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"is not so much a work of entertainment as it is a unique , well-crafted psychological study of grief .",1
formula 51 promises a new kind of high but delivers the same old bad trip .,0
i was sent a copyof this film to review on dvd . for free . i still want my money back .,0
the kind of sense of humor that derives from a workman's grasp of pun and entendre and its attendant need to constantly draw attention to itself .,1
"like most of jaglom's films , some of it is honestly affecting , but more of it seems contrived and secondhand .",0
". . . by the time it's done with us , mira nair's new movie has its audience giddy with the delight of discovery , of having been immersed in a foreign culture only to find that human nature is pretty much the same all over .",1
an ambitious and moving but bleak film .,1
"aspires to the cracked lunacy of the adventures of buckaroo banzai , but thanks to an astonishingly witless script ends up more like the adventures of ford fairlane .",0
contrasting the original ringu with the current americanized adaptation is akin to comparing the evil dead with evil dead ii,1
"ice cube isn't quite out of ripe screwball ideas , but friday after next spreads them pretty thin .",0
"rich in atmosphere of the post-war art world , it manages to instruct without reeking of research library dust .",1
"often likable , but just as often it's meandering , low on energy , and too eager to be quirky at moments when a little old-fashioned storytelling would come in handy .",0
"memorable for a peculiar malaise that renders its tension flaccid and , by extension , its surprises limp and its resolutions ritual .",0
"romantic , riveting and handsomely animated .",1
at once overly old-fashioned in its sudsy plotting and heavy-handed in its effort to modernize it with encomia to diversity and tolerance .,0
degenerates into hogwash .,0
"a beyond-lame satire , teddy bears' picnic ranks among the most pitiful directing debuts by an esteemed writer-actor .",0
an engrossing portrait of uncompromising artists trying to create something original against the backdrop of a corporate music industry that only seems to care about the bottom line .,1
"if i have to choose between gorgeous animation and a lame story ( like , say , treasure planet ) or so-so animation and an exciting , clever story with a batch of appealing characters , i'll take the latter every time .",1
"beautifully shot against the frozen winter landscapes of grenoble and geneva , the film unfolds with all the mounting tension of an expert thriller , until the tragedy beneath it all gradually reveals itself .",1
that the e-graveyard holds as many good ideas as bad is the cold comfort that chin's film serves up with style and empathy .,1
"like smoke signals , the film is also imbued with strong themes of familial ties and spirituality that are powerful and moving without stooping to base melodrama",1
"all the filmmakers are asking of us , is to believe in something that is improbable .",1
". . . a fascinating curiosity piece -- fascinating , that is , for about ten minutes . after that it becomes long and tedious like a classroom play in a college history course .",0
"the acting , for the most part , is terrific , although the actors must struggle with the fact that they're playing characters who sometimes feel more like literary conceits than flesh-and-blood humans .",1
"when one hears harry shearer is going to make his debut as a film director , one would hope for the best",0
"humorous , artsy , and even cute , in an off-kilter , dark , vaguely disturbing way .",1
it goes on for too long and bogs down in a surfeit of characters and unnecessary subplots .,0
it's not too fast and not too slow . it's not too racy and it's not too offensive . it's not too much of anything .,0
one of the most slyly exquisite anti-adult movies ever made .,1
"dodgy mixture of cutesy romance , dark satire and murder mystery .",0
"this overlong infomercial , due out on video before month's end , is tepid and tedious .",0
"ou've got to love a disney pic with as little cleavage as this one has , and a heroine as feisty and principled as jane .",1
"the performances are strong , though the subject matter demands acting that borders on hammy at times .",1
like most movies about the pitfalls of bad behavior . . . circuit gets drawn into the party .,0
stale and clichéd to a fault .,0
"this humbling little film , fueled by the light comedic work of zhao benshan and the delicate ways of dong jie , is just the sort for those moviegoers who complain that 'they don't make movies like they used to anymore . '",1
"not only does leblanc make one spectacularly ugly-looking broad , but he appears miserable throughout as he swaggers through his scenes .",0
""" punch-drunk love "" is a little like a chocolate milk moustache . . .",1
"it is different from others in its genre in that it is does not rely on dumb gags , anatomical humor , or character cliches ; it primarily relies on character to tell its story .",1
"what's most offensive isn't the waste of a good cast , but the film's denial of sincere grief and mourning in favor of bogus spiritualism .",0
. . . myers has turned his franchise into the movie version of an adolescent dirty-joke book done up in post-tarantino pop-culture riffs . . .,1
splendidly illustrates the ability of the human spirit to overcome adversity .,1
"[screenwriter] pimental took the farrelly brothers comedy and feminized it , but it is a rather poor imitation .",0
"there's some outrageously creative action in the transporter . . . [b]ut by the time frank parachutes down onto a moving truck , it's just another cartoon with an unstoppable superman .",0
nolan proves that he can cross swords with the best of them and helm a more traditionally plotted popcorn thriller while surrendering little of his intellectual rigor or creative composure .,1
it's hard to believe that something so short could be so flabby .,0
"i liked the movie , but i know i would have liked it more if it had just gone that one step further . i'm left slightly disappointed that it didn't .",0
was that movie nothing more than a tepid exercise in trotting out a formula that worked five years ago but has since lost its fizz ?,0
just watch bettany strut his stuff . you'll know a star when you see one .,1
shows moments of promise but ultimately succumbs to cliches and pat storytelling .,0
"everything else about high crimes is , like the military system of justice it portrays , tiresomely regimented .",0
a remarkably insightful look at the backstage angst of the stand-up comic .,1
"it's sobering , particularly if anyone still thinks this conflict can be resolved easily , or soon .",1
a wildly entertaining scan of evans' career .,1
"shyamalan offers copious hints along the way -- myriad signs , if you will -- that beneath the familiar , funny surface is a far bigger , far more meaningful story than one in which little green men come to earth for harvesting purposes .",1
what begins brightly gets bogged down over 140 minutes .,0
an empty shell of an epic rather than the real deal .,0
and people make fun of me for liking showgirls</> .,0
"those moviegoers who would automatically bypass a hip-hop documentary should give "" scratch "" a second look .",1
this is standard crime drama fare . . . instantly forgettable and thoroughly dull .,0
"each story is built on a potentially interesting idea , but the first two are ruined by amateurish writing and acting , while the third feels limited by its short running time .",0
"if you've the patience , there are great rewards here .",1
"not only is it a charming , funny and beautifully crafted import , it uses very little dialogue , making it relatively effortless to read and follow the action at the same time .",1
"in death to smoochy , we don't get williams' usual tear and a smile , just sneers and bile , and the spectacle is nothing short of refreshing .",1
more a gunfest than a rock concert .,0
"the color sense of stuart little 2 is its most immediate and most obvious pleasure , but it would count for very little if the movie weren't as beautifully shaped and as delicately calibrated in tone as it is .",1
an amused indictment of jaglom's own profession .,1
"its and pieces of the hot chick are so hilarious , and schneider's performance is so fine , it's a real shame that so much of the movie -- again , as in the animal -- is a slapdash mess .",0
"both lead performances are oscar-size . quaid is utterly fearless as the tortured husband living a painful lie , and moore wonderfully underplays the long-suffering heroine with an unflappable '50s dignity somewhere between jane wyman and june cleaver .",1
"while you have to admit it's semi-amusing to watch robert deniro belt out "" when you're a jet , you're a jet all the way , "" it's equally distasteful to watch him sing the lyrics to "" tonight . """,0
"even as i valiantly struggled to remain interested , or at least conscious , i could feel my eyelids . . . getting . . . very . . . heavy . . .",0
"a bizarre piece of work , with premise and dialogue at the level of kids' television and plot threads as morose as teen pregnancy , rape and suspected murder",0
a funny film .,1
"the byplay and bickering between the now spy-savvy siblings , carmen ( vega ) and juni ( sabara ) cortez , anchor the film in a very real and amusing give-and-take .",1
[a] stale retread of the '53 original .,0
"not only a coming-of-age story and cautionary parable , but also a perfectly rendered period piece .",1
sweet home alabama certainly won't be remembered as one of [witherspoon's] better films .,0
"it's a good film , but it falls short of its aspiration to be a true 'epic' .",1
mark pellington's latest pop thriller is as kooky and overeager as it is spooky and subtly in love with myth .,1
represents something very close to the nadir of the thriller/horror genre .,0
remarkable for its intelligence and intensity .,1
. . . either you're willing to go with this claustrophobic concept or you're not .,1
"about schmidt is nicholson's goofy , heartfelt , mesmerizing king lear .",1
will certainly appeal to asian cult cinema fans and asiaphiles interested to see what all the fuss is about .,1
a brutally dry satire of middle american numbness .,1
"an action/thriller of the finest kind , evoking memories of day of the jackal , the french connection , and heat .",1
"to the filmmakers , ivan is a prince of a fellow , but he comes across as shallow and glib though not mean-spirited , and there's no indication that he's been responsible for putting together any movies of particular value or merit .",0
it's the kind of effectively creepy-scary thriller that has you fixating on a far corner of the screen at times because your nerves just can't take it any more .,1
"mckay shows crushingly little curiosity about , or is ill-equipped to examine , the interior lives of the characters in his film , much less incorporate them into his narrative .",0
"at its best when the guarded , resentful betty and the manipulative yet needy margot are front and center .",1
there has been a string of ensemble cast romances recently . . . but peter mattei's love in the time of money sets itself apart by forming a chain of relationships that come full circle to end on a positive ( if tragic ) note .,1
there isn't one moment in the film that surprises or delights .,0
the leads we are given here are simply too bland to be interesting .,0
"[t]he script isn't up to the level of the direction , nor are the uneven performances by the cast members , who seem bound and determined to duplicate bela lugosi's now-cliched vampire accent .",0
"for all of its insights into the dream world of teen life , and its electronic expression through cyber culture , the film gives no quarter to anyone seeking to pull a cohesive story out of its 2 1/2-hour running time .",0
"tsai has managed to create an underplayed melodrama about family dynamics and dysfunction that harks back to the spare , unchecked heartache of yasujiro ozu .",1
it is hard not to be especially grateful for freedom after a film like this .,1
"one of the pleasures in walter's documentary . . . is the parade of veteran painters , confounded dealers , and miscellaneous bohos who expound upon the subject's mysterious personality without ever explaining him .",1
a ragbag of cliches .,0
nós gosta muito de as duas torres .,1
"it's funny , as the old saying goes , because it's true .",1
"if there was ever a movie where the upbeat ending feels like a copout , this is the one .",0
"world traveler might not go anywhere new , or arrive anyplace special , but it's certainly an honest attempt to get at something .",1
"did no one on the set have a sense of humor , or did they not have the nerve to speak up ?",0
"it pulls the rug out from under you , just when you're ready to hate one character , or really sympathize with another character , something happens to send you off in different direction .",1
"a small gem of a movie that defies classification and is as thought-provoking as it is funny , scary and sad .",1
"a bittersweet film , simple in form but rich with human events .",1
"quiet , adult and just about more stately than any contemporary movie this year . . . a true study , a film with a questioning heart and mind that isn't afraid to admit it doesn't have all the answers .",1
wise and deadpan humorous .,1
. . . could easily be called the best korean film of 2002 .,1
"[ "" safe conduct "" ] is a long movie at 163 minutes but it fills the time with drama , romance , tragedy , bravery , political intrigue , partisans and sabotage . viva le resistance !",1
"a loud , brash and mainly unfunny high school comedy .",0
a generic bloodbath that often becomes laughably unbearable when it isn't merely offensive .,0
"it's as if solondz had two ideas for two movies , couldn't really figure out how to flesh either out , so he just slopped ‘em together here .",0
"the unexplored story opportunities of "" punch-drunk love "" may have worked against the maker's minimalist intent but it is an interesting exercise by talented writer/director anderson .",1
"for almost the first two-thirds of martin scorsese's 168-minute gangs of new york , i was entranced .",1
"a dull , inconsistent , dishonest female bonding picture .",0
"one of those movies that catches you up in something bigger than yourself , namely , an archetypal desire to enjoy good trash every now and then .",1
"unfortunately , contrived plotting , stereotyped characters and woo's over-the-top instincts as a director undermine the moral dilemma at the movie's heart .",0
witless and utterly pointless .,0
weiss and speck never make a convincing case for the relevance of these two 20th-century footnotes .,0
this is the first film i've ever seen that had no obvious directing involved .,0
"a different and emotionally reserved type of survival story -- a film less about refracting all of world war ii through the specific conditions of one man , and more about that man lost in its midst .",1
"as a science fiction movie , "" minority report "" astounds .",1
"there are problems with this film that even 3 oscar winners can't overcome , but it's a nice girl-buddy movie once it gets rock-n-rolling .",1
"it's an exhilarating place to visit , this laboratory of laughter .",1
get out your pooper-scoopers .,0
"if you're the kind of parent who enjoys intentionally introducing your kids to films which will cause loads of irreparable damage that years and years of costly analysis could never fix , i have just one word for you -– decasia",1
"a brain twister , less a movie-movie than a funny and weird meditation on hollywood , success , artistic integrity and intellectual bankruptcy .",1
"after the first 10 minutes , which is worth seeing , the movie sinks into an abyss of clichés , depression and bad alternative music .",0
"the importance of being earnest , so thick with wit it plays like a reading from bartlett's familiar quotations",1
"believes so fervently in humanity that it feels almost anachronistic , and it is too cute by half . but arriving at a particularly dark moment in history , it offers flickering reminders of the ties that bind us .",1
"thanks to ice cube , benjamins feels an awful lot like friday in miami .",1
"[jeff's] gorgeous , fluid compositions , underlined by neil finn and edmund mcwilliams's melancholy music , are charged with metaphor , but rarely easy , obvious or self-indulgent .",1
the major problem with windtalkers is that the bulk of the movie centers on the wrong character .,0
"it's a rollicking adventure for you and all your mateys , regardless of their ages .",1
"remarkable for its excellent storytelling , its economical , compressed characterisations and for its profound humanity , it's an adventure story and history lesson all in one .",1
"es una de esas películas de las que uno sale reconfortado , agradecido , genuinamente sorprendido .",1
"the film fearlessly gets under the skin of the people involved . . . this makes it not only a detailed historical document , but an engaging and moving portrait of a subculture .",1
"[creates] the worst kind of mythologizing , the kind that sacrifices real heroism and abject suffering for melodrama .",0
the lousy lead performances . . . keep the movie from ever reaching the comic heights it obviously desired .,0
a sustained fest of self-congratulation between actor and director that leaves scant place for the viewer .,0
a lot smarter than your average bond .,1
it's not original enough .,0
"to those who have not read the book , the film is a much better mother-daughter tale than last summer's 'divine secrets of the ya-ya sisterhood , ' but that's not saying much .",1
a wonderfully warm human drama that remains vividly in memory long after viewing,1
do we really need another film that praises female self-sacrifice ?,0
"i've never seen ( a remake ) do anything as stomach-turning as the way adam sandler's new movie rapes , pillages and incinerates frank capra's classic . . .",0
'alice's adventure through the looking glass and into zombie-land' is filled with strange and wonderful creatures .,1
a virtual roller-coaster ride of glamour and sleaze .,1
"bill morrison's decasia is uncompromising , difficult and unbearably beautiful .",1
those unfamiliar with mormon traditions may find the singles ward occasionally bewildering .,0
"she's as rude and profane as ever , always hilarious and , most of the time , absolutely right in her stinging social observations .",1
there's much tongue in cheek in the film and there's no doubt the filmmaker is having fun with it all .,1
"grant is certainly amusing , but the very hollowness of the character he plays keeps him at arms length",1
a culture clash comedy only half as clever as it thinks it is .,0
"when compared to the usual , more somber festival entries , davis' highly personal brand of romantic comedy is a tart , smart breath of fresh air that stands out from the pack even if the picture itself is somewhat problematic .",1
"boldly engineering a collision between tawdry b-movie flamboyance and grandiose spiritual anomie , rose's film , true to its source material , provides a tenacious demonstration of death as the great equalizer .",1
"the more you think about the movie , the more you will probably like it .",1
viewers will need all the luck they can muster just figuring out who's who in this pretentious mess .,0
a sometimes incisive and sensitive portrait that is undercut by its awkward structure and a final veering toward melodrama .,0
maid in manhattan proves that it's easier to change the sheets than to change hackneyed concepts when it comes to dreaming up romantic comedies .,0
i liked a lot of the smaller scenes .,1
"don't judge this one too soon - it's a dark , gritty story but it takes off in totally unexpected directions and keeps on going .",1
has the rare capability to soothe and break your heart with a single stroke .,1
"it wouldn't matter so much that this arrogant richard pryor wannabe's routine is offensive , puerile and unimaginatively foul-mouthed if it was at least funny .",0
"disney aficionados will notice distinct parallels between this story and the 1971 musical "" bedknobs and broomsticks , "" which also dealt with british children rediscovering the power of fantasy during wartime .",1
"try as you might to scrutinize the ethics of kaufman's approach , somehow it all comes together to create a very compelling , sensitive , intelligent and almost cohesive piece of film entertainment .",1
i'm not sure which will take longer to heal : the welt on johnny knoxville's stomach from a riot-control projectile or my own tortured psyche .,0
"you can watch , giggle and get an adrenaline boost without feeling like you've completely lowered your entertainment standards .",1
"halfway through , however , having sucked dry the undead action flick formula , blade ii mutates into a gross-out monster movie with effects that are more silly than scary .",0
"a serviceable euro-trash action extravaganza , with a decent sense of humor and plenty of things that go boom — handguns , bmws and seaside chateaus .",1
a behind the scenes look at the training and dedication that goes into becoming a world-class fencer and the champion that's made a difference to nyc inner-city youth .,1
it all comes down to whether you can tolerate leon barlow . i can't .,0
a lot more dimensional and complex than its sunny disposition would lead you to believe .,1
"worth a look by those on both sides of the issues , if only for the perspective it offers , one the public rarely sees .",1
"full of bland hotels , highways , parking lots , with some glimpses of nature and family warmth , time out is a discreet moan of despair about entrapment in the maze of modern life .",1
"the film is small in scope , yet perfectly formed .",1
it almost feels as if the movie is more interested in entertaining itself than in amusing us .,0
"more busy than exciting , more frantic than involving , more chaotic than entertaining .",0
"i'm sorry to say that this should seal the deal - arnold is not , nor will he be , back .",0
. . . works on some levels and is certainly worth seeing at least once .,1
"feels like nothing quite so much as a middle-aged moviemaker's attempt to surround himself with beautiful , half-naked women .",0
"there's little to recommend snow dogs , unless one considers cliched dialogue and perverse escapism a source of high hilarity .",0
hugely accomplished slice of hitchcockian suspense .,1
"with an obvious rapport with her actors and a striking style behind the camera , hélène angel is definitely a director to watch .",1
"with all the sympathy , empathy and pity fogging up the screen . . . his secret life enters the land of unintentional melodrama and tiresome love triangles .",0
you . . . get a sense of good intentions derailed by a failure to seek and strike just the right tone .,0
"a venturesome , beautifully realized psychological mood piece that reveals its first-time feature director's understanding of the expressive power of the camera .",1
tv skit-com material fervently deposited on the big screen .,0
"cool gadgets and creatures keep this fresh . not as good as the original , but what is . . .",1
there's not a comedic moment in this romantic comedy .,0
a crass and insulting homage to great films like some like it hot and the john wayne classics .,0
"the result is good gossip , entertainingly delivered , yet with a distinctly musty odour , its expiry date long gone .",0
"drama of temptation , salvation and good intentions is a thoughtful examination of faith , love and power .",1
"if the last man were the last movie left on earth , there would be a toss-up between presiding over the end of cinema as we know it and another night of delightful hand shadows .",0
just dreadful . i don't blame eddie murphy but shouldn't owen wilson know a movie must have a story and a script ?,0
"visually breathtaking , viscerally exciting , and dramatically moving , it's the very definition of epic adventure .",1
"such a wildly uneven hit-and-miss enterprise , you can't help suspecting that it was improvised on a day-to-day basis during production .",0
"insomnia does not become one of those rare remakes to eclipse the original , but it doesn't disgrace it , either .",1
disney again ransacks its archives for a quick-buck sequel .,0
has all the complexity and realistic human behavior of an episode of general hospital .,0
"when 'science fiction' takes advantage of the fact that its intended audience hasn't yet had much science , it does a disservice to the audience and to the genre .",0
"full of detail about the man and his country , and is well worth seeing .",1
"a powerful , inflammatory film about religion that dares to question an ancient faith , and about hatred that offers no easy , comfortable resolution .",1
"it's as if allen , at 66 , has stopped challenging himself .",0
the film doesn't show enough of the creative process or even of what was created for the non-fan to figure out what makes wilco a big deal .,0
"overall , interesting as a documentary -- but not very imaxy .",1
"once again , the intelligence of gay audiences has been grossly underestimated , and a meaty plot and well-developed characters have been sacrificed for skin and flash that barely fizzle .",0
"who is the audience for cletis tout ? anybody who enjoys quirky , fun , popcorn movies with a touch of silliness and a little bloodshed .",1
there are more shots of children smiling for the camera than typical documentary footage which hurts the overall impact of the film . it's makes a better travelogue than movie .,0
"gran historia sobre el amor , la familia , la lealtad y la traición que seguramente se convertirá en un nuevo clásico del género .",1
a sugar-coated rocky whose valuable messages are forgotten 10 minutes after the last trombone honks .,0
adam sandler's 8 crazy nights is 75 wasted minutes of sandler as the voice-over hero in columbia pictures' perverse idea of an animated holiday movie .,0
"an even more predictable , cliche-ridden endeavor than its predecessor .",0
the modern master of the chase sequence returns with a chase to end all chases,1
reggio and glass put on an intoxicating show .,1
"enigma looks great , has solid acting and a neat premise . yet why it fails is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma .",0
"lathan and diggs carry the film with their charisma , and both exhibit sharp comic timing that makes the more hackneyed elements of the film easier to digest .",1
"it's . . . worth the extra effort to see an artist , still committed to growth in his ninth decade , change while remaining true to his principles with a film whose very subject is , quite pointedly , about the peril of such efforts .",1
the whole mess boils down to a transparently hypocritical work that feels as though it's trying to set the women's liberation movement back 20 years .,0
"the film fits into a genre that has been overexposed , redolent of a thousand cliches , and yet remains uniquely itself , vibrant with originality .",1
"the story , touching though it is , does not quite have enough emotional resonance or variety of incident to sustain a feature , and even at 85 minutes it feels a bit long .",0
ferrara's best film in years .,1
"there's absolutely no reason why blue crush , a late-summer surfer girl entry , should be as entertaining as it is",1
"long before it's over , you'll be thinking of 51 ways to leave this loser .",0
about as original as a gangster sweating bullets while worrying about a contract on his life .,0
"been there , done that . . . a thousand times already , and better .",0
culkin turns his character into what is basically an anti-harry potter -- right down to the gryffindor scarf .,0
starts off witty and sophisticated and you want to love it -- but filmmaker yvan attal quickly writes himself into a corner .,0
"the entire movie has a truncated feeling , but what's available is lovely and lovable .",1
"sheridan seems terrified of the book's irreverent energy , and scotches most of its élan , humor , bile , and irony .",0
"it's too harsh to work as a piece of storytelling , but as an intellectual exercise -- an unpleasant debate that's been given the drive of a narrative and that's been acted out -- the believer is nothing less than a provocative piece of work .",1
""" frailty "" offers chills much like those that you get when sitting around a campfire around midnight , telling creepy stories to give each other the willies . and , there's no way you won't be talking about the film once you exit the theater .",1
"makes the same mistake as the music industry it criticizes , becoming so slick and watered-down it almost loses what made you love it in the first place .",0
[stephen] earnhart's film is more about the optimism of a group of people who are struggling to give themselves a better lot in life than the ones they currently have .,1
"may not be a breakthrough in filmmaking , but it is unwavering and arresting .",1
a bodice-ripper for intellectuals .,1
does little to elaborate the conceit of setting this blood-soaked tragedy of murderous ambition in the era of richard nixon .,0
"it's hard to believe that a relationship like holly and marina's could survive the hothouse emotions of teendom , and its longevity gets more inexplicable as the characterizations turn more crassly reductive .",0
"engages us in constant fits of laughter , until we find ourselves surprised at how much we care about the story , and end up walking out not only satisfied but also somewhat touched .",1
the footage of the rappers at play and the prison interview with suge knight are just two of the elements that will grab you .,1
"[it] has the feel of a summer popcorn movie . nothing too deep or substantial . explosions , jokes , and sexual innuendoes abound .",1
"feels slight , as if it were an extended short , albeit one made by the smartest kids in class .",0
"hard as this may be to believe , here on earth , a surprisingly similar teen drama , was a better film .",0
hilarious musical comedy though stymied by accents thick as mud .,0
"the lady and the duke is a smart , romantic drama that dares to depict the french revolution from the aristocrats' perspective .",1
"cruel and inhuman cinematic punishment . . . simultaneously degrades its characters , its stars and its audience .",0
"the film sometimes flags . . . but there is enough secondary action to keep things moving along at a brisk , amusing pace .",1
"watching this film , what we feel isn't mainly suspense or excitement . the dominant feeling is something like nostalgia .",1
"well-meaning to a fault , antwone fisher manages the dubious feat of turning one man's triumph of will into everyman's romance comedy .",0
"it's as if a bored cage spent the duration of the film's shooting schedule waiting to scream : "" got aids yet ? """,0
friday after next is a lot more bluster than bite .,0
family togetherness takes a back seat to inter-family rivalry and workplace ambition&#133 ; whole subplots have no explanation or even plot relevance .,0
most of the characters come off as pantomimesque sterotypes .,0
"<em>ash wednesday</em> is not edward burns' best film , but it is a good and ambitious film . and it marks him as one of the most interesting writer/directors working today .",1
"a bilingual charmer , just like the woman who inspired it",1
it appears as if even the filmmakers didn't know what kind of movie they were making .,0
". . . bright , intelligent , and humanly funny film .",1
"while we no longer possess the lack-of-attention span that we did at seventeen , we had no trouble sitting for blade ii .",1
daring and beautifully made .,1
a characteristically engorged and sloppy coming-of-age movie .,0
"not a film for the faint of heart or conservative of spirit , but for the rest of us -- especially san francisco lovers -- it's a spirited film and a must-see .",1
in the end there is one word that best describes this film : honest .,1
"unfunny comedy with a lot of static set ups , not much camera movement , and most of the scenes take place indoors in formal settings with motionless characters .",0
"an unremittingly ugly movie to look at , listen to , and think about , it is quite possibly the sturdiest example yet of why the dv revolution has cheapened the artistry of making a film .",0
jones has delivered a solidly entertaining and moving family drama .,1
a sleep-inducing thriller with a single twist that everyone except the characters in it can see coming a mile away .,0
"has all the values of a straight-to-video movie , but because it has a bigger-name cast , it gets a full theatrical release .",0
"a dull , simple-minded and stereotypical tale of drugs , death and mind-numbing indifference on the inner-city streets .",0
"some of the visual flourishes are a little too obvious , but restrained and subtle storytelling , and fine performances make this delicate coming-of-age tale a treat .",1
"witty dialog between realistic characters showing honest emotions . it's touching and tender and proves that even in sorrow you can find humor . like blended shades of lipstick , these components combine into one terrific story with lots of laughs .",1
""" abandon "" will leave you wanting to abandon the theater .",0
the script feels as if it started to explore the obvious voyeuristic potential of 'hypertime' but then backed off when the producers saw the grosses for spy kids .,0
"assured , vital and well wrought , the film is , arguably , the most accomplished work to date from hong kong's versatile stanley kwan .",1
"a live-action cartoon , a fast-moving and cheerfully simplistic 88 minutes of exaggerated action put together with the preteen boy in mind .",0
mildly amusing .,0
"the film's final hour , where nearly all the previous unseen material resides , is unconvincing soap opera that tornatore was right to cut .",0
"if you thought tom hanks was just an ordinary big-screen star , wait until you've seen him eight stories tall .",1
"the determination of pinochet's victims to seek justice , and their often heartbreaking testimony , spoken directly into director patricio guzman's camera , pack a powerful emotional wallop .",1
a meatballs for the bare-midriff generation .,0
a gentle and engrossing character study .,1
"here the love scenes all end in someone screaming . maybe there's a metaphor here , but figuring it out wouldn't make trouble every day any better .",0
tennessee williams by way of oprah's book club .,0
the film's needlessly opaque intro takes its doe-eyed crudup out of pre-9/11 new york and onto a cross-country road trip of the homeric kind .,0
adam sandler ! in an art film !,1
"a man leaving the screening said the film was better than saving private ryan . he may have meant the internet short saving ryan's privates . but windtalkers doesn't beat that one , either .",0
"except for paymer as the boss who ultimately expresses empathy for bartleby's pain , the performances are so stylized as to be drained of human emotion .",0
"austin powers in goldmember is a cinematic car wreck , a catastrophic collision of tastelessness and gall that nevertheless will leave fans clamoring for another ride .",1
oliveira seems to pursue silent film representation with every mournful composition .,1
so verbally flatfooted and so emotionally predictable or bland that it plays like the standard made-for-tv movie .,0
an impenetrable and insufferable ball of pseudo-philosophic twaddle .,0
earnest and tentative even when it aims to shock .,0
"it's definitely not made for kids or their parents , for that matter , and i think even fans of sandler's comic taste may find it uninteresting .",0
"it's never laugh-out-loud funny , but it is frequently amusing .",1
"when the precise nature of matthew's predicament finally comes into sharp focus , the revelation fails to justify the build-up .",0
all the small moments and flashbacks don't add up to much more than trite observations on the human condition .,0
"the three leads produce adequate performances , but what's missing from this material is any depth of feeling .",0
more precious than perspicacious,0
"at times , it actually hurts to watch .",0
"although largely a heavy-handed indictment of parental failings and the indifference of spanish social workers and legal system towards child abuse , the film retains ambiguities that make it well worth watching .",1
"as with so many merchandised-to-the-max movies of this type , more time appears to have gone into recruiting the right bands for the playlist and the costuming of the stars than into the script , which has a handful of smart jokes and not much else .",0
a cutesy romantic tale with a twist .,1
"just as the recent argentine film son of the bride reminded us that a feel-good movie can still show real heart , time of favor presents us with an action movie that actually has a brain .",1
"too much of storytelling moves away from solondz's social critique , casting its audience as that of intellectual lector in contemplation of the auteur's professional injuries .",1
"director hoffman , his writer and kline's agent should serve detention",0
"as a feature-length film , it wears out its welcome as tryingly as the title character .",0
"if you saw benigni's pinocchio at a public park , you'd grab your kids and run and then probably call the police .",0
"like the rugrats movies , the wild thornberrys movie doesn't offer much more than the series , but its emphasis on caring for animals and respecting other cultures is particularly welcome .",1
"as averse as i usually am to feel-good , follow-your-dream hollywood fantasies , this one got to me .",1
the chateau . . . is less concerned with cultural and political issues than doting on its eccentric characters .,0
"even a hardened voyeur would require the patience of job to get through this interminable , shapeless documentary about the swinging subculture .",0
"if you've grown tired of going where no man has gone before , but several movies have - take heart . this is the best star trek movie in a long time .",1
gives everyone something to shout about .,1
that such a horrible movie could have sprung from such a great one is one of the year's worst cinematic tragedies .,0
"without [de niro] , city by the sea would slip under the waves . he drags it back , single-handed .",1
"gives us a lot to chew on , but not all of it has been properly digested .",1
"about schmidt belongs to nicholson . gone are the flamboyant mannerisms that are the trademark of several of his performances . as schmidt , nicholson walks with a slow , deliberate gait , chooses his words carefully and subdues his natural exuberance .",1
far more enjoyable than its predecessor .,0
"if the real-life story is genuinely inspirational , the movie stirs us as well .",1
"miyazaki's nonstop images are so stunning , and his imagination so vivid , that the only possible complaint you could have about spirited away is that there is no rest period , no timeout .",1
"such a fine idea for a film , and such a stultifying , lifeless execution .",0
"while the production details are lavish , film has little insight into the historical period and its artists , particularly in how sand developed a notorious reputation .",0
count on his movie to work at the back of your neck long after you leave the theater .,1
really quite funny .,1
the banter between calvin and his fellow barbers feels like a streetwise mclaughlin group . . . and never fails to entertain .,1
screenwriter dan schneider and director shawn levy substitute volume and primary colors for humor and bite .,0
"twenty years after its first release , e . t . remains the most wondrous of all hollywood fantasies -- and the apex of steven spielberg's misunderstood career .",1
don't wait to see this terrific film with your kids -- if you don't have kids borrow some .,1
"a good music documentary , probably one of the best since the last waltz .",1
"metaphors abound , but it is easy to take this film at face value and enjoy its slightly humorous and tender story .",1
"successfully blended satire , high camp and yet another sexual taboo into a really funny movie .",1
puts to rest any thought that the german film industry cannot make a delightful comedy centering on food .,1
"beneath the uncanny , inevitable and seemingly shrewd facade of movie-biz farce . . . lies a plot cobbled together from largely flat and uncreative moments .",0
. . . a powerful sequel and one of the best films of the year .,1
"ritchie may not have a novel thought in his head , but he knows how to pose madonna .",0
"an empty , purposeless exercise .",0
director jay russell weighs down his capricious fairy-tale with heavy sentiment and lightweight meaning .,0
"it's possible that something hip and transgressive was being attempted here that stubbornly refused to gel , but the result is more puzzling than unsettling .",0
"watchable up until the point where the situations and the dialogue spin hopelessly out of control -- that is to say , when carol kane appears on the screen .",0
"the secrets of time travel will have been discovered , indulged in and rejected as boring before i see this piece of crap again .",0
schrader examines crane's decline with unblinking candor .,1
"it briefly flirts with player masochism , but the point of real interest -– audience sadism -- is evaded completely .",0
barrels along at the start before becoming mired in sentimentality .,0
"ub equally spoofs and celebrates the more outre aspects of 'black culture' and the dorkier aspects of 'white culture , ' even as it points out how inseparable the two are .",1
"recoing's fantastic performance doesn't exactly reveal what makes vincent tick , but perhaps any definitive explanation for it would have felt like a cheat .",1
so unique and stubborn and charismatic that you want it to be better and more successful than it is .,1
"a shoddy male hip hop fantasy filled with guns , expensive cars , lots of naked women and rocawear clothing .",0
"with this masterful , flawless film , [wang] emerges in the front ranks of china's now numerous , world-renowned filmmakers .",1
"[tries] to parody a genre that's already a joke in the united states . the movie is the equivalent of french hip-hop , which also seems to play on a 10-year delay .",0
"for a movie about the power of poetry and passion , there is precious little of either .",0
"ultimately , the film amounts to being lectured to by tech-geeks , if you're up for that sort of thing .",0
"a finely tuned mood piece , a model of menacing atmosphere .",1
a movie that seems motivated more by a desire to match mortarboards with dead poets society and good will hunting than by its own story .,0
". . . [the film] works , due mostly to the tongue-in-cheek attitude of the screenplay .",1
like these russo guys lookin' for their mamet instead found their sturges .,1
"a very pretty after-school special . it's an effort to watch this movie , but it eventually pays off and is effective if you stick with it .",1
"[cuarón has] created a substantive movie out of several cliched movie structures : the road movie , the coming-of-age movie , and the teenage sex comedy .",1
what 'blade runner' would've looked like as a low-budget series on a uhf channel .,0
its vision of that awkward age when sex threatens to overwhelm everything else is acute enough to make everyone who has been there squirm with recognition .,1
"not everything in the film works , including its somewhat convenient ending .",0
there is simply no doubt that this film asks the right questions at the right time in the history of our country .,1
the best movie in many a moon about the passions that sometimes fuel our best achievements and other times leave us stranded with nothing more than our lesser appetites .,1
"whatever about warning kids about the dangers of ouija boards , someone should dispense the same advice to film directors .",0
"julie davis is the kathie lee gifford of film directors , sadly proving once again ego doesn't always go hand in hand with talent .",0
"both garcia and jagger turn in perfectly executed and wonderfully sympathetic characters , who are alternately touching and funny .",1
one of the most depressing movie-going experiences i can think of is to sit through about 90 minutes of a so-called 'comedy' and not laugh once .,0
a reality-snubbing hodgepodge .,0
"sheridan is painfully bad , a fourth-rate jim carrey who doesn't understand the difference between dumb fun and just plain dumb .",0
he's the scariest guy you'll see all summer .,1
". . . a delightfully unpredictable , hilarious comedy with wonderful performances that tug at your heart in ways that utterly transcend gender labels .",1
"painful , horrifying and oppressively tragic , this film should not be missed .",1
it's crap on a leash--far too polite to scale the lunatic heights of joe dante's similarly styled gremlins .,0
offers laughs and insight into one of the toughest ages a kid can go through .,1
bielinsky is a filmmaker of impressive talent .,1
"the messy emotions raging throughout this three-hour effort are instantly recognizable , allowing the film to paradoxically feel familiar and foreign at the same time .",1
"seemingly disgusted with the lazy material and the finished product's unshapely look , director fisher stevens inexplicably dips key moments from the film in waking life water colors .",0
"as david letterman and the onion have proven , the worst of tragedies can be fertile sources of humor , but lawrence has only a fleeting grasp of how to develop them .",0
"its premise is smart , but the execution is pretty weary .",0
a bad movie that happened to good actors .,0
"despite the holes in the story and the somewhat predictable plot , moments of the movie caused me to jump in my chair . . .",0
"colorful , energetic and sweetly whimsical . . . the rare sequel that's better than its predecessor .",1
"a few energetic stunt sequences briefly enliven the film , but the wheezing terrorist subplot hasn't the stamina for the 100-minute running time , and the protagonists' bohemian boorishness mars the spirit of good clean fun .",0
it's absolutely amazing how first-time director kevin donovan managed to find something new to add to the canon of chan . make chan's action sequences boring .,0
"despite some strong performances , never rises above the level of a telanovela .",0
"presents a side of contemporary chinese life that many outsiders will be surprised to know exists , and does so with an artistry that also smacks of revelation .",1
"the salton sea has moments of inspired humour , though every scrap is of the darkest variety .",1
"we can't accuse kung pow for misfiring , since it is exactly what it wants to be : an atrociously , mind-numbingly , indescribably bad movie . unfortunately , we'd prefer a simple misfire .",0
"a distinctly mixed bag , the occasional bursts of sharp writing alternating with lots of sloppiness and the obligatory moments of sentimental ooze .",0
"what we have here isn't a disaster , exactly , but a very handsomely produced let-down .",0
"the following things are not at all entertaining : the bad sound , the lack of climax and , worst of all , watching seinfeld ( who is also one of the film's producers ) do everything he can to look like a good guy .",0
"director yu seems far more interested in gross-out humor than in showing us well-thought stunts or a car chase that we haven't seen 10 , 000 times .",0
"we could have expected a little more human being , and a little less product .",0
this is just lazy writing . even kids deserve better .,0
a decidedly mixed bag .,0
"starts out mediocre , spirals downward , and thuds to the bottom of the pool with an utterly incompetent conclusion .",0
happy times maintains an appealing veneer without becoming too cute about it .,1
"medem may have disrobed most of the cast , leaving their bodies exposed , but the plot remains as guarded as a virgin with a chastity belt . that's why sex and lucia is so alluring .",1
real-life strongman ahola lacks the charisma and ability to carry the film on his admittedly broad shoulders .,0
"one long , numbing action sequence made up mostly of routine stuff yuen has given us before .",0
"shanghai ghetto , much stranger than any fiction , brings this unknown slice of history affectingly to life .",1
"the setting is so cool that it chills the characters , reducing our emotional stake in the outcome of "" intacto's "" dangerous and seductively stylish game .",1
imagine o . henry's <b>the gift of the magi</b> relocated to the scuzzy underbelly of nyc's drug scene . merry friggin' christmas !,1
you know that ten bucks you'd spend on a ticket ? just send it to cranky . we don't get paid enough to sit through crap like this .,0
a marvel of production design .,1
idiotic and ugly .,1
the jokes are telegraphed so far in advance they must have been lost in the mail .,0
"by applying definition to both sides of the man , the picture realizes a fullness that does not negate the subject .",1
the scriptwriters are no less a menace to society than the film's characters .,0
"i'm convinced i could keep a family of five blind , crippled , amish people alive in this situation better than these british soldiers do at keeping themselves kicking .",0
"it may scream low budget , but this charmer has a spirit that cannot be denied .",1
a small movie with a big heart .,1
the film oozes craft .,1
late marriage is an in-your-face family drama and black comedy that is filled with raw emotions conveying despair and love .,1
"return to never land may be another shameless attempt by disney to rake in dough from baby boomer families , but it's not half-bad .",1
the film rehashes several old themes and is capped with pointless extremes -- it's insanely violent and very graphic .,0
"a mature , deeply felt fantasy of a director's travel through 300 years of russian history .",1
"collateral damage offers formula payback and the big payoff , but the explosions tend to simply hit their marks , pyro-correctly .",0
rarely has sex on screen been so aggressively anti-erotic .,0
"certain to be distasteful to children and adults alike , eight crazy nights is a total misfire .",0
"you can fire a torpedo through some of clancy's holes , and the scripters don't deserve any oscars . but the nerve-raked acting , the crackle of lines , the impressive stagings of hardware , make for some robust and scary entertainment .",1
while the frequent allusions to gurus and doshas will strike some westerners as verging on mumbo-jumbo . . . broad streaks of common sense emerge with unimpeachable clarity .,1
check your brain and your secret agent decoder ring at the door because you don't want to think too much about what's going on . the movie does has some entertainment value - how much depends on how well you like chris rock .,0
"it arrives with an impeccable pedigree , mongrel pep , and almost indecipherable plot complications .",1
"it's not particularly well made , but since i found myself howling more than cringing , i'd say the film works .",1
"if you like an extreme action-packed film with a hint of humor , then triple x marks the spot .",1
"a searing , epic treatment of a nationwide blight that seems to be , horrifyingly , ever on the rise .",1
"what lifts the film high above run-of-the-filth gangster flicks is its refusal to recognise any of the signposts , as if discovering a way through to the bitter end without a map .",1
"mandel holland's direction is uninspired , and his scripting unsurprising , but the performances by phifer and black are ultimately winning . you'll find yourself wishing that you and they were in another movie .",0
so much about the film is loopy and ludicrous . . . that it could have been a hoot in a bad-movie way if the laborious pacing and endless exposition had been tightened .,0
"were it not for a sentimental resolution that explains way more about cal than does the movie or the character any good , freundlich's world traveler might have been one of the more daring and surprising american movies of the year .",1
statham employs an accent that i think is supposed to be an attempt at hardass american but sometimes just lapses into unhidden british .,0
the ending feels at odds with the rest of the film .,1
"the action scenes have all the suspense of a 20-car pileup , while the plot holes are big enough for a train car to drive through -- if kaos hadn't blown them all up .",0
"the characters , cast in impossibly contrived situations , are totally estranged from reality .",0
"while not quite "" shrek "" or monsters , inc . "" , it's not too bad . it's worth taking the kids to .",1
a harrowing account of a psychological breakdown .,1
"while [roman coppola] scores points for style , he staggers in terms of story .",1
"as quiet , patient and tenacious as mr . lopez himself , who approaches his difficult , endless work with remarkable serenity and discipline .",1
comes across as a fairly weak retooling .,0
"weighted down with slow , uninvolving storytelling and flat acting .",0
"it all starts to smack of a hallmark hall of fame , with a few four letter words thrown in that are generally not heard on television .",0
"i won't argue with anyone who calls 'slackers' dumb , insulting , or childish . . . but i laughed so much that i didn't mind .",1
broomfield has a rather unique approach to documentary . he thinks the film is just as much a document about him as it is about the subject .,1
"forgettable , if good-hearted , movie .",0
"it's enough to watch huppert scheming , with her small , intelligent eyes as steady as any noir villain , and to enjoy the perfectly pitched web of tension that chabrol spins .",1
what happens when something goes bump in the night and nobody cares ?,0
"meticulously mounted , exasperatingly well-behaved film , which ticks off kahlo's lifetime milestones with the dutiful precision of a tax accountant .",0
. . . about as exciting to watch as two last-place basketball teams playing one another on the final day of the season .,0
"there's an admirable rigor to jimmy's relentless anger , and to the script's refusal of a happy ending , but as those monologues stretch on and on , you realize there's no place for this story to go but down .",0
"open-ended and composed of layer upon layer , talk to her is a cinephile's feast , an invitation to countless interpretations .",1
"still rapturous after all these years , cinema paradiso stands as one of the great films about movie love .",1
may puzzle his most ardent fans .,0
"while the material is slight , the movie is better than you might think .",0
a perfectly competent and often imaginative film that lacks what little lilo & stitch had in spades -- charisma .,1
dreary tale of middle-class angst,0
"the story that emerges has elements of romance , tragedy and even silent-movie comedy .",1
[a] slummer .,0
most of the film feels conceived and shot on the fly -- like between lunch breaks for shearer's radio show and his simpson voice-overs .,0
the film's most improbable feat ? it didn't go straight to video .,0
"[a] thoughtful , visually graceful work .",1
rather less than the sum of its underventilated père-fils confrontations .,0
"this film is an act of spiritual faith -- an eloquent , deeply felt meditation on the nature of compassion .",1
"it looks good , but it is essentially empty .",0
"it's a gag that's worn a bit thin over the years , though don't ask still finds a few chuckles .",0
so original in its base concept that you cannot help but get caught up .,1
a yawn-provoking little farm melodrama .,0
"for a film that celebrates radical , nonconformist values , what to do in case of fire ? lazily and glumly settles into a most traditional , reserved kind of filmmaking .",0
"an acceptable way to pass a little over an hour with moviegoers ages 8-10 , but it's unlikely to inspire anything more than a visit to mcdonald's , let alone some savvy street activism .",0
this painfully unfunny farce traffics in tired stereotypes and encumbers itself with complications . . . that have no bearing on the story .,0
"very amusing , not the usual route in a thriller , and the performances are odd and pixilated and sometimes both .",1
"i'm not sure which is worse : the poor acting by the ensemble cast , the flat dialogue by vincent r . nebrida or the gutless direction by laurice guillen .",0
"bogs down badly as we absorb jia's moody , bad-boy behavior which he portrays himself in a one-note performance .",0
a well-executed spy-thriller .,1
rodriguez does a splendid job of racial profiling hollywood style--casting excellent latin actors of all ages--a trend long overdue .,1
raimi crafted a complicated hero who is a welcome relief from the usual two-dimensional offerings .,1
chelsea walls is a case of too many chefs fussing over too weak a recipe .,0
"the fourth "" pokemon "" is a diverting--if predictable--adventure suitable for a matinee , with a message that cautions children about disturbing the world's delicate ecological balance .",1
"we never feel anything for these characters , and as a result the film is basically just a curiosity .",0
"spreads itself too thin , leaving these actors , as well as the members of the commune , short of profound characterizations",0
starts as a tart little lemon drop of a movie and ends up as a bitter pill .,0
"what the audience feels is exhaustion , from watching a movie that is dark ( dark green , to be exact ) , sour , bloody and mean .",0
show me the mugging .,0
"a vibrant , colorful , semimusical rendition .",1
exciting and well-paced .,1
how about starting with a more original story instead of just slapping extreme humor and gross-out gags on top of the same old crap ?,0
"after one gets the feeling that the typical hollywood disregard for historical truth and realism is at work here , it's a matter of finding entertainment in the experiences of zishe and the fiery presence of hanussen .",1
"even with all its botches , enigma offers all the pleasure of a handsome and well-made entertainment .",1
"this movie , a certain scene in particular , brought me uncomfortably close to losing my lunch .",0
"even by the intentionally low standards of frat-boy humor , sorority boys is a bowser .",0
"the animation is competent , and some of the gags are quite funny , but jonah . . . never shakes the oppressive , morally superior good-for-you quality that almost automatically accompanies didactic entertainment .",0
elling builds gradually until you feel fully embraced by this gentle comedy .,1
"though the film never veers from its comic course , its unintentional parallels might inadvertently evoke memories and emotions which are anything but humorous .",1
the beauty of alexander payne's ode to the everyman is in the details .,1
"yes , spirited away is a triumph of imagination , but it's also a failure of storytelling .",0
"the movie resolutely avoids all the comic possibilities of its situation , and becomes one more dumb high school comedy about sex gags and prom dates .",0
"good actors have a radar for juicy roles -- there's a plethora of characters in this picture , and not one of them is flat .",1
dismally dull sci-fi comedy .,0
[gayton's script] telegraphs every discovery and layers on the gloss of convenience .,0
"berling and béart . . . continue to impress , and isabelle huppert . . . again shows uncanny skill in getting under the skin of her characters .",1
[ferrera] has the charisma of a young woman who knows how to hold the screen .,1
grant isn't cary and bullock isn't katherine .,0
"blisteringly rude , scarily funny , sorrowfully sympathetic to the damage it surveys , the film has in kieran culkin a pitch-perfect holden .",1
"anyone who suffers through this film deserves , at the very least , a big box of consolation candy .",0
"if it's not entirely memorable , the movie is certainly easy to watch .",1
"writer-director david jacobson and his star , jeremy renner , have made a remarkable film that explores the monster's psychology not in order to excuse him but rather to demonstrate that his pathology evolved from human impulses that grew hideously twisted .",1
"it's excessively quirky and a little underconfident in its delivery , but otherwise this is the best 'old neighborhood' project since christopher walken kinda romanced cyndi lauper in the opportunists .",1
"instead of using george and lucy's most obvious differences to ignite sparks , lawrence desperately looks elsewhere , seizing on george's haplessness and lucy's personality tics .",0
the laughs are as rare as snake foo yung .,0
whether quitting will prove absorbing to american audiences is debatable .,0
". curiously , super troopers suffers because it doesn't have enough vices to merit its 103-minute length .",0
"the creative animation work may not look as fully 'rendered' as pixar's industry standard , but it uses lighting effects and innovative backgrounds to an equally impressive degree .",1
"frank capra played this story straight . but the 2002 film doesn't really believe in it , and breaks the mood with absurdly inappropriate 'comedy' scenes .",0
romanek keeps adding flourishes -- artsy fantasy sequences -- that simply feel wrong . they cheapen the overall effect .,0
meandering and confusing .,0
all analyze that proves is that there is really only one movie's worth of decent gags to be gleaned from the premise .,0
"obvious , obnoxious and didactic burlesque .",0
will no doubt delight plympton's legion of fans ; others may find 80 minutes of these shenanigans exhausting .,0
how much you are moved by the emotional tumult of [françois and michèle's] relationship depends a lot on how interesting and likable you find them .,0
mildly entertaining .,0
"starts promisingly but disintegrates into a dreary , humorless soap opera .",0
snipes relies too much on a scorchingly plotted dramatic scenario for its own good .,0
"the unique niche of self-critical , behind-the-scenes navel-gazing kaufman has carved from orleans' story and his own infinite insecurity is a work of outstanding originality .",1
the fourth in a series that i'll bet most parents had thought --hoped ! -- was a fad that had long since vanished .,0
"' . . . a great , participatory spectator sport . '",1
"it may be a no-brainer , but at least it's a funny no-brainer .",1
"this sade is hardly a perverse , dangerous libertine and agitator -- which would have made for better drama . he's just a sad aristocrat in tattered finery , and the film seems as deflated as he does .",0
"this little film is so slovenly done , so primitive in technique , that it can't really be called animation .",0
stone seems to have a knack for wrapping the theater in a cold blanket of urban desperation .,1
any attempts at nuance given by the capable cast is drowned out by director jon purdy's sledgehammer sap .,0
"where janice beard falters in its recycled aspects , implausibility , and sags in pace , it rises in its courageousness , and comedic employment .",1
"it's more enjoyable than i expected , though , and that's because the laughs come from fairly basic comedic constructs . cinematic pratfalls given a working over . the cast is spot on and the mood is laid back .",1
"if this is cinema , i pledge allegiance to cagney and lacey .",0
low comedy doesn't come much lower .,0
for dance completists only .,0
even better than the first one !,1
mais um momento inspirado de david fincher .,1
read my lips is to be viewed and treasured for its extraordinary intelligence and originality as well as its lyrical variations on the game of love .,1
"as the dominant christine , sylvie testud is icily brilliant .",1
""" home movie "" is the film equivalent of a lovingly rendered coffee table book .",1
the script was reportedly rewritten a dozen times -- either 11 times too many or else too few .,0
"with little visible talent and no energy , colin hanks is in bad need of major acting lessons and maybe a little coffee .",0
"melds derivative elements into something that is often quite rich and exciting , and always a beauty to behold .",1
the trashy teen-sleaze equivalent of showgirls .,0
a film that begins with the everyday lives of naval personnel in san diego and ends with scenes so true and heartbreaking that tears welled up in my eyes both times i saw the film .,1
an ebullient tunisian film about the startling transformation of a tradition-bound widow who is drawn into the exotic world of belly dancing .,1
a thriller made from a completist's checklist rather than with a cultist's passion .,1
"a competent , unpretentious entertainment destined to fill the after-school slot at shopping mall theaters across the country .",1
"it's sweet , funny , charming , and completely delightful .",1
an exercise in cynicism every bit as ugly as the shabby digital photography and muddy sound .,0
"ryosuke has created a wry , winning , if languidly paced , meditation on the meaning and value of family .",1
"a very slow , uneventful ride around a pretty tattered old carousel .",0
a sly dissection of the inanities of the contemporary music business and a rather sad story of the difficulties of artistic collaboration .,1
[allen's] best works understand why snobbery is a better satiric target than middle-america diversions could ever be .,0
let's face it -- there aren't many reasons anyone would want to see crossroads if they're not big fans of teen pop kitten britney spears .,0
what begins as a conventional thriller evolves into a gorgeously atmospheric meditation on life-changing chance encounters .,1
"the cast . . . keeps this pretty watchable , and casting mick jagger as director of the escort service was inspired .",1
"ultimately , jane learns her place as a girl , softens up and loses some of the intensity that made her an interesting character to begin with .",0
a disappointment for a movie that should have been the ultimate imax trip .,0
"[reynolds] takes a classic story , casts attractive and talented actors and uses a magnificent landscape to create a feature film that is wickedly fun to watch .",1
"it plods along methodically , somehow under the assumption that its "" dead wife communicating from beyond the grave "" framework is even remotely new or interesting .",0
his work transcends the boy-meets-girl posturing of typical love stories .,1
". . . has its moments , but ultimately , its curmudgeon doesn't quite make the cut of being placed on any list of favorites .",0
significantly better than its 2002 children's-movie competition .,1
"the entire point of a shaggy dog story , of course , is that it goes nowhere , and this is classic nowheresville in every sense .",0
"the movie's captivating details are all in the performances , from foreman's barking-mad taylor to thewlis's smoothly sinister freddie and bettany/mcdowell's hard-eyed gangster .",1
"sorority boys , which is as bad at it is cruel , takes every potential laugh and stiletto-stomps the life out of it .",0
"its audacious ambitions sabotaged by pomposity , steven soderbergh's space opera emerges as a numbingly dull experience .",0
"a clash between the artificial structure of the story and the more contemporary , naturalistic tone of the film . . .",0
"until ( the ) superfluous . . . epilogue that leaks suspension of disbelief like a sieve , die another day is as stimulating & heart-rate-raising as any james bond thriller .",1
"a distinctly minor effort that will be seen to better advantage on cable , especially considering its barely feature-length running time of one hour .",0
a mischievous visual style and oodles of charm make 'cherish' a very good ( but not great ) movie .,1
"the title , alone , should scare any sane person away .",0
it's the unsettling images of a war-ravaged land that prove more potent and riveting than the unlikely story of sarah and harrison .,1
ah-nuld's action hero days might be over .,0
one of the most splendid entertainments to emerge from the french film industry in years .,1
"director george hickenlooper has had some success with documentaries , but here his sense of story and his juvenile camera movements smack of a film school undergrad , and his maudlin ending might not have gotten him into film school in the first place .",0
"if the very concept makes you nervous . . . you'll have an idea of the film's creepy , scary effectiveness .",1
"watching e . t now , in an era dominated by cold , loud special-effects-laden extravaganzas , one is struck less by its lavish grandeur than by its intimacy and precision .",1
'wouldn't it be nice if all guys got a taste of what it's like on the other side of the bra ? ',0
"all the pieces fall together without much surprise , but little moments give it a boost .",1
the last three narcissists left on earth compete for each others' affections .,0
delirious fun .,1
norton is magnetic as graham .,1
"sunk by way too much indulgence of scene-chewing , teeth-gnashing actorliness .",0
the powder blues and sun-splashed whites of tunis make an alluring backdrop for this sensuous and spirited tale of a prim widow who finds an unlikely release in belly-dancing clubs .,1
"one of the most original american productions this year , you'll find yourself remembering this refreshing visit to a sunshine state .",1
"if you are into splatter movies , then you will probably have a reasonably good time with the salton sea .",0
"'pocas ideas interesantes , un final pseudo místico que no corresponde al tono general del filme y que deja una sensación de inconformidad que hace pensar más de una vez si vale la pena ir a la taquilla y reclamar el precio del boleto . '",0
"potty-mouthed enough for pg-13 , yet not as hilariously raunchy as south park , this strangely schizo cartoon seems suited neither to kids or adults .",0
"so beautifully acted and directed , it's clear that washington most certainly has a new career ahead of him if he so chooses .",1
"amid the shock and curiosity factors , the film is just a corny examination of a young actress trying to find her way .",0
"a confluence of kiddie entertainment , sophisticated wit and symbolic graphic design .",1
terrible .,0
"that jack nicholson makes this man so watchable is a tribute not only to his craft , but to his legend .",1
merchant hasn't directed this movie so much as produced it -- like sausage .,0
"a must for fans of british cinema , if only because so many titans of the industry are along for the ride .",1
the film never finds its tone and several scenes run too long .,0
"one well-timed explosion in a movie can be a knockout , but a hundred of them can be numbing . proof of this is ballistic : ecks vs . sever .",0
. . . the whole thing succeeded only in making me groggy .,0
"its compelling mix of trial movie , escape movie and unexpected fable ensures the film never feels draggy .",1
"an uplifting drama . . . what antwone fisher isn't , however , is original .",0
"yo , it's the days of our lives meets electric boogaloo .",0
"an incredibly thoughtful , deeply meditative picture that neatly and effectively captures the debilitating grief felt in the immediate aftermath of the terrorist attacks .",1
"a rather brilliant little cult item : a pastiche of children's entertainment , superhero comics , and japanese animation .",1
fans of so-bad-they're-good cinema may find some fun in this jumbled mess .,0
features fincher's characteristically startling visual style and an almost palpable sense of intensity .,1
"art-house to the core , read my lips is a genre-curling crime story that revives the free-wheeling noir spirit of old french cinema .",1
"what one is left with , even after the most awful acts are committed , is an overwhelming sadness that feels as if it has made its way into your very bloodstream .",1
"the movie is so resolutely cobbled together out of older movies that it even uses a totally unnecessary prologue , just because it seems obligatory .",0
this harrowing journey into combat hell vividly captures the chaotic insanity and personal tragedies that are all too abundant when human hatred spews forth unchecked .,1
not good enough to pass for a litmus test of the generation gap and not bad enough to repulse any generation of its fans .,0
"an empty , ugly exercise in druggy trance-noir and trumped-up street credibility .",0
a fake street drama that keeps telling you things instead of showing them .,0
an enjoyable above average summer diversion .,1
"gay or straight , kissing jessica stein is one of the greatest date movies in years .",1
a surprisingly sweet and gentle comedy .,1
". . . a solid , unassuming drama .",1
you have enough finely tuned acting to compensate for the movie's failings .,1
gloriously straight from the vagina .,1
"poetic , heartbreaking .",1
there's surely something wrong with a comedy where the only belly laughs come from the selection of outtakes tacked onto the end credits .,0
it certainly won't win any awards in the plot department but it sets out with no pretensions and delivers big time .,1
"i found it slow , predictable and not very amusing .",0
"a chance to see three splendid actors turn a larky chase movie into an emotionally satisfying exploration of the very human need to be somebody , and to belong to somebody .",1
"one of those based-on-truth stories that persuades you , with every scene , that it could never really have happened this way .",0
a complete waste of time .,0
"most of the information has already appeared in one forum or another and , no matter how broomfield dresses it up , it tends to speculation , conspiracy theories or , at best , circumstantial evidence .",0
"peter jackson and company once again dazzle and delight us , fulfilling practically every expectation either a longtime tolkien fan or a movie-going neophyte could want .",1
one of those movies that make us pause and think of what we have given up to acquire the fast-paced contemporary society .,1
"[toback's] fondness for fancy split-screen , stuttering editing and pompous references to wittgenstein and kirkegaard . . . blends uneasily with the titillating material .",0
this is one of those war movies that focuses on human interaction rather than battle and action sequences . . . and it's all the stronger because of it .,1
. . . a preachy parable stylized with a touch of john woo bullet ballet .,0
"it's clear why deuces wild , which was shot two years ago , has been gathering dust on mgm's shelf .",0
"even before it builds up to its insanely staged ballroom scene , in which 3000 actors appear in full regalia , it's waltzed itself into the art film pantheon .",1
"as directed by dani kouyate of burkina faso , sia lacks visual flair . but kouyate elicits strong performances from his cast , and he delivers a powerful commentary on how governments lie , no matter who runs them .",1
"de ayala is required to supply too much of the energy in a film that is , overall , far too staid for its subject matter .",0
"an elegant work , food of love is as consistently engaging as it is revealing .",1
"in the end , the film is less the cheap thriller you'd expect than it is a fairly revealing study of its two main characters — damaged-goods people whose orbits will inevitably and dangerously collide .",1
any movie that makes hard work seem heroic deserves a look .,1
"moore provides an invaluable service by sparking debate and encouraging thought . better still , he does all of this , and more , while remaining one of the most savagely hilarious social critics this side of jonathan swift .",1
"a funny , triumphant , and moving documentary .",1
"van wilder has a built-in audience , but only among those who are drying out from spring break and are still unconcerned about what they ingest .",0
"starts out strongly before quickly losing its focus , point and purpose in a mess of mixed messages , over-blown drama and bruce willis with a scar .",0
"while serving sara does have a long way to go before it reaches the level of crudity in the latest austin powers extravaganza , there's nothing here to match that movie's intermittent moments of inspiration .",0
"what's the most positive thing that can be said about the new rob schneider vehicle ? well , it's not as pathetic as the animal .",0
"the movie's messages are quite admirable , but the story is just too clichéd and too often strains credulity .",0
robinson's web of suspense matches the page-turning frenzy that clancy creates .,1
"unlike trey parker , sandler doesn't understand that the idea of exploiting molestation for laughs is funny , not actually exploiting it yourself .",0
"may be more genial than ingenious , but it gets the job done .",1
makes 98 minutes feel like three hours .,0
"scotland , pa is entirely too straight-faced to transcend its clever concept .",0
"short and sweet , but also more than anything else slight… tadpole pulls back from the consequences of its own actions and revelations .",0
"apuestas fuertes para el futuro del director , y apuestas bien fundadas , pues la suerte ya la tiene , y la cinta lo comprueba . . . .",1
"it's a drawling , slobbering , lovable run-on sentence of a film , a southern gothic with the emotional arc of its raw blues soundtrack .",1
"i liked the original short story but this movie , even at an hour and twenty-some minutes , it's too long and it goes nowhere .",0
the only reason you should see this movie is if you have a case of masochism and an hour and a half to blow .,0
"[allen's] been making piffle for a long while , and hollywood ending may be his way of saying that piffle is all that the airhead movie business deserves from him right now .",0
"essentially "" fatal attraction "" remade for viewers who were in diapers when the original was released in 1987 . . . . this story gets sillier , not scarier , as it goes along . . .",0
reno himself can take credit for most of the movie's success . he's one of the few 'cool' actors who never seems aware of his own coolness .,1
""" on guard ! "" won't be placed in the pantheon of the best of the swashbucklers but it is a whole lot of fun and you get to see the one of the world's best actors , daniel auteuil , have a whale of a good time .",1
a fairly harmless but ultimately lifeless feature-length afterschool special .,0
"it lacks the compassion , good-natured humor and the level of insight that made [eyre's] first film something of a sleeper success .",0
you may feel compelled to watch the film twice or pick up a book on the subject .,1
the feature-length stretch . . . strains the show's concept .,0
"a thoughtful , reverent portrait of what is essentially a subculture , with its own rules regarding love and family , governance and hierarchy .",1
the movie is essentially a series of fleetingly interesting actors' moments .,0
a clever script and skilled actors bring new energy to the familiar topic of office politics .,1
the logic of it all will be greek to anyone not predisposed to the movie's rude and crude humor .,0
"its screenplay serves as auto-critique , and its clumsiness as its own most damning censure .",0
"a tone of rueful compassion . . . reverberates throughout this film , whose meaning and impact is sadly heightened by current world events .",1
"conceptually brilliant . . . plays like a living-room war of the worlds , gaining most of its unsettling force from the suggested and the unknown .",1
[a] satisfying niblet .,1
"some body will take you places you haven't been , and also places you have .",1
"while maintaining the appearance of clinical objectivity , this sad , occasionally horrifying but often inspiring film is among wiseman's warmest .",1
"no , i don't know why steven seagal is considered a star , nor why he keeps being cast in action films when none of them are ever any good or make any money .",0
bravo reveals the true intent of her film by carefully selecting interview subjects who will construct a portrait of castro so predominantly charitable it can only be seen as propaganda .,0
it's difficult to discern if this is a crazy work of disturbed genius or merely 90 minutes of post-adolescent electra rebellion .,0
"the music makes a nice album , the food is enticing and italy beckons us all .",1
this tuxedo . . . should have been sent back to the tailor for some major alterations .,0
michele is a such a brainless flibbertigibbet that it's hard to take her spiritual quest at all seriously .,0
together [time out and human resources] establish mr . cantet as france's foremost cinematic poet of the workplace .,1
the film didn't convince me that calvin jr . 's barbershop represents some sort of beacon of hope in the middle of chicago's south side .,0
you can take the grandkids or the grandparents and never worry about anyone being bored . . . audience is a sea of constant smiles and frequent laughter .,1
"elaborate special effects take centre screen , so that the human story is pushed to one side .",0
there's not a fresh idea at the core of this tale .,0
"an entertaining , if somewhat standardized , action movie .",1
the film does give a pretty good overall picture of the situation in laramie following the murder of matthew shepard .,1
what makes esther kahn so demanding is that it progresses in such a low-key manner that it risks monotony . but it's worth the concentration .,1
"smith examines the intimate , unguarded moments of folks who live in unusual homes -- which pop up in nearly every corner of the country .",1
a beautiful paean to a time long past .,1
brosnan is more feral in this film than i've seen him before and halle berry does her best to keep up with him .,1
"chris columbus' sequel is faster , livelier and a good deal funnier than his original .",1
manages to be both hugely entertaining and uplifting .,1
"the hook is the drama within the drama , as an unsolved murder and an unresolved moral conflict jockey for the spotlight .",1
"i have no problem with "" difficult "" movies , or movies that ask the audience to meet them halfway and connect the dots instead of having things all spelled out . but first , you have to give the audience a reason to <b>want</b> to put for that effort , and "" i",0
shyamalan should stop trying to please his mom .,0
it's kind of sad that so many people put so much time and energy into this turkey .,0
god bless crudup and his aversion to taking the easy hollywood road and cashing in on his movie-star gorgeousness .,1
the movie does such an excellent job of critiquing itself at every faltering half-step of its development that criticizing feels more like commiserating .,0
"washington overcomes the script's flaws and envelops the audience in his character's anguish , anger and frustration .",1
"instead of trying to bust some blondes , [diggs] should be probing why a guy with his talent ended up in a movie this bad .",0
it may . . . work as a jaunt down memory lane for teens and young adults who grew up on televised scooby-doo shows or reruns .,1
jeffs has created a breathtakingly assured and stylish work of spare dialogue and acute expressiveness .,1
"for every articulate player , such as skateboarder tony hawk or bmx rider mat hoffman , are about a half dozen young turks angling to see how many times they can work the words "" radical "" or "" suck "" into a sentence .",0
"a worthy addition to the cinematic canon , which , at last count , numbered 52 different versions .",1
"the film is an earnest try at beachcombing verismo , but it would be even more indistinct than it is were it not for the striking , quietly vulnerable personality of ms . ambrose .",1
"if the plot seems a bit on the skinny side , that's because panic room is interested in nothing more than sucking you in…and making you sweat .",1
"captures all the longing , anguish and ache , the confusing sexual messages and the wish to be a part of that elusive adult world .",1
"ill-considered , unholy hokum .",0
the whole thing plays like a tired tyco ad .,0
its juxtaposition of overwrought existentialism and stomach-churning gore will have you forever on the verge of either cracking up or throwing up .,0
"in the spirit of the season , i assign one bright shining star to roberto benigni's pinocchio -- but i guarantee that no wise men will be following after it .",0
thoroughly engrossing and ultimately tragic .,1
". . . it's as comprehensible as any dummies guide , something even non-techies can enjoy .",1
"the problem is that for the most part , the film is deadly dull .",0
the entire movie is in need of a scented bath .,0
"a solidly constructed , entertaining thriller that stops short of true inspiration .",1
. . . really horrible drek .,0
compassionately explores the seemingly irreconcilable situation between conservative christian parents and their estranged gay and lesbian children .,1
new yorkers always seem to find the oddest places to dwell . . .,0
initial strangeness inexorably gives way to rote sentimentality and mystical tenderness becomes narrative expedience .,0
the beauty of the piece is that it counts heart as important as humor .,1
an opportunity missed .,0
"we've seen the hippie-turned-yuppie plot before , but there's an enthusiastic charm in <i ? fire that makes the formula fresh again .",1
"in the end , tuck everlasting falls victim to that everlasting conundrum experienced by every human who ever lived : too much to do , too little time to do it in .",0
it will break your heart many times over .,1
. . . a funny yet dark and seedy clash of cultures and generations .,1
harks back to a time when movies had more to do with imagination than market research .,1
a somewhat disappointing and meandering saga .,0
boasts eye-catching art direction but has a forcefully quirky tone that quickly wears out its limited welcome .,0
"watching junk like this induces a kind of abstract guilt , as if you were paying dues for good books unread , fine music never heard .",0
"though the film is static , its writer-director's heart is in the right place , his plea for democracy and civic action laudable .",1
the movie's biggest shocks come from seeing former nymphette juliette lewis playing a salt-of-the-earth mommy named minnie and watching slim travel incognito in a ridiculous wig no respectable halloween costume shop would ever try to sell .,0
wishy-washy .,0
"shot largely in small rooms , the film has a gentle , unforced intimacy that never becomes claustrophobic .",1
"instead of letting the laughs come as they may , lawrence unleashes his trademark misogyny -- er , comedy -- like a human volcano or an overflowing septic tank , take your pick .",0
the movie's vision of a white american zealously spreading a puritanical brand of christianity to south seas islanders is one only a true believer could relish .,0
a straight-shooting family film which awards animals the respect they've rarely been given .,1
"a perceptive , good-natured movie .",1
time of favor could have given audiences the time of day by concentrating on the elements of a revealing alienation among a culture of people who sadly are at hostile odds with one another through recklessness and retaliation .,0
"apart from anything else , this is one of the best-sustained ideas i have ever seen on the screen .",1
"for a long time the film succeeds with its dark , delicate treatment of these characters and its unerring respect for them .",1
"carrying off a spot-on scottish burr , duvall ( also a producer ) peels layers from this character that may well not have existed on paper .",1
"precocious smarter-than-thou wayward teen struggles to rebel against his oppressive , right-wing , propriety-obsessed family . anyone else seen this before ?",1
an enjoyable comedy of lingual and cultural differences… the château is a film -- full of life and small delights -- that has all the wiggling energy of young kitten .,1
"sometimes charming , sometimes infuriating , this argentinean 'dramedy' succeeds mainly on the shoulders of its actors .",1
"while there's likely very little crossover appeal to those without much interest in the elizabethans ( as well as rank frustration from those in the know about rubbo's dumbed-down tactics ) , much ado about something is an amicable endeavor .",0
the dirty jokes provide the funniest moments in this oddly sweet comedy about jokester highway patrolmen .,1
it's just rather leaden and dull .,0
". . . even if you've never heard of chaplin , you'll still be glued to the screen .",1
the hypnotic imagery and fragmentary tale explore the connections between place and personal identity .,1
has a solid emotional impact .,1
"the soupy end result has the odd distinction of being playful without being fun , too .",0
"secretary "" is owned by its costars , spader and gyllenhaal . maggie g . makes an amazing breakthrough in her first starring role and eats up the screen .",1
"made for teens and reviewed as such , this is recommended only for those under 20 years of age . . . and then only as a very mild rental .",1
"although purportedly a study in modern alienation , it's really little more than a particularly slanted , gay s/m fantasy , enervating and deadeningly drawn-out .",0
"like mike is a slight and uninventive movie : like the exalted michael jordan referred to in the title , many can aspire but none can equal .",0
underachieves only in not taking the shakespeare parallels quite far enough .,1
"it doesn't make for great cinema , but it is interesting to see where one's imagination will lead when given the opportunity .",1
"the story is virtually impossible to follow here , but there's a certain style and wit to the dialogue .",1
the formula is familiar but enjoyable .,1
"y tu mamá también is hilariously , gloriously alive , and quite often hotter than georgia asphalt .",1
"'pocas veces es posible ver un elenco tan compenetrado con la historia , donde todos y cada uno de los actores ofrecen actuaciones verdaderamente memorables . '",1
"delia , greta , and paula rank as three of the most multilayered and sympathetic female characters of the year . as each of them searches for their place in the world , miller digs into their very minds to find an unblinking , flawed humanity .",1
"the movie is silly beyond comprehension , and even if it weren't silly , it would still be beyond comprehension .",0
"although tender and touching , the movie would have benefited from a little more dramatic tension and some more editing .",1
it's the movie equivalent of a sweaty old guy in a rain coat shopping for cheap porn .,0
"like all great films about a life you never knew existed , it offers much to absorb and even more to think about after the final frame .",1
"it puts washington , as honest working man john q . archibald , on a pedestal , then keeps lifting the pedestal higher .",0
"mattei so completely loses himself to the film's circular structure to ever offer any insightful discourse on , well , love in the time of money .",0
"oversexed , at times overwrought comedy/drama that offers little insight into the experience of being forty , female and single .",0
"it never quite makes it to the boiling point , but manages to sustain a good simmer for most of its running time .",0
"the film has the thrown-together feel of a summer-camp talent show : hastily written , underrehearsed , arbitrarily plotted and filled with crude humor and vulgar innuendo .",0
"in his role of observer of the scene , lawrence sounds whiny and defensive , as if his life-altering experiences made him bitter and less mature .",0
a seriocomic debut of extravagant promise by georgian-israeli director dover kosashvili .,1
the film is delicately narrated by martin landau and directed with sensitivity and skill by dana janklowicz-mann .,1
"a mostly believable , refreshingly low-key and quietly inspirational little sports drama .",1
"the most audacious , outrageous , sexually explicit , psychologically probing , pure libido film of the year has arrived from portugal .",1
"to some eyes this will seem like a recycling of clichés , an assassin's greatest hits . to others , it will remind them that hong kong action cinema is still alive and kicking .",1
"'punch-drunk love is so convinced of its own brilliance that , if it were a person , you'd want to smash its face in . '",0
the problematic characters and overly convenient plot twists foul up shum's good intentions .,0
often shocking but ultimately worthwhile exploration of motherhood and desperate mothers .,1
"most haunting about "" fence "" is its conclusion , when we hear the ultimate fate of these girls and realize , much to our dismay , that this really did happen . noyce's greatest mistake is thinking that we needed sweeping , dramatic , hollywood moments to keep us",1
"at once emotional and richly analytical , the cosby-seinfeld encounter alone confirms the serious weight behind this superficially loose , larky documentary .",1
"the story of trouble every day . . . is so sketchy it amounts to little more than preliminary notes for a science-fiction horror film , and the movie's fragmentary narrative style makes piecing the story together frustrating difficult .",0
"fortunately , elling never gets too cloying thanks to the actors' perfect comic timing and sweet , genuine chemistry .",1
collapses after 30 minutes into a slap-happy series of adolescent violence .,0
the kind of primal storytelling that george lucas can only dream of .,1
"neither the funniest film that eddie murphy nor robert de niro has ever made , showtime is nevertheless efficiently amusing for a good while . before it collapses into exactly the kind of buddy cop comedy it set out to lampoon , anyway .",1
the movie starts with a legend and ends with a story that is so far-fetched it would be impossible to believe if it weren't true . this is the stuff that disney movies are made of .,1
"like schindler's list , the grey zone attempts to be grandiloquent , but ends up merely pretentious -- in a grisly sort of way .",0
""" feardotcom "" has the makings of an interesting meditation on the ethereal nature of the internet and the otherworldly energies it could channel , but it simply becomes a routine shocker .",0
"the great pity is that those responsible didn't cut their losses – and ours – and retitle it the adventures of direct-to-video nash , and send it to its proper home .",0
"enough is not a bad movie , just mediocre . the performances are so overstated , the effect comes off as self-parody .",0
amazingly lame .,0
"the screenplay , co-written by director imogen kimmel , lacks the wit necessary to fully exploit the comic elements of the premise , making the proceedings more bizarre than actually amusing .",0
[a] poorly executed comedy .,0
one of the worst movies of the year .,0
the film's images give a backbone to the company and provide an emotional edge to its ultimate demise .,1
"it's rare to find a film to which the adjective 'gentle' applies , but the word perfectly describes pauline & paulette .",1
"a pint-sized 'goodfellas' designed to appeal to the younger set , it's not a very good movie in any objective sense , but it does mostly hold one's interest .",0
demme finally succeeds in diminishing his stature from oscar-winning master to lowly studio hack .,0
the most excruciating 86 minutes one might sit through this summer that do not involve a dentist drill .,0
the filmmaker's heart is in the right place . . .,1
greg kinnear gives a mesmerizing performance as a full-fledged sex addict who is in complete denial about his obsessive behavior .,1
two tedious acts light on great scares and a good surprise ending .,0
even accepting this in the right frame of mind can only provide it with so much leniency .,0
"this is a gorgeous film - vivid with color , music and life . delight your senses and crash this wedding !",1
the locale . . . remains far more interesting than the story at hand .,0
a stylish cast and some clever scripting solutions help chicago make the transition from stage to screen with considerable appeal intact .,1
"though in some ways similar to catherine breillat's fat girl , rain is the far superior film .",1
the story's pathetic and the gags are puerile .,0
"it seems impossible that an epic four-hour indian musical about a cricket game could be this good , but it is .",1
poor ben bratt couldn't find stardom if mapquest emailed him point-to-point driving directions .,0
the most surprising thing about this film is that they are actually releasing it into theaters .,0
knockaround guys plays like a student film by two guys who desperately want to be quentin tarantino when they grow up . but they lack their idol's energy and passion for detail .,0
. . . digs beyond the usual portrayals of good kids and bad seeds to reveal a more ambivalent set of characters and motivations .,1
"nicolas cage isn't the first actor to lead a group of talented friends astray , and this movie won't create a ruffle in what is already an erratic career .",0
"exhilarating , funny and fun .",1
"' . . . the cast portrays their cartoon counterparts well . . . but quite frankly , scoob and shag don't eat enough during the film . '",0
"it has a dashing and resourceful hero ; a lisping , reptilian villain ; big fights ; big hair ; lavish period scenery ; and a story just complicated enough to let you bask in your own cleverness as you figure it out .",1
there is nothing funny in this every-joke-has- been-told-a- thousand-times- before movie .,0
a singularly off-putting romantic comedy .,0
"[johnnie to and wai ka fai are] sure to find an enthusiastic audience among american action-adventure buffs , but the film's interests may be too narrow to attract crossover viewers .",0
inconsequential road-and-buddy pic .,0
"the idea is more interesting than the screenplay , which lags badly in the middle and lurches between not-very-funny comedy , unconvincing dramatics and some last-minute action strongly reminiscent of run lola run .",0
the plan to make enough into ‘an inspiring tale of survival wrapped in the heart-pounding suspense of a stylish psychological thriller' has flopped as surely as a soufflé gone wrong .,0
most of the movie is so deadly dull that watching the proverbial paint dry would be a welcome improvement .,0
"both an admirable reconstruction of terrible events , and a fitting memorial to the dead of that day , and of the thousands thereafter .",1
"it may not be a huge cut of above the rest , but i enjoyed barbershop . it's a funny little movie with clever dialogue and likeable characters .",1
the sheer joy and pride they took in their work -- and in each other -- shines through every frame .,1
savvy director robert j . siegel and his co-writers keep the story subtle and us in suspense .,1
"this is a very ambitious project for a fairly inexperienced filmmaker , but good actors , good poetry and good music help sustain it .",1
the pace of the film is very slow ( for obvious reasons ) and that too becomes off-putting .,0
a compelling french psychological drama examining the encounter of an aloof father and his chilly son after 20 years apart .,1
intriguing and downright intoxicating .,1
"nemesis suffers from a paunchy midsection , several plodding action sequences and a wickedly undramatic central theme .",0
"piercingly affecting . . . while clearly a manipulative film , emerges as powerful rather than cloying .",1
passable enough for a shoot-out in the o . k . court house of life type of flick . strictly middle of the road .,0
a remarkably alluring film set in the constrictive eisenhower era about one suburban woman's yearning in the face of a loss that shatters her cheery and tranquil suburban life .,1
"if the material is slight and admittedly manipulative , jacquot preserves tosca's intoxicating ardor through his use of the camera .",1
"this is a picture that maik , the firebrand turned savvy ad man , would be envious of : it hijacks the heat of revolution and turns it into a sales tool .",0
a muddy psychological thriller rife with miscalculations . it makes me say the obvious : abandon all hope of a good movie ye who enter here .,0
. . . the plot weaves us into a complex web .,1
baby-faced renner is eerily convincing as this bland blank of a man with unimaginable demons within .,1
"a compelling , gut-clutching piece of advocacy cinema that carries you along in a torrent of emotion as it explores the awful complications of one terrifying day .",1
"fans of plympton's shorts may marginally enjoy the film , but it is doubtful this listless feature will win him any new viewers .",0