Inferior to the sacrum is a variable number, usually four, of coccygeal vertebrae, which fuse into a single small triangular bone called the coccyx.
In the embryo, the vertebrae are formed intersegmentally from cells called sclerotomes, which originate from adjacent somites (Fig. 2.18). Each vertebra is derived from the cranial parts of the two somites below, one on each side, and the caudal parts of the two somites above. The spinal nerves develop segmentally and pass between the forming vertebrae.
A typical vertebra consists of a vertebral body and a posterior vertebral arch (Fig. 2.19). Extending from the vertebral arch are a number of processes for muscle attachment and articulation with adjacent bone.
The vertebral body is the weight-bearing part of the vertebra and is linked to adjacent vertebral bodies by intervertebral discs and ligaments. The size of vertebral bodies increases inferiorly as the amount of weight supported increases.
The vertebral arch forms the lateral and posterior parts of the vertebral foramen.
The vertebral foramina of all the vertebrae together form the vertebral canal, which contains and protects the spinal cord. Superiorly, the vertebral canal is continuous, through the foramen magnum of the skull, with the cranial cavity of the head.
The vertebral arch of each vertebra consists of pedicles and laminae (Fig. 2.19):
The two pedicles are bony pillars that attach the vertebral arch to the vertebral body.
The two laminae are flat sheets of bone that extend from each pedicle to meet in the midline and form the roof of the vertebral arch.
A spinous process projects posteriorly and inferiorly from the junction of the two laminae and is a site for muscle and ligament attachment.
A transverse process extends posterolaterally from the junction of the pedicle and lamina on each side and is a site for muscle and ligament attachment, and for articulation with ribs in the thoracic region.
Also projecting from the region where the pedicles join the laminae are superior and inferior articular processes (Fig. 2.19), which articulate with the inferior and superior articular processes, respectively, of adjacent vertebrae.
Between the vertebral body and the origin of the articular processes, each pedicle is notched on its superior and inferior surfaces. These superior and inferior vertebral notches participate in forming intervertebral foramina.
The seven cervical vertebrae are characterized by their small size and by the presence of a foramen in each transverse process. A typical cervical vertebra has the following features (Fig. 2.20A):
The vertebral body is short in height and square shaped when viewed from above and has a concave superior surface and a convex inferior surface.
Each transverse process is trough shaped and perforated by a round foramen transversarium.
The spinous process is short and bifid.The vertebral foramen is triangular.The first and second cervical vertebrae—the atlas and axis—are specialized to accommodate movement of the head.
Vertebra CI (the atlas) articulates with the head (Fig. 2.21). Its major distinguishing feature is that it lacks a vertebral body (Fig. 2.20B). In fact, the vertebral body of CI fuses onto the body of CII during development to become the dens of CII. As a result, there is no intervertebral disc between CI and CII. When viewed from above, the atlas is ring shaped and composed of two lateral masses interconnected by an anterior arch and a posterior arch.
Each lateral mass articulates above with an occipital condyle of the skull and below with the superior articular process of vertebra CII (the axis). The superior articular surfaces are bean shaped and concave, whereas the inferior articular surfaces are almost circular and flat.
The atlanto-occipital joint allows the head to nod up and down on the vertebral column.
The posterior surface of the anterior arch has an articular facet for the dens, which projects superiorly from the vertebral body of the axis. The dens is held in position by a strong transverse ligament of atlas posterior to it and spanning the distance between the oval attachment facets on the medial surfaces of the lateral masses of the atlas.
The dens acts as a pivot that allows the atlas and attached head to rotate on the axis, side to side.
The transverse processes of the atlas are large and protrude further laterally than those of the other cervical vertebrae and act as levers for muscle action, particularly for muscles that move the head at the atlanto-axial joints.
The axis is characterized by the large tooth-like dens, which extends superiorly from the vertebral body (Figs. 2.20B and 2.21). The anterior surface of the dens has an oval facet for articulation with the anterior arch of the atlas.
The two superolateral surfaces of the dens possess circular impressions that serve as attachment sites for strong alar ligaments, one on each side, which connect the dens to the medial surfaces of the occipital condyles. These alar ligaments check excessive rotation of the head and atlas relative to the axis.
The twelve thoracic vertebrae are all characterized by their articulation with ribs. A typical thoracic vertebra has two partial facets (superior and inferior costal facets) on each side of the vertebral body for articulation with the head of its own rib and the head of the rib below (Fig. 2.20C). The superior costal facet is much larger than the inferior costal facet.
Each transverse process also has a facet (transverse costal facet) for articulation with the tubercle of its own rib. The vertebral body of the vertebra is somewhat heart shaped when viewed from above, and the vertebral foramen is circular.
The five lumbar vertebrae are distinguished from vertebrae in other regions by their large size (Fig. 2.20D). Also, they lack facets for articulation with ribs. The transverse processes are generally thin and long, with the exception of those on vertebra LV, which are massive and somewhat cone shaped for the attachment of iliolumbar ligaments to connect the transverse processes to the pelvic bones.
The vertebral body of a typical lumbar vertebra is cylindrical and the vertebral foramen is triangular in shape and larger than in the thoracic vertebrae.
The sacrum is a single bone that represents the five fused sacral vertebrae (Fig. 2.20E). It is triangular in shape with the apex pointed inferiorly, and is curved so that it has a concave anterior surface and a correspondingly convex posterior surface. It articulates above with vertebra LV and below with the coccyx. It has two large L-shaped facets, one on each lateral surface, for articulation with the pelvic bones.
The posterior surface of the sacrum has four pairs of posterior sacral foramina, and the anterior surface has four pairs of anterior sacral foramina for the passage of the posterior and anterior rami, respectively, of S1 to S4 spinal nerves.
The posterior wall of the vertebral canal may be incomplete near the inferior end of the sacrum.
The coccyx is a small triangular bone that articulates with the inferior end of the sacrum and represents three to four fused coccygeal vertebrae (Fig. 2.20F). It is characterized by its small size and by the absence of vertebral arches and therefore a vertebral canal.
Intervertebral foramina are formed on each side between adjacent parts of vertebrae and associated intervertebral discs (Fig. 2.22). The foramina allow structures, such as spinal nerves and blood vessels, to pass in and out of the vertebral canal.
An intervertebral foramen is formed by the inferior vertebral notch on the pedicle of the vertebra above and the superior vertebral notch on the pedicle of the vertebra below. The foramen is bordered: posteriorly by the zygapophysial joint between the articular processes of the two vertebrae, and anteriorly by the intervertebral disc and adjacent vertebral bodies.
Each intervertebral foramen is a confined space surrounded by bone and ligament, and by joints. Pathology in any of these structures, and in the surrounding muscles, can affect structures within the foramen.
In most regions of the vertebral column, the laminae and spinous processes of adjacent vertebrae overlap to form a reasonably complete bony dorsal wall for the vertebral canal. However, in the lumbar region, large gaps exist between the posterior components of adjacent vertebral arches (Fig. 2.23). These gaps between adjacent laminae and spinous processes become increasingly wide from vertebra LI to vertebra LV. The spaces can be widened further by flexion of the vertebral column. These gaps allow relatively easy access to the vertebral canal for clinical procedures.
Joints between vertebrae in the backThe two major types of joints between vertebrae are: symphyses between vertebral bodies (Fig. 2.31), and synovial joints between articular processes (Fig. 2.32).
A typical vertebra has a total of six joints with adjacent vertebrae: four synovial joints (two above and two below) and two symphyses (one above and one below). Each symphysis includes an intervertebral disc.
Although the movement between any two vertebrae is limited, the summation of movement among all vertebrae results in a large range of movement by the vertebral column.
Movements by the vertebral column include flexion, extension, lateral flexion, rotation, and circumduction.
Movements by vertebrae in a specific region (cervical, thoracic, and lumbar) are determined by the shape and orientation of joint surfaces on the articular processes and on the vertebral bodies.
The symphysis between adjacent vertebral bodies is formed by a layer of hyaline cartilage on each vertebral body and an intervertebral disc, which lies between the layers.
The intervertebral disc consists of an outer anulus fibrosus, which surrounds a central nucleus pulposus (Fig. 2.31).
The anulus fibrosus consists of an outer ring of collagen surrounding a wider zone of fibrocartilage arranged in a lamellar configuration. This arrangement of fibers limits rotation between vertebrae.
The nucleus pulposus fills the center of the intervertebral disc, is gelatinous, and absorbs compression forces between vertebrae.
Degenerative changes in the anulus fibrosus can lead to herniation of the nucleus pulposus. Posterolateral herniation can impinge on the roots of a spinal nerve in the intervertebral foramen.
The synovial joints between superior and inferior articular processes on adjacent vertebrae are the zygapophysial joints (Fig. 2.32). A thin articular capsule attached to the margins of the articular facets encloses each joint.
In cervical regions, the zygapophysial joints slope inferiorly from anterior to posterior and their shape facilitates flexion and extension. In thoracic regions, the joints are oriented vertically and their shape limits flexion and extension, but facilitates rotation. In lumbar regions, the joint surfaces are curved and adjacent processes interlock, thereby limiting range of movement, though flexion and extension are still major movements in the lumbar region.
The lateral margins of the upper surfaces of typical cervical vertebrae are elevated into crests or lips termed uncinate processes. These may articulate with the body of the vertebra above to form small “uncovertebral” synovial joints (Fig. 2.33).
Joints between vertebrae are reinforced and supported by numerous ligaments, which pass between vertebral bodies and interconnect components of the vertebral arches.
The anterior and posterior longitudinal ligaments are on the anterior and posterior surfaces of the vertebral bodies and extend along most of the vertebral column (Fig. 2.35).
The anterior longitudinal ligament is attached superiorly to the base of the skull and extends inferiorly to attach to the anterior surface of the sacrum. Along its length it is attached to the vertebral bodies and intervertebral discs.
The posterior longitudinal ligament is on the posterior surfaces of the vertebral bodies and lines the anterior surface of the vertebral canal. Like the anterior longitudinal ligament, it is attached along its length to the vertebral bodies and intervertebral discs. The upper part of the posterior longitudinal ligament that connects CII to the intracranial aspect of the base of the skull is termed the tectorial membrane (see Fig. 2.20B).
The ligamenta flava, on each side, pass between the laminae of adjacent vertebrae (Fig. 2.36). These thin, broad ligaments consist predominantly of elastic tissue and form part of the posterior surface of the vertebral canal. Each ligamentum flavum runs between the posterior surface of the lamina on the vertebra below to the anterior surface of the lamina of the vertebra above. The ligamenta flava resist separation of the laminae in flexion and assist in extension back to the anatomical position.
The supraspinous ligament connects and passes along the tips of the vertebral spinous processes from vertebra CVII to the sacrum (Fig. 2.37). From vertebra CVII to the skull, the ligament becomes structurally distinct from more caudal parts of the ligament and is called the ligamentum nuchae.
The ligamentum nuchae is a triangular, sheet-like structure in the median sagittal plane:
The base of the triangle is attached to the skull, from the external occipital protuberance to the foramen magnum.
The apex is attached to the tip of the spinous process of vertebra CVII.
The deep side of the triangle is attached to the posterior tubercle of vertebra CI and the spinous processes of the other cervical vertebrae.
The ligamentum nuchae supports the head. It resists flexion and facilitates returning the head to the anatomical position. The broad lateral surfaces and the posterior edge of the ligament provide attachment for adjacent muscles.
Interspinous ligaments pass between adjacent vertebral spinous processes (Fig. 2.38). They attach from the base to the apex of each spinous process and blend with the supraspinous ligament posteriorly and the ligamenta flava anteriorly on each side.
Muscles of the back are organized into superficial, intermediate, and deep groups.
Muscles in the superficial and intermediate groups are extrinsic muscles because they originate embryologically from locations other than the back. They are innervated by anterior rami of spinal nerves:
The superficial group consists of muscles related to and involved in movements of the upper limb.
The intermediate group consists of muscles attached to the ribs and may serve a respiratory function.
Muscles of the deep group are intrinsic muscles because they develop in the back. They are innervated by posterior rami of spinal nerves and are directly related to movements of the vertebral column and head.
Superficial group of back musclesThe muscles in the superficial group are immediately deep to the skin and superficial fascia (Figs. 2.42 to 2.45). They attach the superior part of the appendicular skeleton (clavicle, scapula, and humerus) to the axial skeleton (skull, ribs, and vertebral column). Because these muscles are primarily involved with movements of this part of the appendicular skeleton, they are sometimes referred to as the appendicular group.
Muscles in the superficial group include the trapezius, latissimus dorsi, rhomboid major, rhomboid minor, and levator scapulae. The rhomboid major, rhomboid minor, and levator scapulae muscles are located deep to the trapezius muscle in the superior part of the back.
Each trapezius muscle is flat and triangular, with the base of the triangle situated along the vertebral column (the muscle’s origin) and the apex pointing toward the tip of the shoulder (the muscle’s insertion) (Fig. 2.43 and Table 2.1). The muscles on both sides together form a trapezoid.
The superior fibers of the trapezius, from the skull and upper portion of the vertebral column, descend to attach to the lateral third of the clavicle and to the acromion of the scapula. Contraction of these fibers elevates the scapula. In addition, the superior and inferior fibers work together to rotate the lateral aspect of the scapula upward, which needs to occur when raising the upper limb above the head.
Motor innervation of the trapezius is by the accessory nerve [XI], which descends from the neck onto the deep surface of the muscle (Fig. 2.44). Proprioceptive fibers from the trapezius pass in the branches of the cervical plexus and enter the spinal cord at spinal cord levels C3 and C4.
The blood supply to the trapezius is from the superficial branch of the transverse cervical artery, the acromial branch of the suprascapular artery, and the dorsal branches of posterior intercostal arteries.
Latissimus dorsi is a large, flat triangular muscle that begins in the lower portion of the back and tapers as it ascends to a narrow tendon that attaches to the humerus anteriorly (Figs. 2.42 to 2.45 and Table 2.1). As a result, movements associated with this muscle include extension, adduction, and medial rotation of the upper limb. The latissimus dorsi can also depress the shoulder, preventing its upward movement.
The thoracodorsal nerve of the brachial plexus innervates the latissimus dorsi muscle. Associated with this nerve is the thoracodorsal artery, which is the primary blood supply of the muscle. Additional small arteries come from dorsal branches of posterior intercostal and lumbar arteries.
Levator scapulae is a slender muscle that descends from the transverse processes of the upper cervical vertebrae to the upper portion of the scapula on its medial border at the superior angle (Figs. 2.43 and 2.45 and Table 2.1). It elevates the scapula and may assist other muscles in rotating the lateral aspect of the scapula inferiorly.
The levator scapulae is innervated by branches from the anterior rami of spinal nerves C3 and C4 and the dorsal scapular nerve, and its arterial supply consists of branches primarily from the transverse and ascending cervical arteries.
The two rhomboid muscles are inferior to levator scapulae (Fig. 2.45 and Table 2.1). Rhomboid minor is superior to rhomboid major, and is a small, cylindrical muscle that arises from the ligamentum nuchae of the neck and the spinous processes of vertebrae CVII and TI and attaches to the medial scapular border opposite the root of the spine of the scapula.
The larger rhomboid major originates from the spinous processes of the upper thoracic vertebrae and attaches to the medial scapular border inferior to rhomboid minor.
The two rhomboid muscles work together to retract or pull the scapula toward the vertebral column. With other muscles they may also rotate the lateral aspect of the scapula inferiorly.
The dorsal scapular nerve, a branch of the brachial plexus, innervates both rhomboid muscles (Fig. 2.46).
Intermediate group of back musclesThe muscles in the intermediate group of back muscles consist of two thin muscular sheets in the superior and inferior regions of the back, immediately deep to the muscles in the superficial group (Fig. 2.47 and Table 2.2). Fibers from these two serratus posterior muscles (serratus posterior superior and serratus posterior inferior) pass obliquely outward from the vertebral column to attach to the ribs. This positioning suggests a respiratory function, and at times, these muscles have been referred to as the respiratory group.
Serratus posterior superior is deep to the rhomboid muscles, whereas serratus posterior inferior is deep to the latissimus dorsi. Both serratus posterior muscles are attached to the vertebral column and associated structures medially, and either descend (the fibers of the serratus posterior superior) or ascend (the fibers of the serratus posterior inferior) to attach to the ribs. These two muscles therefore elevate and depress the ribs.
The serratus posterior muscles are innervated by segmental branches of anterior rami of intercostal nerves. Their vascular supply is provided by a similar segmental pattern through the intercostal arteries.
Deep group of back musclesThe deep or intrinsic muscles of the back extend from the pelvis to the skull and are innervated by segmental branches of the posterior rami of spinal nerves. They include: the extensors and rotators of the head and neck— the splenius capitis and cervicis (spinotransversales muscles), the extensors and rotators of the vertebral column—the erector spinae and transversospinales, and the short segmental muscles—the interspinales and intertransversarii.
The vascular supply to this deep group of muscles is through branches of the vertebral, deep cervical, occipital, transverse cervical, posterior intercostal, subcostal, lumbar, and lateral sacral arteries.
The thoracolumbar fascia covers the deep muscles of the back and trunk (Fig. 2.48). This fascial layer is critical to the overall organization and integrity of the region:
Superiorly, it passes anteriorly to the serratus posterior muscle and is continuous with deep fascia in the neck.
In the thoracic region, it covers the deep muscles and separates them from the muscles in the superficial and intermediate groups.
Medially, it attaches to the spinous processes of the thoracic vertebrae and, laterally, to the angles of the ribs.
The medial attachments of the latissimus dorsi and serratus posterior inferior muscles blend into the thoracolumbar fascia. In the lumbar region, the thoracolumbar fascia consists of three layers:
The posterior layer is thick and is attached to the spinous processes of the lumbar vertebrae and sacral vertebrae and to the supraspinous ligament—from these attachments, it extends laterally to cover the erector spinae.
The middle layer is attached medially to the tips of the transverse processes of the lumbar vertebrae and intertransverse ligaments—inferiorly, it is attached to the iliac crest and, superiorly, to the lower border of rib XII.
The anterior layer covers the anterior surface of the quadratus lumborum muscle (a muscle of the posterior abdominal wall) and is attached medially to the transverse processes of the lumbar vertebrae—inferiorly, it is attached to the iliac crest and, superiorly, it forms the lateral arcuate ligament for attachment of the diaphragm.
The posterior and middle layers of the thoracolumbar fascia come together at the lateral margin of the erector spinae (Fig. 2.48). At the lateral border of the quadratus lumborum, the anterior layer joins them and forms the aponeurotic origin for the transversus abdominis muscle of the abdominal wall.
The two spinotransversales muscles run from the spinous processes and ligamentum nuchae upward and laterally (Fig. 2.49 and Table 2.3):
The splenius capitis is a broad muscle attached to the occipital bone and mastoid process of the temporal bone.
The splenius cervicis is a narrow muscle attached to the transverse processes of the upper cervical vertebrae.
Together the spinotransversales muscles draw the head backward, extending the neck. Individually, each muscle rotates the head to one side—the same side as the contracting muscle.
The erector spinae is the largest group of intrinsic back muscles. The muscles lie posterolaterally to the vertebral column between the spinous processes medially and the angles of the ribs laterally. They are covered in the thoracic and lumbar regions by thoracolumbar fascia and the serratus posterior inferior, rhomboid, and splenius muscles. The mass arises from a broad, thick tendon attached to the sacrum, the spinous processes of the lumbar and lower thoracic vertebrae, and the iliac crest (Fig. 2.50 and Table 2.4). It divides in the upper lumbar region into three vertical columns of muscle, each of which is further subdivided regionally (lumborum, thoracis, cervicis, and capitis), depending on where the muscles attach superiorly.