<s>[INST][context]:Coevolution often happens in species that have symbiotic relationships. Examples include flowering plants and their pollinators.[/INST] [question]:What type of evolution often happens in species that have symbiotic relationships? [answer]:coevolution</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Helicopter pilots are quite familiar with rotational kinetic energy. They know, for example, that a point of no return will be reached if they allow their blades to slow below a critical angular velocity during flight. The blades lose lift, and it is impossible to immediately get the blades spinning fast enough to regain it. Rotational kinetic energy must be supplied to the blades to get them to rotate faster, and enough energy cannot be supplied in time to avoid a crash. Because of weight limitations, helicopter engines are too small to supply both the energy needed for lift and to replenish the rotational kinetic energy of the blades once they have slowed down. The rotational kinetic energy is put into them before takeoff and must not be allowed to drop below this crucial level. One possible way to avoid a crash is to use the gravitational potential energy of the helicopter to replenish the rotational kinetic energy of the blades by losing altitude and aligning the blades so that the helicopter is spun up in the descent. Of course, if the helicopter’s altitude is too low, then there is insufficient time for the blade to regain lift before reaching the ground. Problem-Solving Strategy for Rotational Energy 1. Determine that energy or work is involved in the rotation. Determine the system of interest. A sketch usually helps. Analyze the situation to determine the types of work and energy involved. For closed systems, mechanical energy is conserved. That is,.[/INST] [question]:Helicopter pilots can recover from piloting errors by decreasing altitude, turning some of their potential energy into what kind of energy? [answer]:kinetic</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Carrying this one step further, we note that the slope of a velocity versus time graph is acceleration. Slope is rise divided by run; on a v vs. t graph, rise = change in velocity Δv and run = change in time Δt . The Slope of v vs. t The slope of a graph of velocity.[/INST] [question]:Rise divided by run is called what? [answer]:slope</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Sometimes cancer cells break away from a tumor. If they enter the bloodstream, they are carried throughout the body. Then, the cells may start growing in other tissues. This is usually how cancer spreads from one part of the body to another. Once this happens, cancer is very hard to stop or control.[/INST] [question]:How do cancer cells typically spread from one part of the body to another? [answer]:bloodstream</s>
<s>[INST][context]:would not be surprised if the surviving populations experienced serious bottlenecks. The subsequent diversification of the surviving organisms, such as the Dinosauria (which includes the extinct dinosaurs and modern birds) and the Cynodontia, which includes the ancestors of modern mammals, including us, could be due in part to these bottleneck-associated effects, for example, through the removal of competing species or predators. An astreroid impact, known as the Cretaceous-Tertiary event, occurred ~65 million years ago; it contributed to the extinction of the dinosaurs and led to the diversification of mammals (which had first appeared in the fossil record ~160 million years ago). While surviving an asteroid impact (or other dramatic changes in climate) may be random, in other cases who survives a bottleneck is not. Consider the effects of a severe drought or highly virulent bacterial or viral infection; the organisms that survive may have specific phenotypes (and associated genotypes) that significantly influence their chance of survival. In such a case, the effect of the bottleneck event would produce non-random changes in the distribution of genotypes (and alleles) in the post-bottleneck population – these selective effects could continue to influence the population in various ways. For example, a trait associated with pathogen resistance may also have negative phenotypic effects. After the pathogen-driven bottleneck, mutations that mitigate the resistance trait's negative effects (and may have their own effects) can be selected. The end result is that traits that would not be selected in the absence of the pathogen, are selected. In addition, the very occurrence of a rapid and extreme reduction in population size has its own effects. For example, it would be expected to increase the effects of genetic drift (see below) and could make finding a mate more difficult. We can identify extreme population reduction events, such as founder effects and bottlenecks, by looking at the variation in genotypes (that is, the sequence of DNA molecules), particularly in genotypic changes not expected to influence phenotypes, mating preference, or reproductive success. These so-called neutral polymorphisms are expected to accumulate in the regions of the genome between genes (intragenic regions) at a constant rate over time (can you suggest why?) The rate of the accumulation of neutral polymorphisms serves as a type of population-based biological clock. Its rate can be estimated, at least roughly, by comparing the genotypes of individuals of different populations whose time of separation can be accurately estimated (assuming of course that there has been no migrations between the populations). Such studies of genomic sequence data (which we will return to later in much greater detail) indicate that the human population arose in Africa ~500,000 years ago. 119 Before this, the population leading to humans is thought to have undergone a bottleneck around ~1.2 million years ago.120 Once established, groups of modern humans migrated within and out of African, undergoing a series of founder effect events between ~45,000 to 60,000 years ago first as they migrated from southern Africa into the regions of the Horn of Africa, then into the Arabian peninsula, and from there into Europe, Asia, Oceania, and finally the Americas. (↓) Comparing genotypes, that is, neutral polymorphisms, between 119.[/INST] [question]:The rate of the accumulation of neutral what serves as a type of population-based biological clock? [answer]:polymorphisms</s>
<s>[INST][context]:An atom is the smallest unit of a chemical element . That is, an atom has all the properties of that element. All atoms of the same element have the same number of protons.[/INST] [question]:What is the smallest unit of a chemical element called? [answer]:atom</s>
<s>[INST][context]:One dimensional motion describes objects moving in straight lines. Speed is a scalar measure of how quickly an object is moving along this line. Velocity is speed with a direction, making it a vector. If an object’s velocity changes with time, the object is said to be accelerating. When restricted to one dimension, there are only two possible directions for the velocity and acceleration vectors to point in. As we’ll see in the next chapters, understanding an object's acceleration is the key to understanding its motion.[/INST] [question]:What is the term for a scalar measure of how quickly an object is moving along this line? [answer]:speed</s>
<s>[INST][context]:A combination reaction makes a new substance from more than one reactant; a redox reaction rearranges electrons. Not all combination reactions are redox reactions, and not all redox reactions are combination reactions.[/INST] [question]:A redox reaction rearranges what subatomic particles? [answer]:electrons</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Ingestive protists ingest, or engulf, bacteria and other small particles. They extend their cell wall and cell membrane around the food item, forming a food vacuole. Then enzymes digest the food in the vacuole.[/INST] [question]:What substances digest the food in the vacuole of an ingestive protist? [answer]:enzymes</s>
<s>[INST][context]:The speed of sound also depends on the temperature of the medium. For a given medium such as air, sound has a slower speed at lower temperatures. You can compare the speed of sound in air at different temperatures in Table below . A lower temperature means that particles of the medium are moving more slowly, so it takes them longer to transfer the energy of the sound waves. The amount of water vapor in the air affects the speed of sound as well. Do you think sound travels faster or slower when the air contains more water vapor? ( Hint: Compare the speed of sound in water and air in Table above . ).[/INST] [question]:The amount of water vapor in the air and the temperature of the medium affects how fast what travels? [answer]:sound</s>
<s>[INST][context]:This chart shows the genetic code used by all organisms. For example, an RNA codon reading GUU would encode for a valine (Val) according to this chart. Start at the center for the first base of the three base codon, and work your way out. Notice that more than one codon may encode for a single amino acid. For example, glycine (Gly) is encoded by a GGG, GGA, GGC, and GGU. Notice there are 64 codons. Of the 64 codons, three are stop codons.[/INST] [question]:An rna codon reading guu encodes for what? [answer]:valine</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Reptiles are a class of ectothermic, tetrapod vertebrates. They have several adaptations for living on dry land, such as tough keratin scales and efficient lungs for breathing air. They also have a three-chambered heart and relatively well-developed brain.[/INST] [question]:How many chambers are in a reptiles heart? [answer]:three</s>
<s>[INST][context]:The pupil is an opening in the front of the eye. It looks black because it doesn’t reflect any light. All the light passes through it instead. The pupil controls the amount of light that enters the eye. It automatically gets bigger or smaller to let more or less light in as needed.[/INST] [question]:What is the opening in the front of the eye called? [answer]:pupil</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Water density increases as salinity and pressure increase, or as temperature decreases.[/INST] [question]:When salinity and pressure increase, or when temperature decreases, what happens to water density? [answer]:increases</s>
<s>[INST][context]:contain the carbonyl functional group (C=O; part (a) in Figure 24.14 "The Oxidation State of Carbon in Oxygen- and Nitrogen-Containing Functional Groups"). Alcohols are classified as primary, secondary, or tertiary, depending on whether the –OH group is bonded to a primary, secondary, or tertiary carbon. For example, the compound 5-methyl-3-hexanol is a secondary alcohol.[/INST] [question]:The bending of a wave around the edges of an opening or an obstacle is called this? [answer]:diffraction</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Strategy: A Based on the conductivity of the elements, determine whether each is a metal, a nonmetal, or a semimetal. Confirm your prediction from its physical appearance. B From the compounds each element forms, determine its common oxidation states. C If the element is a nonmetal, it must be located in the p block of the periodic table. If a semimetal, it must lie along the diagonal line of semimetals from B to At. Transition metals can have two oxidation states separated by one electron. D From your classification, the oxidation states of the element, and its physical appearance, deduce its identity. Solution:.[/INST] [question]:Conductivity, oxidation state and physical appearance are properties that help determine whether what are metals? [answer]:elements</s>
<s>[INST][context]:The endocrine system consists of glands that secrete hormones into the bloodstream. It is regulated by a part of the brain called the hypothalamus, which also secretes hormones. The hypothalamus controls the pituitary gland, which is called the “master gland” of the endocrine system because its hormones regulate other endocrine glands. Other endocrine glands include the thyroid gland and pancreas.[/INST] [question]:What specific part of the brain regulates the endocrine system? [answer]:hypothalamus</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Chemical reactions follow the laws of thermodynamics. The First Law of Thermodynamics states that energy can be changed from one form to another, but it cannot be created or destroyed. This law is also known as the Law of Conservation of Energy. The Second Law of Thermodynamics states the energy available after a chemical reaction is always less than that at the beginning of a reaction. This is also commonly referred to as entropy. Entropy can be described as the degree of disorder in a system . That is, as energy is transferred from one form to another, some of the energy is lost as heat, and the amount of available energy decreases. As the energy decreases, the disorder in the system increases, and, by definition, the entropy increases. Ice melting provides an example in which entropy increases. Entropy essentially is a measure of the tendency of a process, such as a chemical reaction, to proceed in a particular direction.[/INST] [question]:Chemical reactions follow which laws? [answer]:thermodynamics</s>
<s>[INST][context]:CHAPTER SUMMARY 37.1 Types of Hormones There are three basic types of hormones: lipid-derived, amino acid-derived, and peptide. Lipid-derived hormones are structurally similar to cholesterol and include steroid hormones such as estradiol and testosterone. Amino acid-derived hormones are relatively small molecules and include the adrenal hormones epinephrine and norepinephrine. Peptide hormones are polypeptide chains or proteins and include the pituitary hormones, antidiuretic hormone (vasopressin), and oxytocin.[/INST] [question]:There are three basic types of hormones: lipid-derived, amino acid-derived, and what? [answer]:peptide</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Fertilization occurs when an egg and sperm come together to form a zygote.[/INST] [question]:Fertilization occurs when an egg and sperm come together to form a what? [answer]:zygote</s>
<s>[INST][context]:The explosion of nitroglycerin releases large volumes of gases and is very exothermic.[/INST] [question]:The explosion of nitroglycerin, which releases large volumes of gases, is what type of reaction? [answer]:exothermic</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Carbohydrates include sugars, starches, and fiber. Sugars and starches are used by the body for energy. One gram of carbohydrates provides 4 Calories of energy. Fiber, which is found in plant foods, cannot be digested but is needed for good health. Simple carbohydrates are small carbohydrates found in foods such as fruits and milk. These carbohydrates include lactose, fructose and glucose. Complex carbohydrates are much larger molecules. Starch, which is a complex carbohydrate found in vegetables and grains, is made of thousands of glucose units bonded together.[/INST] [question]:What category of food includes sugars, starches and fibers? [answer]:carbohydrates</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Nutrients are substances that the body needs for energy, building materials, and control of body processes. Carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and water are nutrients needed in relatively large amounts. Vitamins and minerals are nutrients needed in much smaller amounts.[/INST] [question]:What are substances that the body needs for energy, building materials, and control of body processes? [answer]:nutrients</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Algae are like plants mainly because they contain chloroplasts. This allows them to make food by photosynthesis. Algae are important producers in water-based ecosystems such as the ocean. On the other hand, algae lack other plant structures. For example, they don’t have roots, stems, or leaves. Also unlike plants, some algae can move. They may move with pseudopods or flagella.[/INST] [question]:Algae are like plants mainly because they contain what? [answer]:chloroplasts</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Mutations have many possible causes. Some mutations occur when a mistake is made during DNA replication or transcription. Other mutations occur because of environmental factors. Anything in the environment that causes a mutation is known as a mutagen . Examples of mutagens are shown in Figure below . They include ultraviolet rays in sunlight, chemicals in cigarette smoke, and certain viruses and bacteria.[/INST] [question]:What is it called when a mistake occurs in dna replication. [answer]:mutation</s>
<s>[INST][context]:During the Permian Period, all the major landmasses moved together to form one supercontinent. The supercontinent has been named Pangaea. You can see how it looked in Figure below . At this time, temperatures were extreme and the climate became very dry. As a result, plants and animals evolved ways to cope with dryness. For example, reptiles evolved leathery skin. This helped prevent water loss. Plants evolved waxy leaves for the same purpose.[/INST] [question]:All the major landmasses moved together to form one supercontinent in which period? [answer]:permian</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Engineering is the practical application of scientific principles and discoveries to develop things that make our lives easier. Is medicine science or engineering? Justify your answer.[/INST] [question]:What is the practical application of scientific principles and discoveries to develop things that make our lives easier? [answer]:engineering</s>
<s>[INST][context]:A composite volcano forms the tall cone shape you usually think of when you think of a volcano. Shield volcanoes are huge, gently sloping volcanoes. Cinder cones are small, cone-shaped volcanoes.[/INST] [question]:What is the type of volcano with a tall cone shape that you picture when picturing a volcano? [answer]:composite</s>
<s>[INST][context]:In many species, including humans, circadian rhythms are controlled by a tiny structure called the biological clock . This structure is located in a gland at the base of the brain. The biological clock sends signals to the body. The signals cause regular changes in behavior and body processes. The amount of light entering the eyes helps control the biological clock. The clock causes changes that repeat every 24 hours.[/INST] [question]:The amount of what entering the eyes helps control the biological clock? [answer]:light</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Glial Cells of the PNS One of the two types of glial cells found in the PNS is the satellite cell. Satellite cells are found in sensory and autonomic ganglia, where they surround the cell bodies of neurons. This accounts for the name, based on their appearance under the microscope. They provide support, performing similar functions in the periphery as astrocytes do in the CNS—except, of course, for establishing the BBB. The second type of glial cell is the Schwann cell, which insulate axons with myelin in the periphery. Schwann cells are different than oligodendrocytes, in that a Schwann cell wraps around a portion of only one axon segment and no others. Oligodendrocytes have processes that reach out to multiple axon segments, whereas the entire Schwann cell surrounds just one axon segment. The nucleus and cytoplasm of the Schwann cell are on the edge of the myelin sheath. The relationship of these two types of glial cells to ganglia and nerves in the PNS is seen in Figure 12.12.[/INST] [question]:Satellite and schwann cells are the two types of what kind of cell found in the pns? [answer]:glial</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Ionic compounds have positive ions and negative ions.[/INST] [question]:What compound has positive and negative ions? [answer]:ionic</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Mole-mole calculations are not the only type of calculations that can be performed using balanced chemical equations. Recall that the molar mass can be determined from a chemical formula and used as a conversion factor. We can add that conversion factor as another step in a calculation to make a molemass calculation, where we start with a given number of moles of a substance and calculate the mass of another substance involved in the chemical equation, or vice versa. For example, suppose we have the balanced chemical equation.[/INST] [question]:What effect, related to weather forecasting, occurs not only for sound but for any wave when there is relative motion between the observer and the source? [answer]:doppler</s>
<s>[INST][context]:science of heredity, or how traits are passed from parents to offspring.[/INST] [question]:What is the science of how traits are passed from parents to offspring? [answer]:heredity</s>
<s>[INST][context]:which is identical to the Rydberg equation for R ∞ = k . When Bohr calculated his theoretical value for the hc Rydberg constant, R ∞, and compared it with the experimentally accepted value, he got excellent agreement. Since the Rydberg constant was one of the most precisely measured constants at that time, this level of agreement was astonishing and meant that Bohr’s model was taken seriously, despite the many assumptions that Bohr needed to derive it. The lowest few energy levels are shown in Figure 6.14. One of the fundamental laws of physics is that matter is most stable with the lowest possible energy. Thus, the electron in a hydrogen atom usually moves in the n = 1 orbit, the orbit in which it has the lowest energy. When the electron is in this lowest energy orbit, the atom is said to be in its ground electronic state (or simply ground state). If the atom receives energy from an outside source, it is possible for the electron to move to an orbit with a higher n value and the atom is now in an excited electronic state (or simply an excited state) with a higher energy. When an electron transitions from an excited state (higher energy orbit) to a less excited state, or ground state, the difference in energy is emitted as a photon. Similarly, if a photon is absorbed by an atom, the energy of the photon moves an electron from a lower energy orbit up to a more excited one. We can relate the energy of electrons in atoms to what we learned previously about energy. The law of conservation of energy says that we can neither create nor destroy energy. Thus, if a certain amount of external energy is required to excite an electron from one energy level to another, that same amount of energy will be liberated when the electron returns to its initial state (Figure 6.15). In effect, an atom can “store” energy by using it to promote an electron to a state with a higher energy and release it when the electron returns to a lower state. The energy can be released as one quantum of energy, as the electron returns to its ground state (say, from n = 5 to n = 1), or it can be released as two or more smaller quanta as the electron falls to an intermediate state, then to the ground state (say, from n = 5 to n = 4, emitting one quantum, then to n = 1, emitting a second quantum). Since Bohr’s model involved only a single electron, it could also be applied to the single electron ions He+, Li2+, Be3+, and so forth, which differ from hydrogen only in their nuclear charges, and so one-electron atoms and ions are collectively referred to as hydrogen-like atoms. The energy expression for hydrogen-like atoms is a generalization of the hydrogen atom energy, in which Z is the nuclear charge (+1 for hydrogen, +2 for He, +3 for Li, and so on) and k has a value of 2.179 × 10–18 J. E n = − kZ2 n.[/INST] [question]:When an electron transitions from an excited state to a less excited state, or ground state, the difference in energy is emitted as a what? [answer]:photon</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Figure 46.14 Water from the land and oceans enters the atmosphere by evaporation or sublimation, where it condenses into clouds and falls as rain or snow. Precipitated water may enter freshwater bodies or infiltrate the soil. The cycle is complete when surface or groundwater reenters the ocean. (credit: modification of work by John M. Evans and Howard Perlman, USGS).[/INST] [question]:Water from the land and oceans enters the atmosphere by which process? [answer]:evaporation</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Rising and sinking air can influence the precipitation of a region.[/INST] [question]:What does rising and sinking air influence in a region? [answer]:precipitation</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Refracting and reflecting telescopes are optical telescopes that use lenses to gather light.[/INST] [question]:Refracting and reflecting telescopes are optical telescopes that use lenses to gather what? [answer]:light</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Levels of organization, from the atom (smallest) to the organism (largest). Notice that organelles are inside a cell, and organs are inside an organism.[/INST] [question]:What is the largest level of organization? [answer]:organism</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Living species of chordates are classified into three major subphyla: Vertebrata, Urochordata, and Cephalochordata. Vertebrates are all chordates that have a backbone. The other two subphyla are invertebrate chordates that lack a backbone.[/INST] [question]:Living species of chordates are classified into three major subphyla: vertebrata, urochordata, and what? [answer]:cephalochordata</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Tennis is played on a variety of court surfaces: grass, clay, hardcourt, and even carpet. Players know that matches on different surfaces are distinctly different games. The ball bounces differently, and shoes slip on some surfaces but stick on others. These differences are a result of friction.[/INST] [question]:What force explains why a tennis ball bounces differently on different surfaces, and shoes slip on some surfaces but stick on others? [answer]:friction</s>
<s>[INST][context]:The cavities normally contain hydrated cations that are loosely bound to the oxygen atoms of the negatively charged framework by electrostatic interactions. The sizes and arrangements of the channels and cavities differ in different types of zeolites. For example, in zeolite A the aluminosilicate cages are arranged in a cubic fashion, and the channels connecting the cavities intersect at right angles. In contrast, the cavities in faujasite are much larger, and the channels intersect at 120° angles. In these idealized models, the oxygen atoms that connect each pair of silicon atoms have been omitted. Silicon and germanium react with nitrogen at high temperature to form nitrides(M3N4): Equation 22.26.[/INST] [question]:Silicon and germanium react with nitrogen at high temperature to form what? [answer]:nitrides</s>
<s>[INST][context]:An ionic bond is the force of attraction that holds together oppositely charged ions. It forms when atoms of a metal transfer electrons to atoms of a nonmetal. When this happens, the atoms become oppositely charged ions.[/INST] [question]:What bond is the force of attraction that holds together oppositely charged ions? [answer]:ionic</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Some of the most important animal behaviors involve mating. Mating is the pairing of an adult male and female to produce young. Adults that are most successful at attracting a mate are most likely to have offspring. Traits that help animals attract a mate and have offspring increase their fitness. As the genes that encode these traits are passed to the next generation, the traits will become more common in the population.[/INST] [question]:What is the pairing of an adult male to an adult female to produce young? [answer]:mating</s>
<s>[INST][context]:3.6 Active Transport The combined gradient that affects an ion includes its concentration gradient and its electrical gradient. Living cells need certain substances in concentrations greater than they exist in the extracellular space. Moving substances up their electrochemical gradients requires energy from the cell. Active transport uses energy stored in ATP to fuel the transport. Active transport of small molecular-size material uses integral proteins in the cell membrane to move the material—these proteins are analogous to pumps. Some pumps, which carry out primary active transport, couple directly with ATP to drive their action. In secondary transport, energy from primary transport can be used to move another substance into the cell and up its concentration gradient. Endocytosis methods require the direct use of ATP to fuel the transport of large particles such as macromolecules; parts of cells or whole cells can be engulfed by other cells in a process called phagocytosis. In phagocytosis, a portion of the membrane invaginates and flows around the particle, eventually pinching off and leaving the particle wholly enclosed by an envelope of plasma membrane. Vacuoles are broken down by the cell, with the particles used as food or dispatched in some other way. Pinocytosis is a similar process on a smaller scale. The cell expels waste and other particles through the reverse process, exocytosis. Wastes are moved outside the cell, pushing a membranous vesicle to the plasma membrane, allowing the vesicle to fuse with the membrane and incorporating itself into the membrane structure, releasing its contents to the exterior of the cell.[/INST] [question]:The cell expels waste and other particles through a process called what? [answer]:exocytosis</s>
<s>[INST][context]:The skin consists of two distinct layers, an outer layer called the epidermis and an inner layer called the dermis. The epidermis is constantly being renewed as dead cells on the surface are shed. This layer contains melanin-producing melanocytes. The dermis contains blood vessels, nerve endings, hair follicles, and sebaceous and sweat glands.[/INST] [question]:Shedding of dead cells ensures constant renewal of what outer layer of the skin? [answer]:epidermis</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Droughts also depend on what is normal for a region. A region that gets significantly less precipitation than normal for an extended period of time is in drought. The Southern United States is experiencing an ongoing and prolonged drought.[/INST] [question]:What term is used to describe a region getting significantly less precipitation than normal for an extended period of time? [answer]:drought</s>
<s>[INST][context]:The fuel that burns in a combustion reaction contains compounds called hydrocarbons. Hydrocarbons are compounds that contain only carbon (C) and hydrogen (H). The charcoal pictured in the Figure above consists of hydrocarbons. So do fossil fuels such as natural gas. Natural gas is a fuel that is commonly used in home furnaces and gas stoves. The main component of natural gas is the hydrocarbon called methane (CH 4 ). You can see a methane flame in the Figure below . The combustion of methane is represented by the equation:.[/INST] [question]:What is the name for compounds that contain only carbon and hydrogen? [answer]:hydrocarbons</s>
<s>[INST][context]:untreated, it produces severe brain damage and mental retardation. Albinism is caused by a defective enzyme that is unable to produce melanin, the pigment responsible for the color of skin and hair. Cystic fibrosis, the most common inherited disease in the United States, blocks pancreatic function and causes thick mucus secretions that make breathing difficult. An area of intense research in combating cancer involves the synthesis of drugs that stop uncontrolled cell growth by interfering with DNA replication.[/INST] [question]:What human disease is caused by a defective enzyme that is unable to produce melanin, the pigment responsible for the color of skin and hair? [answer]:albinism</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Cartilage Templates Bone is a replacement tissue; that is, it uses a model tissue on which to lay down its mineral matrix. For skeletal development, the most common template is cartilage. During fetal development, a framework is laid down that determines where bones will form. This framework is a flexible, semi-solid matrix produced by chondroblasts and consists of hyaluronic acid, chondroitin sulfate, collagen fibers, and water. As the matrix surrounds and isolates chondroblasts, they are called chondrocytes. Unlike most connective tissues, cartilage is avascular, meaning that it has no blood vessels supplying nutrients and removing metabolic wastes. All of these functions are carried on by diffusion through the matrix. This is why damaged cartilage does not repair itself as readily as most tissues do. Throughout fetal development and into childhood growth and development, bone forms on the cartilaginous matrix. By the time a fetus is born, most of the cartilage has been replaced with bone. Some additional cartilage will be replaced throughout childhood, and some cartilage remains in the adult skeleton.[/INST] [question]:For skeletal development, the most common template is what? [answer]:cartilage</s>
<s>[INST][context]:The body's second line of defense against pathogens includes the inflammatory response. If bacteria enter the skin through a scrape, the area may become red, warm, and painful. These are signs of inflammation. Inflammation is one way the body reacts to infections or injuries. Inflammation is caused by chemicals that are released when skin or other tissues are damaged. The chemicals cause nearby blood vessels to dilate, or expand. This increases blood flow to the damaged area, which makes the area red and slightly warm. The chemicals also attract white blood cells called neutrophils to the wound and cause them to leak out of blood vessels into the damaged tissue.[/INST] [question]:The body's second line of defense against pathogens includes which response? [answer]:inflammatory</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Figure 17.5 Viruses can be complex in shape or relatively simple. This figure shows three relatively complex virions: the bacteriophage T4, with its DNA-containing head group and tail fibers that attach to host cells; adenovirus, which uses spikes from its capsid to bind to the host cells; and HIV, which uses glycoproteins embedded in its envelope to do so. Notice that HIV has proteins called matrix proteins, internal to the envelope, which help stabilize virion shape. HIV is a retrovirus, which means it reverse transcribes its RNA genome into DNA, which is then spliced into the host’s DNA. (credit “bacteriophage, adenovirus”: modification of work by NCBI, NIH; credit “HIV retrovirus”: modification of work by NIAID, NIH).[/INST] [question]:Hiv is a retrovirus, which means it reverse transcribes its rna genome into what? [answer]:dna</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Plant Responses to Light Plants have a number of sophisticated uses for light that go far beyond their ability to photosynthesize low-molecularweight sugars using only carbon dioxide, light, and water. Photomorphogenesis is the growth and development of plants in response to light. It allows plants to optimize their use of light and space. Photoperiodism is the ability to use light to track time. Plants can tell the time of day and time of year by sensing and using various wavelengths of sunlight. Phototropism is a directional response that allows plants to grow towards, or even away from, light. The sensing of light in the environment is important to plants; it can be crucial for competition and survival. The response of plants to light is mediated by different photoreceptors, which are comprised of a protein covalently bonded to a lightabsorbing pigment called a chromophore. Together, the two are called a chromoprotein.[/INST] [question]:Plants can tell the time of day and time of year by sensing and using various wavelengths of what [answer]:sunlight</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Endocrine Glands The secretions of endocrine glands are called hormones. Hormones are released into the interstitial fluid, diffused into the bloodstream, and delivered to targets, in other words, cells that have receptors to bind the hormones. The endocrine system is part of a major regulatory system coordinating the regulation and integration of body responses. A few examples of endocrine glands include the anterior pituitary, thymus, adrenal cortex, and gonads.[/INST] [question]:What are the secretions released by the endocrine glands called? [answer]:hormones</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Chloroplasts are plastids that contain the green pigment chlorophyll. They capture light energy from the sun and use it to make food. A chloroplast is shown in Figure above .[/INST] [question]:What do you call plastids that contain the green pigment chlorophyll? [answer]:chloroplasts</s>
<s>[INST][context]:There are about 10,000 living species of birds. Almost all of them can fly. Flying birds are classified in 29 orders. Most species belong to the order of perching birds. A few birds are flightless, such as the ostrich and penguin, but they evolved from a flying ancestor.[/INST] [question]:What important and unusual physical property (for birds) do ostriches and penguins share? [answer]:flightlessness</s>
<s>[INST][context]:The Moon has a crust, mantle, and core.[/INST] [question]:The moon has a crust, mantle, and a? [answer]:core</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Coal has different grades. Bituminous coal forms at lower temperatures. It contains a lot of sulfur. When it is burned, it causes a lot of pollution. Anthracite coal forms under higher temperatures. This drives off the sulfur, and the coal burns more cleanly.[/INST] [question]:What type of coal is formed at lower temperatures? [answer]:bituminous</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Myopia is also called nearsightedness. It affects about one third of people. People with myopia can see nearby objects clearly, but distant objects appear blurry. The picture below shows how a person with myopia might see two boys that are a few meters away ( Figure below ).[/INST] [question]:What is another name for nearsightedness? [answer]:myopia</s>
<s>[INST][context]:An electroscope is a device used to study charge. When a positively charged object (the rod) nears the upper post, electrons flow to the top of the jar leaving the two gold leaves postivley charged. The leaves repel each other since both hold postive, like charges. The VSEPR theory says that electron pairs, also a set of like charges, will repel each other such that the shape of the molecule will adjust so that the valence electron-pairs stay as far apart from each other as possible.[/INST] [question]:What device is used to study charge? [answer]:electroscope</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Pollen is a tiny male gametophyte enclosed in a tough capsule. Pollen carries sperm to an ovule while preventing the sperm from drying out. Pollen grains can't swim, but they are very light, so the wind can carry them. Therefore, they can travel through air instead of water.[/INST] [question]:What is the tiny male gametophyte enclosed in a tough capsule? [answer]:pollen</s>
<s>[INST][context]:When zinc reacts with hydrochloric acid, the reaction bubbles vigorously as hydrogen gas is produced ( Figure below ). The production of a gas is also an indication that a chemical reaction may be occurring.[/INST] [question]:When zinc reacts with hydrochloric acid, the reaction bubbles vigorously as which type of gas is produced? [answer]:hydrogren</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Potential energy is energy stored in matter.[/INST] [question]:What is the energy called that is stored in matter? [answer]:potential</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Volume is another way of measuring material. Gases cannot be easily weighed, but their volume can be determined quickly and accurately. Liquid chemicals as well as foods and beverages are also sold by volume. Gasoline for our cars and trucks is sold by the gallon. At the grocery store, we can buy a gallon of milk or a two-liter bottle of soda pop.[/INST] [question]:Volume is another way of measuring what? [answer]:material</s>
<s>[INST][context]:An aqueous solution is a homogeneous mixture in which the most abundant component is water. The other substance(s) are typically introduced in a solid or liquid form and mixed into the water until they are evenly distributed. For example, if we placed a sample of ethanol in water and mixed it homogeneously, we would have a solution. Table salt mixed with water is another example of a solution. More generally, a solution is a homogeneous mixture. The solution component that is present in the largest amount is called the solvent , and all other substances are referred to as solutes . In aqueous solutions, water is always the solvent.[/INST] [question]:An aqueous solution is a homogeneous mixture in which the most abundant component is what? [answer]:water</s>
<s>[INST][context]:isothermal expansion is a process occurring without a change in temperature.[/INST] [question]:Isothermal expansion is a process occurring without a change in? [answer]:temperature</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Cilia ( cilium , singular) are made up of microtubule containing extensions of the cell membrane. Although both cilia and flagella are used for movement, cilia are much shorter than flagella. Cilia cover the surface of some single-celled organisms, such as paramecium. Their cilia beat together to move the little animal-like protists through the water. In multicellular animals, including humans, cilia are usually found in large numbers on a single surface of cells. Multicellular animals' cilia usually move materials inside the body. For example, the mucociliary escalator of the respiratory system is made up of mucus-secreting ciliated cells that line the trachea and bronchi. These ciliated cells, shown in Figure below , move mucus away from the lungs. This mucus catches spores, bacteria, and debris and moves to the esophagus, where it is swallowed.[/INST] [question]:Cilia and flagella are generally associated with what function in organisms, whether the function is internal or external? [answer]:movement</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Phase and Surface Area Effects When two reactants are in the same fluid phase, their particles collide more frequently than when one or both reactants are solids (or when they are in different fluids that do not mix). If the reactants are uniformly dispersed in a single homogeneous solution, then the number of collisions per unit time depends on concentration and temperature, as we have just seen. If the reaction is heterogeneous, however, the reactants are in two different phases, and collisions between the reactants can occur only at interfaces between phases. The number of collisions between reactants per unit time is substantially reduced relative to the homogeneous case, and, hence, so is the reaction rate. The reaction rate of a heterogeneous reaction depends on the surface area of the more condensed phase. Automobile engines use surface area effects to increase reaction rates. Gasoline is injected into each cylinder, where it combusts on ignition by a spark from the spark plug. The gasoline is injected in the form of microscopic droplets because in that form it has a much larger surface area and can burn much more rapidly than if it were fed into the cylinder as a stream. Similarly, a pile of finely divided flour burns slowly (or not at all), but spraying finely divided flour into a flame produces a vigorous reaction (Figure 14.3 "The Effect of Surface Area on Reaction Rates"). Similar phenomena are partially responsible for dust explosions that occasionally destroy grain elevators or coal mines.[/INST] [question]:Do particles collide more in two reactants when they are both in fluid forms or solid forms? [answer]:fluid</s>
<s>[INST][context]:They will all blend together. The dyes will move through the water until an even distribution is achieved. The process of moving from areas of high amounts to areas of low amounts is called diffusion.[/INST] [question]:The process of moving from areas of high amounts to areas of low amounts is called what? [answer]:diffusion</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Prokaryotes, the First Inhabitants of Earth When and where did life begin? What were the conditions on Earth when life began? Prokaryotes were the first forms of life on Earth, and they existed for billions of years before plants and animals appeared. The Earth and its moon are thought to be about 4.54 billion years old. This estimate is based on evidence from radiometric dating of meteorite material together with other substrate material from Earth and the moon. Early Earth had a very different atmosphere (contained less molecular oxygen) than it does today and was subjected to strong radiation; thus, the first organisms would have flourished where they were more protected, such as in ocean depths or beneath the surface of the Earth. At this time too, strong volcanic activity was common on Earth, so it is likely that these first organisms—the first prokaryotes—were adapted to very high temperatures. Early Earth was prone to geological upheaval and volcanic eruption, and was subject to bombardment by mutagenic radiation from the sun. The first organisms were prokaryotes that could withstand these harsh conditions. Microbial Mats Microbial mats or large biofilms may represent the earliest forms of life on Earth; there is fossil evidence of their presence starting about 3.5 billion years ago. A microbial mat is a multi-layered sheet of prokaryotes (Figure 22.2) that includes mostly bacteria, but also archaea. Microbial mats are a few centimeters thick, and they typically grow where different types of materials interface, mostly on moist surfaces. The various types of prokaryotes that comprise them carry out different metabolic pathways, and that is the reason for their various colors. Prokaryotes in a microbial mat are held together by a glue-like sticky substance that they secrete called extracellular matrix. The first microbial mats likely obtained their energy from chemicals found near hydrothermal vents. A hydrothermal vent is a breakage or fissure in the Earth’s surface that releases geothermally heated water. With the evolution of photosynthesis about 3 billion years ago, some prokaryotes in microbial mats came to use a more widely available energy source—sunlight—whereas others were still dependent on chemicals from hydrothermal vents for energy and food.[/INST] [question]:What were the first forms of life on earth? [answer]:prokaryotes</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Exocytosis describes the process of vesicles fusing with the plasma membrane and releasing their contents to the outside of the cell, as shown in Figure below . Exocytosis occurs when a cell produces substances for export, such as a protein, or when the cell is getting rid of a waste product or a toxin. Newly made membrane proteins and membrane lipids are moved to the plasma membrane by exocytosis.[/INST] [question]:What describes the process of vesicles fusing with the plasma membrane and releasing their contents to the outside of the cell? [answer]:exocytosis</s>
<s>[INST][context]:When was the last time you enjoyed yogurt on your breakfast cereal, or had a tetanus shot? These experiences may appear unconnected, but both relate to bacteria which do not use oxygen to make ATP. In fact, tetanus bacteria cannot survive if oxygen is present. However, Lactobacillus acidophilus (bacteria which make yogurt) and Clostridium tetani (bacteria which cause tetanus or lockjaw) share with nearly all organisms the first stage of cellular respiration, glycolysis ( Figure below ). Because glycolysis is universal, whereas aerobic (oxygen-requiring) cellular respiration is not, most biologists consider it to be the most fundamental and primitive pathway for making ATP.[/INST] [question]:What is the first stage of cellular respiration called? [answer]:glycolysis</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Many species use their body shape and coloration to avoid being detected by predators. The tropical walking stick is an insect with the coloration and body shape of a twig, which makes it very hard to see when it is stationary against a background of real twigs (Figure 19.15a). In another example, the chameleon can change its color to match its surroundings (Figure 19.15b).[/INST] [question]:Many species use their body shape and coloration to avoid being detected by what? [answer]:predators</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Estimation, as used in measurement, is the process of referencing a physical quantity in terms of a calibration or reference point. All measurement devices have reference marks of some kind.[/INST] [question]:A reference point is used in measurement to make what? [answer]:estimation</s>
<s>[INST][context]:If so, then you have encountered fungi . Fungi are organisms that belong to the Kingdom Fungi ( Figure below ). Our environment needs fungi. Fungi help decompose matter to release nutrients and make nutritious food for other organisms. Fungi are all around us and are useful in many ways.[/INST] [question]:What class of organisms help decompose matter to release nutrients and make nutritious food for other organisms ? [answer]:fungi</s>
<s>[INST][context]:A pedigree is a chart which shows the inheritance of a trait over several generations. A pedigree is commonly created for families, as it can be used to outlines the inheritance patterns of familial traits or genetic disorders. It can be used to demonstrate autosomal dominant or recessive inheritance, or sex-linked inheritance. Figure below shows a pedigree depicting recessive inheritance of a disorder through three generations. The trait is thought to be recessive as for the two individuals with the trait, neither has a parent who also has the trait. Geneticists may also be able to determine whether individuals with the trait in question are heterozygous or homozygous for the allele associated with the trait. When alleles are added to the pedigree shown ( A or a ), recessive inheritance in conformed.[/INST] [question]:A pedigree is a chart which shows the inheritance of a trait over several what? [answer]:generations</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Zachary Wilson. Cellulose is created by the polymerization of glucose . CC BY-NC 3.0.[/INST] [question]:What is created by the polymerization of glucose? [answer]:cellulose</s>
<s>[INST][context]:23.25 Fungal Reproduction Fungi can reproduce in two ways. Firstly, they make asexually produce through fragmentation. This occurs when pieces of hyphae are broken off, which then grow into new mycelia. The second method is by spores. Spores are lightweight structures and windblown designed to be transported over long distances and by many mediums, such as on the bodies of insects and birds. They are additionally light enough to be blown away for hundreds of kilometers. Spores may be asexual and sexual. Their sexual properties can be analysed to classify the four phylla of fungi.[/INST] [question]:Fungi reproduce asexually by fragmentation and either sexually or asexually via what lightweight, windblown structures? [answer]:spores</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Scientists may focus on very different aspects of the natural world. For example, some scientists focus on the world of tiny objects, such as atoms and molecules. Other scientists devote their attention to huge objects, such as the sun and other stars. But all scientists have at least one thing in common. They want to understand how and why things happen. Achieving this understanding is the goal of science.[/INST] [question]:The desire to understand how and why things happen is shared by all branches of what? [answer]:science</s>
<s>[INST][context]:People have probably wondered about the natural world for as long as there have been people. So it’s no surprise that science has roots that go back thousands of years. Some of the earliest contributions to science were made by Greek philosophers more than two thousand years ago. It wasn’t until many centuries later, however, that the scientific method and experimentation were introduced. The dawn of modern science occurred even more recently. It is generally traced back to the scientific revolution, which took place in Europe starting in the 1500s.[/INST] [question]:The scientific revolution took place where starting in the 1500s? [answer]:europe</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Ionic bonds are electrostatic attractions between two oppositely charged ions. Ions can be formed and then bonded when metal atoms donate their valence electrons to nonmetal atoms.[/INST] [question]:Ionic bonds are electrostatic attractions between two oppositely charged what? [answer]:ions</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Interaction of Hydrostatic and Osmotic Pressures The normal unit used to express pressures within the cardiovascular system is millimeters of mercury (mm Hg). When blood leaving an arteriole first enters a capillary bed, the CHP is quite high—about 35 mm Hg. Gradually, this initial CHP declines as the blood moves through the capillary so that by the time the blood has reached the venous end, the CHP has dropped to approximately 18 mm Hg. In comparison, the plasma proteins remain suspended in the blood, so the BCOP remains fairly constant at about 25 mm Hg throughout the length of the capillary and considerably below the osmotic pressure in the interstitial fluid. The net filtration pressure (NFP) represents the interaction of the hydrostatic and osmotic pressures, driving fluid out of the capillary. It is equal to the difference between the CHP and the BCOP. Since filtration is, by definition, the movement of fluid out of the capillary, when reabsorption is occurring, the NFP is a negative number. NFP changes at different points in a capillary bed (Figure 20.16). Close to the arterial end of the capillary, it is approximately 10 mm Hg, because the CHP of 35 mm Hg minus the BCOP of 25 mm Hg equals 10 mm Hg. Recall that the hydrostatic and osmotic pressures of the interstitial fluid are essentially negligible. Thus, the NFP of 10 mm Hg drives a net movement of fluid out of the capillary at the arterial end. At approximately the middle of the capillary, the CHP is about the same as the BCOP of 25 mm Hg, so the NFP drops to zero. At this point, there is no net change of volume: Fluid moves out of the capillary at the same rate as it moves into the capillary. Near the venous end of the capillary, the CHP has dwindled to about 18 mm Hg due to loss of fluid. Because the BCOP remains steady at 25 mm Hg, water is drawn into the capillary, that is, reabsorption occurs. Another way of expressing this is to say that at the venous end of the capillary, there is an NFP of −7 mm Hg.[/INST] [question]:In the cardiovascular system, net filtration pressure represents the interaction of osmotic pressures and what other pressures? [answer]:hydrostatic</s>
<s>[INST][context]:The earth is attracted to the sun by the force of gravity. Why doesn’t the earth fall into the sun?.[/INST] [question]:What attracts the earth to the sun? [answer]:gravity</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Fermat’s Principle states that light will always take the path of least amount of time (not distance). This principle governs the paths light will take and explains the familiar phenomena of reflection, refraction, lenses and diffraction. Light rarely travels in a straight-line path. When photons interact with electrons in matter the time it takes for this interaction determines the path. For example, higher frequency blue light is refracted more than red because blue wavelengths interacts more frequently with electrons than red wavelengths and the path of least time is for blue to bend more then red in order to get out of this ‘slow’ area faster. The rainbows we see are a result of this. Fermat’s Principle explains the many fascinating phenomena of light from rainbows to sunsets to the haloes around the moon.[/INST] [question]:Fermat’s principle states that light will always take the path of least amount of? [answer]:time</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Point source pollution enters water at just one place. For example, it might enter a stream through a pipe. Non-point source pollution enters water everywhere. It is carried by runoff.[/INST] [question]:At how many places does points source pollution enter water? [answer]:one</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Another concern about biotechnology is how it may affect the environment. Negative effects on the environment have already occurred because of some GMOs. For example, corn has been created that has a gene for a pesticide. The corn plants have accidentally cross-pollinated nearby milkweeds. Monarch butterfly larvae depend on milkweeds for food. When they eat milkweeds with the pesticide gene, they are poisoned. This may threaten the survival of the monarch species as well as other species that eat monarchs. Do the benefits of the genetically modified corn outweigh the risks? What do you think?.[/INST] [question]:What do monarch butterfly larvae depend on for their food? [answer]:milkweeds</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Partial lunar eclipses occur at least twice a year, but total lunar eclipses are less common. The Moon glows with a dull red coloring during a total lunar eclipse ( Figure below ).[/INST] [question]:What is the minimum number of times a partial lunar eclipse will occur each year? [answer]:two</s>
<s>[INST][context]:The nucleus is a small, dense region at the center of the atom. It consists of positive protons and neutral neutrons, so it has an overall positive charge.[/INST] [question]:What is the small, dense region at the center of the atom that consists of positive protons and neutral neutrons? [answer]:nucleus</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Individual torques are determined by multiplying the force applied by the perpendicular component of the moment arm.[/INST] [question]:By multiplying the force applied by the perpendicular component of the moment arm,what is determined? [answer]:torques</s>
<s>[INST][context]:20.7 Nerve Conduction–Electrocardiograms Nerve Conduction Electric currents in the vastly complex system of billions of nerves in our body allow us to sense the world, control parts of our body, and think. These are representative of the three major functions of nerves. First, nerves carry messages from our sensory organs and others to the central nervous system, consisting of the brain and spinal cord. Second, nerves carry messages from the central nervous system to muscles and other organs. Third, nerves transmit and process signals within the central nervous system. The sheer number of nerve cells and the incredibly greater number of connections between them makes this system the subtle wonder that it is. Nerve conduction is a general term for electrical signals carried by nerve cells. It is one aspect of bioelectricity, or electrical effects in and created by biological systems. Nerve cells, properly called neurons, look different from other cells—they have tendrils, some of them many centimeters long, connecting them with other cells. (See Figure 20.27. ) Signals arrive at the cell body across synapses or through dendrites, stimulating the neuron to generate its own signal, sent along its long axon to other nerve or muscle cells. Signals may arrive from many other locations and be transmitted to yet others, conditioning the synapses by use, giving the system its complexity and its ability to learn.[/INST] [question]:What carry messages from our sensory organs and others to the central nervous system? [answer]:nerves</s>
