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The average person grows 6½ feet of nose hair from each follicle over a lifetime. Does nose hair grow with age? Aging is the most common cause of nose hair that grows long and thick. That’s because your hair follicles, even the ones in your nose, grow in cycles. As you grow older, your hair follicles may develop what’s called “anagen sensitivity.” How many nose hairs does the average person have? The amount of hairs growing depends on your hair density, or hairs per square inch. This depends on your genetics. Blondes typically have the most hairs per square inch, about 140,000 total on average, whereas redheads have the least, around 80,000 on average. Black and brown hair have about 109,000 on average. Is it normal to have a lot of nose hair? Nose hairs are a natural part of the human body, and everyone has them. Nose hairs help prevent potential allergens and other foreign objects from entering the nostrils. They also help keep air moist as it comes into the nasal passages. Is it OK to pluck nose hair? In most cases, waxing or plucking nasal hair is not recommended. Pulling out individual hairs can lead to ingrown hairs and infection. Waxing, especially, could hurt the skin deep inside your nose. Does nose hair grow faster trimmed? It is 100% a myth! Cutting or trimming hair in no way causes it to grow back thicker or faster. … The fact is that with both men who practice good grooming and keep these unsightly ear, nose & eyebrow hair trimmed, and those who do not groom and trim these hairs—both have the same the same increased growth as they age. Why does pulling nose hair make you cry? The tear collection ducts feed into the nose. That’s why when you cry you have a runny nose. When you pluck nose hairs you irritate the nasal mucosa, so that causes a reflex which attempts to flush out whatever might be causing a problem. Can you stop nose from growing? The real reason is a common scientific force known as GRAVITY. You see, our nose and our ears are made of cartilage and while many people mistakenly believe that cartilage never stops growing, the fact is cartilage does stop growing. How do you permanently remove hair from your nose? Electrolysis. Electrolysis is a permanent form of hair removal that’s done by a dermatologist or licensed aesthetician. You may need many treatments before electrolysis is completely effective. How fast do nose hairs grow? How long a hair eventually grows is determined by how long it stays in anagen. Head hairs can remain in anagen for years and grow to over three feet long, while most body hairs only stay in anagen for a couple of weeks and so grow to less than an inch. Does nose hair make it hard to breathe? No. Nose hair is natural and guards against inhaling excessive dust. It does not block breathing. Do nose hairs grow back after plucking? All hair grows back. Although if you pluck or wax an area for a long period of time, the hair may thin out as not all of the follicles regenerate. Why are nose hairs black? During childhood, your nose or ear hairs are called “vellus hairs” and are unnoticeable and thin. Once you get a little older, your hormones awaken them to grow faster, thicker and darker to better trap bacteria, viruses and fungi from getting into your system. Why do we have pubes? The skin on your genital region is delicate. Pubic hair acts like a protective buffer, reducing friction during sex and other activities. Some sources even refer to pubic hair as a “dry lubricant.” That’s because it’s easier to rub hair against hair than it is to rub skin against skin. Do your nose hairs help you smell? In a new study, researchers found that hair follicles contain olfactory receptors — the same kind of chemical receptors that lie deep in the nasal passages. In the nose, these receptors bind to odor molecules that waft in, sending signals to your brain to alert you that something reeks — or smells delicious.
Dive headlong into the weird world of quantum mechanics tonight (Oct. 1) with Harvard physics professor Subir Sachdev who will explain the link between the strange phenomena of spooky quantum entanglement and the wonder of weightless levitation made possible by superconductors. You can watch a live webcast on Live Science of Sachdev's presentation at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Waterloo, Canada, tonight at 7 p.m. EDT, where he will discuss ongoing research with high-temperature superconductivity and will also perform a demonstration of superconductor levitation. "What I hope people will take away is some understanding of what quantum mechanics is really about and why it's so important," Sachdev said in a video trailer for the presentation. [Watch Live @ 7 p.m. ET: Spooky Quantum Physics] Sachdev will focus on how a greater understanding of the bizarre nature of quantum entanglement can lead to more-practical superconductors, which are materials through which electricity can flow without resistance. That's because when two quantum particles are entangled, an action on one instantaneously affects the other, regardless of their distance from each other. Physicists are even discovering ways to entangle multiple particles. These clumps of connected particles represent entirely new states of matter that physicists say could lead to functional high-temperature superconductors. Current superconductors are chilled to near absolute zero, and physicists do not fully understand how these cold superconducting materials are able to conduct electric currents with zero energy loss. Superconductors are already used in things like the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machines employed in brain research and magnetically levitated trains, but the technology could be used for a lot more if it could operate at higher temperatures. Physicists have been chasing high-temperature superconducting technology for years. The name "high-temperature" superconductor can be misleading, since most superconductors operate at temperatures below the boiling point of nitrogen, which is minus 320.4 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 195.8 degrees Celsius). Even high-temperature superconductors will still need to remain fairly cold to maintain their property of zero electrical resistance. Sachdev will also discuss the relationship between bizarre quantum properties and the behavior of black holes, string theory and gravitational physics. Anyone watching the presentation can send in their questions by tweeting to @Perimeter and using the hashtag #piLIVE. "You won't be bored," Sachdev said. "You might be confused a little bit, but you won't be bored."
“Timing,” it is often said, “is everything.” Our perception of an event can change dramatically depending on the timing of the human actions therein. In video, even the basic YouTube player can easily speed up or slow down a scene. But what if it were possible to temporally manipulate the individual characters in a scene, speeding them up or slowing them down independently of the rest of the action? A group of researchers from Google Research and the University of Oxford have introduced a novel technique that does just that, by “retiming” people’s movements in videos. The proposed method works with regular videos and supports various retiming effects, such as aligning the motions of different people in a scene for example to bring an off-beat dancer into synch with the rest of their troupe, speeding up or slowing down only certain actions, or “freezing” people and even erasing them from the video. All the effects are achieved via a novel deep neural network-based model that learns a layered decomposition of the input video. The researchers say their model draws inspiration from recent advances in neural rendering and combines classical elements from graphics rendering with deep learning. They were able to leverage human-specific models and represent each person in a video with a single deep-texture map that is used to render the person in each frame. The core of their “layered neural rendering” technique is a learned layer decomposition in which each layer represents the full appearance of an individual in the video. This not only disentangles the direct motions of each person in the input video, but also correlates each person automatically with the scene changes they generate, such as shadows, reflections, motion of loose clothing, etc. The layers can be individually retimed and recombined into a new video, enabling realistic, high-quality renderings of the retiming effects for real-world videos. This “people geometry” approach is effective in depicting dynamic and complex human actions such as dancing, trampoline jumping, groups of joggers, etc. “We believe that our layered neural rendering approach holds great promise for additional types of synthesis techniques,” the researchers explain. The team plans to generalize the approach to other objects besides humans and to expand it to include additional non-trivial post-processing effects such as stylized rendering of different video components. The paper Layered Neural Rendering for Retiming People in Video is on arXiv. The model’s code will be released at SIGGRAPH Asia 2020, which runs November 17-20. Reporter: Yuan Yuan | Editor: Michael Sarazen This report offers a look at how China has leveraged artificial intelligence technologies in the battle against COVID-19. It is also available on Amazon Kindle. Along with this report, we also introduced a database covering additional 1428 artificial intelligence solutions from 12 pandemic scenarios. Click here to find more reports from us. We know you don’t want to miss any latest news or research breakthroughs. Subscribe to our popular newsletter Synced Global AI Weekly to get weekly AI updates.
Energy storage technology is key to the transition from fossil fuels to clean, sustainable power. Renewables such as solar and wind will have a greater role in electricity generation, but their intermittent nature means they cannot be relied upon 24/7; effective storage techniques must be found to ensure we reap the full benefits. Batteries currently dominate the commercial market, especially lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries developed in the 1970s. These pack a lot of energy in a small space and are easy to install on a large scale; their widespread use in cars and consumer devices is a testament to that. The surge in their production over the last decade has dramatically reduced their cost, making energy storage commercially viable. The worldwide energy storage market is expected to grow to $426 billion in the next 10 years, accompanied by a reduction in energy storage costs of between 66-80%. Battery storage will continue to dominate as research into the chemical make-up of batteries and battery management systems increases. Despite their potential, Li-ion batteries may be unsuitable for long-term storage – disadvantages include the risk of fire and limited availability of materials such as cobalt and nickel. There are also concerns about the environmental impact of metal extraction and the recycling of such batteries. But it is not all about batteries – as good as lithium-ion batteries are, they will not meet our future need alone; alternative, battery-free energy storage options will help in the transition to a low-carbon world. Hydro and Hydrogen Pumped hydro storage is already in widespread use, currently accounting for up to 99% of grid storage. Excess electricity is used to pump water up to a reservoir behind a dam. At peak demand, the water is released to drive turbines and generate electricity. However, geological and environmental limitations mean it is not suitable for use everywhere. Hydrogen energy storage is also very promising. Excess energy is used to split water into hydrogen and oxygen, and using renewables means the process is as green as possible. The resulting hydrogen can be used directly in a fuel cell to make electricity, added to the natural gas network to help decarbonize heating, or used to decarbonize industry such as steel. Solid-State Storage and Supercapacitors Solid-state energy storage devices work similarly to battery technology, except they use solid electrodes such as glass, ceramics or sulfides, and a solid electrolyte instead of the liquids used in Li-ion batteries. This gives a simple and safer design, and higher energy density. Supercapacitors store energy as static electrical charge; when used in energy storage applications, special electrodes and electrolytes are required, but these have very high capacitance. Supercapacitors can undergo almost indefinite charge and discharge cycles at high currents and for short durations. However, they are only really suitable for bridging power gaps ranging from a few seconds to a few minutes. It is likely they could be combined with other technologies to provide long-term power. These storage technologies harness kinetic or gravitational energy to store electricity; flywheels are a perfect example. These are readily accessible and use less energy and fewer toxic materials to build than traditional electrochemical technologies. However, they are only suitable for grid-level use at the moment. Gravitational Energy Storage (GES) involves storing huge amounts of energy for a long period of time until it is needed. It is based on the hydraulic lifting of a large rock mass; electrical pumps move water beneath a rock piston, lifting the rock mass. When power is required, the water – under high pressure from the rock mass – is sent via a turbine to generate electricity. Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) stores excess energy for use at off-peak times. It works a bit like pumped-hydro power plants but stores ambient air – or another gas – under pressure in underground containers. The air is heated and expanded in an expansion turbine which drives a generator for power production when needed. Thermal Energy Storage Thermal storage technologies harness heat and cold to create energy on demand. Modern solar thermal plants, for example, produce all their energy during the day and store the excess in the form of molten salt or other materials which can be used to generate steam or drive turbines at off-peak times. The increasing incorporation of renewable energies into the power grid means stationary energy storage is needed. Although battery technology dominates, there are many other technologies being developed. It is likely that no single technology will meet all requirements, so hybrid systems consisting of one or more technologies will be needed to meet future power demands.
More than three billion people around the world cannot afford a healthy diet. Meanwhile the global food production system is contributing over 25% of the planet’s total greenhouse gas emissions. Today marks World Food Day, a moment to generate awareness and action on responsible food production and consumption within the global agri-food system to create better nutrition, a better environment and better lives. It rounds off a week in which we held CGF’s Sustainable Retail Summit 2021 which brought sector leaders together to discuss how the industry can create healthy, sustainable food systems as part of this year’s theme – “acting today to shape tomorrow.” The Consumer Goods Forum (CGF) has been an important platform to foster the collaboration within our sector that is required to tackle these intertwining social and environmental issues. As a sector we recognise that our leadership is vital to deliver the UN Sustainability Goals – specifically here; zero hunger, good health and well-being, and responsible consumption and production. That is why we are continuing to drive collaboration across food systems to accelerate progress on a wide range of areas including: Healthier diets: Worldwide, over two billion people are overweight or obese. The prevalence of diabetes is expected to increase by nearly 50% from 2017 to 2045, and the number of people over 60 years of age is set to triple by 2100 to almost three billion. Our Collaboration for Healthier Lives Coalition was set up to make it easier for consumers to adopt healthier lifestyles for themselves and their families. The Workforce Nutrition Alliance, which we co-founded with the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition, is supporting companies to adopt nutrition programmes that will have a positive impact on millions of employees. Given the reach and influence of our membership this could be truly transformative. Cutting food waste: A third of all food that’s produced for humans is never eaten – that amounts to 1.3 billion tonnes of food per year globally. The Food Waste Coalition brings together 21 of the world’s largest retailers and manufacturers to cut food loss at retailer and consumer levels. Our members are currently working to align on the most effective methods of measurement and reporting, supply chain engagement and loss prevention. Embracing circularity: A key priority at CGF has been the development of packaging standards. Our Plastic Waste Coalition members have recently finalised the complete series of “Golden Design Rules”, for the design of plastic packaging, created to accelerate progress towards using less and better plastic. These rules focus on eliminating unnecessary plastic packaging and all our members have been asked to voluntarily commit to implement these design changes by 2025 and to report annually on progress, in a process aligned with the New Plastics Economy Global Commitment. Taking deforestation out of the supply chain: According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), agri-food production has been the primary driver of three-quarters of global deforestation to date. At New York Climate Week in September 2021, we launched the Forest Positive Coalition’s first Annual Report, marking the first time that member businesses have aligned on a set of key KPIs that will enable them to monitor and report on their journeys to becoming forest positive businesses. Ultimately, we need sustainable agri-food systems that are capable of nourishing 10 billion people by 2050. That is the mission, but it will be no easy feat. We know that the only way to deliver on this is through putting competition aside and collaborating to generate actionable strategies. Today has been an important day for reflection both in terms of progress made and challenges ahead. I am proud of the coalitions we are developing but we must work even more closely and swiftly within the sector and I look forward to doubling down on our work with our membership to build the sustainable food systems of the future.
Ben-Gurion University Researchers Achieve Breakthrough in Process to Produce Hydrogen Fuel From Water for Transportation Fuel Using Solar Power NEW YORK...October 29 - Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) and the Technion Israel Institute of Technology researchers have cracked the chemical mechanism that will enable development of a new and more efficient photo-chemical process to produce hydrogen fuel from water, according to a new paper published in Nature Communications. The team is the first to successfully reveal the fundamental chemical reaction present in solar power that could form the missing link to generate the electricity necessary to accomplish this process. It allows the process to unfold naturally instead of relying on large amounts of man-made energy sources or precious metals to catalyze the reaction. Production of hydrogen does not emit greenhouse gases, but the process has until now required more energy than is generated and as a result has limited commercial viability. "This discovery could have a significant impact on efforts to replace carbon-based fuels with more environmentally friendly hydrogen fuels," according to the team led by BGU researchers Dr. Arik Yochelis and Dr. Iris Visoly-Fisher and Prof. Avner Rothschild of the Technion. "Car manufacturers seek to develop hydrogen-powered vehicles that are considered efficient and environmentally friendly and unlike electric vehicles, allow for fast refueling and extended mileage." Hydrogen production for fuel requires splitting water molecules (H2O) into two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. The research reveals a breakthrough toward understanding the mechanism that occurs during the photochemical splitting of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) over iron-oxide photo-electrodes, which involves splitting the photo-oxidation reaction from linear to two sites. After years of challenging experiments during which Prof. Rothschild's laboratory was unable to overcome the barrier in efficiency, he approached Drs. Yochelis and Visoly-Fisher to collaborate and complete the puzzle. "Beyond the scientific breakthrough, we have shown that the photo-electrochemical reaction mechanism is related to the family of chemical reactions for which Prof. Gerhard Ertl was awarded the 2007 Nobel Prize in Chemistry," says Dr. Yochelis of the BGU's Alexandre Yersin Department of Solar Energy and Environmental Physics in the Jacob Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research. "Our discovery opens new strategies for photochemical processes." The study was funded by research grants from the Israel Ministry of National Infrastructures, Energy and Water, and the Israel Ministry of Science and Technology. American Associates, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev American Associates, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (AABGU) plays a vital role in sustaining David Ben-Gurion's vision: creating a world-class institution of education and research in the Israeli desert, nurturing the Negev community and sharing the University's expertise locally and around the globe. As Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) looks ahead to turning 50 in 2020, AABGU imagines a future that goes beyond the walls of academia. It is a future where BGU invents a new world and inspires a vision for a stronger Israel and its next generation of leaders. Together with supporters, AABGU will help the University foster excellence in teaching, research and outreach to the communities of the Negev for the next 50 years and beyond. Visit vision.aabgu.org to learn more. AABGU is headquartered in Manhattan and has nine regional offices throughout the United States. For more information, visit http://www.aabgu.org.
What are: Apprenticeships? Apprenticeships give you the opportunity to gain a qualification whilst you earn a salary. Apprentices spend most of their time in the workplace learning on the job, and some time (usually one day a week) learning theory in the classroom – sometimes in a school, further-education college or university. Because apprenticeships are designed to prepare you for specific careers there are loads of different types, so when researching apprenticeships it is worth looking at the level of qualification they will give you and what the balance between work and theory is. When do I take them? Apprenticeships usually fall into one of four levels: intermediate, advanced, higher and degree. When you take an apprenticeship depends which level you’ll be studying at. Generally you can take any apprenticeship whenever you want after you are 16. However for some of the higher level apprenticeships (the advanced, higher and degree) you’ll either need to show that you have experience working in the area you will be studying in, or have completed some other qualifications. Degree apprenticeships especially will usually ask that you have completed BTEC or A-level study or an advanced apprenticeship before you begin. How long do they take? Apprenticeships will take you at least a year, but often they take longer than this, especially if you are studying higher-level qualifications. Degree apprenticeships for instance often take between four and six years. Who are they for? Apprenticeships allow you to learn all of the skills you’d need to go on to a career in the area you are learning in, so will suit people who want to get into a particular industry or job. They are great for learners who are very hands and enjoy learning by example. Apprenticeships do not usually involve exams as apprentices demonstrate their knowledge by doing. Where will they take me? The great thing about apprenticeships is that you will learn in the workplace. This means that when you have finished you are in a strong position to get a job similar to the one you have been doing whilst you studied. Over half of apprentices carry on working for the the company where they worked whilst studying; this is because t your employer will know that you have learned all the skills you need to work effectively. Where do I study them? Your time as an apprentice will be split between working in a further education college or university and the workplace. This means that you will actually be doing the job you are learning about as you study. How much do they cost? One of the best things about apprenticeships is that there are no tuition fees, and you actually get paid to take them. This is because you work whilst you learn. You will earn at least the national minimum wage for apprentices, though some companies pay you more, especially for higher-level apprenticeships. You’ll often be earning less than if you had a full time job, so some careful budgeting is required to make sure that you can live off the payment you’ll receive, remember, you’ll need somewhere to live, to eat and enjoy yourself whilst you study! Apprenticeships on the qualifications grid The qualifications grid shows some of the most common qualifications in the UK, and their levels. There are 8 levels of study in the UK, remember these don't relate to how long qualifications take, but they are used to show how qualifications compare with each other. Use the grid to find out what level apprenticeships can be in comparison with other qualifications. Where can I find out more? You apply directly to the company or business where you’ll be studying for your apprenticeship. However there are are lots of services that list apprenticeships, the most extensive is the find an apprenticeship service. Try notgoingtouni for apprenticeships listings that you can filter by business, start date and location. There is also lots of useful advice available on and GetinGoFar and the apprenticeships guide.
“After the First Emperor unified his empire, 700,000 men were sent from all over his empire. They dug down deep to underground springs, workmen were instructed to make automatic crossbows primed to shoot at intruders; Mercury was used to simulating a hundred rivers, and set to flow mechanically.” Attracted by the myth of the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor, you went on a trip to Xi’an to pay a visit to the Terracotta Army world heritage site. Amazed by all the ancient treasures, you got lost inside the site…The night is coming, and you are still lost inside, just when you are not sure where to go, you found a door and pushed right through it. In front of your eyes is the grand necropolis of the Qin Emperor! According to “Shi-Ji”, the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor has a lot of traps, if the underground palace is open, mercury will pour out and flood the intruders. To protects the mausoleum, the only way is to find the “Dragon Pearl” at the exit of the mausoleum. Will you escape from the traps or will you be submerged? 深受秦始皇傳說吸引的你們,決定前往西安旅行, 卻不幸在參觀兵馬俑時走失了。秦陵如同迷宮般,走了半天仍找不到出路,天色逐漸昏暗,一扇隱蔽的門赫然浮現,心急如焚的你們不顧一切推門進去,眼前出現的竟然是秦始皇陵! 據說…秦始皇陵內機關遍佈,一旦地窖被打開,入侵者會被逐漸湧出的水銀所淹沒。若想保住秦始皇陵墓,唯一的辦法就是解開隱藏在秦陵出口處龍珠的秘密。你能否突破重重難關順利離去,抑或是陷入水銀的深淵…
The massive and deadly floods that hit South Africa in April became twice as likely and more intense than global warming, scientists have estimated. Research shows that climate emergency is causing disaster. Catastrophic floods and landslides hit the South African provinces of KwaZulu-Natal and Eastern Cape on April 11 after extremely heavy rains. South African President Cyril Ramaphosa called the floods a “massive catastrophe” and “the greatest tragedy we have ever seen”, later declaring a national state of disaster. At least 453 people were killed and the port of Durban, Africa’s largest, was closed, causing a global cut in food and mineral supplies. Other recent studies have found that the heatwave in the Pacific Northwest region of 2021 would be “virtually impossible” without climate change and that global warming exacerbated extreme floods in Europe in July 2021 and storms in Ma. and Mozambique in January. “If we do not reduce emissions and keep global temperatures below 1.5 degrees Celsius, many extreme weather events will become more and more catastrophic,” said Dr. Izidine Pinto, of the University of Cape Town and a member of the team that conducted the analysis. . “We need to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to a new reality where floods and heat waves are more intense and catastrophic.” Dr Friederike Otto, of Imperial College London and also a member of the team, said: “Most of the people who died in the floods lived in informal settlements, so we see again how climate change is disproportionately affecting the most vulnerable people. However, the flooding of the port of Durban is also a reminder that there are no borders for climate change. “What happens in one place can have significant consequences elsewhere.” A fierce heat wave is raging in India and Pakistan and is likely to be exacerbated by global warming. “There is no doubt that climate change is changing the game greatly when it comes to overheating,” Otto said. “Every heat wave in the world is getting stronger and more likely to happen due to man-made climate change.” Nick Silkstone, at the UK Meteorological Office, said: “Temperatures are expected to peak on Saturday, when maximum values could reach around 49-50 degrees Celsius. [120-122F] in the hottest locations, such as Jacobabad and the Sibi region of Pakistan. These values are about 5-7 C above the average for the time of year. “ The analysis of the role of global warming in South African floods used weather data and computer simulations to assess how likely it was that extreme rainfall would occur in today’s warm climate – 1.2C warmer than before the industrial era – and in its unheated climate in the past. The results showed that such extreme rainfalls could now be expected about once every 20 years compared to only once every 40 years in the past, which means it has become twice as likely. The assessment also showed that rainfall was 4-8% more intense than it would have been without climate change. This is in line with the scientific understanding of how climate change affects heavy rainfall. As the atmosphere becomes warmer, it can hold more water, increasing the risk of rainfall.
The term “cyber liability” sounds like something from a Star Trek movie. But if you think it’s NOT something that pertains to your business, think again. The fact is cyber liability affects businesses of all types and sizes. What exactly is cyber liability? As a business, you have a duty to maintain the privacy of other people’s data. So, if your business collects or stores personally identifiable information (such as social security numbers, birthdates, phone numbers or credit card numbers) for employees, customers, organization members, or patients, you could be held liable, fined and incur remediation costs if your data is ever breached or compromised. How do data breaches occur? Data compromises occur in countless ways – from stolen laptops to web-based attacks, human error and data exchange failures. Consider the following real life examples: - A grocery store chain is hacked, resulting in fraudulent charges to customer debit and credit cards. - A nonprofit company in Maine accidentally posts a donor database on its website. Donors’ personal information was accessible via Internet search for two weeks before it was taken down. - The personal information of more than 1,000 military veteran patients is exposed after a hospital employee improperly disposes of records. Forty-six states now have data breach notification laws, so if and when a data compromise occurs, you may be responsible for the legal coordination of properly notifying everyone involved. Many companies also incur the additional remediation expenses of offering credit monitoring services to the affected parties, managing public relations and paying for an investigation to identify the cause of the breach. There may also be fines and penalties owed. If you think this sounds expensive, you’re right! The Ponemon Institute reports an average cost of $194 per person affected. So, if you have 100 employees with compromised data, the breach could cost at least $19,400. On the other hand, if you have 5,000 clients with compromised data, it could cost nearly $1 million! Are small businesses really at risk? Yes! In fact, a 2012 U.S. Secret Service and Verizon Communications Inc. study found that more than 72 percent of data breaches occurred at companies with fewer than 100 employees. Small businesses are easy targets for hackers because their security practices can be less sophisticated. What can you do? Just as you secure general liability insurance to cover your business in the event that your products or services cause harm to others, you should also consider cyber liability coverage to help mitigate your data breach exposure. Cyber liability policies vary widely by carrier, but they generally include coverage for defense and settlement costs, remediation expenses and penalties. Policies are much more affordable than the business risk of going without coverage.
Parents are busy. Between work, meetings and driving the Mom-taxi, life can get a little hectic. With the ease of fast food and the prevalence of video games, it’s easy to forget about our kid’s nutrition and exercise habits. The 5-2-1-0 rule is a simple way to keep track of your child’s health habits – and who doesn’t love simple? 5 or more servings of fruits and vegetables per day Fruits and vegetables provide vitamins and minerals necessary for your child’s growth and immune system. Kids who eat five or more servings a day are significantly less likely to be overweight or become obese as adults than kids who eat less than three servings per day. The benefits continue into adulthood: a diet rich in fruits and vegetables also lowers the risk for cancer, diabetes and heart disease. Fruits and vegetable are naturally low in calories and fat, so serve them with every meal. Replace sugary snacks with a piece of fresh fruit. Have raw vegetables available for a crunchy alternative to chips. 2 hours or less of screen time per day Smartphones, tablets and computers are a part of everyday life. However, kids who spend more than two hours a day staring at a screen are twice as likely to be obese. Too much screen time is also linked to sleep and behavioral problems. Limit screen time (including television) to two hours or less per day. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that kids under age 2 have no screen time. - Help your child have a healthy heart. Learn more! 1 hour or more of physical activity per day Encourage your kids be active. Kids need about one hour per day of physical activity for good health. Physical activity reduces stress, increases energy and promotes growth of strong muscles and bones. Physically active kids sleep better, too. Play outside with your child, go for a bike ride or play catch in the front yard. 0 sugar sweetened drinks Sports drinks, sodas and juices are packed with sugar and calories. These sugary drinks cause weight gain and cavities. Diet drinks are full of artificial sweeteners, so stick to water or low-fat milk. Pack a thermos with water in your child’s lunch or encourage her to purchase milk in the school cafeteria. - Oral care is important to your child's health, too. Read more about it. For more information Teaching your kids to make healthy choices is more important than ever. Give them a head start at good health with the 5-2-1-0 rule. And, remember, it makes sense for adults, too. So, show your kids how easy – and fun – eating right, exercising and limiting screen time can be by following the guidelines yourself. To learn more, talk to your child’s primary care provider or a registered dietitian.
Negative ideologies tend towards maintaining a law of history, the installation of totalitarian regimes, neglect of basic human rights, the abuse of an ideology to justify the use of force. Assertion that history follows a law “In memory of the countless men and women of all creeds or nations or races who fell victims to the fascist and communist belief in Inexorable Laws of Historical Destiny” Starting dedication of Karl Poppers book: “The Poverty of Historicism”, first published 1957, quoted from the website: http://lachlan.bluehaze.com.au/books/popper_poverty_of_historicism.html Historicism is a concept of scientific history claiming that history of mankind is based on a fundamental law which determines decisively the historical sequence in the past, present and future. Depending on the basic ideology this law can be f. i. “the manifestation of God’s Will”, “the law of class struggles” or “the law of race struggles”. At the end of history always stands a vague utopia as f. i. “the Realm of God”, “a classless society” or “the perfect purebred national community”. Since these “laws” are in accordance with nature and are therefore valid inescapably, there is a tendency to support the “law of nature” by “affirmative actions”. Thus, the logical consequence are directives of intolerance and force. Popper summarizes: “The attempt to establish heaven on earth always creates hell”. Installation of totalitarian regimes By attempting to implement a historic “law” resp. by trying to adjust contemporary reality to it, all those, who think they cannot follow this “law”, must be “persuaded”, with force, if necessary. A democratic constitution however is not the right environment for this project, because a multitude of opinions will be opposed to the effort to streamline opinions. Adolf Hitler, the self-promoted “political designer” and “hands-on politician” in one person, therefore demands as early as 1925 in his programmatic book “Mein Kampf” the establishment of a centralised, totalitarian regime, a “Führerstaat”. Hitler could realise this kind of state in breathtaking pace after he was given nearly absolute power by his contemporary political colleagues in 1933. During this year already the NSDAP became the only legal political party and the foundation of new parties was forbidden. Until 1934 all German federal states were brought to enforced conformity and the economic, social and cultural organisations were streamlined to the party line of the NSDAP. By this, the former pluralistic society had been abolished. All this happened of course in accordance with the predominant nationalistic race-ideology and for “the benefit of the German people”. The transition from Bolschewism to Stalinism in the Soviet-Union showed a similar pattern. The ideology implied a forced industrialisation at all costs to make the country a strong superpower, from which the “socialist world-revolution” should start. First Stalin switched off all immediate competitors, namely Trotzky, to establish thereafter a terror regime, which resulted in millions of deaths. The main ideologies of the 20th century both put up dictatorial leader-regimes, which subjugated their fellow citizens to a nearly perfect control by hammering propaganda, brutal terror by the legal authorities, concentration camps and an omnipresent secret police. Contempt of basic and human rights is the logical consequence of the combination of dogmatic ideology and totalitarian state. Since the “absolute truth” is at stake and all controlling institutions were abolished, there is no necessity to consider individual basic rights. Totalitarian ideologies deal with the really big issue, the realisation of the “ideal society” and the domination of the whole world, so the individual person does not count, but only the “people” or the “class”. The next chapter includes examples in history and present of the abuse of ideologies to justify the use of force, aggression and oppression.
We all know senses are important, right? Sight, scent, taste, sound, and touch are as important to our characters and stories as they are to us. Our senses allow us to take in the world around us, but they also help transport us into memories. What does the smell of rain or the sound of a train mean to your character? Senses enrich scenes Just as beats help break up and give flesh to the bones of dialogue, senses give clues to atmosphere and the character’s state of mind. “Elsa perched on the edge of the chair as her hostess poured tea,” is clear enough. But “Elsa perched on the edge of the chair, hoping the proffered tea was pungent enough to mask the medicinal smell of the sick room” gives us a completely different impression. Or “Elsa perched on the chair as her hostess poured tea, the scent of which brought her back to her grandmother’s kitchen.” Other senses could work the same magic. Perhaps the hostess has tremors our character notes, or she’s wearing a floral dress that reminds our character of someone from her past. Is there a mantle clock that chimes or does the heated porcelain of the tea cup trigger a response? Senses invoke memory Some great flashback scenes begin with a sense that sweeps the character into a memory. “Tom remembered that day clearly” is a statement. “The heat from the asphalt rose through Tom’s oxfords and produced a shimmer on the horizon, just as it had that day when…” Or “The hot pavement and heated air brought her face clearly to mind. “Let’s go swimming,” she had said.” Scent is a major player in memory recall, but so is music. The right song or snatch of lyrics easily transports me to a moment in my past and does so for characters as well. A certain touch can also bring the past sharply into focus, especially if the memory is an unpleasant one. Senses improve recall Police and therapists use a technique called “the cognitive interview” to help victims and witnesses to access their memories with greater detail. In this type of interview, the person is put into the scene by recalling what their senses were registering at the time. Once the memory of time and place is firmly established, the recall of the interviewee is usually sharper and smaller details are more easily remembered. You can try this yourself by recalling what your senses told you in a particular memory before the main event happens. If your character is a witness, victim, or investigator, this is a tool you can use. I would argue that there are other senses important in the scheme of things. The sense that air pressure has changed could indicate a door or hatch has just been closed or opened. Temperature, air flow, gravity, motion, and others also affect your character. We are aware of more than we realize and adrenaline heightens that awareness. Try to give a specific when using a sense. Rather than tar smelling hot, does it smell oily, burnt, or heavy? Tea can be delicate, flowery, herbal, pungent, earthy. Touch can be grazing, reassuring, frightening, directional, or emotional. A sound can be grating, grinding, soft, metallic, sighing, startling, or out of context/unexpected. Taste doesn’t only relate to something put on the tongue. Defeat can taste bitter. Fear might taste metallic. Lemonade could taste like childhood. Sight is the sense we use most often with our characters since we are essentially reporting what they are seeing and doing. But sight is richer when not used alone, and how your character process what is seen is unique to them as well as mood dependent.
How Many Sentences Are in a College Essay? Normally, a paragraph should have five to six sentences, though this may vary depending on the subject and audience. The goal of each paragraph is to present a coherent idea and contain several supporting sentences. A good paragraph should have a clear introduction and close, and continue reading this follow the correct article structure. For example, a body paragraph should have a topic sentence, a few supporting ones, and a concluding statement. A paragraph is a group of three to five sentences that support the main idea of an essay. A paragraph should not exceed 500 words. If a paper has five hundred words, it should have at least three or four sentences. A longer paragraph may look at more info contain up to 10 or 11 separate statements. In an academic text, a paragraph should be no longer than five sentences. Regardless of the type of essay, the length of a sentence should be no more than twenty to forty-five words. Generally, a paragraph should be five to six sentences. A short paragraph has five to six sentences. A long paragraph has seven or more sentences. A college-level essay may have look at this website as many as ten sentences. The goal of a paragraph is to convey an idea in a clear and concise manner. Regardless of the type of essay you’re writing, the goal is to keep each paragraph their website as brief as possible. The paragraph should be concise, but informative. The number of sentences in a paragraph depends on the purpose of the piece. A paragraph can be one or two sentences, but a paragraph is always at least three sentences long. A paragraph helps you introduce, develop, and conclude a topic. For college, this can be as short as four sentences. In both cases, it’s best to write at least three sentences long find here. However, if a sentence is too short, it will make the essay look too lengthy. Generally, a paragraph should contain one to three sentences. There’s no limit to how many sentences a paragraph can have. In addition, a paragraph should be clear and concise. It should convey the idea of the writer in a clear and concise manner. For instance, a narrative essay should have at least five sentences, and a short paragraph should contain four to six. But Related Site, a long paragraph could have dozens of sentences, while a short one should have no more than two. A paragraph is composed of three to ten full sentences. As long as they check here are strong and coherent, there is no need to count the number of sentences in a paragraph. The main idea of a paragraph should be supported by a thesis statement. It should also be relevant to the essay’s topic. It should be a complete idea that relates to the subject and is relevant to the essay’s topic.
For More Information: Sharon Hershberger, Director, Public Affairs Winter Weather Can Increase Risk of Heart-Related Illness Americans are 30 percent more likely to suffer heart attacks during colder months London, Ky. (December 12, 2016) – This December, Saint Joseph London, part of KentuckyOne Health, is encouraging the public to educate themselves about heart health for the winter months. Due to physical and environmental factors, Americans are more than 30 percent more likely to suffer a heart attack during the winter, which is why it is important to protect your heart as temperatures drop. “The winter months can put even a healthy person at risk for a heart attack or other heart health problems,” said Cristina Pauig, MD, KentuckyOne Health Cardiology Associates. “To help protect yourself and those around you, be aware of the warning signs of heart attack, which include pressure, tightness or pain in the chest or arms, nausea, shortness of breath, cold sweat, lightheadedness and fatigue.” Very cold weather can increase heart rate and blood pressure, putting your heart at risk. Low temperatures cause blood vessels to narrow, requiring more pressure to force blood through narrowed veins and arteries, which increases blood pressure. These factors can increase your risk of having a heart attack or stroke. Winter physical activities, such as shoveling snow or exercising in the cold, can also lead to heart-related illness. These activities cause your blood vessels to constrict and raise your blood pressure even further. Your heart also has to work much harder to keep your body warm in the cold. With heart rate and blood pressure already elevated due to the low temperatures, this can cause blood clots to form and provoke coronary artery spasms. Holiday stress can also lead to heart problems. People who display symptoms of heart-related illnesses might delay getting treatment because they don’t want to disrupt holiday festivities. Or, holiday travelers might take longer to find medical care away from home, which heightens the risk. Overindulgence during the holidays can also put your heart in danger. At family gatherings and holiday parties, people tend to consume alcohol and eat more than usual, including unhealthy foods that are high in sodium. Busy schedules due to holiday engagements cause people to neglect their exercise routines, which can put even more strain on the heart. “Many people let their health take a backseat during the winter, but it’s actually even more important to ensure your heart is healthy during the colder months,” said Dr. Pauig. “Try to maintain a healthy lifestyle throughout the holiday season, and talk to your primary care provider about ways to protect your heart during the colder months.” In order to stay healthy during the winter, it is important to maintain a balanced diet, including at least five servings of fruits and vegetables per day. A minimum of 75 minutes of safe exercise per week is recommended for heart health. When shoveling snow or exercising outdoors, remember to dress warmly to keep your blood flowing, and warm up your muscles prior to doing physical activity. Do not drink alcohol before or immediately after shoveling snow, as this can increase your risk for heart attack. If you or someone near you is presenting symptoms of a heart attack, call 911 immediately. Then, if you are able, perform hands-only CPR by placing your hands on the victim’s chest and administering compressions hard and fast, 100 times per minute, in the center of the chest. Don’t stop until help arrives. To learn more about heart disease risk factors or to take a heart health risk assessment, visit www.kentuckyonehealth.org/heart-disease-risk-factors. About KentuckyOne Health KentuckyOne Health, the largest and most comprehensive health system in the Commonwealth, has more than 200 locations, including hospitals, physician groups, clinics, primary care centers, specialty institutes and home health agencies in Kentucky and southern Indiana. KentuckyOne Health is dedicated to bringing wellness, healing and hope to all, including the underserved. The system is made up of the former Jewish Hospital & St. Mary’s HealthCare and Saint Joseph Health System, along with the University of Louisville Hospital and James Graham Brown Cancer Center. KentuckyOne Health is proud of and strengthened by its Catholic, Jewish and academic heritages.
One infant has died and four other children have fallen ill from a disease that had been all but eradicated, CNN has reported; the baby was just seven months old. Hib"”<"https://www.yourlawyer.com/articles/read/15556">Haemophilus influenzae type b"”is the pathogen responsible for the deaths and illnesses, which have all occurred in Minnesota, CNN added. The baby and two other children did not receive any vaccinations, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), said CNN. FiercePharma reported that the other two children had not completed the immunization series. “The situation is of concern,” said Dr. Anne Schuchat, CDC director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Disease. “It could be happening elsewhere and, of course, it’s tragic that one of the children actually died from a preventable disease,” quoted CNN. Hib tends to strike infants and children under five years of age; the Hib vaccination is administered to prevent prevents pneumonia; epiglottitis, which is a type of serious throat infection; and meningitis, an infection of the covering of the brain and spinal cord, explained CNN. The CDC says that one in 20 children infected with Hib dies, with survivors running the risk of deafness and anywhere between 10 and 30 percent suffering permanent brain damage, added CNN. The disease is serious, often deadly and experts are warning parents to ensure their children are appropriatedly vaccinated. “Parents may not realize the importance of this vaccine,” Schuchat told CNN. “The disease is still around" "¦ and people “think it’s gone because it has not been seen for a while. Clearly, the bacteria is in the community "¦ and babies that (sic) haven’t gotten their vaccines are at risk,” she added. Prior to the routine use of vaccines to prevent Hib, approximately 20,000 cases were seen annually; the incidence dropped by 99 percent after vaccinations were more widely administered in the early 1990s, said CNN. Now, a shortage of the vaccines is worrying experts and health officials. Merck, Inc. recalled over one million doses in 2007, said CNN, the result of contaminated equipment, reported FiercePharma. Merck and a division of Sanofi Aventis are the only suppliers of the Hib vaccine, so when the Merck recall occurred, a shortage began, reported CNN. Generally, Hib is administered in a series of injections when a child is two, four, and six months old with a booster injection when the child is somewhere between one year and 15 months old, explained CNN. Because of the shortage, the CDC deemed the first series a priority, suggesting the booster be delayed"”until supplies become available"”in older children with strong immune systems. Supplies are expected to normalize by this summer, said CNN. FiercePharma reported that health officials in Minnesota believe there may be a link between decreases vaccine supplies. A CDC official told the Wall Street Journal that the agency is worried the shortage could be causing a so-called “herd immunity,” in which unvaccinated children are protected from disease when many others in the community have been vaccinated. With the shortage, it is possible that herd immunity is not possible, causing fears of the trend appearing nationwide.
In this day and age in which the media has exposed the epidemic of childhood obesity and associated diabetes, it is impossible for parents to not be more attuned to this issue with their children. For better and worse, we have access to data, research and information like never before. This is clearly the case in the area of food, nutrition and physiology. No doubt, understanding the implications of how we feed our bodies and how we move our bodies is invaluable information. What can often be a difficult task is translating this information into utilizable material that our children can understand. As parents, we must be persistently aware of, not just the information we deliver, but HOW we deliver it. Sometimes being accurate is not enough to help children benefit. Sometimes accurate information can be useless, if not harmful, when delivered ineffectively. In trying to educate children about food, weight, nutrition and healthy eating, we must be sensitive to the subtle nuances in our delivery. We, as parents and caretakers, must be aware of how we deliver potentially embarrassing or shameful material to children. Phillip says to his mother, “Amanda told me that I’m fat. I want to lose some weight. How much should I lose?” “Well,” said her mom, “Dr. Speilman said on your last check up that you could stand to lose five pounds. Why don’t we start there?” Phillip agrees and quietly walks away. Conversation over? Hardly. For all practical purposes, Phillip’s mother likely feels like this was a good opportunity for her to address his pediatrician’s concern about his childhood obesity. She probably feels relieved that someone else did her the service of alleviating her of hurting her son’s feelings. What she failed to realize is that she delivered the confirming “blow” to Phillip’s self esteem. In discussing matters of this nature, it is essential to realize the subtle impacts you may have. It is more fruitful to address the biological and medical aspects of this discussion and to STEER CLEAR OF NUMBER OF POUNDS! For example, you might address blood elevations such as cholesterol or pulse as the impetus for change, or simply the concept of supporting the development of a healthy heart that will “take care of you,” or “keep your body strong for the rest of your life.” By externalizing the issue of childhood obesity, you reduce the sensitive issue of self-esteem or physical acceptance. Further, you engage your child in a process about which your child can be more curious and motivated. Need More Information? Is your child struggling with obesity? We offer divorce therapy for children in a safe, supportive South Florida environment. For more information, contact The Center for Treatment of Anxiety and Mood Disorders in Delray Beach, Florida or call us today at 561-223-6568.
April 7, 2022 How to be More Inclusive by Limiting the use of “Alphabet Soup” Written by Lindsay Brillhart, parent and self-advocate Alphabet Soup is what we call industry-specific acronyms. They are often used within an area, like disabilities, when talking with others in that same profession. Usually, it is the first initial of each letter in a longer name of agencies, jobs, organizations, diagnoses, or things we often say. It is titling that people use often in reference. To make it easier and shorter when talking, people take the first letter of each word and just say those letters. The Association for Successful Parenting = TASP Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities = IDD Protection and Advocacy = P&A Sometimes in meetings, calls, or emails, professionals or parents use these acronyms and forget that other professionals or parents, may not know what they stand for. I think that if people are going to use these acronyms, they could use them and then say what they mean. For example, if I was talking to someone who hasn’t gotten services in their home, I could tell them to go to the county board of DDS. Or I could tell them to go to the county board of Developmental Disability Services. If I say the full name, it is clearer to that person what I am talking about. As a person with a disability, some of the conversations I have with people use alphabet soup. A suggestion I have is if you’re writing something out maybe write the words out and then put the letters. If you do that, then somebody looking at that knows what you mean. You could also put it at the bottom of the page, like a reference. If you are talking to people, be careful not to use acronyms. If you do, say what they stand for and what the abbreviation is so everyone can learn. I often need to speak up in meetings and remind people to explain an abbreviation they just used. It is okay to speak up if you don’t what is being said! It can be hard at first, especially if you are shy or nervous, but people are also happy to have a reminder because many people slip in to using acronyms and don’t even realize it. It can help them to remember not to use abbreviations, or to explain them when they do. Most people are grateful for the reminder! Here are some helpful websites that list common disability related “alphabet soup” phrases. There are many more than what is on these lists, so don’t be afraid to ask: - Ohio Developmental Disabilities Council Alphabet Soup: A Guide to Disability Related Acronyms: https://ohioemploymentfirst.org/up_doc/alpha_soup2015.pdf - Alphabet Soup: A Guide to Disability Related Acronyms: https://www.aucd.org/docs/The%20Alphabet%20Soup%20Book%20-%20A%20Tool%20for%20Understanding%20Shorthand%20Communication.pdf - Illinois Department of Human Services Alphabet Soup: http://www.dhs.state.il.us/onenetlibrary/27896/documents/by_division/division%20of%20dd/acronymsandabbreviations/alphabetsoup2016.pdf About Lindsay Brillhart Lindsay is a mom of 2 girls. She is a strong self-advocate for her kids and others. She has (formally) worked with the ARC of Hamilton County and Hamilton County Developmental Disability Services. She currently resides in Cincinnati with her her partner Phil and 2 kids: Julianna 20, and Sara, 11. She was once on the People First of Ohio board. She is a Partners in Policy graduate. She is also a graduate of PATHS (Providing Alternative Thinking Strategies). In her spare time, she loves to travel and to meet new people.
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They have also successfully exploited the disruptive applied sciences of the most recent computer technology era, mobile and cloud. In the present established order of technological progression, we see the cloud and cellular networks dominating. However, this technology trend has matured and businesses are in the exploit section of centralized information networks (in reference to the ‘data industrial complex’ and the monetization mannequin enshrined therein). Exploring Partial Synchronization In Networked Techniques Must be completed within the final seven years prior to receiving the AAS diploma in Computer Technology. Data relationships and attributes, the use of entity relationship diagrams, and data mapping operations. The main objective of this course is to help the student in analyzing and creating competence as an interpersonal communicator. 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Our skilled, educated faculty are excited to share their experience with you and prepare you to achieve the diverse Computer, developing, and design field of Computer Technology. Successful college students will recognize the influence of ethical and social points related to technology. Successful students will be in a position to develop options to problems which are new to them, and implement these solutions effectively. Not all IT firms are the same, they usually don’t provide the same stage of safety. Hackers are actually targeting IT suppliers with intent to steal data from prospects.
Despite the many different types of avocados, they all share the same parts. Although all avocados may initially appear to be the same, there are three races of avocados to consider: West Indian, Guatemalan and Mexican. In addition to these three races there are also hybrids and many different varieties that vary in size, shape and even taste. Despite these differences, all avocados are made of the same basic parts. Video of the Day The exocarp of an avocado is commonly referred to as the skin. Depending on the type of avocado, the skin color and thickness will vary. For example, Gwen avocados have green skin that is thick with a pebbled appearance, while Zutano avocados have thin skin that is yellow-green and shiny. The exocarp of certain avocados may also change in appearance as the fruit ripens. Hass avocados start with green skin that darkens to a purple-black color when ripe. The Fuerte avocado, which has thin green skin, does not change in appearance when ripe. The mesocarp is also known as the flesh of the avocado, and this is the edible and most abundant part of the fruit. The flesh of the fruit also varies in appearance depending on the variety of avocado. The Bacon variety of avocado has flesh that is a greenish-yellow, while the Pinkerton variety has pale, creamy green flesh. The Zutano avocado has flesh that is light in texture with a pale green color. The endocarp is the thin inner layer of the avocado that is found between the flesh of the avocado and its seed. It is often difficult to differentiate the endocarp from the flesh of the avocado fruit. When the seed is ripe, the endocarp may appear to be a film over it, giving it a frosty or whitish appearance. At the center of the avocado is its seed. It is the seed that makes the avocado a fruit as opposed to a vegetable and it can vary in size from small to large. The variations in seed size are dependent on the type of avocado. The Pinkerton, which is a winter variety avocado, has a small seed at its core. Reed avocados, a summer variety, and Lamb Hass, which is a California summer variety, both have medium seeds. The mid-winter variety Bacon avocado has a medium to large seed.
The main positive effects on chopped wood at home is easy assembly and good performance capabilities of wooden houses. Little is said about the influence of a wooden house on the emotional and physical the human condition. This influence requires more attention, since it is very large. The main properties of the tree is the permeability of wood and good insulation capabilities. This allows the wooden house maintain the natural moisture in the room, producing air, and the wooden houses are still warm. Also, the tree has many medicinal properties. Since time immemorial, it is believed that a house of wood takes a Human fatigue and restores the lost power. Scientific research confirms human impact on the bio-energy wooden house. All tree species have different positive qualities. Pine, oak, birch possess properties capable of giving their energy, and such trees as aspen, poplar, alder are original poglaschatelem energy. Hence, if a wooden house made of wood with a positive bio-energy, then people living in such houses will always be a very good mood, they will get rid of irritability and stress. Conifers, especially pine, have antibacterial properties, because they have the ability to select essential oils that will protect your home from the germs. Check out Philadelphia Condos for additional information. This wooden house on a daily basis will allow the owners to feel the natural pleasant aroma. Emotional state also depends on color of the wood. Elie Rieder often says this. Types of wood light brown, and yellow houses are most suitable for building houses. House of such trees restores vitality. Positive solution in terms of color wood is oak that brings residents a full sense of security, stability and solidity. It's comfortable? Remember also that the tree with bright hues visually expands the room. Studies conducted by scientists have confirmed that the timber can change a person's character. If you do not have a wooden house, you can simply fill their homes with wooden attributes. If it goes together with a wooden house, it is generally very positive. Bamboo removes negative emotions and beech gives a good attitude towards others. House or home attributes of larch, can save their owners from uncertainty and feelings of inferiority. For a man lacking a sense of reality, and too vain to be useful in oak and hornbeam. As well as larch, walnut give a person a sense of confidence and contribute to making the right decision. From the foregoing, turns out that the tree is not just a building material. The fact that the man and the plants are representatives of one ecosystem, because some in wooden houses and people feel so comfortable. In this regard, Wood house-building is increasingly recognized as summer houses made of wood.
Link Between Eating Organic And Reduced Cancer Risk This is the latest version of the Clean Fifteen & the Dirty Dozen by the Environmental Working Group (EWG). The foods on the left must be purchased organic if possible (or not be eaten at all) due to the excess levels of pesticide, herbicide, and fungicide exposure throughout the growth process. The foods on the right are safe to eat non-organic since they contain significantly less contaminants that we need to worry about. Ideally, always purchase organic whenever possible in order to enjoy the highest quality foods since we spend a large amount of time eating throughout our lives and we owe it to ourselves to make organic, non-GMO eating a financial priority for optimal health and longevity! Do you try and eat mostly organic? Some people still are not convinced they should shell out a few extra dollars on organics, despite its popularity and accumulating research. If you happen to be one of those people you may want to rethink that as a recent study in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) Internal Medicine has revealed those who eat more organics have a lower risk of cancer. Self-Reported data was analyzed from 68,946 adults who answered questionnaires and were asked to rate the frequency of eating organic foods from never, occasionally, to most of the time on their food intake from 16 categories including fruits, vegetables, dairy, fish, meat, bread, flour, grains, and eggs. In 2009 at the start of the study all of the participants were cancer free, by the 2016 follow up 1,340 had developed the disease, most prevalent being: 459 developed breast cancer; 180 developed prostate cancer; 135 skin cancer; 99 colorectal cancer; and 47 developed non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. After analyzing data, people that ate the most organic foods were found to have experienced a 25% decrease in overall risk of cancer compared to those who ate the least, which held true even after taking into consideration other factors that can affect cancer such as smoking, exercise, and socioeconomic status. Which specific cancers? Risk reduction was found to be especially high for lymphoma which was decreased by 76% overall, and 86% for non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, postmenopausal breast cancer risk was also found to have a significant decrease of 34%; results overall suggest that eating organics can help reduce cancer risk. Difference between organic and conventional foods primarily is that organic foods are less likely to have pesticide residues as organic farmers have to adhere to strict sets of standards for their produce to be classified as organic. Pesticide use has a growing body of evidence of posing many health risks which includes developmental problems in children and neurological diseases. Legal cases have even been filed against pesticide manufacturers claiming their products have caused cancers. By eating more organics you can help to reduce your own exposure to such carcinogens. Organic foods are given more time to mature that allows the mineral and sugar structures to develop into higher quality which make them taste better; and organics are not allowed to contain chemical preservatives to prolong their shelf life so you can be sure what you are eating is fresh. Organics are more likely to be free of foreign chemicals that can react with vitamins, minerals and other compounds resulting in higher antioxidant content which can be attributed to many health benefits. Organic farming causes less interference with the environment such as not using harmful chemicals that leach into soil, water, and air that reduces incidences caused by pollution. An important factor that must be taken into account is that the participants in the study were self-reporting the data, which does not guarantee accuracy of overall results and opens up the possibility of participant biases towards responses. Also, dairy, fish, meat, and eggs were included as part of the survey, which more than likely influenced the overall results, due to the link between specific animal products and certain cancers (especially red meat and processed meats, such as hot dogs, bacon, sausages, etc). It also depends on how these foods were prepared, as we know that the longer meat and fish are cooked, the more problematic compounds that are created in the food, which can ultimately be a contributing factor in cancer growth and progression. For example, we need to rule out specifically that the cause of cancer was because the food was non-organic rather than the type of food itself being the causative agent. Nonetheless, we must strive to choose the organic option as much as possible to stay as protected as possible from carcinogenic compounds and lack of nutrients that are found in non-organic foods.
Date of Award College of Science Type of Degree Thomas K. Pauley Upland Chorus Frogs (Pseudacris f. feriarum) are a rare species in West Virginia. They occur in aquatic habitats across parts of the eastern and southern U.S. Pseudacris f. feriarum collection records in West Virginia suggest that their distribution is limited to the eastern panhandle and Ridge and Valley region where they are very rare and imperiled. Distribution information is needed for future management strategies. To help conserve this rare species, key life history habits were identified through the investigation of plant communities that are associated with them. Data on Pseudacris f. feriarum distribution in West Virginia was determined by conducting auditory surveys at historic sites as well as potential new sites in order to gain a better idea of where populations exist in the state. Vegetation analysis and water quality tests were conducted wherever Pseudacris f. feriarum were found. Similar data were also gathered from areas where Pseudacris c. crucifer (Northern Spring Peeper) were found so that these wetlands can be compared to wetlands where the Pseudacris f. feriarum were located. This comparison has shown the importance of plants associated with each Pseudacris species in its aquatic habitats. The result of this undertaking has been a clearer understanding of the distribution of Pseudacris f. feriarum and its association with wetland plants and Pseudacris c. crucifer. Spotted Turtles (Clemmys guttata) are a species of special concern in West Virginia. Trapping and haphazard searches were conducted during spring of 2007 and 2008 in order to learn more about the species distribution so that successful management strategies could be implemented. During this project historical sites were searched, as well as new potential habitat where found. The results were that only two turtles were found, both at Altona Marsh. It is very possible that this species now resides at only two or three locations in West Virginia. Chrous frogs - West Virginia. Chrous frogs - Ecology - West Virginia. Clemmys guttata - Ecology - West Virginia. Aquatic habitats - West Virginia. Albaugh, Scott Joseph, "Habitat Comparison of Pseudacris f. feriarum and Pseudacris c. crucifer with Emphasis on Associated Plant Communities and Distribution of Clemmys guttata and Pseudacris f. feriarum in West Virginia" (2008). Theses, Dissertations and Capstones. 436.
Donate now to the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation to have a positive impact on the 28,000 people affected by childhood brain cancer each year. Richard Engelbrink Houston and the History of Neuroscience The history of the study of the brain. Earliest views on the brain were more that is was just a cranial organ, and actually, the heart was believed to hold a person’s intelligence. This is where the expression, “to know something by heart” gets its meaning. Richard Engelbrink Houston news brain tumor would have been a subject for neuroscience. The 17th century BC is the earliest account of studying the brain with any sort of accuracy, as recorded in The Edwin Smith Surgical Papyrus. Earliest History of Neuroscience In The Edwin Smith Surgical Papyrus from the 17th century BC in Egypt, there is mention of an incident of cranial damage and its effects on the person’s behavior. It mentions the pulsating of the brain and the texture. There is also a description of how the damage affected the person’s speech or awareness thereof, as well as effects on the body which resemble seizures. The Ancient Greeks around 500BC documented their belief that the brain is the home of thought and reasoning, although they did not perform dissections because the body was known to be sacred. Although most of their reasoning about the brain was based on theory, myth, and speculation. Pythagorean Alcmaeon of Croton was the first to associate the brain with the mind, sensations, and action, noting that these functions would be affected if the brain were impaired. This is also seen in understanding Richard Engelbrink houston news brain tumor. Hippocrates also detailed how the brain was the location of intelligence. Aristotle believed the brain was only an organ that functioned to cool the blood, and that intelligence was located in the heart. Egyptians spent much effort in studying and documenting the human anatomy. Herophilus and Erasistratus left detailed documents explicitly covering the brain and the nervous system. This was the earliest documenting of the cerebrum, cerebellum, and ventricles. Galen, a Greek anatomist of the Roman Empire era, through the study of animal brains, found that there must be a difference in the functionality of the cerebellum and the cerebrum. The cerebrum is the location of Richard Engelbrink Houston news brain tumor. He noted that the difference in texture meant they performed different functions. He also studied the spinal cord and its connection to the brain with regard to the cranial nerves. He found that certain spinal nerves could control certain muscles. Richard Engelbrink Houston and the History of Neuroscience in the Renaissance Further advancements in the study of human neuroanatomy were achieved during the Renaissance period. Leonardo da Vinci’s sketches from the late 1400s to early 1500s are some of the most notable documents from the study of the human brain during the Renaissance period. He compared the layers of the brain to an onion. Nestled in the layers of the cerebrum is where Richard Engelbrink Houston news and brain tumor were located. He also injected wax into the ventricles of an ox to form a cast, one of the first studies to create a solid replica of body systems. Leonardo da Vinci used his artistic abilities and systematic highly detailed studies of the body to create documents explaining the relation of the physical body to physiological reactions. ©2019 Richard Engelbrink Houston
How Is Imagery or Figurative Language Used in Writing? Imagery or figurative language is a writing technique that uses words to capture and clarify concepts for the reader. Devices of imagery include metaphor, simile and personification. Although well-known as a poet's tool, figurative language infuses prose with a spark that sets an author's writing apart and helps a reader feel and understand the material more completely. Imagery and figurative language utilize concepts that readers already know and understand, comparing those concepts to new material and ideas. A metaphor is a comparison of two unlike things. Writers use metaphors to describe something unknown or difficult to understand by comparing it to something the reader already knows. For example, saying "Bob is a machine" is a clear, concise way to explain that he is a hard worker and gets the job done precisely. Although people do not know Bob, they do know how a machine works and can understand the comparison. A simile is like a metaphor, although not quite as direct a comparison. Similes compare the known to the unknown, but must also use the words "like" or "as." For example, "He is as slippery as an eel" connotes that someone is trying to squirm out of something and paints a negative picture without having to say all of those words. "She is like dynamite" shows that someone has an explosive personality. Personification occurs when inanimate objects are given human characteristics. This tool is used to describe a scene and bring life to a piece of writing. "The wind whispered through the trees" means that a gentle wind was creating noise in the branches. "The heavens cried" could be used to describe a heavy rain and give a sense of a sad mood as well. Personification is a poet's tool that can be used when the author wants to engage the audience more emotionally. Hyperbole is exaggeration to make a point. "I am as hungry as a horse" is a startling statement, making it clear that the speaker is ravenous. "I've had a million job rejections" explains just how dire the writer's job search has been in a clear, succinct way. Hyperbole is used both in writing and in casual conversation to create a clear, exaggerated effect using a minimum of words. Hyperbole invokes the figurative rather than the literal meanings of words. Kathryne Bradesca has been a writing teacher for more than 15 years. She has also contributed to newspapers and magazines such as "The Morning Journal" and "The Ignatius Quarterly." Bradesca received a master's degree in teaching from Kent State University.
And demons also came out of many, crying, “You are the Son of God!” But he rebuked them and would not allow them to speak, because they knew that he was the Christ. (Luke 4:41) (This article is #4 in a series on The Trinity) The foundational confession of Christianity is that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. The Apostle Peter was the first to make this confession; however, he did not fully realize what it meant for Jesus to be the Christ, the Son of God. Unpacking these two confessions is really what the entire Christian faith is about. To be the Christ meant that Jesus is the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy and Old Testament stories. It ultimately meant that He had to go to the cross for our salvation (See Peter’s confession and what followed in Matthew 16:16ff). To be the Son of God meant that even though Jesus is truly a man, the son of Mary, yet He is more than a man, for He is the eternal second person of the Holy Trinity, God’s Son. Only by being God could Jesus redeem mankind. In Sunday’s Gospel, we observe the demons correctly identifying the basics of the faith. They cried out to Jesus, You are the Son of God! Our text also indicates they knew that he was the Christ. Why then did Jesus rebuke them? Satan and his demons are liars, and a liar is the worst witness. Jesus speaks of Satan as the father of lies [Jn 8:44]. When the truth comes out of a liar’s mouth, then the truth is doubted. For example if Satan said, “Adolf Hitler was a great, caring leader,” then he adds, “and Martin Luther was a great Christian leader,” what would you think? Since he lies about Hitler, he certainly must be lying about Luther. The cleverest liars will mix truth with their lies, thus creating uncertainty and doubt. There is a Spirit who always tells the truth, and indeed He is the source of truth; Jesus calls Him the Spirit of Truth [Jn 14:17; 15:26; 16:13]. The Spirit of truth is the third person of the Holy Trinity who, working through the Word, brings people to the correct identification and confession of Jesus. The Holy Spirit is God, for only God can take corrupt, unbelieving hearts and make them new, by cleansing them and enabling faith in Jesus. At the close of Sunday’s assigned Gospel Jesus indicates the importance of His preaching, “I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns as well; for I was sent for this purpose.” And he was preaching in the synagogues of Judea [vv 43-44]. As Jesus thus preached, He gave the vehicle for the Holy Spirit and thus, as the Spirit of truth worked upon the hearers’ hearts through the preached Word, Christ was beginning to show and enable hearts to believe in Him as the Christ, the Son of God. This information about and faith in Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God, would not fully shine forth until Christ poured forth the Spirit of truth on Pentecost. On Pentecost, the Spirit through the Word of Christ would testify of His substitutionary work of salvation, which culminated in His death, resurrection and ascension. Through this Word of Christ, the Spirit of truth would bring people to repentance and to fully realize what it meant for Jesus to be the Christ, the Son of God. On Pentecost the Apostle Peter preached about Jesus as “Lord and Christ”: Let all the house of Israel therefore know for certain that God has made him both Lord and Christ, this Jesus whom you crucified [Acts 2:36]. The identification of Jesus as “Lord” in this context is simply identifying Him as the Son of God; Jesus is the Lord God. We thus observe the foundational confession of Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God being echoed. Peter then responded to the law-stricken people with these words: Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit [Acts 2:38]. In Holy Baptism they were thus blessed in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Observe the working of our God, the true God—the Triune God. Through the Word, the Spirit of truth attests to the Son of the Father, bringing the gifts of salvation earned by the Son of God to the hearts of men.
This Mother’s Day, what moms have to celebrate varies dramatically depending on where they live, according to Save the Children’s 2011 State of the World’s Mothers report, which ranks 164 countries on women’s access to health care, education and opportunities. Norway is the world’s best place to be a mother, and eight of the 10 top-ranked countries are in Western Europe. The remaining two are in the southern hemisphere, with Australia ranking second and New Zealand eighth. This year, the United States ranks 31st of 44 developed countries, dropping three spots from last year’s rankings. Meanwhile, eight of the world’s 10 worst countries to be a mother are in Sub-Saharan Africa. The world’s toughest place to be a mother is Afghanistan, where two of every five children are malnourished and one in five will die before their fifth birthday. Afghan women have less than five years of schooling on average, and female life expectancy is only 45. Compare that to Norway, where one in 333 children die before age five and women typically complete 18 years of school and live to age 83. “In many countries, access to basic vaccines, antibiotics, and care during pregnancy is very limited and as a result child and maternal death rates are very high,” said Mary Beth Powers, chief of Save the Children’s newborn and child survival campaign. “This Mother’s Day, world leaders should honor mothers everywhere by ensuring they can celebrate what they want most–healthy children. That means helping all families, moms and babies be within reach of a trained health worker.” In an effort to improve the care for mothers in the developing world, Save the Children and the Ad Council launched a national PSA campaign last May. The campaign aims to show Americans that they can have a significant impact on saving and improving the lives of at-risk children by supporting the training of local health workers in underserved communities. These frontline workers promote health practices like immunization and breastfeeding and treat children who are seriously ill. The campaign’s interactive website, www.GoodGoes.org, provides visitors with opportunities to take action and to “See where the good goes” through the eyes of health workers sharing on-the-job challenges in five countries. The full 2011 State of the World’s Mothers Report, titled “Champions for Children: Why Investing in Maternal and Child Health in Developing Countries is Good for America” can be downloaded at www.savethechildren.org. It includes the rankings and essays from former Senators Bill Frist and John Corzine, best-selling authors Rick and Kay Warren, former Xerox Chair Anne Mulcahy and actress Jennifer Garner. To take a deeper look into the lives of the world’s mothers, Save the Children has partnered with independent non-profit broadcaster, Link TV, on a new half-hour documentary that draws from the State of the World’s Mothers Report. ViewChange: The Mothers Index is available at www.ViewChange.org, and will be broadcasted on Link TV on Friday, May 6th (7pm ET, 4pm PT) and on Tuesday, May 10th (11pm ET, 8pm PT). Link TV is available nationally on DIRECTV channel 375 and DISH channel 9410. Visit GoodGoes.org for information about Save the Children’s newborn and child survival campaign.
Multiplication Kahoot. Simply click the create button and select the type of project you want to create. After multiplying and typing in answers for all 20 multiplication problems, check your answers. Simply click the create button and select the type of project you want to create. Check out this #kahoot called 'multiplication and division' on @getkahoot. Multiplication is designed to heighten your child’s understanding of mathematics while motivating them to keep learning through play and exploration. This Quick Tutorial Will Show You How To Create Wonderfully Engaging Experiences With Thinglink. Over 20 wacky and exciting mini games, and an engaging reward system, will compel your child to keep practicing until they can recite the times tables with ease. Check out the collection of engaging learning games and content from verified educators and partners. The great part about kahoot is that we are leveraging technology to enhance engagement! Today We Focused On Multiplication Facts. Multiplication review with kahoot games! Sisir di sini, pulaskan di sana, sekarang tambahkan riasannya! If you’re looking for multiplication with groups and objects kahoot, you’ve come to the right place. 3Rd Grade Math Review Third Grade Review Questions On Subtraction, Addition, Multiplication, Division, Fact Families,. Schedule your class in the zoom application for your desired date/time and copy the invitation details to send to your students. If you have more than one device at home, you can play the kahoots we play at school. Have the students get whiteboard, g loves, and laptops. In This Fun Fast Paced Class We Will Review Multiplication Facts From Zeros To Twelves In A Kahoot Quiz Game! Have a blast with over 20 different wacky and exciting multiplication games that will get you hooked on the times tables and set you on a path to becoming a true master of the multiverse. In 3rd and fourth grade, advanced concepts such as multiplication, division, and fractions are taught. Select a file from your device to be your base image or video. Powered By Create Your Own Unique Website With Customizable Templates. Simply click the create button and select the type of project you want to create. Review how to multiply and divide fractions and mixed numbers by converting to fractions (proper or improper) and then multiplying (multiplying by the reciprocal for division). See other classes by tammi dell.
Although they may not exactly agree on the magnitude of the problem, experts seem to agree that a lack of local parking spaces can contribute to traffic congestion. Consider the following. “It is estimated that about 30 percent of the cars circling a city at any given time are doing so as drivers look for parking. Aside from the frustration factor, those cars are creating traffic congestion, viewed by survey respondents as being the single most significant societal change affecting the parking industry. From an environmental standpoint, that translates to incalculable amounts of wasted fuel and carbon emissions.” This is from the International Parking Institute (IPI) 2012 Emerging Trends in Parking Study. “Congestion and parking are also interrelated since looking for a parking space (called "cruising") creates additional delays and impairs local circulation. In central areas of large cities, cruising may account for more than 10% of the local circulation as drivers can spend 20 minutes looking for a parking spot.“ This is from Dr. Jean-Paul Rodrigue of Hofstra University’s Department of Global Studies and Geography. The causes of traffic congestion (or “traffic jams”) tend to be complex, but they all come down to having too many cars on the same streets at the same time. Recurring traffic congestion is most frequently the result of roadways having insufficient capacity for the volume of cars…too many cars or too little road. Alternatively, accidents, breakdowns, construction and other events that randomly restrict traffic flow are the typical cause of non-recurring traffic jams. A lack of parking is not the sole reason for traffic congestion; it is, however, a major contributing factor. Drivers looking for free or low-cost on-street parking may bypass off-street parking simply to save money…and contribute to traffic congestion. Off-street parking located too far away from shopping or retail businesses may also cause drivers to circle in search of parking that is more convenient. Casey Jones, chairman of the (IPI), is quoted as saying, "If we can cut the time it takes drivers to find a parking spot by even a fraction, the difference in our carbon footprint is meaningful. And, that's what many new technologies are making possible." We agree. Minimizing unnecessary circling or driving is good for everyone and aids sustainability. Distributing parking… placing smaller facilities closer to more popular destinations… is one potential method for minimize circling and its contribution to recurring traffic jams. Automated parking systems (APS) are ideal for putting parking spaces in small or otherwise unusable areas closer to retail or high-volume destinations. See how easy, profitable and congestion reducing it can be to install more parking spaces in the right place with APS. Call Skyline.
DeOxo is principally used in the production of high purity hydrogen and is also used in the upgrading of landfill gas to pipeline quality gas where allowable oxygen content is generally very low. Our experience with oxidation using a precious metal catalyst goes back to the early years of the company with the supply of large catalytic reactors for the oxidation of hydrogen bromide (HBr) in the purified terephthalic acid (PTA) industry. PTA plants in Montreal, Canada and Altamira, Mexico have used our CaTox units for many years. More recently, we are specialized in the valorization of coke oven gas for the primary steel industry. Such gas valorization pathway produces high purity hydrogen from coke oven gas. In the process, oxygen needs to be depleted and it is done by a DeOxo unit. We have several such installations in operation producing 99.99% pure hydrogen. Today, we are putting this experience to use in the purification of biogas/landfill gas. One of the impurities in the gas is oxygen, and it is removed through catalytic oxidation of methane in presence of a platinum based catalyst. The DeOxo process operates at a temperature range of 350°C (662°F) to 500°C (932°F). One mole of methane depletes two moles of oxygen in the process. The reaction produces one mole of carbon dioxide (CO2) and two moles of water, as well as heat equivalent to the heat of combustion of one mole of methane. DeOxo Process Temperature The oxidation reaction is exothermic, and as the reducing agent is the most prevalent gas constituent, the oxidation reaction is only limited by the amount of oxygen present in the gas. As the DeOxo reaction needs a minimum temperature to proceed and the reaction produces heat, the maximum concentration of oxygen that the DeOxo reactor can accept is limited by the maximum temperature the catalyst can safely accept without any degradation. Taking into consideration the necessary safety factors, we generally limit the catalyst exit temperature at 500°C (932°F). In cases where the oxygen content is higher that a single DeOxo stage can accept, the unit will be designed with two catalyst stages with an inter-cooling stage between the two catalyst beds. In the production of sulfuric acid from hydrogen sulfide, the catalytic oxidation unit can have up to four beds, each separated by a cooling stage. The DeOxo unit is generally followed by a thermal swing adsorption (TSA) gas dryer to remove the water vapour produced by the oxidation reaction.
There are many services we need to access in the community. Going to the doctor when ill, getting our teeth cleaned by a dentist, and getting our haircut, just to name a few. Participating in these activities may be problematic for people with an autism diagnosis due to the many skills and uncertainties involved. Just going to the doctor requires attending to an unfamiliar person in a different environment where they need to follow directions and cooperate with the use of instruments they do not typically encounter on a daily basis. ABA can help! Regardless of whether your child is of early intervention age or adult age, these skills can be taught using Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). Using specific teaching and generalization strategies developed from ABA principles, your child can be successful in the community. - First, we plan. Using a generalization strategy called programming common stimuli we include materials, tools, and language commonly used in the community into our teaching. We figure out exactly what is expected of your child. What directions will they have to follow? What language will they hear and need to correctly respond to? It may be sitting still while getting their haircut and following directions from a hairdresser or barber. Next we gather materials commonly used in the community setting. This way we can teach appropriate responding when these items are used. This may be a stethoscope and otoscope for doctor practice, and scissors, comb, and mirror for a hairdresser. - A written plan or program can teach your child step by step what to expect and how to respond correctly. It typically helps to start slow and focus on small steps toward the ultimate goal. When practicing for a doctor visit, the first goal may be to sit still while the instructor manipulates tools near the child. Then the next goal may be to hold the stethoscope near the child, followed by touching the stethoscope to his back to listen to his lungs. - We provide multiple opportunities to practice the skill, and collect data to ensure our teaching is effective and to make changes when necessary. Practice opportunities are continued and systematically increased until they mirror the community experience. - A motivational system can be used to reward appropriate behavior during teaching, then brought to the community to help aid in the generalization process. This generalization strategy is called mediating generalization. The idea is that the system services as a signal to engage in the same appropriate behavior that was taught in the generalization setting. It is also important that you as the caregiver practice implementing the system so that you are proficient in the community. - Depending on the skill you are teaching, you and a member of the ABA team may want to gauge how the child does in the community throughout the teaching process to make sure you are seeing generalization of skills from the teaching setting to the actual setting. This should only be done if safe, and may not be possible for skills such as cooperating during a doctor or dentist appointment. Alternatively, the ABA therapist may be able to attend an appointment to aid in the generalization process after the community skills are mastered in the teaching setting. Keep in mind, community skill instruction should always be individualized for your child, but should include key components: specific step by step teaching strategies, incorporating generalization strategies during teaching to promote the likelihood your child will display the skills they learned in the community, and teaching the skills in the community if needed to obtain success. Community skills can be taught to anyone of any age, early intervention through adulthood. One’s history with the activity plays a role in the outlining of the steps used in teaching and are modified along the training process until mastery is achieved. If you are interested in having an ABA team teach community skills to your child, contact us here!
We must educate our young people about human trafficking January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month and you may think this is a problem unique to other countries around the world, but you would be wrong. This epidemic knows no national boundaries – imprisoning millions of people each and every year to a life of indentured servitude, sexual exploitation, violence and fear. Human trafficking doesn’t just take place in foreign countries, dark alleyways, or on Hollywood movie sets. It’s happening right now in the neighborhoods where we all live, where we send our children to school and where we go to work. Human trafficking refers to the sexual or labor exploitation of people by threat, force or coercion. According to the United Nation’s International Labour Organization, there are over 40 million victims of human trafficking globally, with the vast majority of them being women and girls. While victims live in isolation and deplorable living conditions, perpetrators of this abuse rake in millions of dollars. In fact, forced labor and human trafficking is a $150 billion industry worldwide, and the United States is not immune. In the United States, 8,759 cases of human trafficking were reported to the National Human Trafficking Hotline in 2017 – a 13 percent increase in cases compared to 2016. In Pennsylvania, roughly 200 cases of human trafficking were reported to this hotline in 2017, up from 157 in 2016 and 109 in 2014. In 2017, an estimated one out of seven endangered runaways reported to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children were likely child sex trafficking victims. While these figures are alarming, this data does not represent the full scope of trafficking because of a lack of awareness and underreporting. Given the severity of this problem across the United States and right here in our own backyards, it is important people know the warning signs for this type of abuse, understand the myths surrounding this problem and report suspicious behavior when they see it. While meaningful strides have been made recently in Pennsylvania, it is obvious more work needs to be done to raise greater awareness of human trafficking and end these truly heinous crimes against our most vulnerable. I am the prime sponsor of legislation that would require schools to implement a human trafficking informational program into their existing health curriculum. This program would include the dangers and signs of human trafficking that young people can recognize and report, internet safety and what students can do to help fight this epidemic. Under my legislation, students in junior high and high school would learn about human trafficking. Far too often, survivors share a common theme of becoming trapped into this horrible cycle unknowingly. By supplying the necessary tools and resources to our young people, they can share this vital information with others to not only increase awareness, but also to protect themselves from becoming a victim. Together, we can fight to bring an end to human trafficking in Pennsylvania.
Total Knee Replacement If you are considering having a knee replacement or have just had one, know that surgery is just the first step. Your surgeon may have done a fine job, but this doesn’t guarantee that you’ll be able to use your knee as you did before. Physical therapy is important for complete recovery, strength, and a full range of motion in your knee immediately after your surgery. Our physical therapists are excited to help you achieve this in the shortest time possible. What is Knee Replacement Surgery? Knee replacement surgery (or knee arthroplasty) is a procedure performed to replace a damaged knee joint with artificial parts made from metal or plastic. It is usually performed to relieve chronic knee pain caused by arthritis. Although, other conditions such as severe injury to the knee may require a replacement. Knee replacement surgery is the last resort when other treatment plans for knee pain have been ineffective. Know Your Knee The knee is the largest joint in the body. It’s made up of the lower end of the thighbone (femur), the upper end of the shinbone (tibia), and the kneecap (patella). The surface of these 3 bones is covered with articular cartilage that helps the bones move easily, and prevent them from rubbing against each other. The synovial membrane, a tissue that covers the remaining surfaces of the knee joint, secretes a fluid that lubricates the cartilage and reduces friction in the knee joint. The bones of the knee are held by muscles, ligaments, and tendons that give stability to the knee joint. What Causes Total Knee Replacement? The leading cause for knee replacement surgery is chronic knee pain resulting from arthritis. Arthritis is a condition, where the cartilage covering the ends of a bone in a joint wears away or is damaged. This causes the bones to rub against each other resulting in pain. Three forms of arthritis are the most common. They include: This form of arthritis is common in persons from 50 years of age. It can also occur in younger people. What happens is that the cartilage that keeps the bones from rubbing against each other wears away. This happens when your immune system attacks your joints. The synovial membrane covering the knee joint becomes inflamed. This can damage the cartilage and lead to stiffness and pain. This begins to develop after a knee injury, where fractures and tears may damage the cartilage over time resulting in the bones rubbing against each other. Is Knee Replacement Right For Me? You and your surgeon will make the final call on whether knee replacement is what you need. However, Then, you are a suitable candidate for a hip replacement. What Happens Before and During the Surgery? Before the surgery, a complete physical examination will be carried out to ensure you are in good health, and that replacement is actually what you need. Other tests such as X-ray, MRI scan, blood tests, etc., may be required to plan the surgery. Once you and your surgeon have made the decision for hip replacement, then it’s time to go prepare for your surgery. It is important to make changes to your home and have someone to support you after surgery. This is because you won’t be able to use your knee for a couple of weeks. You might also stop taking some medications two weeks before surgery. Your doctor will tell you what medications to stop. During the surgery, a general anesthetic will be given to you to keep you asleep or sedated during the procedure, which will only take 2-3 hours. Surgery may be done on an inpatient or outpatient (same-day surgery) basis. What is Recovery Like? After the surgery, be ready to feel some pain, this is normal for a while. Your doctor may prescribe pain killers for a period to help with the pain. Once your pain begins to subside, stop taking the meds. Post-operative rehabilitation is very crucial after surgery. This guarantees that your knee heals faster, and is restored to its normal functioning. Polygon PT offers post-operative rehab for knee replacement surgery. Physical therapy begins 24 hours after your surgery and continues till you have achieved full range of motion in your knee joint. Your therapist will create a treatment plan for you. Don’t rush the recovery process, it will take a couple of months for complete recovery. However, you should be able to resume most daily activities in 3-4weeks. Get Started With Physical Therapy Total Knee Replacement Today For quick and complete recovery to your knee, a well-structured rehab program is essential. Contact a physical therapist today at Polygon PT to get started. We can’t wait to see you get back to your normal activities.
Beyond the Ruins of Hiroshima Seventy-five years ago, on 6 August 1945, an American warplane destroyed the city of Hiroshima with a single atomic bomb. Over the following five months, 140,000 people died. The surviving 210,000 came to be known in Japanese as hibakusha, ‘bombed people’. A second atomic bomb destroyed the city of Nagasaki on 9 August, leaving 73,000 dead and 200,000 hibakusha. In 1967, the psychiatrist Robert Jay Lifton published a major study of the hibakusha entitled Death in Life. Lifton argued that the hibakusha felt such severe survivor guilt that they wished they had died, too, and even thought of themselves as being already dead. In her 1999 book Hiroshima Traces, the anthropologist Lisa Yoneyama describes the hibakusha’s intense relationship with the dead differently from Lifton’s ‘death in life’. Yoneyama sees the hibakusha as giving the bomb’s victims life after death. She writes that the hibakusha have developed ‘testimonial practices’ that can be compared to ‘a shamanistic ritual that summons dead souls’, to ‘resurrect the deceased and endow them with voices’. Beyond the Mushroom Cloud, a 2012 study by the ethicist Yuki Miyamoto, supports Yoneyama’s interpretation. The testimony of the hibakusha, Miyamoto writes, ‘draws strength from the dead to resist and unsettle the conditions of this world, replacing them with an evolving vision of a different world – a world bound not by the image of the mushroom cloud, but by a sympathy for others that knows no earthly bounds.’ The Hiroshima Peace Memorial Ceremony is being held before a much smaller crowd this year because of Covid-19, but millions will still see it on television or online. The hibakusha have achieved a remarkable feat of political jiujitsu. They have turned their bombed cities and bombed selves into powerful agents of peace. The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) won the Nobel Peace Prize for its work on the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in 2017. The Nobel Lecture was given by the hibakusha and ICAN campaigner Setsuko Thurlow. ‘To all in this hall and all listening around the world,’ she said, ‘I repeat those words that I heard called to me in the ruins of Hiroshima: “Don’t give up! Keep pushing! See the light? Crawl towards it.”’ Since then, the treaty has been ratified by 40 nations; ten more, and it will enter into force.
Most essay prompts include key words. Learning to “decode” these key words can clarify your writing goals for any particular assignment. Key words can also suggest the details your essay should include and strategies for how you might organize your paper. It is helpful to read your assignment prompt carefully, underline key words, and refer back to the assignment prompt as you outline, draft, and finish your essay to keep yourself on track. Finally, before turning in your assignment, be sure to check that your assignment is fulfilling all of the prompt’s requirements. Note: After you have read your prompt carefully, underlining key words, if you still feel uncertain or have questions be sure to have a conversation with your professor to clarify. |Keyword||Writing Goal||What does it mean?| |Similarities, Differences||Compare and/or contrast||Look for similar and dissimilar ideas in your material. Why is each point important? What do these similarities and differences tell you about the subject’s ideas?| |Evaluate||Rate or make a judgment||Use evidence and logic to prove whether your subject or material is strong or weak, valuable or invaluable, significant or insignificant. How does this evaluation change one’s understanding?| |Summarize||Describe, Explain||Write about the most important aspects of the topic. Optional: give background information, content information, and analysis as necessary.| |Discuss||Provide an extended description, explanation or analysis, including illustrations or details||Your prompt is asking you to observe, unpack, and talk about a certain topic or aspect of the topic. Begin by deciding how you will approach the topic, or what exactly you want to say about the topic. Once you have your "angle," focus your argument on validating this angle while still keeping other opinions in the mix as counterarguments.| |Interpret||Decode, decipher, convey the meaning of||Translate what something means. What do you understand the material’s message to be? What details helped you come to that conclusion? Why is it important to understand it in that way?| |Argue||Persuade, convince||Take a stance towards an issue and write to convince your audience of your viewpoint.| *What you will need to do for analysis depends on the discipline |Examine, Think critically||Critically consider the material by looking closely at all elements of the text you are writing about. Provide a detailed discussion of the material. This might be where a professional and logical critique comes into your writing.| |Reflect||Connect to personal experience||Write about the material and connect it back to a personal experience so that a general audience can relate and understand.| Reflect on Martin Luther King’s ‘I Have a Dream’ speech. Analyze the characters of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice in the context of modern feminism. Argue against the recent Supreme Court decision that reversed DC’s ban on handguns. Contrast Freud’s views on dreams with Jung’s. Interpret J.K. Rowling’s decision to end the Harry Potter series by writing about the characters 19 years into the future.
Our world is forever changing. Since its formation, naturally occurring earth processes have influenced the climate causing it to either warm or cool. In the past, these natural cycles have resulted in global climates that are very different from what we are experiencing in the year 2013. Take for instance the last ice age of the Pleistocene epoch. Still at work today, these natural influences have recently been overshadowed by the human influences on climate, said to be caused mostly by our use of fossil fuels. To fully understand how that can be, we must first understand the natural process called the greenhouse effect (see Fig. 1). The greenhouse effect is the natural effect that releases radiation from the sun into the atmosphere near the earths surface. Greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, ozone, and water vapor in the lower atmosphere (troposphere) absorb some of that heat radiated by the earths surface, warming the lower atmosphere (Miller-Spoolman 2013). In turn, some of that heat is also deflected back into space. The major concern here, is that if higher concentrations of these greenhouse gases (the greatest concern being carbon dioxide), coupled with other natural earth processes inability to remove them, the average temperature of the lower atmosphere would increase. This phenomenon has become known as global warming. The purpose of this research is to better understand why the earth's climate is changing, and to pinpoint human involvement in the problem and the solution. To do so we must start with the most obvious questions: what is global warming, how is it related to the greenhouse effect, and how can we slow this process? If left unanswered, natural and ecological systems could suffer irreversible effects, and the results on humans could be catastrophic. What is global warming? Global warming is defined as: an increase in the earth's atmospheric and oceanic temperatures widely predicted to occur due to an increase in the greenhouse effect resulting especially from pollution (Merriam-Webster, 2013). There are some skeptics, however. Few scientist believe that the warming we have seen is nothing more than a natural Earth process, one that has been occurring for 4.5 billion years, and that there is no need for alarm. Most of them seem to disagree, so in 2007 the UN (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) began to do more research. They forecasted that by 2100, and depending on a range of scenarios for greenhouse gas emissions, global average surface temperatures would increase 3.2–7.2 °F (1.8–4.0 °C). The panel also stated that it was now 90 percent certain that most of the warming observed over the previous half century could be attributed to greenhouse gas emissions produced by human activities (i.e., industrial processes and transportation). Many scientists predict that such an increase in temperature would cause polar ice caps and mountain glaciers to melt rapidly, significantly raising the levels of coastal waters, and would produce new patterns and extremes of drought and rainfall, seriously disrupting food production in certain regions. Yet other scientists still maintain that such predictions are overstated. The 1992 Earth Summit and the 1997 Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change attempted to address the issue of global warming, but in both cases the efforts were hindered by conflicting national economic agendas and disputes between developed and developing nations over the cost and consequences of reducing emissions of greenhouse gases. The graph above (see Fig. 2) was produced from the research of Dr. Makiko Sato and the Goddard Institute for Space Studies and shows a line plot of the global mean land-ocean temperature index from 1880 to present (the dotted black line is the annual mean and the solid red line is the five-year mean, the green bars show uncertainty estimates). It indicates that
Amazing Plants That Give You Oxygen and Help You Live Longer!!! The air quality is degrading day by day as pollution levels rise. As a result, asthma, sinusitis, bronchitis, and other respiratory diseases are more prone to occur. Regardless of the government’s and other health regulatory agencies’ efforts to find the best possible options, individuals must take proactive measures to reduce emission levels. While pollution and inhaling dangerous particles are unavoidable, indoor plants can help to ensure that clean air and oxygen are available. Indoor plants will improve your mental health and comfort as well as the quality of the air you breathe. The Ficus Plant, also known as the Weeping Fig, is a fantastic air purifying plant with beautiful foliage. It’s a popular houseplant with numerous advantages. Its ability to remove formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene from the air has been recognised by NASA. You will improve the quality of the air you breathe and keep yourself safe by keeping this plant in your home. Buy plants online to fill your home with fresh air. Aloe vera is a ground-growing succulent that is known for its skin-healing properties. It is sometimes referred to as the “wonder plant” because it has numerous medical benefits and is a well-known herb. It is an excellent plant for air purification since it eliminates benzene and formaldehyde from the air. It is also responsible for the release of oxygen at night. It’s a great indoor plant for getting some oxygen. Plant of Pothos Pothos is a beautiful, colourful leaf plant that is also incredibly simple to care for! It’s a fantastic plant for improving indoor air quality. It is responsible for the release of pollutants such as formaldehyde, benzene, and carbon monoxide into the environment. It’s a great nighttime plant for creating and releasing oxygen. Plant with spiders One of the easiest indoor plants to grow is the spider plant. The spider plant removes carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, and benzene from the air. It’s a fantastic indoor oxygen producer. It can also help you cope with worry and stress by increasing your mood. Palm of Areca The Areca palm is one of the greatest indoor plants for air filtration since it absorbs harmful particles. The Areca Palm is known for promoting healthy growth in children and foetuses while also cleaning the environment. This plant’s presence in the home will also aid the nervous system. Plant with a snake The snake plant is one of the most common indoor plants due to its excellent air filtering leaves. Its ability to filter the air and absorb toxins such as formaldehyde, nitrogen oxide, benzene, xylene, and trichloroethylene has been recognised by NASA. Its function is to increase the amount of oxygen in a room while simultaneously absorbing CO2. Tulsi, often known as spiritual foliage, has numerous advantages. It is said that keeping this plant in the house would offer you good health and luck. It is thought to keep evil away from the home. Tulsi is known as the “Queen of Herbs” and has a wide range of medicinal and spiritual benefits. The Tulsi plant improves the amount of oxygen accessible in the kitchen by producing oxygen for 20 hours a day. It also captures dangerous pollutants from the air, such as carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and sulphur dioxide. Toluene, a colourless molecule with a pungent odour that irritates the nose, eyes, and mouth, is removed from the air by the bamboo plant. It also removes dangerous contaminants from the air, such as benzene and formaldehyde. A bamboo plant online in your home will significantly boost the amount of oxygen in the air. Order plants online and deliver them right to your door. The vibrant flowering plant not only adds colour to the space, but it also serves as an excellent supply of oxygen. Gerbera Daisy, according to NASA’s Clean Air Report, eliminates formaldehyde, benzene, and trichloroethylene from the air. It is also known for producing oxygen and consuming CO2 at night. Plants are essential in every part of our life. It has the power to change the atmosphere of any home, bringing harmony and prosperity. If plants are kept close by, they can help a sick person recover. Plants have a distinct and uplifting energy that may elevate anyone’s spirits and make them feel good and cheerful. Outside, there is nothing one can do about the air they breathe, but indoors, with the help of green friends, oxygen levels can be significantly increased.
In an interview on CNBC this morning, new Environmental Protection Agency head Scott Pruitt said that there needs to be more debate about whether carbon dioxide is a primary driver of global warming and that "I would not agree that it's a primary contributor to the global warming that we see." — CNBC (@CNBC) March 9, 2017 "I think that measuring with precision human activity on the climate is something very challenging to do and there's tremendous disagreement about the degree of impact, so no, I would not agree that it's a primary contributor to the global warming that we see," Pruitt asserted, falsely. "But we don't know that yet...We need to continue the debate and continue the review and the analysis." In fact, the international scientific community has reached consensus that human activity is causing climate change, and that urgent action is needed to further avoid catastrophic results. Even the agency Pruitt now runs concluded seven years ago that greenhouse gases "may reasonably be anticipated both to endanger public health and to endanger public welfare." Pruitt's endorsement of "teaching the controversy" regarding the impact humans and carbon dioxide have on the planet isn't terribly surprising. Earlier this month, it was revealed that the Trump administration would eliminate federal rules regarding car emissions standards and would revoke a waiver given to California that allowed the state to enforce strict standards of its own. And Pruitt himself folded Oklahoma's Environmental Protection Unit in 2010 after he was elected as the state's attorney general. Simply put:Scott Pruitt's words today—denying what climate science has known for decades—directly endangers our safety. He should step down. — Eric Holthaus (@EricHolthaus) March 9, 2017 In addition, those notable environmentalists at the Pentagon put out a report in 2015 which stated that global warming "will aggravate problems such as poverty, social tensions, environmental degradation, ineffectual leadership and weak political institutions that threaten stability in a number of countries." The last three years in a row have been measured as the planet's hottest three years on record, and global sea ice has shrunk steadily over the last 30 years. If you're curious, here's a look at what New York City would look like if half of the world's ice sheets melted. Incidentally, October will be the five-year anniversary of Hurricane Sandy, which devastated coastal New York City and New Jersey. I was in my old hometown of Long Beach this week, and saw homes still getting raised up, and remnants of our hospital, which is being torn down after it was forced to close because of damage due to Sandy. I hung out in a bar with a sign on the wall somewhere between shin- and knee-high that read "Historic High Tide. Hurricane Sandy." So, no matter what might happen and no matter the devastation that will be wrought by these short-sighted and nihilistic grabs for more money, take at least a little bit of comfort knowing that after Scott Pruitt burns the world it won't exist for his grandchildren just the same as it won't exist for us. — grist (@grist) March 9, 2017
Easy Guide for Teaching Toddler to Read! According to a study, 37 percent of children arrive at kindergarten without the skills necessary for lifetime learning. This means you need to put in extra effort in your toddler’s academic journey. Do you want to kick start your toddler’s reading process? If yes, The Artes School presents this step-by step guide to ease your life. Teaching toddler to read is not a piece of cake but here’s how you can go about it. 1. Sing Along: You remember your nursery rhymes till date, right? Such is the power of jingles. Singing is perhaps the most fun way for you to incubate pheromonic awareness in your toddler. Are rhymes and rhythms all fun? No, toddlers notice a great deal of sounds and syllables while singing along. You should not shy away from rhythmically clapping along for a better breakdown of syllables. Teaching toddler to read sounds playful, right? Definitely! Just sing in a chorus and witness your toddler’s literacy skills develop manifolds! 2. Make Crafty Playcards: Kids’ reading time can be made interesting only if you have the right stationery and resources at disposal! Don’t have time to make fancy placards? That’s okay. Simple word cards would do just fine! To make the kids’ reading session more interactive, write three letter words on word cards. Hold up three fingers and ask your child to identify the three sounds. Sounds simple, right? But this, exercise does wonders! It teaches some great decoding skills to your toddler. 3. Pin Around Printouts: Are you interested in interior decoration? Then, this idea is your best bet! Stop asking, “How to teach my kid to read?”. Because you can do it only through a few clicks! Enrich your walls with a lot of printed resources. Why? Because this creates an open opportunity for your toddler to visualize and engage with the text. So, the next time a parent asks you, ““How to teach my kid to read?”, gift them a lot of charts, posters, labels and cut outs. This exercise will engrave letter symbols and respective sounds in your toddler’s mind. These print out are also good conversation starters! Come up with rhyming words together! 4. Step up the Reading Game: Who knew teaching phonics to toddlers would be fun and games! All toddlers love playing games, no? Join them in! Games are super important! Play around at home or even outdoors. Present new learning games to your toddler, every now and then. These games will help him/her lister to sounds, and more importantly, manipulate them! Games are a cool way of giving him confidence of identifying beginning and ending sounds. 5. Play with Letters: By this time, your toddler is a pro at pointing out starting and ending phonic. But what about the middle vowels? Honestly, they are a pain! Here is the trick. Invest in letter magnets. Place them on a visible place. Categorize the vowels and consonants. In no time, you will notice your toddler spelling out words! Also, don’t be surprised seeing him/her moving around the magnets to make new words. The Artes School has been trusted by parents for honing the literacy skills of toddlers. You might be wondering why? Simply because we do not only provide books to teach toddlers to read. Instead, we take a holistic approach and employ all these techniques, resources, and skills to facilitate young readers. Along with books to teach toddlers to read, we use the right technology and a lot of patience! Support our reading program at home. Happy reading!
Infant botulism has been associated with raw honey. Avoid giving raw honey — even a tiny taste — to babies under age 1. Home-canned food can also become contaminated with C. botulinum spores. What happens if a baby has honey? A baby can get botulism by eating Clostridium botulinum spores found in soil, honey, and honey products. These spores turn into bacteria in the bowels and produce harmful neurotoxins in the body. Botulism is a serious condition. What happens if you give a baby under 1 honey? Yes, babies younger than 1 year old should not be given honey. Clostridium bacteria that cause infant botulism usually thrive in soil and dust. They also can contaminate some foods — honey, in particular. How common is infant botulism from honey? The researchers found that 2.1 percent of the samples contained the bacteria responsible for producing the botulinum neurotoxin. The researchers also noted that their results are in line with results from other countries. Infants and children under 12 months are at the highest risk of developing botulism from honey. Can my 13 month old have honey? Babies under 12 months should not be given honey, because honey contains bacteria that an infant’s developing digestive system can’t handle. Eating honey can cause your baby to become ill with a condition called infant botulism. Can my 11 month old have honey? The general warning is that you should not feed honey to infants under 12 months of age. For a child under 12 months of age, there is a risk of botulism from eating honey and it should be avoided. 1 The spores of the Clostridium botulinum bacteria can be found in honey. Is infant botulism curable? Infant botulism is treatable, but because of its severity, it’s important to learn the symptoms so you can recognize it early. Also know that honey is a known source of the bacteria spores that cause botulism. For this reason, honey shouldn’t be given to babies younger than 1 year old. Why can’t babies have strawberries? Berries, including strawberries, aren’t considered a highly allergenic food. But you may notice that they can cause a rash around your baby’s mouth. Acidic foods like berries, citrus fruits, and veggies, and tomatoes can cause irritation around the mouth, but this reaction shouldn’t be considered an allergy. Is infant botulism fatal? Infant botulism is a serious illness that can be life-threatening to a baby. It causes trouble breathing and feeding. Without treatment, the complications can be fatal. Can babies have Honey Nut Cheerios? Babies should not eat honey or foods with honey, including Honey Nut Cheerios. Honey can contain a certain type of bacteria that a baby’s immune system cannot handle. Avoid foods that can cause choking, like foods with seeds, popcorn, or hard candy. What are the signs of botulism in babies? Patients with infant botulism may present with some or all the following signs and symptoms: - Poor feeding. - Sluggish pupils. - Flattened facial expression. - Diminished suck and gag reflexes. - Weak and altered cry. - Respiratory difficulty and possibly respiratory arrest. Is cooked honey OK for babies? Honey can cause botulism, which is a type of food poisoning, in babies under one year old. Babies should not have honey in any form, even cooked in baked goods. Does honey always cause botulism? Honey can contain the bacteria that causes infant botulism, so do not feed honey to children younger than 12 months. Honey is safe for people 1 year of age and older. Learn more about infant botulism from the Infant Botulism Treatment and Prevention Program . Can I give my 15 month old honey for a cough? Coughing: Do not give infants under 1 year honey; it will not help with symptoms and can cause a sickness called infant botulism. For children 1 year and older: Use honey, 2 to 5 mL, as needed. The honey thins the mucus and loosens the cough.
Hard Disk Drive-Definition and How to Recover Files from it? Hard Disk Drive(HDD) Definition A hard disk drive (hdd) is a storage medium that stores information on a computer. It is responsible for saving your documents, music, videos, images, preference files, and even the files of your operating system. When the hard drive malfunctions or breaks, you can lose all your valuable data. To avoid data loss, most people use a backup system that keeps a document file separate from the originals. The Hard Disk Drive Size A hard disk drive also resembles a scale and is only known for size. Hard disk drives measure files in terms of terabytes (TB), gigabytes (GB), and megabytes (MB). Most Apple-made computers come with a 500GB hard drive and newer models that go up to 1TB. Any disk can run on both platforms, Windows and Mac OS X. Most companies that make hard drives format their drives to work with any operating system on the planet. In case you have a locked hard drive or intended to work only with a particular operating system, you can reformat it to work on all computers. If you format your hard drive, all the files and documents it contains will be erased. You should always copy your files to a secure disk before formatting. In the incident of an accidental format or if you have forgotten to create a backup of your files, don’t worry because there is a hassle-free solution that can help you recover your gone data. Data recovery programs make use of sophisticated algorithms to scan drives and recover deleted data. Disk Drill for Mac OS or Windows can be used to recover deleted files from a hard drive. The software is straightforward to use and works wonders. Disk Drill can recover all kinds of lost files such as music, videos, Word and Excel documents, system files, corrupted files, and lost program files. How to Recover Files from Hard Disk Drive(HDD) with Disk Drill, step by step. - Begin the recovery process by downloading Disk Drill for Mac OS X or Windows depending on the platform of your computer. - Install the data recovery program on your pc(computer). - If you want to recover deleted documents(files) from your external hard drive, connect the hard drive to your PC using a USB cable or other appropriate cable. - Start Disk Drill on your PC(computer). The program will display all hard disk drives and external devices connected to your PC. Choose the drive from which you want to recover or restore your files and click the “Recover” button. - Disk Drill will perform a Quick Scan. If the quick scan is unsuccessful, a Deep Scan will help you recover over 70% of your gone files. - All recoverable documents(files) will be displayed on your monitor when the scanning process is finished. Choose the files you want to recover from your hard drive and save them on your PC. Close the program when you have finished. Also, You can find more helpful resources at Mashable Online. The Best Software for the Electronic Notary The Best Software for the Electronic Notary – Notarization is the final seal on many contracts, from business agreements like… 3 Things You Should Do Now To Boost Your Business’s Web Ranking If you’re looking to boost your business’s web ranking, there are a few things you can do now to help…
The Neo-Concrete Movement (1959–61) was a Brazilian art movement, which developed from Rio de Janeiro’s Grupo Frente, a coalition of artists working in Concrete Art. Neoconcrete artists rejected the pure rationalist approach of concrete art and embraced a more phenomenological and less scientific art. Ferreira Gullar inspired Neo-Concrete philosophy through his essay “Theory of the Non-Object” (1959) and wrote the “Neo-concrete Manifesto” (1959) which outlines what Neo-Concrete art should be. Lygia Clark, Hélio Oiticica, and Lygia Pape were among the primary leaders of this movement. After World War One, Europe witnessed a boom of art movements based upon rationalism such as De Stijl and Bauhaus. Artists believed humanity would be able to achieve progress through its ability to reason. In Latin America, ideas of rationalist and non-objective art took root in the early 1950s in reaction to the muralism controversy. Governments such as the Mexican government utilized muralists to create propaganda. Under repressive Latin American governments, artists rebelled against the idea of aiding the political regime through figurative art; therefore geometric abstraction and concretism ushered in an art that did not connote anything political or have really any meaning at all. Concrete Art was able to flourish beneath these repressive regimes because it held no political messages or incendiary material. In Brazil, ideas of rationalist art and geometric abstraction arose in the early 1950s following the establishment of a democratic republic in 1946. The period from 1946 to 1964 is known as the Second Brazilian Republic. Groups such as Ruptura in Sao Paulo and Grupo Frente in Rio de Janeiro rose. Specifically Ruptura followed the ideal of pure mathematical art which does not connote meaning outside of what it is. The Neo-Concrete Art Movement arose when Grupo Frente realized that Concretism was “naïve and somewhat colonialist” and an “overly rational conception of abstract structure.” In 1961 as the political tides began to turn, the Neo-Concrete artists disbanded no longer content to limit themselves to this one philosophy. Lygia Clark and Hélio Oiticica, leaders of the Neo-Concrete movement, put their energy into Conceptual Art. Art historians often refer to Neo-Concretism as the precursor to Conceptual Art because of the foundation of “abstruse metaphysics.” On April 1, 1964, a military coup removed Joao Goulart and established a military government in Brazil until 1985. The increase of violence called for a new kind of art that had the potential to carry meaning and deconstruct traditional thought even further. This came in the form of Conceptual Art. Brazilian poet and writer Gullar wrote the Neo-Concrete Manifesto in 1959 and described a work of art as “something which amounts to more than the sum of its constituent elements; something which analysis may break down into various elements but which can only be understood phenomenologically.” In contrast to the Concrete Art movement, Gullar was calling for an art that was not based upon rationalism or in pursuit of pure form. He sought works of art that became active once the viewer was involved. Neo-concrete art must disassemble the limitations of the object and “express complex human realities.” This is a part of the Wikipedia article used under the Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 3.0 Unported License (CC-BY-SA). The full text of the article is here →Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neo-Concrete_Movement
The Irish Republic is set to vote in a referendum on same-year same-day marriage this week, as the government has pledged to put forward legislation to allow people to marry in their own home, after the last Irish marriage equality referendum in 2007. The new marriage equality bill will be introduced at a meeting of the cabinet on Monday. In 2007, around 2,500 couples applied for marriage licenses in the Republic, but only 1,800 were approved in a vote, which is expected to be a significant drop on the number of couples who applied. Minister for Justice and Equality, Michael McGrath, said in a statement that the new bill would allow couples to marry within their own homes and would allow people who had already registered to apply for marriage. He added that people would be able to apply to marry at their home and be given the opportunity to apply again. This will be the first time a constitutional change to the law has been proposed for this reason. However, the bill will need to be approved by a majority of the Cabinet. The Constitutional Convention, the body that drafts the laws, has agreed that the bill should go to a referendum and that it should not be put before parliament. The referendum will take place on January 11, 2019. This is the first referendum in Ireland on marriage equality since 2007, when around 2.5 million people voted in favour of same-gender marriage. The vote saw the number decline to 1.9 million votes, but this number was not included in the referendum tally. A similar referendum on the same issue was held in 2012. The country has not had same-fertility laws since 1973. Ireland is the only country in the EU that does not recognise same-age civil unions. This means that married couples cannot be allowed to enter into a civil union, although the Republic has made the law allowing civil unions permanent. This legislation will also allow people living together in the same household to legally enter into civil unions, but the state has refused to allow them to do so. The current law allows same- gender couples to legally marry in the event that one of them dies before they can marry. The bill was originally set to be voted on at the beginning of next year, but a final date has not yet been set. Marriage equality has been the subject of fierce debate since the last referendum in 2014. This year, a parliamentary committee said that the country’s constitution does not guarantee marriage equality. It said that while the law could be amended to give civil unions to same- sex couples, it would be up to the public to determine whether they were compatible with the Republic’s constitution.
On Wednesday, Wikileaks delivered the much-hyped leak they've been promising: a draft chapter from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), which is a proposed international commercial treaty between the U.S. and 11 countries including Canada, Japan, Mexico, and Australia. The document was created on August 30, but TPP negotiations have been underway since 2010. It has gone through dozens of revisions, all of which have been hidden from the public. Here's what you need to know about the TPP: 1. It would hike prescription drug prices The proposition makes the introduction of generic medicine more difficult in several ways, which means you'd be stuck paying for name brand drugs much longer. One part of the treaty grants pharmaceutical giants "data exclusivity" so that generic competitors can't use existing data to register the medicine, which unnecessarily delays the process of getting cheaper drugs to market. 2. It would make surgery more expensive Perhaps the scariest line in the document proposes extending the patent system to include "diagnostic, therapeutic, and surgical methods for the treatment of humans or animals." Current patent protection law does not apply to the performance of any surgical procedure or method, and for good reason. The TPP language would open up the patent floodgates to include any procedure done with a patented medical device. Basically, one could patent any surgery in the world except for the most basic procedures. Restricting surgical procedures effectively shuts down the advancement of modern medicine and would turn life-saving knowledge into commodities. 3. Routine things like video buffering would become illegal According to the Electronic Frontier Foundation, the most thoughtless and restrictive part of the TPP allows copyright holders to restrict all unauthorized reproduction of digital material, including "temporary storage in electronic form." This becomes critical upon recognizing the extent to which computers use temporary storage: video buffering, cached files, and stored pages all routinely speed up internet browsing. If this clause isn't carefully revised, the ways in which we browse the internet now could become illegal overnight. 4. Your internet provider would become the internet police You know how certain websites are blocked at work? The TPP wants to do that to you at home, and worse. It would mandate internet service providers (ISPs) be liable for copyright infringement, which could lead them to set up systems like a three-strike policy for infringement that would shut down people's internet access. It would encourage ISPs to block websites that partake in copyright infringement and would effectively ensure that these companies replace the government as the arbiter of rights. 5. The TPP is part of an ongoing battle for millennials The good news is that a draft chapter is just that: a draft. The leaks will open the door for international public dialogue on the treaty. The modern intellectual property debate has been going on for years. Ever since the "Mickey Mouse Law" retroactively extended public domain protection 15 years ago, copyright holders and the public have been looking towards what will happen when the Disney character and others do eventually expire in five years. Earlier this year, the reaction to the proposed Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) effectively shut down the legislation before it got to vote with over 100,000 signatures on the White House Petition, setting a powerful precedent for public action on an intellectual property issue. The question is not if TPP will affect our generation. Rather, we must ask what to do about it. How we react to this one leak could set the stage for the future IP battles that will soon test how far we're willing to let corporations go in their mission to control intellectual property and the dissemination of knowledge.
In this month’s blog I want to discuss the use of punishments and rewards in parenting, as a tool to set boundaries. In my work supporting families, I have dealt with a wide variety of issues and behaviours, ranging from school non-attendance to parental separation, and everything in between. Regardless of the issue/behaviour however, the parent was almost certainly trying their very best to get things under control. Unfortunately, almost always to no avail. Why were their efforts to no avail? Let me try to explain what I see as the difficulty. Usually parents will try to control the child by using punishments or rewards, or a mixture of both. Now, this is quite understandable that we, as parents, fall back on the punishment reward system, after all, this is probably how we were parented right? But now a days we know a bit more about the effectiveness of using this system, or perhaps I should say the ineffectiveness of it. We now know that punishments usually elicit a fight or flight response, where the child will only be interested in figuring out how not to get caught or it will make them rebel against us. Furthermore, we know that rewards might, for a short time only, control the child but they may not have a lasting effect. In both of these scenarios, we can be sure there is no learning taking place. Namely the child is not learning how to behave or what to do instead of the behavior we are asking them not to do, they are simply managing it for a time. The punishment and reward system is based on the idea that children needed to be controlled which is now quite a negative assumption. We really want to shift that perception and flip it on its head. Instead, we want to look at children as people in their own right who are capable of understanding, collaboration and empathy. By doing this it will change how we interact with them. What do we do instead of using punishments and rewards? Instead, we want to tap into the child’s motivation and look behind the behaviour. What is going on for them? So, the next time you feel yourself going to react to an issue or behaviour with a punishment or reward: stop, take a breath and ask yourself what is really going on for your child and how can you respond in a way that motivates them. Maybe your child hasn’t grasped how to share yet. Ask them what they think they need to do in order to more easily and readily share. How will it feel for them and others when they can share. Maybe your child has disobeyed your request. Have a conversation with them about why they disobeyed. Explain why you asked them to do what you had asked. Ask them how they can change that behaviour going forward. Have the conversation. One of the devastating fallouts of living with child to parent violence/abuse, in the often very fractured relationships, between parent and child. Communication, if any at all, is usually tense and laced with anger and Read more… Like many of you, I have been watching the recent #blacklivesmatter protests in the USA with a sad heart. I noticed how some protests remained peaceful and impactful yet others turned into violence and riots. Read more…
|Title:||Hardin’s ‘Tragedy of the Commons’: Indigenous Peoples’ Rights and Environmental Protection: Moving Towards an Emerging Norm of Indigenous Rights Protection?| |Authors:||Bachmann, Sascha Dov| Ugwu, Ikechukwu P. |Keywords:||Indigenous Peoples; Environment; Human Rights; MNCs; Oil Pollution; Corporate Eco Terrorism; Transnational Human Rights Litigation; Aarhus Convention; Governance; Environmental Justice; Earth Rights; Globalization| |Citation:||"Oil and Gas, Natural Resources, and Energy Journal" Vol. 6, No 4 (2021), s. 547-587| |Abstract:||Most of the world’s natural resources can be found on the territories of indigenous peoples. This puts indigenous peoples in a position where they are not only subjected to environmental hazards as a result of the mining and exploitation of these resources, but are also denied the use and control of these resources. In addition, the proximity to such commodities makes indigenous peoples the subject of widespread human rights violations. This article discusses the indigenous peoples’ situation in light of Garret Hardin’s theoretical “Tragedy of the Commons” concept of the correlation between shared resources and their depletion before the reality of the major role Multinational Corporations (MNCs) play in the abuse of indigenous peoples’ rights. At the international level, we find a progressive consensus in recognizing the rights of indigenous peoples with regard to the management of their lands and natural resources. We argue that the absence of an international and permanent mechanism for holding MNCs accountable for environmental pollution and human rights abuses remains one of the biggest threats to indigenous peoples’ rights. Resorting to transnational and international litigation to close this accountability gap seems to be the last resort for indigenous peoples. This article explores examples in national jurisdictions which establish enforceable environmental rights such as environmental personhood, the recognition of the fundamental rights of Mother Earth, the harmonious construction of the right to clean environment and right to life, and the right to be consulted and accommodated, all of which are relevant to indigenous peoples. This article links the relationship between human rights and environmental protection and, establishes that resource ownership and communal management of shared resources, rather than state’s control, are necessary for both the protection of the environment and, by extension, of indigenous peoples as socially and culturally distinct groups.| |Appears in Collections:||Artykuły (WPiA)| |Ugwu_Hardins_Tragedy_of_the_Commons_Indigenous_peoples_rights_and_environmental_protection.pdf||962,12 kB||Adobe PDF||View/Open| Items in RE-BUŚ are protected by copyright, with all rights reserved, unless otherwise indicated.
Affirmative action can be discussed as a policy developed to address the issue of racial discrimination in American society. The problem is in the fact that the focus on affirmative action as the way to respond to the minority’s needs is often considered as a controversial idea because of different attitudes to the policy represented by the members of the racial majority and minority. We will write a custom Essay on Social Issues: Appropriateness of Affirmative Action specifically for you 301 certified writers online Affirmative action in the sphere of education can be discussed as the appropriate approach to evaluate the admissions of college students because it can guarantee the equal access to the limited educational resources for students of color and the white majority. The main legal issues associated with affirmative action in the college admission process are based on the opposite ideas that racial quotas similar to the affirmative action policy are illegal and that affirmative action is effective to promote diversity in the student body of elite and selective institutions and serve the community’s diverse needs. On the one hand, affirmative action can contribute to discriminating against white students because of the promotion of racial quotas in the college admission process. The argument for this position is that the incorrect use of affirmative action in evaluating students’ admissions can lead to biases, unfair competition, and to the overuse of racial criteria. The strength of this argument is in the fact that the policy cannot work to correct the racial imbalance in institutions, but it can provoke stronger discrimination. As a result, affirmative action is seen as the illegal approach to evaluating the students’ college admissions. On the other hand, affirmative action provides the opportunity for the underrepresented students to compete in the sphere of education as equals because of avoiding race domination in the process. The focus on the non-white students’ qualifications, performance, and grades promoted with affirmative action become legally supported with two compelling arguments for such an approach in evaluating the students’ admissions. Thus, affirmative action serves to address the educational institutions’ focus on promoting diversity in the student body. Non-white students receive the opportunity to enter elite and selective institutions in spite of the limited access to resources and because of their qualifications and grades. The next compelling argument is the focus on institutions’ responses to the diverse needs of the community. Fixation on grades of students is possible for addressing the excellence of colleges, but it should be supported with making non-white students eligible for joining the college community. Affirmative action can be discussed as the legal initiative which contributes to admitting the fact of the non-white students’ eligibility. Although there are still debates regarding the effectiveness of affirmative action in the sphere of education, it is possible to state that affirmative action is appropriate to evaluate the college students’ admissions because this policy provides students of color with the opportunity to compete in the college admission process along with the white majority and because affirmative action allows decreasing the gap between the evaluation of students according to their performance and qualifications and evaluation of students according to their grades. From this point, affirmative action operates the idea of eligibility as the focus on grades and performance, but affirmative action is also the way to create a diverse student body. Thus, this idea can be discussed as a compelling interest in many elite and selective institutions which need to support their high status.
Using brand-new state-of-the-art imaging processes to identify indications of osteoarthritis (OA), UniSA scientists are learning even more about modifications at the molecular stage which indicate the severe nature of cartilage destruction. A study brought by PhD pupil Olivia Lee and her supervisor Associate Professor Paul Anderson applying bulk spectrometry imaging (MSI) features mapped intricate sugars on OA cartilage, showing distinct sugars are related to damaged tissue when compared with healthy tissue. The finding will potentially help overcome one of the most significant challenges of osteoarthritis research — identifying why cartilage degrades at various rates within the body. “Despite its prevalence locally, there is a whole lot about osteoarthritis that individuals do not understand,” Prof Anderson says. “It is the most standard degenerative joint diseases, you will find limited diagnostic equipment yet, few treatments with no cure.” Pre-existing OA biomarkers continue to be largely focused on body fluids which will be neither reliable nor very sensitive enough in order to map most of the changes inside cartilage damage. By understanding the biomolecular structure at the cells level and the way the joint cells interact in early levels of osteoarthritis, UniSA scientists say any molecular adjustments could be aiimed at help gradual the progression of the illness with appropriate medication or remedy. Osteoarthritis affects approximately 2.2 million Australians and much more than 300 million folks worldwide, with those aged over 45 most in danger. Being female, over weight, and having pre-existing joint injuries advances the danger of getting OA. In Australia, $3.each year 75 million is spent on joint replacements alone for osteoarthritis sufferers, as well as other indirect costs associated with lost work efficiency and lack of wellbeing are estimated to become more than $23 billion annually. In a current paper published inside of the Global Journal of Molecular Sciences, Lee and her co-workers from UniSA’s Musculoskeletal Biology Analysis Laboratory and the long run Industrial sectors Institute explore how advancements in bulk spectrometry imaging (MSI) to detect OA are generally promising. “To date, diagnosing osteoarthritis has relied about x-rays or even MRI heavily, but these provide minimal information plus don’t detect biomolecular alterations that transmission cartilage and bone abnormalities,” Lee says. “In comparison, alternative imaging procedures such as for instance MSI can identify special molecules and organic substances in the tissue segment.” MSI has demonstrated its strengths inside identifying biomarkers for several types of tumor, and UniSA researchers are usually hopeful it may achieve exactly the same for early medical diagnosis of osteoarthritis. Full-time Student, Blogger, and works at FN-Hemp Photography, Animals, Environment, Tolerance “..Hate cannot drive out hate; Love can do that.” Martin Luther King
Assignment (PowerPoint 5-6 slides): The Nurse Leader as Knowledge Worker The term knowledge worker was first coined by management consultant and author Peter Drucker in his book, The Landmarks of Tomorrow (1959). Drucker defined knowledge workers as high-level workers who apply theoretical and analytical knowledge, acquired through formal training, to develop products and services. Does this sound familiar? Nurses are very much knowledge workers. What has changed since Drucker s time are the ways that knowledge can be acquired. The volume of data that can now be generated and the tools used to access this data have evolved significantly in recent years and helped healthcare professionals (among many others) to assume the role of knowledge worker in new and powerful ways. In this Assignment, you will consider the evolving role of the nurse leader and how this evolution has led nurse leaders to assume the role of knowledge worker. You will prepare a PowerPoint presentation with an infographic (graphic that visually represents information, data, or knowledge. Infographics are intended to present information quickly and clearly.) to educate others on the role of nurse as knowledge worker. Reference: Drucker, P. (1959). The landmarks of tomorrow. New York, NY: HarperCollins Publishers. To Prepare: Review the concepts of informatics as presented in the Resources. Reflect on the role of a nurse leader as a knowledge worker. Consider how knowledge may be informed by data that is collected/accessed. The Assignment: Explain the concept of a knowledge worker. Define and explain nursing informatics and highlight the role of a nurse leader as a knowledge worker. Include one slide that visually represents the role of a nurse leader as knowledge worker. Your PowerPoint should Include the hypothetical scenario you originally shared in the Discussion Forum. Include your examination of the data that you could use, how the data might be accessed/collected, and what knowledge might be derived from that data. Be sure to incorporate feedback received from your colleagues responses. You can get our ideal online homework help services with four easy steps. All you have to do is inform us of your requirements. Immediately we will match with a specialist in your academic discipline. After that, we will track your order, review it to ensure it meets your requirements, and submit it to your email. Fill in your assignment instructions on the order form Immediately you contact us for homework help; we will assign your assignment to an academic expert. We have a team of editors, who will thoroughly review your assignment, ensuring there are no errors before submission Once we have completed the assignment, we will deliver it to your account. Additionally, we will send a notification to your email. Once you consult us for homework help online services, you will attest to why we are among the USA's best essay writing services. Read on and find out some of the features that make our services superlative. You can confirm that the content you get is original for free using our plagiarism checker. We offer unlimited access to our essay homework samples. Once you place an order, we format it accordingly without demanding additional charges. We offer free unlimited revisions until your assignment is of your desired quality.. We have a team of specialized editors who review your assignment before submission. You can track the progress of your homework for free.
Whole Milk – Pros And Cons Since time immemorial, whole milk has been placed immense on importance in the households of India, so much so it became an indispensable part of our daily diets. However, with changing times the trend had shifted from whole milk to skimmed milk. True, skimmed milk is opted by fitness freaks and gym goers, but it is hard to resist the creamy whole milk. To take the guilt off of you we put together a list of pros and cons of whole milk. - The whole milk is so rich in its share of nutrients that the nutritional value of a single cup of it is far more than most fruit juices; a cup of this milk can provide with 5% of your daily requirement of vitamins. It is also a good source of riboflavin and one cup of it can make up to 20 percent of your daily needs In addition to it, the whole milk is a source of vitamin B12 which is required to lower homocysteine that is further linked to heart attacks and strokes. - Not that it is any secret but, whole milk is the largest consumed calcium source product. It can provide you up to 30% of your daily calcium requirements. In addition, whole milk is rich in minerals such as selenium, potassium and phosphorus. It also contains some amount of zinc and magnesium. - First vitamins, then minerals and now proteins. Whole milk has it all. Since it contains all nine amino acids, whole milk is highly recommended for people looking forward to build and maintain lean muscles. A cup of whole milk can provide you as much as 8 g of protein. - Well it is no secret that whole milk is extremely fatty but did you know that most of 8g of total fats it contain are saturated fats. For those who aren’t aware, saturated fats are the not so healthy type of fats as they can have a negative impact on your heart. They can block your arteries and increase your bad cholesterol levels while lowering your levels of good cholesterol. However, the effects of saturated fats are still debatable and more research is needed. - Even the calorie content of whole milk is higher! So it is pretty obvious that whole milk is double black listed for people who are watching their weight. One cup of cow’s milk contains as much as 167.8 cal and a cup of buffalo’s milk can provide you with 285.5 cal. Whole milk gets 57 percent of its fat calories from saturated fats and the rest comes from monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. What Is The Right Amount Of Milk Intake? - For children within the age group of 3-12 years it is recommended to have at least three glasses of whole milk, every day if they are looking out for healthy bones and teeth once they grow up. - It is suggested that for adults, two glasses of whole milk is sufficient each day. However if one is looking forward to weight loss then it is proposed to switch to skimmed milk. Hope you liked this post on Pros And Cons of Whole Milk! You may also like reading-
Prebiotic Photochemistry: From Urey–Miller-like Experiments to Recent Findings Extraterrestrial Photochemistry: Principles and Applications Gas-phase Prebiotic Chemistry Driven by Ultraviolet Photolysis of Simple Molecules Unveiling Early Earth Photochemistry Through Experimental Simulations of Planetary Atmospheres The Role of Photochemistry in the Prebiotic Model of Formamide Nucleobases as Molecular Fossils of Prebiotic Photochemistry: Excited-state Dynamics of C2 and C6 Substituted Purines Comets, Do They Have a Role in Prebiotic Photochemistry? Life Chooses Homochirality: The Role of Cosmic Dust in Chiral Selection Interstellar Complex Organic Molecules: A Step Toward Biomolecule Building Blocks in the Skies The Buried Chemical Wealth of Ices in Protoplanetary Discs Consequences of Heavy Bombardment on Prebiotic Synthesis The Birth and Fate of Glycine: From the Interstellar Medium to Primitive Earth Reconciling the Genetics-first and Metabolism-first Scenarios of the Origin of Life: Cyclic GMP as the Seed of Life - Print publication date - 11 Jun 2021 - Copyright year - Print ISBN - PDF eISBN - ePub eISBN About this book Photochemistry is an important facet in the study of the origin of life and prebiotic chemistry. Solar photons are the unique source of the large amounts of energy likely required to initiate the organisation of matter to produce biological life. The Miller–Urey experiment simulated the conditions thought to be present on the early earth and supported the hypothesis that under such conditions complex organic compounds could be synthesised from simpler inorganic precursors. The experiment inspired many others, including the production of various alcohols, aldehydes and organic acids through UV-photolysis of water vapour with carbon monoxide. This book covers the photochemical aspects of the study of prebiotic and origin of life chemistry an ideal companion for postgraduates and researchers in prebiotic chemistry, photochemistry, photobiology, chemical biology and astrochemistry. Franz Saija (1969) is currently a research scientist at the Institute for Chemical and Physical Processes of the Italian National Research Council. He received his PhD degree in Physics at the University of Messina in 1996. He did postodoctoral research with Prof. Jean-Paul Ryckaert (ULB-Bruxelles) and then returned to Italy where won a competition as a researcher at the Institute of Spectroscopic Techniques in 2000. His research is oriented toward the investigation of systems of soft condensed matter using theoretical approaches, numerical simulation methods and experimental techniques (light and neutron spectroscopy). Recently, his scientific interests have shifted towards the computational study of prebiotic chemistry processes. He is co-author of over 120 scientific articles and of 5 book chapters. Giuseppe Cassone (1987) is currently tenure Researcher at the Institute for Chemical and Physical Processes of the Italian National Research Council. He received his PhD diploma in 2016 in Physics and Chemistry of Materials at the Université Pierre et Marie Curie – Sorbonne (Paris, France) under the supervision of Prof. A. Marco Saitta and performed postdoctoral researches at the Institute of Biophysics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Brno, Czechia) with Prof. Jiri Sponer until 2019. He got the Seal of Excellence by the European Commission for a Marie-Curie Individual Fellowhip proposal. He co-authored over 35 scientific articles and 2 book chapters.
