अनाथवद्विलपसि नाथे तु मयि संस्थिते।उत्तिष्ठोत्तिष्ठ माभैषीर्वैक्लव्यं त्यज्यतामिह।।3.21.5।।
When I am here like a lord to protect you, why do you weep like an orphan? Get up. Give up your anxiety. Be not afraid.
इत्येवमुक्ता दुर्धर्षा खरेण परिसान्त्विता।विमृज्य नयने सास्रे खरं भ्रातरमब्रवीत्।।3.21.6।।
Thus consoled by Khara, invincible Surpanakha wiped her tearful eyes and said to her brother:
अस्मीदानीमहं प्राप्ता हृतश्रवणनासिका।शोणितौघपरिक्लिन्ना त्वया च परिसान्त्विता।।3.21.7।।
My ears and nose sliced off, drenched with blood, I came to you and you pacified me.
प्रेषिताश्च त्वया वीर राक्षसास्ते चतुर्दश।निहन्तुं राघवं क्रोधान्मत्प्रियार्थं सलक्षणम्।।3.21.8।।
O warrior you had sent, out of anger, fourteen demons to put an end to Rama along with Lakshmana in order to please me.
ते तु रामेण सामर्षाः शूलपट्टसपाणयः।समरे निहतास्सर्वे सायकैर्मर्मभेदिभिः।।3.21.9।।
The demons who went with spears in their hands were killed, their hearts pierced by Rama's arrows.
तान्दृष्ट्वा पतितान्भूमौ क्षणेनैव महाबलान्।रामस्य च महत्कर्म महांस्त्रासोऽभवन्मम।।3.21.10।।
Seeing the powerful demons collapse on the ground in a moment's time through Rama's action, I was frightened.
अहमस्मि समुद्विग्ना विषण्णा च निशाचर।शरणं त्वां पुनः प्राप्ता सर्वतोभयदर्शिनी।।3.21.11।।
O demon I am scared and sad. To me everything looks frightening. I, therefore, seek refuge in you.
विषादनक्राध्युषिते परित्रासोर्मिमालिनि।किं मां न त्रायसे मग्नां विपुले शोकसागरे।।3.21.12।।
I am drowned in a vast sea of sorrow where crocodiles in the form of distress reside. It is full of rows of waves of fright. Why do you not save me?
एते च निहता भूमौ रामेण निशितैः शरैः।येऽपि मे पदवीं प्राप्ता राक्षसाः पिशिताशनाः।।3.21.13।।
The demons who live on flesh, who came following me fell down on earth and lay dead, shot by the sharp arrows of Rama.
मयि ते यद्यनुक्रोशो यदि रक्षस्सु तेषु च।रामेण यदि ते शक्तिस्तेजो वास्ति निशाचर।3.21.14।।दण्डकारण्यनिलयं जहि राक्षसकण्टकम्।
O demon if you have compassion for me or for the demons, if you have the power and energy to face Rama, kill the enemy of the demons living in Dandaka forest.
यदि रामं ममामित्रं न त्वमद्यवधिष्यसि।।3.21.15।।तवैव चाग्रतः प्राणांस्त्यक्षामि निरपत्रप।
If now you do not kill that Rama, my enemy, O shameless one, I will give up my life in your very presence.
बुद्ध्याहमनुपश्यामि न त्वं रामस्य संयुगे।।3.21.16।।स्थातुं प्रतिमुखे शक्तस्सबलश्च महात्मनः।
Instinctively I can foresee that you and your army do not have the capability to encounter that great Rama in a fight.
शूरमानी न शूरस्त्वं मिथ्यारोपितविक्रमः।।3.21.17।।मानुषौ यो न शक्नोषि हन्तुं तौ रामलक्ष्मणौ।
You call yourself a hero, yet are not able to kill two humans like Rama and Lakshmana. Your claim to heroism is false. You are not a hero at all.
रामेण यदि ते शक्तिस्तेजो वास्ति निशाचर।।3.21.18।।दण्डकारण्यनिलयं जहि तं कुलपांसन।
O demon you are a disgrace to the family. If you have power or energy, kill that Rama dwelling in Dandaka forest.
निस्सत्वस्याल्प वीर्यस्य वासस्ते कीदृशस्त्विह।।3.21.19।।अपयाहि जनस्थानातत्वरितस्सहबान्धवः।
You have little strength and less heroism. You with your relations should immediately leave Janasthana. What kind of position do you have here?
रामतेजोभिभूतो हि त्वं क्षिप्रं विनशिष्यसि।3.21.20।।स हि तेजस्समायुक्तो रामो दशरथात्मजः।भ्राता चास्य महावीर्यो येन चास्मि विरूपिता।।3.21.21।।
Let down by the brilliance of Rama, son of Dasaratha, you will be soon destroyed. He is mighty and his brother who has disfigured me is very valiant.
एवं विलप्य बहुशो राक्षसी विततोदरी।कराभ्यामुदरं हत्वा रुरोद भृशदुःखिता।।3.21.22।।
Overcome by sorrow, the bigbellied demoness cried in several ways and being very sad started beating her chest with both hands.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये अरण्यकाण्डे एकविंशस्सर्गः।Thus ends the twentyfirst sarga of Aranyakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.
[Khara gets his brother Dusana and the army ready to fight Rama -- proceeds with fourteen thousand demons.]एवमाधर्षितश्शूरश्शूर्पणख्या खरस्ततः।उवाच रक्षसां मध्ये खरः खरतरं वचः।।3.22.1।।
Ashamed and accused thus in the presence of the demons, the valiant Khara spoke to Surpanakha in harsh words:
तवावमानप्रभवः क्रोधोऽयमतुलो मम।न शक्यते धारयितुं लवणाम्भ इवोल्बणम्।।3.22.2।।
Like the overslowing salt sea water, I am unable to contain this my excessive anger arising out of your insult.
न रामं गणये वीर्यान्मानुषं क्षीणजीवितम्।आत्मदुश्चरितैः प्राणान्हतोयोऽद्य विमोक्ष्यते।।3.22.3।।
Rama is a shortlived human. I do not care for his valour. His life span will be shortened (he will be killed) now for his own misdeeds.
बाष्पस्संह्रियतामेष सम्भ्रमश्च विमुच्यताम्।अहं रामं सह भ्रात्रा नयामि यमसादनम्।।3.22.4।।
Restrain your tears and your anxieties I will send Rama along with his brother to the abode of Yama.
परश्वथहतस्याद्य मन्दप्राणस्य संयुगे।रामस्य रुधिरं रक्तमुष्णं पास्यसि राक्षसि।।3.22.5।।
With his life ebbing out, killed by my axe in the fight, you will drink today, O demoness, Rama's red, hot blood.
सा प्रहृष्टा वचश्श्रुत्वा खरस्य वदनाच्च्युतम्।प्रशशंस पुनर्मौर्ख्याद्भ्रातरं रक्षसां वरम्।।3.22.6।।
On hearing the words that came out of Khara's mouth, she was pleased. And in stupidity began praising her brother once again as the best of demons.
तया परुषितः पूर्वं पुनरेव प्रशंसितः।अब्रवीद्दूषणं नाम खरस्सेनापतिं तदा।।3.22.7।।
Khara, accused by her earlier and admired again, said to Dusana, chief of army:
चतुर्दश सहस्राणि मम चित्तानुवर्तिनाम्।रक्षसां भीमवेगानां समरेष्वनिवर्तिनाम्।।3.22.8।।
There are fourteen thousand demons at my command ready to act according to my will. They are warriors of terrific speed and will not retreat from the fight.
नीलजीमूतवर्णानां घोराणां क्रूरकर्मणाम्।लोकहिंसाविहाराणां बलिनामुग्रतेजसाम्।।3.22.9।।
They are of the colour of the dark blue cloud, dreadful and merciless, strong and powerful fighters who roam about forturing people.
तेषां शार्दूलदर्पाणां महास्यानां महौजसाम्।सर्वोद्योग मुदीर्णानां रक्षसां सौम्य कारय।।3.22.10।।
O handsome one, get them all, powerful like tigers, demons with large countenances, mighty and arragant, ready (for the fight).
उपस्थापय मे क्षिप्रं रथं सौम्य धनूंषि च।शरांश्चित्रांश्च खङ्गांश्च शक्तीश्च विविधाश्शिताः।।3.22.11।।
O goodnatured one, get my chariot, bows and arrows, wonderful swords of different kinds and sharp missiles ready quickly.
अग्रे निर्यातुमिच्छामि पौलस्त्यानां महात्मनाम्।वधार्थं दुर्विनीतस्य रामस्य रणकोविदः।।3.22.12।।
O expert in warfare, I wish to lead those great warriors of Paulasthya family, to kill that immodest Rama.
इति तस्य ब्रुवाणस्य सूर्यवर्णं महारथम्।सदश्वैश्शबलैर्युक्तमाचचक्षेऽथ दूषणः।।3.22.13।।
While Khara was speaking thus, Dusana reported that a huge chariot of the colour of the Sun yoked with good horses of variegated hues stood ready.
तं मेरुशिखराकारं तप्तकाञ्चनभूषणम्।हेमचक्रमसम्बाधं वैदूर्यमयकूबरम्।।3.22.14।।मत्स्यैः पुष्पैर्द्रुमैश्शैलैश्चन्द्रसूर्यैश्च काञ्चनैः।मङ्गलैः पक्षिसङ्घैश्च ताराभिरभिसंवृतम्।।3.22.15।।ध्वजनिस्त्रिंशसम्पन्नं किङ्किणीकविराजितम्।सदश्वयुक्तं सोऽमर्षादारुरोह खरो रथम्।।3.22.16।।
Then the impatient Khara mounted the chariot that looked like the peak of mount Meru. It was decorated with pure gold, had golden wheels, poles studded with vaidurya. The carriage of the chariot was engraved with golden figures of fishes, flowers, trees, the Sun, stars, flocks of auspicious birds, flags and swords. Shining with small bells, it was yoked to fine horses.
निशाम्य तु रथस्थं तं राक्षसा भीमविक्रमाः।तस्थुस्संपरिवार्यैनं दूषणं च महाबलम्।।3.22.17।।
The demons of terrific prowess surounded Khara and Dusana and stood by, when they saw both of them mounting the chariot.
खरस्तु तान्महेष्वासान्घोरवर्मायुधध्वजान्।निर्यातेत्यब्रवीद्दृष्ट्वा रथस्थस्सर्वराक्षसान्।।3.22.18।।
Khara mounted the chariot, saw the demons holding great weapons, wearing dreadful shields and holding flags, and ordered them to march.
ततस्तद् राक्षसं सैन्यं घोरचर्मायुधध्वजम्।निर्जगाम जनस्थानान्महानादं महाजवम्।।3.22.19।।
Then the army of the demons wearing dreadful shields, holding weapons and flags, and making a loud noise started in great speed from Janasthanam.
मुद्गरैः पट्टिसैश्शूलैस्सुतीक्ष्णैश्च परश्वधैः।खङ्गैश्चक्रैश्च हस्तस्थैर्भ्राजमानैश्च तोमरैः।।3.22.20।।शक्तिभिः परिघैर्घोरैरतिमात्रैश्च कार्मुकैः।गदासिमुसलैर्वज्रैर्गृहीतैर्भीमदर्शनैः।।3.22.21।।राक्षसानां सुघोराणां सहस्राणि चतुर्दश।निर्यातानि जनस्थानात्खरचित्तानुवर्तिनाम्।।3.22.22।।
The fourteen thousand demons loyal to the wishes of Khara, took in their hands, maces, piercing weapons, spears, sharp axes used in battle, swords, wheels, splinters, iron clubs, powerful missiles, dreadful iron bars of giant size, bows made of bamboo, clubs and frightening weapons like thunderbolt (of Indra) and departed from Janasthana.
तांस्त्वभिद्रवतो दृष्ट्वा राक्षसान् भीमविक्रमान्।खरस्यापि रथः किञ्चिज्जगाम तदनन्तरम्।।3.22.23।।
Khara's chariot moved a bit behind the army of demons of frightening prowess who rushed forward to attack (Rama).
ततस्ताञ्छबलानश्वास्तप्तकाञ्चनभूषितान्।खरस्य मतिमाज्ञाय सारथिस्समचोदयत्।।3.22.24।।
Knowing the mind of Khara, the charioteer hastened the horses of the colourful chariot decorated with pure gold.
स चोदितो रथश्शीघ्रं खरस्य रिपुघातिनः।शब्देनापूरयामास दिशश्च प्रदिशस्तदा।।3.22.25।।
Spurred by the charioteer, the chariot of Khara, the slayer of enemies, produced a rattle that filled all four quarters and the intermediate directions.
प्रवृद्धमन्युस्तु खरः खरस्वनो रिपोर्वधार्थं त्वरितो यथान्तकः।अचूचुदत्सारथिमुन्नदन्घनं महाबलो मेघ इवाश्मवर्षवान्।।3.22.26।।
Khara in extreme anger hastened, like Yama, to slay his enemy. He roared loudly like a cloud raining hail stones and impelled his charioteer to speed up. इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वालल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये अरण्यकाण्डे द्वाविंशस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the twentysecond sarga of Aranyakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.
[Khara sees dreadful omens.]तस्मिन्याते बले घोरमशिवं शोणितोदकम्।अभ्यवर्षन्महामेघस्तुमुलो गर्दभारुणः।।3.23.1।।
As the army marched from there (Janasthana) a huge dark cloud of the colour of an ass rained dreadful inauspicious water, red as blood.
निपेतुस्तुरगास्तस्य रथयुक्ता महाजवाः।समे पुष्पचिते देशे राजमार्गे यदृच्छया।।3.23.2।।
The swift horses yoked to the chariot stumbled casually while galloping on the plane highway sprinkled with flowers.
श्यामं रुधिरपर्यन्तं बभूव परिवेषणम्।अलातचक्रप्रतिमं परिगृह्य दिवाकरम्।।3.23.3।।
A dark ring, bloodred in colour appeared on the border of the Sun's orb, dark in the middle. This phenomenon of the Sun appeared like a ring of moving charcoal covering the Sun.
ततो ध्वजमुपागम्य हेमदण्डं समुच्छ्रितम्।समाक्रम्य महाकायस्तस्थौ गृध्रस्सुदारुणः।।3.23.4।।
A huge vulture, frightening to look at flew up and sat on top of the flag on the staff of gold.
जनस्थानसमीपे तु समागम्य खरस्वनाः।विस्वरान्विविधांश्चक्रुर्मांसादा मृगपक्षिणः।।3.23.5।।
Flesheating beasts and birds flocked at Janasthana producing a cacophony.
व्याजह्रुश्च प्रदीप्तायां दिशि वै भैरवस्वनम्।अशिवं यातुधानानां शिवा घोरा महास्वनाः।।3.23.6।।
The dreadful jackals making ghastly howls turning towards the illuminated direction and produced frightening sounds indicating inauspicious time for the demons.
प्रभिन्नगिरिसङ्काशास्तोयशोणितधारिणः।आकाशं तदनाकाशं चक्रुर्भीमा वलाहकाः।।3.23.7।।
The clouds looked like shattered mountains pouring down bloodlike rain which filled the sky and made it appear frighteningly different.
बभूव तिमिरं घोरमुद्धतं रोमहर्षणम्।दिशो वा विदिशो वापि न च व्यक्तं चकाशिरे।।3.23.8।।
A terrific darkness, spread all over, produced frightening horripilation. Even the four quarters and the intermediary zones were not discernible.
क्षतजार्द्रसवर्णाभा सन्ध्याकालं विना बभौ।खरस्याभिमुखा नेदुस्तदा घोरमृगाः खगाः।।3.23.9।।कङ्कगोमायुगृध्राश्च चुक्रुशुर्भयशंसिनः।
Even before Sunset the twilight looked like a fresh wound. Then wild animals, birds, kankas, jackals and vultures facing towards Khara screeched, indicating danger.
नित्याशुभकरा युद्धे शिवा घोरनिदर्शनाः।।3.23.10।।नेदुर्बलस्याभिमुखं ज्वालोद्गारिभिराननैः।
Bad omens that always bring inauspiciousness were a dreadful evidence of what is going to happen. Jackals howled, facing Khara's army with their mouths emitting fire.
कबन्धः परिघाभासो दृश्यते भास्करान्तिके।।3.23.11।।जग्राह सूर्यं स्वर्भानुरपर्वणि महाग्रहः।प्रवाति मारुतश्शीघ्रं निष्प्रभोऽभूद्दिवाकरः।।3.23.12।।
The planet Ketu appeared like an iron beam near the Sun. Although it was not the fullmoon or newmoon day, Rahu eclipsed the Sun. Wind blew hard and the Sun was lustreless.
उत्पेतुश्च विना रात्रिं ताराः खद्योतसप्रभाः।संलीनमीनविहगा नलिन्यश्शुष्कपङ्कजाः।।3.23.13।।तस्मिन् क्षणे बभूवुश्च विना पुष्पफलैर्द्रुमाः।
The stars rose in the sky and glittered like fireflies even before night arrived. The fishes and the aquatic birds in the lotusponds hid themselves under water. Lotuses dried up in tanks and the trees stood bereft of flowers and fruits.
उद्धूतश्च विना वातं रेणुर्जलधरारुणः।।3.23.14।।वीचीकूचीति वाश्यन्त्यो बभूवुस्तत्र शारिकाः।
Although there was no wind, dust rose like a brown cloud and the sarika birds sang (vichi kuchi) thoughtlessly.
उल्काश्चापि सनिर्घाता निपेतुर्घोरदर्शनाः।।3.23.15।।प्रचचाल मही सर्वा सशैलवनकानना।
Dreadful to watch were the thunderstorms and the meteors that dropped down from the sky. The earth trembled all over with mountains, groves and forests.
खरस्य च रथस्थस्य नर्दमानस्य धीमतः।।3.23.16।।प्राकम्पत भुजस्सव्यस्स्वरश्चास्यावसज्जत।
While the intelligent and courageous Khara was seated on the chariot and shouting, his left shoulder shook violently and throat throttled.
सास्रा सम्पद्यते दृष्टिः पश्यमानस्य सर्वतः।।3.23.17।।ललाटे च रुजा जाता न च मोहान्यवर्तत।
While watching all this, his eyes brimmed with tears. His forehead ached. Yet he was too deluded to beat a retreat.
तान्समीक्षय महोत्पातानुत्थितान्रोमहर्षणान्।।3.23.18।।अब्रवीद्राक्षसान्सर्वान्प्रहसन्सखरस्तदा।
Looking at these dreadful, horripilating occurrences Khara laughed and said to the demons:
महोत्पातानिमान्सर्वानुत्थितान्घोरदर्शनान्।।3.23.19।।न चिन्तयाम्यहं वीर्याद्बलवान्दुर्बलानिव।
Valiant and strong, I do not take seriously these terrifying omens boding calamity just as a strong man does not care for the weak.
तारा अपि शरैस्तीक्ष्णैः पातयामि नभस्स्थलात्।।3.23.20।।मृत्युं मरणधर्मेण सङ्क्रुद्धो योजयाम्यहम्।
With my sharp arrows I can even bring down the stars from the sky. If angered, I can cause mortality to the god of death.
राघवं तं बलोत्सिक्तं भ्रातरं चास्य लक्ष्मणम्।।3.23.21।।अहत्वा सायकैस्तीक्ष्णैर्नोपावर्तितुमुत्सहे।
I do not wish to return, without killing with my sharp arrows that Rama who is proud of his strength and his brother Lakshmana.
सकामा भगिनी मेऽस्तु पीत्वा तु रुधिरं तयोः।।3.23.22।।यन्निमित्तस्तु रामस्य लक्ष्मणस्य विपर्ययः।
Let my sister be satisfied by drinking the blood of both Rama and Lakshmana on whose account this adversity has come.
न क्वचित्प्राप्तपूर्वो मे संयुगेषु पराजयः।।3.23.23।।युष्माकमेतत्प्रत्यक्षं नानृतं कथयाम्यहम्।
I have never faced defeat in wars, and all of you have seen it with your eyes. I am not telling you a lie.
देवराजमपि क्रुद्धो मत्तैरावतयायिनम्।।3.23.24।।वज्रहस्तं रणे हन्यां किं पुनस्तौ कुमानुषौ।
When angry, I can kill even (Indra) the wielder of the thunderbolt, rider of the intoxicated Airavata and lord of the gods. What to speak of these two petty humans?
