After a fracture has occurred, the natural response is to heal the fracture. Between the fracture margins a blood clot is formed into which new vessels grow. A jelly-like matrix is formed, and further migration of collagen-producing cells occurs. On this soft tissue framework, calcium hydroxyapatite is produced by osteoblasts and forms insoluble crystals, and then bone matrix is laid down. As more bone is produced, a callus can be demonstrated forming across the fracture site.
Treatment of fractures requires a fracture line reduction. If this cannot be maintained in a plaster of Paris cast, it may require internal or external fixation with screws and metal rods (Fig. 1.16B).
In the clinicAvascular necrosis is cellular death of bone resulting from a temporary or permanent loss of blood supply to that bone. Avascular necrosis may occur in a variety of medical conditions, some of which have an etiology that is less than clear. A typical site for avascular necrosis is a fracture across the femoral neck in an elderly patient. In these patients there is loss of continuity of the cortical medullary blood flow with loss of blood flow deep to the retinacular fibers. This essentially renders the femoral head bloodless; it subsequently undergoes necrosis and collapses (Fig. 1.17). In these patients it is necessary to replace the femoral head with a prosthesis.
In the clinicAs the skeleton develops, there are stages of intense growth typically around the ages of 7 to 10 years and later in puberty. These growth spurts are associated with increased cellular activity around the growth plate between the head and shaft of a bone. This increase in activity renders the growth plates more vulnerable to injuries, which may occur from dislocation across a growth plate or fracture through a growth plate. Occasionally an injury may result in growth plate compression, destroying that region of the growth plate, which may result in asymmetrical growth across that joint region. All fractures across the growth plate must be treated with care and expediency, requiring fracture reduction.
In the clinicDegenerative joint disease is commonly known as osteoarthritis or osteoarthrosis. The disorder is related to aging but not caused by aging. Typically there are decreases in water and proteoglycan content within the cartilage. The cartilage becomes more fragile and more susceptible to mechanical disruption (Fig. 1.22). As the cartilage wears, the underlying bone becomes fissured and also thickens. Synovial fluid may be forced into small cracks that appear in the bone’s surface, which produces large cysts. Furthermore, reactive juxta-articular bony nodules are formed (osteophytes) (Fig. 1.23). As these processes occur, there is slight deformation, which alters the biomechanical forces through the joint. This in turn creates abnormal stresses, which further disrupt the joint.
In the United States, osteoarthritis accounts for up to one-quarter of primary health care visits and is regarded as a significant problem.
The etiology of osteoarthritis is not clear; however, osteoarthritis can occur secondary to other joint diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis and infection. Overuse of joints and abnormal strains, such as those experienced by people who play sports, often cause one to be more susceptible to chronic joint osteoarthritis.
Various treatments are available, including weight reduction, proper exercise, anti-inflammatory drug treatment, and joint replacement (Fig. 1.24).
Arthroscopy is a technique of visualizing the inside of a joint using a small telescope placed through a tiny incision in the skin. Arthroscopy can be performed in most joints. However, it is most commonly performed in the knee, shoulder, ankle, and hip joints.
Arthroscopy allows the surgeon to view the inside of the joint and its contents. Notably, in the knee, the menisci and the ligaments are easily seen, and it is possible using separate puncture sites and specific instruments to remove the menisci and replace the cruciate ligaments. The advantages of arthroscopy are that it is performed through small incisions, it enables patients to quickly recover and return to normal activity, and it only requires either a light anesthetic or regional anesthesia during the procedure.
In the clinicJoint replacement is undertaken for a variety of reasons. These predominantly include degenerative joint disease and joint destruction. Joints that have severely degenerated or lack their normal function are painful. In some patients, the pain may be so severe that it prevents them from leaving the house and undertaking even the smallest of activities without discomfort.
Large joints are commonly affected, including the hip, knee, and shoulder. However, with ongoing developments in joint replacement materials and surgical techniques, even small joints of the fingers can be replaced.
Typically, both sides of the joint are replaced; in the hip joint the acetabulum will be reamed, and a plastic or metal cup will be introduced. The femoral component will be fitted precisely to the femur and cemented in place (Fig. 1.25).
Most patients derive significant benefit from joint replacement and continue to lead an active life afterward. In a minority of patients who have been fitted with a metal acetabular cup and metal femoral component, an aseptic lymphocyte-dominated vasculitis-associated lesion (ALVAL) may develop, possibly caused by a hypersensitivity response to the release of metal ions in adjacent tissues. These patients often have chronic pain and might need additional surgery to replace these joint replacements with safer models.
In the clinicThe importance of fasciasA fascia is a thin band of tissue that surrounds muscles, bones, organs, nerves, and blood vessels and often remains uninterrupted as a 3D structure between tissues. It provides important support for tissues and can provide a boundary between structures.
Clinically, fascias are extremely important because they often limit the spread of infection and malignant disease. When infections or malignant diseases cross a fascial plain, a primary surgical clearance may require a far more extensive dissection to render the area free of tumor or infection.
A typical example of the clinical importance of a fascial layer would be of that covering the psoas muscle. Infection within an intervertebral body secondary to tuberculosis can pass laterally into the psoas muscle. Pus fills the psoas muscle but is limited from further spread by the psoas fascia, which surrounds the muscle and extends inferiorly into the groin pointing below the inguinal ligament.
In the clinicPlacement of skin incisions and scarringSurgical skin incisions are ideally placed along or parallel to Langer’s lines, which are lines of skin tension that correspond to the orientation of the dermal collagen fibers. They tend to run in the same direction as the underlying muscle fibers and incisions that are made along these lines tend to heal better with less scarring. In contrast, incisions made perpendicular to Langer’s lines are more likely to heal with a prominent scar and in some severe cases can lead to raised, firm, hypertrophic, or keloid, scars.
In the clinicMuscle paralysis is the inability to move a specific muscle or muscle group and may be associated with other neurological abnormalities, including loss of sensation. Major causes include stroke, trauma, poliomyelitis, and iatrogenic factors. Paralysis may be due to abnormalities in the brain, the spinal cord, and the nerves supplying the muscles.
In the long term, muscle paralysis will produce secondary muscle wasting and overall atrophy of the region due to disuse.
In the clinicMuscle atrophy is a wasting disorder of muscle. It can be produced by a variety of causes, which include nerve damage to the muscle and disuse.
Muscle atrophy is an important problem in patients who have undergone long-term rest or disuse, requiring extensive rehabilitation and muscle building exercises to maintain normal activities of daily living.
In the clinicMuscle injuries and strains tend to occur in specific muscle groups and usually are related to a sudden exertion and muscle disruption. They typically occur in athletes.
Muscle tears may involve a small interstitial injury up to a complete muscle disruption (Fig. 1.26). It is important to identify which muscle groups are affected and the extent of the tear to facilitate treatment and obtain a prognosis, which will determine the length of rehabilitation necessary to return to normal activity.
In the clinicAtherosclerosis is a disease that affects arteries. There is a chronic inflammatory reaction in the walls of the arteries, with deposition of cholesterol and fatty proteins. This may in turn lead to secondary calcification, with reduction in the diameter of the vessels impeding distal flow. The plaque itself may be a site for attraction of platelets that may “fall off” (embolize) distally. Plaque fissuring may occur, which allows fresh clots to form and occlude the vessel.
The importance of atherosclerosis and its effects depend upon which vessel is affected. If atherosclerosis occurs in the carotid artery, small emboli may form and produce a stroke. In the heart, plaque fissuring may produce an acute vessel thrombosis, producing a myocardial infarction (heart attack). In the legs, chronic narrowing of vessels may limit the ability of the patient to walk and ultimately cause distal ischemia and gangrene of the toes.
In the clinicVaricose veins are tortuous dilated veins that typically occur in the legs, although they may occur in the superficial veins of the arm and in other organs.
In normal individuals the movement of adjacent leg muscles pumps the blood in the veins to the heart. Blood is also pumped from the superficial veins through the investing layer of fascia of the leg into the deep veins. Valves in these perforating veins may become damaged, allowing blood to pass in the opposite direction. This increased volume and pressure produces dilatation and tortuosity of the superficial veins (Fig. 1.27). Apart from the unsightliness of larger veins, the skin may become pigmented and atrophic with a poor response to tissue trauma. In some patients even small trauma may produce skin ulceration, which requires elevation of the limb and application of pressure bandages to heal.
Treatment of varicose veins depends on their location, size, and severity. Typically the superficial varicose veins can be excised and stripped, allowing blood only to drain into the deep system.
In the clinicAll organs require a blood supply from the arteries and drainage by veins. Within most organs there are multiple ways of perfusing the tissue such that if the main vessel feeding the organ or vein draining the organ is blocked, a series of smaller vessels (collateral vessels) continue to supply and drain the organ.
In certain circumstances, organs have more than one vessel perfusing them, such as the hand, which is supplied by the radial and ulnar arteries. Loss of either the radial or the ulnar artery may not produce any symptoms of reduced perfusion to the hand.
There are circumstances in which loss of a vein produces significant venous collateralization. Some of these venous collaterals become susceptible to bleeding. This is a considerable problem in patients who have undergone portal vein thrombosis or occlusion, where venous drainage from the gut bypasses the liver through collateral veins to return to the systemic circulation.
Normal vascular anastomoses associated with an organ are important. Some organs, such as the duodenum, have a dual blood supply arising from the branches of the celiac trunk and also from the branches of the superior mesenteric artery. Should either of these vessels be damaged, blood supply will be maintained to the organ. The brain has multiple vessels supplying it, dominated by the carotid arteries and the vertebral arteries. Vessels within the brain are end arteries and have a poor collateral circulation; hence any occlusion will produce long-term cerebral damage.
In the clinicLymph nodes are efficient filters and have an internal honeycomb of reticular connective tissue filled with lymphocytes. These lymphocytes act on bacteria, viruses, and other bodily cells to destroy them. Lymph nodes tend to drain specific areas, and if infection occurs within a drainage area, the lymph node will become active. The rapid cell turnover and production of local inflammatory mediators may cause the node to enlarge and become tender. Similarly, in patients with malignancy the lymphatics may drain metastasizing cells to the lymph nodes. These can become enlarged and inflamed and will need to be removed if clinically symptomatic.
Lymph nodes may become diffusely enlarged in certain systemic illnesses (e.g., viral infection), or local groups may become enlarged with primary lymph node malignancies, such as lymphoma (Fig. 1.31).
In the clinicA knowledge of dermatomes and myotomes is absolutely fundamental to carrying out a neurological examination. A typical dermatome map is shown in Fig. 1.38.
Clinically, a dermatome is that area of skin supplied by a single spinal nerve or spinal cord level. A myotome is that region of skeletal muscle innervated by a single spinal nerve or spinal cord level. Most individual muscles of the body are innervated by more than one spinal cord level, so the evaluation of myotomes is usually accomplished by testing movements of joints or muscle groups.
In the clinicReferred pain occurs when sensory information comes to the spinal cord from one location but is interpreted by the CNS as coming from another location innervated by the same spinal cord level. Usually, this happens when the pain information comes from a region, such as the gut, which has a low amount of sensory output. These afferents converge on neurons at the same spinal cord level that receive information from the skin, which is an area with a high amount of sensory output. As a result, pain from the normally low output region is interpreted as coming from the normally high output region.
Pain is most often referred from a region innervated by the visceral part of the nervous system to a region innervated, at the same spinal cord level, by the somatic side of the nervous system.
to another. For example, irritation of the peritoneum on the inferior surface of the diaphragm, which is innervated by the phrenic nerve, can be referred to the skin on the top of the shoulder, which is innervated by other somatic nerves arising at the same spinal cord level.
A young man sought medical care because of central abdominal pain that was diffuse and colicky. After some hours, the pain began to localize in the right iliac fossa and became constant. He was referred to an abdominal surgeon, who removed a grossly inflamed appendix. The patient made an uneventful recovery.
When the appendix becomes inflamed, the visceral sensory fibers are stimulated. These fibers enter the spinal cord with the sympathetic fibers at spinal cord level T10. The pain is referred to the dermatome of T10, which is in the umbilical region (Fig. 1.50). The pain is diffuse, not focal; every time a peristaltic wave passes through the ileocecal region, the pain recurs. This intermittent type of pain is referred to as colic.
In the later stages of the disease, the appendix contacts and irritates the parietal peritoneum in the right iliac fossa, which is innervated by somatic sensory nerves. This produces a constant focal pain, which predominates over the colicky pain that the patient felt some hours previously. The patient no longer interprets the referred pain from the T10 dermatome.
Although this is a typical history for appendicitis, it should always be borne in mind that the patient’s symptoms and signs may vary. The appendix is situated in a retrocecal position in approximately 70% of patients; therefore it may never contact the parietal peritoneum anteriorly in the right iliac fossa. It is also possible that the appendix is long and may directly contact other structures. As a consequence, the patient may have other symptoms (e.g., the appendix may contact the ureter, and the patient may then develop urological symptoms).
Although appendicitis is common, other disorders, for example of the bowel and pelvis, may produce similar symptoms.
The BodyIn the clinic—cont’dThe back consists of the posterior aspect of the body and provides the musculoskeletal axis of support for the trunk. Bony elements consist mainly of the vertebrae, although proximal elements of the ribs, superior aspects of the pelvic bones, and posterior basal regions of the skull contribute to the back’s skeletal framework (Fig. 2.1).
Associated muscles interconnect the vertebrae and ribs with each other and with the pelvis and skull. The back contains the spinal cord and proximal parts of the spinal nerves, which send and receive information to and from most of the body.
The skeletal and muscular elements of the back support the body’s weight, transmit forces through the pelvis to the lower limbs, carry and position the head, and brace and help maneuver the upper limbs. The vertebral column is positioned posteriorly in the body at the midline. When viewed laterally, it has a number of curvatures (Fig. 2.2):
The primary curvature of the vertebral column is concave anteriorly, reflecting the original shape of the embryo, and is retained in the thoracic and sacral regions in adults.
Secondary curvatures, which are concave posteriorly, form in the cervical and lumbar regions and bring the center of gravity into a vertical line, which allows the body’s weight to be balanced on the vertebral column in a way that expends the least amount of muscular energy to maintain an upright bipedal stance.
As stresses on the back increase from the cervical to lumbar regions, lower back problems are common.
Muscles of the back consist of extrinsic and intrinsic groups:
The extrinsic muscles of the back move the upper limbs and the ribs.
The intrinsic muscles of the back maintain posture and move the vertebral column; these movements include flexion (anterior bending), extension, lateral flexion, and rotation (Fig. 2.3).
Although the amount of movement between any two vertebrae is limited, the effects between vertebrae are additive along the length of the vertebral column. Also, freedom of movement and extension are limited in the thoracic region relative to the lumbar part of the vertebral column. Muscles in more anterior regions flex the vertebral column.
In the cervical region, the first two vertebrae and associated muscles are specifically modified to support and position the head. The head flexes and extends, in the nodding motion, on vertebra CI, and rotation of the head occurs as vertebra CI moves on vertebra CII (Fig. 2.3).
Protection of the nervous systemThe vertebral column and associated soft tissues of the back contain the spinal cord and proximal parts of the spinal nerves (Fig. 2.4). The more distal parts of the spinal nerves pass into all other regions of the body, including certain regions of the head.
The major bones of the back are the 33 vertebrae (Fig. 2.5). The number and specific characteristics of the vertebrae vary depending on the body region with which they are associated. There are seven cervical, twelve thoracic, five lumbar, five sacral, and three to four coccygeal vertebrae. The sacral vertebrae fuse into a single bony element, the sacrum. The coccygeal vertebrae are rudimentary in structure, vary in number from three to four, and often fuse into a single coccyx.
A typical vertebra consists of a vertebral body and a vertebral arch (Fig. 2.6).
The vertebral body is anterior and is the major weightbearing component of the bone. It increases in size from vertebra CII to vertebra LV. Fibrocartilaginous intervertebral discs separate the vertebral bodies of adjacent vertebrae.
The vertebral arch is firmly anchored to the posterior surface of the vertebral body by two pedicles, which form the lateral pillars of the vertebral arch. The roof of the vertebral arch is formed by right and left laminae, which fuse at the midline.
The vertebral arches of the vertebrae are aligned to form the lateral and posterior walls of the vertebral canal, which extends from the first cervical vertebra (CI) to the last sacral vertebra (vertebra SV). This bony canal contains the spinal cord and its protective membranes, together with blood vessels, connective tissue, fat, and proximal parts of spinal nerves.
The vertebral arch of a typical vertebra has a number of characteristic projections, which serve as: attachments for muscles and ligaments, levers for the action of muscles, and sites of articulation with adjacent vertebrae.
A spinous process projects posteriorly and generally inferiorly from the roof of the vertebral arch.
On each side of the vertebral arch, a transverse process extends laterally from the region where a lamina meets a pedicle. From the same region, a superior articular process and an inferior articular process articulate with similar processes on adjacent vertebrae.
Each vertebra also contains rib elements. In the thorax, these costal elements are large and form ribs, which articulate with the vertebral bodies and transverse processes.
In all other regions, these rib elements are small and are incorporated into the transverse processes. Occasionally, they develop into ribs in regions other than the thorax, usually in the lower cervical and upper lumbar regions.
Muscles in the back can be classified as extrinsic or intrinsic based on their embryological origin and type of innervation (Fig. 2.7).
The extrinsic muscles are involved with movements of the upper limbs and thoracic wall and, in general, are innervated by anterior rami of spinal nerves. The superficial group of these muscles is related to the upper limbs, while the intermediate layer of muscles is associated with the thoracic wall.
All of the intrinsic muscles of the back are deep in position and are innervated by the posterior rami of spinal nerves. They support and move the vertebral column and participate in moving the head. One group of intrinsic muscles also moves the ribs relative to the vertebral column.
The spinal cord lies within a bony canal formed by adjacent vertebrae and soft tissue elements (the vertebral canal) (Fig. 2.8):
The anterior wall is formed by the vertebral bodies of the vertebrae, intervertebral discs, and associated ligaments.
The lateral walls and roof are formed by the vertebral arches and ligaments.
Within the vertebral canal, the spinal cord is surrounded by a series of three connective tissue membranes (the meninges):
The pia mater is the innermost membrane and is intimately associated with the surface of the spinal cord.
The second membrane, the arachnoid mater, is separated from the pia by the subarachnoid space, which contains cerebrospinal fluid.
The thickest and most external of the membranes, the dura mater, lies directly against, but is not attached to, the arachnoid mater.
In the vertebral canal, the dura mater is separated from surrounding bone by an extradural (epidural) space containing loose connective tissue, fat, and a venous plexus.
The 31 pairs of spinal nerves are segmental in distribution and emerge from the vertebral canal between the pedicles of adjacent vertebrae. There are eight pairs of cervical nerves (C1 to C8), twelve thoracic (T1 to T12), five lumbar (L1 to L5), five sacral (S1 to S5), and one coccygeal (Co). Each nerve is attached to the spinal cord by a posterior root and an anterior root (Fig. 2.9).
After exiting the vertebral canal, each spinal nerve branches into: a posterior ramus—collectively, the small posterior rami innervate the back; and an anterior ramus—the much larger anterior rami innervate most other regions of the body except the head, which is innervated predominantly, but not exclusively, by cranial nerves.
The anterior rami form the major somatic plexuses (cervical, brachial, lumbar, and sacral) of the body. Major visceral components of the PNS (sympathetic trunk and prevertebral plexus) of the body are also associated mainly with the anterior rami of spinal nerves.
Cervical regions of the back constitute the skeletal and much of the muscular framework of the neck, which in turn supports and moves the head (Fig. 2.10).
The brain and cranial meninges are continuous with the spinal cord meninges at the foramen magnum of the skull. The paired vertebral arteries ascend, one on each side, through foramina in the transverse processes of cervical vertebrae and pass through the foramen magnum to participate, with the internal carotid arteries, in supplying blood to the brain.
Thorax, abdomen, and pelvisThe different regions of the vertebral column contribute to the skeletal framework of the thorax, abdomen, and pelvis (Fig. 2.10). In addition to providing support for each of these parts of the body, the vertebrae provide attachments for muscles and fascia, and articulation sites for other bones. The anterior rami of spinal nerves associated with the thorax, abdomen, and pelvis pass into these parts of the body from the back.
The bones of the back provide extensive attachments for muscles associated with anchoring and moving the upper limbs on the trunk. This is less true of the lower limbs, which are firmly anchored to the vertebral column through articulation of the pelvic bones with the sacrum. The upper and lower limbs are innervated by anterior rami of spinal nerves that emerge from cervical and lumbosacral levels, respectively, of the vertebral column.
During development, the vertebral column grows much faster than the spinal cord. As a result, the spinal cord does not extend the entire length of the vertebral canal (Fig. 2.11).
In the adult, the spinal cord typically ends between vertebrae LI and LII, although it can end as high as vertebra TXII and as low as the disc between vertebrae LII and LIII.
Spinal nerves originate from the spinal cord at increasingly oblique angles from vertebrae CI to Co, and the nerve roots pass in the vertebral canal for increasingly longer distances. Their spinal cord level of origin therefore becomes increasingly dissociated from their vertebral column level of exit. This is particularly evident for lumbar and sacral spinal nerves.
Each spinal nerve exits the vertebral canal laterally through an intervertebral foramen (Fig. 2.12). The foramen is formed between adjacent vertebral arches and is closely related to intervertebral joints:
The superior and inferior margins are formed by notches in adjacent pedicles.
The posterior margin is formed by the articular processes of the vertebral arches and the associated joint.
The anterior border is formed by the intervertebral disc between the vertebral bodies of the adjacent vertebrae.
Any pathology that occludes or reduces the size of an intervertebral foramen, such as bone loss, herniation of the intervertebral disc, or dislocation of the zygapophysial joint (the joint between the articular processes), can affect the function of the associated spinal nerve.
Innervation of the backPosterior branches of spinal nerves innervate the intrinsic muscles of the back and adjacent skin. The cutaneous distribution of these posterior rami extends into the gluteal region of the lower limb and the posterior aspect of the head. Parts of dermatomes innervated by the posterior rami of spinal nerves are shown in Fig. 2.13.
Skeletal components of the back consist mainly of the vertebrae and associated intervertebral discs. The skull, scapulae, pelvic bones, and ribs also contribute to the bony framework of the back and provide sites for muscle attachment.
There are approximately 33 vertebrae, which are subdivided into five groups based on morphology and location (Fig. 2.14):
The seven cervical vertebrae between the thorax and skull are characterized mainly by their small size and the presence of a foramen in each transverse process (Figs. 2.14 and 2.15).
The 12 thoracic vertebrae are characterized by their articulated ribs (Figs. 2.14 and 2.16); although all vertebrae have rib elements, these elements are small and are incorporated into the transverse processes in regions other than the thorax; but in the thorax, the ribs are separate bones and articulate via synovial joints with the vertebral bodies and transverse processes of the associated vertebrae.
Inferior to the thoracic vertebrae are five lumbar vertebrae, which form the skeletal support for the posterior abdominal wall and are characterized by their large size (Figs. 2.14 and 2.17).
Next are five sacral vertebrae fused into one single bone called the sacrum, which articulates on each side with a pelvic bone and is a component of the pelvic wall.