<s>[INST][context]:How Hormones Work Hormones cause changes in target cells by binding to specific cell-surface or intracellular hormone receptors, molecules embedded in the cell membrane or floating in the cytoplasm with a binding site that matches a binding site on the hormone molecule. In this way, even though hormones circulate throughout the body and come into contact with many different cell types, they only affect cells that possess the necessary receptors. Receptors for a specific hormone may be found on or in many different cells or may be limited to a small number of specialized cells. For example, thyroid hormones act on many different tissue types, stimulating metabolic activity throughout the body. Cells can have many receptors for the.[/INST] [question]:Although what biochemicals circulate throughout the body and come into contact with many different cell types, they only affect cells that possess the necessary receptors? [answer]:hormones</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Lipid-Derived Hormones (or Lipid-soluble Hormones) Most lipid hormones are derived from cholesterol and thus are structurally similar to it, as illustrated in Figure 37.2. The primary class of lipid hormones in humans is the steroid hormones. Chemically, these hormones are usually ketones or alcohols; their chemical names will end in “-ol” for alcohols or “-one” for ketones. Examples of steroid hormones include estradiol, which is an estrogen, or female sex hormone, and testosterone, which is an androgen, or male sex hormone. These two hormones are released by the female and male reproductive organs, respectively. Other steroid hormones include aldosterone and cortisol, which are released by the adrenal glands along with some other types of androgens. Steroid hormones are insoluble in water, and they are transported by transport proteins in blood. As a result, they remain in circulation longer than peptide hormones. For example, cortisol has a half-life of 60 to 90 minutes, while epinephrine, an amino acid derived-hormone, has a half-life of approximately one minute.[/INST] [question]:Most lipid hormones are derived from what? [answer]:cholesterol</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Physics is the study of energy, matter, and their interactions. It is concerned with matter and energy at all levels—from the most fundamental particles of matter to the entire universe.[/INST] [question]:Which branch of science is the study of energy, matter, and their interactions? [answer]:physics</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Biodiversity, Species Richness, and Relative Species Abundance Biodiversity describes a community’s biological complexity: it is measured by the number of different species (species richness) in a particular area and their relative abundance (species evenness). The area in question could be a habitat, a biome, or the entire biosphere. Species richness is the term that is used to describe the number of species living in a habitat or biome. Species richness varies across the globe (Figure 45.29). One factor in determining species richness is latitude, with the greatest species richness occurring in ecosystems near the equator, which often have warmer temperatures, large amounts of rainfall, and low seasonality. The lowest species richness occurs near the poles, which are much colder, drier, and thus less conducive to life in Geologic time (time since glaciations). The predictability of climate or productivity is also an important factor. Other factors influence species richness as well. For example, the study of island biogeography attempts to explain the relatively high species richness found in certain isolated island chains, including the Galápagos Islands that inspired the young Darwin. Relative species abundance is the number of individuals in a species relative to the total number of individuals in all species within a habitat, ecosystem, or biome. Foundation species often have the highest relative abundance of species.[/INST] [question]:In the field of biodiversity, "richness" and "abundance" are used to describe different what? [answer]:species</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Viruses cause many human diseases. In addition to the diseases mentioned above, viruses cause rabies, measles, diarrheal diseases, hepatitis, polio, and cold sores (see Figure below ). Viral diseases range from mild to fatal. One way viruses cause disease is by causing host cells to burst open and die. Viruses may also cause disease without killing host cells. They may cause illness by disrupting homeostasis in host cells.[/INST] [question]:What cause rabies, measles, diarrheal diseases, hepatitis, polio, and cold sores? [answer]:viruses</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Blood Pressure Regulation Due to osmosis, water follows where Na+ leads. Much of the water the kidneys recover from the forming urine follows the reabsorption of Na+. ADH stimulation of aquaporin channels allows for regulation of water recovery in the collecting ducts. Normally, all of the glucose is recovered, but loss of glucose control (diabetes mellitus) may result in an osmotic dieresis severe enough to produce severe dehydration and death. A loss of renal function means a loss of effective vascular volume control, leading to hypotension (low blood pressure) or hypertension (high blood pressure), which can lead to stroke, heart attack, and aneurysm formation. The kidneys cooperate with the lungs, liver, and adrenal cortex through the renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system (see Figure 25.14). The liver synthesizes and secretes the inactive precursor angiotensinogen. When the blood pressure is low, the kidney synthesizes and releases renin. Renin converts angiotensinogen into angiotensin I, and ACE produced in the lung converts angiotensin I into biologically active angiotensin II (Figure 25.23). The immediate and short-term effect of angiotensin II is to raise blood pressure by causing widespread vasoconstriction. angiotensin II also stimulates the adrenal.[/INST] [question]:Water follows where sodium ions lead, due to what process? [answer]:osmosis</s>
<s>[INST][context]:22.1 | Prokaryotic Diversity By the end of this section, you will be able to: • Describe the evolutionary history of prokaryotes • Discuss the distinguishing features of extremophiles • Explain why it is difficult to culture prokaryotes Prokaryotes are ubiquitous. They cover every imaginable surface where there is sufficient moisture, and they live on and inside of other living things. In the typical human body, prokaryotic cells outnumber human body cells by about ten to one. They comprise the majority of living things in all ecosystems. Some prokaryotes thrive in environments that are inhospitable for most living things. Prokaryotes recycle nutrients—essential substances (such as carbon and nitrogen)—and they drive the evolution of new ecosystems, some of which are natural and others man-made. Prokaryotes have been on Earth since long before multicellular life appeared.[/INST] [question]:What group of simple organisms recycles nutrients and has been on earth since long before multicellular life appeared? [answer]:prokaryotes</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Other dry climates get a little more precipitation. They are called steppes . These regions have short grasses and low bushes (see Figure below ). Steppes occur at higher latitudes than deserts. They are dry because they are in continental interiors or rain shadows.[/INST] [question]:What is the term for dry climate regions at higher altitudes that have short grasses and low bushes? [answer]:steppes</s>
<s>[INST][context]:All musical instruments create sound by causing matter to vibrate. Most musical instruments use resonance to amplify sound waves and make sounds louder. Most musical instruments also have a way of changing the frequency of sound waves, which changes the pitch of the sounds.[/INST] [question]:Changing the frequency of sound waves, will change the _________ of the sound of a musical instrument? [answer]:pitch</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Integral proteins span the lipid bilayer, while peripheral proteins associate with the surfaces of the lipid bilayer. aid in the movement of charged and polar species across the membrane.[/INST] [question]:Integral and peripheral proteins are associated with what fatty bilayer? [answer]:lipid</s>
<s>[INST][context]:The Coriolis effect describes how Earth’s rotation steers winds and surface ocean currents. Unlike land, air and water move freely (in the absence of obstacles). The Coriolis effect causes the path of a freely moving object to appear to curve. This is because Earth is rotating beneath the object. So even though the object's path is straight, it appears to curve. The curve appears to be to the right in the Northern Hemisphere. It appears to be to the left in the Southern Hemisphere.[/INST] [question]:What effect describes how earth’s rotation steers winds and surface ocean currents? [answer]:coriolis</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Sodium chloride crystals are cubic in shape. Other ionic compounds may have crystals with different shapes.[/INST] [question]:What type of shape does sodium chloride have? [answer]:cubic</s>
<s>[INST][context]:A compound has different properties than the substances it contains. For example, hydrogen and oxygen are gases at room temperature. But when they combine chemically, they form liquid water. Another example is table salt, or sodium chloride. It contains sodium and chlorine. Sodium is a silvery solid that reacts explosively with water, and chlorine is a poisonous gas (see Figure below ). But together, sodium and chlorine form a harmless, unreactive compound that you can safely sprinkle on food.[/INST] [question]:In what form of matter is hydrogen at room temperature? [answer]:gas</s>
<s>[INST][context]:10.3 Muscle Fiber Contraction and Relaxation A sarcomere is the smallest contractile portion of a muscle. Myofibrils are composed of thick and thin filaments. Thick filaments are composed of the protein myosin; thin filaments are composed of the protein actin. Troponin and tropomyosin are regulatory proteins. Muscle contraction is described by the sliding filament model of contraction. ACh is the neurotransmitter that binds at the neuromuscular junction (NMJ) to trigger depolarization, and an action potential travels along the sarcolemma to trigger calcium release from SR. The actin sites are exposed after Ca++ enters the sarcoplasm from its SR storage to activate the troponin-tropomyosin complex so that the tropomyosin shifts away from the sites. The cross-bridging of myposin heads docking into actin-binding sites is followed by the “power stroke”—the sliding of the thin filaments by thick filaments. The power strokes are powered by ATP. Ultimately, the sarcomeres, myofibrils, and muscle fibers shorten to produce movement.[/INST] [question]:What is the smallest contractile portion of a muscle? [answer]:sarcomere</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun. The Red Planet is the first planet beyond Earth’s orbit.[/INST] [question]:Which is the fourth planet from the sun? [answer]:mars</s>
<s>[INST][context]:You may have seen this sign before—maybe in a hospital. The sign means there is danger of radiation in the area. Radiation consists of particles and energy that are given off by radioactive isotopes, which have unstable nuclei. But you don’t have to go to a hospital to be exposed to radiation. There is radiation in the world all around you.[/INST] [question]:Radioactive isotopes are characterized by an unstable what? [answer]:nuclei</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Only five living species of mammals are not therian mammals. They are called monotremes. Monotremes are mammals that reproduce by laying eggs. The only living monotreme species are the platypus and echidnas (see Figure below and Figure below ). They are found solely in Australia and New Guinea (an island not far from Australia).[/INST] [question]:What are mammals called that reproduce by laying eggs? [answer]:monotremes</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Cnidarians are invertebrates such as jellyfish and corals. They belong to Phylum Cnidaria. All cnidarians are aquatic. Most of them live in the ocean. Cnidarians are a little more complex than sponges. Besides specialized cells, they have tissues and radial symmetry. There are more than 10,000 cnidarian species, see Figure below .[/INST] [question]:What type of invertebrates are jellyfish and corals known as? [answer]:cnidarians</s>
<s>[INST][context]:CHAPTER SUMMARY 1.1 Themes and Concepts of Biology Biology is the science of life. All living organisms share several key properties such as order, sensitivity or response to stimuli, reproduction, adaptation, growth and development, regulation, homeostasis, and energy processing. Living things are highly organized following a hierarchy that includes atoms, molecules, organelles, cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems. Organisms, in turn, are grouped as populations, communities, ecosystems, and the biosphere. Evolution is the source of the tremendous biological diversity on Earth today. A diagram called a phylogenetic tree can be used to show evolutionary relationships among organisms. Biology is very broad and includes many branches and sub disciplines. Examples include molecular biology, microbiology, neurobiology, zoology, and botany, among others.[/INST] [question]:Living things are highly organized following a hierarchy that includes atoms, molecules, organelles, cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems. organisms, in turn, are grouped as populations, communities, ecosystems, and this? [answer]:biosphere</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Carbon dioxide is slightly soluble in water. There is an equilibrium reaction that occurs as the carbon dioxide reacts with the water to form carbonic acid (H2CO3). Since carbonic acid is a weak acid, it can dissociate into protons (H+) and hydrogen carbonate ions (HCO 3 −).[/INST] [question]:Carbonic acid can dissociate into hydrogen carbonate ions and what? [answer]:protons</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Mammals generate heat mainly by keeping their metabolic rate high. The cells of mammals have many more mitochondria than the cells of other animals. The extra mitochondria generate enough energy to keep the rate of metabolism high. Mammals can also generate little bursts of heat by shivering. Shivering occurs when many muscles contract a little bit all at once. Each muscle that contracts produces a small amount of heat.[/INST] [question]:Mammals generate heat primarily by maintaining a high rate of what? [answer]:metabolism</s>
<s>[INST][context]:In practice, chemical research is often not limited to just one of the five major disciplines. A particular chemist may use biochemistry to isolate a particular chemical found in the human body such as hemoglobin, the oxygen carrying component of red blood cells. He or she may then proceed to analyze the hemoglobin using methods that would pertain to the areas of physical or analytical chemistry. Many chemists specialize in areas that are combinations of the main disciplines, such as bioinorganic chemistry or physical organic chemistry.[/INST] [question]:What is the oxygen carrying component of red blood cells called? [answer]:hemoglobin</s>
<s>[INST][context]:The fetus is connected to the placenta through the umbilical cord. This is a long tube that contains two arteries and a vein. Blood from the fetus enters the placenta through the umbilical arteries. It exchanges gases and other substances with the mother’s blood. Then it travels back to the fetus through the umbilical vein.[/INST] [question]:The umbilical cord connects the fetus to what structure? [answer]:placenta</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Worldwide Distribution of Malaria. This map shows where malaria is found. The area is determined by the mosquito vector. The mosquito can live year-round only in the red-shaded areas.[/INST] [question]:The vector of what organism is significant on a map showing the location of malaria? [answer]:mosquito</s>
<s>[INST][context]:The smallest particle of an element that still has the properties of that element is an atom. Atoms are extremely tiny. They can be observed only with an electron microscope. They are commonly represented by models, like the one Figure below . An atom has a central nucleus that is positive in charge. The nucleus is surrounded by negatively charged particles called electrons.[/INST] [question]:What is the smallest particle of an element that still has the properties of that element is called? [answer]:atom</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Figure 19.24 Coral is the foundation species of coral reef ecosystems. (credit: Jim E. Maragos, USFWS).[/INST] [question]:What is the foundation species of coral reef ecosystems? [answer]:coral</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Mechanical barriers physically block pathogens from entering the body. The skin is the most important mechanical barrier. In fact, it is the single most important defense the body has. The outer layer of the skin is tough and very difficult for pathogens to penetrate.[/INST] [question]:What type of barrier physically blocks pathogens from entering the body? [answer]:mechanical</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Some parasites live on the surface of their host. Others live inside their host. They may enter the host through a break in the skin or in food or water. For example, roundworms are parasites of mammals, including humans, cats, and dogs (see Figure below ). The worms produce huge numbers of eggs, which are passed in the host’s feces to the environment. Other individuals may be infected by swallowing the eggs in contaminated food or water.[/INST] [question]:In what do a roundworm's eggs pass from host to the environment? [answer]:feces</s>
<s>[INST][context]:3.3 The Nucleus and DNA Replication The nucleus is the command center of the cell, containing the genetic instructions for all of the materials a cell will make (and thus all of its functions it can perform). The nucleus is encased within a membrane of two interconnected lipid bilayers, side-by-side. This nuclear envelope is studded with protein-lined pores that allow materials to be trafficked into and out of.[/INST] [question]:What is the name of the command center of the cell? [answer]:nucleus</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Only hurricanes cause more damage than earthquakes. Only one source of earthquake damage is ground shaking. More damage may be done from the tsunami, fires, and landslides that can happen afterwards. Communities along faults can prepare for earthquakes. One way is to use earthquake-safe construction methods and to make older buildings stronger. If you live in earthquake country, it is important to secure heavy objects and put together an emergency kit.[/INST] [question]:What is the only natural phenomenon that causes more damage than earthquakes? [answer]:hurricanes</s>
<s>[INST][context]:The average kinetic energy of the molecules is proportional to the temperature of the sample.[/INST] [question]:The kinetic energy of molecules is generally proportionate to what other property that they have? [answer]:temperature</s>
<s>[INST][context]:As with melting, the energy in boiling goes exclusively to changing the phase of a substance; it does not go into changing the temperature of a substance. So boiling is also an isothermal process. Only when all of a substance has boiled does any additional energy go to changing its temperature. What happens when a liquid becomes a gas? We have already established that a liquid is composed of particles in contact with each other. When a liquid becomes a gas, the particles separate from each other, with each particle going its own way in space. This is how gases tend to fill their containers. Indeed, in the gas phase most of the volume is empty space; only about 1/1,000th of the volume is actually taken up by matter (Figure 10.4 "Liquids and Gases"). It is this property of gases that explains why they can be compressed, a fact that is considered in Chapter 6 "Gases". Figure 10.4 Liquids and Gases.[/INST] [question]:What kind of process is boiling? [answer]:isothermal</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Ladybugs, also known as ladybird beetles, have a life cycle of four to six weeks. In one year as many as six generations of ladybird beetles may hatch. In the spring, each adult female lays up to 300 eggs in small clusters on plants where aphids are present. After a week the wingless larvae hatch. Both the ladybird beetle larvae and adults are active predators, eating only aphids, scales, mites and other plant-eating insects. The ladybugs live on the vegetation where their prey is found, which includes roses, oleander, milkweed and broccoli. Adult ladybugs don’t taste very good. A bird careless enough to try to eat one will not swallow it.[/INST] [question]:What must be present on a plant where ladybugs will lay their eggs? [answer]:aphids</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Birds are endothermic tetrapod vertebrates. They are bipedal and have wings and feathers. Their organ systems are adapted for flight. For example, they have light-weight air-filled bones and a large four-chambered heart. Birds also have relatively large brains and a high level of intelligence.[/INST] [question]:In birds, lightweight air-filled bones and a large four-chambered heart are examples of adaptations for what purpose? [answer]:flight</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Stoichiometric coefficients are used in chemical equations to indicate the amounts of reactants and products.[/INST] [question]:Stoichiometric coefficients are used in chemical equations to indicate the amounts of reactants and what? [answer]:products</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Like acetic acid, pentanoic acid is a carboxylic acid. Unlike acetic acid, however, the alkyl group is rather large, consisting of a 4-carbon chain as in butanol. As with butanol, the nonpolar character of the alkyl group is likely to be as important as the polar character of the carboxylic acid group, making it unlikely that pentanoic.[/INST] [question]:Like acetic acid, pentanoic acid is what kind of acid? [answer]:carboxylic</s>
<s>[INST][context]:In harmonic motion there is always a restorative force , which acts in the opposite direction of the velocity. The restorative force changes during oscillation and depends on the position of the object. In a pendulum it is the component of gravity along the path of motion. The force on the oscillating object is directly opposite that of the direction of velocity.[/INST] [question]:A solute generally has what effect on the boiling point of a solvent? [answer]:raises</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Tropical climates are found around the Equator. As you'd expect, these climates have warm temperatures year round. The warm air rises at the Equator. As it rises, it cools, causing it to rain. Tropical climates may be very wet, or wet and dry.[/INST] [question]:What type of climates are found around the equator? [answer]:tropical</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Most millipedes are slower than centipedes and feed on leaf litter and loose organic material. They can be distinguished from centipedes by looking at the number of legs per body segment. Millipedes have two pairs of legs per body segment, while centipedes have a single pair of legs per body segment. Millipedes protect their eggs from predators by using a nest of hard soil. Millipedes are not poisonous. They lack the pair of fangs containing a poison gland that centipedes have.[/INST] [question]:How many pairs of legs does a millipede have per body segment? [answer]:two</s>
<s>[INST][context]:To research how characteristics are passed from parents to offspring, Mendel needed to control pollination. Pollination is the fertilization step in the sexual reproduction of plants. Pollen consists of tiny grains that are the male gametes of plants. They are produced by a male flower part called the anther (see Figure below ). Pollination occurs when pollen is transferred from the anther to the stigma of the same or another flower. The stigma is a female part of a flower. It passes the pollen grains to female gametes in the ovary.[/INST] [question]:What is the fertilization step in the sexual reproduction of plants? [answer]:pollination</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Vectors that are in two dimensions are added geometrically.[/INST] [question]:How do you add two dimensional vectors? [answer]:geometrically</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Molecular evidence for evolution includes that all living things share the same biochemical building blocks.[/INST] [question]:The fact that all living things share the same biochemical building blocks is molecular evidence of what theorized process? [answer]:evolution</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Reflection is one of several ways that light can interact with matter. Light reflects off surfaces such as mirrors that do not transmit or absorb light. When light is reflected from a smooth surface, it may form an image. An image is a copy of an object that is formed by reflected (or refracted) light.[/INST] [question]:What is a copy of an object that is formed by reflected light? [answer]:image</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Figure 10.14 The role of normal p53 is to monitor DNA and the supply of oxygen (hypoxia is a condition of reduced oxygen supply). If damage is detected, p53 triggers repair mechanisms. If repairs are unsuccessful, p53 signals apoptosis. A cell with an abnormal p53 protein cannot repair damaged DNA and thus cannot signal apoptosis. Cells with abnormal p53 can become cancerous. (credit: modification of work by Thierry Soussi).[/INST] [question]:Hypoxia is a condition of the reduced supply of what? [answer]:oxygen</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Charge Carried by Electrons and Protons Franklin wrote in his letters and books that he could see the effects of electric charge but did not understand what caused the phenomenon. Today we have the advantage of knowing that normal matter is made of atoms, and that atoms contain positive and negative charges, usually in equal amounts. Figure 18.5 shows a simple model of an atom with negative electrons orbiting its positive nucleus. The nucleus is positive due to the presence of positively charged protons. Nearly all charge in nature is due to electrons and protons, which are two of the.[/INST] [question]:What part of an atom is positive due to the presence of positively charged protons? [answer]:nucleus</s>
<s>[INST][context]:At certain times of year, a stream or river may overflow its banks. The area of land that is flooded is called the floodplain. The floodplain may be very wide where the river flows over a nearly flat surface.[/INST] [question]:At certain times of year, a stream or river may overflow its banks. what is the area of land that is flooded called? [answer]:floodplain</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Fission is the process in which an atomic nucleus breaks apart into two less massive nuclei. Energy is released in the process in many forms, heat, gamma rays and the kinetic energy of neutrons. If these neutrons collide with nuclei and induce more fission, then a runaway chain reaction can take place. Fission is responsible for nuclear energy and atom-bomb explosions: the fission of uranium acts as a heat source for the Earth’s molten interior.[/INST] [question]:The process where an atomic nucleus breaks apart into two less massive nuclei is known as ______. [answer]:fission</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Producers such as plants or algae use carbon dioxide in the air to make food. The organisms combine carbon dioxide with water to make sugar. They store the sugar as starch. Both sugar and starch are carbohydrates. Consumers get carbon when they eat producers or other consumers.[/INST] [question]:Sugar and starch are examples of what type of nutrient? [answer]:carbohydrates</s>
