Is this product review positive? Title: poor quality Review: We purchased this alarm clock for my 6 year old daughter less than a year ago. She loved the princess castle shape and the projected star feature. Within a couple months, the FM radio no longer works. She now has the option of waking up to AM talk radio or the obnoxious pre-recorded disney song. I find the dials and switches for changing stations and turning on and off to be very difficult to use. For the almost $30 we spent, I would definitly have chosen something else. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Princess Alarm Clock Radio Review: Just what she wanted but could have a longer cord. Both of the pinks look great in her Pink Bedroom! Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Interferes with USB cable for accessories Review: FYI...tried this aluminum case on two different iPODs and it interfered with the cord contact on the USB accessory cable for a 4GB 1st generation Nano and for an 8GB 2nd gen Nano. The plug goes in but not fully, and the slight gap (due to the hard case) was enough to prevent an FM adapter from working. Took the Nano out of this aluminum case, used a soft sleeve and it worked perfectly. THEIR description says you don't need to remove it to access the port, but 2 users couldn't make it work. It's attractive, thought it would give superior protection, but all you can reliably use with it is the earbud cord. Stick with the sleeves. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Questionable title Review: Aren't the words "Medieval Islam" a redundancy? When has Islam ever NOT been "Medieval"? For example, if you want to study the history of the "Dark Ages", you could study 8th and 9th century Europe, OR you could look at any Arab country today that's guided by Islamic ideas. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Pain, pain and death Review: If you hate your neighbors and want to inflict unbearable pain on them, this is the CD for you! Aside from being a completely misserable bunch of racket, there are a few highlights that you just can't help but laugh at! If you TRULY hate your neighbors and want them dead I recommend his CD, Solo Acoustic Guitar, Vol. 2. That about sums up this CD. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: The first official Maigret Review: This great novel is the first "official" Maigret.(Simenon wrote 5 novels before where Maigret appeared. But these novels didn't have the Simenon's signature.)This novel is excellent and a good introduction to the Simenon's world. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: The Fantasy Worlds of Irwin Allen Review: If your a fan of Irwin Allen's shows, then this dvd is a must have for your collection. It's a fun dvd. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: FANTASY WORLDS!!!!! Review: Excellent documentary originally seen on the Sci-Fi channel. This is an excellent DVD presentation made only better with the addittion of some great extra bonus features, Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: The Fantasy Worlds of Irwin Allen Review: This is a good Irwin Allen documentary developed for television. Billy Mumy and June Lockhart host this history of Mr. Allen from his early days in radio to his later role as producer of television shows and movies. All of his well-known shows and movies are reviewed; however some of his less known shows are overlooked. The guest appearances by the robot and Dr. Smith are over the top and too camp. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: WOW! Review: This DVD edition of "The Fantasy Worls od Irwin Allen" blew me away! I bought a VHS copy of the program after seeing it on the Sci-Fi Channel back in '95. It was a great, campy tribute to a great, campy producer. June Lockhart and Billy Mumy were fine choices as hosts. The Robot from "Lost in Space" (Irwin's best known TV series) was fun, too. (I don't want to ruin the surprise ending.) The clips, editing, interviews are great - especially the segments on Irwin's disaster films, "The Poseidon Adventure" and "The Towering Inferno." All in all, this is a great program if you like TV Sci-Fi (and love "Lost in Space"). The real news here is THE BONUS MATERIALS! Foxstar Productions and Image entertainment really went all out. There are featurettes galore from "The Towering Inferno", "Man From the 25th Century", "City Beneath the Sea" and "Land of the Giants" (another all-time favorite). Again... WOW! Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: The best of the best Review: Pointer Sisters great music,the early years ,full of energy,later music had more skill sure but nothing matches the excitement of this cd,truely timeless. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Yes We Can Can: The Best of the Blue Thumb Recordings of the Pointer Sisters Review: I have been looking for several of the selections which are featured on this CD. I was happy to find them in one CD. The item arrived in good condition and in a timely manner. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Oh yes they can can!!!! Review: I remember hearing the Pointer Sisters when they first broke onto the scene in the early '70's in San Francisco. Many of the songs on this album are from their first "Can Can" album, and what a joy it is to hear them again. This was before the sisters got caught up in the disco craze, and the music is jazzy and the harmonies are tight! I still sing "Jada" in the shower, it remains a favourite tune for me. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Too Hot to Handle....... Review: Whew, this CD is as hot as they come, this is vintage Pointer Sisters, a must for your collection....... Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Really worth it Review: A friend let us barrow this CD. My kids 4 and 10 fell in love with it. Then we checked it out from the library and they didn't want to return it. So I knew I had to buy it. It was a really good price on Amazon and so I bought it for my 4 yr. old for Easter. She is loving it. It's a wonderful chidren's CD. Very cute songs that are all new. Our favorite's include Tickle Time, O Lonely Peas, and The Dinosaur song. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Hire a band. Synths are cheap and sound that way. Review: My kids love the songs, the lyrics are cute, the vocalist is fine. The music is computerized shlock. If you like the sound of Barney, then you will love the backing music. The lyrics and singer deserve better. This is a basic issue I have with most of Boyton's CDs. More recent productions have included better lead artists, but the synthetic music still lurks in the background. On Rino tap, the "horns" sound like a early 90's synth patch. It is fine for the kiddos, but my god, after the 20th listen kill me. Hire session players, and you have a 5 star kids album. I expect more. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: A great kick-start to Apache, PHP and MySQL Review: This is a great book to start out with. It tells you what you need to know to start using PHP very quickly. Within 2 hours I was writing my own PHP scripts. I would not recommend it for experienced users.I had never written any PHP, C or Java before this - I had been brought up on Pascal, some VB and lost of System/370 assembler and Rexx. I had a clear understanding of web sites and html and I would now say that I am now a fairly competent PHP programmer.The book explains very clearly how to set up Apache, MySQL and PHP on your Windows or Linux system and takes you through some examples. It also points you at further sources on the web then once you are going, the book becomes fairly redundant. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Too Many Codes Which Do Not Work! Review: The first one-third of this book contains information which a beginner like me may quickly but too hastily find very grateful. But the feeling of being grateful will soon give way to a feeling of disappointment and anger as inaccurate code begin to show up one after another, which will make you waste countless hours. If you buy this book and have to go through the same horrible time of frustration as I have, you will agree that the authors have not tested the codes, which may sound quite incredible to you. I do not understand how this book has gotten that many positive feedbacks. I sent e-mails to the publishers to inquire about the codes in the book which did not function. But I haven't heard yet. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Too Many Code Errors!!! Review: The first one-third of the book is pretty good. But beginning Chapter 12, you will begin to find too many codes which simply do not work. I guess the authors did not bother to test the codes even once. If you have any doubt about what I wrote, please go to a local bookstore and check the codes on pages 181-191 (files: "show_createtable. html," :do_showfielddef.php," and "do_createtable.php." I cannot understand why this book got such a good feedback. I regret buying this book a lot. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Confusing Book! Review: This book has too many codes that do not function. If you do not want to waste time trying to figure out the wrong codes, do not buy this horrible book. In all appearances, the authors did not test the codes even once. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Page 8 Review: I couldn't get past page 8 in this book. The mysqld-opt command to use to start the mysql server is not what recommends for a windows machine. The book looks like it's easy to read. But I couldnt get out of the starting block with the mysql effort in the first chapter. It was easier to buy a mysql book and do it the correct way. Some URL's are needed in the install area that take one to some type of Mysql installation help. There are some at the back of the book, but I only saw those as I was dropping the book in the trash.It's probably not the books fault, but mysql installations on a windows machine... well you have to be lucky. There is no forum easily accessbile at and google points mostly to linux resources... Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Not for the computer impared Review: The code in the descriptions is so small that it has to be read with a magnifying glass. The quality of print is not such that all of the characters can be recconized even with the magnifying glass. The companion web site does not exhist per Premier Press. Generally, this book is worthless once you have php, and mysql loaded and that can be done with much better quality publications. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Fantastic Review: I received it fast. I have not taken it off since I got it. It hasn't turned colors either. I am very satisfied. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Exactly as picture;) Review: I am very satisfied with this ankle bracelet. It is shiny and actually looks even better than I expected. This is a nice anklet for the price, I would highly recommend it. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Ankle bracelet Review: This is a great anklet, it does not snag on anything and is very comfortable to wear. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: HE SAID ONCE, "HORROR IS AN EMOTION..." Review: And it is. More than anything, it is something felt. Something experienced. Winter's success with this anthology cannot be denied. That it is still in print after all this time is a true testament to that. The quality of work between the binds of this book is absolutely some of the best stuff in horror, all presented to you by the current masterminds. A rare superb collection. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: A fine collection of second rate stories Review: I give this book one star just because of the writers it includes, and I give it a second star only for the stories by David Morrell and Peter Straub. Otherwise, this is without a doubt the worst collection of horror stories I have ever read. There is no consistant theme, not that there should be one, but a theme would have given Prime Evil at least something to separate it from all the other collections. The authors included, though famous and well respected, have seemingly selected from the bottom of the barrel. The Stephen King story, Night Flyers, is probably one of his worst and of the headliners, only Straub's The Juniper Tree had any value, and it is only a horror story by association, having no real place in a genre collection. As a whole, the book works better as a marketing campaign. Stories by Jack Cady, Thomas Tessier, and Charles Grant are amusing; otherwise - don't waste your time. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: the flag sent was not the one in the picture Review: Just a heads up. They sent me a different flag. I am sure they would have swapped it but I was putting on a fundraiser and time was officially non-existant. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Medicore and less than thorough. Review: This is a reasonable, but not a strong book. Interesting cases are discussed, but their review is far from thorough. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Outdated Review: This book came in on time and in fine condition. I bought this as a class requirement & I just couldn't make myself read it. It is entirely the author's opinion & absolutely outdated. I don't recommend at all. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: book was in great shape Review: Came in a timely fashion, was clean and not torn, no problems with this seller Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: a self esteem builder ! Review: Louise Hays is masterful in her approach to getting you to love yourself so that you can be more loving to others. Easy reading. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: More than just hocus-pocus Review: There's much good information, but some diseases in life can't just be shoved away by your mind or natural oils. Still, it's worth a look. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: It is life changing Review: I love Louise Hay and her book and movie are fabulous, the movie can change your life in just 1 viewing and the book is also great, just reminders of how powerful our minds are and that we really can change our lives. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Louise Hay is amazing! Review: My cousin recommended this book and I was delighted to find the DVD which I have told numerous people about. If you have ever watched the DVD called "The Secret" and were left wondering or hanging, this is the answer! Like Louise says in the DVD, you can get the same answer from several different people and it only takes that one person to make sense of it. (My words) The affirmations are wonderful as well. What a difference positive thinking can make! Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: A true work of genius - life-changing Review: As a recovering "rational/analytic" type, I resisted Louise Hay's ideas for over a year and even laughed at the simplicity of them. I now listen to the taped version everyday in my car. The ideas are simple because they're true. The ideas are already changing my life for the better. Louise has given us all a gift of learning how to change our lives with compassion, love and kindness. Thank you, Louise!Buy this book and read it with an open heart. It will change your life. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Welcome to the land of the deluded Review: Beofre wasting your money on purchasing these books, read the first page. Her Amway style, evangelical christian morals come through in her presentation. If you are not able to automatically forgice the past and forget the past, save your money. The whole premise of the course is based on these two principles. The sad fact for most people looking to gain from these books, is that if they could actually do those two things in the first place they would not need the books at all.The work books are condescending and pointless. Perhaps consider "The Positive Power of Negative Thinking by Julie Norem" as a viable alternative to the unrealistic sunshine and light approach of Hay, who really needs a good dose of reality. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: The wrong book to look at Review: Buy How To Find Yourself and Your Best Match Socionics by Rod Novichkov.This book, you wasted your money on, tells you that all your physical flaws are do to a disorder you may have in the way you think. How sad! Don't you want something positive that actually acknowledges you for who you are instead of pointing out everything about you you should be fixing?No amount of this book's receips will cure you of your acne (medicine and a good diet can).Isn't the whole purpose of this book to fix who you are so you can be happy for yourself and for those around you? Well you'll be too busy fixing rather then just being happy. Rod Novichkov's books shows you who you are and how to find happiness, truly, at last, a book that has come to humanity's aid. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: If I Could Give Zero Stars, I Would Review: This is such drivel.The idea that we create everything in our lives is simple-mindedness at best. At worst, it can lead people who don't know any better to abandon medical treatment and blame themselves unnecessarily for things truly out of their hands.What little good I gleaned I learned a long time ago.Also, it's outdated in at least one area. I didn't finish the whole thing; it may be outdated in other areas, too.I'm so sorry I wasted money on this. I ordered it from a book club. I wish I had had a chance to view it first.Don't waste your money. There are much better self-help books out there, ones that are sound and helpful. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: How can I rate something I have not recieved Review: Need to get the product before I can rate it. It has been over 1 1/2 months since ordering the product Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: not very helpful Review: I love these types of books but this one just didn't give a lot of really good/actionable information. Not worth the read. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Top Notch Seller Review: The book was exactly as advertised and arrived in a very short time. This seller will get my repeat business. Thank you. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: It looks good on you! Review: There's nothing like sending a gift that says, "I'm totally healed. You, on the other hand, need work!" Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Fantastic self-help book! Review: I have read literally hundreds of self-help books in my life, and I have to say that this is one of the very few that provides you with practical, everyday affirmations and exercizes which are effective and really work. I have shared many of these same affirmations with my 10 and 12 year old children, and they are noticing positive changes beginning to occur in their lives too. Like anything else, you can't just read the affirmations or do the exercizes once. They must be practiced on a continual basis, but if you do the changes in your life will be dramatic. Louise Hay's writing style is also very "readable", easy to understand, and practical. A great self-help resource book! Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Love This! Review: I am a self-help junkie, I admit it, but this books makes sense. It all comes down to how we feel about ourselves. The affirmations are simply and effective. If the mind listens to all the negative, it also listens to all the positive. I also like that Louise L Hay is not biased or judgmental, the mirror is typically where you find your worst critic. This book will teach you how to change that. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: You Can Heal Your Life Review: And you can heal your life, with the help of this book and some effort on your part. A wonderful read that you don't have to read all at once. Very simple and very profound excercises you can do yourself to heal. I highly recommend this book if you want to make some serious and positive changes in your life and don't have thousands of dollars to spend on therapy! Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: You can Heal your Life Review: Enjoyed the book, well worth the read. We all hold the power to heal ourselves. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Great book to read and re-read Review: This is an amazingly insightful, helpful, positive book. She gets right to the heart of the matter and offers easy to understand, easy to follow steps to helping yourself. Buy it, read it, take it to heart. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: You Can Heal Your Life Review: I read this book years ago in Turkish. I don't remember which edition it was ... one of the very important books I brought all the way from Turkey while moving to Canada! now I own 63rd!!!!! edition in English ... I almost know every single sentence in the book but I cannot resist reading it over and over again ... Did I heal my life ????? I have everything I have dreamt of!!! I keep dreaming, and am looking forward to my new dreams to come true .... what an amazing guidance in one's life!!!! THANK YOU LOUISE HAY!!!! Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Good, but not amazing Review: This book has some good thoughts in it. Thinking positive, meditation, taking care of yourself. Having positive energy surrounding you is something good.However, I whole heartedly disagree with parts of this book. A lot of it comes across as victim blaming.Oh, you got cancer? It's because you're a negative person.You were born into an abusive family? It's your own fault because you CHOSE your parents.You're starving in Africa, or had your whole family murdered due to war? Oh that's because you needed that life experience.It disgusts me that she blames the person for their ailments in such a condescending, ignorant manner.Yes, it's good to be a positive person, because it leads to less stress, which helps health.But that should be obvious. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Louise Hay book and DVD Review: Louise Hay is just great. She has spent a life of teaching others what she has learned. I lost my original book and ordered this super deal. I got the book and a wonderful DVD for about $14. If you need to get your life back on track emotionally or physically Louise Hay can show you the way. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: This book is so basic it is scary Review: If you think about it, these basic principles Louise L. Hay mentions in the book really are all it takes to heal your life. The shape of your life really is mind over matter. Sure we are all thrusted into circumstances beyond our control at some point in life, but if you keep telling yourself you won't have or can't do, nothing good will happen for you. In the companion book that goes with this, she kind of tricks you into answering your own questions about what is holding you back from healing and happiness. You don't even realize it when you are answering the questions.The thoughts expressed in this book are so simple that you will ask yourself "why didn't I change my thinking sooner?" Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: A wonderfully wise and truly health centered book! Review: Louise L. Hay is the walking evidence of her teachings; she has healed her own life;being a victim of rape at the age of five, surviving a loveless childhood,brutal men and abusive relationships, a divorce and a cancer verdict;she healed her own life and soul and shares her wisom in this wonderfully wise and deeply compassionate book.Dangerous thought patterns create poisonous and poisoned bodies and dis-eases,just as if we eat poisonous food our bodies will suffer,but we can change the destructive thought patterns and create healthy bodies.It is a matter of will power and self-love; knowledge and self-knowledge.What we believe is what we get, thoughts attract similar thoughts. Her truth is, of course both very simpleand the opposite of simple. Change is never easy even if it is necessaryBut as I said initially; Louise L. Hay is a walking eighty something example of the truth of her ownteachings.I strongly recommend this book!Rain L. Sommers Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Total crap! Review: At the insistance of an online "New Age" friend, I picked up this book. And it's awful. I have tried to read it about 10 times in the last five years. It amounts to GARBAGE. Louise L. Hay has built herself a nice little empire out of this nonsense. She regurgitates the same information in nearly every book and CD. This book will NOT heal your life; get a therapist and psychotropic medication!!! Louise L. Hay is not qualified to help us! (Two stars 'cause the pictures are pretty!!!) Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: You can heal your life Review: I did not receive the version of this book that I ordered. You sent an earlier publication. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Misrepresented Review: The contents of this book are great - the book though is mentioned to have beautiful colours throughout and be worhty of a "gift". This is not the case. This is not the original brightly coloured version, but the black and white version. this needs to be made much more clear - I was very disapointed to be sent these and not the beatiful gifts I had planned to give. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Great book. Helped gain perspective Review: This book had a calming effect on me. I learned of Louise Hay and her writings on an Oprah show that was following up on The Secret by Rhonda Bryne. I ordered the book and began to read it immediately. It has helped me gain perspective and I've learned techniques for dealing with stress and racing thoughts. I've put positive thinking to work and have seen results - which - despite believing in the ideology - still surprised me. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: You can heal your life. Review: YOU CAN HEAL YOUR LIFE: by LOUISE HAYShe is a very special lady and has lots of good ideas and she makes you think. Also, She shows you that theirs other ways of looking at things. You can heal your life if you will make changes. Check out, this book and see if she doesn't change your life!It has been an eye opening experience for me, and lots of fun. I have changed my life and changed my water and my eating habits. I am not so afraid of change now. I am happier an willing to go farther now.Thank you so much,Louise Hay,Your A Special Lady!Anna Maria Bible Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Reckless and Irresponsible Review: Because Ms. Hay presents some basic ideas (ala "The Secret") that are valid involving the effect negative thinking has on every aspect of your health and well-being, I won't give this one star. A massage therapist recommended this book to me because I have MS and I read the entire thing with an open mind, though I became concerned fairly early on. I am surprised there aren't more reviewers who find Ms. Hay's edicts as to how this or that thought pattern cause SERIOUs physiological problems and diseases--with no scientific back-up, training, and very little anecdotal evidence--really irresponsible. To suggest that you can cure yourself of life-threatening conditions by repeating her suggested affirmations is reckless. Beyond that, the intense focus on self and glorification of the material (bordering on greed) strike me as counter to creating what is genuinely positive. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: I Had Spinal Meningitis Before I Was Even 1 Review: And according to her, the cause of spinal meningitis is anger. What could I have been angry about at that age???I guess her book appeals to people with no real problems or brains because it makes them FEEL like they can solve all by just thinking and feeling particular ways.Fraud. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: great book, lousy kindle edition Review: bought the kindle after reading this wonderful book. very disappointed in the kindle version: bad layout and punctuation, actually interfering with reading. needs a real editor. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Great for furthering Personal Healing and Personal Growth Review: My favorite part of this book is the back of the appendix, which includes health issues, cause related in one's life, and a healing affirmation for that condition. And, the affirmations are always so healing and right on the money to its association.Highly recommend this book for someone on a personal healing journey, ready to release the old and move forward to a more "positive you."Kristin Marie RodriguezAuthor, Teacher, & Spiritual Life Coach[...] Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Superb Life style book! Review: This book will change your life. Even if you think there's not much to heal in Your life, there is always something you can work on to make you feel better and make the most of this life.Recommended reading! Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Yes you can heal yourself Review: I am so glad to finally find something that resonates with me and what I have always believed in my being but did not have the words to convey. Thank you Louise for bringing this to the world. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: A book that really heals Review: I bought her first edition of this book years ago when I was told I had cancer (which I cured)and have referred to it many can tell by how battered mine is. I use to give it to friends to read, now I just buy it for them. This book is great, when in doubt re read it and it will show you the answer. I use to be a bartender and listened to hundreds of peoples problem's so I know what it is to help people. You have to look passed her ( Ms Hays) Godliness and just see the spiritual side. Good luck to all that read it.. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Fantastic! Review: I recently got this book from the library to see if I liked it before buying and I LOVE IT! I did not buy on Amazon- went to Barnes and Noble where I paid more money but I just had to have it ASAP! 3/4 of the way thru is a list of ailments and what they mean and an affirmation to repeat as often as possible for the condition to vanish. I did the one for low back and my low back pain is gone- in a couple of days! My mom has had a chronic cough for YEARS and she did the affirmation for coughing and has not coughed in 5 days after only doing her affirmation for 3 days- utterly amazing! Does it work because we think it does? Who cares? As long as it works! Louise L. Hay is such an inspiration to me, I am spreading the word about her and her work to everyone I come in contact with! I definitely recommend this material to anyone wanting to seriously take their life into an exciting, positive direction! Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Everyone should give this book a try... Review: Louise L. Hay wrote a magnificant piece with this book.She gets right to the point of the matter and explains how to deal with whatever your problem may be by using positive affirmation.One can truly feel the beauty within themselves while reading this book.This is a wonderful work of art by a great lady who let's you know she really cares about you."All is well in my world" and it can be in yours too if you allow it. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: I liked this Review: This was pretty good. I liked The Power of Spoken Words much better. Louise Hay has very good Cd's and I enjoy listening to her. If you are a person whol likes self improvement Cd's check out her collection. I do recommend her Cd's Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Great Book Review: This book will teach you about gratitude when you do not feel very grateful, which is why you reach for a book titled this way. Get ready to appreciate what you have and what you are about to receive. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Constant companion Review: I have had this book for many years and used it extensively to get a feel for what in my life is causing my physical problems. It never ceases to amaze me.This is the third time I have purchased i for a gift. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: first time I've read a book by Ms. Hay Review: I personally started using some techniques and it's like a miracle, they sound simplistic but they work and they are a part of my every day attitude now. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Love it! Review: I've only watched the video so far (twice!), but I LOVED it and look forward to reading the book as well... so inspiring! Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: This book changed my life Review: This book provides a great insight into the reality of how we create our own experiences and how we can change this whenever we choose.What an amazing book and how great it is to have it to refer to constantly.You will not be able to part with this book - ever!Helen MeaderAuthorWeight Consciousness: Changing The Beliefs That Prevent Permanent Weight Loss Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Truly remarkable book Review: Excellent addition to anybodies self help library. I just keep going back and redoing the exercises and marvel at the changes in my life. Absolutely brilliant gift I give thanks for each day. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: A matter of mental hygiene Review: In the summer of 2004 I decided to change my inner-world-situation. I was encouraged by my boy-friend's friend, who lent me a book by Louise Hay 'You Can Heal Your Life'. I started reading. It didn't seem to work. I started doing the mental work described in the book. It didn't seem to work. I said to myself: I hit the bottom. I am constantly thinking of committing a suicide. I cannot fall any deeper. I will continue the affirmations and visualizations. It must start working some day. I was stubborn as hell and so I persisted. Twice a day for about 20 minutes. The first results began to show after a year. And so I went on with the mental work. After 5 years of working on my ways of thinking daily I can say I changed substantially. I also realized that this kind of work is just like taking a shower. You should do it every day, it is a sort of mental hygiene.Balancing the Beast: A Bright View of Schizoaffective Disorder - Bipolar or Manic-Depressive Type Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Marvelously Simple Review: The message is simple, which is why it's so powerful -- You don't become what you want, you become what you believe. This book and it's message is transformational. If focusing on the negative aspects of life and events in your life hasn't brought you the life you want, what have you got to lose? A couple of bucks. Radical tidbits -- it's just a thought and you have the power to change it; we're responsible for and create our own happiness (or lack thereof). If you're ready for change and your heart is open, this is a great book. (Also rec. The Unmistakable Touch of Grace by Cheryl Richardson). Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: I would buy it again! Review: I have not completely finished the book yet. If you follow it correctly it will take you several weeks. It really makes you think about your life and gives you new hope. I don't have a horrible life but I can feel myself slowly getting to a place that just feels great! I have noticed a change in my life already. Positive thinking and forgiving really does work!!Some of her theories are a little "out there" (like picking our own parents) but I just look past them and move on to other things.Buy it if you are truley ready to be happy and make serious changes in your life. You have to be ready to really look at the real reasons why you are the way you are. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Excellent!! Review: This book is a MUST HAVE for anyone who pays attention, and has a wish to change their 60,000 daily thoughts. Have a Prosperous Day. BWell. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: a must read book Review: This book has been a god sent to me. She really has an insight into your soul. It is something to lift you out of the darkness that the world has pulled around us. You can make a differnts in a postive way by the way you live and the people you come in contact with. ARE VERY MUST READ!!!! Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Beautiful Healing Book! Review: Louise Hay is the source for all that has sprung up in the "self help" industry. This kind comforting book can heal anyone that is open to affirmations. Enjoy the enlightenment! Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: You Can Heal Your Life Review: Excelent. This book opened my eyes to many things which has helped me improve my life in many areas, mainly getting rid of pains and aches that had been very annoying for the last couple of years. Strongly recommended. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: You can heal your life Review: I have a gift edition of the book. And it was one of the first self-improvement books I ever read. I am happy that I picked Louise Hay. She is a Master in making people feel great about themselves and cut criticism and megative thoughts that often creep into our minds and try to make us feel miserable. I can tell you that after reading the book you start to work on your mind and finally you change your life. It has exercises and affirmations that do significant improvements in your life and even in your looks. If you buy a gift edition the book of Meditations is really good. A meditation on headache almed and treated mine right after I read it several times. And illustrations... You can buy the book only to see amazing work of Joan Perrin Falquet. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Unbelievably boring Review: Don't bother. It sounds much better than it is. In fact, I will either re-list it or just not bother and donate it to a charity. I do not have time to read this drivel. Sorry if you were expecting some great revelation. You will not find any in this book. A huge disappointment. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Scientifically Irresponsible and Dangerous Nonsense Review: This book is so monumentally ridiculous that it would be outrageously funny if it weren't for the fact that there are misguided people out there who buy into it. The author is a not a doctor or a scientist; not even close. She makes ludicrous statements like if people are deaf, the "reason" is because they "heard something they didn't like," and similar silliness, and for every condition imaginable. It's like reading the rantings and ravings of a pathetically ignorant child. And it's dangerous in the extreme: a friend who bought into this atrocity of a book just passed away because she believed in all these childish "mind over matter" ideas and wouldn't go to the doctor when she had a condition; and she paid for her belief in this nonsense with her life.I wonder how the author can subject the public to this kind of fraud and live with herself. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: I think think the information is redundant and the book is overrated. Review: I think that the technics to heal yourself are a little redundant.Over all I felt the book was a little disapointing. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: A Waste Of Paper Review: So here is Louise's version of good and evil. Oops! I forgot, there is no such thing as evil to Ms. Hay. To those who read this book-if you want to know why you have cancer or AIDS, why it is because your attitude is not positive enough.And by the way, if you are in a plane crash-you attracted it. If you have food poisining, you attracted it. The message here is that you attract EVERYTHING in your life. Good, bad, or in the middle. Think Ms. Hay is just a little bit of a control freak?? HELLO!!!!!!! Sorry Louise, sometimes a cold is just a cold, and a cigar just a cigar. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: MUST READ / MUST KEEP / MUST SHARE Review: Very insightful book written by a special person. This should be used as a resource in formal education.This resource helps you rethink how you live your life, the choices you make on a daily basis, how you can retrain yourself to have thoughts that give you more happiness and health. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Best self help book EVER! Review: Louise Hay has graciously shared the most advantageous information on how to change or enhance the direction of your life. Positive, amazing & a spiritually uplifting new journey if you take it!! Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: the book that started it all Review: If you're a fan of Louise Hay or Hay House, her publishing company, you owe it to yourself to go through this book! It is excellent and the basis for so many of the self-help and positive mindset books and materials being published today. This one is especially inspiring and that inspiration has only increased for me as I've watched what Louise Hay has been able to do in the last 25 years. This woman is simply amazing! Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: When I find myself in times of trouble Review: This book led me to a more peaceful place...even while I try to quit smoking... My stepdaughter has also found it helpful in dealing with her negativity and anger. It was recommended by a counselor at my place of employment and I also recommend it highly. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Does not work Review: Several years ago I followed the instructions in this book with great gusto as I was suffering from a chronic condition that I wanted to be rid of and I can say that I have not had any healing at all. What is helping me is the kindness of a dear husband and not some nut out to make a buck of peoples troubles. This is much like the wording that is used during rapid eye and let me tell you it has never worked for me. I have training in this kind of work and did a lot of sessions on a so called friend who still ended up as crazy as she was before. This stuff is nuts and takes advantage of those who are at a very low point in their lives. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Motivating to One's Character Review: This book challenges the reader to look within themselves for healing and solice. We are what we believe ourselves to be. Our beliefs create our path, and even, our physical bodies more than we often realize. Louise Hay has written a book that inspires each of us to take full responsibility for who we are, and in turn, what we become. Within the pages of this book, you will find emotional and mental patterns that create us from the inside out. You can use the affirmations in this book to heal; rather than, hurt. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: You Can Heal Your Life (Gift Edition) by Louise L. Hay Review: I was very impressed with the book and found it very helpful in my personal life. Ms. Hay's approach guides us throughout the day and night to heal our lives of guilt and low self esteem. She offers sound techniques and teaches us practical ways to learn to love ourselves. The best book on self-esteem I have ever read!However, there are some people who may be offended by Ms. Hay's "New Age" approach. I hope they won't let that stop them from reading the book. You can practice any Religion and use the techniques she lays out in her book. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Take the time to read this book. Review: I ran across this book at a close-out sale of a boutique. I had several items I was purchasing & I spotted the book up by the check out register. I put it in with my things, as I had been feeling out of sorts & not knowing what to do about it. That had continued for some time. I went home & read the book. It really helped me get a different perspective, find new ways to think about old problems, & I was able to get back to being my happy self. It's a good book to go back to from time to time. I made the mistake of lending it to a friend & not remembering who I lent it to, so I bought the Kindle version & will be able to refer back to it whenever I want to. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: great book Review: my sister swears by this book ...she says it has changed her lifeI have read some of it and like it very much...its an easy read and full of good information....however since i am a slow selfhelp reader ....i cant read it in one will take me some time Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Love love love Review: Recovering from Guillain Barre Syndrome so found this sooooooo helpful as I recover. Changed my life in more ways than I can describe xxx Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Read this first before your holy book Review: This book was introduced to me in 1992 during a painful divorce and I wasn't able to comprehend its gem like value. It wasn't until I rediscovered it on Amazon, and it is helping change my life before my eyes. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: Heal you life louise hay Review: This book was and is a great help for me. I recieved it in a timely fashion and read it cover to cover and watched the dvd. Answer:
Is this product review positive? Title: One of my favorite books ever Review: I have had ths book for several years and yet continue to pick it up and read it again and again. The references on illness and the thinking that causes the illness I have found to be pretty dead on. Change your thinking change your life. Louise's story is powerful and empowering. Answer: