### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Capability should allow reloading of the deployer by crew or IVR internally, or by EVR externally, depending on the deployer as additional small satellites (e.g. CubeSats) are sent to the Gateway ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: are sent to the Gateway EFFECT_1: Capability should allow reloading of the deployer by crew EFFECT_2: IVR internally EFFECT_3: by EVR externally OR: or KEYWORD: depending on NOT_RELEVANT: (e.g. CubeSats) VARIABLE: the deployer as additional small satellites CONDITION: are sent to the Gateway ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The Gateway Probability of LOC shall have a mean value no greater than 1 in 400, for a 30-day crewed mission including 2 EVAs ### Assistant: EFFECT_1: The Gateway Probability of LOC shall have a mean value no greater than 1 in 400 CAUSE_1: a 30-day crewed mission CAUSE_2: 2 EVAs AND: including KEYWORD: for VARIABLE: EVAs CONDITION: 2 ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Software was explicitly excluded because there is not a standard methodology for performing software reliability ### Assistant: EFFECT_1: Software was explicitly excluded KEYWORD: because CAUSE_1: there is not a standard methodology for performing software reliability VARIABLE: Software NEGATION: is not CONDITION: was explicitly excluded ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Both upmass and onboard stowage resources are constrained resources for Gateway; therefore, hardware items to be maintained must be defined at the lowest level possible, balancing mass and volume of the items with crew time required for repair ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: hardware items to be maintained EFFECT_1: must be defined at the lowest level possible EFFECT_2: balancing mass and volume of the items with crew time required for repair NOT_RELEVANT: Both upmass and onboard stowage resources are constrained resources for Gateway KEYWORD: therefore VARIABLE: mass and volume of the items with crew time required for repair CONDITION: balancing ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Robotics is the preferred means of performing maintenance due to the limited availability of the crew; however, early phases of Gateway assembly will be solely reliant on crew for maintenance ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: the limited availability of the crew EFFECT_1: will be solely reliant on crew for maintenance KEYWORD: due to VARIABLE: phases of Gateway assembly CONDITION: will be solely reliant on crew for maintenance NOT_RELEVANT: however CAUSE_2: early phases of Gateway assembly ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: As such, Gateway Elements or Modules may choose to directly adopt or propose alternates as long as they meet or exceed the intent of the imposed standard, in accordance with the process defined in DSG- PLAN-007, Gateway Systems Engineering Management Plan ### Assistant: NOT_RELEVANT: As such EFFECT_1: Gateway Elements OR: or EFFECT_2: Modules may choose to directly adopt EFFECT_3: propose alternates KEYWORD: as long as CAUSE_1: they meet CAUSE_2: exceed the intent of the imposed standard CAUSE_3: in accordance with the process defined in DSG- PLAN-007, Gateway Systems Engineering Management Plan VARIABLE: they CONDITION: in accordance with the process defined in DSG- PLAN-007, Gateway Systems Engineering Management Plan ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: In the case of a tailored standard (Table 3.3.2-2 Type 2 Tailored Technical Standards Table), PPE will provide justification against the original standard from which the tailored standard was derived from ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: a tailored standard EFFECT_1: PPE will provide justification against the original standard from which the tailored standard was derived from KEYWORD: In the case of NOT_RELEVANT: (Table 3.3.2-2 Type 2 Tailored Technical Standards Table) VARIABLE: PPE CONDITION: will provide justification against the original standard from which the tailored standard was derived from ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Rationale: Gateway must apply documents, specifications, and standards to its modules/elements in order to adequately ensure quality of end items delivered, and the ability of those end items to meet their functional and human certification requirements ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: Gateway must apply documents CAUSE_2: specifications CAUSE_3: standards to its modules/elements EFFECT_1: to adequately ensure quality of end items delivered EFFECT_2: the ability of those end items to meet their functional EFFECT_3: human certification requirements NOT_RELEVANT: Rationale VARIABLE: human certification requirements CONDITION: to adequately ensure AND: and KEYWORD: in order ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: If new document revisions are released, the program will determine applicability and update as necessary ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: new document revisions are released EFFECT_1: the program will determine applicability AND: and EFFECT_2: update as necessary KEYWORD: If VARIABLE: the program CONDITION: update as necessary ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: When the normative references cited within documents do not have an applicable revision specified, the applicable revision shall also be the current revision in effect on the date of the agreement or contract ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: the normative references cited within documents do not have an applicable revision specified EFFECT_1: the applicable revision shall also be the current revision in effect on the date of the agreement OR: or CONDITION: shall also be the current revision in effect on the date of the agreement KEYWORD: When VARIABLE: the applicable revision NEGATION: do not EFFECT_2: contract ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The NASA Health and Medical Technical Authority (HMTA) has designated this as a Type alternates as long as they meet or exceed the imposed requirement, in accordance with the process defined in DSG-PLAN-007, Gateway Systems Engineering Management Plan ### Assistant: KEYWORD: as long as CAUSE_1: they meet OR: or CAUSE_2: exceed the imposed requirement CAUSE_3: in accordance with the process defined in DSG-PLAN-007, Gateway Systems Engineering Management Plan VARIABLE: they NOT_RELEVANT: (HMTA) EFFECT_1: has designated this as a Type alternates CONDITION: in accordance with the process defined in DSG-PLAN-007, Gateway Systems Engineering Management Plan ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Rationale: DSG-RQMT-002 includes content tailored from NASA-STD-3001, NASA Space Flight Human-System Standard, as required by NPR 8705.2C ### Assistant: NOT_RELEVANT: Rationale CAUSE_1: as required by NPR 8705.2C. EFFECT_1: DSG-RQMT-002 includes content tailored from NASA-STD-3001, NASA Space Flight Human-System Standard VARIABLE: NPR 8705.2C CONDITION: as required by ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Only "shall" statements are checked for compliance ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: "shall" statements EFFECT_1: are checked for compliance VARIABLE: statements CONDITION: "shall" KEYWORD: Only ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Data for the reliability analysis will be collected and recorded during qualification ### Assistant: EFFECT_1: Data for the reliability analysis will be collected AND: and EFFECT_2: recorded KEYWORD: during CAUSE_1: qualification VARIABLE: qualification CONDITION: recorded ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: If development test data is intended to be used to qualify hardware, its intent shall be predeclared ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: development test data is intended to be used to qualify hardware EFFECT_1: its intent shall be predeclared KEYWORD: If VARIABLE: its CONDITION: intent shall be predeclared ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: It encompasses the entire range of activity to verify that the design conforms to requirements when subjected to environmental life-cycle conditions ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: subjected to environmental life-cycle conditions EFFECT_1: It encompasses the entire range of activity to verify that the design conforms to requirements KEYWORD: when VARIABLE: It CONDITION: subjected to environmental life-cycle conditions ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Simulators, used for verifying requirements, require validation so that the item undergoing qualification cannot distinguish between the simulator and actual operational hardware/software ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: used for verifying requirements CAUSE_2: require validation KEYWORD: so that EFFECT_1: the item undergoing qualification cannot distinguish between the simulator and actual operational hardware/software NEGATION: cannot CONDITION: distinguish between the simulator and actual operational hardware/software VARIABLE: the item undergoing qualification ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Integration testing and checkout shall be conducted during end item buildup ### Assistant: EFFECT_1: Integration testing EFFECT_2: checkout shall be conducted KEYWORD: during CAUSE_1: end item buildup AND: and VARIABLE: end item buildup CONDITION: shall be conducted ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Verification by demonstration is the actual operation of flight or ground equipment or teams to evaluate its functional performance and/or its interfaces to other equipment or teams ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: Verification by demonstration is the actual operation of flight CAUSE_2: ground equipment CAUSE_3: teams EFFECT_1: to evaluate its functional performance AND: and OR: or EFFECT_2: its interfaces to other equipment EFFECT_3: teams VARIABLE: teams CONDITION: to evaluate ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Human in the Loop (HITL) is a method of demonstration that may be used to verify complex integrated crew requirements ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: is a method of demonstration KEYWORD: that may be used EFFECT_1: to verify complex integrated crew requirements NOT_RELEVANT: (HITL) VARIABLE: complex integrated crew requirements CONDITION: to verify ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Test also applies to hardware or software verifications done on flight like systems in test facilities such as a System Integration Laboratory (SIL) and a Multi-element Integration Test (MEIT) lab ### Assistant: EFFECT_1: Test also applies to hardware OR: or EFFECT_2: software verifications CAUSE_1: done on flight like systems in test facilities NOT_RELEVANT: such as a System Integration Laboratory (SIL) and a Multi-element Integration Test (MEIT) lab VARIABLE: Test CONDITION: done on flight like systems in test facilities ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: If the audit requires additional analysis to complete, it should be verified by analysis ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: the audit requires additional analysis to complete EFFECT_1: it should be verified by analysis KEYWORD: If VARIABLE: it CONDITION: should be verified by analysis ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: GRAIL will include interfaces to ground and mission control assets as needed by verification requirements ### Assistant: EFFECT_1: GRAIL will include interfaces to ground EFFECT_2: mission control assets CAUSE_1: as needed by verification requirements AND: and VARIABLE: verification requirements CONDITION: as needed by ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: HUMAN-IN-THE-LOOP (HITL): HITL evaluation is a special class of demonstration and test verification methods, requiring human interaction with a system ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: HITL evaluation is a special class of demonstration AND: and CAUSE_2: test verification methods EFFECT_1: requiring human interaction with a system VARIABLE: human interaction with a system CONDITION: requiring NOT_RELEVANT: HUMAN-IN-THE-LOOP (HITL): ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Human- in-the-loop demonstration/test is performed for complex interfaces or operations that are difficult to verify through modeling analysis, such as physical accommodation for crew ingress and egress ### Assistant: EFFECT_1: Human- in-the-loop demonstration/test is performed KEYWORD: for CAUSE_2: operations NOT_RELEVANT: such as physical accommodation for crew ingress and egress VARIABLE: complex interfaces CONDITION: are difficult to verify through modeling analysis OR: or CAUSE_1: complex interfaces ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: STORAGE ITEM: An item which has a permanent internal or external location on orbit in a passive state until it is required or consumed ### Assistant: NOT_RELEVANT: STORAGE ITEM EFFECT_1: has a permanent internal EFFECT_2: external location on orbit in a passive state KEYWORD: which CAUSE_1: it is required CAUSE_2: consumed OR: or VARIABLE: it CONDITION: consumed ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: As each TBD is resolved, the updated text is inserted in each place that the TBD appears in the document and the item is removed from this table ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: each TBD is resolved KEYWORD: As EFFECT_1: the updated text is inserted in each place that the TBD appears in the document EFFECT_2: the item is removed from this table AND: and VARIABLE: the item CONDITION: is removed from this table ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: As new TBD items are assigned, they will be added to this list in accordance with the above described numbering scheme ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: new TBD items are assigned KEYWORD: As EFFECT_1: they will be added to this list in accordance with the above described numbering scheme VARIABLE: they CONDITION: will be added to this list in accordance with the above described numbering scheme ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The TBR is inserted as a placeholder wherever the required data is needed and is formatted in bold type within carets ### Assistant: EFFECT_1: The TBR is inserted as a placeholder KEYWORD: wherever CAUSE_1: the required data is needed EFFECT_2: is formatted in bold type within carets AND: and VARIABLE: the required data CONDITION: is formatted in bold type within carets ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: As new TBR issues are assigned, they will be added to this list in accordance with the above described numbering scheme ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: new TBR issues are assigned EFFECT_1: they will be added to this list in accordance with the above described numbering scheme KEYWORD: As VARIABLE: they CONDITION: will be added to this list in accordance with the above described numbering scheme ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The gimbal drives the telescope to track Earth orbiting satellites, stars and fixed ground targets ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: The gimbal drives the telescope EFFECT_1: to track Earth orbiting satellites EFFECT_2: stars EFFECT_3: fixed ground targets AND: and VARIABLE: fixed ground targets CONDITION: to track ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The Time and Frequency subsystem generates and regulates the various timing signals used by other subsystems as well as the time of day used by the software ### Assistant: EFFECT_1: The Time EFFECT_2: Frequency subsystem generates EFFECT_3: regulates the various timing signals CAUSE_1: used by other subsystems CAUSE_2: the time of day used by the software AND: and VARIABLE: the time of day CONDITION: used by the software ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The Meteorological subsystem is designed to measure outside environmental conditions to provide information for precise ranging and health and safety of the system ### Assistant: EFFECT_1: to provide information for precise ranging EFFECT_2: health EFFECT_3: safety of the system AND: and CAUSE_1: The Meteorological subsystem is designed to measure outside environmental conditions VARIABLE: safety of the system CONDITION: to provide ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: With a standard clear atmosphere or better, SGSLR stations shall be capable of tracking geosynchronous satellites whose arrays satisfy the ILRS retro reflector guidelines ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: a standard clear atmosphere CAUSE_2: better EFFECT_1: SGSLR stations shall be capable of tracking geosynchronous satellites KEYWORD: With CAUSE_3: arrays satisfy the ILRS retro reflector guidelines OR: or VARIABLE: arrays CONDITION: satisfy the ILRS retro reflector guidelines ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Data precision for LAGEOS NPT shall be < 1.5 mm when averaged over a one month period ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: averaged over a one month period EFFECT_1: Data precision for LAGEOS NPT shall be < 1.5 mm KEYWORD: when VARIABLE: Data precision for LAGEOS NPT CONDITION: averaged over a one month period ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Light throughput needs to be optimized to maximize signal ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: Light throughput needs to be optimized EFFECT_1: to maximize signal VARIABLE: signal CONDITION: to maximize ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Required for testing and diagnostics with engineer present ### Assistant: KEYWORD: with CAUSE_1: engineer present EFFECT_1: Required for testing EFFECT_2: diagnostics AND: and VARIABLE: engineer CONDITION: present ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Stability of the laser is needed for millimeter level system performance ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: Stability of the laser is needed EFFECT_1: millimeter level system performance VARIABLE: system performance CONDITION: millimeter level KEYWORD: for ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: As part of the ILRS, the SGSLR systems must be able to track most of the targets, this includes tracking targets that have restrictions on their tracking ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: have restrictions on their tracking EFFECT_1: the SGSLR systems must be able to track most of the targets NOT_RELEVANT: As part of the ILRS KEYWORD: that VARIABLE: the SGSLR systems CONDITION: must be able to track most of the targets ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: These requirements are mandatory when specified as such by program documentation or contracts ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: specified as such by program documentation CAUSE_2: contracts EFFECT_1: These requirements are mandatory KEYWORD: when VARIABLE: These requirements CONDITION: contracts OR: or ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The parent metal shear sections and interface tubes are defined by the term “parent metal” when they are machined from a single, certified bar of high-purity metal alloy with no welds ### Assistant: EFFECT_1: The parent metal shear sections EFFECT_2: interface tubes are defined by the term “parent metal” KEYWORD: when CAUSE_1: they are machined from a single CAUSE_2: certified bar of high-purity metal alloy CAUSE_3: with no welds NEGATION: no AND: and VARIABLE: they CONDITION: welds ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The diagram is provided to point out the various features that are discussed in this Specification ### Assistant: EFFECT_1: The diagram is provided to point out the various features KEYWORD: that CAUSE_1: are discussed in this Specification VARIABLE: The diagram CONDITION: are discussed in this Specification ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The assessment successfully evaluated technical data to determine the risk of NC parent metal valve leakage or inadvertent activation in ELV payloads ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: The assessment EFFECT_1: to determine the risk of NC parent metal valve leakage OR: or EFFECT_2: inadvertent activation in ELV payloads CONDITION: to determine VARIABLE: inadvertent activation in ELV payloads ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: For this Specification, the term refers to cargo carried aboard a launch vehicle ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: this Specification EFFECT_1: the term refers to cargo carried aboard a launch vehicle VARIABLE: the term CONDITION: refers to cargo carried aboard a launch vehicle KEYWORD: For ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Analysis should be accomplished before manufacture to help preclude additional redesign and testing ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: Analysis should be accomplished before manufacture EFFECT_1: preclude additional redesign AND: and EFFECT_2: testing VARIABLE: testing CONDITION: preclude KEYWORD: to help ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Comprehensive testing and analysis of the ignition system may be required before the possibility of inadvertent ignition can be fully mitigated ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: Comprehensive testing CAUSE_2: analysis of the ignition system may be required NEGATION: before EFFECT_1: the possibility of inadvertent ignition can be fully mitigated AND: and VARIABLE: the possibility of inadvertent ignition CONDITION: can be fully mitigated ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Whatever actuation method is chosen, the maximum no-fire energy should be known to a reliability of 0.995 at a 95-percent confidence level so that a factor of safety can be determined from all inadvertent sources of that energy (checklist item 2D) ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: the maximum no-fire energy should be known to a reliability of 0.995 at a 95-percent confidence level KEYWORD: so that EFFECT_1: a factor of safety can be determined from all inadvertent sources of that energy NOT_RELEVANT: Whatever actuation method is chosen VARIABLE: a factor of safety CONDITION: can be determined from all inadvertent sources of that energy ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: This capability shall be demonstrated on every unit during assembly, with pressure applied individually to each line and separately to the valve housing through the actuation ram chamber while the lines are vented ### Assistant: EFFECT_1: This capability shall be demonstrated on every unit CAUSE_1: assembly KEYWORD: with EFFECT_2: pressure applied individually to each line EFFECT_3: separately to the valve housing through the actuation ram chamber CAUSE_2: the lines are vented VARIABLE: pressure CONDITION: separately to the valve housing through the actuation ram chamber AND: and ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Additionally, if the valve does not fail after 4.00xMEOP, it meets the full safety factor applied to tubing <3.81 cm (<1.5in) in diameter (checklist item 33D) ### Assistant: NOT_RELEVANT: (<1.5in) KEYWORD: if CAUSE_1: the valve does not fail after 4.00xMEOP EFFECT_1: in diameter VARIABLE: it NEGATION: does not CONDITION: in diameter ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: When installed in the system, the parent metal sections are directly welded to the system tubing (checklist item 9A) ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: installed in the system KEYWORD: When VARIABLE: the parent metal sections EFFECT_1: the parent metal sections are directly welded to the system tubing CONDITION: are directly welded to the system tubing NOT_RELEVANT: (checklist item 9A) ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Other metals may require heat treatment after welding, as judged necessary by the responsible NASA materials specialist (checklist item 15D) ### Assistant: EFFECT_1: Other metals may require heat treatment KEYWORD: as CAUSE_1: welding CAUSE_2: judged necessary by the responsible NASA materials specialist NOT_RELEVANT: (checklist item 15D) VARIABLE: the responsible NASA materials specialist CONDITION: judged necessary by ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The standard yield and tensile strength may be used if they will meet the stress/force analysis requirements ### Assistant: EFFECT_1: The standard yield AND: and EFFECT_2: tensile strength may be used CAUSE_1: they will meet the stress/force analysis requirements KEYWORD: if VARIABLE: they CONDITION: will meet the stress/force analysis requirements ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: However, a commonly used dye-penetrant etchant (a solution of nitric acid and hydrofluoric acid) has been shown to dissolve stringer material in 304L stainless steel ### Assistant: NOT_RELEVANT: (a solution of nitric acid and hydrofluoric acid) CAUSE_1: a commonly used dye-penetrant etchant KEYWORD: has been shown EFFECT_1: to dissolve stringer material in 304L stainless steel VARIABLE: stringer material in 304L stainless steel CONDITION: to dissolve ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Note that, for 304L stainless steel, any significant stringer is screened out during the required proof and helium leak testing process ### Assistant: CAUSE_2: the required proof CAUSE_1: 304L stainless steel CAUSE_3: helium leak testing process EFFECT_1: any significant stringer is screened out KEYWORD: for NOT_RELEVANT: Note that AND: and VARIABLE: helium leak testing process CONDITION: is screened out ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The use of vacuum remelt raw material significantly reduces the likelihood of stringers occurring ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: The use of vacuum remelt raw material EFFECT_1: significantly reduces the likelihood of stringers occurring VARIABLE: the likelihood of stringers occurring CONDITION: significantly reduces ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Before firing, a leak in the upstream-side parent metal seal could allow hazardous fluid at system pressure to enter the ram area ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: firing NEGATION: Before CAUSE_2: a leak in the upstream-side parent metal seal EFFECT_1: hazardous fluid at system pressure to enter the ram area VARIABLE: hazardous fluid at system pressure CONDITION: to enter the ram area KEYWORD: could allow ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Similarly, after firing, leakage past the ram might occur ### Assistant: NOT_RELEVANT: Similarly CAUSE_1: firing EFFECT_1: leakage past the ram might occur NEGATION: after VARIABLE: firing CONDITION: might occur ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Therefore, to ensure at least single-fault tolerance against external leakage, all internal valve materials that could then become wetted are to be fully compatible with the hazardous fluid ### Assistant: EFFECT_1: to ensure at least single-fault tolerance against external leakage CAUSE_1: could then become wetted CAUSE_2: are to be fully compatible with the hazardous fluid KEYWORD: that NOT_RELEVANT: Therefore VARIABLE: all internal valve materials CONDITION: could then become wetted ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Both designs, when qualified, can be acceptable for use in ELV payload hazardous flight applications (checklist item 20A) ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: Both designs VARIABLE: Both designs EFFECT_1: can be acceptable for use in ELV payload hazardous flight applications NOT_RELEVANT: (checklist item 20A) KEYWORD: when CONDITION: can be acceptable for use in ELV payload hazardous flight applications ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Components require independent certification that the materials of construction conform to drawing specifications before fabrication ### Assistant: EFFECT_1: Components require independent certification that the materials of construction conform to drawing specifications NEGATION: before CAUSE_1: fabrication VARIABLE: fabrication CONDITION: require independent certification that the materials of construction conform to drawing specifications ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: This specification requires that the valve meet a demonstrated safety factor of 2.5 to 4.0, as applicable ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: This specification KEYWORD: requires that EFFECT_1: the valve meet a demonstrated safety factor of 2.5 to 4.0 NOT_RELEVANT: as applicable VARIABLE: the valve CONDITION: meet a demonstrated safety factor of 2.5 to 4.0 ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: All manufacturing and inspection records and tested units shall be retained by the manufacturer for a minimum of 10 years, unless otherwise specified by contract (checklist item 36D) ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: specified by contract NEGATION: unless CONDITION: shall be retained by the manufacturer for a minimum of 10 years EFFECT_1: All manufacturing AND: and EFFECT_2: inspection records EFFECT_3: tested units shall be retained by the manufacturer for a minimum of 10 years VARIABLE: tested units NOT_RELEVANT: (checklist item 36D) ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: After manufacturing is complete, the lot of valves shall be submitted to LAT ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: manufacturing is complete EFFECT_1: the lot of valves shall be submitted to LAT KEYWORD: After VARIABLE: the lot of valves CONDITION: shall be submitted to LAT ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Destructive acceptance testing shall be performed where specified by procurement documentation ### Assistant: EFFECT_1: Destructive acceptance testing shall be performed KEYWORD: where CAUSE_1: specified by procurement documentation CONDITION: shall be performed VARIABLE: Destructive acceptance testing ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Provide detailed calculation of MEOP for the pyrovalve and the pressurization system when personnel could be endangered ### Assistant: EFFECT_1: Provide detailed calculation of MEOP for the pyrovalve EFFECT_2: the pressurization system KEYWORD: when CAUSE_1: personnel could be endangered VARIABLE: the pressurization system CONDITION: Provide AND: and ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Document burst pressure testing in qualification test before and after firing and after firing for LATs ### Assistant: NEGATION: after AND: and CAUSE_1: firing CAUSE_2: firing for LATs EFFECT_1: Document burst pressure testing in qualification test VARIABLE: firing for LATs CONDITION: Document ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Provide drawing of the non-welded parent metal shear-section to confirm it is a continuous unit of non-welded parent metal ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: Provide drawing of the non-welded parent metal shear-section EFFECT_1: to confirm it is a continuous unit of non-welded parent metal VARIABLE: it is a continuous unit of non-welded parent metal CONDITION: to confirm ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Document when the NC parent metal valve will be actuated to the open position ### Assistant: EFFECT_1: Document KEYWORD: when CAUSE_1: the NC parent metal valve will be actuated to the open position VARIABLE: Document CONDITION: will be actuated to the open position ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: If the material used for the parent metal shear-section is 304L stainless steel, checklist items 14 through 17 do not apply ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: the material used for the parent metal shear-section is 304L stainless steel EFFECT_1: checklist items 14 through 17 do not apply KEYWORD: If VARIABLE: checklist items 14 through 17 CONDITION: apply NEGATION: do not ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Depending on the stress levels, non-linear analysis may also be required ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: the stress levels KEYWORD: Depending on EFFECT_1: non-linear analysis may also be required VARIABLE: the stress levels CONDITION: may also be required ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: During the 1950s and early 1960s, the Missile Firing Laboratory (later renamed to the Launch Operations Directorate) was the launch operations arm of Redstone Arsenal and the Army Ballistic Missile Agency ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: the 1950s CAUSE_2: early 1960s VARIABLE: early 1960s CONDITION: the Army Ballistic Missile Agency AND: and EFFECT_1: was the launch operations arm of Redstone Arsenal EFFECT_2: the Army Ballistic Missile Agency NOT_RELEVANT: (later renamed to the Launch Operations Directorate) KEYWORD: During ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: To qualify as COTS, equipment must not be modified (see modified off-the- shelf [MOTS]) ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: To qualify as COTS EFFECT_1: equipment must not be modified NOT_RELEVANT: (see modified off-the- shelf [MOTS]) VARIABLE: equipment NEGATION: must not CONDITION: To qualify as COTS ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The launch-induced environment also introduces hydrochloric acid, which exacerbates the corrosive effects of the marine environment ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: The launch-induced environment also introduces hydrochloric acid KEYWORD: which EFFECT_1: exacerbates the corrosive effects of the marine environment VARIABLE: the corrosive effects of the marine environment CONDITION: exacerbates ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: If the factor of safety is defined in terms of stress, it is the ratio of the ultimate or yield stress to the maximum design stress ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: the factor of safety is defined in terms of stress EFFECT_1: it is the ratio of the ultimate EFFECT_2: yield stress to the maximum design stress OR: or KEYWORD: If VARIABLE: it CONDITION: yield stress to the maximum design stress ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: In fatigue design, it is the ratio of the calculated fatigue life to the allowable design life ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: In fatigue design EFFECT_1: it is the ratio of the calculated fatigue life to the allowable design life VARIABLE: In fatigue design CONDITION: is the ratio of the calculated fatigue life to the allowable design life ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Rationale: Equipment used during the manufacturing of flight hardware is not considered to be GSE ### Assistant: EFFECT_1: is not considered to be GSE CAUSE_1: Equipment used during the manufacturing of flight hardware VARIABLE: Equipment CONDITION: considered to be GSE NEGATION: is not NOT_RELEVANT: Rationale ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: If manufacturing equipment is to be used after flight hardware processing begins, it must be designed to meet GSE requirements ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: manufacturing equipment is to be used after flight hardware processing begins EFFECT_1: it must be designed to meet GSE requirements KEYWORD: If VARIABLE: it CONDITION: must be designed to meet GSE requirements ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Rationale: Design standards for GSS may be similar to or, at the discretion of the program/project, identical to the design standards for GSE ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: the discretion of the program EFFECT_1: Design standards for GSS may be similar to EFFECT_2: identical to the design standards for GSE OR: / KEYWORD: at VARIABLE: project CONDITION: the discretion of NOT_RELEVANT: Rationale CAUSE_2: project ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The structure supports or provides direct access to flight hardware (e.g., test stands, launch complexes, access platforms in operational or research facilities, towers, and similar special-purpose facilities) ### Assistant: VARIABLE: direct access to flight hardware EFFECT_1: supports EFFECT_2: provides direct access to flight hardware OR: or CAUSE_1: The structure CONDITION: supports NOT_RELEVANT: (e.g., test stands, launch complexes, access platforms in operational or research facilities, towers, and similar special-purpose facilities) ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Rationale: Although its use is limited, STE has the potential to cause damage to flight hardware or injury to personnel ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: its use is limited NOT_RELEVANT: Rationale EFFECT_1: STE has the potential to cause damage to flight hardware EFFECT_2: injury to personnel OR: or VARIABLE: STE CONDITION: injury to personnel ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: In order to meet customer requirements, individual system and equipment design projects may need criteria that are more stringent than those specified herein ### Assistant: EFFECT_1: to meet customer requirements CAUSE_1: individual system CAUSE_2: equipment design projects may need criteria that are more stringent than those specified herein AND: and KEYWORD: In order VARIABLE: equipment design projects CONDITION: may need criteria that are more stringent than those specified herein ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: In such cases, these criteria should be determined by the responsible design organization in consultation with its customers (e.g., users and operators) ### Assistant: VARIABLE: these criteria EFFECT_1: these criteria should be determined by the responsible design organization in consultation with its customers NOT_RELEVANT: (e.g., users and operators) KEYWORD: In CAUSE_1: such cases CONDITION: should be determined by the responsible design organization in consultation with its customers ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Close manufacturing tolerances should be avoided unless required by design and performance ### Assistant: NEGATION: unless CAUSE_1: required by design AND: and CAUSE_2: performance EFFECT_1: Close manufacturing tolerances should be avoided VARIABLE: Close manufacturing tolerances CONDITION: performance ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Existing GS that was verified to meet the GS requirements of a previous NASA program shall be considered acceptable for use without further verification to the requirements of this standards manual ### Assistant: CAUSE_2: without further verification to the requirements of this standards manual CAUSE_1: was verified to meet the GS requirements of a previous NASA program EFFECT_1: shall be considered acceptable for use VARIABLE: further verification to the requirements of this standards manual CONDITION: shall be considered acceptable for use NEGATION: without KEYWORD: that ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Items with limited life shall be identified on design drawings and annotated with the specific limitation to the life of the item ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: Items with limited life EFFECT_1: shall be identified on design drawings EFFECT_2: annotated with the specific limitation to the life of the item AND: and VARIABLE: Items CONDITION: annotated with the specific limitation to the life of the item ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Elapsed time or cycle indicators should be employed to accumulate operational time or cycles for limited-life items ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: limited-life items KEYWORD: for EFFECT_1: Elapsed time EFFECT_2: cycle indicators should be employed to accumulate operational time EFFECT_3: cycles OR: or VARIABLE: items CONDITION: limited-life ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The age of items that are installed in a nonoperating mode should also be tracked ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: The age of items KEYWORD: that EFFECT_1: should also be tracked VARIABLE: The age of items CONDITION: should also be tracked ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Safety of these systems is achieved by application of design requirements contained in this standards manual ### Assistant: EFFECT_1: Safety of these systems is achieved KEYWORD: by CAUSE_1: application of design requirements contained in this standards manual VARIABLE: design requirements contained in this standards manual CONDITION: application of ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: More stringent fault tolerance requirements (e.g., two-fault tolerant for loss of flight crew) may be applicable depending on program requirements ### Assistant: EFFECT_1: may be applicable CAUSE_1: program requirements VARIABLE: program requirements CONDITION: may be applicable KEYWORD: depending on NOT_RELEVANT: (e.g., two-fault tolerant for loss of flight crew) ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Failure modes/inadvertent operator actions are controlled using a systematic application of approved standards and design margins ### Assistant: EFFECT_1: Failure modes/inadvertent operator actions are controlled CAUSE_1: using a systematic application of approved standards AND: and CAUSE_2: design margins VARIABLE: Failure modes/inadvertent operator actions CONDITION: are controlled ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: System inputs (including dependencies such as electrical power and pneumatic purges) and outputs (including all control and monitoring functions) that could fail with potentially catastrophic or critical consequences shall be identified as reliability critical (FMEA is required) ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: could fail with potentially catastrophic AND: and CAUSE_2: outputs CAUSE_3: critical consequences EFFECT_1: shall be identified as reliability critical VARIABLE: outputs CONDITION: shall be identified as reliability critical OR: or NOT_RELEVANT: (FMEA is required) KEYWORD: that ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: System inputs and outputs can be obtained from a system requirements document if available ### Assistant: EFFECT_1: System inputs EFFECT_2: outputs can be obtained from a system requirements document CAUSE_1: available KEYWORD: if AND: and VARIABLE: outputs CONDITION: available ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Redundant hardware item, which if all failed, could cause loss of life or vehicle ### Assistant: KEYWORD: which if CAUSE_1: Redundant hardware item EFFECT_1: could cause loss of life EFFECT_2: vehicle OR: or CAUSE_2: all failed VARIABLE: loss of life CONDITION: Redundant ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: In determining the classification of criticality categories, it will be assumed that personnel actions will be performed to activate standby redundant items, as long as requirements for detectability and time to effect are met ### Assistant: EFFECT_1: personnel actions will be performed to activate standby redundant items KEYWORD: as long as CAUSE_1: requirements for detectability AND: and CAUSE_2: time to effect are met NOT_RELEVANT: In determining the classification of criticality categories, it will be assumed that VARIABLE: time to effect CONDITION: are met ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: In the absence of a program requirement, the methodology of KNPR 8700.2 shall be used ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: the absence of a program requirement EFFECT_1: the methodology of KNPR 8700.2 shall be used KEYWORD: In VARIABLE: the methodology of KNPR 8700.2 CONDITION: shall be used ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: All components other than criticality 3 are included in a CIL report, where they are reviewed for criteria such as qualification, failure history, tests, and verifications that will justify the design ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: All components other than criticality 3 EFFECT_1: are included in a CIL report EFFECT_2: that will justify the design KEYWORD: where NOT_RELEVANT: such as qualification, failure history, tests, and verifications VARIABLE: they NEGATION: other CONDITION: that will justify the design ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Static components, such as pressure vessels, pressure lines, cables, connectors, and wiring, shall be considered only if failure can be attributed to an active component failure ### Assistant: VARIABLE: failure NOT_RELEVANT: such as pressure vessels, pressure lines, cables, connectors, and wiring CONDITION: can be attributed to an active component failure KEYWORD: only if CAUSE_1: failure can be attributed to an active component failure EFFECT_1: shall be considered ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: A Hazard Analysis shall be performed on those systems and subsystems determined by the criticality assessment to be a potential threat to flight systems, ground systems, or safety ### Assistant: EFFECT_1: A Hazard Analysis shall be performed on those systems EFFECT_2: subsystems CAUSE_1: determined by the criticality assessment to be a potential threat to flight systems CAUSE_2: ground systems OR: or CAUSE_3: safety VARIABLE: A Hazard Analysis CONDITION: safety AND: and ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The book purchase report shall only be generated by managers or users with defined privileges ### Assistant: EFFECT_1: shall CAUSE_2: users with defined privileges OR: or CONDITION: shall VARIABLE: users CAUSE_1: managers KEYWORD: by ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: SRS-7: Database update data shall be committed to the database only after the managers have approved ### Assistant: NOT_RELEVANT: SRS-7: VARIABLE: the managers CONDITION: have approved EFFECT_1: Database update data shall be committed to the database KEYWORD: only after CAUSE_1: the managers have approved ### END