{"org_text": "A woe to the rich that oppress the poor. Exhortations to patience and to avoid swearing. Of the anointing the sick, confession of sins and fervour in prayer.", "whisper_text": " awolder to the rich that oppress the poor, exhortations to patience and to avoid swearing, of the anointing the sick, confession of sins and fervor in prayer.", "similarity": 0.9928054957091799, "phonetic_similarity": 0.9047619047619048, "timing_issue": false, "total_clip_length": 11.88, "text_match": false, "timings": [{"start": 0.0, "end": 6.44}, {"start": 6.44, "end": 11.28}], "timing_threshold": 3, "similarity_threshold": 0.8} |