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Sentence 1: " The momentum in the marketplace. continues to shift in our direction ,.".he said of his... company, ..,.. formerty named Caldera Systems. Sentence 2: "The momentum in, the marketplace. continues to shift in SCO. 's direction. ,." said Darl . McBride _.,., SCO 's president and, CEO . | 11
‘Sentence I He was convicted by a Ventura County Superior Court, ury.and sentenced in absentia to 124 years in prison . ‘Sentence 2:He was convicted in his absence in January’ and ‘sentenced'to 124 years . | 11
* members stote , Sentence 2 The project clready has more then 5,000 members committed to relocating to the “free state.” Sentence relocate say. | 11
Santence,}; Thisis, not 4 scaled-cown, version: of the Ordcle Enterprise Edifion or Stondord Edition (database }.. ‘Sentence; &.tha Standard. Edition: “One, i6 single, processor, version. .of.--the. “Oracle ‘Standard Edition Database + : : | 00
Sentence’ 1:.He was Also accused of masterminding bombings that killed 22 people in-Manila in December 2000. ’ Sentence’ 2: During interrogation . he ‘admitted that he helped organise and. cary’. out. near-simaltaneous hombings that killed 22-people in Manila in December 2000 . | 00
Sentence 1:" NASA's orgat nal culture and structure had as much to do with this accident as the (loose ) foam Sentence 2: The NASA organizational culture had as much to do with this accident as the foam, " the report sai | 11
ion, to. thie bill” has” cime from . the: Miccosukee ; Tribe: ;- some: Congress: Sentence ‘i: Oppasi environment Scientists and mrembers of Sentence 2: insides a federal judge ,the criticisir has Mounted from: envirotmentalists "the: Miccosukee: Trike. .“some..seientists, and - sorhe’ congressional jeaders': | 00
‘Sentence 1: Costner plays Charlie Waite ,a cowboy witha violent past. Sentence 2: In " Open Range ,." Costner plays a cowboy who works with cattleman Robert Duvall. | 00
Sentence 1: The decision was among the most significant steps toward deregulation undertaken during the Bush administration - Sentence 2: The decision is among the far- reaching deregulatory actions made during the Bush administration . | 11
Sentence 1: Mrs Boncyk 's husband , Wayne , had taken the family car to work , so his wife and children had to ride with neighbours . Sentence 2: Mrs. Boncyk 's husband , Wayne , had taken the family 's only car to work , so she and the children had to catch a ride with neighbors . | 11
Sentence 1: Take-Two also defended its right to create a" realistic " game for an adult audience Sentence 2: The company also defended its right to" create a video game experience with a certain degree of realism | 11
Sentence 14: We need a certifiable pay as you go budget by mid-July or. schools wont open in September , Strayhorn sai Sentence 2: Texas lawmakers must close, a $ 185.9 million budget. gap by the middle of July or-the schools wont. .open in September , Comptroller Carole, Keeton Strayhorn said Thursday - | 11
Sentence 4: Several relatives of Australian victims of the attack were in court to witness the proceedings , but few Balinese attended the trial Sentence 2: Several relatives of Australian victims of the attack sat in the front row of the court , but few Balinese attended the trial . | 11
Sentence’: Idaho Get also is the first sterile, ‘animal to be cloned. Sentenced. 2 "He js the first’ and-only’ cloned sterile hybrid | 11
Sentenée 1 Both NASR “aid Race Bace officials’ said: at: posed ‘no. danger. fo the GreWwi 8 anh ss | 00
Sentence 1 He urged member states that contribute police and soldiers. to. U.Ne peacekeeping operations, to provide more women Sentence, at Undersecretary-Gentral for, Peacekecping Jean-Marie... Guebenna, urged... member. states contributing police and soldiers. to U.N. peacekeeping operations to provide more. unten» | 11
Sentence 1:" Indeed , ran should be put on notice that efforts to try to remake Iraq in their image will be aggressively put down , " he said Sentence 2: " Iran should be on notice that attempts to remake faq in an 's image will be aggressively put down , " he said | 11
Sentence’l: It forecast 445 billion yen in-loan-loss charges for the year ending next March Senterice 2: The bank Scoked 620 billion yen’ in loamrioss charges compared with 19 trlllon yen a year ago | 00
Sentence 1: One witness told Anatolian he saw the plane on fire while it was still in the air . Sentence 2: One witness told the Anatolian news agency he saw the plane on fire in mid-air . | 11
Sentence 1: Plants:still.must abide by- state and. federal air-pollution laws’, so. there will not hé.an increase in.smog, the administration argues’, Sentence 2: Plarits still must abide by'state and ‘federal.air-pollution Jaws” ;,..so° there wan't necessarily ‘bé -ariy |increase in pollution: the administration argires : | 11
Sentence 1: But -the prime minister told the BBC he wasn ‘t bothered by: polls and that he would continue to. do what he believed to be right. Sentence 2: He said he wasn 't bothered by polls and that he would continue to do what he believed to be right . in ‘both foreign and domestic policy . | 00
