Is this product review positive? Title: Molly Ivins Is Missed! Review: There is no other writer that has such a witty presentation on such a difficult subject. She saw George W. Bush and his impact on Texas and with her wonderful sense of humor told the American citizens what to expect with regard to education, guns, laws and leadership. As I read I was amazed at the warnings we had, but we "elected" him anyway. Molly said what so many think, but are afraid to say outloud. This book is not heavy or difficult, but explains what GWB did and would do while injecting lots of humor to keep us from crying. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Shearing the Family Bush Review: When I picked up Molly Ivin's book "Shrub" I expected to read a fairly short, biting, and amusing commentary on a politician prone to malapropisms and frat-boy behavior. Instead I found myself crying. Crying because of the injustice that is occuring in Texas at this very moment, injustice cemented and continued by Bush's reign as governor. My strong reaction was due largely to the skill of Molly Ivin; although she is most assuredly not a member of the religious right, (she frequently pokes fun at them) the facts are presented in such a clear manner that they more than speak for themselves. Anyone expecting a 'tour de force' will be disappointed. This book is not "Les Miserables". However, if you're willing to be challenged, angered, and may find Ivin's book worthwhile reading. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Verified what I already knew... Review: While Bush was campaigning it was clear to see he wasn't wrapped too tight and Ivin's book just verifies that over and over again. What is amazing to me is how he has fooled the American public. However, I believe that into his second year as "that guy occupying the White House" the public is beginning to understand the big mistake they have made. All they have to do is to look at their bank accounts and stock portfolios. It's that old line..."It's the economy, stupid!" But Bushy boy is in great shape. This books tells all about how he sold stock in failing companies making millions before unsuspecting shareholders knew the truth. He bailed out & left them holding the bag. After reading this book the reader will be sick, disgusted and angry with George W. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Molly Ivins, Plaigiarist Review: It's unbelievable that a reputable publisher would give this documented plaigiarist (from Florence King and Tom Brokaw) a forum to vent her hackneyed, Bush-hating spleen. Ms. Ivins has proven herself incapable of original thought, and this book is actually the recycled campaign material of Bush opponent Ann Richards. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: No wonder this book was being sold at half price!!! Review: What a nasty little book. If the author was looking to be subtle, boy did you miss the mark.Don't waste your money. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: An Insect Attackes A Bush Review: What else would you expect? Another book on a GOP personality written by a Democratic Party Activists and third-rate failed journalist, small-time Party hatchetman Lou Dubose. And guess what? He doesn't like Bush. Surprize. Credits him with nothing. Surprize. Ridicules his accomplishments, Surprize. Belittles his drive and personality. Surprize.Don't waste you money on this one, even the half-truths are incoherant. No doubt you already know how you feel about Bush, and probably have a better basis for that opinion than this tuna boat.Bottom line: For the extent that the author dislikes Bush, he really can't find much to soil him with, though try as he did. An incompetant slander at best. Don't bother. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Don't Bother Review: I have not actually read this book below, but I will tell you why I will not do so. When I lived in Texas I read Molly Ivins's political columns frequently. The prospective buyer needs to know that Molly Ivins always gave the far-left view on issues of the day, but her columns were especially bothersome because her columns were always a pack of lies, and even worse, you could tell she thought she was being funny (she always bombed at trying to be funny- she never was funny!).Therefore, since she cannot be trusted to be honest, there is no need to bother with her book (unless you enjoy being deceived).Added On: January 25, 2002: It is apparant that my review struck a nerve out there. I'm sorry if you are offended about my review of the quality of work of Molly Ivins but truth hurts. I should also add that Miss Ivins is very hateful to people who disagree with her views (just witness the insulting language she uses to describe people in her columns). Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Insight may be a partial antidote during the next few years. Review: Our entire family enjoyed this book. Even our 12-yr-old is now entertained watching "Dubya" speak as we play "Is he staying on point?" This isn't Molly Ivin's best book, but its typical of her point-blank humor and insightful analysis. She's a national treasure. If you are a Republican who is happy with the 2000 election maybe you should disregard my rating and not read this book. Everyone else, buy the book! Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: A Down Home Analysis of Bush Review: I have always enjoyed Molly Ivins' lively style, which makes her a pleasure to read. I enjoyed "Shrub" and found it highly informing as well. The book details fascinating incidents from the career of George Bush as Governor of Texas, along with highlighting key events from his life growing up in a famous American family, being the son of a U.S. president, as well as his business career.In order to understand public figures it is important to know about their past lives, which serve as an excellent predictor of present and future conduct. "Shrub" provides a detailed look at Bush's past, making him far more readily understandable as President of the United States.William Hare Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Eye Opener Review: I had never heard of Molly Ivans before reading Shrub. I thank her for this quick, easy to follow, read. I received her book compliments of a pal who questioned my voting for Gov. Bush. I began reading with total skepticism but eventually accepted that I voted in total ignorance (not the first time unfortunately). I urge anyone who is truly seeking to be an informed voter to purchase this book. IT SHOULD BE REQUIRED READING FOR ALL VOTERS. You'll quickly see through the rhetoric you've heard in television ads and shake your head in wonder. Given that this man was handed the baton to be our next leader, I'm terribly offended that we haven't heard more about his coattail accomplishments and seedy record, especially where children and lawsuits are concerned. Now when I hear him or one of his allies say "tort reform" I scream at the TV! Clinton is an embarrassment but even he hasn't been personally bailed out by the taxpayers. Yet. God help this country! Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Tells the painful truth about Bush Review: Many conservative Republicans might not like to hear the truth about Bush, but here it is. This book is very well written and has much documentation to back up what the authors say. If you would like an accurate portrait and history of Bush, unlike what the corporate controlled media hides, then get this book. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: What are we in for?????? Review: This is a must read to see what we are likely in for the next 4 years. Heaven help us. Molly, a native Texan, is probably the most honest satirical writer going. She chronicals Dubya's life from his Texas Air National Guard duty to his win in the Republican Primary for President. His corporate policy (oops I mean public policy) are the yarns of extreme right wing Republican lore. The reverse of Robin Hood. Of course the book is short, as are the notable accomplishments of the man who may be our next president. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Horrible amateurish drawings Review: I can't believe how bad the drawings are in this book. Awkward bodies and faces that look like they came from a high school kids figure drawing class. These guys worked in comics? Incredible.Don't expect much instruction and you DO NOT want to practice your skills by looking at the junk in this book. The bodies are oddly distorted and faces unattractive and unbalanced. Just bad bad stuff.Avoid this book like the plague. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: One of the Better Books on Drawing the Female Form Review: This book helps to cut through the rather difficult process of drawing the shape most difficult to get right: the human female form. This book, however, mostly deals not with the human body per se, but with the nuances involved in creating the comic book superheroine. A knowledge of basic human anatomy would be most helpful in dealing with this book. There are, however, some extremely helpful sections dealing with posing, proportions, using computers in drawing, the different inking and coloring techniques, and differing ways to draw faces, hair and (the bane of many a neophyte artist) the hands. Overall, an excellent work with only a few minor flaws. Check it out! Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: .........ugh!!! Review: you will most definitely, never ever EVER know how to draw those bodacious babes of comics after studying this book! the drawings are god-awful and the "lesson plan" has more holes in it than Robert Davi's face (haha!!) all of the advice is weird and really useless, like telling you draw beautiful women for like four hours a day and fill "sketchbooks full of drawings of hands". so does being a comic book artist mean you have to keep a bodybuilder's schedule? The worst feature is the chapter on computers. Why would somebody who is still trying to learn drawing skills need to even begin to worry about cheesy computer effects? seriously, wasted paper guys. It says on the back the artist has "been in the feild for years", but you would think that after looking at his illustrations for this book that this is his sole commision. The only pleasure I got from reading this book is from seeing that so many other people agree that this book is garbage. Don't buy it. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: A well written look at theatre and theory Review: The Author, such as it is, has managed to trace, in the main body of the book, the various stages of deconstruction and post-structural theory in this country. Yet this is not a history per se, rather an attempt to write within the three categories of contemporary thought the book outlines: deconstruction, post-structural and post-colonial. It's too bad that it is not more widely availabl Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: dissapointed Review: Upon ordering this product I was under the impression that a popular site such as would be professional with their presentation and delivery procedures. I received the watch in a plastic wrapper and an elastic band.. I find this unacceptable because after spending over $200 I expect atleast a box or a package with the instructions and warranty booklet none of which I received; thus causing me to question its authenticity. What made it worse this was a gift for my brohter so I was not able to return it. And even if I did have the opportunity to return it I still would'nt know what to do because their was their was no instruction of their return policy. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Bulova Watch -- don't buy Review: I was expecting a new watch and it ended up being a used watch and there were some scratches on the glass. I couldn't return it because it was gift to somebody and I was embarrassed later when I found from that friend. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Get a different book Review: While this book is reasonably well-organized and has some interesting tidbits, there's nothing particularly insightful or original about the advice contained in it. (Make sure it goes well with your last name, think twice about a very popular name or one that's hard to spell, etc. etc.) The author also discusses her own name so often that it gets boring, and misspells the names of several celebrities, which might be acceptable anywhere but in a book where the names are the whole point!There's a multitude of baby name books out there; pick a better one. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Aptly titled Review: I'm no idiot, because I'm not having children; however, if I were, I wouldn't need to buy a book to help me give it one of the fashionable names de jour.The whole book could be boiled down to this:AshleighCaightlynMontanaDakotaTaylorHuntyr Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Burn out Review: I used this for a few weeks when my full size broke. It stopped blowing hot air. Very disappointed, as the size and weight were perfect for travel. The smallest travel dryer I've seen. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: A legend.....each and every song a hit! Review: Buddy Guy is one of my all-time favorite bluesmen....and this is the album which started it all for me.Listen to these songs and be changed. The album starts out with "Worried Mind", a relaxing blues tune, which shows the mellow side of Buddy Guy. Relax while you can, for some fiery vocals are not too far off! When Buddy sings "She Suits Me To A Tee" I honestly wonder at what point his vocal chords will snap. And when Buddy sings "I Cry And Sing The Blues" you are convinced that in fact he is crying and singing the blues. Listen to this album just once to hear one of the greatest bluesmen in history and no doubt you will be won over just as I was to Buddy Guy's music.5 stars....a fantastic single disc compilation at a very inexpensive price. A must own for any blues fan.I believe there is a 2-CD set out there of his Chess recordings, but do not think it is still available, except to buy it used. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: terrible Review: I bought this as a corset but I received just a top. I'm not saying the thingie is not nice, it fits and I agree with previous review. But pls do take into account that it is not a corset. If you need some nice top for special occasion, it can work for u... Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Good reference if you are already familiar with Ultradev Review: This is not a training book, but if you are familiar with Dreamweaver Ultradev 1.0 or 4.0, and you want a quick reference on how to insert, edit, delete & search content on a database, this is a good book (that was exactly what I was looking for). Please, note that it focuses on ASP/VBScript technologies, although there's a starting point on ASP.Net.If you really want to learn how to work with non-dynamic features of Dreamweaver MX (tables, layers, templates, css, etc.), I don't think this is the book for you. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Basic Information No "real" examples Review: This books provides simple outline to various tools. It lacks the depth and content about the various tools. There are NO examples that you can use or follow. Pictures are hard to read so following the step-by-step instructions are not very easy. It does provide a very gereral overview of using the dynamic features of dreamweaver. I would recommend this book ONLY as a general guide, not as a tool to learn anything in depth. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: If you are looking for a picture book... Review: If you are looking for a picture book that points and shows you what all the menus do then maybe you will like this book. This book is very basic and does not go into detail on any of the menus and functions in Dreamweaver. This book also is more pictures (blurry, hard to read) then text. I found very little that was helpful and the rest I felt was a waste of time to read. I am the type that needs detailed explanations on how to use the different options in Dreamweaver and this book does NOT offer that. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Does everything it's supposed to do Review: I gave it four stars instead of five because of something that was really my own fault - I underestimated the length I needed. A 50 foot hose just doesn't stretch as far as you think it will. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Digital Rip Off Review: I bought a trampoline for my grandchildren and wanted to send them some safety instructions. For 5 bucks you can learn that children should not jump unsupervised and that they should not do fancy manouvers. Also there is a medical summary of the most common injuries. Do not waste your money. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Just Ask Martha Review: I love this book! As a recent transplant to Pasadena, this has become an indespensible resource for finding everything from a late-night dry cleaner to the best coffee shops to where to tune your radio station to NPR. The maps are very user-friendly and make finding your way around town a snap! I keep one in my car at all times. I wish every town had such a practical guide. Now whenever I have a question, "I just ask Martha." It's almost as good as having her in the passenger seat. Thank you Martha! This book is a life-saver. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Excellent and helpful guide! Review: This book is extremly helpful getting around and finding the places I need when visiting Pasadena. It is a must buy for people moving to the area or just visiting on vacation. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Like your own personal coach Review: This book is the kick in the pants I need to keep my writing going. After having met Bruce at the Midwest Poets and Writers Conference in Detroit, as I read the book I feel like he's sitting in my living room with me candidly discussing writing. It's a very conversational (and humorous) book from a man who knows what it's like to be a struggling writer. He's very honest and open about all the trials and tribulations a writer faces. It's very easy to identify with him which helps give hope and inspiration to the reader. This is a book I will turn to again and again to help keep me going. Excellent book. Buy it, you will not regret it. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Engaging book captures the essence of the writing life Review: Word Work: Surviving and Thriving as a Writer, by Bruce Holland Rogers, is an engaging and eclectic collection of essays examining many of the concerns that writers face as we try to make a go of the writing life.Roger instills each chapter with the wit and wisdom of his personal experience, as he explores such topics as relationship issues ("Writers and Lovers"), writers' quirks ("The Rite Stuff"), publishing ("The Hazards of Rejection and Acceptance"), and even personality types ("Hunters and Farmers").Word Work beautifully captures the workings of the writer's mind and the essence of the writing life. I highly recommend this book for current and aspiring writers, and also for those who would like to better understand the writers in their lives. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Liberation from your writing demons. Review: Of all the books I've read on writing, and there have been many, this is the one that addressed my real problem; my fear of not being able to summon up enough self-desipline to write my story. If this describes this book. With the loving approach of a kind-hearted surgeon, Rogers gently pulls back the layers of writer's angst to uncover the size and shape of your particular "tumor". He then gives you, not feel-good pep talks, but practical excercises that liberate you from your black mass. I'm confident I will finish my book and be published, and when I am, Bruce Holland Rogers will be listed in my acknowledgements. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: kd tools 41710 rear axle bearing puller set Review: i orderd this set of pullers to remove axle bearingfrom a chevy 10 bolt semi floating rear endpuller work great set comes wilh washers thatgoes on in front of puller head to keep pullercenterd on bearing shipping was fast Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Richard Montauk: the stereotypical arrogant lawyer. Review: Don't buy this book. Many of the example essays are hilariously bad. I especially enjoyed the one by the caretaker of a disabled woman who "is the only person standing between her and a nursing home." Yeah, and now she'll be in a nursing home while you pursue a law degree. Good job, there!I'm convinced that half the 5-star reviews here were written by Montauk himself. I have been through the law school admissions process. The advice in this book is generic at best. Save your money. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Not the best Review: Save your money. There are plenty of other books that are far superior to this one. Examples: Law School Confidential, The Complete Law School Companion, How to Succeed in Law School.This read is not worth it. Seriously. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Don't Bother Reading This Book Review: According to Richard Montauk, a sucessful law career can only be acheived by graduating from an Ivy League law school. He isn't even practicing law at this point! Instead, he's taking the money of naive prospective law students. This book is not particularly well-written or helpful. The information it contains is nothing new or astounding. In fact, the only thing I really learned from this book is that Richard Montauk is an egotisical, money-hungry bore. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Helpful for a select few Review: Don't let this book scare you away from going to law school. Montauk suggests a JD will only be helpful for a career in law, yet he is now a consultant. If someone has Richard Montauk's address, let me know. I'd like to send him back this book. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Solid book but poor editing Review: I noticed quite a few typos and it looked as if some chapters were taken verbatim from Montauk's book about getting into top MBA programs. However I can't say enough good things about the depth and breadth of this book. It covers nearly every aspect of the law school process including financial aid and writing letters once you have been accepted. Overall a very good read but disappointing to see such poor editing by the publisher. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: A waste of time... Review: While this may provide a feel-good guide for the totally confused, there is nothing new here for anyone who has done even a modicum of research into the law school entrance process. A brief conversation with somebody who has gone through it already will give you more guidance than Montauk's opinionated yet shallow advice. You'll spend enough money on the entrance fees - why waste more on this book? Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Worthless Review: The secret to law school acceptance:Method 1..a. graduate from an ok undergrad programb. get a respectable LSAT scorec. take some time on your personal honestd. make sure you have the max number of references(dont worry too much what they say...they're all the same, except see below)e. spend the money to apply to MANY schoolsMethod 2(if you are unable to satisfy any of the above) pick 1a. know a tenured faculty member or admissions personb. donate over 100k to the law schoolc. know a major alumnus of the law school who will make a phone calld. date a tenured faculty membere. get a Supreme Crt Justice or important political figure to write a letter of rec.(only time a letter of rec matters)And above all, don't buy silly books like these, they're all garbage. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Highly recommended... Review: Montauk is blunt and opinionated, but his honesty is part of what makes this book so useful. It answered almost all the important questions I had about the law school application process, and helped me put together a very successful application. Every chapter is sprinkled with quotes from the deans of admissions at almost all of the top sixteen or so law schools. It was nice to get their perspective, which generally seemed to validate Montauk's approach.One caveat: As the title implies, "How to Get Into the Top Law Schools" was written for people who are applying to elite programs, so anybody who is looking outside the top twenty or so might not find Montauk's attitude or advice quite as helpful. Nevertheless, I can't imagine a better resource for anybody aiming for the top. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Worth the money Review: My brother, who is a lawyer at a top firm, advised me against buying any "self-help" books before applying to law schools. He said the books available aren't worth the paper they're printed on.Well, he was wrong. I ignored his advice (my grades aren't as good as his were) and bought Richard Montauk's "How to Get Into the Top Law Schools." This book, which is now well-worn, was certainly worth the investment!It's full of revelations from admissions insiders and need-to-know information about the process of applying. I would definately recommend it to other pre-law students who want to get an edge on the competition. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Everything you need to get into the top schools Review: Finally, a book that offers useful and comprehensive advice on getting into America's best law schools. How to Get Into the Top Law Schools covers it all, with help on choosing the right school, interpreting the rankings, positioning yourself and putting your best foot forward in the application process. Montauk deserves an "A" for effort and execution! I highly recommend this book. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Good for those only a select few Review: I bought this book and found myself saying "and this pertains to me how?" First off, much of the information provided in this book can be pick-up at a law school forum, secondly the advice is worthless to those not looking at the so-called "top 15 schools" (Ivy's, Cal, UVA, Duke, etc). In fact, the question posed in the title can be summed up in 3 words - high LSAT score. For the schools referenced in this book you need a LSAT in the 160-164 range to even get on the wait list. Not to mention that the personal statements are from people with extraordinary backgrounds - people who lived in the jungles of Costa Rica, grew up dirt poor, got pregnent at age 14 or had klansmen in their front yard. Doesn't really help the suburban kid who has lived a normal life. Save your money for the application fees, go to a law school forum, study hard for the LSAT and ignore law school rankings. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Blower Dryer Diffuser Review: The product fell apart on the 3rd day. Said fits most blow dryers the spring and rubber band both came out. You can not put them back inside on diffuser. I have an average size blow dryer not special. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Diffuser Review: I bought this item because it says it is one size fits all. I travel alot and do not want to carry by big heavy hair dryer with me, especially since most lodging overseas provide hair dryers. This adaptor did not fit any of them--even my own dryer. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: LOVE IT Review: Looks beautiful especially if you have a matching plate for the outlets as well. I would recommend this for everyone. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Waste of money! Review: I bought this book over the weekend. The first thought was that it was actually a coloring book. Each page has very limited information about the subject and then a little activity on the back of each page. I wouldn't buy this book again..I really didn't see how a child could really learn anything about any of the subjects on the front of book. Every page just has little blurps of info not anything indepth. I would recommend the "take along guides" by by Diane Burns.Please don't waste your time or money on this book (unless it's on sale for .99) Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Daddy was a Bad Boy Review: This book really works, for several reasons. On a surface level, the author's memory of events is staggering; she covers an entire lifetime with details of names, places, events and even the prices of food and clothing items, almost in diary form. This is all extremely interesting. Her father's behavior is another level, and quite appalling reading; one wonders how any man could treat his family this way.But the deepest and most impressive level is how this family lived and endured and ultimately found happiness through love for one another. Daddy may have been the intended focus, but in the telling of his life, his daughter celebrates something much deeper and long-lasting, the triumph of the human spirit. Congratulations to her, and to her amazing mother. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: A Classic Story Review: "Daddy Was A Bad Boy" is a powerful book for it's slim size this dynamic story, told with courage and amazing stamina is surely one of the best I've ever read! It should be a 21st century classic. Telling the truth of human nature with sensitivity. Your way with words are pictureque without being trite. The poet in you weaves the lives through out into a full bloom and the end epilogue haunts me. This is not to be read once, I know I will be returning again and again to enjoy it. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: a story of courage and survival Review: After reading "Daddy was a bad boy" I marveled at the courage and determination exemplified by the author and her mother who kept the family together despite all adversity. I tried to imagine what it was like to grow up wondering where daddy was and whether we would have enough to eat. My mother, a generation earlier, had a similiar childhood-- abused and deprived of a normal family life she was determined to secure a better life for her children. Floriana's story should serve as a tribute to herself, her mother and the countless women who endured similiar circumstances and refused to let history repeat itself. CAJ Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: An Historian's View Review: Floriana Hall has written a revealing story of an absentee, sex obsessed father who often left his wife and family to struggle during the Great Depression thus, making their difficult life harder by; using money he earned first, to support his love life, second, to dribble a pittance to his struggling family. His moral failure didn't destroy this group, on the contrary, lead by a strong, loving, forbearing mother, somehow, the family's strong faith led to achievement much of the time.Surprisingly, "Daddy Was A Bad Boy" was inspired by her children's book "Small Change" , that is used to explain the Great Depression to children. Consequently it is read to children for that purpose. Floriana wrote "Daddy Was A Bad Boy" , through urging of family and friends, to tell the more wrenching story of a weak disloyal father. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: not for paper Review: i actually bought this glue for an extra strong hold for paper to paper and it didn't stick at all. although on the description it did not say it would stick to paper, it didn't say it wouldn't either :o/ i haven't tried it on any other material in which i'm sure it does what it says, but if you're looking for a glue for paper go with crazy or super glue ;o) Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: It's not for everyone Review: This is not a children's book. It is full of symbolism that only a select few would even notice, much less understand. But, it's purpose it to poke fun at witches and witchcraft. The only people that would "get the joke" would be witches or people who know them well. My friend and I picked this book up again and again to look over the artwork and find referrences to the Doors, The Sex Pistols, as well as general witchy things. This doesn't make the book "bad", it just makes it not for everybody. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: This is an adult book - BEWARE! Review: Too bad Mem Fox let her lovely words be used with these inappropriate illustrations. Pictures feature an anorexic addict-looking type old woman as the main character. She lies in a bed full of weird objects, most pictures contain underwear (such as panties with wet dead fish placed in the crotch -- the men's underwear has a serpent climbing out) Do not show this book to children. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Two Thumbs Down!! Be wary of some of these reviews! Review: I am very skeptical about the raving reviews for this book. I and my 3-year-old love Mem Fox. We found this one at the library and I checked it out without previewing it based on the reputation of the author. When I read it with my daughter, she was attentive while I read, but unusually quiet. She certainly didn't find it "hilarious". I was concerned with the eery, almost hallucinatory style of the illustrations and abundance of not very subtle phallic symbols (see reviews below for more detail). I quit reading the book half-way through and I finished it on my own later. I thought the storyline was cute, but found the illustrations completely inappropriate for children. I am surprised and dissapointed that Ms. Fox would have her work associated with something so disturbing. Remember, if a book isn't doing well, anyone with a motive can write a positive review! I've learned this lesson once or twice on previous purchases! Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: We were unable to use in our schools because of the content. Review: We ordered this book on the good reputation of the author, but were very disappointed in the author's portrayal of witches. We are unable to use this book in our schools. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Yes, the title is eventually explained in the book! Review: Quick synopsis: Clare and her brother Rob are in a car accident. Rob is killed and his arm is stolen. A true crime writer contacts Clare because he believes he knows who stole her brother's arm and he wants her help in tracking down the macabre thief. Okay, well maybe that is an overly concise version of the plot, but you get the picture.I think it's shame this book is out of print. I really enjoyed it. I loved the bleakness of it all because I felt that it enhanced the story and helped to set its mood. I thought the juxtaposition of the horror of the events with the blandness of the setting made those events seem even more horrific. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: never lives up to the billing Review: I read the book because the title is very captivating. I'm a fan of Ramsey Campbell but this book is disappointing. Christopher Kelly(the killer) is an interesting character, but the ending is very anti-climactic--not what I would have expected from Campbell. His other books I've read are better: The Nameless and The Face that Must Die. I'll continue to be a fan and read some of his other novels. But for his debut novel--this one crashed. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: One of our very favorite books Review: This review from The National Parenting Center sums this great book up perfectly:This hysterical and irreverent book which explores, in extraordinary depth, the well known Mother Goose line, "And the Cow Jumped Over The Moon", will have you and your children in stitches. With her tongue firmly planted in her cheek, Gennifer Choldenko tells the "true" story of the very first moon jumping bovine. You will laugh out loud as you read this book, we guarantee it. The illustrations by Paul Yalowitz are equally wonderful making this a book you'll love having on your shelf. END Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Great concept, crappy velcro Review: I have a love/hate relationship with these blankets. They work great at first, but I just find that the velcro wears out waaaaaay too fast. It's frustrating when my LO starts breaking out of them all the time. I had one of these in the smaller size and I thought it was getting too small for my baby, but after having this one, I really think it was just that the velcro didn't work anymore because I am having the same issue and this one is definitely not too small. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Best swaddlers Review: I've tried all swaddles out there. This one is the best. You need to do it tight, or baby will get out of it. Both of my babies were able to get their arms out of every swaddler. Including this one, until I did it a bit tighter. I also swaddle first in the muslin wrap blankets. In summer I did a short sleeve onsie, now it's winter and I do a full cotton footsie. Be careful not to over heat baby of course. I like this swaddle the best because of the roominess in feet area/length. The large spot for Velcro is great. Other have only a small patch to Velcro, not allowing u to go tighter. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Great for babies who love to be swaddled. Review: If your baby likes to be swaddled, this is definitely worth the money. I was skeptical on how much we would use it at first, but now it's all we use at night. My husband and I used receiving blankets for the first two months but our baby kept wiggling out and then waking up either due to startle reflex or cold. He can't wiggle out of these unless you put it on really wrong so he stays asleep. As a bonus, the cloth is not too thick so he doesn't get over heated either. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Only used it 10 days before it got a hole Review: We bought two of these...this particular one in cottonSummer Infant SwaddleMe Cotton Knit - Graphic Jungleand one in the fleece fabricSummer Infant SwaddleMe Microfleece, Green, Large. We used the cotton one for 10 nights, and our son managed to kick his way through the material at the bottom. It's too bad, because the cotton SwaddleMe is nice for warmer nights...but I won't buy another one. Not worth the money.We are still using the fleece one, and he hasn't found any weaknesses in the fabric...I am hoping it stays together a bit longer than the cotton one! Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Great! Review: Without being swaddled my 3-month old hardly sleeps. With a regular swaddle blanket, we used to swaddle him when he first went to bed, but then I would have to unswaddle to feed him in the middle of the night and just couldn't get the swaddle tight enough again in my half asleep state. Hence, he would break out and be awake again in 30 minutes. With the Swaddleme blanket, swaddling him tightly is effortless, as is getting him out of the swaddle for feeding or changing his diaper. This has saved me tons of frustration! The only downside is that the velcro is quite loud when you open it and has re-alerted my drowsy baby on a couple of occasions as I tried to re-do the velcro. Still, an excellent product...I intend to buy more! Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Lifesaver! Review: Our baby has super determination and strength and can bust out of almost any swaddle. The Swaddleme is great - the velcro is awesome and really allows you to get a snug fit. Although it is a little tricky to get both arms straight before wrapping, we've had better success with these than swaddle blankets. She recently graduated to the large size. Occasionally she does manage to get her little hands out of the sides, but it's the only thing that has allowed her to sleep through the night. We love it! Super cute pattern, too. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Not recommended. Review: Item was not as described. It was described as fitting babies 8-14 lbs. It was too small for my 11 lb baby. We had a very difficult night time experience when we used the SwaddleMe blanket for the first time . My baby had difficulties sleeping and cried all night. I got no sleep.I would recommend the seller changing the product description so other new parents and newborns don't go through the same unpleasant, stressful experience. I sent the product back to the seller over 2 months ago and have not yet received a response. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Wasn't what it says it is Review: The item I ordered was a large swaddleme sleep sack. However, I was sent a large swaddleme wrap. (The kind with the velcro wings to really swaddle a baby)The description on Amazon and the actual product are two very different things! Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: What a Book! Review: I thought this book was great, because of the great character devolpments and the characters personalites, but I only gave it four stars because I thought he could have wrote a better ending. Read this book and you'll know what I mean by great, one hell of a ride. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Worst book I've read in a while Review: I've read quite a few of Koontz's books, and this was garbage. How this became a bestseller I'll never know. I thought it was way too long, too stretched out. The strange happenings the (many, many) characters experience take up most of the book. I just got sick of it after about 400 pages. This is the first book I've had to stop reading and not finish it! Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Not a good one for Dean Review: The beginning of this book was very slow - and I was only able to finish it by putting it down for a couple of weeks. It got to be ok by Christmas time - but didn't heat up till the last 1/3 or 1/4 of the book. A lot of time was spent trying to weave a bunch of lives and people together but it just dragged it all. The ending was very disappointing - and the meaning behind the title was made clear on the second last page - not a very good reason or title.I loved Odd Thomas and Life Expectancy but this one was not a Dean Koontz book that I would recommend or read again Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: What a crappy ending! Review: I read this book for a report and I could've read a better book that was * a lot * shorter. I enjoyed it up the **awful** ending. Read another book with a ***good*** ending. Jeez! Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: not a good read Review: This Dean Koontz novel was boring too me as I skimmed through the 681 pages. Unfortunately, Strangers is the first Koontz novel that I found I was bored with. I know Koontz can do better than this. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: An ambitious disapointment Review: I'm not going to talk about the plot. I really like Dean Koontz. Sole Survivor and Phantoms are among my favorites. I was excited to dig into this one, but was soon disappointed when I discover that half the characters are pointless, the big revelation is a let down and a cop out especially for Koontz. The final two chapters were pretty suspenceful though, and for a decent ending I give it 2 stars, but everything else is boring, for a book that is nearly 700 pages long not a whole lot happens. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Strangers Review: I am big mystery/suspense reader and Strangers does not rank up there with any of my favorites. This book, to put it simply was just okay!The version a that I read was 526 pages long and I found that to be entirely too long (how others read versinons between 800 and six-hundred-and-some pages and still gave this book five stars I don't know)! The story could have been told very well in about 400 pages and would have gotten a much better review from me, however, I felt that much of the 526 pages was just fluff that unnecessarily filled up space. My other problem with this book was the ending which was totally predictable (let me just say, without giving away the ending, what you think it is, it is).Strangers was not a horrible book but I expected so much more from it as well as from Koontz which is why I can only give it 2 1/2 stars (there is no 1/2 option so I can really only give it 2). Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Kept me reading Review: After reading it a couple of years ago, I picked it up again to keep me company on my morning metro ride. It was just as good the second time around and definitely kept me interested. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: not too bad Review: for once i am not nauseated by koontz characters. don't really know why. perhaps because the events were more important than usually or perhaps because the plot doesn't focus on one person. the personality changes and events the characters go through are actually an ok read, but too much when all put together. well, at least it is somewhat relevant, which is not always the case with this author. the ending is disappointing. seems like koontz just gave up giving us a climax. a detail surronding the ending actually disgusted me philosophically, logically, almost religiously. i'll just say: godlike healing. either you understand, or you don't. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Dean Koontz has a winner with Strangers Review: This is my favorite Dean Koontz book. He gives us a cast of characters who live in different parts of the world with different occupations and life styles but they all share one thing in common: their lives are coming undone. They have each developed a fear they can't explain. The moon is also a common thread that joins them. A pair of black gloves and water in a drain cause a young brilliant doctor to have blackouts along with mind numbing fear; a motel owner is suddenly terrified of the dark; a seven year old draws pictures of the moon over and over again. This is just a few of the characters that are trapped in a world of fear. I was left turning the pages at break neck speed just to find out what in the world was happening. The book accelerates to a climax that was very satisfying. This book is one of my top ten favorites of all time, and I am a big reader! Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Good suspense, lousy climax Review: This book started out great - lots of suspense, and it was very interesting the way what seemed like various little vingettes melded into one story. The ending, however, or what should have been the 'climax' was disappointing. I don't read much Koontz, and this one isn't the one to make me want to read more. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Captivating Review: I couldn't put this book down! I'm a Dean Koontz reader but I believe this book has such great mystery involved in the plot. The mystery is revealed near the end of the book and that's why it's 4am and I'm writing this review! Highly recommend if you like mysteries. Thanks and good night! Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Amazing book! Review: Strangers was a phenomenal read! It's in my top 3 of Dean Koontz favorites along with, PHANTOMS and WATCHERS. The character development in this book is wonderful. There are a lot of characters and I felt emotionally connected to each and every one of them. While Strangers is long, when I came to the end of the 900 and something page book I was left wanting more. I just didn't want the story to end. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Strangers Review: The story is a little slow early, however I was soon drawn in. The characters are rich and diverse. I found their differences enjoyable and vital to the story. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: One of the best Dean Koontz books that I have read Review: This is a thought provoking novel that questions faith, political and military power. It is a page turner from the start. While it is science fiction, the development of the characters and their responses make it a good read for all. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Strangers Review: I am still learning this. I would change the stars to fiveIt was hard to put the book aside. I have always enjoyed reading his books Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: I love it, I love it, I love it! Review: OMG, this novel is great. At first, I was a little intimadated (sp) because of the 700+ page number. But, it goes so fast. I read 200+ pages a night so it didn't take that long. Mr. Koontz, has great an excellant plot, with characters, that you come yo care about, and root for! Amazing! My favorites were Jack and Ginger. Because they were both incredibly tough, people. I recommend this book to anyone. Read it. It is worth your time. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Audiobook version is a masterpiece Review: I recently listened to the Audiobook version of the book. Narrator Dick Hill's masterful inflections and characterizations are perfect for the story and make Koontz's words come alive. So far, out of around 15 Koontz audio versions this one is my favorite, in spite of its length. I could easily listen to it again in the near future. There were, as in many of Koontz's books, some references to the ever enigmatic "The Book of Common Sorrows". Having always found these poetic phrases quite intriguing I finally decided to obtain a copy (if it even existed). Well, it was originally fictitious (see [...]) but Koontz finally assembled these strange, lyrical exerpts (and more) into a hardback reality. As far as I know at present, the hardback version can only be purchased at Koontz's website (for about $30 USD): [...]. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Summary Review: Dozens of people from all walks of life, strangers, separated by thousands of miles with a strange event in the Nevada desert linking all of them. Something or someone drawing them back to the place where their lives began to fall apart. Can a sleepwalking writer, a doctor suffering from massive blackouts, a fallen priest and an ex-marine who is scared of the dark find out what happened that links them all together before it's too late?Tyler09 Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: One of Koontz' best Review: I read this book shortly after it came out (1986) and loved it. My husband and I are both avid readers and fans of Dean Koontz; recently I asked my husband if he had read "Strangers" and he said no, he'd never heard of it before, so I went to some book stores and couldn't find it. Finally I went to Amazon and ordered it from there; I am thoroughly enjoying reading it for the second time and I know my husband will enjoy it as son as I am finished with it. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Disappointed Review: This book is very slow at the beginning. The only good part is the middle when they mystery reaches its climax. Unfortunately, the ending didn't live up to the strong element of suspense. The ending was hokie, cliched, and predictable. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: ok if you like sci-fi Review: Strangers was well written, but not my type of story... it is a sci fi novel, which I didn't know when I picked it up. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Shameful waste of paper Review: I'm astonished that anyone can give this book higher than one or maybe two stars. My copy is 681 pages, so you might think there's a whale of a story here, right? You'd be way wrong.Koontz must have the best agent in the biz to be able to get this garbage to the market. After 50 pages I started skimming. At 97 pages I gave it up, and just briefly skimmed ahead to the end. Koontz has a serious love affair going on with his own writing, and never mind the story. This is not the first one of his books that I've gotten thoroughly disgusted with because of his verbosity. Sad to say, tho, this may very well be my last Koontz book. He's definitely talented, and has a highly creative imagination. I've wondered before tho, and again with this book; does he get paid by the word?Fortunately, I got this free from a friend. Save your money. Do not buy it. You've been warned. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Another bad ending Review: I'm not sure how so many reviewers give this a 5 star rating! The book was "OK" until the ending, and that ending just ruined everything. It was almost as bad as the ending on "From the Corner of His Eye". I am now weary on buying any more books from Koontz. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: The Best Review: This is a masterpiece. I have read many Dean Koontz books and this was probably my favorite. The character development is incredible. Just when you get into one character and are on edge, you are switched to another one and your heart starts to pound. I was riveted throughout and couldn't wait to read what happened to everyone and how they were connected. I recommend this to anyone who wants to really get deep into the reading of a book. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: A book too hard to forget Review: I read this book when it first came out. It was so good that I could not put it down and finished reading it in two days. Throughout the years, I have not stopped talking about it and I recommend it to everyone who mentions Koontz's name. I am always surprised when someone tells me they either never heard of this particular book or that they never read it. 'Strangers' is my all-time favorite book by Koontz. I am reordering it today so I can pass it along to my niece. She found Koontz a couple of years ago and has read just about every book he has written, except for this one. The story and relationships in the book makes it easy for one to think "this could really happen here'. For a great suspense read, get this book. You will enjoy a thought provoking journey. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Beyond Boring Review: I had heard great things about Koontz's books so I thought I'd give one a try. It was an agonizing experience. Perhaps if it had been edited from 670 to maybe 300 or so it might have been tolerable but it just went on and on an on in the most boring fashion. I read a lot, at least one novel a week, and I love thrillers. The only thing thrilling about this was reaching the end. God, I hated this book. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Koontz can do better Review: I didn't think I was ever going to finish this tedious read by Koontz. What was wrong with it: It was about 150 pages longer than it should have been; there were too many characters and not enough character development;and as the plot unraveled I realized how shallow, silly, and unoriginal it was; I mean, all these elaborate government conspiracy tales from Koontz are becoming really old. It's overkill. I've read most of Koontz's books and this is one of his worst. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: This was one of the best books I have read in a while. Review: I couldn't put this one down.The amazing way Koontz tied the lives of all the the Tranquility victims together and the superb way in which he brought out the insanity of Falkirk.The ending was a great surprise!!!!This is a must read until the end book.I recommend that everybody read this one. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Simply great! Review: Storytelling in the grand traditiom. No visual horrifying scenes, because Koontz wants you to imagine, and not see it. Written so beuatifully and elegantly. Definitely, in a class of his own. Answer: