class label
2 classes
Sentence t Some 26.5 million shares changed hands , more than three times the -daily average over I@ days of 6.8 million . Sentence 2: Some {18 million shares. have changed hands , well above its ‘daily average over 1@ days of 6.8-million .
Sentétice a: Chief merchandising offisérs:oversee the biying.atid devalopmenit'of meichandise-;déeiding ‘the ‘inerchandising diréetion: of. thie, company: or basically whatit should stand for - * 7 ‘Sentence 2: He ‘or. ‘she decides: the: ineichiandising, directionof the contpany "or. , Pasicaly what it: should stand for :
Sentence 1: At present , the FCC will not request personal identifying information prior to allowing access to the wireless network . Sentence 2: The FCC said that it won 't request personal identifying information before allowing people to access the wireless network .
‘Santence’t Nor has it said how mny astronauts will be on board , tirough there reportedly willbe between oné and three’. Sentence 2: Nor has it said How’ many-astronauts will-be on board , through there reportedly ould he-as any 28 three.
of the ‘today in the Annals of
"Sentence 1: Malis do Jesus Qui} Avarez and Maria de ‘Terwsa Qui Alvarez did not leave the private jet duling 't0p for customs inspection at Brown Fieid Sentence’ 2: Maria de Jesus Quiej Alvarez and Maria de Teresa Quiej Alvarez. arrived at. the altport: in separate ambulances .
Sentense © rrocile Mune shares fell #10 i$ investigation . ‘Sentence 2: Freddie Mac shar: Wednesday , to close at $ 50 Stock Ex: . 3f i i
entence 1: The Uriitéd States accuses Saddam loyalists if attacks on oilfields and: pipelines crucial to-fraq,'s conomic recovery entence 2: Loyalists are"also believed’ to be"hehind Hacks on oil pipelines and fields, that are- crucial. to” ifaq 's ecoriomic recovery." ~
Seveacet X cout 3pm. on Fitay 0 reve of Bonteson cle poe 1 repr hs parent sui Senlece 2 Two havrs kta ,o!3: 22pm .0 eae coated pose 0 report a suite
Sentetice: I: The. ‘panels. picturé- the tower's. standing “tall” and’. outline their: ‘history: inelading’'; their construetion 5 the 1993 bornbing. .° and... their’: :- ultimate destruction: “on -.Sept .-. "U1... 2001. Sentence’. 2: .The ‘panels. outline “the ‘twin tower's. ‘history; “including: their “construction...” the;., 1993 bombing and their.* ultimate destruction by terrorists'on. Sept: 2001.
Sentence 1: A beauty contest to be held in italy next week may be the first for pixel-perfect pin- ups. Sentence 2: A new beauty contest kicking off in Italy next week will give pixel-perfect pin-ups the chance to steal sultry Sophia ‘= sex-symbol status.
Sentence f: For example , Anbalt said , children typically treat a 20-cunce soda bettle as ore serving . although it actually contains 2 % cance servings . Sentence 2: Anbalt said children typically treat a 20-cunce soda bottle as one serving , while it actually contains 2.5 .
Sentence 1: The UAW earlier this week reached tentative agreements , also for four years ; with Ford Motor Co .. , DaislerChrysler “AG's ‘Chrysler Group ‘and supplier. Visteon Corp. Sentence 2: The union earlier this week announced tentative agreements with Ford Motor Co... ., DaimlerChrysler AG 's Curysler Group and supplier Visteon Corp.
Gartence’ I; eapleSft: CEO Craig. Comay hd described -Oracle ‘595. bilflon bid as" atrodolsly bad bekéviour from a'compaiy with & stony of atraciously bad Behaviour”. Sentence 2 Conway. called the move " dtrociously bad behavibsr From a cartpany with a bistory of étrocioudly bad behaviair.*
Sentence 1: A nationally known itinerant computer hacker faces a federal arrest warrant on a sealed federal complaint in New York , a federal defender in California said Friday Sentence 2: A nationally known computer hacker is being sought on a federal arrest warrant stemming fom a sealed complain in New York , federal defender in Calfornia said Friday
Sentence 1: The high Saturday is expected to be about 92 degrees , and it will likely drop to 90 degrees Sunday and Monday . Sentence 2: The high today will be about 92 degrees and will drop to 90 degrees Sunday and Monday .
Sentence 1 One , Fort Carson-based Sgt. Ernest| Bucklew , 33, was on his way home to attend his| mother 's funeral in Pennsylvania , relatives said Sentence 2: Sgt. Ernest Bucklew , 33 , was coming| home from Iraq fo bury his mother in Pennsylvania
Sentence “ And about eight to seconds down , I hit . Sentence 2 “ I was in the water for about eight seconds .
Sentence: 1:"Thie “other 18 people inside the building: -- wd storage 16 etnployees including Harrison's ex-girlfriend — pescapedfinharmed,, Aaron Said : ah Sentence 2 The other “iB people in the buliing, inching Hartson '§ ex-ginfiehd ,: were .not ‘injure, ‘police spokesman Doin Karon said
sentence |: were authorities aor Yericers datwveres the soda to the gue unman + a long stick to pass the 1a pack "i rough & door . Sentence 2: Tl were released to authorities Aor ‘officers delivered @ six-pack A Or repre to the gunman , usin long stick to pass we soda throug! ‘a door . a ee
Sentence 1: More than, 1,000 people staged mostly peaceful Protests during the talks , proclaiming that genetically modified foods weren 't the answer to the world 's food problems . Sentence 2: More than 1,000 people rallied over three days , proclaiming that genetically modified foods weren 't the answer tothe world 's food problems .
Sentence 1: US District Judge William M. Hoeveler 's removal by his superior was a victory for US Sugar Corp. , which led the fight for lhis ouster . Sentence 2: U.S. District Judge William M. Hoeveler 's removal by his superior was a victory for U.S. Sugar Corp. , which led the fight against Hoeveler .
i El alte
‘Sentence 1:.Mr Kotzumi rebuked Mr Konoike 2 siying is resiechs werk” snepprsptiote:* - Sentence 2: Keizimt told reporters vat ‘his office - ‘that * Konoike ©'s remarks. were." inappropfiate ..” : te
Sentence .. 1: ‘The - US - Federal: ‘Trade Commission has . also. filed . a. lawsuit ‘challenging Rambus ° Sentence 2: Still:pending against Rambus is a. lawsuit ‘brought by the Federal Trade Commission.
‘Sentence i; The winner of this year's. Most: Popukir: New Talent Logie; , Goodrem first went':to:a-specialist om Monday’ feeling tired and unwell: Sentence. 2: Shie‘first went tga specialist for: jnitial tests last Mondag #feeling tired and univell : e
Sentence 1: The stock has risen 44 cents in recent days - Sentence 2: The stock had risen 44 cents in the past four trading sessions -
Sentence t: Daniels said-he does "t know what Bush will have to Say about him at tonight's $ 2000-per- ersori presidential fuind-raiser Sentence 2: Daniels said hedoesti't-know what Bush will say.al-tonight ‘s $ 2,000-per-person reception to idise {uinds for his presidential, re-election bid
Sentence 1: A prosecutor says Dorchester County parents were responsible for the death of their a 6-year-old autistic son , whose body was found in a pond near the family home Sentence 2: St George A prosecutor says a Dorchester County couple was responsible for the death of their 6- year-old autistic son whose body was found in a pond near the family home .
Sentence 1: But a state judge his ruled that the so-called: " double jeopardy " protections do not apply in thé case. ‘Sentence’ 2: A judge already. has ruled that double jeopardy protections don't apply in the cise 5
Sentence 1: " The woman was taken to New Charing Cross Hospital by ambulance and her cdndition;is critical . Sentence 2: She was taken to Charing Cross Hospital t where she remained critically ill last night
Soritehide, 1; The ornbuncertienité -wero® mdde- at: the: Interndtierial :Broadcasting: Convention ¢ IBC Jin Amsterdam: 2 Sentence - TRA" “submission Was +r Monday: :,, “bit tte annountemhent: was: “made, Friday. yaty.. thes. “International Broadéasting Conventionin Amsterdam:
Sentence 1: " We make no apologies for finding every legal lway possible to protect the merican public from further terrorist. attack , " Barbara Comstock said . Sentence 2: " We make no apologies for finding every legal way possible to protect the American public from further terrorist attacks , " said Barbara
Sentence 1: Security forces stormed the building ;“but 129 hostages were killed along with the attackers ; Sentence 2: Russian: forces stormed the building: to--free’ ‘the: hostages. but 129 People died in the operation .
Sentence 1: Iraqi doctors who treated former prisoner of war Jessica Lynch dismissed on Friday claims made in her biography that she was raped by her Iraqi captors Sentence 2: Former prisoner of war Pfc. Jessica Lynch is winning admiration in her hometown all over again for the courage to reveal she was raped by her Iraqi captors
E He was also expected to visit Yemen and Bahrain ering his tour of the region = Khatarly who arrived in Beinat Monday , was iso to visagiyria , Pemen and Bahrain .
Sentence ttn Nairobi , Kenya\, the Very Rev. Peter Karanja ; provost of All. Saints Cathedral , said the US. Episcopal Church * is alienating itself from the Anglican Communion . * Sentence 2: The Episcopal Church! \ is alienating itself from) the Anglican Communion.,*\' said\ the Very Rev. Peter Karanja,, provosp of the All Saints Cathedral vin Nairobi. 7
entence 1: Powell fired back :." He.’s equine the president of a ludicrous he said. entence 2: If so , Powell said , he 's alling the president ludicrous , too.
Sentence 1: Stocks have rallied sharply for more than three months in anticipation of a rebound in the second half of the year Sentence 2: Stocks have rallied sharply for more than three months in anticipation of an economic rebound in the year 's second half
Sentence 1: The -broader Standard & Poor ‘s,500 index < SPX > was off'4.86 points , of 0.49 percent. at 993.82 « Sentence, 2: The - “technology-laced Nasdaq Composite Index IXIC gained 1.8 points ,or-0:f percent , at 1,732.50 .
Sentence. 1: Defence. lawyers sought to. have those. charges thrown out , claiming the Bali court had no jurisdiction over those crimes . Sentence 2: Defence lawyers sought to have| those charges thrown.out , claiming the Balil court hearing Mr Samudra''s case did not have| jurisdiction over those crimes .
Sentence 1: French special police raided a farm in Corsica on Friday , capturing the top suspect in the 1998 murder of France 's highest official on the Mediterranean island , officals said. Sentence 2: Police arrested on Friday the chief suspect in the ‘murder of the top state official on the unruly French island of Corsica, Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy said..
Sentence 1: More than 400 people have been killed since August , including Afghan and foreign aid workers , US. and Afghan soldiers , officials and police , and many guerrillas. Sentence 2: They have included local and forfign 1s, officiagand police % workers, U.S. troops, Afghan sol as well as many guerri
‘Sentence It. Ballas” Coach, “pon, Nelson declared. Nowitzki's status ns doubtful: Sentence: ‘ae Conch Dor Nelaon: dectared- Nowitzki, out,-“at_ the, team *'s\:- morning shootarodind :
Sentehice 4: Overture 's listings are generated by more than 100,000 advertisers who bid for placement on keywords relevant to their business . Sentence 2: Overture generates its search listings From more than 400,000 advertisers who bid for placement on keywords relevant to their business.
Sentefice 1: " It 's probably not the eadiest time to take over the shuttle program , " he added , but I look forward to the challenge . Sentence 2: "it is probably not the easiest.time to come in and take over the shuttle program; but then. again , | look forward to the challenge , * hesaid .
Sentence 1: PG & E Corp. shares were up 39 cents or 2.6 percent at $ 15.59 on the New York Stock Exchange on Tuesday. Sentence 2: PG & E's shares gained 24 cents to $ 15.44 during Tuesday ‘s trading on the New York Stock Exchange .
Sentence t The Standard & Poor ‘s 500 index declined 611, or 06 per cent , to 100327 , having shed 19.67 in the previous session Sentence 2: The Standard & Poor ‘s 50d-index declined by 4.39 , or 0.4 percent , to 998.88 , after losing 6.11 on Thursday
Sentence x: The case decided Illinois fund-raiser, Telemarketing
Sentence « +: Where. ‘iorigzlines «used to’. catch. 10" fish’. pet.-"100 “hooks: “in, past’ “decades: uthey sare “now: “lucky to catch’: one: -,”/ the study” found -: Sentence’ catch 10."tish per | 100 hooks cniow they. are. ‘lucky: to cateh ‘on; * Myers said”:
Sentence 1: The hearing came one day after the Pentagon for the first Lime singled cuk an cfficer , Dallager , for failingkoaddrass Lhe scandd . Sentence 2: The hearing occurred aday after the Pentagon for Lhe first Lime singled cut an officer , Dallagor , for nct addressing the scandal .
Sentence 1: Later’ in’ the day ., a standoff. developed between French. soldiers and a Rema battfewagon that attempted fo pass. the ON compoond.. Sentence 2: French soldiers ‘later. threatened to open fre on a Meme battlevagon that tried.to pass. near the ON compoond
‘Sentence 1: with an estimiated-net worth of $1.7 billion; Mrs.. Kroc ranked No; 121 on Forbes magazine. 's latest list of. the nation 's wealthiest people.’ ~ ‘Sentence’ 2:'Kroc’ ranked‘ No. 121 on Forbes: magazine. 's latest. list. of the nation. 's wealthiest: people, with .an estimated ‘net. worth of $ 1. Z billion.
Sentence 1: Nonetheless . the economy * has yet to exhibit sustainable growth .* ‘Sertence 2: But the economy hasn t shown signs of sustainable growth .
tence 1: " The GPL violates the U.S. Constitution , together ith copyright , antitrust and export contral laws , " SCO Group id in an answer filed to an IBM court filing tence 2: " The GPL violates the U.S. Constitution , together ith copyright , antitrust and export control laws , " states SCO in Jocuments filed with the U.S. District Court for Utah
Sentence t The global death toll approached 770 with more than 8300 people sickened since the SARS virus first appeared in southern China in November Sentence 2: The global death toll is 770 with more than 8300 people sickened since the severe acute respiratory syndrome virus first appeared in southern China in November
‘Sentence 2:'Singapare is. already the United’ States’ ~ xgth-. largest trading partner. with twid-way trade totatig more thar $34 billion Sentence 2: Aittiough a sinail city-state-, Singapore isthe 42th: largest trading jaartner of the United States , withrtrade volume’ of § 33,4 billion last year
Sentence 1: US authorities blame Al Qaeda for the attacks, which killed 231 people, induding 12 Americans Sentence 2:S, authorities blame Osama bin Laden's ak Qaida network forthe attacks , which kiled 231 people, including 12Americans
Sentence 1: France , Russia , China and others had advocated a stronger UN. role to give a U.S.chosen Iraqi authority international legitimacy. Sentence 2: France , Russia , China and even staunch ally Britain had advocated a stronger U.N. role , which they said was needed to give a U.S-backed Iraqi authority international legitimacy .
‘Sentence: 2, ‘He’ ‘aid they Sphould =. oe’ really “te. Patrolling or’ be. around those’ ben
1;.".The- anticipated: global - sales improvesent’ in. the.“ month -.of= Juné- did -not materialize." -said Chief Financial Officer rt Rivet. ‘ 23: The anticipated -glotal” sales improvenent inthe’ month of June. did not terialize aS ve hag* anticipated * “the said...
Seutence T: tx March 2002 , 63 percent of home broadband users counected via cable modem ; 36 percent used a DSL service . Seutewce 2: bx the earlier survey , 63 perceut of heme Broadband users had cable modems , compared with 3¢ percent who connected with DSL technalegy .
1: Woori Financé is the only large bank remaining tobe id but the government stil has large stakes in several other 2 Wodri Finance isthe only large bank stil to be sold { the state retains large stakes in several others , leading te -uspicions of governmtentiieddingin lending decisions:
Sentence 1: '. That doesir.'t' mean to say it doesn ‘t exist "vSaid-Mr. Chandler, but simply -that his team lagi’ t: uncovered evidence indicating such a, ink’: Senteiice 2: " That doesn t mican to Say it docsn't ply that exist." Mr. Chandler said’, but teain has found no-such evidenice:.
Sentence x Among the proposals is one for Zimbabwe to have the ‘opportunity to rejoin the s4-member body before the next CHOCM ‘meeting in two years . ‘Sentence 2: Among the proposals being considered is for Zimbabwe to hhave the opportunity t rejcin the s4-member body before the next Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting in two years .
Sentence L Sime Bic) 1. palice divers rts of Long eget Sound icokng af Temaining. 7 hree Sentence 2 Since then 1 police divers have waters| me tor the revainng ng thee
Sentence 1:" Certainly what we know suggests that we should take what they ‘re saying very seriously , "he added . Sentence 2:" We don t know everything [ but ] what we know suggests that we should take what they ‘re saying seriously , "he said .
Sentence 1: Amrozi accused his brother whom he called " the witness " , of delberately distorting his evidence . Sentence 2: Referring to him as only ™ the witness " , Amrozi accused his brother of deliberately distorting his evidence .
Sentence: 1: Also ‘helping :Tokyo..-stocks. were: hopes the government would: next wesk adopt:someof the market. boosting proposals-discussed on Thursday.-at: a meeting. of. its top economic advisory panel : Sentence :2:.Stocks.rebounded-on. Friday: on: hopes. ‘the “government: would. next weck adopt some: of. the-market’boostiiig: proposals: diggussed’ of “Thuisday:-a¢. a meeting of the ;-cop economic advisory panel’ :
Sentence 1: No country seems likely to Oppose proposals for a long-term European Council prewdent * fephecing the. current rotating presidency ,.0s well as gn. EU foreign minister. . 4 Sentence - 2: No country, now opposes. plans. for, a: long-term European , Council. ‘president , feplacing the current rotating presidency ., as well as an EU foreign minister’.
Sentence “I: Previously , it had réparted.a' profit of $12 million’, or cents a share, for that period : Sentence 2: Previously, ithhad reported a small profit of $12" million ; or break-even afi apei-share basis | for the period .
Sentence 1: Their difference was over whether the court should pay attention to legal opinions of other world courts;;-such as the European Court of Human Rights. Sentence 2: Their difference was over whether the court should take into account the legal opinions of other world courts , like the European Court of Human Rights.
Sentence i: Ovetali, students are most likely to'be-tauighe by a 15 Jean’ veteran with -a° growing workload and slightly eroding ‘intehest in stdying in teaching, te ik force por aes Sentince 2 The average teacher is-a 16-year: veteran’ with a ‘groiving workload, arid slightly eroding interest in stayinig‘in teaching he ivark fore portiit shows.
‘Sentence 1: In January , Georgia 's UN. envoy Revaz Adamia accused Russia of annexing the region and appealed to the Security Council to " assume effective leadership over the peace process." Sentence 2 In January , it accused Russia of annexing the region and appealed to the UN. Security Council to " assume effective leadership over the peace process.”
Sentence 1: Ride , astronauts Story Musgrave |, Robert * Hoot * Gibson ‘and Daniel Brandenstein wal “enter the hall of fame together . Sentence 2: Ride will be enshrined along. with astronauts Story Musgrave . Robert: * Hoot, * Gtson) and Daniel Brandenstei .
Sentence 1: Several police officers were also said to be seriously hurt . Sentence 2: Three other police officers were among five people who were seriously injured
Sentence 1: That exploit works on unpatched Windows 2000 rhachines with Service Pack 3 and4. Sentence.2: Both Counterpane aiid iDefense contend -that the exploit works effectively against’ Windows: 2000 systems running Service Pack 3. and 4.
| Sentence 1: Australia 's view on Zimbabwe " will not be changing ; itrespective of the views of other countries , " he Said . Sentence 2: Before the commitee was formed > Mr Howard was defiant , saying Australia 's view on Zimbabwe changing , irrespective of the views , of other countries ", will not be
‘Sentence 1: The two ragged counties got 2 to 3 inches of rain detweea midnight end noon. ‘Sentence 2: he weather service estimated thot between two ond three laches of roin hit Kenewha and Nicholes counties between mdughtond moa Mondey.
Sentence I Axcdn 's shares dosed doin 63 (anadian cenls ‘or 4 percent aC $. 163i Torontoon Tuesday Sentence 2:Aocai's shares were down 3.8 percent, or Gf Canadian cents af C$ 190 in Torantogn Tuesday
Santance’ £ However’; the Nasdaq coripesite widex managed 19 eke out 9 gain of 4:64 points at 173534 Sentence 2 The. Nastioq composite held: an to the slimmest of gains; up 44 at [73534
Sentence I: Canada won ‘t commit more troops io Afghanistan until the current year-long mission is complete , Prime Minister Jean Chretien said yesterday Sentence 2: Canada will not consider sending more troops to Afghanistan until its current 12-month peacekeeping mission is complete , Prime Minister Jean Chretien said Saturday —————
Sentence.” 1, He- doit the’ ‘Séiaté “has * Confirmed 124 judicial: nominees since Bush. taok officeand. Ton t sees smuch-braker.? ‘Sentence 2 Me Daschté-séid thé Senate had confirmed 124 sudicial nokpinges: since: Me. Bush todk office. Ley
Sentence i Hochett and Rosugno! ded not know each other and Hachettthad na connection to Colby . Doyle said Sentence 2 State: police Lt Timothy Doyle said Hackett ahd Rossignol did not know each other . acd that Hackett had no, connection tothe collage r
jentence & The broad Standard & Poor 's soc index Pped 1227 points or 123 percent to (982.73. Sentence 2 The S. & P.500 slipped 1227 points + 0r12 percent, to 981.73,
the Alvislons that emer sed
detente 1 Ste Rep on, Wisi. DENSON ®.jpined-<confittee > epubans in votg fg he map 2 site ep, Roh Won» «past Dena. ed tine peas poe St ’ .
Senmence 1M Dewnust nas caled tor a * coving penod * Detween seo sesuons , whch coud gve the Democrats some tee at home Sentence 2:Mr Oewnurst has saqpewed » cooing-ott ols WHEY COUN Qe The SENMIONS Ime 1 go home ~*~
Sentence t: Two women lost their battle in a British court yesterday to save their frozen embryos and use them to have children without the consent of their former partners Sentence 2: Two British women lost a desperate court battle on Wednesday to have babies using frozen embryos their former partners want destroyed
Sentence 1 Under the pln . Maine would act as a * pharmacy benefit manager“ fo ower the cost of prescription drugs SentenRE 2 Under Maine Rx. which state larmaters approved in 2000 Maine would act as a * pharmacy benefit manager * to loner the cast of prescriatian drugs *
Ssntsncs & The US responded coolly te the EU desding , warning that treads . senctions would-“backfire by hurting Eurepsan consumers Sentences 2: The US administratien respended coolly te the EU deading , warning that trads sanctiens would backfire by hurting Evropsen censumers but pledging “ te comply with our international ebligations ~
“améng.=miarket hiave’ interoened jated. to 116. per. Sentence 4: Rumours ‘eirled participants that Japan may overnight’ when, the “yen-appreci dollar : 2 Sentences. 2: Rumours? sailed -amorig. “market “: participants. that. Japae, may -fave -stepped > oversight aad ia Tokyo gn Friday: les
Sentence 1: SSE shares were little changed , u 0.3 percent at 654 pence by 1018 GMT, ‘bu analysts welcomed the move. Sentence 2: SSE shares were unchanged al 652 ence by 0835 GMT but analysts welcomed the eal.
Sentence 1: Peterson has been charged with two counts of murder in the deaths of his wife and son . Sentence 2: Peterson , 31 ,.is now charged with murder in the deaths of his 27-year-old wife and their unborn son . 5 x
Bertence a: Mortacom 's financial sroubles same, to year company _ subsequi for Bankruptcy nay 2002. Sentence 2: Worldcom ‘s problems:Canie to ight last year andthe company’ filed for the largest bankruptcy in US history in July 2002 , citing massive. accounting irreguarities
‘Sentence t Analysts say Davis , who faces a historic recall election in October , could get a boost in the polls with a budget plan in place. Sentence 2 Analysts say Davis , a Democrat, could get 2 boost in the polis if the 29-day-old budget crisis is resolved without further delay .
Sentence 1: He praised the work of the Rhodes Trust , saying that it was a Rhodes scholar at Oxford who first interested himin politics Sentence 2: Blair praised the work of the Rhodes Trust , saying it was an Australian Rhodes Scholar he met while at Oxford who first interested him in politics.