<s>[INST][context]:Summary Changes of state are examples of phase changes, or phase transitions. All phase changes are accompanied by changes in the energy of a system. Changes from a more-ordered state to a less-ordered state (such as a liquid to a gas) areendothermic. Changes from a less-ordered state to a more-ordered state (such as a liquid to a solid) are always exothermic. The conversion of a solid to a liquid is called fusion (or melting). The energy required to melt 1 mol of a substance is its enthalpy of fusion (ΔHfus). The energy change required to vaporize 1 mol of a substance is the enthalpy of vaporization (ΔHvap). The direct conversion of a solid to a gas is sublimation. The amount of energy needed to sublime 1 mol of a substance is its enthalpy of sublimation (ΔHsub) and is the sum of the enthalpies of fusion and vaporization. Plots of the temperature of a substance versus heat added or versus heating time at a constant rate of heating are calledheating curves. Heating curves relate temperature changes to phase transitions. A superheated liquid, a liquid at a temperature and pressure at which it should be a gas, is not stable. A cooling curve is not exactly the reverse of the heating curve because many liquids do not freeze at the expected temperature. Instead, they form a supercooled liquid, a metastable liquid phase that exists below the normal melting point. Supercooled liquids usually crystallize on standing, or adding a seed crystal of the same or another substance can induce crystallization.[/INST] [question]:Changes from a less-ordered state to a more-ordered state (such as a liquid to a solid) are always what? [answer]:exothermic</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Meteoroids are smaller than asteroids, ranging from the size of boulders to the size of sand grains. When meteoroids enter Earth’s atmosphere, they vaporize, creating a trail of glowing gas called a meteor. If any of the meteoroid reaches Earth, the remaining object is called a meteorite.[/INST] [question]:When a meteoroid reaches earth, what is the remaining object called? [answer]:meteorite</s>
<s>[INST][context]:One type of radioactivity is alpha emission. What is an alpha particle? What happens to an alpha particle after it is emitted from an unstable nucleus?.[/INST] [question]:Alpha emission is a type of what? [answer]:radioactivity</s>
<s>[INST][context]:The stored food in a seed is called endosperm . It nourishes the embryo until it can start making food on its own.[/INST] [question]:What is the stored food in a seed called? [answer]:endosperm</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Occurrence, Preparation, and Compounds of Boron and Silicon Boron constitutes less than 0.001% by weight of the earth’s crust. In nature, it only occurs in compounds with oxygen. Boron is widely distributed in volcanic regions as boric acid, B(OH)3, and in dry lake regions, including the desert areas of California, as borates and salts of boron oxyacids, such as borax, Na2B4O7⋅10H2O. Elemental boron is chemically inert at room temperature, reacting with only fluorine and oxygen to form boron trifluoride, BF3, and boric oxide, B2O3, respectively. At higher temperatures, boron reacts with all nonmetals, except tellurium and the noble gases, and with nearly all metals; it oxidizes to B2O3 when heated with concentrated nitric or sulfuric acid. Boron does not react with nonoxidizing acids. Many boron compounds react readily with water to give boric acid, B(OH)3 (sometimes written as H3BO3). Reduction of boric oxide with magnesium powder forms boron (95–98.5% pure) as a brown, amorphous powder: B 2 O 3(s) + 3Mg(s) ⟶ 2B(s) + 3MgO(s) An amorphous substance is a material that appears to be a solid, but does not have a long-range order like a true solid. Treatment with hydrochloric acid removes the magnesium oxide. Further purification of the boron begins with conversion of the impure boron into boron trichloride. The next step is to heat a mixture of boron trichloride and hydrogen: 1500 °C.[/INST] [question]:Boron only occurs naturally in compounds with what element? [answer]:oxygen</s>
<s>[INST][context]:42.1 Circulatory systems link exchange surfaces with cells throughout the body.[/INST] [question]:What organ systems link exchange surfaces with cells throughout the body? [answer]:circulatory</s>
<s>[INST][context]:An allergy occurs when the immune system attacks a harmless substance that enters the body from the outside. A substance that causes an allergy is called an allergen. It is the immune system, not the allergen, that causes the symptoms of an allergy.[/INST] [question]:What occurs when the immune system attacks a harmless substance that enters the body from the outside? [answer]:allergy</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Enzymes are critical to the body’s healthy functioning. They assist, for example, with the breakdown of food and its conversion to energy. In fact, most of the chemical reactions in the body are facilitated by enzymes.[/INST] [question]:Most of the chemical reactions in the body are facilitated by what? [answer]:enzymes</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Usually, testing a hypothesis requires making observations or performing experiments. In this case, we will look into existing scientific literature to see if either of these hypotheses can be disproved, or if one or both can be supported by the data.[/INST] [question]:Testing what usually requires making observations or performing experiments? [answer]:hypothesis</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Water molecules move about continuously due to their kinetic energy. When a crystal of sodium chloride is placed into water, the water’s molecules collide with the crystal lattice. Recall that the crystal lattice is composed of alternating positive and negative ions. Water is attracted to the sodium chloride crystal because water is polar and has both a positive and a negative end. The positively charged sodium ions in the crystal attract the oxygen end of the water molecules because they are partially negative. The negatively charged chloride ions in the crystal attract the hydrogen end of the water molecules because they are partially positive. The action of the polar water molecules takes the crystal lattice apart (see image below).[/INST] [question]:Water molecules move about continuously due to what type of energy? [answer]:kinetic</s>
<s>[INST][context]:One idea is that evolution happens. Evolution is a change in the inherited traits of organisms over time. Living things have changed as descendants diverged from common ancestors in the past.[/INST] [question]:What is defined as a change in the inherited traits of organisms over time? [answer]:evolution</s>
<s>[INST][context]:What causes puberty to begin? The hypothalamus in the brain “tells” the pituitary gland to secrete hormones that target the testes. The main pituitary hormone involved is luteinizing hormone (LH) . It stimulates the testes to secrete testosterone. Testosterone, in turn, promotes protein synthesis and growth. It brings about most of the physical changes of puberty, some of which are shown in Figure below . In addition to the changes shown below, during puberty male facial hair begins to grow, the shoulders broaden, and the male voice deepens. You can watch an animation of these and other changes that occur in boys during puberty at the Interactive Body link: http://www. bbc. co. uk/science/humanbody/body/interactives/lifecycle/teenagers/ .[/INST] [question]:What hormone, which is associated with luteinizing hormone and male sexuality, helps bring about physical changes in puberty? [answer]:testosterone</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Seed plants called angiosperms produce seeds in the ovaries of flowers.[/INST] [question]:Where do angiosperms produce seeds in flowers? [answer]:ovaries</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Some Eukarya are also single-celled, but many are multicellular. Some have a cell wall; others do not. However, the cells of all Eukarya have a nucleus and other organelles.[/INST] [question]:The cells of all eukarya have a what? [answer]:nucleus</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Divergent plate boundaries produce huge mountain ranges under water in every ocean basin.[/INST] [question]:What type of plate boundaries produce huge mountain ranges in the ocean basin? [answer]:divergent</s>
<s>[INST][context]:temperatures with electropositive metals such as those of groups 1 and 2 and aluminum produces ionic carbides, which contain discrete metal cations and carbon anions. The identity of the anions depends on the size of the second element. For example, smaller elements such as beryllium and aluminum give methides such as Be2C and Al4C3, which formally contain the C4− ion derived from methane (CH4) by losing all four H atoms as protons. In contrast, larger metals such as sodium and calcium give carbides with stoichiometries of Na2C2 and CaC2. Because these carbides contain the C4− ion, which is derived from acetylene (HC≡CH) by losing both H atoms as protons, they are more properly called acetylides. As discussed in Chapter 21 "Periodic Trends and the ", Section 21.4 "The Alkaline Earth Metals (Group 2)", reacting ionic carbides with dilute aqueous acid results in protonation of the anions to give the parent hydrocarbons: CH4 or C2H2. For many years, miners’ lamps used the reaction of calcium carbide with water to produce a steady supply of acetylene, which was ignited to provide a portable lantern. The reaction of carbon with most transition metals at high temperatures produces interstitial carbides. Due to the less electropositive nature of the transition metals, these carbides contain covalent metal– carbon interactions, which result in different properties: most interstitial carbides are good conductors of electricity, have high melting points, and are among the hardest substances known. Interstitial carbides exhibit a variety of nominal compositions, and they are often nonstoichiometric compounds whose carbon content can vary over a wide range. Among the most important are tungsten carbide (WC), which is used industrially in high-speed cutting tools, and cementite (Fe3C), which is a major component of steel. Elements with an electronegativity similar to that of carbon form covalent carbides, such as silicon carbide (SiC; Equation 22.15) and boron carbide (B4C). These substances are extremely hard, have high melting points, and are chemically inert. For example, silicon carbide is highly resistant to chemical attack at temperatures as high as 1600°C. Because it also maintains its strength at high temperatures, silicon carbide is used in heating elements for electric furnaces and in variable-temperature resistors.[/INST] [question]:Interstitial carbides are produced by the reaction of most transition metals at high temperatures with what element? [answer]:carbon</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Agents of Decomposition The fungus-like protist saprobes are specialized to absorb nutrients from nonliving organic matter, such as dead organisms or their wastes. For instance, many types of oomycetes grow on dead animals or algae. Saprobic protists have the essential function of returning inorganic nutrients to the soil and water. This process allows for new plant growth, which in turn generates sustenance for other organisms along the food chain. Indeed, without saprobe species, such as protists, fungi, and bacteria, life would cease to exist as all organic carbon became “tied up” in dead organisms.[/INST] [question]:Fungus-like protist saprobes play what role in a food chain and are specialized to absorb nutrients from nonliving organic matter, such as dead organisms or their wastes? [answer]:decomposers</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Ribosomes are small organelles and are the sites of protein synthesis (or assembly). They are made of ribosomal protein and ribosomal RNA, and are found in both eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells. Unlike other organelles, ribosomes are not surrounded by a membrane. Each ribosome has two parts, a large and a small subunit, as shown in Figure below . The subunits are attached to one another. Ribosomes can be found alone or in groups within the cytoplasm. Some ribosomes are attached to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) (as shown in Figure below ), and others are attached to the nuclear envelope.[/INST] [question]:What are the sites of protein synthesis or assembly? [answer]:ribosomes</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Meiosis I begins after DNA replicates during interphase of the cell cycle. In both meiosis I and meiosis II , cells go through the same four phases as mitosis - prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase. However, there are important differences between meiosis I and mitosis. The eight stages of meiosis are summarized below. The stages will be described for a human cell, starting with 46 chromosomes.[/INST] [question]:What must replicate in the cell cycle before meiosis i takes place? [answer]:dna</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Earthquakes are primarily the result of plate tectonic motions. What type of stress would cause earthquakes at each of the three types of plate boundaries?.[/INST] [question]:What phenomenon is primarily the result of plate tectonic motions? [answer]:earthquake</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Ganglia A ganglion is a group of neuron cell bodies in the periphery. Ganglia can be categorized, for the most part, as either sensory ganglia or autonomic ganglia, referring to their primary functions. The most common type of sensory ganglion is a dorsal (posterior) root ganglion. These ganglia are the cell bodies of neurons with axons that are sensory endings in the periphery, such as in the skin, and that extend into the CNS through the dorsal nerve root. The ganglion is an enlargement of the nerve root. Under microscopic inspection, it can be seen to include the cell bodies of the neurons, as well as bundles of fibers that are the posterior nerve root (Figure 13.19). The cells of the dorsal root ganglion are unipolar cells, classifying them by shape. Also, the small round nuclei of satellite cells can be seen surrounding—as if they were orbiting—the neuron cell bodies.[/INST] [question]:What is a group of neuron cell bodies in the periphery called? [answer]:ganglion</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Under what conditions then, do gases behave least ideally? When a gas is put under high pressure, its molecules are forced closer together as the empty space between the particles is diminished. A decrease in the empty space means that the assumption that the volume of the particles themselves is negligible is less valid. When a gas is cooled, the decrease in kinetic energy of the particles causes them to slow down. If the particles are moving at slower speeds, the attractive forces between them are more prominent. Another way to view it is that continued cooling the gas will eventually turn it into a liquid and a liquid is certainly not an ideal gas anymore (see liquid nitrogen in the Figure below ). In summary, a real gas deviates most from an ideal gas at low temperatures and high pressures. Gases are most ideal at high temperature and low pressure.[/INST] [question]:Gases are most ideal at high temperature and what pressure? [answer]:low</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Each type of rock weathers in its own way. Certain types of rock are very resistant to weathering. Igneous rocks tend to weather slowly because they are hard. Water cannot easily penetrate them. Granite is a very stable igneous rock. Other types of rock are easily weathered because they dissolve easily in weak acids. Limestone is a sedimentary rock that dissolves easily. When softer rocks wear away, the more resistant rocks form ridges or hills.[/INST] [question]:Hard igneous rocks and easily dissolved sedimentary rocks respond very differently to what natural force? [answer]:weathering</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Enzymes are involved in most of the biochemical reactions that take place in organisms. About 4,000 such reactions are known to be catalyzed by enzymes, but the number may be even higher. Enzymes allow reactions to occur at the rate necessary for life.[/INST] [question]:What substances serve as catalysts in most of the biochemical reactions that take place in organisms? [answer]:enzymes</s>
<s>[INST][context]:automobile axle drives a wheel, which has a much larger diameter than the axle. The MA is less than 1. (c) An ordinary pulley is used to lift a heavy load. The pulley changes the direction of the force T exerted by the cord without changing its magnitude. Hence, this machine has an MA of 1.[/INST] [question]:A pulley changes the direction of the force t exerted by the cord without changing its what? [answer]:magnitude</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Figure 14.3 The Tongue The tongue is covered with small bumps, called papillae, which contain taste buds that are sensitive to chemicals in ingested food or drink. Different types of papillae are found in different regions of the tongue. The taste buds contain specialized gustatory receptor cells that respond to chemical stimuli dissolved in the saliva. These receptor cells activate sensory neurons that are part of the facial and glossopharyngeal nerves. LM × 1600. (Micrograph provided by the Regents of University of Michigan Medical School © 2012).[/INST] [question]:What is the name of the small bumps that contain taste buds and covers the tongue? [answer]:papillae</s>
<s>[INST][context]:What if you were to drop a bowling ball and a soccer ball at the same time from the same distance above the ground? The bowling ball has greater mass than the basketball, so the pull of gravity on it is greater. Would it fall to the ground faster? No, the bowling ball and basketball would reach the ground at the same time. The reason? The more massive bowling ball is also harder to move because of its greater mass, so it ends up moving at the same acceleration as the soccer ball. This is true of all falling objects. They all accelerate at the same rate due to gravity, unless air resistance affects one object more than another. For example, a falling leaf is slowed down by air resistance more than a falling acorn because of the leaf’s greater surface area. You can simulate the effect of air resistance on acceleration due to gravity by doing the interactive animation at this URL: http://www. science-animations. com/support-files/freefall. swf.[/INST] [question]:In the absence of air resistance, all falling objects accelerate at the same rate due to what force? [answer]:gravity</s>
<s>[INST][context]:A pile of leaves slowly rots in the backyard. In the presence of oxygen, hydrogen can interact to make water. Gold can be stretched into very thin wires.[/INST] [question]:In the presence of oxygen, hydrogen can interact to make what? [answer]:water</s>
<s>[INST][context]:The angle at which light bends when it enters a different medium depends on its change in speed. The greater the change in speed, the greater the angle of refraction is. For example, light refracts more when it passes from air to diamond than it does when it passes from air to water. That’s because the speed of light is slower in diamond than it is in water.[/INST] [question]:The angle at which light bends when it enters a different medium is known as what? [answer]:refraction</s>
<s>[INST][context]:FM radio is inherently less subject to noise from stray radio sources than AM radio. The reason is that amplitudes of waves add. So an AM receiver would interpret noise added onto the amplitude of its carrier wave as part of the information. An FM receiver can be made to reject amplitudes other than that of the basic carrier wave and only look for variations in frequency. It is thus easier to reject noise from FM, since noise produces a variation in amplitude. Television is also broadcast on electromagnetic waves. Since the waves must carry a great deal of visual as well as audio information, each channel requires a larger range of frequencies than simple radio transmission. TV channels utilize frequencies in the range of 54 to 88 MHz and 174 to 222 MHz. (The entire FM radio band lies between channels 88 MHz and 174 MHz. ) These TV channels are called VHF (for very high frequency). Other channels called UHF (for ultra high frequency) utilize an even higher frequency range of 470 to 1000 MHz. The TV video signal is AM, while the TV audio is FM. Note that these frequencies are those of free transmission with the user utilizing an old-fashioned roof antenna. Satellite dishes and cable transmission of TV occurs at significantly higher frequencies and is rapidly evolving with the use of the high-definition or HD format.[/INST] [question]:Which radio frequency should you listen to if you want less noise? [answer]:fm</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Figure 8.11 The sun emits energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation. This radiation exists at different wavelengths, each of which has its own characteristic energy. All electromagnetic radiation, including visible light, is characterized by its wavelength.[/INST] [question]:What form of radiation is the energy emitted by the sun? [answer]:electromagnetic</s>
<s>[INST][context]:The core is the Sun's innermost layer. The core is plasma. It has a temperature of around 15 million degrees Celsius (C). Nuclear fusion reactions create the immense temperature. In these reactions, hydrogen atoms fuse to form helium. This releases vast amounts of energy. The energy moves towards the outer layers of the Sun. Energy from the Sun's core powers most of the solar system.[/INST] [question]:What is the suns innermost layer called? [answer]:core</s>
<s>[INST][context]:To grow and develop, you must form new cells. Imagine how often your cells must divide during a growth spurt. Growing just an inch requires countless cell divisions. Your body must produce new bone cells, new skin cells, new cells in your blood vessels and so on.[/INST] [question]:A growth spurt requires constant divisions of what? [answer]:cells</s>
<s>[INST][context]:All animals have innate behaviors, even human beings. Can you think of human behaviors that do not have to be learned? Chances are, you will have a hard time thinking of any. The only truly innate behaviors in humans are called reflex behaviors . They occur mainly in babies. Like innate behaviors in other animals, reflex behaviors in human babies may help them survive.[/INST] [question]:What are the only truly innate behaviors in humans called? [answer]:reflexes</s>
<s>[INST][context]:The pressure of the earth’s atmosphere, as with any fluid, increases with the height of the column of air. In the case of earth’s atmosphere, there are some complications. The density of the air is not uniform but decreases with altitude. Additionally there is no distinct top surface from which height can be measured. We can, however, calculate the approximate difference in pressure between two altitudes using the equation . The average pressure of the atmosphere at sea level is 1.013 × 10 5 Pa. This pressure is often expressed as 101.3 kPa.[/INST] [question]:What happens to the density of air as the altitude decreases? [answer]:decreases</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Internal Respiration Internal respiration is gas exchange that occurs at the level of body tissues (Figure 22.23). Similar to external respiration, internal respiration also occurs as simple diffusion due to a partial pressure gradient. However, the partial pressure gradients are opposite of those present at the respiratory membrane. The partial pressure of oxygen in tissues is low, about 40 mm Hg, because oxygen is continuously used for cellular respiration. In contrast, the partial pressure of oxygen in the blood is about 100 mm Hg. This creates a pressure gradient that causes oxygen to dissociate from hemoglobin, diffuse out of the blood, cross the interstitial space, and enter the tissue. Hemoglobin that has little oxygen bound to it loses much of its brightness, so that blood returning to the heart is more burgundy in color. Considering that cellular respiration continuously produces carbon dioxide, the partial pressure of carbon dioxide is lower in the blood than it is in the tissue, causing carbon dioxide to diffuse out of the tissue, cross the interstitial fluid, and enter the blood. It is then carried back to the lungs either bound to hemoglobin, dissolved in plasma, or in a converted form. By the time blood returns to the heart, the partial pressure of oxygen has returned to about 40 mm Hg, and the partial pressure.[/INST] [question]:Internal and external forms of what life process occur as simple diffusion due to a partial pressure gradient? [answer]:respiration</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Below the topsoil is the “B” horizon. This is also called the subsoil . Soluble minerals and clays accumulate in the subsoil. Because it has less organic material, this layer is lighter brown in color than topsoil. It also holds more water due to the presence of iron and clay. There is less organic material in this layer.[/INST] [question]:Soluble minerals and clays accumulate in what soil layer, allowing it to hold more water? [answer]:subsoil</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Conceptual Questions 19.1 Electric Potential Energy: Potential Difference 1. Voltage is the common word for potential difference. Which term is more descriptive, voltage or potential difference? 2. If the voltage between two points is zero, can a test charge be moved between them with zero net work being done? Can this necessarily be done without exerting a force? Explain. What is the relationship between voltage and energy? More precisely, what is the relationship between potential difference and electric potential energy? 4. Voltages are always measured between two points. Why? 5. How are units of volts and electron volts related? How do they differ?.[/INST] [question]:What is the common word for potential difference in a circuit? [answer]:voltage</s>
<s>[INST][context]:The crocodilian digestive system is highly adapted to their lifestyle. Crocodilians are known to swallow stones, known as gastroliths , which help digest their prey. The crocodilian stomach is divided into two chambers. The first is powerful and muscular. The other stomach is the most acidic digestive system of any animal. It can digest mostly everything from their prey, including bones, feathers, and horns!.[/INST] [question]:How many chambers does the stomach of a crocodile have? [answer]:two</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Populations usually grow bigger when they have what they need. How fast they grow depends on birth and death rates. They grow more slowly as they get close to the carrying capacity. This is the biggest population the environment can support.[/INST] [question]:When populations get close to the carrying capacity, what happens to growth? [answer]:slows</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Although air can transfer heat rapidly by convection, it is a poor conductor and thus a good insulator. The amount of available space for airflow determines whether air acts as an insulator or conductor. The space between the inside and outside walls of a house, for example, is about 9 cm (3.5 in) —large enough for convection to work effectively. The addition of wall insulation prevents airflow, so heat loss (or gain) is decreased. Similarly, the gap between the two panes of a double-paned window is about 1 cm, which prevents convection and takes advantage of air’s low conductivity to prevent greater loss. Fur, fiber, and fiberglass also take advantage of the low conductivity of air by trapping it in spaces too small to support convection, as shown in the figure. Fur and feathers are lightweight and thus ideal for the protection of animals.[/INST] [question]:Although air can transfer heat rapidly by convection, it is a poor conductor and thus a good what? [answer]:insulator</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Observations can happen on many scales. You can use a microscope to observe tiny things. You can use a telescope to observe distant things in space. To learn about the effects of climate change, you could observe Earth's surface. How would you make observations of Earth's surface? You could do this from the land surface or from space. Many important observations are made by orbiting satellites. These satellites have a bird's eye view of how the planet is changing ( Figure below ).[/INST] [question]:What man-made devices in space are used to observe the earth's surface? [answer]:satellites</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Carboxylic acids are weak acids (see the chapter on acids and bases), meaning they are not 100% ionized in water. Generally only about 1% of the molecules of a carboxylic acid dissolved in water are ionized at any given time. The remaining molecules are undissociated in solution. We prepare carboxylic acids by the oxidation of aldehydes or alcohols whose –OH functional group is located on the carbon atom at the end of the chain of carbon atoms in the alcohol:.[/INST] [question]:Carboxylic acids are weak acids, meaning they are not 100% ionized in what? [answer]:water</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Diseases of the endocrine system are relatively common. An endocrine disease usually involves the secretion of too much or not enough hormone. When too much hormone is secreted, it is called hypersecretion. When not enough hormone is secreted, it is called hyposecretion.[/INST] [question]:An endocrine disease usually involves the secretion of too much or not enough of what? [answer]:hormone</s>
<s>[INST][context]:For thousands of years, humans have understood that characteristics such as eye color, hair color, or even flower color are passed from one generation to the next. The passing of characteristics from parent to offspring is called heredity . Humans have long been interested in understanding heredity. Many hereditary mechanisms were developed by scholars but were not properly tested or quantified. The scientific study of genetics did not begin until the late 19 th century. In experiments with garden peas, Austrian monk Gregor Mendel described the basic patterns of inheritance. Keep in mind that while we know about DNA and its role as the genetic material, Mendel did not know of the existence of DNA. Nor did he understand the concept of the chromosome or the process of meiosis, and yet, he was still able to correctly describe basic inheritance patterns.[/INST] [question]:In experiments with garden peas, austrian monk gregor mendel described the basic patterns of what? [answer]:inheritance</s>
<s>[INST][context]:24.7 Nutrition and Diet Nutrition and diet affect your metabolism. More energy is required to break down fats and proteins than carbohydrates; however, all excess calories that are ingested will be stored as fat in the body. On average, a person requires 1500 to 2000 calories for normal daily activity, although routine exercise will increase that amount. If you ingest more than that, the remainder is stored for later use. Conversely, if you ingest less than that, the energy stores in your body will be depleted. Both the quantity and quality of the food you eat affect your metabolism and can affect your overall health. Eating too much or too little can result in serious medical conditions, including cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes. Vitamins and minerals are essential parts of the diet. They are needed for the proper function of metabolic pathways in the body. Vitamins are not stored in the body, so they must be obtained from the diet or synthesized from precursors available in the diet. Minerals are also obtained from the diet, but they are also stored, primarily in skeletal tissues.[/INST] [question]:Nutrition and diet affect your metabolism. more energy is required to break down fats and proteins than this? [answer]:carbohydrates</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Alkenes are unsaturated hydrocarbons with at least one double bond between carbon atoms.[/INST] [question]:What are unsaturated hydrocarbons with at least one double bond between carbon atoms called? [answer]:alkenes</s>
<s>[INST][context]:All of the changes of state that occur between solid, liquid and gas are summarized in the diagram in the figure below. Freezing is the opposite of melting and both represent the equilibrium between the solid and liquid states. Evaporation occurs when a liquid turns to a gas. Condensation is the opposite of vaporization and both represent the equilibrium between the liquid and gas states. Deposition is the opposite of sublimation and both represent the equilibrium between the solid and gas states.[/INST] [question]:What is the opposite of melting? [answer]:freezing</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Sexual reproduction involves haploid gametes and produces a diploid zygote through fertilization.[/INST] [question]:Sexual reproduction involves haploid gametes and produces a diploid zygote through what process? [answer]:fertilization</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Transform faults are the site of massive earthquakes.[/INST] [question]:Transform faults are the site of massive what? [answer]:earthquakes</s>
<s>[INST][context]:The amount of reactants and products do not have to be equal. However, after equilibrium is attained, the amounts of reactants and products will be constant.[/INST] [question]:In a chemical reaction, the amounts of reactants and products will be constant when what state is attained? [answer]:equilibrium</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Sepals protect the developing flower while it is still a bud. Sepals are usually green, which camouflages the bud from possible consumers.[/INST] [question]:What protects a developing flower while it is still a bud? [answer]:sepals</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Gravity has traditionally been defined as a force of attraction between things that have mass. According to this conception of gravity, anything that has mass, no matter how small, exerts gravity on other matter. Gravity can act between objects that are not even touching. In fact, gravity can act over very long distances. However, the farther two objects are from each other, the weaker is the force of gravity between them. Less massive objects also have less gravity than more massive objects.[/INST] [question]:What is the term for the force of attraction between things that have a mass? [answer]:gravity</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Kidney failure may be treated with dialysis.[/INST] [question]:Dialysis is a treatment for failure of what organs? [answer]:kidneys</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Children as young as 2 years of age can be vaccinated against viral meningitis.[/INST] [question]:What preventive measure can protect even young children against diseases such as viral meningitis? [answer]:vaccination</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Renal plasma flow equals the blood flow per minute times the hematocrit. If a person has a hematocrit of 45, then the renal plasma flow is 55 percent. 1050*0.55 = 578 mL plasma/min.[/INST] [question]:Renal plasma flow equals the blood flow per minute times the what? [answer]:hematocrit</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Lattice energy of an ionic solid is a measure of the strength of bonds in that ionic compound.[/INST] [question]:What does lattice energy of an ionic solid measure the strength of? [answer]:bonds</s>
<s>[INST][context]:The concentration of an acid or base can be determined by titration.[/INST] [question]:Titration is a method to determine what in acids or bases? [answer]:concentration</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Ulcers are sores in the lining of the stomach or duodenum that are usually caused by bacterial infections. They may also be caused by the acidic environment of the stomach. Stomach acids may damage the lining of the stomach. Symptoms typically include abdominal pain and bleeding. You can see how stomach ulcers develop at this link: http://www. youtube. com/watch?v=4bXZRgJ-1fk .[/INST] [question]:What are sores in the lining of the stomach or duodenum that are usually caused by bacterial infections or acidity? [answer]:ulcers</s>
<s>[INST][context]:As a cell prepares to divide, its DNA first forms one or more structures called chromosomes. A chromosome consists of DNA and protein molecules coiled into a definite shape. Chromosomes are circular in prokaryotes and rodlike in eukaryotes. You can see an example of a human chromosome in Figure below . The rest of the time, DNA looks like a tangled mass of strings. In this form, it would be very difficult to copy and divide.[/INST] [question]:What structure is made from dna and protein molecules coiled together? [answer]:chromosome</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Arteries Serving the Upper Limbs As the subclavian artery exits the thorax into the axillary region, it is renamed the axillary artery. Although it does branch and supply blood to the region near the head of the humerus (via the humeral circumflex arteries), the majority of the vessel continues into the upper arm, or brachium, and becomes the brachial artery (Figure 20.31). The brachial artery supplies blood to much of the brachial region and divides at the elbow into several smaller branches, including the deep brachial arteries, which provide blood to the posterior surface of the arm, and the ulnar collateral arteries, which supply blood to the region of the elbow. As the brachial artery approaches the coronoid fossa, it bifurcates into the radial and ulnar arteries, which continue into the forearm, or antebrachium. The radial artery and ulnar artery parallel their namesake bones, giving off smaller branches until they reach the wrist, or carpal region. At this level, they fuse to form the superficial and deep palmar arches that supply blood to the hand, as well as the digital arteries that supply blood to the digits. Figure 20.32 shows the distribution of systemic arteries from the heart into the upper limb. Table 20.9 summarizes the arteries serving the upper limbs.[/INST] [question]:The radial artery and which artery parallel their namesake bones, giving off smaller branches until they reach the wrist, or carpal region? [answer]:ulnar</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Immovable joints allow no movement because the bones at these joints are held securely together by dense collagen. The bones of the skull are connected by immovable joints.[/INST] [question]:The bones of the skull are connected by what type of joints? [answer]:immovable</s>
<s>[INST][context]:The troposphere is the lowest layer of the atmosphere. All of the air you breathe is in the troposphere. All of Earth's weather—wind, rain, snow, heat—is in the troposphere. The troposphere is the lowest and most important layer of the atmosphere!.[/INST] [question]:What is the lowest layer of the atmosphere? [answer]:troposphere</s>
<s>[INST][context]:The key to continued growth and repair of plant cells is meristem . Meristem is a type of plant tissue consisting of undifferentiated cells that can continue to divide and differentiate. Meristem at the tips of roots and stems allows them to grow in length. This is called primary growth. Meristem within and around vascular tissues allows growth in width. This is called secondary growth.[/INST] [question]:What is the name of the type of plant tissue consisting of undifferentiated cells that can continue to divide and differentiate? [answer]:meristem</s>
<s>[INST][context]:The Phosphorus Cycle Phosphorus is an essential nutrient for living processes; it is a major component of nucleic acids and phospholipids, and, as calcium phosphate, makes up the supportive components of our bones. Phosphorus is often the limiting nutrient (necessary for growth) in aquatic, particularly freshwater, ecosystems. Phosphorus occurs in nature as the phosphate ion (PO43-). In addition to phosphate runoff as a result of human activity, natural surface runoff occurs when it is leached from phosphate-containing rock by weathering, thus sending phosphates into rivers, lakes, and the ocean. This rock has its origins in the ocean. Phosphate-containing ocean sediments form primarily from the bodies of ocean organisms and from their excretions. However, volcanic ash, aerosols, and mineral dust may also be significant phosphate sources. This sediment then is moved to land over geologic time by the uplifting of Earth’s surface. (Figure 20.13) Phosphorus is also reciprocally exchanged between phosphate dissolved in the ocean and marine organisms. The movement of phosphate from the ocean to the land and through the soil is extremely slow, with the average phosphate ion having an oceanic residence time between 20,000 and 100,000 years.[/INST] [question]:Phosphate-containing ocean sediments form primarily from the bodies of ocean organisms and from their what? [answer]:excretions</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Genetics is the study of inheritance. Inheritance is the passing of traits from parents to offspring. How are these traits "passed"? Through DNA, which is the genetic material of all organisms. This concept will focus on genetics, inheritance, and DNA.[/INST] [question]:The passing of traits from parents to offspring is done through what? [answer]:dna</s>
<s>[INST][context]:If you’re like Tanya in this picture, you prefer your iced tea sweetened with sugar. Sweetened iced tea is a solution in which solid sugar (the solute) is dissolved in cold liquid tea, which is mostly water (the solvent). When you add sugar to tea, particles of water pull apart particles of sugar. The particles of sugar spread throughout the tea, making all of it taste sweet.[/INST] [question]:In a glass of sweet tea the sugar is known as the solute and the water is known as what? [answer]:solvent</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Red litmus paper turns blue when placed in a basic solution.[/INST] [question]:Red litmus paper turns what color when placed in a basic solution? [answer]:blue</s>
<s>[INST][context]:can occur in electrolytic cells by introducing a power supply, which supplies the energy to force the electrons to flow in the nonspontaneous direction. Electrolysis is done in solutions, which contain enough ions so current can flow. If the solution contains only one material, like the electrolysis of molten sodium chloride, it is a simple matter to determine what is oxidized and what is reduced. In more complicated systems, like the electrolysis of aqueous sodium chloride, more than one species can be oxidized or reduced and the standard reduction potentials are used to determine the most likely oxidation (the half-reaction with the largest [most positive] standard reduction potential) and reduction (the half-reaction with the smallest [least positive] standard reduction potential). Sometimes unexpected half-reactions occur because of overpotential. Overpotential is the difference between the theoretical half-reaction reduction potential and the actual voltage required. When present, the applied potential must be increased, making it possible for a different reaction to occur in the electrolytic cell. The total charge, Q, that passes through an electrolytic cell can be expressed as the current (I) multiplied by time (Q = It) or as the moles of electrons (n) multiplied by Faraday’s constant (Q = nF). These relationships can be used to determine things like the amount of material used or generated during electrolysis, how long the reaction must proceed, or what value of the current is required.[/INST] [question]:The difference between the theoretical half-reaction reduction potential and the actual voltage required is called what? [answer]:overpotential</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Small nonpolar molecules can easily diffuse across the cell membrane. However, due to the hydrophobic nature of the lipids that make up cell membranes, polar molecules (such as water) and ions cannot do so. Instead, they diffuse across the membrane through transport proteins. A transport protein completely spans the membrane, and allows certain molecules or ions to diffuse across the membrane. Channel proteins, gated channel proteins, and carrier proteins are three types of transport proteins that are involved in facilitated diffusion.[/INST] [question]:Due to the __________ nature of the lipids that make up cell membranes, polar molecules (such as water) and ions cannot easily diffuse across the cell membrane. [answer]:hydrophobic</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Vertebrates reproduce sexually, and almost all have separate male and female sexes. Aquatic species generally have external fertilization, whereas terrestrial species usually have internal fertilization. Vertebrates have one of three reproductive strategies, known as ovipary, ovovivipary, or vivipary.[/INST] [question]:In what way do all vertebrates reproduce? [answer]:sexually</s>
<s>[INST][context]:A cell membrane is essentially a mixture of phospholipids that form a phospholipid bilayer. One definition of a cell is a collection of molecules surrounded by a phospholipid bilayer that is capable of reproducing itself. The simplest cells are bacteria, which consist of only a single compartment surrounded by a single membrane. Animal and plant cells are much more complex, however, and contain many different kinds of compartments, each surrounded by a membrane and able to carry out specialized tasks.[/INST] [question]:What term is used to describe a collection of molecules surrounded by a phospholipid bilayer that is capable of reproducing itself? [answer]:cell</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Role of Feedback Loops The contribution of feedback loops to homeostasis will only be briefly reviewed here. Positive feedback loops are characterized by the release of additional hormone in response to an original hormone release. The release of oxytocin during childbirth is a positive feedback loop. The initial release of oxytocin begins to signal the uterine muscles to contract, which pushes the fetus toward the cervix, causing it to stretch. This, in turn, signals the pituitary gland to release more oxytocin, causing labor contractions to intensify. The release of oxytocin decreases after the birth of the child. The more common method of hormone regulation is the negative feedback loop. Negative feedback is characterized by the inhibition of further secretion of a hormone in response to adequate levels of that hormone. This allows blood levels of the hormone to be regulated within a narrow range. An example of a negative feedback loop is the release of glucocorticoid hormones from the adrenal glands, as directed by the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. As glucocorticoid concentrations in the blood rise, the hypothalamus and pituitary gland reduce their signaling to the adrenal glands to prevent additional glucocorticoid secretion (Figure 17.6).[/INST] [question]:By allowing blood levels of a hormone to be regulated within a narrow range, feedback loops contribute to maintaining what state? [answer]:homeostasis</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Pneumonia is a disease in which some of the alveoli of the lungs fill with fluid so they can no longer exchange gas. Symptoms of pneumonia typically include coughing, chest pain, difficulty breathing, and fatigue. Pneumonia may be caused by an infection or an injury to the lungs.[/INST] [question]:What the name of the disease where some of the alveoli of the lungs fill with fluid so they can no longer exchange gas? [answer]:pneumonia</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Types of organisms that make glucose by photosynthesis are pictured in Figure below . They include plants, plant-like protists such as algae, and some kinds of bacteria. Living things that make glucose are called autotrophs ("self feeders"). All other living things obtain glucose by eating autotrophs (or organisms that eat autotrophs). These living things are called heterotrophs ("other feeders").[/INST] [question]:What are living things that obtain glucose by eating self feeders called? [answer]:heterotrophs</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Introduction Virtually every task performed by living organisms requires energy. Energy is needed to perform heavy labor and exercise, but humans also use energy while thinking, and even during sleep. In fact, the living cells of every organism constantly use energy. Nutrients and other molecules are imported into the cell, metabolized (broken down) and possibly synthesized into new molecules, modified if needed, transported around the cell, and possibly distributed to the entire organism. For example, the large proteins that make up muscles are built from smaller molecules imported from dietary amino acids. Complex carbohydrates are broken down into simple sugars that the cell uses for energy. Just as energy is required to both build and demolish a building, energy is required for the synthesis and breakdown of molecules as well as the transport of molecules into and out of cells. In addition, processes such as ingesting and breaking down pathogenic bacteria and viruses, exporting wastes and toxins, and movement of the cell require energy. From where, and in what form, does this energy come? How do living cells obtain energy, and how do they use it? This chapter will discuss different forms of energy and the physical laws that govern energy transfer. This chapter will also describe how cells use energy and replenish it, and how chemical reactions in the cell are performed with great efficiency.[/INST] [question]:Virtually every task performed by living organisms requires this? [answer]:energy</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Compounds like sodium chloride form structures called crystals. A crystal is a rigid framework of many ions locked together in a repeating pattern. Ions are electrically charged forms of atoms. You can see a crystal of sodium chloride in the Figure below . It is made up of many sodium and chloride ions.[/INST] [question]:Compounds like sodium chloride form structures called what? [answer]:crystals</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Lipids are made of long chains consisting almost solely of carbon and hydrogen. These long chains are called fatty acids. Fatty acids may be saturated or unsaturated. Figure below shows an example of each type of fatty acid.[/INST] [question]:What are made of long chains consisting almost solely of carbon and hydrogen? [answer]:lipids</s>
<s>[INST][context]:0 .033 g 1 .117 g × 100 = 3 .0% When a series of measurements is precise but not accurate, the error is usually systematic. Systematic errors can be caused by faulty instrumentation or faulty technique. The difference between accuracy and precision is demonstrated in Skill Builder ES7.[/INST] [question]:When a series of measurements is precise but not what, the error is usually systematic? [answer]:accurate</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Alloys that are mostly composed of mercury are known as amalgams . Amalgams often have special properties that stem from the fact that mercury exists as a liquid at room temperature. As a result, metal amalgams are used for a variety of purposes, including dentistry and the extraction of other pure metals such as gold.[/INST] [question]:What are alloys that are mostly composed of mercury known as? [answer]:amalgams</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Mirrors are made from highly reflective metal that is applied to a curved or flat piece of glass. Converging mirrors can be used to focus light – headlights, telescopes, satellite TV receivers, and solar cookers all rely on this principle.[/INST] [question]:What are made from highly reflective metal that is applied to a curved or flat piece of glass? [answer]:mirrors</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Surface waves travel along the ground outward from an earthquake’s epicenter. Surface waves are the slowest of all seismic waves. They travel at 2.5 km (1.5 miles) per second. There are two types of surface waves. Love waves move side-to-side, much like a snake. Rayleigh waves produce a rolling motion as they move up and backward ( Figure above ). Surface waves cause objects to fall and rise. They also cause objects to sway back and forth. These motions cause damage to rigid structures during an earthquake.[/INST] [question]:How many types of surface waves are there? [answer]:two</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Intrapleural pressure is the pressure of the air within the pleural cavity, between the visceral and parietal pleurae. Similar to intra-alveolar pressure, intrapleural pressure also changes during the different phases of breathing. However, due to certain characteristics of the lungs, the intrapleural pressure is always lower than, or negative to, the intra-alveolar pressure (and therefore also to atmospheric pressure). Although it fluctuates during inspiration and expiration, intrapleural pressure remains approximately –4 mm Hg throughout the breathing cycle. Competing forces within the thorax cause the formation of the negative intrapleural pressure. One of these forces relates to the elasticity of the lungs themselves—elastic tissue pulls the lungs inward, away from the thoracic wall. Surface tension of alveolar fluid, which is mostly water, also creates an inward pull of the lung tissue. This inward tension from the lungs is countered by opposing forces from the pleural fluid and thoracic wall. Surface tension within the pleural cavity pulls the lungs outward. Too much or too little pleural fluid would hinder the creation of the negative intrapleural pressure; therefore, the level must be closely monitored by the mesothelial cells and drained by the lymphatic system. Since the parietal pleura is attached to the thoracic wall, the natural elasticity of the chest wall opposes the inward pull of the lungs. Ultimately, the outward pull is slightly greater than the inward pull, creating the –4 mm Hg intrapleural pressure relative to the intraalveolar pressure. Transpulmonary pressure is the difference between the intrapleural and intra-alveolar pressures, and it determines the size of the lungs. A higher transpulmonary pressure corresponds to a larger lung.[/INST] [question]:Surface tension of alveolar fluid, which is mostly water, creates an inward pull of the tissue of what organ? [answer]:lung</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Protection. The skeleton supports and protects the soft organs of the body. For example, the skull surrounds the brain to protect it from injury. The bones of the rib cage help protect the heart and lungs.[/INST] [question]:What supports and protects the soft organs of the body? [answer]:skeleton</s>
