class label
2 classes
‘Sentence 1::There will be rio vote on the issue’but those oppased ‘to Robinsan 's-appointiient-are thought: to -outnimber those: who. accept it by around 20 to77.,* Sentence 2: There wilfbe no vote'on the issue but, those: opposed to Robitisan 's : appointment ave éhoughit to bein the majority:
Sentence 1: * it 's a huge black eye , " said publisher ‘Arthur Ochs Sulzberger Jr. , whose fomity has controlled the paper since 1896 Sentence 2: It 's a huge black eye , " Arthur Sulzberger , the newspaper's publisher , said of the scandal
Sentence 1: Rescue workers a‘riving to February 's deadly fire dita West Warwick rightdub meta hori scene as prope trapped in the clib ’s doorway screamed for help Sentence 2; Rescue workers arriving at February 's deadly nightclub fire met a horrific scene , as people trapped in the club ’s* doorway screamed for. help’, rescue tapes released Thursday show’.
Sentence 1 Doctors have speculated that estrogen protects against cel damage and improves blood flow Sentence 2: Their belief was based on speculation that estrogen prevents cell damage and improves blood flow
Sentence. 1: A senior Malaysian member. of JI testified ‘in, June: that. Bashir had approved the churelr:bortib. attacks ahd had called a meeting to plan Megawati 's. ‘assassination., Seritence 2: .A senior Malaysian member of ‘Jemaah Islamiah: testified'on June:26 ‘that .Bashir had approved ‘the’ church bomb ‘attacks and: had ‘also, -called:.a meeting .:-to’."- plan, . Megawati~ -:‘s ‘assassination. ee
“Sentence 1::They.are:tired of paying the high cost of ‘CDs:and,DVDs and prefer more: flexible form's of on-demand. media delivery’. 2 Sentence 2; Consumers , tiredéof paying: high ‘prices. for CDs-and: DVDs’, are looking * for: flexible.“ forms.“of:on> demand media. delivery. :
Sentence 1: The loonie , meanwhile , continued to slip in early trading Friday Sentence 2: The loonie , meanwhile , was ‘on the rise again early Thursday.
Sentence 1: The presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church , Frank T. Griswold III , declined , through’a spokesman , to comment on the development Saturday . Sentence 2: The presiding bishop of the Episcopal church , Frank Griswold , declined to comment on Saturday 's development . &
Sentence 1: The tech-heavy Nasdaq composite index fell 3.99 . or 0.2 percent . to 1.68272 . following a two-day win of 55.93 Sentence 2: The technology-laced Nasdaq Composite Indey 4xIC eased 8.52 points, or 0.51 percent. to 4670.21 *.
Sentence |: He has declined to comment on the charges , but court documents indicate a lingering medical problem could be part of his defense . Sentence 2: He has declined-io comment on. the charges, but court documents show that a lingering medical condition could contgibute to his defense..
Sentence 1: At 5 p.m. EDT , Henri had maximum sustained winds near 50 mph , with some gusts reaching 60 mph . Sentence 2: At 8 p.m. Friday , Henri was becoming disorganized , but still had maximum sustained winds near 50 mph , with stronger gusts.
Sentence 1: In addition , David Jones will pay him $ 10 million to take over the Foodchain leases . Sentence 2: DJs will pay homewares and furniture group Freedom $ 10 million to take over the Foodchain store leases .
Sentence 1: At the Pentagon , the Department of Defense 's Inspector General has separately been asked to investigate how the telecom licences were awarded . Sentence 2: But 4 source close to the Pentagon said the Defense Department 's own inspector-general had been asked to investigate how the licences were awarded .
‘Sentence 1: Shares of San Diego-based: Jack In The: Box. closed: at-$ 21.49 ; up 78 cents ,-, or 3:8: percent: ,. on the’ Nei York. Stock Exchange : : Sentence 2: Shares of Tanipa:based Outback Steakhouse Inc. closed: at $ 44.50 . tip $1.78 sor'42 percent..;-on the New. York. Stock Exchange .°° f :
Sentence % Missouri Gov. Bob Holden asked the White House to declare a federal disaster in 39 counties. Sentence 2: Gov. Bob Holden asked Bush to declare 39 Missouri counties disaster areas _— $e
Sentenoe: 4:° One. of ‘the Oregon: Species’ was. agolimated: to a “temperature of 65 > ‘but survived. until: the =-aquerium: temperature reached 87 ; 2: "One “of - the” Oregon ~ species ecliinated “to “a temperature’ of; .65° ( 4833: Celsius”). but survived’ until: the aquarium. temperature © reached, 87..( 3056 Celsius °) 7 Sente: was,
Sentence 1: “When I talked to him last time , did I think that was the end-all - one comersation with somebody ? Sentence 2: When I talked to him last time , did I think it mas the end-all ?
ntence 1: Charles Howell Ill picked up jome local knowledge a year ago that rovided much-needed insight in the| pening round of the Memorial fournament in Dublin , Ohio . ntence 2: Charles Howell Ill picked up jome local knowledge a year ago that rovided some much needed insight in| hursday ‘s opening round of the lemorial Tournament .
