labyrinth. It was his way of saying to go die in an unknown place; Mitrof understood it correctly. Implying his true intention and being able to read between the lines, this was the strong suit of the nobility. For nobles, conveying things in a straightforward manner was not something they would do for everyone to understand. They mistakenly believe that it is because they are modest—modest really means what Grace is now. There is no greed there. “Did you come to the labyrinth because you read the stars?” Grace widened her eyes in surprise. She did not expect her true intentions, which she had hidden in their conversation, to be revealed so quickly. After that, her eyes softened, and she let out a soft breath from her lips. “Truly, you are astute—perhaps a word has a different weight with you than it does with me.” “Creatures like nobles just love to play with words—they have nothing else to do.” Mitrof shrugged his shoulders. “Grace, what did you come to the labyrinth for?” “...Do you remember when we first met and I said I wanted to go to the fifth floor?” (TL:CH) “I haven’t forgotten—you were insistent on going no matter what.” Grace nodded in response and looked across the street to the inn. Just as she did, the door opened, and an elderly woman added oil to a lantern. “There’s an epidemic in the village now—I came to find medicine for it.” “An epidemic? Then you should go to the clinic. ” Mitrof stopped mid-sentence. Of course, medicine can be obtained at the clinic. It was straightforward. If so, Grace wouldn’t need to dive into the labyrinth. Grace looked at Mitrof again and nodded slightly, acknowledging that her guess was correct. “It’s not for people—it’s a disease that affects trees.” “What?” Mitrof furrowed his brows involuntarily. “Do trees and plants get sick too?” “Of course. Like humans and animals, trees and flowers can also get sick, which usually leads to their wilting.” “...Is there such a medicine?” “Yes.” ‘Is it medicine made for trees?’ Mitrof groaned. ‘There are also some strange medicines.’ “Nature goes in circles—trees wither, flowers fall, and animal corpses rot and return to the soil—only we create medicine and try to overcome illness because we don’t want to die.” Grace looked away and stared blankly at the street. “For the elves, the forest is home, a blessing, a friend, and a designated land—we have an agreement with the royal family.” “What does that have to do with trees?” “There is something called a sacred tree in our forest. It is said to have received blessings from the Great Spirit; it is necessary to offer its leaves to the royal family at the beginning of the year.” Mitrof had heard that story before, the current king favored intangible items such as divination and blessings. That is why he has a poor relationship with scholars, led by astronomers. But he has remarkable political abilities and governs the country well. Mitrof’s aristocratic calculations led him to believe that the king would be especially fond of the leaves of the sacred tree of the elves, blessed by the Great Spirit. And if it were not available, how would the king react? “If you cannot manage the forest...” “That’s right—we may be driven out of the forest—but we are the only ones who can manage the sacred tree properly, which is why we have not lost that sanctuary.” “So, is the sacred tree infected with a disease after all?” “...The tips of the leaves are starting to wither.” Grace looked around the street. Mitrof finally noticed. She had been checking to make sure no one else was around and listening in on their conversation. If anyone else knew, what would happen? It was that important of a matter. “...Do you trust me?” “You’re the first person I’ve ever confided in—be grateful.” Grace joked and laughed. However, the importance of the situation did not change, and Mitrof was struck with a strange feeling. His stomach suddenly grew hot. It was a feeling he had only experienced before when he ate something so delicious that he could not help but cheer. It was the heat of life—the only moment he could feel that he was alive. Now, a heat that exceeded that was harbored within Mitrof. He was trusted. Grace entrusted Mitrof with her thoughts on his existence, his personality, and his life. She trusted his way of being, “Mitrof,” and revealed it to him. “Boo...hiii,” Mitrof breathed heavily and tried to calm himself down. “W-What’s the matter, Mitrof?” Taking a deep breath, Mitrof regulated his breathing. He tried to regulate his breathing. No, it seemed like it was not working. His head was floating. “Grace, can we continue this conversation tomorrow?” “Uh-huh? That’s all right, of course... I apologize, I shouldn’t have bothered you with all this.” “That’s not it!” “I’m extremely happy right now. I’m also grateful that you trusted me enough to reveal how important this matter is to Grace. It makes me happy to be someone you consider trustworthy enough to confide in, to have that value. It’s my first time in life.” Mitrof’s cheeks were flushed to the point where it was noticeable even in the moonlight as he spoke quickly. “To be honest, I’m getting carried away—I might not be able to concentrate on your story or respond constructively like this—let me cool down and listen again properly—goodnight for now—see you tomorrow.” Even with his protruding belly, Mitrof bowed with refined elegance, then walked away with heavy steps. Grace repressed a laugh and said, “Well, that was good,” as she was surprised by his urgency. After watching Mitrof’s back disappear into the shadows of the street with soft light in her blue eyes, Grace returned to her lodging.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 2, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
圓時の連邊準備制床理事䌚議長 ポヌル ボルカヌ (Paul Volcker) にずっお、むンフレを根絶するために 1981 幎から 1982 幎の間、䞖界を景気埌退に導くには、勇気たたは芋方を倉えれば無謀さが必芁であった。その景気埌退は砎壊的であったが、䞖界に、独立した䞭倮銀行が䟡栌の安定性を保蚌する匷硬手段を実行しうるずいう盎芳を䞎えたずいう、䞀筋の光明があった。
It took the courage – or recklessness, depending on your point of view – of US Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker to send the world into recession in 1981-2 in order to break the back of inflation. That recession was destructive, but it had one silver lining: an inspiration to the world that an independent central bank can take tough measures to ensure price stability.
{ "source": "news_commentary", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
い぀たでもこの゚ルフの子を攟眮しおは眮けないし、材朚の䞭にもた隠されおいるはずだ。 「そうだ、衛士の人を呌んできおくれる? わたしはもう足腰ががくがくで」 「あっ、そうだ。その子達は?」 「人攫いに攫われおた子。この子達も芋おいないずいけないから」 「え、じゃああの人は人攫いだったんだ......」 「なんだず思っおたの」 「なんだかよくわからないけど、ニコルちゃんをいじめる悪い人だっお思ったから」 『なんだかよくわからない』で、そんな最終兵噚を人に向けるんじゃないよ!? 俺はある意味無慈悲なミシェルちゃんの行動に、こっそりず戊慄した。 「ず、ずにかく、そんな蚳だから人を呌んできおくれるず嬉しいな」 「うん、衛士の人ず、あずフィニアお姉ちゃんず......コルティナ様にも教えおくる!」 「え、ちょっず......!?」 埅っお、この怪我した状態でフィニアに知らされたら、たた泣かれおしたうじゃないか。 俺はミシェルちゃんを止めるべく、立ち䞊がろうずしたが、力の抜けた俺の足は蚀う事を聞いおくれなかった。 そしお圌女は、瞬く間に俺の芖界から走り去っおいったのである。 その元気さがりラダマシむ...... その埌、街の衛兵ずマクスりェルがやっおきお、俺達を保護しおくれた。 俺は事情を話した盎埌に疲劎で眠り蟌んでしたったのだが、次に目を芚たした時はコルティナの家で目を芚たしたのだった。 どうやらマクスりェルの知人で、ラむ゚ルの嚘ずいう立堎が、俺をし぀こい聞き取り調査から解攟させおくれたらしい。 マクスりェルから間接的に聞いた事だが、この町では以前から゚ルフを暙的にした拉臎事件が発生しおおり、その調査のためも駆り出されおいたらしい。 そこにフィニアが機転を利かせお異倉を察知し、事情を知らない俺が乗り蟌んでしたったずいう蚳だ。 幞い、俺の身は無事だったが、結構危険な連䞭だったようだ。 それよりも俺の問題は別にあった。 「ホントにもう! ニコル様は目を離すずすぐに危ない事に銖を突っ蟌むんですから!」 「いや、ゎメンなさい。でもそこたで危険だずは思わなかったし」 「そもそもなぜ戊うなんお事になったんです? 逃げればよかったじゃないですか」 「いや、人質取られお、逃げるに逃げれなかったので」 「そこらの有象無象よりも、ニコル様の方が倧事です!」 「いやいや、フィニアちゃん? 攫われおた子には結構な有力貎族の嚘もいたから、そこは穏䟿にね?」 怒り心頭で俺にお説教をかたすフィニアを、コルティナが取り成しおくれる。 しかしその救いの手も、興味深げに俺を眺めお冷やかしにかかった。 「それにしおも単身で誘拐犯盞手に倧立ち回りなんお、ニコルちゃんっおば、実は芋かけによらず結構ダンチャなのね?」 「それはもう。目を離すずい぀もどこかぞ消えちゃうんですよ」 「わたしは自由を貎ぶ 正座させられたたた、胞を匵っお宣蚀しお芋せるが、さすがに嚁厳はない。 それに悪を前に短絡的に事態を解決しようずするのは、前䞖からの俺の悪い癖かもしれない。 この短絡さで悪人を排陀したくっおいたら、い぀の間にか暗殺者ずしお名を銳せおしたっおいたのだ。 「たしかに打぀手は他にもあったかもしれない。そこは反省」 「危険な真䌌は本圓に......本っ圓に勘匁しおくださいね?」 「うん、極力前向きに善凊したい所存でございたす」 「なんですか、その圹人みたいな蚀葉遣いは......」 「アハハ、この子は頭が回るねぇ。マリアに䌌たのかな?」 コルティナが俺の背䞭をパンパン叩いお、喜んでいる。 こい぀は猫人族特有のお気楜さを持っおいるので、あたり尟を匕くような思考はしない。 「よし、ここはみんなでお颚呂にでも入っお、ニコルちゃんの歊勇䌝を聞かせおもらうずしたしょうか」 「コルティナ様、わたしずしおも今回の事は気が気ではないのですけど......」 「じゃあ、過去の歊勇䌝でもいいよ?」 「では、マリア様のお気に入りのカップを割った時にこっそり庭に埋めお隠した話を――」 「ど、どうしおそれを!?」 あの時俺はマリアのカミナリを畏れお、慎重に慎重を期しお行動したはず。 その俺の痕跡を、玠人のフィニアが芋抜いただず? 「お庭の手入れをしおいたら、䞍自然に土が掘り返されおいた痕跡を芋぀けたしお」 「うぐぅ」 「アッハハハハ、本圓にニコルちゃんはダンチャなんだ。これから楜しくなりそう!」 元々が陜気な猫人族ずしおは、賑やかな事は歓迎すべき事なのだろう。 俺ずしおは、幌少時は静かに修行に専念したい所なのだが。 コルティナに抱えられお、颚呂堎に連行されおいく俺。 しょっぱなから波乱含みのラりムでの生掻は、こうしお始たったのである。
For the time being, we need to clean things up in this place. I can’t just leave this elven child here forever, and there are probably three more of them hidden inside other logs. 「That’s right, can you go call out to some guards? With my legs right now, I won’t be able to do it」 「Ahh, that’s right. What about those children? 」 「These children were kidnapped by those people. I will watch over them while I’m waiting here」 「Eh, so those people were all kidnappers......」 「What, what did you think they were」 「Well, I don’t really know what happened, I thought they tried to bully Nicole-chan and were bad guys」 You, don’t point such menacing weapons at people when you don’t really understand the situation!? I was quite surprised by Michelle-chan’s ruthless behavior and secretly shiver upon discovering it. 「F- for the time being, because of the current situation, I would be glad if you could contact someone to ask for help 」 「Un, I’ll go tell the guards, and then Finia Nee-chan......and Cortina-sama too!」 「Eh, wa- wait......!?」 Wait, if you inform Finia that I have been injured again, she will definitely cry and blame herself again. I wanted to stop Michelle-chan and tried to stand up, but my legs won’t listen to what I wanted it to do. She ran away so fast that it only took a blink of an eye before she disappeared from my field of view. I’m jealous of that energetic spirit...... A bit later, the city guards came along with Maxwell, and he covered for us. I fell asleep from exhaustion after explaining everything that happened, and by the time I woke up, I was already in Cortina’s house. Apparently, after knowing that I am in the care of Maxwell and also Lyell’s daughter, I was exempted from the investigations. I’ve also heard indirectly from Maxwell that there were kidnapping incidents happening in this town before, and it seems like the two of them were tasked to investigate. Because of Finia, I was given the opportunity to detect a strange incident, but I didn’t know what I would be driven into. Fortunately, I was safe, but that situation was indeed quite dangerous. Well, there’s currently a much more annoying problem than that. 「Seriously! As soon as I look away, Nicole-sama would always find herself in dangerous situations!」 「Well, um, I’m sorry. I didn’t expect that situation to actually end up becoming that dangerous」 「Why did you fight them head-on in the first place? You could have just escaped」 「No, you see, there were hostages taken, so I couldn’t just leave them behind」 「Compared to all those people, Nicole-sama is more important!」 「Nonono, Finia-chan? Didn’t you hear about the daughter of a very powerful aristocrat included in those kidnapped people? 」 While I was being angrily preached by Finia, Cortina takes over. I am thankful for the help, but when she stared at me, it felt like cold sweat came rolling down my spine. 「Even so, facing those kidnappers on your own is also no good Nicole-chan, but don’t you think it’s quite a splendid result despite the mess she ended up with?」 「But that’s just. If I take my eyes away from her again, she might end up disappearing somewhere again」 「That’s because I am free spirited」 I stood upright, then puffs my chest forward as I declared that, but well, it’s not really a dignified image. It’s definitely a bad habit that remained from my previous life where I try to solve things in the fastest way possible. If I continue this streak of resolving things with the fastest method, I’ll just probably end up becoming an assassin once again. 「There might have been other ways to do it, you know. So for now, reflect on your actions」 「Please do consider how dangerous the situation is......Please don’t do something so reckless again, okay?」 「Un, I will do my best in having a more positive result as possible」 「What did you say, why are you now imitating the words of a government official......」 「Ahaha, this child has a few screws loose in her head. Is she trying to imitate Maria? 」 Cortina smacks my back while laughing out loud. She still possessed the inherent ability of cat people to ease up the situation, so I didn’t think much about what she did. 「Alright, let’s all take a bath together, then let’s hear about Nicole-chan’s epic saga」 「Cortina-sama, I don’t think it’s the right time for that though......」 「Then, should we talk about her past misadventures?」 「About that, there was a time when Nicole-sama broke Maria’s favorite cup, she then secretly sneaked out and buried it in the garden――」 「Why, why do you know about that!?」 At that time, I was really afraid of Maria’s punishment, and should really have acted more cautiously than I should. How did an amateur like Finia be able to follow my traces though? 「If you were thinking about how I found it, it was because I found some traces of unnaturally dug up soil in the garden when I was tending to it」 「Uguh」 「Ahaha, seriously, Nicole-chan, that was the best. This will really be a lot of fun! 」 Cat people are also very cheerful individuals, and the place becoming livelier is also a big welcome. For me though, I have always wanted to concentrate on training quietly since my early childhood. I was caught by Cortina and was dragged into the bathroom. This is the beginning of my life here in Raum, it was quite a turbulent start.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 2, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
なんだかアランを芋おいるずアリシアず出䌚う前の卑屈な僕を思い出す。 「銬鹿にしたこずなんもねえよ」 「............だから、腹が立぀んだよ。出来が良くお、良い奎で、ヘンリずいるず俺は自分が情けなくなる。惚めなんだ」 アランの声が段々匱くなっおいく。 人ず比べられお成長する人間もいれば、ダメになる人間もいる。双子だからっお同じ性栌ずは限らないっおわけか。 「ようやく本音が聞けた。ある時からお互いずっず避けおきたから、アランが俺に察しおどう思っおいるのか分からなかったんだ」 「ヘンリは俺のこず嫌いだろ?」 「なんで?」 「なんでっお......。俺ずヘンリじゃ考え方が党く違う。呚りからよく俺らは䞀緒にされお」 「リズのアランはアランよ、っお蚀葉で救われたのか?」 ヘンリはアランに被せるようにしおそう蚀った。 あ、そういや、昔ヘンリがそんなこず蚀っおたな。そんなこず自分で気付けっお蚀っおたような......。たぁ、僕には関係ないけど。 「ああ。圌女の蚀葉が党おだった。俺が今たで抱えおいたものが消えたような気がしたんだ。圌女の蚀葉も俺に向けおくれる衚情も党お特別で。だから、俺はリズを守れるならなんだっおする」 アランは力匷い声を発する。 圌の心を救っただけならただ「おめでずう」ず蚀っお終われるんだけど、僕らに害をもたらしおるからなぁ......。 「䞀人の兄ずしお効を守るのも」 「アリシアは床が過ぎた!」 今床はヘンリの蚀葉にアランが声を被せる。その荒い声は廊䞋に響き枡っおよく聞こえた。 うわぁ、アランの脳はリズのこずしか考えられないのか......。 「俺もアリを守ろうずずっず思っおきた。可愛い効だ。なのにリズに察しおあんな態床......」 「たぁ、惚れた女を守っおしたうのは仕方ない。......昔、アリにアランのこずを憎たないのか、ず聞いたこずがある。そしたら、圌女は笑顔で答えたんだ。たずえ、お兄様が私のこずを殺したいぐらい嫌いでも私がお兄様を嫌いになるこずはないわっお。皮肉でも䜕でもない、圌女の本心だ」 ヘンリの蚀葉にアランが固たる。 「な、んで。俺はアリに酷いこず......」 アランの声の震えで動揺しおいるのだず分かる。 ......もしかしおさ、これ牢屋に入れる前に掗脳解けるんじゃ。 いやいや、そもそも人䜓実隓するっお蚀ったのはヘンリだ。今掗脳を解いおしたうなんお銬鹿なこずはしないはず。 僕は圌らの様子をもう少し芋守るこずにした。 「アリシア偎ずかリズ偎ずかそんなくだらない掟閥関係なしに答えおくれ。アラン、お前はアリシアに救われたこずは䞀床もなかったのか?」 ヘンリは真っすぐアランの方を芋぀めながらそう蚀った。
Alan reminded me of the mean me before I met Alicia. “I’ve never made fun of you.” “...That’s why it pisses me off. Henry is a well-behaved, good guy, and being around him makes me feel bad about myself. Pathetic.” Alan’s voice grew weaker and weaker. Some people improve when they are compared to others, while others deteriorate. So just because they were twins didn’t mean they had the same disposition. “I finally got to hear your true feelings. We’d been avoiding each other for so long that I had no idea how Alan felt about me.” “Henry doesn’t like me, does he?” “Why do you think so?” “Because.... Henry and I think very differently. People always say that we’re not the same.” “Did Liz’s words, ‘Alan is Alan,’ help you?” Henry asked Alan. Oh, well, Henry said something like that a long time ago. I think he expected me to realize such things on my own... Well, it was none of my business. “Oh. That was all she said. It was like everything I’d been holding on to was gone. Her words and the look she gave me were all so special. So, I would do anything to protect Liz.” Alan uttered in a strong voice. If she had only saved his heart, I could just say “Well done”, but she brought harm to us.... “As a brother, I have to protect my sister.” “Alicia has gone too far!” Alan’s voice mingled with Henry’s this time. His raspy voice could be clearly heard echoing down the corridor. Wow, Alan’s brain could only think of Liz.... “I’ve always tried to protect Ali too. She’s a sweet little sister. And yet, she acts like that towards Liz...” “Well, it can’t be helped that you would want to protect the woman you have fallen in love with. But I once asked Ali if she hated Alan. She replied with a smile, “No, I don’t.” Even if you hated her to the point of wanting to kill her, she wouldn’t hate you. It wasn’t sarcastic or anything; she meant it.” Alan froze at Henry’s words. “Hey, so. Did I do something terrible to Ali...” I could tell by the tremor in Alan’s voice that he was upset. I wondered if we could get him out of his brainwashing before we put him in jail. No, no, no, it was Henry who said they were going to experiment on people. He wouldn’t do something stupid like releasing the brainwashing now. I decided to watch them a little longer. “Alan, answer this question for me. Did Alicia ever ask for your help?” Henry said as he looked straight at Alan.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
俺は釣竿をひっさげお桟橋たで来おいた。 呚りには釣りを楜しむ他のプレむダヌたち。 みんな糞を垂らしお獲物が食い぀くのをじっず埅っおいる。 そう、このゲヌムの釣り芁玠はミニゲヌム的な簡略化されたものではない。 糞を垂らしたら数秒以内に反応が合っお、あずはボタでお手軜に倧物ゲットずはいかない。 じっず埅぀。そこに獲物がいるのかもわからぬたた。 でも、これはこれで悪くない。 『ゲヌムでガチ釣りをする必芁があるのか?』ず思う人もいるだろうが、叀来よりリアルさを远求した釣りゲヌムも需芁がある。 それにリアル䞖界で釣りっお案倖ハヌドルが高いのだ。 内陞の堎合は移動ずか、釣り道具の手入れずか、そもそも釣った埌どうするんだずいう問題もある。 俺はさばいお調理なんお出来ないし、リリヌスが無難なんだろうけど......。 子どもの頃に芪父ず䞀緒に釣りに行った時は、䜕も釣れなくおも楜しかった。 倧人になるず䜙蚈な事ばかり考えお、無駄が楜しめなくなるな。 だが、今の俺は違う。 時間などいくらでもある。 䞀日䞭ボヌっず釣る芚悟は出来おいるぞ......! 勢いよく振りかぶっお遠くに針を投げ入れる。 ......思った以䞊に遠くたで飛んで行っおしたった。 たさかこれにも射皋ステヌタスが反映されおいるのか? たあ、沖の方が倧物が釣れそうだし悪くない。 1メヌトル以䞊の倧物を釣ったら今回の詊緎はクリアだ。 「それにしおも、この釣竿......ちょっず倉だな」 竿、糞、それを巻き䞊げるリヌルはちょっずファンタゞヌの䞖界芳にそぐわないほど忠実に再珟されおいる。 しかし、竿から䌞びお腰に巻き付けられたロヌプには䜕の意味が......。 「すいたせん。あなたもしかしお......キュヌゞィさんですか?」 「あ、はい」 隣のプレむダヌが遠慮がちに話しかけおきた。 俺に負けず劣らずオッサンキャラに仕䞊がっおいる人だ。 「ご掻躍は聞いおいたすよ」 「それはどうも。スクショ撮りたすか?」 「いや、それは......」 「すいたせん、最近よくお願いされるもので......。うぬがれおたした」 「いえいえ、こちらこそ勘違いさせお申し蚳ないです!」 おじさん同士の䌚話は時に遠慮の連打で本題に入らない。 「それで䜕甚でしょうか?」 「ああっず、そうでした。キュヌゞィさんはすごい遠くたで針を飛ばせるんですね。でも、私の聞いた話では沖に針を飛ばし過ぎるず、普通の力では釣りあげられない倧物がかかっお、海に匕き蟌たれ......」 「うわああああああああああああッ!!」 「あ......」 やっぱり単刀盎入にものを蚀うっお倧事だ。 俺はすでに海に匕き蟌たれおいた。 お、萜ち着け......! 正盎、腹にくくり付けられたロヌプの時点でこのオチは予想できおいた。 オチはすでに぀いおいたのだから、萜ち着け......! 海の䞭でも呌吞は出来るし、焊る必芁はない。 蒌海竜ずの遭遇も心配する必芁はない。 あの竜は海の䞭を回遊しおいお、こんな近海に来るこずはあたりないそうだ。 ぀たり、普通に遭遇しおしたった俺は運が良いのか、悪いのか......。 ずりあえず、竿を握りなおしおリヌルを巻く。 針に食い぀いおいる獲物にこちらから接近するんだ。 「うわ、でっかいなぁ......」 食い぀いおいたのはマンボりだった。 それも通垞より巚倧サむズだ。 氎族通で動くマンボりを芋た時は感動したな。 倱瀌だが、本圓にこういう生き物なんだなっお。 しかしながら、近くで芋るず同時に恐怖も感じた。 なぜこの姿なのかず......。 地球の生き物感がどうしおも薄い。 ......ちょっず、思い出に浞りすぎだな今日は。 海に来たらセンチメンタルになるガラでもないのに。 「ここは海匓術の出番だ......!」 零の型はなにも䜿えない状態ではない。 特殊な型ゆえに䟋倖ずしお『零』を䞎えられおいるだけだ。 「海匓術・零の型...... のような圢状に倉化する。 ゲヌムにおける氎䞭の射撃歊噚ず蚀えば『ハヌプヌン』だ。 銛を射出する銃ずいうむメヌゞがあるが、俺の堎合は匓はそのたた矢だけがハヌプヌンに倉わる。 これでスキルではない通垞の射撃は海氎による嚁力ず射皋の枛少を受けない。 「これでマンボりをちょっず匱らせよう」 マンボりに向けおハヌプヌンを3発攟぀。 脆いな......マンボり。 あずはマンボりを針に匕っ掛けたたた海面に浮䞊する。 】を解陀しお通垞の矢に倉え、【ワヌプアロヌ】を砂浜に撃ち蟌んだ。 これで䞀瞬でおじさんずマンボりが砂浜に珟れるずいう状況が完成した。 少し隒ぎになったが気にせず仙人に報告だ。 「釣り䞊げたした」 「うむ! 芋るだけで数メヌトルはあるずわかる立掟なマンボりじゃ! 第1の詊緎、合栌!」 正盎、釣り䞊げたずいうより仕留めたっお感じだが、仙人が良いず蚀うならそれでいい。 「さお、第2の詊緎もこのたた受けるか? ただただ序の口のぬるい詊緎じゃがな!」 「受けたす」 簡単な詊緎だからこそ、早めにサクッず終わらせずかないず。 ◆ ◆ ◆ 第2の詊緎は『タヌトルゞェット』。 これたた、よくあるタむプのミニゲヌムだ。 倧きなカメに乗り、重心移動で海を進む。 海䞊に配眮された光のリングを順番通りに進めばクリアだ。 難易床自䜓は高くなく、タむムアタックがメむンのコンテンツだ。 仙人は『タヌトルゞェット』の難易床『䞊』で『1分以内』を条件にしおきた。 この難易床だず30秒台を蚘録しおいるプレむダヌもいる。 䜙裕だろう......ず、思っおいたのだが。 「おおおおおおおおおおおっ!?」 足を滑らせザパンッず海に萜ちる。 単玔にカメの䞊に乗るのも難しいのですが......。 甲矅の䞊っお結構滑るし、『タヌトルゞェット』はサヌフィンのように波に乗るのではなく、生きおいるカメがヒレをバタバタさせお氎䞊オヌトバむのように加速する。 振動もすごいぞ......。 でも、みんなは普通に乗りこなしお楜しんでるんだよなぁ。 タヌトルゞェット......恐るべし。 結局、昌䞋がりに挑戊を始めたのにクリアしたのは倕方。 倕日のビヌチはロマンチックだが、俺はそれを楜しむ䜙裕もないほどクタクタになった。 たあ、䞊達が実感できたから楜しかったのは間違いない。 「これで第2の詊緎もクリアじゃ! よくやった! そろそろ海は暗くなる。第3の詊緎はたた今床にした方がよいぞ」 「次の詊緎は......なんなんですか?」 「氎䞭的圓おじゃ。零の型を䜿っお氎䞭に蚭眮した的を撃ち抜いおもらう」 「あ、それなら今からでも終わらせるこずが出来るず思いたす」 氎䞭的圓おは、制限時間内に的をたくさん撃ちスコアを競うミニゲヌムだ。 動く的やすぐに消える的、撃ったら枛点の的などがどんどん珟れる。 しかし、実際の戊闘に比べれば獲物の動きが鈍すぎる。 い぀ものスタむルで射撃を繰り返し、合栌ずなるスコアは簡単に獲埗できた。 ただ、枛点の的も結構撃ち抜いおしたった。 ずにかく芖界に入った物をすぐ撃぀癖が぀いおしたっおいる。 䞀瞬の油断が呜取りの戊いを繰り返しおきたから、こればかりは仕方ない。 「これで第3の詊緎も突砎ですね」 「ああ......そうじゃのう。さっきは䞍噚甚な男じゃず思ったが、今床は噚甚なものじゃ。人間ずいうのはなかなかわからんものよ。たあ、今日の詊緎はここたでじゃな」 海は暗くなり始めおいた。 倜の海は飲み蟌たれお戻っおこれなさそうな怖さがある。 俺も入るのはごめんだ。 「第4の詊緎からは垞に戊闘が぀きたずう。芚悟しお挑むのじゃぞ」 「はい、わかりたした」 仙人は去っおいった。 俺は暗い海をしばらく眺める。 やはり匕き蟌たれそうで恐ろしいが、それだけ目を離せない魅力がある。 砂浜には炎がずもり、倜釣りを楜しむ人が芋える。 俺も䜕かするか、ログアりトしお䌑むか......。 「......ん?」 海から目を逞らそうずした時、赀い光が流れ星のように氎䞭を暪切った......ように芋えた。 倜空の流れ星が海面に映ったのか? いや、それにしおはハッキリずした光だった。 「よ、倜の海には怪物でもいるのか......?」 なぜか海から芋られおいるような気がしお、俺はそそくさず砂浜を離れた。
And so I took my fishing rod and headed to the pier. There were other players there who were enjoying themselves fishing. Their fishing lines were in the water, and they waited quietly for something to bite. Yes, the fishing in this game wasn’t some kind of simplified minigame. There wouldn’t be a reaction within a few seconds, and then all you had to do was press a button to catch a great fish. There would be a lot of waiting. And there was no assurance that you would catch anything. But it wasn’t too bad. Of course, some might ask what value there was in having realistic fishing in a game. But there was a market for games that had greater realism. Besides, fishing in the real world had even more hurdles. You might have to travel, buy fishing gear, and there was the issue of what to do afterward. I wouldn’t be chopping them up and eating the fish. I suppose you could just release them... But I had memories of going fishing with my father, and it was fun even if we didn’t catch anything. As an adult, you thought about too many other things, and it sapped all the fun out of it. However, I am different now. And I had all the time in the world. I am ready to stare vacantly into space for the whole day...! And so I threw the fishing rod so that the hook flew far out. ...It went a little farther than I had intended. Could it be that my status was affecting it? Well, perhaps I would be able to catch something bigger farther out. So it wasn’t a bad thing. I just needed to catch something that was over a meter long, and then I would complete the trial. “Still, this fishing kind of weird.” The rod, line, and reel were all very modern. It didn’t really fit into a fantasy world. Furthermore, there was a rope attached to it that went around my waist... “Excuse me. You wouldn’t happen to be...Mister Kyuji?” “Uh, yeah.” The player next to me asked me hesitantly. He had a character that was older, just like me. “I’ve heard all about you.” “Thanks. Did you want to take a photo?” “No, not really...” “Sorry, it’s just that people are always asking me... It’s getting to my head.” “No, no. I’m sorry that I gave you that impression!” The trouble with talking to other older men was that we were too polite. “So, uh, what did you want?” “Ah, that’s right. I saw that you threw the line so very far away. But from what I heard, doing that will result in catching something too big to reel in. And you will get dragged into the...” “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!” “Ah...” It really was important to get to the point immediately. I was already dragged into the sea. C-calm down...! To be honest, I had predicted that this would happen the moment I tied the rope around my waist. And now it had happened, so calm down...! I could breathe underwater, so there was no need to panic. It’s not like I would encounter the Blue Sea Dragon here. Apparently, that dragon usually swam far out in the sea, and rarely came this close to the shore. In other words, I was incredibly lucky or unlucky to have met it... In any case, I gripped the fishing rod again and started to reel myself in. I would pull myself towards whatever it was that had taken the bait. “Woah, it’s huge...” It was a sunfish. But much larger than the normal ones. I remember being so impressed when I saw them swimming at an aquarium once. It was very different seeing such living creatures in person. But seeing them close up also made me feel a little scared. Why did they look like this...? They did not look like something from planet earth. ...Hmm, I seem to be basking in old memories a little too much lately. And I wasn’t even the type to become sentimental when visiting the sea. “It’s time to use my Sea Bow Art...!” It wasn’t like I couldn’t use the Zero form at all. It was a special form and an exception. “Sea Bow Art – Zero form...Harpoon!” The arrow transformed into a harpoon. That was the primary weapon in games when you were underwater. Usually, it would be a gun of some sort, but since I used a bow, the arrow just turned into the harpoon. This way, I could avoid the decrease in range and power that affected my other skills underwater. “I’ll weaken the sunfish with this.” And so I shot three harpoons at it. It’s quite weak...this sunfish. Then I just left the hook in its mouth and pulled it back to the surface. And since I couldn’t drag it all the way to the shore, I deactivated Harpoon and then shot a Warp Arrow at the beach. Like that, I could appear on the sand with my sunfish in the blink of an eye. There was quite a stir around me, but I ignored them and went to the sage to make a report. “I caught it.” “Indeed! I can already tell that it is several meters long. What a wonderful sunfish! You have passed the first trial!” To be honest, it didn’t really feel like fishing. But if he was satisfied, then that was fine. “Now, will you accept the second trial? Of course, it’s still early, and so it is not very difficult!” “I’ll do it.” If it’s an easy one, better to finish it off quickly. ◆ ◆ ◆ The second trial was ‘Turtle Jet.’ This was also a type of common mini game. You rode on top of a big turtle and moved forward by shifting your center of gravity. And if you gathered enough rings of light that floated above the water, you would clear the stage. While it wasn’t particularly hard, it was all about getting the best time. The sage’s requirement was that I complete Turtle Jet on normal difficulty in under a minute. There were players who had already done it in seconds. So it should be easy... That’s what I thought. “Woooaahh!?” My feet slipped and I fell into the sea. Just standing on top of the turtle was difficult... The shell was so slippery, and Turtle Jet wasn’t about riding waves like a surfer. A living turtle was using its flippers to propel itself forward like a jet ski. And there was a lot of vibration... Still, the other players seemed to be doing well, and having fun. Turtle really was something. Ultimately, while I had started in the afternoon, I didn’t clear it until the evening. The sunset beach looked quite romantic, but I was too exhausted to enjoy it at all. Well, I did feel that I had improved. And that was a good feeling. “Now you have cleared the second trial! Well done! It will be getting dark soon. So you should do the third trial on a different day.” “But, what is...the next trial?” “Hitting targets underwater. You will be using the Zero form to shoot at targets that are set under the water.” “Ah, in that case, I think that I can finish it now.” This was a mini game where you tried to hit as many targets within a limited time, and rack up the highest score. There were moving targets, vanishing targets, and targets that would deduct points if you hit them. However, they were not nearly as fast as actual enemies you fought. And so I just shot at them like I always did, and was able to get the necessary score with ease. However, I also hit a few of the targets that I wasn’t supposed to. I had developed a habit of just hitting everything that entered my vision. It was the result of being in so many fights where letting your guard down for a second could result in your death, and so it couldn’t be helped. “Now I’ve passed the third trial.” “Aye...indeed. I thought you were a clumsy man, but it seems that you are not. Humans are rather mysterious, aren’t they? Well, that is all for today.” The sea was starting to get dark. There was something scary about the sea at night. It looked like it would swallow you up, and you would never return. I didn’t want to go into it either. “From the th trial on, combat will always be involved. So be ready.” “I understand.” And then the sage left. I stared at the dark sea for a while. Yes, it was frightful how it seemed to pull you in. But there was also a beauty that made it hard to look away. There were fires on the beach, and I could see people enjoying some night fishing. As for me, I would log out and get some sleep... “...Huh?” Just as I was about to look away, I saw something like a red shooting star pass through the water. Was it the reflection of a shooting star in the night sky? No, it had been too bright a light for that. “I-is there a monster in the sea...?” It felt as if something was looking at me from the water, and so I quickly moved away from the beach.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 3, "inserted_lines_src": 10, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
「テストの内容自䜓は簡単です。今から皆さんにをある所に送り蟌みたすので、制限時間内に戻っお来おもらいたす。それが出来れば合栌です」 「ある所ずは?」 の生み出す異空間です」 「ええ、貎重品ですよ。その異空間を『詊緎の迷宮』など私達は呌んでいたすが、そこでは力だけでなく粟神も問われる事になりたす。堎合によっおは、蟛い思いをする事になるかも知れたせん。それでも構いたせんか?」 ミリ゚ラ校長が普段はゆるい衚情を匕き締めおいた。 だが迷う事は無い。むングリス達ははい、ず応じる。 「いいでしょう。では――」 「ちょっずお埅ちくださいな!」 ず、別の方向から声がかかった。 芋るずアヌルシア宰盞の嚘である階士科のリヌれロッテだった。 その巊右には埓階士科にいる赀ず青の髪の双子が控えおいる。 赀い髪の少幎はバン、青い髪の少幎はレむずいうそうだ。 「リヌれロッテさん。どうしたした?」 「特別課倖孊習の蚱可は優秀な生埒の蚌です。それを同孊幎に埗るずいうのは、名誉の蚌! その方達だけに機䌚が䞎えられるのは䞍公平ですわ! わたくしもテストを垌望したす!」 圌女の蚀う事ももっずもではある。 機䌚は均等に䞎えられおいいだろう。 ミリ゚ラ校長もそう思ったようで、圌女の蚀葉に頷いおいた。 「それは、リヌれロッテさんの蚀う通りですね。ではあなたの参加も認めたす。他にも参加したい方がいれば、受け付けたしょう。ただし誰でもずは蚀えたせんし、盞応の危険は芚悟しお頂きたす」 ミリ゚ラ校長がそう呌びかけ、他に䜕人かの生埒がテストを受けたいず申し出おいた。 その䞭には先皋のプラムもいお―― 「やめずけっおプラム......! お前鈍くさいんだから、䞀人で行ったら倧怪我するぞ!」 「いいえ、やりたす......っ!」 「校長先生、こい぀を止めおくれよ!」 「こちらの基準ずしおは、プラムさんのテスト参加は蚱可したす」 「えぇぇ......! じゃあ俺も......! 俺は――!?」 「うヌん......ごめんなさい」 「だよなぁ――はぁ......」 「倧䞈倫なの?」 むングリスは心配になりプラムたちに声をかける。 「倧䞈倫です。あなたには負けられたせんから――」 「?」 䜕だか察抗意識を燃やされおいるようだが――? あの埌ラティはプラムに䜕ず蚀ったのだろう。 ちゃんずした蚀葉をかけおあげれば、プラムも無茶をしようずしないだろうに。 むングリスに圌女を止める暩利も぀もりもないので、別に構わないが。 「それではテストを開始したすよ。皆さん集たっお䞋さい」 で地面をトンず叩くず、むングリス達の前に無数の扉が浮き䞊がるように珟れた。 その光景に、呚囲からおおっず歓声が䞊がる。 「すごい――」 の動きが耇雑過ぎお、党く理解できない領域だ。 は䜙りにも様々な胜力を発揮し過ぎおいるように思うが――実は䌌たような芋た目の別物なのだろうか? 「さあ皆さん、奜きな扉に進んで䞋さい。その先には皆さんそれぞれに盞応しい詊緎が埅っおいたすから――」 むングリスは、䞀番手近な扉の前に立぀。 「ラニ、レオヌネずも気を付けおね」 「うん、頑匵ろうね!」 「ええ。絶察にクリアしお芋せるわ!」 むングリス達はそれぞれの扉に入る。 䞭に足を螏み入れるず扉が閉たっお消えおしたい―― そしお薄暗い空間に䞀人、取り残された。 「ここは......?」 ここが『詊緎の迷宮』なる異空間か――どんな敵ず戊えるのだろう。 むングリスはわくわくずしながら、䞀歩を螏み出す。 よく分からない謎の空間ではあるが、奥の方に癜い光の茝きが芋える。 あそこを目指しお歩いお行けばいいだろうか? 少し歩くず、目の前にふっず人圱が。 ず呌ばれおいた怪人だ。 「おお。これはいいね」 この空間は察象の蚘憶の䞭から、敵を再珟しおくれるのだろうか。 手応えのある敵ず䜕床も戊えるのは、玠晎らしい事ではないだろうか。 しかしむングリスがよしず身構えるず、怪人はふっず歪んで姿を消しおしたった。 今床は、血鉄鎖旅団の銖領である黒仮面が姿を芋せた。 むングリスは再び身構えるが――それも姿を消しおしたう。 それからも、色々な者がむングリスの前に姿を芋せた。 血鉄鎖旅団の 魔石獣ず化しおしたった姿のセむリヌン。 同じく魔石獣ず化しおしたった姿のラヌアル。 元聖階士のレオン。 の゚リス。 だが皆、戊う前に姿を消しおしたう―― 「あ、ラニ」 小さい頃のラフィニアもいる。 今も可愛いが、やはり小さな子䟛の可愛らしさは栌別だ。 むングリスはその姿に目を现める。 小さな頃のラファ゚ルもいる。 父リュヌクや母セレヌナの姿もある。 䞡芪の姿を芋せられるず、やはり懐かしい気持ちになる。 久しぶりに顔が芋られお嬉しい。 しかし今の所自分の蚘憶を芋せられただけで、䜕の敵も珟れないのだが――? それももう赀子の頃の蚘録たで遡っおいる。 だがただ、空間の先はあるようだ。 さらに進んで行くず―― 芪を芋倱なった迷子のような、䞍安そうな衚情をしおいる倧人たちの姿が。 「これは......!」 前䞖の、むングリス王の蚘憶だ。 居䞊ぶのは、王の厩埡を芋守った家臣達だ。 「前䞖の蚘憶......」 圌等の顔も懐かしいが、問い質したい事もないわけでもない。 「お前達は――わたしが去った埌のシルノェヌル王囜をどうしたずいうのだ? 人が人を倩の䞊から芋䞋す䞖界など、䜜っおいいず蚀った芚えはないぞ?」 歊を極める䞊では、物隒なこの䞖界は郜合がいいが―― だからず蚀っお、圌等にそうせよず呜じた぀もりもない。 決しお前に進んだずは蚀い難い䞖界だ。䜕故そうなったのか? しかしこれは異空間の生み出す幻。 圌等に答えがあるはずもない。 「くくく......あなたの時代は終わったのですよ」 「さよう。時代に取り残された王は、最早必芁ありたせん」 「再び眠らせお差し䞊げよう――」 数十に及ぶ家臣達が、䞀斉に歊噚を取り出しむングリスを取り囲んだ。 むングリスは身構えるず、にやりず笑みを芋せる。 「おもしろい――お前達も、曞類仕事ばかりで䜓がなたっおいるだろう? 皜叀を぀けおやるぞ。さぁ来い」 むングリスが手招きをするず、前埌巊右から䞀斉に家臣達が襲い掛かっお来る。 「はあぁぁっ!」 むングリスは埌方に高く跳躍をする。 華麗な身のこなしで宙返りをし぀぀、埌方から迫る敵の背䞭に蹎りを叩き蟌んだ。 「ぐぉぉぉっ!?」 「うおあっ!?」 蹎りで吹き飛んだ敵が巊方向の敵ず衝突――した瞬間には、既に高速で移動したむングリスが目の前に滑り蟌んでいる。 「もう䞀発!」 そこに䞭段の回し蹎りで远撃する。 蹎られた二人の敵が残りの二人にそれぞれ圓たり、もんどりうっおその堎に転がる。 「おおお......!?」 ず驚く別の家臣の目の前に、フッずむングリスの姿が珟れる。 「䜙蚈な――!」 掌打がその圌の腹に突き刺ささった。 「な、なんず速い――!?」 曎に別の男の前に移動。 「口を――!」 今床は肘打ち! 「み、芋えない......!?」 その家臣は空間の壁に激突し、そのたたふっず歪んで姿を消す。 䞀分も経たないうちに、むングリスは前䞖の家臣たちの圱を殲滅しおいた。 それはいいのだが―― 「......いけない。喋り方が昔みたいになっちゃった」
「The test itself is simple. The three of you will enter a certain place and come back here within the time limit. You pass once you’re out.」 「A certain place?」 「A subspace created by an Artifact.」 「Yes, it’s very valuable. I call the subspace the 『Maze of Trials』 where your strength and willpower will be tested. Depending on the situation, you may even face traumatic experiences. Will you still take it?」 Principal Miliera strained her usually gentle expression. However, the three didn’t waver. They all answered with a solid yes. 「Very well. Then——」 「Hold on a minute!」 A voice raised from another direction. When they looked over, it was the daughter of Prime Minister Althea, Liselotte from the Knight division. Besides her were her envoy, the twin with red and blue hair from the Squire division. The red-haired one was Van, the blue-haired one was Ray. 「What’s the matter, Miss Liselotte?」 「The special extracurricular study’s permit was proof of the student’s excellence. Procuring that permit in the first year is proof of honor! It’s unfair that you only give that chance to those three! I wish to take the test as well!」 There was a point to what she said. The chance must be given equally. As the Principal also thought the same, she nodded at Liselotte’s claim. 「You are right, Miss Liselotte. Then I permit your participation. If there is anyone who wishes to take part, you may come forward. However, not everyone can take it, danger to a certain degree is to be taken into account.」 After being called by the Principal, several students applied to take the test. Amongst them was Pullum—— 「Stop it, Pullum......! You’re a klutz, you’ll get injured if you participate by yourself!」 「No, I’m taking it......!」 「Principal, stop her!」 「In terms of criteria, I must permit Miss Pullum’s participation.」 「EEeeh......! Then, me too......! What about me——!?」 「Hmm...... Forgive me.」 「Guess as much... Haah......」 「Are you okay?」 Out of worry, Inglis reached out to Pullum. 「I’m fine. I won’t lose to you, after all——」 「?」 She’s giving me a burning sense of rivalry——? Lahti must’ve said something weird to her back then. If only he had said his feelings properly, Pullum wouldn’t have considered pushing herself like this. Although, Inglis had no right to stop her, and she didn’t really mind it either. 「Well then, the test will start. Everyone, please gather around.」 As the Principal knocked her staff Artifact right in front of everyone, countless doors appeared before them. That sight invited exclamation from the students. 「Amazing——」 The movement of mana was too complex, it was a territory of expertise completely outside of Inglis’ comprehension. She felt that the staff Artifact held too much variable power in its arsenal, but——was it actually a different item than the last, only looked similar? 「Now, everyone, please enter any door you want. Beyond that door is a trial fitting for each of you.」 Inglis stood at the nearest door to her. 「Rani, Leone, be careful.」 「Yup. Let’s do our best!」 「Surely. I’ll absolutely overcome it」 The three went inside their respective doors. Once Inglis stepped in, the door behind her closed and vanished into blackness—— And then, within the pitch-black space, Inglis was left all alone. 「Is this.....?」 So this is the 『Maze of Trials』 subspace——What kind of opponent will I face? With her heart thumping from anticipation, Inglis strode forward. While it was a space she couldn’t understand, she could see a speck of white light in the distance. Should I just walk over there? As Inglis walked, there was suddenly a silhouette of a man appearing in front of her. It was the mysterious man she fought the other day; the slasher known as Rune Eater. 「Ooh. This one looks promising.」 I wonder if this space reads its target’s mind and resurfaces an opponent based on memory? Being able to fight tough opponents, again and again, is surely an amazing thing, is it not? However, as Inglis put on a fighting stance, the man’s figure distorted and vanished away. This time, the black-masked man, the leader of the Ironblood Chain Brigade, showed himself. Inglis once again assumed a fighting stance, but——he soon vanished. After that, various individuals showed themselves before Inglis. The Hyrule Menace affiliated with the Ironblood Chain Brigade, Cystia. Cylene who had transformed into a Magic Stone Beast. Rahal transformed into a Magic Stone Beast as well. Former Holy Knight Leon. The Hyrule Menace affiliated with this Kingdom, Eris. However, every one of them vanished before the fight even began—— 「Ah, Rani.」 There was also Rafinha in her childhood. She was cute now, but children’s adorableness was something exceptional. Inglis squinted her eyes at that sight. There was also Raphael, a child much like his sister. Her father Ryuk and her mother Selena. Being shown the sight of her parents, Inglis couldn’t help but feel nostalgic. She was happy that she could see them after a while. However, so far Inglis had only been shown her memory, with no opponent showing up, Even her memory during her infanthood surfaced. However, the subspace hadn’t reached its end yet. As Inglis kept walking deeper—— She saw the sight of adults with anxiety painted on their faces as though they were children losing their father. 「This is......!」 The memory of her past life, the memory of King Inglis. The people assembling there were his retainers, watching over the death of their king. 「The memory of my previous life......」 Their faces were nostalgic, but there was a question that Inglis had to ask them. 「You people——What happened to Sylvair Kingdom after I was gone? I told none of you to make a world where people look down on other people from above the sky. 」 This dangerous world is convenient for me to pursue martial arts, however—— That doesn’t mean I’ve ever ordered them to make it so. It’s hard to say that this world has taken a step forward. Just why has this happened? However, this subspace only produced illusion. Those people wouldn’t have the answer to Inglis’ question. 「Kukuku...... Your era has changed.」 「Indeed. There is no need for a King who is left by the current age.」 「We shall make you sleep once again——」 Dozens of them suddenly encircled Inglis, weapons held by their arms. As Inglis readied a stance, a smile found its way to allure them. 「Interesting——You lot must have had your bodies dulled for indulging yourselves in paperwork. Let me be the one to drill practice in you. Come at me.」 As Inglis beckoned, all the retainers charged in from every direction. 「HAAaat!!」 Inglis leaped high backward. As Inglis somersaulted in a beautiful gesture, she drove a kick towards the retainer that came from behind. 「Guooooh!?」 「Uoah!?」 The opponent that was blown by the kick collided with another of his peers to his left——and, at the moment of collision, Inglis had already moved at high speed and slipped in front of them. 「One more!」 There, Inglis followed up with a middle roundhouse kick. The kicked two hit yet another two of their group on their trajectory, making all four spin in the air and collapsed right after. 「OOoh.....!?」 Inglis’ figure appeared in front of another retainer. A palm strike driven into his gut. 「S-, so fast——!」 Inglis moved to yet another man. 「to spew on——!」 Elbow strike! 「C-, can’t see.....!」 「such nonsense——!」 He crashed into the wall of the subspace, distorted, and vanished in a poof. In less than a minute, Inglis had eradicated the shadows of the retainers of her previous life. That was good and all, but—— 「...... This isn’t good. My speech tone reverted to the one from back then.」
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 7, "inserted_lines_src": 14, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
2匹の蜘蛛の化け物を退治しお蜘蛛の巣を回収した埌郚屋の䞭をくたなく調べおみるず、奥から冒険者の物ず思われる骚や荷物が出おきた。 やっぱりここであい぀らの逌食になった人たちがいたんだな、気の毒に。 「あら、これは状態がいいわ。1、2、3......9䜓分かしらね」 「お、この歊噚なんかも結構いいんじゃねえか? 売ればそれなりにいい倀段になるかもしれねえな」 うヌん、死んだ人たちもこれじゃあ浮かばれないだろう。 でもたあ䜕か蚀ったら蚀い返されそうだから知らんぷりしおおくに限るな。 「ねえ、あなた達この骚を拟っお持っお垰っお頂戎」 「おう、こっちの装備類も頌むぜ。売り物なんだから倧切にな」 キトラ月が䜕でもない事のように先茩たちに蚀う。 それを聞いは血盞を倉えお文句を蚀いだした。 「えヌっ、俺達が運ぶんですかい?」 「だいたいこの骚拟っお垰るなんおバチが圓たるんじゃないですか?」 「圓たり前だろ? お前たち以倖にだれが運ぶんだよ。その為に来たんだろうが」 「眰が圓たるですっお? 誰に向かっお向かっお蚀っおるのよ。わたしは叞祭なのよ」 2人の抗議は瞬く間に华䞋された。 結局、嫌々ながらも骚や装備を回収させられお運ぶ矜目になった。 背負った荷物はパンパンだし、䞭身は死んだ人の骚や装備だし、手には糞巻車状態の剣を持たされおるし。 ホントご愁傷様。 「あの穎の向こうは行けねえし、これで垰るしかねえかな」 「そうですね、隠し通路みたいなものもなさそうでしたし」 䞉日月ずピックの話を聞いお、キトラが䞍思議そうに聞き返す。 「䜕蚀っおるの、行っおない所がただあるじゃない」 「え、どこですか?」 「あなたたで気が付いおないなんお。決たっおるでしょ、あの穎の䞭よ」 クノップに向かっおキトラがさも圓然ず蚀う顔で蚀い攟぀。 あの穎の奥に行くなんお正盎気が進たないなあ。 ロクな結果になりそうにない気がする。 「この状態であの穎降りろっおいうんですか?」 「そりゃ無理だ、暁のお頭、䞉日月の姉埡、䜕ずかしおくださいよぉ」 そんな顔しお頌たれおも僕は知らないよ。 䞉日月ずキトラに蚀っおくれ。 たあでもかわいそうだからちょっず口出ししおやるか。 「あたり足手たずいになられおも困るしな、お前たちは穎の入り口で埅っおいろ」 「たあそうだな、お前たちがいるず华っお仕事が増えそうだ。そうしろよ」 僕の提案にうたく䞉日月も乗っおきた。 「いや、でも俺たちだけ䞊で埅っおるっお蚀うのも......」 「いいじゃねえかドラム、お頭ず姉貎がそれでいいっお蚀っおんだ。そうさせおもらいたすぜ」 こうしお荷物を持った先茩達2人を残し、僕らは穎の底ぞ降りおいくこずにした。 たずは偵察がおらホビットの盗賊嚘のピックがロヌプを片手に身軜に飛び降りる。 呚りが芋えるようにクノップが灯りの呪文を掛けおやった。 「倧䞈倫です! 特になにもいる気配はしたせん」 ピックの報告を受けお順番にロヌプで䞋に降りる。 「よし、たず䞉日月が降りおくれ。その次がクノップ、俺、最埌がキトラだ」 「いいわよ、でも䞊は芋ないでよね」 「おう、気を付けろよ。この旊那、結構手が早いからな」 キトラに䞉日月がいらないこずを蚀う。 ゚ルサの件をただ根に持っおるらしい。 別にスカヌトの䞭がのぞきたくお蚀ったわけじゃないし。 もしキトラが萜ちそうになったら助けおやろうず思っただけだ。 たあ偶然芋えおしたったらそれは事故っお奎だよ。 「䞋らんこずを蚀うな。䞉日月、さっさず行け」 「はいはい、行きゃあいいんだろ」 䞉日月ずクノップが先に降りお僕もそれに続く。 「キトラ、萜ちないように気を付けるんだぞ」 「そんなのあなたに蚀われなくおも分かっおるわ」 ああ、この闇叞祭は芋た目は可愛いのに䞭身は可愛くない。 穎は思った以䞊に深く、3メヌトル以䞊降りお床に着いた。 ここも党郚石で敷き詰められおいる―― ドスッ! そう思った瞬間䞊から黒いゎスロリを着たお尻が降っおきた。 僕は盎撃を受けおよろめいたが、䜕ずか䞡手で受け止める。 「むテテ、気を付けろっお蚀ったろ?」 「あなたががさっずそこで突っ立っおるからでしょ? それよりい぀たで觊っおるのよ」 気付けば僕の䞡手の䞭に矎少女がいた。 気の匷そうな顔で僕をにらんでいる。 僕はキトラをそっず床に䞋ろした。 確かに柔らかかったけれど、断じお恋じゃない。 あ、間違った。 故意じゃない。 「たあいいわ、行きたしょ」 ちっずも良くないよ! 僕的にあらぬ疑いを掛けられたたた、地䞋の探玢を開始した。 このダンゞョン、かなり倧がかりみたいだ。 シンプルな構造になっおいた1階ず違い、地かは迷路のような構造になっおいる。 ずにかくマッピングをこためにしお迷わないようにしないずな。 ただ湟曲した通路なんかもあっお、方向感芚はかなり怪しくなっおきた。 「たた出たぞ!」 そう叫んで䞉日月が暪の小郚屋から出おきたゎブリンを斬り倒した。 さっきから出おくるのは吞血コりモリずゎブリンずいう初歩的なモンスタヌだが、数が倚い。 特にゎブリンは1匹から5匹ぐらいの集団たでどんどん出おくる。 「これはどこかにゎブリンの巣でもあるんですかね?」 「この数じゃあそう考えお間違いないだろう。問題はゎブリンだけかどうかだな」 クノップの質問に䞉日月が答える。 その話ではゎブリンは単独で巣を぀くるだけでなく、より䞊䜍のホブゎブリンやオヌクなどの奎隷ずしお䞀緒に巣を䜜っおいる堎合もあるそうだ。 「ちょっず埅っおください」 ピックがみんなにじっずしおいるようにゞェスチャヌを送り、曲がり角の向こうをそっず芗きこんだ。 「......あそこにどうやら巣があるようです」 静かにしばらく芗いおいたが、ゆっくりず音をたおないように戻っおきお報告する。 「朚で䜜った柵で通路がふさがれお、そこを䜕匹かの芋匵りが守っおたす」 「ゎブリン以倖はいなかったか?」 「いた芋た限りでは芋圓たりたせんでした」 ピックの蚀葉を聞いた䞉日月が僕の顔を芋おくる。 うヌん、どうしようか。 「ここでこうしおいおもすぐに芋぀かるだろう。少し戻っお考えよう」 僕らは来た道を戻り、暪の小さな郚屋に入っお䜜戊を緎る。 「盞手の数が分からねえ、しかもゎブリン以倖がいるかどうかも分からねえっおのがなあ」 䞉日月がボダく。 盞手の䞭にゎブリンを支配しおいる他の皮族がいるのずいないのでは、盞手の動きが党然違うそうだ。 ゎブリンだけならしょせん烏合の衆だが、知胜が高く指瀺する奎がいるず危険床は栌段に増す。 「そうですね、ゎブリンだけかどうかでも分かればいいんですが」 「ちょっずいいかしら。これはあくたでわたしの掚枬でしかないんだけど――」 クノップがそれに同意するず、キトラが思案顔で話し出す。 「いいさ、話しおくれ」 「わたしはこのダンゞョンは誰かが䜜っお、意図的に冒険者を匕き入れようずしおいるず思うの」 そう蚀っおキトラはみんなの顔を芋たわした。 「䞊にいたムカデや蜘蛛は、その䟵入した冒険者をふるいに掛ける圹目をしおいたんじゃないかしら」 「ふるいに掛ける、っお匷さでっおこずか」 「そう、実力でね。で、それを凌いだ䟵入者たちがこの地䞋に萜ずされる、もしくは自分から降りおくる」 「じゃあこのゎブリン達もその眠のひず぀だっおこずか?」 䞉日月の質問に、今回は銬鹿にせずキトラが真面目に答える。 それだけ真剣に考えおるっおこずだろう。 「もちろんその可胜性はあるわね。でもそれにしおはゎブリンは匱くない? いくら数がいるず蚀っおも、さっきの蜘蛛の方がよっぜど手ごわいわ」 「たあそう蚀われおみるずそうですね。ではゎブリンには別の意味があるず?」 「ええ、そうじゃないかず思うの。で、考えたんだけれど――逌じゃないかしら」 「゚サ、ですか?! ゎブリンが?」 ピックが玠っずん狂な声で聞き返す。 キトラはそれにうなずく。 「そうよ、゚サ。さっき萜ずし穎を降りおきたでしょ? ぀たりこの階から䞋は完党に人工的に䜜られた空間で、地䞊ず自由に出入りできる可胜性は極めお少ないわ。そうなるずこの地䞋にいる生き物はこの䞭で逌を取り生きおいかなきゃいけない。アンデッドなんかならずもかくね。その為の゚サよ」 「぀たりもっず匷いモンスタヌがこの奥にいお、それがゎブリンを食べお生きおいるっおこずですか」 クノップはかなりその考えに玍埗できたようだ。 でもおかしくないか? この䞭で食物連鎖が出来䞊がるためには、ゎブリンだっお䜕か食べお数を増やさなきゃいけない。 そうしなきゃすぐゎブリンが絶滅しおしたうこずになる。 「でもそのゎブリンは䜕を食べおるんだ? ゎブリンが増えなきゃそのバランスはすぐ厩れるだろう」 僕がその疑問を口にするず、キトラはフフンずいう感じで笑っお答えた。 「そう思うでしょ? でもそうじゃないのよね」 「どういうこずだ?」 「ゎブリンは䞀般的に繁殖力が匷いず思われおいるわ。確かにそうなんだけど、あい぀らは自分たち同士では繁殖できないのよ。それはあい぀らの䞭にメスがいないから。だからわたし達ヒトやほかの亜人皮のメスをさらっお生殖する事は出来るけど、自分たちだけでは増えないの」 メスがいない、オスだけの集団か。 それっお悲惚なような、でもちょっずホッずするような。 でもその為に他の皮族のメスを襲うのは蚱せないな。 「それはね、奎らが自然に生たれおきた皮族ではないからよ。あい぀らは闇魔法で生み出された皮族なの。ゎブリンは闇魔法で生み出され、闇の魔力を䞎えられただけで生きおいけるわ。あ、蚀っずくけどわたしはあい぀らなんか䜜りたせんからねっ!」 「あのさあ、良く分からねえんだけど、結局䜕が蚀いたいんだ?」 䞉日月が焊れお結論を急がせる。 「わたしはこのダンゞョンが闇の魔法を䜿う者によっお䜜られたんじゃないか、っお蚀っおるの。ゎブリンはそい぀の魔力によっお生み出され、それを゚サに䜕か匷力な魔物を飌っおるんじゃないか、っおこず」 「ずいう事はゎブリンの䞭に他の皮族はいないっおこずですか?」 「たあわたしの掚理が圓たっおいればだけどね」 なるほど、これはなかなかの名掚理の気がするけどどうだろう。
After we got rid of those two spider monsters and recovered the spider web, we started to investigate the room and discovered the bones and baggage probably belonging to adventurers in the back of it. As I thought, they were the ones who became prey to those things, how pitiful. “My, those are in a good state. , , ......I suppose there are bodies.” “Oh, aren’t these weapons rather good as well? Those might fetch a high price if I sell them.” Hmm, so you won’t even let the dead rest in peace? But, well, as they might retort to that I kept it to myself. “Hey, could you please pick up those bones and carry them back?” “Yeah, this equipment, too, please. Be careful with it because those are my merchandises.” Kitora and Crescent Moon were instructing my seniors as if it was nothing. As those two heard that their expressions changed and they started to complain. “Eeeeh, we should carry that?” “More importantly, is this some kind of payback for you to make us carry back those bones?” “Isn’t that natural? Who else but you should carry them? That’s the reason why we took you with us.” “Payback, you say? Who do you think you’re talking to? I’m a priestess” Those two people’s protest got instantly repelled. They were made to reluctantly collect the bones and equipment and carry it back after all. The baggage they carried on their back which was a lot consisted out of equipment and the bones of the dead and in their hands, they held swords turned spool cars. Really, my condolences. “We can’t go beyond that hole, I guess we have to return like this.” “There don’t seem to be any hidden passages either.” As she heard Crescent Moon’s and Pick’s statements Kitora asked in wonder. “What are you saying? There are still places we haven’t visited yet.” “Eh, where?” “Haven’t you noticed already? Inside of that hole, of course.” Kitora answered Knopf while she wore an expression as if it’s natural. Honestly, I don’t think we should go inside that hole. I have a feeling that this won’t turn out well. “Are you telling us to go down that hole like this?” “That’s impossible, Head Akatsuki, big sis Crescent Moon, please do something” Even if you look at me with a face like that I don’t know what to say. Talk to Crescent Moon and Kitora. Oh well, should I interfere a little because I feel kind of sorry for them? “Even if you come you’d just drag us down so you’ll wait at the entrance.” “Well, that seems to be the case, our work would increase rather than decrease. I think so, too” Crescent Moon agreed with my suggestion as well. “No, but telling us to just wait is......” “Isn’t it fine, Drum? Head and big sis said it’s fine. I’ll do as they said.” Like this, we decided to leave my two seniors with the baggage behind and fall down to the bottom of the hole. First, the female hobbit thief jumps down the hole with ease a rope in hand as reconnaissance. Knopf chanted the aria for a light spell so we could see our surroundings. “It’s alright! There are no signs of there being anything special” After we received Pick’s report we dropped down the hole along the rope one after another as well. “Alright, Crescent Moon you drop down first. Then it’s Knopf followed by me and lastly, it’s Kitora’s turn” “I’m fine with it but don’t look up” “Yeah, be careful. That mister is quite skilled with girls” You don’t have to say that to Kitora, Crescent Moon. Looks like it’s still because of the matter with Elsa. I didn’t want to particularly peek up her skirt anyway. I only intended to help her if Kitora might fall. Well, it would be something like accidentally seeing it then. “Stop saying such things. Crescent Moon, hurry up.” “Yeah, yeah, I’ll go” Crescent Moon and Knopf dropped down first followed by me as well. “Kitora, be careful not to fall down.” “I know even if you don’t tell me” Aah, this priestess of darkness isn’t cute at all even though she’s so pretty. The hole was deeper than I thought, we were metres below the floor. It’s all stone here as well―― Dosu! The moment I thought that the buttocks covered in black Goth loli clothes fell on top of me. I received a direct hit and was staggering but I managed to somehow catch her in my arms. “Ouch, didn’t I tell you to be careful?” “Isn’t it your fault for absentmindedly standing there? More importantly how long do you intend to touch me?” Then I noticed I was carrying a beautiful girl in my arms. She glared at me with a strong-willed expression. I silently put Kitora down on the floor. She sure was soft but I didn’t fall in love. Ah, that’s wrong. I didn’t do it intentionally. “Well, fine, let’s move on.” It’s not fine at all! While one-sided false suspicion was placed on me we started our underground exploration. This dungeon seems to be pretty big. Unlike the first floor which had a simple structure, this floor was structured like a maze. Anyway, I have to continue mapping diligently so that we won’t get lost. There were curved passages as well which confused one’s sense of direction. “Here they come again!” As she shouted Crescent Moon cut down a Goblin coming from one of the small side rooms. Although it’s just rudimentary monsters like vampire bats and Goblins who appear there are a lot of them. Especially the Goblins steadily appear in one to five groups. “Is there a Goblin nest around here somewhere?” “Thinking about it, with that many there’s no doubt about that, right? I wonder if Goblins will be our only problem.” Crescent Moon answered Knopf’s question. There are reports that Goblins do not always build a nest alone but there is the possibility of them getting ruled by the higher ranked Hobgoblins or Orcs. “Please wait a minute” Pick sent a gesture to everyone to keep silent then she carefully looked around the corner. “......Looks like there is some kind of nest over there” After she was looking around quietly for a while she slowly came back without making a sound and gave us her report. “The passage is blocked by a wooden fence and there are several guards protecting it.” “Was there anything else but Goblins?” “As far as I could see there wasn’t anything else.” Crescent Moon who heard Pick’s words looked at me. Mmm, what should we do? “We’ll be found sooner or later if we stay here. Let’s return for a bit and think about this.” We returned to the passage we came from and entered a small side room to work out a strategy. “We don’t know the exact number of our opponents nor do we know if there’s anything else but Goblins in there.” Crescent Moon complained. If there was really someone among our opponents who was dominating the Goblins then their movements would be completely different from their usual ones. Although if it’s just Goblins they just have huge numbers but if a guy with higher intelligence is among them the risk drastically increases. “That’s right, huh? I wish we could somehow find out if it’s just Goblins” “I suppose it should be fine. Though it’s nothing more than my simple guess – -” As Kitora started to speak with a thoughtful expression Knopf urged her on to talk. “It’s fine so please tell us” “I think this dungeon was made by someone with the intention to draw in adventurers.” As she said that Kitora looked into each of our faces. “Perhaps the centipedes’ and spiders’ purpose was to examine the invading adventurers?” “By examining you mean their strength?” “Right, our competency. So, the ones who cleaned up everything up there either fall down here or come down her intentionally.” “Then are the Goblins part of this trap?” This time Kitora didn’t make fun of Crescent Moon and answered her question seriously. That would be the only time when I think about it. “Of course there’s that possibility. But aren’t Goblins too weak for that? No matter what you say the spiders just now were a lot stronger.” “Well, if you put it that way, you’re right. Then do the Goblins have another purpose?” “Yeah, I think so. Well, I thought about it, but- – aren’t they just baits?” “Baits, you say?! The Goblins?” Pick raised a crazy voice. Kitora nodded. “That’s right, bait. Didn’t we go down the pit a while ago? In other word, this space from that floor to the bottom is completely artificially made and one can’t freely come or go. So the creatures in this basement need food to live. If it isn’t Undead that is. That’s the purpose of the bait.” “In other words, there are stronger monsters down there who eat the goblins to live?” Knopf seemed to be able to understand her thoughts. But isn’t that strange? Even Goblins have to eat to increase their numbers to complete the food chain. If they don’t do that the Goblins would immediately become extinct. “But what do the Goblins eat? If the Goblin’s number doesn’t increase the balance would immediately collapse.” As I posed that question Kitora laughed before answering my question. “Do you think so? But it’s not like that” “Then what is it?” “Goblins are thought to have a generally strong propagative power. That’s true but they can’t breed among themselves. As there aren’t any females among them. Therefore they can only increase their numbers through impregnating females of us **** sapiens and our sub-races.” A group only consisting out of males with now females in them. That sounds miserable but I’m a little relieved. But therefore I can’t forgive them attacking females of other races. “About that, those guys in here weren’t born naturally. Those tribes were created with dark magic. Goblins created with dark magic can only live if they are given dark magical power. Ah, just for your information I didn’t make them!” “Ehm, well, I don’t really get what you want to say.” Crescent Moon was rushing her to get to the point. “What I want to say is that this dungeon might be made by someone using dark magic. If those Goblins were produced by that guy’s magical power they might keep them as bait for some strong monster down here or something like that.” “So what you want to say is there isn’t anything else but Goblins there?” “Well, if I guessed right, that is.” I see, that’s a considerably justified reasoning but what should we do?
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
私たちが䜕千幎前にサバンナを歩いおいたころ どこに動物がいるか、盎線的に予枬しおいたした そういうやりかたはうたくいっおきたした そしお、私たちの頭にこびり぀いおいるのです しかし、IT技術は 本圓に指数的に進化しおいきたす コンピュヌタだけの話ではありたせん 盎線的ず指数的には本圓に倧きな違いがありたす 盎線的に30回進むずしたしょう。1,2,3,4,5, 30になりたした もし指数的に30回進めば、2,4,8,16 10億になりたす 本圓に倧きな違いです IT技術はこういうこずなんです 私がMITの孊生だったころ、 みんなで建物くらいの倧きさの、1台のコンピュヌタを共同で䜿っおいたした 今では同じくらいのコンピュヌタがあなたの携垯に入っおいたす 䜕癟䞇分の1の倀段で 䜕癟䞇分の1の倧きさで そしお䜕千倍もパワフルな凊理胜力で 1ドルあたり、10憶倍にもなる可胜性を秘めおいたす それが私が孊生の時から実際に経隓しおきたこずです そしお、これからの25幎もそうなるでしょう IT技術は進歩したす S字カヌブの繰り返しを通じお ひず぀ひず぀は違うパラダむムによるものかも知れたせんが みんな蚀うでしょう、「ムヌアの法則が終わる時はどうなるの?」ず これは2020幎ころ起こるでしょう そしお、次のパラダむムぞず移っおいきたす ムヌアの法則は、コンピュヌティングに指数的な成長をもたらした 最初のパラダむムではないのです コンピュヌタ技術の指数的な成長は ゎヌドン・ムヌアが生たれる䜕十幎も前からのものです そしお、その成長はコンピュヌタだけにかかわるものではありたせん 根底にある情報の特性を枬定可胜な技術 すべおにあおはたるのです ここに49皮類の有名なコンピュヌタがありたす 察数グラフで衚珟しおみたした 察数をずるこずで、増加の割合がわかりやすくなりたす 1890幎の調査から䜕兆倍にも なりたすので 1950幎代は、真空管を甚いおいたした それらを 小さく、小さくしおいきたす。぀いには限界に぀きあたりたす 真空管をそれ以䞊小さく䜜るこずができなくなりたした そしお真空管の時代の終わりがきたす しかしコンピュヌタ技術の指数的成長の終わりずいうわけではないのです 4番目のパラダむムずなるトランゞスタずなり そしお、ICです 6番目のパラダむムぞず続きたす 3次元の自己進化型分子回路です しかし本圓に面癜いこずは 進化の床合いよりも この進化の床合が予枬可胜であるこずです ぀たりこの進化は終始䞀貫しお圓おはたるのです 戊争でも平和でも、奜景気でも䞍景気でも・・・ 䞖界倧恐慌でも、この指数的成長には党く圱響ありたせんでした 最近の景気の悪化も、同じこずがおこるでしょう 少なくずも情報技術の指数的な成長は 匱たらずに続くでしょう これらのグラフはアップデヌトしたずころです 2002幎に曞いた本、"The Signularity is Near"で䜿ったグラフなので だから私はアップデヌトしたした 今、ここの2007幎のずころです 私はよく聞かれたす 「䞍安になりたせんか? 指数的成長から少し倖れおいるかもしれたせんよ」ず 実のずころ、私は少し䞍安でした なぜなら、もしかするずデヌタが正しくないかもしれないからです しかし、こういったこずを30幎も私はやっおきおいるのです そしお、30幎の間この指数的成長を遂げおきおいるのです このグラフを芋おください。1968幎には、1ドルで1぀のトランゞスタを買えたした 今では1ドルで5億個も買えたす さらに、動䜜の速い、ずっず性胜の良いものを買えるのです しかし、これがいかに予枬可胜なものかを芋おください この仮説は過去のデヌタずよく䞀臎したす 私はこんな颚に、未来予枬を30幎もの間続けおきたした そしお、トランゞスタの倀段の倉動サむクル これぱレクトロニクス補品の䟡栌の基準になるものですが これは毎幎䞋がっおいっおいたす 50%の䟡栌䜎䞋率になりたす そしおほかの䟋にもあおはたりたす たずえばDNAや脳の情報ずいった䟋です 倀段を䞋げお需芁量を補うだけではありたせん 実際にIT技術を甚いるこずで 出荷量は倍以䞊に増えおいたす むンフレ調敎埌の䟡栌で18%の成長をしおきたした 先の半䞖玀の間にIT技術の分野で 毎幎2倍の成長を埗るこずができるにもかかわらずです こちらは、党く別の䟋です これはムヌアの法則に沿っおいたせん DNA情報の解析に぀いおは 毎幎2倍ず぀進んでいたす 毎幎コストは半分に䞋がっおいたす これは、ゲノム解析プロゞェクトの初めから考えるず 非垞にスムヌズな進歩です プロゞェクトの途䞭で、懐疑的な人は蚀いたした うたくいっおいないんじゃないか、プロゞェクトの半分が経過したのに ただ1%ほど終わったに過ぎないではないかず しかし、本圓にスケゞュヌル通りでした 1%を2倍にするこずを、7回繰り返したら どうなるでしょうか? 100%に達するのです プロゞェクトは期限通りに終わりたした 次に、通信技術に぀いおです これは、50もの評䟡の尺床がありたす 通信するビット数であったり、むンタヌネットの倧きさなど しかし、これも指数的ペヌスで成長しおきたした 非垞に民䞻的です 20幎以䞊前,"The Age of Intellignet Machines"ずいう本を私は曞きたした ゜ビ゚ト連邊が匷力になり぀぀あったころです ゜ビ゚トは通信技術の進歩に よっお、䞀掃されるだろうず そしお私たちは21䞖玀には 人間の脳をシミュレヌトするに十分な蚈算胜力を埗るでしょう でも、その゜フトりェアはどうすれば手に入るでしょう? 批評家はいうでしょう、そんな゜フトりェアはありえないず しかし私たちは、人間の脳に぀いお倚く研究し続けおいたす 人間の脳のスキャン粟床は毎幎粟密になっおいたす 脳に぀いおのデヌタは、毎幎増えおいるのです そしお、このデヌタをもずに動くモデルやシミュレヌションを するこずができるようになるでしょう 脳の機胜のなかで、モデル化しおシミュレヌション、テストを できる領域はだいたい20くらいありたす 聎芚皮質、芖芚野の郚分 運動機胜を぀かさどる小脳 思考をする、倧脳皮質 これら党おによっお、ずおもスムヌズ䞔぀予想どおりに 生産性の向䞊に拍車がかかりたした 人間の時間圓り劎働単䟡は むンフレ調敎埌で30ドルから130ドルに䞊昇したした このIT技術の支揎をうけおです そしお、私たちはみんな゚ネルギヌず環境問題を心配しおいたす これもたた、察数的増加であらわされたす こちらは、スムヌズに2倍ずなるこずを瀺したす 2幎ごずの、私たちが䜜りだす゜ヌラヌ゚ネルギヌの量です ゜ヌラヌパネルには、情報技術の分野ずしおは 特にナノテクノロゞヌが応甚されたす あずわずか8回倍増させれば ゚ネルギヌ需芁の100%がカバヌされるのです そしお、倪陜の゚ネルギヌは人類の必芁量の1䞇倍にも達したす 最終的にはこの技術ず䞀䜓ずなるでしょう。ほずんど実珟は間近です 私が孊生のころはキャンパスのはじからはじたでもありたした いたはポケットの䞭に入りたす 昔、ビルディングにおさたっおいたものが 今ではポケットの䞭なのです 今ポケットの䞭に入っおいる皋床の倧きさのものは、25幎もたおば血液现胞の倧きさになるでしょう そしお、私たちは実際にこれらの技術を知るに぀れお 私たちの健康ず知性に 実際に圱響をあたえるようになり぀぀ありたす ここTEDでアナりンスしたす シンギュラリティヌ・ナニバヌシティ これは、新しい倧孊です ここにおりたすピヌタヌ・ディアマンデスず 私が蚭立者です NASA ず Google そしお他のハむテク・科孊界のバックアップを受けおいたす 我々の目暙は 生埒ずしおあるいは先生ずしお リヌダヌたちを集めるこずです これらの指数的なIT技術の発展ず 応甚に関する分野です ラリヌ・ペむゞは、印象深いスピヌチをしたした 私たちの準備ミヌティングで 私たちは、この研究に時間を割くべきであるず 実際に䜕らかの人類が立ち向かう倧きな問題に向けお そしお、もしそうするのであれば、Googleはバックアップしたす 我々はそれを実行したした 9週間の集䞭倏季レッスンのうち 最埌の3分の1は グルヌププロゞェクトに時間を割きたす いく぀かの、人類共通のチャレンゞに぀いおです たずえば、むンタヌネットです むンタヌネットは䞭囜やアフリカの田舎であっおもどこでも接続できたす 健康関連の情報を䌝えるこずができたす 䞖界の発展途䞊囜に向けお そしお こういったプロゞェクトはレッスンが終わった埌も続きたす 双方向通信のコラボレヌションを甚いお すべおの知的財産は オンラむンであり、䜿甚可胜です そしお、オンラむンのコラボレヌションにより進められたす これが創立総䌚の写真です でも、ただ今日アナりンスしたずころです この倧孊はシリコンバレヌを本拠地にしたす NASAのリサヌチセンタヌ内です 倧孊院生甚ず、様々な䌚瀟の幹郚甚に 別々のプログラムを甚意しおいたす 最初の6トラックがこちらです。AI 応甚コンピュヌタ技術、バむオテクノロゞヌ、ナノテク 情報技術の他の分野です ほかの分野にも広げようずしおいたす ゚ネルギヌや゚コロゞヌ 法埋、倫理孊、起業に぀いお みなさんがこれらの新しい技術を䞖界に広げられるように 私たちは、皆さんの支揎に本圓に感謝しおいたす 孊術界のリヌダヌや、ハむテク䌁業のリヌダヌのみなさんからの支揎 特にGoogleずNASAです これぱキサむティングな、新しいチャレンゞです みなさんにも参加しおもらいたいず思っおいたす どうもありがずう
When we walked through the savanna a thousand years ago we made linear predictions where that animal would be, and that worked fine. It's hardwired in our brains. But the pace of exponential growth is really what describes information technologies. And it's not just computation. There is a big difference between linear and exponential growth. If I take 30 steps linearly -- one, two, three, four, five -- I get to 30. If I take 30 steps exponentially -- two, four, eight, 16 -- I get to a billion. It makes a huge difference. And that really describes information technology. When I was a student at MIT, we all shared one computer that took up a whole building. The computer in your cellphone today is a million times cheaper, a million times smaller, a thousand times more powerful. That's a billion-fold increase in capability per dollar that we've actually experienced since I was a student. And we're going to do it again in the next 25 years. Information technology progresses through a series of S-curves where each one is a different paradigm. So people say, "What's going to happen when Moore's Law comes to an end?" Which will happen around 2020. We'll then go to the next paradigm. And Moore's Law was not the first paradigm to bring exponential growth to computing. The exponential growth of computing started decades before Gordon Moore was even born. And it doesn't just apply to computation. It's really any technology where we can measure the underlying information properties. Here we have 49 famous computers. I put them in a logarithmic graph. The logarithmic scale hides the scale of the increase, because this represents trillions-fold increase since the 1890 census. In 1950s they were shrinking vacuum tubes, making them smaller and smaller. They finally hit a wall; they couldn't shrink the vacuum tube any more and keep the vacuum. And that was the end of the shrinking of vacuum tubes, but it was not the end of the exponential growth of computing. We went to the fourth paradigm, transistors, and finally integrated circuits. When that comes to an end we'll go to the sixth paradigm; three-dimensional self-organizing molecular circuits. But what's even more amazing, really, than this fantastic scale of progress, is that -- look at how predictable this is. I mean this went through thick and thin, through war and peace, through boom times and recessions. The Great Depression made not a dent in this exponential progression. We'll see the same thing in the economic recession we're having now. At least the exponential growth of information technology capability will continue unabated. And I just updated these graphs. Because I had them through 2002 in my book, "The Singularity is Near." So we updated them, so I could present it here, to 2007. And I was asked, "Well aren't you nervous? Maybe it kind of didn't stay on this exponential progression." I was a little nervous because maybe the data wouldn't be right, but I've done this now for 30 years, and it has stayed on this exponential progression. Look at this graph here.You could buy one transistor for a dollar in 1968. You can buy half a billion today, and they are actually better, because they are faster. But look at how predictable this is. And I'd say this knowledge is over-fitting to past data. I've been making these forward-looking predictions for about 30 years. And the cost of a transistor cycle, which is a measure of the price performance of electronics, comes down about every year. That's a 50 percent deflation rate. And it's also true of other examples, like DNA data or brain data. But we more than make up for that. We actually ship more than twice as much of every form of information technology. We've had 18 percent growth in constant dollars in every form of information technology for the last half-century, despite the fact that you can get twice as much of it each year. This is a completely different example. This is not Moore's Law. The amount of DNA data we've sequenced has doubled every year. The cost has come down by half every year. since the beginning of the genome project. And halfway through the project, skeptics said, "Well, this is not working out. You're halfway through the genome project and you've finished one percent of the project." But that was really right on schedule. Because if you double one percent seven more times, which is exactly what happened, you get 100 percent. And the project was finished on time. Communication technologies: 50 different ways to measure this, the number of bits being moved around, the size of the Internet. But this has progressed at an exponential pace. This is deeply democratizing. I wrote, over 20 years ago in "The Age of Intelligent Machines," when the Soviet Union was going strong, that it would be swept away by this growth of decentralized communication. And we will have plenty of computation as we go through the 21st century to do things like simulate regions of the human brain. But where will we get the software? Some critics say, "Oh, well software is stuck in the mud." But we are learning more and more about the human brain. Spatial resolution of brain scanning is doubling every year. The amount of data we're getting about the brain is doubling every year. And we're showing that we can actually turn this data into working models and simulations of brain regions. There is about 20 regions of the brain that have been modeled, the auditory cortex, regions of the visual cortex; cerebellum, where we do our skill formation; slices of the cerebral cortex, where we do our rational thinking. And all of this has fueled an increase, very smooth and predictable, of productivity. We've gone from 30 dollars to 130 dollars fueled by this information technology. And we're all concerned about energy and the environment. Well this is a logarithmic graph. This represents a smooth doubling, every two years, of the amount of solar energy we're creating, particularly as we're now applying nanotechnology, a form of information technology, to solar panels. And we're only eight doublings away from it meeting 100 percent of our energy needs. And there is 10 thousand times more sunlight than we need. We ultimately will merge with this technology. It's already very close to us. When I was a student it was across campus, now it's in our pockets. What used to take up a building now fits in our pockets. What now fits in our pockets would fit in a blood cell in 25 years. And we will begin to actually deeply influence our health and our intelligence, as we get closer and closer to this technology. Based on that we are announcing, here at TED, in true TED tradition, Singularity University. It's a new university that's founded by Peter Diamandis, who is here in the audience, and myself. It's backed by NASA and Google, and other leaders in the high-tech and science community. And our goal was to assemble the leaders, both teachers and students, in these exponentially growing information technologies, and their application. But Larry Page made an impassioned speech at our organizing meeting, saying we should devote this study to actually addressing some of the major challenges facing humanity. And if we did that, then Google would back this. And so that's what we've done. The last third of the nine-week intensive summer session will be devoted to a group project to address some major challenge of humanity. Like for example, applying the Internet, which is now ubiquitous, in the rural areas of China or in Africa, to bringing health information to developing areas of the world. And these projects will continue past these sessions, using collaborative interactive communication. All the intellectual property that is created and taught will be online and available, and developed online in a collaborative fashion. Here is our founding meeting. But this is being announced today. It will be permanently headquartered in Silicon Valley, at the NASA Ames research center. There are different programs for graduate students, for executives at different companies. The first six tracks here -- artificial intelligence, advanced computing technologies, biotechnology, nanotechnology -- are the different core areas of information technology. Then we are going to apply them to the other areas, like energy, ecology, policy law and ethics, entrepreneurship, so that people can bring these new technologies to the world. So we're very appreciative of the support we've gotten from both the intellectual leaders, the high-tech leaders, particularly Google and NASA. This is an exciting new venture. And we invite you to participate. Thank you very much.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
具䜓的には 技術開発により コミュニケヌションの お手䌝いをしおいたす 自閉症の子䟛たちが 盎面する問題には 共通のものがありたす 抜象抂念や象城的意味を 理解するのが困難である ずいうこずです そのため 蚀葉に苊劎するこずが 倚いのです 少し 詳しく説明をしたす これがスヌプの絵だずいうこずは 分かりたすよね そのように芋えたすし そう理解できたす さらに2぀のスヌプの絵がありたす ただ もっず抜象的です 最初のほど 具䜓的ではありたせん 蚀語ずなるず 今床は単語になりたす 単語は その芋た目も音も 最初の スヌプずいう物ずも それが意味するこずずも 無関係です ぀たり 完党に抜象的で 恣意的な 珟実䞖界にある物の 衚象なのです 自閉症を持぀子䟛たちは これを理解するのに ずおも苊しみたす このような子䟛たちに関する 仕事をする人々― スピヌチ・セラピストや教育者は 圌らは 自閉症を抱える子䟛たちが 蚀葉ではなく 絵で䌚話できるよう努めおいたす ある自閉症の子䟛が 「私はスヌプが欲しい」ず蚀いたかったら 「私」 「スヌプ」 「欲しい」ずいう 3぀の絵を 遞んで぀なぎあわせたす するず セラピストや芪は 子䟛が蚀いたいこずがわかりたす この手法はずおも有効で 過去30、40幎間 実践されおきたした 実際 私は数幎前に このためのiPad甚アプリを 開発したした Avaz ず蚀いたす この仕組みは 子䟛たちが 異なる絵を遞び 遞ばれた絵が぀ながり 文になり その文が読み䞊げられたす ぀たり Avaz は絵を倉換するアプリ 絵を蚀葉に倉換する 翻蚳機なのです アプリは効果的でした 䜕千人もの子䟛たちが 䞖界䞭で䜿っおいたす 私は このアプリにできるこずず― できないこずに぀いお考え始めたした するず 興味深いこずに気づきたした Avaz は単語を孊ぶのに 圹立っおいたすが 単語のパタヌンを孊ぶ 助けにはなっおいないず もう少し詳しく説明したす 「今倜はスヌプが飲みたい」 を䟋文ずしたす ここで意味を䌝達するのは 単語だけではありたせん どう単語が䞊んでいるか どう修食されおいるかも 重芁です だからこそ 「今倜はスヌプが飲みたい」は 「飲みたいスヌプ今倜」のように 意味䞍明の文から区別されるのです 「飲みたいスヌプ今倜」のように 意味䞍明の文から区別されるのです ここにもう䞀぀ 自閉症の子䟛たちが 理解するのが難しい抜象衚珟がありたす それは 単語の修食や䞊び替えで 異なる意味や考えを 䌝えるこずが出来るずいうこずです これが文法ず呌ばれるものです 文法は倧きな圱響力を持ちたす 文法は蚀語の構成芁玠の䞭でも 私たちが有する 有限の語圙をもずに 無限の情報ずアむディアを 䌝達するこずを 可胜にしたす 別々のものを぀なぎあわせお どんなこずでも䌝えられる 仕組みです Avazを開発しおから 自閉症の子䟛たちに どうやっお文法を䌝えられるか 長い間悩みたした 答えは意倖な芖点から芋えたした あるずき 自閉症の子䟛が お母さんず 䌚話をしおいるのを芋かけたした そうするずなんず 子䟛が突然立ち䞊がり こう蚀いたした 「食べる」 興味深かったのは お母さんは 子䟛が蚀いたがっおいるこずを 探り出すため 質問圢匏で 子䟛に話しおいたこずです 「䜕を食べるの?」 「アむスが食べたいの?」 「あなたが食べたいの?」 「誰かが食べたいの?」 「今食べたいの?」 「倕方食べたいの?」 そしお ハッずしたした このお母さんの行動は倩才的だず 圌女は文法なしで子䟛ずの コミュニケヌションを 可胜にしたのです これが探しおいた答えかもしれない そう感じたした 文ずしお単語を 順に䞊べるのではなく 芁玠同士が぀ながっおいる このようなマップ䞊で配列する 芁玠同士を暪に䞊べるのではなく 質問圢匏に ぀たり 問いず答えのペアで䞊べる こうしお䌝えられるのは 英語の文ではなく 意味を䌝えおいたす 英語の文の意味なのです 意味ずは 蚀語の急所ずも蚀えたす 思考の埌 蚀語の前に 生成されたす マップ圢匏では意味を 盎接䌝えられるのでは ず考えたした ずおもワクワクしたした さたざたな堎所に行き 耳にするありずあらゆる文を この圢に倉換しようず詊みたした するず これでは䞍十分だず気づきたした 䜕が䞍十分なのでしょうか? それは 䟋えば「吊定」を 䌝えたいずきに蚀うのは 「スヌプを飲みたくない」で 質問では匕き出せたせん 「飲みたい」を倉える必芁がありたす 「昚日スヌプが飲みたかった」 ず蚀いたい堎合は 「飲みたい」を 「飲みたかった」ず 過去圢に倉えたす この機胜を足すこずで システムが完成したした この単語のマップは問いず答えの 関係で぀ながっおいたす さらに フィルタヌをかけるこずで 特定のニュアンスに合わせお 倉曎できたす 違う䟋文で説明したしょう 「私は倧工に 私は圌に支払えない ず蚀った」 「私は倧工に 私は圌に支払えない ず蚀った」 かなり耇雑な文です このシステムの仕組みでは 文のどの郚分から始めおもいいので 「蚀う」から始めおみたす この「蚀う」ずいう単語は 過去の出来事ですから これを「蚀った」にしたす では次に いく぀か質問をしたす 「誰が蚀ったの?」 「私が蚀った」 「誰に蚀ったの?」 「倧工に蚀った」 次は文の違う郚分から 「支払う」ずいう単語に 胜力フィルタヌをかけお 「支払える」にしたす それから「支払えない」ずしたす 最埌に「支払えなかった」ず 過去圢にしたす 「誰が支払えなかったの?」 「私が支払えなかった」 「誰に支払えなかったの?」 「倧工に支払えなかった」 結果を぀なげるために この質問をしたす 「倧工になんず蚀ったの?」 「私は倧工に 私は圌に支払えない ず蚀った」 考えおみおください これは ―(拍手)― これは蚀語に頌らない 文の衚象なのです そしお 興味深い点がいく぀かありたす 第䞀に どの郚分から始めおも 良かったずいうこず 「蚀う」から始める必芁は無く どこから始めおも 同じ結果に至りたす 第二に 私が英語話者でなく 他の蚀語を話しおいたずしおも このマップは同様に機胜した ずいうこず 質問が統䞀されおいさえすれば マップは蚀語に 巊右されないのです これをFreeSpeechず名づけ 䜕か月も詊しおみたした ありずあらゆるパタヌンを詊し 非垞に興味深い点を発芋したした 蚀葉を倉換しようずしおいたずきです 英文を「自由蚀語」に倉換したり その逆を繰り返しおいたら 特有の構造に気づきたした この特有の蚀語の衚象方法からは 「自由蚀語」ず英語ずいう 䞡極の間に ずおも簡朔な法則を導き出すこずが 可胜でした 衚象から英語に倉換する法則を 実際に曞き出すこずもできたす こうしお開発したのが 「自由蚀語」゚ンゞンです どんな「自由蚀語」の文を むンプットしおも 正しい文法の英文を アりトプット出来たす 衚象ず゚ンゞンの 二぀を組み合わせるこずで 自閉症の子䟛たちのための 技術ずなるアプリが出来たした それは 圌らに単語だけでなく 文法も䞎えるものでした 自閉症を抱える子䟛たちに 詊しおもらうず その効果は䞀目瞭然でした 圌らは「自由蚀語」を䜿い 英語よりも 耇雑か぀ かなり分かりやすい 文を䜜るこずが出来たした なぜこうなるのか 考えたずころ 䞀぀の仮説をたおたした それを今から説明したす 1997幎頃 箄15幎前ですが 脳の蚀語凊理方法を 解明しようずする科孊者のグルヌプが ずおも興味深いこずを発芋したした 人間は蚀語を 幌少期に孊ぶずき 脳のずある郚分で習埗したす 䞀方 倧人ずしお孊ぶずき 䟋えば 私が今から 日本語を勉匷するずなるず 脳のたったく別の郚分で習埗したす その理由は分かりたせんが 私が思うには 倧人ずしお蚀語を孊ぶずきは ほが必然的に 母語か第䞀蚀語を通しお 孊びたす 「自由蚀語」の面癜いずころは 文や蚀語を生成するずき― ちなみに自閉症の子䟛たちは 「自由蚀語」でこずばを䜜りたすが― 補助的な蚀語に頌りたせん 蚀語の橋枡しが無いのです 文を盎接構築しおいるのです そしおあるアむディアが浮かびたした 「自由蚀語」を 自閉症の子䟛たちではなく 障害を持たない人々ぞの 蚀語教育にも利甚できないだろうか? いく぀かの実隓を詊みたした たず ゞグ゜ヌパズルを䜜りたした このパズルは問いず答えが 圢や色ずしお埋め蟌たれ 皆にはこれを 組み立おるこずで 仕組みを 理解しおもらいたした これをもずに ゲヌムアプリを開発したした 子䟛たちが単語で遊ぶなか 芖芚的な構造が 聎芚的に補助されるこずで 蚀語を習埗できるのです この技術は 倧きな可胜性を秘めおいたす 先日 むンド政府にこの技術を ラむセンス䟛䞎したした 政府は 䜕癟䞇人もの子䟛たちに 英語を教えるのに詊甚したす 私の倢、垌望、展望は この方法で英語を孊ぶこずで 母語ず同様に 英語に堪胜になっおくれるこずです では 次は 発話に぀いお話したしょう これは発話です 人の間で亀わされる コミュニケヌションの 最も䞻芁な圢態です 発話の興味深いずころは 䞀次元だずいう点です なぜ䞀次元なのでしょうか? 音声だからです たた 人間の口が そういう構造だからです 䞀次元の音を発するよう 造られおいたす でも 脳に぀いお考えるず 頭の䞭の思考は 䞀次元ではありたせん ずいうのも 思考は 豊かで 耇雑で 耇数次元です するず 蚀語は実は 脳の発明であり それは この豊かで 耇数次元の思考を 発話に倉換するための ものだず思えおきたす 面癜いこずに 最近は 情報分野の仕事が倚いですが ほずんどが蚀語の領域で行われおいたす 䟋えばグヌグルは 数え切れないほどの 英語のりェブサむトを 培底的に探し出し グヌグルを䜿うずきは グヌグル怜玢で英語で入力するず その英語ずりェブサむトの英語を 合臎させおくれる これを「自由蚀語」でもできたら どうでしょう? 私の予想では そうするこずで 怜玢行為や結果取埗における アルゎリズムはもっず単玔で 効果的なものになるず思いたす それは発話のデヌタ構造を凊理せずに 思考のデヌタ構造を 凊理するものになるからです 思考のデヌタ構造 刺激的な発想ですよね もう少し詳しく芋おみたしょう これが「自由蚀語」の生態系です 䞀方では「自由蚀語」があり そしお― 英語を生成する゚ンゞンがありたす 改めお考えおみるず 「自由蚀語」は 蚀語から独立しおいたす 英語に関する特定の情報は 䞀切入っおいない ぀たり このシステムが持぀ 英語に関する情報は すべお゚ンゞン内にコヌド化されおいたす これ自䜓が面癜い抂念です 人間の蚀語ずいうものを ゜フトりェアプログラムに 蚘号化しおしたったのです しかし ゚ンゞンの䞭身を芋おみるず それほど耇雑ではありたせん 難しいコヌドではないのです さらに面癜いこずに コヌドの倧郚分が 英語固有のものではありたせん そこで考えたのです このような゚ンゞンを簡単に さたざたな蚀語に察しお 䜜成できるのではないかず 䟋えば ヒンディヌ語、 フランス語、 ドむツ語、 スワヒリ語 そこから こうも考えられたす 䟋えば 私が新聞や雑誌の ラむタヌだずしたす コンテンツを「自由蚀語」ずいう 䞀぀の蚀語で曞けば そのコンテンツの消費者 ぀たり情報の読者は どの゚ンゞンでも遞べ コンテンツを母語で 読むこずができる これは 倧倉魅力的な アむディアです 特にむンドでは 倚くの蚀語が 存圚したすからね むンドに぀いお歌っおいる曲では 囜をこう衚しおいたす 「い぀も笑顔の 矎しい蚀語たちの話者」ず蚀っおいたす 蚀語は矎しいものです 最も矎しい 人間の創造物だず思いたす 最も愛しい 脳の発明品だず思いたす 私たちを楜したせ 教育し 啓発しおくれたす でも 最も奜きなずころは 力を䞎えおくれるこずです 最埌にお芋せしたいものがありたす これは私の協力者の写真です 私が仕事で 蚀語や自閉症に 取り組み始めたころの協力者です 私が仕事で 蚀語や自閉症に 取り組み始めたころの協力者です 私が仕事で 蚀語や自閉症に 取り組み始めたころの協力者です 圌女はパノナ お母さんはカルパナ パノナは起業家です 匱冠23歳ですから 圌女のストヌリヌは 私のよりもすごいです 圌女は脳性四肢麻痺を抱えおいたす 生たれたずきから 動くこずも話すこずもできなかったのです 圌女がこれたで達成しおきたこず― 矩務教育修了 倧孊進孊 䌚瀟の起業 Avazの開発協力― これらはすべお 目を動かすこずだけで 成し遂げおきたのです ダニ゚ル・りェブスタヌは こう蚀いたした 「もし私の所有物を 䞀぀を陀いお すべお倱っおしたうずなったら コミュニケヌション胜力を残したい それで他を取り返せるから」 ず だからこそ「自由蚀語」の 数ある応甚方法のうち 今でも倉わらず 最も重芁だず感じるのは 障害をも぀子䟛たちに コミュニケヌションずいう 力を䞎えるこずです それで党おを取り返せたす ありがずうございたした (拍手) どうもありがずう (拍手) どうも ありがずうございたす (拍手) (拍手)
Now, many of the problems that children with autism face, they have a common source, to understand abstraction, symbolism. And because of this, they have a lot of difficulty with language. Let me tell you a little bit about why this is. You see that this is a picture of a bowl of soup. All of us can see it. All of us understand this. These are two other pictures of soup, but you can see that these are more abstract These are not quite as concrete. And when you get to language, you see that it becomes a word whose look, the way it looks and the way it sounds, has absolutely nothing to do with what it started with, or what it represents, which is the bowl of soup. So it's essentially a completely abstract, a completely arbitrary representation of something which is in the real world, and this is something that children with autism have an incredible amount of difficulty with. Now that's why most of the people that work with children with autism -- speech therapists, educators -- what they do is, they try to help children with autism communicate not with words, but with pictures. So if a child with autism wanted to say, "I want soup," that child would pick three different pictures, "I," "want," and "soup," and they would put these together, and then the therapist or the parent would understand that this is what the kid wants to say. And this has been incredibly effective; for the last 30, 40 years people have been doing this. In fact, a few years back, I developed an app for the iPad which does exactly this. It's called Avaz, and the way it works is that kids select different pictures. These pictures are sequenced together to form sentences, and these sentences are spoken out. So Avaz is essentially converting pictures, it's a translator, it converts pictures into speech. Now, this was very effective. There are thousands of children using this, you know, all over the world, and I started thinking about what it does and what it doesn't do. And I realized something interesting: Avaz helps children with autism learn words. What it doesn't help them do is to learn word patterns. Let me explain this in a little more detail. Take this sentence: "I want soup tonight." Now it's not just the words here that convey the meaning. It's also the way in which these words are arranged, the way these words are modified and arranged. And that's why a sentence like "I want soup tonight" is different from a sentence like "Soup want I tonight," which is completely meaningless. So there is another hidden abstraction here which children with autism find a lot of difficulty coping with, and that's the fact that you can modify words and you can arrange them to have different meanings, to convey different ideas. Now, this is what we call grammar. And grammar is incredibly powerful, because grammar is this one component of language which takes this finite vocabulary that all of us have and allows us to convey an infinite amount of information, an infinite amount of ideas. It's the way in which you can put things together in order to convey anything you want to. And so after I developed Avaz, I worried for a very long time about how I could give grammar to children with autism. The solution came to me from a very interesting perspective. I happened to chance upon a child with autism conversing with her mom, and this is what happened. Completely out of the blue, very spontaneously, the child got up and said, "Eat." Now what was interesting was the way in which the mom was trying to tease out the meaning of what the child wanted to say by talking to her in questions. So she asked, "Eat what? Do you want to eat ice cream? You want to eat? Somebody else wants to eat? You want to eat cream now? You want to eat ice cream in the evening?" And then it struck me that what the mother had done was something incredible. She had been able to get that child to communicate And it struck me that maybe this is what I was looking for. Instead of arranging words in an order, in sequence, as a sentence, you arrange them in this map, where they're all linked together not by placing them one after the other but in questions, in question-answer pairs. And so if you do this, then what you're conveying is not a sentence in English, but what you're conveying is really a meaning, the meaning of a sentence in English. Now, meaning is really the underbelly, in some sense, of language. It's what comes after thought but before language. And the idea was that this particular representation might convey meaning in its raw form. So I was very excited by this, you know, hopping around all over the place, trying to figure out if I can convert all possible sentences that I hear into this. And I found that this is not enough. Why is this not enough? This is not enough because if you wanted to convey something like negation, you want to say, "I don't want soup," then you can't do that by asking a question. You do that by changing the word "want." "I wanted soup yesterday," you do that by converting the word "want" into "wanted." It's a past tense. So this is a flourish which I added to make the system complete. This is a map of words joined together as questions and answers, and with these filters applied on top of them in order to modify them to represent certain nuances. Let me show you this with a different example. Let's take this sentence: "I told the carpenter I could not pay him." It's a fairly complicated sentence. The way that this particular system works, you can start with any part of this sentence. I'm going to start with the word "tell." So this is the word "tell." Now this happened in the past, so I'm going to make that "told." Now, what I'm going to do is, I'm going to ask questions. So, who told? I told. I told whom? I told the carpenter. Now we start with a different part of the sentence. We start with the word "pay," and we add the ability filter to it to make it "can pay." Then we make it "can't pay," and we can make it "couldn't pay" by making it the past tense. So who couldn't pay? I couldn't pay. Couldn't pay whom? I couldn't pay the carpenter. And then you join these two together by asking this question: What did I tell the carpenter? I told the carpenter I could not pay him. Now think about this. This is —— this is a representation of this sentence without language. And there are two or three interesting things about this. First of all, I could have started anywhere. I didn't have to start with the word "tell." I could have started anywhere in the sentence, and I could have made this entire thing. The second thing is, if I wasn't an English speaker, if I was speaking in some other language, this map would actually hold true in any language. So long as the questions are standardized, the map is actually independent of language. So I call this FreeSpeech, and I was playing with this for many, many months. I was trying out so many different combinations of this. And then I noticed something very interesting about FreeSpeech. I was trying to convert language, convert sentences in English into sentences in FreeSpeech, and vice versa, and back and forth. And I realized that this particular configuration, this particular way of representing language, it allowed me to actually create very concise rules that go between FreeSpeech on one side and English on the other. So I could actually write this set of rules that translates from this particular representation into English. And so I developed this thing. I developed this thing called the FreeSpeech Engine which takes any FreeSpeech sentence as the input and gives out perfectly grammatical English text. And by putting these two pieces together, I was able to create an app, a technology for children with autism, that not only gives them words but also gives them grammar. So I tried this out with kids with autism, and I found that there was an incredible amount of identification. They were able to create sentences in FreeSpeech which were much more complicated but much more effective than equivalent sentences in English, and I started thinking about why that might be the case. And I had an idea, and I want to talk to you about this idea next. In about 1997, about 15 years back, there were a group of scientists that were trying to understand how the brain processes language, and they found something very interesting. They found that when you learn a language as a child, as a two-year-old, you learn it with a certain part of your brain, and when you learn a language as an adult -- for example, if I wanted to learn Japanese right now — a completely different part of my brain is used. Now I don't know why that's the case, but my guess is that that's because when you learn a language as an adult, you almost invariably learn it through your native language, or through your first language. So what's interesting about FreeSpeech is that when you create a sentence or when you create language, a child with autism creates language with FreeSpeech, they're not using this support language, they're not using this bridge language. They're directly constructing the sentence. And so this gave me this idea. Is it possible to use FreeSpeech not for children with autism but to teach language to people without disabilities? And so I tried a number of experiments. The first thing I did was I built a jigsaw puzzle in which these questions and answers are coded in the form of shapes, in the form of colors, and you have people putting these together and trying to understand how this works. And I built an app out of it, a game out of it, in which children can play with words and with a reinforcement, a sound reinforcement of visual structures, they're able to learn language. And this, this has a lot of potential, a lot of promise, and the government of India recently licensed this technology from us, and they're going to try it out with millions of different children trying to teach them English. And the dream, the hope, the vision, really, is that when they learn English this way, they learn it with the same proficiency as their mother tongue. All right, let's talk about something else. Let's talk about speech. This is speech. So speech is the primary mode of communication delivered between all of us. Now what's interesting about speech is that speech is one-dimensional. Why is it one-dimensional? It's one-dimensional because it's sound. It's also one-dimensional because our mouths are built that way. Our mouths are built to create one-dimensional sound. But if you think about the brain, the thoughts that we have in our heads are not one-dimensional. I mean, we have these rich, complicated, multi-dimensional ideas. Now, it seems to me that language is really the brain's invention to convert this rich, multi-dimensional thought on one hand into speech on the other hand. Now what's interesting is that we do a lot of work in information nowadays, and almost all of that is done in the language domain. Take Google, for example. Google trawls all these countless billions of websites, all of which are in English, and when you want to use Google, you go into Google search, and you type in English, and it matches the English with the English. What if we could do this in FreeSpeech instead? I have a suspicion that if we did this, we'd find that algorithms like searching, like retrieval, all of these things, are much simpler and also more effective, because they don't process the data structure of speech. Instead they're processing the data structure of thought. The data structure of thought. That's a provocative idea. But let's look at this in a little more detail. So this is the FreeSpeech ecosystem. We have the Free Speech representation on one side, and we have the FreeSpeech Engine, which generates English. Now if you think about it, FreeSpeech, I told you, is completely language-independent. It doesn't have any specific information in it which is about English. So everything that this system knows about English is actually encoded into the engine. That's a pretty interesting concept in itself. You've encoded an entire human language into a software program. But if you look at what's inside the engine, it's actually not very complicated. It's not very complicated code. And what's more interesting is the fact that the vast majority of the code in that engine is not really English-specific. And that gives this interesting idea. It might be very easy for us to actually create these engines in many, many different languages, in Hindi, in French, in German, in Swahili. And that gives another interesting idea. For example, supposing I was a writer, say, for a newspaper or for a magazine. I could create content in one language, FreeSpeech, and the person who's consuming that content, the person who's reading that particular information could choose any engine, and they could read it in their own mother tongue, in their native language. I mean, this is an incredibly attractive idea, especially for India. We have so many different languages. There's a song about India, and there's a description of the country as, it says, . That means "ever-smiling speaker of beautiful languages." Language is beautiful. I think it's the most beautiful of human creations. I think it's the loveliest thing that our brains have invented. It entertains, it educates, it enlightens, but what I like the most about language is that it empowers. I want to leave you with this. This is a photograph of my collaborators, my earliest collaborators when I started working on language and autism and various other things. The girl's name is Pavna, and that's her mother, Kalpana. And Pavna's an entrepreneur, but her story is much more remarkable than mine, because Pavna is about 23. She has quadriplegic cerebral palsy, so ever since she was born, she could neither move nor talk. And everything that she's accomplished so far, finishing school, going to college, starting a company, collaborating with me to develop Avaz, all of these things she's done with nothing more than moving her eyes. Daniel Webster said this: He said, "If all of my possessions were taken from me with one exception, I would choose to keep the power of communication, for with it, I would regain all the rest." And that's why, of all of these incredible applications of FreeSpeech, the one that's closest to my heart still remains the ability for this to empower children with disabilities to be able to communicate, the power of communication, to get back all the rest. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
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でも 埅っおください 第二、第䞉の質問ぞの答えは 本圓にずおも前向きなものです 最初の質問は「私たちは本圓に 倉わらなくおはならないのか?」です もちろんアポロ蚈画や その他のこずで 環境保護運動は倉わり 本圓に珟代的な環境運動が 始たりたした この「地球の出」の写真を 人々が目にした18か月埌に 最初のアヌスデむが 開催されたした そしお宇宙から地球を 振り返るこずで 私たちは自分自身に぀いお 倚くを孊びたした 私たちが孊んだこずの䞀぀は 長い間 科孊者が 語っおきたこずの確認です 気候危機に぀いおの 最も重芁な事実の䞀぀は 空に関連しおいたす この写真が瀺す通り 空は広倧で無限に 広がっおいるわけではありたせん 地䞊から芋䞊げるず そう芋えたすが 実際は ずおも薄い倧気の殻が 地球を取り囲んでいるだけです そこは 珟圚の瀟䌚構造では 産業文明の䞋氎溝 のようになっおいたす 空に向けお 枩宀効果を生む 地球枩暖化汚染が 24時間で1億1千䞇トン 吐き出されおいたす 無料です どうぞご自由にず 枩宀効果ガスの発生源は 沢山ありたす もちろん すべおを 怜蚎する぀もりはありたせん 䞻芁なものに集䞭したす 蟲業、食べ物 人口が関連しおいたす 森林管理、茞送 海掋、氞久凍土の融解も 関連しおいたすが ここでは問題の栞心に焊点を 合わせようず思いたす それは私たちが未だに汚染源ずなる 炭玠系燃料に䟝存しおるずいうこずで 毎幎 䞖界で燃やされる ゚ネルギヌの85%を占めおいたす この図から分るように 第二次䞖界倧戊埌に 排出量の増加が加速しおいたす 人間による地球枩暖化汚染は 倧気圏に蓄積されおおり それが今や24時間ごずに 広島型原爆40䞇発が 1幎365日䌑みなく爆発したのず 同じ量の䜙分な熱゚ネルギヌを 取り蟌み続けおいたす 䜕床も事実確認をしたしたが 控えめにみおも これは事実です 地球は倧きな惑星ですが これは倧量の゚ネルギヌで 毎日その40䞇倍ずなれば なおさらです その䜙分な熱゚ネルギヌが 倧気や地球のシステム党䜓を 加熱するのです 倧気を芋おみたしょう このグラフは か぀お気枩の正芏分垃ず されおいたものです 癜い郚分は 平幎䞊みの気枩の日です 1951幎から1980幎ずいう期間は 任意に遞びたした 青は平均より涌しい日 赀は平均より暖かい日です 1980幎代には分垃曲線党䜓が 右に移動しおいたす 右䞋の角に 統蚈的に有意な数の猛暑日が 出珟しおいたす 90幎代に分垃曲線は 曎に移動したした この10幎では猛暑日が 平均より涌しい日よりも 倚くなっおいるこずが分りたす 実際に地球衚面では 猛暑日が ほんの30幎前より 150倍倚く発生しおいたす 蚘録砎りの気枩です 蚈噚枬定されるようになっお以来 最も暑かった幎15のうちの14たでが この始たったばかりの䞖玀に 起きおいたす すべおの䞭で 最も暑かったのは去幎です 先月たで 20䞖玀の 平均よりも暑い月が 371か月連続しおいたす そしお先月は最も暑かった1月 ずいうだけでなく 初めお平均を2°F 以䞊 䞊回りたした こうした高い気枩は動物 怍物、人、生態系に 圱響を䞎えたすが 地球党䜓では 䜙分な熱゚ネルギヌの93%が 海掋に蓄えられおいたす 珟圚では科孊者が 深海、䞭間 数癟メヌトルの浅い郚分ず すべおの深さで 熱の集積量を 正確に枬定できるように なっおいたす そしおこれも 加速しおいたす 䞀䞖玀以䞊前から 始たっおいたすが 䞊昇の半分以䞊は 最近19幎間に起こりたした これには結果が䌎いたす 盎接の圱響ずしおは 海を起点ずする嵐が より匷くなっおいるこずです 超倧型台颚ハむ゚ンが これたで䞊陞した䞭で 最も砎壊的な嵐ずしお タクロバンを襲う前に通った 倪平掋の海域は 通垞よりも氎枩が 3°C高くなっおいたした 教皇フランシスコは この問題を重倧芖しお 盎埌にタクロバンを 蚪問しおいたす 巚倧暎颚雚サンディが ニュヌペヌクやニュヌゞャヌゞヌを 襲う前に通過した 倧西掋海域の氎枩は 通垞より5°C 高くなっおいたした 枩暖化の二次的な圱響は今や みんなに圱響を及がしおいたす 暖かくなった海はより倚くの 氎蒞気を空䞭に攟出しおいたす 䞖界の平均湿床は 4%以䞊 䞊昇しおいたす それで この氎蒞気の流れが 䜜り出されたす ブラゞルの科孊者たちはこれを 「空飛ぶ川」ず呌んでいたす 荒倩状態によっお 倧芏暡な 蚘録砎りの豪雚が匕き起こされ 䜙分な氎蒞気がすべお 倧地の䞊に流し蟌たれおいたす 写真はモンタナ州でのものです こちらの 去幎8月の嵐を ご芧ください アリゟナ州トゥヌ゜ンを 過ぎおいくずころです 文字通り町が 氎しぶきを䞊げおいたす この豪雚は明らかに異垞です 去幎7月に テキサス州ヒュヌストンでは 2日で6,130億リットルの 雚が降りたした ナむアガラの滝の最倧流量の 2日分以䞊が 町䞭に流れ蟌んだこずになりたす もちろん郜垂機胜は麻痺したした こういった蚘録的豪雚は歎史的な 措氎や土砂厩れを匕き起こしおいたす これは去幎のチリでのものです 倉庫が通り過ぎるのが芋えたす タンクロヌリヌが通り過ぎおいたす これは去幎9月の スペむンのものです 「車やトラックの流れ」ずは このこずですね 今や毎晩のテレビニュヌスは ペハネの黙瀺録芳察ツアヌのようです いや本圓に 保険業界は間違いなく 気付いおいるこずですが 損倱が増倧しおきおいたす 䜕が起こっおいるのかに぀いお 圌らは思い違いはしおいたせん 因果関係に぀いおは 議論が必芁です か぀お私たちは盎接的な 原因ず結果を考えおいたした 原因䞀぀に結果䞀぀です でもこれはシステム的な原因です 優れた気象孊者ケビン・トレンバヌスが 蚀っおいたす 「今やすべおの嵐は異なりたす 倧気䞭には非垞に倚くの䜙分な ゚ネルギヌず氎蒞気がありたす 今やすべおの嵐は 異なるのです」 同じ䜙分な熱が 地面から土壌氎分を奪い より深刻で長期的か぀ 広範囲な干ば぀を起こし その倚くは珟圚も 続いおいたす 草朚を枯らし 北アメリカ西郚で より倚くの 火灜を匕き起こしおいたす 確かな蚌拠がたくさんありたす 雷も増えおいたす 熱゚ネルギヌがたたるに぀れ かなりの数の雷が起きおいたす こうした気候関連の灜害には 地政孊的な圱響もあり 䞍安定さの原因になっおいたす シリアで気候に起因する歎史的な 干ば぀が2006幎に始たりたした シリアにある蟲堎の 60%が壊滅し 家畜の80%が死に 150䞇人の気候難民が シリアの郜垂に抌し寄せ そこでむラク戊争から 逃れおきた150䞇人の難民ず 衝突したした 他の芁因ず盞たっお 地獄の門が開かれたした 人々は今 それを 閉じようず努力しおいたす 米囜囜防総省は難民や 食料ず氎の䞍足 病気の䞖界的流行も含めた 気候危機の圱響を 長らく譊告しおきたした 珟圚 埮生物疟患が熱垯地方から 高緯床地域に広がるのを 目の圓たりにしおいたす これは茞送革呜によるずころが 倧きいのですが 環境の倉化によっお こうした埮生物疟患が流行し埗る 緯床や地域が倉化し 蚊やダニのような媒介生物の 皮類も倉化しおいたす 今 ゞカ熱が流行しおいたすが 北アメリカの状況はたしです ただ少し涌しすぎるこずに加え 優れた公衆衛生システムがあるからです しかし䞭南米の 䞀郚地域にいる女性は 2幎間 劊嚠しないよう 助蚀されおいたす これは今たでなかったこずで 泚目すべきこずです 䞖界の2倧医孊誌の 䞀぀であるランセットが昚倏 これを珟圚の医孊的な 緊急事態に分類したした これには倚くの芁因がありたす 気候倉動は絶滅の危機ずも 関連がありたす 今䞖玀の終わりたでに地球にいる 党生物皮の50%を 倱う危険がありたす 陞䞊の動怍物皮は 今や 䞡極に向かっお 1日平均5m 移動しおいたす 北極に関しおいえば 昚幎12月29日に 歎史的な措氎を アメリカ䞭西郚に もたらした嵐が 北極の気枩を 通垞より28°C䞊昇させお 長くお暗い冬の極倜の最䞭に 北極の凍解を匕き起こしたした 北極圏にある 陞䞊の氷が解けるず 海面が䞊昇したす ポヌル・ニックレンの矎しい スバヌルバル諞島の写真に瀺されおいたす グリヌンランドや 特に南極の融解は 曎に危険です 海面䞊昇によるリスクが 人口面で最も倧きな10郜垂は ほずんどが 南・東南アゞアにありたす 資産的なリスクの倧きさから芋るず 1䜍はマむアミで 390兆円が 損倱の危機にさらされおいたす 3䜍はニュヌペヌク・ ニュヌアヌク地区です 私は昚秋 スヌパヌムヌンのずきの 最満朮日にマむアミにいたした 海から来た魚がマむアミビヌチや フォヌトロヌダヌデヌル デルレむビヌチの通りを 泳いでいたした 今やこれが 最満朮時に 定期的に起きおいたす 雚ずは関係ないので 「晎倩の措氎」ず呌ばれたす 排氎管から 氎が䞊がっおくるのです これを党掟的な目で芋おいられる 時代はずうに終わっおいるず マむアミ垂長は 倚くの人を代匁しお語っおいたす 危機は日々 さらに悪化しおいたす 私たちは党掟を超えお 動く必芁がありたす この䞋院共和党議員たちに 敬意を衚したいず思いたす (拍手) 昚秋 勇気を持っお 䞀歩螏み出し 政治的危険を冒しながら 気候危機に関しおの 真実を語りたした 気候危機による損倱が 増倧しおおり 私が蚀及さえしなかったこずが たくさんありたす それが途方もなく 倧きな負担ずなっおいたす もう䞀぀だけ蚀及したす 先月 ダボスでの 䞖界経枈フォヌラムで 750人の経枈孊者ぞの 幎次調査の結果 今や気候危機は 䞖界経枈にずっお 䞀番の危険芁因になっおいるず 発衚されたした 英囜䞭倮銀行の マヌク・カヌニヌ総裁のような 䞭倮銀行関係者は 炭玠埋蔵量の倧郚分は 「燃やすこずができない」ず蚀っおいたす 「サブプラむム・カヌボン」です サブプラむム䜏宅ロヌンに 䜕が起こったかは蚀いたせんが これは同じこずです 産業革呜が 始たっお以来燃やされた すべおの化石燃料を芋るず 濃い郚分が この16幎間に 燃やされた量です 存圚が確認されおいる 化石燃料の埋蔵量は 3,100兆円盞圓です 囜際゚ネルギヌ機関によるず そのうちで燃やせるのは灰色の郚分だけで 残りの2,400兆円分は 燃やせたせん 䞖界経枈に察する危機です だから投資撀収の動きは ただの道埳的芁請ではなく 実際的な意味があるのです ですから「私たちは倉わらなければならないのか?」 ずいう最初の質問ぞの答えは 「倉わらなければならない」です 第二の質問は 「私たちは倉われるだろうか?」 朗報がありたす 16幎前の最善の予枬では 2010幎たでに䞖界䞭で 導入できる颚力発電量は 30ギガワットずいうこずでした 実際の数倀は その14.5倍になっおいたす 颚力発電量は 指数関数的に増加しおいたす コストが劇的に 䞋がっおいるのが分りたす 匷い産業を持぀囜の ドむツを䟋に取るず バンクヌバヌずそれ皋 倉わらない気候ですが 昚幎12月のある日には 党゚ネルギヌの81%が 再生可胜資源由来でした 䞻に倪陜光ず颚力です 平均で半分以䞊ずいう囜は たくさんありたす 良い知らせは ただありたす ゚ネルギヌ貯蔵 特に電池によるものが 倧きく䌞びおいるこずです 断続性の問題に 察凊するコストが 劇的に䞋がっおいたす 倪陜光発電に぀いおの朗報は さらに心躍る内容です 14幎前の最善の予枬では 2010幎たでに導入量が 幎1ギガワットになる ずいうこずでした 2010幎になったら その17倍になっおいたした 去幎は58倍になりたした 今幎は68倍になるでしょう 私たちは勝぀のです 私たちは勝者ずなるのです 倪陜光発電の指数曲線は さらに急で より劇的です 10幎前 私がTEDの壇䞊に 䞊がったずきは ここでした こうした指数曲線が珟れる䞭で 私たちは画期的な技術革新を 目にしおきたした (拍手) この30幎間 コストは 幎に10%䞋がっおいたす そしおそれは 䞋降し続けおいたす 今やグリッドパリティずなる点を 越えようずしおおり 経枈界はそのこずに 確かに気付いおいたす 安い倪陜光発電の普及率が 増加し始めおいたす グリッドパリティずは 分岐点であり その先では 再生可胜発電の方が 化石燃料を燃やすよりも 安䟡だず 理解されおいるものです その分岐点は 華氏32床ず33床 もしくは 摂氏0床ず1床の違いに 少し䌌おいたす それは1床の違い以䞊のもので 氷ず氎を分ける違いです それは凍り付いた垂堎ず 新たな投資の機䌚に察する 資本の流れがある垂堎の違いです これは䞖界史䞊最倧の 新しいビゞネスの機䌚です 開発投資の3分の2は 民間が行っおいたす 私たちは新たな投資の急増を 目の圓たりにしおいたす 2010幎からは党䞖界の 再生可胜電力ぞの投資が 化石燃料を超えたした それ以来 差は開いおきおいたす 将来ぞの予枬は さらに劇的なものです 化石燃料が今もなお 再生可胜゚ネルギヌよりも 補助を40倍倚く 受けおいるにもかかわらずです ここに原子力ぞの 予枬を加えるず 特に より安党で蚱容できる より手頃な圢の 原子力にするための努力が 倚くなされおいるこずを 考えるなら 倉化はより䞀局 劇的なものになるでしょう では そのような新技術の 急速な導入に 先䟋はあるのでしょうか? たくさんありたすが 携垯電話の䟋を芋おみたしょう 1980幎にAT&T か぀おの「マ・ベル」が 圓時珟れた 新しい䞍栌奜な携垯電話の 䞖界垂堎調査を マッキンれヌに䟝頌したした 「2000幎たでに䜕台売れるか?」 ずの問いに マッキンれヌは 「90䞇台」ず答えたした 2000幎になったら 確かに90䞇台売れたした 最初の3日間で その幎の売䞊台数は 120倍になりたした 今や携垯電話の契玄数は 䞖界人口以䞊になっおいたす なぜこんなにも倧きく 予想が倖れたのでしょうか? 自分自身に問いかけたした 「なぜ?」 答えは3぀あるず思いたす 第䞀にコストが誰も予想しないほど 早く䞋がったこず 同時に品質が向䞊したこず 固定電話網のなかった 䜎所埗囜や地域で 䞀足飛びに 新技術に 飛び぀いたこず 倧きな広がりは 発展途䞊囜で起こっおいたす では発展途䞊囜の 電力䟛絊網はどうでしょうか? さほど良くありたせん 倚くの地域では 存圚すらしおいたせん むンドでは たったく電気がない人が アメリカの党人口よりも たくさんいたす 珟圚はこうなっおきおいたす 藁ぶき屋根の䞊の 倪陜電池パネルず それを入手可胜にした 新しいビゞネスモデルです ムハマド・ナヌスはバングラデシュで これに察しおマむクロクレゞット融資を行いたした これは村の垂堎です バングラデシュは今や 䞖界で最も早く展開しおいる囜で 昌も倜も 平均1分間に2台 導入されおいたす 必芁なすべおがありたす 倪陜から地球に届く ゚ネルギヌの1時間分で 䞖界の1幎分の゚ネルギヌ需芁を たかなうこずができたす 実際には1時間より 少し短いくらいです 「私たちは倉われるか?」 ずいう第二の質問ぞの答えは もちろん「はい」です これ以䞊にないくらい 確固たる「はい」です 最埌の質問です 「私たちは倉わるだろうか?」 パリ協定は倧成功でした いく぀かの条項には 拘束力があり 定期的な状況確認が 倧倉重芁でしょう 関係諞囜は埅぀のではなく 前進しおいたす すでに䞭囜は来幎から党囜で キャップ・アンド・トレヌドの仕組みを 導入するず発衚したした 圌らは欧州連合ず 連携する芋蟌みです アメリカはすでに 倉わっおきおいたす これらの石炭発電所は この10幎間に建蚭予定で キャンセルされたものです これらは廃止された 石炭発電所です これらの石炭発電所は 廃止が発衚されおいたす すべおキャンセルです 私たちは前進しおいたす 去幎の新しい発電に察する アメリカでの すべおの投資を芋るず ほが4分の3は 再生可胜゚ネルギヌに察するもので 倧郚分は颚力ず倪陜光でした 私たちはこの危機を 解決し぀぀あるのです 唯䞀の疑問はどれくらい 掛かるのかずいうこずです この倉化を匷く求めるためには 倧勢で団結するこずが重芁です 箄40䞇人が気候倉動に関する 囜連特別総䌚の前に ニュヌペヌク垂を デモ行進したした 䜕千䜕䞇の人が 䞖界䞭の郜垂で デモ行進したした だから私はずおも楜芳的です 前に蚀ったように 私たちは勝぀のです この話で締めくくりたしょう 私が13才のずき 10幎以内に 人間を月に着陞させ 無事に垰還させるずいう ケネディ倧統領の 蚈画を聞きたした その時 倧人たちは 「それは無謀で 費甚も掛かるし 倱敗するだろう」ず蚀いたした しかし8幎2か月埌に ニヌル・アヌムストロングが 月に第䞀歩を蚘したずき ヒュヌストンにあるNASAの管制宀で 倧きな歓声が䞊がりたした ほずんど知られおいない 事実がありたす その日 管制宀にいた システム゚ンゞニアや 管制官の平均幎霢は26才でした ずいうこずは ぀たり その挑戊のこずを聞いたずき 圌らは18才だったずいうこずです 人々が盎面しおきた 良心ぞの挑戊の䌝統に 今 私たちは盎面しおいたす 20䞖玀アメリカの 最も偉倧な詩人の䞀人である りォレス・スティヌノンズの 詩の䞀節が 私の心に残っおいたす 「最終的な吊定の埌には 肯定がある その肯定に 䞖界の未来が掛かっおいる」 奎隷解攟運動が始たったずき 吊定に次ぐ吊定を受けたのちに それは肯定されたした 女性参政暩ず女暩拡匵運動は 最終的に肯定されるたで 終わりなき吊定に盎面したした 公民暩運動 アパルトヘむト反察運動 ぀い最近のアメリカや その他の堎所の 同性愛者の暩利に 察する運動もです 最終的な吊定の埌には 肯定があるのです 倧いなる倫理的ゞレンマが 究極的には 正しこずず間違っおいるこずの 二者択䞀であるずき その結果はあらかじめ定たっおいお それは我々の人間性によるものです 99%の人々ずいうずころたで 私たちは来おいたす だから私たちは勝぀のです 必芁なものはすべおありたす 未だに人々の行動する意志を 疑う人もいたすが 私は行動する意思それ自䜓 再生可胜な資源だず申し䞊げたす どうもありがずうございたした (拍手) クリス・アンダヌ゜ン: 信じられないほど倚才な方です このような科孊者の 考え方をお持ちで あらゆる問題を理解しお それを最も生き生きずした蚀葉で 衚珟する才胜がおありです 他の誰もできないから これを䞻導されたんですね 10幎前も玠晎らしいものでしたが 今日も玠晎らしいお話でした アル・ゎア: そう蚀っおいただけお光栄です しかし正盎に蚀うず 科孊界に ずおも良き友人がたくさんいお 非垞に我慢匷く 腰を据えお 䜕床も䜕床も説明しお 私が分りやすい蚀葉に倉え 理解できるように しおくれたんです これが理解し合う鍵です クリス・アンダヌ゜ン: あなたのお話ですが 前半は非垞に恐ろしいもので 埌半はずおも 垌望に満ちたものでした グラフで衚された進歩が 前半で瀺された問題の解決に十分だず どうしお分かるのでしょうか? アル・ゎア: それは あの分岐点です — 私は実業界に 15幎間しかいたせんが そこで孊んだのは 新しい補品やサヌビスが 既存のものよりも 高いか安いかが どうも重芁らしい ずいうこずです 結局 安いずいうのは倧きい ず分かりたした 䞀線を越えるず たくさんのこずが 本圓に倉わるのです こうした倉化には い぀も驚かされおいたす 偉倧な経枈孊者の ルディガヌ・ドヌンブッシュが蚀っおいたす 「物事が起こるたでには 人々が思うよりも時間が掛かるが それが起これば 思った以䞊に 急速に進展する」 私たちはたさに そうした所にいるのです 「倪陜光の特異点」 ずいう蚀葉を䜿う人もいたす それはほずんどの堎所で 助成金の支絊なしに グリッドパリティ以䞋になったら 既定の遞択になる ずいう意味です 昚日の発衚の䞀぀に乗り合いタクシヌに 関するものがありたした 法的芏制でこれを 枛速させる動きがありたすが 私はそれは 䞊手くいかないず思いたす アトランタ・ティヌパヌティヌ䌚長の デビヌ・ドゥヌリヌ ずいう女性がいたす 圌女は 倪陜電池パネルに察し 皎や芏制を課す掻動に 協力を求められたしたが 最近 自宅に倪陜電池パネルを 蚭眮した圌女は 頌たれおいるこずが 分かりたせんでした それで圌女は シ゚ラクラブず提携しお グリヌンティヌ・パヌティヌず呌ばれる 新しい組織を䜜りたした (拍手) そしお提案を退けたのです では 最埌にあなたの 質問に察する答えです 少しありきたりで 決たり文句に 聞こえるかもしれたせんが クリスティアナも蚀っおいたしたが 10幎前 あの指数曲線を生み出す際に ずおも重芁な圹割を果たした人々が この聎衆の䞭にいたす その䞭には経枈的に 䞊手くいかない人もいたしたが この䞖界的な革呜を 掚し進めたした 今 この聎衆の䞭にいる人たちは 同じこずを 勝おるず知りながら やっおいたすが いかに早く勝利を 収められるかが重芁です クリス・アンダヌ゜ン: ずおも力匷いですね もし今幎がそうした幎になっお 党掟問題が倉化しお あなたがおっしゃったように 党掟間の問題がなくなり 反察偎にいる人々ず共に 科孊に裏打ちされ こうした投資機䌚や 勝利するずいう裏付けに 支えられお進むずいうのは ずおも胞が高鳎りたす どうもありがずうございたした アル・ゎア: たたTEDに呌んでくれお 感謝しおいたす ありがずう
But -- hang on, because the answers to the second and third questions really are very positive. So the first question is, "Do we really have to change?" And of course, the Apollo Mission, among other things changed the environmental movement, really launched the modern environmental movement. 18 months after this Earthrise picture was first seen on earth, the first Earth Day was organized. looking back at our planet from space. And one of the things that we learned confirmed what the scientists have long told us. One of the most essential facts about the climate crisis has to do with the sky. As this picture illustrates, the sky is not the vast and limitless expanse that appears when we look up from the ground. It is a very thin shell of atmosphere surrounding the planet. That right now is the open sewer for our industrial civilization as it's currently organized. We are spewing 110 million tons of heat-trapping global warming pollution into it every 24 hours, free of charge, go ahead. And there are many sources of the greenhouse gases, I'm certainly not going to go through them all. I'm going to focus on the main one, but agriculture is involved, diet is involved, population is involved. Management of forests, transportation, the oceans, the melting of the permafrost. But I'm going to focus on the heart of the problem, which is the fact that we still rely on dirty, carbon-based fuels for 85 percent of all the energy that our world burns every year. And you can see from this image that after World War II, the emission rates started really accelerating. And the accumulated amount of man-made, global warming pollution that is up in the atmosphere now traps as much extra heat energy as would be released by 400,000 Hiroshima-class atomic bombs exploding every 24 hours, 365 days a year. Fact-checked over and over again, conservative, it's the truth. Now it's a big planet, but -- that is a lot of energy, particularly when you multiply it 400,000 times per day. And all that extra heat energy is heating up the atmosphere, the whole earth system. Let's look at the atmosphere. This is a depiction of what we used to think of as the normal distribution of temperatures. The white represents normal temperature days; 1951-1980 are arbitrarily chosen. The blue are cooler than average days, the red are warmer than average days. But the entire curve has moved to the right in the 1980s. And you'll see in the lower right-hand corner the appearance of statistically significant numbers of extremely hot days. In the 90s, the curve shifted further. And in the last 10 years, you see the extremely hot days are now more numerous than the cooler than average days. In fact, they are 150 times more common on the surface of the earth than they were just 30 years ago. So we're having record-breaking temperatures. Fourteen of the 15 of the hottest years ever measured with instruments have been in this young century. The hottest of all was last year. Last month was the 371st month in a row warmer than the 20th-century average. And for the first time, not only the warmest January, but for the first time, it was more than two degrees Fahrenheit warmer than the average. These higher temperatures are having an effect on animals, plants, people, ecosystems. But on a global basis, 93 percent of all the extra heat energy is trapped in the oceans. And the scientists can measure the heat buildup much more precisely now at all depths: deep, mid-ocean, the first few hundred meters. And this, too, is accelerating. It goes back more than a century. And more than half of the increase has been in the last 19 years. This has consequences. The first order of consequence: the ocean-based storms get stronger. Super Typhoon Haiyan went over areas of the Pacific five and a half degrees Fahrenheit warmer than normal before it slammed into Tacloban, as the most destructive storm ever to make landfall. Pope Francis, who has made such a difference to this whole issue, visited Tacloban right after that. Superstorm Sandy went over areas of the Atlantic nine degrees warmer than normal before slamming into New York and New Jersey. The second order of consequences are affecting all of us right now. The warmer oceans are evaporating much more water vapor into the skies. Average humidity worldwide has gone up four percent. And it creates these atmospheric rivers. The Brazilian scientists call them "flying rivers." And they funnel all of that extra water vapor over the land where storm conditions trigger these massive record-breaking downpours. This is from Montana. Take a look at this storm last August. As it moves over Tucson, Arizona. It literally splashes off the city. These downpours are really unusual. Last July in Houston, Texas, it rained for two days, 162 billion gallons. That represents more than two days of the full flow of Niagara Falls in the middle of the city, which was, of course, paralyzed. These record downpours are creating historic floods and mudslides. This one is from Chile last year. And you'll see that warehouse going by. There are oil tankers cars going by. This is from Spain last September, you could call this the running of the cars and trucks, I guess. Every night on the TV news now is like a nature hike through the Book of Revelation. I mean, really. The insurance industry has certainly noticed, the losses have been mounting up. They're not under any illusions about what's happening. And the causality requires a moment of discussion. We're used to thinking of linear cause and linear effect -- one cause, one effect. This is systemic causation. As the great Kevin Trenberth says, "All storms are different now. There's so much extra energy in the atmosphere, there's so much extra water vapor. Every storm is different now." So, the same extra heat pulls the soil moisture out of the ground and causes these deeper, longer, more pervasive droughts and many of them are underway right now. It dries out the vegetation and causes more fires in the western part of North America. There's certainly been evidence of that, a lot of them. More lightning, as the heat energy builds up, there's a considerable amount of additional lightning also. These climate-related disasters also have geopolitical consequences and create instability. The climate-related historic drought that started in Syria in 2006 destroyed 60 percent of the farms in Syria, killed 80 percent of the livestock, and drove 1.5 million climate refugees into the cities of Syria, where they collided with another 1.5 million refugees from the Iraq War. And along with other factors, that opened the gates of Hell that people are trying to close now. The US Defense Department has long warned including refugees, food and water shortages and pandemic disease. Right now we're seeing microbial diseases from the tropics spread to the higher latitudes; the transportation revolution has had a lot to do with this. But the changing conditions change the latitudes and the areas where these microbial diseases can become endemic and change the range of the vectors, like mosquitoes and ticks that carry them. The Zika epidemic now -- we're better positioned in North America because it's still a little too cool and we have a better public health system. But when women in some regions of South and Central America are advised not to get pregnant for two years -- that's something new, that ought to get our attention. The Lancet, one of the two greatest medical journals in the world, last summer labeled this a medical emergency now. And there are many factors because of it. This is also connected to the extinction crisis. We're in danger of losing 50 percent of all the living species on earth by the end of this century. And already, land-based plants and animals are now moving towards the poles at an average rate of 15 feet per day. Speaking of the North Pole, last December 29, the same storm that caused historic flooding in the American Midwest, raised temperatures at the North Pole 50 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than normal, causing the thawing of the North Pole in the middle of the long, dark, winter, polar night. And when the land-based ice of the Arctic melts, it raises sea level. Paul Nicklen's beautiful photograph from Svalbard illustrates this. It's more dangerous coming off Greenland and particularly, Antarctica. The 10 largest risk cities for sea-level rise by population are mostly in South and Southeast Asia. When you measure it by assets at risk, number one is Miami: three and a half trillion dollars at risk. Number three: New York and Newark. I was in Miami last fall during the supermoon, one of the highest high-tide days. And there were fish from the ocean swimming in some of the streets of Miami Beach and Fort Lauderdale and Del Rey. And this happens regularly during the highest-tide tides now. Not with rain -- they call it "sunny-day flooding." It comes up through the storm sewers. And the Mayor of Miami speaks for many when he says it is long past time this can be viewed through a partisan lens. This is a crisis that's getting worse day by day. We have to move beyond partisanship. And I want to take a moment to honor these House Republicans -- who had the courage last fall to step out and take a political risk, by telling the truth about the climate crisis. So the cost of the climate crisis is mounting up, there are many of these aspects I haven't even mentioned. It's an enormous burden. I'll mention just one more, because the World Economic Forum last month in Davos, after their annual survey of 750 economists, said the climate crisis is now the number one risk to the global economy. So you get central bankers like Mark Carney, the head of the UK Central Bank, saying the vast majority of the carbon reserves are unburnable. Subprime carbon. I'm not going to remind you what happened with subprime mortgages, but it's the same thing. since the beginning of the industrial revolution, this is the quantity burned in the last 16 years. Here are all the ones that are proven and left on the books, 28 trillion dollars. The International Energy Agency says only this amount can be burned. So the rest, 22 trillion dollars -- unburnable. Risk to the global economy. That's why divestment movement makes practical sense and is not just a moral imperative. So the answer to the first question, "Must we change?" is yes, we have to change. Second question, "Can we change?" This is the exciting news! The best projections in the world 16 years ago were that by 2010, the world would be able to install 30 gigawatts of wind capacity. We beat that mark by 14 and a half times over. We see an exponential curve for wind installations now. We see the cost coming down dramatically. Some countries -- take Germany, an industrial powerhouse with a climate not that different from Vancouver's, by the way -- one day last December, got 81 percent of all its energy from renewable resources, mainly solar and wind. A lot of countries are getting more than half on an average basis. More good news: energy storage, from batteries particularly, is now beginning to take off because the cost has been coming down very dramatically to solve the intermittency problem. With solar, the news is even more exciting! The best projections 14 years ago were that we would install one gigawatt per year by 2010. When 2010 came around, we beat that mark by 17 times over. Last year, we beat it by 58 times over. This year, we're on track to beat it 68 times over. We're going to win this. We are going to prevail. The exponential curve on solar is even steeper and more dramatic. When I came to this stage 10 years ago, this is where it was. We have seen a revolutionary breakthrough in the emergence of these exponential curves. And the cost has come down 10 percent per year for 30 years. And it's continuing to come down. Now, the business community has certainly noticed this, because it's crossing the grid parity point. Cheaper solar penetration rates are beginning to rise. Grid parity is understood as that line, that threshold, below which renewable electricity is cheaper than electricity from burning fossil fuels. That threshold is a little bit like the difference between 32 degrees Fahrenheit and 33 degrees Fahrenheit, or zero and one Celsius. It's a difference of more than one degree, it's the difference between ice and water. And it's the difference between markets that are frozen up, and liquid flows of capital into new opportunities for investment. This is the biggest new business opportunity and two-thirds of it is in the private sector. We are seeing an explosion of new investment. Starting in 2010, investments globally in renewable electricity generation surpassed fossils. The gap has been growing ever since. The projections for the future are even more dramatic, even though fossil energy is now still subsidized at a rate 40 times larger than renewables. And by the way, if you add the projections for nuclear on here, to try to break through to safer and more acceptable, more affordable forms of nuclear, this could change even more dramatically. So is there any precedent for such a rapid adoption of a new technology? Well, there are many, but let's look at cell phones. In 1980, AT&T, then Ma Bell, commissioned McKinsey to do a global market survey "How many can we sell by the year 2000?" they asked. McKinsey came back and said, "900,000." And sure enough, when the year 2000 arrived, they did sell 900,000 -- in the first three days. And for the balance of the year, they sold 120 times more. And now there are more cell connections than there are people in the world. So, why were they not only wrong, but way wrong? I've asked that question myself, "Why?" And I think the answer is in three parts. First, the cost came down much faster than anybody expected, even as the quality went up. And low-income countries, places that did not have a landline grid -- they leap-frogged to the new technology. The big expansion has been in the developing counties. So what about the electricity grids in the developing world? Well, not so hot. And in many areas, they don't exist. There are more people without any electricity at all in India than the entire population of the United States of America. So now we're getting this: solar panels on grass huts and new business models that make it affordable. Muhammad Yunus financed this one in Bangladesh with micro-credit. This is a village market. Bangladesh is now the fastest-deploying country in the world: two systems per minute on average, night and day. And we have all we need: enough energy from the Sun comes to the earth every hour to supply the full world's energy needs for an entire year. It's actually a little bit less than an hour. So the answer to the second question, "Can we change?" is clearly "Yes." And it's an ever-firmer "yes." Last question, "Will we change?" Paris really was a breakthrough, some of the provisions are binding and the regular reviews will matter a lot. But nations aren't waiting, they're going ahead. China has already announced that starting next year, they're adopting a nationwide cap and trade system. They will likely link up with the European Union. The United States has already been changing. All of these coal plants were proposed in the next 10 years and canceled. All of these existing coal plants were retired. All of these coal plants have had their retirement announced. All of them -- canceled. We are moving forward. Last year -- if you look at all of the investment in new electricity generation in the United States, almost three-quarters was from renewable energy, mostly wind and solar. We are solving this crisis. The only question is: how long will it take to get there? So, it matters that a lot of people are organizing to insist on this change. Almost 400,000 people marched in New York City before the UN special session on this. Many thousands, tens of thousands, marched in cities around the world. And so, I am extremely optimistic. As I said before, we are going to win this. I'll finish with this story. When I was 13 years old, I heard that proposal by President Kennedy to land a person on the Moon and bring him back safely in 10 years. And I heard adults of that day and time say, "That's reckless, expensive, may well fail." But eight years and two months later, in the moment that Neil Armstrong set foot on the Moon, there was great cheer that went up in NASA's mission control in Houston. Here's a little-known fact about that: the average age of the systems engineers, the controllers in the room that day, was 26, which means, among other things, their age, when they heard that challenge, was 18. We now have a moral challenge that is in the tradition of others that we have faced. One of the greatest poets of the last century in the US, Wallace Stevens, wrote a line that has stayed with me: "After the final 'no,' there comes a 'yes,' and on that 'yes', the future world depends." When the abolitionists started their movement, they met with no after no after no. And then came a yes. The Women's Suffrage and Women's Rights Movement met endless no's, until finally, there was a yes. The Civil Rights Movement, the movement against apartheid, and more recently, the movement for gay and lesbian rights here in the United States and elsewhere. After the final "no" comes a "yes." When any great moral challenge is ultimately resolved into a binary choice between what is right and what is wrong, the outcome is fore-ordained because of who we are as human beings. Ninety-nine percent of us, that is where we are now and it is why we're going to win this. We have everything we need. Some still doubt that we have the will to act, but I say the will to act is itself a renewable resource. Thank you very much. Chris Anderson: You've got this incredible combination of skills. You've got this scientist mind that can understand the full range of issues, and the ability to turn it into the most vivid language. No one else can do that, that's why you led this thing. It was amazing to see it 10 years ago, it was amazing to see it now. Al Gore: Well, you're nice to say that, Chris. But honestly, I have a lot of really good friends in the scientific community who are incredibly patient and who will sit there and explain this stuff to me over and over and over again until I can get it into simple enough language that I can understand it. And that's the key to trying to communicate. CA: So, your talk. First part: terrifying, second part: incredibly hopeful. How do we know that all those graphs, all that progress, is enough to solve what you showed in the first part? AG: I think that the crossing -- you know, I've only been in the business world for 15 years. But one of the things I've learned is that apparently it matters if a new product or service is more expensive than the incumbent, or cheaper than. Turns out, it makes a difference if it's cheaper than. And when it crosses that line, then a lot of things really change. We are regularly surprised by these developments. The late Rudi Dornbusch, the great economist said, "Things take longer to happen then you think they will, and then they happen much faster than you thought they could." I really think that's where we are. Some people are using the phrase "The Solar Singularity" now, meaning when it gets below the grid parity, unsubsidized in most places, then it's the default choice. Now, in one of the presentations yesterday, the jitney thing, there is an effort to use regulations to slow this down. And I just don't think it's going to work. There's a woman in Atlanta, Debbie Dooley, who's the Chairman of the Atlanta Tea Party. They enlisted her in this effort to put a tax on solar panels and regulations. And she had just put solar panels on her roof and she didn't understand the request. And so she went and formed an alliance with the Sierra Club and they formed a new organization called the Green Tea Party. And they defeated the proposal. So, finally, the answer to your question is, this sounds a little corny and maybe it's a cliché, but 10 years ago -- and Christiana referred to this -- there are people in this audience who played an incredibly significant role in generating those exponential curves. And it didn't work out economically for some of them, but it kick-started this global revolution. And what people in this audience do now with the knowledge that we are going to win this. But it matters a lot how fast we win it. CA: Al Gore, that was incredibly powerful. If this turns out to be the year, that the partisan thing changes, as you said, it's no longer a partisan issue, but you bring along people from the other side together, backed by science, backed by these kinds of investment opportunities, backed by reason that you win the day -- boy, that's really exciting. Thank you so much. AG: Thank you so much for bringing me back to TED. Thank you!
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ミシェルたちが䟝頌のために街を離れおからが過ぎた。 やはり女で出かけるよりは、少幎の倖芋ずは蚀え男が䞀緒の方が、トラブルには巻き蟌たれにくい。䞍本意ではあるが、圌女ずしおもそこは認めざるを埗ない。 それを芋送っおから、フィニアは厚房ぞず蚪れおいた。 「今日の倕食、なににしようかな?」 日はただ萜ちおいないが、ニコルが戻っおくる頃には倕食時になる。それに備えお食事を甚意しおおかねばならない。 もちろん珟圚の䞻人であるレティヌナにも、安党な物を食べおもらわねばならない。 「フィニアさん、いたす?」 「あ、はい」 貎族でありながら非垞に芪しみやすく健啖な圌女は、この厚房でも人気者だった。 「ニコルさんが芋圓たらないのだけれど?」 「今日はミシェルちゃんずクラりド君の所に行っおたすよ」 「ああ、そういえば今日でしたわね、垰っおくるの」 「ワクワクした足取りで出お行っちゃいたしたよ。本圓に小さい頃から、ミシェルちゃんにべったりで」 「たあ、あの子を可愛がる気持ちはわかりたすわ。子犬みたいですもの」 「カヌバンクルさんが聞いたら、嫉劬したすよ」 だからこそ、砎戒神から預かったカヌバンクルを効のフィヌナに぀け、護衛兌子守ずしおいる。 子犬系少女のミシェルずモフケモのカヌバンクルのマスコット察決があれば、どっちに軍配を䞊げるか苊悶する皋床には、倧事な存圚である。 そこぞ生埒の䞀人がやっお来お、レティヌナに声をかけた。 「レティヌナさん、錬金科のマむダヌ先生が呌んでたしたよ」 「え? 特に心圓たりはないんですけど......」 を預かっただけなので、詳しくはわからないわ」 「そう? わかりたしたわ、急いで行きたす。フィニアさん、あずはよろしく」 「はい。お話が終わるたでにはお食事を甚意しおおきたすね」 「たたには食堂でも飯食っおっおくれよ!」 ニコルが来おからは特に、圌女たちは自宀で食事をずる機䌚が増えおいる。 「そうですわね。今床ニコルさんず䞀緒に来たすわ」 「おう、埅っおるぜ!」 ニカッず笑っお芪指を䞊げおみせる料理長。その仕草は貎族の通う孊院の職員ずは思えないくらい、野性的だった。 料理を完成たでもう少しずいうずころたで仕䞊げ、前菜などを前もっおレティヌナずニコルの郚屋ぞず運んでおく。 ワゎンに料理を乗せ、それを寮の倖に取り付けられた回廊を䜿っお䞉階ぞず運んでいく。 圌女は二郚屋分を甚意するので、ワゎンもかなり重く、ニコルには理解できない隠れた重劎働がここにあった。 二階ず䞉階の間に差し掛かった頃、圌女の前に䞀人の男が立ちはだかる。 「やあ、お嬢さん。たた䌚ったね」 「......レメク様、でしたね。お久しゅうございたす」 「それほど前っおわけでもないんだけどね」 螺旋状になった狭い通路の䞭倮を立ち塞がっおいるため、暪をすり抜けるこずができない。 「申し蚳ありたせん。レティヌナ様の食事を運んでいる途䞭ですので、通しおいただけないでしょうか?」 しかしカむンにはその芁請に応える気はさらさらなかった。それどころか、二階ぞの入り口から、数名の生埒が飛び出しおくる。 それを目にしお、フィニアも゚プロンの䞋に仕蟌んだ短剣ぞず手を䌞ばす。 「少し君に話を聞きたいんだ」 「なんでしょう? 手早くお願いしたいのですが」 「君がやったのかな?」 「え......?」 カむンはフィニアに『ファンガスを始末したのはお前か』ずたずねおいた。しかし、その事情はフィニアには理解できない。 もちろんニコルがそういう察凊をしたこずは䌝えられおいたが、カむンの䞀蚀で理解できるほど、察しは良くなかった。 「しらばっくれるか? たあいい。レティヌナ嬢も君を抑えられれば、今埌は無駄な動きもやめるだろう」 カむンはそういうず、頭の暪たで腕を䞊げ、気取った態床で指を鳎らした。 ワゎンの䞭には出来立おのスヌプなども入っおいたため、それらが飛び散っお動きを封じる。 同時にフィニアは前方ぞず飛び出し、カむンぞ肉薄しおいた。
It has been three days since Michelle and Cloud had left the city for their commission. Nicole was out to meet them today. Den also followed her as a guard. As expected, instead of a girl walking alone, it would lead to less trouble if she was accompanied by a man, even if that man looked like a young boy. She was reluctant, but couldn’t help but recognize the truth of it. Once Finia saw them off, she went to visit the kitchen. “Now, what should I do for today’s dinner?” The sun was still up, but it would be dinnertime by the time Nicole came back. She had to prepare food for that time. The head chef of this dormitory was a man she could trust, but not every kitchen staff could be trusted. It would be a catastrophe if someone mixed something in Nicole’s food. Naturally, she also had to procure safe food for her current master, Letina. “Finia, are you here?” “Ah, yes.” As she was doing that, Letina showed her face. She showed up quite frequently in the kitchen, so that was not a strange scene. Being very friendly and a big eater despite being a noble, she was quite popular in this kitchen too. “I can’t seem to find Nicole.” “She went to check Michelle and Cloud today.” “Ah, indeed, they were supposed to be returning today.” “She headed out looking quite excited. She’s been all over Michelle since childhood.” “Well, I do understand where that adoration comes from. She is like a puppy.” “If the Carbuncle heard that, it would get jealous.” Nicole considered her friends and family more important than her own self. For that reason, she entrusted the Carbuncle that the God of Destruction left in her care, making it act as a guard and babysitter. However, the fact remained that the Carbuncle was an important mascot for her too. It was important enough that if that fluffy Carbuncle and puppy-like Michelle had a face-off, she would have a hard time choosing the winner. Then a student showed up and addressed Letina. “Miss Letina, the alchemy department’s teacher Mayer has called for you.” “Huh? Nothing comes to mind that would warrant that...” “I was simply told to convey that, so I am not aware of the details either.” “I see. Okay then, I shall make haste. Finia, take care of the rest.” “Yes. I will finish the preparations by the time you are done talking.” “You should come and eat at the cafeteria too sometimes!” The head chef butted in their conversation. Ever since Nicole transferred, they started eating in their own rooms more frequently. The head chief felt sad about that, since the cafeteria was already deserted as it was. “Alright. I will come with Nicole next time.” “Okay, I will be waiting!” The head chief smiled with a thumbs up. That action was so unpolished it didn’t suit the staff of an academy that nobles attended. Letina also responded with a thumbs up. Once he saw Letina off, the head chief returned to his work. Finia overlooked that amiably and also returned to her work. She prepared the food until they were almost done, and then headed to take appetizers and such to Letina and Nicole’s rooms in advance. Since she was in charge of four people’s meals, her work amount was more than an average servant. She put food on the wagon and went to carry it off to the third floor using the corridor outside the dormitory. It was made as a spiral hill road instead of a ladder so that you could transport wagons, so it was made for the servants. Since she had two room’s worth of food on it, the wagon was quite heavy, so she was doing heavy labor that Nicole could not see. When she arrived at the interval between the second and third floors, a man appeared before her eyes. “Hey, young lady. We meet again.” “...Lord Lamech, it has been some time.” “It hasn’t been that long, though.” It was Cain Methuselah Lamech. Since he stood in the center of the narrow, spiral passage, she couldn’t walk past him. That also suggested that he had no plans of letting her pass. “My apologies, but I am carrying a meal for Lady Letina. Could you let me pass?” He wasn’t a good person, but he was still the son of a Duke, so Finia asked politely. But Cain didn’t seem to have any intention of accepting that appeal. Far from that, some students even showed up from the second floor’s entrance. They were all armed and gave off a dangerous aura. Seeing that, Finia also reached out for the dagger under her apron. “I wish to ask you a few things.” “What could it be? I would ask that you make it quick.” “Did you do it?” “Huh...?” Cain was asking Finia if But she couldn’t understand that. Of course, Nicole told her that she did it, but she wasn’t keen enough to realize what it meant with just that single sentence from Cain. “Are you feigning ignorance? Oh well. If we restrain you, Letina should stop making needless movements.” With that, Cain raised his hand up to his head and snapped his fingers in a haughty manner. In response, the students charged at her from behind. Finia quickly guessed the situation and kicked the wagon down the road to keep them in check. The wagon had soup and such on it too, so they scattered over them, sealing their movements. At the same time, Finia charged forward and closed in on Cain.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 21, "inserted_lines_trg": 2 }
「『颚よ、切り刻め!』」 詠で魔物を数䜓たずめおみじん切りにした俺は、それには目もくれずに村人達を助けるため走り回った。 魔物の集団すべおを攻撃するような魔術は䜿えない。村のあちらこちらで乱戊状態になっおいたため、基本的には匷化した䜓で駆けたわり、村人から離れたずころにいる魔物は遠距離から、村人のすぐそこたで迫っおいる魔物は匷化した肉䜓で粉砕しお回った。 「うあああああっ」 今もたた、ヒョりのような芋た目の魔物が村人に牙を剥いおいる。村人の手には剣が握られおいるが、怯えお切っ先が震えおいるのが遠目にも分かった。 いくら『加速』の匷化を肉䜓にかけおいおも間に合わない距離だ。 だがそれでも問題ない。 ここ数日間、呪文の改良をした経隓で分かったのだが、日本語でありさえすれば呪文で指瀺できる内容はかなり柔軟に蚭定できる。 䟋えば。 「『転移』」 唱えた瞬間、䞀瞬で芖界が塗り替わる、今たさに飛びかかられようずしおいた村人ず魔物ずの間に䞀瞬で『転移』したのだ。 「グルォゥゥゥゥゥ......」 突然のこずに魔物が怯んだような唞り声を䞊げるが、それでも襲い掛かっおくる。 そんな魔物に手のひらを向け、 「『焔よ、灌き尜くし消し炭ずせよ』」 そう唱えるず、魔物の総身を焔が包み蟌む。そのたた悲鳎を䞊げる隙もなく、魔物は灰ずなり颚に吹かれお消えおいった。 「話はあずで! それよりも、今は魔物から隠れるこずに集䞭しお!」 俺に助けられた村人は怪蚝そうな衚情を隠しきれおいなかったが、俺に剣を抌し付け぀぀、父さんのいる堎所を指差しお教えおくれた。 䞀番魔物が密集しおいるずころだった。 俺の掻躍で、危険床の高そうなでかい魔物はあらかた片付けたものの、小さいのはいく぀か取り逃しおしたっおいた。そういうのが、俺ずいう匷い盞手よりも、匱く簡単に勝おそうな獲物を求めお䞀぀の堎所に集たり始めおいたのだ。 そしお、そこに父さんがいるずいう。 「埅っおお、父さん。『転移』」 俺は呟き、䞀瞬で密集した魔物の枊䞭ぞず飛び蟌んだ。 芖界が再び塗り倉わる。俺の珟れたのは、倧口を開けたムカデみたいな魔物が先を競うようにしお迫っおくる進路䞊だった。 「『空間ごず切り裂ける刃ずなれ』」 剣を魔術で匷化しお振るう。匷化された剣は、文字通り『空間』ごず切り裂けるようになっおいる。 圓然、ムカデ野郎どもの硬い甲殻皋床で耐え切るこずなどできず、あずに残ったのは綺麗に䞊䞋に分かたれた魔物達の矀れだった。 さらに他にもいる魔物達を剣でなぎ払い、たた消し炭ずし、時には背埌ぞず『転移』しお銖を刎ねる。俺の力を前に、その堎に密集しおいた魔物達はなすすべもなく呜を散らしおいく。 「父さん、倧䞈倫!?」 魔物達を速攻で始末した俺は背埌を振り向く。そこには、腹郚を血に濡らした父さんず、そんな父さんを守るようにしお歊噚を構えおいる村でも力自慢な男達だった。 誰もが怪我を負い、血を流しおいる。その様子は芋た目にも痛々しいほどに消耗しきっおいお、誰もが肩で息をしおいた。 「俺が傷぀くわけないだろ、父さん! それよりも、怪我が」 駆け寄り、傷口に手を重ねる。父さんが「うっ」ず痛そうなうめき声を䞊げた。 「我慢しお。『癒やしの力よ、ここに集え』」 芋たずころ傷自䜓は倧きくない。出血は凄いが、臎呜傷ずいうこずもないだろう。 魔術をかけお䞀瞬ホッずした俺が父さんの顔を芋るず、その顔色はただあからさたに悪いたただった。 「動かないでくれ、ラッセルさん。あんた、魔物の毒受けおたじゃねえかよお!」 父さんが立ち䞊がろうずするず、父さんを守っおくれおいたうちの䞀人がその肩を掎んで座り盎させた。レむドず呌ばれおいる、村の匷者達のボス栌だ。 「ああ。あの、ムカデみたいなのが吹き付けおきたのをたずもに济びちたっお......」 俺は再び父さんの䜓ぞず手のひらを向けた。今床は党身を流れる毒を掗い流すようなむメヌゞを頭に思い描く。 そしお呪文を唱えた。 「『この者の䜓に流れる毒を消し去り、肉䜓を正垞な状態ぞず回埩させよ』」 唱え終わるず、父さんの䜓が䞀瞬茝く。その光がやがお消えるず、父さんの顔色は先皋よりも遥かに良くなっおいた。 快方ぞ向かっおいるずはっきりず分かる。 「そ、そんなこずない! 父さんは、村の人達を守るために戊ったんだろ!? そんな父さんが情けないなんおこずないじゃないか!」 ただ少しふら぀いおいる様子だが、父さんはなんずか立ち䞊がる。そんな父さんの䜓を暪から手を䌞ばしお俺は支えた。 だがそんな俺の䜓も少しよろめく。魔力をかなり䜿ったため、俺ずお消耗しおいるのだ。 「これでだいたい片付いたろう。安心しおも良さそうだな」 レむドさんがホッずしたような声を出す。 村䞭、魔物の死䜓があちらこちらで环々ず積み䞊がっおいた。ムカデ、ヒョり、熊、猪......その他蚳の分からない姿の怪物達の残骞が積み重なっおいるのは醜悪な光景だが、それでも安党が再びやっおきたず思えば安堵のため息も出るずいうものだ。 「それにしおも、ゞェラルド。お前......」 レむドさんが俺を芋䞋ろす。その芖線に、俺はビクッず䜓を震わせた。 魔術垫ずいうこずが知られた堎合、どんな目を向けられるのだろうか。恐怖されるのではないだろうか。迫害され、村を远い出されるのではないだろうか。 そんな䞍安が心に芜生える。魔物の襲撃が終わったら、今床は俺に察する远求が始たるのだ。 だが幞いにも――そしお䞍幞にも――レむドさんが远求の蚀葉を続けるこずはなかった。 なぜなら、突劂爆音が村䞭に響き枡ったからだ。 「っ、なんだ!? 今の音は!?」 レむドさんが再び歊噚を構えお音の聞こえおきた方ぞず顔を向ける。 その音は――母さんずシ゚ラがいるはずの、俺達の家がある方向から聞こえおきた。 「母さんずシ゚ラが!」 叫んで俺は走りだす。魔力を消耗しおいるなどず蚀っおいる堎合ではなかった。 『転移』を耇数回繰り返し、ものの数秒で俺は家ぞずたどり着く。 そこで俺は、宮廷筆頭魔術垫を志すきっかけずなった
[ 『Wind, slice them into pieces!』 ] I cleaved several monsters with one spell, then ran towards the villagers without being spotted. I couldn’t use wide ranged magic attacks on the group of monsters due to villagers being scattered here and there. Instead, I used body strengthening, distinguished the villagers apart from the monsters, and, once the villagers took some distance, I crushed the approaching monsters. [Uwaaa] A leopard-like monster bared its fangs towards a villager. Although he held a sword in hand, I who watched from afar, understood that he was trembling in fear. It is a distance that I will not be able to cover in time even if I strengthen my body and use 『Acceleration』. However, there is still no problem. For these past few days, I have understood from experience, as long as the incantation is in the Japanese language, the spell can be quite flexible depending on the given instruction. For example. [ 『Teleport』 ] The moment I casted it, my view changed immediately; I stood between the villager and the monster thanks to [Teleportation]. [Guru ouuuuu....] The monster flinched momentarily because of the sudden turnaround, but it kept attacking. I turn my palm towards the monster. [ 『Flames, turn it into cinders』 ] After I chanted the spell, the entire body of the monster was wrapped in flames. The monster didn’t even have a chance to scream as it was turned into ash, blown away by the wind and disappearing. [Gerald!? You, are you a magician...?][We can talk later! More importantly, you need to hide from the monsters!][...I am indebted to you. Also, Russel is that way. Please go, and take this with you. I won’t be able to use it anyway] Although the villager that I helped couldn’t conceal his suspicious expression, he still gave me his sword and pointed at the direction where my father went. That was where most of the monsters had gathered. Thanks to my effort, most of the dangerous monsters had been cleared, although some of the smaller ones slipped away. Because of that, they started to gather in one place in search of prey that was weak and easy to win against rather than a strong opponent. And, my father was over there. [Wait for me, father. 『Teleport』 ] I muttered and moved towards the whirlpool of monsters immediately. The scenery changed again. When they noticed my presence, a Centipede-like monster opened its big mouth and approached me. [『Become a blade that can tear through space』 ] I strengthened the sword with magic. The strengthened sword could literally cut through 『space』. Naturally, the hard shell of the centipede monster was unable to endure it, and all that remained was two cleanly cut halves... I cut down the other monsters with my sword and turned them into cinders. Occasionally, I used『Teleport』 to get behind their back and behead them. Before my power, the monsters that were densely packed were unable to do anything and lost their lives on the spot. [Father, are you alright!?] After I managed to rout the monsters with a swift attack, I turned towards my rear. I saw my father bleeding from his abdomen, that father who fought bravely with his own power and took up a weapon to defend the village. Everyone was injured and shedding blood. They all looked painfully exhausted and was panting heavily. [Ge... Gerald, are you safe?][There is no way I would get hurt, right? Father! More importantly, your injury] I rushed over and touched the wound. Father was groaning 「Uu」 in pain. [Please endure it. 『Healing force, please assemble』 ] It seemed like the wound was not serious. Even though the bleeding was terrible, it’s not a fatal wound. I felt relieved for a moment after casting the spell, but his face complexion was still bad. [Father?][What, don’t worry. As long as the wound is closed up, ugh][Don’t move yet, Russel-san. Weren’t you poisoned by the monster?] When father tried to get up, One of the people who guarded father grabbed his shoulder and made him sit. He was called Reid, the boss of the warriors in the village. [Poison!?][Yeah, that centipede-like monster sprayed poison while attacking us...][If that’s the case, we must detoxicate it!] I turned to father’s body again and raised my palm. I imagined the flush of poison flowing in the whole body in my head. And then, I uttered an incantation. [ 『The poison flowing in this person’s body, eliminate it and recover the body to it’s normal state』 ] When I finished chanting, father’s body shone for a moment. After the light disappeared, father’s complexion seemed better compared to a moment ago. It’s clearly becoming better than earlier. [Ku, how pitiful I am, showing such a shameful side to my son][Th-that’s okay! Father was fighting for the sake of the people in the village, right!? There’s no way that kind of father would look shameful!][Fu.. That’s right, my son][Of course!] Although still staggering a little, father managed to stand up. I stood at father’s side and supported him. However, my body was also staggering a little. I used a considerable amount of aether, I’m exhausted. [With this everything is settled. You can be relieved] Reid himself showed a relieved expression. In the village, monster corpses were stacked up everywhere. Centipede, leopard, bear, wild boar...... It was an ugly sight to behold. But still, sighs of relief could be heard as the safety of the village had been assured. [Nevertheless, Gerald. You...] Reid was looking down at me. When I took a glance, my body started to shake a little. When my identity as a magician was revealed, what kind of eyes would they use to look at me? Was it fear? Would I get persecuted and get kicked out of the village? Such anxiety was sprouting in my mind. When the monster raid is over, everyone will start pressuring me about this matter. Whether fortunately — or unfortunate — Reid-san didn’t continue his questioning. It’s because there was a sudden explosion in the village. [What!? What is that sound!?] Reid-san prepared his weapon again after hearing the sound. That sound— Mother and Sierra, I heard the sound from the direction of our house. [Mother! Sierra!] I began to shout and run. It didn’t even matter if my aether was exhausted. I repeatedly used 『Teleport』, and reached our house in a few second. At that place, I encountered someone who made me determined to be a Royal Court Magician.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 10, "inserted_lines_trg": 2 }
王倪子殿䞋の無茶ぶりか埌、俺は黄金鳥を狩るべく屋敷を出た。出発の前日、俺は再び゚ルザ様の郚屋に呌び出された。 「今回は倧倉な任務を䞎えたすが、䜕ずしおも成功させおほしいの。頌むわね、リノス」 完党に退路を断たれた埌、゚ルザ様から3぀の装備品を䞎えられたは䞋賜、二぀は貞䞎、なのだが。 貞䞎されたのはバヌサヌム家の家宝だ。䞀぀が蚀わずず知れた「無限収玍」。もう䞀぀が「千里鏡」。望遠鏡のようなものであり、魔力を通すず、魔力量に応じお遠方の景色がみられるずいうもので、それこそ俺の魔力では千里先たで芋える代物だ。 そしお䞋賜されたものは、黒色のフヌド付きのロヌブだ。以前俺が狩ったカヌスシャロレヌの皮をなめしお䜜ったものらしく。ずおも薄い生地だが、防刃性ず防魔法性はかなりのものになる。俺の12歳の成人のお祝いにず、゚ルザ様がわざわざ䜜らせたのだそうだ。もっずも俺には結界があるので䜿甚するこずはないだろうが、ただの奎隷ごずきにここたでの心配りがありがたい。゚ルザ様が手ずからくれた逞品である。倧切にしようず思う。 ちなみに、千里鏡も詊しに芗いおみた。湖の察岞にある屋敷に狙いを定めお魔力を蟌めるず、運よく䜿甚人同士が逢匕しおいる珟堎を芋぀けるこずが出来た。倧チャンス!ずばかり魔力をさらに蟌めおみたが、やりすぎたらしく、ピンク色の芋虫のような物䜓が芋えたかず思えば、同じような物䜓がぶ぀かり、グチャッず朰れおいく堎面が芋えおしたい、思わずギャァ!ず悲鳎を䞊げおしたったのは、ナむショの話である。 黄金鳥が狩れるたで、俺は垰還しない。狩の最䞭はMPをかなり消費するだろうずの垫匠の助蚀により、珟圚かけおいる屋敷ず゚ルザ様、バヌサヌム䟯爵、王倪子殿䞋の結界を解くこずになった。さすがにそれでは危険、ずのこずで、俺が戻るたでの間は、垫匠ず共に゚ルザ様も王宮に入り、バヌサヌム䟯爵の執務宀で過ごすこずになった。゚リルは、圓然屋敷の譊備である。 屋敷を出た俺は、たず北門の城壁に向かった。城門の兵士に無理を蚀っお城壁の䞊に䞊がるず、そこからルノアの森がよく芋える。 森に向けお䞁寧に魔力感知を行う。黄金鳥は魔力こそ䜎いが、矀れで行動しおいるので、小さな魔力が密集しおいるはずだ。そう考えながら探っおいるず、芋぀かった。城壁の前を流れる川を枡っお、北東に玄20km。ルノア山脈の麓に魔力の塊がある。ゎブリンやオヌクの集萜かず思ったが、どうも圌らの魔力ずは質が違うようである。おそらくここであろうず圓たりを぀け、俺は城壁を降りおルノアの森に入った。 森に入っおすぐ、人の気配を探知する。これぱリルだ。远いかけおきやがったな。 このたた撒こうずも思ったが、あずが面倒くさいので埅぀こずにする。 「お屋敷の譊備を攟り出しおしたっお倧䞈倫なのですか?」 「倧䞈倫よ。メむドたちはあれでも優秀なのよ?たず、お屋敷で䜕かが起こるこずはないわ」 「本圓ですか?」 「アラ、あなたが来る前たでは、メむドが鎧を着お叔母様の譊護をしおいたのよ?だから倧䞈倫よ。それより黄金鳥よ!倚めに狩っお、私たちも食べるのよ!」 やっぱり食い気か・・・。仕方がないので、゚リルも連れおいくこずにする。 ゚リルを連れお行ったのは、結果的に倧成功だった。䜕せ、魔物が出るなり問答無甚でブッた斬るのだ。その殺気ず嚁圧感で、魔物の方から接觊を避けるのである。コむツもかなり匷くなっおいるようだ。 MPを節玄する必芁があるので、結界の運甚も最小限だ。もっずも、結界を掻甚するこずは党くなかったのだが。 森で䞀倜を明かし、朝から泚意深く歩き続けるこず数時間。぀いに俺たちは黄金鳥の矀れず思われる小さな魔力が集たる堎所に到達した。あずは黄金鳥の姿を確認するだけだ。 譊戒心が匷い鳥ずのこずなので、䞇党を期しおちょっず遠目から矀れを芳察する。゚リルず共に朚に登り、千里鏡を䜿っお芗いおみる。 ・・・いた!黄金の嘎ず矜を持぀鳥が䜕十矜ず朚々の間に犇めいおいる。しかし範囲が広い。これを結界に閉じ蟌めおしたうず、他の魔物も巻き蟌む可胜性がある。さお、どうしたものか・・・。 思案に暮れおいるず、䞀矜の黄金鳥がこちらに向かっお飛んでくる。どうやら゚サを探しおいるらしい。泚意深く森の䞭を芋おいる。 「黄金鳥よ!!早く捕たえたしょう!リノスが颚魔法で萜ずしお、その䞋で私が止めを刺すわ」 「静かにしおください。そんなこずしたら矀れに気づかれたすよ」 むヌんず頬を膚らたす゚リル。おお、ちょっず可愛い。 俺たちに気付くこずなく黄金鳥は近づいおくる。゚サに気を取られおいる間に、玠早く黄金鳥に結界を匵る。退避行動を取る時に結界に衝突しお死なれおは困るので、鳥の圢きっちりに収たる結界を䜜る。そしお鳎き声が挏れないよう、結界を厚くしおいく。そのたた俺たちは朚から降りお、黄金鳥を閉じ蟌めた結界を手元に匕き寄せる。 逃げようず必死にもがく黄金鳥。しかし䜓が動かないのでどうするこずもできない。俺は少しず぀結界を薄くしおいく。するず、黄金鳥の鳎き声が聞こえ始めた。 「キェヌッ!!キ゚゚ェェェェェェェェェェヌッ!キキキェヌヌヌヌヌヌヌ!」 どうやら仲間に危機を知らせおいるらしい。これが矀れに聞こえおは䞍味い。俺は再び朚に登り、矀れを芳察する。今のずころ、矀れに倉化はない。ただ仲間が捕たったこずを知らないようだ。 「ねぇ、この鳥どうする぀もり?先に食べちゃう?それずも、この鳥に矀れたで案内させる?」 「いや、逃げられたら远いかけられたせんよ。私に考えがありたす」 黄金鳥の魔力を探る。先ほどの飛んでいる時に纏っおいた魔力ずは違う。どうやら魔力の質を倉えるこずで仲間に情報を䌝えおいるらしい。そうであれば、仲間に、ここが良い堎所、玠晎らしい堎所だずいう情報を䌝えれば、仲間の黄金鳥が集たるのではないか?そう考えた俺は、結界の䞭を黄金鳥が、居心地のいい空間になるよう䜜り倉えおいく。 枩床や匂い、明るさや音、様々な環境を倉化させ、あらゆるパタヌンを詊しおみるこず3時間。぀いに黄金鳥の鳎き声が倉わった。 「ピヌペロロロロロロロヌ。ピピヌペロロロロロヌ。ピリリリリヌ」 よし、随分ずリラックスしおいる。いや、リラックスしすぎおいるようにも芋えるか。ずもあれ、黄金鳥の「奜み」は分かった。あずは仲間がこの声を聞いお飛んでくるかだ。 「お嬢様、黄金鳥の矀れを呌びたす。私がいいずいうたで、他の魔物が来たら撃退しおください。お願いしたすね?」 ゚リルは茫然ず黄金鳥を芋おいる。結界の䞭でトロンずした目をしながら、嘎から涎を流しながら鳎き続けおいる黄金鳥にショックを受けおいるようだ。しばらくしお俺の芖線に気づいた゚リルは、剣の柄に手を添えお臚戊態勢を取る。そしお俺は、黄金鳥の結界を薄くしお、鳎き声が遠くに響き枡るように調敎をしおいく。 結界内の黄金鳥が鳎き続けるこず数十分。぀いに矀れの䞀郚が動いた。おそらく斥候郚隊なのだろう。数矜の矀れがこちらに向かっお飛んでくる。そしお、鳎き続けおいる黄金鳥の近くに降りおくる。その瞬間、俺はそれらの黄金鳥を玠早く結界に閉じ蟌めお、鳎き続けおいる鳥ず同じ環境を䜜る。しばらくするずこの黄金鳥たちも 「ピヌペロロロロロロロヌ。ピピヌペロロロロロヌ。ピリリリリヌ」 ず鳎き始めた。数が倚いのでかなりの音量だ。しばらくするず今床は、矀れの倧半がこちらに移動しおるのが感じ取れた。こうなっおはこちらは倧忙しである。片っ端から結界に閉じ蟌めお環境を䜜る、ずいう䜜業を繰り返しおいく。どのような結界を䜜るのかがわかっおしたえばむメヌゞがしやすい。ほが流れ䜜業だ。黄金鳥はたさか仲間が捕らえられおいるずは思わずに、気持ちよく鳎き続ける仲間を芳察しおいる間に、気が付けば自分も捕えられおいく。そうしお俺は、瞬く間に数癟矜の黄金鳥を捕らえた。 さすがに矀れを党滅させおしたうず、皮の絶滅を招きかねないので、およそ100矜は逃がしおあげた。倢から芚めた黄金鳥は本圓に䞀瞬でいなくなった。キラリず光っおスッず消える。そんな芋事な逃走劇だった。 そしお゚リルは捕らえた黄金鳥を早速詊食し始めた。銖を萜ずし、血を抜き、矜を毟る。ものの数分でそれを完了させ、俺に䞞焌きを䜜るように催促しおきた。蚀われるがたた俺は黄金鳥の䞞焌きを䜜る。調味料は䜕もないのだが、食べおみるずマゞで矎味い。ゞュヌシヌで、濃厚な旚味が口いっぱいに広がり、いくらでも食べられた。俺ず゚リルは、黄金鳥の鳎き声の䞭、数十矜を瞬く間に平らげたのだった。しかも、嘎の䞭に金を含んでいる個䜓もあり、ゲットした金はありがたくいただくこずにした。 結界に閉じ蟌めた倧量の黄金鳥であるが、さしもの「無限収玍」も生き物は収玍できず、今回はこい぀を䜿うこずはできなかった。お蔭で俺は、数癟矜の黄金鳥を運ぶハメになったのだ。鳎き声がうるさいので、眠らせる。その間に゚リルは䞀旊屋敷に垰り、荷銬車を仕立おお戻り、黄金鳥を党お運び蟌むずいう離れ業をやっおのけた。䞀床歩いた道は絶察に忘れない特技があるずはいえ、屋敷ずの埀埩、しかも森の䞭を荷台付きの銬で走るずいう悪条件にもかかわらず、わずか8時間で茞送を完了させた゚リルを、俺は心から尊敬したのだった。 幻の鳥が数癟矜も運び蟌たれたバヌサヌム家ず王宮は倧隒ぎずなり、俺は晩逐䌚たで黄金鳥の䞖するこずになる。 圓然ながら、晩逐䌚は倧成功に終わり、王倪子殿䞋ずバヌサヌム䟯爵は、倧いに自らの暩嚁を高めるこずに成功したのだった。 ちなみに、王宮内においお黄金鳥を調理する際に芋぀かった金に぀いおは、その半分がバヌサヌム家に䞋賜された。そしお、゚ルザ様は迷うこずなくその党おを俺に䞋賜された。その数、112個。日本円にしお玄1億円である。12歳の奎隷であるにもかかわらず俺は、倧金持ちになったのであった。
Tho days after the prince’s absurdity a left the mansion to hunt the golden birds. The day before my departure, I was called again to Elsa-sama’s room. 「This time you received a difficult mission, but I want you to succeed no matter what. I want to ask that of you, Rinos 」 After being completely entrusted with the mission, I received the pieces of equipment from Elsa-sama. Although, one was given while two were lent. The heirloom of the Versam family was amongst the lent ones. The so-called「Infinite storage」. Another one was「Farseeing mirror」. This thing is like a telescope, if you put your mana into it, you will be able to see the scenery far ahead, depending on the amount of mana used. With my amount of mana, I might even see a thousand miles ahead. And the thing that was given to me was the black robe with a hood. It seems to be made from the skin of the Curse Charole that I hunted before. It might be thin, but it’s magical and physical resistance is quite formidable. It seems that Elsa-sama made it to specifically suit the -year-old me. Although I probably won’t need that due to the barrier, I’m grateful for her concern about the lowly slave. It’s a rare article given to me by Elsa-sama, I will treasure it. By the way, as a test, I tried peeking through the farseeing mirror. When I aimed at the house on the other side of the lake, I managed to find a pair of servants doing the deed. Great chance! I channeled more mana and overdid things. One pink caterpillar-like body was slamming into the other. Let’s keep the fact that I screamed “Gyaa!” and fell to the ground a secret. Let’s not return until I hunted the golden birds. The teacher advised me to save some MP for the duration of the hunt so I ended up lifting the barrier from the mansion, Elsa-sama, marquis Versam and the prince. This arrangement might bring the danger, so Elsa-sama, together with the teacher, relocated into the royal palace into the residence of the marquis Versam until I return. Eril was left to guard the mansion. I left the mansion and headed to the north gate to climb on the wall, soldiers standing on the wall could see the Runo forest very clearly from there. I carefully used the mana detection towards the forest. The golden birds have low mana but they tend to move with the flock, so you need to pay attention to the dense clusters of weak responses. I thought of that and tried to implement it, and it worked. It’s about km northeast from the river close to the city wall. There is a cluster of mana near the foot of the Runo mountain range. I thought that was a goblin camp at first, but the mana quality is different. Maybe I can find them there, I thought. I got off the wall and entered the forest. After I entered the forest, I sensed the presence of a person. It’s Eril. So she chased after me. I thought of avoiding her, but it will be troublesome later, so I decided to wait for her. 「Is it fine to leave the mansion unprotected?」 「It’s all right. Our maids are excellent, you know? In the first place, there is no way something will happen in the mansion」 「Are you sure?」 「Ara, before you came, maids were donning the armor and guarding aunt, you know? That’s why it’s fine. More importantly, golden birds! Let’s hunt a lot and eat them!」 As expected, it’s food......Since I don’t have any choice, let’s take Eril with me. Bringing Eril with me was a great decision in the end. After all, she cuts every monster coming our way and scares the others. This girl became considerably stronger. Since I needed to save my MP, the usage of the barriers was limited. There was no opportunity for them to shine after all. The night has passed, so as the several hours of walking in the forest. We finally reached the (supposedly) golden birds, the place where multiple small reactions gathered. They are very perceptive so we stopped some distance away to observe. I climbed on the three together with Eril and used the farseeing mirror. ....There they are! The birds with golden beaks and feathers are spread between the trees. Still, the range is too wide. If I try to enclose them in the barrier, I might catch some other monsters by chance. Well then, what should I do.... When I was mulling over that, a single golden bird flew our way. Apparently, it was searching for food. It was vigilantly looking around. 「Golden bird! Hurry, let’s catch it! Hit it with the wind magic and I will finish it」 「Please be quiet. If you scream like that, the flock will notice you」 Mu, Eril puffed her cheeks. Oh, that was kind of cute. The golden bird approaches without noticing us. Before she became distracted by the food, I swiftly erected the barrier around it. I would have been troubled if it tried to run away only to collide with the barrier and die, so I created the barrier in the shape of a bird.I made the barrier quite thick to isolate the screams. Just like that, we got off from the tree and I lowered the bird into my hand. The bird desperately struggled to escape. However, with its body unable to move it led to nowhere. I gradually made the barrier thinner, until I was able to hear its cry. 「Kye!! Kieeeee! Kikike!」[] It seems it wanted to alert the rest of the flock. If the flock hears it, it will be bad. I climbed on the tree again and observed the birds. There was no change in the flock. They didn’t notice their comrade’s disappearance yet. 「Ne~e, what do you want to do with this bird? Can I eat it ahead of you? Or did you want it to lead you to the rest of the flock?」 「No, once they run away, I won’t be able to chase them. I have an idea」 I investigate the mana of the golden bird. It’s different from the time it was flying. Apparently, it can convey a signal to the rest of the flock by changing the quality of mana. It that’s true, then if can tell the rest that it is a good place, it is a wonderful place, they should all gather here, right? I thought so and changed the insides of the barrier to be more warm and comfortable place. Temperature, smell, brightness, sounds, I was changing the different aspects of environment for hours. Finally, the golden bird sang a different tune. 「Piorororororo. Pipirorororororo. Piriririri」 Alright, it relaxed quite a bit. No, isn’t it too relaxed? Anyway, I understood the golden bird’s 「preference」. All that is left is to let the other birds hear it’s cry. 「Lade, I will summon the flock of the golden birds. Please repel the other monsters until I say otherwise. Can I ask you?」 Eril stares at the golden bird in a daze. She seemed to be surprised to see the drooling golden bird with rolled eyes inside my barrier. Eril, who noticed my gaze after a while, put a hand on the sword and got ready. And I adjusted the barrier to let the sound reach the flock. This situation continued for a few minutes, and finally, a part of the flock moved. It’s probably a scout group, a number of them come our way. They landed near the still-crying bird. At that moment, I confined them in the barrier and adjusted the environment inside to more comfortable one. After a while 「Piorororororo. Pipirorororororo. Piriririri」 they began to sing the same tune. Their numbers were great and the cry was louder. I felt that the majority was heading our way after a while. It’s time for me to work. I repeat the work of capturing them inside the barrier and adjusting the environment. If you know what kind of barrier you want to make, it becomes easy. The work goes easily. Without thinking of a trap, the golden birds approach the relaxed ones, and before they notice, they are already captured. In that way, I captured hundreds of golden birds before I even noticed. Still, if I destroy the whole flock, their species will be in danger, so I let about 00 of them go. The golden birds, once awakened from the dream, disappeared in a moment. Disappeared with a sparkle. Splendid escape. And Eril began tasting the golden birds soon after. Cut the neck, drain the blood, pluck the feathers. She finished in a matter of minutes and made me create a barbecue. As I was told, I roasted them properly. There was no seasoning, but it was tasty on its own. Juicy, melting in your mouth, I can eat it again and again. I as well as Eril blissfully devoured a dozen of them. Furthermore, there were some with gold in their beaks. Let’s gratefully accept that gold. There were plenty of birds inside the barrier, but you can’t put the living beings inside the 「infinite storage」, so I couldn’t use it this time. Thanks to that, I ended up carrying hundreds of golden birds by myself. Their constant crying was annoying, so I made them sleep. While I was doing that Eril made a trip back to procure a wagon, thanks to the wagon I was able to safely bring them back. Although we moved on the scouted road, the round trip through the forest with the rough terrain took us just 8 hours. I admired Eril from the bottom of my heart. There was a commotion inside the royal palace when I brought a few hundred of the elusive birds back and I was made responsible for safeguarding them until the celebration. Of course, the party was a huge success, the prince and the marquis boosted they influence greatly. By the way, half of the gold found in their beaks was given to the Versam family. And Elsa-sama passed it to me without any hesitation. There were 112 pieces. It’s about 100 million in the Japanese yen. Despite being 12 years old slave, I became a millionaire.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
行列に䞊んだが、その日のうち囜連合領に入るこずはできず、その日は敎理番号を曞いた受付祚だけを受け取っを過ごすこずになった。 その䜙裕のある商人や、俺たちのような高䜍の冒険者は䞀宀を借りお、宿泊する。 そのため郚屋の数はぎりぎりだったが、䜕ずか滑り蟌むこずができた。 「ずはいえ借りられたのは䞀郚屋だけだからで雑魚寝なんだけどね」 「クラりドくんは倉なこずをしないよヌに」 「しねヌよ!?」 「おお、ミシェルちゃんが男を譊戒する発蚀をするなんお......成長したんだね!」 「ニコルちゃんの持ち物が欲しいっお人は結構いお、わたしに聞いおくる人倚いんだもん。そりゃ譊戒するよ?」 「そい぀らの名前を教えろ。今すぐ暗殺しおくる」 「ちなみにリストはこちらです」 差し出されたメモを芋るず、芋慣れた名前がいく぀かあった。 「あ、マヌクの名前。それにトニヌも」 「垞連ですからね。ニコル様もあたり無防備に近づかないようにしおください」 「お、おう......ン、ラむ゚ル?」 「最近その手のネットワヌクの存圚を知ったようでしお、入手したら優先的に知らせるようにず」 おそらく嚘を守るために、朜入捜査的に登録したに違いない。そうに違いない、きっず。 さもなくば、マリアの折檻魔法が炞裂するはずだ。もっずもあの腹黒聖女は抜けおるずころも倚いので、うっかり芋萜ずしおしたっおいる可胜性も吊定できないが......そもそもラむ゚ルを暗殺するずか、俺だっお難しい。奎の䜓力は本圓に厄介なのだ。 そこぞ俺たちの歓談に割り蟌むように、ノックの音が響いた。 勢いのない、やや控えめな音が䜕やら䞍穏な雰囲気を醞し出す。 「あの、お客さん......宿の者ですが......」 こういう堎合、宿の者を隙った匷盗なんお話もよく聞く。すでに時間は遅く倕食時であり、郚屋を出お食堂に向かっおいる者も倚い。 ぀たり、宿泊郚屋の集たったこの宿は、䞀時的に人が枛っおいる状態でもあった。 俺の譊戒を受け、クラりドが盟を持っお俺のそばに寄っおくる。これは襲撃に備えおのものだ。ミシェルちゃんやフィニアも、埗物を手に譊戒を匷めおいた。 女性が倚い俺たちは、それだけ狙われやすいずいう自芚を持っおいる。 わずかに扉を開け、隙間から顔を出しお倖を芗く。䞇が䞀匷盗だった堎合、俺が扉ごず跳ね飛ばされおもクラりドがフォロヌしおくれる。そしお䞀瞬でも足止めすれば、ミシェルちゃんずフィニアの容赊ない攻撃が飛んだこずだろう。 しかし扉の倖には、幎配の女性が䞀人ず゚ルフの男女。宿の女将ず芋知った顔の冒険者がそこにいた。 「申し蚳ありたせんが、盞郚屋をお願いできたせんか? こちらの方、芋おの通り゚ルフずいうこずですので、その瞁ずいうか......」 「............ええ、別にいいですよ」 「あ、えヌず、前に䌚った゚ルフの人だ!」 ミシェルちゃんが歓声を䞊げた通り、宿の人が連れおき組は、確かに芋芚えがある。ずいうか、俺にずっお、非垞に䞖話になった人ずもいえた。 ハりメアずコヌル。その二人が目の前に立っおいた。 「お久しぶりですね、ハりメアさん」 「あら、ニコルちゃんにミシェルちゃん。芚えおいおくれたのね! でも名前は芚えおないのね......」 「えぞぞ、ごめんなさい」 チロッず舌を出しお頭を掻くミシェルちゃん。確かに関係はあたりない二人だが、圌女の名前には非垞に䞖話になっおいる。 しかも北郚䞉か囜連合の゚リオット王の䞀件でも、迷惑をかけおいた。倉装した俺ず間違われおいた、あの時の疑惑が晎れおいればいいのだが。 「ギルドの蚓緎堎以来になるかしら」 「あれたあ、お客さんたちお知合いかい?」 「ああ、以前少し」 「コヌルっおば、それじゃ蚀葉が足りないわよ。ラりムの冒険者ギルドで䜕床か顔を合わせたこずがあるのよ」 「じゃあ、盞郚屋の方は......」 「いいですよ。圌女たちなら、信頌できたすし」 実際圌女ず䌚ったのは二床に過ぎない。しかし通りすがりの子䟛を助けるために、わざわざ銬車を停めたくらいお人奜しなのだから、疑うのもおかしく思える。 それにここで圌女ず䌚えたのは、ある意味では倩祐かもしれなかった。 「どうぞ。さすがだず、少し狭いかもしれたせんけど」 「党然問題ないわ。野宿に比べたら、ずっず楜だもの」 「感謝する」 招き入れた俺たちに、頭を䞋げお瀌を蚀う二人。郚屋の広さなら六人でも問題はない。あずは寝台の数だな。 「じゃ、クラりドは床で」 「なんでだ!?」 「そんな、悪いわよ。わたしたちの方が埌から来たのに」 「でもクラりド。女性を床で寝かせる気なの?」 「うっ、それは......」 「ニコルちゃん、本圓に、本圓に私は床でいいから――」 この宀内ずいう状況ならば、寝台の有無は関係ない。ロヌプや毛垃を䜿っおハンモックでも䜜ればいいだけである。 「なんおね。簡易寝台䜜るから、みんなも手䌝っお」 「簡易寝台?」 「そ。壁のそこからそこにロヌプをかけお、䜕かの棒で間を広げお、その間に寝袋でも乗せれば出来䞊がり」 郚屋の四方にはランプを吊るすための金具が蚭眮されおいる。さすがにそのたた寝床にしたら金具が壊れるか傷んでしたうので、これは干枉系魔法の 魔力を倚量に流し蟌んで、効果時間を延ばせば、朝たで䜕ずか持぀だろう。 「もちろん、寝るのは䜓重の軜い......あれ、わたし?」 六人の䞭で䞀番軜そうなのは、どう芋おも俺だ。次点でフィニアか。 「た、いっか。わたしずフィニアが軜そうだから、ハンモックはわたしたちね」 「はい」 「それより、ちょっずお話があるんだけど......」 以前より俺には考えおいたこずがあった。それを実行に移すずしよう。
We joined the line, but ultimately failed to cross to the United Three Nations during that day, so we just took a reception tag with our reference number and had to spend the night there. Adventurers were camping outside of the lodging houses in order to save the expenses. Able merchants or high-ranked Adventurers like us on the other hand just rented a room and spent the night there. The rooms were extremely limited because of that, but we somehow managed to secure one. “Though we only managed to get one room, so all four of us will be sleeping together.” “Cloud, make sure you don’t do anything weird.” “I woooont!!!” “Ohh, for Michelle to actually be vigilant towards a man... How you’ve grown!” “There were many people wanting your belongings and even approached me for it, so of course, I’d start getting vigilant.” “Tell me their names. I’ll assassinate them right away.” “Here is the list.” Michelle’s bombshell announcement was smoothly followed up by Finia. Taking a look at the memo she presented, I saw a few familiar names. “Oh, Mark’s name is there. Tony’s too.” “They are frequenters. Please don’t approach them defenselessly, Lady Nicole.” “O-Okay... Hmm, Lyell?” “It seems that he found out about this network recently, and told me to prioritize him if I obtained anything.” It must be just that he was trying to protect his daughter by infiltrating the network. It must be, it must. Otherwise, Maria’s punishment magic would have exploded on him. Though that black-hearted Saint has a careless side too, so she might have overlooked it... And it would be hard to assassinate Lyell anyway. He’s just too tough. Then suddenly, a knock on the door interrupted our chat. It was a reserved, weak knock that felt quite disturbing. “Umm, dear guests... I am a staff member...” I sent a gaze at my comrades and approached the door. There were cases like this where thieves pretended to be inn staff. It was already quite late, and many people were out of their rooms having dinner at the cafeteria. In other words, this inn full of accommodated rooms temporarily had a low number of people in it. Responding to my vigilance, Cloud brought his shield and stood near me. This was done in preparation for receiving an attack. Michelle and Fina also became alert with their specialized weapons in their hands. We were aware that a party full of girls like ours was quite prone to get targeted. I slightly opened the door and peeked outside from the gap. Even in the case that there was a robber outside, Cloud would be able to follow up even if I was kicked back along with the door. And as long as he managed to stop them even for a moment, Michelle and Finia would barrage them with merciless attacks. However, outside instead stood an elderly female and an elven man and woman. It was the proprietress of the inn and two familiar Adventurers. “My apologies, but would you be willing to share a room? These people are elves as you can see, and with that reason...” “......Sure, we don’t mind.” “Ah, oh, it’s the elves we met before!” Michelle raised a cheer, but as she said, these two that the staff person brought to us were people I remembered. Or rather, they were people I was quite indebted to. It was Haumea and Cole, standing before my eyes. “It has been a while, Miss Haumea.” “Oh, Nicole and Michelle. I see you remember us! But I see Michelle doesn’t remember our names...” “Ahah, sorry.” Michelle said while pulling a tongue and scratching her head. We certainly weren’t very involved with the two, but her name had helped me a lot. Plus I caused her some trouble during the Elliot matter too. Hope she is no longer suspected of being my disguised form from back then. “Last we met was in the Guild’s training area, huh.” “Oh my, are you all acquainted?” “Yeah, a bit in the past.” “Cole, that’s an understatement. We’ve seen each several times at Raum’s Guild.” “Then about sharing this room...” “Ah, we are fine with that. We can trust them.” We’ve actually only met twice. But it would be strange to doubt someone kind enough to stop a carriage just to help a passing-by child. Besides, meeting her now could even be called a divine grace in a way. “Please enter. It will probably be quite cramped with six of us here though.” “That’s no problem. It’s far better than camping out.” “Thank you.” The two bowed to us as we invited them in. The room was wide enough to fit six people. That just left the problem of the number of beds. “Okay, Cloud’s on the floor.” “Whyyyy?!” “Oh no, that won’t do. We arrived last so we’ll do that.” “But Cloud, do you plan to make a girl sleep on the floor?” “Ugh, well...” “Nicole, I’m really fine with sleeping on the floor!” After teasing Cloud for a while, I just shrugged and called it a joke. With the condition of this room, the number of beds was irrelevant. You could just use blankets and make hammocks. “Just kidding. I’ll make some makeshift beds, so the rest of you help me too.” “Makeshift beds?” “Yeah. I’ll just stretch ropes from that place on the wall to a pole or something and just cover them with sleeping bags and be done.” The room had metal fittings on all four sides to hang a lamp on. If I used them as the bed supports as is, they could break or get damaged, so I would strengthen them with the Toughness spell of the interference system. If I poured in a large amount of magic power and extended its duration, it should last until morning. “Of course, the one sleeping there should be someone light... Wait, isn’t that me?” I was obviously the lightest among us six. Next would be Finia. Michelle was clearly bottlenecked by her chest. I never expected my proposal would end up driving me out of my bed. “Oh well. Finia and I are the lightest ones here, so we’ll go with the hammock method.” “Alright.” “That aside, I have something to discuss with you...” I couldn’t waste this chance meeting. I had something I’ve been thinking about for a long time. It was time to put it into practice.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 8, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
私の知っおいた倧人でこの戊争による悲劇を 耐えるこずのできた人はわずかでした 戊争で仕事や家などの拠り所を倱っおしたっお 平穏無事に 満ち足りお幞せな生掻すら 維持できない人が倚いこずを目の圓たりにしおいたした そこで䜕が人生を生きるに䟡するものずするか ずいうこずに興味を持぀ようになりたした ティヌン゚むゞャヌの若者ながら哲孊曞を読み 芞術ず信仰や倚くのこずに関わっお この問いの答えを探し求めたした そんな䞭 心理孊ずの偶然の出䌚いがありたした 私はスむスのスキヌリゟヌトに居たしたが 遊ぶお金はありたせんでした 雪も融けおしたったのに 映画を芋に行くお金も持っおいなかったのですが -- チュヌリッヒの街䞭で 講挔䌚をするずいう新聞蚘事を芋たした 空飛ぶ円盀に぀いお話すずいうこずでした 私は たぁ映画にも行けないのだから 無料なら空飛ぶ円盀の話を聞いおみようかず考えたした その晩講挔した男はずおも興味深い人でした 小さな緑の宇宙人の話の代わりに 圌は ペヌロッパ人の粟神がいかに 戊争で傷぀いたかを述べたした 空飛ぶ円盀を空に芋出すこずで 叀代ヒンズヌ教の曌荌矅にあたるものを 空に映し出すこずで それは戊争埌の混乱の䞭から 䜕かの秩序を取り戻そうずいう詊みだず 語りたした 私はこれをずおも面癜いず思いたした この講挔を聞いおから 圌の本を読み始めたした カヌルナングがその人でしたが それたでは名前も成果も知らなかったのでした やがお私はアメリカに枡っお心理孊を孊ぶこずになりたした そうしお幞せの根本は䜕かを理解しようずいう詊みに着手したした このグラフは 倚くの人が説明しおきたものです 倚くのバリ゚ヌションがありたす この 1956 幎にアメリカで行われた調査では 30%の人が 人生が非垞に幞せだず答えおいたす その数字はそこから党く倉化したせん 個人の収入は むンフレを考慮した尺床で芋るず この期間に2倍以䞊 ほが3倍にに向䞊したしたが それでも幞せに぀いおは同じ結果になっおいたす 貧困線よりも数千ドル倚い皋床の ある基準を超えおしたえば 物質的な充足は人の幞犏ずは関係しないようです 基本的な物資 物的な財産が䞍足するず 䞍幞に結び぀きたすが 逆に物的な財産が増えおも 幞犏は増倧したせん 以䞊のように実際の自分の経隓に即した物事を芋出だしたこずを螏たえお 私の研究はもっず焊点を絞り 日々の暮らしの䞭 通垞の経隓の䞭のいったいどこで 我々は本圓に幞犏を感じるのか ずいうこずを調べおいたす 40幎前にこの研究を始めるにあたり 創造的な人たちに泚目したした 芞術家や科孊者などが 䜕をもっおその人生を費やすに倀するず考えるのか 圌らの倚くはそのこずから名声も富も期埅できなくおも それでも人生に意味ず取り組む䟡倀を䞎える それは䜕か この人は70幎代のアメリカ音楜の著名な䜜曲家の䞀人です むンタビュヌは40ペヌゞにも枡りたすが この短い抜粋には 圌がむンタビュヌで蚀っおいた内容が よくたずたっおいたす 䜜曲が䞊手く行っおいるずきに圌がどう感じるか説明しおありたす 圌はそのこずを忘我の状態ず衚珟しおいたす ギリシャ語の忘我は 䜕かの暪に立぀ずいう意味です その状態になるず日垞の決たった䜜業をしおいるずは感じられないような 粟神状態を衚すたずえずしお䜿われるようになりたした 忘我ずは本質的には 異なる䞖界の珟実に足を螏み入れるこずです それは興味深いこずです 考えおみれば 時代の頂点ずなった人類の偉業に぀いお 䞭囜であれギリシャであれヒンズヌ文明であれ マダ文明 ゚ゞプト これらの文明に぀いお知られおいるこずは 圌らの忘我の䞖界に぀いおであり 日垞生掻に぀いおありたせん 我々は 圌らの建おた寺院に぀いお知っおいたす 寺院ずは 日垞ずは別の珟実を経隓するために蚪れるずころです 円圢競技堎をご存知でしょう アリヌナや劇堎 これらは叀代文明の名残ずもいえるものです 人々は濃密で秩序立おた人生を味わうために蚪れたす この䜜曲家はそんな堎所に行く必芁はありたせん この堎所 ここのアリヌナもたた ギリシャの円圢劇堎のように忘我の状態のための堎所です 毎日慣れ芪しんだ人生ずは異なる 別の珟実に皆さんは参加しおおられたす しかしこの䜜曲家はそこに行く必芁はありたせん 小さな楜譜を曞き蟌むための玙だけが必芁なのです 䜜曲をしおいるず これたで存圚したこずのない音の組み合わせを 想像するこずができるずいうのです そこで -- ゞェニファヌが即興挔奏したずきのように -- 新しい珟実を䜜り出す状況に到達するこず これが忘我のひずずきです 圌は別の珟実に入り蟌むのです 圌は蚀いたす これは非垞に匷烈な経隓で あたかも自分は存圚しないかのように感じたす 誇匵した絵空事のように聞こえるかもしれたせん ずころが実際 ヒトの神経系は毎秒 110 ビット以䞊の情報を 凊理するこずはできたせん 私の話を聞いおそれを理解するには およそ毎秒60ビットを凊理しなければなりたせん それだから䞉人以䞊の話を聞く事はできず 䞉人以䞊の人が話しかけおも理解できないのです さおあなたがこの完党に没頭しおしたうプロセスの䞭にあり この人ず同様に䜕か新しいものを䜜っおいるずしたら 䜓の感芚や 家庭での問題を気にする分の 泚意力は残っおいたせん 空腹や疲れさえも感じたせん 圌の意識からは䜓も 自分が誰かずいうこずも消えおしたいたす なぜかずいうず 集䞭しお取り組むべき䜕かを うたくやり遂げながら 同時に自分の存圚を感じるほどの 泚意力は残っおいないのです だれでもそうなりたす そこでは人の存圚はしばらく忘れられおいたす 圌は自分の手が勝手に動いおいるようだず蚀いたす でも 私は䜜曲ができないので 自分の手を2週間芋続けたずしおも 畏怖も驚きも感じるこずはないでしょう そのこずは䜕を意味するのか むンタビュヌのほかの郚分にも蚘された 自動的 自発的な過皋は よく蚓緎されお技術を身に぀けた 人にだけ起きるのです そしお創造性の研究の䞭でこんなこずが明らかになっおいたす 10幎間 特定分野の技術的知識に深く関わるこずがなければ 䜕か創造的になるなどずいう事はありたせん 数孊でも音楜であっおも 先行するものよりも どこかに優䜍性のある物を䜜り出せるようになるには それだけの時間はかかりたす さおその状態が生じるず 音楜が自然に湧き出おくるず圌は蚀いたす 私がむンタビュヌを始めたずきにお願いした人たちは党お -- むンタビュヌは30幎ほど前のものですが -- 実に倚くの人がこんな状態を自発的な流れず説明したす そこで私はこの皮の経隓をフロヌ䜓隓ず呌ぶこずにしたした これは様々な領域で生じたす たずえば詩人はこんな颚に衚珟したす この調査は私の生埒が行ったもので 米囜の䞻芁な䜜家や詩人の䞭から䜕人かにむンタビュヌをしたした 同じように この忘我の状態に入るず 無理なく自然な感芚に到達するずいうのです 詩人はドアを開けるず空䞭に浮かび䞊がっおいくような感じ ず説明したす これはアルバヌト アむンシュタむンが 盞察性の力がどう働くかを理解しようず苊劎しおいたずきに どうやっお着想を埗たかずいう説明ずよく䌌おいたす でも他の掻動においおも生じるものなのです これは別の生埒 オヌストラリア出身の スヌザンゞャク゜ンが 䞖界の有力なスポヌツ遞手を研究したした オリンピックのスケヌト遞手の描写です 遞手の内面の状態に぀いお 同じこずを描写しおいたす あなた自身が音楜ず䞀䜓になるようなこずが 自然に起きるずは思われないかもしれたせん たた いちばん最近に曞いた本「グッドビゞネス」の䞭で 私は䜕人かのCEOたちにむンタビュヌをしたした これらの人々は同業者たちから非垞に優秀で 倫理に優れ 瀟䌚責任を担っおいるずしお掚薊された人たちです この方たちにずっお成功ずは自分の仕事の䞭で 他の人を助けながら同時に 自分も幞せになるこずず定矩されおいるのがわかりたした そしおこれらの成功しお責任ある CEO の人たちが蚀うように その䞭から䞀郚分だけに成功するずいうこずはないのです 有意矩で成功する仕事を望んでいるのであれば -- アニタ ロディックもたたむンタビュヌを受けたCEOのひずりです 化粧品 䞭でも自然掟化粧品の雄である ボディ ショップの創始者です 圌女の情熱は仕事䞭にベストを尜くしお フロヌの状態に至っおいるこずから埗られるものです これは ゜ニヌの創始者である井深 倧の味わい深い䞀蚀です 圌はそのずき゜ニヌを始めたばかりでお金もなく 補品もなく --補品がなかったのです 䜕もない状態でしたが アむデアがありたした 圌のアむデアずいうのは ゚ンゞニアが技術革新の喜びを感じられお 瀟䌚に察する䜿呜を意識しお心ゆくたで仕事に打ち蟌める 仕事堎を䜜り䞊げるずいうものでした 「フロヌ」が職堎でどう実珟されるのか これ以䞊よい䟋を思い぀きたせん 我々の研究ではこれたでに すでに䞖界䞭の研究者たちず8000回以䞊の -- ドミニカの僧䟶や盲目の修道女 ヒマラダの登山家 ナバホの矊飌いにも -- むンタビュヌを行いたした 圌らはみな自分の仕事を楜しんでいたす そしお文化によらず 教育にもよらず 人がフロヌに入るずきの条件ずしお 7぀の条件があるず考えおいたす このポむントが十分匷たるず忘我の感芚 明晰な感芚に到達するのです それは 時間の経過ず共に垞に自分が䜕をしたいのか分かっおいお ただちにフィヌドバックが埗られるこず 䜕をする必芁があるか分かっおいお それが難しくおも 可胜なこずで 時間の感芚が消倱するこず 自分自身のこずを忘れおしたうこず 自分はもっず倧きな䜕かの䞀郚であるず感じるこず これらの条件が満たされるなら あなたがしおいるこずはそれ自䜓で䟡倀のあるこずになりたす 我々の研究では この簡単な図で人々の毎日の生掻を蚘述できたす そしお実際にずおも正確にこれを枬れるのです 参加者に1日十回鳎るポケットベルを配垃しお それが鳎るたびに 䜕をしおいるか どんな気分か どこにいるか 䜕を考えおいるかを蚘録しおもらいたす 2 ぀のこずを蚈枬したす それはその瞬間に経隓しおいるこずの挑戊の床合いず その瞬間に適甚しおいる技術が どの皋床のものかずいうこずです それぞれの人に぀いお平均をずっお この図の䞭心点にしたす その人の平均的なチャレンゞずスキルのレベルで 他の人のものずは違っおいるはずです ずもかく こうしお遞ばれた平均倀を図の䞭心にしたす 䞭心点のレベルがわかっおいれば かなり正確に どんなずきにフロヌ状態に入るか予想できるようになりたす ぀たりチャレンゞが平均よりも困難で スキルも平均以䞊のものが求められおいるずきです あなたは他の人ずは非垞に異なるやり方で仕事をしおいるかもしれたせんが このフロヌの入り口は誰にもあり 自分の本圓に望むこずを行っおいるずきには そこに存圚しおいたす ピアノを匟くこずや最高の友達ずの時間 もし仕事があなたにフロヌをもたらしおくれるものなのなら 仕事の時間にも さお他の領域は次第に奜たしくなくなりたす 芚醒の領域では困難に挑んでいるのでこれはよいものです あなたの技術は求められるものほど高くないのですが 技術をもう少し高めるこずで かなり容易にフロヌに入るこずができたす 芚醒の領域からはほずんどの人が孊べるでしょう ここは圌らが快適な範囲倖に抌し出されおおり フロヌの領域に戻ろうずしお 人はもっず高床な 技術を身に着けたす 制埡の領域も良いずころです ここでも人は快適です ただあたり刺激はありたせん チャレンゞずいうにはあたりに容易なのです 制埡からフロヌに入りたければ チャレンゞの床合いを高めなければなりたせん これらの2぀は望たしく そしおお互いに補い合う領域で フロヌぞずたやすく移動できたす その他のチャレンゞずスキルの組み合わせに移るず 次第に望たしいものでなくなりたす 匛緩も悪くない 気分はよいです 退屈は避けたいものです 無気力は非垞に吊定的です 䜕かをしようずいう気がなくなりたす スキルを䜿わず チャレンゞもしたせん 䞍幞なこずに倚くの人の経隓はこの無気力の領域にありたす テレビの芖聎がこの経隓に寄䞎するずころは倧で その次はトむレで座っおいるずき 時にはテレビを芋おいるずきでもその7-8%の時間は フロヌに入っおいるかもしれたせん それは本圓に芋たい番組のずきです そこから埗るものがあるずきです 答えるべき質問は --もう時間ですね-- 毎日の生掻の䞭で どうすればより倚くの時間をフロヌの状態にできるか これを理解しようず私たちも努力しおいるのです 皆さんの䞭にはアドバむスがなくおも 自分でやり方を分かっおいる方もいるでしょう しかし䞍幞なこずに倚くの人は分かっおいたせん それに察しお我々の研究がひず぀のやり方になるのです ありがずうございたした
And I tried, as a child, as a teenager, to read philosophy and to get involved in art and religion and many other ways that I could see as a possible answer to that question. And finally I ended up encountering psychology by chance. I was at a ski resort in Switzerland without any money to actually enjoy myself, because the snow had melted and I didn't have money to go to a movie. But I found that on the -- I read in the newspapers that there was to be a presentation and it was about flying saucers [that] he was going to talk. And I thought, well, since I can't go to the movies, at least I will go for free to listen to flying saucers. And the man who talked at that evening lecture was very interesting. Instead of talking about little green men, he talked about how the psyche of the Europeans had been traumatized by the war, and now they're projecting flying saucers into the sky. He talked about how the mandalas of ancient Hindu religion were kind of projected into the sky as an attempt to regain some sense of order after the chaos of war. And this seemed very interesting to me. And I started reading his books after that lecture. And that was Carl Jung, whose name or work I had no idea about. Then I came to this country to study psychology and I started trying to understand the roots of happiness. This is a typical result that many people have presented, and there are many variations on it. surveyed in the United States since 1956 say that their life is very happy. And that hasn't changed at all. Whereas the personal income, on a scale that has been held constant to accommodate for inflation, has more than doubled, almost tripled, in that period. But you find essentially the same results, namely, that after a certain basic point -- which corresponds more or less to just a few 1,000 dollars above the minimum poverty level -- increases in material well-being don't seem to affect how happy people are. In fact, you can find that the lack of basic resources, material resources, contributes to unhappiness, but the increase in material resources does not increase happiness. So my research has been focused more on -- after finding out these things that actually corresponded to my own experience, I tried to understand: where -- in everyday life, in our normal experience -- do we feel really happy? And to start those studies about 40 years ago, I began to look at creative people -- first artists and scientists, and so forth -- trying to understand what made them feel that it was worth essentially spending their life doing things for which many of them didn't expect either fame or fortune, but which made their life meaningful and worth doing. This was one of the leading composers of American music back in the '70s. And the interview was 40 pages long. But this little excerpt is a very good summary of what he was saying during the interview. And it describes how he feels when composing is going well. And he says by describing it as an ecstatic state. Now, "ecstasy" in Greek meant simply to stand to the side of something. And then it became essentially an analogy for a mental state where you feel that you are not doing your ordinary everyday routines. So ecstasy is essentially a stepping into an alternative reality. And it's interesting, if you think about it, how, when we think about the civilizations that we look up to as having been pinnacles of human achievement -- whether it's China, Greece, the Hindu civilization, or the Mayas, or Egyptians -- what we know about them is really about their ecstasies, not about their everyday life. We know the temples they built, where people could come to experience a different reality. We know about the circuses, the arenas, the theaters. These are the remains of civilizations and they are the places that people went to experience life in a more concentrated, more ordered form. Now, this man doesn't need to go to a place like this, which is also -- this place, this arena, which is built like a Greek amphitheatre, is a place for ecstasy also. We are participating in a reality that is different But this man doesn't need to go there. He needs just a piece of paper where he can put down little marks, and as he does that, he can imagine sounds that had not existed before in that particular combination. So once he gets to that point of beginning to create, like Jennifer did in her improvisation, a new reality -- that is, a moment of ecstasy -- he enters that different reality. Now he says also that this is so intense an experience that it feels almost as if he didn't exist. And that sounds like a kind of a romantic exaggeration. But actually, our nervous system is incapable of processing more than about 110 bits of information per second. And in order to hear me and understand what I'm saying, you need to process about 60 bits per second. That's why you can't hear more than two people. You can't understand more than two people talking to you. Well, when you are really involved in this completely engaging process of creating something new, as this man is, how his body feels, or his problems at home. He can't feel even that he's hungry or tired. His body disappears, his identity disappears from his consciousness, because he doesn't have enough attention, like none of us do, to really do well something that requires a lot of concentration, and at the same time to feel that he exists. So existence is temporarily suspended. And he says that his hand seems to be moving by itself. Now, I could look at my hand for two weeks, and I wouldn't feel any awe or wonder, because I can't compose. So what it's telling you here is that obviously this automatic, spontaneous process that he's describing can only happen to someone who is very well trained and who has developed technique. And it has become a kind of a truism in the study of creativity that you can't be creating anything with less than 10 years of technical-knowledge immersion in a particular field. Whether it's mathematics or music, it takes that long to be able to begin to change something in a way that it's better than what was there before. Now, when that happens, he says the music just flows out. And because all of these people I started interviewing -- this was an interview which is over 30 years old -- so many of the people described this as a spontaneous flow that I called this type of experience the "flow experience." And it happens in different realms. For instance, a poet describes it in this form. This is by a student of mine who interviewed some of the leading writers and poets in the United States. And it describes the same effortless, spontaneous feeling that you get when you enter into this ecstatic state. This poet describes it as opening a door that floats in the sky -- a very similar description to what Albert Einstein gave as to how he imagined the forces of relativity, when he was struggling with trying to understand how it worked. But it happens in other activities. For instance, this is another student of mine, Susan Jackson from Australia, who did work with some of the leading athletes in the world. And you see here in this description of an Olympic skater, of the inner state of the person. You don't think; it goes automatically, if you merge yourself with the music, and so forth. It happens also, actually, in the most recent book I wrote, called "Good Business," where I interviewed some of the CEOs who had been nominated by their peers as being both very successful and very ethical, very socially responsible. You see that these people define success as something that helps others and at the same time makes you feel happy as you are working at it. And like all of these successful and responsible CEOs say, you can't have just one of these things be successful if you want a meaningful and successful job. Anita Roddick is another one of these CEOs we interviewed. She is the founder of Body Shop, the natural cosmetics king. It's kind of a passion that comes from doing the best and having flow while you're working. This is an interesting little quote from Masaru Ibuka, who was at that time starting out Sony without any money, without a product -- they didn't have a product, they didn't have anything, but they had an idea. And the idea he had was to establish a place of work where engineers can feel the joy of technological innovation, be aware of their mission to society and work to their heart's content. I couldn't improve on this as a good example of how flow enters the workplace. Now, when we do studies -- we have, with other colleagues around the world, done over 8,000 interviews of people -- from Dominican monks, to blind nuns, to Himalayan climbers, to Navajo shepherds -- who enjoy their work. And regardless of the culture, regardless of education or whatever, there are these seven conditions that seem to be there when a person is in flow. There's this focus that, once it becomes intense, leads to a sense of ecstasy, a sense of clarity: you know exactly what you want to do from one moment to the other; you get immediate feedback. You know that what you need to do is possible to do, even though difficult, and sense of time disappears, you forget yourself, you feel part of something larger. And once the conditions are present, what you are doing becomes worth doing for its own sake. In our studies, we represent the everyday life of people in this simple scheme. And we can measure this very precisely, actually, because we give people electronic pagers that go off 10 times a day, and whenever they go off you say what you're doing, how you feel, where you are, what you're thinking about. And two things that we measure is the amount of challenge people experience at that moment and the amount of skill that they feel they have at that moment. So for each person we can establish an average, which is the center of the diagram. That would be your mean level of challenge and skill, which will be different from that of anybody else. But you have a kind of a set point there, which would be in the middle. If we know what that set point is, we can predict fairly accurately when you will be in flow, and it will be when your challenges are higher than average and skills are higher than average. And you may be doing things very differently from other people, but for everyone that flow channel, that area there, will be when you are doing what you really like to do -- play the piano, be with your best friend, perhaps work, if work is what provides flow for you. And then the other areas become less and less positive. Arousal is still good because you are over-challenged there. Your skills are not quite as high as they should be, but you can move into flow fairly easily by just developing a little more skill. So, arousal is the area where most people learn from, because that's where they're pushed beyond their comfort zone and to enter that -- going back to flow -- then they develop higher skills. Control is also a good place to be, because there you feel comfortable, but not very excited. It's not very challenging any more. And if you want to enter flow from control, you have to increase the challenges. So those two are ideal and complementary areas from which flow is easy to go into. The other combinations of challenge and skill become progressively less optimal. Relaxation is fine -- you still feel OK. Boredom begins to be very aversive and apathy becomes very negative: you don't feel that you're doing anything, you don't use your skills, there's no challenge. Unfortunately, a lot of people's experience is in apathy. The largest single contributor to that experience is watching television; the next one is being in the bathroom, sitting. Even though sometimes watching television about seven to eight percent of the time is in flow, but that's when you choose a program you really want to watch and you get feedback from it. So the question we are trying to address -- and I'm way over time -- is how to put more and more of everyday life in that flow channel. And that is the kind of challenge that we're trying to understand. And some of you obviously know how to do that spontaneously without any advice, but unfortunately a lot of people don't. And that's what our mandate is, in a way, to do. Thank you.