सा तस्य गर्जितं श्रुत्वा राक्षसस्य महाचमूः।।3.23.25।।प्रहर्षमतुलं लेभे मृत्युपाशावपाशिता।
Fallen into the deathtrap, the great army of the demon, felt very happy on hearing Khara roaring.
समीयुश्च महात्मानो युद्धदर्शनकाङ्क्षिणः।।3.23.26।।ऋषयो देवगन्दर्वास्सिद्धाश्च सहचारणैः।
Great souls like sages, gods, gandharvas, and siddhas including celestial bards assembled to see the battle.
समेत्य चोचुस्सहितास्तेऽन्योन्यं पुण्यकर्मणः।स्वस्ति गोब्राह्मणेभ्योऽस्तु लोकानां येऽभिसङ्गताः।।3.23.27।।
Holy men assembled and uttered benedictions, saying, 'let there be wellbeing for the cows and brahmins associated with men of pious deeds in all the (three) worlds.
जयतां राघवस्संख्ये पौलस्त्यान् रजनीचरान्।।3.23.28।।चक्रहस्तो यथा युद्धे सर्वानसुरपुङ्गवान्।
'Let Rama conquer the descendants of Paulasthya in the war like Visnu, the wielder of the wheel had defeated great demons'.
एतच्चान्यच्च बहुशो ब्रुवाणाः परमर्षयः।।3.23.29।।जातकौतूहलास्तत्र विमानस्थाश्च देवताः।ददृशुर्वाहिनीं तेषां राक्षसानां गतायुषाम्।।3.23.30।।
The great ascetics were talking thus and more. The gods waiting eagerly on heavenly chariots saw the army of the demons whose life span was shortened (who were doomed to death).
रथेन तु खरो वेगादुग्रसैन्यो विनिस्सृतः।तं दृष्ट्वा राक्षसं भूयो राक्षसाश्च विनिस्सृताः।।3.23.31।।
Seeing Khara, their chief on the chariot driving fast, the army of demons too marched forward.
श्येनगामी पृथुग्रीवो यज्ञशत्रुर्विहङ्गमः।दुर्जयः करवीराक्षः परुषः कालकार्मुकः।।3.23.32।।मेघमाली महामाली सर्वास्यो रुधिराशनः।द्वादशैते महावीर्याः प्रतस्थुरभितः खरम्।।3.23.33।।
Surrounded by twelve valiant warriors like Syenagami, Pruthugreeva, Yagnasatru, Vihangama, Durjaya, Karaviraksha, Parusha, Kalakarmuka, Meghmali, Mahamali, Sarpasya and Rudhirasana, Khara proceeded.
महाकपालिस्स्थूलाक्षः प्रमाथी त्रिशिरास्तथा।चत्वार एते सेनान्यो दूषणं पृष्ठतो ययुः।।3.23.34।।
Similarly Dusana proceeded with four Mahakapali, Sthulaksha, Pramathi and Trisira around him.
सा भीमवेगा समराभिकामा महाबला राक्षसवीरसेना।तौ राजपुत्रौ सहसाभ्युपेता माला ग्रहाणामिव चन्द्रसूर्यौ।।3.23.35।।
The mighty, swiftfooted army of valiant demons surrounded the princes (Rama and Lakshmana) all on a sudden like the planets around the Sun and the Moon.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये अरण्यकाण्डे त्रयोविंशस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the twentythird sarga of Aranyakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.
[Rama sees signs of war -- asks Sita and Lakshmana to stay in the cave and proceeds to meet Khara.]आश्रमं प्रति याते तु खरे खरपराक्रमे।तानेवौत्पातिकान्रामस्सह भ्रात्रा ददर्श ह।।3.24.1।।
When Khara endowed with malicious might was marching towards the hermitage, Rama and his brother saw the same omens of impending calamity the demon had seen.
तानुत्पातान्महोघोरानुत्थितान्रोमहर्षणान्।प्रजानामहितान्दृष्ट्वा रामो लक्ष्मणमब्रवीत्।।3.24.2।।
When Rama saw the most dreadful, horripilating phenomena foreboding calamity, he said to Lakshmana:
इमान्पश्य महाबाहो सर्वभूतापहारिणः।समुत्थितान्महोत्पातान्संहर्तुं सर्वराक्षसान्।।3.24.3।।
O longarmed Lakshmana see these calamitous phenomena that forebode mass destruction of men and demons.
अमी रुधिरधारास्तु विसृजन्तः खरस्वनाः।व्योम्नि मेघा विवर्तन्ते परुषा गर्दभारुणाः।।3.24.4।।
These rumbling clouds, brownishred like the colour of a donkey, are moving about in the sky showering streams of blood.
सधूमाश्च शरास्सर्वे मम युद्धाभिनन्दिनः।रुक्मपृष्ठानि चापानि विचेष्टन्ते च लक्ष्मण।।3.24.5।।
O Lakshmana all my arrows are smoking and this goldplated bow welcomes me to war.
यादृशा इह कूजन्ति पक्षिणः वनचारिणः।अग्रतो नो भयं प्राप्तं संशयो जीवितस्य च।।3.24.6।।
The way the forestbirds are screeching makes me foresee danger and makes survival doubtful.
सम्प्रहारस्तु सुमहान्भविष्यति न संशयः।अयमाख्याति मे बाहुस्स्फुरमाणो मुहुर्मुहुः।।3.24.7।।सन्निकर्षे तु न श्शूर जयं शत्रोः पराजयम्।सप्रभं च प्रसन्नं च तव वक्त्रं हि लक्ष्यते।।3.24.8।।
A mass destruction of life is going to take place. There is no doubt about it. O brave Lakshmana my right shoulder trembles again and again, indicating the defeat of the enemy. Your beaming visage presages victory.
उद्यतानां हि युद्धार्थं येषां भवति लक्ष्मण।निष्प्रभं वदनं तेषां भवत्यायुः परिक्षयः।।3.24.9।।
O Lakshmana, while preparing for war, those whose faces look pale are, for sure, going to die.
रक्षसां नर्दतां घोरश्श्रूयते च महाध्वनिः।आहतानां च भेरीणां राक्षसैः क्रूरकर्मभिः।।3.24.10।।
A dreadful roar of demons and the loud sound of wardrums beaten by the wicked demons are heard.
अनागतविधानं तु कर्तव्यं शुभमिच्छता।आपदं शङ्कमानेन पुरुषेण विपश्चिता।।3.24.11।।
A wise man who apprehends danger or one who desires his own good should plan his defence even before the onset of danger.
तस्माद्गृहीत्वा वैदेहीं शरपाणिर्धनुर्धरः।गुहामाश्रय शैलस्य दुर्गां पादपसङ्कुलाम्।।3.24.12।।
Therefore, take shelter along with Sita in the inaccessible mountain cave, overgrown with trees, ready with your bow and arrows.
प्रतिकूलितुमिच्छामि न हि वाक्यमिदं त्वया।शापितो मम पादाभ्यां गम्यतां वत्स मा चिरम्।।3.24.13।।
O dear, I do not like you to oppose this word of honour. You must touch my feet and go without delay.
त्वं हि शूरश्च बलवान्हन्याह्येतान्न संशयः।स्वयं तु हन्तुमिच्छामि सर्वानेव निशाचरान्।।3.24.14।।
You are valiant and strong. There is no doubt that you can kill all these demons. But I desire to kill them.
एवमुक्तस्तु रामेण लक्ष्मणस्सह सीताया।शरानादाय चापं च गुहां दुर्गां समाश्रयत्।।3.24.15।।
Thus ordered by Rama, Lakshmana took the arrows and the bow and accompanied by Sita took shelter in the inaccessible cave.
तस्मिन्प्रविष्टे तु गुहां लक्ष्मणे सह सीतया।हन्त निर्युक्तमित्युक्त्वा रामः कवचमाविशत्।।3.24.16।।
With Lakshmana and Sita inside the cave, Rama heaved his shield, saying, Oh the work is accomplished.
स तेनाग्नि निकाशेन कवचेन विभूषितः।बभूव राम स्तिमिरे विधूमोऽग्निरिवोत्थितः।।3.24.17।।
Adorned with the shield, Rama shone like smokeless fire rising in darkness.
स चापमुद्यम्य महच्छरानादाय वीर्यवान्।बभूवावस्थितस्तत्र ज्यास्वनैः पूरयन्दिशः।।3.24.18।।
Valiant Rama lifted the huge bow and arrows and stood there, filling the directions with the twangs of his bow.
