स तं पितृसखं बुद्ध्वा पूजयामास राघवः।स तस्य कुलमव्यग्रमथ पप्रच्छ नाम च।।3.14.4।।
Rama knew he was a friend of his father. So he enquired in a cool, composed voice his name and his lineage.
रामस्य वचनं श्रुत्वा सर्वभूतसमुद्भवम्।आचचक्षे द्विजस्तस्मै कुलमात्मानमेव च।।3.14.5।।
On hearing Rama's words, the bird started narrating the origin of all beings including his own family:
पूर्वकाले महाबाहो ये प्रजापतयोऽभवन्।तान्मे निगदतस्सर्वानादितश्शृणु राघव।।3.14.6।।
O mightyarmed Rama hear from me while I am telling you about the lords of creation from the very beginning.
कर्दमः प्रथमस्तेषां विक्रीतस्तदनन्तरः।शेषश्च संश्रयश्चैव बहुपुत्रश्च वीर्यवान्।।3.14.7।।स्थाणुर्मरीचिरत्रिश्च क्रतुश्चैव महाबलः।पुलस्त्यश्चाङ्गिराश्चैव प्रचेताः पूलहस्तथा।।3.14.8।।दक्षो विवस्वानपरोऽरिष्टनेमिश्च राघव।काश्यपश्च महातेजास्तेषामासीच्च पश्चिमः।।3.14.9।।
O Rama among the lords of all beings the first was Kardama, the next was Vikritha, followed by Sesha, Samsrya Bahuputra, Sthanu, Mareechi, Atri and mighty Kratu, Pulastya, Angirasa, Pracheta, similarly Pulaha and Daksha.Following them were Vivasvan, Arishtanemi and the very glorious Kasyapa who was the last ruler.
प्रजापतेस्तु दक्षस्य बभूवुरिति विश्रुतम्।षष्टिर्दुहितरो राम यशस्विन्यो महायशः।।3.14.10।।
O glorious Rama it is wellknown that Daksha, the creator had sixty daughters of great fame.
काश्यपः प्रतिजग्राह तासामष्टौ सुमध्यमाः।अदितिं च दितिं चैव दनुमप्यथ कालिकाम्।।3.14.11।।ताम्रां क्रोधवशां चैव मनुं चाप्यनलामपि।
Out of them(daughters of Daksha) Kasyapa married eight women of beautiful waist called Aditi, Diti, Danu also Kalika,Tamra, Krodhavasa, Anala and Manu.
तास्तु कन्यास्ततः प्रीतः काश्यपः पुनरब्रवीत्।।3.14.12।।पुत्रां स्स्रैलोक्यभर्तृ़न्वै जनयिष्यथ मत्समान्।
Kasyapa, pleased with them said to his young wives, Beget sons of my stature who can rule over the three worlds.
अदितिस्तन्मना राम दितिश्च मनुजर्षभ।।3.14.13।।कालिका च महाबाहो शेषास्त्वमनसोऽभवन्।
O best of men, O longarmed Rama while Aditi, Diti and Kalika seriously considered his advice, the rest of the wives did not.
अदित्यां जज्ञिरे देवात्रयस्त्रिंशदरिंदम।।3.14.14।।आदित्या वसवो रुद्रा ह्यश्विनौ च परन्तप।
O Rama, subduer and scorcher of enemies to Aditi were born twelve Adityas, eight Vasus, eleven Rudras, and two Asvins, thirtythree deities in all.
दितिस्त्वजनयत्पुत्रान् दैत्यांस्तात यशस्विनः।।3.14.15।।तेषामियं वसुमती पुराऽसीत्सवनार्णवा।
O dear Rama, Diti bore glorious sons called Daityas and this earth with all the forests and seas belonged to them.
दनुस्त्वजनयत्पुत्रमश्वग्रीवमरिन्दम।।3.14.16।।नरकं कालकंचैव कालिकापि व्यजायत।
O subduer of enemies, to Danu was born Hayagriva and to Kalika, Naraka and Kalaka.
क्रौञ्चीं भासीं तथा श्येनीं धृतराष्ट्रीं तथा शुकीम्।।3.14.17।।ताम्रापि सुषुवे कन्याः पञ्चैता लोकविश्रुताः।
To Tamra were born, Krounchi, Bhasi, Syeni, Dhrutharashtri and Suki. Altogether they were five beautiful young maids famous in the world.
उलूकाञ्जनयत्क्रौञ्ची भासी भासान्व्यजायत।।3.14.18।।श्येनी श्येनांश्च गृध्रांश्च व्यजायत सुतेजसः।धृतराष्ट्रीतु हंसांश्च कलहंसांश्च सर्वशः।।3.14.19।।
Krounchi gave birth to owls, Bhasi to Bhasa birds, Synei to bright hawks and vultures, Dhrutharashtri to swans and chakravakas with sweet notes.
चक्रवाकांश्च भद्रं ते विजज्ञे सापि भामिनी।शुकी नतां विजज्ञे तु नताया विनता सुता।।3.14.20।।
Dhrutharashtri, a female bird of great lustre gave birth to chakravakas too. Suki gave birth to Nata and from Nata, Vinata was born. Be blessed, O Rama
दश क्रोधवशा राम विजज्ञे ह्यात्मसम्भवाः।मृगीं च मृगमन्दां च हरीं भद्रमदामपि।।3.14.21।।मातङ्गीमपि शार्दूलीं श्वेतां च सुरभिं तथा।सर्वलक्षणसम्पन्नां सुरसां कद्रुकामपि।।3.14.22।।
O Ramato Krodhavasa were born Mrugi, Mrugamanda, Hari, Bhadramada, Mathangi, Sardooli, Sweta, Surabhi and Surasa, Kadruva and endowed with all virtues.
अपत्यं तु मृगास्सर्वे मृग्या नरवरोत्तम।ऋक्षाश्च मृगमन्दायास्सृमराश्चमरा स्तथा।।3.14.23।।
O best of men, all kinds of animals were born of Mrugi.To Mrugamanda were born bears and chamara (a different kind of deer).
हर्याश्च हरयोऽपत्यं वानराश्च तरस्स्विनः।ततस्त्विरावतीं नाम जज्ञे भद्रमदा सुताम्।।3.14.24।।
To Hari were born lions, and swiftmoving monkeys and to Bhadramada, a daughter by name Iravati.
तस्यास्त्वैरावतः पुत्रो लोकनाथो महागजः।मातङ्ग्या स्त्वथ मातङ्गा अपत्यं मनुजर्षभ।।3.14.25।।
O bull among men Matangi gave birth to elephants.The mighty elephant Airavata who became the lord of the world was born to Iravati.
गोलाङ्गूलांश्च शार्दूली व्याघ्रांश्चाजनयत्सुतान्।दिशागजांश्च काकुत्स्थ श्वेताप्यजनयत्सुतान्।।3.14.26।।
O Rama, Sarduli gave birth to tigers and playful, roundbodied monkeys called Golangula and Sweta delivered elephants as sons for guarding the eight quarters.
ततो दुहितरौ राम सुरभिर्द्वेव्यजायत।रोहिणीं नाम भद्रं ते गन्धर्वीं च यशस्स्विनीम्।।3.14.27।।
Surabhi gave birth to Rohini and Gandharvi,the two famous daughters. May you be happy, Rama
रोहिण्यजनयद् गावो गन्धर्वी वाजिनः सुतान्। सुरसाऽजनयन्नागान्राम कद्रूस्तु पन्नगान्।।3.14.28।।  
O Rama Rohini procreated cows, and Gandharvi, horses as offsprings. Surasa delivered cobras and Kadru, ordinary serpents.
मनुर्मनुष्यान् जनयद्राम पुत्रान् यशस्विनः।ब्राह्मणान् क्षत्रियान् वैश्यान् शूद्रांश्च मनुजर्षभ।।3.14.29।।
O Rama, bull among men Manu procreated brahmins, kshatriyas, vaisyas and sudras all famed human beings.
सर्वान् पुण्यफलान्वृक्षाननलापि व्यजायत।विनता च शुकीपौत्री कद्रूश्च सुरसास्वसा।।3.14.30।।
Anala (wife of Kasyapa) procreated trees with sacred fruits. Vinata was the granddaughter of Suki, and Kahdruva and Surasa were her sisters.
कद्रूर्नागं सहस्रास्यं विजज्ञे धरणीधरम्।द्वौ पुत्रौ विनतायास्तु गरुडोऽरुण एव च।।3.14.31।।
Kadhru produced a thousandhooded serpent(Adisesha) who held the whole earth on his head and Vinata, two sons, Garuda and Aruna.
तस्माज्जातोऽहमरुणात्सम्पातिस्तु ममाग्रजः।जटायुरिति मां विद्धि श्येनीपुत्रमरिन्दम।।3.14.32।।
I am born to Aruna and my elder brother is Sampati. O subduer of enemies, know me as Jatayu, son of Syeni.
सोऽहं वाससहायस्ते भविष्यामि यदीच्छसि।इदं दुर्गं हि कान्तारं मृगराक्षस सेवितम्।।3.14.33।।सीतां च तात रक्षिष्ये त्वयि याते सलक्ष्मणे।
If you so desire I will be helpful to you in guarding your hut. O dear, it is a difficult forest full of wild animals and demons. When you and Lakshmana are away I will protect Sita.
जटायुषं तं प्रतिपूज्य राघवो मुदा परिष्वज्य च सन्नतोऽभवत्।पितुर्हि शुश्राव सखित्वमात्मवान् जटायुषा सङ्कथितं पुनः पुनः।।3.14.34।।
Rama worshipped Jatayu and bending down, embraced him. He heard from him again and again several events relating to Jatayu's friendship with his father.
स तत्र सीतां परिदाय मैथिलीं सहैव तेनातिबलेन पक्षिणा।जगाम तां पञ्चवटीं सलक्ष्मणो रिपून्दिधक्षञ्छलभानि वानलः।।3.14.35।।
Entresting the protection of Sita, the princess of Mithila, to that strong vulture, Jatayu, and accompanied by Lakshmana Rama went to Panchavati wishing to destroy the enemies like fire burning the moths.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामयणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये अरण्यकाण्डे चतुर्दशस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the fourteenth sarga of Aranyakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.
[Rama, Lakshmana and Sita enter Panchavati --Lakshmana makes a thatched cottage at Panchavati -- performance of traditional sacrifices before entering the cottage --description of the beautiful nature around Panchavati and river Godavari.]ततः पञ्चवटीं गत्वा नानाव्यालमृगायुताम्।उवाच भ्रातरं रामस्सौमित्रिं दीप्ततेजसम्।।3.15.1।।
On reaching Panchavati, which was full of various vicious animals, Rama said to Lakshmana, his brother who was glowing like fire:
आगताः स्म यथोद्दिष्टममुं देशं महर्षिणा। अयं पञ्चवटीदेशस्सौम्य पुष्पितपादपः।।3.15.2।।
O handsome one, following the directions of the great sage, we have arrived at Panchavati, a place full of blossoming trees.
सर्वतश्चार्यतां दृष्टिः कानने निपुणोह्यसि।आश्रमः कतरस्मिन्नो देशे भवति सम्मतः।।3.15.3।।
O Lakshmana cast your eyes all around the forest for a suitable place (for building a hermitage). Indeed, you are good at judging things.
रमते यत्र वैदेही त्वमहं चैव लक्ष्मण।तादृशो दृश्यतां देशस्सन्निकृष्टजलाशयः।।3.15.4।।वनरामण्यकं यत्र स्थलरामण्यकं तथा।सन्निकृष्टं च यत्र स्यात्समित्पुष्पकुशोदकम्।।3.15.5।।
Look, O Lakshmana for a place to the liking of Sita, a place where there is water source nearby where both of us can enjoy. Find a beautiful location where the surrounding forest is beautiful and where faggots, flowers, water and kusa grass are available at hand.
एवमुक्तस्तु रामेण लक्ष्मण संयताञ्जलिः।सीतासमक्षं काकुत्स्थमिदं वचनमब्रवीत्।।3.15.6।।
Having been thus instructed by Rama, Lakshmana said with folded palms in the presence of Sita:
परवानस्मि काकुत्स्थ त्वयि वर्षशतं स्थिते।स्वयं तु रुचिरे देशे क्रियतामिति मां वद।।3.15.7।।
O Rama, I shall be dependent on you, even if I live for a hundred years. You only need to indicate a beautiful place of your choice.
सुप्रीतस्तेन वाक्येन लक्ष्मणस्य महात्मनः।विमृशन्रोचयामास देशं सर्वगुणान्वितम्।।3.15.8।।
Rama was pleased with the words of great Lakshmana. Deliberating over it, he agreed upon a site suitable in all respects.
स तं रुचिरमाक्रम्य देशमाश्रमकर्मणि।हस्तौ गृहीत्वा हस्तेन रामस्सौमित्रिमब्रवीत्।।3.15.9।।
Having come to a beautiful spot suitable for the asram, Rama took both the hands of Lakshmana in his own and said:
अयं देशस्समश्रीमान् पुष्पितैस्तरुभिर्वृतः।इहाऽश्रमपदं सौम्य यथावत्कर्तुमर्हसि।।3.15.10।।
This place is level, surrounded by beautiful trees in full bloom. O handsome one, you may build the hermitage here.
इयमादित्यसङ्काशैः पद्मैस्सुरभिगन्धिभिः।अदूरे दृश्यते रम्या पद्मिनी पद्मशोभिता।।3.15.11।।
There, not very far, is a beautiful lotustank shining like the Sun, fragrant with lotuses.
यथातख्यातमगस्त्येन मुनिना भावितात्मना।इयं गोदावरी रम्या पुष्पितैस्तरुभिर्वृता।।3.15.12।।हंसकारण्डवाकीर्णा चक्रवाकोपशोभिता।
As said by the selfrealised soul, sage Agastya, this Godavari is beautiful, surrounded by trees with flowers in bloom, filled with flocks of swans, ducks and ruddy geese.
नातिदूरे न चासन्ने मृगयूथपिपीडिताः।।3.15.13।।मयूरनादिता रम्याः प्रांशवो बहुकन्दराः।दृश्यन्ते गिरयः सौम्य फुल्लैस्तरुभिरावृताः।।3.15.14।।
O handsome one, neither far nor near are seen tall mountains and flowering trees and herds of deer. Their numerous caves echo with sounds of peacocks.
सौवर्णैराजतैस्ताम्रैर्देशे देशे च धातुभिः।गवाक्षिता इवाभान्ति गजाः परमभक्तिभिः।।3.15.15।।
These mountains, with streaks of minerals like gold, silver and copper forming decorative designs, look beautiful like colourful windows, and appear like huge elephants.
सालैस्तालैस्तमालैश्च खर्जूरपनसाम्रकैः।नीवारैस्तिमिशैश्चैव पुन्नागैश्चोपशोभिताः।।3.15.16।।चूतैरशोकैस्तिलकैश्चम्पकैः केतकैरपि।पुष्पगुल्मलतोपेतैस्तैस्तैस्तरुभिरावृताः।।3.15.17।।चन्दनैस्पन्दनैर्नीपैः पर्णासैर्लिकुचैरपि।धवाश्वकर्णखदिरैः शमीकिंशुकपाटलैः।।3.15.18।।
The place is covered with sal and palmyrah trees including mango, jackfruit, dates, kadamba, punnaga, ashoka, champak, tilaka, ketaka, sandalwood, spandan, dhava, asvakarna parnasha, khadira, sami, kimsuka and patala trees. It is full of wild paddy, flowering bushes and creepers that run on the ground.
इदं पुण्यमिदं मेध्यमिदं बहुमृगद्विजम्।इह वत्स्याम सौमित्रे सार्धमेतेन पक्षिणा।।3.15.19।।
This is a holy place fit for sacrifice. There are many animals and birds here.Hence we will reside here with Jatayu.
एवमुक्तस्तु रामेण लक्ष्मणः परवीरहा।अचिरेणाऽश्रमं भ्रातुश्चकार सुमहाबलः।।3.15.20।।
Thus directed by Rama, the mighty Lakshmana, destroyer of enemy warriors, soon built a hermitage for his brother.
पर्णशालां सुविपुलां तत्र सङ्खातमृत्तिकाम्।सुस्तम्भां मस्करैर्दीर्घैः कृतवंशां सुशोभनाम्।।3.15. 21।।शमीशाखाभिरास्तीर्य दृढपाशावपाशिताम्।कुशकाशशरैः पर्णैस्सुपरिच्छादितां तथा।।3.15.22।।समीकृततलां रम्यां चकार लघुविक्रमः।निवासं राघवस्यार्थे प्रेक्षणीयमनुत्तमम्।।3.15.23।।
Lakshmana who was quick to act dug the clay with nippers, planted long bamboo poles, put branches of sami trees across and tied them with strong ropes. He spread kusa and kasa grass and leaves on the levelled ground. He built a beautiful, spacious and nice residence for Rama.
