What may be the best title for the text?
Finding time to read is an important part of developing reading and writing skills for all kids. And there are many easy and convenient ways to make reading a part of each day -- even when it's tough to find time to sit down with a book. Car trips, waits in checkout lines and the doctor's office are all opportunities for reading. Keep books or magazines in your car, or backpack to pull out whenever you're going to be in one place for a while. Even if you can't finish a book, read a few pages or discuss some of the pictures. Encourage kids to bring favorite books and magazines along wherever you go. While it's attractive to provide electronic games and readers, be sure to alternate electronic media with plenty of opportunities to read traditional print books. Reading opportunities are everywhere you go. While riding in the car, for example, encourage kids to spot words and letters (on billboards, store signs, etc.), turning it into a game ("Who'll be the first to find a letter B?"). Even daily tasks like cooking can provide reading moments. Kids can assist you as you cook by telling you how much flour to measure. Give your child a catalogue to read while you sort through the mail. Ask relatives to send your child letters, e-mail, or text messages, and read them together. Help your child create letters or messages to send back to the relatives. These types of activities help kids see the purpose of reading and of print. Even when you're trying to get things done, you can encourage reading. While cleaning, for instance, you might ask your child to read a favorite book to you while you work. Make sure kids get some time to spend quietly with books, even if it means cutting back on other activities, like watching TV or playing video games. Most important, be a reader yourself. Kids who see their parents reading are likely to imitate them and become readers, too!
Finding reading moments
what is lupita nyong'o proud to say?
I can finally say it out loud and proud: I'm going to a galaxy far far away! Lupita Nyong'o (@Lupita_Nyongo) June 2, 2014
going galaxy far away
What does Austin need to do before this?
Austin and Addison made an announcement that they were going to have a party.
decide party
Why is the narrator experiencing balance issues ?
So I was not expecting the extreme discomfort I felt when the drug began to take effect . I suddenly felt like I could not breathe at all , my heart was pounding , I felt dizzy and disoriented , and the room looked dark , like someone had either dimmed the lights or put a dark gray tint on my glasses . I was really afraid that I would pass out and fall off of that high table on to the floor . I struggled to breathe , and there was pressure , hard pressure , on my chest and neck .
taken pills
What will Jan want to do next?
Jan is a farm worker tasked with gathering animals in the evening.
Perform duty
What is mainly talked about in the passage?
As more Americans go to mainland China to take jobs, more Chinese and Americans are working side by side. These cross cultural partnerships, while beneficial in many ways, are also highlighting tensions that expose differences in work experience, pay levels and communication. In the last few years, a growing number of Americans in their 20s and 30s have been heading to China for employment, attracted by its faster growing economy and lower jobless rate. Their Chinese coworkers are often around the same age. But the two groups were raised differently. The Americans have had more exposure to freemarket principles. "Young Americans were brought up in a commercial environment," said Neng Zhao, 28, a senior associate at Blue Oak Capital, a private firm based in Beijing. "We weren't. So the workplace is a unique learning process for my generation." Managers hiring workers in China appear to be paying for Western experience. Foreigners tend to earn 10 to 15 percent more than their Chinese counterparts (persons working in similar positions), said Michael Norman, senior vice president at Sibson Consulting, an American firm. That _ does not go unnoticed by Chinese workers. "There is definitely the belief that Americans get paid more for the same work." said Ting Wang, 25, an associate at Wild China, a travel company based in Beijing. On the other hand, Chinese workers have a deeper understanding of the influences, like Confucianism and Communism, which play a part in their country's culture and economy. It is important and necessary for Americans working in China to adjust, said Mr. Norman, who works on management and work force issues for multinational companies operating in Asia. "In the West, there is such a bonus on getting things done quickly, but when you come to work in China, you need to work on listening and being more patient and understanding of local ways of doing business," he said.
Cross cultural partnerships
The family of which victim were asked to return urn 104?
Madrid, Spain (CNN) -- Relatives of a woman killed in a Spanish airline crash were erroneously given the remains of another victim, and then were asked by authorities to return them, CNN partner network CNN+ reported Thursday. The victims of the crash were first laid out at a Madria convention center. A Madrid judge has opened an investigation into the error, and judicial sources say the initial indication is that the mixup occurred not in the proper identification of the victim, but in delivering the wrong remains to the family in question, CNN+ reported. The family Wednesday received an urn numbered 104, and were told it contained the ashes of their loved one, Pilar Gonzalez Ferreira, who died in the crash. But as the family was preparing to leave Madrid, officials called to tell them about the error and asked for the return of urn 104, CNN+ reported. Instead of urn 104, the family was supposed to have received urn 134, which actually contains the remains of Pilar Gonzalez, CNN+ reported, citing judicial sources and another family which also lost a relative in the crash. The Spanair MD82 jet crashed last week at Madrid's airport as the plane was trying to take off, killing 154 people. The aircraft, bound for Spain's Canary Islands, managed to rise only slightly before coming down quickly to the right of the runway, its tail section hitting the ground first, just off the asphalt. Then the out-of-control plane skidded and bounced at least three times as it careered 1,200 meters (3,840 feet) across uneven terrain and exploded, coming to rest in a gully, a top official of the investigative commission told a news conference in Madrid on Tuesday. Many of the bodies were badly charred from the fire, and authorities have used DNA samples to carry out numerous identifications.
Pilar Gonzalez Ferreira
What measures do many schools take in order to cut down transportation cost, except for _?
The united States has about 475,000 school buses -- all painted yellow. Each day they carry more than 25,000,000 children, half of all schoolchildren in the country. But these buses, on average, use four liters of diesel fuel to travel less than sixteen kilometers. When the school year began last fall, diesel averaged 55 cents a liter nationally. The price nearly doubled, to a dollar and 8 cents, by the end of school in June. Bob Riley speaks for the American School Bus Council. He says fuel prices for schools are not much lower than others have to pay. As a result, schools are looking for ways to reduce transportation costs. Bus routes are being redrawn or, in some cases, canceled. Some areas are buying buses that use natural gas or other alternative fuels. Other steps include fewer field trips and less travel by sports teams. And some school districts may end any bus service not required by law. Studies show that school buses are the safest form of transportation to and from school. The American School Bus Council says cuts in bus service are bad for children and possibly the environment. It says removing buses from the road will mean an increase in other vehicles transporting students. Spokesman Bob Riley says another concern is that reducing bus services might reduce attendance. But it could also get more children to walk or bicycle to school. And that would surely make people happy at the National Center for Safe Routes to School. More kids walking or biking safely to school is the aim of a three-year-old federal program, part of an international movement. The goal is to increase physical activity and reduce air pollution. The United States will celebrate Walk to School Day on October eighth this year. But for some students, high fuel prices could make every day a walk-to-school day.
asking parents drive children school
From where does a plant get food?
A plant makes its own food in its leaves .Water comes to the leaves through the roots . Air gets into the leaves through very small holes . The green coloring in the leaves uses the water and air to make the food for the plant . It also needs sunshine because a plant can make food only when the sun is shining. Animals and people could not live without green plants . They both eat plants .People and some animals also eat the meat of some animals and these animals eat plants.
What will the woman do?
Woman: Er... It's rather hot here. Do yon mind my opening the window? Man: Oh... No... Not at all.
Open window
As a volunteer in Special Holiday Delivery, where should you go to distribute food to the old this year?
While exciting for many, the holidays are stressful for the thousands of families who are struggling in our community. Therefore, our holiday programs coordinate food collections and donations to aid the low-income mothers, children and senior citizens. Those who wish to join the challenge can send financial donations to our office: 1355 Oakman Boulevard, Detroit 48238. Other ways you can get involved are: Collect fresh or packaged food or donations for senior citizens. Many schools and business coordinate food drives to support this effort. The donation will be distributed in a massive effort on December 12 at the Rashid Ground. Call 313 494 4401. Adopt a senior citizen. We will randomly select senior citizens and provide their contact information for donors. We encourage donors to provide fresh food for a holiday meal, and small gifts, if possible. Donors are responsible for purchasing and distributing the gifts and food. Call 313 494 4424. Adopt a family. Donors can request the names and addresses of families that are enrolled in our food program to provide gifts and food for the holiday season. They can indicate the size of the family they wish to adopt. All families will be selected randomly. Call 313 494 4413. Participate in our Special Holiday Delivery. Different from past years, when delivery took place at the Gathering Center, volunteers are now expected to meet at the Campus Hall on December 12 to pick up boxes of food and deliver them to senior citizens. Contact Volunteer Outreach Department at 313 494 4270 to sign up for this special event.
Campus Hall
What measures should be taken to ease the current crisis and avert the potential for a global disaster?
The world economy has run into a brick wall. Despite countless warnings in recent years about the need to address a looming hunger crisis in poor countries and a looming energy crisis worldwide, world leaders failed to think ahead. The result is a global food crisis. Wheat, corn and rice prices increases combined with soaring energy costs will slow if not stop economic growth in many parts of the world and will even undermine political stability, as evidenced by the protest riots that have erupted in places like Haiti, Bangladesh and Burkina Faso. Practical solutions to these growing woes do exist, but we'll have to start thinking ahead and acting globally. So, what should be done?Here are three steps to ease the current crisis and avert(, ) the potential for a global disaster. The first is to scale-up(,) the dramatic success of Malawi, a famine-prone country in southern Africa, which three years ago established a special fund to help its farmers get fertilizer and high-yield seeds. Malawi's harvest doubled after just one year. An international fund based on the Malawi model would cost a mere $10 per person annually in the rich world, or $10 billion in all. Second, the U.S. and Europe should abandon their policies of subsidizing the conversion of food into biofuels . Third, we urgently need to weatherproof the world's crops as soon and as effectively as possible. For a poor farmer, sometimes something as simple as a farm pond--which collects rainwater to be used for emergency irrigation in a dry spell--can make the difference between a bountiful crop and a famine. The world has already committed to establishing a Climate Adaptation Fund to help poor regions climate-proof vital economic activities such as food production and health care but has not yet acted upon the promise. The food crisis provides not only a warning but also an opportunity. We need to invest vastly more in sustainable development in order to achieve true global security and economic growth.
All above .
What caused the changes in museums due to the growing population of young people?
Museums have changed. They are no longer places that one "should" go but now they are places to enjoy. At a science museum in Canada, you can feel your hair stand on end as harmless electricity passes through your body. At the Children's Museum in New York, you can play an African drum. There are no "Do Not Touch" signs in some other museums in the USA. More and more museum directors have realized that people learn best when they can become part of what they are seeing. In many science museums, the visitors are encouraged to touch, listen, operate and experiment so as to discover scientific rules for themselves. The purpose is not only to provide fun, but also help people feel at home in the world of science. If people don't understand science, they will be afraid of it; and if they are afraid of science, they will not make the best of it. One cause of all these changes is the increase in wealth and spare time. Another cause is the growing number of young people in the population. Many of them are college students or college graduates. They see things in a new and different way. They want art that they can take part in. The same is true of science and history. The old museums have been changing and the government is encouraging the building of new and modern museums. In the United States and Canada, there are more than 6,000 museums, almost twice as many as there were 25 years ago.
All of the above.
How would Skylar feel as a result?
Sasha talked to Skylar after school about the the big test they had to take in math class.
Why did Carson do this?
Carson wanted to impress the girl in band class, so Carson learned to play the trumpet.
Ask girl band class go date
What is natural?
Aging is associated with the death of cells.. Cell death is natural.
Whose names and praises were in everyone's mouths?
What a time of it Dawson's Landing was having! All its life it had been asleep, but now it hardly got a chance for a nod, so swiftly did big events and crashing surprises come along in one another's wake: Friday morning, first glimpse of Real Nobility, also grand reception at Aunt Patsy Cooper's, also great robber raid; Friday evening, dramatic kicking of the heir of the chief citizen in presence of four hundred people; Saturday morning, emergence as practicing lawyer of the long-submerged Pudd'nhead Wilson; Saturday night, duel between chief citizen and titled stranger. The people took more pride in the duel than in all the other events put together, perhaps. It was a glory to their town to have such a thing happen there. In their eyes the principals had reached the summit of human honor. Everybody paid homage to their names; their praises were in all mouths. Even the duelists' subordinates came in for a handsome share of the public approbation: wherefore Pudd'nhead Wilson was suddenly become a man of consequence. When asked to run for the mayoralty Saturday night, he was risking defeat, but Sunday morning found him a made man and his success assured.
chief citizen Pudd'nhead Wilson
What's the woman's nationality?
Man: Do you know next week is Halloween? It's on October 31st. Woman: So what do yon do on Halloween? We don't have that holiday in Russia. Man: Well, it's a day when kids dress up in masks and costumes. They knock on people's doors and ask for candy by saying "trick or treat". Woman: Hmm. Sounds interesting. Man: But it's not just for kids. Lots of people go to costume parties. Hey, my friend Alan is having a party. Would you like to go? Woman: Sure. I'd love to.
What country might this be in ?
Sean , Shannon and I were in the library from about 12 - 1 am watching 2 moose out the windows . The windows start at the ground and curve up and are the ceiling too . Well the moose were eating and the base of the window .
What's the man going to do?
Woman: Hi, Jack. Who are you writing to? Man: I'm writing to my parents telling them I'll stay here this summer. Woman: You're not going home? I thought you were going on a trip to Japan with your family. Man: Well, I intended to go with them, but I thought again and changed my mind. Woman: Tell me. I'm interested in knowing what keeps you from joining your beloved family and staying here. It certainly is not studying. Man: No, certainly not. Michael arranged for me to work at his uncle's institution. Woman: How much will you be paid? Man: Judy, I don't do it for money, but for experience. Besides, it's voluntary work. Woman: You work without payment? That's really something. Man: When will you leave for home? Woman: Tomorrow. We'll fly to Hawaii two days after. I really have to pack now. Man: Go then. Have a nice vacation! Woman: I'll send you postcards.
voluntary work
What can one watch to deal with money problems?
TV IN CHICAGO(May, 7, 2013) 2:30 AM Weekend ABC 7 News(Repeat) The top local, regional and national news events are presented by the ABC 7 Weekend News Team, along with weather, sports and travel conditions. 3:00 AM Inside Edition(New, TV-PG) Rumors about mass murderer Charles Manson's secret son. 3:30 AM America This Morning(New) Live reports from ABC News headquarters in Washington D. C. early morning news events and the top headlines of the day are examined and reported. 4:30 AM ABC 7 News This Morning(New) The ABC 7 Morning News Team provides a general look at overnight and early morning news events, weather forecasts and traffic updates for early risers. 5:00 AM Mirror Mirror Reporter Rebecca Spera provides the latest developments in the beauty, health and fashion industries and answers commonly-asked beauty questions. 5:30 AM Home with Lisa Quinn Professional designer Lisa Quinn shows how to refurnish, reorganize and redesign the home in order to maximize convenience and style. 6:00AM Everyday Living Quick beauty tips;protect yourself from money problems;the four most commonly parenting mistakes. 7:00AM Windy City Live(Repeat) Tile ABC 7 team of hosts provides the latest on things of interest in Chicago including cultural events, lifestyle topics, fashion trends and celebrity news. *TV-PG:programs for children with parents' guidance
Everyday Living
What happened after we went back to the dock ?
So , it was once a breezy .. gloomy afternoon . We found the one community park that was n't overwhelmed with kids and parents that were dragged along . We took a walk , he made me laugh , we stared into each others twinkling eyes . Walked back to the dock that hung over the lake .
got knee proposed marriage
What may have been their reason for writing reflective letters ?
I asked them to give themselves advice on how to succeed in this course . Things they know now which they wish they had known then . And they gave me some pretty awesome reflective letters , full of advice useful to my classes this year . Instead of me telling them that doing their homework nightly is important , or that cramming at the last minute does n't work , they now have it from the horses mouths .
What did the German scientist's findings show about Krebs?
It is not unusual for people to speak two or three languages; they're known as bilinguals or trilinguals. Speakers of more than three languages are known as polyglots. And when we refer to people who speak many languages, perhaps a dozen or more, we use the term hyper-polyglot. The most famous hyper-polyglot was Giuseppe Mezzofanti, a 19thcentury Italian cardinal, who was said to speak 72 languages. This claim sounds absurd. _ But Mezzofanti was tested by critics, and they were all impressed. Did Mezzofanti have an extraordinary brain? Or are hyper-polyglots just ordinary people with ordinary brains who manage to do something extraordinary through hard work? U.S. linguist Stephen Drashen believes that outstanding language learners just work harder at it and then they acquire unusually strong language ability. As an example, he mentions a Hungarian woman who worked as an interpreter during the 20thcentury. When she was 86, she could speak 16 languages and was still working on learning new languages. She said she learned them mostly on her own, reading fiction or working through dictionaries or textbooks. Some researchers argue to the contrary. They believe that there is such a thing as a talent for learning languages. In the 1930s, a German scientist examined parts of the preserved brain of a hyper-polyglot named Emil Krebs, who could speak 60 languages fluently. The scientist found that the area of Krebs's brain called Broca's area, which is associated with language, looked different from the Broca's area in the brains of men who speak only one language. However, we still don't know if Krebs was born with a brain ready to learn dozens of languages or if his brain adapted to the demands he put on it. Although it is still not clear whether the ability to learn many languages is in born, there's no doubt that just about all of us can acquire skills in a second, third, or even fourth language by putting our mind to it.
unusual brain
What will Others want to do next?
kendall was married two times already, and had two kids.
tell kendall keep hopes
What may happen during my anxiety attack ?
