The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello, my friend recently just had food poisoning. He has vomited twice since. Now he is saying he feels cold inside, has a headache, whole body aches and its sore to touch, muscle and joints hurt, gets dizzy if standing to long, and has been falling asleep on and off all day [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Food poisoning causes gastritis, vomiting and diarrhea. Vomiting and diarrhea causes loss of fluid and electrolytes (sodium and potassium) from the body. Gastritis and vomiting cause less appetite and decreased oral intake. So overall patient is deny Chat Doctor. These can cause all the symptoms like headache, generalized body ache, muscle and join pain, giddiness, sleepiness etc. Best treatment for this is oral rely
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Just since this June I have been experiencing some problems with what seems to be TMJD. I get pressure in the side of my jaw when chewing, talking, or anxious. I have flare ups, sometimes its better depending on what I have been eating. Im very confused because Ive been getting a lot of different opinions. My gerneral dentist told me that there isnt much that can be done other than monitoring what I eat, taking anti-inflammatory, using a night guard, and using heat. An orthodontist told me (at the consultation) that my bite is off and it was causing my TMD issue because it is making the muscle flex constantly because of being out of allignment. He told me that I need Orthognathic surgery to split and widen my upper jaw before he will consider putting braces on me. An oral surgeon I went to said that I should not have surgey because it could make it worse and he doesnt detect a joint problem and told me that braces would not help. Im so confused now, any imput would be appreciated. Im not concerned with getting braces or fixing my bite unless it would help the TMJ/D. Im a little concerned about having such a major surgery if there is a possibility I will still have the TMD or worse problems yet, I have a two year old. Could pulling teeth possibly help anything? Thank you for your time. [|AI|] Hello, I have read your inquiry and understand your confusion. I would need more details to give you my opinion. I can tell from the opinions expressed that you must have a large discrepancy between your jaws. Do you have an under bite or overbite? Do you have a very narrow upper jaw? For adults, this is a common jaw relationship that I see which can not be corrected with just braces. In child Chat Doctor. Yes, as an adult serious surgery would be necessary and braces alone would not be able to alter the jaw relationship. No, pulling your teeth does not solve the jaw relationship, and you risk difficulty with functioning of the dentures. You need additional opinions to decide the risks and benefits of such a surgery. I can not tell without X-rays, photos, models and clinical exam why the surgeon fed there is a risk of your situation getting worse. You are not getting a report of a damaged joint needing joint surgery which means anything you do to prevent stress on the joint is beneficial. Follow your suggestions of your dentist. This is a common treatment that I recommend to my patients. You need to relieve some pressure on your jaw. You most likely grind your teeth at night adding stress. The guard slows down wear and reduces muscle spasms. This can take weeks to notice relief, adjusting of guard and may need a stronger medication for relief initially such as Flexeril which is one for muscle relaxation or steroids. Consider an opinion from the dental specialist called a prosthodontist. Thank you for your inquiry. I hope my opinion gives you some guidance and that I have been helpful. I hope you will feel better with use of a mouth guard.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My sister who is 69 years old has been diagnosed by an ER doctor with Cerebellum Neuropathy. She has seen many, many specialists over the past six years and no one has been able to diagnose or help her. She is in constant severe pain and is about to give up. Is there a treatment center or who should she see for help with this? Thanks [|AI|] Hello, Cannot say in her particular case especially because cerebellum ataxia is quite variable in what it produces, but it seems like they found the diagnosis. In this disorder part of the brain goes away. That is not going to be fixable. There's a lot of nerve pain Chat Doctor. There's Cymbal ta which is a bit of a long shot. There is anti-epileptics that damp down all brain activity starting with the most excited and annoying parts of the brain and spine. These probably were tried. Removal of a small part of the brain is an extreme option that is not always available. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, my name is Angela and I am 33. A brief history, I have fibromyalgia, migrains, & degenerative disk disease.i also have unexplainable vision loss. I have had many head and neck traumas starting at 19months, none in the past 2 or 3 years!! And MRIs and CT 2 years ago show some old injury to my occipital lobe and a couple other spots they weren t sure of but said weren t a concern. 3 weeks ago I was told by the ER I was experiencing vertigo but before when I had it (2other times, and over 10 years ago) I was unable to have any balance or walk. This time the symptoms were loss of memory for 3 days(or very foggy) lack of hand eye coordination, foot and eye coordination, dizziness, headache, blurry vision, ringing and nausea. **Everything got better for about a week then I woke up one morning very confused, nothing really made sense, everything was very loud in a deeps bass like time, everything smelled like chemicals (the rain, snow, shampoo, water, perfume, food) All foods tasted rotten or like chemicals except candies or high sugary foods! I had a huge headache and blurry vision which has yet to go away completely. This induced some panic. I also have had an increased heart rate, almost painful and could not eat or sleep for about 4 days because of it all. Things are better now, smells and taste has returned but only like 90% and the vision issues comes and goes, no dizziness, and the headache has changed to a dull thick one. My doctor is out of town and we were scared to go to the ER again. Thought they might think I was crazy talking about the tastes and smells and sounds. I have since talked to some friends that think it could be very serious. When my doctor gets back I will be making an apt but I am pretty worried about this. None of my meds have changed. I take 1 8mg tab bid of subutext and have for 2 or more years. It replaced a long list of meds I have been off for years now :) The following are prn and have been used for years as well: I take 1 cyclobenzqprine hs prn, 1 800mg IBProphin tid prn, and a low dose of prednisone prn. None of the above symptoms seemed to have been effected by any of my meds and I haven t needed to take prednisone in about 4 months. Thank you for your input!! Any advice would be nice and greatly appreciated! I m not one to really worry and I usually try working through things but seems like this one may be a little different! And I m a bit scared to be honest! [|AI|] hello In all probability, a neurosurgeon or neurophysician may advise an CT scan or MRI of brain, as symptoms point towards some lesion in the occipital area of the brain, either space occupying or some kind of vascular impairment, aneurysm etc., also anemia and vision loss give a clue towards that. Consultation with neurospecialist is a must therefore, as with modern know how, the lesion could be removed by operation or by angioplasty of vascular lesion if any and cure rate too as, surgeons say, is good in majority cases, so seek the earliest appointment for scans and consultation. I am sure this shall help you to get cured. The physician will make broad assessment of your Chat Doctor. Migraines can also cause varied symptoms, but anemia and vision problems herald to look for organic causes in occipito-parital region of brain substance best wishes
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Just recently had a cardiac ablation done...they entered both sides of my groin area. Now I am having problems with pain in that area to the point where sometimes I am not able to walk. I am also developing severe cramping with a burning and stinging sensation in my thighs, calves and down the inner leg. I am also suffering pain across my lower back. My pelvis feels like it is about to drop out. Is this something that I need to seek immediate medical attention for. [|AI|] Welcome to Chat Doctor I have gone through your query and understand your concern. You can take analgesic such as ibuprofen for pain relief. Vitamin B and C helpful in recovery. It doesn't seem to be medical emergency, but there is no harm in consulting Doctor. You can discuss with your doctor about it. Hope your query get answered. If you have any clarification then don't hesitate to write to us. I will be happy to help you. Wishing you a good health. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have severing problems And feeling very weak I am feeling like my feet and hand is very weak since 20 days and I have chest pain also this was happening after drink mausambhi juice and spices food. I also consulat with gastroentrologist he was prescibed me omee capsules and vomistop 10 mg.after getting medicine I felt very low. I am feeling like my food not digest its feeling me like its on the liver. My mouth is very drying. please help me doc [|AI|] Hello dear, thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your situation and problem. Your symptoms are suggestive of HERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) more. And you are taking right Chat Doctor. No need for nonstop as you are not having vomiting. Along with antacids, you need to follow these lifestyle modifications for better symptomatic relief. 1. Avoid hot and spicy food. 2. Avoid stress and tension. 3. Avoid large meals, instead take frequent small meals. 4. Go for walk after meals. 5. Keep 2 - 3 pillows under head in bed to prevent reflux. Don't worry, you will be alright.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, I had a temperature of 39.1 a few days ago, and felt achey all over, had a bad stomach, and for some reason my scalp felt really tight , I felt awful. The next day I felt bettter then the day after I felt as bad again. Yesterday I felt fine apart from a sore thoat, and today I now have light red small spots all over my body, but feel fine. Do you have any idea what this is? I m also 6 weeks pregant so quite worried. [|AI|] Hello, and I hope I can help you today. High fever and a rash in an adult, pregnant or not, needs to be investigated. There are diseases also, such as Rubella, that can also affect the pregnancy. In your case specifically, I am concerned that you may have scarlet fever. Scarlet fever is a reaction to a strep bacterial invention of the throat. Without antibiotic treatment, the bacteria can spread through your blood and cause infection of your heart valves. The disease Rubella (German measles) can cause birth defects if the baby is exposed, and it also causes fever and rash. I strongly advise you to see a doctor even though you are feeling a bit better. You will need some tests to get an accurate diagnosis, and you may still need antibiotics for treatment. I hope everything works out for you and the rest of your pregnancy. Best wishes,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello. On saturday i had severe stabbing pains in the right side of my stomach i was then sick twice and the pains were still there. On sunday my stomach was still really sore and had no appetite i woke up in the early hours of this morning with the stabbing pains in my side i was sick again twice my stomach is reallt sensitive to touch today and can hardly move. I can also here popping and fizzing noises in my lower stomach Do you know what could be causing this? [|AI|] Welcome to Chat Doctor The right sided stomach pain can be due to three most common reasons. First one the acid peptic disease which is due to excessive acid secretion and resolves with the use of antacids. Second and the most common one is cholecystitis which is the inflammation of the gall bladder which may or may not be due to stone formation. The third one is the liver disease which is most commonly due to hepatitis of any type. All these conditions can be ruled out by an ultrasonography of the abdomen and if nothing detected then it is acid peptic disease. You can use domeperidone or spasmodic for pain and antacids for digestive problems ThanksRegards
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I Have Red Dots That Appear And Disapear Randomly, They Seem To Be Connected With Changes In Heat And Cold . It Depends On How Hot Or Cold It Is, Sometimes Ill Get As Little As Ten To As Most As Uncountable. They Vary In Size And Itch Sometimes. Doesnt Matter On The Temp They Always Produce Heat Even If Its Really Hot Out. Once I Went To The Doctor For It They Said They Didnt Know, But My Skin Was Extremely Sensative And That They Didnt Know What It Was. [|AI|] Hi Dear, i can imagine the situation when a doctor say they didn't know what it was :)But anyway I have gathered from your question is that you are definitely suffering from Urticaria it will need a formal discussion to reach to a final type of it but I think cold or cholinergic urticaria must be differentiated at this point. You have to do some labs asked like a FBC, LFTS and a Urine R/E. But the good news is you can use certain anti histamines in the meanwhile like Tablet Fexofenadine 180 mg daily in the day notable Zyrtec 10 mg in the night for at least 2-4 weeks before you come up with your results.Don't get so hopeless just try to discuss it with a dermatologist that could it be certain type of urticaria and then I am sure he'll manage from there, all the best
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Our 20 month old developed a fever today of 102 it had went up to 103.6 she has a clear running nose. She had bacterial menegitis when she was three months but was cured with no complications. We worry because of this . She s had a couple of bacterial upper resp infections but antibotics cleared them and she does attend Childcare that is really clean but sees the normal childhood germs [|AI|] Such symptoms generally occur due to upper respiratory tract infection which is caused by certain viral infections. These viruses are everywhere, and she could indeed get them from the childcare. Some child Chat Doctor. It is not a cause of concern. Giving steam inhalation and some antiallergic should provide relief. Give paracetamol or Tylenol to bring down the temperature. If the child starts wheezing or becomes lethargic, if the temperature is beyond control, or if the condition lasts more than 7-10 days - you would need to visit a doctor without delay.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, Recently in my ultrasound report i found that i have 1.6 cm calculus in my gall bladder. My age is 28 Years.I am suffering from severe pains usually in night 3 am to 4 am which stops only after injection like rabeasparazole.Right now i have query if gall bladder will be removed then is there new problem would be or it will not be any harm in future. [|AI|] Hi.noted history of gallstones. In your case, it is symptomatic already, and the definitive management is cholecystectomy (surgical removal of the gallbladder along with stones). It can be done laparoscopically (gold standard) or through open technique. Like any other surgery/procedure, risks and possible complications (like infection, bleeding, etc.) are always possible. Hence, the complete pre-operative clinical evaluation and clearance (if needed), to avoid occurrence of such things. It is best if you consult with a doctor, preferably a general surgeon, for physical examination and clinical evaluation. Diagnostics and management will be advised accordingly. Low fat, low salt diet is also recommended. Hope this helps. Good day!! ~ Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi. I am 23 years old, and very rarely drink alcohol (every 2-3 months) the last couple of times I have consumed alcohol, within 15 minutes I have suffered severe upper right chest pains. This happened last night after half a glass of wine - and the chest pains lasted through the night. Along with this I was unable to sleep as suffered a serious chill. Should I be worried? [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. You are mostly having alcohol induced HERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). Alcohol causes laxity of gastroesophageal sphincter. Because of this the acid of the stomach tends to come up in the esophagus and cause the symptoms of chest pain. So better to avoid alcohol. Start proton pump inhibitors and prokinetic Chat Doctor. Avoid stress and tension. Avoid hot and spicy food. Avoid junk food. Don't worry, you will be alright. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Ok so I swim really competitively and I had really bad cramp in my calf so I shouldn t move it and my calf went really hard and tense. Now it has been left for 24 hours and it is still there but not as bad and it hurts as I walk and it has left a mark! By the way I am thirteen and I am not pregnant. Oh and no one more thing I am limping constantly and my leg twinges when I walk. [|AI|] When doctors hear painful swollen calf, the first thought that pops in our heads are blood clot-assuming you don't have that as your leg would be red-hot and swollen with intense pain upon squeeze, and moving your foot to your ankle- it is also more common in pregnant, obese, female, above forty years olds, on contraceptives, not a young athlete like yourself. For normal cramps from overuse, it is usually based on an electrolyte imbalance. Eating bananas, pickles, stretching, massaging, tonic water, Gatorade all have helped.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] sir am 23 years old am a male .have never had sex but the problem am havin .i don,t sleep well.once i woke up around 1 or 2 am ,i can,t be able to sleep agin.but whenever. my girl vist me.when i kis her.i relese sperm ,i fel asleep.and through dat week.i wil sleep very well.pls sir wat can i do [|AI|] Hello welcome to Ask A Doctor service. I have reviewed your query and here is my advice. The night fall of semen is common condition and don't worry about that. If you have no habit of masturbation than night fall can occur. You can try yoga and meditation. You can exercise regularly and avoid sedentary lifestyle. Don't worry about night fall. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] iam a 27 year old lady, taking the treatment for infertility since two years. two years before with medication i was conceived but happened a missed abortion. i had a teeth pain and taken some tablet also for that just before tha missed abortion. Now iam going to Humog HP 75 injection as per the prescription of my doctor. please tell me the possibility to the pregnancy by it . or what is the another treatment for it.Itis proved that i have PCOs. and thyroid problems. [|AI|] Hi, I have gone through your question. Humor HP 75 is human menopausal gonadotropin which is given for ovulation induction. It will increase the chances of conception, especially in ovulatory infertility caused by PCs and hypothyroidism. The line of management in infertility in PCs is ovulation induction, intrauterine insemination and in vitro fertilization in that order. Hypothyroidism has to be controlled by levothyroxine because abnormal TSH levels also lead to ovulation disorder. Hope you found the answer helpful. Wishing you good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I had kidney reflux as a child which led to chronic uti s. Eventually it resolved itself. I am now 44 yrs old. The last few yrs i have experienced several uti s. Most recently i have experienced rt flank pain first thing in the morning. As soon as i empty my bladder the pain is gone. I just finished an antibiotic for a uti. My dr had a renal us. The report read that my rt kidney is fairly inhomogeneous with 5mm cortex thinning. Lt kudney appears norm. The radiologist made a final comment that the rt kidney was quite unusual in appearance and suggested a renogram to evaluate kudney function. Is it possible the kidney looks this way from scar tissue? [|AI|] Hello, If you want a brief answer then yes. As you have mentioned you had history of reflux problem from childhood causing chronic and recurrent UTI. This causes recurrent inflammation leading to scar formation. Also, reflux can cause damage to renal parenchymal leading to thinning of cortex. This on USG looks as if kidney is inhomogeneous and thinned out, which is as seen exactly in your ultrasound. Next step in such cases is to do a genogram (DTPA scan) to look how each kidney is functioning. As probability of right kidney to be nonfunctional is high in such cases. In such patients what is usual practice is to go ahead with neurectomy to avoid recurrent pain and infection. It all depends on how symptomatic you are, how second kidney is functioning and are you having any other disease which in later life can affect remaining kidney. So at this juncture I would suggest you to go ahead with genogram and decide further course afterwords. I will be happy to answer any of your queries.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] ive been smoking since the age of 12. I am currently 28, however, I didnt start smoking heavily until I was around 18-19. I recently quit and it has been almost 3 weeks. What are my chances of getting lung cancer. I am worried because I saw a chest x-ray and I saw white patches, but the nurse said they were nicotine deposits. Im confused. Can one be mistaken for another? [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. White patches on chest x-ray should be evaluated for lung masses (cancer). Smoking is the biggest risk factor for lung cancer. You smoked for almost 16 years. This duration is sufficient to produce lung cancer. So in my opinion, you should definitely consult pulmonologist and get done CT thorax. CT thorax is far superior to chest x-ray in diagnosing lung cancer. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] my chest feel like a heavy brick is sitting on it after I eat. What is causing this? I do not feel sick at my stomach and I have no history of any illnesses. I have always been very healthy. I am 51 years old, I m at a healthy weight. This has just started happening the past few weeks. [|AI|] Hello thank you for trusting ChatDoctorDear in chest many part sun your cheat. The pain may be arising from esophagus, heart,lungs, muscles and bronchioles. If it is associated with food may be related to stomach and esophagus. Gastritis and gastroesophageal reflex may present like tightness and burning in chest and abdomen. If it is associated with cough, douran probably it is arising from lungs or respiratory bronchioles. If it us associated with palpitations, chest pain, giddiness it may be associated with heart. sometimes muscular pain may cause chest pain. But we need complete evaluation and follow up for this. But don't neglect the pain first we have to rule out pain not arising from heart. Then we treat as non-cardiac pain no worries. Please consult your doctor he will examine and treat you accordingly. Take care
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] what is the treatment of primary infertility even one has gone through ICSI and result is negative. I am 38 years old. Got married 11years back. Never conceive during these 11 years. We have gone through necessary check ups. never use precautions. Doctor told it is primary infertility case. I did laproscopy to check the tubes.All is fine. My husband has gone through his test too. As the sprem rates fluctuates so some time it is above 50% and some times 40%.. We have gone for ICSI recently, means last dec: and result was negative... After that which treatment is left I think ICSI is the last option one can go.Can you please recommend or advice me what to do do further or is there any possibility or treatment other than this... as for as I know age counts a lot in this regard.Is there any chance and treatment because after ICSI what should we do? [|AI|] Hello Welcome to Chat Doctor forage do matter, & you already have taken all possible treatment even CSI.there are plenty of causes of primary infertility, some beyond the control & imagination of human being & science. All cases of infertility not treatable even in best center & by best infertility specialist. So I advise not to lose hopes & continue trying .god & luck will definitely favor you. Wish you good healthDisclaimer
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i am 33 and my wife is 29 Ht :160 cm weight 75kgsmy wife : 153 cm weight 60kgswe are trying to have a baby, my wife had a missed carriage in april this year, now we have taken follicle study, tube test for my wife and semen analysis for wife is diabetic from the day she got pregnant.the report for my wife indicates normal egg growth, and for me then semen count is 70 million/ml and progressive motility of 35%.kindly advise if do have any problem in getting conceived. [|AI|] Hi there, Welcome to Chat Doctor, With a single previous miscarriage, you have a very good chance of conceiving and continuing the pregnancy till full term. Do not worry, 5 mg folic acid should be taken by your wife daily. I do not see any cause for you not conceive. Miscarriages are very common especially in the first pregnancy. And there is a good chance you will conceive soon, so do not worry. If your wife had diabetes from the day she got pregnant then probably she is a diabetic, you should get her blood glucose levels checked and in control before she conceives. Hope this helps. Regards.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello doctor,I am under pcos and pregnancy treatment. I used siphene 100mg and metformin for 5 days.Today 7th day she prescribed (fsh)ovitrop 75iu.What is the success rate of ovitrop injection and how many days i need to take this injection.I heard there is chance of multiple pregnancy how to avoid it. [|AI|] Hi welcome to Chat Doctor. I have gone through your question. Ovitrop in contains follicular stimulating hormone. Which helps in stimulating follicles in pod (polycystic ovarian disease). There are chances of multiple pregnancy AA it stimulates more than one follicle, and may fertilise more than one follicle's cause twins, triplets, qua Chat Doctor. This injection may be needed for 3/5 days according to need. Success varies from patient to patient. Hope I have answered your question. Would be happy to help you further. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] 18 month old more tired and cranky than usual. Other than the end of a cold, she s healthy. She normally sleeps 11 hours at night, with a 2 hour nap. For the past 2 days, she has slept 12-13 hours at night with an almost 3 hour nap. She s normally quite pleasant, but has recently been cranky and even laying around some when awake. She s asking for milk more...seems hungry. Growth spurt? Other ideas would be appreciated! [|AI|] Hi, thank you for choosing Chat Doctor.Sometimes kids are more hungry and cranky without an apparent reason. But just look for any ear ache or pain while passing urine which can make kids irritable and are usually missed. If she is not having these, then she is in the recovery phase from her cold which has increased her appetite. Just give her an extra meal for another week or so before going to sleep. Hope this has helped you. Your vote of thanks is appreciated, Good luck, Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi, my self jinu prabha . I am 28 years old lady. I have thyroid in my neck. I have already tested in the lab. I have TSH- 7.59 FREE T3- 1.77 FREE T4- .84 THYROID MICROSOMAL AB - 50 THYROGLOBULIN - 75 SPECIMEN - FNAC THYROID MICROSCOPIC: smears show colloid , scattered bare nuclei of epithelial cells and few histiocytes. No papillary or follicular forms. picture is suggestive of colloid nodule. I am taking daily Thyronorm 25mcg tablets for last 2years. is it ok for me or have any side effects of taking this tablet daily. Plz. answer me in detail how i will take the medicine [|AI|] Hi, Based on the history given you seem to be suffering from goiter (enlarged thyroid gland) with hypothyroidism for which your doctor has prescribed thermoform (the thyroid hormone). Thyronorm should always be taken on an empty stomach 60 minutes before meals or breakfast. Its common side effects include increased nervousness, tremors, heat intolerance, sweating, palpitation tachycardia and weight loss. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Sir, my mother(her age is 40y & weigh 85 kgs) suffering from severe knee joint pains.As she was using the medicines regularly but the result is zero. Could you please tell natural homemade medicine for temporary relief for her joint pain.Also please tell how to loose hr weight. [|AI|] Hai, as your Body mass index says she is obese. Obese patient will suffer from knee joint pain because knee joint is a weight-bearing joint. Reducing body weight will help in knee pain. Rule out any underlying cause for the obesity like thyroid problem, poly cystic ovarian disease. Taking small quantity food in 4 to 5 serving, more water intake,adding more leafy and fiber vegetables and fruits. Avoiding starch product like rice, white sugar, white flour, junk foods will help in reducing weight. Exercise as well as yoga is recommended for your knee joint pain local ice application will help in temporary relief. Thank you hope I answered your query.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello. My daughter is fourteen years old. She has CRPS in her left wrist which she writes with, a ganglion cyst in the same wrist, and amplified musculoskeletal pain syndrome ( also known as RSD, RND, etc.) The problem is in her wrist. The cyst has gotten bigger and more painful. Around six months ago she completed physical therapy, and they said if it gets any worse to go back to her orthopedist and that it would most likely require surgery. We haven t taken her back yet, but we were wondering what to expect. More details...Her cyst was 8mm (0.8 cm) before and now it is about the size of a marble. (We can tell because it now pops up on the skin)She can t write or do any sports or lifting of any kind. It never gets fully better. Only worse or bearable.This has been a problem for around two years or so. [|AI|] Your daughter seem s to have two problems they may or may not be related to each other. As far as the ganglion on the wrist is concerned in the light of the symptoms she has it is advisable to get it excised surgically but the important thing to be noted or kept in mind is that the pain she is experiencing may or may not resolve with the surgery and there is a very remote possibility that this ganglion might reoccur. So it is advisable to revisit your orthopedic and also get a second opinion since it is a complex situation. Examination gives additional information and so get it checked and getting an opinion is worthwhile and then keeping the cons and pros of the procedure you can go ahead. She may also have to visit a pain clinic specialist.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi,I just notice a lump, maybe the size of a dime on my 5 year old sons neck. It is on the right side of his neck near the back, mid neck. It is hard and moves when I touch it. He says it doesnt hurt and can only feel it when I touch it. I am scared and plan on taking him to the doctor. I noticed it when he moved his head and stretched his neck, it protruded a bit. Should I be overly worried like I am? Thanks,Para-noid [|AI|] Welcome to Chat Doctor .1. You don't have to worry about it. But needs attention and evaluation.2. The way you are explaining it seems for me like, brachial cleft cyst (its disorder by birth - developmental abnormalities), Lymph nodal mass (after any infection / inflammation)3. Only thing you have to do is, get an appointment with your doctor and get an ultrasound neck and soft tissue swelling done.4. The ultrasound will help in reaching to an appropriate diagnosis, by knowing where it is arising from and what it contains and how it is involving adjacent structures. Hope it helps you. Wish you a good health. Anything to ask ? Do not hesitate. Thank you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] MY husband has been to the Dr. several times in the last month, he had developed a rash mainly in the arms and trunk, groin, legs, and back...not so much on his face...the Dr. has tested him for mono and strep, but we thought of lupus today. Is it hereditary? His grandmother and sister and immediate cousin has this. [|AI|] Yes, it is possible that SHE can present with skin rashes all over body without involvement of face. But does he got other features of she, like hair fall, arthritis, oral ulcers, blood problems etc. Just because family history is positive, one cannot level as she for only one feature. One thing is more, she is not common in male. Male female ratio of sale is 1:6. I would like to keep your first diagnosis is infection as like your doctor. Hope this is helpful.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] HiI have gone for bypass heart operation six years agoLately i used to get pricking sharp pain on left and right chestPls advise whether i experiencing heart problemor its the heart muscles which given the painKIndly advise what kind of medication i needThanksRgdsRajendran Raman [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Since you had bypassed heart surgery, we need to rule out cardiac cause first for your chest pain. So better to get done ECG, 2d echo and Angiography to rule out heart diseases. If all these are normal, then no need to worry about heart related diseases. Your chest pain is mostly due to musculoskeletal pain. So better to take painkiller and muscle relaxant Chat Doctor. Avoid movements causing pain. Avoid heavyweight lifting and strenuous exercise. Don't worry, you will be alright. But first rule out recurrence of cardiac disease. Hope I have solved your query. Wish you good health. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have chronic lyme diease , I was also in a severe car accident 3 years ago, i have an anxiety disorder that cause physical symptoms such as high blood pressure and dizzy spells, ive had addictions in the past with opiates after my car accident, my problem is my medicine makes me tired an i still have pain everyday the only way I can function painfree an have energy is when i take pain meds Ive just recenty been given cymbalta an it has helped to a degree but it seems lately less an less what can i do should I request the pain meds I havent yet sonce ive been with my new doctor but I was given some 5m percocet 810for an infection in a tooth I m having extracted , while taking that i felt better than i have in years [|AI|] Hi, Thank you for the query. Percocet is a combination of acetaminophen and oxycodone, where oxycodone is an opiate analgesic a derivative of narcotic group. Usually this Chat Doctor. Long term usage of percent is not advised. So see your dentist to rule out the cause for the toothache and get an x-ray done for the best treatment plan. Depending on the extent of infection the teeth can be root canal treated Hope this information helps you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, I have a white patch inside the corner of my mouth (inside cheek) caused because I bite the insides of my cheek. Ive been doing it for years and typically it heals with no problem. This white patch is tough (like a corn on your toe ) and has now been there for about 2 months. My dentist noticed it a month ago and said stop biting my cheek. I have tried by tend to do it still now and then. I am worried that this particular patch is still there and read that it could be linked to oral cancer . Is this a high probability or am I worried about nothing? [|AI|] Hi, Thank you for the query. Repeated trauma to cheek will lead to formation of traumatic ulcer which on long-standing can develop malignancies, the possibility of an area which is repeatedly subjected to trauma turning into cancer is more, so better try to stop the habit of cheek biting. As well check for any sharp margins present on the teeth which is causing cheek bite and treat it by selective grinding technique. Hope this information helps you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I AM 35 YRS OLD SINCE LAST YEAR i have bleeding only for 1st 2days & from 3rd day it is negligible.we are trying for child i had one miscarriage 3years ago .after that i had taken pills .since 1 year i have stoped pills but unable to conceive alreday done 1 iui all of my reports are normal [|AI|] Hello dear, I understand your concern. In my opinion the scanty menstruation could be due to hormonal abnormalities due to thyroid abnormalities, overweight or obesity. Kindly consult a gynecologist and rule out the above said causes by doing thyroid profile. Weight reduction in case of overweight or obesity is important.Don't worry. Avoid anxiety and stress regarding pregnancy as they delay fertility further by causing hormonal imbalance. Also get your partners' semen analysis done. If everything is normal there are definitely scope for pregnancy. Best regards...
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] have a red rash over abdomen, genital area, and axillary region, thatlooks similar to pics of pityriasis rosa. worse itching after shower, and at niteat times feels like crawling on scalp, vaginal and rectal area. Have been to 2 different dermatologists, and my PCP. please advise. Scabies have been ruled out. [|AI|] Hello, Thank you for posting on Chat Doctor. It seems you are suffering from Tina courts and corporal, a kind of fungal infection. I would suggest you to consult your dermatologist for proper management of the condition. I usually recommend proper course of oral antifungal Chat Doctor. You can additionally use antifungal dusting powder containing ketoconazole during daytime and a soap containing ketoconazole for rinsing of affected areas. Take oral antihistamines for itching as required. Maintain hygiene over those areas and avoid wearing tight undergarments. Hope your queries are resolved and wish you best of health. Kindly spare some time to rate my answer and
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I just took a shower and before I shaved one of my underarms I began to clean the deodorant residue from this morning off and as I rubbed it off in the shower this black ball of puss which was hard oozed out from the lower part of my underarm. I squeezed some more and a little more came out. After there was just a jelly if what seems to be a blood cot from this open pore. Its the area on the outer edge of my underarm. I cleaned the area with an antiseptic wipe and put some neosporin on it. Is this something to be worried about? What is it? [|AI|] Welcome to Chat Doctor .1. History suggests me - it's a hair follicle infection /inflammatory changes (carbuncle / fur uncle). 2. Basically bacterial infection with pus within.3. In this case avoid shaving until complete healing - as it will cause irritation to area and dally healing process, meanwhile you can trim, avoid deodorants for a while.4. Completely avoid scratching, pressing the area as it will only delay in healing and complicate.5. Miantain local hygiene, good you are cleaning with antiseptic liquid - continue to do so. Good luck. Hope it helps you. Wish you a good health. Anything to ask ? Do not hesitate. Thank you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] my 3 year old son frequently (numerous times a day) complains about having a sore tummy. His bowel movements are regular (up to 3 times a day) and normal. This has been going on for some months now but, as he doesn t appear to be ill I haven t troubled the doctor....should I? [|AI|] Hi, It is common to have some abdominal pain around umbilical region in child Chat Doctor. If he does not have other symptoms like recurrent fever/weight loss/anorexia and bowel - bladder habits are fine, this is probably functional abdominal pain, and we need not worry. Anyhow, if it is bothersome, and you are worried, kindly get him examined once with his pediatrician to be sure. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i got caught wanking by my father last week, & even thou i felt shame i kindda like the frill of gettin caught, now i been wankin all over the house hoping to get caught again, & 2day my brother caught me & told me i was gay & a prev, is there somthing mentally wrong with me to be feeling like this [|AI|] Hi, There is absolutely no harmful effect of masturbation. There are only myths about it. One can do it whenever he / she wants. But remember, anything in excess is not useful. If you are addicted to it, it can divert your attention and may cause loss of concentration in studies, works and family life. There is nothing wrong. Get relaxed. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Dear Sir/madam,I want a counselling as i feel i suffer from severe problems of depression or i dont know what do i suffer from. i hail from tamilnad and presently working in bangalore. do i have to consult a general physician and then come to u or can directly visit u. [|AI|] Hi.I understand your concern Depression can be treated with medicine s and counselling. Counselling means psychotherapy. CBT means cognitive behavior therapy is the choice in mild depression nowadays. As you are in Bangalore, so you can go to good institutions like SIMIANS .it can be treated with medicine like combination of the SSRI and benzodiazepine. But take it according to your doctors advise. So consult and get help. Early treatment will bring fast and better recovery. Get well soon. Happy to help you further. Thank you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hello sir, every time while having periods i have severe abdomen pain which can t be tolerated and body pain,body tried due to this i can t do my work as i am a performer when i have program on that time i can t able to perform as well as i can t able to rehearse for my program.... but still now i am not using any pain killers. [|AI|] Hi welcome to ChatDoctorPain during periods is most commonly due to hormonal imbalance. Get an Ultrasound abdomen to rule out any abnormality in the reproductive tract and also get your hemoglobin checked., if normal you need not worry. Chat Doctor. Take hot fluids and listen to music during periods. You can try keel s exercises to receive uterine spasms and pain intern. Consult your gynecologist for expert management. Thankyou
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Ihad a total knee replacement now I have a Morganella infection.My total knee was done November 18 2016 I spent 3 days in the hospital then from November 21 until New Year s Eve I came home infection was present within 1 month with my surgeon started me on clindamycin infection continued and was diagnosed as Morganella by home health since then I had a i & d with wound vac how and when when will this clear up I ve been really sick the past few days.Tell me what you know about Morganella [|AI|] I'm so sad that happened to you, M organic strains are naturally resistant to penicillin, ampicillin, ampicillin/sulbactam, oxacillin, first-generation and second-generation cephalosporins, erythromycin, minocycline, holistic, and polymeric B. Most strains are naturally susceptible to piperacillin, ticarcillin, methicillin, third-generation and fourth-generation cephalosporins, carbapenems, aztreonam, fluoroquinolones, aminoglycosides, and chloramphenicol. The widespread use of third-generation cephalosporins has been associated with the emergence of highly resistant M organic
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I went to the ER Thursday evening I had tingling in my face on both sides from the nose down and my hands are tingling. An Mri was done that shows a right front lobal mass beside it on the paper it say 348.9. Is this the size or some kind of code. I was told to get an apt. with a nurologist asap. It is not cancerous. [|AI|] Hello! I understand your concern. That code is a disease classification code that means Non specified condition of the brain. It may be everything like a stroke, or a structural anomaly, a desalinating lesion, a vascular lesion, or an infection. Further exams may be needed like a stereotactic biopsy, lumbar puncture, routine and specific blood tests to find out its nature. Hope to have been helpful! Thank you for using Chat Doctor! Best wishes Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello I had a question. I m pregnant with my second baby. My first pregnancy I was diagnosed with having low blood plates. Throughout the pregnancy they went down further and further. When I went in for my induction they were at 60,000. I tried for a natural birth but ended up having to have a c section. They really didn t want to with risk of me bleeding a lot. But I ended up bleeding normal. Well I just went in the other week for my first appointment and they checked my blood and said that my blood plates are already down to 120,000. I know the normal is 150,000. So my question is if they end up being so low again s my risk really high again? Or since I bleed normal the last time I will do so again? And I m probably going to have to do another c section and I m scared. Could I try for a natural birth? Just curious. Thmks so much. [|AI|] Hi, You probably have a condition called Gestational Thrombocytopenia. In this the platelets count comes down due to pregnancy, but after delivery it goes back to normal. So you need not worry about, and if counts are above 50,000 it is generally considered safe, with no extra risk of bleeding. But before we diagnose gestational thrombocytopenia, we need to rule out other causes of low platelets like pregnancy induced hypertension, immune thrombocytopenia which can affect the pregnancy. Do you have a high BP? Edema? Tendency to bleed more? With one previous cesarean you can definitely try for vaginal birth after CS. The chances of success are close to 75%. If you have gestational thrombocytopenia it is unlikely you will bleed in excess after delivery. But it would to be wise to deliver at a center where blood and platelets are readily available if required. Hope this helps. Regards.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] ine the morning, i always have a really gross taste in my mouth and theres always a kinda thick yellowish saliva in my mouth too. i cakes up on my teeth, and it never fails to return (only) in the morning. my gums also bleed very easily. if i even tap on my teeth, my gums will bleed. i get alot of pain my cheast & a co-worker has told me that cheast pain can sometimes be a result of gum disease.. im just a mess here, can you help me out? [|AI|] Thanks for your query, I have gone through your query. The gross taste and yellow saliva in the morning time can be because of the pus discharge secondary to gum infection or tooth infection. The bleeding in the oral cavity could be because of the gum infection, or any cuts in the oral cavity or pulp polyp or any bleeding disorders like idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. Consult an oral physician and get these things ruled out. Get a complete blood investigation along with INR to rule out the bleeding disorders. If any gum infection then get your teeth cleaned and use topical gum astringents like stolen gum paint. If pulp polyp is there then get it root canal treated. If bleeding disorder is there then consult a general physician. The chest pain is not related to bleeding gums. Consult a general physician for this. I hope my answer will help you, take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i was taking the carazette, and recently finished my packet, i got to the doctors too late so i had to wait a week to get my new packet, ive started taking the pill again and im on around day 6 but i did have unprotected sex.. on day 5 is there a chance i could be pregnant, ive been taking the carazette for 2 years now [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for the query. I understand your concern. You were one week late in taking pills (that means you started between 7th to 12th day of menses. During this period you had sex on 5th day which is notion fertile days... so you apparently do not have any risk if pregnancy (unless you had it again on 11th. 12th or 13th day... for by this time ovulation is expected within 3 days (and mature ovum is valid up to 3 days at the most). * In spite of scarce possibility of pregnancy... you would have delayed period this month due to late starting of pills. In case of doubt. You should exclude pregnancy & in case it runs +ve you have to get it terminated (oral contraceptives taken during pregnancy cause congenital fetal abnormality). Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi! to whom it may concern: I would like to know about carbolic acid it s good to take as medicine how much can you take from it I know it good for cancer, stomac cramp ect . Please let me know by whriting me back at my email YYYY@YYYY Frantzie Rodriguez [|AI|] Hi, Carbolic acid (phenol) is highly inflammable and corrosive chemical commonly used as an antiseptic or disinfectant. It produces corrosive effect on skin and mucous membranes. If consumed accidentally it can damage the oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus and stomach. It has no therapeutic purpose apart from being an antiseptic or disinfectant. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hello sir, i recently got blood test were vdrl shown 1:4 dilution but tpha is showing negative whats that mean is really serious i had sexual transaction they told me to consult vd specialist and given doxy 1-L 100mg for 3 weeks they assured me it will became normal after a month [|AI|] Hello dear, Thank you for your contact to Chat Doctor. I read and understand your concern. I am Chat Doctor answering your concern.TPA is the better diagnostic test than V Chat Doctor. If TPA is coming negative you are mostly negative for syphilis. But you can take the treatment only after seen by the VD specialist. In my opinion there is no need for treatment. I advise you to take the second test of V
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] november 7, i had my menstruation. and november 12 i had sex and then took nordette as ecp. 5 days after, i bleed like a menstruation. now in december 21 was the schedule of my next period. i was 4 days late and had bled on 25th of december but it was only light brown. what does that mean? could i be pregnant? i had sex again on the 8th day of december. [|AI|] Hi and thank you so much for this query. Considering the above information, the chances of being pregnant are very low. However, only a rapid pregnancy test can tell whether for real you are pregnant or not as even unprotected sex can lead to pregnancy. I will advise that you wait for another 2 weeks and only get worried if you have symptoms suggestive of pregnancy before doing any pregnancy test. You must have seen the distress related to being pregnant or not. Please, consider adopting and correctly using a contraceptive method to prevent unwanted or unplanned pregnancy. Also, protection during intercourse would help prevent the transmission of STDs. I hope you FID this helpful. I wish you well. Feel free to ask for more information or clarification if you need bethinks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have skipped heart beats. Sometimes once or twice in every minute and some times once in an hour. No other feelings and symptoms. No rise or down in pulse rate. I have gas trouble. There is a twitch like action at abdomen at the same moment of skipping. What is this? [|AI|] Hello! Thank you for being with us on Chat Doctor! Regarding your concern, I would explain that probably we have to do with some isolated extrasystoles, triggered by several factors like bowel distension or spasms (leading to vegetative nervous system involvement), diaphragm implication, anxiety in the context of an IBS (irritable bowel syn Chat Doctor. Meanwhile, I would like to assure you that nothing dangerous is going to happen with your heart, so relax and don't worry! I recommend you to consult your cardiologist or internist for a careful physical exam, a resting ECG, some lab tests like complete blood count, thyroid hormone levels, blood electrolytes, etc. An ambulatory 24 to 48 hours ECG monitoring (Holder), is advisable to make a qualitative and quantitative evaluation of your possible extrasystoles, their day-night trend, and guide through an appropriate medical management. Hope to have been helpful to you! Best regards!
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] This whatever I have--they have been calling it vasovagal syncope for 3 years now I have heart attack symptoms with the passing out but I have no warning signs for passing out. I ve had the million dollar work up on the heart everything is fineMy cardiologist is in Rome,GA/ Ive been to emory in Atlanta and UAB Kirklin Clinic In Birmingham,al I ve just have gotten back from Vanderbilt Yesterday which the dr told me right off that I didn t have vasovagal syncope-she said she thought I was having seizures and wants me to go to my cardiologist and have him set me up with a Neurologist to set up me doing a 5 day EEG in the hospital. After passing out and have heart palpitations I feel like I have no energy for at least 3 or 4 days after I doin t have all the symptoms all the time and the chest pain goes through my shoulder blades and up my neck, I have tingling or numbness to face hand fingers, some times the chest pain in for hours and real intense. Any suggestions on what I need to do? Any help would be greatly helpful! I had been in the medical field for almost 22 years (xray tech) in a level 2 trauma center. It start all of the sudden. So I have researched alot on the computer and I had to quit my job--they were not any help wanting to help me find out what was going on and my cardiologist has all but given up on me. Please help if you can, thanks for any info at all. [|AI|] Hi dear you have not written the name of the tests done by your cardiologist the first thing that comes to my mind after reading your symptoms is syncope ;despite the fact that you say you're all tests are fine to rule out possibility of syncope following tests are done carotid artery Doppler- if blood supply to brain is hindered it will be depicted. Hutt test - head up tilt test -a must to rule out vasovagal syncope 2d echo to see the ejection fraction of hearts you have palpitations a 24 hour holder monitor is advice because your symptoms can be because of arrhythmias also, holder will help us find what kind of abnormal beats are there during palpitations
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hello! my daghter is 4 yrs old.she suffers from veezing problem. this is not continous but atleast twice a month.I need to know the is the veezing problem is due to any allergies? is there any medicine to help in curing it? when she gets it topes only if she takes antibiotic or the puff? is there any medicines to get immunity to this ? [|AI|] Hi, Recurrent wheezing may be caused by an allergic condition called ASTHMA. This is especially likely if she develops recurrent wheezing without fever, symptoms are more at night/early morning, worse during winter season, and if there is similar illness in parents/siblings or close relatives. This is an allergic disease but may not be always caused by allergens outside. But surely try to avoid common allergens-dust, smoke, tobacco, cold air, feather, wool, talcum powder (try to find out common precipitants from such things so that it can be avoided) There are medicines to control this disease, although not a 100% cure. We can control this with inhaled medications and oral Chat Doctor. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have been diagnosed with a cyst on either my esophages or my Bronchi (they aren t sure yet). I have had an MRI and a CT scan both with contrast. I am now being told that I need another gated MRI. I am being treated now for stomach ulcers. I cough all the time. What are the chances that they will be able to fix this without major surgery? [|AI|] Hello dear, thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. Esophageal and or bronchial cyst if symptomatic than should be removed surgically. Surgery is the treatment of choice for such cyst. And it is better to remove this cyst as chances of following complications are high if these cysts are left untreated.1. Infection2. Rupture3. Fistula formation.4. Pressure symptoms on surrounding structures. So better to remove this cyst surgically.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My father had undergone surgery for TURP and Mesh Hernioplasty at your hospital (APOLLO) I was having high Haemoglobin and after medical examination it was found that I am having Polycythemia to reduce the haemoglobin level Therapeutic bleeding was done for 5 times and after reaching the desire level of 15 % haemoglobin and 45 PCV the operation was carried out successfully, Everything went fine and I came back to Jamshedpur (Date of operation 20th dec 2010) But on 7th of this month I found that I am not able to pass my urine as I use to pass the previous day, I visited my local urologist for the same , the doctor asked me to undergo certain test and after showing the report it was found that I was having stricture and it needs to be operated, I have gone for Therapeutic bleeding twice in Jamshedpur as discussed with you over phone, Currently I have to get my fitness done for the next operationMy current Haemoglobine is at 14.5% and my PCV is at 40.7% But his Total Lucocyte Count is at 24100 which is above the normal adult range(4000-11000), the doctor has ask to take IV injection (meroyem 500) 3 time for 5 days and do all the test again , I would request u to kindly guide me on the same [|AI|] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You should go for operation for stricture. For pre-operative fitness you should take antibiotics to control your total count. Consult your doctor and take a course of antibiotics to control your infection and total count. Then go for surgery. Hope I have answered your question, if you have any doubts then contact me at Chat Doctor. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am a 39 year old female athlete. I run duathlons, play several sports, and lift weights. I am a little heavier than I should be and have been that way all me life, even as a collage athlete. I was diagnosed with a heart murmer years ago, but have never had any major issues. Within the last few months, when I am at rest, I get a quick flutter in my chest that makes me cough. It does not hurt, it just startles me. I ran three miles today, and about 4 hours later it happened. I had an EkG two months ago and everything was fine. Should I still be concerned? [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Fluttering sensations in chest is commonly seen with arrhythmia (rhythm disturbances in heart). Normal ECG can not rule out arrhythmia. So better to get done Holder monitoring (24 hours continuous recording of ECG). If this is normal then no need to worry about arrhythmia or heart diseases. Sometimes, simple muscular spasm can also give feeling of Fluttering in chest. So don't worry much get done Holder monitoring to rule out arrhythmia. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello. I am a 14 year old male and I have discovered a rash right in between my scrotum and anus, and there is another one right next to it. I have applied anti-itch cream to get rid of the itch, and I have to do that every couple of hours. It is red and feels rough and dry (until I add the cream). Please advise? [|AI|] Hi, You seem to have developed fungal infection. Groin folds are a very common site of fungal infection. It usually presents as a Chat Doctor. I suggest you to try an OTC topical antifungal e.g. Clotrimazole 1% cream, twice daily. In addition, I suggest you to take an oral antifungal e.g. either Fluconazole or Itraconazole, for 2-4 weeks. You may also take an OTC oral antihistamine e.g. Tab Cetirizine once a day for symptomatic relief from itching. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I had a tooth ache , went to doctor and blood pressure was 159 / 115 , so he referred me to a oral surgeon, said it would be dangerous for him to extract tooth, oral surgeon couldnt see me for a week, so now I have pain in my gum, numbness in my lip and tingling in lip. What could possibly be going on ? [|AI|] Hello, Welcome Thanks for consulting Chat Doctor, I have gone through your query, as you have Increased blood pressure, yes extraction is dangerous. For this you should consult your physician first get blood pressure controlled by taking medication then consult oral surgeon for extraction. For temporary relief you can do warm saline gargle two - three times a day. For painful gums you can Apply ointment Gum paint twice daily for one week. Hope this will help you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] my five year old son has been complaining of head ache for the past one week..At times he mentions that he has a tooth ache as well. off-late he also complains that he is tired...He has been weariing glasses for the past six months. Added to this, a few weeks back he fell on the back of his head. I am kind of worried...Can anybody suggest what is going on..Appreciate your feedback. Thanks. [|AI|] Hi Dear, Welcome to Chat Doctor. Understanding your concern. As per your query your son have symptoms of headache and toothache which is due to radiating pain from an infected tooth that can cause pain in side of head due to bacteremia and septicemia. It could be due to injury to head leading to residual headaches. Need not worry. I would suggest you to consult a dentist and get evaluated and get X-ray of concerned tooth done and start treatment either root canal treatment or extraction depending upon condition of tooth. If this is not the cause get your blood pressure monitored and start treatment accordingly. Maintain oral hygiene by brushing and flossing. Dentist may refer you to neurologist if it is related to head injury. Hope your concern has been resolved. Get Well Soon. Best Wishes,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Dear sir,I have a 13-year old sun who is moderate mental retarded and am trying to get better treatment. He is currently taking medicine called Respidal given to him by University Hospital here in Oman. We took him to NIMHANS Hospital in Bangalore for assessment but nothing has improved in his behaviour. He can not go to school neither has social skills. Therefore I need your advice.Kind regards.Hamad. [|AI|] Risperidal is Risperidone (atypical antipsychotic) available in 1, 2,3 & 4 mg strengths also witChatDoctorbination of trihexyphenidyl 2 mg to avoid extrapyramidal symptoms. It is usually prescribed in Mentally retarded patients. But you have not clearly mentioned the features as he may be a case of props Schizophrenia. If he is dull and lazy then a proper antidepressant may be added with Risperdal and if he is impulsive then one of mood stabilizers may be added in addition to Risperdal. Despite this medication, some nootropics may be added to enhance his memory and intelligence. I hope this helps you. Any queries are most welcome.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I noticed a dark blue vein across my 2year old eye lid above the crease 2Easters ago. It s very dark, noticeable. He still has it, about to turn 4. He didn t have it as a baby or in any pictures from the summer before that Easter (i was looking back throuhh up close photos from before I noticed it). [|AI|] These blue veins are completely normal. Everyone has such vein but is more visible in some peoples due to the lack of excessive subcutaneous fat in the eye area particularly in infants, or if someone has problems with sinus infections or chronic upper respiratory infections or if the person has lighter pigmented skin. When a person experiences sinus infections or colds, these veins become more pronounced due to swelling. The best way to deal with these veins is to wash your face with cool or cold water & apply ice packs to the eye area to reduce swelling by vasoconstriction. Laser surgery could offer some remedy for those who want to remove for cosmetic reasons.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, My Wife is tested positive in UPT. Doctor prescribed her Susten 200 for next 3 weeks 2wice daily. But after taking in morning she feels heavy Giddiness, Dizziness. Is it bcoz of medicine or ??? Please let me know I am very worried on the same. Regards [|AI|] Progesterone can cause many side effects including stomach upset, changes in appetite, weight gain, fluid retention and swelling, fatigue, acne, Chat Doctor. Dizziness or nausea can occur with Austen. It may subside in the following days. If it continues, you can discuss the possibility of using Austen per vaginally to reduce side effects. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi. I m a 24 yeah old male and have been experiencing a rather weird symptom recently. I had this really uncomfortable feeling on the shaft of my genital one day, but thought I could might be a rash from wearing a new pair of jeans I bought on the same day. But the next morning I noticed a small pimple right at the out end of urethra. I didn t know what to do, as something like this had never happened to me before. I popped it open and this white liquid came out as one would normally see from popping a pimple. Then I got this sort of bloody mark on the spot I just had squeezed the pimple out, which I still have after 3-4 days. The bloody mark though left a scab which had covered the area I had pimple, then now it s half gone. The problem I m concerned is that the whole area still hurts when I touch, as if it s inflamed, although it doesn t hurt when I urinate. The area I have this scab is now a little drier than other area and . I ve only had sex with my current partner for years and cannot recall any memory that would suggest I might have an STD. Should I be worried in this case? I just wanted to check... [|AI|] HelloThanks for query. Based on the facts that you have posted you seem to have boil near external urinary meats which you popped out, and now it has transformed in to a raw area covered with painful scab. This is most likely to be due to bacterial infection of a per urethral gland . Get swab tests and culture of a discharge from the lesion done to confirm the causative organisms and their antibiotic sensitivity pattern. This will help to rule out STD. Start taking antibiotics like Erythromycin and anti-inflammatory medication like Diclofenac twice daily with topical antibiotic ointment Newsprint for local application later on switch on to appropriate antibiotic as per culture report. Ensure to wash your genitals with warm water twice daily. Ensure to avoid sexual encounters till it heals up completely. Chat Doctor. .
