Is this product review positive? Title: This is a GREAT book!!! Review: I loved this book... It made me want to just pick up all my stuff and move back to Europe (not that it would take a LOT to get me to do that...)! I read it from cover to cover with only one break. Highly recommended. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Disappointing Review: Though I am a big fan of Walk Two Moons, and also enjoyed Chasing Redbird, I was not at all impressed with Bloomability. The book just seemed somewhat lacking, in both characterization and plot. I did not find myself caring about the characters, and I kept on waiting for something to happen. The book seems to consist of minor events that are not all that connected, and not all that important. Generally after reading a book I feel like I am able to take something with me, but I did not get anything out of this novel. I would not recommend this book, even if you are a fan of Creech. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: THIS BOOK [IS BAD]!!!!! Review: This book was definitly NOT one of the good books i have read. The book just keeps yammering on about Switzerland and some girl named Dinnie! I was forced to read this book for the 6th grade summer reading project. It was so boring i could only read 1 minute at a time! So dont waste your time and read a different book! Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Sort of boring... Review: I liked how the book was worded but it went a little too slow. It wasn't really exciting because it was just about an ordinary school year of a girl who happened to have lived in various places, and how traveling to a boarding school changed her life. The book dragged a great deal at the parts that had their main focus on Lila. She was a very boring character; in my opinion. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: will she ever? Review: In this wonderful book a girl (Domenica Santolia Doon) moves around a lot. A little to much in fact. Then, about a month after her grandmother and mom have a fight, her Aunt Sandy and Uncle Max take her away to a boarding school that Uncle max works for. They go on ski trips and things like that. As she gos through school she meets 2 people, Lila and Guthrie. They guide her through. As Domenica goes through school she relizes all the bloomabilities she has. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: International Strangers Review: A few years studying in an international school myself, I gave this book a try. At first it was completely crazy and I stopped reading, but then at some level I picked it up again and started along the lines of the chapter when she went to Switzerland with her aunt and uncle, the "two complete strangers". Being in a country you don't know of at all and getting to know all kinds of different people IS hard. The story itself was fun, and it really seems like you were completely into the story, falling into the snow, skiing, eavesdropping the conversations, and listening to Lila complain about not respecting the Americans. I read it in a few days and read it again. It feels like you were really in Switzerland with Dinnie--IN Dinnie-- and in the adventure.Creech has captured the fun and the wildness of what a reader wants, and the life being in a country that you merely went to and feeling a bit foreign at first. In other words, Creech has gotcha there. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Bloomability Review: This book was great!! It was interesting and entertaining. For me, the plot of the book was,well a little weak, but the way Sharon Chreech wrote the book it still made sence. Also the book was very realistic, so I could relate to many of Dinnie's problems. I learned a lot from this book and would definatly recomend it!! Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: I love the name Dinnie! Review: So far so good! I really enjoy Bloomability, its not to hard, but not to easy. Sharon Creech describes the scenery so well. I can picture being in a little village of Switzerland. I have a picture of the characters in my head and I feel like I am right there. The story keeps moving and there are no dull parts. I love it!!! Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Bloomability Review: Thirteen-year-old Domenica Santolina Doone {better known as Dinnie} is whisked away from her family {"kidnapped" as she refers to it}. She is taken to a boarding school in Switzerland by her Uncle Max and Aunt Sandy. She is not happy because she does not want to be away from her family. She makes friends with Guthrie and Lila. She gradually comes to love this new place with it's people who've come from all over the world. Then summer vacation comes and she has to choose if she wants to come back to the boarding school or stay with her family.Now what is she supposed to do? I recommend this book to anyone who feels homesick while being away from home. I especially enjoyed the way the author wrote about Dinnie's dreams. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: It Lost Me Review: I picked up this book expecting a story about a mature teenager who is trying to find her "bloomabilities". But I think i had the wrong expectations. This book lost me within the first 50 or so pages. There were too many characters and i felt the story moved too quickly. I just don't think this was the book for me, but younger teens will probably like it better than i did. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: A Fabulous Book, A Must-Read! Review: This book is definitely one of Sharon Creech's best books. After reading her first book, Walk Two Moons, I bought every book in the series! This book is a beautifully written story about Domenica Santolina Doone(or Dinnie)when she goes to an international school in Switzerland. She has tons of great adventures, and ends up in Bybanks, Kentucky, where Walk Two Moons ends up too. When I finished This book, I wondered if the characters would meet. Sharon Creech is a wonderful writer! Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: disappointing Review: If you want to read a good book by Sharon Creech, choose WALK 2 MOONS not this one. NOTHING happens in this book. It is boring all the way through. Don't waste your time here. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: BORING!!! Review: This is an exceptionally boring book. Since I've read other books by Sharon Creech (Walk Two Moons, Chasing Redbird: Totally recomend them!), I thought that this would also be good. Boy was I wrong! Nothing happens. The girl moves to Switzerland. She goes to school. She meets people. That's it! No action, no real plot. Just rambles about some chick called Dinnie! Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Bloomability Review: BloomabilityIf you like fun and fantasy books then you'd love the book. Bloomability is about named Dinnie that gets kidnapped by her aunt Sandy and her uncle Max. This book is full of excitement. This awesome book is by Sharon Creech. Sharon Creech writes other good books to like Ruby Holler. This book, by Sharon Creech, was to good to put down!!!Book review by, Libby Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: This book was amazing! Review: When I first started this book I thought it was slow, but as I got into it I felt that I was with Dinnie. I was a book that I could not put down. It kept me wanting to read more. And Dinnie was not a super perfact kid made it more beliving. I hope Sharon Creech comes up with a sequel. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: This is a big disapoitment Review: This book is a big disapointment. I loved Walk Two Moons, Absolutly Normal Chaos, and Chasing Redbird. So naturally I was very excited when this one came out. Dinnie was a bad character the only thing good about her was that she showed how insecrure moves can make children. And Guthrie lived in some kind of sick fantasy world. What kind of teenager goes around shouting "I am a transparent eyeball!" Give me a break. And "such the best." Who in their right mind says "such the best?" Lila was the only decent character. I loved how she expressed her opinions so clearly. She was a well established character. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: So NOT "Another Dumb Blonde!" Review: Hoku is one of the most incredible singers to hit the music biz and this single proves it. Her stunning vocals in "Another Dumb Blonde" showcase what an incredible amount of talent the 18 year old daughter of Don Ho truly is. The emotional ballad "To Myself" has helped me through hard times and good times, the remixes are seriously kickin' and the cover art is great, it captures Hoku's youth and innocense perfectly. I am such a huge fan, that, with a little help from my e-pal Jordan, I have started a hoku webpage I think is well worth your time. Please check it out if your unsure of your purchase. It includes lyrics, audio/video clips, lots of pix and plenty of interviews. Thank you for your time and patronage! Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Hoku: A Fresh Talent Review: Hoku is perhaps the best new female artist. I've supported her since her debut two winters ago and will continue to for the rest of my life. While her voice is not Mariah Carey-esque, she has her own style and tradmarks. She is a far better singer than, for example, Mandy Moore and much prettier than your average girl trying to make it big. Her songs are easy to relate to for any teenage girl and her first single "Another Dumb Blonde" is simply incredible! She has the best album, one of few you can actually listen to without hitting the skip button once. This single is a must for fans because it includes the very rare "To Myself" which everyone needs to hear. It's sweet, touching and just plain great. There are also remixes and a karaoke version. It's perfect for the hard to please pop music fanatic or a Hoku fan! Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Nothing New. Review: Despite what many people have said in their reviews, in my opinion Hoku actually has a very commonplace voice, though this is easily overlooked. Her lyrics are very cliche, and the tunes lack originality. The final verdict? Not worth buying. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: don't buy this product Review: I used this for less than a day. I got through two bags of apples before it broke.It also is very hard to get the apple slices out which is how i cut my finger on it. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: easy listening Review: i love doug stone lost all of my music and I have been trying to replace a little at a time Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: HIGHLY RECOMMENDED Review: I don't feel this game is getting NEARLY enough credit! This is undoubtedly, the greatest battle system ever to exist! I can't recommend it enough. You must get this game, from it's music to it's graphics to it's story- everything is top notch. Once again, I highly recommend this game to anyone who likes to play a good game! Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: WARNING for potential buyers Review: I'm sure this game is fairly good. That said, I need to issue a notice and warning to all potential future buyers of this product.It is not by fault of any seller really. It seems to be with the game publisher and manufacturer. Ubisoft is not known for customer support as they don't really believe in it. Quality control for most if not all of their products seem non-existant.Do a thorough internet search and you'll get a feel that about 25-35% of people cannot install this game due to faulty manufacturig processes. So be warned. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: great game but buggy on pc Review: Grandia 2 is an awesome game. However its pc version falls way short compared to its ps2 version. If you have a ps2 get it for ps2 and if not then get ps2 and get the game. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Perfect. Review: When I recieved this, I had to make sure it was in good condition and not scratched. Checked it out and it was perfectly clear. Both disks were there and I'm positive my significant other is going to love this. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Wow, i never expected to live to see this Review: At first i didn't believe it, i thought my eyes weree playing tricks on me, but its real. A story driven, anime like, Playstation esque rpg for the pc! Final fantasy 7 for the pc made me fall in love with the rp genre and there havent been many to follow in its footsteps. A MUST for pc owners Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: better than expected Review: I bought the album for the song grits ain't groceries, however, the rest of the song are also great for the listeners who like 70's rock and blues music and should be added to collection. I like the album Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Modern additions to a classic Review: This set only includes a few of the beloved and trusted earlier books. Most of the writing is fine, but the artwork...ugh! Spacey-eyed children and a gruffish Jesus is not what I expected from this series. The 5 older classics in the set are great, but we can do without the "hipper" version. My children make fun of the artwork instead of listening to or reading the stories. This was not the idea. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Good, but copywrighted - BEWARE Review: The list is awesome, but there was no mention before I purchased that ALL of the songs are copywrighted - yep, that's right... I don't know WHO would actually need 400 sounds for personal use, but I bought this to use in PROFESSIONAL projects, so it was a BIG dissapointment. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: This 4-CD Set is worth less than 4 blank CD's Review: This is a 4 CD set that is almost completely elevator music. Someone must have taken a bunch of elevator re-mix music, classified them into the appropriate dance style, and put out a CD set. I listened to 2 songs (for about 20 seconds each) on each CD.The CD's went back into the case, and will soon end up in the garbage. If you really want this CD set, you can have mine. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: I wouldn't bother Review: I think I could've gotten better music looking for MIDI files. I seriously wonder if that's not all this CD is. I suppose if you just want something to keep the beat and have no particular taste or discretion, this would be ok. If you like to enjoy the music too, don't bother with this one. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: An absorbing Book Review: Not only does former President Carter's novel surprise with its prodigious grasp of Revolutionary War history, but his characters engage the reader with suspense, horror at some of the violence portrayed of the period, and a fascinating love story, that if anything leaves us wanting more. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Excellent research and story Review: The Honet's Nest is a very well researched and narrated story of American Revolution in South. It brought perspectives of both British army and Patriots. In addition, through the characters of Ethan, Clark, Thomas and Kindred, author provided different view points.I specially enjoyed descriptions of Ethan's home, structure of Red Indian culture, fascination of researchers with plants and man-wife relationship. As an Asian Indian, for me these were very fascinating parts of American history which usual text books ignore.Full credit to Mr. Carter for this book. I specially appreciate his courage to write a fiction, which are usually easy targets of critics.I look forward to a similar book on War of 1812 and American Revolution. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: US History Finally Explained Review: Thanks to President Jimmy Carter for writing this excellent book about the Revolutionary War from beginning to end. The stories give great insight to the many hardships our ancestors endured in order to gain and change the new territory. This book is very well written and impossible to put down. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Ration the research Review: Indeed,Jimmy Carter has done an impressive amount of research. And by golly, he has used it all. When reviewing a novel, this should be a reason to delete stars, rather than award them.Cramming in all the research at which they worked so hard is a common failing of novice historical fiction writers, but fortunately for them, they are not former presidents of the United States, so their initial efforts never embarrass them in print. Either Mr. Carter's editors (and we know who they are, because he names them) were overawed by his impressive past, or recognized that turning this turgid recitation of facts into anything resembling a novel would be a hopeless task. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Will someone please teach Carter to show, not tell? Review: I hoped to like this book. I have a great deal of respect for Carter, and he clearly knows his historical subject in detail. I also have lots of patience and even enthusiasm for historical detail in fiction--I'm currently reading Neal Stephenson's Quicksilver series, which has a similar level of clearly well-researched detail included. However, Carter's fiction writing style is some of the most tedious I have encountered. I bravely soldiered on to page 90something before giving up in glassy-eyed despair. Every page is exposition, beginning to end, even the dialogue! Characters consist of historical explanations of the details of their lives. I felt like I was reading a long-winded description of a novel, or perhaps of the lengthy backstory notes for a novel, rather than the novel itself. I wish Carter the best, and hope that his fiction writing improves with experience. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: The worst book/historical fiction ever written Review: Was I ever primed for this one. As a living historian who portrays the Southern campaign I could not wait for the book to arrive. It was obvious from Carter's Larry King interview he had read the right books, had a firm grasp on the salient issues and understood the long-overlooked importance of the Southern front. What he could not do was tell a story, write a passable piece of dialogue or engage his reader at all. It was in short a book as disasterous as his presidency. In fact, I am convinced were he not a former president, short of self-publishing, this could never have been printed. 134 used copies from as low as $4.59 right here on Amazon says it all. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: History comes alive Review: This is a wonderful story, well told. It will keep your interest and you will learn a little about the beginnings of uor country. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Flat Review: A very dry flat uninspiring read. When the book (infrequently) takes on a tinge of excitement, the mood is quashed by a lapse into tedious detail. Real science and history texts have held my interest better. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Wonderful, for a TEXTBOOK, not a NOVEL! Review: This book did bring me a lot of information about the revolutionary war in the Southeast of United States, tha's a thumb for Mr. Carter. But, Mr. Carter, this book is call a novel is because it merely have characters with misplaced love and dialogues. This book is kind of hard to delve deep in. For history lover, I recommand it, but time-killer, I would say no.The book take place in Southeast of United States, and specifically in the frountiersman social class. Ethan Pratt, the main character, transformed from a careless person to a patriot, and have a position in the revolutionary war. The book also included misplace love, that Espey, Ethan's wife, divorce from him, and he fall in love with his best friend and also neighbor's wife, Mavis. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Literary Stagflation Review: Old Jimmuh is as good a novelist as he was a President. I thrilled to his description of young colonists falling in love; they "exchanged information" then got hitched. Two different couples within seven pages. Wooden characters who spend most of the time explaining things to each other that had to be common knowledge. Lots of facts are presented, but I got zero feel for how life was really lived in the period. Just as the great moralist from Plains eschewed Presidential pomp in office, he sternly rejects any literary style or elegance. He should return to telling the world what a wonderful fellow he is, hectoring a real President, and hiding from rabbits. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Consistently Lackluster Review: This book follows the pattern established by the former president who has once again stepped far beyond his natural skillsets. Carter is a decent, compassionate and intelligent man who was a mediocre president, at best. He is a worse author. "The Hornet's Nest is a lackluster tale, bereft of coherent plot and wanting well developed characters that effectively link history and fiction. Mr. Carter should stick to his knitting as a concerned humanitarian. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Great Research Review: Jimmy Carter has done an admirable job of research on a part of the Revolutionary War that has most of us know little about. Unfortunately, Jimmy Carter's first-rate research is undone by his limited skills as a writer - especially a writer of fiction.It is ultimately a great deal like his presidency: the best of intentions, a good mind, and poor results. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: It re-defines the word "novel"! Review: Make no mistake: if the author of this book were NOT a former President of the United States, his manuscript would never have seen the light of day. He seems determined to pack in every event related to the Revolution that occurred in the south during a twenty year period--at the expense of character development, plot, narrative drive and dramatic tension. If a reader actually reaches the last page, he or she will have a pretty good idea of what happened in the south during the Revolutionary War. But if that's your purpose, I could list several histories of the period that do the job better, not this textbook masquerading as a novel. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: I was excited to read this.... Review: I believe that Jimmy Carter is a fine man with a good heart and an admirable mind. "Sources of Strength" was an inspiring book to me. So I waited in line for 3 hours to have Mr. Carter sign my copy of "The Hornet's Nest." But that's where my story takes a turn for the worse. Because then I read the book. And it's not great. The ratio of telling to showing is really bad, the dialogue is stilted, etc... I finished it as a matter of principle. But I would not recommend it to a friend looking for a good read. I've given it 2 stars simply because the research that went into the book was obviously so extensive. And I learned some interesting things. But now I know why no other former presidents have written fiction. It's harder than it looks! (And I'm not a writer.) Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: majorly lacks character devolpment..... Review: It's obvious that Jimmy did extensive research for the book and it could have been a really interesting read for that reason except that Jimmy did a lot of telling rather than showing, a very elementary rule not to be broken in fiction writing. Parts of the book are also overly repetitive. Often I was informed of the same fact over and over, and I had only read as far as page 50... His book reads more as an outline and a catalog of historical details. It may be hard to be in the hotseat as the editor of this book, but it is truly a shame that the editor did not do his or her job in editing. If only it could have been polished up a little bit before publishing, by fleshing out the characters more, eliminating the repetiveness and the political correctness, it would have been a more enjoyable read. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: History does NOT come alive, unfortunately Review: I wanted to like "The Hornet's Nest". I'm becoming more and more of a history (and, by extension, historical fiction) buff these days, and when my brother lent me this book I accepted it eagerly. However, his initial reservations ("It's badly written; I can't get into it") were absolutely on the money.Sad but true--the book is a failure. Though his subject matter is interesting (the Revolutionary War as it was fought and experienced in the South) and his research is thorough and admirable, Jimmy Carter is simply unable to bring it all alive in novelistic form. Style is required in the writing of a novel, and Mr. Carter doesn't have it. Page after page of thudding exposition and flat dialogue from stiff characters cripple the story's momentum to the point of exasperation. Though I learned from the book, I didn't enjoy it -- of course your mileage may vary, but proceed with caution. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Great Humanitarian, Okay President, Dismal Novelist Review: I love American History.However, I feel as though I was being lectured to in this book. President Carter has certainly done his homework and has researched well.Hornet's Nest certainly is not a novel, but more of an outline of historic facts, with added conversation. The characters have flat personalities. You do not get to know or care about any of them. THE whole book is written on a sixth grade level. It may be wonderful to a student in a special needs class, with limited vocabulary and reading skills who needs American History written in a very clear, flat manner.. Very disappointing. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Good Research - Bad Novel Review: I have to agree with the reader from Pasadena, CA. President Carter did a fabulous job of research. But, it did not flow as a novel. The first half of the book was bogged down in waaaay too much detail about the main characters. The second half of the book flowed much better in terms of integrating the details with the story. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: The Revolutionary Rebels Won the South Review: President Carter has brought to life the story of The American Revolutionary War with great detail and exciting verbage. I knew nothing at all about the South and it's participation in the war and his book has wet my interest to learn more. The next book I read will be Savannah to Yorktown by Henry Lumpkin. Unfortunately the editor could have made the book better if he actually read from beginning to end.It lost momentum with to much detail about a vist to a cabin between action scenes near the end.And both women in Eathans life lived "Northward". I think Mavis won him,and he should have said so more clearly. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: The Hornet's Nest Review: Interesting story line. It gave me new insight regarding the Revolutionary War and how the South and particularly Georgia was involved. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: A painful read... Review: Love Jimmy Carter but I wish he would have put his years of research on the subject into a non-fiction work.Genuinely wretched dialog. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: What a bore! Review: Jimmy Carter cannot write fiction! His conversations are formal and lecturing. His main fictional character has no passion. This should have been a history book. The sections dealing in the pure history were interesting and informative although I did tend to lose track of which side he was talking about. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Perhaps he should stick to non-fiction. Review: I have thoroughly enjoyed several works of non-fiction by President Carter. And I greatly admire him. However, I found this a s-l-o-w read. Some parts of this book were very interesting to me because of the historical insights. But since it was a novel, I expected to find some central characters who reappeared pretty consistently throughout the book. However, just about the time I would become interested in a character, he abandoned that character (sometimes permanently and sometimes for several chapters), leaving me "stranded."I have always had interest in the social impact of history, including that of wars. Perhaps someone more interested in specific strategy and the details of battles would enjoy this book more than I. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Very Cool! Review: Like many people, my first exposure to the Standells was seeing them on the Munsters TV Show. This live recording captures the fun and excitement of the group. Their attempt at the Beatles "You Can't Do That" doesn't quite capture the energy of the original (but hey, it is the Beatles they're trying to emulate!) Nevertheless, if you're looking for a live recording of the original line up, this is a fun one to check out. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Very helpful in an open adoption Review: As an adoptive mom in an fully open adoption, I probably will never be able to completely identify with my daughter's birthmom. I think it is so important, though, for me to understand as much as I can about how it is for her. There are not a lot of role models on how to help your child maintain a healthy and appropriate relationship with her birthmother, and this book gave me tools and insights to support all of us in this life-long relationship. I'm excited to give a copy to her, as well. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: I just doesn't last very long with regular use. Review: I purchased this item at the beginning of November 2006 and it is not working any more. First the remote went on the blink after about a year and now the dvd player itself has died.So, I please note that with regular use it lasts about a year and a half. Something to think about for the price of USD 160.00 Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: So far so good! Review: I bought this portable DVD player for my husband for Christmas. He's very particular when it comes to electronics, so I made sure I did a lot of research before buying one. This one was a great choice. The body is very nice, and the features are great. He is very pleased with everything about it. Toshiba is one of his favorite brands also. The price was excellent, and we can only hope that it survises as long as we think it will. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: good picture Review: This product has a very clear picture, good audio, light weight butsturdy. My only complaint is that for the money it did not come with earphones, otherwise I would recommend it. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: DEAD PIXEL IS TRUE!!! Review: As many other customers I didn't believe in the problem of the dead pixel and decided to take the risk. Unfortunately when I first opened the Toshiba SD-P1850 the dead pixel was there right in the middle of the screen.I live in Dominican Republic and for me it will be very difficult to return this item (and probably very expensive to do it), so I will have to live with this red pixel in the DVD's screen for as long as it works.Please don't make the same mistake!! Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Excellent for the price Review: So far we're really pleased with this player, and it's handled everything we've thrown at it.5 things could be better:1. If the screen would fully fold back;2. If there were a volume control on the remote;3. If it could be hacked to be region-free;4. If the battery would charge when the player were in use (needs to be switched off to charge);5. If the remote sensor were in a more accessible place (when you put the unit in a holder to strap to the back of a car seat, the sensor is covered so the remote doesn't work.)None of these issues are deal-breakers - I highly recommend this unit at twice the price! (we paid $95 refurb) Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: I LOVE TOSHIBA! Review: I have been very impressed by Toshiba products since my first purchase 5 years ago. What I love about the DVD players and TV combos is that when the movie is stopped, the player remembers the stopped location & will play right where it left off. Even when the tv was turned off. No more of this "trying to find the spot & wasting time in the process" stuff. My only complaint about the portable players is that they only "hold" the stopped point for so long before it doesn't remember anymore. Toshiba is the only brand I have found that has this feature. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Excellent Product Review: Probably higher quality than we needed, but definitely a good product. Our only disappointment was that earplugs were not included and we had to buy them separately. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: "Never operate in moving vehicle" Review: Like others, I did a lot of research before choosing the SD-P1850. The description of the unit says "Take your favorite entertainment on the road with you and keep your kids entertained during long car trips with the slim-profile Toshiba SD-P1850 portable DVD player". Imagine my surprise when I read the owner's manual and in several places it warns " Do not operate the player in a moving vehicle. Vibration may prevent proper playback or cause damage to the disc." And "Do not use the player in a place subject to vibration." And yet, it includes a vehicle adapter. What are we supposed to do with it? Send the kids out to the car to watch videos while the car remains in the driveway? Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Didn't work out of the box Review: Over the years I have owned three portable players. When it came time to replace my last one, based upon the reviews I purchased this unit. I cannot recommend this unit at all. First of all, the picture quality was not nearly as good as that of the units I have owned in the past. But more importantly, the unit did not even get through the first commerical DVD when the picture started breaking up, and the disk mechanism started grinding and continually running. The only way I would stop it was to open the door of the disk bay. (There is nothing wrong with the commerical DVD, as it plays fine on my other units.) I have always liked Toshiba products, but I would only recommend this to my least favorite people. I would not have given the product one star, but a star is required to complete the review. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Went through 2 units with skipping problems Review: The one star is for battery life. Otherwise incredibly frustrating to go through two players both with unpredictable stutter and skip problems on different disks.In addition, the screen controls are limited. If you are playing an older letterboxed dvd, it will only show it with blackbands all around resulting in a 5' picture. You can only stretch the picture, not magnify it to fill the 16x9 screen. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: I'm a bit disappointed Review: I've used cheaper machines that were much better. The picture is not crisp and clear. I hate the separate battery pack. It sticks out and gets in the way. The power adaptor has a huge "brick" attached to it. Since the battery pack only lasts about 4 hours, I need to travel with the power adapter and it weighs almost as much as the unit itself.Also the unit doesn't come with headphones. All in all, I wish I'd gotten something else. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: No resume regardless of previous reviewers confusion Review: There is no true resume feature with this player. Resume is when the unit is power off and goes into a stanby mode. When turned back on the program begins at the point is was at. This unit does NOT do this. Why any one thinks "resume" is when you stop and then hit "Play" is unique does not know what a true resume feature is. The Sony has this feature as does a Zenith unit and Nortech Media 10.2 unit.As it turns out if the stop button is pressed and the lid is closed, the unit will go into standby (sort of) opening the lid and pressing play will get you back to the place it stopped. So a resume does exist after a fashion Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: it does not work Review: I'm so frustrated, I chose this because I thought I would not have any problem, but it doesn't work.:( Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Pretty, but a lousy alarm clock Review: When you want to awaken to a chime, you want to awaken to a chime and not the sound of a loud CLACK as the striker hits the chime and retreats. This sound makes me jump every time. I called customer support, played it for them, and they said the sound is within acceptable parameters. Yeah, maybe for the hearing-impaired. This will be a pretty clock to sit around, but as an alarm clock it's useless. Stupid engineering destroys a decent idea. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Nice concept, but a couple problems... Review: I bought one of these (mechanical) clocks, because I liked the way they looked and was intrigued with the idea of a nice-sounding progressive alarm. First problem is that the alarm is not really that progressive, as it's still a sharp striking sound and I often woke up on the first strike. The second problem is that it simply doesn't go off reliably. The third problem is that it's got no AM/PM switch, so it's a bit of a task to use it as a daily alarm clock. ...I kept mine because it looked nice--but if you want a nice-sounding alarm clock, an iPod alarm clock playing a home-made audio track is a better choice. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Poor quality Review: Do not be deceived by the nice looks. These are very cheaply made clocks. Must be returned. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: What in the world? Review: EWWW EWWW GET IT OFF GET IT OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OMIGOD I loved Hugo so much I've been anticipating this in the mail and bought the shower gel from a different source as well.This is just terrible. I'm taking a shower. Look for my posting of this CHEAP...I've already taken a loss.I have reviewed many colognes, take a look at them. I like most of them! Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Artwork and quality are amazing - makes a great gift! Review: These placemats are amazing and incorporate artwork that a child's eye and aesthetic can appreciate. They are also extremely functional and clean easily with a damp sponge. My 3-year old son loves his "Dump It" and "Dino-Mite" placemats. I also received the Doodle Sticks and keep them handy at the table so once he's finished eating (which is typically far before we're finished with our meals), I can occupy him as he creates his own placemat design on the back. A great gift idea for toddlers and kids! Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: boring! Review: this game is really boring. I had more fun reciting the Declaration of Indapendance. DON'T GET THIS GAME! Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: title is fine. seller questionable Review: the seller repeatedly told me that they had sent the product out either the 21st or 23 rd of came postmarked the 29th of dec.for free, i might use the seller, otherwise, i'll wait, too frustrating, too much time and at the end, too much BS... Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Fields and Skipworth never better!!! Review: I'm not a Fields fan, but I was totally charmed by the delightful chemistry between him and Skipworth as they casually buy and crash cars into road hogs. The other segments vary depending on your taste. Stars like Gary Cooper and Charles Ruggles have some interesting segments.Well worth watching just for nostalgia Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Worth a Million Review: This is one of those fantastic films that few people know about. A great film that says so much in the little stories of how the diverse people spend their millions. A great look at the times and attitudes as well. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Excellent Book Review: This is a great and moderately accessible book. Covers a variety of ways to solve maximization problems. Especially enjoyed solving the portfolio optimization problem using a dedicated Matlab function, Monte Carlo, and a genetic algorithm. Highly recommend the course with Dr. Kendrick if you are at UT Austin. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Loose ends Review: I love the story right from the first book. There was simply no denying the appeal of the storyline. This third segment though wraps the whole thing up with an ending still left some loose ends where Danielle's life is concerned. What happened to the guy she was in love with before? Do they ever tell people about her real idenity? Little things like that needs to be brought up. I love the story and would certainly not mind if someone was to pick up the pen and write another novel. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: awful book Review: This is some of the worst writing I've ever encountered, I've tried to read 3 of them and they ended up in the trash, I offered them to other and they said the same thing. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Not Interested Review: I found I was not interested in this book. In fact I never finised it. The main problem I had was with the authors use of using each characters full name each time a name was used. No one was ever mentioned by a frist name or just a last name. It was always Danny Duggin` did this, Danny Duggin` did that. Marshal C. F. McCord didthis Marshal C.F.McCord did that. After a while I lost interest in the story line because I was looking to see if the author would change this format. After 80 pages it was time to find another book. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Shrub, Molly Ivins Review: Outstanding review of the Bush govenorship of Texas. Everyone caring about the current elections should become informed. The cd is easy to listen to, read by Ms Ivins. McCain and Gore supporters both should listen to these words or read the print. Flowing information. Easy to understand and very revealing.Great sense of humor and sense of history. Answers many of the questions raised in the recent primary elections. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Amusing and Insightful About Mr. Bush (Before Being Pres.) Review: Here are some mostly top drawer essays about Pres. Bush, before his Presidency. So I'll just note a few items not noted much by others here. The first is his religious conversion at about age 40, and questioning whether Jews can get to heaven. When he asks his mother, Barbara, if this is possible, she suggests calling Billy Graham, who replies that Mr. Bush should not play God. Second is his remarkable method of getting rich , by parlaying $600,000 into $16 million, by forcing certain well off people to move, and passing (barely) a referendum to apply a sales tax to pay for the new stadium. In both cases, property rights and low taxes appear at odds with standard GOP thinking! With the new stadium, the investors net worth skyrocketed! If only we could all be so fortunate! His time as Texas governor seems average enough, and there are some accomplishments in education and other areas. So this seems a reasonable critique for all sides. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Molly Ivins -- Bad Analysis or Just Plain Stupid? Review: Ivins -- Terrible Analysis or Just Plain StupidMolly has a folksy down home style. She gets you comfortable with the feeling that she is one of us, and then marches forth with her analysis. Watch out, her numbers are not what they seem and do not back up her words. Example -- Tax Rate -- Molly works through numbers showing that the tax burden on the lowest income groups have the same total tax rate as the highest income groups. She then implies that the two groups are paying the same taxes. However, using her own data, the math actually works out to the richest group paying over 25 times as much per person as the lowest tax group. 25 to 1 is certainly no where the same. Like I said above, I don't know if Molly is a bad analyst, or if she is just plain stupid. At any rate, her conclusions are not borne out by even her facts. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: An insufferable book Review: Molly Ivins is completely incapable of writing an engaging, thoughtful, objective book. Unless you are a match with her left wing extremist views (yes, extremists are on both sides) then skip this book. I was hoping that she could behave professionally and write the good with the bad. The real funny thing is that Ivins is so out touch that she believes most people think like she does. Not the case. As usual, the truth is found someplace in the middle. If you have socialist leanings, like Molly, then this book is for you! Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Sophomoric at best Review: I wouldn't will this boring diatribe on my worst enemy. The only thing I found interesting was how much pap could be crammed into a full book. I'll save all potential readers a lot of trouble by giving you the story line: 1) Dubya comes from the Bush family, therefore anything that goes right is because of their influence, 2) anything that fails to pander to Ivins' and DuBose's idea of a properly liberal government is a result of Dubya just not being bright enough to understand. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Good Grief Review: Molly must have a personal grudge with President Bush since all she seems to be able to do is find ways to bash him. Even the complements in the book are backhanded and it feels like the tone is anti-Bush.Molly has a way of telling a story to make it seem one sided, the book isn't totally unreadable but if you understand the Ivans/Bush relationship you need to read it with a grain of salt.This book would be better if you had a non-biased person writing it Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: C_R_A_P Review: Why doesn't the book tell about All the bad things he has done. I mean talk about one sided views. Where are the affairs,iligal activities,Smoking the herb? Down with the system Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Shrub: Yada Yada Yada Review: Molly Ivins is the most predictably biased journalist in the business today. She practically foams at the mouth with hatred of any politician who doesn't have a 'D' after his name. This is just one more predictable hatchet job of liberal hate-speech. Molly couldn't find any fault with the... Clinton years, but practically invents and over-blows the slightest Bush 'fault'. Because of her close-minded, lock-step liberal bent, Molly's opinions must be taken with a grain of salt by any open-minded reader. Don't waste your money on this latest example of liberal hate speech. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Molly underestimates we Texans again Review: Having endured Molly's columns for a number of years, I cannotdecide if she is serious or just takes her positions to make money. She is amusing. Those of us in Texas who voted 65% for him for Governor and those 85+ who approve of his presidency obviously have better vision of the man than she. Imagine ifGore was now president !!!! Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Required Reading Review: Anybody who thinks that Bush is the moral salvation of this country, needs to read this book. Molly Ivins exposes why the same people who loved to rant about Clinton's lack of content are eager for a man with an admittedly worse record.Because Ivins does not rely on one-liners or comedy matterial, this book is much more credible than the joke books that are problaly rolling off the presses now that Dubya's selection as the Republican nomination has been confirmed. She simply lets the governor's lack of a good record speak for itself.Bush is a spoiled little rich boy who is ruining Texas, but Ivins and the rest of the educated world are not going to let him get away with such debauchery. Texas ranks first in the number of executions and last in education---and we wonder why people from OUTSIDE the state were praising his education record at the convention. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Expected something different. Review: As a big fan of Molly, I was really looking forward to this book but must say I was disappointed. I thought the book had a lot of interesting observations of Dubya but I couldnt find much of Molly in them. There are enough straight books on G.W's life and times. I think there was too much Lou Dubose and not enough Molly in this one. Come on Molly, eagerly awaiting your next one. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: The Road Not Taken... Review: Ivins has wasted her talent on this rather brief re-hash of the public record. Obviously meant to capitalize on current events, it would surely have been much more interesting if she had focused her "Texas-sized smarts" on answering the puzzle that so bedeviled her and her co-author: "The puzzle of Bush is why someone with so little interest in or attention for policy, for making government work, would want the job of president, or even governor." That would have been a worthwhile effort. It's not too late, Molly! Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Is this about Bush? Review: I was looking forward to reading facts about Dubya, but, other than the "duh" variety (his father was VP and President of the US, rich people invest money in speculative ventures, it is easier to solicit capital from people you know) they are few and far between. Most of Ivins' and DuBois' material is gossip or speculation and their use of "*" is not to provide sources, but to make more catty asides. The chapters beginning on page 57 and 71 have nothing to do with W. I guess they needed to pad the book. I will try to read some more, but my eyes keep glazing over. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: They came at him from the left! Review: I am by know means a big G.W. Bush fan or supporter. But I think the authors let their political views creep into the text. The book does make you look a little closer at the man who might be the next President, so I suppose they accomplished their goal. I would not read this book only and call it quits. But insted use this book as a starting point and go from there. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Avoid her books, listen to her interviews. Review: In person Molly Ivins comes across as witty, acerbic, and fun. Her writing, by comparison, is stilted, vicious, unhappy, ungracious, and in the end, plain sad.That's her usual writing. This book is worse off than the rest of her screeds, being an attempt at a polemic that falls short for want of material.About the only thing that might save this book is a books-on-tape version read by her. Poor thing.THIS UPDATE: FRANCISCO FRANCO AND MOLLY IVINS ARE STILL DEAD. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Shows the normal graceful cynicism of Molly Ivins Review: From newspapers across the country, to, yes, a great many books, Molly Ivins always has the most enlightened attitude in attempting lessen the burden of tough political thought on those who would support "Dubya," as Ivins dubs the Texan governor.Her book is an absolute hoot and is a must-read for any of those Gore supporters who need ammo, or for those Bush followers who want a real challenge in explaining where Bush was during the Vietnam War or on the divide between openly supporting pro-life stances in front of the Christian right and being more secretive to the American people.This book, without a doubt, hooked me on Ivin's keen insights into the darker (and often laughable) side of politics. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Just the Facts. Review: If you are truly interested in the bare bones facts of who you are being seduced into voting for, this is the book for you. Molly Ivins is one of the most honest and unbiased reporters on the scene today. If you haven't heard of her, it's because she has a nasty propensity for telling the truth ... and the propogandists who spend fortunes controlling your beliefs can't cope with that. Before you vote, whatever your politcal persuasion, read this book. Find out who the man is you're voting for, and who bought and paid for him. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: This Will Endure Review: This book is a warning not to elect George W. and of course it's too late, he's already been appointed. But it will remain useful far into the future to be able to read such an accurate prediction of what sort of president this clown was going to be. Just as people in the future will be curious to examine what exactly our knowledge of global warming was while we went about creating it, some will be curious to read what knowledge we had of this walking catastrophe before we nearly elected him.With this book we stand convicted of the most wide-eyed and aware political masochism. Every nasty trait exhibited by Shrub since he planted himself in the White House had already been analyzed by Ivins and Dubose. Each revelation that there was no compassion in the promoter of "compassionate conservatism" had been foreseen. The psychopathic inability to feel doubt, regret, humility, or concern had been documented, chronicled, and lamented before Georgie had left Texas.Never forget it. Answer: