वितत्य च धनुर्भीमं तूण्याश्चोद्धृत्य सायकान्।क्रोधमाहारयत्तीव्रं वधार्थं सर्वरक्षसाम्।।3.24.33।।
Rama stretched the formidable bow and lifted the arrows from his quiver to kill the demons and assumed intense anger.
दुष्प्रेक्ष्यस्सोऽभवत्कृद्धो युगान्ताग्निरिव ज्वलन्।तं दृष्ट्वा तेजसाविष्टं प्राद्रवन्वनदेवताः।।3.24.34।।
Rama stood burning in anger like the fire of the doom's day. It was difficult even to look at him. Seeing him full of glow even the sylvan deities ran away.
तस्य क्रुद्धस्य रूपं तु रामस्य ददृशे तदा।दक्षस्येव क्रतुं हन्तुमुद्यतस्य पिनाकिनः।।3.24.35।।
Rama in anger looked like Lord Siva ready to destroy the sacrifice of Daksha.
आविष्टं तेजसा रामं सङ्ग्रामशिरसि स्थितम्।दृष्ट्वा सर्वाणि भूतानि भयार्तानि प्रदुद्रुवुः।।3.24.36।।
Seeing Rama flashing (in anger) and standing on the warfront all creatures ran away frightened.
तत्कार्मुकैराभरणैर्ध्वजैश्च तैर्वर्मभिश्चाग्निसमानवर्णैः।बभूव सैन्यं पिशिताशनानां सूर्योदये नीलमिवाभ्रबृन्दम्।।3.24.37।।
The army of demons equipped with blazing armour, bows and banners appeared like a mass of blue clouds at Sunrise. इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये अरण्यकाण्डे चतुर्विंशस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the twentyfourth sarga of Aranyakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.
[Khara and his army attack Rama -- Rama retaliates -- kills all the demons]अवष्टब्धधनुं रामं क्रुद्धं च रिपुघातिनम्।ददर्शाऽश्रममागम्य खरस्सह पुरस्सरैः।।3.25.1।।
Khara accompanied by his pilot party arrived at the hermitage of Rama, the destroyer of enemies and saw him in fury, standing ready with his bow.
तं दृष्ट्वा सशरं चापमुद्यम्य खरनिस्स्वनम्।रामस्याभिमुखं सूतं चोद्यतामित्यचोदयत्।।3.25.2।।
On seeing Rama, Khara held his terribly twanging bow and arrow, stood facing him, and ordered the charioteer to drive towards him.
स खरस्याज्ञया सूतस्तुरगान् समचोदयत्।यत्र रामो महाबाहुरेको चुन्वन्स्थितो धनुः।।3.25.3।।
Commanded by Khara, the charioteer also urged the horses towards the mightyarmed Rama standing alone and wielding the bow.
तं तु निष्पतितं दृष्ट्वा सर्वे ते रजनीचराः।नर्दमाना महानादं सचिवाः पर्यवारयन्।।3.25.4।।
Seeing Khara attacking (Rama) all the demon ministers surrounded him roaring.
स तेषां यातुधानानां मध्ये रथगतः खरः।बभूव मध्ये ताराणां लोहिताङ्ग इवोदितः।।3.25.5।।
Seated on a chariot in the midst of the demons, Khara looked like the rising Mars in the middle of the stars.
ततश्शरसहस्रेण राममप्रतिमौजसम्।अर्दयित्वा महानादं ननाद समरे खरः।।3.25.6।।
Khara struck Rama of immeasurable prowess with a thousand arrows and roared loudly.
ततस्तं भीमधन्वानं क्रुद्धाः सर्वे निशाचराः।रामं नानाविधैः शस्स्रैरभ्यवर्षन्त दुर्जयम्।।3.25.7।।
Thereafter all the infuriated demons showered on invincible Rama, wielder of a fierce bow, many kinds of weapons.
मुद्गरैः पट्टसैश्शूलैः प्रासैः खङ्गै परश्वथैः।राक्षसास्समरे रामं निजघ्नू रोषतत्पराः।।3.25.8।।
Overtaken by anger, the demons continuously hurled at Rama hammers, spears, spikes, barbed missiles, swords and battleaxes.
ते वलाहसङ्काशा महानादा महौजसः।अभ्यधावन्त काकुत्स्थं रथैर्वाजिभिरेव च।।3.25.9।।गजैः पर्वतकूटाभै रामं युद्धे जिघांसवः।
Very powerful demons like huge clouds roared, eager to kill Rama in war. They ran forward on chariots, horses and tall elephants, looking like mountain tops.
ते रामे शरवर्षाणि व्यसृजन् रक्षसां गणाः।।3.25.10।।शैलेन्द्रमिव धाराभिर्वर्षमाणा वलाहकाः।
The battalions of demons sent down streams of arrows on Rama just like clouds downpour on mountains.
स तैः परिवृतो घोरैः राघवो रक्षसां गणैः।।3.25.11।।तिथिष्वि महादेवो वृत परिषदाङ्गणै
Surrounded by the terrible demons Rama appeared like Lord Siva at dusk with hosts of his retinues arounds.
तानि मुक्तानि शस्त्राणि यातुधानैस्सराघवः।प्रतिजग्राह विशिखैर्नद्योघानिव सागरः।।3.25.12।।
Rama resisted the weapons released by the demons like the sea, the inflow of river waters.
स तैः प्रहरणैर्घोरैर्भिन्नगात्रो न विव्यथे।रामः प्रदीप्तैर्बहुभिर्वज्रैरिव महाचलः।।3.25.13।।
Rama remained unhurt like a great mountain struck by many glowing thunderbolts. He felt no pain even though his limbs were hit by the dreadful weapons.
स विद्धः क्षतजादिग्धः सर्वगात्रेषु राघवः।बभूव रामः सन्ध्याभ्रैर्दिवाकर इवावृतः।।3.25.14।।
Wounded all over the body, bleeding through the wounds caused by weapons, Rama looked like the evening Sun covered with clouds.
विषेदुर्देवगन्धर्वास्सिद्धाश्च परमर्षयः।एकं सहस्रैर्भहुभिस्तदा दृष्ट्वा समावृतम्।।3.25.15।।
Seeing Rama left alone surrounded by many thousands of demons, the gods, ghandarvas and siddhas became very sad.
ततो रामस्सुसङ्कृद्धो मण्डलीकृतकार्मुकः।ससर्ज विशिखान्बाणाञ्छतशोऽथ सहस्रश।।3.25.16।।
Thereafter Rama, mighty angry, bent his bow and released hundreds and thousands of unfeathered arrows.
दुरावारान्दुर्विषहान्कालदण्डोपमान् रणे।मुमोच लीलया रामः कङ्कपत्रानजिह्मगान्।।3.25.17।।
As if sporting, Rama discharged the arrows attached with herons' feathers. The arrows were inescapable, unbearable like that of Yama's staff, that went straight without missing the target.
ते शराश्शत्रुसैन्येषु मुक्ता रामेण लीलया।अददू रक्षसां प्राणान्पाशाः कालकृता इव।।3.25.18।।
The arrows like the noose of the god of death released by Rama on the enemy army easily destroyed the lives of the demons.
भित्त्वा राक्षसदेहां स्तांस्ते शरा रुधिराप्लुताः।अन्तरिक्षगता रेजुर्दीप्ताग्निसमतेजसः।।3.25.19।।
Rama's arrows pierced the bodies of the demons and drenched in blood, they, looking like burning fire, shone in the sky.
असङ्ख्येयास्तु रामस्य सायकाश्चापमण्डलात्।विनिष्पेतुरतीवोग्रा रक्षःप्राणापहारिणः।।3.25.20।।
From Rama's bow bent into a cirle, countless fierce arrows able to take the lives of demons were released.
तैर्धनूंषि ध्वजाग्राणि वर्माणि च शिरांसि च।बाहून्सहस्ताभरणानूरून्करिकरोपमान्।।3.25.21।।चिच्छेद रामस्समरे शतशोऽथ सहस्रशः।
In war Rama cut asunder the bows, flag tops, armour and heads of demons, their shoulders and thighs that were like the trunks of elephants, in their hundreds and thousands.
हयान्काञ्चनसन्नाहान्रथयुक्तान्ससारथीन्।।3.25.22।।गजांश्च सगजारोहान्सहयान्सादिनस्तथा।पदातीन्समरे हत्वा ह्यनयद्यमसादनम्।।3.25.23।।
He killed horses with golden armours yoked to the chariots along with charioteers, elephants along with riders, the cavalry along with their horses and infantry and sent them all to the abode of death.
ततो नालीकनाराचैस्तीक्ष्णाग्रैश्च विकर्णिभिः।भीममार्तस्वरं चक्रुर्भिद्यमाना निशाचराः।।3.25.24।।
The bodies of the demons torn into pieces by the very sharp iron arrows and by the arrows called vikarni, they cried and shouted aloud in pitiable voices.
तत्सैन्यं निशितैर्बाणैरर्दितं मर्मभेदिभिः।रामेण न सुखं लेभे शुष्कं वनमिवाग्निना।।3.25.25।।
Just like the dried up forest burnt by the fire, the army was totally destroyed by Rama's arrows that pierced into the vital parts of the soldiers.
केचिद्भीमबलाश्शूराश्शूलान्खङ्गान्परश्वधान्।रामस्याभिमुखं गत्वा चिक्षिपुः परमायुधान्।।3.25.26।।
A few warriors of fierce strength approached Rama and hurled at him very powerful weapons, spears, swords and axes.
तानि बाणैर्महाबाहुश्शस्त्राण्यावार्य राघवः।जहार समरे प्राणांश्चिच्छेद च शिरोधरान्।।3.25.27।।
Strongarmed Rama attacked them with his arrows and cut off their heads and took their lives.
ते छिन्नशिरसः पेतुश्चिन्नवर्मशरासनाः।सुपर्णवातविक्षिप्ता जगत्यां पादपा यथा।।3.25.28।।
The heads, armour and bows fell down broken on the ground like trees in the wind gererated by Garuda's wings.
अवशिष्टाश्च ये तत्र विषण्णाश्च निशाचराः।खरमेवाभ्यधावन्त शरणार्थं शरार्दिताः।।3.25.29।।
The rest of the demons hit by the arrows ran desperate towards Khara for refuge.
तान्सर्वान्पुनरादाय समाश्वास्य च दूषणः।अभ्यधावत काकुत्स्थं क्रुद्धो रुद्रमिवान्तकः।।3.25.30।।
Pacifying them all, Dusana regathered them again and ran towards Rama like an angry Yama rushing towards Rudra.
निवृत्तास्तु पुनस्सर्वे दूषणाश्रयनिर्भयाः।राममेवाभ्यधावन्त सालतालशिलायुधाः।।3.25.31।।
Under Dusana's protection, all of them felt relieved from fear and, carrying sal and palm trees and stones as weapons, advanced towards Rama again.
शूलमुद्गरहस्ताश्च चापहस्ता महाबलाः।सृजन्तश्शरवर्षाणि शस्त्रवर्षाणि संयुगे।।3.25.32।।द्रुमवर्षाणि मुञ्चन्तश्शिलावर्षाणि राक्षसाः।।
Holding spears, hammers and bows in their hands, the mighty demons rained on Rama weapons like arrows, trees and stones.
तद्बभूवाद्भुतं युद्धं तुमुलं रोमहर्षणम्।रामस्य च महाघोरं पुनस्तेषां च रक्षसाम्।।3.25.33।।
The thrilling, fierce, horrifying and horripilating battle again ensued betwen Rama and the demons.
ते समन्तादतिक्रुद्धा राघवं पुनरभ्ययुः।।3.25.34।।तैश्च सर्वा दिशो दृष्ट्वा प्रदिशश्च समावृताः।राक्षसैरुद्यतप्रासैश्शरवर्षाभिवर्षिभिः।।3.25.35।।स कृत्वा भैरवं नादमस्त्रं परमभास्वरम्।संयोजयत गान्धर्वं राक्षसेषु महाबलः।।3.25.36।।
As the infuriated demons again hurtled towards Rama, filling the quarters and the intermediate directions and raining missiles, Rama aimed at them dazzling gandharvastras, producing a frightening warcry.
ततश्शरसहस्राणि निर्ययुश्चापमण्डलात्।सर्वा दश दिशो बाणैरावार्यन्त समागतैः।।3.25.37।।
Rama then let out from his bow, stretched round, thousands of arrows that covered all the ten quarters.
नाददानं शरान्घोरान्नमुञ्चन्तं शिलीमुखान्।विकर्षमाणं पश्यन्ति राक्षसास्ते शरार्दिताः।।3.25.38।।
The demons, though wounded, could not see whereform the terrible arrows came. They only saw Rama shooting the arrows.
शरान्धकारमाकाशमावृणोत्सदिवाकरम्।बभूवावस्थितो रामः प्रवमन्निव ताञ्छरान्।।3.25.39।।
Through the darkness created by the arrows that covered the sky and the Sun, Rama looked as though he was vomitting them.
युगपत्पतमानैश्च युगपच्च हतैर्भृशम्।युगपत्पतितैश्चैव विकीर्णा वसुधा भवत्।।3.25.40।।
It seemed as if it all happened at the same time, the entire earth filling with demons seriously injured, slain and fallen down on the ground.
निहताः पतिताः क्षीणाश्छिन्ना भिन्ना विदारिताः।तत्र तत्र स्म दृश्यन्ते राक्षसास्ते सहस्रशः।।3.25.41।।
There were bodies of demons pierced and torn, thinned and fallen down, destroyed, broken and cut into pieces scattered in their thousands.
सोष्णीषैरुत्तमाङ्गैश्च साङ्गदैर्बाहुभिस्तथा।ऊरुभिर्जानुभिश्छिन्नैर्नानारूपैविभूषणैः।।3.25.42।।हयैश्च द्विपमुख्यैश्च रथैर्भिन्नैरनेकशः।चामरैर्व्यजनैश्छत्रैर्ध्वजैर्नानाविधैरपि।।3.25.43।।रामस्य बाणाभिहतैर्विचित्रैश्शूलपट्टिसैः।खङ्गै खण्डीकृतैः प्रासैर्विकीर्णैश्च परश्वधैः।।3.25.44।।चूर्णिताभिश्शिलाभिश्च शरैश्चित्रैरनेकशः।विच्छिन्नैस्समरे भूमिर्विकीर्णाऽभूद्भयङ्करा।।3.25.45।।
Slain thus by Rama's arrows, the ground was littered with (bodies of) demons with limbs dismembered, headdresses and shoulders cut off, arms, thighs and knees decked with various ornaments amputated, chariots, horses, best of elephants, fans made of the tail of chamari deer (used as an insignia of royalty), umbrellas, several flags, and weapons like spears, swords, darts, battleaxes and stones crushed into pieces and arrows splintered and scattered all over. The ground looked frightening.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये अरण्यकाण्डे पञ्चविंशस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the twentyfifth sarga of Aranyakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.
[Dusana and his army chiefs get killed in severe combat with Ramathe demon army also gets destroyed]दूषणस्तु स्वकं सैन्यं हन्यमानं निरीक्ष्य सः।सन्दिदेश महाबाहुर्भीमवेगान्दुरासदान्।।3.26.1।।राक्षसान्पञ्चसहस्रान्समरेष्वनिवर्तिनः।
Mightyarmed Dusana saw the army getting killed in war. He led the forces of five thousand demons, dreadfuly quick at fighting, dangeous to face and who will not beat a retreat.
ते शूलैः पट्टिशैः खङ्गै शिलावर्षैर्द्रुमैरपि।।3.26.2।।शरवर्षैरविच्छिन्नं ववर्षुस्तं समन्ततः।
The demons continuously hurled at him (Rama) spears and swords and rained stones, trees and arrows from all sides
स दृमाणां शिलानां च वर्षं प्राणहरं महत्।।3.26.3।।प्रतिजग्राह धर्मात्मा राघवस्तीक्ष्णसायकैः।
Righteous Rama, retaliated with his sharp arrows such as the rain of trees and stones, the mighty destroyers of life.
प्रतिगृह्य च तद्वर्षं निमीलित इवर्षभः।।3.26.4।।रामः क्रोधं परं भेजे वधार्थं सर्वरक्षसाम्।
Rama retaliated in great anger to kill without caring for the shower of weapons like a bull with its eyes closed.
ततः क्रोधसमाविष्टः प्रदीप्त इव तेजसा।।3.26.5।।शरैरवाकिरत्सैन्यं सर्वतस्सहदूषणम्।
Overpowered by anger, Rama, with a blazing glow, covered Dusana and his army with his arrows.
ततस्सेनापतिः क्रुद्धो दूषणश्शत्रुदूषणः।।3.26.6।।शरैरशनिकल्पैस्तं राघवं समवाकिरत्।
Thereafter Dusana, chief of the army, angrily released at Rama equally powerful arrows comparable to thunderbolt.
ततो रामस्सुसङ्कृद्धः क्षुरेणास्य महद्धनुः।।3.26.7।।चिच्छेद समरे वीरश्चतुर्भिश्चतुरो हयान्।
Heroic Rama, mighty angry, then, broke the big bow of Dusana, with his swordlike arrow. And with a series of four arrows cut his four horses to pieces.
हत्वा चाश्वान्शरैस्तीक्ष्णैरर्धचन्द्रेण सारथेः।।3.26.8।।शिरो जहार तद्रक्षस्त्रिभिर्विव्याध वक्षसि।
After killing the horses with sharp arrows Rama severed the charioteer's head with an arrow of the shape of the crescent moon and pierced Dusana's chest with a set of three arrows.
स च्छिन्नधन्वा विरथो हताश्वो हतसारथिः।।3.26.9।।जग्राह गिरिशृङ्गाभं परिघं रोमहर्षणम्।वेष्टितं काञ्चनैः पट्टैर्देवसैन्यप्रमर्दनम्।।3.26.10।।आयसैश्शङ्कुभिस्तीक्ष्णैः कीर्णं परवसोक्षितम्।वज्राशनिसमस्पर्शं परगोपुरदारणम्।।3.26.11।।
With his bow and chariot broken, charioteer and horses killed, Dusana took up a spear in his hand that appeared like a huge mountain top. Bound by golden bands, covered the iron nails, wetted with the enemy's marrow it created a horripilation. It appeared as though it could crush the army of gods and render the enemy powerless. It carried the killing touch of the thunderbolt and could break open the enemy's fort.
तं महोरगसङ्काशं प्रगृह्य परिघं रणे।दूषणोऽभ्यद्रवद्रामं क्रूरकर्मा निशाचरः।।3.26.12।।
With the spear that looked like a mighty serpent, Dusana, the cruel demon, advanced towards Rama.
तस्याभिपतमानस्य दूषणस्य स राघवः।द्वाभ्यां शराभ्यां चिच्छेद सहस्ताभरणौ भुजौ।।3.26.13।।
Seeing Dusana going to pounce upon him, Rama cut off with two arrows both his arms adorned with armlets.
भ्रष्टस्तस्य महाकायः पपात रणमूर्धनि।परिघश्छिन्नहस्तस्य शक्रध्वज इवाग्रतः।।3.26.14।।
With the hands amputated, his huge spear, like the banner of Indra, slipped off his hands and fell down on the ground on the battle front.
स कराभ्यां विकीर्णाभ्यां पपात भुवि दूषणः।विषाणाभ्यां विशीर्णाभ्यां मनस्वीव महागजः।।3.26.15।।
Dusana fell down on the ground with broken hands like a proud elephant with both his tusks shattered.
तं दृष्ट्वा पतितं भूमौ दूषणं निहतं रणे।साधुसाध्विति काकुत्स्थं सर्वभूतान्यपूजयन्।।3.26.16।।
Seeing Dusaana collapse dead on the ground, all beings hailed Rama, saying, 'Well done, well done'.
एतस्मिन्नन्तरे क्रुद्धास्त्रयः सेनाग्रयायिनः।संहृत्याभ्यद्रवन् रामं मृत्युपाशावपाशिताः।।3.26.17।।महाकपालः स्थूलाक्षः प्रमाथी च महाबलः।
Meanwhile all the three army chiefs, Mahakapala, Sthulaksha, and the mighty Pramathi ran towards Rama in anger, bound (as though) by the noose of death.
महाकपालो विपुलं शूलमुद्यम्य राक्षसः।।3.26.18।।स्थूलाक्षः पट्टिसं गृह्य प्रमाथी च परश्वधम्।
Mahakapala had a huge spear, Sthulaksha, a sharpedged spear and Pramathi, a battleaxe.
दृष्ट्वैवापततस्तूर्णं राघवस्सायकैश्शितैः।।3.26.19।।तीक्ष्णाग्रैः प्रतिजग्राह सम्प्राप्तानतिथीनिव।
On seeing them rushing to attack him with sharp weapons, Rama received them quickly with pointed arrows as though they were guests.
महाकपालस्य शिरश्चिच्छेद परमेषुभिः।।3.26.20।।असङ्ख्येयैस्तु बाणौघैः प्रममाथ प्रमाथिनम्।स पपात हतो भूमौ विटपीव महाद्रुमः।।3.26.21।।
Mahakapala's head was cut to pieces with sharp arrows and Pramathi was killed with a countless series of arrows. Pramathi's body, like a huge tree with many branches collapsed on the ground.
स्थूलाक्षस्याक्षिणी तीक्ष्णैः पूरयामास सायकैः।दूषणस्यानुगान्पञ्चसहस्रान्कुपितः क्षणात्।।3.26.22।।बाणौघैः पञ्चसाहस्रैरनयद्यमसादनम्।
Rama filled the eyes of Sthulaksha with sharp arrows, and in anger shot five thousand arrows at the five thousand followers of Dusana in a moment and sent them to the abode of Yama.
दूषणं निहतं दृष्ट्वा तस्य चैव पदानुगान्।।3.26.23।।व्यादिदेश खरः क्रुद्धः सेनाध्यक्षान्महाबलान्।
Seeing Dusana and his followers killed, enraged Khara commanded his extremely strong army chiefs this way:
अयं विनिहतस्संख्ये दूषणस्सपदानुगः।।3.26.24।।महत्या सेनया सार्धं युद्ध्वा रामं कुमानुषम्।शस्त्रैर्नानाविधाकारैर्हनध्वं सर्वराक्षसाः।।3.26.25।।
Dusana and his followers are killed in the battle. You, all the demons, along with your great army and different kinds of weapons should kill that wicked human being, Rama.
एवमुक्त्वा खरः क्रुद्धो राममेवाभिदुद्रुवे।श्येनगामी पृथुग्रीवो यज्ञशत्रुर्विहङ्गमः।।3.26.26।।दुर्जयः करवीराक्षः परुषः कालकार्मुकः।मेघमाली महामाली सर्पास्यो रुधिराशनः।।3.26.27।।द्वादशैते महावीर्या बलाध्यक्षास्ससैनिकाः।राममेवाभ्यधावन्त विसृजन्तश्शरोत्तमान्।।3.26.28।।
Having spoken thus, angry Khara ran towards Rama. Syenagami, Pruthugriva, Yajnasatru, Vihanga, Durjaya, Karaveeraksha, Parusha, Kalakarmuka, Meghamali, Mahamali, Sarpasya, Rudhirasanaall these twelve valiant army chiefs along with their forces rushed towards Rama, releasing the sharpest arrows at him.
ततः पावकसङ्काशैर्हेमवज्रविभूषितैः।जघान शेषं तेजस्वी तस्य सैन्यस्य सायकैः।।3.26.29।।
Powerful Rama thereafter slayed the remaining army with his weapons studded with gold and diamonds and glowing like fire.
ते रुक्मपुङ्खा विशिखास्सधूमा इव पावकाः।निजघ्नुस्तानि रक्षांसि वज्रा इव महाद्रुमान्।।3.26.30।।
The goldtipped arrows which resembled fire covered with smoke shattered the army of demons like huge trees knocked down by thunder.
रक्षसां तु शतं रामश्शतेनैकेन कर्णिना।सहस्रं च सहस्रेण जघान रणमूर्धनि।।3.26.31।।
Rama killed a hundred demons with one hundred arrows by a single stroke. The same way he killed a thousand of them with a thousand arrows on the battle front.
तैर्भिन्नवर्माभरणाश्छिन्नभिन्नशरासनाः।निपेतुश्शोणितादिग्धा धरण्यां रजनीचराः।।3.26.32।।
The demons fell down on the ground with their shields and ornaments broken, their bows stained with blood splintered.
तैर्मुक्तकेशैस्समरे पतितैश्शोणितोक्षितैः।आस्तीर्णा वसुधा कृत्स्ना महावेदिः कुशैरिव।।3.26.33।।
The entire ground was littered with bodies of demons fallen in the battle with loose hair and with drops of blood on them looking like a great sacrificial altar strewn all over with kusa grass.
क्षणेन तु महाघोरं वनं निहतराक्षसम्।बभूव निरयप्रख्यं मांसशोणितकर्दमम्।।3.26.34।।
With the slaughtered bodies of demons lying on the ground, the forest in a moment looked very dreadful like hell with the mud of soil soaked with flesh and blood.
चतुर्दश सहस्राणि रक्षसां भीमकर्मणाम्।हतान्येकेन रामेण मानुषेण पदातिना।।3.26.35।।
Fourteen thousand formidable demons were killed by Rama, a pedestrian human, singlehanded.
तस्य सैन्यस्य सर्वस्य खरश्शेषो महारथः।राक्षसस्त्रिशिराश्चैव रामश्च रिपुसूदनः।।3.26.36।।
Of that entire army great warrior Khara,Trisira and Rama, destroyer of foes alone remained.
शेषा हता महासत्वा राक्षसा रणमूर्धनि।घोरा दुर्विषहाः सर्वे लक्ष्मणस्याग्रजेन ते।।3.26.37।।
The rest of the mighty, dreadful, intolerable demons were killed on the war front by Rama, elder brother to Lakshmana.
ततस्तु तद्भीमबलं महाहवे समीक्ष्य रामेण हतं बलीयसा।रथेन रामं महता खरस्तदा समाससादेन्द्र इवोद्यताशनिः।।3.26.38।।
Thereafter seeing the formidable army killed by mighty Rama, Khara lifted a thunderbolt like Indra, and advanced towards Rama in a great chariot.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वालमिकिय आदिकाव्ये अरण्यकाण्डे षङ्विंशस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the twentysixth sarga in Aranyakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.
[Rama's fight with Trisira -- death of Trisira.]खरं तु रामाभिमुखं प्रयान्तं वाहिनीपतिः। राक्षसस्त्रिशिरा नाम सन्निपत्येदमब्रवीत्।।3.27.1।।
As Khara advanced towards Rama, Trisira the chief of the army approached him and said these words:
मां नियोजय विक्रान्त सन्निवर्तस्व साहसात्। पश्य रामं महाबाहुं संयुगे विनिपातितम्।।3.27.2।।
O valiant one assign this work to me. Refrain from this audacity. See how I am going to put down the mightyarmed Rama in the battle.
प्रतिजानामि ते सत्यमायुधं चाहमालभे। यथा रामं वधिष्यामि वधार्हं सर्वरक्षसाम्।।3.27.3।।
I promise you on my weapon that I will kill Rama.He who killed all demons deserves to be slain.
अहं वास्य रणे मृत्युरेष वा समरे मम। विनिवृत्य रणोत्साहान्मुहूर्तं प्राश्निको भव।।3.27.4।।
Restrain yourself for a moment from the enthusiasm to fight the war. Please act as an arbitrator and see who is killing whom.
प्रहृष्टो वा हते रामे जनस्थानं प्रयास्यसि। मयि वा निहते रामं संयुगायोपयास्यसि।।3.27.5।।
If Rama is killed be happy and go to Janasthana or else if I am killed you can fight.
खरस्त्रिशिरसा तेन मृत्युलोभात्प्रसादितः। गच्छ युध्येत्यनुज्ञातो राघवाभिमुखो ययौ।।3.27.6।।
When Khara was prevailed upon by Trisara in that manner with a wish to face death, Khara permitted him by saying 'You may go and fight'.Accordingly he advanced towards Rama.
त्रिशिराश्च रथेनैव वाजियुक्तेन भास्वता। अभ्यद्रवद्रणे रामं त्रिशृङ्ग इव पर्वतः।।3.27.7।।
Trisira who looked a mountain with three peaks also got horses harnessed to a shining chariot and to attack Rama proceeded.
शरधारासमूहान्स महामेघ इवोत्सृजन्। व्यसृजत्सदृशं नादं जलार्द्रस्य तु दुन्दुभेः।।3.27.8।।
Trisira unleashed a stream of arrows like a huge cloud (releasing rain). They produced sound, a drum drenched with water, creates.
आगच्छन्तं त्रिशिरसं राक्षसं प्रेक्ष्य राघवः। धनुषा प्रतिजग्राह विधुन्वन्सायकान् शितान्।।3.27.9।।
On seeing demon Trisira advancing towards him, Rama shook sharp arrows off his bow.
स सम्प्रहारस्तुमुलो रामत्रिशिरसोर्महान्। बभूवातीव बलिनोस्सिंहकुञ्जरयोरिव।।3.27.10।।
The tumultuous combat between Rama and Trisira looked like the strong fight between a lion and an elephant.
ततस्त्रिशिरसा बाणैर्ललाटे ताडितस्त्रिभिः। अमर्षी कुपितोरामस्संरब्धमिदमब्रवीत्।।3.27.11।।
Then Rama hit with three arrows on the forehead by Trisira flew into a fury and said in a state of great excitement:
अहो विक्रमशूरस्य राक्षसस्येदृशं बलम्। पुष्पैरिव शरैर्यस्य ललाटेऽस्मिन्परिक्षतः।।3.27.12।।
Oh see the strength of this undaunted demon whose arrows fell like flowers on my forehead and only left a scratch.
ममापि प्रतिगृह्णीष्व शरांश्चापगुणाच्च्युतान्। एवमुक्त्वा तु संरब्धश्शरानाशीविषोपमान्।3.27.13।।त्रिशिरोवक्षसि क्रुद्धो निजघान चतुर्दश।
Receive the arrows released from my bowstring. Saying so, the angry and agitated Rama discharged fourteen arrows, venomous like a snake, on the chest of Trisira .
चतुर्भिस्तुरगानस्य शरैः सन्नतपर्वभिः।।3.27.14।।न्यपातयत तेजस्वी चतुरस्तस्य वाजिनः।
With four arrows having strong joints, the mighty hero (Rama) threw down his enemy's four swiftfooted horses.
अष्टभिस्सायकैस्सूतं रथोपस्थान्न्यपातयत्।।3.27.15।।रामश्चिच्छेद बाणेन ध्वजं चास्य समुच्छ्रितम्।
Rama brought down the charioteer with eight arrows and with one tore down the lofty banner of the chariot to shreds.
ततो हतरथात्तस्मादुत्पतन्तं निशाचरम्।।3.27.16।।बिभेद रामस्तं बाणैर्हृदये सोऽभवज्जडः।
Rama then hit the demon with arrows on his chest while he was running away from the broken chariot. The demon became numb.
सायकैश्चाप्रमेयात्मा सामर्षस्तस्य रक्षसः।।3.27.17।।शिरांस्यपातयद्रामो वेगवद्भिस्त्रिभिश्शितैः।
The mighty Rama in fury dismembered the heads of that demon with three sharp and swift arrows.
स भूमौ रुधिरोद्गारी रामबाणाभिपीडितः।।3.27.18।।न्यपतत्पतितैः पूर्वं स्वशिरोभिर्निशाचरः।
The demon with his heads decapitated, hit by Rama's arrows a little while ago, fell down, vomitting blood.
हतशेषास्ततो भग्ना राक्षसाः खरसंश्रया।।3.27.19।।द्रवन्ति स्म न तिष्ठन्ति व्याघ्रत्रस्ता मृगा इव।
Those surviving demons who were under the protection of Khara got scared and retreated fast and fled like deer frightened by a tiger.
तान्खरो द्रवतो दृष्ट्वा निवर्त्य रुषितस्स्वयम्।।3.27.20।।राममेवाभिदुद्राव राहुश्चन्द्रमसं यथा।
Personally persuading the fleeing army to come back, the angry Khara leaped forward towards Rama just as Rahu approaches the moon.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये अरण्यकाण्डे सप्तविंशस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the twentyseventh sarga of Aranyakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.
[Combat between Rama and Khara---- wounded Khara gets down the chariot to fight-- deities assemble-- worship great Rama.]निहतं दूषणं दृष्ट्वा रणे त्रिशिरसा सह।खरस्याप्यभवत्त्रासो दृष्ट्वा रामस्य विक्रमम्।।3.28.1।।
Khara was overtaken by fear at the prowess of Rama, when he saw Dusana and Trisira killed.
स दृष्ट्वा राक्षसं सैन्यमविसह्यं महाबलः।हतमेकेन रामेण त्रिशिरोदूषणावपि।।3.28.2।।तद्बलं हतभूयिष्ठं विमनाः प्रेक्ष्य राक्षसः।आससाद खरो रामं नमुचिर्वासवं यथा।।3.28.3।।
Khara, the mighty demon, saw his large, irrepressible army killed. He saw Trisira and Dusana slain singlehanded by Rama. Nervous, he advanced towards Rama wage war just as Namuchi approached Indra.
विकृष्य बलवच्चापं नाराचान्रक्तभोजनान्।खरश्चिक्षेप रामाय क्रुद्धानाशीविषानिव।।3.28.4।।
Khara drew his strong bowstring in anger and released the bloodhungry arrows, which appeared like venomous snakes.
ज्यां विधून्वंसुबहुशश्शिक्षयास्त्राणि दर्शयन्।चचार समरे मार्गाञ्छरै रथगतः खरः।।3.28.5।।
Khara, sat on the chariot, and with a twang of his bowstring released arrows in all directions, exhibiting his skill in the use of weapons.