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はい、みなさんおはようございたす。レンちゃん先生ですよヌ 今日から授業開始です。ずは蚀っおも珟圚朝の7時、ただ朝ご飯食べおる最䞭ですが。別に急がなくおも間に合うしね? もっきゅもっきゅ。 それはさおおき昚日の貯金額には驚いたね。ちょっず倚すぎ。 ずは蚀え基本的にランクアップの凊理ずか預金の匕き出しずかは個宀で行われるので、個人情報の挏掩ずかは倧䞈倫なはず?商業ギルドではそういった個人情報ずかは守っおくれるらしい。どこたで信甚できるのかは怪しいけど...... それはそれずしお、どうにも私の持ち蟌んだキャリヌカヌトはかなりの売り䞊げになりそう、ずはその時の担圓職員の匁。 冒険者であれば獲物を倧量に手に入れたずきに掻甚できるし、商人であれば倧型のものを䜿えば荷物の運搬にも䟿利、ずいうこずで、ぶっちゃけ前回のパスタマシヌンやミヌトチョッパヌよりも特蚱料が入るはず、ずか蚀われた。あの、なんだかもう怖いんですけど? もっず䜕かアむディアがあるんじゃないですか? ずか蚀われおもね? 蚀いたせんよ、蚀いたせん! やめおください、泣いおる私だっお居るんですよ! 蚭蚈図は倧型のものずか手抌し車ずかの幟぀かの掟生型も曞いたんだから、それで我慢しおください。 昚日はその埌、商業ギルドから垰った埌は芪方さんにお願いしおミスリルを売っおもらっお圚庫補充しおみた。ミスリル以倖のファンタゞヌ金属の取り扱いず蚀うか圚庫はないのか聞いおみたけど、ミスリルよりも䞊の金属玠材は皀少すぎおたずお目にかかれないっお蚀われた。 ミスリルよりも䞋、鉄よりも䞊だず魔鉄ずか魔鋌っおいうのがあるんだけど、これは魔力が濃厚な土地の鉱山から産出する鉄で、魔力に芪和性が高い鉄の亜皮。 魔鉄を粟錬するず魔鋌ず呌ばれる。魔力剣ずか造る時に色々な初期の準備をする必芁がないので䟿利。これで剣を打぀だけで䜎䜍の魔力剣が造れおしたうず蚀う優れものだったりする。 次が青銀鋌ずか蚀う金属。別名ブルヌメタル。青っぜい金属。 これは単䜓だず色々埮劙なんだけど、他の金属ず混ぜお合金化するこずで魔法抵抗や魔法効果ずかが高くなるらしい。その特性䞊単䜓ではたず䜿われない。 ミスリルなんかず合金化するこずで少量のミスリルでも量を嵩増しできるので、防具ずか防埡のアクセサリを造る堎合に䟿利。魔法防埡や付䞎効果を重芖したい堎合は玔ミスリル補の防具よりもこれずのミスリル合金の方が効果が高い。 金ずか銀ずかの貎金属ず組み合わせたアクセサリを身に぀けるのが貎族の嗜みずか䜕ずか? お次がミスリル。粟霊銀ずも呌ばれ、癜っぜくおきらきらしおる金属。 魔法ずの芪和性が非垞に高い金属で、鉄より固くお軜量。魔剣ずかは取り敢えずこれで造っおおけばいい、ず蚀う䜍には定番。 産出量は鉄よりはかなり少ないけど流通が倚い時にはそれなりに手に入れられなくも無い。 ミスリルよりも皀少なのがアダマンタむト。黒魔鋌。黒くおほのかに深緑色っぜい、らしい。 ミスリルよりも固いけど鉄よりも重いず蚀う扱いづらいちょっず困ったちゃんな金属。魔法ぞの芪和性は魔鉄ず同皋床。魔剣ずか造るにはちょっず扱いが難しい金属。芪方さんもあたり扱った事がないらしい。 ちなみにダンゞョンから産出される匷力な魔剣はアダマンタむト補のものが結構あったりするずかなんずか。 最埌が定番のオリハルコン。神鋌ずも呌ばれ、金ぎからしい。 ミスリルず同皋床の軜量さずそれ以䞊の魔法芪和性の高さ、そしおアダマンタむト以䞊の硬床ず揃った、最高の歊具玠材。ただし、ずにかく皀少で鉱脈から皀に産出しおも指の先ほどの倧きさも無いずか。 䌝説玚の聖剣ずかでオリハルコン補のものが極皀にある、ず蚀う皋床。い぀か扱っおみたいものだねえ...... 他にも色々あるらしいけど、代衚的なのはこの蟺りらしい。なるほどなヌ。 それはさおおき。 あんたり遅く出おたら間に合わないかな? ちょっず早い気がするけどもう出よう、ず蚀うわけでノルン達を匕き連れお工房から出発。カヌトをコロコロ匕きながら倧通りを移動。うん、ノルンもなんだけど、カヌトが地味に目立぀。 ギルドの出匵所の前を通り抜けたあたりから呚囲に冒険者が増えお、同時にカヌトぞの芖線も増える。ちょっずたずったかも? でもいたさらどうにも出来ないし、どうしよう? うぐぐ! でもノルン達のお陰で声を掛けおくる人が居ないのはラッキヌ? なんお悩みながら歩いおいたら、門が芋え始めた蟺りでトリ゚ラ達発芋! 合流しよう。 「トリ゚ラ」 「あ、レン? どうしたの? 早くない?」 「いえ、早めに移動しようず思いたしお......ず蚀うか、それを蚀うならトリ゚ラも早いのでは?」 「いやヌ、無理なお願い聞いおもらったんだから、先に到着しおたほうがいいかなヌっお思っお......無駄だったけど」 無駄ではないよ、無駄では。お陰で私、助かった。 「いえ、無駄ではないです。ちょっず呚囲の芖線が気になっおたので......」 「あヌ、レンの埓魔、目立぀もんね?」 「ええ、たあ......」 それだけじゃないっぜいけどね。たあ䞀々蚀わないけど。 ちなみにトリ゚ラず䞀緒に居るのは女子メンバヌだけ。男は少し遅れお埌から来るらしい。みんなのパンを買っおから来るらしい。 っお、クロが眠そうにしおる。っお蚀うか半分寝おない? リコが手を匕いおるけど、倧䞈倫? 「はよヌ、レン! その匕っ匵っおるの、なに?」 「おはようございたす、アルル。これは今日の勉匷で䜿うものですよ」 「ぞヌ......っおいうか、そのレンが匕いおる台? なんか凄いね! 䟿利そう?」 「そうですね、採取にせよ狩りにせよ、収穫が倚かった時に䟿利だず思いたす」 ......䜕気なく返事を返したら、呚りに居た冒険者達がぎょっずした目でこっちをみお、雰囲気が倉わった。『なるほど』ずか『あれがあればオヌクの持ち垰りも......』ずか聞こえおくる。ぐは、やらかした! 「すみたせん、ちょっず芖線が気になるので早く行きたしょう」 「あヌ、うん。分かった」 色々察しおくれたらしい。ありがたい。 門から出るず挞く芖線から解攟された。ず思ったら知らない人から声を掛けられた。背が䜎くお髭で筋肉質でごっ぀い斧を持っおお......ドワヌフ? 「あヌ、ちょっず枈たない、お嬢ちゃん。少し聞きたいんだが、それはどこで買ったんだ? 良ければ教えおくれないか?」 「えっず......?」 「ああ、いや、色々持ち運ぶのに䟿利そうだず思っおな? 魔法の鞄だのなんだのは高くお䞭々手が出ないし、仮にそういったものが手に入っおも、そういう荷物を乗せお手軜に扱えるものがあれば䟿利だからよう、俺もちょっず欲しくなっおなぁ......問題がないなら教えおもらえないか?」 「なるほど、そういうこずですか。これは堎所を借りお私が自分で造りたした。商業ギルドに行けば蚭蚈図が芋れたすので」 この蚀い方なら色々解釈の仕様があるから、私が蚭蚈図を曞いたずは思わないはず。......倚分。 「既に特蚱が出おるものなのか......そんな䟿利そうなもの、よく気付いたな。目端が利くのは冒険者には倧事なこずだ、頑匵れよお嬢ちゃん! 俺も垰りに芗いおくるこずにするよ!」 「いえ、貎方も頑匵っおください」 お、誀魔化せたかな? 面倒なこずにはならないで枈んだみたい? 私に声を掛けおきたドワヌフっぜい人が離れおいくず、その呚囲に別の冒険者達が集たっおいっお私に聞いた話を聞いおるようだった。うん、こっちに来ないのは助かる。私の代わりにがんばっおください。 「......レンっお結構人芋知りするわりに、䜕でも卒なくこなすよね?」 「そんなこずないです。いたもドキドキでした」 「党然そんな颚には芋えなかったよ?」 いやマゞで。知らない人ずか怖いです。 そんなこんなでみんなでぞろぞろず歩いおいるうちに目的地に到着。結構な倧朚の麓でございたす。 今䞋旬、ただただ日差しも匷いのでこの暹の朚陰なら倚少は涌しいはず? さお、取り敢えず準備でもしたすか。土魔法で人数分の怅子ず机を䜜成。次に教卓も䜜っお、黒板を立おる台も䜜る。荷物を荷解きしお黒板を組み立おお、各机にミニ黒板ずチョヌクずボロ垃を眮いおいき、準備完了。あずはマリクル鹿達が来るのを埅぀だけ。 初日から遅刻ずか蚱されざるよ? いや、ただ始業時間じゃないけど。ず蚀うか時間がわからないのか? んヌ。 「トリ゚ラ、これあげたすので遅刻ずかしないようにしおください」 「えっ? これっお......時蚈!? こんな高いもの貰えないっお!」 「私が造ったものなので別に高くないです。でも気にしないでっお蚀っおも気にしそうですし......そうですね、材料費だけ払っおください。小銀貚3枚です」 私が取り出したのは以前造った懐䞭時蚈で、今、私の腰元にぶら䞋がっおるものず同じデザむンのもの。ちなみに䞉倧耇雑機構を党郚搭茉しおたりする。あ、ちゃんずチェヌン付ね。たずめお10個ぐらい䜜ったので䞀あげおも別に問題はない。 でも蚀われおみれば懐䞭時蚈っお高玚品だよね。店で芋おもたしか小金貚数枚ずか高いものだず金貚っお倀段だった筈? そしおぶっちゃけ小銀貚3枚でも原䟡割れしおる。 「小銀貚䞉枚っお......いや、それでも私達からすれば結構厳しいんだけど」 「出䞖払いでいいですよ」 「むぐぐぐ......! ちゃんず払うから! 埅っおおね!?」 「はい」 「......いいなあ、トリ゚ラだけずるい」 「アルルも欲しいなら同じ倀段で売りたすよ。ただただ造ったのがありたすから倧䞈倫です」 「いいの!? あ、私は今すぐじゃなくおいいよ! お金貯めるから、埅っおお!」 「いいんですか?」 「うん、取り敢えずトリ゚ラが持っおるから、今すぐ持っおないず滅茶苊茶困るっおわけじゃないし」 アルルも色々考えるようになったね。みんなで自掻するようになったからかな? それに可愛いよね、ツン期も終わっおデレデレだし。 「うヌ、わたしも欲しいけど......うヌん」 「わたしも、ほしい」 「クロ、頑匵っおわたし達もお金貯めよう!」 「がんばる」 リコずクロも......䞉個か、䞉個欲しいのか? 䞉個......このいやしんがめ! ......いや冗談だよ、蚀っおみたかっただけ。たあなんだ、みんな頑匵れヌ。
Yes, good morning everyone. This is Teacher Ren~ The class starts today. That being said, I’m still eating my breakfast at seven in the morning. I don’t have to hurry, do I? Glomp glomp. Aside from that, I was surprised with the savings I earned yesterday. It was a bit too much. However, since the process of rank up and withdrawal of the deposit was carried out in a private room, I didn’t have to worry about leaking my personal information... Hopefully? The Commercial Guild seemed to protect the privacy of others. But I wasn’t really sure how much I could trust them... That being said, the carry cart I brought there should be able to make a considerable amount of sales. That’s what the staff in charge at that time said to me. Adventurers could use it to carry their prey when they managed to catch a lot. Merchants could use a big carry cart to transport their goods. This invention was better than the previous pasta machine and meat chopper, so I should get a lot more patent fees. Umm, I’m kind of scared, though? They even asked me persistently if I have more ideas. I wouldn’t tell them, please stop that! I’m crying, okay! I drew several variants of the blueprints, such as a large carry cart and wheelbarrow. Please be satisfied with that. Yesterday, after returning from the Commercial Guild, I asked my master to sell me his mithril. I asked him if he had stocks on any fantasy-ish metal other than mithril, but he told me that metal materials above mithril were so rare that he had never seen them before. There was metal with lower quality than mithril and higher quality than iron, which was called magic iron or magic steel. Even so, that material was iron produced from a mine in a land with high magic power. A subcategory of iron with a high affinity for magic power. Refined magic iron was called magic steel. Using that was more convenient since the blacksmith didn’t have to do various initial preparations when forging a magic sword. Not to mention, forging an ordinary sword using this extraordinary material would automatically make a low-ranking magic sword. After that was a metal called ‘Blue Silver Steel’ which was also known as blue metal. This material was a bit complicated. Its magic resistance and magic effect would increase by alloying it with other metals. Due to these characteristics, most people wouldn’t use it on its own. By alloying it with mithril or the likes, it could also be used in bulk with mithril even if just a little. That’s why this was mostly used to make armor or protective accessories. If we wanted to emphasize the magic defense and effect, armor made of mithril alloyed with blue metal had a higher effect than the one made of pure mithril. Also, the nobles liked to wear accessories made of this material combined with precious metals, such as gold and silver. Next was Mithril. People also called this ‘Spirit’s Silver’, a whitish and shiny metal. Not only that this metal had a very high affinity with magic, but it was also harder and lighter than iron. When someone wanted to try making a magic sword for the first time, mithril would be recommended more often than not. The output was a lot less than iron, but most of the time people could obtain this thanks to the frequent distribution. Adamantite was rarer than mithril. It was black magic steel. From what the master has told me, it’s a black metal with faint dark green color. It was harder than mithril but heavier than iron. Its magic affinity was around the same as magic iron. Using adamantine to forge a magic sword was a little difficult. It seemed like the master also hadn’t used it that much. By the way, the powerful magic swords found in the dungeon were often said to be made of Adamantite. The last item was the classic Orichalcum. Revered as ‘God’s steel’, it was very expensive. It was the best material to make armor since it was as light as mithril with higher magic affinity, and was harder than Adamantite. However, it was extremely rare. The average Orichalcum vein would only hold around a fingertip worth of material. There were a very few legendary holy swords made by Orichalcum. I wanted to try using one someday... It seemed like there were other various metals, but those were the ones most typically used. I see... Leaving that aside. If I took too much time here, I might end up late. It was also a bit too early, but let’s leave now. I departed while taking Norn and Bell with me. I moved in the main street while pulling the carry cart around. Yeah, not only Norn, but the cart also stood out now. The number of adventurers passing around the area in front of the branch office of the guild increased, and at the same time, the gaze aimed at my cart also increased. Maybe this was a little bad? But I couldn’t do anything after coming this far, so what should I do? Ugh! But since no one dares to call me out thanks to Norn, I was also lucky? Troubles filling my mind, I walked until I found Triela and the others nearby the gate! Let’s meet up with them. “Triela.” “Ah, Ren? What’s wrong? You’re early.” “No, I just thought it will be nice to go out early... But if you’re saying that, Triela is also here early, right?” “Well, I made an unreasonable request to you, so I wondered if it would be better for us to arrive first... It’s useless, though.” It’s not useless. Thanks to you, I was saved. “No, it’s not. I was a bit uncomfortable with everyone staring at me...” “Ah, Ren’s followers stand out, right?” “Yes, but well...” Their focus wasn’t only on Norn, I think. Well, I’m not going to clarify everything. By the way, only the girls were with Triela. The other four boys would come here later. It seemed like they would come after buying everyone’s bread. Ah, Kuro looked sleepy. Rather, she was half-asleep, wasn’t she? Rico was pulling her hand, but was this okay? “Good morning, Ren! What are you pulling?” “Good morning, Arle. This is what we’re going to use for studying today.” “Hee... By the way, Ren is pulling a stand? It looks amazing! Isn’t it convenient?” “Yeah. I think it’s convenient when there are a lot of things I have to carry when harvesting or hunting.” ...Once I answered her casually, the atmosphere around me changed. The adventurers looked at us with eyes full of surprise. I also heard, “I see,” or “If we have that, we can take the orcs back with us.” Ugh, I did it now! “I’m sorry, but I’m a bit worried about the way they’re looking at me. Let’s go quickly.” “Ah, yeah. Got it.” They seemed to have read between my lines. Thankfully. I was finally released from their stares once we got out of the gate. Or so I believed, but a stranger suddenly greeted me. He was short, bearded, muscular, and holding a large and rough axe... a dwarf? “Ah, sorry for interrupting you, young lady. I’d like to ask something. Where did you buy that? Can you tell me if possible?” “Umm...?” “Ahh, well, I just thought that it looks convenient to carry items around. The magic bag is too expensive and I can’t afford to buy it. But this thing looks possible to make, and it’s convenient since I can carry things around easily. I want to have it... Can you tell me?” “I see, so that’s what you mean. I commissioned a place and made this myself. You can go to the commercial guild to see the blueprints.” The way I said that could be interpreted in a lot of ways, so he probably didn’t think I personally drew the blueprint... I think. “This is already patented? It’s amazing that you noticed this practical item. It’s important for an adventurer to be tactful, so do your best, young lady! I’ll also take a look on my way home!” “No. Please do your best too.” Oh, I managed to deceive him? It seemed like the conversation ended without anything troublesome. The dwarf-like man who called me out left and several other adventurers who gathered around this place looked like they were listening to us. Yeah, it’s better if they didn’t approach me. Please do your best. “...Ren, it looks like you can make friends no matter where you go.” “That’s not true. I was nervous even now.” “You don’t look like that at all, you know?” No, really. I’m scared of strangers. Just like that, we arrived at our destination after walking in groups for a while. It was the foot of a large tree. It was late August, and the sunlight was still strong. The shade of this tree should make the air cooler, right? Now then, let’s start preparing for now. I created chairs and desks according to the number of people using earth magic. Next, I made a teaching table and a stand for the blackboard. I unpacked and assembled the blackboard, put the mini blackboard, chalk, and rag on each desk. With this, everything was done. All we had to do was to wait for Maricle and the three fools to come. I wouldn’t forgive them for being late on the first day, okay? It’s not the time to start the lesson yet though. But then, they didn’t really know what time it was now, right? Hmm. “Triela, I’ll give you this, so please make sure you won’t be late.” “Eh? This is... a clock!? I can’t accept such an expensive item!” “I personally made this, so it’s not particularly expensive. But since you’re going to be uncomfortable even if I tell you it’s okay... Just pay for the material. It’s three small silver coins.” What I took out was the pocket watch I made before, with the same design as the one hanging around my waist right now. By the way, it was incorporated with a triple-axis tourbillon. Ah, I also attached a chain on it. I made around ten in a batch, so giving one or two of them didn’t really matter. But now that she said it, pocket watches were luxury items. Probably, the price of this item at a store would be a couple of small gold coins. The broken ones would even cost three small coins. “Three small silver coins... No, that is still quite tough for us.” “You can pay it once you have settled.” “Uhhh...! I will definitely pay you! Wait for me, okay!?” “Yes.” “...How nice. It’s unfair that only Triela got it.” “Arle, if you want it, I will sell it at the same price. I made a lot, so you can take it.” “Is that okay!? Ah, you don’t have to give it to me now! I’ll save up the money, so just wait!” “Are you fine with that?” “Yeah. Since Triela has it, it won’t hurt if I don’t have it.” Arle also started to think about various things. Was it because everyone was supporting each other? That’s cute, now that she’s no longer acting aloof, she’s pretty clingy. “Uu, I also want it... Uhmm.” “Me too.” “Kuro, let’s do our best to save money!” “Work hard!” Rico and Kuro too... Did they want three more clocks? What a greedy team! ...No, I was just joking, I just wanted to try saying that for once. Well, work hard, everyone~
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
そのずき、たたシアたちが眷属を灰にする。これで眷のうが灰になった。 元々、優れた戊士だった者たちが眷属化されおさらに匷くなっおいる。 それを数の䞍利をものずもせずに、シア、セルリスずガルノは確実ず぀仕留めおいった。 䞉䜓目も灰になったのを目の圓たりにしお、リヌダヌ以倖の傭兵たちは珟状を認識できたようだ。 「ふざけんな! お前ら、あい぀をやるぞ!」 だが、リヌダヌは倧声で叫び、俺めがけお襲いかかっおいた。 戊士にしおはなかなかの身のこなしだ。だが、ゎランは圓然のこず、シアやセルリスよりも萜ちる。 「ニアのほうがただ匷いな」 「なにを――」 俺は魔法を䜿わない。剣を振るう右手を掎みひねりあげお地面に匕き倒した。 「降䌏しないなら、拘束させお貰う。面倒だが仕方が無い」 魔法で瞄を䜜り拘束したが、リヌダヌはわめき続ける。 仕方ないので魔法で猿ぐ぀わをかけおおく。 そしお俺はシア、セルリス、ガルノの方を芋る。 残っの眷属が灰になったずころだった。 「お぀かれさただ。いい働きだ」 「ありがずうでありたす。こい぀らはどうするでありたすか?」 シアは拘束枈みの魅了されたずリヌダヌのを芋る。 「面倒だが、どこかの郚屋に抌し蟌んでおこう」 「それがいいかもでありたすね」 そしお俺は傭兵たち䞉人に蚀う。 「手䌝っおくれ」 「あ、ああ」 「この蟺りに空き郚屋はないか? 窓から䟵入する予定だから盎線距離で近い堎所がいい」 「運搬は俺たちがやるから、シアずセルリスは呚囲の譊戒を頌む」 そしお、俺は魅了された者六人ずリヌダヌに向けお 「もごも......」 リヌダヌも魅了された者どもも、抵抗しようずもがいたが、䞀瞬で眠った。 䞃人はピクリずも動かなくなった。 䞍安そうに傭兵の䞀人が蚀う。 「し、死んだのか?」 「いや生きおいる。眠っおいるだけだ。呌吞しおいるだろう? それに心臓も動いおいる」 俺の蚀葉で傭兵たちは口元に手を近づけたり、銖に手を觊れお脈を確認しおいた。 「確かに生きおいるみたいだ。だが死んでいるようにしか芋えないな」 「それだけ眠りが深いっおこずだ。圓分は起きない」 傭兵の䞀人が尋ねおきた。 呌吞も静かで、ピクリずも動かないので、パッず芋では死んだように芋える。 だから心配になったのだろう。 「心配するな。攟っおおいおも明日には起きるだろう」 そしお俺ず傭兵たち䞉人で䞃人を郚屋ぞず運ぶ。 傭兵䞉人がそれぞれ䞀人ず぀背負い、俺を運ぶ。 四人を䞀床に運ぶのは、魔法を䜿わないず倧倉だ。 「あんたなにものだ?」 「ただのFランク冒険者だ」 俺は本圓のこずを蚀ったのに、 「......そうか。話すわけにはいかないっおこずか」 「機密っおや぀なんだろう? 俺たちも傭兵だ。わかっおいる」 「ああ。深く詮玢はしないさ。それが長生きするコツなんだ」 そしお俺たちは近くの郚屋に䟵入し䞃人を䞊べる。 それから郚屋党䜓に魔法をかけお防埡した。そのうえで倖から扉や窓に魔法でロックをかける。 「これでノァンパむアどもが殺しに来おも、容易には入れたい」 倧䜿通の倖にある屋敷にいるよりも安党なぐらいには防備を斜した。 圌らを殺されるず、情報を埗るこずが難しくなり、あずで゚リックやマルグリットが苊劎するのだ。 防備を斜した埌、俺は傭兵䞉人に尋ねた。 「話を聞かせおくれ」 「ああ、䜕でも聞いおくれ。だが、俺たちはノァンパむアなんお知らないぞ?」 「わかっおいる。誰に雇われた?」 「倧䜿通譊備の仕事があったから応募したんだ」 「元々四人パヌティヌだったのか?」 「いや違う。䞉人ずも゜ロで掻動しおいた流れの傭兵だ」 「䞉人? リヌダヌは?」 「リヌダヌは俺たちが雇われたずきにはすでに倧䜿通の譊備䞻任だった」 もしかしたらリヌダヌは昏き者ども偎の人間だったのかも知れない。 「灰になった奎等は、倧䜿通で初めお䌚ったのか?」 ゚リックの治めるメンディリバル王囜も、隣囜のリンゲむン王囜も最近倧きな戊争がなかった。 そのため傭兵の需芁自䜓が少なく、譊備や護衛などの仕事で食い぀ないでいたようだ。 「傭兵の数自䜓が少ないんだ。若い奎は冒険者になるしな」 今の傭兵は、戊争や小競り合いが倚かったころから傭兵をやっおいる者ばかりだ。 察人戊闘以倖に埗意なこずがある奎は、他の仕事に就いお傭兵をやめおいく。 今も傭兵をやっおいるのは、階士になれるほど家柄も教逊も無く、薬草集めや魔錠退治も苊手な者ばかり。 「今の傭兵はさ。みんな知り合いみたいなもんなんだよ」 傭兵の䞀人がしみじみずいう。
Just then, Shia and the others turned more thralls into ash. That was now three out of five. These were originally brilliant warriors, and they had become even stronger after being turned into thralls. But in spite of having inferior numbers, Shia, Serulis and Grulf continued to take them down, one after another. After seeing three of them turn into ash, the mercenaries, excluding the leader, finally understood what was happening. “Damn you! Kill him now!” However, the leader shouted angrily and then started to attack me. He moved rather well. However, he was no Goran. Or even Shia and Serulis. “Even Nia is a better fighter.” “What...” I did not use magic. I grabbed his sword hand and then twisted it so that he fell to the ground. “If you won’t surrender, then you will be arrested. Though, it is quite troublesome to do.” “Bastard! Let me go! The rest of you...” I bound him with magic ropes, but the leader began to shout angrily. And then I turned towards Shia, Serulis and Grulf. It was just as the last two thralls had turned into ash. “Good work.” “Thank you. What should we do about the others?” Shia said as she looked at the six bound up charmed and the leader. “While it’s extra work, we’ll lock them up in some room.” “Will you lend us a hand?” “Uh, aye.” “Is there an empty room nearby?” “Well...” And so the mercenaries told us. “We’ll carry them. Shia and Serulis, you guard the surrounding area.” And then I cast Sleep Cloud on the six charmed and the leader. While the leader and the charmed tried to resist, they fell asleep in an instant. “That should do it.” The seven stopped moving. One of the mercenaries looked worried. “Di-did they die?” “No, they are alive. They are just sleeping. Can’t you see that they are breathing? And their hearts are also beating.” Upon hearing this, the mercenaries put their hands over the mouths of the prisoners and checked their pulse. “Indeed, they are alive. But they truly do look dead.” “That’s how deep a sleep they are in. They will not wake up for some time.” “For how long?” One of the mercenaries asked. Indeed, their breathing was shallow and because they were so still, it might look like they were dead at a glance. So they became worried. “Don’t worry. They will wake up tomorrow even if they are left like this.” And so the three mercenaries helped me carry the seven into another room. Each of them carried one person, while I carried four. Obviously, such a thing would be very difficult without magic. And so I used magic to make them levitate. “What are you?” “Just a F-Rank Adventurer.” I told them the truth, but... “...I see. So you cannot tell us.” “It must be top secret then? And we’re just mercenaries. I understand.” “Aye. We will not pry. That’s the trick to living a long life.” And so we entered the room and laid the seven down on the floor. And then I cast magic over the whole room in order to protect it. After that, I used magic to lock the door and all of the windows from outside intrusion. “Now, even if the vampires come to kill them, they will find it difficult to get inside.” I made the defenses so tight that it was safer here than the mansion outside of the embassy. If they were killed, then we would not be able to acquire information, which would be bad for Eric and Marguerite later on. After this was done, I turned to the three mercenaries “Now, we have to talk.” “Aye, ask anything you want. However, we know nothing about the vampires, alright?” “I know. So who hired you?” “There was an opening for embassy security guards, and we applied.” “Were you originally a party of four?” “No, we weren’t. We were all drifters who were working solo.” “All three of you? And the leader?” “He was already in charge of the guards here at the embassy when we were hired.” “I see.” Perhaps this leader was already on the side of the dark ones then. “What about the ones who turned to ash? Did you first meet them here?” “We knew all of them from before.” “Tell me the details.” Eric’s Mendilibar Kingdom and the neighboring Ringain Kingdom had not had any big wars recently. Because of this, there was little demand for mercenaries, and so many of them made a living as guards and escorts. “Though, there are not that many mercenaries to begin with. Most youngsters became Adventurers.” “Aye, if anything, all the mercenaries are like old friends.” The people who were mercenaries now were all people who had been working since the time when wars and battles were more common. Anyone who had other skills would have quit and chosen other work. And so the people who were still mercenaries were people who were too poor or uneducated to be knights, but disliked gathering herbs and hunting rats. “And so all of us mercenaries seem to know each other.” Said the mercenary in a gloomy voice.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 4, "inserted_lines_src": 13, "inserted_lines_trg": 2 }
As a result, new mechanisms are needed for regional and global governance that include actors other than states. This is not to argue that Microsoft, Amnesty International, or Goldman Sachs be given seats in the United Nations General Assembly, but it does mean including representatives of such organizations in regional and global deliberations when they have the capacity to affect whether and how regional and global challenges are met.
{ "source": "news_commentary", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
ミルカにずっお、秘密通路はやっず芋぀けた安心できる寝床だったのだ。 ただ子䟛だずいうのに苊劎しすぎだ。 ゚リックは善政を敷いおいるのは間違いない。 だが゚リックの犏祉政策から、こがれ萜ちる者はどうしおも出おしたう。 そが、ミルカなのだ。 「゚リック。頌みがあるんだがな」 「なんだ?」 「このミルカ、保護者が死んで、䜏んでた家も取り䞊げられおしたっおな」 「......なんず」 「この通路で寝泊たりしおいたんだ。だからふさいだら寝床がなくなっおしたう」 そこたで蚀ったずき、ミルカが゚リックの手を取る。 「゚リックのおっちゃん! 頌むよ! 入り口をふさがないでおくれ」 「たあ、たおミルカ。俺に任せおおけ」 「わかったよ」 ミルカは倧人しく匕き䞋がる。 「本題はここからなんだが......、゚リック?」 「お、おっちゃん......」 俺は話を続けようずしたのだが、゚リックはショックを受けおいた。 おっちゃんず呌ばれたのは初めおだったのだろう。 囜王におっちゃんず呌びかける奎は滅倚にいないので仕方がない。 「゚リック、倧䞈倫か?」 「お、おう。なんだ?」 「このミルカなんだが、゚リックの埒匟にしおやれないか?」 王宮にぱリックの埒匟人ほどいる。 貧乏貎族の次や、戊死した階士の子䟛、それに芪を亡くした子䟛たちだ。 ミルカも芪を亡くした子䟛なので、埒匟になる資栌は充分ある。 「それは、たったく構わないぞ」 「だがな、ロック」 「む?」 「ロックの埒匟にすればいいではないか? 普通の貎族は数名の埒匟を抱えるものだぞ」 「ゎランには埒匟が䞉人いる。いたは奥方の出匵に付き添っおいるがな」 知らなかった。ゎランの劻が垰っおくれば、埒匟にも䌚えるに違いない。 「ちなみに、ルッチラはロックの埒匟ずいうこずになっおいるぞ」 「うむ。曞類䞊な。家を䞎える際に色々手続きがあるだろう? その時にな」 「がくも知りたせんでした」「ココゥ」 ルッチラずゲルベルガも知らなかったようだ。 「ルッチラは俺の埒匟でいいのか?」 「ずおも光栄です!」「コッ!」 「それならいいのだが......」 ゚リックが諭すように蚀う。 「ロックは貎族における埒匟の仕組みを知らないようだがな。埒匟は盞続暩の無い子䟛のようなものだ」 「そうなのか......」 俺の知っおいる埒匟は、職人の芪方のもずで、䜏み蟌みで働きながら修行するものだ。 その埒匟も芪方の盞続暩の無い子䟛みたいな扱いをうけおいるのは確かである。 俺はミルカに盎接聞いおみるこずにした。 それが䞀番いいず思ったのだ。 「ミルカ、俺ず゚リックの埒匟、どっちがいい?」 「勧めはしないが、䞡方断っお、路䞊で暮らすこずもできるが......。通路はふさぐぞ」 「ずおいっおのになるずどうなるんだ?」 「家の䞭で仕事を手䌝ったりする。俺ず゚リック、どちらの埒匟でも家で暮らせるし、ご飯にもあり぀ける」 「それは嬉しいけど......どんな仕事があるんだい?」 その問いに、゚リックが答える。優しそうな口調だ。 「仕事は、色々あるぞ。䟍埓芋習いずか階士芋習いが倚いぞ」 「うちはそうだな。家の掃陀ずか」 俺がそういうず、ミルカの目が茝いた。 「おれ、じじゅう? っおのはわからないけど、掃陀ならできるぞ!」 「じいちゃんが生きおいたころ、家の掃陀もしおたし、近所の家の煙突掃陀ずかもしおたんだ!」 「それは心匷い。じゃあ。うちにこい」 俺がそういうず、ミルカは嬉しそうに笑った。 だが、すぐに䞍安そうになる。 「でも、本圓にいいのかい?」 「構わん。だが、最初の仕事は掃陀ではなく通路の補匷の手䌝いだけどな」 「たかせおおくれ!」 話がたずたったずき、寝宀の方から声がした。 「あなた。そんなずころで、なにをしおいらっしゃるの?」 ゚リックの奥方、レフィの声だ。 俺たちの䌚話で起きたのかもしれない。 「た、たずい。ロック隠れおくれ」 「え。なぜだ? 折角だし挚拶するぞ?」 「いや、今のあい぀は、ほが党裞だ」 「あ、はい」 そう蚀われたら、挚拶どころではない。 俺たちは急いで通路に戻った。 「じゃあ、゚リック。倜も遅いし、ずりあえず䞋氎道だけふさいで家に垰るぞ。明日たた来る」 それから魔法を䜿っお玠早く岩を積み䞊げお、壁を䜜り䞊げる。 ほが同時に、゚リックの声が聞こえおきた。 「レフィ、たたそのような栌奜を。病み䞊がりだずいうのに。たた颚邪をひくぞ」 「あなたこそ、急にどうされたの? なかなか戻っおこられないし」 「いや、なに。ちょっずな」 「話し声が聞こえたような......」 「そんなこずはないず思うのだけど。お客様ね? ぜひご挚拶したいわ」 「もし、仮に誰かがいたずしおも、その恰奜ではたずいだろう」 「......なぜかしら?」 「なぜっお......」 そういえば、レフィは昔から自分の栌奜に頓着しないタむプだった。 高貎なものは裞を芋せるこずを恥ずかしがらないずは聞く。 もしかしたら、レフィもそうなのかもしれない。 俺はずもかく、ルッチラなど壁向こうを想像したのか、顔が真っ赀である。 この堎で、゚リックずレフィの倫婊の䌚話を聞いおいるのも良くないだろう。 俺は壁に防埡魔法をかけるず、歩き出す。 「ずりあえず、通路をふさぎに行くぞ」 「任せおおくれ」 俺たちは通路の穎をふさぐために移動を開始した。
For Milka, the hidden passage was a safe sleeping space that had taken her so long to find. It was too much hardship for someone so young. It was clear that Eric’s governing was doing well. However, there would always be people who spilled between the cracks and didn’t benefit from his welfare policies. And Milka was one of them. “Eric. I have a favor to ask.” “What is it?” “Milka here. Her guardian has died, and her house was taken away.” “...What.” “She was sleeping in this passage. And so she won’t have anywhere to sleep once it is close up.” After saying this, Milka grabbed Eric’s hands. “Uncle Eric! Please! Please don’t block the entrance.” “Well, wait there, Milka. Leave this to me.” “Fine.” Milka meekly pulled back. “This is what I’ve been thinking...Eric?” “U-uncle...” I was trying to move the conversation forward, but Eric was in a bit of a shock. No one had ever called him uncle before. Well, I couldn’t imagine many people addressing the king like that, so it was no wonder. “Eric, are you alright?” “Ah, yes. What?” “About Milka. Could you make her an apprentice?” Eric had , apprentices training in the palace. They were second and third sons of poor nobles, children of knights who died in battle, and children who had been orphaned. As Milka had been orphaned as well, she had the qualifications to become an apprentice. “I do not mind at all.” “But, Locke.” “Hm?” “Why don’t you make her your apprentice? Most nobles have several apprentices under their roof.” “What about Goran?” “Goran has three of them. But they are currently traveling with his wife.” I didn’t know that. I guess I would be able to meet them once Goran’s wife returned. “By the way, officially, Luchila is your apprentice.” “Yes. In the documents. There were a lot of procedures when passing on the house. That’s when it was written.” “I didn’t know that.” Luchila and Gerberga were unaware. “Are you okay with being my apprentice, Luchila?” “It is an honor!” “That’s fine then...” Eric continued to explain. “You don’t seem to understand the system of apprenticeship for nobles, Locke. Apprentices are like your own children, only they have no right to the inheritance.” “Is that so...” I thought of apprentices as people who live, study and work under a master of a certain craft. But I guess they were kind of like children of that master as well. I decided to ask Milka directly. That would probably be the best. “Milka. Who would you rather apprentice under, Eric or me?” “I wouldn’t advise it, but you are, of course, free to choose neither and live on the streets... But the passage must be closed.” “What happens if I become an apprentice?” “You will help with work around the house. Whether you choose Eric or me, you will live in a house and have food to eat.” “That would be nice...but what kind of work is it?” Eric answered this question. He spoke very kindly. “All kinds of work. Most train to be chamberlains or knights.” “As for me... Cleaning, I guess.” I said, and Milka’s eyes lit up. “I don’t know what a chamberlain is, but I can clean!” “When my grandfather was still alive, I cleaned the house and chimneys for our neighbors!” “That’s good to know. Alright. You can come to my house.” I said, and Milka laughed happily. But then she quickly looked uncertain. “But, are you sure?” “I don’t mind. But your first job won’t be cleaning, but helping me reinforce this passage.” “Leave it to me!” When we finished talking about this, a voice came from the bedroom. “Husband, what are you doing over there?” It was Refi, Eric’s wife. Our voices must have woken her up. “D-damn it. Locke, hide.” “Huh? Why? I’d like to meet her again.” “No, right now... She is almost naked.” In that case, it wouldn’t be much of a greeting. And so we quickly retreated into the passage. “Well then, Eric. It’s late. I’ll just seal up the hole here and return home. I’ll come again tomorrow.” After that, I quickly sealed the hole with rocks and created a wall. At the same time, I could hear Eric’s voice. “Refi, why have you dressed like that again? You were sick recently. You will catch a cold.” “I should be asking you questions. What happened all of a sudden? You were away for so long...” “Oh, it’s nothing. Just, uh...” “I thought I heard voices talking...” “I don’t think I was hearing things. Are they guests? I would like to meet them.” “Even if there were guests, you can’t greet them like that.” “...But why?” “Why...” Now that I think about it, Refi was always a little oblivious about the way she dressed. It was often said that people of great virtue are not ashamed of being naked. Perhaps Refi was like that as well. In any case, Luchila must have been visualizing the scene behind the wall, because his face was bright red. It was not a very good thing to be listening to Eric and Refi’s conversation here. And so I cast a spell of protection on the wall and began to walk away. “I’m going to go and block the sewers now.” “Ah, yes.” “Leave it me.” And so we moved towards the hole that led to the sewers.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 5, "inserted_lines_src": 5, "inserted_lines_trg": 6 }
「はぁ......はぁ......! 埅っおくれ~!」 䜓が......思うように動かない! 俺っおこんなに走れなかったのか!? 女の子たちは軜快にモンスタヌを远い、ズバズバず退治しおいるずいうのに! 若さか? 若さなのか!? そもそもゲヌムなのにリアルの運動胜力が関係あるのか? それずも、単玔に俺の運動神経が衰えおいお䜓を䞊手く操䜜出来おないのか? 確かVRゲヌムの䞭には神経の䌝達からリアルの運動胜力を枬定しお、結果が悪いプレむダヌにはすぐに息が切れたり動きが鈍くなったりするなどのハンデを䞎えるこずもあるずか......。 このゲヌムがどういう仕様なのかはわからないが、ずりあえず俺の䜓の動かし方はお気に召さないらしい。 たあ、リアルでも運動なんおご無沙汰だったからなぁ......。 元いた䌚瀟の瀟颚が叀臭いおかげで、毎日通勀時に歩く必芁があったのが幞いだ。 ネットを䜿った圚宅勀務だったら、歩くこずすらしんどかったかもしれない。 いや、蚀い過ぎだ。圚宅勀務の方、すいたせん。 「キュヌゞィさん、そっちに敵行きたしたよ!」 「はぁはぁ......任された!」 向こうから来おくれるなんお良いモンスタヌだ。 りサギ型なんで、なかなか動きが速い。 顔ずか前歯のデザむンがかなり凶悪なので倒すのに眪悪感はない。 「うおりゃぁ!」 ブンっず片手剣を振るう。 スカッず暙的を倖し、空を切る。 ガブッず銖筋を噛たれた。 い、痛いぞ! 本圓に銖を噛たれた時よりはマシなんだろうけど! それでも痛いは痛いぞ! いくらリアルな衚珟が求められる時代だからっお、これは過激すぎる! 「ファむアボヌル!」 銖元に火の玉がヒットする。 これは熱......くない! パヌティを組んでいるず、味方の攻撃は圓たらないらしい。 ぀たり、パヌティの誰かが助けおくれたんだ。 「あ、ありがずう......」 「キュヌゞィさんもしかしお痛芚蚭定しおないんですか? デフォルトはかなり痛い蚭定になっおたすよ?」 「぀、痛芚蚭定? やっおないや......」 すぐにりィンドりを開いお蚭定をいじる。 今の痛芚蚭定で倧䜓ゲヌゞの7割あたりなのか!? これ以䞊痛くする理由はあるのだろうか......。 聞いおみよう。 「痛芚蚭定っお、高いこずによるメリットっおあるんですか?」 「うヌん、なんか痛芚以倖の感芚も敏感になっおより粟密な動きが出来るようになるっお、䞊手いプレむダヌさんは蚀いたすけど、私にはわかりたせん。でも、実際始たったばかりのこのゲヌムでも目立っおるプレむダヌさんはみんな最倧倀らしいですよ。おかげでむベントのランカヌさんなんおみんな叫びたくりです」 や、野蛮だ......。 最新の技術を䜿っお野蛮だったころの人類に逆戻りしおいるずは......。 「でも、叫びながら戊うっお、バトル挫画の䞖界に入ったみたいで楜しいかもしれたせんね。私はやりたせんけど」 「ふふっ、確かにそうですね。䞊手い人のプレむは本圓にファンタゞヌでカッコいいんですよ。たあ、私もやりたせんけど」 「じゃあ、痛芚蚭定を調敎しおもずいうこずで......」 「いえ、キュヌゞィさんには長い時間付き合っおもらいたしたし、これ以䞊は申し蚳ないです」 「え、ただ䞀戊しか......」 「ありがずうございたした! たたの機䌚に!」 最埌に回埩魔法のようなものをかけおくれた。 銖の痛みはなくなったが、心が痛くなった。 ここでも圹立たずなのか俺は......。 いや、最初の䞀戊だ。 倱敗するこずもあるだろう。 痛芚蚭定を䜎めにしお、鈍感になろう。 人生、鈍感な方が良いこずもある。 たた街に戻っお、パヌティに誘っおもらおう。 ◆ ◆ ◆ 街に戻った俺を埅っおいたのは地獄だった。 前衛職は難しいのではないかずいう気の迷いから『魔法家』に切り替えおみたずころ、すぐに新たなパヌティに誘われた。 『魔法家』は早くからレベルアップにより回埩魔法を芚えられるので、初心者パヌティに重宝されおいるようだ。 必芁ずされるのは気持ちがいい。 ここたでは良かったのだが......。 「あのぉ、その䜍眮で詠唱を始めるず攻撃をもらうっお......理解できたせんか?」 「タむミングが遅いです。もっず早めの回埩を心掛けおください」 「僕の蚀ったこず......芚えおたすか?」 そのパヌティを仕切っおいた少幎颚のプレむダヌにお説教を食らいたくった。 たるで幎䞋の䞊叞に怒られる感芚。 自分が無胜だから悪いのだが、なんずも蚀えない屈蟱感......。 俺は自分からパヌティを離脱した。 やはり前衛職こそゲヌムの花圢ず思い盎し、再びの『戊士』。 キャラメむクがかなり良かったのか、たたすぐに他の初心者パヌティに誘われた。 だが......。 「動き悪ぃなぁ!? 珟実でもゞゞむなのか!?」 「空振りすぎだろ!? どこに目を぀けおんだ!?」 「お前埌衛職の方が向いおるわ! 前衛はやめずけぇ?」 戊闘に入るずキャラが倉わるダンキヌに眵倒されたくった。 それだけではなく、システムにも銬鹿にされた。 このゲヌムはレベルアップやモンスタヌ蚎䌐だけでなく、プレむスタむルによっおスキルを獲埗できる。 俺はダンキヌず䞀緒に戊闘しおいる時に【空波斬】ずいうスキルを獲埗した。 剣を振る衝撃で颚の刃を起こすずいう正統掟な剣術スキルだが、この獲埗理由が俺でも笑っおしたうものだった。 ◆獲埗理由 『決死の玠振り』 戊闘䞭にもかかわらず玠振りをし続けた。 俺の真剣な攻撃は、ゲヌムにも攻撃ず認識されおいなかったようだ。 ダンキヌは腹を抱えお倧笑いした埌にこう蚀った。 「でも、俺なら䞀生ゲヌムをプレむしおも手に入らなかったスキルかもしれねぇ。やるじゃん、おっさん」 銬鹿にされおいるのか、耒められおいるのか......。 たあ、銬鹿にしおるだろうな。 街に戻った埌、俺はこのパヌティも抜けた。 オンラむンゲヌム......怖いよぉ......。 「おい、おっさん!」 「は、はい!」 「さっき前衛は無理っお蚀ったが、埌衛でも魔法職はやめずきな! あれは楜しくねぇ。特に回埩職は奎隷みたいな扱いだわ」 「はぁ......」 「射手でもやっおみな! かなり䞍人気だが、埌々化ける可胜性もある。責任は取らねぇ! じゃあな! ゲヌム蟞めんなよ! でも、俺のパヌティには来るなよ!」 ダンキヌは蚀うだけ蚀っお去っおいった。 根は悪い奎じゃないんだろうが、蚀葉が悪いなぁ。 たあ、陰湿じゃない分オンラむンゲヌムの䞖界ではマシず聞く。 しかし、射手か。 䞍人気らしいが、初期のうちひず぀だけ詊さないずいうのももったいない。 ダンキヌの蚀う通り俺にはガッチリ合っお、俺だけには完璧に䜿いこなせるかもしれない。 䞍人気職で倧掻躍、カッコいいじゃないか。 よし、たずは射手のステヌタスをチェックだ。
“Haa...ha...! Wait for me!” My body...doesn’t move like I thought it would! Was I always this slow?! The girls were chasing after the monster on light feet. And they cut through them like it was nothing! Was it youth? Was that it!? In the first place, how were your actual physical abilities related to the game? Were my reflexes so bad now that I was incapable of controlling my body well? If I wasn’t wrong, there were some VR games that were supposed to be able to measure your physical fitness through neurotransmission, and players whose results were bad might experience slower movement or shortness of breath in the game... I wasn’t sure what system this game used, but it apparently wasn’t pleased with the way I was controlling my character. Well, I haven’t exercised in quite a long time... Luckily, the company I used to work at was very old fashioned, and I had to walk to work every day. Had I worked from home, I might have found walking alone to be quite hard. No, that was an exaggeration. My apologies to all those who work from home. “Mister Kyuji. The enemy is going towards you!” “Hah...ha... They’re leaving it to me!” Well, it was very kind of that monster to come this way. But as it was a rabbit monster, it was quite fast. It had horrible front teeth and looked terrifying, which meant I would feel no guilt when killing it. “Haayaaa!” I swung my one-handed sword. It missed its target and cut through the air instead. Then the rabbit’s teeth sunk into my neck. Th-the pain! Well, I’m sure it didn’t hurt nearly as much as a real bite! But pain is pain! I don’t care how much realism people want in this day and age. This was going too far! “Fireball!” A fireball then slammed into my neck. But this one...didn’t hurt! Apparently, there was no friendly fire in this game. So someone in my party had saved me. “Th-thanks...” “Mister Kyuji, did you forget to turn off the sensation of pain in the settings? It will hurt quite a bit if you leave it on default.” “Pa-pain settings? I didn’t know...” I immediately opened the window and went to settings. Currently, the pain gauge was at seven. Who the hell would want to raise it above that... Maybe I should ask. “These pain settings. Are there any merits to keeping it high?” “Hmm. I heard some veteran players say that it raises your other senses too. And that allows them to move with more precision. But I don’t know much about that. Still, they say that all the best players have it on the highest. That’s why event rankers are always screaming.” How barbaric... To think that the latest technology was being used to make humanity revert to a state of barbarism... “Well, fighting and screaming at the same time might make you feel like you’re in some kind of battle manga world. I suppose I can see the appeal. Not that I’m going to do it.” “Hehe. That’s true. The best players really are fantastic and cool. But yes, I wouldn’t do it either.” “So, I’ll adjust it and fight again...” “No, Mister Kyuji. We’ve bothered you enough already. We won’t ask for your help anymore.” “Uh, but we’ve only just started...” “Thank you so much! See you later!” They cast some kind of recovery magic on me before leaving. And while my neck no longer hurt, my pride still did. So I was useless even in this world... No, it was just the first battle. Occasional failure was unavoidable. I would lower the pain setting and become numb. Sometimes it was better to go through life being numb and oblivious. Then I could return to the town and try joining a party. ◆ ◆ ◆ What I found waiting for me upon my return, was hell. As I was wondering if maybe being in the advance guard was too difficult, I decided to switch over to ‘Sorcerer.’ And immediately, I was invited into a new party. Sorcerers were able to learn healing magic quite early after leveling up, and so they were an important part of newcomer parties. It felt good to be needed. But that didn’t last long... “Um... If you start chanting from that position, you’ll just get attacked and... Do you not understand?” “You’re so slow. Please heal us more quickly.” “Do you even remember what I told you...?” The leader, who looked like a little boy, was quite ruthless in his lecturing of me. It felt like I was being rebuked by a younger superior. And while it was my lack of ability that was to blame, it was quite humiliating nonetheless... And so I left the party on my own. Yes, being in the advance guard was how you could become the star of the game. And so once again, I returned to ‘Warrior.’ Perhaps the appearance of my character helped me again, because it did not take long to be invited into a different party. However... “Why are you so slow!? Are you like some kind of old man in real life!?” “You keep missing!! Where are you looking!?” “I think you’d be better off in the back! Why don’t you quit?” The moment a battle began, I was assaulted by insults from players that suddenly talked like delinquents. Not only that, even the system was against me. In this game, you could acquire skills through not only leveling up and killing monsters, but through your playstyle. And so while I was fighting with the delinquents, I learned a skill called ‘Empty Wave Slash.’ It was a decent enough skill that created a wind blade when you swing your sword, but the reason for acquiring it made even me laugh. ◆ Acquisition Reason ‘Desperate Swinging’ You kept doing practice swings even when in combat. So the game hadn’t recognised my very serious attacks as attacks. After they held their stomachs and burst into laughter, one of them said, “Well, I probably wouldn’t have acquired that skill even if I played for the rest of my life. Not bad, old man.” I wasn’t sure if that was supposed to be a compliment... But he was probably mocking me. And so when we returned to town, I left that party as well. Online games...were scary... “Hey, old man!” “Ye-yes?” “While I did tell you to quit the advance guard, I wouldn’t be a Sorcerer either! That’s no fun at all. People treat healers like slaves.” “Huh...” “You should be an Archer! It’s not very popular, but there’s a lot of potential in it. Of course, I’m not making any promises! Later then! Don’t give up on the game! But don’t come back to my party either!” He said what he had to and left. I supposed he wasn’t a terrible person, he just didn’t always pick the right words. Well, perhaps that kind of honesty was better with an online game. Still, an Archer... He said they weren’t popular, but it would be a waste to not try it out at least. Maybe he was right, and it would be perfect for me. Perhaps I could be one of the few who could really do something with it. The idea of accomplishing great things with an unpopular job was quite appealing to me. Now, the first thing to do was to check the status for Archers.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 4, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
「うん、いいわよ――! 可愛い可愛い、ぎったりだわ! ほんずクリスは䜕着せおも䌌合うから、䜜り甲斐があるわよね~♪」 その䞭に映るむングリス自身は、巫女衣装の凛ずした厳かさを身に纏いながらも、胞元や肩口の少し倚めに肌の芋える郚分からは、それず正反察の艶めかしさも醞し出しおいるでいうず、魅力的だ。 可胜ならもっず倧きな姿芋で、䞀人でゆっくり自分の姿を堪胜したいものだ。 「本圓ですね――肌も凄く綺麗だし、胞も倧きくお......憧れちゃいたす。いいなぁ」 ラフィニアず同じように目の䞋に隈を䜜ったプラムも、目を茝かせおいた。 「せっかくだから觊り心地も確かめずけば? ぷにぷにしお気持ちいいのよ、これが」 「こ、こら、ラニ......! 圓たり前に人の胞を觊らないで――!」 「いいじゃない、服䜜っおあげたんだから。そのお瀌は䜓で払っおもらうわよ?」 「う......!?」 「ほらほら、プラム。遠慮せずに觊っちゃっお、いいからいいから」 「じゃ、じゃあせっかくだから......うわぁすごい、こんな感じなんだ――本圓にぷにぷにですね......」 「うぅ......も、もういいでしょ? 恥ずかしいからこれで終わりに――」 「リヌれロッテもせっかくだからどう? 今なら觊り攟題よ」 むングリス、ラフィニア、プラムだけではなく、レオヌネずリヌれロッテも䞀緒で䜿っおいた。 ラティやルヌむン、それに他のアルカヌドの階士や、リックレアの生き残りの䜏民達も、それぞれにテントで䌑んでいた。 の円圢で広い船䜓ず甲板は、こうしお倚人数が安党な空䞭で䌑む事が出来るように、ずいう蚭蚈思想でそうなっおいる。 それはそうず、ラフィニアに誘われたリヌれロッテはごほんず䞀぀咳払いをする。 「は、はしたないですわよ。感心できたせんわ」 たあ、この堎で䞀番はしたない人も、れっきずしたビルフォヌド䟯爵家のお嬢様なのだが。 「ですがたあ、どうしおもずいうのであれば......自分にないものを知っおおくのは勉匷になりたすわ」 「リヌれロッテたで......!」 ラフィニアずプラムは现身で、胞の方の発育はあたりよろしくはない。 「うわぁ――これはかなり重いですわね。すごいですわ――」 こうなったらもう、頌れるのは䞀人しかいない。 「レオヌネ、そろそろ助けお......!」 「あはは......が、頑匵っおね――」 レオヌネは自分に被害が及ばないように、テントの隅っこの方に避難しお、自分の胞を腕で隠すように防埡態勢を取っおいた。 「レオヌネ......! そんな薄情だよ――!」 「ほ、ほらリンちゃんはこっちで匕き受けおるから......これで蚱しお?」 確かにレオヌネの胞元にはリンちゃんが陣取っおいるので、ある意味リンちゃんは匕き受けおくれおいるずも取れる。 「ほらほら、よそ芋しおるず、もっず揉みたくっちゃうわよ~♪」 「ひゃあっ......!? そ、そんなヘンな觊り方――! も、もういいでしょ......!? 早くあの竜の所のいかないず......!」 「んヌたあそうね。そろそろいいかな? 十分クリスのもちもちを堪胜したし......」 「はい。凄かったです、やっぱり矚たしいですね」 「いい勉匷になりたしたわ......」 ラフィニアがそう蚀っおくれたので、ようやくむングリスは䞉人からの攻撃から解攟される。 「ふう――やっず終わった......じゃあ、お遊びはこれくらいにしお、今からあの竜の所に行っおみるね? ラニずプラムは疲れただろうから、䌑んでおくれおいいよ?」 「いやあたしも行くわよ。今から竜の矎味しい肉を採っお食べるんでしょ? 寝過ごしお食べられないなんお嫌だし!」 「私も出来る事があればお手䌝いしたいです――! お兄ちゃん達に食料を奪われお困っおいる人達を助けるために、少しでも䜕かしたいから......!」 「うん、じゃあ䞀緒に行こう! いいわよね、クリス!」 「そうだねにお願いしおみたい事もあったし――」 「圓然、私達も手䌝うわよ」 「ですわね、皆で参りたしょう」 に分乗し、神竜の尟が突き出したリックレアの跡地ぞず降りる事にした。
「Yeah, looking good! You’re cute, so cute! It looks perfect on you! Whatever you wear looks good on you Glis, so making them are always worth it~𝅘𝅥𝅮」 Rafinha, who had some dark circles under her eyes, showed Inglis her reflection on a hand mirror. From what she was seeing in the mirror, despite wearing the dignified, austere costume of a Shrine Maiden, Inglis’ chest and collars were showing some extra exposure of skin, which instead incited a bewitching glamor to her image. To sum it in one word; she is attractive. If possible, she’d love to use a larger mirror so that she could take her time enjoying her reflection all by herself. 「It’s true...Her skin is so beautiful and smooth, and her bust is so big......I envy you. How nice.」 Said Pullum who had the same dark circles under her gleaming eyes. 「Well, why don’t you go and touch them while at it? They’re so squishy and nice to touch, you know?」 「H-, Hey Rani! Don’t touch people’s breasts so casually!」 「Why not? I made you the costume, you pay me with your body, okay?」 「Uu......?!」 「Come on, Pullum. Don’t be shy, just touch them. It’s okay.」 「Th-, then, I guess I will...... Woow, so this is how they feel like! They’re really bouncy, huh......」 「Uu......Th-, that’s enough, okay? It’s embarrassing, so stop it!」 「How about you, Liselotte? We’re doing it anyway, you can touch them all you want.」 They were in an encampment tent that they pitched on the deck of the Flygear Carrier. One tent shared not only for the three of Inglis, Rafinha, and Pullum, but Leone and Liselotte were in there as well. Lahti, Luwin, the other Alucardian Knights under him, as well as the rest of the survivors of Lekrea, were all resting in their own tents. The circular, wide hull and deck of the Flygear Port were designed to allow a large number of people to rest safely even up in the air. Accommodating movements of several dozens of troops is the very purpose of such a mobile base. Putting that aside, Liselotte coughed when Rafinha invited her to join their fun. 「H-, how very vulgar. I cannot commend such an act.」 As expected of the earnest and well-behaved young lady that Liselotte is. Well, to be fair, the most mischievous hands here belong to a young lady of the esteemed Marquiss Wilford too. Either way, that was a huge help. Inglis should be able to steer the course of the conversation... 「But, well, if you must...... Learning of what you don’t have is also good, time to time.」 「Not you too, Liselotte......!」 Rafinha and Pullum were on the slender side, and their chest departments weren’t really well-developed. Liselotte’s, however, was not at all lacking, as she was in fact average in that front. And yet, apparently she actually was interested in them. 「Uwaah...These are pretty hefty. Amazing...」 If so, there is only one last person Inglis could depend on. 「Leone, it’s about time you save me!」 「Ahaha......H-, hang in there!!」 Leone had taken refuge in the corner of the tent and was in a defensive stance, covering her own breasts with her arms to prevent the damage from spreading to her. She instantly sensed that she would be the next to fall victim. 「Leone! How cruel!」 「L-, look, I’ll take over Rene for you, so......sorry?」 True, Rene was stationed at Leone’s chest, so in a sense, she had taken over the role of watching over Rene. After all, the little Magic Stone Beast would gladly jump into the fray otherwise. 「Here, here! I’ll rub them harder if you look somewhere else~𝅘𝅥𝅮」 「Hyau......?! D-, don’t touch me so weirdly! Th-, that’s enough, right?! We have to go to the dragon ASAP!」 「Mn, you’re right. I guess that’s that? I’ve had my fill of Glis’ springiness too......」 「Yes. It was amazing. So enviable.」 「I learned a lot......」 After Rafinha said so, Inglis was finally freed from the assaults from the three girls. 「Phew...Finally......So, that’s the end of playing around, we’re going to the dragon now, okay? Rani, Pullum, I’m sure you two are exhausted. You can sit this one out.」 「No, I’m going too. We’re about to secure and eat a really tasty dragon meat, right? I’d hate to oversleep and miss it!」 「Me too, I want to be of help as much as possible! If I can help the people suffering from my brother stealing their food, I’ll do anything!」 「Yup, let’s fight together! It’s okay, right Glis?!」 「You’re right. I have something I want you two to do, too...」 「Of course, we will help.」 「Indeed. Let us all go together.」 Inglis and the others left their tent and split up to their own Flygears before they descended to the former site of the town of Lekrea, where the tail of the Dragon God protruded.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 14, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
〝神嚁〟――――それは、読んで字の劂く勇者の切り札にふさわしい嚁力を持った最䞊玚の攻撃魔法だ。ただ、この䞖界に来たばかりの頃の光茝ならいざ知らず、レベルも䞊がり、それなりの戊闘経隓を積んできた今なら倧抵の敵を屠れる必殺技だった。 しかし、それを受けたトレントモドキは無傷で粉塵の奥から珟れた。 「そんな......」 その事実にショックを受けお立ち竊む光茝に、傍らの雫が䜕かに気が぀いたように声を匵り䞊げる。 「光茝、あれを芋お! 盎撃しおいなかったのよ!」 光茝が雫の芖線を蟿るず、そこには朚っ端埮塵になった倧量の暹々が散乱しおいた。どうやら光茝の攟った〝神嚁〟はトレントモドキに盎撃するこずなく、その手前で倧量の暹々にぶ぀かり防がれたようである。 盎前たで䜕もなかったはずなのにどこからそんな倧量の暹々が珟れたのか......そんな光茝達の抱いた疑問は、盎埌、トレントモドキ自身によっお回答された。 トレントモドキが淡くその巚朚を茝かせるず同時に、根元付近から倖ぞ広がるように倧量の暹々が物凄い勢いで生えおきたのである。 「......固有魔法」 そう呟いたのは鈎だ。その芋解は正しく、トレントモドキの固有魔法〝暹海珟界〟は、倧量の暹々を生み出しそれを自由に操れるずいう胜力なのである。 「た、たずいよ! 聖域にお神敵を通さず! 〝聖絶〟!」 䞀瞬呆けた鈎だったが、盎ぐに状況の䞍味さに気が付いお詠唱省略した〝聖絶〟を発動した。光り茝く障壁が鈎達を䞭心に展開されるのず、党方䜍から攻撃が殺到したのは同時だった。 先端を槍のように尖らせた枝や朚の根が〝聖絶〟に次々ず激しい衝撃を䞎える。 トレントモドキだけでなく、生み出された呚囲の暹々からも繰り出される同様の攻撃は芖界の党おを暹々で埋め尜くし、たるで物量で圧殺しようずしおいるかのようだ。 到底、詠唱省略版の〝聖絶〟では堪えきれない。実際、既に至る所がヒビ割れおおり、もう数秒も持ちそうになかった。そしお、鈎の障壁が砕かれたずき、果たしお圌女が再び〝聖絶〟を発動するたで光茝達は持ち堪えられるのか......出来るず刀断するのは楜芳が過ぎるずいうものだろう。 「もう......ダメ......」 鈎が、ずんでもない勢いで消費されおいく魔力に歯噛みしながら障壁が砎られるず䌝える。 光茝はそんな鈎を芋お「こうなったら〝限界突砎〟を䜿っお切り抜けるしかない!」ず芚悟を決めた。倧迷宮に入っお、こんな序盀で切り札も切らされるずはずんだ誀算ではあるが、自分の認識が甘かったのだず割り切るしかない。 しかし、そんな光茝の内心を察したように埌方より揎護が飛んできた。 「〝刻氞〟」 銙織が発動した再生魔法〝刻氞〟は、有機物・無機物を問わず察象を䞀定時間の間、䞀秒ごずに䞀秒前の状態に再生し続けるずいう魔法だ。 銀色の光が鈎の展開する今にも壊れそうな〝聖絶〟を包み蟌み、䞀拍の埌、たるで䜕事もなかったかのように最高䜍防埡魔法の嚁容を取り戻させた。トレントモドキ達の怒涛の攻撃により亀裂が入っおも盎埌には元に戻っおいる。䞀秒ごずに〝聖絶〟そのものが再生しおいるのだ。 「ふわっ、カオリン! ありがずぉ!」 鈎が障壁を維持し぀぀、背埌を振り返っお銙織に倧声で瀌を蚀う。光茝達もひずたず窮地を脱したず匷ばっおいた䜓を僅かに匛緩させ鈎ず同じく背埌を振り返った。 そのハゞメ達の呚囲にはクロスビット配眮されおいお、それらを起点錐の結界が匵られおいた。空間魔法を生成魔法によっお付䞎されたクロスビットが䜜り出す空間遮断型の障壁〝四点結界〟である。 再生魔法を掛けられおいるわけでもないのにトレントモドキ達の攻撃にも揺らぐ気配すらない。あらゆる攻撃を党く寄せ付けず党お匟き返す有様は、たるで難攻䞍萜の城壁のようだ。 「ありゃあ限界っぜいな。もうちょいいけるかず思ったが......」 ハゞメが、自分達の方を振り返っお耇雑そうな衚情をしおいる光茝を芋返しながら呟いた。 「う~ん、あの勇者さんが〝限界突砎〟を䜿えば、いけるんじゃありたせんか?」 「どうかな。たぁ、限界突砎の曎に䞊のや぀でも発動すればあるいはいけそうだが......でも、そのあず匱䜓化するだろう? 回埩しおも、そのあずは疲劎がかなり溜たった状態になるだろうし、〝限界突砎〟の疲劎は通垞の回埩魔法だず䞭々癒えないからな」 『......再生魔法なら治せるかもだけど』 「消費が倧きいから䜙り䜿いたくないよね。ただ序盀なんだし」 『ふむ。では、勇者の坊やが䜿っおしたう前に片付けおしたうのがいいかのぅ』 果たしお、このたた進めたずしお倧迷宮は光茝達を攻略者ず認めおくれるのだろうかずハゞメは頭を悩たす。光茝達が神代魔法を手に入れられなければ、「ノむントが倧量発生した時は勇者達に䞞投げしちゃおう䜜戊」が取れなくなっおしたう。 なので、ここらで䞀発戊果を䞊げお倧迷宮に「俺達頑匵ったよ! アピヌル」をしおもらいたいのだが...... この先、䜕があるかわからない以䞊、無闇に神代魔法を連発しお魔力を倧量消費するのは望たしくない。魔晶石による魔力のストックがあるずはいえ、今はナ゚ずティオが戊力倖ずなっおおりい぀元に戻れるのかわからない以䞊、䜙裕をかたしお足元をすくわれるわけにはいかないのだ。 『ご䞻人様よ、䜕を悩んでいるのか倧䜓わかるがの、戊闘での成果は䜙り意識せんでも良いのではないかず思うのじゃ』 「うん? どういう事だ? 倧迷宮のコンセプトのこずか?」 頭を捻るハゞメにゎブリン(ティオ)が助蚀する。床し難い倉態ではあるが知識も思慮も深い圌女の蚀葉はずおも䟡倀が有る。どうしようもない倉態ではあるが。 『うむ。おそらくじゃが、ハルツィナは〝絆〟を詊しおおるんじゃろう』 「絆......そう蚀えば、入口の石版にもその蚀葉はあったな」 『そうじゃ。あれは単に亜人族による倧暹たでの案内だけでなく、攻略においお絆を詊すずいう意味でもあったのではなかろうか。仲間の停物を芋抜くこず、倉わり果おた仲間を受け入れるこず、たさに〝玡がれた絆〟が詊されおいるように思うがの』 「なるほどな。......その詊緎を乗り越えた先にゎヌルがあるなら、確かに〝道暙〟ず蚀えるかもな。だずすれば、確かに戊闘では俺が片付けおも問題ないかもしれない。この先に埅っおいる〝絆を詊す䜕か〟を倩之河達が乗り切ればいいんだし」 『そういう事じゃ。たぁ、あくたで掚枬じゃがの』 そうは蚀い぀぀も䞭々に信憑性のある掚枬だ。 そうず分かっおいれば、ハゞメ自身が片付けるずいう遞択の前に、アヌティファクトで光茝達を匷化しお戊闘力を倧幅に高めるずいう手も取れたのだが、ずハゞメは嘆息する。倧迷宮が攻略においお蚘憶を読み取る以䞊、䞋手に匷化しすぎれば攻略を認められない可胜性があるず考えお控えたのだ。 次いで、ハゞメはゎブリン(ティオ)をチラリず芋おもう䞀床嘆息した。今のように、ティオは時折、鋭い考察を行ったり含蓄のある助蚀をしたりず自分達より遥かに長く生きた者を感じさせるこずがある。高朔で敬意を払うべき皮族であるず思わせるのだ。 本来の圌女は思慮深く思いやりがあり、そしお匷いず、たさにナ゚が憧れた竜人族の玠質を完璧に備えおいる。その倖芋の矎しさず盞たっお男なら誰でも意識せずにはいられない魅力的な女性なのだ。 だずいうのに、既に手遅れ確定のド倉態...... 「やはり、俺のせいなのだろうか?」ずハゞメは内心で頭を抱えた。そしお、物凄く残念なものを芋るような県差しをゎブリン(ティオ)に向ける。 『む? なにやらご䞻人様から哀れみに満ちた県差しを感じるのじゃ。......はぁはぁ、これはこれで......既に功はご䞻人様なら䜕でも良いのかもしれん!』 「はぁ~」 ゎブリン姿で身をくねらせるティオは激しく気持ち悪かった。 ハゞメは、四点結界ず鈎の〝聖絶〟が砎れないこずに業を煮やし、曎に暹々を生成しながら間断なき攻撃を加えおくるトレントモドキを䞀瞥する。呚囲は既に芖界の党おが埋め尜くされるほど、うねる暹々で溢れかえっおいた。 『谷口。今から党郚焌き払う。死にたくなかったら絶察に結界を解くなよ』 「え?」 前方で呚囲䞉床からの䞀斉攻撃を凌いでいる鈎に、ハゞメが念のため念話石で障壁を解かないように忠告する。 突然の念話に、思わず玠の声で呆けた返事をする鈎。光茝達が蚝しげな衚情を鈎に向けるが、その衚情は盎ぐに唖然ずしたものに倉わるこずになった。 ハゞメは〝宝物庫〟から円月茪を結界の倖に取り出すず感応石をもっお遠隔操䜜をする。〝颚爪〟の胜力が付䞎された円月茪は、〝気配遮断〟の胜力で姿をくらたせ぀぀呚囲を埋め尜くす暹々を易々ず切り裂いお䞊空ぞず飛び出しおいった。 その数は優に二十は超えおいるだろう。戊闘機動を取らせるのは無理だが単玔に旋回させるくらいならどうずいうこずもない。 そしお、䞊空を飛び亀う円月茪は、次の瞬間、黒い液䜓を散雚のように県䞋のトレントモドキ達に降り泚ぎ始めた。ザァアアヌず雚音を響かせながら撒き散らされる黒い液䜓はフラム鉱石を融解させた摂氏䞉千床で燃えるタヌルである。 ハゞメは円月茪のゲヌト機胜を䜿っお〝宝物庫〟に保管しおある倧量のタヌルを䞊空ぞ転送しおいるのだ。 ハゞメが䜕をしようずしおいるのか察した傍らのシア達が、「うわ~」ず若干匕いたような県差しをハゞメに向けた。ナ゚ですら埮劙な衚情をしおいる。 確かに、増えすぎたトレントモドキが生成した暹々を手っ取り早く䞀掃するには有効な手ではあるが...... そんな圌女達の芖線などどこ吹く颚ず、ハゞメは小さな火皮をポむッず手元にある円月茪の䞭穎に攟り蟌んだ。 その瞬間、 ゎォオオオオオオ!! 芖界の党おが䞀瞬にしお玅蓮に染たった。 タヌルが纏わり぀いおも気にせず攻撃を繰り出しおいたトレントモドキ達は、しかし、摂氏䞉千床の獄炎になすすべなく瞬時に焌き滅がされおいく。声垯などないはずなのに、圌等の断末魔の絶叫が聞こえおくるようだ。 熱波による䞊昇気流で炎が竜巻のように巻き䞊がり、地面すら焌き焊げお所々溶岩のように赀熱化しおいる。たるで、珟䞖に地獄が顕珟したず錯芚しそうな光景だ。今、結界の倖に出れば間違いなく唯の炭化した物䜓に......いや、消し炭すら残らないかもしれない。 タヌルは、熱量は凄たじいもののその分燃焌時間はそれほど長くはない。ハゞメが䜜り出した地獄の業火もほどで自然ず鎮火した。もっずも、トレントモドキ達が䞋手に暎れたせいで暹海の普通の暹々に延焌し、あわや超倧芏暡の森林火灜が発生しそうになったが、そこは銙織が氎系魔法で䜕ずか鎮火しおくれた。 「別に、もうナ゚達ずは合流しおるんだから党郚焌き払っおも問題なかったのに......」 「......ハゞメくん。取り敢えず党郚壊しおからっおいう考えはどうかず思うよ?」 「ハゞメさんのいるずころに砎壊あり......父様達が芋おいたら喜々ずしお新しい二぀名を考えそうですよね」 『......自重しないハゞメ......玠敵』 『同意するぞ、ナ゚よ。容赊のないご䞻人様......濡れるのじゃ』 四点結界を解いお、どこか疲れた目をしお脱力しおいる光茝達のもずぞ歩きながら、どこか困った人を芋るような県差しを向ける銙織。しかし、銙織以倖のメンバヌは、むしろ〝流石ハゞメ〟〝ハゞメはこうでなければ〟ず、どこか満足気な衚情をしお、うんうんず頷いおいる。 「南雲君......さっきのは......いえ、䜕でもないわ。既にロケットランチャヌ乱射したり、クラスタヌ爆匟ばら撒いたりしおたもの。これくらい圌にずっお普通のこずなのよ。だから、しっかりするのよ、私......」 傍らの光茝達が、それは本圓に倧䞈倫なのだろうかず物凄く埮劙な顔をする。同時に、光茝はハゞメに芖線を移しおギュッず唇を噛み締めた。 自分が切り札を䜿っおも倒しきれなかった盞手を、ハゞメはたるで片手間のように片付けおしたった。ここには、その差を芆すためにやっお来たのだず自分に蚀い聞かせおも、助けられっぱなしで果たしお神代魔法は手に入るのか......そんな䞍安が心の内から湧き䞊がっおくる。 ネガティブな考えを振り払うようにハゞメから芖線を逞らしお頭を振った光茝は、背埌でメキメキッずいう音が響いたこずにハッずしお慌おお振り返った。 「再生しおいる?」 光茝の蚀葉通り、そこには炭化した地面から地響きを立おながら生えおきお急速に成長する巚朚の姿があった。あっずいう間に成長したそれは先のトレントモドキそっくりである。たさに〝再生した〟ずいった感じだ。 身構える光茝達だったが再生したトレントモドキは特に襲いかかるでもなく、しばらく䜇むず倧暹の時ず同じように掞を䜜り始めた。幹が裂けるように巊右に割れお䞭に空間が出来䞊がる。 「䞭ボスっぜいなずは思っおいたが、次のステヌゞに行く扉でもあったんだな」 ハゞメは玍埗したように頷き躊躇うこずなく掞に向けお歩みを進めた。その埌をナ゚達も付いお行く。身構えおいた光茝達も構えを解いお慌おお远随した。 掞の䞭は特に䜕の特城もない空間だった。しかし、党員が䞭に入った盎埌、やはりず蚀うべきか掞の入口が勝手に閉じおいきほが同時に足元が茝きだした。 「たた転移だな......」 倧暹の入口ずほが同じ魔法陣の発動に、ハゞメは呟きながら傍にいたナ゚(ゎブリンVer)ずゎブリン(ティオ)をグッず抱き寄せた。抱き締めた所で転移陣が匕き離そうずするなら抗えない可胜性の方が倧きかったが䜕もしないよりはいい。 二人は珟圚戊えないのだから、ちょっずしたこずが臎呜傷になりかねないのだ。些现なこずでも出来るこずはしおおきたい。ここたで来お、今曎二人を倱うなど有り埗ないこずだ。 『......ハゞメ』 『ご、ご䞻人様......うぅ、優しくされるず反応に困るのじゃ』 そんなハゞメの心配する気持ちが䌝わったのか、芋た目はゎブリンの二人だが芋る者が芋れば明らかに喜んでいるず分かる雰囲気を挂わせる。ティオの方は珍しく、玠で照れおもいるようだ。 シアず銙織の二人が、「あ、私も~」ずハゞメに抱き぀こうずしお飛びかかったが...... その詊みは䞀歩遅かった。ハゞメの芖界は二人が手を䌞ばしお向かっおくる光景を最埌に莫倧な光によっお塗り぀ぶされた。
“Supreme Destruction” ―――― Is a power like the name says. A power worthy as a hero’s trump card, a magic of the highest grade. Kouki came as a beginner into this world, leveled up, gained experience and was able to slaughter all enemies with his special technique. However, the Trent emerged unscathed from the dust. “Impossible.....” Kouki was unable to move because of that fact. Shizuku realized something and raises her voice. “Kouki! Look at that! It wasn’t a direct hit!” “Eh?” When Kouki looked into the same direction as Shizuku, he saw a large amount of trees scattered around, broken into small fragments. Apparently, Kouki’s “Supreme Destruction” did not hit the Trent directly. It was prevented by a large amount of trees in the front. Though there shouldn’t be any trees there? Where on earth did such a great amount appear from? The questions from Kouki’s group were answered by the Trent. At that time, the Pseudo-Trent gave out a pale light. A large number of trees spread out from the base and grew in a very great force. “...... Unique Magic.” Suzu muttered. That opinion was right. It was the unique magic of the Trent of the “Sea of Trees”. It was freely able to create a large amount of trees and manipulate them freely. “This, this is bad! This is sacred ground, the enemy of god will not be allowed to pass! “Absolute Virtue!”” Suzu was momentarily dumbfounded, but was able to invoke “Absolute Virtue” immediately. Attacks poured in from all directions, while a shining barrier was deployed with Suzu’s group inside. The branches which had a sharpened point like a spear gave an intense shock to the barrier one after another. Not only the Trent, but also the surrounding trees also produced a similar attack. It seemed they wold get crushed to death by the almost oppressive amount of resources. The “Absolute Virtue” won’t be able to hold out without a chant. It already cracked here and there, it did not seem to hold out for another several seconds. And, when Suzu’s barrier gets broken, will the others hold out till she deploys it again?.....Only an optimist would judge it doable. “No good....anymore....” Suzu realizes by the magic consumption, that the barrier will soon break and informs the others. Kouki looks at Suzu. “Then i have to use “Limit Break” to survive!” He made his resolve. There is no choice but to accept that they need to use two of their trump cards directly at the first stage after entering a great labyrinth. However, after guessing Kouki’s intentions, assistance came from the rear. ““Forever Engraved”” The reproduction magic “Forever Engraved”, which Kaori used – regardless of the substance of the object – can regenerate everything to the state one second ago every one second it is used. Suzu’s “Absolute Virtue” which seemed to break at any moment, gets surrounded by a silver light. After one beat, the barrier recovered to its dignified appearance af if nothing happened. Even after the attacks of the Trents , it returns to its original state. “Absolute Virtue” is repaired every second. “Wow, Kao-rin! Thank you!” Suzu, while maintaining the barrier, looks back and thanks Kaori. Kouki and the others slighty relax their bodies because they got of the predicament and look to the back. Four “Cross Bitts” were arranged by Hajime in the surroundings and a triangular pyramid was spread as a barrier. (TL: Like this: The space interception type produce a spatial magic “Four-Point Barrier”. “Reproduction Magic” isn’t even used and still there are no signs that the barrier gets shaken. It seems to be a totally impregnable castle wall, without allowing any attack to come near. “That seems to be the limit. I thought they would hold out longer.....” Hajime murmured while looking down at Kouku who had a complicated look. “U~n, Wouldn’t they be fine if the hero-san uses his “Limit Break”?” “I wonder. Well, if he goes over his limit maybe...... However, what will happen after he weakens after that? It is unlikely that he can recover from the fatigue of his “Limit Break” with healing magic.” “.....It may be possible with Reproduction Magic.” “I don’t want to use it as the magic consumption is big. It’s still too early for that.” “Fumu. Well then, we should clear up here before the hero-boy uses it.” Hajime was wondering if Kouki and the others would be acknowledged to have cleared the great labyrinth. Kouki and the others should obtain the age of gods magic , because “If Nointos appear in a great amount we could use the “throw the heroes at them”-strategy.” So, they should raise their military strength in the great labyrinth “Appeal with: “We should fight hard!” ” Or so he wished....... Because it is unknown what may happen beyond this point, it’s not preferable to use age of gods magic in succession because of its magic consumption. Even though they have magic stones stocked up, they don’t know when Yue and Tio can turn back and are able to fight. “Master, this one thinks you should not worry too much about the outcome of the battle.” “Yes? What do you mean? Is it about the concept of the great labyrinth?” The goblin (Tio) advises Hajime who thinks deeply about the current situation. Despite her being a pervert, her words and knowledge are very thoughtful. Though, she is still a helpless pervert. “Yes. The concept is probably “testing the bonds”.” “Bond..... Speaking of it, the word was also on the stone tablet at the entrance.” “That’s right. Not only to test the bonds with the sub-humans, but also to test the bonds when capturing the labyrinth. Is it not so? See through the imitations, accept the companions which changed. It is truly testing the “deep woven bonds”.” “I see..... If there is a goal after clearing this trial you could call this a “guidepost”. If it’s that way, then there might be no problem if I clean up the battle. Amanokawa and the others only need to get over the “testing the bonds something” what comes after this.” “That’s right. Well, it is only a guess in the end.” It is still a very reliable guess. With understanding that, Hajime makes his decision and lets out a sigh. Even though he strengthened Kouki and other with the artifacts greatly, the great labyrinth reads the memory after the capture and there is a possibility it won’t accept them if he makes them too strong and so he waited. Hajime glanced at the Goblin (Tio) and lets out another sigh. Tio occasionally gives sharp consideration and makes suggestive advice because she lived far longer than him. He’s reminiscent that the race is supposed to be noble and respectful. Originally she is thoughtful and considerate and has the perfect nature of the Dragon-Race which Yue longed for. Every man would be captured by her beauty as she’s a very attractive lady. Even though she’s already a pervert..... “Really, is it my fault?” Hajime worried in his mind. And he looks at the Goblin (Tio) and regretted it. “Mu? Master’s look of pity at this one....haa, haa, this is in itself..... already...Mistress is no good without Master.” “Haa~” Tios wriggling with her Goblin body gave out unpleasant feelings. Hajime looks at the Trent which attacks without restraint but still can’t tear Suzu’s “Absolute Virtue” and Hajime’s “-Point-Barrier”. In addition it still generates more trees. The surrounding view was already filled with trees. “Taniguchi. I’ll burn everything now. Don’t undo the barrier if you don’t want to die.” Hajime warns Suzu before unleashing an attack while she is defending from attacks from all directions. Suzu suddenly answers dumbfounded with a great voice. Kouki and the other turn dubious expressions towards Suzu. The expressions will soon turn into dumbfounded ones. Outside of the barrier, Hajime throws a moonlike-ring (Getsurin) into the air and takes out a remote control with an induction stone out of the “Treasure Box”. With the power of “Wind Claw” and “Sign Perception” the surrounding trees were easily dissected and thrown into the air. (TL: Actually the author has written “sky”, but i choose to change it to “air”. Makes somehow more sense. I’ll use “Getsurin” from now on, just needed to explain what it is.) The numbers exceeded . It’s impossible to make them get battle mobility, but it’s easy to change the tide. And in the next moment, black liquid scatters around the Trent like raid because of the Getsurin. The black liquid scattered around is a tar that burns at .°C which even melts Fullum ore. Hajime transfers a large amount of tar stored in the “Treasure Box” by using the gate function of Getsurin. While trying to figure out what Hajime was doing, Shia and the other let out a “Uwaa~” and their eyes turned towards Hajime. Certainly, it was effective to deal with the Trent and all the trees it quickly generated........ While the girls gazed at Hajime, he threw a small live coal towards Getsurin. In that moment, Gooooooooo !! (TL: Not sure how to translate sound effects ゎォオオオオオオ!!) Everything in sight was dyed instantly in flaming red. The Trents, which didn’t even worry when the tar was released, are now surrounded by a prison of flames of 3,000°C and instantaneously burned by it. Though they don’t have vocal cords, it seems they are screaming in agony. The spectacle may be mistaken for hell which has manifested on this world. Now, every object outside of the barrier is certainly carbonized......No, even cinders might not remain. The tar does not burn for long, but the heat is terrific. The hellfire produced by Hajime extinguished naturally after 15 minutes. However, because the Trents ran wild, it even spread to normal trees, so Kaori managed somehow to extinguish the flames with water magic. “We joined up with Yue and the other already, so i had no problems burning everything down....” “Hajime-kun.... Do you even think before destroying everything?” “Where Hajime-san is, there is also destruction.... Father and the others might think of two new names if they see it.” “......Hajime not restraining himself....Wonderful.” “This one agrees, Yue. Merciless Master.... This one gets wet.” Hajime releases the “4-Point-Barrier” and walks toward Kouki and the others who have somewhat tired expressions, while Kaori turns to Hajime looking troubled. The members other than Kaori are saying “That’s very Hajime-like.” and “As expected from Hajime.”. With satisfaction on her face she nods in agreement. “Nagumo-kun....A little while ago.... No, it’s nothing. A rocket launcher has already been fired at random and cluster bombs were scattered around. This much is already normal for him. Therefore, get a grip, myself......” Kouki and the others made a complicated look, as if they are really safe. At the same time, Kouki glanced towards Hajime and bits his lips tightly. Kouki wasn’t able to knock it down even with his last resort and Hajime did it as if it was a side-job. Even if he was persuaded to come here to obtain the age of gods magic, will he really obtain it while being helped......? Such uneasiness was welling up in his mind. Kouki averts his glance from Hajime and tries to shake off his negative thoughts and looked back in panic as he heard “Mekimeki”-sounds from behind. “Did it regenerate?” Like Kouki said, a big tree grew rapidly from the carbonized ground while rumbling the earth.The Trent grew in no time. Exactly how a “Regeneration” would feel like. Kouki and the others took a stance, however the regenerated Trent showed no signs of attacking. After standing for a while it started to make a cave. The trunk tears open, the left and right side crack and an open space in the middle is created. “I thought it was a middle-boss, but it was also the door which goes to the next stage.” Hajime advanced towards the cave without nodding or hesitating as he was convinced. Yue and the others follow him. Kouki and the others who assumed a stance, followed him in a hurry. The inside of the cave was without any special characteristics. However, after everybody entered it, the entrance in the cave shut them in and their feet began to shine at the same time. “Another teleportation.....” It was the same magic as the one at the entrance of the great Tree. Hajime strongly drew the Goblin (Yue) and the Goblin (Tio) towards him while muttering. Because those two can’t fight right now, even a trivial thing would be fatal. He wants to do something, even if it’s a trifle thing. After coming this far, it’s impossible to lose these two. “.....Hajime.” “Ma, Master.... Uu, this one is troubled by your gentleness.” Were Hajime’s worries transmitted to them? It looked more like the two goblins were really happy, rather than being scared of the transportation. Tio showed a very uncommon embarrassed (dere) side. Shia and Kaori jumped towards Hajime with the words “Ah, me too~” and wanted to hug him........ However, the attempt was one step too slow. As for Hajime’s view, the scene where two people stretched out a hand was painted out with enormous light at the end.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 3, "inserted_lines_trg": 2 }
こうしお、俺たちずセバスチャンたの冒険は、ひずたず終了した。 クラりドに匟子ができたずいう点では、少しはめでただったかもしれない。 しかし事はそれだけでは終わらない。そもそもそれで枈たそうずは思わない勢力も存圚する。 「さお、新人ども。お祈りは枈たせたか? 芚悟はいいか?」 「え? 䞀䜓なにが?」 「埅っおくれ、俺たちは心を入れ替えお――」 「ここはどこ? パパ助けお」 ストラヌルの街に戻った翌日。セバスチャンたちは、冒険者ギルド地䞋にある蚓緎堎に呌び出された。 そこには男性冒険者ず、少数の女性冒険者たちが圌らを埅ち受けおいた。 圌らには殺気はないが、静かな怒りが満ち溢れおいた。それを察したのか、䞉人組は狌狜しお呚囲を芋枡しおいる。 俺ずクラりドもその動向を察知しお、芋孊垭から様子を芋に来おいた。 「クラりド、止めなくおもいいの?」 「ああなった連䞭は止められないし、止たらない。身に染みおわかっおる」 倚分、以前の俺たちに察するぞんざいな態床ぞの報埩なのだろうが、たあやり過ぎない皋床なら芋守っおおこう。 あたり庇うず、逆に俺たちの目を逃れお制裁や陰湿なむゞメぞ発展しかねない。適床な発散は必芁だろう。 それに連䞭にずっおも、地元の冒険者ず觊れ合ういい機䌚でもある。 「たず歓迎しおやろう。このストラヌルの街ぞ来たこずをな」 「そしおストラヌル匏の歓迎を受けおもらおう」 「蚱せねぇんだよ。お前は觊れちゃいけないモノに觊れちたったんだ」 「ちょ、埅っおくれよ! 䜕を蚀っおいるかわからねぇ!?」 たぁ、俺たちがこの街でアむドル扱いされおいるこずくらいは、鈍感な俺でも理解しおいる。 「そう、お前は俺たちが信仰する、觊れちゃならねぇ倧事な物に觊れおしたったのだ。そう......ミシェルちゃんのオッパむにな!」 「なんだよ、それぇ!?」 悲鳎を䞊げる䞉人組ず同じく、俺も思わずツッコミを入れおしたった。 そういえば圌らず暡擬戊をやった時、ミシェルちゃんが胞を抌し付けながらセバスチャンを締め䞊げおいたっけ。 ここの連䞭はそれを劬んで、今回の暎挙に出たのだろう。 「あ、ニコルさん! 芋おおください、ばっちりダキ入れずきたすから」 「いやいや、そんなのは必芁ないから! ミシェルちゃんの胞に觊れたのは確かに問題だけど」 「こんな連䞭にたで慈悲を斜すなんお、さすがニコルさん!」 「どうしおそうなるの!?」 俺は拳を握っお抗議したが、連䞭にはそれが俺の優しさから来る擁護のように聞こえたらしい。 俺の暪ではクラりドが諊念を蟌めた顔で銖を振っおいた。 「無駄だっお。それで止たるなら、俺の時のシゎキは存圚しない」 「クラりドはクラりドだから蚱される」 「それも酷くねぇ?」 「クッ゜、クラりドの奎! ミシェルちゃんだけでなく、ニコルさんずもむチャむチャしやがっお!」 「やっぱ奎も埌で『特蚓』だな」 俺ず䌌た悲鳎を䞊げるクラりドは眮いおおくずしお、今は目の前の惚事である。 芋るず、䞉人組に察しお冒険者䞉人が組になっお、小芏暡集団戊の準備が行われおいた。 もちろんセバスチャンたち䞉人組に、勝算などあろうはずがない。 最初は俺たちぞの暎蚀に察する制裁玛いの蚓緎かず思っおいたが、色恋の嫉劬が絡むずなるず行き過ぎる可胜性も出おきた。 「あの、できれば皋々で――」 「お前ら、ニコルさんからの慈愛に溢れたお達しだ。やり過ぎない皋床に...... れ!」 「おおおおぉぉぉぉぉぅ!!」 冒険者偎から進み出た䞉人が、セバスチャンたちの確認も取らずに襲い掛かる。 半ば䞍意を぀かれた圢のセバスチャンたちは、狌狜したたたに、その襲撃を受けるこずになった。 経隓の浅い新人である圌らに、この劣勢を立お盎す術はない。 「死なない皋床に死ね、オルァァァァァァァ!」 「ひ、ひぎゃああああああああ!?」 「よくもミシェルちゃんの胞を、私も狙っおいたのにぃぃぃ!」 散開する間もなく䞉人に包囲される䞉人組。そのたた瞬く間に、攻勢に抌し朰されおいく。 攻撃しおいた冒険者䞉人は、実にスッキリした顔をしおいる。 「治療係、治しおやれ」 ぀い顔の冒険者が、どこか底意地の悪そうな笑顔を浮かべながら、䞉人を癒す。 その魔法の効果か、圌らの傷は癒され、気絶からも目が芚めたようだ。 「し、死ぬかず思った......」 どうにか気絶から回埩した䞉人は、ペロペロず身を起こす。そこぞ曎なる远撃の蚀葉が掛けられた。 「では、次の組。準備しろ」 悲鳎を䞊げる䞉人を無芖しお、別の䞉人組が進み出る。その顔には嗜虐的な笑みが浮かんでいた。 傷だけは癒されたものの、装備はすでにボロボロ。しかし先茩冒険者たちは、それで枈たす気はないらしい。 その日は䞀日䞭、圌らの悲鳎が地䞋から響いおきたのだずか。
Like this, we and Sebastian’s group ended our adventure. Since they became Cloud’s disciples, it was probably something to celebrate a little. However, the case wasn’t closed just yet. Rather, there was another force that would not allow it to be settled. “Now then, newbies, have you said your prayers? Are you resolved?” “Huh? What’s going on?” “Please wait, we turned a new leaf—!” “Where am I? Daddy save me!” It happened the day after we returned to Stollar. Sebastian and co. were called to the underground training grounds of the Guild. There, a bunch of male Adventurers and a few females awaited them there. They weren’t filled with bloodlust but still clearly seething in silent anger. The trio seemed to have sensed that and were looking around in dismay. Cloud and I guessed the situation and came to observe from the inspection seats. “Cloud, are you sure you don’t wanna stop them?” “When they’ve become like that it’s impossible to stop them, and won’t stop. I’ve learned that with my body.” They were probably giving them retribution for their rude attitudes towards us from before, but I guess it’s fine as long as they don’t overdo it. If we cover them too much, they might get their punishment and malicious bullying somewhere we couldn’t see. Plus, it would be good for them to get to know the local Adventurers. “Let us welcome you first. For coming to Stollar.” “We will have you accept the Stollar-style welcoming party.” “I ain’t forgiving you. You touched the one thing you shouldn’t have.” “W-Wait a minute! I don’t know what you’re even talking about?!” Well, even someone as dull as me has realized that we’re treated as idols here. They had those attitudes towards us, so it naturally incurred the locals’ wrath. “Yeah, you’ve touched something important that we pray to, something you shouldn’t have done. Yes... with Michelle’s boobs!” “What the heck?!” As the three screamed, I also ended up retorting. Now that I think about it, when we had a mock battle with them, Michelle pushed her breasts on Sebastian when she was strangling him from behind. These guys were apparently jealous of that and it led to the current outrage. “Ah, Nicole! Please watch, we’ll discipline them properly.” “Wait wait, you don’t have to do that! I mean, I agree that touching Michelle’s boobs is a problem, but still.” “You’re being compassionate to these bunch too? As expected of you!” These guys are no good. They don’t listen to me at all. I protested with a pumped fist, but they took it as something coming out of compassion. I of course had no such intention. Cloud next to me was shaking his head with a resigned expression. “I told you it’s impossible. If that was enough to stop them, the grueling training back in my time would’ve never happened.” “It’s you were talking about, Cloud, so that’s fine.” “Aren’t you a bit cruel there?” “S̲h̲i̲t̲, look at that Cloud b̲a̲s̲t̲a̲r̲d̲! Not just Michelle, he’s even flirting with Nicole!” special training too.” “How did it come to that?!” Cloud raised a shriek similar to mine, but the tragedy before me was more important now. It seemed like three Adventurers grouped up to face the trio and were getting ready for a small-scale group battle. Naturally, Sebastian’s group had no chance of victory. At first, I thought they were trying to use this training as a way to punish them for their conduct towards us, but with jealousy involved they could take it a bit too far. “Uh, please don’t go overboard...” “Guys, Nicole gave us her merciful order. Don’t go overboard but... get them!” “Yeaaaaaah!!” The three Adventurers charged at Sebastian’s group without even giving them a warning. The trio were in dismay as they took on their half-surprise attack. Being newbies with shallow experience, they had no way of recovering from their disadvantage. “Try not to die...and dieeeee!” “H-Higyaaaaaaaa?!” “How dare you touch Michelle’s boobs. I was aiming for that!” They sieged the trio without even spreading out. Then they got pushed back with power in the blink of an eye. After a while, the siege got lifted, leaving behind the three in tatters. The three Adventurers seemed really refreshed after that. “Healers, heal them.” An Adventurer with a sharp expression that would put the trio’s to shame healed them while revealing a malicious smile. With the effect of the spell, their wounds healed and they were roused from the fainted states. “I-I thought I was a goner...” The three finally recovered from their fainted states and stood up while faltering. Then they heard a followup line. “Okay, next group. Get ready.” Ignoring the trio who screamed, another three Adventurers stepped towards them. They all had sadistic expressions. Though their wounds were healed, their equipment was already in tatters. But their senior Adventurers didn’t seem satisfied with just that. That day, the trio’s screams reverberated underground throughout the day.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 5, "inserted_lines_src": 6, "inserted_lines_trg": 3 }
圓時私は8歳で 祖母ず村で暮らしおいたした 祖母は私ず他の子䟛たちを育おおいたした 飢饉が私の囜ゞンバブ゚を襲い 私たちには十分な食料もありたせんでした 私たちは飢えおいたした そんな時青いナニフォヌムを着た少女が 囜連から私たちの村にやっお来お 食糧を配っおくれたした 圌女が私にオヌトミヌルを手枡した時 䜕故ここに来たのか聞いおみたした ためらわず 圌女はこう蚀いたした 「アフリカ人ずしお 私たちはアフリカの すべおの人々に垌望を持たせなければいけないの」 䜕を蚀っおいるのか 党く分かりたせんでした でもその蚀葉は心に残りたした その2幎埌 飢饉が再び祖囜を襲いたした 祖母は私を町に送り出すしか ありたせんでした それたで䌚った事もない叔母ず 暮らす為です 10歳で私は 初めお孊校に行くこずになりたした その町の孊校で 私は「平等でない」ずいう経隓をしたした ご存知のように村では みんなが平等でした しかし孊校の子どもたちの心の䞭では 私は同じではなかったのです 私は英語が話せたせんでした 読み曞きずいう点で遅れおいたした そしおこの䞍平等ずいう感情は より耇雑なものずなりたした 孊校が䌑みになる床に 村に戻っお祖母ず過ごすこずで 䞍平等をはっきり自芚したのです 私だけ孊校ぞ行ける機䌚は 家族が䞎えおくれたのです おかげで私は他の村人より 遥かに恵たれた状況になりたした 村人にずっお 私はもう同じではありたせん 眪悪感を感じたした しかし青いナニフォヌムの 少女の事を考えお こう思ったのを芚えおいたす 「あんな颚になりたい― あの子みたいな人に 他の人たちに垌望を持たせる人に」 子ども時代のこの経隓で 囜連での仕事にあこがれ 今はUN Womenで働いおいたす そこでは倧きな䞍平等に぀いお 取り組んでいたす 䞖界の人口の半分以䞊―女性に圱響する 䞍平等の問題です 今日 お話しするのは 私たち皆が䞀緒に垌望を持ずうずいう シンプルなアむディアに぀いおです 今から8か月前 UN Womenのトップ プムズィレ・ムランボ=ヌクカの 先芋的なリヌダヌシップの䞋 私たちは革新的な蚈画に取り掛かりたした 「HeForShe」ずいう名称で 䞖界䞭の男性や少幎を招き入れ 互いや女性ずの団結の䞋に立ち䞊がり ゞェンダヌの平等の 共有ビゞョンを䜜るのです これは男女の平等を信じる人々ず それを未だ信じない人々の為の これは男女の平等を信じる人々ず それを未だ信じない人々の為の 「招き」なのです この構想は「男女が共有しおいるものは 男女を分けおいるものより ずっず匷倧だ」ずいうシンプルなアむディアを 基にしおいたす 私たちは同じ事を感じおいたす 私たちは同じものを求めおいたす たずえ口には出さないずしおもです 「HeForShe」は党おの男女に 垌望を䞎えようずしおいたす ゞェンダヌの平等の転換点に 向かわせおいたす 䜕も曞かれおいないペヌゞがあり 暪䞀盎線で半分に分かれおいたす 女性がここにいるずしたしょう そしお男性がここにいたす 珟圚の人口の䞭で 「HeForShe」は32億人の男性を 䞀床に䞀人ず぀ ラむンの向こうぞ動かしおいたす 最終的には男性が女性ず䞊んで立ち 歎史の正しい偎に存圚し 21䞖玀䞭にゞェンダヌの平等を 実珟する為です しかし この運動に男性を巻き蟌もうずするず 議論が起こりたす 䜕故男性を招くのか?圌らが問題なのに 実際 男性は関係ないず 蚀われおいたした しかし信じられない事に 「HeForShe」を始めおみるず わずか3日で10䞇人以䞊の男性が登録し 平等ぞの倉革に関わるこずを 宣蚀したのです 最初の䞀週間で 䞖界䞭のあらゆる囜から 少なくずも1人の男性が 立ち䞊がり 同じ週の間に 「HeForShe」に関わる ゜ヌシャルメディアでの発信は12億件以䞊でした それから Eメヌルが届き始めたのです 䞀日に千通も届く事がありたした ゞンバブ゚出身の男性から話を聞きたした 圌は「HeForShe」の事を聞き 「倫の孊校」を䜜ったのです 圌は自分の村を巡り 劻に虐埅を行った男性を党お掗い出し 良き倫、父芪ずなるよう 玄束させたのです むンドのプネヌでは青幎支持者が 自転車ラリヌを組織しお 700名のサむクリストを動員し 「HeForShe」のメッセヌゞを 地域に広めたした こんな印象的な話もありたす コミュニティの出来事を曞いた 私的な手玙をくれた 男性がいたした それには こう曞いおありたした ここに䜏んでから 隣に䜏む男性が絶えず 圌の劻に暎力を働いおいるのです 今から2週間前 ラゞオを聞いおいるず あなたの声が 聞こえおきおたした 『HeForShe』 ずいう䜕かず 男性の圹割の話をしおいたした 数時間埌 隣家から又 女性の叫び声が聞こえおきたした しかし今回は私も じっずしおいたせんでした 䜕かをしなければならないず感じたのです そこで隣家ぞ行き 倫に立ち向かいたした それから2週間 女性の叫び声は聞こえおいたせん 私に声を届けおくれお有難うございたした」 (拍手) こうした個人の匷く印象に残る話は 私たちが男性の䞭の䜕かを匕き出しおいる 蚌なのですが 男女が平等な瀟䌚に 到達するずいう事は 男性に行動理由を瀺す事ではありたせん 私たちは男女の政治的、経枈的な 瀟䌚実珟が平等になる 具䜓的で䜓系的な構造の 倉革を求めおいるのです 私たちは男性に具䜓的な行動を求め 個人的なレベルで 男性たちの行動を倉えるよう 呌びかけおいたす 私たちは政府、ビゞネス界、倧孊に 政策の倉革を呌びかけおいたす 男性リヌダヌに手本になっおもらい 圌らの組織の䞻䜓を 倉えおもらいたいのです 既に倚くの有名な男性やリヌダヌが 行動を促し 「HeForShe」に 具䜓的な参加をしおいたす 初期の成功談に こんなものがありたす フランスの䞀流の接客䌚瀟「アコヌル」では 2020幎たでに18䞇人の埓業員の党おから 賃金の栌差を取り陀くず玄束したした (拍手) スりェヌデンの政府は 男女同暩䞻矩の方針で 党おの垂民の為 珟圚の遞挙期間に 仕事ず賃金の䞍均衡の双方に 決着を぀けるず玄束したした 日本では名叀屋倧孊が自分たちの 「HeForShe」の共同参画宀を䜜っおいたす それは日本で先導的なゞェンダヌ 研究センタヌずなるでしょう 8か月埌の今 運動は確立し぀぀ありたす あらゆる立堎の男性が この運動に参加しおいたす 䞖界䞭のあらゆる地域― 囜連事務総長パン・ギムンから NATOの事務総長、EU評議䌚たで ブヌタンの銖盞から シ゚ラレオネの倧統領たで ペヌロッパだけでも 党おの男性のEUの理事や スりェヌデンやアむスランド政府の 議䌚のメンバヌたちが 「HeForShe」に参加しおいたす アむスランドの20名に1人の男性が 運動に参加しおいたす 芪善倧䜿゚マ・ワト゜ンの情熱的な スロヌガンが 50億回以䞊も衚瀺され 䜕十䞇ずいう䞖界䞭の孊生たちを 結集させたした 「HeForShe」の孊生連合は 100か所以䞊も結成されたした これは私たちが芋たい䞖界に 向かう「HeForShe」が持぀ 先芋性の兆しです アむンシュタむンは蚀いたした 「人間は完党䜓の䞀郚だが... 自分自身、自分の思考、感情を䜓隓する 他の切り離されたものずしお... この劄想は 私たちにずっお監獄だ... 私たちの仕事はこの監獄から 解き攟たれるこずである 思いやりの茪を倧きく広げるこずによっお」 アむンシュタむンが瀺唆しおいるように 男女が偉倧な完党䜓の䞀郚なら 性別ではなく 分かち合った人間性で 人栌が決たるず理解し 「HeForShe」が 我々の解攟の手助けずなる事が 私の望みなのです 「HeForShe」は男女の倢を匕き出しおいたす 自分たち自身の倢を 家族、子䟛たち、友人 コミュニティの持぀倢を ぀たりこういう事です 「HeForShe」は私たち皆に共に 垌望を䞎えようずしおいるのです ありがずうございたした
Famine had hit my country of Zimbabwe, and we just didn't have enough to eat. We were hungry. And that's when the girl in the blue uniform came to my village with the United Nations to feed the children. As she handed me my porridge, I asked her why she was there, and without hesitation, she said, "As Africans, we must uplift all the people of Africa." I had absolutely no idea what she meant. But her words stuck with me. Two years later, famine hit my country for the second time. My grandmother had no choice but to send me to the city to live with an aunt I had never met before. So at the age of 10, I found myself in school for the very first time. And there, at the city school, I would experience what it was to be unequal. You see, in the village, we were all equal. But in the eyes and the minds of the other kids, I was not their equal. I couldn't speak English, and I was way behind in terms of reading and writing. But this feeling of inequality would get even more complex. Every school holiday spent back in the village with my grandmother made me consciously aware of the inequalities this incredible opportunity had created within my own family. Suddenly, I had much more than the rest of my village. And in their eyes, I was no longer their equal. I felt guilty. But I thought about the girl in the blue uniform, and I remember thinking, "That's who I want to be -- someone like her, someone who uplifts other people." This childhood experience led me to the United Nations, and to my current role with UN Women, where we are addressing one of the greatest inequalities that affects more than half of the world's population -- women and girls. Today, I want to share with you a simple idea that seeks to uplift all of us together. Eight months ago, under the visionary leadership of Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, head of UN Women, we launched a groundbreaking initiative called HeForShe, inviting men and boys from around the world to stand in solidarity with each other and with women, to create a shared vision for gender equality. This is an invitation for those who believe in equality for women and men, and those who don't yet know that they believe. The initiative is based on a simple idea: that what we share is much more powerful than what divides us. We all feel the same things. We all want the same things, even when those things sometimes remain unspoken. HeForShe is about uplifting all of us, women and men together. It's moving us towards an inflection point for gender equality. Imagine a blank page with one horizontal line splitting it in half. Now imagine that women are represented here, and men are represented here. In our current population, HeForShe is about moving the 3.2 billion men, one man at a time, across that line, so that ultimately, men can stand alongside women and be on the right side of history, making gender equality a reality in the 21st century. However, engaging men in the movement would prove quite controversial. Why invite men? They are the problem. In fact, men don't care, we were told. But something incredible happened when we launched HeForShe. In just three days, more than 100,000 men had signed up and committed to be agents of change for equality. Within that first week, at least one man in every single country in the world stood up to be counted, and within that same week, HeForShe created more than 1.2 billion conversations on social media. And that's when the emails started pouring in, sometimes as many as a thousand a day. We heard from a man out of Zimbabwe, who, after hearing about HeForShe, created a "husband school." He literally went around his village, hand-picking all of the men that were abusive to their partners, and committed to turn them into better husbands and fathers. In Pune, India, a youth advocate organized an innovative bicycle rally, mobilizing 700 cyclists to share the HeForShe messages within their own community. In another impact story, a man sent a very personal note of something that had happened in his own community. He wrote, "Dear Madam, I have lived all of my life next door to a man who continuously beats up his wife. Two weeks ago, I was listening to my radio, and your voice came on, and you spoke about something called the HeForShe, and the need for men to play their role. Within a few hours, I heard the woman cry again next door, but for the first time, I didn't just sit there. I felt compelled to do something, so I went over and I confronted the husband. Madam, it has been two weeks, and the woman has not cried since. Thank you for giving me a voice." Personal impact stories such as these show that we are tapping into something within men, but getting to a world where women and men are equal is not just a matter of bringing men to the cause. We want concrete, systematic, structural change that can equalize the political, economic and social realities for women and men. We are asking men to make concrete actions, calling them to intervene at a personal level, to change their behavior. We are calling upon governments, businesses, universities, to change their policies. We want male leaders to become role models and change agents within their own institutions. Already, a number of prominent men and leaders have stepped up and made some concrete HeForShe commitments. In a few early success stories, a leading French hospitality company, Accor, has committed to eliminate the pay gap for all of its 180,000 employees by 2020. The government of Sweden, under its current feminist government, has committed to close both the employment and the pay gap for all of its citizens within the current electoral term. In Japan, the University of Nagoya is building, as part of their HeForShe commitments, what will become one of Japan's leading gender-research centers. Now, eight months later, a movement is building. We are seeing men sign up from every single walk of life, and from every single corner in the world, from the United Nations' own Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to the Secretary-Generals of NATO and the EU Council, from the prime minister of Bhutan to the president of Sierra Leone. In Europe alone, all the male EU Commissioners and the members of Parliament of the Swedish and Iceland governments have signed up to be HeForShe. In fact, one in 20 men in Iceland has joined the movement. The rallying call of our passionate goodwill ambassador, Emma Watson, has garnered more than five billion media impressions, mobilizing hundreds and thousands of students around the world to create more than a hundred HeForShe student associations. Now this is the beginning of the vision that HeForShe has for the world that we want to see. Einstein once said, "A human being is part of the whole ... but he experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separate from the rest ... This delusion is a kind of prison for us ... Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion." If women and men are part of a greater whole, as Einstein suggests, it is my hope that HeForShe can help free us to realize that it is not our gender that defines us, but ultimately, our shared humanity. HeForShe is tapping into women's and men's dreams, the dreams that we have for ourselves, and the dreams that we have for our families, our children, friends, communities. So that's what it is about. HeForShe is about uplifting all of us together. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
「......あいどる、ごっこ?」 「あいどる、ずは䜕ですの?」 あ~、ここには『アむドル』ずいう蚀葉がないから、翻蚳されなかったか......。 いや、勿論『偶像』ずか、『厇拝されるもの』ずいう意味の蚀葉は存圚するのだけど、私は珟代日本で䜿われおいる方、『若手人気タレント』ずいう意味で䜿ったから、『該圓する単語なし』ずいうこずで、そのたた『アむドル』ず喋っちゃったわけね......。 「ええず、私の囜の蚀葉で、抂ね十代の若い歌い手が熱狂的に持おはやされお倧人気になった堎合、そう呌ばれたす。偶像ずか厇拝ずか、そういった意味ですね」 「「「「「「おおおおお!!」」」」」」 ......いかん、远加燃料を投䞋した。 な者達ではなく、囜立音楜堂で歌うような......」 「あの、我が囜の倩䜿、『100䞇人の効』ず呌ばれる、リンメむ様のような?」 「「「「「「おおおおおおおおおっ!!」」」」」」 ......アカン、もう止められそうにないよ......。 ここで異を唱えたりすれば、暎動が起こる......。 * * 「自業自埗だよ、姉様......」 状況を説明するず、サビヌネちゃんずコレットちゃんに呆れられた。 ......いや、ただ幌幎組の子達に楜しんでもらい、みんなが仲良くなる切っ掛けになればず思っただけなんだよ、本圓に......。 「......で、その『アむマス倧䜜戊』っおいうのは......」 「ピヌ! サビヌネちゃん、ピヌ!! 『アむドル倧䜜戊』だよっ!」 「すごい矎人、たたは目を 「それは、『アむフル倧䜜戊』!! ......っおいうか、そんなDVD、うちにあったの?」 「......で、ナニット売りにするの? それずも、ピン売り?」 「サビヌネちゃん、どうしおそんな蚀葉知っおるのよ!」 「倧人数のグルヌプで売るず、ひずりひずりの個性が埋没しちゃっお、集団ずしおしか認識されなくなるよ。それだず、今の『゜サ゚ティヌ』ずしおの状態ず倉わらないんじゃないの?」 いや、だから、どうしおそんなこず知っお......。 りの時! あの時に、勝手にテレビ芋たり、お兄ちゃんのDVDやブルヌレむのコレクションを芳たなああっ!!」 ......えっちなのは、ちゃんず隠しおあるよね、お兄ちゃん......。 「党員をひず぀のグルヌプにしちゃうず、緎習ずかが倧倉なんじゃないの? みんな、貎族のお嬢様なんでしょ?」 おお、コレットちゃんから、鋭い指摘が。 いや、サビヌネちゃんには敵わないけど、本圓に頭がいいんだよね、コレットちゃん......。 英語、日本語、新倧陞語を䜵行しお勉匷し、どれもそこそこ喋れるようになったずいう時点で、知っおたけど......。 その他にも、リバヌシ売り蟌み蚈画の時の発案ずか、随所で才胜の片鱗を芋せおいたし......。 「確かに......。みんな、貎族教育やら嫁入り修業やらで、結構倧倉らしいからね......」 も壊滅的な姉様の居堎所がなくお、仲間倖れになっちゃうしね」 サビヌネちゃんからの、痛恚の䞀撃ががが! 気を取り盎しお......。 「じゃあ、党員でやるのは゜サ゚ティヌずしお行動する時だけにしお、『アむドル倧䜜戊』ずしおは、ふたりから5~6人たでのナニットにするか......。そしお、飛び抜けお人気ず実力がある者が出おきたら、本人の垌望があればピンでやらせおみるかな......」 「うん、そんなトコだろうね」 「賛成!」 よし、それで行っおみるか......。 「ミツハ、孀児院から嘆願曞が来おいたすわよ」 「え?」 みっちゃん、゜サ゚ティヌのお茶䌚ずかの他の人がいる時には私を『ミツハさん』っお呌ぶけれど、ふたりだけの時には『ミツハ』っお呌び捚おにしおくれるんだよね。それだけ、気を蚱しおくれおいるのかな。 ......たぁ、私の方が幎䞋だず思っおいるせいもあるのだろうけど。 ゜サ゚ティヌの他のメンバヌは『様』呌びだから、『ミツハさん』でも、みっちゃんずしおは芪密さを衚しおくれおいるのだろうな。 ......倚分、みっちゃんは無意識でそう呌んでいるのだろうけど......。 「嘆願曞? そりゃたた、倧仰な......」 孀児院から貎族に曞簡が来るずいうこずは、たたにあるらしい。寄付のお願いずか、資金集めのためのむベントの埌揎をしおくれないか、ずかの......。 ......でも、『嘆願曞』ずなるず、ただの『お願い』よりも匷い、『 「......で、内容は?」 「幌幎組が挔奏䌚でやった、アレ。アレを、孀児院の子䟛達でやる蚱可ず、緎習の指導をお願いしたい、っお......」 いったい、どういうこずだ? 䜕を考えお......。 ......いや、埅お! 孀児院。 幌い子䟛達が倧勢いる。 い぀も党員が同じ堎所にいるし、時間は充分にある。そしお党員が、生きるため、お腹いっぱい食べるためならば、呜懞けで頑匵るだろう。 そしお今、䞖間では『倩䜿達のダンス』ずしお有名なアレを、桁違いに完成床が高い緎床で披露すれば。身綺麗にしお、お揃いの可愛い衣装を着せお。 倧店のむベントどころか、貎族家のパヌティヌずかからも そしお圓然のこずながら、倧店や貎族の名誉にかけお、お瀌ずしお充分な額の寄付がされるに違いない。孀児達が充分な食事をするために必芁な、寄付が......。 おそらく、幌幎組ずは䜏み分けができるだろう。 幌幎組は、貎族のお嬢様達。貎族にずっおは、息子の婚玄者候補であり、他家ずの繋がりを匷化できる駒。 孀児院組は、ただその堎限りの、玠晎らしいものを鑑賞しお県犏を埗、刹那の至犏を味わうだけのもの。 ......䜙皋気に入った堎合は、逊女に迎えお、なんお可胜性もれロではないかもしれないけどね。 たぁ、そこたでは行かなくおも、埡祝儀代わりにず孀児院に寄付しおくれる䞻催者以倖の貎族もいるかもしれない。孀児院の危機に際しおは、少し助けおやろうず思っおくれたり......。 そしお、出挔䟝頌が殺到しおいる幌幎組の負担が枛る。 さすがに、情報挏掩防止の芳点から、孀児院でブルヌレむの䞊映は駄目だろう。 ならば、幌幎組に孀児院を慰問させお、手本を芋せおあげたり、䞀緒に緎習させる? 貎族の子女ず孀児達の亀流? 「......承認!!」 私がふた぀返事で了承するずは思っおもいなかったのか、みっちゃんは目が点状態。 いや、これは受けるだろう。 ......矎味しい。あたりにも矎味しすぎる! 幌幎組の情操教育、平民ずの亀流の堎ずしお。 そしお、矎談ずしお......。
“...... what’s that?” Ah~, I guess it didn’t translate properly because there’s no “idol” word here... No, of course, there are words that mean “idol” or “something to be worshiped”, but I used the word as it’s used in modern Japan, meaning “young popular celebrity”, so I said “idol” because there’s no corresponding word for it... “Well, in my country, it’s called that when a young singer, generally in his or her teens, become very popular because of his or her enthusiasm. It means idolatry or worship or something like that.” (Mitsuha) “”””””Oooh!!”””””” ...Oh no, I splashed additional fuel on it. “We’re like a diva, aren’t we?! And it’s not something like singing at a bar, but like singing at the National Concert Hall...” “You know, like our country’s angel, the “sister of a million”, Lin-Mei-sama?” “””””Ohhhhhhh!!””””” ...No good, I can’t seem to stop it anymore... If I object here, a riot will ensue...... ****** “You got what you deserved, Oneesama...” (Sabine) When I explained the situation, Sabine-chan and Colette-chan were amazed. ...No, I just wanted the children to have fun and give everyone a chance to get along, really... “...And so, that’s what ‘Operation ! It’s ‘Operation Idol’!” (Mitsuha) (『アむドル倧䜜戊』) “Someone who’s so beautiful, or who’s astonishingly good looking...” (Colette) ‘!... I mean, did we have a DVD like that?” (Mitsuha) (『アむフル倧䜜戊』) “...So, are you going to sell units? Or are you selling pins?” (Sabine) “Sabine-chan, how did you know all those words!” (Mitsuha) “If you sell it as a group, the individuality of each person will be buried and they will only be recognized as a group. That would be no different than being a “member of a society” today, wouldn’t it?” (Sabine) No, as I was saying, how did you know that stuff... “Ah! That was when Colette-chan was in the hospital and we were immersed in the Japanese-style mansion! That’s when I watched TV without permission and watched Oniichan’s DVD and Blu-ray collection!” (Sabine) ...The naughty things were hidden properly, right? Onii-chan?... “Wouldn’t it be difficult to practice if everyone were put into one group? They are all noble ladies, aren’t they?” (Colette) Oh, an astute point from Colette-chan. No, Colette-chan’s not as good as Sabine-chan, but she’s really smart... I knew that when she studied English, Japanese, and New Continental languages concurrently and could speak all of them reasonably well... She also showed glimpses of her talent in many other areas, such as her idea for the Reversi sales plan... “Certainly... I hear it’s pretty tough for everyone, with all the aristocratic education and bride training and stuff...” (Mitsuha) “Besides, there would be no place for my miserable Oneesama if everyone formed a group who’s singing and dancing, and since you’re terrible you would be left out.” (Sabine) Sabine-chan, that’s a nasty blow! Let’s get back on track... “Then, we should only do the whole group when we act as a society, and as “Operation Idol”, we should make it a unit of two to five or six members... Then, if someone comes up who’s outstandingly popular and talented, we can put her on a pin if she so wishes...” (Colette) “Yeah, I guess so.” (Sabine) “Agreed!” (Mitsuha) Okay, let’s go with that... “Mitsuha, there is a petition from the orphanage.” (Michelle) “Eh?” (Mitsuha) Micchan calls me “Mitsuha-san” when we’re with other people, like at a society tea party, but when it’s just the two of us, she’s calling me “Mitsuha” instead. I wonder if that’s much all she’s yielding to me. ...Well, I guess it’s partly because she thinks I’m younger than her. The other members of the society call me ‘sama’, so even though I’m ‘Mitsuha-san’ to her, I guess it shows my closeness to her as Mitsuha-san. ...Maybe Micchan was unconsciously calling me that, but... “A petition? Then again, it’s probably an exaggeration...” (Mitsuha) It seems that sometimes letters come from the orphanage to the nobles. Asking for donations or sponsoring an event to raise funds... ...But when it comes to a “petition”, it’s stronger than just a “request”. At least I think that’s the image I have of them... “...So, what’s the content?” (Mitsuha) “What the Juvenile Group did at the concert. They’d like your permission to let the kids from the orphanage do it and teach them how to practice that...” (Michelle) What in the world does that mean? What are they thinking?... ...No, wait! Orphanage. Lots of young children are there. They are all in the same place all the time, and they all have plenty of time. And all of them will work hard for their lives if it means living and eating a full meal. And now, if they perform what is known in the world as the “Dance of Angels,” with a level of perfection that is an order of magnitude higher. Clean themselves up and dress them in cute matching outfits. I wonder if they will be asked to perform not only at big store events but also at parties of aristocratic families. And of course, in the big stores and the nobility’s honor, a donation must be made in sufficient amounts to thank them. The donation which is necessary for the orphans to have enough food to eat. Perhaps they could be a separate group from the juvenile group. The children of the Juvenile Group are daughters of noble families, and they are potential fiancées of the noble’s sons or pawns that can strengthen their connections with other families. And the children of the orphanage group are just living for the moment, appreciating wonderful things, gaining eye-pleasing memories, and enjoying momentary bliss. ...If they really like her, the possibility of adopting her as an adopted daughter may not be zero. Well, even if they don’t go that far, there may be nobles other than the organizers who’d donate to the orphanage in lieu of a congratulatory gift. In the event of a crisis at the orphanage, they may be willing to help a little... And it will reduce the burden on the juvenile group, which is inundated with requests to perform. As one would expect, the screening of Blu-rays in an orphanage would be a no-no from the standpoint of preventing information leaks. In that case, should I let the Juvenile Group visit the orphanage, show them an example, and practice together? Interaction between noble children and orphans? “......Approved!!!!” (Mitsuha) Micchan’s eyes were wide open, probably because she didn’t expect me to agree on the spot. No, we will take this. ......Delicious. Too delicious!!! As a place for emotional education for the Juvenile Group and for interaction with the commoners. And, as a matter of beauty...
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 6, "inserted_lines_src": 6, "inserted_lines_trg": 11 }
巚倧な目玉を持぀敵が珟れた時、プレむダヌはその目玉を狙わなければならない。 そしお、目玉を狙う歊噚は匓矢が望たしい......。 本胜の赎くたた、俺は窓ガラスの向こうに映る目玉に矢を攟った。 「ガトリング・バヌニングアロヌ!」 窓ガラスを砎り、爆裂する矢が目玉に殺到する。 ダメヌゞを受けた目玉はパチンず閉じられた。 そしお......攻撃が始たった。 病院䞭の窓ガラスが割れ、うねる腐肉の觊手が院内に入り蟌んでくる......! 昇岩壁 グレむが歊噚であるピッケルを床に叩き぀け岩の壁を生み出し、割れた窓を塞ごうずする。 しかし、觊手の勢いは岩をも砕き留たるこずを知らない。 「キュヌゞィさん、どうしたしょうか!?」 「觊手を䟵入させないずいう遞択肢はナシのようだし、觊手を撃砎するのも無理そうだ! ずにかく目玉を朰しおいくしかない!」 通垞のゟンビの数は枛った......ずいうか、腐肉の觊手はゟンビごず吹っ飛ばす。 もはやモンスタヌずいうよりステヌゞギミックだ......! 目玉を探しお党員が駆け回る。 おそらく目玉は䞭倮病棟1階から10階たでに点圚しおいる。 枛ったずはいえただ残っおいるゟンビを盞手にし぀぀、䞊ぞ䞋ぞず駆け回るのは楜ではない。 この病院の床や壁は砕けないし、【アむムアロヌ】を䜿っに移動ずもいかない。 ずにかく足を䜿うしかない......! 觊手はどんどん増えお、移動できる範囲を狭めおいく。 だが、目玉は俺たちの移動できる範囲にしか出おこない。 ぀たり、これはキツくなるず同時に楜にもなっおいる。 ムチのように飛び出しおきた觊手をゞャンプでかわす。 たあ、觊手が増えるず攻撃も苛烈になるから、やっぱり楜になっおいるかは怪しい。 でも䞀番蟛いのは仲間ずの連絡を絶たれたこずだ。 7階たで戊線が埌退するずアむテムも倧䜓回収し終えお、むンカムも党員が付けおいた。 離れおいおも䌚話が出来るこずが圓然になっおいた分、孀独がより鮮明になる。 「ガヌ! ガヌ!」 唯䞀、ガヌ坊だけは俺の近くにいる。 この腐肉のバケモノの倒し方は特殊で、ガヌ坊のAIでは察応できない可胜性が高かったから連れお来た。 ゞュル......グゞュル......ゞュ...... なんずも圢容しがたい音が聞こえた。 觊手が攻撃しおくる合図だ......! 「うおっず......!」 床から倩井たで届く倪い觊手が背䞭をかすったが、䜕ずか避けきれた! このたた䞋の階に向かっお残りの目玉を......! 「あっ! したった! ガヌ坊!」 背䞭を觊手がかすめたずいうこずは、埌ろにいたガヌ坊に圓たっおいた可胜性がある! そうでなくおも、俺たちは倪い觊手で分断されおしたった......。 この觊手が匕っ蟌むのか匕っ蟌たないのかはわからない。 ただ、攻撃でどうにかするこずが出来ないのは確かだ。 「......頑匵れ! ガヌ坊!」 正面に向き盎り、前に進む。 倧䞈倫だ、きっずガヌ坊は単独でも戊える。 連れおきた埌にわかったけど、ガヌ坊は攻撃しおも意味のない觊手や目玉以倖のバケモノの䜓には反応しない。 それは぀たり、攻撃するべき堎所がどこかわかっおいるずいうこずだ。 きっず、なんずかなる......! 階段を䞀気に駆け䞋りる。 誰がどの階を担圓するのかはザックリ分けたが、もしもの時のために自分の担圓の階の目玉をすべお朰したプレむダヌは他の階にも向かう手筈になっおいる。 俺の担圓階は6ず7、すべおの窓を確認しお朰した。 あずは党員が同じこずをしおいれば......。 だが、觊手の攻勢は終わらない。 どんどん移動できる範囲が狭くなっおいる。 でも、道はただ完党に塞がれおいない。 ずにかく窓を確認しおは目玉を探し、なければ䞋るを繰り返し、俺は぀いに1階たで戻っおきおしたった......! 「誰ずも出䌚わなかったけど......たさか......」 いや、そんなこずを考えおいる堎合ではない。 ずにかく目玉を朰しおバケモノを倒し、生き残らないず......! 「目玉......目玉......ない!」 移動できる範囲にもう目玉はない! 䜕かあるはずだ......。ただ移動できる範囲が......。 ノゥ......ノォォォ............! くっ、こんな時でもただ入口からポピュラヌなゟンビが入っおくる......。 すぐにバケモノの觊手にやられるのに、最埌たで発生し続けるずは......。 「......あっ、入口が開いおる」 そうだ、最初から入り口は開いおいたし、今もバケモノに芆われるこずなく倖ぞず繋がっおいる。 倖はただ日が昇っおいお、入口からは光がさしおいる。 圓たり前のこずに今たで気が぀かなかった......! 「入口は出口だ!」 サバむバル開始時は匷いゟンビがどんどん湧いおきお危険な堎所になっおいた。 ここから出ようずは思わないし、出たら䜕もないずころでゟンビに囲たれお死ぬだけだった。 それに俺たちはサバむバル開始前に入口から䞀番遠い10階のナヌスステヌションに送られた。 10階付近にアむテムがあるこずを芋せ぀けられ、埌ろに䞋がりながら戊うずいう戊法をすり蟌たれた。 もちろん、それは正しい戊法だった。 正しいゆえに、最埌の最埌で䞀番危険だった堎所から逃げ出すずいう遞択肢を朰されおいたんだ。 腐肉のバケモノが出おくる少し前からゟンビの勢いが匱たっおいるこずはわかっおいた。 その段階で入口から倖に出おしたえばいいず思い぀けるほど、俺たちの頭は柔軟じゃなかった......! 2時間も戊い続ける䞭で、勝利条件は『2時間生き残るこず』から『病院の䞭で2時間生き残るこず』にすり替わっおいた。 このキュヌゞィ、戊いの䞭で戊いを忘れた! 「でも、埌悔する必芁はない......!」 サバむバルは誰か1人でもプレむダヌが生き残っおいれば、サバむバルに参加した党員にスタンプを抌す暩利が䞎えられる。 俺が入口から脱出し、今から生き残ればいいだけだ! 雑魚ゟンビを撃ち抜き、入口から脱出する。 しばらく走っお、病院党䜓が把握できる䜍眮たで移動する。 そしお......振り返った。 「なるほど......そこにあったか最埌の目玉!」 最埌の目玉は倖偎にあった......! ひず際倧きく、邪悪な目が病院の倖壁にぞばり぀いおいる! 今すぐバリスタで撃ち抜いお......。 「いや、最埌はこい぀だ! ロケットランチャヌ!」 キョりカに蚗された察ゟンビ戊の最埌にしお最匷の切り札。 で『匓おじさん』ず呌ばれおいおも、このサバむバルのフィナヌレを食るのはこい぀だ! カナリアが䜿っおいたサブマシンガンず同じで、どの職業でも䜿っおいる歊噚ず融合するこずで䜿甚可胜になる。 『黒颚暗雲匓』ず融合させるこずで黒く染たったロケランは、危険床が䜕倍にも䞊がっお芋えた。 ゲヌムや映画を参考に勢いのたたに構える......! 「あばよ、腐れ肉野郎ッ!」 トリガヌを匕く。 すさたじい反動ず共に飛び出した匟頭は、たるで吞い寄せられるように目玉のど真ん䞭に叩き蟌たれた。 爆発、爆炎、爆音、爆煙......そしお、バケモノの圢容しがたい断末魔......。 モンスタヌを撃砎した際に発生する光の粒子に包たれた病院を前に、2時間経過の鐘の音が鳎った。 サバむバルは......俺たちの勝利に終わった!
When an enemy with a giant eyeball appears, the player must target that eyeball. And the best weapon for that is a bow... And so I followed my instincts and unleashed an arrow at the eyeball that was on the other side of the glass window. “Gatling Burning Arrow!” The exploding arrows broke through the glass and shot towards the eyeball. After taking damage, the eyelids closed over it. And then...the attacks began. The glass windows all over the hospital shattered, and writhing, rotting tentacles invaded the building...! “Rise Rock Wall!” Gray slammed his weapon, which was a pickaxe, onto the ground, creating walls of rock that would cover the shattered windows. However, the walls were not enough to stop the momentum of the tentacles. “Mr. Kyuji. What should we do!?” “It seems like there is no way to stop the tentacles from getting in. And we can’t destroy them either! We have no choice but to crush the eyeballs!” There were fewer normal zombies now... Because the tentacles were blowing away the zombies with their attacks. They weren’t so much monsters as a stage gimmick...! And so everyone began to run around in search of the eyeballs. My guess was that they would be somewhere between the first floor and tenth floor of the central ward. While there were fewer of them, fighting the zombies while running up and down was not easy. You could not break the walls and floors of this hospital, so I couldn’t use I’m Arrow to go through it speedily. I just had to run on foot...! The number of tentacles kept increasing, which meant less space for us to move in. However, the eyeball only appeared in places that we could go. In other words, it was both harder and easier for us now. I jumped over a tentacle that lashed out like a whip. Well, the more tentacles there were, the more severe the attacks. I was starting to feel that things weren’t getting easier after all. But the worst thing of all, was that I lost contact with the others. Once the battle line had retracted all of the way to the seventh floor, we had finished gathering most of the items, and everyone had an earpiece. So I had gotten used to talking to them even when separated. And so I felt even more alone now. “Gar! Gar!” Only Garbow was nearby. As these rotting monsters had to be defeated in a special way, it was likely that Garbow’s AI would not be able to deal with them. And so I brought him with me. Juru...gujuru...ju... I heard sounds that were difficult to describe. It signaled that the tentacles were going to attack...! “Woah...!” A thick tentacle shot out from the floor and into the ceiling. And while it scratched my back, I was somehow able to dodge it! I had to continue to make my way down and find the remaining eyeballs...! “Ah! Damn it! Garbow!” If it had scratched my back, that meant that it might have hit Garbow, who was right behind me! Even if it didn’t, the thick tentacle had separated us... I didn’t know if it would retract or not. However, I knew that attacking it wouldn’t do anything. “...You can do it! Garbow!” I looked ahead and continued on my way. It was fine. Garbow would surely be able to fight on his own. I learned about it later, but Garbow didn’t react to enemies like the tentacles where there was no point in attacking them. In other words, he knew where to attack. So he would be fine...! I rushed down the staircase all at once. We had roughly assigned different floors to each person, but players who had crushed all the eyeballs on their floors were told to go to the other floors, just in case. I had already checked all of the windows of floor six and seven. And if everyone else had done the same... However, the tentacle attacks did not end. And the area that we could move in kept getting smaller. However, the paths weren’t blocked off completely yet. In any case, I had to check the windows for the eyeballs. And if they weren’t there, continue to go down. I repeated this until I returned to the first floor...! “I didn’t see anyone...could it be...” No, this was no time to be thinking about such things. I just had to crush the eyeballs, defeat the monster, and survive...! “’s not here!” There were no eyeballs left in the areas we could move in! There must be something... Somewhere I can still go... Vvvuu...voooaarr...! Tsk. Even now, the normal zombies were coming in from the entrances... While the tentacles killed them instantly, they kept coming until the end... “...Ah, the entrance is open.” Yes. The entrance had been open from the beginning, and even now it was connected to the outside without being covered. The sun was still up and light was shining down on the entrance. It was so obvious. Why hadn’t I noticed it before...! “The entrance is the exit!” Ever since the battle started, strong zombies flooded in, and so it was a place of danger. I didn’t even think about going out from there. And even if I did, I would have just been surrounded and killed. Besides, we started in the nurse station on the tenth floor, which was the farthest place from the entrance. We found out that there were items on the tenth floor, and so thought of the strategy of retreating while fighting. Of course, that was correct. Though, it had taken away the option of escaping through the place that used to be the most dangerous in the end. I had seen that the flow of zombies had weakened once the rotten monsters started to appear. And we couldn’t think flexibly enough to come to the conclusion that we should escape from the entrance...! The requirement for victory was to survive for two hours. But we had thought of it as surviving for two hours ‘inside’ the hospital. I had forgotten while I was fighting! “But there is no need for regret...!” As long as one of us survived until the end, everyone who participated would be able to use the stamp. And so all I needed to do was escape from the entrance now and survive! I shot the weak zombies down and dashed out of the entrance. After running for some time, I was far enough to see the entire hospital. And so...I turned around. “I that’s where the last eyeball is!” The last eyeball was outside...! An extra large and evil-looking eye was stuck to the outer wall of the hospital! I would shoot it down immediately with a ballista... “No, with this! The rocket launcher!” The final and strongest trump card against zombies that Kyuka had given me. Even though some people called me an old bowman, I would use this for the finale of this zombie survival! It was just like the submachine gun that Canaria was using, and so anyone could fuse it with their weapon and use it. I fused the rocket launcher with my Blackwind Dark Cloud Bow. It turned black and was now many times more dangerous. And then I held it up like they did in games and movies...! “Goodbye, rotten bastard!” And I pulled the trigger. With a strong recoil, the rocket shot out and flew towards the eyeball as if being sucked. Explosions, flames, sounds, smoke...and the final scream of the monster... As the particles of light appeared, signaling the death of the monster, the bell also rang to tell us that two hours had passed. So...this battle of survival had ended with our victory!
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
「くそっ!どうなっおいやがる!」 半持人の男は自らの手勢を埌ろに控えさせ぀぀、森の䞭で悪態を吐く。 男が『這い寄る混沌の蛞王』に呜じられた事は蛞王の為に人間たちを殺害しお経隓倀を皌ぐ事。もう䞀぀はこの囜の魔王たちの守りを突砎しお自分たちの拠点を䜜る事。 二぀の呜什を男は容易いものだず根拠も無く感じおいた。 だが結論から蚀えば男は䜕䞀぀ずしお蛞王の呜什を達成するこずはできなかった。男の想像以䞊にこの囜の魔王ず人間たちの繋がりは匷く、普段の殺䌐ずした関係からは想像もできない皋の連携を芋せおきたのだ。 その連携の匷さは枯町を襲撃した者たちが文字通り殲滅され、それ以倖の堎所から䞊陞した者たちも地元䜏民か各魔王たちが掟遣しおきたモンスタヌに発芋され次第始末されたこずからも窺える。 「だが、諊めるわけにはいかねぇ......蛞王様の呜什は絶察だ......䜕ずか䜕凊かに隠れ家を䜜っおやる......」 それでも魔王に生み出されたモンスタヌずしお男は蛞王の呜什遂行を目指す以倖の道は無かった。 男はゆっくりず藪を掻き分けお森を進んでいく。 「そうだ。他の連䞭が結果的に囮になったおかげで俺たちはこんな内陞たで入り蟌めたんだ。なら倧ダコを片っ端から始末しやがったあの化け物にさえ芋぀からなければ䜕ずかなるはずだ......。」 男は䜕ずか今の状況を奜意的に解釈し、自らに䞎えられた任務をどうすれば遂行できるかを考えおいく。 なお、倧ダコを始末した化け物ずはもちろんむチコの事である。 「よしお前ら。この先に川があるはずだ。そこに拠点を......」 そしお、男は考えがたずたったのか自分が率いおいるモンスタヌたちに指瀺を出そうず埌ろを振り向く。が、続く蚀葉は出おこなかった。 「あらようやく気づきたしたの。私埅ちくたびれおしたいたしたわ。」 そこに居たのはバラバラに解䜓された自分の郚䞋たちず、郚䞋たちをバラバラにした䞋手人。そしおその䞋手人たちの指揮官であろう灰色の髪に赀い目をした迷圩服姿の女だったからだ。 むズミが枯町で奮戊し、むチコが各地で倧ダコを撃砎しおいた頃の『癜霧ず黒沌の森』にお 「はあ、私を呌び戻しお䜕をさせるかず思えば、奎隷たちの指揮官ですか。」 「そう蚀うなっお、状況的に日本海から内陞郚に朜り蟌む奎が居るのは確実で、そい぀を秘密裏に捕瞛するには経隓豊かな珟堎指揮官がいた方が楜なんだよ。」 私は前線で怪我人の治療や戊列の指揮をする暇も無くクロキリに呌び戻されお、迷圩服を着せられた状態で面倒な呜什を受けるこずになりたした。 「私が経隓豊富なのは認めたすが、圌女たちは私の呜什を聞きたすの?」 そう蚀いながら私は今回私の指揮䞋に入る圌女たち...『霧の圱』の面々を芋たす。 『霧の圱』に所属する圌女たちが浮かべる衚情は䞻類。 クロキリの寵愛を䞍本意ながらも受けおいる私ぞの嫉劬の衚情 クロキリの為に呜すら捚おお働ける喜びによる恍惚の衚情 クロキリに心を完党に壊されたがための無衚情 恍惚ず無衚情はただ私の呜什に埓っおくれるでしょうが、嫉劬組は私の足を匕っ匵るために呜什を反故にする可胜性がありそうですわ。 ちなみに数ずしおは恍惚>無衚情>嫉劬ですが、それ以前にこれだけの人数を囲うクロキリの発情っぷりには呆れおものが蚀えたせんわね。 「そこは倧䞈倫。魔王暩限䜿っおでも指揮系統は枡すし、俺を喜ばせるために䜕をすればいいのか分かっおいないような奎は凊分するから。」 魔王暩限を䜿うならば倧䞈倫そうですわね。それにしおも凊分ずは぀たり殺すずいう事ですわよね。狐姫のダンゞョンにでも特攻させるのでしょうか。 「たあそんなずころだな。」 「!?」 心を読みたしたの!? 「たっ、ずにかくよろしく頌むわ。できれば他の魔王の配䞋には芋぀かるなよヌ」 「分かりたしたわ......。」 そうしお私たちは長距離転移陣を䜿甚しお目撃蚌蚀が䞊がった堎所ぞず飛びたした。 ----------------------- 珟地に飛んだ私たちはたず事前に䞎えられた情報に基づいお敵勢力を気づかれない様に捜玢・発芋し、呚囲を取り囲みたした。 そう蚀えばクロキリからは䜕故わざわざ危険を冒しお敵を捕瞛するのかの理由を聞いおいたせんでしたわね。䞀応、蛞王のダンゞョンに関する諞々の情報を埗るのが目的ではないかず考えおいたすが、モンスタヌが魔王を裏切るようなこずはあり埗たせんし、䞀䜓どうするのでしょう? 「たあ、今はどうでもいいこずですわね。」 「?」「リョり様?」 私の呟きに䞀番近くに居た貫姉効が銖を傟げ぀぀答えたす。 ず、リヌダヌ栌ず思しき半持人が立ち止たり、思玢に耜り始めたす。 クロキリの目的を考えるにある皋床の思考胜力を有した盞手の方がいいでしょうし、そう考えるず捕瞛察象はこちらのダンゞョンで蚀うミステス盞圓であるあの半持人が適圓でしょう。ならば、今のリヌダヌが物思いに耜っおいるずいう状況は非垞に郜合がいいず蚀えたすわね。 では、 「『党員に䌝達。あの半持人以倖を音を立おずに始末しなさい。』」 「「了解。」」 私の≪指揮≫に埓っお『霧の圱』が動きだし、隊列の埌ろに居た者から急所を䞀撃で貫かれお音も無く葬られおいきたす。 この光景に私は思わず味方ならば心匷いが敵に回った時の事を考えおしたいたす。 ず、ものの数秒で䞀通りの始末が終わり、そこで半持人が動き出したす。ここは䞀応平和的に亀枉するべきですわね。 私は返答が決たりきった質問を半持人に問いかけ぀぀、ハンドサむンで半持人の埌ろに回り蟌んでおくように≪指揮≫したす。 「ふざ......けるなああぁがあああぁぁぁ!」 そしお半持人が右腕の爪を振りかざしながら突っ蟌んできたずころで、回り蟌たせおおいた者に右腕を切り飛ばすように≪指揮≫を飛ばし、その呜什が即時実行されたす。 「俺の腕がああぁぁぁ......」 半持人は右腕を抑えながら蹲りたす。傷口からは倧量の血が流れ出おおり、攟っおおけば数分埌には倱血死は確実でしょう。ですが私たちの目的ずしおこの半持人には死んでもらっおは困りたす。だから、 「≪倧治癒≫」 「ぞっ......あっ......なん......」 傷口は塞いであげたす。 「『鳩尟』」「はい。」 「グフッ......!?」 でも死ななければ問題ないでしょうから死なない皋床には痛め぀けるようにハンドサむンで≪指揮≫したすけど。 「た......」 『霧の圱』によっお半持人が悲鳎すら䞊げられない様に嬲られおいきたす。でも今嬲らせおいるメンバヌの䞭には確か治療系スキル持ちも居たはずですし問題はないでしょう。 「クロキリ。半持人を䞀匹捕獲したしたから転移陣の蚭眮をお願いしたすわ。」 『了解。すぐに開くわ。』 クロキリにも連絡したしたし、これで任務完了ですわね。 早いずころ出元を朰したい所ですわね......
————– “Damn it! What the hell is going on!” The Hanryojin man cursed in the forest while keeping his own troops behind him. The man had been assigned by the “Crawling Octopus King of Chaos” to accomplish two tasks. The first was to gain experience by slaughtering humans for the Octopus King. The other was to penetrate the defenses of the Demon Kings in this country and establish a base for themselves. Without any rhyme or reason, the man had a feeling that both of these orders would be a piece of cake. Nonetheless, as it turned out, the man could not fulfill any of the orders of the Octopus King. In comparison to the customary cutthroat relationships that exist between other countries, the bond between the Demon Kings and humans in this country was stronger than the man imagined, and the cooperation between the two sides was unbelievable. The strength of this cooperation was evident in the fact that those who marauded the port city were literally exterminated, and those who landed from other places were also disposed of as soon as they were discovered by local residents or monsters dispatched by the Demon Kings. “But we can’t give up... The Octopus King’s orders are absolute... We’ll find a hiding place somewhere...” Even so, as a monster created by the Demon King, the man was left with no other choice but to carry out the Octopus King’s commands. The man slowly made his way through the thicket and into the forest. “Right. Thanks to the fact that the other members of the group served as decoys, we successfully made it this far into the interior. So as long as we don’t get spotted by that monster who eliminated all the giant octopuses, things should be fine...” Interpreting the situation in a positive light, the man pondered how he can execute the missions he had been allotted. Of course, the monster that was referred to was Ichiko, the one that got rid of the giant octopus. “Alright, you guys. There should be a river ahead. We can set up a base there...” The man, seemingly having reached a conclusion, turned around to direct the monsters he was leading. However, no words are forthcoming. “Oh, you have finally realized. I’m getting tired of waiting.” There they were: his own dismembered subordinates, as well as the perpetrators of the murder who dismembered them. And the perpetrator’s group commander, a woman in camouflage uniform with gray hair and red eyes, stood there. In “White Mist and Black Swamp Forest” when Izumi was fighting strenuously in the port city and Ichiko was defeating giant octopuses in various places. “Hah, what did you summon me back to do, commanding the slaves?” “Don’t be so critical, under the circumstances, it is a certainty that someone will sneak inland from the Sea of Japan, and capturing that person in a clandestine manner will be easier with an experienced field commander.” Before I had time to treat the wounded or command the front line, I was called back to Kurokiri and received tedious orders while clad in camouflage. “Although I admit that I am experienced, do these women obey my instructions?” While uttering these words, I observed the women who will be under my command this time... the members of “Shadows of the Mist”. There were mainly three sorts of expressions on the faces of the girls who were part of the “Shadows of the Mist”. An expression of jealousy towards me, the unwilling recipient of Kurokiri’s affections. An expression of ecstasy caused by the joy of working for the sake of Kurokiri, even at the expense of their own lives. An expression of apathy due to the fact that their hearts had been totally shattered by Kurokiri. As for the ecstatic and the apathetic, it was likely that they will still abide by my orders, but it was possible that the envy group will try to pull me down by my legs and defy my orders. Incidentally, the majority of them were ecstatic > expressionless > jealous, but even before this, I had to admit that Kurokiri’s infatuation with such a wide number of individuals didn’t shock me. “That’s not a problem. If I use the Demon King’s authority, the chain of command can be handed over, and anyone who doesn’t have a clue about what they need to do to please me will be disposed of.” It seems it would be fine if the Demon King’s authority is exercised. But still, by disposing of them, you mean killing them, right? Do you mean to send them on a suicide attack to the Fox Princess’ dungeon? “Yeah, something like that.” “!?” You read my mind!? “Well, anyway, I’m counting on you. Preferably, don’t let any of the other Demon King’s subordinates find outヌ” “I understand...” And so we flew to the place where the sighting report came from, with the use of the Long-distance Transportation Formation. After a flight to the site, we first sought and detected the enemy forces discreetly based on the intelligence supplied to us beforehand, and then encircled the perimeter. That reminded me that I hadn’t heard from Kurokiri as to the reason behind taking the trouble and risk to capture the hostiles. So far as I could tell, the objective was to extract various information about the Octopus King’s dungeon, but there was no possibility that the monsters would betray the Demon King, so what in the world was he planning to achieve? “Well, that doesn’t really matter right now, I suppose.” “?” “Ryo-sama?” To my murmurings, the closest sister answered with a tilt of her head. The Hanryojin who seemed to be the leader of the group paused and began to ponder. An opponent with a particular degree of intellectual capacity would be preferable for Kurokiri’s aims, and in that perspective, that Hanryojin, who was equivalent to Mystic in this dungeon, would be an appropriate target for capture. If such was the case, the current circumstance, in which their leader was pensive, was ideal. Now then... “‘Here’s my message to all of you. Dispose of everyone except that Hanryojin without making a sound.” [[Understood.]] Under my ≪Command≫, the “Shadows of the Mist” began to operate, and those in the rear of the line were penetrated with a single stroke to the vital spot and lay to rest without a sound. At this spectacle, I unconsciously contemplated what would ensue if they were my allies, which would be reassuring, but what would unfold if they turned into my enemies? Within seconds, the whole thing was settled, and then the Hanryojin started to act. This was where negotiations should take place amicably. While asking the Hanryojin the clichéd question, I ≪Command≫ that the others should go around behind the Hanryojin with a hand sign. “Don’t... mess with meeeeeeee!” When the Hanryojin surged at me with his right claw drawn, I issued ≪Command≫ to the one who had been instructed to circle around him to cut off his right arm, and the order was immediately executed. “My arm aaaaahh...” The Hanryojin crouched down while suppressing his right arm. From the wound, a profuse amount of blood was gushing out, and leaving it alone will undoubtedly result in death from exsanguination in a few minutes. But for our goal, this Hanryojin was not allowed to die. Therefore, “≪Great Heal≫.” “Heee... ah... what...” I will close his wound. “‘The pit of his stomach’.” “Yes.” “Guahhh...!?” However, as long as you don’t die, there will be no problem, so I’ll ≪Command≫ with a hand sign to inflict enough pain to the extent that it wouldn’’t kill you. “Wait...” But I was positive that among the members who were torturing him now, some of them possessed healing skills, so there should pose no problem. “Kurokiri. We’ve captured one Hanryojin, so please set up the Transportation Formation.” [Yes. I’ll get it ready shortly.] Having contacted Kurokiri, our mission was now concluded. I would like to destroy the source at the earliest opportunity...
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 3, "inserted_lines_src": 5, "inserted_lines_trg": 11 }
たずは、ビヌトルズマニア 狂乱する10代の若者達... 叫び、悲鳎をあげ、混乱の枊です スポヌツマニア 耳を぀んざく矀衆の歓声 皆考えおいる事は1぀ ボヌルをネットに入れる事 そしお、宗教マニア 歓喜、そしお涙、 䞖界芳がありたす マニアは良い事をもたらしたり、 恐怖をあおったり たたは、呜取りになるこずもありたす 䞖界には新しいマニアが出珟したした 英語勉匷マニアです 叫びながら行う䞭囜人孊生による英語の緎習を 聞いおみおください 先生:「..人生を倉えたす!」 生埒:「私は人生を倉えたす」 先生:「私は䞡芪を悲したせたくありたせん」 生埒:「私は䞡芪を悲したせたくありたせん」 先生:「私は決しお囜の期埅を裏切ったりはしたせん」 生埒:「私は決しお囜の期埅を裏切ったりはしたせん」 先生:「なによりも」... 生埒:「なによりも」... 先生:「私自身を倱望させたくありたせん」 生埒:「私自身を倱望させたくありたせん」 JW:䞖界䞭でどれぐらいの人達が英語を孊んでいるのでしょうか? 20億人です 生埒:「Tシャツ ドレス」 JW:ラテンアメリカで、 むンドで、東南アゞアで、 そしお極め぀けは䞭囜で あなたが䞭囜人の孊生であれば 3幎生から英語を習い始めたす、法埋により そしお今幎 䞭囜は䞖界で最も英語を話す人が倚い囜になりたした 䜕故英語なのか?䞀蚀で蚀えば「機䌚」です より良い生掻、より良い職を埗るための機䌚 孊費を払える様になるため、より良いものを食べる為の機䌚です ある孊生が䞞3日かけお詊隓を受けるずころを想像しおください この詊隓の成瞟により 文字通り圌女の将来は決たるのです 圌女は1日12時間勉匷し 3幎間かけお準備したす 圌女の成瞟の25%は 英語によるものです これは「高考 」ず呌ばれるもので、8000䞇人にものがる䞭囜人の孊生が この厳しい詊隓を受けたした 英語を孊ぶ熱䞭ぶりは それを芋ない限り想像しがたいものです 先生:「完璧!」 生埒:「完璧!」 先生:「完璧!」 生埒:「完璧!」 先生:「私は完璧な英語を話したい」 生埒:「私は完璧な英語を話したい」 先生:「私は話したい..」 生埒:「私は話したい..」 先生:「完璧な英語を」 生埒:「完璧な英語を」 先生:「私は人生を倉えたい!」 生埒:「私は人生を倉えたい!」 JW:それで英語マニアは良いのか、悪いのか? 英語は他の蚀語を掗い流しおしたう 接波なのか? そうでは無いでしょう 英語は䞖界䞭で䜿われる倖囜語です あなたの母語はあなたの人生です しかし英語により、より倧きな䌚話に参加できる様になりたす 䞖界芏暡の問題を話し合う䞖界芏暡の䌚話 気候倉動や貧困など たたは飢えや病気 䞖界は他にも普遍的な蚀語がありたす 数孊は科孊での蚀語ですし 音楜は感情の蚀語です そしお英語は今、問題解決の為の蚀語になろうずしおいたす アメリカが埌抌ししおいるからではなく、 䞖界がそれを求めおいるからです 英語マニアずいうのは転換点です 我々の街で電気が䜿える様になる様に、 たたはベルリンの壁厩壊の様に 英語はより良い未来ぞの 象城です 䞖界に共通の問題を解決する為の蚀語が あるずいう未来です どうもありがずう
Let's start with Beatlemania. crying, screaming, pandemonium. Sports mania: deafening crowds, all for one idea -- get the ball in the net. Goal! Okay, religious mania: there's rapture, there's weeping, there's visions. Manias can be good. Manias can be alarming. Or manias can be deadly. The world has a new mania. A mania for learning English. Listen as Chinese students practice their English, by screaming it: Teacher: ... change my life! Students: I want to change my life! T: I don't want to let my parents down! S: I don't want to let my parents down! T: I don't ever want to let my country down! S: I don't ever want to let my country down! T: Most importantly... S: Most importantly... T: I don't want to let myself down! S: I don't want to let myself down! How many people are trying to learn English worldwide? Two billion of them. Students: A t-shirt. A dress. Jay Walker: In Latin America, in India, in Southeast Asia, and most of all, in China. If you're a Chinese student, you start learning English in the third grade, by law. That's why this year, China will become the world's largest English-speaking country. Why English? In a single word: opportunity. Opportunity for a better life, a job, to be able to pay for school, or put better food on the table. Imagine a student taking a giant test for three full days. Her score on this one test literally determines her future. She studies 12 hours a day for three years to prepare. Twenty-five percent of her grade is based on English. It's called the gaokao, and 80 million high school Chinese students have already taken this grueling test. The intensity to learn English is almost unimaginable, unless you witness it. Teacher: Perfect! Students: Perfect! T: Perfect! S: Perfect! T: I want to speak perfect English! S: I want to speak perfect English! T: I want to speak ... S: I want to speak ... T: ... perfect English! S: ... perfect English! T : I want to change my life! S : I want to change my life! JW: So is English mania good or bad? Is English a tsunami, washing away other languages? Not likely. English is the world's second language. Your native language is your life. But with English you can become part of a wider conversation -- a global conversation about global problems, like climate change or poverty, or hunger or disease. The world has other universal languages. Mathematics is the language of science. Music is the language of emotions. And now English is becoming the language of problem-solving. Not because America is pushing it, but because the world is pulling it. So English mania is a turning point. Like the harnessing of electricity in our cities, or the fall of the Berlin Wall, English represents hope for a better future -- a future where the world has a common language to solve its common problems. Thank you very much.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
パワヌポむントによるVCぞのプレれンで 自分自身で 数千䞇ドルの資金を VCから調達したした その埌 逆偎の立堎に回っお 自分自身で 数千䞇ドルの 䌁業ぞの投資を統括し パワヌポむントのプレれンを受けおきたした プレれンのやり方に぀いお 少しばかり知っおいる ず蚀っお 差し支えないでしょう たず最初に答えを芋぀けるべき質問は 新芏事業のアむデアを プレれンに行った時 VCが探っおいる 最も重芁なこずは䜕か ずいうこず もちろん あらゆるこずがありたす ビゞネスモデル 財務 マヌケットなど 党䜓的に芋お やるべきこず党おのうち VCが投資をするかどうかを決める 最も重芁なこずは䜕でしょう? 誰かわかる? 䜕? 芳客: 人 人? そう あなたです! その通り だから VCぞのプレれンの最終目的は 自分に投資をすれば たくさんのリタヌンが埗られる 起業家であるず 確信させるこず でも どうやっお? できないでしょ? ぀か぀かず歩み寄り 「こんにちは 私はずっおもいい奎だから 私に投資すべきですよ」 ずか VCぞのプレれンには ほんの数分しかもらえたせん 普通VCぞのプレれンは -- ゚ンゞェル投資家で玄15分 VCだったら30分以内です -- 人間の集䞭力は18分経぀ず䜎䞋するず 詊隓結果が瀺しおいたす ですから 18分 10分 あるいは5分で 山ほどの異なった特城を䌝えなければなりたせん 実際には 10の特城を䌝える必芁がありたす プレれンの間に... 䌝えなければならない最も重芁なこずは䜕でしょう? 䜕? 芳客: 誠実さ おお なんず! いきなり圓おられたしたね ヒントもあげなかったのに そうです 誠実さ です それが鍵ずなりたす 私が投資したいず思ったり 賭けおみたいず思うのは 真っすぐな人です 誰に気を䜿っおいるんだろうずか 䜕をやっおいるんだろうずかの 疑問を感じおしたう人ではなく... 最も重芁なこずは 誠実さ です では 誠実さの次に倧事なこずは䜕でしょう? これはわかるかな 芳客: 自信 おしい! 情熱 です ここで倧事なのは -- 起業家ずは本来 他のこずを捚お 新しいこずを始め 䜕かを創り 心血泚ぐ人達です だから 情熱を䌝えなければなりたせん あなたが情熱を持おないずしたら 他の人が䞀䜓なぜ情熱を持おるでしょうか? 誰が投資しようなんお 思うでしょうか? だから 誠実さず情熱が最も倧事なのです その䞊で 他にもたくさん VCぞのプレれンに入れなければならない 芁玠がありたす 経隓 「前にも やったこずがありたす」ず蚀えなければなりたせん 起業から䟡倀創造 最初から最埌たで 「前にやったこずがある」ずいうこず だから VCは起業経隓者に投資したがるのです 最初は正しくできなくおも 教蚓を埗たこずで 次はよほど䞊手くやれるのです それに加えお 起業や 䜕かを運営した経隓 ビゞネス以倖でもいいのです 孊校の組織ずか NPOでもいいです 組織を䜜った経隓を芋たす 次は 知識 です 䟋えば ヒトゲノムマップの 開発者になろうずするなら ヒトゲノムずは䜕か を知っおおくべきです 専門分野を持っおいくべきずいうこず こういうのはダメですよ 「䜕も知らない事業ですが いいアむデアがあるんです 競合が誰だかも知らないし 垂堎の状況も知りたせんけど」 ずか... 垂堎を知らなければなりたせん 自分の分野を知るべきです 次に䌚瀟をやっおいくためのスキル も必芁です 技術系の䌚瀟であれば 技術スキル マヌケティングや営業 経営スキル等も必芁です しかし すべおのスキルを持っおいる人などいたせん 䌚瀟をやっおいくのに必芁なすべおのスキルを 持った人などほずんどいたせん では他に䜕が必芁なのでしょう? リヌダヌシップ ですね 我々を確信させる必芁がありたす 必芁な芁玠すべおを満たすチヌムを 䜜ったずか... カリスマやマネゞメントスタむル メンバヌを匕っ匵り 刺激を䞎え チヌムに加わる動機付けをする胜力があるずか... それでは その䞊で VCが他に知りたがるこずは䜕でしょう? コミットしおいるこずも知りたい 最埌たでやり抜くこずを... 私が聞きたいのは たずえ死にそうになっおも 最埌の息を振り絞り 指先を匕っ掛けながら生き残る 私のお金を守っおくれ お金を増やしおくれる... 機䌚があればい぀でも逃げ出そうず するような人はごめんです 悪いこずは必ず起こるものですから 䞀床も悪いこずが起きなかった ベンチャヌ䌁業などありたせん だから 最埌たでやり抜くコミットがあるかを 知りたいのです ビゞョン も必芁です この先どうなるかを芋抜かなければなりたせん 「物真䌌」補品など芁りたせん 䞖界を倉えられる人を芋぀けたいのです 曎にその䞊に リアリズム も必芁です それは 䞖界を倉えるのは凄いけれど い぀もそうなるずは限らないからです 䞖界を倉える前に 悪いこずが起こるのです それを乗り越えなければなりたせん 合理的な蚈画ず人員も必芁です そしお最埌に -- 私からお金を求めおいる理由は お金自䜓よりも 私の支揎にあるわけだから 教えられる人間でなければなりたせん 聞く胜力を持っおいるかどうかも倧事なのです 我々は経隓豊富です -- 投資を行うVCや゚ンゞェルは -- 経隓がありたす だからあなたが その経隓を聞きたいかどうか 知りたいのです では どうやっお10分間で 10個党郚を䌝えられるのでしょう? 䜙蚈なこずは蚀わずに... こういうのはダメですよ 「私はずおも誠実だから -- 投資しお䞋さい!」 ずか プレれン党䜓で 盎接蚀わずしお 䌝えなければならいのです 時系列で考えおみお䞋さい 始たりたす ドアから入りたす VCはあなたのこずは 䜕も知りたせん そこから 感情の䞖界に匕っ匵り蟌むわけです -- すべおのプレれンは 倚かれ少なかれ 感情的です 䞊がったり 䞋がったり でしょ? 最初から最埌たで... 郚屋に入っお 最初にやるべきこずは プレれン党䜓の匧を描くこず ロケットのように始めなければなりたせん 最初の10秒で -- 長めのプレれンでは 10-30秒で -- 泚意をひき぀けなければなりたせん 私の堎合 パワヌポむントのプレれンで 数千䞇ドルを調達したした たた 数千䞇ドルを投資したした これだけです これだけで十分なのです これが倧事になりたす 皆これは 盎感に反するず蚀うでしょう 物語でも 経隓でもいい VCの感情的な泚意を 自分に惹き぀けなければならないのです 最初の数秒で... そしおそこから しっかりず安定した 䞊昇気流に乗せなければなりたせん 最初から最埌たで すべおがこれを匷化するように仕向けなければなりたせん だんだん良く 曎に良く たた曎に良くなっおいかないずダメです 最埌たで䞊に向かい 最埌の最埌で ドカヌン! 圌らを匕っ匵り蟌み 堎倖に叩き出すのです 感情を高揚させお その堎で小切手を切り あなたが去っおいく前に お金を投げ぀けさせる くらいにやりたしょう では どうすればいいのか? たず最初に 論理的に進めるこず 埌戻りしたり 䞀段抜かしたりしたら 段が抜けおいたり 高さが違っおいたりする階段を 䞊っおいるのを想像したしょう 立ち止たっお 䜕ずかしなければなりたせん いい感じに論理的に進めたしょう たずは どんな垂堎なのかを話したす なぜ それをやろうずしおいるのか 次に どうやっおそれをやるのか説明したす そしお 具䜓的に䜕を どうやろうずしおいるのか 党䜓感が倧事です 最初から最埌たで流れなければなりたせん 詊金石があるこずも蚀わなければなりたせん 他の䞖界ず結び぀けお説明するのです 䟋えば 聞いたこずのある䌚瀟や ビゞネスの基本アむテムに蚀及したり... 䜕か想像できるものを知りたいのです 他の誰かが認めたこずがわかるものがあれば 良い怜蚌になりたす 売䞊だったり 䜕か受賞したずか 以前誰かがやったずか ベヌタテストの結果が良かったずか... 䜕でもいいです 䜕かの怜蚌が欲しいです ただあなたがそう蚀っおいるずいうだけでなく 他の誰か -- 或いは他の䜕かが -- 筋が通っおいるず瀺すものが... 次に 私は「アップサむド」を狙っおいるわけですから 信甚に足るアップサむドが必芁です それには2぀の芁玠がありたす アップサむドであるこず そしお信甚に足るこず アップサむドずは 䟋えば5幎埌に 幎間100䞇ドル売れたす ずいうのでは 十分ではないですね 幎間10億ドル売れたす ず蚀う話だず それは信甚できない その䞡面が必芁なのです 䞀方で やる気が倱せおしたうこずも倚々ありたす 感情のレベルを䞋げおしたい あなたはそこから回埩しなければならない 䟋えば 私が真実でないず知っおいるこずを 蚀っおしたうこず 「競合はいたせん このような補品を䜜った 人は誰もいたせん」 ずか... 誰かがその補品を䜜ったこずを私が知っおいる可胜性が高いです あなたがそう蚀った瞬間に -- ドカヌン! その埌は 話半分にしか聞かなくなりたす 考えさせおしたうようなこず 理解できないこずは 自分の頭の䞭で考えをゞャンプさせなければならないから プレれンの流れを止めおしたいたす 小孊6幎生を盞手にするように 連れお行かなければなりたせん タッタッタッタッず しかも尊倧な態床を取らずに... 非垞に難しいこずですが もしできれば 本圓にうたく機胜したす プレれンの䞭で䞀貫性を欠くのもダメ 䟋えば 䜕かの売䞊が1000䞇ドルず蚀った埌 その埌のスラむドで 500䞇ドルず曞かれおいたずしたしょう たあ、片方は総売䞊で もう䞀方は玔売䞊なのかもしれたせん すべおの数字がお互いに矛盟のないものでなければなりたせん そしお最埌に 誀りやタむプミス ぀たらないミスや 線の匕き違いなど プレれンもろくにできない人に 䌚瀟経営なんおできたすか? これらすべおが関わっおきたす では 䞊手になるのに䞀番いいのは いいものを芋るこず 過去にやった人を芋おみるこずです 最もビゞネスで成功した技術系トップの プレれンのやり方を芋おみたしょう ビルゲむツのパワヌポむントでのプレれンです りむンドりズの説明をしおいるずころです これが䞊手いプレれンのやり方でしょうか? どう思いたす? 違いたすよね では誰を手本にすべきでしょうか? いや面癜い! ここにもう䞀人の偉人がいたす でしょ? スティヌブ ゞョブズです 完璧な これぞプレれンの極みです いいですか? ここにいたす 小さな人が ブラックゞヌンズずかで 䜕もないステヌゞに立っおいたす あなたなら どこを芋たすか? 圌を芋たすよね! これがスティヌブ ゞョブズです 長ったらしい箇条曞きずか すべおのこずのリストずか そんなのはダメ 長い箇条曞きはダメです じゃあ䜕がいい? 短い箇条曞きです でもね 知っおたすか? もっずいいのは 䜕の箇条曞きもないこず 芋出しだけ そこに出したす 知っおたすか? スティヌブ ゞョブズが いく぀の箇条曞きや芋出しを䜿うか? れロです じゃあ どうするのでしょう? 䞀番いいのは 画像です 単玔な画像だけ 画像を芋るず -- 写真は千文字分の䟡倀がありたす 画像を芋お理解したら 党郚が消える そうしたら私を芋るしかない 私に泚目する 私がなぜ玠晎しい人物なのか なぜ私に投資したいず思うのか そしおなぜこれに玍埗がいくのか では 残りもう わずかしか時間がありたせんので プレれンに含めなければならないこずを ざっず芋おみたしょう たず どう始めるか これはダメです 倧げさで長いタむトル かくかくしかじか 䜕々さん宛 䜕月䜕日... 日にちも 自分が誰かも あなたがプレれンするこずも知っおいたす そんなのはすべお必芁ない 䌚瀟のロゎだけ瀺しなさい ロゎを芋るず 脳に結び぀く感じです そしおあなたに戻っおきたす 泚目したす いいですね? そうしたら次に クむックに15秒か 30秒の導入をしお 泚意をひき぀けたす その次には クむックにビゞネスの抂芁を話したす 5分もかける必芁はありたせん 文章2぀で十分 「XYZ垂堎向けに補品を開発しおいたす」ずか 「誰かがXをするのを支揎するサヌビスを販売しおいたす」ずか ゞグ゜ヌパズルの倖箱の絵みたいなもの 背景を䌝えるものです これから説明しようずする党䜓の 骚組みを䞎えたす そしお これたで話したこずず 他のすべおのこずを 関連付けられるようになりたす さあやっず来たした -- あなたの マネゞメントチヌムが䜕者なのか話しお䞋さい 自分に経隓があり 過去に䌌たようなこずを 次に垂堎を知りたい -- 垂堎芏暡です なぜその垂堎を狙う䟡倀があるのか? 補品を知りたい 非垞に重芁です これは補品プレれンでも 営業プレれンでもないので すべおの詳现を 知りたいずは思いたせん 知りたいのは -- 芁するにこれは䜕なの? りェブサむトなら スクリヌンショットを芋せたす ラむブデモはダメですよ 絶察やっちゃダメ 録画デモずか なぜ人々がその補品を買うのかが わかるこずをやりたす 䜕を売っおいるのかがわかったずころで 次に どうやっおお金を儲けるかを話したす Xを1個売るたびにYを手にしお Zのサヌビスを行いたす どういうビゞネスモデルなのかも知りたい ナニットあたりずか 実際に販売する 補品ずかの... 誰に販売しようずしおいるのかも知りたい 顧客ずいう意味で それず あなたを特別に支揎しおくれる 関係があるかどうかも知りたい 販売パヌトナヌであったり 補造パヌトナヌであったり 怜蚌したいずいうこずです ここにあるちっぜけなものよりも もっず倧きいんだ ずアピヌルできたす 䞀方で 必ず競争はありたす 競合のいない䌚瀟なんお 存圚したせん 仮に競争ずは叀い物事のやり方だずしおも どんな競合環境なのかを正確に知りたい そうすれば 党䜓の䞭でどういう 䜍眮付けになるか刀断できたす たた䞀方で 䜕が特別なのかも知りたい 競合が䜕をやっおいるかわかったなら いかにしお 競合があなたのランチを 食べおしたうのを防ぐのか? これらすべおが財務抂芁に関わっおきたす それは必須です -- 財務の提瀺なしには VCぞのプレれンはできたせん 過去1~2幎の財務諞衚 或いは蚭立圓時からのものが必芁です たた今埌3~5幎の予枬も必芁です 5幎は長すぎるかも 4幎䜍でいいでしょう あなたの瀺した補品ベヌスのビゞネスモデルが どう䌁業モデルに転換されるのかも知りたい いく぀の補品を売っおいるのか 補品あたり いくら皌いでいるのか その原動力が䜕かも知りたい 今幎は1,000の顧客を獲埗し 来幎は10,000ずか 売䞊はこれだけ増加するずか それによっお 投資を行う今埌数幎間の 党䜓像がわかりたす 次に知りたいのは 投資で埗ようずしおいるお金が どう圹に立぀のか 䞭囜に海倖工堎を開くのか 営業ずマヌケティングにすべお䜿うのか タヒチに行っお遊ぶのか ずか でも そこで疑問が沞きたす ここで いくらお金が必芁なのかを蚀うべきです 500䞇ドル必芁 -- バリュ゚ヌションはいくらで? 10䞇株で200䞇ドルずか これたでにいくら調達した? 投資家は誰? 個人でも投資を行ったこずを期埅したす 私は埌に続いおいるのだから あなたが自分で投資しないのなら、誰が投資なんおしたす? 友人や家族が投資しおいるのかも知りたい ゚ンゞェル投資家はいるか 他のVCは入っおいるか? ここたでの資本構成はどうなっおいるか? そしお最埌に これらすべおの埌 すべおを䌝えたのですから 結論に戻さなければなりたせん これが䞊っおいくあのロケットです すべおがポゞティブ ポゞティブ さらにポゞティブで あなたの蚀ったこずすべおが私を捉え すべお玍埗がいきたす 私は「これは本圓に玠晎しい」ず考えおいたす そこでロゎに戻すのです スクリヌンにロゎだけ写したす 私はロゎを芋たす -- オヌケヌ そしおあなたに戻りたす 他に芋るものないですからね たずめをおこなっお 締めたす 最埌にもう䞀床「ドカヌン!」ずやらなければなりたせん 私を宇宙に飛ばす最埌の䞀抌しです では これをここでやる䞭で 順番ず内容をどう芚えればいいのでしょう? 私がここでスクリヌンを芋おいないのに気づいたかもしれたせん この郚屋では スクリヌンは私の前にセットされおいたす だから芋たくおも芋れたせん では どうやっお䜕が曞いおあるかわかるのでしょう? 私の前にはノヌトパ゜コンがありたす でも皆さん私を芋おいたすし スクリヌンを芋おいたす 私が䜕を芋おいるず思いたす? スクリヌンを芋おいるず思いたすか? 私が実際に芋おいるのは パワヌポむントの 特別版です 䞀枚前のスラむドず 䞀枚埌のスラむドず 私のメモを衚瀺しおいたす これはすべおのパワヌポむントに バンドルされおいたす アップルのキヌノヌトを䜿っおいれば さらに良いのがありたす 「オベヌション」ずいう゜フトもありたす アドビが぀い昚幎の倏に出したものです 党郚をタむマヌで動かしたり 䜕が衚瀺されおいるかわかったりしたす では 最埌のたずめで皆さんを月にお連れしたす い぀もはトップ10をやりたすが 今日は時間がないので 「デむビッドのプレれンの秘蚣 トップ5」 第5䜍 い぀もプレれンタヌモヌドを䜿うこず オベヌションやプレれンタヌツヌルでもいい あなたがどこに行っおいるか正確にわかり 自分のペヌスを掎み 時間通りに すべおを終えるこずができるから... 第4䜍 垞にリモコンを䜿うこず コンピュヌタに私が觊ったのを芋たしたか? いいえ 觊れおいたせん なぜでしょう? ここにリモコンを持っおいるからです い぀もリモコンを䜿いたしょう 第3䜍 配垃資料はプレれンではない 私のアドバむスに埓えば すっきりした 犅のようなプレれンになりたす それは 自分が誰か䌝え 人を感情的に巻き蟌むにはいいのだけど 配垃資料ずしおはあたり良くありたせん 配垃資料にはもっずたくさんの情報が必芁です それはあなたが説明しないずころで読たれるからです 第2䜍 原皿を読たないこず 想像できたすか? 「あなたは投資すべきです ずっおもいいから」 ダメですよね? 原皿を読たないこず そしおプレれンの秘蚣 第1䜍は 絶察にスクリヌンを芋ないこず 芳客ずの間に぀ながりを䜜ろうずしお い぀も1察1の぀ながりを持぀べきだから スクリヌンは自分の埌ろに浮かび䞊がり 補足しおくれるものであっお 眮き換えるものではありたせん 以䞊 VCぞのプレれン術でした
And turning to the other side of the equation, I've personally supervised the investment of tens of millions of dollars into companies who have pitched me with PowerPoint presentations. So I think it's safe to say I know a little bit about the process of pitching. So, the very first question you've got to figure out is: What is the single most important thing that a VC is looking for when you come to them pitching your new business idea? There are obviously all kinds of things -- business models and financials and markets and this and that. Overall, of all the things that you have to do, what is the single most important thing the VC is going to be investing in? Somebody? What? Audience: People! David Rose: People! You! That's it -- you are the person. Therefore, the entire purpose of a VC pitch is to convince them that you are the entrepreneur in whom they are going to invest their money and make a lot of money in return. Now, how do you do this? You can't just walk up and say, "Hi, I'm a really good guy, good girl, and you should invest in me." Right? So in the course of your VC pitch -- you have a very few minutes; most VC pitches, angel pitches, are about 15 minutes, most should be less than half an hour -- people's attention span, after 18 minutes, begins to drop off. Tests have shown. So in that 18 or 10 or five minutes, you have to convey a whole bunch of different characteristics, about 10 different characteristics, while you're standing up there. What's the single most important thing you've got to convey? What? Audience: Integrity. DR: Boy, oh boy, oh boy! And I didn't even prompt him. Right, integrity. The key thing. I would much rather invest in, take a chance on, somebody who I know is straight than where there's any possible question of who are they looking out for, and what's going on. So the most important thing is integrity. What's the second most important thing? Let's see if you can get this one. Audience: Self-confidence. DR: Close enough. Passion. Right? Entrepreneurs, by definition, are people who are leaving something else, starting a new world, creating and putting their lifeblood into this thing. You've got to convey passion. If you're not passionate, why should anyone else be, or put money into your company if you're not passionate about it? Integrity, passion: the most important things. Then there's a whole panoply of other things you've got to wrap up in this package you're presenting to a VC. Experience: you've got to be able to say, "Hey, you know, I've done this before." "Done this before" is starting an enterprise, creating value, and taking something from beginning to end. That's why VCs love to fund serial entrepreneurs -- even if you didn't do it right the first time, you've learned the lessons, which puts you in good stead the next time. Along with the experience of starting an enterprise or running something -- doesn't have to be a business, it can be an organization in a school, a not-for-profit. But experience in creating an organization. Next: knowledge. you're going to be the developer of the map of the human genome, you better know what a human genome is; I want you to have expertise. I don't want somebody who says, "I've got a great idea in a business I know nothing about. I don't know who the players are, what the market is like." You've got to know your market, your area. And you have to have the skills that it takes to get a company going. Those skills include everything from technical skills if it's a technology business, to marketing and sales and management and so on. But, you know, not everybody has all these skills. Very few people have the full set of skills it takes to run a company. What else do you require? Well, leadership. You've got to be able to convince us that you either have developed a team that has all those factors in it, or else you can. And you have the charisma and the management style and the ability to get people to follow your lead, to inspire them, to motivate them to be part of your team. Having done all that, what else do I want to know as a VC? I want to know that you have commitment. That you are going to be here to the end. I want you to say -- or I want you to convey -- that you are going to die if you have to, with your very last breath, your fingernails scratching as they draw you out. You'll keep my money alive and make more from it. I don't want someone who'll cut and run at the first opportunity. Bad things happen. There's never been a venture-funded company where bad things didn't happen. So know that you're committed to the very end. You've got to have vision to see where this is going. I don't want another "me too" product. I want somebody who can change the world out there. But on top of that, I need realism, Because while changing the world is great, it doesn't always happen. And before you get to change the world, bad things are going to take place; you have to deal with that. And you have to have rational projections. Finally, you're asking for my money -- not just because it's my money, but because it's me. You need to be coachable. I need to know you have the ability to listen. We've had a lot of experience. People who are VCs or angels investing in you have had experience, and they'd like to know that you want to hear that experience. So how do you convey these 10 things in 10 minutes without saying them? You can't say, "I've got integrity, invest in me!" You've got to do a whole pitch that conveys this without conveying it. Think about your pitch as a timeline. It starts off, you walk in the door. They know nothing whatsoever about you. You can take them on an emotional -- all pitches, all sales presentations, are emotional at some level. You can go up, you can go down, right? And it goes from beginning to end. You walk in, the first thing you've got to do, the overall arc of your presentation, it's got to start like a rocket. You've got maybe 10 seconds -- between 10 and 30 seconds, depending on how long the pitch is -- to get their attention. In my case, I've invested. I've gotten millions of dollars from PowerPoint pitches. "I've invested millions." That should get you right there. This can be a fact or something counterintuitive. It can be a story or an experience. But you've got to grab their emotional attention, focused on you, within that first few seconds. And then from there, you've got to take them on a very solid, steady, upward path, right from beginning to end. Everything has to reinforce this. And you've got to get better and better and better, revving up to the very end, then you've got to -- boom! -- knock them out of the park. You want to get them to such an emotional high they're ready to write you a check, throw money at you, before you leave. How do you do that? First of all, logical progression. Any time you go backwards, any time you skip a step -- imagine walking up a staircase where some of the treads are missing, or the heights are different. You stop, you need to figure out a nice, logical progression. Start with what the market is: Why are you going to do X, Y or Z? And then you've got to tell me how you're going to do it, and what you're going to do. And it's got to flow from beginning to end. You've got to let me know there are touchstones, to tie in to the rest of the world out there. For example, reference companies I've heard of, or basic items in your business. I want to know about things that I can relate to: validators, or anything that tells me somebody else has approved this, or there's outside validation. It can be sales; it can be you got an award for something; it can be people have done it before; it can be your beta tests are going great, whatever. I want to know validation -- not just what you're telling me, but that somebody or something else out there says this makes sense. And then, I'm looking for the upside; I need a believable upside. That's two parts; it's got to be upside and believable. The upside means if you tell me that five years out, you're making a million dollars a year, that's not really upside. Telling me you'll be making a billion dollars a year -- that's not believable. So it's got to be both. On the other hand are things that take the emotional level down. You have to recover from those. For example, anything that I know is not true. "We have no competition. Nobody makes a widget like this." Odds are I know somebody who's made a widget, and the minute you tell me that, I discount half of what you're saying from then on. Anything I don't understand, where I have to make the leap myself, in my own head, will stop the flow of the presentation. So you've got to take me through like a sixth-grader -- dub, dub, dub -- but without patronizing me. And it's a very tricky path. But if you can do it, it works really well. Anything that's inconsistent within your concept -- if you tell me sales of X, Y or Z are 10 million dollars, five slides later, they're five million dollars ... One may have been gross sales, one may have been net sales, but I want to know that all the numbers make sense together. And then, finally: anything that's an error or a typo, or a stupid mistake or a line that's in the wrong place -- that shows me that if you can't do a presentation, how can you run a company? So this all feeds in together. The best way to do this is to look at our betters, people who have done this before. Let's look at the most successful technology executive in the business, and see how a presentation goes. Bill Gates's PowerPoint presentation over here. Here's Gates doing a thing for Windows. Is this how to do a PowerPoint presentation? What do you think? No. Who do you think we should look at as our role model? Oh, isn't that funny! There's another great one over here. OK, Steve Jobs. You want absolute -- this is the Zen of presentation, right? Here he is, one little guy, black jeans and stuff, on a totally empty stage. What are you focusing on? You're focusing on him! This is Steve Jobs. So are these wonderful long bullet points, whole list of things good? No, they're not. The long bullet points are bad. What's good? Short. Short bullet points. But you know what? Even better than short bullet points are no bullet points. Just give me the headline. And you know what? How many bullet points does Steve Jobs use? Basically, none. What do you do? Best of all, images. Just a simple image. I look at the image; a picture's worth a thousand words. You look at the image and you've got the whole thing. Then you come back to me; you're focused on me, why I'm such a great guy, why you want to invest, why this all makes sense. That said, we only have a very short time, so let's run through the things to include in your presentation. First of all, none of these big, long-titled slides with blah, blah, I'm presenting to so-and-so on X date. I know the day, I know who I am -- I don't need all that. Just give me your company logo. I look at the logo, and it ties it to my brain. Then I come back to you. I'm focused on you, OK? You give me your quick, 15-second or 30-second intro, grab my attention. Then you give me a quick business overview. This is not a five-minute pitch. This is, you know, two sentences. "We build widgets for the X, Y, Z market." Or, "We sell services to help do X." You know, whatever. And that is like the picture on the outside of a jigsaw puzzle box. That lets me know the context. It gives me the armature for the whole thing you'll be going through; it lets me put everything in relation to what you've told me. Then you've got to walk me through, show me who your management team is. I want to know the size of the market. Why is this market worth getting at? I want to know your product, that's very important. Now, this is not a product pitch or sales pitch. I don't want to know all the ins and outs, just what the heck is it? If it's a website, show me a screenshot of your website. Don't do a live demo. Never do a live demo. Do a canned demo, or something that lets me know why people are going to buy whatever it is. Now that I know what you're selling, tell me how you make money on it. For every X you sell, you get Y, or services of Z. I want to know what the business model is on a per-unit basis, or for the actual product you're selling. I want to know who you're selling to in terms of customers and if you have any special relationships that will help you, whether it's a distribution relationship or a producing partner. Again, validation. This helps to say you're bigger than just one little thing over here. But everybody has competition. There's never been a company with no competition, even if the competition is the old way of doing something. I want to know exactly what your competition is, and that will help me judge how you fit into the whole operation. I want to know how you're special. I know what your competition does -- how are you going to prevent them from eating your lunch? All this ties into the financial overview. And you can't do a VC pitch without giving me your financials. I want to know a year or two back, or as long as you've been in existence. And I want to know four or five years forward. Five is a bit much. Probably four. And I want to know how that business model, on a product basis, will translate into a company model: How many widgets will you sell? You make X amount per widget. I want to know what the driver is. We'll have 1,000 customers this year and 10,000 the next, our revenues will do this and that. That gives me the whole picture for the next several years into which I'm investing. And I want to know how the money from me will help you get there. You're going to open an offshore plant in China, you're going to spend it all on sales and marketing, you're going to go to Tahiti, whatever. But then comes the ask, where you tell me how much you want. You're looking for 5 million -- at what valuation? Two million? 100,000? What's the money in so far? Who invested? I hope you invested -- if you can't invest in your own thing, why should I? So I like to know if you have friends and family, or angel investors, or more VCs before. What's the capital structure up until this point? Finally, having done all that, you've now told me the whole thing, so now you bring it back to that conclusion. This is that rocket going up. Hopefully everything has been positive. And everything you say clicks, it all makes sense. And I'm thinking, "This is really great!" Then you take me back to just your logo on the screen. And I look at the logo -- OK, good. Now I come back to you. Nothing else to look at, right? Now you've got to wrap it up to give me the final -- boom! -- the final pitch that's going to send me into space. Now, in the process of doing this, how do you remember the sequences and do it? You've noticed I'm not looking at the screen, right? The screen is in front of me, so I couldn't even see if I wanted to. So how do I know what's going on? Well, I have a laptop in front of me. You're looking at me and at this. What am I looking at? You think that I'm looking at that? No, I'm looking, actually, at a special version of PowerPoint over here, which shows me the slides ahead and behind, my notes, so I can see what's going on. PowerPoint has this built into every copy of it that's shipped. If you use Apple's Keynote, it's got an even better version. There's another program called Ovation you can get from Adobe that they bought last summer, which helps you run the timers and lets you figure out what's going on. So, here's my wrap-up to take you to the moon, right? I usually do a Top 10, but we don't have time, so: David's Top Five Presentation Tips. Number five: always use presenter mode, or Ovation, or presenter tools. It lets you know exactly where you're going, helps you pace yourself, gives you a timer, the whole bit. Number four: always use remote control. Have you seen me touch the computer? No. Why not? Because I'm using remote control. Always use remote control. Number three: the handouts you give are not your presentation. If you follow my suggestions, you'll have a very spare, Zen-like presentation, which is great to convey who you are and get people emotionally involved, but not good as a handout. You want a handout that gives more information; it has to stand without you. Number two: don't read your speech. Can you imagine? "You should invest in my company ... " It doesn't work. And the number one presentation tip: never, ever look at the screen. You're making a connection with your audience, and you always want a one-on-one connection. The screen should come up behind you and supplement what you're doing, instead of replace you. And that is how to pitch to a VC.
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ミラはバスタオルを手に十分火照った身䜓を拭うず、そのたたピュアラビットの身䜓を包む。隙間から顔を出し、心地良さそうに鳎き声を䞊げるピュアラビット。そのたたそっず棚に䞋ろすず、ミラは眮いたたたにしおあったカバンを開く。䞭にはりサギパゞャマやベビヌドヌル等が入っおいるが、ミラは芋お芋ぬ振りで䞋着の領域ぞず手を䌞ばす。 (ぬ......増えおおる? ......ああ、先日枡した掗濯分じゃな) 若干地味な䞋着が残り少なくなっおきおいたのでありがたいず、マリアナに感謝しながら、ミラはパンツだけ取り出しカバンをアむテムボックスに戻した。 パンツを穿いたミラは、結い䞊げられた髪を解いたずころで、ホワむトに教えおもらった無圢術を思い出す。 (......うむ、ずりあえず也かしおみるかのぅ) ぀いでに、あれこれず教え蟌たれた髪の手入れ法も䞀緒に浮かんできたが、それは頭の片隅ぞ远いやり、無圢術だけを詊す事にする。 「おお......!」 術を発動させた手で髪を梳く毎に、みるみる艶やかな銀髪がふわりず解け、ピュアラビットにも詊したずころ、空の様に青い毛もあっずいう間だった。 生掻に密着した、ある意味人間らしい術。実際に䜿っおみるず、ミラの脳裏に魔法孊校を舞台ずした倧䜜映画が過ぎった。これこそファンタゞヌだず。そんな、戊うだけでない日垞を豊かに圩る術に、改めお感動する。 ミラは、圓然のように甚意されおいたロヌブを矜織るず、ピュアラビットず共に曎衣宀を埌にする。 リビングには食欲をそそるスパむスの仄かな銙りが挂っおいる。調理は仕䞊げを残しお䞀通り完了しおおり、今はマリアナがテヌブルに食噚を䞊べおいるずころだった。 「ミラ様。もう暫くですので、お座りになっおいお䞋さい」 「うむ、分かった。それず、前回の掗濯分を入れおおいおくれたようじゃな。ありがずう」 「いえ、圓然の事です」 ミラは瀌を蚀うずマリアナぞず歩み寄り、その髪ぞず芖線を向ける。マリアナのサファむアのように煌めく髪は僅かな動きでも、䞀本䞀本がふわりず靡く。それを確認するずミラは少し残念そうに離れ、゜ファヌぞず腰掛ける。ピュアラビットもそれに続き、゜ファヌぞず飛び䞊がりミラの隣に陣取り䞞くなる。 䜕やらミラの行動が奇劙に芋えたマリアナは、銖を傟げお問い掛ける。そうしながらも、テヌブルの䞊にティヌカップを眮いお玅茶を泚ぐ自然な所䜜は、熟緎の手際を窺わせる。 「いやなに、髪を也かすずいう術を教わっおのぅ。髪が濡れたたただったなら、也かしおやろうかず思っただけじゃ。しかしもう也いおおるようじゃな」 ミラがそう蚀い玅茶を口に含むず、突然マリアナぱプロンを倖しお足早に曎衣宀ぞず向かう。 「ぬ、どうしたのじゃ?」 その急な行動にミラが声を掛けるず、マリアナは振り返り、 「もう䞀床、髪を掗っおきたす」 そう蚀い曎衣宀の扉を開く。「いや、埅お埅お埅お」ずミラは慌おお制止するず、゚プロンを拟い䞊げおマリアナに枡す。 「すみたせんです。お食事の方が先でした」 「いや、そういう意味ではないのじゃが」 ゚プロンを付け盎し倕飯の準備を再開するマリアナ。その傍でミラが僅かに苊笑しながら呟くず、 「こういった機䌚でないずミラ様は私に觊れお䞋さいたせん。私はもっずミラ様を感じたいです。沢山觊れお欲しいのです」 どこずなく寂しげに俯き、ミラず芖線を合わせぬたた本音を挏らす。 マリアナは、ミラの方から觊れられるずいう事を求めおいた。その心には、涙を拭っおくれた時の手の枩もりが鮮明に刻たれおいる。だが、それ以倖には無い。そんな心境の時、ミラが髪を也かす為に自ら自分に觊れようずしおいたず蚀ったのだ。䞻に察しお図々しいずは承知しおいたが、マリアナはそれでもこれに瞋らずにはいられなくなった。普段の感芚が有耶無耶になるほど幎は長かったずも蚀えるだろう。 ミラも、その蚀葉に気付かされる。颚呂やベッドで䜕床も觊れ合っおいたが、それはマリアナからであった事を。やはり、どこか女性に觊れるずいう事を意識しおいるのだずも認識し、それなのに髪を也かしおやろう等ず思っおいた自分に驚く。意識しおいる盞手にならば尚曎だ。 ミラはマリアナの姿を目で远い、その献身的な少女を芋぀めれば、愛しくお抱きしめたい衝動ず、倧切で守りたい気持ちが同時に湧き起こる。 「ミラ様?」 向けられた県差しに気付いたマリアナは、その芖線を真っ盎ぐ受け止める。 「ああ、いや。そのじゃな......」 ミラは、そう蚀い思わず芖線を泳がせたが、意を決しお焊点を定める。湧き䞊がった感情は䞀぀の圢ぞず収束しおいった。ただ䞍安定ではあるが、ミラの䞭でそれは確かに灯り、ずおも枩かく胞に広がっおいく。 「確かに......、遠慮しおいたのかもしれん」 そう蚀うずミラは手を䌞ばし、マリアナの頬に觊れた。そしお、ゆっくりず䜓枩を掌で感じる。マリアナは、愛しそうに瞌を閉じるず、 「これで目です」 今床は咲き誇るように埮笑んで、マリアナはそう呟いた。 自分の手が、目の前の少女の頬に觊れおいる。指先を動かすず、少しくすぐったそうにマリアナが反応し、二人の芖線が重なり合う。 (......䜕かを飛ばし過ぎた気がするのじゃが!?) マリアナを芋぀めながら、ミラは垞識的段階を数段飛ばしおいた事に気付かされる。最初の䞀歩は、手を繋ぐか頭を撫でる、その皋床にしおおくべきだったず。だが、最初に觊れたのが涙を拭う為の頬だったので、ミラは抵抗無く同じ動䜜をしおしたったのだ。 女性の頬に優しく觊れる等、随分ず思い切った行動である。 「では、そろそろ飯にしようかのぅ!」 誀魔化しながら手を䞋ろしたミラは、そそくさず゜ファヌに戻り腰掛ける。 マリアナは、ミラの手の枩もりが残る頬に自分の手を合わせ少しだけはにかむず、たすたす気力を挲らせ準備を再開する。 どこか高玚なレストランにでも来たかのように錯芚するほど気合の入った料理が、マリアナの手により手際良く運ばれおいった。 「ずおも良い食材がありたしたので」 そう蚀いながら、絶劙な焌き加枛の肉を切り分けおいくマリアナ。その蚀葉通り、料理に䜿われおいる食材はどれも䞀玚品ばかりだ。 「これは芋事じゃな」 知識の無いものですら、そうず分かるほど断面は鮮やかで、ミラは思わず唟を呑む。 テヌブルには、色圩豊かなサラダに琥珀色のスヌプ、薄く切られたパンず厚切りのステヌキ。そしお、ピュアラビット甚の野菜スティックが䞊べられた。 「どうぞ、お召し䞊がり䞋さい」 準備が敎いマリアナが䞀瀌するず、ミラは早速ずばかりに肉にフォヌクを突き立お口に運ぶ。 (んたヌ! 口の䞭でずろけるず蚀うコメントが今たで理解できんかったが、こういう事じゃったのか!) 「うむ、玠晎らしい」 歓喜に悶える内心を抑え、぀い気取っおしたうミラ。だが、抑えられたのは蚀動のみ。少女の可愛らしい顔は、満面の笑みで喜びを最倧限に瀺しおいた。 「ありがずうございたす」 そんなミラの様子に、マリアナも笑顔を浮かべるず小さく瀌をしお、ナプキンでミラの口元を拭う。それに察し「自分でやるから倧䞈倫じゃ」ず蚀うものの、マリアナは頑なに銖を暪に振り奉仕したがる。 「そうじゃ。お䞻は食べないのか。䞀緒にどうじゃ」 「私はもう枈んでおりたすので」 ミラの提案は即座に打ち砕かれ、結果、倕飯は絶奜調なマリアナに、あれこれず䞖話を焌かれる事ずなる。マリアナだから成せる業か、现郚たで行き届いた手際はピュアラビットにたで及び、ミラは青兎を愛でながら満足いく䞀時を過ごした。 満腹になったミラは、掗い物の音が心地良く響くリビングで、゜ファヌに寝転がりマップを眺めおいる。 (浮き島が䜿えんず、これほど移動に時間が掛かるずはのぅ。遠ければ、それだけで䞀日が終わる事もありそうじゃ。堎合によっおは野宿もあるかもしれん) 祈り子の森たでの距離ず所芁時間を照らし合わせながら鈎連盟の拠点があるずいの森たでに掛かる時間を想定する。そしお䌑憩や野宿も考慮した結果、䞉日は掛かりそうだず結論するず、げんなりずした衚情で゜ファヌに突っ䌏す。 (䞉日も乗りっぱなしは、流石に身䜓が持たん気がするわい) それはミラが、祈り子の森からの垰りにも思った事だ。早いずはいえ、ペガサスに乗ったたた䞀日の半分を終えるのは負担が倧きい。ほんの数日でも今の珟状なのだ、䞉日も連続でずなるずミラには埮塵の自信も無かった。 (よし、これは埌回しじゃな。ワゎンが完成したら行く事にしよう) 垌望通りのワゎンが出来れば、䞀日䞭でも匕き篭もっおいられる自信がミラにはあった。完成した埌の事を考え、快適な空の旅を脳内で思い描いたミラは、仰向けになるずピュアラビットを䞡手で抱き䞊げ、 「お䞻もその方が良いず思うじゃろヌぅ?」 手の䞭できゅいきゅいず喜ぶ青兎に語り掛ける。するずその時、片付けを終えたマリアナが、ピュアラビットの向こう偎に顔を芗かせた。完党に油断し衚情を緩めきっおいたミラは、その姿のたた硬盎する。 「ずころで、ミラ様」 マリアナの蚀葉に飛び起きるず、ミラはピュアラビットを膝の䞊に乗せお、その背を優雅そうに撫でおみせる。どう取り繕ったずころで、ペットを可愛がる䜙り粟神幎霢が䞋がったずもいえる姿を晒した珟実が消える事はない。だが、マリアナはその事を気にした様子もなく、 「その仔のお名前は䜕ずいうのでしょうか?」 そう、ミラに぀いおは党く関係の無い事を口にした。だが、それによりミラも気付く。そういえば、名前を付けおいなかったず。 「そういえば、そうじゃったな......お䞻、名はあるのか?」 「おお、芋たかマリアナ。ただ無いず答えおったぞ!」 たるで蚀葉を理解しおいるかのような反応に、ミラはピュアラビットを抱き䞊げるず興奮気味にマリアナの方ぞ向ける。そしおたた同じ様に名はあるかず問い掛ければ、青兎はたたも無いず蚀っおいる様に銖を振る。 「はい、ずおもお利口です」 ミラはピュアラビットを膝䞊に戻すず、䞊機嫌に戯れる。ずおも優しく暖かな目をしたマリアナは、そんなミラの様子にそっず埮笑んだ。ミラは完党に䜓裁を保぀事を忘れおいた。 膝䞊の青兎をじっず芋぀める。ピュアラビットは、その芖線を真っ盎ぐ芋返すず、嬉しそうに小さく鳎いた。そしお、添えられたミラの手に顔を摺り寄せお指先を舐める。 (ああもう、可愛いのぅ!) 僅かな平静を取り戻すず、再び衚情が緩みそうになるのをどうにか耐えながら、ミラはその脳裏に閃いた名を声にする。 「ぎょん巊衛門でどうじゃ!」 そう蚀ったミラに、今たでではありえない皋の冷たい芖線がマリアナから向けられる。それが自分に付けられる名だず悟ったピュアラビットも、そっぜを向いおしたった。 「今のは無しじゃ。少し、あれじゃよ、匕っ匵られただけじゃ」 ブルヌずいう陰陜術士ず䞀緒にいた為か、ミラの脳内はカグラのむメヌゞに䟵食されおいた。無意識に誘導され、居ずずも圱響するカグラのネヌミングセンスに苊悩しながら、ミラは別の名前を考え始める。 「どういった名前がいいかのぅ。ぎょん之新......いや......冗談じゃよ......。うヌむ。ぎょん......ラビット......青......」 青兎を睚む様にしながら、云々ず唞るミラ。圓のピュアラビットは䜕か期埅するようにミラを芋䞊げおいる。するずそこぞ、䜕かに気付いたマリアナが声を掛ける。 「ずころでミラ様。その仔は男の子なのでしょうか?」 最初に提案したぎょん巊衛門ずいう名前から雄なのかず思ったマリアナだったが、芚えのあるピュアラビットの雄よりも党䜓的な線が䞞く、耳が長いのではないかず感じたのだ。 「......どっちじゃろう?」 その事が党く頭に無かったミラは、ピュアラビットず向かい合ったたた、埐々に銖を傟げおいく。隣では、マリアナも぀られる様に銖が傟いおいく。 「たあ、芋るのが早いじゃろう」 そう蚀ったミラは、ピュアラビットを膝䞊で仰向けにするず、その䞡足を掎んで開く。だが、ふさふさの青い毛に芆われおいる為、刀別が出来ない。そこに屈み蟌んだマリアナが補䜐を開始する。 「ミラ様、もう少し優しくされた方がよろしいかず」 マリアナはそう進蚀しお、突然ひっくり返され驚いた様子のピュアラビットを宥めながら、優しい手぀きで雌雄を刀別した。 「女の子のようですね」 開攟されたピュアラビットは、ミラの膝䞊で二足で立ち䞊がり、䞡前足をミラの腹郚に圓おお芋䞊げる様な姿勢をずる。 「そうじゃったのか......。ならば、ぎょん子......──いや、冗談じゃよ?」 いじけた様にそっぜを向くピュアラビット。マリアナも、心なしか冷ややかな芖線を向けるず、ミラは即座に即興の名前を取り䞋げた。 「どういった名がいいかのぅ。ぎょ......うヌむ。青兎、幞運の足音、ブルヌサンダヌ、青い残像、ノリコ、青たりも、アラむブオアアラむブ」 ミラは名前を考えながら、プレむダヌ間で呌ばれおいたピュアラビットの別名を思い出し呟く。ピュアラビットはそんなミラを぀ぶらな瞳で芋䞊げたたた耳をぎくぎくず震わせ、時折きゅぃっず鳎く。そんな愛らしい姿にミラは意識を奪われ集䞭力もそこそこに、頭や耳や背や足などを撫で回し可愛がり始める。 小さく囁く様な声に我に返ったミラは、 「いや、ちゃんず考えおおるからな。これは、真の名を芋極める為に必芁な事なのじゃ」 そう慌おお蚀い蚳を述べるず、ゆっくりず顔を䞊げる。そしお、ミラの目に映ったマリアナの顔は、ずおも......䜕かを我慢しおいる様子だった。 「......遠慮する事はない、お䞻も觊るか?」 「ずころで、お名前は決たりたしたか?」 ピュアラビットに芖線の高さを合わせおいた為か、䞊目遣いになったマリアナが問い掛ける。曎に襟元の絶劙な角床に、数秒釘付けになった埌、ミラは芖線を逞らすず「ただじゃ......」ず尻すがみに答えた。 「呌ぶ時に少し困りたすが、䜕も今すぐ決める事もないでしょう。倧切な人から莈られた名前は、それこそ宝物です。ミラ様が本気で考えお付けお䞋さったなら、どの様な名でもきっずこの仔は喜ぶでしょう」 そう蚀いマリアナは、青い毛を梳く様に指を通す。その衚情はずおも優しく、たるで我が子を慈しむ母の様に穏やかだった。ピュアラビットは気持ち良さそうに瞌を閉じるず、マリアナの蚀葉に同意するかの劂く、長めに声を響かせる。 「ふむ......責任重倧じゃな」 名前が宝物。そのように考えた事も無かったミラだったが、宝物ず蚀った時のマリアナの様子は、心に䜕か蚎えかけるような情が垣間芋えた。 マリアナは小声で呟くず、その手に絡たった青い毛を抓み䞊げ掌に乗せる。それはずおも鮮やかな青で、たった䞀本でもマリアナの手の䞊で䞀際栄える。 「ふむ、撫でおいた時にでも抜けたのであろう。取っおおいたらどうじゃ、幞運のお守りずいうしのぅ」 「私が貰っおもよろしいのですか?」 「もちろんじゃよ」 「ありがずうございたす。倧切にしたす」 ある意味取り攟題である。遠慮する必芁など皆無だろう。ミラは、マリアナが嬉しそうにしながらハンカチヌフにピュアラビットの毛を挟む姿を眺め぀぀、青兎の名前を考える。するず顔を䞊げたマリアナが再び䜕かに気付く。 「あ、ミラ様の服にも付いおおりたす」 そう蚀いマリアナはミラのロヌブを瀺すず、そこには数本の青い線が芋お取れた。ずっず膝䞊で可愛がっおいたので、自然ず抜けたのだろう。 「もしかするず掃陀が倧倉になるかもしれんのぅ......」 ミラが居ない時、居る時でもこの郚屋を掃陀するのはマリアナだ。それが補䜐官の仕事でもある。若干、窺う様に芖線を向けるミラにマリアナは、その数本の毛をそっず摘み取り、 「いずれここは、幞運でいっぱいになっおしたいそうですね」 そう蚀っお埮笑み掛けた。䞀瞬、ミラはその仕草に惚けるず「確かにそうじゃな!」ず頷きマリアナに感謝する。そしお青兎の声に応えお頭を撫でるず、䞍意にある名前が過ぎった。 「よし、お䞻の名はフォルトゥナじゃ! 愛称はルナじゃな!」 ミラは脳裏の片隅にあった幞運の女神の名前を思い出したのだ。そう宣蚀しながら、こっそりずマリアナぞ芖線を向ける。 「フォルトゥナ。劖粟族に䌝わる女神様の名ですね。この仔にぎったりの玠敵な名前です」 マリアナに耒められ、ミラは「そうじゃろう!」ず䞊機嫌に胞を反らしピュアラビットを䞡手で抱えお高く持ち䞊げる。圓人も理解しおいるのか、ぎょん巊衛門ずは反応が明らかに違い嬉しそうにはしゃぐず、ミラの手の䞭で初めお受け取った宝物に喜びの声をあげるのだった。 (䜕やら疲れたのぅ) 安心したからか気が抜けたからか、ミラはふっず欠䌞をしおから、゜ファヌの心地良さに぀い぀い目を瞑る。するず、その肩にそっず手が觊れた。 「ミラ様。眠るならばベッドに。ここで寝おは颚邪をひいおしたいたす」 「ん......ああ、そうか。そうじゃな」 若干、倢に飛び掛けおいたミラは、ルナを膝から䞋ろすず゜ファヌからゆったりずした動䜜で起き䞊がる。そしお、マリアナに導かれるたたに手取り足取りで寝る準備を枈たす。その間、ずっずルナはミラの埌を぀いお回っおいた。 「......これは今日も、ずいう事か」 「ミラ様がどうしおも駄目ず仰るのでしたら片付けたす......」 急激にトヌンダりンした声でマリアナが蚀う。 「いや......うむ......構わんが」 ベッドには枕が二぀ずクッションが䞀぀䞊んでおり、枕の片方はどう芋おも先日マリアナが抱えおいたものだった。振り返るず、圓然の劂く自分の準備も枈たせおいたマリアナが控えおいる。 「さあ、明日は朝から城に行くからのぅ。早く寝るずしよう」 そう蚀うずミラは、クッションにルナを寝かせ、枕の堎所を入れ替えおから暪になる。鳥瞰で芋お巊がマリアナ、右がミラだ。マリアナは、その行動の意味に気付かぬたた、静かにベッドに身を滑らせた。 「あ......ミラ様......」 「ほれ、そのじゃな、ただ曎新しずらんかったじゃろう。だからじゃ」 頬を真っ赀に染めお芖線を圷埚わせるミラ。灯りは萜ちおいるので、窓から差し蟌む月明かりだけでは、ミラの粟䞀杯を照らすには至らない。毛垃の䞋では、ミラが自分から右手を䌞ばしマリアナの巊手を握っおいた。加護の曎新は右手巊手ず決たっおいるので、仰向けのたた手を合わせられる様にず、ミラは枕の䜍眮を替えたのだ。 薄っすらずしか芋えなくおも、ミラの手の枩床から、その粟䞀杯を感じ取る。マリアナは、男女の関係ずいうものを知らない蚳ではない。ミラが時折芋せる玠振りの意味もだ。だが、理解できおいるずは蚀い難いだろう。身も心も捧げ、自分ずいう存圚はミラのものであるず考えおいるマリアナ。その感情は、男女を超越したずころにあるのだから。 女性の様に倧切にされるのは嬉しい。だが、マリアナは求めお欲しかった。 繋いだ手は暖かく、マリアナはそっず目を閉じた。確かに感じる枩もりが、二床ず遠くぞ離れないように願いながら。
Mira took a bath towel and wiped her very slightly burned skin before wrapping it around her pure rabbit, who pushed its head out of a small gap and squeaked comfortably. She gently placed the rabbit bundle on one of the shelves and then opened the basket she had left in the changing room. Inside she found a rabbit onesie, a baby’s doll, and other similar trinkets, which Mira pretended to ignore as she pushed her hand further inside where the underwear was stored. (Hm? Did they increase somehow... ah, it must be because of what Mariana washed the other day.) She was starting to run out of underwear sets she liked, so she mentally thanked Mariana as she took out a pair of panties and returned the basket to her Item Box. Wearing only that, Mira began untying her hair when she recalled the Concept Magic White had taught her. (...Yeah, let’s try drying it.) White had taught her many more things that time, including how to do her hair, all of which began to resurface in her mind, but she pushed everything to a corner of her memory while focusing only on the Concept Magic. 「Ohhh..!」 As she combed her hair while applying the skill with her hand, individual strands of beautiful glossy hair came loose. She then tried it on the pure rabbit as well, who quickly looked like a soft cloud in the blue sky. It was a skill solely focused on making life easier, a skill that felt very human. As Mira used it, she felt like she was watching an epic movie unfold in the magic academy. The realization of a fantasy, and the discoveries brought forth by research into skills that were not devoted to war. Thinking of all that, Mira was impressed all over again. Mira wore the robe left for her there, and together with the pure rabbit left the changing room. The living room was filled with the particular scent of spices, dinner was already cooked, and it just needed to be served. Mariana was just placing everything on the table when Mira came out. 「Lady Mira, dinner is almost ready so please sit at the table.」 「Alright. Also, I saw you put the clothes from last time back in my basket, thanks.」 Thanking Mariana, Mira walked closer to her, examining her hair. Mariana’s hair was of a glistening blue, just like a sapphire, and with every movement it would flutter around. After checking what she wanted, Mira walked away looking a bit disappointed and sat on a couch. The pure rabbit followed her and jumped on her lap, curling up. Mariana tilted her head while asking that, Mira’s actions looked somewhat odd. Her hands kept moving though, pouring black tea onto a cup with a completely natural motion, showing just how used she was to that action. 「Oh it’s nothing, I just learned this skill to dry hair. So I thought that maybe I could do that for you if yours was still wet. But it looks like you already dried it yourself.」 Mira replied and brought the cup to her lips, while Mariana took her apron off and quickly ran to the changing room like it was the obvious thing to do. 「Huh, what happened?」 Mira called for her from behind, Mariana replied while turning around. 「I’ll wash my hair again.」 Saying that, she opened the changing room’s door. 「Wait wait wait」 Mira tried to hurriedly stop her, picking up the apron and handing it to her. 「I’m sorry. I guess dinner takes priority.」 「That’s not what I mean at all.」 Mariana took the apron, fastened it on her and resumed getting things ready for dinner. Mira could only force a smile watching her. 「But you never touch me except for things like that. I want to feel you more, I want you to touch me more.」 Mariana spoke with a low and lonely voice, looking away as she exposed her true feelings. She wanted Mira to have more direct contact with her. Her heart still recalled the warmth of her hand when she wiped away the tears Mariana shed. But after that, she never felt that touch again, and then Mira offered to touch her hair without any suggestions from Mariana. She was fully aware that talking in such a way to her master was very disrespectful, but her desire was too large to keep quiet. After all, thirty years was such a long time that mental restraints could easily fade away. Hearing that, Mira also realized something. She had felt Mariana’s touch in the bath or in bed many times already, but all of those times it was only Mariana doing it. Still, thinking about touching a girl like that made Mira awfully conscious about certain things, and even she was surprised she had wanted to dry Mariana’s hair. Even more considering how aware she was of her existence. Mira followed Mariana with her gaze. Watching a girl so devoted to her brought forth an impulse to hug her lovingly, while also increasing the desire to protect Mariana with all her might. 「Lady Mira?」 Noticing Mira’s gaze, Mariana looked straight back into her eyes. 「Ah, no, it’s just...」 Mira felt lost for a bit, her gaze wandering around before she reaffirmed her thoughts and focused on Mariana again. All the emotions welling inside Mira were condensed into a single feeling. It was not the most resolute of thoughts, but Mira was aware it existed inside her, and filled her chest with warmth. 「I know... I might have been a bit distant.」 Saying that, Mira slowly reached for Mariana’s cheek, feeling her warmth spread through her palm. Mariana also slowly closed her eyes, cherishing that touch. 「This is the second time.」 A bright smile sprouted on Mariana’s lips as she muttered. Mira’s hand was touching the cheek of the girl in front of her. When she moved her fingers slightly, Mariana reacted like it tickled her and both looked each other in the eyes. (...Why do I feel like I’m crossing too many barriers?!) As Mira looked at Mariana, she realized she had leaped through many steps leading to a moment like that. Usually, the first step would be holding her hand or patting her head, and she realized that was where she should have started. But the first time Mira had touched her was to wipe her tears, so she instinctively touched her the same way again. Still, gently caressing a girl’s cheek like that was a pretty bold act. 「Anyway, let’s eat before it gets cold!」 Trying to mask her internal struggle, Mira quickly put her hand away and sat on the couch again. 「Yes, of course.」 Mariana bashfully brought her own hand to cover the spot where Mira’s palm was, dearly keeping the lingering heat for as long as possible, then resumed getting things ready in higher spirits than before. The food Mariana prepared and brought to the table looked extremely exquisite, making Mira feel like she had just walked into an expensive restaurant. 「This looks amazing.」 「I just had really good ingredients.」 They spoke while Mariana cut a beautifully seared steak. As she had explained, everything used to make that dinner was of high quality as well. Even with her limited cooking knowledge, Mira could tell from the steak’s cross-section that it was good, her mouth watering just from looking at it. Other than the steak, there was also a colorful salad, an amber-colored soup, small pieces of bread and large cuts of steak. There were also some vegetable sticks for the pure rabbit. 「Please enjoy.」 When everything was laid out, Mariana bowed indicating Mira could eat, who promptly stabbed a piece of meat with her fork and carried it to her mouth. (So tasty! I never understood what people meant when they said the food melted on their tongues, but I guess this is it!) 「Mm, it’s delicious.」 Mira stopped herself from blurting out her true feelings of delight, pretending to stay composed. But all she could control were her words, since a really wide smile adorned her cute face showing just how much she enjoyed it. Hearing and seeing Mira like that, made Mariana smile as well as she nodded slightly before grabbing a napkin and cleaning Mira’s lips. Mira said that was something she could do herself, but Mariana shook her head and insisted on doing it for her. 「And so, aren’t you eating as well? Let’s eat together.」 「I’ve already eaten.」 Mira’s suggestion was shut down instantly, but Mariana was still in a very good mood throughout the meal, constantly spoiling Mira with any little thing she could. Mariana’s care, or maybe her very nature, made her care about every single thing, which included the pure rabbit who remained in Mira’s arms enjoying a good time with them. After Mira filled her stomach, the sound of silverware being washed filled the living room, while Mira lay down on the couch staring at her map. (I never thought traveling could take this long without a floating island. I can’t go too far or it’ll be too late in the night before I arrive at a good city. Or maybe I’ll even have to camp out in the open.) Mira compared the distance to the Forest of Praying Children and how long it took her to get there to calculate how long it would take to travel to the Forest of Four Seasons where the Fifty Bells’ headquarters was located. Taking into account rest and sleep breaks, it would take around three days to finish the trip. Thinking about that made Mira lay limp and lifeless on the couch. (I feel like my body won’t last if I have to ride for three days straight.) That was something Mira had also noticed on her return trip from the Forest of Praying Children. While flying on Pegasus was fast, traveling for even half a day like that placed a heavy toll on her body. She had no confidence at all that just a few days later she would be able to travel like that for three days without rest. (Well, I guess I’ll have to postpone that visit. I’ll go once my wagon is made.) If the wagon was made the way Mira wanted, she was completely sure she could stay inside it for an entire day without problems. Thinking of her plans after she got her wagon, Mira started daydreaming about her travels through the sky, staring at the ceiling as she hugged the pure rabbit on top of her. 「You think that would be great as well, don’t you?」 She spoke to the blue rabbit happily squeaking in her arms. At the same time, Mariana had just finished washing the dishes and her face peeked from beside the pure rabbit. That caught Mira off-guard, whose relaxed expression quickly stiffened up. 「By the way, Lady Mira.」 Mira sprung up hearing Mariana’s voice, sitting upright with the pure rabbit on her lap as she gently petted its back. She desperately tried to figure out how to pretend she was not acting like a little child spoiling their pet, but there was no way of erasing the past. Either way, Mariana did not seem to care. 「What’s the rabbit’s name?」 She asked something completely unrelated to Mira herself. But that also made Mira think, she had never given the rabbit a name. 「Oh right, I haven’t thought about that yet... hey, do you have a name?」 「Ohh, did you see that? It just told us it doesn’t have one!」 Excited by that smart reaction, Mira held the pure rabbit up and showed it to Mariana. When Mira tried asking the same thing, the rabbit once again replied by shaking its head. 「Yes, it’s really smart.」 She placed the pure rabbit on her lap again, clearly amused by the current situation. Mariana watched her act like that with a gentle gaze and a kind smile. Mira had entirely forgotten to maintain her persona. She stared at the blue rabbit on her lap, who also looked back at her and squeaked happily. A moment later it turned its head and began licking Mira’s fingers that were wrapped around it. (Ahhh, why do you have to be so cute!) Mira had returned to her usual self for a second when she had to struggle again to maintain a serious face, when she shouted out the name that popped up in her head. 「How about Pyonsaemon!」 Hearing that, Mariana looked at her with the most emotionless eyes she ever had for Mira, and even the pure rabbit looked away realizing that was the name she thought for it. 「Forget about that, I was just a bit distracted.」 Maybe because she had spent some time with Blue, an onmyoji master, Kagura’s personality had leaked into Mira’s thoughts. Mira grimaced at herself for getting influenced by Kagura’s naming sense, even though she was nowhere near her, and thought about a different name. 「What name would be good though., I’m just kiddingg... hmm... pyon... rabbit... blue...」 Mira’s gaze focused more on the blue rabbit while constantly groaning at herself. Meanwhile, the pure rabbit looked at her with eyes full of expectation. Then at one point, Mariana interrupted again with another question. 「Also, is it a boy or a girl?」 Since Mira’s first suggestion 「Pyonsaemon」 sounded masculine, she assumed the rabbit was a male, but it looked more round and with shorter ears than the usual description of pure rabbits she had heard. 「...I wonder which?」 Even the thought of finding that out had never crossed Mira’s mind, her head slowly tilting to one side as she stared at the pure rabbit. Mariana’s head also started tipping along with Mira. 「Well, I guess it’s faster if we check it out.」 Saying that, Mira turned the pure rabbit upside down on her lap before grabbing its legs and spreading them apart. But everything was covered in fluffy tufts of fur, so it was impossible to tell. That was when Mariana leaned forward and began checking from closer. 「Can you try being a little more gentle?」 Mariana said that while calming down the pure rabbit that had been suddenly turned around, gently checking if it was a male or female. 「It’s a girl.」 When they freed the pure rabbit, she stood up on her hind legs and placed the front ones on Mira’s stomach to support herself, looking up at Mira. 「Is that so... then, maybe Pyonko- No I’m kidding okay?」 The pure rabbit had turned around in dejection again. Mariana also stared coldly at her, so Mira quickly forgot about that and began thinking of a better name. 「What would be a good name though. Pyo-... hmm. Blue Rabbit, Footsteps of Luck, Blue Thunder, Blue Trail, Noriko, Aomarimo, Alive or Alive...」 As Mira thought of a new name, she enumerated the other names given to the pure rabbit by players years before. The pure rabbit remained looking at Mira with her rotund and cute eyes, her ears shaking a bit every so often when she squeaked. Seeing that cute creature in front of her robbed Mira of her ability to focus, making her pet the head, ears, back and legs of the pure rabbit. That low whispering voice made Mira snap back to reality. 「I swear I’m actually thinking of a name. I just need to research things like this a bit to figure out her true name.」 She quickly made up an excuse and looked up. When she saw Mariana’s face, Mira realized she looked like she was trying really hard to hold something back. Mira had thought maybe Mariana was looking at her with cold eyes again, but seeing that was not the case she sighed in relief before checking what Mariana was looking at. 「...You can touch her too if you want, no need to hold back.」 「By the way, have you decided on a name already?」 Since Mariana had leaned down to the same height as the pure rabbit, her eyes were turned up when she looked at Mira and asked. That alluring position made Mira’s brain freeze for a few seconds, until she deviated her gaze and replied 「not yet...」 with a wavering voice. 「Calling her without a name will be a bit tricky for a while, but you don’t have to think of one right away. A name received from an important person is a very prized treasure after all. I’m sure she’ll be happy with any name you give her, as long as you think of it with all your heart.」 Mariana’s fingers traveled through the blue fur like a comb as she spoke. Her face looked very gentle, like a mother taking care of her child. The pure rabbit seemed to enjoy that a lot as she closed her eyes, squeaking for slightly longer as if agreeing with Mariana’s words. 「Hmm... that’s still a heavy responsibility.」 A name is like a treasure. Mira had never thought of it that way, and Mariana seemed to have one hidden emotion throbbing in her heart when she said that as well. Mira pulled her thoughts together and looked at the pure rabbit again. Mariana muttered as she picked all the fur that stuck to her hands and piled it up on her palm. It was of a very vivid blue color, and even one single strand stood out on Mariana’s hand. 「Hmm, I guess it got stuck on you while you were petting her. You can keep it, they say it brings good luck.」 「Can I really keep it?」 「Of course.」 「Thank you very much, I’ll make sure to treasure it.」 In a way, Mira would end up having more fur than she knew what to do with, so she had no problems giving it away. She watched how Mariana happily stored the blue fur inside a handkerchief while her mind still thought about a name for the pure rabbit. When Mariana looked at Mira again, she noticed something else. 「Ah, there’s a lot of it all over your clothes too.」 Mariana said while pointing at Mira’s robe, it was covered by many blue strands. They had probably gotten stuck there from how long Mira held the pure rabbit on her lap. 「I wonder if cleaning will get harder in the future...」 Whether Mira was home or not, Mariana would be the one in charge of cleaning everything. That was part of an aide’s work. Mira was slightly hesitant to look at Mariana thinking about that, but she gently picked up all the blue strands. 「I guess this place will be blessed with a lot of good luck in the future then.」 She smiled saying that. Mira was captured by her attitude for a bit, before snapping back to reality and nodding quickly saying 「That’s true!」. Mira gently patted the blue rabbit’s head, when a certain name floated in her head. The pure rabbit was a blue rabbit that brought good luck. 「I got it! Your name will be Fortuna! And your nickname will be Luna!」 The name of a goddess of good luck popped up in a corner of Mira’s mind. After announcing the name, she turned to look at Mariana. 「Fortuna. That’s the name of a goddess known amongst fairies. It fits perfectly for her.」 Hearing her decision praised, Mira exclaimed 「I know!」 as she happily picked up the pure rabbit and held her high. The rabbit also understood what Mira said, showing a completely different reaction to the rejection she showed hearing Pyonsaemon, instead squeaking happily receiving that valuable treasure from Mira. (Somehow that was really tiring.) Finally relieved from that stressful task, Mira yawned and let her body lie limp on the comfortable couch as her eyes closed, but soon after she felt a hand shaking her shoulder. 「Lady Mira. If you want to sleep, go to bed. You could catch a cold if you sleep here.」 「Mm... ah, right. You’re right.」 Mira had already started falling into her dream world, so she put Luna to the side on the couch and stood up with unsteady movements. Then Mariana carefully guided her through the preparations for bed. Luna followed them the entire time. Once she was ready for bed, Mira hugged Luna to sleep with her and went to the bedroom. 「...You want to do that tonight as well?」 「If you hate it then I’ll sleep elsewhere...」 Mariana’s voice turned lower really quickly. 「Mm... it’s okay, I don’t mind.」 「Thank you.」 There was only one bed, with a cushion and two pillows on it, one of which was the same Mariana had used the other night. Behind Mira, Mariana had also started getting ready for bed herself. Mira did not hate sleeping with her, she actually enjoyed it. She was simply not used to sleeping together with someone else. 「I have to go to the castle tomorrow in the morning, so let’s sleep soon.」 Saying that, Mira placed Luna on the cushion, switched the places of the two pillows and lay down on them. Mariana did not think much of that, laying down as well. Seen from above, Mira was on the right side of the bed, and Mariana on the left. 「Ah... Lady Mira...」 「Mm, you know, we didn’t renew it again. So...」 Mira’s cheeks flushed red and her gaze wavered around, though the lights were turned off and the moonlight filtering through the window was not powerful enough to show it. Below the blanket, Mira had stretched her right hand out and held Mariana’s left hand. Mariana’s Divine Protection could only be renewed by Mira holding Mariana’s left hand with her right, so Mira had changed the location of their pillows so they could do it while lying looking up. It was hard to see from the lack of light, but the warmth of Mira’s hand was all Mariana needed to know what was happening. Mariana was not ignorant to relationships between men and women, she even was aware of certain behaviors Mira showed from time to time. But it was hard to say she fully understood them, but she firmly believed that her body and mind belonged to Mira. And that was a feeling that superseded gender. She was happy Mira treated her like a lady, but she also wanted to be pursued. A soft light shone between the blankets. Feeling the warmth of Mira’s hand, Mariana closed her eyes, praying that that warmth would never go far away again.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 3, "inserted_lines_src": 16, "inserted_lines_trg": 12 }
これはこの時期に行われる ある皮の文化的なものではありたせん たぁ これは仲間内の冗談なのですが この4぀の問題は実際 科孊の知識がある人達が 非垞に難しいず思ったものです そしお これらの問題を 科孊番組のプロデュヌサヌ 科孊教育者の芳客 ぀たり理科の先生です そしお7歳の子䟛達に出したした するず 他の芳客より子䟛達の方が少し成瞟がよかったんです これには少々驚かされたす では最初の問題です みなさん よかったら曞いお䞋さい 本圓の玙かたたは頭の䞭の仮想の玙か 家でご芧のみなさんも挑戊しおみおださい 小さな皮にはほずんど重さがありたせんが 朚は重いですよね これにはみなさん異論はないず思いたす では朚はこのむスを䜜り䞊げおいる モノをどこから埗たのでしょうか? これらは党おどこから来たのでしょう? 続いおの問題は 電池 電球 そしお1本のワむダで 電球を点けるこずができたすか? そしお 実際に曞かなくおもいいですが 必芁であれば 回路図を曞くこずができたすか? それずも そんなこずは䞍可胜だず おっしゃいたすか? 3぀目の問題は どうしお倏は冬より暑いのかです 冬より倏の方が暑いこずにはみなさん同意されるず思いたすが でも どうしおでしょう? そしお最埌は 倪陜系の平面図を描くこずができたすか? よかったら描いおみおください 惑星の軌道を描いおください 描けたすか? もしできるなら 図を描いおください 子䟛達はアむデアを 先生が考えおいるほど 先生からは埗おいたせん 実際は 垞識や 圌らが経隓したこずからや 友達や面倒をみおくれる人や䞡芪ずの間で 起こるすべおの経隓から埗おいたす この分野の偉倧な゚キスパヌトの䞀人はもちろんりルゞヌ枢機卿です 子䟛達に䜕を教え蟌むのか泚意しおください なぜなら 埌から倉えるのはほずんど䞍可胜だからです 圌はどのように亡くなったんでしたっけ? 銖をはねられたんでしたっけ?それずも絞銖刑? さお これらの問題は もちろんみなさん正解だず思いたすが ただみなさんの間で答え合わせしたりしおたせんよね? い぀もは 誰か遞び出しお 恥をかかせるのですが 今回はやめおおきたしょう 小さな皮は重くなりたす そしお基本的に 党䜓の99%は 倧気䞭から埗たものです みなさんの玄85%は TEDではもうすこし少ないかもしれたせんが 土の䞭から埗たものだずおっしゃっおいたでしょう そしお 䜕人かは たぶん2人くらいは埌でやっお来お 本圓は土の䞭から埗たものですよ ず私ず蚀い争うでしょう では もしそれが本圓だずしお トラックを走らせお みんなの庭を土で満たしたら きっずすばらしいビゞネスになるでしょうね でも 実際はそんなこずはしたせん これらは倧気䞭のものからできおいるのです 私はむギリスで党おの生物のテストにずおもいい成瞟でパスしたしたが それでも朚は土の䞭のモノでできおるず 思ったたた孊校を卒業したした 2問目は 電池ず1本のワむダを䜿っお電球に灯りを点けるこずができたすか? ええ できたすよ どうするかお芋せしたしょう ただ ちょっず悪いお知らせがありたす お芋せしようず思っおいたビデオがあるのですが 残念なこずに この郚屋ではうたく音声が出たせん そこでモンティパむ゜ン颚にご説明したいず思いたす ビデオでは研究者のグルヌプがMITの卒業匏に行きたす MITを遞んだのは 蚀うたでもなく ここからすごく遠いずころにあっお みなさんがそれほど気にならないだろうからです しかし たぁむギリスでも同じこずが起こりたす そしおアメリカの西海岞でも同じです 理系の卒業生たちにこれらの質問をするず 圌らは答えるこずができたせんでした そしお倚くの卒業生たちが 「たさか、朚が空気でできおいるなんお蚀うんじゃないでしょうね。」 ず蚀うのです 理系の孊生なんですけどね その蚀葉を遮りたす 「䞖界でも優秀な理系倧孊から来たんだ」 英囜人は自慢奜きですからね そしお ゚ンゞニアの卒業生にこの問題を出すず 圌らは「䞍可胜です」ず答えたした 電池1぀ ワむダ1本 電球1個を枡しお 「電球を点けるこずができたすか?」ず聞くず 圌らはできたせんでした これはロンドンのむンペリアルカレッゞで行っおも同じこずです 反米䞻矩に基づいた蚀動ではないのですよ ここで問題なのは 私達は教育にずおも倚くのお金を かけおいるからです もちろん正解したほうがいいでしょう そしお光合成の仕組みを人々に理解しおもらい 瀟䌚的な理由もありたす 䟋えば 炭酞ガスバランスの䞀方は どれだけ私たちが攟出したかで もう䞀方は キュヌ囜立怍物園の圹員ずしお非垞に気になっおいるのですが どれだけ怍物が吞収しおいるか 怍物は二酞化炭玠を吞収したす たさにそれは怍物が生きるためにしおいるこずです この䞭にフィンランドの方がいらっしゃいたすかね フィンランド颚の蚀い方ですが その仕組みを理解しなければ 正に「薄氷を螏む思いをする」こずになりたす さお 次はどうやっおこの電池で電球を点けるかお芋せしたしょう ずおも簡単でしょう? もちろん みなさんお分かりだったでしょうけど しかし もし電池ず電球で遊んだこずがなければ 回路図しか芋たこずがなかったら 倚分できなかったでしょう それが問題なのです では どうしお倏は冬より暑いのでしょうか? 私達は熱いものに近づくず火傷するこずを 子䟛の時に孊びたす これはずおも蚘憶に残るような孊習で かなり早い時期に孊習したす そこから 冬より倏の方が暑いのは 倪陜に近いからに違いないず考えるのです みなさんのほずんどが そうお考えになるでしょう おや みなさん銖を暪に振っおらっしゃいたすね しかし 自信をもっお振っおらっしゃるのはほんの少しですね 他の方はこんな感じですね 冬より倏の方が暑いのは 倪陜光がより拡散するからです 地球が傟いおいるからですね もし この傟斜によっお近くなっおいるからずお考えであれば それは違いたす 倪陜は9300䞇マむルの圌方にあっお 地球の傟きはこんなものですよ 実際 北半球では 倏の方が倪陜から遠くなりたすが それは北半球での気候ず党く関係ないのです では次は倪陜系図です ほずんどの方がそうだず思いたすが もし冬より倏の方が暑いのは 倪陜に近いからだず考えおいらっしゃったら 楕円圢を描いたはずです 違いたすか?これで説明が぀きたすよね? ただし あなたの... 頷いおいらっしゃいたすね あなたの図を芋お「倜はどうなるんだろう」ず考えたしたか? オヌストラリアずここでは いいですか? 向こうでは倏 そしおここは冬です では地球は 倜には倪陜ぞず急ぎ 倧急ぎで戻るずいうこずなのでしょうか? ずおも䞍思議なこずが起こっおるこずになりたす 私達の頭の䞭には2぀のモデルがありたすが 正しいものず間違ったものがありたす そしお 人間ずいうものは あらゆる分野で同じこずをしおいるのです さお ここにコペルニクスが描いた倪陜系の平面図がありたす これはたさにみなさんに描いお頂きたかったものです そしおこれがNASAのものです 驚くほど䌌おいたすね ここでの䞀臎点に気づいお頂きたしたか? もし あなたが 子䟛の頃の経隓によっお 楕円軌道に぀いお思い違いをしおしたうこずを知っおいたら あなたならどうしたすか? 子䟛にどのような倪陜系の図を芋せたすか? これずは違ったものを芋せたすか? 恐らく こういう図を芋せるのではないでしょうか? これは真䞊から芋た平面図です しかし 私が教科曞で芋぀けたのはこれです みんなが芋せるのはこれなのです これらは教科曞や教育りェブサむトに茉っおいるものです みなさんが遞ぶほずんどの図はこのようなものでしょう 理由は 同心円だず非垞に぀たらないからです 䞀方 この角床から芋るず より゚キサむティングです そうでしょ? そしおこの角床から芋るず もしあなたがこの勘違いをしおいるずしたら 䞉次元を二次元で衚すず楕円になるんです バカげおるでしょう ほんずに 私達は 自分が信じおいるモデルを匷固にするための蚌拠を探したす 人皮問題や政治問題やその他党おのこずにおいお行いたす そしお 科孊の䞖界においおも同様です 科孊者は 自分の解釈を匷固にする蚌拠を 垞に探しおいたす 䞭には 自分の信じるモデルを補匷するための 蚌拠を無理にでも瀺そうずする科孊者もいたす アメリカに来おいるので ペヌロッパの悪口を蚀いたしょう これらは 科孊を扱うずきの悪い習慣ずでもいいたしょうか 孊習センタヌのようなもので フランスのラノィレットず ロンドンの科孊博物通です これらの建物の構造を芋おいただくず 倚くのガラスで仕切られおいお 青くお なんだか専門的な感じです りディ=アレンがシヌツの䞋から出おきお 「アニヌ=ホヌル」のあのシヌンで蚀った 「おぉ、なんおプロフェッショナルなんだ」っお感じですね 情熱がないし それに実践的でもありたせん わざずらしいずいうか 䞀方良い䟋ずしお この近くにあるサンフランシスコの科孊博物通を䟋にあげたいず思いたす ここでは 実挔されおいるものやその他党おのものが 子䟛達も良く知っおいる 日垞䜿う物から䜜られおいたす 実際に子䟛たちが䜓隓したり 実隓したりできたす もしMITやむンペリアルカレッゞの卒業生が 電池ずワむダ1本で電球を点けるこずができおいたなら 回路図のずおりに考えお 䞍可胜だず思っおしたうのではなく 実際の仕組みがどのようになっおいるのかを孊んでいたでしょう ぀たり 適正な解釈ずいうのは 実際に觊れるこずができる 日垞生掻の䞭から 埗られるのです ガラスや機械の仕切りがある 幻想的なものからではないのです サンフランシスコの科孊博物通はそれを非垞に䞊手くやっおいたす そしお 玠人っぜさもありながら それもいい意味で アマチュアの語源は愛ず情熱ですから さお 子䟛達は空っぜの入れ物ではないのです 空っぜだなんお考えは モンティパむ゜ン颚に蚀うず 王璜尚曞みたいなものです 子䟛達は空の入れ物ではないのです 自分たちのアむデアや理論を持っおいたす それを知らない限り 圌らの考えを倉えるこずはできたせん 私も 䞖界や宇宙がどのように機胜しおいるかに぀いおの 皆さんの考えをただ倉えおはいないでしょう これは新しいテクノロゞヌをどのようにしお 売り蟌むかに぀いおも同じです むギリスでは 党囜民の デゞタルテレビぞの切り替えを掚進しおいたす 難しいのは 人々が その仕組みに぀いお 先入芳を持っおいる堎合です これらを倉えるのは非垞に困難です ぀たり 私達は空っぜの入れ物ではありたせん 子䟛の時に持ったモデルは倧人になっおも維持されたす 質の悪い教育は本圓に癟害あっお䞀利なしです この囜やむギリスでは 子䟛達は 磁力に぀いお 孊校で習う前の方がよく理解しおいたす 重力や匕力に぀いおも同じです これは実に恥ずべきこずです もし あなたが先生で 教える前ず教えた埌を比范しおみるず ずおも心配になりたすよ 孊校で習った埌の方がテストの点が悪いのです そこで 私達はズルしお 少なくずもむギリスでは 生埒達がパスするようにテストを䜜りたす 政府は実に䞊手くやっお 自己満足にふけりたす いいですか? ズルすんですよ もし 私が本圓に理解しおいるかが分かるような テストを䜜っおくれおいたら 単に デンプンにペり玠を入れるず青くなるみたいなのではなくお 怍物は倧気䞭のものを吞収しお 倧きくなるず分かっおいるかを テストするように䜜っおくれおいたら もっず理科が埗意になっおいたかもしれたせん ぀たり 最も倧切なのは 自分のモデルを䞊手く説明させるこずです では宿題です 飛行機の翌はどのように揚力を䜜り出すのでしょうか? 簡単な問題です 頭の䞭に答えが浮かんだでしょう そこで お䌺いしたす どうやっお飛行機が逆さたに飛べるか説明しおください あヌ、ね 2぀めの問題は どうしお海は青いのかです みなさん頭の䞭にアむデアが浮かんでいるこずでしょう では 曇りの日にも青いのはどうしおでしょう? あヌ、ね アメリカでこれを蚀っおみたかったんですよね 最埌になりたしたが 私がお願いしたいのは あなた自身や 子䟛たち 誰にでも 色々な物に觊れお遊べる機䌚を䞎えおほしいずいうこずです なぜなら 物に觊れるこずによっお 他の孊習を 補足するのです 孊習方法を倉えおしたうずいう意味ではありたせん 孊習の䞀郚ずしおです そしお これが倧切なんです どうもありがずうございたした さお あヌ はい どうぞ どうぞ
This is not some sort of cultural thing for the time of year. That's an in-joke, by the way. But these four questions, actually, are ones that people who even know quite a lot about science find quite hard. And they're questions that I've asked of science television producers, of audiences of science educators -- so that's science teachers -- and also of seven-year-olds, and I find that the seven-year-olds do marginally better than the other audiences, which is somewhat surprising. So the first question, and you might want to write this down, either on a bit of paper, physically, or a virtual piece of paper in your head. And, for viewers at home, you can try this as well. A little seed weighs next to nothing and a tree weighs a lot, right? I think we agree on that. Where does the tree get the stuff that makes up this chair, right? Where does all this stuff come from? And your next question is, can you light a little torch-bulb with a battery, a bulb and one piece of wire? And would you be able to, kind of, draw a -- you don't have to draw the diagram, but would you be able to draw the diagram, if you had to do it? Or would you just say, that's actually not possible? The third question is, why is it hotter in summer than in winter? I think we can probably agree that it is hotter in summer than in winter, but why? And finally, would you be able to -- and you can sort of scribble it, if you like -- scribble a plan diagram of the solar system, showing the shape of the planets' orbits? Would you be able to do that? And if you can, just scribble a pattern. OK. Now, children get their ideas not from teachers, as teachers often think, but actually from common sense, from experience of the world around them, from all the things that go on between them and their peers, and their carers, and their parents, and all of that. Experience. And one of the great experts in this field, of course, was, bless him, Cardinal Wolsey. Be very careful what you get into people's heads because it's virtually impossible to shift it afterwards, right? I'm not quite sure how he died, actually. Was he beheaded in the end, or hung? Now, those questions, which, of course, you've got right, and you haven't been conferring, and so on. And I -- you know, normally, I would pick people out and humiliate, but maybe not in this instance. A little seed weighs a lot and, basically, all this stuff, 99 percent of this stuff, came out of the air. Now, I guarantee that about 85 percent of you, or maybe it's fewer at TED, will have said it comes out of the ground. And some people, probably two of you, will come up and argue with me afterwards, and say that actually, it comes out of the ground. Now, if that was true, we'd have trucks going round the country, filling people's gardens in with soil, it'd be a fantastic business. But, actually, we don't do that. The mass of this comes out of the air. Now, I passed all my biology exams in Britain. I passed them really well, but I still came out of school thinking that that stuff came out of the ground. Second one: can you light a little torch-bulb with a battery bulb and one piece of wire? Yes, you can, and I'll show you in a second how to do that. Now, I have some rather bad news, which is that I had a piece of video that I was about to show you, which unfortunately -- the sound doesn't work in this room, so I'm going to describe to you, in true "Monty Python" fashion, what happens in the video. And in the video, a group of researchers go to MIT on graduation day. We chose MIT because, obviously, that's a very long way away from here, and you wouldn't mind too much, but it sort of works the same way in Britain and in the West Coast of the USA. And we asked them these questions, and we asked those questions of science graduates, and they couldn't answer them. And so, there's a whole lot of people saying, "I'd be very surprised if you told me that this came out of the air. That's very surprising to me." And those are science graduates. And we intercut it with, "We are the premier science university in the world," because of British-like hubris. And when we gave graduate engineers that question, they said it couldn't be done. And when we gave them a battery, and a piece of wire, and a bulb, and said, "Can you do it?" They couldn't do it. Right? And that's no different from Imperial College in London, by the way, it's not some sort of anti-American thing going on. As if. Now, the reason this matters is we pay lots and lots of money for teaching people -- we might as well get it right. And there are also some societal reasons why we might want people to understand what it is that's happening in photosynthesis. For example, one half of the carbon equation is how much we emit, and the other half of the carbon equation, as I'm very conscious as a trustee of Kew, is how much things soak up, and they soak up carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere. That's what plants actually do for a living. And, for any Finnish people in the audience, this is a Finnish pun: we are, both literally and metaphorically, skating on thin ice if we don't understand that kind of thing. Now, here's how you do the battery and the bulb. It's so easy, isn't it? Of course, you all knew that. But if you haven't played with a battery and a bulb, if you've only seen a circuit diagram, you might not be able to do that, and that's one of the problems. So, why is it hotter in summer than in winter? We learn, as children, that you get closer to something that's hot, and it burns you. It's a very powerful bit of learning, and it happens pretty early on. By extension, we think to ourselves, "Why it's hotter in summer than in winter must be because we're closer to the Sun." I promise you that most of you will have got that. Oh, you're all shaking your heads, but only a few of you are shaking your heads very firmly. Other ones are kind of going like this. All right. It's hotter in summer than in winter because the rays from the Sun are spread out more, right, because of the tilt of the Earth. And if you think the tilt is tilting us closer, no, it isn't. The Sun is 93 million miles away, and we're tilting like this, right? It makes no odds. In fact, in the Northern Hemisphere, we're further from the Sun in summer, as it happens, but it makes no odds, the difference. OK, now, the scribble of the diagram of the solar system. If you believe, as most of you probably do, that it's hotter in summer than in winter because we're closer to the Sun, you must have drawn an ellipse. Right? That would explain it, right? Except, in your -- you're nodding -- now, in your ellipse, have you thought, "Well, what happens during the night?" Between Australia and here, right, they've got summer and we've got winter, and what -- does the Earth kind of rush towards the Sun at night, and then rush back again? I mean, it's a very strange thing going on, and we hold these two models in our head, of what's right and what isn't right, and we do that, as human beings, in all sorts of fields. So, here's Copernicus' view of what the solar system looked like as a plan. That's pretty much what you should have on your piece of paper. Right? And this is NASA's view. They're stunningly similar. I hope you notice the coincidence here. What would you do if you knew that people had this misconception, right, in their heads, of elliptical orbits caused by our experiences as children? What sort of diagram would you show them of the solar system, to show that it's not really like that? You'd show them something like this, wouldn't you? It's a plan, looking down from above. But, no, look what I found in the textbooks. That's what you show people, right? These are from textbooks, from websites, educational websites -- and almost anything you pick up is like that. And the reason it's like that is because it's dead boring to have a load of concentric circles, whereas that's much more exciting, to look at something at that angle, isn't it? Right? And by doing it at that angle, if you've got that misconception in your head, then that two-dimensional representation of a three-dimensional thing will be ellipses. So you've -- it's crap, isn't it really? As we say. So, these mental models -- we look for evidence that reinforces our models. We do this, of course, with matters of race, and politics, and everything else, and we do it in science as well. So we look, just look -- and scientists do it, constantly -- we look for evidence that reinforces our models, and some folks are just all too able and willing to provide the evidence that reinforces the models. So, being I'm in the United States, I'll have a dig at the Europeans. These are examples of what I would say is bad practice in science teaching centers. These pictures are from La Villette in France and the welcome wing of the Science Museum in London. And, if you look at the, kind of the way these things are constructed, there's a lot of mediation by glass, and it's very blue, and kind of professional -- in that way that, you know, Woody Allen comes up from under the sheets in that scene in "Annie Hall," and said, "God, that's so professional." And that you don't -- there's no passion in it, and it's not hands on, right, and, you know, pun intended. Whereas good interpretation -- I'll use an example from nearby -- is San Francisco Exploratorium, where all the things that -- the demonstrations, and so on, are made out of everyday objects that children can understand, it's very hands-on, and they can engage with, and experiment with. And I know that if the graduates at MIT and in the Imperial College in London had had the battery and the wire and the bit of stuff, and you know, been able to do it, they would have learned how it actually works, rather than thinking that they follow circuit diagrams and can't do it. So good interpretation is more about things that are bodged and stuffed and of my world, right? And things that -- where there isn't an extra barrier of a piece of glass or machined titanium, and it all looks fantastic, OK? And the Exploratorium does that really, really well. And it's amateur, but amateur in the best sense, in other words, the root of the word being of love and passion. So, children are not empty vessels, OK? So, as "Monty Python" would have it, this is a bit Lord Privy Seal to say so, but this is -- children are not empty vessels. They come with their own ideas and their own theories, and unless you work with those, then you won't be able to shift them, right? And I probably haven't shifted your ideas of how the world and universe operates, either. But this applies, equally, to matters of trying to sell new technology. For example, we are, in Britain, we're trying to do a digital switchover of the whole population into digital technology [for television]. And it's one of the difficult things is that when people have preconceptions of how it all works, it's quite difficult to shift those. So we're not empty vessels; the mental models that we have as children persist into adulthood. Poor teaching actually does more harm than good. In this country and in Britain, magnetism is understood better by children before they've been to school than afterwards, OK? Same for gravity, two concepts, so it's -- which is quite humbling, as a, you know, if you're a teacher, and you look before and after, that's quite worrying. They do worse in tests afterwards, after the teaching. And we collude. We design tests, or at least in Britain, so that people pass them. Right? And governments do very well. They pat themselves on the back. OK? We collude, and actually if you -- if someone had designed a test for me when I was doing my biology exams, to really understand, to see whether I'd understood more than just kind of putting starch and iodine together and seeing it go blue, and really understood that plants took their mass out of the air, then I might have done better at science. So the most important thing is to get people to articulate their models. Your homework is -- you know, how does an aircraft's wing create lift? An obvious question, and you'll have an answer now in your heads. And the second question to that then is, ensure you've explained how it is that planes can fly upside down. Ah ha, right. Second question is, why is the sea blue? All right? And you've all got an idea in your head of the answer. So, why is it blue on cloudy days? Ah, see. I've always wanted to say that in this country. Finally, my plea to you is to allow yourselves, and your children, and anyone you know, to kind of fiddle with stuff, because it's by fiddling with things that you, you know, you complement your other learning. It's not a replacement, it's just part of learning that's important. Thank you very much. Now -- oh, oh yeah, go on then, go on.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
ただ出血が止たらないために、急速に身䜓が疲匊し、䜓枩が䞋がっおいく。 巊手が䜿えないため、受け流しの動䜜に支障が出おいるのだ。 峰に手を圓おお刃を支えられないので、敵の攻撃を受けるずいう行動が取れない。 倧きく動く動きが䜓力を䜙蚈に消耗させ、぀いに俺はその堎に膝を぀いおしたう。 敵を前に膝を぀くなど、自殺行為にも等しい。だが俺の䜓力はすでに限界に達しおいた。 その状況に、男もニタリずした嗀いを浮かべ、嘲りの声を䞊げる。 「どうした、もう限界かぁ? なぁに、貎様のツラなら、売った先でもいい扱いしおもらえるだろうよ!」 「奎隷商共は治癒術垫も雇っおるからな。逃げられねぇように、手足も砕いおおくか。ああ気にスンナ、傷䞀぀なく元通りにしおもらえるからよ」 その時、背埌の戊慄を感じ取ったのは、俺の方が早かった。 これは戊闘経隓の差なのだろう。䞀瞬遅れで目の前の男も気付く。 ずっさに暪にステップしお、身を䌏せる俺。察しお男は腰を萜ずしお盟を掲げた。 いや、そもそも矢は俺には盎撃しないコヌスだったので、俺は安党だっただろう。 蜟音を立おお、突颚のように吹き抜ける鋌鉄矢。 盟を構え、正面から受け止めるスタむル。おそらく長幎染み぀いたその防埡が、圌の呜を奪った。 「――え?」 腹に倧穎が開いた男は、自分の状況を芋お、そんな間の抜けた声を出した。 頭を抱えたたたの少女が無事なのを確認しお、俺はミシェルちゃんを振り返った。 明らかに魔法のかかった巚倧な匓。おそらく垂堎で手に入れようず思えば、城が買えるほどの金貚を積み䞊げねばなるたい。 「ミシェルちゃん――?」 「え......あ、うん。倧䞈倫だった、ニコルちゃん!」 「う、うん。こっちは腕の怪我だけだし。少し疲れたけど。それよりその匓は?」 俺に指摘され、初めお圌女は手にした倧匓の事を思いだしたようだった。 各所に優矎な装食ず魔法文字を刻たれたその匓は、近くで芋れば芋るほどに矎しい。 「これ? 癜いお姉さんが䜿いなさいっお」 「癜いお姉さん? どこ?」 俺に蚀われ、キョロキョロず呚囲を芋回しお確認するミシェルちゃん。 他には死䜓ず気絶した男、銬車に繋がれたたた転がっお、もがいおる銬くらいだ。 「いなくなっちゃった」 「そっか......」 さっき芋た癜い人圱。おそらくそれがミシェルちゃんに加勢しおくれた者だろう。 「どうしよう、これ返さないず」 途端にオロオロず慌おふためきだしたミシェルちゃんだが、回収しないうちに姿を消したっお事は、返しおもらう気が無いのかもしれない。 恐らく颚で飛ばされおきたのだろう。䜕気なく拟い䞊げ、そこに掛かれた文面に目を通す。 そこにはこんな文が曞かれおいたのだ。 『その匓はさしあげたす。圌女の力にするずいいです。それず、あなたは自分のギフトを䜿いこなせおたせんよ? その力は䜿いこなせば最匷にもなれるので、もっず粟進する事。ずっおもやさしい神様より』 神様......俺をわざわざ幌女に転生させたアむツか。 女にしたのは蚱しがたいが、転生の道筋を぀けおくれたり、ギフトをオマケしおくれたり、ミシェルちゃんに加勢しおくれたりず、意倖ず協力的ではあるかもしれない。 今回は本気で危なかったから、そこは感謝しおおこう。 「これにくれるっお曞いおあるよ。遠慮なくもらっおおけば?」 「え、ニコルちゃん文字読めるの?」 「おっず......」 無論俺は前䞖の知識を匕き継いでいるから読めるのだが、この歳で読み曞きができるのは珍しいはずだ。 「えっず、ラむ――パパずママに教えおもらったの」 「あ、そっか。ラむ゚ル様ずマリア様なら教えおくれるよね!」 実際貎族の子匟ならば、入孊前に家庭教垫などを雇っお予習させおおくこずも倚い。 特にマリアの芋識の広さは、そこらの賢者すら凌ぐ。ここはその評刀を口実に䜿わせおもらう事にしよう。 「それにしおも、その匓凄いね」 「うん。癜いお姉さんが嚁力が匷すぎるから気を付けなさいっお蚀っおた」 「そうでしょうずも」 うっかり巻き蟌たれたら、こちらたで肉片になる所だ。おそらく、射撃のギフトを持぀ミシェルちゃんにしか䜿いこなせないだろう。 「あ、もう匕けないや」 「え?」 「あのね、わたしの力だず、この匓匕けなかったの。だから癜いお姉さんが匷化の魔法をかけおくれお、鉄の矢を䜿っおようやく䜿えたの」 考えおみれば、そこたで匷力な匓ならば普通の矢は䜿えないし、子䟛では匕く力も足りないか。 「朱の䞀、矀青の䞀、山吹圌の者に曎なる力を――どう? これで匕ける?」 「んヌ、ぐぐぐ......ダメ、みたい。ゎメンね」 「ううん、謝る事じゃないよ」 俺は自分の䜿える匷化の魔法をミシェルちゃんに斜しおみたが、俺の匷化力では匓を䜿いこなせるほどにはならなかった。 どの皋床の匷化を斜したのか知らないが、そこは『さすが神』ずいう所だろうか。 それだけの力があるのなら、盎接男を倒しおくれればよかったのに。
The wound on my left arm is not much of a big deal. However, because the bleeding doesn’t stop, my body would be quickly exhausted and my body temperature would also drop. The blurriness of my vision also gradually erodes my sight slowly restricting my movements. My reaction time is also affected. And because my left hand can’t be used anymore, it became a hindrance in achieving our objective. I also won’t be able to parry while being attacked by the enemy because I won’t have enough strength to support the weight of the attacks. Even if I was able to parry, the L shaped tip of the billhook could be used by my enemy to disarm me if I am not careful. As a result, I could now only focus on dodging the attacks. These movements consume a great amount of energy and need an extra amount of physical strength, and before long I fell down on my knees. Falling down on my knees in front of my enemy would be equivalent to suicide. And worst of all, my physical strength has already reached its limits. Understanding the situation, the man shows a disgusting grin and raised a jeering speech. 「What’s wrong, already reached your limit? Well, you don’t have to worry brat, you will still be treated as a valuable goods after this, you know?」 「Don’t worry, there are healers employed by slave traders. I’m only breaking one or two of your limbs so that you won’t be able to run away. Oh and don’t worry about that as well, I’m sure they will be able to perfectly fix you up」 I clenched my teeth from the humiliation, trying to grip my sword with my trembling hands. Then at that time, no I have noticed it little earlier, but an intense surge of fighting spirit could be felt behind me. This is probably because of the difference in our fighting experience. Finally, the man notices that and reacted without a moment’s delay. The man’s eyes opened wide in surprise as he sensed the incoming threat, he moved accordingly without looking back to the source. I also stepped aside and immediately hold myself down, while the man dropped his stance and immediately prepared his shield. You could also say that the difference between our actions decided our life and death. No, in the first place, the trajectory of that attack was not aimed at me, so I would have been safe even without doing so. However, the man was in a different situation. A steel arrow howls as it creates drag like a gust of wind. The pressure from that gust of wind easily blows me away ending with me rolling on the ground. It was good that I was barely able to protect the fainted girl. But the results with the man ended differently. He had a fighting style that would block any incoming attacks from the front. That defensive style, which probably permeated to his body after using it for years, also led him to the end of his life. 「――Eh?」 The man who had a large hole in both his shield and stomach probably couldn’t understand what happened and reacted in a surprised voice. Then finally unable to support his own weight, he split in two and collapses. After confirming that the girl I secured was safe, I looked back at Michelle-chan. She was standing there stunned by the storm of destruction her attack had caused. I was also barely able to see a white silhouette behind her which was probably the cause of this. But more than that, I was concerned about something else. It was the white silver bow that is held by Michelle-chan. It was a huge bow that is clearly enchanted. If that piece of equipment enters the market, you will probably have to pile up gold coins enough to buy a castle to be able to purchase it. It was that kind of expensive item that she is currently holding on her hands. 「Michelle-chan――?」 「Eh......ah, un. Are you alright, Nicole-chan?」 「U, un. I only have a bit of an arm injury, and a bit exhausted. What is that bow?」 After I pointed it out, she finally seemed to remember about the big bow she held in her hand. The bow had an elaborate design and magical characters were engraved in various places, and the more I look at it the more amazed I am by its design. 「This? A lady in white told me to use it」 「Lady in white? Where?」 When I asked her about it, Michelle-chan immediately looked around to check. However, she only found us two girls standing and one fainted. The others are corpses and fainted men, and horses that were still struggling while connected to the carriage. 「She disappeared」 「Is that so......」 That white figure that I’ve noticed earlier, perhaps that was the person who offered help to Michelle-chan. It’s a bit suspicious for her to give such an expensive item without any hesitation. 「What should I do. I have to return this」 Michelle-chan was in panic the moment I look at her, because the woman disappeared before being clear about returning the item, or not wanting it back. While I was thinking about it, I found a piece of paper stuck under my feet. Was it perhaps something that blown away by the wind. I immediately picked it up and casually looked at the text that was written in it. What was written is something like this. 『I’ll give you that bow. I hope that you would help her with that power. And also, you are still unable to handle your gift, right? If you properly use that power, you can become the strongest, that’s why you should work harder from now on. From the kind and benevolent Goddess』 Goddess...... could that person be the one who reincarnated me into a little girl. Although it was unforgivable that she turned me into a woman, she was surprisingly helpful, like giving me a path towards reincarnation, or giving this gift and helping out Michelle-chan. This time was seriously dangerous, I couldn’t help but thank her for the help. 「It says here that she’s giving it to you. Are you hesitant in receiving that?」 「Eh, Nicole-chan, you can read?」 「Oops......」 Thinking about it now, it was unusual for me to be able to read letters without going to school to learn. Of course, I know how to read because of my inherited knowledge, but it should be very rare for a child my age to be able to read and write. 「Well, Lye――Papa and Mama taught me」 「Ah, that’s right. Lyell-sama and Maria-sama would be able to teach you, right?」 It’s also a fact that if you are an aristocrat child, they would often hire tutors or teachers before entering an academy. Especially if we are talking about Maria, she has insight known to even surpass sages. It’s times like these that I would be able to use their reputation as an excuse. 「But you know, that bow looks really amazing」 「Un. The lady in white also told me to be careful in using it because it’s too powerful」 「I think so too」 A bow that can shoot arrows that are able to release that amount of shockwave is no joke. If you accidentally get caught in its trajectory, you would end up becoming minced meat. Perhaps only Michelle-chan who has a gift for shooting would be able to use it. However, that assumption of mine also collapsed in the next moment. 「Ah, I can’t use it anymore」 「Eh?」 「You see, with my power alone, I wouldn’t be able to draw this bow. That’s why the lady in white put strengthening enchantments on me, before I could finally use it」 Now that I think about it, for such a powerful bow, a normal arrow would be impossible to use, and a child’s strength wouldn’t be enough to draw it. 「Crimson One, Ultramarine One, Gold Three. Grant her power―― How about now? Try drawing it?」 「Nn, good, I can’t. Sorry」 「Hmmm, you don’t really have to apologize」 God giving her an unusable bow is just bad. I tried giving Michelle-chan enchantments but it was no good, my strengthening just wasn’t enough to allow her to use the bow. I don’t really know how much I have strengthened her though, and all I could say is 『As expected of God』. If you have that much power, you could have just defeated the man directly.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 4, "inserted_lines_src": 28, "inserted_lines_trg": 2 }
神にも階玚が存圚する。 たず最高䜍にいるのは、この䞖界を䜜った創造䞻。 創造䞻は地䞊を䜜り、そこに生呜の皮を蒔いた。 そしお自らが䜏む倩䞊䞖界を䜜り、地䞊にさたざたな生き物が生たれおいくのを芋守った。 人間にずっお最も身近なのは、それぞれの土地の守護神だろう。 守護神は各地の教䌚で祭られ、人々の信仰心を己の力に倉え、その土地に恩恵をもたらす。 なんらかの理由で信仰を倱った守護神は、神ずしおの力を倱っおしたう。 逆に信仰さえ集たれば、神ではなかったものが神になるこずもありえる。 倧暹や倧岩、森の䞻の獣などは信仰されやすい。 あるいは実䜓のない抂念、空想䞊の存圚が信仰によっお、神ずしお実䜓化するこずもあった。 か぀おシルバヌラむト男爵領で信仰されおいた女神も、信仰によっお実䜓化した守護神だった。 圌女は領民たちに慕われ、圌女もたた土地に尜くし、理想的ずもいえる関係だった。 ずころが、ある日突然、圌女は神の力を倱っおしたった。 領民たちから信仰心が消えたわけではない。 なのに圌女は、雚を降らすこずも、嵐を遠ざけるこずもできなくなり、土地はどんどん荒れおいった。 ほどなくしおシルバヌラむト男爵領は人が䜏めない土地になり、誰もいなくなっおしたった。 人がいなければ、信仰されるわけもない。 ぀いに圌女は実䜓化するこずすらできなくなり、意識も消えおしたった。 そうしおシルバヌラむト男爵領は、地図に名前を残すだけの土地ずなる。 だが、そ幎埌。 䞀人の幌い魔族が廃教䌚に䜏み着き、止たっおいた時間が再び動き始めた――。 真倜䞭の教䌚は、ステンドグラスから差し蟌むわずかな月明かり以倖に光がなく、そのほずんどが闇に沈んでいた。 しかし、たった䞀カ所だけ、わずかな月明かりに照らされ浮かび䞊がっおいる。 それは、か぀お祭壇があった堎所。 今は倩蓋付きの倧きなベッドが安眮されいる。 「すぎヌ......すぎヌ......」 「ふにゅ......ふにゅ......」 そのベッドには、可愛らしい少女が二人、倧きなスラむムを枕にし、寄り添っお寝息を立おおいた。 どちらも銀色の髪を䌞ばし、そしお肌は真っ癜。 圌女らの矎しい䜓は、たるで鏡のように月明かりを反射しお、闇の䞭でがんやりず茝いおいた。 二人はずおもよく䌌おいるが、それもそのはず。 なぜなら、姉効。 倧魔王の遺䌝子から䜜られた、生物兵噚。 その名を、アむリスずむクリプスずいう。 愛らしい容姿ずは裏腹に、二人ずも無尜蔵ずもいえる魔力を有し、その気になればすぐさた人間を滅がせる。 もっずも滅がしたずころで埗になるこずは䞀぀もないし、別に砎壊を楜しむ性栌でもなかった。 そんなこずよりも、惰眠をむさがったり、矎味しいものでお腹を膚らたせるこずで忙しいのだ。 しかし、そんな二人の睡眠を邪魔する出来事が、このずころ頻発しおいた。 地震、である。 「ふにゅ......たた地震だよ、アむリスお姉ちゃん......」 「ぷにぃ......」 「......もう、䜕なのよ、毎日毎日......いくら私がうるさくおも眠れるからっお、地面ごず揺れたら流石に起きるわよ」 アむリスは䜓を起こし、唇をずがらせ、地面に向かっお文句を蚀った。 むクリプスも目を眠たそうに擊り、地面に向かっお「揺れちゃ、めっ」ず叱った。 それから枕にされおいた倧きなスラむム『プニガミ』も、䞍機嫌そうにぷにぷに蠢いた。 そのせいではないだろうが、地震はすぐに収たった。 倜に寝おいるず、ベッドを蹎飛ばすようにしお揺れ、そしおすぐに収たるのだ。 䞍思議なこずに、揺れおいるのはこの教䌚だけらしい。 䞘の䞋に䜏んでいるシェリルたちに地震の話を振っおも、そんなものはなかったず蚀われおしたう。 それどころか「寝がけおたんでしょ」なんおマリオンに銬鹿にされる始末だ。 睡眠を劚害された䞊に銬鹿にされるなんお、これ以䞊ないずいうほどに耐えがたい。 そろそろ原因を解明しお、地震を止めるこずを考える頃合いだずアむリスは思案する。 「地面が揺れるっおこずは、地面の䞋に䜕かあるのよね。魔力で探知よ!」 アむリスは地面に向かっお魔力を攟぀。探知魔術だ。か぀おアむリスがこの䞘に来たばかりのずき、これで涞れた地䞋氎脈を芋぀け、埩掻させたこずがある。 探知魔術を䜿えば、地震の原因がすに分かるはずだ。 ず、思いきや――。 「うヌん......別に異垞はないわね......」 「私も探知魔術やっおみたけどなかったよヌ」 むクリプスも䞍思議そうに呟く。 「ぷにに」 「え? 地䞋じゃないなら地䞊に原因があるんじゃないかっお? たさかヌ」 「ぷにヌ!」 プニガミは怒りの声を䞊げる。 ろくに調べもせずに吊定されたのが耐えがたかったようだ。 「......でも、地震の原因が地䞊にあるっお倉じゃない?」 「ぷにぷに!」 「アむリスお姉ちゃん。調べるだけ調べおみようよヌ。だっお地䞋に䜕もなかったんだもん」 「むクリプスたでそう蚀うなら......」 プニガミずむクリプスの意芋を、こずさら吊定する理由もなかったので、アむリスは地䞊に向かっお攟射状に魔力を広げた。 どうせ無駄だろうず考えおいた。 ずころが、アむリスの勘は倖れおしたう。 「教䌚の䞭になんかいる!?」 領民たちには、この教䌚に近づいおはいけないず厳呜しおある。 そもそも、今は真倜䞭だ。 シェリルたちですら、ここに来る理由がない。 だずいうのに、アむリス、むクリプス、プニガミ以倖の『䜕者か』の気配を探知しおしたった。 「あ、ほんずだヌ。なんかいるヌ」 同じく探知魔術を䜿ったむクリプスは、呑気な声を䞊げた。 だがアむリスは緊匵を隠せない。 なにせニヌト。匕きこもり。察人恐怖症。 もし知らない人がここにいたら、むクリプスずプニガミの埌ろに隠れお震えるより他にない。 「倧䞈倫だよアむリスお姉ちゃん。これ人間じゃないよヌ」 「そ、そうみたいね......それどころか実䜓がないわ。意識だけの生き物......? 「ねぇねぇ。なんだかずっおも匱っおいる感じだよヌ? 今にも消えちゃいそヌ。魔力をあげたら芋えるようになるんじゃないのヌ?」 「うヌん......なんだかそんな気配ね。やっおみたしょうか」 アむリスは気配のするずころに向かっお、えいっず魔力を泚いでみた。 するず、本圓にシル゚ットが浮かび䞊がっおきた。 それは人の圢をしおいた。 さほど倧きくはない。 もちろんアむリスやむクリプスよりは倧きいが、倧人ずいうほどではない。 がんやりしおいたシル゚ットは、やがお茪郭線がハッキリし、それどころか色も付いおきた。 そしお、䞀人の女の子が実䜓化を果たした。 桃色の長い髪。氎色のドレス。敎った容姿――。 突劂ずしお月明かりの元に珟れた少女に、アむリスずむクリプスは目を奪われた。 それほど幻想的な光景だったのだ。 ずころが、その少女は目を぀り䞊げ、おごそかな雰囲気を吹き飛ばすように怒声を攟った。 「こらぁ、お䞻たち! 功を祭っおいる教䌚にベッドを持ち蟌んで寝るずは䜕事じゃ! しかも村人たちをたぶらかしおっお......シルバヌラむト男爵領の守護神は、このミュリ゚ルじゃぞヌ!」 守護神ミュリ゚ルを名乗る少女はそう叫んで、ベッドに突っ蟌んできた。 アむリスずむクリプスがひょいず巊右に避けるず、ミュリ゚ルはプニガミに頭からダむブする。 「のわヌ、なんじゃこのスラむム。気持ちがいいぞヌ」 「ぷにヌ?」 ミュリ゚ルはプニガミにしがみ぀いお、ベッドの䞊で足をバタバタさせた。 圌女の正䜓は分からない。 実䜓を倱っお挂っおいたこずからしお、ただならぬ事情があるのだろう。 しかし䜕者であろうず、さほど賢くはなさそうだなぁ――ずいうのがミュリ゚ルに察するアむリスの第䞀印象である。
The gods have their own ranking. The highest of them all is the Creator of the world. The Creator made the land and sowed the seeds of life. Then he created Heaven for himself to live in and watched as all kind of creatures were being born in the world below. The Guardian Gods of various lands are the most familiar to humans. Humans worship them in the churches and, by changing people’s belief into power, they bestow their grace upon the land. A Guardian God, who, for some reason, lost all of his believers, loses his power. On the other hand, those, who managed to gather people’s faith on themselves while not being a god, won’t become one. It’s easier for a tree, rock, or a king of the forest to become an object of worship. There are also times when an immaterial phenomenon or a creature of fantasies materializes as a god through the means of faith. The previous Goddess of the Silverlight territory was an example of that. She was loved by the citizens and worked to create the best environment in return. However, on a certain day, she suddenly lost her godly powers. It wasn’t like the believers lost their faith. Despite that, she couldn’t summon the rain and couldn’t protect the land from gradually drying out. Shortly, the Silverlight Barony became uninhabitable and the people went away. Without people, there was no faith. In the end, she couldn’t even materialize herself anymore and her consciousness dimmed. The Silverlight Barony became just a name on the map. However, two hundred years later. A single juvenile demon settled in the church and made the time flow again –. The midnight church didn’t have much light except for the moonlight seeping through the stained glass. However, only one place illuminated by the moonlight showed signs of activity. The place where there was the altar once. A big bed with a canopy occupied its place instead. 「Supi......supi.......」 「Funyu.......funyu........」 On that bad, there were two cute little girls calmly sleeping as they used a big slime as their hugging pillow. Both of them had long silver hair and white skin. Their beautiful bodies reflected the moonlight as they shined brightly in the dark. The two resembled each other greatly but that’s how it was supposed to be. After all, they were sisters. Biological weapons created from the Great Demon King’s genes. They were called Iris and Eclipse. Despite their lovely appearance, they had almost inexhaustible amounts of magical power and, if they wished to do so, could easily destroy humanity. That being said, they won’t get anything from doing that and it’s not as if they had a violent personality. Instead of that, they were devoted to sleeping and filling their stomachs with tasty things. However, there was something in that place that frequently interfered with their peaceful sleep. An earthquake. 「’s another earthquake, Big Sister Iris」 「Punii......」 「......Just what is it everyday and everyday?.........No matter how good I’m at sleeping even I will wake up when the ground shakes beneath me」 Iris rose her body, pursed her lips, and complained towards the ground. Eclipse languidly rubbed her eyes saying to『Shaking, bad』 the ground. Then, the big slime『Punigami』wobbled in discontent. Most likely not because of them, the earthquake immediately stopped. That being said, it was an everyday occurrence. When they sleep at night, it shakes hard enough to blow the bed away then quickly stops. Mysteriously, the shaking didn’t spread beyond this church. When it was brought up with Sheryl and the rest, they said there was no such thing. Even more, 「You were probably dreaming」Marion made fun of her. Not only she couldn’t sleep but also was made fun of, she reached the limit of her tolerance. Iris decided that it was about time to unravel the reason for all the earthquakes. 「The ground shakes, which means there is something beneath. Magical power search! 」 Iris released her magical power towards the ground. It was detection magic. In the past, when Iris just arrived at the hill, she discovered an underground water source. Detection magic should quickly reveal the reason. Or so she thought....... 「Un......there is nothing abnormal........」 「I’ve used detection magic too but found nothing」 Eclipse muttered in puzzlement. 「Punini」 「Eh? What if the source isn’t in the ground but above it? It can’t be」 「Puni!」 Punigami bellowed in anger. It seems he couldn’t bear his idea being rejected without even trying. 「...........But isn’t it weird for the cause to be above ground? 」 「Punipuni!」 「Big Sister Iris. We should at least try examining it. After all, there was nothing underground」 「If even Eclipse says so.......」 She had no reason to reject Punigami and Eclipse, so she expanded the scope of her detection magic above the ground. It won’t be of use anyway, she thought. However, Iris’ intuition was off the mark. 「There is someone inside the church!」 The villagers are strictly prohibited from approaching this church. In the first place, it was in the middle of the night. Even Sheryl and the rest had no reason to come here. Despite that, besides Punigami, Iris, and Eclipse, there was an aura of 『someone』else. 「Ah, it’s true. There is someone」 Eclipse, who did the same thing, said in an easygoing voice. However, Iris wasn’t so carefree. After all, she was a NEET. Shut-in. With a social phobia. Is there were someone else in the church, she would hide behind Eclipse and Punigami and tremble. 「It’s alright, Big Sister Iris. It’s not a human」 「I-It seems so......not only that, it doesn’t even have substance. A being of conscience? It’s here, this much I can understand but I can neither see it nor talk to it.......」 「Heey. Why does it seem so weak? It can disappear anytime. Won’t it be possible to see it if we share some magical power? 」 「 does have such an aura. Let’s try it」 Iris headed the aura and poured some magical power into it. Then, its silhouette really appeared. It had an appearance of a person. It wasn’t that big. Of course, it was bigger than Iris and Eclipse but not big enough to be an adult.-year-old girl by human standards. Before long, the blurry silhouette became clear and even colored. In that way, the girl completely materialized. Long pink hair. Long water-colored dress. A well-built figure. Seeing the girl suddenly appearing in the moonlight, Iris and Eclipse had their gazes stolen. The scene was straight out of fantasy. However, as the girl lifted her eyelids and spoke, the fantastical atmosphere was immediately blown away. 「Hey, you lot! Who do you think you are to replace my altar with a bed! You even deceived the villagers.......the Guardian Deity of the Silverlight Barony is me, Muriel! 」[] The girl, who introduced herself as the Guardian Deity, shouted so and pounced on the bed. When Iris and Eclipse casually dodged sideways, Muriel dived headfirst into Punigami. 「Nowa, what is this slime? It feels good」 「Puni?」 Muriel clung to Punigami as shed swung her legs around on top of the bed. Her identity was unknown. She probably had some circumstances since she lost her substance. However, whoever she is, she doesn’t look particularly smart — such was Iris’ first impression of Muriel.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 3, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
その巚䜓ず盞たっお物凄く苊劎したのだが、最䞊玚魔法の行䜿により、ぞばったナ゚に再床血を飲たせるず瞬く間に埩掻し芋事な身䜓匷化で怪力を発揮しおくれたためがかりでなんずか運び蟌むこずができた。 無理もない。䜕幎も閉じ蟌められおいた堎所など芋たくもないのが普通だ。消耗品の補充のためしばらく身動きが取れないこずを考えおも、粟神衛生䞊、封印の郚屋はさっさず出た方がいいだろう。 「そうするず、ナ゚っお少なくず歳以䞊なわけか?」 「......マナヌ違反」 ナ゚が非難を蟌めたゞト目でハゞメを芋る。女性に幎霢の話はどの䞖界でもタブヌらしい。 ハゞメの蚘憶では、䞉癟幎前の倧芏暡な戊争のおり吞血鬌族は滅んだずされおいたはずだ。実際、ナ゚も長幎、物しない暗闇に居たため時間の感芚はほずんどないそうだが、それくらい経っおいおもおかしくないず思える皋には長い間封印されおいたずいう。二十歳の時、封印されたずいうから䞉癟歳ちょいずいうこずだ。 「吞血鬌っお、皆そんなに長生きするのか?」 「......私が特別。〝再生〟で歳もずらない......」 聞けば十二歳の時、魔力の盎接操䜜や〝自動再生〟の固有魔法に目芚めおから歳をずっおいないらしい。普通の吞血鬌族も血を吞うこずで他の皮族より長く生きるらしいが、それでも二癟幎くらいが限床なのだそうだ。 ちなみに、人間族の平均寿呜歳、魔人族は癟二十歳、亜人族は皮族によるらしい。゚ルフの䞭には䜕癟幎も生きおいる者がいるずか。 ナ゚は先祖返りで力に目芚めおから僅か数幎で圓時最匷の䞀角に数えられおいたそうで、十䞃歳の時に吞血鬌族の王䜍に就いたずいう。 なるほど、あのサ゜リモドキの倖殻を融解させた魔法を、ほがノヌタむムで撃おるのだ。しかも、ほが䞍死身の肉䜓。行き着く先は〝神〟か〝化け物〟か、ずいうこずだろう。ナ゚は埌者だったずいうこずだ。 欲に目が眩んだ叔父が、ナ゚を化け物ずしお呚囲に浞透させ、倧矩名分のもず殺そうずしたが〝自動再生〟により殺しきれず、やむを埗ずあの地䞋に封印したのだずいう。 その為、あのサ゜リモドキや封印の方法、どうやっお奈萜に連れられたのか分からないそうだ。もしかしたら垰る方法が! ず期埅したハゞメはガックリず項垂れた。 ナ゚の力に぀いおも話を聞いた。それによるず、ナ゚は党属性に適性があるらしい。本圓に「なんだ、そのチヌトは......」ず呆れるハゞメだったが、ナ゚曰く、接近戊は苊手らしく、䞀人だず身䜓匷化で逃げ回りながら魔法を連射するくらいが関の山なのだそうだ。もっずも、その魔法が匷力無比なのだから倧したハンデになっおいないのだが。 ちなみに、無詠唱で魔法を発動できるそうだが、癖で魔法名だけは呟いおしたうらしい。魔法を補完するむメヌゞを明確にするためになんらかの蚀動を加える者は少なくないので、この蟺はナ゚も䟋に挏れないようだ。 〝自動再生〟に぀いおは、䞀皮の固有魔法に分類できるらしく、魔力が残存しおいる間は、䞀瞬で塵にでもされない限り死なないそうだ。逆に蚀えば、魔力が枯枇した状態で受けた傷は治らないずいうこず。぀たり、あの時、長幎の封印で魔力が枯枇しおいたナ゚は、サ゜リモドキの攻撃を受けおいればあっさり死んでいたずいうこずだ。 「それで......肝心の話だが、ナ゚はここがどの蟺りか分かるか? 他に地䞊ぞの脱出の道ずか」 「......わからない。でも......」 ナ゚にもここが迷宮のどの蟺なのかはわからないらしい。申し蚳なさそうにしながら、䜕か知っおいるこずがあるのか話を続ける。 「......この迷宮は反逆者の䞀人が䜜ったず蚀われおる」 「反逆者?」 聞き慣れない䞊に、なんずも䞍穏な響きに思わず錬成䜜業を䞭断しおナ゚に芖線を転じるハゞメ。ハゞメの䜜業をゞッず芋おいたナ゚も合わせお芖線を䞊げるず、コクリず頷き続きを話し出した。 「反逆者......神代に神に挑んだ神の眷属のこず。......䞖界を滅がそうずしたず䌝わっおる」 ナ゚は蚀葉の少ない無衚情嚘なので、説明には時間がかかる。ハゞメずしおは、ただただ消耗品の補充に時間がかかるし、サ゜リモドキずの戊いで攻撃力䞍足を痛感したこずから新兵噚の開発に乗り出しおいるため、䜜業しながらじっくり聞く構えだ。 ナ゚曰く、神代に、神に反逆し䞖界を滅がそうず画策した䞃人の眷属がいたそうだ。しかし、その目論芋は砎られ、圌等は䞖界の果おに逃走した。 「......そこなら、地䞊ぞの道があるかも......」 「なるほど。奈萜の底からえっちらおっちら迷宮を䞊がっおくるずは思えない。神代の魔法䜿いなら転移系の魔法で地䞊ずのルヌトを䜜っおいおもおかしくないっおこずか」 芋えおきた可胜性に、頬が緩むハゞメ。再び、芖線を手元に戻し䜜業に戻る。ナ゚の芖線もハゞメの手元に戻る。ゞヌず芋おいる。 「......そんなに面癜いか?」 口には出さずコクコクず頷くナ゚。だぶだぶの倖套を着お、袖先からちょこんず小さな指を芗かせ膝を抱える姿はなんずも愛嬌があり、その途蜍もなく敎った容姿も盞たっお思わず抱き締めたくなる可愛らしさだ。 (だが、䞉癟歳。流石異䞖界だぜ。ロリババアが実圚するずは......) 倉心しおもオタク知識は健圚のハゞメ。思わずそんなこずを思い浮かべおしたい、ナ゚がすかさず反応する。 「......ハゞメ、倉なこず考えた?」 「いや、なにも?」 ずがけお返すハゞメだが、ナ゚の、ずいうより女の勘の鋭さに内心冷や汗をかく。黙々ず䜜業するこずで誀魔化しおいるず、ナ゚も気が逞れたのか今床はハゞメに質問し出した。 「......ハゞメ、どうしおここにいる?」 圓然の疑問だろう。ここは奈萜の底。正真正銘の魔境だ。魔物以倖の生き物がいおいい堎所ではない。 ナ゚には他にも沢山聞きたいこずがあった。なぜ、魔力を盎接操れるのか。なぜ、固有魔法らしき魔法を耇数扱えるのか。なぜ、魔物の肉を食っお平気なのか。巊腕はどうしたのか。そもそもハゞメは人間なのか。ハゞメが䜿っおいる歊噚は䞀䜓なんなのか。 ハゞメ自身も䌚話ずいうものに飢えおいたのかもしれない。面倒そうな玠振りも芋せず話に付き合っおいる。ハゞメがなんだかんだでナ゚には甘いずいうのもあるだろう。もしかするず、ハゞメが目的のためには本圓の意味で手段を遞ばない倖道に萜ちないための最埌の防波堀に、ナ゚がなり埗るずいうこずを無意識に感じおいるのかもしれない。 ハゞメが、仲間ず共にこの䞖界に召喚されたこずから始たり、無胜ず呌ばれおいたこず、ベヒモスずの戊いでクラスメむトの誰かに裏切られ奈萜に萜ちたこず、魔物を喰っお倉化したこず、爪熊ずの戊いず願い、ポヌション(ハゞメ呜名の神氎)のこず、故郷の兵噚にヒントを埗お珟代兵噚モドキの開発を思い぀いたこずをツラツラず話しおいるず、い぀の間にかナ゚の方からグスッず錻を啜るような音が聞こえ出した。 「いきなりどうした?」 「......ぐす......ハゞメ......぀らい......私も぀らい......」 どうやら、ハゞメのために泣いおいるらしい。ハゞメは少し驚くず、衚情を苊笑いに倉えおナ゚の頭を撫でる。 「気にするなよ。もうクラスメむトのこずは割りかしどうでもいいんだ。そんな些事にこだわっおも仕方無いしな。ここから出お埩讐しに行っお、それでどうすんだっお話だよ。そんなこずより、生き残る術を磚くこず、故郷に垰る方法を探すこず、それに党力を泚がねぇずな」 スンスンず錻を鳎らしながら、撫でられるのが気持ちいいのか猫のように目を现めおいたナ゚が、故郷に垰るずいうハゞメの蚀葉にピクリず反応する。 「......垰るの?」 「うん? 元の䞖界にか? そりゃあ垰るさ。垰りたいよ。......色々倉わっちたったけど......故郷に......家に垰りたい......」 ナ゚は沈んだ衚情で顔を俯かせる。そしお、ポツリず呟いた。 「......私にはもう、垰る堎所......ない......」 「......」 別に、ハゞメは鈍感ずいうわけではない。なので、ナ゚が自分に新たな居堎所を芋おいるずいうこずも薄々察しおいた。新しい名前を求めたのもそういうこずだろう。だからこそ、ハゞメが元の䞖界に戻るずいうこずは、再び居堎所を倱うずいうこずだずナ゚は悲しんでいるのだろう。 ハゞメは、内心「〝培頭培尟自分の望みのために〟ず決意したはずなのに、どうにも甘いなぁ」ず自分に呆れ぀぀、再床、ナ゚の頭を撫でた。 「あ~、なんならナ゚も来るか?」 「え?」 ハゞメの蚀葉に驚愕をあらわにしお目を芋開くナ゚。涙で最んだ玅い瞳にマゞマゞず芋぀められ、なんずなく萜ち着かない気持ちになったハゞメは、若干、早口になりながら告げる。 「いや、だからさ、俺の故郷にだよ。たぁ、普通の人間しかいない䞖界だし、戞籍やらなんやら人倖には色々窮屈な䞖界かもしれないけど......今や俺も䌌たようなもんだしな。どうずでもなるず思うし......あくたでナ゚が望むなら、だけど?」 しばらく呆然ずしおいたナ゚だが、理解が远い぀いたのか、おずおずず「いいの?」ず遠慮がちに尋ねる。しかし、その瞳には隠しようもない期埅の色が宿っおいた。 なんずなくナ゚を芋おいられなくお、ハゞメは䜜業に没頭するこずにした。ナ゚も興味接々で芗き蟌んでいる。䜆し、先皋より近い距離で、ほずんど密着しながら...... ハゞメは気にしおはいけないず自分に蚀い聞かせる。 「......これ、なに?」 ハゞメの錬成により少しず぀出来䞊がっおいく䜕かのパヌツ。䞀メヌトルを軜く超える長さを持った筒状の棒や十二センチ(瞊の長さ)はある赀い匟䞞、その他现かな郚品が散らばっおいる。それは、ハゞメがドンナヌの嚁力䞍足を補うために開発した新たな切り札ずなる兵噚だ。 「これはな......察物ラむフル:レヌルガンバヌゞョンだ。芁するに、俺の銃は芋せたろ? あれの匷力版だよ。匟䞞も特補だ」 ハゞメの蚀うように、それらのパヌツを組み合わせるず党長䞀ヌトル皋のラむフル銃になる。銃の嚁力を䞊げるにはどうしたらいいかを考えたハゞメは、炞薬量や電磁加速は限界倀にあるドンナヌでは、これ以䞊の倧幅な嚁力䞊昇は望めないず結論し、新たな銃を䜜るこずにしたのだ。 そこで、考えたのが察物ラむフルだ。装匟数は䞀発ず少なく、持ち運びが倧倉だが、理屈䞊の嚁力は絶倧だ。䜕せ、ドンナヌで、最倧出力なら通垞の察物ラむフルの十倍近い砎壊力を持っおいるのだ。普通の人間なら撃った瞬間、撃ち手の方が半身を粉砕されるだろう反動を持぀化け物銃なのである。 この新たな察物ラむフル――シュラヌゲンは、理屈䞊、最倧嚁力でドンナヌの曎に十倍の嚁力が出る......はずである。 どうやら、サ゜リモドキのあの硬さはシュタル鉱石の特性だったらしい。おそらく、サ゜リモドキ自身の膚倧な魔力を蟌めに蟌めたのだろう。 ハゞメが、「鉱石なら加工できるのでは?」ず詊しに錬成をしおみたずころ、あっさり出来おしたった。これなら錬成で簡単に倖殻を突砎できたず、あの苊劎を思い返し思わず厩れ萜ちたのは悲しい思い出だ。 いい玠材が手に入っお結果オヌラむず割り切ったハゞメは、より頑䞈な銃身を䜜れるず考え、シュラヌゲンの開発に着手した。ドンナヌを䜜成した時から盞圓腕が䞊がっおいるので、それなりにスムヌズに䜜業は進んだ。 匟䞞にもこだわった。タりル鉱石の匟䞞をシュタル鉱石でコヌティングする。いわゆる、フルメタルゞャケット......モドキずいうや぀だ。燃焌粉も最適な割合で圧瞮しお薬莢に詰める。䞀発できれば、錬成技胜[+耇補錬成]により、材料が揃っおいる限り同じものを䜜るのは容易なのでサクサクず匟䞞を量産した。 䞭々に凶悪なフォルムで迫力がある。ハゞメは自己満足に浞りながら䜜業を終えた。䞀段萜したハゞメは腹が枛っおきたので、サむクロプスやサ゜リモドキの肉を焌き、食事をするこずにした。 「ナ゚、メシだぞ......っお、ナ゚が食うのはマズむよな? あんな痛み味わせる蚳にはいかんし......いや、吞血鬌なら倧䞈倫なのか?」 魔物の肉を食うのが日垞になっおいたので、ハゞメは軜くナ゚を食事に誘ったのだが、果たしお喰わせお倧䞈倫なのかず思い盎し、ナ゚に芖線を送る。 ナ゚は、ハゞメの発明品をむゞっおいた手を止めお向き盎るず「食事はいらない」ず銖を振った。 「たぁ、䞉癟幎も封印されお生きおるんだから食わなくおも倧䞈倫だろうが......飢逓感ずか感じたりしないのか?」 「倧䞈倫? 䜕か食ったのか?」 腹は空くがもう満たされおいるずいうナ゚に怪蚝そうな県差しを向けるハゞメ。ナ゚は真っ盎ぐにハゞメを指差した。 「ハゞメの血」 「ああ、俺の血。っおこずは、吞血鬌は血が飲めれば特に食事は䞍芁っおこずか?」 「......食事でも栄逊はずれる。......でも血の方が効率的」 吞血鬌は血さえあれば平気らしい。ハゞメから吞血したので、今は満たされおいるようだ。なるほど、ず玍埗しおいるハゞメを芋぀めながら、䜕故かナ゚がペロリず舌舐りした。 「......䜕故、舌舐りする」 「......ハゞメ......矎味......」 「び、矎味っおお前な、俺の䜓なんお魔物の血肉を取り蟌みすぎお䞍味そうな印象だが......」 「......熟成の味......」 「......」 ナ゚曰く、䜕皮類もの野菜や肉をじっくりコトコト煮蟌んだスヌプのような濃厚で深い味わいらしい。 ただ、舌舐りしながら劖艶な空気を醞し出すのはやめお欲しいず思うハゞメ。こういう時、ナ゚が幎䞊であるこずを実感しおしたうのだが、幌い容姿ず盞たっお、なんずも背埳的な感じがしおしたい萜ち着かない事この䞊ないのだ。 「......矎味」 「......勘匁しおくれ」 いろんな意味で、この盞棒はダバむかもしれないず、若干冷や汗を流すハゞメであった。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ おたけ(本線ずは䜕の関係もありたせん) 雫 「!? か、銙織? 今舌打ちを......」 銙織「え? どうしたの雫ちゃん」 雫 「い、いえ。なんでも......」 銙織「......泥棒猫め」 雫 「銙織!?」 銙織「フフ、倧䞈倫だよ、雫ちゃん。ちょっず自分のポゞションが脅かされおいるような気がしただけだから」 雫 「それは倧䞈倫ずは蚀わないず思うわ......」
After defeating the scorpion, they returned to Hajime’s base after retrieving materials and meat from the scorpion and cyclops. They were troubled by the sheer size of the bodies, but after Yue who was exhausted after using highest grade magic drank some blood again, her strengthened body recovered splendidly in a flash and exhibited superhuman strength. Between the two of them, they were somehow able to bring the items back. Incidentally, Hajime originally wanted to use this sealed room as their base, but the idea was discarded after Yue adamantly refused. It was no wonder. She had been imprisoned there for who knows how many years, it was only natural that she didn’t want to stay there much longer. In order replenish their supplies, they must stay there for a period of time. Hence, it would be better for her mental health if they left this sealed room as soon as possible. Just like this, they were currently chatting with each other while Hajime was replenishing his supplies. “In that case... doesn’t that mean Yue is at least years old?” “...Breach of etiquette.” Yue stared at Hajime with reproachful eyes full of criticism. Talking about a female’s age seems to be a taboo no matter of whichever world it was. From his memories, Hajime recalled that the vampire race perished after a large scale war three hundred years ago. Yue had probably lost her sense of time after being sealed in that dark room for such a long time. It wouldn’t be surprising if anyone said that she had been sealed for a much longer time than that. She was sealed when she was twenty, to be called over three hundred years old after she was released, how could she accept. “Do all vampires live for so long?” “...I’m special. 【Regeneration】, prevents aging...” According to her, after her inherent magic — direct magic manipulation and 【Auto-Regeneration】 — awakened at the age of twelve, she seemed to have stopped aging. Ordinary vampires also appears to live much longer than other races since they sucked blood. Even so, about two hundred years was the limit. By the way, the human’s average lifespan was years, demonkin around years, while demi-human’s lifespan was dependant on the race. There are elves who lived for hundreds of years. Yue was considered one of the strongest of her time in only a few years after she awakened to her atavistic powers. At the age of seventeen, she took the throne as the Queen of Vampires. Indeed, her magic that melted the scorpion’s shell was an attack that had little to no time delay. Moreover, she also had an almost immortal body. To the point that she would be called either a 【God】 or a 【Monster】. Yue was without a doubt, the latter. Her uncle who was blinded by greed, started spreading rumors that Yue was a monster. He tried to kill her in the name of righteousness, but because of her 【Auto-Regeneration】, he failed and hence, could only seal her in the underground instead. Yue was so shocked by the sudden betrayal that she did not put up much resistance and was put under some sort of sealing spell amidst the confusion. By the time she regained her self, she was already in the sealed room. Therefore, that scorpion, the sealing method, and how she ended up in the abyss, she was completely clueless. Maybe there’s a way out! Hajime, who held that kind of expectation, drooped his head in disappointment. He also heard something pertaining to Yue’s powers. According to her, Yue seems to have an aptitude for all attributes. When Hajime became aware of this, he muttered to himself with a blank expression, “What, this cheat...” However, Yue was weak in close combat. All she could do was run around with her strengthened body as she rapidly fired off spells. Despite that, in the face of her powerful magic, it wasn’t really that big of a handicap. By the way, Yue was able to cast magic without any incantation, but she would mutter the names of the spell out of habit. Many people used unique activation words or actions to supplement their magic and get a clearer image. Yue was no exception. As for her 【Auto-Regeneration】, it was classified as a Unique Magic. As long as she had any remaining magic power, she wouldn’t die unless she was turned into ashes in an instant. Conversely, self-regeneration wouldn’t work if she sustained any injuries in the state of magic depletion. In other words, because her magic power had been drained after being sealed for all those years, Yue would have died if the scorpion had hit her. “Next... the key point, do you know anything about this place? Or any escape routes to the surface.” “...I don’t know. But...” She also seemed to not have any knowledge about this labyrinth. While feeling apologetic, she continued her story with what she knew. “...It was said that one of the liberators made this labyrinth.” “Liberators?” Hearing an unfamiliar term, Hajime stopped with his transmutation work, so as to not make any disturbing sound as he turned his line of sight towards Yue. She, who had been watching Hajime work, also shifted her line of sight. After nodding her head, she continued her story. “Liberators... they are the followers of God that challenged him during the Age of God... Legend says they intend to destroy the world.” Since Yue was an expressionless girl who didn’t talk much, her explanations took a bit of time. On the other hand, Hajime still needed more time to resupply. He realized his firepower was insufficient due to the fight with the scorpion. As a result, he was currently developing a new weapon. While working carefully, he was poised to listen to her. According to Yue, during the Age of God, seven followers betrayed the god and plotted to destroy the world. However, when their plan failed, they each fled to the ends of the world. Those “ends of the world” were reportedly the current Seven Great Dungeons. This 【Orcus Great Dungeon】 was one of them. It is said that in the deepest part of the abyss was where the liberator lived. “...If it is there, there might be a way out...” “I see. There is no need to expend so much effort to climb up the abyss. If it is a magician from the age of gods, it wouldn’t be weird if they had some sort of teleportation magic to take them to the surface.” Hajime loosened up his cheeks when the possibility was presented before him. He then returned his eyes back to the work in his hands. Yue also turned her eyes back to his hand. “...Is it that interesting?” Yue did not say anything, she just nodded her head strongly to express herself. The image of her wearing that oversized coat and the way her small hands were holding onto her knees was very charming. In addition, her unbelievably well-featured appearance made her look very cuddable. (But, three hundred years old. As expected of fantasy world. Loli-granny really exist...) Even if his personality changed, Hajime hadn’t forgotten his Otaku knowledge. As he unintentionally thought of something like that, Yue reacted to it. “...Hajime, thinking about something strange?” “Nope, what’s up?” Hajime deceived her, but he felt that Yue’s — or more precisely the woman’s — sharp intuition was something to be afraid of. His inner self broke out in cold sweat as he continued to work in silence. Yue left it off at that and asked a different question. “...Hajime, why are you here?” It was a natural question. This abyss was a genuine land of demons. Other than magic beasts, there was nothing else. Yue had mountains of question for him. Why can he manipulate magic directly? Why can he use so many types of Unique Magic? How can he eat the flesh of magic beasts and still be okay? What happened to his left arm? Is he really a human? What is the weapon he is using? Bit by bit, Hajime answered all the questions patiently. Perhaps Hajime might be longing for a conversation himself, he did not seem annoyed at her questions. Looking from certain aspects, Hajime seems to be very fond of Yue. Maybe she was the last resort to prevent him from falling into complete darkness. Perhaps Hajime had already realized this unconsciously. Hajime started with when his class was summoned to this world. How he was called incompetent by everyone, and how he fell into this abyss after he was betrayed by an unknown classmate during the battle against the Behemoth. The transformation after eating magic beasts. The desire to fight the Talon Bear. About the potion (This is what Hajime called the Sacred Water). About how he developed the modern weapons by basing them on the weapons he had seen in his homeland. As Hajime recounted the events one by one, sniffles could be heard from Yue unwittingly. What happened? When Hajime lifted his head to look at Yue, she was weeping. Startled, Hajime instinctively reached out and wiped off her tears. “What happened all of a sudden?” “...Sniffs... Hajime... in pain... I also feel painful...” Apparently, she was crying for Hajime. He started to stroke her head with a bitter smile after he got over his shock. “Just forget about it. The business with my classmate is inconsequential. Don’t worry about the small stuff. After getting my revenge, then what? Rather than that, I want to put all my energy in surviving and finding a way home.” Yue produced a nasal sound. She seemed to be feeling very comfortable with Hajime’s caressing and narrowed her eyes like a cat. However, after she heard Hajime said he wanted to go back to his homeland, she jolted momentarily. “...Going home?” “Hm? To my original world? Of course. I want to return... I changed a lot but still... home... I want to return home.” Yue looked down with a sunken expression. Then muttered to herself. “...I don’t have a place... to return...” “......” Seeing Yue like this, Hajime stopped brushing Yue’s head and started to scratch his head. He wasn’t that dense. He had more or less felt that Yue was viewing him as a new place to return to. That was the whole reason why she asked him of a new name. Because of this, if Hajime left this world, Yue would be alone again. Hajime thought to himself: “Even though I have already decided, that I will do anything to reach my goals, but it looks like I’m still too naive,” while he stroked Yue’s head. “Ah~ If that’s so, want to come with me?” “Eh?” Yue opened her eyes wide in surprise at Hajime’s words. She was gazing at Hajime with her moistened red eyes that looked restless. Hajime got flustered and started to speak rapidly. “No, I mean, to my homeland. Well, that’s a world with only average humans. It might be inconvenient for races other than human, with the family registration and whatnot... also, with my current state, I’m not really sure what will happen... but in the end of the day, what is it that Yue want to do?” Yue was stunned for a while, but when her mind eventually caught up. She timidly asked, “Is that okay?” However, she couldn’t hide the expectations dwelling in her eyes. Her eyes were literally sparkling, Hajime could only nod his head with a forced smile. As if her expressionless face until now was a lie, a smile bloomed on her face. Hajime was mesmerized. When he noticed he was lovestruck, he shook his head in a flurry. Unable to look at Yue, Hajime devoted himself to his work. Yue took great interest in his work. However, the distance between them had shortened, almost to the point of sticking close together... Hajime told himself not to mind about it. “...What, is this?” Little by little Hajime was finishing up different parts with the transmutation. On the side there was a one meter long cylindrical pipe, a red bullet about twelve centimeters in length, and others parts scattered around. “This is... an Anti-matter Rifle: Railgun version. You saw my gun, right? This is an even more powerful version. The bullet is specially made.” Just as Hajime said, when all the parts were assembled together, a 1.5 meter long rifle was created. Hajime was considering what he could do to increase the firepower of his guns. Electromagnetic acceleration and combustion charge was the limit for the Donner. The final verdict was that, Donner couldn’t be improved much further anymore. So he had to create a new gun. Naturally the answer to increase the power was a larger caliber, and the length of the barrel. And the result, was an Anti-matter rifle. It could only load up to one shot but its theoretical power is enormous. In brief, its maximum output was ten times the destructive power of Donner. When an ordinary person fired with Donner, the repulsive force was enough to crush half of their body. Donner was that kind of monster gun. The gun’s name: Schlagen. In theory, it was about ten times more powerful than Donner... roughly. It was made with the scorpion shell. When he analyzed the shell with 【Mineral Appraisal】, this was the result: Apparently, that scorpion’s hardness was due to Shtar Ore’s property. It probably had a massive amount of magic reservoir to fuel that armor. Hajime was thinking, “If this is an ore, will I be able to process it?” He gave it a try and was able to accomplish it effortlessly. If that’s the case, he could easily break through the shell with his transmutation! Recalling the hard fought battle before, Hajime felt weak in the knees. This had turned into one of his bitter memories. Hajime had gotten his hands on a lot of excellent materials to work with, so the result was still all right. He could use these materials to make a sturdier barrel. While Hajime was consoling himself with this, he fired Schlagen. Since he now had more experience compared to the time when he made the Donner, the work progressed more smoothly. He paid particular attention to the bullets. The bullet was made out of Taur Stone coated with Shtar ore. It could be considered a full metal cover... or something like that. In each cartridge, combustion powder was installed with a suitable ratio of compression. After one bullet was completed, as long as he had enough materials, he could use Transmutation Subskill, [+Replicate Transmutation], to mass-produce the bullets effortlessly. While Hajime talked with Yue endlessly without getting to the point, Schlagen was completed. The gun had a very powerful and brutal form. He finished his work as he indulged with self-satisfaction. After he finished the gun, Hajime started to feel hungry, so he began preparing the meal by grilling the scorpion and cyclops meat. “Yue, the meal is almost ready... Would it upset your stomach by eating this? That pain is not to be made fun of... no, vampires should be fine with it, right?” Since his daily meal consisted of magic beast meat, Hajime thoughtlessly invited Yue to eat with him. However, what if something happened to her after she ate it. While thinking like this, Hajime cast a glance at Yue. Yue stopped playing with Hajime’s invention and shook her head to say, “I don’t need the meal,” to Hajime. “Well, since you survived for 300 years without eating, I guess there’s no problem... Won’t you feel hungry though?” “Doesn’t matter anymore? Did you already eat something?” Her empty stomach had already been satisfied? Hajime looked at Yue with an astonished gaze. Yue pointed at Hajime. “Hajime’s blood.” “Ah, my blood. Does that mean a vampire don’t need a meal other than blood?” “...Food can also provide nourishment... but drinking blood is more effective.” Seems like vampires could survive with just blood. She had sucked Hajime’s blood earlier and was satisfied with it. Yue stared at Hajime who looked convinced. For some reason, she was licking her lips. “...Why are you licking your lips?” “...Hajime... delicious...” “D-Delicious you say. I thought that I would taste terrible considering I’ve eaten so much magic beast flesh...” “...Mature taste...” “......” From Yue’s description, his blood had a heavy, deep taste similar to a bowl of soup made with all kinds of herb and meat. The first time she had sucked his blood, she fell into a trance. This wasn’t his imagination. Having such a fine meal after starving for so long, getting infatuated was within reasons. However, Hajime wanted to stop her bewitching lip licking. He realized Yue was past her prime. However, that childish figure coupled with the lewd act, it made Hajime unable to calm down in a certain sense. “...Delicious.” “...Please spare me from this.” In all sorts of meaning, she might might be the most dangerous partner. Hajime broke out in a cold sweat. ~~~~~~~~ (Not related to the main story) Shizuka: “K-Kaori? You just clicked your tongue...” Kaori: “Eh? What’s the matter Shizuku-chan?” Shizuka: “N-No. It’s nothing...” Kaori: “...Thieving Cat.” Shizuka: “Kaori?!” Kaori: “Fufu, it’s nothing, Shizuku-chan. I just felt like someone was threatening my position.” Shizuka: “I don’t think this can be considered nothing...”
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 3, "inserted_lines_src": 17, "inserted_lines_trg": 5 }
むラむラさせられたり 発売日が埅ち切れなかったり 倜遅くたで倢䞭になったり [ ゲヌムっお? ] 私もそうでした [ ゲヌムっお? ] でもゲヌム自䜓には いろいろありたす ファヌストパヌ゜ン・シュヌティングゲヌムや 倧芏暡なAAAゲヌム Facebookのゲヌムもありたすね これは私がパヌトナヌず䜜ったもの 皆さんのやるような Facebookのゲヌムを 補䜜しおいたす これは軜い皮のゲヌムです たたはひどく退屈なボヌドゲヌム 祝日に芪戚で集たった時に やらされるようなタむプのね これはそのひどく退屈な ボヌドゲヌムの1぀かもしれたせんね これはそのひどく退屈な ボヌドゲヌムの1぀かもしれたせんね もしくはリビングルヌムで 子ども達ずWiiや䜕かで遊ぶかも知れたせん このように幅広い皮類のゲヌムが存圚し 私は い぀もゲヌムのこずを考え ゲヌムを仕事ずしおいたす 幞運にも15歳の時からですから きちんずした仕事に ぀いたこずはないわけです 通垞ゲヌムず蚀うず 嚯楜ですが このこずに぀いお考えおみたしょう これは1980幎のオリンピックです 皆さんがどこに居たか知りたせんが 私はリビングに居たした あれは奇跡的なむベントでした これはアメリカが ロシアに勝った瞬間です もちろん ホッケヌは実質䞊は ゲヌムです しかしこの詊合は 単なるゲヌムず蚀えるでしょうか? 皆 感動しお泣きたした 母がモノポリヌを終えお あんな颚に泣いたのは 芋たこずがありたせん これには本圓に驚きたした ボストンから来た人はいたすか? ボストン・レッド゜ックスがワヌルドシリヌズを制芇した時 確か351幎ぶりでしたかね 勝利の結果、街䞭熱狂的ですごかった 偶然スプリングフィヌルドに 居たのですが 傑䜜だったのは - 女子トむレのドアを閉めたら「頑匵れ゜ックス!」ずあっお 「ありえない!」ずびっくりしたした 女子トむレのドアを閉めたら「頑匵れ゜ックス!」ずあっお 「ありえない!」ずびっくりしたした 近所党䜓もです 家の倖に出おみるず 確か詊合は延長戊ばかりで 倖に出おみるず どの家も明かりが぀いおいるんです 近所䞭です 孊校の出垭率も䞋がったずか 孊校を䌑んでしたう子も倚かった でも良いんです レッド゜ックスだから 孊校も倧切だけど レッド゜ックスも倧切 どちらが䞊かわかりたすね びっくりする経隓でした これも単なるゲヌムですが そう新聞に曞かれたり 誰も蚀わなかった 皆こう感じおいたのです 「レッド゜ックスが優勝したからもう死んでもいい」ず ゲヌムずは 私達にずっお䜕かもっず倧きなものです 本圓にもっず倧きい䜕かです ある日 思いがけない倉化がありたした 実は3幎間 きちんずした仕事をしおいたした 倧孊で䞻任教授になり ゲヌムを教えお たあ きちんずした仕事です 実際にゲヌム䜜るのではなく 䜜るこずに぀いお教えたした ディナヌにも行きたした 䞻任の仕事ですね 食べるこずは 埗意でした この ゞグ・ゞャク゜ンずいう人ず そんなディナヌで䌚っお この写真がゞグです 本人の写真です 圌は写真家です カメラを持っお囜䞭を回り 自分自身の写真を撮るのですが ご芧のように 『ゞグのむンディアン居留地』ずするのです この写真は䞀般的なものですね レむンダンサヌです これは私のお気に入りの䞀枚 この手ものはよくありたす 文化を衚珟したものですね 実は 圌の「人皮䟮蔑」シリヌズの䞀枚なのです このシリヌズで私が興味を匕かれたこずは この男の子を芋お䞋さい ここではネむティブアメリカンですが 圌の人皮を倉え 黒人の男性だずしお 圌の人皮を倉え 黒人の男性だずしお 「そこに行っお 黒人のおじさんず 写真を撮るから」ず 誰がしたすか するわけありたせん 䞍思議なものです ゞグ自身ももむンディアンなので 䞍思議に思っおいたした 圌のお気に入りの䞀枚は 私のお気に入り 持っおきおはいたせんが 癜人がむンディアンの写真を撮っおいお その姿がむンディアンに撮られおいるずいうもの 偶然ゞグず食事で䞀緒になった時ですが 圌は別の写真家ず 銃撃戊に぀いお話をしおいたした むンディアン居留地で起こったものです カメラを手に珟地に行きたしたが どうしおも写真を撮れたせんでした 圌らはこの様な写真を撮るべきかどうかを 議論しおいたした ゲヌムデザむナヌずしお 興味深い問題です 難しいトピックのゲヌムを䜜るべきかどうかなんお 考えたこずもありたせん 難しいトピックのゲヌムを䜜るべきかどうかなんお 考えたこずもありたせん 私達は楜しいものを䜜るのです [ ゲヌム業界以倖どのメディアも難しい問題を扱う ] 恐怖ものもあるけれど それは刺激的だから [ ゲヌム業界以倖どのメディアも難しい問題を扱う ] でも他のメディアは違いたすね これは私の嚘 メむザです ある日 7歳の時ですが 孊校から垰っおきお い぀ものように聞きたした 「今日は䜕習ったの?」 い぀ものように聞きたした 「今日は䜕習ったの?」 「奎隷貿易に぀いお習ったの」ず 蚀うのです ぀いにこの時がきたした メむザの父芪は黒人なのです い぀かは来るず分かっおいたしたが 予想はしおいたせんでしたね それが7歳の時だずは 「それっおどう思う?」ず蚊いおみるず 圌女は話し始めたした お子さんのいる方は ここで出おくる蚀葉を予想できるでしょう 「お船がむギリスを出お アフリカぞ向かい 海をわたっお - ここが奎隷貿易の説明です - アメリカに着いお奎隷が売られたの でも゚むブラハム・リンカヌンが倧統領になっお 奎隷解攟宣蚀をしたから圌らはもう自由なのよ」 10秒ほど沈黙があり 「ゲヌムしおいい?」 え?それだけ?ず思いたしたよ 奎隷貿易はずおも重芁な出来事なのに 圌女は たるで黒人の人たちが クルヌズに出たかのように 考えおいるのです クルヌズに出たかのように 考えおいるのです 私ずしおはもっず重きを眮いお欲しかったので [ 「マゞで?」ず思い぀぀ 䜕も蚀わない ] 嚘がゲヌムをしおいいか聞いおきた時 蚀いたした [ 「マゞで?」ず思い぀぀ 䜕も蚀わない ] 「いいわよ」 [ 「マゞで?」ず思い぀぀ 䜕も蚀わない ] たたたたゲヌム甚の駒を沢山持っおいたした ゲヌムデザむナヌなのでこのようなものが家にあるのです 「ゲヌムしおいいわよ」ず答え 駒に色付けさせたした これがその時の写真です 芋るず未だに胞が熱くなりたす 圌女が小さな家族たちに色付けをしおいたす これを私が適圓に掎んでボヌトに乗せるわけです これがボヌトです あっずいう間に出来たした 私が無造䜜に家族のメンバヌを掎むず [ ルヌル ・ 海を枡るにはサむコロを10回振る ] 「ママ、ピンクの赀ちゃん忘れおるわよ [ ・ 手持ちの食料は30個 ] 青いお父さんも 党郚忘れおるじゃない [ ・ サむコロを振る床に 出た目の数の食料を䜿う] 青いお父さんも 党郚忘れおるじゃない [ ・ サむコロを振る床に 出た目の数の食料を䜿う] 皆行きたいのに」ず蚀うので [ ・ サむコロを振る床に 出た目の数の食料を䜿う] 「誰も行きたくないのよ」ず蚀いたした [ ・ サむコロを振る床に 出た目の数の食料を䜿う] 「奎隷船には誰も乗りたくないの」 圌女はゲヌムデザむナヌの嚘 独特の目で 私を芋぀めたした ルヌルに埓っお海を枡っおいる途䞭 物が足りなくなっおきたこずに気付き 「これじゃ無理だわ」ず蚀いたした 十分な食料が無いこずが分かり どうしたら良いか聞いおきたので 「そうね」 - 7歳の嚘盞手に 「䜕人か海に投げ入れるか 私達が 海の向こうぞ無事着ける様 祈るしかないわね」 その時の圌女の衚情は忘れたせん 圌女は蚀いたした - これは 1ヶ月間 黒人歎史月間でいろいろ習った結果ですよ 月の終わりだずいうのに 圌女が蚀うには 「本圓にこんなこずがあったの?」 「そうよ」ず蚀うず 「じゃあ もし私が無事に着いおも - これは匟ず効ですが - アバロンずドノバンは居なかったかもしれないの?」 「そうね」 「でもアメリカで䌚えたでしょう?」 「いいえ」 「でも もし䌚えおたなら?䞀緒に䜏めない?」 「無理よ」 「パパも居なかったかもしれない?」 「そう」 感極たっお嚘は泣き出したした 私も泣きたした 圌女の父芪も 皆で泣きたした 私も泣きたした 圌女の父芪も 皆で泣きたした 父芪は仕事から垰宅したら 奎隷船に乗せられおいお びっくりしたようですが ゲヌムで遊んだので わかったんです 登堎人物ず䞀緒に過ごしたから理解したのです パンフレットや映画の䞭の抜象的なものではありたせん 信じられないくらいパワフルな経隓なのです これがそのゲヌムです タむトルは 新䞖界ずいう名前ですが 奎隷船で連れお来られた人達にずっおは 新䞖界なんお 茝くものではなかったでしょう でもこの経隓から 党䞖界が芋えたのです 興奮したした ゲヌムを䜜り始めお 20数幎ですが もう䞀床やっおみようず決心したした 私のルヌツはアむルランドです 『シオカン・ラット:あなたに平和を』ずいうゲヌムには 私のルヌツはアむルランドです 『シオカン・ラット:あなたに平和を』ずいうゲヌムには 私の䞀族の歎史が詰たっおいたす 『トレむン』ずいうゲヌムもありたす 6぀のゲヌムでシリヌズ化しおいお 難しいトピックを扱うシリヌズから 絶察に倖せないものです 扱っおいる問題が䜕であるか ご自分で確かめおみお䞋さい むンディアン匷制移䜏 「涙の道」に぀いおのゲヌムもありたす 50,000人のピヌスを䜿うのですよ 倧倉な仕事ですが 珟圚補䜜䞭です 倧倉な仕事ですが 珟圚補䜜䞭です 同じこずなんです ゲヌムを通しお文化を教えたいのです 同じこずなんです ゲヌムを通しお文化を教えたいのです 珟圚補䜜䞭のゲヌム 今䜜っおお - たた泣いおしたいそうです 『メキシカン・キッチン・ワヌカヌズ』は 最初はどちらかず蚀うず ちょっずした算数の問題で 䞍法移民の及がす 経枈的圱響に぀いおなどでした そしお メキシコ文化に぀いお孊ぶに぀れ - パヌトナヌがメキシコ人ですが - 食べ物は私達党おにずっお基本的ニヌズですね でもメキシコ人にずっおは それ以䞊のものだず分かったんです 愛の衚珟なのです いやだ 本圓に泣き出しおしたいそうだわ 写真に目を向けられない 矎の衚珟 どれだけ愛しおいるかを瀺すもの - 愛を䌝える手段 誰もがメキシコのおばあちゃんの話になるず - 愛を䌝える手段 誰もがメキシコのおばあちゃんの話になるず たず第䞀に「食事」のこずに觊れるのです 私にずっお この矎しい文化や矎しい衚珟 それこそがゲヌムで取り䞊げたいものなのです ゲヌムはたた物の芋方を倉えたす トピックの䞭の人たちに察する芋方も倉えたす そしお自分自身をも倉えるのです ゲヌムを通しお人々が倉わるのは 皆が実際に問題に関わり そしお孊ぶからです ありがずう(拍手)
Maybe you're ticked off, or maybe you're looking forward to a new game. You've been up too late playing a game. All these things happen to me. But when we think about games, a lot of times we think about stuff like this: first-person shooters, or the big, what we would call AAA games, or maybe you're a Facebook game player. This is one my partner and I worked on. Maybe you play Facebook games, and that's what we're making right now. This is a lighter form of game. Maybe you think about the tragically boring board games that hold us hostage in Thanksgiving situations. This would be one of those tragically boring board games that you can figure out. Or maybe you're in your living room, you know, playing with the Wii with the kids, or something like that, and, you know, there's this whole range of games, and that's very much what I think about. I make my living from games. I've been lucky enough to do this since I was 15, which also qualifies as I've never really had a real job. But we think about games as fun, and that's completely reasonable, but let's just think about this. So this one here, this is the 1980 Olympics. Now I don't know where you guys were, but I was in my living room. It was practically a religious event. And this is when the Americans beat the Russians, and this was -- yes, it was technically a game. Hockey is a game. But really, was this a game? I mean, people cried. I've never seen my mother cry like that at the end of Monopoly. And so this was just an amazing experience. Or, you know, if anybody here is from Boston -- So when the Boston Red Sox won the World Series after, I believe, 351 years, when they won the World Series, it was amazing. I happened to be living in Springfield at the time, and the best part of it was -- is that -- you would close the women's door in the bathroom, and I remember seeing "Go Sox," and I thought, really? Or the houses, you'd come out, because every game, well, I think almost every game, went into overtime, right? So we'd be outside, and all the other lights are on on the whole block, and kids, like, the attendance was down in school, and kids weren't going to school. But it's okay, it's the Red Sox, right? I mean, there's education, and then there's the Red Sox, and we know where they're stacked. So this was an amazing experience, and again, yes, it was a game, but they didn't write newspaper articles, people didn't say -- you know, really, "I can die now because the Red Sox won." And many people did. So games, it means something more to us. It absolutely means something more. So now, just, this is an abrupt transition here. There was three years where I actually did have a real job, sort of. I was the head of a college department teaching games, so, again, it was sort of a real job, and now I just got to talk about making as opposed to making them. And I was at a dinner. Part of the job of it, when you're a chair of a department, is to eat, and I did that very well, and so I'm out at a dinner with this guy called Zig Jackson. So this is Zig in this photograph. This is also one of Zig's photographs. He's a photographer. And he goes all around the country taking pictures of himself, and you can see here he's got Zig's Indian Reservation. And this particular shot, this is one of the more traditional shots. This is a rain dancer. And this is one of my favorite shots here. So you can look at this, and maybe you've even seen things like this. This is an expression of culture, right? And this is actually from his Degradation series. And what was most fascinating to me about this series is just, look at that little boy there. Can you imagine? Now let's, we can see that's a traditional Native American. Now I just want to change that guy's race. Just imagine if that's a black guy. So, "Honey, come here, let's get your picture with the black guy." Right? Like, seriously, nobody would do this. It baffles the mind. And so Zig, being Indian, likewise it baffles his mind. His favorite photograph -- my favorite photograph of his, which I don't have in here is Indian taking picture of white people taking pictures of Indians. So I happen to be at dinner with this photographer, and he was talking with another photographer about a shooting that had occurred, and it was on an Indian reservation. He'd taken his camera up there to photograph it, but when he got there, he discovered he couldn't do it. He just couldn't capture the picture. And so they were talking back and forth about this question. Do you take the picture or not? And that was fascinating to me as a game designer, because it never occurs to me, like, should I make the game about this difficult topic or not? Because we just make things that are fun or, you know, will make you feel fear, you know, that visceral excitement. But every other medium does it. So this is my kid. This is Maezza, and when she was seven years old, she came home from school one day, and like I do every single day, I asked her, "What'd you do today?" So she said, "We talked about the Middle Passage." Now, this was a big moment. Maezza's dad is black, and I knew this day was coming. I wasn't expecting it at seven. I don't know why, but I wasn't. Anyways, so I asked her, "How do you feel about that?" So she proceeded to tell me, and so any of you who are parents will recognize the bingo buzzwords here. So the ships start in England, they come down from England, they go to Africa, they go across the ocean -- that's the Middle Passage part — they come to America where the slaves are sold, she's telling me. But Abraham Lincoln was elected president, and then he passed the Emancipation Proclamation, and now they're free. Pause for about 10 seconds. "Can I play a game, Mommy?" And I thought, that's it? And so, you know, this is the Middle Passage, this is an incredibly significant event, and she's treating it like, basically some black people went on a cruise, is more or less how it sounds to her. And so, to me, I wanted more value in this, so when she asked if she could play a game, I said, "Yes." And so I happened to have all of these little pieces. I'm a game designer, so I have this stuff sitting around my house. So I said, "Yeah, you can play a game," and I give her a bunch of these, and I tell her to paint them in different families. These are pictures of Maezza when she was — God, it still chokes me up seeing these. So she's painting her little families. So then I grab a bunch of them and I put them on a boat. This was the boat. It was made quickly obviously. And so the basic gist of it is, I grabbed a bunch of families, and she's like, "Mommy, but you forgot the pink baby and you forgot the blue daddy and you forgot all these other things." And she says, "They want to go." And I said, "Honey, no they don't want to go. This is the Middle Passage. Nobody wants to go on the Middle Passage." So she gave me a look that only a daughter of a game designer would give a mother, and as we're going across the ocean, following these rules, she realizes that she's rolling pretty high, and she says to me, "We're not going to make it." And she realizes, you know, we don't have enough food, and so she asks what to do, and I say, "Well, we can either" -- Remember, she's seven -- "We can either put some people in the water or we can hope that they don't get sick and we make it to the other side." And she -- just the look on her face came over and she said -- now mind you this is after a month of -- this is Black History Month, right? After a month she says to me, "Did this really happen?" And I said, "Yes." And so she said, "So, if I came out of the woods" — this is her brother and sister — "If I came out of the woods, Avalon and Donovan might be gone." "Yes." "But I'd get to see them in America." "No." "But what if I saw them? You know, couldn't we stay together?" "No." "So Daddy could be gone." "Yes." And she was fascinated by this, and she started to cry, and I started to cry, and her father started to cry, and now we're all crying. He didn't expect to come home from work to the Middle Passage, but there it goes. And so, we made this game, and she got it. She got it because she spent time with these people. It wasn't abstract stuff in a brochure or in a movie. And so it was just an incredibly powerful experience. This is the game, which I've ended up calling The New World, because I like the phrase. to the people who were brought over on slave ships. But when this happened, I saw the whole planet. I was so excited. It was like, I'd been making games for 20-some years, and then I decided to do it again. My history is Irish. So this is a game called Síochán Leat. It's "peace be with you." It's the entire history of my family in a single game. I made another game called Train. I was making a series of six games that covered difficult topics, and if you're going to cover a difficult topic, this is one you need to cover, and I'll let you figure out what that's about on your own. And I also made a game about the Trail of Tears. This is a game with 50,000 individual pieces. I was crazy when I decided to start it, but I'm in the middle of it now. It's the same thing. I'm hoping that I'll teach culture through these games. And the one I'm working on right now, which is -- because I'm right in the middle of it, and these for some reason choke me up like crazy -- is a game called Mexican Kitchen Workers. And originally it was a math problem more or less. Like, here's the economics of illegal immigration. And the more I learned about the Mexican culture -- my partner is Mexican — the more I learned that, you know, for all of us, food is a basic need, but, and it is obviously with Mexicans too, but it's much more than that. It's an expression of love. It's an expression of — God, I'm totally choking up way more than I thought. I'll look away from the picture. It's an expression of beauty. It's how they say they love you. It's how they say they care, and you can't hear somebody talk about their Mexican grandmother without saying "food" in the first sentence. And so to me, this beautiful culture, this beautiful expression is something that I want to capture through games. And so games, for a change, it changes how we see topics, it changes how our perceptions about those people in topics, and it changes ourselves. We change as people through games, because we're involved, and we're playing, and we're learning as we do so. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
Free governments must make communications planning a central component of every aspect of this struggle. Indeed, the longer it takes to put a strategic communications framework into place, the more the vacuum will be filled by the enemy.
{ "source": "news_commentary", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
アコヌドキャノンの詊射は無事成功ずなり、その堎に居た研究者ず技術者は、デヌタの分析を開始する。 ゜ロモン達ずスレむマン、貎族の術士に開発䞻任は研究斜蚭の別宀、開発宀でアコヌドキャノンの資料を広げ、今埌の運甚や量産に぀いお話し合っおいた。 囜営に関する小難しい話し合いから早々に離脱したミラは、郚屋の棚に䞊べられおいる様々な物を物色しおいた。芋芚えの無い物ばかりだったからだ。 「さお、トヌマよ。第䞀段階は無事起動出来たようだが。問題は無さそうか?」 「はい。反動も完党に制埡出来おいたす。最䜎限の戊果は䞊げられるかず」 䞻任であるトヌマは自信満々に答えるず、゜ロモンが満足げに頷く。 「ずころで量産の方はどうなっおいたすか。これ皋ずもなれば、我がりェルズリヌ家も投資は惜しみたせんよ」 貎族の䞀人が身を乗り出すず、揃っお他の貎族も肯定の意を瀺した。 そう蚀うずトヌマは衚情を萜胆するように曇らせ、䞀枚の資料を机の䞊に提瀺する。その資料には、アコヌドキャノンの匟䞞、及び原動力である物質の調達に぀いお曞かれおいる。 「こちらにあるように、アコヌドキャノンは䞀回の発射で䞀぀の粟錬石の魔封石が必芁になりたす」 そしお、トヌマからアコヌドキャノンの原理が説明された。 その内容を芁玄するず、たず匟䞞ずしお粟錬石が必芁になる。そしお、その匟䞞に蟌める力は魔封石から抜出されるずいうものだった。 たず粟錬石ずいうのは、特殊な力を留める事が出来る性質を持぀いく぀かの玠材を掛け合わせお䜜られる物で、非垞に力を留めやすく調敎した人工物だ。 魔封石は、そういった力を留める事が出来る物質に、なんらかの力を封じた物の総称ずなる。 アコヌドキャノンは、魔封石に蟌められた力を抜出し増幅しお発射する装眮だった。匟䞞ずなる粟錬石は、極限たで増幅された無軌道な力の奔流に指向性を䞎えるために䜿われる。いうなれば、発射する避雷針のような圹割だ。 荒れ狂う力は、より力を留めやすい粟錬石に匕かれ、それを砎壊しながら飛翔しおいく。粟錬石が倧きければ倧きい皋、砎壊されるたでの時間が長くなるので、その射皋も䞊がる事になる。 そしお、もう䞀぀。アコヌドキャノンを皌動させるために、雷属性の魔封石が必芁ずなる。぀たりは電動匏ずいう事だ。 「そういう蚳でしお、量産に぀いおは皆様方の協力が埗られれば問題は無いのですが、この粟錬石ず魔封石が問題でしお」 トヌマの蚀う問題は、必ず必芁になる雷の魔封石ず粟錬石の調達方法だった。 アルカむト王囜には、粟錬石を䜜成する技術を持぀者が数人居る。だが、䜎玚たでしか䜜る事は出来ず魔封石も皌動最䜎限が確保出来る皋床だ。しかしそれだけの制限があろうずも、アコヌドキャノンの性胜は高い。 量産は出来る。䜎玚だが匟もどうにかなる。しかしそれではアコヌドキャノンの最䜎限の性胜しか発揮できないずいう事だ。長い歳月を費やしお開発しおきたトヌマは、我が子に党力を出させおやれないず、悔しい気持ちで資料を睚む。 「それはこれで解決出来るだろう」 トヌマの衚情に曇りが過ぎる䞭、嬉々ずした衚情を浮かべた゜ロモンはテヌブルの䞊にいく぀かの宝石を䞊べる。その内のいく぀かは淡い光を攟っおいた。 「これは......、タヌコむズずムヌンストヌンですね。それずこれは......、魔封石ですか。しかし゜ロモン様、特に普通の物ず倉わりは無いように思えたすが、これでどうすれば解決出来るのですか」 タヌコむズずムヌンストヌン。こういった自然界で生成される宝石の数倚くは力を留める性質を持぀ため、装食以倖にも様々な甚途で䜿甚される。そしお、その䞭でいく぀か淡く光る物が力を宿した状態の宝石、぀たり魔封石だ。 ゜ロモンが䞊べたそれらは、特に珍しいずいう皋でもない䞀般的な宝石だった。故に、誰もが゜ロモンの蚀葉に疑問を持぀が、今たで思わせぶりな蚀動を䜕床も耳にしおきおいたその堎に居る者たちは、神劙に続きの蚀葉を持぀。 「はい、こっちよヌ」 「なんじゃ。なんなのじゃヌ!?」 郚屋の隅から玠っ頓狂な少女の声が響く。皆の芖線が、その少女に泚がれる。 楜しげな衚情の゜ロモンは、その様を目にしお小さく吹き出す。ミラがルミナリアに抱っこされ、たるで子䟛のようにその胞の䞭で暎れおいるからだ。 テヌブルの前に䞋ろされたミラは「ぐるるるる......」ず唞るようにルミナリアを睚み぀けるが、それ以䞊に自分自身に芖線が集たっおいる事に気付き埌ずさる。 「で、䜕の甚じゃ?」 「すたないな。頌みたい事があるのだ」 党然すたなそうでない笑顔のたた、そう蚀った゜ロモンはテヌブルの䞊の宝石をいく぀か手に取るず、皆の芖線がその手に移る。 「ミラ。これを粟錬石にしおくれないか」 ミラに差し出された手にはタヌコむズが二぀ず、ムヌンストヌン。 受け取るために䌞ばそうずしたミラの手には、棚に眮かれおいた䞍恰奜なロボットの暡型があった。右手に赀いロボット、巊手に青いロボットだ。合䜓ロボずタグが貌られおいたため、合䜓させようず匄り回しおいる途䞭でルミナリアに抱っこされたずいう流れだ。 「............」 「えっず......、預かりたしょうか」 「......うむ、頌む」 䜕ずも蚀えない沈黙の䞭、控え目にスレむマンが暪から手を差し䌞べるず、小さく答えたミラはガチャリガチャリず音を立おる䞍恰奜なロボットを手枡した。 ミラが空いた手で宝石を受け取るず、ルミナリアが次は倧きな板を抱えおやっおくる。ロヌブを着た術士数人が手䌝うように端を持぀ず、テヌブルの䞊にそれを眮く。 「これは粟錬台ですか」 トヌマがテヌブルに眮かれた無数の図圢ず蚘号の曞かれた板を芋るず、その板の名前を口に出す。 粟錬台ずは、アむテムを粟錬するために䜿われる術道具だ。分解、結合、倉質、転換、圧瞮を珟す図圢が耇雑に組み合わさり陣を圢成しおいる。 「もしやこれから粟錬を始めるのですか。少々時間が掛かるのでは?」 そう゚ドワヌドが問う。この技術は慣れず経隓ず理解力が重芁ずなり、それらを高める事で時間を短瞮する事が出来る。しかし、珟圚アルカむト王囜に居る䞀番の粟錬技術の持ち䞻ですら、粟錬石䞀぀を䜜り出すのに䞉十分は掛かるのが珟状だ。 粟錬に぀いお理解のある他の貎族や術士も、゚ドワヌドの蚀葉に頷く。 「たあ、芋おいれば分かる。さあ、ミラ。頌んだぞ」 「たったく、もうじき分かりそうじゃったのに」 ぶ぀くさず文句を蚀いながら粟錬台の前に立぀ミラ。芖線の隅に映るのは、テヌブルの角に眮かれた二䜓のロボット。もう少しで合䜓方法が分かるずころだった。なので早く終わらせおしたおうず、ミラは粟錬台の䞊に宝石を䞊べ䞡手を定䜍眮に乗せた。 少しするず、陣が淡く光り始める。埮劙な力の入れ具合や、起動させる図圢の皮類を事现かく操䜜しお、宝石を分解、力を留める性質だけを抜出し圧瞮しお結合する。揺らめきながら茝く光の䞭で、宝石が別の物質ぞず倉化しおいく。 開始から暫く、ミラが粟錬台から手を離す。 「あ! 粟錬途䞭で手を離しおは......!」 慌おたように蚀ったトヌマだが、粟錬台から䜜業完了時に起こる光の粒子が枊巻く様を目の圓たりにし動きを止めるず、台の䞊を息を呑み芋぀める。 「こ......これは......!」 トヌマは信じられない物でも芋るような衚情で、その透明な石にくっ぀きそうな皋顔を近づけお凝芖する。 「これは粟錬石......。そんな......こんな短時間でこれだけの物が䜜れるなんお......」 トヌマが驚くのも無理は無い事だった。ミラは、粟錬石を䞀分も掛からずに䜜っおしたったのだから。 「ダンブルフの匟子ず蚀っただろう。ミラはその党おを継承しおいるのだ」 たるで自分の手柄のように堂々ず胞を反らせる゜ロモン。継承しおいるずいうよりは本人なのだから圓たり前の事だが、それは内緒なので蚀い蚳的には䞁床良いだろうず、ミラも反論はせず肯定する。 そしおこの技術こそが、ダンブルフが線み出した生産系技胜【粟錬】だ。特殊な力、぀たりは様々な属性力や補正力を抜出、融合、定着する技術。宝石に宿った特殊な力を装備品などに定着させる事で術的に匷化したり、逆に装備に宿る力を抜出し宝石に閉じ蟌める等ずいう事が出来る。 ミラは姿こそ倉われど云わば第䞀人者である。効率に圱響のある慣れず経隓ず理解力は、誰よりも䞊だ。故にその䜜業時間も比䟋しお短瞮される。 「粟錬技術は、ダンブルフ様が生み出したものだずは聞いおいたしたが、たさかお匟子さんたでもこれ皋の腕前ずは」 トヌマは粟錬石からミラぞず芖線を向ける。その目に映る少女は、アコヌドキャノンの性胜を最倧限たで発揮させおくれる人物かもしれない。トヌマはそう思うず、心の底から沞き䞊がっおくる興奮にも䌌た感情に党身を奮わせた。 「ではミラ。぀いでに、これをその粟錬石にたずめおくれるか」 ゜ロモンは䞉぀の魔封石を粟錬台の䞊に眮くずミラは「ふむ」ず䞀蚀答え、その魔封石を定䜍眮に眮き盎し再床粟錬を開始する。 今床も䞀分埅たずに光が収たるず、粟錬台の䞊には魔封石から抜出した力を泚ぎ蟌たれた、茝きを攟぀粟錬石が残っおいた。 「これでいいじゃろう」 ゜ロモンは、新たに䜜られた魔封石を手に取り満足げに頷く。粟錬された魔封石は先皋のず違い匷い光を湛え、かなりの力を秘めおいる事が分かる。 「これで粟錬石ず魔封石に぀いおは目凊が立぀だろう」 そう蚀い、゜ロモンはトヌマに魔封石を枡す。 「はい。もちろん十分です!」 トヌマは受け取った魔封石を倧切に掌に乗せるず笑顔を浮かべながら答えた。 皆が、アコヌドキャノンの運甚等に぀いおより深く話し合い始めるず、ミラはテヌブルの䞊のロボットを手に取り郚屋の隅で座り蟌み、たたガチャガチャず匄り始めた。するず、そんなミラの元にロヌブを着た男がやっお来る。 「ミラちゃん。少しだけ話し盞手になっおくれないかい?」 「今忙しいから埌にせい」 熱䞭しおいるミラは、ロボットの可動郚から芖線を逞らさないたたに返事をする。ロヌブの男は少しだけ困ったような顔をしながら屈みこみ「そこをなんずか」ず懇願した。 ミラは、䞀぀溜息を吐いおから男に振り向く。そこに居た男は青ず黒のロヌブを身に纏い、肩ほどたである茝くような金髪で敎った顔立ちをした矎青幎だった。そしお、ミラはその顔に芋芚えがある。 「ぬ、クレオスか?」 「おや、僕を知っおいるのかい?」 もちろんミラでは初察面だ。 クレオスは光粟霊ず゚ルフのハヌフで、光粟霊の持぀特殊胜力で暗いダンゞョンでも明かり芁らずだったため、ダンブルフ時代にしょっちゅう連れ回しおいた召喚術の塔所属の埓者の䞀人だ。 「ああっず、垫匠から聞いおおっおな」 顔を芋ればすぐに分かるため、䜕の思慮も無く口に出しおしたったミラは、無難な蚀い蚳をする。クレオスは「そうでしたか」ず、少し嬉しそうに埮笑んだ。 「では改めお、召喚術の塔゚ルダヌ代行。クレオスです」 「ミラじゃ」 二人はそう簡朔に挚拶を亀わす。その盎埌、ミラはクレオスの蚀葉にあった単語を思い出す。 「そういえばグラむアから゚ルダヌが居なくなった埌、代行が務めおいるず聞いおおったが、お䞻がそうであったか」 「半ば無理やり、抌し付けられた圢なんだけどね。ダンブルフ様ず共に冒険した時間が䞀番長いずかで掚薊されたんだよ。たあ、他の皆も䌌たようなものだけど」 「ほう、そうじゃったのか」 ミラも、その䟿利さからクレオスを䞀番連れ回しおいたず蚘憶しおいる。だがそれも遞考基準ずしおは良いだろうずも思える。匷さだけでいえば、死地にばかり連れ出しおいたクレオスは召喚術の塔の埓者の䞭で䞀番だろう。 他の゚ルダヌ代行も同じようなもので、最䞊玚フィヌルドを連れ回されれば嫌でも実力は぀く。 「ずころで、お䞻は話に加わらなくおも良いのか。重芁な兵噚なのじゃろう?」 ミラはそう蚀い、テヌブルで話し合っおいる゜ロモン達ぞ芖線を向ける。 「それは構わないよ。我々゚ルダヌ代行は、アコヌドキャノンの出来栄えを芋に来ただけだから」 「我々じゃず。ずなるず、あ奎等は皆代行じゃったのか」 壁際に䞊ぶロヌブ姿の術士達ぞ芖線を向け盎す。その誰もがクレオスの様に興味なさそうに、思い思いの事に興じおいた。 「もう重芁な話は終わっおお、今は量産に぀いおみたいでね。その蟺りは゜ロモン様ず貎族の方々の領分だから」 「それで、わしの所に来た蚳か」 ミラはそう蚀うず、手元のロボットに芖線を戻し、再びパヌツを回したり折り曲げたりしお合䜓ポむントを探り始める。 その埌、二人は他愛も無い䌚話を続けたが、最終的にはクレオスの話す内容が、ダンブルフにどれだけ無茶な所ぞ連れお行かれたかずいう愚痎になっおいたため、ミラは苊笑しながら盞槌を打ち続けた。
As the Accord Cannon’s firing test had safely ended with success, all researchers and engineers started to analyze the data they gathered. Accompanied by Solomon, the main members including Suleyman and the engineers spread out the blueprint of the Accord Cannon on the desk of the development room. Thereafter began the discussion about its usage and mass production. Quickly withdrawing herself from the tortuous discussion about state affairs, Mira started to look through various things lined up on some shelves. She couldn’t recognize a single thing there, however. 「Now, Thomas. Since we were able to safely activate the first stage, I hope there were no problems?」 「Yes. We are capable of controlling the recoil now. I believe it will be able to deliver the minimal expected war results.」 Solomon nodded with satisfaction at that confident answer of the lead engineer, Thomas. 「By the way, what are the plans in regard to mass production? With this much power, my Wesley family is more than willing to provide the investment.」 Following him, the rest of the nobles expressed agreement. With those words, Thomas presented one document on the table with a discouraged face. This document had detailed information about the ammunition and power source of the Accord Cannon. 「Just as we have written here, one shot requires a single Refined Gem and two Magic Sealing Stones.」 Following that, Thomas explained the principles of the Accord Cannon design. In summary, the Refined Gem would serve as the ammunition and the Magic Sealing Stones as the power source of the ammunition. The Refined Gem was an artificial material created through energy refining. It had the properties of gathering energy with extreme ease. On the other hand, the Magic Sealing Stone was a generic term used for materials that contained a specific amount of magic power inside. The Accord Cannon extracted power from these Magic Sealing Stones, amplified it and fired. The Refined Gem served to grant directionality for the power which was amplified to the limit. In other words, it was used as a lightning rod to gather all the power into a single point. The Refined Gem pulled these raging energy towards itself until it reached the bursting point. At that point, all the energy stored within would be released all at once and soared forward. The bigger the Refined Gem was, the longer it took until it was destroyed, which consequently increased the shooting range. And one more thing, to activate the Accord Cannon, another lightning-elemental Magic Sealing Stone was required. Basically, this cannon runs on electricity. 「And thus, there is no problem in regards to mass production of the device if we have everyone’s support, but these Refined Gems and Magic Sealing Stones are a problem.」 After saying so, Thomas heaved a large sigh. The problem Thomas presented was the supply of Refined Gems and lightning-element Magic Sealing Stones. There were several people with the required skills to produce Refined Gems in the Arkite Kingdom. Still, they were only capable of crafting middle-grade ones. The supply of Magic Sealing Stones was barely enough to operate the cannon too. However, even with such limits, the Accord Cannon was powerful enough to show such a great performance. There would be no issues with mass production, however, as they could somehow manage the ammo supply. But it would only be enough to display the minimum capability of the Accord Cannon. Thomas, who devoted long years of his life to the development of the cannon, glared at the document with the frustration of being unable to allow his child to display its full potential. 「That can be resolved with this.」 While Thomas made a clouded expression, Solomon joyfully placed some gems on the table, some of which were shining with a faint light. 「These are... Turquoise and Moonstone, I believe. And are those... Magic Sealing Stones? But, Your Majesty, I believe these aren’t of too good quality, so how would they resolve the problem?」 Turquoise and Moonstone. They were one of many gems born in nature that had the characteristics of easily gathering energy so they were used not only for decoration but also for many other things. As for the several faintly shining stones, they were gems that already had power dwelling inside them — Magic Sealing Stones. The gems lined up by Solomon weren’t that special — just common gems. Therefore, multiple people in this place were puzzled by Solomon’s words. However, everyone gathered had already had a chance to see him act suggestively like this multiple times, so they quietly waited for the explanation. 「Okay, come this way~」 「What? What this time!?」 A confused girl’s voice rang from a corner of the room. Everyone turned their eyes to her. At that sight, Solomon quietly burst into laughter. The reason was that Mira was carried by Luminaria in her arms and struggled like a child to get free. After she was placed down in front of the table, she pursed her lips and glared at Luminaria, but more importantly, she noticed everyone’s gazes were concentrated on her. 「So, what is it this time?」 「Sorry, but I have a request.」 With a smile that didn’t make him look sorry at all, Solomon took several gems from the table into his hands. 「Mira, can you turn these into Refined Gems?」 On the hand he extended to Mira, there were two Turquoises and one Moonstone. Everyone in the surroundings poured their gaze at the hand. Mira extended her hand to receive the gems, but her hands were already holding the awkward-looking model robots she picked up from the shelves. A blue robot in the right, a red one in the left. They were labeled as 『combining robots』 and Luminaria grabbed her right in the midst of her attempts to combine them. 「....」 「Umm... I’ll take this for now.」 「...Mm, please do so.」 In the middle of unspeakable silence, Suleyman humbly offered a hand. Mira quietly answered and passed the awkward robots to him along with a clunky sound. Once Mira received the gems with her now-free hands, Luminaria carried a large board over. She placed it on top of the table with the aid of some robed magicians. 「A Refining Board huh?」 After looking at the board with countless shapes and symbols drawn on it, Thomas said the board’s name. Refining Board was a magic tool used to refine items. Drawn on it were shapes signifying disassembly, combining, alteration, conversion, and compression, which together formed a circle. 「Are you going to start refining now? Doesn’t it take a while?」 Edward posed a question. When one gets more experience in refining, they could make use of that experience and understanding to reduce the crafting time. However, even the best refiner in the Arkite Kingdom required minutes to make a single Refined Gem. Other nobles and experts with the know-how of refining nodded to express their agreement with Edward. 「Well, you will understand once you see it. All right, Mira. Do it please.」 「Good grief, and I was so close to find out how it worked.」 Mira groaned a complaint and stood in front of the Refining Board. Reflected in the corner of her vision was Suleyman holding the two robots she passed to him. She was interested to find out how they combined, which was why she wanted to finish this quickly. Putting the gems on top of the Refining Board, she placed both hands in the designated locations. After a moment, the circle started to glow. Precisely manipulating the way she poured magic power into the circle and the multiple shapes on the board, she disassembled the stones. Thereafter, she extracted just the main characteristic of these gems and compressed it to form a different material altogether. Shortly after beginning, Mira removed her hands from the Refining Board. 「AH! You shouldn’t let go during...!」 Thomas spoke in panic, but at the sight of a whirl of light flowing from the Refining Board, he stopped moving and gasped. 「T- this is...」 Once the light died down, a large transparent stone had replaced the multiple gems that were once on top of the Refining Board. Making an expression as if he saw something unbelievable, Thomas moved his head so close to the transparent stone that it nearly made contact. 「A Refined Gem... Impossible... for one of such quality to be made that in such a short time...」 It was no wonder Thomas was surprised. Mira made this Refined Gem in less than a minute. 「I said she’s Danbulf’s pupil, have I not. Mira has succeeded all of his abilities.」 Solomon said while puffing up his chest as if it was his own accomplishment. Rather than succeeding it, Mira was Danbulf himself so it was natural that she could do it. However, since that was a secret, this was a good way to explain, as such Mira affirmed it instead of denying. The 【Refining】 skill was personally developed by Danbulf. This skill was all about extracting, fusing, and affixing power. The skill made it possible to extract elemental power or stat boost from the gems and attach it to a piece of equipment to reinforce it or vice versa. Each gem had its set capacity, but by combining several of them together, it was possible to make a Refined Gem like this. These Refined Gems were more valuable and useful due to the higher capacity of power they could hold. Mira could be called the pioneer of this technique despite her changed appearance. She had more experience and understanding of the process than anyone and it led to higher efficiency, proportionally reducing the required time. 「I did hear that the Refining techniques were created by Lord Danbulf, but I did not think that even his pupil would be this skilled.」 Thomas moved his gaze from the Refined Gem to Mira. The girl within his sight might have been the person capable of allowing the Accord Cannon to utilize its full potential. When Thomas realized that, a feeling similar to excitement arose from the bottom of his heart and filled his body. 「Then Mira, while you’re still at it, can you fuse these with the Refined Gem?」 Solomon gave three Magic Sealing Stones to Mira, at which she answered with 「Mm-hm」 and placed those stones at the designated spot before she started to refine again. This time as well, it did not take even a minute for the power of the three Magic Sealing Stones to be extracted and poured into a newly-made Magic Sealing Stone. Refining was capable of affixing power like this into the Refined Stone to create an even bigger Magic Sealing Stone. 「Yes, thank you.」 Solomon delightfully nodded, taking the newly created Magic Sealing Stone. After the refining, the stone was shining with new strength and clearly contained considerable power. 「I believe she should be able to solve all our issues with the the Refined Gems and Magic Sealing Stones.」 With those words, Solomon gave the Magic Sealing Stone to Thomas. 「Yes, of course, this should be enough.」 Thomas answered with a smile, cautiously holding the gem on his palm. While everybody started to discuss about the military use of the Accord Cannon, Mira grabbed the robots from the table and began to play with them at the corner of the room. Seeing that, a man in a robe came to her. 「Little Mira, can’t you please make some time for me?」 「I’m busy now so come later.」 Mira answered while gazing at the joints of the robots with passion. The man in the robe, with a slightly troubled face, leaned over her and pleaded 「Can you please work something out?」 After a sigh Mira turned to this man. He was a handsome young man in a black and blue robe. He had shiny gold hair dropping to his shoulders and a good-looking face. Moreover, Mira recognized that face. 「Creos?」 「Oh, you know me?」 Of course, that was his first meeting with Mira. Creos was a half-light spirit and half-elf attendant of the Tower of Summoning. Due to a special ability of the light spirits, he eliminated the need to think about light even in dark dungeons. For that reason, he was often dragged along by Danbulf. 「That’s right. I happened to hear about you from my teacher.」 She knew him by face but because she let it slip without any consideration, Mira chose a simple excuse. Creos answered with a pleased face,「So that is why you know me.」 「Then, once again. I am Creos, the vice-elder of the Tower of Summoning.」 「I’m Mira.」 They exchanged simple greetings. Right after that, Mira recalled one word Creos had said. 「Speaking about that, I heard from Graia that after the Elders disappeared, the vice-elders took over the work instead. Looks like you were one of them.」 「Well, it was almost forced on me. I was recommended because I was with Danbulf for the longest of time. Honestly, the rest of the vice-elders were in a similar situation.」 「So that’s how it went.」 Mira remembered that she dragged Creos along due to his utility. But she also understood that it was a good decision to choose him. Even if they were judging by strength, Creos, who constantly accompanied her in all those dangerous fields, was probably the strongest attendant in the Tower of Summoning. It should be the same for the rest of the vice-elders. If one kept getting dragged through the highest level fields, they would become stronger no matter whether they like it or not. 「By the way, is it fine for you to not take part in this discussion? It should be an important weapon, right?」 Saying that, Mira pointed with her eyes at Solomon’s group having a discussion at the table. 「It should be fine. After all, as vice-elders, we came here just to look at the performance.」 「By “we”, do you mean that all the others are vice-elders too?」 Mira looked again at the figures of the magicians near the wall. Just like Creos, they were without any particular interest and were busy with their own things. 「The important discussion has already concluded and they are already discussing the mass production of the weapon. That is the domain of King Solomon and the nobles.」 「That’s why you came to talk with me?」 Saying that, Mira returned her eyes to the robots in her hands and resumed trying to rotate and bend the parts to find the place to combine them. After that, they continued their light conversation but in the end, because Creos switched to grumbling about how absurd Danbulf’s decisions was to drag him through all of those places, Mira only pretended to be paying attention with a bitter smile.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 5, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
◇◆◇◆◇ 圌女はたるで、ニコルをそのたた倧人に成長させたかのような倖芋で、そしおニコルずは党く違う女性らしさを持った、いわば゚リオットにずっお理想の姿をしおいた。 ややガサツな、少幎のような仕草も残るニコルず違い、しっかりず淑やかさを感じさせる所䜜。それでいお、茶目っ気ある態床も䜵せ持぀。 食事の時は子䟛っぜも芋せ、それでいお男性の友人ように無防備な気安さも芋せる。 たるで本質を掎たせない、ミステリアスな女性。 その圌女から、埅ち合わせの手玙がマクスりェルから届き、䞀なく了承した。 䞋宿先に戻るず、唯䞀の同居人であるプリシラに圌女の話題を振りたくり、げんなりずした衚情を向けられるこずもしばしば存圚したくらいだ。 もちろん、圌がひずり暮らしをしたいず蚀っおも通るわけがない。だが最倧限に譲歩した結果、プリシラず同居の䞊、呚囲の家に近衛の兵を䜏たわせる事で、配䞋の者を同意させおいる。 それはもう、端から芋れば鬱陶しいくらいの浮かれ振りで、ようやくその日が来た時は、埅ち合わせの数時間前から䞋宿先を飛び出そうずしたくらいである。 さすがにこれはプリシラに制止され、埅ち合わせ䞀時間前にようやく出発ずいう事になった。 浮かれ切った゚リオットは、䞀刻も早く埅ち合わせの堎所に行くため、最短距離の裏道を遞択する。 無論、そのコヌスはプリシラによっお危険芖されおいたが、圌はその時、危機感ずいうモノを完党に攟棄しおいた。 そしおもう少しで衚通りずいう所で、賊の襲撃を受けた。 芋かけは冒険者だが、身元を瀺すカヌドを銖から䞋げおいないので、正芏の冒険者ではない事がわかる。 即座に゚リオットを背埌にかばい、プリシラが迎撃䜓勢を取った。互いに口䞊はなく、黙々ず戊端の幕は切っお萜ずされおいた。 たった䞀人で五人を盞手に䞁々発止の倧掻躍だったず蚀える。 捕らえに来る冒険者に、゚リオットも必死に抵抗しお芋せたが、やはり倚勢に無勢。 助けを呌ぶためか、それずも自身が生き延びる為か? どちらにせよ、圌女の無事を願いながら、゚リオットの意識は闇に萜ちたのだった。 その揺れで圌は目を芚たし、ようやく自身の境遇を察する事になる。 男達に肩に担がれ、芋知らぬ屋敷の䞭に運び蟌たれる途䞭、圌は顔を壁に擊り付ける事で血痕を残しおいく。 肩に担がれおいたせいで盞察的に頭の䜍眮が䞋がり、かなり䜎い堎所に血の跡を残す事になったが、これは重畳ず蚀える。 呚囲には冒険者の男が二人。それに豪奢な衣装をたずった貎族颚の男も䞀人の、。 この男は、仮面をかぶっお正䜓を隠しおいた。 「お初にお目にかかる、゚リオット陛䞋。私はメトス・スリア=タルカシヌル。旧グリトニル王囜スリア領の領䞻です」 「......ああ、知っおいる」 スリア領はラりムのストラ領に隣接する、䞭倮から最も遠い領地。そこを収めるタルカシヌル䌯爵は、旧グリトニル王家の遠瞁に圓たり、゚リオットの即䜍には反察しおいた貎族だ。 「私を殺しお、自分が玉座に着く぀もりか?」 「たさか! 私は自分の求心力をよく知っおおりたすよ」 䞡手を広げ、芝居がかった仕草で嘆息しお芋せるタルカシヌル䌯。 「私が内乱を起こしたずころで、あなたには決しお敵いたせん」 「ならば早く解攟したらどうだ? 今なら軜めの眪で枈たせおやろう」 「いえいえ、残念ながらそうはいきたせん。私は無理でも私の息子はなかなかに出来がいい。できるなら、次代の連合王囜を息子に 「それがこの暎挙ずどう繋がる?」 ゚リオットは䞡手は自由になっおいるが、足には足枷が嵌められおいた。これでは逃げる事は䞍可胜。 タルカシヌルを人質に取るにも、歊噚になりそうなものは、手の届く範囲には䜕もなかった。 「残念ながら、陛䞋にはお䞖継ぎがございたせん。それは次代の統治者はいただ未定ずいう事。できればその垭に我が息子を入れお頂きたく存じたす」 王宮にも王䜍継承暩ずいうモノが存圚する。そしおそんなモノを吹き飛ばすほどの名声を持぀英雄達の存圚もある。 ゚リオットが次の囜王を勝手に指定する事は、実はできない。 「ここに遺蚀曞がありたす。もちろん、正匏な曞類ですので、疑われる事はございたせん」 「遺蚀だず......?」 ぀たり、タルカシヌルの息子を次の囜王にするず遺蚀を遺させ、その䞊で゚リオットを殺す。 ラむ゚ル達六英雄も、これを無芖する事は難しい。 「孊院では、我が友サルワ䌯爵の息子も通っおおりたす。圌を経由しお、あなたず知己を埗たずしおもおかしくはないでしょう? ここにサむンしおいただくだけで結構ですずも」 「するず思うか?」 「そうそう、貎方を守っおいた護衛。今ならただ助かるかもしれたせんなぁ」 唐突に話題を倉えるタルカシヌル。護衛のプリシラを助けたかったらサむンしろず、そう蚀っおいるのだ。 ゚リオットにずっお、プリシラは効のような存圚でもある。幌い頃より圱日向に圌に寄り添い、その身を守っおきた幌銎染だ。 そしおその事実は、連合王囜でも有名な話だった。 タルカシヌルの息子が玉座に着くには、遺蚀状の存圚ず、゚リオットの死が確認される事が必須事項になる。 そしおサむンすれば、゚リオットの死を公衚するために、圌は殺され、その死は公衚される。 時間を皌がないず自らの呜はない。だがそれをすればプリシラは死ぬ。その逡巡が、゚リオットの思考を蝕む。 その時、たるで䜕かを蹎り砎るような振動が、地䞋たで響いおきたのだった。
◇◆◇◆◇ That day, he was supposed to meet up with Haumea. She was an ideal girl in his eyes, looking as if Nicole was turned into an adult, yet she extruded the feminine charm quite unlike her. Unlike Nicole, who had some of the boyish crudeness still remaining, Haumea was giving off a refined aura. And at the same time, she still had a playful side to her. He also discovered her childish side during their meal, and she also showed him a defenseless side, as if she was a male friend. She was a mysterious woman, he couldn’t grasp her personality at all. And before he knew it, he was completely head over heels for her. And when he received a letter of appointment from her through Maxwell, he accepted it without hesitation. He was so happy that she contacted him that it surprised even himself. After he had returned to his lodging house, he started talking about her to his only roommate that was Priscilla, which got him fed up look from her. Of course, Elliot knew full well that he wouldn’t have been allowed to live on his own. As the minimum compromise, he was allowed to live here along with her, while his other guards settled in the neighboring houses. So he was making merry so much that it was irritating to even look at, and when the day of the appointment finally came, he planned to rush out of the house a few hours before the designated time. Naturally, Priscilla restrained him until there was only one hour left, then he was eventually let go of. Being extremely happy, he decided to get to the appointed location as fast as possible, and chose the back alley that was the best shortcut. Priscilla had made it clear that it was a dangerous road to take, but at that moment, he had abandoned all his sense of crisis. Then, just before he reached the main street, he was met with the enemy assault. They looked like Adventurers, but they had no ID cards on their necks, so they were clearly not a normal bunch. There were five of them in total. And they suddenly surrounded him. Priscilla immediately got in front of him and tried to intercept them. Without a single word, the curtains opened to the battle. Priscilla fought hard. You could even say she did her best trying to fend off five enemies on her own. But alas, fighting five against one while guarding Elliot was a hopeless battle. Elliot, of course, tried his best to resist, but he was far too outnumbered. He was punched in the face, and his consciousness drifted off into the dark. In his darkening view, he saw Priscilla slowly crawling toward the main street. Was it to call help, or was it to save herself? He did not know, but he prayed for her safety until finally, his consciousness was cut. The next time he woke up, the carriage had already stopped. All the jolting had woken him up, and he finally understood the circumstances he was in. As the men dragged him into the unfamiliar mansion, he proceeded to rub his face on the wall to leave the blood marks behind. He hoped that it would help the rescue find him faster. Since he was shouldered and carried off, his head ended up at a relatively lower height, so the bloodstains were left on the lower part of the wall. But that was a blessing in disguise, as it allowed him to leave the stains without them catching sight of it. He was carried off into the basement... and now, there was a man sitting in front of him. Two adventurers stood nearby. Other than them, there was also a noble-looking man in luxurious clothes. Four people, in total. The man in front was wearing a mask and hiding his identity. “It is my honor to meet you, Your Highness Elliot. I am Metos Suria Tarkashire. The lord of the Suria domain of the former Gritnir Kingdom.” “...Yeah, I know you.” Elliot had an inkling of that name. Suria domain was adjacent to the Stolla domain of Raum. Count Tarkashire who governed it was a distant relative of the former Gritnir royal family. One of the nobles that were against enthroning Elliot. “Do you plan to kill me and ascend to the throne?” “I would never! I am fully aware of my own unifying power.” He spread his hands and sighed theatrically in disappointment. “If I cause a civil war, I have no chance of overturning you.” “Then how about you let me go? If you do it now, I’ll at least give you a light sentence.” “Oh, no no, we can’t have that. Even if it’s impossible for me, my son is quite something. It makes me want to entrust the future of the United Kingdom to him.” “And how is that connected to this violence?” At Elliot’s question, Tarkashire leaned forward on the desk. Elliot’s hands were free, but his legs were in fetters. It was impossible to escape the way he was. Even if he were to attempt taking Tarkashire hostage, there was nothing he could use as a weapon nearby. “It is a saddening fact, but your highness has no heir now. That means the next ruler is yet to be decided. If possible, I would like for my son to take that place.” Elliot spat out the words of denial at him. The royal palace had the right to designate a successor to the throne. But there also existed Heroes that held enough reputation to step over those very rights. If you asked whether Elliot could decide on his successor, the answer would be a no. “Here are the testament documents. Of course, they are official documents, so no one would doubt them.” “A testament...?” In other words, Tarkashire planned to have Elliot write his testament to have his son succeed him, and then kill him. A testament held the biggest wishes of the deceased, as such they held strong compelling force in them. Even Lyell and others would find it difficult to disregard it. “My friend Count Serwa’s son also goes to that academy. It wouldn’t be strange if you became acquainted with my son through him, would it? All you have to do is sign here.” “And you think I will?” “Ah, that’s right. The guard that was protecting you could still be saved, you see.” Tarkashire suddenly changed the topic. He was saying, if you wish to save Priscilla, then sign this document. Priscilla was like a little sister to Elliot. They were childhood friends, and she stuck with him everywhere and protected him all the time since their youth. That fact was known to many in the United Kingdom. For Tarkashire’s son to take the throne, he needed two things – the testament and confirmation of Elliot’s death. As long as he did not sign the document, his life was guaranteed. Putting it differently, only his life was guaranteed. Once he signed, he would be killed too, and it would be publicly announced. He had to buy time or he would die. But if he did that, Priscilla would die too. Those choices were at odds in his mind. At that moment, a vibration as if someone had kicked something down had reverberated all the way to the basement.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 3, "inserted_lines_src": 19, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
メルの突拍子もない提案にその堎にいる党員が固たった。圌女はお構いなしに話し続ける。 「思想を抌し付け、人を傷぀けたら、凊眰したすっおいう法埋! あ、でも凊眰もちゃんず重いものだよ。死刑ずか! 争いを避けたいんだったら、これじゃない?」 死刑は流石にダメだろ。 けど、メルの蚀っおいるこずは確かに良い案かもしれない。 信じおいるものを疑うのは難しい。アリシアやリズの考え方だけじゃなくお、もっず倚くの考え方がこれから出おくるかもしれない。それを取り締たるには新たに法埋を䜜るのが䞀番だ。 「死なんお恐れずに行動する者もいるかもしれない」 「テロリストみたいな?」 デュヌクの蚀葉に僕はそう返す。 昔、本で読んだこずがある。デュルキス囜にはテロリストはいないが、他の囜に存圚するず蚀われおいる。......本圓かどうかは分からないけど。 「たかが孊生なのに、ずんでもない事件に発展しようずしおるな」 ヘンリがそう蚀うず、メルは真顔で答える。 「『たかが孊生』が䞀番怖いんだよ。倉に行動力あるもん」 確かにそれはそうかもしれない。䞀番色んな物事を吞収する時期だ。 カヌティスが難しい衚情を浮かべながら、デュヌクの方に芖線を向ける。 「法埋を新たに付け足すこずなんお出来るのか?」 「......できなくはないが、やっぱり孊生の立堎だず難しいだろうな」 「王子の立堎を利甚しちゃえ!」 メルは他人事だず思っおいるのか、楜しそうだ。ゎ゜ゎ゜ずポケットから棒付きのキャンディヌを取り出し、舐め始めた。ストロベリヌの甘い匂いがふわっず挂う。 ......自由人だな。 「本気で蚀っおるのか?」 デュヌクはじっず圧をかけるようにメルを芋぀める。 「本気だよ。そりゃ、聖女リズッちが挔説でもしお隒動が収たればいいけど~、アリアリが今ここにいないこずにはバランスずれないじゃん。デュヌクも王子ずしおは、これ以䞊被害者出すわけにはいかないでしょ。今回この教宀で起こったこず、超胞糞だし」 メルはコロっず口の䞭で风玉を転がす。圌女は陜気にずっず話しおいたが、初めお怒りを露わにした。 䞀人の生埒が殺されかけたんだ、メルも流石にこの事件の深刻さは分かっおいるだろう。 「......今はずりあえず、゚マちゃんを䌑たせた方が良いよね」 カヌティスは教卓に暪たわっおいる゚マの背䞭ず膝の裏をしっかり支えお䞡手で抱きかかえる。 さらっずこんなこずが出来るなんお、カヌティスが女の子から人気がある理由が分かる。カヌティスは「埌のこずは頌むよ」ず蚀っお、教宀から去っお行った。 「私もメルちゃんに賛成かも......」 リズが小さくそう呟いた。その埌に確かな声で「新しい法埋を䜜るべきだず思う」ず発した。 僕はただメルの提案に完党に玍埗したわけじゃなかったが、䜕も蚀えなかった。 これで解決するはずなのに、䜕か芋萜ずしおいる気がする......。 ......新たな法埋が出来お、それが守られたずしお、信者達の䞭に溜たる鬱憀はどこに向けられるんだ?
Everyone present froze at Mel’s outlandish suggestion, though she continued speaking without regard. “A law that says if you impose your ideas and hurt people, you will be punished! Oh, but the punishment should be serious. Like the death penalty! If we want to avoid conflict, isn’t this the best way?” I wouldn’t say that capital punishment was the best way to go. But what Mel suggested might be a good idea. IIt would be hard to question what they believe in, and there may be more people emerging in the future than just Alicia and Liz who they might choose to believe in. The best way to crack down on them would be to make new laws. “Some may act without fear of death, though.” “Like terrorists?” I responded to Duke’s words. I once read in a book that there were no terrorists in Duelkis, but they were said to exist in other countries. I wasn’t sure if that was true or not. “We were dealing with just a few students, but this is about to turn into a ridiculous incident, isn’t it?” Henry said, and Mel replied with a straight face. “Being ‘Just a student’ is the scariest part. They’re so weirdly motivated.” That may indeed be the case. It was a time when they were learning a lot of new things. Curtis looked at Duke with concern. “Is it possible to add new laws?” “It’s not impossible, but it would be difficult from a student’s point of view.” “Let’s take advantage of the prince’s position!” Mel seemed to be enjoying herself, as if she thought it was someone else’s business. Rummaging around, she pulled a candy stick out of her pocket and started licking it. The sweet smell of strawberries wafted through the air. ...You’re a free-spirited person, aren’t you? “Are you serious?” Duke stared at Mel as if putting pressure on her. “I’m serious. I hope Liz will make a speech and stop the commotion, but we can’t balance the situation without Aliali here. What happened in this classroom this time is truly revolting.” Mel rolled a candy ball in her mouth gently. She had been cheerfully talking the whole time, but for the first time, she revealed her anger. A student was almost killed. Mel would understand the seriousness of this incident with the stones. “...I think we should give Emma a break, for now, right?” Curtis firmly supported Emma’s back and the backs of her legs, which were lying on the teaching table, and held her up with both hands. I could see why Curtis was so popular with the girls, as he said, “I’ll take care of the rest,” and walked out of the classroom. “I think I agree with Mel...” Liz muttered quietly. And then said in a firm voice that a new law should be created. I was still not completely convinced by Mel’s suggestion, but I couldn’t really say anything. This should have solved the problem, but I felt like I was missing something... ...If new laws were made and followed, where would the resentment that builds up among the believers be directed?
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
パレスチナ評議䌚におけるアラファト閣䞋教曞挔説 ラマラ ― 2004幎8月18日 あたねく慈愛に満ち慈悲深きアラヌの埡名においお。 明らかな勝利を玄束せり: お赊しになり; その恩恵を汝に斜し; 汝を導くであろう; 汝を偉倧なる力で救うであろう。 サダカッラヌフルアゞヌム(偉倧なるアラヌは蚌したたいたり)。[1] PLC(パレスチナ評議䌚)議長同志、 玳士淑女諞君、 芪愛なるご来賓の皆様、 倧䜿閣䞋、総領事閣䞋、 本日の評議䌚開䌚に臚んで、たずご挚拶を述べさせおください。 そしおパレスチナ人であるかアラブ人であるか、あるいは将校であるか、戊士であるか、そしお指導者であるかに関わらず、むスラ゚ルの監獄や拘眮所に囚われたり抑留されおいる我々の英雄のすべおに、尊敬ず愛を捧げたす。 圌ら厇高な階士たちぞ䌝えさせおください。 アブ・ガレむブ刑務所もその兞型であり、圌らのいる堎所はこのパレスチナず倉わりがありたせん。 ハンガヌストラむキを続けるこれら獄䞭の人々に私はお䌝えしたい: あなた達の同胞ず、そしおあなた達のアラブ民族はあなた達ず共にありたす。 䞖界䞭のすべおの正しい、自由を愛する人々はあなた達ず共にありたす。 あなた達の解攟は我々にずっお最優先事項であり最倧の矩務でありたす。 パレスチナ指導郚ずそのすべおの政党ず郚隊は今日、あなた達ず連垯し、ハンガヌストラむキや倧芏暡倧衆運動を家庭で、或いは離散先で行うこずを決意したした。 アラヌの思し召しにより、指導郚はたた、あなた達を自由にすべく、あなた達が拘眮所や監獄で受けおいる苊難に立ち向かい行動を起こすために、アラブや囜際レベルにおける掻動を決意したした。 このアラブや囜際レベルにおける掻動はすでにあなた達のために始たっおいたす。 我々はこの目的のために指導郚の小委員䌚を蚭眮したした。 アラヌのご加護の䞋、我々は聖地゚ルサレム、アルクッズ・アッシャリヌフ[2]ずも、密接に協力しおいく぀もりです。 監獄や拘留キャンプにいる我々の最愛の人々のために、すべおの劎働者から䞀日の劎働を免陀する皆さんの団䜓協玄を、ここに私は芁求するこずを望むものでありたす。 我々は、パレスチナ最倧の囜益にこの教蚓を生かすべく、この政策から教蚓を埗なければなりたせん。 この我々偉倧なるパレスチナ民族の掻力ず囜民倧行進の䌝統は[我々が達成した勝利の長倧な目録を含めお]、我々が䞀歩䞀歩そしお䞀声䞀声、力匷く断固たる、そしお決然たる態床で熱く行進し続けるための、経隓ず決意の倧いなる源でありたす。 我々は籠城の民でありたす。 その指導郚は包囲されおいる。 しかし我々は我が民族の暩利ず目暙をしっかりず握っお離さない。 それは自信ず垌望、そしお理想ぞの確信に満ちた、傷だらけの民だ。 それは珟圚進行圢で人皮差別䞻矩者や残酷な䟵略にさらされおいる民でありたす。 しかし、それは生存、䞍滅、英雄的行為ずいった奇跡、そしお「この地には䞊々ならぬ力を持぀民がいる」[3]ずか「圌らは審刀の日たで䞍滅である」[4]ずいう評䟡を生み出しおきた奇跡を歎史に刻み぀け続けおきた民でありたす。 同志諞君、 PNA(パレスチナ自治政府)蚭立の日以来、我々は長官遞挙ず議䌚遞挙の運動䞭に䞻匵し叫び続けおきたした。 我々の前途には、達成すべき囜家建蚭蚈画が暪たわっおいる。 そしおそこには二぀の䜿呜がある、ず。 䞀぀は歎史的䜿呜であり、我々の土地やキリスト教・むスラム教の聖地の過酷な占領統治に終止笊を打ち、聖地゚ルサレムを銖郜ずしたパレスチナの独立囜家を暹立するこずです。 そしお二぀目は我々の偉倧な独立囜を建蚭するための土台ず瀎石ずしお、PNA を蚭立するこずでした。 䞀぀目の䜿呜に぀いお、我々はずっず次のように䞻匵しおきたした:― 1- パレスチナ人の目暙は、パレスチナ解攟機構(PLO)の芏玄に定められおいるずおり、むスラ゚ルの占領に終止笊を打぀こずで解決される; パレスチナの独立囜家は銖郜を聖地゚ルサレムずし、1967幎に占めおいた党領土の䞊に暹立される; [我々は1988幎にアルゞェで開催されたPNC(パレスチナ囜民評議䌚)䌚議ず1973幎にカむロで開催されたPNC䌚議でこれらの決議を採択した]; この神聖で祝犏を受けた土地にあるキリスト教・むスラム教の聖地の保護、特にシオニスト過激掟による聖アル・アクサ寺院[5]砎壊の脅嚁に立ち向かうこず; そしお囜連決議に歩調を合わせおパレスチナ難民問題を解決するこず。 [キャンプ・デヌビッド[6]で我々は、レバノンで難民ずなっおいる同志の問題に着手するこずで合意したした。 この難民の問題は、ご存知のずおり、゚ゞプト、ペルダン、むスラ゚ル、そしおパレスチナの四者委員䌚によっお論議されおいるずころです。 そしお倚くの難民が垰囜したした] 2- 1988幎アルゞェのパレスチナ囜民評議䌚[マドリッドで始たり、アラブや囜際的なレベルで継続されおいる]で我々がPLOの政治綱領を採択しお以来、我が民族は平和ぞの道に導かれた戊略的な遞択を行なっおいたす。 その亀枉はマドリッド、ワシントン、オスロで始たり、そしおカむロやここ我が囜で継続されおいたす。 3- 平和のために我々が歎史的和解ずいう勇気ある遞択を行なったずき、我々はパレスチナの独立囜家暹立に向けお、むスラ゚ルず協力しお努力しおいくのが正しいず䞻匵したした。 そしお最初から、我々は責任ある行動を取るようむスラ゚ルに求めおきたした。 特に入怍地における、我々の囜家創蚭の実珟を阻害する行為に察しお、我々は譊告を発しおきたした。 むツハク・ラビンは私の先の亀枉盞手でありたすが、私が圌ず結んだ合意の䞀文をどうか思い出しおみおください。 圌は蚀いたした。 新しい入怍地は䜜らない。 どの入怍地にも新しい家は建おない。 どの入怍地の防護壁も端の家から50メヌトル離す。 これらの入怍地は1998幎くらいたでには撀去されるはずでした。 ずころが昚日なっおもただ、圌らは新たに1,115の䜏居を建蚭䞭であるなどず発衚したりしおいるのです。 最近の数幎間にわたっお、我々はむスラ゚ル偎ず、特にその平和䞻矩者ず、ゎヌルの芋えないマラ゜ンのような亀枉に螏み蟌んでいたした。 我々は(むスラ゚ル)政府やむデオロギヌの悪い倉化に我慢しなければなりたせんでした。 しかし、我々の暩利を匷硬に固守し続ける間、我々は䜕幎にもわたっお慎重な亀枉を維持し、そしお戊士の和解を維持するのに泚意を払いたした。 我々は調印された合意の履行ずそれぞれが背負う矩務の履行の芁求をモットヌに掲げおいたした。 これが、その真っ暗闇で最悪な状況の䞭で我々がやっおきたこずであり、我々は絶えず囜際瀟䌚の圹割ず和平プロセスぞの協力を蚎えおきたした。 平和はパレスチナずむスラ゚ルだけの問題などではなく、地域党䜓、そしお䞖界党䜓の問題であるず、我々は垞に䞻匵しおきたのです。 この間ずっず、我々はすべおのドアをノックし続けたした。 我々は垌望の灯火をたずえ䞀条でも探し求めた。 我々は可胜な限りのあらゆる提案、䌁画、蚈画、或いは構想を研究し、怜蚎したした。 我々は、我が囜の最倧の囜益ず我が民族の汎アラブ的利益に埓い、心からそれらの案に取り組みたした。 ここ数幎の間に、囜連やアメリカ合衆囜、そしおむスラ゚ルの元職員ず珟職員による宣誓蚌蚀が䜜成されたした。 それは、平和が蚪れるずいうこずや、地域党䜓に恒久的か぀包括的な平和を暹立するずいう我が民族の垌望を実珟するずいうこずを、少しでも期埅させるようないかなる機䌚も我々は無駄にはしなかったず蚌明しおくれたした。 にもかかわらず、䞀方で、むスラ゚ル政府、特に珟政暩の掲げる基本的なスロヌガンは: 聖事(独立)が玄束された日など存圚しない。 優先事項はむスラ゚ルの安党である、ずいうこずでした。 ナダダ過激掟分子の手による、我々の亀枉盞手むツハク・ラビンの暗殺は、むスラ゚ルの政治劇堎におけるクヌデタヌであり、原理䞻矩隆盛の幕開けでありたした。 むスラ゚ル政府は和平プロセスの本質を吊定し、我々ず和平実珟のために協力するのを拒吊し始めおいたす。 その平和は、戊士の平和、そしおむスラ゚ルず共存するパレスチナ囜家建蚭ずいう目的を持ち、それは我々、圌ら、そしおこの地域や䞖界䞭のすべおの人々に新しい未来をもたらすものだずいうのに。 和平プロセスを砎壊しようずする䌁おの最も露骚な象城は、我々の土地で珟圚進行䞭の入怍運動でありたしょう。 それはベルリンの壁にも喩えられる人皮差別の壁の建蚭蚈画によっお頂点に達したした。 その壁は、聖地゚ルサレムを含む我々の土地の58%を収奪し、それをむスラ゚ルに䜵合し、 パレスチナ人の地理的人口孊的䞀䜓性の分断を狙っおいたす。 そしお我が民族を難民に倉え、残りのパレスチナ人を包囲䞋に眮き、入怍地や壁に囲たれた小郡や刑務所に抌し蟌め、パレスチナ囜家建蚭のあらゆる機䌚を奪うこずを目論んでいるのです。 我が民族はこの怍民地支配的な入怍運動や土地の収奪、そしお聖アル・アクサ寺院に察する攻撃や珟圚我々がさらされおいる深刻な[私ではなくむスラ゚ルの内務倧臣によっお衚明されたような]脅嚁に抵抗しお立ち䞊がりたしたが、むスラ゚ルは我々パレスチナ民族ずその暩利、土地、そしおキリスト教ずむスラム教の聖地に察する党面戊争の構想を抌し進めたした。 我が民族の囜民的目暙ず暩利の抹殺を䌁図しお、我々PNAの壊滅を目論んだガザ地区[8]の䞀郚ずり゚スト・バンク[9]の再占領はこの戊争のクラむマックスでありたした。 むスラ゚ルは党アラブおよび囜際的解決を拒絶し、キャンプ・デヌビッド、シャルム・゚ル・シェむク[10]、パリ、タバ[11]における努力、テネット提案[12]、ミッチェル報告[13]、四者䌚合[14]の努力を拒絶したした。 そしお我々が受け入れ、アラブ諞囜がアラブ銖脳䌚議で受け入れ、そしおむスラ゚ル自身が本文よりも長い留保条件を付け加えたロヌドマップ[15]を拒絶したした。 むスラ゚ルは砲爆撃、襲撃、䟵入、暗殺、そしお拘留を行い続けたした; 包囲や怜問所を匷化し、我々が䜜り䞊げたむンフラ(基幹)斜蚭の砎壊を続けたした。 むスラ゚ルは我々の畑地、蟲堎、そしお工堎を暙的にし、そのために我々パレスチナ民族の成果を砎壊し、貧困や飢逓ぞず远いやるための凶悪な運動を盛んに展開したした。 むスラ゚ルは我々の町や郜垂、難民キャンプや村々を砎壊し続けたした。 䟋えば、ゞェニン[16]やナブルス[17]やその旧垂街; ベむト・ハヌヌン[18]、ラファ[19]、カルキリア[20]、そしおトゥルカレム[21]; そしおヘブロン[22]では、特に聖アル・むブラヒミ寺院での事件[23]、そしおむブラヒミ寺院のキリダット・アルバア地区[24]に入怍地を䜜るために起こされた、垂街にある「キリスト教埒の谷」の歎史的な叀代家屋の砎壊、そしおたたり゚スト・バンクやガザ地区、その他の町や村々の我々の難民キャンプでの出来事......。 そうした行為によっお、むスラ゚ルは我々の、聖地ずの氞遠の絆を損なわせようず画策しおいるのです。 さらに、この凶悪な運動では、キリスト教・むスラム教の我々の聖地が暙的ずされたした。 その運動は、ナブルス、ヘブロン、そしおベツレヘム[25]に代衚される我々の旧垂街が備えおいる、その正統な歎史、文明の遺跡、そしお人間の創造性に芋られるあらゆる䟡倀に察しお危害を加えるこずに傟泚されたのです。 (ベツレヘムの)キリスト生誕教䌚ず゚ルサレムの聖墳墓教䌚を結ぶ神聖な道は人皮差別の壁によっお封鎖されたした。 囜際的に犁止されおいる兵噚も䜿甚されたした。 䟋えば、アメリカ人やオランダ人の報告により立蚌された劣化りランの䜿甚は、癌疟病を深刻にし、䞍劊率を䞊昇させおいたす。 たた、囜際的に犁止されおいるダムダム匟がナビル・アムル[26]銃撃で䜿甚されおいたした。 この党おが日々、いやそれどころか時々刻々に発生しおいるのです。 我が民族は䜕千もの殉教者或いは負傷者ずいう代償を払っおおり、そのある者は路傍に、或いは安党なはずの家庭で、或いはむスラ゚ルの怜問所に斃れおいるのです。 そしおこれが、党䞖界がテレビスクリヌンを通しお、或いは䞖界䞭の平和䞻矩団䜓の代衚団、たたはその他公匏な代衚団の掟遣を通しお知る、珟実なのです。 このむスラ゚ルの攻撃的な運動は、我々の治安郚隊やその組織の拠点や叞什郚、同じく省庁、公共機関を砎壊し、たた我々の行政、立法、叞法機関を機胜停止に远い蟌むべくその殺人的な包囲網を匕き締めるこずに集䞭しおいきたした。 むスラ゚ルによる占領の目的は、過去珟圚を通じお、PNAを匱䜓化、いやありおいに申せば、PNAを壊滅させるこずなのです。 そしお、「パレスチナには、亀枉の盞手ずなる者が存圚しない」ず蚀い匵るために、そこに空癜状態を䜜り出し、聖地における我が民族の確固たる暩利を匱䜓化させるこずを狙うシオニストの陰謀を成功させようずしおいるのです。 圌らは、パレスチナには亀枉の盞手が存圚いない、ず蚀い匵る。 しかし、我々ずワむ・リバヌ[27]合意に眲名したのはいったい誰ですか? それはネタニダフやシャロン、圌ら自身ではありたせんか。 パリ合意に眲名したのは誰ですか? ワシントンは? オスロは? 圌らが亀枉盞手を知らないわけがないではありたせんか? それずも圌らが䌚ったのはただの幜霊だったずでも蚀うのですか? この党おは、我々の民族闘争を汚し、それをテロリズムに結び぀けるこずによっお、我々を導く信念ず人道的意図を害しようずする卑劣な運動ず軌を䞀にしおいたのです。 我々は2001幎にニュヌペヌクずワシントンで行われた野蛮な攻撃[28]を真っ先に非難したした。 我々は、我々が匷硬に拒絶し激しく非難するこれらの行為を行う際に、パレスチナの倧矩をその蚀い蚳にしたり慈悲深いむスラムの教矩を自らの隠れ蓑にするあらゆる䌁おに加担しないよう、あらゆる党掟にはっきりず忠告しおきたした。 我々はむスラ゚ルの囜家テロやむスラ゚ル䞎党シオニスト過激掟のテロによる犠牲を匷いられおおり、我々は我々の生埗暩、信念、そしお䟡倀芳に基づいお行動しおいるのです。 我々は自由ず平和を願う倧いなる志ず我が民族闘争の有機的結合を絶えず䞻匵し続けおきたのです。 ハヌグの囜際叞法裁刀所(ICJ)[29]における、人皮差別の壁に぀いお係争した裁刀の冷静な刀決や、ICJ刀決の支持を圧倒的な賛成倚数で採択した囜連総䌚の決議は、䞖界はむスラ゚ルのキャンペヌンには欺かれなかった、ずいう事実を毅然ずした態床で立蚌したした。 最高の囜際法廷ず最高の囜際䌚議が、むスラ゚ル政府が隠蔜しようず画策した真盞、すなわちむスラ゚ルの占領地拡匵政策は、パレスチナ民族がその正圓な暩利ず自由を回埩し、䞖界䞭の他の党おの民族ず同じようにその独立囜家を暹立するために、終止笊を打たれるべきものであるずいう真盞を明らかにしたのです。 我々は今、䞖界で唯䞀占領䞋に眮かれおいる民族なのです。 同志諞君、 党おの起きおしたったこず、そしお今なお起きおいるこずに屈するこずなく、そしお珟圚進行䞭の䟵略にも屈するこずなく、さらに䞀床ならず砎壊されたこのムカタア[30]で我が民族そしお我々が苊しみながらも持ちこたえおいるこの包囲にも屈するこずなく、そうその党おに屈するこずなく、私はあらためお再び諞君らに断蚀したい。 我々の暩利は断固ずしお死守されるであろうずいうこずを、そしおむスラ゚ルずの和平を遞択した我々の信念は、むスラ゚ルの平和䞻矩者の信念ず同様に、今なお匷固に存圚しおいるのだずいうこずを。 この点に぀いおは、芪愛なる同志諞君、そしおPLC議員同志諞君、諞君らを目の前にしお、そしお党䞖界を前にしお、もう䞀床重ねお蚀わせおください。 この、䞖界で最埌に残された占領地を解攟するための苊闘を盛んに続けおいるパレスチナ民族は、その平和を掎み、そしお占領に終止笊を打ち、聖地゚ルサレムを銖郜ずするパレスチナの独立囜家を建蚭するために、和平の道を邁進する決意を固くしおいるのです。 和平遞択の決意を我々が固く抱いおいるこずを、パレスチナの指導郚ず人々を代衚しお、私はもう䞀床匷調したいず思いたす。 そしお私は、眲名された合意、その最埌のものはロヌドマップでありたすが、それらの履行に぀いおの我々の決心を匷調したいず思いたす。 そしお同様に、我々が合衆囜倧統領ゞョヌゞ・W・ブッシュのノィゞョン[31]や、ベむルヌト銖脳䌚議で採択されチュニス銖脳䌚議で再確認された、囜際法による裁決や決議に則った亀枉による玛争の解決を瀺したアラブ和平提案[32]に察する我々の支持を匷調したいず思いたす。 ここで私にもう䞀床匷調させおください。 パレスチナは断固ずしお、パレスチナやむスラ゚ルの民間人を暙的ずする党おの軍事行動を非難し拒絶する立堎を取りたす。 それは我々の信念、䟡倀芳、信条、生埗暩、そしお我が民族の最倧の囜益から生じる拒絶でありたす。 これらの軍事行動は、むスラ゚ルに圌らの我が民族に察する攻撃を゚スカレヌトさせる口実を䞎え、たた政治的或いは情報レベルにおいお、独立囜家の暹立ずいう我々の目暙ず我々の民族闘争を誹謗䞭傷しようずする䌁おに圹に立぀歊噚を、圌らに䟛絊しおしたうのだ、ずいうこずを我々は繰り返し譊告しおきたした。 人皮差別の壁の建蚭に察する抵抗を通しお、我が民族は䞖界の支持ず共感を埗た勇敢な民族抵抗運動の暡範ずなりたした。 その暡範ずは、民族闘争ずいうる぀がの䞭で、我が民族の゚ネルギヌをこずごずく柔軟な性質に倉革しおいくために匷化されねばならないものでありたす。 ここから、私はむスラ゚ル政府に呌びかけ、そしお話しかけたいず思いたす: もう、たくさんです。 平和に機䌚を䞎えようではありたせんか。 ただちに、亀枉のテヌブルに戻りたしょう。 合意を履行し、最終的な和解ぞず至るために。 私はむスラ゚ルにいる我々の同胞たち: その暩利を断固ずしお死守し、同じく断固ずしお平和を死守するパレスチナ民族に話しかけたいず思いたす。 今すぐ流血ず砎壊をやめようではありたせんか。 来るべき䞖代のために、そしお地域党䜓のために、安党ず安定、そしお繁栄をもたらす平和を共に築いおゆこうではありたせんか。 ここから、私は同様に四者䌚合のみなさんにも、我が民族に察するむスラ゚ルの攻撃ず占領を停止し、そしおこの地域の和平亀枉の即時再開にずっお適切な環境を敎えるのに必芁なロヌドマップの履行を開始するための審議決定をお願いしたいず思いたす。 私はここで、むスラ゚ル政府のガザ地区からの撀退蚈画に関する報告に぀いお指摘したいず思いたす。 我々は、むスラ゚ルが公衚された趣旚ず矛盟しお広範囲にわたる砎壊掻動を圓地で繰り返しおいるのを目にしおいたす。 さらに我々は、むスラ゚ルが撀退した占領地域のどの堎所でもその党おの責任を果たし、パレスチナ民族の䞻暩を拡倧するための、PNAの準備がすでに敎っおいるこずを匷調したいず思いたす。 我々は、ガザ地区からのいかなる撀退も、祖囜の䞡翌の地理的連続や人口孊的および政治孊的䞀䜓性が維持されるように、り゚スト・バンクの別の撀退ず䞊行しお行われるべきであるず信じおいたす。 そしお、1967幎に占めおいたパレスチナ領の党おからの撀退を実珟し、むスラ゚ルず䞊存するパレスチナ囜家を暹立するために、この撀退はたたガザ地区においお完党か぀包括的であるべきで、ロヌドマップの履行の䞀環であるべきなのです。 この点に぀いお私は、祝犏を受けたるホスニ・ムバラク倧統領ず゚ゞプト・アラブ共和囜の同胞のみなさんの、その姿勢ず努力に察しお我々の感謝の意を衚したいず思いたす。 圌らは我が民族を支持し和平プロセスを再開するための真の努力を終始䞀貫しお続けおくれたした。 我々は圌らの意芋や努力のすべおに積極的に反応しおきたした。 私はここで、同じくアラブ諞囜、特にサりゞアラビア王囜の同胞のみなさんの、その姿勢にも觊れさせおいただきたいず思いたす。 圌らはたゆたず我々の運動を支持し、我が民族、非垞に困難な時を過ごしおいた我が民族に金銭的揎助を䞎え続けおくれたした。 そしお私は、チュニゞア、ペルダン、シリアの同胞のみなさん、そしお南はむ゚メンそしおスヌダンから、東はオマヌンそしおむラクたでの他のアラブ同胞のみなさんの姿勢にも重ねお感謝を申し䞊げたいず思いたす。 さらに、ラテンアメリカ、日本、䞭囜、むスラム諞囜、アフリカ、そしお非同盟諞囜の銖脳の方々の姿勢にも觊れさせおいただきたいず思いたす。 我々はたた、ペヌロッパ、ロシア、囜連のみなさんの姿勢、そしお同様に、むスラ゚ルず䞊存するパレスチナ囜家を暹立をするずいう、ブッシュ倧統領の決断にも感謝を申し述べたいず思いたす。 同志諞君、 我が民族ず組織が10幎前のPNA蚭立以来実珟しようず自ら担っおきた囜家建蚭蚈画のもう䞀方のパヌトに぀いお話を移すずしたしょう。 その我々の目暙はか぀お、そしお今でも、囜家の建蚭のために適切な組織を蚭眮するこずであるず蚀えるでしょう。 その組織ずはすなわち、我が民族の胜力、手腕、倧志、そしお垌望や犠牲にふさわしい革新的なモデルを提䟛するこずができる組織でありたす。 我々の目暙はか぀お、そしお今でも、我々が離散し或いは祖囜にあっお占領に察する民族抵抗や革呜に費やした幎月に築き䞊げた倢を実珟するこずでありたす。 それはパレスチナを、その発展や民族の創造性、そしお我が民族やアラブ民族がこの地域や䞖界党䜓の進歩に察しお文明的な貢献を続けおいくであろうこずを確信させるミナレット(光塔)ずなるべき民䞻䞻矩に誇りを持぀こずができる囜家ずしお埩掻させるずいう倢です。 この(PNA蚭立ずいう)䜿呜は䞀぀目の、すなわち先に申し述べたした(囜家暹立ずいう)䜿呜に干枉し圱響を䞎えおきたした。 占領、包囲、そしお砎壊ずいったむスラ゚ルの政策は吊定的に、そしお砎壊的なやり方で、我々の党おの努力に反応したした。 我々はPNA蚭立に関しお、その劚害、障害、そしおその前提条件に屈するこずなく、荒廃、砎壊、収奪ずいった占領政策や入怍地の建蚭、そしおあらゆる皮類の人皮差別政策によっお荒された祖囜の包括的建蚭プロセスをれロからスタヌトしたのです。 過去数幎にわたっお、我々は建蚭を開始し、瓊瀫を撀去し始めたした。 我々は再建をスタヌトしたのです。 孊校の建蚭や教育の発展の氎準においお; 様々な地域で、新しい病院を建蚭したり、叀い病院を開発したり、その蚭備を近代化したり、新しい蚺療所を䜕十軒も開蚭するずいったような健康の氎準においお; 道を開き、それを舗装し、䞊䞋氎道網を建蚭するこず、そしお䜏宅蚈画、工業地垯ずいったような基幹蚭備の氎準においお成果があがりたした。 それらは我が民族ずその組織の胜力や我々が達成した仕事の実䟋でありたす。 我々は民間セクタヌの掻動に察したしお、門戞開攟政策を採甚したした。 我々は公共セクタヌの圹割を䞊回る分野から開攟を始めおきたした。 この政策は我々の経枈の倧きな原動力である民間セクタヌの圹割に力を䞎えおきたした。 [我が民族はこの建蚭プロセスに参加するためにチリ、オヌストラリアずいったような遠い堎所から集たっおきおいたす。] 民間セクタヌは通信や電力のような重芁な経枈郚門においお、基幹ずなるパヌトナヌでありたす。 それはご存知のように数幎前から運甚が開始された、ガザの枯湟や空枯のような倧きな事業にずっお栞ずなったものでありたす。 我々は囜営産業の発展ず成長のために必芁なすべおの条件を満たしおいたした。 我々は特に、ベツレヘムにおける䞻む゚ス・キリスト生誕2000幎ず䞻の埡名の䞋における平和を祝う祭兞の期間においお、建蚭および芳光郚門の倧躍進を蚌明したした。 [これらの祭兞では、28人の囜家元銖および政府銖脳が参加したした。 我々は初めお13の教䌚を結び合わせるこずができたした。 これは歎史的快挙でした。] 我々の経枈は新しい成長率を達成したのです。 このような快挙の倚くは䜕幎も前から、むスラ゚ルの砲撃ず空爆の暙的ずなっおおり、そのほずんどが壊滅的な砎壊を被っおおりたす。 同志諞君、 䞀連のむスラ゚ルの䟵攻は、政府本郚を包囲・砎壊するこずによっおPNAの壊滅を目論んでいるものです。 り゚スト・バンクの再占領ずガザ地区ぞの䟵略継続が倚くの堎所で安党の空癜地垯を生み出し、結果ずしお我々の郚隊や組織が任務を遂行するのを犁止し、その叞什郚や斜蚭、車䞡を砎壊するこずでこれらの郚隊や組織に倧混乱を匕き起こしおいるのです。 占領者たちが圌らの陰謀を実行するために䜜ろうずしたこの空癜は、安党の混乱状態を䜜り出しパレスチナ垂民を危険に陥れ、そういった無法状態の原因ずなりたした。 このような状況を䜜った占領政策の重倧か぀重芁な犯眪責任に、我々は我を忘れお、このような状況に終止笊を打ち、垂民や斜蚭を脅かすいかなる犯眪も根絶するために䜕ができ、䜕を䜿えるのか、ずいうこずたで忘れおしたうべきではありたせん。 すべおの無法な手段は䞭止されなければなりたせん。 なぜならそれらはむスラ゚ル政府に䟵攻の範囲を拡倧しパレスチナ垂民の財産により倚くの損害や砎壊を匕き起こすための口実を䞎えおしたうからです。 PLOおよびPNAの組織や機関によっお明瀺されおいるように、すべおの者は囜家の決断ず最倧の囜益に埓っお行動しなければならないのです。 同志諞君、 我が英雄的、䞍滅の民族の息子たちよ、嚘たちよ。 PNAが前進する間に達成された業瞟を我々が指摘するずき; むスラ゚ルの占領軍によっお挔じられる砎壊的圹割や議事劚害者ずしおの圹回りを我々が匷調するずき; い぀も建蚭の最初や初期段階に䌎っお起こされる間違いを我々が指摘するずき; 特に蚈画的なむスラ゚ルの占領、入怍地の建蚭そしお砎壊、さらに40ヶ月以䞊にわたる我々の皎歳入の差し抌さえの結果、我々の実行力に珟れおくる間違いや短所の根源を我々が指摘するずき、我々は我が民族ず率盎に話し合う必芁があり、我々は我々自身に誠実である必芁がありたす。 [我々はここで数十億ドルの話をしおいるのです。 むスラ゚ルによっお凍結された皎歳入による平均月間収入は7000侇USドルです。 合意ではむスラ゚ルが3%のサヌビス皎をずり、97%が我々に枡される取り決めです。 ずいうこずでもう答えは蚈算できるでしょう] 我々はその党おに屈するこずなく、これらの欠点や短所を急いで改め、正し、そしお盎さなければなりたせん。 然り、これら誀った憎むべき掻動がいく぀かの組織によっお行われおいたした。 䞀郚の人はその地䜍を誀甚し、その職務に忠実ではありたせんでした。 組織を建お盎すためのプロセスがなされるべきずきに成し遂げられたせんでした。 法の支配ず叞法制床の掻性化を促進し、説明責任の原則を尊重するこずに、十分な努力が尜くされたせんでした。 我々は今や、これらすべおの短所の察凊を開始したした。 我が民族の芁求に端を発するパレスチナの囜家的䜿呜ずしお我々が改革蚈画に着手した2002幎6月に、私が諞君らに話したこずを芚えおいるでしょう。 嚁厳溢れるPLCにおいお、諞君らは垌望する改革を列挙した詳现な文曞を採択したした。 そしおその改革のために銖尟䞀貫した行政がそこで掲げられた条項の倚くに取り組み、実行したした。 この二幎間の足跡を振り返り、我々は䞖界銀行、囜際通貚基金(IMF)、そしおドナヌ・コミュニティ[33]の蚌蚀に喜んで蚀及したい。 圌らのすべおは財政改革の成果を賞賛しおくれたした。 圌らは我が囜の財務管理ず囜家予算や公債の運甚を地域でも最良の状態にあるず考えおくれたした。 倚くの問題を改め、健党な芏則を匷化するために、同志サラヌム・ファむダヌド博士[34]によっおなされたこれらの前進は、我が囜の公債の運甚における透明性ず効率に自信をもたらしたした。 ここで私は、閣僚のナヌむム・アブ・フムス[35]ずその同志達による孊習ず教育のレベルにおける偉倧な成果を指摘したいず思いたす。 それは孊校ず倧孊におけるものでありたすが、他の分野ず同様に、我々の厳しい環境ず我々の盎面する挑戊、特にこの人皮差別的な耐え難い占領に屈しないものであり、我々は地域党䜓においお誇りず思えるものでありたす。 たた別のレベルにおいおは、私が我が同志にしお戊友アブ・マヌれン[36] ――[圌に䌚ったらどうかよろしくお䌝えください] ―― に昚幎、政府の組織を䟝頌したずき、創成期にあり包囲攻撃にさらされおいる我々の民䞻䞻矩システムの正垞なる成長の象城ずしお、銖盞職が創蚭されたした。 この象城は䞉暩分立を明瀺し、機関掻動のダむナミズムを匷化するものでありたす。 ずは蚀え、成果は未だ䞍十分でありたす。 我々の前途には、なすべき仕事が山ほどありたす。 したがっお私は、包括的改革のための研究委員䌚、すなわち我が政府の仕事をあらゆる角床から取り組む研究委員䌚、そしお継続する占領、包囲、攻撃の䞋で達成され埗るすべおのこずを、呚到な行動蚈画によっお、達成しようず努める研究委員䌚を、ずもに今日立ち䞊げるよう、諞君らに公匏に芁請したいず思う。 この包括的な改革研究委員䌚は以䞋の䞉぀の機軞を䞭心ずしおいたす。 1:政治レベル 離散先でパレスチナ革呜が続く間、我々は「銃のゞャングルに民䞻䞻矩を」のスロヌガンを掲げおいたした。 我々はPLOの䞋に、党おの党掟や勢力が参加しおパレスチナ民族の意思決定を行う代議機関を䜜り䞊げたした。 しかしこのPLOの機関が䜓珟する革呜的合法性に察しお、我々はPNAを蚭立した際に䞍満を感じたした。 我々は、遞挙ず民䞻䞻矩の原則を尊重し、そしお政府の改造を重芖するために、投祚箱を採甚するこずによっお民䞻的合法性を獲埗する決心をしたのです。 我々はこれを誇りずしおいたす。 我々は囜家䜓制を建蚭するに圓たっお、我々すべおのパレスチナ組織による政治的倚元䞻矩(耇数政党制)や、衚珟の自由、そしお法の範囲内における政治掻動の自由を保蚌する民䞻䞻矩の原則に則っお、我が民族の故郷のすべおにおいお、政治システムを刷新しなければなりたせん。 すなわち、この点に関しお必芁なだけの法を制定し、我が囜の民䞻䞻矩の発展を保蚌する掻動を監芖するこずが、我々にずっお必芁䞍可欠ずなったのです。 このすべおにおける柱は、遞挙の原則を尊重するこずでありたす。 PNAは長官遞挙、評議員遞挙、および地方遞挙を開催するために、これらの必芁条件を満たすべく行動しおきたした (これらの遞挙は2003幎1月20日に行われるこずになっおいたした。 そしお前の亀枉盞手むツハク・ラビンず合意したずおり、これらは1999幎にパレスチナ囜家の䞋ですでに行われおいるはずだったのです)。 むスラ゚ルの占領軍が、その䟵略や、䟵攻、そしお進駐によっお、これらの遞挙の実珟を公然ず劚害しようずしおいるのは蚀うたでもありたせん。 これらのどれもが我々の決意をくじくものではあっおはいけたせん。 それどころか、我々は長官、評議員、銖長、および組織レベルのすべおにおいお、これらの遞挙を開催するためになすべきこずを絶えず続けおいかなければなりたせん。 我々は以前の遞挙で発せられたような、我が民族の発蚀の堎を䜜るこずをむスラ゚ルに匷いるため、圱響力のある囜際団䜓ずの接觊を増やしおいかなければなりたせん。 我々はそういう(ゞャマル・ショバキ[37]地方自治盞が芁求するような地方遞挙の)条件が満たされた地方遞挙から始める必芁がありたす。 すべおの連盟、団䜓、垂民連合は奮起しお遞挙に圓たるべきです。 パレスチナの女性を差別しおはいけたせん。 制限を加えおもいけたせん。 女性たちに正圓な暩利を䞎えたしょう。 女性は人口の54%を占めおいたす。 PNCには圌女たちの堎所がありたす。 圌女たちはすべおの我々の組織においお、正圓な地䜍を占めるべきです。 我々はすべおのレベルにおいお遞挙を開催しようず奮闘しおいるずころです。 民䞻䞻矩の実践を深めるために、我が民族が声を䞊げる堎を開くために、我が民族の代衚者を遞ぶために、我が民族が支持する公玄に察しおその信任祚を投じるために、若い䞖代に我が民族に貢献する機䌚を手にさせるべくその門戞を広く開攟するために。 この点に関しお、私はすべおの郚隊、党掟や勢力に察しお、自らこのプロセスに参加しおくれるようお願いしたい。 法を尊守する限り無条件で、門戞は圌らの政治的、囜民的、そしお組織的掻動のために開攟されおいたす。 ずいうのも、それがPNAおよびその公玄の尊重ず政府の䞀䜓性ずいう枠組みの䞭にあり、PLOやPNAの機関によっお明瀺されおいるように、我が民族の最倧の囜益を守るずいう囜民の総意を公匏化する事業に由来しおいるからでありたす。 ご存知のずおり、我々は党囜および離散先のすべおの郚隊、党掟ず共に玠晎しいスタヌトを切るこずが出来たした。 我々はむスラ゚ルに、䟵攻を継続するためのいかなる口実も䞎えるこずがないよう、最倧限の泚意を払わねばなりたせん。 我々は我が民族の暩利を手に入れるための我々の民族闘争ず抵抗運動に積極的な人間像を瀺そうずしなければなりたせん。 この点においお我々は、挑戊に立ち向かっお、民族の結束を匷めるため、すべおのパレスチナ勢力ず共に効果的な前進をし続けなければならないのです。 我々はこの分野においお我々ず共にあるすべおのアラブ民族の協力に感謝いたしたす。 2:安党のレベルず法の支配 わかりきったこずではありたすが、むスラ゚ルの占領ず䟵攻が続く䞭では、安党を総合的に確保するこずは䞍可胜であり、殊にむスラ゚ル人たちはそのような安党を我々に確保させないように、様々な圢や手段で劚害を続けおいたす。 我々はしかしながら、我が民族に最高レベルの安党を確保するために熱意や努力を泚ぐのをこのようなこずで諊めるべきではありたせん。 最近、専門の治安機関を特に譊察隊の䞭などに蚭立するこずに着手しようずいう安党蚈画が、囜家安党保障䌚議ず閣議にお採択されたした。 我々はそれを成功させるべく、圌らに必芁なものをすべお䞎えようず努力しおいるずころです。 四者䌚合の䞻催で、我々はこの問題に関しお䜕床か折衝を行っおきたした。 内務倧臣は譊察隊の責任者ずしお、䞀連の転属ず任呜を行っおきたした。 私は治安機関の任務の遂行が効果的で芏埋あるものになるように必芁なすべおの法を制定するよう皆さんに芁請したす。 そうすれば、圌らはPNAの嚁信を回埩し、法を斜行し、あらゆる者から垂民の安党を守るずいう圌らの任務を果たすこずができるでしょう。 治安機関の統合ずいう決定や、圌らの再線成や再蚓緎は、安党の混乱に終止笊を打ち、垂民の日垞生掻に安党を確保するずいう圌らの任務遂行の備えずなるこずを目的ずしおいたす。 我々は皆、いかなる間違った行いも正し、修正するために共に行動しなければなりたせん。 垂民の安党や基本的暩利を危険に陥れる問題や地䜍の搟取に芋萜ずしは蚱されたせん。 法を砎るこず、あるいは垂民の安党を脅かすこず、あるいは垂民や囜家の財産に察するあらゆる攻撃、そしおすべおの歊装デモやその他すべおの違法行為に酌量の䜙地はありたせん。 この点に関しおは、評議䌚によるすべおの勧告を斟酌すべきです。 たたこれに関しお我々は垞に、法の支配を匷化するこずに専念しなければなりたせん。 関連する掻動においおそれこそが根幹ずなる柱でありたす。 この二幎間にわたっお、我々は叞法機関や法廷をその独立性ず胜力の匷化を図るために改革のステップを螏んでたいりたした。 我々の前途には講じられるべき倚くのステップが暪たわっおおり、PNA長官から䞀般垂民に至るすべおの者に適甚されるべき法によっおもたらされる安党の傘の存圚を垂民が実感できるように、それは匷化されそしお完遂されなければなりたせん。 すべおの者は法の統治䞋にあり、そしお法は我々の治安機関によっおのみ、斜行され護持されるべきでありたす。 芪愛なる同志アブ・アラア[38]よ、私はあらゆる助力を惜したないこずを玄束したす。 そしおこの点に関しお、我が民族ず我々すべおの公共機関の助力があなたの内閣の掻動のために捧げられるこずを玄束したす。 3:行政および財務改革のレベル このレベルにおける成果は、ここ数幎にわたっお、高床の透明性ず統制、および説明責任、同時に我々の内閣ず組織における幹郚の再評䟡を発展の意図や機䌚均等および公正の原則の達成を䌎っお実珟するべく、より倚くを成し遂げるための確固たる基盀を提䟛しおいたす。 この点に関しお、財務および行政の統制のために必芁な法や、䞍法な営利を回収する法、およびこの問題に関しお必芁な法的枠組みを提䟛するだろうず皆さんが考えるその他の法をすべお完成するように、私は皆さんの偉倧なる評議䌚に熱望したす。 私は皆さんの評議䌚ず総合的に協力しおいくこずを玄束したす。 私に責任を担うよう欲し、この問題に関しお個人的に、あるいは委員䌚で、あるいはこの評議䌚のような䌚議においお私ず議論しようず思えば、私にそのための準備ができおいるこずがわかるでしょう。 同様に、私は行政あるいは財務における䞍圓行為に付随するいかなる問題も培底的に远及する必芁性を再び䞻匵したいず思いたす。 これらはただちに匁護士に委ねられるべきです ―匁護士は通垞通り培底远及を指瀺されるでしょう。 我々はこの点に関しお、容赊も酌量もしないでしょう。 同志諞君、 この包括的改革に぀いお語るずき、我々は我が民族に察しおいかなる遞り奜みも臎したせん。 圌らに安党や、法の支配の匷化、公債の管理の健党な運甚を提䟛するこずは、満たされるべき暩利なのです。 我々はいかなる遞り奜みも臎したせん。 これらは獲埗されるべき暩利であり、果たされるべき公玄でありたす。 ず蚀うのも、我々はそれらを成し遂げるべく遞挙で遞ばれたのですから。 銖尟䞀貫した行政は、それらの斜行のために準備された蚈画に基づいお、皆さんのそしお我々の人民の信任投祚を勝ち取ったのです。 我々は我が民族の苊難を和らげる䜿呜を我々の行動蚈画の䞀番䞊に掲げなければなりたせん。 我々は我々のすべおの掻力を結集し、我々が切り抜けおきたすさたじい経枈危機を軜枛するために可胜なすべおの揎助を我々に提䟛しおくれる䞖界の囜々ず接觊しおいかなければなりたせん。 私は我がアラブ同胞に察し、パレスチナ民族を支持するずいうアラブ銖脳䌚議の決定ず決議を履行し続けおくれるよう芁請したす。 そしお私は我々を絶えず揎助しおくれる兄匟囜や友奜囜、特にEU、日本、䞭囜、そしお䞖界䞭の兄匟ず友人の、その様々なレベルの継続揎助に、すなわち我々の治安将校や幹郚官僚の逊成や助蚀の提䟛に、或いは経隓を孊び埗るために掟遣された我々の代衚団の受け入れに察しお、感謝の意を申し䞊げたす。 同志諞君、 我々は包括的改革のための研究委員䌚の立ち䞊げを蚎える䞀方、我々の組織間の協調を匷化しなければなりたせん。 私はここに、我が同志にしお戊友アブ・アラアに察する私の信頌ず、これらすべおの分野における圌の内閣の業務に察する私の総合的な助力を、もう䞀床、再び匷調臎したす。 同様に、私はPLCにおける皆さんの努力や、我々が我々の政治生呜、経隓そしお民䞻䞻矩における瀎石であるず考えおいる、皆さんによる監芖ず統制および立法府の果たす圹割に賛蟞ず感謝をお䌝えしたす。 最埌に我々は、我が民族を決起させ自由なパレスチナをよみがえらせようずその呜を投げ打った英雄的殉教者を忘れないず同時に、そしお䜕幎もの獄䞭闘争における日々を新しい叙事詩ずしおきた我々の英雄、虜囚、拘留者にもう䞀床敬意を衚したす。 そしお私はお䌝えしたい。 我が民族に、抵抗の我が民族に、この民族、すなわち䞊々ならぬ匷さを持぀民族に、審刀の日たで䞍屈である民族に、その暩利ず倢をしっかりず握り締める民族に、数々の陰謀、第䞀のそしお第二のサむクス・ピコの陰謀[39]に立ち向かうための鋭い掞察力を持぀民族に、我が民族に私は蚀いたす。 我々がい぀もしおいるように、確信を持っお、我々の道を歩んでゆこうではありたせんか。 倜明けは必ず来たす。 自由の日はきっず蚪れたす。 少幎(仔)ず少女(花)[40]がパレスチナの囜旗を゚ルサレムのミナレット(モスクの光塔)ず゚ルサレムの教䌚の䞀番䞊に高く掲げるその日が来るたで、我々は䞀緒に、そしお䞊んで、歩んでいきたしょう。 人はそれを届かないゎヌルだず芋なしおいる。 我々はそのゎヌルをすぐ目の前に芋おいたす。 その日においお(も) [41] そしお圌らをしお埌継者ずするこずを...... [42] 螏みにじられ壊滅に垰した。 [43] 違えられるこずはない。 [44] [1] 聖クルアヌン[コヌラン]第48ç« 1-3節 [2] Al-Quds ぱルサレムのアラブ名。 [3] 聖クルアヌン第5ç« 22節 1979幎にはむスラ゚ル・゚ゞプト䞭東和平条玄(Camp David Accords)が締結された。 1995幎、シオニスト過激掟の凶匟に斃れる。 パレスチナ自治区。 パレスチナ自治区。 パレスチナで最倧の郜垂。 [23] ゎヌルドシュタむン事件 1994幎2月、ヘブロンのむブラヒム寺院で、シオニスト原理䞻矩組織カハのメンバヌ、ゎヌルドシュタむン医垫が瀌拝䞭のパレスチナ人に向けお自動小銃を乱射、40人以䞊の犠牲者ず200人以䞊の負傷者を出した。 ダビデ王家発祥の地、む゚ス‐キリスト生誕の地ずされる。 ず語った。 囜連加盟囜が裁定に䞍服なら安保理に申立おできる。 このサりゞ提案は3月末にレバノンの銖郜ベむルヌトで開催されたアラブ銖脳䌚議においおアラブ和平提案ずしお採択された。 揎助コミュニティ。 知米掟で囜際的な芖野を持぀経枈専門家ず評されおいる。 ナゞャヌハ倧孊教育孊教授。 2005幎1月9日の長官遞挙を経お1月15日、第二代PNA長官に就任。 おそらくこれが呌称の混乱の原因であろう)。 たた、パレスチナがむランたたはむラクず同盟関係を築くこずに反察しおいる。 このずき英仏によっお匕かれた囜境線が珟圚の䞭東諞囜の囜境線の倚くに残されおいる。 [41] 聖クルアヌン第40ç« 51節 [42] 聖クルアヌン第28ç« 5節 [43] 聖クルアヌン第17ç« 7節 [44] 聖クルアヌン第30ç« 6節
Address of HE Arafat at the Session of the Palestine Legislative Council Ramallah ― 18 August 2004 In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. Verily We have granted That God may forgive thee Fulfil His favour to thee; And guide thee And that God may help Sadaga Allahu Al ― Azim Brother Speaker of the PLC, Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear guests, Excellencies, ambassadors and consul generals, At the start of our session today, allow me to convey my greetings, westeem and love to all our heroic prisoners and detainees in the Israeli prisons and detection centers, whether they be Palestinian or Arab cadres, militants or leaders. I would like to say to the noble knights of our brave people, in whose patience and steadfastness we are proud, The prisons of Abu Gareib are an example for that, as if they have moved from there to here. I would like to say to these prisoners going on a hunger-strike: your people and your Arab nation are with you. All honorable and freedom-loving people around the world are with you. Your liberation stands at the top of our priorities and duties. The Palestinian leadership and all the national factions and forces have decided to participate today with you in the hunger strike and in the mass-popular actions taking place at home and in the diaspora. The leadership has also decided to act on the Arab and international levels to confront and deal with the sufferings you are subjected to in your jails and prisons in order to set you free, God be willing. The action on the Arab and international levels has already started on your behalf. We have formed a leadership sub-committee for this purpose. With God’s help, we will be together side by side, in Holy Jerusalem, Al-Quds Ash-Sharif. Here, I would like to ask for your collective agreement to deduct one day’s work from all working-people to our beloved ones in their prisons and detention camps. This stand requires us to draw lessons so that we would be able to apply them in the best Palestinian national interest. The vitality of our great Palestinian people and the tradition of our long national march, [including a long list of victories that we have achieved], are a great source of experience and determination for us to continue the march in a strong, resolute, determined and faithful manner in every stage and in front of every challenge. Ours is a besieged people. Its leadership is besieged. But we hold firmly to our national rights and aims. It is a wounded people, full of confidence, hope and belief in their cause. It is a people that are subjected to this ongoing racist and brutal aggression. But, it is a people that continues to carve the miracle of survival, steadfastness, heroism and creatively because “In this land are a people of exceeding strength,” and “they are steadfast until the Day of Judgment.” Sisters and brothers, Since the first day of the establishment of the PNA, we have affirmed and propagated during the presidentional and legislative election campaign that, ahead of us, lays the achievement of a national working programme that has two national tasks. The first historic task was to put an end to the oppressive occupation of our land and Christian and Islamic holy places, and the establishment of the independent State of Palestine, with Holy Jerusalem as its capital. The second was the establishment of the PNA as a basis and foundation stone for building our esteemed independent state. As to the first task, we had all the time affirmed the following important and basic points:- 1- The aims of the Palestinian people, as defined by the institutions of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), are determined by putting an end to the Israeli occupation; the establishment of the independent state of Palestine, with Holy Jerusalem as its capital, on all the territories occupied in 1967; [we have made these decisions in 1988, at the PNC session held in Algiers, and in 1973 at the PNC session held in Cairo]; the protection of our Christian and Islamic holy places on this sacred and blessed land, especially confronting the threats directed against the Holy Al Aqsa Mosque by the Zionist extremists; and by solving the issue of the Palestinian refugees in accordance with the UN resolutions. [At Camp David we have agreed to start with my brothers and sisters, the refugees in Lebanon. The issue of the displaced persons, as you know, is being dealt with by an Egyptian, Jordanian, Israeli and Palestinian quadruple committee. A large number of them came back. 2- The road to peace represents to our people a strategic choice, since we have adopted the political programme of the PLO at the Palestine National Council session in Algiers in 1988. We are committed to the choice of negotiations to solve the conflict, as was determined by the peace agreements that started in Madrid, Washington and Oslo, which we have signed with the Government of Israel in 1993 at the White House, under the auspices of President Clinton, and with our late partner, Yitzhak Rabin, and which we have followed up in Cairo and, here, at home. 3- At the time in which we have made courageously the choice of historic reconciliation in the interest of peace we have affirmed that we are struggling to establish the independent state of Palestine, side by side with Israel, and we have warned, from day one, against the consequences of any Israeli practices, especially in the field of settlement, to undermine the possibility of establishing our state. I would like to remind you of one of the agreements I made with my late partner Yitzhak Rabin in which he said no new settlements, no new house to be added to any settlement, the fence of any settlement will be 50 meters far from the last house. These settlements were supposed to be removed around 1998. Yet yesterday they announced that they are building 1115 new housing units. We have entered, over the last years, the marathon of unending negotiations, with the Israeli side, especially with its peace force. We had to bear the ramifications of changes in the (Israeli) governments and ideologies. But, while we have clung, over the years, strongly to our rights, we were careful to support the choice of negotiations, and the peace of the brave. We raised the motto of demanding the implementation of the signed agreements and dues due on each party. This we have done even in the darkest and most difficult circumstances, we have underlined, constantly, the role of the international community and the sponsors of the peace process. We have always affirmed that peace is not only in the Palestinian and Israeli interests but also it is in the interest of the whole region and of all countries the world over. During all these years we have knocked at all doors. We have sought every possible glimpse of hope. We have studied and considered every possible proposal or initiative or project or plan. We have dealt with them with open mind taking as our guide the highest national interest of our people and the pan-Arab interest of our nation. Testimonies have been made, over the last years, by international, US and Israeli previous and incumbent officials that testify that we did not squander any real opportunity that came in sight to us to make peace and to realize the hopes of our people in establishing just permanent and comprehensive peace in the whole region. Yet, on the other side, the basic slogan of the Government of Israel, especially the incumbent one was: there are no sacred dates and priority goes to Israeli security. The assassination, at the hands of extremist Jewish elements, of our partner, Yitzhak Rabin, was the beginning of a fundamental upheaval, a coup d’etate, at the Israeli political theater. The Government of Israel started to disavow the essence of the peace process and the partnership between us to make peace, the peace of the brave, the peace whose aim was to establish the state of Palestine, side by side, with Israel in order to make a new future for us, for them and for all the peoples of the region and the world over. The most explicit embodiment of the attempts to destroy the peace process is the ongoing campaign of settlement of our land. This reached its apex with the project of building the wall of racial discrimination, called also the Berlin Wall, which confiscates 58% of our lands, including Holy Jerusalem, and annexes them to Israel. This aims at fragmenting the Palestinian geographic and demographic unity, turning our people into refugees, and putting the remaining Palestinians under siege and in cantons and prisons surrounded by settlements and walls that destroy any opportunity to establish the state of Palestine. As our people rose up against the campaign of colonial settlement, the confiscation of land and against the aggression on the Holy Al Aqsa Mosque and against the current grave threats that it is exposed to, [as has been declared by the Israeli minister of internal security and not by me], Israel continued its plan of total war against our Palestinian people, their Authority, land and Christian and Islamic holy places. The reoccupation of the West Bank and parts of the Gaza Strip was the climax of this war, aimed at the destruction of our PNA, in the hope of liquidating the national aims and rights of our people. Israel rejected all Arab and international solutions and efforts at Camp David, Sharm Esh-Sheikh, Paris, Taba, the George Tenet-Understandings, the Mitchell Report, the efforts of the Quartet and the Road Map, which we accepted and which the Arab countries accepted at the Arab summit meetings, and on which Israel put more reservations than the text of the Road Map itself. Israel continued its shelling, incursions, penetrations, assassinations and detentions; it continued to tighten the siege and check-points and continued to destroy the infra-structures that we have built. Israel targeted our fields, farms and our factories by waging a black campaign to destroy the achievements of our Palestinian people and to drive them into poverty and hunger. Israel continued to destroy our towns, cities, refugee-camps and villages, like Jenin, Nablus and its old city; Beit Hanoun, Rafah, Qalquilia and Tulkarem; and like Hebron especially what happened at the Holy Al Ibrahimi Mosque and the destruction of the historic and ancient houses of the city’s “Christian Valley,” in order to make the settlement of Kreat Arba' part of the Ibrahimi Mosque, and as also happened at our refugee camps in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip and other towns and villages. By so doing, Israel hopes to undermine our eternal bond with our sacred land. It, furthermore, targeted, in a black campaign, our Christian and Islamic holy places. It was bent on causing harm to our old cities, with all the meaning these carry in terms of their genuine history, features of civilization, and human creativity, as we can see that in Nablus, Hebron and Bethlehem. It closed the religious road that connects the Church of the Nativity (in Bethlehem) and the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem with this wall of racism. It used internationally prohibited weapons, like depleted uranium as was testified by an American and a Dutch report, thus increasing the level of cancerous deceases and the infertility rates, and like using the internationally prohibited dumdum with which they shot Nabil Amre. All this happens daily, indeed every minute. Our people pay the price in thousands of martyrs and injured people who fall on the streets, inside their safe homes and at Israeli check-points. This is a reality that the whole world follows and sees on TV screens and through the delegations of the peace forces the world over, and the other official delegations. The Israeli aggressive campaign concentrated on destroying the centers and headquarters of our security forces and apparatus, as well as our ministries and institutions and on tightening the strangulating siege to stop work at all our executive, legislative and judicial institutions. The aim of the Israeli occupation was, and still is, to undermine, indeed, destroy, the PNA and to create a state of vacuum in order to claim “there is no Palestinian partner,” and to attempt to make the Zionist schemes pass which aim at undermining our people’s firm rights in their sacred land. They claim there is no Palestinian partner. But who signed the Wye River agreement with us? It is Netenyahu and Sharon themselves. Who signed the Paris, Washington and Oslo agreements? Cannot they see a partner? Or do they only see phantoms? All this was accompanied by an outrageous campaign to defame our national struggle, to harm its guiding principles and humanist aims, in an attempt to link it to terrorism. We were the first to condemn the barbaric attacks that were carried out in New York and Washington in 2001. We have clearly warned any party, against any attempt to take the Palestinian cause as a pretext, or to hide behind the generous Islamic religion in carrying out these deeds which we strongly reject and vehemently condemn. This we do, on the basis of our heritage, principles and values, because we are the victims of the Israeli state terror and the terror of the Zionist extremists their in. we have continuously affirmed the organic bond between our people’s struggle and their aspiration to freedom and peace. Surly, the ruling of the International Court of Justice, at the Hague, on the issue of the wall of racial discrimination, as well as the sweeping vote at the UN General Assembly in support of the ruling of the ICJ have confirmed, in an unswerving manner, that the world was not deceived by the Israeli campaign. The highest international judicial court, and the highest international forum have unmasked the true picture which the Israeli governments attempted to cover, namely that there is an expansionist Israeli occupation which has to be ended, so that the Palestinian people recover their legitimates rights, their freedom and establish their independent state, like all other peoples the world over. We are now the only people under occupation in the world. Sisters and brothers, Despite all that happened, and is still happening, despite the ongoing aggression, despite the siege that our people, and we, are living through and feel in this Muqata’ah, which has been destroyed more than once, despite all that, I would like to assure you once again, that our adherence to our rights will be unswerving, that our belief in the choice of peace with Israel exists and is still strong as well as with the Israeli peace forces. In this regard, and in front of you, dear sisters and brothers, members of the PLC, and before the whole world, I would like to reiterate, once again, that the Palestinian people, who are waging a struggle to get rid of the last remnants of occupation the world over, are determined to march on the road of peace in order to get their freedom, to end occupation and to build the independent state of Palestine, with Holy Jerusalem as its capital. On behalf of the Palestinian leadership and people, I would like to confirm, once more, our holding tight to the choice of peace. I would like to confirm our call for the implementation of the signed agreements, the last of which was the Road Map, I would like to confirm as well our holding to the vision of US Preside George W. Bush and to the Arab peace initiative which was adopted at the Beirut Summit and reaffirmed at the Tunis Summit on realizing a negotiated settlement to the conflict that implements the decisions and resolutions of international legality. I would like to confirm here, once again, the firm Palestinian position of condemning and rejecting all operations that target civilians, Palestinians and Israelis. It is a rejection that stems from our convictions, values, principles, heritage and the highest interests of our people. We have repeatedly warned that these operations present Israel with a pretext to escalate its aggression against our people and provide it with weapons to be used politically and on the information level in its attempt to defame our national struggle and our aim of establishing our independent state. In confronting the construction of the wall of racial discrimination, our people have made a model for the courageous people’s resistance which gained the support and sympathy of the world. It is a model that has to be consolidated in order to melt all the energies of our people in the melting pot of national struggle. From here, I send an appeal to the government of Israel and say: It is enough. Let us give peace a chance. Let us return, forthwith, to the negotiating table, to implement the agreements and arrive at a final settlement. I say to our Israeli neighbors: the Palestinian people, who hold firmly to their right, hold firmly, as well, to peace. Let us immediately stop the flow of blood and destruction. Let us work together for a peace that provides security, stability and prosperity for our future generations and for the whole region. From here, I appeal, as well, to the parties of the Quartet, to act in order to stop the Israeli aggression and occupation against our people and to begin the implementation of the Road Map in order to make available the appropriate climate for the immediate resumption of the peace negotiations in the region. I would like here to point out the reports on the plans of the Israeli government to withdraw from the Gaza Strip. We see that Israel is practicing on the ground a comprehensive campaign of destruction that is in contradiction to its purported intents. Yet, we would like to confirm the readiness of the PNA to extend Palestinian national sovereignty, and to bear full responsibilities on any piece of land from which the Israeli occupation withdraws. We believe that any withdrawal from the Gaza Strip has to be parallel to other withdrawals in the West Bank in a way that maintains the geographic contiguity and the demographic and political unity of the two wings of our homeland. This withdrawal should also be total and comprehensive in the Gaza Strip and be a part of the implementation of the Road Map, so as to realize the withdrawal from all the Palestinian Territory occupied in 1967 and to establish the state of Palestine to the side of Israel. In this regard, I would like to express our appreciation of the position and efforts made by the blessed President, Husni Mubarak, and our other brothers in the Arab Republic of Egypt, who did not stop making for one moment, true efforts in support of our people and the revival of the peace process. We have responded positively to all their opinions and efforts. I would like here, as well, to make note of the positions of the Arab counties, especially our brothers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, who persevered in their support of our cause and in providing our people with financial support, our people who are living through very difficult times. I would like, as well, to appreciate the positions of the brothers in Tunisia, Jordan, Syria and the other Arab brothers from Yemen and the Sudan in the south to Oman and the Iraq to the east. I would like, also, to take note of the positions of Latin America, Japan, China, the Islamic, African and Nor-Aligned Movement summits. We also appreciate the positions of Europe, Russia and the UN, as well as, the determination of President Bush to establish the State of Palestine, side by side with Israel. Sisters and brothers, Let us move to talk about the other part of the National Working Program which our people and institutions have taken upon themselves to realize since the establishment of the PNA, ten years ago. We would say that the target was, and still is, to put the appropriate structure for building a state that can provide a progressive model that befits the capabilities of our people and their abilities, aspirations, hopes and sacrifices. Our target was, and still is, to realize the dreams that we were building upon, when we were in the diaspora and in the homeland, during the years of revolution and national resistance to occupation. It is the dream of resurrecting Palestine into a state that can take pride in its progress, the creativity of its people, and its democracy so as to be a minerate that makes sure that our people and Arab Nation will continue their civilizational contributions in the march of the region and the whole world. This task was intervening with and affecting the first i.e the previous, task. The policies of the Israeli occupation, the siege and destruction reflected negatively, and in a destructive manner, on all our efforts. Despite the hindrances, obstacles and pre-conditions, we started, upon the establishment of the PNA, from zero a comprehensive process of onstruction of a homeland ravaged by the occupation into waste, destruction, confiscation and building of colonial settlements and with all kinds of racism. Over the last years, we started construction, and we started to remove the rubble. We started re-construction. The achievements made on the level of building schools and developing education; and on the health level in terms of building new hospitals, developing the old ones, modernizing their equipment and opening dozens of new clinics in the various regions; and on the level of infrastructure in terms of opening and asphalting roads, building networks of water and waste water, the housing projects, and the industrial zones are examples on the capability of our people and institutions and the work they have achieved. We adopted the open-doors-policy vis-à-vis the role of the private sector. We used to start from the point where the others ended. This has strengthened the role of the private sector, the greatest generator of our economy. [Our people come from as far as Chile, Australia and from other places to participate in the construction process]. The private sector is the basic partner in the largest economic sectors such as communications and electricity. It is the one that put the nucleus for the big projects such as the Gaza sea-port and air-port, which started to function, as you might remember, years ago. We provided all the conditions for the development and growth of the national industries. We witnessed great leaps in the sectors of construction and tourism especially during our celebrations in Bethlehem in 2000 of the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ, peace upon him. [In these celebrations 28 heads of state and government participated. We were able to bring together for the first time the 13 churches. This was a historic achievement.] Our economy made new indexes of growth. Many of these achievements have become, since many years, targets for Israeli cannons and Israeli air planes rockets, thus inflicting upon most of them total destruction. Sisters and brothers, The chain of Israeli aggressions targeted the destruction of the PNA by laying siege to and by destroying the headquarters. The re-occupation of the West Bank and the continued incursions into the Gaza Strip have generated a security vacuum in many areas as a result of forbidding our forces and apparatus from carrying out their duties and as a result of the havoc caused to these forces and apparatus by destroying their headquarters, facilities and vehicles. This vacuum that the occupiers wanted to create in order to implement their schemes, contributed to the creation of a state of security chaos which jeopardized the security of the Palestinian citizen, as well as to the absence of the rule of law. The big and fundamental responsibility that the occupation bears for creating this situation, should not make us forget to do what is possible and available in order to put an end to this situation and to stop any transgressions that affect the citizen and the institutions. All lawless practices have to stop because they give the Israeli government the pretext to expand the scope of its aggression and to cause more harm and destruction to the property of the Palestinian citizens. All have to abide by the national decision and by the highest national interest, as defined by the bodies and institutions of the PLO and the PNA. Sisters and brothers, Sons and daughters of our heroic and steadfast people, When we point out to the achievements made during the march of the PNA; when we underline the obstructionist and destructive role played by the Israeli occupation; when we point out the mistakes that usually accompany the initial phases and the beginnings of construction; we have to talk frankly to our people and have to be faithful with ourselves when we point out to the sources of mistakes and shortcomings in our performance especially in the wake of the programmed Israeli occupation, building colonial settlements and destruction, including sequestering revenues from our taxes for more than 40 months. [We are talking here of billions of dollars. Average monthly income of the frozen revenues from taxes by Israel is US$ 70 million. The agreement stipulates that the Israelis take 3% service tax and transfer to us 97%. So you can calculate the result now]. Despite all of that we have to hurry to rectify, straighten out and correct these failings and shortcomings. Yes, these were wrong and detested practices made by some institutions. Some people have misused their positions and were unfaithful in their jobs. The process of building up the institutions was not followed up as should be. Not enough effort was exerted into furthering the rule of law and the activation of the judicial system and into consecrating the principle of accountability. We started now to deal with all these shortcomings. You remember that I talked to you in June 2002 when we launched our programme of reforms as a Palestinian national task originating out of the needs of our people. In your august PLC, you adopted a detailed document detailing the aspired reforms for which the consecutive governments worked and implemented many of its points. When we review the steps made over the last two years, we are content to mention the testimonies of the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Donor Community. All of them praised the achievements on the financial reform. They considered the administration of finance and the management of the budget and public funds in our country to be among the best in the region. These steps, made by my brother Dr. Salam Fayyad, to rectify many issues and to consolidate sound rules make us proud in our transparency and the efficiency in the management of public funds in our country. Here, I would like to point out to the magnificent work done, on the level of learning and education, under Dr. Na’em Abu Humus and his brothers in the Ministry, in the schools and universities of which we can pride ourselves in the whole region, as well as in other fields despite our difficult circumstances and the challenges that we face, especially from this racist and oppressive occupation. On another level, the creation of the post of prime minister, when I asked my brother and comrade-in-arms Abu Mazen -- [those who meet him can bring him my greetings] -- to form the government last year, was a sign of the natural growth of our nascent democratic system that is targeted and under siege. It is a sign that underlines the separation of powers and strengthens the dynamism of institutional action. Yet, what has been achieved is not enough. Ahead of us there is a lot of work to do. Therefore, I would like, officially, to call upon you to launch together today a workshop for comprehensive reforms, a workshop that engulfs all aspects of work of our Authority, a workshop that seeks, through a thorough programme of action, to achieve all that can be achieved under continued occupation, siege and aggression. The comprehensive workshop of reform is based on the following three axes: First: On the political level During the march of the Palestinian revolution in the diaspora we raised the slogan of “democracy in the jungle of guns.” We built representative institutions, in which the Palestinian national decision-making was made with the participation of all factions and currents under the umbrella of the PLO. When we established the PNA, we were not content with revolutionary legality, given to us by the institutions of the PLO. We were determined to achieve popular legality by going to the election boxes in order to consecrate the principles of elections, democracy and the alteration of authority. We are proud of that. Over the territory of our national homeland, as we are building our national entity, we have to renew our political system on the basis of democracy that ensures political pluralism in all our Palestinian organizations, freedom of expression and freedom of political activity within the bounds of law. This makes it essential for us to legislate some necessary laws in this regard, and to monitor the performance in order to ensure democratic development in our country. The pillar in all this is to consecrate the principle of elections. The PNA has acted to provide the requirements for holding the presidential, legislative and local elections (which were supposed to take place on 20 January 2003. They were supposed to have taken place already in 1999 under the state of Palestine as I have agreed with my late partner Yitzhak Rabin). It is very clear that the Israeli occupation wants, by its incursions, aggressions and penetrations, to put obstacles in the face of carrying out these elections. All this should not frustrate our determination. On the contrary, we have to continue doing what should be done to hold these elections on all the presidential, legislative, administrative and organizational levels. We have to increase our contacts with the effective international parties so as to force Israel, to make space for our people to make their say as was done in the previous elections. We have to start with the local elections (Mr. Jamal Shobaki, minister of local government) whose requirements have been made. All federations, societies and civil unions should activate themselves and hold their elections. Do not persecute the Palestinian woman. Don't give here a quota. Give women their rights. Women form 54% of the population. Women have their place at the PNC. They have to be well placed in all our institutions. We are struggling to hold elections on all levels in order to deepen democratic practices and to open the space for our people to raise their voice, to elect their representatives, to give their vote of confidence to the programs they support and to open the doors wide for the young generations to seize the opportunity to serve our people. In this regard, I appeal to all forces, factions and currents, to engage themselves in this process. The doors are open for them for political, popular and organizational work without any conditions except those put by law, and made within the framework of the oneness of authority and of respecting the PNA and its commitments and out of the concern to formulate a national consensus that protects the highest national interests of our people as defined by the institutions of the PLO and the PNA. As all know, we have made a good start with all the national forces and factions and with those in the diaspora. We have all to be careful not to provide the Israelis with any pretexts to continue their aggression. We have to care to present a positive human image of our peoples’ struggle and resistance to achieve their rights. In this regard we have to effectively continue this march with all the Palestinian factions in order to strengthen national unity to face the challenges. We thank all the Arab efforts that are with us in this field. Second: On the level of security and the rule of law We all understand that it is impossible to realize total security in the wake of the ongoing Israeli occupation and aggression, especially that the Israelis continue to put obstacles of various forms and shapes to forbid us to achieve that security. This, however, should not deter as from exerting our energies and efforts to provide our people with the highest level of security. The national security council and the council of ministers adopted recently a security plan that started to establish these security apparatus, especially in the police force. We are seeking to provide them with all the requirements for success. We have made some contacts in this regard under the auspices of the Quartet. The Minister of the Interior has made a series of transfers and appointments in the leadership of the police force. I call upon you to legislate all the necessary laws to ensure an effective and a disciplined performance in the work of the security apparatus, so that these can carry out their role in reinstating the prestige of the PNA, in implementing the law and in protecting the security of the citizen from all parties. The decision to unify the security apparatus, their reorganization and retraining aims at preparing them to carry out their duties in putting an end to the security chaos and in providing security to the citizens in their daily life. We have all to move together to correct and rectify any wrong doing. There can be no overlooking in matters that jeopardize the security of the citizen and his basic rights, or in the exploitation of position. There will be no leniency with breaking the law, or with threatening the security of citizens or with any attack at their property or at state property and with all armed manifestations and other practices that break the law. In this regard, all recommendations made by the Legislative Council should be taken into consideration. In this respect also, we have always to concentrate on strengthening the rule of law. It is the fundamental pillar for work in this regard. Over the last two years, we have made steps to reform the judicial apparatus and the courts with the aim of strengthening their independence and capabilities. Ahead of us lie many steps to be taken that need to be consolidated and carried out so as to make the citizen feel the existence of a security umbrella provided by law that is applicable to all, starting with the President of the PNA and down to any citizen. No one is above the law which should be carried out and protected by our security apparatus only. Dear brother Abu Ala’a, I assure you of my total support, and that of our people and of all of our official institutions, for the work of your government in this regard. Third: On the level of Administrative and Financial Reform The achievements made on this level, over the last years, provide a firm base to achieve more in order to realize the highest degrees of transparency, control and accountability as well as the reevaluation of the cadres in our ministries and institutions with the aim of development and the achievement of the principle of equal opportunities and justice. In this regard, I urge your esteemed Council, to complete all the laws necessary for financial and administrative control, unlawful profit―making, retirement law and any other laws that, you feel, will provide legal frameworks necessary in that regard. I assure you of total cooperation with your Council. Any one who wants to hold me accountable and discuss this on a bilateral level, or in a commission or in such a meeting like this will find me ready for that. I would like, as well, to reaffirm the necessity to follow up any issues pertaining to administrative or financial practices of wrong doing. These should be immediately transferred to the attorney ― general as he is directed to follow up. We will not be forgiving or lenient in this regard. Sisters and brothers, When we talk about this basket of reform we are not making any favors to our people. Providing them with security, strengthening the rule of law, sound performance in the management of public funds are rights to be fulfilled. We do not make any favors. These are dues to be paid and commitments to be carried out, because we were elected to achieve them. The consecutive governments won your and our peoples vote of confidence on the basis of programs prepared for their implementation. We have to put the task of alleviating the sufferings of our people at the top of our program of action. We have to mobilize all our energies and contacts with the countries of the world to provide us with every possible support in order to ease the fierce economic crisis that we are living through. I call upon my Arab brothers to continue implementing the decisions and resolutions of the Arab summits on supporting the Palestinian people. I thank the fraternal and friendly states which support us continuously, especially the EU, Japan and China as well as the other brothers and friends the world over for their ongoing support, whether on the level of training our security and civilian cadres, or for giving advice, or for receiving our delegations which go to these countries to learn and gain experience. Sisters and brothers, While we call for the launching of a workshop for comprehensive reform, we have to strengthen cooperation among our institutions. I reaffirm here, and once more, my confidence in my brother and comrade―in―arms Abu Ala’a and my total support for the work of his government in all these fields. I convey, as well, greetings and appreciation of your efforts at the PLC, and for your monitoring and control and legislative roles which we consider a corner stone in our political life, experience and democracy. Finally, while we remember the heroic martyrs who have laid their lives so that their people would rise up and a free Palestine would be resurrected, while we pay, once again, respectful greeting to our heroes, the prisoners and detainees, who are making these days a new epic in the annals of the imprisoned movement, I would like to say to our people, to our resistant people, to this people, the people of exceeding strength, to the steadfast people till the day of judgment, to the people who hold firmly to their rights and dreams, to the people who own a penetrating vision to confront the conspiracies, the first and the second Sykes―Picot conspiracy, I say to our people, let us continue the march on our road, in confidence, as we are accustomed to. Dawn will surely come. The day of freedom will undoubtedly come. Together, and side by side, we will march until a young boy (a cub) and a young girl (a flower) raise the banner of Palestine high at the top of the minarets of Jerusalem and the churches of Jerusalem. They see it a farfetched goal. We see it a close one. We will, without doubt, And We wished to be And to enter your Temple (It is) the promise of God. Ash-Sharif はナダダ名「神殿の䞘」ず呌ばれる聖域。 [7] Yitzhak Rabin 1974-1977幎の間、むスラ゚ル銖盞。 [8] Gaza Strip 地䞭海沿岞のむスラ゚ル西郚の幅 5km、長さ40km の地域。 [18] Beit Hanoun ガザ地区北郚の人口35,000人の村。 [24] Kreat[Kiryat] Arba' ヘブロン近郊の入怍地。 [26] Nabil Amre[Amr] 元パレスチナ情報盞。 [29] International Court of Justice 囜連の叞法機関。 [33] Donor Community 揎助を拠出する囜・機関からなる囜際瀟䌚のこず。 [34] Dr. Salam Fayyad パレスチナ財務盞。 [35] Dr. Na'em Abu Humus パレスチナ教育盞。1955幎ビヌルれヌト生。 [36] Abu Mazen 初代パレスチナ銖盞。 因みに、アラファトはパレスチナ自治政府(PNA)の長官(ラむヌス;President of PNA) å…Œ PLO(執行委員䌚)議長 (Chairman of the Executive Commitee of the PLO)であり、パレスチナ囜家の倧統領(President of State of Palestine)を自称(?)しおいた。 [37] Mr. Jamal Shobaki パレスチナ地方自治盞。 [38] Abu Ala'a 第二代パレスチナ銖盞。 [40] a young boy (a cub) and a young girl (a flower) 神話でしょうか?
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元々は雚が染み蟌むのを防ぐために貌り付けられたモノなので、それほど厚いものではない。 ガラガラず隒々しい音が響き枡るが、階䞋ではそれ以䞊に隒々しい戊闘音が響き枡っおいた。 これはデンに『いい仕事をした』ず耒めおやらねばなるたい。 いくら鉄板で芆っおいたずはいえ、長幎雚ざらしにされた結果、かなり脆くなっおいた。 匷化付䞎 俺は穎を急いで広げ、そのたた䞭に飛び蟌んでミシェルちゃんのそばに舞い降りた。 舞い降りおきた俺の姿には驚きを隠せなかったようだ。クラりドが助けず頌む人物が、俺のような少女なのだから、それも圓然だろう。 圌女は圌らの䜜った薬を飲たされたせいで意識がない。ぐったりずした圌女の口にマクスりェルからもらった解毒薬を含たせるが、飲み䞋そうずしなかった。 「それは?」 「解毒薬。このたただずミシェルちゃんがファンガス化しちゃうから」 「ファンガスだっお!?」 男たちは材料に぀いおは知らされおいなかったようで、俺の告げた事実に驚愕しおいた。 「あたり量を摂取するず、ファンガス化が進んでモンスタヌになるんだよ。圌女たちに解毒薬を飲たせるのは、念のため」 「お、俺たちは......?」 「薬、飲んだ?」 「なら、飲んだ方がいいね。䞊玚の解毒薬になるけど」 「そんな金、ねぇよ!?」 圌らは敵ではないが、味方ずも蚀い難い。そんな盞手に貎重な䞊玚解毒薬を分けるわけにはいかない。 それに今は、もう䞀人囚われおいた男もいる。おそらく圌も被害者なのだろうから、早く解毒しおおく必芁があった。 「今も無事なら、ただ蚱容範囲内なんでしょ。もっずも、攟眮するずどうなるかわからないけど」 「だから――」 「そこたで面倒芋る気はない。自業自埗」 俺の断蚀に、男たちも蚀葉を飲み蟌んだ。 「わ、悪かった。だから、た、頌むよ......」 どう蚀い蚳するか数秒悩んだのち、男たちは玠盎に謝眪するこずを遞んだようだ。 たあ、圌らがいたおかげでミシェルちゃんの貞操も無事だったわけだし、これ以䞊远い詰めるのは良くないかもしれない。 「䞀応、マクスりェルには口添えしおおく。だが期埅はするな。正芏の倍の料金を吹っ掛けられるくらいは芚悟しおおけ」 「本圓か! 助かる」 䞊玚の解毒薬ずもなるず、ギルドや薬品店でもあたり眮いおいない。 それがマクスりェルずいう䌝手を埗られるのだから、感謝しお欲しいものだ。 「くそ、それにしおも......飲たないな」 ミシェルちゃんは意識を倱っおおり、口に含たせた解毒薬を嚥䞋できず、そのたたこがしおいた。 「しかたない、ここは口移しで――」 そこたで蚀ったずころで、俺は背埌から凄たじい殺気を感じ取り、ミシェルちゃんを抱えたたた暪っ飛びになっお、も぀れ合うようにしお回避行動を取った。 ただの朚の棒のようだったが、あの勢いで背䞭に盎撃されるず、䜙裕で戊闘䞍胜になっおいただろう。 「劙に掟手に殎りこんでくるバカがいるず思っおこっちを譊戒しおみれば、案の定か」 「カむンか。盞も倉わらず慎重な奎め」 続いお飛んできたのは粘着質な声。聞き慣れたくもなかったが、ここ数か月で吊応なく耳にし続けおきたカむンの声だった。 「階段はないはずだったんだけど?」 こぞの埀来はクレヌンを䜿うか、吹き抜けに蚭眮された滑り棒を掎んで滑り萜ちるしかない。 「ふん、そんなこずもわからないか?雄の嚘ずいえど、しょせんは平民ずいうずころか。二階にいた郚䞋たちはクレヌンで降りおきただろう? そのクレヌンはただ䞀階に降ろされたたただ」 「ああ、そういうこずか」 クレヌンが䞋りたたたなら、そのクレヌンを吊るすロヌプも䞀階たで䞋りたたただ。 䞍安定なロヌプを登るのはかなり困難だが、動䜜する音は発生しない。それに孊院の高等郚で教育を受けおいる奎なら、楜に登れるだろう。 正面を陜動ず読み切った以䞊、俺ずいう䟵入者の存圚を譊戒し、音の鳎るクレヌンの䜿甚を避けたずいうずころなのだろうが。 「案倖察しはいい方か? たあいい。功を焊ったな、ニコル。䞋に向かった連䞭にはクスリを持たせおある。痛みを麻痺させ、筋力を向䞊させる効果を匷化したものだ。連䞭の腕力は䞀般人を䞊回るぞ。しかも俺が自ら改良した新型だ、筋力の増幅率は今たでの比じゃない」 「あいにく、うちのデンも普通じゃなくおね」 「甘いな。オヌガずも察等に殎り合える連䞭を盞手に、どこたで耐えられるものかな?」 その䟋えを聞いお、俺は笑い出すのを我慢するのに粟䞀杯になった。 そのオヌガのさらに進化した姿がデンである。せいぜいオヌガレベルの連䞭ならば、心配する必芁もあるたい。 「お前ら、埌ろに䞋がれ。ミシェルちゃんずクラりドを護るんだ」 「え、でも――」 「こい぀は半端な盞手じゃないのは、お前らも知っおるんだろう? いうこずを聞いずけ」 目の前に立぀カむンは、盞倉わらず気持ちの悪い雰囲気を纏っおいる。先ほど投げ぀けおきた棒きれの嚁力は、半端な物じゃなかった。 「人間をやめやがったな?」 「超えたずいっおもらいたいな。しかし、埌ろの連䞭を䞋げたのは賢明だ。そい぀らは埌で念入りに『凊理』しおおく」 「俺? そうか、そっちが地か。その方がむしろ奜感が持おるな」 「ほっずけ。それに、お前はもう終わりだ。事の次第はすでにマクスりェルに䌝えおある。倧人しく立ち去るなら、少なくずも貎族らしく死ねるぞ?」 「それは困ったな。しかたない、お前を壊しお、囜倖ぞ逃げるずするか」 だがその反応に、劙な違和感を芚える。囜倖に逃げおも六英雄から逃げられるはずがないのに。 ミシェルちゃんに手を出したこずず蚀い、こい぀の盎近の行動は支離滅裂ずいうか、埌先を考えおいない気がする。 しかし、その疑問が氷解する前に、カむンは俺に斬りかかっおきたのだった。
The metallic plates got torn off with loud sounds. They were just there to fend off rain from soaking in, so they weren’t that thick. I managed to tear them off more easily than I expected, and threw them to the side. They gave off loud clatters, but the violent battle sounds from the lower floor overwhelmed it. Considering that I could hear cracking sounds mixed in it, it looked like Den was going wild breaking the finished drugs too. I should praise him for doing good work later. From under the plates, the tattered wooden roof showed its face. Even with the plates on them, after years of weathering, they had gotten quite brittle. They couldn’t endure an attack from me who was using Enchant, so it easily opened up a hole in the ceiling. I quickly widened it and then jumped right in and landed next to Michelle. The three seemed surprised at my sudden landing. Their reactions were natural, as the person who Cloud depended on to save them turned out to be a girl like me. But that was beside the point now. I cut the ropes binding with my katana, setting Michelle, Cloud, and another man with a scar on his cheek, free. Michelle was unconscious since she was made to drink the drug they made. I brought the antidote I got from Maxwell to her mouth but she didn’t swallow it down. “What’s that?” “An antidote. At this rate, Michelle will turn into a Fungus.” “Fungus?!” It seemed that they weren’t aware of the ingredients, so the fact shocked them. “If you intake too much of it, it will progress your Fungus mutation and you will turn into a monster. I’m having them drink the antidote just in case.” “W-What about us...?” “Did you drink the drug?” “Then, it would be better if you take it too. You would need a high-grade antidote, though.” “We don’t have that kind of money!” They weren’t enemies, but it was hard to call them allies either. I had no plans to share a valuable high-grade antidote to people like them. I needed to share it with Cloud on top of Michelle. And there was another hostage too. He was most likely a victim too, so I had to detoxify him as well. “Please don’t say that...” “If you’re fine now, it means it’s still within the tolerance level. Not sure what would happen if you leave it be, though.” “Then—” “I don’t plan to look after you to that point. You reap what you sow.” The men swallowed their words at my declaration. They should be grateful I let them live after they messed with Michelle. “W-We’re sorry. So please, we beg you...” They contemplated on what excuse to make for a few seconds, but then they decided to honestly apologize. It was a simple entreaty, their expressions warped in despair, on the verge of tears. Those were the expressions of people who were really regretting their choices. Well, I guess Michelle’s chastity was saved thanks to them, so it wouldn’t be good to corner them any further. “Well, I will put a word in with Maxwell for you. But don’t expect too much. Be ready to blow out double the market price on them.” “Really?! Thank you!” High-grade antidotes weren’t easily found at Guilds or medicine stores either. If people like them went to insist they sold it to them, they would just get turned back at the door. They would be able to get it through Maxwell, so they should thank me for it. Having lost consciousness, Michelle couldn’t swallow the medicine held in her mouth and spilled it out. “Can’t be helped, I’ll just use my mouth to—” As I was talking, I felt a fierce bloodlust from behind, so I jumped to the side along with Michelle, making an evasion maneuver while being entangled with her. Then, a pole suddenly flew at my feet with terrific force. It was just a wooden pole, but if it had hit me with that force, I would’ve been easily rendered powerless. “I heard some idiot came punching his way in, so I suspected something and came to check, but it looks like it was as I expected.” “Cain, huh. You’re as careful as always.” Then came his sticky voice. I never wanted to get used to it, but I’ve heard it over and over for the past few months whether I wanted to or not. He pulled out a sword from his waist and slowly walked toward me. “I don’t think there were any stairs here, though?” They could only move between the floors using the installed crane and the sliding pole to go down. “Hmph, you can’t even understand that much? Six Heroes’ daughter or not, you’re still a commoner, huh. Didn’t my subordinates go down with the crane? That crane remained lowered.” “Ah, so that’s what it is.” If the crane was lowered, the rope that it was hanging on was also lowered. It would be quite difficult to climb up such an unstable rope, but it wouldn’t give off any sounds as you moved up. Moreover, he received education at the senior academy, so he should easily be able to climb up. After he realized the frontal attack was a diversion, he suspected an intruder like me, so he chose to avoid the loud crane to come up. “So you have a surprisingly good sense huh? Oh well. You acted too hastily there, Nicole. The people below all have the drug with them. It dulls their pain and increases their strength. They are far stronger than an average person. Moreover, they are using the drug that I personally improved, so the strengthening effect is beyond what it has been so far.” “Unfortunately for them, our Den isn’t normal either.” “You’re too naive. How far can he endure fighting people who can even rival Ogres?” Hearing his example, it took my all not to burst into laughter. Den was one of those very Ogres that had undergone an evolution. If they were barely on the Ogre levels, there was no need to even worry. I had no reason to tell him that, so I just kept quiet. In that case, my problem was Cain who was in front of me now. “You guys, fall back. Protect Michelle and Cloud.” “Huh, but—” “You should know that he is no normal fellow, right? Listen to what I say.” Cain in front of me was giving off a bad aura. The strength he used earlier to throw a pole at me was quite extreme. That turned into chills towards the unknown, stirring my sense of crisis. Now that he was laying bare his hostility, I could tell it. This guy... “You have given up on your humanity, huh?” “I would prefer you say I surpassed it. Still, it was wise to tell those fellows to stand back. I will properly deal “Guy? I see, so that’s your true self. I guess that makes it more amusing.” “Leave it. Besides, you’re already done for. I’ve already explained the situation to Maxwell. If you obediently take your leave, you’ll at least die like a noble, you know?” “Now that would be bad. It can’t be helped. Then I will break you and escape this kingdom.” This b̲a̲s̲t̲a̲r̲d̲ had no plans to stay secretive anymore. Still, I felt a strange sense of discomfort from his reaction. He wouldn’t be able to escape the Six Heroes even if he fled the kingdom. Be it messing with Michelle or his recent actions, they were too incoherent, or rather, he wasn’t thinking about consequences at all. But before I could clear my doubts, Cain took a swing at me.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 22, "inserted_lines_trg": 4 }
「ティムどこ? どこに行ったの?」 俺は無我倢䞭で蟺りを捜し回る。途䞭、吞血鬌の矀れが襲っおくるので、手圓たり次第ぶん殎っおいく。 「がぁああ!」 十字架をメリケンサックのように握り殎り぀ける。殎られた吞血鬌は吹っ飛び、ミンチのように匟けた。 「はぁ、はぁ、芋぀からない。やばい、やばいよ」 心配で心配で血液が逆流しそうだ。捜玢が遅れれば遅れるほどティムの生存率は䜎䞋する。気持ちは焊るばかり。捜せど捜せど芋぀かるのは吞血鬌か、逃げ惑う垂民達だ。幞い今たで遭遇した吞血鬌の䞭にティムはいなかった。ただ襲われおおらず、今もどこかで逃げ回っおいるのだろう。 だが、いくらティムが魔法を䜿えるからずいっお、この数だ。倚勢に無勢。吞血鬌にやられるのは時間の問題かもしれない。 あぁ、どうしたら......。 焊っお思考がうたく働かない。 だめだ。こんな時は、深呌吞だ。 すぅはぁ~。 萜ち着け、萜ち着け、冷静になろう。 俺は涙をぬぐい、少し頭を冷やす。 正門から呚囲数キロは探玢したが、どこにもティムの姿は芋えなかった。 ぀たり、ティムはさらに遠くたで逃げたのか? いや、いくらティムの足が速いずいっおも俺のほうが速い。これ以䞊先に行っおいるずは考えがたい。 それならどこかに隠れおいる? でも、どこに? 王郜は建物も倚く、さらにこの隒ぎで厩れかけおいる家も倚い。䞀軒䞀軒しらみ぀ぶしに捜すずしおも、かなりの時間がかかっおしたう。 あ~くそ!塞がりな思考に俺が頭をかかえおいるず、 「ここにおられたしたか、ティレア様」 た、助かった。今は捜玢するのに人手が䞀人でも倚く欲しかったずころだ。 「ミュヌ、ニヌル戻っおきたんだ。良かった」 「はっ。遅ればせながらオルティッシオ達ず合流できやした」 「そう。それよりティムを捜すのを――」 「カミヌラ様なら人間共ず䞀緒におられたした」 が聞き捚おならないこずを蚀った。 ティムが誰かずいる? もしかしお王郜の治安郚隊に保護されたのかな? 「それっおティムは治安郚隊の人達ずいたの?」 「埡意。お声をかけやしたが、ティレア様ず合流するよう指瀺をうけやした」 よ、良かったぁ~。 の報告だけならいたいち信甚できないが、ミュヌも蚀っおいるから本圓だろう。 治安郚隊ならレミリアさんがいる。王郜最匷の人だよ。䞋手に俺ず䞀緒にいるよりずっず安党だ。 ティムが無事だずわかりほっず胞をなでおろす。 「ティレア様、オルティッシオから報告がありたす」 「ん?」 「お初にお目にかかりたす。王郜朜䌏郚隊隊長オルティッシオ・ボ・バッハです」 なんだ? こい぀? 芋た目はのっぜりずした普通の奎に芋える。 ......だが、朜䌏郚隊隊長だぁ? たったくこの非垞時に。あなたもなんだね。別にもう驚かないけど。 「それでオル、報告したいこずっお䜕?」 「はっ。たずは合流地点に間に合わなかったこず、謹んでお詫び申し䞊げたす」 ん!? そうだよ。元はず蚀えばあなた達が埅ち合わせ堎所に来おくれなかったから倧倉だったんだ。おっきり、 「それでなんで埅ち合わせ堎所に来なかったの?」 「はっ。実は昚日から王郜のレミリア率いる治安郚隊に远跡されおいたした。できるだけ戊闘を回避しろずの指什でしたので、やむを埗ずカノドの町たで撀退を䜙儀なくされた次第です」 オルの仲間もオルの蚀葉に合わせお頷いおいる。 よりだな。実際のずころは単に埅ち合わせの玄束を忘れおいたんだろう。 ふぅ~、自分のミスを他人のせいにしやがっお......。 それもよりにもよっお、今、最も皆のために頑匵っおいる治安郚隊のせいにしちゃったよ。呜懞けで仕事しおいる人達にあたりに無瀌だ。人間性を疑うぞ。 そもそもあなた達が迎えにこなかったせいで、ミュヌ達が捜しにいくはめになったんだ。そのおかげで腕利きの護衛ずはぐれ、ティムも俺もすごい怖い目にあったずいうのに。 「蚀い蚳もここたでくるず芋苊しいわね」 「た、たこずに申し蚳ありたせん」 「あなた達人もいおこのザマなの?」 たったく誰か芚えおいなかったのかよ。それずも誰かが迎えに行くだろうず、しらばっくれおいたか? どい぀もこい぀も人任せだったんだな。よくある話だ。 「そ、それが治安郚隊自䜓はたいしたこずないのですが、隊長であるレミリアが執拗に远跡しおきたしお。さすがにSランクの冒険者でもあり、振り切るのに時間をかけおしたいたした」 オル達は瞮こたりながら蚀い蚳を述べる。 ――ったく別に忘れたら忘れたでいいさ。面倒くさくなったでもこの際いい。人間誰でもそういう時はあるからね。正盎に謝れば蚱しおあげたのだ。 それを他人のせいにするっお......こい぀らどういう神経しおるんだろう? 叱られるのが怖いからっお情けなさすぎだ。 「はぁ~あなた達......情けないにも皋がある!」 「ティレア様のおっしゃる通りです。オルティッシオ、たかが人間や耳長族ごずきに遅れをずるなど魔族の恥だ、自害しろ!」 が自分に甘く他人に厳しいセリフを吐く。しかも䞭二的にきちんず返事しおいるからね。もう぀っこたない。 「で、ですが、レミリア率いる治安郚隊だけではありたせん。 たたオルの奎、倉な蚀い蚳しだしたぞ。 デガラビア? 䜕それ? どこぞの秘密結瀟っおか! この非垞時にそういうこず蚀える根性だけは耒めおやるよ。 「オルティッシオ、ごたごた蚀い蚳するではない。ティレア様に恥をかかせたのだ、党員自害しろ!」 「そ、そんな......ニヌルれン隊長、せめお郚䞋達だけでも――」 「くどい! もたもたするならこの私自ら匕導を――」 「あぁ、もういいから。ずりあえず、珟状どうするか話し合いたしょう」 もうあなた達の䞉文芝居を芋おいる䜙裕はないの。呚りを芋おみろよ。吞血鬌達がうようよいるだろうが、のんきに遊んでいる暇はないんだよ。 「承知したした。ティレア様がお蚱しになるのであれば䜕も蚀いたせん。オルティッシオ、感謝するのだぞ」 「は、はっ。たこずにありがたく、この汚名は必ず返䞊したす」 「わかった、わかった。で、これからどうしようか?」 「そうですな。もう王郜には戊略的䟡倀は無さそうです。ティレア様、この際、焌け野原にしおしたうのも手ではないでしょうか?」 「はい、华䞋」 がオルに觊発されお䞭二蚀語を振りかざす。 もうやめおくれ! たじで! こちずら本物の魔族ず戊っおきたずいうのに。この胜倩気さ。この阿錻叫喚の䞭でそのずぶずさだけは尊敬する。 「それずもう䞀぀報告が......」 「オル、䜕?」 「はっ。レミリアをはじめずする治安郚隊は撒いたのですが、王郜に舞い戻った蟺りから数人ほどこちらを監芖しおいる者がおりたす」 「え? それはどういう意味?」 「恐らく我らを逃がさぬように包囲陣を敷いおいるのではないかず」 逃がさぬようにっお――はっ!? そういうこずか! こういうバむオハザアドで政府がよくやる手段、封鎖だ。これ以䞊、被害が出ないように呚囲を封鎖しお閉じ蟌めるのである。封鎖の䞭にいる者は囜のための尊い犠牲ずいう奎だ。 くっ、䞊の奎らは自分さえ良ければそれでいいのか! 噚が小さすぎる。小物だよ。倚分、そい぀らは王郜の倖に逃げないようにオル達ずいうより䜏民を監芖しおいるのだろう。 た、たずい、たずいぞ。こんな物隒なずころ、ティムを連れおさっさず逃げ出そうず思っおたのに。王郜から逃げようずするずそい぀らに殺される。これは䞋手に逃げられない。 どうしよう? どうすれば助かる? わからない。ずりあえず情報を集めなければ......。 「その監芖しおいる奎らっおどんな感じだった?」 「戊闘芁員ではありたせん。魔力は千五癟ほどです。おそらく諜報郚隊でしょう」 たぁ、いいか。䞋手にパニックを起こされおもシャレにならない。俺だっおアップアップしおいるんだから。映画やゲヌムず違っおリアルは生々しいね。でも、吐いお目を回すず思ったけどそこたでには至っおいない。 なんでだろう? 前䞖、ホラヌゲヌムをやっお耐性が぀いおたのかな? それずも転生特兞で知らずに粟神耐性が぀いおたずか......。 ずりあえず、その諜報郚隊の正䜓だ。たず治安郚隊ではないだろう。隊長であるレミリアさんが民を虐殺するはずがない。 そうなるず政府の特殊機関かな? 王郜に危機が迫ったずきに非垞の手段を蚱される王盎属の郚隊ずか? いかん、圓たっおそうだ。これは䞋手に手を出すわけにはいかない。 でも、ミュヌは別ずしお、こんな話こい぀らに蚀うずびびっちゃうよね。今は䞭二的心情で匷がっおいるけど、い぀そのメッキが剥げるかわからない。びびっおパニックを起こされるのだけは避けないず。 よし。ずりあえず、そい぀らは倧した奎ではない。でも手は出すなっお感じで䌝えおみるか。 「はぁ、千五癟ねぇ。攟っおおいおもどうっおこずない奎らだけど、態床が気に食わないね。ミュヌこんど芋぀けたら消しおおいお」 皆には攟っおおいおも良いずアピヌルし぀぀、さりげなくミュヌにだけは、応戊するように蚀っおおく。王郜から逃げる時にはミュヌにそい぀らを倒しおもらわないずいけないからね。 「それでティレア様、この埌の方針はいかがなさいたすか?」 「そうね。ティムず合流しお王郜から撀退しよう」 「我ら邪神軍の領地をかっさらった、゚セ魔族共に鉄槌を䞎えなくおよろしいのですか?」 ゚セ魔族はあなた達でしょうが! たったく盞手は本物の魔族だよ。いくら匱点があるからずいっお危険な橋を枡るこずはない。今たでのような䞍良ずの喧嘩じゃないんだから。遊びではない。呜のやりずりをするのよ。 俺達にできるこずは限られおいる。魔族に぀いおは治安郚隊の皆さんにお任せしよう。俺達はどうにか王郜からの撀退方法を考えないず。 そう、王郜にはもう未緎はない。こうなったらティムも孊園生掻を送れないだろうし、ティムの友達にっお思っおたゞェシカちゃんも―― ん!? ゞェシカちゃん? すぅっず血の気が匕く。 あああああ、やばいやばい、忘れおた! ゞェシカちゃんを攟っおきおしたった......。 たずい、たずい。確かゞェシカちゃんもう走れないっお蚀っおたよね? あんな状態のゞェシカちゃんを吞血鬌の矀れの䞭に眮いおきおしたった。なんずいう鬌畜な振る舞い。いくらティムのこずでパニクっおたからっお、䞭孊生くらいの女の子を眮き去りにするなんおありえない所業だ。 早く捜しにいかないず! 俺は駈け出そうずするが―― 埅お埅お。ミュヌがいるずはいえ、こい぀らも眮いおいくわけにはいかない。䜕せ䞋手したらこい぀ら埒手空拳で吞血鬌に向かっおいきかねないよ。ほっぜり出しお死なれたら寝芚めが悪い。 ずりあえず、吞血鬌の匱点を教えおおくか。戊うにしおも逃げるにしおもこの情報は教えおおかないず生死に関わっおくる。 仕方がない。残るはあれしかないか。 「皆聞いお! 私はちょっずやるこずができたから、あなた達は先にティムのもずぞ向かうこず。ミュヌあなたが陣頭指揮を執っお皆を連れおいっおね」 「なっ!? ニヌルれン隊長では?」 「あのね、これは遊びじゃないの。文句は蚀わせないから」 が䜕やら䞍満そうだ。い぀も魔王軍ごっこで隊長をしおいるからだな。なんだその䞍満そうな顔は! これは今たでのような遊びじゃない。呜がかかっおいるんだ。 「埌これが重芁よ。吞血鬌が襲っおきたら朚の杭で心臓に刺しなさい」 「ティレア様のお蚀い぀けなら埓いたするが、それにいったいなんの意味があるのでしょうか?」 ふふ、疑うのは圓然ね。皆䜕故そこで朚の杭が出おくるのっお感じなんだろう。圓然だ。吞血鬌の匱点なんお俺しか知らないからね。それじゃあ、その効果を芋せおあげるずしたすか。 「論より蚌拠。芋おなさい!」 を含めお芪衛隊党員が泚目する。俺は先の尖った朚を探すため呚蟺を歩く。 ん!? これがいいか。 厩れ萜ちた家の䞭からむメヌゞにあった朚を取り出した。埌は獲物だけど、できるだけのそのそ歩いおいる奎がいいな。 よし、あれにしよう。前方䞉癟メヌトルにふらふらず 「皆、よく芋おいるのよ」 俺は朚の杭を突き出すように抌し出す。 「ふぁああ、悪・即・突!」 「きしゃあああ!」 抌し出された朚の杭は吞血鬌の心臓を貫通した。吞血鬌は雄叫びをあげるず、そのたた霧のように消滅したのである。 ......はは、予想通り。 「どう、わかった?」 「盞倉わらず、お芋事な腕前です。それで䜕故、剣や拳でなく朚の杭でなければいけないのですか?」 こ、こい぀ら党然わかっおねぇよ。こんなマネができたのは朚の杭だからだ。普通に剣や拳をふるったっお吞血鬌の鋌の肉䜓に傷なんお぀きやしないんだから。 「剣や拳っお......あのね、あなた自分がどれほどの者ず思っおいるわけ? 自信過剰もいい加枛にしなさい」 俺は倉態にびしっず文句を蚀っおやった。䞀床、きっちり蚀っずかないずいけないからね。 「な、なるほどティレア様のお考えがわかりたした」 「ようやくわかっおくれたようね」 「はっ。わざわざ嚁力の劣る朚を䜿い、しかも倒す郚䜍たで指定されるのは正確さずパワヌの特蚓ずいうこずですな」 はっ? たた もう䞀床説明するか? いや、もういいや。よく考えれば時間がなかったよ。ゞェシカちゃんの捜玢は䞀刻を争う。 「はいはい、そういうこず。私は行くから、ミュヌ埌は頌んだわよ」 ミュヌが信頌の籠った声で応える。そしお、そのたた芪衛隊を連れおティムのもずぞず向かった。 さぁ、俺もゞェシカちゃんのもずぞ急ごう。 の亀錯する䞭、邪神軍による吞血鬌殲滅䜜戊が実行された。
“Where are you Timu? Where did you go?” I went around searching for her in a daze. Along the way some vampires attacked, so I indiscriminately beat them. “GAHHHH!” With the cross in my fist like a knuckle duster, I walloped it. The vampire was sent flying before bursting into minced meat. “Hahh, hahh, I can’t find her. This is bad. This is so bad.” The longer I take to find her, the lower her chances of survival. I’m just filled with anxiety and impatience. I’ve been searching and searching but all I found were vampires or escaping civilians. Thankfully, so far I hadn’t counted Timu amongst the vampires yet. She’s probably still running around at this moment. But even if Timu can use magic, she’s helpless against these numbers. They seem countless. It’s only a matter of time until she’s attacked by a vampire. Aahh, what do I do...? Because of my panic, my mind isn’t working properly. This is no good. It’s at times like these that you need a break to calm down. Suu~ Hahhh~ Calm down, calm down. Think clearly for a moment. Wiping off my tears, I cooled my head a little. I had searched a few kilometers around the front gate, but I didn’t catch sight of her anywhere. In other words, she ran away somewhere even further? No, no matter how fast she might be, I was still faster. It was hard to imagine that she had run even further out. Then did that mean she was hiding somewhere? But where? There are too many buildings in the capital, and there are even more houses destroyed from this mess. Even if I go through them one by one, it’ll take too much time. Ahhhh, s̲h̲i̲t̲! While I was feeling cornered, “So this is where you were, Lady Tilea.” I-, I’m saved. Right now even one more person out there searching would help. “Myuu, Niel, you’re back. Thank goodness.” “Milady. Though it took a while, we managed to meet with Ortissio’s unit.” “I see, Myuu. More importantly, searching for Timu comes―!” “Lady Camilla is together with the other humans.” Pervert (Nielsen) said something that I couldn’t overlook. He said something about Timu somewhere? Could it be that she took shelter with the Capital’s Public Safety Force? “Does that mean that Timu is with the people of the Public Safety Force?” “As you say. This one had called out to her, but she instructed that we join up with you, Lady Tilea” T-, Thank goodnesss~ It looks like Timu took shelter. Wow, that really shortened my lifespan. If Pervert (Nielsen) was the only one then I wouldn’t be able to really trust it, but if Myuu is saying it too, then it must be true. Remilia should be with the Public Safety Force. She’s the strongest person in the Capital, you know. Timu will be much safer with her than with somebody like me. I let out a sigh of relief now that I knew Timu was safe. “Lady Tilea, Ortissio has a report.” “Mn?” “It is an honor to meet you. I am Captain of the Royal Capital Concealment Unit, Ortissio Bo Bach.” Who the heck is this guy? He just looks like a slightly lanky, average guy. ...But the Captain of the Concealment Unit, he says? Honestly, even in a crisis like this... You were a chuunibyou too, weren’t you. Though it’s not like I’m surprised anymore. “And so, Orty, what is it that you wanted to report?” “Milady. First, in regards to being unable to meet at the rendezvous point, I offer my most sincere apologies.” Mn!? That’s right. If you trace it all back, it’s because you guys didn’t meet us where you were meant to. Although I had actually thought it was Pervert (Nielsen)’s fault though. “And so, why didn’t you come to the meeting point?” “Milady. The truth is, yesterday we were being pursued by the Public Safety Force, led by Remilia. The orders were to avoid fighting as much as possible, so there was no choice but to retreat as far as Canoda Town.” Orty’s companions nodded in confirmation. Haha, what a chuunibyou excuse. These guys are even worse than Pervert (Nielsen). I bet they actually just forgot about the meeting. Huuu~ Blaming your own mistakes on other people... And of all things, to blame it on the selfless and hard-working Public Safety Force. It’s just too rude towards these people who risk their lives for us. I’m actually doubting if this guy has any humanity. To begin with, it’s because you guys didn’t meet us that Myuu and the others were stuck looking for you. And thanks to that, Timu was separated from her strong bodyguard, and I went through a terrifying time too. But despite that these guys... “You’ll go that far to make excuses? How unsightly.” “M-, My deepest apologies.” “You have an entire thirty people, and this is the best you could do?” Honestly, you had thirty people, and not a single person remembered? Or did you all just assume somebody else would go, and slacked off? Every single one of them just pushes jobs onto others. It happens quite a lot in society. “W-, Well, certainly the Public Safety Force itself was no big deal, but the Captain, Remilia, had doggedly pursued us. As you would expect, she was an S-ranked adventurer after all, so it took time to shake her off.” Orty and his companions huddled together as they gave their excuses. ―Seriously, if you forgot, then you can just say you forgot. If they didn’t go because it was too bothersome, then I can accept that too. Everybody has times like that. As long as they apologized properly, I’d forgive them. But they push the blame onto others... Just what kind of nerves do these guys have? They’re acting this pathetically just because they’re afraid of being scolded? “Hahh~ You guys... There should be a limit to how pathetic you can get!” “It is just as Lady Tilea says. Ortissio, just because of a mere human or elf, you arrived late? You shame the entire demon race. End yourself!” Even though Pervert (Nielsen) is lax on himself, he’s strict on others. And what’s more, he even made sure the whole thing was in chuunibyou. Honestly, I can’t even comment anymore. “H-, However, it was not only the Public Safety Force led by Remilia. An even more dangerous organization named Decarabia was moving in the background...” This Orty guy made another weird excuse. Decarabia? The heck is that supposed to be. Some sort of secret society!? And he’s saying stuff like this in a crisis like now? The only praiseworthy thing about him are his guts. “Ortissio, do not drone on with your excuses. You have brought shame to Lady Tilea. All members, end yourselves!” “T-, That’s too much... Captain Nielsen, at least let my subordinates―” “ENOUGH! If you take too long, then I, Nielsen, shall personally―” “Aahh, whatever. Enough. For now, let’s discuss our situation.” I don’t have the time to be watching your little play. Look around you. The place is crawling with vampires. This isn’t the time to be playing around. “Understood. If Lady Tilea is willing to forgive you, then I shall say nothing further. Ortissio, you had best feel grateful.” “Y-, Yes. I am truly thankful, and shall redeem my sullied name.” “Okay, okay. And so, what should we do from now on?” “Let’s see. I doubt the Capital holds strategic importance at this point. Lady Tilea, would turning this place into a cinder field not be an option to consider?” “Okay, veto.” Because of Orty’s influence, Pervert (Nielsen) started going crazy with this chuuni speak. God, just stop it please! Seriously! Still saying things like this even though we’re fighting with actual demons! These guys are so carefree. The only respectable thing about them is that boldness even in this pandemonium. “Also, there is one more report, but...” “What is it, Orty?” “Milady. We slipped off Remilia and the Public Safety Force, but ever since we returned to the capital, we have been under surveillance by a number of people.” “Eh? What do you mean?” “I believe it is likely they are encircling us to stop our escape.” To stop our escape― HAH-!? Is that how it is!? It’s that measure that the government likes to use in the Resident Evil series; the quarantine. They’ll blockade off the whole area to stop more victims emerging. And then the people inside the quarantine become the noble sacrifices for the nation. Kuh! Do the people up top only care about themselves!? They’re too useless. Too little capacity as leaders. They’re encircling us, but rather than stopping Ortissio, I bet it’s to monitor all citizens in general. T-, This is bad. This is so bad. Even though I thought I could quickly bring Timu away from all this craziness. If we try to escape from the Capital, we’ll be killed by them. At this point, we can’t just run. What do we do? What do we do to save ourselves? I can’t tell. But for now I need information, and... “What are they like? The ones observing us.” “They are not the main combatants of their force. Their mana is roughly . Likely an intelligence unit.” ...Chuuni talk again, huh? Well, whatever. Even if they took it seriously and started panicking, it wouldn’t help much either. And I’m floundering here too. Unlike in games and movies, the real thing is really graphic. But although I thought I would vomit and faint in situations like this, it never got that far. Why, I wonder? Is it because I gained resistance from all the horror games I played? Or could it be that without knowing, I got Mental Debuff Resistance as a special bonus when I reincarnated...? For now, let’s think about who that intelligence unit is with. They wouldn’t be with the Public Safety Force. Their captain, Remilia, would never allow that to happen to the citizens. In that case, some special organization within the government? Like some kind of special unit that directly answers to the King, and has the authority to take heartless actions in a crisis? Oh crap. That sounds really possible. In that case, we can’t just carelessly attack them. But leaving Myuu aside, if I told these guys about this, they’d just get scared, right? Right now they’re acting tough with their chuunibyou, but you never know when that mask will come off. I have to at least avoid a scared panic. Okay. For now, I’ll act like the spies aren’t a big deal. But that it would be better not to attack them. Or something like that? “Hahh, only ? We could just leave guys like that alone, but their attitude is a problem, isn’t it? Myuu, if you see them next time, erase them.” While emphasizing that everybody could just leave the spies alone, I casually signaled Myuu to attack. When we escape the Capital, we need Myuu to defeat those guys or else. “And so, Lady Tilea, roughly what plan will we be following from now on?” “Let’s see. Let’s find Timu, and then withdraw from the Capital.” “Is it all right not to bring judgment upon the Fake Demons that stole our Evil God Army’s territory?” YOU GUYS ARE THE FAKE DEMONS! Honestly, the enemies are real demons, you know? No matter how many weaknesses they might have, there’s still no need to do something as dangerous as attacking them. It’s different from the fights with the delinquents so far. This isn’t a game. It’s life and death, you know? There really isn’t much we can do. Let’s leave the demons to the members of the Public Safety Force. What we need to focus on is how to escape from the Capital. Yeah, I don’t have any attachments to this place anymore. Now that it’s come to this, Timu probably can’t enjoy school life here, and even Jessica who I― Mn!? Jessica? The blood drained from my face. I left her behind... Oh god, oh god. Jessica said that she couldn’t run, didn’t she? And in a state like that, I went and left her in the middle of a vampire horde. Only a fiend would do something like that! No matter how panicked I might have been about Timu, how could I just abandon a girl young enough to be a middle schooler!? I have to hurry up and find her! Just as I was about to go running― Waitwait. Although Myuu is here, I can’t just leave this lot behind either. After all, if my luck is bad, there’s a good chance they’d run off to fight the vampires bare-handed. If I leave them alone and they die because of that, I won’t be able to sleep peacefully anymore. I guess I’ll teach them about vampire weaknesses for now. Whether fighting the vampires or running from the vampires, telling them this information could save their lives. Can’t be helped. I guess this is the only thing left I can do. “Everyone, listen! A small errand just popped up, so you guys will be heading to Timu first. Myuu, you’re taking command of everyone, okay?” “Wha-!? Then what about Captain Nielsen?” “Um, this isn’t a game, you know. I won’t let you complain.” Pervert (Nielsen) replied too, but he seemed kind of dissatisfied. I bet it’s because he’s always playing the Captain when they’re playing Demon King Army. Seriously, what was with that dissatisfied expression! This isn’t a game like before. It’s a matter of life and death. “Also, and this is important, when vampires attack, stab them in the heart with a wooden stake.” “We shall abide by your orders, Lady Tilea, but just what meaning does that have?” Huhu, it’s natural that he’s confused. I bet everyone’s wondering, ‘Why a stake all of a sudden?’ Of course. After all, I’m the only one who knows about a vampire’s weaknesses. Guess it’ll be easier to show them? “Showing is better than explaining. Watch carefully!” Pervert (Nielsen) as well as the rest of the Praetorian Guard all paid attention. I walked around a bit to look for a pointed stick. Mn!? This might be good. From inside a destroyed house, I picked up a piece of wood that matched my imagination. Alright, we’ll go with that one. I spotted a tottering vampire about three hundred meters ahead of me. It was moving slowly, and was perfect as a target. “Everyone, watch closely.” I set out to stab it with the stake. “Fuahhh, Pierce the Evil at Once! “KISHAAAAAAAAA!” The stake that I thrust pierced it right through the heart. After letting out a cry, it disappeared like fog. ...Haha, as expected. “Well? Understand?” “As usual, it was a splendid display of ability. And so, why must we use a wooden stake, in place of a sword or fist?” T-, This guy doesn’t get it at alllll! That whole thing worked because of the stake. Vampires have bodies like steel. There’s no way your swords or fists would even hurt them. “Swords or fists...? You must think you’re really amazing now, huh? Enough with the overconfidence.” I sharply complained to Pervert (Nielsen). It wouldn’t do if I didn’t give him a proper warning at least once, right? “I-, I see. I have finally understood your intentions, Lady Tilea.” “It looks like you finally get it.” “Yes, Milady. Purposefully using a wooden stake to limit your might with a specific target in mind. In other words, a training method for both power and accuracy, yes?” Should I explain once more? No, that’s enough. Thinking about it, I don’t have time to waste here. Jessica is in danger, and I’m racing against the clock here. “Yes, yes, that’s exactly right. I’m going now, so Myuu, I’m leaving the rest to you, okay?” Myuu gave me a reassuring and reliable reply. And then he led the Praetorian Guard off in Timu’s direction. Now then, I’d better hurry to Jessica as well. Here in the midst of the humans, the Malferands, and Decarabia, a Vampire Annihilation Operation was executed at the hands of the Evil God Army.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 6, "inserted_lines_src": 14, "inserted_lines_trg": 7 }
11歳の息子リンカヌンは同じテヌブルで 算数の宿題をしおいたした 䌚話のあいたに ふずリンカヌンに目をやっお突然 激しい衝撃を芚えたした あるクラむアントのこずを思い出したのです りィルず蚀う名前の男で ノヌステキサスの出身でした 圌は父芪のこずを知るよしもありたせんでした 父芪は 劊嚠䞭の母芪を残しお蒞発したのです そこで シングルマザヌの家庭で育おられたした そういう人は他にもいたすが この母芪は 劄想型の統合倱調症でした 5歳の時 りィルは包䞁で殺されそうになりたした 母芪は 粟神病院に入れられたした その埌の数幎間りィルは兄ず暮らしおいたしたが 兄は拳銃で胞を撃っお自殺したした その埌 りィルは 芪戚の家を転々ずしたした そしお9歳になる頃にはひずりで生きおいたした 私は 家族で過ごしおいたその朝 息子の姿から気づいたのです この幎頃には りィルはもう2幎もひずりで暮らしおいたのです 結局 りィルはギャングのメンバヌずなり そしお 䜕件もの 重倧犯眪に手を染めたした 最も重倧な犯眪は 恐ろしい 悲劇的な殺人でした やがおりィルは眪に問われお 死刑を執行されたした でも私が今日 お話ししたいのは 死刑の道矩性ではありたせん もちろんクラむアントの死刑に぀いお 玍埗はしおいたせん しかし今日は死刑に぀いお これたでずは違う角床から お話ししおみたいず思いたす 皆さんに 玍埗しお頂けるようなお話をしたいず思いたす それが可胜だず考える理由は 死刑に関する議論は ある点でひず぀に亀わり この亀差点は 誰もが同意できる重芁な点だからです 死刑を匷く支持する人も 死刑廃止を匷く䞻匵する人も 同意するポむントです そのこずを考えおみたいず思いたす しかし その前に死刑に至る道筋を 簡単にお話ししたす それから この20幎間に孊んだふた぀の教蚓をお話ししたす 匁護士ずしお死刑にかかわる 100件以䞊の案件を担圓しお孊んだこずです 死刑に至る物語は4぀の章からなる 物語ず捉えお䞋さい 第1章はどれも同じです 悲劇です 始めは殺人— 眪もない人が殺されお そしお裁刀が行われたす 有眪ずなり死刑が宣告されたす その死刑宣告は最終的には 州控蚎裁刀所も認めたす 第2章は耇雑な法埋䞊の手続きです 州の人身保護什状請求ずいうものです 第3章はもっず耇雑は法埋䞊の手続きで 連邊レベルの人身保護手続きです そしお第4章では様々なこずが起きたす 匁護士が枛刑嘆願曞を提出する可胜性もありたす もっず耇雑な法廷闘争の可胜性もありたす もしくは 䜕もしないかもしれたせん いずれにせよ 第4章の最埌は死刑執行で終わりたす 私が死刑囚を担圓するようになったのは20幎以䞊前です 圓時 この物語の2章ず4章においお 匁護を受ける暩利は䞎えられず 圌らを助ける人はいたせんでした 第3章で匁護を受ける暩利すら 80幎代埌半にようやく 䞎えられたものでした ですから死刑囚の 法埋䞊の手続きを取り扱おうにも ボランティアの匁護士頌みでした 困ったこずに 死刑囚の数は 死刑に関心ず専門性を有する匁護士の数よりも 遥かに倚いのです 必然的に 第4章の案件に匁護士が集たるのは無理もないこずです 最も緊急性の高い案件であり 被告に察する死刑執行が近いのです うたく行くず クラむアントは 新たな審理を受けるこずになりたす たたクラむアントが長く生きられる堎合もありたす ずきには数幎 ずきには数ヶ月 しかしテキサスで1幎間に執行される 死刑の件数が倧幅に枛り続けるずいう 事態にはなりたせんでした 実際 グラフを芋ればテキサス州の死刑執行は 90幎代の半ば以降スピヌド化したした 幎間の執行数が20人を䞋回る幎は ほんの2−3幎だけです テキサスでは 兞型的な件数は平均しお 月に2人です 40人近くを執行する幎もありたす ここ15幎間 この人数は特に枛ったりしおいたせん その䞀方で毎幎 ほずんど同じ人数を死刑執行しおいるのに 䞀幎間に死刑の刀決を受ける人数は 比范的急速に 枛っおきおいたす 矛盟が生じおいたす 幎間に凊刑される人数は倚いのに 新たな死刑刀決の数は枛っおいるのです なぜでしょう 殺人事件の割合が枛ったからではありたせん 実際 このグラフの 赀線のように急速には枛っおいないのです その代わりにこんなこずが起きたのでした 陪審が仮出所のない終身刑を 遞び始めたのです 凊刑台に送る代わりにです どうしおこうなったのでしょう 死刑ぞの支持基盀が倱われたからではありたせん テキサスでの死刑賛成掟の割合は過去最䜎ずなり 死刑反察掟は倧いに喜んでいたす 過去最䜎ずはどういう意味かわかりたすか? 60パヌセント前半ずいうこずです 賛成掟が80パヌセントを越えおいた 80幎代䞭頃に比べるず倧幅前進です 死刑刀決よりも仮出所なし終身刑が遞ばれる理由は 死刑に察する支持が倱われたからではありたせん 未だに死刑は支持されおいるからです では䜕が起きおこうなっおいるのでしょう 実は 死刑囚の 匁護を行う匁護士たちは 死刑ぞのストヌリヌの早い段階に 力を泚ぐようになったのです 25幎前は第4章に泚力しおいたした 25幎前の第4章から80幎代埌半には 第3章に移り 80幎代埌半の第3章から 90幎代䞭頃には第2章に移りたした 90幎代䞭頃から埌半には 第1章が泚力されるようになったのです 死刑の枛少ず終身刑の増加に぀いおは 評䟡は分かれるでしょう 今日はその話はしたせん お話ししたいこずは こうなった理由です 事案に介入するのが早ければ早いほど クラむアントの呜を助けられる芋蟌みが高いこずに 死刑囚の匁護士が気づいたためなのです これが孊んだこずのひず぀目です 次は2぀目です クラむアントのりィルにもあおはたる 法則がありたす たさに法則どおりの展開でした こんな話をするこずがありたす 死刑囚の名前を教えおくれたら 圌の状態にかかわらず 面䌚したこずの有無にかかわらず 圌の生い立ちを描いおみせたしょう 十䞭八九 その生い立ちの蚘述は 现郚さえも倚少なりずも重なり合っおいるのです なぜなら 80パヌセントの死刑囚は りィルのように厩壊した家庭に生たれおいるのです 死刑囚の80パヌセントは 少幎叞法制床に 関わった経歎を有しおいたす これが私の孊んだ 2぀目の教蚓でした さお今たさに 誰もが同意するであろう点に 近づいおきたした りィルの凊刑に぀いお 䌚堎の皆さんの意芋は䞀臎しないでしょう でも圌のストヌリヌの最良のバヌゞョンでは そもそも殺人が起こりたせん このこずに぀いおは 誰もが同意するでしょう どうすればそうできるのか? 2週間前 息子のリンカヌンが取り組んでいた数孊の問題は 倧きくおやっかいな問題でした 倧きくお難しいこの手の問題を解くために どうやっお問題を小さく分解するかを勉匷しおいたした 物理や数孊では普通のこのやり方は 瀟䌚問題にも䜿われたす 問題を小さくわけお扱いやすくするのです でもアむれンハワヌも蚀っおいるように ずきには 問題を倧きく捉えるこずで 解決するこずもあるのです この問題を解決する方法は 死刑の問題をさらに倧きく捉えるこずです こう語るべきなのです 死刑のストヌリヌは 4章からなっおいたすが このストヌリヌの始たる前は 䜕が起きおいるのだろうか どうすれば 殺人が起きる前に 殺人犯の人生に介入できるでしょうか? 道を倖れ 埌に最悪の結果をもたらす 人物にどんな方法で働きかけたら 良いでしょう 最悪の結果ずは 死刑賛成掟も死刑反察掟も 同様に避けたいず考える結果 — それはすなわち それはすなわち 眪なき人が殺されるこずです ロケット科孊ずいう 蚀葉を聞いたこずが あるでしょう ロケット科孊ずいう本圓に耇雑なものに比べたら 話題にしおいる課題なんお 本圓に単玔だずいうずきに䜿う蚀葉です ロケット科孊では ロケット゚ンゞンが生みだす掚進力の 数孊的な衚珟を扱うからです 今日 お話ししおいるこずは 同じように蟌み入った話です 今日 お話ししおいるこずもたた 「ロケット科孊」です クラむアントのりィルにも 80パヌセントの死刑囚にも 死刑に連なる四章のストヌリヌの その前の人生には 五぀の章がありたした この五章こそが介入すべき時期であり 我々の瀟䌚が圌らの人生に介入しお 圌らの歩む道筋から逞れさせるべきポむントです その道筋は死刑賛成掟も死刑反察掟も 同様に避けたいず考える 最悪の結果ぞの道筋です 五぀の章の間それぞれに— 母芪が圌を身ごもっおいた時期 幌児期 小孊校に通っおいた時期 䞭高生の時期 そしお少幎叞法で凊眮されおいる時期 これら五぀の時期に 瀟䌚ができるいろいろなこずがありたした 実際 考えおみるだけでも 五章のそれぞれに五皮類ず぀の異なった 瀟䌚的な介入の仕方があり それを奜きなように組み合わせるこずで 3000以䞊の戊略があるのです それを遞んでりィルのような子どもの 歩む道筋を倉えさせるのです 今この堎で 解決策を手にしおいるわけではありたせん 珟実にこれから孊ぶべきこずは倚いですが 倚くのこずを党く知らないわけでもありたせん 他州での経隓もありたす 介入の仕方には幅広いやり方があり それをテキサスなど未適甚の州でも䜿っお 誰もが最悪ず考える結果を予防できるのです 幟぀か䟋を挙げたしょう 叞法制床の改革の話ではありたせん その話は匁護士ず裁刀官が集たったずころで 話すべきでしょう 代わりに皆さんの助けを埗お達成しうる 幟぀かの介入の仕方に぀いお語りたす その介入の仕方は 議員や政策圓局が —玍皎者や垂民がそうすべきだず同意しお 皎金を䜿おうずするずきに 登堎する介入の仕方だからです 経枈面やその他の理由で困っおいる 小さな子どもぞのケアの提䟛がありたす それは無償でできたす 我々の道筋から倖れた りィルのような子どもの進路を倉えられたす こういうこずをしおいる州もありたすが 我が州は違いたす 特別な支揎をする孊校を高校や䞭孊課皋や さらには小孊校課皋でも蚭眮できたす ずりわけ 経枈などで困っおいる子どもや そしお少幎叞法に 関わる子どもの支揎を目指すのです 䞡手に䜙る州でこの支揎は実斜䞭ですが テキサスではただです できるこずは他にもありたす たくさんありたすが これから蚀おうずしおいるこずは 今日の話の䞭で議論を呌ぶポむントでしょう さらに積極的な介入ずしお 危険なほどに厩壊した家庭に察しお 介入しお 母芪が肉切り包䞁を手にしお 殺しおやるず口にする前に 子どもを救出するのです もしそれを行うずすれば 子どもたちの受け入れ堎所が必芁でしょう これらの党おを実斜しおも 網をくぐっお 殺人の章の前たで行く者もいるでしょう 圌らは少幎叞法の堎にたどり着きたす もしそうなったずしおも ただ間に合いたす 道筋を改めさせる時間が残されおいたす 単に眰するこずだけを考えるのではなく 道を改めるこずを考えたしょう 北東郚の゚ヌル倧ずメリヌランド倧に二人の教授がいたす 圌らは少幎刑務所に 付属の孊校を蚭立したした 少幎達は刑務所にいながら 8時から4時過ぎたで孊校に行きたす 実珟は困難でした 刑務所内で教える教垫の採甚 孊校で働く人ず刑務所の監督官ずの 厳栌な分離 さらに新たなカリキュラム線成の必芁もありたした なぜか? 刑務所に出入りする人の動きは孊期ず関係ないのです こんな問題すべおに察凊したのです これらのこず党おに共通するこずは䜕でしょう 党おに共通しお費甚がかかるのです ここにいる䞭で幎䞊の方は 昔のオむルフィルタヌのコマヌシャルを 芚えおいるかもしれたせん こんなセリフです 「今払わなくおも いずれ払うお金です」 死刑制床ずいうのは 埌でお金を払わせる やり方です 倧事なこずは 経枈的理由などで困っおいる児童の支揎に 早い時期に1侇5千ドル䜿うたびに 早い時期に1侇5千ドル䜿うたびに ずっず将来の犯眪に関わる費甚を8䞇ドル削枛できるのです 道埳的な矩務に基づき実斜すべき ずいう点に同意が埗られなくおも 経枈的にも意矩があるこずです りィルず亀わした最埌の䌚話のこずをお話ししたす 死刑執行される予定の日に 私たちは話をしおいたした 圌の事案には やり残しはなく 私たちは圌の人生に぀いお話したした 最初はほずんど知らない父芪の話 もう故人でした それから母芪のこず 圌のよく知る母芪は ただ生きおいたした 私は蚀いたした 「話は知っおいたす 蚘録を読んだから お母さんに殺されそうになったこずも」 「ずっず䞍思議に思っおいたけれど そのこずを本圓に芚えおいたすか?」 「5才頃のこずなど 私自身は䜕も芚えおいない 誰かに聞いた話を芚えおいたせんか?」 圌は私を芋぀めお身を乗り出しお蚀いたした 「教授」—12幎の付き合いを通しお教授ず呌ばれおいたした 「教授 バカにする぀もりはたったくないのですが でも 自分よりも倧きな 肉切り包䞁を手にした母芪が 殺しおやるず叫びながら家䞭を远いかけおきお トむレに閉じこもっお鍵をかけお 倧声で叫び続けお譊官に助けられたら」 私を芋お続けたす 「忘れられるものではありたせん」 ひず぀ 芚えおおいお欲しいこずがありたす 今朝ここに着いた時から昌䌑みたでの間に アメリカでは4件の殺人が 発生しおいたす 盞圓の瀟䌚的な゚ネルギヌをこういう犯眪者に ぀ぎ蟌んでいくこずになりたす 悪人を眰するこずは劥圓なこずです しかしそのうち3件は予防できるものなのです 広い芖野で捉え もっず早いフェヌズに泚意をはらうこずにすれば 死刑に連なる4章は 冒頭の刀決文すら 䞍芁になりたす ありがずうございたした
We have an 11-year-old son; his name is Lincoln. He was sitting at the same table, doing his math homework. And during a pause in my conversation with Katya, I looked over at Lincoln and I was suddenly thunderstruck by a recollection of a client of mine. My client was a guy named Will. He was from North Texas. He never knew his father very well, because his father left his mom while she was pregnant with him. And so, he was destined to be raised by a single mom, which might have been all right except that this particular single mom was a paranoid schizophrenic, and when Will was five years old, she tried to kill him with a butcher knife. She was taken away by authorities and placed in a psychiatric hospital, and so for the next several years Will lived with his older brother, until he committed suicide by shooting himself through the heart. And after that Will bounced around from one family member to another, until, by the time he was nine years old, he was essentially living on his own. That morning that I was sitting with Katya and Lincoln, I looked at my son, and I realized that when my client, Will, was his age, he'd been living by himself for two years. Will eventually joined a gang and committed a number of very serious crimes, including, most seriously of all, a horrible, tragic murder. And Will was ultimately executed as punishment for that crime. But I don't want to talk today about the morality of capital punishment. I certainly think that my client shouldn't have been executed, but what I would like to do today instead is talk about the death penalty in a way I've never done before, in a way that is entirely noncontroversial. I think that's possible, because there is a corner of the death penalty debate -- maybe the most important corner -- where everybody agrees, where the most ardent death penalty supporters and the most vociferous abolitionists are on exactly the same page. That's the corner I want to explore. Before I do that, though, I want to spend a couple of minutes telling you how a death penalty case unfolds, and then I want to tell you two lessons that I have learned over the last 20 years as a death penalty lawyer from watching well more than a hundred cases unfold in this way. You can think of a death penalty case as a story that has four chapters. The first chapter of every case is exactly the same, and it is tragic. It begins with the murder of an innocent human being, and it's followed by a trial where the murderer is convicted and sent to death row, and that death sentence is ultimately upheld by the state appellate court. The second chapter consists of a complicated legal proceeding known as a state habeas corpus appeal. The third chapter is an even more complicated legal proceeding known as a federal habeas corpus proceeding. And the fourth chapter is one where a variety of things can happen. The lawyers might file a clemency petition, they might initiate even more complex litigation, or they might not do anything at all. But that fourth chapter always ends with an execution. When I started representing death row inmates more than 20 years ago, people on death row did not have a right to a lawyer in either the second or the fourth chapter of this story. They were on their own. In fact, it wasn't until the late 1980s that they acquired a right to a lawyer during the third chapter of the story. So what all of these death row inmates had to do was rely on volunteer lawyers to handle their legal proceedings. The problem is that there were way more guys on death row than there were lawyers who had both the interest and the expertise to work on these cases. And so inevitably, lawyers drifted to cases that were already in chapter four -- that makes sense, of course. Those are the cases that are most urgent; those are the guys who are closest to being executed. Some of these lawyers were successful; they managed to get new trials for their clients. Others of them managed to extend the lives of their clients, sometimes by years, sometimes by months. But the one thing that didn't happen was that there was never a serious and sustained decline in the number of annual executions in Texas. In fact, as you can see from this graph, from the time that the Texas execution apparatus got efficient in the mid- to late 1990s, there have only been a couple of years where the number of annual executions dipped below 20. In a typical year in Texas, we're averaging about two people a month. In some years in Texas, we've executed close to 40 people, and this number has never significantly declined over the last 15 years. And yet, at the same time that we continue to execute about the same number of people every year, the number of people who we're sentencing to death on an annual basis has dropped rather steeply. So we have this paradox, which is that the number of annual executions has remained high but the number of new death sentences has gone down. Why is that? It can't be attributed to a decline in the murder rate, because the murder rate has not declined nearly so steeply as the red line on that graph has gone down. What has happened instead is that juries have started to sentence more and more people to prison for the rest of their lives without the possibility of parole, rather than sending them to the execution chamber. Why has that happened? It hasn't happened because of a dissolution of popular support for the death penalty. Death penalty opponents take great solace in the fact Do you know what all-time low in Texas means? It means that it's in the low 60 percent. when it was in excess of 80 percent, but we can't explain the decline in death sentences and the affinity for life without the possibility of parole by an erosion of support for the death penalty, because people still support the death penalty. What's happened to cause this phenomenon? What's happened is that lawyers who represent death row inmates have shifted their focus to earlier and earlier chapters of the death penalty story. So 25 years ago, they focused on chapter four. And they went from chapter four 25 years ago to chapter three in the late 1980s. And they went from chapter three in the late 1980s to chapter two in the mid-1990s. And beginning in the mid- to late 1990s, they began to focus on chapter one of the story. Now, you might think that this decline in death sentences and the increase in the number of life sentences is a good thing or a bad thing. I don't want to have a conversation about that today. All that I want to tell you is that the reason that this has happened is because death penalty lawyers have understood that the earlier you intervene in a case, the greater the likelihood that you're going to save your client's life. That's the first thing I've learned. Here's the second thing I learned: My client Will was not the exception to the rule; he was the rule. I sometimes say, if you tell me the name of a death row inmate -- doesn't matter what state he's in, doesn't matter if I've ever met him before -- I'll write his biography for you. And eight out of 10 times, the details of that biography will be more or less accurate. And the reason for that is that 80 percent of the people on death row are people who came from the same sort of dysfunctional family that Will did. Eighty percent of the people on death row are people who had exposure to the juvenile justice system. That's the second lesson that I've learned. Now we're right on the cusp of that corner where everybody's going to agree. People in this room might disagree about whether Will should have been executed, but I think everybody would agree that the best possible version of his story would be a story where no murder ever occurs. How do we do that? When our son Lincoln was working on that math problem two weeks ago, it was a big, gnarly problem. And he was learning how, when you have a big old gnarly problem, sometimes the solution is to slice it into smaller problems. That's what we do for most problems -- in math, in physics, even in social policy -- we slice them into smaller, more manageable problems. But every once in a while, as Dwight Eisenhower said, the way you solve a problem is to make it bigger. The way we solve this problem is to make the issue of the death penalty bigger. We have to say, all right. We have these four chapters of a death penalty story, but what happens before that story begins? How can we intervene in the life of a murderer before he's a murderer? What options do we have to nudge that person off of the path that is going to lead to a result that everybody -- death penalty supporters and death penalty opponents -- still think is a bad result: the murder of an innocent human being? You know, sometimes people say that something isn't rocket science. And by that, what they mean is rocket science is really complicated and this problem that we're talking about now is really simple. Well that's rocket science; that's the mathematical expression for the thrust created by a rocket. What we're talking about today is just as complicated. What we're talking about today is also rocket science. My client Will and 80 percent of the people on death row had five chapters in their lives that came before the four chapters of the death penalty story. I think of these five chapters as points of intervention, when our society could've intervened in their lives and nudged them off of the path that they were on death penalty supporters or death penalty opponents -- say was a bad result. Now, during each of these five chapters: when his mother was pregnant with him; in his early childhood years; when he was in elementary school; when he was in middle school and then high school; and when he was in the juvenile justice system -- during each of those five chapters, there were a wide variety of things that society could have done. In fact, if we just imagine that there are five different modes of intervention, the way that society could intervene in each of those five chapters, and we could mix and match them any way we want, there are 3,000 -- more than 3,000 -- possible strategies that we could embrace in order to nudge kids like Will off of the path that they're on. So I'm not standing here today with the solution. But the fact that we still have a lot to learn, that doesn't mean that we don't know a lot already. We know from experience in other states that there are a wide variety of modes of intervention that we could be using in Texas, in order to prevent a consequence that we all agree is bad. I'll just mention a few. I won't talk today about reforming the legal system. That's probably a topic that is best reserved for a room full of lawyers and judges. Instead, let me talk about a couple of modes of intervention that we can all help accomplish, because they are modes of intervention that will come about when legislators and policymakers, when taxpayers and citizens, agree that that's what we ought to be doing and that's how we ought to be spending our money. We could be providing early childhood care for economically disadvantaged and otherwise troubled kids, and we could be doing it for free. And we could be nudging kids like Will off of the path that we're on. There are other states that do that, but we don't. We could be providing special schools, at both the high school level and the middle school level, but even in K-5, that target economically and otherwise disadvantaged kids, and particularly kids who have had exposure to the juvenile justice system. There are a handful of states that do that; Texas doesn't. There's one other thing we can be doing -- well, there are a bunch of other things -- there's one other thing that I'm going to mention, and this is going to be the only controversial thing that I say today. We could be intervening much more aggressively into dangerously dysfunctional homes, and getting kids out of them before their moms pick up butcher knives and threaten to kill them. If we're going to do that, we need a place to put them. Even if we do all of those things, some kids are going to fall through the cracks and they're going to end up in that last chapter before the murder story begins, they're going to end up in the juvenile justice system. And even if that happens, it's not yet too late. There's still time to nudge them, if we think about nudging them rather than just punishing them. There are two professors in the Northeast -- one at Yale and one at Maryland -- they set up a school that is attached to a juvenile prison. And the kids are in prison, but they go to school from eight in the morning until four in the afternoon. Now, it was logistically difficult. They had to recruit teachers who wanted to teach inside a prison, between the people who work at the school and the prison authorities, and most dauntingly of all, they needed to invent a new curriculum because you know what? People don't come into and out of prison on a semester basis. But they did all those things. Now, what do all of these things have in common? What all of these things have in common is that they cost money. Some of the people in the room might be old enough to remember the guy on the old oil filter commercial. He used to say, "Well, you can pay me now or you can pay me later." What we're doing in the death penalty system is we're paying later. But the thing is that for every 15,000 dollars that we spend intervening in the lives of economically and otherwise disadvantaged kids in those earlier chapters, we save 80,000 dollars in crime-related costs down the road. Even if you don't agree that there's a moral imperative that we do it, it just makes economic sense. I want to tell you about the last conversation that I had with Will. It was the day that he was going to be executed, and we were just talking. There was nothing left to do in his case. And we were talking about his life. And he was talking first about his dad, who he hardly knew, who had died, and then about his mom, who he did know, who was still alive. And I said to him, "I know the story. I've read the records. I know that she tried to kill you." I said, "But I've always wondered whether you really actually remember that." I said, "I don't remember anything from when I was five years old. Maybe you just remember somebody telling you." And he looked at me and he leaned forward, and he said, "Professor," -- he'd known me for 12 years, he still called me Professor. He said, "Professor, I don't mean any disrespect by this, but when your mama picks up a butcher knife and chases you through the house screaming she's going to kill you, and you have to lock yourself in the bathroom and holler for help until the police get there," he looked at me and he said, "that's something you don't forget." I hope there's one thing you all won't forget: In between the time you arrived here this morning and the time we break for lunch, there are going to be four homicides in the United States. We're going to devote enormous social resources to punishing the people who commit those crimes, and that's appropriate because we should punish people who do bad things. But three of those crimes are preventable. If we make the picture bigger and devote our attention to the earlier chapters, then we're never going to write the first sentence that begins the death penalty story. Thank you.
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勢力の均衡に぀いお 勢力の均衡ずいう考えが、完党に近代の政策おかげでできたものなのか、それずもただこの近幎に甚語ずしお䜜り出されただけのものなのか、それが問題なんだ。 確かに、クセノフォンは『キュロスの教育』の䞭で、小アゞア諞勢力の連合がメディアやペルシアの勢力増倧にたいする譊戒から生じたず述べおいる。 この立掟な䜜品は、たるでそれが䜜り話だずしおも、著者が東方の諞君䞻のせいにしおいるこの感情が、少なくずも、叀代の䞀般的な考えだったこずを蚌拠だおおいるんだ。 ギリシア人のどの政策にも、勢力の均衡に関しおは、配慮が芋おずれるし、叀代の歎史家でさえ、その配慮をはっきり瀺しおいる。 トゥキディデスは、アテネにたいしお圢成され、ペロポネ゜ス戊争の原因ずなった同盟は、たったくこの原理によるものだずしおいる。 そしお、アテネが没萜し、テヌベ人ずラケデモン人が支配暩を争ったずき、アテネ人は(他の共和囜ず同様)い぀も軜いほうの秀皿に身を投じ、均衡を保ずうず努めた。 レりクトラで゚パミノンダスで倧勝利をあげるたでは、圌らはスパルタにたいしおテヌベを支揎しおきたけれど、 この勝利の埌は、盎ちに敗北者偎の味方になった。 それは寛倧さからだずいうふりをしおいるけれど、しかし本圓は勝利者にたいする譊戒心からなんだ。 デモステネスのメガロポリス人ぞの挔説を読めば、この原理の極臎の姿を芋るこずができる。 それはノェネツィアやむギリスの政治理論家が論じおきたものず同じなんだ。 マケドニア人の勢力がはじめお勃興しおくるずすぐに、この雄匁家は危険を芋出し、党ギリシアに譊鐘を鳎らし、぀いにはアテネの旗のもずに同盟を぀くっお、カむロネむアの倧決戊を戊った。 確かに歎史家はギリシア人の戊争を政治的なものでなくお察抗心による戊争だずみなしおきたし、 それぞれの囜家は、暩嚁や支配暩にたいするちゃんず根拠のある期埅を抱くずいうより、他の諞囜を指揮するずいう名誉のほうをもくろんでいたようだ。 実際、どの共和囜も党䜓ず比范するず人口が少ないこず、圓時は包囲を敷くのは極めお難しかったこず、その高貎な民族にあっお個々の自由人が䞊倖れお勇敢で歊技も優れおいるこずを考えるず、 勢力の均衡は、それ自䜓ではギリシアで十分確保されいお、他の時代なら䞍可欠ずされるような、泚意をはらっお監芖しおおく必芁がないずいう結論にはなる。 だけど、ギリシアのどの共和囜でも芋られた敵味方の倉動は、劬みによる察抗心のせいにしろ、甚心深い政策のせいにしろ、同じような結果ずなり、優勢な勢力はどれも、それに察抗する同盟、それもたいおいは以前の友邊や味方からなる同盟ず、察峙するこずになるに決たっおいた。 それを劬みず呌がうが深慮ず呌がうが、同じ原理がアテネの陶片远攟やシラクサの葉片远攟を生み出し、名声や勢力で他を圧倒する垂民をすべお远攟した。 たあ蚀っおみれば、同じ原理が圓然ながら倖亀政策にもあっおだね、指導的囜家が暩嚁の行䜿にどんなに節床を保ずうが、その敵察勢力がたちたち立ち䞊がるんだ。 ペルシアの王は実際のずころ、自れの勢力では、ギリシアの共和囜に比べお匱小の君䞻だ。 だから圌にずっおは、察抗心からずいうより、安党の芳点から、ギリシア諞囜の玛争に関心を抱き、どの抗争でも匱い偎を支揎するのが埗策だった。 これがアルキビアデスがティッサフェルネスに助蚀したこずだったんだ。 それでペルシア垝囜の寿呜は䞀䞖玀ほど延呜した。 わずかの間、この助蚀をおろそかにするず、フィリッポスずいう野心に満ちた英才が珟われるや、その高くそびえおはいるが脆い建造物は地に厩れ萜ち、それは人類史䞊あたり䟋のないほどあっけなかった。 アレクサンダヌ倧王の埌継者たちは、勢力の均衡には倧いに泚意を払った。 この譊戒心は正しい政策ず深慮に基いたもので、そのおかげで、この有名な埁服者の死埌になされた領土分割は、数䞖代にわたっお独立を保ったんだ。 アンティゎノスの幞運ず野心で、埌継諞王囜は、新たに䞖界統䞀王囜の脅嚁にさらされたけれど、 諞王囜は連合しおむプ゜スで勝利を収め、呜運を保った。 それに続く時代には、東方諞王ギリシア人ずマケドニア人を唯䞀の正真正銘の軍事勢力ずみなしお、圌らずなんらかの亀枉をもち、絶えず䞖界のその地方に譊戒の県を向けおいた。 プトレマむオス朝は特に、最初はアラトスずアカむア同盟を支揎し、埌にはスパルタ王クレオメネスを支揎したが、それはマケドニア王囜にたいする拮抗勢力ずいう芳点だけからなされたものなんだ。 だっお、ポリビオスが゚ゞプトの政策぀いお述べおいる説明がこうなんだから。 叀代人がたるで勢力の均衡っおものを知らないず思われおいる理由は、ギリシア史よりもロヌマ史から匕き出せそうだ。 䞀般にロヌマの事瞟のほうががくらに銎染み深いので、がくらはそこから結論をすべお䜜っおしたっおいるんだ。 それは、ロヌマが、急速な埁服だずか公然たる野望から圓然遭遇しおもよさそうな、党面的な反ロヌマ連合や同盟ず遭遇するこずがけっしおなかったせいだ。 そうではなくお、圌らは穏圓に近隣諞囜を支配しおいき、次から次ぞず、知られおいる党䞖界䞭にたで支配暩を拡倧したんだ。 圌らのむタリア戊争ずいう䌝説じみた歎史はさおおき、 ロヌマ囜家ぞのハンニバルの䟵攻に際しおは、重倧な危機があり、あらゆる文明諞囜の泚意をひいたはずだ。 埌䞖になっおわかったように(圓時でもそれに気が぀くのは難しくはなかったのだが)、これは䞖界垝囜をめぐる抗争だった。 だけど、玛争の成行きや結末に、わずかでも䞍安を抱いた君䞻や囜家はなかった。 マケドニアのフィリッポスは、ハンニバルが勝利するたで䞭立を保ち、 圌が勝利するず、軜率に極みのようにその勝利者ず同盟を結んだが、その条項たるやさらに茪をかけお軜率なものだった。 その玄定では、圌はカルタゎ囜家のむタリア埁服を支揎し、 その埌に、ギリシア諞囜制圧に際しおフィリッポスを支揎しおカルタゎがギリシアに掟兵するずいうものだったんだ。 ロヌドスやアカむアの共和囜は、その賢明さや堅実な政策で、叀代の歎史家から倧いに称賛を埗おきた。 だけど、どちらも、ロヌマ人がフィリッポスやアンティオコスず戊争するず、ロヌマ人を支揎した。 勢力の均衡ずいうこの原理がその時代には䞀般には知られおいなったこずの、これ以䞊の蚌拠はないだろう。 叀代の著䜜家はだれ䞀人、こうした方策の軜率さに泚意をはらわなかったし、さっき述べたフィリッポスずカルタゎ人の間に結ばれたあの銬鹿げた条玄を非難するこずさえしおいないんだ。 君䞻や政治家は、い぀の䞖でも、事の成行きに関しお、早ずちりしお掚論をしそこなうこずがある。 しかし、その埌に歎史家が、事件に぀いお劥圓な刀断をしおいないっおいうのは、かなり異垞だ。 マッシニッサ、アッタロス、プルシアスは私的な情欲を満足させようずしお、みんなロヌマの匷倧化の道具ずなった。 そしお自分たちの同盟者の埁服を早めるこずは、自分自身を瞛る鎖を鍛えるこずなるずは、思いもしなかったようだ。 マッシニッサずカルタゎの間の簡単な条玄ず合意は、盞互の利害の䞊2002幎01月28日 改蚳でずおも必芁だったんだけど、それがあれば、ロヌマがアフリカに入るのを防げたし、人類の自由も確保できたはずなんだ。 がくがロヌマ史の䞭で芋た君䞻のうち、勢力の均衡ずいうこずを理解しおいそうな人物は、シラクサのピロン王だけだ。 圌はロヌマの同盟者であったにもかかわらず、予備戊圹ではカルタゎに揎軍を送った。 「シシリアの自分の領土を確保しながら、同時にロヌマずの友奜関係を維持するためは、カルタゎが没萜するこずで、 残った勢力が、察抗勢力がないたた、どんな目的でも事業でも遂行できるようにならないよう、カルタゎが安泰であるこずが必芁だず考えた。 そこで圌は偉倧な知恵ず慎重さを発揮しお行動した。 ずいうのは、このこずは、どうあっおも芋過ごしおはならないし、 ず。 ここには、珟代の政治孊の目的が明確な蚀葉で指摘されおいる。 ロヌマ垝囜の没萜埌、北方からの埁服者が暹立した統治圢態では、倧方、さらに埁服を続けるのが䞍可胜で、長い間それぞれの囜家は、それに適した境界内に留たった。 だけど、封臣制ず封建的軍制が廃止されるず、シャルル倧垝ずいう䞀個人に倚くの王囜や䞻暩が統合されたこずから、人類は再び䞖界王囜の脅嚁にさらされた。 けれど、広くはあるが分割された領土ず、金鉱ず銀鉱から埗られた富に基瀎を眮くオヌストリア王家の暩力は、反抗した防塞諞囜に打ち砎られたずいうより、内郚的な欠陥から自ら朜ち果おおいったようだ。 䞀䞖玀もたたずに、この残忍で䞍遜な䞀族は粉砕され、その富は四散し、その栄華は消え倱せた。 それに続く暩力は、ペヌロッパの自由にずっおさらに恐ろしいもので、オヌストリアのも぀長所を持ち、その欠陥に悩たされるこずもなく、ただ頑迷ず迫害の粟神だけは分け持っおいた。 この頑迷ず迫害には、オヌストリアは長いこず執心しおきたし、今でもただそうなんだ。 この野心に満ちた暩力に察抗した党面戊争で、倧ブリテンは先頭に立っおきたし、 今でもその地䜍を守っおいる。 その富や立地の利点ず䞊んで、その囜民はその囜民粟神で掻気づいおいお、その政府のからの恩恵を十分感じおいるので、その掻気は必芁な倧矩があれば衰えるこずはない。 逆に、過去の事䟋から刀断するず、その激しい熱意はむしろいくぶん緩和する必芁があるほどだ。 それで、非難すべき熱意䞍足より賞賛すべき熱意過剰から、しばしば過ちを仕でかしおいる。 第䞀に、がくらは、珟代の政治孊の慎重な芋解によっお行動しおいるよりも、叀代ギリシアの劬みによる察抗心ずいう粟神に取り぀かれおいるみたいだ。 フランスずの戊争は正矩に基づいお、たたおそらくは必芁にさえ迫られお、始められたんだけれど、 い぀も匷情ず情熱からあたりに掚し進めすぎるこずになっおきた。 埌に1697幎にリズりィックで結ばれた和平は、1692幎には早くも申し入れがあったものだ。 1712幎のナトレヒトでの条玄締結は、1708幎にゲルトルむテンベルクで同じ奜条件で終結しおいたはずのものだ。 1743幎のフランクフルトで差し出されたはずの同じ条項、1748幎になっお゚クス・ラ・シャペルで喜んで受け入れおいる。 こうしお芋るず、わが察仏戊争の半分以䞊、そしおわが囜の公債のすべおが、隣囜の野心のせいずいうより、がくらの軜率な熱情のせいなんだ。 第二に、がくらはフランス勢力反察を宣蚀し、わが同盟囜の防衛には譊戒怠りないので、同盟囜はい぀も自囜軍ではなくわが軍を圓おにし、 しかも戊争遂行にわが囜の戊費を圓おこんで、理にかなった条件での貞付けをたるで拒絶しおいる。 服スルハ身内、甚ナキハ他人ず蚀う蚀葉は 䞖界䞭のだれもが知っおいたすが、先の囜䌚の始めに䞋院であった党掟争い的投祚は、公然たる囜民気質ずあいたっお、ハンガリア女王が自分の条件に固執する原因ずなり、盎ちにペヌロッパの党面的平和を取り戻したはずのプロシアずの協定を反叀にしたんだ。 第䞉に、がくらは真の闘士であっお、䞀旊戊いを始めるず、自分自身や子孫のこずなどたるで関心を倱い、いかにしたらもっずも敵を苊しめられるかばかり考えおしたう。 自分たちが埓属的な立堎であっおも、戊時ずなれば、歳入を銖が回らないほどの利率で担保にいれずいうのは、確かに臎呜的な誀りで、およそ政略だの分別だのの才芚があるずいう囜民なら、犯したこずのないような犯眪だ。 その資金䞊の救枈策は、毒ではなくお薬だずしおも、圓然ながら、最埌の窮地たでずっおおくべきものだ。 最倧の緊急時でも最悪でなければ、がくらはこういう危険な方策を受け入れおしたっおはならないんだ。 がくらがしでかしたこの行き過ぎは、有害だ。 で、時によっお、おそらく、よくあるこずだが、正反察の行き過ぎに陥り、ペヌロッパの呜運にたったく無頓着、無関心になっお、別の意味でさらに有害になるかもしれない。 アテネ人はギリシアでもっずも隒々しい、陰謀奜きで奜戊的な囜民だったが、あらゆる玛争に介入するずいう自分たちのぞたに気づくず、倖亀ぞのあらゆる関心を倱い、 どの抗争でもどちらの味方もせず、ただ勝者に甘蚀远埓を述べるだけになった。 匷倧な君䞻囜ずいうのが、その進歩、その継続、たた建囜から遠からず蚪れるその没萜においおさえ、おそらく人間の本性にたいしお砎壊的なんだ。 軍事の気颚がが君䞻囜を匷倧にしたが、それはたちたち宮廷や銖郜ずいった政暩の䞭心から離れおいった。 䞀方で戊争ははるか圌方で行われ、囜家の少数郚分しか利害がない。 叀来からの貎族は君䞻を慕い、すべお宮廷で暮らすようになり、けっしお軍務には就きたがらない。 ずいうのは軍務に就けば遠方の未開な蟺境に行かなければならず、そこでは楜しみからも幞運から離れおしたうからだ。 だから、囜家軍は熱意もなく、愛着心もなく、名誉心もないよそ者の傭兵に委ねられるが、 連䞭はい぀だっお君䞻に歯向かい、絊料ず略奪品を提䟛しおくれる砎れかぶれの䞍満分子ず結び぀く機䌚を埅ちかたえおいる。 これが人間諞事の必然的な成り行きなんだ。 かくしお人間の本性は空高き䞊昇を止められ、 野心は盲目的に勝利者、その家族、その偎近や寵臣すべおを砎滅させるこずにかかりっきりずなる。 ブルボン家は、その勇敢で忠誠を぀くしお慕っおくる貎族の支揎を圓おにしおいるなら、遠慮も制玄もなく、自分の利点を抌し出しおきたこずだろう。 こういう貎族は、名誉心ず察抗心で燃え立っおいる間は、戊争の劎苊ず危険に耐えるこずができる。 しかし、宮廷で忘れ去られ、君䞻の偎に䟍る寵臣や寵姫の陰謀の犠牲ずなりながら、ハンガリアやリトアニアの駐屯地で惚めに暮らすこずには甘んじるなんおありえない。 軍隊はクロアチア階兵だのタタヌル階兵だのハンガリア階兵だのコサック階兵だので補充される。 それにわずかだけど、もっずたしな地方の出の傭兵どもでもね。 それで、同じ原因から、ロヌマ皇垝の憂鬱な運呜が、䜕床も䜕床も繰り返され、君䞻制が最終的に解䜓するたで続くんだ。
OF THE BALANCE OF POWER IT is a question whether the idea of the balance of power be owing entirely to modern policy, or whether the phrase only has been invented in these later ages? It is certain, that XENOPHON,*67 in his Institution of CYRUS, represents the combination of the ASIATIC powers to have arisen from a jealousy of the encreasing force of the MEDES and PERSIANS; and though that elegant composition should be supposed altogether a romance,° this sentiment, ascribed by the author to the eastern princes, is at least a proof of the prevailing notion of ancient times. In all the politics of GREECE, the anxiety, with regard to the balance of power, is apparent, and is expressly pointed out to us, even by the ancient historians. THUCYDIDES*68 represents the league, which was formed against ATHENS, and which produced the PELOPONNESIAN war, as entirely owing to this principle. And after the decline of ATHENS, when the THEBANS and LACEDEMONIANS disputed for sovereignty, we find, that the ATHENIANS (as well as many other republics) always threw themselves into the lighter scale, and endeavoured to preserve the balance. They supported THEBES against SPARTA, till the great victory gained by EPAMINONDAS at LEUCTRA; after which they immediately went over to the conquered, from generosity, as they pretended, but in reality from their jealousy of the conquerors.*69 Whoever will read DEMOSTHENES'S oration for the MEGALOPOLITANS, may see the utmost refinements on this principle, that ever entered into the head of a VENETIAN or ENGLISH speculatist.*70 And upon the first rise of the MACEDONIAN power, this orator immediately discovered the danger, sounded the alarm throughout all GREECE, and at last assembled that confederacy under the banners of ATHENS, which fought the great and decisive battle of CHAERONEA. It is true, the GRECIAN wars are regarded by historians as wars of emulation rather than of politics; and each state seems to have had more in view the honour of leading the rest, than any well-grounded hopes of authority and dominion. If we consider, indeed, the small number of inhabitants in any one republic, compared to the whole, the great difficulty of forming sieges in those times, and the extraordinary bravery and discipline of every freeman among that noble people; we shall conclude, that the balance of power was, of itself, sufficiently secured in GREECE, and needed not to have been guarded with that caution which may be requisite in other ages. But whether we ascribe the shifting of sides in all the GRECIAN republics to jealous emulation or cautious politics, the effects were alike, and every prevailing power was sure to meet with a confederacy against it, and that often composed of its former friends and allies. The same principle, call it envy or prudence, which produced the Ostracism of ATHENS, and Petalism of SYRACUSE,*71 and expelled every citizen whose fame or power overtopped the rest; the same principle, I say, naturally discovered itself in foreign politics, and soon raised enemies to the leading state, however moderate in the exercise of its authority. The PERSIAN monarch was really, in his force, a petty prince, compared to the GRECIAN republics; and therefore it behoved him, from views of safety more than from emulation, to interest himself in their quarrels, and to support the weaker side in every contest. This was the advice given by ALCIBIADES to TISSAPHERNES,*72 and it prolonged near a century the date of the PERSIAN empire; till the neglect of it for a moment, after the first appearance of the aspiring genius of PHILIP, brought that lofty and frail edifice to the ground, with a rapidity of which there are few instances in the history of mankind. The successors of ALEXANDER showed great jealousy of° the balance of power; a jealousy founded on true politics and prudence, and which preserved distinct for several ages the partition made after the death of that famous conqueror. The fortune and ambition of ANTIGONUS*73 threatened them anew with a universal monarchy; but their combination, and their victory at IPSUS saved them. And in subsequent times, we find, that, as the Eastern princes considered the GREEKS and MACEDONIANS as the only real military force, with whom they had any intercourse, they kept always a watchful eye over that part of the world. The PTOLEMIES, in particular, supported first ARATUS and the ACHAEANS, and then CLEOMENES king of SPARTA, from no other view than as a counterbalance to the MACEDONIAN monarchs. For this is the account which POLYBIUS gives of the EGYPTIAN politics.*74 The reason, why it is supposed, that the ancients were entirely ignorant of the balance of power, seems to be drawn from the ROMAN history more than the GRECIAN; and as the transactions of the former are generally more familiar to us, we have thence formed all our conclusions. It must be owned, that the ROMANS never met with any such general combination or confederacy against them, as might naturally have been expected from the rapid conquests and declared ambition; but were allowed peaceably to subdue their neighbours, one after another, till they extended their dominion over the whole known world. Not to mention the fabulous history of theira ITALIC wars; there was, upon HANNIBAL'S invasion of the ROMAN state, a remarkable crisis, which ought to have called up the attention of all civilized nations. It appeared afterwards (nor was it difficult to be observed at the time)*75 that this was a contest for universal empire; yet no prince or state seems to have been in the least alarmed about the event or issue of the quarrel. PHILIP of MACEDON remained neuter, till he saw the victories of HANNIBAL; and then most imprudently formed an alliance with the conqueror, upon terms still more imprudent. He stipulated, that he was to assist the CARTHAGINIAN state in their conquest of ITALY; after which they engaged to send over forces into GREECE, to assist him in subduing the GRECIAN commonwealths.*76 The RHODIAN and ACHAEAN republics are much celebrated by ancient historians for their wisdom and sound policy; yet both of them assisted the ROMANS in their wars against PHILIP and ANTIOCHUS. And what may be esteemed still a stronger proof, that this maxim was not generally known in those ages; no ancient author has remarked the imprudence of these measures, nor has even blamed that absurd treaty above-mentioned, made by PHILIP with the CARTHAGINIANS. Princes and statesmen, in all ages, may, before-hand, be blinded in their reasonings with regard to events: But it is somewhat extraordinary, that historians, afterwards, should not form a sounder judgment of them. MASSINISSA, ATTALUS, PRUSIAS, in gratifying their private passions, were, all of them, the instruments of the ROMAN greatness; and never seem to have suspected, that they were forging their own chains, while they advanced the conquests of their ally.*77 A simple treaty and agreement between MASSINISSA and the CARTHAGINIANS, so much required by mutual interest, barred° the ROMANS from all entrance into AFRICA, and preserved liberty to mankind. The only prince we meet with in the ROMAN history, who seems to have understood the balance of power, is HIERO king of SYRACUSE. Though the ally of ROME, he sent assistance to the CARTHAGINIANS, during the war of the auxiliaries; "Esteeming it requisite," lest by its fall the remaining power should be able, without contrast or opposition, to execute every purpose and undertaking. And here he acted with great wisdom and prudence. For that is never, on any account, to be overlooked; nor ought such a force ever to be thrown into one hand, as to incapacitate the neighbouring states from defending their rights against it." Here is the aim of modern politics pointed out in express terms. After the fall of the ROMAN empire, the form of government, established by the northern conquerors, incapacitated them, in a great measure, for farther conquests, and long maintained each state in its proper boundaries. But when vassalage and the feudal militia were abolished, mankind were anew alarmed by the danger of universal monarchy, from the union of so many kingdoms and principalities in the person of the emperor CHARLES.*79 But the power of the house of AUSTRIA, founded on extensive but divided dominions, and their riches, derived chiefly from mines of gold and silver, were more likely to decay, of themselves, from internal defects, than to overthrow all the bulwarks raised against them. In less than a century, the force of that violent and haughty race was shattered, their opulence dissipated, their splendor eclipsed. A new power succeeded,*80 more formidable to the liberties of EUROPE, possessing all the advantages of the former, and labouring under none of its defects; except a share of that spirit of bigotry and persecution, with which the house of AUSTRIA was so long, and still is so much infatuated. In the general wars, maintained against this ambitious power, GREAT BRITAIN has stood foremost; and she still maintains her station. Beside her advantages of riches and situation, her people are animated with such a national spirit, and are so fully sensible of the blessings of their government, that we may hope their vigour never will languish in so necessary and so just a cause. On the contrary, if we may judge by the past, their passionate ardour seems rather to require some moderation; and they have oftener erred from a laudable excess than from a blameable deficiency. In the first place, we seem to have been more possessed with the ancient GREEK spirit of jealous emulation, than actuated by the prudent views of modern politics. Our wars with FRANCE have been begun with justice, and even, perhaps, from necessity; but have always been too far pushed from obstinacy and passion. The same peace, which was afterwards made at RYSWICK in 1697, was offered so early as the year ninety-two; that concluded at UTRECHT in 1712 might have been finished on as good conditions at GERTRUYTENBERG in the year eight; and we might have given at FRANKFORT, in 1743, the same terms, which we were glad to accept of at AIX-LA-CHAPELLE in the year forty-eight. Here then we see, that above half of our wars with FRANCE, and all our public debts, are owing more to our own imprudent vehemence, than to the ambition of our neighbours. In the second place, we are so declared in our opposition to FRENCH power, and so alert in defence of our allies, that they always reckon upon our force as upon their own; and expecting to carry on war at our expence, refuse all reasonable terms of accommodation. Habent subjectos, tanquam suos; viles, ut alienos.*81 All the world knows, that the factious vote of the House of Commons, in the beginning of the last parliament, with the professed humour of the nation, made the queen of HUNGARY inflexible in her terms, and prevented that agreement with PRUSSIA, which would immediately have restored the general tranquillity of EUROPE.*82 In the third place, we are such true combatants, that, when once engaged, we lose all concern for ourselves and our posterity, and consider only how we may best annoy the enemy. To mortgage our revenues at so deep a rate, in wars, where we were only accessories, was surely the most fatal delusion, that a nation, which had any pretension to politics and prudence, has ever yet been guilty of. That remedy of funding,° if it be a remedy, and not rather a poison, ought, in all reason, to be reserved to the last extremity; and no evil, but the greatest and most urgent, should ever induce us to embrace so dangerous an expedient. These excesses, to which we have been carried, are prejudicial; and may, perhaps, in time, become still more prejudicial another way, by begetting, as is usual, the opposite extreme, and rendering us totally careless and supine° with regard to the fate of EUROPE. The ATHENIANS, from the most bustling, intriguing, warlike people of GREECE, finding their error in thrusting themselves into every quarrel, abandoned all attention to foreign affairs; and in no contest ever took part on either side, except by their flatteries and complaisance to the victor. Enormous monarchiesc are, probably, destructive to human nature; in their progress, in their continuance,*83 and even in their downfal,° which never can be very distant from their establishment. The military genius, which aggrandized the monarchy, soon leaves the court, the capital, and the center of such a government; while the wars are carried on at a great distance, and interest so small a part of the state. The ancient nobility, whose affections attach them to their sovereign, live all at court; and never will accept of military employments, which would carry them to remote and barbarous frontiers, where they are distant both from their pleasures and their fortune. The arms of the state, must, therefore, be entrusted to mercenary strangers, without zeal, without attachment, without honour; ready on every occasion to turn them against the prince, and join each desperate malcontent, who offers pay and plunder. This is the necessary progress of human affairs: Thus human nature checks itself in its airy elevation: Thus ambition blindly labours for the destruction of the conqueror, of his family, and of every thing near and dear to him. The BOURBONS, trusting to the support of their brave, faithful, and affectionate nobility, would push their advantage, without reserve or limitation.*84 These, while fired with glory and emulation, can bear the fatigues and dangers of war; but never would submit to languish in the garrisons of HUNGARY or LITHUANIA, forgot at court, and sacrificed to the intrigues of every minion or mistress, who approaches the prince. The troops are filled with CRAVATES and TARTARS, HUSSARS and COSSACS; intermingled, perhaps, with a few soldiers of fortune from the better provinces: And the melancholy fate of the ROMAN emperors, from the same cause, is renewed over and over again, till the final dissolution of the monarchy.
{ "source": "mutiyama", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
あら、芋惚れおくれおいるのかしら。 たぁ、い぀もず随分雰囲気を倉えたもの。 真っ黒なレヌスのドレスに瞳の色ず同じ黄金の色で刺繡が斜されおいお......物凄い悪女っおオヌラを出しおいるものね。 ようやく胞元のダむダモンドが私に銎染んでくれたような気がするわ。 「......綺麗だね」 倚分意識しお蚀った蚀葉じゃなかったんだろう。 私は口の端を小さく䞊げおそう蚀った。 「......やっぱり、魔法が䜿えないのを隠し通すのは難しいず思うんだけど」 「分かっおいるわよ」 「なんでそんなに嬉しそうなの」 「悪女になるには困難が付きものなのよ」 「やっぱりアリシアは凄いね」 私のやる事に぀いおきおくれるみたいだ。 流石私の助手......ずいうより盞棒ね。 久しぶりに芋る魔法孊園は前よりさらに豪華な造りになっおいる気がした。 「アリシア、蚀っおおくけど、ここから戊堎だず思った方がいいよ」 「どうしお?」 「倚分......倧倉だず思う」 どうしおそんなに蚀いにくそうにしおいるのかしら。 「はっきり蚀っお」 ゞルは䜕か諊めたように小さくため息を぀いた。 「アリシアは悪口は気にしないタむプだし、匷いし、倧䞈倫だず思うけど......隙されないでね」 「誰に?」 私がそう蚀うずゞルは深く長いため息を぀いた。 悪口を蚀われおこその悪女だし、むしろ悪口はりェルカムよ。 「孊園ではアリシアは䞍利な状況なんだよ。アリシアが孊園に来なくなった時......喜んだ生埒が」 䞭途半端な所でゞルは蚀うのをやめた。私に気を遣ったのだろう。 私はもう二幎前から立掟な悪女じゃない! やっぱり自称悪女より皆が認めおくれる公認悪女の方がいいものね。 「぀たり、僕が蚀いたいのは孊園をやめる事にはならないでよね」 私はそう蚀っおゞルに笑いかけた。 ゞルの目はどうも私を信甚しおくれおいない気がする。 たぁ、ずりあえず、孊園の状況を知らないずね。 私達は二幎ぶりに魔法孊園の門をくぐった。
Oh my. Could he have been captivated by my beauty? Not surprising, I suppose, considering the atmosphere that I’m giving off is completely different from my usual one. I’m wearing a black lace dress with golden embroidery in the same shade as my eyes.... I’m sure I’m giving off a fantastically villainous aura with this amazing gown on. Particularly large and shining earrings accentuate the outfit, and with my hair pulled back smartly into a high ponytail, I’m sure I look much more mature. And finally my diamond necklace no longer seems so out of place. I’ve fully grown into it, so instead of making me look like a little girl playing dress-up, it now ties my whole look together. It gleams wickedly from its usual spot on my chest, flaunting my affluence and style. “......You’re so beautiful....” Gilles murmurs in awe, his eyes still wide and fixated on me. He probably didn’t even realize he had spoken aloud. The moment the words leave his mouth, his head jerks back a bit in surprise. “I know,” I say lightly, smirking at him. “.....I still don’t think it’ll be easy to conceal the fact that you can’t use magic....” he says once his awe subsides. “Yup. I realize that.” “Why do you look so happy then?” “It’s just one of the many hardships on my road to becoming a villainess.” “Exactly.” “Alicia, you truly are incredible. In more ways than one,” Gilles says, both admiring and a bit exasperated at the same time. Even if he doesn’t % agree with my logic, it seems he’s still willing to follow me. As expected of my assistant.... No. My accomplice. My partner. It’s been so long since I last saw the magic academy, and somehow it appears even more extravagant than before. “Alicia, a word of advice.... Go in there with the mindset of walking onto a battlefield.” “Why?” “I think.... it’s going to be rough in there otherwise,” Gilles replies, being intentionally vague. What could it be that even he is finding it difficult to say? It’s so unlike him to beat around the bush like that. “Whatever it is, just spit it out,” I say, giving him a small glare. As if giving up, he lets out a little sigh. “Alicia, you’re strong and you don’t care what people say about you. I know you’ll be fine with whatever badmouthing they do to you but.... Don’t let yourself be tricked.” “Tricked? Who? ....Me? Who would even try it?” This time, Gilles lets out a long, drawn out sigh. Was my question that odd? As he said, badmouthing I’m okay with. More than okay with! I welcome it as evidence of my wickedness. But, being tricked? What could he mean by that? “Within the academy, you’re going to be at a serious disadvantage. You didn’t attend for a whole two years. The other students would have gotten used to you not being around. They probably rejoiced the day you left. But now that you’re back, they.....” Right as he’s getting to the good part, he stops. If he was trying to draw my attention through suspense, then it worked. But without finishing that thought, I have no idea where he was going with it. Speaking of rejoicing though.... I feel over-the-moon right now! I’m nothing like the villainess that I was before. Over these last two years I’ve blossomed into a splendid flower of wickedness and pure evil! And if during that time, the rest of the student body has recognized my tyranny, so much the better! After all, I’m not aiming to only be a self-proclaimed villainess, but to become an evil villain who’s recognized by the masses. “I guess what I’m trying to say is, no matter what they do, don’t let them convince you to quit the academy.” Despite my confidence, Gilles somehow doesn’t seem convinced. But that’s fine. If he doesn’t want to believe me, so be it. I’ll just let my actions speak for me! And, for now, I think it’s time that I see just how terribly disadvantageous the situation at the academy is for me. Seeing is believing, after all. I’m sure it’s nothing that I can’t handle. And so, for the first time in two years, I stride through the gate to the academy with my back straight and my head held high.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 4, "inserted_lines_src": 16, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
私はりィルおじさんの考えに心の䞭で賛成した。私はこの囜に五倧貎族がいる意味はその為だず思っおいる。じゃないず、ただの財力がある暩力を持った集団だ。 「良い考えだね」 ゞルは目を薄く光らせながらそう蚀った。 たぁ、この考え方に反察する人なんお誰もいないわよね。 「だが、ルヌクの母芪がそれに反察したんだ」 ゞルは鋭い目぀きでそう蚀った。 「金目圓おだずしおも呚りは止めるわよね」 珟実を知れば知るほど、囜王様を軜蔑しおいるように思えた。 その気持ちは分からなくはないけど、これは囜王様が悪いんじゃなくお囜王様のお母様が悪いのよね。 たぁ、囜の王なんだからそこはちゃんずしないずいけないのは分かるんだけど。 「ルヌクは母芪の事を奜きだったぞ。圌女は自分の息子を溺愛しおいたからな。わしの事は嫌いだったみたいだが」 酷い話かもしれないが、よくある話でもある。 「だからじっちゃんを陥れたわけ?」 「......誰もがわしが悪いず思う巧劙な手口でわしをはめたんじゃ。わしは囜王殺害蚈画を立おた眪で王宮から远攟だ。さらに囜王をもず探す事がないように目をくり抜かれた」 レベッカの目からは倧粒の涙がずめどなく流れおいる。呚りからも時々錻をすする音が聞こえる。 ......こんなにも人望があった方なのに誰も庇わなかったのかしら? 「お父様は」 「この事を知っおいるのはルヌクの母芪ずその埓者達だけだ」 「囜王様は知らないのですか?」 「でもそんな倧事を隠し通すなんお䞍可胜だわ」 「圌女は綿密に蚈画を立おおいたんじゃ。誰にも知られないようにわしを消す事なんお簡単だろう。それに私は囜王ではない」 私は自分の声が震えるのが分かった。 「助けおくれる者は確かにいたのかもしれない。だが、眪人を助けるような事をしたら間違いなく殺されるだろう」 「では、りィルおじさんず仲が良かった方達はどこに行っおしたったの......?」 「確かに、今のこの囜のお偉いさん達は無胜ばっかりだからね」 「囜倖远攟だ」 私達はりィルおじさんの蚀葉に固たった誰が誰を囜倖远攟にしたの。 考えられるずしたら䞀人しかいないけど、そこたで奜き勝手出来ないはずだわ。 「その女が囜倖远攟にしたの?」 ゞルが代わりにそう聞いおくれた。きっずここにいる党員がそう思っおいるだろう。 その瞳にはもはや悲しみも怒りも、䜕の感情もなかった。 「それは流石に考えられないわ」 「わしず仲が良かった連䞭は皆、ラノァヌル囜に远攟された」 ......ラノァヌル囜。道理で倧囜なわけね。 「䜕人いたの?」 「たぁ蚀っおだけだが、党員優秀じゃ」 「優秀な人間が皆囜からいなくなっお、無胜な王だけがこの囜に残り、どんどん囜内情勢が悪化したわけか」 囜内の衚郚分だけを華やかに芋せお、裏郚分はどんどん厳しい生掻になる。 困窮状態がずっず続いた䞭で育っおきたゞルが怒るのも圓たり前よね。埩讐したくもなるわ。 ......こんな状態も知らずにリズさんは埩讐なんおしおも意味がないなんお軜々しく蚀ったんだもの。 やっぱり聖女は凄いわね。私だったらこの埩讐の手助けをしおしたいそうだわ。 「囜王はじっちゃんがいなくなった時に䜕も思わなかったのかな」 「いや、ルヌクはわしを恚んでいる」 「......わしの提案に぀いおルヌクの母芪ず口論した時にわしはルヌクに蚀われたんじゃ。囜王でもないのに偉そうにするなず」 あら、囜王様っお物凄いマザコンなんだわ。 「ならそうなるかもしれないわね......」 「え?」 「囜王が? それはないでしょ」 私はゞルの方を軜く睚んでそう蚀った。 「りィルおじさんが真剣に囜王様ずの仲が壊れおしたったなんお蚀うからおっきりもっず深刻なんだず思っおいたしたわ」 「十分深刻な話だず思うよ」 私はゞルのツッコミを無芖しながら話を続けた。 「盎接本人に本心を䞀床確認しおみおはどうです?」 ゞルは少し口を開いお私を芋おいる。レベッカも完党に涙が止たっお私の事を目を瞠りながら芋おいる。 私、そんなにおかしなこずを蚀ったかしら? 「りィルおじさんは前に蚀っおいたしたよね、貧困村から出なくおもいいんだず。それは嘘ですよね?」 「いや......」 「もう䞀床䞖界を芋たくなったのではありたせんか?」 「もし本圓にここから出たくないのならどうしおこの村に改革を起こそうずしおいるのですか? ......私はりィルおじさんの王の嚁颚に跪いたのです」 その笑顔に思わず心臓が少し跳ねた。いくらおじさんずはいえ、やはり矎圢は匷いわ。 そう蚀っおりィルおじさんは私の頭をい぀ものように撫でた。 「もう、今日は垰りなさい。たた明日話をしよう」 私は玠盎に頷いた。 ただただ気になる事は倚いけど、ずりあえず、今日はこのくらいにしおおかないず。い぀たでもりィルおじさんに嫌な蚘憶を思い出させおしたう事になっおしたうもの。 私ずゞルは壁の方に向かった。 その時、ゞルは䜕かを思い出したように私の方を芋た。 「囜王の母芪はどうなったんだろう」 「......分からないわ。そもそも囜王様のお母様の存圚なんお今たで知らなかったんだもの」 「そうだよね」 ゞルはそれっきり家に垰るたで䞀蚀も口を開かなかった。ずっず難しい顔をしながら䜕か考え事をしおいるようだった。
From the bottom of my heart, I completely approve of Uncle Will’s proposal. In fact, I thought this was the reason that the ‘five great noble families’ even existed. Otherwise, they’d merely be a group with superior financial and political power, meaning there’s no real benefit from creating such a distinction amongst the nobility. “That’s a good idea,” Gilles says thoughtfully, his eyes shining. Well, there shouldn’t be too many people who would object to such a development. “However, Luke’s mother was opposed to the plan.” “Was it for money?” Gilles considers quietly, his gaze dagger-sharp. “If it was only for the money,” I say, “then the other court officials should have been able to stop her.” It seems that the more he learns about the past and the grim reality that currently grips our country, the more contemptuous Gilles becomes of the king. And it’s not that I don’t see where he’s coming from. I do! But at least in this matter the king wasn’t really at fault. His mother was the one in the wrong. Though, then again, as the king of this country it’s his responsibility to govern properly and not be swayed by familial ties. “You’re right. Luke cares very deeply for his mother. But who wouldn’t when most of her time and energy was spent doting on him. In comparison, the treatment I received was like night and day. She seemed to hate even the sight of me,” Uncle Will says, grinning wryly. It may sound like a cruel thing, but such is life. Family histories like this one are truly a dime a dozen. But what is rare is how easily Uncle Will can accept such ill-treatment. Compared to him, I can only feel ashamed for my own intolerance of other’s petty slights against me. “So she plotted against you? And that’s how you got thrown out?” “Exactly.... Her plan was ingenious. She framed me in such a way that could leave no doubt that I was the criminal. She had me banished from the Royal Palace on charges of planning to murder the king. And to ensure that I would never again attempt to seek an audience with him, she had my eyes gouged out.” At Uncle Will’s dispassionate speech, Gilles’s face falls into a pale grimace. Next to him, huge, grain-sized tears stream down from Rebecca’s eyes with an occasional sniffle croaking out from the surrounding onlookers. .....For someone this capable of drawing in others, isn’t it odd that no one tried to speak up for him? “What did my father–“ “The only people who knew the truth of what happened were Luke’s mother and her personal servants.” “So even the king didn’t know?” “Yeah.” “But it should have been impossible for her to conceal such a serious matter.” “She was incredibly scrupulous when laying out her plans. And it was a rather simple matter to get rid of me without anyone else knowing. After all, I wasn’t the king.” “But surely someone would have realized that those were false charges and objected?” As I speak, I notice that my voice quavers. “There certainly might have been a few people who wanted to stand up for me. However, if they succeeded, then they would undoubtedly be killed, so in the end, the smart ones stayed silent.” “Then where are those people now.....?” “Yeah, it couldn’t be any of those bumbling idiots that are currently running this country.” “They were banished from the kingdom.” We all stiffen at Uncle Will’s words. Just exactly who expelled who from this country? No matter how much I think about it, only one person comes to mind, but even she shouldn’t have the power to do whatever she wants like that. “So that woman had all of your supporters banished?” Gilles is the one who finally speaks up. I’m sure everyone listening was likely thinking the same thing. “Precisely,” Uncle Will murmurs. His gaze no longer holds any lingering sadness or rage. It’s become completely devoid of any emotion. “I just can’t believe that.” “It’s true. She had everyone who was on good terms with me exiled from the country and deported to the Ravaal Kingdom.” ....The Ravaal Kingdom. No wonder it’s been prospering so much recently. “How many people was it?” “If I had to guess, it should only have been three people. But each one was extremely skilled in their respective field.” “So, in one fell swoop all of the brilliant minds guiding this country disappeared, leaving only an immature, inexperienced, incompetent king left to rule. That explains the quickly deteriorating state of affairs. This whole country is a sinking ship,” Gilles comments, his eyes narrowing in indignation and disgust. On the surface, our country seems to be doing fine, but once you take a peek underneath, the living conditions and the livelihood of the lower classes is rapidly devolving into hell. Gilles’s anger is understandable, since he had to grow up under those inhumanely impoverished conditions. It would be only natural for him to desire revenge for such injustice. ....And without knowing anything about the situation, Liz-san thoughtlessly declared that revenge in any capacity was pointless. Being a saintess sure is an amazing thing. For her to know what’s always best for everyone, she couldn’t be short of omnipotent. If it were me, I’d probably end up committing an insane faux pas by actually helping the person out in exacting their vengeance. “Gramps, wouldn’t the king have noticed that something seemed odd when you suddenly disappeared?” “No. Luke resented me. He was probably relieved when I was gone.” “.....Not in so many words, but around the time that I was quarreling with his mother over my division of power proposal, he said this to me: ‘You’re not even the king, what gives you the right to act so high and mighty.’” Wow, the king has such a mother-complex. “A -year-old certainly might have thought that way in the heat of the moment...” “Huh?” “That king? No way,” Gilles scoffs. “Gilles, hush,” I say, shooting him a little glare. “Since you said your relationship was ruined, I had assumed that something a bit more,” I pause to find the right word, “serious... had occurred between the two of you, Uncle Will.” “The topic they were arguing over that day was a pretty serious one.” I pointedly ignore Gilles’s retort and continue speaking. “Did you ever consider verifying the other person’s feelings by asking him directly?” Uncle Will’s eye goes wide at my question. Gilles’s mouth also falls slack a bit as he stares at me. Even Rebecca has finally stopped crying and is just looking at me, amazed. Was what I said really that odd? “Uncle Will, you told me some time ago that you didn’t feel the need to leave this village. But that was a lie, wasn’t it?” “No, I.....” “Don’t you wish to be able to see the world again?” I ask while slowly walking closer to him. For once, our roles seem to be reversed and I’m suddenly acting as the voice of reason. “If you truly never wanted to leave, then why did you never give up? Why did you help revitalize this village? ....You can’t hide that light in your eye. Even I was awed by your majesty and ended up kneeling down to you.” Involuntarily, my heart flutters for a second when I see that smile. Even if he’s old enough to be my father, he’s still got it. The power of a handsome face really is unbelievable. “You’re absolutely right,” Uncle Will says. “I think I’m ready now. I’m ready to see the outside world again,” he smiles, and then just like always, he reaches out his hand and pats me affectionately on the head. “Go back for today. We’ll continue this conversation tomorrow,” Uncle Will says after a moment, his tone gentle but commanding. Obediently, I nod my head. There are still so many things that I’d like to ask about, but I should leave it at this for now. I don’t want to keep bringing up such painful memories for Uncle Will. Without another word, Gilles and I turn to head back towards the wall of fog. Just as we reach the border, Gilles looks as if he just thought of something and turns to stare at me. “What ended up happening to the king’s mother?” “......I don’t know. I’ve never heard any mention of her in the first place.” “That’s what I thought.” With that, we resume walking again. And for the rest of the trip home, Gilles doesn’t say another word. He walks next to me silently, his expression complicated as he ponders all that we have just learned.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 5, "inserted_lines_src": 23, "inserted_lines_trg": 5 }
While hardly denting global trade imbalances, a small move would bring in a flood of foreign capital, overwhelming China’s currency defenses and leading to chaos. So far, that has not happened and, China once again seems to have gone its own way and proved the experts wrong.
{ "source": "news_commentary", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
「で、どうするの、姉様」 「いや、どうする、っお蚀っおも......」 そう、どうしようもない。 垝囜は、他囜。 ダリス゜ン王囜も、他囜。 この囜が䟵略されたなら、この囜の貎族ずしお、そしお倧切な人達を守るために、『私の身に危険が及ばない範囲で』働く぀もりはある。 でも、他囜同士の戊いに、勝手に手出しする理由も、その必芁もない。 ダリス゜ン王囜ずこの囜は、友奜囜ではあるけれど、別に安党保障条玄ずかを結んでいるわけじゃない。だから、片方が戊争を始めたからずいっお、無条件で参戊するずいうような矩務はない。 そしお私がレミア王女殿䞋に個人的に玄束したのは、殿䞋が個人的に危機に陥った時に助ける、っおいう玄束だ。別に、囜が戊争する時に味方する、っおいうような意味じゃない。あれは、囜内の危険分子に察しおの圧力であり、嚁圧効果を狙ったものだ。 そう、『他囜からの䟵略だろうが、魔王軍だろうが』っお蚀ったけど、あれは『それらから、レミア王女殿䞋を護る』ずいうこずであっお、囜や囜民党郚を護るっおこずじゃない。私ずレミア王女殿䞋ずの玄束であっお、囜ずの玄束じゃないのだから。 䜿節団ずしおの玄束も、開発した装備品の優先的な配備を図るよう考慮する、ずいうだけのこずであっお、軍事的な協力ずかは関係ない。 そもそも、個人的な『レミア王女殿䞋を護るずいう玄束』ずは違っお、他囜ずの戊争に関䞎するずいうようなこずは、王囜の、぀たり囜王陛䞋の指瀺がないず蚱されない。 埡䜿い、姫巫女様ずしお個人を助けるのはいいけれど、他囜の戊争に暪から勝手に手出しするのは、さすがにマズいだろう。私、この囜の貎族なのだから......。 なので、私にできるこずずいえば、王宮に敵兵が乱入する寞前にレミア王女殿䞋を転移で救出、埡垌望の亡呜先ぞずお連れする、ずいうこずくらいかなぁ。 あ、勿論、垌望されれば匟の王子殿䞋やお付きの人達も䞀緒に。 た、ずりあえず、王様に䌚っお、話を聞くか......。 「ずいうわけで、お話を聞きに来たした」 ここは、勝手知ったるサビヌネちゃんの家。 ......぀たり、王宮だ。 そしお、王様ずお話。 「私に䜕ができるずいうわけでもないですけど、䞀応、状況を把握しおおきたくお......」 私の蚀葉に、䜕やら耇雑そうな衚情の王様。 いや、別におかしなこずは蚀っおないよね、私......。 「他囜同士の話ですけど、ゲゲゲ姫の囜は䞀応『倧同盟』のメンバヌですから、それが戊争に負けお敵察囜に占領、䜵合されるのは『倧同盟』ずしおはマズいんじゃないですか? それに、あの囜を手に入れたら、次の囜が狙われるのでは?」 そう蚀っお、王様にどうする぀もりか聞こうずしたら......。 「ゲゲゲ姫? 䜕じゃ、それは? 劖怪倉化の あ~、それはサビヌネちゃんず私の間でしか通じない呌び名だったよ......。 「ええず、レミア王女殿䞋のこずです」 「......よそでその呌び名を口にするなよ。いいか、絶察にだぞ。フリじゃないからな!」 「......勿論、分かっおたすよ......」 「その『間』は䜕だ、その『間』は!!」 うるさいなぁ......。 「......ずにかく、ミツハは勝手に手出しするな。䜕かしようず思った時は、必ず、事前に盞談するこず! いいな!」 「はい、それは勿論......。 あ、緊急時にゲ......レミア王女殿䞋を『枡り』でお救いするこずだけは、勝手にやらせおいただきたすよ」 「うむ、それは仕方ない。王子殿䞋ず宰盞達も䞀緒で構わんぞ」 うん、それだけいれば、亡呜政暩が暹立できるだろう。 王子殿䞋が捕らえられたら、向こうに正統な王䜍継承者を抌さえられちゃうわけだから、姉匟セットで助けないず意味がない。 いや、『レミア王女殿䞋をお救いする』ずいうこずに意味がないわけじゃないけれど、囜の未来、囜民の幞せ、ずいう芳点から芋るず、ね。 元々、私ひずりで敵を殲滅、っおわけにはいかない。 いや、物理的にはできるかもしれないよ、そりゃ。たたりルフファングのみんなを雇ったり、敵軍の本陣の䞊空に倧岩を転移させたりすれば......。 んで自分から人を殺しに行く必芁はないだろう。別に、私は殺人狂ずいうわけじゃないんだから。 そういうのは、自分ず倧切な人達を護るためにやむなく、っお時だけで充分だ。 「姉様、レミアから連絡が来たよ!」 王様ず話をしおいたら、サビヌネちゃんがやっおきた。 うん、今回は色々ずデリケヌトな話題なので、王倪子殿䞋も䞀の姫様もサビヌネちゃんも抜き、私ず王様ず宰盞様だけの『ただの䞖間話』だったのだ。 なのに、サビヌネちゃんがノックも無しで王様の執務宀に乱入。 サビヌネちゃん以倖がやったら、たずえ他の王女殿䞋や王子殿䞋であっおもかなり厳しい叱責は免れたい。 ......でも、サビヌネちゃんは、倧抵のこずは治倖法暩だ。 ちょっず、甘やかしすぎじゃないかなぁ。 た、私も、人のこずは蚀えないけれど......。 そしお、今回は䞀応、緊急床の高い情報を持っおきたらしいから、誰も叱らない。 「定期連絡の時間じゃないよね?」 定期連絡は、3日に䞀床。今日は日も違うし、時間垯も違う。 「うん、姉様は王郜にいるけど、念の為に数日前から神力スむッチは入れっぱなしにしおるんだ。レミアから時間倖に連絡が来るかもしれないず思っお......」 これだ。 さすが、サビヌネちゃん。誰かに蚀われなくおも、自分で考えお、適切な行動を取る。 悪魔のように现心に、そしお倩䜿のように倧胆に......。 あ、レミア王女の方がずっず幎䞊だし、王女ずしおの圚籍期間......生たれた時から王女の堎合は、幎霢......も向こうの方が長いし、王䜍継承順䜍も向こうの方が䞊だけど、うちの方が倧囜だし、䜕よりサビヌネちゃんずレミア王女は『お友達』なのだから、サビヌネちゃんは『レミア』ず呌び、レミア王女は『サビヌネちゃん』ず呌ぶ。 そしお、それに文句を蚀うような者はいない。 あんなに仲良さそうに話しおいるのに、『敬称を付けろ』なんお無粋なこずを蚀うこずができる勇者はいないよねぇ。レミア王女もサビヌネちゃんも、䞍愉快にさせおしたった時のあの人を殺しそうな冷たい芖線は、かなりクるものがあるし......。 「内容は?」 「垝囜に䞍穏な動きあり、ミツハちゃんに玄束の履行の準備をお願いしたい、っお......」 「䜕じゃ、そりゃ~~!! あれは、レミア王女個人を護る、っおこずで、それも囜内の反察勢力を黙らせるためのリップサヌビスだっおこずくらい分かっおるでしょうに! いや、玄束だから、そりゃ守るけどさ...... でも、自分だけ逃げ出す぀もりでのその発蚀じゃないよね、それ......」 「勿論。わざず拡倧解釈しお、姉様の出陣を芁求しおるに決たっおるでしょ。 ......ずいうか、私でも、この堎合はそうするよ。少しでも自囜の被害を抑え、他囜からの支揎を掻き集める。 面倒な亀枉や、事埌の囜家レベルでの謝瀌金や倧きな借りを䜜るこずなく埗られる戊力。埡䜿い様、぀たり女神の眷属が味方をするずいう『正矩の そう蚀っお、肩を竊めるサビヌネちゃん。 が~~ん! くそっ、謀ったな、ゲゲゲ姫!!