Another one of those anxiety attacks where I realize I have n't written anything in about a year . So . Last Thursday I packed up all my things , and on Friday I drove up to Tuscaloosa for my first year of college . I thought I was bringing too much , but now that I ' m here my room feels a little empty .
realized writing slacking
What did scientists want to know?
Will it matter if you don't have your breakfast? A short time ago, a test was given in the United States. People of different ages, from 12 to 83, were asked to have a test. During the test, these people were given all kinds of breakfasts, and sometimes they got no breakfast at all. Scientists wanted to see how well their bodies worked when they had different kinds of breakfasts. The rules show that if a person eats a right breakfast, he or she will work better than if he or she has no breakfast. If a student has fruit , eggs, bread and milk before going to school ,he or she will learn more quickly and listen more carefully in class. The result is opposite to what some people think. Having no breakfast will not help them lose weight. This is because they are so hungry at noon that eat too much for lunch. They will gain weight instead of losing it. You will lose weight if you reduce your other meals.
breakfast effect work studies
How would Sasha feel as a result?
jordan brought the food to sasha at the end of the line because they felt bad for sasha.
grateful towards jordan
The organisms likely to have the waxiest leaves are
waxy leaves are used for storing water by some plants
Which invention is most helpful for someone waiting for a train?
Time Temp Glasses Are you a person who wants to know the time and temperature during the day? You might like Temp Glasses. These special glasses show the time above your right eye and the temperature your left eye. It is surely easier than wearing a wristwatch, and you never have to guess the Tature. Alarm Fork Do you eat too quickly? Do you eat too much? How can the Alarm Fork help you? Aren't you is ? Well, this special fork has two lights: one green and one red. When the green is on, it's OK to eat a piece of food. The fork "knows" when you eat a piece, and soon the red goes on. Wait for the green light before you eat another piece. Smell This Sow do you know if your breath smells nice, or if it smells bad? It's difficult It) know, because it's very hard to smell the air that comes out of your own mouth. Smell This is useful for this ion. Smell This covers your nose and your mouth. Docs your breath smell nice, or do you need a piece of gum ? Banana Suitcase Has this ever happened to you? You put a banana in your bag lunch in the morning, and when pen the bag at noon, the banana looks like someone drove a car over it. If you put your banana Banana Suitcase, this will never happen. It keeps a banana safe, delicious, and looking like a m!
Time Temp Glasses
Which country does a place need to be in order to successfully become a World Heritage Site?
Heritage is our legacy from the past, what we live with today, and what we pass on to future generations. Our cultural and natural heritage are both irreplaceable sources of life and inspiration. Places as unique and diverse as the Pyramids of Egypt, the Great Barrier Reef in Australia and the Great Wall of China make up our world's heritage. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) seeks to encourage the identification, protection and preservation of cultural and natural heritage around the world considered to be of outstanding value to humanity. This is _ in an international treaty called the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, adopted by UNESCO in 1972. How does a place become a World Heritage Site? It takes a lot of people to decide. 1)If a country wants one of its places to be on the World Heritage List, it has to ask UNESCO. The place must be important and special. UNESCO put the Great Wall on the list in 1987 because, it said, it was a great part of Chinese culture and beautifully made to go with the land. When a country asks, it must also make a plan for taking care of the place. 2)The World Heritage Committee of UNESCO talks about different places and decides whether to put them on the list. The committee meets every June. Many experts help the committee to decide. 3)After a new place goes on the list, UNESCO gives money to help keep it looking good. If a place is in serious danger, it may be put on the List of World Heritage Sites in Danger. UNESCO gives special care and help to those places. 4)Countries have to give UNESCO regular reports about places on the list. If UNESCO thinks a country isn't taking good enough care of a place, the site will be taken off the list.
continue take special care
What does Remy need to do before this?
Remy used special conditioner and made their hair softer.
use conditioner
Why do adult worms go through a major transformation?
Adult worms go through a major transformation to develop reproductive organs.. Reproduction Organisms create young of their species by reproduction.
Create young
What role does the mom serve for the application ?
Apparently I needed to get an application * and * a check to the woman for the apartment I saw and loved . She did not tell me this . My mother sent her some questions since she was co - signing the application , two days after I got the applcation . She was n't responded to , and when I found the woman to ask her why , it turned out she rented the apartment out . I have two and a half weeks to find an apartment and move into it .
How many floors do both of the Tree Houses have inside?
The Green Magic Tree House, in India, is the perfect hotel for anybody who likes adventure . Guests must drive for miles through the jungle to find it in the middle of tea and coffeeplantation . There are two tree houses to choose from, one 30 meters and the other 35 meters above the ground. Both houses have two floors. The bedrooms are above the living area and there are bathrooms and showers. You can get up to rooms and move between floors byusing ladders . You can go from one tree house to the other on a rope bridge. The houses sometimes move about in the wind but the views are fantastic. Guests can enjoy moving through the jungle, climbing in the mountains, and watching wildlife. There are many unusual plants, birds, and insects in the area. The Ice Hotel is in Jukkasjarvi, a village in Sweden 200 kilometers north of the Arctic Circle. Every winter, a team of architects , designers and snow builders build the hotel. This year there are 80 rooms. Everything is made of ice. The walls, the floors, the ceilings , and even the furniture are made of ice. The beds are made of ice, too, but guests sleep on warm deer skins. Outside it can be -37degC, so inside it feels quite comfortable. The hotel has a bar, where guests can drink vodka from glasses made of ice. It's very popular -- because there isn't much else to do. To spend a night at Jules Underwater Lodge in Florida, guests need to scuba dive seven meters under the sea. They enter a small house through a door at the bottom of the building. Inside, the kitchen is stored with food and there is a fridge and a microwave oven . There is a hot shower and comfortable beds and lots of books, DVDs and video games. Most guests, however, spend their time at one of the large windows watching different fishes swimming by.
What may happen after Dean completed his mission ?
When Dean was 18 he went on a solo hunt to get rid of a poltergeist . The family that lived in the house being haunted included a daughter the same age he was . After getting rid of the ghost , Dean went back to his motel for the night planning to leave in the morning .
poltergeist longer presence home
What is the title of the article?
The Aztec population was divided into four main classes.Nobles were the highest and most powerful class.They included the emperor and his extended family, as well as governors in charge of local areas, and members of the government.The nobles owned most of the land.Commoners made up most of the population.They ran small family farms or did ordinary jobs in the towns and cities.Serfs worked on the land owned by the nobles.They were given food and shelter, but weren't paid.Slaves were either prisoners of war or criminals who could be bought and sold. Many Aztec people lived in rural villages, working the land.However, many more lived in large towns and cities.Tenochtitian, the Aztec capital and home to the emperor, became one of the largest cities in the world.Its construction began in 1325 AD, and it's believed that by 1500 AD more than 200,000 people lived there. As with all Aztec towns and cities, there was a central area for temples and other special places in Tenochtitian.People could gather there to worship the Aztec gods.
Aztec Society
Who cooked the soup?
Woman: Did you cook the soup yourself, Mike? It's delicious. Man: No. My mother cooked it for me.
Mike's mother
What will happen to Others?
Many peoples rights were being trampled by the authorities illegitimate rule, but risking it all, Sasha asserted one's liberties.
Others inspired Sasha
Why is Bill's bag big?
Bill and his friends are in a big city. He takes a lot of food. His bag is big and heavy. Soon, Bill gets lost. He walks in the street for a long time and he feels tired . It's eight in the evening, he goes into a restaurant. He asks for some drinks and soon he begins to sleep. When he wakes up ,he can't find any people in the restaurant. The door is closed and he can't go out. He finds a telephone number and begins to call Mt Jackson, the owner of the restaurant. "Hello," says the boy. "When do you open your restaurant, Mr. Jackson?" The telephone wakes up the man and he isn't happy. So he says, "Don't ask me about that. I can't let you in." "Oh, no! I want to go out."
puts much food
How did the thoughtful man help the lady driver to edge in the traffic flow?
