NST / convert_to_mp3_and_shard.py
versae's picture
Create new file
import json
import tarfile
import time
from contextlib import closing
from io import BytesIO
from pathlib import Path
from pydub import AudioSegment
from tqdm import tqdm
MIC_TYPES = (("close", 1), ("distant", 2))
def convert_to_mp3(split, audio_dir, metadata_dir, output_dir, prefix=None):
if prefix and not prefix.endswith("_"):
prefix += "_"
prefix = ""
paths = Path(metadata_dir).glob("*.json")
audio_dir = Path(audio_dir)
output_dir = Path(output_dir)
with (open(f"{prefix}{split}.jsonl", "w") as metadata_jsonlines,
open(f"{prefix}{split}.log", "w") as metadata_log):
for path in tqdm(paths):
metadata = json.load(path.open())
for recording in tqdm(metadata.get("val_recordings", [])):
MIC_TYPES = (("close", 1), ("distant", 2))
mic_segments = [None, None]
for mic_position, mic_index in MIC_TYPES:
audio_filename = audio_dir / metadata["pid"] / f'{metadata["pid"]}_{recording["file"].replace(".wav", f"-{mic_index}.wav")}'
metadata_jsonl = {
"pid": metadata["pid"],
segment = AudioSegment.from_file(audio_filename.as_posix())
mic_segments[mic_index - 1] = segment
except FileNotFoundError:
message = f"File {audio_filename.as_posix()} ({mic_position}) not found for split {split}."
metadata_log.write(message + "\n")
if all(mic_segments):
metadata_jsonlines.write(json.dumps(metadata_jsonl) + "\n")
for idx, segment in enumerate(mic_segments):
mic_position = MIC_TYPES[idx][0]
export_filename = output_dir / split / mic_position / f"{metadata_jsonl['pid']}_{metadata_jsonl['file'].replace('.wav', '.mp3')}"
export_filename.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
segment.export(export_filename.as_posix(), format="mp3")
def human_size(bytes, units=[' bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB']):
""" Returns a human readable string representation of bytes """
return str(bytes) + units[0] if bytes < 1024 else human_size(bytes>>10, units[1:])
def create_shards(split, mp3_dir, shard_dir, size, prefix=None):
if prefix and not prefix.endswith("_"):
prefix += "_"
prefix = ""
mp3_dir = Path(mp3_dir)
shard_dir = Path(shard_dir)
for mic_position, _ in MIC_TYPES:
with open(f"{prefix}{split}.jsonl", "r") as metadata_jsonlines_file:
metadata_jsonlines = iter(metadata_jsonlines_file)
shard_count = 0
shard_jsonlines = []
shard_size = 0
metadata = True
while metadata:
shard_name = f"{prefix}{split}_{mic_position}-{(shard_count + 1):04d}.tar.gz"
print(f"Shard {(shard_dir / split / shard_name).as_posix()}")
(shard_dir / split).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
with tarfile.open(shard_dir / split / shard_name, "w:gz") as shard:
pbar = tqdm()
while shard_size < size:
metadata = json.loads(next(metadata_jsonlines))
except StopIteration:
metadata = None
shard_size = size
if metadata:
audio_file = mp3_dir / split / mic_position / f"{metadata['pid']}_{metadata['file'].replace('.wav', '.mp3')}"
shard.add(audio_file.as_posix(), arcname=".")
shard_size += audio_file.stat().st_size
pbar.set_description(f"Processing {audio_file.as_posix()} [{human_size(shard_size)}]")
if shard_jsonlines:
pbar.set_description(f"Processing metadata [{len(shard_jsonlines)} entries]")
shard_jsonlines_str = "\n".join(shard_jsonlines)
with closing(BytesIO(shard_jsonlines_str.encode('utf-8'))) as metadata_file:
tarinfo = tarfile.TarInfo("metadata.json")
tarinfo.size = len(metadata_file.getvalue())
tarinfo.mtime = time.time()
shard.addfile(tarinfo, fileobj=metadata_file)
with open(shard_dir / split / shard_name.replace(".tar.gz", ".json"), "w") as metadata_file:
shard_size = 0
shard_jsonlines = []
shard_count += 1
for shard_index in range(shard_count):
shard_name = f"{prefix}{split}_{mic_position}-{(shard_index + 1):04d}.tar.gz"
(shard_dir / split / shard_name).rename(shard_dir / split / shard_name.replace(".tar.gz", f"-of-{shard_count:04d}.tar.gz"))
shard_json = f"{prefix}{split}_{mic_position}-{(shard_index + 1):04d}.json"
(shard_dir / split / shard_json).rename(shard_dir / split / shard_json.replace(".json", f"-of-{shard_count:04d}.json"))
def main():
audio_dir = "audio/no"
mp3_dir = "dataset_mp3"
shard_dir = "dataset_shards"
split_paths = {
"train": "metadata/ADB_NOR_0463",
"test": "metadata/ADB_NOR_0464",
prefix_dataset = "dataset"
for split, metadata_dir in split_paths.items():
convert_to_mp3(split, metadata_dir, audio_dir, output_dir=mp3_dir, prefix=prefix_dataset)
prefix = "nst_no"
print(f"""Dedup leaked files
$ comm -23 <(sort {prefix_dataset}_train.jsonl) <(sort {prefix_dataset}_test.jsonl) | shuf > {prefix}_train.jsonl
$ shuf {prefix_dataset}_test.jsonl -o {prefix}_test.jsonl
input("Enter [Enter] when dedupe is done.")
for split, metadata_dir in split_paths.items():
shard_size = 500 * 1024 * 1024 # ~500MB
create_shards(split, mp3_dir, shard_dir, shard_size, prefix="nst_no")