Sentence t Sentence 2:
2 Sentence x Two inagis and two Saudis grabbed short > after the blast gave information leading to the arse g | the others said the official. Sentence 2: The offcial , uho spoke on condition of whee rit Said that two ragis and wo Sand detained After the attack gave information leading to the arrest of
“Sentence. Based on haviig at’ one -of the. ‘sijmptonis. , most: student shad beet: hug’ der. betWeen three” and 1h Limes: the: “previous, year ; average” ‘Ure =: flat Yeast -ohesof Ane symptoms Detween. three, and: +E ‘ites inthe. tai a
Sentence 1: He said European governments" have blockal all new: bio-crops Because of unfounded ; unscientific fears Sentence 2: hey, hivve Blocked all new bio-crops Because of uufounded; imscientific fears ," Bush said: ” *
Sentence 1: The plea nakes Grass the second digh-ranking Rite Aid executive to strike @ 1 with federal prosecutors in the past wo weeks - 2: Grass is the second of the Rite id defendants to strike a deal with federal osecutors this month -
‘Sentence t A prosecutor said investigators were searching his home in Muenster.in the presence of his wife when news of his death arrived . Sentence 2: Investigators were searching his home in Muenster in the presence of his wife when news of his death came , prosecutor Wolfgang Schweer said
Sentence 1: Nigeria and other African oil producers are increasingly important in U.S. plans to lessen depengence on Middle Eastern su; for its energy security. Sentence 2 Nigeria and other African producers are increasingly important in the former Texas oilman ‘s plans to lessen dependence on Middle Eastern suppliers for energy security.
Sentence 1: Since Perkins" artival at UConn bx gh6
Senterice I: When contacted last night, Perkins declined comment Sentence:2 Perkins and Kansas-Chanceflor Robert Nehdnomey cdeclited coimintSundaynight:
Sentence J: ‘The shoulder and beat Sentenicé 2: On ‘Tuesday’ night’ rioters shot” one person in the shoulder-and beat or stabbed others.
nt tenoe 1; The worst-affected area. was rovince where at Sut yonasaig least 15 peopie dréwhed and reads were swept away’, pr tenes 2: The worst affected area was ge /eongsang rovince Where at least 16 People drow and roads Were Swept aWayin mud sides
Sentence 4-selenski 's. partner hl « ailbreak ,. SCO ‘ott. Balter. ’ ‘ed. his ‘ Pe ribs uring, ‘ ankle, pelvis and escape attempt arden. G ischi: said. sent ce 2; selensit ' partner in. the day: eyaierecl 3 oot Epolter r aes i pesialized
Sentence 1: * This is extraordinarity Fast .* said Matt Geller , an analyst at CIBC World Markets Sentence 2: They are actually going to record sales for Velcade this year . ° said Matt Geller , an analyst at CIBC World Markets
Sentence I: The blue-chip Dow Jones Industrial average Dt fe 86.56 ponts . or 0.94 percent . tp $109.99 after giving wy ‘more than I percent earlier , Sentence 2: The dow Jones industrial average .DJI fell 79,43 points . oF 0.86 pergent . to 9.07.12 on Friday , es
Sentence 1: During the flight , engineers misjudged the extent of the damage , and leven during that period they lamented that the liftoff photography was poor . Sentence 2: During the flight, engineers underestimated the extent of the damage , land even then lamented. that the liftoff hotography was so poor .
Sentence 1: "" We 're in a highly competitive industry where few apparel brands own and operate manufacturing facilities in North America , " Levi Strauss Chief Executive Officer Phil Marineau said in a statement. Sentence 2:" We 're in a highly competitive industry where few apparel brands own and operate manufacturing facilities in North America , " said Phil Marineau, the chief executive.
Sentence t: Shares in Juniper Hetworks jumped more than 10 per cent on Monday after the networking equipment maker inked a sales and marketing deal with lucent lechnologies Sentence 2 Ihe stock of Juniper Networks Inc. rose sharply Monday after the Mountain View . Calit-based network-equipment maker announced a distribution and development deal with Lucent lechnologies Inc
Sentence 1: Months later , another clinic doctor , Dr. Wayne Patterson , was killed away from the clinic . Sentence 2: Months later , an unknown shooter killed Dr. Wayne Patterson «ho ran Gunn's clinic . e
Sentence 1: Late trading : Placing a buy order for a mutual fund after 4 p.m. ET and getting it at that day's closing net asset value. Seutence 2: Forward pricing : Law that states mutual fund shares bought after 4 p.m. ET are priced at the next day's closing net asset value.
s 1 A- mont ago, ‘the Commerce: Department. estimated: that GOR-had. grown at: a 2 pereent, rate in the third quarter: Q Sentence’ 2:'A' month: ago... ~ the Comimetice “Depaiine said GDP grew.at'a 72 percent rate. -~ -
Sentence “k Yesterday, /... two: Japanese dipiimats Were -kiled..in-af apparent ambush near Tikrt, ,75 Klometres: oe thé capital . Senterice 2 Iwo.Jdasanese ciphers were ‘als kiled ‘in _an’ ambush fear, ‘Tkrt.., securing to the Japanese Foreign Ministry...
‘Sentence 1: She has a boyfriend , too , officials said : Sgt. Ruben Contreras , who sat with her family Tuesday . Sentence 2: She also thanked her boyfriend , ‘Sgt. Ruben Contreras , who was sitting next to the stage.
Sentence I: GREAT train. robber Ronnie Biggs -was fighting for life last night after.a massive heart attack Sentence 2: Great Train Robber Ronnie Biggs was. back. in jail tonight after being treated in hospital. for pneumonia
Sentence 4: Wyeih ‘estimates’ that’ 13: mibién wortien' continue to take Pretripro.pills,-down-froni about3 4 ‘rillion Before the’ study was halted last ‘sunnier... Senténee: 2:'Wyethi estimates that.4:2 million’ worjen, are’ still takirig’ Prempro pillg ’ dower from about 3.4ation before the Wht study was tates last yeat 2:1 cee: *
Sontonce T Jak Torry vcompany spokosiian sam that a-search isin progress but would not comment: on its status Sentence 2. Company spokesiman (Tack Forty ssaidva searchiis ongoing but dedined comment on its status
Sentence 1: Federal agent Bill Polychro: ilos said it was not known if the man , 30, would be charged . Sentence 2: Federal ent — Bill Polychronopoulos said last the man involved in the Melbourne incident had been unarmed .
Sentence 1: Close behind was India , 14.3 percent , followed by Thailand and the Philippines . Sentence 2: The largest supplier of medicines was Canada , followed by India , Thailand and the Philippines .
Sentence 1: About 120 potential jurors were being asked to complete a lengthy questionnaire Sentence 2: The jurors’ were taken into the courtroom in groups of 40 and asked to fill out a questionnaire .
‘Sentence 1: Peterson 's lawyer , Mark Geragos of Los Angeles , was quick to swipe at thetesting procedure. ‘Sentence 2: Peterson 's lawyer , Mark Geragos , of Los Angeles , has contested the DNA evidence , saying it is unreliable.
Sentence 1: Not: only had: Bashir given’ ‘his blessing but he had asked" that we. hit: the targef ‘well ."", Mr Bafana said. a Sentence. 2: ‘Not. ‘only’ “giving his blessing: but he asked that we hit the target well."
Sentence |: The Chelsea defender Marcel Desailly has been the latest to speak out . Sentence 2: Marcel Desailly , the France captam and ea defender , believes the latter s true .
Sentence 1: Mr Chariton was in the third aisle when @ man in a brown suit raced past him with his hands in the air , armed with the stakes . ‘Sentence 2: He said a man in the seventh row in a” brown suit raced past me with his hands raised in the air” armed with sharp stakes .
| [Sentence 1: = This: new division we may best protect critical infrastructire assets.“ he added.
Sentence 1: Burns believed that confessing a crime he did not commit was the only way out , Richardson said Sentence 2: To the frightened Burns , Richardson said , confessing a crime he did not commit looked like the only out .