सहसा लक्ष्मणः श्रीमान् नदीं गोदावरीं तदा।स्नात्वा पद्मानि चादाय सफलः पुनरागतः।।3.15.24।।
Lakshmana then went to river Godavari, had his bath, and returned with some lotuses.
ततः पुष्पबलिं कृत्वा शान्तिं च स यथाविधि।दर्शयामास रामाय तदाश्रमपदं कृतम्।।3.15.25।।
Lakshmana offered oblation of flowers, invoked peace as per tradition (before occupying a newly made home) and showed Rama the cottage he had built.
स तं दृष्ट्वा कृतं सौम्यमाश्रमं सीतया सह।राघवः पर्णशालायां हर्षमाहारयत्परम्।।3.15.26।।
Rama and Sita saw the beautiful hermitage built by Lakshmana, and expressed much happiness over the leafthatched cottage.
सुसंहृष्टः परिष्वज्य बाहुभ्यां लक्ष्मणं तदा।अतिस्निग्धं च गाढं च वचनं चेदमब्रवीत्।।3.15.27।।
Deeply pleased with Lakshmana, he hugged him tightly and said those loving words :
प्रीतोऽस्मि ते महत्कर्म त्वया कृतमिदं प्रभो।प्रदेयो यन्निमित्तं ते परिष्वङ्गो मया कृतः।।3.15.28।।
O my master, you have done a great task for which I have given you what I could give at the moment a hug.
भावज्ञेन कृतज्ञेन धर्मज्ञेन च लक्ष्मण।त्वया पुत्रेण धर्मात्मा न संवृत्तः पिता मम।।3.15.29।।
O Lakshmana with a son like you who can understand others' feelings, who has a sense of gratitude and a sense of duty my father is not dead yet.
एवं लक्ष्मणमुक्त्वा तु राघवो लक्ष्मिवर्धनः।तस्मिन् देशे बहुफले न्यवसत्सुसुखं वशी।।3.15.30।।
Rama who was an enhancer of fortunes and who had his senses under control said thus to Lakshmana and lived happily there in that place filled with fruits.
कञ्चित्कालं स धर्मात्मा सीतया लक्ष्मणेन च।अन्वास्यमानो न्यवसत्स्वर्गलोके यथामरः।।3.15.31।।
Righteous Rama, served by Lakshmana, and Sita lived there for some time like a god in heaven. इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये अरण्यकाण्डे पञ्चदशस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the fifteenth sarga of Aranyakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.
[Lakshmana's description of nature at Panchavati to Rama -- Rama's reflections on Bharata's virtues.]वसतस्तस्य तु सुखं राघवस्य महात्मनः।शरद्व्यपाये हेमन्तऋतुरिष्टः प्रवर्तत।।3.16.1।।
While the great self Rama lived happily there, autumn passed and dear winter set in.
स कदाचित्प्रभातायां शर्वर्यां रघुनन्दनः।प्रययावभिषेकार्थं रम्यां गोदावरीं नदीम्।।3.16.2।।
Once Rama, delight of the Raghu race, went to the beautiful river Godavari for ablution in the early hours of the morning.
प्रह्वः कलशहस्तस्तं सीतया सह वीर्यवान्।पृष्ठतोऽनुव्रजन्भ्राता सौमित्रिरिदमब्रवीत्।।3.16.3।।
While valiant Lakshmana, walking behind Sita who was carrying a pitcher in her hand bent down a little and told Rama thus:
अयं स कालः सम्प्राप्तः प्रियो यस्ते प्रियंवद।अलङ्कृत इवाभाति येन संवत्सरः शुभः।।3.16.4।।
O sweetspeaking brother, the season which is dear to you has arrived. It appears the auspicious year is going to be embellished with this season.
नीहारपरुषो लोकः पृथिवी सस्यशालिनी।जलान्यनुपभोग्यानि सुभगो हव्यवाहनः।।3.16.5।।
People feel frozen with fog, and water is no more enjoyable. The earth is full of crops and fire is so agreeable.
नवाग्रयणपूजाभिरभ्यर्च्य पितृदेवताः।कृताग्रयणकाः काले सन्तो विगतकल्मषाः।।3.16.6।।
Pious men offer their libations of the first crop at Agnistoma sacrifice and thereby please their manes and get rid of their sins.
प्राज्यकामा जनपदास्सम्पन्नतरगोरसाः।विचरन्ति महीपाला यात्रास्था विजिगीषवः।।3.16.7।।
People in the countryside with their desires satisfied obtain abundant cow's milk at this time. Rulers of the earth are out on their expedition with a desire for victory.
सेवमाने दृढं सूर्ये दिशमन्तक सेविताम्।विहीनतिलकेव स्त्री नोत्तरा दिक्प्रकाशते।।3.16.8।।
As the Sun has resorted to the direction (south) that serves the god of death, the north devoid of (the Sun) shines like a woman without the vermilion mark on the forehead.
प्रकृत्या हिमकोशाढ्यो दूरसूर्यश्च साम्प्रतम्।यथार्थनामा सुव्यक्तं हिमवान्हिमवान्गिरिः।।3.16.9।।
Presently with the Sun far away, the Himalayas abounding in snow has naturally justified its name.
अत्यन्तसुखसञ्चारा मध्याह्ने स्पर्शतस्सुखाः।दिवसास्सुभगादित्याश्चायासलिलदुर्भगाः।।3.16.10।।
The days are enjoyable at noon as it is pleasant to move about during this time since the sun is not scorching. But the shade and water seem to be unfortunate (as they are not liked by any one.
मृदुसूर्यास्सनीहाराः पटुशीतास्समारुताः।शून्यारण्या हिमध्वस्ता दिवसा भान्तिसाम्प्रतम्।।3.16.11।।
The days will be frostsmitten. The Sun will also be mild. Due to heavy dewfall the weather will be cold with the blowing of the wind. Forests will be empty (as no animals would be seen moving around.)
निवृत्ताकाशशयनाः पुष्यनीता हिमारुणाः।शीता वृद्धतरायामास्त्रियामा यान्ति साम्प्रतम्।।3.16.12।।
At this time people do not sleep under the open sky. With the month of Pushya approaching, nights feel cool and look red due to frost. They prolong into three yamas.
रविसङ्क्रान्तसौभाग्य स्तुषारारुणमण्डलः।निश्श्वासान्ध इवादर्शन्छन्द्रमा न प्रकाशते।।3.16.13।।
With the radiance of the Sun dimmed, with its orb reddened by frost, the moon does not shine clear like a mirror blurred with breath.
ज्योत्स्न तुषारमलिना पौर्णमास्यां न राजते।सीतेव चातपश्यामा लक्ष्यते न तु शोभते।।3.16.14।।
On a fullmoon night the beams of the moon faded by forest look pale, dull like Sita scorched by the heat of the Sun.
प्रकृत्या शीतलस्पर्शो हिमविद्धश्च साम्प्रतम्।प्रवाति पश्चिमो वायुः काले द्विगुणशीतलः।।3.16.15।।
The west wind which by nature feels cold at this time blows doubly cold, hit by snow.
बाष्पच्छन्नान्यरण्यानि यवगोधूमवन्ति च।शोभन्तेऽभ्युदिते सूर्ये नद्भि क्रौञ्चसारसैः।।3.16.16।।
The snowcold forest terrains are fertile with barley and wheat crops. As the Sun rises the swans and kraunchas produce pleasing notes.
खर्जूरपुष्पाकृतिभिश्शिरोभिः पूर्णतण्डुलैः।शोभन्ते किञ्चिदानम्राश्शालयः कनकप्रभाः।।3.16.17।।
The tops of rice crops shining like gold resemble the flowers of datepalm.The fields full of ripe paddy bending a little (under the weight of grains) look delightful.
मयूखैरुपसर्पद्भिर्हिमनीहारसंवृतैः।दूरमभ्युदितस्सूर्यश्शशाङ्क इव लक्ष्यते।।3.16.18।।
The Sun risen at the distant horizon looks like the Moon, his lengthening rays covered with snow and dew.
अग्राह्यवीर्यः पूर्वाह्णे मध्याह्ने स्पर्शतस्सुखः।संरक्तः किञ्चिदापाण्डुरातपश्शोभते क्षितौ।।3.16.19।।
The heat of the Sun which we do not feel in the forenoon is comfortable during midday when the Sun shines slightly reddish white on earth.
अवश्यायनिपातेन किञ्चित्प्रक्लिन्नशाद्वला।वनानां शोभते भूमिर्निविष्टतरुणातपा।।3.16.20।।
As the miadows are wet with dewdrops, the land looks delightful with mild Sunlight shining on the surface.
