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Upload pros_cons_reviews_with_labels.csv

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The Pros and Cons dataset consists of reviews expressing both positive and negative sentiments about various products or experiences. Each review is labeled as either "Pros" or "Cons" to indicate its sentiment. This dataset can be used for sentiment analysis, natural language processing (NLP), and other text analysis tasks.

The dataset contains reviews collected from various sources, covering a wide range of products and experiences. Each review is provided along with its corresponding sentiment label.

File Structure
pros_cons_reviews_with_labels.csv: CSV file containing the reviews and their sentiment labels.
review: The text of the review.
sentiment: The sentiment label assigned to the review ("Pros" or "Cons").
predicted_sentiment: The predicted sentiment label generated using a zero-shot classification model.
You can use this dataset for:

Sentiment analysis
Natural language processing (NLP)
Machine learning model training and evaluation
Text classification tasks

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  1. pros_cons_reviews_with_labels.csv +0 -0
pros_cons_reviews_with_labels.csv ADDED
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