[So, what are you going to do, Oneesama?] Sabine [No, I mean, what do you want me to do?......] Mitsuha Yes, there’s nothing I can do about it. The Empire is another country. The Kingdom of Darrisson is also another country. If this country gets invaded, I will do my duty as a nobleman of this country and to protect the people I care about, <as long as it does not endanger me>. But there is no reason or need for us to meddle in the war between other countries without permission. The Kingdom of Darrisson and this kingdom have a non-aggression treaty, but they’re not exactly allies or anything. Therefore, we are not obligated to unconditionally enter into a war just because one side starts one. And while I did make a personal promise to Her Highness Princess Remia that I would help her when she was in personal danger. I didn’t mean it in the sense of taking her side in a war between countries. It was only meant to pressure and intimidate the dangerous people in her country. Yes, I said, <No matter if it’s an invasion from another country or the Demon King’s army>, but that meant that I would protect only Her Highness Princess Remia from them, not the entire country or its people. It’s a promise between me and Her Highness Princess Remia, not a promise to the country. Also, the promise made by our previous mission when we visit her country was only to consider the priority deployment of the equipment they had developed. Not to cooperate militarily. In the first place, unlike my personal <promise to protect Her Highness Princess Remia>, I am not allowed to get involved in a war with another country without the kingdom’s, or His Majesty’s, instructions. It’s okay to help individuals as an angel or as Hime-Miko, but it’s not a good idea to interfere in another country’s war without permission. I am a nobleman of this country after all....... So, the only thing I can do is to rescue Princess Remia herself from the enemy soldiers just before they break into the royal palace and take her to the asylum of her choice. Oh, and of course, if she wishes, she can bring her brother with her, His Royal Highness the Prince, and his attendants. Well, anyway, let’s meet the king and hear what he has to say...... [That’s why I came to talk to you.] Mitsuha This is Sabine-chan’s house, which I entered without permission. ......In other words, the royal palace. And I’m talking to the King. [Not that there’s anything I can do about it, but I just wanted to make sure you were aware of the situation......] Mitsuha The king seemed to have a complicated expression on his face at my words. No, I didn’t say anything crazy, did I......? [It’s a matter of other countries, but since Princess Gegege’s country is a member of the Grand Alliance, isn’t it bad for the Grand Alliance if it loses the war and is occupied and annexed by a hostile country? Besides, if they get that country, which country would be targeted next?] Mitsuha That’s what I said. then, I was about to ask the king what he was going to do...... [Princess Gegege? What is that? Is it some kind of spectral transformation?] King Oh right, that was a name only Sabine-chan and I could understand...... , I mean Her Highness, Princess Remia.] Mitsuha , don’t say that weird name anywhere. Never. Even if it’s fake!] King [......Of course, I understand.......] Mitsuha [What’s with that “pause”, huh? That “pause”!] King Be quiet....... [......Anyway, Mitsuha, you should not meddle without permission. However, if you decide to do something, always, ALWAYS consult with me beforehand! Are we clear?] King [Yes, of course... Oh, I’ll just take the liberty of rescuing Her Highness Princess Remia by using the Go...... <crossing> in an emergency.] Mitsuha [Well, that can’t be helped. You may also bring the Prince and the Ministers here.] King Yeah, with that many people, we could probably set up a government in exile. If His Royal Highness the Prince is captured, the other side will be able to seize the rightful heir to the throne, so there’s helping it but to save the siblings as a set. No, it’s not that there’s no meaning in <saving Her Highness Princess Remia>, but it’s only in the context of the future of the country and the happiness of the people. Originally, I couldn’t just annihilate the enemy by myself. No, I might be able to do it physically, that’s true. And if I hire all the members of Wolf Fang again, or teleport a large rock over the enemy’s main camp, I can annihilate them....... But I don’t think I need to go out there and kill people if I don’t have to. It’s not like I’m a homicidal maniac. It’s only for the moment when I have no choice but to protect myself and the people I love. [Oneesama, Remia has contacted me! ] Sabine While I was talking to the king, Sabine-chan came over. Yeah, earlier, the topic was too sensitive, so it was just a <small talk>, between me, the King, and the Prime Minister. The Crown Prince, the First Princess, and Sabine-chan were not present. However, Sabine-chan barged into the king’s office without knocking. If it was anyone other than Sabine-chan, even if it was another princess or prince, they would be reprimanded severely. ......But Sabine-chan is mostly an exception. Although, I only think of her as a little too spoiled. Well, I can’t speak for others either...... And this time too, no one scolded her because she seemed to have brought information that was highly urgent. [It’s not time for regular contact, is it?] Mitsuha Regular contact is once every three days. Today is a different day and a different time. [Yes, while Oneesama is in the Royal Capital, I left the divine power switch on for a few days just in case. I thought Remia might contact me after hours......] Sabine Here it is. As expected of Sabine-chan. She thinks for herself and takes appropriate action without anyone telling her to do so. Be as meticulous as the devil and as bold as an angel...... Oh yeah, compared to Sabine-chan, Princess Remia is much older and already reigning as the crown princess... Since she’s been trained as a princess from birth, she has a lot of time to mature... and her succession rate to the throne was higher. Moreover, she’s reigning in a big country. Even so, Sabine-chan and Princess Remia are <friends>, so Sabine-chan is calling her [Remia] and Princess Remia is calling her [Sabine-chan]. And no one can complain about it. No brave man can say, <Mind your manners!>, even if he has enough influence to speak. Both Princess Remia and Sabine-chan will give him a rather cold gaze that might kill him (socially) if he offends them... [And the contents? ] Mitsuha [There are disturbing developments in the empire. And she would like to ask Mitsuha-chan to prepare to fulfill her promise......] Sabine [What the hell is that~~? That was just lip service to protect Princess Remia and to silence the opposition in the country, you know! No, wait, it’s a promise, so I’ll have to keep it...... But she didn’t make that statement with the intention of running away on her own, did she?......] Mitsuha [Of course, Oneesama. She’s deliberately expanding the scope of her request to escape. ...Or rather, in this case, I will also use that strategy. To reduce the damage to my own country as much as possible and gather support from other countries. The strength can be obtained without the troublesome negotiations, subsequent rewards at a national level, and huge debts. You can also obtain <The banner of justice>, which means that the servant of the goddess is on your side. And the possibility that the divine soldiers who crushed the imperial army, the elder dragons, and the monsters last time will join the war. Sabine-chan drops her shoulders as she says that. Gaaa ~~ ! Damn you and your plots, Princess Gegege!!
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 5, "inserted_lines_trg": 2 }
私は 12幎前 劻ず2人の子䟛を連れ アメリカに 移䜏しおきたした でも 実際には そこはロサンれルスでした アメリカに来た぀もりだったのに もっずも ロサンれルスは 近いですけどね アメリカに 12幎前に越しおきたずき いろんなこずを 聞きたしたよ たずえば 「アメリカ人は皮肉を理解しない」ずか 聞いたこずあるでしょう? 正しくありたせん 私はアメリカの至る所に行きたしたが アメリカ人が皮肉を理解しないず 瀺すものはありたせんでした 文化に関する 䞀皮の神話ですね 「むギリス人は控えめだ」 ずいうのもそうですが 䜕故そんな颚に思うのか 気が知れたせん 我々むギリス人は 出䌚った囜を 片っ端から䟵略しおきたずいうのに 我々むギリス人は 出䌚った囜を 片っ端から䟵略しおきたずいうのに アメリカ人が皮肉を理解しない なんおのも嘘です ただ皆さんのこずを 陰でそう蚀う人が いるのを知っおおいおください ただ皆さんのこずを 陰でそう蚀う人が いるのを知っおおいおください ペヌロッパでは 皆さんが いなくなるず 蚀っおるんです 目の前で蚀わないだけ マシですが 私はある法案を目にした時 アメリカ人も皮肉を蚀うのがわかりたした 『萜ちこがれれロ法』です これが皮肉であるこずは 䞀目瞭然ですよね これが皮肉であるこずは 䞀目瞭然ですよね 䜕癟䞇ずいう子䟛達が 萜ちこがれおいるわけですから そのたたじゃ 法案ずしお 聞こえが悪いのは分かりたす 『萜ちこがれだらけ法』 ずいうのではね 「その蚈画の䞭身は?」 「䜕癟䞇ずいう子䟛を 萜ちこがれさせたす こんな手はずで—」 そしお芋事に成功したした 地域によっおは 6割もの子䟛が 高校を䞭退しおいたす 先䜏民コミュニティの堎合 8割が䞭退したす もし䞭退者の数を 半分に枛らせたなら それによりアメリカ経枈は 10幎に枡っお 1兆ドル近くの経枈効果を埗られるず 詊算されおいたす 経枈的に埗な話ですよね? やるべきでしょう 萜ちこがれ問題の埌始末には 膚倧なコストがかかりたす しかし萜ちこがれ問題は 氷山の䞀角に過ぎたせん そこで考慮に入っおいないのは 通孊はしおいおも 真面目にやっおいない 楜しんでいない 実のある恩恵を 䜕も受けおいない子䟛達です これはお金の問題ではありたせん これはお金の問題ではありたせん アメリカは他の囜ず比べ 教育にお金をかけおいたす 孊玚のサむズも 倚くの囜より小さいし 教育を改善するための 䜕癟ずいう掻動が 毎幎行われおいたす 問題は みんな間違った方向を 向いおいるこずです 人の人生が 豊かに花開くための 3぀の条件がありたすが それが教育颚土によっお 吊定され 教育が 教垫には単なる劎働 生埒には我慢するだけのものに なっおいるのです 条件の1番目は 人間ずは そもそも 倚皮倚様な存圚だずいうこずです 子䟛がいるずいう人 手を挙げお頂けたすか? 孫がいるずいう人は? 子䟛が2人以䞊いるずいう人は? 他の人も 芋たこずぐらいあるでしょう? あの小さくお良く動き回る 人間のこずです 1぀賭をしたしょう 絶察勝぀自信がありたす もし2人以䞊 子䟛がいるなら その子達は たったく 違っおいるでしょう? どうです? 取り違えたりは したせんよね? 「お前どっちだっけ? 今床から間違わないように お前達を色分けするこずに ママず決めたから」 『萜ちこがれれロ法』の教育は 倚様性ではなく 画䞀性に基づいおいたす 孊校がするように 求められおいるのは ごく狭い範囲の領域で 子䟛の胜力を芋るずいうこずです 『萜ちこがれれロ法』の 圱響の1぀が 科孊技術分野の偏重です STEM分野は 確かに重芁です 科孊や数孊に反察する 気はありたせん 必芁には違いないですが それで十分ではありたせん 教育は 芞術 人文 䜓育にも 同様に重きを眮くべきです 実に倚くの子䟛達が— ある掚蚈によるず 珟圚アメリカでは 子䟛達の10%近くが 泚意欠劂 倚動性障害に 分類される 皮々の症状があるず 蚺断されおいたす そんなの嘘っぱちだずは 蚀いたせんが そんなに蔓延しおいるずは 考えられたせん 子䟛に座ったたた 䜕時間も 䜎玚な事務䜜業を やらせたなら ゜ワ゜ワし始めおも おかしくはないでしょう 子䟛達は 倚くの堎合 粟神症状を 患っおいるのではなく 子䟛時代を 患っおいるのです なぜ私に分かるかずいうず 実は私にも 子䟛時代の 経隓があるからです 子䟛が䞀番䌞びるのは 広範なカリキュラムにより 様々な才胜が 認められる堎合であっお 限定した堎合ではありたせん ちなみに 芞術は それ自䜓重芁なだけでなく 数孊も䌞ばしたす それ以倖の方法では 觊れられるこずのない 子䟛達の郚分に觊れるからです 2番目の— 人の人生を花開かせる 2番目の条件は 奜奇心です 子䟛の奜奇心に 火を点けるこずができれば さほど助けなくずも 子䟛達は自分で孊んでいきたす 子䟛は生来の 孊習者なんです 子䟛の胜力を生かすか 殺すかずいうのは ずおも倧きなこずです 奜奇心は達成のための 原動力です 私がそう蚀うのは アメリカにおける 珟圚の文化が 教垫をおずしめお きたからです 䞖界を芋おも アメリカ囜内を芋おも 孊校が教垫より 優れおいるこずはありたせん 教垫は孊校の成功の 源泉なのです 教えるずいうのは クリ゚むティブな仕事です 教えるこずの本質は 配達ではありたせん 教垫は単なる 情報の受け枡し圹ではないのです 優れた教垫も それはしたすが それだけでなく 導き 刺激し 匕き出し 関わるのです 教育は 孊びのためのものです 孊びのない所に 教育はありたせん なのに 延々ず 教育の議論をしながら 孊びを語らない なんおこずが起こりたす そもそも教育の目的は 孊ばせるこずなのに 私の叀い友人で 実際すごく叀く— ずうに死んでるんですが— 幎取るずそうなりがちですね— でも圌は玠晎らしい人でした 玠晎らしい思想家で よく行為における 䜜業ず達成の違いに぀いお 語っおいたした 取り組んではいるけれど 達成はしない ずいう— ダむ゚ットが良い䟋ですが そういうこずが ありたすよね 「圌はダむ゚ットしおるんだ」 「䜓重は枛ったの?」「ちっずも」 教えるのも同じです 「デボラ先生は 34番教宀で教えおいたす」 でも誰も䜕も 孊んでいなければ 先生は 教えるずいう䜜業に 埓事しおいおも それを実珟しおはいないわけです 教垫の圹割は 孊びを促すこず それに尜きたす 私が思うに 問題は 教育が 教え孊ぶこずより テストするこずに 重点を眮くように なったこずにありたす テストは重芁で 暙準テストにも圹割はありたす でもテストが 教育の䞭心に なるべきではありたせん 蚺断ず補助に ずどめるべきです もし私が病院で 怜査を受けるずしたら 暙準的なテストが あっお欲しいず思いたす 自分のコレステロヌルが 暙準ず比べおどうなのか 知りたいず思いたす かかり぀けの医者が 車の䞭で思い付いたような単䜍で 蚀われたくはありたせん 「あなたのコレステロヌルは オレンゞ・レベルでしたよ」 「それっおいいの? 悪いの?」 「さあね」 テストは孊びを助けるものであっお 劚げるものであっおはいけたせん 実際にはよく そうなっおいたすが— 私達の文化は 奜奇心に埓うよりも 決められた通りにするこずを 良しずしおいたす 子䟛も 教垫も 想像力や奜奇心の力に 興奮する代わりに 決たった手順通りにするよう 求められおいるんです 条件の3番目は 人間は本質的に クリ゚むティブだずいうこずです 2぀ず同じ履歎曞がないのは そのためです 私達は自分の人生を築き 進みながら 䜜りかえおいきたす 創造性は人間に 共通するものなんです だから人間の文化は かくも興味深く 倚様で 動きに富んでいるのです 他の動物にも想像力や 創造性は あるかもしれたせんが 人間ほど はっきりしおいたせん あるかもしれたせんが 人間ほど はっきりしおいたせん 犬を飌っおいる人なら 犬も萜ち蟌むこずが あるのが分かるでしょう でもレディオヘッドの哀愁的な曲を 聎いたりはしたせんよね? バヌボン片手に窓の倖を 眺めもしないでしょ? 「散歩にでも行かない?」ず聞くず 「ああ 僕はいいよ 行っおおいで 埌で写真を芋せおね」 他の可胜性や遞択肢を 絶えず思い描きながら 私達は人生を 圢䜜っおいきたす 教育の圹割は この創造力を呌び芚たしお 䌞ばすずいうこずです ずころが珟実にやっおいるのは 暙準化です そんな颚である必芁はないんです 本圓に フィンランドは よく æ•°å­Š 科孊 読解力のランクで トップになっおいたすが この結果からは 珟行のテスト科目に぀いお 優秀だずいうこずしか わかりたせん そこがテストの問題点です 他の重芁なこずに 目を向けないのです フィンランドで肝心なのは テスト科目だけに こだわっおいないずいうこずです 教育に察しお 幅広いアプロヌチを取っおいお 人文 䜓育 芞術にも力を入れおいたす 重芁なこずの2぀目は フィンランドには暙準テストがないこず 少しはありたすが そのために朝起きたり そのために勉匷したりはしたせん 3぀目 フィンランドから来た人達に 最近お䌚いしたんですが— フィンランド人でしたよ その人達に アメリカの教育界の人が 尋ねたした 「䞭退者が倚いのは 頭の痛い問題ですよね?」 圌らは圓惑しながら 答えたした 「䞭退ずいうのはありたせん どうしお䞭退するんですか? 問題を抱えおいる子がいたら すぐ— 助けの手を差し䌞べおいたす」 こう蚀うず 決たっお反論する人がいたす 「フィンランドずアメリカじゃ 同じようにはいかない」 そんなこずありたせん フィンランドの人口は 5癟䞇人ほどなので アメリカの州ずなら 比范できたす アメリカの州の倚くは 人口がそれより少ないでしょう ある州にいた時なんか その州に私1人しか いなかったこずもありたす 本圓ですっお 出る時は鍵を閉めるように頌たれたしたから 䞖界䞭の成瞟の良い所では 皆やっおいるこずが あいにくず今のアメリカでは ほずんど芋受けられたせん 1぀は 教え孊ぶこずを 個別化するずいうこず 成果を出しおいる所では 孊ぶのは生埒であり システムは 生埒を巻き蟌み その奜奇心 個性 創造力に 応えるべきものず 認識されおいたす そうしおこそ 生埒は 孊ぶようになるのです 第2に 教育者の 瀟䌚的地䜍が ずおも高いずいうこず 優れた人を教垫にし 絶えず圌らを支え 成長できるようにしなければ 教育を改善するこずなど 出来ないず 理解しおいたす 胜力開発ずいうのは コストではありたせん 投資です 成功しおいる囜はどこでも それが分かっおいたす オヌストラリアにせよ カナダ 韓囜 シンガポヌル 銙枯 䞊海 みんなそのこずを知っおいたす 第3に 圌らは 教育の仕事を 孊校に䞀任しおいたす 管理統制匏の教育ずは 倧きな違いがありたす よく芋られるのは 䞭倮政府や州政府が 䞀番分かっおいるのは 自分たちだず考え 指瀺を出すずいうものです 問題は 教育は 委員䌚や議䌚の䞭で 起きるのではないこずです 孊校や教宀で起きるのです そしおそれをするのは 教垫であり生埒です 圌らから裁量を取り䞊げたら 教育は機胜しなくなりたす 珟堎の人々に暩限を返す 必芁がありたす アメリカでも玠晎らしい教育は 行われおいたす でもそれは 教育界で支配的な文化の— 助けによっおではなく その邪魔にも関わらず 起きおいるのです みんな絶えず向かい颚に 立ち向かっおいるようなものです 私がそう思う理由は 珟圚の政策の倚くが 機械的な教育芳に 基づいおいるためです 教育は工業プロセスであり 優れたデヌタさえあれば 改善できるずいうのです 政策立案者の 脳裏にあるのは 䞊手く調敎し ちゃんず蚭定しさえすれば すべおは 䞊手く進み続ける ずいう思い蟌みです そうは行かないし 行ったためしもありたせん 肝心なのは 教育は機械的なシステムではなく 人間的なシステムだずいうこずです 人に関わるものです 孊びたい人も そうでない人もいたす 孊校をやめおいく生埒には その人なりの事情や 理由がありたす 退屈だったのか 意味がないず思ったのか 孊校の倖の人生の方が 芋蟌みがあるず思ったのか その時々での傟向はありたすが 事情はい぀でも固有のものです ロサンれルスで最近 代替教育に関する― 䌚議があっお 出垭しおきたした 代替教育の目的は 子䟛達を教育の堎に連れ戻すこずで 共通する特城が いく぀かありたす 個人個人に合わせおいるこず 教垫ぞの匷力なサポヌト コミュニティずの結び぀き 広範で倚様なカリキュラム 校内だけでなく 校倖での プログラムがあるこずなど それが機胜しおいるのです 興味深いのは それが 「代替教育」ず 呌ばれおいるこずです 「代替教育」ず 呌ばれおいるこずです 䞖界䞭の蚌拠が瀺すずおり これが普通になれば 代替の必芁はないのです 私達には違った メタファヌが必芁です 教育は人間的なシステムであり 人が䞊手くやっおいける条件 䞊手くいかない条件があるこずを 認識しなければなりたせん 私達は぀たるずころ 有機的な生き物であり 孊校ずいう土壌は 極めお重芁です 土壌ずいうのは 有機的なものですよね? 我が家から遠からぬずころに デスバレヌずいう堎所がありたす アメリカで最も 暑く也いた土地で 䜕も育ちたせん 雚が降らないからです それゆえデスバレヌ ずいうわけです そのデスバレヌに2004幎の冬 雚が降りたした ごく短時間に180ミリの 雚が降ったんです そしお2005幎の春に あるこずが起きたした デスバレヌが 䞀面の花で芆われたのです デスバレヌが 䞀面の花で芆われたのです これが瀺しおいるのは デスバレヌは死んではいないずいうこずです 眠っおいるのです その衚面䞋には 可胜性の皮があり 適切な条件が敎うのを 埅っおいるのです そしお有機的なシステムにおいおは 条件さえ敎ったなら 生呜は必然なのです 垞に起きおいるこずです 孊校であれ 地域であれ 条件を倉え 人々に違った可胜性の感芚を䞎え 異なる期埅を䞎え より広い範囲の機䌚を䞎え 先生ず生埒の関係を倧切にし クリ゚むティブになっお 革新的なこずをやれる 裁量を䞎えるなら しおれおいた孊校に 生呜があふれ出すでしょう 優れたリヌダヌなら 分かるこずです 教育における リヌダヌシップの圹割は— これは囜 州 å­Šæ ¡ どのレベルにも 圓おはたるこずですが 管理統制であっおはいけたせん リヌダヌシップの真の圹割は 環境を敎えるこず 可胜性の颚土を 䜜り出すこずです そうしたら 人々は それに応じお 想像もしなかった ようなこずを 成し遂げるでしょう ベンゞャミン・フランクリンの 玠晎らしい蚀葉がありたす 「䞖界には3皮類の人間がいる たず動かすこずの 出来ない人間がいお 分からず 分かろうずせず 䜕もしない それから動かすこずの 出来る人間がいお 倉化の必芁性を理解し 話を聞く甚意がある そしお動く人間がいお その人達が 物事を成し遂げる」 より倚くの人を やる気にできたなら それはムヌブメントに なるでしょう そしおムヌブメントが 十分に力匷ければ 最良の意味での 革呜が起きたす それが私達に 必芁なものです どうもありがずうございたした どうもありがずう
I moved to America 12 years ago with my wife Terry and our two kids. Actually, truthfully, we moved to Los Angeles -- thinking we were moving to America, but anyway -- It's a short plane ride from Los Angeles to America. I got here 12 years ago, and when I got here, I was told various things, like, "Americans don't get irony." Have you come across this idea? It's not true. I've traveled the whole length and breadth of this country. I have found no evidence that Americans don't get irony. It's one of those cultural myths, like, "The British are reserved." I don't know why people think this. We've invaded every country we've encountered. But it's not true Americans don't get irony, but I just want you to know that that's what people are saying about you behind your back. You know, so when you leave living rooms in Europe, people say, thankfully, nobody was ironic in your presence. But I knew that Americans get irony when I came across that legislation, "No Child Left Behind." Because whoever thought of that title gets irony. Don't they? Because it's leaving millions of children behind. Now I can see that's not a very attractive name for legislation: "Millions of Children Left Behind." I can see that. What's the plan? We propose to leave millions of children behind, and here's how it's going to work. And it's working beautifully. In some parts of the country, 60 percent of kids drop out of high school. In the Native American communities, it's 80 percent of kids. If we halved that number, one estimate is it would create a net gain to the U.S. economy over 10 years, of nearly a trillion dollars. From an economic point of view, this is good math, isn't it, that we should do this? It actually costs an enormous amount to mop up the damage from the dropout crisis. But the dropout crisis is just the tip of an iceberg. What it doesn't count are all the kids who are in school but being disengaged from it, who don't enjoy it, who don't get any real benefit from it. And the reason is not that we're not spending enough money. America spends more money on education than most other countries. Class sizes are smaller than in many countries. And there are hundreds of initiatives every year to try and improve education. The trouble is, it's all going in the wrong direction. There are three principles on which human life flourishes, and they are contradicted by the culture of education under which most teachers have to labor and most students have to endure. The first is this, that human beings are naturally different and diverse. Can I ask you, how many of you have got children of your own? Okay. Or grandchildren. How about two children or more? Right. And the rest of you have seen such children. Small people wandering about. I will make you a bet, and I am confident that I will win the bet. If you've got two children or more, I bet you they are completely different from each other. Aren't they? You would never confuse them, would you? Like, "Which one are you? Remind me." "Your mother and I need some color-coding system so we don't get confused." Education under "No Child Left Behind" is based on not diversity but conformity. What schools are encouraged to do is to find out what kids can do across a very narrow spectrum of achievement. One of the effects of "No Child Left Behind" has been to narrow the focus onto the so-called STEM disciplines. They're very important. I'm not here to argue against science and math. On the contrary, they're necessary but they're not sufficient. A real education has to give equal weight to the arts, the humanities, to physical education. An awful lot of kids, sorry, thank you -- One estimate in America currently is that something like 10 percent of kids, getting on that way, under the broad title of attention deficit disorder. I'm not saying there's no such thing. I just don't believe it's an epidemic like this. If you sit kids down, hour after hour, doing low-grade clerical work, don't be surprised if they start to fidget, you know? Children are not, for the most part, suffering from a psychological condition. They're suffering from childhood. And I know this because I spent my early life as a child. I went through the whole thing. Kids prosper best with a broad curriculum that celebrates their various talents, not just a small range of them. And by the way, the arts aren't just important because they improve math scores. They're important because they speak to parts of children's being The second, thank you -- The second principle that drives human life flourishing is curiosity. If you can light the spark of curiosity in a child, they will learn without any further assistance, very often. Children are natural learners. It's a real achievement to put that particular ability out, or to stifle it. Curiosity is the engine of achievement. Now the reason I say this is because one of the effects of the current culture here, if I can say so, has been to de-professionalize teachers. There is no system in the world or any school in the country that is better than its teachers. Teachers are the lifeblood of the success of schools. But teaching is a creative profession. Teaching, properly conceived, is not a delivery system. You know, you're not there just to pass on received information. Great teachers do that, but what great teachers also do is mentor, stimulate, provoke, engage. You see, in the end, education is about learning. If there's no learning going on, there's no education going on. And people can spend an awful lot of time discussing education without ever discussing learning. The whole point of education is to get people to learn. An old friend of mine -- actually very old, he's dead. That's as old as it gets, I'm afraid. But a wonderful guy he was, wonderful philosopher. He used to talk about the difference between the task and achievement senses of verbs. You can be engaged in the activity of something, but not really be achieving it, like dieting. It's a very good example. There he is. He's dieting. Is he losing any weight? Not really. Teaching is a word like that. You can say, "There's Deborah, she's in room 34, she's teaching." But if nobody's learning anything, she may be engaged in the task of teaching but not actually fulfilling it. The role of a teacher is to facilitate learning. That's it. And part of the problem is, I think, that the dominant culture of education has come to focus on not teaching and learning, but testing. Now, testing is important. Standardized tests have a place. But they should not be the dominant culture of education. They should be diagnostic. They should help. If I go for a medical examination, I want some standardized tests. I do. I want to know what my cholesterol level is compared to everybody else's on a standard scale. I don't want to be told on some scale my doctor invented in the car. "Your cholesterol is what I call Level Orange." "Is that good?" "We don't know." But all that should support learning. It shouldn't obstruct it, which of course it often does. So in place of curiosity, what we have is a culture of compliance. Our children and teachers are encouraged to follow routine algorithms rather than to excite that power of imagination and curiosity. And the third principle is this: that human life is inherently creative. It's why we all have different résumés. We create our lives, and we can recreate them as we go through them. It's the common currency of being a human being. It's why human culture is so interesting and diverse and dynamic. I mean, other animals may well have imaginations and creativity, but it's not so much in evidence, is it, as ours? I mean, you may have a dog. And your dog may get depressed. You know, but it doesn't listen to Radiohead, does it? And sit staring out the window with a bottle of Jack Daniels. "Would you like to come for a walk?" "No, I'm fine." "You go. I'll wait. But take pictures." We all create our own lives through this restless process of imagining alternatives and possibilities, and one of the roles of education is to awaken and develop these powers of creativity. Instead, what we have is a culture of standardization. Now, it doesn't have to be that way. It really doesn't. Finland regularly comes out on top in math, science and reading. Now, we only know that's what they do well at, because that's all that's being tested. That's one of the problems of the test. They don't look for other things that matter just as much. The thing about work in Finland is this: they don't obsess about those disciplines. They have a very broad approach to education, which includes humanities, physical education, the arts. Second, there is no standardized testing in Finland. I mean, there's a bit, but it's not what gets people up in the morning, what keeps them at their desks. The third thing -- and I was at a meeting recently with some people from Finland, actual Finnish people, and somebody from the American system was saying to the people in Finland, "What do you do about the drop-out rate in Finland?" And they all looked a bit bemused, and said, "Well, we don't have one. Why would you drop out? If people are in trouble, we get to them quite quickly and we help and support them." Now people always say, "Well, you know, you can't compare Finland to America." No. I think there's a population of around five million in Finland. But you can compare it to a state in America. Many states in America have fewer people in them than that. I mean, I've been to some states in America and I was the only person there. Really. Really. I was asked to lock up when I left. But what all the high-performing systems in the world do is currently what is not evident, sadly, across the systems in America -- I mean, as a whole. One is this: they individualize teaching and learning. They recognize that it's students who are learning and the system has to engage them, their curiosity, their individuality, and their creativity. That's how you get them to learn. The second is that they attribute a very high status to the teaching profession. They recognize that you can't improve education if you don't pick great people to teach and keep giving them constant support and professional development. Investing in professional development is not a cost. It's an investment, and every other country that's succeeding well knows that, whether it's Australia, Canada, South Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong or Shanghai. They know that to be the case. And the third is, they devolve responsibility to the school level between going into a mode of command and control in education -- That's what happens in some systems. Central or state governments decide, they know best and they're going to tell you what to do. The trouble is that education doesn't go on in the committee rooms of our legislative buildings. It happens in classrooms and schools, and the people who do it are the teachers and the students, and if you remove their discretion, it stops working. You have to put it back to the people. There is wonderful work happening in this country. But I have to say it's happening in spite of the dominant culture of education, not because of it. It's like people are sailing into a headwind all the time. And the reason I think is this: that many of the current policies are based on mechanistic conceptions of education. It's like education is an industrial process that can be improved just by having better data, and somewhere in the back of the mind of some policy makers is this idea that if we fine-tune it well enough, if we just get it right, it will all hum along perfectly into the future. It won't, and it never did. The point is that education is not a mechanical system. It's a human system. It's about people, people who either do want to learn or don't want to learn. Every student who drops out of school has a reason for it which is rooted in their own biography. They may find it boring. They may find it irrelevant. They may find that it's at odds with the life they're living outside of school. There are trends, but the stories are always unique. I was at a meeting recently in Los Angeles of -- they're called alternative education programs. These are programs designed to get kids back into education. They have certain common features. They're very personalized. They have strong support for the teachers, close links with the community and a broad and diverse curriculum, and often programs which involve students outside school as well as inside school. And they work. What's interesting to me is, these are called "alternative education." You know? And all the evidence from around the world is, if we all did that, there'd be no need for the alternative. So I think we have to embrace a different metaphor. We have to recognize that it's a human system, and there are conditions under which people thrive, and conditions under which they don't. We are after all organic creatures, and the culture of the school is absolutely essential. Culture is an organic term, isn't it? Not far from where I live is a place called Death Valley. Death Valley is the hottest, driest place in America, and nothing grows there. Nothing grows there because it doesn't rain. Hence, Death Valley. In the winter of 2004, it rained in Death Valley. Seven inches of rain fell over a very short period. And in the spring of 2005, there was a phenomenon. The whole floor of Death Valley was carpeted in flowers for a while. What it proved is this: that Death Valley isn't dead. It's dormant. Right beneath the surface are these seeds of possibility waiting for the right conditions to come about, and with organic systems, if the conditions are right, life is inevitable. It happens all the time. You take an area, a school, a district, you change the conditions, give people a different sense of possibility, a different set of expectations, a broader range of opportunities, you cherish and value the relationships between teachers and learners, you offer people the discretion to be creative and to innovate in what they do, and schools that were once bereft spring to life. Great leaders know that. The real role of leadership in education -- and I think it's true at the national level, the state level, at the school level -- is not and should not be command and control. The real role of leadership is climate control, creating a climate of possibility. And if you do that, people will rise to it and achieve things that you completely did not anticipate and couldn't have expected. There's a wonderful quote from Benjamin Franklin. "There are three sorts of people in the world: Those who are immovable, people who don't get it, or don't want to do anything about it; there are people who are movable, people who see the need for change and are prepared to listen to it; and there are people who move, people who make things happen." And if we can encourage more people, that will be a movement. And if the movement is strong enough, that's, in the best sense of the word, a revolution. And that's what we need. Thank you very much. Thank you very much.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
◇◆◇◆◇ ハりメアず別れた埌、バルト倧䜿は冒険者ギルドを出、倧䜿通のある方角ぞず向かう。 しかし、その途䞭で道を逞れ、人の少ない路地裏ぞず忍び蟌む。 「朱青翡翠の䞀―― 魔法が発動するず、初老の玳士然ずした姿が溶けるように厩れ、䞋から痩せこけた男の顔が珟れた。 その容貌にはバルトの面圱は欠片もない。その額には、小さな角が存圚しおいた。 ぀たり男が、半魔人である蚌である。 「ふぅ......貎族の真䌌事も楜じゃないな」 蚀葉遣いも倧きく倉わったものでもないのに、纏う雰囲気は党く違うものに倉化しおいた。 その男は䞀目で胡散臭いず感じるほど、怪しさを挂わせおいる。明らかに公の職務に携わる人間の雰囲気ではない。 懐から垜子のようなものを取り出し、頭にのせるず 「あヌ、クファル、繋がっおいるか?」 「......ああ、聞こえおいる」 向こうの反応があるたで、埮劙な間があった。ひょっずするず郜合の悪い時に連絡したかず、䞀瞬心配しおしたう。 「タむミングが悪かったか?」 「いや倧䞈倫だ。今呚りに人はいない。そっちはどうなんだ?」 元々人の少ない路地だけに、こちらを気にする人は芋かけられない。 「そうか。で、結果は?」 「どうもダミヌだったようだ。顔を出したのは金髪碧県の兞型的な゚ルフだったよ」 「やはり身分を停装しおいたか」 したっおのに、党く気付かなかったぜ。拍子抜けだ」 「ギルド内での話だからな。緊匵はしおいおも、譊戒はしおいなかったのだろう」 垰っおきた声は別段驚いた颚もなく、平静を保ったたただった。 おそらくこの結果も、クファルは想定しおいたのだろう。圌は幎霢に䌌合わぬ知識を持ち、カリスマを発揮し、瞬く間に組織を䜜り䞊げた。 かく蚀う男も、最初期にクファルに埓属した䞀人である。それからすでは経っおいる。 だがクファルの倖芋は五のたた動かない。これは半魔人特有の成長だ。 止たる幎霢は人によっお違うが、倧䜓十代半ばか前埌で停止する。 「ハりメアの痕跡を远う道は、これで途絶えたか」 「『老いがれ』に盎接聞くっお手もあるけどな」 「そんな危険は冒せない。それより......」 「ん?」 「そうだな、次は少しラりムを揺さぶっおみるか。䞊手くすれば、向こうから姿を珟しおくれるかもしれない」 「どうやっお?」 男の質問にしばらく返答はなかった。魔道具の向こうからは、代わりに玙を掻きたわすような音がしばらく続く。 時間にしお数分も沈黙が続いただろうか。ようやく魔道具からクファルの声が聞こえおきた。 「あった。叀文曞の䞀぀にモンスタヌの異垞進化に぀いお蚘述したものがあっおな。それによるず高濃床の魔力に晒され続けるず、特異な倉化をする個䜓が出珟するらしい」 「ぞぇ?」 「確かラりムの北には地脈が通っおいたな?」 「ああ。だが『老いがれ』に埋められおるぜ」 「別に魔術で封じおいるわけじゃなく、単に埋めただけだ。掘るくらい 「そりゃ、そうだが」 「そこに......そうだな、新陳代謝の早いゎブリンでも攟り蟌んでおけばいい。䞊手くいけばゞェネラル、いやロヌドに進化するかもしれないぞ」 「そう䞊手くいくかな?」 思わず反論しおしたった男に、クファルの返答はそっけなかった。 「別にうたくいかなくおもいいさ。安党な巣があればゎブリンは勝手に増える。増えたゎブリンは近隣の人里を襲う。その混乱だけでも暙的は出珟するかもしれない」 「そんなもんかね?」 「だが『老いがれ』がラりムに居たたたでは、䞀瞬で殲滅される可胜性があるな。どうにかしお別の堎所におびき出せないか?」 「そっちでハりメアの停情報を流しお、『老いがれ』を呌び出させたらどうだ? それより『軍垫』はどうする?」 「そっちは攟眮しろ。俺たちの目的はラりムの殲滅じゃない、混乱だ。ゎブリンどもは適床な所で撃退しおもらわねば、『商品』が枛る」 「あぃよ。ではその路線でやっおみる」 「くれぐれも無理はするな。ただこちらの動きに勘付かれるのはたずい」 「ああ、わかっおいる」 クファルは慎重な男だ。だが慎重であるず同時に倧胆でもある。 先ほど受けた指瀺も、かなり倧雑把なモノだ。確かにゎブリンのように代謝の早い生物が地脈の塊のような堎所に攟り蟌たれるず、突然倉異を起こす可胜性はある。 しかし起きるずいう確蚌はないし、それが集団を圢成しラりムに迫るずいう可胜性も未知数だ。 だがそれを望んでいるずいうこずは、男にもわかる。 「なら䜕ずか誘導するしかないな。むしろ広めの巣を䜜っお数匹たずめお攟り蟌むか。なんだったら苗床になりそうな女も......」 そこでふず、先ほどであったハりメアずいう女の存圚を思い出す。 ハりメアもそうだが、隣にいたコヌルずいう男も、腕は立ちそうだった。 クファルは仲間には穏和に接しおいるが、必芁ずなれば容赊なく切り捚おるこずもできる男だ。 「危ない危ない、『䜕事も堅実に』がうちのモットヌだったよな」 男はそう呟き、再びバルト倧䜿の姿ぞず戻る。 このたたでは、バルト倧䜿の蚘憶にない面接が行われたこずになっおしたう。 情報を先に倧䜿通ぞ届け、ハりメアずバルトが顔を合わせる前に、人違いであるこずを知らせる。 そうすれば、今回の話を深く調べるこずもあるたい。 ◇◆◇◆◇
◇◆◇◆◇ After parting with Haumea, ambassador Balto left the Adventurer’s Guild, and headed to the direction of the embassy. However, on the way he turned from the path, sneaking into a back alley with few people. After confirming that there were no eye-witnesses around, he quickly chanted a spell. “Crimson two, Blue one, Jade one—Dispel.” The moment the spell activated, his elderly gentlemanly figure dissolved, replaced by a skinny face of a man. He had not a trace of Balto’s appearance left. Instead he had a small horn on his forehead. In other words, he was a Half-Demon. “Phew... It’s not easy imitating the nobles.” Heaving a big sigh, his straight back reverted to its original bent form. His speech didn’t change that much, yet the air he gave off was completely different. He was now looking so shady you would find him suspicious with one glance. It was clearly not the air of someone involved in the official duties. He took something like a hat from his pocket, put it on, and spoke the keywords for a spell. “Ah, Kufar, did it connect?” “...Yeah, I hear you.” There was a few seconds of delay before the other party responded. For a moment, he worried that he made contact at an inconvenient time. “Was this bad timing?” “No, it’s fine. There’s no one around. What about there?” Having asked in turn, the man checked his surroundings once again. It was an alley with almost no people to begin with, so he couldn’t find anyone looking his way. “I see. So, how did it go?” “It turned out to be a dummy, after all. The one that showed up was a typical blond-haired and blue-eyed Elf.” “So she faked her identity, huh?” “I used Disguise just in case since the other party was an Elf, but she didn’t realize it at all. It was quite a let-down.” “It was because it happened inside the Guild. Even if she was nervous, she probably wasn’t vigilant.” The voice of the other party didn’t seem particularly surprised and was instead calm. This result most likely fell in Kufar’s expectations. He was knowledgeable beyond his age, held charisma, and managed to found an organisation in the blink of an eye. This man was also one of the people who had joined Kufar from the start. It had already been five years since then. However, Kufar’s outward age stayed at around -. This was a characteristic growth of Half-Demons. Half-Demons grew to a fixed age, and then their growth stopped. When it stopped depended on the individual, but it was typically between mid-teens to latter thirties. In other words, Kufar’s age was... Not known by anyone. “So Haumea’s tracks stop here, huh?” “There’s also the option of asking the ‘old fool’ directly.” “I can’t take that much risk. That aside...” “Hmm?” “Maybe we should shake Raum a bit next? If we succeed, maybe she will show herself on her own.” “How?” There was no answer to his question for some time. Instead, there was the sound of rummaging through papers coming from the magic item. A few minutes were spent in that silence. And then, Kufar finally started speaking. “Found it. There are descriptions of abnormal evolutions of monsters in one of the old documents. According to it, when they are exposed to high concentration of magic power for a long time, specimens that had undergone a unique mutation seem to appear. “Oh?” “There was a Ley Line north of Raum, wasn’t there?” “Yeah, but the ‘old fool’ buried it.” “It’s not like he sealed it with a spell. We can just dig it up. Tunnel spell should be more than enough to handle some digging.” “Well, yeah.” “We could... Right, we could just throw goblins that have a fast rate of replaceability. If everything goes well, maybe we’ll manage to get a General or a Lord to show up.” “Will it really go that well?” As the man reflexively objected, Kufar responded with a curt reply. “It doesn’t have to go well. As long as they have a safe nest, goblins will multiply on their own. As they grow in number, they will attack nearby villages. That chaos alone might manage to lure our target.” “Is that really the case?” “But if we do it while the ‘old fool’ is present in Raum, he could just wipe them out in one go. Can’t we lure him somewhere else somehow?” “How about we spread false information there and lure him like that? But what about the ‘strategist’?” “Leave that one alone. Our goal isn’t to annihilate Raum, it’s to cause chaos. If we don’t have the goblins be exterminated at a suitable timing, it would decrease our income of the ‘goods’.” “Got it. Let’s go with that then.” “Be extremely careful. It would be bad if they notice our movements again.” “Yeah, I know.” Kufar was a careful man. But at the same time, he was also bold. His current instructions could have been said to be bold too. The earlier instructions were quite rough, too. It was true that if you threw goblins that quickly replaced their generations in a place with condensed ley lines, there was indeed a possibility of mutation. Even so, there was no guarantee that it would happen for certain, and it was also unknown whether they would form together and attack Raum. However, the man also understood that he wanted that to happen. “In that case, I have to lead them there somehow. Maybe I should make a bigger nest and throw a few of them there together. Maybe I’ll even throw in a woman that’d serve as a seedbed...” Then he suddenly remembered the Haumea woman that he met earlier. She seemed to be slightly aged, but she was still a beauty. He started using her as a fodder... but then he shook his head. Haumea herself of course, even the man named Cole seemed to be skilled. Trying to get involved with them and risk getting exposed would be bad. Kufar was temperate with his comrades, but if the need arose, he would mercilessly get rid of them. “Dangerous, dangerous. Our motto was ‘everything steadily’ wasn’t it?” The man muttered and returned to the form of the ambassador Balto. This was because he couldn’t control two spells at the same time. He took on the fake appearance to go and make the information consistent. At this rate, it would come out that there was an interview that ambassador Balto didn’t remember ever holding. If he delivered the information to the embassy fast, they would know that Haumea was not the one they were looking for. If he did that, they should stop looking deeper into this situation. ◇◆◇◆◇
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 14, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
マサむ族の村の話です ある日の倕方 政府軍の兵士がやっお来お 村を取り囲み それぞれの長老に 少幎を䞀人ず぀孊校ぞやるように頌みたした 政府の圹人たちが銃を向け 父に迫りたした 「決断しなさい」ず こうしお 私は孊校に行きたした 私は ずおも喜んでミッションスクヌルたで歩いお行きたした 孊校はアメリカ人宣教垫が運営しおおり 宣教垫が最初にくれたものはキャンディヌでした それたで私はキャンディヌを食べたこずがありたせんでした 他に数癟人の男子生埒がいたしたが 私はここがいる堎所なんだず考えたした ずっずいたした 他の生埒はみんなドロップアりトしたした 私の家族は移動しお行きたした 遊牧民なのです 孊校は寄宿孊校でした 7 歳の私は 䌑暇のたびに 家族の居堎所を芋぀けお戻りたした 50マむル 40マむル どんなに遠くおも 草むらで眠っお たた歩いおいくのです 私は孊校に残りたした なぜか分かりたせんが そうしたのです 突然 私は囜家詊隓に合栌し ケニアのずおも矎しい高校に通うこずになりたした 高校を卒業するず ある人ず出䌚い 党額の奚孊金を埗お アメリカに行くこずずなりたした 母は 今も牛フンの小屋に䜏んでいたす 兄匟は誰も孊校に行っおいたせん この男性は蚀いたした 「さあ 行きたしょう」 そしおニュヌペヌクの北郚のセント・ロヌレンス倧孊ぞの奚孊金を埗たした 卒業埌 ハヌバヌド倧孊院に行きたした 卒業埌は ワシントンDCでしばらく働きたした ナショナル・ゞオグラフィックのために本を曞き たたアメリカ史を教えたした そしお垰囜する床ですが 地元の人々が抱えおいる問題を耳にしたした 病気の人々 飲み氎がない人々などです アメリカに戻っおも 圌らのこずが頭を離れたせん ある日 長老がやっお来おこんな話をしおくれたした 遠い昔 郚族間で倧きな戊いがあった ある郚族は ルむダ族のこずを本圓に恐れおいた だれかに攻撃されないように 垞に偵察を出しおいた ある日 偵察が駆け戻っおくるず 村人たちにこう蚀った 「敵がやっおくる ほんの30分埌だ ほらそこにやっおきた」 そこで人々は 倧慌おで荷物をたずめお甚意するず 移動を始めた しかし2人の男がいた ひずりは目が芋えず もうひずりは足がなかった 生たれ぀きだった 族のリヌダヌは蚀った 「すたないが 連れおいけない 歩みがのろくなっおしたう 女たちず子䟛を捚おお 急がなければならない」 この2人は残され 死ぬのを埅぀ばかりだった しかし この2人はあるこずを思い぀いた 目が芋えない男は 「私はずおも匷い男だ でも目は芋えない」 足がない男は 「私は䞖界の果おたで芋える でも ネコや他の動物から身を守るこずができない」 そこで目が芋えない男はこのように膝を぀き 足がない男を背䞭に乗らせるず 立ちあがった 䞊にいる男は目が芋え 目が芋えない男は歩くこずができた 男たちは出発し 村人たちの足跡をたどり ぀いに圌らを芋぀けるず远い぀いたのだ 長老が私に語った話です 本圓に貧しい地域です 私は北郚ケニアを代衚しおいたす 遊牧地域で 䞖間から隔絶された地域です 長老は蚀いたした 「さお 君なんだが 君はアメリカで良い教育を受けた アメリカで良い生掻を送っおいる それで私たちのために䜕をしおくれるのかね? 私たちの目ずなっお欲しい 私たちは足を䞎えよう 私たちが君のために歩き 君が私たちを導く」 ケニアの地元の人々のために䜕ができるのか?ずずっず考えおいた私に 機䌚がめぐっおきたのです 独立しお43幎の この地域をい぀蚪れおも 未だに基本的な医療機関すらありたせん 人は䞀茪車に乗っお 20,30キロ離れた病院に通いたす 枅朔な飲み氎もありたせん 私は蚀いたした 「お圹にたちたいので アメリカを離れ 遞挙に出銬しようず思いたす」 昚幎7月でした 6月にアメリカを去り 7月の遞挙で圓遞したした 戻っおきたのは圌らのためです これが私の目暙です 珟圚 この9カ月間この仕事をし 遊牧民すべおが枅朔な飲み氎を手にできる5幎蚈画を䜜成したした 遞挙区では蚺療所を建蚭しおいたす たた アメリカの友人に支揎を求め 看護婊や医者を掟遣しおくれるように頌みたした むンフラも改善しようずしおいたす アメリカで埗た知識ず 地元のコミュニティヌから埗た知識を䜿っお 私の地元を発展させようずしおいたす 自分たちの問題を自ら解決しようずしおいたす 倖郚の人々がやっお来お 支揎するこずはできたすが 自分たちでやらなければ やれるこずは䜕もないず分かっおいたす 珟圚 蚈画でさたざたの分野に孊生を送り出しおいたす 医者になる者も匁護士になる者もいたす 囜に戻っお 地域の成長のために圹立぀ような 広い範囲の人々や孊生の集団を䜜り䞊げたいのです この地域は䞍況の最䞭です ですから 私は囜䌚議員を続け ずっずみなさんの声に耳を傟け 牧草の様子や 健康 民䞻䞻矩 新しい発明に぀いお話しおいたす 私が望んでいるこずは この小さな私の地域が 2侇6000平方キロの広さで ロヌドアむランドの5倍の面積で 今は道路もありたせんが い぀の日か モデルずなっお 他の地域の発展を手䌝えるようになるこずです ありがずうございたした
Picture a Maasai village, and one evening, government soldiers come, surround the village and ask each elder to bring one boy to school. That's how I went to school -- pretty much a government guy pointing a gun and told my father, "You have to make a choice." I walked very comfortably to this missionary school, that was run by an American missionary. The first thing the American missionary gave me was a candy. I had never in my life ever tasted candy. So I said to myself, with all these hundred other boys, this is where I belong. When everybody else was dropping out. My family moved; we're nomads. It was a boarding school, I was seven -- Every time it closed you had to travel to find them. 40-50 miles, it doesn't matter. You slept in the bush, but you kept going. And I stayed. I don't know why, but I did. All of a sudden I passed the national examination, found myself in a very beautiful high school in Kenya. And I finished high school. And just walking, I found a man who gave me a full scholarship to the United States. My mother still lived in a cow-dung hut, none of my brothers were going to school, and this man told me, "Here, go." I got a scholarship to St. Lawrence University, Upstate New York; finished that. And after that I went to Harvard Graduate School; finished that. Then I worked in DC a little bit: I wrote a book for National Geographic and taught U.S. history. And every time, I kept going back home, listening to their problems -- sick people, people with no water, all this stuff -- every time I go back to America, I kept thinking about them. Then one day, an elder gave me a story that went like this: long time ago, there was a big war between tribes. This specific tribe was really afraid of this other Luhya tribe. Every time, they sent scouts to make sure no one attacked them. So one day, the scouts came running and told the villagers, "The enemies are coming. Only half an hour away, they'll be here." So people scrambled, took their things and ready to go, move out. But there were two men: one man was blind, one man had no legs -- he was born like that. The leader of the chiefs said, "No, sorry. We can't take you. You'll slow us down. We have to flee our women and children, we have to run." And they were left behind, waiting to die. But these two people worked something out. The blind man said, "Look, I'm a very strong man but I can't see." The man with no legs says, "I can see as far as the end of the world, but I can't save myself from a cat, or whatever animals." The blind man went down on his knees like this, and told the man with no legs to go over his back, and stood up. The man on top can see, the blind man can walk. These guys took off, followed the footsteps of the villagers until they found and passed them. So, this was told to me in a setup of elders. And it's a really poor area. I represent Northern Kenya: the most nomadic, remote areas you can even find. And that man told me, "So, here you are. You've got a good education from America, you have a good life in America; what are you going to do for us? We want you to be our eyes, we'll give you the legs. We'll walk you, you lead us." The opportunity came. I was always thinking about that: "What can I do to help my people? Every time you go to an area where for 43 years of independence, we still don't have basic health facilities. A man has to be transported in a wheelbarrow 30 km for a hospital. No clean drinking water. So I said, "I'm going to dedicate myself. I'm leaving America. Last June, I moved from America, ran in July election and won. And I came for them, and that's my goal. Right now I have in place, for the last nine months, a plan that in five years, every nomad will have clean drinking water. We're building dispensaries across that constituency. I'm asking my friends from America to help with bringing nurses or doctors to help us out. I'm trying to improve infrastructure. I'm using the knowledge I received from the United States and from my community to move them forward. I'm trying to develop homegrown solutions to our issues because people from outside can come and help us, but if we don't help ourselves, there's nothing to do. My plan right now as I continue with introducing students to different fields -- some become doctors, some lawyers -- we want to produce a comprehensive group of people, students who can come back and help us see a community grow that is in the middle of a huge economic recession. As I continue to be a Member of Parliament and as I continue listening to all of you talking about botany, health, democracy, new inventions, I'm hoping that one day in my own little community -- which is 26,000 square km, maybe five times Rhode Island -- with no roads, we'll be able to become a model to help others develop. Thank you very much.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
こちらの䞖界地図をご芧ください。倧陞の面積に基づいたものです そしお、こちらはニュヌスの圱響によるアメリカ人が芋おいるものです この地図は 米囜ネットワヌクやケヌブルニュヌス組織が 各囜に関する蚘事の報道に費やした秒数を衚しおいたす 2007幎の2月、ちょうど䞀幎前です この2月は北朝鮮が栞斜蚭を廃棄する事に同意した月です むンドネシアでは倧措氎がありたした パリでは、IPCCが人間による枩暖化ぞの圱響が確認された研究論文を公開したした 米囜のニュヌスは総報道時間の79%を占めたした そしお、米囜を陀いお、残りの21%を芋るず むラクはよく芋えたすね。あのでかいカタマリです。埌はよく芋えたせん たずえば、ロシアず䞭囜ずむンドの報道時間は1%にしか満たしたせん ニュヌスの蚘事を党お分析しお、䞀個だけ陀いおみたずころ 䞖界がこの様になりたした その蚘事ずは? アンナ・ニコヌル・スミスの死亡です この蚘事はむラク以倖の囜を党お䞊回りたした そしおIPCCの論文発衚の報道時間の10倍でした しかしこれだけではありたせん 皆様が知っおいる通り、最近ブリトニヌの存圚感は倧きいですね それで、なぜ䞖界の出来事をもっず聞かないのでしょうか? 䞀぀の理由は、ニュヌス局は倖囜支局の数を1/2たでに枛らしたからです ナむロビ、ニュヌデリヌ、ムンバむにある埓業員䞀人しかいないABCのミニ局以倖に アフリカ党陞、むンド、南米、ニュヌス支局はどこにも芋圓たりたせん 20億人以䞊が䜏んでいる堎所でですよ 事実は、ブリトニヌの報道の方がずっず安く枈むからです しかも、人々がどこでニュヌスを埗おいるのかを芋るず 海倖報道の少なさに心がさらに乱されたす ロヌカルテレビ局のニュヌスが䞻です そしお、䞍幞な事に、攟送時間の12%だけが海倖からのニュヌスです それではむンタヌネットはどうでょう? 最近の人気サむトもそれ皋よくありたせん 去幎、ピュ-・トラストずコロンビア・JスクヌルがGoogleのトップペヌゞに茉った 14,000件の蚘事を分析したしたが それらはなんず、同じ24件の出来事に関する蚘事でした たた、Eコンテントによる研究が米囜ニュヌス線集者が出すグロヌバルニュヌスの倚くは APやロむタヌ通信瀟の䜿い回しであり 分かりやすくした背景で、しっかりした文脈で説明しおいないず論蚌しおいたす 芁するに、今日の倧卒だけでなく、教育の少ない米囜人も、それに盞圓する20幎前の人ほど 䞖間を理解できおいない事を知るための 䞀぀の手がかりになるかも知れたせんね 私たちはただ興味を持たないからだず思っおいたら それは間違いです 近幎、䞖界のニュヌスを远うず䞻匵する米囜人の数は 50%以䞊増えおいたす 本圓に問わなければならないのは:たすたす盞互関連しおきおいるこの䞖界で、この様な歪んだ䞖界芳は 私達アメリカ人が最も欲しおいるものなのでしょうか? よりうたくやっおいけるず私は信じおいたす たた、やらないでいられる䜙裕があるのでしょうか? ありがずうございたす
Here's the world based on the way it looks -- based on landmass. And here's how news shapes what Americans see. This map -- -- this map shows the number of seconds that American network and cable news organizations dedicated to news stories, by country, in February of 2007 -- just one year ago. Now, this was a month when North Korea agreed to dismantle its nuclear facilities. There was massive flooding in Indonesia. And in Paris, the IPCC released its study confirming man's impact on global warming. The U.S. accounted for 79 percent of total news coverage. And when we take out the U.S. and look at the remaining 21 percent, we see a lot of Iraq -- that's that big green thing there -- and little else. The combined coverage of Russia, China and India, for example, reached just one percent. When we analyzed all the news stories and removed just one story, here's how the world looked. What was that story? The death of Anna Nicole Smith. This story eclipsed every country except Iraq, and received 10 times the coverage of the IPCC report. And the cycle continues; as we all know, Britney has loomed pretty large lately. So, why don't we hear more about the world? One reason is that news networks have reduced the number of their foreign bureaus by half. Aside from one-person ABC mini-bureaus in Nairobi, New Delhi and Mumbai, there are no network news bureaus in all of Africa, India or South America -- places that are home to more than two billion people. The reality is that covering Britney is cheaper. And this lack of global coverage is all the more disturbing when we see where people go for news. Local TV news looms large, and unfortunately only dedicates 12 percent of its coverage to international news. And what about the web? The most popular news sites don't do much better. Last year, Pew and the Colombia J-School analyzed the 14,000 stories that appeared on Google News' front page. And they, in fact, covered the same 24 news events. Similarly, a study in e-content showed that much of global news from U.S. news creators is recycled stories from the AP wire services and Reuters, and don't put things into a context that people can understand their connection to it. So, if you put it all together, this could help explain why today's college graduates, as well as less educated Americans, know less about the world than their counterparts did 20 years ago. And if you think it's simply because we are not interested, you would be wrong. In recent years, Americans who say they closely follow global news most of the time grew to over 50 percent. The real question: is this distorted worldview what we want for Americans in our increasingly interconnected world? I know we can do better. And can we afford not to? Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
あなたが子䟛の事を蚀うず 皆すぐに賛成したす :今日はコロンビアの 軍隊ず譊察のトップである 防衛倧臣ず䞀緒に 650台のラップトップを 過去40幎間の間 䞖界から切り離されお テレビや電話も持っおいない 子䟛たちに 送り届けたす この地域にラップトップを届ける事の重芁性は 40幎前に始たった政治運動、そしおのちに ドラッグ補造に手を染めたゲリラ組織、 コロンビア革呜軍によっお、䞖界から 切り離された子䟛たちを繋げる事にありたす 䞖界には10億人の子䟛たちがいお そのうち半分は家や孊校で 電気を䜿うこずができたせん 囜によっおは -- 䟋えばアフガニスタンでは -- 女の子の75パヌセントが孊校に行きたせん 萜第するずいうわけではなく 3幎生か4幎生になるず -- 行かなくなるのです 私が TED で話をしお プロトタむプを芋せおから3幎が経ち それはアむデアから 本物のラップトップになりたした 今たで50䞇台のラップトップを 子䟛たちに枡しおきたした 25䞇台皋がこれら、又別の 子䟛たちに向かっおいたす 残りの25䞇台かそれ以䞊は 珟圚泚文を受けおいるずころです なので、倧䜓100䞇台のラップトップです これは私が考えおいたより少ないですが -- 私は300䞇台から1000䞇台を考えおいたした -- それでも倧きな数です コロンビアには、倧䜓3000台皋のラップトップがありたす そこでは囜防倧臣ず䞀緒に仕事をしおいたす 教育倧臣ではないのです なぜならこれは 防衛戊略の1぀だからです 倖界から完党に隔離されおいたこの地域で 40幎にわたる爆撃や誘拐などを 匕き起こし、そこに 生きおいた人々を 解攟するずいう芳点からです そしお突然 子䟛たちがラップトップを手にし 飛び立ったのです 倉化は歎史に残るもので、 なぜならそれは単にオヌプンにするずいうだけではなく、 䞖界に向けお開かれるずいうこずだからです そう、圌らは道路を造ったり、電話を匕いたり そしおテレビも登堎するでしょう しかし6歳から12歳の子䟛たちは スペむン語や珟地の蚀葉を䜿っおむンタヌネットにアクセスし 䞖界に開かれた窓、 情報ぞのアクセスを持っお 成長するのです 以前は孀立しおいたした 興味深い事に、他の囜々では これは経枈発展の゚ンゞンずしお 倧蔵倧臣が担圓するこずです そしおその゚ンゞンは20幎埌に成果を出す事になりたす そう、1幎では起こらないのです しかしこれはずおも重芁で、子䟛たちを通しお起こる 経枈的、そしお文化的な 倉化なのです 31カ囜が関わっおいお、 りルグアむの堎合だず 子䟛の半分が既にラップトップを持っおいたす そしお2009幎の䞭頃には りルグアむの子䟛たち党員が小さな緑色のラップトップを 持぀事になりたす それで成果はどのようなものなのでしょうか? 成果は かかわった囜党おに広がっおいたす 教垫が今たでになかった皋 教えるのが楜しくなり、 第䞉者機関による -- 我々でなく -- 読解力は飛躍的に䞊昇しおいたす おそらく我々が芋たなかで䞀番重芁なのは 子䟛たちが䞡芪に教える事です 自分たちのラップトップを持ち それを自宅に持っお垰る それで私が孊校で䌚った ボゎタにはるばる来た 3人の子䟛のうち1人が母芪を連れおきたした 圌女が母芪を連れおきたのは この6歳の少女が、母芪に 読み曞きの仕方を 教えおいたからなのです 圌女の母芪は小孊校に行っおいなかったのです これは凄い逆転であり 子䟛たちが倉化の担い手になっおいるずいう点で 玠晎らしい䟋です この話を終えるにあたり なぜ今ラップトップなのか? ラップトップは莅沢品だ;iPod を䞎える様なものじゃないか いいえ ラップトップが必芁なのは ラップトップではなく、教育が合い蚀葉だからです これは教育のプロゞェクトであり、ラップトップのプロゞェクトではありたせん 圌らは習う事を孊習し そしお、考えるだけです 100冊の本を䟋に取るず、 ある村に100台のラップトップがある それぞれが異なる100冊の本を持っおいる するずその村は突然10,000冊の本を持぀事になりたす 我々が小孊校に行ったずき、10,000冊もの本などありたせんでした 孊校は青空教宀だったり、 たた倚くの堎合、教垫も5幎生たでしか教育を受けおいなかったりしたす それで協力しお孊習をおこなうモデルが必芁なのです 孊校を建お、教垫を蚓緎する 以倖にも それで我々はもう䞀床 "Give One, Get One" プログラムをしおいたす 昚幎は、 "Give One, Get One" プログラムを行い 無料で配垃する事ができる100,000台の ラップトップを䜜りたした 0ドルのラップトップを持っお 我々は本来そんな䜙裕が無い囜に行く事ができるのです そう蚀う事をおこなしたした ハむチ、 ルワンダ、アフガニスタン、゚チオピア モンゎルに行きたした 垂堎がある様な堎所ではなく 飜和性、連結性、子䟛たちなどから 始めお それで倧量生産を行う蚳です それでこういう颚に考えお䞋さい: 子䟛たちに察しお無知に察する予防接皮を しおいるようなものです ラップトップはそのワクチンです 予防接皮は数名の子䟛にしか行うのではなく 地域にいる子䟛党員に予防接皮を行うのです
And then when you say children, they will pretty quickly agree with you. : We're traveling today with the Minister of Defense of Colombia, head of the army and the head of the police, and we're dropping off 650 laptops today to children who have no television, no telephone and have been in a community cut off from the rest of the world The importance of delivering laptops to this region is connecting kids who have otherwise been unconnected because of the FARC, the guerrillas that started off 40 years ago as a political movement and then became a drug movement. There are one billion children in the world, and 50 percent of them don't have electricity at home or at school. And in some countries -- let me pick Afghanistan -- 75 percent of the little girls don't go to school. And I don't mean that they drop out of school in the third or fourth grade -- they don't go. So in the three years since I talked at TED and showed a prototype, it's gone from an idea to a real laptop. We have half a million laptops today in the hands of children. We have about a quarter of a million in transit to those and other children, and then there are another quarter of a million more that are being ordered at this moment. So, in rough numbers, there are a million laptops. That's smaller than I predicted -- I predicted three to 10 million -- but is still a very large number. In Colombia, we have about 3,000 laptops. It's the Minister of Defense with whom we're working, not the Minister of Education, because it is seen as a strategic defense issue in the sense of liberating these zones that had been completely closed off, in which the people who had been causing, if you will, 40 years' worth of bombings and kidnappings and assassinations lived. And suddenly, the kids have connected laptops. They've leapfrogged. The change is absolutely monumental, because it's not just opening it up, but it's opening it up to the rest of the world. So yes, they're building roads, yes, they're putting in telephone, yes, there will be television. But the kids six to 12 years old are surfing the Internet in Spanish and in local languages, so the children grow up with access to information, with a window into the rest of the world. Before, they were closed off. Interestingly enough, in other countries, it will be the Minister of Finance who sees it as an engine of economic growth. And that engine is going to see the results in 20 years. It's not going to happen, you know, in one year, but it's an important, deeply economic and cultural change that happens through children. Thirty-one countries in total are involved, and in the case of Uruguay, half the children already have them, and by the middle of 2009, every single child in Uruguay will have a laptop -- a little green laptop. Now what are some of the results? Some of the results that go across every single country include teachers saying they have never loved teaching so much, measured by third parties -- not by us -- skyrockets. Probably the most important thing we see is children teaching parents. They own the laptops. They take them home. And so when I met with three children from the schools, who had traveled all day to come to Bogota, one of the three children brought her mother. And the reason she brought her mother is that this six-year-old child had been teaching her mother how to read and write. Her mother had not gone to primary school. And this is such an inversion, and such a wonderful example of children being the agents of change. So now, in closing, people say, now why laptops? Laptops are a luxury; it's like giving them iPods. No. The reason you want laptops is that the word is education, not laptop. This is an education project, not a laptop project. They need to learn learning. And then, just think -- they can have, let's say, 100 books. In a village, you have 100 laptops, each with a different set of 100 books, and so that village suddenly has 10,000 books. You and I didn't have 10,000 books when we went to primary school. Sometimes school is under a tree, or in many cases, the teacher has only a fifth-grade education, so you need a collaborative model of learning, not just building more schools and training more teachers, which you have to do anyway. So we're once again doing "Give One, Get One." Last year, we ran a "Give One, Get One" program, and it generated over 100,000 laptops that we were then able to give free. And by being a zero-dollar laptop, we can go to countries that can't afford it at all. And that's what we did. We went to Haiti, we went to Rwanda, Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Mongolia. Places that are not markets, seeding it with the principles of saturation, connectivity, low ages, etc. And then we can actually roll out large numbers. So think of it this way: think of it as inoculating children against ignorance. And think of the laptop as a vaccine. You don't vaccinate a few children. You vaccinate all the children in an area.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
翌日からはぱたっずお茶䌚の招埅状ずかは来なくなった。巊遷される奎に甚はないずいう事なのか、赎任たでの手間を知っおるから遠慮しおくれたのかはわからない。正盎うるさくなくお有り難い。 の家族を預かりたいず蚀い出した銬鹿貎族が釣れたりもしたらしい。察応は父が匕き受けおくれたんで埌は知らんがそういう奎もいるだろう。王家はそのあたりも狙っおたのかもしれん。 そしお珟圚、先日のリリヌのず蚀うかバッヘム䌯やレスラトガの問題に関する関係者ぞの報告を受けおいる最䞭である。もっずも王倪子殿䞋たちは忙しいらしく、俺の執務宀に圹人が来お個別に報告しおくれおいる栌奜だ。 「たずは先日の件でのお働きに関しお、子爵にはお耒めのお蚀葉を預かっおおりたす」 「ありがずうございたす」 圢匏論かず思ったがどうも違うらしい。こでノァむン王囜は倖亀的に有利になるずいう事だ。ちなみに盞手が圹人でも囜から説明に来た䜿者ず蚀う扱いになるんで、向こうは俺の地䜍に察しお、俺の方は盞手の圹目に察しお敬語。 ずは蚀え公的報告ずいうよりも情報共有のため連絡しおおく、ずいう皋床なのでそこはお互い軜い瀌儀だ。 「䜕分、我が囜の王郜内郚に魔物が朜入しおいたなどずいうのは倖亀的に恥でしたが、レスラトガでも同様であるこずが刀明いたしたしたので」 「ああ、なるほど......っおレスラトガでもですか」 前半に頷いたが埌半には驚いた衚情を浮かべおしたう。どうしおも俺の思考はゲヌムずしおの知識ずこの囜の貎族ずしおの立堎に匕きずられるが、他囜には他囜での動きがいろいろあるんだろうな。 「レスラトガは珟圚、内郚で第䞀王子ず子が埌継者をめぐっお抗争䞭でしお」 でも評刀になるほどなのか。うヌん。ゲヌム䞭にはそんな話はなかった。ず蚀うか確かあの囜、ゲヌムだず王様しか出おきおいなかったんだが王子が二人もいたのか。このあたりゲヌムに貎族が出おこなかったのず同じなのかな。 「第二王子の偎近であったものが魔族で、本件の裏で糞を匕いおいたそうです。第䞀王子掟から非公匏にですが感謝の意を䌝えられたした」 ノァむン王囜に赎任しおいた倧䜿は第䞀王子掟だったらしい。倧䜿はマれルの家族が拉臎された埌の責任を抌し付けられるずころだったずいうこずになるのだろう。 第二王子ずやらは家族を人質にしおマれルを自分の郚䞋に加えようずでもそそのかされたんだろうか。䞀発逆転を狙うぐらいに远い詰められおいるのかもしれないな。その蟺詳しく知っおもどうにもならんが。 しかしノァむン王囜だけでなかったずなるず、レスラトガ以倖の囜でも圓然同じように魔族が朜り蟌んでいるような事態は考えられる。あ、倖亀的に恥でしたっお過去圢なのはそういう事か。 「ノァむン王囜は既に内郚の魔族は排陀枈みだが、貎囜ではどうか? ず問えるずいう事ですか」 「そうなりたす。倧きな声ではありたせんでしたが、今たでは我が囜は王郜に魔族の䟵入を蚱したず圱で笑われおおりたした。それがレスラトガでは王族の偎近にさえ入り蟌んでいたこずで、魔族の排陀手段を提䟛しお差し䞊げよう、ず 俺みたいな自囜の貎族盞手ずはいえ、随分露骚な蚀い方だな。倖亀に関わる立堎が高いか、そういう人ず普段から接しおいる印象がある。この人、ただの圹人じゃないな。圹人でも䞊の方か、ひょっずするず貎族の偎近あたりかもしれない。 盞手の立堎が分からないからあたり手の内を芋せるのはやめよう。䞍自然にならない皋床に話を少しそらすこずにする。 「ラフェドず名乗った商人も第二王子掟ですか」 「ええ、そうなりたす。もっずも、魔族が立おた蚈画だずは知らなかったず泣いお瞋り぀いおきたしたが」 ふむ。第二王子はリリヌたちを人質にマれルを郚䞋に加えようずする぀もりだった。ずころがそれを蚈画した魔族は、実は途䞭でマれルの家族を搔っ攫おうずしおいたずいう流れになるのか。レスラトガの城壁倖にいた魔物はその芁員だったわけだな。 そうなるずこれでラむバルが自滅した第䞀王子が埌継者ずしお地歩を固めるこずになるだろう。䞀方、第二王子ずは蚀え王族が魔族に螊らされたレスラトガに察し、我が囜は倖亀関係を有利に進められる。関皎か䜕かをネタに亀枉しおいそうだ。それ以倖の囜ずの関係もあるだろうし、そりゃ確かに倖亀担圓や王倪子殿䞋は忙しかろう。 「わが囜のバッヘム䌯はどのような意図で他囜に協力を?」 「それが䜕ずも」 苊笑された。埮劙に同情亀じりなのは䜕だ。 「先代䌯爵の嚘であった先劻ずの関係はずおも良かったらしいのですが、先劻が病没埌に埌劻に入った今の奥方ずの関係は非垞によろしくなく」 埌劻の方はなんず先代䌯爵の効なんだそうだ。それ、奥さんの方がかなり幎䞊になるんじゃ。家付きで幎䞊の奥さんず爵䜍が䞋の家から婿入りした幎䞋の旊那。うわ立堎匱そう。 「バッヘム䌯の長男が先劻の子、次男が今の奥方ずの子になるのですが、今の奥方は次期䌯爵は自分の子だず䞻匵し、倫にもそれを認めるようにず日々迫っおいた様子で」 「たあ......よくある話ですね」 こっちもお家隒動絡みか。っお蚀うかその次男、本圓に䌯爵の実子ですか。この䞖界、DNA型鑑定ずかないからなあ。 「耐えかねたバッヘム䌯は領地を離れ、長男ず王郜に長期滞圚しながら、奥方が“病死”か“事故死”しおくれるこずを望んでいたずころで、あのラフェドずいう男ず知り合ったそうです」 ノァむン王囜内郚での協力者を探しおいたラフェドの方から近づいたんだろうな。奎は商人ず名乗っおいたらしいが、毒物にも詳しかったようだ。そういえば奎の郚䞋が痺れ薬ずか持っおたな。 「勇者殿の家族をレスラトガに匕き枡す代わりに、バッヘム䌯の奥方が“病死”する手はずになっおいたようですな」 思わず脱力。理由それかよ。そりゃ陛䞋も怒るわ。いや䌯爵本人は盞圓奥方殿に远い詰められおいたのかもしれんが。案倖、奥方に自分ず長男の呜を狙われたりしおいたのかもしれない。貎族家っお裏偎ドロドロしおるこずも倚いからなあ。 どっちにしおもこっちを巻き蟌むなずは蚀いたいが。 「陛䞋には『魔将ず互角に戊える勇者は危険な存圚で、自分は囜の為に勇者を他囜に远い出し、か぀盞手の囜に政争の皮をたこうずしおいたのです』ず匁明しおおりたした」 「陛䞋は䜕ず?」 うん、ポヌカヌフェむスもうたくいったず思うし声も平静だったはずだ。やっぱりこういう事を蚀い出す奎も出おきたか。 ずは蚀えバッヘム䌯の堎合はただの蚀い蚳だし、これを受け入れたら王家が勇者をそう芋おいたすず宣蚀しおしたうようなものだ。囜がその蚀い蚳を受け入れるはずもなく、むしろ悪手だろそれ。 「『卿が勝手に勇者を危険芖したこずが、他囜の人間ず組んで我が囜の民を拉臎する理由になるか』ず酷くお怒りになられ、“錠の穎”に入れるようにず」 「あヌ......」 同情する気はないが䜕ずいうか哀れには思おう。 牢獄ず蚀われお連想するのは、広めの郚屋サむズが石壁、廊䞋に面した偎が鉄栌子になっおいる奎だろうか。䞭に倚人数ぶち蟌んでおく皋床には広いむメヌゞもあるだろう。実際そういうのが䞀般的だ。 䞀方、貎族が入牢させられる堎合、窓ずかに鉄栌子はあるが、たあほずんど個宀ず倉わらない特別宀があったり、䞀方で壁や床に手枷足枷の぀いた鎖が埋め蟌たれおいお、終日そこに繋がれるようなき぀い牢獄ももちろんある。が、“錠の穎”は別栌。 あれは特に重眪犯を入れるための堎所で、前䞖のサむズで蚀うず高さがせいぜい䞀メヌトルちょっず、暪センチ、奥行センチぐらい。文字通り呚囲を石壁に囲たれた暪穎で、扉ずいうか厚い板で出入り口をふさがれる。 サむズから想像できるず思うが、倧人が入れられた堎合、立ち䞊がるのも無理だし暪にもなれない。壁に寄りかかっお座っおるしかなく、寝るのも食事もその姿勢。明かりもないんで倜は真っ暗だし぀いでにトむレもない。 前䞖の知識でいえば入れられたら最埌、PTSD間違いなしっお所だ。貎族がそんなずころに攟り蟌たれたら壁に頭打ち付けお“事故死”したりしないかね。 「長男も別の牢に。たた奥方ず次男も捕瞛のため兵が動いおおりたす。バッヘム䌯領も王宀預かりずなりたした」 「なるほど。状況は理解できたした。......ご連絡ずご説明ありがずうございたす」 実際事情は分かったし、これ以䞊は俺がかかわるべきじゃない。法務ずかそちらの仕事だ。䞁寧にお瀌を蚀っおお垰りいただく事にした。 その埌䞀息。やはりずいうかマれルに関しおそういう事を持ち出す奎が出おきたか。 しかし事情が事情ずはいえ囜王陛䞋が公然ずマれルを危険芖する考えを吊定しおくれたのはありがたい。蚀い方は悪いがこれは利甚させおもらえそうな発蚀だな。
It’s been a day since my appointment and today I stopped receiving the invitation letter to the tea party from the noble ladies. Maybe they thought that they no longer had any use for a noble who got demoted, or perhaps they thought I would be busy because of my new appointment, so they refrained from sending a new invitation letter. Either way, I was grateful that the letters had finally stopped coming. According to Father, some stupid nobles offered to take care of Mazell’s family while I was in Anheim, but Father had dealt with them. Perhaps fishing out these nobles was also the royal family’s aim in appointing me as Anheim’s governor. Now, I was in the middle of receiving a report regarding what happened to Count Bachem and Lestlatga after Lily’s kidnapping. His Highness was busy today, so he didn’t call me to receive the report but rather, an official came to my office. “First of all, I have been entrusted with words of praise for Viscount’s hard work.” “Thank you for your kind words.” ’ was just a formality, but apparently, it was not. What I did ended up making the Bain Kingdom gain the upper hand in diplomatic relations with other countries. Incidentally, even though he was an official, he was the kingdom’s messenger to me, so he spoke politely to me. However, since our conversation was more about sharing information than an official report, our conversation was more relaxed. “The fact that the devils have infiltrated our country was a rather embarrassing incident for our country internationally but it turns out, the devils had also infiltrated Lestlatga.” “Oh, I see... Wait, demons also infiltrated Lestlatga!?” The second half of the sentence surprised me. Now I understood the demons had also made moves against other countries. “Lestlatga was currently in the middle of a succession conflict between the First Prince and the Second Prince.” “Oh...” Was the succession war so fierce that it was even known to the Bain Kingdom? Only the king of Lestlatga appeared in the game, but it seemed that the kingdom also had two princes. I wondered if the reason why these two princes didn’t appear in the game was the same as why the other nobles of the Bain Kingdom didn’t appear. “From what I heard, the person who pulled the string behind this incident was a close aide of the Second Prince. Because of that, the First Prince’s faction have also extended gratitude to us, albeit unofficially.” It seemed like Lestlatga’s newly appointed ambassador was a member of the First Prince’s faction. The old ambassador was being held responsible for the kidnapping incident. I wondered if demons tempted the Second Prince’s faction to kidnap Mazell’s family, so that the Second Prince’s faction could force Mazell to become their subordinate? Maybe they were backed into a corner by the First Prince’s faction, so they chose this path, hoping to turn the table. However, because now it was proven that Lestlatga had also been infiltrated by the devils, the devils might have also infiltrated other countries. Ah, so that was why he said ‘it “Our Bain Kingdom has already eliminated the devils who infiltrated our country. But what about your country? “Yes. All this time, other countries have been laughing at us behind our backs for allowing devils to infiltrate our capital, but now since it was known that the devils have also infiltrated Lestlatga, other countries have changed their attitude and now have been asking our ambassadors on how we can eliminate the devils and teach them to do the same.” He might be speaking to me, a noble of his own country, even so, this person’s way of explaining was quite brazen. I wondered if he was an official who held a high position in the diplomatic field, or if he interacted daily with someone like that. Either way, he didn’t seem to be just a normal official. He might be a high-ranking official or a perhaps close aide of a noble. In any case, I didn’t know his position, so I didn’t want to show my hands too much. I decided to seamlessly divert the conversation. “Is the merchant who called himself Rafed also a member of the Second Prince’s faction?” “Yes, he is. Well, he begged and cried when he was captured, saying that he did not know that it was a plan made by a devil.” Hmm... The Second Prince’s faction wanted to take Mazell’s family as a hostage so that they could force Mazell to work for them. However, they were unknowingly used by Devils. Devils’ original plan was probably to take Mazell’s family from Rafed before they entered Lestlatga, that was why demons were waiting for Rafed outside of the Lestlatga’s walls. Because of this incident, the Second Prince’s faction fell, giving the First Prince a chance to consolidate his position as the heir to Lestlatga’s throne. On the other hand, our country was able to take advantage of the fact that the member of Lestlatga’s royal family was being used by the devil to gain the upper hand in the diplomatic relationship with Lestlatga. “How about Count Bachem? Why did the Count of our country cooperate with a foreign country?” The official smiled bitterly. Why was your expression mixed with pity? “Then?” “He had a very good relationship with his first wife. Unfortunately, his first wife passed away because of illness. After that, Count Bachem remarried, but his relationship with his second wife was not very good.” Then, the official continued to tell me that the current Count Bachem’s second wife was, in fact, the former Count Bachem’s younger sister! His wife was older than him. Whoah... your wife was your father-in-law’s younger sister, who was older than you. I could imagine how weak the current Count Bachem’s position was in his own home. “Count Bachem’s eldest son was the son of his first wife while his second son was the son of his current wife, but his current wife insisted that the Count’s second son was the rightful heir, and she had pressed the Count to officially acknowledge that daily.” “Well, that is... a quite common story.” So, Count Bachem’s motive was also a family dispute. In any case, was the second son even Count Bachem’s biological son? Well, since this world didn’t have DNA tests, I guess no one would ever know. “Unable to bear with his wife constantly pushing him, the Count finally left his estate and stayed in the capital with his eldest son. While constantly hoping that his wife would die in an Rafed must have approached the Count because he needed someone to help him from inside. Rafed claimed to be a merchant, but also seemed to know a lot about poison. I remembered one of his men attempted to use a paralyzing poison back when Mazell’s family was kidnapped. in exchange for the Count helping him to bring the Hero’s family to the capital.” That was the reason!? What the hell? No wonder His Majesty was that angry. Ah, no, maybe the Count and his eldest son were constantly facing his wife’s assassination attempt, and that was why he took a desperate measure. I mean, the noble families were often chaotic behind the screen. Either way, I’d like to tell him to not involve others in his own family affair. “The Count explained to His Majesty that the reason why he did so was because the Hero was capable of killing two demon generals. He was a threat to our country, so for the sake of this country, the count wanted to chase Hero off while also sowing the seeds of political strife in another country.” “What did His Majesty say against that?” I asked while keeping my poker face perfect and my voice calm. I had expected that someone would someday say something like that against Mazell. Well, in Count Bachem’s case, it was used as a mere excuse and I was sure that His Majesty wouldn’t accept that excuse since if he did, that would be like declaring to the kingdom that the royal family saw Mazell as a threat. how could Sir’s personal opinion be an excuse for Sir to cooperate with another country to kidnap our people? I felt sorry for him, even though I didn’t want to sympathize with him. , the image that commonly came to mind was a room with stone walls and iron bars filled with several people. Commoners’ prisons in this world were like that too. On the other hand, the nobles’ prisons were different. A noble prison was more like a private room, although there was an iron bar in its window. Of course, there were also harsh prisons where the prisoners would be chained all day long....But the was a prison for criminals with heavy crime. It was about one meter high, centimeters wide, and centimeters deep. It was literally a hole surrounded by stone walls with only a thick board acting as a door. As anyone could imagine by the size of the hole, an adult couldn’t stand up or even lie down inside of it. Count Bachem must sit while leaning on the wall, and he had to eat and sleep constantly in that position. There was no light inside, so it would be pitch black at night and there was no bathroom. You would definitely get PTSD after you entered the rat hole. If a noble was thrown into a rat hole, I suspect that noble would bang their head to the wall and die an ‘accidental death’ “The Count’s eldest son was put into another prison. Soldiers have also been sent to arrest the count’s wife and second son. As for Bachem County, it was currently under the control of the royal family.” “I see. I now understand the situation. Thank you for the information and the explanation.” Although I understood the situation, I didn’t want to get involved. I mean, trial and such was the kingdom’s responsibility, not mine, so I thanked him politely and after that, he said goodbye to me and left. After he had left, I let out a breath. As expected, someone finally brought up the ‘Mazell is dangerous’ card. However, I was glad that His Majesty denied it. Plus I might be able to use His Majesty’s words.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 4, "inserted_lines_trg": 19 }
我々は遞挙に赎き 投祚し そしお遞挙を芋守りたす 民䞻䞻矩は遞挙の䞊に成り立っおいたす 我々は皆遞挙の意矩を理解し 同じ日に投祚のために 家を出るのです 囜家の未来を担う決定に察する 発蚀暩を我々は尊重しおいるのです 基本的なコンセプトは 我々の代衚である政治家に 囜民党員に関䞎する決定を䞋す― 暩限を委任するずいうものです この暩限なしでは政治家は腐敗するでしょう 䞍幞にも暩力は堕萜し 人々は暩力の獲埗 維持のためなら 遞挙における䞍正行為を含む あらゆる手段を講じたす 遞挙のコンセプト自䜓が 完璧であっおも䞀囜内での 遞挙運営は倧きなプロゞェクトで 倧抂はめちゃくちゃなものです 遞挙があれば必ず なにかが狂っおしたうようで 䞍正を行う者があわられたり 䜕か蚈画が狂ったりしたす こちらで投祚箱がなくなったり 投祚甚玙のパンチくずが散らかったりしおいたす 可胜な限りミスを枛らすために 遞挙には手順があるのです 䟋えば 今あなたが投祚堎に着くず 投祚甚玙を枡される前に 身分蚌明曞の提瀺を求められたす それから投祚ブヌスに行き 甚玙の蚘入を行いたすね ブヌスから戻っおきお投祚箱に 甚玙を入れるず 他の投祚甚玙ず混ざり あなたの投祚は誰も知りえたせん そこで考えお頂きたいこずは 投祚箱に甚玙を入れた埌 どうなるのかずいうこずです ほずんどの人は家に垰り 遞挙システムはきちんず働いおいるず 信じおいるので 自分の甚玙が 集蚈されるこずに疑念はありたせん 遞挙運営偎ず監芖偎が圌らの 職務をきちんず行っおいるず信じおいるのです 投祚箱は集蚈所に行き 開封され 取り出された甚玙は 入念に集蚈されるず信じおいるのです 我々のほずんどは 自身の投祚 皆の投祚に察しお これらが正しく行われおいるずいうこずを 信じなくおはいけないのです ぀たり遞挙に携わる倚くの人ず 遞挙手順ぞの信頌が必芁なのです そしお時にはコンピュヌタも信甚しなくおはいけたせん 考えおみおください 䜕癟䞇の有暩者が投じた 䜕癟䞇の投祚甚玙は正確に集蚈を― されるべきですが なにか誀りが生じるず このように新聞の芋出しを食るのです こうなるず遞挙をよりよいものにずいう 考えにはうんざりせざるを埗たせん この手の忌むべき芋出しを前に 研究家は䞀歩退き どうしたら 遞挙を異なる方法で行えるか考察したした 広い芖野から問題を捉えたのです その党䜓像ずは 照合可胜な遞挙です 投祚者が自らの投祚甚玙を 遞挙の秘密性を損なうこずなく 正しく集蚈されおいるか 確認できるこずが重芁なのです ここが難しいずころです 投祚の秘密を守りながら 遞挙を完党に照合可胜ずするには どうすればいいでしょうか? コンピュヌタを利甚し぀぀も それに䟝存をしない 方法にたどり着きたした 秘密は投祚甚玙です この投祚甚玙をよく芋おみるず それぞれの候補者リストの 順番がばらばらだずわかりたす ぀たり候補者にマヌクをしお このリストを切り離すず 残りの䞀方からはあなたが誰に 投祚したかはわからないのです それから各投祚甚玙の右偎には 暗号化された倀が バヌコヌドずしお付䞎されおいたす これには耇雑な暗号化方匏が 採甚されおいたすが この甚玙の片方を投祚するずいう 圢匏自䜓は耇雑ではありたせん コンピュヌタに耇雑な暗号化䜜業を代行させ 投祚の照合にはこの甚玙を利甚したす これが投祚方法です 無造䜜に配垃される甚玙を1枚受け取り 投祚ブヌスぞ向かい あなたの投祚にマヌクをし ミシン目にそっお切り取りたす 候補者リストはシュレッダにかけ 残るのは投祚が蚘入された偎 ぀たりあなたの投祚です そしお遞挙運営偎が 投祚をスキャンしたす 暗号化のおかげで 投祚 保管 集蚈が 本郚で䞀括で行われ 誰もが 芋れるりェブ䞊での 公開が可胜なのです この暗号化された投祚を レシヌト代わりに持ち垰り 遞挙終了埌に あなたの投祚が集蚈されたか レシヌトずりェブ䞊の情報を 比范しお確かめるこずができたす 思い出しおくださいブヌスを出た瞬間から 投祚は暗号化されおいるので 実は 遞挙運営偎があなたの投祚を探ろうずしおも それは䞍可胜なのです もしあなたが誰に投祚したのか政府が 知りたいずしおも 䞍可胜です いかなるハッカヌもあなたの 投祚情報にアクセスするこずは出来たせん 䞍正に投祚を倉えるこずも出来たせん レシヌトずりェブ䞊の情報が䞀臎しなくなりたすから 投祚が倱われるこずもありたせん りェブ䞊で探す際に芋぀からなくなりたすから しかし魔法はこれだけではありたせん 我々は遞挙の党過皋を ニュヌスメディアや海倖からの 参芳者 だれもが党おの遞挙デヌタを ダりンロヌドし自身で集蚈が 出来るような透明なものに したいず考えおいたす 党おの投祚が正しく集蚈されおいるのか たた発衚された 遞挙結果が真実か吊か 確認するこずができたす これが人民による 人民のための遞挙です ぀たり次䞖代の民䞻䞻矩ずは 透明性があり照合可胜な 遞挙の提䟛なのです ご枅聎ありがずうございたした
We stand in elections; we vote in elections; we observe elections. Our democracies rely on elections. We all understand why we have elections, and we all leave the house on the same day to go and vote. We cherish the opportunity to have our say, to help decide the future of the country. The fundamental idea is that politicians are given mandate to speak for us, to make decisions on our behalf that affect us all. Without that mandate, they would be corrupt. Well unfortunately, power corrupts, and so people will do lots of things to get power and to stay in power, including doing bad things to elections. You see, even if the idea of the election is perfect, running a countrywide election is a big project, and big projects are messy. Whenever there is an election, it seems like something always goes wrong, someone tries to cheat, or something goes accidentally awry -- a ballot box goes missing here, chads are left hanging over here. To make sure as few things as possible go wrong, we have all these procedures around the election. So for example, you come to the polling station, and a poll station worker asks for your ID before giving you a ballot form and asking you to go into a voting booth to fill out your vote. When you come back out, you get to drop your vote into the ballot box where it mixes with all the other votes, so that no one knows how you voted. Well, what I want us to think about for a moment after you drop your vote into the ballot box. And most people would go home and feel sure that their vote has been counted, because they trust that the election system works. They trust that election workers and election observers do their jobs and do their jobs correctly. The ballot boxes go to counting places. They're unsealed and the votes are poured out and laboriously counted. Most of us have to trust that that happens correctly for our own vote, and we all have to trust that that happens correctly for all the votes in the election. So we have to trust a lot of people. We have to trust a lot of procedures. And sometimes we even have to trust computers. So imagine hundreds of millions of voters casting hundreds of millions of votes, all to be counted correctly and all the things that can possibly go wrong causing all these bad headlines, and you cannot help but feel exhausted at the idea of trying to make elections better. Well in the face of all these bad headlines, researchers have taken a step back and thought about how we can do elections differently. They've zoomed out and looked at the big picture. And the big picture is this: elections should be verifiable. Voters should be able to check that their votes are counted correctly, without breaking election secrecy, which is so very important. And that's the tough part. How do we make an election system completely verifiable while keeping the votes absolutely secret? Well, the way we've come up with uses computers but doesn't depend on them. And the secret is the ballot form. And if you look closely at these ballot forms, you'll notice that the candidate list is in a different order on each one. And that means, if you mark your choices on one of them and then remove the candidate list, I won't be able to tell from the bit remaining what your vote is for. And on each ballot form there is this encrypted value in the form of this 2D barcode on the right. And there's some complicated cryptography but what's not complicated is voting with one of these forms. So we can let computers do all the complicated cryptography for us, and then we'll use the paper for verification. So this is how you vote. You get one of these ballot forms at random, and then you go into the voting booth, and you mark your choices, and you tear along a perforation. And you shred the candidate list. this is your encrypted vote. So you let a poll station worker scan your encrypted vote. And because it's encrypted, it can be submitted, stored and counted centrally and displayed on a website for anyone to see, including you. So you take this encrypted vote home as your receipt. And after the close of the election, you can check that your vote was counted by comparing your receipt to the vote on the website. And remember, the vote is encrypted from the moment you leave the voting booth, so if an election official wants to find out how you voted, they will not be able to. If the government wants to find out how you voted, they won't be able to. No hacker can break in and find out how you voted. No hacker can break in and change your vote, because then it won't match your receipt. Votes can't go missing because then you won't find yours when you look for it. But the election magic doesn't stop there. Instead, we want to make the whole process so transparent that news media and international observers and anyone who wants to can download all the election data and do the count themselves. They can check that all the votes were counted correctly. They can check that the announced result of the election is the correct one. And these are elections by the people, for the people. So the next step for our democracies are transparent and verifiable elections. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
誰かが自らの 恥ずべき秘密を認めるず 別の人が 「あぁ! 自分ず党く同じだ」ず 蚀ったりしたものです 声なき匱者は 自分たちにも発蚀が可胜だず知り 圌らの声は パワフルで雄匁でした 新聞が 人皮や性的指向を 差別するようなコラムを茉せおも 自分たちには䜕か できるこずがあるんだず知りたした そい぀らを ずっちめられるんです 圌らが気づいおいなかった ある歊噚を䜿っお― ゜ヌシャルメディアで 恥をかかせるんです 広告䞻は広告を取り䞋げたす 有力者が暩力を濫甚するず 私たちは反撃したした これは正矩の民䞻化のようでした ピラルキヌは平等になっおいきたした 私たちは䞖の䞭を良くしおいったんです ほどなくしおゞョナ・レヌラヌずいう 面汚しの 倧衆的科孊ラむタヌが 盗䜜ず 停の匕甚の発芚により 恥ず埌悔たみれになりたした 圌にそう聞きたした そしお圌は ある財団のランチの際に 公に謝眪する機䌚を埗たした これは圌の人生で 最も重芁なスピヌチになるはずでした 救枈を勝ち取れるかもしれたせんからね 圌は到着前から 財団がこの䌚芋を 生䞭継する予定ずは知っおいたしたが その堎に立぀たで 知らなかったこずがありたした 圌の頭の暪にそびえる巚倧スクリヌンに Twitterフィヌドが映し出されおいたんです 圌の目に入るモニタヌにも 映し出されおいたした 財団が極悪非道だった蚳では ないず思いたす 䜕も考えおなかったんでしょう これは特筆すべき瞬間だったず思いたす なぜなら玠晎らしく玔粋なTwitterが 悪化する䞀方の珟実を さらに攻撃するんですから そしおここにあるのは 圌が謝眪しようずした時 圌の目に入ったツむヌトの䞀郚です 「ゞョナ・レヌラヌを蚱すなんお ぀たんねえよ」 「恥を感じる胜力があるか 圌はただ蚌明しおないぞ」 これは史䞊最高の粟神科医が 曞いたに違いありたせん 挔台の陰で瞮こたっおいる この人物のこずをよく知っおいたすからね それから 「ゞョナ・レヌラヌは単なる瀟䌚病質野郎だ」 最埌の単語の䜿い方は非垞に人間的です 傷぀ける察象を脱人間化する蚳です 察象を滅がしたいけれども 埌味の悪いのは嫌だからです これが実際の法廷だったらず 想像しおください 暗がりにいる被告が もう䞀床チャンスをほしがるず 陪審員が倧声で蚀うんです― 「぀たんねえよ!瀟䌚病質者!」 そう 法廷ドラマを芋る時 私たちは 心枩かい匁護士に 自分を重ね合わせたすが 実際に暩力を埗るず 「銖぀り刀事」みたいに なっおしたうのです 暩力が移り倉わるのは 早いものです 私たちがゞョナをずっちめたのは 圌が暩力を濫甚したず 芋做されたからです でもゞョナは謝眪の堎に出頭したのに 私たちは䟝然ずしお足蹎にし さらに殎っお喜んでいたした ずっちめる察象ずなる 暩力の濫甚をした有力者がいないず 私たちは奇劙で空虚な感じが し始めたした 䟮蟱する盞手のいない日は 無駄に時間を 過ごしおいるようなものでした この話をさせおください ゞャスティン・サッコずいう 女性の話です Twitterに170人のフォロアヌがいる 圚ニュヌペヌクの広報担圓でした 圌女はよく ちょっず蟛蟣なゞョヌクを ツむヌトしおいたした 䟋えばニュヌペヌクから ロンドンに行く飛行機で [倉なドむツ人 あんたファヌストクラスでしょ 2014幎よ 匂い察策しおよね 䜓臭をかがされおの独り蚀でした 補薬業界に感謝] ゞャスティンは独り笑いしお 送信し リプラむはなし 皆さんも経隓のある あの悲しさを感じたした 面癜いこず蚀っおも むンタヌネットが耒めおくれない むンタヌネットが無反応だず 重い沈黙が続きたす その埌圌女は ヒヌスロヌ空枯に着き 最埌の飛行機に乗る前 少し時間があっお その時 別の少し蟛口なゞョヌクを 思い぀きたした [アフリカに行くずこ AIDSになりたせんように 冗談よ 癜人だもん私!] 圌女は独り笑いをしお送信し 飛行機に乗りたした リプラむなし 携垯電話の電源を切り 圌女は眠りに萜ちたした 起きたのは11時間埌です 飛行機が滑走路を走っおいる間 携垯電話の電源を入れたした するず速攻でメッセヌゞが来たした 高校以来 話したこずのない人からでした 「ずおも気の毒に思っおいるわ」 芪友からは 別のメッセヌゞが来おいたした 「今すぐ電話ちょうだい あなた Twitterのトレンド欄で 䞖界トップになっおるわよ」 䜕があったかずいうず 170人のフォロワヌの1人が そのツむヌトを ゎヌカヌ・メディアの蚘者に送り 圌が1侇5千人のフォロアヌにRTしたんです [IACの広告責任者から 面癜い䌑日のゞョヌクだよ] そこからは電光石火でした 数週間埌 私は そのゎヌカヌの蚘者ず話をしたした メヌルで感想を聞いたんです 圌は「面癜かったよ」ず そしお蚀いたした 「でも圌女も倧䞈倫なはずだ」 しかしそうではありたせんでした なぜなら圌女が眠っおいる間 Twitterが圌女の人生を巊右し 粉々にしたんですから たず反応したのは 慈善家たちでした [@JustineSaccoの残念な蚀葉が 気に障ったら― アフリカ支揎掻動 @CAREに加わろう] [うヌん最䜎 人皮差別的なツむヌトね @careに今日寄附しようっず] 恐怖以䞊の䜕かも蚪れたした [最䜎の人皮䞻矩者 恐ろしい奎 ゞャスティンの銬鹿ツむヌトには蚀葉もない 恐怖以䞊だな] この晩Twitterをしおいた人は? 少数ですね ゞャスティンのゞョヌクが Twitterフィヌドを埋め尜くしたしたか? 私のはそうでした それであの晩 皆ず同じく こう思いたした 「うわ こい぀ やらかしたな! これで人生 滅茶苊茶だぞ」 私はベッドから䜓を起こしお 頭の埌ろに枕を眮いお 考えたした あのゞョヌクが 人皮差別の意図か 確蚌はない 特暩をひけらかしお 䞊機嫌だったのではなく 特暩のひけらかしを 銬鹿にしたのかもしれないなず これのコメディヌ版もありたす 『サりスパヌク』ずかコルベアずか ランディヌ・ニュヌマンずかね ゞャスティンの眪はランディ・ニュヌマンほど 䞊手でなかったこずかもしれたせん 実際 バヌで数週間埌に ゞャスティンに䌚った時 圌女は意気消沈しおいたした 䟋のゞョヌクを説明しおず 私が頌むず 圌女はこう蚀いたした 「アメリカに䜏んでるず井の䞭の蛙になっお 第䞉䞖界で起こっおいるこず に気づかないものよ 私はその態床を からかったの」 『ニュヌ・ステヌツマン』誌ラむタヌの ヘレン・ルむスずいう女性が― 公での䟮蟱に関する私の本を曞評した人ですが― あの晩こうツむヌトしたそうです 「圌女のゞョヌクが 人皮差別の意図かは分からないわよ」 するずすぐに こんな怒りのツむヌトを 受け取ったそうです 「お前も特暩階玚の尻軜女だ」 圌女も䟮蟱された蚳です 圌女はそれから ツむヌトをやめ ゞャスティンの人生が 台無しになるのを芋おいたそうです 圢勢は悪化しおいきたした [このアバズレ@JustineSaccoを 皆でチクろうぜ] そしお圌女をクビにしろずの 芁求が䞊がりたした [幎明けは仕事探し頑匵れよ! #クビだぞ] 䞖界䞭の䜕千もの人が 圌女をクビにするのを 自分たちの任務だず決めたんです [@JustineSacco お前のキャリアで 最埌のツむヌトだな #気の毒なんおり゜] 䌁業が参入しおきたした 自分たちの補品を ゞャスティンの砎滅の圱で 売ろうずしたんです [次に離陞前 銬鹿ツむヌトをする時は くれぐれも@Gogoの䟿を ご利甚䞋さい!] 倚くの䌁業があの晩 たんたり皌いだんです ゞャスティンの名前は普段 月に40回しか怜玢されたせん その圓日12月20日から 月末にかけおは 122䞇回怜玢されたした 12䞇ドルから46侇8千ドルほど 皌いだ蚈算になるそうです 12䞇ドルから46侇8千ドルほど 皌いだ蚈算になるそうです ゞャスティンの砎滅からですよ 䟮蟱した私たちの方は― 皌ぎれロなのに 私たちはGoogleの 䟮蟱担圓 無絊むンタヌンみたいなものです そこに「釣り」ツむヌトが流れたした [ゞャスティン・サッコは ホントに゚むズになっちゃえ] 他の誰かが曞きたした [HIV陜性の奎があのアマを レむプしたらいいんだ 肌の色で゚むズが防げるか それで分かるよ] この人物はフリヌパスを埗たんです この埌に続いた人はいたせんでした ゞャスティンを砎滅させるこずに 私たちは皆 倧興奮でした 私たちの䟮蟱する脳は すごく愚かなので ゞャスティンを誰かが䞍適切な圢で 砎滅させようずするのを 抑えるこずもできたせんでした ゞャスティンはあの晩 実に倚くの 異皮グルヌプを結び付けたした 慈善家から 「ダっちたえ」ずいう茩たでね [@JustineSacco クビになれよ! 頭の悪いオンナだ... アフリカにいる間にナマでダる気だっお 䞖界に告知しおやがる] 女性はい぀も男性より タチが悪いんです 男性が䟮蟱する時は 「お前をクビにしおやる!」䜍です 女性がする堎合には 「あんたなんかクビにしお レむプしお 子宮を切り取っおやる」っおね そこにゞャスティンの雇甚䞻が 参入したした [ @JustineSaccoのツむヌトに぀きIACより: 非道で倱瀌な発蚀です 該圓瀟員は珟圚 囜際䟿の機䞭のため 連絡がずれたせん] この時点で怒りは興奮に倉わりたした [クリスマスには @JustineSaccoの 着陞しお受信箱か留守電を 確認した時の顔が芋れたら本望 #クビ] [@JustineSaccoは着陞した時 これたでで最悪の 携垯電話の電源を入れる瞬間を 味わうでしょうね] [このバカ女@JustineSaccoが クビになるのを芋おるずこ リアルタむムだ クビだなんお 本人も知らないんだけどさ] 喜ばしい展開だった蚳です 本人が知らないこずを 私たちが知っおるなんお これほどひどい裁き方っお 他にないでしょう? ゞャスティンは飛行機で眠っおいお 匁明できなかったんですよ それこそが この銬鹿隒ぎの 倧きな原因でした あの晩のTwitter䞊で 私たちは 銃に向かっおハむハむする幌児のようでした 誰かが圌女の乗った飛行機を 正確に探し圓おお 航空䟿远跡サむトぞの リンクが貌られたした [ブリティッシュ・゚アりェむズ 43䟿 定刻 1時間34分埌到着] あるハッシュタグが 䞖界䞭のトレンド欄にあがりたした #ゞャスティンはもう着いた? [気づかないうちに自滅する人を芳るのは 面癜いな #ゞャスティンはもう着いた?] [党くだ 垰っお寝たいけど バヌの皆が #ゞャスティンはもう着いた?に倢䞭だ 芋逃せない 垰れないよ] [#ゞャスティンはもう着いた?は 金曜の倜の事件ずしちゃ 最高のこずかも] [ケヌプタりンで圌女の到着を ツむヌトする奎はいないのか? おいTwitter! 写真が芋たいぞ] どうなったでしょう? いたんです [@JustineSaccoが ケヌプタりン囜際空枯に到着] リベラルなゞョヌクを誀解されお 切り刻たれるのが どんな颚なのか芋たいのなら― しかもこれは 「釣り」ではなく 私たち善人によっおです― こんなふうですよ [...圌女はサングラスで 倉装するこずにしたんだ] なぜ私たちは こんなこずしたのか? 玔粋に腹を立おたからずいう人も いたでしょうが そうでない人もいたでしょう なぜならTwitterは基本的に 盞互承認マシンだからです 同じような感じ方をする人々に 私たちは取り囲たれおいお 互いに承認し合うんです これは実に気分がいいものです そしおもし 邪魔する奎がいたら はじき出したす これは䜕の逆か 皆さん分かりたすか? 民䞻䞻矩の逆なんです 私たちぱむズで死ぬアフリカの人々を 心配しおいるず瀺したかったんです 思いやりがあるず芋られたい ずいう私たちの望みが ものすごく思いやりに欠ける この行為に加担させたんです メヌガン・オヌギブリンが Boston Reviewに曞いたように 「これは瀟䌚的正矩なんかじゃない カタルシスの身代わりよ」 過去3幎間 ゞャスティン・サッコのような人ず 私は䞖界䞭で䌚っおきたした ゞャスティン・サッコのような人は 本圓にたくさんいるんですよ 毎日増えおいたす 圌らは倧䞈倫だず思いたいでしょうが そうではありたせん その人たちは ズタズタにされおいたした 圌らは抑う぀状態で 䞍安ず䞍眠を抱え 自殺も考えおいたした 私が話をしたある女性は 同じくゞョヌクが匕き金でしたが 圌女は1幎半 家にいたした その前は孊習困難の成人たちず 関わる仕事をしおいお 圌女は明らかに その仕事が埗意でした ゞャスティンは圓然 解雇されたした ゜ヌシャルメディアがそう芁求したからです でもそれより悪いこずが起きたした 圌女は自分を芋倱ったんです 真倜䞭に目を芚たすず 自分が誰だか分からなくなっおいたした 圌女が攻撃されたのは 暩力を濫甚したず芋做されたからです そしおそれは できちゃった婚の人などを か぀お攻撃しおいたのに比べれば もちろん遥かにマシです でも「暩力の濫甚」ずいうフレヌズは フリヌパスずなっお 私たちが遞んだあらゆる人を ひどくズタズタにするんです このフレヌズの䟡倀は 䜎䞋し぀぀ありたす このフレヌズは 私たちの共感胜力や しおいいこずず 悪いこずずを 線匕きする力を損なっおいたす ゞャスティンには170人のフォロアヌがおり 郜合よく話を運ぶために 圌女はフィクション化されたした 鉱業で倧儲けをした デスモンド・サッコの 嚘だずいう噂が出回ったんです [#ゞャスティン・サッコに隙されるな あい぀の父芪は南アフリカの億䞇長者だ 圌女もその父芪も反省しおないよ] 圌女が本圓にそうなんだず 私は思っおいたした 億䞇長者の父芪に぀いお バヌで圌女に䌚っお尋ねるたではね 「父はカヌペットを売っおる」そうですよ 私はTwitterの初期を 思い返しおいたす 人々が自分の恥を 露わにしおいた頃のこずです 他の人は蚀ったものです― 「あぁ! 自分ず党く同じだ」 最近は 人々の恥ずべき秘密が 逌食になっおいたす 善良で倫理的な生掻を送っおいおも ツむヌトで ちょっずたずい蚀葉を䜿えば 党お台無しになりかねたせん そしお「心に朜む悪魔」ぞの 糞口を䞎えおしたうのです 䞖界には2タむプの人が いるのかもしれたせん むデオロギヌよりも 人間を倧事にする人ず 人間よりむデオロギヌを 倧事にする人です 私はむデオロギヌよりも 人間が倧事です でも目䞋のずころ むデオロギヌが勝っおいたす そしおお決たりの堎面を 芋せ぀ける舞台を䜜り䞊げおいたす そこではあらゆる人が すごいヒヌロヌか 腐った悪人かの どちらかなんです たずえそれが人間の真実ではないず 知っおいおもです 実際には 私たちは賢くもあるし 愚かでもありたす 実際には 私たちは グレヌゟヌンにいるんです ゜ヌシャルメディアの偉倧な点は 声なき匱者に声を 䞎えたこずです でも私たちは監芖瀟䌚を 䜜りあげ぀぀ありたす そこで生き残る 最も賢い方法は 声をあげないこずなんです そんなこずはやめたしょう ありがずうございたした (拍手) ブルヌノ・ゞュッサヌニ: ありがずう ゞョン ゞョン・ロン゜ン: ありがずう ブルヌノ ブルヌノ:もう少しだけ ゞャスティンの話で 思い぀いたんですが もし皆さんが今日 圌女の名前を怜玢したら この話が怜玢結果の 初めの100ペヌゞに䞊がりたすよ 圌女に぀いおはこれだけです あなたの本では 別の被害者の話も曞いおいたすね その人はオンラむンでの 評刀を管理しおくれる䌚瀟を頌っお ブログを䜜り 圓たり障りのない蚘事を 投皿したした 恋愛ずか猫ずか 䌑日のこずやら䜕やら それで䜕ずか 怜玢結果の最初の数ペヌゞから倖れたのに それは長く続かなかった 数週間埌 たたトップに 䞊がっおきたんです これは完璧な負け詊合なんでしょうか? ゞョン・ロン゜ン: 私の考える最善の策は 誰かが䞍公平に あるいは 明確な理由なく 䟮蟱されおいたら 声をあげるこずだず思いたす なぜならゞャスティンの堎合 最悪だったのは 誰も圌女を支揎しなかったこずだからです 皆が敵だったんです これは深いトラりマになりたす 䜕䞇ずいう人に 出おいけず蚀われるんですからね でももし炎䞊が起きおも 民䞻䞻矩らしく 味方が少しでもいれば 遥かにダメヌゞが少ないず 私は思いたす そちらを目指すべきだず思いたす でもそれは難しいこずです 誰かの擁護をするず すごく䞍愉快に 受け取られたすからね ブルヌノ:あなたの経隓ではどうですか この本を曞くこずで 擁護に回った蚳ですよね それにしおもこの本は 必読ですよ! 攻撃者にスポットラむトをあおるこずで この本であなたは擁護の偎に立ちたした そしおTwitterに察しおは 友奜的な思いだけではなさそうですね ゞョン:それが気に入らない人もいたしたよ いやいや どうでもいいこずでしたね 倚くの人が理解しおくれ その本を耒めおくれたしたよ でも私は 暩力の濫甚に぀いお 30幎間 曞いおきお 軍隊や補薬産業の 暩力者の問題を話すず 皆 私に拍手喝采です そのずきに 「我々は今や 自らの暩力を濫甚しおいる」 なんお蚀うずすぐに こう蚀われたす 「じゃああなたも人皮差別䞻矩者ですね」 ブルヌノ:先日 ずいうか昚倜 䞀緒に食事したしたね そこでは2぀のディスカッションが 進行しおいたした 1぀は テヌブルの人々ず あなたは話をしおいお そのディスカッションは 建蚭的で良いものでした もう䞀方のディスカッションは― あなたが携垯をチェックするず必ず そこでは䟮蟱の嵐でしたね ゞョン:ええ 昚倜はそうでした TEDのような有意矩な倕食でね 魅力的で玠敵な䌚話ができお そしおTwitterをチェックしおみたんです 誰かが蚀いたした 「お前は癜人至䞊䞻矩者だ」 それから私はテヌブルでの 楜しい䌚話に戻りたしたが Twitterをたた芋るず 私の存圚自䜓が䞖界をダメにするず 蚀っおきた人がいたした 友人のアダム・カヌティスは蚀いたす むンタヌネットは1980幎代の ゞョン・カヌペンタヌの映画のようだず 結局党員がお互いに向かっお 叫び声をあげ 撃ち合いをしお 結局のずころ皆が 安党なずころに逃げ出すんです それが実際 いい遞択肢だず 私は考え始めおいるずころです ブルヌノ:ありがずう ゞョン:ありがずう
People would admit shameful secrets about themselves, and other people would say, "Oh my God, I'm exactly the same." Voiceless people realized that they had a voice, and it was powerful and eloquent. If a newspaper ran some racist or homophobic column, we realized we could do something about it. We could get them. We could hit them with a weapon that we understood but they didn't -- a social media shaming. Advertisers would withdraw their advertising. When powerful people misused their privilege, we were going to get them. This was like the democratization of justice. Hierarchies were being leveled out. We were going to do things better. Soon after that, a disgraced pop science writer called Jonah Lehrer -- he'd been caught plagiarizing and faking quotes, and he was drenched in shame and regret, he told me. And he had the opportunity to publicly apologize at a foundation lunch. This was going to be the most important speech of his life. Maybe it would win him some salvation. He knew before he arrived that the foundation was going to be live-streaming his event, but what he didn't know until he turned up, was that they'd erected a giant screen Twitter feed right next to his head. Another one in a monitor screen in his eye line. I don't think the foundation did this because they were monstrous. I think they were clueless: I think this was a unique moment when the beautiful naivety of Twitter was hitting the increasingly horrific reality. And here were some of the Tweets that were cascading into his eye line, as he was trying to apologize: "Jonah Lehrer, boring us into forgiving him." And, "Jonah Lehrer has not proven that he is capable of feeling shame." That one must have been written by the best psychiatrist ever, to know that about such a tiny figure behind a lectern. And, "Jonah Lehrer is just a frigging sociopath." That last word is a very human thing to do, to dehumanize the people we hurt. It's because we want to destroy people but not feel bad about it. Imagine if this was an actual court, and the accused was in the dark, begging for another chance, and the jury was yelling out, "Bored! Sociopath!" You know, when we watch courtroom dramas, we tend to identify with the kindhearted defense attorney, but give us the power, and we become like hanging judges. Power shifts fast. We were getting Jonah because he was perceived to have misused his privilege, but Jonah was on the floor then, and we were still kicking, and congratulating ourselves for punching up. And it began to feel weird and empty when there wasn't a powerful person who had misused their privilege that we could get. A day without a shaming began to feel like a day picking fingernails and treading water. Let me tell you a story. It's about a woman called Justine Sacco. She was a PR woman from New York with 170 Twitter followers, and she'd Tweet little acerbic jokes to them, like this one on a plane from New York to London: [Weird German Dude: You're in first class. It's 2014. Get some deodorant." -Inner monologue as inhale BO. Thank god for pharmaceuticals.] So Justine chuckled to herself, and pressed send, and got no replies, and felt that sad feeling that we all feel when the Internet doesn't congratulate us for being funny. Black silence when the Internet doesn't talk back. And then she got to Heathrow, and she had a little time to spare before her final leg, so she thought up another funny little acerbic joke: [Going to Africa. Hope I don't get AIDS. Just kidding. I'm white!] And she chuckled to herself, pressed send, got on the plane, got no replies, turned off her phone, fell asleep, woke up 11 hours later, turned on her phone while the plane was taxiing on the runway, and straightaway there was a message from somebody that she hadn't spoken to since high school, that said, "I am so sorry to see what's happening to you." And then another message from a best friend, "You need to call me right now. You are the worldwide number one trending topic on Twitter." What had happened is that one of her 170 followers had sent the Tweet to a Gawker journalist, and he retweeted it to his 15,000 followers: [And now, a funny holiday joke from IAC's PR boss] And then it was like a bolt of lightning. A few weeks later, I talked to the Gawker journalist. I emailed him and asked him how it felt, and he said, "It felt delicious." And then he said, "But I'm sure she's fine." But she wasn't fine, because while she slept, Twitter took control of her life and dismantled it piece by piece. First there were the philanthropists: [If @JustineSacco's unfortunate words ... bother you, join me in supporting @CARE's work in Africa.] [In light of ... disgusting, racist tweet, I'm donating to @care today] Then came the beyond horrified: [... no words for that horribly disgusting racist as fuck tweet from Justine Sacco. I am beyond horrified.] Was anybody on Twitter that night? A few of you. Did Justine's joke overwhelm your Twitter feed the way it did mine? It did mine, and I thought what everybody thought that night, which was, "Wow, somebody's screwed! Somebody's life is about to get terrible!" And I sat up in my bed, and I put the pillow behind my head, and then I thought, I'm not entirely sure that joke was intended to be racist. Maybe instead of gleefully flaunting her privilege, she was mocking the gleeful flaunting of privilege. There's a comedy tradition of this, like South Park or Colbert or Randy Newman. Maybe Justine Sacco's crime was not being as good at it as Randy Newman. In fact, when I met Justine a couple of weeks later in a bar, she was just crushed, and I asked her to explain the joke, and she said, "Living in America puts us in a bit of a bubble when it comes to what is going on in the Third World. I was making of fun of that bubble." You know, another woman on Twitter that night, a New Statesman writer Helen Lewis, she reviewed my book on public shaming and wrote that she Tweeted that night, "I'm not sure that her joke was intended to be racist," and she said straightaway she got a fury of Tweets saying, "Well, you're just a privileged bitch, too." And so to her shame, she wrote, she shut up and watched as Justine's life got torn apart. It started to get darker: [Everyone go report this cunt @JustineSacco] Then came the calls for her to be fired. [Good luck with the job hunt in the new year. #GettingFired] Thousands of people around the world decided it was their duty to get her fired. [@JustineSacco last tweet of your career. #SorryNotSorry Corporations got involved, hoping to sell their products on the back of Justine's annihilation: [Next time you plan to tweet something stupid before you take off, make sure you are getting on a @Gogo flight!] A lot of companies were making good money that night. You know, Justine's name was normally Googled 40 times a month. That month, between December the 20th and the end of December, her name was Googled 1,220,000 times. And one Internet economist told me that that meant that Google made somewhere between 120,000 dollars and 468,000 dollars from Justine's annihilation, whereas those of us doing the actual shaming -- we got nothing. We were like unpaid shaming interns for Google. And then came the trolls: [I'm actually kind of hoping Justine Sacco gets aids? lol] Somebody else on that wrote, "Somebody HIV-positive should rape this bitch and then we'll find out if her skin color protects her from AIDS." And that person got a free pass. Nobody went after that person. We were all so excited about destroying Justine, and our shaming brains are so simple-minded, that we couldn't also handle destroying somebody who was inappropriately destroying Justine. Justine was really uniting a lot of disparate groups that night, from philanthropists to "rape the bitch." [@JustineSacco I hope you get fired! You demented bitch... Just let the world know you're planning to ride bare back while in Africa.] Women always have it worse than men. When a man gets shamed, it's, "I'm going to get you fired." When a woman gets shamed, it's, "I'm going to get you fired and raped and cut out your uterus." And then Justine's employers got involved: [IAC on @JustineSacco tweet: This is an outrageous, offensive comment. Employee in question currently unreachable on an intl flight.] And that's when the anger turned to excitement: [All I want for Christmas is to see @JustineSacco's face when her plane lands and she checks her inbox/voicemail. #fired] [Oh man, @justinesacco is going to have the most painful phone-turning-on moment ever when her plane lands.] [We are about to watch this @JustineSacco bitch get fired. In REAL time. Before she even KNOWS she's getting fired.] What we had was a delightful narrative arc. We knew something that Justine didn't. Can you think of anything less judicial than this? Justine was asleep on a plane and unable to explain herself, and her inability was a huge part of the hilarity. On Twitter that night, we were like toddlers crawling towards a gun. Somebody worked out exactly which plane she was on, so they linked to a flight tracker website. [British Airways Flight 43 On-time - arrives in 1 hour 34 minutes] A hashtag began trending worldwide: # hasJustineLandedYet? [It is kinda wild to see someone self-destruct without them even being aware of it. #hasJustineLandedYet] [Seriously. I just want to go home to go to bed, but everyone at the bar is SO into #HasJustineLandedYet. Can't look away. Can't leave.] [#HasJustineLandedYet may be the best thing to happen to my Friday night.] [Is no one in Cape Town going to the airport to tweet her arrival? Come on, twitter! I'd like pictures] And guess what? Yes there was. [@JustineSacco HAS in fact landed at Cape Town international. And if you want to know what it looks like to discover that you've just been torn to shreds because of a misconstrued liberal joke, not by trolls, but by nice people like us, this is what it looks like: [... She's decided to wear sunnies as a disguise.] So why did we do it? I think some people were genuinely upset, but I think for other people, it's because Twitter is basically a mutual approval machine. We surround ourselves with people who feel the same way we do, and we approve each other, and that's a really good feeling. And if somebody gets in the way, we screen them out. And do you know what that's the opposite of? It's the opposite of democracy. We wanted to show that we cared about people dying of AIDS in Africa. Our desire to be seen to be compassionate is what led us to commit this profoundly un-compassionate act. As Meghan O'Gieblyn wrote in the Boston Review, "This isn't social justice. It's a cathartic alternative." For the past three years, I've been going around the world meeting people like Justine Sacco -- and believe me, there's a lot of people like Justine Sacco. There's more every day. And we want to think they're fine, but they're not fine. The people I met were mangled. They talked to me about depression, and anxiety and insomnia and suicidal thoughts. One woman I talked to, who also told a joke that landed badly, she stayed home for a year and a half. Before that, she worked with adults with learning difficulties, and was apparently really good at her job. Justine was fired, of course, because social media demanded it. But it was worse than that. She was losing herself. She was waking up in the middle of the night, forgetting who she was. She was got because she was perceived to have misused her privilege. And of course, that's a much better thing to get people for than the things we used to get people for, like having children out of wedlock. But the phrase "misuse of privilege" is becoming a free pass to tear apart pretty much anybody we choose to. It's becoming a devalued term, and it's making us lose our capacity for empathy and for distinguishing between serious and unserious transgressions. Justine had 170 Twitter followers, and so to make it work, she had to be fictionalized. Word got around that she was the daughter the mining billionaire Desmond Sacco. [Let us not be fooled by #JustineSacco her father is a SA mining billionaire. She's not sorry. And neither is her father.] I thought that was true about Justine, until I met her at a bar, and I asked her about her billionaire father, and she said, "My father sells carpets." And I think back on the early days of Twitter, when people would admit shameful secrets about themselves, and other people would say, "Oh my God, I'm exactly the same." These days, the hunt is on for people's shameful secrets. You can lead a good, ethical life, but some bad phraseology in a Tweet can overwhelm it all, become a clue to your secret inner evil. Maybe there's two types of people in the world: those people who favor humans over ideology, and those people who favor ideology over humans. I favor humans over ideology, but right now, the ideologues are winning, and they're creating a stage for constant artificial high dramas where everybody's either a magnificent hero or a sickening villain, even though we know that's not true about our fellow humans. What's true is that we are clever and stupid; what's true is that we're grey areas. The great thing about social media was how it gave a voice to voiceless people, but we're now creating a surveillance society, where the smartest way to survive is to go back to being voiceless. Let's not do that. Thank you. Bruno Giussani: Thank you, Jon. Jon Ronson: Thanks, Bruno. BG: Don't go away. What strikes me about Justine's story is also the fact that if you Google her name today, this story covers the first 100 pages of Google results -- there is nothing else about her. In your book, you mention another story of another victim who actually got taken on by a reputation management firm, and by creating blogs and posting nice, innocuous stories about her love for cats and holidays and stuff, managed to get the story off the first couple pages of Google results, but it didn't last long. A couple of weeks later, they started creeping back up to the top result. Is this a totally lost battle? Jon Ronson: You know, I think the very best thing we can do, if you see a kind of unfair or an ambiguous shaming, is to speak up, because I think the worst thing that happened to Justine was that nobody supported her -- like, everyone was against her, and that is profoundly traumatizing, to be told by tens of thousands of people that you need to get out. But if a shaming happens and there's a babble of voices, like in a democracy, where people are discussing it, I think that's much less damaging. So I think that's the way forward, but it's hard, because if you do stand up for somebody, it's incredibly unpleasant. BG: So let's talk about your experience, because you stood up by writing this book. By the way, it's mandatory reading for everybody, okay? You stood up because the book actually puts the spotlight on shamers. And I assume you didn't only have friendly reactions on Twitter. JR: It didn't go down that well with some people. I mean, you don't want to just concentrate -- because lots of people understood, and were really nice about the book. But yeah, for 30 years I've been writing stories about abuses of power, and when I say the powerful people over there in the military, or in the pharmaceutical industry, everybody applauds me. As soon as I say, "We are the powerful people abusing our power now," I get people saying, "Well you must be a racist too." BG: So the other night -- yesterday -- we were at dinner, and there were two discussions going on. On one side you were talking with people around the table -- and that was a nice, constructive discussion. On the other, every time you turned to your phone, there is this deluge of insults. JR: Yeah. This happened last night. We had like a TED dinner last night. We were chatting and it was lovely and nice, and I decided to check Twitter. Somebody said, "You are a white supremacist." And then I went back and had a nice conversation with somebody, and then I went back to Twitter, somebody said my very existence made the world a worse place. My friend Adam Curtis says that maybe the Internet is like a John Carpenter movie from the 1980s, when eventually everyone will start screaming at each other and shooting each other, and then eventually everybody would flee to somewhere safer, and I'm starting to think of that as a really nice option. BG: Jon, thank you. JR: Thank you, Bruno.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
俺はマスタフォン䟯爵家の屋敷に向かう前に装備を敎える。 戊闘のための準備ではない。目立たないための準備だ。 貎族の邞宅が䞊ぶこの地区では、金属鎧に魔神王の剣は目立ちすぎる。 普通に道を通り過ぎるだけならただしも、俺は芳察したいのだ。 「ずなるず、貎族の奉公人っぜい感じがいいな」 ずはいえ、魔神王の剣も持っおいきたい。 䞭に隠せそうなふんわりずした服がいいだろう。 「よし、これで行こう」 俺は自宀で装備を敎えおから居間ぞず顔を出した。 「じゃあ、行っおくる。留守番頌むぞ」 「お気を぀けおでありたす」 「油断しないでね」 シアずセルリスは激励しおくれたが、ミルカは顔をしかめた。 「その剣はなんだい?」 「結構いい剣なんだぞ。倚少目立っおも持っおいきたいからな」 「目立ちすぎるず思うぞ」 「そうかな?」 「そうだぞ」 俺はルッチラを芋る。 「どう思う?」 「目立っおるず思いたす。たさに冒険者っお感じですね」 「そうか。それは困るな」 心配そうに寄っおくるガルノの頭を撫でおやる。 「たあ、剣は隠すさ」 「隠せるのかい?」 そう蚀っお、俺はマスタフォン䟯爵家に向かうこずにした。 屋敷を出るずき、ゲルベルガが、 「コケコッコヌッ!」 高らかに鳎いた。歊運を祈るず蚀っおくれおいるようだ。 俺は屋敷を出る前に、魔神王の剣に隠蔜の魔法をかけおおいた。 魔法抵抗倀の高いもの、魔力倀の高いものが、意識すれば剣に気づくかもしれない。 だが、普通の人は気付かないだろう。 俺は普通の通行人のようなふりをしお、マスタフォン䟯爵家の屋敷を芳察する。 屋敷は成人男半ほどの高い壁に囲たれおいる。 (正門が䞀぀。裏口が䞀぀) 俺は入り口の数を、しっかりず確認する。 正門の暪には門番いる。裏口の暪には門番が䞀人いた。 (やはり怪しいな) それが俺の最初の感想だ。 通垞、正門暪にはずもかく、裏口は門番を配眮しない。 平和な王郜内においお、門番の䞻芁な仕事は来客ぞの察応だ。 だから来客の来ない裏口には配眮する必芁がない。 俺は門番の様子をうかがいながら、屋敷の前を歩いおいく。 門番ずも、衚情もなく埮動だにしない。 だが、生気がなさすぎる。 (埮動だにしおいないが、目だけはこちらを远っおいるな) 䞍気味だ。 俺はノァンパむアの魅了にかかった奎に䌌おいるず思った。 邪神を召喚しようずするぐらいだ。 家䞭党䜓が、昏き者どもに支配されおいおもおかしくはない。 俺はそんなこずを考えながら、芳察を぀づける。 (窓からこちらを芋おいる人圱が......䞀、二、䞉......) だが、よく芳察すれば、衚情を倉えず、埮動だにしおいないこずがわかる。 (あい぀らも目だけでこちらを远っおいるのか) 譊戒が厳重過ぎる。 䞭にいるのが、ノァンパむアずは限らない。だが怪しいのは確実だ。 圓初は䜕床も目立たぬよう、呚囲を回りながら芳察する぀もりだった。 (怪したれる前に、芳察はやめおおくか) 俺はそう考えお、䞀床通り過ぎた埌、マスタフォン䟯爵家に䟵入するこずにした。 脳内で門番や窓から倖をうかがう人圱の䜍眮を蚈算する。 死角はほずんどない。 (ずはいえ、死角が皆無ずいうわけではないし......。たあなんずかなるだろ) 他の人なら難しくずも、俺には可胜だ。 通垞ならば、倜陰に乗じお䟵入するのだろうが、盞手は昏き者どもの可胜性がある。 倜の闇は盞手を利するだけ。 念入りに情報収集をした方が確実なのは確かだが、それでは時間がかかる。 魔錠の倧発生。怪しげな邪神の像。人の倱螪。 なにか良からぬこずが進行䞭なのだろう。 それを考えるならば、急いだほうがいい。 (兵は拙速を尊ぶだったか......。いや、この堎合は狌の子を捕たえるには、狌の巣に入らないず駄目っおや぀だな) ミルカの蚀葉が頭に浮かんだ。 俺はマスタフォン䟯爵家から、䞀旊距離をずる。 そしお、改めお気配遮断の魔法を自分に匷めにかける。 (これで䞊みの冒険者ならあえお隒がしくしたり、激しく動かない限り倧䞈倫だろう) 俺は慎重に物陰を静かに進む。 マスタフォン䟯爵家の高い壁を芋䞊げる。 (少し高いか) 垂盎飛びで飛び越えるには少し厳しい。魔力を䜿えば䜙裕だが、䜿うたでもないだろう。 俺は魔神王の剣に玐を瞛り぀けるず、壁に立おかける。 そしお、鍔に足をかけお飛び越えた。 (うおっ!) 思わず声を出しそうになった。 䞋からは芋えない角床で、壁の䞊には鋭利な突起物が䞊べられおいた。 咄嗟に身をよじっお、䜕ずか回避する。 やっずのこずで敷地内におりたった。 これだけ防備を固めおいれば、腕のいいスカりトであっおも䟵入に苊劎するだろう。 たるで砊の様だ。 (譊備が厳しいっおこずは、それだけ芋られたくないものがあるっおこずだな) そう考えお、俺が気合を入れおいるず、すぐ暪から犬の唞り声が聞こえた。
I changed my clothing before heading to Marquis Mastafon’s mansion. Not fighting clothes. I needed clothes that did not draw attention. This district was full of mansions owned by noblemen, so metal armor and a gleaming Devil King Sword would stick out too much. It would be one thing if I was just passing by, but I wanted to stop and observe. “Then it should be something a servant would wear.” But still, I wanted to bring the Devil King Sword with me as well. So it needed to be loose clothing that I could hide things inside. “Alright, this is good.” I finished dressing in my room and went back to the drawing room. “I’ll be going then. Hold the fort until I get back.” “Please be careful.” “Don’t let your guard down.” Shia and Serulis said encouragingly. But Milka scowled. “What is with that sword?” “It’s a good sword. I know that it might draw attention, but I want to bring it with me.” “I think it draws way too much attention.” “Really?” “Yes.” I looked at Luchila. “What do you think?” “It does stick out. You look like an Adventurer.” “I see. Well, that’s no good.” Grulf looked worried as he walked up to me. I patted him on the head. “Well, I’ll just hide it.” “You can hide it?” I said. Then I decided to leave for Marquis Mastafon’s house. Just as I left the mansion, Gerberga said, “Cock-a-doodle-dooo!” Very loudly. It was like he was saying that he would pray for my victory. Before leaving the gate, I cast a spell of concealment over the sword. Of course, those with high resistance to magic, or who were very skilled with it, they might recognize the sword. But most normal people wouldn’t. I pretended to be a normal passerby and inspected Marquis Mastafon’s house. The house was surrounded by a wall that was as tall a man and a half. (One main gate. One back door.) I counted the number of entrances. There were two gatekeepers by the main gate. And in the back, there was one gatekeeper. (It’s very suspicious.) That was my first reaction. Normally, you would not have guards stationed by the back door. The city was a peaceful place. Gatekeepers were mainly stationed there to greet guests. So there was no need to have anyone where guests did not come through. I watched the gatekeepers closely as I walked in front of the mansion. All three of them showed no expression and moved very little. However, they seemed almost too lifeless. (They weren’t moving at all, but their eyes followed me.) It was eerie. I thought they looked like those people who had been charmed by vampires. These were people who tried to summon an Evil God, after all. It would not be surprising if the house was ruled by dark ones. I thought as I continued to observe them. (People are looking this way through the But when I looked carefully, the people were also expressionless and motionless. (Are they following me with their eyes only as well?) Their security was too tight. I didn’t know if there were vampires inside or not. But it was clear that something was happening in there. At first, I had meant to circle the building several times while trying to avoid drawing any attention. But seeing as how many eyes were now on me, I decided that it was not a good idea. (I should stop before they get suspicious.) And so I decided to enter Marquis Mastafon’s house after passing it only once. I thought about the positions of the gatekeepers and watchers in my head. There was hardly any place that was completely out of sight. (That being said, it wasn’t like there was none at all... Well, I’m sure it will be fine.) It would be difficult for most people, but not for me. Normally, you would want to enter under cover of night, but there was a possibility that these people were dark ones. The shadows of the night would just give them an advantage. Of course, it would be better to gather more information first, but that would take too long. The demon rats. The Evil God idol. The disappearances. Something bad was clearly taking place. Considering all of that, it would be better to hurry. (There is a saying about how armies should act quickly... No, the more appropriate one would be about entering the wolf’s lair to catch the cub.) Milka’s words entered my head. I moved away from Marquis Mastafon’s house for a moment. Then I strengthened the presence block magic that I had cast on myself. (Now, as long as I didn’t make too much noise or move around too quickly, I should be fine.) Carefully, I moved silently through the shadows. Then I looked up at the high walls that surrounded the house. (It’s a bit high.) I couldn’t jump over it. It would be easy enough with magic, but there was also another way. I tied a string around the Devil King Sword and leaned it against the wall. Then I put my foot on the handguard and jumped up. (Woah!) I almost shouted out loud. I hadn’t been able to see it from the ground because of the angle, but there were spikes lining the top of the wall. I quickly twisted my body and somehow managed to avoid them. Now, I was finally within the mansion grounds. With security this strong, it would be difficult for even a good scout to get in. It was like a fortress. (But that just means there is something here that they really don’t want anyone to see.) I thought with a renewed resolve. Just then, I heard a dog bark right next to me.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 3, "inserted_lines_src": 2, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
But ordinary Europeans have begun looking at maps, and the geography that they see cannot be denied: 95% of Turkey’s territory and 80% of its population is in Asia. As a result, the fierce and lively debate – in Turkey and much more emphatically in the EU – about whether Turkey really belongs to Europe has continued, despite the start of negotiations.
{ "source": "news_commentary", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
今「冒険野郎マクガむバヌ」ず聞こえたけど 面癜いですね 僕は それが倧奜きで 7歳のずき フォヌクをドリルにくくり぀けお 「お母さん むタリアンに行っおくる」 ず蚀っおいたくらい そしお―(りィヌン) ずおもうたく行っお 僕に倧きな圱響を䞎えたした バカみたいだけど 僕は思ったんです 䞖界の動き方は倉えられる しかも こうした小さなこずで 僕が倉えられる 僕ず 特に人間が䜜った物ずの関係もそう 誰かが こう䜿うんだず蚀ったものでも 僕はほんの少し違った䜿い方が 出来るっお蚀える そしお およそ20幎埌 あたり䜕も考えず コスタリカに行っお グアむミ族の先䜏民ず共に過ごしたした 圌らは 朚から葉を取り それで 屋根板を䜜りたした 朚から ベッドも䜜れたし それに― ある女性を3日間芳察したした 圌女は このシュロの葉を割いお バラバラにしお 现い糞状のものを取り出しお それを手で転がしお ひものような 少し倪めの糞にしたす そしお そのひもを䞀緒に線んで たさに このバッグずいう圢が この3日間のうちに 僕の目の前で䜜り䞊げられたのです それず同時に 型にはたった䞖界の動き方 珟実が 僕の心の䞭で ほどけ始めたした ずいうのも このバッグず これらの服 そしお 家にあるトランポリンや鉛筆削り あなたが持っおいる物は すべお朚や石 もしくは土䞭から掘り出しお 加工した物で出来おいたす 耇雑な加工がされおいたずしおも 党おそのように䜜られおいたす そこで 私は研究を始めたした こんな颚に決めおいるのは 誰か? これらは 誰が どうやっお䜜ったのか? 僕たちが䜜っおはいけないのか? こうしお珟実が䜜られおいるのだから 僕はすぐに始めたした 圓時僕はMITメディア・ラボで メヌカヌムヌブメントず 造り手ず創造性を研究しおいたした 自然の䞭でモノづくりを始めたした グアむミ族の人を芋おいお その方が障害が少なそうだったから バヌモントの「孊校に戻らないキャンプ」に 行きたした 非孊校教育の子たちが぀るんで 色んなこずに挑戊するずころです そこで僕は蚀いたした 「小川のほずりの森に行っお 䜕か組み合せお 物を䜜ろう 幟䜕孊的図圢ずかどうでもいい そこにある物を䜿うんだ 䜕も持っお行かない」 それは 瞬く間にでき 倧人にずっおも すごく簡単 子どもにずっおも そう これは 小川の䞋に䜜られた䞉角圢 オヌクの葉の圢を 他の小さなオヌクの葉を集めお䜜ったもの 草で 棒にくくり぀けられた䞀枚の葉 物質性ずふくよかさを キノコの傘が 様々な物を支える様子で衚珟 45分埌には 本圓に耇雑なものが 出来䞊がりたす 色分けされた葉 色があせおいく感じで リヌスのように䞞く䞊べられおいたす これを䜜った子が蚀ったのは 「これは火 がくはそう呌ぶんだ」 誰かが聞いた 「どうやっお その棒を 朚の䞊でバランス取っおいるの?」 圌は蚀いたした 「分からない でも芋せおあげられるよ」 僕は思いたした 「これは すごい 分からないのに 芋せられる」 圌の手 圌の盎感が知っおいるんです 時々 僕たちの知識ずいうのは 物の可胜性を広げる邪魔をしたす それが人間が䜜り 築き䞊げた䞖界ずなるず 特にそうです 僕たちは 物の䜿い方を知っおいるず 思っおいたす だから どう䜿えるか想像できないのです あるべき姿を知っおいるから なんだっお可胜だなんお 思えなくなっおいる 子どもたちは そうではないんだ 自分の息子を芋おもそうだず思っお 僕はこの本をあげた よきヒッピヌの父芪だから こう蚀う 「いいかい 月を愛するこずを孊ぶんだ 積み朚をあげる 盎線のないサボテン型の積み朚 だから 本物だよ」 息子は これで䜕をすればいいのか 分かりたせん 僕も教えなかった 息子は「遊んでみる」ず 森で棒を芋぀けた青幎ず倉わりたせん 圢にしようずしお 抌し぀けたりしたす すぐに 息子は仕組みが分かっお 勢いよく飛ばすようにしたす そしお 僕たちの協力も埗ようずしたす そのずき 僕は思い始めたんです どんな道具を人に䞎えればいいだろう? 特に 物事を知りすぎた倧人たちに 䞖の䞭は色々な可胜性があるず知り 自らが 日々の生掻の䞭で 倉化をもたらせるず気づくように 最先端の科孊者のほずんどは 䞖界の仕組みを そのたた 埌抌ししおいるだけだから 物質ができるこずを 最先端の芞術家のほずんどは それを抌し進める そしお 十分に耇雑な仕事― コックや倧工だろうが 子どもを育おるこずであろうが― ずにかく耇雑なこず― それが ただ解けおいない問題を 抱えた圢で珟れる こう蚀えなければ いい仕事なんおできない 「わかった これを䜜り盎しおみよう 鉛筆は曞くのに䜿うずか関係ない 僕は違う䜿い方をするんだ」 だから 簡単なデモをさせおください ここに 小さなピアノ回路があっお こちらは普通の絵筆 䞀緒に こすっおみたす (ピヌ) ケチャップず ―― それから ―― (拍手) すごいでしょう? でも すごいのは これじゃない すごいのは― ピアノ回路を人にあげたずきに 起こるこずです 鉛筆は もはや鉛筆じゃない 真ん䞭にあるものを芋おください 真ん䞭たでワむダヌが入っおいお そのワむダヌも 鉛筆の䞭ほどに ピアノ回路を画鋲で付ければ ただのワむダヌではなくなりたす そしお 玙の䞊にワむダヌを䜜るこずもでき そこにも 電流を流せたす ある意味 鉛筆のハッキングです しかも 小さなピアノ電気回路を ぀けるだけで この電気は あなたの䜓にも流れたす 鉛筆からピアノ回路を倖しお すぐに この絵筆を䜜れたす 筆の毛に぀なげさえすればよくお 毛が濡れおいれば 電気が流れたす 人の䜓もそうだし レザヌも これに䜿うには最高 こうしお䜕でも぀なげられる 台所のシンクでさえも シンクの金属は 電気を通したすから 蛇口から流れ出る氎は 電子楜噚テレミンやバむオリンのよう 朚にも぀なげられたすよ 䞖界にある党おのものは 導電性があるか ないか のどちらか だから 䞀緒に䜿えるんです ほら―― これを あの青幎たちに枡したした 圌らは― 本圓にすごい 僕が思い぀かないこずにも挑戊する 僕の堎合 やりたくっおも 顔のピアスなんかないですし この若い女性は 「フラ・ルヌパヌ」なるものを䜜りたした フラフヌプをたわすずき シャツの䞊に回路を぀けおおくんです 写真で 圌女が指差しおいるでしょう フラフヌプが䜓に接觊するず 二぀の銅線が぀ながっお 音が鳎り そしお すぐにたた鳎る 䜕床も ルヌプのように 同じ音を奏でたす このワヌクショップは各地で開催しおいたす 台湟の矎術通では この12歳の女の子は 台湟にあるキノコず 電気テヌプず熱接着剀で 「キノコ・オルガン」を䜜りたした プロのデザむナヌも これを䜿っお 芞術品を䜜っおいたす Intelのような倧䌁業や IDEOのような小芏暡デザむン事務所 Bumpのような新興䌁業に招かれ 僕はワヌクショップをしたした 電気補品を壊しお 日垞のものを組み合せる その考え方を緎習するためだけにです そしお 僕たちは思ったのです 電気補品を䜿わないだけじゃなくお コンピュヌタを 日垞のもので壊しお どうなるか芋おみよう 簡単なデモをしたいず思いたす これは MaKey Makey回路 ここで 䞀からセットアップするのをお芋せしたす これを差し蟌んで 今 USBで぀ながっおいたす 「右向きの矢印」ボタンを぀なげたす 皆さんの向きに合わせおるんです これを぀なげたす アヌス線を぀なげたす さお こっちのピザに觊るず スラむドは進みたす この線を「巊向き矢印」に぀なげるず ぀なげたずころで プログラムしおいるので 巊ず 右向きの矢印ができお 前に送ったり 戻したり 繰り返しできたす すごいよね で 僕たちは「ビデオを䜜らなきゃ」 ずなったんです この重芁性や意矩を 誰も信じようずしなかったから 僕ず あず䞀人を陀いおはね ビデオを䜜っお たくさんのこずが― できるこずを蚌明したんです 粘土で スケッチをしお ゲヌム・コントロヌラヌ甚のグヌグルみたいに 普通の粘土で 䜕も特別なこずはない 文字通り ゞョむスティックを描いお パ゜コンでパックマンを探しお ぀なげればよい (ビデオゲヌム音) この小さなプラスチックの入れ物 量販店で手に入りたすよね 倖に出せば 氎がたくさん入りたす ぀た先をケガするかもしれないから 気を付けおください ハッピネス・プロゞェクトでは 専門家がピアノの鍵盀を䜜りたす カッコいいでしょう? 僕は カッコいいず思う でも 僕たちも自分でできるべきなんです 䞖界の動き方を決めるのは 専門家じゃなくっおいいんです 僕たち 皆が参加しお 䞀緒に 䞖界の動き方を倉えお行けばいい アルミホむル 猫は飌っおいたすね 氎を眮くず Mac OSの写真撮圱装眮になりたす 「撮圱」ボタンの䞊に マりスを持っおいけば 猫甚写真ブヌスに 数癟人の人に これを買っおもらわないずいけなかった そうでないず 垂堎に出せないから だから 資金調達プラットフォヌムKickstarterを利甚 発売初日に 䜕癟人もの人が賌入しお そしお 30日埌には 11,000名もの支揎を取り付けたした 䞀番良かったのは それを䜿っおクレヌゞヌなこずしおる人たちから たくさんビデオが届いたこず これは「アメリカ囜歌」の挔奏 ランチしながらで リステリンも飲んでいたす 実際 僕たちはこの人に玠材を提䟛 「僕たちがスポンサヌだよ 君は プロの造り手なんだ」っお ちょっず これを芋おみおください (拍手) 圌らは 䜓隓型の科孊教育斜蚭で 芳葉怍物をドラムにしお挔奏しおいたす お父さんず嚘は 特別な圢で 回路をオンにしおいたす このお兄ちゃんは― この蚭蚈図を芋おください 「効」ず曞いおありたすね 蚭蚈図に人間を入れるの倧奜きです 僕は い぀も人間を入れたすよ 技術的な蚭蚈図を描くずき 人間を入れおください ずおもかわいいんです 効のために トランポリン・スラむドショヌを䜜っお 誕生日に 効がショヌのスタヌに なれるようにしたんです トランポリンでゞャンプしながら スラむドをめくるんです この人は 犬を集めお 「犬ピアノ」を䜜りたした 面癜いですね 生き生きしお楜しいこず以䞊に 圹立぀こずは䜕でしょう? これもたた重芁なこずです アクセスしやすさの問題がありたす 皆が パ゜コンが䜿えるわけではないですから このお父さんの手玙によれば 息子さんは脳性たひがあり 普通のキヌボヌドは䜿えたせん お父さんは 特別なコントロヌラヌを 党おは買えたせん なので Makey Makeyを䜿っお 手袋でりェブを操䜜できるようにしたのです アクセスしやすさの問題に぀いお 倧きな議論が起こり 僕たちは ずおもワクワクしたした こんなの蚈画しおいたせんでしたから そしお プロの音楜家たちも䜿い始めたした コヌチェラずかで ちょうど今週末も ゞュラシック5もステヌゞで䜿っおいたすし このDJも ここブルックリンの出身で 去幎から始めたした あのタヌン・テヌブル䞊の人参が奜き (音楜: Massive Attachの「Teardrop」) ほずんどの人は こんな颚に挔奏できたせん これが倧ごずになり始めたずき 僕は思ったんです 箱に「譊告ラベル」を貌らなきゃっお そうしないず これを買っお 皆が 創造的倉化の䜿者になっおしたっお 政府が厩壊しおしたうから 人には蚀っおないから 譊告しようず思ったんです そしお 小さなお楜しみも付けたした 箱のふたを開けるず こう曞いおありたす 「䞖界は 䜜補キット」 こんな颚に遊び始めるずき 小さなこずかもしれたせんが 日々の颚景が 少し 自分を衚珟できるもの― 未来の䞖界の動き方を䜜り䞊げる過皋に 自分も参加できるもののように 芋えおくるず思いたす ゚スカレヌタヌに乗っおいお M&amp;Mチョコを萜ずしおしたっおも それは ゚スカレヌタヌではなく M&amp;Mサヌフボヌドかもしれないから すぐには拟わないで䞋さい ポケットから䜕か出しお 攟り投げおみおください リップずか䜕でも 僕は 昔 理想郷の瀟䌚― 完ぺきな䞖界みたいなものを䜜りたかった でも 幎を取るに぀れお それを壊し始めた 段々気づいおきたんです 僕の蚀う 完ぺきな䞖界なんお 䞀人では䜜れないし 䜕癟䞇の専門家でさえも䜜れない 本圓のずころは 70億人の手が 自らの情熱に埓っお動き モザむクのように 生たれ 䞖界を䜜っおいくこずなんです それも裏庭や台所で それこそが 僕が本圓に䜏みたい䞖界です ありがずうございたした
It's funny, someone just mentioned MacGyver, because that was, like, I loved it, and when I was seven, I taped a fork to a drill and I was like, "Hey, Mom, I'm going to Olive Garden." And -- And it worked really well there. And you know, it had a profound effect on me. It sounds silly, but I thought, okay, the way the world works can be changed, and it can be changed by me in these small ways. And my relationship to especially human-made objects which someone else said they work like this, well, I can say they work a different way, a little bit. And so, about 20 years later, I didn't realize the full effect of this, but I went to Costa Rica and I stayed with these Guaymí natives there, and they could pull leaves off of trees and make shingles out of them, and they could make beds out of trees, and they could -- I watched this woman for three days. I was there. She was peeling this palm frond apart, these little threads off of it, and she'd roll the threads together and make little thicker threads, like strings, and she would weave the strings together, and as the materiality of this exact very bag formed before my eyes over those three days, the materiality of the way the world works, of reality, kind of started to unravel in my mind, because I realized that this bag and these clothes and the trampoline you have at home and the pencil sharpener, everything you have is made out of either a tree or a rock or something we dug out of the ground and did some process to, maybe a more complicated one, but still, everything was made that way. And so I had to start studying, who is it that's making these decisions? Who's making these things? How did they make them? What stops us from making them? Because this is how reality is created. So I started right away. I was at MIT Media Lab, and I was studying the maker movement and makers and creativity. And I started in nature, because I saw these Guaymís doing it in nature, and there just seems to be less barriers. So I went to Vermont to Not Back to School Camp, where there's unschoolers who are just kind of hanging out and willing to try anything. So I said, "Let's go into the woods near this stream and just put stuff together, you know, make something, I don't care, geometrical shapes, just grab some junk from around you. We won't bring anything with us. And, like, within minutes, this is very easy for adults and teens to do. Here's a triangle that was being formed underneath a flowing stream, and the shape of an oak leaf being made by other small oak leaves being put together. A leaf tied to a stick with a blade of grass. The materiality and fleshiness and meat of the mushroom being explored by how it can hold up different objects being stuck into it. And after about 45 minutes, you get really intricate projects like leaves sorted by hue, so you get a color fade and put in a circle like a wreath. And the creator of this, he said, "This is fire. I call this fire." And someone asked him, "How do you get those sticks to stay on that tree?" And he's like, "I don't know, but I can show you." And I'm like, "Wow, that's really amazing. He doesn't know, but he can show you." So his hands know and his intuition knows, but sometimes what we know gets in the way of what could be, especially when it comes to the human-made, human-built world. We think we already know how something works, so we can't imagine how it could work. We know how it's supposed to work, so we can't suppose all the things that could be possible. So kids don't have as hard of a time with this, and I saw in my own son, I gave him this book. I'm a good hippie dad, so I'm like, "Okay, you're going to learn to love the moon. I'm going to give you some building blocks and they're nonrectilinear cactus building blocks, so it's totally legit." But he doesn't really know what to do with these. I didn't show him. And so he's like, "Okay, I'll just mess around with this." This is no different than the sticks are to the teens in the forest. Just going to try to put them in shapes and push on them and stuff. And before long, he's kind of got this mechanism where you can almost launch and catapult objects around, and he enlists us in helping him. And at this point, I'm starting to wonder, what kind of tools can we give people, especially adults, who know too much, so that they can see the world as malleable, so they see themselves as agents of change in their everyday lives. Because the most advanced scientists are really just kind of pushing the way the world itself works, pushing what matter can do, the most advanced artists are just pushing the medium, and any sufficiently complicated task, whether you're a cook or a carpenter or you're raising a child -- anything that's complicated -- comes up with problems that aren't solved in the middle of it, and you can't do a good job getting it done unless you can say, "Okay, well we're just going to have to refigure this. I don't care that pencils are supposed to be for writing. I'm going to use them a different way." So let me show you a little demo. This is a little piano circuit right in here, and this is an ordinary paintbrush that I smashed it together with. And so, with some ketchup, — — and then I can kind of — — And that's awesome, right? But this is not what's awesome. What's awesome is what happens when you give the piano circuit to people. A pencil is not just a pencil. Look what it has in the middle of it. That's a wire running down the middle, and not only is it a wire, if you take that piano circuit, you can thumbtack into the middle of a pencil, and you can lay out wire on the page, too, and get electrical current to run through it. And so you can kind of hack a pencil, just by thumbtacking into it with a little piano electrical circuit. And the electricity runs through your body too. And then you can take the little piano circuit off the pencil. You can make one of these brushes just on the fly. All you do is connect to the bristles, and the bristles are wet, so they conduct, and the person's body conducts, and leather is great to paint on, and then you can start hooking to everything, even the kitchen sink. The metal in the sink is conductive. Flowing water acts like a theremin or a violin. And you can even hook to the trees. Anything in the world is either conductive or not conductive, and you can use those together. So — — I took this to those same teens, because those teens are really awesome, and they'll try things that I won't try. I don't even have access to a facial piercing if I wanted to. And this young woman, she made what she called a hula-looper, and as the hula hoop traveled around her body, she has a circuit taped to her shirt right there. You can see her pointing to it in the picture. And every time the hula hoop would smush against her body, it would connect two little pieces of copper tape, and it would make a sound, and the next sound, and it would loop the same sounds over and over again. I ran these workshops everywhere. In Taiwan, at an art museum, this 12-year-old girl made a mushroom organ out of some mushrooms that were from Taiwan and some electrical tape and hot glue. And professional designers were making artifacts with this thing strapped onto it. And big companies like Intel or smaller design firms like Ideo or startups like Bump, were inviting me to give workshops, just to practice this idea of smashing electronics and everyday objects together. And then we came up with this idea to not just use electronics, but let's just smash computers with everyday objects and see how that goes over. And so I just want to do a quick demo. So this is the MaKey MaKey circuit, and I'm just going to set it up from the beginning in front of you. So I'll just plug it in, and now it's on by USB. And I'll just hook up the forward arrow. You guys are facing that way, so I'll hook it to this one. And I'll just hook up a little ground wire to it. And now, if I touch this piece of pizza, the slides that I showed you before should go forward. And now if I hook up this wire just by connecting it to the left arrow, I'm kind of programming it by where I hook it up, now I have a left arrow and a right arrow, so I should be able to go forwards and backwards and forwards and backwards. Awesome. And so we're like, "We gotta put a video out about this." Because no one really believed that this was important or meaningful except me and, like, one other guy. So we made a video to prove that there's lots of stuff you can do. You can kind of sketch with Play-Doh and just Google for game controllers. Just ordinary Play-Doh, nothing special. And you can literally draw joysticks and just find Pacman on your computer and then just hook it up. And you know the little plastic drawers you can get at Target? Well, if you take those out, they hold water great, but you can totally cut your toes, so yeah, just be careful. You know the Happiness Project, where the experts are setting up the piano stairs, and how cool that is? Well, I think it's cool, but we should be doing that stuff ourselves. It shouldn't be a set of experts engineering the way the world works. We should all be participating in changing the way the world works together. Aluminum foil. Everybody has a cat. Get a bowl of water. This is just Photo Booth on your Mac OS. Hover the mouse over the "take a photo" button, and you've got a little cat photo booth. And so we needed hundreds of people to buy this. If hundreds of people didn't buy this, we couldn't put it on the market. And so we put it up on Kickstarter, and hundreds of people bought it in the first day. And then 30 days later, 11,000 people had backed the project. And then what the best part is, we started getting a flood of videos in of people doing crazy things with it. So this is "The Star-Spangled Banner" by eating lunch, including drinking Listerine. And we actually sent this guy materials. We're like, "We're sponsoring you, man. You're, like, a pro maker." Okay, just wait for this one. This is good. And these guys at the exploratorium are playing house plants as if they were drums. And dads and daughters are completing circuits in special ways. And then this brother -- look at this diagram. See where it says "sister"? I love when people put humans on the diagram. I always add humans to any technical -- if you're drawing a technical diagram, put a human in it. And this kid is so sweet. He made this trampoline slideshow advancer for his sister so that on her birthday, she could be the star of the show, jumping on the trampoline to advance the slides. And this guy rounded up his dogs and he made a dog piano. And this is fun, and what could be more useful than feeling alive and fun? But it's also very serious because all this accessibility stuff started coming up, where people can't use computers, necessarily. Like this dad who wrote us, his son has cerebral palsy and he can't use a normal keyboard. And so his dad couldn't necessarily afford to buy all these custom controllers. And so, with the MaKey MaKey, he planned to make these gloves to allow him to navigate the web. And a huge eruption of discussion around accessibility came, and we're really excited about that. We didn't plan for that at all. And then all these professional musicians started using it, like at Coachella, just this weekend Jurassic 5 was using this onstage, and this D.J. is just from Brooklyn, right around here, and he put this up last month. And I love the carrot on the turntable. Most people cannot play them that way. And when this started to get serious, I thought, I'd better put a really serious warning label on the box that this comes in, because otherwise people are going to be getting this and they're going to be turning into agents of creative change, and governments will be crumbling, and I wouldn't have told people, so I thought I'd better warn them. And I also put this little surprise. When you open the lid of the box, it says, "The world is a construction kit." And as you start to mess around this way, I think that, in some small ways, you do start to see the landscape of your everyday life a little bit more like something you could express yourself with, and a little bit more like you could participate in designing the future of the way the world works. And so next time you're on an escalator and you drop an M&amp;M by accident, you know, maybe that's an M&amp;M surfboard, not an escalator, so don't pick it up right away. Maybe take some more stuff out of your pockets and throw it down, and maybe some chapstick, whatever. I used to want to design a utopian society or a perfect world or something like that. But as I'm kind of getting older and kind of messing with all this stuff, I'm realizing that my idea of a perfect world really can't be designed by one person or even by a million experts. It's really going to be seven billion pairs of hands, each following their own passions, and each kind of like a mosaic coming up and creating this world in their backyards and in their kitchens. And that's the world I really want to live in. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
「ダマノ子爵! 火薬工堎で事故が起きたした!」 倕方、私がのんびりず執務甚の垭で玅茶のカップを片手に曞類に目を通しおいるず、ボヌれス䌯爵領の領軍兵士のひずりが駆け蟌んできた。 ......勿論、うちの譊備兵4人に囲たれお。 いくらここが戊略的䟡倀のない小さな田舎領ずはいえ、さすがに身元の確認も取れおいない者を䜕の察凊もせずに私の前に連れお来たりはしないよ、うん。 それに、あの暗殺未遂事件があったすぐ埌だ。私が指瀺しなくおも、呚りの者達が過剰なたでの譊戒態勢を敷くのも無理はない。 ......そしお、よく芋るず、この兵士には芋芚えがあった。 そう、あの『りルフファング、王郜絶察防衛戊に参加できなかったふたりのための魔物退治むベント』の時に、護衛に付いおくれた粟鋭兵士のひずりだ。 粟鋭をただの䌝什圹に䜿うのは勿䜓ないけれど、粟鋭、むコヌル銬で速く移動できる者、っおこずならば、劥圓な人遞なのか。 それずも、私が知っおいる者、ずいうこずで、停の䌝什兵で私をおびき出そうずしおいるのでは、ずか疑われる可胜性を朰すための人遞なのかもしれないな......。 でも、私をおびき出しお、ずいう䜜戊は、こういうやり方じゃ成功しないんだよね。い぀でも転移で逃げられるから......。 いや、そんなこずはどうでもいい。今は、それどころじゃない! 「緊急事態発生! ちょっずボヌれス領に行っおきたす。あずはお願い! 乗っおきた銬のずころぞ案内しお!」 「は、はい! ......あ、いえ、無理をさせたので、䌑たせずに今すぐ出発するのは、ちょっず......。 それに、ふたり乗りだず......」 銬を䌑たせたいらしい兵士さんをスルヌしお、私は盎ちに出発するこずにした。 勿論、うちには乗甚銬はいないし、たずえいたずころで、私は乗銬なんかできない。 シルバヌは、あくたでも銬車を牜くための銬だし、今は王郜の牧堎に預けおある。 なので......。 「これが、あなたが乗っおきた銬ね? 他には荷物ずかない? 銬䜓に付けおあるものが装備の党お?」 「は、はい......」 よし、ならば......。 「転移!」 銬ず兵士さんを連れお、ボヌれス䌯爵領ぞ、ひずっ飛び!! 「こっ、これは......」 突然呚りの景色が倉わり、芋芚えのあるボヌれス䌯爵領の海蟺になったこずに驚く兵士さん。 いや、アンタ、オヌク狩りの時に転移したこずあるじゃん! 』っおこずで、それを2床も経隓したのはコレットちゃんずサビヌネちゃんを陀けば、この䞖界でこの人だけだものね。そりゃ、感激もするか。 火薬工堎は、勿論、街のど真ん䞭に建おるようなものじゃない。 なので、造船所や倧砲の詊䜜工堎からそう離れおはおらず、しかし故があっおも圱響は及がさない皋床には離れた、呚りに人が䜏んでいないずころに建おた。 ......うん、぀たり海蟺だ。 そしお火薬工堎......今はただ研究・詊䜜の段階で、倧量生産はただただ先の話だけど......の建蚭や研究には私も圓然参加しおいるので、ピンポむントでここに転移できたわけだけど......。 「倖芳は、あたり倉わっおいないね......」 「は、はい、そう倧きな爆発ではなかったので......。 しかし、研究斜蚭の䞀郚が吹き飛び、怪我人が......」 「あ!」 倱敗した! 䌝什の兵士さんが来るのに、いくら銬を飛ばしたずはいえ、替え銬なしなんだから3~4時間はかかっただろう。それに、事故が発生しお、その察凊。䌯爵様が党容を把握しお、私に連絡するこずができるだけの䜙裕ができるたでに芁した時間。 そんなに時間が経っおいるのに、事故珟堎に怪我人が転がったたたのはずがない。 「じゃ、私は行きたすから! お圹目、埡苊劎様でした!」 この街の病院......ずいうか、蚺療所の堎所は知っおいる。 転移! 「怪我人はどこですか!」 ......っお、姫巫女様!」 うん、この領地でも、私の顔ず名前は売れおいる。 「怪我人は!」 「......は、はい、こちらです!」 は必芁ないず察したらしく、すぐに案内しおくれる、ここの雑甚婊さん。 「ここです!」 瀺された扉を開けるず......。 「うっ......」 䞊べられた8぀のベッドのうち、6぀が埋たっおいた。 ここでは、いくら重傷であろうず、個宀などずいうものは存圚しない。 少ない人数で党おの患者の䞖話をし容態を芋守るには、患者を䞀箇所に集めるしかないのだ。 それが嫌なら、自宅療逊しかない。 そしお、ベッドに暪たわる6人の様子は......。 4人は、たぁいい。あちこち怪我はしおいるものの、呜に関わるずか埌遺症が残るずかいうものではなさそうだ。 傷は残るかもしれないけれど、男の傷は勲章だ。将来、火薬の本栌生産が始たれば、子䟛や孫達に自慢できるだろう。この傷が、囜を守るための倧発明の 問題は、あずのふたりだ。 ひずりは、巊腕の そしおもうひずりは、顔に血の気がなく、意識がない。......おそらく、倧量出血によるものだろう。このたたでは、呜が危ない。 時間がない! 転移!! 「隊長さん、担架ふた぀ず、担ぐ人4人、今すぐ!」 「お、......おぅ......」 ここは傭兵団なんだ、負傷者を運ぶための担架くらい、茞送トラックや兵員茞送車に積んであるだろう。 隊長宀で曞類仕事をしおいた隊長さんは、すぐに担架ず人員を集めおくれた。 「......どうしお隊長さんも䞀緒に䞊んでるの?」 「いや、行くだろ、普通! 郚䞋だけを危険な堎所に行かせられるか!」 カッコいいこず蚀っおるけど、自分も行きたいだけだよね、異䞖界に......。 たぁいいか。今は時間がないし。 「よし、転移!」 蚺療所の、病宀に出珟。 「そこの意識のない人ず、巊腕がない人を担架に。地球の病院に運びたす」 隊長さんの指揮で、おきぱきず䜜業する隊員さん達。 蚺療所の人達や他の患者さん達がぜかんずしおいるけれど、私がやるこずを止めようずする人はいない。 た、それくらいの信甚床はあるわけだ、私には。 「重傷者は、私が『アレクシス様を治療したずころ』ぞ連れおいった、っお䌯爵様に䌝えおおいお。 すぐに戻っおくるけどね。 じゃあ、あずはお願い。みんなも、治療に専念しおね。じゃあ、たた埌で。 ......転移!」 行き先は、勿論、 あそこ
“Viscount Yamano! An accident occurred at the explosives factory!” (Soldier) In the evening, as I sat leisurely at my office seat, a cup of tea in one hand and checking over documents in the other, one of Count Bozes’ territorial soldiers came rushing in. ......Surrounded by four of our guards, of course. No matter how little strategic value this small territory was, I would indeed not bring someone who has not been identified to me without taking any action, you know. Besides, it was right after the assassination attempt. It’s not surprising that people around me would be on high alert even if I did not tell them to be. ......And, upon closer inspection, I recognized this soldier. Right, he was one of the elite soldiers who escorted us during the “Wolf Fang, monster subjugation event for those two who could not participate in the absolute defense of the royal capital”. It’s a waste to use elite people as mere messengers, but if “elite” means those who can travel fast on horseback, then it was a reasonable choice. Or maybe to let my guard down, and he’s trying to lure me out with a fake messenger trick, or maybe, he’s just trying to eliminate the possibility of suspicion...... But the “lure me out” strategy won’t succeed with this kind of approach. I can always escape by transfer...... No, that’s not important. Now is not the time for this! “There’s an emergency! I’m going to Boses’ territory for a while. Please take care of the rest here! Take me to the horse you rode on!” (Mitsuha) “Ye-, yes!...... Ah, no, I’ve pushed it too hard, so it can’t leave now without a break...... Besides, if two people ride on it... ” (Soldier) I decided to leave immediately, going through the soldier who seemed to want his horse to rest. Of course, we don’t have a riding horse, and even if we did, I couldn’t ride one. Silver was only a horse to pull my carriage and was now left at a ranch in the royal capital. That’s why....... “This is the horse you rode in on, right? Do you have any other luggage? Is that all the equipment you have on the horse?” (Mitsuha) “Ye-, yes...” (Soldier) Alright then... “Transfer!” (Mitsuha) I took the horse and the soldier to the Bozes’ territory!!! “This is...” (Soldier) The soldier was surprised to find that the scenery around him had suddenly changed and he was now on the familiar seaside of Count Bozes’ territory. No, you’ve been transitioned before when we were hunting orcs! ...... Well, it’s the “angel’s miraculous work”, and except for Colette-chan and Sabine-chan, this person was the only one in the world who had experienced it twice. That must be very exciting. An explosives factory, of course, was not something you build in the middle of a city. It was built in a place where no one lives nearby, not so far from the shipyard and the artillery prototype factory, but far enough that it would not affect any of them in case of an accident. ......Yeah, in other words, the beach. And the explosives factory was... still in the research and prototype stage, and mass production was still a long way off, but I am naturally involved in the construction and research... which was why I was able to transfer here with pinpoint accuracy... “Not much has changed on the outside......” (Mitsuha) “Ye-, yes, it wasn’t such a big explosion... However, part of the research facility blew up and some people were injured......” (Soldier) “Ah!” (Mitsuha) I was wrong! It would have taken - hours for the messenger soldier to come, no matter how fast his horse was. Besides, there was an accident and it was dealt with. The time it took for the Count to get a complete picture and the time it took to be able to contact me. After such a long time, there was no way that the injured should have been left lying around at the accident site. “I’ll be on my way! Thank you for your hard work!” (Mitsuha) I know the location of the hospital in this city... or rather, the clinic. Transfer! “Where are the wounded!” (Mitsuha) ......Ah, it’s Hime Miko-sama!” (Maid) Yeah, my face and name were selling well even in this territory. “Injured people!” (Mitsuha) “...... Ye-, yes, right this way!” (Maid) The galley maid, who seemed to have sensed that I did not need any unnecessary greetings or follow-up chit-chat, immediately showed me the way. “Right here!” (Maid) When she opened the door... Ugh ...” Of the eight beds, six were occupied. There was no such thing as a private room here, no matter how severe the injury. The only way to care for all the patients and monitor their condition with a small number of people was to bring them all together in one place. If you don’t want that, the only way would be to treat yourself at home. And the six people lying on the bed were... The four of them were, fine, that’s good. There were injuries here and there, but they do not seem to be life-threatening or permanent injuries. It may leave scars, but a man’s scar was his medal. In the future, when the full-scale production of gunpowder begins, he will be able to boast about it to his children and grandchildren. This scar became the cornerstone of a great invention to protect the country...... As for the other two. One was missing his left arm from the elbow. The other one had no blood on his face and was unconscious...... probably due to massive bleeding. If this continues, their lives would be in danger. Time is running out! Transfer!!! “Captain, two stretchers and four people to carry them, right now!” (Mitsuha) O...... o ~u...... This is a mercenary company, they probably have at least stretchers on their transport trucks and personnel to carry the wounded. The captain, who was in his office doing paperwork, quickly gathered stretchers and personnel. “......Why are you in line with them, Captain?” (Mitsuha) “No, I’m going. I can’t let my men go to a dangerous place by themselves!” (Captain) You say cool things, but you just want to go to another world, too, aren’t you?... Oh well. We don’t have time for this right now. “Alright, transfer!” (Mitsuha) We appeared in the treatment room, in the clinic. “Get the unconscious man over there and the one without his left arm on a stretcher. We’ll take them to a hospital on Earth.” (Mitsuha) Under the command of the captain, the team members work quickly and efficiently. The people at the clinic and other patients were aghast, but no one tried to stop us from doing what we do. Well, that’s how much credit I have. “Tell the Count that I have taken the seriously wounded to the place ‘where Alexis-sama was treated’. I’ll be right back, shortly. Then, I’ll leave the rest to you. And you guys, focus on healing. See you later. ......Transfer!” (Mitsuha) The destination, of course, is there...
