mini-project-token-class-data / nlp_data_final.csv
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Collect the apple,pickup,apple
Latch onto the bag,pickup,bag
Nab the key,pickup,key
Traverse to the bedroom,move,bedroom
Saunter into the hall,move,hall
Take possession of the remote,pickup,remote
Yield the bottle,drop,bottle
Wrangle the remote,pickup,remote
Set course for the kitchen,move,kitchen
Wander into the kitchen,move,kitchen
Extricate the bottle,drop,bottle
Tumble the remote,drop,remote
March towards the hall,move,hall
Shift your presence to the kitchen,move,kitchen
Please relocate yourself to the diningroom,move,diningroom
Harvest the bag,pickup,bag
Move yourself to the bedroom,move,bedroom
Throw down the bottle,drop,bottle
Rake in the key,pickup,key
I encourage you to walk to the diningroom,move,diningroom
Collect the bottle,pickup,bottle
Migrate to the bedroom area,move,bedroom
Leave the bag,drop,bag
Extricate the key,drop,key
Pick the bag up,pickup,bag
Secure the apple,pickup,apple
Let go of the bottle,drop,bottle
Seize the remote,pickup,remote
Lift the remote,pickup,remote
Head towards the bedroom,move,bedroom
Unhand the key,drop,key
Hoist the bag,pickup,bag
Reap the remote,pickup,remote
Please transition to the kitchen area,move,kitchen
Make your way to the kitchen,move,kitchen
Stride into the hall,move,hall
Shift your presence to the hall,move,hall
Traverse to the storeroom,move,storeroom
Please take a moment to go to the storeroom,move,storeroom
Let go of the apple,drop,apple
Aim for the storeroom,move,storeroom
Slip the bag,drop,bag
Capture the remote,pickup,remote
Secure the remote,pickup,remote
Untangle the bottle,drop,bottle
Direct yourself to the hall,move,hall
Dispose of the bottle,drop,bottle
Stroll into the storeroom,move,storeroom
Lay hands on the apple,pickup,apple
Lay hands on the bag,pickup,bag
Annex the bottle,pickup,bottle
Kindly advance to the diningroom,move,diningroom
Meander towards the storeroom,move,storeroom
Clutch the bag,pickup,bag
Stroll into the bedroom,move,bedroom
Swipe the bag,pickup,bag
Rake in the remote,pickup,remote
Take a walk to the diningroom,move,diningroom
Abscond with the key,pickup,key
"Venture into the diningroom, if you will",move,diningroom
Beeline to the storeroom,move,storeroom
Head to the hall,move,hall
Gain possession of the remote,pickup,remote
Proceed in the direction of the kitchen,move,kitchen
Gain possession of the key,pickup,key
Make a move towards the hall,move,hall
Navigate towards the kitchen,move,kitchen
Take hold of the apple,pickup,apple
Secure the key,pickup,key
Move to hall,move,hall
Saunter into the kitchen,move,kitchen
Withdraw the apple,drop,apple
Haul the bag,pickup,bag
Clasp the remote,pickup,remote
Discharge the bottle,drop,bottle
Journey to the kitchen,move,kitchen
Abdicate the apple,drop,apple
Pluck the bag,pickup,bag
Part with the bag,drop,bag
Trek to the bedroom,move,bedroom
Meander towards the hall,move,hall
Obtain the remote,pickup,remote
Desert the bottle,drop,bottle
Wrangle the bottle,pickup,bottle
Latch onto the key,pickup,key
Gather the bag,pickup,bag
Please find your way to the bedroom,move,bedroom
Desert the remote,drop,remote
Saunter into the storeroom,move,storeroom
Abscond with the apple,pickup,apple
Rake in the apple,pickup,apple
Disengage the key,drop,key
Disengage the apple,drop,apple
Amble to the bedroom,move,bedroom
Collect the bag,pickup,bag
Kindly advance to the bedroom,move,bedroom
Dispose of the key,drop,key
Shift to the kitchen area,move,kitchen
Plunk down the remote,drop,remote
I encourage you to walk to the storeroom,move,storeroom
Capture the bag,pickup,bag
Lay down the bottle,drop,bottle
I encourage you to walk to the hall,move,hall
Discharge the key,drop,key
Yield the remote,drop,remote
Disengage the bottle,drop,bottle
Trek to the hall,move,hall
Perambulate to the kitchen,move,kitchen
Slip the bottle,drop,bottle
Attain the key,pickup,key
Traverse to the diningroom,move,diningroom
Shift to the hall area,move,hall
Please take a moment to go to the kitchen,move,kitchen
Abscond with the bottle,pickup,bottle
Seize the bag,pickup,bag
Release the apple,drop,apple
Embrace the remote,pickup,remote
Sweep up the bottle,pickup,bottle
Depose the apple,drop,apple
Beeline to the kitchen,move,kitchen
Transition to the diningroom,move,diningroom
Capture the key,pickup,key
Could you please make your way to the bedroom?,move,bedroom
I encourage you to walk to the bedroom,move,bedroom
Usurp the key,pickup,key
Shed the bottle,drop,bottle
Put down the bottle,drop,bottle
Ambulate towards the storeroom,move,storeroom
Wrangle the bag,pickup,bag
Take a walk to the bedroom,move,bedroom
Renounce the remote,drop,remote
Shake off the bag,drop,bag
Spill the bag,drop,bag
Saunter to the hall,move,hall
Stroll into the diningroom,move,diningroom
Renounce the bag,drop,bag
Please find your way to the hall,move,hall
Grab the apple,pickup,apple
Shake off the remote,drop,remote
Saunter to the bedroom,move,bedroom
Put down the apple,drop,apple
Direct yourself to the bedroom,move,bedroom
Unload the bottle,drop,bottle
Set down the remote,drop,remote
Place the remote,drop,remote
Please take a moment to go to the hall,move,hall
Please transition to the bedroom area,move,bedroom
Migrate to the kitchen,move,kitchen
Glean the bottle,pickup,bottle
Eject the bottle,drop,bottle
Plunk down the key,drop,key
Perambulate to the bedroom,move,bedroom
Cast off the bottle,drop,bottle
Release the bottle,drop,bottle
Gather the bottle,pickup,bottle
Cast aside the bag,drop,bag
Go to diningroom,move,diningroom
Ditch the apple,drop,apple
Stride into the diningroom,move,diningroom
Beeline to the diningroom,move,diningroom
Make your way to the hall,move,hall
Make your way to the storeroom,move,storeroom
Swipe the apple,pickup,apple
Catch the remote,pickup,remote
Hoist the bottle,pickup,bottle
Wrangle the apple,pickup,apple
Migrate to the diningroom,move,diningroom
I'd appreciate it if you could head to the diningroom,move,diningroom
"Step into the bedroom, please",move,bedroom
It would be great if you could move towards the diningroom,move,diningroom
Abscond with the remote,pickup,remote
Forget the remote,drop,remote
Clutch the apple,pickup,apple
Amble to the diningroom,move,diningroom
Set course for the diningroom,move,diningroom
Obtain the apple,pickup,apple
Drop off the bag,drop,bag
Place the apple,drop,apple
Would you mind going to the diningroom?,move,diningroom
Shed the apple,drop,apple
Part with the apple,drop,apple
Pluck the key,pickup,key
Latch onto the remote,pickup,remote
Let go of the key,drop,key
Advance to the diningroom,move,diningroom
Nab the apple,pickup,apple
Throw down the bag,drop,bag
Head towards the diningroom,move,diningroom
Annex the bag,pickup,bag
Decline the apple,drop,apple
Resign the apple,drop,apple
Migrate to the kitchen area,move,kitchen
Swipe the remote,pickup,remote
Untangle the key,drop,key
Sweep up the bag,pickup,bag
Wrangle the key,pickup,key
Unload the bag,drop,bag
Would you mind going to the storeroom?,move,storeroom
Settle the remote,drop,remote
Proceed in the direction of the hall,move,hall
Shift your presence to the diningroom,move,diningroom
Let go of the remote,drop,remote
Unhand the bag,drop,bag
Nab the remote,pickup,remote
Decline the bottle,drop,bottle
Resign the key,drop,key
Scoop up the remote,pickup,remote
Forsake the bottle,drop,bottle
Let fall the bottle,drop,bottle
Yield the apple,drop,apple
Heft the key,pickup,key
Nab the bottle,pickup,bottle
Saunter into the diningroom,move,diningroom
Meander towards the kitchen,move,kitchen
Get the bottle,pickup,bottle
Grapple the remote,pickup,remote
Cast aside the remote,drop,remote
Annex the key,pickup,key
Aim for the bedroom,move,bedroom
Envelop the key,pickup,key
Pocket the bottle,pickup,bottle
Drop off the bottle,drop,bottle
Shed the key,drop,key
Extricate the remote,drop,remote
Please walk to the kitchen,move,kitchen
Apprehend the key,pickup,key
Slip the remote,drop,remote
Abandon the apple,drop,apple
Unload the apple,drop,apple
Settle the bag,drop,bag
Please take a moment to go to the diningroom,move,diningroom
Leave the remote,drop,remote
"Venture into the hall, if you will",move,hall
Settle the apple,drop,apple
Dispose of the remote,drop,remote
Seize the apple,pickup,apple
Corral the bottle,pickup,bottle
Annex the apple,pickup,apple
Reap the bottle,pickup,bottle
Put down the key,drop,key
Shed the remote,drop,remote
Grab the bottle,pickup,bottle
Plunk down the bottle,drop,bottle
Embrace the key,pickup,key
Apprehend the bag,pickup,bag
Procure the key,pickup,key
Pick the apple up,pickup,apple
Aim for the diningroom,move,diningroom
Assume control of the remote,pickup,remote
Cast off the apple,drop,apple
Set course for the hall,move,hall
Move to diningroom,move,diningroom
Sweep up the key,pickup,key
Stride into the storeroom,move,storeroom
Plop down the apple,drop,apple
Shift your presence to the storeroom,move,storeroom
Glide into the hall,move,hall
It would be great if you could move towards the kitchen,move,kitchen
Head in the direction of the hall,move,hall
Surrender the bottle,drop,bottle
Head to the storeroom,move,storeroom
"Step into the kitchen, please",move,kitchen
Kindly advance to the storeroom,move,storeroom
Catch the apple,pickup,apple
Grasp the apple,pickup,apple
Shift to the diningroom area,move,diningroom
Procure the bottle,pickup,bottle
Take hold of the key,pickup,key
Spill the apple,drop,apple
Gain possession of the bottle,pickup,bottle
Would you mind going to the bedroom?,move,bedroom
Plop down the bottle,drop,bottle
Take hold of the remote,pickup,remote
Usurp the apple,pickup,apple
Stroll into the kitchen,move,kitchen
Saunter to the storeroom,move,storeroom
Pocket the key,pickup,key
March towards the storeroom,move,storeroom
Make a move towards the storeroom,move,storeroom
Assume control of the bottle,pickup,bottle
Reap the apple,pickup,apple
Ambulate towards the kitchen,move,kitchen
Forsake the key,drop,key
Pluck the bottle,pickup,bottle
Spill the key,drop,key
Discard the bottle,drop,bottle
Take hold of the bottle,pickup,bottle
March towards the diningroom,move,diningroom
Grasp the bag,pickup,bag
Let fall the apple,drop,apple
Catch the bag,pickup,bag
Yield the bag,drop,bag
Walk over to the diningroom,move,diningroom
Please transition to the diningroom area,move,diningroom
"Venture into the storeroom, if you will",move,storeroom
Head in the direction of the diningroom,move,diningroom
Heft the bottle,pickup,bottle
Forget the key,drop,key
Relinquish the key,drop,key
Relinquish the apple,drop,apple
Capture the bottle,pickup,bottle
Lift the key,pickup,key
Tumble the bottle,drop,bottle
Grab the remote,pickup,remote
Relocate to the hall,move,hall
Procure the remote,pickup,remote
Desert the key,drop,key
Set down the apple,drop,apple
Heft the apple,pickup,apple
Get the apple,pickup,apple
Give up the apple,drop,apple
Detach the key,drop,key
Trek to the diningroom,move,diningroom
Snatch the bottle,pickup,bottle
Drop off the apple,drop,apple
Ditch the bottle,drop,bottle
It would be great if you could move towards the hall,move,hall
Snatch the apple,pickup,apple
Give up the remote,drop,remote
Grasp the remote,pickup,remote
Please walk to the storeroom,move,storeroom
Clasp the bottle,pickup,bottle
Tumble the apple,drop,apple
Transition to the kitchen,move,kitchen
Head towards the hall,move,hall
Journey to the bedroom,move,bedroom
Move yourself to the kitchen,move,kitchen
Withdraw the bottle,drop,bottle
Saunter to the kitchen,move,kitchen
Head towards the kitchen,move,kitchen
Grasp the key,pickup,key
Take a walk to the hall,move,hall
Procure the apple,pickup,apple
Clasp the apple,pickup,apple
Lay hands on the remote,pickup,remote
Annex the remote,pickup,remote
Apprehend the remote,pickup,remote
Seize the key,pickup,key
Embrace the apple,pickup,apple
Relocate to the storeroom,move,storeroom
Latch onto the apple,pickup,apple
"Step into the diningroom, please",move,diningroom
Ditch the remote,drop,remote
Recede the remote,drop,remote
Make tracks for the kitchen,move,kitchen
Jettison the apple,drop,apple
Grapple the key,pickup,key
Detach the bottle,drop,bottle
Attain the bottle,pickup,bottle
Detach the bag,drop,bag
Glide into the bedroom,move,bedroom
Take possession of the apple,pickup,apple
Decline the key,drop,key
Set down the bag,drop,bag
Please walk to the diningroom,move,diningroom
Collect the key,pickup,key
Bag the apple,pickup,apple
Assume control of the bag,pickup,bag
Could you please make your way to the kitchen?,move,kitchen
Jettison the key,drop,key
Unhand the apple,drop,apple
Spill the bottle,drop,bottle
Unhand the remote,drop,remote
It would be great if you could move towards the bedroom,move,bedroom
Take possession of the bottle,pickup,bottle
"Step into the hall, please",move,hall
Beeline to the bedroom,move,bedroom
Dispose of the apple,drop,apple
Attain the apple,pickup,apple
Journey to the hall,move,hall
Scoop up the bag,pickup,bag
Eject the apple,drop,apple
Relinquish the bag,drop,bag
Seize the bottle,pickup,bottle
Perambulate to the hall,move,hall
Haul the remote,pickup,remote
Cast aside the bottle,drop,bottle
Commandeer the key,pickup,key
Abandon the bag,drop,bag
I encourage you to walk to the kitchen,move,kitchen
Hoist the remote,pickup,remote
Direct yourself to the storeroom,move,storeroom
Could you please make your way to the storeroom?,move,storeroom
Navigate towards the diningroom,move,diningroom
Ambulate towards the bedroom,move,bedroom
Secure the bag,pickup,bag
Let go of the bag,drop,bag
Transition to the bedroom,move,bedroom
Take hold of the bag,pickup,bag
Rest the apple,drop,apple
Retrieve the key,pickup,key
Head to the bedroom,move,bedroom
Harvest the remote,pickup,remote
Lay hands on the key,pickup,key
Dispose of the bag,drop,bag
Let fall the bag,drop,bag
Acquire the apple,pickup,apple
I'd appreciate it if you could head to the storeroom,move,storeroom
Obtain the bottle,pickup,bottle
Move to kitchen,move,kitchen
Wander into the storeroom,move,storeroom
Acquire the remote,pickup,remote
Usurp the remote,pickup,remote
Lift the bag,pickup,bag
Shed the bag,drop,bag
Set down the bottle,drop,bottle
Journey to the diningroom,move,diningroom
Envelop the bottle,pickup,bottle
Clasp the key,pickup,key
Acquire the key,pickup,key
Cast off the key,drop,key
Go to kitchen,move,kitchen
Please walk to the bedroom,move,bedroom
Lay down the apple,drop,apple
Reap the bag,pickup,bag
Eject the bag,drop,bag
Envelop the remote,pickup,remote
Forget the bottle,drop,bottle
Clutch the key,pickup,key
Transition to the hall,move,hall
Part with the remote,drop,remote
Could you please make your way to the hall?,move,hall
Glean the apple,pickup,apple
Desert the bag,drop,bag
Relocate to the diningroom,move,diningroom
Rest the bottle,drop,bottle
Aim for the kitchen,move,kitchen
Abscond with the bag,pickup,bag
Kindly proceed towards the hall,move,hall
Forsake the bag,drop,bag
Collect the remote,pickup,remote
Corral the apple,pickup,apple
Clutch the bottle,pickup,bottle
Migrate to the hall area,move,hall
Assume control of the apple,pickup,apple
Assume control of the key,pickup,key
Jettison the remote,drop,remote
Spill the remote,drop,remote
Advance to the bedroom,move,bedroom
Kindly proceed towards the storeroom,move,storeroom
Snatch the remote,pickup,remote
Kindly advance to the kitchen,move,kitchen
Leave the apple,drop,apple
Swipe the key,pickup,key
Grasp the bottle,pickup,bottle
Depose the bottle,drop,bottle
Sweep up the apple,pickup,apple
Let fall the remote,drop,remote
Kindly advance to the hall,move,hall
Cast aside the apple,drop,apple
Amble to the storeroom,move,storeroom
Leave the key,drop,key
Direct yourself to the diningroom,move,diningroom
Nab the bag,pickup,bag
Renounce the key,drop,key
Grapple the bottle,pickup,bottle
Pluck the remote,pickup,remote
Forsake the apple,drop,apple
Capture the apple,pickup,apple
Glide into the diningroom,move,diningroom
Shift to the bedroom area,move,bedroom
Pick the key up,pickup,key
Reap the key,pickup,key
Snatch the key,pickup,key
Put down the bag,drop,bag
Could you please make your way to the diningroom?,move,diningroom
Snatch the bag,pickup,bag
Discard the bag,drop,bag
Cast off the bag,drop,bag
Move yourself to the hall,move,hall
Throw down the key,drop,key
Release the bag,drop,bag
Scoop up the bottle,pickup,bottle
Gather the key,pickup,key
Plop down the remote,drop,remote
Commandeer the remote,pickup,remote
Make your way to the diningroom,move,diningroom
Please find your way to the kitchen,move,kitchen
Meander towards the bedroom,move,bedroom
Pocket the apple,pickup,apple
Ambulate towards the diningroom,move,diningroom
Migrate to the storeroom,move,storeroom
Wander into the hall,move,hall
Move yourself to the diningroom,move,diningroom
Drop the bottle,drop,bottle
Corral the bag,pickup,bag
Cast off the remote,drop,remote
Head in the direction of the kitchen,move,kitchen
Decline the remote,drop,remote
Stride into the bedroom,move,bedroom
Shake off the apple,drop,apple
Embrace the bag,pickup,bag
Head to the diningroom,move,diningroom
Scoop up the key,pickup,key
Retrieve the apple,pickup,apple
Abandon the remote,drop,remote
Harvest the key,pickup,key
Haul the apple,pickup,apple
Extricate the apple,drop,apple
Go to bedroom,move,bedroom
Snag the bottle,pickup,bottle
Part with the bottle,drop,bottle
Navigate towards the bedroom,move,bedroom
Traverse to the hall,move,hall
Amble to the hall,move,hall
Make a move towards the diningroom,move,diningroom
Surrender the bag,drop,bag
Please walk to the hall,move,hall
Lift the bottle,pickup,bottle
Please transition to the hall area,move,hall
Discard the apple,drop,apple
Surrender the apple,drop,apple
Decline the bag,drop,bag
Bag the bottle,pickup,bottle
Drop off the remote,drop,remote
Plop down the key,drop,key
Glide into the kitchen,move,kitchen
"Venture into the bedroom, if you will",move,bedroom
Relinquish the bottle,drop,bottle
Please relocate yourself to the bedroom,move,bedroom
Walk over to the kitchen,move,kitchen
Gain possession of the apple,pickup,apple
Unhand the bottle,drop,bottle
Relocate to the bedroom,move,bedroom
Tumble the bag,drop,bag
Acquire the bottle,pickup,bottle
Renounce the bottle,drop,bottle
Depose the key,drop,key
Resign the bottle,drop,bottle
Wander into the diningroom,move,diningroom
Grapple the bag,pickup,bag
Lay hands on the bottle,pickup,bottle
Detach the apple,drop,apple
Disengage the remote,drop,remote
Haul the key,pickup,key
Set course for the bedroom,move,bedroom
Snag the apple,pickup,apple
Untangle the apple,drop,apple
Eject the key,drop,key
I'd appreciate it if you could head to the hall,move,hall
Ditch the bag,drop,bag
Take possession of the key,pickup,key
Take a walk to the kitchen,move,kitchen
Kindly proceed towards the diningroom,move,diningroom
Shift to the storeroom area,move,storeroom
Discard the key,drop,key
Rest the remote,drop,remote
Navigate towards the storeroom,move,storeroom
It would be great if you could move towards the storeroom,move,storeroom
I'd appreciate it if you could head to the kitchen,move,kitchen
Pick the remote up,pickup,remote
Catch the bottle,pickup,bottle
Hoist the key,pickup,key
Clutch the remote,pickup,remote
Grab the bag,pickup,bag
Drop the bag,drop,bag
Catch the key,pickup,key
Jettison the bottle,drop,bottle
Slip the apple,drop,apple
Harvest the bottle,pickup,bottle
Pluck the apple,pickup,apple
Head to the kitchen,move,kitchen
Eject the remote,drop,remote
Move to storeroom,move,storeroom
Discharge the remote,drop,remote
Cast aside the key,drop,key
Forget the apple,drop,apple
Place the bottle,drop,bottle
Usurp the bottle,pickup,bottle
Move yourself to the storeroom,move,storeroom
Heft the remote,pickup,remote
Untangle the remote,drop,remote
Depose the bag,drop,bag
Discharge the apple,drop,apple
Shake off the bottle,drop,bottle
Desert the apple,drop,apple
Extricate the bag,drop,bag
Abdicate the remote,drop,remote
Head in the direction of the storeroom,move,storeroom
Unload the key,drop,key
"Venture into the kitchen, if you will",move,kitchen
Latch onto the bottle,pickup,bottle
Resign the bag,drop,bag
Procure the bag,pickup,bag
Abdicate the bottle,drop,bottle
Depose the remote,drop,remote
Please take a moment to go to the bedroom,move,bedroom
Resign the remote,drop,remote
Obtain the bag,pickup,bag
Perambulate to the storeroom,move,storeroom
Apprehend the bottle,pickup,bottle
Attain the remote,pickup,remote
Bag the remote,pickup,remote
Abandon the key,drop,key
Stride into the kitchen,move,kitchen
Make a move towards the kitchen,move,kitchen
Traverse to the kitchen,move,kitchen
Envelop the bag,pickup,bag
Retrieve the bottle,pickup,bottle
Direct yourself to the kitchen,move,kitchen
Place the key,drop,key
Put down the remote,drop,remote
Disengage the bag,drop,bag
Lay down the key,drop,key
Scoop up the apple,pickup,apple
Gather the apple,pickup,apple
Part with the key,drop,key
Set down the key,drop,key
Get the remote,pickup,remote
Proceed in the direction of the storeroom,move,storeroom
Drop the key,drop,key
Rake in the bottle,pickup,bottle
"Step into the storeroom, please",move,storeroom
Aim for the hall,move,hall
Please relocate yourself to the kitchen,move,kitchen
Snag the key,pickup,key
Unload the remote,drop,remote
Lift the apple,pickup,apple
Rest the bag,drop,bag
Haul the bottle,pickup,bottle
Abdicate the bag,drop,bag
Please find your way to the storeroom,move,storeroom
Rake in the bag,pickup,bag
Take a walk to the storeroom,move,storeroom
Lay down the bag,drop,bag
Apprehend the apple,pickup,apple
Transition to the storeroom,move,storeroom
Corral the key,pickup,key
Acquire the bag,pickup,bag
Get the bag,pickup,bag
Recede the key,drop,key
Plunk down the apple,drop,apple
Yield the key,drop,key
Withdraw the key,drop,key
Harvest the apple,pickup,apple
Secure the bottle,pickup,bottle
Pocket the remote,pickup,remote
Migrate to the storeroom area,move,storeroom
Recede the apple,drop,apple
Beeline to the hall,move,hall
Lay down the remote,drop,remote
Embrace the bottle,pickup,bottle
Saunter to the diningroom,move,diningroom
Go to hall,move,hall
Set course for the storeroom,move,storeroom
Leave the bottle,drop,bottle
Untangle the bag,drop,bag
Release the remote,drop,remote
Migrate to the diningroom area,move,diningroom
Release the key,drop,key
Abdicate the key,drop,key
Abandon the bottle,drop,bottle
Saunter into the bedroom,move,bedroom
Withdraw the remote,drop,remote
Please transition to the storeroom area,move,storeroom
Recede the bottle,drop,bottle
Grab the key,pickup,key
Gather the remote,pickup,remote
Sweep up the remote,pickup,remote
Stroll into the hall,move,hall
Head in the direction of the bedroom,move,bedroom
Ditch the key,drop,key
Give up the bag,drop,bag
Throw down the apple,drop,apple
March towards the bedroom,move,bedroom
Advance to the kitchen,move,kitchen
Detach the remote,drop,remote
Give up the key,drop,key
Trek to the storeroom,move,storeroom
Forsake the remote,drop,remote
Settle the key,drop,key
Move to bedroom,move,bedroom
Glean the bag,pickup,bag
Perambulate to the diningroom,move,diningroom
Proceed in the direction of the bedroom,move,bedroom
Make a move towards the bedroom,move,bedroom
Relocate to the kitchen,move,kitchen
Make tracks for the hall,move,hall
Shift your presence to the bedroom,move,bedroom
Hoist the apple,pickup,apple
Discard the remote,drop,remote
March towards the kitchen,move,kitchen
Make your way to the bedroom,move,bedroom
Plop down the bag,drop,bag
Discharge the bag,drop,bag
Kindly proceed towards the kitchen,move,kitchen
I'd appreciate it if you could head to the bedroom,move,bedroom
Jettison the bag,drop,bag
Shake off the key,drop,key
Make tracks for the diningroom,move,diningroom
Swipe the bottle,pickup,bottle
Migrate to the bedroom,move,bedroom
Would you mind going to the kitchen?,move,kitchen
Head towards the storeroom,move,storeroom
Heft the bag,pickup,bag
Retrieve the bag,pickup,bag
Withdraw the bag,drop,bag
Envelop the apple,pickup,apple
Pocket the bag,pickup,bag
Walk over to the bedroom,move,bedroom
Snag the remote,pickup,remote
Ambulate towards the hall,move,hall
Please relocate yourself to the storeroom,move,storeroom
Commandeer the apple,pickup,apple
Obtain the key,pickup,key
Bag the key,pickup,key
Kindly proceed towards the bedroom,move,bedroom
Proceed in the direction of the diningroom,move,diningroom
Make tracks for the storeroom,move,storeroom
Relinquish the remote,drop,remote
Throw down the remote,drop,remote
Wander into the bedroom,move,bedroom
Drop the apple,drop,apple
Would you mind going to the hall?,move,hall
Grapple the apple,pickup,apple
Place the bag,drop,bag
Recede the bag,drop,bag
Go to storeroom,move,storeroom
Walk over to the storeroom,move,storeroom
Let fall the key,drop,key
Journey to the storeroom,move,storeroom
Advance to the hall,move,hall
Rest the key,drop,key
Advance to the storeroom,move,storeroom
Give up the bottle,drop,bottle
Glide into the storeroom,move,storeroom
Surrender the remote,drop,remote
Snag the bag,pickup,bag
Usurp the bag,pickup,bag
Meander towards the diningroom,move,diningroom
Tumble the key,drop,key
Settle the bottle,drop,bottle
Walk over to the hall,move,hall
Glean the key,pickup,key
Commandeer the bottle,pickup,bottle
Glean the remote,pickup,remote
Migrate to the hall,move,hall
Plunk down the bag,drop,bag
Corral the remote,pickup,remote
Forget the bag,drop,bag
Please relocate yourself to the hall,move,hall
Renounce the apple,drop,apple
Gain possession of the bag,pickup,bag
Bag the bag,pickup,bag
Amble to the kitchen,move,kitchen
Attain the bag,pickup,bag
Drop the remote,drop,remote
Retrieve the remote,pickup,remote
Clasp the bag,pickup,bag
Slip the key,drop,key
Trek to the kitchen,move,kitchen
Please find your way to the diningroom,move,diningroom
Commandeer the bag,pickup,bag
Make tracks for the bedroom,move,bedroom
Pick the bottle up,pickup,bottle
Take possession of the bag,pickup,bag
Get the key,pickup,key
Navigate towards the hall,move,hall
Surrender the key,drop,key
Drop off the key,drop,key
Move yourself to the bed,furn,bed
Shift your presence to the dining table,furn,dining table
Please transition to the counter area,furn,counter
Take a walk to the sofa,furn,sofa
Move to desk,furn,desk
Amble to the table,furn,table
Relocate to the desk,furn,desk
Move yourself to the dining table,furn,dining table
"Step into the chair, please",furn,chair
Head to the dining table,furn,dining table
March towards the bed,furn,bed
I encourage you to walk to the bed,furn,bed
March towards the counter,furn,counter
Set course for the bed,furn,bed
Beeline to the counter,furn,counter
Make a move towards the cabinet,furn,cabinet
Migrate to the desk area,furn,desk
Please walk to the cabinet,furn,cabinet
Walk over to the chair,furn,chair
I'd appreciate it if you could head to the table,furn,table
Transition to the bed,furn,bed
Walk over to the table,furn,table
Kindly proceed towards the bed,furn,bed
Make a move towards the counter,furn,counter
Trek to the counter,furn,counter
Head to the sofa,furn,sofa
Go to chair,furn,chair
Aim for the cabinet,furn,cabinet
Stroll into the table,furn,table
Relocate to the dining table,furn,dining table
Proceed in the direction of the sofa,furn,sofa
Please transition to the bed area,furn,bed
Move to counter,furn,counter
Navigate towards the dining table,furn,dining table
Please take a moment to go to the chair,furn,chair
Kindly proceed towards the cabinet,furn,cabinet
"Step into the desk, please",furn,desk
I encourage you to walk to the cabinet,furn,cabinet
Set course for the dining table,furn,dining table
Glide into the dining table,furn,dining table
Traverse to the dining table,furn,dining table
"Step into the dining table, please",furn,dining table
Shift your presence to the bed,furn,bed
Journey to the table,furn,table
Move to chair,furn,chair
I encourage you to walk to the desk,furn,desk
Beeline to the dining table,furn,dining table
Advance to the cabinet,furn,cabinet
Saunter to the dining table,furn,dining table
Aim for the chair,furn,chair
Trek to the table,furn,table
Please relocate yourself to the counter,furn,counter
Set course for the counter,furn,counter
Make a move towards the chair,furn,chair
Proceed in the direction of the counter,furn,counter
Trek to the desk,furn,desk
Shift to the chair area,furn,chair
Trek to the bed,furn,bed
Head to the desk,furn,desk
Transition to the table,furn,table
Meander towards the bed,furn,bed
I'd appreciate it if you could head to the sofa,furn,sofa
Migrate to the cabinet area,furn,cabinet
Please find your way to the chair,furn,chair
Glide into the desk,furn,desk
Stride into the counter,furn,counter
Perambulate to the dining table,furn,dining table
Traverse to the desk,furn,desk
Ambulate towards the chair,furn,chair
Please find your way to the cabinet,furn,cabinet
Direct yourself to the sofa,furn,sofa
Amble to the cabinet,furn,cabinet
Please transition to the sofa area,furn,sofa
Trek to the cabinet,furn,cabinet
Head to the bed,furn,bed
Saunter to the cabinet,furn,cabinet
Advance to the dining table,furn,dining table
"Venture into the bed, if you will",furn,bed
Please find your way to the sofa,furn,sofa
Go to dining table,furn,dining table
Navigate towards the chair,furn,chair
I encourage you to walk to the sofa,furn,sofa
Move to table,furn,table
Make your way to the cabinet,furn,cabinet
Direct yourself to the dining table,furn,dining table
Beeline to the table,furn,table
Make tracks for the chair,furn,chair
Make a move towards the bed,furn,bed
Please relocate yourself to the desk,furn,desk
I encourage you to walk to the chair,furn,chair
Saunter into the bed,furn,bed
Beeline to the chair,furn,chair
Migrate to the bed,furn,bed
Trek to the sofa,furn,sofa
Please take a moment to go to the dining table,furn,dining table
Navigate towards the sofa,furn,sofa
Walk over to the desk,furn,desk
Migrate to the table area,furn,table
Take a walk to the chair,furn,chair
Please take a moment to go to the cabinet,furn,cabinet
Could you please make your way to the desk?,furn,desk
Traverse to the bed,furn,bed
Please take a moment to go to the counter,furn,counter
Make a move towards the sofa,furn,sofa
Go to table,furn,table
Navigate towards the counter,furn,counter
Walk over to the dining table,furn,dining table
Could you please make your way to the bed?,furn,bed
Make your way to the dining table,furn,dining table
Proceed in the direction of the bed,furn,bed
Could you please make your way to the dining table?,furn,dining table
Head in the direction of the desk,furn,desk
Kindly advance to the table,furn,table
Navigate towards the bed,furn,bed
Migrate to the dining table area,furn,dining table
Shift to the sofa area,furn,sofa
Shift your presence to the chair,furn,chair
Amble to the desk,furn,desk
Shift to the cabinet area,furn,cabinet
"Venture into the chair, if you will",furn,chair
Take a walk to the table,furn,table
Please find your way to the desk,furn,desk
Make your way to the bed,furn,bed
Migrate to the table,furn,table
Direct yourself to the counter,furn,counter
Perambulate to the sofa,furn,sofa
Glide into the chair,furn,chair
Stride into the table,furn,table
Take a walk to the counter,furn,counter
Would you mind going to the chair?,furn,chair
Kindly advance to the bed,furn,bed
Transition to the desk,furn,desk
Trek to the dining table,furn,dining table
Please walk to the bed,furn,bed
"Venture into the table, if you will",furn,table
Move yourself to the table,furn,table
Head in the direction of the table,furn,table
Stroll into the chair,furn,chair
Make your way to the table,furn,table
Shift your presence to the sofa,furn,sofa
Stroll into the desk,furn,desk
Stride into the desk,furn,desk
Could you please make your way to the cabinet?,furn,cabinet
Meander towards the chair,furn,chair
Advance to the desk,furn,desk
Set course for the chair,furn,chair
Meander towards the dining table,furn,dining table
Please relocate yourself to the table,furn,table
Walk over to the bed,furn,bed
Move yourself to the counter,furn,counter
Would you mind going to the table?,furn,table
Advance to the chair,furn,chair
Stroll into the dining table,furn,dining table
March towards the chair,furn,chair
Would you mind going to the counter?,furn,counter
Move yourself to the cabinet,furn,cabinet
March towards the dining table,furn,dining table
Wander into the counter,furn,counter
Please transition to the table area,furn,table
Could you please make your way to the chair?,furn,chair
Perambulate to the chair,furn,chair
Kindly proceed towards the sofa,furn,sofa
"Step into the sofa, please",furn,sofa
Would you mind going to the cabinet?,furn,cabinet
Saunter into the sofa,furn,sofa
Meander towards the cabinet,furn,cabinet
Traverse to the cabinet,furn,cabinet
It would be great if you could move towards the dining table,furn,dining table
Head towards the table,furn,table
Meander towards the desk,furn,desk
Please take a moment to go to the desk,furn,desk
Relocate to the cabinet,furn,cabinet
Migrate to the chair area,furn,chair
Transition to the cabinet,furn,cabinet
Take a walk to the desk,furn,desk
Please relocate yourself to the sofa,furn,sofa
Make tracks for the sofa,furn,sofa
Make a move towards the table,furn,table
Shift to the dining table area,furn,dining table
Beeline to the cabinet,furn,cabinet
Migrate to the chair,furn,chair
It would be great if you could move towards the table,furn,table
Move yourself to the chair,furn,chair
Please find your way to the bed,furn,bed
Amble to the sofa,furn,sofa
Please transition to the desk area,furn,desk
Saunter to the table,furn,table
Please find your way to the counter,furn,counter
"Venture into the counter, if you will",furn,counter
Head in the direction of the counter,furn,counter
Set course for the sofa,furn,sofa
Please take a moment to go to the bed,furn,bed
Head in the direction of the cabinet,furn,cabinet
Kindly proceed towards the table,furn,table
Make tracks for the table,furn,table
I'd appreciate it if you could head to the desk,furn,desk
Wander into the bed,furn,bed
March towards the table,furn,table
Please find your way to the dining table,furn,dining table
Migrate to the dining table,furn,dining table
Head towards the bed,furn,bed
Move to cabinet,furn,cabinet
Aim for the desk,furn,desk
Saunter into the table,furn,table
Set course for the cabinet,furn,cabinet
Go to cabinet,furn,cabinet
Make your way to the chair,furn,chair
Kindly proceed towards the counter,furn,counter
Relocate to the bed,furn,bed
Migrate to the sofa,furn,sofa
Transition to the dining table,furn,dining table
Head towards the counter,furn,counter
Walk over to the sofa,furn,sofa
Journey to the desk,furn,desk
Trek to the chair,furn,chair
Direct yourself to the chair,furn,chair
Direct yourself to the table,furn,table
Traverse to the counter,furn,counter
It would be great if you could move towards the desk,furn,desk
I'd appreciate it if you could head to the bed,furn,bed
Walk over to the counter,furn,counter
I encourage you to walk to the table,furn,table
Please walk to the table,furn,table
Stroll into the counter,furn,counter
Journey to the counter,furn,counter
Stride into the dining table,furn,dining table
"Venture into the dining table, if you will",furn,dining table
Meander towards the counter,furn,counter
Move to sofa,furn,sofa
Traverse to the sofa,furn,sofa
Shift to the desk area,furn,desk
Walk over to the cabinet,furn,cabinet
Shift your presence to the table,furn,table
Stride into the cabinet,furn,cabinet
Head towards the dining table,furn,dining table
"Venture into the desk, if you will",furn,desk
Journey to the chair,furn,chair
Head towards the chair,furn,chair
Direct yourself to the cabinet,furn,cabinet
Please relocate yourself to the chair,furn,chair
Stroll into the sofa,furn,sofa
Please walk to the chair,furn,chair
Make tracks for the dining table,furn,dining table
Proceed in the direction of the cabinet,furn,cabinet
Please walk to the counter,furn,counter
Glide into the counter,furn,counter
Stride into the bed,furn,bed
March towards the cabinet,furn,cabinet
Relocate to the chair,furn,chair
Stroll into the bed,furn,bed
Beeline to the sofa,furn,sofa
Could you please make your way to the counter?,furn,counter
Saunter into the cabinet,furn,cabinet
It would be great if you could move towards the chair,furn,chair
Head in the direction of the chair,furn,chair
Beeline to the bed,furn,bed
Traverse to the chair,furn,chair
Head to the cabinet,furn,cabinet
Make tracks for the desk,furn,desk
Direct yourself to the bed,furn,bed
Make a move towards the dining table,furn,dining table
Proceed in the direction of the chair,furn,chair
Head towards the sofa,furn,sofa
Move yourself to the desk,furn,desk
Saunter to the desk,furn,desk
Saunter to the counter,furn,counter
Shift to the counter area,furn,counter
Would you mind going to the sofa?,furn,sofa
Relocate to the table,furn,table
Traverse to the table,furn,table
Shift your presence to the cabinet,furn,cabinet
Head towards the desk,furn,desk
Ambulate towards the bed,furn,bed
I encourage you to walk to the counter,furn,counter
Please relocate yourself to the dining table,furn,dining table
Head towards the cabinet,furn,cabinet
Glide into the sofa,furn,sofa
Please walk to the desk,furn,desk
Stroll into the cabinet,furn,cabinet
Aim for the sofa,furn,sofa
Transition to the sofa,furn,sofa
Aim for the dining table,furn,dining table
Please take a moment to go to the table,furn,table
"Venture into the sofa, if you will",furn,sofa
Ambulate towards the counter,furn,counter
Head in the direction of the bed,furn,bed
Please find your way to the table,furn,table
Saunter into the desk,furn,desk
Please transition to the dining table area,furn,dining table
Transition to the counter,furn,counter
Head to the table,furn,table
Ambulate towards the desk,furn,desk
Take a walk to the dining table,furn,dining table
Saunter to the bed,furn,bed
Kindly proceed towards the dining table,furn,dining table
Ambulate towards the sofa,furn,sofa
Please transition to the cabinet area,furn,cabinet
Beeline to the desk,furn,desk
"Step into the table, please",furn,table
Advance to the counter,furn,counter
Glide into the cabinet,furn,cabinet
Relocate to the sofa,furn,sofa
"Step into the counter, please",furn,counter
It would be great if you could move towards the cabinet,furn,cabinet
Head to the counter,furn,counter
Stride into the sofa,furn,sofa
Glide into the table,furn,table
Migrate to the cabinet,furn,cabinet
Migrate to the counter area,furn,counter
Perambulate to the desk,furn,desk
Head in the direction of the sofa,furn,sofa
Head in the direction of the dining table,furn,dining table
Transition to the chair,furn,chair
Kindly proceed towards the chair,furn,chair
Go to bed,furn,bed
Meander towards the sofa,furn,sofa
Shift to the bed area,furn,bed
Kindly advance to the chair,furn,chair
Would you mind going to the bed?,furn,bed
Journey to the dining table,furn,dining table
Stride into the chair,furn,chair
Perambulate to the bed,furn,bed
Kindly advance to the cabinet,furn,cabinet
Perambulate to the table,furn,table
Please relocate yourself to the cabinet,furn,cabinet
Amble to the dining table,furn,dining table
Aim for the bed,furn,bed
Saunter into the counter,furn,counter
Migrate to the counter,furn,counter
Please walk to the dining table,furn,dining table
Amble to the counter,furn,counter
Kindly advance to the desk,furn,desk
Wander into the chair,furn,chair
Journey to the bed,furn,bed
Wander into the table,furn,table
Navigate towards the table,furn,table
Move yourself to the sofa,furn,sofa
Kindly advance to the counter,furn,counter
Saunter to the chair,furn,chair
Navigate towards the cabinet,furn,cabinet
"Step into the cabinet, please",furn,cabinet
Migrate to the bed area,furn,bed
Go to counter,furn,counter
"Step into the bed, please",furn,bed
Make tracks for the cabinet,furn,cabinet
Meander towards the table,furn,table
Go to sofa,furn,sofa
March towards the desk,furn,desk
Advance to the bed,furn,bed
Set course for the desk,furn,desk
Journey to the cabinet,furn,cabinet
Amble to the chair,furn,chair
Make tracks for the bed,furn,bed
Ambulate towards the dining table,furn,dining table
Go to desk,furn,desk
I'd appreciate it if you could head to the cabinet,furn,cabinet
Would you mind going to the desk?,furn,desk
Kindly proceed towards the desk,furn,desk
Make your way to the sofa,furn,sofa
"Venture into the cabinet, if you will",furn,cabinet
Aim for the table,furn,table
Ambulate towards the table,furn,table
Take a walk to the bed,furn,bed
Shift your presence to the desk,furn,desk
Make your way to the desk,furn,desk
Navigate towards the desk,furn,desk
Kindly advance to the dining table,furn,dining table
Proceed in the direction of the dining table,furn,dining table
I'd appreciate it if you could head to the chair,furn,chair
It would be great if you could move towards the counter,furn,counter
Take a walk to the cabinet,furn,cabinet
Aim for the counter,furn,counter
Amble to the bed,furn,bed
Please walk to the sofa,furn,sofa
Glide into the bed,furn,bed
Wander into the cabinet,furn,cabinet
Journey to the sofa,furn,sofa
Saunter to the sofa,furn,sofa
Proceed in the direction of the desk,furn,desk
Move to bed,furn,bed
Migrate to the desk,furn,desk
Wander into the sofa,furn,sofa
I'd appreciate it if you could head to the counter,furn,counter
Advance to the table,furn,table
Shift your presence to the counter,furn,counter
Saunter into the chair,furn,chair
Move to dining table,furn,dining table
Ambulate towards the cabinet,furn,cabinet
Proceed in the direction of the table,furn,table
Make a move towards the desk,furn,desk
Direct yourself to the desk,furn,desk
I'd appreciate it if you could head to the dining table,furn,dining table
Please take a moment to go to the sofa,furn,sofa
I encourage you to walk to the dining table,furn,dining table
Shift to the table area,furn,table
It would be great if you could move towards the bed,furn,bed
Make tracks for the counter,furn,counter
Saunter into the dining table,furn,dining table
Please transition to the chair area,furn,chair
March towards the sofa,furn,sofa
Kindly advance to the sofa,furn,sofa
Perambulate to the counter,furn,counter
Set course for the table,furn,table
Advance to the sofa,furn,sofa
Would you mind going to the dining table?,furn,dining table
Wander into the desk,furn,desk
Wander into the dining table,furn,dining table
Perambulate to the cabinet,furn,cabinet
Migrate to the sofa area,furn,sofa
Please relocate yourself to the bed,furn,bed
Make your way to the counter,furn,counter
Head to the chair,furn,chair
Could you please make your way to the sofa?,furn,sofa
It would be great if you could move towards the sofa,furn,sofa
Relocate to the counter,furn,counter
Could you please make your way to the table?,furn,table