dict |
"en": "1.",
"ro": "1."
} |
"en": "Amendment of Directive 2003/87/EC so as to include aviation activities in the scheme for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading within the Community (vote)",
"ro": "Modificarea Directivei 2003/87/CE pentru a include activităţile din sectorul aviaţiei în sistemul de comercializare a cotelor de emisie de gaze cu efect de seră în cadrul Comunităţii (vot)"
} |
"en": "- Report: Liese",
"ro": "- Relazione: Liese"
} |
"en": "Corrections to votes and voting intentions: see Minutes",
"ro": "Corectările voturilor şi intenţiile de vot: a se vedea procesul-verbal"
} |
"en": "(The sitting was suspended at 13.15 and resumed at 15.00)",
"ro": "(La seduta, sospesa alle 13.15, è ripresa alle 15.00)"
} |
"en": "Approval of Minutes of previous sitting: see Minutes",
"ro": "Aprobarea procesului-verbal al şedinţei precedente: a se vedea procesul-verbal"
} |
"en": "Documents received: see Minutes",
"ro": "Depunere de documente: consultaţi procesul-verbal"
} |
"en": "Written declarations (tabling): see Minutes",
"ro": "Declaraţii scrise (depunere): consultaţi procesul-verbal"
} |
"en": "Membership of political groups: see Minutes",
"ro": "Componenţa grupurilor politice: a se vedea procesul-verbal"
} |
"en": "Application of Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their families to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member States (motions for resolutions tabled): see Minutes",
"ro": "Aplicarea Directivei 2004/38/CE privind dreptul la liberă circulaţie şi şedere pe teritoriul statelor membre pentru cetăţenii Uniunii şi membrii familiilor acestora (propuneri de rezoluţie depuse): consultaţi procesul-verbal"
} |
"en": "(The sitting was suspended at 19.50 and resumed at 21.05)",
"ro": "(The sitting was suspended at 19.50 and resumed at 21.05)"
} |
"en": "Agenda for next sitting: see Minutes",
"ro": "Ordinea de zi a următoarei şedinţe: a se vedea procesul-verbal"
} |
"en": "Closure of sitting",
"ro": "Ridicarea şedinţei"
} |
"en": "(The sitting was closed at 11.45 p.m.)",
"ro": "(A sessão é encerrada às 23h45)"
} |
"en": "Opening of the sitting",
"ro": "Deschiderea şedinţei"
} |
"en": "(The sitting was opened at 9 a.m.)",
"ro": "(Die Sitzung wird um 9.00 Uhr eröffnet.)"
} |
"en": "1.",
"ro": "1."
} |
"en": "The regional impact of earthquakes (vote)",
"ro": "Impactul regional al cutremurelor (vot)"
} |
"en": "- Report: Nikolaos Vakalis",
"ro": "- Report: Nikolaos Vakalis"
} |
"en": "2.",
"ro": "2."
} |
"en": "The European Union and Humanitarian Aid (vote)",
"ro": "Uniunea Europeană şi ajutorul umanitar (vot)"
} |
"en": "- Report: Thierry Cornillet",
"ro": "- Report: Thierry Cornillet"
} |
"en": "3.",
"ro": "3."
} |
"en": "Protection of soil (vote)",
"ro": "Definirea unui cadru pentru protecţia solurilor (vot)"
} |
"en": "Report: Cristina Gutiérrez-Cortines",
"ro": "Report: Cristina Gutiérrez-Cortines"
} |
"en": "5.",
"ro": "5."
} |
"en": "Transparency requirements in relation to information about issuers of securities (implementing powers conferred on the Commission) (vote)",
"ro": "Obligaţii de transparenţă în ceea ce priveşte informaţia referitoare la emitenţii de valori mobiliare (competenţe de executare conferite Comisiei) (vot)"
} |
"en": "- Report: Pervenche Berès",
"ro": "Report: Pervenche Berès"
} |
"en": "6.",
"ro": "6."
} |
"en": "Capital adequacy of investment firms and credit institutions (implementing powers conferred on the Commission) (vote)",
"ro": "Rata de adecvare a capitalului întreprinderilor de investiţii şi al instituţiilor de credit (competenţe de executare conferite Comisiei) (vot)"
} |
"en": "- Report: Pervenche Berès",
"ro": "Report: Pervenche Berès"
} |
"en": "7.",
"ro": "7."
} |
"en": "The taking up and pursuit of the business of credit institutions (implementing powers conferred on the Commission) (vote)",
"ro": "Iniţierea şi exercitarea activităţii instituţiilor de credit (competenţe de executare conferite Comisiei) (vot)"
} |
"en": "- Report: Pervenche Berès",
"ro": "Report: Pervenche Berès"
} |
"en": "8.",
"ro": "8."
} |
"en": "Life assurance (implementing powers conferred on the Commission) (vote)",
"ro": "Asigurarea directă de viaţă (competenţe de executare conferite Comisiei) (vot)"
} |
"en": "- Report: Pervenche Berès",
"ro": "Report: Pervenche Berès"
} |
"en": "9.",
"ro": "9."
} |
"en": "Supervision of credit institutions, insurance undertakings and investment firms (implementing powers conferred on the Commission) (vote)",
"ro": "Supravegherea instituţiilor de credit, a întreprinderilor de asigurare şi a întreprinderilor de investiţii (competenţe de executare conferite Comisiei) (vot)"
} |
"en": "- Report: Pervenche Berès",
"ro": "Report: Pervenche Berès"
} |
"en": "10.",
"ro": "10."
} |
"en": "Insider dealing and market manipulation (implementing powers conferred on the Commission) (vote)",
"ro": "Utilizările abuzive ale informaţiilor confidenţiale şi manipulările pieţei (competenţe de executare conferite Comisiei) (vot)"
} |
"en": "- Report: Pervenche Berès",
"ro": "Report: Pervenche Berès"
} |
"en": "11.",
"ro": "11."
} |
"en": "Markets in financial instruments (implementing powers conferred on the Commission) (vote)",
"ro": "Pieţele instrumentelor financiare (competenţe de executare conferite Comisiei) (vot)"
} |
"en": "- Report: Pervenche Berès",
"ro": "Report: Pervenche Berès"
} |
"en": "12.",
"ro": "12."
} |
"en": "Prospectus on securities (implementing powers conferred on the Commission) (vote)",
"ro": "Prospect privind valorile mobiliare (competenţe de executare conferite Comisiei) (vot)"
} |
"en": "- Report: Pervenche Berès",
"ro": "Report: Pervenche Berès"
} |
"en": "13.",
"ro": "13."
} |
"en": "Community Code on the rules governing the movement of persons across borders (Schengen Borders Code) (implementing powers conferred to the Commission) (vote)",
"ro": "Cod comunitar privind regimul de trecere a frontierelor de către persoane (Codul Frontierelor Schengen) (competenţe de executare conferite Comisiei) (vot)"
} |
"en": "- Report: Michael Cashman",
"ro": "Report: Michael Cashman"
} |
"en": "15.",
"ro": "15."
} |
"en": "Placing on the market of biocidal products (implementing powers conferred on the Commission (vote)",
"ro": "Comercializarea produselor biodestructive (competenţe de executare conferite Comisiei) (vot)"
} |
"en": "- Report: Åsa Westlund",
"ro": "Report: Åsa Westlund"
} |
"en": "16.",
"ro": "16."
} |
"en": "Statutory audit of annual accounts and consolidated accounts (implementing powers conferred on the Commission) (vote)",
"ro": "Auditul legal al conturilor anuale (competenţe de executare conferite Comisiei) (vot)"
} |
"en": "- Report: Bert Doorn",
"ro": "Report: Bert Doorn"
} |
"en": "17.",
"ro": "17."
} |
"en": "International accounting standards (implementing powers conferred on the Commission) (vote)",
"ro": "Standarde internaţionale de contabilitate (competenţe de executare conferite Comisiei) (vot)"
} |
"en": "- Report: Manuel Medina Ortega",
"ro": "- Report: Manuel Medina Ortega"
} |
"en": "18.",
"ro": "18."
} |
"en": "Prevention of the use of the financial system for money laundering and terrorist financing (implementing powers conferred on the Commission) (vote)",
"ro": "Prevenirea utilizării sistemului financiar în scopul spălării banilor şi finanţării terorismului (competenţe de executare conferite Comisiei) (vot)"
} |
"en": "- Report: Philip Bradbourn",
"ro": "Report: Philip Bradbourn"
} |
"en": "19.",
"ro": "19."
} |
"en": "1-benzylpiperazine (BZP) (vote)",
"ro": "1-benzilpiperazina (BZP) (vot)"
} |
"en": "- Report: Jean-Marie Cavada",
"ro": "Report: Jean-Marie Cavada"
} |
"en": "20.",
"ro": "20."
} |
"en": "International accounting standards (IFRS 8) (vote)",
"ro": "Standarde internaţionale de contabilitate (vot)"
} |
"en": "- Motion for a resolution",
"ro": "Motion for a resolution"
} |
"en": "21.",
"ro": "21."
} |
"en": "Application of the international accounting standards (vote)",
"ro": "Aplicarea standardelor de contabilitate internaţionale (vot)"
} |
"en": "- Motion for a resolution",
"ro": "- Motion for a resolution"
} |
"en": "23.",
"ro": "23."
} |
"en": "Report on the deliberations of the Committee on Petitions during the year 2006 (vote)",
"ro": "Deliberările Comisiei pentru petiţii (2006) (vot)"
} |
"en": "- Report: Carlos José Iturgaiz Angulo",
"ro": "- Report: Carlos José Iturgaiz Angulo"
} |
"en": "That concludes the vote.",
"ro": "That concludes the vote."
} |
"en": "Voting time",
"ro": "Timpul afectat votului"
} |
"en": "The next item is the vote.",
"ro": "The next item is the vote."
} |
"en": "(For the results and other details on the vote: see Minutes)",
"ro": "(For the results and other details on the vote: see Minutes)"
} |
"en": "Corrections to votes and voting intentions: see Minutes",
"ro": "Corectările voturilor şi intenţiile de vot: a se vedea procesul-verbal"
} |
"en": "(The sitting was suspended at 13.10 and resumed at 15.00)",
"ro": "(The sitting was suspended at 13.10 and resumed at 15.00)"
} |
"en": "Approval of Minutes of previous sitting: see Minutes",
"ro": "Aprobarea procesului-verbal al şedinţei precedente: a se vedea procesul-verbal"
} |
"en": "Membership of committees and delegations: see Minutes",
"ro": "Componenţa comisiilor şi a delegaţiilor: a se vedea procesul-verbal"
} |
"en": "Agenda for next sitting: see Minutes",
"ro": "Ordinea de zi a următoarei şedinţe: a se vedea procesul-verbal"
} |
"en": "Closure of sitting",
"ro": "Ridicarea şedinţei"
} |
"en": "(The sitting was closed at 11.30 p.m.)",
"ro": "(La seduta è tolta alle 23.30)"
} |
"en": "Opening of the sitting",
"ro": "Deschiderea şedinţei"
} |
"en": "(The sitting was opened at 10 a.m.)",
"ro": "(La seduta è aperta alle 10.00)"
} |
"en": "Communication of Council common positions: see Minutes",
"ro": "Comunicarea poziţiilor comune ale Parlamentului: a se vedea procesul-verbal"
} |
"en": "2.",
"ro": "2."
} |
"en": "Quarterly statistics on Community job vacancies (vote)",
"ro": "Statisticile trimestriale privind locurile de muncă vacante în Comunitate (vot)"
} |
"en": "- Athanasiu report",
"ro": "- Bericht: Athanasiu"
} |
"en": "3.",
"ro": "3."
} |
"en": "Full application of the Schengen acquis (vote)",
"ro": "Aplicarea aqcuis-ului Schengen în Republica Cehă, Estonia, Letonia, Lituania, Ungaria, Malta, Polonia, Slovenia şi Slovacia (vot)"
} |
"en": "- Coelho report",
"ro": "- Bericht: Coelho"
} |
"en": "4.",
"ro": "4."
} |
"en": "Recovery plan for bluefin tuna in the Eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean (vote)",
"ro": "Redresarea stocurilor de ton roşu din Oceanul Atlantic de Est şi din Marea Mediterană (vot)"
} |
"en": "Braghetto report",
"ro": "Bericht: Braghetto"
} |
"en": "7.",
"ro": "7."
} |