During the Shang Dynasty, the Chinese developed an interest in what type of designs?
Hundreds of thousands of years before China was to become the world's longest-running civilization, the prologue was enacted by means of the flicker of a carefully tended fire. Peking Man, a forebear of Homo sapiens, achieved a mastery of fire. We might call it the first Chinese invention. Not that he devised flint and steel, matches, or any other way of creating fire. Peking Man simply learned how to capture flame, perhaps from a forest fire, and keep it alight. He thus enjoyed two revolutionary luxuries: light and heat. Technologically and sociologically, it was a phenomenal breakthrough: with fire, communities could live year 'round in one cave, in which cooking and even smelting could be pursued. And so, by 600,000 b.c., about 50 km (31 miles) southwest of present-day Beijing, the ancestors of mankind were ready to settle down. Several hundred thousand years later, when Marco Polo reached the capital of China, he was astonished by a further development in fire technology. The Chinese, he announced, used black stones dug out of mountains as fuel. Europeans did not yet have a word for "coal," nor had they discovered a use for it. The First Dynasty The confluence of mythology and history in China took place around 4,000 years ago during what is referred to as the Xia (Hsia) Dynasty. This was still the Stone Age, but the people are thought to have made silk from thread produced by the worms they cultivated on the leaves of their mulberry trees. And written language (which evolved as early as 4,500 to 5,000 years ago) was already in use, originally by oracles and then by official scribes — China's first scholars. During the second of the quasi-legendary dynasties, the Shang (from about the 16th to 11th centuries b.c.), the Chinese developed an interest in art. Careful geometric designs as well as dragon and bird motifs adorned bowls and implements. And with the arrival of the Bronze Age, the Chinese created bronze vessels of such beauty and originality that, until modern times, archaeologists refused to believe they were cast 3,000 years ago. The Shang Dynasty gave rise to the concept of one Chinese nation under one government.
Careful geometric designs
When will they meet?
Woman: Shall we meet at a quarter past four? Man: NO, let's meet at a quarter to four.
How long did it take Edison to work in his factory?
At Christmas,1871,Edison,the famous American scientist,got married to Mary. Lots of their friends came to their wedding ceremony . At about two in the afternoon,Edison suddenly thought out a good way to solve the problem on the automatic telegraph after the wedding. So he said to the bride ,"I'll have to go to the factory because I have something important to do. Then I'll come back to have dinner with you."The bride had no way but to agree. On the night of the festival, other families were full of joy while the bride stayed in the house alone,just looking out of the window. How lonely she was! A worker went into the lab and said as soon as he saw Edison, "My goodness! I have never seen a bride-groom like you. It's already twelve now!"Edison was greatly surprised. "Twelve? Too bad! I said I would have dinner with Mary." he said as he ran downstairs. That's how hard Edison worked.He gave all his life to the invention of lights, films and over two thousand other things. A new invention came into being every fifteen days.
ten hours
Who was going to eat the biggest apple?
Val is a six-year-old boy. He begins to go to school this term. He studies very hard and listens to the teachers carefully. He is polite and has many friends. They all like him very much. It was Sunday. Val, his sister and his mother stayed at home. His mother was doing some housework, his sister was doing her homework. Val was watching TV. At ten his father came back with some apples. The boy liked apples very much and wanted to eat some of them. His mother gave him four apples and said, "Go and wash them." Val washed the apples and then gave them back to his mother. Mother asked, "Which apple do you want, Val?" "The biggest one, Mum." "What?" said his mother, "You should be polite and want the smallest one." "Should I tell a lie to be polite, Mum?"
What can we infer from the passage?
Commencement is a time for idealism. But economic reality is cruel everywhere; especially for new graduate. They have been told repeatedly that a college degree is an open sesame to the global economy. But that's not necessarily so, according to new research by two economists at he Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Frank Levy and Peter Temin. It is true that people with college degrees make more money than people without degrees. The gap has narrowed somewhat in recent years, which is disturbing. But the earning power of college graduates still far outpaces that of less-educated workers. The bad news, though, is that a college degree does not ensure a bigger share of the economics pie for many graduates. In recent decades Mr. Levy and Mr. Temin show, only college-educated women have seen their income grow in line with economy wide gains in productivity. The earnings of male college graduates have failed to keep pace with productivity gains. Instead, a huge share of productivity growth, which expands the nation's income, is going to Americans on the top of the income scale. In 2005, the latest year with available data, the top of 1 percent of Americans---whose average annual income was $ 1.1 million--- took in 21.8 percent of the nation's income, their largest share since 1929. Administration officials, and other politicians and economists, often, believe that income inequality, reflects an education gap. But Mr. Levy and Mr. Temin show that in the case of men, the average bachelor's degree is not enough to catch the rising tide of the global economy. They argue that the real reason that inequality is worsening is the lack of strong policies that broadly distribute economic gains. In the past, for example, a more progressive income tax and unions promote equality. Positive measures have been _ and new ones have not yet emerged, making the income gap even greater. Mr. Levy and Mr. Temin conclude that only a new government policy can restore general prosperity. That's a challenge to the nation's leader and today's graduates. America needs them to contribute to the development of the nation in global economy.
female college graduates benefited governmental measures ensure income growth
What's Jack's new problem?
Jack Green is 75 years old. He is not in good condition. "I think I'm ill," he tells his wife, "I feel awful. I've got a headache and I don't feel like eating." "You've put on a lot of weight recently. You should see the doctor," his wife says, "ask him how to lose weight. It's not good for your health." "OK," says Jack. He goes to see a doctor. The doctor checks his heart and weighs him. Then he says, "You are too heavy. You need to do some excercise to lose about 30 kilograms. Run two miles a day for the next 100 days. Then call and tell me your weight." A week later, the doctor receives a call from Jack. "Doctor, I ran two miles every day and I feel much better. But I have a new problem." "What's that?" asks the doctor. "I'm 14 miles away from home, and I can't find my way back." Choose the right answer according to the passage.
can't find way back home
How would Lee feel as a result?
Lee told Carson about an idea for a start up company. Carson told Lee it was risky to do it.
What will Ash want to do next?
Ash asked them what happened and the children lied to him.
know truth
Name two things fossils can tell us about the enviroment?
There have been many organisms that have lived in Earths past. Only a tiny number of them became fossils. Still, scientists learn a lot from fossils. Fossils are our best clues about the history of life on Earth. Fossils provide evidence about life on Earth. They tell us that life on Earth has changed over time. Fossils in younger rocks look like animals and plants that are living today. Fossils in older rocks are less like living organisms. Fossils can tell us about where the organism lived. Was it land or marine? Fossils can even tell us if the water was shallow or deep. Fossils can even provide clues to ancient climates.
reveal made shallow deep water climate issues
What did Cerling's team produce in their research?
Scientists have devised a way to determine roughly where a person has lived using a strand ( ) of hair, a technique that could help track the movements of criminal suspects or unidentified murder victims. The method relies on measuring how chemical variations in drinking water show up in people's hair. "You're what you eat and drink, and that's recorded in your hair," said Thure Cerling, a geologist at the University of Utah. While U.S. diet is ly identical, water supplies vary. The differences result from weather patterns. The chemical composition of rainfall changes slightly as rain clouds move. Most hydrogen and oxygen atoms in water are stable, but traces of both elements are also present as heavier isotopes ( ). The heaviest rain falls first. As a result, storms that form over the Pacific deliver heavier water to California than to Utah. Similar patterns exist throughout the U.S. By measuring the proportion of heavier hydrogen and oxygen isotopes along a strand of hair, scientists can construct a geographic timeline. Each inch of hair corresponds to about two months. Cerling's team collected tap water samples from 600 cities and constructed a map of the regional difference. They checked the accuracy of the map by testing 200 hair samples collected from 65 barber shops. They were able to accurately place the hair samples in broad region roughly corresponding to the movement of rain systems. "It's not good for pinpointing ( )," Cerling said. "It's good for eliminating many possibilities." Todd Park, a local detective, said the method has helped him learn more about an unidentified woman whose skeleton was found near Great Salt Lake. The woman was 5 feet tall. Police recovered 26 bones, a T-shirt and several strands of hair. When Park heard about the research, he gave the hair samples to the researches. Chemical testing showed that over the two years before her death, she moved about every two months. She stayed in the Northwest, although the test could not be more specific than somewhere between eastern Oregon and western Wyoming. "It's still a substantial area," Park said, "But it narrows its way down for me."
map showing regional difference tap water
Which is a positive impact on the bio environment?
landfills have a negative impact on the environment
making sure trash reused new reasons
How should the peacemaker behave when talking with the two friends?
Sometimes, even the best friends have fights. They disagree with each other and begin to argue. Sometimes, they even stop talking to each other. What can be done to help the two friends make up? Finding a good friend who knows both of them very well to be a peacemaker is a good way. Maybe one day you will be a peacemaker for your good friends. Here are some useful communication strategies for you to use. State your feelings clearly but don't criticize them. Begin with "I feel" instead of "You always...". Don't stop or finish the other person's sentences. Listen carefully to what the other person is saying. Try to see the other person's side of the disagreement. Look the other person in the eyes when you are talking. Ask questions to make sure that you understand them. Repeat the other person's ideas as you understand them. Never put anyone down. Saying things like "You're stupid" makes communication difficult. Try to find a solution that makes the two friends happy. Never decide who is right and who is wrong. Instead, help them to find their own "win-win" solution. A "win-win" solution allows each of them to feel good. In this way, their friendship can be continued.
Listen person carefully ask questions
what is the current condition of the royal highness and her child?
Her Royal Highness and her child are both doing well.— Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) May 2, 2015
How did Skylar feel afterwards?
Skylar's mom forgot to pick her up after practice and she has been waiting for an hour. Skylar sent her mom a text.
What can be heard when an earthquake happens?
Some countries have a large number of earthquakes. Japan is one of them, while others do not have many, for example, there are few earthquakes in Britain. There is often a great noise during an earthquake. The ground vibrates .Houses fall down. Railways are broken, which causes trains to turn over. Sometimes thousands of people are killed in different ways. About 60,000 were killed in 1783 in the south of Italy. Some people say that earthquakes often happen near volcanoes , but it is not true. The centres of some earthquakes are under the sea. The bottom of the sea suddenly moves. The powerful forces inside the earth break the rocks. The coast is shaken and great waves appear. These waves travel long distances and rush over the land when they reach it, breaking down houses and other buildings. Sometimes they break more buildings than the earthquake itself. A terrible earthquake happened in Assam, India, in 1986.The land near Shillong suddenly moved 1.5 feet to one side, and then back again. It continued to act like this 20 times a minute.Few buildings could stand what was happening and the great stones flew four feet up into the air. What kind of building stays up best in an earthquake? The Americans carefully studied the results of the earthquake at San Francisco(1906) and believed it best for buildings to be made with concrete walls together by steel frames. Such are the buildings that can't burn or fall easily.
great noise
What does the woman mean?
Man: Would you mind if I open the window? We need some fresh air. Woman: We also need to keep it quiet here.
's noisy outside
Space shuttle travelers require what food for extended flights?
astronauts require preserved food for extended flights. Astronauts travel into space aboard space shuttles.
What is formed by electrons separating from interstellar gases?
plasma is formed by electrons separating from atoms in stars. Plasma exists inside stars and in interstellar gases.
What is the best title of the third part of the passage?
Welcome to Australia The Great Outdoors Australia is the world's oldest continent and indigenous Australians have one of the world's oldest culture. In Australia you will see unique plants and animals and some of the most beautiful scenery in the world.Many parks have information centres offering advice on where to go, what to see and how to see it--for both your personal safety and to protect our sensitive, natural environment. Banks and Money Matters Banks are generally open between 9:30am and 4pm on Monday to Thursday and 9:30am and 5pm on Friday. Foreign currency or traveller's cheques can be changed at all banks and some of the larger hotels.There are currency exchange facilities at all international airports. _ Take care! Our sunlight is very strong and you can get sunburnt. For best sun protection, it is advisable to wear: l A broad-brimmed hat l A shirt with a collar and sleeves l Sunscreen with high protection factor. Swimming We have so many beautiful places to swim--beaches, lakes, rivers and creeks. l Many of our waters are safe for swimming, but if you have any doubts, ask before entering the water. l Most of our popular ocean beaches have patrols with life-saving service.Red and yellow flags mark the area that you are advised to swim within. l If there are no flags and no life guards on the beach, talk to local people about the best areas to swim. Staying Safe on the Roads l Australians drive on the left-hand side of the road. l For safety, everyone in the car, including children, must wear a seat belt. l Motor cyclists and bicyclists are required to wear a helmet. l Watch out for native animals crossing the roads, especially at night.Road signs are erected in places where animals are commonly seen.
How many airplane seats did they put in a bus originally?
The bus is a usable form of transportation all over the world because we can easily take it to go everywhere. Also, we do not need to worry about danger on a long-distance trip. Now, we have comfortable buses in London. I would like to describe how comfortable they are. First, the number of seats on a bus has been reduced from 44 to 19. The reason why the number of seats is now 19 is that the seats have been changed to big and comfortable sofas. Originally, they changed the normal seats to airplane seats and took out ten seats from the buses. However, every customer wanted to have a more comfortable seat on the bus when they went on long-distance trips, so they changed them to sofas. Also, the owners of the bus companies wanted to make more money, so they tried to meet the passengers' needs. They changed the airplane seats to sofas, so the number of seats is now 19. As the new buses appear, the prices go up, too. The owners have many ideas, which you have probably never thought about before. Now they have bus attendants who serve water, snacks, newspapers, and towels. Also, you can change the direction and the height of the sofa to make yourself more comfortable, and there is a service bell on each sofa. Moreover, some companies show movies on the buses. In addition, when you go on a long-distance trip, they have luxurious buses that have an LCD screen on each seat. That is not the only surprising thing on the bus. They also have different TV channels, movie channels, and seventy TV games for killing time while you are on the bus.
34 seats
What will Jesse want to do next?
Jesse called a taxi for a ride so they could see a show.
get taxi
Why do the visitors go to the zoo at night mainly?
As wild animal lovers are not content with watching tigers and gorillas during the day, a growing number of zoos in the US are offering a more thrilling after-dark experience -- overnight stays. The Philadelphia Zoo is America's first zoo and home to more than 1,300 animals. It has been running its Roars and Snores Overnight Programs for about 20 years. The most popular theme program is the Night Flight Overnight Program where children aged 5 to 12 sleep in the zoo's tree house. The overnight stays are not only popular with young children. Most overnight stays include a night tour during which youngsters experience the mysterious sights and unusual sounds of the zoo. A midnight snack and breakfast are also served. "It is a unique experience to be at the zoo without the crowds and additional noise," explained Patterson, of the Denver Zoo, which has been running its Bunk with the Beasts program since 1998. With nearly 4,000 animals and 700 species the zoo attracts more than 1.8 million visitors a year. "The things you hear and see in the zoo are completely different," said Patterson. On Denver's two-hour tours, night vision scopes are provided so guests can see nocturnal animals such as owls, and indoor educational games increase the learning experience. Patterson said parents tend to be more worried about leaving their children than the children themselves. They have rarely had to call up a parent in the middle of the night. "They love it," Patterson said about the children. "For many, it's their first overnight stay away from home. They are so excited that by the end of the day they are so tired that they have no opportunity to worry." "Guests at the new overnight program at the Queens Zoo make breakfast treats for animals, and watch the keepers feed them to the animals," said Education Curator Tome Hurtubise. The growing popularity of overnight programs has caused zoos that only serve day-time visitors to think again. The Queens Zoo, which started their program this year, is so pleased with its success that they want to continue it next year.
quite different experience time
Why would the narrator be so sweaty ?
pocketnovel : Well kids , I have escaped Brooklyn and the bitchy roommate . A very kind friend was lovely enough last night to rent a car and come pick me up in Flatbush . Hilarity ensued . First we had to drag my three suitcases , two Target bags , messenger bag , handbag , and dog down five flights of stairs .
drag lot luggage
What will Others want to do next?
carson did not know what to do so he sent the vote to the assembly.
question carson
Cutting down what has a negative impact on living communities?
cutting down trees has a negative impact on an ecosystem. Ecosystems are living communities.
What may I be shopping for ?
it is victoria secret 's simi - annual sale so I thought to myself that it was about time to order some new bras because mine are all at least a year old and well my breasts have grown since then and all of my bras were getting on the small side . So when I ordered three bars in 36 C not 36 B like I have for over five years I was pretty frightened . Do n't ask me why but I was .
Who did Li Shuhao learn to play basketball from?
There is an Asian American basketball player in the NBA. Do you know who he is? Yes, he is Lin Shuhao. His English name is Jeremy Lin. He is another basketball star after Yao Ming. So many people call him the second Yao Ming. But he doesn't like it. In the 1970s, his family moved to America from Taiwan, China. He is twenty-five years old. His elder brother is Josh and Joseph is his younger brother. He studied at Harvard University from the year 2006 to the year 2010. His father, a fan of the NBA, taught him to play basketball when he was young. Now Lin Shuhao plays for the Houston Rocket. He works hard and plays very well. Now he is popular with many people. ,. (1,5)
Which book describes women with characters of their own?
Mini Book Excerpts Biography When Salinger learned that a car park was to be built on the land, the middle-aged writer was shocked and quickly bought the neighboring area to protect it... The townspeople never forgot the rescue and came to help their most famous neighbor. J. D. Salinger:A Life by Kenneth Slawenski (Random House, $27) Mystery "You're a smart boy. Benny's death was no accident, and you're the only who saw it happen. Do you think the murderer should get away with it? "The boy was starting stubbornly at his lap again. A thought suddenly occurred to Annika, "Did you ...You recognized the man in the car, didn't you?" The boy hesitated, twisting his fingers, "Maybe," he said quietly. Red Wolf by Liza Marklund (Atria Books, $25. 99) Short Stories She wants to say to him what she has learned, none of it in class. Some women are born stupid, and some women are too smart for their own good. Some women are born to give, and some women only know how to take. Some women learn who they want to be from their mothers, some who they don't want to be. Some mothers suffer so their daughters won't. Some mothers love so their daughters won't. You Are Free by Danzy Senna (Riverhead Books,$15) Humor Do your kids like to have fun? Come to Fun Times! Do you like to watch your kids having fun? Bring them to Fun Times! Fun Times!'s "amusement cycling" is the most fun you can have legally in the United States right now. Why spend thousands of dollars flying to Disney World when you can spend less than half to that within a day's drive lf most cities? Happy And Other Bad Thoughts by Larry Doyle (Ecco,$14. 99)
What will Kendall want to do next?
Wanting to make homemade ice cream, Kendall put the machine into operation.
make ice cream
What should Max do in order to prevent the turtle from washing out to sea?
