### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: SCALE: If a restaurant owner wants to create an account and the desired user name is occupied, the restaurant owner should be asked to choose a different user name ### Assistant: NOT_RELEVANT: SCALE CAUSE_1: a restaurant owner wants to create an account AND: and CAUSE_2: the desired user name is occupied EFFECT_1: the restaurant owner should be asked to choose a different user name KEYWORD: If VARIABLE: the restaurant owner CONDITION: should be asked to choose a different user name ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: DESC: Test environments should be built for the application to allow testing of the applications different functions ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: Test environments should be built for the application EFFECT_1: to allow testing of the applications different functions CONDITION: should be built for the application NOT_RELEVANT: DESC VARIABLE: testing of the applications different functions ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: In order to get a view of how to divide the requirements into different releases and what requirements should be included in which release, a prioritization of the requirements is needed ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: a prioritization of the requirements is needed EFFECT_2: what requirements should be included in which release KEYWORD: In order AND: and VARIABLE: a prioritization of the requirements CONDITION: to get EFFECT_1: to get a view of how to divide the requirements into different releases ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Based on the elicitation meetings, and the perceived ideas of what was important to the different stakeholders, a number was set for each requirement ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: the elicitation meetings AND: and CAUSE_2: the perceived ideas of what was important to the different stakeholders EFFECT_1: a number was set for each requirement KEYWORD: Based on VARIABLE: a number CONDITION: was set for each requirement ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: However, it is more easily misused since someone could save all their money and put them on a requirement that they think is very important [3] ### Assistant: NOT_RELEVANT: [3] EFFECT_1: it is more easily misused KEYWORD: since CAUSE_1: someone could save all their money CAUSE_2: put them on a requirement that they think is very important AND: and VARIABLE: someone CONDITION: put them on a requirement that they think is very important ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: For instance, if two requirements are not very important it would be hard to determine which of those requirements that is more important than the other [3] ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: two requirements are not very important EFFECT_1: it would be hard to determine which of those requirements that is more important than the other NOT_RELEVANT: For instance, KEYWORD: if VARIABLE: it NEGATION: are not CONDITION: would be hard to determine which of those requirements that is more important than the other ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: In conclusion, weighing the disadvantages and advantages of these methods against each other lead us to choose the five-way priority scheme ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: weighing the disadvantages and advantages of these methods against each other EFFECT_1: choose the five-way priority scheme NOT_RELEVANT: In conclusion VARIABLE: the five-way priority scheme CONDITION: choose KEYWORD: lead us to ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The third release includes the requirements that can be afforded to discard if the project gets delayed or overruns the budget ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: the project gets delayed OR: or CAUSE_2: overruns the budget EFFECT_1: can be afforded to discard KEYWORD: that NOT_RELEVANT: The third release includes VARIABLE: the project CONDITION: overruns the budget ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The requirements for the domains of air quality (AQ), climate forcing (CF), actually need very similar data, e.g. chemical composition, emissions, deposition fluxes, but for different purposes ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: the domains of air quality CAUSE_2: climate forcing EFFECT_1: The requirements NOT_RELEVANT: (CF) VARIABLE: the domains of air quality CONDITION: actually need very similar data KEYWORD: for ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: MACC air quality forecasts and analyses will serve as boundary conditions for further nesting activities of local and urban scale models ### Assistant: KEYWORD: for CAUSE_1: MACC air quality forecasts CAUSE_2: urban scale models EFFECT_1: MACC air quality forecasts EFFECT_2: analyses will serve as boundary conditions AND: and VARIABLE: analyses CONDITION: will serve as boundary conditions ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The following MACC data products are required by PASODOBLE during the development and delivery of the PASODOBLE services ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: the development CAUSE_2: delivery of the PASODOBLE services AND: and KEYWORD: during EFFECT_1: The following MACC data products are required by PASODOBLE VARIABLE: the PASODOBLE services CONDITION: delivery of ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: It is important to represent the statistical distribution of irradiance values well, so that the assessment of solar energy applications is based on good coverage of background and extreme values ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: It is important to represent the statistical distribution of irradiance values well EFFECT_1: the assessment of solar energy applications is based on good coverage of background EFFECT_2: extreme values AND: and KEYWORD: so that VARIABLE: the assessment of solar energy applications CONDITION: extreme values ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: For services of this kind to be helpful, they must be consistent with existent European policy structure (e.g. EU Clean Air For Europe (CAFE), Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution) ### Assistant: EFFECT_1: services of this kind to be helpful CAUSE_1: they must be consistent with existent European policy structure NOT_RELEVANT: (e.g. EU Clean Air For Europe (CAFE), Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution) VARIABLE: they CONDITION: must be consistent with existent European policy structure KEYWORD: For ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The ambition has been to assimilate such surface observations into operational modeling systems in order to improve analysis and forecast of AQ, and to use NRT data for NRT evaluation of model performances ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: The ambition has been to assimilate such surface observations into operational modeling systems EFFECT_1: to improve analysis AND: and EFFECT_2: forecast of AQ EFFECT_3: to use NRT data for NRT evaluation of model performances KEYWORD: in order VARIABLE: forecast of AQ CONDITION: to use ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: For each meeting a dedicated report is available together with the respective presentations ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: each meeting EFFECT_1: a dedicated report is available AND: together with EFFECT_2: the respective presentations KEYWORD: For VARIABLE: the respective presentations CONDITION: is available ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Requirements expressed during this workshop were also analysed in the User Requirements Document update ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: Requirements expressed during this workshop EFFECT_1: were also analysed in the User Requirements Document update VARIABLE: Requirements CONDITION: were also analysed in the User Requirements Document update ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: During the workshop, use cases were presented, and news about policy-relevant products of MACC-III were provided ### Assistant: KEYWORD: During CAUSE_1: the workshop EFFECT_1: use cases were presented EFFECT_2: news about policy-relevant products of MACC-III were provided AND: and VARIABLE: news about policy-relevant products of MACC-III CONDITION: were provided ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The project ENDORSE aims at a user-driven development of downstream services in renewable energies by exploiting the GMES Core Services together with other EO/in-situ data and modelling ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: exploiting the GMES Core Services KEYWORD: by EFFECT_1: The project ENDORSE aims at a user-driven development of downstream services in renewable energies VARIABLE: modelling CONDITION: exploiting AND: and CAUSE_2: other EO/in-situ data CAUSE_3: modelling ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: ICARE processes and provides online archive of satellite data to study the atmosphere (aerosols, clouds, radiation and water cycle) ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: ICARE processes CAUSE_2: provides online archive of satellite data EFFECT_1: to study the atmosphere AND: and NOT_RELEVANT: (aerosols, clouds, radiation and water cycle) VARIABLE: ICARE CONDITION: provides online archive of satellite data ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: It has also been distributed within the local urban user group ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: the local urban user group EFFECT_1: It has also been distributed KEYWORD: within VARIABLE: the CONDITION: local urban ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Kindly provide some information on your organization and major tasks, where MACC products could be of help ### Assistant: KEYWORD: where CAUSE_1: MACC products could be of help EFFECT_1: Kindly provide some information on your organization AND: and EFFECT_2: major tasks VARIABLE: MACC products CONDITION: could be of help ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: When NASA Crew Transportation System (CTS) certification is achieved for ISS transportation, the Commercial Provider will be eligible to provide services to and from the ISS during the services phase of the NASA Commercial Crew Program (CCP) ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: NASA Crew Transportation System (CTS) certification is achieved for ISS transportation KEYWORD: during EFFECT_1: the Commercial Provider will be eligible to provide services to AND: and EFFECT_2: from the ISS VARIABLE: the services phase of the NASA Commercial Crew Program (CCP) CONDITION: from the ISS CAUSE_2: the services phase of the NASA Commercial Crew Program (CCP) ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The spacecraft will be capable of transporting NASA crew to the ISS and docking 24 hours after launch ### Assistant: KEYWORD: after CAUSE_1: launch EFFECT_1: The spacecraft will be capable of transporting NASA crew to the ISS EFFECT_2: docking 24 hours AND: and VARIABLE: launch CONDITION: docking 24 hours ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Mission launch opportunities must be accomplished within NASA-specified timeframes to accommodate ongoing ISS science operations and to minimize ISS traffic model impacts associated with other visiting vehicles ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: Mission launch opportunities must be accomplished within NASA-specified timeframes EFFECT_1: to accommodate ongoing ISS science operations EFFECT_2: to minimize ISS traffic model impacts associated with other visiting vehicles AND: and VARIABLE: ISS traffic model impacts associated with other visiting vehicles CONDITION: to minimize ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The NASA flight surgeons will serve as the physicians for the NASA crew during all phases of flight ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: all phases of flight KEYWORD: during EFFECT_1: The NASA flight surgeons will serve as the physicians for the NASA crew VARIABLE: The NASA flight surgeons CONDITION: will serve as the physicians for the NASA crew ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Lift-off occurs when the launch site passes through the ISS’s orbital plane ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: the launch site passes through the ISS’s orbital plane EFFECT_1: Lift-off occurs KEYWORD: when VARIABLE: Lift-off CONDITION: occurs ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: These maneuvers bring the spacecraft closer towards the ISS ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: These maneuvers EFFECT_1: bring the spacecraft closer towards the ISS VARIABLE: the spacecraft CONDITION: closer towards the ISS ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: ISS standard communications are used when the spacecraft closes to within tens of kilometers to the ISS and ship-to-ship voice communications are established ### Assistant: EFFECT_1: ISS standard communications are used KEYWORD: when CAUSE_1: the spacecraft closes to within tens of kilometers to the ISS AND: and CAUSE_2: ship-to-ship voice communications are established VARIABLE: hip-to-ship voice communications CONDITION: are established ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: When in close proximity to the ISS, after receiving approval from both the spacecraft and MCC-H, the spacecraft begins a final approach to a NASA-specified docking port on the ISS ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: in close proximity to the ISS CAUSE_2: receiving approval from both the spacecraft CAUSE_3: MCC-H EFFECT_1: the spacecraft begins a final approach to a NASA-specified docking port on the ISS AND: and KEYWORD: When VARIABLE: the spacecraft CONDITION: in close proximity to the ISS ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: If that docking is also unsuccessful, the spacecraft will separate from the ISS vicinity on a collision-free safe trajectory and the spacecraft will prepare for a final re-rendezvous and docking attempt on the following crew day ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: that docking is also unsuccessful EFFECT_1: the spacecraft will separate from the ISS vicinity on a collision-free safe trajectory EFFECT_2: the spacecraft will prepare for a final re-rendezvous EFFECT_3: docking attempt on the following crew day AND: and KEYWORD: If VARIABLE: the spacecraft CONDITION: docking attempt on the following crew day ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Because of the short time duration from launch to docking, internal maintenance of the spacecraft should not be necessary, nor should the crew require certain complex habitability items for food and waste management that can be found on longer duration vehicles, like the Space Shuttle or the ISS ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: the short time duration from launch to docking EFFECT_1: internal maintenance of the spacecraft should not be necessary NEGATION: should not EFFECT_2: should the crew require certain complex habitability items for food CONDITION: require certain complex habitability items for food NOT_RELEVANT: that can be found on longer duration vehicles, like the Space Shuttle or the ISS AND: and KEYWORD: Because of VARIABLE: waste management ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Similarly, EVA will not be performed during the short free-flight duration from undocking to landing ### Assistant: KEYWORD: during CAUSE_1: the short free-flight duration from undocking to landing EFFECT_1: EVA will not be performed NOT_RELEVANT: Similarly VARIABLE: free-flight duration from undocking to landing NEGATION: will not CONDITION: short ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The spacecraft remains quiescent and requires minimal maintenance during docked operations ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: docked operations KEYWORD: during EFFECT_1: The spacecraft remains quiescent EFFECT_2: requires minimal maintenance AND: and VARIABLE: docked operations CONDITION: requires minimal maintenance ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The ISS will provide power and environmental resources to the spacecraft in order to maintain the vehicle in a return-to-Earth ready state ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: The ISS will provide power CAUSE_2: environmental resources to the spacecraft KEYWORD: in order to EFFECT_1: maintain the vehicle in a return-to-Earth ready state VARIABLE: the vehicle CONDITION: in a return-to-Earth ready state AND: and ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Due to limitations in the number of docking ports on the ISS, the spacecraft may need to be relocated from one docking port to another during ISS increment operations to provide operational flexibility ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: limitations in the number of docking ports on the ISS EFFECT_1: the spacecraft may need to be relocated from one docking port to another KEYWORD: Due to CAUSE_2: ISS increment operations EFFECT_2: to provide operational flexibility VARIABLE: operational flexibility CONDITION: to provide ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: If necessary, the spacecraft atmosphere will be purged during this activity ### Assistant: KEYWORD: during CAUSE_1: this activity EFFECT_1: the spacecraft atmosphere will be purged NOT_RELEVANT: If necessary VARIABLE: this activity CONDITION: will be purged ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The ISS will provide attitude control during this 24-hour period ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: this 24-hour period KEYWORD: during EFFECT_1: The ISS will provide attitude control VARIABLE: this 24-hour period CONDITION: will provide attitude control ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: After the ISS returns to a habitable environment state, the crew will open the hatch and re-enter the ISS ### Assistant: NEGATION: After CAUSE_1: the ISS returns to a habitable environment state EFFECT_1: the crew will open the hatch AND: and EFFECT_2: re-enter the ISS VARIABLE: the crew CONDITION: re-enter the ISS ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: If the ISS cannot achieve a habitable state during this period, the crew will return to Earth ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: the ISS cannot achieve a habitable state during this period KEYWORD: If EFFECT_1: the crew will return to Earth VARIABLE: the crew NEGATION: cannot CONDITION: will return to Earth ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Due to the limited size and power available, the spacecraft is expected to have basic first aid and life support capability to respond to immediate medical conditions in the free-flight mode ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: the limited size CAUSE_2: power available AND: and EFFECT_1: the spacecraft is expected to have basic first aid EFFECT_2: life support capability to respond to immediate medical conditions in the free-flight mode KEYWORD: Due to VARIABLE: the spacecraft CONDITION: life support capability to respond to immediate medical conditions in the free-flight mode ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: After handover is complete, the current increment crew will return in the spacecraft ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: handover is complete EFFECT_1: the current increment crew will return in the spacecraft KEYWORD: After VARIABLE: the current increment crew CONDITION: will return in the spacecraft ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: During this circumnavigation, the crew will capture imagery to allow post-flight analysis of the ISS configuration ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: this circumnavigation EFFECT_1: the crew will capture imagery to allow post-flight analysis of the ISS configuration KEYWORD: During VARIABLE: this circumnavigation CONDITION: will capture imagery to allow post-flight analysis of the ISS configuration ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The spacecraft may also perform orbital maneuvers in low Earth orbit (LEO) to better accommodate alternate landing sites ### Assistant: EFFECT_1: to better accommodate alternate landing sites CAUSE_1: The spacecraft may also perform orbital maneuvers in low Earth orbit (LEO) VARIABLE: alternate landing sites CONDITION: to better accommodate ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Because of the deconditioned state of the crew, special considerations need to be provided for crew recovery, medical care, and other post-landing care activities ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: the deconditioned state of the crew EFFECT_1: special considerations need to be provided for crew recovery CONDITION: other post-landing care activities EFFECT_3: other post-landing care activities KEYWORD: Because of VARIABLE: special considerations EFFECT_2: medical care AND: and ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: NASA personnel will begin post- flight medical and science evaluations soon after egress is complete in a temporary facility at the landing location ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: egress is complete in a temporary facility at the landing location EFFECT_1: NASA personnel will begin post- flight medical AND: and EFFECT_2: science evaluations KEYWORD: soon after VARIABLE: egress CONDITION: is complete in a temporary facility at the landing location ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: After recovery operations are complete, the spacecraft will be safed and transported to a location for subsequent post-flight evaluation ### Assistant: KEYWORD: After CAUSE_1: recovery operations are complete EFFECT_1: the spacecraft will be safed EFFECT_2: transported to a location for subsequent post-flight evaluation AND: and VARIABLE: the spacecraft CONDITION: transported to a location for subsequent post-flight evaluation ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Nothing in this document supersedes applicable laws and regulations unless a specific exemption has been obtained ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: a specific exemption has been obtained KEYWORD: unless EFFECT_1: Nothing in this document supersedes applicable laws EFFECT_2: regulations AND: and VARIABLE: a specific exemption CONDITION: has been obtained ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: In the event of conflict between this document and any spreadsheet exports of the NASA requirements database, the contents of this document take precedence ### Assistant: KEYWORD: In the event of CAUSE_1: conflict between this document and any spreadsheet exports of the NASA requirements database EFFECT_1: the contents of this document take precedence VARIABLE: the contents of this document CONDITION: take precedence ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: A "To Be Resolved" (TBR) is used when there is a disagreement on the requirement between technical teams ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: there is a disagreement on the requirement between technical teams EFFECT_1: A "To Be Resolved" (TBR) is used KEYWORD: there CONDITION: is used VARIABLE: A "To Be Resolved" (TBR) ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: When a change in a d characteristic is deemed appropriate, notification of the change shall be sent to the appropriate review and change control authority ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: a change in a d characteristic is deemed appropriate EFFECT_1: notification of the change shall be sent to the appropriate review EFFECT_2: change control authority KEYWORD: When AND: and VARIABLE: notification of the change CONDITION: change control authority ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Within the Applicable Documents list below these standards will be shown as fully applicable ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: the Applicable Documents list below EFFECT_1: these standards will be shown as fully applicable KEYWORD: Within VARIABLE: these standards CONDITION: will be shown as fully applicable ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Verification language for these technical standards that must be met can be found in Section 4.0 of this document ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: Verification language for these technical standards KEYWORD: that VARIABLE: Verification language for these technical standards CONDITION: can be found in Section 4.0 of this document EFFECT_1: can be found in Section 4.0 of this document ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Any Applicable Document listed within these “meet” documents are considered to be “meet the intent of” documents and alternative standards can be proposed ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: Applicable Document listed within these “meet” documents EFFECT_1: are considered to be “meet the intent of” documents AND: and EFFECT_2: alternative standards can be proposed VARIABLE: alternative standards CONDITION: can be proposed KEYWORD: Any ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Verification language for these technical standards that must be met or complied with can be found in Section 4.0 of this document ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: Verification language for these technical standards CAUSE_2: complied with KEYWORD: that OR: or EFFECT_1: can be found in Section 4.0 of this document VARIABLE: Verification language for these technical standards CONDITION: can be found in Section 4.0 of this document ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: This section will provide a list of documents and technical and manufacturing standards that can be used as a reference during the launch vehicle, spacecraft, and ground system design activities ### Assistant: KEYWORD: that CAUSE_1: the launch vehicle CAUSE_2: spacecraft AND: and CAUSE_3: ground system design activities EFFECT_1: can be used as a reference EFFECT_2: technical EFFECT_3: manufacturing standards NOT_RELEVANT: This section will provide VARIABLE: ground system design activities CONDITION: launch ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Rationale: EVA will not occur because of the short time in the spacecraft early in the mission when the complexity of preparing for and executing an EVA precludes that activity ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: the short time in the spacecraft early in the mission CAUSE_2: the complexity of preparing for CAUSE_3: executing an EVA precludes that activity AND: and KEYWORD: because of EFFECT_1: EVA will not occur NEGATION: will not VARIABLE: an EVA precludes that activity CONDITION: executing NOT_RELEVANT: Rationale ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: EVAs during the docked timeframe impact ISS crew time, consumables, and on-going science activities ### Assistant: CAUSE_2: the docked timeframe CAUSE_1: EVAs KEYWORD: during EFFECT_1: impact ISS crew time EFFECT_2: consumables AND: and EFFECT_3: on-going science activities VARIABLE: the docked timeframe CONDITION: impact ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: It is easier for the crew to have the same individual item and familiarity and training with the common items (e.g., Medical Kit) during both the free-flight and docked portions of the mission ### Assistant: KEYWORD: during CAUSE_1: the free-flight AND: both CAUSE_2: docked portions of the mission EFFECT_1: It is easier for the crew to have the same individual item EFFECT_2: familiarity EFFECT_3: training with the common items NOT_RELEVANT: (e.g., Medical Kit) VARIABLE: docked portions of the mission CONDITION: training with the common items ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The CTS shall provide habitable consumables, such as food, water, clothing, oxygen, nitrogen, CO2 removal, personal hygiene, and other required consumables, for non-NASA crew during the docked portion of the mission when the non-NASA crewmembers are on the ISS ### Assistant: KEYWORD: when CAUSE_1: the docked portion of the mission CAUSE_2: the non-NASA crewmembers are on the ISS EFFECT_1: for non-NASA crew NOT_RELEVANT: such as food, water, clothing, oxygen, nitrogen, CO2 removal, personal hygiene, and other required consumables, VARIABLE: the non-NASA crewmembers CONDITION: are on the ISS ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The nitrogen only needs to be provided if any equipment or operation to support the non-NASA crew is venting air overboard as part of its nominal operation ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: any equipment CAUSE_2: operation to support the non-NASA crew is venting air overboard as part of its nominal operation OR: or EFFECT_1: The nitrogen only needs to be provided KEYWORD: if VARIABLE: operation to support the non-NASA crew CONDITION: is venting air overboard as part of its nominal operation ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The spacecraft shall accommodate an additional 100 kg (220.5 lbm) of soft stowage cargo in lieu of a NASA crewmember during a single mission per requirements in SSP 50833, Section 3.1.2, except for Triple CTB's in section and all M-Bags in section ### Assistant: KEYWORD: during CAUSE_1: a single mission per requirements in SSP 50833, Section 3.1.2 NEGATION: except for CAUSE_2: Triple CTB's in section AND: and CAUSE_3: all M-Bags in section EFFECT_1: of soft stowage cargo in lieu of a NASA crewmember NOT_RELEVANT: (220.5 lbm) VARIABLE: all M-Bags in section CONDITION: of soft stowage cargo in lieu of a NASA crewmember ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The spacecraft shall accommodate hard mounted time-critical cargo consisting of either two powered single middeck lockers or one powered double middeck locker in the pressurized volume during a single mission, and maintain cargo services per requirements in SSP 50833, Section 3.1.1 while installed ### Assistant: KEYWORD: while CAUSE_1: a single mission AND: and EFFECT_3: maintain cargo services per requirements in SSP 50833, Section 3.1.1 CAUSE_2: installed EFFECT_1: The spacecraft shall accommodate hard mounted time-critical cargo consisting of either two powered single middeck lockers EFFECT_2: one powered double middeck locker in the pressurized volume OR: or VARIABLE: cargo services per requirements in SSP 50833, Section 3.1.1 CONDITION: installed ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: When the need arises, operational flexibility is required to allow the ISS Program to fly additional passive cargo within the mass and volume of the powered lockers ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: the need arises CAUSE_2: operational flexibility is required EFFECT_1: to allow the ISS Program to fly additional passive cargo within the mass EFFECT_2: volume of the powered lockers AND: and KEYWORD: When VARIABLE: the ISS Program CONDITION: volume of the powered lockers ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The CTS shall maintain cargo services per SSP 50833, Sections 3.1.1 and install time-critical cargo within 24 hours of a scheduled launch ### Assistant: KEYWORD: within CAUSE_1: 24 hours of a scheduled launch EFFECT_1: The CTS shall maintain cargo services per SSP 50833, Sections 3.1.1 AND: and EFFECT_2: install time-critical cargo VARIABLE: 24 hours of a scheduled launch CONDITION: install time-critical cargo ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The CTS may select the specific integration window, as long as it is within 24 hours of scheduled launch ### Assistant: KEYWORD: as long as CAUSE_1: it is within 24 hours of scheduled launch VARIABLE: The CTS CONDITION: may select the specific integration window EFFECT_1: The CTS may select the specific integration window ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The time-critical cargo installation may include an Integrated Verification Test (IVT) to verify the interface between the spacecraft and the payload and must be completed within the L-24 window of opportunity ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: The time-critical cargo installation may include an Integrated Verification Test (IVT) EFFECT_1: to verify the interface between the spacecraft and the payload EFFECT_2: must be completed within the L-24 window of opportunity AND: and VARIABLE: the interface between the spacecraft and the payload CONDITION: must be completed within the L-24 window of opportunity ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: In the event that a launch is scrubbed or delayed and rescheduled, access to remove and re-install the time-critical cargo would need to be provided as well ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: a launch is scrubbed CAUSE_2: delayed CAUSE_3: rescheduled EFFECT_1: access to remove EFFECT_2: re-install the time-critical cargo would need to be provided as well KEYWORD: In the event that VARIABLE: re-install the time-critical cargo CONDITION: would need to be provided as well OR: or AND: and ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The CTS shall remove ISS time-critical cargo from the spacecraft no later than 1 hour after crew egress, post-docking and post-landing at a supported landing site ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: no CAUSE_2: post-docking CAUSE_3: post-landing at a supported landing site EFFECT_1: The CTS shall remove ISS time-critical cargo from the spacecraft NEGATION: no KEYWORD: later than VARIABLE: 1 hour CONDITION: post-landing at a supported landing site AND: and ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Depending on the NRHO targeted, the minimum altitude can vary ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: the NRHO targeted EFFECT_1: the minimum altitude can vary KEYWORD: Depending on VARIABLE: the minimum altitude CONDITION: can vary ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The Gateway shall provide a mission life capability for each module of at least 15 years after deployment ### Assistant: NEGATION: after CAUSE_2: deployment VARIABLE: each module EFFECT_1: The Gateway shall provide a mission life capability CONDITION: of at least 15 years KEYWORD: for CAUSE_1: each module of at least 15 years ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Non-critical items such as payloads as well as potential non-critical air cooled electronics are assumed to be powered off during a depress transition ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: a depress transition KEYWORD: during EFFECT_1: Non-critical items AND: as well as EFFECT_2: potential non-critical air cooled electronics are assumed to be powered off VARIABLE: a CONDITION: depress NOT_RELEVANT: such as payloads ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Rationale: Consideration of the method of disposal during design will ensure required resources and functions are available ### Assistant: NOT_RELEVANT: Rationale CAUSE_2: design KEYWORD: during CAUSE_1: Consideration of the method of disposal EFFECT_1: will ensure required resources AND: and EFFECT_2: functions are available VARIABLE: design CONDITION: Consideration of ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The Gateway GNC needs to have a mass property limits to enable requirements verification and vehicle dynamics analysis ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: The Gateway GNC needs to have a mass property limits EFFECT_1: to enable requirements verification AND: and EFFECT_2: vehicle dynamics analysis VARIABLE: vehicle dynamics analysis CONDITION: to enable ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The Gateway shall change the Gateway attitude to any orientation (as needed) to meet operational constraints for all configurations ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: The Gateway shall change the Gateway attitude to any orientation NOT_RELEVANT: (as needed) EFFECT_1: to meet operational constraints for all configurations VARIABLE: operational constraints for all configurations CONDITION: to meet ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The absolute attitude determination system design requires provision for the spacecraft to estimate the vehicle's attitude and attitude rate in inertial space ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: The absolute attitude determination system design requires provision for the spacecraft EFFECT_1: to estimate the vehicle's attitude EFFECT_2: attitude rate in inertial space AND: and VARIABLE: attitude rate in inertial space CONDITION: to estimate ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Rationale: Launch cadence for vehicles should not depend on crew being present on board the Gateway since this would impose undue time and programmatic constraints ### Assistant: NOT_RELEVANT: Rationale EFFECT_1: Launch cadence for vehicles should not depend on crew being present on board the Gateway KEYWORD: since CAUSE_1: this would impose undue time AND: and CAUSE_2: programmatic constraints VARIABLE: this NEGATION: should not CONDITION: programmatic constraints ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The specification of the propellant allows for clarity in the fluid interface between PPE and the docking mechanism ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: The specification of the propellant EFFECT_1: clarity in the fluid interface between PPE and the docking mechanism VARIABLE: the propellant CONDITION: The specification of KEYWORD: allows for ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Use of bipropellant nitrogen tetroxide limits the commercial options for acquisition devices and introduces saturation issues ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: Use of bipropellant nitrogen tetroxide EFFECT_1: limits the commercial options for acquisition devices EFFECT_2: introduces saturation issues AND: and VARIABLE: saturation issues CONDITION: introduces ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Rationale: An integrated Gateway Communication System will be implemented across Gateway to provide the communication capabilities for Gateway and Gateway utilization functions ### Assistant: NOT_RELEVANT: Rationale CAUSE_1: An integrated Gateway Communication System will be implemented across Gateway EFFECT_1: to provide the communication capabilities for Gateway EFFECT_2: Gateway utilization functions VARIABLE: Gateway utilization functions CONDITION: to provide AND: and ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Rationale: Gateway communications with Earth enables data transfer between Earth and the Gateway (including commands, file uploads, telemetry, engineering and science data, voice, video and images, and crew-related data), as well as supports tracking and position determination of the Gateway ### Assistant: NOT_RELEVANT: (including commands, file uploads, telemetry, engineering and science data, voice, video and images, and crew-related data), CAUSE_1: Gateway communications with Earth EFFECT_1: enables data transfer between Earth and the Gateway AND: and EFFECT_2: supports tracking EFFECT_3: position determination of the Gateway VARIABLE: data transfer between Earth and the Gateway CONDITION: supports ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The Gateway shall communicate with Earth without placing constraints on flight attitudes during nominal operations ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: nominal operations KEYWORD: during EFFECT_1: The Gateway shall communicate with Earth VARIABLE: constraints on flight attitudes CONDITION: placing NEGATION: without EFFECT_2: without placing constraints on flight attitudes ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: This means that the Gateway communication system(s), during nominal operations, must be able to support communications with Earth in any flight attitude ### Assistant: KEYWORD: in CAUSE_1: nominal operations NOT_RELEVANT: This means that EFFECT_1: must be able to support communications with Earth VARIABLE: any flight attitude CONDITION: nominal CAUSE_2: any flight attitude ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Rationale: Gateway will need to provide communication data downlink capacity to support science, payload, crew, etc ### Assistant: NOT_RELEVANT: etc CAUSE_1: Gateway will need to provide communication data downlink capacity EFFECT_1: to support science EFFECT_2: payload EFFECT_3: crew VARIABLE: crew CONDITION: to support ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Rationale: Lunar System assets will require command and telemetry links to execute command and relay data from their sensors and experiments to the Gateway ### Assistant: NOT_RELEVANT: Rationale CAUSE_1: Lunar System assets will require command CAUSE_2: telemetry links EFFECT_1: to execute command EFFECT_2: relay data from their sensors EFFECT_3: experiments to the Gateway VARIABLE: data from their sensors CONDITION: relay AND: and ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: In addition, the radiometric tracking will provide range and range rate information to the VV’s GNC system to augment its navigation sensor information ### Assistant: NOT_RELEVANT: In addition CAUSE_1: the radiometric tracking will provide range CAUSE_2: range rate information to the VV’s GNC system EFFECT_1: to augment its navigation sensor information AND: and VARIABLE: its navigation sensor information CONDITION: to augment ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: To maintain compatibility with Orion rendezvous link, the ICSIS defines this link at S-band ### Assistant: EFFECT_1: To maintain compatibility with Orion rendezvous link CAUSE_1: the ICSIS defines this link at S-band VARIABLE: compatibility with Orion rendezvous link CONDITION: To maintain ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The Gateway shall support direct voice communications between crewed spacecraft during proximity operations ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: proximity operations KEYWORD: during VARIABLE: The Gateway CONDITION: shall support direct voice communications between crewed spacecraft EFFECT_1: The Gateway shall support direct voice communications between crewed spacecraft ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Rationale: Coordinated control is needed on the vehicle level ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: the vehicle level EFFECT_1: Coordinated control is needed VARIABLE: Coordinated control CONDITION: is needed NOT_RELEVANT: Rationale KEYWORD: on ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Orderly flow of data and commands reduces complexity and increases robustness ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: Orderly flow of data CAUSE_2: commands AND: and EFFECT_1: reduces complexity EFFECT_2: increases robustness VARIABLE: robustness CONDITION: increases ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The Gateway VSM will manage the resource of bandwidth in order to provide the ground controllers with the best possible information ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: The Gateway VSM will manage the resource of bandwidth EFFECT_1: to provide the ground controllers with the best possible information KEYWORD: in order VARIABLE: the ground controllers CONDITION: with the best possible information ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The curation of data must occur throughout the vehicle because of limited processing and network resources throughout the spacecraft ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: limited processing CAUSE_2: network resources throughout the spacecraft AND: and EFFECT_1: The curation of data must occur throughout the vehicle VARIABLE: network resources throughout the spacecraft CONDITION: limited KEYWORD: because of ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: As such, securing state data reduces the risk of an incomplete or insufficient recovery due to data integrity issues ### Assistant: CAUSE_2: data integrity issues NOT_RELEVANT: As such CAUSE_1: securing state data EFFECT_1: reduces the risk of an incomplete EFFECT_2: insufficient recovery KEYWORD: due to OR: or VARIABLE: data integrity issues CONDITION: reduces ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The Gateway shall be able to update executable Flight Software (FSW) and configuration data to support ongoing vehicle operations and configurations ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: The Gateway shall be able to update executable Flight Software NOT_RELEVANT: (FSW) AND: and CAUSE_2: configuration data EFFECT_1: to support ongoing vehicle operations EFFECT_2: configurations VARIABLE: ongoing vehicle operations CONDITION: to support ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Rationale: As the Gateway increases in capacity and capability, software updates will be required to meet changing objectives ### Assistant: NOT_RELEVANT: Rationale KEYWORD: As CAUSE_1: the Gateway increases in capacity AND: and CAUSE_2: capability EFFECT_1: software updates will be required to meet changing objectives VARIABLE: software updates CONDITION: will be required to meet changing objectives ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Providing the capability to update all executable FSW and configuration data will provide flexibility ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: Providing the capability to update all executable FSW AND: and CAUSE_2: configuration data EFFECT_1: will provide flexibility VARIABLE: configuration data CONDITION: Providing ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: This capability allows the Gateway to stage software releases ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: This capability EFFECT_1: allows the Gateway to stage software releases VARIABLE: the Gateway CONDITION: to stage software releases ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: If the crew vacates one module of the system or transfers to another Human-Rated system as part of the reference mission, there is a capability for humans to monitor the unoccupied modules ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: the crew vacates one module of the system OR: or CAUSE_2: transfers to another Human-Rated system KEYWORD: If CAUSE_3: the reference mission EFFECT_1: there is a capability for humans to monitor the unoccupied modules VARIABLE: there CONDITION: is a capability for humans to monitor the unoccupied modules ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Any application developed as a cFS compatible software configuration item can be re-hosted on another module as long as processor capacity exists ### Assistant: CAUSE_2: processor capacity exists CAUSE_1: Any application developed as a cFS compatible software configuration item KEYWORD: as long as EFFECT_1: can be re-hosted on another module VARIABLE: processor capacity CONDITION: exists ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The intent is to provide isolation and recovery from faults where the system design (e.g., redundant strings or system isolation) enables the implementation of this capability ### Assistant: NOT_RELEVANT: (e.g., redundant strings or system isolation) EFFECT_1: The intent is to provide isolation EFFECT_2: recovery from faults KEYWORD: where CAUSE_1: enables the implementation of this capability VARIABLE: the system design CONDITION: enables the implementation of this capability AND: and ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Also, any faults identified during system development should be protected by isolation and recovery ### Assistant: NOT_RELEVANT: Also CAUSE_1: any faults identified during system development EFFECT_1: should be protected by isolation AND: and EFFECT_2: recovery VARIABLE: any faults CONDITION: recovery ### END