### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Implementation of corrective action is subsequently found to have been inadequate to prevent a reoccurrence at any location of recently identified deficiencies ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: Implementation of corrective action is subsequently found to have been inadequate EFFECT_1: to prevent a reoccurrence at any location of recently identified deficiencies VARIABLE: a reoccurrence at any location of recently identified deficiencies CONDITION: to prevent ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Where the accreditation body is notified that unsatisfactory work or non-compliance with the scheme requirements has occurred and the matter is disputed by the Provider, the accreditation body shall carry out an investigation ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: the accreditation body is notified that unsatisfactory work CAUSE_2: non-compliance with the scheme requirements has occurred CAUSE_3: the matter is disputed by the Provider EFFECT_1: the accreditation body shall carry out an investigation KEYWORD: Where OR: or AND: and VARIABLE: the accreditation body CONDITION: shall carry out an investigation ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Under certain circumstances an interested party or Provider may wish to escalate an issue to the accreditation body for further investigation ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: certain circumstances EFFECT_1: an interested party EFFECT_2: Provider may wish to escalate an issue to the accreditation body for further investigation KEYWORD: Under OR: or VARIABLE: Provider CONDITION: may wish to escalate an issue to the accreditation body for further investigation ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Where the investigation is to be carried out following a complaint made by the adopting network operator or other party, the Provider shall allow the complainant to be represented during the investigation ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: the investigation is to be carried out CAUSE_3: other party EFFECT_1: the Provider shall allow the complainant to be represented during the investigation KEYWORD: Where OR: or VARIABLE: a complaint CONDITION: made by the adopting network operator CAUSE_2: a complaint made by the adopting network operator AND: following ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Where the investigation is to be carried out following a complaint made by the Provider, the interested party shall allow the complainant to be represented during the investigation ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: the investigation is to be carried out EFFECT_1: the interested party shall allow the complainant to be represented during the investigation KEYWORD: Where VARIABLE: the interested party CONDITION: shall allow the complainant to be represented during the investigation CAUSE_2: a complaint made by the Provider AND: following ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Once accreditation has been cancelled then re-accreditation will be subject to a full re-assessment of the Provider ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: accreditation has been cancelled EFFECT_1: re-accreditation will be subject to a full re-assessment of the Provider KEYWORD: Once VARIABLE: re-accreditation CONDITION: will be subject to a full re-assessment of the Provider ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: If the Provider wishes to object to action taken, including withdrawal of accreditation, by the accreditation body they shall, within twenty-one days of the issue of the notification to them, give notice in writing to the accreditation body of their objections setting out clearly the grounds for an appeal ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: by the accreditation body AND: including CAUSE_2: withdrawal of accreditation EFFECT_1: give notice in writing to the accreditation body of their objections setting out clearly the grounds for an appeal CAUSE_3: twenty-one days of the issue of the notification to them KEYWORD: within VARIABLE: twenty-one days of the issue of the notification to them CONDITION: give notice in writing to the accreditation body of their objections setting out clearly the grounds for an appeal ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Alternatively, if the appeals process finds the accreditation withdrawal to be the correct course of action then re-instatement of the Provider would entail a full re-evaluation ### Assistant: NOT_RELEVANT: Alternatively KEYWORD: then CAUSE_1: the appeals process finds the accreditation withdrawal to be the correct course of action EFFECT_1: re-instatement of the Provider would entail a full re-evaluation VARIABLE: re-instatement of the Provider CONDITION: would entail a full re-evaluation ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: At the end of the 3 year full accreditation period a reassessment covering all required scopes of accreditation shall be undertaken ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: the end of the 3 year full accreditation period EFFECT_1: a reassessment covering all required scopes of accreditation shall be undertaken VARIABLE: a reassessment covering all required scopes of accreditation CONDITION: shall be undertaken KEYWORD: At ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The maximum period of repair once a failure of SKA1 has been established, shall be 1 (TBC) week ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: a failure of SKA1 has been established EFFECT_1: shall be 1 (TBC) week KEYWORD: once VARIABLE: a failure of SKA1 CONDITION: has been established ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: All subsystems shall not lose more than 4 hours of acquired or processed measurement data (not yet permanently stored) as a result of an outage in the external power supply ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: an outage in the external power supply EFFECT_1: All subsystems shall not lose more than 4 hours of acquired EFFECT_2: processed measurement data NOT_RELEVANT: (not yet permanently stored) KEYWORD: as a result of VARIABLE: an outage in the external power supply NEGATION: shall not CONDITION: processed measurement data OR: or ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: All subsystems shall have the capability to restart autonomously and without failures, after an outage in external power supply ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: an outage in external power supply NEGATION: after EFFECT_1: All subsystems shall have the capability to restart autonomously EFFECT_2: without failures AND: and VARIABLE: an outage in external power supply CONDITION: without failures ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: All subsystems shall be available within 5 minutes (TBC) after restart ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: restart EFFECT_1: All subsystems shall be available within 5 minutes (TBC) NEGATION: after VARIABLE: restart CONDITION: shall be available within 5 minutes (TBC) ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Software configuration items shall provide unambiguous inputs to allow the maintenance of a configuration management database ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: Software configuration items shall provide unambiguous inputs EFFECT_1: the maintenance of a configuration management database KEYWORD: to allow VARIABLE: a configuration management database CONDITION: the maintenance of ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The software identification shall be available to the operator within 10 seconds (TBC) after the request was made ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: the request was made EFFECT_1: The software identification shall be available to the operator within 10 seconds (TBC) NEGATION: after VARIABLE: The software identification CONDITION: shall be available to the operator within 10 seconds (TBC) ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: SKA equipment shall be able to operate without degradation of the performance during any type of precipitation (to be specified) ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: any type of precipitation EFFECT_1: SKA equipment shall be able to operate without degradation of the performance KEYWORD: during NOT_RELEVANT: (to be specified) VARIABLE: any type of precipitation CONDITION: shall be able to operate without degradation of the performance ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Clipping occurs when the range of the input signal voltages to the ADC is larger than the ADC voltage range ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: the range of the input signal voltages to the ADC is larger than the ADC voltage range EFFECT_1: Clipping occurs KEYWORD: when VARIABLE: the range of the input signal voltages to the ADC CONDITION: is larger than the ADC voltage range ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The number of ADC bits shall therefore be sufficient to prevent clipping due to strong interfering signals such as airplane DME and satellite signals ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: strong interfering signals NOT_RELEVANT: such as airplane DME and satellite signals EFFECT_1: The number of ADC bits shall therefore be sufficient to prevent clipping KEYWORD: due to VARIABLE: interfering signals CONDITION: strong ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Maximum effort (to be detailed) shall be put into designing signal interfaces to withstand noisy environments and to minimize the generation of excessive noise ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: shall be put into designing signal interfaces EFFECT_1: to withstand noisy environments AND: and EFFECT_2: to minimize the generation of excessive noise VARIABLE: the generation of excessive noise CONDITION: to minimize NOT_RELEVANT: (to be detailed) ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Interference due to selfgenerated RFI shall not degrade the performance of the instrument by greater than 1% by any measure (TBC) ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: selfgenerated RFI EFFECT_1: shall not degrade the performance of the instrument by greater than 1% by any measure (TBC) KEYWORD: due to NEGATION: shall not VARIABLE: selfgenerated RFI CONDITION: degrade the performance of the instrument by greater than 1% by any measure (TBC) ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: SKA dedicated buildings and equipment located on sites shall be protected to minimize the effects of a direct lightning strike using certified methods (e.g. as described in NEN 1014) ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: to minimize the effects of a direct lightning strike using certified methods NOT_RELEVANT: (e.g. as described in NEN 1014) EFFECT_1: SKA dedicated buildings EFFECT_2: equipment located on sites shall be protected AND: and VARIABLE: equipment located on sites CONDITION: shall be protected ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: SKA electronics and connectors in areas with a higher air flow (for cooling) or outdoor environment shall be additionally protected against corrosion ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: SKA electronics CAUSE_2: connectors in areas with a higher air flow (for cooling) CAUSE_3: outdoor environment AND: and OR: or EFFECT_1: shall be additionally protected against corrosion CONDITION: shall be additionally protected against corrosion VARIABLE: outdoor environment ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Materials used in the SKA1 design shall not have any lasting effect on the site location ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: Materials used in the SKA1 design EFFECT_1: shall not have any lasting effect on the site location NEGATION: shall not VARIABLE: Materials CONDITION: have any lasting effect on the site location ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The field return rate of equipment shall be less than 0.5% (TBC) during installation and the first year full usage ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: installation CAUSE_2: the first year full usage AND: and KEYWORD: during EFFECT_1: The field return rate of equipment shall be less than 0.5% VARIABLE: the first year full usage CONDITION: shall be less than 0.5% NOT_RELEVANT: (TBC) ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: These requirements are intended to be general, but where specific, reference will be made to Interface Control Documents (ICDs) ### Assistant: EFFECT_1: These requirements are intended to be general CAUSE_1: specific EFFECT_2: reference will be made to Interface Control Documents (ICDs) KEYWORD: but where VARIABLE: reference CONDITION: will be made to Interface Control Documents (ICDs) ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The Element or Module provider will be allowed to propose alternate requirements within documents that they consider to meet or exceed the intent of the Type 2 designation to the Program Manager ### Assistant: CAUSE_2: exceed the intent of the Type 2 designation to the Program Manager CAUSE_1: they consider to meet OR: or EFFECT_1: The Element EFFECT_2: Module provider will be allowed to propose alternate requirements within documents KEYWORD: that VARIABLE: they CONDITION: exceed the intent of the Type 2 designation to the Program Manager ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Any ‘Applicable’ document listed in a Type 2 document is also considered to be Type 2 unless specified otherwise ### Assistant: EFFECT_1: is also considered to be Type 2 CAUSE_2: specified otherwise NEGATION: unless VARIABLE: ‘Applicable’ document CONDITION: specified otherwise KEYWORD: Any CAUSE_1: ‘Applicable’ document listed in a Type 2 document ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: In the event of a conflict between the text of this specification and the references cited herein, the text of this specification takes precedence ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: a conflict between the text of this specification and the references cited herein EFFECT_1: the text of this specification takes precedence KEYWORD: In the event of VARIABLE: the text of this specification CONDITION: takes precedence ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Nothing in this specification, however, supersedes applicable laws and regulations unless a specific exemption has been obtained ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: a specific exemption has been obtained EFFECT_1: supersedes applicable laws NEGATION: unless NOT_RELEVANT: however VARIABLE: a specific exemption CONDITION: has been obtained AND: and EFFECT_2: regulations ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Allocations of the habitability functions between the pressurized volumes will be adjusted as the architecture matures ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: the architecture matures EFFECT_1: Allocations of the habitability functions between the pressurized volumes will be adjusted KEYWORD: as VARIABLE: the architecture CONDITION: matures ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Formal Human Rating certification will be obtained for each integrated architecture/mission (including Gateway Modules and the docked crewed vehicle) prior to each crewed flight ### Assistant: VARIABLE: each crewed flight CONDITION: integrated KEYWORD: for each NOT_RELEVANT: (including Gateway Modules and the docked crewed vehicle) NEGATION: prior to EFFECT_1: Formal Human Rating certification will be obtained CAUSE_1: integrated architecture/mission CAUSE_2: prior to each crewed flight ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Radiators are most effective in rejecting heat when pointed towards deep space because they are not subjected to the heat radiated from the Moon or Earth ### Assistant: VARIABLE: they CONDITION: Earth KEYWORD: because NEGATION: are not OR: or EFFECT_1: Radiators are most effective in rejecting heat CAUSE_1: pointed towards deep space CAUSE_2: they are not subjected to the heat radiated from the Moon CAUSE_3: Earth ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The need for secondary structure should be minimized in order to reduce element mass ### Assistant: VARIABLE: element mass CONDITION: to reduce KEYWORD: in order EFFECT_1: to reduce element mass CAUSE_1: The need for secondary structure should be minimized ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: During radiation events, if thresholds are reached, crewmembers would seek shelter in higher shielded locations of Gateway in order to minimize exposure ### Assistant: KEYWORD: in order VARIABLE: exposure CONDITION: to minimize CAUSE_1: radiation events CAUSE_2: thresholds are reached CAUSE_3: crewmembers would seek shelter in higher shielded locations of Gateway EFFECT_1: to minimize exposure ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: If the Provider has performed satisfactorily over the accreditation period their accreditation is likely to be reviewed with minimum examination ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: the Provider has performed satisfactorily over the accreditation period KEYWORD: If EFFECT_1: their accreditation is likely to be reviewed with minimum examination VARIABLE: their accreditation CONDITION: is likely to be reviewed with minimum examination ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Where this cannot be arranged the level of accreditation, subject to satisfactory verification of procedures and processes, will reduce to ‘Partial’ ### Assistant: VARIABLE: the level of accreditation CAUSE_1: this cannot be arranged EFFECT_1: will reduce to ‘Partial’ KEYWORD: Where NEGATION: cannot CONDITION: will reduce to ‘Partial’ NOT_RELEVANT: subject to satisfactory verification of procedures and processes ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: If the Provider does not put in place adequate accreditation renewal arrangements, or allow adequate time for the required renewal assessment to take place, the accreditation will be terminated ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: the Provider does not put in place adequate accreditation renewal arrangements OR: or CAUSE_2: allow adequate time for the required renewal assessment to take place EFFECT_1: the accreditation will be terminated KEYWORD: If VARIABLE: the accreditation NEGATION: does not CONDITION: will be terminated ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Where scopes are not witnessed during the re-accreditation, or there is not adequate evidence to support the award of ‘Full’ accreditation, these scopes may only be awarded ‘Partial’ status ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: scopes are not witnessed OR: or CAUSE_3: there is not adequate evidence to support the award of ‘Full’ accreditation EFFECT_1: these scopes may only be awarded ‘Partial’ status KEYWORD: during VARIABLE: the re-accreditation NEGATION: is not CONDITION: may only be awarded ‘Partial’ status CAUSE_2: the re-accreditation ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: After this period of time the Accreditation Body will issue a report concluding the accreditation ### Assistant: EFFECT_1: the Accreditation Body will issue a report concluding the accreditation VARIABLE: the Accreditation Body KEYWORD: After CAUSE_1: this period of time CONDITION: will issue a report concluding the accreditation ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The accreditation body will notify all adopting utility companies when action is taken to amend, suspend or terminate the accreditation of a Provider ### Assistant: EFFECT_1: The accreditation body will notify all adopting utility companies CAUSE_1: action is taken to amend CAUSE_2: suspend CAUSE_3: terminate the accreditation of a Provider OR: or KEYWORD: when VARIABLE: action CONDITION: terminate the accreditation of a Provider ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: On gaining accreditation Providers will be issued with the NERS Scheme Registration Mark (which incorporates the LR Approval Mark) ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: gaining accreditation KEYWORD: Providers EFFECT_1: Providers will be issued with the NERS Scheme Registration Mark CONDITION: gaining NOT_RELEVANT: (which incorporates the LR Approval Mark) VARIABLE: accreditation ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Correct use of a NERS Mark is a contractual obligation and a NERS accreditation certificate can be withdrawn if a Provider misuses a NERS Scheme Mark and continues to do this after attention has been drawn to the misuse ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: a Provider misuses a NERS Scheme Mark CAUSE_2: continues to do this after attention has been drawn to the misuse AND: and EFFECT_1: a NERS accreditation certificate can be withdrawn NOT_RELEVANT: Correct use of a NERS Mark is a contractual obligation and VARIABLE: a Provider CONDITION: continues to do this after attention has been drawn to the misuse KEYWORD: if ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Also, if NERS accreditation is withdrawn from a Provider they must stop using the NERS Scheme Mark and, where necessary, withdraw any material carrying the Mark ### Assistant: NOT_RELEVANT: where necessary CAUSE_1: NERS accreditation is withdrawn from a Provider KEYWORD: if EFFECT_1: they must stop using the NERS Scheme Mark EFFECT_2: withdraw any material AND: and VARIABLE: they CONDITION: carrying the Mark CAUSE_2: carrying the Mark ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Assessment for accreditation under the 2nd tier scheme only covers those areas relevant to the work being undertaken and takes into consideration the supervisory responsibilities of the NERS accredited Provider ### Assistant: EFFECT_1: covers CAUSE_1: areas relevant to the work being undertaken CAUSE_2: takes into consideration the supervisory responsibilities of the NERS accredited Provider AND: and VARIABLE: areas CONDITION: takes into consideration the supervisory responsibilities of the NERS accredited Provider KEYWORD: those ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Providers shall have a procedure in place to ensure that all tools, equipment, lifting tackle etc is tested / calibrated as required ### Assistant: KEYWORD: to ensure that EFFECT_1: all tools CAUSE_1: Providers shall have a procedure in place EFFECT_2: equipment EFFECT_3: lifting tackle etc is tested / calibrated as required VARIABLE: lifting tackle etc CONDITION: is tested / calibrated as required ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: There is not normally a requirement for Providers who simply introduce contractors to the client and where the construction Provider does the entire liaison with the host utility and the on-site liaison with the client to be accredited as project managers ### Assistant: EFFECT_1: There is not normally a requirement KEYWORD: who CAUSE_1: simply introduce contractors to the client AND: and CAUSE_2: the construction Provider does the entire liaison with the host utility CAUSE_3: the on-site liaison with the client to be accredited as project managers VARIABLE: the construction Provider NEGATION: is not CONDITION: the on-site liaison with the client to be accredited as project managers ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: An assessment file should be compiled for each candidate providing background supporting evidence towards the competence required (i.e. previous authorities held, employment history, training details, experience and skills tests undertaken) ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: each candidate providing background supporting evidence towards the competence required EFFECT_1: An assessment file should be compiled KEYWORD: for NOT_RELEVANT: (i.e. previous authorities held, employment history, training details, experience and skills tests undertaken) VARIABLE: each candidate CONDITION: providing background supporting evidence towards the competence required ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The Assessing Officer may accept documented assessments of practical skills tests provided they are/were undertaken by a recognised training institution/facility ### Assistant: KEYWORD: provided CAUSE_1: they are/were undertaken by a recognised training institution/facility EFFECT_1: The Assessing Officer may accept documented assessments of practical skills tests VARIABLE: The Assessing Officer CONDITION: may accept documented assessments of practical skills tests ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: That assessment, if satisfactory, shall be given authority by the Provider’s Authorising Officer ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: satisfactory KEYWORD: if EFFECT_1: shall be given authority by the Provider’s Authorising Officer VARIABLE: That assessment CONDITION: shall be given authority by the Provider’s Authorising Officer ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: As the holder of this authority I understand and accept my responsibilities associated with the duties detailed above ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: the holder of this authority KEYWORD: As EFFECT_1: I understand AND: and EFFECT_2: accept my responsibilities associated with the duties detailed above VARIABLE: I CONDITION: accept my responsibilities associated with the duties detailed above ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Ensure that where training under personal supervision is undertaken the minimum requirements in terms of duration, level of responsibility and limit of work activities are clearly defined ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: training under personal supervision is undertaken EFFECT_1: the minimum requirements in terms of duration EFFECT_2: level of responsibility EFFECT_3: limit of work activities are clearly defined AND: and KEYWORD: where NOT_RELEVANT: Ensure that VARIABLE: limit of work activities CONDITION: are clearly defined ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Providers with partial accreditation can tender and obtain work for the scopes they hold ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: Providers with partial accreditation EFFECT_1: can tender EFFECT_2: obtain work AND: and VARIABLE: the scopes CONDITION: they hold KEYWORD: for CAUSE_2: the scopes they hold ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Full Accreditation is granted to Providers who have successfully demonstrated that they have adequately met the schemes requirements with respect to the construction of adoptable assets ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: they have adequately met the schemes requirements with respect to the construction of adoptable assets EFFECT_1: Full Accreditation is granted to Providers KEYWORD: who NOT_RELEVANT: have successfully demonstrated that VARIABLE: they CONDITION: have adequately met the schemes requirements with respect to the construction of adoptable assets ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: If a Provider’s has Project Management for a construction scope PM will appear after the voltage in the scope description i.e. Jointing (HV-PM) ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: a Provider’s has Project Management for a construction scope EFFECT_1: PM will appear after the voltage in the scope description NOT_RELEVANT: i.e. Jointing (HV-PM) KEYWORD: If VARIABLE: PM CONDITION: will appear after the voltage in the scope description ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Granted when the first site works have been witnessed successfully ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: the first site works have been witnessed successfully EFFECT_1: Granted KEYWORD: when CONDITION: have been witnessed successfully VARIABLE: the first site works ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: It is also applicable to NERS Providers who hold at least one construction scope and wish to sub-contract out work covered by other scopes that they do not have ### Assistant: EFFECT_1: It is also applicable to NERS Providers KEYWORD: that CAUSE_1: hold at least one construction scope CAUSE_2: wish to sub-contract out work covered by other scopes CONDITION: have AND: and VARIABLE: they NEGATION: do not CAUSE_3: they do not have ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: In this situation they must utilise an appropriately accredited NERS Providers ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: this situation KEYWORD: In EFFECT_1: they must utilise an appropriately accredited NERS Providers VARIABLE: they CONDITION: must utilise an appropriately accredited NERS Providers ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Live jointing only allows jointing onto the main installed by the NERS Provider ### Assistant: EFFECT_1: allows jointing onto the main installed by the NERS Provider CAUSE_1: Live jointing VARIABLE: jointing onto the main installed by the NERS Provider CONDITION: allows KEYWORD: only ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The administrator can, for instance, verify restaurant owners and manage user information ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: The administrator EFFECT_1: verify restaurant owners NOT_RELEVANT: for instance AND: and EFFECT_2: manage user information VARIABLE: The administrator CONDITION: manage user information ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Furthermore, the software needs both Internet and GPS connection to fetch and display results ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: the software needs both Internet CAUSE_2: GPS connection AND: and EFFECT_2: display results EFFECT_1: to fetch NOT_RELEVANT: Furthermore VARIABLE: results CONDITION: to fetch ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: By using the GPS-Navigator, users can view desired restaurants on a map and be navigated to them ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: using the GPS-Navigator EFFECT_1: users can view desired restaurants on a map AND: and EFFECT_2: be navigated to them VARIABLE: users CONDITION: using KEYWORD: By ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Different specification techniques are used in order to specify the requirements more precisely for different audiences ### Assistant: EFFECT_1: to specify the requirements more precisely for different audiences CAUSE_1: Different specification techniques are used KEYWORD: in order VARIABLE: the requirements CONDITION: more precisely for different audiences ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The mobile application will be used to find restaurants and view information about them while the web portal will be used for system as a whole ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: The mobile application EFFECT_1: will be used to find restaurants EFFECT_2: view information about them CAUSE_2: the web portal EFFECT_3: will be used for system as a whole NOT_RELEVANT: while AND: and VARIABLE: the web portal CONDITION: will be used for system as a whole ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: To avoid problems with overloading the operating system the application is only allowed to use 20 megabytes of memory while running the application ### Assistant: EFFECT_1: To avoid problems with overloading the operating system CAUSE_1: the application is only allowed to use 20 megabytes of memory VARIABLE: the application CONDITION: running KEYWORD: while CAUSE_2: running the application ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The result of the search will be viewed either in a list view or in a map view, depending on what criteria included in the search ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: what criteria included in the search EFFECT_1: The result of the search will be viewed either in a list view KEYWORD: depending on VARIABLE: The result of the search CONDITION: in a map view OR: or EFFECT_2: in a map view ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The web portal will provide functionality to manage the system and the restaurant information ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: The web portal will provide functionality EFFECT_1: to manage the system EFFECT_2: the restaurant information AND: and VARIABLE: the restaurant information CONDITION: to manage ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: They are managing the overall system so there is no incorrect information within it ### Assistant: EFFECT_1: there is no incorrect information within it CAUSE_1: They are managing the overall system KEYWORD: so NEGATION: is no VARIABLE: They CONDITION: are managing the overall system ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Since there are multiple system and multiple GPS manufacturers, the interface will most likely not be the same for every one of them ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: there are multiple system CAUSE_2: multiple GPS manufacturers EFFECT_1: the interface will most likely not be the same for every one of them KEYWORD: Since AND: and VARIABLE: the interface CONDITION: be the same for every one of them NEGATION: not ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Since the application fetches data from the database over the Internet, it is crucial that there is an Internet connection for the application to function ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: the application fetches data from the database over the Internet EFFECT_1: there is an Internet connection for the application to function KEYWORD: Since VARIABLE: there CONDITION: is an Internet connection for the application to function NOT_RELEVANT: it is crucial that ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Since the database is shared between both application it may be forced to queue incoming requests and therefor increase the time it takes to fetch data ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: the database is shared between both application EFFECT_1: it may be forced to queue incoming requests EFFECT_2: increase the time it takes to fetch data AND: and KEYWORD: therefor VARIABLE: it CONDITION: increase the time it takes to fetch data ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: If the phone does not have enough hardware resources available for the application, for example the users might have allocated them with other applications, there may be scenarios where the application does not work as intended or even at all ### Assistant: NOT_RELEVANT: for example the users might have allocated them with other applications KEYWORD: where CAUSE_1: the phone does not have enough hardware resources available for the application EFFECT_1: there may be scenarios EFFECT_3: even at all OR: or VARIABLE: the application NEGATION: does not CONDITION: may be scenarios EFFECT_2: the application does not work as intended ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: In the case that the project is delayed, there are some requirements that could be transferred to the next version of the application ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: the project is delayed EFFECT_1: there are some requirements that could be transferred to the next version of the application KEYWORD: In the case that VARIABLE: there CONDITION: are some requirements that could be transferred to the next version of the application ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: A first-time user of the mobile application should see the log-in page when he/she opens the application, see Figure 2 ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: he/she opens the application NOT_RELEVANT: see Figure 2 EFFECT_1: A first-time user of the mobile application should see the log-in page KEYWORD: when VARIABLE: he/she CONDITION: opens the application ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: If the user has not registered, he/she should be able to do that on the log-in page ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: the user has not registered EFFECT_1: he/she should be able to do that on the log-in page KEYWORD: If NEGATION: has not CONDITION: should be able to do that on the log-in page VARIABLE: he/she ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Every user should have a profile page where they can edit their e-mail address, phone number and password, see Figure 4 ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: Every user should have a profile page EFFECT_1: they can edit their e-mail address EFFECT_2: phone number EFFECT_3: password NOT_RELEVANT: see Figure 4 AND: and KEYWORD: where VARIABLE: they CONDITION: password ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: When a user searches by price, this view should be the default one ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: a user searches by price EFFECT_1: this view should be the default one KEYWORD: When VARIABLE: this view CONDITION: should be the default one ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: A restaurant owner should be able to register on the web-portal in order to log in and manage the restaurant information ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: A restaurant owner should be able to register on the web-portal EFFECT_1: to log in AND: and CONDITION: to log in KEYWORD: in order VARIABLE: A restaurant owner EFFECT_2: manage the restaurant information ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Since neither the mobile application nor the web portal have any designated hardware, it does not have any direct hardware interfaces ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: neither the mobile application EFFECT_1: it does not have any direct hardware interfaces NEGATION: neither KEYWORD: it CONDITION: have any designated hardware VARIABLE: the web portal CAUSE_2: nor the web portal have any designated hardware ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The communication between the different parts of the system is important since they depend on each other ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: they depend on each other EFFECT_1: The communication between the different parts of the system is important KEYWORD: since VARIABLE: they CONDITION: depend on each other ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: DESC: When a new/updated version or release of the software is released, the user should check for these manually ### Assistant: NOT_RELEVANT: DESC: CAUSE_1: a new/updated version CAUSE_2: release of the software is released EFFECT_1: the user should check for these manually OR: or KEYWORD: When VARIABLE: the user CONDITION: should check for these manually ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: DESC: Given that a user has downloaded the mobile application, then the user should be able to register through the mobile application ### Assistant: NOT_RELEVANT: DESC: CAUSE_1: a user has downloaded the mobile application KEYWORD: then EFFECT_1: the user should be able to register through the mobile application VARIABLE: the user CONDITION: should be able to register through the mobile application ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: DESC: Given that a user has registered, then the user should be able to log in to the mobile application ### Assistant: NOT_RELEVANT: DESC: CAUSE_1: a user has registered EFFECT_1: the user should be able to log in to the mobile application KEYWORD: Given that VARIABLE: the user CONDITION: should be able to log in to the mobile application ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: DESC: Given that a user has registered, then the user should be able to retrieve his/her password by e- mail ### Assistant: NOT_RELEVANT: DESC: CAUSE_1: a user has registered EFFECT_1: the user should be able to retrieve his/her password by e- mail KEYWORD: then VARIABLE: the user CONDITION: should be able to retrieve his/her password by e- mail ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: DESC: Given that a user is logged in to the mobile application, then the first page that is shown should be the search page ### Assistant: NOT_RELEVANT: DESC: KEYWORD: then CAUSE_1: a user is logged in to the mobile application EFFECT_1: the first page that is shown should be the search page VARIABLE: the first page that is shown CONDITION: should be the search page ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: When a selection is made, the location of the restaurant should be sent to the mobile phone’s GPS-navigation program ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: a selection is made EFFECT_1: the location of the restaurant should be sent to the mobile phone’s GPS-navigation program KEYWORD: When VARIABLE: the location of the restaurant CONDITION: should be sent to the mobile phone’s GPS-navigation program ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: When the destination is reached, a user should be able to go back to the search page on the mobile application ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: the destination is reached EFFECT_1: a user should be able to go back to the search page on the mobile application KEYWORD: When VARIABLE: a user CONDITION: should be able to go back to the search page on the mobile application ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: DESC: Integers should be accepted as input when a user searches by price or destination ### Assistant: NOT_RELEVANT: DESC EFFECT_1: Integers should be accepted as input CAUSE_1: a user searches by price CAUSE_2: destination CONDITION: should be accepted as inpu VARIABLE: Integers KEYWORD: when OR: or ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: If the system receives an invalid input the user should be informed and prompted to insert an accepted input ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: the system receives an invalid input EFFECT_1: the user should be informed EFFECT_2: prompted to insert an accepted input AND: and KEYWORD: If VARIABLE: the user CONDITION: prompted to insert an accepted input ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: DESC: If no match is found the user should be informed but kept on the search page in order to get the possibility to conduct a new search right away ### Assistant: NOT_RELEVANT: DESC KEYWORD: If CAUSE_1: no match is found EFFECT_1: the user should be informed EFFECT_2: kept on the search page in order to get the possibility to conduct a new search right away AND: but NEGATION: no VARIABLE: the user CONDITION: kept on the search page in order to get the possibility to conduct a new search right away ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: When sorting by price the results should be ordered from cheapest to most expensive ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: sorting by price EFFECT_1: the results should be ordered from cheapest to most expensive KEYWORD: When VARIABLE: the results CONDITION: should be ordered from cheapest to most expensive ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: When the sort button for a specific search option is clicked, then the order should be reversed and ordered in a descending matter ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: the sort button for a specific search option is clicked EFFECT_1: the order should be reversed EFFECT_2: ordered in a descending matter AND: and KEYWORD: When VARIABLE: the order CONDITION: ordered in a descending matter ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: On the profile page a user can edit his/her information, which includes the password, e-mail address and phone number ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: the profile page EFFECT_1: a user can edit his/her information, which includes the password EFFECT_2: e-mail address EFFECT_3: phone number VARIABLE: a user CONDITION: phone number AND: and KEYWORD: On ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Selecting the information link should only take one click ### Assistant: EFFECT_1: should only take one click CAUSE_1: Selecting the information link CONDITION: should only take one click VARIABLE: the information link ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: SCALE: If the system loses the connection to the Internet or to the GPS device or the system gets some strange input, the user should be informed ### Assistant: NOT_RELEVANT: SCALE CAUSE_1: the system loses the connection to the Internet OR: or CAUSE_2: to the GPS device CAUSE_3: the system gets some strange input EFFECT_1: the user should be informed KEYWORD: If VARIABLE: the user CONDITION: should be informed ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The messages should be encrypted for log-in communications, so others cannot get user-name and password from those messages ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: The messages should be encrypted for log-in communications EFFECT_1: others cannot get user-name EFFECT_2: password from those messages AND: and KEYWORD: so VARIABLE: others CONDITION: password from those messages NEGATION: cannot ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: SCALE: If a restaurant owner tries to log in to the web portal with a non-existing account then the restaurant owner should not be logged in ### Assistant: NOT_RELEVANT: : KEYWORD: then CAUSE_1: be logged in EFFECT_1: the restaurant owner should not be logged in VARIABLE: account CONDITION: non-existing NEGATION: should not AND: with CAUSE_2: a non-existing account ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: SCALE: If an admin tries to log in to the web portal with a non-existing account then the admin should not be logged in ### Assistant: NOT_RELEVANT: SCALE KEYWORD: then CAUSE_1: an admin tries to log in to the web portal EFFECT_1: the admin should not be logged in VARIABLE: account CONDITION: non-existing NEGATION: should not AND: with CAUSE_2: a non-existing account ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The locking period should be half an hour, and during that period the log-in function is disabled ### Assistant: EFFECT_1: the log-in function is disabled NOT_RELEVANT: and VARIABLE: that period CONDITION: is disabled KEYWORD: during CAUSE_1: that period ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: SCALE: An admin and IP address should not be able to log-in to the web portal for a certain time period after three times of failed log-in attempts ### Assistant: NOT_RELEVANT: SCALE EFFECT_1: An admin EFFECT_2: IP address should not be able to log-in to the web portal for a certain time period KEYWORD: after CAUSE_1: three times of failed log-in attempts VARIABLE: IP address AND: and NEGATION: should not CONDITION: three times of ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: SCALE: If a user wants to create an account and the desired user name is occupied, the user should be asked to choose a different user name ### Assistant: NOT_RELEVANT: SCALE CAUSE_1: a user wants to create an account CAUSE_2: the desired user name is occupied EFFECT_1: the user should be asked to choose a different user name KEYWORD: If AND: and VARIABLE: the user CONDITION: should be asked to choose a different user name ### END