ततो देवास्सगन्धर्वास्सिद्धाश्च सह चारणैः।समेयुश्च महात्मानो युद्धदर्शनकाङ्क्षिणः।।3.24.19।।
Then the gods along with gandharvas, siddhas, and celestial bards assembled there, wishing to witness the war.
ऋषयश्च महात्मानो लोके ब्रह्मर्षिसत्तमाः।समेत्य चोचुस्सहिता अन्योन्यं पुण्यकर्मणः।।3.24.20।।
Great ascetics of the world, distinguished brahmarsis, accomplishers of pious deeds assembled and said to one another:
स्वस्ति गोब्राह्मणेभ्योऽस्तु लोकानां येऽभिसङ्गताः। जयतां राघवो युद्धे पौलस्त्यान् रजनीचरान्।।3.24.21।।चक्रहस्तो यथा युद्धे सर्वानसुर पुङ्गवान्।
'Let there be wellbeing for the cows, brahmins, and all the worlds. Let Rama, the scion of the Raghu race, conquer the Paulastyas (demons) in war like lord Visnu, wielder of the disc, who defeated the most powerful demons'.
एवमुक्त्वा पुनः प्रोचुरालोक्य च परस्परम्।।3.24.22।।चतुर्दश सहस्राणि रक्षसां भीमकर्मणाम्।एकश्च रामो धर्मात्मा कथं युद्धं भविष्यति।।3.24.23।।
Thus looking at one another they discussed among themselves how there can be war between the righteous Rama fighting singlehanded on the one hand and the fourteen thousand demons, performers of terrific deeds, on the other.
इति राजर्षयस्सिद्धास्सगणाश्च द्विजर्षभाः।जातकौतूहलास्तस्थुर्विमानस्थाश्च देवताः।।3.24.24।।
Rajarsis, siddhas, great brahmins with their clan and gods on the celestial chariots waited to see the war whetted with curiosity.
आविष्टं तेजसा रामं सङ्ग्रामशिरसि स्थितम्।दृष्ट्वा सर्वाणि भूतानि भयाद्विव्यथिरे तदा।।3.24.25।।
Seeing Rama standing on the war front, engrossed and radiating heroic lustre, all beings were alarmed.
रूपमप्रतिमं तस्य रामस्याक्लिष्टकर्मणः।बभूव रूपं क्रुद्धस्य रुद्रस्येव पिनाकिनः।।3.24.26।।
Rama, who is unwearied in action and who is of an incomparable (lovely) form, looked ferocious like the wielder of Pinaka (Lord Siva).
ततो गम्भीरनिर्ह्रादं घोरवर्मायुधध्वजम्।अनीकं यातुधानानां समन्तात्प्रत्यदृश्यत।।3.24.27।।
Then appeared on all sides the wellequipped army of demons raising deep sounds with dreadful shields, weapons and banners.
सिंहनादं विसृजतामन्योन्यमभिगर्जताम्।चापानि विस्फ़ारयतां जृम्भतामप्यभीक्ष्णशः।।3.24.28।।विप्रघुष्टस्वनानां च दुन्धुभींश्चापि निघ्नताम्।तेषां सुतुमुलश्शब्दः पूरयामास तद्वनम्।।3.24.29।।
The forest was filled with tumultuous sounds of the warriors roaring like lions, shouting at one another, stretching the bowstrings constantly, yawning, proclaiming loudly and beating the drums.
तेन शब्देन वित्रस्ताश्वापदा वनचारिणः।दुद्रुवुर्यत्र निश्शब्दं पृष्ठतो न व्यलोकयन्।।3.24.30।।
The ferocious animals of the forest got frightened and ran away to silent spots without looking back.
तत्त्वनीकं महाघोरं रामं समुपसर्पत।धृतनानाप्रहरणं गम्भीरं सागरोपमम्।।3.24.31।।
The fierce army, deep like the sea, equipped with various missiles approached Rama.
रामोऽपि चारयंश्चक्षुस्सर्वतो रणपण्डितः।ददर्श खरसैन्यं तद्युद्धाभिमुखमुत्थितम्।।3.24.32।।
Rama, wellversed in warfare, cast his eyes on all sides to see the army of Khara that had come prepared for war.