It was evening rush hour on Pacific Coast Highway in Redondo Beach, CA. Drivers lined up from traffic signal to traffic signal and were anxious to get home. On a side street merging into this highway was a timid driver who was afraid to edge in and no one let her in. Some of the drivers backed up behind her and loudly blasted their horns. This made her more upset and nervous. On the right of this side street, the signal on Pacific Coast Highway turned red and traffic stopped. A driver who saw what was happening to this woman stopped a few car lengths behind her car and motioned to her to pull in front of his car. She quickly did and as he waited, two more cars dashed in behind her car. While the woman he'd helped waited for the signal to turn green, she sank into her driver's seat and was deeply relieved. Although this thoughtful man couldn't see it, her body language expressed her gratitude. If you've been in a traffic situation like the one she was in, you know how upsetting it can be. But this little act of kindness allowed her to safely reach her home. She told others about this, which encouraged them to do something nice for someone else. This kindness spreads. Someone does something nice for you and in turn you're likely to do something nice for that person or for someone else. A simple act of kindness could have a widespread effect. It's like a stone that drops in a pond and causes ripples in each direction. No one knows how far those ripples will travel but they will affect everything they touch along the way.
stopped car distance back give enough space move
How long has Beijing Opera become a popular art form?
Beijing opera or Peking opera (Pinyin: Jingju) is a form of Chinese opera which arose in the late 18th century and became fully developed and recognized by the mid-19th century.The form was extremely popular in the Qing Dynasty court and has come to be regarded as one of the cultural treasures of China.Major performance troupes (,) are based in Beijing and Tianjin in the north,and Shanghai in the south.The art form is also enjoyed in Taiwan,and has spread to other countries such as the United States and Japan. Beijing opera features four main types of performers.Performing troupes often have several of each variety,as well as numerous secondary and tertiary performers.With their elaborate (,) and colorful costumes,performers are the only focal points on Beijing opera's characteristically small stage.They make use of the skills of speech,song,dance,and combat in movements that are symbolic and suggestive,rather than realistic.Above all else,the skill of performers is evaluated according to the beauty of their movements.Performers also hold a variety of stylistic conventions that help audiences navigate the plot of the production.The layers of meaning within each movement must be expressed in time with music.The music of Beijing opera can be divided into the Xipi and Erhuang styles.Melodies include arias ,fixed-tune melodies,and percussion patterns.The repertoire of Beijing opera includes over 1,400 works,which are based on Chinese history,folklore,and,increasingly,contemporary life. In recent years,Beijing opera has attempted numerous reforms in response to sagging audience numbers.These reforms,which include improving performance quality,adapting new performance elements,and performing new and original plays,have met with mixed success.Some Western works have been adopted as new plays,but a lack of funding and an adverse political climate have left Beijing opera's fate uncertain as the form enters the 21st century.
one half centuries
what is kevin hyped about?
I don't know what I just watched but I'm hyped, that looked really fun! #Overwatch ? Haha— Kevin van der Kooi (@RotterdaM08) November 7, 2014
watch overwatch
In order for you to walk, what happens to bonds between atoms?
Energy is stored in chemical compounds. This energy is called chemical energy. Chemical energy is a form of potential energy. When bonds between atoms are broken, energy is released. The wood in fireplaces has chemical energy. The energy is released as heat and light when the wood burns. Most living things get their energy from food. When food molecules are broken down, the energy is released. It may then be used to do work, like playing ball or studying science. If you have ever heard, "Eat a good breakfast", thats why. You need energy to do things during the day. To do those things you need energy. You get your energy from the food you eat. That energy is stored in your body until you need it. How did you get to school today? If you walked, you used chemical energy from the food you ate. What if you rode the bus or were driven in a car? Where did that energy come from?
Bonds atoms broken
What is the main purpose of the passage?
Sheep always follow each other and never really think about where they are going. Perhaps fashion makes us into " _ ". Maybe we should find our own way and not follow the crowd. Everyone wants to wear top brand clothing. However, we should remember that clothes designers study what ordinary people wear on the street. Then they make clothes like ordinary people's for everyone. Therefore, fashion really starts with individual finding a new look. Then a company uses that look and then it becomes fashionable! That doesn't mean you will. That is to say, a model might look perfect in a shirt but that doesn't mean you will. The same goes for mobile phones. Young people are always asking me when to change my mobile phones. Mobile phone companies are always putting new functions on their phones but do we really need all these extra functions? I use my phone to call people and to send messages to my friends. I don't need a camera, Internet surfing or a calendar on my phone. Again, if you buy the latest phone, it will only be the latest phone for a month or so. Then something new will come out and you'll be unfashionable again. You can't keep up with fashion all the time, so you don't need to follow the fashion.
tell us "sheep"
What happens when water's temperature drops to 32 degrees or below?
freezing causes a solid to form. Water freezes at 32 degrees.
becomes solid
What may be happening to the taco ?
So I have finished my taco and I ' m far enough into my mediocre burrito that I know that this is just too much food for one meal but not enough to divide into two meals and it 's too late for that anyway . And here comes the manager I guess and he is asking everyone in the place how their taco is . And I hate that ! What if I told him that this burrito barely registered on the events of my day ?
ate gone
Why search the cellar?
The day was just breaking, as I left the tower; though it was still too dark in the house to be able to see without a light, and I took one of the study candles with me on my 'round. By the time I had finished the ground floor, the daylight was creeping in, wanly, through the barred windows. My search had shown me nothing fresh. Everything appeared to be in order, and I was on the point of extinguishing my candle, when the thought suggested itself to me to have another glance 'round the cellars. I had not, if I remember rightly, been into them since my hasty search on the evening of the attack. For, perhaps, the half of a minute, I hesitated. I would have been very willing to forego the task--as, indeed, I am inclined to think any man well might--for of all the great, awe-inspiring rooms in this house, the cellars are the hugest and weirdest. Great, gloomy caverns of places, unlit by any ray of daylight. Yet, I would not shirk the work. I felt that to do so would smack of sheer cowardice. Besides, as I reassured myself, the cellars were really the most unlikely places in which to come across anything dangerous; considering that they can be entered, only through a heavy oaken door, the key of which, I carry always on my person.
n't since evening attack
what needs contact to smooth over long periods of time?
contact between rocks over long periods of time causes rocks to smooth. Type of Rocks Salt, quartz and basalt are decent types of aquarium rocks.
Where do Alice, Tom, and Jim come from?
Alice is an American girl. She has two good friends. One is Tom, the other is Jim. They come from the same country. They are studying in Beijing now. They are at the same school-- No.2 Middle School. They have a lot of Chinese friends here. They go to school from Monday to Friday. They go to school at seven in the morning. They all go to school by subway. In the evening, they do their homework and learn Chinese. On Saturdays and Sundays they go to their friends' homes. There they learn more Chinese from their Chinese friends and their friends learn English from them. Sometimes they write to their parents in America. They tell them about China and their life in China. They all like living here . They want their parents to come to China one day.
what habitats are replaced when building housing developments?
building housing developments usually requires replacing animal habitats. Food is an invitation for stray animals and neighborhood pets as well as wildlife.
strays wildlife
Regarding the woman, which of the following is correct?
Woman: Do you have any computer talent around you? Man: What's going on? Isn't your colleague Xiao Liu very talented? Woman: He resigned last week, maybe he started his own company. Man: I'll ask around for you, I have a friend who graduated from the computer department and is looking for a job.
need computer talent
What is fic ?
AND WHY IS IT IN SUCH A DAMN RUSH?Goddamn . I read someone 's first fanfic and remembered my own , and then did a double take and went , " I ' ve been writing fanfiction for six years already ! " I wrote my first fic Nov. 11 , 2002 , and it was a Sailor Moon Sue no less . And then in 2003 I started actually posting stuff ( a year after I signed up for FFN ) .
Fic "fan fiction "genre fans star show write fictional account featuring star story
Why did cities begin to spend more money on public transportation in the late 1960s?