Sentence 1: The specific product that is the subject of the petition , 6000 series aluminium alloy rolled plate , is used for general-purpose engineering , tooling and die applica. Sentence 2: At the center of the petition is a 6000 series aluminum alloy rolled plate that is used for general-purpose engineering , tooling and die applications .
have cheap plans hotel deals mitigated the effect . I: AAA spokesman Jerry Plane. but Cheske affected some
Sentence 1: The two men , whose mames were not released , both Passports and reportedly were
Sentence’ The: freak. awraS “corihichetl by the University’ of California “at Los’ Angeles: and Riversidé and: was “paid 45 450,000- front: the: ARB é Sentence, 2 the bs é ee
Sentence 1: Hormone replacement therapy that combines estrogen and progestin doubles a woman 's risk of breast cancer , a British study of more than a million women has found Sentence 2: A major British study has added to the evidence that hormone replacement therapy increases the risk of breast cancer , especially when women receive a combination of estrogen and progestin
Sexterice I: Peterson. was arrested near’ Toriey Pines Golf Course in La Jolla.on ‘April 18 ; the day DNA testing identified the bodies’. Sentence 2: Peterson: 30 , was arrested in La Jolla “Apsl 18°. aftér the two bodies were. identified through DNA tests .
‘Sentence 1: ' You know | hawt sinwys Wiee! to be hoist with you and open. stk my ie." Limeaugh sated Fetay on hts program. Sentince 2: Vox row | haw: ata Wied to be Reet with yal and ope stot my ie" UR 98 Bag 9 staring sam sine 260d Cre
|sentence 1: Without the fleet , NASA has relied on the Russian space program to rotate crew members for the International Space Station Jand to send supplies to the orbiting laboratory. |sentence 2: Without the shuttle fleet , NASA is relying on the Russian [space program to rotate crew members on the International Space [Station and send new supplies to the orbiting laboratory .
Sentence 1: Revenue in. the most-recent quarter rose 5.4 percent to $ 45.9 billion . Sentence 2: Revenue rose 5.4 percent to $ 45.9 billion from $ 43.6 billion a year ago .
Sentence 4 Furthermore’. chest: lightness after exercisg ancl prevalence.of asthma ‘Were both linked To the amount of lime’ spent at-the pool Sarilance 2 Chest. lightness. afer “exaPcisé, and oversill prevalence of asthma. were algo linked to the tatal amoutt-of time speit al indoor pools
maence 2 mmence 2
ce 1: The fawn , named after Dr Duane Kraemer , one of the researchers , was born a few Imoaths ago ice 2 The fawn , named for university researcher Duane
4 Ye. 10.1610» 2: In early trading . the Dow J lustrial average was up 5.90 . or 0.04! athe; 9.113.75.. having gained 36. y
Sentence I: Eighty-six seriously wounded UN. workers were airlifted out for medical care . Sentence 2: Eighty-six U.N. workers who were wounded in Tuesday 's bombing were airlified out for medical care .
Sentence 1: A senior air force official and a member of parliament were also on board , state rodio report sold. Sentence 2: A senior air force official and a member of Parliament also died in the crash, it said.
Sentence 1: Regardless.; its first quarter saw a profit of ‘$724 million ;--or° 29 cents , "on revenue. oF $ 17,9 billion... Sentence 2: Analysts expected earnings: of : 27. cents: a: share pn revenue of 3 47.7 billion , Thonson First Call says
Sentence 1: Spot gold was quoted ut $ 367.90 / 368.60. an ounce at 1000.GMT , having marched up to $ 369.50’ a level not seen since February.10< Sentence 2: Spot-gold was quoted.at $ 358.65, / 359.15 an-ounce at 0500.GMT.,. having’ darted as high as $359.25~ a level not seen shee EMIS
4: Naim dl-Coud ; mayor: of Hit, said peuple from witside his’ region, were ~doing this Sabotage against the lines... Soutoned 2°.Naim “al-Coid-“,° the vewly ‘appointed. mayor. of Hit , “said people from outside Iris region attacked the pipeline.
4 Sentence t Advertising revenue at the FT was ) down 18 percent in the St hall and circulation was down | percent. Sentence 2: Advertising jevenue at the Financial Times was have secu Decent in the fist hay ne ‘months have seen itde improvement.
e > Sentence 1: The Pproximately g 4; village of McGrath .
Sentence 1: Cardenas and Estrada , who is on trial for economic plunder , have denied any involvement . Sentence 2: Mr Estrada , who is in prison , has denied any involvement in the mutiny .
Sentence 1: They said they also seized several items which might be linked to ritual killing , including an animal 's skull with a nail driven through it. Sentence 2: Among the evidence seized by detectives was an animal skull with a nail driven through its head , which may have been used in a" black magic" ceremony .
sentence. t Oak: s raediat hhovsehol néomé sdlso- took, a “hit «5: falling °18 cane from: 48 875 ton: 47978 entebice 2 Ceci’ $ indian’ fevcalold income; “dropped about "OF. percent os 45) 096 - Sia S408 dip:
‘Sentence 4:'In. early Us 8. trade ;, the euro was down 1.06 percent at $ 1.1607 < EUR 2S. Sentence 2: tn late ‘afternoon trade’ in New York’, the.euto was down. 0:83 percent. against thastolerat$ 1. 1633. EUR =>
Sentence 1: The crates are full of hardback copies of ” Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.” Sentence 2: On June 4, Amazon said it had received orders for over 1 million copies of * Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.”
Sentence Knox County Health Department is:following national: ,Centeis Tot “Disease. Control and Prevention Protocol ta contain infection . ‘Sentence 2:'The ‘health: departinent spokesperson added the;departingnt:is following Cetiters for: Disease Control protocol .
Sentence t Hailblocxs was founded five years jafter WebTV was acquired by Microsoft for $ 425 Imittion Sentence 2: WebTV was sold to Microsoft in 1997 for $ 425 million and today is called MSN TV
Sentence 1: Elena Slough , considered to be| the nation 's oldest person and the third oldest person in the world , died early) Sunday morning . Sentence 2: ELENA Slough , considered to be the oldest person in the US and the third| oldest person in the world , has died .
Sentence. i: The ‘weapon’ turned out to be cs Holloween toy... <, ae Sentence 2: it turned out that fhe: wedpon * wos: Fort of a Halloween costume :
‘Sentence 1: An evaluation suggested there was no overall net slincaGereft patent ecdtng ne ag ine Seay, te Sdinpanies ald Pa ststoment Sot butad 4) Business Wie Sentence 2: An evaluation of 240 arthritis patients suggested there was no overall net clinical benetht from taking the medicine ; the companies said ina statement distributed by Business Wire .
Sentence As a resull, Nelson now faces up To 10 years “jail instead of life Sentence 2: The verdict means Nelson faces up to 19 years in prison rather than a possible lile senlence
Sentence 1: Crossing Jordan. will be-back inJanuary after star Jill Hennessy gives birth Sentence 2:\NBC.also\ plans \to shelve Grossing Jorcan until: January, as. star- Jill: Hennessy has her first child
Sentence + Selenski.had previously spent Seven years in prison on a bank robbery conviction . Sentence 2: Selenski had served about seven years inf prison for bank robbery :
‘Sentence 1: The latest artests come ‘police continue to question a ‘suspected: potehtial ‘suicide bomber "detained: in the south Western town of Gloucester: lase Thursday . Sentence 2 The: thove came as “police | ‘continued “to! question. "a -suspected potential suicide bomber arrestedin ‘the ‘southwestem’ ‘town. of Gholicesrer., tas Thursday 2 os ;
ntence: |: They ‘say inspectors must certify thot iroq “is “freé | of Veopons of . mass’ destruction efore sanctions con be lifted nlence 2: | colls for the return of UN. feopons inspectors to verify that Iraq: is free of eopons of mass’ destruction
‘Sentence 1: Nordstrom also is expanding its play area in the children ‘s clothes area , adding salt-water fish tanks an activities. Sentence 2: Nordstrom also is expanding its play area in the children ’ s clothes area , adding salt-water fish tanks an activities for children while their parentsshop.
Séntence:d: Negotiators talked with the boy for’ labout'-an hour: tnd & half. ‘Bragdon’ said 4 Sentefice 2: Negotiators: totked with ‘the -boy-for laore®.' than gn" “hour. 232, and" :SHAT ¢ -of fiéers sur fourdédt the classroom, “Braddon said, .
‘Sentince 1 He nad shat wit the US-buckad pence plan or road map,“ jn.acont, * the aftack could easily widen “conflict through the region." =. Smumod 2 Mr joe snd that with the USbacked oad: map * i 'a.coma * the attack coud easly widen through thereon. - .
Sentence ~ 1; The low “has: several weaknesses ‘which’ terrorists’ could. .exploit'. , urdemming our defenses Aancroye sctid Sentence 2: He .admits that the law .". has. several weakriesses . which .“terrorists’ could exploit’, undermining our defenses
. Sentence 4: Hosier «one auhset “of Sanaa = "| those’ on! hormional i treatment folloving: chemotherapy) tad Mpsated {9 show improvement in: survival 2 Sentence 2 However 1 ORE subset of juticnts: , omen" 6x. hormonal. “treatment * folloping ‘themotheraps). ‘appeared to, show a favorable Send to improvement i survival:
Sentence I: U.S. law enforcement officials axe sneering al Dar Heatherington 's version of the events which Urust her into the public spollight . Sentence 2: U.S. law enforcement officials ate sneering al Dat Healhetington 's version of of the events -- including a police conspixacy lo discredit her -- which thst her into the public spollight -