فقيل له" لو ألحقت أهل القادسية بأهل الأيام
It was said to him" "Would you make the people of al-Qadisiyyah equal to those who had fought in the previous battles
وفرض لأهل البلاء البارع منهم الفين وخمسمائة، الفين وخمسمائة
To the people of outstanding bravery from among them he allotted two thousand and five hundred each
ثم فرض لأهل القادسية وأهل الشام ألفين ألفين
Then he allotted to the people of al-Qadisiyyah and to those who fought in Syria (after the battle of al-Qadisiyyah" two thousand each
كل هؤلاء ثلاثة آلاف ثلاثة آلاف
All these received three thousand each
في ذلك من شهد الفتح وقاتل عن أبي بكر، ومن ولى الأيام قبل القادسية
Among them were those who participated in the conquest of Mecca, those who fought for Abu Bakr, and those who participated in the battles (of Iraq and Syria) before al-Qadisiyyah
ثم فرض لمن بعد الحديبية إلى أن أقلع أبو بكر عن اهل الرده ثلاثة آلاف ثلاثة آلاف
Then he allotted to those "who embraced Islam" after al-Hudaybiyyah and up to the time when Abu Bakr finished the war with the people of apostasy (ahl al-riddah) three thousand each
ثم فرض لمن بعد بدر إلى الحديبية أربعة آلاف أربعة آلاف
Then he allotted to those "who em-braced Islam" after the battle of Badr and till al-Hudaybiyyah four thousand each
ثم فرض لأهل بدر خمسة آلاف خمسة آلاف
Then he allotted to the participants in the battle of Badr five thousand "dirhams" each
ففرض للعباس وبدأ به
First he determined the share of al-‘Abbas
قال" لا، بل أبدأ بعم رسول اللَّه ص، ثم الأقرب فالأقرب
He said" "No, I shall rather begin with the uncle of the messenger of God, then the next and the next
ولما أراد عمر وضع الديوان، قال له علي وعبد الرحمن بْن عوف" ابدأ بنفسك
When Umar intended to establish the military register, ‘Ali and ‘Abd al-Rabman b. 'Awf said to him" "Begin with yourself
وخرج الحارث وسهيل بأهليهما نحو الشام، فلم يزالا مجاهدين حتى أصيبا في بعض تلك الدروب، وقيل" ماتا في طاعون عمواس
Al-Harith and Suhayl left for Syria with their families and continued to wage jihad until they were killed in one of the frontier points there,but according to another tradition, they died in the plague of ‘Amwas
قالوا" فنعم إذا، وأخذوا
They said" "It is all right, then," and they accepted the payment
فقال" إني إنما أعطيتكم على السابقة في الإسلام لا على الأحساب
'Umar replied" "I have given to you according to your seniority in Islam, not according to your ancestral nobility
فامتنعوا من أخذه وقالوا" لا نعترف أن يكون أحد أكرم منا
They refused to accept it, saying" "We do not acknowledge that anybody is more noble than we are
وأعطى صفوان بْن أمية والحارث بْن هشام وسهيل بْن عمرو في أهل الفتح أقل ما أخذ من قبلهم
He gave to safwan b. Umayyah, al Harith b. Hisham, and Suhayl b. Amr with the people of the conquest {ahl al-fath) less than what those who had preceded them received
وأعطى العطايا على السابقة
He determined the payments accord-ing to seniority (in Islam
وفي هذه السنة فرض عمر للمسلمين الفروض، ودون الدواوين
In this year ‘Umar assigned payments to the Muslims and established the "military" registers
ذكر فرض العطاء وعمل الديوان
The Introduction of the Pay System (ata') and of the Military Register (diwan
سما عمر لما أتته رسائل ... كأصيد يحمي صرمة الحي أغيدا وقد عضلت بالشام أرض بأهلها ... تريد من الأقوام من كان أنجدا فلما أتاه ما أتاه أجابهم ... بجيش ترى منه الشبائك سجدا وأقبلت الشام العريضة بالذي ... أراد أبو حفص وأزكى وأزيدا فقسط فيما بينهم كل جزية ... وكل رفاد كان أهنا وأحمدا
When ‘Umar received the letters, he rose like a proud, young chieftain defending the property of the tribe. The land of Syria was bursting with people, desiring the most courageous of men. When he received (the information) that he received, he responded with an army to which dissensions bowed their heads. Spacious Syria brought what Abu Hafs wanted, and even more. He allotted among them the poll tax, and every pleasant and commendable gift
وقال أيضا
Ziyad b. Hanzalah also recited
تذكرت حرب الروم لما تطاولت ... وإذ نحن في عام كثير نزائله وإذ نحن في أرض الحجاز وبيننا ... مسيرة شهر بينهن بلابله وإذ أرطبون الروم يحمي بلاده ... يحاوله قرم هناك يساجله فلما رأى الفاروق أزمان فتحها ... سما بجنود اللَّه كيما يصاوله فلما أحسوه وخافوا صواله ... أتوه وقالوا أنت ممن نواصله وألقت إليه الشام أفلاذ بطنها ... وعيشا خصيبا ما تعد مآكله أباح لنا ما بين شرق ومغرب ... مواريث أعقاب بنتها قرامله وكم مثقل لم يضطلع باحتماله ... تحمل عبئا حين شالت شوائله
I remembered the long wars against the Byzantines, when we spent a year full of journeys. When we were in the land of Hijaz and a month's journey separated us, with anxieties in between; When Artabun of the Byzantines defended his country, a noble chieftain tackled him here and struggled with him; When al-Faruq saw that the time (was right" for the conquest of Artabun's land, he brought forward God's soldiers to attack him. When they became aware of al-Faruq and feared his assault, they came to him and said" "You are of those whom we shall befriend." Syria threw its buried treasures at his feet, as well as a life of abundance with countless gains. He put whatever was between east and west at our disposal, as inheritance for posterity, gathered by his two-humped camels. Many a beast of burden that had been unable to carry its load, "now" carried a burden while being well into pregnancy
وقال زياد بْن حنظلة
Ziyad b. Hanzalah recited
فإن يكن أرطبون الروم أفسدها ... فإن فيها بحمد اللَّه منتفعا بنانتان وجرموز أقيم به ... صدر القناة إذا ما آنسوا فزعا وإن يكن أرطبون الروم قطعها ... فقد تركت بها أوصاله قطعا
Though Artabun of the Byzantines maimed my hand, there is still some use to it, praise be to God. TWo fingers and a stump, with which I hold straight the front part of the spear when people are struck with fear. Though Artabun of the Byzantines cut my hand, I left his limbs cut to pieces, in return
The Qaysi killed him and recited
فيختلف هو ورجل من قيس يقال له ضريس، فقطع يد القيسي، وقتله القيسي
Artabun and a man from the tribe of Qays, whose name was Durays, exchanged blows, and Artabun cut the Qaysi's hand
فكان يكون على صوائف الروم، والتقى هو وصاحب صائفة المسلمين
He commanded the summer expeditions of the Byzantines and confronted the commander of the Muslim summer expeditions
ثم لحق عند صلح أهل مصر، وغلبهم بالروم في البحر، وبقي بعد ذلك
Then, when the people of Egypt made a peace agreement "with the Muslims" and defeated the Byzantines, he took to the sea and survived afterward
ولحق به من أحب ممن أبى الصلح
Those who rejected the peace agreement and wanted "to go with him" joined him
وعن أبي عثمان وأبي حارثة، قالا" ولحق أرطبون بمصر مقدم عمر الجابية
According to Abu ‘Uthman and Abu Harithah" Artabun went to Egypt when ‘Umar came to alJabiyah
إني أتيت بشراب مما قد طبخ من العصير حتى ذهب ثلثاه وبقي ثلثه كالطلاء، فاطبخوه وارزقوه المسلمين
"I have been brought a beverage cooked from juice until two-thirds of it were gone and one-third remained. It is like syrup. Cook it and provide it to the Muslims
وكتب في الأمصار
He wrote to the newly established garrison towns "am§dr), saying
فشبهه بالقطران، وشرب منه، وأمر أمراء الأجناد بالشام به
He likened it to resin |qatiian), drank from it, and ordered the amirs of the Syrian provinces to prepare it
فغرف بإصبعه، ثم حركه في الإناء فشطره، فقال" هذا طلاء
‘Umar dipped his finger into it, then stirred it in the vessel, divided it into two halves, and said" "This is syrup (fiAP
فأخبره أنه طبخه عصيرا، حتى صار إلى ثلثه
The monk informed him that he had cooked it from juice until only one-third of it remained
فدعاه به فقال" من أي شيء هذا
‘Umar asked him to bring it and said" "From what has it been prepared
فقال" هل لك في شراب نجده في كتبنا حلالا إذا حرمت الخمر
The monk said" "Do you want a drink which will be permissible according to our books "even" when wine is prohibited
فبينا هو يطعم الناس يوما بها أتاه راهبها وهو لا يشعر أن الخمر محرمة
While he was giving food to the people one day, a monk from Jerusalem came to him without knowing that wine had been prohibited
وعن أنس بْن مالك، قال" شهدت إيلياء مع عمر
According to Anas b. Malik" I was present in Jerusalem with ‘Umar
وقال في قسطنطينية" أدعك جلحاء بارزة للشمس، لا يأوي إليك أحد، ولا تظلينه
Regarding Constantinople he said" "I shall leave you unforti fied and exposed to the sun; nobody will seek shelter from you, and you will not cast your shade on anyone
ويدركون لأهلك بثأرك في الروم
They will take revenge upon the Byzantines on behalf of your people
وزاد" أتاك الفاروق في جندي المطيع
He added" "Al-Faruq came to you with my obedient army
وعن ربيعة الشامي بمثله
An identical tradition was transmitted according to Rabi‘ah alShami
فما أمسوا حتى ما بقي منه شيء
By the time it was evening nothing remained of the rubbish
لا يأوي إليك أحد، ولا يستظل فيك علي أيدي بني القاذر سبأ وودان
Nobody will seek shelter from you, nor rest in your shade. "I shall make you unfortified" at the hands of Banu alQadhir, Saba, and Waddan
فقد قضيت عليك أن أجعلك جلحاء يوما ما
I have determined to make you one day unfortified (and defense-less
أخربوه وشبهوك كعرشي، وتأولوا علي
They ruined it, presented you as if you were similar to My throne and made interpretations contrary to My purpose
فقام على تلها، فقال" يا قسطنطينية، ما فعل أهلك ببيتي
He stood on a hill belonging to the city and said" "O Con-stantinople, what did your people do to My House
وبعث إلى القسطنطينية نبي
Another prophet was sent to Constantinople
فبعث اللَّه نبيا على الكناسة، فقال" أبشري أورى شلم! عليك الفاروق ينقيك مما فيك
God sent a prophet to the (city buried in" rubbish and said" "Rejoice O Jerusalem (Urishalam) Al-Faruq will come to you and cleanse you
إلى أن وليت
Then you came to rule
ثم أديلت الروم عليهم
Later the Byzantines were given victory over the Persians
فبغوا على بني إسرائيل
The Persians oppressed the sons of Israel
ثم أديلوا فلم يفرغوا له حتى أغارت عليهم فارس
Then they were given another victory, but they did not attend to the temple until the Persians attacked them
فقال" إن الروم أغاروا على بني إسرائيل فأديلوا عليهم، فدفنوه
Ka‘b said" The Byzantines (Rum) attacked the sons of Israel, were given victory over them, and buried the temple
فقال" وكيف
‘Umar asked" "In what way
فقال" يا أمير المؤمنين، إنه قد تنبأ على ما صنعت اليوم نبي منذ خمسمائة سنة
Ka‘b said" "O Commander of the Faithful, five hundred years ago a prophet predicted what you have done today
علي به فأتي به
‘Umar said" "Bring him to me
فقالوا" كبر كعب وكبر الناس بتكبيره فقال
The people said""Ka‘b proclaimed 'God is most great!' and the people proclaimed it following him
وكان يكره سوء الرعة في كل شيء، فقال" ما هذا
He disliked improper behavior in any matter and said" "What is this
وسمع التكبير من خلفه
He heard behind him the proclamation "God is most great
وجثا في أصلها، وجثا في فرج من فروج قبائه
He knelt in the midst of the rubbish and put it by the handful into the lower part of his mantle
وقال" يا أيها الناس، اصنعوا كما أصنع
He said" "O people, do what I am doing
فلما صار إليهم أبرزوا بعضها، وتركوا سائرها
(When he came to the Byzantines, they had uncovered a part but left the rest "under the rubbishj
ثم قام من مصلاه إلى كناسة قد كانت الروم قد دفنت بها بيت المقدس في زمان بني إسرائيل
Then he stood up from his place of prayer and went to the rubbish in which the Ramans buried the temple {bayt al-maqdis) at the time of the sons of Israel
فجعل قبلته صدره
‘Umar made the front part of the mosque its qiblah
اذهب إليك، فإنا لم نؤمر بالصخرة، ولكنا أمرنا بالكعبة
Take care of your own affairs; we were not commanded to venerate the Rock, but we were commanded to venerate the Kacbah
بل نجعل قبلته صدره، كما جعل رسول الله ص قبله مساجدنا صدورها
Nay, we shall place the qiblah in the front of it; the Messenger of God likewise made the front part of our mosques the qiblah
فقال" قد رأيتك
‘Umar said" "I have seen you
فقال" أحببت أن أباشره بقدمي
Ka'b said" "I wanted to touch this ground with my feet
وقد رأيتك وخلعك نعليك
I have seen you taking off your shoes
فقال" ضاهيت والله اليهودية يا كعب
‘Umar said" "O Ka‘b you are imitating the Jewish religion
فقال" إلى الصخرة
Ka'b said" "Toward the Rock
فقال" أين ترى أن نجعل المصلى
'Umar said" "Where do you think we should establish the place of prayer
فأتي به
Ka'b was brought to him
فقال" علي بكعب
He said" "Bring Ka‘b to me
ثم ركع ثم انصرف
Then he prayed another raklah and went away
ثم قام، وقرأ بهم في الثانية صدر بني إسرائيل
Then he stood up and read with them in the second {rak(ah the beginning of Surat Ban! Isra’il
وسجد فيها
During the prayer he prostrated himself
فتقدم فصلى بالناس، وقرأ بهم ص
Then he moved forward, led the prayer, and recited Surat sad with the people
ولم يلبث أن طلع الفجر، فأمر المؤذن بالإقامة
It was not long before dawn broke, and then ‘Umar ordered the mu'adhdhin to sound the call for prayer
وذلك ليلا، فصلى فيه
It was at night, and he prayed there
ثم قصد المحراب، محراب داود ع
Then he turned to the mihrab, the mihrab of David, peace be upon him
فلما انفرق به الباب، قال" لبيك، اللهم لبيك، بما هو أحب إليك
When the gate was opened for him, he said" "O God, I am ready to serve you in what you love most
لما شخص عمر من الجابية إلى إيلياء، فدنا من باب المسجد، قال" ارقبوا لي كعبا
When ‘Umar came from al-Jabiyah to Jerusalem and drew near the gate of the mosque he said" "Watch out for Ka‘b on my behalf
وعن رجاء بْن حيوة، عمن شهد، قال
According to Raja’ b. Haywah—persons who were present at the event
ثم مضى نحو محراب داود، ونحن معه،فدخله ثم قرأ سجدة داود، فسجد وسجدنا معه
Then he went on toward the mihrab of David while we were with him; he entered it, recited the prostration of David and prostrated himself, and we prostrated ourselves with him
ثم مضى حتى يدخل المسجد
He then went on and entered the mosque
فسار من الجابية فاصلا حتى يقدم إيلياء
He set out from alJabiyah, leaving it behind until he came to Jerusalem
وعن أبي مريم مولى سلامة، قال" شهدت فتح إيلياء مع عمر رحمه اللَّه
According to Abu Maryam, the client of Salamah, who said" I witnessed the conquest of Jerusalem with ‘Umar
وعن أبي عثمان وأبي حارثة، قالا" افتتحت إيلياء وأرضها على يدي عمر في ربيع الآخر سنة ست عشرة
According to Abu ‘Uthman and Abu Harithah" Jerusalem and its region were conquered in the month of Rabi‘ al-Akhir of the year 16/ May 637
وفتحت إيلياء وأرضها كلها على يديه، ما خلا اجنادين فإنها فتحت على يدي عمرو، وقيسارية على يدي معاوية
Jerusalem and its entire region were conquered by ‘Umar, except for Ajnadayn, which was conquered by ‘Amr (b. al-Asi), and Caesarea, which was conquered by Mu'awiyah b. Abi Sufyan
ولم يركب برذونا قبله ولا بعده
He had not ridden a jade before that or after that
فنزل عنه، وضرب وجهه، وقال" لا علم اللَّه من علمك! هذا من الخيلاء
‘Umar dismounted, hit the jade's face, and said" "May God not teach him who taught you this sort of pride
فلما سار جعل يتخلج به
The jade moved in an unstahle manner, inclining from side to side
لما أتى عمر الشام أتي ببرذون فركبه
When ‘Umar came to Syria, he was brought a jade and rode it
وعن أبي صفية، شيخ من بني شيبان، قال
According to Abu safiyyah, an elder from Banu Shayban
فركبه، ثم سار حتى انتهى إلى بيت المقدس
He mounted his horse and rode until he reached Jerusalem
ثم دعا بفرسه بعد ما أجمه أياما يوقحه
Then he called for his horse to be brought to him, after he had left him unridden for a few days, and treated his hooves
فهزه فنزل، فضرب وجهه بردائه، ثم قال" قبح اللَّه من علمك هذا
The jade shook him, however, so ‘Umar dismounted, hit the jade's face with his mantle, and said" "May God make ugly him who taught you this