The way people in the US travel to and from work has changed a lot in the last fifty years. Before the Second World War, most people lived in the town or the city where they worked. Almost everyone either walked to work or used a good inexpensive transportation system Many of these systems were electrified and ran on tracks, so they used very little energy. After 1945, the US government built many new roads and highways. People moved farther and farther form the cities where they worked because they could drive their cars on these new roads from their suburban homes to work in the city. Some of the big car makers also bought the electrified transportation systems and destroyed them. As people stopped using public transporation , cities spent less money fixing old buses and trains or buying new ones. Public transportation got worse and worse. In the late 1960s, people found out that the increase in the use of cars led to many problems. There were always too many cars for the highway system, and terrible traffic problems developed. People were spending hours in traffic jams getting to and from work every day. In addition, the air in many cities became dirty because of pollution from millions of cars, and many people died in traffic accidents. As people began to get worried about how the use of cars was hurting the environment, cities began to spend more money on public transportation again, so fewer people would have to drive cars. When gas became very expensive in the mid-1970s, the number of people taking public transportation began to increase .It's terribly expensive to build new public transportation systems. so it's very difficult to make big changes in the way people travel .However ,an increase in the use of public transportation has begun.
change people's way traveling
who is complaining about the f.b.i.?
What are Hillary Clinton's people complaining about with respect to the F.B.I. Based on the information they had she should never.....— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 13, 2017
hillary clinton's people
What is one thing we can be pretty certain about the narrator ?
You know what they say ... " NO play makes slay gray . " OK I do n't think THEY say that , maybe its more like " No play makes slay even meaner . " Yeah I think that 's it . So I am looking at this cache , waiting to see who would find it first , checking it periodically during the day ... And no one claims it .
name Slay
How might this person feel after their boss 's attitude ?
I threw a party for my boss at work to mark his 10 year anniversary for opening up his own business . It was a very small event , I even baked the cake . Thing is , the next day he barely spoke to me . He was even rude at one point .
feel upset boss
What can we know from the passage?
London, Reuters--What could annoy teenagers enough to make them stop hanging out with friends and go home? No, it's not a visit from their mothers, and not a threat to take away their cellphones or pocket money. It's high-frequency noise. The UK police recently agreed to use a device called the Sonic Teenager Deterrent. It sends out a sound that makes teenagers become so impatient and angry that they have to cover their ears tightly and walk away. The sound is at extreme high-pitch that can be heard by those under 20. The body's natural ability to detect some wave bands decreases almost entirely after 20, so few adults can hear the sounds. The black-box device, nicknamed the Mosquito because of its sound, can be fixed to the outside walls of shops, offices and homes. It sounds to youngsters like a crazy insect or a badly played violin. But it causes no physical damage. A number of police forces and councils have given permission to use the system and want to install it at trouble spots. Staffordshire Police Inspector Amanda Davies, who has given the device to shopkeepers in the Moorlands area, said," It is controlled by the shopkeepers--if they can see through their window that there is a problem, they turn the device on for a while until the group has run away."
high-frequency noise beyond listening ability people 20
What can singing bring, according to some surveys?
Some people think that singing can lift our spirits ( ), while some other people don't think so.They don't like singing and they think singing can never make them happy.I do think singing can make us feel good, and it can lift our spirits.Let me tell you more about that. Some researchers once did some surveys and proved it.The surveys show that singing can bring a lot of health benefits .If you sing with your friends, the effects may be even better. John Lennon was once a teacher of Vocal Performance at Emporia State University.He says, "Singing is an inborn need.Babies sing to themselves and they seem so happy.Like babies, when we sing, we feel so good and singing makes us feel even better.I like singing and I am happy every day." Music is a part of human nature.And singing is a form of expression that can be understood by everyone.Some people say that music is like a kind of language.The language can show people's opinions and attitudes to their life.Some songs can cheer people up when they are in trouble.Some songs can make people happy and excited.That's why the TV show The Voice of China is so popular with people.
health benefits
Who did Kelly write this letter mainly to?
Dear Grandma, It was nice seeing you at Christmas.You looked so happy! After losing two grandparents within the past year, I have taken some time to reflect on what is most important.I want to let you know what a positive influence you have been on me.I am the person I am because of you. I remember being on your farm a lot when I was younger.I remember the projects you planned for us.We painted rocks to represent our family members.We made doll clothes out of colorful socks.We made many "playhouses" in the woods. We learned that if you left a bucket of soybeans in the rain, you would soon have a bucket of growing beans.We learned that if we helped pick the strawberries in the morning, we'd have them on our ice cream in the afternoon.We learned that some plants have funny names, like the elephant ear plant.We learned that you could make do with what you had.We learned that making things out of paper and cardboard was more fun than what came inside the packaging.We learned it was OK to get dirty, but Grandma would wash us up before Mom came. You once made models of everyone's houses, which made me want to be an architect.Another time, you made quilts for all of the grandkids.I still use mine every night.The edge has worn out. But you taught me how to fix it. I love and respect you.You are always patient, with a quiet determination. Grandma, thank you for everything you have taught me.I hope that I am able to pass on all these memories and skills to my children and grandchildren. Love always, Kelly
show love respect grandma
Where does this text probably come from?
This week Faith Lapidus and Doug Johnson will tell you about Chuck Berry.Chuck Berry,born on October 18,1926,is often called the father of rock and roll.He is one of the most popular and influential performers of rhythm-and-blues and rock'n'roll music during the 1950s,1960s and 1970s. He started singing in church when he was six years old.His interest in music stuck with him.A lot of Chuck Berry's material is about teenage life,especially school.Chuck Berry left school when he was 17.He headed west with two friends,but they did not get far.They were arrested after they used a gun to steal a car in Kansas City,Missouri.He was set free after four years. Chuck Berry signed his first recording contract in 1955,with the company Chess Records.Because one of his early hits,"Rock&Roll Music", _ in the United States then,which was greeted with enthusiastic reviews.Many other famous bands copied it again and again. Filmmaker Taylor Hackford made a documentary called"Hail! Hail! Rock'n'Roll", named for a Chuck Berry song.It centered on the making of a concert to honor the musician on his 60th birthday in 1986.Guitarist Keith Richards from the Rolling Stones organized the concert.Listening to Chuck Berry songs got him interested in music.In Keith Richards'words,"I didn't dream I could make a living at it but that's what I wanted to do."More than 75 artists and bands have done their own versions of Chuck Berry songs. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland,Ohio,included Chuck Berry in its first year of honors in 1986.The Hall of Fame had this to say:"While no individual can be said to have invented rock and roll,Chuck Berry comes the closest of any single figure to being the one who put all the essential pieces together." Thank you for your listening.Faith Lapidus and Doug Johnson were your announcers.
radio report
Who failed to see Peter Lee soon enough?
This sad story happened on a cold winter evening. It was so cold and snow was falling so heavily that the roads were covered with ice and a strong wind was blowing. Being outside in such weather was very unwise. However, Peter Lee had to walk home from work. Peter walked with difficulty along a country road, the cold wind beating against his chest. He thought, "If I wear my coat backwards, maybe, it will be a little bit warmer for me." He stopped walking, took off his coat, and put it on backwards. "That's much better," he said to himself happily. Walking on through the thickly falling snow, he was thinking about drinking a cup of warm coffee by the burning fireplace. A few minutes later, a car knocked down Peter. The driver hadn't seen him soon enough. When he tried his best to put on the brakes , the car skidded on the icy road. The frightened driver got out of the car and ran to see how the poor man was. After a while, a police car arrived. A policeman went up to see Mr Lee who was lying on the ground. He told the driver, "I'm afraid he's dead." The driver was so surprised. "This can't be the case, because I hardly touched him. Check my car carefully. There's not a mark on it." The policeman said, "I'm sure he's dead." "It's impossible," the driver said anxiously. "As soon as I hit him, I ran to help him. He was lying on the road, but he was breathing and there was no blood." "Did you touch him?" the policeman asked. "Yes, but only to turn his head around the right way," the driver answered.
car knocked
What is likely to fill the blank in this text, which is likely to be selected from a book?
About 30 years ago, I left Cuba for the United States with my son. After getting settled finally in Brunswick, New Jersey, I enrolled my son in kindergarten. Several weeks later, my son's teacher asked me to meet him at his office. In the teacher's office, and exchange of greetings was followed by his questions: " Is your son mentally retarded ? Does he suffer from any kind of mental disability?" Was he talking about my wonderful Scola? No, no, it can't be. What a helpless, lonely moment! I told him that Scola was a quiet, sweet little boy, instead. I asked him why he was asking me all these questions. My son could not follow the teacher's directions, he told me, and thus, Scola was _ the class. Didn't he know my son did not speak English yet? He was angry: " Why hasn't your son been taught to speak English? Don't you speak English at home?" No, I didn't speak English at home, I replied. I was sure my son would learn English in a couple of months, and I didn't want him to forget his native language. Well, wrong answer! What kind of person would not speak in English to her son at home and at all times? " Are you one of those people who come to this country to save dollars and sent them back to their country, never wanting to be a part of this society?" Needless to say, I tried to tell him I was not one of " those people." Then he told me the meeting was over, and I left. As I had expected, my son learned to speak English fluently before the school year was over. He went on to graduate from college and got a job, earning close to six figures. He travels widely and leads a well-adjusted, contented life. And he has benefited from being bilingual . Speaking more than one language allows people to communicate with others; it teaches people about other cultures and other places- something very basic and obviously lacking in the "educator" I met in New Jersey.
How would you describe Ash?
Ash let the cat inside because it was freezing outside.
What is the text mainly about?
Disney has adapted a series of beloved animated films into its live-action movies, and that trend has not even begun to slow. On Monday, the company announced that the newest movie to get the live-action treatment would be Mulan. Based on the same Chinese legend as the 1998 animated movie, Mulan will follow in the footsteps of Cinderella, Maleficent, and several already-announced upcoming movies. Since 2010, Disney has released three live-action adaptations of formerly animated movies: Alice In Wonderland, Maleficent, and Cinderella. All three have proven to be financial successes, with Alice In Wonderland earning over $1 billion and Maleficent bringing in $758 million. Even the most recent offering, Cinderella, has managed to earn over $330 million in its first three weeks of wide release. Fans of live-action remakes will not have to wait for Mulan, since Disney has already planned four other adaptations to hit theatres first. The Jungle Book is the next movie to get a live-action revival, planned for 2016. A retelling of Beauty And The Beast - starring Emma Watson, Dan Stevens, and Audra McDonald - will begin production in May, with an expected release date of March 17, 2017. Surprisingly, the other Disney cartoon getting an adaptation is 1941's Dumbo, the story of a flying elephant. Tim Burton signed on to direct that tricky movie on March 10.
live action remakes animated films
What make and store colorful compounds?
Chromoplasts make and store pigments.. Photosynthetic Pigments Photosynthetic Pigments Pigments are colorful compounds.
what requires nutrients to grow and heal?
an animal requires nutrients to grow and heal. Humans are a new type of animal.
What did Aaron's parents do after getting rid of some of their stuff?
Yesterday, I overheard our 9-year-old son, Aaron, talking to his friend, Zach. "Oh, God!" Zach began, peering in Aaron's closet. "Where are all your toys?" "Oh, we are doing something called 'Simplicity Plan' , so I basically got rid of 80% of my staff." "What? Did your mom and dad make you do this?" "No. I decided to do it because I wanted to. When I give away a lot of my things, I have time for family activities. I did it because I wanted to live differently and have less staff in my life." "But still, why would you choose to get rid of most of your toys?" "Part of the reason is that my parents were doing it with their stuff. And my mom talked to me about it and explained how they felt happier afterwards. And I thought maybe I really had spent a lot of my time in my room playing with toys instead of spending time with my parents and sister." "I feel proud because I am a person who has just what I need and not more. And I'm starting new activities like writing how I feel, reading more, and spending more time doing housework around the house." "Ok. Let me get this straight. You have fewer toys, more housework, and you feel happier?" "Well, it's not that the housework is fun. But I do it with my parents. We talk and connect while we are doing it, so that is the fun. And we've been doing more activities together, like reading aloud at night. And on weekends, we have conversations or go out together, instead of my dad being at his computer, my mom cleaning and me playing with my toys." "Maybe you are right."
found benefited
Who resisted the merge and why?
The letterhead on correspondence still bears the Bexar County Legal Aid name, even though the organization is no longer. Texas Rural Legal Aid - known for its fearless and sometimes controversial advocacy of the poorest of the poor - last week took over four other corporations serving the legal needs of the indigent in Southwest Texas, including the one in Bexar County. The new 68-county legal aid organization has yet to be named and stretches from El Paso to Corpus Christi, Harlingen to Austin. The leader for the super-sized law firm has big plans. "I'm more interested in looking at what we as advocates can do to address the serious problems of poverty than the number of cases we close," said David Hall, the TRLA executive director. In the Rio Grande Valley, Hall's attorneys set up separate groups to assist small-business owners and residents with low-interest loans and legal representation. They also operate a legal arm that assists migrant workers from Texas to Kentucky. Now, Hall said, he wants to make services to the poor more efficient by working with law students who will handle less complicated legal matters, allowing licensed attorneys to take more "high impact" cases to court. "What we need to do is handle cases as efficiently as we can, leveraging the amount of time of the lawyer that goes in there and maximizing the number of people that they can help at one time," Hall said. His plan is to place the 110 attorneys on staff in teams working on specialized legal issues. He wants to expand the law clinic it already has with St. Mary's University Law School to involve students at the University of Texas Law School. The law students at St. Mary's interview potential clients, assist them with filling out legal documents and answer the telephones for the legal hotline, freeing up TRLA lawyers to handle the complicated cases, Hall said. By the end of September, Hall said all the attorneys working with the poor in the 68county area will be placed on the same computer network so they can pass cases to the best available attorneys. Last year, board members on the former Legal Aid of Central Texas and Bexar County Legal Aid resisted the merger, saying that the mergers were done illegally and without the input of board members. They also argued that Hall's litigious style hampered their ability to garner funds from Congress. TRLA generated controversy in 1996, when its attorneys challenged the rights of 800 military personnel to vote in Val Verde County elections by absentee ballot after a former Ku Klux Klan member won a county commissioner post. Brendan Gill, the former executive director of the Bexar County group, said he has since come to see the merger as a positive move for South Texas. "I always knew there were good points to merging, just as I knew that there were bad points," Gill said.
Board members former Legal Aid Central Texas Bexar County Legal Aid done without approval
What do we know from the passage?
Penguins live together,but each pair has a little piece of ground of their own.When a penguin wants to walk through its neighbor's ground,it must ask permission.If it does not do that,it will have to fight.Most of the time,penguins live on the water.They eat shell fish and look after their children carefully. All penguins are good parents--the male penguins are perhaps the best parents in the world. They walk in the sea in the middle of the dark Antarctic water. They choose their wives in the dark.They can only hear them--not see them.Then the female penguins lay their eggs and go away for about two months.The males take care of the eggs.If the eggs get cold,there will be no chicks.There is no food.The snow falls heavily and the wind blows strongly--sometimes at 150 kilometers an hour.The penguins do not move.When the females return from the sea,they will not remember their husbands.It does not matter.Only one thing matters--the eggs.Male penguins never fight--unless a penguin leaves a chick for a minute.They then fight because they all want it.They are strange and wonderful birds.
penguins fight one walks others ground without permission
How would you describe Tracy?
Tracy needed paint to make the picture complete, since they were missing blues and reds.
artist cares quality
How would Jordan feel afterwards?
Jordan immediately went and took action when the problem occurred.
Why do they feel these sensations while watching TV ?
I have had the same experiences and it has really troubled me . Even when I was watching the clips about the Kundalini and I would " feel " myself begin to respond and " jerk " and " twitch " and shake and I would turn it off immediately because that rather " freaked me out " . I have never been to Toronto , nor have I had " direct " contact with anyone that has been there - but I have watched the stuff on God TV and I have " laid hands " on the TV screen to " receive " and I thought it was ALL of God .
get involved watching
Over the years, the desert rat has evolved traits that help it live with low supplies of water, what is this an example of?
an organism 's environment affects that organism 's acquired characteristics
Acquired characteristics
What field or industry has seen an increasing number of jobs for women?
Women are on their way to holding more than half of all American jobs. The latest government report shows that their share of non-farm jobs nearly reached fifty percent in September, 2009. The job market continues to suffer the effects of last year's financial crash. On the one hand more women have entered the labor market over the years, and on the other hand the economic recession has hit men harder than women. In October the unemployment rate for men was almost 11% compared to 8% for women. Industries that traditionally use lots of men have suffered deep cuts. For example, manufacturing and building lost more jobs last month. But health care and temporary employment services have had job growth. Both of those industries employ high percentages of women. Thirty years ago, women earned sixty-two cents for every dollar that men earned. Now, for those who usually work full time, women earn about eighty percent of what men earn. And a recent study from the University of California, Davis, reveals that women hold fifty-one percent of well-paid management and professional jobs. Yet the study also shows that men still hold about nine out of every ten top positions at most companies. The results have remained largely unchanged for five years. Also, a new research paper in the journalSex Roleslooks at the experiences of women who are the main earners in their families. Rebecca Meisenbach at the University of Missouri in Columbia interviewed fifteen women. She found that they all value their independence and many enjoy having the power of control, though not all want it. But they even feel more pressure and worry. That is partly because of cultural expectations that working women should still take care of the children. Also, men who are not the main earners may feel threatened.
health care
What did the researchers seem to believe?
Have you ever noticed that people have thinner arms and legs as they get older? As we age it becomes harder to keep our muscles healthy. They get smaller, which reduces strength and increases the possibility of falls and fractures . New research is showing how this happens and what to do about it. A team of Nottingham researchers has already shown that when older people eat, they cannot make muscle as fast as the young. Now they've found that the ability to prevent muscle breakdown is reduced with age. When older people eat, they don't build enough muscle with the protein in food; also, the insulin fails to shut down the muscle breakdown that rises between meals and overnight. Normally, in young people, insulin acts to slow muscle breakdown. The research just published compared one group of people in their late 60s to a group of 25-year-olds, with equal numbers of men and women. "We studied our subjects first -- before breakfast -- and then after giving them a small amount of insulin to raise the hormone to what they would be if they had eaten breakfast," Professor Rennie said. " The results were clear. The younger people's muscles were able to use insulin we gave to stop the muscle breakdown, which had increased during the night. The muscles in the older people could not. In the course of our tests, we also noticed that the blood flow in the leg was greater in the younger people than the older ones," added Professor Rennie. However, scientists think that weight training may reactivate muscle blood flow and help retain muscles for older people. "In fact, doing exercise three times a week over 20 weeks reactivates the leg blood flow responses of older people. They became identical to those in the young," said Professor Rennie.
young people make muscles quickly eating
What is the main topic of the passage?
Is your family interested in buying a dog? A dog can be a good friend to your family, but if you choose the wrong kind of dog, it can cause you a lot of trouble. Families should sit down and discuss the problems before buying a dog.Even if the children in your family are the ones who want the dog,the parents are the ones who are really responsible for seeing that the animal is properly cared for.If you don't know much about dogs,it's a good idea to go to the library for books about different kinds of dogs,as well as books about how to train a young dog. Dogs of different kinds change in popularity as the years go by. One of the most popular dogs these days is the German shepherd . This is because it provides protection. The family should be warned that these dogs grow up to be very big, and may he too powerful for children, If your house is not big, a toy dog may be a good choice . These dogs are very small and easy to train. They don't need to be walked daily.
choose right dogs family pets
What will Others want to do next?
Addison borrowed her friends' camping gear to go camping for the weekend.
go camping
How would Casey feel as a result?
Casey's mistake slowed things down, but Jesse corrected it and the work was done on time that day.
like failed
What will happen to Others?
Remy and his friends were on a vacation. Remy spent any money they had on senseless things.
what does hamza kaabar think of sexism?
The lady made a point. She should never obey and sit down. This #sexsim stupidity should be ended #sitdownhind— Hamza Kaabar (@HamzaKaabar) December 7, 2014
thinks's stupid ended
What will happen to Riley?
Riley wanted to show her employees that she appreciated them, so she treated her employees to dinner.
Some animals with jointed what have special excretory structures
Some arthropods have special excretory structures.. Arthropods contain jointed appendages.
What feeds on nonliving organic matter?
Bivalves feed on plankton and nonliving organic matter.. Mussels are bivalve mollusks.
What was the effect of Newton's law?
Newton was the first one to suggest that gravity is universal. That means gravity affects all objects in the universe. Thats why his law of gravity is called the law of universal gravitation. Universal gravitation means that all objects are affected by gravity in the same way. This is the reason the apple falling from the tree and the Moon being held in orbit is the same. Universal gravitation also means that while Earth exerts a pull on you, you exert a pull on Earth. In fact, there is gravity between you and every mass around you. Even tiny molecules of gas are attracted to one another by the force of gravity. Newtons law had a huge impact on how people thought about the universe. It explains the motion of objects not only on Earth but in outer space as well.
Newton's law huge impact people thought universe since explains motion objects Earth outer space well
Where will this passage most probably be found?
New picture The National Gallery now has a fine _ by the 18th century Dutch painter Jan van Os.This large picture (89.1 cm x 71cm) of flowers and fruit is painted in light bright colours on wood.It is one of the first pictures of this type in the Gallery.The picture is signed and dated 1777 and 1778.It is not unusual for a picture to be dated two years: the artist waited for particular flowers to come out in their different seasons in order to paint them.This picture was given to the Gallery by Miss Violet Churchman in memory of her sister Ida Nancy. It is now on show in Room 25. Special exhibition The exhibition "Painting in Spain During the Late 18th Century" opened in the Sunley Room on 15 March.Recently the Gallery has bought works by three Spanish painters of this period--Paret, Melendez and Francisco Bayeu, who are the focus of the exhibition.These three artists are also joined by Francisco's brother Ramon, by Antonio Gonzalez and two Italians who worked in Spain during these years--Corrado Giaquinto and Giovanni Battista Tiepolo.The exhibition runs until 31 May. Lecture news Lectures will be given along with the special exhibition every Wednesday.On 8 April, Lizzie Barker will discuss the work of Melendez, while on 15 April, Sarah Symmons will lecture on Luis Patter.On 22 and 29 April, Juliet Wilson will talk about Francisco Bayeu.On 25 April, a Saturday, Erika Langmuir will explain how artists often "tell a story" through their pictures.
booklet gallery
How would Taylor feel afterwards?
Taylor gave Alex something for his birthday because he was a great friend.
caring afterwards
What caused John Keats' attitude towards life to change?
Regarded as one of the English language's most gifted poets, John Keats wrote poetry that concentrated on imagery, human nature, and philosophy. Although Keats didn't receive much formal literary education, his own studies and passion brought him much success. Additionally, his own life situation influenced his poetry greatly. Growing up as a young boy in London in a lower middle-class family, the young John didn't attend a private school, but went to a public one. His teachers and his family's friends regarded him as an optimistic boy who favored playing and fighting much more than minding his studies. After his father's death in the early 1800s, followed by his mother's passing due to tuberculosis , he began viewing life differently. He wanted to escape the world and did so by reading anything he could get his hands on. At around the age of 16, the teenage John Keats began studying under a surgeon so that he too might become a doctor. However, his literary appetite had taken too much of his fancy, especially with his addiction to the poetry of Ehmund Spenser. He was able to have his first full poem published in the Examiner in 1816, entitled O Solitude! If I Must With Thee Dwell. Within two months in 1817, Keats had written an entire volume of poetry, but was sharply criticized by a magazine. However, the negative response didn't stop his pursuit of rhythm . John Keats' next work was Endymion, which was published in May 1818. The story involves a shepherd who falls in love with the moon goddess and leads him on an adventure of one boy's hope to overcome the limitations of being human. Following Engymion, however, he tried something more narrative-based and wrote Isabella. During this time, John Keats began seeing his limitations in poetry due to his own limit in life experiences. He would have to have the "knowledge" associated with his poems. His next work was Hyperion that would attempt to combine all that he learned. However, a bout with tuberculosis while visiting Italy would keep him from his work and eventually take his life in 1821.
deaths parents
what begins when a sperm and an egg fuse?
Fertilization occurs when a sperm and an egg fuse.. Pregnancy begins with a fertilized egg.
What was the name of Marsha's noodle friend?
Marsha loves playing with her noodle friend. She had it for a long time so it is now a dark brown color. When her mom first made it, it was white. The night she met her noodle friend was spaghetti night. Marsha's favorite dinner was spaghetti, which happened to be every Tuesday night. On one Tuesday, a piece of spaghetti fell on the kitchen floor. To Marsha, it looked like a stick man so she kept him. She named her new noodle friend Joey and took him everywhere she went. Sometimes Joey gets a little dried out so Marsha's mom told her to soak him in water every few days. There were a couple times that the family dog, Mika, has tried to take Joey from Marsha and eat him! So from now on, Marsha takes extra special care to make sure Joey is safe and sound at all times. During the day she keeps him in a plastic bag in her pocket. At night, she puts him under her pillow. She loves Joey and wants to always be friends with him.
What may happen if we already turned right and away from the confrontation ?
Anyway we were in a horrible mood so I put on " This Time Around " and managed to get a smile out of my sister . As we 're on anderson about to cross gunn hwy we stopped at the light . Out of no where a PT Cruiser spins out and the guy gets out of the car and starts going mental at the car behind us . I thought he was yelling at us and I was about to unload . This guy went crazy .
may see control person
What does Mac seem to be apprehensive in playing the piano at first ?
Mac positioned her hands and tried to think . Her head was full of Neville right now . She just started playing . Hera had come in for a butterbeer , but when the piano playing started , she nearly dropped her bottle .
mind thoughts another person trying perform
In what is the passage likely to appear?
E-Cooking Games Thanks for visiting E-Cooking Games!We offer many different types of free online food games for kids. You can find games where you can bake your own cakes, make your own hot dogs, pies and a lot more .You will also find more than just food games. You will find games where you can play makeup games, car games, adventure games and more. All of the games on our website can be played for free. We are constantly adding new games, so you should keep checking back daily. We take pride in all of the cooking games and other food games we add to our website and make sure that we have games that will interest everyone, either boys or girls who enjoy baking up delicious treats. Here on our site, we have great online games with many different recipes that any little baker will love. These games will keep you playing for hours at a time. You can click each game to get a brief description. You can also sort the games by using the menu on the left side of the page. The menu has the games sorted by categories and from there you can choose the free cooking game you want to play, or if you don't want to play a cooking game, you can choose another type of game. If you are looking for games that will let you decorate your own cakes, we have those for you. If you are feeling a bit competitive and want to race, we can help you with that also. Do you want to cook sushi? Well, let us get you started with that. We have many free cooking games you can play. Get something to drink, kick back and get in that kitchen and cook some food!
web page
Which item was not taken to the beach?
Bob was flying a toy plane in his yard. He was having a great time! Bob had a dog and a cat that were also playing in the yard. He was also singing "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star." Bob flew his toy plane too high. It landed on the roof of his house. Bob asked his dad to get it. Bob's dad said he had to borrow a ladder from next door. Bob's dad took a walk next door. On the way, Bob's dad waited for a duck to cross the road. Finally, Bob's dad went next door and asked his neighbor, Frank, for a ladder. Frank gave the ladder to Bob's dad. Frank also gave Bob's dad a toy car, a toy train, a toy boat, and a coloring book that Bob could play with in case he couldn't get the plane. Bob's dad walked back to the house. Bob's dad climbed the ladder and took the plane from the roof. Bob laughed and flew the plane again. Afterward, they wanted to go to the beach. Bob wanted to bring his bicycle. Bob's dad wanted to bring a towel and beach ball. They made a big sand castle. They saw a seagull walking on the sand. It was getting late, so they went home and turned on the TV for a little bit. They then went to bed, looking forward to another day of fun tomorrow!
Who looks after Edwina when she has fallen ill?
In India to purchase some horses , British aristocrat , Lord Esketh and his wife , Edwina , come to the town of Ranchipur at the invitation of the elderly Maharani . Their marriage is an unhappy one and Lord Esketh announces his intention to return to England and begin divorce proceedings . The spoiled , insensitive Edwina scoffs at this . She renews in Ranchipur an acquaintance with a former lover , Tom Ransome , now a dissolute alcoholic . She also meets and attempts to seduce a distinguished Hindu physician , Dr. Rama Safti , a decent man who is the elderly Maharani's personal choice to succeed her someday . Safti at first resists , but ultimately succumbs to Edwina's charms and falls hopelessly in love with her . Lord Esketh becomes aware of this , but Safti saves him from a man-eating tiger during a safari . Safti admits his love for Edwina to Lord Esketh , who is now sympathetic toward this good man's plight . Ransome feels the same way , warning Edwina to stay away from Safti , a friend he admires . Edwina similarly falls into disfavor with the Maharani , who explains that Safti has been raised to lead a pure life and that Edwina is unworthy of him . Ranchipur suddenly is ravaged by a natural disaster , an earthquake and flood . Dr. Safti is so busy saving lives that he can not personally care for Edwina , who has fallen ill . Ransome looks after her as well as for young Fern Simon , who has declared her love for him . When a dam is exploded by dynamite and as a result the flood waters recede , it is Dr. Safti who reveals that Ransome is the one who risked his personal safety to save the people of Ranchipur .
Why did Alex do this?
Alex knew that Bailey was lonely. He hoped that he could make her happy.
comfort Bailey
what religion is desiree o'clair?
25 years ago this would have changed my life. They wanted $8000 to process my husband's annulment! I'm a Jew now. Desirée O'Clair (@user) September 8, 2015
states jewish
Which sentence is right according to the passage?
Climbing to the Top The year 2013 is the 60th anniversary of the first successful climb to Qomolangma. Do you know why so many people wanted to reach the top of the world? It was breathtaking. It was wonderful and a bit of frightening. It was Qomolangma, the highest mountain in the world. For many years, it has attracted tens of thousands of people who tried to climb its dangerous slopes. During May's 60th anniversary of the first successful climb, nearly 600 people from around the world, including a 5-year-old Italian boy, tried to reach the "roof of the world". China Central Television(CCTV) also sent a team to join the adventure. It broadcasted a special program, called "Standing at the world's third pole in 2013", from May 18 to 24 to cover the Chinese climbing Qomolangma. Over the last century, the 8848-metre-high peak has proven a great challenge for mountaineers. Those who try to stand on top of the world do so at great risk from extremely cold, avalanches , and falling ice. At 8,500 meters, the air contains just one-third of the oxygen at sea level, requiring most climbers to use oxygen tanks. Some of those who climbed the mountain paid the highest price---175 people have lost their lives on the slopes. On May29, 1953, Sir Edmund Hillary from New Zealand and Sherpa Tenzing Norgay from Nepal became the first men ever to reach the top of the mountain. Nearly half a century later, the sons of the two pioneers, Peter Hillary and Jaming Tenzing Norgay, followed in their fathers' footsteps. In 2002, they also successfully reached the roof of the world. Over the last 60 years, more than 10,000 men and women have tried to climb the mountain and more than 1,200 have succeeded. The first Chinese climbers reached the top of the mountain in 1960. Despite the dangers, many different people are drawn towards the challenge. But why do they suffer such hardship and take such risks to climb Qomolangma? "I don't think climbing the mountain is blindly risky. Instead, it's a chance to challenge oneself," said Chen Qi, a reporter of CCTV. Com, who was among May's mountaineering team. "Only when you are surrounded by the mountain can you understand the love of nature and the true meaning of life."
first men ever reach top mountain different countries
Why may conversation be so loose on this trip ?
Even better than working at Bob 's house is looking forward to spending time with a good friend afterwards ; my geographer - friend David came to visit me ! We drank and talked our way through the evening -- a well - fashioned cocktail at Southwark , beer and frites and mussels and beef at Monk 's , a pitcher of margaritas at Cantina Los Caballitos . Monday was the most relaxing day ever ; I basically just laid around , took walks , and chatted about life with David all day . In the evening , I had tea with JLR and beer with Will and talked more about dance and politics , respectively .
narrator beer
From the passage, where may tornadoes come from?
Tornadoes are nature's most violent storms, which can cause deaths and destroy a neighborhood in seconds. A tornado appears as a funnel-shaped cloud from a thunderstorm to the ground with whirling winds that can reach 300 miles per hour. Damage paths can be over one mile wide and 50 miles long. Every state is at some risk from this disaster. Some tornadoes can be seen clearly, while rain or nearby low-hanging clouds _ others. At many times, tornadoes develop so rapidly that little, if any, advance warning is possible. Before a tornado hits, the air may become very still. A cloud of debris can mark the location of a tornado even if a funnel can not be seen. Tornadoes generally occur near the edge of a thunderstorm, when the strong wind may die down. It is not uncommon to see clear, sunlit skies behind a tornado. The following are facts about tornadoes: The average forward speed of a tornado is 30 MPH, but may also vary from still to 70 MPH. Debris is picked up or a cloud forms in the funnel. The average tornado moves from southwest to northeast, but tornadoes have been known to move in any direction. Tornadoes are most often reported east of the Rocky Mountains during spring and summer months. Tornadoes can happen together with tropical storms and hurricanes as they move onto land. Waterspouts are tornadoes that form over water. The tornado season in the southern states of America is March through May; in the northern states, it is late spring through early summer. Tornadoes are most likely to occur between 3 p.m. and 9 p.m., but can occur at any time.