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I donated blood on 10/5. Never before has this happened in my 17 yrs of donating blood, but the blood stopped flowing. The tech removed the needle because my arm started to swell. Friday 10/7 I had a small bruise, the swelling was still there. Saturday 10/8, I had purplish-black marks spreading down my arm, as well as reddish marks on my elbow, which feels like a bruised bone. Again, swelling still there. Is this something I should be concerned about? Why did I bruise worse, 4 days after the fact? [|AI|] Hi, first don't worry. it's not the big problem. Sometimes it happens. Due to some technical problems at time of donating blood needle might sleep outside the vein. So blood flow is stopped. And due to some blood goes outside the vein it leads hematoma formation and swelling. It produces Bruce. Bruce will change in color and after some time it will fade itself. Just apply some ice massage on any other treatments is required. don't worry it will cure by itself.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I fell from barricade and landed on my right knee,after x ray there was no fracture nor dislocation on my right knee but am going to a severe pain, a doctor said there was some fluid on the xray results but no fracture nor dislocation what medicine will prescribe for me. [|AI|] Hello, I have studied your case. As per your history there is possibility of soft tissue injury in knee. Most commonly meniscus injury occurs may be associated collateral ligament injury. You may need to do MRI knee to see for any functional defect. As per your symptoms you need to do physiotherapy and knee exercises to improve range of motion. Rest and ice fomentation along with supportive brace will help to reduce locking episode and pain. Small meniscus tear can be managed conservatively with physiotherapy with USG and TENS. Large meniscus injury can be managed by arthroscopic repair. Hope this answers your query. If you have additional questions or follow-up queries then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your queries. Wishing you good health. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My four year old son was c/o his right middle finger itching while he was trying to go to sleep. I am leaning toward a tingling feeling, but I think he lacks the ability to communication it. No significant health history, although I am curious about anemia, due to his poor eating. [|AI|] DearWelcome to ChatDoctorWe understand your concerns went through your details. Neurodermatitis could be the possible cause. Neurodermatitis develops when nerve endings in the skin become irritated, triggering a severe itch-scratch-itch cycle. Common causes of nerve irritation include an insect bite and emotional stress. I suggest you to get an examination done from a dermatologist. It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided. For exact diagnosis, you are requested to consult your doctor. If you require more of my help in this aspect, please use this URL. Make sure that you include every minute detail possible. Hope this answers your query. Further clarifications are welcome. Good luck. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am 36 and I have a pain that is exactly like Precordial Catch Syndrome (PCS) except Ive had it over 3 hours & I cant seem to make it pop. What could be causing this? Currently I am suffering from a herpes outbreak as well as a lower back injury in case that helps with potential causes. Thank you! [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your situation and problem. Possibility of post herpetic neuralgia is more. It is common after herpes infection. It is due to hypersensitivity of nerves in the affected area. Best treatment of this kind of neuralgia is pregabalin and vitamin B 12 combination. Application of cold ice bag is also useful. Avoid stress and tension, be relaxed and calm. Don't worry, you will be alright with above-mentioned Chat Doctor. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I slipped and fell on the ice a couple of weeks ago, and hit my upper back on a curb? Its still sore, but was gradually getting better. I started stretching more yesterday, and am trying to have better posture, but my back is stiffening up a little and Im feeling a slight burning inside. What should I do? [|AI|] Dear friend in your case physiotherapy and exercise will help you a lot. Presently if you have severe pain then take muscle relaxant medicine like combination of diclofenac+paracetamol+chlorzoxazon and consult physiotherapist.-exercise for back pain-raise your leg straight from hip joint without bending from knee after sleeping on back and then put down slowly. Same exercise for another leg and then raise both leg simultaneously. Sleep on abdomen and raise your head and chest backward. Do all these exercise 40-50 times per day by increasing slowly every day. This will help you in both back pain and low backache. Hope this answer will be helpful to you. For more queries please don't hesitate to ask. Get well soon dear friend Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I was lying in the ground during jujitsu. My opponent dropped his knee on my chest and we both heard a pop. There was no pain or bruising. 6 days later, I still feel localized pain at spot but no ribs out of place. It hurts when my chest is pressed towards spine. Did I break or dislocate a rib? Should I get an x-ray. Also, sitting up or coughing causes no pain. Thnks [|AI|] Dear patient You might be suffering from rib fracture and X-ray is must. I would advise X-ray of chest poster anterior view. Visit radiology center nearby you and get it done. If its showing fracture you need to wear rib belt for one month. Start tab diclofenac 50 mg twice a day for pain relief. Fracture needs time to heal which is around one month, and you have to give rest to chest by means of rib belt till that period. All the best.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hello,my name is cody,im 16 years old and im having night terrors.i would be sleeping and out of nowwhere im like half awake punching talknig kicking and trying my hardness to open my eyes and im very scared during theses night terrors,its been going on for like 8 months and it happens every 2-3 months for a 4 days for the time im having them.. please help? [|AI|] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. You are already 16, and should know this is not how to look at this. I hope you did talk to elders. I suggest you should consult a psychologist soon and explain everything in detail. The reason is supposed to be trauma or terror which occurred sometime back. Knowing that makes it easy to overcome it. OR You can post a direct question to me in this website. Include every detail as much as you can. I shall prescribe some psychotherapy techniques to control your condition. I am sure that the techniques should be a success. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Recently i have done blood test for Serum urea and serum creatinine. Both were within normal range. Blood urea was at 13 and serum creatinine was at 1.0 . i also did Spot microalbumin urea test the result was 49 mg. what should i do now. Does high microalbumin urea contents mean damage to kidneys. Kindly reply. [|AI|] Hello welcome to Chat Doctor. I have read your question and understand your concerns. Microalbuminuria is actually the earliest stage of kidney damage, mostly due to diabetes, hypertension or other reasons. It is a potentially reversible condition. So don't worry and control the risk factors like diabetes or hypertension (you haven't mentioned whether you are suffering from any disease or not.) Your s.great report is normal. My advice to you is - 1. Chat Doctor. 2. Take regular treatment of any disease you are suffering with regular follow up from your doctor. 3. Kindly repeat urine micro albumin levels 6 monthly. Don't worry at present your condition is potentially reversible. Thank you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I need a knee replacement but I m very scared. was told my legs are to big with fat and could get bold clots and die. I have bone on bone and wearing a hole in bottom bone. Lots of arthristis (sp wrong).. Don t know what to do? Have no life. Can t hunt with my husband. [|AI|] I understand getting any operation done is scary, there are some details which are missing to guide you properly, your age, your weight, exact X-ray report, how mucChatDoctorpression is there??? Have you tried conservative treatment before and for how long? If you are really not in favor of going for knee replacement, these are the things you should work on 1.reduce your weight (knee joint is a weight-bearing joint, even 2 kg reduction will make a difference) fomentation3. Strengthening exercises for knee as guided by physiotherapist.4.calcium rich diet5. Continue walking if all this helps you by 50% at-least continue with it otherwise knee replacements are good answer to improve your quality of life.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I fell on a patch of Ice directly onto my knee cap. It instantly swelled double the size with a pretty big bruise on the side. No pain really it s sore and achy but the entire area is more numb than anything. Had X-rays done with no serious results however now it s starting to burn and the lump on my knee is hard and warm [|AI|] Hi ! Good morning. I am Chat Doctor answering your query. It seems to me that you developed a hematoma (collection of blood) around your knee which has now organized. If the swelling has become hard and warm, possibly this has become inflamed and needs to be shown to an orthopedic surgeon at the earliest, who after a personal physical examination might advise you for an MRI of the injured knee joint of yours to reach to the nearest diagnosis. Further management would depend on the clinical findings, and investigation reports. Till that you could go for an anti-inflammatory Chat Doctor. I hope this information would help you in discussing with your family physician/treating doctor in further management of your problem. Please do not hesitate to ask in case of any further doubts. Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor to clear doubts on your health problems. Wishing you an early recovery. Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, my father in-law went to the doctors yesterday and they found a lump down his food pipe. They have cut a bit out to send of for tests and we are waiting for the results. He is very scared that it could be cancer do you think this could be the case and if so is it currable? [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for writing to Chat Doctor. There are more likely chances of the growth being a cancer. Because of his age and also since he has swallowing problem. Non cancer growth occur in younger people and won't cause much of swallowing difficulty. Once the tissue report will confirm it is cancer you need to endoscopic ultrasound and CT scan of chest to know the stage of cancer. On getting to know the stage of cancer we can tell it is curable or not. It may come as non cancer growth, but chances are less. Also, health of your father-in-law is important for outcome. Hope I have been helpful. Regards Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi am 22 years old. i have the habbit of mastrubating for last 4 years. i will do it twice or thrice in a week but not every week. last night i did but nothing came out. i am really scared wheather i ve lost everything won t i be able to run a successful married life?? please help me [|AI|] His understand your concern. It is just one episode, and you started thinking about your whole life. Relax dear. It happens occasionally but not often. It is normal physiological process. Masturbation is physical process but depend upon psychological thinking. Psychological stress might affect it. Need to relax and do it again with psychological soundness.if you require then take medical opinion. Thank you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am having eosinophilia since childhood. I am having homeo medicines but after some time agin it will come. Eching in eyes and tough(near throat) is the begning and after words whisling will come in the breathing . I am 41. Now a days while travelling If there is no relief I am using L montus tablets. Can you advice Doctor [|AI|] HelloAirway hyperresponsiveness that is secondary to inflammatory airways' disease that results in recurrent or chronic episodes of WHEEZE, SHORTNESS OF BREATH (SOB)CHEST TIGHTNESS, &/or COUGH particularly at night or in the early morning is a characteristic feature of asthmatic allergic bronchitis (as all these symptoms, you are having). So avoidance of mite, fine dusting powder, pollen, hay, smoking (active or passive) pests, fumes, sudden change of temperature will help in these type of cases. You are taking months L (MONTELUKAST+levoceterizine) . When such cases visit I advise them to take montelukast+ albuterol one tablet in the night, but few patients also need one tablet in the day. Usually patient respond this treatment very well. Take this tablet whenever you require, stop when no symptoms. Hot coffee and steam inhalation also provide relief in such type of cases. Good luck.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have patient of cirrhosis with oesophageal varices .15 days back he had hemetemesis and landed into encephalopathy .patient recovered from encephalopathy and endoscopy revealed large bleeding eso.varices. His EVL was done and patient is fine now.there is no hemetemesis. He is on lactulose along with all other supportive therapy.for last two days despite taking lactulose 30 ml. Twice a day patient has not passed stool.should I increase the dose of lactulose or add some other laxative. His intake is not adequate also.on examination he is haemodynamically stable afebrile, no jaundice .no sign of chf/ lvf,his abdomen is soft bowel sounds normal . [|AI|] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor, After going through the history of the patients, he is having Cirrhosis of liver with portal hypertension with Esophageal Varices. The cause of hematemesis is varices and EVIL (Endoscopic Varietal Ligation) is done to prevent the further bleeding. Blood in intestine causes ammonia level to rise he has recovered from encephalopathy. Please continue treatment lactulose is good Chat Doctor. Dietary supplementation with branched-chain amino acids is useful and even addition of probiotics with advise from your doctor may help. Take care. Good Luck.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I had a severe cold in early november,which apparently didnt go away entirely, and now Ive been coughing for the past three weeks. theres a tickling in my throat, I also have to constantly clear it for mucus that seems to be stuck there,and added to that now is the chest discomfort i feel because it seems like my nose has closed up especially when lying down. I really need some help . [|AI|] Hi Dear, Welcome to Chat Doctor. Understanding your concern. As per your query you have severe cold and stuffy nose and chest discomfort which is due to upper respiratory tract infection which is leading to sinusitis as well. Need not worry. I would suggest you to avoid intake of cold liquids. You should take green tea every morning. You should take antibiotic Ciprofloxacin and antihistamine Levocetrizine for 3-4 days. Avoid intake of excessive oily, fried and spicy food. You should do warm saline gargles on daily basis and take steam inhalation as well. Visit ENT specialist once if symptoms keeps on persisting and get blood tests and X-ray chest done and start treatment after proper diagnosis. Hope your concern has been resolved. Get Well Soon. Best Wishes,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My friend s grandson was born three weeks ago..he was 7lbs 2 oz..all signs were normal, Apgar at 9 & 8...they said the baby had a low rbc and needed to stay for observation. He is still there..eating and growing..why would they keep him so long if he is thriving? [|AI|] Welcome to the ChatDoctorI have gone through your question and understand your concerns. The weight and Agar of your grandson is good and as per your description, the clinical condition also seems to be fine. But I can suggest you the reason for his persistent stay at hospital only after I come to know the exact case summary along with his laboratory reports. I would be glad to help you. You may post your query along with reports as direct question to me. Take care
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here...I have had an infection on my scalp for over five years. Ive been to numerous dermatologist and nothing theyve done was successful. first it starts off as really sore blister then it turns into a sore that wont heal. then my hair falls out [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for posting in Chat Doctor. I understand your concern. Looking at the description, it appears that you are having Seborrhea Dermatitis of scalp. Since you are having sore blisters associated with it, it appears that it has been secondarily infected by bacteria and hence it is taking a longer duration to heal. You need to following medications: 1. Use shampoo that contains one or more of these key ingredients: Coal tar, Ketoconazole, Salicylic acid, Selenium sulfide and Zinc parishioner Use it regularly on alternate days. You should feel better in about a month time. 2. For sore blisters, kindly rinse the wound with mild antiseptic like Salon and apply Aureomycin cream twice a day. In case you are not getting better of these problems after a month, kindly get your fasting and postprandial glucose levels checked to rule out diabetes mellitus. After that, you can take medical assistance accordingly. Hope the information provided would be useful. All the best.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I got married before 7 months stil im not conceive today i took usg abdomen as per doctor advice it showed polycystic ovarion disease she prescribed evion tab 200 mg and gynovit syrup it help to conceive? I can conceiv this month? Today is my 5th day of menstrusl cycle [|AI|] Hi, If you have regular menstrual period, no any ovulation dysfunction then you can become pregnant. I would suggest consulting gynecologist and undergo reproductive tests, USG scan and ovarian follicle and take proper treatment. Evian contain vitamin E and reduce oxidative stress, Govt syrup will help to regularize period. You can also ask for following medicine for PCs:- Tablet progesterone in second half of period-Tablet metformin: it will reduce insulin resistance and induce ovulationAvoid stress, take healthy diet, avoid excessive sweet, do regular exercise and maintain weight according to BMI. Hope this may help you. Contact further if follow up needed. Best regards,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here... HI! my name is Steve and I live in Chile and my blood work came back pretty good. However, one test shows IgE Total 196 IU/mL and the chart says that for my age 41, this is high, yes? [|AI|] Hello Steve, Thank you for asking at Chat Doctor. I went through your history and would like to make suggestions for you as follows:1. Yes, 196 IGE is high, but it is not that high that you should worry too much.2. To derive conclusion, I would like to know whether you have any symptoms. If you do not have any symptoms and IGE was only a lab finding, you should not worry at all, and I usually suggest my such patients repeat test after 6 months.3. If you have symptoms of allergies (allergic rhinitis, asthma, atomic dermatitis, etc.), I would suggest you allergy testing for specific allergens (allergy causing substances). Hope above suggestions will be helpful to you. Should you have any further query, please feel free to ask at Chat Doctor. Wish you the best of the health ahead. Thank you & Regards.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have several very painful lumps on my spine . The first one started about a month ago. Now I have more. They feel like a very big bruise and make me feel sick . I also have pain in my bottom tonight after I got my mum to look at them ( she pushed them) [|AI|] Hi ! Good evening. I am Chat Doctor answering your query. Form the history these bumps seem to be benign lesions, and got inflamed causing pain. I would advise you to get it clinically assessed by a general surgeon in your area with related investigations for an early diagnosis and management. Till then, you could go for an anti-inflammatory along with a proton pump inhibitor Chat Doctor. I hope this information would help you in discussing with your family physician/treating doctor in further management of your problem. Please do not hesitate to ask in case of any further doubts. Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor to clear doubts on your health problems. I wish you an early recovery. Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have token the next choice pill about 3days ago I noticed on the box it says for 17 and younger I m 20 does that make any difference? Because my period is late and starting to have lower cramping and tired alot when I was pregnant with my daughter I had all my pregnancy symptoms early that s why I m kinda worried!! [|AI|] HiT his tablet will not cause any issues because of your age. Hormonal pills can cause nausea and abdominal cramps which will reduce in a few days. You have not mentioned, how late is your period. Next choice pills are effective in preventing pregnancy. But it is safe to take a urine test by 10 days of missed period to rule out pregnancy. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I slipped and fell on a bottle I was holding in my right hand over a week ago. The broken pieces of glass cut me in the palm. The doctor stiched me and the last of my stitches are being removed in a days time(10days after the accident). The bigger cut that lies directly between my thumb and the index finger towards the centre of the palm caused numbness of the two finger since the day of the accident till now. I started on neoroton tablets yesterday but the pain from the numn fingers for the past 3days is unbearable! My questions are; Will I be able to regain feelings in those fingers, can the pain be stopped or reduced and if yes , how?? Can. I do physiotherapy on my own, how long will it take for me to be completely well, what medical condition is this, what other advice do yoy have for me? [|AI|] Hello, Numbness and pain in your fingers (this type of pain is known as neuropathic pain) is caused by a transaction of the nerve that supplies these two fingers. The common branch lies in the center of the palm from which the branches separate and go on to supply the fingers. Tablets can only help in relieving you from the neuropathic pain though not completely, but they have no role whatsoever in regaining sensation. You should get in touch with a plastic surgeon as early as possible because accurate nerve repair is the key to regaining sensation over the numb areas and would take place over months after repair. In the absence of nerve repair, there would be a very slow regain of protective sensation only over a span of many months and that too is incomplete.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am a 50 yrs male. I am single for last 27 yrs. I had started dating a woman for the last six months. Whenever I am talking to her on phone I usually get an erection. Also I get erections atleast 3 nights in night. But while getting intimate with her and my organs touched by her, I ejaculated without erection. I am diabetic slightly. Otherwise my lipid profile is quite OK with HDL 63, triglyceride of 69. prostrate and kidney is also OK. What can be reasons for ejaculation without erection. This is quite depressing and dissapointing. whether this can be cured. If yes, are there any medication for curing the same. [|AI|] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. The process of ejaculation is separate from the erection process, erection being controlled by the pituitary gland. Men can ejaculate without an erection, but they can also ejaculate without orgasm (like during the night). As a rule, controlling ejaculation gets easier with age. Premature ejaculation is a frequent problem but not a serious one. It affects around 1 in 3 men, often young men. Sufferers ejaculate at the beginning of penetration and sometimes even before. Premature ejaculation often comes from a lack of control. Ejaculation is a result of an uncontrollable reflex that men with this problem cannot manage to delay making the pleasure of sex last. From the details given, it seems that your problem is more psychological than physiologic. I suggest to wait for a few days before attempting next intercourse. If you require more of my help in this aspect, please use this URL. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My 5 year old daughter has a lump which has suddenly appeared on the outside of her left foot. It is directly where the little toe joins the foot purtruding out wards. It is red and sore and hard and the size of a small marble and she has had no direct trauma to the foot. However over the last week and a half her second toe, next to big toe on the same foot became swollen underneath, red, purple and bolbus not extending past the first knuckle joint and not on top just underneath and a little at the tip so I took her to the dr for that when it did not get better on its own but they just gave an antibiotic script without determining the cause, to use if it did not go away. The swelling has reduced but still a little red and purple bits? I have not given the antibiotics yet. [|AI|] Hi! Thanks for writing to us sharing your daughters' health problem! In short, I must say that you have to give her antibiotics and do some x-ray and blood tests possibly...! Your preschool daughter is having this lump which is red and painful which implies that there is severe inflammation and is definitely spreading medially...this could be a sign of underlying osteomyelitis, tuberculosis, kind of acute arthritis or some soft tissue infection etc...! Therefore, she needs medical attention; the earlier, the better; please see a surgeon for appropriate investigations and antibiotics/ Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Started having migraines 1 year ago. MRI scan normal. After which started hearing voices saying negative things. Went to psychiatrists and got antipsychotics and antidepressants. 4 medicines and 1 jab in total. Blood pressure rises to140/85 this year but now dropped to 127/80. Started having jerky continuous movement after hearing voices now.No. of Voices increased. Have tremors now. Any suggestions? [|AI|] Hello, You are having movement disorders, a side effect common with older and sometimes with newer antipsychotics. You should, meet your doctor, request him to look into these side effects. The doctor would either reduce the number of Chat Doctor. There are some meds which can be given to reduce these side effects, (these movement problems are commonly known as - extrapyramidal side effects). So, it is not due to psychiatric diagnosis but due to the
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My mother is just coming out of surgery (86 year old) - broken leg - in surgery about 2 hours and once they took out the breathing tube, she is doing shallow breathing . She has dimentia and doesn t really know us anymore. She has a do not resuscitate order. They put her on an oxygen mask to see if that would help. They are contemplating putting the breathing tube back in over-night. If we don t put the breathing tube back in, what could happen? Will she be in more pain? If we allow the breathing tube, will that be violating the do not resuscitate order? [|AI|] Hi, Thank you for posting your query. I can understand the discomfort your mother is going through, because of pain and breathing difficulty. I can also understand the dilemma you and family members are facing. It is important to keep your mother pain-free and comfortable. From that point of view, adequate oxygen supply is important. This should be given by oxygen mask. Putting her on ventilator through throat tube is against the "do not resuscitate" orders. In addition, it will add pain & discomfort to her. Best wishes, Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] my father age 83 suffered from harpies in June 2011. The harpies was on head and behind ear one side. He has consulted the Neurologist and take medicine. Still he has headache and at night he feel some sound in his ear which disturb his sleep. can you please advice me on this matter [|AI|] Hello dear, Thank you for your contact to Chat Doctor. I read and understand your concern. I am Chat Doctor answering your concern. Opioid analgesics can help solve your problem. Pain due to herpes and that is also to late is very serious problem. It will not solve with routine analgesics. This analgesics won't be available with OTC it requires a Doctors prescription. You should also take acyclovir which take care of herpes, erosion forte for neurological problems. Please take good sleep and do not take stress. These parameters can affect the headaches. Please wear black glasses as it is also helpful in headache. Please maintain good hygiene as this alone can take care of many things same as active Chat Doctor. I will be happy to answer your further concern on
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have been diagnosed with genital herpes. I ussually never take the medican and ussually dont get out breaks. I just got one about a month and half ago. I didnt take any medican for a couple weeks. Finnaly I decided to take some medican for a week. They started to go away. After taking the correct dosage for a week I scratched the herpes and they came back. Now it has been a month and a half and there still there. I feel that they cluster of bumbs turned into a cluster of bumbs on a big bumb. What should I do. Is this just from scratching to much or is it infected? [|AI|] HIT hanks for posting your query. Herpes has recurred because of inadequate treatment or because of repeat exposure sexually with a person infected with Herpes. Herpes usually causes small blisters and not big bumps. I would recommend you get it examined by your doctor properly and then get the treatment. Don't ever scratch it, it causes secondary infection over that. Also make sure your partner with whom you have sex (if at all) is also tested and treated. Hope this information was useful to you. Any clarifications feel free to ask. Regards.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have blood work done as part of my annual check up and the report came back saying I had a very high Gamma- GT of 389 and a high SGPT/ APT of 55 they have advised i get other test including have my spleen checked please advise your thoughts on these readings [|AI|] Hi.thanks for posting query at Chat Doctor. Usually ALT or AST values higher than "two times the upper normal limit", is considered abnormal (in some countries, ALT or AST values of more than 100 are considered abnormal). Value of AST or ALT greater than 85 or above maybe investigated further. Secondly, common causes for a high GGT are alcoholism and a medication side effect. If the common causes are ruled out, then you may visit treating physician or hepatologist to advice some blood test to rule out autoimmune causes. Hope to answer your concern. Regards Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi I am a 27 year male adult. I usually work from home and to say my work conditions of late are such that i have had to work at night and sleep late in morning. Now lately i can observe myself that my legs are getting skinnier and thinner. To an extent one can see the veins marks and the bones. All my acquaintances have the same observation. Earlier i used to have average thickened legs. Now i can feel i am loosing the mass in my legs. Now a friend told me that it could me the masturbation which is causing this effect. Well to be honest of late i am masturbating almost each day. Plz tell me whats the reason behind my legs thinning out? Thanking in anticipation. [|AI|] Hello, Masturbation in no way lead to thinning of legs. Most probably your friend have joked with you. There can be following reasons for this- -Decrease manual work or walking.-Deficiency of multivitamins and vitamin D.-Decrease protein intake.-Any major injury to spine. At present I shall advise you to take good food with good protein intake . You may have multivitamin supplements for few days. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have back issues. Chronic pain. Lower back as well as my neck. I have an open pore, aggravated at the base(bottom of my spine) as well as at the base of my neck. Are they somehow related? The open pores(pimple) are extremely painful and occasionally has puss. They both have been there a long time, over a few years. [|AI|] Hi I am Chat Doctor. . Actually I think they have exaggerated the underlying cause of pain which I think it could be cervical radiating pain due to nerve compression or mild disc bulging or herniation. The presence of pus proves the presence of infection and thus causing more inflammation or swelling and pressing on your cervical spinal nerve roots and cause such pain. Maintain a healthy clean wound by adding topical antibiotics with clean
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hello Doc, I am 37yrs old married lady. Am diagnosed with a 8mm kidney stone in my left kidney on monday. however i was having pain until wednesday but after medication, there is no pain but urine flow stops and start, frequency to go go for urination is high, i was always drinking lots of water, but my mother too had a kidney stone and eventually had a CKD and was on you advise if I should be Consulting any speaclist or any particular tests to be done [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for writing in. An 8 mm stone in the left kidney is a concern for urinary obstruction. It is important to know the exact location of the stone at present and for this you might require repeat ultrasound scan. You should be under treatment of the urologist. They will decide if you require a procedure called lithography to break the stone in to smaller parts and allow it to be passed out in urine. If there is HY Chat Doctor. Doing regular kidney function tests is important. Please continue
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I just had cath yesterday and was found 50% blockage at LAD bifurcation and a 70 blockage in circumflex artery. Had no clinical symptoms but failed cardiolite stress test at 4 minutes with multiple PVCs. Have familial history of sudden cardiac death at 52 and 66 years old. The cardiologist at cath lab did not stent but rather suggested double bypass surgery. Am scheduled for surgery in 10 days. My cholesterol with 10 mg Crestor use has dropped from 260 to 182. And they have doubled ton 20 mg. And triglycerides dropped from 299 to 87. I am considering a second opinion based on internet searches. What is your opinion? [|AI|] Hello and welcome to Ask A Doctor Service. I reviewed your query and here is my answer. The labs results shows that you have normal and good cholesterol level. Keeping these levels in cardiac patient or in people like you is mandatory in order to decrease both the mortality and morbidity in patient. Also, such person like you are at risk for atherosclerosis, so low cholesterol levels will not form atherosclerosis which in turn will not cause stenosis of blood vessels, which will keep you safe from cardiac events. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I was walking in a department store and turn left on an IsleI &my feet went out from under me and I fell on my left hip since then in the bend of my back it hurts real bad to get up or down I limp when im walking it hurts left right at the bend of my back but feels real deep.I cant even step backward in my left foot my back wont let me.I sit in the car and have to pick my leg up and put in car cause it jurtd to raise it normally.its been about 12-14 days ago I fell.? [|AI|] Hi, I am Chat Doctor. Based on the symptoms narrated, I would suggest you to visit a Neurosurgeon. He would do a clinical examination and order tests like X-Ray, MRI based on the findings of the clinical examination Because the pain and discomfort is so much that you > I suggest you visit the doctor as soon as possible If you need any clarification / have doubts / have additional questions / have follow-up questions, then please do not hesitate in asking again. I will be happy to answer your questions.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi,i have recently discovered that i have klebsiella spp, after having a complete digestive stool analysis done. i have suffered badly with diaharreh for 2 years and 6 doctors later i have been given cefaclor monohydrate 375mg twice a day to treat it. after taking it for 10days i was again sick so went back and saw another doctor (as mine was away on hollies) this doctor then told me that i would need to take it a lot longer than 10 days. Im confused and not sure how long i should be on it. Im scared if i dont have them long enough i wont kill this bacteria bug off. Help! Kim [|AI|] Hello dear, Thank you for your contact to Chat Doctor. I read and understand your concern. I am Chat Doctor answering your concern. Usually Klebsiella bacteria are pathogenic in the respiratory tract and urinary tract but not on the GIT or diarrhea. We can count these bacteria as a communal flora of the intestine and can ignore its presence in the stool. So in my opinion you should not take the Chat Doctor. Pathology for diarrhea may be something different and so can be diagnosed and treated accordingly.Maybe you have taken the long-lasting antibiotics that has washed of your communal flora. I advise you to take the probiotics like Lactobacillus spore. This help replaces the flora and can help in prevention of diarrhea. I will be happy to answer your further concern on
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi. I am trying to become pregnant form past 6 months. So My doctor suggested to take Fertyl-Super 100mg tablet from 2nd to 6th day of menstraul cycle after all tests. But all my reports are mormal. Y did doctor suggested to take this tablet. how much percentage of chances to become pregnant soon. [|AI|] Hi, If all your test results are normal, and you have been trying for 6 months, then I would suggest you not to take ferry. As taking ferry will not cause you have increased chances of pregnancy when all results are normal. We give ferry/camphene at a dose of 50 mg per day for first five days of cycle in cases of ovulation failure seen in PCs and other conditions where eggs are not formed in the ovary. If taken in normal person it can cause increase chances of multiple pregnancy and its complications. More over live birth rates for unexplained infertility are same whether camphene is taken or not. So please avoid it. I would advise you to try for baby naturally for 2 years and if not pregnant get evaluated again and go for IVF. Clomiphene and Intrauterine insemination have no role in unexplained infertility. Hope this helps.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Iv been checking my breast for lumps and found loads of little ones and one thats quite big but every time i find it it moves again, theres also places that feel like hard tissue, i have the implanon birth control and my cycles have always been irregular even more so now and im wondering if it could be an effect from the birth control of something more serious? [|AI|] Hello, Birth control through hormones can create breast masses as a side effect and this is why regular evaluation by a specialist is necessary during treatment. Please see a specialist immediately to get the masses assessed through clinical exam and further investigations like mammogram. The implant may have to be removed. Please opt for non-hormonal methods of contraception in future or until your consultant pronounces you free to use hormones again. Hope you find this information helpful. Wish you good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] MY NAME IS XXXX AGE 53 MALE I AM STAYING IN I AM SUFFERING FROM BELLS PALSY AND ITS AFFECTED ON MY SPEACH I CAN NOT SPEAK CLEARLY EVEN IF I TALK ON MOBILE IT WILL DIFFICULT TO UNDERSTAND ALSO I AM ON DIABETES TREATMENT CAN STEM TREATMENT AVAILABLE IN THIS PROBLEMS AND IS IT EFFECTIVE? AND WHAT ARE CHARGES FOR THIS TREATMENT PLEASE ADVICE [|AI|] Hi thanks for queryBells palsy is a disorder of the nerve that controls movement of the muscles in the face. This nerve is called the facial or 7th cranial nerve. Damage to this nerve causes weakness or paralysis of these musclesBells palsy is thought to be due to swelling (inflammation) of this nerve in the area where it travels through the bones of the skull. No treatment is needed. Corticosteroids may reduce swelling around the facial nerve . Symptoms often begin to improve right away. However, it may take weeks or even months for the muscles to get stronger, and this may be frustrating. If you did not lose all of your nerve function and symptoms began to improve within 3 weeks, you're more likely to regain all or most of the strength in your facial muscles. Response to stem cell therapy are unclear
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] my 13 month old was diagnosed with an upper respiratopry infection a week and a half ago. After a few days, the coughing and the runny nose subsided. However, Just yesterday, his nose started running and he s coughing again. Today, he has a 100.4 temperature. Could it still be the URI, or something more? [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Yes, possibility of upper respiratory tract infection (URI) is more for his symptoms. Viral infection is the most common cause for such recurrent URI s. So better not to worry much. Give him plenty of fluids orally and keep himself HY Chat Doctor. Give influenza vaccine to prevent recurrent viral infection. Don't worry, he will be alright. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wishing good health to your son. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, I have a lump in my underarm, i recently notice a strange odor and increased sweating. I realized that the lump is leaking, which is the cause of the odor. I switch from using antiperspirant everyday to only twice a week. Should I worry about this? Am I finally healing and draining from a lump that Ive had for years? [|AI|] Hello! Thank you for the query. From your description it seems that you have an infected hair follicle or infected sebaceous cyst. It is leaking because there is a puss inside. It is hard to heal such infected lump without an incision and Chat Doctor. That is why I suggest you to consult a surgeon and have it incised. Enlarged lymph nodes should be also considered and breasts checked. Especially if you are female. Hope this will help. Regards.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] my son has fallen in love with agirl whose brother suffers from choreia . Isn,t it dangerous for him to marry that lady? I mean the heridatery factor .IS IT POSSIBLE TO FIND OUT IT THROUH ANALYSES? DEAR doctor my son is 35 years old.he wants to mary agirl who has a slight problem in her right hand and also in speech. The thing is that the girl, brother suffers from vivid choreia on left side. What are we to expect if he really marries the girl? [|AI|] DearWelcome to ChatDoctorWe understand your concerns went through your problem description. You have nothing to worry, I feel. Chorea is an abnormal involuntary movement disorder, and is a neurological disorder. It shows genetic affiliation only with Wilson's disease, a genetic disorder that leads to toxic levels of copper in the body. You can have the girl checked for that. But it is better to give them permission if they are already determined. You cannot foresee what is going to happen in the future and therefore, don't try to foresee their future. That can cause unnecessary anxiety. They know how to live their life. Please understand. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here... I have two questions first my wife s primary care doctor heard a heart murmur last year and she refereed her for testing, now almost a year later 3 doctors and a nurse have also heard the heart murmur, 14 years ago when she was pregant with our daughter she was prescribed breathin for preterm labor and she overdosed and her heart rate at the er was almost 275, could this have damaged her heart? [|AI|] Hellothanks for posting on Chat Doctor I can understand your concern. Breathing can cause increase in heart rate as it happened in her case. But surely not some heart valve damage. She may have the heart valve problem either from birth or maybe later acquired it due to some infection in childhood. Regardless whether she is symptom free or not, please do a 2 D ECHO. It will help to find the source if the murmur and the severity, so that you can treat accordingly. If echo shows mild to moderate valve leak then nothing had to be done. Just follow-ups. If sever she may require a surgery. So all depends on intensity of the murmur and 2 d echo reports. Wishing her good health thank you