The young turtle has been swimming for three months now in the same warm shallow bay, dreaming of calm water and plenty of food. But as the days begin to shorten and the night comes earlier and earlier, the water grows colder. It drops to fifty degrees Fahrenheit . Swimming is harder. Its heartbeat slows--and almost stops. The young turtle is in danger of losing its life. Ten days before Thanksgiving, Max Nolan, a ten-year-old boy, and his mother begin their _ . The Nolans are among volunteers who walk Cape Cod's beaches during November and December to search for turtles who are often cold and trapped and seem dead--turtles whose lives they may be able to save. Max and his mother and the other volunteers do an important job. All sea turtles are threatened or endangered. Among them Kemp's ridleys are the most endangered. Right now on our planet there are fewer than eight thousand Kemp's ridley turtles left. Max is far in front of his mother when he sees a turtle washed up by the surf. He runs up to it and shouts to his mom, "Got one!" The turtle is cold. Its eyes are open, but the turtle is not moving at all. It might be dead or still alive. Max remembers the instructions given to all the volunteers. He picks up the turtle, which weighs about five pounds, and moves it above the high-tide mark to keep it from washing out to sea. Then he runs to find seaweed to protect it from the wind. He finds a stick to mark where it is, and next, he and his mother go to the nearest telephone and call the sea-turtle hot line for help.
moves high-tide mark
What can we learn about the boy?
Man: Don't tell me you're studying for another exam! Woman: That's exactly what I am doing. Man: What subject is it this time? Woman: Biology, and it's going to be a hard one. Man: Don't you get tired of studying all the time? Woman: Yes, I do. Sometimes I want to throw all of them right out of the window. Man: I don't know how you keep on with it. It's too hard to become a doctor. Woman: Well, you study a lot too. It doesn't seem any easier to become an engineer. Man: But at least it doesn't take as long. I'll be out putting up the buildings while you're still a student here. By the way, can I help you with your study now? Woman: Yes, please. You can read me all these words and see if I know what they mean. Man: I don't know if you'll remember all of them. Woman: You have to learn just as many words as I do, and they're all technical words that I don't understand.
graduate college earlier girl
Which of these could possibly be the name of the narrator ?
In tests and exams he used to sit next to me ( since my name also starts with " S " ) . I used to let him copy contents from my paper . Probably , this might be another reason how we got closer .
Why did Kai do this?
Even though she blocked the entire TV screen, Kai stood right in front of Sasha.
center attention
Why did one of the robbers keep looking at his watch?
At three a.m., Jack Mills was sitting at the controls of the mail train. The train was made up of 13 cars. At the end of the train, 71 mailmen sat sorting the mails. Inside the second car, there were only five mailmen and 128 bags full of five-pound notes. This train had run more than 100 years without being robbed. At three minutes past three, Mills and his helper, David Whitby, saw a yellow warning light. They slowed the train, and then stopped. Whitby went to the telephone beside the track. It was out of order. Then he saw a man moving between the second and the third cars. Before Whitby could give a warning, he was knocked down by two men. Mills' cars with all the mailmen had been disconnected by the robbers. At the bridge, the bags of money were unloaded from the train and thrown into waiting trucks. One of the robbers who obviously knew the schedules of all the trains kept looking at his watch. At 3:45 he said, "That will have to be enough." The robbers drove away with more than 2,500,000 pounds.
leave another train came
What happens to a plant when it goes dormant in order to survive?
Plants also detect the daily cycle of light and darkness. Do you know how plants respond to these changes? Some plants open their leaves during the day. It is during these hours the plant can collect sunlight. At night, the plant closes its leaves to prevent water loss. Many plants respond to the change in the length of the day. As days grow shorter, some plants respond by going dormant. Dormant is when a plant suspends its growth. It does this in order to survive. Shorter days signal the coming of winter. Winter in most areas means extreme cold. It is also very dry in the winter months. As winter approaches, some plants respond by their leaves changing color. After the change in color, they fall off. This dormancy period helps trees. It allows them to survive the cold and dry winter. Plants only want to grow when conditions are right.
leaves may change color fall growth may stop
Why did the author regard the day as "graduation" day most probably?
I opened my eyes and found the doctors were standing by my bed. They had some welcome news. I had been living in the bone marrow transplant unit of the famous cancer center for a month. The doctors told me that while my immune system was still very weak, my brother Adam's healthy cells were beginning to work in my bone marrow. I was showing signs of progress: I was able to walk around---slowly---without assistance, my blood counts were going in the right direction, and I no longer needed to be connected continuously to an IV machine. It was the"graduation"day. The doctors were sending me to the Hope Room, a halfway house sponsored by the American Cancer Society. I would live there for the next three months and would be cared for by my boyfriend, Seamus, who is again helping me write this column for Internet readers as I regain my strength. Pushed out of the hospital in a wheelchair, I took my first breath of fresh air in weeks. But before I could enjoy this moment, my mother helped me put on a mask. I gave her an annoyed look, but I knew she was right. For the immediate future, I would need to wear gloves and a mask wherever I wanted to go in public. No subways, no crowds. However, I can enjoy my freedom, even if cancer continues to limit my choices. My new freedom means not being waken up every couple of hours by a nurse with pills in her hand, not seeing doctors with their masks and their caring, and not being connected to an IV machine 24 hours a day. Freedom also means being patient with my mother and boyfriend, who try hard to cook for me in the kitchen and make sure I don't fall off my chair in the shower. Freedom is the responsibility to take medicine on time. Freedom also means returning to the hospital several times a week to receive follow-up examinations. But all is well worth. You surely know the reason. I love every one of my family and I love Seamus.
leave bone marrow transplant unit
Which building's most striking feature is the great Norman screen?
The mighty fane, with its three massive towers, rises majestically over the red roofs of the town. Its most striking feature is the great Norman screen, running up without buttresses or projections to the parapet and hiding the bases of the square, richly decorated towers of the west front. The plain centre of the screen is the work of Remigius, the first bishop. The rest of it is relieved with rich arcading of Late Norman and Early English periods. The wooden spires which crowned the towers were removed in 1807. In 1192 Hugh of Avalon determined to rebuild the Norman building of Remigius, which an earthquake had shaken. To him we owe the choir and eastern transept. His successors completed the western transept and began the west end of the nave. So much money had to be spent in rebuilding the central tower, which fell in 1239, that the canons could not rebuild the nave entirely, but had to incorporate the Norman end by Remigius. Unfortunately the axis of the west front does not correspond to that of the nave, which is too wide for its height. The low vaulting is a serious defect in the choir built by St. Hugh, but of the superb beauty of the Angel Choir, which encloses his shrine, there can be no doubt. In its richness of sculpture it is one of the masterpieces of Gothic architecture in England. The interior of the cathedral is remarkable for the harmony of its style, which is Lancet-Gothic, and the dim lighting of the nave only adds to its impressiveness.
How were those who had been in the child-care center compared with those who hadn't?
A long-term American study shows the importance of early education for poor children. The study is known as the Abecedarian Project. It involved more than one-hundred young children from poor families in North Carolina. Half of the children attended an all-day program at a high-quality childcare center. The center offered educational, health and social programs. Children took part in games and activities to increase their thinking and language skills and social and emotional development. The program also included health foods for the children The children attended the program from when they were a few weeks old until the age of five years. The other group of children did not attend the childcare center. After the age of five, both groups attended public school. Researchers compared the two groups of children. When they were babies, both groups had similar results in tests for mental and physical skills. However, from the age of eighteen months, the children in the educational child care program did much better in tests. The researchers tested the children again when they were twelve and fifteen years old. The tests found that the children who had been in the childcare center continued to have higher average test results. These children did much better on tests of reading and mathematics. A few years ago, organizers of the Abecedarian Project tested the students again. At the time, each student was twenty-one years old. They were tested for thinking and educational ability, employment, parenting and social skills. The researchers found that the young adults who had the early education still did better in reading and mathematics tests. They were more than two times as likely to be attending college or to have completed college. In addition, the children who received early education were older on average, when their first child was born. The study offers more evidence that learning during the first months and years of life is important for all later development. The researchers of the Abecedarian Project believe their study shows a need for lawmakers to spend money on public early education. They believe these kinds of programs could reduce the number of children who do not complete school and are unemployed.
children later ages
Who should you contact if you want to rent long term?
Bright, Spacious Room Spacious, single furnished room in owner- occupied home is available now, for one and a half years. Ground floor flat. Five-minute walk to the town center and local bus services. Well-equipped shared kitchen, including washing machine. Shared shower& toilet. Large rooms, with high ceilings, a warm and pleasant home. Responsible for own food & cooking, washing, telephone, insurance, etc. No smoking or pets. Not suitable for children. WiFi available locally. Call Jenna on 85756624 if you are interested. One Bedroom Newly Refurbished Flat in Burnage A fantastic one-bedroom flat in the heart of Burnage is available for however long you want. The property has just been refurbished to a high standard. Situated above the pharmacy on Burnage Lane the property boasts a kitchen, large lounge, separate shower and toilet, and bedroom with in- built wardrobes. A must-see! Call Daniel on 70554323 at the weekend. Two Bedrooms Left in Four-bed House Share A great four- bedroom property in the heart of Fallowfield. Two Bedrooms left in a mixed student house. The property has a dining area, toilet, lounge and one bedroom on the ground floor, followed by three bedrooms on the first floor with an extra toilet. Very close to the main bus stop & local amenities : supermarket, Lloyds pharmacy and local launderette. Two minutes' walking distance to the centre of Fallowfield. The property is available from the 1 of July 2012 to 30 June 2013. Half rent for July/ Aug. We are a private landlord; so there are no agency fees! Jack welcomes you to call. Phone:22604322. Board and Lodgings Close to Boston, Lincolnshire We have a double room available on a board and lodgings basis from 1 of June, 2012 to 1 of May, 2013. Within a comfortable, peaceful farmhouse, set in lovely gardens and beautiful countryside. Share a bathroom with one other person only. Room has own TV with Freeview and access to wireless broadband,. Use of the garden and rest of the house. On the bus route to Boston and Horncastle. Free car parking space. All meals, bills, etc. included. Can cater for a variety of special dietary needs if required, Please call Alice at the weekend or after 7p.m. On workdays. Phone:42556755.
What is a reason of this?
The woman felt an electric shock.
grabbed doorknob
Which person investigates the case of Sanjay Singhania?
The film opens with Sunita , a medical student , and her friends working on a project about the human brain . She wants to investigate the curious case of Sanjay Singhania , a notable city businessman , who is reported to have anterograde amnesia . Her professor denies access to Sanjay's records as it is currently under criminal investigation . Sunita , nonetheless , decides to investigate the matter herself . Sanjay is introduced as he brutally murders a man . He takes a Polaroid picture of the man , and writes on it `` done '' . It is revealed that Sanjay has anterograde amnesia where he loses his memory every 15 minutes . Sanjay uses a system of photographs , notes , and tattoos on his body to recover his memory after each cycle . It is revealed that Sanjay is ultimately out to avenge the death of his sweetheart Kalpana , and that he is systematically killing the people who were responsible for it . His main target is `` Ghajini '' , a notable social personality in the city . Police Inspector Arjun Yadav , on the case of the serial murders , tracks Sanjay down to his flat and attacks and disables him . Yadav finds two diaries where Sanjay has chronicled the events of 2005 and 2006 . The film flashes back to 2005 as Yadav reads the diary . Sanjay Singhania is shown as the owner of the Air Voice mobile telephone company . In the course of his business , Sanjay sends his men to meet Kalpana , a struggling model , about putting up a billboard above her apartment . The owner of Kalpana's advertising firm misinterprets this as a romantic advance , and in view of a possible lucrative Air Voice ad campaign and other benefits , encourages Kalpana to accept the overture .
What is the reason for the son living a happy life, according to the author?
My first born son is mentally handicapped, yet in so many ways he is far wiser than I am. He has an intuitive knowledge of what is important in life. When we go out he looks people in the eyes, calls them by name, and shares his smile far more easily than I do. He goes through life with a soul full of love, joy and kindness that he gives to everyone he meets. He makes others feel better. He makes each day shine brighter. He makes this world more beautiful just by being in it. He may not understand everything in life, but he knows how to live happily and lovingly. He shows me everyday that life is simple. It is we who make it complicated. You see, life is just the choices we make each day. We can choose to love or we can choose to be afraid. We can choose to help or we can choose to turn away. We can choose to forgive or we can choose to hate. We can choose to be kind or we can choose to be cruel. We can choose to trust or we can choose to be suspicious. We can choose to give or we can choose to take. We can choose to laugh or we can choose to cry. We can choose to smile or we can choose to stress. We can choose to shine our souls or we can choose to dwell in darkness. My son knows these choices by heart and always makes the right ones. I hope to one day get there as well. Until then I will do my best to live simply, to be wise, and to choose well. Until then I will do my best to love family, myself, and others. May you do the same.
less considering
What should be filled in the mask according to the last suggestion for the old people?
As life expectancy increases nowadays, the average person lives well beyond the age of retirement. As a result, the elderly make up an ever-increasing percentage of society, which makes it more important than ever for a real effort to be made in improving the lives of senior citizens. One way to deal with the situation would be to ensure that the elderly have enough money on which to live. Obviously, when a person stops working, they still require a source of income to cover their basic needs such as food, accommodation and heating. A clear solution to the problem is for the government to make sure that the state pension is adequate for these needs. Steps should also be taken to overcome the health problems the elderly face. The government should also provide access to the best health care available, which may necessitate paying for residential homes where the elderly can have round-the-clock nursing, or, at the very least, providing medication free of charge to all people over a certain age. The lives of old people could be improved if attempts were made to _ the problem of social isolation. If we organised trips for the elderly to community centres, visits from social workers their problem of loneliness can be reduced a lot which marks the lives of so many old people living alone and far from their families. One final suggestion, which would help enormously, is to change the attitude of the community towards its older members, who are all too often seen as a burden on society and dismissed as having little to do with modern life. We need to be taught from an early age to respect the views of old people, and appreciate their broader experience of life. This would help society as a whole, and encourage appreciation of the role that old people can still play today.
respected us
Do all the Grizzly bears like shirts?
All the Grizzly bears felt excitement at the arrival of their new shirts; everyone except Truman, he was a very unhappy bear who didn't like to wear clothing. He also hated tying his shoes and matching his socks. These were all things Truman didn't like doing. So when the Grizzly bear king held a town meeting to pass out all the shirts, Truman stole the microphone and sang a song to express his feelings: "I won't wear those shirts you bear bosses, I won't wear my socks. I have all the fur I need, don't put me in a shirt box. I want to scratch the ground with my claws, and feel the wild wind; If you all make me wear, then my darlings as a bear, I think I'll smash you with my paws, and chew off all your skins." The other bears felt Truman had a point, and so they too chewed up the shirts, shoes, and socks the king gave them; and they chose a king who didn't have a mustache and never, ever wore a shirt and tie.
Trumann't like shirts
What could be the best title for the passage?
Have you ever wondered when people will make up their minds to become friends? Dr. Leon answered the question in his book, "During their first four minutes together! Whenever you meet someone in a social situation, remember to focus your undivided attention on him for four minutes. That would change a lot of people's whole lives." When you are introduced to new people, you are supposed to appear friendly and self-confident to attract them. Generally speaking, "You like those who like you." On the other hand, it's unwise to make others think you are too sure of yourself. You may not sure about such advice, saying, "But In reality, I'm not either friendly or self-confident. That's not my nature. Wouldn't it be dishonest for me to behave that way?" For that question, Dr. Leon would tell you that a little practice can help you feel comfortable about changing your social habits. You will get used to any changes you choose to make in your personality . "It's like getting used to a new car. It may be unfamiliar at first, but it goes much better than the old." However, you may still wonder if it's dishonest to give the appearance of friendly and self-confidence while you don't actually feel that way. Perhaps, but according to Dr. Leon, "Entire honesty" is not always good for social relationships, especially during the first few minutes of two strangers' being introduced to each other. There is a time for a certain amount of _ may be the best choice for the first few minutes of contacting a stranger. That is not a suitable time to complain about one's health or to mention shortcomings you find in other people. It is not the right time to tell the whole truth about one's opinions and impressions. The author also makes it clear that that interpersonal relations need to be regarded as a required course in every school, along with reading, writing, and mathematics. In his opinion, success in life depends mainly on how you get along with other people. That is at least as important as how much you know.
First Four Minutes
What did the author learn from the man?
I was on my way home by train. The train's gentle rocking made me feel sleepy, despite the fact that I was standing with what felt like a building in the bag on my back. I turned slightly to reduce some of the pain in my shoulder and saw the door at the end of the car. An obviously homeless man walked through the door. He was dressed in a dirty heavy coat. He dragged a bag that looked thirty times as heavy as mine. He asked people for spare change in the polite, experienced voice of a person who had done this before. I glanced down as I did a quick check of my pockets, hoping for spare change to give him that wouldn't leave me short for the rest of the week. I came up empty and lifted my head just as his path crossed mine. Shrugging apologetically, I told him I had no change, expecting him to move through the door next to me and continue going to the next cars. However, he stood and stared at me, saying something quietly. Then I realized he was asking me to take him home. Suddenly money didn't matter that much to this man who lived in poverty without even enough money to purchase socks to stave off the chill. Not food, not clothes, not even a blanket. Just affection. I felt worse than I had done about not finding any spare change. My heart sank and I couldn't even think of the proper words to say besides "I can't, I'm sorry." He asked me, "What's wrong with my request?" The answer was on my lips before I knew it. I told him that I was not good enough for him. It was after the man had left that I thought about the answer I had given him and wondered why it felt so right to say so. I realized that I should have requested love over money or food. The fact that he could appreciate something so simple and invisible is more than I could ever have expected of myself.
Love precious money food
What is the purpose of the passage?
The Museum: The Charles Dickens Museum in London is the world's most important collection of material relating to the great Victorian novelist and social commentator.The only surviving London home of Dickens (from 1837 until 1839) was opened as a museum in 1925 and is still welcoming visitors from all over the world.On four floors, visitors can see paintings, rare editions, manuscripts, original furniture and many items relating to the life of one of the most popular and beloved personalities of the Victorian age. Opening Hours * The Museum is open from Mondays to Saturdays 10:00-17:00; Sundays 11:00-17:00. * Last admission is 30 minutes before closing time. *Special opening times can be arranged for groups, who may wish to book a private view. Admission Charges: Adults: PS5.00; Students: PS4:00; Seniors: PS4.00; Children: PS3.00; Families:PS14.00( 2 adults & up to five children) Group Rates: For a group of 10 or more, a special group rate of PS4.00 each applies. Children will still be admitted for PS3.00 each, Access: We are constantly working to improve access to the Museum and its collection.Our current projects involve the fitting of a wheelchair ramp for better access, a customer care kit and an audio tour for visitors with impaired vision.Our Handling Sessions are also suitable for the visually impaired.The Museum has developed an online virtual tour through the Museum.Click here to visit all the rooms in the Museum online. Hire the Museum: The Museum can be hired for private functions, performances soirees and many other social occasions. Find Us: The Museum may be reached by using the following buses: 7, 17, 19, 38, 45,46, 55, 243.And by these underground services: Piccadilly Line; Central Line.For a map, please click here.The British Museum and the Foundling Museum are within walking distance.
offer readers information Charles Dickens Museum
Why does the writer think the piece needed to be discarded ?
I mean that their piece pretty much needed to be gutted or discarded , and my vote was on discarding . I think it was probably the hardest critique I ever had to write , because a ) I do n't normally like to be that negative and b ) I really , reeeeeeally wanted to like her work because she was a teacher of mine and because she was a really nice person . I just could n't , and it 's not in my nature to lie .
think piece poor quality
How would Kendall feel as a result?
