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{"org_text": "Samson desireth a wife of the Philistines. He killeth a lion: in whose mouth he afterwards findeth honey. His marriage feast, and riddle, which is discovered by his wife. He killeth, and strippeth thirty Philistines. His wife taketh another man.", "whisper_text": " Samson desired the wife of the Philistines. He killed the lion. In whose mouth he afterwards finedeth honey, his marriage feast and riddle, which is discovered by his wife. He killed and stripped of 30 Philistines. His wife takeeth another man.", "similarity": 0.9791431986743865, "phonetic_similarity": 0.7741935483870968, "timing_issue": false, "total_clip_length": 19.1, "text_match": false, "timings": [{"start": 0.0, "end": 3.12}, {"start": 3.12, "end": 5.04}, {"start": 5.04, "end": 8.36}, {"start": 8.36, "end": 10.88}, {"start": 10.88, "end": 13.040000000000001}, {"start": 13.040000000000001, "end": 16.68}, {"start": 16.68, "end": 18.52}], "timing_threshold": 3, "similarity_threshold": 0.8}