<s>[INST][context]:sweating. These vessels become smaller when it is cold outside and larger when it is hot (so more fluid flows, and more energy is transferred). The body also loses a significant fraction of its heat through the breathing process. While convection is usually more complicated than conduction, we can describe convection and do some straightforward, realistic calculations of its effects. Natural convection is driven by buoyant forces: hot air rises because density decreases as temperature increases. The house in Figure 14.17 is kept warm in this manner, as is the pot of water on the stove in Figure 14.18. Ocean currents and large-scale atmospheric circulation transfer energy from one part of the globe to another. Both are examples of natural convection.[/INST] [question]:Natural convection is driven by what forces? [answer]:buoyant</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Do you know what these greenish, blob-like shapes are? Would it surprise you to learn that they are animals? They don’t look anything like the animals you are probably familiar with—animals such as dogs and deer, fish and frogs. But the greenish blobs are animals nonetheless. They belong to a phylum called Cnidaria, but you may know them as jellyfish. They are very simple animals and not fish at all.[/INST] [question]:Jellyfish belong to which phylum? [answer]:cnidaria</s>
<s>[INST][context]:The fundamental and overtones can be present simultaneously in a variety of combinations. For example, middle C on a trumpet has a sound distinctively different from middle C on a clarinet, both instruments being modified versions of a tube closed at one end. The fundamental frequency is the same (and usually the most intense), but the overtones and their mix of intensities are different and subject to shading by the musician. This mix is what gives various musical instruments (and human voices) their distinctive characteristics, whether they have air columns, strings, sounding boxes, or drumheads. In fact, much of our speech is determined by shaping the cavity formed by the throat and mouth and positioning the tongue to adjust the fundamental and combination of overtones. Simple resonant cavities can be made to resonate with the sound of the vowels, for example. (See Figure 17.30. ) In boys, at puberty, the larynx grows and the shape of the resonant cavity changes giving rise to the difference in predominant frequencies in speech between men and women.[/INST] [question]:Along with changes in the shape of the resonant cavity, growth of what organ in pubescent boys leads to the difference in predominant frequencies in speech between men and women? [answer]:larynx</s>
<s>[INST][context]:A common disorder of the ovaries is an ovarian cyst . A cyst is a sac filled with fluid or other material. An ovarian cyst is usually harmless, but it may cause pain. Most cysts slowly disappear and do not need treatment. Very large or painful cysts can be removed with surgery.[/INST] [question]:What is the term for a sac filled with fluid or other material? [answer]:cyst</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Skin protects the body from injury, water loss, and microorganisms. It also plays a major role in maintaining a stable body temperature. Common skin problems include acne and skin cancer.[/INST] [question]:What organ protects the body from injury, water loss, and microorganisms? [answer]:skin</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Anaphase is the phase in which the sister chromatids separate. The sister chromatids are pulled apart by the shortening of the microtubules of the spindles, similar to the reeling in of a fish by the shortening of the fishing line. One sister chromatid moves to one pole of the cell, and the other sister chromatid moves to the opposite pole. This process occurs when the proteins that bind sister chromatids together are cleaved, resulting in unattached identical chromosomes, essentially separate daughter chromosomes. These separate chromosomes are pulled apart by shortening spindle fibers, and pulled toward the centrosomes to which they are attached. At the end of anaphase the spindle fibers degrade. At this time, each pole of the cell has a complete set of chromosomes, identical to the amount of DNA at the beginning of G 1 of the cell cycle.[/INST] [question]:In which phase do the sister chromatids separate? [answer]:anaphase</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Pinocytosis or "cellular drinking," occurs when the plasma membrane folds inward to form a channel allowing dissolved substances to enter the cell, as shown in Figure below . When the channel is closed, the liquid is encircled within a pinocytic vesicle.[/INST] [question]:Pinocytosis or "cellular drinking," occurs when the plasma membrane folds inward to form a channel allowing dissolved substances to enter what? [answer]:cell</s>
<s>[INST][context]:24.2 Subphylum Urochordata The tunicates are located in this subphylum. Along with the subphylum Cephalochordata, these two subphyla make up the invertebrate chordates. Only the tunicate larvae have notochords, nerve cords, and postanal tails. Most adult tunicates are sessile, filter-feeders which retain their pharyngeal slits. Adult tunicates also develop a sac, called a tunic, which gives tunicates their name. Cilia beating within the turnicate cause water to enter the incurrent siphon. The water enters the body, passes through the pharyngeal slits, and leaves the body through the excurrent siphon. Undigested food is removed through the anus. Tunicates are hemaphrodites and can reproduce asexually through budding. In urochordates notochord is confined to larval tail. These lack cranium. These have an open type of circulatory system. Excretion is by neural gland,nephrocytes.[/INST] [question]:Adult tunicates also develop a sac, called a what? [answer]:tunic</s>
<s>[INST][context]:temperature: A measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in matter. In everyday usage, temperature is how hot or cold an object is.[/INST] [question]:What is the common measure of how hot or cold something is? [answer]:temperature</s>
<s>[INST][context]:12.7 Molecular Transport Phenomena: Diffusion, Osmosis, and Related Processes 62. You can smell perfume very shortly after opening the bottle. To show that it is not reaching your nose by diffusion, calculate the average distance a perfume molecule moves in one second in air, given its diffusion constant D to be 1.00×10 –6 m 2 /s . What is the ratio of the average distances that oxygen will diffuse in a given time in air and water? Why is this distance less in water (equivalently, why is D less in water)? 64. Oxygen reaches the veinless cornea of the eye by diffusing through its tear layer, which is 0.500-mm thick. How long does it take the average oxygen molecule to do this? 65. (a) Find the average time required for an oxygen molecule to diffuse through a 0.200-mm-thick tear layer on the cornea. 3 (b) How much time is required to diffuse 0.500 cm of oxygen to the cornea if its surface area is 1.00 cm 2 ? 66. Suppose hydrogen and oxygen are diffusing through air. A small amount of each is released simultaneously. How much time passes before the hydrogen is 1.00 s ahead of the oxygen? Such differences in arrival times are used as an analytical tool in gas chromatography.[/INST] [question]:Oxygen reaches what veinless part of the eye by diffusing through its tear layer? [answer]:cornea</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Reading the Genetic Code. The genetic code is read three bases at a time. Codons are the code words of the genetic code. Which amino acid does codon 2 in the drawing stand for?.[/INST] [question]:What are the "code words" of the genetic code? [answer]:codons</s>