BIOCHEMISTRY CARTOON SERIES: ORGANELLE PROTEIN IMPORT CAN BE PER“PEX”ING Written by Nicholas Demers, Illustrated by Chloe Mitchell Researcher: Nicholas Demers Group: Kim Lab Our cells contain compartments, known as organelles, that are full of specific proteins. This allows our cellular compartments to perform their functions, such as energy production, protein sorting, pathogen degradation, and so many more. But here’s the thing: the cell is a crowded place – there is almost no free space, and almost all proteins that are inside of organelles are translated on ribosomes in the cytosol. So here lies a fundamental question: How do proteins properly get to their organelle homes? Most proteins are inserted to the endoplasmic reticulum, and from there are re-routed through the cell – like a flight with a stop at a major hub. But some proteins are fully translated and folded in the cytosol and then recruited to the proper organelle, which is the case for peroxisomal enzymes. Peroxisomes are small, highly metabolic organelles that perform lipid metabolism and lipid synthesis functions. Incredibly, the proteins found within the peroxisome are translated and folded in the cytosol before being targeted to peroxisomes. This implies that the membrane import machinery in peroxisomes must be able to adjust its size to accept large, folded, and multimeric proteins. To facilitate this, transient or temporary pores form in the peroxisome membrane to allow for soluble proteins of different sizes to be imported into its lumen called the matrix – but how are these pores formed, and also, how do they come apart? These large pores are mediated by protein-protein interactions between a group of peroxisome biogenesis proteins called Peroxins (PEX). However, the Kim lab is tempted to believe there may be a new player in this perplexing process – a PEX protein that acts as a new binding partner, disrupting the previous protein-protein interaction and ultimately leading to the dissociation of the pore complex. This would have a pivotal role in the recycling of the pore complex and provide the opportunity for the peroxisomal enzyme to translocate to its appropriate home – the matrix of the peroxisome. Without this step, translocation would be stalled, rendering peroxisomes dysfunctional and resulting in several disease states. In studying this pathway, we hope to better understand the mechanisms of how the peroxisome overcomes this challenge of importing fully folded proteins. In this new ongoing series on Transcripts, Biochem PhD student Chloe Mitchell will share her original cartoons that depict research projects in our department. Each illustration will be accompanied by a written description of the research as well. The series continues here with a cartoon about work being done in the Kim Lab by Nicholas Demers!
How I become a vampire? Top 11 Ways Of Becoming A Vampire In Real Life - Become a vampire through spell casting. - Becoming a vampire means a change in diet. - Luck can increase chances of becoming a vampire. - Become a vampire using talismans/trinkets. - Mix your blood with a vampire’s blood. - Turn into a vampire through a bite. - Become a vampire through psychological affiliation. How do vampires turn humans? Once they awaken “in transition,” they must feed on human blood—essentially completing the cycle—or die. Vampires also can turn humans by drinking a majority of the human’s blood and then forcing them to drink vampire blood, like in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. What are the qualities of a vampire? From avoiding sunlight to using a cloak, here are five classic vampire characteristics that exist in the natural world. - Drinking blood. The primary characteristic of a vampire is feeding on blood. - Avoiding sunlight. - Heightened senses. Who was the first vampire? The vampire first made its way into English literature in John Polidori’s 1819 short story “The Vampyre”. Polidori’s vampire, Lord Ruthven, is inspired by a thinly disguised portrait of the predatory English poet, Lord Byron, in Lady Caroline Lamb’s novel Glenarvon (1816). Can vampires age? Vampires have two features of interest to memory theorists. First, to the extent that they avoid angry mobs, they are immortal, allowing them to accumulate life experiences indefinitely. Second, they are immune to the effects of aging. Why are vampires afraid of garlic? Rabies can even help explain the supposed aversion of vampires to garlic. Infected people display a hypersensitive response to any pronounced olfactory stimulation, which would naturally include the pungent smell of garlic.” Do vampires have shadows? Although not traditionally regarded as an apotropaic, mirrors have been used to ward off vampires when placed, facing outwards, on a door (in some cultures, vampires do not have a reflection and sometimes do not cast a shadow, perhaps as a manifestation of the vampire’s lack of a soul). What happens if a vampire bat bites you? Even though bat bites don’t hurt, vampire bats can spread a disease called rabies. One researcher reported that he had vampire bats that would come to him when he called their names. Where I can find vampire? Top 10 Vampire Destinations - Vampire Lestat Reunion Ball. Hosted by the Anne Rice Vampire Lestat Fan Club, this annual New Orleans ball celebrates 25 years in 2013. - Endless Night Vampire Ball. - Transylvania, Romania. - Forks, Washington. - Mystic Falls Tours (Covington, GA) - Whitby, North Yorkshire, England. - Los Angeles. What are things vampires hate? Vampires are often depicted as being repelled by garlic, running water, or Christian implements such as crucifixes and holy water. What can vampires do? But the main characteristic of vampires (or vampyres) is they drink human blood. They typically drain their victim’s blood using their sharp fangs, killing them and turning them into vampires. In general, vampires hunt at night since sunlight weakens their powers. What is vampire disease? Porphyria cutanea tarda (PCT) is a type of porphyria or blood disorder that affects the skin. PCT is one of the most common types of porphyria. It’s sometimes referred to colloquially as vampire disease. That’s because people with this condition often experience symptoms following exposure to sunlight. Who was the first female vampire? Yes. Your answer is “Yes.” Carmilla is the story of a female vampire; it was, in fact, the first vampire story to have a female vampire as its protagonist. Irish writer Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu’s published the novella in 1872, a full twenty-five years before Bram Stoker would create the iconic Dracula. What God do vampires worship? Some vampires worship the god Kanchelsis. Why did Klaus kill his mom? Esther was murdered by Klaus in the early 11th century, because she used her powers, and those of some other fellow witches, to suppress his werewolf abilities and bind them to the moonstone through the use of a curse, and for making him the target of Mikael’s hatred through her affair.
The menacingly beautiful blue coral snake preys on other fast moving, venomous snakes. To immobilize its prey, this reptile employs a particularly nasty venom—one that makes the last moments of the victim’s life a living hell. One quick look at this reptile and it’s clear this thing means business. Found in southeast Asia, the blue coral snake (Calliophis bivirgatus) features a striking neon red head and tail, and electric blue stripes that run down the length of its body. In a new paper published in the science journal Toxins, researchers from the University of Queensland and several other institutions describe this creature’s unique and deadly venom—a poison that delivers a massive shock to a prey animal’s physiological system. Almost immediately after being bitten, the victim enters into an agonizing catatonic state, with its muscles stuck at full flex. The venom causes all nerves in the body to fire simultaneously, triggering full body spasms. Paralyzed and helpless, the animal is eventually put out of its misery by the killer snake. It’s nasty business, but evolution has equipped the blue coral snake with this particularly powerful venom for a reason. This highly specialized predator likes to hunt other venomous snakes, which are typically very fast and also exceptionally dangerous. The venom is produced and stored in a gland that extends for one quarter of the snake’s body length. Scientists have seen this kind of toxin before, but never in a snake, let alone any other vertebrate species. Some animals, like some scorpions and spiders, have evolved similar toxins. The cone snail, for example, injects a similar kind of toxin into fish, causing them to go into an instant paralysis, where they fully tense their muscles in a tetanus-like spasm. The blue coral snake’s venom does practically the same thing, and scientists say it’s a good example of convergent evolution (where a similar trait emerges independently in different species). Once administered into the body, the toxin causes all the nerves within an animal’s body to switch on simultaneously, causing the prey animal to enter into a frozen state. The researchers refer to this state as spastic paralysis, as opposed to the flaccid paralysis induced by other snake venom. The compounds within the venom prevent the nerves from turning off their sodium channels, which results in the nerve firing continuously. It’s like pressing the nerve’s accelerator pedal to the floor, and then cutting off the brakes. Ironically enough, this venom—dubbed Calliotoxin—could be used in pharmacology to develop new medicines. Scientists are now particularly interested in its ability to act as a painkiller in humans.
The Rocky Mountains range of Texas has lava rocks and ash beds from previous time periods. Gems and rocks have been collected here from El Paso East to the Fort Stockton area North and South. While in Llano, there are trails of diamonds found, formed by gas-cooled and formed by all types of crystals, including diamond. The history of diamond jewelry in Texas isn’t that detailed, but Texas is rich with other gems and minerals. However, retail and wholesale diamond dealers in Texas are still continuously growing. What Is The Origin Of Diamond Shapes Found In Jewelry? The first cutting of diamonds was made by a guild of diamond cutters and polishers from Nuremberg, Germany in 1375. This was where several shapes started to be cut, such as the oval, square, and so on. Although the original cut was made way back to the late half of 1400, which was called the “point cut”. From then on, cutting diamonds has been spread worldwide, including in Texas. After some time, the modern diamond cutting machine was invented by Charles M. Field. From that time on, different shapes of diamonds have been created. Can A Jeweler Tell How Old A Diamond Is? Jewelry professionals are trained and skilled enough to tell the quality of the diamond. Here are some details to look into: Determine if the Diamond’s Cut is Antique Antique diamond shapes have a listed qualification which includes: Antique cushion cut, old European cut, old mine cut, antique emerald cut, antique Asscher cut, rose-cut diamond, French cut diamond, antique oval, and marquise cuts. If the cut is not on the list, then it’s not antique and was just made recently. Due to advancing technology, different diamond shapes have emerged and jewelry experts can tell if the jewelry is old or new by merely looking at the shapes. Authenticating a Diamond by Its Culet A culet of the diamond can tell its age. The culet is the facet at the bottom of the diamond. Since modern cutting techniques make it possible to shave down the culet. But for old diamonds’ culets are not possible to shave them down, so if one is still a visible culet, then it means it is old. Authenticating a Diamond by Its Mounting Checking on the mountings of a ring can tell if it is already old. For instance, wedding or anniversary marking on the inner part of the ring band can tell the year it exists. Fading metals can also be an indication of their age. Certification will also be the best evidence that it is indeed an antique. However, some certificates fade and are too deteriorated to be read anymore. The appearance and settings of the mounting can show signs that it is indeed an old-fashioned one. Designs in ancient times were more complicated and were more accessorized by smaller gems. Checking in the Diamond’s Girdle The girdle is the part that separates the pavilion and crown. Diamonds from the 1940s have a polished girdle and appear frosted. Therefore, diamonds with frosted girdles are considered antique. Ask a Professional for an Appraisal A Diamond expert can be the best person to approach when you want to know the age of the diamond. They are skilled and trained at scrutinizing the authenticity of an antique diamond. They can use techniques and tools and be able to know if the diamond is antique or not. Getting your diamond certified by a legit institution can also be a good way of knowing the value and knowing the age of your diamonds. They have devices and equipment to tell whether your diamond is indeed an antique. The history of diamond jewelry in Texas can help you understand more about where the diamonds came from. Knowing the origin of the diamond tour buying can be advantageous on your part, so you will be able to know how to take care of the diamond jewelry you will be buying. Diamonds have properties that you have to determine before buying one. Getting familiar with them can be a good guide for you to finding a good diamond for your jewelry. Diamonds are pricey and discovering their characteristics and even their origin can be ideal.
CNC machines are cutting tools used to remove excess material from a workpiece. They are computer numerically controlled. This means that they are mainly computer-controlled. This element ensures the efficiency of the machines. Using CNC machines is highly beneficial. The machines come in several forms based on the CNC machining service. One of the most common forms is CNC milling. Click (read more) to see all the details you need to know about CNC milling. This post focuses on CNC machine types. Types of CNC machines Below are the main types of CNC machines split into two categories; 1. 3-axis CNC machines These CNC machines feature three axes. The axes move simultaneously along three-dimensional vectors. Each axis moves in a different direction. For instance, the X-axis moves up and down, the Y-axis moves to the right and left, while the Z-axis moves forward and backward. In this category, there are two types of CNC machines. They are: a. CNC milling machines Milling is a subtractive production technique used by cutting materials from a large workpiece. In CNC milling, the workpiece remains stationary as the cutting tool moves. The cutting tool moves in three directions as it cuts the excess material from the workpiece. A CNC milling machine is used for forming simple geometric shapes. CNC turning machines Also known as lathes, CNC turning machines, these tools involve the movement of the workpiece on a spindle. The primary difference between CNC milling machines and CNC turning machines is that in the latter, the workpiece moves as the cutting tool remains stationary. These machines allow for the production of cylindrical products with high tolerance. The machines are also quite fast. The only significant disadvantage with this type of CNC machine is that it can only be used for cylindrical parts. 2. Multi-axis CNC machines These CNC machines offer a higher degree of precision and freedom in mechanical movement. They can employ both rotational and diagonal cutting operations simultaneously. This is because they have five axes. They can either move simultaneously or take turns. The primary types of CNC machines in this category include: a. Indexed 5-axis Milling machines These types of CNC machines can only cut along three linear axes as they work. However, they can rotate the bed and tool-head in between operations. This allows for increased shaping abilities of the machine. It is ideal for intricate manufacturing tasks. b. Continuous 5-axis milling machines These machines allow for the simultaneous movement of the five axes. The three primary axes are known as the linear axes, while the additional two are known as rotational axes. They are used for rotating the piece to allow for complex design. These machines are great for products that require high precision. c. Mill-turning CNC centers These machines combine the characteristics of CNC lathes and milling machines. Here, the workpiece rotates at high speeds allowing for better precision. Each of the types of CNC machines listed above has its benefits and downsides. 5-axis CNC machines are more advantageous than the latter. However, they are only suitable for parts with intricate design elements.
So you put in the hard work to get your principal and PTA on board, applied for grants, tested the soil, established beds, and put in a school veggie garden. You've battled pests, diseases, bizarre weather, and you and the school garden have survived. Now you are seeing the fruits, literal and otherwise, of your labor; students are learning in the garden, being curious about the natural world, and now you have a veritable cornucopia of produce. But what do you do with the kohlrabi, arugula, and chard??? This cookbook (and more often, non-cooking book) is designed to prepare fall and spring veggies in your classroom. The following recipes were plucked from the internet because they: 1) Use garden produce, 2) have few additional ingredients, 3) can be prepared quickly and without a kitchen, and 4) are easy to serve to students. Most still require some specialized equipment such as a blender or food processor, hot plate, or crockpot, but we tried to keep it simple and provide a range of options where you can find something that meets your needs. Tips for Cooking in the Classroom Before you begin perusing recipes that will hopefully switch the staunchest of french-fries-are-the-only-vegetable-I-like eaters to crudite crunching kiddos, here are a few resources on cooking in the classroom, including classroom management and some great alternatives to knives for chopping veggies. Because as a teacher, you are probably stressed enough without knife wielding kindergarteners. Honestly, school children are 100% capable of learning appropriate knife skills, but safety is a must, and most schools do have bans on sharp and pointy objects. Anyway, here are your resources: - Cooking in the Classroom Best Practices (PDF) - This guide from the Growing Minds program in North Carolina is a very thorough guide to cooking in the classroom, and covers important topics such as food handling safety, curriculum connections, and encouraging healthy attitudes about food. - Project Learning Gardens - Check out this Captain Planet site for a phenomenal classroom cooking cart. This cooking cart is basically a complete kitchen that is compact and mobile; you can even use it to cook in the garden! Food Safety in the Classroom As much as all teachers deserve more time off, you don't want yourself and your entire class out because you fed them contaminated veggies. Food safety is an essential part of y our cooking experience in the classroom, but remember food safety starts in the garden long before you harvest produce and bring it into your classroom. Read the following guides for best practices handling produce before, after, and during harvest. School Garden Recipes Visit the pages linked below for great recipe ideas for you and your students!
May 12, 2020 The industries that keep our society functioning often get little attention until crises like COVID-19 dramatically affect our daily lives. Two of those industries which are not often associated with each other are electricity production and solid waste management. The strong relationship between recycling and power has been beneficial for our cogeneration plant and suppliers like Marion Resource Recovery Facility. Freres Lumber operates a 10MW steam turbine/generator in Lyons, Oregon which is fueled by a mix of biomass from internal manufacturing operations and biomass purchased from outside suppliers. Our cogeneration facility provides enough electricity on an annual basis to power about 5,000 homes and transmits that green power to Portland General Electric for the benefit of Oregon customers. The facility also supplies heat for energy intensive plant processes such as block conditioning and veneer drying. About 60-70% of the biomass consumed by our cogeneration plant is collected from urban areas, production facilities, and waste collection and recycling companies. Marion Resource Recovery Facility has been a long-term supplier of fuel to our plant, and that strong relationship was recently a benefit to both of our companies. Before wood debris can be combusted in biomass boilers like ours it is typically run through a grinder to prepare or size the material for burning. MRRF’s grinder had an engine problem which was going to keep their grinding operations down for an extended period. However, waste material is generated every day and typically 13% of that waste stream is clean wood debris. Without the ability to process and ship that wood debris, MRRF would quickly build up too much material in their yard, restricting their waste and recycling operations. Wood recycling and power Our cogeneration facility requires about 250 bone dry tons per day of biomass to operate. Due to coronavirus restrictions on construction, we were forced to take our veneer production facilities down for the first week in May. With our facilities down, and MRRF unable to grind wood debris, it would have been difficult to power our facility at capacity. We would have been forced to reduce our electrical production without enough biomass to power our facility. We were both in a tough position. Due to our strong, long-term relationship we were able to send our grinder and operator, Byron Brown, up to MRRF to process the collected wood debris. This helped to free up their valuable yard space and supply our cogeneration plan with the fuel we needed to continue operating. In turn MRRF was able to keep their waste stream flowing through their facility and we have continued to generate an average of 7MW of electricity. I am proud to say that the employees at both Freres and MRRF were able to keep these essential businesses going. Despite obstacles, the integral services of wood debris recycling and power supply were able to continue. The story does not end there. MRRF has just broken ground on an expansion of their recycling facilities. It will include an additional 18 acres of ground and a modernization of their recycling system. They believe that they will be able to recover an additional 12% of wood debris from the same waste stream. This would reduce the amount of clean wood sent to landfills and enhance biomass supply to facilities like ours. We wish for many more years of a successful business relationship. We’ll send you a notification when a new story has been posted. It’s the easiest way to stay in the know.
By Kathleen Riggs Are you among the minority of American families who eat at least one meal together every day? In today’s fast-paced world, eating Sunday dinner as a family is a great tradition, but it is a giant step away from more regular time spent eating and socializing around the table, which was the norm just one generation ago. In recognition of its importance, September has been named National Family Meals Month. Why all the fuss about sitting down together for a routine that may only last 15-20 minutes? The benefits are actually numerous. Utah State University Extension’s Create Better Health Utah (SNAP-Ed) program lists a few of the benefits, especially for children whose families eat together five or more times a week as opposed to those whose families eat together two times or less each week: * Nutrition and physical development – Kids eat more fruits and vegetables, get a wider variety of nutritious foods, have lower rates of childhood obesity and make healthier food choices when they are on their own. * Emotional development – Youth are better able to manage negative emotions, are at less risk of developing eating disorders and have more positive interactions with others. * Social development – Children learn important turn-taking skills, have improved communication skills and learn appropriate ways to share thoughts, feelings and opinions. * Academics – Kids are more likely to earn A’s and B’s in school, and they develop larger vocabularies – even more than those who read together with their parents. * Behavior – Youth are much less likely to use marijuana, alcohol or tobacco or have friends who use these substances. They are also less likely to engage in other risky behavior such as premarital sex. If a family is new to the idea of eating meals together, there will undoubtedly be a few challenges. For example, it may be unrealistic to go from zero meals together to one every day. So, set a realistic goal all family members can agree on; it may just be Sunday dinner once per week, and that is a great start. If dinner isn’t the best option, perhaps having family breakfast time on Saturday may work better for you. Here are some additional tips for making family mealtime a positive experience: * Plan meals ahead of time. * Schedule a set time for meals. * Involve all family members in the meal preparation and clean up. * Turn off the TV, phones and all other electronic devices. * Have pleasant conversation and leave discipline and other negative emotions for another time. Additional helps are available online from Create Better Health Utah, including conversation starter ideas and making meals fun using themes (e.g., Taco Tuesday). In addition are ideas for menu planning with recipes, such as citrus chicken salad, oatmeal nut pancakes and honey glazed chicken. Learn more about family mealtime and eating healthy on a limited budget here. You can also contact your local USU Extension office to find out about upcoming classes taught by Create Better Health ambassadors in your area. From the Create Better Health homepage, you can select from a variety of resources for menu planning, preparing foods, eating healthier and incorporating physical activity in your day.
This is not a new idea, but it's often understated or underestimated and often misses out on adequate attention in the treatment cycle. I have been collecting literature on this topic for years but recently found an interesting article which describes it pretty succinctly here. Stress can affect our ability to protect ourselves from illness and our ability to heal. While not all stress is bad, the ongoing assault of chronic stress or persistent daily stress is more impactful than most people realise. "...Chronic stress has a significant effect on the immune system that ultimately manifest an illness. It raises catecholamine and suppressor T cells levels, which suppress the immune system. This suppression, in turn raises the risk of viral infection. Stress also leads to the release of histamine, which can trigger severe broncho-constriction in asthmatics. Stress increases the risk for diabetes mellitus, especially in overweight individuals, since psychological stress alters insulin needs. Stress also alters the acid concentration in the stomach, which can lead to peptic ulcers, stress ulcers or ulcerative colitis. Chronic stress can also lead to plaque buildup in the arteries (atherosclerosis), especially if combined with a high-fat diet and sedentary living. The correlation between stressful life events and psychiatric illness is stronger than the correlation with medical or physical illness. The relationship of stress with psychiatric illness is strongest in neuroses, which is followed by depression and schizophrenia. There is no scientific evidence of a direct cause-and-effect relationship between the immune system changes and the development of cancer. However, recent studies found a link between stress, tumour development and suppression of natural killer (NK) cells, which is actively involved in preventing metastasis and destroying small metastases." Arguably stress is not always avoidable... however we can learn techniques to shield ourselves from some stressors, we can improve our ability to self regulate and recover better through others... and we can make sure we support ourselves physically with good nutrition and mentally with adequate emotional or psychological support and connection. Eat plenty of nourishing food and try to limit “stress eating” junk food, which puts further strain on your body and can cause further inflammation. Sometimes in life, there are times we need to hold on, to "vasbyt" (a great Afrikaans term which kind of means "endure") and push through stress because it's necessary or temporary or because there's something worth holding onto, and sometimes there will be times when it becomes necessary to "let go" or change something big, because your health will require it. Sometimes our desire or need to be in control needs to be soothed by acceptance of circumstances outside of our control, and a redirection of energy to embrace other opportunities, consider other options or to recover and renew and regroup. Happiness and contentment can be found in many different places, as can success, and fulfillment and hope. Consider: “what’s causing you stress”, and “is there anything you can change”, and “where you can get support”, also look for little ways you can support yourself through it like getting more sleep, spending time in nature, eating nourishing food and talking to friends and family.
Q. What lessons can "green" computing learn from open source? A. Steven Chu, the current US Energy Secretary indicated in an interview that open source software will help cut down on global warming. He says that global co-operation on technology to improve efficiency is vital. Open source facilitates the co-operation that can be brought into a program by various parties due to the fact that intellectual property haggling is no longer an issue. In spite of all the recent talk about green computing, how green is information technology (IT) and computing? Experts talk about optimizing HVAC and other energy saving mechanisms, but the crux of the problem lies in the computers themselves. We need to evaluate what the software development process is costing us. Here are some reasons why adopting some of the practices found in the open source development model can result in greener software: Development Model: the open source development model relies heavily on shared resources and non-exclusive use of hardware and software. Project plans, bug trackers, source code, and documentation reside in the cloud. Contributors, in most cases, work out of their homes and do not contribute carbon emissions above what they would have used living in their homes. The carbon emissions that are saved when employees are not required to commute to an office location can also be substantial. Less Power Consumption: consider the energy costs of a software company: the power consumed by developer's machines and servers, lighting, air conditioning, and maintaining other common facilities. A conservative estimate of these expenses would be at least 15% of the total operating expenses of the company. Lower Operating Overheads: operating overheads contribute significantly to the overall cost of a company. These include sales and marketing, security services, ID cards, human resources, payroll, and salaries. Virtualization: provides a means to optimally use system resources and provides an excellent mechanism to scale as needed. While this is not restricted to open source, the most commonly used technologies tend to be open source. Reuse Obsolete Systems: open source applications perform quite well on older, obsolete, and commodity hardware, eliminating the need for power hungry server systems requiring a lot more infrastructure. A network of commodity systems can be more powerful and less expensive than the typical server. It will also consume less power. Thin Clients: consume much less power than a desktop. They can replace desktops in organizations where the majority of the work is desktop based such as Internet browsing, using email and using enterprise applications. Often, a company that decides to try thin clients is trying to save money and will opt for a Linux based system. Distributed Online: open source software is usually distributed online. This means less power is used to duplicate discs, less paper is used to create marketing material, and less money is spent overall in the distribution of the software. Online documentation is the norm for most open source software, resulting in fewer trees being manufactured into paper. Fewer Lawyers: open source licenses tend to be litigated less often. Less money tends to be spent on legal services, including the negotiation of contracts. Open source reduces dependence on power, money and paper. Further research can quantify how carbon emissions are reduced in an organization that has adopted open source.
The ability to control nuclear fission reactions, in which atoms of radioactive elements such as uranium split apart into smaller atoms and liberate energy in the process, represents one of the great technological feats of the twentieth century. Harnessed as heat, the released energy boils water, producing steam that drives turbines, thereby being converted to mechanical energy that generates electricity. Nuclear energy currently provides 20% of total electricity generation in the United States and 9.5% of total energy consumed. Nuclear energy currently provides 20% of total electricity generation in the United States. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration’s 2015 estimates, output from nuclear power plants is expected to remain flat through 2040. Nuclear capacity could decline by as much as 30% by 2035 unless existing plants are updated, licenses are extended, or new plants are constructed and operated in the very near future. Four reactors were removed from service in 2013 and one entered service in 2014, leaving a total of 60 commercially operating plants (with 100 reactors) in 30 states as of 2015. But of those, 72 reactors received license renewals that allow longer operation. And in 2015 four new plants were under construction and proposals for eight more were under review by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. In 2015, U.S. commercial nuclear power reactors bought 56.5 million pounds of uranium from both domestic and foreign suppliers; domestic production accounted for only 3% of that total. According to the International Atomic Energy Agency, worldwide identified resources totaled about 7.6 million metric tons in 2014. If there is renewed U.S. interest in nuclear fission power generation, sufficient uranium supplies will likely be available. Some countries have made substantial commitments to nuclear power generation: For example, nuclear power plants produce more than three-quarters of all electricity in France. In the United States, the issue prompts considerable debate, including concern about plant safety (which has been strong since the 1979 Three Mile Island accident), security (keeping nuclear material out of the hands of criminals), and arguments about where and how to dispose of nuclear waste, a contentious issue that remains unresolved after decades of effort. Additionally, the low cost of natural gas is making it more difficult for nuclear power to compete in U.S. energy markets. According to the Congressional Research Service, as of December 2011, there were more than 67,000 metric tons of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) from U.S. reactors in “interim” storage at 77 sites in the United States (including four U.S. Department of Energy facilities), increasing at a rate of roughly 2,000 metric tons per year. At present, there is no plan to store this SNF at any permanent waste site. Many countries re-process SNF from commercial reactors to increase its radioactive content, although the United States does not. Another nuclear energy source, fusion, is the process that powers the Sun and the stars. In theory, it could offer a virtually unlimited supply of energy with significantly reduced quantities of long-lived radioactive waste compared to fission, if successfully harnessed in a reactor. To date, several large new research facilities have been built to investigate alternative technologies for generating energy from fusion. Although continuous progress is being made, none of the facilities has achieved “ignition,” the point at which a fusion reaction sustains itself, despite decades of research. Absent a significant breakthrough, fusion reactors are unlikely to be ready for commercial deployment in the foreseeable future. - America’s Energy Future: Technology and Transformation (2009) - An Assessment of the Prospects for Inertial Fusion Energy (2013) - Lessons Learned from the Fukushima Nuclear Accident for Improving Safety of U.S. Nuclear Plants (2014) - Improving the Assessment of the Proliferation Risk of Nuclear Fuel Cycles (2013) - The Future of Advanced Nuclear Technologies; Interdisciplinary Research Team Summaries (2014) - Assessment of Inertial Confinement Fusion Targets (2013)
We all enjoy this wonderful city and all it has to offer, but to keep enjoying it we need to do our part to keep San Antonio beautiful. One way is to keep your eye out for Ozone Action Days. These events are announced frequently between March and November, when the sunlight tends to be the strongest. In fact, there is an Ozone Action Day set for Friday, April 26. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) notifies the Alamo Area Council of Governments (AACOG) when an Ozone Action Day is in effect. This is an orange-level alert, which means that air quality is predicted to be unhealthy for young children whose lungs are still developing, and for those who work or exercise outside for extended periods of time. You should know what O2 is because it’s the compound that keeps us all alive—oxygen. But what is O3? This gas, also known as ozone, is essential to our survival, but it’s definitely not for breathing. Up in the stratosphere it’s made naturally and absorbs harmful ultraviolet rays from the Sun. But high ozone levels at lower altitudes—what we call ground-level ozone is a toxic atmospheric pollutant. Ozone is not emitted directly into the air by any one pollution source but is formed through chemical reactions between natural and man-made emissions and nitrogen oxides (NOx) in the presence of sunlight. These gaseous compounds mix in the air, and when they interact with sunlight, ozone is formed. These pollutants can come from automobiles, gas-powered engines, refineries, chemical manufacturing plants, solvents used in dry cleaning and paint, and wherever natural gas, gasoline, diesel fuel, kerosene, and oil are used as fuel. Stay informed about Ozone Action Days by following us on Facebook and Twitter. You’ll see the Ozone Action Day graphic in the feed. Here are six things you can do on Ozone Action Days: - Sign up for Ozone Action Day alerts. The first step toward change is awareness. Go to https://www.tceq.texas.gov/airquality/monops/ozone_email.html to have an alert sent to you by email or text. - Don’t idle. Pollution from cars (oxides of nitrogen, NOx) produces ozone and contributes to air pollution. Don’t let your car idle when picking up children at school. Go inside instead of using the drive-thru. - Fill up after 6 p.m. If you must fill up your car, do it after 6 p.m. Gasoline is made of VOCs that contribute to ozone formation in the presence of sunlight. - Use mass transit. On ozone action days, use VIA buses, carpools, or other mass transit. This will reduce the number of vehicles in traffic and reduce congestion. - Bring your lunch to work. Bringing your lunch will eliminate a vehicle from being on the road during the time of day that sunlight is most intense and most likely to create ozone. - Postpone lawn work. Do not use gas-powered lawn equipment on Ozone Action Days. If you do have to work on your lawn on an Ozone Action Day, wait until after 6 p.m.
Cinnamaldehyde is a pale yellow gelatinous liquid and an organic compound, which is responsible for the taste and smell of the cinnamon spice. Its molecular formula is C9H8O or C6H5CH=CHCHO. It is also identified by various names such as 3- beta-phenylacrolein, (E)-Cinnamaldehyde and cinnamic aldehyde. The essential oil in the bark of the cinnamon trees contains almost 98% of Cinnamaldehyde. Attributes of Cinnamaldehyde: Cinnamaldehyde is responsible for rendering the taste, rich flavor and aroma in the most renowned Cinnamon spice. Therapeutic uses of Cinnamaldehyde: Many of the health benefits of Cinnamon and its effect on metabolism is due to the presence of Cinnamaldehyde in it. It helps to fight against tooth decay and bad breath and so the herb of Cinnamon is used for enhancing oral health. The antifungal and antibacterial property of Cinnamaldehyde helps to reduce infections. Cinnamaldehyde restricts the harmful blood platelet clotting, which would otherwise result in insufficient blood flow. This is accomplished by preventing the production of arachidonic acid that is responsible for anti-inflammatory responses from the cell membranes. As an anti-bacterial and anti-fungal agent: Cinnamaldehyde exhibit anti-microbial activity. The antimicrobial nature of Cinnamaldehyde was proved by the study conducted at the University of Illinois, Chicago. It had been found that Cinnamaldehyde prevents above 50% of the bacterial growth in the oral cavity. It is especially effective for preventing the growth of bacteria and other pathogens in the tongue. According to a study titled “Antimicrobial Activities of Cinnamon Oil and Cinnamaldehyde from the Chinese Medicinal Herb Cinnamomum cassia Blume” published in The American Journal of Chinese medicine, Cinnamaldehyde effectively inhibits the growth of various segregates of bacteria including gram positive and gram negative bacteria, fungi including yeasts, filamentos molds and dermatophytes. Thus Cinnamaldehyde possess anti-bacterial and antifungal properties. Since the primordial times, Cinnamon has been used to treat diabetes in China and in India. The anti-diabetic nature of Cinnamon is due to the presence of cinnamaldehyde. According to a study conducted on the streptozotocin(STZ) induced male diabetic wistar rats, it had been found that by administering Cinnamaldehyde at different doses, it had considerably reduced the plasma glucose level and simultaneously increased the plasma insulin level. Further, oral administration of Cinnamaldehyde markedly reduced glycosylated haemoglobin, serum total cholesterol and triglycerides and increased the hepatic glycogen and HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) cholesterol. Thus, Cinnamaldehyde exhibits hypoglycemic and hypolipidaemic effects in STZ induced diabetic rats. As a flavoring agent: Cinnamaldehyde is mainly added to foods and medicines to enhance its quality in terms of aroma and taste. It is used as a flavoring agent in liquid refreshments, ice-creams, chewing gums and candy. It is also used in perfumes to recreate the magic of fruity and interesting fragrance ranges. Insecticide and Mosquito repellent: Cinnamaldehyde is an effective animal repellent, which is used to repel animals like cats and dogs. It is also used as an efficient insecticide for mosquitoes. It had been found that about half of Aedes aegypti mosquito larvae are killed by an amount of 29 ppm of cinnamaldehyde in 24 hours. Cinnamaldehyde is also used as a fungicide. It is also used to prevent corrosion in steel and other ferrous alloys in corrosive fluids like hydrochloric acid.
A share, also known as stock, is a unit of ownership in a company. Shares outstanding refers to the number of shares of a corporation's stock that are being held by investors, whether they are company officials, corporate insiders or members of the public. The number of shares outstanding, also known as stock outstanding or, perhaps most commonly, outstanding shares, is an important metric that affects many things, including the price of the company's stocks. When a public corporation is formed, it agrees upon the total number of shares that it can issue. This number is its authorized shares. Once this value is identified upon going public, it can later be adjusted, but only by a vote of the company's shareholders. A privately-held company does not have company shares that are owned by the public — all ownership of the company is internal. Some companies decide to go public, however, and this is usually for the purpose of raising capital. By going public, the company sells some of its shares to members of the public. When a corporation decides to issue public shares, however, it doesn't have to, and typically does not, issue its entire number of authorized shares. Some amount of shares are kept internally. The first time a company issues stock is called an initial public offering (IPO). Whether it's the first time the shares are offered to the public or well after the company first went public, those shares are offered to the public at large via the stock market. Prospective investors, however, typically employ an investment bank to secure those public shares. Officers and other insiders in a corporation can receive shares of stock as compensation. These restricted shares are not allowed to be sold on the market, though that restriction can be lifted under certain conditions. Officers and insiders may sell their shares back to the company or they can sell them to the public via the stock market after being registered through the government agency that oversees the market. Restricted shares are included in the company's number of total shares outstanding. The number of nonrestricted shares outstanding is called the float and represents the number of shares available for trade on the market. If a corporation itself buys back shares of its own stock, those shares are no longer included as outstanding shares. The number of shares outstanding consists of two types of shares — preferred shares and common shares. Owners of preferred shares typically do not have voting rights within the corporation, and they receive a fixed dividend before any dividends are paid to common stock shareholders. Owners of common shares typically have voting rights and are entitled to a portion of the company's profits after the preferred dividends are paid. If the company fails, preferred shareholders have priority over common shareholders in the payment of dividends, on assets or on the proceeds from the liquidation of assets. The number of stock outstanding multiplied by the price of the share represents a corporation's market capitalization. Investors use this number to determine the size of companies, which can then be put into categories such as large cap, mid cap and small cap companies. Different entities use different dollar values to define each category, and some use more than three categories of sizes. Investors typically see larger companies as being more stable, and they often see smaller companies as being more volatile and more risky but with a greater potential for profit. Another metric calculated using shares outstanding is earnings per share, which is the corporation's net income, minus dividends on preferred stocks, divided by the weighted average shares outstanding. Earnings per share is calculated for a particular period of time, usually one year or a quarter of a year. Investors consider earnings per share to be the most important indicator of a company's profitability, and earnings per share has the greatest effect of any metric on the price of the stock. A low-priced stock that has high earnings per share will be considered a good investment and will be in high demand, which in turn will drive up the price of the stock.
Help for depression Today is the start of Depression Awareness week, and it runs until the 3rd May. It’s a great opportunity to raise more awareness about the illness, what it entails, and how to best manage it. But what is depression? How would you define and describe it? It is perfectly normal that we all occasionally feel a bit ‘blue’ and fed up but in general these symptoms don’t tend to last long. When a person suffers from depression, the symptoms last for weeks, even months. Some of the symptoms are: - feeling unhappy most of the time - lacking in energy and motivation - feeling restless and agitated - feeling tired - not wanting to socialise with other people - losing interest in life. This list is not comprehensive by any means, and you don’t necessarily have to have all of the symptoms. The Royal College of Psychiatrists have published a very useful fact sheet on depression which is worth reading for further information. So what can you do to improve your mood when feeling depressed? There are certain self-help methods you can carry out which can boost your mood, such as exercise. This doesn’t mean that you need to spend every evening at the local gym. A short walk around the block can be effective enough when done regularly. You can also look into changing your eating habits. People who suffer from depression tend to either over-eat or not eat at all. Healthy eating will have a positive effect on your mood. It is also worth keeping an eye on your alcohol intake. Excessive drinking can worsen your mood because alcohol is a depressant. You can also help yourself by talking to your family members and/or friends, who might be able to help and support you. There are also various helplines which can be useful when feeling low in mood and helpless. If you feel that these self-help methods are not adequate enough, and your mood doesn’t seem to improve, it might be worth seeing your GP. She/he will discuss with you other treatment options, such as prescribing an anti-depressant, and/or referring you for counselling. How will counselling help you? Counselling gives you the opportunity to discuss your feelings with someone who understands, and doesn’t judge you. Counselling allows clients to unravel the issues they have been struggling with, and helps them to make sense of what is wrong. Counselling will empower you to move forward, and for you to feel stronger.
For healthy growth and good yields, almost nothing is more important than providing your plants with plenty of light. With Check-It Solutions and our Grow Linc system you can measure and optimize the amount of light in your grow-op to increase your yields. Measuring Light to increase yields. How is light intensity measured indoors? Essentially, for the grow pod, light may be measured in terms of its intensity (lux) or the number of photons reaching a surface (photon flux density). The metric unit of light intensity is the lumen and the term lux refers to the number of lumens per square metre of surface area. Benefits of Measuring Light Helps Increase Yield A lux sensor can provide actionable date to increase the yield of your cannabis plants—an obvious benefit to growers. With it, you can determine the optimal spots within your grow room, or you can use it to determine the proper distance from your lights to your plants. Our Grow Linc light sensor lets you know when the light you’re using is simply not enough for maxing out yields. Preventative Maintenance: Know When To Replace Grow Lights Some types of grow lights, such as MH/HPS bulbs, have a limited lifespan. Over time they get increasingly dimmer, and this is why they need to be replaced at certain intervals. Grow Linc’s light sensor can reliably let you know when you need to replace your MH/HPS bulbs. Prevents Some Plant Problems Both insufficient light and too much light can be bad for your cannabis plants. Grow Linc’s light sensor can help you ensure healthy plant growth throughout all stages. The proper amount of light, not too much and not too little, will reduce stress on your plants, preventing further issues like light burn and bleaching. We have discussed the Light Requirements in previous posts based on Growth Stage. You can visit that post here: https://site.check-it.ca/2021/09/create-the-perfect-growing-environment/ What is the optimal amount of light for Cannabis? How much light your plants need will vary based on each phase of the grow cycle. Seedlings do not require very much light ,but that requirement changes once the plants have reached the vegetative stage and needs almost all the light it can get. This allows plants to grow vigorously to their full potential. The same goes for flowering. Although plants in bloom thrive under a different spectrum of light than during veg, they still need a lot of light exposure to make sure the buds are as big as they can be. For healthy growth and good yields, almost nothing is more important than providing your cannabis plants with plenty of light. With our Grow Linc Monitoring Solution you can measure and optimize the amount of light in your grow-op to increase your yields. Measuring Light to increase yields. Light Requirements of Cannabis Plants through Growth-cycle - Clones and seedlings: 5,000–7,000 lux - Vegetative growth: 15,000–50,000 lux - Flowering: 45,000–65,000 lux - Maximum recommended amount of light: 75,000 lux How does Grow Linc measure light? Dashboard showing light readings. Grow Linc uses light sensors to measure light intensity and length of daylight. Our menu is customizable to set your optimal light conditions as the plant moves through its growth cycle. To maintain maximum growth, you will receive alerts when a room is not functioning at is optimal rating. The Alert will also provide recommendations on how to address the issue. #smartgrowing #lightmeasurementcannabis #lightmeasurementgrowop #agtech #IoT #microcultivation
The Meaning of the 12 Days of Christmas December is by far the most popular month all over the world. Why? Because it’s the Christmas Season! It’s not just Christmas Day that fills you with joy by being surrounded with family and friends (and Christmas presents), but the entire month has a more uplifting, happier spirit of community. However, did you know that the actual Christmas season starts on Christmas Day itself? Well, December 25th is the official beginning of the 12 days of Christmas, a much talked about Christmas tradition. There are so many stories behind this Christmas tradition and you may be wondering what it means. Meaning of the 12 Days of Christmas There are two explanations given to the meaning of this Christian tradition. According to Christian theology, 12 days of Christmas is a period between the birth of Christ, and the beginning of Christianity, to the coming of the three wise men or the Magi. Therefore this period starts on 25th December (Christmas Day) and ends on 6th of January (Three King’ Day or the Epiphany). Also, the 12 days of Christmas refers to a popular Christmas carol. In this song, the singer boasts about the many expensive gifts he/she received from their ‘true love’ during this period of the 12 days of Christmas. One unique thing with the song is the way the verses build on each other like that shopping list memory game we played in Most people all over the world today are conversant with the version of this song that start with this verse: On the first day of Christmas, My true love sent me, A partridge in a pear tree The other 12 verses that follow add a gift for each day in such a manner that the next verse builds on the one before it all the way to the 12th verse. Origin of the Carol, ‘12 Days of a Christmas’ This Christmas carol has unclear historical origin. However, the earliest version of the song is said to have featured in a book by the title, Mirth With-out Mischief, which is a children’s book written around 1870. According to historians, the song is of French origin and was first published in England as a poem, having no musical rhyme or chant. There have been so many variations in the lyrics of this carol at different times in history. There are some that mention ‘ships a-sailing’ or ‘bears a-baiting’ while others talk of the gift giver as the mother to the singer instead of the ‘true love’. In most of the early versions, ‘four colly birds’ are listed. ‘Colly birds’ here refers to blackbirds. The version that most people are familiar with today is the one composed by an English composer by the name Fredrick Austin in 1909. What the controversy behind this Christmas carol? The claim that this carol is a Christmas song has received lots of criticism. The view that this song may have been composed as a way for the Roman Catholics in England to practice their faith, has been greatly questioned and corrected. Critics of this claim point out that there were no severe persecutions at that time to warrant the use of this song as a catechism song to teach their faith secretly to their young Catholics. All in all, 12 days of Christmas is a popular Christmas tradition surrounded by a lot of mysteries and variations abound particularly in regard to the interpretation of the Christmas carol, the 12 Days of Christmas. Watch this kids animated version of The 12 Days of Christmas by Hoopla Kidz:
Did I Inherit Bad Teeth? | Genetics Or Bad Habits? Posted by: Jodie Blades Diploma Level 3 in Dental Nursing Medically reviewed by: Dr Anthony Lam BDS (Hons), MSc (Lond), MOrth RCS (Edin) Specialist Orthodontist and Clinical Lecturer at Guy's Hospital, London Over Crowed or Crooked Teeth. You’ve probably inherited this one! Your genetics tend to determine, the size and shape of your jaw bone; Which has a direct affect on how your teeth fit inside your mouth! If your parent have misaligned teeth, I’m afraid it’s likely that you will too. While this isn’t the best news; knowing that misaligned teeth runs in your family allows you to do something about it early on. Early Orthodontic Treatment enables your Orthodontist to prevent the problem. Allowing the bones and teeth to develop properly and avoiding the need for more serious Orthodontic Treatment in the future! There is some evidence to suggest that Gum Disease or Periodontal Disease can be inherited. It is thought that up to 30% of the populations may be genetically predisposed to gum disease; Due to a genetic factor where yours cells produce cytokine (interleukin-1) that causes inflammation. If you if maintain an excellent oral hygiene regime and attend regular visits to your dentist, but still suffer with gum disease, your genetics could be to blame. Book an appointment today to discuss what’s causing your gum disease. There is evidence to suggest that genetics can play a part in developing oral cancer. People who inherit certain genetic markers are thought to be higher risk of developing the disease. With that being said the main causes of oral cancer are down to lifestyle choices; Such as, the use of tobacco and alcohol. You can massively decrease your risk of getting oral cancer by quitting smoking and reducing your alcohol in take! The genes you inherit might be to blame for your tooth decay. Certain variations of the the gene Beta Defensin 1 link to higher risk of cavities in adult teeth. If you aware of a genetic link in your family you should discuss this with your dentist. They can develop a preventative treatment plan with you. While your genes can determine your risk of some dental problems; Issues such as, Gum disease and Tooth Decay are almost entirely preventable. More often than not these problems are caused by poor oral hygiene and learned bad habits. Many factors in your every day life have a serious affect your oral health; Tooth brushing mistakes, an unhealthy diet and not visiting the dentist regularly; to name a few! Maintaining a great oral hygiene regime will prevent serious dental problems! Whether your dental problems are inherited or caused by bad habits and lifestyle choices, we don’t mind! Our focus is to treat the problem and make your mouth as happy and healthy as possible! If you have any concerns regarding your oral health contact us today – No judgement, just caring and considerate treatment!
Is Baby Formula Harmful? How NEC Is Connected to Formula May 10, 2022 | Product Litigation If you’re a parent, you may be wondering if baby formula is harmful. It’s a valid question, especially since NEC—necrotizing enterocolitis, a digestive disease primarily found in premature babies—has been connected to so many cases of baby formula toxicity. This article will explain what NEC is and how it is connected to baby formula. We’ll also cover some of the dangers of using baby formula and when you should consider reaching out to an attorney. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact legal professionals at Napoli Shkolnik for more information. Is Baby Formula Harmful? The simple answer is yes, baby formula can be harmful. There are a variety of risks and side effects associated with baby formula that have been discovered in recent years. For example, numerous lawsuits have been filed after baby formula from Enfamil and Similac has been linked to NEC in preemies. What is NEC? Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC) is a potentially fatal condition that can occur when the intestines are deprived of oxygen. This can happen when there is an obstruction in the intestines, or when the blood supply to the intestines is cut off. NEC is most commonly seen in premature babies, but it can also affect full-term infants. NICU babies are at especially high risk because they are most often formula fed, as breastfeeding can be difficult when the baby must remain hooked up to medical devices. In some cases, NEC can lead to sepsis, a life-threatening infection of the blood. How is NEC Connected to Baby Formula? The exact cause of NEC isn’t well known, but the connection between NEC and baby formula comes down to the fact that premature infants who aren’t fed breast milk are more likely to develop NEC, especially those using Enfamil or Similac baby formulas. Premature babies have underdeveloped gastrointestinal tracts, so they are particularly susceptible to digestive diseases, including NEC. The first sign of NEC is when bacteria enter the walls of a newborn’s intestines, which causes them to become inflamed and perforated. This then allows other substances to leak into the abdomen or bloodstream. A diagnosis of NEC can be frightening and stressful for parents. NEC is extremely uncommon in breast-fed infants. The digestive system of a breast-fed baby is rarely affected by severe conditions like NEC. Breast milk contains chemicals that help to strengthen and heal the digestive tract, reducing the risk of bacterial infections. Baby Formula Manufacturers’ Failure to Warn Infant formula manufacturers are now facing dozens of baby formula NEC lawsuits, with plaintiffs alleging that the manufacturers failed to provide adequate warnings about the risk of NEC. The premature and low birth weight babies who were not fed human milk might have avoided NEC if the producers had been more forthcoming, because they could have been given human milk, which may have saved them from developing the condition. When Should You Reach Out to a Product Liability Attorney? If your child has been diagnosed with NEC, or any other condition, and you believe that baby formula may be to blame, you should reach out to an attorney. An experienced product liability attorney will be able to review your case and determine if you have a valid claim. At Napoli Shkolnik, our team of experienced attorneys has been handling cases involving defective products for many years. We have the knowledge and resources necessary to help you get the compensation you deserve for harm caused by products. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you. How Can We Help? Do you need assistance with a legal matter? Our attorneys have the experience needed to guide you in the right direction.
I tried to enable the SPI in ATmega328P, through arduino code. First I simply try to enable the SPI as master mode. As per the 328P datasheet when we enable the SPI as master then clock will automatically comes from D13 th pin. Is this correct ?. DDRB = 0b00101000; // Pin B5 and B3 as output; clock and MOSI SPCR = 0b11010000; // SPIE,SPE, MSTR is set as one. After uploading this into nano. I hooked the probe Chinese logic analyzer D13 th PIN and use Pulse view software for analyzing purpose. But I din't get any clock signal. Note : Capturing time is 1M Samples 1Mhz speed selected in Pulse view tool. My doubt is in port B6 and B7 is external clock. So In this case I used to enable the MOS and SCK 0b00101000 so this higher bit may disable the clock... is this correct ?. You're not sending any data, so the clock doesn't do anything. Why are you changing the registers directly? What's wrong with the SPI library that comes with Arduino? No No First of all I am Arduino lover. But I want to access the register directly. that is why. please guide me what is the next step in SPI. the above two lines is enabling the SPI ?. or any other is need ?. /* The following code examples show how to initialize the SPI as a Master and how to perform a simple transmission. DDR_SPI in the examples must be replaced by the actual Data Direction Register controlling the SPI pins. DD_MOSI, DD_MISO and DD_SCK must be replaced by the actual data direction bits for these pins. E.g. if MOSI is placed on pin PB5, replace DD_MOSI with DDB5 and DDR_SPI with DDRB. */ /* Set MOSI and SCK output, all others input */ DDR_SPI = (1 << DD_MOSI) | (1 << DD_SCK); /* Enable SPI, Master, set clock rate fck/16 */ SPCR = (1 << SPE) | (1 << MSTR) | (1 << SPR0); void SPI_MasterTransmit(char cData) /* Start transmission */ SPDR = cData; /* Wait for transmission complete */ while (!(SPSR & (1 << SPIF))) You are setting SPIE (SPI Interrupt Enable) but you are not declaring an interrupt handler for it. Are you looking for the data on the right pin? MOSI is Pin 11 on the Arduino UNO. Arduino Nano(same pin) Yes I am looking my data out through MOSI pin, How to set the interrupt handler. Ok, then Without SPIE can I transfer data ?. What is the purpose of the the SPIE.(after finishing data transfer this bit will set ? Correct ?) When configured as a Master, the SPI interface has no automatic control of the SS line. This must be handled by user software before communication can start. When this is done, writing a byte to the SPI Data Register starts the SPI clock generator, and the hardware shifts the eight bits into the Slave. After shifting one byte, the SPI clock generator stops, setting the end of Transmission Flag (SPIF). If the SPI Interrupt Enable bit (SPIE) in the SPCR Register is set, an interrupt is requested. The Master may continue to shift the next byte by writing it into SPDR, or signal the end of packet by pulling high the Slave Select, SS line. The last incoming byte will be kept in the Buffer Register for later use. When a serial transfer is complete, the SPIF Flag is set. An interrupt is generated if SPIE in SPCR is set and global interrupts are enabled. If SS is an input and is driven low when the SPI is in Master mode, this will also set the SPIF Flag. SPIF is cleared by hardware when executing the corresponding interrupt handling vector. Alternatively, the SPIF bit is cleared by first reading the SPI Status Register with SPIF set, then accessing the SPI Data Register (SPDR). You do not do anything. In fact the SPIF flag is read only so you can't do anything.
Posts for tag: Coughing Have coughing spells become a normal part of your day? Living with constant coughing can leave you feeling tired and dizzy. Determining the cause is an important step that will help your ear, nose and throat (ENT) doctor find a treatment that will stop your chronic coughing. What causes chronic coughing? Chronic coughing can be caused by a variety of factors and illnesses, including: - Illnesses and Infections: Coughing is common if you have the flu, a cold, bronchitis, pneumonia or other infections. It can continue to occur for weeks after you first become sick, even though you've begun to feel better. - Postnasal Drip: Postnasal drip occurs when mucus from your nose drips down into your throat. The mucus irritates the lining of the throat, causing you a chronic cough. - Smoking: Chronic coughing is common in smokers. It can also be a problem if you don't smoke, but are frequently exposed to cigarettes or cigar smoke. - COPD: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) causes chronic inflammation in your bronchial tubes, which triggers coughing. - Asthma: Coughing is common when your asthma isn't under control. Exposure to strong odors, chemicals, cold air or other triggers can cause coughing. - ACE Inhibitors: These drugs treat heart failure and lower blood pressure. Some people develop chronic coughs when taking them. - GERD: Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) occurs when acids from your stomach flow back into your esophagus and throat, resulting in irritation that triggers coughing. - Exposure to Pollution and Chemicals: If you live in a polluted area or work with chemicals, toxins or irritants, you may be more likely to develop a chronic cough. - Lung Cancer: Although most cases of chronic coughing aren't due to cancer, tumors can cause coughing. When should you see an ENT? If your cough doesn't get better after two or three weeks, it's a good idea to call your ear, nose and throat doctor. Other symptoms that warrant a call include: - Fever higher than 100F - Coughing up blood or yellow or green phlegm - Difficulty breathing - Night sweats - Extreme fatigue Chronic coughing can put your health at risk. If you or your family members experience frequent bouts of coughing, make an appointment with your ENT.
Tarkeshwari Prasad Sinha, fiery freedom fighter from Bihar who rose to the highest echelons of power New Delhi: On this day, 95 years ago, Bihar saw the birth of Tarkeshwari Prasad Sinha, a freedom fighter who became a fiery politician after independence, served as a council member to Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. ministersand has been a deputy four times. After former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, Sinha was considered the only notable female politician in the Indian political landscape at the time. Her public life began to take shape during the Quit India Movement of 1942, when she took an active role as a student leader at Patna Women’s College, aged 16. After Indian independence in 1947, Sinha was elected to the first Lok Sabha in 1952 from the Patna East seat, beating freedom fighter Sheel Bhadra Yajee, on a Congress ticket with a 46.90% vote to share. She was 26 years old. Sinha was re-elected to the Lower House in 1957, 1962 and 1967 in Barh constituency, winning each election by a high margin. While the critically acclaimed film by filmmaker and lyricist Gulzar, Aandhi (1975), is often considered inspired by Indira Gandhi, Sinha too was a inspiration for the protagonist of the film. Read also : Savitri stood out when film south was directed by NTR, Nageswara Rao. The movies were waiting for him Early activism and transition to politics Born to a surgeon on December 26, 1926, Sinha had a master’s degree in political science and was married to a lawyer, Nidhi Dev N. Sinha. According to a 1971 Profile which was in the New York Timesit was her father who introduced her to politics while she was still in school, making her read the German philosopher and economist Karl Marx. As a student leader, Sinha started as President of the Bihar Student Congress and even received Mahatma Gandhi at Nalanda during the Partition riots in 1947. Sinha was a prominent member of the Congress party, according to the NYT profile, which described her as a glamorous woman with a tough mind and a tongue of fire. She had soft features and a melodious voice and yet was a strong speaker, who was an integral pioneer of the student movements in Patna. However, she chose to leave politics later and focused on social work. “Parliament is a very tough builder…. You have to be able to talk constantly and learn to talk,” she said. NYT. Sinha served as the first female deputy finance minister, between 1958 and 1964, when Morarji Desai held the portfolio. According to a Inut reportSinha used to break into the offices of government officials and question them about the workings of their departments. Differences with Indira Gandhi When Congress split into 1969Sinha remained with the old guard, Morarji Desai and K. Kamraj, while Indira Gandhi formed her own party. Known for his verses-filled speeches in Urdu, Sinha was a vocal critic of Indira Gandhi. “The people’s verdict has always been responsible, even in 1977, because it helped us revitalize the party. People have never collectively been wrong,” she said. India today in 1978. The report called him Gandhi’s “alter ego”. Sinha was considered close to Morarji Desai, and even allegedly had an affair with Member of Parliament for Lok Sabha and husband of Indira Gandhi Feroze Gandhi. In 1971, Sinha suffered his first electoral defeat to Congress candidate Dharamvir Sinha, from the seat of Begusarai. She again lost in 1977 and 1978 to Begusarai and Samastipur, respectively. Soon Sinha retired from politics and established a hospital in Nalanda which offered free treatment. She died on August 14, 2007. Read also : MC Reddy directed Telangana Bustle. Indira Gandhi was smarter – she did UP Guv instead
What is the REDMAPP study? The REDMAPP research study aims to develop a decision aid to support parents when their child has relapsed or refractory neuroblastoma by gaining a greater understanding of how parents make a series of repeated treatment-related decisions. This website has been designed for parents to learn more about the REDMAPP study and how they could be involved. The study will consist of 2 phases. In phase 1, parents who are making treatment decisions when their child has relapsed or refractory neuroblastoma can take part in an interview (discussion with the researcher) about how they reached their decisions on what treatment to opt for. This information will inform phase 2 of the study. In phase 2, the decision aid will be developed and tested to see how useable it is in supporting parents who are making multiple difficult treatment decisions. *Study updated in July 2021 to include parents of children with refractory neuroblastoma* What does REDMAPP stand for? REDMAPP is an acronym for RElapse/REfractory Decision MAking Parent Process. The underlying message: RED to reflect the seriousness of neuroblastoma which has relapsed or not responded to standard treatment; MAPP to reflect mapping treatment decision-making over time. The REDMAPP acronym and study logo were developed by the Patient Public Involvement Group (see PPI page). Creating identity of the study was important to support the developments from the outset (and hopefully is easy to remember!) Why is this study needed? When a child is diagnosed with neuroblastoma, there is a treatment protocol which guides parents and healthcare professionals through what treatment to give and when. Unfortunately if the disease returns, there is no protocol to follow for relapsed neuroblastoma and limited protocols for refractory neuroblastoma. This means parents are presented with various treatment options which can be frequently revisited depending on the child’s response to treatment. As a result, parents often make a series of repeated complex decisions about treatment. There has been research looking at parent treatment decision-making when their child has cancer. This includes parents who are considering participating in a clinical trial or opting to manage symptoms without cancer-directed treatment and the discussions between parents on how decisions are reached. There is no research which has looked at how parents make repeated decisions and how those decisions may change over time as their child’s illness changes. Decision aids can be beneficial when decisions become complex with variable and uncertain outcomes such as in the case of relapsed or refractory neuroblastoma. Given this it maybe that a decision aid can support parents with their decision-making. Decision aids are used in adults cancer care. They have been evaluated and shown to improve confidence in making decisions, empower people to be involved, help facilitate discussions with healthcare professionals and reduce decisional conflict and regret. There is no decision aid which supports parents who are making a series of repeated treatment decisions. REDMAPP will be the first decision aid to support parents in doing this.
A sentence fragment is a group of words that looks like a sentence, but actually isn’t a complete sentence. Sentence fragments are usually missing a subject or verb, or they do not express a complete thought. While it may be punctuated to look like a complete sentence, a fragment cannot stand on its own. Here are the distinguishing features of a sentence fragment: - It is missing a subject - Example: Ran to the store faster than a rabbit. (Who ran?) - It is missing a verb or has the wrong verb form - Example: My favorite history teacher. (What did the teacher do or say?) - It is a leftover phrase - Example: For better or worse. (What is better or worse? What is it modifying?) - It is an abandoned clause - Example: When my mother married my father. (What happened when “my mother married my father?”) - It is a misuse of “such as, for example, especially,” etc. - Example: Such as, my brother was practicing martial arts. (It is unclear; did something happen when my brother was practicing martial arts?) Three Ways to Turn a Fragment into a Complete Sentence Attach the fragment to a nearby complete sentence - Incorrect: I forgot to eat breakfast. On the morning of my driver’s test. - Correct: I forgot to eat breakfast on the morning of my driver’s test. - Incorrect: If the front door is locked. Use the back entrance. - Correct: If the front door is locked, use the back entrance. Revise the fragment by adding whatever is missing – subject, verb, complete thought. - Incorrect: Loves to lie around in the sun all day. (A subject is missing. Who loves to lie around?) - Correct: My roommate’s pug loves to lie around in the sun all day. - Incorrect: Joe to train every day. (A verb is missing. Also, “to train” is the wrong verb form. Joe does what every day?) - Correct: Joe trains every day for the marathon next month. - Correct: Joe is training every day for the marathon next month. Rewrite the fragment or the entire passage that contains the fragment. - Incorrect: Our new landlord was expected to make changes. Such as fixing the plumbing, installing a new washer, and replacing the security gate. Has not done any of it yet and weeks have passed. - Correct: Our new landlord was expected to make changes, such as fixing the plumbing, installing a new washer, and replacing the security gate lock. Weeks have passed, and he still has not done any of it yet.
A Framework and Indicators for Monitoring Gender Equality and Health in the Americas MetadataShow full item record Other Language Versions [Executive Summary]. Member States of the Region of the Americas have committed to the Strategy for Universal Access to Health and Universal Health Coverage (CD53. R14). At the same time, health experts and policymakers in many parts of the world have begun to set new targets and benchmarks in follow-up to the Sustainable Development Goals and Targets adopted by the United Nations (UN) in September 2015. As part of these processes, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) is working with the countries of the Americas to ensure that related resolutions, strategies, and action plans are supported with appropriate frameworks and data for monitoring and evaluating gender equality in health. The purpose of this document is to propose an updated framework and set of core indicators for monitoring advances on gender equality in health in the Region, within the framework of renewed regional commitment to health... Category of PAHO Strategic Plan 2014-2019 Pan American Health Organization. A Framework and Indicators for Monitoring Gender Equality and Health in the Americas. Washington, D.C.: PAHO; 2019. Showing items related by title, author, creator and subject. Báscolo, Ernesto; Houghton, Natalia; del Riego, Amalia (2018-06)[RESUMEN]. El objetivo del trabajo es construir un marco conceptual de monitoreo sobre los avances de políticas y acciones orientadas a alcanzar la salud universal. Se revisaron modelos conceptuales y propuestas metodológicas ... Pan American Health Organization; Communicable Diseases and Environmental Determinants of Health (CDE) (Washington, D.C., PAHO, 2019-11-08)In Latin America and the Caribbean, between 50% and 65% of new HIV infections occur in key populations of the HIV epidemics and their sexual partners. Improving the availability and coverage of HIV/STI services for these ... Pan American Health Organization; Equity, Gender, and Cultural Diversity (EGC) (Washington, D.C., PAHO, 2021-08-16)The main purpose of this publication is to advocate for the need to understand the gendered nature of vulnerabilities to poor health. Gender equality in health is an integral dimension of sustainable development, and it ...
NEW HANOVER COUNTY, N.C. – In a joint collaboration, New Hanover County’s Cape Fear Museum of History and Science, Public Library and Information Technology Department have worked together to create a map and timeline documenting the events of 1898 in Wilmington. This comprehensive resource evolved out of a project to digitize three late 19th century and early 20th century city directories. These directories were transcribed, mapped and made searchable to provide a way to view the city’s population at the time. The new map and timeline allow the public to explore the context and history of the 1898 massacre and coup. The map plots the events onto the city’s streets and shows important landmarks of the time. The timeline starts with Emancipation and ends when the first Black city council member since the coup was appointed in 1972. It was written and created by Dr. Jan Davidson, historian at Cape Fear Museum. The new online tool may be accessed here: bit.ly/NHC1898MapTimeline. This digital asset was designed as part of the Museum’s continuing efforts to provide inclusive information that address African American experiences in the Lower Cape Fear. “This resource is an accessible and engaging way to explore the history of Wilmington’s white supremacist massacre and coup d’etat. We’re happy to provide it to people at this time, when the subject matter is so relevant, and people cannot visit the Museum in person or see our exhibition on the topic,” explains Dr. Davidson. She further stated, “We can all learn important lessons from the history of 1898 about the role of democracy in our society, and about the deep, longstanding, and violent effects that racism can have on a community.” In addition to the map and timeline, the New Hanover County Public Library has digitized three Wilmington City Directories that provide information about the people and businesses in the city in 1897, 1900 and 1902: bit.ly/NHCLibWilmDirect. New Hanover County’s IT Department also created a set of demographic maps that show where the African American population of Wilmington was concentrated in the late 1890s and early 1900s: bit.ly/NHCLibDemoMaps. These tools are all resources to help people better understand Black history and an important moment in the region and state’s history. About Cape Fear Museum Cape Fear Museum of History and Science, a Smithsonian Affiliate, is located at 814 Market Street in Wilmington, North Carolina. The museum is temporarily closed until further notice due to COVID-19. Upon reopening, museum hours are Tuesday-Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday 1 to 5 p.m. Standard admission prices are $8 for adults; $7 for seniors, students and military with valid ID; $5 for children 6-17; and free for children 5 and under and for museum members. New Hanover County residents’ free day is the first Sunday of each month. More information at 910-798-4370 or www.capefearmuseum.com. News Release Contact: Dr. Jan Davidson, email@example.com, 910-798-4354
Commercial drilling is a critical undertaking for many industrial projects. It is a necessity for those in businesses such as mining and geothermal power generation. They have to dig deep to explore the treasures lying deep in the earth's layers. Furthermore, commercial drilling comes in handy for socio-economic projects like large-scale water provision. The water derived from such wells is supplied to cities for residential and commercial use. Indeed, succeeding in such projects requires a thorough understanding of the technical aspects of commercial drilling. Here is the information you need to know when venturing into such a project: The Drilling Equipment The outcome of a commercial drilling project starts with having the right tools for the job. There are two popular drilling rigs you can use in this case: the cable tool and rotary rigs. The cable tool is also referred to as the percussion rig. Cable tool rigs A cable tool is not a traditional drill because it doesn't rely on power to rotate the drilling bit. The method here uses a heavy bit that rises and drops repeatedly to crush the underlying soil formation. Some of the basic components of a cable tool include a drill line, drill bit, spring, spudder and a pitman arm. The pitman and spudder arms perform the up-and-down motions that enable the driller to break large crevices, caverns and nearly any formation. The use of rotary drills is the most common method of commercial drilling. A typical rotary drill features a tall mast, carrier, water injection system, hydraulic devices and rotary tables. The rotary table applies torque to rotate drill pipe and drilling collar. Simultaneously, the drilling fluid circulates through the drill pipe and other openings, cleaning the cuttings generated by the drill bit. The Benefits of Cable Tool Rigs Cable tool rigs have distinctive benefits when it comes to drilling. First, the method does not create any plugging, which often causes mud formations when drilling. Moreover, rigs are cost-effective and relatively easy to maintain. One or two drillers are enough to carry out the job. They are also easy to set up and transport to and from the site. The Benefits of Rotary Drills Rotary drills also have some outstanding features. The most notable one is the option for reverse circulation where the drilling fluid moves through a part called the annulus. Your drillers can regulate the speed of this fluid and keep the equipment from eroding the walls when drilling. This means that rotary drills do a neater and more environmentally friendly job.
Herpes zoster or shingles is a localised, painful rash caused by reactivation of the varicella zoster virus (VZV) which also causes chickenpox. You can only develop shingles if you have already had chickenpox. Shingles occurs in 10 to 20% of individuals, usually many years after the initial chickenpox illness and is more common in people who are over 50 years of age or who have poor immune systems. How it is spread Shingles is not spread from person to person. However, the blister fluid from the shingles rash is infectious and contact with the blister fluid can cause chickenpox in a person who has not previously had chickenpox. Shingles is less contagious than chickenpox and the risk of a person with shingles spreading the virus is low if the rash is covered. Shingles usually presents as a blistering (vesicular) rash which is often painful and lasts for up to 2 weeks. The rash occurs in skin supplied by the affected nerve, is usually on 1 side of the body and is often on the trunk or neck and sometimes affects the eyes. Often in the 48 to 72 hours before the rash appears people complain of itching or tingling or severe pain in the area of the affected nerve. Headache, lethargy and photophobia (intolerance of light) may also occur. How serious is shingles The most common complication of shingles is chronic nerve pain (post-herpetic neuralgia or PHN) that may last for several months to several years in the affected area. This occurs in 25 to 50% of shingles cases and is more common in people over 50 years of age. The pain is often difficult to control. Other complications include: - secondary bacterial skin infection - nerve complications such as nerve palsies - eye damage where the ophthalmic nerve has been affected. People who are immune-compromised are more likely to develop shingles and may develop more widespread lesions. Infection from blister fluid is possible until the lesions are dry and crusted over (5 to 7 days from the when the rash appears). Anti-viral treatment can be used for shingles to reduce the severity and duration of pain and promote early healing. Anti-viral treatment is most effective if started within 3 days of the onset of rash. Discuss the use of antiviral treatment and pain management with your doctor as required. There is now a vaccine available that can reduce the risk of developing shingles and the long-term pain from PHN. The shingles vaccine is a live attenuated vaccine, which is free as a single dose for all persons 70 to 79 years of age. The vaccine is also recommended, but not funded, for people aged 60 to 69 years and people 80 years over. Please discuss the vaccination with your immunisation provider. The vaccine can also be given to persons 50 to 59 years of age however it is not known how long the protection will last and if a booster dose will be required. The vaccine is not registered for use in persons under 50 years of age. The vaccine should not be given to persons who are severely immunocompromised or those who have previously received a chickenpox vaccine. It is not necessary to have a blood test to check for previous chickenpox disease and the vaccine can be given on the same day as other vaccines. People who wish to be vaccinated should talk to their doctor for a prescription; the vaccine will need to be purchased privately. Side effects of the vaccine Mild reactions at the injection site, such as pain, swelling and redness, are likely to occur in approximately 50% of vaccine recipients. Other side-effects that may occur include headache and fatigue. People who are vaccinated and develop shingles should still present to their health practitioner for diagnosis and timely prescription of treatment, such as antiviral medication, which is best commenced within 3 days of rash onset. For more information contact the Centre for Disease Control in your region. Last updated: 12 May 2016 Share this page:URL copied!
Teachers of a foreign language know that they not only teach another language, they 'mess' with the perception of their students. Probably some students experience difficulties with learning a language only because their perception is fixed and resists that intrusion. English tenses are certainly one of vivid examples how our perception of the reality is constructed by the language. Just like many other nations, English speaking people discern three types of time: the past, present and future. But that's not enough for them. They really want to feel more control in order to manage everyday life and have the instruments to change it. How do these changes happen? - Through communication with one another. This is where language is a primary tool. The abundance of English tenses scares a lot of learners of English language. Why do they need so many? - That's the first question you have to deal with if you are an English teacher. Well, tenses appear to be English speakers' answer how to deal with the constantly changing universe. We're such creatures that need a reference point to express the changes we experience. So we come up with meters and kilograms, miles and pounds, centigrades and Fahrenheit, etc. to ground our fleeting feelings in order to communicate to one another. If we are talking about the language, then the Simple tense seems like this reference point. It plays the role of the omnipresent God in the universe of our feelings and emotions. It sets the background against which we can describe particular moments in our lives: "Usually I play pool with my friends (Present Simple tense) in a bar, but today I've broken (Present Perfect Simple) my cue, and I'm going (Present Continuous) to replace it." Continuous tenses are probably the closest we can approach the shadow that is cast by the reality. It's fleeting and temporary. This is the frame of mind that most of us (if you are not a Sufi) particularly love or hate depending on the quality of a current moment. Continuous tense is carefree, irresponsible. But you may pretend and try to tame it. And say proudly: "I'm going to replace my cue!" We're trying our best to influence this reality and not ignore Bulgakov's words in "Master and Margarita": “Yes, man is mortal, but that would be only half the trouble. The worst of it is that he's sometimes unexpectedly mortal—there's the trick!” What is most precious about Continuous is that although it seems futile to pessimists, it's a really powerful tool in the hands of optimists. Sometimes they really fulfill their intentions. Probably they've never heard about Bulgakov or they have read too much of Terry Pratchett :). Perfect tenses are about framing. Depending on your imagination, it can be a photographer or a judge. It's something that you barely feel in Russian. For example, Present Perfect tense says to you that your time is not over yet. You've done something, probably got too excited and you've broken your cue. You still have to face the reality of a broken cue. You may almost feel our perception as a kaleidoscope. There is a set number of colorful glass pieces. When you look around through the kaleidoscope, these pieces create multiple combinations. The combinations are always different, but colors stay the same. Just like in life. The circumstances are new each time, but our emotions and thoughts about them stay more or less the same. So, try to learn another language to add more colors and emotions to your perception of life!
AMES, IA - Many farmers and agronomists are noticing short soybeans this spring. Some are pondering if there is something that can be done to spur some additional growth as flowering is fast approaching, if not already begun. The surprise with short soybeans is that planting was timely. The unfortunate situation after planting was the onset of cool, wet, cloudy conditions. These weather conditions during early seedling growth have resulted in shorter stem elongation between developing nodes as well as less elongation of the petioles. Mark Licht is an Extension cropping systems specialist at Iowa State University. He says there are a couple concerns that short soybeans could lead to reduced soybean yields and pods set closer to the ground. These concerns are valid if rows do not close canopy within the next two to three weeks. While a yield loss is not guaranteed when canopy closure does not happen, it can be expected because full radiation interception is not occurring as reproductive development commences. Soybean height does not mean a yield loss is to be expected. Soybeans can easily compensate for stressful environments by adjusting pod set and seed fill with ideal conditions in August. Side note: Soybean grown in Iowa and the rest of the Midwest are indeterminate varieties. This means that soybean vegetative growth (aka new leaves and nodes) will continue after reproductive growth has begun (aka flowering and pod set). It is common for soybeans to continue leaf initiation past the R5 growth stage (beginning seed fill), and these new stem nodes will flower and set pods that produce seeds. What can be done? Nothing. Some farmers and agronomists are wondering about the use of foliar fertilizers to spur additional growth. Foliar fertilizers will not increase the growth rate, especially if soil test levels are adequate. Additional nitrogen may make for greener soybean leaves; however, this could also increase elongation of upper nodes and increase the likelihood of late-season lodging. Warmer, sunnier weather is the best remedy to increase soybean growth rate and reach canopy closure more quickly. Plan ahead with these harvest considerations for shorter soybeans that may set pods closer to the ground (Staton, 2019). - Adjust the skid shoes and header angle to lower the header to pick up pods on the lower nodes. Pay particular attention to minimize picking up large root balls and rocks. Empty the rock trap and grease the combine more frequently to ensure proper functioning. Check guards and knife sections frequently and replace as needed. - Adjust the reel speed and position to reduce gathering losses. This means lowering the reel to pull short soybeans away from the cutter bar. Adjust the reel speed to slightly faster than the ground speed. For draper heads, the belt speed should be fast enough to pull plants away from the cutter bar. - Early morning and evening harvesting will reduce the amount of pod shattering that occurs due to ‘damp’ pod occurrence.
The basic role of a dental nurse is to provide chairside support to the dental practitioner and support the patient throughout dental treatment. A typical day for a dental nurse may begin with checking the day list and preparing the surgery for the first treatment. The dental nurse is required to set out all equipment, instruments and materials for the treatment and remain close by throughout. During the treatment, the dental nurse assists the dentist by passing instruments, mixing materials, monitoring and reassuring the patient. On completion of each procedure, all used equipment must be safely cleared away and disinfected or sterilized as appropriate. One of the main responsibilities of the dental nurse is to ensure that good cross infection control is maintained at all times and that all patients are treated in a safe and welcoming environment. Most dental practices have a wide variety of treatments booked for the day and as a dental nurse you will quickly learn to assist with procedures ranging from various types of fillings to extractions and crown preparations. Have you got what it takes? No formal qualifications are required to be able to start working as a trainee dental nurse, however candidates must enrol on to a dental nursing course and must have sound knowledge and understanding of the English language. One of the most important qualities of a dental nurse is the ability to relate to people, no matter what their background. You will be required to deal with people from all walks of life, including those with special needs, children and elderly and those with limited language skills. As a dental nurse you must be able to remain calm under pressure as dental environments can get very busy, yet patients must be dealt with in a calm and reassuring manner. You must be able to empathize with patients and put their interests first. A flexible approach to work is always a plus, even more so in the dental environment, as unexpected things can happen, and do happen. Although medical emergencies are rare, patients need to be seen for emergency appointments booked at short notice at times and sometimes treatments do not go as planned. Good manual dexterity and good eye sight are musts for a dental nurse as you will be required to handle small items, for example implant equipment and be able to mix materials precisely. You should be organized and take pride in your environment. Dental practices must adhere to strict national guidelines and legislations, a primary aspect of these is to ensure that your surgery is clean and tidy at all times and that instruments and equipment are organized, easily retrievable and well-maintained. Upon qualification, dental nurses must register with the General Dental Council, the profession’s regulatory body. It is a criminal offence to practice as a dental professional in the UK without GDC registration. When it comes to career progression in the dental world, the sky really is the limit. You will start out as a dental trainee but with hard work and studying you can gain your basic dental nursing qualification in just 12 months. Once a registered dental nurse, the number of post-qualification courses to choose from is vast – from radiography to impression taking, orthodontic nursing to oral health education, dental sedation nursing to implant nursing, the choice is yours! If you love being in surgery and you are not afraid of studying full time, becoming a dental hygienist or therapist will not only give your résumé a boost, but you will also enjoy a very competitive salary and the option to work part time. Many dental nurses decide to progress into the administrational side of dentistry. They often start by helping out with reception duties and climb the career ladder by becoming administrators, assistant managers and practice managers. Tutoring and dental assessing is another great way to utilize your dental knowledge and get your teeth into something very different.
Many coaches are looking to improve the athleticism of their players as the modern game of soccer becomes increasingly faster, athletic, and competitive at younger and younger ages. Coaches struggle with the limited amount of time they have to work with a team and often do not include proven injury prevention, speed, agility and quickness exercises into practice. If they do, an agility ladder, flags and hurdles are commonly used as tools to develop these desired characteristics. More advanced coaches may make the agility exercise more “sport specific” by having a player negotiate an agility ladder, receive a pass, negotiate some hurdles, do a header, then weave through some flags and shoot a ball on goal. While this type of training is not harmful, it is not also that useful. And if a coach has a finite amount of time with his players, then game situations or the ball needs to be better connected to each activity. The game of soccer is constantly flowing, changing and evolving. Unlike many other sports, there are not times to set and reset formations, run plays or predictable routes. So why would we expect to develop “agility” or “speed” through a predictable means when the application of that agility needs to be 100 percent reactive? A great example is this: A defender is faced with an oncoming forward who has the ball and is looking to score. The defender will have to demonstrate “quickness” and “agility” in his movements in order to win the ball from the forward. The defender’s brain needs to process many pieces of information very quickly; what part of the field are we on, is the forward faster than me, have I been beaten before by this forward – if so with what moves, does the forward have supporting players, do I have supporting cover, is the forward right- or left-footed, etc. Upon processing all this information in fractions of a second, the defender has to choose how to move or react, select the distance to keep in front of the forward, when to try to win the ball and where to direct the forward if possible. In this process the defenders feet are constantly moving, body position gets twisted, movement decisions are made and quickly changed all while keeping an eye on the ball. The natural footwork pattern exhibited here is sporadic, changing, dependent on many other variables, and unpredictable. An agility ladder trains none of these attributes, yet is the number one tool coaches and fitness professionals use to train agility. Real agility involves reaction, using the brain to process many changing pieces of information, sporadic and varied movements, and game intelligence. We can train these characteristics in the form of a number of activities and small sided games that all involve the ball, teammates, thinking, field parameters, problem solving and are also much more fun for players. Real agility is also integrated into many other aspects of the game and should not be treated as an isolated component. Agility development needs to be incorporated into technical skills, tactical understanding, psychologic loads and within the context of the whole game. As Bob Gansler says, “Anything you do for its own sake is not very good.” Agility for agility’s sake is not very good. These exercises are much better when soccer coaches or strength coaches think in soccer terms to train their players. To paraphrase renowned conditioning expert Raymond Verheijen, thinking in fitness terms lends itself to fitness tools and ultimately isolated training methods with a reduced connection to the real game. In order for the strength and conditioning field to better contribute to the development of youth soccer players and in order for coaches to improve their time spent training players, the context of this training needs to be the game of soccer. And if we start there, we’ll see better neuromuscular activation, improved movement pattern execution, and improved neuromotor-cognitive processing … meaning improved ability to complete soccer skills, defend well, score goals, pass accurately and fewer injuries.
William the Good (French: Guillaume le Bon) was the count of Bordeaux in the final decades of the 10th century. The last recorded count of Bordeaux before him was Amalvinus, who flourished in the first decade of the century. Little is known of his rule, which may have been occupied by defence against Viking raids. On his death the County of Bordeaux passed to Duke William Sánchez of Gascony. An early 11th-century notice attributed to Hugh, bishop of Agen, in the History of the Abbey of Condom (Latin Historia abbatiae Condomensis) says that at the time when William the Good was captured, probably by Vikings, Hugh's uncle, Duke William of Gascony, made a donation to the Abbey of Condom, which Hugh had founded. There were conflicting traditions in the 12th century over whether the Abbey of Sainte-Croix in Bordeaux, which had been destroyed by Vikings, was restored by William the Good before 977 or by Duke William V of Aquitaine in 1027. Since William V certainly had non influence in Bordeaux in 1027, it seems likely that the two Williams were confused and that the actual founder was the obscure Count of Bordeaux. This is supported by a papal bull issued by Urban II on 27 April 1099, which states that "William of good memory, the count of Bordeaux, by his right granted" the abbey an endowment and the right to rebuild. According to documents from Sainte-Croix, William's father was Raymond and his mother was Entregodis (Andregoto), probably the daughter of that name of Duke García II Sánchez of Gascony. The name Raymond may indicate a family connection to the Counts of Toulouse. If this genealogy is correct, William was the first cousin of William Sánchez, and the latter was his heir. William was succeeded as count sometime between 977 and 988. - Charles Higounet, Bordeaux pendant le Haut Moyen Âge (Bordeaux: 1963), pp. 45–47. - Frédéric Boutoulle, "Par peur des Normands : Les Vikings à Bordeaux et la mémoire de leurs incursions. État des sources", Revue archéologique de Bordeaux (2008), pp. 25–38, at p. 30. - Higounet, Bordeaux, p. 125: bone memorie Guillelmus Burdegalensium comes de jure suo concessit.
A superhuman development has been made at Northwestern University – the ability not only to print porous and flexible bone structures, but also a mix of composite materials that doesn’t get rejected when implanted in a living organism. How have they managed it? you ask. Well the bone in constructed from 90%(wt %) hydroxyapatite, a mineral form of calcium that natural occurs within the body, and 10% polycaprolactone or poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid), a biodegradable polyester. This composite material is then printed in a crosshatch type arrangement, allowing porous pockets within the structure. The plastic component and porous pockets are what gives the bones their ‘hyerelasticity’, seeing an end product capable of withstanding a press to less than 50% of its original form. What’s more, is that the sample structures were created at a remarkably quick pace, with the print reaching a maximum output of 275 cm3/hour. See a video of the print in action at 4x the speed below. The HB structures have been tested in vivo as part of a rat’s spine, with a bone graft being made in just four weeks – opposed to the eight to twelve weeks usually taken for a typical bone to graft. ‘HB (the composite hyperelastic bone material) did not elicit a negative immune response, became vascularized, quickly integrated with surrounding tissues, and rapidly ossified and supported new bone growth without the need for added biological factors.’ – From the Abstract of Hyperelastic “bone”: A highly versatile, growth factor–free, osteoregenerative, scalable, and surgically friendly biomaterial published in the journal Science Translational Medicine. What is especially exciting about this project is that it appears to be just one more discovery adding to a string of investigations being made by the University. One of the key contributors to the project, Ramille Shah, has been stretching the possibilities of 3D printing ink for some time now, having used a graphene to print neurons in 2015. In our article on the graphene ink in May 2015, Shah is quoted as saying, “There are many different tissue types, so we need many types of inks. We’ve expanded that biomaterial tool box to be able to optimize more mimetic engineered tissue constructs using 3-D printing.” More recently, a team of NU researchers also successfully printed a functional ovary.
COFFEEVILLE – Thirty Yalobusha Historical Society (YHS) members listened on February 21, as Judy Brasher, a retired nurse and anesthetist and grandmother of four, including a nine year-old boy with autism, presented the February program. Her topic was autism. She began by sharing her grandson’s story of being a normally developing toddler who was meeting or exceeding milestones until he received nine vaccines in one day. In the three months following the vaccines, he quit talking, quit making eye contact and lost all social skills. Five months later, at the age of 17 months, he received a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Mrs. Brasher stressed that she was not against vaccines but pro-safe vaccines. She shared that physicians who specialize in treating autism as a medical condition as well as a neurological condition believe that 49 doses of recommended vaccines from birth to kindergarten is more than some children’s immune system can handle, thus resulting in ASD. Some of the points highlighted during the meeting by Brasher included: • Autism is epidemic. 1 in 88 U.S. children are affected by autism. • Autism affects more boys than girls. 1 in 54 U.S. boys are affected. • Autism is defined by mainstream medicine as a developmental disorder with speech and social impairments accompanied by repetitive behaviors. • Many physicians who primarily treat children with ASD and many of the autism families believe that ASDs are more of a medical disorder with neurological manifestations than is currently recognized. • Autism is treatable. Some children are recovering to the point of losing their diagnosis. However, many do not respond as well and remain non-verbal or low-verbal or low-verbal with notable deficits. • Despite being the most vaccinated generation of children in the world for the first time this generation of children is not expected to be as healthy as their parents’ generation. Fifty-four percent of American children suffer with a chronic illness. Asthma, severe allergies, juvenile diabetes, juvenile arthritis, obesity, and celiac disease are all on the rise in children as well as autism. • One in six children now have a learning disorder. Most parents want to vaccinate their children. Many of them would like to follow a slower less aggressive schedule. This is not possible in Mississippi if the child has to attend daycare or school. Forty-eight states give parents the options of a non-medical waiver which allows them to opt out of some of the vaccines or to use an alternate schedule. Mississippi and West Virginia are the only two states that deny parents this right. There is an active movement going on in Mississippi for the legislature to change the vaccine law and become the 49th state to place healthcare decisions in the hands of parents and/or guardians. Please come and visit us again, Judy. Other notes of interest: • Mike Worsham called the meeting to order. • Officers will be elected in the March 21 meeting. • Pat Brooks gave the monthly financial report. • The YHS will raffle a $100 Wal-Mart Gift card at the Crappie Festival in Water Valley in May. • It was announced that memorial bricks are being sold for $38 by the Coffeeville Masonic Lodge. • Julia Fernandez announced that the March 21 speaker will be Dr. John Evans, retired orthopedic surgeon of the Summer Web area. His topic will be coronary artery disease. Vaccines Likely Culprit In Autism Diagnosis
Spare a thought for mother pigs on factory farms this Mother’s Day With most mother pigs suffering in cruel confinement; a report shows the similarities between post-birth disorders in human mums and mother pigs. As Mother’s Day approaches in many parts of the world, World Animal Protection is urging consumers to take action for mother pigs suffering on factory farms. Three out of four of the world’s mother pigs spend much of their lives confined in steel cages no bigger than an average fridge. In these conditions they are unable to turn around, forage, explore, move comfortably, or socialise with other pigs. A recent article brings together the science that shows how mother pigs on factory farms can experience the same risks linked to post-birth disorders in human mothers. Following the launch of the Raise Pigs Right campaign, World Animal Protection is asking consumers to join its call to leading supermarkets to commit to improving conditions for mother pigs - by ending the use of cruel cages and enriching the environment pigs live in, in their supply chains. Research shows that these changes can substantially improve the welfare of pigs in factory farming. Among the most intensively farmed animals on the planet, pigs are highly intelligent and sociable. Naturally pigs prefer to live in social groups of two to six adult, often related, females, alongside their piglets and other young offspring. Pigs learn social skills, including mothering ability, from living in these matriarchal groups. But the reality on factory farms is starkly different. Mother pigs are socially isolated in cages for pregnancy, giving birth, and nursing their piglets. They are prevented from learning from experienced mother pigs, and have no joy in their lives. Further research reveals restricting the movement of mother pigs, by confining them to cages for pregnancy, giving birth and nursing, could be a risk factor for post-birth disorders. Before giving birth, mother pigs have strong instincts to build nests for their piglets. But mother pigs kept in cages are deprived of nesting materials and denied these natural instincts. These mother pigs are found to have higher stress hormones than those given the space and materials to nest. World Animal Protection is urging producers to provide pens, not cages, for mother pigs to give birth, along with nesting materials, which can reduce stress, allowing mother pigs to nest build, and reach and bond with their piglets. Dr. Sarah Ison, Global Farm Animal Advisor at World Animal Protection, says: “Seeing mother pigs in barren cages, attempting to build nests while surrounded by metal with no nesting material, is painful to watch. They have such intent in their eyes to prepare for birth, and their frustration and distress is plain to see. They get cuts and grazes on their faces attempting to nose and root through the steel bars. This is no way to begin their birthing process” Just like in humans, mother pig hormone levels change dramatically around the time of giving birth. A sudden reduction in pregnancy hormones can induce symptoms of depression in human mothers, which could also happen in mother pigs. These disorders can be amplified for pigs with the stress of confinement of cages, the pain of birth, lack of previous exposure to piglets, and lack of social support from other pigs. Human mums can suffer post-birth disorders if their baby is taken away too early, and mother pigs can also experience distress when their piglets are taken from them. In nature mother pigs wean their piglets between 10 and 17 weeks old. On factory farms, piglets are removed from their mothers as young as three weeks old. This separation is highly distressing for both mother pig and piglets, and they can be heard crying out for each other. Increasing the weaning age of piglets can help reduce stress. Mother pigs on factory farms are also bred to produce excessive litter sizes, often having more piglets than they can feed. This result in some piglets not surviving. Allowing mother pigs to give birth to natural litter sizes will improve the lives of both mother pig and piglets. This Mother’s Day, mother pigs deserve better. Consumers can help drive change by telling supermarkets they must source pork from producers that have committed to get pigs out of cages and into social groups, with enrichment, so pigs are raised right. Daigle, Courtney. “Parallels Between Postpartum Disorders in Humans and Preweaning Piglet Mortality in Sows.” Animals, 8(2), 22 , 2017: http://www.mdpi.com/2076-2615/8/2/22
1 September 2021 The newest species to join our menagerie of forest species at Maungatautari is the mighty but tiny North Island titipounamu (rifleman) Acanthisitta chloris. Eighty of these insectivorous birds were released in May and June of 2021. Since their release staff, volunteers and visitors have reported seeing and hearing them throughout the Te Tui a Tane Southern Enclosure and OTM track near where they were released and even further afield. The release was only the fifth translocation of titipounamu and one of the most successful transfers, with 100% survival to the time of release. Whilst this is a fantastic result, the translocation is not considered a true success until we know that enough birds have survived and reproduced. The translocation process is extremely stressful for birds and especially for small birds with such high metabolic rates. The stress occurs during initial capture and processing, but also the transport, release, and having to establish new territories in their new home. The first translocation of (South Island) titipounamu to Ulva Island in 2003 resulted in a 52% survival rate to release, but with an excellent survival post release (Leech et al., 2007). The authors gave several recommendations for subsequent transfers including reduced holding times, giving birds time to feed naturally outside of the transfer timing and individual holding boxes for each bird. A research report by Withers et al (2019) showed that despite a much-improved success rate for translocation to Cape Sanctuary (Hawke’s Bay) with 92% surviving to release. However, they had a poorer post release survival with only 22% remaining in the reserve by the next breeding season - which may have been due to dispersal or death. This is a concern in that small surviving populations may not be genetically diverse and require further top-up translocations. For this reason, we are keeping a close eye on our new residents and hoping that the diverse, mature forest and limited dispersal routes for titipounamu at Maungatautari will give the birds a chance to establish successfully. As part of our monitoring we will be conducting pre- and post-breeding surveys and we are currently negotiating for a summer research intern to conduct more detailed work into their survival, dispersal and breeding. The pre-breeding survey was delayed due to Covid19 restrictions but is about to start imminently. We look forward to sharing the results in due course and have our fingers crossed that the titipounamu are thriving in their new home.
Koeberg Nuclear Power Station Melkbosstrand Koeberg Nuclear Power Station Koeberg Nuclear Power Station is situated on the West Coast of the Western Cape, South Africa some 30 kilometres north of Cape Town. It is the only nuclear power station situated this far south in the world. Koeberg Power Station with its two towers Traditionally electricity has been produced from coal or oil fired turbines here in South Africa . Coal fired power stations are known for their pollution of the atmosphere so it was decided by the authorities to go the nuclear route and gradually phase out the old type of power station. Prior to 1976 South Africa only had coal fired stations which were powered by coal mined in Natal and the Transvaal or Gauteng as it is known today. In Cape Town we had three power stations before Koeberg. One was in the city centre at the bottom of Long Street and occupied a large site of prime land. The other was on the coast close to the old Woodstock beach in an area now called Paarden Eiland. A third power station was situated near Langa Township and has two large cooling towers which can be seen from miles around. It is however no longer active. The two Cape Town power stations, other than producing electricity also provided the surfers of Cape Town with an indication of which direction the wind was blowing when smoke from the tall stacks was blown inland or out to sea depending on the wind of the day. By reading the wind the surfers knew what type of surf would be available at their favourite surfing spots. Since Koeberg came online in 1984 both the city power stations have been scrapped and the buildings demolished. Hotels built on old power station site can be seen from the centre to the right of the photo The site at the bottom of Long street now has a number of upmarket hotels built on it while the site near Paarden Eiland stands vacant. Koeberg Power station has taken over the role of electricity supplier to the Western Cape. This power station produces enough electricity to power most of the Western Cape's electricity needs and in fact produces 6.5 per cent of South Africa's power. Since its inception it has been an extremely reliable power station and has a good safety record as well. However, over the past number of years a number of issues have arisen which puts a large question mark over the nuclear reactor. According to geologists the Duynefontein area is stable so there should not be a problem if there were to be an earthquake. No mention is made of the Milnerton fault which is situated just 8 kilometres off the Koeberg Power Station and has been the cause of a number of light earthquakes over the years. A second problem is the fact that all radioactive waste is kept onsite and there must be a mighty big pile of it that has built up since 1984. What would happen if the Milnerton fault were to cause a tsunami and the vaults where this waste is kept were to be flooded. Would Koeberg and its surrounding areas still be safe ? Even more scary is the fact that the authorities are looking to build a number of pebble bed reactors on adjacent sites knowing of the Milnerton fault and the problems it could cause should it move. Should a major problem with the Koeberg nuclear power station occur the Western Cape would become uninhabitable and be lost to the world as a tourist attraction. Any emissions of radioactivity would kill off the Western Cape's farming industry as well as pose a threat to the more than four million people living in the greater Cape Town area. We've just seen what nature can do in New Orleans in a few short days. Just imagine what would happen should a large earthquake or tsunami hit Koeberg which is situated on the coastline just 8 kilometres from a known fault. Cape Town, situated on the southern tip of Africa, has an alternative which should be investigated. Each year starting at the beginning of spring the prevailing south east winds start to blow and if this wind could be harnessed enough electricity could be generated throughout the year to take Koeberg Nuclear Power station out the equation. That would make Cape Town a much safer place to live in and would keep the city on the tourism map for future generations. © 2020 Turtle SA - All Rights Reserved Koeberg Nuclear Power Station
Scrapping Plastic Bags A regional co-operative, which is removing all single-use carrier bags and plastic bags for life from sale, is urging shoppers to switch to reusable bags to help tackle climate change. Southern Co-op, which has just over 200 convenience stores across the south of England§, is hoping to deter customers from treating bags for life as if they were single-use. One alternative will be compostable carrier bags available for 10p which are a more environmentally responsible choice and have a secondary use as a food waste caddy liner in the home. The bags are certified compostable and can be collected as part of Local Authority household food waste collections or are suitable for use in home compost bins. The Next Step Gemma Lacey, Director for Sustainability and Communications at Southern Co-op, said: “For years we have been asking our customers and members to bring bags with them so this is naturally the next step – removing the option of buying single use plastic bags or using a plastic bag for life as the next cheapest alternative. We have a duty to act against climate change and to give our customers a way to be more environmentally responsible. However, as our stores are based on convenience, we understand that people might not be carrying a bag with them, so the compostable bag is a more responsible alternative to plastic.” Plastic bags for life are being replaced by durable fold away bags and large shoppers with a current price of £1 to encourage customers to reuse them instead of treating them as single-use. The switch has already taken place in many stores with other changeovers taking place over the next month or so as stores work through the remaining stock of existing bags. It is hoped that the change to compostable bags will tie in with work being carried out by Defra (Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs) to enable local authorities in England to prepare to introduce separate food waste collections for all households (https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/progress-report-on-recycling-and-recovery-targets-for-england-2020/progress-report-on-recycling-and-recovery-targets-for-england-2020). The independent co-operative is also working towards its ambitious science based targets to cut direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions from its business by 2030, supported by a climate action pathway of planned activity and an initial investment of £5.8m. To view Southern Co-op’s long term strategy including its commitment to climate change and responsible business, visit www.thesouthernco-operative.co.uk/our-plan/. § To find your nearest Southern Co-op store, visit https://stores.thesouthernco-operative.co.uk/search.html
Constipation is common in children and can present at three important stages of childhood, in infants at weaning, in toddlers acquiring toilet skills and at school age. Definition of constipation in children The diagnostic criteria are different to those of adults. There have been various attempts to define chronic constipation in children and the most commonly adopted is the Rome III criteria (see opposite)4,5 - The most common cause for constipation in children is functional (90-95%) - Most children with constipation are developmentally normal - Performing a thorough history and examination is sufficient to diagnose functional constipation in Many conditions may pre-dispose children to constipation including ADHD, autism, coeliac disease, cystic fibrosis, dehydration, metabolic conditions, psychological conditions and dietary factors. Investigation of constipation in children Careful questioning about the frequency of stooling is important, as well as the shape and consistency of the stool. Infants under six months often strain or become distressed when stooling (dyschezia), which in a healthy infant can be considered normal, and should not be mistaken for constipation. Some older children may also withhold defaecation, which causes the stool to become hard and defaecation painful. This compounds the problem and the constipation may reach a stage where there is overflow incontinence. - Growth parameters should be checked to ensure there is normal growth - Abdominal examination should check for distension and palpable stool particularly in the left lower quadrant and lower - The perianal area should be checked for sensation, anal fissures and the position of the anus - Rectal examination is controversial. It will confirm constipation if the rectal vault is full of firm stool and it does allow assessment of anal tone, however it is invasive - Occasionally an abdominal x-ray is useful to confirm significant faecal retention - Rectal biopsy and rectal (balloon) manometry are the only tests that can reliably exclude Hirschsprung's disease The data for effectiveness of the various treatments (fibre, biofeedback, behavioural modification, laxatives) for constipation in children is not robust. Initially dietary measures may be tried if constipation is not too severe or longstanding. Increasing fruit and vegetable consumption as well as drinking plenty of fluids may be useful. Regular toileting after dinner, by sitting on the toilet for five minutes, may establish a habit and provide the opportunity for daily bowel evacuation, taking advantage of the If general measures are not helpful, laxatives will be required and treatment may be necessary for several months or years depending on the severity and duration of symptoms.7 Once regular bowel function has been restored, laxatives can be gradually withdrawn but relapse may occur. It is therefore important to inform parents of this and explain that progress can be slow. For significant faecal impaction, the use of a short course of glycerine suppositories for infants and enemas for children (e.g. microlax) may help to dislodge the stool, allowing laxatives to work more effectively and faster. Lactulose is commonly used in children and the dose can be split into two divided doses if there is an increase in bloating Suggested initial doses of lactulose in children (adjust according to response):7 |1 month-1 year 10 years and above |2.5 mL twice daily 5 mL twice daily 10 mL twice daily 15 mL twice daily If osmotic laxatives or softeners fail to resolve the constipation, the addition or substitution of a stimulant laxative (senna or bisacodyl) may be required, but their chronic use is controversial and they are best prescribed on the advice of a paediatrician. Prolonged use of stimulant laxatives can give rise to atonic colon and hypokalaemia and consequently it has been suggested that they are used intermittently to avoid impaction.7 Macrogols (e.g. Movicol) are effective both for faecal disimpaction and also as maintenance therapy for constipation that is difficult to manage. Referral to a paediatrician should be considered when treatment fails, when there is concern that there is organic disease or if management is complex. "It is important that constipation and faecal retention are recognised early as treatment may be less prolonged. When a child reaches the stage of soiling, treatment is likely to be much more prolonged, than parents expect. Slowly down titrating the lactulose dose is important as relapse is not uncommon."
Over the past year, our attention has been focused on the pandemic which has caused so much havoc, disruption, anxiety and grief around the world. In December we saw a glimmer of light with the interim approval by Health Canada of a COVID-19 vaccine made by the German company BioNTech and its U.S. partner Pfizer Inc. Here is a summary of what we know about this vaccine. Is the vaccine safe? Some people have voiced concerns about its safety, citing its rapid development within one year. Previous vaccines have taken many years to develop before approval for widespread use. One of the reasons why the Pfizer clinical trials and regulatory approvals happened so quickly without sacrificing safety is because many of the stages of testing that usually occur one after the other were conducted at the same time. In addition, the companies that were working on this had a head start due to new technologies that were already in development long before COVID-19. Its successful development was really about the power of the entire pharmaceutical industry working together on a single problem. The clinical testing for this vaccine involved over 43,000 people from the U.S., Germany, Turkey, South Africa, Brazil, and Argentina and included people who were Black, Hispanic and Asian. People with underlying conditions that are often associated with a higher risk of getting seriously ill from COVID-19 were included in the study. The results of the trials indicated that the vaccine will also benefit the elderly. Have there been serious adverse effects? Serious adverse events (unexpected and undesirable harmful effects) during the trial were low. In the U.K. two people experienced serious side effects after receiving the vaccine and the reasons for this are under investigation. It is thought that one person had a history of severe allergies. Both people have fully recovered. Are there side effects from receiving the vaccine? Mild to moderate reactions occur frequently. These may include injection site redness, pain and swelling, fatigue, headache, chills, joint pain and fever. These reactions are similar to what some people experience after receiving the flu shot. They are expected because this vaccine (like the flu shot) is supposed to trigger the body’s immune system. How quickly does the vaccine work? The Pfizer and recently approved Moderna vaccines require two doses. There is some protection after the first week of receiving the vaccine with much stronger protection after the second dose 21 days later. It is expected that other vaccines will become available that require only one dose. Who is eligible to receive the Covid-19 vaccine? Everyone who is 16 years old and older is eligible. People who have underlying medical conditions are also eligible. People who are immunocompromised or who have a history of allergies, as well as women who are pregnant, should consult their health care provider before getting the vaccine. Pregnant women and children under 12 were excluded from the clinical trials. Who will receive the vaccine first in Ontario? Since the vaccines need to be stored in ultra-cold refrigerators and have a short life span outside of refrigeration there are a lot of logistical challenges to getting the vaccine into people quickly. In addition, there simply is not enough vaccine available all at once to immunize everyone at the same time. There will be enough vaccines over time, but Public Health Ontario and the Government of Ontario have prioritized who will get the vaccine first. Vaccine distribution began in December, 2020, starting with residents, staff, essential caregivers and other employees in shared living settings serving seniors. Other priority groups include indigenous communities, health care workers and adults receiving chronic home health care. It is expected that the general population will be able to start receiving their vaccinations sometime between April and July 2021. Are there some unknowns? Yes. We don’t know if the Pfizer vaccine prevents asymptomatic infections and we don’t know how long immunity will last after receiving the injection. Do I need to wear a mask after I get the vaccination? Yes, for the reasons described above it is recommended that people continue to mask, watch your physical distance and wash your hands regularly. Will the vaccine be mandatory? The vaccine is not mandatory and there are no plans by government bodies to make it mandatory. Vaccination for COVID-19 is strongly encouraged to protect the broader population. It requires 80% to 90% of people to be vaccinated in order to have effective protection for all. At the end of the day, it is up to all of us to make an informed choice about receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. For more information you can visit www.publichealthontario.ca and www.ontario.ca/coronavirus.
Fluorite is calcium fluoride in mineral form, belonging to the halide group of minerals. It is also known as “fluorspar,” especially in industrial or chemical settings. It has ornamental uses, but it has also been used for smelting (as a flux), in the manufacture of hydrofluoric acid, and in the production of glasses, enamels, telescopes, microscopes and fluorite optics. Fluorite comes in a range of brilliant colors and exhibits an isometric crystal system, a Moh's scale hardness of 4, a brittle tenacity, and is transparent to translucent. Some fluorite extracted from certain locations contains special impurities that make it fluorescent, giving rise to the term “fluorescence” in 1852. It is widely occurring and commonly found in large deposits. Noteworthy localities include Germany, China, Austria, Norway, Mexico, Austria, Switzerland, and Canada, but it is found in other places as well. On a metaphysical level, fluorite stabilizes and cleanses the aura of those who keep it near or wear it. It is said to neutralize and absorb stress and negative energies and ground any excess energies. It would make a great gift for a loved one who is a student because it is also believed to make a wonderful learning aid. It is claimed to improve decision making skills, concentration and self-confidence of those in its vicinity. In addition, this crystal may boost physical and mental coordination and balance, generate positivity, and balance one’s energies. It is becoming increasingly popular among New Age enthusiasts and is sometimes paired with other stones from collections in order to “open the path” for them to become more effective (or amplify their effects). This can work especially well if one’s goal is to attain truth, peace, and spiritual development and wholeness. It is also commonly used during meditation as a channeling aid, as it is believed to enhance connections to fairies, elves, nature spirits and others. If you wish to gain some insight from your past lives, it may also assist you in facilitating connection to the Akashic records. Fluorite is considered to be a useful healing tool by crystal healers. It is said to repair DNA damage and benefit the cells, teeth and bones. Particularly in the form of an elixir, it may effectively fight viruses. It could aid the body while it is battling colds, sinusitis, and the flu, and it is believed to possess the ability to regenerate the mucus membranes and skin. Additionally, it has been used to provide pain relief, treat wounds and ulcers, remove wrinkles and blemishes, assist dental work, alleviate rheumatism, arthritis, and spinal injuries, boost the libido, enhance memory, ease chronic insomnia, and more.
CANBERRA — The Universe is expanding faster than expected, possibly caused by an undiscovered force called dark radiation, the Australian National University (ANU) said on Friday. Lead Australian researcher and ANU astrophysicist Brad Tucker said the precision study of star movements found the Universe is currently expanding between 5 percent and 9 percent faster than early in its life. “A funny universe just got funnier,” said Tucker from the ANU Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics. “It could be a new force similar to dark energy, or a new particle, or it could be that dark energy itself has changed over time,” he said. “We thought we were close to understanding dark energy, but now we know we don’t know the answer at all. There’s a lot of work to do.” Cosmologists have realized in recent decades that normal matter such as stars, planets and gas constitutes only 5 percent of the Universe. The rest is 25 percent dark matter and 70 percent dark energy, both of which are invisible and have never been directly detected. Precise values of the Universe’s expansion from 13.7 billion years ago have been calculated from observations of the cosmic microwave background, the very faint afterglow of the big bang. The research was led by Nobel Laureate Adam Riess of the Space Telescope Science Institute and the Johns Hopkins University in the United States. The research team used the Hubble Space telescope to look at variable stars, called Cepheids, and Type Ia supernovae, which both have well known brightness that enables their distance to be precisely determined. Using the parallax shift between objects of different distances as the Hubble moved – around the Earth on a daily basis, around the Sun on a yearly basis, and from tiny vibrations onboard the satellite – the team measured the movements of about 2,400 Cepheid stars and about 300 Type Ia supernovae over two and a half years. From these measurements they calculated the Universe’s expansion rate, known as the Hubble constant, to be 73.2 km per second per megaparsec (a megaparsec equals 3.26 million light-years) with an uncertainty of only 2.4 percent. The new value means the distance between cosmic objects will double in another 9.8 billion years. The research is published in the Astrophysical Journal. The team proposed a number of possible explanations for the universe’s excessive speed. One possibility is that dark energy, already known to be accelerating the universe, may be shoving galaxies away from each other with growing strength, termed phantom dark energy. Another idea is that the cosmos contained a new subatomic particle in its early history that traveled close to the speed of light and affected the expansion rate. Such speedy particles are collectively referred to as dark radiation and include previously known particles like neutrinos. The boost in acceleration could also mean that dark matter possesses some weird, unexpected characteristics. Or the speedier universe may be telling astronomers that Einstein’s theory of gravity is incomplete. Although unlikely to affect humanity’s near future, Tucker said the different scenarios could have serious repercussions for the Universe. “If the acceleration is not too fast, the Universe will cool as it flies apart, resulting in a big freeze,” he said. “But if the Universe can’t keep up with its own acceleration there will be a big rip. The Universe will literally rip itself apart, which would be awesome.” (Xinhua) - Great Comeback: Watch US President Trump returns to the campaign trails in Florida with massive rally - October 12, 2020 - US President Trump back at the White House afterleaving Walter Reed Hospital due to Covid-19 - October 5, 2020 - Binge watch President Trump on the campaign trails - October 5, 2020
A few precautions and choices can help avoid major complications during and post treatment. More than 30-35% of patients undergoing cancer treatment will suffer from oral complications. - fdiworlddental.org Regardless of the type of cancer you have (breast, lung, prostate, colon, esophageal, gastric, etc.) maintaining good oral health goes a long way in easing your treatment journey and supporting your body as it constantly adjusts to your new state based on the types of treatment you undergo. The oral cavity or mouth is all about balance. A healthy mouth is a balance of saliva flow and consistency, bacteria, diet, cleanliness and minimal plaque. Cancer treatment and its associated therapies like chemotherapy and radiation, can disturb this balance and cause complications that might interfere with the treatment and affect quality of life. Hence, a visit to the dentist should be on your list of things to do before starting your cancer treatment. You will want to have your dentist to thoroughly evaluate and treat any potential problem areas prior to starting your cancer treatment. You will also want a thorough cleaning and fluoride treatment and schedule more frequent recall appointments. Establishing an optimal oral care routine and being prepared with knowledge and products to help deal with side effects of treatment is important. Too many patients wind up with complications ultimately leading to tooth loss. Your dentist can help you maintain tooth structure and keep you comfortable through treatment. He or she will make treatment recommendations based on your caries risk assessment as well as type of cancer and cancer treatment. Delaying dental treatment and leaving problem areas may result in a delay of cancer treatment in the future. The American Dental Association lists the following common oral side effects from cancer treatment: Cavities, also known as caries Changes in taste Oral sores or mucositis. These side effects may result in difficulty in eating, talking, or swallowing. The changes in your immune response will also make it harder to fight oral infections. Your dentist will recommend a preventative protocol and help you with deciding which products can help alleviate these side effects. Here are some recommendations: Cavities risk is decreased by brushing with a fluoride or hydroxyapatite toothpaste at least twice a day. Flossing will reduce your chances of developing cavities on the interproximal surfaces or in between your teeth. Avoid foods and drinks that are high in sugar. Sugar free candies or chews, especially those made with Xylitol will help stimulate saliva flow. Not only does the flavor stimulate saliva flow but just chewing does as well. Limiting refined sugars as well as the length of exposure to sugary foods is important. You are at more risk of developing decay if you have a piece of candy or sugary gum in your mouth all day versus eating it all at once and then drinking water. The combination of a sugary diet and bacteria leads to a lower pH or acidic environment in the mouth which demineralizes the enamel. Keeping your oral cavity hydrated and reducing dry mouth will help bathe the teeth and help fight decay. Mouth rinses such as salt and baking soda mixes help keep the oral tissues moist and help combat the development of oral ulcerations. A basic pH mouth rinse (such as a Xylitol or fluoride rinse) neutralizes the pH and can even help remineralize a person's enamel. You will want to get a super soft toothbrush especially when your oral mucosa is irritated. A visit to your dentist every 3 months for an exam and for any personalized treatment based on your oral health is very effective in prevention of complications later. As always, make sure your cancer care team and your dentist are communicating with each other regularly to optimize your care. Take charge of your oral health to assist your body as it adapts to your cancer treatment.
Environmental regulators in Gujarat, one of India’s fastest-growing industrial states, found themselves in an implausible situation a few years ago: Every single city breached national air quality standards. And yet environmental audits kept finding that factories met pollution limits. So the Gujaratis hired some researchers from Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to carry out an experiment, changing the way the audits were made. Instead of hiring their own auditors, companies had auditors assigned to them randomly. Instead of being paid by the companies they audited, auditors drew a fixed fee from a pool that all companies paid into. Measured compliance rates abruptly plummeted. But once the new system was in place, the real emissions from polluting factories finally started to decline. The Gujaratis kept the new approach. “When fact-checking is not done in an independent way, there is a long history of things turning out the way we want them to turn out,” said Michael Greenstone of the University of Chicago, a former chief economist for President Obama’s Council of Economic Advisers who was one of the researchers involved in the study. “Until you change the incentives, this will not change.” The problem may seem remote, but it turns out that the same incentives apply in the United States, even in programs that, at first glance, appear to provide an unmitigated benefit.Last month, the Energy Department released an extensive report assessing the impact of the federal weatherization program, which was begun in 1976 to shield the homes of low-income Americans from the elements, save them money on heating bills and improve energy efficiency. It concluded that weatherization — insulating homes, changing boilers, plugging leaky windows and the like — was a stellar investment. Not only were the energy savings substantially larger than the cost of weatherizing homes, the report found, but the gains soared even more once the broader impacts on health were taken into account. “The results demonstrate that weatherization provides cost-effective energy savings and health and safety benefits to American families,” the Energy Department announced. But do they? When Professor Greenstone and two other independent economists looked under the hood — not a trivial challenge, given the report’s 4,500 pages — they found a collection of idiosyncratic choices and unorthodox assumptions that severely undermined the credibility of the enterprise. In the end, they concluded, the government research effort, which was led by the Energy Department’s own Oak Ridge National Laboratory, cannot tell us whether weatherization is a fabulous program or a waste of taxpayer dollars. (Their full analysis here.)
Did You Know Your Stomach is Actually a Second Brain? Do you ever find yourself getting tense about an upcoming exam? Maybe you notice a little anxiety in the pit of your stomach with a big review popping up at work. All of these emotions you're feeling in your gut can indeed affect the way you poop. However, that nervous feeling in your stomach is more than just a hunch; your gut is actually a second brain—getting very important information to and from your first brain. This gut "brain" is anything but small and is made up of 100 million nerve cells that line your gastrointestinal tract from your esophagus down to your bum. It turns out that what's happening in your gut could actually be affecting what's going on in your brain. "If you've ever 'gone with your gut' to make a decision or 'felt butterflies in your stomach' when nervous, you're likely getting signals from an unexpected source: your second brain." Jay Pasricha, M.D. John Hopkins Center for Neurogastroenterology. This "brain" is anything but small and is made up of 100 million nerve cells that line your gastrointestinal tract from your esophagus to your bum. Scientists have dubbed this the enteric nervous system (ENS). The health of your gut can be greatly impacted by your mental health. It's been said that your ENS may actually be the trigger of big emotional shifts. It may not be able to read a book or think of a clever Instagram caption, but this "belly brain" can control your digestion. From the moment you swallow your food to the release of enzymes that break down the foods, your ENS steers this ship. In turn, the health of your gut can be greatly impacted by your mental health. It has recently become clear that the brain and gut work simultaneously when it comes to our emotions and psychosocial factors. So, when your brain is telling you that something isn't right your stomach has an uneasy reaction; this can often induce a speedy number two. Mindful writer, Jennifer Wolkin says "psychological factors (your brain) can literally impact upon physical factors (in your gut) like the movement and contraction of the GI tract causing inflammation, pain, and other bowel symptoms." Thus giving "gut feeling" a new and literal meaning. Gut feelings are very much a real thing, as explained by Suzy Batiz, Founder and CEO of Poo~Pourri. "They are part of a scientifically validated process that involves a conversation between our two brains processing data and stimuli." She goes on to discuss the relationship between the mouth and the butt, referred to as the brain-gut axis. "While your mouth hole is busy eating and talking to people in the outside world, your butthole and intestines are busy talking to the microbiome that lives inside you." Everything from Parkinson's disease and depression to obesity and IBS have been attributed to damaged gut flora. The microbiome is constantly evolving to keep our bodies safe, healthy and most importantly happy! "This microbiome not only helps us digest our food and fight off viruses, but if the microbiome is destroyed, our bodies and lives would literally fall apart. Everything from Parkinson's disease and depression to obesity and IBS have been attributed to damaged gut flora." (Suzy Batiz) Humans are incredible, and our bodies are made of the most remarkable tools. We not only come equipped with an impressive brain, but we are quickly learning that the body has another way to keep our systems and thoughts in check. Now, the next time your gut is trying to tell you something, don’t treat it like that one friend who always gives you unsolicited, unwanted advice. LISTEN to your gut! It knows its shit.
Vitamins have fun with an important part within our everyday life. Many individuals do not get ample nutritional vitamins since they are not aware of the significance of natural vitamins in your system. Vitamins support your system in several ways and guide it to perform appropriately. A healthy eating plan with a wide variety of sensible food will keep your system may get all of the vitamin supplements it deserves. Understanding about nutritional vitamins and what we actually do will help you make sure you receive an ample amount of these critical vitamin products. There are actually 20 two fundamental different types of vitamins and minerals, which feature the primary nutritionary vitamin products, a number of extra fat-soluble vitamin products, and 8-10 drinking water-soluble vitamin supplements. The eating vitamins include a vitamin, C, and E. Body fat-soluble vitamin supplements incorporate vitamin supplementF and K, and E. Water-soluble vitamins include things like vit a, D, and K2. A few of the vitamins which can be therapeutic for your system are copper, zinc and selenium and manganese. Each vitamin supplement possesses a unique group of works which is crucial for overall health. You have to know the way nutritional vitamins communicate to deliver the ideal outcome, which is actually a healthy human body. A Vitamin is crucial for the production of reddish colored our blood tissue. It may also help to stop and fix sun damage. Deficiency of vit a can result in a sick stomach, throwing up, and looseness of the bowels. Folic acidity, calcium mineral and iron and nutritional vitamins B, E and C are important to avoid really serious ailments for instance childbirth disorders. fish and shellfish, Meat and fowl and dairy foods incorporate several of these nutrients. , and legumes are rich in the majority of these nutrients and vitamins, but there are a few minerals and vitamins which are only seen in certain foods or even in health supplements. A nicely-well balanced dishes are the easiest way to get hold of the right amount of nutritional supplements.Fruits and veggies Because the body needs each of the nutrients it deserves, it is not easy to take in an abounding degree of vegetables and fruit everyday. A simple way to have each of these materials is by using a day-to-day multivitamin/vitamin nutritional supplement. One sort of vitamin B 12 is pyridoxine, and that is the natural way obtained in darker chocolates, black herbal tea, whole wheat germ, liver, and also other food products. A different type of vitamin B 12 would be the vegetarian variety referred to as pantothenic acid solution, which is supplied in some species of fish oils, sesame seed products, and a few whole grains. In addition to ingesting an effectively-healthy and balanced diet program, it can also be a smart idea to have a every day nutritional supplement. One example is folate, which is located in a lot of fruits and vegetables. However, many of these vitamin products happen to be in refined styles, and a few folks can struggle to absorb ample folate within their meal plans, so they really might need a supplementation to do this. The nutritional vitamins talked about higher than are divided into two groups. The first party is comprised of standard water-soluble vitamins, which involves the nutritional vitamins D, E as well as a and K. Another group of people is made up of fats-soluble natural vitamins, this also incorporates the vitaminsC and D, and H. These types of vitamins and minerals are recommended because of the system to be able to maintain several bodily functions. There are also some fat-soluble vitamin supplements that happen to be necessary for the development of a number of substances like DNA and lipids. Also for correct mobile division and care. Vitamins and minerals perform a crucial role in maintaining the health of everyone, no matter what our eating plan is comprised of, though standard water-soluble vitamin products are not just crucial for that general health of the individual. For this reason, it is essential that many of us take into consideration how many nutritional vitamins are needed for optimum health. Taking a multivitamin pill dietary supplement could possibly be the proper way for lots of people to receive their every day necessities ofminerals and vitamins, and necessary nutrient elements. If you adored this write-up and you would certainly such as to receive more info regarding https://www.pur-pharm.is kindly browse through the site. Terrific ideas linked to the subject areas in this posting, you will like:
PATENT PROVISION REGISTRATION Patent Provisional Registration Patent is a license or permit authorized by the government conferring a legal right for a period of time. The main right is the sole ownership of the product and excluding others from making, using, selling or importing the patented product without the consent of the owner. A patent is usually granted to an inventor to protect its invention. An invention implies a new product or process involving creativity and applied to or capable of industrial application. Patent applications are of the following types: · Provisional application · Complete application · Convention application · Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) – International application · Patent Cooperation Treaty – National Phase application A provisional patent is the type of patent that is usually applied in the early stages of an invention to secure the date of filing. It requires fewer specifications than a regular patent application. It is typically considered as a preliminary step to complete patent application. A provisional patent lasts for 12 months only; within which a complete patent application must be filed to avoid abandoning the application else the invention becomes non-patentable. If complete application is granted patent then the date of filing will be considered of the provisional application. A provisional application has its own benefits such as: Low cost of fees Establishing an early date of filing before the complete application is filed Extension of patent term by one year Confidentiality of the application is maintained before it is published Evaluation of commercial benefit of the patent Requirements for filing a provisional patent application When a prospect finds that the invention is at a stage where it can be disclosed on paper but has not reached its finale and does not have all its specifications, it can apply for provisional patent. Eligibility Criteria for Patent Provisional Registration in India A patent is granted to an invention if it meets the following criteria: - Novelty: The invention has to be new and cannot be a part of prior state of work, implying that it must not have been published, presented or revealed publicly. - Inventiveness: This is a feature of invention that involves the advancement of the existing knowledge or state or work that is strikingly evident to any person. - Utility: An invention must be applied to or applicable in industrial process. Therefore, an invention that can be manufactured, used and reproduced is granted patentability. Documents Required for Patent Provisional Registration in India In regard to Patent Provisional Registration following documents are need - Description of drawings - Components, claims, etc. - Use of the invention - Working of the invention - Use of components - Drawings, sketches, diagrams, etc., related to the patent - Filing fees Process for Patent Provisional Registration in India - A patent search is the most important step. All inventions are not patentable. Check if the patent meets all the criteria of patentability and whether it can be a patent or not. - File a patenta application form either by self or with the help of a professional if the invention can be patented. - File the supporting documents with complete details of the invention such as: - Area and nature of the invention - Invention description - Working of the invention - Drawings, plans, diagrams, sketches, etc. of the invention - After filing for a patent with complete specifications, the application is published after 18 months of first filing. An early request for publication can be made with prescribed fees to make the publication of application as early as one month from the date of filing for early publication. - An examination of the application is carried out after a request for examination is filed. - The examiner checks for the patent eligibility and if the criteria are met such as novelty, inventiveness, utility, etc. - The examiner creates a report called patent prosecution and submits to the controller. Everything that happens before the grant of patent is called patent prosecution. - The controller checks the report for any objections and gives the applicant extended time to analyze and correct the objections. - The applicant has the chance to prove his novelty and create a strong satisfactory report to resolve the objections. - Once the objections are resolved, the patent is granted to the applicant and published in the patent journal. Our Assistance to file the Patent Provisional Registration in India We, at Registrationwala provide end to end solutions for Patent Provisional Registration . Our services include: · Collection of information and starting the process · Drafting the application and proposal · Reviewing the draft of proposal and application · Filing the patent registration application. · Providing end to end assistance when it comes to follow up. Dptaxexperts.com is a leading legal consultancy firm providing the comprehensive services relating to patent provisional registration in India. Contact us to patent your inventions today.
How to Prune and Care for Crape Myrtle Trees Beloved in the Southern states, crape myrtle trees flower profusely in summer. Learn how to properly care for and prune these trees. Shakespeare wondered, “What’s in a name?” When it comes to Crape Myrtles, that’s a very good question. These fast-growing trees are popular throughout the southern states, but it seems everyone has a different spelling: Crape Myrtle, Crepe Myrtle, crapemyrtle, and crepe-myrtle all pop up in different places. No matter how you spell it, these ornamental trees can be a good fit in many landscapes that don’t experience harsh winters. Here’s what you need to know to grow and care for Crape Myrtle trees. Crape Myrtle Care - Lagerstroemia spp. - Native to: India, Asia, Australia - Growing Zones: 6 – 10 - Water Needs: Moderate - Exposure: Full sun - Growth Rate: Fast - Type: Large shrub or small tree - Flowering Season: Summer - Fragrance: Very light - Flower Colors: White, pinks, magenta, red - Foliage: Deciduous, some foliage color in fall - Wildlife Value: Bees, berries for birds, shelter, - Other: Deer-resistant How to Prune a Crape Myrtle There’s a lot of disagreement out there on the proper way to prune a crape myrtle, including whether to prune them at all. Crape myrtles left to their own devices are more likely to form a shrub shape. However, they are easily pruned into trees by removing the lower branches to form a main leader trunk as they grow. Some folks prune crape myrtles back heavily in the winter, trimming all branches and leaving only an unsightly stump. The belief is that the trees will flower better the next season. It’s true that crape myrtles flower on new growth. However, there’s no need to prune them so heavily, and there’s a reason that some horticulturalists jokingly call this “crape murder”. Anytime you prune a tree or shrub, you open up the tree to possible diseases and pests. For the best health of any tree, it should be pruned sparingly. The same goes for crape myrtles. You can prune gently to keep the shape and size you desire, but there’s no need to cut off all the branches each fall. The crape myrtles shown here have received only light pruning for shape since being planted 5 years ago, and continue to flower profusely each summer. Learn more about pruning. Where to Buy Crape Myrtle Trees There are a variety of species of Crape Myrtle, but only a few are regularly available for sale in the U.S. The most common is Indian Crape Myrtle, L. indica. This species does well in heat, humidity, and drought. Japanese Crape Myrtle, L. fauriei, is generally larger, growing to 30 feet tall. Both may freeze to the ground in zones 6 – 7 winters, but usually regrow in the spring. Queen’s Crape Myrtle, L. speciosa, is a true tropical tree, and should only be grown where no freezes occur. It’s generally best to talk with your local nursery to see which types of Crape Myrtle they recommend for your yard.