<s>[INST][context]:The cell is the site of all of the basic biochemical processes that keep organisms alive. To do its work, the cell needs substances such as oxygen, water, and glucose. The cell also must get rid of substances, including wastes such as carbon dioxide. In addition, harmful substances must be kept out of the cell. Controlling what enters or leaves a cell is an important role of the cell membrane.[/INST] [question]:What structure is the site of all of the basic biochemical processes that keep organisms alive? [answer]:cell</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Predicting the weather requires a lot of weather data. Technology is used to gather the data and computers are used to analyze the data. Using this information gives meteorologists the best chance of predicting the weather.[/INST] [question]:What do you call scientists that study the weather, specifically? [answer]:meteorologists</s>
<s>[INST][context]:DNA replicates in the S phase of interphase. After replication, the chromosomes are composed of two linked sister chromatids. When fully compact, the pairs of identically packed chromosomes are bound to each other by cohesin proteins. The connection between the sister chromatids is closest in a region called the centromere. The conjoined sister chromatids, with a diameter of about 1 µm, are visible under a light microscope. The centromeric region is highly condensed and thus will appear as a constricted area.[/INST] [question]:What replicates in the s phase of interphase, resulting in chromosomes composed of two linked sister chromatids? [answer]:dna</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Beneath the lithosphere, the asthenosphere is solid rock that can flow.[/INST] [question]:What is located beneath the lithosphere? [answer]:asthenosphere</s>
<s>[INST][context]:the distance light can travel in one year, 9.5 trillion kilometers.[/INST] [question]:What travels 9.5 trillion kilometers a year? [answer]:light</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Bundles of vascular tissue run through the ground tissue of a stem and transport fluids. Plants may vary in how these bundles are arranged.[/INST] [question]:What population on earth is already harming the environment due to less resources to go around? [answer]:humans</s>
<s>[INST][context]:When stars fuse helium into larger atoms, they become red giants.[/INST] [question]:Red giants are stars that fuse what element into larger atoms? [answer]:helium</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Skeletal muscle is made up of voluntary muscles, usually attached to the skeleton. Skeletal muscles move the body. They can also contract involuntarily by reflexes. For example, you can choose to move your arm, but your arm would move automatically if you were to burn your finger on a stove top. This voluntary contraction begins with a thought process. A signal from your brain tells your muscles to contract or relax. Quickly contract and relax the muscles in your fingers a few times. Think about how quickly these signals must travel throughout your body to make this happen.[/INST] [question]:What normal bodily occurrence can cause skeletal muscles to involuntarily contract? [answer]:reflexes</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Most air masses form over polar or tropical regions. They may form over continents or oceans. Air masses are moist if they form over oceans. They are dry if they form over continents. Air masses that form over oceans are called maritime air masses. Those that form over continents are called continental air masses. The image below shows air masses that form over or near North America ( Figure below ).[/INST] [question]:If an air mass forms over an ocean it is called what type of air mass? [answer]:maritime</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Hair follicles are the structures where hairs originate. Hairs grow out of follicles, pass through the epidermis, and exit at the surface of the skin.[/INST] [question]:What is the middle layer that hair pass through before exiting at the surface of the skin? [answer]:epidermis</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Elasticity is the ability of a material to return to its original shape after being stretched or compressed. Elastic force is the counter force that resists the stretching or compressing of an elastic material.[/INST] [question]:What is the ability of a material to return to its original shape after being stretched or compressed? [answer]:elasticity</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Cartilage: There are three cartilage types: 1. hyaline cartilage 2. fibrocartilage (fibrous cartilage) 3. elastic cartilage Hyaline cartilage: most widespread cartilage type, in adults forms articular surfaces of long bones, rib tips, rings of trachea, and parts of skull. Mostly collagen, name refers to glassy appearance. In embryo, bones form first as hyaline cartilage, later ossifies. Found in tracheal rings. Few collagen fibers. Fibrous cartilage: have lots of collagen fibers. Found in intervertebral discs, pubic symphesis. Grades into dense tendon and ligament tissue. Elastic cartilage: springy and elastic. Found in internal support of external ear and in epiglottis, yellow when fresh. Chondrocites (cartilage cells) rely on diffusion for nutrients, as cartilage has no direct blood supply, and no enervation (nerves). Can be loaded with calcium salts.[/INST] [question]:Comprised mainly of collagen and associated with long bones and the skull, hyaline is the most widespread type of what? [answer]:collagen</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Bacteria lack many of the structures that eukaryotic cells contain. For example, they don't have a nucleus. They also lack membrane-bound organelles, such as mitochondria or chloroplasts. The DNA of a bacterial cell is also different from a eukaryotic cell. Bacterial DNA is contained in one circular chromosome, located in the cytoplasm. Eukaryotes have several linear chromosomes. Bacteria also have two additional unique features: a cell wall and flagella.[/INST] [question]:Bacterial dna is contained in one circular chromosome, located where? [answer]:cytoplasm</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Every surface has microscopic bumps, lumps, and imperfections, emphasized as in the image above. If we try to slide the top block over the lower block, there will be numerous collisions as the bumps impact each other. The forward motion causes the collisions with bumps which then exert a force in opposite way the block is moving. The force of friction always opposes whatever motion is causing the friction.[/INST] [question]:What force is caused by microscopic bumps, lumps, and imperfections colliding? [answer]:friction</s>
<s>[INST][context]:The reproductive organs grow very slowly during childhood and do not mature until puberty. Puberty is the period during which humans become sexually mature. In the U. S. , boys generally begin puberty at about age 12 and complete it at about age 18.[/INST] [question]:What is the period during which humans become sexually mature called? [answer]:puberty</s>
<s>[INST][context]:After birds lay their eggs, they generally keep the eggs warm with their body heat while the embryos inside continue to develop. This is called incubation, or brooding. In most species, parents stay together for at least the length of the breeding season. In some species, they stay together for life. By staying together, the males as well as females can incubate the eggs and later care for the hatchlings. Birds are the only nonhuman vertebrates with this level of male parental involvement.[/INST] [question]:What is another word for brooding- keeping eggs warm while the embryos develop? [answer]:incubation</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Fires, which are a natural disturbance in temperate grasslands, can be ignited by lightning strikes. It also appears that the lightning-caused fire regime in North American grasslands was enhanced by intentional burning by humans. When fire is suppressed in temperate grasslands, the vegetation eventually converts to scrub and dense forests. Often, the restoration or.[/INST] [question]:Which type of natural disturbance in temperate grasslands, can be caused by a lightning strike? [answer]:fire</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Mother of pearl is also known as nacre. Nacre is the iridescent inner shell layer. It can be found in buttons, watch faces, knives, guns, and jewelry. It is also used to decorate various musical instruments.[/INST] [question]:What is another name for mother of pearl? [answer]:nacre</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Bile salts are secreted into the small intestine to aid in the digestion of fats.[/INST] [question]:What type of salts are secreted into the small intestine to aid in the digestion of fats? [answer]:bile</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Oceanography is the study of the oceans. The word oceanology might be more accurate, since “ology” is “the study of. ” “Graph” is “to write” and refers to mapmaking. But mapping the oceans is how oceanography started.[/INST] [question]:What is oceanography the study of? [answer]:oceans</s>
<s>[INST][context]:All waves are the way energy travels through matter. Ocean waves are energy traveling through water. They form when wind blows over the surface of the ocean. Wind energy is transferred to the sea surface. Then, the energy is carried through the water by the waves. Figure below shows ocean waves crashing against rocks on a shore. They pound away at the rocks and anything else they strike.[/INST] [question]:All waves are the way energy travels through what? [answer]:matter</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Most living things use glucose for energy. The process in which glucose is made using light energy is photosynthesis. Water and carbon dioxide are needed for this process, and oxygen is produced as a byproduct. Photosynthetic organisms include plants, algae, and some bacteria.[/INST] [question]:What is the term for the process in which glucose is made using light energy? [answer]:photosynthesis</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Life on Earth is based on carbon. A possible explanation is that no other element in the periodic table forms compounds that are so diverse in their chemistry and physical properties. Discuss the chemistry of carbon with regard to.[/INST] [question]:What element on the periodic table forms the most diverse compounds? [answer]:carbon</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Calorimetry is the measurement of the transfer of heat into or out of a system during a chemical reaction or physical process. A calorimeter is an insulated container that is used to measure heat changes. The majority of reactions that can be analyzed in a calorimetry experiment are either liquids or aqueous solutions. A frequently used and inexpensive calorimeter is a set of nested foam cups fitted with a lid to limit the heat exchange between the liquid in the cup and the air in the surroundings (see Figure below ). In a typical calorimetry experiment, specific volumes of the reactants are dispensed into separate containers and the temperature of each is measured. They are then mixed into the calorimeter, which starts the reaction. The reactant mixture is stirred until the reaction is complete, while the temperature of the reaction is continuously monitored.[/INST] [question]:What kind of container is used to measure heat changes during a chemical reaction or physical process? [answer]:calorimeter</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Ungulates include hoofed animals, such as deer, sheep, goats, pigs, buffalo, elephants and giraffes ( Figure below ). These mammals use their hoofs to sustain their whole body weight while moving. Hoofs are formed by a thick nail rolled around the tip of the toe.[/INST] [question]:In the mammal family, what is the name for hoofed animals, such as deer, sheep, goats, pigs, buffalo, elephants and giraffes? [answer]:ungulates</s>
<s>[INST][context]:The plasma membrane may have extensions, such as whip-like flagella or brush-like cilia. In single-celled organisms, like those shown in Figure below , the membrane extensions may help the organisms move. In multicellular organisms, the extensions have other functions. For example, the cilia on human lung cells sweep foreign particles and mucus toward the mouth and nose.[/INST] [question]:In single-celled organisms, plasma membrane extensions, such as whip-like flagella or brush-like cilia, aid in what? [answer]:movement</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Sperm are male gametes that form in the testes and mature in the epididymis.[/INST] [question]:What is defined as male gametes that form in the testes and mature in the epididymis? [answer]:sperm</s>
<s>[INST][context]:To figure out how the solar system formed, we need to put together what we have learned. There are two other important features to consider. First, all the planets orbit in nearly the same flat, disk-like region. Second, all the planets orbit in the same direction around the Sun. These two features are clues to how the solar system formed.[/INST] [question]:All planets exhibit the same or nearly the same direction and shape of what path around the sun? [answer]:orbit</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Mutations, a change in the DNA or RNA sequence, may have no effect, may be beneficial or may be harmful. There are numerous ways that the genetic information can be changed. Some of these changes can be inherited. In multicellular organisms, mutations can be subdivided into germline mutations , which can be passed on to descendants, and somatic mutations , which cannot be transmitted to the next generation. Germline mutations change the DNA sequence within a sperm or egg cell, and therefore can be inherited. This inherited mutation may result in a class of diseases known as a genetic disease. The mutation may lead to a nonfunctional protein, and the embryo may not develop properly or survive. Somatic mutations may affect the proper functioning of the cell with the mutation. During DNA replication, the mutation will be copied. The two daughter cells formed after cell division will both carry the mutation. This may lead to the development of many cells that do not function optimally, resulting a less than optimal phenotype. Various types of mutations can all have severe effects on the individual. These include point mutations, framehift mutations and chromosomal alterations. Keep in mind, some mutations may be beneficial or have no effect. Mutations that have no effect will not affect the expression of the gene or the sequence of amino acids in an encoded protein.[/INST] [question]:What do you call a change in the dna or rna sequence? [answer]:mutation</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Hydrogen gas and oxygen gas are ignited to produce water.[/INST] [question]:What is produced when hydrogen gas and oxygen gas are ignited? [answer]:water</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Migration is the movement of animals from one place to another. Migration is most common in birds, fish, and insects. In the Northern Hemisphere, many species of birds, such as finches and swallows, travel south for the winter. They migrate to areas where it is warmer and where more food is available. They return north in the spring. Migrating animals generally follow the same route each year. They may be guided by the position of the sun, Earth’s magnetic field, or other clues in the environment.[/INST] [question]:What is the movement of animals from one place to another called? [answer]:migration</s>
<s>[INST][context]:The job of the respiratory system is the exchange of gases between the body and the outside air. This process, called respiration , actually consists of two parts. In the first part, oxygen in the air is drawn into the body and carbon dioxide is released from the body through the respiratory tract. In the second part, the circulatory system delivers the oxygen to body cells and picks up carbon dioxide from the cells in return. The lungs are organs of the respiratory system. It is in the lungs where oxygen is transferred from the respiratory system to the circulatory system.[/INST] [question]:What does the respiratory system exchange between the body and the outside air? [answer]:gases</s>
<s>[INST][context]:The volume of a regularly shaped solid can be calculated from its dimensions. For example, the volume of a rectangular solid is the product of its length, width, and height.[/INST] [question]:The volume of a regularly shaped solid can be calculated from its what? [answer]:dimensions</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Oil is a thick, dark brown or black liquid. It is found in rock layers of Earth's crust. Oil is currently the most commonly used source of energy in the world.[/INST] [question]:What is a thick, dark brown or black liquid found in rock layers of the earth's crust? [answer]:oil</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Atoms are indestructible and constantly in motion.[/INST] [question]:What are indestructible and constantly in motion? [answer]:atoms</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Nuclear power is clean. It does not pollute the air. However, the use of nuclear energy does create other environmental problems. Uranium must be mined ( Figure below ). The process of splitting atoms creates radioactive waste. This waste may be dangerous for thousands or hundreds of thousands of years. As yet, there is no long-term solution for storing the radioactive waste.[/INST] [question]:The process of splitting atoms creates what kind of waste? [answer]:radioactive</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Sometimes atoms lose or gain electrons. Then they become ions . Ions have a positive or negative charge. That’s because they do not have the same number of electrons as protons. If atoms lose electrons, they become positive ions, or cations. If atoms gain electrons, they become negative ions, or anions.[/INST] [question]:When an atom gains or loses an electron it becames an? [answer]:ion</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Although this cartoon pokes fun at scientific hypotheses, the concept of hypothesis is one of the most important in science. Scientific investigations discover evidence that helps science advance, and the purpose of scientific investigations generally is to test hypotheses. Finding evidence to support or disprove hypotheses is how science advances.[/INST] [question]:The purpose of scientific investigations generally is to test a what? [answer]:hypothesis</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Reflecting surfaces do not have to be flat. The most common curved mirrors are spherical. A spherical mirror is called a concave mirror if the center of the mirror is further from the viewer than the edges are. A spherical mirror is called a convex mirror if the center of the mirror is closer to the viewer than the edges are.[/INST] [question]:The most common curved mirrors are what? [answer]:spherical</s>
<s>[INST][context]:The three types of plant cells are found in each of the major types of plant tissues: dermal, ground, and vascular tissues. Dermal tissue covers the outside of a plant in a single layer of cells called the epidermis. It mediates most of the interactions between a plant and its environment. Ground tissue makes up most of the interior of a plant. It carries out basic metabolic functions and stores food and water. Vascular tissue runs through the ground tissue inside a plant. It consists of bundles of xylem and phloem, which transport fluids throughout the plant.[/INST] [question]:What type of tissue covers the outside of a plant in a single layer of cells called the epidermis? [answer]:dermal</s>