Robin provided shelter for Kendall's children. Robin was always one to help people in times of need.
glad helping children
How many years older was Jeffrey Johnson than Steven Ercolino?
On a busy Friday morning in Manhattan, nine pedestrians suffered bullet or fragment wounds after police unleashed a hail of gunfire at a man wielding a .45 caliber pistol who had just killed a former co-worker. The officers unloaded 16 rounds in the shadow of the Empire State Building at a disgruntled former apparel designer, killing him after he engaged in a gunbattle with police, authorities said. Three passersby sustained direct gunshot wounds, while the remaining six were hit by fragments, according to New York Police Commissioner Ray Kelly. All injuries were caused by police, he said Saturday. One officer shot nine rounds and another shot seven. Police identified the gunman as Jeffrey Johnson, 58, who was apparently laid off from his job as a designer of women's accessories at Hazan Import Co. last year. Johnson, who served in the U.S. Coast Guard in the mid-1970s, had two rounds left in his pistol. It holds eight, Kelly said. Police identified the slain co-worker as Steven Ercolino, 41, who had apparently filed a prior complaint against his assailant, claiming that he thought Johnson would eventually try to kill him. Both men had filed harassment complaints against each other in April 2011, Kelly added. Ercolino was listed as a vice president of sales at Hazan Import Corp., according to his LinkedIn profile. "It's not something that should happen to a loving person like that," said his brother, Paul. "He's going to be so missed by everybody. He was a light of so many lives."
How is this passage organized?
When it's 10:15 in New York, it's 9:15 in Salt Lake City, and 7:15 in San Francisco - isn't it? This consistent and orderly time system, based on a grid of time zones, seems so natural that people rarely give it a moment's thought. So you may find it surprising to learn that prior to the late 1800s each community established its own time - by looking at the sun. When the sun shone directly overhead in Washington, D.C., for example, it was 12:00 noon there; up the road in Philadelphia, however, it was 12:07, and in Boston it was 12:24. To measure time with accuracy, it is necessary to move the clock about one minute for every twelve miles of distance; so according to "sun time" your pocket watch would be slightly incorrect if you ventured only a few miles down the road. It was not until the advent of widespread railroad travel that a need arose for regularized time. At one point over 300 local times were honored within the country, making it literally impossible for trains to arrive consistently on time everywhere. As a result, in 1883 the continental, United States was divided into four time longitude. The standardization resulting from this system proved so helpful that in 1884 the International Meridian Conference applied the same procedure to establish time zones around the world. Thus, if it is 11:07 p.m. in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, a little simple research will quickly determine that in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, it is 9:07 A.M. - and not 9:15.
problem solution
Why are commercial slug repellents not advisable?
Many people believe that the common garden slug[ is nothing more than a pest that should be wiped out. In attempts to beautify their yards, people employ various poisons, strategically chosen plants, and gardening techniques. Success is attained when no trace of slugs can be found, although the worn-out gardener still watches and waits for their return, as completely ridding a garden of slugs is almost impossible. Experts, however, have discovered that the slug's evil reputation as an enemy of home gardeners may, in fact, be groundless to some degree. Although it is true that a slug can devour[ garden plants from the roots up in amazing quantities, it also produces nutrients for the soil, which help other plants grow. The diet of a slug consists of plant waste and mould, as well as living plants, making it a sort of natural recycling center. The unique structure of a slug digestive system enables it to take these discarded products, transform them into the nutrients that plants need, and then release those nutrients harmlessly as wastes. To some, this situation is unacceptable. No gardener wants to sacrifice his or her plants just to gain a few nutrients that could easily be provided by fertilizers In order to achieve a balance, both slug and gardener may have to compromise some things. One ly easy step is to separate plants with high slug appeal from those with low appeal. That way, the sections of the garden spared for plants with high slug appeal can contain plants that the gardener is willing to sacrifice so as to protect those plants that have a lower slug appeal . Another possibility is to leave some ground-covering plants in a less tidy state, since slugs particularly enjoy semi-decayed plant matter. The slugs will then be drawn toward this decaying matter instead of toward the living plants. These measures may seem slow and difficult but they are still preferable to commercial slug repellents for several reasons. The topsoil of a garden is often highly lacking in nutrients, due to chemical damage caused by just such products. The fertilizer industry sells millions of pounds of dirt mixed with the nutrients necessary for a healthy garden every year. Yet these are the very same minerals that a healthy slug population would provide at no cost. Moreover, since slugs find newly dead slugs highly appetizing. the slug population is unlikely to decrease significantly as a result of these severe measures.
chemical harm top soil garden
Who was Mr. Patrick thought to be by the author?
Mr. Patrick was new to the school and to us. Even though he was a great teacher, he seemed rather like a character out of a horror movie. He didn't look that bad, but somehow, he looked extremely scary to me. Some kids began to believe that he was a murderer or a ghost; some believed he was mad and a few believed that he might have suffered a lot in his life. I was one of those 'few'. One day I gathered up my courage and headed towards the school garden. He was, as usual, sitting on a bench alone. I breathed heavily a few times and then walked towards him. "How are you?" I asked with my voice crackling. He managed to say, "Fine." "Well, good to know," I tried to be happy. "Hmmm..." was all I heard. "What's up with you?" then seeing a puzzled look on his face, I tried to be more formal and respectful. "I mean, why aren't you like all other people in the school? Why are you always so quiet and sad? Why..." "No dear, some things are better left unsaid," he said gloomily. "Oh no sir, nothing is better left unsaid. If you want to share your feelings with me and reduce the pain of your heart, you are free to do so. I promise I will never ever tell anyone." "With you? You are just a little girl; what will you understand?" I was somehow offended but still I managed to persuade him, "So what, Sir? You see, if you tell me your problem, you will have a light heart and you will have the feeling that someone somewhere cares about you." "Oh okay, that was a very nice belief indeed; let's take a walk and I will let you know everything." Soon after our little talk, there was a visible change on his face. Later that day in the class, there was a smile on his face.
suffered lot
Who is the writer of this passage?
Maybe you've heard of many musical bands, but have you heard of Little Big Town, a country musical group? There are four members in this band, Karen Fairchild, Kimberly Schlapman, Jimi Westbrook and Phillip Sweet. They had a hard time when they began their band at first, but they didn't give up. Now it becomes very popular. "We take care of each other and we take care of the music," Karen Fairchild once said after one of their shows. As a fan of this band, I once had a chance to hang out with the members of Little Big Town. We talked about their hard beginning. At that time, they even didn't have their own stage. Fairchild also told me how the four of them were together when they were in trouble. Not only did they stand together on stage but also in their daily life. For example, they were right there when Phillip Sweet was caring for his daughter for the first time. They encouraged Kimberly Schlapman when they found her husband _ . At that time Kimberly was very sad to lose her husband. "When we have lived such a hard life together, it bonds us tightly," Phillip Sweet said. "We find true happiness is the joy of doing what we do for a living. We love the hard beginning. We also love the wonderful future."
fan band
What was the weather like that night?
It was late on a snowing night. Doctor Van was driving fast to the hospital to do an operation on a badly hurt person. Minutes later he came to a red traffic light and had to stop to wait. A man suddenly opened the door of the car and got in. "Drive on, " shouted the man, "Just do what I've told you to. " The man was strong and tall while Doctor Van was not. "But I'm a doctor, " Van tried to tell him what he was going to do. "I'm on my way to the hospital to save..." "Stop talking and drive faster, as fast as you can!" the man stopped Van and Van had to do so. Only a few minutes had passed when the man made Van stop his car again and drove him off, and he himself drove away very quickly. Van stood in the snow for a moment and then walked around to look for a taxi. Another half an hour had passed when Van got out of the taxi and ran into the hospital. But it was too late and nothing could be done. The man who had taken Van's car was standing by the person all the time. He was so sad! Only then did Van know that the man was the father of that badly hurt person!
What will Kendall want to do next?
Kendall accidentally set her school on fire when she went in to change a test.
put fire
Where does this conversation most likely take place?
Man: Is that Ann? Woman: Yes. Man: This is Mike. How are things with you? Woman: Oh, very well, but I'm very busy. Man: Busy? But you've finished all your exams? Woman: Yes, but I have to help my little sister with her foreign language. Man: How about coming out with me this evening? There's a new film on. Woman: I'm afraid I can't. A friend of mine is coming from the south and I have to go to the station to meet him. Man: What a pity! How about the weekend then? Woman: No, I've arranged to go to an art exhibition with my parents. Man: What about next week sometime? Woman: Maybe.
How much will Sarah and Jessey each have to pay for attending the dance classes for six months?
Guitar Lessons for Guitar Players Playing the same things over and over again when you pick up the guitar? Teaching yourself for years but you hit a wall? Don't know what to do next? Whether you're a total beginner, or an old guitar player, we'll get you working on something you can benefit from. I'm a professional teacher, over 30 students at my studio in downtown Berkeley and several music schools in San Francisco, Alameda, and Mountain View. No matter what style you're into, I guarantee there are songs by your favorite bands that you could learn. Call at 510-333-9091 or e-mail at blueschoo147@gmail.comDance Classes for Students 2.5 Through Adults Motion Dance Center in Martinez is now accepting registration for all fall dance classes. There are classes offered in Jazz, Tap, Ballet, Hip-Hop, Contemporary and Cheerleading. Classes run like the school year Sept. through June. Prices are very reasonable at only $45 a month. That's for a one-hour class once a week for a month. This studio is known for their younger child program. We are always looking for talented instructors too. If you want more information call Deena at 925-229-5678 Qi Gong with Angie Qi Gong is the perfect activity for anyone, at any age. It combines gentle movement and meditation , breathing regulation and relaxation. The exercises are designed to reduce stress and anxiety and improve blood and energy circulation throughout the body, therefore increasing immune function, improving energy levels and sleep. Thousands of Qi Gong lovers around the world have experienced the extraordinary benefits of this gentle, ancient Chinese exercise form and are healthier and happier for it. Join us to experience the benefits for yourself! WHEN: Tuesdays from noon -- l p.m. WHERE: Halanda Studio 1062 Lincoln Avenue, San Jose, CA 95125 COST: $12 per class drop-in or $45 for a pre-paid set of 4 classes CONTACT: Angie at, 408-887-6000
What will Others want to do next?
Jan played video games 10 hours in day, video games became really addictive and he lost his job.
take video games away
Two people are talking. What are they talking about?
Man: Did you enjoy it? Woman: Not really. I thought it was rather disappointing. Man: Oh? Why is that? Woman: It wasn't really what I expected. It went on too long. Man: No. But you must admit that on the big screen, it looked great. Woman: Well, I think it would have been just as good as seeing it at home. Man: Ah, But it won't be on video till next year. Woman: I can't wait that long.
What does the writer think of this game?
Happy Farm is an online game. It is very popular among people in China. The game offers you a piece of empty land and some seeds at first. You are like the farmer. If your land is small, you can spend some money to make it big. And you must harvest your things on the farm on time, or some other farmers will steal your fruits, vegetables, milk, eggs and so on. Of course, you can steal theirs. If you want to make money, you must sell your things out. Some Chinese websites have offered this game to its users. So far, it is said that about 16 million Chinese people are playing this game. Some people were so crazy that they even get up in the midnight to harvest their crops and steal others'. Happy Farm brings happiness to people. It is really a fascinating game. But it also brings many problems. It is reported that a baby died in a hospital just because the doctor didn't give him timely treatment. Do you know what the doctor was doing? He was playing Happy Farm! There are many stories like this.
Peoplen't crazy
Why did you throw all your cigars away ?
When we returned home , I went to the top of my refrigerator where I kept my cigars in a basket . I threw them all away ! ! You see I had been smoking them off and on for 19 years .
threw cigars away wanted stop smoking quit
What did the people around Tom think when he asked for the "restroom"?
I came across quite a few language problems while on holiday with my family last summer. The most embarrassing was when my Mom apologized to the people we were staying with because her "pants were dirty". They looked at her in amazement, not knowing how to react. You see, Mom had fallen over and gotten mud on her jeans. But in Britain, "pants" means underpants, not trousers as it does back home. Katie -- From America When I asked for the "restroom" in a big department store, people kept directing me to a room with seats where I could sit and "rest". It took me years to get through to someone that I only wanted the toilet! Tom -- From America Last summer we went on a two-week family touring holiday, so Dad hired a car over the Internet. This was an old vehicle and there turned out to be lots of things wrong with it. When he phoned the hire company and tried to explain that the lock on the boot was broken, they thought he was talking about footwear! He had no idea their word for "boot" was "trunk". In the end we went to a _ and just solved the problem. Mary -- From Britain Last summer, I went to stay with a friend on the west coast. Her flat was on the first floor of a high-rise building so I got the lift up. Then I wandered round for ages looking for her flat but couldn't find it. Fed up and tired, I finally had to go out to find a phone box. She explained that her flat was on the first floor, which for me meant the ground floor. David -- From Britain
wanted rest
How would you describe Addison?
Addison left the casino after loosing all their money on big bets.
Why is Manji so quiet in this circumstance while others talk ?
" Hey , hey ... that 's some good shit ! " " It 's sake ? " Rin gripped the mane of Anotsu 's horse when it turned to touch noses with the other ; she still felt unstable on a horse by herself , especially since she had chosen to ride sidesaddle . " Nope , shochu . " Manji tilted his head back and took a long , stiff pull , his throat bobbing . He squinted against the sun , wiped his mouth on the back of his hand and let out a heated puff of breath . " Hahh !
Manji preparing attack
who wants jlo's trainer to work for them?
Seeing how HOT @JLo looked tonight makes me a lil less scared about my 40's... it also makes me want her trainer to train ME! #damngirl #AMAs— Jennifer Tisdale (@jenkellytisdale) November 24, 2014
jennifer tisdale
What is an old form of mass media now?
Mass media are tools of communication. They allow us to record and pass information rapidly to a large, scattered audience. They extend our ability to each other by helping us overcome limits caused by time and space. Mass media can be divided into two groups: print media and electronic media. By print media, we mean books, newspapers and magazines. Electronic media include television, radio and movie. There are a number of ways in which mass media make daily life easier for us. First, they inform and help us keep a watch on our world. They gather and pass on information we would be unlikely or unable to gain on our own. Second, mass media help us to arrange our time and life. What we talk about and what we think about are greatly influenced by the media. When people get together, they tend to talk about certain happenings on the newspapers or on TV. Because we are provided with differing points of view through different kinds of media every day, we are able to comment on all sides of a certain issue. Third, mass media help us to connect with various groups in society. Through mass media, we are able to keep in contact with politicians in the world; with famous actors and actresses, and with our beloved singers. Fourth, the media help to socialize us. We learn about the preferred behavior and values from the people we meet as well as from the media. Through portrayals of people, the media tell us what proper behaviors are. By doing so, they teach us standards of behavior and values, and help us in our daily life. Fifth, the media are used to persuade people. A good example is advertisements through the media. Newspapers, magazines and TV are filled with all kinds of colorful, persuasive advertisements. Though many advertisements may not say openly that they want you to buy a certain product, they describe their products in such a way that you may want to but them. Sixth, the media entertain. All of the media make some effort trying to entertain their audience. For example, even though the newspaper is a main medium of information, it also contains entertainment features. Many newspapers offer their readers at least some of the following: comics, fiction books and puzzle games, televisions and magazines are devoted mainly to entertainment. It is guessed that in the future, the entertainment function of mass media will become even more important than it is now.
What were the occupations of Joan Fontaine's mother and father?
Oscar-winning actress Joan Fontaine died Sunday, her longtime friend Noel Beutel said Monday. She was 96. Fontaine died "very peacefully" in her sleep of natural causes, Beutel said. She was in her Carmel, California, home. She is survived by her older sister, actress Olivia de Havilland -- with whom she had not spoken for decades. Fontaine was born Joan de Beauvoir de Havilland in 1916 in Tokyo, Japan, where her British father was a patent lawyer and teacher. She and her sister moved to Saratoga, California, with their mother in 1919 when her parents separated. Fontaine was a teenager when she began her acting career as Joan Burfield in the 1935 film "No More Ladies." She later adopted the stage name Fontaine -- the name of her mother's second husband. She wrote in her 1978 autobiography, "No Bed of Roses," that her mother, who was an actress, began encouraging the rivalry with her older sister at an early age. The feud extended to their careers when both sisters were nominated for best actress Oscars in 1942. Fontaine, who was nominated for Alfred Hitchcock's "Suspicion," beat her sister Olivia de Havilland, who was nominated for "Hold Back the Dawn." De Havilland won the first of her two Oscars in 1947 when she was given the best actress award for "To Each His Own." De Havilland and Fontaine remain the only sisters who have best-actress Academy Awards. The long-standing feud with de Havilland was at such a peak during one Oscar winners' reunion in 1979 that they had to be seated on opposite ends of the stage. "I was shocked and saddened to learn of the passing of my sister, Joan Fontaine ... and I appreciate the many kind expressions of sympathy that we have received," a statement released by Olivia de Havilland to CNN said.
What might be true about this person .
Welcome to my site ! Imelda here , 39 years old , filipina . I have a craze for greens , green bags , green shoes and green tops . I love to eat but i do n't cook .
poorly kitchen
Where should you go in order to help yourself find a new job soon?
Bay Village Branch, 502 Cahoon Road, 440-871-6392. The Egyptian Pyramids, 7 p. m. Sept. 17. Join us as Don King, a long-time student of Egyptology, discusses the pyramids and presents the possible theories of the construction, design and mysteries surrounding these ancient wonders. Join us as local Bay Village resident, Tom Bell, discusses his book "My Dad Is a Freak: a Memoir", 7 p.m.Sept. 27. Fairview Park Branch, 21255 Lorain Road, 440-333-4700 or cuyahogalibrary. org. Dress for Success, 7 p. m. Sept. 17. First impressions count. Some job recruiters use appearance to determine self-esteem, respect, confidence and organizational skills. Learn how to dress to emphasize your strengths and improve your employ ability. Registration required. Music Study Groups, 1:15--2:45 p. m. Wednesdays, Sept. 19--Nov. 28. Explore current concert music performed by The Cleveland Orchestra at Severance Hall through informal lectures and listening. Classes are designed for both new and experienced music lovers and are led by Dr. Rose Breckenridge. Practical Herbs, 7 p. m. Oct. 3. Famous doctor Sarah Hurt will talk about growing, drying and storing herbs and how to use them. Registration required. North Olmsted Branch, 27403 Lorain Road. 440-777-6211 or cuyahogalibrary. org. Job Club, 1:30--3 p. m. Tuesdays. Join Jim Hansen for helpful tips on resumes, job search strategies and interviewing. Anyone who is job hunting or looking to change careers is welcome. War of 1812, 7--8:45 p. m. Sept. 17. This year marks the 200thanniversary. Professor Catherine Rokicky From Cuyahoga Community College will give a presentation about the war, and immediately following we'll discuss the book "Mr. and Mrs. Madison's War: America's First Couple and the Second War of Independence" by Hugh Howard. Registration required. Olmsted Falls Library, 7850 Main St. , Olmsted Falls. 440-235-1150 or cuyahogalibrary. org. Family Story-time, 7--7:30 p. m. Wednesdays, through Nov. 27. Join us for rhymes, songs, finger-plays and a story or two. For children ages birth through age 8 with their caregivers. Huntington Practice SAT Test, 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. Sept. 15. Follow up, 4--5 p. m. Sept. 26. Get ready for college by taking a practice SAT exam. Discuss strategies to improve your score, and get tips on preparing for the real exam. Registration required. Imaginative Illustrations, 11 a. m. to noon Sept. 29. A hands-on drawing program where children exercise their imagination while experiencing some basic techniques of cartooning. Grades K-5. Registration required.
Fairview Park Branch North Olmsted Branch
What does the woman think of the job at the Language School?
Man: I got two letters this morning with job offers, one from the Polytechnic, and the other from the Language School in Pistoia, Italy. Woman: So you are not sure which to go for? Man: That's it. Of course, the conditions of work are very different: The Polytechnic is offering two-year contract which could be renewed, but the Language School is only offering a year's contract, and that's a definite minus. It could be renewed, but you never know. Woman: I see. So it's much less secure. But you don't need to think too much about steady jobs when you are only 23. Man: That's true. Woman: What about the salaries? Man: Well, the Pistoia job pays much better in the short term. I'll be getting the equivalent of about 22,000 pounds a year there, but only 20,000 pounds at the Polytechnic. But then the hours are different. At the Polytechnic I'd have to do 35 hours a week, 20 teaching and 15 administration, whereas the Pistoia school is only asking for 30 hours teaching. Woman: Mmm... Man: Then the type of teaching is so different. The Polytechnic is all adults and mostly preparation for exams like the Cambridge certificates. The Language School wants me to do a bit of exam preparation, but also quite a lot of work in companies and factories, and a couple of children's classes. Oh, and a bit of literature teaching. Woman: Well, that sounds much more varied and interesting. And I'd imagine you'd be doing quite a lot of teaching outside the school, and moving around quite a bit. Man: Yes, whereas with the Polytechnic position, I'd be stuck in the school all day.
Varied interesting
What is "" considered as?
My topic today is the internet. It was prompted by the first letter, which I am unable to answer fully for the reasons given! Dear David, I am a middle school student. Now I am preparing for a writing competition. Could you please check the mistakes in my article about using the Internet and give me some advice? Thank you. No name David writes: I am very sorry to say that I think it would be very unfair for me to help you win a competition-- unfair to the other competitors! But I will say that your article is very interesting and I wish you good luck. Your article makes some good points that deserve talking about in this column! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dear David, I'm now learning English by myself. Can you introduce some useful websites where I can make friends with foreigners? Please help me. moonlight David writes: Well, dear moonlight, I bet you made a good choice by using the Net in your self-studies. Two very good websites I would suggest to you are: By the way, for those readers interested in the teaching of English, there is an Internet discussion group called ELTCSChi-L (English Language Teaching Contacts Scheme prefix = st1 /China List). And also, a healthy warning to all my readers: If over-used, the Internet can be a WOMBAT-A Waste of Money, Brains and Time!
website one make foreign friends
long will the man stay at home at most?
Woman: I hear you're going home, aren't you? Man: I wanted to go on Monday, but I couldn't get a ticket for Monday, I bought a ticket for Tuesday. Woman: Why are you in such a hurry? Man: My mother is ill. She has been sent to the hospital. Woman: How did you get the news? Did your mother send you a letter? Man: My sister telephoned me this morning. She asked my father and me to go back. Woman: Then how long are you going to stay at home, two or three days? Man: At most four days. I'll be back for the meeting.
4 days
How would you describe Riley?
Riley called Jesse to see if they wanted to hang out, but Jesse was busy.
how many years did they wait to see tom petty?
I finally saw Tom Petty after 25 years this summer. I’m grateful I did but I thought it would be the first of a few. Gutted. # Heart & Hand (@user) October 2, 2017
25 years
What does "Though he never made it" mean?
It was Sunday and Tom was staying home. After breakfast he went out into the garden and played quietly by himself. There were no kids around and he was used to playing alone quietly. He played with Bobby, the dog. He climbed up and down the trees. Sometimes a bird would come down to perch on top of the doghouse. Then Tom would have the greatest fun by throwing a stone or something at it. Though he never made it, he did like doing this kind of things. Now Tom had been in the garden for half an hour. Suddenly a crack was heard and the little boy began crying. "What's the matter, Tom?" his mother looked through the kitchen window. Tom ran into the kitchen. "Mum," he sobbed , "I broke Bobby's plate. I didn't know it was so fragile ." His mother put her arms round him and said, "Don't feel too bad, Tom. We have other plates for Bobby. But how did you break that one?" "I throw this at a bird but missed, and it went straight to the plate." In Tom's hand was his father's gold pocket watch. !
Though couldn't hit bird stone something
who is it that he applauds?
What Weinstein is being accused of is criminal. What he's admitted to is unacceptable - in any industry. I applaud everybody speaking out.— James Van Der Beek (@vanderjames) October 12, 2017
everybody speaking
What does "that view" in Para. 3 refer to?
Does handwriting matter? Not very much, according to many educators. However, scientists say it is far too soon to declare handwriting is not important. New evidence suggests that the link between handwriting and educational development is deep. Children not only learn to read more quickly when they first learn to write by hand, but they are also better able to create ideas and remember information. In other words, it's not only what we write that matters -- but how. A study led by Karin James, a psychologist at Indiana University, gave support to _ . A group of children, who had not learned to read and write, were offered a letter or a shape on a card and asked to copy it in one of three ways: draw the image on a page but with a dotted outline , draw it on a piece of blank white paper, or type it on a computer. Then the researchers put the children in a brain scanner and showed them the image again. It was found that when children had drawn a letter freehand without a dotted outline or a computer, the activity in three areas of the brain were increased. These three areas work actively in adults when they read and write. By contrast, children who chose the other two ways showed no such effect. Dr. James attributes the differences to the process of free handwriting: Not only must we first plan and take action in a way but we are also likely to produce a result that is variable. Those are not necessary when we have an outline. It's time for educators to change their mind and pay more attention to children's handwriting.
write important write
Phloem moves things around a plant similar to how
phloem transports materials through the plant
blood moves body
What collects fluid?
Lymph is a fluid that leaks out of capillaries into spaces between cells.. Small lymph capillaries collect lymph.
small capillaries
What may be a fact about this situation ?
I turned in the Behaviorism assignment there . Now I ca n't find an inbox for SCT Double Entry Journal under Assignments , only inboxes for these Blog Journals . I posted the assignment to the Discussions area in a timely manner as had many of my fellow students , however I wonder if I missed something . Your accomplishments I bought the webcam .
technical issues homework
What did my friend and I do after chatting through email ?
During my time working with her , I debunked a lot of the inaccurate " myths " about us and got her to see beyond the superficial . We became friends , political differences notwithstanding . For the most part we 'd lost touch until I sent an Email to her to join one of the online groups I 'd just joined . She did n't join , but it gave us opportunity to chat . She called and said we needed to talk , but in person .
made plans meet Starbucks
How does sunlight create electricity
Renewable Energy Resource Sunlight Sunlight can be used to heat homes. It can also be used to produce electricity. This conversion is made possible by solar cells. However, solar energy may not always be practical. Some areas are just too cloudy. Example Solar panels on the roof of this house generate enough electricity to supply a familys needs. Moving Water Falling water can have a lot of energy. Its energy can be converted into kinetic energy. This energy can turn a turbine and generate electricity. The water may fall naturally over a waterfall or flow through a dam. A drawback of dams is that they flood land upstream. They can also reduce water flow downstream. Either effect may harm ecosystems. Wind Wind is moving air. It has kinetic energy that can do work. Wind turbines change the kinetic energy of the wind to electrical energy. Only certain areas of the world get enough steady wind. Many people also think that wind turbines are noisy and not very nice to look at.
Solar cells
How far is the nearest airport from the town?
A strong earthquake has hit the town of Galta 200 kilometres north of Madras. The earthquake hit the town at 7:15 yesterday evening. The earthquake measured 7.2 on the Richter scale , the strongest for five years. The earthquake happened as most people were having their evening meal at home. There were very few people outside in the streets. Buildings fell down and many fires started. The electricity and water were cut off. As it was dark, the emergency services had a lot of problems. There was no electricity for lights, and there was no water to put out the fires. Early this morning, planes flew over the town to see the damage. The emergency services are now trying to reach the town. The nearest airport is at Bandel, about 100 kilometers away. The railway station at Galta is closed, because four bridges fell down in the earth. The nearest train station is 32 kilometres away at Solan. We shall have more reports for you during the day.
100 kilometers away
what show is maggie smith on?
Say it isn't so! Is Maggie Smith leaving #DowntonAbbey after next season? 1 TV Guide (@TVGuide) March 2, 2015
downtown abbey
What does the writer mean to say when they say "every person has the right to fail"?
Why are so many people so afraid of failure? Quite simply because no one tells us how to fail so that failure becomes an experience that will lead to growth. We forget that failure is part of the human condition and that every person has the right to fail. Most parents work hard at either preventing failure or protecting their children from the knowledge that they have failed. One way is to lower standards. A mother describes her child's hurriedly-made table as "perfect"! Even though it couldn't stand on uneven (not same in height) legs. Another way is to shift blame. If John fails in science, his teacher is unfair or stupid. The trouble with failure-prevention methods is that they leave a child unequipped for life in the real world. The young need to learn that no one can be best at everything, that no one can win all the time and that it's possible to enjoy a game even when you don't win. A child who's not invited to a birthday party, who doesn't make the honor roll or the baseball team feel terrible, of course. But parents should not offer a quick comfort prize or say "It doesn't matter" because it does. The young should be allowed to experience disappointment and be helped to master it. Failure is never pleasurable. It hurts grown-ups and children exactly alike. But it can make a positive contribution to your life once you learn to use it. Step one is to ask "Why did I fail?" Control the natural impulse to blame someone else. Ask yourself what you did wrong, and how you can improve. If someone else can help, don't be shy about asking them.
one grow without failures
A polar bear has thick wooly fur so that he may
an animal requires warmth for survival
Which institution is responsible for the development of Choset's robots?
PITTSBURGH - For most people, snakes seem unpleasant or even threatening. But Howie Choset sees in their delicate movements a way to save lives. The 37-year-old Carnegie Mellon University professor has spent years developing snake-like robots he hopes will eventually slide through fallen buildings in search of victims trapped after natural disasters or other emergencies. Dan Kara is president of Robotics Trends, a Northboro, Mass.-based company that publishes an online industry magazine and runs robotics trade shows. He said there are other snake-like robots being developed, mainly at universities, but didn't know of one that could climb pipes. The Carnegie Mellon machines are designed to carry cameras and electronic sensors and can be controlled with a joystick . They move smoothly with the help of small electric motors, or servos, commonly used by hobbyists in model airplanes. Built from lightweight materials, the robots are about the size of a human arm or smaller. They can sense which way is up, but are only as good as their human operators, Choset added. Sam Stover, a search term manager with the Federal Emergency Management Agency based in Indiana, said snake-type robots would offer greater mobility than equipment currently available, such as cameras attached to extendable roles. "It just allows us to do something we've not been able to do before," Stover said, "We needed them yesterday." He said snifter dogs are still the best search tool for rescue workers, but that they can only be used effectively when workers have access to damaged building. Stover, among the rescue workers who handled the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, said snake robots would have helped rescuers search flooded houses in that disaster. Choset said the robots may not be ready for use for another five to ten years, depending on funding.
Carnegie Mellon University
What will Jordan want to do next?
Jordan and Aubrey started dating last summer. Jordan loved Aubrey's children.
love Aubrey's kids much Aubrey
What will the weather be like probably?
Woman: Oh, look, who's here? Upon my word, if it isn't Mr. White. Oh, Mr. White, you shouldn't have come. Man: That's all right. I was told the weather was not good enough. Woman: Yes, not ideal for flying. Man: If it doesn't clear up soon, I'm afraid the flight might be put off. Woman: Let's hope for the best. Man: Mrs. Smith, do you like traveling by air? Woman: For me there is nothing like traveling by air. It is both speedy and comfortable. Mr. White, there goes the announcement for passengers to board. Man: Oh, good news for you. The plane will take off on time as it is clearing up. Woman: I think I must go now. Thank you for coming to see me off, Mr. White. Man: It's a pleasure. Come again, I wish you a pleasant journey. Woman: Thank you. Good-bye.
What did Florian Kessler consider the pollution had much to do with?
Smog has affected Beijing for at least a week and the Great Hall of the People, where lawmakers will meet next week for the country's parliamentary session , is hardly visible. Much of north and central China, or one-seventh of the country, was covered in it over the weekend. Responses have included reduced industrial activities, a ban on fireworks and barbecues, raised pollution alerts and reduced vehicles travelling on the roads. Citizens are advised to stay indoors while schools have either stopped classes or suspended outdoor activities. And Chinese officials, after a long period of prioritizing economic development over environmental protection, are now likely to see their future career shaped by how effectively they handle the serious pollution. "Even as a foreigner, I know the pollution has a lot to do with too much focus on economic indicators in evaluating Chinese officials," said Florian Kessler, an executive director with German law firm WZR Consulting. The German executive speaks fluent Chinese, loves Beijing food and is a big fan of Beijing Guo'an Football Club, but after staying in the city for eight years, he now wants to leave. "Since I smoke, I'm okay with the pollution, but I can't let my kid breathe in the polluted air. That's why I'm leaving," Kessler explained. He also said that German companies operating in Beijing, such as BMW, Benz and Volkswagen, have all had a hard time finding staff willing to work here. China has repeated in the past that we would not follow the old path of industrialized nations to develop first and deal with pollution afterward. But the smog is an awkward reminder that our country is already on that path. Whether we can change route depends on the choice Chinese officials make between environment and growth in the years ahead.
Chinese government
what is rory mcilroy doing next?
Great play @McIlroyRory especially your finish on Saturday @The_Open. Take it easy on us at the Ryder Cup OK? Enjoy the moment.— Tom Watson (@TomWatsonPGA) July 20, 2014
ryder cup
What does Alex need to do before this?
Alex put their things on the floor and assumed someone else would pick them up.
would need bit selfish
How would Casey feel afterwards?
Casey saw a mouse in their home and chased it away with a broom.
like getting cat
What type of energy is created by position?
Mechanical energy is a combination of the energy of motion or position. This type of energy describes objects that are moving or could move. A moving ball can have energy from motion. An arrow can also have the energy of motion. Both are types of mechanical energy. Can you think of some other examples? Where does the energy of motion come from? It comes from the energy created by position. This energy is stored energy. This means it is not moving yet, but it has the potential to move. How can you store energy? The arrow gains energy from the drawn bow. As the arrow is released, the bow releases its stored energy and puts the arrow into motion. Can you think of some other ways to store energy using position?
Potential energy
What will Quinn want to do after?
Quinn saw his friend turn at the red light so he also turned.
follow friend
What may be the reason for their argument ?
And , as I said before , yes , those are my issues , and they 're about our relationship . There are two people in our relationship . The conversation was scary because you immediately became so enraged . When I looked you in the eyes , you looked at me like we were in the military and this was a staring contest and you were going to win at all costs because the loser dies .
lot relationship problems
What do Andrew Poliak's words probably mean?
You know how much your telephone has changed over the past 10 years? Your car will change even more than that in the next 10 years. One of the biggest changes is that cars will drive themselves. "We certainly have the technology for it now."says Andrew Poliak of automotive technology supplier QNX."We expect self-driving cars to be a mainstream thing between 2020 and 2025." The American company Google has been working on self-driving cars for years. These cars are already on the roads in the United States and are truly self-driving. They have to steering wheels or pedals . Last week, the police ordered one of Google's cars to stop for driving too slowly on a public road. The car was not breaking any law, so no one was punished. Another American company, Tesla, added an "Autopilot" feature to its cars last month. With the Autopilot turned on, the vehicle drives itself. The car will speed up, slow down, _ and drive by itself. You can take over driving any time by turning the steering wheel or touching a pedal. The car uses sensors to know when driveway changing is safe and whether it should speed up or slow down. Tesla Autopilot is made for cross-country driving. It keeps you in the driveway and helps you avoid hitting other cars. It does not work well on local roads, for it will not stop at a red light or stop sign. Reporter Carolyn Nicander Mohr tried the Autopilot feature of a Tesla earlier this month. She had a hard time trusting the car to do what it should do. She thought about disabling the Autopilot feature many times during her trip. She wanted to take control at every bend in the road and hit the brake when the car in front of her slowed down. Yet the car drove perfectly. Other companies are working on self-driving cars, too. Marcedes-Benz, Audi, BMW.Volvo and Toyota all have plans for such vehicles. ,A, B, C, D.
self-driving cars use future
What can we learn from the text about Roger?
The phrase "live, love and laugh" was one my cousin Roger lived by every day of his life. Even in his sickness, he found the positive in what some would see as a negative situation. He enjoyed life. He loved to laugh and most importantly, he lived life to the absolute fullest. He loved to travel, learning new things about different people and their culture. Roger was born and raised in Alabama, and he then moved to Buffalo, New York where he lived for many, many years until he relocated to Atlanta, Georgia, his final resting place. Whether his travels were long visits or short visits, large cities or small towns, his favorite souvenir item was T-shirt. Everywhere he went he would buy a T-shirt to remind him of his travels. Every T-shirt he owned had a story behind it that he would share with others. As long as he was laughing, living and traveling, he was happy. He loved everybody he came in contact with and everybody loved him. The old saying, "He never met a stranger", definitely applied to Roger and his life. His last few years of life were in and out of the hospital at least 10~15 days a month, sometimes more. Two weeks before he passed away, I spoke with him on the phone, and even then he managed to tell jokes about life. I know he left this world happily; he refused to allow anything or anyone to hold him down, even his severe illnesses. He was definitely a model to look up when it comes to not allowing any situation to keep you from moving forward in life. I will forever miss his smile and his love for life. My cousin Roger knew the true meaning of the phrase "live, love and laugh".
loved everyone knew
What does "Tuhao" mean now?
China's new buzzword, tuhao, may be in next year's Oxford English Dictionary. "If its influence continues, it is very likely to appear on our updated list of words, " said Julie Kleeman, project manager with the editing team. In Chinese, tu means uncouth and hao means rich. It has traditionally been referred to rich people who throw their weight around in China's rural areas. In recent years, people borrowed the term to describe those who spend money in an unreasonable manner. The word gained acceptance in September with the launch of Apple's new gold-colored iPhone, an item loved by China's rich people. The color became known as "tuhao gold". The word is now often used by the online community to refer to people who have the cash but lack the class to go with it. Kleeman also mentioned two other Chinese words--dama and hukou--which may also be taken in the dictionary. Hukou means household registration in Chinese and has been widely used. Dama, meaning middle-aged women, was first used in the Western media by the Wall Street Journal in May when thousands of Chinese women were buying up record number of gold. They were the driving force in the global gold market between April and June when the gold prices had gone down. "We have nearly 120 Chinese-linked words now in Oxford English Dictionary, " she said. Some of them are: Guanxi, literally meaning "connection", is the system of social networks and influential relationships which promote business and other dealings. Taikonaut is a mix of taikong, meaning outer space, and astronaut. The new words will be first uploaded on the official website before the dictionaries arrive. The online version is also renewed every three months. "It at least broke our old rules. It used to take 10 years to include a new word but now we keep the pace with the era, " according to John Simpson.
rich find class belong