तथा क्रुद्धं दशग्रीवं कृताञ्जलिरकम्पनः।भयात्सन्दिग्धया वाचा रावणं याचतेऽभयम्।।3.31.8।।
Akampana, out of fear, implored the inflamed Ravana with folded hands and faltering voice to spare him.
दशग्रीवोऽभयं तस्मै प्रददौ रक्षसां वरः।स विस्रब्धोऽब्रवीद्वाक्यमसन्दिग्धमकम्पनः।।3.31.9।।
The tenheaded Ravana, lord of the demons, assured safety to Akampana, who gratefully said these words without hesitation:
पुत्रो दशरथस्यास्ति सिंहसंहननो युवा।रामो नाम वृषस्कन्धो वृत्तायतमहाभुजः।।3.31.10।।
Dasaratha has a young son, by name, Rama. He has a body like a lion's. He has strong, round arms and his shoulders resemble those of a bull.
वीरः पृथुयशाश्श्रीमानतुल्यबलविक्रमः।हतं तेन जनस्थानं खरश्च सह दूषणः।।3.31.11।।
He is a hero of great fame and unequal prowess. He has destroyed your Janasthana and also Khara along with Dusana.
अकम्पनवच श्रुत्वा रावणो राक्षसाधिपः।नागेन्द्र इव निश्वस्य वचनं चेदमब्रवीत्।।3.31.12।।
Having heard Akampana's words, Ravana, the lord of demons, sighed heavily like the king of serpents and said these words:
स सुरेन्द्रेण संयुक्तो रामस्सर्वामरैस्सह।उपयातो जनस्थानं ब्रूहि कच्चिदकम्पन।।3.31.13।।
Did Rama come to Janasthana with Indra and the gods ? O Akampana speak.
रावणस्य पुनर्वाक्यं निशम्य तदकम्पनः।आचचक्षे बलं तस्य विक्रमं च महात्मनः।।3.31.14।।
Hearing Ravana's words, Akampana continued telling about great Rama's strength and his exploits in war.
रामो नाम महातेजा श्रेष्ठस्सर्वधनुष्मताम्।दिव्यास्त्रगुणसम्पन्नः पुरन्दरसमो युधि।।3.31.15।।
Rama is his name. He looks very radiant. He is the best among the archers. Owner of divine weapons, he is comparable to Indra in war.
तस्यानुरूपो बलवान्रक्ताक्षो दन्दुभिस्वनः।कनीयान्लक्ष्मणो नाम भ्राता शशिनिभाननः।।3.31.16।।
He is strong with bright red eyes. He has a deep voice with the resonance of a drum. His face is like the moon. Lakshmana, his younger brother, is similar to him in appearance.
स तेन सह संयुक्तः पावकेनानिलो यथा।श्रीमान्राजवरस्तेन जनस्थानं निपातितम्।।3.31.17।।
Rama is prosperous. He is the best among kings. Lakshmana with him is like wind with fire. Rama has pulled down Janasthana.
नैव देवा महात्मानो नात्र कार्या विचारणा।शरा रामेण तूत्सृष्टा रुक्मपुङ्खाः पतत्रिणः।।3.31.18।।सर्पाः पञ्चानना भूत्वा भक्षयन्ति स्म राक्षसान्।
Indeed, they are great men. No god came there (to lend him a hand). There is no need to investigate further about it. The goldenfeathered arrows released by Rama turned into fivehooded serpents and consumed the demons.
येन येन च गच्छन्ति राक्षसा भयकर्शिताः।3.31.19।।तेन तेन स्म पश्यन्ति राममेवाग्रतः स्थितम्।इत्थं विनाशितं तेन जनस्थानं तवानघ।।3.31.20।।
Wherever the demons went they, gripped by fear, only saw Rama in front. O sinless sire In this manner your Janasthana was destroyed by him.
अकम्पनवचश्रुत्वा रावणो वाक्यमब्रवीत्।जनस्थानं गमिष्यामि हन्तुं रामं सलक्ष्मणम्।।3.31.21।।
Hearing Akampana's words, Ravana said, I will go to Janasthana and kill Rama along with Lakshmana.
अथैवमुक्ते वचने प्रोवाचेदमकम्पनः।शृणु राजन्यथावृत्तं रामस्य बलपौरुषम्।।3.31.22।।
Thus said by Ravana, Akampana responded, I will tell you what happened there. O king listen to the strength and valour of Rama.
असाध्यः कुपितो रामो विक्रमेण महायशाः।आपगायास्सुपूर्णाया वेगं परिहरेच्छरैः।।3.31.23।।
Rama is of great fame. When outraged, he is irrepressible. He can arrest with his arrows even the speed of a river (in spate).
सतारग्रहनक्षत्रं नभश्चाप्यवसादयेत्।असौ रामस्तु सीदन्तीं श्रीमानभ्युद्धरेन्महीम्।।3.31.24।।
Powerful Rama can pull down the sky along with the planets and stars. He can lift the drowning earth from the depth of the sea.
भित्त्वा वेलां समुद्रस्य लोकानाप्लावयेद्विभुः।वेगं वापि समुद्रस्य वायुं वा विधमेच्छरैः।।3.31.25।।
He is so very powerful that he can drown the earth by breaking the boundary of the sea. He can arrest the speed of the sea or of the wind with his arrows.
संहृत्य वा पुनर्लोकान्विक्रमेण महायशाः।शक्तस्सपुरुषव्याघ्रः स्रष्टुं पुनरपि प्रजाः।।3.31.26।।
He is a tiger among men. He is so powerful that he can destroy the world and recreate the creatures once again by his valour.
न हि रामो दशग्रीव शक्यो जेतुं त्वया युधि।रक्षसां वापि लोकेन स्वर्गः पापजनैरिव।।3.31.27।।
O tenheaded one, just as it is not possible for sinners to attain heaven it is not possible for you or for the entire world of demons to win him in war
न तं वध्यमहं मन्ये सर्वैर्देवासुरैरपि।अयं तस्य वधोपायस्तन्ममैकमनाश्शृणु।।3.31.28।।
I do not think it is possible for gods and demons together to kill him, yet there is a way for his destruction. You may listen to me with single mindedattention:
भार्या तस्योत्तमा लोके सीता नाम सुमध्यमा।श्यामा समविभक्ताङ्गी स्त्रीरत्नं रत्नभूषिता।।3.31.29।।
Rama has a wife in this world, by name, Sita, who is beautiful, has a slender waist and a wellformed body. Adorned with gems, she is a jewel among women,
नैव देवी न गन्धर्वी नाप्सरा नापि दानवी।तुल्या सीमन्तिनी तस्या मानुषीषु कुतो भवेत्।।3.31.30।।
She has no equal among goddesses nor among gandharvis nor apasaras nor among demonesses. How can there be a peer of her among human beings ?
तस्यापहर भार्यांत्वं प्रमथ्य तु महावने।सीतया रहितः कामी रामो हास्यति जीवितम्।।3.31.31।।
Abduct Rama's wife by force in that great forest and bereft of Sita, he will give up his life.
अरोचयत तद्वाक्यं रावणो राक्षसाधिपः।चिन्तयित्वा महाबाहुरकम्पनमुवाच ह।।3.31.32।।
Ravana, the strongarmed king of demons, relished the words of Akampana and pondering over the matter, said to him :
बाढं काल्यं गमिष्यामि ह्येकस्सारथिना सह।आनयिष्यामि वैदेहीमिमां हृष्टो महापुरीम्।।3.31.33।।
Yes, early in the morning I will go alone gladly with the charioteer and bring Vaidehi here to this great city.
अथैवमुक्त्वा प्रययौ खरयुक्तेन रावणः।रथेनादित्यवर्णेन दिशस्सर्वाः प्रकाशयन्।।3.31.34।।
Having said so, Ravana got on a chariot yoked with donkeys. It had the colour of the Sun. It illuminated all directions. Ravana left.
स रथो राक्षसेन्द्रस्य नक्षत्रपथगो महान्।सञ्चार्यमाणश्शुशुभे जलदे चन्द्रमा इव।।3.31.35।।
The great chariot of the demon king (Ravana) flying in the sky shone like the Moon in the cloud.
स मारीचाश्रमं प्राप्य ताटकेयमुपागमत्।मारीचेनार्चितो राजा भक्ष्यभोज्यैरमानुषैः।।3.31.36।।
Ravana reached the hermitage of Maricha and met him who was the son of Tataka. The demon king was treated with food that can be chewed and food that can be eaten.
तं स्वयं पूजयित्वा तु आसनेनोदकेन च।अर्थोपहितया वाचा मारीचो वाक्यमब्रवीत्।।3.31.37।।
Maricha personally offered Ravana a seat. He offered him water and paid him obeisance. Making meaningful enquiries he said in appropriate words :
कच्चित्सुकुशलं राजन्लोकानां राक्षसेश्वर।आशङ्के नाथ जाने त्वं यतस्तूर्णमिहागतः।।3.31.38।।
O lord of demons O king hope every one is fine in the world of demons. O lord, (though) your sudden arrival puts me in doubt (about everything going right).
एवमुक्तो महातेजा मारीचेन स रावणः।ततः पश्चादिदं वाक्यमब्रवीद्वाक्यकोविदः।।3.31.39।।
Having thus been asked by Maricha, glorious Ravana, who was eloquent in speech, spoke to him :
आरक्षो मे हतस्तात रामेणाक्लिष्टकर्मणा।जनस्थानमवध्य तत्सर्वं युधि निपातितम्।।3.31.40।।तस्य मे कुरु साचिव्यं तस्य भार्यापहारणे।
O dear, Rama who is capable of doing difficult deeds has killed my sentinels. The indestructible Janasthana has been routed in war. Could you help me in abudcting his wife ? (That is the only way to bring him to his knees).
राक्षसेन्द्रवचश्श्रुत्वा मारीचो वाक्यमब्रवीत्।।3.31.41।।आख्याता केन सीता सा मित्ररूपेण शत्रुणा।त्वया राक्षसशार्दूल को न नन्दति नन्दितः।।3.31.42।।
Having heard Ravana ,the king of demons, Maricha said these words: O king, who is that enemy of yours who, in the guise of a friend, has told you about Sita? Though obliged by you, who is he that is not happy with you, O tiger among demons?
सीतामिहानयस्वेति को ब्रवीति ब्रवीहि मे।रक्षोलोकस्य सर्वस्य कश्शृङ्गं छेत्तुमिच्छति।।3.31.43।।
Tell me who asked you to bring Sita ? Who wishes to demolish the peak of the entire clan of demons ?
प्रोत्साहयति कश्च त्वां स च शत्रुरसंशयः।अशीविषमुखाद्दंष्ट्रामुद्धर्तुं चेच्छति त्वया।।3.31.44।।
He who has encouraged you in this is your enemy, indeed. He wants you to pluck out the fangs from the serpent's mouth.
कर्मणा केन केनासि कापथं प्रतिपादितः।सुखसुप्तस्य ते राजन् प्रहृतं केन मूर्धनि।।3.31.45।।
By whose action have you been led into this wrong direction? Who has hit you on your forehead while you were sleeping comfortably?
विशुद्धवंशाभिजनाग्रहस्त स्तेजोमदस्संस्थितदोर्विषाणः।उदीक्षितुं रावण नेह युक्तः स संयुगे राघवगन्धहस्ती।।3.31.46।।
Rama is like a mighty tusker. His pure and high birth is his trunk. His wellbuilt and strong arms are his tusks. His brilliance in his ichor. Nobody can face this intoxicated elephant in battle.
असौ रणान्तः स्थितिसंधिवालो विदग्धरक्षोमृगहा नृसिंहः।सुप्तस्त्वया बोधयितुं न युक्तः शराङ्गपूर्णो निशितासिदंष्ट्रः।।3.31.47।।
Rama is a lion in the form of man, a lion on warfront with its tail touching the waist when angry. This lion is deft in killing deer in the form of clever demons. His body is full of arrows. The sharp swords are his pointed teeth. It does not behove you to rouse such a lion who is asleep.
चापापहारे भुजवेगपङ्के शरोर्मिमाले सुमहाहवौघे।न रामपातालमुखेऽतिघोरे प्रस्कन्दितुं राक्षसराज युक्तम्।।3.31.48।।
O king of demons it is not proper (for you) to jump into the extremely fierce mouth of the nether world known as Rama. Who can steal the bow from his mighty arms which are whirlpools of mud. His arrows are rows of waves in the flow of the great war.
प्रसीद लङ्केश्वर राक्षसेन्द्र लङ्कां प्रसन्नो भव साधु गच्छ।त्वं स्वेषु दारेषु रमस्व नित्यं रामस्सभार्यो रमतां वनेषु।।3.31.49।।
O lord of Lanka, chief of the demons, be pleased to return to Lanka and enjoy yourself in the company of your wives. Let Rama enjoy with his wife in the forest.
एवमुक्तो दशग्रीवो मारीचेन स रावणः।न्यवर्तत पुरीं लङ्कां विवेश च गृहोत्तमम्।।3.31.50।।
Thus advised by Maricha ,the ten headed Ravana returned and entered his best of homes in the city of Lanka .इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये अरण्यकाण्डे एकत्रिंशस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the thirtyfirst sarga of Aranyakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.
[Surpanakha meets Ravana at Lanka -- describes Rama, Sita and Lakshmana to Ravana.]ततश्शूर्पणखा दृष्ट्वा सहस्राणि चतुर्दश।हतान्येकेन रामेण रक्षसां भीमकर्मणाम्।।3.32.1।।दूषणं च खरं चैव हतं त्रिशिरसा सह।दृष्ट्वा पुनर्महानादं ननाद जलदो यथा।।3.32.2।।
Seeing Dusana, Khara and also Trisira along with the fourteen thousand demon warriors of terrific performance killed by Rama, singlehanded, Surpanakha roared like a cloud.
सा दृष्ट्वा कर्म रामस्य कृतमन्यैस्सुदुष्करम्।जगाम परमोद्विग्ना लङ्कां रावणपालिताम्।।3.32.3।।
Seeing the performance of Rama which is very difficult for others, Surpanakha got scared and went to Lanka, ruled by Ravana.
सा ददर्श विमानाग्रे रावणं दीप्ततेजसम्।उपोपविष्टं सचिवैर्मरुद्भिरिव वासवम्।।3.32.4।।
Surpanakha saw Ravana shining brilliantly, seated like Indra along with ministers and Maruts on top of the aerial chariot.
आसीनं सूर्यसङ्काशे काञ्चने परमासने।रुक्मवेदिगतं प्राज्यं ज्वलन्तमिव पावकम्।।3.32.5।।
Ravana, sitting on the magnificent golden seat on a golden altar looked radiant like the Sun or the blazing fire.
देवगन्धर्वभूतानामृषीणां च महात्मनाम्।अजेयं समरे शूरं व्यात्ताननमिवान्तकम्।।3.32.6।।
Invincible to gods, gandharvas, all living beings, great sages and seers, he was like Yama, lord of death with wide open jaws.
देवासुरविमर्देषु वज्राशनिकृतव्रणम्।ऐरावतविषाणग्रैरुद्घृष्टकिणवक्षसम्।।3.32.7।।
He had scars of wounds caused by the thunderbolt received in war between gods and demons, and marks of scars on his chest made by tips of the the tusks of elephant Airavata.
विंशद्भुजं दशग्रीवं दर्शनीयपरिच्छदम्।विशालवक्षसं वीरं राजलक्षण शोभितम्।।3.32.8।।
Valiant Ravana had an attractive appearance with beautiful dresses twenty arms,ten heads, a broad chest and brilliant royal marks.
स्निग्धवैडूर्यसङ्काशं तप्तकाञ्चनकुण्डलम्।सुभुजं शुक्लदशनं महास्यं पर्वतोपमम्।।3.32.9।।
Wearing burnished golden earrings, he looked bright like the glittering vaidurya. And with his wellformed arms, white teeth and wide mouth, he looked like a mountain.
विष्णुचक्रनिपातैश्च शतशो देवसंयुगे।अन्यैश्शस्त्रप्रहारैश्च महायुद्धेषु ताडितम्।।3.32.10।।
He was hit by the wheel of Visnu for hundreds of times during great wars and beaten by other weapons.
अहताङ्गं समस्तैश्च देवप्रहरणैस्तथा।अक्षोभ्याणां समुद्राणां क्षोभणं क्षिप्रकारिणम्।।3.32.11।।
Ravana whose body was not hurt by the weapons in war with gods, who could perturb even the imperturbable seas, was quick in action.
क्षेप्तारं पर्वतेन्द्राणां सुराणां च प्रमर्दनम्।उच्छेत्तारं च धर्माणां परदाराभिमर्शनम्।।3.32.12।।
(He was) one who could lift and throw great mountains, torment even gods, violate dharma at the root, and cast an evil eye on the wives of others.
सर्वदिव्यास्त्रयोक्तारं यज्ञविघ्नकरं सदा।पुरीं भोगवतीं प्राप्य पराजित्य च वासुकिम्।।3.32.13।।तक्षकस्य प्रियां भार्यां पराजित्य जहार यः।
He who could employ all divine weapons, disrupt sacrifices, had gone to the city of Bhogavati, defeated Vasuki and abducted the dear wife of Takshaka.
कैलासपर्वतं गत्वा विजित्य नरवाहनम्।विमानं पुष्पकं तस्य कामगं वै जहार यः।।3.32.14।।
Ravana went to mount Kailasa, conquered Kubera and took away forcibly his aerial chariot Pushpaka which can fly as per the rider's desire
वनं चैत्ररथं दिव्यं नलिनीं नन्दनं वनम्।विनाशयति यः क्रोधाद्देवोद्यानानि वीर्यवान्।।3.32.15।।
Out of anger he destroyed all the gardens of gods like Chitraratha of Kubera full of lotusponds and Nandana, the pleasuregarden of Indra.
चन्द्रसूर्यौ महाभागावुत्तिष्ठन्तौ परन्तपौ।निवारयति बाहुभ्यां यश्शैलशिखरोपमः।।3.32.16।।
He was like the peak of a mountain. He could stop with his arms the great Moon and Sun from rising. He was a scorcher of enemies.
दशवर्षसहस्राणि तपस्तप्वा महावने।पुरा स्वयंभुवे धीरश्शिरांस्युपजहार यः।।3.32.17।।
This steadfast Ravana who had in the past performed penance for ten thousand years in a dense forest offered his heads to the selfborn Brahma.
देवदानवगन्धर्वपिशाचपतगोरगैः।अभयं यस्य सङ्ग्रामे मृत्युतो मानुषादृते।।3.32.18।।
He was unafraid of death in the hands of gods or demons or gandharvas or pisachas or birds or snakes in war except humans.
मन्त्रैरभिष्टुतं पुण्यमध्वरेषु द्विजातिभिः।हविर्धानेषु यस्सोममुपहन्ति महाबलः।।3.32.19।।
The mighty Ravana defiled the sacred Soma juice, worthy of oblations, extracted by Brahmins by chanting mantras in scrifices.
आप्तयज्ञहरं क्रूरं ब्रह्मघ्नं दुष्टचारिणम्।कर्कशं निरनुक्रोशं प्रजानामहिते रतम्।।3.32.20।।
He disrupted sacrifices at the final stage. He killed brahmins. He was ruthless, harsh, and merciless. He was involved in activities against human welfare.
रावणं सर्वभूतानां सर्वलोकभयावहम्।राक्षसी भ्रातरं शूरं सा ददर्श महाबलम्।।3.32.21।।
That demoness , Surpanakha saw her very strong,valiant brother Ravana who made all beings cry and created fear in all worlds
तं दिव्यवस्त्राभरणं दिव्यमाल्योपशोभितम्।आसने सूपविष्टं च कालकालमिवोद्यतम्।।3.32.22।।
Resplendently attired, adorned with jewels, wearing beautiful gardlands, seated on a raised throne, he(Ravana) was like death to even the lord of death
राक्षसेन्द्रं महाभागं पौलस्त्यकुलनन्दनम्। 3.32.23।।रावणं शत्रुहन्तारं मन्त्रिभिः परिवारितम्।अभिगम्याब्रवीद्वाक्यं राक्षसी भयविह्वला।।3.32.24।।
On reaching Ravana, the lord of demons, the delight of the Paulastya dynasty, and the destroyer of enemies surrounded by ministers, the terrified, Surpanakha said these words:
तमब्रवीद्दीप्तविशाललोचनं प्रदर्शयित्वा भयमोहमूर्छिता।सुदारुणं वाक्यमभीतचारिणी महात्मना शूर्पणखा विरूपिता।।3.32.25।।
Showing her body disfigured by great Lakshmana, Surpanakha, the fearless wanderer, overwhelmed with fear said these cruel words to Ravana sitting with large, glittering eyes:इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये अरण्यकाण्डे द्वात्रिंशस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the thirtysecond sarga of Aranyakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.
[Surpanakha points out the flaws in Ravana's rule-- praises Rama's abilities-- describes the qualities of a good king.]ततः शूर्पणखा दीना रावणं लोकरावणम्।अमात्यमध्ये सङ्क्रुद्धा परुषं वाक्यमब्रवीत्।।3.33.1।।
When the distressed, anguished Surpanakha met Ravana who makes the world weep, he was seated in the midst of his ministers. She addressed him these harsh words:
प्रमत्तः कामभोगेषु स्वैरवृत्तो निरङ्कुशः।समुत्पन्नं भयं घोरं बोद्धव्यं नावबुध्यसे।।3.33.2।।
Intoxicated with the pleasures of passion, acting on your own, ungoaded and unguided, you do not understand the problems arising out of great fear, problems you ought to know.
सक्तं ग्राम्येषु भोगेषु कामवृत्तं महीपतिम्।लुब्धं न बहुमन्यन्ते श्मशानाग्निमिव प्रजाः।।3.33.3।।
Lustful and greedy, you are addicted to vulgar pleasures. People will not respect you like the fire on the crematorium.
स्वयं कार्याणि यः काले नानुतिष्ठति पार्थिवः।स तु वै सह राज्येन तैश्च कार्यैर्विनश्यति।।3.33.4।।
A king who does not act at the right time will be ruined along with the kingdom and its works.
अयुक्तचारं दुर्दर्शमस्वाधीनं नराधिपम्।वर्जयन्ति नरा दूरान्नदीपङ्कामिव द्विपाः।।3.33.5।।
Just as elephants keep away from a muddy river, people will keep distance from the king who does not employ spies, does not give audience to his people and is not independent.
ये न रक्षन्ति विषयमस्वाधीना नराधिपाः।ते न वृद्ध्या प्रकाशन्ते गिरयस्सागरे यथा।।3.33.6।।
Kings who are not under their own control and cannot protect the country, do not attract the minds of the people like mountains inside sea water.
आत्मवद्भिर्विगृह्य त्वं देवगन्धर्वदानवैः।अयुक्तचारश्चपलः कथं राजा भविष्यसि।।3.33.7।।
Having created enmity with selfrespecting persons like gods, gandharvas and demons, with a fickle mind and without spies how long can you continue as king ?
त्वन्तु बालस्वभावश्च बुद्धिहीनश्च राक्षस।ज्ञातव्यन्तु न जानीषे कथं राजा भविष्यसि।।3.33.8।।
O demon you are childish and foolish. You do not even know what ought to be known. How can you rule as a king?
येषां चारश्च कोशश्च नयश्च जयतां वर।अस्वाधीना नरेन्द्राणां प्राकृतैस्ते जनैस्समाः।।3.33.9।।
The best among the victorious kings, who are not masters of their espionage, judicial system and their exchequer are equal to the laity.
यस्मात्पश्यन्ति दूरस्थान् सर्वानर्थान्नराधिपाः।चारेण तस्मादुच्यन्ते राजानो दीर्घचक्षुषः।।3.33.10।।
Since kings can see things from a faroff place with the help of the spies they are called farsighted.
अयुक्तचारं मन्ये त्वां प्राकृतैस्सचिवैर्वृतम्।स्वजनं तु जनस्थाने हतं यो नावबुद्ध्यसे।।3.33.11।।
Since you have not engaged any spy you do not know when your own relatives were killed in Janasthana. I take you to be a fool surrounded by ordinary ministers.
चतुर्दश सहस्राणि रक्षसां क्रूरकर्मणाम्।हतान्येकेन रामेण खरश्च सहदूषणः।।3.33.12।।
One Rama alone killed all the fourteen thousand demons including Dusana and Khara, demons capable of fierce exploits.
ऋषीणामभयं दत्तं कृतक्षेमाश्च दण्डकाः।धर्षितं च जनस्थानं रामेणाक्लिष्टकर्मणा।।3.33.13।।
Rama, the effortless performer of formindable tasks, has assured safety to the sages. Peace and happiness was restored to Dandaka forest but Janasthana has been ravaged.
त्वन्तु लुब्दः प्रमत्तश्च पराधीनश्च रावण।विषये स्वे समुत्पन्नं भयं यो नावबुध्यसे।।3.33.14।।
O Ravana, you are not aware of what has happened to your own kingdom. You are avaricious, intoxicated, and under others' control. A great fear has been generated in your own kingdom.
तीक्ष्णमल्पप्रदातारं प्रमत्तं गर्वितं शठम्।व्यसने सर्वभूतानि नाभिधावन्ति पार्थिवम्।।3.33.15।।
All living beings stop seeking refuge under a king who is, not a generous giver, but intoxicated, harsh, arrogant and fraudulent. They do not run to him for protection in times of calamity.
अतिमानिनमग्राह्यमात्मसम्भावितं नरम्।क्रोधिनं व्यसने हन्ति स्वजनोऽपि महीपतिम्।।3.33.16।।
A king who is extremely arrogant, who is not acceptable to good people, who is selfconceited and cholerictempered will be murdered even by his own people at the time of adversity.
नानुतिष्ठति कार्याणि भयेषु न बिभेति च।क्षिप्रं राज्याच्युतो दीनस्तृणैस्तुल्यो भविष्यति।।3.33.17।।
A king who does not do what ought to be done, does not fear what ought to be feared, will surely be dislodged from the kingdom and live a wretched life like a blade of grass.
शुष्कैः काष्ठैर्भवेत्कार्यं लोष्टैरपि च पांसुभिः।न तु स्थानात्परिभ्रष्टैः कार्यं स्याद्वसुधाधिपैः।।3.33.18।।
Even dried up logs, or clods of earth, or a handful of dust may have some value but not a king who is dethroned.
अपभुक्तं यथा वासस्स्रजो वा मृदिता यथा।एवं राज्यात्परिभ्रष्टस्समर्थोऽपि निरर्थकः।।3.33.19।।
Like a piece of cloth that is worn and discarded, like garlands put on and crushed, a king dislodged from the kingdom is worthless even if he is capable.
अप्रमत्तश्च यो राजा सर्वज्ञो विजितेन्द्रियः।कृतज्ञो धर्मशीलश्च स राजा तिष्ठते चिरम्।।3.33.20।।
A king who is alert, omniscient, has control over his senses, has a sense of gratitude and one of righteous conduct continues to rule for a long time.
नयनाभ्यां प्रसुप्तोऽपि जागर्ति नयचक्षुषा।त्यक्तक्रोधप्रमादश्च स राजा पूज्यते जनैः।।3.33.21।।
The king who keeps both his eyes shut but keeps the eye of justice open, one who is free from anger and remains ever alert, is worshipped by the people.
त्वं तु रावण दुर्बुद्धिर्गुणैरेतैर्विवर्जितः।यस्य तेऽविदितश्चारै रक्षसां सुमहान्वधः।।3.33.22।।
O Ravana you are evilminded. You are devoid of all these good qualities. Your spies could not know that there had been a great massacre of your fellowdemons.
परावमन्ता विषयेषु सङ्गतो न देशकालप्रविभागतत्ववित्।अयुक्तबुद्धिर्गुणदोषनिश्चये विपन्नराज्यो नचिराद्विपत्स्यसे।।3.33.23।।
A king who accuses others, who is addicted to sensual pleasures, who lacks a sense of judgement of place and time, a sense of discrimination between virtue and vice and the right wisdom will destroy himself and the kingdom in no time.
इति स्वदोषान् परिकीर्तितांस्तया समीक्ष्य बुद्ध्या क्षणदाचरेश्वरः।धनेन दर्पेण बलेन चान्वितो विचिन्तयामास चिरं स रावणः।।3.33.24।।
Ravana, king of demons, wealthy, arrogant and mighty, listened to Surpanakha and pondered over the mistakes she mentioned.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये अरण्यकाण्डे त्रयस्त्रिंशस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the thirtythird sarga of Aranyakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.
[Surpanakha describes Rama and Sita to Ravana--incites him to abduct Sita and make her his wife.]ततश्शूर्पणखां दृष्ट्वा ब्रुवन्तीं परुषं वचः।अमात्यमध्ये सङ्क्रुद्धः परिपप्रच्छ रावणः।।3.34.1।।
Incensed at the harsh words Surpanakha used in the midst of ministers, Ravana said:
कश्च रामः कथंवीर्यः किंरूपः किंपराक्रमः।किमर्थं दण्डकारण्यं प्रविष्टस्सुदुरासदम्।।3.34.2।।
Who is Rama? What is his strength? How does he look? How valiant is he? For what purpose has he entered the impenetrable Dandaka forest?
आयुधं किञ्च रामस्य निहता येन राक्षसाः।खरश्च निहतस्संख्ये दूषणस्त्रिशिरास्तथा।।3.34.3।।
With what weapons he has killed demons like Khara, Dusana and Trisira ?
इत्युक्ता राक्षसेन्द्रेण राक्षसी क्रोधमूर्छिता।ततो रामं यथातत्वमाख्यातुमुपचक्रमे।।3.34.4।।
Thus questioned by Ravana, the demoness, overcome by anger, began telling him about Rama faithfully:
दीर्घबाहुर्विशालाक्ष श्चीरकृष्णाजिनाम्बरः।कन्दर्पसमरूपश्च रामो दशरथात्मजः।।3.34.5।।
Rama, Dasaratha's son, has long arms, large eyes. He is clad in deerskin and bark. He resembles Cupid.
शक्रचापनिभं चापं विकृष्य कनकाङ्गदम्।दीप्तान् क्षिपति नाराचान्सर्पानिव महाविषान्।।3.34.6।।
His bow resembles Indra's, He is adorned with gold bands. Drawing the bow, he releases glittering arrows like highly poisonous snakes.
नाददानं शरान्घोरान्नमुञ्चन्तं शिलीमुखान्।न कार्मुकं विकर्षन्तं रामं पश्यामि संयुगे।।3.34.7।।
I could not see Rama in the dreadful war while he was pulling an arrow from the quiver, aiming the dart, and drawing the bowstring.
हन्यमानं तु तत्सैन्यं पश्यामि शरवृष्टिभिः।इन्द्रेणेवोत्तमं सस्यमाहतन्त्वश्मवृष्टिभिः।।3.34.8।।
Just as Indra destroys the crop ready for harvest by raining hailstones, I have seen Rama killing the army with a shower of arrows.
रक्षसां भीमरूपाणां सहस्राणि चतुर्दश।निहतानि शरै स्तीक्ष्णैस्तेनैकेन पदातिना।।3.34.9।।अर्धाधिकमुहूर्तेन खरश्च सहदूषणः।
Fighting alone on foot with his sharp arrows Rama killed within a span of one and a half muhurta, the fourteen thousand dreadful demons including Dusana and Khara.
ऋषीणामभयं दत्तं कृतक्षेमाश्च दण्डकाः।।3.34.10।।एका कथञ्चिन्मुक्ताहं परिभूय महात्मना। स्त्रीवधं शङ्कमानेन रामेण विदितात्मना।।3.34.11।।
Sages have been assured safety. Peace has been restored to Dandaka forest. As Rama, the great soul, who knows the self, hesitated to kill a woman, I was alone saved after this humiliation.
भ्राता चास्य महातेजा गुणतस्तुल्यविक्रमः।अनुरक्तश्च भक्तश्च लक्ष्मणो नाम वीर्यवान्।।3.34.12।।
His brother called Lakshmana looks radiant. He is virtuous and courageous like him, valiant, devoted and loyal.
अमर्षी दुर्जयो जेता विक्रान्तो बुद्धिमान्बली।रामस्य दक्षिणो बाहुर्नित्यं प्राणो बहिश्चरः।।3.34.13।।
He is impatient, invincible, victorious, bold, intelligent and strong. He is even the right hand of Rama, his outer life.