<s>[INST][context]:The electron loss and gain is easy to see in a reaction in which ions are formed. However, in many reactions, no such electron transfer occurs. In a molecular compound, electrons are shared between atoms in a type of bond called a covalent bond. Yet it is still common for reactions involving molecular compounds to still be classified as redox reactions.[/INST] [question]:In a molecular compound, electrons are shared between atoms in which type of bond? [answer]:covalent</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Minerals form from dissolved substances when water evaporates.[/INST] [question]:What process does water undergo to leave behind dissolved substances? [answer]:evaporation</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Proteins play many important roles in living things. Some proteins help cells keep their shape, and some make up muscle tissues. Many proteins speed up chemical reactions in cells. Other proteins are antibodies, which bind to foreign substances such as bacteria and target them for destruction. Still other proteins carry messages or materials. For example, human red blood cells contain a protein called hemoglobin, which binds with oxygen. Hemoglobin allows the blood to carry oxygen from the lungs to cells throughout the body. A model of the hemoglobin molecule is shown in Figure below .[/INST] [question]:What type of proteins bind to foreign substances and attempt destruction? [answer]:antibodies</s>
<s>[INST][context]:8.2 | The Light-Dependent Reactions of Photosynthesis By the end of this section, you will be able to: • Explain how plants absorb energy from sunlight • Describe short and long wavelengths of light • Describe how and where photosynthesis takes place within a plant How can light be used to make food? When a person turns on a lamp, electrical energy becomes light energy. Like all other forms of kinetic energy, light can travel, change form, and be harnessed to do work. In the case of photosynthesis, light energy is converted into chemical energy, which photoautotrophs use to build carbohydrate molecules (Figure 8.9). However, autotrophs only use a few specific components of sunlight.[/INST] [question]:Photosynthesis involves reactions that are dependent on what? [answer]:light</s>
<s>[INST][context]:The ocean basin begins where the ocean meets the land. The continental margin begins at the shore and goes down to the ocean floor. It includes the continental shelf, slope, and rise. The continental shelf is part of the continent, but it is underwater today. It is about 100-200 meters deep, much shallower than the rest of the ocean. The continental shelf usually goes out about 100 to 200 kilometers from the shore ( Figure below ).[/INST] [question]:The ocean basin begins where the ocean meets what? [answer]:land</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Immunity can be acquired in an active or passive way, and it can be natural or artificial. Watch this video (http://openstaxcollege. org/l/immunity) to see an animated discussion of passive and active immunity. What is an example of natural immunity acquired passively?.[/INST] [question]:What bodily defense can be acquired in an active or passive way, and can be natural or artificial? [answer]:immunity</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Like the stem, the leaf contains vascular bundles composed of xylem and phloem (Figure 30.27). The xylem consists of tracheids and vessels, which transport water and minerals to the leaves. The phloem transports the photosynthetic products from the leaf to the other parts of the plant. A single vascular bundle, no matter how large or small, always contains both xylem and phloem tissues.[/INST] [question]:Like the stem, what basic plant structure contains vascular bundles composed of xylem and phloem? [answer]:leaf</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Epidemiologist Epidemiology is the study of the occurrence, distribution, and determinants of health and disease in a population. It is, therefore, part of public health. An epidemiologist studies the frequency and distribution of diseases within human populations and environments. Epidemiologists collect data about a particular disease and track its spread to identify the original mode of transmission. They sometimes work in close collaboration with historians to try to understand the way a disease evolved geographically and over time, tracking the natural history of pathogens. They gather information from clinical records, patient interviews, surveillance, and any other available means. That information is used to develop strategies, such as vaccinations (Figure 22.26), and design public health policies to reduce the incidence of a disease or to prevent its spread. Epidemiologists also conduct rapid investigations in case of an outbreak to recommend immediate measures to control it. An epidemiologist has a bachelor’s degree, plus a master’s degree in public health (MPH). Many epidemiologists are also physicians (and have an M. ), or they have a Ph. in an associated field, such as biology or microbiology.[/INST] [question]:What is a person who studies the frequency and distribution of disease within human populations and environments called? [answer]:epidemiologist</s>
<s>[INST][context]:In some cases, a population of one species disperses throughout an area, and each finds a distinct niche or isolated habitat. Over time, the varied demands of their new lifestyles lead to multiple speciation events originating from a single species, which is called adaptive radiation. From one point of origin, many adaptations evolve causing the species to radiate into several new ones. Island archipelagos like the Hawaiian Islands provide an ideal context for adaptive radiation events because water surrounds each island, which leads to geographical isolation for many organisms (Figure 11.16). The Hawaiian honeycreeper illustrates one example of adaptive radiation. From a single species, called the founder species, numerous species have evolved, including the eight shown in Figure 11.16.[/INST] [question]:In adaptive radiation, what is the name of the initial species that then subsequently becomes multiple other ones? [answer]:founder</s>
<s>[INST][context]:The structures of both trifluoramine and hydroxylamine are similar to that of ammonia.[/INST] [question]:The structures of both trifluoramine and hydroxylamine are similar to that of what? [answer]:ammonia</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Reptiles also have several adaptations for living on land. They have a skin covered in scales to protect them from drying out. All reptiles have lungs to breathe air. Reptiles are also amniotes , which means their embryos are surrounded by a thin membrane. This membrane protects the embryo from the harsh conditions of living on land. Reptile eggs are also surrounded by a protective shell, which may be either flexible or inflexible.[/INST] [question]:What protects reptiles from drying out? [answer]:scales</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Have you ever eaten blue cheese? Do you know what makes it blue? You guessed it. A fungus. For certain types of cheeses, producers add fungal spores to milk curds to promote the growth of mold, which makes the cheese blue. Molds used in cheese production are safe for humans to eat.[/INST] [question]:What makes blue cheese blue? [answer]:fungus</s>