Sentence t:""1 ain unaware of any genuine éntries.coriceming British sérvicefnen in the poliée records "said spokesman for the British High Cofrimission in Nairobi yesterday Sentence 2:'"i am therefore unaware®of-aniy génuine’ entries conicemingg rapes by British servicemen in’potice records .." the spokesman said: | 11
Sentencé Yang yiould ditie“on shredded, plork with Garlic an@ -kung- Bao. chickén washed down with, Chinesé tea state media said, Sentericé.2: Yang ‘Wwas:to dine “on, spacially designed packets Gf shredded ‘pork “with garlic ‘ahd * eight trédsure“rice; Washed down.with Chinese tea state media said “ | 00
Sentence 1: Three Southern politicians whe risked their political careers by fighting against bigotry and intolerance were heoored Monday with Joho F, Kenoedy Profile in. Courage Awards for 2003 . Sentonse 2: Theee Southern politicians who * “stood up to ancient hatreds ' ‘ were heeored Monday with Profile ie Courage Awards from. the Johe F Keonedy Library and Museum. | 11
' Sentence 1; Wall — street | regained a Positive track yesterday after two of Saddam Hussein ’s sons were killed in a firefight in Iraq. that two oF Saddam in Ss “sons were among our Iraqis killed in a US raid in northern Iraq. | 11
Sentence i:” Wve iil accede tothe request shite vie ‘exticre. {1 of..Bur dotiins: : * verison’ spokesmen Tom’ Gavin told: Reuters: ’ ‘Seritience 2 we war actede ta'tne request vinie ive expiore ‘al ‘of: Gur Options," said Russel Lewis, -execuiene: vice resident of verisign § Néming ana: tite tory:Services Grol | 11
Sentence 1: A nationally board certified teacher with a master 's degree . Kelley . in his 30th year teaching makes $ 65,000 Sentence 2: A nationalligpoard-certified teacher with a master 's degree , Kelley makes $ 65,000 in his 30th % | 11
Sentence 1: The United. States has accused Iran of masking plans. to make nuclear weapons. behind a civilian nuclear programme . Sentence. 2 The United States has repeatedly accused Iran of trying to develop nuclear weapons . 4, | 00
Sentence 1: Last month , it narrowed the range to between $ 7.6 billion and $ 7.8 billion . Sentence 2: Lost month intel raised its revenue guidance for the quarter to between $ 76 billion ‘and $ 7.28 billion . | 11
Sentence t Bromer said one initiative is ®@ US $70 mittion the next two weeks t© Elan up neighborhoods and build community projec Sentence 2 Bromer said he would launch a $ 70-million program in the next two weeks to clean up neighborhoods across iraq and | 11
Sentence 1, Gov. Linda Lingle and member; of her staff were at the Navy base ang _ Watched the launch . Sentence 2 Gov. Linda Lingle and other dignitaries are scheduled to be at the base to watch the launch . | 11
Sentence 1: Dusenbery -’s, fiancee. Jessica» Wheat ;.. said) he was considering , settling down. in. Fort Campbell ind making the Army his career . Sentence 2: Jessica, Wheat, who. said she, sees eeeere abrmnins. to marry...;, said, .Dusenbery.-... was considering settling, down. in). Fort Campbell and makingethe Army, his career . | 11
Sentence 1: Prince is replacing Sanford " Sandy " Weill , who will remain Citigroup 's chairman . Sentence 2: Prince , who heads Citigroup 's global corporate and investment bank , is replacing Sanford Weill as CEO, | 00
Sentence b He characterized the oitlle bid’ as.“ atrociously emi bee Cahavick Srem.s cbtephay. Wout ¢ history of atrociously bad behavior ‘Sentence cal : behaviour serait bad bebaviour . Ls . %. Bs | 11
* Sentence |: A top side to state AssomBl Speaker Sheldon Silver was charged Wednesday avith pi upped 22 yearo female “cio A oye Sentence 2: A top side to Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver was arrested yesterday for allegedly raping’ & 22 year-old legislative staffer after a night on the town | 11
Sentence. 3: The ‘researchers found only empty’ cavities and. scar tissie where the: tumors had. been’. Sentence : :23°.No ~ tumors. were detected .;-rather. , empty. cavities and scar tissue were found in ‘their place . ” : | 11
Sentence 1: Samuel Waksal , ImClone 's former CEO , recently began serving a pgison sentence of more than seven years for securities fraud . Sentence 2: Waksal , who pleaded guilty to seéyitities fraud charges , recently began serving a prison sentence of more than seven years . | 11
Sentence “k-the “Sehate’ Aimed ‘Services Corti feb’ yl hold a separate Hearhg thursday’ = ’ Sentence “2; 'It- tas, ot. come® to” a. vote’: yet. in, the. Senate, Armed ‘Sefvices: Commfiittee, ue | 00
fentetice’ i. Fi, sere iws!_ Cancieniiatied ‘in hobtheast.Penssjivatia’ ,:bult state. trooper. Tony élly: atkriowledgeds that Selenski scould- “have raveled hundiéds of mitesiby paw: : eritince: 2s, The séarch Was, coriceritrated fir harthedstéi.” Petingylvania’,.but® State. ‘Palice’ foupel Toit, Kelly acktiowledgéd.-that Setensk: pout. be out-of the ay fea | 11
Subsets and Splits