<s>[INST][context]:The Sun is Earth’s main source of energy. The Sun gives us both light and heat. The Sun changes hydrogen into helium through nuclear fusion. This releases huge amounts of energy. The energy travels to Earth mostly as visible light. The energy is carried through the empty space by radiation . We can use sunlight as an energy resource, called solar energy.[/INST] [question]:What celestial body is the earth’s main source of energy? [answer]:sun</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Strawberry plants have horizontal stems called stolons that run over the ground surface. If they take root, they form new plants.[/INST] [question]:What do you call the horizontal stems of a strawberry plant that run over the ground surface? [answer]:stolons</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Glaciers are incredibly powerful agents of erosion.[/INST] [question]:Glaciers are incredibly powerful agents of what? [answer]:erosion</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Asexual reproduction involves just one parent. It produces offspring that are genetically identical to the parent. Methods of asexual reproduction include binary fission, fragmentation, and budding.[/INST] [question]:What type of reproduction only involves one parent? [answer]:asexual</s>
<s>[INST][context]:How metalloids behave in chemical interactions with other elements depends mainly on the number of electrons in the outer energy level of their atoms. Metalloids have from three to six electrons in their outer energy level. Boron, pictured in the Figure below , is the only metalloid with just three electrons in its outer energy level. It tends to act like metals by giving up its electrons in chemical reactions. Metalloids with more than four electrons in their outer energy level (arsenic, antimony, and tellurium) tend to act like nonmetals by gaining electrons in chemical reactions. Those with exactly four electrons in their outer energy level (silicon and germanium) may act like either metals or nonmetals, depending on the other elements in the reaction.[/INST] [question]:How metalloids behave in chemical interactions with other elements depends mainly on the number of what, in the outer energy level of their atoms? [answer]:electrons</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Annelids are divided into many repeating segments. The earthworm in Figure below is an annelid. You can clearly see its many segments. Segmentation of annelids is highly adaptive. Each segment has its own nerve and muscle tissues. This allows the animal to move very efficiently. Some segments can also be specialized to carry out particular functions. They may have special structures on them. For example, they might have tentacles for sensing or feeding, “paddles” for swimming, or suckers for clinging to surfaces.[/INST] [question]:What distinguishing characteristic of annelid anatomy shows specialization and adaptation? [answer]:segmentation</s>
<s>[INST][context]:The spermatids are transported from the testes to the epididymis. Involuntary muscular contraction moves the spermatids along.[/INST] [question]:The spermatids are transported from the testes to where? [answer]:epididymis</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Grain boundaries. As a polycrystalline material solidifies, grains with irregular shapes form. The interfaces between grains constitute grain boundaries. (Squares represent unit cells within grains.[/INST] [question]:As a polycrystalline material solidifies, grains with irregular shapes form. the interfaces between grains constitute grain what? [answer]:boundaries</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Chromoplasts make and store pigments that give petals and fruit their orange and yellow colors.[/INST] [question]:What makes and stores pigments that give petals and fruit their orange and yellow colors? [answer]:chromoplasts</s>
<s>[INST][context]:When electrons return to a lower energy level, they emit energy in the form of light.[/INST] [question]:When electrons return to a lower energy level, they emit the excess energy in the form of what? [answer]:light</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Nearsightedness, or myopia, is the condition in which nearby objects are seen clearly, but distant objects are blurry. It occurs when the eyeball is longer than normal. This causes images to be focused in front of the retina. Myopia can be corrected with concave lenses. The lenses focus images farther back in the eye, so they are on the retina instead of in front of it.[/INST] [question]:What is another term for nearsightedness? [answer]:myopia</s>
<s>[INST][context]:A liquid is a state of matter in which particles can slip past one another and take the shape of their container. However, the particles cannot pull apart and spread out to take the volume of their container.[/INST] [question]:In which state of matter do particles take the shape of their container, but cannot expand to fill it? [answer]:liquid</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Runoff is likely to cause more erosion if the land is bare. Plants help hold the soil in place. The runoff water in Figure below is brown because it eroded soil from a bare, sloping field. Can you find evidence of erosion by runoff where you live? What should you look for?.[/INST] [question]:Runoff is likely to cause more what if the land is bare? [answer]:erosion</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Cations have positive charges, and anions have negative charges.[/INST] [question]:Cations have what type of charge? [answer]:positive</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Colon The cecum blends seamlessly with the colon. Upon entering the colon, the food residue first travels up the ascending colon on the right side of the abdomen. At the inferior surface of the liver, the colon bends to form the right colic flexure (hepatic flexure) and becomes the transverse colon. The region defined as hindgut begins with the last third of the transverse colon and continues on. Food residue passing through the transverse colon travels across to the left side of the abdomen, where the colon angles sharply immediately inferior to the spleen, at the left colic flexure (splenic flexure). From there, food residue passes through the descending colon, which runs down the left side of the posterior abdominal wall. After entering the pelvis inferiorly, it becomes the s-shaped sigmoid colon, which extends medially to the midline (Figure 23.21). The ascending and descending colon, and the rectum (discussed next) are located in the retroperitoneum. The transverse and sigmoid colon are tethered to the posterior abdominal wall by the mesocolon.[/INST] [question]:What organ is subdivided into ascending, descending, transverse and sigmoid parts? [answer]:colon</s>
<s>[INST][context]:Recall that our DNA is wound into chromosomes . Each of our chromosomes contains a long chain of DNA that encodes hundreds, if not thousands, of genes. Each of these genes can have slightly different versions from individual to individual. These variants of genes are called alleles . Each parent only donates one allele for each gene to an offspring.[/INST] [question]:What are variants of genes called? [answer]:alleles</s>