स्पृशंस्तु विमलं शीतमुदकं द्विरदस्सुखम्। अत्यन्ततृषितो वन्यः प्रतिसंहरते करम्।।3.16.21।।
The wild tusker, extremely thirsty, touches the clean, cold water joyfully, but immediately withdraws its trunk unable to bear the cold.
एते हि समुपासीना विहगा जलचारिणः।नावगाहन्ति सलिलमप्रगल्भा इवाहवम्।।3.16.22।।
Just as inefficient warriors do not enter the warfield, aquatic birds sitting near water do not venture to take a plunge into it.
अवश्यायतमोनद्धा नीहारतमसाऽवृताः।प्रसुप्ता इव लक्ष्यन्ते विपुष्पा वनराजयः।।3.16.23।।
The flowerless forest ranges appear as if they are asleep, enveloped in the darkness of frost and snow .
बाष्पसञ्छन्नसलिला रुतविज्ञेयसारसाः।हिमार्द्रवालुकैस्तीरैस्सरितो भान्ति साम्प्रतम्।।3.16.24।।
Now the rivers are not visible as the waters are covered with vapour. They are only inferred through the cackling of swans and the sands of the bank moistened with dewdrops.
तुषारपतनाच्चैव मृदुत्वाद्भास्करस्य च।शैत्यादगाग्रस्थमपि प्रायेण रसवज्जलम्।।3.16.25।।
Due to snowfall, mildness of the Sun, and coldness (of weather) even the water flowing from the mountain top is not generally tasty.
जराजर्जरितैः पद्मैशशीर्णकेसरकर्णिकैः।नालषेर्हिमध्वस्सैर्न भन्ति कमलाकराः।।3.16.26।।
The lotuses in the tank no more shine (bright) as they are decayed by age, their filaments and pericarps withered with only stalks remaining.
अस्मिंस्तु पुरुषव्याघ्रः काले दुःखसमन्वितः।तपश्चरति धर्मात्मा त्वद्भक्त्या भरतः पुरे।।3.16.27।।
At this time, righteous Bharata, the best among men, with his devotion to you must be sadly performing penance at his residence.
त्यक्त्वा राज्यं च मानं च भोगांश्च विविधान्बहून्।तपस्स्वी नियताहारश्शेते शीते महीतले।।3.16.28।।
Giving up his kingdom, honour and pleasures of many kinds, Bharata will be living like an ascetic, sleeping on the ground in cold weather, his food under restriction.
सोऽपि वेलामिमां नूनमभिषेकार्थमुद्यतः।वृतः प्रकृतिभिर्नित्यं प्रयाति सरयूं नदीम्।।3.16.29।।
At this time, Bharata, accompanied by his subjects, must be daily going to river Sarayu for ablution.
अत्यन्तसुखसंवृद्धस्सुकुमारस्सुखोचितः।कथं न्वपररात्रेषु सरयूमवगाहते।।3.16.30।।
How can Bharata who was brought up in luxury, who is delicate, and deserves all comfort, take a dip in river Sarayu (in cold morning) ?
पद्मपत्रेक्षणो वीरश्श्यामो निरुदरो महान्।धर्मज्ञ स्सत्यवादी च ह्रीनिषेधो जितेन्द्रियः।।3.16.31।।प्रियाभिभाषी मधुरो दीर्घबाहुररिन्दमः।सन्त्यज्य विविधान्भोगानार्यं सर्वात्मना श्रितः।।3.16.32।।
He has a blue complexion, a pair of eyes like lotus petals, a thin waist and long arms. He is selfrestrained, softspoken, sweettempered and truthful. He knows his duty and maintains a low profile. A subduer of enemies, he is heroic and great. Such Bharata has given up the diverse pleasures of life and has surrendered himself to you with all his soul.
जितस्स्वर्गस्तव भ्रात्रा भरतेन महात्मना।वनस्थमपि तापस्ये यस्त्वामनुविधीयते।।3.16.33।।
Although you dwell in the forest, your great brother Bharata has won the kingdom of heaven by faithfully adopting your asceticism.
न पित्र्यमनुवर्तन्ते मातृकं द्विपदा इति।ख्यातो लोकप्रवादोऽयं भरतेनान्यथा कृतः।।3.16.34।।
The saying that men follow mother's path but not the path of the father, has been disproved by Bharata.
भर्ता दशरथो यस्यास्साधुश्च भरतस्सुतः।कथं नु साऽम्बा कैकेयी तादृशी क्रूरशीलिनी।।3.16.35।।
How could mother Kaikeyi, who has a husband like Dasaratha and a noble son like Bharata, be so wicked by nature ?
इत्येवं लक्ष्मणे वाक्यं स्नेहाद्ब्रुवति धार्मिके।परिवादं जनन्यास्तमसहन्राघवोऽब्रवीत्।।3.16.36।।
When pious Lakshmana said thus to Rama out of his love for him, Rama replied, unable to tolerate the words of censure against mother (Kaikeyi) :
स तेऽम्बा मध्यमा तात गर्हितव्या कथञ्चन।तामेवेक्ष्वाकुनाथस्य भरतस्य कथां कुरु।।3.16.37।।
O dear, Kaikeyi, our second mother, is never to be criticised like that. You may, however, speak more of Bharata, the lord of the Iksvakus.
निश्चिताऽपि हि मे बुद्धिर्वनवासे दृढव्रता।भरतस्नेहसन्तप्ता बालिशीक्रियते पुनः।।3.16.38।।
Even though I have made up my mind to dwell in the forest and keep my vow, my love for Bharata makes me waver like a child (Rama does not want Bharata to suffer on his account).
संस्मराम्यस्य वाक्यानि प्रियाणि मधुराणि च।हृद्यान्यमृतकल्पानि मनःप्रह्लादनानि च।।3.16.39।।
I remember his dear, sweet, ambrosial words, soothing to the heart and pleasing to the mind.
कदान्वहं समेष्यामि भरतेन महात्मना।शत्रुघ्नेन च वीरेण त्वया च रघुनन्दन।।3.16.40।।
O enhancer of joy of the Raghus when shall I meet great Bharata, brave Satrughna and you all together?
इत्येवं विलपंस्तत्र प्राप्य गोदावरीं नदीम्।चक्रेऽभिषेकं काकुत्स्थस्सानुजस्सह सीतया।।3.16.41।।
Expressing his grief in such manner, Rama reached Godavari where he took his bath with his brother and Sita.
तर्पयित्वाऽथ सलिलैस्ते पितृ़न्दैवतानि च।स्तुवन्ति स्मोदितं सूर्यं देवताश्च समाहिताः।।3.16.42।।
And then poised, they offered libations of water to their forefathers and gods and prayer to the rising Sun.
कृताभिषेकस्सरराज रामः सीताद्वितीयस्सह लक्ष्मणेन।कृताभिषेको गिरिराजपुत्र्या रुद्रस्सनन्दी भगवानिवेशः।।3.16.43।।
Accompanied by Sita and Lakshmana,Rama finished his bath in the river.He looked splendid like Lord Rudra followed by Nandi and the daughter of the king of the mountains (Parvati). इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये अरण्यकाण्डे षोडशस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the sixteenth sarga of Aranyakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.
[Surpanakha meets Rama --reveals her identity -- expresses her desire to be his wife]कृताभिषेको रामस्तु सीता सौमित्रिरेव च।तस्माद्गोदावरीतीरात्ततो जग्मुस्वमाश्रमम्।।3.17.1।।
Ablution over, Rama, accompanied by Sita and Lakshmana, went back from the bank of the river Godabari to their hermitage.
आश्रमं तमुपागम्य राघवस्सह लक्ष्मणः।कृत्वा पौर्वाह्णिकं कर्म पर्णशालामुपागमत्।।3.17.2।।
On reaching the hermitage, Rama and Lakshmana performed the forenoon rituals and entered the leafthatched cottage.
उवास सुखितस्तत्र पूज्यमानो महर्षिभिः।लक्ष्मणेन सह भ्रात्रा चकार विविधाः कथाः।।3.17.3।।
Honoured by the ascetics , Rama stayed there peacefully with brother Lakshmana, discussing diverse matters (from time to time).
स रामः पर्णशालायामासीनस्सह सीतया।विरराज महाबाहुश्चित्रया चन्द्रमाः इव।।3.17.4।।
Longarmed Rama seated with Sita in the cottage, appeared like the Moon in conjunction with constellation Chitra.
तदाऽऽसीनस्य रामस्य कथासंसक्तचेतसः।तं देशं राक्षसी काचिदाजगाम यदृच्छया।।3.17.5।।
While Rama was thus seated, engrossed in conversation, there incidentally appeared a demoness.