dronescapes / scripts /symlinks_from_txt_list.py
3v324v23's picture
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import shutil
import os
from argparse import ArgumentParser, Namespace
from pathlib import Path
from loggez import loggez_logger as logger
from tqdm import tqdm
def _check_and_find(dataset_dir: Path, output_path: str, scene: str, _repr: str,
stem: str, suffix: str) -> tuple[Path, Path] | None:
"""handle all weirdnesses on how we store data. VRE uses npy/x.npy, but others have different format too."""
out_file = Path(f"{output_path}/{_repr}/{scene}_{stem}{suffix}") # e:g. rgb/slanic_1.npz
if (in_path := (dataset_dir / scene / _repr / f"{stem}{suffix}")).exists(): # e.g.: slanic/rgb/1.npz
return in_path, out_file
if (in_path := (dataset_dir / scene / _repr / "npy" / f"{stem}{suffix}")).exists(): # e.g.: slanic/rgb/npy/1.npz
return in_path, out_file
int_stem = int(stem)
except ValueError:
return None
if (in_path := (dataset_dir / scene / _repr / f"{int_stem:06d}{suffix}")).exists(): # e.g.: slanic/rgb/000001.npz
return in_path, out_file
# e.g.: slanic/rgb/npy/000001.npz
if (in_path := (dataset_dir / scene / _repr / "npy" / f"{int_stem:06d}{suffix}")).exists():
return in_path, out_file
return None
def check_and_gather_all_files(dataset_dir: Path, txt_data: list[tuple[str, str]],
output_path: Path, suffix: str) -> dict[str, str]:
"""returns a {in_dir/scene/repr/stem.suffix: out_dir/repr/scene/stem.suffix} dict based on dataset_dir"""
assert f"{suffix}".startswith("."), suffix
scene_reprs = {}
symlinks_to_do = {}
for scene, stem in tqdm(txt_data, desc="Gather data"):
assert (dataset_dir / scene).exists(), f"Scene '{scene}' does not exist in '{dataset_dir}'"
if scene not in scene_reprs:
scene_reprs[scene] = [x.name for x in (dataset_dir / scene).iterdir() if x.is_dir()]
n_found = 0
for _repr in scene_reprs[scene]:
if (res := _check_and_find(dataset_dir, output_path, scene, _repr, stem, suffix)) is not None:
in_file, out_file = res
n_found += 1
symlinks_to_do[in_file] = out_file
assert n_found > 0, f"Stem '{stem}' not found in any repr ({scene_reprs[scene]}) of scene '{scene}'"
assert len(symlinks_to_do) > 0
logger.info(f"Gathered {len(symlinks_to_do)} symlinks to create")
return symlinks_to_do
def make_partitions_if_needed(symlinks_to_do: dict[str, str], partition_max_size: int) -> dict[str, str]:
"""updated from out_dir/repr/0.npz to out_dir/repr/part_0/0.npz if needed"""
symlinks_by_repr = {} # gather as {repr: {in_file: out_file}}
for k, v in symlinks_to_do.items():
_repr = v.parent.name
if _repr not in symlinks_by_repr:
symlinks_by_repr[_repr] = {}
symlinks_by_repr[_repr][k] = v
new_symlinks_to_do = {}
for _repr, repr_files in symlinks_by_repr.items():
if (count := len(repr_files)) <= partition_max_size:
new_symlinks_to_do = {**new_symlinks_to_do, **repr_files}
logger.info(f"Representation {_repr} has {count} items which > than {partition_max_size}. Partitioning.")
n_parts = (count // partition_max_size) + (count % partition_max_size != 0)
repr_files_as_tuple = tuple(repr_files.items())
for i in range(n_parts):
part = repr_files_as_tuple[i * partition_max_size: (i + 1) * partition_max_size]
for in_file, out_file in part: # add the partition subdir
new_symlinks_to_do[in_file] = out_file.parent / f"part{i}" / out_file.name
assert (a := len(new_symlinks_to_do)) == (b := len(symlinks_to_do)), (a, b)
return new_symlinks_to_do
def read_txt_data(txt_file: Path) -> list[tuple[str, str]]:
"""reads the data from the txt file with format scene/stem"""
f = open(txt_file, "r")
res = []
for row in f.readlines():
assert len(split_row := row.strip().split("/")) == 2, row
logger.info(f"Read {len(res)} paths.")
return res
def get_args() -> Namespace:
"""cli args"""
parser = ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("dataset_dir", type=lambda p: Path(p).absolute())
parser.add_argument("--txt_file", type=Path)
parser.add_argument("--output_path", "-o", type=lambda p: Path(p).absolute())
parser.add_argument("--overwrite", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("--copy_files", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("--partition_max_size", type=int, default=10000) # thanks huggingface for this
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.output_path.exists():
if args.overwrite:
logger.info(f"{args.output_path} exists and --overwrite set, deleting the directory first")
logger.info(f"{args.output_path} exists but --overwrite not set. Will skip all existing files")
assert args.dataset_dir.exists() and args.dataset_dir.is_dir(), f"'{args.dataset_dir}' doesn't exist."
assert args.txt_file.exists(), f"'{args.txt_file}' doesn't exist."
return args
def main(args: Namespace):
"""main fn"""
logger.info(f"\n- In dir: {args.dataset_dir}\n- Out dir: {args.output_path} \n- Symlinks: {not args.copy_files}")
args.output_path.mkdir(exist_ok=not args.overwrite, parents=True)
txt_data = read_txt_data(args.txt_file)
symlinks_to_do = check_and_gather_all_files(args.dataset_dir, txt_data, args.output_path, suffix=".npz")
symlinks_to_do = make_partitions_if_needed(symlinks_to_do, args.partition_max_size)
for in_file, out_file in tqdm(symlinks_to_do.items(), desc="copying" if args.copy_files else "symlinks"):
Path(out_file).parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
if Path(out_file).exists():
if args.copy_files:
shutil.copyfile(in_file, out_file, follow_symlinks=True)
rel_path = f"{os.path.relpath(in_file.parent, out_file.parent)}/{in_file.name}"
assert (pth := Path(f"{out_file.parent}/{rel_path}")).exists(), pth
os.symlink(rel_path, out_file)
if __name__ == "__main__":