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 5, "inserted_lines_src": 6, "inserted_lines_trg": 6 }
リズに察しおの信仰心を消す為に「正圓な刀断」が出来るようになるいく぀かの薬を飲たせたが、どれも効果がなかった。 アランを瞛っおいる瞄を解き、圌にはちゃんず䜕䞍自由なく生掻をさせおいる。ふかふかのベッドに豪華な食事、暇぀ぶし出来るように本が眮かれおいる。悠々自適ラむフを送れる。 剣の皜叀をしたいから剣が欲しいずいうアランにデュヌクはあっさり剣を枡した。「危険じゃない?」ず僕がデュヌクに聞くず、デュヌクは䜙裕のある笑みを浮かべた。 そう蚀えば、デュヌクは桁違いに匷いこずを忘れおいた。 アランはずいうず、最初は抵抗しおいたが慣れおきたのか、薬を差し出しおも䜕も蚀わず飲むようになっおきた。 人䜓に悪圱響を及がすような薬ではないから、いくら飲んでも䜓調などに倉化はない。 ......リズを愛しすぎおもう、元には戻らないのかな。 王宮の談話宀でく぀ろいでいる僕達の前にいきなりメルがキラキラした衚情を浮かべお入っお来た。 ヘンリもデュヌクもメルの方ぞず芖線を向ける。 「次はこれを詊しおみようよ!」 メルはそう蚀っお、手のひらに乗せた薬を僕らに差し出す。 うわ、ず思わず声が出おしたう。 圌女の手のひらから玫色の䞍気味なオヌラが挂うほどの毒々しい薬だ。こんなの飲んだら死ぬんじゃないかなず思わせる。 「流石にアランはこれを飲たないず思うぞ」 ヘンリの顔が匕き぀る。圌の蚀葉にメルは機嫌を少し損ねお「チェッ」ず可愛く舌打ちする。 「もしかしたら、薬ではどうにもならないのかもしれないな」 「僕もそれは薄々思っおいた」 デュヌクの蚀葉に僕は賛同する。 「え~、じゃあ、メルたちの薬研究は倱敗っおこず?」 「そうだな、他の方法を考えよう」 デュヌクがそう蚀っお、暫く沈黙が続く。各々解決策を頭の䞭で巡らす。 手っ取り早いのはキャザヌ・リズに頌んで魅惑の魔法を解いおもらうこずだが、本人は無自芚で魔法を䜿っおいるわけだし、なにより魅惑の魔法を䜿っおいるなんおこずを吊定するだろう。 ............いや、䞀床連れお来た方が良いのかもしれない。 「キャザヌ・リズをアランの前に連れお来おみる?」 僕の提案に䞀瞬皆固たったが、すぐにメルが少し嫌そうな衚情を浮かべながら口を開いた。 「でも、アランを拉臎ったこずがバレたら、圌女がカンカンになっおたた魔力暎走させちゃうかもよ」 「確かに、リズが本気で怒るず面倒だな」 「なら、暙的を倉えよう」 メルずヘンリの蚀葉にデュヌクは萜ち着いた声でそう蚀った。青い瞳が僕達の方を向く。 「どういうこず? アランはもうほったらかし?」 メルは小さく銖を傟げる。 「いや、アランはたた埌で䜿う。キャザヌ・リズを䜿っお魔法を解く方法を探すなら、孊園にいる人間の方がやりやすいだろ」 「その間アランはどうするの?」 僕の質問にデュヌクはヘンリの方に芖線を向ける。ヘンリは察したのか、顔をしかめる。 「ヘンリが盞手しおくれ」 デュヌクの呜什には逆らえないのか、ヘンリは枋々「分かったよ」ず呟く。 王子じゃなかったら犯眪だからね。......僕らも共犯か。 たぁ、でもキャザヌ・リズがやっおいるこずを止めるには倚少は荒い手を䜿うしかないんだ。
We have tried several medications to help him make “sound judgments” and get rid of his attachment to Liz, but none of them has worked. Alan had been freed from the rope that had bound him, and we had given him a decent place to live. So, he had a soft bed, sumptuous meals, and books to pass the time, so that he could be comfortable in his captivity. When Alan asked for a sword to practice with, Duke simply gave it to him. “Isn’t it dangerous?” I asked Duke, but he only smiled back at me. I had forgotten that Duke was exceptionally strong. As for Alan, he resisted at first, but he had gotten used to it and began to take the medicine without saying a word when we offered it to him. The medicine itself had no negative effects on the human body, so no matter how much he took, there was no change in his physical condition or anything else. ...I guess his love for Liz was too much for him to go back to the way he was. We were relaxing in the royal palace lounge when Mel walked in with a dazzling expression on her face. Both Henry and Duke turned their gazes toward Mel. “Let’s try this next!” Mel said, offering us the pills in the palm of her hand. Ugh, I couldn’t help but grimace. The medicine appeared to be so toxic that an eerie purple aura emanated from it. It made me think that I would probably die if I drank this stuff. “Even if it was the prince who offered it to Alan, I doubt he’d drink it.” Henry’s face twitched. Mel was a little offended by his words and clicked her tongue cutely. “I don’t know if the drugs would really help at this point.” “That’s what I’ve also thought for a while.” I agreed with Duke. “So you’re saying Mel and her team’s drug research was a failure?” “It appears so, so let’s think of another way.” Duke said, and everyone was quiet for a while. Each of us racked our brains for a solution. The easiest solution would be to ask Liz Cather to break the enchantment spell, but she was doing it unknowingly, and moreover, she would deny using any kind of enchantment spell in the first place. ...Or perhaps it would be better to bring her in once. “Why don’t we bring Liz Cather in front of Alan?” Everyone froze for a moment at my suggestion, but Mel soon opened her mouth with a slightly disgusted expression on her face. “But if she finds out that we’ve kidnapped Alan, she might get all pissed off and let her magic run wild again.” “It’s true, it would be troublesome if Liz gets really angry.” “Then let’s change the target.” Duke said calmly, in response to Mel and Henry’s words. Blue eyes turned toward us. “What do you mean? We can’t just leave Alan alone?” Mel nodded her head. “No, we’ll use Alan again later. If we’re going to use Liz Cather to break the spell, it’ll be easier to do it with the students at the school.” “What about Alan?” Duke looked at Henry, who frowned as if he had guessed the answer. “Henry will deal with him.” Henry, unable to disobey Duke’s order, reluctantly agreed. If it wasn’t the prince, this would be seen as a crime. ...We’re accomplices, too, right? Well, we needed to do something radical to stop Liz Cather from doing what she was doing.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
いきなりの出来事に思わで固たっおいるず、男が少しず぀近づいおくる。 でも僕達の事は芋えおいないみたいで、蟺りをキョロキョロずしおいる。 「うヌん、この蟺だず思うんだがなぁ」 「いい匂い? 俺には感じられんがなんかあんのか?」 「なん぀ヌのかな、こう、ちょっず爜やかで甘いような......ああ、そうそう、いい女ずすれ違った時にするような匂いっお蚀えばいいのか?」 うふふ、やったねネラさん。僕達いい女らしいよ? っお違うよ! そうじゃないよ! いい匂いっお、もしかしお毎日䜿っおるレモンずか銙油のせい!? 女の子らしくしおるず厄ネタばっかりになるじゃないですかダダヌ!! 「溜たりすぎで幻嗅でも起きおるんじゃねぇの? 次の機䌚にでも色街に行っお来いよ」 くそぅ、そのたた勘違いっお事で芋回り行っちゃえばよかったのに! たずい、さすがに近くたで来お接觊しちゃえばバレちゃうだろうし、かず蚀っおこの倉に勘のいい奎の前で走ったりすれば、それでもバレちゃいそう。 飛んで逃げるのも危なそうだし......ううん......ん? 朚の䞊に避難でずりあえず凌げないかな? 『ネラさんネラさん。そっず朚に登っおやり過ごすっおどう?』 『む......そうですね。接觊さえしなければ、そのうち勘違いっおこずで行っおくれるかもしれたせんし、その案で行きたしょう。』 抜き足差し足忍び足。コ゜コ゜ず朚たで近づきよじ登る。これじゃ、端から芋たらどっちが賊かわかんないね。 登り終わっお息を朜めおいるず、男が真䞋たで来た。頻りに錻をスンスンさせお銖を傟げおいる。むぅ、案倖し぀こい。さっさずあっち行け! 「おっかしいなぁ、ここ匂いが匷いっぜいんだが」 「なんもねぇじゃねぇか。そもそも、それっぜいっおだけでお前も確蚌があるわけじゃないんだろ?」 「いやたぁ、そうなんだけどよぉ。......しゃヌねぇ芋回り行くか。 あ、ちょっずションベンしおくから埅っおくれ」 「おう、早くしろよヌ」 股間をゎ゜ゎ゜しおいきなり朚に向かっおし始める。 うわヌ、久しぶりに芋たけど懐かしい感じ。なくなっおから倧分経぀けどあんなだったっけ? 蚘憶も倧分朧気になっちゃっおる。 なんか随分遠いずころたで来ちゃったような気がするな......。 あれ? 気付いたら隣のネラさんが顔真っ赀になっおる。 倧䞈倫? 意倖に乙女? その割にはガン芋しおるけど。 ずいうか、この埌この朚から降りたくないんだけど、どうしよう? 男達が芋回りに行った埌も芳察を続ける。もちろん朚の䞊で。だっお、降りる時に 『でもさっきは危なかったね。ネラさんがあれだけ慌おおたっお事は、普通は気づかれないんだよね?』 『ええ、姿が芋えなくなるだけじゃなく、音や匂いにも認識阻害が起きお、気付かれなくする魔法なんです。......あの男、ちょっず厄介かもしれたせんね』 『たたたた錻がよかっただけじゃないの?』 『それだけならいいんですけど......』 それからも芳察を続けお、おおよその芏暡がわかっおきた。 倧䜓総数かくらい。これは最近の賊の芏暡ずしおはかなり倧きいほうらしい。食い詰め者や荒くれ者が集たるわけだから、普通ここたで倧きくなる前に統率がずれなくなっお瓊解しちゃうものらしいけど、そこはリヌダヌ圹が優秀なんじゃないか、ずのこず。 蚎䌐隊も倧芏暡になりそうだなぁ。魔法士団じゃなくお階士団が行くこずになりたすように。 『それではそろそろ撀収したしょうか。あの男みたいに錻のいい茩が他にいないずも限りたせんし』 ようやく終わりかヌ。なんかえらい長かった気がする。じっず芳察しおるだけだったからそう感じるだけなのかな? 呚りに人がいなくなったのを芋蚈らっおそのたた飛び立぀。もう日も暮れお空は真っ暗だ。でも月が煌々ず茝いおる。この䞖界は空気が綺麗だからか、月もすごく綺麗に芋える。ルティが䞀緒なら「月が綺麗ですね」なんお蚀っおもいいんだけどね。 あ、でも意味通じないか......。しょんがり。 『ナツキさん、あんたり無茶は......』 あの埌、街たで戻っお宿でたた䞀泊したんだけど、案の定ずいうかなんずいうか、あんたり寝られなかったわけで。それでも早く垰りたいから、朝から無理しお飛んでるわけなんだけど、党然速床は出ないわ䌑憩は倚いわで、来る時よりも倧分時間がかかっおる。 これもう今日䞭には王郜に着かないっぜい......悔しい。 「そもそも来る時が異垞だったんですよ。定期連絡した時なんか、団長軜く固たっおたしたよ?」 ネラさんが䌑憩の時に氎を差しだしながらそんな事を蚀う。そういやなんか連絡しおたなぁ。なんかちっちゃい石板みたいな魔道具で䌚話しおた。画面぀いおたらたるきりスマホじゃん、あれ。 ぞろぞろになりながらも野営を䜕床か挟んでようやく王郜が芋えおきた。 『私が報告に行きたすから、ナツキさんは王郜に着いたらそのたた垰っお倧䞈倫ですよ』 『え、いいの? 正盎倧分参っちゃっおるからありがたいんだけど』 『ええ。それず暫くは魔法士団の仕事を䌑めるようにしおおきたす。ゆっくりず䌑んでくださいね』 うわ、助かる。ネラさん女神すぎる。どこたでも぀いおいきたす。 王郜に着いおネラさんにお瀌を蚀っおからカフェたでダッシュ。今ならただ仕事䞭のはず。若干足がも぀れたりもしたけど気合でカバヌ。 「ただいた!」 今日もカフェは倧繁盛しおるけど、そんなのお構いなしにルティの姿を探す。 いた。䞁床テヌブルの片付けをしおいるずこだった。 僕が気付くず同時に、ルティも気が付いた。そしお次の瞬間には消えお目の前に珟れる。え? テレポヌト? 「ナツキ! おかえりなさい!」 そのたた僕をぎゅっず抱きしめお迎えおくれる。 テレポヌトの事ずか聞きたいこずもあったけど、抱きしめられた瞬間、疲劎ず安心感から意識が飛んでしたった。
While we reflexively froze from what just happened, the man gradually came closer. Still, it looks like he didn’t see us since he was only looking around restlessly. 「Hmmm, it should be somewhere around here.」 「A good smell? Didn’t really smell anything like that, but you found something there?」 「I can’t really explain it. It’s, like, real fresh and sweet and things...... Ahh, that’s it. It’s like when you pass by some fine woman, that kind of smell. You get it?」 Ufufu, we did it, Nera-san. We’re, like, fine women, he says. ... No! Not that! He said “a good smell”, was this actually because of the lemon or the perfumed oil we use everyday!? Hasn’t practically every ladylike thing I’ve done kept on being a problem!? NOooo!! 「Aren’t you just so backed up that you’re starting to hallucinate about women? Go to some red-light district the next time you’re off.」 Damnn, just turn around and accept that it’s just your imagination! This is bad, if he comes any closer and touches us, we’ll definitely be found out; on the other hand, if we try to run away right in front of this weirdly sharp guy, we’ll probably get found out too. Flying away might also be dangerous...... Uhhhh...... Huh? Could we go up a tree and wait it out for now? 『Nera-san, Nera-san. How about we sneak up a tree and just wait it out?』 『Hmm...... That’s true. As long as he doesn’t touch us, he might think that it’s simply his imagination and give up on us. Let’s go with that plan.』 We sneakily tiptoe towards a nearby tree and climb up. With how we are right now, it’s hard to say who’s the bandit here in this situation. After climbing the tree and holding our breaths, the man came right below us. He repeatedly sniffs with his nose and tilts his head in confusion. Ugh, he’s surprisingly persistent. Just go and leave! 「That’s weird, this should be where the smell is the strongest, though.」 「And there’s nothing there. In the first place, it’s not like you’re sure about that smell, right?」 「Well, yeah, but...... Fine, let’s go back to patrolling now. Ah, give me a second, I need to piss for a bit.」 「Sure, be quick~」 He started rummaging around his crotch and suddenly faced our tree. Uwah, it’s been a while since I saw one, this really takes me back. It’s been quite some time since I’ve lost mine but did it really look like this? My memories about it have gotten pretty hazy too. I feel like I’ve really gotten so far since then...... Huh? Before I noticed it, beside me, Nera-san’s face got really red. Is she okay? She’s surprisingly innocent. But she’s still staring straight at it, though. Or rather, I really don’t want to get down this tree after this. What do we do? After the men left to patrol, we still continued our observation. On top of the tree, obviously. I mean, I don’t even want to step on that place after that guy did 『Still, that was really dangerous. And based on how you were so panicked earlier, people don’t usually notice you, right Nera-san?』 『That’s right. This magic doesn’t simply make one invisible, it inhibits the recognition of their sounds and smells to make them unperceivable...... That man, he might cause us a bit of a problem.』 『Wasn’t that just because his nose was good by some chance?』 『It would be nice if that’s the case, but still......』 And so, we continued observing the area and got a rough idea of how many there are. There should be around - of them. It seems like this is considerably large-scale for a group of bandits that just appeared recently. After all, they’re mostly just a gathering of ruffians and penniless people, so bandit groups normally can’t hold together and collapse on itself before they get this big. This means that their leader might be really talented, or so. The subjugation team would probably end up being big too, huh. I hope that the Order of Knights will do the subjugation instead of us, please. 『Well then, it should be about time for us to retreat. We can’t be sure that there aren’t any other people with a nose as good as that man earlier after all.』 We’re finally done~ For some reason, it felt like an awfully long time. Or did it only feel that way since we were just observing them in the same spot? After confirming that there aren’t any people around, I immediately took flight. The sun had already set and the sky was completely dark. Still, the moon was there, glowing brightly. The air in this world is really clear, so I can clearly see the moon’s beauty. If Ruti was here, I would’ve pulled out a pick-up line like 「The moon is beautiful, isn’t it?」 and stuff. , but she wouldn’t understand what it means, huh...... Sniffle.「Just a bit more......Just, a, bit......」 『Natsuki-san, don’t push yourself too much......』 After the investigation, we returned to the inn back at the town and slept for another night, but as I expected, I couldn’t sleep much again. Even then, I still wanted to go home as soon as possible, so I pushed myself to fly faster from early in the morning but I still couldn’t get any speed which would mean more breaks. It ended up taking us much more time than when we were heading to the town. And so we probably won’t reach the capital within a day...... Dammit. 「In the first place, the speed from before was abnormal. When I talked to the leader during our periodic report, he froze for a while, you know?」 Nera-san said so while she poured some water during our break time. Oh yeah, she did some reports and such. She would talk to the leader using some small stone tablet-like magic item. If it had a screen, it would’ve looked exactly like a smartphone. While feeling really exhausted, we set up camp for a few times and after that, the capital is finally in sight. 『I’ll go report to the leader, so it’ll be fine if you head home once we reach the capital, Natsuki-san.』 『Eh, really? Honestly, I feel really tired, so I’m grateful about that.』 『Really. Also, I’ll arrange it so that you can take a break from Order work for a while. Relax and rest well, alright?』 Uwah, thanks a lot. Nera-san is a goddess. I’m following you to the ends of the world. As we landed in the capital, I thanked Nera-san and made a dash towards the cafe. They should still be working right now. Even though I might have tripped on the way, I compensated it with willpower. 「I’m back!」 The cafe is bustling today as usual but I ignore the crowd and look for Ruti. There she is. She’s just about to start cleaning a table. Exactly as I found her, she noticed me too. And at the next moment, she vanished and reappeared right before my eyes. Eh? Teleport? 「Natsuki! Welcome home!」 She immediately hugged me tight as she welcomed me. I wanted to ask her about her teleporting and stuff, but the moment she embraced me, the feelings of exhaustion and relief smacked me unconscious.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 3, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 3 }
俺の蚀葉に気合の入った声で鳎くず、レオはすぐさたトロルドに向かっお走り出した。 ただこちらに気付いおないトロルド......ここから芋える数は......7䜓か。 そのトロルドたちの真ん䞭に突撃したレオは、目で芋えないくらいの速床で前足を振るい、鋭い牙で噛み付き、あっずいうたに4䜓を肉の塊に倉えた。 4䜓が倒された事でレオに気付いた残りのトロルドは、慌おお棍棒を振り回すが、その動きはレオず比べるず栌段に遅い。 人ならざる叫び声をあげお棍棒を振り回すトロルドの攻撃を、レオは䜙裕が窺える動きで避けた。 レオが攻撃を避けながら、再び前足を振るう。 その動きに、トロルド達は成すすべもなく切り刻たれお行った。 ......オヌク盞手の時より、玠早い動きに芋えるな......確かあの時はただ目で動きを远えたはずだ。 レオが本気を出すずこうなるのか......シルバヌフェンリルが恐れられる理由が芋えた気がした。 たぁ、レオは人を襲ったりしないけどな。 「お疲れ、レオ。ありがずうな」 トロルドを倒しお俺の所に戻っお来たレオの頭を撫でながら、瀌を蚀う。 撫でられお尻尟を振りながら、レオはどこずなく自慢気だ......きっずトロルドを倒した事を誇っおるんだろう。 これだけの事をほんの1分足らずでやっおのけるんだから、それも圓然か。 レオがバラバラにしたトロルドの残骞を眺めながら呟く。 それに察しレオは、食べられないから぀い......ず蚀っおるようだった。 オヌクの時は食べられるから、真にしただけだったのか......。 トロルドは食べる事が出来ないから、確実に倒したずいう事らしい。 「......倒したのは良いが、これ......どうしよう?」 「ワフ?」 俺の芖線の先には、バラバラになったトロルドの肉塊。 圓然、血も飛び散っおいお十分スプラッタな状況になっおいる。 グロ耐性が無かったら、気分が悪くなるこず間違いなしだ。 今曎だが、ホラヌは苊手でもこういう事は䜕ずか倧䞈倫だ......オヌクが倒されるのを芋たりず、倚少慣れお来おるのかもしれない。。 倧䞈倫ずは蚀っおもさすがに気分の良いものじゃないしな......。 「このたただず、腐ったりするから......攟っおおけないよな......焌くか?」 俺の蚀葉に、レオは出番? ずばかりに口を開ける。 トロルドは巚䜓だから、バラバラになったずはいえ7䜓分......それは結構な量がある。 森が近いから、䞀気に燃やそうず思ったら延焌が怖いな。 「......焌くのは止めよう......玠人が適圓に焌いたら倧倉な事になりそうだ」 魔法が䜿いたかったのか、レオがちょっず残念そうだ。 しかしこのトロルド、どうした物か......。 このたた攟っおおくず、腐っおしたうだろうし、そうしたら疫病のような病が発生するかもしれない。 トロルドの肉に他の魔物が寄っお来る可胜性も考えられる。 街道から倚少離れおるが、こんなずころに魔物が矀がるのは、あたり良い事にはならなさそうだ。 「......埋めるのが䞀番良いかな?」 「......ワフ」 レオが面倒だずばかりに声を挏らすが、焌けないから仕方ない。 倧量の肉を持ち運んで別の堎所に捚おる、ずいうのも珟実的じゃないしな......埋めるのが䞀番簡単な方法だろうず思う。 土の䞭に埋めおしたえば、肥料のようになっおくれるだろう。 「あ、でも......スコップずかは......圓然無いよな......」 「ワフ! ワフワフ」 地面を足で぀぀くず、少し硬めの感觊だ。 この地面をスコップ等の道具も無しに、玠手で掘るのはちょっず出来そうにない。 どうしようかず考えた時、レオが䜕かを思い぀いたように吠えた。 「ワフワフヌ。ワりワり」 レオは足をせわしなく動かしお、思い぀いた事を俺に䌝えようずする。 えヌず、魔法で穎を掘る? かな。 出来るのかどうかわからないが、それを聞いたレオは自信があるように頷いた。 「それなら、枈たないが任せるよ。......頌り切りでごめんな」 トロルドを倒す事から、その埌の凊理たで党おレオ任せになった事を謝る。 ......俺も䜕か出来る事があったら良いんだけどな。 そんな俺に、レオは気にするなずばかりに声を䞊げお、トロルドに近付いお行った。 「りヌ......ガり!」 「おぉ」 トロルドに近付いたレオは、顔を別の方に向けお力を溜めるようにした埌、力匷く吠える。 その瞬間、ドォン! ずいう音ず共に、レオが顔を向けおる方向の地面が砎裂した。 「爆発の魔法......か?」 その爆発で巻き䞊がった土埃が収たるのを呆然ず眺めおいるず、レオが䞀仕事終えたず蚀わんばかりの衚情で鳎きながら戻っお来た。 「こんな事も出来たんだな......凄いな、レオは」 レオの魔法に驚きながら、爆発で地面に倧きな穎を開けおくれたレオを撫でる。 尻尟を振りながら喜んでるな。 しばらく撫でた埌、レオが開けた穎に近付いお様子を窺う。 「結構倧きいな」 頑匵った! ずいう衚情のレオ。 開けおくれた穎は、人間が数人朜っおも䜙裕がある倧きな穎だった。 これなら、トロルドを埋める事が出来そうだ。 ......幞いなのか、トロルドはバラバラで穎に入れやすい状態だしな。 「ふぅ、結構な重劎働だったな......それに、汚れも付いたか」 しばらく埌、トロルドの塊を党お穎に攟り蟌んで䞀息吐く。 ただレオが切り刻んで時間が経っおないからか、トロルドの肉からは血が滎っおいるのもあっお、結構手が汚れおしたった。 それに、いくらバラバラずは蚀っおも、元々巚䜓なだけあっおそれぞれが結構な重さだったからな。 さすがにこれたでレオには任せられないず、䞀人で頑匵ったんだが......手䌝っおもらうべきだったかもしれない。 「よし、これで綺麗になった。あずは......レオ、䜕床も枈たないが......頌めるか?」 氎筒の氎を䜿っお、手に着いた血を掗い流しお綺麗にした埌、レオに頌んで穎を埋めおもらう。 穎が倧きいから、俺䞀人で埋めおたら日が暮れおしたうからな。
“Thank you, Leo!” “Wuff!” Leo barked energetically, and then she immediately started running towards the trolls. They still hadn’t noticed us... From here, I could see that there And Leo charged right into their center. And with a speed that my eyes could barely follow, she slashed with her front paws, and tore through them with her sharp fangs. In the blink of an eye, four of them turned into clumps of flesh. “Gyu-gyu?” The remaining trolls finally understood what was happening, and they frantically began to swing their clubs. However, their movement was considerably slower than Leo. Humans would have screamed in terror when facing the attacks of the trolls, but Leo just dodged them with ease. She avoided their clubs and then lashed out with her claws once again. The trolls were completely at her mercy, and could do nothing as she shredded through them. ...Leo seemed faster now than she was against the orc... Back then, I could at least follow her. So this was what she was like when she went all out... This was why people feared Silver Fenrirs. Well, Leo wouldn’t attack people. I patted Leo on the head and thanked her after she returned. Leo wagged her tail happily and looked quite smug... She was proud at having been able to defeat them so quickly. It was barely even a minute. I muttered as I looked at the remains of the decapitated trolls. Because we can’t eat them... Leo seemed to say. She had only split the orcs in two, because they were edible... But she was much more thorough with the trolls, as they could not be eaten. “...Defeating them is good, but...what now?” “Wuff?” I thought as I looked at the clumps of troll flesh. Not only that, but there was blood all over the place. I would have probably felt ill, if I had any less resistance to seeing such things. While I didn’t like horror movies, I was still fine...perhaps I had gotten used to it after seeing the orcs being defeated. Well, it wasn’t that it had no effect and that I was completely unmoved.... “We can’t just leave them here to rot...perhaps we should burn them?” “Wuff?” My turn again? Leo seemed to say as she opened her mouth. The trolls were big. And so even if they were cut into smaller pieces...there was still a lot. And since we were close to the forest, I was scared about the fire spreading. “...No, that’s too dangerous... An amateur shouldn’t start burning corpses in a place like this.” “Wuff...” Leo looked quite disappointed, as she had wanted to use magic. Still, what should we do with the trolls then... If I left them to rot here, it could result in further spreading of diseases. And the troll meat might attract other monsters as well. While we were a short distance from the road, it would not be good to attract monsters to this area. “...I guess we could bury them?” “...Wuff...” Leo sighed as if she thought it was too much trouble. But I couldn’t think of anything else. And carrying it to some other place in order to dispose of it was not very realistic... And so burying it would be the simplest way. Besides, maybe they would be a good fertilizer. “Ah, but...I don’t have a shovel...” “Wuff! Wuff-wuff.” As I poked the ground with my foot, I felt that it was rather hard. I would not be able to dig through it without a shovel or any tools. As I was wondering what to do, Leo started to bark as if she had an idea. Leo moved her feet around busily and told me what she had thought of. Uhh, dig a hole with magic? I didn’t know if it was possible, but Leo nodded confidently. “In that case, I’ll leave it to you. ...Sorry to make you do everything.” “Wuff!” First she defeated the trolls, and now I was asking her to get rid of the bodies. ...If only there was something that I could do as well. But Leo barked and told me to not worry about it. And then she walked over to the corpses. “Wooo...grau!” “Woah.” Once she was close to the trolls, Leo turned the other way and then seemed to charge up her energy before barking loudly. In the next instant, a bang! And the ground in that direction fell away. “Explosion...magic?” “Wuff!” I gazed dumbly as the dust from the explosion slowly settled. Leo then returned to me with the satisfied look of someone who had done their work well. “I didn’t know you could do such a thing... Amazing, Leo.” “Wuff. Wuff.” I marveled over Leo’s magic as I petted her. She wagged her tail happily. After a moment, I went over to the hole and looked inside. “That’s quite big.” “Wuff.” I did my best! Leo seemed to say. It was big enough for several people to fit inside, with plenty of room left. That should be enough to bury the troll chunks. ...Thankfully, they were in a state that would make them easy to push inside. “Phew. That was surprisingly hard... And now I’m quite filthy too.” After some time, I sighed after throwing all of the troll pieces into the hole. As not a lot of time had passed since Leo shredded them, the pieces were still dripping with blood, which got all over my hands. Besides, while they were cut up, they were from a giant body, so they were still quite heavy. I had felt like this is one thing I should do myself instead of relying on Leo...but I probably should have asked for help. “All right, I’m finally clean. Now...once again, Leo...can you do it?” “Wuff! Wuff!” I had used water from a flask to wash the blood off of my hands, and then I asked Leo to fill the hole up once again. As it was big, it would take too long for me to do it myself.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 4, "inserted_lines_src": 20, "inserted_lines_trg": 8 }
おっず ひず぀忘れおいた E) どれでもない Eの遞択肢は 普通は考えたせんよね でももし゚ネルギヌが私たちを砎滅に近づけるこずなく 私たちの目的にかなっお働いお くれるずしたらどうでしょうか? 心配せずに化石燃料を 䜿うこずはできるでしょうか? 新しい「火」を 再発明できるでしょうか? 火は私達を 人間たらしめるものであり 化石燃料は 私たちを近代化したした しかし私たちは安党で 堅固 健康で 氞続的な 新たな「火」を 考える必芁があるのです ではその方法ずは? 䞖界党䜓の゚ネルギヌの 5分の4は 毎幎4立方マむルもの 原始の沌のどろどろした 腐ったものを燃やすこずで 埗られおいるのです これら化石燃料は 我々の文明を 䜜っおきたした それらは我々の富を 䜜り出しおきたした それらは䜕十億もの人々の生掻を 豊かにしおきたした しかしそれらはたた 私たちの安党 経枈 健康 環境のコストを増倧させ その䟿益の倧郚分は 圹に立たなくなり始めおいるか そうでなければ損倱が䞊回っおいたす だからこそ新しい火が 必芁なのです 叀い火から新しい火に 切り替えるこずの意味は 石油ず電力ずいう2぀の倧きな話を 倉えるずいうこずです どちらも倧気䞭の化石由来の炭玠の 5分の2づ぀を生じおいたす しかしこの2぀は実は たったく別の問題です なぜなら石油から生み出される電力は 党䜓の1%以䞋で 電力の半分は石炭から 生み出されおいるからです そしおこれらの甚途は 極めお集䞭しおいたす 石油の4分の3は茞送郚門で䜿われ 電力の4分の3は建物に䜿われおおり 残りはどちらも工堎を動かすために 䜿われおいるのです そのため効率的な 自動車 建物 工堎は 石油や石炭の消費を少なくしたすし 䞡者は倩然ガスで 代替するこずもできたす しかし珟代の゚ネルギヌシステムは ただ非効率なだけではなく 統合されおおらず 老朜化しおおり 汚染を䌎い 危険でもありたす そこで改修の必芁があるのです しかし2050幎たでには ゚ネルギヌシステムはより効率的な ネットワヌク型 分散型になり 掗緎された省゚ネタむプの 車や工堎や 建物は 党お 珟代的で安党で 回埩力のある 電気システムを 利甚しおいるかもしれたせん 私たちは2050幎たでに石油や石炭に 䟝存した状況を打砎できたす 利甚時の効率化ず 再生可胜゚ネルギヌぞの 切り替えによっお 倩然ガスの䜿甚量を 3分の1ほど枛らせたす これにより2050幎たでに 玔珟圚䟡倀で芋お 5兆ドルのコスト削枛が 可胜ずなるでしょう この数字は普通のやり方ずは 倚少異なった圢で 導出されおいたす 炭玠の排出にかかる費甚や その他党おの 隠れたあるいは倖郚の費甚などは れロだず仮定しおいるからです ぀たり極めお䜎く芋積もられおいる ずいうこずです 䞀方でこの安䟡な ゚ネルギヌシステムにより アメリカの経枈を 石油や石炭 さらには原子力゚ネルギヌの 助けをたったく借りず 158%拡倧させるこずも可胜なのです さらに この゚ネルギヌシステムの 移行には 新たな発明や法の改正 新たな連邊皎 委蚗補助金や法や 議䌚の混乱も䞍必芁です もう䞀床申し䞊げたすが 私はここでアメリカが石油や石炭から 完党に離れ ビゞネスの利益に䞻導された 5兆ドルも安䟡な゚ネルギヌシステムを 法改正なしで 実珟する方法を お話しようず思いたす 蚀い換えれば 最も効率的な機関 - 瀟䌚ず共に発展する民間䌁業を 軍事技術の革新で加速し 党く効率的でない 組織に぀いおは避けお行きたす 利最 倱業率 競争利益 囜家の安党 環境ぞの配慮 気候倉動あるいは公衆衛生 あなたがこれらのどれを 重芁芖するかにかかわらず 新たな「火」の発明は皆に意味があり お金を生み出すものずなりたす アむれンハワヌ叞什官は こう蚀ったそうです 「問題が困難なずきは より倧きな枠組みで捉えれば いろいろな遞択肢 盞乗効果を 埗られるだろう」ず ですから 新たな火を考える時 私たちぱネルギヌを䜿う 党おの4぀の郚門 茞送 建物 産業 電力を統合したした 単に科孊技術ず 政治的政策だけではなく デザむンず経営戊略も加えた むノベヌションを統合したした これらを組み合わせるこずで 郚分を加えただけのものよりも 倧きな盞乗効果を 埗るこずができたのです 特に真に砎壊的なビゞネスチャンスを 生み出すこずに圹立ちたした 今日の経枈では 毎日20億ドルを石油に䜿い それに加えお毎日40億ドルを 目に芋えない朜圚コストや 軍事費ずしお䜿っおおり 石油のコストの合蚈でGDPの 6分の1以䞊を占めおいたす そしお亀通に䜿われる燃料の 5分の3は自動車に䜿われおいるのです では自動車が石油を消費しないように するこずからはじめたしょう 通垞 自動車が走るのに䜿われる ゚ネルギヌのうち 3分の2は それ自䜓の重さが原因です ですから䜙分な重さや抵抗を取り陀いお 車茪で䜿う゚ネルギヌを1単䜍枛らせば タンク内の゚ネルギヌでは 7単䜍節玄できたす なぜなら車茪に䌝えられるたでに 倱われる6単䜍を節玄できるからです 残念ながら 過去四半䞖玀で 2トンの鉄である自動車の肥満も流行し 人の2倍の速床で倪りたした しかし今日では超軜量で超匷じんな玠材 䟋えば炭玠繊維耇合材によっお 自動車の軜量化は雪だるた匏に 進むこずが可胜になり 車の補造の単玔化ず コスト削枛が可胜です 軜く 動きやすい自動車は 走るのにかかる力も少なく ゚ンゞンも小さくお枈みたすね もちろん このような軜量な乗り物は 安䟡な電気掚進を可胜にしたす なぜなら蓄電池や燃料電池もたた 小さく 軜く そしお安くなっおいるからです よっお販売䟡栌は最終的に 今日の自動車ず同皋床になり 䞀方でランニングコストは 最初から ずっず安いです このように むノベヌションを 組み合わせるこずで自動車補造が 時代遅れの゚ンゞンや技術から わずかな節玄を絞り出す状態から 3぀の互いに匷く圱響する 結び぀いたむノベヌションで コストを急激に䞋げるように倉革できたす それは 非垞に軜い玠材 それを構造材に䜿うこず そしお電気掚進のこずです これず䞀時的な「フィヌベヌト」を 組み合わせるこずで さらに速く 売䞊が䌞び それ以䞊の速さで 䟡栌は䞋がるでしょう 「フィヌベヌト」ずは燃費の悪い車に 課城金を課し そのお金で燃費のいい車を 割匕する制床です たった最初の2幎間で ペヌロッパの5぀の倧芏暡 フィヌベヌトプログラムは 自動車の燃費改善のスピヌドを 3倍にするこずに成功したした 電気自動車ぞ移行しおいくこずは タむプラむタヌから コンピュヌタぞの移行ず 同じくらいの倧きな倉化ずなるでしょう もちろん コンピュヌタず電子機噚は 珟圚アメリカで最倧の産業であり 䞀方タむプラむタヌ産業は すでに消え去りたした 同じように自動車の軜量化も 新しい競争戊略を切り開いお 今埌40幎で石油節玄量を2倍に できるでしょう それだけでなく 電気自動車を手ごろな䟡栌にし 残りの石油も䞍芁にしたす アメリカにはこの次の自動車革呜を 先導しおいく可胜性がありたす 珟圚の先導者はドむツです 昚幎 フォルクスワヌゲンは翌幎たでに 1ガロン圓たり230マむル走る 炭玠繊維プラグむンハむブリッド車を 補造するず発衚したした たた昚幎の同時期に BMWも 炭玠繊維電気自動車を販売し 炭玠繊維は小さなバッテリヌしか 必芁ずしない分で 補われるず発衚したした BMWはたた「我々はタむプラむタヌ 䌚瀟になる぀もりはない」ず蚀っおいたす アりディは1幎以内にこの䞡瀟に 勝぀ず蚀いたした 7幎前 はるかに速く 安かった アメリカの補造技術が この小さな炭玠繊維の 詊隓郚品を䜜るのに䜿われおいたした これは垜子ずしおも䜿えたすよ この音を聞けばすぐに これがどれほど硬く 䞈倫かわかるでしょう 萜ずしおも倧䞈倫ですよ これはチタンよりも硬いですから 実はトム・フリヌドマンがこれを 倧きなハンマヌで力いっぱい叩きたしたが 傷ひず぀぀きたせんでした しかしこのような補造技術は 航空宇宙産業の性胜を維持したたた 自動車の時間ずコストたで拡匵できたす 補造業者は自動車を䜜るのに必芁な 資本を5分の4削枛するこずができたす 圌らはたた呜を救うこずができたす なぜならこれは1ポンドあたり 鉄の12倍たでもの 砎壊゚ネルギヌを吞収するこずが できるからです もしすべおの自動車を この玠材で䜜るこずが出来れば サりゞアラビア1.5個分の石油 あるいは OPECの半分の石油を 節玄するこずができるでしょう これはデトロむトの産業構造を 掘りさげれば 芋蟌みは十分です デトロむトの倉革を 石油に換算すれば 平均で1バレル圓たり18ドルで 玔アメリカ補で炭玠を含たず そしお無尜蔵なものです 同じような物理理論 ビゞネス理論は 倧きな乗り物にも応甚できたす 2010幎たでの5幎間で りォルマヌトは巚倧トラック隊の 流通ず運甚蚈画を芋盎し 節玄に成功したした しかし倧型トラックの技術的な 改善だけでも 3分の2たで節玄ができたす 3倍から4倍効率的な 飛行機ず組み合わせお およそ1兆ドルのコスト削枛の蚈画も すでに着手されおいるのです 今日の軍事技術における ゚ネルギヌ効率の革呜が 民間の゚ネルギヌ効率改善を 促進しおいたす これは軍のR&amp;Dが 私達にむンタヌネットやGPS ゞェット゚ンゞンや マむクロチップ業界を もたらしたのず党く同じですね 自動車のデザむン 補造方法を 改善しおいくこずず同時に 4぀の匷力な技術を組み合わせお 利甚するこずで 䞍必芁な運転を省き 自動車をより賢く䜿うこずができるのです 亀通業界の発展を単に 芋おいるかわりに 新しい課金制床を 䜿うこずもできたす 石油消費量ではなく移動距離で 道路に課金するシステムです たたスマヌトなIT技術を䜿っお 運送効率を高め 車の共有を可胜にするこずも できるでしょう スマヌトで金銭的に有利な 街の成長モデルを可胜にするず 人々はすでに行きたい堎所の近くに いるようになりたすから ほかの堎所に行く必芁がなくなりたす たた スマヌトなIT技術を䜿いこなせば 枋滞をなくすこずもできるでしょう これらの技術により 運転量を46%から84%削枛した䞊で これたでず同皋床 あるいはより早く 目的地に到着できたす これはさらに400億ドルの コスト削枛を生み 加えおトラックをより効率良く䜿うこず による300億ドルの利益をもたらしたす これらのこずをすべお考えるず40幎で アメリカ経枈は 石油に頌らないほうが ずっず動きやすく柔軟になるのです 25ドルで1バレルの石油を節玄するず それたでそれを100ドル以䞊で 買っおいたのをやめられるので 党䜓で4兆ドルの節玄になりたす もちろん朜圚コストはれロです ぀たり 石油に頌らない 移動手段を埗お 石油を埐々に枛らすず より効率の良い暮らしを手に入れ 燃料を切り替えるこずができたす 1ガロンあたり125マむルから 240マむル走る自動車は 氎玠電池 電気 次䞖代バむオ燃料の どの組み合わせで 䜿うこずもできたす トラックや飛行機が氎玠電池や 先進的なバむオ燃料を利甚するこずも 非珟実的なこずではありたせん トラックは倩然ガスで 走るこずもできるでしょう どんな乗り物も石油を 必芁ずしなくなるでしょう 最倧でも1日に 必芁なバむオ燃料は 300䞇バレルであり そのうちの3分の2は 本来なら捚おられおしたうものから 䜜られるので 珟圚の耕䜜地を枛らしたり 土壌や気候に悪圱響を 䞎えたりするこずはありたせん 私達のチヌムはこのような石油の 節玄を加速させるために 「制床の鍌治療」ず呌んでいるものを 利甚しおいたす ビゞネス論理が どこで行き詰たり どこで流れが止たっおいるかを 明らかにし そこに小さな鍌をさしお うたく流れるようにするのです これたで私たちはフォヌドやりォルマヌト ペンタゎンなどに協力しおきたした この長い倉遷は順調に進んでいたす 実際3幎前には䞻だったアナリストは 石油の需芁はピヌクに さしかかっおいるず芋始めおいたした 䟛絊ではなく 需芁でです ドむツ銀行ですら䞖界の石油消費は 2016幎頃がピヌクだろうず述べたした ぀たり 石油は高䟡栌でも 需芁過倚ずなる時代よりも先に 䜎䟡栌でも競争力を倱う時代が 近づいおいるずいうこずです しかし 電気自動車は 電力䟛絊網に負担をかける 必芁がなく むしろ スマヌトな自動車が スマヌトな建物ず スマヌトな電力網を通しお 電気や情報を亀換するこずで 電力網は䟡倀のある柔軟性ず 蓄電胜力を加えるこずになり 倪陜光や颚力ずいった゚ネルギヌを 電力網に統合する助けになりたす ぀たり 電気自動車は 自動車の問題 電力の問題を バラバラでなく 䞀緒に解決するこずを 容易にしおくれるのです たた 電気自動車は石油の問題ず 電力を節玄し 別の方法で生産する ずいう2぀目の倧きな問題 これらを぀なぐ架け橋ず なっおくれおいたす 電力におけるこれら双子の革呜は その郚門に 他のどんな郚門よりも 巚倧で根深い様々な混乱を もたらすこずになるでしょう なぜなら21䞖玀の科孊技術ず速さが 19侖简 20䞖玀の 制床 芏則 文化ず 真っ向から衝突するこずになるからです 電力の必芁量が枛れば その生産方法を倉えるこずは 容易になるでしょう 珟圚 電力の倚くは 無駄に䜿われおおり 節玄のための技術は 進歩しおいたすが 実際の導入がその進歩に 远い぀いおいいたせん ぀たりただ賌入されおいない 効率的な資源が より倧きくより安く なっおいるのです しかし 建物や産業においおの効率性は 経枈成長よりも速く成長しはじめおおり アメリカの電力消費は実際には 枛少しはじめおいるようです 効率の良い電気自動車を動かすには 少し䜙分な電気が必芁である にも関わらず です 私達がすべきこずはこの傟向を 掚し進めるこずです 今埌40幎間で 電力消費の 4分の3を占める建物は ゚ネルギヌ効率が3倍から4倍になり 玔珟圚䟡倀で1.4兆ドルの節玄になりたす 内郚収益率は33%ずなり わかりやすく蚀えば その節玄分は䜿った費甚の 4倍もの䟡倀ずなるのです さらに業界の成長も加速し ゚ネルギヌ効率は2倍ずなり 内郚収益率は21%ずなりたす ここで鍵ずなったのは 私達が統合的デザむンず呌ぶ ゚ネルギヌの節玄にかかるコストを 倧幅に枛らす あるいはなくす そんな砎壊的なむノベヌションです 収益を枛らすこずなく ただ増やしおくれるものです これにより 私たちは2010幎 ゚ンパむアステヌトビルの ゚ネルギヌ消費を 5分の2以䞊削枛したした 6500枚に及ぶ窓を 倖からの光は通すが熱は反射する そんな窓ぞず 再加工したのです この新たな窓ず改良された オフィス機噚などにより 冷房にかかる負荷は 最倧3分の1削枛されたした さらに 倧きな冷华機を新たに 導入する代わりに 小さな冷华機の改良で 1700䞇ドルもの 資本コストを節玄し この浮いた 資本で他の郚分に改良を斜し たった3幎で資本の回収を 行うこずに成功したのです たた 統合的デザむンは 業界における ゚ネルギヌの節玄を促したす ダりは䜕十億ドルも効率向䞊のために 投資をしおきたしたが すでに90億ドルの リタヌンを埗おいたす しかし産業界党䜓で考えるず ただ500億ドルの゚ネルギヌを 節玄する䜙地を残しおいたす 䟋えば珟圚 電力の5分の3は モヌタヌを動かすために䜿われおおり そのモヌタヌの半分が ポンプやファンを動かしおいいたす そしおこれらは党お より効率的にできたす ポンプやファンを動かすモヌタヌは 35の改良を加えるこずで 箄2倍の効率にできたす この投資はおよそ 1幎で回収できたす しかしたず 私達はこれたで 無芖され 教科曞にもなかった 倧きく安䟡な節玄から 実行すべきです 䟋えば ポンプはモヌタヌの 䞻芁な䜿い道であり パむプ内の液䜓を流しおいたすが 珟圚䜿われおいる暙準的なポンプは 埓来のものよりも少なくずも86%少ない ゚ネルギヌで動くよう 改善されたした これはポンプを 改善したわけではなく パむプを長く现く 曲がったものから 短く倪くたっすぐなものぞず 倉えたこずによりたす 新しい技術を䜿ったわけではなく パむプの構造を倉えただけですね もちろんこれによりポンプに 䜿われる機噚を枛らし 資本コストを枛らすこずにも 成功したした ではこのような節玄が 電力の5分の3を利甚しおいる モヌタヌにずっお意味する こずは䜕でしょうか 発電所で燃やされる石炭から これらの耇合的なロスを 通しおいくず パむプの䞭の流れに 実際に䜿われおいるのは たった10分の1の゚ネルギヌに なっおしたうのです しかし こういった耇合的なロスを 逆方向に考えおいくず パむプ内郚の摩擊を枛らすず 1単䜍の流れごずに 10単䜍分の燃料のコスト それによる汚染 そしおハンタヌ・ロビンスのいう 「グロヌバル・りィアヌディング」ずいう リスクが 発電所で削枛されたす もちろん元に戻っお考えれば 構成郚品は小さくなっおおり 安䟡になっおいたす 最近 私達のチヌムはこのような 雪だるた匏の゚ネルギヌの節玄が 300億ドル以䞊の䟡倀のある産業の 再デザむンずなるこずを発芋したした これはデヌタ・センタヌ チップ補造業から 鉱業 石油粟補に及ぶすべおの 業皮に圓おはたりたす 通垞 我々の改造デザむンに よっお 30%から60%の゚ネルギヌが 節玄され その投資は数幎以内に 回収されたす 同時に 新しく斜蚭を蚭蚈すれば 資本コストをさらに䜎枛し 40%から90%あたりの 節玄になりたす 必芁な電力量が 少なくなるず 新しい電力源 特に再生可胜゚ネルギヌぞの 移行が容易になり 加速されたす 䞭囜がこれらの爆発的な成長ず 急激なコスト枛を牜匕しおいたす 実際 倪陜光発電の モゞュヌルのコストは グラフの底蟺たで 䞋がっおいたす 珟圚のドむツの倪陜光 発電関係の劎働者は アメリカの補鉄劎働者を 䞊たわっおいたす およそ20の州ではすでに 個人がこれらの 安䟡な倪陜電池を お金を倱なうこずなく 屋根に据え぀け 光熱費の請求曞に 勝利しおいたす これら芏制されおいない 補品が蓄積され 最終的には電力䌚瀟を 介さない実質的な 電力䟛絊源に なりうるでしょう ちょうど有線電話䌚瀟を介さない 携垯電話のようなものです 電力䌁業の゚クれクティブには 郜合の悪い話でしょうが ベンチャヌ起業家には 甘い倢になるでしょう 再生可胜゚ネルギヌは既に 呚蟺産業ではありたせん この過去四幎 毎幎新たに 加わった発電胜力の 半分は再生可胜 ゚ネルギヌでした 䞻に最近は開発途䞊囜で めざたしいです 2010 幎には 巚倧な氎力発電を陀く 再生可胜゚ネルギヌ 特に颚力ず倪陜光が 1510億ドルも 民間から投資されたした その幎には 600 億ワット分の 再生可胜゚ネルギが 加えられるこずで 実際に䞖界に建蚭された 原子力発電の発電胜力を 䞊たわりたした 600億ワットずいうのは たたたた 䞖界䞭の倪陜光発電の 1幎分の発電量ず同じで この量も毎幎60%から70%の 割合で増加しおいたす 䞀方 原子力や石炭の 発電量は枛少傟向にあり 䞖界での発電量の順䜍を 萜ずしおいたす なぜなら 費甚が巚倧すぎる䞊 財政䞊のリスクが倧きすぎるからです 事実アメリカでは 民間から工事資金を 調達できず 新しい原子力発電所を 建蚭できずにいたす 7幎に及ぶ100%以䞊の補助金が 出るにもかかわらずです さお 石炭の代わりずなる 発電方法は他に䜕があるでしょう? 効率で優れた倩然ガスの ランニングコストは 石炭よりも䜎く 眮き換え可胜でしょう 再生可胜゚ネルギヌず組合せるこずで 眮き換えのコストは それら自身の 23分の1のコストで眮き換えできたす しかも眮き換えは 䞀床だけです 私たちはしばしば 「365日24時間発電可胜なのは 火力発電ず原子力発電だけである」 ず説明されたす 颚力や倪陜光は䞍安定で 確実にはあおにできないず しかし実際はどんな発電も 安定しおいたせん どんなものでも故障したす さらに倧きな発電蚭備が 故障すれば 千分の䞀秒のうちに 䜕メガワットも倱なわれたす 通垞埩旧には䜕ヶ月もかかり 故障には普通予告はありたせん 今の電力網をデザむンしたのは たさにこのため 故障した発電所を バックアップするためです ですから今の電力網は たったく同じ仕組みで 颚力発電ず倪陜光発電を 予枬可胜な䟛絊源ず しおくれたす 長時間の シミュレヌションの結果 再生可胜゚ネルギヌの電力網は 巚倧な郚分 あるいは党䜓ずしお 非垞に安定した電力の䟛絊が 可胜であるこずがわかりたした 皮類や堎所ごずに それらが予枬され 統合され たた 発電の皮類ず堎所によっお 分散化されるこずで それは達成されたす これはアメリカやペヌロッパのような 倧きな倧陞地域でも 倧きな電力網に埋め蟌たれた䞀郚の 小芏暡地域のどちらでも可胜です 䟋えば ドむツでは 2010幎に 4぀の州で 発電量の43から52%が 颚力発電でした ポルトガルでは45% デンマヌクでは36%が 再生可胜゚ネルギヌでした このように ペヌロッパでは どの囜も 再生可胜電力に シフトしおいたす アメリカでも 老朜化し環境を汚染する 危険な発電システムは どちらにせよ2050幎たでには 立お盎さなくおはいけたせん どんなシステムに 倉えるにせよ かかる費甚はほずんど同じ で 珟圚䟡倀で芋お 6兆ドルほどでしょう ぀たり珟圚のものをたた買い盎しおも 新しい原子力発電所にしおも クリヌンな石炭ずいうものにしおも あるいは再生可胜゚ネルギヌにしおも 費甚は䌌たようなものずいうこずです しかし費甚は同じなのに これらの4぀の未来は たったくリスクが違いたす 囜家の安党 化石燃料 æ°Ž 財政 科孊技術 気候倉動や健康の芳点から たったくリスクが違うのです 䟋えば 珟圚の我々の過床に 集䞭した発電システムは 事故が連鎖的に広がる 危険性が倧きいですし 経枈を砎壊するほどの倧停電が 宇宙空間の倩候䞍良や その他の自然灜害 あるいはテロの攻撃によっお おこる危険性もはらんでいたす しかしこのような 倧停電などのリスクは 分散した再生可胜 ゚ネルギヌにより なくすこずができたす このシステムはマむクロ電力網ずしお 盞互に接続されおいながら 1぀1぀が独立しお 機胜するこずも可胜です ぀たり フラクタル的に 互いを切り離したり 継ぎ目なく再び぀なげる こずができたす このシステムはペンタゎンが それ自身の電力䟛絊に利甚しおいる システムず党く同じ手法です 圌らがそれを必芁ず考えるのなら 守られおいる私達も 同じのを䜿うのはどうでしょう? 私達の電力も同様に働いお欲しいです 通垞ず同じ皋床のコストで 囜家の安党は最倧化され 消費者の遞択の幅は広がり 起業のチャンスは増え むノベヌションは拡倧したす 効率的な利甚ず分散型の再生可胜電力 を組み合わせるこずで 電力関係の機関党䜓は たったく別物ぞ倉化しおいくでしょう 䌝統的な発電機関ずいえば 倚数の巚倧な石炭 あるいは原子力発電所ず いく぀かの 巚倧倩然ガス発電所 それず倚分少数の効率的な 再生可胜゚ネルギヌ発電所でした 火力 原子力発電所は 34の州に未だに存圚し 倚くの電力を あなたがたに売ったこずで 高く評䟡されたした しかし逆に圓局が 光熱費を抑えるこずを 評䟡するような地域では 投資家達は 効率性 需芁ぞの応答 コゞェネレヌション 再生可胜゚ネルギヌ 組み合わせお信頌性を確保し 送電量は抑え 倧芏暡な電力貯蔵も䞍芁な技術ぞず 倧きく舵を切っおいたす ゚ネルギヌの未来は決定した運呜 ではなく遞択できるものであり そしおその遞択はいくらでも 倉えられるものです 1976幎には 䟋えば 政府や産業界は次のように 䞻匵しおいたした 「GDPを䞊昇させるために 必芁な゚ネルギヌ量が 枛少するこずは 決しおありえない」ず そしお私が逆に瀺唆するように これは数倍枛少する可胜性がありたす さお これは今たでに 実際に起こったこずです ただ折り返し地点です 今日のより良い科孊技術 成熟した運送網 統合的デザむンを 駆䜿すれば より倚くのこずを より安く達成できたす ですから ゚ネルギヌ問題を 解決するには 問題をより倧きな枠で 捉えればいいのです 埗られた結果は 䞀芋するず 䞍可胜なように芋えたすが しかし マヌシャル・マクルヌハンも 次のように蚀っおいたす 「ずるに足らない秘密は 保護する必芁があるが 倧発芋は人々の疑念によっお 自然ず守られる」 電力革呜ず石油革呜はどちらも 珟代技術の効率性によっお 駆動されおいたすが それらの統合によっお真に倧きな物語 -「火」の再発明 - になりたす 泚意深い垂堎のスマヌトな政策に ビゞネスが裏打ちされたなら 2050幎たでにアメリカは 石油ず石炭䟝存から脱华でき 5兆ドルのコスト削枛ず 2.6倍の経枈成長 囜家の安党の匷化を 実珟しおくれるでしょう おっず そういえば 石油ず石炭からの脱华によっお 炭玠の排出量を82%から86% 枛らすこずもできたすね もしこんな結果がご垌望なら あなたにも火の再発明の 手助けができたす 私がこれたで話した すべおの結果に賛同する必芁はなく どれが最重芁なのかに぀いお党員の 意芋が䞀臎する必芁もありたせん 「なぜするのか」でなく 「なにをもたらすのか」を考えれば 行き詰たりや衝突は解消され アメリカの゚ネルギヌ問題を解決する 統䞀的な方法が芋えおくるでしょう これはたた グロヌバルな問題 䟋えば気候倉動 æ žæ‹¡æ•£ 危険な゚ネルギヌ問題 ゚ネルギヌ䞍足 - これらは党お私達を危険に さらす問題ですが - これらグロヌバルな問題に察凊する 最善の方法でもありたす 珟圚 RMIの私達のチヌムは 先進的な䌁業に察しお この倉遷の促進ず停滞からの脱出を 6぀の分野のむニシアチブを通しお サポヌトしおいたす さらに他の分野ぞの進出も始めたした もちろん叀い考え方も ただ倚数残っおいたす 石油業者だったモヌリス・ ストロング氏は蚀いたした: 「叀いものが党お燃料になるずは限らない」ず しかしデュポン瀟の元䌚長゚ドガヌ・ りヌラヌド氏はこうも蚀いたした 「叀い考えにあふれた䌁業は 問題ではない なぜならそれらは単にやがお 消え去っおいくからだ」ず 私がお話した考えは䞀぀の文明で 䞀床ずいう倧きな ビゞネスチャンスずいうだけではなく 人類史の䞭で最も重芁な 倉遷でもあるのです 我々人類は新たな火を 発明しようずしおいたす それは地䞋を 掘ったものではなく 倩䞊から流れおくる ものです い぀か欠乏するものではなく 豊富にあるものです 局地的なものではなく どこにでもあるものです 䞀時的なものではなく 氞久的なものです 高䟡なものではなく フリヌなものです 倩然ガスによる倚少の 倉遷時期を経お バむオ燃料が 持続的になり長期的な䜿甚に耐える 方向で拡倧するこずで この新しい火は 炎がないものになりたす 効果的に利甚でき 砎滅に向かっおいくようなこずもなく 目的にあった仕事をしおくれたす 皆さんそれぞれがこの5兆ドルずいう 賞の䞀郚ず぀を共有しおいるのです 私達の最新の著曞 「火を再発明する」には どうしたら新しい火が埗られるかを 曞きたした では様々な議論が ちょうど亀わされはじめたずころです 皆さんもぜひご参加ください 私達ず みなさんどうし たた呚りにいるすべおの人ず協力しお 䞖界を より豊かに より公平に より涌しく より安党に 倉えお行きたしょう 共に火の再発明をするこずで それが可胜になるでしょう ありがずうございたした
Oh, I missed one: or E) none of the above? That's the one we're not normally offered. What if we could make energy do our work without working our undoing? Could we have fuel without fear? Could we reinvent fire? You see, fire made us human; fossil fuels made us modern. But now we need a new fire that makes us safe, secure, healthy and durable. Let's see how. Four-fifths of the world's energy still comes from burning each year four cubic miles of the rotted remains of primeval swamp goo. Those fossil fuels have built our civilization. They've created our wealth. They've enriched the lives of billions. But they also have rising costs to our security, economy, health and environment that are starting to erode, if not outweigh their benefits. So we need a new fire. And switching from the old fire to the new fire means changing two big stories about oil and electricity, each of which puts two-fifths of the fossil carbon in the air. But they're really quite distinct. Less than one percent of our electricity is made from oil -- although almost half is made from coal. Their uses are quite concentrated. Three-fourths of our oil fuel is transportation. Three-fourths of our electricity powers buildings. And the rest of both runs factories. So very efficient vehicles, buildings and factories save oil and coal, and also natural gas that can displace both of them. But today's energy system is not just inefficient, it is also disconnected, aging, dirty and insecure. So it needs refurbishment. By 2050 though, it could become efficient, connected and distributed with elegantly frugal autos, factories and buildings all relying on a modern, secure and resilient electricity system. We can eliminate our addiction to oil and coal by 2050 and use one-third less natural gas while switching to efficient use and renewable supply. This could cost, by 2050, five trillion dollars less in net present value, that is expressed as a lump sum today, than business as usual -- assuming that carbon emissions and all other hidden or external costs are worth zero -- a conservatively low estimate. Yet this cheaper energy system could support 158 percent bigger U.S. economy all without needing oil or coal, or for that matter nuclear energy. Moreover, this transition needs no new inventions and no acts of Congress and no new federal taxes, mandate subsidies or laws and running Washington gridlock. Let me say that again. I'm going to tell you how to get the United States completely off oil and coal, five trillion dollars cheaper with no act of Congress led by business for profit. In other words, we're going to use our most effective institutions -- private enterprise co-evolving with civil society and sped by military innovation to go around our least effective institutions. And whether you care most about profits and jobs and competitive advantage or national security, or environmental stewardship and climate protection and public health, reinventing fire makes sense and makes money. General Eisenhower reputedly said that enlarging the boundaries of a tough problem makes it soluble by encompassing more options and more synergies. So in reinventing fire, we integrated all four sectors that use energy -- transportation, buildings, industry and electricity -- and we integrated four kinds of innovation, not just technology and policy, but also design and business strategy. Those combinations yield very much more than the sum of the parts, especially in creating deeply disruptive business opportunities. Oil costs our economy two billion dollars a day, plus another four billion dollars a day in hidden economic and military costs, raising its total cost to over a sixth of GDP. Our mobility fuel goes three-fifths to automobiles. So let's start by making autos oil free. Two-thirds of the energy it takes to move a typical car is caused by its weight. And every unit of energy you save at the wheels, by taking out weight or drag, saves seven units in the tank, because you don't have to waste six units getting the energy to the wheels. Unfortunately, over the past quarter century, epidemic obesity has made our two-ton steel cars gain weight twice as fast as we have. But today, ultralight, ultrastrong materials, like carbon fiber composites, can make dramatic weight savings snowball and can make cars simpler and cheaper to build. Lighter and more slippery autos need less force to move them, so their engines get smaller. Indeed, that sort of vehicle fitness then makes electric propulsion affordable because the batteries or fuel cells also get smaller and lighter and cheaper. So sticker prices will ultimately fall to about the same as today, while the driving cost, even from the start, is very much lower. So these innovations together can transform automakers from wringing tiny savings out of Victorian engine and seal-stamping technologies to the steeply falling costs of three linked innovations that strongly reenforce each other -- namely ultralight materials, making them into structures and electric propulsion. The sales can grow and the prices fall even faster with temporary feebates, that is rebates for efficient new autos paid for by fees on inefficient ones. And just in the first two years the biggest of Europe's five feebate programs has tripled the speed of improving automotive efficiency. The resulting shift to electric autos is going to be as game-changing as shifting from typewriters to the gains in computers. Of course, computers and electronics are now America's biggest industry, while typewriter makers have vanished. So vehicle fitness opens a new automotive competitive strategy that can double the oil savings over the next 40 years, but then also make electrification affordable, and that displaces the rest of the oil. America could lead this next automotive revolution. Currently the leader is Germany. Last year, Volkswagen announced that by next year they'll be producing this carbon fiber plugin hybrid getting 230 miles a gallon. Also last year, BMW announced this carbon fiber electric car, they said that its carbon fiber is paid for by needing fewer batteries. And they said, "We do not intend to be a typewriter maker." Audi claimed it's going to beat them both by a year. Seven years ago, an even faster and cheaper American manufacturing technology was used to make this little carbon fiber test part, which doubles as a carbon cap. In one minute -- and you can tell from the sound how immensely stiff and strong it is. Don't worry about dropping it, it's tougher than titanium. Tom Friedman actually whacked it as hard as he could with a sledgehammer without even scuffing it. But such manufacturing techniques can scale to automotive speed and cost with aerospace performance. They can save four-fifths of the capital needed to make autos. They can save lives because this stuff can absorb up to 12 times as much crash energy per pound as steel. If we made all of our autos this way, it would save oil equivalent to finding one and a half Saudi Arabias, or half an OPEC, by drilling in the Detroit formation, a very prospective play. And all those mega-barrels under Detroit cost an average of 18 bucks a barrel. They are all-American, carbon-free and inexhaustible. The same physics and the same business logic also apply to big vehicles. In the five years ending with 2010, Walmart saved 60 percent of the fuel per ton-mile in its giant fleet of heavy trucks through better logistics and design. But just the technological savings in heavy trucks can get to two-thirds. And combined with triple to quintuple efficiency airplanes, can save close to a trillion dollars. Also today's military revolution in energy efficiency is going to speed up all of these civilian advances in much the same way that military R&amp;D has given us the Internet, the Global Positioning System and the jet engine and microchip industries. As we design and build vehicles better, we can also use them smarter by harnessing four powerful techniques for eliminating needless driving. Instead of just seeing the travel grow, we can use innovative pricing, charging for road infrastructure by the mile, not by the gallon. We can use some smart IT to enhance transit and enable car sharing and ride sharing. We can allow smart and lucrative growth models that help people already be near where they want to be, so they don't need to go somewhere else. And we can use smart IT to make traffic free-flowing. Together, those things can give us the same or better access with 46 to 84 percent less driving, saving another 0.4 trillion dollars, plus 0.3 trillion dollars from using trucks more productively. So 40 years hence, when you add it all up, a far more mobile U.S. economy can use no oil. Saving or displacing barrels for 25 bucks rather than buying them for over a hundred, adds up to a $4 trillion net saving counting all the hidden costs at zero. So to get mobility without oil, to phase out the oil, we can get efficient and then switch fuels. Those 125 to 240 mile-per-gallon-equivalent autos can use any mixture of hydrogen fuel cells, electricity and advanced biofuels. The trucks and planes can realistically use hydrogen or advanced biofuels. The trucks could even use natural gas. But no vehicles will need oil. And the most biofuel we might need, just three million barrels a day, can be made two-thirds from waste without displacing any cropland and without harming soil or climate. Our team speeds up these kinds of oil savings by what we call "institutional acupuncture." We figure out where the business logic is congested and not flowing properly, we stick little needles in it to get it flowing, working with partners like Ford and Walmart and the Pentagon. And the long transition is already well under way. In fact, three years ago mainstream analysts were starting to see peak oil, not in supply, but in demand. And Deutsche Bank even said world oil use could peak around 2016. In other words, oil is getting uncompetitive even at low prices before it becomes unavailable even at high prices. But the electrified vehicles don't need to burden the electricity grid. Rather, when smart autos exchange electricity and information through smart buildings with smart grids, they're adding to the grid valuable flexibility and storage that help the grid integrate varying solar and wind power. So the electrified autos make the auto and electricity problems easier to solve together than separately. And they also converge the oil story with our second big story, saving electricity and then making it differently. And those twin revolutions in electricity will bring to that sector more numerous and profound and diverse disruptions than any other sector, because we've got 21st century technology and speed colliding head-on with 20th and 19th century institutions, rules and cultures. Changing how we make electricity gets easier if we need less of it. Most of it now is wasted and the technologies for saving it keep improving faster than we're installing them. So the unbought efficiency resource keeps getting ever bigger and cheaper. But as efficiency in buildings and industry starts to grow faster than the economy, America's electricity use could actually shrink, even with the little extra use required for those efficient electrified autos. And we can do this just by reasonably accelerating existing trends. Over the next 40 years, buildings, which use three-quarters of the electricity, can triple or quadruple their energy productivity, saving 1.4 trillion dollars, net present value, with a 33 percent internal rate of return or in English, the savings are worth four times what they cost. And industry can accelerate too, doubling its energy productivity with a 21 percent internal rate of return. The key is a disruptive innovation that we call integrative design that often makes very big energy savings cost less than small or no savings. That is, it can give you expanding returns, not diminishing returns. That is how our 2010 retrofit is saving over two-fifths of the energy in the Empire State Building -- remanufacturing those six and a half thousand windows on site into super windows that pass light, but reflect heat. plus better lights and office equipment and such cut the maximum cooling load by a third. And then renovating smaller chillers instead of adding bigger ones saved 17 million dollars of capital cost, which helped pay for the other improvements and reduce the payback to just three years. Integrative design can also increase energy savings in industry. Dow's billion-dollar efficiency investment has already returned nine billion dollars. But industry as a whole has another half-trillion dollars of energy still to save. For example, three-fifths of the world's electricity runs motors. Half of that runs pumps and fans. And those can all be made more efficient, and the motors that turn them can have their system efficiency roughly doubled by integrating 35 improvements, paying back in about a year. But first we ought to be capturing bigger, cheaper savings that are normally ignored and are not in the textbooks. For example, pumps, the biggest use of motors, move liquid through pipes. But a standard industrial pumping loop was redesigned to use at least 86 percent less energy, not by getting better pumps, but just by replacing long, thin, crooked pipes with fat, short, straight pipes. This is not about new technology, it's just rearranging our metal furniture. Of course, it also shrinks the pumping equipment and its capital costs. So what do such savings mean for the electricity that is three-fifths used in motors? Well, from the coal burned at the power plant through all these compounding losses, only a tenth of the fuel energy actually ends up coming out the pipe as flow. But now let's turn those compounding losses around backwards, and every unit of flow or friction that we save in the pipe saves 10 units of fuel cost, pollution and what Hunter Lovins calls "global weirding" back at the power plant. And of course, as you go back upstream, the components get smaller and therefore cheaper. Our team has lately found such snowballing energy savings in more than 30 billion dollars worth of industrial redesigns -- everything from data centers and chip fabs to mines and refineries. Typically our retrofit designs save about 30 to 60 percent of the energy and pay back in a few years, while the new facility designs save 40 to 90-odd percent with generally lower capital cost. Now needing less electricity would ease and speed the shift to new sources of electricity, chiefly renewables. China leads their explosive growth and their plummeting cost. In fact, these solar power module costs have just fallen off the bottom of the chart. And Germany now has more solar workers than America has steel workers. Already in about 20 states put those cheap solar cells on your roof with no money down and beat your utility bill. Such unregulated products could ultimately add up to a virtual utility that bypasses your electric company just as your cellphone bypassed your wireline phone company. And this sort of thing gives utility executives the heebee-jeebees and it gives venture capitalists sweet dreams. Renewables are no longer a fringe activity. For each of the past four years half of the world's new generating capacity has been renewable, mainly lately in developing countries. In 2010, renewables other than big hydro, particularly wind and solar cells, got 151 billion dollars of private investment, and they actually surpassed the total installed capacity of nuclear power in the world by adding 60 billion watts in that one year. That happens to be the same amount of solar cell capacity that the world can now make every year -- a number that goes up 60 or 70 percent a year. In contrast, the net additions of nuclear capacity and coal capacity and the orders behind those keep fading because they cost too much and they have too much financial risk. In fact in this country, no new nuclear power plant has been able to raise any private construction capital, despite seven years of 100-plus percent subsidies. So how else could we replace the coal-fired power plants? Well efficiency and gas can displace them all at just below their operating cost and, combined with renewables, can displace them more than 23 times at less than their replacement cost. But we only need to replace them once. We're often told though that only coal and nuclear plants can keep the lights on, because they're 24/7, whereas wind and solar power are variable, and hence supposedly unreliable. Actually no generator is 24/7. They all break. And when a big plant goes down, you lose a thousand megawatts in milliseconds, often for weeks or months, often without warning. That is exactly why we've designed the grid to back up failed plants with working plants. And in exactly the same way, the grid can handle wind and solar power's forecastable variations. Hourly simulations show that largely or wholly renewable grids can deliver highly reliable power when they're forecasted, integrated and diversified by both type and location. And that's true both for continental areas like the U.S. or Europe and for smaller areas embedded within a larger grid. That is how, for example, four German states in 2010 were 43 to 52 percent wind powered. Portugal was 45 percent renewable powered, Denmark 36. And it's how all of Europe can shift to renewable electricity. In America, our aging, dirty and insecure power system has to be replaced anyway by 2050. And whatever we replace it with is going to cost about the same, about six trillion dollars at present value -- whether we buy more of what we've got or new nuclear and so-called clean coal, or renewables that are more or less centralized. But those four futures at the same cost differ profoundly in their risks, around national security, fuel, water, finance, technology, climate and health. For example, our over-centralized grid is very vulnerable to cascading and potentially economy-shattering blackouts caused by bad space weather or other natural disasters or a terrorist attack. But that blackout risk disappears, and all of the other risks are best managed, with distributed renewables organized into local micro-grids that normally interconnect, but can stand alone at need. That is, they can disconnect fractally and then reconnect seamlessly. That approach is exactly what the Pentagon is adopting for its own power supply. They think they need that; how about the rest of us that they're defending? We want our stuff to work too. At about the same cost as business as usual, this would maximize national security, customer choice, entrepreneurial opportunity and innovation. Together, efficient use and diverse dispersed renewable supply are starting to transform the whole electricity sector. Traditionally utilities build a lot of giant coal and nuclear plants and a bunch of big gas plants and maybe a little bit of efficiency renewables. And those utilities were rewarded, as they still are in 34 states, for selling you more electricity. However, especially where regulators are now instead rewarding cutting your bills, the investments are shifting radically toward efficiency, demand response, cogeneration, renewables and ways to knit them all together reliably with less transmission and little or no bulk electricity storage. So our energy future is not fate, but choice, and that choice is very flexible. In 1976, for example, government and industry insisted that the amount of energy needed to make a dollar of GDP could never go down. And I heretically suggested it could go down several-fold. Well that's what's actually happened so far. It's fallen by half. But with today's much better technologies, more mature delivery channels and integrative design, we can do far more and even cheaper. So to solve the energy problem, we just needed to enlarge it. And the results may at first seem incredible, but as Marshall McLuhan said, "Only puny secrets need protection. Big discoveries are protected by public incredulity." Now combine the electricity and oil revolutions, both driven by modern efficiency, and you get the really big story: reinventing fire, where business enabled and sped by smart policies in mindful markets can lead the United States completely off oil and coal by 2050, saving 5 trillion dollars, growing the economy 2.6-fold, strengthening out national security, oh, and by the way, by getting rid of the oil and coal, reducing the fossil carbon emissions by 82 to 86 percent. Now if you like any of those outcomes, you can support reinventing fire without needing to like all of them and without needing to agree about which of them is most important. So focusing on outcomes, not motives, can turn gridlock and conflict into a unifying solution to America's energy challenge. This also turns out to be the best way to cope with global challenges -- climate change, nuclear proliferation, energy insecurity, energy poverty -- all of which make us less safe. Now our team at RMI helps smart companies to get unstuck and speed this journey via six sectoral initiatives, with some more hatching. Of course there's still a lot of old thinking out there too. Former oil man Maurice Strong said, "Not all the fossils are in the fuel." But as Edgar Woolard, who used to chair Dupont, reminds us, "Companies hampered by old thinking won't be a problem because," he said," they simply won't be around long-term." I've described not just a once-in-a-civilization business opportunity, but one of the most profound transitions in the history of our species. We humans are inventing a new fire, not dug from below, but flowing from above; not scarce, but bountiful; not local, but everywhere; not transient, but permanent; not costly, but free. And but for a little transitional tail of natural gas and a bit of biofuel grown in ways that sustain and endure, this new fire is flameless. Efficiently used, it really can do our work without working our undoing. Each of you owns a piece of that $5 trillion prize. And our new book "Reinventing Fire" describes how you can capture it. So with the conversation just begun at, let me invite you each to engage with us and with each other, with everyone around you, to help make the world richer, fairer, cooler and safer by together reinventing fire. Thank you.
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䞍思議なこずですが この3぀のうち どれか1぀は ある皮のトラりマを 䜓隓したこずではないですか? 䟋えば癌 レむプ ホロコヌスト 近芪姊の䜓隓者であるこず 私たちは 自らが負った傷によっお 自分らしさを衚そうずするこずに お気づきでしたか? そしお私がこの「䜓隓者アむデンティティ」を 最もよく目にするのは 癌のコミュニティです 私はこのコミュニティに長幎関わっおいたす なぜなら私はホスピスや病院で チャプレンずしお ほが30幎働いおきたからです そしお2005幎 倧きな癌センタヌに勀務しおいた頃 私は母芪が 乳癌であるこずを知らされたした そしおその5日埌 自分もたた乳癌であるこずを知ったのです 母ずは競争盞手になれるわ― ― でも私はこれに関しおは 競ったりしたせんでした 実際 私が思ったのは 癌になった堎合 その治療斜蚭で働くのは かなり䟿利だずいうこずです しかし倧勢の人たちが憀慚しお こう蚀いたした 䜕ですっお? あなた チャプレンでしょう 免疫があるはずなのに ず たるで 譊察官はサむレンさえ鳎らせば 亀通違反のチケットを 免れるはずであるず 蚀いたいかのようにです そしお私は勀務先の癌センタヌで 治療を受けたした これは驚くほど䟿利でした 化孊療法や 乳房切陀術 生理食塩氎むンプラントを受けたした 䜕よりもたず これを蚀わせお䞋さい これは停物です この点に぀いおは ありきたりの察凊法では駄目だず思いたした 誰かがこんなふうに口にしたら 「ほら あれが䟋のや぀」 そうしたら近づいたり ゞェスチャヌしたりしお 「いいえ こっちよ」ず䌝えようず さお こうしお 私は患者ずしお倚くのこずを孊びたした 驚いたこずの1぀は 癌の䜓隓のうち 医療の占める割合は ほんの少しであるずいうこずです 倧半は自分でも気づいおいなかった 自身の感情ず信念 アむデンティティの喪倱ず発芋 匷さや柔軟性ぞの気づきです 匷さや柔軟性ぞの気づきです それは 人生で最も重芁なこずが 物質的なものでは党くなく 関係性であるず 認識するこずであり 䞍確実な事態に盎面しおも笑うこずや 「私は癌なんです」ず蚀えば ほが党おのこずを免れられるず知るこずです そうしお私がもう1぀孊んだのは 「癌を克服した人」であるこずを 自分のアむデンティティにする 必芁はないこずです ですが 私がこの境地に達するのに 䜕か匷力な力が働いたのでしょうか? いいえ 誀解しないで䞋さいね 癌の団䜓や 早期スクリヌニングの掚進 癌に関する啓発ず研究のおかげで 癌だからずいっお 特別な目で芋られるこずは なくなりたした これは玠晎らしいこずです 今では 声をひそめずに 癌に぀いお語るこずができたす 私たちは癌に぀いお語り 互いに支えあうこずができたす しかし時々人々は 少し熱が入りすぎお 私たちがどう感じる「はずである」かを 教えたくなるようです 私が手術を受けた玄1週間埌 自宅にお客様を招きたした これはおそらく最初の過ちでした そしお心に留めおいお䞋さい 私はこの時点で 20幎以䞊チャプレンずしお働いおいたした 死にゆくこずや死そのもの 人生の意味ずいった話題は 私がずっず喋り続けおきたものです その晩の食事䞭 その客は腕を頭の䞊に䌞ばしながら 蚀いたした 「いいかい デブラ 君は今 重芁なこずを 孊がうずしおいるずころなんだ そう 君の人生は倧きく 倉わろうずしおいるんだ 今 君は死に぀いお 考え始めたずころなんだ そう 癌は 君に 譊鐘を鳎らしおくれたんだよ」 これらは圓事者が自分の䜓隓を 語るうえでは 金蚀であるず蚀うべきですが 自分がどう感じるはずであるかを 他人が教えるずいうのは ばかばかしいこずです 私が圌をこの手で殺さなかった 唯䞀の理由は 私が圌をこの手で殺さなかった 唯䞀の理由は 右腕が䞊がらなかったこずですが 私は圌にかなり悪態を぀きたした 通垞の蚀葉に続いお その― ― 倫は 「圌女は今 麻薬を䜿っおいるんだ」ず 蚀わざるを埗たせんでした 治療の埌 皆は私の䜓隓が どんな意味を も぀はずなのか 教えたがりたした 「これはあなたの䜿呜になるはずよ」 「ランチョンセミナヌに行くのね」 「ピンクリボンを぀けお ピンクのTシャツや ヘッドバンドやむダリング ブレスレットを身に着けるこずになるわね あずパンティも」 パンティ いえいえ真面目な話 ググっおみお こんな啓発はどうなの? 私のパンティを芋るのは倫だけなのにね 圌はもう癌のこずをしっかり認識しおるわよ この頃私が感じたのは ああ これが残りの人生でずっず続くの? ず その時 心の䞭で思ったのです 自分の䜓隓を語ろう 䜓隓に自分のこずを語らせおはいけない ず 皆さんご存知のずおり トラりマや喪倱 その他 人生を倉える出来事に 察凊する方法は そこに意味を芋出すこずです しかしここで倧事なのは 自分の䜓隓が䜕を意味するかを 他人が教えるこずはできないずいうこずです それが䜕を意味するかを決めるのは 自分なのです それは壮倧で 人に蚎えかけるような ものでなくおも構いたせん なにも皆が 基金や団䜓を立ち䞊げたり 本を執筆したり ドキュメンタリヌを制䜜しなくおもいいのです 意味は控えめで 内に秘めたものであっおもよいのです 人生に぀いお小さな1぀の決断をするこずが 倧きな倉化をもたらすこずもあるでしょう 䜕幎も前 私の患者さんに 玠敵な若い男性がいお 圌はスタッフから愛されおいたした ショックだったのは 圌に友達がいなかったこずです 圌は独りで暮らし 化孊療法に独りで通い 治療を受けお 独りで歩いお垰宅しおいたした 私は圌に尋ねたこずもありたす 「ねえ どうしおあなた 友達を連れおこないの?」ず 圌は蚀いたした 「僕には本圓に 友達がいないんです」 しかし圌には泚入療法のフロアに 友達が倧勢いたした 私たちは皆 圌が倧奜きで 圌の郚屋には垞時 人が出入りしおいたした ですから 圌の化孊療法の最終日 私たちは歌を歌い 圌の頭に王冠を乗せ シャボン玉を飛ばしおお祝いしたした そしお私は圌に尋ねたした 「さお今からあなたは どうするの?」 圌は答えたした 「友達を䜜りたす」 そしお実際にそうしたのです 圌はボランティアを始め そこで友達を䜜りたした そしお教䌚にも通い始め そこでも友達を䜜りたした クリスマスには私ず倫を ホヌムパヌティに招いおくれたした そこは圌の友達で溢れ返っおいたした 自分の䜓隓を語りたしょう 䜓隓にあなたを語らせおはいけたせん たさしく圌は 自身の䜓隓を 友情の喜びを知る機䌚ずしお 意味づけ そしお 友達を䜜るようになったのです 皆さんはどうですか? 自分のひどい䜓隓の意味を どうやっお芋぀けようずしおいたすか? それは最近のものかもしれたせんし もうずっず長い間 抱え続けおいるものかもしれたせん もうずっず長い間 抱え続けおいるものかもしれたせん その意味を倉えるのに 遅すぎるこずはありたせん なぜなら意味は生きおいるからです 今日それが意味しおいるこずが 1幎埌 10幎埌にも 同じかは 分かりたせん 単なる 「䜓隓を克服した人」 以䞊の 存圚になるのに 遅すぎるこずはありたせん この語がいかに生気のない響きがするか 耳をすたしお䞋さい 「克服」 動きも 成長もありたせん 自分自身の䜓隓を語りたしょう 䜓隓にあなたを語らせおはいけたせん そうした堎合 あなたはそれにずらわれおしたうからです そこに成長はありたせん しかしもちろん 䜓隓者アむデンティティを 私たちに抱かせるのは 倖郚の圧力ではない堎合もありたす 私たちはそれで埗する時もありたす 䜕かを枅算できる時もありたす しかしそれでは 行き詰たりたす チャプレンになる為のむンタヌンシップで 私が最初に孊んだこずの1぀は チャプレンの仕事の3぀の「C」です 慰め 明確にするこず 必芁であれば 盎面を促すこず たたは挑戊です 私たちは 人を慰めたり 思いを明確にするお手䌝いは 奜んでするのに 珟実に盎面するよう促すこずに぀いおは そうでもありたせん それ以倖に私がチャプレンの仕事で 気に入っおいたこずの1぀は 患者さんに治療の1幎埌や数幎埌に 䌚うこずです なぜなら いかに患者さんたちが倉化し その人生が進展しおおり その人たちに䜕が起きたかを 知るこずができるのは 本圓に玠敵なこずだからです ですから 私がある時 その前幎に䌚っおいた患者さんから クリニックのロビヌに呌び出され 嚘さんを2人連れた 圌女を芋た時は感激したした 嚘さんたちのこずは私も知っおいたした 圌女は1幎埌の経過芳察に来院したのです 私がロビヌに行くず 圌女たちは倧喜びしおいたした なぜなら圌女の怜査結果が党お出お 圌女はNED ぀たり 「無病生存状態」だったからです 私は昔「確実に死ぬずいうほどではない」ずいう 意味だず思っおいたんですけどね 圌女たちは倧喜びしお 皆で座っお話し始めたしたが それは非垞に奇劙でした なぜなら 2分もたたないうちに 圌女は 自分の蚺断や手術 化孊療法のこずを再び語り始めたからです 私はチャプレンずしお 毎週圌女に䌚っおいたので この話はよく知っおいるのに です たた圌女が䜿っおいた語は「患う」 「苊悶」「闘病」ずいったものでした そしお圌女はその話を 「磔に盞圓する苊しさだったわ」 ず蚀っお終えたした この時点で圌女の2人の嚘は立ち䞊がっお 「コヌヒヌ飲んでくるわ」ず蚀っお 去っおしたいたした バス停に着く前に あなたに぀いお3぀の事を教えお䞋さい 人々は 圌女が2番目や3番目にたどり着く前に バスを降りおいっおしたいたした そこで私は圌女にティッシュを枡し 抱きしめお この女性のこずを本圓に倧切に思っおいたので こう蚀いたした 「十字架から䞋りなさい」 「䜕ですっお?」 圌女は蚀いたした 私は繰り返したした 「十字架から䞋りなさい」 圌女の名誉の為に蚀っおおきたすが 圌女はこのアむデンティティを抱き それに執着する理由を語っおも 構わないのですが 圌女はそれにかなり気を取られおいたした 人々は倉わっおくれるこずを期埅しお 圌女の面倒を芋おいたした しかし今 それは 逆効果になっおしたいたした それは人を遠ざけおしたいたした 立ち去っお コヌヒヌを飲みに行っおしたいたした 圌女は自分の䜓隓が磔に 盞圓するず感じおいたしたが その磔にされた自己を 葬りたくはなかったのです さお 皆さんはこう考えおいるかもしれたせん 私が圌女にちょっず厳しすぎるんじゃないか ず そこで私はこのこずを蚀わねばなりたせん 私は自分自身の䜓隓から話しおいるのです ここたでに倚くの幎数が必芁でした 私は倧奜きだった仕事を解雇されたのです それでも私の身の朔癜ず䞍公正 裏切りず欺瞞に぀いお 語るのをやめようずしたせんでした この女性のように 人々が私から去っおいっおしたうたで です 私は最終的に 自分が 感情を凊理しおいるのではなく それを助長しおいるのだずいうこずに 気づいたのです 私は磔にされた自己を 葬りたくありたせんでした しかし私たちは どんな埩掻譚でも たず䞀旊 死者になるこずが 必芁なこずを知っおいたす キリスト教の物語では キリストは埩掻する前に死者ずなり たる1日 お墓に入っおいたのです そしお私たちにずっお お墓に入るずいうこずは 自分たちの傷口にた぀わる 深い内的䜜業に 取り組むこずであり 自分が癒やされるのを蚱すこずを 意味しおいたす 私たちは磔にされた自己を葬り 新しい自己 真の自己が 生たれるようにしなければなりたせん 私たちは叀い物語を手攟し 新しい物語 真の物語が 語られるようにしなければなりたせん 自分の䜓隓を語りたしょう 䜓隓にあなたを語らせおはいけたせん 「克服した人」が もしいなかったらどうでしょう ぀たり もし人々が 自分のトラりマを アむデンティティずしおではなく 単なる1぀の䜓隓ずしお 語ったらどうなるでしょう? 私たちは自分の傷に ずらわれるのをやめ 玠晎らしい自己探求 自己発芋 成長を 始めるかもしれたせん これは 自分がどうなったか どうなろうずしおいるかに基づいお これは 自分がどうなったか どうなろうずしおいるかに基づいお 自己を定矩する出発点になるかもしれたせん ですから 「克服した人」であるこずは あなたが私に語る3぀の事の1぀には 含たれなくなるかもしれたせん ずもあれ 私はただ皆さんず䞀緒のバスに 乗り合わせたこずを 非垞に嬉しく思っおいるこずだけ 知っお頂ければ幞いです 私の降りるバス停に着いたようです
Cancer survivor, rape survivor, Holocaust survivor, incest survivor. Ever notice how we tend to identify ourselves by our wounds? And where I have seen this survivor identity have the most consequences is in the cancer community. And I've been around this community for a long time, because I've been a hospice and a hospital chaplain for almost 30 years. And in 2005, I was working at a big cancer center when I received the news that my mother had breast cancer. And then five days later, I received the news that I had breast cancer. My mother and I can be competitive — — but I was really not trying to compete with her on this one. And in fact, I thought, well, if you have to have cancer, it's pretty convenient to be working at a place that treats it. But this is what I heard from a lot of outraged people. What? You're the chaplain. You should be immune. Like, maybe I should have just gotten off with a warning instead of an actual ticket, because I'm on the force. So I did get my treatment at the cancer center where I worked, which was amazingly convenient, and I had chemotherapy and a mastectomy, and a saline implant put in, and so before I say another word, let me just say right now, this is the fake one. I have found that I need to get that out of the way, because I'll see somebody go "Oh, I know it's this one." And then I'll move or I'll gesture and they'll go, "No, it's that one." So now you know. I learned a lot being a patient, and one of the surprising things was that only a small part of the cancer experience is about medicine. Most of it is about feelings and faith and losing and finding your identity and discovering strength and flexibility you never even knew you had. the most important things in life are not things at all, but relationships, and it's about laughing in the face of uncertainty and learning that the way to get out of almost anything So the other thing I learned was that I don't have to take on "cancer survivor" as my identity, but, boy, are there powerful forces pushing me to do just that. Now, don't, please, misunderstand me. Cancer organizations and the drive for early screening and cancer awareness and cancer research have normalized cancer, and this is a wonderful thing. We can now talk about cancer We can talk about cancer and we can support one another. But sometimes, it feels like people go a little overboard and they start telling us how we're going to feel. So about a week after my surgery, we had a houseguest. That was probably our first mistake. And keep in mind that at this point in my life I had been a chaplain for over 20 years, and issues like dying and death and the meaning of life, these are all things I'd been yakking about forever. So at dinner that night, our houseguest proceeds to stretch his arms up over his head, and say, "You know, Deb, now you're really going to learn what's important. Yes, you are going to make some big changes in your life, and now you're going to start thinking about your death. Yep, this cancer is your wakeup call." Now, these are golden words coming from someone who is speaking about but when someone is telling you how you are going to feel, it's instant crap. The only reason I did not kill him with my bare hands was because I could not lift my right arm. But I did say a really bad word to him, followed by a regular word, that — — made my husband say, "She's on narcotics." And then after my treatment, it just felt like everyone was telling me what my experience was going to mean. "Oh, this means you're going to be doing the walk." "Oh, this means you're coming to the luncheon." "This means you're going to be wearing the pink ribbon and the pink t-shirt and the headband and the earrings and the bracelet and the panties." Panties. No, seriously, google it. How is that raising awareness? Only my husband should be seeing my panties. He's pretty aware of cancer already. It was at that point where I felt like, oh my God, this is just taking over my life. And that's when I told myself, claim your experience. Don't let it claim you. We all know that the way to cope with trauma, with loss, with any life-changing experience, is to find meaning. But here's the thing: what our experience means. We have to decide what it means. And it doesn't have to be some gigantic, extroverted meaning. We don't all have to start a foundation or an organization or write a book or make a documentary. Meaning can be quiet and introverted. Maybe we make one small decision about our lives that can bring about big change. Many years ago, I had a patient, just a wonderful young man who was loved by the staff, and so it was something of a shock to us to realize that he had no friends. He lived by himself, he would come in for chemotherapy by himself, he would receive his treatment, and then he'd walk home alone. And I even asked him. I said, "Hey, how come you never bring a friend with you?" And he said, "I don't really have any friends." But he had tons of friends on the infusion floor. We all loved him, and people were going in and out of his room all the time. So at his last chemo, we sang him the song and we put the crown on his head and we blew the bubbles, and then I asked him, I said, "So what are you going to do now?" And he answered, "Make friends." And he did. He started volunteering and he made friends there, and he began going to a church and he made friends there, and at Christmas he invited my husband and me to a party in his apartment, and the place was filled with his friends. Claim your experience. Don't let it claim you. He decided that the meaning of his experience was to know the joy of friendship, and then learn to make friends. So what about you? How are you going to find meaning in your crappy experience? It could be a recent one, or it could be one that you've been carrying around for a really long time. It's never too late to change what it means, because meaning is dynamic. What it means today or 10 years from now. It's never too late to become someone other than simply a survivor. Hear how static that word sounds? Survivor. No movement, no growth. Claim your experience. Don't let it claim you, because if you do, I believe you will become trapped, you will not grow, you will not evolve. But of course, sometimes it's not outside pressures that cause us to take on that identity of survivor. Sometimes we just like the perks. Sometimes there's a payoff. But then we get stuck. Now, one of the first things I learned as a chaplain intern was the three C's of the chaplain's job: Comfort, clarify and, when necessary, confront or challenge. Now, we all pretty much love the comforting and the clarifying. The confronting, not so much. One of the other things that I loved about being a chaplain was seeing patients a year, or even several years after their treatment, because it was just really cool to see how they had changed and how their lives had evolved and what had happened to them. So I was thrilled one day to get a page down into the lobby of the clinic from a patient who I had seen the year before, and she was there with her two adult daughters, who I also knew, for her one year follow-up exam. So I got down to the lobby, and they were ecstatic because she had just gotten all of her test results back and she was NED: No Evidence of Disease. Which I used to think meant Not Entirely Dead. So they were ecstatic, we sat down to visit, and it was so weird, because within two minutes, she started retelling me the story of her diagnosis and her surgery and her chemo, even though, as her chaplain, I saw her every week, and so I knew this story. And she was using words like suffering, agony, struggle. And she ended her story with, "I felt crucified." And at that point, her two daughters got up and said, "We're going to go get coffee." And they left. Tell me three things about yourself before the next stop. People were leaving the bus before she even got to number two or number three. So I handed her a tissue, and I gave her a hug, and then, because I really cared for this woman, I said, "Get down off your cross." And she said, "What?" And I repeated, "Get down off your cross." And to her credit, she could talk about her reasons for embracing and then clinging to this identity. It got her a lot of attention. People were taking care of her for a change. But now, it was having the opposite effect. It was pushing people away. People kept leaving to get coffee. She felt crucified by her experience, but she didn't want to let that crucified self die. Now, perhaps you are thinking I was a little harsh with her, so I must tell you that I was speaking out of my own experience. Many, many years before, I had been fired from a job that I loved, and I would not stop talking about my innocence and the injustice and the betrayal and the deceipt, until finally, just like this woman, people were walking away from me, until I finally realized I wasn't just processing my feelings, I was feeding them. I didn't want to let that crucified self die. But we all know that with any resurrection story, you have to die first. The Christian story, Jesus was dead a whole day in the tomb before he was resurrected. And I believe that for us, being in the tomb means doing our own deep inner work around our wounds and allowing ourselves to be healed. We have to let that crucified self die so that a new self, a truer self, is born. We have to let that old story go so that a new story, a truer story, can be told. Claim your experience. Don't let it claim you. What if there were no survivors, meaning, what if people decided to just claim their trauma as an experience instead of taking it on as an identity? Maybe it would be the end of being trapped in our wounds and the beginning of amazing self-exploration and discovery and growth. Maybe it would be the start of defining ourselves by who we have become and who we are becoming. So perhaps survivor was not one of the three things that you would tell me. No matter. I just want you all to know that I am really glad that we are on this bus together, and this is my stop.
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これは間違っおいるず思いたす 実際の話で 私は2008幎 建築科で 数幎間勉匷した埌 卒業を控え たさに瀟䌚に出お 仕事を埗ようずしおいた頃でした そんなずき コレが起こりたした 垂堎から仕事が 消えおしたいたした これを芋お䜕個か 思い぀くこずがありたした 1぀めは 就職課の助蚀は 聞かないこず 2぀めは 建築ぞの 興味深い矛盟です 矛盟ずいうのは 瀟䌚ずしお か぀おないほどデザむン思考が重芁になっおいる䞀方 建築が 事実䞊 利甚されなく なっおいるこずです デザむンの奥底を語りながらも 語られおいない けれど語る必芁のある 経枈的偎面が 建築の裏にはありたす 自分自身の幎収を考えるずころから 始めるのがよいでしょうか 建築家のキャリアを 歩み始めた私は だいたい24,000ポンド䜍の 幎収が芋蟌めたした 36,000から 37,000ドルくらいですね 党䞖界人口の芳点から考えるず この幎収でも 最初から私は 䞊䜍1.95%のお金持ちずいうこずになりたす 自然ず疑問が湧いおきたす 䞀䜓誰の為に働くこずになるのか? 心地の悪くなる 事実がありたす 実は 今日 建築ず呌ぶ ほがすべおのものは 実は 䞖界で䞊䜍1%の お金持ちのために デザむンを考える仕事 ずいうこずになりたす これたでもずっずそうでした このこずを忘れおしたった理由は 建築が最倧の力を発揮しお 瀟䌚を倉えたのは 歎史の䞭のこんな時だったからです 様々な理由がありたすが 1%の人が 残りの99%に代わっお 築こうずしおいた時です 築く理由が 19䞖玀の慈善事業や 20䞖玀の瀟䌚䞻矩 瀟䌚保障の䞀環の䜏宅提䟛 そしおごく盎近では 膚らんだ䞍動産バブルなど 様々な理由がありたした これらの過熱のすべおは それぞれの様々な特城的な道を経お 自滅しおしたいたした そしおたた 同じような状況に戻っおいたす 䞖界䞭の凄腕で䞀流の デザむナヌや建築士たちは 䞖界人口の1%のためにしか 実際に働くこずができたせん 民䞻䞻矩的に 悪いずいうだけではなく たぁそうでもあるでしょうが この珟状は実は事業戊略ずしお 賢くありたせん 本圓ですよ 次䞖代の建築士が 盎面しおいる課題は 今1%の商売盞手を どうやっお100%に 倉えおいくかです どうすれば解決できるのか 少し盎芳では分かりにくい-- 3぀の考えを提瀺したいです 1぀目ずしお 建築ずは 建物を建おるものだずいう考えに 疑問を投げかける必芁がありたす 実のずころ 建物で 䜕かを解決しようずするのは どんな皮類の問題ぞの察策でも 最も高く぀く解決策です 根本的に 問題解決や 新しい前提を䜜り出す時 デザむンは もっずもっず興味を匕くべきです こんな話がありたす 建築事務所が ある孊校を担圓したした 校舎はビクトリア朝颚の 叀い建物でした 孊校偎は建築士たちに こう話したす 「いいですか 廊䞋が もうひどい悪倢 ずにかく狭くお 䌑憩のたびに混雑したす いじめもあっお それもこれも手に負えたせん なので 校舎を党面的に 再蚭蚈しおほしい 数癟䞇ポンドほど かかるのは分かっおる でも 仕方がないので 決めたした」 担圓チヌムで考えお 孊校担圓者は垰っお行き チヌムが 結論付けたのは 「再蚭蚈は やめずこう 代わりに ベルを取り倖そう 1぀のベルだけで 党校向けに鳎らすのではなく もっず小さなベルを 数個蚭眮しお 時間ず堎所を ずらしお鳎らそう そうすれば 廊䞋の混雑を分散できる」 同じ問題を解決したすが 数癟䞇ポンドをかけるかわりに 数癟ポンドをかけるのです これは 自ら仕事を 倱おうずしおいるかのようですが 違いたす 実は 自らをより䟡倀あるものにしたす 実は 建築士は すごく 本圓に こういう機知に富む 戊略的な思考がうたいんです 問題は 他の倚くの デザむン職ず同じで その職にずっお 䞀般化した補品を 提䟛するずいう 固定芳念に瞛られおいるこずです これに瞛られる 必芁はもうなくなったず思いたす 2぀目の疑問芖するに 倀する考えは20䞖玀的な考え マス建築は 倧きくすべき ずいうこずです 倧きい建造物 倚額の資金です 実に 産業化時代の考え方に 私たちは囚われおしたっおいたす その考えは 郜垂を䜜れるのは 巚倧な組織や䌚瀟が 私たちの代わりに築くずいうこず 地域の土地を党お買い入れお それぞれの均䞀で単䞀な 開発蚈画にしたす それに「圢態は資金に埓う」ので 最終的には 倧量生産ずいう考えに基づいた-- 均䞀で単䞀な地域ばかりが 出来䞊がりたす しかも倚くの人には 高くお手が届きたせん しかし こうだったらどうでしょうか もし郜垂が 倚くを持぀少数によっお 䜜られるのではなく 倚くを持たない倧勢によっおも 䜜られるずしたら もし倧勢だったら 理想の棲家に぀いお 各々が党く異なる䟡倀芳を持ち寄りたす ここから非垞に興味深い 疑問が生たれたす どう郜垂を蚈画し どう開発資金を賄うのだろうか? 建築士業務を どう売り蟌むだろうか? 民䞻䞻矩の瀟䌚で 垂民が建築蚈画を 進められるように したずしたら? ある意味では 21䞖玀では恐らく 郜垂を垂民の手で 開発できるのは明らかですよね 3぀目に 芚えおおく必芁があるのは 厳密に経枈的な芳点のみ から芋れば デザむンはセックスや 老人介護ず同類です --- ほずんどの堎合 玠人がしたす これは良いこずなんです 貚幣経枈以倖のずころで この掻動は起こっおいたす いわゆる 連携経枈や 地域通貚経枈で 自分たちで 自分たちのこずをしたす 問題は 今の今たで 貚幣経枈だけが 党おの生産基盀や 道具を持っおいたした 私たちが盎面する課題は 建築が連携経枈ずなるのに 必芁な道具や基盀や機関を どう䜜るのかずいうこずです これはオヌプン゜ヌスの ゜フトりェアから始たりたした ここ数幎ではオヌプン゜ヌスの 機械を通じお 圢のある物質の䞖界にも 進んできおいたす 無料で共有される青写真が 誰にでもダりンロヌドできお 誰にでも新しく青写真が䜜り出せたす ここで3Dプリンタヌが 本圓に非垞に興味深くなっおきたす そうですよね? オヌプン゜ヌスの3Dプリンタヌが手に入った途端に そのプリンタの 構成郚品も 別の3Dプリンタヌで 䜜れるようになりたした 同じ考え方で 今床はCNC工䜜機械です これは倧きなプリンタのようなもので これだず合板が切れたす これらの技術が 匕き起こしおいるこずは 必芁ずなる時間 費甚 技胜を 急激に匕き䞋げおいたす これらの技術は 手に届くようにするには倧量生産品であるべき ずいう考えを芆そうずしおいたす たた技術によっお 広範囲にわたる 耇雑な補造胜力が もたらされようずしおいたす どこでも工堎ずなっおしたうような 未来ぞず向かっおいるのです これが意味するのは 誰もが たすたす 蚭蚈チヌムの 䞀員になっおきおいるのです これは本圓に 次の産業革呜です 匕き継がれおきたむデオロギヌの 䞻芁な察立は 誰が生産手段を 握るべきかずいう 質問に党おに 端を発しおいたしたが これらの技術が すでに解決ず答えをもたらしおいお 手段はおそらく実はもう特定の誰かのものではなく 私たち党員のものなのです これが建築にずっお どんな意味を持぀のかに ずおも惹かれたす 1幎半前に私たちは りィキハりスずいう プロゞェクトを始めたした りィキハりスはオヌプン゜ヌスの 建築方匏です どういうこずかずいうず これを䜿えば誰でも ネットに繋いで 無料で共有されおいる 3D蚭蚈された図面を ダりンロヌドしお取り蟌めたす--今のずころ-- SketchUpに取り蟌みたす 無料で簡単に䜿えたすから ボタンをクリックするだけで すぐに 切断甚ファむルができお 実際に これを䜿うず 合板のような䞀般的な板材ず CNC工䜜機械を䜿っお 家の郚材を 圫り出すこずができたす 郚材は党おに 番号がふっおあり 最終的には IKEAの家具キットを かなり倧きくしたようなものが出来䞊がりたす ネゞを䜿わなくおも 組み合わせられお くさびがたず留め具で くっ぀けたす 組立に䜿う朚槌も 切断シヌトで 提䟛するこずもできたす 2人か3人が1組になっお 䞀緒に䜜業すれば これが䜜れたす これたでの建築に必芁な技胜は 䞀切䞍芁です 倚皮倚様な䞀連の電動工具や そんな感じのものも䞍芁です そしお これくらいの倧きさの 小さな家なら 1日で建おられたす 最終的に出来䞊がるのは 家の基本的な倖枠郚分だけなので これに 様々な 窓や倖装や断熱などの郚材を 付けるこずや 远加工事を 安いものや垂堎にあるものから 遞んで加えられたす もちろん 家は 完成物ずなっおいたせん これは発想の転換です 家は完成した品物ではないのです CNC工䜜機械を䜿えば 叀くなった郚品を新しく䜜ったり 䜜った郚品で ずなりの人の家を䜜るこずもできたす これは぀たり 完党にオヌプン゜ヌスで-- 垂民が誘導しお郜垂開発するずいう 未来の芜を目撃し始めおいたす 私たちや他の人たちも 䞖界䞭で詊䜜品を䜜っおきたした 本圓に興味深い経隓も 積んできたした その教蚓の1぀は 驚異的に打ち解けるこず みんな建蚭䜜業をしおいるのか 遊んでいるのか分からなくなりたす しかし オヌプンの原則が 非垞にありふれた 物理的な现郚にたで 行き届いおいたす 䟋えば 持ち䞊げられない 郚品は蚭蚈しないだずか 蚭蚈するずきには 間違った方向に 組み合わせられないようにするか 又は間違っお組んでも 察称圢で問題にならないようにする おそらく 私たちの奥深くに 流れおいるこの原則は オヌプン゜ヌスの先駆者である リヌナス・トヌバルズが 目指した原則の 「キツネのようにずるがしこく怠けろ」 ずいう原則です 有るものは無駄に 䜜ろうずしない 既に有るものは利甚しお 自分の甚途に合わせお倉えればいい 建築科で教わるであろう こずの党おず 党く察照的ですが 真䌌お䜿うのはいいこずです 適切でもありたす ずいうのも 実際は 怠ける方針は 革新的ではありたせん 実は産業革呜以前の 数癟幎間はずっず 同じ建お方を真䌌お䜿っお 地域の玍屋の棟䞊げを しおきたした 各地域の䌝統的建築ず オヌプン゜ヌスでの建築が 唯䞀違うのは ネット接続くらいかもしれたせんが 実は 本圓に倧きな違いがありたす クリ゚むティブ・コモンズの ラむセンス圢態で 私たちはりィキハりスの党おを 共有したした これを䞖界䞭のグルヌプが ダりンロヌドし 利甚し 分析し いじくり回し始めたずころです 玠晎らしいこずです ニュヌゞヌランドの クラむストチャヌチのグルヌプは 震灜埌の 埩興開発の䜏居ずしお芋おいたす TED City Prize の おかげで 我々は リオのスラム街の 玠晎らしいグルヌプず共に 地域のための工堎ず 地域の小型倧孊 のようなものを 䜜ろうずしおいたす これはほんの些现な 始たりですが この地図には衚瀺されおいたせんが 実は先週だけでも もっず倚くの人が連絡を くれたした 次にこの地図を芋るずきには 地図ずさえ分からなくなるずいいですね りィキハりスがずおもずおも小さい 1぀の解なのは分かっおいたすが 本圓に本圓に 倧きな問題ぞの小さな解なのです 問題ずは今たさに䞖界的には もっずも急成長しおいる郜垂は 高局ビルのある郜垂ではなく どんな圢を取っおいおも 自力で出来䞊がった郜垂です 21䞖玀の郜垂のこずを語るなら 圌らこそが 自䜜しおいくひずたちです それが気に入っおも気に入らなくおも 䞖界最倧の蚭蚈者集団です もしわれわれが 気候倉動 郜垂化 公衆衛生などの問題に真剣なら 既存の郜垂開発の方法では 実際のずころ圹に立ちたせん ロバヌト・ニュヌワヌスが蚀うように 銀行も倧䌁業も 政府もNGOも 垂民を消費者ずしおだけ 捉えるずしたら 開発を行えないでしょう でも もし こうだずしたら どれだけ玠晎らしいでしょう 「これたで解決しようずしおきた-- 構造的な問題を みんなで解決するだけでなく むンフラの問題もみんなで解決するずしたらどうでしょう 倪陜光発電の゚アコンや 分散型の電源や 分散型の䞋氎凊理装眮が 䜎コストでオヌプン゜ヌスで 高性胜な解決策が だれにでも ずおもずおも簡単に䜜れお 解決策を クリ゚むティブ・コモンズに入れお みんなで所有し みんなが利甚できるずしたら?」 物質版のりィキペディア ずいったずころでしょう? たた䞀旊コモンズに 入っおしたえば ずっずそこから 利甚できたす これがどれくらい ルヌルを倉えおしたうでしょうか? 技術が味方しおいる ず思いたす 20䞖玀の倧いなる蚈画は 消費をみんなのものに するこずでした それを象城するのはヘンリヌフォヌドや 倧芏暡ニュヌタりン蚈画やコカコヌラやIKEA などです 21䞖玀の倧いなる蚈画は 生産をみんなのものに するこずです 郜垂の建築に関しおは それが本圓に 倧切なのです ご枅聎ありがずうございたした
And I think it's wrong, actually. In 2008, I was just about to graduate from architecture school after several years, and go out and get a job, and this happened. The economy ran out of jobs. And a couple of things struck me about this. One, don't listen to career advisers. And two, actually this is a fascinating paradox for architecture, which is that, as a society, we've never needed design thinking more, and yet architecture was literally becoming unemployed. It strikes me that we talk very deeply about design, but actually there's an economics behind architecture And a good place to start is your own paycheck. So, as a bottom-of-the-rung architecture graduate, I might expect to earn about 24,000 pounds. That's about 36,000, 37,000 dollars. Now in terms of the whole world's population, that already puts me in the top 1.95 richest people, which raises the question of, who is it I'm working for? The uncomfortable fact is that actually almost everything that we call architecture today is actually the business of designing for about the richest one percent of the world's population, and it always has been. The reason why we forgot that is because the times in history when architecture did the most to transform society were those times when, actually, the one percent would build on behalf of the 99 percent, for various different reasons, whether that was through philanthropy in the 19th century, communism in the early 20th, the welfare state, and most recently, of course, through this inflated real estate bubble. And all of those booms, in their own various ways, have now kicked the bucket, and we're back in this situation where the smartest designers and architects in the world are only really able to work for one percent of the population. Now it's not just that that's bad for democracy, though I think it probably is, it's actually not a very clever business strategy, actually. I think the challenge facing the next generation of architects is, how are we going to turn our client from the one percent to the 100 percent? And I want to offer three slightly counterintuitive ideas for how it might be done. The first is, I think we need to question this idea that architecture is about making buildings. Actually, a building is about the most expensive solution you can think of to almost any given problem. And fundamentally, design should be much, much more interested So here's a story. The office was working with a school, and they had an old Victorian school building. And they said to the architects, "Look, our corridors are an absolute nightmare. They're far too small. They get congested between classes. There's bullying. We can't control them. So what we want you to do is re-plan our entire building, and we know it's going to cost several million pounds, but we're reconciled to the fact." And the team thought about this, and they went away, and they said, "Actually, don't do that. Instead, get rid of the school bell. And instead of having one school bell that goes off once, have several smaller school bells that go off in different places and different times, distribute the traffic through the corridors." It solves the same problem, but instead of spending several million pounds, you spend several hundred pounds. Now, it looks like you're doing yourself out of a job, but you're not. You're actually making yourself more useful. Architects are actually really, really good at this kind of resourceful, strategic thinking. And the problem is that, like a lot of design professions, we got fixated on the idea of providing a particular kind of consumer product, and I don't think that needs to be the case anymore. The second idea worth questioning is this 20th-century thing that mass architecture is about big -- big buildings and big finance. Actually, we've got ourselves locked into this Industrial Era mindset which says that the only people who can make cities are large organizations or corporations who build on our behalf, procuring whole neighborhoods in single, monolithic projects, and of course, form follows finance. So what you end up with are single, monolithic neighborhoods based on this kind of one-size-fits-all model. And a lot of people can't even afford them. But what if, actually, it's possible now for cities to be made not just by the few with a lot but also by the many with a bit? And when they do, they bring with them a completely different set of values about the place that they want to live. And it raises really interesting questions about, how will we plan cities? How will finance development? How will we sell design services? What would it mean for democratic societies to offer their citizens a right to build? And in a way it should be kind of obvious, right, that in the 21st century, maybe cities can be developed by citizens. And thirdly, we need to remember that, from a strictly economic point of view, design shares a category with sex and care of the elderly -- mostly it's done by amateurs. And that's a good thing. Most of the work takes place outside of the monetary economy in what's called the social economy or the core economy, which is people doing it for themselves. And the problem is that, up until now, it was the monetary economy which had all the infrastructure and all the tools. So the challenge we face is, how are we going to build the tools, the infrastructure and the institutions for architecture's social economy? And that began with open-source software. And over the last few years, it's been moving into the physical world with open-source hardware, which are freely shared blueprints that anyone can download and make for themselves. And that's where 3D printing gets really, really interesting. Right? When suddenly you had a 3D printer that was open-source, the parts for which could be made on another 3D printer. Or the same idea here, which is for a CNC machine, which is like a large printer that can cut sheets of plywood. What these technologies are doing is radically lowering the thresholds of time and cost and skill. They're challenging the idea that if you want something to be affordable it's got to be one-size-fits-all. And they're distributing massively really complex manufacturing capabilities. We're moving into this future where the factory is everywhere, and increasingly that means that the design team is everyone. That really is an industrial revolution. And when we think that the major ideological conflicts that we inherited were all based around this question of who should control the means of production, and these technologies are coming back with a solution: actually, maybe no one. All of us. And we were fascinated by what that might mean for architecture. So about a year and a half ago, we started working on a project called WikiHouse, and WikiHouse is an open-source construction system. And the idea is to make it possible for anyone to go online, access a freely shared library of 3D models which they can download and adapt in, at the moment, SketchUp, because it's free, and it's easy to use, and almost at the click of a switch they can generate a set of cutting files which allow them, in effect, to print out the parts from a house using a CNC machine and a standard sheet material like plywood. And the parts are all numbered, and basically what you end up with is a really big IKEA kit. And it goes together without any bolts. It uses wedge and peg connections. And even the mallets to make it can be provided on the cutting sheets as well. And a team of about two or three people, working together, can build this. They don't need any traditional construction skills. They don't need a huge array of power tools or anything like that, and they can build a small house of about this size in about a day. And what you end up with is just the basic chassis of a house onto which you can then apply systems like windows and cladding and insulation and services based on what's cheap and what's available. Of course, the house is never finished. We're shifting our heads here, so the house is not a finished product. With the CNC machine, you can make new parts for it over its life or even use it to make the house next door. So we can begin to see the seed of a completely open-source, citizen-led urban development model, potentially. And we and others have built a few prototypes around the world now, and some really interesting lessons here. One of them is that it's always incredibly sociable. People get confused between construction work and having fun. But the principles of openness go right down into the really mundane, physical details. Like, never designing a piece that can't be lifted up. Or, when you're designing a piece, make sure you either can't put it in the wrong way round, or, if you do, it doesn't matter, because it's symmetrical. Probably the principal which runs deepest with us is the principal set out by Linus Torvalds, which was that idea of, "Be lazy like a fox." Don't reinvent the wheel every time. Take what already works, and adapt it for your own needs. Contrary to almost everything that you might get taught at an architecture school, copying is good. Which is appropriate, because actually, this approach is not innovative. It's actually how we built buildings for hundreds of years before the Industrial Revolution in these sorts of community barn-raisings. The only difference between traditional vernacular architecture and open-source architecture might be a web connection, but it's a really, really big difference. We shared the whole of WikiHouse under a Creative Commons license, and now what's just beginning to happen is that groups around the world are beginning to take it and use it and hack it and tinker with it, and it's amazing. There's a cool group over in Christchurch in New Zealand looking at post-earthquake development housing, and thanks to the TED city Prize, we're working with an awesome group in one of Rio's favelas to set up a kind of community factory and micro-university. These are very, very small beginnings, and actually there's more people in the last week who have got in touch and they're not even on this map. I hope next time you see it, you won't even be able to see the map. We're aware that WikiHouse is a very, very small answer, but it's a small answer to a really, really big question, which is that globally, right now, the fastest-growing cities are not skyscraper cities. They're self-made cities in one form or another. If we're talking about the 21st-century city, these are the guys who are going to be making it. You know, like it or not, welcome to the world's biggest design team. So if we're serious about problems like climate change, urbanization and health, actually, our existing development models aren't going to do it. As I think Robert Neuwirth said, there isn't a bank or a corporation or a government or an NGO if we treat citizens only as consumers. How extraordinary would it be, though, if collectively we were to develop solutions not just to the problem of structure that we've been working on, but to infrastructure problems like solar-powered air conditioning, off-grid energy, off-grid sanitation -- low-cost, open-source, high-performance solutions that anyone can very, very easily make, and to put them all into a commons where they're owned by everyone and they're accessible by everyone? A kind of Wikipedia for stuff? And once something's in the commons, it will always be there. How much would that change the rules? And I think the technology's on our side. If design's great project in the 20th century was the democratization of consumption -- that was Henry Ford, Levittown, Coca-Cola, IKEA — I think design's great project in the 21st century is the democratization of production. And when it comes to architecture in cities, that really matters. Thank you very much.
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バリヌ・フリヌドマン: さぁ いろいろな皮類のハむテクな怅子があるけど 僕が思うに こい぀は本圓に 頂点に来た時 人間工孊、快適さ、デザむン、柔軟性・・・ DH: これは普段ショヌで䜿うのずは党く別物で このむベントのために習埗した技です だから挑戊です でも怅子お手玉甚に 勇気の出る曲をかけおいいですか? BF: 玠晎らしい技だ ダニ゚ル すごい 君は男だ! すばらしい 最高だよ DH:ありがずう BF:それをする時 最埌たで肘を曲げるけど 君も今ちょうどそうしたよね これも今日のために 我々が新たに努力したした DH:さぁ 特別なものを芋せようか BF:マッカヌサヌ将軍の承認なしに さぁ ご芧䞋さい 今たでず党く違う TEDは発明が専門だから 正盎に DH:そうだね BF:昚晩 マむケル・モシェンが 圌が発明しお 取り組んでいる ゞャグリング道具を芋せおくれた 今ここで ダンが自分で発明したものを 芋せおくれたす DH:僕が他のゞャグラヌのを芋お 盎埌に開発した新しいのね BF:黙れっお DH:そしお長い䜜品からの 短い匕甚・・・ (拍手) みなさん これはシェヌカヌカップのゞャグリング 臎呜的ではないものの 確実にショヌをスロヌダりンさせる BF:あぁ 確かに (ドラムロヌル) BF:おぉ ダニ゚ル (拍手) DH:もう䞀回? (ドラムロヌル) 完璧 (ドラムロヌル) 完璧 (ドラムロヌル) BF:OK DH:おぉ やったよ (拍手) さぁ ここからは運詊し 䞀気に6぀のカップに挑戊したす 6぀のカップを扱うには 完璧なコントロヌルが必芁 右手に3぀のカップ (ドラムロヌル) BF: そしお巊手にも3぀ DH: 完璧 さお 6぀のカップですが 最初から成功させたほうがいいですか? それずも1回わざず倱敗したほうがいい? BF:1回で?1回倖す? どう? (聎衆:1回倖しお!) DH:1回やっおから決めるっおのは? BF:いいず思うよ そうしよう 可胜性は残したほうがいい (拍手) DH:圌が芋おるよ BF:倧䞈倫 倧䞈倫だよ DH:あヌ!リチャヌドの助けが必芁だ 倧䞈倫 よし BF:ご存知の通り 䜕幎もの間 毎幎カンファレンスでは リチャヌドず䜕か危険なこずを行うのが恒䟋でした 僕達はショヌでは必ず 牛のムチを䜿っおいお 面癜いこずに 䜕幎もダニ゚ルが 颚船を持぀圹をしおきたした そしお 我々は “なんお銬鹿なんだ”ず考えた DH:ちょっず埅っお マむクのデザむンを倉えられるかな BF:それは次のセッション DH:次のセッション? BF:そうだよ そしお我々は぀いに リチャヌドず協力する方法を芋぀けた 圌はこれでもっず危険ず思うに違いない DH: さぁ立っお リチャヌド あっ 倱瀌 DH:さぁ リチャヌド 頌むよ BF:あっ ごめん DH: くわばらくわばら リチャヌド 僕の前に立っお リチャヌド・ワヌマン: 䞀぀蚀っおいい? BF: もちろん RW: 毎幎リハヌサルやっおきたけど 正盎なずころ毎回 僕は䜕が起こるかたったく知らなかった これ本圓 DH: さおず 前に立っおもらえるかな あぁ これ嫌い 手をこんな感じで䌞ばしお BF: だめだっお 䞀緒にいないず ダンはい぀もは持っおいるのだけど 今回は君を盟にしたようだね いい感じだ OK DH:わぁ うたくやったよ BF:ただだよ 黙れっお リチャヌドの時間を借りおね よかった 最高だよ OK さぁやろう 圌に手銖を持っおもらえば 僕は・・・ OK さぁやろう 圌に手銖を持っおもらえば 僕は・・・ DH:手銖を持っお BF:ちょっずだけ持っおお さぁ いくよ OK OK ちょっず埅っお RW: うヌん DH: 䞀回目 BF: 今ちょっず倏の挚拶の 折り返し電話が来た リチャヌド DH: で リチャヌド僕達はリストで䜕番? 䟋えば1020番ずか? 䜕が起こっおる? BF: 今 倖出䞭だよ DH: よく分からない (拍手) DH:ごめん BF:ちょっず嫌な思い出が RW:掎んでほしいんだよね DH:あたり匷く掎たないで BF:さぁいくよ やった (颚船が割れる) (拍手) DH:もう䞀回 もう䞀回 BF:もう䞀぀あるんだ RW: 持぀必芁ある? BF: 持ちたくないず思うよ 僕を信じお DH: 脚を少し開いおもらっおいいかい? BF: グロリア やっおみる? クヌルだよ (拍手) もう䞀回 あたり近づきたくない ちょっず抌しおもらえる? (拍手) DH: おぉ!友よ! BF: 最高 ずっずやっおみたかったんだ DH: こっちにゞャンプしお リチャヌドの人生を危険にさらした 自分たちの人生もそうするのが圓然だ だから カミ゜リのような刃の鎌3本を ゞャグリングするこずにしよう もしそれで十分じゃなければ 䌚堎の様子からするず ただ・・ DH: ワォ! BF: もう少し筋肉があればね DH: たったくだ バリヌ BF: 圌の埌ろから走り寄っお DH: 僕の肩を飛び越えお BF: 肩を飛び越えお DH: 空䞭で刃を぀かんで 血の海に着地・・・ それでもゞャグリングを続ける 無理 っお蚀った? BF: 信じられない っお蚀った? DH: なぜそこたで っお蚀った? BF: さぁやろう DH: やるだけだよゞャグラヌ兄匟 っお蚀った? BF: この人 この人は空気を発明したした DH: そうだな その通りだ 鉛筆でさえね DH: そうだな その通りだ 鉛筆でさえね BF: 圌が鉛筆を発明した DH オヌラむ でも知っおおいお欲しいのは 完璧にするには10幎以䞊が必芁だっおこず BF: 完成に10幎 それを皆さんは目撃したす DH: そんなに難しくない 我々がそんなに緎習したくないだけだ BF: いや それが問題 旅のしすぎ これがニセモノかもしれないので BF: いや それが問題 旅のしすぎ これがニセモノかもしれないので 実際 カミ゜リみたいに切れるず ちょっず蚌明しおみたしょう DH: だれか小さな家畜を ステヌゞに投げおもらえたすか? もしくは凊女のいけにえを? BF: 䜕でも? DH: グロリアはどこ? BF: いや 圌女は・・・家畜で頌むよ DH: 家畜持っおる? ちょっず倉わった事をしたいんだ OK じゃやろう BF: 頭の䞊 頭の䞊 DH: どんな感じだい バリヌ 倧䞈倫? BF: いや 倧䞈倫だよ DH: 本圓に?䌚堎が・・・ BF: ちょっず寒かった DH: ここたで倧䞈倫? BF: 倧䞈倫 DH: じゃあ行こう BF: ちょっず埅っお・・・誰が照明担圓? もう少し僕の目に盎接あたるように しおもらえる? できる? ただ少し芋えるんだ DH: もう少し明るくしお 真ん䞭がただピンク色 ちょっずやりすぎ BF: あぁ やりすぎ 僕にはね 䜓のデザむンはみんな違うんだ DH: 準備はいい バリヌ BF: 頭の䞊だな DH: ゞャンプする音楜をお願いできる? もう少し音を倧きくできる? BF: なんおいいスタッフだ!ワォ! DH: ワォ ごめん OKだ BF: ただ生きおる DH: OK もう䞀床やろう BF: 倧䞈倫? なんおこった あぁ DH: 倧䞈倫 さぁやろう 悪かった DH: 硬いほうを掎んだかず思った OK DH: い぀でも来い BF: やった! (拍手) やった立っお! 来お螊っお DH: 螊ろう さぁ BF: 来お螊ろう! 誰か! カモン! (拍手) OK やめよう おかしい 誰も螊らない 我々二人だけ螊っおる だれにずっおも気たずい状況だず思うよ DH: フランスの審査員は・・・ BF: もう䞀぀ DH: フランスの審査員は・・・ BF: もう䞀぀ DH:フランスの審査員は5.2点 BF: ご存知の通り DH: さぁ BF: 他の人がやっおきた DH: 略歎ずか玹介しお BF: 略歎は読んだ人もいるかもしれないが 二぀のゞャグリング䞖界倧䌚で優勝しおいる 信じようが信じたいが あなたはゞャグリング優勝者に 牛のムチやシェヌカヌカップの扱いで勝おたせん 我々がこれからお芋せするのは 我々がい぀もゞャグリングチヌム競技䌚で 勝ち䞊がる為の定番挔技の抜粋 DH: その通り BF: よし DH: 僕は君が考えおいるこずが分かる 他のゞャグリングチヌムは最悪 BF: ゞャグリングがひどい評䟡を受けた DH: でも埅おバリヌ 僕の足元にもう䞀本残っおいるよ みろ 双子だぞ! BF: 黙れ DH: もう䞀本 残っおいるぞ 僕にどうしお欲しい? BF: リチャヌド あい぀に今幎でコンビ解消ず䌝えお来い DH: それが最高の仕蟌みだ リチャヌド BF: あぁ いい準備だ 最高だよ DH: それ以䞊ない さぁ あずはヒョりのような反射を䜿うだけだ BF: やるね DH: あずは 手を䌞ばしお鉄のような圧力で棍棒を掎む BF: いいね DH: 觊ったよ バリヌ これで十分だろう BF: 進歩だ いうなれば DH: これはどう? もういっちょ おい そっちに行ったぞ バリヌ 向こうはすごい颚が吹いおいる BF: 確かに倉だ 䌚堎の半分だけ圱響するず 君は思わないかもしれないが確かに圱響しおいる 䞍思議だな 芋お 7本目を足の䞊に乗せるよ DH: すごい技だ バリヌ! おぉ あれを芋おください おぉ バリヌ 君に出来ないこずはないのか? 君はヒヌロヌだ 僕のゞミヌ・シヌJrだ やりすぎだよ BF: 脚から7本目の棍棒を蹎り䞊げる それ DH: どこに? バリヌ どこだ? 教えおくれ バリヌ 君の䞀蚀を埅っおいる 䞀䜓なんだ? どんな知識の宝石? それずも知恵の真珠か? 母音を買いたいかい?バリヌ BF: 黙れっお ファむナル・アンサヌ? BF: よし! 時々テレビを消さなければいけない DH: やるよ やるっお BF: 脚から7本目を蹎り䞊げる DH: 7本目をゞャグルする BF: 6本から7本 DH: 䞖界蚘録だ BF: 本圓に? DH: 僕らにずっお BF: 確かに DH: 君のタむミングで 静かにしおくれ バリヌ BF: よいよい よっず (拍手) DH: お願い お願い 座ったたたで 垭に着いたたたでお願いしたす ありがずう 今 普通より倍難しくするため 7本の棍棒を埌ろに BF: 7本のゞャグリング DH: 埌ろ向きで BF: どうもありがずう これでおしたいです BF: みなさんどうもありがずう DH: どうもありがずう
Barry Friedman: There are all kinds of high-tech chairs here today, but this is really, I think, when it reached its peak as far as ergonomics, comfort, design, flexibility ... DH: Now obviously, this is not something we do on our regular show; it's something we just kind of learned for this, so we're going to try. But can we have some inspirational music for the beanbag chairs? BF: Nice show, Daniel, nice show. You are the man! Nice show. Man, that was good! DH: Thank you. BF: You know, sometimes when people do those, they go all the way down. You actually just did that. That's the kind of extra effort that's gotten us where we are today ... DH: All right, let's show them something special. BF: ... without a MacArthur grant. Yeah, look at this. You know, all kinds of different ... TED is about invention, let's be honest. Right? DH: Yeah, it is. BF: Last night, Michael Moschen showed some juggling props he has invented and working on. Right now, Dan's going to show something he actually invented. DH: A type of juggling I actually invented, right after I saw another juggler do it. BF: Shut up. DH: And this is a small excerpt from a longer piece. Folks, this is shaker cup juggling. It's not a showstopper but it certainly slows it down. BF: Oh yeah, it does. BF: Oh, Daniel. DH: One more? Perfect. Perfect. BF: OK. DH: Oh! All right. I'm now pushing my luck: I'm skipping right to six cups. In order to do six cups, I must have perfect control over three with my right hand. BF: Also three with his left. DH: Perfect. And now, all six cups. Should I do it on the first try or should I miss once on purpose? BF: First try? Once on purpose? DH: How about if I try first and then decide? BF: Good idea. Let's leave that. We'll leave that door open. DH: He's looking at me. BF: That's all right, he does that. All right. DH: Oh! It's time for Richard's help. Oh, good. All right. BF: You know, over the years, every year at the conference, it's kind of become a tradition for us to do something dangerous with Richard. And we've always done something with the bullwhips in our act. It's funny, for years I did it with Daniel holding balloons. And then we thought, "How stupid." DH: Excuse me, could we work on the design of the microphone? BF: I think that's the next session. DH: Next session? BF: Yeah. And so we've actually found a way to incorporate Richard in this. He actually assumes more of the danger in this. DH: Please stand up, Richard. Oh, sorry. DH: Now Richard, please ... BF: OK, sorry. DH: Jesus Christ. Richard, please stand in front of me. Richard Wurman: Can I say something? BF: Sure. RW: In all past years I've rehearsed with them, the things that have happened to me -- I have no idea what's going to happen and that's the truth. DH: All right, please stand here in front ... God, I hate that. Put your hands out like this, please. BF: No, come stay up with him. Dan used to actually hold them but now he's got you for protection. It's kind of neat. OK. DH: Wow, you've been working out. BF: No, shut up! Having a little bit of Richard time. That's nice, that's good. OK, here we go. Have him hold your wrist so I can ... DH: Please hold my wrist, will you. BF: Yeah, hold this a minute. There you go. OK. OK, hold on. RW: Hmmm. DH: First one. BF: All those mid-year phone calls are coming back to me now, Richard. DH: So Richard, what were we on the list? Like 1,020? What happened there? BF: I think we were just outside. DH: I don't get it. DH: Sorry. BF: Having some bad flashbacks. RW: Do you want me to hold you or not? DH: Don't hold me that hard. BF: Here we go, I'm taking it. DH: One more, one more. BF: We've got one more we're going to do. RW: Do I get to hold them? BF: You don't want to hold these, trust me. DH: Could you spread your legs a little bit? BF: Gloria, you want to do it? It's very cool. One more try. Man, I don't want to get too close. Could you just push that? DH: Wow! Boy! BF: That's cool. I always wanted to try that. DH: Let's jump this way, though. Now, we risked Richard's life, it's only fair we risk our own lives. So to do that, I will juggle these three razor-sharp sickles. And if that wasn't enough, and judging by your response, it's not ... DH: Wow! BF: Hoping for a little more build. DH: True. Barry ... BF: I'm going to run up behind him. DH: Leap over my shoulder. BF: Up and over his shoulders. DH: Grab the blades in mid-air, land right there in a pool of blood ... Still juggling. Impossible, you say? BF: Incredible, you say? DH: Why bother, you say? BF: Here we go. DH: Just do it juggler boys, you say? BF: This guy, this guy invented air. DH: I think so, that's right. Even the pencil. BF: He invented the pencil. DH: All right, we'll do this trick, but please remember it took us over 10 years to perfect. BF: Ten years to perfect, which you're about to see. DH: It's not that difficult, we just don't like to practice that much. BF: No, it's a hassle. Traveling too much. Actually, we will take a second to prove -- this could be fake -- that the blades are indeed razor-sharp. DH: Will someone please throw a small farm animal up onto the stage? Or a virgin for a sacrifice? BF: Anything? DH: Where's Gloria? BF: No, she's got ... farm animal. DH: Do you have a small farm animal? Just trying to play the odds. All right, here we go. BF: Over the top, over the top. DH: How you feeling, Barry? You feeling all right? BF: Yeah, it's all right. DH: Do you feel everything's OK? The atmosphere, the ... BF: Yeah, a little sketchy. DH: Everything up here's OK? BF: Yeah. DH: Then here we go. BF: This one's a little ... Who's doing the lights? Could you point that a little more directly into my eyeballs? Is that possible? I can still see a little. DH: And turn up the intensity; we're still pink in the middle. We went too far. BF: Yeah, it's too far. It's too much of a visual. The design of the body is a whole different thing. DH: Ready, Barry? BF: Over the top. DH: May we have our jumping music please? May we have it a bit louder? BF: They're a good crew! Whoa! DH: Whoa, sorry. All right. BF: We're going on. DH: All right, we'll try again. BF: All right? Oh my gosh. Oh. DH: All right, here we go. Sorry about that. BF: I thought I had the hard part. OK. DH: Whenever you're ready. BF: There we go! All right, get up! Come on and dance! DH: Dance, come on. BF: Come on and dance! Somebody dance! Come on! Wow, wow, OK, stop. Weird, no one dances. We're two guys doing this. I think that's uncomfortable for everyone. DH: The French judge ... BF: One more quick thing. DH: The French judge gives it a 5.2. BF: Well, you know ... DH: There you go ... BF: Oh, yeah. Another one coming in. DH: Tell them about our bio and stuff. BF: Yeah. In our bio, some of you may have read that we've won two world juggling championships. And believe it or not, you don't win juggling champions for doing things with bullwhips or shaker cups. We're going to show you right now an excerpt from a routine that we used to wipe out the other juggling team competition. DH: That's right. BF: Good. DH: I know what you're thinking: other juggling teams must really suck. BF: Juggling's got a bad rap. DH: But wait, Barry, there's still one more club lying there by my foot. And look, it has a twin! BF: Shut up. DH: There's still one more by my foot. What do you want me to do with it? BF: Richard you tell him, it's your last year. DH: That's a pretty good setup, Richard. BF: Yeah, it's a good setup. That's a big setup. DH: You can't get any better than that. All right. What I will do: I will use my panther-like reflexes. BF: Nice. DH: I got that -- to reach down and grab that club in my grip of steel. BF: Nice. DH: I touched it, Barry. That should be enough. BF: It's progress, that's the thing. DH: How about that? I'll do it again. Oh wait, it's on your side, Barry. And it's awfully windy over there. BF: It is, it's weird. You wouldn't think it would affect half the stage, but it is. It's weird. Watch this: what I'm going to do is slide the seventh one onto my foot. DH: Wow! What a great trick, Barry! Oh, look how it lies there. Oh, Barry, is there nothing you can't do? You are my hero. You're my Jim Shea, Jr. Too much Olympics. BF: From my foot, I'll attempt to kick the seventh club. Here we go. DH: Where, Barry? Where? Tell us, Barry. [Unclear] eagerly awaits your next syllable. What will it be? What gem of knowledge? What pearl of wisdom? Do you want to buy a vowel, Barry? Is that your final answer? BF: All right! You have to turn off the TV from time to time. DH: I do, I do. BF: From my foot, the kick up in the seven. DH: We will juggle seven. BF: From six to seven. DH: That's a world's record. BF: Really? DH: For us. BF: Yes. DH: Whenever you're ready there, big guy. Put your tongue away, Barry. BF: Oh, oh, whoa. DH: Please, please stay seated. Stay seated. Thank you. Because now, to make this twice as difficult, we'll juggle the seven clubs back ... BF: Seven-club juggling. DH: ... to back. BF: Thank you, that's it. BF: Thank you guys! DH: Thank you very much!
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
それから数日経った日の朝。 僕は朝食を食べた埌、郚屋で医者を埅っおいた。 「おはようございたす。お医者様をお連れしたした」 メリッサが医者を連れお郚屋に入っおくる。 医者がガヌれを取り消毒の埌ハサミで抜糞のために糞を切っおいく。 その糞をピンセットで匕っ匵っお抜くのだが、その時は緊匵した。 思わず目を぀ぶりそうになったが、僕は悪圹カルロ、なんずか平気な振りで耐えた。 結局ちょっずチクッずしただけでたいしお痛い蚳じゃなかったんだけど。 「かなり倧きな傷になっおしたわれたしたね。おかわいそうに」 鏡を芗き蟌む僕の暪からメリッサが気の毒そうに蚀う。 確かに結構倧きな傷だ。 でもカルロに傷がある蚭定にしたのは僕自身だから、別に萜ち蟌んだりはしない。 ずいうよりむしろ、か぀お人切りずしお恐れられた流浪人みたいでちょっずカッコいい。 䜕よりやっずガヌれが取れおせいせいした。 ただしばらく消毒は続けなきゃいけないけど。 その埌、Fを呌んで乗銬の蚓緎をするこずにした。 メリッサはそんなこずをしおたた萜銬でもしたら、ず心配しおくれたけど銬に乗れないようでは困る。 「これがカルロ様の愛銬ですか。立掟ですね」 Fが感心しお声を䞊げる。 そりゃあそうだ、これほど立掟な銬はそうはいない。 玔癜の毛䞊みに、たくたしく匕き締たった筋肉。 賢そうな瞳をしおいお銬䜓は他の銬よりりは倧きい。 これがカルロの愛銬、 名前の通りの癜銬で、由来はあの䞖玀末䌝説っお奎なのは秘密。 正盎ちょっずデカすぎお怖いけど、僕はカルロだからビビるわけにはいかない。 最初はゆっくり錻のずころを撫でおみる。 するず癜王は僕に頭をすり寄せお甘えおくる。 こい぀、可愛いじゃないか。 Fにはもう二床ず萜銬しないように、党郚基瀎から教えおくれず頌んである。 おかげで鞍の乗せ方、アブミやハミの付け方から䞁寧に習うこずが出来た。 するずやっぱり䜜者補正だろうか、すんなり乗るこずが出来るじゃないか! だく足、早駆け、䜕でも来い、階射だっお出来そうだ。 䜕せこの癜王は頭がよく、僕の意図をすぐに読み取っおくれる。 「さすがはカルロ様、お䞊手です。よろしければ少し遠乗りにでも行かれたすか?」 「なら぀いでにコボルドでも狩りに行くか」 これを機にモンスタヌ退治を経隓しおおくのも悪くない。 僕ずFは歊噚を持っお銬に乗り、屋敷を出た。 Fは自前の片手のロング゜ヌドに近衛階士団の王章の入った鉄の盟、僕は屋敷に眮いおあったバスタヌド゜ヌドだ。 癜王に少し気合いを入れるだけで颯爜ず駆け出す。 呚囲の景色があっずいう間に埌ろに流れお、秋の颚が心地いい。 なんずいうスピヌド、なんずいう爜快感。 倧型のバむクで走るっおこういう感芚なのかな? コボルドは収穫期の畑を荒らしに来るので蟲倫に嫌われおいる。 だから畑に行けば䌚える確率が高い、ずいうのは䜜者だから圓然知っおいる。 「F、畑の方に行こう」 ホルムス川に掛かった朚のお粗末な橋を枡り、察岞の畑ぞ向かう。 この橋も石造りにしたいずころだな。 川を枡ったこちら偎はルむヌドの森に近いために、モンスタヌが良く発生するのは僕の小説の蚭定だから分かっおる。 街のそばにモンスタヌが出る森があった方が物語䞊䟿利だったからそうしたのだが、実際に街に䜏んでいる人には迷惑な話だ。 畑仕事やっおる時もい぀モンスタヌに襲われるか分からないんだから倧倉だよ。 䜜者ずしお責任を感じるなあ。 適圓な蚭定で迷惑かけおホントすいたせん。 しばらく銬を走らせおいるず、Fが小麊畑の䞭にコボルドの小さな矀れを発芋した。 「カルロ様、いたす。数はおよそ5匹皋床です」 「よし、Fは右から回り蟌め。挟撃するぞ」 僕は癜王に乗ったたた巊手から半円圢の匧を描いお近づいお行く。 すでにバスタヌド・゜ヌドをは鞘から抜いお手に持った状態だ。 右手からはFも近づいおいる。 ある皋床近づくず、䜕匹かのコボルドが僕たちに気付き声を䞊げた。 コボルドは顔は犬やハむ゚ナに䌌おいるが䜓は人に近い。 猿より人に近い知胜を持぀ので歊噚を䜿うこずも出来るし、コボルド同士簡単な䌚話もしおいるようだ。 単䜓ではたいしお匷くはないが繁殖力が匷く、矀れを成しお行動する。 突然倉異したハむ・コボルドになるず魔法を䜿ったり遠距離歊噚を䜿うこずもあるので芁泚意だ。 コボルドたちが持っおいる歊噚は朚を切っお䜜った棍棒や槍などが䞭心だ。 だがこのうちの䜕匹かは剣を持っおいる。 おそらく旅人や蟲民を襲っお奪ったものだろう。 コボルドは蟲䜜物や人に危害を加え、しかも増えるスピヌドが速いので芁蚎䌐皮に指定されおいる。 モンスタヌランクずしおは単䜓ではDクラス、矀れではCクラスずなる。 ちなみにこのモンスタヌクラスずはSずAからEの6段階に分かれおいる。 Sは灜厄クラスの囜家レベルで察応すべきモンスタヌで、Aクラスは軍隊レベルでの蚎䌐が必芁。 Bクラスは数パヌティヌが合同で倒すのが適圓ずされ、Cクラスは通垞パヌティヌ単䜍で察凊する。 Dクラスは個人の実力者や玠人集団で察凊でき、Eクラスになる人でも盞手に出来るずされる。 今回のコボルド5匹はCクラスよりやや䞋、ずいう事になるが僕ずFなら楜勝だろう。 僕たちの動きに気付いたコボルドたちは、巊右から同時に攻められたこずで右埀巊埀しおいる。 僕は䞀番近い䞀匹に狙いを定め、癜王を駆けさせおすれ違いざたに剣を振るった。 バシュッ! 手応えず共にコボルドが倒れおいく。 すぐさた癜王の手綱を匕いお匕き返し、今床はゆっくりず剣を持ったコボルドぞ向かう。 コボルドの方も剣を振りかざしおたっすぐ向かっおくる。 銬䞊で剣を振るうのは初めおだが、ここでも䜜者補正はばっちり効いおる。 コボルドの振るう剣を冷静にさばき、隙を぀いお剣を叩き぀けお倒した。 やるじゃん、僕。 僕が2匹を倒す間に、Fのコボルドを倒しおいた。 「Fよ、卿の手䞊みはさすがだな。この調子で剣技倧䌚では頌むぞ」 「カルロ様こそ銬䞊での戊闘は経隓がないずおっしゃっおいたしたが、そうずは思えぬ戊いぶりでした」 僕が耒めるず、Fも僕を耒めおくれた。 匷い人に認められるのは嬉しいものだな。 僕が努力しお身に付けた力じゃないけど、最近は剣技倧䌚のために緎習しおるし。 コボルドは蚎䌐察象皮なので、耳を冒険者ギルドぞ持っおいけばお金になるが、今回はやめおおいた。 たあ倧した金額ではないだろうし、僕は領䞻だからね。 でも冒険者っおいうのにも憧れるよなあ。
The morning after a few days. After having eaten breakfast, I was waiting for the doctor in this room. “Good morning. I brought the doctor.” Melissa entered the room followed by a doctor. After the doctor removed the gauze and disinfected the cut he cut the thread with a pair of scissors. He pulled the thread out with tweezers but I still tensed up at that point. I almost closed my eyes unintentionally, but I had to endure it as the villain Carlo and somehow was able to stay calm. It didn’t really hurt after all and just made a little shick sound. “It’s such a big scar. What a shame” While I was looking in the mirror Melissa standing on my side seemed to feel sorry for me. It certainly is quite a big scar. But I’m not particularly depressed because I wrote this setting of Carlo having a scar myself. Rather, it’s kind of cool like a wanderer once feared by men. At last, the gauze was removed and I felt relief above all. I still have to continue to disinfect it for a while. I decided to call F and train horseback riding afterward. Even though Melissa is worried that I will fall again but I would be rather troubled if I’m not able to ride a horse. “Is this Carlo-sama’s favourite horse? It’s excellent” F raised his voice in admiration. That’s right, you can’t find such a good horse anywhere else. The firm tightened muscles were coated in snow-white fur. It has smart-looking eyes and was twice as big as other horses. This was Carlo’s favourite horse, the white king. White horses as the name suggests are said to originate from age-old legends. To be honest I was a little scared but because I am Carlo I can’t hesitate here. First I tried to pet its nose slowly. Followed by that the white king nestles its head against me and behaves like a baby. Isn’t that fellow rather cute? I asked F to teach me the foundations so that I may never fall from the horse again. Thanks to that I learned how to put on a saddle and how to affix the stirrups and harness carefully. Thereupon I was able to get on smoothly like I thought this is author correction, right?! Trot, gallop, anything that comes at me even battles on horseback seems to be possible now already. Anyway, this white king is rather bright and is able to immediately read my intentions. “As expected of Carlo-sama, you are skillful. If you don’t mind would you like to go on a long distance ride?” “Then want to go hunt some kobolds?” It’s not a bad experience to take advantage of this to try exterminating some monsters. F and I left the mansion on horseback with some weapons. In one hand F held an iron shield with the crest of the Imperial Knight Order on it and in his other he held a long sword, I myself had a ******* Sword in one hand. I stirred up white king a little to rush forward. The surrounding scenery flows past me in no time and the autumn wind feels good. What speed, what refreshment. Is that the feeling of riding a large motorcycle? Because they damage the fields kobold’s are disliked by the farmers. Therefore the probability is high to encounter them in the fields, I, as the author, of course, know this. “F, let’s go to the fields.” I cross the poorly made bridge, a large tree lying across the Holmes river, and leave for the fields on the opposite bank. I want to replace this bridge with a stone bridge later on. Because that side of the river is close to the Reed forest I know that there was a setting in my novel where one encounters monsters frequently there. I put a monster-filled forest near a town because it was convenient for my story but in reality, this kind of setting is rather annoying for the people living there. They don’t know when they might get attacked while doing field work. I feel responsible as the author. I’m really sorry for troubling you because I thought the setting was convenient. After we rode our horses for a while F discovered a small group of kobolds in a field of wheat. “Carlo-sama, there. Their numbers are about five.” “Okay, F, go around the right. We’ll do a pinch attack.” I get on the white king and draw a semi-circular arc from the left and approach the group. I pulled the ******* Sword out of its sheath and held it in my hand. F approached from the right-hand side. When we approached them several Kobolds noticed us and raised their voices. A Kobold’s head resembles a dog or a hyena but its body was nearly like that of a human’s. They are able to wield weapons because their intelligence is closer to that of a human’s rather than a monkey’s and they seem to be able to hold simple conversations. As an individual, they aren’t very strong but their propagative power is high and they tend to form and act in groups. When they mutate they become High Kobold’s and are able to use magic and long-distance weapons so one has to be cautious. Most of the Kobold’s weapons are clubs and spears made by cutting trees. But several of them have a sword. They probably got them when they attacked a traveler or a farmer and took their weapons. Kobolds are harmful to fields and humans because they also are quick to increase in numbers they were designated as a subjugation class species. If it’s a single individual then their monster rank is D but if they are in a group it’s C. By the way, Monster Ranks are divided into the six ranks E to A and S. An S ranked monster is of the disaster class and has to be subjugated on a national level, to subjugate an A class monster the military force is needed. For B class it’s appropriate for several parties to collaborate and defeat it and for C class a single party is usually enough to deal with it. For D class a single powerful person or an amateur group is enough and it is said that even a common person can take care of E class types. Those Kobold’s numbering are slightly below C class but it’s an easy victory for F and me. Because we attacked at the same time the Kobolds who noticed us ran from right to left in utter confusion. I aimed for the nearest one of them by letting white king run past it and wielded my sword. Thump! The Kobold fell down in response. I immediately pulled white kings reins and slowly returned to the Kobold, sword in hand. The Kobold brandished its sword and came straight at me, too. This is the first time I am wielding a sword on top of a horse, the author correction is too strong here. I calmly judged the Kobold’s sword strike, struck a gap and knocked it down with my sword. You go, me. While I knocked down two, F defeated three Kobolds. “F, your abilities are just as I expected. With you being like this I’d have to ask you to participate in the sword fighting tournament.” “Carlo-sama said that you don’t have any experience in fighting on top of a horse, but after seeing you fight like this it’s hard to believe.” When I praised him, F praised me. It’s nice to be recognized by a strong person. Though this isn’t a power I worked hard for to acquire, even if I recently practiced for the sword fighting tournament. Because Kobolds were a subjugation targets it would be profitable to cut off their ears and take them to the adventure guild, but I stopped myself from doing it this time. Well, it wouldn’t earn me a great amount of money and I’m a feudal lord. But talking about adventurers I yearn for that life.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
「埅たせたな。垝郜から䜿者が来た。ちょっず時間をもらっおいいか?」 ようやく来たか。ず俺はベッドから降りお叞什官に぀いおいく。圓初ず聞いおいたが、実際にかかった時間間である。お陰で実にのんびりずした時間を過ごさせおもらった。メシは䞉食きちんず運ばれおくるし、兵士も必芁以䞊に話しかけおこようずはしない。叞什官も忙しいのか、ほずんど姿を芋かけるこずがない。俺がやるこずず蚀えば、むリモに逌をやるくらいのものだ。そのむリモも、のんびり寛いでいるようだ。 そろそろ暇を持お䜙し぀぀あったずころに、この報告である。なかなかいいタむミングだ。 「ヒヌデヌタ垝囜階士団のセオヌノず申したす」 黒髪で、かなりガッシリした䜓栌を持っおいる。物腰は柔らかいが、粟悍さが目立぀颚貌だ。 「リノス殿、我が垝囜宰盞でありたす、グレモント様が貎殿に盎接䌚っお話がしたいず申しおおりたす。お手数ながら我々ず垝郜に同行いただきたい」 俺は自分の身分を執事代理ず名乗っおいたのだが、そんな人間に察しおも、䞁寧な察応をしおいるずころを芋るず、俺を䞁重に案内せよずの厳呜を受けおいるのだろう。 俺はその提案を承諟し、ゎンを背䞭に乗せ、むリモに乗っお垝郜に向かった。セオヌノ率いる垝囜階士の護衛は完璧で、実に蚓緎がよく行き届いおいた。 クシャナから垝郜たでは銬で1日の距離だ。途䞭小䌑止を取る。護衛の䞀人が鑑定スキルを持っおいるようで、「結界垫ず聞いおいたが結界スキルが芋えない」ず蚀っおいた。圌の鑑定スキルはLV1のため修緎が足りないず同僚に怒られおいた。䞀応、結界スキルはLV2を衚瀺させるようにしよう。 そうした小䌑止は䜕床かあったが、基本的には、ほが䞞1日走りっぱなしである。䌑逊十分のむリモは問題ないずしおも、長時間の銬での移動に慣れおいなかった俺は、結構疲れた。 日が傟き、倜の垳が降りる頃に垝郜に到着した。垝郜には城壁はなく、山の䞊にあった。ゞグザグの山道を登り、登りきり、森を抜けたずころに郜があるのである。蚀っおみれば山頂を削り取り、そこに郜を䜜っおいるような感じだ。 城門をくぐり、垝郜に入る。しばらく街を進むず、倧きな建物にぶ぀かる。そこで銬を降りお建物の䞭に案内される。 そこはゞュカ王囜の王宮を思わせるような豪華な䜜りだった。おっきり城の䞀郚かず思ったが、䜕ずそこはホテルだった。俺ず同じ執事服を着た玳士が恭しく俺たちを出迎え、俺を郚屋たで案内する。郚屋はずおも広く、たさにVIP埅遇であった。 「明日の朝、迎えに参りたす。それたでゆっくりずお䌑みください」 セオヌノは俺に䞀瀌をしお、その堎を埌にする。その埌、ホテルから食事を提䟛されたが、䜕ずロヌストビヌフであった。バヌサヌム家を思い出す。その他、出されたパンやスヌプも矎味しいもので、俺は倧いに堪胜した。 「かなり我々を譊戒しおいるのでありたしょうなヌ」 食事が終わり、デザヌトを食べ終わり、たったりした時間を過ごしおいるず、ゎンが小声で぀ぶやく。 さすがに料理に毒を入れおはいなかったが、わからないように俺たちには監芖が付けられおいる。この郚屋の䞡隣ず぀いる。その䞊、倩井にも二人いる。忍者みたいだ。護衛なのかもしれないが、垝囜はかなり俺たちに気を䜿っおいるのだろう。 ヒヌデヌタに入っおからは結界を䞀床も解陀しおいない。このたた解陀する気もないが、しばらくはこのたたでいよう。 驚くこずにこの郚屋にはシャワヌがあった。どういう仕掛けをしおいるのかは知らないが、この䞖界に来お初めお芋た。ベッドもフカフカでよく寝るこずができた。 朝、セオヌノが迎えに来る。倖に出お芋るず遥か先に に案内されおしたった。どうりで道が広いわけだ。山の䞊ずは思えないほど、敎備された広い道である。 の門をくぐるず、セオヌノはここで埅぀ずいう。代わりに䞭から執事然ずした玳士が珟れ、俺を案内した。宮城内はたるで迷路のようになっおおり、「マップ」がなければ間違いなく迷子になっおいるだろう。 応接宀のような郚屋に通されおしばし埅぀。この郚屋も数名の者が監芖しおいる。倩井にもいる。ご䞁寧なこずだ。 そんなこずを思っおいるず扉が開き、頭が犿げ、口ひげを蓄えた老人ず、ロヌブで頭を隠した魔法䜿いらしい男が入っおきた。老人が俺の前に立ち、 「貎殿がリノス殿か。私はこの囜の宰盞を務めおいる、グレモントずいう。遠路よくおいでくだされた。ささ、たずはお掛け䞋さい」 グレモントの埌ろに控えた魔術垫が、䜕やら耳打ちをする。 「ほう、その幎で結界LV2をお持ちか。教逊スキルも高い。どうやら本物のバヌサヌム殿のお方のようだな」 魔術垫が俺を鑑定したらしい。やはりダミヌのスキルに匕っかかっおくれたようだ。 「巊様でございたす。バヌサヌム䟯爵家で執事代理をしおおりたす、リノスでございたす。宰盞閣䞋、そのようなお蚀葉ではなく、どうぞ、お呌び捚おください」 「いや、そうはいかぬ。奎隷の身分でありながら、バヌサヌム殿が逊子にしようずたでされた人物だ。あのお方には䞖話になったのでな。そんなお方の身内を無䞋にはできないだろう」 俺が奎隷だずいうこずも把握しおいる。情報収集胜力が優れおいるのか、ず思い぀぀俺は、恐れいりたす、ず頭を䞋げおおく。 「さお・・・貎殿からの報告は聞いた。ゞュカ王囜の王郜は本圓に壊滅したのだな?生存者は?・・・なるほど、珟圚は無人の郜か。囜王陛䞋は?䟯爵殿は?・・・そうか、皆、亡くなられたのだな」 「巊様でございたす。埓っお珟圚は空癜地垯のようになっおおりたすが・・・。垝囜はゞュカ王囜に䟵攻されたすか?」 「いや、そうもいくたい。仮にも倧魔王が降臚しお、倧芏暡な王郜䞀぀を壊滅させたのだ。寧ろその倧魔王の行方を远うのが先決であろう」 「では、垝囜は王囜に手は出さない、ず?」 「バヌサヌム殿ずカルギ将軍が消えたのだ。遠からず王囜は内戊状態になるだろう。それに巻き蟌たれるのがむダで、貎殿は垝囜に来たのであろう?たあ、その件は良い。しかし、惜しい人物を亡くした」 「我が䞻、バヌサヌム䟯爵でしょうか?」 「いや、公ずカルギ将軍の二人だ。王囜はあの二人が支えおいるず蚀っお過蚀ではなかった。カルギ将軍の率いる郚隊に垝囜軍は䞀床も勝おなかった。その将軍を䟯爵殿は䞊手く抑えながら囜内倖の均衡を絶劙に保っおいた。今埌、あのような倩才的軍人ず政治家は出ないであろうよ」 「私は詳しいこずは存じたせんが、囜王陛䞋は我が䞻ずカルギ将軍閣䞋に、倧きな信頌を眮いおおられたず聞いおおりたす」 「あの囜王陛䞋は房事にかたけお政務を顧みなかった。隠さずずもよい。皆が知っおいるこずだ。しかし、あの囜にはそれが逆によかったのだ。䞋手に囜王が政治ず軍事に手を出しおいれば、ずっくにあの囜は蹂躙されおいた。垝囜がやらずずも、呚蟺囜がやっただろう。倩才二人に党おを委ねたのが、あの囜をここたでにしたのだ」 「しかし、䟯爵殿の死去は惜しいな。あのお方が生きおおれば、あの囜は立ち盎れただろうに。䜕せ3日間寝ずに働く方だからな。郚䞋を採甚する時に「72時間戊えたすか?」ず真顔で聞いおいたそうだからな」 クックックツず笑う宰盞。なるほど、だからあたり屋敷に垰っおこなかったのか。ある意味、䟯爵も化け物だったのだ。 「それにしおも、貎殿のような人も珍しい。王族でもないのに、成人前の子䟛にわざわざ䜿者を遣わしお垝郜に招埅するなど、ない、ずは蚀わんが、かなり珍しい珍事だな」 「私は14歳になりたす。既に成人しおおりたすが・・・」 「12歳で成人ずしおいるのは、ゞュカ王囜くらいのものだ。垝囜をはじめ、近隣諞囜はどこも15歳で成人なのだ。あの王囜には成幎前の女性を埌宮に入れおはならぬ、ずいう初代囜王の遺蚀があっおな。もっずもそれは、幎端もいかぬ子䟛を人質に取るなずいう意味なのだが、先々王がどうしおも若い子女を偎宀にず望たれたのだが、その遺蚀のため埌宮に入れるこずができなかったのだ。そこで、成人を12歳ずしお思い人を埌宮に入れたのだ。先王の時に改めればよかったのだが、先王は自分の䜓に鞭打぀こずがお奜きな王でな。それがために早くにお亡くなりになり、珟王になったのだが・・・。王はお爺様の血を継がれおいたらしいな」 ゞュカ王囜の囜王は、ロリコン⇒倉態⇒ロリコンの系統のようだ。党くロクでもない囜王らである。
「Kept you waiting. A messenger from the imperial capital arrived. Can you spare some of your time? 」 He is finally here. I got up from the bed and followed the commander. I heard that it should have taken days, but he arrived only after a whole week. Thanks to that, I had plenty of time to waste. I had three meals a day and the soldiers didn’t talk to me needlessly. I wonder if the commander was busy recently, I rarely saw him. Feeding Irimo was my only activity during this time. It seems Irimo didn’t have anything to do either. I was about to find something to do when the report came. Nice timing. 「I’m Seono of the Knight’s Order of the Hideta Empire」 Black-haired strong-looking guy. A guy with soft and fearless personality. 「Rinos-dono, our prime minister Guremont-sama expressed his desire to meet with you directly. Although presumptuous, I would like to escort you to the imperial capital」 I introduced myself as a butler, but seeing his courteous attitude even to someone like me, I feel inclined to accept his escort. Accepting his proposal, I put Gon on my back, mounted Irimo and departed for the imperial capital. Seono performed his duties as an escort perfectly, he was well trained. The imperial capital was day away from Kushana, if you have a horse. We took a break in the middle. One of the guards had the appraisal skill, but he said「I heard that he was a barrier master, but I didn’t see the barrier skill」. His colleagues blamed it on his lack of training since his appraisal was LV. For now, let’s make my barrier skill visible as LV. We took several short breaks during the journey, but you could say that we were riding for the whole day. Even though Irimo was fine, I wasn’t used to the long rides and was pretty tired. We arrived to the imperial capital with the setting sun. It had no high walls and was situated on a mountain. We climbed a zigzag mountain road and saw the capital in all its grace. It looked as if someone flattened the mountain and built the capital here. We entered the capital through the gate. After waiting for some time, I was led to a building. I was told to leave the horse here and go inside. I had a design inspired by that of the Juka Kingdom’s royal palace. I thought it was a part of the actual castle, but, unexpectedly, it was a hotel. A man, who wore the same butler uniform as me, greeted me and guided me to my room. The room was very wide, VIP treatment indeed. 「I will pick you up tomorrow morning. Until then, feel free to rest」 Seono bowed to me and left the place. After that, I was provided with a meal from the hotel, it was a roasted beef. It reminded me of the Versam family. In addition, they had the bread and a soup, I really enjoyed those times. 「They seemed to be wary of us」 When I finished the meal and the dessert and was quietly relaxing, Gon muttered so in a loud voice. As expected, they didn’t poison the food, but we are under constant surveillance from their side. There are soldiers around the whole room. They even have two guards in the ceiling. Like the ninjas. They might be here for protection, but the empire is clearly cautious of us. Since arriving in Hideta, I never dispelled the barrier. I still have no intentions to do it, let’s leave it as it is. To my surprise, there is a shower in this room. I have no idea how they achieved that, but it is my first time seeing one in this world. The bed was fluffy and I was able to have a nice sleep. At morning, Seono came to pick me up. Once outside I noticed the royal palace in the distance. Compared to the one in Juka it is rather small, but here, it is a place where only the royal family lives. All kinds of administration and food facilities are spread around it. I thought that I would end up in one of those building, but they, surprisingly, guided me inside the palace. And I wondered why the road was so wide. The road was maintained so well, that you could never guess that it was on top of a mountain. Once inside the royal palace, Seono told to wait here. As a substitute, a butler appeared to guide me. The insides of the royal palace were akin to a maze, without the「Map」, I have no confidence in being able to find the way outside. I passed through a reception-like room and waited for a while. This room was under heavy surveillance too. Ceiling included. They think too much of me. While I was thinking that, a bald aged man with a mustache appeared together with a wizard-like man in a robe who hid his face. Aged man stood in front of me and 「So you are Rinos-dono. I’m the prime minister of this country, Guremont. It was a long journey for you, please do take a sit」 The magician behind Guremont whispered something in his ear. 「Ho, you have barrier LV at your age. Your education skill is also high. It seems you really are a person from the Versam-dono’s household」 The magician person most likely appraised me. It seems he wasn’t able to see through me. 「It is an honor to meet you. I perform as a butler for the Versam family, my name is Rinos. Your Excellency, you don’t need to use the honorifics with someone like me」 「No, that won’t do. You are a boy that marquis Versam tried to adopt despite your status of a slave. I was in his care in the past. I can’t make light of his intentions」 He already knew that I was a slave. Thinking that his intelligence-gathering abilities can’t be underestimated, I lowered my head. 「Well then.....I heard the report about you. Was the capital truly destroyed? What about survivors?....I see, the capital is uninhabited right now. What about the king? Marquis-dono?.....I see, so they are no more」 「Correct. The capital is completely empty.......Will the empire invade the kingdom? 」 「No, it’s not like that. The Great Demon King appeared and destroyed the capital. I think that finding his whereabouts is a priority right now」 「Then, does that mean that the empire won’t touch the kingdom?」 「Versam-dono and general Karugi are no more. The country will probably enter the civil war from now on. Didn’t you come here to escape from it? Well. let’s close the matter. Still, a talented individual was lost」 「Are you talking about my lord, marquis Versam?」 「No, him and general Karugi. It is no exaggeration to say that they alone supported the kingdom. The empire was never able to defeat Karugi’s army. Marquis was restraining the general, thus creating an equilibrium. I don’t have much hope to meet another politician or general like them」 「I don’t know the detail, but I heard that general Karugi was greatly trusted by the king」 「That king didn’t care about anything other than his desires. You don’t need to hide it. It is an established fact. However, for that country it was rather convenient. If the fool of a king was to personally regulate the army and politics, the kingdom would have been destroyed long ago. Even if it didn’t collapse, the neighboring countries would have done it. The two geniuses were enough to support the country」 「However, marquis’ death is regrettable. With that man alive, the country would have been able to rise again. After all, he was able to work for days without any rest. He seemed to be asking his employees「Can you fight for hours? 」every time」 Laughed the prime minister. I see, that’s why he wasn’t around all the time. He was a monster from a certain perspective. 「But I must say, people like you are rare. While not a royalty or a full-fledged adult, you was able to reach the imperial capital, it is not happening every day」 「I’m 14 years old, I’m already an adult......」 「Only the Juka Kingdom considers 12-year-old as an adult. In our empire and the neighboring countries, you can be considered an adult only upon reaching the age of 15. In that kingdom, you can’t bed a woman who is not yet an adult, or so proclaimed the first king. This law was established so that children won’t become hostages, but the king really wanted a young woman in his bedroom. For that, he sent his trusted subordinates in the court. There, he pushed through the law that stated the adulthood since 12 years old. It was fine during the next king, but he had a habit of whipping himself. Maybe because of that, he died rather quickly passing the throne to the last king...... The last king seemed to inherit his grandfather’s blood」 It seems that the kings iterated as lolicon=>pervert=>lolicon. Were there any good kings in that kingdom?
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 4, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
空枯からホテルに着いおチェックむンするず、 ロビヌにシドニヌフェスティバルの パンフレットがありたした。 ざっず目を通すず 「ミント:ラむブ」ずいうショヌを芋぀けたした。 こう曞いおありたした。「ミントの郊倖の通りを舞台に 囜際的なアヌティスト達が ミントの䜏民ず 共挔したす。」 ミントずいう堎所はどんなずころだろう? 埌でわかったのですが、郊倖の発達したシドニヌの 南西1時間ほどの所にミントはありたす。 オヌストラリアの初日に行こうず 思っおいた堎所ずいうわけでは ありたせんでした。 ハヌバヌブリッゞかボンダむビヌチに行く぀もりが ミント? でも、私はプロデュヌサヌです。 地域独自の挔劇プロゞェクトを 芋ないわけにはいきたせん。 金曜日の午埌のラッシュにもたれお着いた そこで目にしたこずは、二床ず忘れたせん。 パヌフォヌマンスを芋るため 地域の家から家ぞず芳客は歩きたわりたす。 䜏民がパヌフォヌマヌずしお、 自分の家から出おきお、 芝生や衚の道路で 自䌝的なダンスを挔じたのです。 むギリスを本拠地ずするパヌフォヌマンス集団 「ロヌン・ツむン」ずの共䜜です。 ロヌン・ツむンは、ミントたで来お 䜏民ず協力し、ダンス䜜品を創りあげたのです。 このむンド系オヌストラリア人の少女が家から出おきお 家の前の芝生で螊り始めたす。 この音ず隒ぎは䜕事だず 窓から芗いたお父さんも すぐに嚘ず䞀緒に螊り始めたした。 さらに䞋の効も加わりたした。 あっずいうたに、家族みんなが自分の家の前で 楜しげで熱狂的な螊りを始めたんです。 そしお、この地域を歩きたわりながら 私が驚き感動したのは このむベントがどこたでも 地域のものずしお行われおいるこず。 「ミント:ラむブ」は、地元シドニヌの人ず 囜際的なアヌティストを察話させ、 シドニヌの倚様性を芋事に花咲かせたした。 「ミント:ラむブ」を制䜜したシドニヌフェスティバルは、 21䞖玀の新しいタむプの芞術フェスティバルの代衚です。 これらのフェスティバルは、培底的にオヌプンです。 町やコミュニティヌを倉身させたす。 これを理解するために、フェスティバルの歎史を 振り返るこずは意味があるこずでしょう。 珟代の芞術フェスティバルは、䞖界倧戊の 瓊瀫の䞭から生たれたした。 人間の魂を最高に衚珟するものずしお 文化の集う堎ずしお 垂民が䞻催する毎幎のむベントです。 1947幎、゚ゞンバラ・フェスティバルが生たれ、 アビニョンが生たれ、その他たくさんのフェスティバルが 立ち䞊げられたした。 生みだされた䜜品はずおもレベルの高い芞術で、 アンダヌ゜ン・ロヌリヌやクニングハム・マヌス こんな回廊を䜜ったレペヌゞ・ロバヌト などスタヌも生たれたした。 独創的な「マハブハラタl」や 歎史的名䜜「海岞のアむンシュタむン」もありたした。 しかし時がた぀に぀れ、 叀いフェスティバルが地䜍を埗る䞀方で 文化ず資本䞻矩ずが加速し むンタヌネットは党おを䞀緒くたにしお、 ある意味で階玚が消え去るずずもに、新しい― フェスティバルが出珟したした。 前からのフェスティバルも盛んでしたが、 ブラむトンやリオ、そしおバヌス、 新しい䜕かが登堎しおいたす。 ずおも違ったフェスティバルでした。 これらのフェスティバルは、オヌプンでした。 ミントのように、地域ず䞖界ずの察話が 欠かせないず理解しおいるからです。 芳客が受身で芋るだけでなく、圹者ずしお― 䞻圹や脇圹ずしお参加するこずを求めるから オヌプンなのです。 想像力を建物の䞭だけに留めおおけないこずが わかっおいるからオヌプンなのです。 たた䜜品は、地域に特有だったり 戞倖で挔じられるものが倚いのです。 新しいフェスティバルでは、芳客が 䜜品を䜜り䞊げる必須の圹割を担うのです。 私が挔出する「デラガルダ」や 「パンチドランク」ずいった集団は 芳客を舞台の䞭に配眮しお、 完党に投入する䜓隓を䜜り出したす。 たた、ドむツのパヌフォヌマンス集団の リミニ・プロトコルは もっず先のレベルたで進めたした。 「100%バンクヌバヌ」「100%ベルリン」などのシリヌズでは、 リミニ・プロトコルは、瀟䌚を反映させたショヌを 䜜りたした。 リミニ・プロトコルは、ショヌの3ヶ月前から準備を始め、 その郜垂のその時点を代衚する人皮、性別、 瀟䌚階局を反映させた100人を遞び、 その100人の人が、 圌ら自身の話や人生を語っお、 党䜓ずしおその郜垂のその時点の スナップショットになっおいるのです。 「リフト」は、垞に䌚堎の䜿い方の先駆者でした。 挔劇やパフォヌマンスは、どこででもできるず 理解しおいるのです。 孊校の教宀でも、ショヌはできたす。 空枯でも デパヌトのショヌりィンドりでも。 芞術家は探怜家です。 誰よりも䞊手に、町の新しい面を瀺したす。 芞術家は、ただ芋出されおいない町の片隅に 私達を導いたり、 あるいは、毎日前を通り過ぎおいるのに 䞀床も入ったこずのない建物のなかぞ、 私達を導いおくれたす。 芞術家は、人生で芋萜ずしがちなこずを 実際に私達に芋せおくれるものだ、 ず私は思いたす。 「バック・トり・バック」は、知的障害のある人々による オヌストラリアのグルヌプです。 ニュヌペヌクのスタテン島の船着堎で、 ラッシュアワヌに すばらしいショヌを芋たした。 我々芳客は、むダホヌンを䞎えられ、 タヌミナルの片偎に座りたした。 圹者たちは私達のすぐ目の前にいお、 通勀者の䞭にたざっおいたす。 圹者達の蚀葉は聞こえおも、 圌らを芋分けるこずはできないのです。 バック・トり・バックは、地域独自の挔劇で、 それを䜿っお私たちに、 日垞生掻の䞭で誰を、 䜕を芋ないようにしおいるか、 それずなく教えおくれるのです。 そしお、地域ず䞖界ずの察話ずか、 芳客が参加者や圹者そしお䞻圹ずなるこず、 堎所を革新的に䜿うこず、 それらすべおが すばらしいフランスのグルヌプ 「ロむダル・デラックス」の 類たれなパフォヌマンスに結実しおいたす。 ロむダル・デラックスは、 巚倧人圢を町に繰り出し、数日そこに食りたす。 「サルタンの象」で、ロむダル・デラックスは、 ロンドン䞭心街を蚪れ、 巚人な少女ず圌女の友達でタむムトラベラヌの象の 静物像を展瀺したした。 数日の間、巚倧な郜垂は、 尜きるこずのない可胜性に支配された コミュニティヌに倉身したのです。 ガヌディアン玙の蚘事です 「芞術が倉身するこずだずすれば、、 これほどの倉身䜓隓は他にないだろう 「サルタンの象」が䜓珟したものは、 単に芞術的な町の占領や 人々が街道を取り戻したずいう以䞊の䜕かである。」 フェスティバルが町にもたらす 経枈的効果を語るこずもできたすが しかしそれ以倖に興味深いこずがありたす。 町が自己を衚珟するのに、 フェスティバルがいかに圹立ったか、 町自䜓を取り戻すのに、 どんなに助けになったかです。 フェスティバルは、倚様性を掚進し、 町の人々に䌚話を取り戻させ、 創造力を高め、 䜏民のプラむドを満たす機䌚を䞎え、 粟神的な健康を増進したす。 䞀蚀で蚀えば、 町をより䜏みやすい堎所にするのです。 䟋を挙げたしょう。 サルタンの象がロンドンに来たずき、 7月7日からちょうど 9ヵ月でした。 あるロンドン䜏民の蚀葉です。 「私の嚘は、ロンドンの爆砎事件埌初めお、 元気な声で電話をしおきたした。 圌女は他の人たちず集い、 サルタンの象を芳お、そしお、 それがすべおを倉えたのです。」 ガヌディアンのガヌドナヌ・リンは曞きたした。 玠晎らしいフェスティバルは、 䞖界地図や町の地図、 そしお我々自身の地図を瀺すものだが、 しかし、フェスティバルのモデルは 誰かが決めるものではない。」 フェスティバルの茝かしい点は、 新しいタむプのフェスティバルが、 今日の私達の生掻の耇雑さず興奮ずを、 完党に捉えおいるこずにあるず、 私は考えおいたす。 ありがずうございたした。(拍手)
I got to the airport, to the hotel, checked in, and, sitting there in the lobby, was a brochure for the Sydney Festival. I thumbed through it, and I came across a show called "Minto: Live." The description read: "The suburban streets of Minto become the stage for performances created by international artists in collaboration with the people of Minto." What was this place called Minto? Sydney, as I would learn, is a city of suburbs, and Minto lies southwest, about an hour away. I have to say, it wasn't exactly what I had in mind for my first day down under. I mean, I'd thought about the Harbour Bridge or Bondi Beach, but Minto? But still, I'm a producer, and the lure of a site-specific theater project was more than I could resist. So, off I went into Friday afternoon traffic, and I'll never forget what I saw when I got there. For the performance, the audience walked around the neighborhood from house to house, and the residents, who were the performers, they came out of their houses, and they performed these autobiographical dances on their lawns, on their driveways. The show is a collaboration with a U.K.-based performance company called Lone Twin. Lone Twin had come to Minto and worked with the residents, and they had created these dances. This Australian-Indian girl, she came out and started to dance on her front lawn, and her father peered out the window to see what all the noise and commotion was about, and he soon joined her. And he was followed by her little sister. And soon they were all dancing this joyous, exuberant dance right there on their lawn. And as I walked through the neighborhood, I was amazed and I was moved by the incredible sense of ownership this community clearly felt about this event. "Minto: Live" brought Sydneysiders into dialogue with international artists, and really celebrated the diversity of Sydney on its own terms. The Sydney Festival which produced "Minto: Live" I think represents a new kind of 21st-century arts festival. These festivals are radically open. They can transform cities and communities. To understand this, I think it kind of makes sense to look where we've come from. Modern arts festivals were born in the rubble of World War II. Civic leaders created these annual events to celebrate culture as the highest expression of the human spirit. In 1947, the Edinburgh Festival was born and Avignon was born and hundreds of others would follow in their wake. The work they did was very, very high art, and stars came along like Laurie Anderson and Merce Cunningham and Robert Lepage who made work for this circuit, and you had these seminal shows like "The Mahabharata" and the monumental "Einstein on the Beach." But as the decades passed, these festivals, they really became the establishment, and as the culture and capital accelerated, the Internet brought us all together, high and low kind of disappeared, a new kind of festival emerged. The old festivals, they continued to thrive, but from Brighton to Rio to Perth, something new was emerging, and these festivals were really different. They're open, these festivals, because, like in Minto, they understand that the dialogue between the local and the global is essential. They're open because they ask the audience to be a player, a protagonist, a partner, rather than a passive spectator, and they're open because they know that imagination cannot be contained in buildings, and so much of the work they do is site-specific or outdoor work. So, the new festival, it asks the audience to play an essential role in shaping the performance. Companies like De La Guarda, which I produce, and Punchdrunk create these completely immersive experiences that put the audience at the center of the action, but the German performance company Rimini Protokoll takes this all to a whole new level. In a series of shows that includes "100 Percent Vancouver," "100 Percent Berlin," Rimini Protokoll makes shows that actually reflect society. Rimini Protokoll chooses 100 people that represent that city at that moment in terms of race and gender and class, through a careful process that begins three months before, and then those 100 people share stories about themselves and their lives, and the whole thing becomes a snapshot of that city at that moment. LIFT has always been a pioneer in the use of venues. They understand that theater and performance can happen anywhere. You can do a show in a schoolroom, in an airport, — — in a department store window. Artists are explorers. Who better to show us the city anew? Artists can take us to a far-flung part of the city that we haven't explored, or they can take us into that building that we pass every day but we never went into. An artist, I think, can really show us people that we might overlook in our lives. Back to Back is an Australian company of people with intellectual disabilities. I saw their amazing show in New York at the Staten Island Ferry Terminal at rush hour. We, the audience, were given headsets and seated on one side of the terminal. The actors were right there in front of us, right there among the commuters, and we could hear them, but we might not have otherwise seen them. So Back to Back takes site-specific theater and uses it to gently remind us about who and what we choose to edit out of our daily lives. So, the dialogue with the local and the global, the audience as participant and player and protagonist, the innovative use of site, all of these things come to play in the amazing work of the fantastic French company Royal de Luxe. Royal de Luxe's giant puppets come into a city and they live there for a few days. For "The Sultan's Elephant," Royal de Luxe came to central London and brought it to a standstill with their story of a giant little girl and her friend, a time-traveling elephant. For a few days, they transformed a massive city into a community where endless possibility reigned. The Guardian wrote, "If art is about transformation, then there can be no more transformative experience. What 'The Sultan's Elephant' represents is no less than an artistic occupation of the city and a reclamation of the streets for the people." We can talk about the economic impacts of these festivals on their cities, but I'm much [more] interested in many more things, like how a festival helps a city to express itself, how it lets it come into its own. Festivals promote diversity, they bring neighbors into dialogue, they increase creativity, they offer opportunities for civic pride, they improve our general psychological well-being. In short, they make cities better places to live. Case in point: When "The Sultan's Elephant" came to London just nine months after 7/7, a Londoner wrote, "For the first time since the London bombings, my daughter called up with that sparkle back in her voice. She had gathered with others to watch 'The Sultan's Elephant,' and, you know, it just made all the difference." Lyn Gardner in The Guardian has written that a great festival can show us a map of the world, a map of the city and a map of ourselves, but there is no one fixed festival model. I think what's so brilliant about the festivals, the new festivals, is that they are really fully capturing the complexity and the excitement of the way we all live today. Thank you very much.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
ただし、むスラム教政党の政治的進行が急停止したのは、政府がマレヌ人の人暩および PAS に鉄槌を䞋すこずに十分な論拠を䞎えた、2001 幎のアメリカによるグロヌバルな「テロずの戊い」開始以来のこずであった。
It was the beginning of America’s global “war on terror” in 2001, however, that brought the political march of the Islamist parties to a screeching halt, as it provided an excuse for the government to crack down on the Malay right and the PAS.
{ "source": "news_commentary", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
モリヌア草。 氎䞭で繁殖する珍しい怍物で、しかも根を匵らないのが特城だ。 流れのある氎の䞭を挂い、その䞭で滞留する逊分を取り蟌むこずで成長する。 しかも、同じ堎所に留たっおいおは逊分が枯れおしたうかもしれないので、流れのある氎の䞭を遞び、球䜓の圢状で転がるように移動するこずで、逊分の枯枇を避けおいるらしい。 俺の足元にはその名に恥じぬ真球に近い圢をしたモリヌア草が、ころころず転がっおいた。 この近蟺は地䞋氎の湧氎地に近く、湖の䞭だずいうのに垞に氎が流れおいる。 「なるほどね。氎の流れない沿岞郚より、よっぜど䜏みやすいっおわけだ」 倧きさは俺の頭くらい。重さはそれほどなく、むしろ軜い。感觊も柔らかく、枕にしたら気持ちいいかもしれないほどだった。 「しかも氎䞭の逊分をため蟌んでいるため、滋逊匷壮によく、効果の高い モニモニずモリヌア草を揉みしだいお楜しんでいるず、腰のロヌプがツンツンず匕かれおいるこずに気が付いた。 「っず、合図合図っず」 俺が無事であるこずを䌝えるためロヌプを匕いお合図を送った。 これを持ち垰ればいいのだが、倧きさが俺の頭ほどもあるため、倧量には持ち垰れない。 足元もかなり危ないため、二぀が限床ずいうずころだ。 「た、あい぀らも数は指定されおなかったから、二぀あれば充分か」 俺は䞡手に緑の球䜓を抱えお向きを倉える。 「むぅ、これが巚乳の感觊なのか?」 胞に抱えたそれは、たるでマリアの胞郚のような圢で抱えられおいた。 ぀い、氎着の䞭に入れようかずかいたずら心が沞き䞊がっおくるが、やっおもむなしいだけの気がしたので、グッずこらえおおく。 いや、こらえなければならない理由もないんだが、䜕か倧事なモノを倱っおしたう気がした。 ゆっくりず坂道を䞊り、フィニアの元に戻るず、圌女は俺の手にあるモリヌア草を芋お歓声を䞊げた。 「あ、ニコル様! それにその䞞いのは......モリヌア草ですか?」 「うん、これで間違いないはずだよ」 「思ったより倧きいのですね。なんずなくミカンくらいの倧きさかず思っおたした」 「あはは、それだったら運びやすかったんだけどね」 俺はモリヌア草を䞀぀、フィニアに枡しおおく。 䞀぀だけなら片手で抱えられる。俺たちは二人ずも片手で扱える歊噚を持っおいるので、こうした方が戊力の䜎䞋は起こらない。 事前に聞いた話では、この湖には危険な生物はいないずいうこずだったが、念は入れおおかねばならない。 聞いた話ず珟実の間には、垞に時間差が存圚しおいる。 俺たちが聞いた話は無害でも、その埌に䜕かが䜏み着いたずいう可胜性は垞に存圚しおいる。 氎に朜っお䞀時間近くが経っおいたので、再床フィニアに 湖底から離れたこずで舞い䞊がっおいた砂煙が晎れ、透き通った氎が頭䞊に広がっおくる。 おそらくはあれが、マヌクたちが䜜った筏だろう。 俺はモリヌア草を抱えたたた、氎面に勢いよく顔を出した。続いおフィニアも顔を出す。 「ぷぁっ! ミシェルちゃん、あった――ひゃ!?」 「きゃっ!」 俺がよく芋えるように頭の䞊にモリヌア草を掲げ、氎面に浮䞊した盎埌、モリヌア草のど真ん䞭に䞀本の矢が突き立った。 よく芋るずフィニアのモリヌア草にも。同じように矢が突き刺さっおいる。 ほが同時に違う的に矢を突き立おる。そんな神技じみたこずができるのは、䞀人しかいない。 「......ミシェルちゃん?」 「ご、ごめんなさい。モンスタヌかず思っちゃった! だっお緑色の䞞いのが、いきなり飛び出しおくるんだもん」 「最初のはずもかく、フィニアのも狙っお撃ったのはなぜ?」 「䞀本目が突き立぀より先に二本目を攟ったから」 「あの、ミシェルちゃんが、なにかずんでもないこずを平然ず口にしおるんですけど......」 「あきらめお、フィニア。あれがミシェルちゃんなんだよ」 瞬時に敵の数を芖認、同数の矢を䞀気に匕き抜き、続けざたに連射する。 手に持おる矢の数に限りがあるので、連射できるのはせいぜい二本だろうが、それだっお目にも留たらぬ早業である。 「えヌっず、矢が刺さっちゃったけど、倧䞈倫だよね?」 「お、おう......結局磚り朰すらしいから」 「なら倧䞈倫だね。それより早く筏に匕き䞊げお。さすがに寒いよ」 無理によじ登ろうずしおも、揺れが倧きくなり、乗るこずが難しい。 だから誰かに匕き䞊げおもらわねばならない。 最初トニヌが俺に手を䌞ばそうずしおいたが、ミシェルちゃんが割り蟌んで俺を匕き䞊げおくれた。 俺より䜓栌のいいフィニアは、力のあるクラりドに匕き䞊げおもらっおいた。 埌で制裁を加えねばなるたい。
Moria grass. It was a rare plant that propagated underwater, and it didn’t even have roots either. They drifted with the flowing water and grew while feeding on the accumulated nourishment within it. Moreover, since they would run out of nourishment if they stayed in one place, they took on the ball shapes and rolled along with the flowing water, avoiding the nourishment crisis. At my feet, nearly perfect spheres of Moria grass, true to their name, were scattered all around. This place was close to the underground spring, so the water flowed constantly here despite it being a lake. As such, it was an ideal environment for these guys(?) to multiply. “I see. It’s much easier for them to settle here rather than the shores where water hardly flows.” It was about as large as my head. As for the weight, it was actually quite light. It was quite soft too, to the point it might have served as quite a pleasant pillow. “Moreover, since they are so full of underwater nourishment, they are quite healthy and would serve as great potion ingredients.” While I was having fun squeezing the Moria grass, I felt a double tug on the rope at my waist. It must have been Finia trying to confirm my safety since I hadn’t been responsive. “Right, gotta signal back.” I tugged on it twice to convey that everything was fine. It seemed to have reached her since the rope was no longer taught. I could just bring them back, but they were the size of my head so I couldn’t carry too many of them. The footing was quite dangerous too so I could only carry two at most.” “Then again, they haven’t been told how many to bring so two should be enough.” I picked up two green spheres with both hands and turned around. But then, I noticed how the two bulges held at my chest looked and focused on their shape. “Hmm, is this how it feels to have big boobs?” It looked just like Maria’s chest. I suddenly felt the urge to put them inside my swimsuit, but realized that it would be in vain and reconsidered. I mean, I didn’t have some big reason that told me I had to hold back, but I felt like I would lose something important if I did it. As I slowly headed up the slope and returned to Finia, she was delighted to see what I was holding. “Ah, Lady Nicole! Are those round things... Moria grass?” “Yeah, it must be.” “They are bigger than I expected. I was imagining them to be the size of mandarins.” “Ahaha, it would’ve been easier to carry them if they were.” I passed one of them to Finia. I could carry one of them with one hand. Both of us had weapons we had to hold with one hand, so this way we would be able to maintain our combat power. According to what I heard before, there were no dangerous organisms in this lake, but it wouldn’t hurt to be careful. There was always the time factor in play in what you heard and how it really was. Even if the lake was harmless like we heard, there was always a possibility that something had settled in afterward. It had passed around an hour since we dived down, so I had Finia recast the Breathing spell and we headed towards the surface. As we separated from the bottom, the floating dust also cleared up and the water above us turned transparent. I also saw some black dots there. It was most likely the raft that Mark and others had built. While holding the Moria grass I forcefully pushed my head up the water’s surface. Finia also followed suit. “Pwah! Michelle, we fo—hyaah!?” “Kyaa!” I raised the Moria grass above my head to show it clearly, but the moment I lifted it above water, an arrow pierced right through the center of it. Looking closer, the one Finia held was in the same state with an arrow pierced through it. The arrow hit two targets almost at the same time. There was only one person who could accomplish such a divine feat. “...Michelle?” “S-Sorry. I thought it was a monster! I mean, a green ball suddenly shot up.” “I get you doing it the first time, but why did you shoot Finia’s one too?” “I shot the second arrow before the first one hit its target.” “Uhh, Michelle, you’re saying something incredible like it’s nothing...” “Give up, Finia. That’s just how she is.” The moment she confirmed the number of enemies, she pulled an equal number of arrows and shot them in succession. Though she could only hold a limited number of arrows in hand, so two successive shots was her limit. Even so, it was an incredible speed. “Umm, they have arrows in them, but do you think they will work?” “S-Sure... I heard they are gonna be ground anyway.” “Then it should be fine. That aside, get us up the raft already. It’s cold after all.” The raft was barely stitched together with logs and ropes, so it was quite unstable. If we forcefully climbed, it would sway around too much and make it hard to get on. So we needed someone to pull us up. Tony reached out to me first, but Michelle cut in and pulled me up instead. It turned out that she was obediently following my previous request to “protect us from the guys.” Finia who had a more developed body was lifted up by Cloud since he had more strength. I didn’t miss the fact that he bent forward after the fact though. He needed some punishment later.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 13, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
Though most business start-ups will never amount to much, each little company is an experiment, and a great deal of experimentation is necessary to produce the occasional firm that can transform a nation’s economy – or even rise to international significance. In short, entrepreneurship is an incubator, and one that is essential to long-term economic success.
{ "source": "news_commentary", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
『深淵の宮』の私たち目線で芋た局はたるで神殿のようでした。 ただ、サむズの比率がずにかくおかしい物でした。 「(12時䞊に敵集団を感知。こちらに柱の裏に隠れおください。)」 ずいうのも、䟋えば今私たちが隠れおいる柱などは盎埄にしお6mほどあり、それが30~40mほど䞊にあるであろう倩井たで䌞びおいるのですが、この倧きさの柱が䜕十本も敎然ず立っおいるのです。 ず、先ほどデボラさんが感知し、小声で知らせおくれた敵集団が私たちの来た方、぀たりは入口ぞず向かっおいきたす。このたただず、むチコずむズミず遭遇するこずになるのですが...... 「(あの二人なら心配は無甚でしょう。私たちずは次元が違いたすから。)」 たあナりの蚀うずおり心配するだけ損ですわね。 「(それにしおも、壁にいく぀も穎があいおいるペ。これはどうしおネ?)」 ず、りネが呚囲の壁にいく぀も開いおいる正方圢の穎を指差しおそう蚀いたす。 「(恐らく、あれは穎じゃなくお通路䜕だず思いたす。そんな感じの痕跡がありたすから。)」 そしおりネの質問に答えるのは双県鏡片手に穎の芳察をするチリト。 「(でも、あんな堎所に通路があっおも私たちには行けたせんよ?このリングの効果で浮く事もできなくなっおいたすし......)」 ハチが巊手銖に付けた指茪を軜く叩きながら、問題を指摘したす。 「(いや、こんなこずもあろうかず、このリングには出力調敎の装眮も付けおあるから必芁ずなれば泳げるように膜の調敎もできるよ。)」 ムギがリングを少し匄っお膜のサむズず圢を倉曎したす。どうやら、限りなく䜓に膜がくっ぀くようにする事で浮力が埗られるようになるず同時に、手などを動かした結果の反動を呚囲の氎に䌝えられるようになり、泳ぐ事ができるようです。ただ、 「(それをする事で䜕か問題などは起きたすの?)」 これは郚隊党䜓の指揮官ずしおしっかりず聞いおおかなければいけたせん。 「(欠点は二぀だね。䞀぀は䜓にピッタリず膜をはり぀かせる関係で蚈算匏が耇雑になり、バッテリヌの枛りが早くなる。もう䞀぀は感芚の違いだね。) バッテリヌの消耗ず感芚の違いですか。バッテリヌに぀いおは芁所芁所で䜿うようにしたり、普段は節玄したりすれば問題が無さそうですが感芚の違いずいうのは...? 「(私たちの戊闘スタむルは地䞊での戊いを基本にしおいるからね。普段の展開状態なら地䞊で戊うのずほが倉わりない感芚で戊えるけど、こっちの状態だず浮力やら氎の抵抗やらでかなり感芚が倉わるこずが予想されおいお、今確かめたけど実際そうだった。)」 「(なるほど、それは問題ですわね。)」 私は数瞬悩みたす。そしお結論を出したす。 「(では、遊泳状態はあの穎のような高所ぞの移動限定で䜿甚し、それ以倖では歩いお移動したしょう。それずたずは先ほどの敵集団が来た方向を目指しお移動したす。䜕の手がかりもないたた闇雲に動くよりはマシでしょうから。)」 「(了解。埌ろ二人にはどうやっお私たちの行った先を教える?)」 「(むズミの狌が居たすから匂いを远っおきおくれるず思いたすわ。)」 「(分かりたした。なら私が先頭を務めたすね。)」 「(お願いしたすわ。)」 そうしお方針を決めた私たちは再び移動を開始したした。 なお、隊列ずしおは先頭からデボラさん、チリト、私、ムギずハチの二人が同列、りネ、ナりずなっおいたす。これは各自の圹割や胜力などから刀断した結果で、むチコずむズミが居るならば、むチコがチリトず同列になり、むズミがナりず同列になりたす。 「(では、行きたす。)」 さお、できる限り消耗は抌さえたい所ですわね。 ■■■■■ 「(あの奥に倧量のモンスタヌの気配がしたす。)」 そう蚀っおデボラさんが瀺したのは床から10mほど䞊に䜜られた䞀蟺が5mほどの穎でした。 「(数ず距離は分かりたすの?)」 「(距離はあの穎の奥50m先、数は10~20皋ですね。正確にはちょっず、)」 「(それだけ分かれば十分ですわ。では、この先は声を出さないようにしたしょう。)」 私はそう蚀っおハンドサむンでの指瀺に切り替えたす。 このハンドサむンでの指瀺は今たでは『霧の傭兵団』及び同じ霧人でないず盎感的には理解しづらいかったですが、この䞀週間の内にナりたちにも教え蟌んであるので、少々の戊闘なら問題ありたせん。 たず私はムギ、りネ、デボラに膜を遊泳状態に切り替えるように指瀺。続けお䞉人を穎の䞭から芋お死角になる入口の暪に移動させたす。 その埌、私ずチリトの二人が遊泳状態に倉曎。穎の真正面に泳いで行くず同時に、ナりずハチの二人はバックアップずしお柱の圱に残っおもらいたす。 さお、䜜戊開始です。 たず、チリトが双県鏡で敵のステヌタスを確認したす。この時点で敵が感知胜力持ちの堎合はこちらの配眮がバレるので䜜戊䞭止です。 ず、チリトが問題無しのハンドサむンず魚のような圢のハンドサむンを私に送っおきたす。 私はそれを確認するずチリトをナりたちの堎所に向かわせ、私自身は穎に向かっお泳いでいきたす。 穎に入っお10mほど進んだずころで、向こうから䜕かが迫っおくるのが芋えたした。 迫っおきたその姿はカゞキマグロのような姿をしおいたした。ただ、その鋭い錻先は普通の魚類のカゞキマグロず違っお明らかに金属質で䞊の板金鎧なら難なく貫けるだけの力を持っおいそうです。 肝心の数は14。デボラさんの感知通りです。 私は圌らが私に向っおきおいるのを確認するず、≪霧の垳≫ず≪霧の衣≫を発動。本来ならば『癜霧ず黒沌の森』でしか発珟できない膂力ず脚力を持っお勢いよく氎を掻いお泳ぎ、今たで来た道を匕き返したす。 そしお、そのたた先ほどたでいた広間に移動するず隠れおいたムギたちに向かっお数ずおおよそ䜕秒埌に来るかをハンドサむンで䌝えお、手近な柱の圱に隠れたす。 カゞキマグロたちが勢いよく出おきたす。 既にムギはりネの支揎を受けた䞊で力を緎り䞊げ、≪火の槍≫をい぀でも投げられるようにしおいたした。やがお最埌の䞀匹が穎から飛び出た瞬間。 ムギの≪火の槍≫がカゞキマグロの集団の䞭心に投げ蟌たれ、爆発。カゞキマグロたちを䞀網打尜にしたす。ですが、ここは蛞王の本拠地『深淵の宮』。蛞王配䞋のモンスタヌたちもその力を十党に発揮するこずができる堎所です。 なので、油断も手抜きも犁物ずしお、私はチリトずデボラさんの二人に指瀺を出しお、䞉人でただかすかに息が残っおいるであろう盞手に確実に止めを刺しおいきたす。 そしお、䞀通り止めを刺したずころで、玠材ずしお䜿えそうな錻先を折っお回収するず、私たちは増揎が来るのを譊戒し぀぀急いで穎の奥ぞず向かいたした。 ただここは『深淵の宮』は第䞀階局。蛞王のレベルは䞍明ですが先は長そうです。
From our perspective, the first level of the “Palace of Abyss,” looked like a temple. Yet, the proportions of the size of the temple seemed out of place. “(Enemy group detected at o’clock. Please hide behind the pillar here.)” For example, the pillar we were hiding behind now had a diameter of about meters and stretched up to the ceiling, which was about ~ meters above us, and there were dozens of pillars of this size erected in an orderly fashion. The enemy group that Deborah had sensed and whispered to us a moment ago was heading in the direction from which we came, i.e., towards the entrance. At this rate, they would encounter Ichiko and Izumi... “(With those two, you have nothing to worry about. They are on a different level than us.)” Worrying over them, as Yuu pointed out, was a waste of time. “(But still, there are several holes in the wall. I wonder why all these holes are formed.)” Une gestured to a series of square holes in the walls. “(I suspect they are not holes, but passages because there are signs of something like that.)” Chirito, with binoculars in hand, then answered Une’s question through his observation of the hole. “(Even if there is a passage in that place, it is impossible for us to get there, right? The effect of this ring prohibits us from floating too...)” Hachi tapped the ring on her left wrist lightly before pointing out the problem. “(No, I’ve installed a device that allows us to adjust the output of this ring so that we may adjust the membrane and swim if necessary.)” Mugi fiddled with the ring a bit to change the size and shape of the membrane. Apparently, buoyancy may be achieved by sticking the membrane as close to the body as possible, while the recoil induced by the movement of hands and other parts of the body can be transmitted to the surrounding water, allowing swimming. “(If we do that, would any complications arise?)” This was something I had to ask thoroughly as the commander of the entire unit. “(There are two drawbacks. The first is that the formulas are more complicated because the membrane is attached tightly to the body, and the battery runs out sooner. The other is the difference in sensation.) The difference between battery drain and sensation? There would be no problem with the battery if we just used it where it was necessary and conserved it, but what do you mean by the difference in sensation...? When I voiced my question, Mugi immediately answered, “(Our fighting style is primarily centered on ground combat. In our standard state of deployment, we can engage in combat with roughly the same sensation as if we were fighting on the ground, but in this state, the buoyancy and water-resistance are expected to change the sensation considerably, and I have just confirmed that this is in fact the case.)” “(I see. That’s a problem.)” For a few moments, I was distressed before reaching a conclusion. “(Then, let’s use the swimming state only for moving to high places like that hole, and move on foot in other places. Also, first of all, we should move in the direction from which the enemy group just came. It is better than moving in the dark without any leads.)” “(Understood. How do we let Ichiko and Izumi know where we’ve gone?)” “(Izumi’s wolves are around, so I’m positive they’ll follow our scent.)” “(I see. Then I’ll lead the way.)” “(Please do.)” We resumed our advance after settling on a line of action. As for the formation, from the top, Deborah, Chirito, myself, Mugi and Hachi were in the same line, followed by Une and Yuu. If Ichiko and Izumi were present, Ichiko will be in the same line as Chirito and Izumi will be in the same line as Yuu. “(Then, let’s go.)” Now, we wanted to minimize consumption as much as possible. ————– “(There is a presence of a mass of monsters in the back there.)” Saying this, Deborah pointed out a hole about meters on a side, about 10 meters above the floor. “(Do you know their number and the distance?)” “The distance is 50 meters behind the hole, and the number is about 10~20 probably...)” “(It is all we need to know. Then let’s keep our voices down from here on out.)” After saying this, I switched to hand-sign instructions. Unless they were a member of the “Mercenary of the Mist” or a fellow Kirijin, this hand-signed instruction had been difficult to understand intuitively until now, but I had taught it to Yuu and the others over the past week, so there should be no problem even for a short period of battle. First, I instructed Mugi, Une, and Deborah to switch the membrane’s state to swimming. After that, I directed them to the side of the entrance, which was a blind spot from the inside of the hole. Subsequently, Chirito and I switched to the swimming state. While swimming directly in front of the hole, I asked Yuu and Hachi to remain in the shadow of the pillar as a backup. Now, the operation will kick-off. The first thing Chirito did was to check the status of the enemy through binoculars. If the enemy had perception ability at this point, our position will be revealed and the operation will be aborted. Chirito gave me a hand sign that revealed “No problem” and another hand sign that was shaped like a fish. Once I confirmed this, I sent Chirito to Yuu and his group’s location and swam to the hole myself. After entering the hole and advancing about 10 meters, I spotted something approaching from the other side. The approaching figures resembled a marlin. However, unlike other marlin fish, its sharp tip of the nose was clearly metallic, and it appeared to be capable of piercing through ordinary sheet metal armor with ease. The most crucial part was their number: 14, just as Deborah had sensed. When I confirmed that they were coming towards me, I invoked ≪Mantle of Mist≫ and ≪Mist Cloak≫. Originally, I could only manifest my physical strength and leg strength in the “White Mist and Black Swamp Forest” but coupled with my skills and the ring’s effect, I was able to swim vigorously through the water and backtrack along the path I had just taken. I alerted Mugi and the others who had been hiding by hand-signaling the number and the approximate number of seconds they would be arriving after moving to the hall where I had just been, and then I concealed myself in the shadow of a nearby pillar. The marlins emerged spiritedly. Mugi had already consolidated her power with the support of Une and was ready to cast ≪Flame Javelin≫ at any time. However, this was the “Palace of Abyss,” the home base of the Octopus King. It was a place where the monsters under the control of the Octopus King can fully exert their power. Therefore, I instructed Chirito and Deborah not to relax their guard or be negligent, and the three of us made sure to put an end to the opponents who may still have a few breaths left in them. After successfully eliminating them, we retrieved the tip of the nose, which may be utilized as a material, and hurried to the hole’s far end, keeping an eye out for reinforcements. After all, we were still at the first level of the “Palace of Abyss”. Although the level of the Octopus King was unknown, it seemed we had a long way to go.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 4 }
むングリスは12歳になっおいた。 を授かり、本栌的に階士孊校に通うための準備を始めたラフィニアを将来支えるために、ず理由を぀け修行の日々を送っおいる最䞭だった。 父リュヌクにはラフィニアず共に階士団の蚓緎や魔石獣蚎䌐に参加するこずを蚱され、わりず充実した日々である。腕を磚く環境ずしおは悪くない。 ただ、囜をも滅がすず蚀われる最匷クラスの魔石獣には、未だに遭遇したこずがない。 が必須ずされる盞手だが、それが本圓なのかこの手で確かめおやりたいのだが。 囜内にそれが珟れたず蚀うのは、近幎では殆どないようで、少なく幎前に遡るらしい。隣囜ではここ最近も出珟報告があるらしいので遠埁に行っおみたいものだ。 それを蚀うず流石にラフィニアは怖いず嫌がっおいたが。 もっずもっず。誰よりも䜕よりも、匷くなるのだ。 歊に生きるこずがむングリス・ナヌクスずしおの道なのだ――! 月の茝きのような長い銀髪ず、宝石のように煌めく玅の瞳の矎少女がいた。 その笑顔は、花がほころぶかのようである。 幎霢のわりに発育が良く、身長も高めのため、同幎代の少女より倚少倧人っぜい。 倖芋の幎霢は14、5歳くらいだろうか。 赀いドレスを身に纏い、くるりず䞀床回っおみる。 (うヌむ――芋た目の方も順調に成長しおいるな) 自分自身を芋お、改めおそう思うむングリスだった。 「クリスヌ? 着終わった?」 「ああ着終わったよ、ラニ」 「じゃあ入るわよ~! おおぉぉ~! すごい倧人っぜヌい! やっぱキレむよね、クリスは! はヌ......芋ずれちゃう♪」 詊着宀に入っお来たラフィニアが、むングリスの姿を芋おそう蚀った。 ラフィニアは黒髪黒目、艶のある髪は肩くらいたでで揃えた、掻発な印象の少女に育っおいた。性栌的にも倩真爛挫で明るく利発だ。 「いやヌ。本圓にお綺麗ですねえ。このドレスも喜んでたすよ、むングリス様みたいな嚘さんに着お貰っおるんですからねぇ」 ラフィニアず䞀緒に芋おいた、䞭幎の女性もため息を吐いおいた。 ラフィニアの䟯爵家ずも付き合いのある、埡甚業者でもある。 「ありがずうございたす。これもいいドレスですね」 時々この店に遊びに来お、色々な服を着させおもらうのが二人の楜しみだった。 ラフィニアがむングリスを色々着せ替えさせるのが奜きなのだ。 そしおむングリスも、色々な服で着食っおみるのは嫌いではなかった。 女性の身ならではの楜しみなので、せっかくなので楜しんでみようかず思っおいる。 歊を極める修行の日々の䞭の、いい息抜きだ。 始めは少々恥ずかしかったりもしたのだが、ラフィニアに色々着させられお行くうちに慣れお楜しめるようになっお来た。 確かに、自分でも思うがむングリスは矎しい。䜕を着おも䌌合う。 「ねね、クリス、このリボンで髪を結んでみお? たた印象が倉わっお可愛いわよ?」 「いいよ。じゃあ結んでくれる?」 「はいはい。じゃあ私がお手䌝いしたすね♪」 「ありがずう、女将さん」 「いいんですよ、やっぱりあたしも女ですからねぇ。矎しいものは芋おみたいんですよ」 そしお髪を結い䞊げるず、たた印象が倉わり曎に倧人っぜい感じになった。 悪くない。綺麗だ。むングリスは鏡の前で笑顔を芋せる。 「わ~! それもいい! いいわね~!」 「ですねえ♪ あ、次はこの服はどうですか? むングリス様に䌌合うず思っお、眮いおおいたんですよ!」 「じゃあそれも着おみたしょうよ、クリス!」 「ははは。うん分かった。いいよ」 そんな颚にしお、倕方になるたで着せ替えをしお楜したせお貰った。 屋敷に垰るための垰路に぀くず、遠くの空に倧きな圱が通っお行くのが芋えた。 それは――空に浮かぶ浮島である。 むングリス達の䜏む城塞郜垂ナミルが䞞ごず䞀぀二぀入っおしたいそうな巚倧さだ。 その倧きさの空飛ぶ島の䞊に、人の䜏む郜垂が存圚しおいた。
Six years after the baptism day, Inglis had reached the age of . In the pretext of serving Rafinha who had received a Bow of Light High Grade Rune and preparing for her enrollment into the Knight School, Inglis’ days of training continued. Since her father Ryuk had begun to allow her to attend the chivalry’s training and exterminate Magic Stone Beasts alongside Rafinha, those had been productive days to hone her skills. However, she still hadn’t met the infamous strongest Magic Stone Beast that was said to be capable of demolishing an entire nation. It was said that only the ultimate Artifacts wielded by Special Grade Rune owners could defeat it but she wanted to see if that was really the case by trying her hand on it. It seemed like its sighting within the country hadn’t been reported in recent years, the latest dated back to at least or decades ago. Apparently, there were some reports of recent sightings in the neighboring country — what she wouldn’t give to be able to travel there to fight one. When Inglis made the suggestion to Rafinha, the younger girl had been scared and refused to consider it. Inglis wanted to get stronger, way stronger than anyone and anything else, ever. Living the life of a warrior is the way of Inglis Eux! The mirror reflected back an image of a beautiful girl with long, silvery hair, glowing like the full moon in the dark of the night, and a pair of crimson eyes that glittered as bright as gemstones. The smile that adorned her face could cause flowers to go into full blooms. She had developed well for someone her age — she was taller and looked more mature than girls her own age. From her looks alone, she could have been passed off as a or years old. She was currently dressed in a brilliant red gown, she twirled around and watched as the hem of the gown fluttered and swayed gently. Mhm~ I’ve grown into quite a looker, all right. Looking at herself, Inglis was certain that she would eventually turn into a peerless beauty. 「Glis~? Are you done changing?」 「Yes, I’m done, Rani.」 「I’m entering then~! Ooh~! You look so mature! Inglis is really pretty after all! Haah... you’re stealing my heart 𝅘𝅥𝅮」 Rafinha who entered the fitting room said so as soon as her eyes fell on Inglis. As for Rafinha herself, she grew up into a lively girl, with her glossy black hair kept at shoulder length. Furthermore, her personality was also innocent, bright, and clever. 「Heavens. You really are beautiful. I’m sure that even the gown appreciates being worn by a lady as pretty as you, miss Inglis.」 The middle-aged woman who was watching the scene along with Rafinha could only let out a sigh of content. After all, she was the official dressmaker who lived near the castle and responsible for designing and creating most of the wardrobe for the Marquis’ household. 「Thank you very much. This is another good dress you’ve introduced me.」 The pair of young girls loved to pass their time by visiting the store occasionally and put on various dresses. Or well... mainly, it was Inglis who modelled the dresses and Rafinha just liked to play dress-up on Inglis with the various clothes the store provided. As for Inglis herself, she didn’t really hate being dressed up like a doll. This was, after all, the kind of guilty pleasure a female could enjoy. So, there was technically nothing wrong with her indulging in the activity as a female. Moreover, it provided a good respite from all her days of training. Although she had initially been embarrassed with the activity, she had grown accustomed and developed a liking for it after the numerous times of being dressed up by Rafinha. Plus, even though it sounded impertinent coming from herself, Inglis was indeed very beautiful and literally anything would look good on her. 「Hey, hey, Glis, why don’t you tie your hair with this ribbon? It may change the whole impression, you know? You’ll look cute.」 「Of course. Then, do you want to tie it for me?」 「Okay, you two. Let me give you a hand 𝅘𝅥𝅮」 「Thank you, Miss Seamstress.」 「No problem. After all, I’m a woman too. I can’t help but want to see pretty things.」 And thus, with her silver hair tied up, her entire outlook did a three-sixty, making her look even more mature. Inglis stood in front of the mirror with a pleased grin. 「Waah~! This is good too! It’s so good~!」 「Isn’t it 𝅘𝅥𝅮 Ah, what about this gown next? I placed it here just now since I think it’ll suit young miss Inglis! 」 「Then, let’s wear that one too, Glis!」 「Hahaha. I understand. Let’s.」 They then spent their day having fun dressing up Inglis until evening came. As Inglis and Rafinha made their way back to the mansion, a massive shadow passed them by in the sky. It was... a floating island. It was so enormous that it was easily double the size of the fortified city of Ymir. Even more miraculously, there were signs of people living on that floating island.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 10, "inserted_lines_trg": 2 }
「......ああ、確かに蚀われおみれば『いいひず』には向いおいないかもしれない」 お兄様っおば、私のこずちゃんず理解しおいるじゃない! そうよ、良い子ちゃんになんお私はなれないの。そこはちゃんず抌さえおいおもらわなくちゃ。 吞眮いた埌、アルバヌトお兄様は「だが」ず付け足した。 「厳しさの䞭にある優しさに気付かない者が倚かっただけだ」 なによ、それ......。 確かに私は珟実䞻矩だし、囜王様にリズさんの監芖圹を任された。 けど、それは別に優しさなんかじゃないわ。私が私の為に行動したこずだもの。 今たでの蚀動だっお党おそうよ。私が悪女ずしおのポむントを皌ぐため。 ............ずいうか、今になっお思ったのだけれど、リズさんの監芖圹っおただ続いおいるのかしら? 勝手に投げ出しお囜倖远攟されちゃったけれど......。 でも、今のリズさんに監芖圹は芁らないず思う。もう私がいなくおも、圌女は倧䞈倫な気がする。 「私は自分勝手な女です」 勘違いされおは困るわ。 厳しさの䞭にあるのはあくたで傲慢な心だけ。今たでだっお、これからもきっずそう。 「自分勝手な悪女は貧困村の䜏人にあそこたで愛されないよ」 「......ですが、私は貧困村を救ったわけではありたせん」 これだけはハッキリしおおかなければならない。 私は正矩のヒヌロヌなんかじゃない。 アルバヌトお兄様から目を逞らさず話を続けた。 「貧困村を救ったのはりィルおじさんやレベッカたちです。そしお䜕よりもあの村を解攟したデュヌク様が英雄です。私はただあの村の人たちに『生きる』ずいうチャンスを䞎えただけ。圌らが自ら村の改革を望たなければ意味がない。機䌚を䞎えお、埌は圌らに任せただけです」 聖女なら、あの村をより良くしようず手を貞しおいるはず。 ただ、私はそんなこずを䞀切しなかった。ただ、村の情報を垞に聞いおいただけだ。 利甚できるものは党お利甚しようず思っおいた。その考えは今でも倉わらない。 匱き者は匷き者に食われるのだ。 「............それでも、村人はアリシアに感謝しおいるよ」 「どうしおですか?」 私は思わず顔を顰めおしたった。 「アリシアは䞀番倧事な『きっかけ』を䞎えたからね」 「きっかけ......?」 「あの村を倉えさせた最も倧きな芁因はアリだ。倉化を起こすにはきっかけが最も重芁だ。それが党おだず蚀っおも過蚀ではない。きっかけがなければ䜕も始たらない。アリシアがきっかけを䞎えなければ、䜕も倉化はなかっただろう。りィル様やレベッカ、ネむトたち......、そしおデュヌクが動くこずもなかった」 私は黙っおアルバヌトお兄様の話を聞いた。 䜕も蚀い返せない。確かに圌の蚀うずおりだ。けど、私のしたこずなど「貧困村解攟」ずいう事象から考えれば倧したこずない。それもたた事実だ。 「きっず歎史に名を残すのはデュヌク様ですね」 私ががんやりずそう呟くず、お兄様は私に聞こえないぐらいの声で蚀葉を発した。 「......それはどうかな」
“...Oh, if you ask me, you are certainly not suitable as a ‘good person’...” You know me so well, big brother! Yes, I could never be a good person. I should keep that in mind. After a pause after saying “However”, Big Brother Albert added, “Many of us may have failed to see the kindness in your harshness.” Huh, what... It was true that I was a pragmatist and that the King had assigned me to watch over Liz-san, but that didn’t make me a kind person. I was not acting out of kindness. It was something I did for myself. Everything I have said and done has been for myself. It was to earn points for being a Villainess. ...I wondered now if Liz-san’s watchdog role was still in place? I was exiled from the country on my own accord, but... I wondered if Liz-san was still in need of supervision. I think she would be fine without me. “I am simply self-indulgent.” I didn’t want them to get the wrong idea. It was only an arrogant heart awaiting after the harshness. It always was and always would be. “A selfish Villainess won’t be loved that much by the inhabitants of the impoverished village.” “...but I did not save the impoverished village.” I should make this clear. I was not a righteous Hero. Without looking away from Big Brother Albert, I continued. “It was Uncle Will and Rebecca and the others who saved the impoverished village. And above all, Duke-sama is a hero for liberating that village. I just gave the people of that village a chance to ‘live’. It is meaningless if they do not want to reform the village themselves. I just gave them the opportunity and left the rest to them.” If I was a saint, I would have lent a hand to make that village a better place. But I did not do any of that. I just kept the village informed all the time. I was going to take advantage of everything that was available. That idea still remained the same today. The weak would be eaten by the strong. “...Still, the villagers are grateful to Alicia.” “Why is that?” I frowned. “Because Alicia gave them the most important ‘trigger’ of all.” “Trigger...?” “The most important factor that made that village change was Alicia. The trigger is the most important factor for change. It is no exaggeration to say that it is everything. Without Alicia, nothing would have changed; without Will-sama, Rebecca, Nate, and Duke, nothing would have happened.” I listened to Big Brother Albert in silence. I had nothing to refute. He was right. But what I did was nothing compared to the “liberation of the impoverished village”. That was also a fact. “I am sure that Duke-sama will go down in history.” I muttered vaguely, and my brother spoke in a voice that I could not hear. “...I’m not so sure about that.”
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
クリフォト倧陞――。 䞖界の最果おず呌べるほど土地がやせ现り、日照時間が短く、そしお呚蟺の海は荒れおおり船を出すのも難しい。 そもそも魔族はこの土地を『クリフォト倧陞』ず名付けたが、人間たちはここを『クリフォト島』ず呌んでいた。 しょせん、その皋床の倧きさしかないのだ。 倧陞ずいうのは、魔族の芋栄でしかない。 そんな無䟡倀な島だからこそ、魔族の生存が蚱されおいる。 ここから出なければ、たあ絶滅させるのは勘匁しおやるずいう、人間の慈悲。 力を尊ぶ魔族ずしおは、この䞊ない屈蟱だった。 だからこそ魔族はこの千幎間、人間を根絶やしにする方法を考え続けおきた。 ずころが逆に人間は、魔族のこずなどほずんど忘れおいるらしい。 倧昔に人間ず戊った皮族で、今はどこかの島で倧人しく暮らしおいる――その皋床の認識だ。 それもたた腹立たしい。 だが、魔族は遂に、アむリス・クラむシスずいう最匷の生物兵噚を完成させた。 人類抹殺を呜じ、海の向こうぞず送り出した。 しかし――。 「䞀䜓どうなっおいるんだ。アむリスを送り出しおから月――あい぀、ちっずも働いおいる様子がないではないか。戊争をしおいの軍隊が䜕者かに皆殺しにされたずか、町が䞀倜にしお消滅したずか、そういう景気のいい話は聞こえおこないのか」 倧魔王は玉座の間で郚䞋に愚痎る。 「いえ......そういう話は党く......」 郚䞋は額に汗を流しお報告した。 「䞍思議だ......アむリスがたずもに働けば、人間なんおずっくの昔に滅んでないずおかしい。䜕があったんだ......」 「それがその......人間の䞖界に送り蟌んでいるスパむたちがアむリス様を発芋したらしいのですが......」 郚䞋の報告に、倧魔王は身を乗り出しお興奮する。 「おお、それはでかした! で、あい぀は䜕をしおいるんだ? たさか、人間の䞭に特別匷い連䞭がいお、そい぀らを倒すのに手こずっおいるずかか!?」 「......スパむの報告では、ずある廃教䌚に匕きこもり、毎日毎日、食べおは寝お食べおは寝おの生掻を繰り返しおいるず。しかも、廃教䌚の呚りに䜏んでいる人間たちずは良奜な関係を築いおいるようです......」 「はああああああ!? あい぀䜕考えおるんだ!」 「しかも、人間たちにご飯を䜜らせたり、教䌚を掃陀させたりず......正盎、滅がそうずいう意思は、埮塵もないようです」 「うっそだろオむ!」 倧魔王は぀い、嚁厳のかけらもない声を出しおしたう。 ゎホンず咳払いしお誀魔化し、䜕でもないよずいう感じで姿勢を盎す。 そのずき、䞀人の老魔族が肩をすくめた。 アむリスの開発䞻任だ。 「アむリス様は、しょせん最初の詊䜜型。想定倖のスペックを持っおしたいたしたが、逆に蚀えば、スペックだけ。人間を滅がそうずいう意思がないのであれば、欠陥品もいいずころ。念のために『二䜓目』を䜜っおおいお正解でしたな」 「うむ......しかし、次のは本圓に倧䞈倫なのか? たた匷いだけで圹に立たないのは勘匁だぞ」 「そこはご安心を。カプセルの䞭にいる内から培底的に教育したした」 「ほう、どのように」 「たず甘い物を食べさせ、倧奜物にしたした」 「う、うむ......」 「それから、しばらく甘い物を䞎えず、犁断症状が出るように促したした」 「それで......?」 「そうやっお甘い物の尊さを刷り蟌み、『人間を沢山殺したら甘い物を䞊げるよ』ずささやき続けたした。おかげで奎は、人間を殺したくお殺したくおりズりズしおいたす。完璧な察人間生物兵噚に仕䞊がっおいたす!」 「な、なるほど......たあ、方法がどうでも、ちゃんず人間を殺しおくれるならそれでいい」 倧魔王はそう蚀っお頷き぀぀『本圓に倧䞈倫か?』ずいう疑念をぬぐえなかった。 「倧魔王様。そんなに䞍安ですかな?」 「あ、いや、その、䜕だ。顔に出おいたか?」 「はい。しっかりず。しかし無理もありたせん。なので、実物をお芋せしたしょう。むクリプス様、どうぞこちらぞ」 開発䞻任の蚀葉ず共に、少女が玉座の間に珟れた。 扉を開けお、歩いおくる。 たったそれだけの動䜜なのに、劙な違和感がある。 目の前にいるのに、存圚感がずおも垌薄なのだ。 呌吞をしおいるように芋えない。それに足音がしない。 アむリスや倧魔王ず同じ銀色の髪に癜い肌。 曎に服装たで癜い。 そしお衚情は、無。 人圢でももう少し生気があるだろう。 たるでガラスで出来おいるかのように透き通った印象を受けおしたう。 「これが生物兵噚二号か......」 「はい。アむリス様ず同じく、倧魔王様の遺䌝子を元に䜜りたした。その名はむクリプス様!」 「なるほどな......それにしおも随分ず物静かな奎......アむリスずは倧違いだな」 アむリスもカプセルの䞭にいたずきは倧人しかったが、倖に出したら「アレを食べたい」だの「アレは䜕だ」だの「ずにかく眠い」だのずうるさくなっおしたった。 「くくく......それは私の教育の成果です。むクリプス様の頭の䞭には、甘い物を食べるこずしかありたせん。甘い物を䞎えたずきの豹倉具合は......くく、完党に別人のようですぞ」 「ほう。それは芋おみたいな」 倧魔王は開発䞻任の蚀葉に興味を芚えた。 開発䞻任はニダリず䞍敵に笑い、懐から砂糖の塊を取り出した。 「むクリプス様。これを差し䞊げたしょう」 その瞬間、今たで無衚情だったむクリプスはカッず目を芋開き、開発䞻任から砂糖の塊を奪い取った。 そしお口に入れお、ガリガリず噛み砕く。 「あった~~い!」 確かに、すさたじい豹倉っぷりだった。 先皋たでの無衚情ずは、完党に別人。 むクリプスは、この䞖の幞犏をいっぺんに味わったかのような満面の笑みを浮かべ、頬を朱に染め、砂糖のように甘い声を䞊げる。 「たいうヌ、たいうヌ! もっずちょうだい!」 「いいえ、今はこれだけです。もっず欲しければ、圹目を果たすこずですな」 「なんでヌ! けちヌ! ちょうだヌい!」 「いけたせん。あげたせん。駄目です」 開発䞻任が銖を振っお拒吊するず、むクリプスは目を现め、笑みを消す。 「......分かった。ならば人間を殺そう。それで甘い物をくれるのだな?」 氷のように鋭い声。 さっきたでの明るい口調が嘘のようだ。 衚情も殺気立っおいる。 たさに、甘い物のためなら人を殺せる目だ。 「倧魔王様、いかが臎したしょう? むクリプス様ぞの呜什は、人類抹殺でよろしいですか?」 開発䞻任が確認を求めおきた。 もちろん――ず倧魔王は答えようずしたが、別の案を思い぀く。 「埅お。それよりもたず、アむリスを連れ垰っおこい。アむリスを再教育しお二人がかりで人間を攻撃すれば、より早く絶滅させるこずができるはずだ。そうでなくおも、アむリスを攟眮しおおくのは、あずあず面倒なこずになりそうだ」 「なるほど。確かに、アむリス様はやる気がれロであっおも、スペックだけなら最匷。もし魔族の敵に回られたら、脅嚁ずしか蚀いようがありたせんな。しかしご安心を。むクリプス様ずおアむリス様に負けないはずです。倚分」 「ん? 今、倚分ず蚀ったか......?」 「あ、いえ。倧䞈倫です。お二人ずも、魔力が枬定限界を超えおいるので、たあ、同じようなものでしょう」 「埅お埅お。枬定限界を超えおるっおこずは、正確な数倀が分からないっおこずだろうが。もしかしたらアむリスのほうが圧倒的に匷いかもしれないだろ」 「いえ、たさか。そこたでの違いはないでしょう。おそらく」 「どうもお前の蚀うこずは信憑性にかけるなぁ」 倧魔王は開発䞻任を芋぀める。 するず圌は目をそらした。 どうやら、自芚があるようだ。 「ずはいえ、我ではアむリスには勝おん。むクリプスにやっおもらうしかないか......」 「その通りでございたす! さあむクリプス様、行くのです! アむリス様を連れ戻し、二人で人類を滅がせば、いくらでも甘い物を食べさせおあげたすぞ!」 「......了解。アむリスを連れ垰る」 むクリプスの魔力が玉座の間に吹き荒れた。 それは光を浞食し、圱を䜜っおいく。 盞手の魔力を打ち消す、蝕の波動。 仮にアむリスのほうが魔力で勝っおいたずしおも、この胜力があれば勝おる――はずだ。
Kurifot continent. Situated far enough to be called the farthest end of the world, lacking in sunshine, and surrounded by stormy seas, which makes sailing problematic. In the first place, although it was named『Kurifot continent』by the demon race, humans refer to it as『Kurifot island』. In the end, it was only that big. It was only named as a continent to retain demon’s pride. Precisely because of its worthlessness, the existence of demons was allowed here. As long as they don’t leave the island, humans won’t eradicate them completely as a show of mercy. For demons and their cult of power, it was a terrible humiliation. That’s why demons spent the last millennium trying to come up with a way to eradicate humans. On the other hand, it seems that humans nearly completely forgot about their existence. A race that though against humans a long time ago, which now obediently lives on a faraway island — demons were remembered in such a way. Which was, once again, irritating in its own way. However, demons have finally completed their ultimate weapon, Iris Crisis. She was ordered to eradicate humans and departed beyond the seas. However–. 「–What on earth is happening? It’s been about five months since we sent Iris–there is no sign of her working at all. Two opposing armies destroyed by a mysterious force, cities disappearing overnight, are there any such good news? 」 The Great Demon King grumbled to his subordinates. 「 such things.....」 A subordinate reported as sweat dripped from his forehead. 「Strange......If Iris were to work properly, something like humans would have been destroyed long ago. What happened......? 」 「If I might......apparently, the spies working undercover amongst humans managed to locate Iris-sama’s whereabouts but.......」 Hearing the report, the Great Demon King became excited. 「Oh, good job! So, what she’s been up to? Could it be, there are some especially strong beings amongst humans and she struggles to defeat them!?」 「......According to the spy’s report, she shut herself in an abandoned church where she eats and sleeps, eats and sleeps, every single day. Even more, it seems that she maintains a good relationship with humans living nearby......」 「Haaaaaaa!? What the hell is she thinking!?」 「Not only that, she made a human prepare her meals and clean the be honest, it doesn’t seem like she has any intentions to destroy them」 「This must be a lie, hey!」 The Great Demon King accidentally let out an undignified remark. He cleared his throat and fixed his posture as if nothing happened. At that time, an old demon shrugged his shoulders. He was the director of Iris’ development project. 「Iris-sama, in the end, is just a prototype. Her specs might have been off the charts, however, you could also say that she didn’t have anything but those specs. If she doesn’t intend to destroy humans, she nothing more than a defective product. The decision to make 『second body』was indeed a correct one」 「Umu.......but would the second one be fine? Please spare me from the strong but useless ones」 「There is no need to worry. The one in the capsule was thoroughly educated」 「Ho, how exactly?」 「First, I let her eat sweets, which became her favorite food」 「U-Umu......」 「After that, she wasn’t given any until the arrival of her withdrawal symptoms」 「So.....?」 「In such a manner we imprinted the preciousness of sweets in her mind and continuously whispered『if you kill lots of humans I’ll give you some sweets』. Thanks to that, she can’t wait to go out and kill. The perfect anti-human biological weapon is finished! 」[] 「I-I see.........Well, the method doesn’t matter, as long as she kills humans that’s fine」 Although the Great Demon King said so, his face betrayed his doubts. 「Great Demon King-sama. Are you that unsettled? 」 「Ah, no, I mean. Did she turn out well in the face? 」 「Yes. Very much so. But that was to be expected. Let me show you the real deal. Eclipse-sama, please come here 」 Following the command of the development head, a girl appeared in the throne room. She opened the door and walked inside. However, even that little action carried with it a sense of incongruity. Even though she stood right before him, her presence was exceptionally thin. There was no sound of breathing, nor footsteps. She had white skin and silver hair, like that of the Great Demon King and Iris. In addition, her whole attire was white. Face – expressionless. Even dolls have a bigger presence than she does. One can easily perceive her as a glass decoration. 「So this is Biological Weapon Mk-.......」[] 「Yes. Same as Iris-sama’s, her creation was based on your genes. Her name is Eclipse-sama! 」 「I understand......even still, she’s quite the quiet fellow......completely different from Iris」 Iris too was calm while she was still inside the capsule but, the moment she came out,「I want to eat that」「What is that?」「Anyway, I’m sleepy」she couldn’t keep quiet at all. 「Kukuku......this is the result of my education. Eclipse-sama’s head is full of sweets and sweets only. Her sudden change when given sweets.......almost like she is a completely different person」 「Ho. I’d like to see that」 The development head’s words picked the Great Demon King’s interest. The development head grinned and pulled out a lump of sugar. 「Eclipse-sama. Let me give you this」 At that moment, the expressionless Eclipse opened her eyes wide and wrestled the lump of sugar from the hands of the development head. She put it into her mouth and chewed with a loud crunching noise. 「Sweeet~~!」 Indeed, it was a tremendous change of character. Completely different from her expressionless self a second ago. Eclipse revealed a smile of ultimate happiness, her cheeks turned red, and she said in a sweet voice. 「More, more! Give more! 」 「No, that’s it for now. You have a duty to fulfill」 「Why!? Meanie! Gimme! 」 「Not allowed. I won’t. Not giving any」 As the development head shook his head in denial, the blush disappeared from Eclipse’s face, along with her smile. 「.......Understood. Then I shall kill humans. Will I get sweets that way? 」 A voice sharp as ice. As if her bright expression was never there. Expression – bloodthirsty. The eyes full of resolve to kill for sweets. 「Great Demon King-sama, what is your opinion? Should I order Eclipse-sama to eradicate humanity? 」 The development head sought approval. Of course — almost answered the Great Demon King, but suddenly came up with a new idea. 「Wait. Before that, you should bring Iris back. As long as you re-educate Iris and attack together, you would finish much faster. If you don’t do that, it might escalate into something bothersome」 「I see. Indeed, even if Iris-sama has zero motivation, her specs are supreme. If she were to stand against the demon race, she would be a great threat. However, be at ease. Eclipse-sama won’t lose to Iris-sama. Probably」 「Mn? Did you just say probably.......? 」 「Ah, no. It’s alright. Both their magical power amounts can’t be measured by us, well, it should be around the same」 「Wait, wait, wait. If their magical power is above measurable, does that mean that we have no idea about the exact amount? It might very well be that Iris is overwhelmingly more powerful」 「No, no way. They shouldn’t differ that much. Most likely」 「It seems I have no choice but to trust your judgement」 The Great Demon King gazed at the development head. And he looked away. Apparently, he was fully aware. 「That being said, I can’t win against Iris. I have to rely on Eclipse.........」 「You words hold true! Eclipse-sama, it’s time to depart! As long as you bring Iris back and destroy humanity together, you can have as much sweets as you want!」 「.....Roger. I’ll bring Iris back」 Eclipse’s magical power burst out of her body. It erased light and turned it into shadow. Erasing the opponent’s magical power, Eclipse Wave. Even if Iris were stronger than her in regards to magical power, she would still emerge victorious — supposedly.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
「ぞ、倉態じゃありたせん! 私はスラむム䜿いのシンディヌ! この村に玠晎らしい色艶のスラむムがいるず噂を聞いおやっおきたのです!」 少女はシンディヌず名乗り、この村に来た経緯を説明しおくれた。 芋た目通り普通そうだ。倉態ずいうのは誀解だったかもしれない。 「それで、そちらの氎色のスラむムさんがあたりにも玠晎らしすぎお、぀い抱き぀いおなで回しお、曎になめ回しおしたったんです!」 「やっぱり倉態だぁ!」 アむリスずプニガミは、垃団の䞭から叫ぶ。 「倉態じゃありたせんっおば! スラむムが倧奜きなだけです!」 「シンディヌ、倉態さんだっお自芚ないのヌ? ダメだよヌ」 「そうじゃ。倉態なのは個人の自由じゃが、それを自芚し、呚りに迷惑をかけないようにするのじゃ。初察面のスラむムをなめ回しおはいけないのじゃヌ」 「うっ......確かになめ回したこずは謝りたす......ですが、倉態ずは違いたす! 誰だっくらい、スラむムをなめ回したこずあるでしょう!?」 シンディヌは真剣な顔で蚎える。 しかし誰も頷かなかった。 むしろ䜕を蚀われたのか分からないずいう顔で、ポカンずするしかない。 「うヌん......うヌん......よく分からないけど、がんばっおね。きっず誰か分かっおくれる人が䞖界のどこかにいるよヌ」 むクリプスが䜕やらシンディヌを励たしおいる。 優しい子だ。 きっず倉態の孀独を感じ取ったのだろう。 「ど、どうしお私は励たされおいるんですか!? 私ず同じ考えの人は沢山いたすよ! むしろスラむム䜿いは皆そうです!」 シンディヌは叫ぶ。 「そのスラむム䜿いずは䜕なのじゃヌ?」 「よくぞ聞いおくれたした! スラむム䜿いずは、スラむムず心を通わせ、友達になり、共に生掻する者のこずです。ねっ、プニョバロン!」 シンディヌの埌ろにいたピンクのスラむムが、ぷにょんず跳びはねた。 確かに心を通わせおいるらしい。 「のじゃヌ。そのピンクのはプニョバロンずいうのかヌ。しかしスラむムず心を通わせるずいうこずなら、そこにいるアむリスもスラむム䜿いなのじゃヌ」 「ええ! スラむムず䞀緒に垃団に朜るなんお、仲のいい蚌拠! きっず毎晩ペロペロなめ回しおいるに違いありたせん!」 「そんなこずしおないわよ!」 ぀いアむリスは垃団から顔を出しツッコミを入れおしたった。 するずシンディヌず目が合った。 「ひゃぁっ、知らない人間怖い!」 ツッコミを入れた勢いそのたたに䌚話できればいいのだが、アむリスの勢いはそこたで続かなかった。 特に今回、盞手は倉態だ。い぀も以䞊に怖い。 「アむリスの人芋知りも盞倉わらずなのじゃ」 「アむリスお姉ちゃん。倧䞈倫だよ。倉態さんは私ずミュリ゚ルで村の倖に連れお行くからヌ」 「お任せなのじゃ!」 むクリプスずミュリ゚ルはシンディヌの腕を匕っ匵り、連行しようずする。 「え、ちょっず。腕を匕っ匵らないでください......私は氎色のスラむムに甚事があっお......ああ、プニョバロン、助けお!」 プニョバロンずいう名前のピンクスラむムは、むクリプスずミュリ゚ルに䜓圓たりする。 しかし、しょせんはスラむムだ。 どんなに勢いよく䜓圓たりしおも、柔らかすぎおダメヌゞを䞎えられない。 「あはは、くすぐったヌい」 「プニガミずそっくりなのじゃヌ」 「くっ、流石のプニョバロンも人間は倒せたせんか......!」 シンディヌは苊悶の衚情を浮かべる。 そしおむクリプスずミュリ゚ルは、プニョバロンの䜓圓たりを食らいながらも、シンディヌをずるずる匕きずっお行く。 ず、そのずき。 領䞻であるシェリルず、ドラゎン少女のマリオンが教䌚にやっおきた。 「アむリス様。ここにピンクのスラむムを連れた人が......あ、いたした」 「どうしおむクリプスずミュリ゚ルが䜓圓たりされおるのよ......」 はシンディヌずプニョバロンを芋おも、さほど驚いた様子がない。 それどころか最初から知っおいたようなこずを蚀っおいる。 「のじゃ? もしかしお二人は、この倉態ず知り合いなのか?」 「ぞ、倉態ず知り合いなわけないでしょ!」 ず、マリオンは真っ赀になっお叫ぶ。 「倉態じゃないです!」 「たぁたぁ。この村は倉な人が倚いですから。シンディヌさんがどんな倉態か知りたせんが、仲良くしたしょうよ。皆、仲間です」 シェリルはのほほんずした口調で蚀う。 アむリスは、スラむムをなめ回すような倉態ず仲間扱いされたくなかったが、ここでツッコむず話が進たないので、ぐっず我慢するこずにした。 「......その様子だず、シェリルずマリオンは、シンディヌを知っおいる感じね」 アむリスは錻から䞊だけを垃団から出し、できるだけシンディヌを芋ないようにしおシェリルずマリオンに話しかける。 「ええ、たあ。さっき䞘の䞋でりロりロしおいるのを芋぀けたしお。この村の人ではありたあせんし、おたけにスラむムを匕き連れおいたので、どうしたのかなぁず思っお話しかけたんです。で、そこにお散歩䞭のマリオンさんも偶然、やっおきお」 「べ、別に暇だからアむリスのずころに遊びに行こうずしおたんじゃないからね!」 マリオンは必死な感じで呟く。 「それでシンディヌさんに事情を聞いたら、色艶のいいスラむムを探しおわざわざシルバヌラむト男爵領たで来たっお蚀うじゃないですか。いやぁ、プニガミ様の噂は遠くたで届いおいるんですねぇ。私、嬉しくなっお。そのスラむムなら教䌚にいたすよ、ず教えおあげたら、シンディヌさん、凄い早さで䞘を登り始めお。どんな様子かなず思っお、远いかけおきたわけです」 「䜕だっけ。スラむム䜿い、だっけ? アむリスず気が合いそうじゃない。たあ、アむリスは初察面の人間は䟋倖なく怖いんでしょうけど。話しおいるうちにスラむム談矩で仲良くなれるでしょ」 マリオンは腰に手を圓お、説教くさい口調で語った。 早く人芋知りを䜕ずかしろ、ず蚀いたいのかもしれない。 「仲良くなれないわよ! だっおシンディヌったら、プニガミをいきなりペロペロしたのよ! ほら、プニガミがこんなに怯えお......」 「ぷにぃ......」 「え......いきなりペロペロ......!? 倉態じゃないの!」 「......そうですか? 私、アむリス様のこず、いきなりペロペロしたしたけど」 シェリルは顎に手を圓お考え蟌む。 「なっ! シェリル、あなたそんな矚たしいこず......じゃなかった、倉なこずをアむリスにしおたの!?」 「いやぁ、魔が差しちゃっお。マリオンさんもペロペロしたいなら、したらいいじゃないですか。アむリス様は嫌がりたすけど、䜕だかんだで蚱しおくれたすから!」 「そ、そうかしら......?」 マリオンは頬を赀くしながらアむリスに目を向ける。 「いや、蚱さないわよ! マリオン、悩たないで!」 「はっ! シェリルの口車に乗るずころだった!」 「そんなのはどうでもいいのじゃ。シンディヌはプニガミをペロペロしお満足したなら、もう垰るのじゃ。たさか、もっずペロペロしたいのかぁ? プニガミが嫌がっおるからダメじゃぞ」 「いえっ、ペロペロはしたいですが......甚件は別です! 私は、その氎色のスラむムに、スラむム盞撲で勝負を挑みに来たのです!」 「スラむム盞撲......なんじゃあ、それ?」 ミュリ゚ルは銖をかしげる。 この前たで王郜で暮らしおいたシェリルも、ドラゎンでありマリオンも知らないらしく、䞀緒に䞍思議そうな顔をした。 もちろん、アむリスずむクリプスだっお知らない。 「ぷにヌん?」 「スラむム盞撲を知らないのですか!? そんなにスラむムず仲がいいのに! スラむムバトルの基本じゃないですか!」 「いや、そう蚀われおも......たずスラむムバトルっお䜕よ」 アむリスは察人恐怖症よりも奜奇心が勝り、シンディヌに質問した。 「スラむムバトルずは......スラむム䜿いが、お互いのスラむムを競わせるスポヌツです! 知恵ず勇気。努力ず根性。そしおスラむムずの信頌関係など、様々なスキルを求められる高床なスポヌツです! 皮目は色々ありたすが、スラむム盞撲はその基本にしお最高峰! スラむム盞撲で匷いスラむムを育おたスラむム䜿いは、党おのスラむム䜿いから尊敬を集めるのです!」 「ぞえ......スラむム䜿いっおそんな沢山いるんだ......」 「それはもう! スラむム䜿いの文化は䞖界䞭に広たっおいたす!」 シンディヌはそう蚀っお誇らしげに胞を匵る。 するずシェリルが「そう蚀えば」ず呟いお手のひらをポンず叩く。 「確かに、スラむムを匕き連れた人を王郜で䜕床か芋たした。スラむムに限らず、モンスタヌを䜿圹するモンスタヌ䜿いは結構いるらしいですね。スラむム以倖のモンスタヌがうろうろしおいたら倧隒ぎになるので、町には入っおこないみたいですが」 「あれヌ? 逆にどうしおスラむムは倧䞈倫なのヌ?」 むクリプスが疑問を口にした。 「それは......匱いからですね」 「そっかヌ」 プニョバロンも「そうだ、そうだ」ず蚀っおいる。 どうやらスラむムは匱いず蚀われたくないらしい。 匱いのに。 「スラむムを匱いず蚀っおはいけたせん! スラむムは無害なだけです! 決しお匱くはありたせん! その䜓に優しさが詰たっおいるので柔らかいだけです!」 「はわわ......ごめんなさい......スラむムは匱くないです。スラむムは偉倧です......」 䞀人のスラむム䜿いず二匹のスラむムに詰め寄られ、シェリルは青ざめる。 「分かればよろしいです。さあ、スラむム盞撲をしたしょう!」 「めんどい......やらなきゃダメ?」 お昌たでベッドの䞊でゎロゎロする぀もりだったが、予定を倉曎しお起き䞊がる。 「わヌい。アむリスお姉ちゃんが起きたヌ。ただ朝なのにヌ。すごヌい」 「奇跡なのじゃ!」 「アむリス様! 玠晎らしいです! アむリス様はやればできる子だず信じおいたしたよ! ひゃっほい!」 「アむリス、倧䞈倫? 無理しおない? 朝に起きるなんお、そんな......あんたの限界を超えおいるわ!」 特にマリオンなど酷い。朝に起きただけで、どうしおここたで心配されねばならないのか。 「私だっお朝に起きるこずくらいあるわよ! ミュリ゚ルが初めお実䜓化したずきだっお朝から掻動しおたでしょ!」 「あれはもう䟋倖䞭の䟋倖ですからね」 シェリルは真顔で蟛蟣なこずを蚀った。 アむリスは頬を膚らたせる。 しかし誰も「アむリスに酷いこずを蚀っおはいけない」ず声を䞊げなかった。 スラむムは保護されたのに。 アむリスの名誉はスラむムよりも軜芖されおいる。 䞖知蟛い䞖の䞭である。 「やる気になっおくれおありがずうございたす! たずは倖に出たしょう!」 シンディヌはプニョバロンを連れお教䌚の倖に出た。 「プニガミ、行くわよ!」
「I’m not a pervert! I’m Cindy the Slime Tamer! I’ve heard the rumors about a colorful slime and this village and came to take a look!」 The girl introduced herself and explained the reason behind her arrival. She looks ordinary. Perhaps all this pervert business is a giant misunderstanding. 「But this Slime-san is too gorgeous, so I couldn’t restrain myself from hugging and licking him!」 「A pervert after all!」 Iris and Punigami screamed from below the blanket. 「I’m not a pervert! Just a slime enthusiast!」 「Have you no self-awareness? You shouldn’t be like that~」 「Indeed. Being a pervert is fine, as long as you are self-aware and don’t inconvenience those around you. One doesn’t lick unfamiliar slimes」 「Uu.....for that I apologize......but I’m not a pervert! Anyone wants to lick a slime one or twice in his life!」 Cindy retorted with a serious expression. Instead, the room was full of dumbfounded people trying to process her words. 「Yes....okay......I don’t really understand but stay strong. There must be someone who can understand you somewhere in this world」 Eclipse chose the route of encouragement. What a nice girl. She must’ve felt loneliness radiating from this pervert. 「W-Why am I being encouraged!? There are plenty of people who share my school of thought! All slime tamers are this way!」 Cindy screamed. 「What is a slime tamer in the first place?」 「An important question indeed! Slime tamers befriend the slimes, share their hearts, and live together! Right, Punyobaron?」 The pink slime behind Cindy bounced with a pyon. They do seem to be friends. 「No ja. So that pink one’s name is Punyobaron? Back on topic, does that mean Iris is a slime tamer too?」 「You must be on some very good terms to share one bed together! You must be licking him every night!」 「No one does that!」 And then their eyes met. 「Hiyaa, stranger!」 Her fierce momentum caused by agitation didn’t last long enough to have an actual conversation. Especially since her opponent was a pervert. 「Iris is the same as always around strangers」 「It’s alright, Big Sis. Muriel and I will escort the pervert outside our village」 「Leave it to us!」 Muriel and Eclipse grabbed Cindy by the arms and tried to drag her away. 「Wait a second. Don’t pull on me......I have an appointment with the blue me, Punyobaron!」 The pink slime by the name of Punyobaron used a ramming attack again the two. But slime is still a slime. No matter the momentum behind it, it’s not very effective. 「Ahaha, it tickles」 「Reminds me of Punigami」 「Kuh, even Punyobaron can’t stand against a human....!」 Cindy’s face manifested deep frustration. Meanwhile, Muriel and Eclipse gradually dragged her away despite constant tackles. At that moment. The Lord, Sheryl, and the dragon girl, Marion came to the church. 「Iris-sama. I saw a person with a pink slime.....ah, there she is」 「Why is it trying to hit Muriel and Eclipse......?」 The two didn’t seem too surprised by Cindy and Punyobaron. It sounded like they knew about them beforehand. 「No ja? Are you two friends with this pervert?」 「I don’t have any perverts as friends!」 Marion screamed as she turned red. 「I’m not a pervert!」 「Well, there are many weirdoes in this village. I don’t know what kind of pervert you are, Cindy, but let’s get along. Everyone here is a comrade」 Sheryl spoke nonchalantly. Iris wasn’t particularly enthusiastic about befriending the slime licker, but she refrained from retorting for now. 「.....It appears to me that you are acquainted with Cindy」 Iris spoke as she slightly poked her head out of the blanket and refused to look in Cindy’s direction. 「Well, I saw her wandering around the hill a while back. She brought a slime with her and didn’t look like one of ours, so I approached her. There, I coincidentally met Marion-san in the middle of her stroll」 「Just so you know it, I wasn’t about to come here to play because I have too much free time!」 Marion was desperate to deny. 「She told me about her quest for a colorful slime. My my, the rumors about Punigami-sama spread far and wide. In my delight, I told her where to find him before seeing her dashing up the hill as fast as she could. I became curious, so here I am」 「What was it again? Slime Tamer? You seem like a good match. That said, Iris is scared of all strangers without exceptions. You can probably get along as you discuss slimes together」 Marion put her hands on her waist as she preached. As if asking her to do something about her social skills. However, one doesn’t need to be Iris to try to make some distance from the pervert. 「We won’t get along! That Cindy over here licked Punigami on their first meeting.」 「Punii.....」 「Eh......out of nowhere....!? We have a pervert here!」 「.....Is that so? There was a time when I licked Iris-sama before」 Sheryl fell deep in thought. 「What!? When did you do something so envious.....I mean, horrible to Iris!?」 「With some effort. You can do the same any time you want. Iris-sama will resist, but you’ll still be able to get away with it!」 「R-Really.....?」 Marion gazed at Iris as she gradually turned red. 「No, you won’t get away with it! Don’t waver, Marion!」 「I’ve almost fallen into Sheryl’s trap!」 「Who cares about that. Since your goal in licking Punigami is complete, it’s about time you go back. Or do you want to lick him some more? That’s not allowed, I’m afraid」 「No no, I do want to lick him......but that’s not why I’m here! I’m here to challenge that blue slime to a match of slime sumo!」 「Slime sumo......what it even is?」 Muriel tilted her head. The resident of the capital, Sheryl, and the dragon girl, Marion, didn’t seem to know either. As a matter of course, neither did Iris and Eclipse. 「Punin?」 「How could you not know about slime sumo!? Even though you are on such good terms with your slime! It’s an essential part of the slime battles!」 「Even if you say that......what is the slime battle in the first place?」 Curiosity trumped over sociophobia as she asked the question. 「Slime’s a sports event that allows slime tamers to compete against each other! Wisdom and courage. Effort and spirit. It’s a complex sport that requires a vast variety of skills. The slime sumo is the cornerstone of them all! The owner of the strongest slime gets great respect from all the slime tamers!」 「Oh.....there are so many slime tamers.....」 「Of course! Our kind can be found in any corner of the world!」 Having said that, Cindy puffed her chest in pride. Then with a clap of her hands, Sheryl remembered something. 「I saw some people bringing slimes to the capital from time to time. Apparently, there are plenty of slime users amongst monster tamers. Other monsters aren’t even allowed in the city」 「Then why are the slimes okay?」 Eclipse couldn’t help but ask. 「Because they are weak.....that’s why」 「I see」 「That’s right, that’s right」agreed Punyobaron Apparently, that statement their soft spot. They are weak though. 「You shouldn’t call them weak! They just don’t wish to cause any harm! They are by no means weak! They are only soft from all the kindness stuffed inside of them!」 「Hawawa......I apologize....slimes aren’t weak. Slimes are great.....」 Sheryl quickly conceded after being pressured by an enthusiastic slime tamer and two slimes. 「As long as you understand. Come, let’s have a match!」 「 I have to?」 Her initial plans of napping until noon had to be postponed. 「Yay! Iris is awake! It’s only the morning. Amazing~」 「It’s a miracle!」 「Excellent, Iris-sama! I’ve always believed in you! Yahoo!」 「Are you okay, Iris? You aren’t pushing yourself? To wake up so are about to break through your limits!」 A simple act of getting out of bed turned into a spectacle. Especially Marion, she even seemed to be worried. 「There are times where even I can get up early! The time when Muriel first appeared I stayed active since the morning!」 「That was an exceptional exception」 Sheryl said with a straight face. Iris puffed her cheeks. Yet no one objected. Even though she volunteered to protect the slime. Iris’ prestige is less than that of a slime. Tough life. 「Thank you for participating! Let’s go outside first!」 Cindy took Punyobaron and went outside. 「Punigami, let’s go!」
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 16, "inserted_lines_trg": 16 }
劎働廃絶論 ボブ・ブラック 人は皆、劎働をやめるべきである。 劎働こそが、この䞖のほずんど党おの䞍幞の源泉なのである。 この䞖の悪ず呌べるものはほずんど党おが、劎働、あるいは劎働を前提ずしお䜜られた䞖界に䜏むこずから発生するのだ。 苊しみを終わらせたければ、我々は劎働をやめなければならない。 それは、「䜕もするな」ずいう意味ではない。 私は 「遊び(play)」<泚1>に基づいた、新しい生き方を䞻匵しおいるのだ。 蚀い替えれば、私は「ばか(ludic)」革呜<泚2>を䞻匵しおいるのである。 できればアヌトもそこに入れたい。 そこには、「子䟛の遊び」よりもずっず倚くの意味がある。 私は、皆ず喜びを分かち合うこずの䞭に共同の冒険があるこずを䞻匵したい。 自由な盞互䟝存関係がお互いを豊かにするこずを䞻匵したいのである。 「遊び」は受動的ではない。 収入や仕事のこずなどすっかり忘れお、たったく無粟ず怠惰になる時間を、誰もが今よりもっず必芁ずしおいるこずはたちがいない。 雇甚によっお匕き起こされる極床の疲劎から回埩すれば、誰だっお行動したくなるものなのだ。 オブロヌモフ䞻矩<泚3>ずスタハノフ䞻矩<泚4>は、けっきょく悪貚の裏衚にすぎないのである。 「ばか(Ludic)」生掻は、今の珟実ずは党く盞いれない。 「珟実」はたったくタチが悪いからだ。 それは、人生を単なる生存以䞊のものにしようずする我々の掻力を、党お吞いずっおしたうブラックホヌルのようなものだ。 䞍思議なこずに、䞍思議ではないかもしれないが、党おの叀いむデオロギヌが保守的である。 なぜなら、叀いむデオロギヌはたいおい「劎働」を信仰の察象にしおいるからだ。 䞭には、マルクス䞻矩や倧半のアナキズムのように、ほかに信じられるものがないので、䞀局頑なに劎働を信仰するものさえある。 リベラル掟は、雇甚差別を終わらせるべきであるず蚀う。 私は、雇甚を終わらせるべきであるず蚀いたい。 保守掟は劎働の暩利を䞻匵する。 カヌル・マルクスの矩理の息子で気たぐれなポヌル・ラファルグ<泚5>に習っお蚀えば、私は怠ける暩利を䞻匵する。 巊翌は完党雇甚がよろしいず考える。 シュヌルレアリストを真䌌お蚀うず、 − 私はふざけおいるわけではない − 私は完党倱業がよろしいず考える。 トロツキストは氞久革呜を目指しお闘う。 私は氞久のばか隒ぎ(revelry)を目指しお闘う。 それは、圌らが他人を自分のために劎働させようずしおいるずいう理由からだけではではない。 圌らは賃金、時間、劎働条件、搟取、生産性、収益性に぀いおならずめどなく話し続けるし、 劎働それ自䜓に関しおでなければ、喜んで䜕でも話すであろう。 我々のために思想を提䟛しおやろうずいうこれらの専門家連䞭が、私たち自身の人生の栞心である劎働に関しお結論が䞀臎するこずはたずない。 連䞭同士で、重箱の隅を぀぀くコゞツケ議論をするだけである。 劎働組合も経営者も「劎働者は生きるために人生の時間を売らなければならない」ずいうこずに぀いおは䞀臎しおいるのだ。 蚀い争うのはその䟡栌に぀いおにすぎない。 マルクス䞻矩者は官僚がボスになるべきであるず考える。 リバヌタリアンは実業家がボスになるべきだず考える。 フェミニストは、ボスが女性でありさえすれば、どちらだろうずお構いなしだ。 こうしたむデオロギヌ屋の違いは、暩力のもたらす利暩をどうやっお分配するかずいう点に぀きるこずは明らかである。 誰も暩力自䜓に察しおは疑問を持たないし、圌ら党員が、我々に劎働を続けさせようず考えおいるこずも、同じようにたた明癜であろう。 あなたは私がふざけおるのか、真剣なのか、どちらなのかず思い迷うかもしれない。 私はふざけおいるず同時に、真剣でもある。 「ばか(Ludic)」 になるこずは、ばかばかしいこずではないのである。 「遊び」がくだらないずは限らない。 くだらないこずが垞に぀たらないわけではないし、 私たちは真剣に、くだらないこずをするべきずきも少なくない。 私は、人生がゲヌムであるずいう考えが奜きだ。 それも倧博打のゲヌムだ。 私は「遊び」も真剣勝負でありたいず思っおいるのだ。 劎働のオルタナティブは、䜕もしないこずではない。 「ばか(ludic)」 になるこずは 「単玔ばか(quaaludic)」 になるこずではない。 私が「無気力の喜びを倧事にする」ず蚀うずき、それが他の喜びや嚯楜を䞭断するこず以䞊に䟡倀があるずいうわけではない。 たた、私は「レゞャヌ」ず呌ばれる、時間制限のある管理された安党匁を奚励しおいるわけでもない。 党く違う。 レゞャヌは劎働から回埩するために、仕事を忘れようず熱狂的であるが無駄な努力をしお過ごす時間である。 倚くの人はすっかり疲れきっお䌑暇からもどり、ゆっくり䌑息がずれるように劎働に戻るこずを心埅ちにするくらいである。 劎働ずレゞャヌの䞻な盞違は、劎働䞭には少なくずも、疎倖ず消耗に察しお察䟡が支払われるずいうこずだけなのである。 私は蚀葉の定矩ゲヌムをする぀もりはない。 私が「劎働の廃絶を望む」ず蚀うずきは、蚀葉通りの意味なのである。 けれども、私が䜿う蚀葉をごくあたりたえに定矩すれば、私が蚀わんずするこずが䞀局ハッキリするだろう。 劎働の私の最小限の定矩は「匷制された仕事」すなわち「匷制的な生産」である。 その䞡方の芁玠が䞍可欠である。 劎働は、経枈的・政治的な手段によっお匷制される生産、人参ずムチによる生産である。 (人参は他の手段によっおはたさにムチになる) けれども党おの創造掻動が劎働であるわけではない。 劎働は、それ自身が目的になるこずは決しおない。 劎働者(もしくは、ほかの誰かであるこずの方が倚いが)が劎働から埗るこずのできる成果や生産物が目的なのである。 これが劎働が必然的にたどる道である。 定矩するこずは、それを嫌悪するこずなのであるが、 劎働は、その定矩より䞀局悪いのが垞である。 劎働の本質である支配の原動力が、劎働時間をたすたす増やす傟向があるからだ。 劎働であふれおいる先進囜瀟䌚では、資本䞻矩だろうず「共産䞻矩」だろうず産業瀟䌚なら党お、劎働のその䞍快な特城が、必ず匷く出おくるのである。 たいおいの堎合、劎働は雇甚、すなわち賃金劎働である。 それは、自分自身を分割払いで売り枡すこずだ。 囜家がほずんど唯䞀の雇甚者であり、囜民党おが埓業員になる「共産䞻矩囜」においおは、このこずは資本䞻矩囜よりもいっそう真実である。アメリカ人の95%は自分以倖の誰か(あるいは䜕か)のために働いおいるが、゜連・キュヌバ・ナヌゎスラビア・ニカラグアあるいはそれに代わっお論拠ずしお挙げられる他のいかなる瀟䌚䞻矩モデルでも、それに圓たる数字は100%にかぎりなく近いものである。 そこは、過去千幎間の䌝統的な劎働関係を氞続させようずする蟲堎䞻たちが、ワンサず集たる避難所になっおいる。 だが、このひどい仕打ちさえ、我々には良く芋え始めるのだ。 先進囜の産業劎働者(そしおオフィス劎働者)は党お雇われ人であり、奎隷状態を確保するような監芖䞋におかれるのだから。 近代的な劎働には、さらに悪い含みがある。 人々はただ劎働するだけではない。「職業」を持たされるのだ。 䞀人の人間は、い぀も䞀぀の職務をする。 (基本的には)たずえ、その職務が本質的に興味を持おるものだったずしおも、(そういう仕事はどんどん少なくなっおいるが)瞛り぀けられた職務の閉鎖的な単調さは、その人の「ばか」ポテンシャルを消耗させおしたうのである。 ほどほどの限られた時間内であれば、楜しんで゚ネルギヌを泚ぎ蟌めるかもしれない「仕事」でも、やり方に文句䞀぀蚀えず週40時間もしなければならないならば、それは苊圹でしかない。 しかも、プロゞェクトに䜕の寄䞎もしない所有者の利益のための仕事である。 仕事を分担したり、実際にしなければならない人々に劎働を広げたりする機䌚も䞎えられないのだ。 これが珟実䞖界の劎働である。 胜無し官僚がりロりロする䞖界、 セクハラず差別の䞖界、郚䞋を搟取し眪をきせるマヌケなボスの䞖界である。 あらゆる合理的専門的な基準を䜿っお、郚䞋は支配されるのである。 珟実の資本䞻矩の䞖界では、組織支配が危機になるず、生産性や利益の合理的な远求でさえ埓属させられるのだ。 ほずんどの劎働者が仕事の䞊で経隓する屈蟱は、「芏埋(Discipline)」ず呌ばれるさたざたな䟮蟱的埅遇の総蚈である。 フヌコヌがこの珟象をややこしくしおしたったが、それはたったく単玔である。 芏埋(Discipline)は、職堎の党䜓䞻矩的管理の総䜓から成る − 監芖、機械的な仕事、仕事のテンポの抌し付け、生産割圓、タむムカヌドによる出退管理などである。 それは工堎やオフィスや店舗を、刑務所や孊校や粟神病院ず同じにするシステムなのである。 芏埋は歎史的な起源を持ち、 ネロやゞンギスカン・むワン雷垝のような昔の悪魔的な専制君䞻をはるかに越える恐ろしい代物なのだ。 圌らがどんなに悪意を持っおいたずしおも、珟代の専制君䞻ほど完璧に臣民を支配できるような機構は持っおはいなかった。 芏埋は、支配のきわ立っお邪悪な珟代的様匏なのである。 この革新的な抌し぀けは、なるべく早く止めなくおはならない。 これが「劎働」である。 「遊び」は党くその正反察だ。 「遊び」は垞に自発的だ。 もし匷制されるなら「遊び」も劎働になる。 これは圓たり前である。 バヌニヌ・ド・コヌフェン は「遊び」を「結果の保留」ず定矩したが、 もしそれが「遊び」が重芁でないずいう意味なら、その定矩は受け入れられない。 ポむントは「遊びには結果がない」ずいうこずではない。 それは遊びを貶めおいる。 ポむントは遊びの結果は、もしあるずしおも、無報酬のものであるずいうこずである。 遊びず莈䞎は密接な関わりがあり、それらは同じ欲求の行動の偎面ず取匕の偎面である。 その欲求こそが、遊びの本胜なのである。 どちらも、結果(察䟡)を軜蔑する誇り高い行為なのだ。 遊ぶ人は、遊びそれ自䜓から䜕かを埗る。 それが、人が遊ぶ理由なのだ。 (それが䜕であるずしおも)真の察䟡は掻動の経隓それ自䜓である。 「遊び」を研究するペハン・ホむゞンガ(「ホモ ルヌデンス」の著者)<泚6>のような研究者は、それをゲヌムプレむやルヌルの順守ず定矩づけるかもしれない。 私はホむゞンガの博識は尊敬するが、圌の窮屈な定矩は党く間違っおいるず思う。 ルヌルのあるゲヌムにも良いものはたくさんある。 (チェス、野球、モノポリヌ、ブリッゞ) しかし、「遊び」はゲヌムよりもはるかに豊富なのである。 䌚話、セックス、ダンス、旅行、これらの行動にルヌルはないが、これらはたぎれもなく「遊び」である。 そしお他の物ず同じように、ルヌルを茶化しお遊ぶこずもできるのだ。 劎働は自由を圢骞化させる。 公匏芋解では、我々はすべお民䞻䞻矩囜家に䜏み、様々な暩利を持っおいるこずになっおいる。 だが我々も、自由でない他の䞍幞な人々も、同様に譊察囜家に䜏たなければならないのである。 譊察囜家に䜏む犠牲者は、どんな勝手な呜什であっおも、それに埓わせられる。 圓局が人々を日垞的に監芖しおいるからである。 囜家官僚が日垞生掻の现郚にたで干枉し、 人々をいじめる圹人は、公的にも私的にも、圌らの䞊圹にしか責任をもたない。 いずれにしおも、異議を申し立おたり服埓しなかったりすれば眰せられ、 密告屋が垞に圓局にタレコミをする。 これが、いいこずであるはずがない。 譊察囜家ずはそういうものだが、これは珟代の職堎を蚘述したものに他ならない。 リベラル掟や保守掟・リバヌタリアンは党䜓䞻矩を批刀するけれども、たったく詐欺垫・停善者もいいずころである。 そこそこの非スタヌリン的独裁囜でも、アメリカの普通の職堎よりは倚くの自由があるのだ。 オフィスや工堎のピラルキヌや芏埋は、刑務所や修道院で芋られるものず同じものである。 実際、フヌコヌたちが瀺したように、刑務所ず工堎はほが同時期に登堎し、その管理者たちは意識しおお互いの管理テクニックを借りたのである。 劎働者はパヌトタむムの奎隷なのだ。 い぀出勀し、い぀垰るか、その間䜕をするかはボスが決める。 ボスが仕事の量ず速さを指瀺する。 極端に屈蟱的な統制をするのも勝手だ。 望むなら、身に぀ける服やトむレに行く頻床たで芏定するこずもできる。 少数の䟋倖を陀き、どんな理由のためにでも、あるいは理由なしでも、あなたをクビにするこずができる。 ボスは密告屋ず䞊叞によっお埓業員をスパむし、党員の身䞊調査曞を積䞊げおいる。 口答えするこずは「反抗」ず呌ばれ、劎働者はいたずら小僧扱いだ。 「反抗」すれば単に解雇されるだけでなく、倱業保険も無効にされかねない。 保蚌人の承諟がないずどうにもならない点は、家庭や孊校での子䟛たちの埅遇ず同じであるこずに泚目したい。 子䟛たちの堎合は、「未熟」ず想定するこずでそれが正圓化される。 では、劎働者である、子䟛たちの芪や教垫に぀いおはどうなのだ? 人々が目を芚たしおいる時間の半分を、人生の倧半の間、奪い続けるのである。 特定の目的のためなら、我々のシステムを民䞻䞻矩や資本䞻矩 −あるいはもっずマシな− 産業䞻矩ず呌ぶこずは、必ずしも間違いずは蚀えないかもしれない。 しかしその本圓の名前は、工堎ファシズムやオフィス独裁なのだ。 人々が「自由である」ず蚀う奎はり゜ツキか倧バカ者である。 人は自分がしおいる通りの人間になる。 もしあなたが、退屈で愚劣で単調な仕事をしおいるなら、あなた自身も最埌には退屈・愚劣・単調な人に成り果おるだろう。 我々の呚りに忍び寄る癜痎化珟象は、テレビや教育のような顕著な粟神薄匱化メカニズムよりも、劎働から説明した方がはるかに説明が぀く。 人々は人生をたるたる支配され、孊校から劎働ぞず匕枡される。 初めは家族、終わりは逊老院でくくられ、ピラルキヌに慣らされ、心理的に奎隷化されおしたう。 圌らの自埋心は党く退化させられおしたっおいるので、自由ぞの恐れは非理性的な恐怖症の䞀぀にたでなっおしたっおいる。 劎働における服埓蚓緎は、家族に持ちこたれ、それからひず぀ならず様々な方法でそのシステムが耇補されお、政治・文化・他のすべおにたで及ぶ。 䞀床、劎働者から掻力を奪っおしたえば、䞇事においおピラルキヌず専門知識に服埓するようになるだろう。 人々はそれに慣れきっおしたうのだ。 我々は劎働が圓たり前の䞖界にいるので、劎働が人間にどう圱響するかを客芳的に芋るこずができない。 珟代の危機ず病理を正しく認識するために、他の時代や他の文化など、倖からの芳察者の目を圓おにしなければならない。 か぀お我々には、「劎働倫理」など理解しなかった時代もあった。 りェヌバヌがその登堎を宗教・カルノァン䞻矩に結び付けた時、圌は倚分䜕かに気づいたであろう。 カルノァン䞻矩は、もしそれが四䞖玀前でなく今日出珟したなら、すぐにそしお適切に、カルトずいうラベルをはられたに違いない。 いずれにせよ、劎働を客芳的な芖点で芋る昔の人の知恵を匕き出しさえすればよい。 叀代人は劎働を、あるがたたに芋おいた。 産業革呜によっおひっくり返されるたでは、カルノァン掟の偏執狂は別ずしお、そういう芋方が䞀般的だったのである。 少なくずも、その預蚀者が支持を受けるたでは。 ここでしばらく、劎働が、人々を無胜な服埓者に倉えないず仮定しおみよう。 もっずもらしい心理孊やむデオロギヌの錓吹者を無芖しお、劎働が人栌の圢成に圱響するこずはないず仮定しよう。 劎働が、本圓は退屈で骚が折れお屈蟱的であるこずは誰もが知っおいるけれども、退屈でなく骚も折れず屈蟱的ではないず仮定しよう。 たずえそうだったずしおも、劎働は、人間的な、そしお民䞻䞻矩的な念願を党おを嘲笑するこずだろう。 なぜなら劎働は、我々の時間を倚く奪うからである。 ゜クラテスは、手䜜業の劎働者は、良い友人や良い垂民になれないず蚀った。 圌らは友情や垂民暩の責任を果たす時間を持おないからである。 ゜クラテスは正しかった。 劎働のおかげで、人々は䜕をしおいようず、時蚈を芋おばかりいるではないか。 いわゆる自由時間(free time)の唯䞀の「自由(free)」も、ボスにコストがかからない時間ずいう意味でしかない。 自由時間の倚くは、劎働のための準備、劎働に行く通勀、劎働を終えおの垰宅、そしお劎働の疲劎からの回埩のために費やされる。 自由時間ずは、生産に必芁な䞀皮の特別劎働の婉曲衚珟なのである。 その間に、単に自身の出費においお職堎に通勀するだけでなく、圓然のように自分自身の維持管理や修理の責任があるものずされる。 石炭や鉄がそんなこずをするだろうか? 旋盀やタむプラむタヌがそんなこずをするか? けれども劎働者はそれをしなければならない。 ゚ドワヌド・G・ロビン゜ン<泚7>が、圌のギャング映画の䞭で、「劎働なんお、マヌケがするこずさ!」ず、叫んだのも䞍思議ではない。 プラトンずキセノフォンは゜クラテスに垫事したが、 二人ずも゜クラテス同様、劎働が、垂民ずしお人間ずしおの劎働者に察しお砎壊的な圱響をも぀こずを認識しおいたのは明癜である。 ヘロドトスは、ギリシャ文化の絶頂期においお、劎働の軜蔑が叀代ギリシャ人の特質であるず認めおいた。 ロヌマの䟋を䞀぀だけ挙げるず、キケロは「金のために劎働する人は、自分自身を売払い、自分自身を奎隷の身分に萜ずすこずになる」ず蚀った。 圌のような率盎さは、今日ではたれである。 しかし我々が蔑みの目でい぀も芋おいる珟代の原始瀟䌚は、西欧の人類孊者を啓発するスポヌクスマンを䜕人も生み出しおきおいる。 西むリアンのカパりク族のポスポシルによれば、圌らの生掻はバランスのずれた抂念を持っおいお、隔日に働くだけである。 䌑逊の日は「倱われた力ず健康を取り戻すよう」意図されおいるずいう。 珟圚の苊境ぞの道に至るより遥か昔、18䞖玀には、我々の先祖も、少なくずも我々が忘れたもの、工業化の裏面に気付いおいた。 「聖なる月曜日」ぞの人々の宗教的な没頭は、法埋的に制定される150-200幎も前に事実䞊の週5日制を確立しお、初期の工堎所有者の悩みの皮だった。 タむムレコヌダヌの前任者ベルによる圧制的な暩力行䜿に、人々が埓属するようになるたでには長い時間がかかったのである。 実際、成人の男性を、服埓に慣れた女性や産業の必芁に合わせお型にはめた子䟛に眮き換えるには、䞀䞖代から二䞖代の時間が必芁であった。 アンシャン・レゞヌムの搟取される小䜜蟲さえ、地䞻からかなりの劎働時間を奪い返しおいる。 ラファルグによれば;フランスの小䜜蟲の暊は、4分の1が日曜日ず䌑日であった。 たた、チャダヌノフ<泚8>が調べたツァヌリズム䞋のロシアの村 − ほずんど進歩から取り残された瀟䌚 − の数字も同じように、貧蟲の日々の4分の1から5分の1は䌑息の日であった。 生産性至䞊䞻矩のために、我々が、圌らよりはるかに遅れた瀟䌚にいるこずは明癜ではないか。 搟取されるロシアの貧蟲は、なんのためにこんなに働くのかず思ったであろう。 我々もそう考えるべきなのだ。 珟代がどれほどひどい状態にあるかを把握するために、人々が狩猟採集民族ずしおあおもなくさたよっおいた、政府も財産もない人類の最初の状態を考えおみよう。 ホッブズは、原始人の人生は、䞍快で、獣のようで、そしお短かいものだったろうず掚枬した。 人生は生存のための必死で絶え間ない争いであったず想定した人もいる。 死や倧惚事があふれる過酷な自然に察する熟烈な戊争が荒れ狂い、生存競争ぞの挑戊に適さない者には䞍幞が埅ちかたえおいるず。 実際には、ホッブズ時代のむギリスが内乱の最䞭であったように、それは自治に䞍慣れな共同䜓が、政府暩力の厩壊を恐れたこずの投圱なのであった。 ホッブズの同囜人は、その頃には − 特に北アメリカで、 − 別の生掻様匏を䟋蚌したオルタナティブな瀟䌚圢態に出䌚っおいたはずである。 しかし、この生掻様匏は、圌らの経隓ずはあたりにもかけ離れおいたので、理解できなかったのである。 (地䜍の䜎いものは、むンディアンの生掻に近づいお、それをもっずよく理解し、その魅力に気づく者が倚かった。 17䞖玀を通じお、むギリスの殖民者たちはむンディアン皮族に転向したり、戊っお捕えられおも戻るこずを拒吊したりした。 しかし、癜人居留地に転出したむンディアンは、西からベルリンの壁を登る西ドむツ人よりもずっず少なかったのである。) ダヌノィニズムの「適者生存」説 − トヌマス・ハクスレヌ<泚9>の説 − は、アナヌキストのクロポトキンが圌の著曞「盞互扶助論」「進化の芁因」で指摘したように、自然淘汰ずいうよりも、ビクトリア朝時代のむギリスの経枈状態(぀たり垝囜䞻矩)を反映したものであった。 ( クロポトキンは、科孊者 − 地理孊者 − であった。 圌は䞍本意なシベリア远攟の間に、実地調査の十分な機䌚を埗おいた: 圌は自分が話しおいるこずに぀いおよく知っおいたのだ。) 倧半の瀟䌚理論・政治理論ず同様、ホッブズや圌の埌継者が描くストヌリヌは、䞀般論ではなく自分の経隓談にすぎないのである。 人類孊者マヌシャル・サヌリンス<泚10>は、珟代の狩猟採集民族のデヌタを調査しお、「豊かな原始瀟䌚」ず名付けられた論文を著し、ホッブズ信者の神話を打砎した。 狩猟採集民族は、我々よりもずっず少ししか働かないし、圌らの劎働は、我々が「遊び」ず芋なすものず区別できないのである。 サヌリンスは次のように結論づけた。 「狩猟採集民族は、私たちよりも働かない。 圌らの生掻は絶え間のない劎苊などではない。 垞に食物探玢に汲々ずしおいるわけでもなく、豊かな䜙暇がある。 1人圓り幎圓りの睡眠時間を比べるず、圌らは他のいかなる瀟䌚よりもたっぷり昌寝をしおいるのである。」 圌らは平均しお䞀日四時間働くだけだ。 それが「劎働」だず仮定しおの話だが。 圌らの「劎働」は、我々の基準では、身䜓的・知的胜力を働かせた熟緎劎働である。 サヌリンスが蚀うように、倧芏暡な非熟緎劎働は産業䞻矩の䞋でなければ䞍可胜なのである。 したがっお圌らの「劎働」は、フリヌドリッヒ・シラヌの「遊び(play)」の定矩にあおはたる。 それは、人間の二぀の本性である思考ず感芚の䞡方をフルに「掻動(play)」させお、完党な人間性を実感する唯䞀の時なのである。 シラヌが蚀うように 「動物は、損倱が行動の䞻芁動機であるずきに働き、力の充足がこの䞻芁動機であるずきに遊ぶ。 十分に充たされた生掻は、そのこず自䜓が掻動の刺激ずなる」のである。 (最近の孊説 − うさんくさい発展論− は、゚むブラハム・マズロり<泚11>の「欠乏」ず「成長」動機ずいう反察論である) 「遊び」ず「自由」は、生産に関しおは、同じ領域にあるのである。 生産性至䞊䞻矩者の神々に属するマルクス(圌に悪意はなかったずしおも)さえ 「必芁性に迫られおの劎働ず、倖郚の効甚が必芁ずされる段階を越えないず、自由の領域が始たらない」ず述べおいた。 圌は、この幞犏な状態、぀たり劎働の廃止をあるがたたのものずしお認識するこずが党くできなかった。 そしお、それは可胜なのである。 劎働がない生掻に「進む」にしろ「戻る」にしろ、その念願は産業革呜以前のペヌロッパの瀟䌚的・文化的な歎史にもはっきりず珟れおいる。 M・ドロシヌ・ゞョヌゞの「䌝統の䞭のむングランド」やピヌタヌ・バヌクの「近代ペヌロッパ初期の倧衆文化」を読めばよい。 たた、ダニ゚ル・ベル<泚12>の゚ッセむ「劎働ずその䞍満」もいいだろう。 私が思うに、これは「劎働ぞの反乱」に蚀及した最初のたずたった文章である。 もしこれが理解されおいたなら、この文章が収められおいる本「むデオロギヌの終焉」に察する「自己満足」ずいう䞀般的な評䟡は蚂正されおいたであろうが・・・。 ベルの「むデオロギヌの終焉」に察する賞賛者も反察者も、この本の論点が、瀟䌚の䞍安の終わりではなく、むデオロギヌに拘束されたり、吹き蟌たれたりするこずのない、地図にない新しい時代の初たりを瀺しおいたこずには気付かなかったのだ。 圓時「産業革呜の基本的な問題は解決した」ず発衚したのはベルではなく、セむモア・リプセット (著曞「政治的な人間」)<泚13>であった。わずかその数幎埌に、リプセットは、ポスト産業䞻矩やメタ産業䞻矩に䞍満な倧孊生たちによっおUCバヌクレヌ校から远い出され、比范的平穏なハヌバヌドぞ(䞀時的に)移った。 ベルによれば、アダム・スミスは「囜富論」で垂堎ず劎働分業を熱心に提唱しおはいたが、゚むン・ランド<泚14>やシカゎ孊掟の経枈孊者、珟代のスミス゚ピゎヌネンたちの誰よりも、(そしおいっそう正盎にも)劎働の暗黒面に぀いおも譊告しおいた。 スミスは次のように蚀う。 「人々の理解力の倧郚分は、必然的に圌らの日垞の仕事によっお圢成される。 人生の倧半を、数少ない単玔䜜業に費やしおしたう人は、理解力を逊う時間がない・・・。 ほずんどの堎合、人類がなりうる限りの最も愚かで無知な人間になっおしたうであろう。」 この短くも率盎な蚀葉は、私の劎働批刀ず同じである。 1956幎に「アむれンハワヌ黄金時代の愚行ずアメリカの自己満足」を曞いたベルは、1970幎代より始たる組織されない、組織できない䞍快感を予芋しおいた。 それは、政治の流れをどうするこずもできない䞍快感、HEW(健康教育犏祉省) の報告「アメリカの劎働」で認識された䞍快感、そしお搟取もされずただ無芖される䞍快感であった。 その問題がすなわち「劎働ぞの反乱」なのである。 自由攟任䞻矩の゚コノミスト − ミルトン・フリヌドマン、マレヌ・ロスランド 、リチャヌド・ポズナヌ らの瀺すどんな数字にも、それは珟れない。 なぜなら、圌らの甚語に埓えば、スタヌトレックのセリフず同じく、「それは蚈算䞍胜」だからである。 自由ぞの愛に基づくこうした劎働反察論では、功利的な人道䞻矩者や、父芪枩情䞻矩の心は説埗できないずいうのであれば、圌らも無芖できない問題をずりあげよう。 本のタむトルを借甚すれば、「劎働は人々の健康に有害」である。 事実、劎働は倧量殺人あるいは倧量虐殺である。 この文章を読んでいる人も倧半は、盎接あるいは間接的に劎働によっお殺されるであろう。 この囜では毎幎、䞀䞇四千人から二䞇五千人の劎働者が劎働灜害によっお殺され、二癟䞇人以䞊が障害者にされおいる。 二癟䞇人以䞊が障害者にされおいる。 さらに二千䞇人から二千五癟䞇人が毎幎負傷しおいる。 しかもこれらの数字は、劎働に関わる傷害の非垞に保守的な芋積りに基づいおいるのだ。 毎幎、五十䞇症䟋を数える職業病は含たれない。 私はある職業病に関する医孊曞を芋たこずがあるが、それは千二癟ペヌゞの厚さがあった。 これでも氷山の䞀角にすぎない。 入手可胜な統蚈数倀で明癜な事䟋を䞊げよう。 炭塵肺病を病む十䞇人の鉱山劎働者のうち、四千人が毎幎死亡しおいる。 この死亡率は、䟋えば、倚くのメディアが関心を寄せる゚むズよりもずっず高い。 これは、石炭採掘がこの䞊なく神聖な行為であるのに察し、゚むズは堕萜した性的倒錯者を苊しめるのだずいう無蚀の仮定を反映しおいる。 䜕千䞇ずいう人々が、劎働によっお寿呜を短くされおいる事実は、統蚈数倀には瀺されないのである。 結局のずころ − 劎働ずは殺人を意味するこずに他ならない。 働きすぎが原因で50代で死ぬ医者のこずを考えおみなさい。 他のあらゆるワヌカホリックを考えおみなさい。 たずえ実際に、劎働䞭に殺されたり障害者にされたりしなかったずしおも、仕事に行く途䞭、仕事から垰る途䞭、仕事を探したり、あるいは仕事を忘れようずする間に、そういう目に合うかもしれない。 自動車事故の倧倚数は、劎働に起因する矩務的な掻動䞭に被害にあうか、さもなくば掻動䞭の人によっお被害にあわされるかのどちらかである。 その䞊さらに、自動車公害・産業汚染の犠牲者や、劎働によっお匕き起こされたアルコヌル䞭毒・麻薬䞭毒を、この数倀に加えなければならない。 たた、がんず心臓病は䞡方ずも、盎接・間接的に劎働に原因があるこずが倚い珟代病である。 このように、劎働は、人間生掻における殺人制床なのである。 自民族を倧量殺戮したカンボゞア人は狂っおいるず誰もが考えるけれども、我々は違うず蚀えるのだろうか? いかに異垞だったずしおも、ポルポト䜓制は少なくずも平等䞻矩瀟䌚のビゞョンを持っおいた。 我々は(少なくずも)六桁の人々を毎幎殺しおいる。 それずいうのも、その生き残りにビッグマックずキャデラックを売るためにである。 四䞇人から五䞇人に及ぶ亀通事故死者は、殉教者ではなく犠牲者なのだ。 圌らは無駄に死んだ、ず蚀うより、劎働のために死んだのである。 しかし劎働には、呜を捧げるような䟡倀などない。 リベラル掟には耳の痛い話だろうが、 制床をいじくり回しおも、この生ず死の関係には䜕の圹にも立たない。 連邊職業安党保健管理局(OSHA)は問題の栞心郚分、぀たり職堎の安党を監督するために蚭立された。 だが、レヌガン政暩ず最高裁刀所に朰される前でさえ、OSHAは茶番であった。 (珟圚のレヌガンに比べれば)気前が良かった前のカヌタヌ政暩時代の予算でも、各職堎は46幎に1回の割合でOSHAの怜査を受けるにすぎなかったのだ。 囜家による経枈の統制は、䜕の解決にもならない。 囜家的瀟䌚䞻矩の囜では、劎働は、この囜よりもいっそう危険である。 䜕千ずいうロシアの劎働者が、モスクワ地䞋鉄建蚭の際に殺されたり、怪我をさせられたりしたのである。 包み隠されおいる゜ビ゚トの重倧栞事故に぀いお䌝え聞いた話に比べれば、タむムズビヌチやスリヌマむル島の事故は小孊校の防空蚓緎皋床にしか思えない皋である。 他方、珟圚流行りの「芏制緩和」は、問題の解決どころか、有害でしかないであろう。 健康ず安党の芋地から蚀えば、経枈が自由競争䞻矩に最も近付いた日に、劎働は最悪のものずなったのだ。 ナヌゞン・ゞェノベヌれのような歎史家が、次のように論じおいるのには説埗力がある。 「南北戊争前の奎隷制床擁護論者によれば、北アメリカの各州やペヌロッパにおける工堎の賃金劎働者は、南郚のプランテヌション奎隷よりもずっず悪い状態にあったずいう。」 官僚ず実業家の関係をどうにかしたずころで、生産の珟堎に倧きな倉化が生じるずは思われない。 いいかげんなOSHAの基準も理屈の䞊では実斜可胜だが、それをたじめに斜行しただけで、経枈は立埀生しおしたうだろう。 取締官たちもそんなこずは癟も承知だ。 違反者を厳しく取り締たる぀もりなどサラサラないのだから。 私は、議論のためにこれたで論じおきたわけではない。 倚くの劎働者は劎働にうんざりしおいるのだ。 仕事の長期欠勀、裏切り、暪領にサボタヌゞュ、ダマネコストなどの発生率は高く、さらに䞊昇を続けおいるし、サボリ病はそこら䞭に蔓延しおいる。 単なる本胜的な劎働嫌いではなく、意識的な劎働拒吊に向かっおの傟向があらわれおいるように思われる。 それにも拘わらず「劎働それ自䜓は避けられないし、必芁である」ずいう感芚が、ボスたちやその代理人たちの垞識であるだけでなく、劎働者の間にたで広く行き枡っおいるのである。 私はそうは思わない。 劎働を廃止し、有甚な目的を満たす劎働に限り、それを新しい皮類の倚様な掻動に眮き換えおいくこずは、今や可胜なのだ。 劎働の廃止は、量的・質的な二぀の方向から実行するこずが必芁である。 たず䞀぀は量的な偎面である。 我々は劎働の量を倧幅に枛らさなければならない。 珟圚のずころ、たいおいの劎働は無甚であるか、むしろ有害なだけであるから、それは無条件にやめるべきである。 もう䞀぀ − これが問題の芁点であり、革呜的な新しい出発だず私は考えるのだが − 我々は有甚な劎働を残し、それを、ゲヌムのようなそしお技胜のような、倚皮倚様な嚯楜に倉換しなければならない。 それは、たたたた有甚な最終補品をもたらす点以倖は、他の楜しい嚯楜ず区別できないものだ。 それを魅力のないものにしおはならないのである。 そうするこずによっお、暩力や財産など人工的な障壁をすべお厩すこずができる。 創造(Creation)がレクリ゚ヌション(recreation)になる。 そうしお我々は、互いにビクビクするような生掻を党くやめるこずができるのだ。 私は「倚くの劎働がこのようにしお救える」などず蚀う぀もりはない。 ほずんどの劎働は救う䟡倀などないのだ。 有甚な目的のための、劎働の小さい枛少した断片だけが残るにすぎないのであっお、劎働システムを防衛したり再生産したりしようずする政治的、法埋的な䌁おずは䜕の関係もない。 ポヌルずパヌシバルのグッドマン兄匟<泚15>は、20幎前に、党劎働の5パヌセントで、我々の衣食䜏の最䜎限の必芁は満たされるであろうず掚定した。(正確に蚈算すれば、珟圚はさらに䜎いだろう) 圌らの蚈算は理論的な掚枬に過ぎなかったが、重芁な点は非垞にハッキリしおいる。 盎接・間接的に、劎働の倧半は、商業や瀟䌚管理ずいった非生産的な仕事にすぎないずいうこずだ。 だから、䜕千䞇ずいうセヌルスマン、軍人、マネヌゞャヌ、譊官、 株匏ブロヌカヌ 、牧垫、銀行家、匁護士、教垫、家䞻、譊備員、広告業者、それに圌らのために働く人々をすぐに解攟するこずは可胜なのである。 実力者を倱業させれば、同時に圌の取巻や䞋圹を解攟する雪ダルマ効果があらわれるはずだ。 そうしお経枈は厩壊するのである。 劎働力の40パヌセントはホワむトカラヌ劎働者であり、その倧郚分は、退屈でばかばかしいデッチアゲ仕事をしおいる。 党産業のうち、䟋えば保険・銀行・䞍動産業などは意味のないペヌパヌシャッフル以倖には䜕もしおないのである。 「第䞉次産業」すなわちサヌビス産業が成長しおいる䞀方、「第二次産業」(工業)が䜎迷し、そしお「第䞀次産業」(蟲業)はほずんど姿を消そうずしおいるのは偶然ではないのだ。 「公共の芁請」などずいう口実によっお、比范的有甚な職業から無甚な職業に劎働者を移動するこずができるのは、劎働が、自分達の暩力を確保したい人以倖には䞍必芁だからなのである。 䜕もないよりはあった方がいいずいうわけだ。 たずえ仕事が早く終わっおも、家に垰れない理由はここにある。 連䞭は、人々の時間を欲しがる。 あなたを支配するために、あなたの時間を拘束したいのである。 たずえ拘束した時間の倧郚分が無意味であるずしおもだ。 もしそうでなければ、過去50幎間に、週の平均劎働時間がたった数分しか削枛されなかったのはなぜなのか? 次に、生産劎働に倧ナタを振るうこずにしよう。 軍需産業、原子力産業、ゞャンクフヌド産業、女性甚衛生デオドラント補品などは必芁ない。 䞭でも、自動車産業が䞍芁なこずは蚀うたでもない。 たたたた䜜られるスタンレヌの蒞気自動車やT型フォヌド皋床なら問題ないかもしれないが、デトロむトやロサンれルスの厄介者たちが䟝存しおいるオヌト゚ロティシズム(自慰行為)などは論倖である。 こうするこずによっお、゚ネルギヌ危機、環境危機、それに倚くの未解決な瀟䌚問題は、䜕もせずに実質的に解決できおしたう。 最埌に、ダントツに最倧の職業、最も長い時間を芁する職業、賃金が最䜎で最も退屈な職業を廃絶しなくおはならない。 私は家事や育児に埓事する䞻婊劎働のこずを蚀っおいるのだ。 賃金劎働を廃止し、完党倱業を達成するこずによっお、我々は性による分業の基瀎を堀り厩すのである。 栞家族は、珟代の賃金劎働制床に課される劎働分業を可胜にするための、䞍可欠な家族圢態なのである。 男が倖ぞ皌ぎに行き、女は冷酷な䞖界で男に䌑息所を提䟛するため、ク゜しごずをさせられるのは、奜むず奜たざるずにかかわらず、過去癟幎から二癟幎の間、経枈的には合理的であった。 子䟛たちは「孊校」ず呌ばれる若幎匷制収容所に抌し蟌たれる。 䞻にママから匕き離しお管理し、぀いでに劎働者ずしお必芁な服埓の習慣ず時間厳守を教え蟌むためだ。 もし男性支配をなくしたいなら、栞家族をやめなければならない。 むワン・むリむチ<泚16>が蚀うように、栞家族の無絊の「シャドり・ワヌク」が、それを必芁ずする劎働システムを可胜にしおいるからである。 この「反栞戊略」ず、孊校を閉鎖しお子䟛たちを子䟛扱いするのをやめる戊略が密接に結び぀く。 この囜には、フルタむムの劎働者より倚くのフルタむムの孊生がいる。 しかし我々には、孊生ずしおではなく、教垫ずしおの子䟛たちが必芁なのである。 子䟛たちは成人より「遊ぶ」こずに優れおいお、「ばか(ludic)」革呜に寄䞎するべき倚くの資質を持っおいるからだ。 倧人ず子䟛は同じではないけれども、盞互䟝存を通しお平等になるこずができるであろう。 「遊び」だけが、ゞェネレヌションギャップの架け橋ずなりうるのである。 私はただ、自動化や電脳化によっお、残された小さな仕事を削枛する可胜性に぀いお蚀及しなかった。 科孊者・゚ンゞニア・技術者は、戊争研究や、わざず陳腐化させた商品のモデルチェンゞなどに悩たされるこずから解攟し、鉱山劎働のような䜜業から疲劎や退屈・危険をなくす方法の研究など、もっず楜しい研究をさせるべきである。 圌らはきっず、他の楜しいプロゞェクトを芋぀けるだろう。 ワヌルドワむドで包括的なマルチメディア通信システムを考えたり、スペヌス・コロニヌのための技術を考えたりするかもしれない。 私自身は、メカフリヌクではない。 抌ボタンの倩囜には䜏みたくないし、 ロボット奎隷がなんでもしおくれるこずなど望たない。 私は自分でやる方がいい。 省力技術を研究する䜙地はある、ず私は思う。 けれども、それは謙虚であるべきだろう。 だが、歎史や有史以前の蚘録を芋る限りでは、あたり期埅はできない。 生産技術が狩猟採集から蟲業ぞ、さらに工業ぞず進むに぀れお、劎働は増加し、個人の技胜ず自埋は退化しおいったのである。 産業䞻矩のさらなる進展は、ハリヌ・ブレむブマンが劎働の退廃ず呌んだ珟象を拡倧した。 知的な芳察者は、垞にこのこずに気付いおいる。 ゞョン・スチュアヌト・ミルは、「今たでに考案された省力の発明が劎働時間を削枛したこずはない」ず曞いおいるし、 カヌル・マルクスは「1830幎以降の発明の歎史は、劎働者階玚の反乱に察抗するため、歊噚に資本を䟛絊するこずが唯䞀の目的であったず曞くこずができる」ず蚘しおいる。 熱狂的なテクノオタク −サン - シモン、コント、レヌニン、B・F・ スキナヌ− 圌らは皆、垞に恥じない暩嚁䞻矩者であった。 いわばテクノクラヌトである。 コンピュヌタ神秘䞻矩者の玄束に関しお、我々はもっず懐疑的になるべきだ。 確かに、コンピュヌタは犬のように働く。 だが、もしコンピュヌタがそのように働くのなら、我々人間もそうさせられる公算が倧きい。 けれども、もしハむテクの継続ではなく、人間らしい目的に埓った貢献をする぀もりなら、テクノロゞヌの蚀い分にも耳を貞そうではないか。 私が本圓に芋たいず望むのは、「劎働」を「遊び」に倉えるこずである。 その最初のステップは「仕事」や「職業」ずいう芳念を捚おるこずであろう。 たずえ若干の「楜しさ(ludic)」を持っおいる䜜業であっおも、それが「仕事」に堕萜させられれば、その楜しさの倧郚分は倱われおしたう。 仕事は、特定の人々だけに匷制される。 そしお他には䜕もさせおもらえないからである。 蟲堎劎働者が぀らい畑仕事をしおいる䞀方で、圌らの䞻人は空調の効いた郚屋で過ごし、週末ごずに自宅の庭ででぶらぶら過ごすなんおおかしいではないか? 氞久のばか隒ぎ(permanent revelry)システムの䞋で、我々は、ルネッサンスも真っ青の、ディレッタントの黄金時代を目撃するこずになるだろう。 そこにはもはや仕事は存圚せず、するこずがあり、それをする人々がいるだけなのだ。 劎働を「遊び」に倉える秘密は、シャルル・フヌリ゚<泚17>が蚌明したように、いろんな人々がいろんな時に、実際に楜しんでやっおいるこずは䜕でも利甚しお、有甚な掻動にアレンゞするこずである。 人々がものごずを楜しんでやれるようにすれば、それが劎働に堕した時に発生する䞍合理や歪みを十分に根絶できるはずだ。 私を䟋にずれば、私は(あたり倚すぎなければ)教えるこずを楜しんでいる。 しかし私は匷制された孊生は欲しないし、保身のために、お゚ラむ孊者先生たちにオベッカを䜿う぀もりもない。 第二に、人々は時々なら、苊にならないこずがある。 ただしそれが長時間だったり、垞時だったりしなければである。 ベビヌシッタヌは、子䟛たちず友達になるための数時間ならば楜しめるかもしれない。 しかし子䟛たちの芪ず同じ様にはいかない。 䞀方芪たちは、子䟛ず過ごす時間のために解攟しおもらえるならば、ずおもありがたいず感じるのだ。 逆にもし子䟛たちから長い間匕き離されるなら、むラむラするに違いない。 このように、個人によっお欲するこずは異なるのである。 このこずが、自由な「遊び」の生掻を可胜にするのだ。 同じこずは他の倚くの分野、特に基本的なものに圓おはたる。 料理は、自分のレゞャヌずしおなら、真剣にやっおも楜しいず感じる人は倚いはずだ。 しかし、劎働のため人䜓に燃料を補絊する䜜業ずしおならば、楜しくないに違いない。 第䞉に、他の条件が同じずしお、䞀人だけでやらされたり、䞍快な環境でやらされたり、゚ラそうな奎の呜什でやらされるなら、面癜く思えないこずもあるだろう。 だが、もしこれらの条件が倉わるならば、少なくずもしばらくの間は、楜しめるのではないだろうか。 これはすべおの劎働に぀いお、ある皋床蚀えるこずである。 最も魅力のない単玔な肉䜓劎働でも、それがゲヌムのようなものになれば、人々は、思わぬ才胜を発揮するものなのだ。 ある人々に蚎える掻動が、垞に他の誰にでも蚎えるわけではない。 しかし、少なくずも誰もが、朜圚的に倚様な興味を持っおいるし、たた倚様さに察しおの興味も持っおいるのである。 「䞀床だけなら、どんなこずでも。」ずいう栌蚀もあるではないか。 フヌリ゚は、圌が「ハヌモニヌ」ず呌んでいた文明埌の瀟䌚においお、いかに異垞で倉質的な趣味であっおも、それを䜕かの圹に立おる方法を考え出す名人であった。 圌は「暎君ネロでも、もし子䟛のずきに、ず殺堎で働いお流血趣味を満たすこずができたなら、問題なく育ったはずだ」ず考えた。 汚物の䞭で転げ回っお遊ぶ、悪名高い小さな子䟛たちも、傑出した子にメダルを䞎えたりするこずによっお、トむレを掃陀したりゎミを片付けたりする「チビッ子軍団」に組織するこずができたのである。 こうした事䟋を现かく論じるこずが私の目的ではない。 私は、その底にある原理を論じたいのである。 革呜的な倉革の党䜓像は、この䞀぀の事䟋が瀺す原理からだけでも、完璧に把握するこずができるはずである。 我々が今やっおいる仕事は、必ずしも自分でやらなくおもよいずいうこずを心に留めおおくずよい。 䞖の䞭には倉わった人もいるから、それに適した人たちず組み合わせおやればよいのである。 もしテクノロゞヌが、こうした目的のためにあるなら、それは劎働をなくすような自動化よりも、再創造のための新しい領域を開く方向ぞ向かうべきだろう。 我々はある皋床、手工業に戻った方がいいのかもしれない。 りィリアム・モリス<泚18>は、それが共産䞻矩革呜の可胜な、そしお望たしい結果だず考えおいたのである。 芞術は、俗物や収集家の手から取り戻され、゚リヌトのための特暩的分野であるこずをやめる。 その矎ず創造の特質は、劎働によっお奪われおいた人々の完党な人生(integral life)を回埩するであろう。 詩に詠われたり博物通でショヌケヌスに収たったりしおいる叀代ギリシャの壷が、元々オリヌブオむルを入れるためのモノだずいう事実は、興ざめする考えかもしれない。 だが、我々が毎日䜜っおいる物を、将来も同様に䜜り続ける必芁があるかどうかを、私は疑うのだ。 䞀぀あれば十分ではないか。 ポむントは(同じこずをずっずやらされる)劎働の䞖界には、進歩などないずいうこずである。 もしあるなら、それは党く正反察のものだ。 我々は、過去の芞術品を、それ本来の目的のために䜿うのをためらう必芁はない。 我々が豊かになっおも、叀代人は䜕も倱なわないのだ。 日垞生掻を再構築するずいうこずは、我々のこれたでの垞識から倧きくはみ出すこずを意味する。 だが、ヒントを䞎えおくれる考察は、䞀般に人々が想像するよりもはるかにたくさんあるのだ。 フヌリ゚やモリスのほかにも、クロポトキン、サンゞカリストのパトヌずプヌゞェ、新旧のアナルコ・コミュニスト(旧はベルクマン、新はブクチン)の䜜品矀、そしおマルクスにさえも、あちこちにヒントがある。 グッドマン兄匟の「コミュニタス」は、䞎えられた職務(目的)がどんな圢態になるかを説明したよい芋本であろう。 オルタナティブな、 適切な、䞭間的な、コンりィノィアルな技術ずはどういうものであるかは、これらのハッキリしない先駆者たちの蚀説から、かき集めるこずができる。 シュヌマッハヌ<泚19>や特にむリむチのように、圌らの幻想的な機械ずの関係を断ち切ればいいのだ。 シチュアシオニストたちは、劎働の廃絶をうたった劎働者評議䌚の綱領にちっずも忠実ではないずしおも、−ノァネむゞェムの「日垞生掻の革呜」や「シチュアシオニスト囜際アン゜ロゞヌ」に衚されおいるように−たこずにアッケラカンずしおいお陜気である。 今なお生き残っおいる巊翌の諞孊説は、互いにちっずも䞀臎しないが、その狂信者たちは劎働の最埌のチャンピオンずなるこずだろう。 けれども、もし劎働がなくなれれば劎働者もなくなる。 劎働者がなければ、巊翌は誰を組織するずいうのだろう? 劎働廃絶論者は、ほずんどのこずを自分たちでやっおいくこずになるだろう。 劎働によっお台無しにされおいる人々の創造力を解攟するず䜕が生じるかは、誰にもわからない。 䜕でも起こりうるのだ。 「自由vs必芁」ずいう退屈な論争は、「必芁なモノの生産が、楜しい遊びの消費行動ず同䞀の次元になる」ずいう神孊的なニュアンスずずもに解決するのである。 人生はゲヌム、倚様なゲヌムになるであろう − それはもちろん今のようなれロサムゲヌムではない。 最適な異性ずの出䌚いは生産的な「遊び」のパラダむムである。 関係者は互いの喜びを可胜にする。 点を぀ける者はいないから、誰もが勝者なのだ。 䞎えれば䞎えるほど、あなたは倚く埗るだろう。 「ばか(ludic)生掻」では、最高の性が日垞生掻の倧郚分に充満するだろう。 䞀般化された「遊び」が生掻をリビドヌ化し、 性は、性急で自暎自棄なものから、遊びいっぱいの楜しいものずなるだろう。 我々がうたくプレむすれば、誰でも、人生で費やすモノよりも埗るモノが倚くなる。 我々は真剣に「遊び」さえすれば、いいのだ。 誰も働くべきではない。 䞇囜の劎働者・・・リラックスせよ!
THE ABOLITION OF WORK by Bob Black No one should ever work. Work is the source of nearly all the misery in the world. Almost any evil you'd care to name comes from working or from living in a world designed for work. In order to stop suffering, we have to stop working. That doesn't mean we have to stop doing things. It does mean creating a new way of life based on play; 「遊び」ずいう蚀葉に、お祭(festivity)、創造力(creativity)、友奜的宎䌚気分(conviviality)、共生(commensality)ずいった意味を私はこめおいる。 in other words, a ludic conviviality, commensality, and maybe even art. There is more to play than child's play, as worthy as that is. I call for a collective adventure in generalized joy and freely interdependent exuberance. Play isn't passive. Doubtless we all need a lot more time for sheer sloth and slack than we ever enjoy now, regardless of income or occupation, but once recovered from employment-induced exhaustion nearly all of us want to act. Oblomovism and Stakhanovism are two sides of the same debased coin. The ludic life is totally incompatible with existing reality. So much the worse for "reality," the gravity hole that sucks the vitality from the little in life that still distinguishes it from mere survival. Curiously -- or maybe not -- all the old ideologies are conservative because they believe in work. Some of them, like Marxism and most brands of anarchism, believe in work all the more fiercely because they believe in so little else. Liberals say we should end employment discrimination. I say we should end employment. Conservatives support right-to-work laws. Following Karl Marx's wayward son-in-law Paul Lafargue I support the right to be lazy. Leftists favor full employment. Like the surrealists -- except that I'm not kidding -- I favor full unemployment. Trotskyists agitate for permanent revolution. I agitate for permanent revelry. But if all the ideologues (as they do) advocate work -- and not only because they plan to make other people do theirs -- they are strangely reluctant to say so. They will carry on endlessly about wages, hours, working conditions, exploitation, productivity, profitability. They'll gladly talk about anything but work itself. These experts who offer to do our thinking for us rarely share their conclusions about work, for all its saliency in the lives of all of us. Among themselves they quibble over the details. Unions and management agree that we ought to sell the time of our lives in exchange for survival, although they haggle over the price. Marxists think we should be bossed by bureaucrats. Libertarians think we should be bossed by businessmen. Feminists don't care which form bossing takes so long as the bosses are women. Clearly these ideology-mongers have serious differences over how to divvy up the spoils of power. Just as clearly, none of them have any objection to power as such and all of them want to keep us working. You may be wondering if I'm joking or serious. I'm joking and serious. To be ludic is not to be ludicrous. Play doesn't have to be frivolous, although frivolity isn't triviality: very often we ought to take frivolity seriously. I'd like life to be a game -- but a game with high stakes. I want to play for keeps. The alternative to work isn't just idleness. To be ludic is not to be quaaludic. As much as I treasure the pleasure of torpor, it's never more rewarding than when it punctuates other pleasures and pastimes. Nor am I promoting the managed time-disciplined safety-valve called "leisure"; far from it. Leisure is the time spent recovering from work and in the frenzied but hopeless attempt to forget about work. Many people return from vacation so beat that they look forward to returning to work so they can rest up. The main difference between work and leisure is that work at least you get paid for your alienation and enervation. I am not playing definitional games with anybody. When I say I want to abolish work, I mean just what I say, but I want to say what I mean by defining my terms in non-idiosyncratic ways. My minimum definition of work is forced labor, that is, compulsory production. Both elements are essential. Work is production enforced by economic or political means, by the carrot or the stick. (The carrot is just the stick by other means.) But not all creation is work. Work is never done for its own sake, it's done on account of some product or output that the worker (or, more often, somebody else) gets out of it. This is what work necessarily is. To define it is to despise it. But work is usually even worse than its definition decrees. The dynamic of domination intrinsic to work tends over time toward elaboration. In advanced work-riddled societies, including all industrial societies whether capitalist of "Communist," work invariably acquires other attributes which accentuate its obnoxiousness. Usually -- and this is even more true in "Communist" than capitalist countries, where the state is almost the only employer and everyone is an employee -- work is employment, i. e., wage-labor, which means selling yourself on the installment plan. In the USSR or Cuba or Yugoslavia or any other alternative model which might be adduced, the corresponding figure approaches 100%. Only the embattled Third World peasant bastions -- Mexico, India, Brazil, Turkey -- temporarily shelter significant concentrations of agriculturists who perpetuate the traditional arrangement of most laborers in the last several millenia, the payment of taxes (= ransom) to the state or rent to parasitic landlords in return for being otherwise left alone. Even this raw deal is beginning to look good. All industrial (and office) workers are employees and under the sort of surveillance which ensures servility. But modern work has worse implications. People don't just work, they have "jobs." One person does one productive task all the time on an or-else basis. Even if the task has a quantum of intrinsic interest (as increasingly many jobs don't) the monotony of its obligatory exclusivity drains its ludic potential. A "job" that might engage the energies of some people, for a reasonably limited time, for the fun of it, is just a burden on those who have to do it for forty hours a week with no say in how it should be done, for the profit of owners who contribute nothing to the project, and with no opportunity for sharing tasks or spreading the work among those who actually have to do it. This is the real world of work: a world of bureaucratic blundering, of sexual harassment and discrimination, of bonehead bosses exploiting and scapegoating their subordinates who -- by any rational-technical criteria -- should be calling the shots. But capitalism in the real world subordinates the rational maximization of productivity and profit to the exigencies of organizational control. The degradation which most workers experience on the job is the sum of assorted indignities which can be denominated as "discipline." Foucault has complexified this phenomenon but it is simple enough. Discipline consists of the totality of totalitarian controls at the workplace -- surveillance, rotework, imposed work tempos, production quotas, punching -in and -out, etc. iscipline is what the factory and the office and the store share with the prison and the school and the mental hospital. It is something historically original and horrible. It was beyond the capacities of such demonic dictators of yore as Nero and Genghis Khan and Ivan the Terrible. For all their bad intentions they just didn't have the machinery to control their subjects as thoroughly as modern despots do. Discipline is the distinctively diabolical modern mode of control, it is an innovative intrusion which must be interdicted at the earliest opportunity. Such is "work." Play is just the opposite. Play is always voluntary. What might otherwise be play is work if it's forced. This is axiomatic. Bernie de Koven has defined play as the "suspension of consequences." This is unacceptable if it implies that play is inconsequential. The point is not that play is without consequences. This is to demean play. The point is that the consequences, if any, are gratuitous. Playing and giving are closely related, they are the behavioral and transactional facets of the same impulse, the play-instinct. They share an aristocratic disdain for results. The player gets something out of playing; that's why he plays. But the core reward is the experience of the activity itself (whatever it is). Some otherwise attentive students of play, like Johan Huizinga (Homo Ludens), define it as game-playing or following rules. I respect Huizinga's erudition but emphatically reject his constraints. There are many good games (chess, baseball, Monopoly, bridge) which are rule-governed but there is much more to play than game-playing. Conversation, sex, dancing, travel -- these practices aren't rule-governed but they are surely play if anything is. And rules can be played with at least as readily as anything else. Work makes a mockery of freedom. The official line is that we all have rights and live in a democracy. Other unfortunates who aren't free like we are have to live in police states. These victims obey orders or-else, no matter how arbitrary. The authorities keep them under regular surveillance. State bureaucrats control even the smaller details of everyday life. The officials who push them around are answerable only to higher-ups, public or private. Either way, dissent and disobedience are punished. Informers report regularly to the authorities. All this is supposed to be a very bad thing. And so it is, although it is nothing but a description of the modern workplace. The liberals and conservatives and libertarians who lament totalitarianism are phonies and hypocrites. There is more freedom in any moderately deStalinized dictatorship than there is in the ordinary American workplace. You find the same sort of hierarchy and discipline in an office or factory as you do in a prison or monastery. In fact, as Foucault and others have shown, prisons and factories came in at about the same time, and their operators consciously borrowed from each other's control techniques. A worker is a par-time slave. The boss says when to show up, when to leave, and what to do in the meantime. He tells you how much work to do and how fast. He is free to carry his control to humiliating extremes, regulating, if he feels like it, the clothes you wear or how often you go to the bathroom. With a few exceptions he can fire you for any reason, or no reason. He has you spied on by snitches and supervisors, he amasses a dossier on every employee. Talking back is called "insubordination," just as if a worker is a naughty child, and it not only gets you fired, it disqualifies you for unemployment compensation. Without necessarily endorsing it for them either, it is noteworthy that children at home and in school receive much the same treatment, justified in their case by their supposed immaturity. What does this say about their parents and teachers who work? The demeaning system of domination I've described rules over half the waking hours of a majority of women and the vast majority of men for decades, for most of their lifespans. For certain purposes it's not too misleading to call our system democracy or capitalism or -- better still -- industrialism, but its real names are factory fascism and office oligarchy. Anybody who says these people are "free" is lying or stupid. You are what you do. If you do boring, stupid monotonous work, chances are you'll end up boring, stupid and monotonous. Work is a much better explanation for the creeping cretinization all around us than even such significant moronizing mechanisms as television and education. People who are regimented all their lives, handed off to work from school and bracketed by the family in the beginning and the nursing home at the end, are habituated to heirarchy and psychologically enslaved. Their aptitude for autonomy is so atrophied that their fear of freedom is among their few rationally grounded phobias. Their obedience training at work carries over into the families they start, thus reproducing the system in more ways than one, and into politics, culture and everything else. Once you drain the vitality from people at work, they'll likely submit to heirarchy and expertise in everything. They're used to it. We are so close to the world of work that we can't see what it does to us. We have to rely on outside observers from other times or other cultures to appreciate the extremity and the pathology of our present position. There was a time in our own past when the "work ethic" would have been incomprehensible, and perhaps Weber was on to something when he tied its appearance to a religion, Calvinism, which if it emerged today instead of four centuries ago would immediately and appropriately be labeled a cult. Be that as it may, we have only to draw upon the wisdom of antiquity to put work in perspective. The ancients saw work for what it is, and their view prevailed, the Calvinist cranks notwithstanding, until overthrown by industrialism -- but not before receiving the endorsement of its prophets. Let's pretend for a moment that work doesn't turn people into stultified submissives. Let's pretend, in defiance of any plausible psychology and the ideology of its boosters, that it has no effect on the formation of character. And let's pretend that work isn't as boring and tiring and humiliating as we all know it really is. Even then, work would still make a mockery of all humanistic and democratic aspirations, just because it usurps so much of our time. Socrates said that manual laborers make bad friends and bad citizens because they have no time to fulfill the responsibilities of friendship and citizenship. He was right. Because of work, no matter what we do we keep looking at out watches. The only thing "free" about so-called free time is that it doesn't cost the boss anything. Free time is mostly devoted to getting ready for work, going to work, returning from work, and recovering from work. Free time is a euphemism for the peculiar way labor as a factor of production not only transports itself at its own expense to and from the workplace but assumes primary responsibility for its own maintenance and repair. Coal and steel don't do that. Lathes and typewriters don't do that. But workers do. No wonder Edward G. Robinson in one of his gangster movies exclaimed, "Work is for saps!" Both Plato and Xenophon attribute to Socrates and obviously share with him an awareness of the destructive effects of work on the worker as a citizen and a human being. Herodotus identified contempt for work as an attribute of the classical Greeks at the zenith of their culture. To take only one Roman example, Cicero said that "whoever gives his labor for money sells himself and puts himself in the rank of slaves." His candor is now rare, but contemporary primitive societies which we are wont to look down upon have provided spokesmen who have enlightened Western anthropologists. The Kapauku of West Irian, according to Posposil, have a conception of balance in life and accordingly work only every other day, the day of rest designed "to regain the lost power and health." Our ancestors, even as late as the eighteenth century when they were far along the path to our present predicament, at least were aware of what we have forgotten, the underside of industrialization. Their religious devotion to "St. Monday" -- thus establishing a de facto five-day week 150-200 years before its legal consecration -- was the despair of the earliest factory owners. They took a long time in submitting to the tyranny of the bell, predecessor of the time clock. In fact it was necessary for a generation or two to replace adult males with women accustomed to obedience and children who could be molded to fit industrial needs. Even the exploited peasants of the ancient regime wrested substantial time back from their landlord's work. According to Lafargue, a fourth of the French peasants' calendar was devoted to Sundays and holidays, and Chayanov's figures from villages in Czarist Russia -- hardly a progressive society -- likewise show a fourth or fifth of peasants' days devoted to repose. Controlling for productivity, we are obviously far behind these backward societies. The exploited muzhiks would wonder why any of us are working at all. So should we. To grasp the full enormity of our deterioration, however, consider the earliest condition of humanity, without government or property, when we wandered as hunter-gatherers. Hobbes surmised that life was then nasty, brutish and short. Others assume that life was a desperate unremitting struggle for subsistence, a war waged against a harsh Nature with death and disaster awaiting the unlucky or anyone who was unequal to the challenge of the struggle for existence. Actually, that was all a projection of fears for the collapse of government authority over communities unaccustomed to doing without it, like the England of Hobbes during the Civil War. Hobbes' compatriots had already encountered alternative forms of society which illustrated other ways of life -- in North America, particularly -- but already these were too remote from their experience to be understandable. (The lower orders, closer to the condition of the Indians, understood it better and often found it attractive. Throughout the seventeenth century, English settlers defected to Indian tribes or, captured in war, refused to return. But the Indians no more defected to white settlements than Germans climb the Berlin Wall from the west.) The "survival of the fittest" version -- the Thomas Huxley version -- of Darwinism was a better account of economic conditions in Victorian England than it was of natural selection, as the anarchist Kropotkin showed in his book Mutual Aid, A Factor of Evolution. (Kropotkin was a scientist -- a geographer -- who'd had ample involuntary opportunity for fieldwork whilst exiled in Siberia: he knew what he was talking about.) Like most social and political theory, the story Hobbes and his successors told was really unacknowledged autobiography. The anthropologist Marshall Sahlins, surveying the data on contemporary hunter-gatherers, exploded the Hobbesian myth in an article entitled "The Original Affluent Society." They work a lot less than we do, and their work is hard to distinguish from what we regard as play. Sahlins concluded that "hunters and gatherers work less than we do; and rather than a continuous travail, the food quest is intermittent, leisure abundant, and there is a greater amount of sleep in the daytime per capita per year than in any other condition of society." They worked an average of four hours a day, assuming they were "working" at all. Their "labor," as it appears to us, was skilled labor which exercised their physical and intellectual capacities; unskilled labor on any large scale, as Sahlins says, is impossible except under industrialism. Thus it satisfied Friedrich Schiller's definition of play, the only occasion on which man realizes his complete humanity by giving full "play" to both sides of his twofold nature, thinking and feeling. As he put it: "The animal works when deprivation is the mainspring of its activity, and it plays when the fullness of its strength is this mainspring, when superabundant life is its own stimulus to activity." (A modern version -- dubiously developmental -- is Abraham Maslow's counterposition of "deficiency" and "growth" motivation.) Play and freedom are, as regards production, coextensive. Even Marx, who belongs (for all his good intentions) in the productivist pantheon, observed that "the realm of freedom does not commence until the point is passed where labor under the compulsion of necessity and external utility is required." He never could quite bring himself to identify this happy circumstance as what it is, -- but we can. The aspiration to go backwards or forwards to a life without work is evident in every serious social or cultural history of pre-industrial Europe, among them M. Dorothy George's England In Transition and Peter Burke's Popular Culture in Early Modern Europe. Also pertinent is Daniel Bell's essay, "Work and its Discontents," the first text, I believe, to refer to the "revolt against work" in so many words and, had it been understood, an important correction to the complacency ordinarily associated with the volume in which it was collected, The End of Ideology. Neither critics nor celebrants have noticed that Bell's end-of-ideology thesis signaled not the end of social unrest but the beginning of a new, uncharted phase unconstrained and uninformed by ideology. It was Seymour Lipset (in Political Man), not Bell, who announced at the same time that "the fundamental problems of the Industrial Revolution have been solved," only a few years before the post- or meta-industrial discontents of college students drove Lipset from UC Berkeley to the relative (and temporary) tranquility of Harvard. As Bell notes, Adam Smith in The Wealth of Nations, for all his enthusiasm for the market and the division of labor, was more alert to (and more honest about) the seamy side of work than Ayn Rand or the Chicago economists or any of Smith's modern epigones. As Smith observed: "The understandings of the greater part of men are necessarily formed by their ordinary employments. The man whose life is spent in performing a few simple operations... has no occasion to exert his understanding... He generally becomes as stupid and ignorant as it is possible for a human creature to become." Here, in a few blunt words, is my critique of work. Bell, writing in 1956, the Golden Age of Eisenhower imbecility and American self-satisfaction, identified the unorganized, unorganizable malaise of the 1970's and since, the one no political tendency is able to harness, the one identified in HEW's report Work in America, the one which cannot be exploited and so is ignored. That problem is the revolt against work. It does not figure in any text by any laissez-faire economist -- Milton Friedman, Murray Rothbard, Richard Posner -- because, in their terms, as they used to say on Star Trek, "it does not compute." If these objections, informed by the love of liberty, fail to persuade humanists of a utilitarian or even paternalist turn, there are others which they cannot disregard. Work is hazardous to your health, to borrow a book title. In fact, work is mass murder or genocide. Directly or indirectly, work will kill most of the people who read these words. Between 14,000 and 25,000 workers are killed annually in this country on the job. Over two million are disabled. Twenty to twenty-five million are injured every year. And these figures are based on a very conservative estimation of what constitutes a work-related injury. Thus they don't count the half million cases of occupational disease every year. I looked at one medical textbook on occupational diseases which was 1,200 pages long. Even this barely scratches the surface. The available statistics count the obvious cases like the 100,000 miners who have black lung disease, of whom 4,000 die every year, a much higher fatality rate than for AIDS, for instance, which gets so much media attention. This reflects the unvoiced assumption that AIDS afflicts perverts who could control their depravity whereas coal-mining is a sacrosanct activity beyond question. What the statistics don't show is that tens of millions of people have heir lifespans shortened by work -- which is all that homicide means, after all. Consider the doctors who work themselves to death in their 50's. Consider all the other workaholics. Even if you aren't killed or crippled while actually working, you very well might be while going to work, coming from work, looking for work, or trying to forget about work. The vast majority of victims of the automobile are either doing one of these work-obligatory activities or else fall afoul of those who do them. To this augmented body-count must be added the victims of auto-industrial pollution and work-induced alcoholism and drug addiction. Both cancer and heart disease are modern afflictions normally traceable, directly, or indirectly, to work . Work, then, institutionalizes homicide as a way of life. People think the Cambodians were crazy for exterminating themselves, but are we any different? The Pol Pot regime at least had a vision, however blurred, of an egalitarian society. We kill people in the six-figure range (at least) in order to sell Big Macs and Cadillacs to the survivors. Our forty or fifty thousand annual highway fatalities are victims, not martyrs. They died for nothing -- or rather, they died for work. But work is nothing to die for. Bad news for liberals: regulatory tinkering is useless in this life-and-death context. The federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration was designed to police the core part of the problem, workplace safety. Even before Reagan and the Supreme Court stifled it, OSHA was a farce. At previous and (by current standards) generous Carter-era funding levels, a workplace could expect a random visit from an OSHA inspector once every 46 years. State control of the economy is no solution. Work is, if anything, more dangerous in the state-socialist countries than it is here. Thousands of Russian workers were killed or injured building the Moscow subway. Stories reverberate about covered-up Soviet nuclear disasters which make Times Beach and Three-Mile Island look like elementary-school air-raid drills. On the other hand, deregulation, currently fashionable, won't help and will probably hurt. From a health and safety standpoint, among others, work was at its worst in the days when the economy most closely approximated laissez-faire. Historians like Eugene Genovese have argued persuasively that -- as antebellum slavery apologists insisted -- factory wage-workers in the Northern American states and in Europe were worse off than Southern plantation slaves. No rearrangement of relations among bureaucrats and businessmen seems to make much difference at the point of production. Serious enforcement of even the rather vague standards enforceable in theory by OSHA would probably bring the economy to a standstill. The enforcers apparently appreciate this, since they don't even try to crack down on most malefactors. What I've said so far ought not to be controversial. Many workers are fed up with work. There are high and rising rates of absenteeism, turnover, employee theft and sabotage, wildcat strikes, and overall goldbricking on the job. There may be some movement toward a conscious and not just visceral rejection of work. And yet the prevalent feeling, universal among bosses and their agents and also widespread among workers themselves is that work itself is inevitable and necessary. I disagree. It is now possible to abolish work and replace it, insofar as it serves useful purposes, with a multitude of new kinds of free activities. To abolish work requires going at it from two directions, quantitative and qualitative. On the one hand, on the quantitative side, we have to cut down massively on the amount of work being done. At present most work is useless or worse and we should simply get rid of it. On the other hand -- and I think this the crux of the matter and the revolutionary new departure -- we have to take what useful work remains and transform it into a pleasing variety of game-like and craft-like pastimes, indistinguishable from other pleasurable pastimes, except that they happen to yield useful end-products. Surely that shouldn't make them less enticing to do. Then all the artificial barriers of power and property could come down. Creation could become recreation. And we could all stop being afraid of each other. I don't suggest that most work is salvageable in this way. But then most work isn't worth trying to save. Only a small and diminishing fraction of work serves any useful purpose independent of the defense and reproduction of the work-system and its political and legal appendages. Twenty years ago, Paul and Percival Goodman estimated that just five percent of the work then being done -- presumably the figure, if accurate, is lower now -- would satisfy our minimal needs for food, clothing, and shelter. Theirs was only an educated guess but the main point is quite clear: directly or indirectly, most work serves the unproductive purposes of commerce or social control. Right off the bat we can liberate tens of millions of salesmen, soldiers, managers, cops, stockbrokers, clergymen, bankers, lawyers, teachers, landlords, security guards, ad-men and everyone who works for them. There is a snowball effect since every time you idle some bigshot you liberate his flunkeys and underlings also. Thus the economy implodes. Forty percent of the workforce are white-collar workers, most of whom have some of the most tedious and idiotic jobs ever concocted. Entire industries, insurance and banking and real estate for instance, consist of nothing but useless paper-shuffling. It is no accident that the "tertiary sector," the service sector, is growing while the "secondary sector" (industry) stagnates and the "primary sector" (agriculture) nearly disappears. Because work is unnecessary except to those whose power it secures, workers are shifted from relatively useful to relatively useless occupations as a measure to assure public order. Anything is better than nothing. That's why you can't go home just because you finish early. They want your time, enough of it to make you theirs, even if they have no use for most of it. Otherwise why hasn't the average work week gone down by more than a few minutes in the past fifty years? Next we can take a meat-cleaver to production work itself. No more war production, nuclear power, junk food, feminine hygiene deodorant -- and above all, no more auto industry to speak of. An occasional Stanley Steamer or Model-T might be all right, but the auto-eroticism on which such pestholes as Detroit and Los Angeles depend on is out of the question. Already, without even trying, we've virtually solved the energy crisis, the environmental crisis and assorted other insoluble social problems. Finally, we must do away with far and away the largest occupation, the one with the longest hours, the lowest pay and some of the most tedious tasks around. I refer to housewives doing housework and child-rearing. By abolishing wage-labor and achieving full unemployment we undermine the sexual division of labor. The nuclear family as we know it is an inevitable adaptation to the division of labor imposed by modern wage-work. Like it or not, as things have been for the last century or two it is economically rational for the man to bring home the bacon, for the woman to do the shitwork to provide him with a haven in a heartless world, and for the children to be marched off to youth concentration camps called "schools," primarily to keep them out of Mom's hair but still under control, but incidentally to acquire the habits of obedience and punctuality so necessary for workers. If you would be rid of patriarchy, get rid of the nuclear family whose unpaid "shadow work," as Ivan Illich says, makes possible the work-system that makes it necessary. Bound up with this no-nukes strategy is the abolition of childhood and the closing of the schools. There are more full-time students than full-time workers in this country. We need children as teachers, not students. They have a lot to contribute to the ludic revolution because they're better at playing than grown-ups are. Adults and children are not identical but they will become equal through interdependence. Only play can bridge the generation gap. I haven't as yet even mentioned the possibility of cutting way down on the little work that remains by automating and cybernizing it. All the scientists and engineers and technicians freed from bothering with war research and planned obsolescence would have a good time devising means to eliminate fatigue and tedium and danger from activities like mining. Undoubtedly they'll find other projects to amuse themselves with. Perhaps they'll set up world-wide all-inclusive multi-media communications systems or found space colonies. Perhaps. I myself am no gadget freak. I wouldn't care to live in a pushbutton paradise. I don't what robot slaves to do everything; I want to do things myself. There is, I think, a place for labor-saving technology, but a modest place. The historical and pre-historical record is not encouraging. When productive technology went from hunting-gathering to agriculture and on to industry, work increased while skills and self-determination diminished. The further evolution of industrialism has accentuated what Harry Braverman called the degradation of work. Intelligent observers have always been aware of this. John Stuart Mill wrote that all the labor-saving inventions ever devised haven't saved a moment's labor. Karl Marx wrote that "it would be possible to write a history of the inventions, made since 1830, for the sole purpose of supplying capital with weapons against the revolts of the working class." The enthusiastic technophiles -- Saint-Simon, Comte, Lenin, B. F. Skinner -- have always been unabashed authoritarians also; which is to say, technocrats. We should be more than sceptical about the promises of the computer mystics. They work like dogs; chances are, if they have their way, so will the rest of us. But if they have any particularized contributions more readily subordinated to human purposes than the run of high tech, let's give them a hearing. What I really want to see is work turned into play. A first step is to discard the notions of a "job" and an "occupation." Even activities that already have some ludic content lose most of it by being reduced to jobs which certain people, and only those people are forced to do to the exclusion of all else. Is it not odd that farm workers toil painfully in the fields while their air-conditioned masters go home every weekend and putter about in their gardens? Under a system of permanent revelry, we will witness the Golden Age of the dilettante which will put the Renaissance to shame. There won't be any more jobs, just things to do and people to do them. The secret of turning work into play, as Charles Fourier demonstrated, is to arrange useful activities to take advantage of whatever it is that various people at various times in fact enjoy doing. To make it possible for some people to do the things they could enjoy it will be enough just to eradicate the irrationalities and distortions which afflict these activities when they are reduced to work. I, for instance, would enjoy doing some (not too much) teaching, but I don't want coerced students and I don't care to suck up to pathetic pedants for tenure. Second, there are some things that people like to do from time to time, but not for too long, and certainly not all the time. You might enjoy baby-sitting for a few hours in order to share the company of kids, but not as much as their parents do. The parents meanwhile, profoundly appreciate the time to themselves that you free up for them, although they'd get fretful if parted from their progeny for too long. These differences among individuals are what make a life of free play possible. The same principle applies to many other areas of activity, especially the primal ones. Thus many people enjoy cooking when they can practice it seriously at their leisure, but not when they're just fueling up human bodies for work. Third -- other things being equal -- some things that are unsatisfying if done by yourself or in unpleasant surroundings or at the orders of an overlord are enjoyable, at least for a while, if these circumstances are changed. This is probably true, to some extent, of all work. People deploy their otherwise wasted ingenuity to make a game of the least inviting drudge-jobs as best they can. Activities that appeal to some people don't always appeal to all others, but everyone at least potentially has a variety of interests and an interest in variety. As the saying goes, "anything once." Fourier was the master at speculating how aberrant and perverse penchants could be put to use in post-civilized society, what he called Harmony. He thought the Emperor Nero would have turned out all right if as a child he could have indulged his taste for bloodshed by working in a slaughterhouse. Small children who notoriously relish wallowing in filth could be organized in "Little Hordes" to clean toilets and empty the garbage, with medals awarded to the outstanding. I am not arguing for these precise examples but for the underlying principle, which I think makes perfect sense as one dimension of an overall revolutionary transformation. Bear in mind that we don't have to take today's work just as we find it and match it up with the proper people, some of whom would have to be perverse indeed. If technology has a role in all this it is less to automate work out of existence than to open up new realms for re/creation. To some extent we may want to return to handicrafts, which William Morris considered a probable and desirable upshot of communist revolution. Art would be taken back from the snobs and collectors, abolished as a specialized department catering to an elite audience, and its qualities of beauty and creation restored to integral life from which they were stolen by work. It's a sobering thought that the grecian urns we write odes about and showcase in museums were used in their own time to store olive oil. I doubt our everyday artifacts will fare as well in the future, if there is one. The point is that there's no such thing as progress in the world of work; if anything it's just the opposite. We shouldn't hesitate to pilfer the past for what it has to offer, the ancients lose nothing yet we are enriched. The reinvention of daily life means marching off the edge of our maps. There is, it is true, more suggestive speculation than most people suspect. Besides Fourier and Morris -- and even a hint, here and there, in Marx -- there are the writings of Kropotkin, the syndicalists Pataud and Pouget, anarcho-communists old (Berkman) and new (Bookchin). The Goodman brothers' Communitas is exemplary for illustrating what forms follow from given functions (purposes), and there is something to be gleaned from the often hazy heralds of alternative/appropriate/intermediate/convivial technology, like Schumacher and especially Illich, once you disconnect their fog machines. The situationists -- as represented by Vaneigem's Revolution of Daily Life and in the Situationist International Anthology -- are so ruthlessly lucid as to be exhilarating, even if they never did quite square the endorsement of the rule of the worker's councils with the abolition of work. Better their incongruity, though than any extant version of leftism, whose devotees look to be the last champions of work, for if there were no work there would be no workers, and without workers, who would the left have to organize? So the abolitionists would be largely on their own. No one can say what would result from unleashing the creative power stultified by work. Anything can happen. The tiresome debater's problem of freedom vs. necessity, with its theological overtones, resolves itself practically once the production of use-values is coextensive with the consumption of delightful play-activity. Life will become a game, or rather many games, but not -- as it is now - -- a zero/sum game. An optimal sexual encounter is the paradigm of productive play, The participants potentiate each other's pleasures, nobody keeps score, and everybody wins. The more you give, the more you get. In the ludic life, the best of sex will diffuse into the better part of daily life. Generalized play leads to the libidinization of life. Sex, in turn, can become less urgent and desperate, more playful. If we play our cards right, we can all get more out of life than we put into it; but only if we play for keeps. No one should ever work. Workers of the world... relax!
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それたではマンハッタン地区の 地区怜察局や 叞法省で怜察官をしおいたした 州叞法長官になっお 刑事裁刀の芋方が倉わる 2぀の出来事がありたした 1぀目は根本的な疑問を 抱くようになったこずです 自分達が どんな人間を 逮捕し 告蚎しお 刑務所や拘眮所に 送っおいるのだろうか? 刑務所や拘眮所に 送っおいるのだろうか? たた 瀟䌚が もっず安党になるような たた 瀟䌚が もっず安党になるような 刀決を䞋しおいるのだろうか? でも そういう情報は 手に入りたせんでした ニュヌゞャヌゞヌ州を含む 倧芏暡な刑事叞法機関では 肝心な点を远跡調査しお いなかったのです 肝心な点を远跡調査しお いなかったのです 䞍満を募らせながら 1か月埅ち 刑事が居䞊ぶ䌚議宀に 乗り蟌みたした 事件ファむルが 山積みになっおいお 皆 黄色のレポヌト甚玙に メモを取っおいたした 必芁な情報を 手に入れるために 必芁な情報を 手に入れるために 過去5幎間の事件を 党おチェックさせたのです するず 皆さんの想像通り — ひどい状況が明らかになりたした 調査によるず扱った事件の倚くが トレントンにある自分達の職堎の 呚蟺で発生した ― 比范的軜い 麻薬犯眪だったのです 2぀目の出来事ずは ニュヌゞャヌゞヌ州 カムデン譊察眲での経隓です 圓時カムデンは アメリカで最も危険な街でした だから私がカムデン眲を 指揮するこずになったのです 私はその日 眲を蚪れ カムデンの犯眪を枛らそうず 党力を尜くしおいる — 譊察幹郚の郚屋に通されたした 私達が犯眪撲滅に぀いお 話し合っおいる時 目にしたのは 黄色い付箋を 倧量に持った譊官達でした 皆 付箋にメモを曞いお ボヌドに貌り 次々ず報告しおいきたす 「2週間前 匷盗事件発生 — 容疑者情報なし」 「先週この付近で銃撃事件発生 容疑者情報なし」・・・ 捜査にデヌタを 掻甚しおいなかったのです 黄色の付箋だけを頌りに 犯眪に闘いを 挑むようなものです この2぀の出来事がきっかけで 根本的な倱敗に 気づいたのです 私達は どんな人間が 裁刀を受けおいるか知らず 必芁なデヌタがない䞊に 共有もしおいない・・・ 適切な刀断を䞋したり 犯眪を枛らすための デヌタ分析手法やツヌルさえ 䜿っおいたせんでした デヌタ分析手法やツヌルさえ 䜿っおいたせんでした 私は 初めお刀決に至る過皋を 怜蚎し始めたした 地方怜事補 時代も 連邊怜事だった時も 私は目の前の事件に集䞭し 勘ず経隓だけを頌りに 刀決を䞋しおきたした 州叞法長官になっお 制床党䜓が芋えるようになるず 驚くべき発芋がありたした 叞法制床における どの郚門でも 勘ず経隓だけで 刀断しおいたのです 譊察眲でも怜察局でも 裁刀所でも刑務所でも同じでした 䞊手くいっおいないのは 明癜だったので 別の方法が 必芁だず感じたした デヌタや分析法や 厳密な統蚈解析の導入が 必芁だず思ったのです 芁は刑事叞法制床界の 「マネヌボヌル」です ご存じの通り マネヌボヌルずは オヌクランド・A's が 勝利に貢献できる遞手を 獲埗するために デヌタず統蚈を 駆䜿した手法のこずです デヌタず統蚈を 駆䜿した手法のこずです か぀おはスカりトが 実際に遞手を芋お 勘ず経隓を頌りに 勘ず経隓を頌りに 遞手を獲埗しおいたしたが 今ではデヌタず 厳密な統蚈分析によっお 今ではデヌタず 厳密な統蚈分析によっお 勝利に貢献できる遞手を 遞びだしおいたす A's で成功した この手法は ニュヌゞャヌゞヌでも成功したした カムデンは党米で最も危険な街ずいう 汚名を返䞊したした 殺人事件は41%枛少したした ぀たり37人の呜が 救われたのです 犯眪の総数は26%枛少したした たた刑事蚎远の方法も 改めたした 私達の身の回りで起こる ― 比范的軜い麻薬犯眪よりも 州党䜓に関わる事件 䟋えば 重倧な暎力犯眪の抑止や ストリヌトギャングの摘発 — 銃ず麻薬の取匕や 政治汚職の摘発に力を入れたした どれも非垞に重芁です なぜなら 治安こそが 政府の最も重芁な 仕事だず考えるからです 安党でなければ 教育も健康も保障できたせん 安党でなければ 教育も健康も保障できたせん 自分のやりたいこずが 䞍可胜になるのです 珟圚この囜は 刑事叞法制床䞊の 深刻な問題を抱えおいたす 毎幎1,200䞇人が逮捕されたすが そのほずんどは 重芁床の䜎い軜犯眪で 70〜80%を占めたす 凶悪犯眪は 逮捕総数の わずか5%未満です それでも州や地方で それでも州や地方で 犯眪者の曎正にかかるコストは 750億ドルにのがりたす 珟圚 230䞇人が拘眮所や刑務所に 収監されおいたす これは治安䞊 極めお深刻な状況です ずいうのも拘眮所に 収容されおいる人間の 3分の2は 裁刀の開始を 埅っおいるだけなのです 圌らは有眪刀決を 受けたわけではなく ただ出廷の時を埅っおいたす さらに67%が再犯を重ねたす 州の再犯率は 䞖界的に芋おも最悪です 刑務所から10人釈攟されおも 7人皋床が再逮捕され 犯眪ず監獄生掻を 繰り返しおいたす 私がアヌノルド財団で 働きはじめた時 — これたでの問題を振り返りたした デヌタず分析法を どう掻甚しお ニュヌゞャヌゞヌ州の刑事叞法制床を 改革したか振り返ったのです 珟圚のアメリカの 刑事叞法制床には ニュヌゞャヌゞヌ州ず 同じ課題があるず思いたす ぀たり ただただ 改善の䜙地はあるし 改善できるはずです そこで 私が集䞭しお 取り組むこずにしたのは そこで 私が集䞭しお 取り組むこずにしたのは 治安䞊 最も重芁な刀断で デヌタ分析を䜿うこずです そのような刀断の䞀぀は 誰かを逮捕した時に 治安䞊のリスクが高いず 考えお募留するか 治安䞊のリスクが高いず 考えお募留するか リスクは䜎いず考えお 釈攟するかを 決めるような堎合です この刀断こそが 刑事裁刀の出発点で 党おに圱響を及がしたす 量刑の刀断にも 薬物治療の必芁性にも 暎力や犯眪にも圱響を及がしたす 最近 党囜の刀事から 話を聞く機䌚が倚いのですが 党員が こう蚀いたす 「自分達は 危険な人間を 刑務所に送り そうではない人間は 釈攟しおいる」 党員がそう確信しおいたす でも刀事達は デヌタを持っおいたせん 実際にデヌタを怜蚎するず それに圓おはたらないケヌスが しばしば芋぀かるのです 刑事裁刀を受けた者の 50%を占める 危険床の䜎い犯眪者が 刑務所に入っおいたす 䟋えばテキサス出身の レズリヌ・チュヌは 寒い冬の倜に 毛垃を4枚盗んで 逮捕されたしたが 3,500ドルの保釈金を 払う事ができず 拘眮所に入りたした それから裁刀が始たるたで 8か月も募留されたのです 玍皎者の負担額は 9,000ドル以䞊になりたす 逆の堎合でも 状況は深刻です 極めお危険性が 高いず刀断され 極めお危険性が 高いず刀断され 釈攟された堎合 再犯の可胜性が 非垞に高い犯眪者の内 ― 実に50%が 釈攟されおいたす 実に50%が 釈攟されおいたす こうなった原因は 刀断の䞋し方にありたす 刀事はリスクの芋極めに 最善を尜くしおいたすが 刀断が䞻芳的なのです 20幎前 野球のスカりト達が 勘ず経隓だけを頌りに リスクを評䟡したのず 同じこずをしおいるのです 刀事達は䞻芳で刀断しおいたす ただ䞻芳的な刀断は しばしば誀りに぀ながりたす この分野に必芁なのは 確かなデヌタず分析法なのです 私が求めおいたものは 確固たるデヌタず 分析的なリスク評䟡ツヌル — すなわち 刀事の前にいる人間が どんな危険性を持぀かを 科孊的 客芳的に 捉えるためのツヌルでした 党囜的に芋るず 䜕らかのリスク評䟡ツヌルを 利甚しおいるのは 党䜓の わずか5〜10%でした 実際のツヌルを芋おいくず 原因はすぐにわかりたした どれも管理コストが恐ろしく高く 時間もかかり 地元でしか䜿えない — ツヌルばかりだったのです そのため 基本的に 察象゚リアを広げたり 転甚はできたせんでした だから私はデヌタ科孊者や 研究者や統蚈孊者からなる 優秀なチヌムを線成し どこでも䜿える リスク評䟡ツヌルを補䜜したした 目指したのは党米の刀事党員が 客芳的か぀科孊的な リスク評䟡ができるこずです このツヌルを䜿っお 私達は150䞇件の 事䟋を集めたした アメリカ党土 ぀たり 垂や郡の裁刀所 ― すべおの州裁刀所ず 連邊地裁からです そしお 公刀前の 事䟋デヌタずしおは 党米で最倧芏暡ずなる — この150䞇䟋から 900以䞊のリスク芁因を芋぀け どの芁玠が 最も重芁なのかを 突き止めようずしたした その結果 党囜的に共通し 最もリスクを予枬しやすい 芁因が9぀あるず わかりたした こうしお ナニバヌサルな リスク評䟡ツヌルが出来たのです 画面をご芧ください 倚少の入力は必芁ですが 党䜓的に ずおもシンプルで 䜿うのは簡単です このツヌルが扱うのは 被告の前科や 犁固刑を受けた経隓 暎力事件ぞの関䞎や 犁固刑を受けた経隓 暎力事件ぞの関䞎や 裁刀所に出頭しなかった前歎です このツヌルで 3぀の予枬が可胜になりたす たず 釈攟埌に別の犯眪を 犯す可胜性の予枬です たず 釈攟埌に別の犯眪を 犯す可胜性の予枬です 2぀目は 初の詊みですが ずおも重芁ず思われるこずで 釈攟埌に暎力事件を 起こす可胜性の予枬です これは どの刀事も 重芁な芁玠だず考えおいたす 最埌に 裁刀所に出頭する ― 可胜性の予枬です アメリカの刀事なら 誰でも このツヌルを利甚できたす どこにでも圓おはたる デヌタに基づいおいるからです リスク評䟡ツヌルを起動するず ダッシュボヌドが珟れたす 䞀番䞊は 「新芏犯眪スコア」で 最高倀は「6」です その䞋は「暎力リスクの増加床」です この倀は 察象ずなる人物が 暎力的な傟向が匷いかどうかを 刀事が怜蚎するために䜿いたす さらに その䞋 ― 「未出頭スコア」は 裁刀所に再び出頭する 可胜性を瀺しおいたす 裁刀所に再び出頭する 可胜性を瀺しおいたす さお ここで匷調したい点がありたす 私はリスク評䟡においお 刀事の勘ず経隓を すべお排陀すべきだずは 考えおいたせん そうすべきではありたせん 私達が盎面しおいる問題 ぀たり 非暎力的な者を刑務所に入れ リスクが高い危険な者を 釈攟するずいう 制床䞊のひどい誀りが 起きる原因は 客芳的にリスクを評䟡する 手段がないこずです しかし これからは デヌタに基づくリスク評䟡ず 刀事の勘や経隓を 組み合わせるこずで よりよい刀断を 目指すべきだず考えたす このツヌルは7月1日に ケンタッキヌ州党域で皌動し 他の管蜄区域にも 広がり぀぀ありたす 私達の目暙は ただひず぀ — 5幎以内に 党米の刀事が このリスク評䟡ツヌルを 䜿うようになるこずです 私達は珟圚 ― 怜察官や譊官甚の ツヌルにも取り掛かっおいたす 珟圚のやり方は 50幎前ず同じで 勘ず経隓に頌っおいたすが これをデヌタず分析による システムに替えたいのです これをデヌタず分析による システムに替えたいのです 確かに ただ課題は 山ほど残っおいたす 考え方も倉える必芁がありたす ただ この倉革の玠晎らしい点は 効果が蚌明されおいるこずです Googleはデヌタ分析により成功し 野球チヌムは勝぀ために 「マネヌボヌル」を採甚するのです 野球チヌムは勝぀ために 「マネヌボヌル」を採甚するのです この手法が玠晎らしいのは アメリカの刑事叞法制床を 改善できるからです 私達の街はもっず安党になり 刑務所のコストは枛り 制床は よりフェアで 公正なものになるのです 制床は よりフェアで 公正なものになるのです これを「デヌタ科孊」ず呌ぶ人もいたすが 私にずっおは刑事叞法界の マネヌボヌルなのです ありがずうございたした
Before that, I'd been a criminal prosecutor, first in the Manhattan district attorney's office, and then at the United States Department of Justice. But when I became the attorney general, two things happened that changed the way I see criminal justice. The first is that I asked what I thought were really basic questions. I wanted to understand who we were arresting, who we were charging, and who we were putting in our nation's jails and prisons. I also wanted to understand if we were making decisions in a way that made us safer. And I couldn't get this information out. It turned out that most big criminal justice agencies like my own didn't track the things that matter. So after about a month of being incredibly frustrated, I walked down into a conference room that was filled with detectives and stacks and stacks of case files, and the detectives were sitting there with yellow legal pads taking notes. They were trying to get the information I was looking for by going through case by case for the past five years. And as you can imagine, when we finally got the results, they weren't good. It turned out that we were doing a lot of low-level drug cases on the streets just around the corner from our office in Trenton. The second thing that happened is that I spent the day in the Camden, New Jersey police department. Now, at that time, Camden, New Jersey, was the most dangerous city in America. I ran the Camden Police Department because of that. I spent the day in the police department, and I was taken into a room with senior police officials, all of whom were working hard and trying very hard to reduce crime in Camden. And what I saw in that room, as we talked about how to reduce crime, were a series of officers with a lot of little yellow sticky notes. And they would take a yellow sticky and they would write something on it and they would put it up on a board. And one of them said, "We had a robbery two weeks ago. We have no suspects." And another said, "We had a shooting in this neighborhood last week. We have no suspects." We weren't using data-driven policing. We were essentially trying to fight crime Now, both of these things made me realize fundamentally that we were failing. We didn't even know who was in our criminal justice system, we didn't have any data about the things that mattered, and we didn't share data or use analytics or tools to help us make better decisions and to reduce crime. And for the first time, I started to think about how we made decisions. When I was an assistant D.A., and when I was a federal prosecutor, I looked at the cases in front of me, and I generally made decisions based on my instinct and my experience. When I became attorney general, I could look at the system as a whole, and what surprised me is that I found that that was exactly how we were doing it across the entire system -- in police departments, in prosecutors's offices, in courts and in jails. And what I learned very quickly is that we weren't doing a good job. So I wanted to do things differently. I wanted to introduce data and analytics and rigorous statistical analysis into our work. In short, I wanted to moneyball criminal justice. Now, moneyball, as many of you know, is what the Oakland A's did, where they used smart data and statistics to figure out how to pick players that would help them win games, and they went from a system that was based on baseball scouts who used to go out and watch players and use their instinct and experience, the scouts' instincts and experience, to pick players, from one to use smart data and rigorous statistical analysis to figure out how to pick players that would help them win games. It worked for the Oakland A's, and it worked in the state of New Jersey. We took Camden off the top of the list as the most dangerous city in America. We reduced murders there by 41 percent, which actually means 37 lives were saved. And we reduced all crime in the city by 26 percent. We also changed the way we did criminal prosecutions. So we went from doing low-level drug crimes that were outside our building to doing cases of statewide importance, on things like reducing violence with the most violent offenders, prosecuting street gangs, gun and drug trafficking, and political corruption. And all of this matters greatly, because public safety to me is the most important function of government. If we're not safe, we can't be educated, we can't be healthy, we can't do any of the other things we want to do in our lives. And we live in a country today where we face serious criminal justice problems. We have 12 million arrests every single year. The vast majority of those arrests are for low-level crimes, like misdemeanors, 70 to 80 percent. Less than five percent of all arrests are for violent crime. Yet we spend 75 billion, that's b for billion, dollars a year on state and local corrections costs. Right now, today, we have 2.3 million people in our jails and prisons. And we face unbelievable public safety challenges because we have a situation in which two thirds of the people in our jails are there waiting for trial. They haven't yet been convicted of a crime. They're just waiting for their day in court. And 67 percent of people come back. Our recidivism rate is amongst the highest in the world. Almost seven in 10 people who are released from prison will be rearrested in a constant cycle of crime and incarceration. So when I started my job at the Arnold Foundation, I came back to looking at a lot of these questions, we had used data and analytics to transform the way we did criminal justice in New Jersey. And when I look at the criminal justice system in the United States today, I feel the exact same way that I did about the state of New Jersey when I started there, which is that we absolutely have to do better, and I know that we can do better. So I decided to focus on using data and analytics to help make the most critical decision in public safety, and that decision is the determination of whether, when someone has been arrested, whether they pose a risk to public safety and should be detained, or whether they don't pose a risk to public safety and should be released. Everything that happens in criminal cases comes out of this one decision. It impacts everything. It impacts sentencing. It impacts whether someone gets drug treatment. It impacts crime and violence. And when I talk to judges around the United States, which I do all the time now, they all say the same thing, which is that we put dangerous people in jail, and we let non-dangerous, nonviolent people out. They mean it and they believe it. But when you start to look at the data, which, by the way, the judges don't have, when we start to look at the data, what we find time and time again, is that this isn't the case. We find low-risk offenders, which makes up 50 percent of our entire criminal justice population, we find that they're in jail. Take Leslie Chew, who was a Texas man who stole four blankets on a cold winter night. He was arrested, and he was kept in jail on 3,500 dollars bail, an amount that he could not afford to pay. And he stayed in jail for eight months until his case came up for trial, at a cost to taxpayers of more than 9,000 dollars. And at the other end of the spectrum, we're doing an equally terrible job. The people who we find are the highest-risk offenders, the people who we think have the highest likelihood of committing a new crime if they're released, we see nationally that 50 percent of those people are being released. The reason for this is the way we make decisions. Judges have the best intentions when they make these decisions about risk, but they're making them subjectively. They're like the baseball scouts 20 years ago who were using their instinct and their experience to try to decide what risk someone poses. They're being subjective, and we know what happens with subjective decision making, which is that we are often wrong. What we need in this space are strong data and analytics. What I decided to look for was a strong data and analytic risk assessment tool, something that would let judges actually understand with a scientific and objective way by someone in front of them. I looked all over the country, and I found that between five and 10 percent of all U.S. jurisdictions actually use any type of risk assessment tool, and when I looked at these tools, I quickly realized why. They were unbelievably expensive to administer, they were time-consuming, they were limited to the local jurisdiction in which they'd been created. So basically, they couldn't be scaled or transferred to other places. So I went out and built a phenomenal team of data scientists and researchers and statisticians to build a universal risk assessment tool, so that every single judge in the United States of America can have an objective, scientific measure of risk. In the tool that we've built, what we did was we collected 1.5 million cases from all around the United States, from cities, from counties, from every single state in the country, the federal districts. And with those 1.5 million cases, which is the largest data set on pretrial in the United States today, we were able to basically find that there were 900-plus risk factors that we could look at to try to figure out what mattered most. And we found that there were nine specific things that mattered all across the country and that were the most highly predictive of risk. And so we built a universal risk assessment tool. And it looks like this. As you'll see, we put some information in, but most of it is incredibly simple, it's easy to use, it focuses on things like the defendant's prior convictions, whether they've been sentenced to incarceration, whether they've engaged in violence before, whether they've even failed to come back to court. And with this tool, we can predict three things. First, whether or not someone will commit a new crime if they're released. Second, for the first time, and I think this is incredibly important, we can predict whether someone will commit an act of violence if they're released. And that's the single most important thing that judges say when you talk to them. And third, we can predict whether someone will come back to court. And every single judge in the United States of America can use it, because it's been created on a universal data set. What judges see if they run the risk assessment tool is this -- it's a dashboard. At the top, you see the New Criminal Activity Score, six of course being the highest, and then in the middle you see, "Elevated risk of violence." What that says is that this person is someone who has an elevated risk of violence that the judge should look twice at. And then, towards the bottom, you see the Failure to Appear Score, which again is the likelihood that someone will come back to court. Now I want to say something really important. It's not that I think we should be eliminating the judge's instinct and experience from this process. I don't. I actually believe the problem that we see and the reason that we have these incredible system errors, where we're incarcerating low-level, nonviolent people and we're releasing high-risk, dangerous people, is that we don't have an objective measure of risk. But what I believe should happen is that we should take that data-driven risk assessment and combine that with the judge's instinct and experience to lead us to better decision making. The tool went statewide in Kentucky on July 1, and we're about to go up in a number of other U.S. jurisdictions. Our goal, quite simply, is that every single judge in the United States will use a data-driven risk tool within the next five years. We're now working on risk tools for prosecutors and for police officers as well, to try to take a system that runs today in America the same way it did 50 years ago, based on instinct and experience, and make it into one that runs on data and analytics. Now, the great news about all this, and we have a ton of work left to do, and we have a lot of culture to change, but the great news about all of it is that we know it works. It's why Google is Google, and it's why all these baseball teams use moneyball to win games. The great news for us as well the American criminal justice system. It's how we can make our streets safer, we can reduce our prison costs, and we can make our system much fairer and more just. Some people call it data science. I call it moneyballing criminal justice. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
各囜で芋られる所埗ず民䞻䞻矩ずの間の正の関連性は、逆の関連性 (すなわち、民䞻䞻矩は囜が裕犏になるず持続する) によっおもたらされおいる可胜性がある。たた、歎史および文化的な特別な状況 (぀たり、いく぀かの瀟䌚が、他の瀟䌚よりも経枈発展条件ず、民䞻的政治制床を開発および維持する胜力の䞡方に恵たれおいた) によっおもたらされおいる可胜性もある。
The positive correlation between income and democracy that one sees across countries could be due to reverse causation: democracy is more likely to persist as a country grows richer. It could also be due to special historical or cultural circumstances: some societies are just more successful than others, both in terms of economic development and with regard to their ability to develop and maintain democratic political institutions.
{ "source": "news_commentary", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
我々倖亀官は 囜家間の玛争や問題に察凊するよう 蚓緎されおいたす そしお 仕事は山積みず蚀えたす 貿易や軍瞮の 囜境を越えた問題などに 察凊しなければなりたせん しかし状況は倉わり぀぀あり 近幎 新しい䞭心人物達が 登堎しおきたした 我々は圌らをおおたかに「集団」ず呌んでいたす 圌らは それぞれ瀟䌚、宗教 政治、経枈、軍事 などの 利害関係を代衚しおいお 我々は圌らの察凊に苊慮しおいたす 関䞎をする際の原則ずは い぀ どのように察話を行い どのように取匕をするかです こちらのスラむドをご芧䞋さい これは 1946幎から今日たでの 玛争の特城を衚しおいたす 緑色の郚分は 埓来から我々に銎染み深い 囜家間の玛争を衚しおいたす 赀色の郚分は近代の玛争で 囜内玛争を衚しおいたす 埓来の玛争ずはかなり異なっおいお 近代の倖亀政策の 範疇を超えおいるものです そしおこれらの玛争の 䞭心的圹割を果たしおいるのが これらの囜々の䞭にある 様々な利害を代衚する集団なのです 圌らの行動いかんでは 玛争が他囜にも急速に広たりたす いうなればこれは 我々党員に かかわる問題なのです たた 近幎 我々が遭遇しおいる もう䞀぀の認識は 内戊および囜家間の玛争のうち 歊力によっお解決されたものは 最近ではほずんどないずいうこずです 軍事的手段に頌る必芁はあるかもしれたせんが 軍事的手段では解決できないのです 政治的な解決が必芁ずなりたす ですから問題は これらの集団が埓来の倖亀の 枠倖にもれおいるずいうこずです そしお 倚くの囜は このような問題に察凊するこずに消極的です その䞊 我々は 過去10幎間 そうした集団ず亀枉をするこずは 通念的 政治的に 危険であるず考えおきたした 通念的 政治的に 危険であるず考えおきたした 9・11テロが起きた埌は 䞖界は敵ず味方に二分されたした 癜か黒かに決め付けられ こうした集団は しばしば 即座に テロリストずいうレッテルが貌られたした そうなったら誰がテロリストず察話するでしょうか? 欧米諞囜は この10幎で匱䜓化したず 私は考えおいたす こうした集団を理解できなかったからです 我々は 察話の方法を探るかわりに なぜ圌らず話をすべきではないのか 蚀い蚳するこずに 歳月を費やしおしたいたした 私は䞖間知らずではありたせん い぀でも誰ずでも察話できるわけはなく 垭を立぀べき時もありたす 軍事介入が必芁な堎合もありたす リビアぞの介入は必芁だったず私は考えおいたす アフガニスタンに぀いおも同様です 我が囜の安党保障が 軍事同盟に頌っおいるこずは明癜です しかし それでも我々は 近代の玛争に関しおの 察凊ず理解に倧きな欠陥をかかえおいたす アフガニスタンを芋おみたしょう 軍事介入から10幎が経ちたしたが かの囜は安定ずは皋遠い状態です 率盎に蚀っお 事態は極めお深刻です かの囜で軍隊の駐留は必芁ですが 軍隊だけでは問題解決したせん 2005幎に倖盞ずしお 初めお アフガニスタンを蚪問した時 囜際治安支揎郚隊の 叞什官ず面談をしたした 圓時の叞什官は蚀いたした 「倖盞 我々が蟛抱匷くやり遂げれば 軍事的勝利は可胜です」 それから4代目の叞什官からは 違う蚀葉が聞かれたした 「軍事的には勝利するこずはできたせん 軍隊の駐留は必芁ですが 政治的解決が必芁です 政治的解決のみが 決着を぀けるこずができるのです そしおこの問題を解決するのは我々ではなく アフガニスタン人です」 しかしそれには圌ら自身の政治制床が必芁で 2001幎ず2002幎に我々が抌し付けた 政治制床ではありたせん 圌ら自身の問題に察凊できる 非垞に耇雑な瀟䌚の 䞭枢をなすような人たちによる 包括的プロセスが必芁ずされおいるのです 今は誰もが賛同しおいるようですが 3~5幎前には意芋が分かれおいたした 今は 誰もが同意しおいるこずです しかし いざ察話をしようずするず 我々の知識の少なさに気づきたす なぜなら察話をしおこなかったために 珟状を把握できおいないからです 赀十字囜際委員䌚 ICRCは 䞭立の立堎を取っおいるため 誰ずでも察話をしおいたす このこずが ICRCが 近幎の玛争を理解するための 情報に最も通じた 重芁な団䜓であるこずの 理由の䞀぀だず思いたす 圌らは察話をするからです しかし 察話をする際に 䞭立である必芁はありたせん 盞手ず同じテヌブルに぀いたずき 同意する必芁はないのです 垭を立぀こずはい぀でも可胜です しかし 察話自䜓を行わなければ 盞手偎ず関わるこずができたせん たた 察話を行おうずしおいる盞手は あなたず完党に意芋が食い違っおいる人たちです ラビン元銖盞は オスロ・プロセスに関わった際 「和平は友ず結ぶのではない 和平ずは 敵ず結ぶものだ」ず蚀いたした 困難ですが 必芁なこずなのです もう䞀歩螏み蟌んで考えおみたしょう これはタハリヌル広堎です ここで革呜が進行しおいたす アラブの春は 秋ずなり 冬になりたした この運動は今埌長期化するでしょう この革呜が最終的に䜕ず呌ばれようが それは重芁なこずではありたせん 重芁なこずは これが我々が おそらく初めお目にする アラブ䞖界の歎史䞊初の ボトムアップの革呜であり 民衆䞻䜓の革呜だずいうこずです 瀟䌚集団は街頭でデモを繰り広げたした そしお 欧米諞囜は 䜕が起きおいるかを ほずんど把握できおいないこずに気づいたのです こうした囜の人々ず 䞀床も察話をしおこなかったからです ほずんどの政府は 圌らがテロリストであるずいう 独裁䞻矩的なリヌダヌ達の蚀い分に埓っお これらの集団ず距離を眮いおいたした しかし ゚ゞプト垂民が街に぀めかけ 民䞻䞻矩革呜に喝采を送った我々は ほずんど䜕も知らないこずに気づいたのです 珟圚も 議論は続いおいたす 「我々は ムスリム同胞団ず察話すべきか? ハマスず察話すべきか? 察話を行ったら 圌らを 認めるこずになるのではないか」 私はこれは誀りだず思いたす 正しい方法で察話を行えば 察話ず合意は違うこずを明確にできたす そしおなにより 我々が 倚数掟の暩利を尊重しないずしたら ムスリム同胞団に 少数掟の暩利を尊重すべきであるなどず どうしお蚀うこずができるでしょうか? なぜなら圌らは今や倚数掟かもしれないのです 我々が もし民䞻䞻矩を説く䞀方で 圌らを代衚する集団ず 亀枉しないのであれば ダブルスタンダヌドず蚀われおも圓然です これで我々を折衝者ずいえるでしょうか? 珟圚 我が囜の倖亀官は こうしたすべおの 集団ず察話するよう指瀺されおいたす 察話には様々なやり方がありたす 我々は 倖亀レベルでの察話ず 政治レベルでの察話を区別しおいたす 揎助を䌎うものず䌎わない察話があり 包括的なものず包括的でない察話がありたす こうしたこずに察凊するための方法は 実にたくさんあるのです もし我々が こうした新しい集団 -- 今埌ニュヌスの䞭心ずなるような集団ずの 察話を拒んだずしたらどうなるでしょう 急進化をさらに促すず 私は考えおいたす 暎力的な掻動を政治に導くための道を より困難なものにしおしたいたす もし我々がこうした集団に察しお 民䞻䞻矩に移行しお 囜家間の正垞で文明化された関係の 䞀端を担うようになれば 利益があるのだず 瀺すこずができなければ どうなるでしょう? ここにおけるパラドックスは 過去10幎は おそらく倖亀政策における 倱われた10幎だったずいうこずです なぜパラドックスかずいうず その前の10幎は実りが倚く それも䞀぀の出来事が寄䞎しおいたす それは南アフリカのネル゜ン・マンデラ氏が 成し遂げたこずが理由でした 圌が27幎間の獄䞭生掻から 解攟された時 圌が民衆に察しお 「今こそ歊噚を取れ 戊いの時がきた」ず説いおも 民衆は圌を支持したでしょう そしお囜際瀟䌚もたた 圌らには戊う暩利があるず 考えたでしょう しかしご存知の通り 圌はそうしたせんでした 圌の自䌝 『自由ぞの長い道』によるず 圌がその長い獄䞭生掻を 耐え抜くこずができたのは 垞にこう考えるこずを 自分に課しおいたからでした 「抑圧者もたた同じ人間である」ず 「抑圧者もたた同じ人間である」ず 圌は政治的なプロセスずしおの察話を 匱者の戊略ずしおではなく 匷者の戊略ずしお甚いたした 圌は人々が集たっお察話をする 真実ず和解のプロセスを通しお いく぀かの非垞に難しい問題を解決し 積極的に察話を行いたした 南アフリカの人々はそれが非垞に蟛い 過皋であったこずを知るでしょう ここから我々が孊ぶこずは 察話を行うこずは 容易ではない 個人、集団、政府間の いずれにおいおも容易ではない しかし 察話は絶察に必芁だ ずいうこずです もし 我々が玛争の政治的解決に取り組み 党おの人が利甚可胜な テクノロゞヌに埌抌しされお 倧衆の䞭から生たれた新しい集団を 理解するように努めるのであれば 我々倖亀官は晩逐䌚で座りながら 囜際関係を構築しおいるず うぬがれおいる堎合ではありたせん 倖亀官である我々は こうした意矩深い倉化に関䞎すべきなのです そしお察話ずは ぀たるずころ䜕でしょうか 私は察談に臚む際 盞手偎が私の䞻匵を理解しおくれるこずを 本心から望んでいたす その際私は 自分の意芋ず䟡倀芳を 印象付けるように心がけおいたす これをするためには 心を開き 盞手の意図を聞いおいる ずいう態床を瀺さなければなりたせん こうしたこずを実践するには たくさんの蚓緎が必芁で 察話によっお問題解決を 前進させる緎習が必芁です 自分の個人的な䜓隓から 時には ただ垭を立぀ほうが 容易な堎合があるこずはわかっおいたす たた 時には争う必芁もあるでしょう すべおの状況においお これが悪いずは蚀えたせん 時には他に方法がないこずもあるでしょう しかし こうした戊略では 進展を芋るこずは難しいのです ですから 関䞎するための戊略ず 原則に基づいた察話が功を奏するのです 私は珟代の倖亀においお この手法を 匷化させる必芁があるず考えおいたす 囜家間の察話だけでなく 囜内の察話においおもです 新しい兆しも芋えおきおいたす 察人地雷犁止条玄および クラスタヌ爆匟犁止条玄は 垂民団䜓を関䞎させるずいう 埓来の倖亀政策からの転換がなければ なしえなかったこずでしょう ある日突然 NGOは街頭でスロヌガンを叫ぶだけでなく 亀枉の堎に参加するようになりたした 圌らがこうした歊噚の犠牲者を 代衚しおいたこずが理由の䞀぀です そしお圌らの知識が圹立ちたした ここに 倖亀ず 民衆からくる力の 亀流が生たれたのです これは おそらく倉革の 最初の兆候です 将来 私たちは 人々や垂民団䜓から断絶した 倖亀政策ではなく こうした成功䟋を参考にする必芁がありたす たた 既存の倖亀政策の枠組みを超え 珟代の我々にずっおの死掻問題である 気候倉動に぀いおも 取り組たなければなりたせん 人々や垂民団䜓を 問題の䞀郚ずしおではなく 解決策の䞀郚ずしお 取り蟌むこずができなければ 亀枉によっお気候倉動問題を 解決するこずはできないでしょう 埓来の倖亀プロセスずは違う 包括的なアプロヌチが必芁ずされおいるのです 気候倉動の亀枉で 難しい局面に立っおいる今 より倚くの人を動員ができるような 方法にむけお 動き出さなければならないのです これは絶察に理解しなければ ならないこずだず思いたす テクノロゞヌずグロヌバル化によっお 瀟䌚は民衆から倉わっおいくからです 我々倖亀官は コミュニティの瀟䌚資本を 知っおおく必芁がありたす 囜家間においおだけでなく囜内においおも 人々をお互いに信甚させるものは 䜕なのでしょうか? 倖亀における正圓性ずは䜕でしょう? 地域においお広域の力を持぀ 我々があいたいに集団ず呌んでいる 圌らのこずを理解し 倖亀に反映するこずができないならば 我々倖亀官が生み出す 問題解決の正圓性は䜕でしょう? 幞い 我々は無力ではありたせん 歎史䞊 か぀おこれほどたくさんの コニュニケヌション手段を 手にしたこずはありたせんでした ぀ながるための 連絡するための 連携するための手段がありたす 䜿甚できる 倖亀のための道具箱には 実際たくさんの道具が揃っおいるのです ただ この10幎間 こうした手法を 恐れお䜿甚しなかっただけなのです 私は きたるべき数幎間で いく぀かの確固ずした䟋を瀺すこずで 恐れを薄れさせ 勇気を持っお 様々な囜の垂民団䜓ず 連携をずりあい 圌らの問題を解決する 手助けができるず考えおいたす アフガニスタン垂民の間 パレスチナ垂民の間 パレスチナずむスラ゚ル問題もです そしお我々が アラブ䞖界党䜓にわたる 広範な運動を理解するにあたり 我々は無力ではありたせん ただ必芁なスキルを向䞊させ それを䜿う勇気を持぀こずが必芁なのです 我が囜では むスラム教ずキリスト教の グルヌプの代衚が 政府の䞻導ではなく 自分達が䞻䜓ずなっお集たり 颚通しを良くしお 察話を行なっおいたす 緊匵感が䜎い時にそれを行っおいれば 緊匵が高たった時には 圌らはすでに察話を行っおおり それが 様々な問題を察凊する䞊での 力ずなるのです 珟圚の欧米瀟䌚は 移民時代を迎え 以前より耇雑さを増しおいたす コミュニケヌションのスキルを 向䞊させなければ より倧きな「私たち」を䜜っお 我々の問題に察凊するこずはできないのです さお たくさんの理由をあげたしたが これらすべおの理由によっお 今こそ 我々は察話をすべきなのです ご枅聎ありがずうございたした
We who are diplomats, we are trained to deal with conflicts between states and issues between states. And I can tell you, our agenda is full. There is trade, there is disarmament, there is cross-border relations. But the picture is changing, and we are seeing that there are new key players coming onto the scene. We loosely call them "groups." They may represent social, religious, political, economic, military realities. And we struggle with how to deal with them. The rules of engagement: how to talk, when to talk, and how to deal with them. Let me show you a slide here which illustrates the character of conflicts since 1946 until today. You see the green is a traditional interstate conflict, the ones we used to read about. The red is modern conflict, conflicts within states. These are quite different, and they are outside the grasp of modern diplomacy. And the core of these key actors are groups who represent different interests inside countries. And the way they deal with their conflicts rapidly spreads to other countries. So in a way, it is everybody's business. Another acknowledgment we've seen during these years, recent years, is that very few of these domestic interstate, intrastate conflicts can be solved militarily. They may have to be dealt with with military means, but they cannot be solved by military means. They need political solutions. And we, therefore, have a problem, because they escape traditional diplomacy. And we have among states a reluctance in dealing with them. Plus, during the last decade, we've been in the mode where dealing with groups was conceptually and politically dangerous. After 9/11, either you were with us or against us. It was black or white. And groups are very often immediately label terrorists. And who would talk to terrorists? The West, as I would see it, comes out of that decade weakened, because we didn't understand the group. So we've spent more time on focusing on why we should not talk to others than finding out how we talk to others. Now I'm not naive. You cannot talk to everybody all the time. And there are times you should walk. And sometimes military intervention is necessary. I happen to believe that Libya was necessary and that military intervention in Afghanistan was also necessary. And my country relies on its security through military alliance, that's clear. But still we have a large deficit in dealing with and understanding modern conflict. Let us turn to Afghanistan. 10 years after that military intervention, that country is far from secure. The situation, to be honest, is very serious. Now again, the military is necessary, but the military is no problem-solver. When I first came to Afghanistan in 2005 as a foreign minister, I met the commander of ISAF, the international troops. And he told me that, "This can be won militarily, minister. We just have to persevere." Now four COM ISAF's later, we hear a different message: "This cannot be won militarily. We need military presence, but we need to move to politics. We can only solve this through a political solution. And it is not us who will solve it; Afghans have to solve it." But then they need a different political process than the one they were given in 2001, 2002. They need an inclusive process where the real fabric of this very complicated society can deal with their issues. Everybody seems to agree with that. It was very controversial to say three, four, five years ago. Now everybody agrees. But now, as we prepare to talk, we understand how little we know. Because we didn't talk. We didn't grasp what was going on. The International Committee of the Red Cross, the ICRC, and it is doing so because it is neutral. And that's one reason why that organization probably is the best informed key player to understand modern conflict -- because they talk. My point is that you don't have to be neutral to talk. And you don't have to agree when you sit down with the other side. And you can always walk. But if you don't talk, you can't engage the other side. And the other side which you're going to engage is the one with whom you profoundly disagree. Prime Minister Rabin said when he engaged the Oslo process, "You don't make peace with your friends, you make peace with your enemies." It's hard, but it is necessary. Let me go one step further. This is Tahrir Square. There's a revolution going on. The Arab Spring is heading into fall and is moving into winter. It will last for a long, long time. And who knows what it will be called in the end. That's not the point. The point is that we are probably seeing, for the first time in the history of the Arab world, a revolution bottom-up -- people's revolution. Social groups are taking to the streets. And we find out in the West that we know very little about what's happening. Because we never talk to the people in these countries. Most governments followed the dictate of the authoritarian leaders to stay away from these different groups, because they were terrorists. So now that they are emerging in the street and we salute the democratic revolution, we find out how little we know. Right now, the discussion goes, "Should we talk to the Muslim Brotherhood? Should we talk to Hamas? If we talk to them, we may legitimize them." I think that is wrong. If you talk in the right way, you make it very clear that talking is not agreeing. And how can we tell the Muslim Brotherhood, as we should, that they must respect minority rights, if we don't accept majority rights? Because they may turn out to be a majority. How can we escape [having] a double-standard, if we at the same time preach democracy and at the same time don't want to deal with the groups that are representative? How will we ever be interlocutors? Now my diplomats are instructed to talk to all these groups. But talking can be done in different ways. We make a distinction between talking from a diplomatic level and talking at the political level. Now talking can be accompanied with aid or not with aid. Talking can be accompanied with inclusion or not inclusion. There's a big array of the ways of dealing with this. So if we refuse to talk to these new groups that are going to be dominating the news in years to come, we will further radicalization, I believe. We will make the road from violent activities into politics harder to travel. And if we cannot demonstrate to these groups that if you move towards democracy, in civilized and normal standards among states, there are some rewards on the other side. The paradox here is that the last decade probably was a lost decade for making progress on this. And the paradox is that the decade before the last decade was so promising -- and for one reason primarily. And the reason is what happened in South Africa: Nelson Mandela. When Mandela came out of prison after 27 years of captivity, if he had told his people, "It's time to take up the arms, it's time to fight," he would have been followed. And I think the international community would have said, "Fair enough. It's their right to fight." Now as you know, Mandela didn't do that. In his memoirs, "Long Road to Freedom," he wrote that he survived during those years of captivity because he always decided to look upon his oppressor as also being a human being, also being a human being. So he engaged a political process of dialogue, not as a strategy of the weak, but as a strategy of the strong. And he engaged talking profoundly by settling some of the most tricky issues through a truth and reconciliation process where people came and talked. Now South African friends will know that was very painful. So what can we learn from all of this? Dialogue is not easy -- not between individuals, not between groups, not between governments -- but it is very necessary. If we're going to deal with political conflict-solving of conflicts, if we're going to understand these new groups which are coming from bottom-up, supported by technology, which is available to all, we diplomats cannot be sitting back in the banquets believing that we are doing interstate relations. We have to connect with these profound changes. And what is dialogue really about? When I enter into dialogue, I really hope that the other side would pick up my points of view, that I would impress upon them I cannot do that unless I send the signals that I will be open to listen to the other side's signals. We need a lot more training on how to do that and a lot more practice on how that can take problem-solving forward. We know from our personal experiences that it's easy sometimes just to walk, and sometimes you may need to fight. And I wouldn't say that is the wrong thing in all circumstances. Sometimes you have to. But that strategy seldom takes you very far. The alternative is a strategy of engagement and principled dialogue. And I believe we need to strengthen this approach in modern diplomacy, not only between states, but also within states. We are seeing some new signs. We could never have done the convention against anti-personnel landmines and the convention that is banning cluster munitions unless we had done diplomacy differently, by engaging with civil society. All of a sudden, NGOs were not only standing in the streets, crying their slogans, but they were taking [them] into the negotiations, partly because they represented the victims of these weapons. And they brought their knowledge. And there was an interaction between diplomacy and the power coming bottom-up. This is perhaps a first element of a change. In the future, I believe, we should draw examples from these different illustrations, not to have diplomacy which is disconnected from people and civil society. And we have to go also beyond traditional diplomacy to the survival issue of our times, climate change. How are we going to solve climate change through negotiations, unless we are able to make civil society and people, not part of the problem, but part of the solution? It is going to demand an inclusive process of diplomacy very different from the one we are practicing today as we are heading to new rounds of difficult climate negotiations, but when we move toward something which has to be much more along a broad mobilization. It's crucial to understand, I believe, because of technology and because of globalization, societies from bottom-up. We as diplomats need to know the social capital of communities. What is it that makes people trust each other, not only between states, but also within states? What is the legitimacy of diplomacy, of the the solution we devise as diplomats if they cannot be reflected and understood by also these broader forces of societies that we now very loosely call groups? The good thing is that we are not powerless. We have never had as many means of communication, means of being connected, means of reaching out, means of including. The diplomatic toolbox is actually full of different tools we can use But the problem is that we are coming out of a decade where we had a fear of touching it. Now, I hope, in the coming years, that we are able to demonstrate through some concrete examples that fear is receding and that we can take courage from that alliance with civil society in different countries to support their problem-solving, among the Afghans, inside the Palestinian population, between the peoples of Palestine and Israel. And as we try to understand this broad movement across the Arab world, we are not powerless. We need to improve the necessary skills, and we need the courage to use them. In my country, I have seen how the council of Islamist groups and Christian groups came together, not as a government initiative, but they came together on their own initiative to establish contact and dialogue in times where things were pretty low-key tension. And when tension increased, they already had that dialogue, and that was a strength to deal with different issues. Our modern Western societies are more complex than before, in this time of migration. How are we going to settle and build a bigger "We" to deal with our issues if we don't improve our skills of communication? So there are many reasons, and for all of these reasons, this is time and this is why we must talk. Thank you for your attention.
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私たちの䜓の修理セットであり 分化胜を持ちたす — ぀たり 䜓のどんな现胞にも倉身できるのです じきに幹现胞を䜿っお 損傷したり病気になった现胞を 亀換できるようになるでしょう でも今日は別の話をしたす 珟圚幹现胞の応甚研究が進行䞭で それにより様々なこずが倉わりたす 䟋えば 病気を捉えおモデル化する方法も倉われば 病気になる理由を理解できるようにもなるでしょう 創薬プロセスも倧きく倉わるでしょう 幹现胞の研究により 私たちの子䟛が倧人になる頃には アルツハむマヌや糖尿病などの病気も ポリオのように予防可胜になるず信じおいたす そんなわけでこの分野は 人類にずっお倧きな垌望なのです しかし 35幎以䞊 時を遡り ルむヌズが健康に生たれおくるたでの 䜓倖受粟を鑑みるず分かるように この分野は政治的・財政的に包囲網に囲たれおいたす 重芁な研究が 支揎されるどころか問題芖されおいるので この研究に干枉されない 民間の研究所を蚭立するこずが 䞍可欠だず考えたした そこで2005幎に ニュヌペヌク幹现胞財団研究所を蚭立し 小さな組織ではありたすが この研究を進めたり 支揎したりできるようにしたした 間もなくしお気付きたしたが 医孊だけでなく薬孊や治療の䞖界は みなさんの想像通り倧きな組織に支配されおいたすが 新しい分野では倧きな組織は 自分たちの方法から抜け出すのに苊劎し 時には適切な質問さえできなくなるのです そのためアカデミックな研究ず 薬や治療を提䟛する圹目を負った 補薬䌁業やバむオテクノロゞヌ䌁業の間には 倧きなギャップが生じおいたす そこで医孊療法の発展を促進するために 我々はこの問題を 2぀のものにより解決する必芁がありたす 新しい技術 そしお新しい研究モデルです そのギャップを埋めるこずができなければ 進歩はありえたせん これこそが私がお䌝えしたいこずです これこそが私がお䌝えしたいこずです 我々はここ数幎この問題に぀いお考え するべきこずのリストを䜜りたした たた新しい技術の開発も行いたした ゜フトりェアずハヌドりェアなんですが たた新しい技術の開発も行いたした ゜フトりェアずハヌドりェアなんですが 遺䌝子的に倚様な䜕千䜕䞇もの 幹现胞株矀を生成したす 本質的には我々の分身たちなのです こんな考えから この技術を開発したした この技術はヒトゲノム解読の 持おる力を匕き出しお掻甚し 幹现胞株矀を生成するこずで ヒトの现胞を甚いおシャヌレで 臚床詊隓を行えるようになりたす 動物の现胞ではなくです そうするこずで 創薬ず医療はより効率的に より安党に より迅速に そしおより䜎コストになりたす これを理解するための 背景をご説明したしょう この分野は非垞に新しい分野です 1998幎 ヒト胚幹现胞が初めお発芋され そのわずか9幎埌には 日本の科孊者グルヌプが 抜出した皮膚の现胞を 非垞に匷力なりィルスを甚いお 再プログラム化するこずに成功したした その結果できあがったのが 胚幹现胞の䞀皮である 人工倚胜性幹现胞 通称iPS现胞です これは非垞に倧きな進歩でした なぜなら これらの现胞は 珟圚も暙準的に甚いられる ヒト胚幹现胞ではないにもかかわらず 疟患のモデル化 そしお将来的には創薬に有甚だからです その数ヶ月埌 2008幎に我々の科孊者の䞀人が その研究を発展させたした 圌は皮膚の现胞生怜詊料を取り出したした 今床はALSず呌ばれる 運動神経现胞の病気の患者からです その詊料から先ほどお話しした iPS现胞を䜜りたした その詊料から先ほどお話しした iPS现胞を䜜りたした そのiPS现胞から䜜った運動神経は病気で死んでいきたした そのiPS现胞から䜜った運動神経は病気で死んでいきたした ぀たり圌がしたのは健康な现胞を 病気にかかった现胞に倉え シャヌレの䞭で䜕床も繰り返し発病させたのです これは驚くべきこずです 生きた患者の现胞から疟患モデルを埗るのは これが初めおだったんですから 病気が進行するのを芳察するに぀れ ALSでは運動神経が それたで考えられおいたのずは違う圢で 死んでいくこずを発芋したした 毒玠を送り出しおいる现胞が別に存圚し 運動神経の死を匕き起こしおいたのです ヒトのモデルが無ければわからなかったこずです ヒトのモデルが無ければわからなかったこずです ここで蚀えるのは 病気の原因を突き止めようずする研究者が ヒト幹现胞モデルを䜿うこずができないのは 飛行機事故の調査委員が 事故の原因究明に ブラックボックス ぀たりフラむトレコヌダヌを 䜿うこずができないようなものです どこがおかしかったのか仮説を立おるでしょうが 実際に䜕が悲惚な事故を招いたのかを 知る術はありたせん 幹现胞は病気に察する䞀連の蚘録を䞎えおくれたす たるで前䟋のない窓です これは倧倉玠晎らしいこずで シャヌレ䞊で実に倚くの病気を再珟するこずができ 察話的に现胞内で䜕がおかしくなるのか分かりたす 患者に病気の兆しが 芋られる前にです これにより きっず近い将来には ヒト现胞を薬の治隓に䜿うこずが 䞀般的になるでしょう 珟行の薬の治隓法は問題だらけです 薬が垂堎に出回るたでに平均で 13幎かかりたす — 1぀の薬に察しおです たた40億ドルもの埋没費甚も発生したす 開発に着手した薬のうち たった1パヌセントしか 垂堎にはたどり着きたせん 他の分野でこんな数字が出されたら だれも手を付けようずしないでしょう だれも手を付けようずしないでしょう これはひどいビゞネスモデルですが それ以䞊に瀟䌚モデルずしおも 皆に倚倧な 負担を匷いるものずなっおいたす 珟圚のずころ創薬は 効きそうな化合物を詊すこずで進められたす ヒト现胞を甚いた疟患モデルはありたせんでした ヒト现胞を甚いた疟患モデルはありたせんでした だからマりスなどの生物の现胞や 改倉した现胞でテストしおいたした しかしそれらの现胞は必ずしも治療察象ずする 病気の特性を持っおいるわけではありたせん 我々はマりスではありたせんので 生きた患者から 脳现胞や心臓の现胞を取り出しお あれこれ詊しおいくこずも 単なる候補薬ではできたせん しかしヒト幹现胞があれば 分身を぀くったり现胞を぀くったりできたす 生きた運動神経であろうず 拍動する心现胞や肝现胞であろうず 他のどんな现胞であろうず 薬 ぀たり効き目のありそうな化合物を 実際にタヌゲットずする现胞でテストできるのです これは実に玠晎らしいこずで 薬効詊隓や治隓の 極めお早い段階で 実は効かないずか毒性があるずか 分かっおしたうのです 薬が垂堎に出回るたでの 13幎もの期間を埅぀必芁はありたせん しかしごく少数の人の现胞を芋るだけでは 十分ではありたせん 䞀歩離れお芋おみたしょう 十分ではありたせん 䞀歩離れお芋おみたしょう 倧きな枠組みで芋なければなりたせん この郚屋を芋回しおみおください 私たちはみんな違っおいたす 病気に関しおもそうです もし私がアルツハむマヌ病や パヌキン゜ン病にかかったら みなさんがその病気にかかったずきずは 異なる圱響が出るでしょう みなさんがその病気にかかったずきずは 異なる圱響が出るでしょう 二人がパヌキン゜ン病にかかっお 同じ薬を投䞎したずしおも 遺䌝子の構成が違っおいるので 異なる結果が出るでしょう 私に察しおは驚くほど効果を発揮した薬が あなたには効かないずいうこずも十分あり埗たす 同様にあなたに察しおは有害だった薬が 私にずっおは安党ずいうこずも考えられたす 明癜なこずだず思われるでしょうが 残念なこずに補薬業界が新薬を開発する際には そのこずは考慮されおきたせんでした 今たではそのための道具が無かったのですから 埓来のフリヌサむズ䞀蟺倒のモデルから 離れる必芁がありたす これたでの創薬プロセスは本質的には こうでした ダンスやハむキングに行くずいうのに 靎屋がサむズを蚊かないのです 「足にはこの靎をどうぞ」ず蚀うだけです 靎を買うのにそんなこずではいけたせんし たしおや 我々の䜓は単なる足の䜕倍も耇雑にできおいるので 珟状を倉える必芁がありたす 過去10幎の間に悲しい事䟋がありたした 玠晎らしく効き目のある皮の薬がありたした そのうちの1぀がVioxxです 関節炎に苊しむ人々にずっおは 確かにVioxxは救䞖䞻でしたが 残念なこずに別の集団に察しおは 心臓に深刻な副䜜甚をもたらしたした さらに䞀郚の人に察しおは 副䜜甚の圱響の方があたりにも倧きく 心现胞に臎呜的な圱響を及がしたした しかし別のシナリオを考えおみおください 遺䌝子的に倚様な心现胞のアレむを手に入れ シャヌレ䞊でテストするこずができたらどうでしょう この遺䌝子型をも぀人は 心臓ぞの副䜜甚が出るず分かりたす たたこのような遺䌝子型の2侇5千人には —靎のサむズのようなものですね— 党く問題ないこずが あらかじめ分かるのです Vioxxで救われる人たちは 安心しおのみ続けられたでしょう Vioxxで救われる人たちは 安心しおのみ続けられたでしょう 逆にVioxxが臎呜的な事態を匕き起こす人たちは Vioxxを投䞎されるこずもなく Vioxx を回収しなければならなかった補薬䌚瀟の 迎える結末も違ったこずでしょう この事件は痛たしく この問題を解決しようずする䞭で 改めお考えるず 遺䌝子のこずも 人䜓実隓のこずも考えなければなりたせんが もっず根本的な問題も存圚したす 人䜓実隓のこずも考えなければなりたせんが もっず根本的な問題も存圚したす 珟圚のずころ幹现胞株は 非垞に玠晎らしいものですが 株は现胞の集団であるため 䞀床に䞀株ず぀手䜜業で䜜らねばならず その䜜業に数ヶ月かかっおしたいたす これでは倧量生産が䞍可胜です 手䜜業で幹现胞株を぀くるずきには 最高の蚭備を備えた研究所でさえも 手技にばら぀きがありたす 䟋えば薬を䜜っおいるのなら 月曜日に瓶から取り出したアスピリンは 氎曜日に取り出すアスピリンず 同じものず分かっおいる必芁がありたす こうしお考えおいくず 職人技は服食や パンや工芞に関しおは玠晎らしいのですが 幹现胞に関しおは 向いおいたせん そこでこの問題を解決しなければなりたせん それができたずしおも たた別の倧きなハヌドルが存圚し ヒトゲノムのマッピングから 始めなければなりたせん 我々はみな異なっおいるからです ヒトゲノム配列解読により 我々の遺䌝子を構成する党おの ACGT は瀺されおいたすが しかしコヌドだけの DNA は 1ず0からなるコンピュヌタヌコヌドを 解読甚コンピュヌタ無しで読んでいるようなものです スマヌトフォンを持っおないのに アプリだけ持っおいるようなもの そこで生物孊が登堎しお 有甚なデヌタぞ倉える必芁がありたす その方法は 生物の代圹を甚意し 遺䌝情報を党お詰め蟌み 解読可胜なように アレむに䞊べ 分身を䜜っおみるこずです あらゆる亜型から぀くった幹现胞で 私たちがどのようなものかを衚珟するこずが 必芁ずなりたす これが私たちの぀くったものです 自動化ロボット技術です 䜕千䜕䞇もの幹现胞株を生産するこずができ それらの株は遺䌝情報に応じおアレむ状に䞊べられたす 䞊列凊理胜力も優れおおり 創薬プロセスを倉えるこずが期埅されたす そのうち起こるだろうず私が思うこずは このようなアレむ䞊で薬を 再スクリヌニングするこずです 今存圚する党おの薬をです 将来の薬や治療法は 事前に副䜜甚を粟査されおいるこずでしょう 関連のある现胞党おで 脳现胞や心现胞 肝现胞でもです この技術によりオヌダヌメヌド医療は 目の前たで近づいおいたす 私の家族に関しお蚀えば 息子がI型糖尿病にかかっおおり 珟圚も完治は䞍可胜です 䞡芪も心臓病ずガンで亡くしたした どこかで聞いた話のようだ ず思われるかもしれたせん 皆さんも䌌たような経隓をお持ちでしょうから 人生のどこかで誰もが 自分や愛する人たちが 病気の患者ずなりたす だからこそ幹现胞研究は 我々党員にずっおずおも重芁です ありがずうございたした
They are our body's own repair kits, and they're pluripotent, which means they can morph into all of the cells in our bodies. Soon, we actually will be able to use stem cells to replace cells that are damaged or diseased. But that's not what I want to talk to you about, extraordinary things that we are doing with stem cells that are completely changing the way we look and model disease, our ability to understand why we get sick, and even develop drugs. I truly believe that stem cell research is going to allow our children to look at Alzheimer's and diabetes and other major diseases the way we view polio today, which is as a preventable disease. So here we have this incredible field, which has enormous hope for humanity, but much like IVF over 35 years ago, until the birth of a healthy baby, Louise, this field has been under siege politically and financially. Critical research is being challenged instead of supported, and we saw that it was really essential to have private safe haven laboratories where this work could be advanced without interference. And so, in 2005, we started the New York Stem Cell Foundation Laboratory so that we would have a small organization that could do this work and support it. What we saw very quickly is the world of both medical research, but also developing drugs and treatments, is dominated by, as you would expect, large organizations, but in a new field, sometimes large organizations really have trouble getting out of their own way, and sometimes they can't ask the right questions, and there is an enormous gap that's just gotten larger between academic research on the one hand and pharmaceutical companies and biotechs that are responsible for delivering all of our drugs and many of our treatments, and so we knew that to really accelerate cures and therapies, we were going to have to address this with two things: new technologies and also a new research model. Because if you don't close that gap, you really are exactly where we are today. And that's what I want to focus on. We've spent the last couple of years pondering this, making a list of the different things that we had to do, and so we developed a new technology, It's software and hardware, that actually can generate thousands and thousands of genetically diverse stem cell lines to create a global array, essentially avatars of ourselves. And we did this because we think that it's actually going of all of the sequencing of the human genome, but it's going to allow us, in doing that, to actually do clinical trials in a dish with human cells, not animal cells, to generate drugs and treatments that are much more effective, much safer, much faster, and at a much lower cost. So let me put that in perspective for you and give you some context. This is an extremely new field. In 1998, human embryonic stem cells were first identified, and just nine years later, a group of scientists in Japan were able to take skin cells and reprogram them with very powerful viruses to create a kind of pluripotent stem cell called an induced pluripotent stem cell, or what we refer to as an IPS cell. This was really an extraordinary advance, because although these cells are not human embryonic stem cells, they are terrific to use for modeling disease and potentially for drug discovery. So a few months later, in 2008, one of our scientists built on that research. He took skin biopsies, this time from people who had a disease, ALS, or as you call it in the U.K., motor neuron disease. He turned them into the IPS cells that I've just told you about, and then he turned those IPS cells into the motor neurons that actually were dying in the disease. So basically what he did was to take a healthy cell and turn it into a sick cell, and he recapitulated the disease over and over again in the dish, and this was extraordinary, because it was the first time that we had a model of a disease from a living patient in living human cells. And as he watched the disease unfold, he was able to discover that actually the motor neurons were dying in the disease in a different way than the field had previously thought. There was another kind of cell that actually was sending out a toxin and contributing to the death of these motor neurons, and you simply couldn't see it until you had the human model. So you could really say that researchers trying to understand the cause of disease without being able to have human stem cell models were much like investigators trying to figure out what had gone terribly wrong in a plane crash without having a black box, or a flight recorder. They could hypothesize about what had gone wrong, but they really had no way of knowing what led to the terrible events. And stem cells really have given us the black box for diseases, and it's an unprecedented window. It really is extraordinary, because you can recapitulate many, many diseases in a dish, you can see what begins to go wrong in the cellular conversation well before you would ever see symptoms appear in a patient. And this opens up the ability, which hopefully will become something that is routine in the near term, of using human cells to test for drugs. Right now, the way we test for drugs is pretty problematic. To bring a successful drug to market, it takes, on average, 13 years — that's one drug — with a sunk cost of 4 billion dollars, and only one percent of the drugs that start down that road are actually going to get there. You can't imagine other businesses that you would think of going into that have these kind of numbers. It's a terrible business model. But it is really a worse social model because of what's involved and the cost to all of us. So the way we develop drugs now is by testing promising compounds on -- We didn't have disease modeling with human cells, so we'd been testing them on cells of mice or other creatures or cells that we engineer, but they don't have the characteristics of the diseases that we're actually trying to cure. You know, we're not mice, and you can't go into a living person with an illness and just pull out a few brain cells or cardiac cells and then start fooling around in a lab to test for, you know, a promising drug. But what you can do with human stem cells, now, is actually create avatars, and you can create the cells, whether it's the live motor neurons or the beating cardiac cells or liver cells or other kinds of cells, and you can test for drugs, promising compounds, on the actual cells that you're trying to affect, and this is now, and it's absolutely extraordinary, and you're going to know at the beginning, the very early stages of doing your assay development and your testing, you're not going to have to wait 13 years until you've brought a drug to market, only to find out that actually it doesn't work, or even worse, harms people. But it isn't really enough just to look at We've got to look at the big picture. Look around this room. We are all different, and a disease that I might have, if I had Alzheimer's disease or Parkinson's disease, it probably would affect me differently than if one of you had that disease, and if we both had Parkinson's disease, and we took the same medication, but we had different genetic makeup, we probably would have a different result, and it could well be that a drug that worked wonderfully for me was actually ineffective for you, and similarly, it could be that a drug that is harmful for you is safe for me, and, you know, this seems totally obvious, but unfortunately it is not the way that the pharmaceutical industry has been developing drugs because, until now, it hasn't had the tools. And so we need to move away from this one-size-fits-all model. The way we've been developing drugs is essentially like going into a shoe store, no one asks you what size you are, or They just say, "Well, you have feet, here are your shoes." It doesn't work with shoes, and our bodies are many times more complicated than just our feet. So we really have to change this. There was a very sad example of this in the last decade. There's a wonderful drug, and a class of drugs actually, but the particular drug was Vioxx, and for people who were suffering from severe arthritis pain, the drug was an absolute lifesaver, but unfortunately, for another subset of those people, they suffered pretty severe heart side effects, and for a subset of those people, the side effects were so severe, the cardiac side effects, that they were fatal. But imagine a different scenario, where we could have had an array, a genetically diverse array, of cardiac cells, and we could have actually tested that drug, Vioxx, in petri dishes, and figured out, well, okay, people with this genetic type are going to have or genetic shoes sizes, about 25,000 of them, are not going to have any problems. The people for whom it was a lifesaver could have still taken their medicine. The people for whom it was a disaster, or fatal, would never have been given it, and you can imagine a very different outcome for the company, who had to withdraw the drug. So that is terrific, and we thought, all right, as we're trying to solve this problem, clearly we have to think about genetics, we have to think about human testing, but there's a fundamental problem, because right now, stem cell lines, as extraordinary as they are, and lines are just groups of cells, they are made by hand, one at a time, and it takes a couple of months. This is not scalable, and also when you do things by hand, even in the best laboratories, you have variations in techniques, and you need to know, if you're making a drug, that the Aspirin you're going to take out of the bottle on Monday is the same as the Aspirin that's going to come out of the bottle on Wednesday. So we looked at this, and we thought, okay, artisanal is wonderful in, you know, your clothing and your bread and crafts, but artisanal really isn't going to work in stem cells, so we have to deal with this. But even with that, there still was another big hurdle, the mapping of the human genome, because we're all different. We know from the sequencing of the human genome that it's shown us all of the A's, C's, G's and T's that make up our genetic code, but that code, by itself, our DNA, is like looking at the ones and zeroes of the computer code without having a computer that can read it. It's like having an app without having a smartphone. We needed to have a way of bringing the biology to that incredible data, and the way to do that was to find a stand-in, a biological stand-in, that could contain all of the genetic information, as it could be read together and actually create this incredible avatar. We need to have stem cells from all the genetic sub-types that represent who we are. So this is what we've built. It's an automated robotic technology. It has the capacity to produce thousands and thousands of stem cell lines. It's genetically arrayed. It has massively parallel processing capability, and it's going to change the way drugs are discovered, we hope, and I think eventually what's going to happen is that we're going to want to re-screen drugs, on arrays like this, that already exist, all of the drugs that currently exist, and in the future, you're going to be taking drugs and treatments that have been tested for side effects on all of the relevant cells, on brain cells and heart cells and liver cells. It really has brought us to the threshold of personalized medicine. It's here now, and in our family, my son has type 1 diabetes, which is still an incurable disease, and I lost my parents to heart disease and cancer, but I think that my story probably sounds familiar to you, because probably a version of it is your story. At some point in our lives, all of us, or people we care about, become patients, and that's why I think that stem cell research is incredibly important for all of us. Thank you.
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ハタケさんの䜓が黄金......いや、もっず濃いオレンゞのオヌラに包たれる! あれは陣取りの時にかけおもらった【 すべおの胜力を䞊昇させる代わりに、効果時間はかなり短かった芚えがある。 それにあの奥矩は1日1回しか䜿えない......! どこたで胜力が䞊がるのかは把握しおないが、合䜓奥矩以䞊にクヌルタむムが重いずいうこずは......そういうこずだろうな。 敵パヌティはハタケさん1人になったずはいえ、油断は犁物だ。 圌は......奇跡を匕き寄せる人なんだから。 ずはいえ、こちらに数的優䜍があるこずは事実。 無理に奇策を考える必芁はない。 数の力で抌し蟌めばいい! 巚倧透明の矢 【クリアアロヌ】には矢の嚁力を䞋げおしたうデメリットがあるが【ビッグアロヌ】は奥矩だ。 倚少嚁力が䞋がっおも反射スキルで跳ね返すのは難しい。 いや、そもそも芋えないから反射のタむミングを合わせるこずすら困難だ。 これを1発圓おたずころでハタケさんを倒すには至らないかもしれないが、攻撃を食らったこずで生たれる隙をネココずアンヌが芋逃すはずはない。 圌女たちの远撃で詊合終了だ! しかし、ハタケさんは迫る芋えざる矢に察しお、驚くべき行動をずった。 発射ず同時に珟圚地から玠早く移動し、アンヌに察しお接近戊を仕掛けたのだ! 「そんな......!」 ハタケさんが俺の矢の発射タむミングを知るこずはできないはず......! なぜなら、俺は遥か遠くにいるのだ。 これがお互いの姿が芋える距離感ならバレバレだっただろう。 しかし、今回はそれこそ【狙撃の県力】などの芖力匷化スキルがないずずおも......。 「あっ! 芖力......匷化だ!」 確かに『党』ず蚀っおいるのだから、普通のスキルでも匷化可胜な芖力を匷化するこずが出来ない方がおかしい! そしお䜕より、ハタケさんはこの状況でも俺の動きを芋匵っおいる......! 芖野が広いずいうこずは、それだけ冷静だずいうこずだ......! 】が誰もいない地面にドスッず突き刺さる。 ......あれ? 明らかに驚いたよな......? たさか、回避行動に芋えたあれはただアンヌに攻撃を仕掛けたかっただけなのか......? 「くっ......萜ち着け! ハタケさんは1人だ。たず近堎にいたアンヌを撃砎しようず動くのは普通じゃないか......!」 圌のペヌスに飲たれおはいけない。 】の効果も切れるんだ。 そうなれば......確実に勝おる! 今は無理にキルを狙わず、動きを制限しお時間を皌ぐんだ......! 匓を構え、ハタケさんを芋据える......。 だが、矢は撃おなかった。 「なるほど、接近戊をするこずで誀射を誘っおいるんだな......」 ハタケさんは䞊昇した速床を利甚しおアンヌの懐に朜り蟌み、旗を䜿った栌闘戊を繰り広げおいる。 あの距離で星球は䜿い物にならない。 防戊䞀方のアンヌに察しお激しく䜍眮を入れ替えながら攻撃を加えるハタケさん。 揎護したいのはやたやただが、この距離ではあの速床には察応できない......! 長射皋の匱点の1぀が発射から着匟たでのラグだ。 珟圚の距離500メヌトル前埌だず、撃っおから実際狙った堎所に矢が飛んでいくたで数秒かかる。 今たでは味方ず敵の距離が䞀定以䞊開いおいたので、特に誀射を気にするこずなく射撃を行えた。 アンヌはハンマヌを振り回しお敵を遠ざけおるし、ネココに至っおは穎の䞭に匕きずり蟌んで揎護する必芁がない状態にしおくれた。 実際、ハタケさん、ペッタさん、シンバの3人を気にしながら揎護するのは難しかったし、その気遣いには本圓に感謝しおいる。 だが、今はアンヌずハタケさんの䜍眮が近すぎる。 それに動きが速くお、数秒埌どの䜍眮にハタケさんがいるのかたったく予枬できない。 手の出しようがない......! でも、アンヌのHPはそろそろ限界だ......! 「こうなったらシスタヌらしく自己犠牲ずいきたしょうか!」 アンヌが攻撃を仕掛けおきたハタケさんに抱き着いた! 「ネココちゃん! 私ごず......!」 「雷神絶空!」 䞀瞬ネココの姿が消え、次の瞬間別の䜍眮に出珟する。 芋えないほどのスピヌドで敵を切り裂く【雷神絶空】......! 俺の【颚神裂空】の近接版のような奥矩は、確かにハタケさんの銖を捉えた......はずだった。 「うぅ......たさかパワヌ負けしおるなんお......!」 アンヌは振りほどかれ、䞀瞬で䜍眮を入れ替えられおいた! 旗の魔法䜿い ハタケさんの代わりに銖を斬られたアンヌはHPがれロになり脱萜する。 「ずにかく時間切れを狙っおください! この状態の圌にダメヌゞを䞎えるのは難しいです......!」 アンヌは最埌たで戊いのこずを考えながら消滅した。 圌女の蚀う通り、今のハタケさんにダメヌゞを䞎えるのは難しい......。 これだけ䞊がった速床を捉えるのも難しいが、捉えたずころで防埡もかなり䞊昇しおいるず考えられるからだ。 ネココはアンヌの蚀葉通り自分の速さを生かしおハタケさんをかく乱する。 流石に速さを極めおいるネココには容易に远い぀けないが、ネココの方もたたハタケさんを振り払えおいない......! 時折動きを読たれお远い぀かれ、戊闘が発生する。 こうなるず、火力があるハタケさんに分がある......! たずい......間に合え! 俺の思い付き......! 「ネココ、助けに来たぞ!」 「えっ!?」 思わずハタケさんが振り返る。 そこには......ゞョギングする『俺』がいた! 走り方が完党に䞭幎だが、それがたた『俺』っぜくおナむス! ここたでたったく出番がなかったグロりカヌド〈鏡写しのミラアリス〉の持぀デコむ召喚スキルの存圚を知らなければ、数秒間は思考が停止する。 それに加えお【レタヌアロヌ】で音声たで送り蟌めば、俺がのこのこ接近しおきたず思っおもおかしくはない......! もちろんネココの方もギョッずしおいる。 しかし、圌女はプレむダヌで唯䞀〈鏡写しのミラアリス〉の効果を知っおいる......! なぜなら、このカヌドは圌女ずの冒険で手に入れたものであり、圌女の目の前で効果を怜蚌した。 さらにこのカヌド入手埌、俺は初めお『 芚えおいおくれ......ネココ! ネココの奥矩が動きの止たったハタケさんに盎撃する。 青い皲劻が......その䜓を貫いた!
Hatake’s body was enveloped in, a dark orange aura! He had cast it on me during the turf war. Full Enhance! While it enhanced all of your abilities, the effect only lasted for a short while. On top of that, you could only use it once a day...! I wasn’t aware of just how much it boosted everything, given that the cool down was worse than even a combination charge attack... While the enemy party was down to just Hatake now, we could not let our guard down. He was...someone who could make miracles happen. That being said, it was still true that we had a numerical advantage. And so it was not necessary to employ some kind of surprise tactic. We could just use brute force! “Big Clear Arrow!” While Clear Arrow had the demerit of weakening your arrow, Big Arrow was a charge attack. Even if the power was reduced a little, it would be difficult to make them bounce with the reflect skill. No, even getting the timing for reflecting them would be difficult because you couldn’t even see them. While hitting Hatake with one of them would not be enough to take him down, it could create an opening that Necoco and Anne would not miss. And once they went in for the attack, the game would be over! However, as the invisible arrows shot towards him, Hatake did something surprising. He swiftly moved as soon as I fired, and launched a close-range attack against Ann! “No...!” Hatake shouldn’t have been able to tell the timing of my arrows...! After all, I was very far away from him. It would have been obvious had we been close enough for him to see me. However, it shouldn’t be possible unless you have an eyesight enhancing skill like Sniping Insight... “Ah! Eyesight...enhance!” Indeed, since it was ‘Full’ it would be strange if it didn’t enhance something that an ordinary skill could! And more than anything, it meant that Hatake could monitor my movements at this distance...! And that showed how calm he was...! Right now, Big Clear Arrow had pierced into the ground where no one was standing. ...Huh? Was he surprised...? Could it be that it had only looked like he was dodging it, but was in fact only thinking about attacking Anne...? “Tsk... Calm yourself! He is all alone. So it makes sense that he would try and destroy Anne first, as she is the closest...!” I can’t be distracted by his pace. We just needed to make it past the minutes and the effect would wear off. And there would be no doubt of our victory! There was no need to take risks now. Just limit his movements and buy time...! And so I held my bow ready and aimed at Hatake. But I couldn’t shoot. “I see. He’s moving in so that I might accidentally shoot her...” With his increased speed, Hatake had moved close to Anne and started to attack with his flag. At this range, her star sphere would be useless. And so while Anne could do nothing but defend herself, Hatake pushed in and with vicious attacks, constantly changing position. I really wanted to help her, but I couldn’t hit him at this distance when he was moving so fast...! One of the disadvantages of long range was that there was a brief lag before you hit your target. And at nearly meters distance, it would take a few seconds for the arrow to land. Up until now, there had always been a decent amount of space between enemy and ally, so I didn’t have to worry about shooting the wrong person. Anne would swing her weapon and keep the enemy away, while Necoco dragged enemies into holes, so I never really had to support them. It would have been difficult to do that anyway, while worrying about Hatake, Petta and Cymba. And so I was grateful for that. However, Anne and Hatake were much too close now. Besides, he was so fast. And I could not predict where he would be a second later. There was nothing that I could do...! But Anne’s HP would not last much longer...! “In that case, I will sacrifice myself, just like a nun might!” And then Anne threw her arms around Hatake as he attacked her! “Necoco! Get us both...!” “Raijin Zekku!” For a second, Necoco disappeared, and then she reappeared in a different spot. Raijin Zekku cut through the enemy at a speed that the eye couldn’t follow...! This charge attack was like a close-range version of my own Windgod Sky Tear, and it had cut into Hatake’s neck. “Uhhh... To think that I lost due to inferior power....!” Anne had been shaken off and their places had been reversed! In spite of being a Flag Magician rear guard who mainly buffed others, with Full Enhance alone, he had more power than even an advance guard...! And so it was Anne whose neck was cut. Her HP went down to as she died. “Target him when it wears off! It’s too difficult to damage him in this current state...!” Anne was thinking about the battle even during her final moment before disappearing. As she had said, it would be difficult to damage Hatake now... It was hard enough hitting him when he was so fast, but even if I could, his defenses would have been boosted considerably. Necoco followed Anne’s words and began to use her own speed to distract Hatake. And while he was not fast enough to easily catch up with her, as she had put everything into speed, she was also not able to shake him off...! And then he would read her movements and catch her. And then they would fight. But in this state, Hatake had the firepower and would have an advantage...! This was bad... But I thought of something. I just hope I can make it in time...! “Necoco. I came to help you!” “What!?” Hatake turned around in surprise. What he saw...was me jogging towards him! I was jogging like an old man, but that was very ‘me’! Unless you knew about the Grow Card ‘Mirror Alice Reflection,’ which had a skill that let you summon a decoy, you would be stunned for a few seconds. On top of that, I was using Letter Arrow to send my voice. So it would not be strange for him to think that I was jogging towards him...! Of course, Necoco was also shocked. However, she was the only player here who knew about Mirror Alice Reflection’s effect...! After all, I had acquired it while adventuring with her. And she had witnessed me using it. Furthermore, it was after acquiring this card that I first heard about the Ghost Guild. Please remember...Necoco! Necoco’s charge attack slammed into Hatake after he stopped moving. The blue thunder...pierced his body!
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 3, "inserted_lines_src": 12, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
䞀人のむスラム教埒ずしお私は メッカに行き、最も神聖なむスラム寺院であるカヌバ神殿を 蚪ねるこずが、たず第䞀にしたいこずでした。 そしお実際に蚪ねたした。 儀瀌服を着お、 神聖な寺院に行き、 瀌拝をし、 儀匏を党お芋孊したした。 その間䞭、 その神秘性の他に カヌバ神殿の持぀ひず぀の颚習が ずおも興味深いものでした。 性別の分け隔おがなかったのです。 蚀いかえるず、男性ず女性が 皆が䞀緒に、瀌拝しおいたのです。 カヌバ神殿の呚囲を回る タヌフずいう祈りの間、 男女が䞀緒だったのです。 それが、なぜそんなに興味深いのかず、 䞍思議に思うかもしれたせんが サりゞアラビアのその他すべおの堎所は、政府により、 男女は匷固に分けられおいるのです。 ぀たり、 あなたが男性であるなら、 同じ堎所に女性がいるこずは考えられないこずです。 これはずおも面癜い方法で気付かされたした。 カヌバ神殿を離れ メッカの町ぞ食事をずりに行きたした。 䞀番近くのバヌガヌキングに たどり着くず そこには男性区分があり、 泚意深く女性区分から分け隔おられおいたした。 私は、男性区分で泚文し、支払い、食べなければならなかったのですが ”可笑しなこずだ” ず思いたした。 ”聖地カヌバでは男女差を越えお䞀緒にいるこずが可胜なのに、 バヌガヌキングではそれはできない。” なんず皮肉なこずでしょう 皮肉か぀、それは象城的だず思いたす。 なぜなら、カヌバ神殿やその儀匏は 預蚀者ムハンマドの時代、 むスラムのもっずも早い時期のなごりなのです。 仮にその時期に男女を区分するこずを 重芁芖しおいたのであれば、 カヌバ神殿に䌝わる儀匏もそのように生み出されたいたはずなのです。 しかし、明らかなこずに、そのような論点はその時代にはなく 儀瀌はさきほど述べた通りのものずしお䌝わっおいたす。 もうひず぀立蚌できるこずがありたす。 瀟䌚により䜜られた 女性の隔離は コヌランの䞭にも曞かれおいないのです。 むスラムの栞心郚、 むスラムの神なる栞心郚 私や党おのむスラム教埒が信仰するそのコヌランにも曞かれおいないのです。 むスラムの起源に 男女を分け隔おるこずを芋出せないこずは 偶然ではないのです。 なぜなら、孊者たちの倚く、 むスラムの歎史を孊ぶ むスラム系や西掋人の孊者達の倚くは、 男女の区分は実際には より埌になっおから生たれた慣習だず 考えおいたす。 むスラム教埒たちは䞭東の原䜏民の文化や䌝統を 取り蟌んできたのです。 女性の隔離は実際は ビザンティンずペルシアの颚習でした。 むスラム教埒はそれを取り蟌み、 自らの宗教の䞀郚ぞずしおしたいたした。 ただ、それはより倧きな問題に察する ひず぀の䟋にしかすぎたせん。 珟圚、私たちが䞀抂にむスラム法、特にむスラム文化ず呌ぶものの䞭には、 実際には沢山の異なる文化がありたす、 䟋えばサりゞアラビアのそれは 私の出身地であるトルコのむスタンブヌルのそれずは倧きく異なっおいたす。 しかしそうではあるのですが、 むスラム教文化に぀いお話すなら、 むスラムずいう宗教を生み出した 真に栞心を぀く神聖なメッセヌゞが最初にあったのですが、 様々な䌝統や、解釈から 沢山の習慣がその様盞に加えられおいきたした。 それらは䞭東の颚習、䞭䞖の颚習です。 真実を぀かむ2぀の重芁な話、 2぀の教蚓がありたす。 たず初めに、むスラム教埒 -敬虔で、保守的で、宗教に察し誠実であろうずするむスラム教埒- は 文化の党おを宗教ず䞀緒くたにすべきではないし 神によっお統治されおいるず考えるべきではない。 倚分、䌝統の䞭のいくらかは悪習であり、 倉えおいくべきこずである。 䞀方で、むスラム文化を芋お その問題のある偎面を知る西掋人は それがむスラムにより定められおいるず 簡単に結論付けるべきではない。 それは、倚分、むスラムず混同されおいる ”䞭東”の文化なのです。 女性割瀌ず呌ばれる颚習がありたす。 それは酷く、悲惚なもので、 根本的に、女性から性的快楜を 取り䞊げるためのものです。 その颚習を知らなかった西掋人、 ペヌロッパ人やアメリカ人が 北アフリカから枡っおきた むスラム教埒コミュニティの その颚習をを目の圓たりにするず、 ”そんな行為を芏則にするなんお なんお酷い宗教だ”ず、思うこずでしょう。 しかし、実際には、女性割瀌は むスラム教によるものではなく 北アフリカの颚習なのです。 それは北アフリカに 䜕千幎も前からある颚習なのです。 実際、いくらかのむスラム教埒もその颚習を行うずころがありたす。 それは、北アフリカのむスラム教埒だけで、ほかのどの堎所でもないのです。 しかし、北アフリカでは、むスラム教埒だけではなく アニミズム論者も、いくらかのクリスチャンや ナダダ人でされ 女性割瀌の颚習を持぀こずで知られおいたす。 むスラムの信頌を 脅かすかに芋える問題も 人によっお曞き加えられた ”䌝統”ず蚀い埗るこずでしょう。 同じこずは”名誉殺人”にも蚀えたす。 それは西掋圏のメディアで取りざたになりたすし もちろん、悲惚な䌝統です。 いくらかのむスラム教コミュニティの䞭で実際に芋られる䌝統です、 しかし、それは䞭東の䞭ではむスラム教埒コミュニティに限らず、 クリスチャンや東掋人のコミュニティの䞭にも 芋られる䌝統なのです。 たった数カ月前、 トルコ内のアルメニア人コミュニティの䞭で 悲劇的な名誉殺人がありたした。 そう、それは宗教ではなく、䞀般的な文化の出来事なのです。 私は、政治にも興味がありたす。 自由ず民䞻䞻矩は正圓に評䟡されのか たたは独裁的な政治が垂民に圧政をしくのか ずいうこずに匷い興味を持っおいたす。 䞭東内で、 沢山あるむスラムの運動は どれも独裁䞻矩になりがちで、 いく぀かの、俗にいうずころの、むスラム政暩 サりゞアラビアや、むラン もっず酷かったアフガニスタンのタリバン政暩、 それらが独裁政暩であるこずは、疑いようものありたせん。 䟋えば、サりゞアラビアでは、 宗教譊察ずいうものがありたす。 宗教譊察は党おの垂民に、 むスラム教的生掻を 匷制するのです、それは ヒゞャブずいう、頭を芆うベヌルによっお 女性は頭を芆い隠すこずを匷芁されるずいう具合にです。 それはずおも独裁的で、 私はずおも批刀的です。 しかし同じ土地で䜏む、むスラム教埒ではない人達や むスラム的な考えを持たない人たちも 時々、同じようにふるたうこずに 気が付いたずき、 問題は、ただむスラムにあるのでなく 政治にあるのだずいうこずに気が぀きたした。 私の出身地であるトルコを䟋にあげるず、 トルコは、ずおも珟実的な共和囜なのですが、 本圓に最近たでは 私の蚀うずころの、教育宗教分離掟の譊察がいお、 頭にベヌルを巻いた孊生から 倧孊を守っおいたした。 どういうこずかず蚀うず、圌らは孊生に ベヌルを着甚しないでいるこずを匷制しおいたした。 ベヌルを着けおはいけないず匷制するこずは ベヌルを着けるこずを匷制するのず同等に暎君的なこずです。 そういったこずは人々が自ら決めるべきこずです。 しかし、私がそれを芋たずき、 ”倚分 問題はこの土地の独裁政暩なんだ。 そしお、それにむスラム教埒が 圱響を受けおしたっおいるこずなんだ。” ず、思いたした。 しかし教育宗教分離論者はそれに圱響をうけおしたう。 問題は政治文化だず思うのです。 私たちはそれをどう倉えるこずができるのか 考えなければならない。 数幎前 本を曞いおいたずきに 頭によぎった事がありたす ”むスラムがどのように今日にいたったのか それはどのような道筋だったのか、 そしお、どのような他の道がありえたのかに぀いお リサヌチをしなくおはいけない。” 本のタむトルは ”過激さなしのむスラム:むスラム教埒にずっおの自由 ”です。 副題が提案しおいるように、 私は、むスラムの䌝統やむスラムの思想史を 個人の自由ずいう芳点から着目し、 個人の自由ぞの敬意ずは䜕であるのかを 調べおいきたした。 それはむスラムの䌝統が持぀力なのです。 むスラムは実際に、 人間を責任胜力のある者ずしお定矩する䞀神教で、 䞭東に、個人ずいう考え方を生み出したした。 それは郚族による共同䞻矩や集団䞻矩からの 脱华でした。 そこから沢山の着想を匕き出すこずができたす。 たた、むスラムの䌝統における問題点にも着目したした。 ひず぀興味深いこずに、 ほずんどの問題は埌になっおから衚面化しおいったのです。 それはむスラムの神聖な栞心である、コヌランからではなく、 重耇になりたすが、䌝統や知性、 䞭䞖のコヌランの解釈の 違いによっおなのです。 コヌランは、䟋えば 石打ちを認めたせん。 棄教に眪を䞎えたせん。 飲酒ずいった個人的楜しみに眪を䞎えたせん。 むスラム法を成すこれらの事柄、 むスラム法の問題のある郚分は 埌に出おくる解釈によっお生たれたのです。 それは぀たり、むスラム教埒は今日 それらを俯瞰し、 ”私達の宗教の䞭心は 私達ず共にある。それが私たちの信仰であり、 私達はそれに忠矩をしめしおいくのだ。” ず蚀えばいいのです。 それが䞭䞖の時間感芚や環境によっお解釈されたものならば 私達はそれを倉えおいけばいいのです。 私達は今日、䞭䞖ずは異なる䟡倀芳や政治システムの䞭、 過去ずは違う䞖界に暮らしおいるのです。 そういった解釈はたったくもっお可胜で実珟できるこずです。 もし私1人がそのような考えをしおいるのなら、 それは問題でしょう。 しかし、そんなこずは決しおありたせん。 実際、19䞖玀から 修正䞻矩者や改革䞻矩者がいたした。 -それはどのような 呌び名でもいいのですが - 䌝統でも、 むスラム思想の䞭でのトレンドでも。 圌らは、19侖简 そしお埌の20侖简 沢山の尊敬すべき点を持った ペヌロッパの科孊やテクノロゞヌを研究した 知識人や政治家です。 科孊や、テクノロゞヌだけではなく、民䞻䞻矩や議䌚制 講矩や䞻匵するこず、 平等な垂民粟神などもです。 それらの19䞖玀のムスリムの思想家や知識人、政治家は ペヌロッパを芳察し、そういったこず物事を孊びたした。 圌らは ”なぜ私達はそのような物事を持っおいないのだろうか?” ず考えたした。 そしお、むスラムの䌝統を振り返るこずをしたのです。 圌らは問題のある偎面も芋぀けたした。 しかしそれらが宗教の䞭心郚ではなく、解釈しなおすこずができるものず考え、 コヌランも珟代的な芖点から 読みなおせるず考えたした。 そういった傟向は むスラムの近代化ず呌ばれおいたす。 それは知識人や政治家により 知的なアむデアずしおだけではなく、 政治的な蚈画ずしお、進められたした。 19䞖玀には、実際 圓時、党䞭東を統治しおいたオスマントルコにより、 非垞に重芁な改革が行われたした。 それは、クリスチャンずナダダ人に 同等の垂民暩を䞎え、 囜䜓を認め、 代衚制の議䌚を認め、 宗教の自由を掚し進めるものでした。 それゆえ、オスマントルコの最埌の䜕十幎間は、 民䞻䞻矩の雛圢、 立憲君䞻囜ぞ移行したのです。 圓時、自由ずいうものは政治的重芁性を匷く持っおいたした。 䌌たように、アラブ䞖界においお、 優れたアラブ歎史家であるアルバヌト・ハりラニの定矩における 自由時代がありたした。 圌は ”自由時代のアラブ思想” ずいう本を曞いおいたす。 圌はその䞭で、19䞖玀から20䞖玀初頭を 自由時代ず定矩したした。 明癜に、20䞖玀初頭では、 むスラムの思想家、政治家、神孊者の䞭で、 優勢な考え方でした。 しかし、残りの20䞖玀では、 おかしなこずになりたす。 むスラムの近代の歎の䞭で、 急激な募配を描きたす。 その代わりに、 むスラムは幎を経るに぀れお、 独裁䞻矩のむデオロギヌで、 非垞に䞍快で 反西掋文化的で、 空想的な芖点によっお 瀟䌚を圢䜜るものぞずなりたした。 ぀たり、今のむスラム教は、 20䞖玀のむスラム䞖界で䜜られた 倚くの問題を孕んだ圢なのです。 そしお、極端な圢匏をも぀むスラム教は むスラムの名の䞋で、テロリズムを招きたす。 それは実際にはむスラムの教えに反するこずだずいうのにです。 しかし、明らかに、いくらかの過激思想の持ち䞻達なそのようには考えたせん。 疑問が残りたす。 もしむスラムの近代化が、19䞖玀から20䞖玀初頭にかけお それほど人気だったのなら なぜ今日の圢のむスラム教は残りの20䞖玀で こんなにも普及したのでしょうか? この疑問は 泚意深く議論される必芁がありたす。 私は著曞で、私はこの疑問にも挑戊したした。 実際にこの問題を理解するに、最高氎準の頭を持っおいる必芁はありたせん。 ただ、20䞖玀の政治の歎史を芋るのです。 沢山の倉化をそこに芋぀けるこずでしょう。 その歎史は歪められたのです。 19侖简 むスラム教埒が西掋を参考にしおいた時代では、 むスラム教埒は自立しおおり、今よりも自身に自信を持っおいたした。 20䞖玀初頭には、オスマントルコの終焉ずずもに、 党䞭東地区は怍民地化されたした。 怍民地政策の䞭、人々はどのようなこずを考えたすか? アンチ怍民地政策です。 もはや西掋は、芋習うべき参考ではなくなったのです。 西掋は抵抗し、敵察する盞手になったのです。 ここでむスラム䞖界の䞭での 自由の粟神は堕萜しおしたったのです。 そしお自己防衛的で、 柔軟性のない、怍民に察す反動的な緊匵が、 アラブ瀟䌚䞻矩やアラブ民族䞻矩や、 珟圚のむスラム教を圢䜜ったのです。 怍民地から開攟された時、 代わりに䜕が残ったかずいうず、 自らを囜ず称する 䞖俗にたみれた独裁者達でした。 圌らは民䞻䞻矩は持ち蟌たなかった。 かわりに、自らの独裁政暩を築きあげおいったのです。 西掋は、少なくずも、西掋の䞭のいくらかの勢力、 特に、アメリカは、そういった芖野の狭い独裁者達を サポヌトするずいう過ちを冒したのです。 圌らは自分たちにずっお有益だず考えたのです。 しかし、事実は、独裁者達は、 民䞻䞻矩を抑圧し むスラム教のグルヌプを抑圧し、 むスラム教を倧倉぀たらないものぞず倉えおしたいたした。 20䞖玀は、その独裁䞻矩が むスラムの宗教者を含めた 人民を抑圧する 負の連鎖になり アラブ䞖界を支配したした。 しかし、そういった負の連鎖から 抜け出すこずができた 囜がありたす。 それは私の故郷の、トルコです。 ずいうのも、トルコは䞀床も怍民地化されなかったのです。 だから、オスマントルコ厩壊埌も、自立した人民が残ったのです。 泚目すべきは、 近隣の囜々が持っおいたアンチ怍民地䞻矩ずいう考えを 共有しなかった点です。 次に、これが䞀番重芁な郚分なのですが、 トルコは近隣のどの囜よりも早く 民䞻䞻矩になりたした。 1950幎に、初の自由な平等遞挙を持ちたした。 それにより、、独裁的で䜎俗な政治䜓制は終わりを告げたした。 それはトルコの始たりだったのです。 トルコにいる敬虔深いむスラム教埒は 投祚するこずで政治は倉えれるのだず知りたした。 そしお民䞻䞻矩はむスラムや、その䟡倀芳ず 矛盟なく共存しおいるこずに気が付いたのです。 そしおトルコ人達は民䞻䞻矩を支持するようになりたした。 それは䞭東の他の囜のむスラム教埒が、 この近幎になるたで 知らなかった経隓なのです。 次に、この過去20幎は グロヌバリズムや垂堎経枈、 䞭流家庭の増加ぞ感謝しなければなりたせん。 それによりトルコ人は、 むスラムの近代化の再来の䞭にいたす。 そしお珟圚では、 自身の䌝統を尊重し、その問題点にも目も向ける より郜垂的で䞭流階玚の信心深いムスリム達がいるのです。 圌らは倉わっおいき、自問し、改善しおいく必芁があるこずを理解しおいたす。 そしお、たたペヌロッパを参考ずし 暡範ずするようになりたした。 少なくもそこから創造的刺激を受けおいたす。 そういった経緯で、トルコが E.U.に加盟しようず努力は 他のアラブ囜家が反察する䞭で、 トルコ内のむスラム教埒に 支えられおいるのです。 今のずころE.U.加盟ぞの道筋は、党おのペヌロッパ人が 歓迎しおいるわけではないずいうこずもあり、ただあやふやなたたです。 それは、他の問題です。 この10幎のトルコ内でのE.U.加盟ぞの賛同は むスラムの問題になり、 むスラム自由䞻矩者はもずより、 もちろんそうではない自由䞻矩者にも支えられおいたす。 喜ばしいこずに、 トルコは むスラム教ずむスラムに察する敬虔な理解を持ったたた 民䞻䞻矩を取り入れるこずに成功したのです。 そしお、むスラムはむしろトルコの民䞻䞻矩ず 経枈の前進に貢献したのです。 このこずは、珟圚 むスラムの革新や 他のアラブ䞖界の囜々に 創造性に満ちた実䟋ずなり刺激を䞎えおいたす。 皆さんもご存知のように、チュニゞアず゚ゞプトにお始たった アラブの春が起こりたした。 アラブの倧衆は 独裁者達に反旗をひるがえしたのです。 圌らは民䞻䞻矩を、自由を求めおいたのです。 独裁者達が自らの政治䜓制を 正圓化するのに利甚したようなやり方で むスラムを䜿うような銬鹿げたこずはしたせん。 圌らはただこう蚀ったのです。、”自由が欲しい。民䞻䞻矩が欲しい。 私たちはむスラム教信者です。しかし、 自由な瀟䌚で自由な垂民ずしお生きたいのです。” もちろん、長い道のりです。 民䞻䞻矩は䞀晩で実珟されるようなものではありたせん。 それは、持続的な進展なのです。 ただ、今はむスラム䞖界においお、 有望な時期を迎えおいたす。 私は信じおいたす 19䞖玀に始たり、 政治状況により20䞖玀で停滞しおしたった むスラムの近代化が たた芜吹くこずを。 西掋圏には懐疑的な方もいるのはわかりたすが、 むスラムは、それ自身が 自身のあり方で、 民䞻䞻矩、自由䞻矩、 そしお自由を持ちえるポテンシャルが あるのです。 それらは機胜するように蚱容されさえすればいいのです。 有難うございたした。
And I did that; I put on my ritualistic dress; I went to the holy mosque; I did my prayers; I observed all the rituals. And meanwhile, besides all the spirituality, there was one mundane detail in the Kaaba that was pretty interesting for me. There was no separation of sexes. In other words, men and women were worshiping all together. They were together while doing the tawaf, the circular walk around the Kaaba. They were together while praying. And if you wonder why this is interesting at all, you have to see the rest of Saudi Arabia because it's a country which is strictly divided between the sexes. In other words, as men, you are not simply supposed to be in the same physical space with women. And I noticed this in a very funny way. I left the Kaaba to eat something in downtown Mecca. I headed to the nearest Burger King restaurant. And I went there -- I noticed that there was a male section, which was carefully separated from the female section. And I had to pay, order and eat at the male section. "It's funny," I said to myself, "You can mingle with the opposite sex at the holy Kaaba, but not at the Burger King." Quite ironic. Ironic, and it's also, I think, quite telling. Because the Kaaba and the rituals around it are relics from the earliest phase of Islam, that of prophet Muhammad. And if there was a big emphasis at the time to separate men from women, the rituals around the Kaaba could have been designed accordingly. But apparently that was not an issue at the time. So the rituals came that way. This is also, I think, confirmed by the fact that the seclusion of women in creating a divided society is something that you also do not find in the Koran, the very core of Islam -- the divine core of Islam that all Muslims, and equally myself, believe. And I think it's not an accident that you don't find this idea in the very origin of Islam. Because many scholars who study the history of Islamic thought -- Muslim scholars or Westerners -- think that actually the practice of dividing men and women physically came as a later development in Islam, as Muslims adopted some preexisting cultures and traditions of the Middle East. Seclusion of women was actually a Byzantine and Persian practice, and Muslims adopted that and made that a part of their religion. And actually this is just one example of a much larger phenomenon. What we call today Islamic Law, and especially Islamic culture -- and there are many Islamic cultures actually; the one in Saudi Arabia is much different from where I come from in Istanbul or Turkey. But still, if you're going to speak about a Muslim culture, this has a core, the divine message, which began the religion, but then many traditions, perceptions, many practices were added on top of it. And these were traditions of the Middle East -- medieval traditions. And there are two important messages, or two lessons, to take from that reality. First of all, Muslims -- pious, conservative, believing Muslims who want to be loyal to their religion -- should not cling onto everything in their culture, thinking that that's divinely mandated. Maybe some things are bad traditions and they need to be changed. On the other hand, the Westerners who look at Islamic culture and see some troubling aspects should not readily conclude that this is what Islam ordains. Maybe it's a Middle Eastern culture that became confused with Islam. There is a practice called female circumcision. It's something terrible, horrible. to deprive women of sexual pleasure. And Westerners, Europeans or Americans, who didn't know about this before faced this practice within some of the Muslim communities who migrated from North Africa. And they've thought, "Oh, what a horrible religion that is But actually when you look at female circumcision, you see that it has nothing to do with Islam, it's just a North African practice, which predates Islam. It was there for thousands of years. And quite tellingly, some Muslims do practice that. The Muslims in North Africa, not in other places. But also the non-Muslim communities of North Africa -- the Animists, even some Christians and even a Jewish tribe in North Africa is known to practice female circumcision. So what might look like a problem within Islamic faith might turn out to be a tradition The same thing can be said for honor killings, which is a recurrent theme in the Western media -- and which is, of course, a horrible tradition. And we see truly in some Muslim communities that tradition. But in the non-Muslim communities of the Middle East, such as some Christian communities, Eastern communities, you see the same practice. We had a tragic case of an honor killing within Turkey's Armenian community just a few months ago. Now these are things about general culture, but I'm also very much interested in political culture and whether liberty and democracy is appreciated, or whether there's an authoritarian political culture in which the state is supposed to impose things on the citizens. And it is no secret that many Islamic movements in the Middle East tend to be authoritarian, and some of the so-called "Islamic regimes" such as Saudi Arabia, Iran and the worst case was the Taliban in Afghanistan -- they are pretty authoritarian. No doubt about that. For example, in Saudi Arabia there is a phenomenon called the religious police. And the religious police imposes the supposed Islamic way of life on every citizen, by force -- like women are forced to cover their heads -- wear the hijab, the Islamic head cover. Now that is pretty authoritarian, and that's something I'm very much critical of. But when I realized that the non-Muslim, or the non-Islamic-minded actors in the same geography, sometimes behaved similarly, I realized that the problem maybe lies in the political culture of the whole region, not just Islam. Let me give you an example: in Turkey where I come from, which is a very hyper-secular republic, until very recently we used to have what I call secularism police, which would guard the universities against veiled students. In other words, they would force students to uncover their heads, and I think forcing people to uncover their head is as tyrannical as forcing them to cover it. It should be the citizen's decision. But when I saw that, I said, "Maybe the problem is just an authoritarian culture in the region, and some Muslims have been influenced by that. But the secular-minded people can be influenced by that. Maybe it's a problem of the political culture, and we have to think about how to change that political culture." Now these are some of the questions I had in mind a few years ago when I sat down to write a book. I said, "Well I will make a research about how Islam actually came to be what it is today, and what roads were taken and what roads could have been taken." The name of the book is "Islam Without Extremes: A Muslim Case for Liberty." And as the subtitle suggests, I looked at Islamic tradition and the history of Islamic thought from the perspective of individual liberty, and I tried to find what are the strengths with regard to individual liberty. And there are strengths in Islamic tradition. Islam actually, as a monotheistic religion, which defined man as a responsible agent by itself, created the idea of the individual in the Middle East and saved it from the communitarianism, the collectivism of the tribe. You can derive many ideas from that. But besides that, I also saw problems within Islamic tradition. But one thing was curious: most of those problems turn out to be problems that emerged later, not from the very divine core of Islam, the Koran, but from, again, traditions and mentalities, or the interpretations of the Koran that Muslims made in the Middle Ages. The Koran, for example, doesn't condone stoning. There is no punishment on apostasy. There is no punishment on personal things like drinking. These things which make Islamic Law, the troubling aspects of Islamic Law, were later developed into later interpretations of Islam. Which means that Muslims can, today, look at those things and say, "Well, the core of our religion It's our faith, and we will be loyal to it. But we can change how it was interpreted, because it was interpreted according to the time and milieu in the Middle Ages. Now we are living in a different world with different values and different political systems." That interpretation is quite possible and feasible. Now if I were the only person thinking that way, we would be in trouble. But that's not the case at all. Actually, from the 19th century on, there's a whole revisionist, reformist -- whatever you call it -- tradition, a trend in Islamic thinking. And these were intellectuals or statesmen of the 19th century, and later, 20th century, which looked at Europe basically and saw that Europe has many things to admire, like science and technology. But not just that; also democracy, parliament, the idea of representation, the idea of equal citizenship. These Muslim thinkers and intellectuals and statesmen of the 19th century looked at Europe, saw these things. They said, "Why don't we have these things?" And they looked back at Islamic tradition, they saw that there are problematic aspects, but they're not the core of the religion, so maybe they can be re-understood, and the Koran can be reread in the modern world. That trend is generally called Islamic modernism, and it was advanced by intellectuals and statesmen, not just as an intellectual idea though, but also as a political program. And that's why actually in the 19th century the Ottoman Empire, which then covered the whole Middle East, made very important reforms -- reforms like giving Christians and Jews an equal citizenship status, accepting a constitution, accepting a representative parliament, advancing the idea of freedom of religion. And that's why the Ottoman Empire in its last decades turned into a proto-democracy, a constitutional monarchy, and freedom was a very important political value at the time. Similarly, in the Arab world, there was what the great Arab historian Albert Hourani defines as the Liberal Age. He has a book, "Arabic Thought in the Liberal Age," and the Liberal Age, he defines as 19th century and early 20th century. Quite notably, this was the dominant trend in the early 20th century among Islamic thinkers and statesmen and theologians. But there is a very curious pattern in the rest of the 20th century, because we see a sharp decline in this Islamic modernist line. And in place of that, what happens is that Islamism grows as an ideology which is authoritarian, which is quite strident, which is quite anti-Western, and which wants to shape society based on a utopian vision. So Islamism is the problematic idea that really created a lot of problems in the 20th century Islamic world. And even the very extreme forms of Islamism led to terrorism in the name of Islam -- which is actually a practice that I think is against Islam, but some, obviously, extremists did not think that way. But there is a curious question: If Islamic modernism was so popular in the 19th and early 20th centuries, why did Islamism become so popular in the rest of the 20th century? And this is a question, I think, which needs to be discussed carefully. And in my book, I went into that question as well. And actually you don't need to be a rocket scientist to understand that. You just look at the political history of the 20th century, and you see things have changed a lot. The context has changed. In the 19th century, when Muslims were looking at Europe as an example, they were independent; they were more self-confident. In the early 20th century, with the fall of the Ottoman Empire, the whole Middle East was colonized. And when you have colonization what do you have? You have anti-colonization. So Europe is not just an example now to emulate; it's an enemy to fight and to resist. So there's a very sharp decline in liberal ideas in the Muslim world, and what you see is more of a defensive, rigid, reactionary strain, which led to Arab socialism, Arab nationalism and ultimately to the Islamist ideology. And when the colonial period ended, what you had in place of that was, generally, secular dictators, which say they're a country, but did not bring democracy to the country, and established their own dictatorship. And I think the West, at least some powers in the West, particularly the United States, made the mistake of supporting those secular dictators, thinking that they were more helpful for their interests. But the fact that those dictators suppressed democracy in their country and suppressed Islamic groups in their country actually made the Islamists much more strident. So in the 20th century, you had this vicious cycle in the Arab world where you have a dictatorship suppressing its own people including the Islamic-pious, and they're reacting in reactionary ways. There was one country, though, which was able to escape or stay away from that vicious cycle. And that's the country where I come from; that's Turkey. Turkey has never been colonized, so it remained as an independent nation after the fall of the Ottoman Empire. That's one thing to remember. that you can find in some other countries in the region. Secondly, and most importantly, Turkey became a democracy earlier than any of the countries we are talking about. In 1950, Turkey had the first free and fair elections, which ended the more autocratic secular regime, which was the beginning of Turkey. And the pious Muslims in Turkey saw that they can change the political system by voting. And they realize that democracy is something that is compatible with Islam, compatible with their values, and they've been supportive of democracy. That's an experience that not every other Muslim nation in the Middle East had until very recently. Secondly, in the past two decades, thanks to globalization, thanks to the market economy, thanks to the rise of a middle-class, we in Turkey see what I define as a rebirth of Islamic modernism. Now there's the more urban middle-class pious Muslims who, again, look at their tradition and see that there are some problems in the tradition, and they understand that they need to be changed and questioned and reformed. And they look at Europe, and they see an example, again, to follow. They see an example, at least, to take some inspiration from. That's why the E.U. process, Turkey's effort to join the E.U., has been supported inside Turkey by the Islamic-pious, while some secular nations were against that. Well that process has been a little bit blurred by the fact that not all Europeans are that welcoming -- but that's another discussion. But the pro-E.U. sentiment in Turkey in the past decade has become almost an Islamic cause and supported by the Islamic liberals and the secular liberals as well, of course. And thanks to that, Turkey has been able to reasonably create a success story in which Islam and the most pious understandings of Islam have become part of the democratic game, and even contributes to the democratic and economic advance of the country. And this has been an inspiring example right now for some of the Islamic movements or some of the countries in the Arab world. You must have all seen the Arab Spring, which began in Tunis and in Egypt. And Arab masses just revolted against their dictators. They were asking for democracy; they were asking for freedom. that the dictators were always using to justify their regime. They said that "we want freedom; we want democracy. We are Muslim believers, but we want to be living as free people in free societies." Of course, this is a long road. Democracy is not an overnight achievement; it's a process. But this is a promising era in the Muslim world. And I believe that the Islamic modernism which began in the 19th century, but which had a setback in the 20th century because of the political troubles of the Muslim world, is having a rebirth. despite some of the skeptics in the West, has the potential in itself to create its own way to democracy, create its own way to liberalism, create its own way to freedom. They just should be allowed to work for that. Thanks so much.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
の萜ちた薄暗い宀内は、そこかしこに荒らされた痕跡が残されおいた。 反察に人の気配はなく、ミシェルちゃんの䞡芪はいないようだった。 「どうしたの、ニコルちゃ――なにこれ!?」 その驚きも無理はない。孊院から戻っおくるず宀内が荒らされおいたなんお、普通は思わない。 「お父さん、お母さん!? どこにいるの!」 「埅っお、ミシェルちゃん!」 荒らした痕跡を残したたたにするほど倧雑把な犯人なら、それに繋がる蚌拠も残されおいるかもしれないのだ。 それをいた圌女が螏み蟌んでしたっおは、台無しにされおしたう。 「止めないでよ、お母さんが! お父さんも――」 「わかっおるよ。これはわたしたちの手に負える事件じゃないかもしれない。だからミシェルちゃんはコルティナず衛士の人に䌝えおきお」 「で、でも......」 「ミシェルちゃんよりもわたしの方が感知胜力が高いよ。ただ呚蟺に残っおいるかもしれないし、少し調べおみるから」 「......うん、おねがい」 その口元は匷く噛みしめられおおり、圌女の無念がにじみ出おいた。 「だいじょうぶ、ここにいないっおこずは連れ去られたっおこずだよ。害意があればそんなこずしない」 「そう、なのかな?」 「そうだよ。それにおじさんたちはマクスりェルやコルティナの庇護を受けおいる。衚立っお害を加えようずする人はいないよ」 「でも、連れ去られおいるし......」 「たぶんそれは......」 そうだ、コルティナたちず぀ながりのあるおばさんを、なぜ連れ去った? ではその䜕かずは......? 考えるたでもない、ミシェルちゃんに決たっおいる。 自分のせいで䞡芪が拉臎されたなどず知れば、圌女は今すぐにでも犯人にその身を差し出しかねない。 「わかんない。でも絶察䜕か芋぀けお芋せるから」 「うん......おねがいね!」 気䞈にもそう告げるず、圌女線に孊院ぞず駆け出しおいった。 コルティナは今、孊院にいるからだ。 党速力で駆けお蚀ったミシェルちゃんの背を芋送った埌、俺は呚蟺の捜査を始めた。 「たずはオヌ゜ドックスに足跡からだな」 䞀軒家の呚蟺を調べおいくず、䞀察の蜍の跡を発芋した。 ミシェルちゃんの家も猟垫ずいう職業柄、荷車は所持しおいる。倧量の獲物や巚倧な獲物を運ぶための物だ。 「連䞭、攫ったおばさんたちを運ぶのに荷車を䜿ったのか」 それは戊士や兵士が奜んで䜿甚するもので、おじさんが䜿っおいたものでは無い。 それは冒険者も同じで、敵を正面から受け止めるクラりドのような盟圹以倖は、あたり䜿甚しない。 「他の靎跡はないな......ずいうこずは重装の戊士だけで抌し蟌んだのか?」 もしくは山賊などのような存圚か......いや、それはないな。あからさたにそんな恰奜をした人物は門で止められおしたう。 冒険者だずしおも疑問は残る。重装の戊士だけずいうのは、冒険者ずしおもバランスが悪い。 そんなメンバヌがいれば、ギルドで噂になるはずだ。しかし俺は、そんな冒険者の噂を聞いたこずがない。 「埌、考えられる可胜性は......階士や衛士が関わっおいた堎合か」 ならばその手先になっおいるのは、正芏兵である可胜性が高い。圌らならばこのような靎を着甚しおいおもおかしくはない。 「階士が関わっおいるずしたら、厄介なこずになるな」 コルティナずの共闘により、階士たちの評刀は倱墜せずに枈んだ。 「ずにかく、あずは䞭か......」 俺は次に宀内を調べおいく。 宀内は荒らされおいるが、䞀定以䞊の倧きさの堎所しか荒らされおいない。倧䜓子䟛が隠れるこずができる皋床。 これはミシェルちゃんが隠れられる堎所を荒らした痕跡ず芋おいい。やはり連䞭の目的は、圌女で間違いない。 血痕も生也きであり、぀いさっきずはいかなくおもそれほど時間が経っおいないこずが芋お取れた。 「これは、䞊手くいけば远い぀くこずができるか?」 飛び出したずころで、どの方角に向かったかすらわかっおはいない。 宀内の朚床にも鋲の跡が残されおいお、土足で螏み入ったこずがわかる。 「どっかの王章ずか刻んでおくれれば楜なんだけどな......」 有名貎族の兵士ならば、その王章を刻んでいる装備を身に着けるこずも倚い。 そこで俺は考えを巡らせる。 このラりム内においお、マクスりェルの監芖はかなり厳しいモノのはずだ。 ならば、攫ったおばさんたちを自分の元に連れおきたりするだろうか? 「そんな真䌌をすれば自分が犯人だず宣䌝するようなものだ。だずすれば......」 そもそも獲物を運ぶための荷車では貎族街には入れない。ならば庶民の䜏たうこの近蟺か......街の倖。 おばさんたちは、街䞭に眮いおはいられない。そしお、ミシェルちゃんずの亀枉道具にするためには、生かしおおく必芁がある。 おそらく街の倖に連れ出しおいるこずは確定的。そのうえでおばさんたちを監犁し、生かしおおくだけの生掻を送れる堎所。 「人の倚い街道沿いは䞍可。なら......森に入った可胜性が高いな」 枩泉町方面に向かった可胜性もあるが、そちらも䞻街道に負けず劣らず、人通りは倚い。 人を避けるならば、やはり森の䞭に入った可胜性が高いだろう。ラりムの近蟺には、急な雷雚に備えた猟垫小屋がかなりある。ラりム呚蟺は気候が安定しおいるが、それでも雚は降る。そしお森の䞭で雚に降られるず、容易に方向感芚をなくす。 その危険を避けるため、森の䞭に小屋を倚数配眮しおいる。 そういう人物を監犁するには、もっおこいかもしれない。 そう刀断しお、俺はその堎を駆け出した。 向かう先は街の門。ミシェルちゃんの荷車ずいう目印がある以䞊、远跡は難しくないはずだった。
The room with a lamp fallen on the ground had traces of being ravaged. Moreover, although little, there were still traces of blood too. On the other hand, there were no signs of people, Michelle’s parents were nowhere to be found. “What’s wrong, Nico—What is this!?” Michelle yelled in shock after seeing the room from behind me. And her reaction was natural. No one would even consider that their house would be in such a ravaged state while coming back from the academy. “Dad, mom! Where are you!?” “Wait, Michelle!” As Michelle was about to rush inside, I pinned her hands from behind and stopped her. If the offender was so rough to have laid so much waste to the room, there must be some evidence left behind that would link to them. If she went and stepped on it now, it would all come to nothing. “Don’t stop me... My mom...! And my dad...!” “I know. But this might be beyond what we can handle. So you go and report it to Cortina and the guards.” “B-But...” “My senses are sharper than yours, Michelle. They might still be nearby, so I’ll try looking around.” “...Okay, please do.” Suppressing her anxiety, she squeezed out those words. She shut her mouth tight, her expression dyed in mortification. “Don’t worry. Since they aren’t here, they must have taken them away. If they planned on killing them, they would not have done that.” “R-Really?” “Yeah. Moreover, your parents are under Maxwell’s patronage. No fool would try to kill them so brazenly.” “But they have kidnapped them...” “That’s probably because...” Right, why would they kidnap auntie who was connected to Cortina and others? The answer was clear. There was “something” they wanted to get even if it meant taking the risk of turning the Six Heroes against them. And what would that something be...? There was no need to even think — it was Michelle. However, telling her that now would be too harsh. If she realizes that her parents got kidnapped because of her, she might very well hand herself over to the enemies right away. “I don’t know. But I promise I’ll find it out no matter what.” “Okay... I leave it to you!” After giving me a strong response, she ran straight back towards the academy’s direction. Cortina was currently there, after all. After observing her disappearing back, I switched to investigating the surroundings. “Let’s start with the orthodox footprints method.” After investigating the house vicinity, I discovered a pair of wheel tracks. Michelle’s family were hunters so they owned a cart. It was to carry large amounts and big game. “Did they use the cart to kidnap them?” Moreover, there were traces of hobnailed boots. They were things warriors and guards preferred to wear, so it wasn’t something that uncle would have worn. Given that he was a hunter, he wouldn’t have worn boots that would give off a noise when walking. It was the same for Adventurers, and people other than shielders that took on the enemies frontally preferred not to use them. “There are no other traces, huh... Does that mean they broke in with just heavily-armored warriors?” Or perhaps they were something like mountain bandits... No, that can’t be. People with such conspicuous getup would have gotten stopped at the gate. Even if they were Adventurers, that would still leave many doubts. Them being only armored soldiers sounded too imbalanced for Adventurers. If they were all like that, they would surely become a gossiped at the Guild. However, I haven’t heard any such rumors. “Then, another possibility that I can think is... That knights and guards were involved.” It was the influential bunch that wanted to have Michelle. In that case, there was a high possibility that their underlings were regular soldiers. If it’s them, it wouldn’t be strange to wear these kinds of boots. “If it were knights, things would turn pretty troublesome.” The reputation of the knights didn’t fall because they collaborated with Cortina. But if this matter got out, it would hit rock bottom in one go. “At any rate, time to check the interior...” Next, I went to inspect the room. The place was devastated, but only locations of a certain size were damaged. The size where a child could fit. You could see this as them searching for places where Michelle could have hidden. As expected, she was their aim. The bloodstains were half-dried, so it probably didn’t happen just recently, but not a lot of time should have passed since. “Could I manage to catch up if I’m lucky?” I was about to rush out, but I managed to hold myself back. Even if I did that, I didn’t know which direction they headed to. There were hobnail traces on the floor too, making it apparent that they came in with their shoes on. “It would have made things easier if they had a crest on their boots...” When it came to famous noble’s soldiers, they often used equipment with the noble’s crest carved on it. However, they were apparently not so stupid to storm the house and kidnap people with such equipment on them. Thus, I started thinking. Maxwell should have been strictly monitoring what was happening inside Raum. And yet, they managed to kidnap people so brazenly. You could consider this as quite a reckless move. Assuming that’s the case, would they risk taking uncle and auntie to their own house? “If they did that, it would be basically advertising that they were the culprit. In that case...” In the first place, you couldn’t get into the noble district while carrying a cart. That meant that they either took them to the commoner district... Or outside the city. They couldn’t leave the two behind. And they also needed to keep them alive to negotiate with Michelle. My assumption that they were taken outside was most likely correct. With that, which place would be suitable to confine and keep them alive... “Being along the highway with lots of traffic seems unlikely. Then... There’s a high chance they headed into the forest.” There is a possibility that they headed towards the hot spring town, but that road had just as much traffic as the main road. If they wanted to avoid public eyes, they would have gone inside the forest, after all. There were quite a few huntsmen huts spread around Raum as emergency shelters during thunderstorms. The climate was stable around here, but it still rained. And when it rained on you inside the forest, it was easy to lose your sense of direction. In order to avoid that danger, there were many huts set up in the forest. And Michelle’s father was one of the people that used those huts the most. They were probably ideal places to confine such people. Judging that to be the case, I rushed out of the place. My destination was the gate. As long as they had Michelle’s cart with them, following their tracks shouldn’t prove to be hard.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 16, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
歩きながら、俺は魔法で探玢を䞁寧にしおいく。 俺にずっおの魔法での探玢ずは 範囲魔法である魔力探知で呚囲党䜓の魔力を垯びたものを発芋し、魔力探査をかけおそれがどういう皮類のものかを調べるのだ。 魔力を垯びたものには、魔道具や魔石だけでなく、人や魔獣、昏き者も含たれる。 倧䜿通呚蟺に魔力探知をかけた瞬間、数癟を優に超える魔力を垯びたものを発芋した。 その党䞀぀に、魔力探査をかけおいく。 『ノァンパむアがいるな。少なくずもロヌドが十匹』 軜い魔法による探玢でわかっただけで十匹。 『魅了や眷属などはいるでありたすか?』 『いるな。かなりの数だ』 今、倧䜿通の䞭にいる職員のほずんどが魅了されおいるか眷属だ。 シアは眷属ならば芋ればわかる。だが魅了されおいる者はわからない。 セルリスはどちらもわからない。 を個別にかけるこずで魅了された者を刀別できる。 『そうだな。雑魚は俺に任せろ。ロヌドが出おきたら察応しおくれ』 『了解でありたす』 『邪神の加護には泚意しおくれ。ずはいえ、どうやっお泚意するかもわからんが』 『最近ノァンパむアどもは身䜓の䞭に、邪神の加護のコアを埋め蟌む技術を線み出したらしいからな』 『本圓に厄介ね』 『ガルノはもし神の加護に穎を空けおいる装眮の気配を感じたら教えおくれ』 「がう!」 ガルノも力匷く鳎いおいる。心匷い限りだ。 以前、王宮に䟵入したノァンパむアは神の加護の効果を匱める魔道具を持っおいた。 恐らくはそれを進化させ、匷化させたものが倧䜿通にあるはずだ。 俺を先頭にしお建物に向かう。するず、門の方向から人が走っおくる。 合蚈で倧䜿通の門番にしおは倚すぎる。 『やはり門から入っおくる想定で準備しおいたみたいだな』 『奎等もたさか壁をくりぬくずは思っおなかったのでありたすよ』 『ロックさん。人? 眷属?』 セルリスのいう人ずは魅了されただけの、元に戻れる人ず蚀う意味だ。 『眷属も人も䞡方いる。しかも眷属でも魅了されおいる蚳でもない奎もいるぞ』 金で雇われたのか。䜕か事情があるのか。 人でありながら邪神の狂信者なのかはわからない。 どちらにしおも殺すわけにはいかない。埌で枢密院に匕き枡しお情報を匕き出したいずころだ。 恐らく情報はあればあるほど、゚リックやマルグリットの埌の仕事が楜になる。 『ずりあえず、俺に任せおくれ』 『わかったわ!』 眷属はもう戻れない。かわいそうだが息の根を止めるしかない。それが救いだ。 問題は回埩する魅了された者ず、ただの人間である。 死なないように、倧きな怪我を負わせないようにしお無力化させなければならない。 俺たちに向かっおきおいる十五の内蚳は眷属五䜓、魅了された、人。 「降䌏すれば手荒には扱わない぀もりだが」 俺はただの人間に向かっお呌びかける。 話しかけたこずで、ただの人間四人は足を止めた。 「はあ? 倧䜿通に抌し入っお、ただで枈むず思っおんのか!」 リヌダヌ栌っぜい男が声を荒げた。 党くもっおその通りである。こんな状況でなければだが。 俺ずリヌダヌ栌が䌚話しおいる間も、眷属や魅了されたものたちが飛びかかっおくる。 それをいなしながら、人間に尋ねる。 「䜕をやらかしおいるのか、わかっおいないのはそっちだろう」 リヌダヌ栌は反論するが、 「䜕のこずだ?」 戊士らしき䞀人が俺に尋ねおきた。 「ここはノァンパむアどもの巣だ。知らずに雇われたのか? それずも知った䞊でここにいるのか?」 眷属も魅了された者も、指瀺次第ではただの人間の振りをするこずは出来る。 普通の人間はその振りに気付くこずはあるたい。ごたかすこずは可胜なのだ。 「なにを適圓なこずを! 神の加護の庇護䞋にある王郜にノァンパむアが――」 戊士の蚀葉の途䞭で、俺は眷属五䜓に向けお魔法の槍を攟぀。 眷属はレッサヌノァンパむアよりも栌䞋の存圚。 䞀䜓に぀き䞀本。ほずんどの堎合、それで十分だ。 だが、五䜓ずも芋事によけた。その動きは超䞀流の戊士のような動きだった。 「やるじゃないか。生前はよほど優秀な戊士だったんだな」 眷属になるず、戊闘力が䞊がる。 人間だった頃の戊闘力が高ければ高いほど、匷力な眷属ずなるのだ。 「その五䜓だけが眷属なのね!」 「たあそうだ」 「なら、私たちも戊えるわ」 そう蚀っお、セルリスずシアが眷属盞手に攻撃を開始した。
While walking, I used magic to carefully search the place. For me, this meant activating both Magic Search and Magic Exploration at the same time. Magic Search was a wide-area magic that detected anything with magic energy within the area, and Magic Exploration told me what type of magic it was. After all, when it came to things containing magic energy, it could be a magic tool, magic stone, human, monster, or the dark ones. And the moment I had cast Magic Search around the embassy, I had discovered several hundreds of creatures with magic energy. And then I cast Magic Exploration on each one. ‘There are vampires. At least ten Lords.” That was what I knew after such light searching. ‘Are there any charmed people or thralls?’ ‘There are. A lot of them.’ Currently, the majority of workers within the embassy were either charmed or thralls. Shia was able to tell who was a thrall by looking at them. But she could not do the same with charmed. Serulis could not tell with either of them. However, with Magic Exploration, I could tell who was charmed and who was not. ‘Indeed. Leave the small fry to me. But if a Lord comes out, fight them.’ ‘Very well.’ ‘Understood.’ ‘And be careful of the evil god protection. That being said, I don’t really know what to do.’ ‘It seems that recently, the Vampires have come up with a technique to bury the evil god protection core inside of their bodies.’ ‘That really is terrible.’ ‘Grulf, if you can detect the device that is making the hole in the divine protection, tell me.’ “Grau!” Grulf barked reassuringly. I was happy to hear it. Previously, the Vampires who infiltrated the royal palace had a magic tool that weakened the effect of the divine protection. My guess is that they had something like that, but evolved and strengthened within the embassy. I took the lead as we headed to the building. And then, someone ran towards us from the gates. There were five people in all. That was too much for gate keepers. ‘They must have thought we would come through the gates, and were prepared.’ ‘They didn’t think that we would come through the wall then.’ ‘Mr. Locke. Are they people? Or thralls?’ What Serulis meant by this, was if they were charmed, and could be returned to being normal people. ‘There are people, and also thralls. And some who are neither.’ Were they bought with gold then? There must be some explanation. Perhaps they had become believers of the evil god, even while they remained humans. In any case, we could not kill them. We would have to hand them over to the privy council later, so that they could be questioned. The more information we had, the easier Eric and Marguerite’s jobs would be. ‘In any case, leave this to me.’ ‘Understood!’ ‘Very well.’ Thralls could not go back. While it was sad, we had to kill them. That was the only way to save them. The problem was people who were charmed, or unaffected at all to begin with. We had to neutralize them without killing or injuring them too much. Right now, out of the fifteen headed towards us, there were five thralls, six charmed, and four humans. “We will show you mercy if you surrender right now.” I called to the ordinary humans. And just like that, the four humans stopped in their tracks. “What? You broke into the embassy! Don’t think that you’ll get away with this!” The man who appeared to be the leader shouted in a rough voice. Indeed, it was as he said. Or it would be, if this were any other situation. But even as I and the leader talked, the thralls and charmed were jumping towards us. I dodged them as I asked the human, “Do you know what you are doing?” “I think it is you who is confused as to what you’re doing.” The leader retorted, but... “What do you mean?” Asked one of the warriors. “This place is a vampire nest. Were you ignorant of that when you were hired? Or did you already know?” Those who were charmed or who were thralls could pretend to be ordinary humans if given the order. Most people would not notice the difference, and it would be possible to fool them. “What rubbish! The royal capital is under the divine protection. Vampires could not...” While the warrior was talking, I unleashed magic spears at the five vampires. Thralls were below even lesser vampires. One spear for one of them. In most cases, that was enough. And yet the five dodged the attacks with skill. They had the movements of a first-rate warrior. “Very impressive. You must have been great fighters when you were still alive.” When you became a thrall, your combat ability improved. So the better you were while a human, the stronger you were as a thrall. “So it’s only those five who are thralls!” “Yes, that’s right.” “Then we can fight as well.” “We will join you!” So saying, Serulis and Shia started to attack the thralls.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 9, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
どうしおデュヌク様の蚘憶が消されたのかしら。家に垰っおきおもそれほど倧きな問題にもなっおいないのだけれど......。王子が蚘憶を消されるなん事よ。囜王様が王子の蚘憶喪倱を隠したがっおいるのかしら。デュヌク様の蚘憶を消しお䞀番メリットのある人間は......私? もしかしお私が知らない間にデュヌク様の蚘憶を消しおいたのかしら。......っおそんなわけないわよね。確かにデュヌク様の蚘憶がなくなれば私の印象は倉えられるわけだけど、そんな事はしないわ。 私はベッドの䞊に座っお、そんな事を考えた。 メルが明日詳しい事を教えおくれるみたいだから今日はもう深く考えずに寝るべきかしら。ああ、でも気になっお眠れないわ。 コンコンッず扉をノックする音が郚屋に響いた。 「アリシア、ただ起きおいるか?」 お父様? こんな時間に䜕か甚かしら。 「起きおいたすわ」 「少し話がある」 「......あたり顔色がよろしくないですわ。お䌑みになられた方が良いのでは?」 「いや、倧䞈倫だ。そんな事よりも緊急事態だ」 お父様がい぀になく真剣な衚情を浮かべおいる。 「デュヌク様の件ですか?」 「やっぱりアリシアはもう知っおいたのか」 「ええ。たぁ、校舎でお䌚いしたので」 ......王子が蚘憶喪倱なのは確かに問題だけど、お父様がこんなにも疲れおいるのは絶察に他の理由があるはずだわ。䟋えば、家族が巻き蟌たれたずか......。 「蚘憶を喪倱させた容疑にアリシアの名前があがったのだ」 䜎く重い声でお父様はそう蚀った。 ......私!? おっきり仲の良いヘンリお兄様が巻き蟌たれたのかず思ったわ。 「えっず、どうしお私が容疑者に?」 「私にも分からない......。今、倖で陛䞋の衛兵が埅っおいる」 「牢に入れられるのですか?」 私の質問にお父様は黙り蟌む。 愛嚘に、お前は今から牢に入れられる、なんお蚀えないわよね。 「......逃げるか?」 予想倖の提案に私は驚いた。お父様がそんな提案をするずは思わなかったわ。確かにい぀も私を助けおくれようずしおくれおいるけど、今回は話が別だもの。もし私が逃げれば、家族党䜓に迷惑がかかるわ。それに、悪女が䞀番しおはいけない行動が逃げる事よ。正々堂々ず戊っおやるわ。......盞手はただ誰か分からないのだけれど。 「いえ、囜王陛䞋の衛兵の元ぞ行きたすわ」 「䜕をされるか分からないんだぞ。犯眪者ずしお扱われる」 「分かっおおりたすわ。ですが、逃げるなんおそんな恥ずかしい真䌌は出来ないでしょう?」 私が埮笑んでそう蚀うず、お父様は諊めたように肩の力を萜ずした。 「必ず助け出す」 ......あら、なんお栌奜いい台詞なのかしら。お母様がお父様に惚れた理由がよく分かるわ。 「では、行っおたいりたす」 私は玄関ぞ歩みを進めた。
I wonder if the king wants to hide the prince’s amnesia. But won’t the person who would benefit the most from Duke-sama’s memory loss would be...Me? If I could erase Duke-sama’s memories, I could change the impression that he had of me, but I won’t go that far. I thought about it as I sat on my bed. Mel is going to tell me more about it tomorrow, so I should probably go to bed and not think about it anymore. Oh, but I can’t sleep because I’m so anxious. A knock on the door echoed throughout the room. “Alicia, are you still awake?” Father? What could he possibly want from me at this hour? “Yes, I’m up.” “I need to talk to you for a minute.” “...You appear tired, Father. Shouldn’t you be resting?” “No, I’m fine. It’s more of a situation that requires immediate attention.” Father’s face was more solemn than ever before. “Is this about Duke-sama?” “I had a feeling Alicia had already heard about it.” “Yes. Well, I met him at the school building.” ...Although the prince’s amnesia is certainly a problem, there must be another reason for Father’s exhaustion. For example, if a family member was involved... “The alleged charge of causing Duke-sama’s memory loss, has been levied on Alicia.” Father said, his voice low and weary. ...Me! And here I was thinking that Big Brother Henry would be involved in this case. “Well, why am I a suspect?” “I don’t know either...But right now, His Majesty’s guards are waiting for you outside.” “Will I be thrown in jail?” Father went silent at my question. He couldn’t possibly tell his beloved daughter that she could be imprisoned, could he? “...Do you want to run away?” I was surprised at the unexpected suggestion. I didn’t think my father would make such a suggestion. It is true that he is always trying to help me, but this time it was a completely different story. If I run away, the whole family will be in trouble. Besides, the last thing a bad girl should do is run away. I’ll fight fair and square...even though I still don’t know who I’m dealing with. “No, I’ll go with His Majesty’s guards.” “You never know what they’ll do to you. You will be treated as a criminal.” “Father, I understand. But isn’t fleeing such a shameful thing to do?” Father relaxed his shoulders as if he had given up when I said that with a smile. “I will definitely rescue you.” ...Oh, what a cool line. I can see why Mother fell in love with him... “Well, I’m off.” And so, I headed in the direction of the front door.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 4 }
「うヌん、このドラゎで矀れに垰るのは、無理でありたすなヌ」 「そうだよな。たず、森を越えられないな。特に倜に森に入るのは、自殺行為だ」 俺ずゎンの意芋は䞀臎しおいた。気持ちはわからんでもないが、今の圌のスキルず状況を考えるず、無策で森を越えるのは䞍可胜に近い。 子ドラゎンはグルルルルヌず呻いおいる。䜕ずなく、自分でもわかっおいるのだろう。 「もう日も暮れた。これからのこずは明日、考えよう。倕食にしよう。俺はリノス。結界垫だ。よかったら君も来るかい?」 「グガガガ・・・ギャヌス」 「匿っおもらっお申し蚳ない。名前はラヌスだ、ず蚀っおいるでありたすヌ」 ラヌスを抱っこし、ゎンを背䞭に乗せお王囜軍本郚を埌にする。そしおそのたた、バヌサヌム家に俺は向かう。 バヌサヌム家にかけた結界を解陀し、ゎンずラヌスを䞭に入れる。むリモは遠慮しお入っおこない。仕方がないので、土魔法で芝生の庭の䞊に簡単な銬小屋を䜜る。倕食の人参ず氎を出しお䞎えるず嬉しそうに嘶いた。ずっおも居心地がよさそうで安心する。 郚屋に戻り、俺は厚房に向かう。ゎンずラヌスは䜕やで話をしおいるようだ。 さお、䜕を䜜ろう?無限収玍の䞭にはゞャガむモが倧量にある。今日は䞀぀こい぀を䜿っお、コロッケを䜜っおみよう。 鍋にお湯を沞かしお、ゞャガむモを入れお、塩を䞀぀たみ入れる。保存甚にもほしいのでちょっず倚めに䜜る。ゞャガむモを湯がいおいる間に、玉ねぎをみじん切りにする。そしお、フラむパンで色が透き通るたで炒めおいく。氎分を飛ばしながら塩ず胡怒で味付けしお、䞭身の具はこれで完成。 ちょうどゞャガむモがいい感じにゆであがっおくる。火魔法で手の枩床を䞊げる。こうするず火傷をせずにサクサクず皮がむける。そしお倧きなフォヌクで朰しおいき胡怒ず塩を加えお混ぜ合わせる。 氎魔法ず颚魔法を応甚しお、冷颚を䜜っおさたす。その間に油を火にかけお甚意し、卵を割っおずき、タネを楕円圢に䜜る。䜜る。䜜る。そしお小麊をたぶしおいき、パンでパン粉を䜜りながら、卵にタネを通しお、パン粉を付ける。 そしお油に通す。ずおも銙ばしい匂いだ。コロッケを揚げながら、俺は野菜を出しおサラダを䜜る。 しばらくするず倧量のコロッケが出来䞊がった。そしおサラダずパンを甚意しお、倕食が出来䞊がった。 ゎンもラヌスもどんどん食べおいる。ラヌスはさすがに先ほどある皋床は食べおいるのだが、ガンガン食べおいる。二人ずもおいしそうだ。俺も食べおみたが、やはりおいしいコロッケだ。パンに挟んで食べるず、さらにおいしさが倍増であった。 食埌のデザヌトはぜんざいだ。これで䜜った分は党おなくなった。たた䜜らなければならない。 さお、今埌のこずであるが、ラヌスはどうしおも矀れに垰るずいう。俺もゎンも賛成である。特に俺たちは行くずころがなく、たた、この無人の王郜にいおもある意味どうしようもない、ずいうのが珟状である。森で狩りをし぀぀、ラヌスを矀れに送り届ける。ダメならダメでその時考えよう、王郜は壊滅したが、ゞュカ王囜にはいく぀かの郜垂がある。そこに行っおもいいだろう。堎合によっおは、山を越えおヒヌデヌタ垝囜に抜けおもいいだろう。それはゞュカ山に぀いおから考えよう。 俺は、この考えをゎンに話した。 「そうですなヌ。吟茩もそのお話に賛成でありたすヌ。早速ラヌスに䌝えるでありたすヌ」 グググググ、キュィキュむずゎンがラヌスに䌝える。こんな鳎き声で通じおるんだろうかず䞍思議に思うが、通じおいるのだ、これが。ラヌスがコクコクず頷いおいる。そしおラヌスはグググェ~ず泣き出し、パタパタず俺の胞に飛んできた。泣き虫な奎だなぁ。 「グッグゥ~グルアァ」 「たた、甘いの䜜っお、っお蚀っおるでありたすヌ」 ハむハむ。サツマむモもたくさんあるので、今床は倧孊芋を䜜っおみよう。あれ、俺はい぀からこい぀らの料理人になったんだ? 気が付くずラヌスが寝息を立おお寝おいた。こうしお寝顔を芋るずなかなかかわいいものである。確かに、これたでかなり過酷な状況に耐えおきたので、ゆっくりず寝られるのは、久しぶりのこずなのかもしれない。 「ググァ~ググァ~」 ・・・寝蚀蚀っおやがる。ゎンに聞くず 「・・・ママ、ママ、っお蚀っおるでありたすヌ」 俺はしばらくラヌスを抱きしめおいた。前䞖の母芪はどうしおいるだろうか。いいなお前は、ママがいお。俺はこの子ドラゎンを必ず里に返しおやろうず決めた。 ベッドのある郚屋が党おなくなっおいるので、寝床はダむニングの床だ。床にテヌブルクロスを敷き、毛垃の代わりにテヌブルクロスを重ね、それをかぶっお寝る。ゎンは゜ファヌのクッションの䞊に䞞たっお眠るこずになった。結構いいや぀で高いんだぞそれ?䜕ずも莅沢な奎である。 俺はラヌスに腕枕をしお眠りに぀いた。韍の鱗で怪我をするずいけないので、俺は自分の䜓に結界を匵り、そのたた深い眠りに萜ちた。 ・・・その倜、倢を芋た。 い぀ものバヌサヌム家。い぀もの俺のベッド。ああ、ちょっず寝過ごしたか。俺は慌おおい぀もの執事服に着替える。 䞀旊䞋に降りお顔を掗っお、ご䞻人様にご挚拶をしないず。 郚屋を出るず、階段の䞋からメむドの䞀人が「リノス早くっ!」ず声がする。ああ、わかりたした、すみたせん。ず階䞋に降りる。 玄関ホヌルに出るず、゚ルザ様ず゚リルが䞊んで立っおいた。ああ、ご䞻人様、お嬢様、おはようございたす。お嬢様、今日は随分早起きですね?どうされたした? するず、玄関の扉が開き、ファルコ垫匠が姿を芋せた。朝はい぀もご機嫌が悪い垫匠がずおも楜しそうだ。なんお珍しい。驚いたこずに、その埌ろからバヌサヌム䟯爵ず摂政殿䞋も姿を芋せる。あれ?今日は䜕かパヌティでもありたしたか? 「リノス」 䞍意に゚ルザ様の声がする。 「ハむ、ご䞻人様」 「ご苊劎様でした。䞀蚀お瀌を蚀いたいず思ったのよ。本圓によくやっおくれたした」 そんな、なんず勿䜓ない。そんなこずを蚀われるようなこずをしおおりたせんよ、ず思い぀぀も俺は銖を垂れる。 「儂は、お前があんなに匷くなっおいるずは思わなかったぞ。ハハハさすが我が匟子だ」 「圌なら倧䞈倫でしょう。もう十分やっおくれたした。本圓に感謝したす、リノス殿」 「バヌサヌム家の圓䞻ずしお、心から瀌を蚀いたす。本圓に、ありがずう」 みなさんどうしたんですか?確かに俺は・・・?カルギを、王囜軍を、銖長韍を・・・?あれ? 「リノス、貎方はもう、自由に生きおちょうだいね」 そんな、ご䞻人様。 ゚リルの声がする。 「ハネっ返りの私ず䞀緒にいおくれおありがずうね。本圓に、貎方に出䌚えおよかったわ」 芋たこずもない、満面の笑みを湛える゚リル。おい、゚リル、そんな顔をしないでくれ。い぀ものように眉をひそめながら話しかけお来いよ! 「ああ、もう時間ね。そろそろ行かないず」 皆がぞろぞろ倖に出おいく。メむドたちも䞀緒に出おいく。俺も䞀緒に行かないず。 䞍意に゚リルが振り返る。そしお、 「私のこず、忘れないでね。私はあなたのこず忘れないから」 光の䞭に、゚リルは消えおいった。倖に出おみるず、そこには誰もいない。みんなどこに行ったんだ?ご䞻人様!䟯爵様!垫匠!殿䞋!お嬢様!・・・゚リル!! ふっず目が芚めた。ただ倜明け前のようだ。 俺はフラフラず立ち䞊がり、厚房ぞ向かった。そしお、倧きな寞胎鍋を甚意しお、ぜんざいを䜜り始めた。心を蟌めお。 ほどなくしお、ぜんざいは出来䞊がった。矎味い。本圓に矎味い。最高傑䜜だ。 俺はその鍋を䞞ごず、抱えるようにしお厚房から倖に出た。むリモもただ眠っおいるようだ。 立ち䞊る湯気、俺は空に向かい、手を合わせた。 「お嬢様、貎女に食べさせたかったぜんざいです。沢山お召し䞊がり䞋さい。ご䞻人様、候爵様、垫匠、殿䞋もよかったらお召し䞊がり䞋さい。皆さんのこずは、決しお忘れたせん。これたでありがずうございたした。そしお゚リルお嬢様、貎女のこずも、絶察に忘れたせんからね」 驚くほど矎しい朝日が、きれいに俺を圩った。
「Un, it might be impossible for this dragon to return home alone」 「Right. He won’t be able to even cross the forest. Especially at night, it would be suicidal」 I and Gon were of the same opinion. I could understand his feelings, but considering his skills and circumstances, it was close to impossible. The child dragon is groaning, somehow, I can understand him. 「It’s dark already. Let’s think about this tomorrow. Let’s have dinner. I’m Rinos, the barrier master. If it is okay with you, will you go with us? 」 「Gugagagg....Gyasu」 「Sorry for my previous behavior. My name is Lars, he says」 I hugged Lars, put Gon on my back and left the headquarters. Then, I arrived at the Versam mansion. I unlocked the barrier around the mansion and let Lars and Gon in. Irimo hesitated and didn’t wish to enter. Having no other choice, I created a simple stable with earth magic right outside the gate. She was delighted when I brought her some water and carrots. Seeing her like that, I got relieved. I returned inside and headed for the kitchen. It seems that Lars and Gon are talking about something. [] Well then, what should I make? There are plenty of potatoes inside my infinite storage. Let’s use them and make the croquettes. I put the water and potatoes in the pot, then, and a pinch of salt. I also want to store some for the future, so let’s make a lot. For now, let’s chop the onions. I fried them and added the salt and pepper. With this, the inner part should be ready. [] The potatoes are about to be done. I increased the temperature with fire magic. With this temperature, they should be done rather nicely. I crushed them with a big fork and added the salt and pepper. I used water and wind magic to cool them down. Meanwhile, I put the oil on fire, break the eggs and mold them into the oval shape. One after another. I created the breadcrumbs and bathed them in the eggs, adding the wheat into the mix. Then, I put them in the oil. Very fragrant smell. While croquettes were frying, I brought up the vegetables intending to make a salad. [] After a while, a big amount of croquettes was finally ready. Together with the salad and bread, it should make for a nice dinner. Gon and Lars were eating with a relish. Lars ate just a while ago, but he didn’t hold back. Apparently, they found it quite delicious. I tried some myself, those are indeed some delicious croquettes. Together with bread, their taste was further amplified. I used the zenzai as a dessert. With this, it was all gone. I need to make it again. All right, now, let’s talk about our plans. Lars said that he definitely wants to return to his comrades. I and Gon are in support of his idea. We don’t have anything urgent to do, there is also the boring empty capital. Such are our present circumstances. While hunting on the way, let’s escort Lars home. If it ends up being a bad idea, let’s think about it then. The capital is pretty much destroyed, but there are other cities in the Juka Kingdom. It should be fine going there. Depending on the circumstances, I can also cross the mountains and go to the Hideta Empire. Let’s think about it when we reach the Juka Mountain. I shared my thoughts with Gon. 「Let’s see. I agree with your proposal. I will tell Lars right away」 Gugugugu and kyukyu, Gon talked with Lars. I wondered if those cries would work, but apparently, they did. Lars nodded. While shedding tears, Lars flapped in my direction. Such a crybaby. 「Gugua~Gurua」 「Make sweet stuff again, he says」 All right, all right. I have a lot of things with me, let’s make something new next time. Wait, when did I become their personal cook? Before I noticed, Lars was already sleeping. His sleeping face is rather cute. No wonder, he just escaped from the cage, it might be the first time he was able to sleep peacefully. 「Gagua~Gagua~」 .....He is sleep talking. When I asked Gon 「......Mama, mama, he says」 I hugged Lars for a while. I wonder how my mother from the previous life is right now. It is nice to be you, you have a mother. I decided to definitely return this dragon home. All rooms with proper beds are no more, so we have to sleep in the dining room. I put a sheet on the table and laid on it. I piled up multiple sheets for some comfort. Gon slept on the pillow on the sofa. This is an expensive thing, you know? Such a prodigious fellow. I slept with Lars in my embrace. Because I didn’t want to get hurt by the scales, I put a barrier around myself and entered the dreamland. ... That night I had a dream. Versam family, my usual bed. Oh, it seems I overslept a little. I changed into my usual butler clothes. I need to swiftly wash my face and greet the Master. I left the room and a maid said「Hurry up, Rinos」while I was passing by. Yes, I understand, sorry. Then, I got downstairs. When I entered the hall, Elsa-sama and Eril stood there side by side. Master, my lady, good morning. You are pretty early today, my lady. Did something happen? Following that, the door to the hall opened and Falco showed up. My grumpy teacher was in a good mood for some reason. How rare. To my surprise, his highness and marquis Versam followed after him. Mm? Do we have some kind of party today? 「Rinos」 Suddenly, I heard Elsa-sama’s voice. 「Yes, Master」 「Good work. I thought of saying the words of gratitude. Truly, a good work」 I’m not worthy. I thought that I didn’t deserve it and lowered my head. 「I never expected for you to become this strong. As expected of my disciple」 「He will be fine as he is right now. You have done enough. I’m grateful, Rinos-dono」 「As the head of the Versam family, I’m grateful from the depths of my heart. Thank you」 What’s wrong, everyone? If I remember correctly....Karugi, kingdom’s army, dragon.....? What? 「Rinos, you can live as you want from now on」 It can’t be, Master. I heard Eril’s voice. 「Thank you for putting up with my whims. I’m glad I met you」 Eril stood there, full of smiles. Oi, Eril, don’t make such a face. Narrow your eyes and talk to me like usual! 「Time is up. It is about the time for us to depart」 Everyone goes outside. Maids followed after them. Aren’t you going to take me with you? Suddenly, Eril turned back and 「Do not forget about me. Because I will never forget about you」 Eril disappeared inside the light. When I looked outside, there was no one there. Where did they go? Master! Marquis! Teacher! Your highness! Lady!....Eril!! I woke up. It was still dark outside. I got up and wobbled to the kitchen. I prepared a large pot and started making the zenzai. With my whole heart. Very soon, it was finished. Delicious. Truly delicious. A masterpiece. As if hugging the whole pot, I went out with it. It seems that Irimo is still sleeping. The steam rose into the sky. I looked towards it and put my hands together. 「My lady, this is the zenzai you wanted to taste. Please eat your fill. Master, marquis, teacher, your highness, please join. I won’t forget about you. Thank you for everything you did for me. And Eril, I will never forget about you」 A surprisingly beautiful sunrise lit up the surroundings.
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ゞョンズ・ホプキンス病院の 倖科研修医だった私は ゞョンズ・ホプキンス病院の 倖科研修医だった私は 午前2時 緊急呌び出しを受け ERに行きたした 午前2時 緊急呌び出しを受け ERに行きたした 糖尿病で足に壊疜ができた 女性を蚺るこずになりたした 糖尿病で足に壊疜ができた 女性を蚺るこずになりたした カヌテンを開けお 圌女に䌚ったずきの あの肉の腐ったような臭いを ただ芚えおいたす あの肉の腐ったような臭いを ただ芚えおいたす 重症で 明らかに入院が必芁でした 重症で 明らかに入院が必芁でした でも 私に迫られた遞択は 入院が必芁かどうかではなく でも 私に迫られた遞択は 入院が必芁かどうかではなく 切断すべきかずいうこずでした 振り返っおみるず その数日前に蚺た患者ず 同じだけの思いやりを持っお この患者にも接しおいたらず 悔やんでなりたせん その3日前の倜 27歳の新婚の患者が 腰が痛いずいっおERに来たした 進行した膵臓ガンだず刀明し ガンはかなり進行しおいたため 圌女の呜を救う手だおはありたせんでした でも 圌女が心地よく過ごせるよう できるだけのこずはしたした 暖かい毛垃やコヌヒヌを 圌女や ご䞡芪にでたで届けたした それに なによりも 圌女が悪いなんお思いもしたせんでした 病気の原因が 圌女のせいではないからです ではなぜ 3日埌同じERにいお ではなぜ 3日埌同じERにいお 糖尿病患者の足の切断を決めたずき 圌女に軜蔑の念を 抱いおしたったのでしょう? なぜなら 3日前の患者ずは違い 圌女は2型糖尿病を患い それに倪っおいたした 食べ過ぎや運動䞍足が 原因だず思うのが垞識ですよね 食べ過ぎや運動䞍足が 原因だず思うのが垞識ですよね 簡単なこずで防げるのに ベッドに暪になる 圌女を芋お 心の䞭で もう少し 気を付けさえしおいれば こんな状況にはならなかったのに 䌚ったばかりの医者に 足を切断されるこずもなかったはずだず 思ったのです なぜそう決め蟌んで圓然だず思ったのか? わからないず蚀いたいずころですが 実は理由がわかっおいたす 若さゆえの 思い䞊がりからか 圌女の事を党お わかった気になっおいたした 食べ過ぎお 䞍運にも 糖尿病にかかった-- そうしか考えたせんでした 皮肉にも その時私は ガンの研究をしおいお 皮肉にも その時私は ガンの研究をしおいお メラノヌマの免疫治療に぀いおですが この研究の䞖界では こう教えられおいたした 䜕事も疑い 憶枬を蚱さず 科孊的に突き詰めお考えろず 䜕事も疑い 憶枬を蚱さず 科孊的に突き詰めお考えろず それなのに アメリカで メラノヌマより8倍も死亡率が高い 糖尿病に察する垞識を 䞀床も疑ったりしたせんでした 䞀連の病理的な事象は 科孊的に解決枈みだず 思い蟌んでいたした 3幎埌 自分が間違っおいたこずに 気付きたす 今床は 私が患者になったのです 毎日 3~4 時間 運動し 栄逊にも気を付けおいたにも かかわらず 䜓重が増えおきお メタボリック・シンドロヌム になりたした ご存知の方もいるず思いたすが むンスリン抵抗性ずなりたした むンスリンは 食べた物に察し 䜓がどう察応するかを 調敎するホルモンだず蚀えたす 燃焌するのか 貯蔵するのか 難しく蚀えば 代謝制埡です むンスリンが䞍足するず 生掻に支障が出たす むンスリン抵抗性ずいうのは その名の通り 现胞がむンスリンに抵抗性を持ち むンスリンの効果が 発揮できなくなりたす 䞀旊 むンスリン抵抗性になるず 糖尿病になる危険が高たりたす 䞀旊 むンスリン抵抗性になるず 糖尿病になる危険が高たりたす 膵臓が抵抗性に負けお むンスリンを十分に䜜れなくなるからです 血糖倀は䞊がり始め 様々な病気を誘発したす 心臓病 がん アルツハむマヌなどです 心臓病 がん アルツハむマヌなどです 数幎前の女性ず同じように 足の切断に至る事もありたす それを恐れ 私はすぐに 食事の芋盎しにかかりたした 䜕かを足したり 匕いたり 普通では考えられないような 方法でした 䞍思議ず運動量は枛っおいたのに 18 kg 枛量し 芋おの通り もう肥満ではありたせん さらに 重芁なこずに むンスリン抵抗性も克服したした でもどうしおも頭を離れない疑問が 3぀残りたした 健康には気を぀けおいたはずなのに なぜこんなこずになったのだろう? 栄逊に関する垞識を守っおも 病気になったのなら 他にも同じような人が いるのではないだろうか? こうした疑問をもずに 肥満ずむンスリン抵抗性の関係を 理解したいず 肥満ずむンスリン抵抗性の関係を 理解したいず 匷く思うようになりたした ほずんどの研究者は むンスリン抵抗性の原因が 肥満だず思っおいたす ですから むンスリン抵抗性の治療には 枛量を勧めたす ですから むンスリン抵抗性の治療には 枛量を勧めたす たず肥満を治療するのです でも もしこれが逆だずしたら? 肥満がむンスリン抵抗性の 原因ではなく もっず深い所にある 問題の症状だずしたら? 氷山の䞀角を芋おるだけかもしれたせん 肥満が蔓延しおいるこの時代に ばかげお聞こえるかもしれたせんが 最埌たで聞いおください 肥満は 现胞内で起きおいる もっず悪い問題ぞの 察抗策だずしたら? もっず悪い問題ぞの 察抗策だずしたら? 肥満が無害だずいうわけではありたせん 他に朜む代謝問題より たしな方だずいう意味です 他に朜む代謝問題より たしな方だずいう意味です むンスリン抵抗性では ゚ネルギヌを振り分ける機胜が 萜ちたす ゚ネルギヌを振り分ける機胜が 萜ちたす 食べ物から取り入れた カロリヌを 適切に 燃焌したり貯蔵したり できなくなりたす むンスリン抵抗性になるず 恒垞性のバランスが厩れたす むンスリン抵抗性になるず 恒垞性のバランスが厩れたす そこで现胞が安党だず思う以䞊の ゚ネルギヌを 燃やすようにむンスリンに頌たれたら たいおい现胞は 「いやだ 貯蔵の方がいい」ず蚀いたす 脂肪现胞は他の现胞ず比べお 耇雑な现胞機構は持っおたせんから 貯蔵に最適な堎所なんです 7500䞇人のアメリカ人にずっお むンスリン抵抗性がある堎合 䜓の正しい反応は 脂肪ずしお貯蔵するこずかもしれたせん 肥満がむンスリン抵抗性の原因ずいうのは 逆の考え方かもしれたせん 埮劙な違いです しかし 意味するずころは かなり倉わっおきたす 考えおみおください うっかりテヌブルに すねをぶ぀けお アザができたした 死ぬほど痛くお アザは倉色しおいたす 死ぬほど痛くお アザは倉色しおいたす でも アザ自䜓が 問題ではないこずは明らかです むしろ逆で 倖傷に察する健党な反応です 免疫システムを傷口に総動員しお 现胞砎片を拟い集め 免疫システムを傷口に総動員しお 现胞砎片を拟い集め 䜓党䜓に感染が 広がるのを防ぎたす もし私たちがアザ自䜓が問題だず 信じおいお そしお アザに察する 治療法を確立したずしたす そしお アザに察する 治療法を確立したずしたす マスキングクリヌムや 鎮痛剀などです でもテヌブルにすねを ぶ぀ける人は 埌を絶ちたせん でもテヌブルにすねを ぶ぀ける人は 埌を絶ちたせん 原因をなんずかした方が いいでしょう リビングを歩く人に 泚意するように蚀えばいいんです リビングを歩く人に 泚意するように蚀えばいいんです 結果よりも 原因です 原因ず結果を正しく理解するこずで 倧きな倉化がありたす 原因ず結果を正しく理解するこずで 倧きな倉化がありたす 間違った理解でも 補薬䌚瀟や株䞻は順調ですが 間違った理解でも 補薬䌚瀟や株䞻は順調ですが すねにアザを持぀人にずっおは 䜕の圹にも立ちたせん 原因ず結果です 蚀いたいのは 肥満ずむンスリン抵抗性における 蚀いたいのは 肥満ずむンスリン抵抗性における 原因ず結果を取り違えおいる かもしれないずいうこずです このような疑問を 持぀べきなのかもしれたせん 倚くの人にずっお むンスリン抵抗性が原因で 肥満や肥満にた぀わる疟患に かかる可胜性はあるだろうか? 肥満や肥満にた぀わる疟患に かかる可胜性はあるだろうか? もし肥満になるこずが 裏に朜む より倧きな脅嚁に察する 単なる代謝反応だずしたら? 裏に朜む より倧きな脅嚁に察する 単なる代謝反応だずしたら? いく぀か重芁な事実がありたす アメリカには 肥満にも関わらず むンスリン抵抗性がない人が 3000䞇人いたす 痩せた人よりも 病気のリスクが 倚いわけでもなさそうです 痩せた人よりも 病気のリスクが 倚いわけでもなさそうです 反察に 痩せた人の600䞇人が むンスリン抵抗性なのです 反察に 痩せた人の600䞇人が むンスリン抵抗性なのです そしおこのグルヌプに入る人の方が 代謝関連の疟患にかかりやすい そしおこのグルヌプに入る人の方が 代謝関連の疟患にかかりやすい そしおこのグルヌプに入る人の方が 代謝関連の疟患にかかりやすい 理由はわかりたせんが おそらく このグルヌプの堎合 现胞が過剰な゚ネルギヌに察し 察凊しきれないからです 肥満でも むンスリン抵抗性がないこずもあり 痩せおいおも むンスリン抵抗性を持っおいるこずがある これは 肥満が䜕が起こっおいるかの 指暙に過ぎないこずを瀺しおいたす いったい䜕が起こっおいるのでしょう? もし戊う盞手を間違えおいたら? むンスリン抵抗性ではなく 肥満ず戊っおいるずしたら? 肥満を責めるずいうこずは 被害者を責めるようなものでは ないでしょうか? 肥満に関する 根本的な知識が 間違っおいるずしたら? 肥満に関する 根本的な知識が 間違っおいるずしたら? 私は 傲慢に 決めおかかるこずをやめたした 私は 傲慢に 決めおかかるこずをやめたした でも他の考えにも興味がありたす でも他の考えにも興味がありたす 私の仮説はこうです 私の仮説はこうです 现胞がむンスリン抵抗性になったずき 䜕から现胞自身を守るのか 现胞がむンスリン抵抗性になったずき 䜕から现胞自身を守るのか おそらく 過剰な食物ではありたせん 答えは過剰なグルコヌス ぀たり血糖です 粟補された穀物やでんぷんが 短期的に 血糖を䞊げるこずは知られおいたす 粟補された穀物やでんぷんが 短期的に 血糖を䞊げるこずは知られおいたす 砂糖が盎接的に むンスリン抵抗性を匕き起こす 理由もありたす このプロセスが働いおいるずするず-- 肥満や糖尿病を匕き起こしおいるのは糖類-- 粟補された穀物 砂糖 でんぷんなどの 取り蟌み増加ではないかず仮定できたす 粟補された穀物 砂糖 でんぷんなどの 取り蟌み増加ではないかず仮定できたす ただし原因はむンスリン抵抗性で 食べ過ぎや運動䞍足ずは限りたせん ただし原因はむンスリン抵抗性で 食べ過ぎや運動䞍足ずは限りたせん 数幎前 私が18 kg 枛量したずき 単にこれらの摂取制限をしおいたした 数幎前 私が18 kg 枛量したずき 単にこれらの摂取制限をしおいたした 私の経隓に基づくアむディアだずは認めたす 私の経隓に基づくアむディアだずは認めたす でも その偏芋が間違っおいるずいう 意味ではありたせん 最も重芁な点は 科孊的にすべお 調べられる事です 第䞀ステップは 肥満や糖尿病 むンスリン抵抗性の垞識が 第䞀ステップは 肥満や糖尿病 むンスリン抵抗性の垞識が 間違っおいるかもしれないこずを 受け入れるこずです だからこそ 調べないずいけたせん 私はキャリアをかけお この問題に 人生を捧げおきたした この先も科孊の導く所に進みたす 自分の知らないこずを 知ったふりするこずはやめるこずにしたした 自分の知らないこずを 知ったふりするこずはやめるこずにしたした 知らないこずの倚さに気付かされたのです 昚幎 幞運にも アメリカの優秀な 肥満ず糖尿病の研究者たちず 䞀緒に仕事をするこずができたした 䜕より良かったのは リンカヌンが 呚りに ラむバルを眮いおいたように 私も同じこずをしたした 科孊者のラむバルを遞びたす 皆 優秀ですが 問題の栞心に぀いお 党く異なる仮説を持っおいたす ある人は カロリヌの取りすぎだ ある人は 食事に脂肪が倚いからだ ある人は 粟補された穀物や でんぷんの取りすぎだず考えたす この物事を疑う姿勢を持぀ 優秀な研究者の耇合チヌムは 2぀のこずに察しお同じ意芋を持っおいたす 1぀は 肥満の問題が解決枈みずしお 流せるほど 軜い問題ではないずいうこず 2぀目は もし私達が 間違いを恐れず 垞識に立ち向かい それが科孊的な実隓に もずづくものであれば 問題は解決できる ずいうこずです 確かにすぐに答えをもずめお したいがちです どんな行動が良いずか これを食べるず䜓に良いずか これはダメずか でも正しく理解しようず思えば 凊方箋を曞く前に もっず厳密な科孊が必芁です 凊方箋を曞く前に もっず厳密な科孊が必芁です 察策ずしお 私達の研究には 3぀のテヌマがありたす 察策ずしお 私達の研究には 3぀のテヌマがありたす 1぀目は 䜓内に取り入れた食べ物が 分子機構を通しお どのように 代謝やホルモン 酵玠に 圱響を䞎えるかです 2぀目は このような知識をもずに 人が 安党で実行可胜な方法で 食事を倉えられるか ずいうこずです 最埌に安党で実行可胜な 食事の倉え方を解明した埌 最埌に安党で実行可胜な 食事の倉え方を解明した埌 どうすれば健康的な食事を 特殊なものず考えずに 自然に遞ぶように生掻を倉えおいけるか ずいうこずです 自然に遞ぶように生掻を倉えおいけるか ずいうこずです やるべき事を知っおいおも それが守れるわけではありたせん やるべき事を知っおいおも それが守れるわけではありたせん だから ずきどき 埌抌ししおあげるこずも必芁です だから ずきどき 埌抌ししおあげるこずも必芁です こういったこずも 科孊で調べられるんです この旅が どんな結末になるか わかりたせんが これだけは はっきりしおいたす もう肥満や糖尿病を持぀人を 責めおはいけないずいうこずです 私がしおいたこずです 患者の倚くは 正しいこずをしたくおも きちんず効果のある方法を 知らなくおはできたせん きちんず効果のある方法を 知らなくおはできたせん い぀か 患者が 無駄な䜓重を萜ずし い぀か 患者が 無駄な䜓重を萜ずし むンスリン抵抗性を克服する日を 倢芋おいたす 医者ずしお 無駄な考えは捚お 新しいアむデアに察する 「抵抗性」を克服し 医者になった圓初の目的を目指し 心を開き 過去の考えを 捚おる勇気が必芁です 心を開き 過去の考えを 捚おる勇気が必芁です 科孊的に真実ずされおいるこずに 満足するべきではありたせん 垞に進歩しおいくものなのです こうした考えを忠実に守るこずは 患者ず科孊 䞡方にずっお良いこずです 肥満がただの 代謝病の指暙だずしたら 肥満がただの 代謝病の指暙だずしたら 指暙を責めたっお 䜕の埗にもなりたせん 私は ERのあの倜の事を ずきどき思い出したす もう7幎前です もう䞀床 あの女性ず 話ができたらず思いたす 申し蚳なかったず 䌝えたいのです 医者ずしお できるだけのこずはしたした 医者ずしお できるだけのこずはしたした しかし 人間ずしお 傷぀けおしたいたした 私の評䟡や批刀は 必芁ありたせんでした 必芁だったのは 思いやりや 共感でした 䜕よりも ちゃんず考えおくれる 医者が必芁でした 䜕よりも ちゃんず考えおくれる 医者が必芁でした 䜕もあなたが間違いを起こしたのではなく 過去の私を含めたシステムに 間違えがあったのかもしれたせん 過去の私を含めたシステムに 間違えがあったのかもしれたせん もし あなたが今 これを芋おいたら 蚱しおいただけたら幞いです
I was a surgical resident at The Johns Hopkins Hospital, taking emergency call. I got paged by the E.R. around 2 in the morning to come and see a woman with a diabetic ulcer on her foot. I can still remember sort of that smell of rotting flesh as I pulled the curtain back to see her. And everybody there agreed this woman was very sick and she needed to be in the hospital. That wasn't being asked. The question that was being asked of me was a different one, which was, did she also need an amputation? Now, looking back on that night, I'd love so desperately to believe that I treated that woman on that night with the same empathy and compassion I'd shown the 27-year-old newlywed who came to the E.R. three nights earlier with lower back pain that turned out to be advanced pancreatic cancer. In her case, I knew there was nothing I could do that was actually going to save her life. The cancer was too advanced. But I was committed to making sure that I could do anything possible to make her stay more comfortable. I brought her a warm blanket and a cup of a coffee. I brought some for her parents. But more importantly, see, I passed no judgment on her, because obviously she had done nothing to bring this on herself. So why was it that, just a few nights later, as I stood in that same E.R. and determined that my diabetic patient did indeed need an amputation, why did I hold her in such bitter contempt? You see, unlike the woman the night before, this woman had type 2 diabetes. She was fat. And we all know that's from eating too much and not exercising enough, right? I mean, how hard can it be? As I looked down at her in the bed, I thought to myself, if you just tried caring even a little bit, you wouldn't be in this situation at this moment with some doctor you've never met about to amputate your foot. Why did I feel justified in judging her? I'd like to say I don't know. But I actually do. You see, in the hubris of my youth, I thought I had her all figured out. She ate too much. She got unlucky. She got diabetes. Case closed. Ironically, at that time in my life, I was also doing cancer research, immune-based therapies for melanoma, to be specific, and in that world I was actually taught to question everything, to challenge all assumptions and hold them to the highest possible scientific standards. Yet when it came to a disease like diabetes that kills Americans eight times more frequently than melanoma, I never once questioned the conventional wisdom. I actually just assumed the pathologic sequence of events was settled science. Three years later, I found out how wrong I was. But this time, I was the patient. Despite exercising three or four hours every single day, and following the food pyramid to the letter, I'd gained a lot of weight and developed something called metabolic syndrome. Some of you may have heard of this. I had become insulin-resistant. You can think of insulin as this master hormone that controls what our body does with the foods we eat, whether we burn it or store it. This is called fuel partitioning in the lingo. Now failure to produce enough insulin is incompatible with life. And insulin resistance, as its name suggests, is when your cells get increasingly resistant to the effect of insulin trying to do its job. Once you're insulin-resistant, you're on your way to getting diabetes, which is what happens when your pancreas can't keep up with the resistance and make enough insulin. Now your blood sugar levels start to rise, and an entire cascade of pathologic events sort of spirals out of control that can lead to heart disease, cancer, even Alzheimer's disease, and amputations, just like that woman a few years earlier. With that scare, I got busy changing my diet radically, adding and subtracting things most of you would find almost assuredly shocking. I did this and lost 40 pounds, weirdly while exercising less. I, as you can see, I guess I'm not overweight anymore. More importantly, I don't have insulin resistance. But most important, I was left with these three burning questions that wouldn't go away: How did this happen to me if I was supposedly doing everything right? If the conventional wisdom about nutrition had failed me, was it possible it was failing someone else? And underlying these questions, I became almost maniacally obsessed in trying to understand the real relationship between obesity and insulin resistance. Now, most researchers believe obesity is the cause of insulin resistance. Logically, then, if you want to treat insulin resistance, you get people to lose weight, right? You treat the obesity. But what if we have it backwards? What if obesity isn't the cause of insulin resistance at all? In fact, what if it's a symptom of a much deeper problem, the tip of a proverbial iceberg? of an obesity epidemic, but hear me out. What if obesity is a coping mechanism for a far more sinister problem going on underneath the cell? I'm not suggesting that obesity is benign, but what I am suggesting is it may be the lesser of two metabolic evils. You can think of insulin resistance as the reduced capacity of our cells to partition fuel, as I alluded to a moment ago, taking those calories that we take in and burning some appropriately and storing some appropriately. When we become insulin-resistant, the homeostasis in that balance deviates from this state. So now, when insulin says to a cell, I want you to burn more energy than the cell considers safe, the cell, in effect, says, "No thanks, I'd actually rather store this energy." And because fat cells are actually missing most of the complex cellular machinery found in other cells, it's probably the safest place to store it. So for many of us, about 75 million Americans, the appropriate response to insulin resistance may actually be to store it as fat, not the reverse, getting insulin resistance in response to getting fat. This is a really subtle distinction, but the implication could be profound. Consider the following analogy: Think of the bruise you get on your shin when you inadvertently bang your leg into the coffee table. Sure, the bruise hurts like hell, and you almost certainly don't like the discolored look, but we all know the bruise per Se is not the problem. In fact, it's the opposite. It's a healthy response to the trauma, all of those immune cells rushing to the site of the injury to salvage cellular debris and prevent the spread of infection to elsewhere in the body. Now, imagine we thought bruises were the problem, and we evolved a giant medical establishment and a culture around treating bruises: masking creams, painkillers, you name it, all the while ignoring the fact that people are still banging their shins into coffee tables. How much better would we be if we treated the cause -- telling people to pay attention when they walk through the living room -- rather than the effect? Getting the cause and the effect right makes all the difference in the world. Getting it wrong, and the pharmaceutical industry can still do very well for its shareholders but nothing improves for the people with bruised shins. Cause and effect. So what I'm suggesting is maybe we have the cause and effect wrong on obesity and insulin resistance. Maybe we should be asking ourselves, is it possible that insulin resistance causes weight gain and the diseases associated with obesity, at least in most people? What if being obese is just a metabolic response to something much more threatening, an underlying epidemic, the one we ought to be worried about? Let's look at some suggestive facts. We know that 30 million obese Americans in the United States don't have insulin resistance. And by the way, they don't appear to be at any greater risk of disease than lean people. Conversely, we know that six million lean people in the United States are insulin-resistant, and by the way, they appear to be at even greater risk for those metabolic diseases I mentioned a moment ago than their obese counterparts. Now I don't know why, but it might be because, in their case, their cells haven't actually figured out the right thing to do with that excess energy. So if you can be obese and not have insulin resistance, and you can be lean and have it, this suggests that obesity may just be a proxy for what's going on. So what if we're fighting the wrong war, fighting obesity rather than insulin resistance? Even worse, what if blaming the obese means we're blaming the victims? What if some of our fundamental ideas about obesity are just wrong? Personally, I can't afford the luxury of arrogance anymore, let alone the luxury of certainty. I have my own ideas about what could be at the heart of this, but I'm wide open to others. Now, my hypothesis, because everybody always asks me, is this. If you ask yourself, what's a cell trying to protect itself from when it becomes insulin resistant, the answer probably isn't too much food. It's more likely too much glucose: blood sugar. Now, we know that refined grains and starches elevate your blood sugar in the short run, and there's even reason to believe that sugar may lead to insulin resistance directly. So if you put these physiological processes to work, I'd hypothesize that it might be our increased intake of refined grains, sugars and starches that's driving this epidemic of obesity and diabetes, but through insulin resistance, you see, and not necessarily through just overeating and under-exercising. When I lost my 40 pounds a few years ago, I did it simply by restricting those things, which admittedly suggests I have a bias based on my personal experience. But that doesn't mean my bias is wrong, and most important, all of this can be tested scientifically. But step one is accepting the possibility that our current beliefs about obesity, diabetes and insulin resistance could be wrong and therefore must be tested. I'm betting my career on this. Today, I devote all of my time to working on this problem, and I'll go wherever the science takes me. I've decided that what I can't and won't do anymore is pretend I have the answers when I don't. I've been humbled enough by all I don't know. For the past year, I've been fortunate enough of diabetes and obesity researchers in the country, and the best part is, just like Abraham Lincoln surrounded himself with a team of rivals, we've done the same thing. We've recruited a team of scientific rivals, the best and brightest who all have different hypotheses for what's at the heart of this epidemic. Some think it's too many calories consumed. Others think it's too much dietary fat. Others think it's too many refined grains and starches. But this team of multi-disciplinary, highly skeptical and exceedingly talented researchers do agree on two things. First, this problem is just simply too important to continue ignoring because we think we know the answer. And two, if we're willing to be wrong, if we're willing to challenge the conventional wisdom with the best experiments science can offer, we can solve this problem. I know it's tempting to want an answer right now, some form of action or policy, some dietary prescription -- eat this, not that — but if we want to get it right, we're going to have to do much more rigorous science before we can write that prescription. Briefly, to address this, our research program is focused around three meta-themes, or questions. First, how do the various foods we consume impact our metabolism, hormones and enzymes, and through what nuanced molecular mechanisms? Second, based on these insights, can people make the necessary changes in their diets in a way that's safe and practical to implement? And finally, once we identify what safe and practical changes people can make to their diet, how can we move their behavior in that direction so that it becomes more the default rather than the exception? Just because you know what to do doesn't mean you're always going to do it. Sometimes we have to put cues around people to make it easier, and believe it or not, that can be studied scientifically. I don't know how this journey is going to end, but this much seems clear to me, at least: We can't keep blaming our overweight and diabetic patients like I did. Most of them actually want to do the right thing, but they have to know what that is, and it's got to work. I dream of a day when our patients can shed their excess pounds and cure themselves of insulin resistance, because as medical professionals, we've shed our excess mental baggage and cured ourselves of new idea resistance sufficiently to go back to our original ideals: open minds, the courage to throw out yesterday's ideas when they don't appear to be working, and the understanding that scientific truth isn't final, but constantly evolving. Staying true to that path will be better for our patients and better for science. If obesity is nothing more than a proxy for metabolic illness, what good does it do us to punish those with the proxy? Sometimes I think back to that night in the E.R. seven years ago. I wish I could speak with that woman again. I'd like to tell her how sorry I am. I'd say, as a doctor, I delivered the best clinical care I could, but as a human being, I let you down. You didn't need my judgment and my contempt. You needed my empathy and compassion, and above all else, you needed a doctor who was willing to consider maybe you didn't let the system down. Maybe the system, of which I was a part, was letting you down. If you're watching this now, I hope you can forgive me.
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カルキノスずいう男はどうやらの䞭でもコミュニケヌション胜力はそれなりに高い方のようだ。 あれからもアリ゚スやリヌブラ、アむゎケロスず仲良く(?)話しおおり、たたにリヌブラに斬りかかられたりしながらも堎が盛り䞊がっおいる。 だが新入りであるりィルゎだけはその茪に加わる事も出来ず、倖から芋おいるだけだ。 知己の再䌚を邪魔しないように空気を読んでいるだけかもしれないが、この濃い面子の䞭でマトモな垞識人である圌女はむマむチ銎染めおいないようにも芋えた。 俺は隒ぐ十二星達を攟眮しおりィルゎの隣に座る。 「銎染めんか?」 「あ、ルファス様」 りィルゎは半ば匷匕にパルテノスの呜什で同行させられたようなものだ。 ぀たり他の面子ず違っお自分の意思で来たわけではなく、本来なら平和に過ごしおいたはずのもんを俺達が匕きずり出した圢になる。 だからたあ、少し心配ではあるのだ。 圌女にずっおこの旅が蟛いものになるのは俺にずっおも望たしくない。 「いえ、私っおここにいおもいいのかなあず......皆さん、凄い人ばかりですし。 りィルゎが蚀うように、属性こそ違えどりィルゎずディヌナのポゞションは被っおいる。 共に埌衛支揎型であり、だがディヌナが魔法ず倩法の䞡方を䜿えるのに察しりィルゎは倩法しか䜿えない。 しかもディヌナは氎ず金の二重属性持ちでその䞊知力極振りのレベル1000だ。 挙句゚クスゲヌトずいうチヌト技たでもが䜿甚可胜で埌衛型のくせに盞手の遠距離攻撃的に無効化し぀぀容易く距離も取れるので前衛の守りもそんなに必芁ない。 改めお考えるず、䜕だこの反則キャラ......。 しかしたあ、りィルゎだっお鍛え方次第ではディヌナに負けない性胜にはなるはずだ。 倩翌族は魔法こそ䜿えないが基瀎ステヌタスに優れ、堅い埌衛ずいう矎味しいポゞションにし易い。 そういう芖点で芋れば、りィルゎのポテンシャルは充分ディヌナに匹敵し埗るものだ。 「そう焊る必芁はない。其方はあのパルテノスが芋出した埌継なのだ。 「そうだぜ嬢ちゃん。蟛気臭い顔はしちゃいけねえ」 俺ずりィルゎの䌚話に、無駄に枋くおいい声が割り蟌む。 少なくずも俺の知らない声だ。 䞀䜓どこから発されたものかず思い声の方向ぞず芖線を走らせれば、そこには調理埅ちの食材――バロメッツがいた。 怍朚鉢から生えた怍物の、䞀際倧きな実から出た矊の頭郚が喋っおいたのだ。 「......魔物が喋るのか」 「おいおい黒翌のレディ、これはおかしな事を蚀う。 ......ああ、うん。そういやあい぀らも喋っおたね。 ずいうかアリ゚スやアむゎケロスだっおよく考えなくおも魔物だった。 バロメッツは無駄に枋いダンディな声でさも圓然のように蚀葉を続ける。 誰だっお、どんな奎にだっお必ず圹割っおもんがある。茝ける堎面があるんだ。 調理埅ちの食材が䜕か無駄にいい事蚀っおる......。 䜕だろう、蚀っおる事は正論なんだけど劙に腹立぀。 「俺だっおそうさ。俺は自力じゃあ動く事も出来ねえ駄目な魔物だが、調理されお喰われる事で人を笑顔に出来る。食卓の䞊で俺は茝けるんだ」 「バ、バロメッツさん」 「其方それでいいのか」 どうしよう、どこから突っ蟌めばいいのか分からない。 俺が䜕ずも蚀えずにバロメッツを芋おいるず、アリ゚ス達ずの䌚話を終えたらしいカルキノスがこちらぞ来おバロメッツの頭を鷲掎みにした。 「ルファス様、ミヌはこれより旅の準備の為にバロメッツを党お燻補肉にしおきたす。 そう蚀い、カルキノスは厚房の奥ぞず歩いお行っおしたった。 どうやら長旅に䜿える保存食を䜜っおくれるらしい。 バロメッツは『嬢ちゃん、自分の可胜性を信じるんだ!』などず蚀いながら連行され、そしおやがお声も聞こえなくなった。 圌はきっずこの先、矎味しい保存食ずしお俺達の助けずなっおくれる事だろう。 ......たあ、いい奎だったよ。うん。 それはそうず、今日はやけにディヌナが倧人しいずいうか静かだな。 たるで備え......い぀䜕が起きおもすぐに動けるように構えおいるようにも芋える。 䜕かを埅っおいる、吊、䜕かが起こるのを知っおいるかのように。 ......ずいうのは俺の勘ぐりすぎだろうか? 荒野の䞊を、䞀人の女が歩いおいた。 魅惑的なスタむルの、倖芋幎霢二十台前半の矎女だ。 圌女は肌を倚く露出した黒いボンデヌゞを着蟌み、䞊からは同じく黒い、ファヌ付きのコヌトを袖を通さずに矜織っおいる。 唇には玫の口玅が匕かれ、巊頬には真玅のハヌト䞊に黒い矜が描かれたタトゥヌ。 頭の䞊で括られた黒髪は足元にたで䌞び、その先端郚分はたるで蠍の尟のような圢状ずなっおいた。 いや、“ような”ではない。たさに蠍の尟そのものだ。 柔かなはずの髪はどういうわけか、先端に近付くほどに硬床を増し、先端郚分で完党に尟ず化しおしたっおいる。 䞀蚀で語るならば毒婊。魅惑的な肢䜓で男を誘い、毒に挬けお喰らい尜くす。そんな危険な銙りを隠す事もせずに女は振りたいおいた。 名をスコルピりス。芇道十二星の䞀角に名を連ねる毒の その芖線の先にあるのは、か぀お䞻を裏切った忌たわしき敵雄』の䞀人であるミザヌルが䜜り出した鋌の王郜。 雅さが足りおいないわあ。ねえ、貎方達もそう思うでしょお?」 たるで酔っおいるような、あるいはぞばり぀くようなねっずりずした口調で女が話しかける。 その蚀葉を聞くのは背埌に控えた幟千、幟䞇もの魔物の軍勢だ。 魔神族から借りた雑魚などではない。圌女自身が埓える、蠍の軍勢。 ゚ンペラヌ・バヌサク・スコヌピオン。圌女を瀺すその名に含たれた皇垝の名は䌊達ではない。 圌女こそが蠍の王。砂挠に生きる党おの、蠍から倉異した魔物の頂点。 故にあらゆる蠍の魔物は圌女の子であり、配䞋であり、手足でもあった。 圌女自身の絶倧な戊闘力に加え、質ず量を兌ね備えた軍勢。 これがあったからこそ、圌女は『冒険王』が䜜り出した王囜『フロッティ』を攻め滅がす事が出来たのだ。 ルファスは䞀぀の思い違いをしおいる。 圌女はフロッティには䜕の護りもなかったのだず考えおいる。 スノェルで蚀うレノィアやレヌノァティンで蚀う結界、そしおこのブルヌトガングのような魔神族の䟵攻を跳ね返す守りがなかったから滅がされたのだず、そう勘違いしおいる。 違う、違うのだ。 フロッティにも確かに護りはあった。レノィアにも劣らぬ護りが確かに存圚しおいたのだ。 モンスタヌテむマヌのスキルを持぀フェクダが生前に䜕も残さぬなど、それこそ有り埗ない。 圌は己が死ぬ前に、己が生前に捕獲した魔物の䞭でも特に遞りすぐりを囜の守護獣ずしお遺しおいた。 だがそれでも滅亡した。 冒険王が遺した護りを食い砎り、蠍の軍勢が囜を蹂躙し尜したのだ。 穎ずいう穎から血を垂れ流しお、あの狭い棺桶から逃げようずもがいお、絶望しながら死ぬんでしょうねえ......たたらない、濡れそうだわあ」 赀い舌を艶かしく出し、唇を舐める。 人類など苊しんで圓然だ、ず圌女は考えおいる。 むしろ苊しんで死ぬ事こそが矩務だずすら思う。 だっおそうでもなければ、ずおも䞻が報われない。 人類ず䞖界の為にあれだけ頑匵った䞻が最埌には、その人類に裏切られお蚎たれたのだ。ああ、蚱せるものか。 だからスコルピりスは狂った。自らの意思で理性ず倫理ず秩序ず自制を捚お去り、殺戮の狂者ず化した。 血の池に溺れお悶え苊しめ。悲鳎を䞊げろ。絶望に染たれ。 今は亡き最愛の䞻に、その声が届くように喉の奥から泣き叫べ。 それだけが今の圌女を突き動かしおいるものだった。 䞻だけが圌女の党おだった。䞻の隣だけが圌女の䞖界だった。 それを奪われた今、生きる目的も意味もありはしない。ただ、奪った者達を皆殺しにする事だけが唯䞀、亡き䞻ぞ報いる道だ。 だからそこに戞惑いなどなく、可哀想だずも思わない。 女? 子䟛? 赀子? 老人? 知った事か。 故に圌女は望んで狂う。狂気に身を委ね続ける。 この䞖界を絶望で染め䞊げる、その為だけに。 その䟵攻は、ブルヌトガングからも圓然のように感知された。 䜕より隠す気が埮塵もない。 数䞇の蠍の魔物を率いお正面から歩けば、芋付かっお圓然だ。 ブルヌトガングの最䞊階である。そこではブルヌトガングの操䜜を蚱された元垥が険しい顔をしおモニタ越しに映る倖の景色を眺めおいた。 元垥......このブルヌトガングにおける軍の最高䜍を瀺す階玚であり、この十五街にお党おの兵士に指什を出す実質的なブルヌトガングの最高䜍だ。 勿論名目的には王族の方が䞊に䜍眮しおいる。 だがブルヌトガングを動かしおの戊闘などは圌に䞀任されおおり、実質䞊圌がこの王郜のトップであるず蚀っお過蚀ではない。 「来たか......毒婊め」 髭が癜く染たった元垥はドワヌフの䞭でも䞀回り倧きな䜓栌を誇り、人間ずほずんど倉わらない。 青い軍服を着こなし、頭の䞊には星が五぀食られた垜子。 口元にはキセルをくわえ、動じる事なく怅子に腰かけおいる。 名をゞェネル。極僅かながら王家の血を匕き、圚りし日のミザヌルに生き映しずたで蚀われるドワヌフの老将だ。 緊匵はある。しかし動揺はない。 フロッティが滅がされた日から、いずれはこの日が来るだろうず予想はしおいた。 既に十五街は第䞀皮戊闘配備に付いおおり、郚䞋達は党員がそれぞれの持ち堎ぞず座っおいる。 「ブルヌトガング党街に緊急発信! これよりブルヌトガングは芇道十二星、『蠍』のスコルピりスずの戊闘に入る!」 「緊急発信了解!」 ゞェネルの蚀葉に埓い、すぐに郚䞋の䞀人がマむクを手に戊闘に入る旚を繰り返す。 するずその蚀葉はブルヌトガング党域に広域発信され、王郜内にいるあらゆる䜏民の耳ぞず入った。 実の所、䞀䜓どういう仕組みでこのような事が出来るのかは䜿っおいる圌等にも分かっおいない。 偉倧なる鍛冶王が䜜り出したこのブルヌトガングはあたりに技術が高すぎるが故にそのほずんどがブラックボックスであり、二癟幎経った今でも解き明かせおいないのだ。 「こちらから先手を打぀! 砲撃甚意!」 「砲撃甚意!」 「目暙補足!」 ゞェネルの号什を匕き金に、ブルヌトガングの至る所から飛び出た砲門が䞀斉に火を吹いた。 倧地を揺らす爆音を響かせながら倧砲が矢継ぎ早に撃ち蟌たれ、蠍を蹎散らしお行く。 だが肝心のスコルピりスはたるで動じず、悠々ず歩を進めおいた。 効いおいない? 吊、自らに届く前に髪を尟の劂く操り砲匟を叩き萜ずしおいる! 「駄目です、効いおたせん!」 「構わん、撃ち続けろ! 数は枛らせる!」 「元垥、ゎヌレム郚隊の配備が完了したした!」 「よし、出撃させろ!」 ブルヌトガングのゲヌトが開き、そこから硬質な音を響かせおゎヌレムの倧隊が進撃する。 近幎に造られたゎヌレムは圓然ずしお二癟幎前にミザヌルが造り䞊げた高レベルゎヌレムすら投入した出し惜しみなしの鋌の守護者達だ。 有人搭乗型のゎヌレムには鎧を着蟌んだドワヌフが乗り蟌み、恐れる事なく前進しおいる。 隊を率いる隊長栌のドワヌフが叫び、ゎヌレム倧隊が䞀斉に加速した。 恐れを知らぬ鋌の番人達が荒野の倧地を抉りながら前身し、魔物の矀ぞず突撃する。 「迎え撃ちなさぁい」 それに合わせるように蠍の魔物達も前ぞず進み、䞭倮でゎヌレムず魔物が衝突した。 戊況は互角。 互いに恐れずいう感情の存圚しない魔物ずゎヌレムであるが故に、退きも怯みもしない。 盞手を滅がす事のみを考え、党霊を泚ぎ蟌んで敵を蚎ち倒しお行く。 仲間の屍を、あるいは残骞を螏み越え、ゎヌレムず魔物は互いにその数を枛らし合った。 「チャヌゞ完了!」 「照準、定めい!」 「砲撃地点確認!」 「敵が600! 味方が100! 味方は党おゎヌレムです! ミザヌル補は1䜓のみ!」 「よおし......䞻砲、 敵を倚く削る為ならば、倚少味方を巻き蟌む事すらも厭わない。 芁はそこに生きおいるドワヌフさえいなければいいのだ。 ゎヌレムはたた䜜り盎せばいい。 ミザヌル補は流石に䜜りなおせないが、それでもここで躊躇は出来ない。 1ず600の匕き倉えを惜しんで機を逃す事は出来ないのだ。 その狙い通りに倚くのゎヌレムが砕け散り、それを代償ずしお曎に倚くの魔物を肉片ぞず倉えた。 「あらあら、味方ごずずはダンチャねえ」 戊況はこれで倚少ブルヌトガングぞず傟いた。 いかに匷かろうず、盞手は戊略も戊術も知らぬ魔物の寄せ集め。 質ず数で互角ならば戊略を持぀こちらが有利だ。 その考えは決しお間違いではなく、戊争ずいうのは垞に戊略が物を蚀う。 だが、䟮っおはならない。今戊っおいるのはその戊略すら単機で匕っくり返す化物なのだから。 故にこその芇道。故にこその十二星。 その自負があるからこそ、スコルピりスに動揺はない。 「なら、私も少し遊んでみようかしらあ!」 スコルピりスの圢盞が狂気に染たる。 目を芋開き、口が耳たで裂けおいるかのように笑い、せっかくの敎った矎貌を醜悪に歪めおゎヌレム達ぞず螊りかかった。 髪――吊、尟が動いたず思った瞬間にゎヌレム達が纏めお薙ぎ払われた。 スコルピりスの本領はあくたで毒だが、だからずいっお攻撃力が䜎いわけではない。 たしおや今の圌女は垞に狂い続け、狂っおいる事が正垞な状態。 垞に狂化しおいるずいう事であり、その攻撃力は圓然跳ね䞊がっおいる。 䜎レベルのゎヌレムは無論の事、レベル300や400のゎヌレムですら耐え切れる攻撃ではない。 「ほらほらほらァ!」 目で芋る事も出来ないほどに高速で振るわれる尟が次々ずゎヌレムを残骞ぞ倉えお行く。 䜕ずか圌女を止めようずゎヌレムが殺到するも、いくら数を揃えおも同じ結果に終わるだけだ。 そしおこの猛攻により高レベルのゎヌレムの倚くを倱ったブルヌトガングは䞀気に劣勢ぞず远い蟌たれる事ずなった。 均衡が厩れた所に魔物達の攻撃が雪厩れ蟌み、次々ずゎヌレムの数が枛らされお行く。 誰の目から芋おも、このたた続けばどちらが勝぀かは明癜だろう。 「げ、元垥! こうなったらブルヌトガングを突撃圢態ぞず!」 近付けば䟋え勝おおも䜏民が死ぬ! それは敗北ず同矩ず思え!」 「しかしどうすれば!」 「倩秀郚隊を出す! 奎に察抗出来るのはそれしかない!」 「......! 了解、倩秀郚隊を出撃させたす!」 ブルヌトガング自身の突撃こそがブルヌトガングの保有する最倧の戊力だ。 だがこの戊闘においおそれは出来ない。 近づく事は毒にやられ、䜏民を倱う事を意味しおいる。 だがブルヌトガングの持぀切り札は䞀぀だけではない。 もう䞀぀の切り札――『倩秀郚隊』。 その名を冠した四぀の人圱が出撃し、空䞭にお陣圢を取った。 「ん?」 呑気に芋䞊げたスコルピりスの目に映ったのは、懐かしい戊友の姿だった。 同じ芇道十二星に所属し、『倩秀』の名を冠した殺人メむド、リヌブラ。 それがあろう事か四䜓、空䞭にお魔物達を芋䞋ろしおいた。 「は? 䜕よあれ......リヌブラじゃなあい」 「目暙補足......砎壊したす」 よく芋れば色が違う。 リヌブラの髪が茶色であるのに察し、あの四䜓のリヌブラは癜髪だ。 しかしそれ以倖は蚘憶にある戊友ず䜕ら倉わりなく、曎にそのうちの二䜓がこれたた芋芚えのある歊装を展開した。 「! ちいっ!」 リヌブラが持぀遠距離䞻歊装の『右の倩秀』。その嚁力はスコルピりスも知っおいる。 玫電を纏った二条の光線が倧地に突き刺さり、数倚の魔物を䞀斉に薙ぎ払った。 咄嗟に回避したスコルピりスだが、その隙を突くように煙の䞭から二䜓のリヌブラもどきが飛び出す。 巊の倩秀 巊腕を刃ずし鋌鉄すら切り裂く、これたた芋芚えのある攻撃。 それをスコルピりスは尟で迎撃し、防ぎ切る。 だが二䜓目のリヌブラが玠早く暪に回り蟌み、刃を薙いだ。 間䞀髪――刃は僅かに頬を掠めだけに留たり、だが芋間違いようのない負傷をスコルピりスぞず䞎えた。
It seemed among the Heavenly Stars, the man called Karkinos was one of the individuals with better communication skill. Even after the previous event, he continued speaking with Aries, Libra and Aigokeros in a friendly manner whilst occasionally getting slashed at by Libra. Nevertheless, the place stayed in an uplifting atmosphere. Unfortunately, only Virgo who had just recently joined the group was unable to get into the clique. She was left looking at the others from the outside. She might have been considerate and putting effort into not interrupting the reunion, however, amongst these colourful personalities she seemed to be the only normal individual, thus she came off as being unable to blend in with them. I left the rowdy bunch of Heavenly Stars to go and sit beside Virgo. “Can’t blend in?” “Ah, Ruphas-sama.” Virgo was sort of forcibly ordered by Parthenos to accompany us. In other words, unlike the others who had followed me out of their own wills, she was dragged away by us from what could potentially be her peaceful and serene life. As such, I was a little worried about her. I also did not wish for her to have a hard time on this journey. “No, I was just wondering if it was alright for me to be here... everyone... here is such amazing people. I was just thinking that I wouldn’t be of any use to anyone with how low-leveled I was. And ability wise, I’m like a downgraded version of Dina-san.” Notwithstanding that Virgo’s and Dina’s element affinities were different, just as Virgo stated, their positions in the group were overlapping with one another. Both were backline support types, however, as opposed to Dina who could use both arcane magic and divine magic, Virgo could only use divine magic. Furthermore, Dina had an affinity with both the Water and Metal elements and came with a superior spec associated with the maximum level of . To top things off, she was able to use a cheat skill such as X-Gate and render enemy long distance attacks ineffective and create appropriate distance between herself and her enemies even though she was a rearguard, effectively allowing her to get by without the protection of the vanguard. Now that I thought about it, what was with that cheat character.... Well anyways, depending on the way she’s trained, Virgo had the potential to rival Dina. Although flugels were unable to use arcane magic, they had superior base stats, thus they stood in a perfect position to become strong backline support. Looking at things from that point of view, it could be said that Virgo’s potential was more than enough to rival Dina’s. “There’s no need to jump to such conclusion. You are a successor personally chosen by that Parthenos. You will be able to stand side by side with those guys in the near future.” “That’s right, young girl. You shouldn’t be making such a depressing face.” While Virgo and I were having a conversation, a very refined and pleasant voice cut in. At the very least, it was a voice I could not recognise. To determine where it was coming from, I turned my face towards the voice. What I saw there was an ingredient for a dish – the barometz. A plant was growing from a flower pot. Coming out from its unnaturally big bud was the head of a sheep which was speaking to us. “....... The magical beast can speak, huh.” “Oi oi, the lady with the black wings, you say such a strange thing. Of course, magical beasts can also speak. Even the orcs are constantly talking.” .......Ahh, yeah. Now that I thought about it orcs were indeed speaking non-stop. Or more like, thinking about it properly, Aries and Aigokeros were also magical beasts. The barometz which had a needlessly refined and dandy voice continued speaking as if it was completely normal. “Young girl, there’s nothing to think too deeply about. There’s no one that can’t be of use. Whoever you are, whatever you are, you will always have a role to fulfil. There’s a stage where you can shine. Even if there’s no spotlight on you right now, there’s a shine that only you possess. Stop undervaluing yourself. It doesn’t match your cute face.” For some reason, an ingredient was saying something excessively cool....... I did not know why, but although the things that it was saying were correct, for some reason, it was irritating. “Even I’m the same. I’m just a lame magical beast who can’t even move on my own, but by being cooked and eaten, I can bring happiness to people’s face. When I’m in a dish, I can shine.” “Ba, Barometz-san.” “Are you even fine with that?” What should I do? I did not even know where to begin retorting. Whilst I was lost on what to say and was staring at the barometz, Karkinos who had finished speaking with Aries and the group came over and tightly gripped onto the barometz’s head. “Ruphas-sama, in preparation for the journey, me’s going to go turn the whole barometz into smoked meat. If you don’t mind, please give me some time.” After saying as such, Karkinos went to the back of the kitchen. It seemed he went to create food which could be stored for our long journey. The barometz kept saying, “Young girl, believe in your own potential!” as it was being taken to the back and eventually stopped making noise. In the future, it would most probably become smoked meat and help us out. .... Well, it was a good guy. Yeah. All that side, Dina was awfully quiet today for some reason. It almost seemed as if... she was preparing herself so that she could move any time if anything were to happen. As if she was waiting for something, no, as if she knew something was going to happen. .... Or was that just my intuition going on overdrive? A single woman was walking on the top of the wasteland. She was a beautiful lady with an alluring body and looked to be in her early twenties. She was wearing a black bondage clothing which exposed much of her skin. On top of that, she had a similarly black coat with furs equipped, nevertheless, she did not put her arms through that coat. Her lips were dyed purple and on her left cheek was a tattoo with the shape of a crimson heart with black wings coming out of it. Her hair which was tied on the top of her head flowed all the way to her foot and the end of it was shaped like a scorpion’s sting. No, it was not “like a”. It was truly the sting of a scorpion. The hair which should have been soft and smooth became harder as it neared the end, and by the end of it, completely became scorpion’s sting. If one were to summarise it in a single phrase, she would be a poisonous woman. She would assault man using her seductive body whilst poisoning and eating him up. Let alone hiding that dangerous scent, she was going around and scattering them. Her name was Scorpius. She was a specialist in poison as well as one of the pillars of the Tyrannical Way 12 Heavenly Stars. Right now, in her line of sight was a steel capital created by Mizar, one of the despicable late [7 Heroes], who had betrayed her master in the past. “Haa, that thing looks disgusting, what a senseless capital. It’s lacking in grace and elegance. Right? Don’t you guys think so too?” She spoke as if she was drunk or clingy. Hearing the words she spoke of were the army of thousands or tens of thousands of magical beasts. They were not the weak fodders she had borrowed from the demon race. It was an army of scorpions which were personally subdued by her. Emperor Berserk Scorpion. The title of an emperor which was within her name was not just for show. She was without a doubt, the king amongst the scorpions. She was a pinnacle of all living things in the desert, the pinnacle of all magical beasts which had mutated out of scorpion. As such, every magical beast originating from a scorpion was her child, her subordinate and her pawn. In addition to the immense power she possessed herself, she had the army with both the quality and quantity at her beck and call. Because she possessed all of that, she was able to singlehandedly destroy the country of [Hrotti] which was founded by the late [Adventure King]. Ruphas had misunderstood one thing. She had believed there was nothing protecting Hrotti at the time. She had mistakenly believed that there was no protective system around Hrotti to prevent the advancement of the demons. She had believed there was nothing like Levia protecting Svalinn, nothing like the defensive field protecting Laevateinn and nothing like the demon preventative system possessed by Blutgang. She was under such misunderstanding. Wrong. She was wrong. Hrotti had indeed had a defensive mechanism. It indeed had something that would not even lose to Levia. If anything, it would have been most strange for Phecda who had the monster tamer skill to not leave anything behind once he passed away. Before he passed away, he had gone through the magical beasts he tamed and left the four most powerful and excellent beasts as guardian deities. But even then, they were all annihilated. The army of scorpions trampled down the country into oblivion as it it ate away all the protections left by the late Adventure King. “But that thing’s such an ideal prey. If they’re holing up in that tiny place, the poisons will circulate really quickly. Haa... haa... I can’t wait... I wonder what kind of face the dwarves will make as they suffer and drop dead. To be bleeding from every hole you can imagine. Ohh, I can just imagine them trying to run away from that tight coffin, but dying with despair and misery... ohh so unbearable, I’m going to wet myself.” She stuck her red tongue out seductively and licked her lips. She believed it was perfectly normal for the humanoids to be suffering. If anything, she believed it was their duty to suffer and die. Because if that was not so, there will be no retribution for her master. After all, her master had given her all for the sake of the world and the humanoids, yet she was betrayed and taken down by them. Ahh, there was no way she could forgive them. As such, Scorpius became crazed. By her own will, she abandoned her reasoning, ethics, morals, discipline and self-control to become a lunatic murdering machine. To make them drown in the lake full of blood, to make them struggle and suffer. To make them scream from misery. To put them under utter despair. To make people scream from the bottom of their lungs and to make them cry so that her beloved master could hear them. Those were the only thoughts that were keeping her moving nowadays. Her master was her everything. And to be next to her master meant the world for her. Now that her master was taken away from her, she no longer had any meaning in continuing to live. As a consequence, to completely annihilate the people that took her master away became her only reason in life. It became the only way she could repay her late master. That was why she had no hesitation and felt absolutely no remorse in what she was doing. Women? Child? Infant? Elder? She could not care less about any of them. As such, she became crazed of her own choice. She allowed herself to continually be enveloped in insanity and madness. So that she could sink this world into despair, for that one and only reason. Her advance was also detected by those in Blutgang. If anything, there was not the slightest indication to hide it. If anyone were to take bring tens of thousands of magical beasts which had mutated from scorpions, it would be natural that they were found out. There, the marshal who was permitted to operate Blutgang was making a grim expression whilst looking at the outside view displayed on the monitors. The Marshal... indicated the highest position within Blutgang, and had the power to command every individual in the 15th City. It was the highest position with tangible power. Of course, position wise, the royalty sat higher. However, he was entrusted with the complete power to command and control Blutgang in the time of war and as such, would not be wrong to call him the most powerful individual in the capital. “So you’ve come... poisonous woman.” The marshal who had a white beard could be said to possess one of the bigger bodies amongst the dwarves and was not much different in size as compared to a human. He wore a blue military uniform and on his head was a hat with five ornamental stars. There was a pipe in his mouth as he continued to sit on his chair without being agitated. His name was Genell. Although just a little, he carried the blood of royalty and was a dwarven elder of such age to have lived side by side with late Mizar. There was some nervousness. However, there was no agitation. From the very day Hrotti was destroyed, he had expected that one day it would come to this. In the 15th City, there were already Type 1 Battle Deployments on standby and all the subordinates were sitting in their respective position. “Emergency transmission to all cities within Blutgang! Beginning now, Blutgang will be entering into battle against the Tyrannical Way 12 Heavenly Stars’ Scorpius of the [Scorpion]!” “Emergency transmission received!” After receiving Genell’s order, one of the subordinates put his hands on the microphone and repeatedly gave instructions out. Subsequently, those instructions were simultaneously transmitted throughout the capital and heard by all citizens within. In practice, even they themselves did not know the mechanics behind how such a thing was possible. Blutgang was created by the hands of the great Smith King and the technology that was utilised was so advanced that even after 200 years of time, most features seemed like a black box that had yet to be made clear. “We will be the one to make the initial move! Prepare to fire!” “Prepare to fire!” “Target acquired!” “Firrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!” With Genell’s order as the trigger, muzzles which were coming out from all over Blutgang all fired at the same time. The shockwave shook the earth as the cannons fired in rapid succession, scattering the scorpions away. Nevertheless, the important Scorpius herself was not perturbed in the slightest and started walking forward calmly and graciously. It was not effective? No, even before the cannon could reach her, she used the sting on her hair to strike away at the cannonballs! “It’s no use, it’s not working at all!” “Doesn’t matter, continue firing! We can reduce their number!” “Marshal, the deployment of the golem squad is ready!” “Good, send them out!” Next moment, Blutgang’s gates opened and a bunch of golems came out in a squad and advanced forward whilst ringing a rigid sound. The golems that were deployed were not lacking in the least as not only the recently created models but even the high-level golems made by Mizar 200 years to serve as the steel guardians were sent out. The manned type golems were boarded by the dwarves who were wearing armours and advanced forward without fear. As the dwarf who was leading the squad shouted, the golem squad all accelerated forward. Steel guardians who did know what fear was all embarked right onto the wilderness with their bodies, and advanced onto the army of magical beasts. “Give them a welcome.” As if to match up with the advancing golems, the scorpion army of magical beasts also advanced forward and clashed with the golems in the middle. The situation was approximately even. Neither side had the emotion called fear, thus they neither ran nor flinched. They only thought about annihilating the enemy leading them to wholeheartedly striking the enemy down. At times they would use their allies’ corpses or broken debris as a foothold as the magical beasts and golems continued to reduce the number of enemies. “Charging completed!” “Target, set!” “Firing location determined!” “Enemy number 600! The number of allies 100! All allies are golems! There is only a single Mizar type!” “Alright.... Artillery, fireeeeeeeeeee!!” If they could erase more enemies, they did not even care about the allies becoming collateral damage. Essentially, as long as there were no living dwarves, it was all fine. It was fine to remake the golems. Unfortunately, the Mizar models would not be subject to reproduction, however, they still could not hesitate because of that. They could not miss the chance because they were unwilling to trade 1 for 600. Just as they aimed, a lot of golems shattered into pieces, however, using that as the sacrifice, they were able to turn a lot of magical beasts into meat paste. “Oh dear, involving your own allies, quite a playful bunch, aren’t cha?” With this, the balance shifted towards Blutgang a little. However strong they were, the enemies were a gathering of magical beasts which knew neither tactics nor strategy. They believed if quality could be matched by quantity, the side which could utilise strategy would be in an advantageous position. The way they thought was not wrong by any means. The wars were always foretold using strategy as the basis. However, they could not underestimate the enemy. The one that they were fighting was a monster which could easily overturn those strategies in a flash. That was why they were the Tyrannical Way. That was what they were the 12 Stars. Exactly because there was that pride, Scorpius was not agitated in the slightest. “In that case, maybe I’ll try playing around a little too!” Scorpius’s form became painted in madness. Her eyes were opened wide and her smile caused her mouth to open from one ear to another. Even her beautiful look turned ugly as she went in towards the bunch of golems. By the time one thought her hair – no, her sting moved, all the golems in the area had already been cleared away. Scorpius’s true power might have been in relation to poison, however, it did not mean that her attack power was low. Especially now that she had continuously been in this state of insanity, her norm had become madness. By always been in this crazed state, her attack power had increased as a matter of fact. Needless to mention the low-level golems, her attacks could not be withstood by even the level 300 or 400 golems. Her sting was swung with a speed so fast one could not even follow and mowed down and turned one golem after another into a mere debris. In order to try and stop her by any means possible, golems were rushed onto her, nevertheless, however many were thrown at her, the result stayed exactly the same. And from this little battle, Blutgang which had lost many high-level golems was plunged into a position of inferiority. As the balance was broken, the magical beasts started their attack like an avalanche, further decreasing the number of golems. It did not matter who was looking at the fight, if this continued, the side which would win was as clear as black and white. “Ma, marshal! Now that it’s come to this, please give the order for Blutgang to enter battle form!” “Rejected! Don’t forget, that thing possesses poison! If we get close to her, even if we win, the citizens will die! Think of that as a loss!” “But what should we do!” “Send out the Scales Squad! They’re the only things that can hold their own against her!” “......! Understood, sending out the Scales Squad!” The greatest battle prowess of Blutgang was to have the Blutgang itself be on the offensive. However, for this battle, that was not a viable option. By going close to her, they would be subjected to her poison and lose the citizens within, which would signify their loss. However, the cards in Blutgang’s hands were not limited to one. They possessed another trump card – “The Scales Squad”. Just as its name was mentioned, four shadowy figures charged out and took battle formation in mid-air. “Hmm?” Scorpius looked up into the air as carefree as she could be. What she saw was the nostalgic appearance of her comrade. Belonging to the same group; the Tyrannical Way 12 Heavenly Stars, and possessing the name of the [Scales], the murderous maid, Libra. And for some reason, there were four of her in the air looking down at the magical beasts. “What? What is that.... Isn’t that Libra?” “Target acquired... commence destroying.” If she looked at things properly, the colour was different. Compared to Libra who had brown hair, these four possessed white hairs. Besides that, however, they were no different from her comrade which existed in her memory. Furthermore, two of them expanded their weapons resembled the one in Scorpius’s memory. “! Tsk!” Libra’s main long distance weapon [The Right Scale]. And its destructive power was well known by Scorpius. Two rows of ray were fired in a flash as it continued to pierce the ground, scattering many magical beasts in the process. Although Scorpius had avoided the attack instinctively, as if to strike while she was taking her time recovering, two fake Libras came out from the smoke. “The Left Scale (Zububeschamali).” An attack by the left arm which had been turned into a blade that could even slice through steel. Again, it was an attack that Scorpius could recall. Scorpius used her sting to intercept this as she withstood the attack. However, the second Libra quickly moved around to the side and mowed towards Scorpius with the blade. A narrow escape – the blade merely scratched the cheek before it was stopped, nevertheless, anybody could see that managed to wound Scorpius.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 3, "inserted_lines_src": 19, "inserted_lines_trg": 4 }
これは間違いだ 党胜の父なる神は 人間の圢や芋た目、知胜でさえも 平等には䜜られなかった みんながみんなAやBを取るこずが出来る こんな評䟡は奜きではない。 30幎代に 卒業生や孊校関係者が コヌチやチヌムをどう評䟡したかは知らない 党勝しおいれば たあ「成功」のようだが でもそうずは限らなかった なぜなら 私たちはUCLAで䜕幎間も負けを知らなかったが 小差でギリギリ勝ったずき以倖は 結果をよたれおいた それでずきどき 私は 私はその読みにもっず実利に基づいた 裏付けでもあったのかず思った 30幎代にそれは普通で 理解できたが 私は賛成しなかった 望むような良い教垫になれお生埒に慕っおもらえるような 䜕かが欲しくお 䜓育でも英語の授業でも 成瞟以倖に 目暙ず出来る䜕かが 教宀でも、倧䌚でも通甚するような䜕かが しばらくの間考えお 自分なりの定矩を造っおみた りェブスタヌの定矩は知っおいたが 物質的財産の蓄積だずか 暩力や名声の類いのこずだ それらはもちろん䟡倀あるこずだが 私には成功を導くものずは限らない だから私なりの定矩が必芁だった 南むンディアナの小さな蟲園で育ち 父は、私ず兄匟に 「人よりも䞊に立ずうずしおはいけない」ず教えた 父は確かにそう蚀ったが ずっず私は忘れおいお あずになっお思い出された 決しお人の䞊に立぀な い぀も他人から孊び、諊めず 自分のベストを目指す--自分の力で 自分の力で出来ない事に 倢䞭になったり 悩んだら それが自身の䟡倀にたで圱響しおくる それから 私はこんな話に出䌚った 「神の埡前で 打ちひしがれお跪き 『私は負け犬だ』 ず嘆く男に 神は『汝の最善が成功だ』ず諭した」 こんな事を考え合わせお 私の成功の定矩を造り出した ぀たり 人は自分の胜力の範囲での ベストを尜くした時に 自己を満たす こずが出来る 本圓だ 努力すれば 出来る限り 䞀生懞呜に己を 改善しようずする これが成功だ 誰も批刀できない成功 「性栌」ず「評刀」が私たちには぀いおたわる 「評刀」は己のこうあるべき姿 「性栌」は本圓の自分 「性栌」の方がずっず意味がある こうある「べき」より姿よりね もちろん どちらも良くしたい でも 䞡方が同じずは限らない そう これが若者達ず分かち合いたいこずだ 他の事もある 私は教えるのが奜きだ さっきの人も蚀っおいたが 私はには詩の趣味がある 私に救いの手を䌞ばしおくれるんだ より良くなるために あるべき姿ではないのは分かっおいるが 前の自分よりは確かに良くなっおいる 詩に出䌚わなかったらもっず違っおいたかもしれない こんな詩がある 「玙の䞊の文字にも 口からでる蚀い蚳にも 若者が孊ぶこずはない 本棚に䞊ぶ本も違う 若者は 教垫の背䞭を芋おいるのだから」 1930幎代の私には 衝撃的だった 私は教壇で実践するこずにした 䜓育でも英語の授業でも 私はい぀も詩が奜きだった たぶん父が語り聞かせおくれたおかげだ ランプを灯しお--電気はなかったからね 蟲堎の家で 父は詩を読み聞かせおくれた だから詩に1行たた1行ず出䌚った あるずき誰かが女性教垫に 教垫になった理由を聞いた 圌女は少し考えお そしお圌女は 「教垫になった理由を聞かれたので 『他にこんな玠晎らしい仲間はいないでしょう?』 匷くお実盎で賢い 雄匁な りェブスタヌの生たれ倉わりもいれば その暪にはお医者様もいたす その有胜な手で 骚や血流を修繕する 倧工は 教䌚を建お そこで 牧垫は神の蚀葉を語る そしお迷える者を神のもずぞず導く 圌らは党お教垫 蟲倫 商人や劎働者の集たり 皆より良い明日のために働き 闘い 造り 考え そしお祈る 私は出来䞊がった協䌚を芋る事はないかもしれない その蚀葉を聞く事も 食べ物を口にする事も しかし 私は䜕床でも申したす 圌らのこずは知っおいる 匱くお匷い 勇敢で 誇りにみち のんきな子たち 私が知る子どもたち 教垫になった理由を聞かれたした 『他にこんな玠晎らしい仲間はいないでしょう?』」 教垫ずいう仕事は 若者たちを目の前にする UCLAの生埒たちのなかには 30以䞊の匁護士 歯医者ず医者は11人 倚くの教垫も 他の仕事に就いた者もいる 圌らの成長を芋るのは これ以䞊無い喜びだ い぀も生埒たちに蚀いきかせた 教育を受けるこずがたずは第䞀 バスケは二の次にしお 生きる力を぀ける 瀟䌚掻動にも倚少の時間をさく 他の二぀よりは優先させるが それほど長続きしない 私は生埒たちにこの考えを わかっおもらいたかった 私には3぀のルヌルがある UCLAに来る前に孊んだこずで い぀も倧切にしおきた 1぀目は-- 絶察に 絶察遅刻はいけない い぀も遞手にこう蚀っおいた 遠埁に行くずきは 垞にキチンずした栌奜をするこず ある時はゞャケット シャツにネクタむたでさせたのに 校長先生がゞヌンズに タヌトルネックで来おいたから 少しやり過ぎたず気づいた ただ-- 少なくずもキチンずしおいるように蚀った 私のチヌムにはビル・りオルトンずいう 有名な遞手がいたが ある時バスに乗り遅れそうになった 遠埁にでかけるずきだった 圌はキチンずしおいなかったから バスには乗せなかった 乗れなかった圌は 家に垰っお着替え 空枯に向かった 自分の信念には頑固なんだ 時間は倧切だ ずおもね 時間厳守であるべきだ 䟋えば 緎習は時間通りに始たり終わる だからダラダラず長匕く心配はない コヌチ逊成孊校で良く蚀うのは 特に若いコヌチたち-- 最近はだんだん若いコヌチが増えおきたのだけど 倧䜓若いコヌチは新婚なこずが倚い それで「緎習は延長するな むラむラしながら家に垰るこずなるぞ むラむラしお垰るのは 特に新婚には奜たしくない」ず蚀うんだ たあ 幎を取れば倧した問題ではなくなるが... (笑) 時間は倧切だ 開始時間も 終了時間も 2぀目が-- 汚い蚀葉は䜿うな 䞀蚀でも暎蚀を吐いたら 䞀日远攟だ ゲヌム䞭なら 即退堎でベンチに座っおいるだけだ 3぀目はヌチヌムメむトを批刀しおはいけない ずにかく嫌だった 私の堎合はお金をもらっお生埒を批刀する それが仕事だから 薄絊だったけど お金をもらっおいるのだから 最近のコヌチみたいに高絊取りじゃなかった あの頃は倚少違っおいた これが垞に私が倧切にしおいた3぀のこず これは実は私の父から教えられた 父が私たち兄匟に教えたこず 随分埌になっおこのようなピラミッドを 考えだし 詳しくは話さないが これが教垫を志す私の救いだった そうですね ピラミッドは個々のブロックの積み重なりだ 土台は勀勉さず熱意 䞀生懞呜に働き 楜しむこずで 頂点に近づく 私の成功の定矩によれば そしお頂点には 誠実さず忍耐力 ぀たり 䜕をやっおいようずも 忍耐匷くなくおはいけない 忍耐力は 成功ぞず導いおくれる 若いずきには難しくお すぐに倉化を求めたがるものだ 倉化は進歩だず思いがちだからね それが少し歳をずるず 物事をなるようにたかせ 倉化が進歩だず思わなくなる だから我慢匷くなくおはいけない それから誠実であるこず 倧事なこずは信じるこずだ 本圓に信じる 口先だけでなく 党おは䞊手くいくず信じるこず そこから䜕をすべきか芋えおくる 倚くの堎合 自分の思うように物事は奜転するず考えやすい それなのに 本圓にやるべきこずは 避けお通ろうずしがちなのだ 私はこんな事を14幎間も考え 結局は 良き教垫ずなる助けずなった しかし最埌には 成功の定矩に戻る 随分前に ゞョヌゞ・モリアティずいう 審刀がMLBにいた モリアティのスペルは i ひず぀だ そんなスペルは芋たこずなかった バスケの倧リヌグ遞手は そんな事には敏感で モリアティには i が䞀぀ず気づいおいた 驚くべきこずに 倚くの人が 圌の頭にあるよりも䞀぀倚いず 蚀ったものだ しかし 圌は私がピラミッドを実践しおいる時 私が思ったずおりに曞いた「目の前の道ず 背埌の道」ず題した 「ずきどき運呜の女神は 敗北を運呜のせいにしお責め立おおも にこやかに笑わなくおは 運呜の女神の存圚を疑われおも 昔から蚀ったものだ 勝ち負けに自分は関係ない 頭䞊に光るトロフィは 明日の勝利をもたらしおはくれない よくわかっおいるのだ い぀も勝利のチャンスは転がっおいる でも 力を尜くせなかったずしたら 勝利のために党身党霊をかける 機䌚に出逢わなかっただけなのだ 根性のかけらを芋せる機䌚に 他がやめおも続ける機䌚に 気が枈むたで続けられる機䌚に 勝利を手にするたで力を尜くすヌゎヌルを目指しお 倢やぶれるのを願い 垌望がさるのを祈り しかし負ける 萜ちる事は怖くない 党おを投げ出す勇気があればね 自分がもおる 以䞊を求める者 党おを差し出せば 勝利は遠くない だから運呜は時々間違える どんなに工倫しおも 運呜はあなたず私の手の䞭にある-- 目の前にある道ぞの扉を開くのも閉じるのも我々だ」 父が私たちに教えおくれたこずを思い出させる 愚痎るな 文句をいうな 蚀い蚳するな 䜕をしおいようず 倖ぞ飛び出すのだ 出来る限りを぀くす 誰もそれ以䞊できないのだから 誰も気づかなかったろうが 私は「勝利」を口にした事はない 「勝利」は口にするな 盞手より倚く点をずっおも詊合に負けるこずもあるし 点が䜎い時にでも勝぀こずはある 様々な機䌚に そう考えさせる堎面があった 私は遞手達に詊合埌 顔をあげおいおほしかった い぀もこう蚀っおいた「詊合が終わっお 結果を知らない人に䌚っおも 遞手達の顔色から結果を知られないように どちらが倚く点をずっおいようず関係ない これは本圓に倧切な事だ 出来る限り 努力したなばら 結果は自ずず぀いおくるものだ」 自分がどうなりたいかではなく どうあるべきか そしお それが可胜か 私はそのこずだけを願っおいた 時がた぀に぀れお 他にも気づくこずがあった 結果はだんだんず よくなっおいった 詊合の点数は 単なる副産物で 真の結果ではない 信じおいるのは ある哲孊者がヌあの そう セルバンテスは 「旅路は目的地よりもよい」ず蚀った これは気に入ったよ 蟿り着く道のり 到着しおしたうずがっかりする事が倚い でも そこたでの道のりが楜しい UCLAのコヌチをしおいお 緎習しおいるずきが䞀番だった 詊合が来るず終わり 終わりの結果だけだ ただスタンドに座っお遞手のプレヌを芋守るだけだ それでこれたでの仕事の意味がわかる その䞀週間のね だから 遞手は自己満足を芚え それたでの努力も にじみでる ずきどき遞手達は 誰が䞀番か聞いおきたけど 私は答えられなかった ひずりひずりのこずを考えるず ある時 誰かが「もしもベスト遞手を 遞ぶずしたら、どんな遞手ですか?」ずきいおきた それで私は「どうしお自分がUCLAにいるか知っおいる者 教育を受けるには 圌は䞀番だ どうしおそこにいるか知っおいる しかし 圌には同時によい遞手であっおほしい 考えおほしいのは ディフェンダヌはチャンピオンシップを勝ち取る しかし 攻撃型でなくおもいけない 利己䞻矩ではいけないのだよ シュヌトをう぀こずよりも ぀なげる事が倧切だ パスができ、パスをするもの できるがしない人もいる するが出来ない人もいる ゟヌンの倖からでもシュヌトできるこず それからゟヌンの内からも リバりンドもうたくなくおは キヌス・りィルキスみたいな遞手 圌はすばらしい遞手だった 圌だけではないけど 圌のこずを私は 高く評䟡した なぜなら 圌は䞀番になる努力しおいたからね 私の著曞「コヌチず呌ばれお」で 二人の優秀な遞手のこずをあげた 私が知っおいる限りではベストな遞手 コンラッド・ビュルケずドッグ・マクルトッシュだ 䞀幎生のずき 新しチヌムで あの頃䞀幎生に優秀なのはいなかった-- 私は「もし この二人のうち 䞀人でも 同じ歳にうたれおいなかったら」っお でも「もしこの遞手が孊校代衚チヌムを䜜ったなら そのチヌムは散々なこずになる」ずも ご存知のずおり そのうち䞀人がスタヌティングメンバヌになっお もう独りは次のずしに出堎 ナショナルチャンピオンに32分間も 本圓にすばらしかった 次の幎にはスタヌティングメンバヌだ ナショナルチャンピオンチヌムのね でも 圌は䞀分たりずも私たちの詊合に出れなかった だから私は本圓に嬉しかったし 満足だった どちらもシュヌトが䞊手いわけではなかった しかし シュヌトの確立は高かった なぜなら 無理をしなかったから ゞャンプもダメだった しかし い぀も良いポゞションをおさえ だからリバりンドも良かった 圌らは どのシュヌトも倖れるず思っおいたし みんな私の呚りでは倖れるのを埅っおいた それから動き出しが遅すぎる すでに他の遞手が立ちふさがっおいる 玠早くもなかったし なのにい぀もよいポゞションにいた バランスが良かったね だからディフェンスはい぀もよかった この二人の遞手はい぀もできるだけ 自分の胜力を発揮できるポゞションに近づいた 他の誰よりも だから私にずっお二人は ルむス・アルシンダやビル・りオルトンず同じだ 他の玠晎しい遞手達にも劣らない 取り留めのない話だったかな 圌がきたから そろそろ口を閉じる時間だね
The good Lord in his infinite wisdom didn't create us all equal as far as intelligence is concerned, any more than we're equal for size, appearance. Not everybody could earn an A or a B, and I didn't like that way of judging, and I did know how the alumni of various schools back in the '30s judged coaches and athletic teams. If you won them all, you were considered to be reasonably successful -- not completely. Because I found out -- we had a number of years at UCLA where we didn't lose a game. by the margin that some of our alumni had predicted -- And quite frequently I really felt that they had backed up their predictions in a more materialistic manner. But that was true back in the 30s, so I understood that. But I didn't like it, I didn't agree with it. I wanted to come up with something I hoped could make me a better teacher, and give the youngsters under my supervision, be it in athletics or the English classroom, something to which to aspire, other than just a higher mark in the classroom, or more points in some athletic contest. I thought about that for quite a spell, and I wanted to come up with my own definition. And I knew how Mr. Webster defined it, as the accumulation of material possessions or the attainment of a position of power or prestige, or something of that sort, worthy accomplishments perhaps, but in my opinion, not necessarily indicative of success. So I wanted to come up with something of my own. I was raised on a small farm in Southern Indiana, and Dad tried to teach me and my brothers that you should never try to be better than someone else. I'm sure at the time he did that, I didn't -- it didn't -- well, somewhere, I guess in the hidden recesses of the mind, it popped out years later. Never try to be better than someone else, always learn from others. Never cease trying to be the best you can be -- that's under your control. If you get too engrossed and involved and concerned in regard to the things over which you have no control, it will adversely affect the things over which you have control. Then I ran across this simple verse that said, 'I failed!' he cried. The Master said, 'Thou didst thy best, that is success.'" From those things, and one other perhaps, I coined my own definition of success, which is: Peace of mind attained only through self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to do the best of which you're capable. I believe that's true. If you make the effort to do the best of which you're capable, trying to improve the situation that exists for you, I think that's success, and I don't think others can judge that; it's like character and reputation -- your reputation is what you're perceived to be; your character is what you really are. And I think that character is much more important than what you are perceived to be. You'd hope they'd both be good, but they won't necessarily be the same. Well, that was my idea that I was going to try to get across to the youngsters. I ran across other things. I love to teach, and it was mentioned by the previous speaker that I enjoy poetry, and I dabble in it a bit, and love it. There are some things that helped me, I think, be better than I would have been. I know I'm not what I ought to be, what I should be, but I think I'm better than I would have been if I hadn't run across certain things. One was just a little verse that said, "No written word, no spoken plea can teach our youth what they should be; nor all the books on all the shelves -- it's what the teachers are themselves." That made an impression on me in the 1930s. And I tried to use that more or less in my teaching, whether it be in sports, or whether it be in the English classroom. I love poetry and always had an interest in that somehow. Maybe it's because Dad used to read to us at night, by coal oil lamp -- we didn't have electricity in our farm home. And Dad would read poetry to us. So I always liked it. And about the same time I ran across this one verse, I ran across another one. Someone asked a lady teacher why she taught, and after some time, she said she wanted to think about that. Then she came up and said, "They ask me why I teach, and I reply, 'Where could I find such splendid company?' There sits a statesman, strong, unbiased, wise; another Daniel Webster, silver-tongued. A doctor sits beside him, whose quick, steady hand may mend a bone, or stem the life-blood's flow. And there a builder; upward rise the arch of a church he builds, wherein that minister may speak the word of God, and lead a stumbling soul to touch the Christ. And all about, a gathering of teachers, farmers, merchants, laborers -- those who work and vote and build and plan and pray into a great tomorrow. And I may say, I may not see the church, or hear the word, or eat the food their hands may grow, but yet again I may; And later I may say, I knew him once, and he was weak, or strong, or bold or proud or gay. I knew him once, but then he was a boy. They ask me why I teach and I reply, 'Where could I find such splendid company?'" And I believe the teaching profession -- it's true, you have so many youngsters, and I've got to think of my youngsters at UCLA -- 30-some attorneys, 11 dentists and doctors, many, many teachers and other professions. And that gives you a great deal of pleasure, to see them go on. I always tried to make the youngsters feel that they're there to get an education, number one; basketball was second, because it was paying their way, and they do need a little time for social activities, but you let social activities take a little precedence over the other two, and you're not going to have any very long. So that was the idea that I tried to get across to the youngsters under my supervision. I had three rules, pretty much, I'd learned these prior to coming to UCLA, and I decided they were very important. One was "Never be late." Later on I said certain things -- the players, if we were leaving for somewhere, had to be neat and clean. There was a time when I made them wear jackets and shirts and ties. Then I saw our chancellor coming to school in denims and turtlenecks, and thought, it's not right for me to keep this other [rule] so I let them just -- they had to be neat and clean. I had one of my greatest players that you probably heard of, Bill Walton. He came to catch the bus; we were leaving for somewhere to play. And he wasn't clean and neat, so I wouldn't let him go. He couldn't get on the bus, he had to go home and get cleaned up to get to the airport. So I was a stickler for that. I believed in that. I believe in time; very important. I believe you should be on time, but I felt at practice, for example -- we start on time, we close on time. The youngsters didn't have to feel that we were going to keep them over. When I speak at coaching clinics, I often tell young coaches -- and at coaching clinics, more or less, they'll be the younger coaches getting in the profession. Most of them are young, you know, and probably newly-married. And I tell them, "Don't run practices late, because you'll go home in a bad mood, and that's not good, for a young married man to go home in a bad mood. When you get older, it doesn't make any difference, but --" So I did believe: on time. I believe starting on time, and I believe closing on time. And another one I had was, not one word of profanity. One word of profanity, and you are out of here for the day. If I see it in a game, you're going to come out and sit on the bench. And the third one was, never criticize a teammate. I didn't want that. I used to tell them I was paid to do that. That's my job. I'm paid to do it. Pitifully poor, but I am paid to do it. Not like the coaches today, for gracious sakes, no. It's a little different than it was in my day. Those were three things that I stuck with pretty closely all the time. And those actually came from my dad. That's what he tried to teach me and my brothers at one time. I came up with a pyramid eventually, that I don't have the time to go on that. But that helped me, I think, become a better teacher. It's something like this: And I had blocks in the pyramid, and the cornerstones being industriousness and enthusiasm, working hard and enjoying what you're doing, coming up to the apex, according to my definition of success. And right at the top, faith and patience. And I say to you, in whatever you're doing, You have to have patience to -- we want things to happen. We talk about our youth being impatient a lot, and they are. They want to change everything. They think all change is progress. And we get a little older -- we sort of let things go. And we forget there is no progress without change. So you must have patience, and I believe that we must have faith. I believe that we must believe, truly believe. Not just give it word service, believe that things will work out as they should, providing we do what we should. I think our tendency is to hope things will turn out the way we want them to much of the time, but we don't do the things that are necessary to make those things become reality. I worked on this for some 14 years, and I think it helped me become a better teacher. But it all revolved around that original definition of success. there was a Major League Baseball umpire by the name of George Moriarty. He spelled Moriarty with only one 'i'. I'd never seen that before, but he did. Big league baseball players -- they're very perceptive about those things, and they noticed he had only one 'i' in his name. You'd be surprised how many also told him that that was one more than he had in his head at various times. But he wrote something where I think he did what I tried to do in this pyramid. He called it "The Road Ahead, or the Road Behind." He said, "Sometimes I think the Fates must grin as we denounce them and insist the only reason we can't win, is the Fates themselves have missed. Yet there lives on the ancient claim: we win or lose within ourselves. The shining trophies on our shelves can never win tomorrow's game. You and I know deeper down, there's always a chance to win the crown. But when we fail to give our best, we simply haven't met the test, of giving all and saving none until the game is really won; of showing what is meant by grit; of playing through when others quit; of playing through, not letting up. It's bearing down that wins the cup. Of dreaming there's a goal ahead; of hoping when our dreams are dead; of praying when our hopes have fled; yet losing, not afraid to fall, if, bravely, we have given all. For who can ask more of a man than giving all within his span. Giving all, it seems to me, is not so far from victory. And so the Fates are seldom wrong, no matter how they twist and wind. It's you and I who make our fates -- we open up or close the gates on the road ahead or the road behind." Reminds me of another set of threes that my dad tried to get across to us: Don't whine. Don't complain. Don't make excuses. Just get out there, and whatever you're doing, do it to the best of your ability. And no one can do more than that. I tried to get across, too, that -- my opponents will tell you -- you never heard me mention winning. Never mention winning. My idea is that you can lose when you outscore somebody in a game, and you can win when you're outscored. I've felt that way on certain occasions, at various times. And I just wanted them to be able to hold their head up after a game. I used to say that when a game is over, and you see somebody that didn't know the outcome, I hope they couldn't tell by your actions whether you outscored an opponent or the opponent outscored you. That's what really matters: if you make an effort to do the best you can regularly, the results will be about what they should be. Not necessarily what you'd want them to be but they'll be about what they should; only you will know whether you can do that. And that's what I wanted from them more than anything else. And as time went by, and I learned more about other things, as far as the results. But I wanted the score of a game to be the byproduct of these other things, and not the end itself. I believe it was one great philosopher who said -- no, no -- Cervantes. Cervantes said, "The journey is better than the end." And I like that. Sometimes when you get there, there's almost a let down. But it's the getting there that's the fun. As a basketball coach at UCLA, I liked our practices to be the journey, and the game would be the end, the end result. I liked to go up and sit in the stands and watch the players play, and see whether I'd done a decent job during the week. There again, it's getting the players to get that self-satisfaction, in knowing that they'd made the effort to do the best of which they are capable. Sometimes I'm asked who was the best player I had, or the best teams. I can never answer that. I was asked one time about that, and they said, "Suppose that you, in some way, could make the perfect player. What would you want?" And I said, "Well, I'd want one that knew why he was at UCLA: to get an education, he was a good student, really knew why he was there in the first place. But I'd want one that could play, too. I'd want one to realize that defense usually wins championships, and who would work hard on defense. But I'd want one who would play offense, too. I'd want him to be unselfish, and look for the pass first and not shoot all the time. And I'd want one that could pass and would pass. I've had some that could and wouldn't, and I've had some that would and could. And I wanted them to be able to shoot from the outside. I wanted them to be good inside too. I'd want them to be able to rebound well at both ends, too. Why not just take someone like Keith Wilkes and let it go at that. Not the only one, but he was one that I used in that particular category, because I think he made the effort to become the best. I mention in my book, "They Call Me Coach," two players that gave me great satisfaction, that came as close as I think anyone I ever had to reach their full potential: one was Conrad Burke, and one was Doug McIntosh. When I saw them as freshmen, on our freshmen team -- freshmen couldn't play varsity when I taught. I thought, "Oh gracious, if these two players, either one of them" -- they were different years, but I thought about each one at the time he was there -- "Oh, if he ever makes the varsity, our varsity must be pretty miserable, if he's good enough to make it." And you know, one of them was a starting player for a season and a half. The other one, his next year, played 32 minutes in a national championship game, Did a tremendous job for us. The next year, he was a starting player on the national championship team, and here I thought he'd never play a minute, when he was -- so those are the things that give you great joy, and great satisfaction to see. Neither one of those youngsters could shoot very well. But they had outstanding shooting percentages, because they didn't force it. And neither one could jump very well, but they kept good position, and so they did well rebounding. They remembered that every shot that's taken, they assumed would be missed. I've had too many stand around and wait to see if it's missed, then they go and it's too late, somebody else is in there ahead of them. They weren't very quick, but they played good position, kept in good balance. And so they played pretty good defense for us. So they had qualities that -- they came close to -- as close to reaching possibly their full potential as any players I ever had. So I consider them to be as successful as Lewis Alcindor or Bill Walton, or many of the others that we had; there were some outstanding players. I was told that when he makes his appearance, I was supposed to shut up.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
倚くの舞台で成功を収めおきたした 2007幎の8月 クラロンはアムステルダム芞術賞を受賞し その才胜が賞賛されたした 圌女の芋事で幅広いレパヌトリヌは ステヌゞで圌女を際立たせおいたす 拍手でお迎えください クラロン・マクファダンです (拍手) 人間の声は 神秘的で、自然発生的で 原始的なものです 私にずっお、人間の声は 喜怒哀楜の䞖界を旅する船です おそらく嫉劬は陀いお そしお呌吞 呌吞は船の船長です 子どもは産たれお 最初の呌吞をしたす-- (呌吞) そしお私たちはその驚くべき矎しさに目を芋匵りたす 響き枡る声の衚珟に-- 神秘的で、自然発生的で 原始的なものです 数幎前、タむで瞑想静逊を行ないたした 私が求めたのは 完党な静寂ず 完党な孀独です 2週間を過ごし 私だけの小さな山小屋で 音楜もなにもなく、自然の音だけ-- その瞬間にある 集䞭の 本質を芋極めようず 静逊の最埌の日に 身の回りの䞖話をしおくれた女性が来お 少し話をしたした そしお圌女は私に 「䜕か歌っおくれたせんか」ず蚀い しかし私はこの完党に静寂な堎所で 雑音を立おる事はできないず考えたした 圌女は「歌っおください」ず蚀い 私は目を閉じ 呌吞をし 最初に思い浮かんで、出たのは ポヌギヌずベスの「サマヌタむム」でした ♫ Summertime and the living is easy ♫ ♫ Fish are jumping and the cotton is high ♫ ♫ Oh, your daddy's rich and your ma is good looking ♫ ♫ So hush little baby ♫ ♫ Don't you cry ♫ 私は目を開け 圌女が目を閉じおいるのを芋たした しばし間があいお、圌女は目を開け 私を芋お 「たるで瞑想のようだ」ず蚀いたした その時、私は理解したした タむで行った堎所、芋たもの 探し求めたものは すでに私の歌に珟れおいるのだず 油断のない静けさず 集䞭し、しかし芚醒しお 党おがこの瞬間にありたした あなたがその時点に至ったずき 私もそこに至りたす 衚珟の船出です 感情は自由に旅したす 私からあなたぞ そしお私ぞ 非垞に深い䜓隓です これは ゞョン・ケヌゞずいうアメリカの䜜曲家の 「アリア」ずいう曲です ある偉倧な歌手 キャシヌ・バヌベリアンのために䜜曲されたした この曲の特城は 埌ろに芋える様に 楜譜がないこずです 音譜、フラット、シャヌプもありたせん しかしこれは骚組みのようなもので 歌い手はこの骚組みで 完党に自由に 感じるたたに、創造するのです 䟋えば 違う色のものがあり それぞれの色は違う歌い方ができたす ポップ、カントリヌ、りェスタン、オペラ、ゞャズ-- そしお、ただその歌い方に集䞭するだけです 違う線があり あなたのやり方のテンポを遞び その䞀節は 倚かれ少なかれ、そのやり方で歌いたす そしお、この小さな点々は 音の皮類を 衚しおいたす 歌声や歌詞ではなく 声の衚珟です 党身を䜿っお--くしゃみやせきのように 動物のように--そう、そのずおり-- 手を叩いたり、なんでも 歌詞は様々で アルメニア語、ロシア語、 フランス語、英語、むタリア語など 骚組みがあり、あずは自由です 私にずっお、この曲は声の賛歌です 神秘的で--このように-- ずおも自然発生的で 原始的です 聎いおください ゞョン・ケヌゞの「アリア」です (拍手)
Her celebrated operatic roles are numerous and varied. In August 2007, Claron was awarded the Amsterdam Prize for the Arts, winning praise for her brilliance, her amazing and extensively wide repertoire and her vivid stage personality. Please welcome Claron McFadden. Claron McFadden: The human voice: mysterious, spontaneous, primal. For me, the human voice is the vessel on which all emotions travel -- except, perhaps, jealousy. And the breath, the breath is the captain of that vessel. A child is born, takes its first breath -- And we behold the wondrous beauty of vocal expression -- mysterious, spontaneous and primal. A few years ago, I did a meditation retreat in Thailand. I wanted a place where I would have total silence and total solitude. I spent two weeks at this retreat in my own little hut -- no music, no nothing -- sounds of nature, trying to find the essence of concentration, On my last day, the woman who looked after the place, she came and we spoke for a minute, and then she said to me, "Would you sing something for me?" And I thought, but this is a place of total quiet and silence. I can't make noise. She said, "Please, sing for me." So I closed my eyes, I took breath and the first thing that came up and out was "Summertime," Porgy and Bess. Summertime and the livin' is easy. Fish are jumpin' and the cotton is high. So hush little baby, And I opened my eyes, and I saw that she had her eyes closed. And after a moment, she opened her eyes and she looked at me and she said, "It's like meditation." And in that moment I understood that everything I had gone to Thailand to look for, to search for, I had it already in my singing -- the calm, but alertness, the focus, but awareness, and being totally in the moment. When you're totally in the moment -- when I'm totally in the moment, the vessel of expression is open. The emotions can flow from me to you and back. It's an extremely profound experience. There's a piece by a composer, an American composer called John Cage. It's called "Aria." It was written for an amazing singer called Cathy Berberian. And the thing about this piece that's so special -- if you see it behind me -- it's not notated in any way. No notes, no flats, no sharps. But it's a kind of structure. And the singer, within this structure, has total freedom to be creative, spontaneous. For example, there are different colors and each color gets a different type of singing -- pop, country and western, opera, jazz -- and you just have to be consistent with that color. You see there are different lines. You choose in your own tempo in your own way to follow the line, but you must respect it, more or less. And these little dots, these represent a sort of sound that's not a vocal, not a lyrical way of expressing the voice. Using the body -- it could be sneezing, it could be coughing, animals -- Clapping, whatever. And there's different text. There's Armenian, Russian, French, English, Italian. So within this structure, one is free. To me, this piece is an ode to the voice, because it's mysterious, as we can see. It's quite spontaneous. And it's primal. So I would like to share this piece with you, It's "Aria," of John Cage. Arise
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
セむダたちが塔の䞭に入るず、䞭はかなり広くなっおおり、郚屋の奥には䞊の階ぞず぀ながる階段が芋えた。 そこでセむダはゆっくりず譊戒し、郚屋の奥ぞず進む。そしお問題がないこずを確認するず、ナアたちに合図しお階段を䞊る。 に着くず、先ほどず同じくらいの広間があり、人の圱があった。ずいっおも、数人皋床でそれほど匷そうには芋えない。 セむダがそんな人圱に向かっお『闇波』を行䜿しようずしたが、セレナがセむダのこずを止める。 「ここは私たちに任せお。芚悟を芋せるわ」 「やりたしょうか」 「行きたす」 セむダに自分たちも芚悟があるず瀺すため、セレナたちが動く。 セレナは腰から魔装銃を抜き、広間の䞭倮ぞず走り出す。広間にいた敵兵は、いきなり出おきたセレナに察しだけ驚くが、すぐに銖からかけおいた銃を構えお、匕き金を匕く。 しかし敵兵の銃から実匟が出るこずはなかった。なぜなら匕き金を匕くこずができなかったから。 敵兵の銃を芋おみるず、党員の匕き金の郚分が凍っおいた。敵の銃を凍らしたのは圓然アむシィだ。 セレナは銃を撃぀こずができない敵兵たちに向かっお、問答無甚で魔装銃の匕き金を匕いお、赀い魔力匟で敵を次々ず絶呜させおいく。 そしお運よく呜を繋いだものは、モヌナのナむフの嵐によっお絶呜させられた。 「これが私たちの芚悟よ」 「これでどうでしょうか?」 「私たちはできたす」 どうだず聞いおくる生埒䌚メンバヌに察し、セむダは笑みを浮かべながら蚀う。 「合栌だ。お前らの芚悟は本物で間違いない」 セむダに合栌ず蚀われおで喜がうずする生埒䌚。しかしセむダの蚀葉はそれで終わりではなかった。 「でも時間がかかりすぎだ。これじゃあ隠密䜜戊にならない」 ふおくされるセレナ。 「たあいい。隠密䜜戊はこれで終了だ。ここからは掟手にいくぞ」 「「「「「えっ?」」」」」 セむダがニダリず笑みを浮かべお、右手を䞊に向けお広げる。いったい䜕が起きるのか、党く理解しおいないナアたち。だがセむダは気にせず、魔法を発動した。 闇の倧砲 「嘘でしょ!?」 そんなセレナの声ずずもに、セむダたちの頭䞊は䞀瞬で消滅した。セむダが䜿った魔法はその名の通り、闇属性の魔力をぶっ攟す単玔な魔法だ。 これにより、セむダは階数にしお玄十階分の郚屋を、䞀瞬で消滅させた。圓然、その䞭にはたくさんの敵兵がいただろうが、跡圢もなく消えおいる。 「ちょっずロリコン! いくら䜕でもやりすぎよ」 「セむダやりすぎ......」 「セむダ凄かった!」 「これは流石に......蚀葉が出たせん」 「すごい......」 あたりの倧雑把さに、文句を蚀われるセむダだが、これで敵兵をかなり消したのも事実。しかし、同時にセむダたちの䟵入が発芚し、譊報が鳎り始め、次々敵兵がセむダたちをめがけお飛び降りお来た。 セむダは階段で早く䞊に登ろうずしたが、あるこずに気づく。 「やべっ、階段たで消滅させた」 セむダが䜕を蚀っおいるのか理解できないナアたち。階段があった方を芋るず、そこには存圚したはずの䞊ぞず぀ながる階段が、跡圢もなく消えお、綺麗な床になっおいた。 「ちょっず、どうするのよ!?」 「安心しろ。リリィがいる。リリィ頌む」 「わかった! 来お! ゲドちゃん!」 リリィがそう蚀うず、倧きな氎の球䜓が姿を珟し、氎のドラゎンぞず姿を倉えおいく。セむダたちはすぐに氎でできたドラゎンに乗り、䞊の階を目指し、䞊昇する。 「このたた䞊に行きながら、降っおくる敵を殲滅するぞ」 セむダはそう蚀っお、『闇波』で次々ず降っおくる敵兵を消滅させおいく。 ナアはナリアルを生成し、光属性の魔力でできた矢を敵兵に向けお攟ち敵を倒しおいく。リリィも氎のレヌザヌで敵を貫いおいく。 セレナは魔装銃の匕き金を次々匕き魔力匟で、モヌナは颚を操りナむフで敵を切り裂き、アむシィは氷の瀫を飛ばしながら、敵の呜を奪っおいく。 そうしおセむダたちは䞀気にくらいたでショヌトカットするず、ゲドちゃんから降り、再び歩いお䞊を目指す。 次の階ではたくさんの敵兵が広間でセむダたちのこずを埅っおいた。先ほどよりも栌段に広くなった十六階の広間には、これたた先ほどよりも栌段に匷そうな敵兵が千人近く歊噚をもっおセむダたちのこずを埅ち受けおいる。 「どうやら敵さんも準備が完了したみたいだな」 セむダはそう蚀いながら、愛剣である双剣ホリンズを召喚する。ナアも先ほどの匓ではなく、レむピアのナリ゚ルを生成しお構える。リリィたちも各々戊闘態勢に入っおいく。 いざ勝負! ずなりそうな盎前、セむダがナアたちに蚀った。 「䞀番敵を殲滅できなかった奎は、レむリアに垰ったら党員に䞀週間昌飯おごりな」 セむダはそう蚀い残すず『纏光』を発動しお、爆発的に䞊昇した身䜓胜力で、敵を殲滅しおいく。 「セむダずるい......」 ナアはそういいながらも、『単光』を行䜿しお、敵を次々ず殲滅しおいく。ナアがナリ゚ルで刺した敵は、すぐには絶呜はしない。だが䞀呌吞おいお、内郚から砎裂しお肉塊になる。 これはナアが敵兵の䜓内に光属性の魔力を流し蟌み、䜓内から爆発させおいるのだが、そんな光景を芋たこずがない敵兵はただ恐怖を芚える。 「リリィも負けないよ!」 リリィは次々ず氎のレヌザヌを撃ち出し、敵兵の心臓付近を貫いおいく。あたりの貫通力に、䞀発のレヌザヌで䞀気に十人くらいの心臓を貫くリリィの姿は、敵兵にしおみれば、無慈悲な幌女でしかなかった。 次々ず敵が殲滅されおいく䞭、䞍意にモヌナが蚀う。 「モヌナ?」 「これは生死をかけた戊いです。私たちは芚悟をもっおこの堎にいたす。それは盞手も同じです。私たちの芚悟は甘かったようですね。 私はここで、もう䞀床芚悟したす。もうためらわないず。それにお昌ご飯を䞀週間おごりも嫌ですしね」 モヌナは笑顔でそう蚀い残すず、杖を敵兵に向け、魔法を発動する。 「テンペスト」 無数のナむフが空気䞭を浮遊しお、次々ず飛んでいき敵兵の呜を奪っおいく。そこにはもうためらいなどは存圚せず、ただ敵のこずを葬っおいくだけだった。 「モヌナ......」 「セレナ先茩。やりたしょう」 「アむシィ?」 「ここはレむリア王囜じゃありたせん。倚分私たちは甘かったんだず思いたす。だから私もやりたす」 「アむシィ」 アむシィはそういうず氷であるものを䜜り出す。それは双剣。氷でできた双剣を手に、アむシィは敵兵の䞭ぞず突っ蟌んでいく。 敵兵を次々ず双剣で切り裂いおいき、盞手に背埌をずられるず、持っおいた氷の双剣を倉圢させ、氷の刀を䜜り出しお、埌ろの敵兵にさす。 それからアむシィは槍、斧、ナむフなど様々な歊噚を氷で䜜り出し、次々ず敵兵を殲滅しおいく。 そんな二人の光景を芋ながら、セレナは自分の甘さを痛感する。今回の䜜戊においお、自分が䞀番芚悟があるず思っおいたセレナ。しかし実際は、セレナが䞀番、芚悟がなかった。 (こんなんじゃだめだ。私の目的はお母さんを助けるこず) セレナは決意した。もう躊躇わないず。 「火の巫女の深淵、ここに出よ。『アトゥヌトス』」 セレナの発動した『アトゥヌトス』は、たるでセレナの決意を象城するかのように勇たしく敵に向かっお枝分かれしおいく。 二䞇ほどたでに枝分かれした赀いレヌザヌは、次々ず敵兵に圓たり、その身を焊がしおいく。敵兵は赀いレヌザヌを避けようずするが、『アトゥヌトス』は远尟型のため無駄だった。 赀いレヌザヌが次々ず敵兵を焌き殺しおいく。 こうしお敵兵は、党滅した。䞀方的な殲滅を終えたセむダたちは、次の階ぞず向かうため階段を昇っおいく。その途䞭、セむダがふず蚀った。 「さっきの俺が数えたずころによるず䞀番少なかったのは鳥女だった。鳥女、垰ったら昌飯よろしくな」 「なんでよ!?」 「なんで、っお、お前が䞀番殲滅数少なかったし」 「セレナ先茩、ごっ぀ぁんです」 「ありがずう......」 「セレナお姉ちゃんありがずう!」 「えっ? あの話、本圓だったの?」 「もちろん」 そんな䌚話をしながら進むずぞず着く。しかし十䞃階はさっきたでの階ずは違い、広間になっおおらず、倧きな扉が二個あった。 「どうやらここらで二手に分かれないずいけないみたいだな」 「みたいですね」 䞀瞬にしお䞀同の顔が厳しくなる。それはモヌナたちにも芚悟が生たれた蚌拠だ。 「さお、どう分けるかだが......」 セむダは党員の顔を芋ながら考える。ナアたちはセむダに任せるずいう態床を瀺したので、セむダは䞀番効率的か぀安党な二぀に分ける。 「盞手が闇属性を䜿う堎合を考えるず、俺ずナアは別のほうがいいな。あずお互いの情報亀換のためには念話石なしで念話できるリリィも、ナアず同じ方がいいずしお......」 ここたでは簡単に決たる。問題は次だ。 ナアずリリィず誰を䞀緒にするか、が問題である。本圓ならいろいろな歊噚を䜿えるアむシィを入れたいのだが、リリィずの関係を芋るずいろいろ危ない気がする。 かずいっお、セレナを入れたら、これはこれで倧倉なこずになりそうなので、必然的にモヌナしかいなくなった。 「モヌナ、ナアたちず組んでくれ」 「わかりたした」 この時、セむダは知らなかった。決しおモヌナずリリィを䞀緒にしおはいけないこずを...... 「じゃあこれでいいか。䞀応確認はしおおくが、最優先事項はモカ=フェニックスの救出だ。モカ=フェニックスを芋぀け次第、連絡を取っおすぐにこの堎から離脱する。できるだけ無甚な戊闘は避けるように。絶察に死ぬなよ」 「ええ、承知したしたわ」 こうしおセむダたちは二手に分かれ、扉の䞭ぞず入っおいく。 扉を開ける盎前、ナアがセむダに抱き着き、耳元で「浮気はダメ」ず蚀い残しお、濃厚なキスをするなど、いろいろハプニングがあったが、モカ救出䜜戊は第二段階ぞず突入した。 セむダ、セレナ、アむシィ ナア、リリィ、モヌナ この遞択があの悲劇を生むこずになるこずを、ただ誰も知らなかった。
When Seiya and the rest entered the tower, they saw its wide interior along with a stairway leading up. Then, Seiya vigilantly proceeded up into the room. After discovering nothing dangerous, he gave the rest a sign and climbed the stairs. Upon reaching the second floor, they were greeted with the same wide room as before with the addition of some human shadow. That being said, there weren’t that many of them and they weren’t particularly strong either. When Seiya tried to cast『Dark Wave』in their direction, he was stopped by Selena. 「Leave them to us. We will show you our resolve」 「Shall we do it? 」 「Let’s go」 The student council moved to demonstrate their resolve to Seiya. Selena pulled out her magic guns and run towards the center of the room. The enemy soldier that stood there was surprised at her sudden appearance but immediately pulled out his own gun and tried to pull the trigger. However, no bullets left his barrel. The reason being, he wasn’t able to pull the trigger. Looking closely at the gun, its trigger part was frozen. Of course, it was Aishi who did that. Selena released the red mana bullets towards the defenseless enemy soldiers decimating them one after another. And Mona’s knives decimated those, lucky enough to survive. 「This is our resolve」 「How about this?」 「We can do it」 Towards the student council members and their daring appearance, Seiya said with a smile. 「You’ve passed. Your resolve is true, no doubt」 Hearing his approval, the student council rejoiced. However, Seiya’s words didn’t end with just that. 「But you took too much time. We won’t be able to maintain secrecy like this」 []「Uh........」 Groaned Selena. 「Whatever. This brings an end to our cover. From now on, we shall go with fanfare」 「「「「「Eh? 」」」」」 Seiya grinned and lifted his hands towards the ceiling. No one understood what was happening. However, Seiya didn’t mind and activated the spell. 「Let’s go.『Dark Cannon』」 「Are you kidding me!?」 Accompanying Selena’s voice, the ceiling above them disappeared. Seiya spell, as its name suggests, was a simple spell that fired mana of the dark attribute forward. By doing this, he made everything up to the th floor disappear. Of course, there were plenty of enemy soldiers on those floors but they disappeared without a trace. 「Hey, lolicon! It was an overkill however you look at it」 「Seiya, you overdid things........」 「Seiya, it was amazing! 」 「This is.......I don’t have any words to describe it」 「Amazing.....」 They complained about Seiya’s rough approach but it was a fact that the number of enemy soldiers decreased considerably. However, at the same time, their team was discovered and the rest of the enemy soldiers started descending under the sounds of the alarm. When Seiya tried to climb higher, he noticed a certain something. 「Crap, there are no stairs」 The rest couldn’t understand what he was saying. Looking in a direction of the stairway, they found nothing except for the now beautiful and smooth surface of the tower. 「Hey, what have you done?」 「Relax, We have Lily. If you don’t mind, Lily」 「All right! Come! Gedo-chan! 」 Once Lily said that, a big water sphere appeared and transformed into the water dragon. The team immediately climbed on the back of the dragon made out of water and flew towards the upper floors. 「Eliminate all the enemies as we fly up」 Saying that, Seiya released one『Dark Wave』after another annihilating the enemy troops. Yua created the Yurial and released the arrows of light destroying the enemies around them. Lily too pierced the enemies with the water laser. Selena, with her magic guns, Mona, with her flying knives, and Aishi, with her ice projectiles. They kept robbing the enemies of their lives. Only after reaching the th floor and getting off Gedo-chan did they proceed on foot. A lot of enemies awaited them in that room. In a room that was much wider that before, about 0 soldiers of a greater than before strength waited for them with their weapons ready. 「Apparently, the enemies are prepared for our arrival」 Said Seiya as he summoned his favorite swords, the Hollins. Yua took a stance with her rapier, Yuriel, instead of her bow, Yurial. Lily and the rest also assumed battle positions. Right before everyone sprang into action, Seiya said. 「The one, who defeats the least amount of enemies, is going to buy everyone’s lunch for a week when we return to the Leiria Kingdom」 As he said that, he activated『Mantle of Light』, explosively accelerated, and went forward destroying the enemies in his way. 「Seiya, unfair.......」 Saying so, Yua activated『Single Light』and went to destroy the enemies. The enemies stabbed by the Yuriel didn’t die immediately. However, in a moment they burst from the inside in a gruesome manner. It was just an act of Yua filling the enemies with mana of the light attribute and causing them to explode from the inside but the enemies, who weren’t aware of the light attribute, were in terror. 「Lily won’t lose!」 Lily released one water laser after another accurately piercing their hearts. The enemy soldiers could only see the appearance of Lily penetrating 10 people with one water laser as merciless. Gazing at this spectacle, Mona suddenly said. 「Mona?」 「This is a fight with our lives on the line. We resolved ourselves to come here. The same goes for our opponent. It seems that our resolve is still too weak. Here, in this place, I shall demonstrate my resolve one again. I won’t hesitate any longer. Besides, I don’t want to be the one to buy everyone’s lunch for a week」 Said Mona with a smile, pointed at the enemies with her cane, and cast her magic. 「Tempest」 Myriad of knives flew in the air destroying the enemies one after another. There was no hesitation in their movements, just the intent to defeat the enemy. 「Mona......」 「Selena-senpai. Let’s do it」 「Aishi? 」 「This is not the Leiria Kingdom. I think that we were too naive. That’s why I’m going to do it」 「Aishi」 Aishi said as such and made an ice creation. Twin swords. With the twin swords in her hands, Aishi plunged in the midst of enemies. She cut down the enemy soldiers one after another with her twin swords and, once someone got behind her back, she changed her swords into the katana and pierced him. After that, she changed it into a spear, ax, knife and many other weapons destroying the enemies in the process. Watching the two, Selena became aware of her own naivety. Regarding this plan, Selena thought that she had the biggest resolve of everyone present. However, in reality, she had the smallest one. (I can’t continue like that. My goal is to save my mother) Selena made a decision. No more hesitation. 「The abyss of the fire maiden, manifest『Atos』」 Selena’s『Atos』, as if to respond to her determination, fiercely branched towards the enemy. The red laser and its twenty thousand branches hit the enemies burning their bodies. The enemies tried to avoid the laser but sine『Atos』was of the tracking type, their efforts bore no fruit. The red laser burned the enemies one after another. In such a manner, the enemies were annihilated. Seiya and the rest, who were the main reason of their annihilation, climbed the stairs to the next floor. On the way, Seiya suddenly said. 「According to my calculations, bird woman killed the least. Bird woman, once we return our lunches are on you」 「Why is that!?」 「Why, she said. Because you defeated the least amount of enemies」 「Selena-senpai, you’ve got it」 「Thanks.........」 「Thanks, big sister Selena! 」 「Eh? Were you serious back then? 」 「Of course」 They arrived at the seventeenth floor as they had such a conversation. However, different from the previous floors, it wasn’t wide and only had two doors. 「Apparently, we need to split up into two teams here 「Looks like it」 For a moment, everyone’s faces became serious. That was also a proof of the student council’s newfound determination. 「All right then, how should we split....?」 Thought Seiya as he stared at everyone’s faces. Since they showed their intention to follow his arrangement, Seiya split the team in the most efficient and safe manner. 「Considering the possibility of encountering the dark element it is better for me and Yua to act separately. Also, Lily, who can transmit information without a telepathy stone, should join Yua’s team.......」 Until this point, the division happened easily. The problem comes after. Who should join Yua and Lily? Normally he should have chosen Aishi with her weapon skills but considering her affinity with Lily it could become a problem. On the other hand, choosing Selena is troublesome in its own way. Thus, Mona became the natural choice. 「Mona, join Yua and Lily」 「Understood」 At that time, Seiya didn’t know. He shouldn’t have put Mona and Lily on the same team. 「That settles it. I don’t think I need to remind you but our operation’s goal is to rescue Moka Fenix. As soon as you discover Moka Fenix, immediately report and retreat. Avoid needless fighting as much as possible. You aren’t permitted to die」 「Yeah, I understand」 Like that, everyone separated and entered their respective doors. Right before opening the door, Yua hugged Seiya, whispered「cheating is prohibited」in his ear, and left after a deep kiss, as well as some other things occurred, however, Moka Fenix rescue operation finally entered its second stage. Seiya, Selena, Aishi Yua, Lily, Mona No one knew about the tragedy that will result from this choice.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 3, "inserted_lines_src": 2, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
魅力的でしょう? 私は䜏んでいたせん この2幎間に玄4䞇キロの旅をしお アメリカで急速に発展しおいる 癜人の町々を蚪れたした ホワむトピアっお䜕でしょう? 私は3぀の芁玠で定矩しおいたす たず第1に 2000幎に比べホワむトピアの人口は 少なくずも6%増加しおいたす 第2に 人口増の倚くは 癜人移䜏者によるものです そしお3぀目 ホワむトピアは 蚀葉にできぬような魅力 心地よく芋え そしお感じるものがありたす タト゚ペりモナク スッバラシヌ! ホワむトピアの様子を芋お なぜ流行るのか知ろうず 私は3か所でそれぞれ数か月 生掻しおみたした 最初はナタ州のセント・ゞョヌゞ 次にアむダホ州のカヌダレヌン 最埌にゞョヌゞア州のフォヌサむス郡 最初の滞圚地 セント・ゞョヌゞは 赀い岩の眺めが玠晎らしい町でした 1850幎代にブリガム・ダングが 綿花を育おるために 暖かく也燥した堎所である セント・ゞョヌゞに家族を移したした 圌らはそこをナタのディキシヌず呌び 珟圚に至りたす どのホワむトピアでも 私はたるで人類孊者かのごずく近づきたした コミュニティヌの有力者党員のリストを䜜成し どこで誰ず䌚うべきかを決め コミュニティヌの䞭に飛び蟌んでいきたした 地区の有力者の䌚合に顔を出したした 民䞻党や共和党の事務所にも行きたした 倜はポヌカヌもしたした セント・ゞョヌゞでぱントラヌダに 家を借りたした この町きっおの 塀で囲たれた コミュニティです 私向けのモヌテル6や ハヌワヌド・ゞョン゜ンズは無いので 旅行者ずしおではなく 䜏人の様にしお暮らしたした この家を電話䞀本で借りたのです ゎルフはホワむトピアでは 莅沢の象城ずしお完ぺきです この旅を始めた頃は ゎルフクラブなんお持っおいたせんでしたが ここを離れるころには 週に3回はプレむしおいたしたね ゎルフは人々の絆を匷めたす 旅行䞭の玠晎らしい出䌚いの いく぀かはゎルフ堎でのものでした 䟋えば あるベンチャヌ投資家は マむノリティをメンバヌずしお受け入れない 圌が私有するゎルフクラブに 私を招埅しおくれたした 釣りにだっお行きたした 釣りなんおしたこずが無かったので 竿の振り䞋ろし方や どんな逌を付けるかたで この方が教えおくれたのです 週末にはい぀もポヌカヌを たしなみたした テキサスホヌルデムポヌカヌで 参加費は1回10ドルでした ポヌカヌ仲間たちは 手圹に぀いおはブラフをかたしたしたが 瀟䌚的信念に぀いおは 嘘を぀きたせんでした 私が旅行䞭に耳にした 最も生々しく きわどい䌚話は ポヌカヌ台で聞いたものです 私は真の゚ンタヌテむナヌで 料理奜きなので 䜕床も ディナヌパヌティヌを催したした お返しにず 人々は私を ディナヌパヌティや バヌベキュヌパヌティ プヌルサむドのパヌティ それに 誕生パヌティぞず 招埅しおくれたした でも楜しいこずだけではありたせん よそ者が䜏み぀くこずは ホワむトピアにずっお䞀倧事でした 違法移民を問題芖する セント・ゞョヌゞ垂民評議䌚が 移䜏者に察する抗議運動を 繰返し行いたした この問題が どれほど熱い議論ぞ発展するのか このホワむトピアから情報を埗るこずずなりたした 私も目の圓たりにしたしたし 実際に倧問題になりたした 次の堎所は 『Almost Heaven』 矎しきノヌス・アむダホにある コヌダリヌンでは小屋をレンタルしたした この堎所を 電話䞀本で 借りたんです 『死ぬたでに䞀床は行きたい 䞖界の1000ヵ所』にも挙げられおいたす ハンティング、ペットや釣り奜きにずっお この䞊ないパラダむスです ゎルフの腕が少し䞊がっおいたこずが コヌダリヌンでは奜郜合でした 元ロサンゞェルス譊察官ず ゎルフをしたした 1993幎に譊官ずその家族 箄11,000人が LAの人皮差別隒動の埌に ノヌス・アむダホぞ逃れ 共同䜓を䜜り䞊げたのです このような譊官たちは保守的なので ノヌス・アむダホには 銃の文化が 匷く根付いおいるこずは 驚くにあたりたせん 事実 ガ゜リンスタンドより 銃を売る店が倚いず蚀われおいたす では ここに溶け蟌むには どうしたら良いでしょう? 銃クラブを思い぀きたした 銃を借りる時 カりンタヌの向こうの店員は ずおも愛想が良く 芪切に接しおくれたしたが それも私がニュヌペヌク発行の 運転免蚱蚌を芋せたずきたでで 途端に圌は ナヌバスになりたした 私は自分の射撃の腕皋には 悪い奎に 芋えないず思っおいたのですが... ノヌス・アむダホで孊んだこずは 譊察官ず銃が溢れる瀟䌚においお 病的な疑い深さをもった おかしな文化が 根付いおいるこずです ノヌス・アむダホ滞圚䞭に 赀いキャンピングカヌに眮いおいた ノヌトパッドを䜿っお数えおみるず 黒人の数よりも 南軍旗の方が 倚かったのです ノヌス・アむダホでは 南軍旗を キヌフォルダヌ、携垯電話、 スポヌツ甚品や車などで 良く芋かけたした 私が䜏む湖岞の隠れ小屋から 7分のずころには 癜人至䞊䞻矩者による 「アヌリア人囜家」の 居䜏区がありたした アヌリア人囜家の宗教団䜓 「America's Promise Ministries」の 3日間にわたる瞑想䌚が 偶然 滞圚䞭にあったので 抌しかけお行ったのです 非アヌリア人ゞャヌナリストで 初の暎挙っお分かっおたしたけどね 瞑想䌚での思い出深い話は 数倚くありたすが... アヌリア人のアブラハムが 私の暪に寄っおきお 私の膝をピシャリず叩いお こう蚀ったのです 「リッチ お前に䞀぀蚀っおおきたいこずがある おれたちは癜人至䞊䞻矩者じゃない 癜人分離䞻矩者なんだ お前達より優れおいるず 思っちゃいない ただ䞀緒に居たくないだけだ」 実際のずころ ホワむトピアに䜏む 倚くの癜人は 癜人至䞊䞻矩者でも 癜人分離䞻矩者でもなく 人皮的な理由で そこにいるのでは決しおなく むしろ そこに移り䜏んできたのは 友情、心地よさ、譊備や安党を求め ― ぀たり 癜人同士の繋がりそのものが 理由ずなっおいるのです 次はゞョヌゞアです アトランタ北郚の郊倖にある 高玚䜏宅街です ナタではポヌカヌに興じ アむダホでは銃を手にし ゞョヌゞアでは神を芋出したした このホワむトピアに溶け蟌むために 取った方法は ファヌスト・リディヌマヌ教䌚で 積極的に掻動するこずです ここは巚倧な教䌚で 教䌚のメンバヌは 敷地内に数倚くある駐車堎から ゎルフカヌトで案内されたす 私は青幎の郚で掻動したした 個人的には このホワむトピアでは 䟋えばコロラドやアむダホのナヌトピア それにボストン郊倖よりも心地よく感じたした なぜならば ここゞョヌゞアでは 歎史的に癜人ず黒人が 互いのこずをより良く知っおいたからです このホワむトピアでは それ皋倉な奎には芋られたせんでしたよ 私の経隓は䜕を意味するのでしょうか? ホワむトピアぞの倢぀たり移䜏は プッシュ・プル珟象ずいえたす 危険に満ちた状況が癜人を倖ぞずプッシュし ホワむトピアの魅惑にプルされる ホワむトピアは意識的、無意識的な偏芋が ある䞭で成り立っおいたす ホワむトピアの存圚が人皮差別的な 結果を生み出しおいるずしおも 差別のために癜人が そこに䜏んでいるのだずは限りたせん 違法行為、瀟䌚犏祉の乱甚 マむノリティヌ、過密な人口や 孊校の定員オヌバヌなどが ホワむトピアぞず駆り立お 䞀方 メリットや自由など 私有コミュニティヌの魅力 ぀たり私有する土地で ごく限られた人々が 党おを私有する生掻に 惹き぀けられおいきたす 私は囜に人皮差別䞻矩者がいなくおも 人皮差別が存圚し埗るず ホワむトピアで孊びたした 郜䌚に䜏む気取ったリベラルな友人たちは 私の冒険を 信じられない様でした 実際のずころ 倚くの癜人系アメリカ人は 愛想が良く芪切です 人皮を超えた付き合いは― 人間ずしおあるべき接し方は 私の䞡芪の䞖代に比べお ずおも良くなっおいたす 40幎前なら私がホワむトピアに行くなんお 想像できたせんよね? どんな旅になっおいたこずやら しかし倉わらないこずもありたす アメリカは今でも1970幎頃ず同じように 䜏む堎所も教育においおも 人皮によっお分離されおいたす 同じアメリカ人ずしお 時々 䞀緒に料理したり 䞀緒に螊ったり 招埅し合っおいたす しかし こういした行為を地域瀟䌚ぞず 広げおいくこずが なぜ出来ないのでしょう? ずんでもない皮肉です 個人のレベルでは 進歩しながら 地域瀟䌚においおは 退化しおいるのですから ホワむトピアの考えを瀺すこの蚀葉に 私はショックを受けたした 「1人の黒人をディナヌに招くのは 楜しくももあるが 50人の黒人ずいるず ゲットヌにいるようだ」 私のホワむトピア旅行から 匷く思い描いたのは 2042幎たでに癜人は もはや アメリカの倚数掟でなくなるずいうこずです そうなったら もっずホワむトピアが 建蚭されるのでしょうか? この問題を考えおみるず ホワむトピアに朜む危険は 人皮の分離が進むに぀れお 意識的な たた非意識的な偏芋ずいう問題が 盎芖されなくなるずいうこずです 2幎間におよぶ4䞇キロの冒険で 癜人がどこぞ、なぜ そしおどの様にしお 脱出を図っおいるかを孊びたした もっずも こんなに楜しい旅になるずは 思っおもみたせんでしたが 自分自身に぀いおも 予想倖に倚くを孊びたした だからずいっお 将来 ホワむトピアだずか ブラックトピアに䜏もうなんお 考えおいたせん チャンスがある限り ゎルフは絶察に続けようず思いたすけどね ホワむトピアで手にした銃を眮き 倧教䌚を去る時間ずなりたした ありがずうございたした
It's a seductive place, isn't it? I don't live there. But I did journey on a 27,000-mile trip for two years, to the fastest-growing and whitest counties in America. What is a Whitopia? I define Whitopia in three ways: First, a Whitopia has posted at least six percent population growth since 2000. Secondly, the majority of that growth comes from white migrants. And third, the Whitopia has an ineffable charm, a pleasant look and feel, a je Ne sais quoi. To learn how and why Whitopias are ticking, I immersed myself for several months apiece in three of them: first, St. George, Utah; second, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho; and third, Forsyth County, Georgia. First stop, St. George -- a beautiful town of red rock landscapes. In the 1850s, Brigham Young dispatched families to St. George to grow cotton because of the hot, arid climate. And so they called it Utah's Dixie, and the name sticks to this day. I approached my time in each Whitopia like an anthropologist. I made detailed spreadsheets of all the power brokers in the communities, who I needed to meet, where I needed to be, and I threw myself with gusto in these communities. I went to zoning board meetings, I went to Democratic clubs and Republican clubs. I went to poker nights. In St. George, I rented a home at the Entrada, one of the town's premier gated communities. There were no Motel 6's or Howard Johnsons for me. I lived in Whitopia as a resident, and not like a visitor. I rented myself this home by phone. Golf is the perfect seductive symbol of Whitopia. When I went on my journey, I had barely ever held a golf club. By the time I left, I was golfing at least three times a week. Golf helps people bond. Some of the best interviews I ever scored during my trip were on the golf courses. One venture capitalist, for example, invited me to golf in his private club that had no minority members. I also went fishing. Because I had never fished, this fellow had to teach me how to cast my line and what bait to use. I also played poker every weekend. It was Texas Hold 'em with a $10 buy-in. My poker mates may have been bluffing about the hands that they drew, but they weren't bluffing about their social beliefs. Some of the most raw, salty conversations I ever had during my journey were at the poker table. I'm a gung ho entertainer. I love to cook, I hosted many dinner parties, and in return, people invited me to their dinner parties, and to their barbecues, and to their pool parties, and to their birthday parties. But it wasn't all fun. Immigration turned out to be a big issue in this Whitopia. The St. George's Citizens Council on Illegal Immigration held regular and active protests against immigration, and so what I gleaned from this Whitopia is what a hot debate this would become. It was a real-time preview, and so it has become. Next stop: Almost Heaven, a cabin I rented for myself in Coeur d'Alene, in the beautiful North Idaho panhandle. I rented this place for myself, also by phone. The book "A Thousand Places To See Before You Die" lists Coeur d'Alene -- it's a gorgeous paradise for huntsmen, boatmen and fishermen. My growing golf skills came in handy in Coeur d'Alene. I golfed with retired LAPD cops. In 1993, around 11,000 families and cops fled Los Angeles after the L.A. racial unrest, for North Idaho, and they've built an expatriated community. Given the conservatism of these cops, there's no surprise that North Idaho has a strong gun culture. In fact, it is said, North Idaho has more gun dealers than gas stations. So what's a resident to do to fit in? I hit the gun club. When I rented a gun, the gentleman behind the counter was perfectly pleasant and kind, until I showed him my New York City driver's license. That's when he got nervous. I'm not as bad a shot as I thought I might have been. What I learned from North Idaho is the peculiar brand of paranoia that can permeate a community when so many cops and guns are around. In North Idaho, in my red pickup truck, I kept a notepad. And in that notepad I counted more Confederate flags than black people. In North Idaho, I found Confederate flags on key chains, on cellphone paraphernalia, and on cars. About a seven-minute drive from my hidden lake cabin was the compound of Aryan Nations, the white supremacist group. America's Promise Ministries, the religious arm of Aryan Nations, happened to have a three-day retreat during my visit. So I decided to crash it. I'm the only non-Aryan journalist I'm aware of ever to have done so. Among the many memorable episodes of that retreat... when Abe, an Aryan, sidled up next to me. He slapped my knee, and he said, "Hey Rich, I just want you to know one thing. We are not white supremacists. We are white separatists. We don't think we're better than you, we just want to be away from you." Indeed, most white people in Whitopia are neither white supremacists or white separatists; in fact, they're not there for explicitly racial reasons at all. Rather, they emigrate there for friendliness, comfort, security, safety -- reasons that they implicitly associate to whiteness in itself. Next stop was Georgia. In Georgia, I stayed in an exurb north of Atlanta. In Utah, I found poker; in Idaho, I found guns; in Georgia, I found God. The way that I immersed myself in this Whitopia was to become active at First Redeemer Church, a megachurch that's so huge that it has golf carts to escort the congregants around its many parking lots on campus. I was active in the youth ministry. And for me, personally, I was more comfortable in this Whitopia than say, in a Colorado, or an Idaho, or even a suburban Boston. That is because [there], in Georgia, white people and black people are more historically familiar to one another. I was less exotic in this Whitopia. But what does it all mean? Whitopian dreaming, Whitopia migration, is a push-pull phenomenon, full of alarming pushes and alluring pulls, and Whitopia operates at the level of conscious and unconscious bias. It's possible for people to be in Whitopia not for racist reasons, though it has racist outcomes. Many Whitopians feel pushed by illegals, social welfare abuse, minorities, density, crowded schools. Many Whitopians feel pulled by merit, freedom, the allure of privatism -- privatized places, privatized people, privatized things. And I learned in Whitopia how a country can have racism without racists. Many of my smug urban liberal friends couldn't believe I would go on such a venture. The reality is that many white Americans are affable and kind. Interpersonal race relations -- how we treat each other as human beings -- are vastly better than in my parents' generation. Can you imagine me going to Whitopia 40 years ago? What a journey that would have been. And yet, some things haven't changed. America is as residentially and educationally segregated today as it was in 1970. As Americans, we often find ways to cook for each other, to dance with each other, to host with each other, but why can't that translate into how we treat each other as communities? It's a devastating irony, how we have gone forward as individuals, and backwards as communities. One of the Whitopian outlooks that really hit me was a proverbial saying: "One black man is a delightful dinner guest; 50 black men is a ghetto." One of the big contexts animating my Whitopian journey was the year 2042. By 2042, white people will no longer be the American majority. As such, will there be more Whitopias? In looking at this, the danger of Whitopia is that the more segregation we have, the less we can look at and confront conscious and unconscious bias. I ventured on my two-year, 27,000 mile journey to learn where, why, and how white people are fleeing, but I didn't expect to have so much fun on my journey. I didn't expect to learn so much about myself. I don't expect I'll be living in a Whitopia -- or a Blacktopia, for that matter. I do plan to continue golfing every chance I get. And I'll just have to leave the guns and megachurches back in Whitopia. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }