The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] 21months old infant having fever since a week.. Controlled by fever medicines but appears if medicine not given 6 hourly. No cough or cold. submandibular swelling since day second of fever. Heamogram normal. Typhoid negative. Pls suggest what it could be...Urine routine and blood culture is under testing... What else needed for diagnosis?? [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for the query. I understand your concern. Fever medicine would bring down fever. But complete freedom from the problem need removal of basic cause. (like suitable antibiotic added to fever medicine in case of infection) Fever with submandibular swelling could be a lymph swelling due to infection of the area Chat Doctor. . Accompanied by swelling of lymph nodes at other sites. You have started with many investigations. But in my view a detailed physical examination by a pediatrician would be important in order to make primary impression of the cause & then advise specific investigations to confirm the diagnosis followed by cause specific treatment. Please consult her pediatrician for guidance. Thanks
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Im in a lot of pain in my stomach, abdominal pain, and chest pain! I woke up this morning with some swelling in my face, lips swollen! Since October 2008 Ive been having breathing problems, cause i was working around chemicals and fumes! I wa put off work in June 2009 and forgot one important thing my gallbladder was removed in August 2009 with gallstones in it and the doctors thought at that time that my liver and kidney was damaged as well due to the fact of how bad my gallbladder was! But Thank God my liver and kidney at that time was okay! Can someone try to explain to me or try to help me on whats going on with me! Ive been to a few doctors and I feel that no one shouldnt suffer like Im suffering! [|AI|] HI. Noted the history of gall bladder removal and reports about your kidney and liver that they are normal. This is good news. Now : about your problem about pain in the abdomen and the chest, along with swollen face and lips. The probable diagnosis of your problem can be ::You have a pleural inflammation due to something that causes simultaneous pain in abdomen and the chest This can be best diagnosed by CT scan of the chest and upper abdomen. This can also be due to acid peptic disease. Upper GI endoscopy will help. Disc compression in the upper thoracic area can cause the pain of this nature. Please go for all the relevant tests: Get a diagnosis to get a proper treatment.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi I took an ChatDoctor injection of 5000IU (Hucog) on 10th day of my period when the follicle was 19mm in size.But even on 13th day morning it dint ruptured.But the size is growing to 24x28mm.Is it normal whill it rupture....if not why?We did IUI on 13th day...Will the sperms be available for fertilisation more than 24 hours? [|AI|] Hi, As per your sonographic report, it appears that your follicle did not rupture in this cycle and a cyst may have developed as indicated by the size. As such, your chances of conception are almost nil in this cycle. Follicles usually rupture when they are about 18 mm. With a normal semen analysis, sperms may be available for fertilization as long as 5 days after an intercourse, while an ovum cannot live longer then 24 hours in the natural state. Hope this information is useful to you. Wish you good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hello, We have two boys ages 22 months and 10 months. They have not gained any weight in many months and are both well below the chart. They both also suffer from soft bowel movements around 6 times a day. They have been tested for CF and Cilliac and both were negative. They are developmentally on track and very happy non lethargic children. We live in a rural idaho town with no specialists. We see the Dr again today and wondering what else he should be looking for? [|AI|] Hi, Are the stool mucus/blood stained / contains a lot of gases? Is the perineum excoriated? Any ulceration or discoloration in and around mouth? Few conditions causing this trouble are-Vitamin / mineral deficiency like zinc / niacin, worm infestations are rarely malabsorption syn Chat Doctor. Apart from the said tests you mentioned, a stool routine examination (for worms and reducing substances) may give some clue. In such cases, I used to deform child
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I accidentally hit my chin hard on the bottom of my pool today. My chin is swollen & painful. The swollen area is about the size of a grape. I have some pain in my gums/teeth when I clench mouth shut. Should I be concerned or just expect swelling to go away soon & bruising [|AI|] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor, I have gone through your query, as you have injury in your gums this pain and swelling in gums can be due to periodontal injury in lower gums may be there is formation of pus periodontal abscess or periapical pathology or swelling can be due to hairline fracture of symphysis region also Don't worry consult dentist and go for OPG to evaluate the diagnosis why pain and swelling is present. Do warm saline gargle two - three times a day You can take analgesic tablet diclofenac sodium twice daily. Hope this will help you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] For last two to three months i have problem in my lower abodimen a slight pain is there continuously there is always uneasiness in my stomach mostly on left sight and it variet all side some times up and down it also go back side, ultrasound report show grade 2 fatty lever, 2 year back the same things happend me and i have gone for endoscopy only fatty lever was diagnosed [|AI|] Hi dear thanks for the query on ChatDoctorThere are many causes for lower abdominal pain. If you have constipation or if you are passing hard may be the case for lower abdominal pain(diverticulosis/diverticulitis). If you are female could be PID so need to check whether you have white discharge per vagina. If male, if you are doing gym or lifting heavy weight the pain may be early symptom of a developing hernia in the groin region. Have some rest, have lots of liquids, high fiber diet. These may help you thanks for the query.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, I have a burning pain and slight numbness in my upper right abdomen area (below right breast) mostly after sitting. I also have some occasional bloating feeling, gas (flatulating) and diarrhea (which just started today). I have had the sitting numbness with pain for over a month. I take a lot of supplements, vitamins, fish oil, etc... I do not drink alcohol (except on rare occasions.) [|AI|] Hi! Good morning. I am Chat Doctor answering your query. If I were your doctor, I would advise you for a routine stool test for ova and cyst and treat it if positive. I would also advise you not to eat food from outside to avoid any fresh intestinal infections. If need be, I would advise getting an ultrasound abdomen done to rule out any gall stone disease. Till that I would prescribe you with some proton pump inhibitor and a probiotic for a symptomatic relief. Further management would depend on the reports of investigations. I hope this information would help you in discussing with your family physician/treating doctor in further management of your problem. Please do not hesitate to ask in case of any further doubts. Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor to clear doubts on your health problems. I wish you an early recovery. Chat Doctor
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi. i am mary ann from the philippines. i dont know how to start this but the problem is is tarted having back pains during the last few days of my training in Manila for a job. at first i really didn;t think it is a serious matter. but, when the doctor asked me to have a urine test which i repeated twice after i have taken antibiotics showed same result. my urine contains ALBUMIN. with all honesty i really don;t know what is happening. but awhile ago when i urinated there is a blood as well. [|AI|] Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor. Albumins are often detected in urine and this can be sign of kidney glomerular damage or reinfection. Blood is sign of infection or kidney stones. You should do ultrasounds to evaluate is there stone or kinda damage. Also, you should check creatinine and urea levels. You shouldn't be worried, this can be easily treated by antibiotics and certain medicines. Wish you good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Dear Doctor, I am 45 year female from Lucknow need advise through your section as a cardiologist told me that my herat is inoperable condition. I am suffering from Cardiac problem since last 20 years like pain in chest, dizziness, swelling in feet, breathing problem etc. then i visited a cardiologist and he performed echocardiogram, the results are following -1. Large Ostium, Secundum ASD with severe PAH (ASD Defect 25mm)2. Mindely Dilated RA & RV3. Good LV, Systolic function4. LVEF =77%5. Trival MR6. Mild TR7. Mild PR8. Normal Pulmonary connection9. No clot/vegetationTherefore I want to know that is there surgery is possible in this case or not.Please advise me. Best Regards,suman [|AI|] Hello In patients with ASD with the passage of time the shunt become reversed (right to left) due to increased pulmonary vascular resistance. These patients develop severe PAH due to which It's become impossible to close the defect. It's Called Eisenmengerisation of the shunt. This could be the possible reason in your case keeping in mind SEVERE PAH reported in your ECHO report. See in the report if its written Reversal of shunt or right to left shunt across ASD then surgery is not possible Take Care
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i am 34yrs old male from hyderabad. last month i had sex with my friend without condom. after 1 week, i got irritation and itching near anus. i applied candid cream. but no use. now inside anus also i am getting irritation itching and pain. kindly suggest me wht to do ? [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for posting in Chat Doctor. I have read your post and understand your concern. It appears that you could be having abrasions of the skin in the anal area due to which you could be experiencing itching sensation in the region. Candid cream would only help if the infection is fungal and hence kindly stop using it as it would not be effective in your case. Kindly do the following to overcome it. 1. Wash the area twice daily with warm water and mild antiseptic solution like Providing. 2. After it Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello dr Santosh, my son is 3 and 1/2 Yrs old and hes been bother with a runny nose problem that started 6weeks ago;his peditrician gave him antibiotics for two weeks( amoxicillin ) but it seems that the antibiotic is not doing anything. My son had allergy issues in the past (mosquito bites) and was diagnosed with eczema herpeticum by a specialist. Im given benadryl at night and using a humidifier to help him sleep better. Im thinking he may be allerrgic To some foods, do you think i should take my son for an allergy test? Dr.your advice will be very helpfulthank you [|AI|] Hello, Thanks for the query to Chat Doctor. Forum. As you mentioned that the there is running nose, few days ago diagnosed as an eczema. In my opinion eczema and running nose is due to allergy and this is a precursor of asthmatic allergic bronchitis. Usually I have seen that that patient develops bronchoconstriction, cough, runny nose itching over face (mild) . All these symptoms are very common and in my opinion not a cause of concern. Only a potent bronchodilator Chat Doctor. I don't prescribe antibiotics to my patients. Only anti-allergic and bronchodilators are sufficient. In my opinion consult a physician and get a treatment. When your child will attain 14-15 years, he will get rid of these symptoms due to sex hormones. Good luck for your little one.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My daughter suffered from seizures during fever at the age of 1.5 Yrs for the first time. The second episode was on 29th of July and now she is 4 yrs old. she weighs 15Kgs and iam not sure bout her height. She was taken to Paedeatric Neurologist and he suggested that as parents for your satisfaction we can have EEG test done which will assess the risk in future. I stay in bangalore and would like to know what extent it is required to conduct the test. [|AI|] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor, Seizures within 24hrs of onset of fever and lasting less than 5 mins is commonly seen in this age group child Chat Doctor. Especially if there is a strong family history of febrile seizures then there is much more possibility if this. It usually doesn't happen of the fever is controlled well from the very onset. It's called simple febrile seizures and if that is the case, no investigation is required. But if any atypical features like, seizure onset after 24 hrs of fever onset, more than 1 episode in 24hrs, occurring beyond 6 yrs, child has development delay etc. needs evaluation with EEG. Having said that, getting an EEG done just for completion is not a harm. It's a non-invasive test and won't affect in management. Hope this clears your query. Happy to help. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] sir,recently found kidny stone-a small radiopque opacity measuring about 12mm x s9mm in middle pole of the left kidney on plain radiograph. pel-v1calyceal system is opacified with contrast medium on both sides from 5 minutes radiograph onwards. the calyces are spastic on left sides.pls. advice [|AI|] Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor, Kidney stones are managed conservatively and surgically depending on the size and location of the stone. Small stones or small calculi are managed conservative with fluids and medications. Large stones are usually managed by surgical measures. The kidney stone that you have mentioned is too large to be treated by conservative measures and thus surgical measures have to be taken. Thanks and take care Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I sneezed and immediately after had the most severe lower back pain. I cant sit or walk without feeling excruciating pain. Its been 2 days and muscle relaxer and pain killer are not doing much to ease the pain or allow me to walk or sit up. Please help [|AI|] Hi, it is of great concern that muscle relaxant and painkillers are even not able to receive your pain, so you should consult an orthopedic immediately and let him examine you and if required then go for X-ray of vertebral column and MRI to exclude vertebral disc prolapse and then follow your doctor for the management, it is not good to experiment any more on yourself with different Chat Doctor. Wish you all the best.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My sister in-law is 11 days away from her due date. Today she was admitted to the hospital and put in the labor and delivery room because she was puking up blood. Not too long ago (a week maybe) she fell down and didn t want to go to the hospital because she said she felt fine. Is there anything wrong with the baby and is there anyway that those two could be tied together? [|AI|] Nasal bleeding is common during pregnancy due to its related vascular changes and vasodilation of the blood vessels of the nose. Since this does not seem to be the case we should consider that blood is coming from the stomach or lower respiratory system (lungs). It is never NORMAL to puke or cough blood during pregnancy. TBC and gastroesophageal causes of bleeding should be sought. She now is in the hospital and MDs there should be taking care of that
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My legs have been sore/week/stiff as if I have worked out the day before but this occurs whenever I rest then get up or sit for a few minutes then get up. I have tried to figure out if it was my vitamins or water softened water. I just moved three months ago to new apartment so these are the only things I can think of that have changed. [|AI|] Hi Dear, Welcome to Chat Doctor. Understanding your concern. As per your query you have sore weak & stiff legs. Well there can be many reasons for symptoms you mention in query like nerve compression, diabetes, neuropathy or multiple Sclerosis. I would suggest you to do light stretching exercises along with gentle message, apply warm compresses on entire leg and take ibuprofen or acetaminophen for pain. If condition doesn't get well then consult orthopedic surgeon for proper examination. Doctor may order blood test or RH factor, CT scan or MRI along with physical examination to confirm the diagnosis. Doctor may prescribe methotrexate, anti-inflammatory, Gabapentin long with nerve supplement and recommend physical therapy. Hope your concern has been resolved. Get Well Soon. Best Wishes,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I was taken off of Metformin in September, Over this past 10 months i have experienced sweating, weight gain, and incrwase in body hair. I took metformin for 4 years until they took me off, and have been taking yaz for 3 years. Are my symptoms from not taking metformin? [|AI|] Hello, the answer is probably no, but I'll tell you more in the next paragraph. Yam may rarely cause such symptoms though. You should discuss this issue with your doctor and perhaps also with an endocrinologist. Sweating and weight gain are general symptoms occurring in a multitude of disorders, but an increase in body hair is almost always due to either a side effect of a medication or a hormonal disorder. Let me get back to metformin now. I suppose you're female - because you're worried about the hair - although you haven't mentioned your sex. Women with PCs (polycystic ovary syn Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Good morning. My 3 month old son has been coughing for a week now. It started with a cold but the usual symptoms have subsided but his cough is getting worse - dry cough with a dry heave at the end. Do I have to worry about progression toward bronchitis? [|AI|] Hi... I understand your concern. But it is too early to predict the evolution of bronchitis. At this age, the most common viral illness is respiratory synovial virus causing acute bronchiolitis. You need not worry about the cough unless the baby is having fast breathing or respiratory distress and inability to feed. Usually this sort of viral associated cough may last, two weeks to settle down completely. Regards -
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello. My son has a small cyst that he was treated for with cipro. It was opened then closed up. He is a college baseball player and the weird thing is, two other baseball players on his team, got them at the same time. One team mate had surgery. This past week, the team physician said my son needs to have his surgically opened again and cleaned out, then packed. My question is, What is the recoup period and is this a common problem amongst athletes? Is it coinsidental that other team mates got the samething, same time? [|AI|] Welcome to Chat Doctor I am Chat Doctor and I will help you with your problem have gone through your question. You have not mentioned the location of the cyst. In athletes, joint bursa is common condition because of the increase wear and tear of joints. The treatment of which is surgical excision, if it is large enough and bothering the patient. You need to tell us, the location of the cyst, when and why he was operated. What problem is it causing. Only then we will be able to help you in a useful way. I hope my answer will help you. Do rate it, if you like it. Regards
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] diseasesmy partner and I had 1 year off from each other and now where back together Ive noticed that he now has a red rash all over the his head of is penis, his been using dermaid 0.5% cream it seems to work temporary but it come Back pritty quick .... what could he have [|AI|] Hello, Commonly rash on penis occurs due to fungus (candidiasis) in uncircumcised penis. Your partner can take antifungal medicines (fluconazole) orally & apply Clotrimazole ointment topically for relieve. He should take care of his hygiene, wear loose fitting cotton clothes. However, it can also be due to sexually transmitted diseases such as dermatitis, syphilis, genital herpes, etc. He is suggested to get clinically examined by a GP & get STD tests done to stay on the safer side. Do not indulge with multiple partners & perform safe sex. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Im 39 years of age last year I was diagnosed of hypertension when I could not sleep properly , since then I have been place on drug , tenoretic, dopatab , lotrial 5 etc , but in the recent times I have been experience slight headache once in a while, I will be experience loss of life on my legs and strange movements like electric shock , when Im talking for long period the silivar in my mouth will be ticky , what is the cause and the solution [|AI|] Hello! Welcome and thank you for asking on Chat Doctor! Regarding your concern, I would recommend performing some tests to investigate for the possible causes: - a resting ECG- a complete blood count for anemia-thyroid hormone levels to rule in/out possible thyroid dysfunction- kidney and liver function tests-blood electrolytes (including calcium, potassium, sodium and chloride to exclude possible imbalance)- a nerve conduction study to examine for possible nerve damage that may cause symptoms in your lesson should discuss with your doctor on the above tests. Hope you will find this answer helpful! Kind regards,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I recently bought a used car that had been sittng for a year. Ive since found out its mold everywhere. Before riding in that car my 12 month old and I had been exposed to mold in the previous car we owned for about 4 months without knowing. I attribute his sudden illness to the new exposure because half a day after riding in the new car he was sneezing frantically rubbing his eyes. That nght he had drainage so thick in th back of his throat I had to sleep sitting upwith him. Next morning lots of sneezing by noon he was pouring snot like a faucet. That night same thing. so I got him up took him yo the e.r. . Doc sayss both ears are red he has a fever and put him on an antibiotic (he just came off one for the same thing one weekprior). Next morning he started uncontrollable coughing. He takes Bromfed, singulair, breathing treatments, [|AI|] Thanks for asking gone through your question. And understand your concern Your some has allergic tendency. If I was your treating pediatrician I would add some more thing to above-mentioned management 1. As the allergic symptoms are very much bothersome, I would advise Montelukast (singular) for at least this season.2. Assure you that it is normal to have frequent respiratory tract infection, they respond to treatment. As child grow the frequency decrease. 3 Do dusting frequently with vacuum cleaner, 4. It possibly floor carpet and room curtains is to be avoided, hope I answer your question have healthy family
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i have upper lef pain in stomach and soreness to touch left to centre stomach.often gets pain in left side and right side going to the back.the other pain i have been getting is upper centre and out my back. i had this twice. it goes as quick as i get it and get burps all the time with .it i suppose its sounds at the time like trapped wind. had colonospy and endocope a couple of month ago and as far as i know all was fine. [|AI|] Brief answer gastritis or stomach hyperacidityDetailed answer looking at your history abdominal pain with burping is more consistent with stomach hyperacidityin my opinion you should take tab pantoprazole 40 mg half an hour before breakfast with antacids thrice daily have plenty of fluids avoid fatty and spicy food GO for an ultrasound to. Look for liver and gallbladder it could be due to stone in gall bladder Hope I have answered your question wish you good health have a nice day
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] doc has prescribed me tab acamptas 333mgs 4 tab per day, parocen cr. 12.5 mg 1 tab/day, etilaam md 0.5 mg 1/day, s metiwave 200mg 2/ day and cap vibrania 1/ day . kindly tell me the usage of each medicine and r there any side effects of these medicine. and how long shld i take [|AI|] Hi, Acamptas is used in the treatment of alcohol addiction. It is used to stop alcohol craving in people. Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea and flatulence are some side effects. Proven is a selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRI) used for the treatment of depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Dizziness, Chat Doctor. Vibrant is a multivitamin supplement. Emilia is used in the treatment of short term anxiety and insomnia.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Last menstruation was May 25 to 27. Had unprotected sex June 5. I took Nordette as an ECP 52hrs after. Took first dose last June 7, 1030PM and the second dose June 9, 1030AM. I vomited once and had white discharge but as of today no bleeding yet but am having abdominal cramps. What are the chances of me getting pregnant? thanks. [|AI|] Hi, You took Corvette as ECP 52 hours after sex. 2nd dose should be taken after 12 hours, but you took after 2 days. Since you did not take Corvette pill in correct way, so there is some chance of pregnancy. White discharge could be due to vaginal infection, side effect of pill. If it is foul smell then it suggests vaginal infection. Vaginal swab tests by consulting gynecologist will help in diagnosis. Abdominal cramp could be due to premenstrual symptoms. I would suggest to wait for period to come. If period will delay by more than 7 days then go for urine pregnancy tests and or blood Chat Doctor test to confirm pregnancy. Meanwhile, avoid stress, Chat Doctor. Wear pure cotton loose inner and maintain proper pelvic hygiene by using V vaginal plus wash. Hope this may help you. Contact further if follow up needed. Best regards,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My fiance woke up this morning with a pain on the right side of his neck. He first thought he slept wrong, then realized there is what appears to be a vein behind his right ear that is swollen. Pain goes down his neck and up the side of his head. Is this something to be concerned about? [|AI|] Hi, If he does not have fever and there is no local redness of overlying skin, we need not worry now. There is a normal prominence behind our ear-this is formed by mastoid bone and tendons attached on that. If he is able to feel a similar swelling on the opposite side also, probably he is dealing with this. Just ask him to take paracetamol three time as a day(ibuprofen if pain is severe) for 3 days. Hopefully pain will disappear by then. Otherwise, kindly see a doctor to look for any local infection or lymphadenitis. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi sir, i had sex with my gf and after 48 hours of sex i had given her an unwanted 72 pill it is almost six days gone but her period has not came yet. it is after 20 days of her period i had sex with her. i am afraid if she is pregnant.. please help sir. [|AI|] Hello dairy understand your concern Chance of the pregnancy is very less because1. You this sex 20th day of the period, and it is safe period2. You took unwanted 72 after 48 hours, and it prevents the pregnancy in around 70-80%. But period can be delayed by 10-12 days as it cause prolongation of second phase of the cycleWait for the period to come period will delay by more than 12 days than go for urine pregnancy test and or blood Chat Doctor to confirm the pregnancy. If you will be pregnant then still you can terminate intrauterine pregnancy by abortion pill under the advice of the gynecologistMeanwhileAvoid stress, take healthy diet, Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My son is 6 months, gagging on solids, even smoothest pure, though yoghurt desserts and milk are gong down ok, last night he vomited too, but no vomit so far today, just gaging and wretching. he has a cold, is drooling, and has just got his font two teeth through. he is very tored and kranky. do you think he has a sore throat? [|AI|] Hello, I can understand your concern. When the teeth are about to erupt in oral cavity, the gums become little sore and kids tend to put things in mouth frequently to soothe the sore gums. This tendency to put every odd thing in mouth, makes kids at this age prone to stomach infections. As he is gagging, retching and had vomited, it might be the possibility of him associated with teething. In such case, I would recommend you to visit a pediatrician to see if he requires a course of antibiotics. In addition, the Chat Doctor. It will stop in some days as the kid will get used to new teeth in oral cavity. In addition, the sore gums and irritation due to erupting teeth can make a child cranky, and he may scream a lot. This will also subside soon. If the gums seem too sore, you can apply Travel to his gums to soothe them. I hope this information helps you. Thank you for choosing Chat Doctor. Take care. Best,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i am 72 yrs old and suffring from paralisis in right side since last 7 year ago .dr. advice to me on 4-1-2012 after addmite in his hospitl 5 days 1.platloc-as 75mg tab 1/day,epilive 500mg tab-3/day,frisium 5mg tab-twise a day,limcee tab -3/day ,lasix 40mg tab 1/day,pozt-dsr tab twise a day,atorsave 40 - 1/day,cognicid 800mg 3/day,alonerv -1/day . please check and advise better medisin for improve my health [|AI|] Hi, It would appear from your description of the paralysis and medications that you suffered a stroke in 2012. You've not really said much about how you are currently doing, but my guess is that things are stable. After 7 years from a stroke the paralyzed portions of the body will have reached a stable point of recovery. Medication wise, it would appear that your doctor is covering you for the correct and adequate items that could cause problems in the future such as cholesterol, and it also appears he is giving you some type of supplementation for good health of the brain tissue itself. I might recommend your doctor look into your B12 and vitamin D levels in the bloodstream. Those 2 things are very important to good nerve health following a stroke. I would talk to the doctor about doing blood work and looking for B12 levels that are no less than 450 and D levels that are 60-80. Otherwise, the balance of your medication list appears to be quite reasonable and I'd suggest it continue. You may also benefit from some form of personal REHABILITATION EXERCISE therapy depending on how paralyzed the right side may be and if your speech and language have been affected you may be able to benefit from speech therapy as well if you never had any in 2012. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi,I have been on Diane 35 for longer than a year to treat my skin. I recently missed a few pills (I was away and left them at home) which is the first time i have missed taking them. I have taken 2 constantly since I got back (I missed 3 and didnt go onto my period). Tonight I had sex with my partner and the condom broke after he ejaculated. Is there a possibility I may fall pregnant? Is it necessary to take an alternate form of contraception (for example Plan B)? [|AI|] HelloThanks for your query. You have taken Diane 35 irregularly, so you cannot rely on that to offer you optimum protection this month.Also, with the tear of the condom, it is definitely likely that you might get pregnant. However, combining the Plan B with OC pills is not a good idea, and not of much use either. RIght now, just have protected sex in the future. Wait for your periods, and in case you miss one, take a pregnancy test immediately. Use the new pack of Diane 35 consistently and correctly. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have an osteochondral defect of the navicular bone...basically a piece of this dead bone has partially peeled away. there is very little cartilege left. I am a 20-year-old professionally training ballerina. Also had an os trignonum surgical removed at the back of my heal. I have basically been told that this new condition is basically career ending. I have pain even when I walk. I often wear a boot cast in order to relieve the pain when I walk a lot. Can they not go in an remove the piece of bone that has partially peeled away to relieve the rubbing of the bone on bone? There is no blood supply...they told me the navicular bone is dead. [|AI|] Hi, particular bone forms important joint in middle of foot and play a very vital role in mid-movements of foot. Once it is damaged and ?avascular, it has to collapse and lead to painful restriction of movements. After very detailed assessment by your expert orthopaedician, may suggest the extent of damage and residual movements at that joint. If still acceptable range is there but painful, some nonsurgical treatment may be helpful failing with surgical fusion of joint may b the're most welcome for any further query.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] please tell me reference ranges of semen culture age is 27 years married since 1 year 2days. i am also a kidney transplant patient my semen report shown pus cells 15~20. semen culture report result is "No growth obtained after 24 hours of incumbation at 37 degree C. please suggest [|AI|] Hello. I have reviewed your query and here is my advice. Pus cells may indicate infection of prostate or premature sperms in semen. Repeat semen analysis from standard lab and also get semen culture done. If infection is present, course of antibiotic for 1.5 to 2 months will help. Talk to your physician in person. Hope I have answered your query. You can contact me for treatment options. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi. Good morning. My husband was diagnosed with tb adenitis.He is on his fourth month of treatment of multidrug. some of His swollen lympnodes in the neck erupted and now healed. What is the percentage of recovery from this kind of sickness? Has no fever, more appetite, gaining weight already. [|AI|] Hi there. Welcome to Chat Doctor. I am Chat Doctor. It appears that your husband is improving from TB lymphadenitis. As it is a type of extrapulmonary tuberculosis you should keep in mind that treatment needs to be continued for prolong period. Several study data suggest that if treatment regimen is strictly followed than the success rate will be around 75-80% in EPT. You should be visiting your treating physician regularly and ensure that
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My Mother Mrs. Pressanna (50 yrs) has recently has been diagnosed with Colon Cancer with multiple liver metastasis - stage 4. The disease is in a advanced stage. We have taken opinion of several doctors & institutions and there has been mixed response for surgery to be followed by Chemotherapy and radiations.The current situation of my mother is having pain and difficulty to eat food leading to high level of weakness.So let me know any alternative treatments available there.Your suggestions would be very helpful . If available I am ready to come there with all reports as early as possible.Awaiting your early response, [|AI|] Your mother has colon cancer that has spread to liver. The only option now is to undergo chemotherapy +/- targeted therapy. If a particular mutation test called K RAS mutation is wild type then only she will benefit from addition of targeted therapy with chemotherapy. The goal of chemotherapy is to convert unresectable liver spread to respectable status called conversion therapy. Your mother can receive 2 to 4 months of chemotherapy Neo adjuvant meaning before operation followed by post-operative chemotherapy for a goal of approx 6 months if there is no evidence of residual disease. Past data have demonstrated approximately 25% of patients witChatDoctorpletely resected hepatic metastases secondary to colon cancer experience long term survival of 50%. For pain, she can take Tab Attract thrice daily after food. It contains acetaminophen and tramadol. Regards and take care
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I had an allergic reaction to being in contact with poison sumac from carrying firewood in the house over a month ago. The emergency room at urgent care gave me an epi pen injection - epinephrine which caused me a seizure. Today, my dentist will be giving a shot to me for a tooth decay in the side back of my mouth. Not sure what shot it will be.. but little nervous it may have same ingredients or similar to the epinephrine injection. [|AI|] Anaphylactic / Allergic shock is caused whenever the heart is unable to pump enough blood throughout the body due to an allergic reaction, weakening of the heart muscle, or shrinking of the veins (vasodilation). Injection of epinephrine into the blood stream will cause an increase of blood flow throughout the body. While epinephrine/ a Chat Doctor. Its one of the reason many video games and action movies have seizure warning because when we are excited a
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I did a 24 hour urine w/o creatinine and the results came back as follows Creatinine 1.24 H eGFR non African American 52 L and creatinine clearance 71 L. Can you tell me what this means? The reason for the test is because I have a history of hypokalemia and we are trying to find out why. I am on Klor-con 8 er three times a day and my levels stay from 3.1 to 3.2 [|AI|] Hi I did review your concernHypokalemia can be due to multiple reasons ranging from kidney problems to GI problems. Most important is to rule out whether you have concomitant hypertension with it or not to rule out any a Chat Doctor. Your creatinine is slightly high and creatinine clearance and EFR are low indicating that your kidney is not excreting metabolites properly. I believe what now needs to be done is and arterial blood gas analysis and detailed study of your urine in terms of 24 hr potassium in urinalysis and blood urea nitrogen. I hope this helped me know if you have any more questions or concerns. Wish you all the best.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i ll have been feeling a nagging pain that comes and goes in the right mid-section of my back, earlier this summer i had the flu virus,was prescribed the z-pack,but lately i still feel tired,and my breathing feels a little uncomfortable,it s almost as i can taste a gases flavor. [|AI|] Hi I am Chat Doctor. . In my opinion i think your viral infection still not completely cured causing your flu breathing problem and thus causing the metallic gases flavor. Your back pain could be a kind of muscular spasm treated by painkillers when needed, hot massages with topical gels, muscle relaxants, avoid heavy lifting and vigorous movements with some bed rest will be enough. For now I suggest some nasal steaming with minor medications as viral infections doesn't need antibiotics, Z pack, paracetamol, antihistamines for your flu. If your back pain persists visit your physician for proper evaluation of the underlying cause. Please click THANK YOU and consider a 5-star rating with some positive feedback if the information was helpful. Hope the above information helps you, Any further clarifications feel free to ask.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] For many years I have been diagnosed with fibrocystic breast. I get mammograms each year but for the last few months I ve felt a new lump in my my right breast it feels different from my normal cyst it moves but it concerns me. I m on birthcontrol pills have been since I was 22 when I got married I m now 43 yrs old should I go to doctor? [|AI|] Hi! Good evening. I am Chat Doctor answering your query. If I were your doctor, after a general and local physical examination of both side breasts, I would advise you for a FNAC (fine needle aspiration cytology) of the newly developed lump. Further management would depend on the cytological report of the FNAC. I hope this information would help you in discussing with your family physician/treating doctor in further management of your problem. Please do not hesitate to ask in case of any further doubts. Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor to clear doubts on your health problems. I wish you an early recovery. Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi doctor!my question is -I am 28 yrs women. Married. We have unprotected sex on 18th August. &I take I pill.but I have vomiting in half hour after taking ipill. But now we want to take chance for baby. So can we plan for pregnancy now. My LMP is 6th August. How long effect of ipill ? [|AI|] Hallow Dear, Since you have vomited out within half an hour of consuming I-pill, the pill should have been expelled out in the vomits. So this pill will not give you any protection from the pregnancy. Of course, pregnancy also is not guaranteed; however, you had unprotected sexual contact around the day of ovulation and in the fertile period. So there are good chances of pregnancy. To find out whether you are pregnant or not; you have the following options: 1. Perform Beta Chat Doctor test on your blood any time after 28th August. 2. Alternatively, wait for your menses to appear. If they appear, you are not pregnant. If they are delayed, wait for a week and then perform pregnancy test on overnight morning first urine sample; earlier the test may report false negative results. Since the pill has been expelled out within half an hour of ingestion, it does not have any effect on the body as it was not absorbed in all. So there is no risk to the pregnancy if you are pregnant. I hope this clarifies your doubts.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, I m infected with H Pylori. I did endoscopy for stomach and colon. I m given 5 types of tablets, 2 are antibiotics and 3 others. 1. Proton 40 2. Duspatalin 3. KLACID 500mg 4. Aristoz yme and 5. Levoflox 500 mg Can I continue with Aristoz yme even though I don t feel of heartburn? [|AI|] Hi, I understand your concern. H. pylori infection is treated through a combination therapy as you have been prescribed 5 types of medications. Aristotle contains the natural digestive enzymes that are needed during breakdown of foods. They will help digest better the foods, not with your heartburn. They are used for short periods of time, so I advise finishing the medication as prescribed by your doctor. Wishing fast recovery! Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i have been taking protein shakes excessivly for 5 months now and just within the last 2 months i have noticed my hair has started falling out and is gettting quite thin, my protein shakes are very high in cholesterol could this be the cause?i am 24 [|AI|] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor. I understand from your query that you have been suffering from severe hair fall. Proteins are good for hair and protein shakes which you are consuming should not attribute to hair fall. However, sudden and severe hair fall could be because of excessive weight loss, crash dieting (consuming mainly shakes and juices with not balanced diet), an illness which you had 6-8 months ago, surgery or a thyroid problem. Please get your hemoglobin, serum ferritin levels and thyroid status checked to rule out underlying problems. You could take a tablet containing 5 mg of biotin alone with cysteine and methionine for 2 months. Have a balanced diet. Hope this helps you. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi,,,,,i am 32 years old woman....trying to conceive from last 1 the follicular study done couple of times and was found my doc has referred me for iui....please let me know what could be the reason for not conceiving after every thing being normal.... my hsg test was also normal.. [|AI|] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor. I am Chat Doctor. I will be answering your concerns. Among couples trying for pregnancy, 80% of them conceive in the first year and 90% by the end of second year. So don't be worried. You will conceive. Since your doctor has already started treatment I presume that all baseline infertility investigations including semen analysis are normal. Then this is called as unexplained infertility. The cause cannot be found with available investigations. What your doctor has done is right step. Have GUI after induction of ovulation with Gonadotrophin. You can have 3-4 cycles of GUI. I hope and pray you conceive with the help of GUI. If you do not get pregnant with this treatment, the next option would be IVF (in vitro fertilization). I hope this is helpful. If you have further concerns, do contact me through Chat Doctor. To increase your chances of conception maintain normal BMI, quit smoking (if you're a smoker) and have intercourse at least three times in a week. I hope this is helpful. If you have any further concerns do contact me through Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello sir i had unprotected sex with my gf on 16th august i.e one day after her periods got over . she is supposed to get her menstruation at 3rd sep ..its 7th sep tday there ny chance of pregnancy??????And also we did unprotected sex on june same year but she took U-72 pills after a day after the sex.. So is delay in period happening because of this pill nly?????/Plzzzz help us and suggest a suitable measure as she is very much worried... We dint take ny pregnancy test... n if at all pregnancy test comes out positive then what shud we do??? [|AI|] Hi, Let me understand better: you are saying that "all the pregnancy test come out positive"; is this true? If this is true, then, your GF is pregnant. However, if the tests are negative, I would suggest to wait for some other days and then, you can repeat the test. Usually, when women get delayed periods, it is recommended to wait up to 10 days from the due date to do the test. Once the pregnancy is confirmed, I would recommend visiting a OG for further assistance. Hope it helped!
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I recently had a total knee replacement. Developed cellulitis, took antibiotic. Cellulitis improved. I am experiencing significant pain. Norco makes me sleepy, little pain relief. Took Tylenol 4 with codeine. No better. What do you suggest I take? I also have Ultram prescription. [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Ultra is having tramadol. It is centrally acting painkiller. It is good for pain management after total knee replacement. You were also having cellulitis. So you should also take pregabalin for nerve related pain relief. Also do physiotherapy, ultrasound application and warm water pad /ice pack application for better symptomatic relief. Painkiller creams containing diclofenac is also useful in such cases. So follow above-mentioned things, and you will improve in pain. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello Doctor, My wife is on coumadin for a blood thinner,her ir was 10.1. She is a diabetic and she takes her own shots. On 9/27/14 she took her shot in her left arm, by sunday her left arm swelled up. She had black and blue on her chest her left leg and her back.The doctor said she had a brachial plexis stroke,she still can not move her arm,hand and fingers. Will it every come back,what can she do. Thank you Rick [|AI|] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. She has brachial plexus stroke. It will become normal. But she should maintain her INR between 2 and 3. It is ideal therapeutic range of blood thinner. If it increases further than chances of bleeding is there. Consult your doctor and set the dosage of warfarin accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Im a bit concerned about my father (54 years old and 54 ). During this month, he has been telling me that he sometimes feels pain in his chest, and feels a tingling sensation in one of his arms. We took him to a cardiologist, and he said that there is no reason why he should be having pain there. He believed it was just anxiety and prescribed him with anxiety pills and something to lower his blood pressure. He also said that he had high blood pressure, but the doctor said it was normal for a person his age. My father is overweight, but it is hereditary since my father follows a strict food diet and exercises. After a week of my fathers visit to the cardiologist, he did not feel the pain going away, so we went to another cardiologist. This cardiologist said the same thing as the previous one. Overall, my question is if the cardiologists are right? Isnt there more to my fathers pain than anxiety. [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. In my opinion, that cardiologist doctor was not right. Anxiety should be put forward as diagnosis in chest pain without doing any cardiac reports. Chest pain with high blood pressure in 54 years obese patient should definitely investigate thoroughly for heart diseases like coronary artery disease (CAD), angina etc. So better to consult another cardiologist and get done 1. ECG 2. 2d echo. 3. Stress test 4. Coronary angiography (if required). He may need cardiac supportive Chat Doctor. Don't worry, he will be alright. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wishing good health to your father. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Am having headache since two months and feel like a hanging or giddiness. I also see my eyes and ears burning sensation. Eyes were tested and found ok. Sinus CT was done and no abnormalities. Went to Neuro and had Brain MRI and EEG. EEG is ok. But, MRI shows gliotic focus white matter at right part of brain. What is the remedy [|AI|] Hi, Thank you for posting your query. I have noted your symptoms and investigations reports. Based on that, the most likely cause of your headaches could be migraines. Gliotic focus in brain MRI refers to a scar of old disease. This old problem could be an infarct (blood clot), infection and injury to brain. Gliotic scar does not need any treatment as such. You should be started on good anti-migraine medications such as flunarizine, beta blockers, topiramate or divalproex tablets. I hope my answer helps. Please get back if you have any follow-up queries or if you require any additional information. Wishing you good health, Chat Doctor. Ly/
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i am 26 year old female.DUring my teenage i had long curly hair.then my hair started falling slowly after Jaundice.I also change my location from kerala to bangalore..I am here in bangalore for past 4+ years..for past 3-4 years hair is falling like anything.. [|AI|] Hello, Thank you for posting on Chat Doctor. I appreciate your concern regarding hair fall. Hair fall is usually ascribed to multiple factors like diet and nutrition, hormones, stress, acute or chronic medical conditions, Chat Doctor. From your description, it seems you might be having Halogen Effluvium, which is hairball secondary to stress. If I were your dermatologist/trichologist, I would like to take through history including family history, history of recent major trauma/illness/stress/medications etc. and recommend some basic investigations like CBC, blood sugar, Thyroid function test. Some other special investigations like pictogram and endoscopy and further aid in diagnosis and prognosis. I would suggest you a course of oral tablets containing biotin and other essential vitamins and minerals for minimum 3 months. Also, would put you on solution containing 5%/10% minoxidil once a day and a hair serum containing peptides for hair growth at night.(Q era etc.). I would advise use of gentle shampoo and conditioner on regular basis and use of coconut oil twice a week. Also inquire from your dermatologist about upcoming treatment options like monotherapy and platelet-rich plasma. Avoid combing in wet hair and let them
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Dr. My Dr. recently changed my Glucotrol 10 mg for Amaryl 4mg 2X/daily. I have CHF,Have a pacer defib. implanted-stents,am overweight,have stage 3 Kidney Failure, 58 yrs. old, have been hypoglycemic in my 20s-rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis,& Gout. Female. Also have Hep C & acid reflux. I dont think this drug is for me & am afraid to take it. Any suggestions? [|AI|] hellos you have said that you are a patient ofChfdefib implanted/stentsdiabeteskidney failure stage threegoutostheoarhtritisrhumatoidhep Camry is glimipride and does cause recurrent hypoglycemia in kidney failure patients would suggest following either decrease the dose of April to 2 mg daily, as you are taking high dose that is 8 mg, and main excretion of April is through kidneys, and you have kidney failureamryl becomes almost 24 mg in your case inside your body causing hypoglycemia OR the best Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello Doctor My child having 3years suffering from frequent fever from 15 days due to swollen glands on the neck .our doctor prescribed us delcon plus , new deletusP syrups and nutocef50 tablets this a proper prescription even though he is getting fever for every six hours severely..please prescribe proper medicine. Thank-you Swaroopa. [|AI|] Hi... Recurrent fever with swollen glands in the neck for the past 15 days could be ABV infection or otherwise called infectious mononucleosis. It is a self limiting prolonged viral illness. Rarely it can cause complications. I will suggest you how a viral illness behaves so that you will be more confident. Fever of few days without any localizing signs could as well a viral illness. Usually rather than fever, what is more important is the activity of the child, in between 2 fever episodes on the same day. If the kid is active and playing around when there is no fever, it is probably viral illness and it doesn't require antibiotics at all. Once viral fever comes it will there for 4-7 days. So do not worry about duration if the kid is active. Regards -
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] It s been 4 days after my vasectomy and I noticed in the shower that it was firm around the left set of stitches. Almost like scar tissue. I squeezed it like a pimple and puss or semen came out. Is it semen or puss? I ve been reading a bit on possibilities but still concerned. Should I be concerned? [|AI|] HelloThanks for query. You have undergone vasectomy 4 days back and has noticed white discharge for the wound. During vasectomy Va's difference (a tube) that carries sperms is ligated at both the ends it is unlikely to be semen . It is mostly a puss.However, Get it confirmed by microscopic examination and culture of a whitish material that you have noticed. This will help to allay your anxiety and help in taking an appropriate antibiotic to combat infection. Do not worry taking antibiotic and anti-inflammatory Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi there my names sam,im a 24 year old male.i have a big problem,about 6 months ago i started getting paranoid that i stank of poo,im a very claen person and and grew up with my mam who suffers from o.c.d and bipola.our house is extremly clean,i cant over exagerate enough.i shower twice a day but ive always been paranoid about personal a good looking smart popular boy,chatty and outgoing,well i was.there is this smell,or smells that stink of poo or some strange chemical,im suicidal,i dont know if its coming from my mouth or my bum,i brush atleast 5 times a day and it still smells,i scrub my bum and stay in the shower for an hour butt soon as i get out i can smell it again.its out of control now,i cant talk to any1 about it and i know that im making it obvious i got a problem wen out at biggest problem is that i dont know if its all in my head or i do smell of poo.please help your my only uk [|AI|] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. I sincerely suggest you to consult a psychologist. From the symptoms, you gave, you are also suffering from OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). Under the influence of OCD, you are imagining the smell. You are not a cleanliness loving person anymore. That scenario is over, and you have changed into a person who obsesses with cleanliness. That is the main symptom of OCD. Suicidal tendency is also part of it. In actuality, you are imagining the smell and uncleanliness. This behavior is fatal without medicines. Please consult a psychiatrist soon. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this website. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe some psychotherapy techniques which should help you cure your condition further. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello I am 56 have pain in left high neck with left side head, and polycystic kidneys, need to understand what my My MRI and MRA shows, here is the opinion: Bilateral parietal few tiny ischemic foci Right cerebellum small old infarct Bilateral temporal arachnoid cysts Central and cortical involuntional brain changes Attenuation os (sagital image) segment of the both posterior cerebral artery [|AI|] HelloYour findings suggests polycystic kidneys. These are developmental abnormalities and usually only need follow-up ultrasound. Findings also suggests ischemic loci in bilateral parietal region. Ischemic changes generally occur in conditions like hypertension, altered lipid profile, diabetes mellitus, vasculitis etc. These conditions damage small blood vessels and this leads to ischemia. So, you need screening of these conditions. It includes proper clinical examination and investigations like routine hologram, random blood sugar, liver function test, renal function test, lipid profile. You may need to take few medicines after evaluation.However, other causes may be desalinating disease, migraine headache, edema etc. These conditions should also be ruled out, and you may need follow-up MRI to see progression of lesions. There is also an old infarct in right cerebellum. There are also incidental arachnoid cyst in bilateral temporal region. It generally doesn't require any treatment. There are also age related atrophic changes in brain. Get well soon. Take Care Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi my age 22. year... i .masturbate from age 15th to now..i masturbate in excessviesly so much...3 times in a week....during this time i lose my confidence sex power ... nd also addicat of masturbation..i cant live without it..m suffering form ds...i mean..there r no pleasure of sex..its only addication ...i mucles is weak..all body of me is decresing ...i . m very thin penis is now also diet is not healthy... please suggest me to avoid masturbation [|AI|] Hi thanks for contacting ... Overmasturbation that is greater than three per week lead some problems .....esp.lack of concentration, groin discomfort, problem in study, social adaptation problem etc.... It is pleasure giving practice but not done excessively.... Yoga and regular exercise helpful ... Take healthy and balanced diet with more fruits.... Green leafy vegetables more .... Fruits more ... Excess porn watching not done .If you need consult psychiatrist for behavioral therapy... Take care
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] yes I had molar extraction yesterday near wisdom tooth. given Marcaine. told dentist I was allergic to carbocaine. now, I am numb still after 35 hours? on my chin, BIG TIME and lower lip NUMB. can this be a side effect or I am reading about lingular damages? [|AI|] Hi Dear, Welcome to Chat Doctor. Understanding your concern. As per your query numbness in teeth and gums after molar extraction can be because of the nerve injury either while giving injection i.e. anesthesia or while removing the tooth. Nothing to be panicked about. I would suggest you to consult an oral physician and get it examined. Meanwhile you can take a nerve regenerating Chat Doctor. Be careful about the areas which are numb particularly when you consume hot food. It will take few weeks to recover. Maintain oral hygiene.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] During a common cold, I bent over coughing and felt intense burning/pins & needles in my upper arms, shoulders, & chest, which went away soon after I stopped coughing. Later, I was doubled over with a bad cough and also felt it on the front of my thighs. Am I just coughing so hard I m cutting off some circulation? I ve coughed harder than this.... I m 52 years old and in very good health. This cold is the first time I ve ever had this happen. thanks! [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. No, this is not due to cutting of circulation due to coughing. In my opinion, we should definitely rule out lung infection and bronchitis in your case because you are having chest discomfort and worsening cough after viral upper respiratory tract infection (common cold). And lung infection and bronchitis are common after common cold. So consult pulmonologist and get done 1. Clinical examination of respiratory system 2. Chest x-ray to rule out lung infection. 3. PUT (pulmonary function test) for the diagnosis of bronchitis. You may need inhaled bronchodilator and inhaled corticosteroids and antibiotic Chat Doctor. Don't worry, you will be alright. But first diagnose yourself and then start appropriate treatment. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My husband is complaining about discomfort around his balls and scrotum. Its sweaty and doesnt feel normal. Also he said when he pees its bubbly. I suggested him using cornstarch and baby powder. but he is still complaining. Any suggestions.....Thank you... [|AI|] Hi greetings. If he is having pain in scrotum we have to rule out any infections like epididymoorchitis meaning infection of testis and epididymis. Which can be confirmed better with a clinical examination by a urologist or an Chat Doctor. If no infection and pain then a urine examination should be done to see why he is having problem. After detailed clinical examination with investigation treatment plan can be planned. Hope my answer helps you. Regards
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I feel pain often exacly below testis.This is since from the past 2 yrs I must say but I thought it was some kind of natural phenomenon.But now it hurts.I usually feel this pian after urinating or during the time of erection.I am 25yrs old,single & havent indulged in performing sex tillnow. [|AI|] Hello, Cyst if the scrotal area are very common, and mostly they are self-limiting and does not need any further treatment or management. It is good news that you felt the lump to be on the side of the testicle and not on it because this will point to a very benign condition. That being said I think it is still best to see your urologist so that he may be able to do a complete physical examination on you. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] This is regarding my wife problem, she is having kidney problem science 26th June 2011 to till date. At present she is having dialysis once a week. This problem started when she has given birth to our son (Samarth Kumar). He is doing good but same night after 5 hours she had gone to ARF stage. Then she has been admitted to Apallo hospital Ranchi (Jharkhand). She was admitted there for 1 month but ARF not reverted. As per doctor she needs to go for regular dialysis. At present we are looking for Transplant kindly suggest the best hospital / Doctor In kolkata. [|AI|] I support your concern. It is quite clear that she has developed permanent damage to her kidneys. You must immediately start her on thrice a week dialysis as once a week dialysis is grossly inadequate. Secondly Kolkata has many centers like Forts, Birla, Wockhardt where transplant is being done. It will be best if she can get a donor from within the family, if not then you may go for unrelated donor. All the best
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My Son is suffering from fever since last 2 months .It normally have an intensity of 99.6 to 100.2 F. His doctor detected the cause as primary stage of TB and we started the medicine since 6th may 2014. Its almost 7 week now and fever is still coming with the same intensity. Kindly suggest how long can fever persist due to Tb? [|AI|] Hello, THX to contact us. I understand your concern. If I am your doctor I advise you that fever continues till the bacillary load of bacteria won't come down. The duration varies from person to person. In some individuals it started from 15 days and in some it may require more than a month to recover. But I assure you should continue the treatment, and do a resistance testing of the isolated bacteria. If the resistant is detected you have to change the Chat Doctor. I will be happy to answer more of your concerns, kindly know me, Wish you a very good health at Chat Doctor. Chat Doctor. Infectious Disease.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My blood pressure is 106/76. I have a pounding headache, dizziness, nausea and malaise. I am a type 2 diabetic with hyperthyroidism. I am extremely overweight with a family history of stroke and heart attack. Last year, they removed my gall bladder and said my liver enzymes were elevated but could never give me any idea as to why I always have abdominal pain or chronic diarrhea. I just really feel like crap but I am tired of going to the doctor. Should I be concerned? [|AI|] Hi. Thanks for your query and an elucidated history about your complaints of headache, dizziness, nausea and malaise; and hyperthyroidism with overweight, type II diabetes, gall bladder removal, raised liver enzymes and now worried about abdominal pain and diarrhea. With the multiple problems and contradictory findings like overweight in spite of hyperthyroidism indicated me for a rare problem that has to be researched and found out or ruled out. I would advise you the following:-Get an opinion of an Endocrinologist to rule out the possibility of hormonal syn Chat Doctor. You will need MRIs and CT scans as an investigation. The pain in the abdomen with diarrhea can be due to uncontrolled or not so well controlled Hyperthyroidism. It is possible that once the thyroid is under control as well as you diabetes and obesity, everything is fine. You can also consult a center dealing with Obesity and Metabolic surgery for medical management and / or surgical management that all your problems will be under control.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My 4 year old niece was at Urgent care last night and the doctor said her urine has 10 wbc in it and no rbc in it. He didn t tell us what the possibilities are, but he did say that it s kidney related and very serious in children her age. Can you tell me what could be wrong with her? [|AI|] Hi... I hope your name is doing better now. Most of the time Urinary infection is due to improper hygiene painted (in India very common reason being using public toilets). Sometimes an injury in the tract also leads to UTI. It is much more common in females because the Urinary tract is smaller and hence the infection travels easily. You may get the Kidney function tests done. Give her a lot of liquids. Cranberry juice works wonders for this infection. Take care. Wishing her a good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Dear Doc, I am 31 yr old healthy male 65 kg wt. 6months ago i did X-ray,LFT,USG,MRI(whole abd.),AFP, total blood a routine check ..everything was normal....except a haemangioma of 1.5cm in liver.... Recently i ate a lot of fatty foods in restaurants for a month and overworked... suddenly my urine in the morning became a little dark but clear throughout the day....doc said do SGOT,SGPT,ALP were 72,112, 310 respectively with bilirubin 1.2....doc advised 14 day rest and glucose water with boiled veg and rice diet for the period. medicine ursocol-300 was prescribed twice a day for 2 months..after 15 days morning urine became clear again....SGOT,SGPT cam near normal borderline values ..but bilirubin went to 1.3 and ALP to 370...doc said nothing to worry..levels going down.....after 10 days my morning pee has become yellow again...I am worried ..plz advice.. [|AI|] Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor. Thank you for your query. I am Chat Doctor, I understand your concerns and I will try to help you as much as I can. No need to worry since all findings are stabilizing and hematoma is benign lesion and very small in your case, so no treatment is required at this point. I hope I have answered you query. If you have any further questions you can contact us in every time. Kindly regards. Wish you a good health. Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi my name is rita i have had stomach problems for years, a few years i had my gallbladder removed, i have had every test done and they seem to not be able to find my problem, i am starting to experience the same symptoms again, hurting in my ride side and it goes to my lower back, have seen gastro dr for this problem and he could not find anything says i am a medical mystery. wanted me to go to another hospital if i have this problem agin [|AI|] Hi, Small biliary leaks can result in persisting pain abdomen following gall bladder surgery. However, it would have been found out in the search they made. The pain you are experiencing when every thing is normal may be a referred neuralgia. This is not an uncommon problem, but is generally ignored by many due to its mild and intermittent nature. You may try Gabapentin or Amitriptyline, after consulting your doctor. Hope this helps.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello my name is Jeanne Im 40 years old. Im struggling desperately in my life with what I diagnose as ADD. Im looking for a psychologist or psychiatrist to help me. My primary doctor and also obgyn do not specialize in this area.Do u know which Can diagnose me? Who do I see for this treatment? [|AI|] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. You are correct. Correct Diagnosis about your mental disorder is the first step towards early cure. You may approach either a clinical psychologist or a psychiatrist. In my opinion, it should be clinical psychologist first, because, most of the time, ADD can be treated with just Cognitive Behavioral Therapies and without medicines. If medicines are needed, the psychologist will advice you so, and then you can consult psychiatrist. If you require more of my help in this aspect, please use this URL. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] yes i m an sle patient since 2008..i m hsving steriod 4mg, mofitil.500mg. last august i hv given rituximab injection. but from last month i m having severe pain in whole name mrs reshma banu age 30. weight 66. pls sir advise me wht to do i m helpless now.. [|AI|] Good evening freshman. As I see your medications, you are on a very low dose of steroids and mycophenolate militia, the dose which we use when SHE is silent. There is a good chance that the disease had been controlled initially by Rituximab, but now it is flaring up again. Kindly consult your rheumatologist. One need s to see if SHE is flaring again or is it something else. Do take vitamin D supplements. That would help your body ache a bit as well. Hope the information was useful
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My 1 year old had a runny nose that started 1 week ago. He has not eaten for 2 full days, but will take a bottle of milk/formula. He is very tired, and not himself. He had a low grade fever yesterday, but not today. He now has a chest cough. Does he need to see a doctor? [|AI|] Hi... Thank you for consulting in Chat Doctor. Cough and cold are viral 95% of the times in child Chat Doctor. For cold, you can use anti-allergics like cetirizine and for nose block, saline nasal decongestants will do. Paracetamol can be given in the dose of 15 mg/kg/dose (max ceiling dose 500 mg) every 4-6th hourly, that too only if fever is more than 100F. I suggest not using combination medicines for fever, especially with Paracetamol. For cold, you can use Cetirizine at 0.25 mg/kg/dose every 12 hourly for 3 days. For nasal block, plain saline nasal
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I missed 3 pills roughly half way through packet Im on femedette pill I took 2 and carried on as normal I bleed for 3 days after missed the 3 but like I said carried on taking rest as normal plus took extra week from new packet its been a week since taking last pill and still no period I took a test yesterday negative but did have unprotected sex in the 3 days [|AI|] Hi, I think without taking advice of your doctor you have taken this medicine by your own. This is very risky, and it seems that there is hormonal imbalance due to way you have taken tablets. This is the reason you did not get period. Wait for 2-3 days, if you did not get period, consult your doctor. Now onwards never go for self-medication for hormonal medicine without consulting your doctor. Ok and take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am 63 and I have gallstones, I have started noticing upper arm pain and upper leg pain mostly at night, plus I have a hard time bending over. I work a part time job that requires some lifting at times and the next day i have pain. I have lost over 50 pounds on a very low or almost fat free diet to help my gallbladder problem. Any ideas? [|AI|] Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor. Thanks for the query. There is diet for people with gallbladder and liver problems, but the best solution would be surgery since this is permanent treatment. Everything else is not so efficient, so you may have problem with it in the future. In every case you need to eat fewer fats, avoid coffee and alcohol, avoid overeating and Chat Doctor. Wish you good health. Regards
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Dear Physician,I have frequent bronchitis and pneumonia. It seems that whenever i get the common cold/flu it becomes bronchitis/pneumonia and triggers periods (several weeks) of chest pain/tightness and breathlessness. I am wondering if i may be slightly asthmatic and they are related. I do not cough or wheeze. I have had these infections every 4-6 months for the past 4 years or so. This why i am very concerned. I am 27 and have a smoking history. I plan to see a physician for chest x-ray. For the moment i am wondering if this sounds like i may have asthma. I do not have problems with physical activity at all. [|AI|] HI there, Welcome to Chat Doctor. Flu leading to bronchitis and pneumonia and this causing breathlessness and wheeze is not asthma. Asthma as such is usually allergic meaning it gets triggered when exposed to allergens, pollen, dust etc. This exposure causes swelling and increased secretions in the bronchi causing narrowing of the bronchi and wheeze. However, Flu in an asthmatic can be severe when compared to others. Definitely smoking reduces the lung capacity making you vulnerable during any infection. I suggest you get a lab work up with a chest x-ray to rule out any lung pathology. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] first when urining if any water gets on my skin like my enter leg it,s itches me like crazy.later on my pubic hairs stared to itches too.shave them off now feeling much better .please help? [|AI|] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. As you describe, there appears to be some skin infection, or some lice of type which usually stay in pubic hair. I advise you to consult a dermatologist for diagnosis and treatment. I usually prescribe to my patient with such symptoms grisofulvin pyrimethamimine ointment, and ketoconazole soap. As well definite 200 mg. Wishing for a quick and complete recovery. Thank you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am 43 year old female and have a bicuspid aortic valve. I work full time, but I am so tired at the end of the day I have to rest when I get home. I feel dizzy at times, out of breath, I have stomach angina and the joints in my fingers are achy. Can I receive disability for this? [|AI|] Hi Admits a pleasure to answer to your query, as you have mentioned that you have a bicuspid aortic valve, and you feel tired at the end of the day. Now let me explain the mechanism happening in your case, aortic valve which is generally tricuspid is bicuspid in your case which means the opening will be less in your case due to which less amount of blood passes through the aorta when your LV pumps due to this less amount of blood is being supplied to your body. Due to this when you are physically active a SUPPLY DEMAND mismatch happens due to which you feel tired and dizzy at the end of the day. It can be taken care of with the help of meds up to certain extent but in case if you develop symptoms like giddiness or palpitations then it needs to be corrected by means of surgery. Now regarding the stomach pain usually cardiac pain does not refer below diaphragm so the pain which you are feeling is probably non-cardiac and for that you need to check with your gastroenterologist. And also get one Serum Uric acid and AS title done for your join pain. Good Luck
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am about 6 1/2 weeks pregnant, i havent been for my first prenatal visit yet. my fiance and i had sex and there was some blood, it didnt flow but it was on his penis and when i used the bathroom and whiped there was! [|AI|] Hello dear, I understand your concern. In my opinion the blood on penis might be bleeding from cervix. Usually the intercourse is not advisable during 1st trimester of pregnancy. In pregnancy the cervix will become soft and vascular and easily bleed during intercourse. So abstain from intercourse.Don't worry. It will subside. But if there is any irregular spotting then you might need to consultation. Best regards.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] am a diabitic patient more than 13 years and hypertensive , for diabetic am using Dapride 2 mg in the morning and Metformin 500 mgx2 tabulets after lunch and dinner .for Hyper tension am taking irovel 300 tabulet every day after break fast how it will affect the kidney function. [|AI|] Hi, These medications do not affect the kidney function. Pride and metformin are commonly prescribed to treat type-2 diabetes and are considered to be safe for the kidneys. Grovel which is commonly prescribed to treat high blood pressure also found to be safe as it does not affect the kidney functions. But you must see that both diabetes and hypertension are well controlled with these medications. Uncontrolled diabetes and hypertension may affect the kidney functions. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I always feel pressure in my teeth, like they are being pushed together. My teeth are so close together it is difficult to floss because the floss breaks while trying to force it between my teeth. This pressure has led to me clenching my jaw to release the pressure, which has caused my back teeth to break. Recently a tooth near the front broke on the side where it was pushed against another tooth, and now it feels sore, like its loose. Im a full time student & I dont work, I dont have insurance & every dentist Ive talked to requires me to pay astronomical amounts of money upfront. I dont qualify for state assistance because Im a student. Any advice for me? Seeing a dentist is pretty much out of the question with no income. [|AI|] Thanks for your query, I have gone through your query. The pressure feeling in the teeth can be because of the gum infection secondary to crowded teeth where the oral hygiene maintained is difficult. Nothing to be panic, you can consult a government dental hospital or educational institute, where the treatment will be done free of cost. You need to get the teeth cleaned, and you have to get the teeth aligned properly with the help of braces or orthodontic treatment. I hope my answer will help you, take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] my daughter had fever was given calpol medicine .fever use to come of on around after around eight days .thennothing came in CBC test .after giving two days ZIFI 200 antibiotic widal test (slide method)came positive S typh i O and S typhiH 1/160 positive.after six days of anttibiotic fever keep coming on .before fever start her legs and hands become cold . malaria antigen came negative ultrasound sound is normal of abdomen . [|AI|] Hi Rooney Thanks for writing in With S Ty phi positive and not responding to oral antibiotics, febrile patients need to be taken care of The GI complications of typhoid are very difficult to handle so if the title has increased I would suggest get her hospitalized with a good physician and start parental antibiotics Hope this helped write back in case of concernWishing your daughter a speedy recovery
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am very congested (loose) and would like advise as to what cough medicine I should get. I am leaving for a trip on Tuesday by plane and am anxious about the flight I have no fe ver, no pain sore throat etc. just a lot of head congestion. please advise [|AI|] You can take cough syrups containing Dextromethorphan and Phenylephrine for control of cough and congestion if it is Chat Doctor. However, if you are suffering from severe hypertension, you should not take this syrup. If you have hypertension, you can take medicine containing only Dextromethorphan such as Alex cough lozenges. If you are suffering from cough with a lot of sputum, Then you can take cough syrups containing Ammonium chloride Cetirizine and Phenylephrine which help to bring out the sputum.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hello doctor! i got my CBC report today. it says mild eosinophilia. my eosinophil counts are 480cumm. I am allergic to dust and i sneeze and have running nose everyday in the morning. What can be the possible cure and will multivitamin tablets would be of any help? [|AI|] HIT hanks for posting your query to Chat Doctor. See you are having high eosinophils due to you're allergic. This condition is called Atop. This is a hereditary condition where your body produces excess of Eosinophils in response to dust / Smoke / Cold Air or certain food or medicines. The best possible cure is avoidance of the allergen, dust in your case. Apart from avoidance there is one more modality of treatment called Allergen Desensitization. In this condition first you will be tested for what dust you are allergic and once that is found you will be injected small but incremental quantities of dust over a period of 6 months. But this procedure is used only is serious cases. Multivitamins will not help. Take more of Pomegranate, ginger and black pepper. Also ask for Montelukast+ cetirizine medication prescription, and you can use it whenever sneezing is too much. Hope this information was useful to you. Any clarifications feel free to ask. Regards
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] DEAR SIR My father is suffering paralysis with gastrostomy and treachstomy Form last one week we are facing blockage of urine catheter due due to white milky urine (I think it should be pus cells ) so request you please advice me which home remedy to reduce pus cells and how to flush this catheter ( RS saline and Bitadine is sufficient to flush the catheter ?) thanks Sunl [|AI|] Hello Sun ADN welcome cause of blockage of catheter is most probably a Urinary track infection. You cannot do much at home to remove this but by flushing the catheter with normal saline every holy will help you. Also change the catheter after every 4-5 days. Besides give plenty of fluid to flush the urinary pathway but keep a record on total intake and output of fluid. In my opinion you must consult your doctor and give him a proper antibiotic to overcome from the infection. Hope this will help you. Best Wishes
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have been having constant lower back pain for over 6mnths or more. I have pain in the top of my buttocks and comes around to the top of my thighs, pain also goes down my left leg but not all the time. Looking at my lower back it looks like their is like a hump their and very tender to touch. I have been told that I have O/A in my facet Joints. I have also been to a chiropractor and was told that I have strained the sacrioliac Joints. I didnt get any relief from having 6 sessions. I am unable to bend down, and I am struggling to walk properly and having a problem with getting in and out of the car, I have to lift my right leg up to get into the seat properly which is very painful.My GP has now referred me to see a Specialist, time frame to see anybody is 2mths. This pain is getting me down considerably. As soon as I get up in the morning Im in so much discomfort. I have been using cold and ice packs to see if it will help, and I am taking coedine. Im getting no relief from either. I am lucky that I have a very high pain threshold. But enough is enough. Have you got any other solutions that could help me. [|AI|] HIT hank for asking to ChatDoctorPhysiotherapy is the best option for this along with the NAIAD and the best choice is Tab. Diclofenac sustain release 50 mg tab, twice in day with Tab. Acetaminophen three times in day, Steroid gives very good result, but you did not mention your age and gender here, otherwise I could have suggested it according to your age and gender, hope this information would help you, have nice day.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My son who is 27 has suffered from OCD the last 5 years. He has been in an inpatient exposure response program and private therapy with an OCD specialist for over a year. His obsessions and compulsions are mostly mental. However, spending and returning things seems to be a problem. The past 2 years he has not been able to hold a job in his field-civil engineering (about 8 jobs total). He quits, usually between 2 days to 2 weeks after getting the job, because he has doubts and uncertainty about the job-will he get fired, can he do the job, is it a permanent job. These are just a few. My question is-do we encourage him to stay with the job no matter how anxious he is. He does OK at jobs like busing tables, but says he wants more out of life. But this is a constant Merry go round that he is on. We are trying to courage him to seek therapy again, but is adamant because it has not helped in the past. He is on medication. [|AI|] His admire you for positive outlook. OCD is one of the anxiety disorder which disturb daily routine and impairment in social life. OCD require treatment. There is two type of therapy.1st is Chat Doctor. But treatment depends upon clinical presentations.2nd is psychotherapy cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) is most useful to treat OCD it is multi session therapy given by specialist. Try to consult as early as possible. Early treatment in OCD will bring good results. So consult psychiatrist and get help. Get well soon. Thank you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have a lymph node under my arm for over two years now... The swelling goes up and down but it never fully disappears. I had a ct scan, multiple blood tests, an ultrasound, chest x ray and a core needle biopsy which got tissue from two different lymph nodes in my arm pit.. the results can back inconclusive because the sample was so small.. although my doctor believes Ive ruled out lymphoma. Although Im scared they missed something, because if it was an infection which I was negative for all of them, shouldnt the lymph node unswell? [|AI|] Hi. Thanks for your query and an elucidated history. Yes, very true. The lymph nodes should have been totally resolved by this time. The nature of the lymph node indicates the need of another - second opinion and a repeat FNAC to be done under ultrasonography guidance. This is where the Doctors fail. The FNAC has to be done under the ultrasonography guidance so that the exact tissue can be gotten and processed. This will give us conclusive diagnosis. Very true that the diagnosis of a sinister Lymphoma should be done or ruled out. I hope the simple tests of antibiotic results must have been done already.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi Doctor,My Daughter had seizures on upper left and lower left limbs on her 3rd day of birth. Blood culture normal,Ultrasound Granium is normal and she had lymphocytosis.So we had Ronem IV injection for 7 Days.Doctor prescribed Eptoin 1.5ml BD and Gardenol 15mg HS.As other pediatrician suggested stopped eptoin but she had legs and hands shivering .So started giving it again.Please help me on this. [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for your query. We would have appreciated if you had informed us about the diagnosis at discharge. Seizures can occur for a good number of reasons, and it is not possible to discuss all of them here. Birth traumas and metabolic causes are the most common form of seizures in the immediate neonatal period. It is advisable to continue with Option till the treating pediatrician is comfortable with the status of the child. I suggest that you discuss with your pediatrician and also get a serum ionic calcium level done. Wishing your daughter an early recovery.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi am 28 fe banglore unmarried but due to my wrong dicision i gt one month pregnancy so i want to remve it im not able tom consult doctr due to im frm god fearing family my friend has to ld to take two medicines mefepristone 600 gm one dose and after 48 hours misopristol 400 gms one dose is it correct can i take it without consult doctor plz tell me immdiately na [|AI|] HI, I understand your concern. The information your friend has given is correct. But whatever the conditions are a doctors advise is a must. For- - confirmation of pregnancy/ confirming duration of pregnancy/excluding tubal pregnancy./ your health status. - Depending on above information doctor would suggest dosage of the medicines. - During procedure there may be incomplete abortion (when surgical evacuation may be needed)/ excessive bleeding . When doctors help would be essential. * so though a home procedure, doctors advise prevents its adverse effects. & one must make it a point to start medicines under a doctor advise. Thanks. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi am having pain in my testicles, bladder and kidney, its not intense but its causing me discomfort,fatigue and am not feeling well. And am also having the urge to urinate from time to time,i had taken spasfon and citro soda but nothing yet.. am having his for nearly 4 month and yesterday it was more intense [|AI|] Hi there, and thank you for your question. I appreciate your concern regarding this issue and I shall help where I can. There are a few issues that need to be excluded here, but you would have to see your GP in order to perform the correct tests. By doing so you will be able to determine the cause of your symptoms, and you can then receive the appropriate management for it. A simple test could be done to your urine called a dipstick test where a test strip is used to determine whether they are any abnormalities with the urine. If there is blood in the urine then further investigations will need to be done such as a CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis to rule out kidney stones for example. The test would also be able to pick up if there are any signs of infection which could also be causing your symptoms. Other products such as glucose and proteins can also be detected in the urine this way and if so, further investigations will have to be done to rule out other systemic problems such as diabetes and liver related pathology. I hope this helps and good luck.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Good afternoon. One of my relative is coming from Bangladesh, who is suffering from cirrhosis of lever. He has already send his treatment details and the clinical report to me. Now he is asking for the cost of the treatment. Can I send the papers through e-mail which he sent to me to you for the advice. Kindly help me. [|AI|] Hi, How are you? I am so sorry to hear about your relatives' diagnosis. The treatment of cirrhosis depends on multiple factors including the cause of cirrhosis (alcohol, hepatitis, etc.) the age of the patient, his physical fitness and if he is suffering from any symptoms due to the cirrhosis. If the patient does not have any symptoms or is only mildly symptomatic, then he will be treated with medications only to control the symptoms and prevent any complications. But if his symptoms are severe or not being controlled with medications, then the best option will be to proceed with a liver transplantation. Please do let me know where your place of residence is so I can guide you to the nearest specialty center to get evaluated. Hope this helped, and please do not hesitate to contact me for any further details -
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, I m 24 years old and I have a chronic mycrocitic anemia for over 7 years. Results are usually consistent. White cells are normal, iron and iron-binding normal, results for g6pd normal, results for an auto-immune test negative, folic acid and b12 didn t improve anything, and there are multiple abnormalities (polychromasia, acantocytes, microcytosis, ovalocites, hypochromia, poikilocytosis, codocytes), what kind of anemia could this be? I also have chronic bronchitis and sometimes pain in the lungs region, but even on months I m fine with the bronchitis (no symptoms) the anemia is still very consistent. Should I worry that the number of abnormalities have increased over the years? [|AI|] Hi, dearI have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You have chronic microcytic anemia. It can be due to iron deficiency, thalassemia minor or some chronic infection or inflammation. You should check your ferritin level to rule out iron deficiency. Go for GB chromatography to rule out thalassemia minor. If both are normal then it can be due to chronic disease. Then we need to plan accordingly. Hope I have answered your question. If you have any doubts then feel free to ask me. I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My mother was 90 years old . We were not aware she had CHF . We thought the subtle issues we were seeing were due to age . One morning she awoke and had difficulty breathing . Her breathing ebbed and flowed for a few days ..Finally she agreed to see a Dr. He did make a house call and said he had belived she had CHF would be back in the morning to do blood work..that she was fine Over night she became worse ...and we called the parametics take her to the hospital . She struggled with the parametic and hospital personel . She was not comfortable and fearful . They would not let me intervene to calm her down . She suffered a massive heart attack and cardio-genic shock . She died . I am having a hard time resolvingh this issue personally . Can you give me some direction . I dont know much about this disorder and wonder if this were handled differently would it have made a difference [|AI|] Hey, Heart attack with carcinogenic shock is a life-threatening condition, especially at age 90 it is detrimental. Considering management of the condition include managing heart failure first with diuretics and ventilation if required with Chat Doctor. There is a device IAP(Intro Aortic Balloon Pump) which increase the coronary flow and cardiac output. After this patient is taken for coronary angiography followed by revascularization. But despite all this a lot of patients die during and after treatment. So the doctors must have tried their best before the result. Wishing you good healthThanks
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have had this pain in my stomach since Thursday morning. It feels like I have been kicked in my stomach and there is a lot of pressure also. I am eating/drinking just fine and using the restroom with no problems. I wont see my doctor until Monday morning. What can I do until then? [|AI|] HI. Thanks for your query and an elucidated history. The feeling of the pain like being kicked in the stomach without any obvious nausea, Chat Doctor. Lymph node mass or some other inflammation going on in the abdomen. I would advise you the following. Get Physical examination of the abdomen by a Surgeon. Ultrasonography of the abdomen. Test of blood. Urine and stool. All this thing will give a probable diagnosis which to be followed by a proper treatment.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello, I have a small problem; there is red blood in the semen, it is bright red and not old blood. Also, there was a large amount of blood in the semen,not a small amount, all the fluid was red. Also, there is a drawing sensation in the right testicle causing discomfort to the scale of a 2-3 with 10 being the max. The question is what causes the blood in the semen and to what degree is this serious? Thank you. [|AI|] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. Seeing blood in the semen can make a man anxious. Fortunately, it doesn't always signal a major medical problem. For men younger than 40 with no related symptoms and no risk factors for underlying medical conditions, blood in semen often disappears on its own. Blood in the semen can come from several sources like infection or inflammation, in any of the glands, tubes, or ducts or some sexually transmitted diseases. The best approach is to consult a urologist for physical and pathological examination. In the meantime, Chat Doctor. If you require more of my help in this aspect, please use this URL. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi I ve had a virus for 9 days, got a stiff neck and had a rash on my upper torso that itches ? What is going on? Today the rash is still present, the stiff neck has subsided but it took 5 days. The rash seems to be scabbing but im not sure. Im 61 years old. [|AI|] Hello, As per your clinical history is concerned, please follow like this-1) Do a clinical examination by your doctor and to confirm do [CBC with differential and mono spot test]2) Discuss with your treating doctor for a course of antibiotics to prevent secondary bacterial infection, and it should not be [Amoxicillin and other penicillin derivatives]3) Discuss with your doctor about a short course of [prednisone]Do follow lifestyle modifications like this-1) Do not share your personal items with other family members.2) Do not touch anybody by your mouth Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] on 2008 had blood cloat and problem of pcod occurs due to that in 2009 got married before marriage also irregular period and now also presently 6months back both me and my husband suffering from tb taking medicine and my weight is 95 and my husband 75 hsg done tube is clear whether pregnancy is possible [|AI|] Hello Mam, I just read your query. Pregnancy is possible in you, but it might be difficult for you to get conceive. I advise you to first complete medication for TB. After that go to a nearby reputed gynecologist and under her supervision and with advice go for conception. Because previous medical history may lead to some problem while conception, so it's better to take precautionary measures before. I hope you find my answer helpful. Thank you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have been having pain in my left groin area and left testicle. I went to the doctor and he put me on antibiotics. May have helped some but I still have pain on both sides just below my waist. I have been thinking possible hernia but see no bulge [|AI|] Hi. I had gone through your query. Antibiotic can help to control infection if any. Investigations like abdominal sonography and color Doppler ultrasound of scrotal area can help to find any pathology. There are possibilities of hernia, varicocele.1st go for direct physical examination and then investigations if you required. Consult surgeon and get help. I hope I have answered your query. Thank you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, I feel breathless with no exertion, couhing and lightheaded. I have had a full medical, blood tests and ecg adn respiratory function tests all came back normal. I have seen an ENT specialist and he could not see anything. I have had a chest xray and this is normal. What could this be? [|AI|] Respected user, thanks for using Chat Doctor.come have evaluated your query thoroughly.* This seems psychosomatic manifestation of underlying stress or anxiety disorder most probably.* Guidelines for better recovery - Avoid stress, anxiety - Have regular, sound sleep of 8 hrs - Avoid smoking, alcohol - Regular walking in fresh air, deep breathing exercises, YOGA, meditations are the only curative things for you. - Plenty of liquids, balanced nutritious diet. Hope this clears your query. Welcome for further questions. Regards.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] In Vasso Occlusive Crisis is it common for testicles (Balls) to hurt most of the day and to urinate with pain even though the infection that was in the prostate is not there anymore? If so can a ultrasound detect Vasso Occlusive Crisis and is this a factor among many other symptoms for Chronic Fatigue Symptoms? J Flores, 31 years old, 62, 154lb, epilepsy,psychosis, prostate infection [|AI|] Hi, The vast occlusive crisis can cause testis pain due to decreased blood supply to testis. The Sickle cell anemia like hemoglobinopathy can be the common cause for that. For that you need to investigate with CBC and HE electrophoresis by HPLC method. The infection in testis and prostate can cause urinary pain. Antibiotics need to be prescribed for that according to culture report. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I had chemo 2 years ago Cytoxin/Taxotere for breast cancer and am currently on Tamoxifen, Toprol 100mg,TriamtereneHCTZ 37.25mg. I was taking Lortab 7.25-500mg but that was currently changed to Lortab 7.5-325mg. Last night was the first time taking the new pills, and I keep get this fluttering like heart thing that makes me want to breath really deep or cough then I m fine. Now you should know I extremely sensitive to meds as changing from one brand of tamoxifen to another is truly a beast! [|AI|] Hello There After going through your medical query I understand your concern and I would like to tell you that palpitation can be a common side effect of chemotherapy but breathing difficulty can be due to cardiac arrhythmia, so it is recommended for you to get an ECG and an echocardiography done and consult your treating physician for medical treatment. Hopefully this information will guide you properly. Kind Regards Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Iam having a pain near kidny area i show it to doctor he took untra sound but there is no stone but some time i have pinch pain (very minor for 5 to 10 second) only twice a day or more also doctor found urine infection he said may be there is small crystal which can not see in ultra sound he gave me one powder to drink but until now i have a pain as i mantion above. please advise me any medicine [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Recurrent bacterial infection of urinary tract could be due to other reasons, like Mexico ureteric reflux, prostate enlargement causing urine stasis. Better to get evaluated for this. Small stones usually get expelled by themselves, take the lot of fluid and citrus fruit juice. Which helps to excrete a small stonesConsult your doctor for examination and management. Hope I answered your question. Feel free to ask me if you have any further queries. Wish you good health. Take care. Regards
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello Sir, Good afternoon.. My age 24. female.I have a problem Urine Burning & urine drops aft went to restroom.. I cant sit continuously.. Now today Only blood bleeding 3-4 drops aft urine.. What should i do? This Problem killing me so much.. This problem created aft sex.. Before marriage I didnt get this problem.. [|AI|] Dear Friend. Welcome to Chat Doctor. I am Chat Doctor. I understand your concern. This can occur due to:1. Urinary Tract Infection2. Stone in urinary tract3. Kidney problems like Nephritic syn Chat Doctor. You should see a doctor and get examined. Also, I advise you to get :1. Urine R/E2. Ultrasound Abdomen with PUB.3. Kidney Function Testify things are normal, it might be due to trauma induced during the sex. But it is important to evaluate the above-mentioned causes. This is my personal opinion for you based on available details. If you have any further query please ask me. Stay HealthyChatDoctor, MD
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hello sir ,i have lower back pain on right side since last 2 years . i have used body building supplement (protin powder )after that i have got this pain . i have done many treatments like . kidney stone , urine infection . can u tell me what the matter is . [|AI|] Dear patient Considering your history chances of kidney stone is high since you have past history of infection and kidney stone. Single sided back pain is mostly due to renal stone. Also, protein intake increases chances of stone. So I would advise radiograph of lumbosacral spine anteroposterior and lateral which will show radio opaque stone clearly. Ultrasound of abdomen is also advised to confirm position and size of stone. Please consult expert urologist with report. All the best.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, I m a 45-year-old female, I exercise regularly and eat fairly healthy and am not overweight. i went to a trampoline park a week and a half ago and since then I have been terribly achy, particularly in my back and neck, and tired. It s very unlike me, I ve never experienced anything like this before. [|AI|] Hello, Pain in the neck and back region can be due to: Posture problem. Fall or slide or picking some heavy object which strained muscles. Maybe due to prolonged standing putting weight on the back and straining neck and back muscles. You are recommended to take up medication as: Tab Dolomite MR (Chlorzoxazone, Diclofenac, Paracetamol) BD for 3 days. I am sure she will feel healthy as soon as she takes this medication. Preventive measures: Avoid heavy work. Avoid sitting in one posture continuously. Take rest for a few days. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor.