What will happen to the others?
After lunch, supervisor Remy called me into the office. He said I was getting a raise and promotion for the quality of my work.
happy new supervisor colleague
How would Sasha feel afterwards?
Sasha fell riding Austin's bike and broke both her arms.
What is the purpose of the contest?
2014 TFK Poetry Contest Calling all poets! TIME For Kids has a challenge for you:Write a funny, rhyming poem. It must be an original poem that does not copy another poet's work. Enter it in the TIME For Kids Poetry Contest. As fewer and fewer children are interested in writing poetry of their own, TIME For Kids decides to organize and sponsor such a contest to change the situation. Contest Rules 1. How to enter: This contest begins 12:01 am on March 6, 2014 and ends 11:59 pm on July 24, 2014. To enter, mail the following information to 1271 Avenue of the Americas, 32nd Floor, New York, New York 10020: (a) an original and previously unpublished poem that is humorous and has a rhyme scheme ; (b) Entrant's first name only and a parent's mail address. Limit one entry per person. By entering, Entrant promises that the entry (1) is original, (2) has not been published in any medium and (3) has not won an award. 2. Judging: All entries will be judged by poet Kenn Nesbitt, based on the following criteria: creativity and originality (50%), use of language and rhyme (25%) and appropriateness to the theme of the contest (25%). The length of the entry will not be taken into consideration. 3. Prizes: Our judge will select four semifinalists from which one grand-prize winner and three finalists will be chosen. The one grand-prize winner will receive an online class visit from Children's Poet Kenn Nesbitt and a signed copy of his newest book of poetry, The Armpit of Doom:Funny Poems for Kids, approximately value: $275. The three finalists will each get a signed copy of Nesbitt's newest book of poetry,The Armpit of Doom: Funny Poems for Kids,and both their poems and that of the grand-prize winner will be published at 4. Eligibility :Open to legal citizens of the 50 United States and the District of Columbia who are primary school students and are 8 to 13 years old at time of entry. 5. Winner's list:For names of the winner and finalists,visit August 1, 2014, available for a period of 10 days).
encourage children's interest poetry writing
what is something that the narrator does ?
I ' ve just watched MTV Asia Awards and this group pretty much caught my attention . Honestly since the first single , " We Cry " , I had a big guess that I would like this group . They performed live and I was so impressed with the vocals and the arrangement . Such a nice slow song .
watches television
Why doesn't Lisa like the dishes with cheese?
I'm Lisa from London,England,and I'm a vegetarian.That's someone who don't eat meat.Why am I a vegetarian? Well,I love animals,so I don't want to eat them.We can stay healthy if we eat onlv fruit and vegetables. A lot of people are vegetarians in England.There are a few shops and restaurantints that sell food Just for us.For example,there's a store near my house that makes lots of dishes with cheese and tofu. The tofu is great but I can't eat the cheese.It has too much fat. It's easy to be a vegetarian when I'm at home.1 cook lots of interesting dishes from grains and vegetables.I can make many different kinds of food,and I often cook meals for myfamily they aren't vegetarians,but they don't mind vegetarian food In some restaurants it is difficult to get vegetarian food.Last Sunday, I went to Steve's Steakhouse with my friends.They all wanted to eat roast beef. I looked for vegetarian food,but every dish had meat in it.I asked the waiter;"Can you give me something with no meat?"He asked,"Would you like some fish?""No,thanks,"1 said."I only want vegetables--no meat,and no fish.""But this is a steakhouse."said the waiter."People come here because they want to eat meat!" So we didn't eat in Steve's Steakhouse.We went to an Italian restaurant.My friends had meat pizzas(yuck!),and Ihad a big salad.
lotts f f
What can we learn from the text about Elizabeth?
"Lizzie, there's a letter for you!" Emily called up the stairs to her sister. Elizabeth looked down. "Is it from Harvard? They refused my application once." Emily answered, "No, it's from Yale." Quickly, Elizabeth walked downstairs. She took the letter and opened it. "Rejected again," Elizabeth said unhappily. "Who says women can't be doctors?" "They are fools not to accept you. You can't let them stop you, Lizzie," Emily said. "I won't. I'll apply to Geneva Medical College," Elizabeth told her sister. As it turned out, the professors at Geneva Medical College were not fools. They allowed Elizabeth Blackwell to study medicine. In 1848, a year before Elizabeth would graduate, a typhoid epidemic broke out in New York. Elizabeth wrote to Emily. "There's an outbreak of typhoid, and I am going to help. It is dangerous, so if I should not survive, please do me the honor of studying medicine yourself." Emily replied, "Encouraged by your dream and success, I have decided to study in medical school, as well." Having survived the disease, Elizabeth tried to set up a private medical practice. "I graduated first in my class but no one believes a woman can be a good doctor," she said to Emily one day. "All I hear is that doctors should be men, while women should stay home to cook and clean." Emily said worriedly, "I will graduate in June with my medical degree. What shall we do?" Elizabeth thought for a while and replied, "There's a big house in the poor part of our town. We can practice medicine there for people who couldn't afford care." Soon with the help of some friends, Elizabeth and Emily bought the house and opened a hospital for poor women and children. "We'll have an all-women staff ," Elizabeth said. "And later, we'll add a medical college for women!" Emily added. At last, Elizabeth realized her dream of being a doctor.
received strong support sister
What was strange about the author's schedule?
I had a very good teacher named Leon Sultan .I liked him very much. Mr. Sultan had just got a job at my high school but his name wasn't in the school's system. So when I got my schedule ,it read: Staff F. It was during _ hat I realised that "Staff F" was Mr. Sultan. When he called my name, he asked if I remembered him. Then I realised that he was the teacher who had taught me English when I was in primary school. Mr. Sultan was a very special teacher. Even though he was older and had been to college, but he was Still ready to learn from others. He would listen to your opinion carefully before expressing his opinion. I think what he taught me more than anything else is to have an open mind Another thing I couldn't forget was his teaching method -group work There were four members in the group. Each group had its own topic. Everyone in the group would play a certain role. One would keep the discussion moving, the other one would write down the thoughts of the group, another one would be responsible for gathering information, and another one would share everything the group had discovered with the rest of the class. This allowed us to become "experts" on one topic and teach the rest of our classmates. Now ,I have become a more open-minded boy. That is because of my two and a half years in Mr. Sultan's class.
n't show Mr. Sultan's name
How would Remy feel afterwards?
Remy improved the drawing by providing color and it was the best painting of all time.
good artist
What sickness can the medicine from the willow deal with according to the passage?
Since ancient times, people have known about its ability to reduce pain and high body temperature. More than 2000 years ago, the Greek doctor Hippocrates advised his patients to chew on the bark and leaves of the willow. The tree contains a chemical called salicin . From salicin, researchers in the 1800s discovered how to make salicylic acid . And in 1897, a chemist named Felix Hoffmann at Friedrich Bayer and Company in Germany created acetyl salicylic acid. Later it became the active substance in a new medicine that Bayer called aspirin. The "a" came from acetyl. The "spir" came from the spirea plant, which also produces salicin. And the "in" Well, that is a common way to end medicine names. In 1982, a British scientist shared the Nobel Prize in Medicine in part for discovering how aspirin works. Sir John Vane found that aspirin blocks the body from making natural substances called prostaglandins .Prostaglandins have several effects on the body. Some cause pain and the expansion, or swelling( ; ), of damaged tissue. Others protect the lining of the stomach and small intestine. Prostaglandins also make the heart, kidneys and blood vessels work well. But there is a problem. Aspirin works against all prostaglandins, good and bad. Scientists learned how aspirin interferes with an enzyme . One form of this enzyme makes the prostaglandin that causes pain and swelling. Another form of the enzyme creates a protective effect. So aspirin can reduce pain and swelling in damaged tissues. But it can also harm the inside of the stomach and small intestine .
What do people often do when they buy things in shops?
"If you want to see something well, reach out and touch it!" That may seem a strange thing to say.But touching things can help you to see them better. Your eyes can tell you that a glass ball is round.But by holding it in your hands, you can feel how smooth and cool the ball is.You can feel how heavy the glass is.When you feel all these about the ball, you really see it. With your skin, you can feel better.For example, your fingers can tell the difference between two coins in your pockets.You can feel a little drop of water on the back of your hand, too. You can even feel sounds against your skin.Have you ever wanted to know why some people like very loud music? They must like to feel the sounds of music. All children soon learn what "Don't touch!" means.They hear it often.Yet most of us keep on touching things as we grow up.In shops, we often have to touch things before we buy them. The bottoms of our feet can feel things, too.You know this when you walk on warm sand, cool grass or a hard floor.All feel different under your feet. There are ways of learning to see well by feeling.One way is to close your eyes and try to feel everything that is touching your skin.Feel the shoes on your feet, the clothes on your body, the air on your skin...... Most museums are just for looking.But today some museums have some things to touch.Their signs say, "Do touch!" There you can feel everything on show.
feel touch
Why was he angry when Donald heard that the teacher would give a prize to Brian?
Donald was not very good at maths. He could not understand the teacher's explanations. Even when the teacher explained something a second time, Donald still could not understand it. "Never mind," Donald told himself. "I'm quite good at other subjects. I'll cheat in the maths exam, then I won't be in trouble." "I will sit next to the boy who's best at maths," he thought, "and copy down his answers." The day of the exam came, and Donald sat next to Brian Smith, who always was at the top of the class in maths. Donald carefully copied Brian's answers onto his own exam paper. At the end of the exam, the teacher collected the papers and graded them. Then she said, "Well, boys and girls. I've decided to give a prize to the student who got the highest grade. However, it's difficult for me to decide who to give the prize to, because two students, Doanld and Brian, got the same grade." "Let them share it," one of the other students said. "I have thought about that," the teacher said, "but I have decided to give the prize to Brian." Donald was angry when he heard this. He stood up and said. "That is not fair. I got the same grade as Brian." "That is true," the teacher said. "However, Brian's answer to Question 18 was 'I don't know,' while yours was 'Neither do I.'"
got grade Brian
What does Remy need to do before this?
Remy decided to buy lunch for the whole work crew.
What type of musician would the narrator be classified as ?
Anything that makes my purchase of a PS3 look like a wise decision is a good thing!A friend of mine saw the Spore presentation and was blown away . He was n't looking forward to the game at all but the demo changed his mind much like me with F3.By the time I got to the Brawndo booth they were sold out : ( Last year I did n't go to Freezepop because I do n't care much for their songs . I regretted not going once I found out they featured dueling keytars . So I went this year and not only was there only one keytar but they just sucked in general .
narrator keytarist
Who does the author probably agree with?
William James, the great psychologist , said that most men are "old fogies at twenty-five". He was right. Most men at twenty-five are satisfied with their jobs. They have closed their minds to all new ideas; they have stopped to grow. The minute a man stops to grow -no matter what his years -that minute he begins to be old. On the other hand, the really great man never grows old. Goethe passed away at eighty-three, and finished his only a few years earlier; Gladstone took up a new language when he was seventy. Laplace, the astronomer, was still at work when death caught up with him at seventy-eight. He died crying, "What we know is nothing; what we do not know is immense (extremely large)." And there you have the real answer to the question, "When is a man old?" Laplace at seventy-eight died young. He was still unsatisfied, still sure that he had a lot to learn. As long as a man can keep himself in that attitude of mind, as long as he can look back on every year and say, "I grew", he is still young. The minute he ceases (stops) to grow, the minute he says to himself, "I know all that I need to know," -that day youth stops. He may be twenty-five or seventy-five; it makes no difference. On that day he begins to be old.
people satisfied know
Why did Bailey do this?
Bailey knew she couldn't do the job herself. Bailey joined forces with the volunteers.
needed skills volunteers
what was the decision that was made?
Tonight is also an example of why Mayor Knowles needs to go. Decision to keep Ferguson PD is a matter of pride & stubbornness at this point.— Jack. Attack. (@jaykayG) March 12, 2015
keep ferguson pd
How would you describe Skylar?
Skylar felt confident today and went to work singing a tune.
What can we infer from the article?
When a big exam is coming up, you probably feel anxious about any wasted time and want to begin school as soon as you probably can. But tens of thousands of British high school students will soon be getting up later. They're taking part in a new experiment by Oxford University to see if later classes can improve their exam results. Grades 10 students in the UK have to take the nationwide General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) exams. They have to pass these exams in order to study more advanced courses, and later apply for universities. The Oxford University project means that GCSE students from more than 100 schools across England will start school at 10 am, more than one hour later than the current start time (8:50 am). The project is based on scientific evidence that teenagers are "out of sync " with traditional school hours, the Telegraph reported. And what they need is more sleep in the morning. "We know that something funny happens when you're a teenager, in that you seem to be out of sync with the world," said professor Colin Epsie, who is leading the study. "Your parents think it's because you are lazy and opinionated and everything will be OK if you could get to sleep earlier. But science is telling us that teenagers need to sleep more in the mornings." Everyone follows a natural cycle of sleep and wakefulne ss. Biology has decided that teenagers go to sleep around midnight and don't feel fully awake until 9-10 am, according to scientists. That's two hours later than adults. And their body clocks stay like this until the age of around 21 for males, and 19 for females. "Society provides school for learning, but the brain provides sleep. So we are exploring the possibility that if you delay the schools start time until 10 am, that will improve learning performance," said Epsie. The results could be positive, based on previous studies. An early study at the UK's Monkseaton High School in 2009 found that starting an hour later improved grades in core subjects by 19 percent. The Oxford project is expecting to publish the results in 2018. It's time to wait and see whether scientists will give us an excuse to get up late.
children adults different natural cycles sleep wakefulness
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sending E-mail
a long tail can be used for _ by an animal
a long tail can be used to move through water by an animal. Thus swimming is defined as a special kind of moving, namely moving in or through water.
Why did Sydney do this?
Sydney had had dreams of becoming a doctor since she was a small child.
wanted get medical school
How many students are there in our class?
There are some new students in my class this term. John is from Tokyo. He speaks Japanese very well. Mike comes from New York. He is twelve years old. Kathy's hometown is Paris. David lives in Toronto. He is now in our city with his parents. And the tallest girl, Vicky is from Brazil. She likes soccer very much. The other forty students are all Chinese. They get on well with each other.
How many theater sets did Mayo the set decorator have to design?
When the Algerian War began in 1954, Camus was confronted with a moral dilemma. He identified with the pieds-noirs such as his own parents and defended the French government's actions against the revolt. He argued that the Algerian uprising was an integral part of the 'new Arab imperialism' led by Egypt and an 'anti-Western' offensive orchestrated by Russia to 'encircle Europe' and 'isolate the United States'. Although favouring greater Algerian autonomy or even federation, though not full-scale independence, he believed that the pieds-noirs and Arabs could co-exist. During the war he advocated a civil truce that would spare the civilians, which was rejected by both sides, who regarded it as foolish. Behind the scenes, he began to work for imprisoned Algerians who faced the death penalty. From 1955 to 1956, Camus wrote for L'Express. In 1957, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in literature "for his important literary production, which with clear-sighted earnestness illuminates the problems of the human conscience in our times". When he spoke to students at the University of Stockholm, he defended his apparent inactivity in the Algerian question; he stated that he was worried about what might happen to his mother, who still lived in Algeria. This led to further ostracism by French left-wing intellectuals. Camus remained active and ambitious until the end of his life. Financed by the money he received with his Nobel Prize, he adapted and directed for the stage Dostoyesvsky's Demons. The play opened in January 1959 at the Antoine Theatre in Paris. It was a critical success as well as an artistic and technical tour de force: 33 actors, 4 hours long, 7 sets, 24 scenes. The walls could move sideways to reduce the size of each depicted location and the whole stage rotated to allow for immediate set transformations. Camus put the painter and set decorator Mayo, who had already illustrated several of Camus' novels (The Stranger - 1948 Ed.), in charge of the demanding task of designing these multiple and complex theater sets.
What does the author use the hair salon as an example to demonstrate?
Doha, the capital of Qatar,is a city of contrasts . In a few decades it has beentransformed from a small port to an international city. Today, its skyline is shaped by rising skyscrapers, but Old Doha---though fast disappearing---can still be found. Time seems to stand still in the old quarter of the city. On the dusty streets, Indian and Pakistani men sit cross-legged outside tea shops and restaurants. At one end of the road, men queue by the doorways of crowded supermarkets to buy necessities: boxes of teabags, milk, sugar, bread and soap. The shops are dark and poorly stocked. However, only five miles away, on the other side of the city, Doha shows a completely different image. It shines brilliantly with skyscrapers, five-star hotels and noble apartment buildings. The area looks like any other modem district in the world. Qatar, a tiny gulf nation, is a country of vast local and international ambitions. At home, it has owned several international universities. Abroad, it tries to speak louder on gulf affairs. These ambitions are urged by the country's unbelievably rich reserves of fossil fuels.In December 2012, Daba was the site of Copl8 UN Climate Change Conference and in 2022,Qatar will host the World Cup. Mohammed Salim, 55, runs a hair salon in the old part of the city where he works as a hair dresser.When he came to Doha 22 years ago from Pakistan,he recalls,Doha was a quiet town with few modern buildings."At that time,Doha seemed rather small.There were no big roads or malls at all." He has noticed a drop in customers to his salon in recent years."People now tend to go to more fashionable hair salons in shopping malls.Some day this old area will be gone, and my business will probably be gone, too.I'll be sad. I love here, but things are changing.We can't ignore it."
changes happening Old Doha
Why is mom so sore right now ?
Well , things are slowly going back to normal around here . My parents are doing better . Mom has a broken collarbone and is wearing a brace for it . Her stitches were taken out on the 19th and her bruises are slowly going away . Dad 's knee is still swollen , but he can move around .
Mom's upper body jacked
What jobs can dogs do?
Dogs are friends of man. They work for us. They hunt with us. They also play with us. But a long time ago, all over the world, dogs were wild. Dogs can go back to the Stone Age. All dogs had the same ancestor . It is believed that this ancestor was much like a wolf. Other animals, like fox, also came from this ancestor. Thousands of years ago, man began to tame the wild dogs. When the dogs were tamed, they were trained well. The strong dogs then became working animals. They were trained to pull heavy loads . They learned to keep watching over sheep and other animals. Working dogs could do other things, too. Some dogs were not strong. But they could help man hunt. Other dogs were best at pets. At first, there were only a few kinds of dogs. Today, there are more than 100 kinds.
All the above.
What is the reason for it saying "At first, it is not easy to feel these things?"
"If you want to see a thing well, reach out and touch it!" That may seem a strange thing to say. But touching things can help you to see them better. Your eyes can tell you that a glass ball is round. But by holding it in your hands, you can feel how smooth and cool the ball is. You can feel how heavy the glass is. When you feel all these about the ball, you really see it. With your skin, you can feel better. For example, your fingers can tell the difference between two coins in your pocket. You can feel a little drop of water on the back of your hand, too. All children soon learn what "Don't touch!" means. They hear it often. Yet most of us keep on touching things as we grow up. In shops, we touch things as we might buy: food, clothes. To see something well, we have to touch it. There are ways of learning to see well by feeling. One way is to close your eyes and try to feel everything that is touching your skin. Feel the shoes on your feet, the clothes on your body, the air on your skin. At first, it is not easy to feel these things. You are too used to them! Most museums are just for looking. But today some museums have some things to touch. There you can feel everything on show. If we want to see better, reach out and touch. Then you will really see.
people feel things often
what awards show is this?
Just wanted to feel beautiful!! Love my girl Leslie on stage tonight in custom Siriano at the #emmys2016@ Christian Siriano (@CSiriano) September 19, 2016
How would Riley feel afterwards?
Riley told Taylor they found gold after digging for hours at the site.
What will happen to Alex?
Lee ate with Alex during breakfast every day to their constant amusement.
What is the reason for it all coming out and leaking ?
" Ngaahh ! " " Ohh ! It 's all coming out and leaking and - " " Get ... hands off ... " He tried to shove her away . " No , Manji ! Stop that ! " With all her strength Rin pressed down on the wound and tried to hold him to the ground as he thrashed and moaned .
Manji wanted pressure wound hurt bleeding
What is the topic of this passage in the west?
If you have dinner with people in the west, I think you must pay more attention to the table manners. Here are some good table manners for you. When you eat something, try not to make a noise or burp at the table. Because people think that is not polite. People will say "Excuse me" when they want to burp. Talking with food in the mouth is very rude. So you must eat the food quietly and slowly. If you eat too fast, people think you are rude too. Do not talk with others when you have food in your mouth. It is good to eat all the food on your plate. This means you like the food very much. Remember to say the food is nice. And this can make the host very happy. When you finish eating, you can place your knife and fork together.
table manners
What may be the best title for this passage?
Lego,the inventor of those color1ful bricks that have inspired kids' imagination worldwide,has celebrated its 53rd anniversary. In 1958,a man named Godtfred created the plastic building bricks that can now be found in almost every child's toy box. The simple building block has become one of the most well-known and popular toys around the world. "The Lego brick continues to be very attractive,because it allows children,and others,to develop their creativity and imagination," said Charlotte Simonsen,a spokeswoman of Lego. The company's building brick allows an endless number of links. With just two bricks there are 24 different links,and with six,there are 915 million possibilities,according to Lego. A half century after its creation,more than 400 million children and adults spend five billion hours a year putting the bricks together and pulling them apart. Also,the bricks made today can still link with those made in 1958. Lego bricks aren't just child's play: they also attract the interest of adults. South Korean adventurer,Heo Young Ho,who climbed Mount Everest in 1987,left a Lego toy behind in the snow during his climb. After its great success Lego experienced a serious crisis at the end of the 1990s,hit hard by competition from electronic games. Lego then suffered a dark period that lasted several years. With great efforts,the company began to be popular again,and in 2006 it earned about 1.5 billion dollars in 130 countries. Seven boxes of Lego are now sold every second around the world,and 19 billion bricks are produced each year: enough to encircle the Earth five times!
Brilliant History Lego Bricks
How many parts were there in the documentary A Bite Of China?
There are many TV programs about Chinese dishes, but few are Like A Bite Of China . The seven-part documentary tell us food in different places in China. The different kinds of food on TV are from 60 places. You can see many kinds of food and they can _ your eyes and stomach. And you also learn how to make the food . That's why the program becomes so popular. However, the program is not only about food. There are many different stories between food and people. To know good stories, workers of the film spent three months doing the research and nine months filming. Liu Wen, one of the workers, says the story also shows the social transportations . "The program is like a window, it makes the world know more about China. And it helps people around the world not only enjoy Chinese dishes, but also learn Chinese culture."
Why did Lee do this?
Lee had been thinking of asking their partner to marry them for some time.
wanted surprise partner
What is not possible without ribosomes?
Ribosomes are structures in the cytoplasm where proteins are made.. Life without protein is impossible.
How does the author support his main idea?
Winning the lottery is not the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow for many past winners. Sad stories do exist in large numbers for the past lottery winners and that's why some financial experts say "70 percent of lottery winners will squander away winning within a few years." Some end up losing all within two years, family relationships destroyed or even worse. Wayne Schenk was an old soldier diagnosed with lung cancer. When he won a million dollars in a lottery he thought his troubles were over and he would get the advanced medical treatment that might save his life. But Lottery officials refused to pay him the total sum in a single payment and they said they could not make an exception to the regulations. When Schenk died in 2007, he'd only received one payment of $34,000. Another lottery winner, Billy Bob Harrell, Jr. killed himself two years after winning 31 million dollars in the Texas lottery in 1997.He'd spent large amounts of money and given large amounts away, but he didn't end me expected peace that should have come with the freedom of money. Other lottery winners have ended up in prison for crimes. Many suffer bankruptcy after the big jackpot is spent and given away, including some of the eight people who won the 365 million Powerball in 2006. The examples given paint a sad picture of what can happen if you win a big lottery jackpot, but fortunately, these examples don't tell the stories of all jackpot winners.
giving examples
From whom did the guy possibly get the news that the girl was in the hospital?
I began to work as a salesgirl in a department store.I got there that morning and was introduced to all the salesmen and saleswomen.Throughout the day,one of the salesmen talked with me.I thought we might become friends.That evening after work we went out for dinner.We sat together and talked,but our numbers were never exchanged. Around 10 p.m., I began my 2hour drive back. For the first part of the drive, I was thinking to myself how stupid I had been for not giving him my number.Then all of a sudden,when I had gone around a corner, I was completely over in another lane.There was no time to even hit the brakes.I hit at once.The police came and cut the top of my car off to get me out.They sent me to the hospital quickly. My mother got there late that night,and saw me lying in the emergency room.The next morning,mom called the manager and told him what had happened and that I would be in the hospital for a long time.A few hours later,I received a phone call--it was the guy I hadn't given my number.Well,he came to visit me that night and the next night.We spent a lot of time together. It was months before I would be walking and driving again,but he'd sit by me.I don't think I could have pulled through it without him.Now I can walk freely,and just this week we are planning on getting married one year after the day we met.It's just amazing how a tragedy like a car accident could bring about such a wonderful relationship!
What will Austin want to do next?
Quinn asked Austin to describe the painting, because Quinn was blind and could only imagine it.
find good adjectives
Why did Grandpa ask his grandson to fetch a basket of water?
Each morning Grandpa was up early sitting at the kitchen table, reading his book. His grandson wanted to be just like him and tried to copy him in every way he could. One day the grandson asked, "Grandpa, I try to read the book just like you, but I don't understand it, and I forget what I understand as soon as I close the book. What good does reading the book do?" The grandpa quietly turned from putting coal in the stove and replied, "Take this coal basket down to the river and bring me back a basket of water." The boy did as he was told, but all the water leaked out before he got back to the house. The grandpa laughed and said, "You'll have to move a little faster next time," and sent him back to the river with the basket to try again. This time the boy ran faster, but again the basket was empty before he returned. Out of breath, he told his grandpa that it was impossible to carry water in a basket, so he went to get a bucket instead. The grandpa said, "I don't want a bucket of water; I want a basket of water. You're just not trying hard enough." The boy again dipped the basket into the river and ran hard, but when he reached his grandpa the basket was empty again. Out of breath, he said, "Grandpa, it's useless!" "So, you think it is useless?" the grandpa said, "Look at the basket." The boy looked at the basket and for the first time he realized that the basket was different. It had been transformed from a dirty old coal basket and was now clean. "Grandson, that's what happens when you read the book. You might not understand or remember everything, but when you read it, you'll be changed, inside and out."
get realize use reading books
who are the mission team members
p>My double is ready to roll in #inaug2013 parade with @nasa & @nasajpl mission team Curiosity Rover (@MarsCuriosity) January 21, 2013
nasa nasajpl
How would Remy feel afterwards?
Remy started reading. a book of histry in indian king.
literate person
What fraction of his money does he give to the man?
Pedro Rossi is happy--he is very,very happy! He won $500,000! He won the lottery ! Pedro is happy for only a few days. Then he remembers his lottery ticket! He throws it in the garbage _ ! Pedro runs to the garbage can and looks in it. The garbage can is not over there at all! "The garbage is gone,"his wife says. "The garbage truck comes in the morning." The garbage truck takes the garbage can to the garbage dump ! Pedro runs to the dump. He looks for it for two days. But he can't find it. Pedro lives in town in Brazil. Pedro tells the people in the town,"Look for my lottery ticket at the dump. If you find it,I can give you half the money." Everyday hundreds of people go to the dump to look for the ticket. Five days later,a man finds it. Pedro gives the man $250,000. Pedro won $500,000 in the lottery. Now he won only 250,000. But he is not sad. "Before,one man was happy,"Pedro says. "Now two men are happy!"
What is the main topic that can be learned from the passage?
Scottish pupils recently were part of a new scheme that allowed them to take their exams online. Those examinations provided a glimpse of the future in May when 120 _ in 10 centers in Scotland sat in front of computers to take a multiple-choice online exam. Although candidates were using a computer mouse instead of a pen, in all other ways the exam was the same as normal. Exam rooms were set out to ensure that only the candidates and the teachers were able to see the individual screens. The online answers were sent directly to a safe area. According to the students at St Ninian's in East Renfrewshire who took an online French exam, it was definitely the most motivated they had ever felt when taking an exam. "I could go as fast as I wanted to, rather than as slow as everyone else wanted to," said one. "It was better than looking back and forth between the questions," said another. One pupil even described it as fun. Their head teacher, Dorothy Graham, was not so surprised, "They are so used to doing things on computers that it seems natural for them. The boys liked it because they didn't have to worry about how neat their work was." The only things that worried her were power cuts and systems' crashing. It's thought that online exams could be the norm in about five years. However, last year there were warnings about computerizing exams in England and Wales. It's thought that it could be unfair to some students if they come from homes without access to a computer.
taking exams online
Why does the woman refuse the man's invitation?
Man: Hi, Joanie. Where are you going? Woman: Oh, hi, Paul. I'm on my way to the library. Man: Yeah? I just wonder if you wanted to go to the cinema with me. Woman: I'd love to, but I can't because of all the work I have this term. I only have three classes, but in all of them I have lots of reading, research papers, reports and exams. I feel like I'll never get through anything. Man: That's terrible. I felt like that last year when I had term papers to write, but this term seems easy now. I spend a lot of time in class, but most of it is in the labs. I hated writing all those term papers. But I can't take you into going to the show anyway? Woman: Oh, now I'm sure I won't go.
school work
What can we learn about friends and friendship?
Friendship continues to remain central to our lives. Friends often affect our health and energy. More and more people are increasingly turning towards their friends for support and sharing rather than just communicating with their s. We may have a very unclear understanding of what makes a friend but we all want to have a good number of friends around us. There are certain things you do to help you make friends or at least help you get close to people whom you want to make friends with. The first step to make friends with people is to make them like you. If they don't like you in the first place, it is unlikely that they'll be eager to become your friends. To let someone know that you are interested in him, simple _ s like a little smile and calling him by his name can help. To make the other person feel important, you need to be a good listener and to encourage him to talk. Give your honest and sincere opinion, but do not make fun of him. The second step is to develop trust in each other. You need to share opinions with this person and it is necessary for you to develop a habit of seeing things from his point of view. To become the best of friends, you must show concern and consideration for your friends' desires and opinions. The third and final step is to show your support and encouragement towards your friend. Moreover, you also need to be very clear about your expectations from your friend. If what you expect from the person you want to be a friend matches with what that person can and wants to do in friendship, the developing friendship between you and your friend is sure to be easy and successful.
Friends provide us support
How would you describe Aubrey?
Aubrey ran everyday to prepare for the marathon coming up.
hard working
What is the same as seeing?
seeing requires light. Light is essential to vision.
How long after the well was capped did the National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling apportion the blame for the oil spill between Transocean, BP, and Halliburton?
(CNN) -- Declaring 2010 "The best year in safety performance in our company's history," Transocean Ltd., owner of the Gulf of Mexico oil rig that exploded, killing 11 workers, has awarded its top executives hefty bonuses and raises, according to a recent filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. That includes a $200,000 salary increase for Transocean president and chief executive officer Steven L. Newman, whose base salary will increase from $900,000 to $1.1 million, according to the SEC report. Newman's bonus was $374,062, the report states. Newman also has a $5.4 million long-term compensation package the company awarded him upon his appointment as CEO in March 2010, according to the SEC filing. The latest cash awards are based in part on the company's "performance under safety," the Transocean filing states. "Notwithstanding the tragic loss of life in the Gulf of Mexico, we achieved an exemplary statistical safety record as measured by our total recordable incident rate and total potential severity rate," the SEC statement reads. "As measured by these standards, we recorded the best year in safety performance in our Company's history." The company called that record "a reflection on our commitment to achieving an incident-free environment, all the time, everywhere," the SEC filing states. The company did not respond to an e-mail from CNN seeking comment. The April 20, 2010, explosion on the Deepwater Horizon rig injured 17 workers and killed 11 others, including nine Transocean employees, according to the SEC filing. It has been called the worst spill in U.S. history. The well was capped three months later, but not before millions of barrels of oil spilled into the Gulf. In January, President Barack Obama's National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling released a report that spread blame for the accident among Transocean, BP -- which leased the rig -- and Halliburton, which installed the rig's cement casing.
Nearly 6 months
What action has a positive impact on the conservation of nonrenewable resources?
recycling nonrenewable resources has a positive impact on the conservation of those resources
turn nonrenewable something newly usable
Who will probably move the table?
Woman: Give me a hand with this table, will you? Man: Oh... certainly. Now, leave it to me. I'll do it.
What may have happened after cooking the squirrel meat ?
It 's not a LOT of meat , squirrels being quite small , but it is surprisingly tasty . And not like you 'd expect - I expected it to taste gamey or like rabbit but it actually tastes like a cross between turkey and lamb . As it 's quite lean , I wrapped it in bacon and roasted it for half an hour . Because it was an experiment I did n't make a big meal out of it , just cooked it on its own . It would probably have been nicer in a casserole slow - cooked for a couple of hours .
would taste delicious
What will Ash want to do next?
Ash recovered their senses for the breach after the initial attack stopped.
What will Lee want to do next?
Lee brought their partner's heels in to be fixed. Lee showed the heels to the tailor so that they could be repaired.
Figure cost
What does the author explain by talking about friendship among children?
True friends are always with you when the rest of the world refuses you.A true friend is like a mirror that shows the real you.True friendship is like a 100% safe journey in this risky and unpredictable world.True friendship is always fresh. Children can share their feelings, things and thoughts among themselves freely.They comfort their friends when they are in trouble and share their happiness when they are happy.You can find fresh and wonderful friendship among children. As we grow into teenagers, we will be attracted by worldly things.We will wonder who is a true friend and who is not.We will be busy deciding about our future jobs or following everything that is popular. When we reach our thirties, we will be busy with our marriage and taking care of our children and their education.But we need somebody to meet and share our ideas with, and we need suggestions from friends.However, we have few true friends because we are all busy working towards our future. When we grow older, we feel like children again and we need more friends and true friendship.If we are lucky enough to keep our childhood friendships to this age, then that is wonderful.Otherwise, we have to find new friends again to have a wonderful life.
true friendship
What does Jan need to do before this?
Jan wrote a new song. Jan put the music into words.
write music
Which of the following is true of the narrator ?
i just walked the long way to my dorm . it made my day . maybe one day i 'll get to see her in person . but until then , i guess i 'll be a creep .
Where is the army who over run most of Spain form? .
Though prehistoric remains from the Paleolithic, Neolithic, and Bronze Ages have been unearthed in the Manzanares Valley, prior to Madrid's sudden elevation to capital city in 1561 its history was rather undistinguished. Over a period of many centuries crucial in Spanish history, Madrid's significance was negligible. The Romans built their most advanced outpost on the Iberian peninsula, but left nothing of consequence in Madrid. Armies of North African nomads, intent on disseminating Islam, invaded the peninsula in a.d. Within 10 years, they had overrun most of Spain. If Madrid played any role in these pivotal events, no record of it remains. The first solid references to this obscure settlement on the Castilian plateau, guarded by the looming Guadarrama mountain range, appear in the 9th century. The Arabic name for "place of many springs," variously recorded as Magerit, Mayrit or Magrit, eventually evolved into Madrid. The hamlet entered historical chronicles for its military significance; it was located near the main line of resistance to the Christian reconquest. Over centuries of struggle, the defending Moorish army built a full-scale fort, or Alcázar, on the heights of Madrid commanding the Manzanares valley. After several unsuccessful skirmishes, the Christian forces of Alfonso VI captured Madrid in 1083. The Alcázar became a fort of the crown of Castile. During a counter-offensive in 1109, the town was overrun by the Moors, but the Christianized fortress held. The Moors were expelled from the town, but they remained in control of southern Spain for almost four centuries. Meanwhile, Madrid enjoyed brief prominence in 1308 when king Ferdinand IV and his Cortes, an early version of parliament, held a formal meeting in the fledgling town. From then on, the kings of Spain began to visit Madrid, where the air was invigorating and the hunting excellent. Ferdinand and Isabella, the Catholic monarchs that united all the provinces of Spain, first visited Madrid in 1477.
North Africa
Why are Americans wasteful, according to this passage?
We Americans are wasteful people, not used to saving. The frontiersmen began this pattern, for natural resources were so plentiful that no one ever imagined a shortage, within a few years of the first Virginia settlement, for example, pioneers burned down their houses when they were ready to move west. They wanted to have the nails for future use. No one ever gave a thought to the priceless hardwoods that went up in smoke. As a people,we destroy many things that other people save. I noticed a letter from one of England's largest banks. It was enclosed in a used envelope that had been readdressed to me. Such a practice would be unthinkable in the United States. American banks, even the smallest, always use expensive stationery with the names of all twenty-eight vice-presidents listed on one side of the page.
learn ancestors
What is NOT true based on the information provided in the passage?
The booking notes of the play " the Age of Innocence" . Price: $ 10 BOOKING: There are four ways to book seats for performance : ---In person The Box Office is open from Monday to Saturday , 10 a.m. --- 8 p.m. ---By telephone _ Ring 01324976 to reserve your tickets or to pay by credit card (Visa , MasterCard and Amex accepted ) ---By post Simply complete the booking form and return it to Global Theatre Box Office . ---On line Complete the on-line booking form at DISCOUNTS: Saver : $ 2 of any seat booked any time in advance for performances from Monday to Thursday . Savers are available for children who are below the age of 16 years old , over 60s and full-time students. Supersaver: half-price seats are available for people with disabilities and one companion . It is advisable to book in advance . There is a maximum of eight wheelchair spaces available and one wheelchair space will be held until an hour before the show . Standby: best available seats are on sale for $ 6 from one hour before the performance for people eligible (suitable ) for Saver and Supersaver discounts and thirty minutes before for all other customers . Group Bookings : there is a ten percent discount for parties of twelve or more . School : school parties of ten or more can book $ 6 standby tickets in advance and will get every tenth ticket free . Please note : we are unable to exchange tickets or refund money unless a performance is cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances .
school party 15 students pay 90 standby tickets
What is one difference between green tea and black tea?
Which country grows the most tea? The answer is India. It grows three times as much as China. Which country drinks the most tea? It's neither China nor Japan. It's Great Britain. In the wild, tea plants may be 30 feet tall. But a plant grown for market is pruned. Pruning keeps the plant only three or four feet tall. This is an easy height for tea picking. Only the two top leaves and bud of each new shoot are picked. So to make money, tea plantations must be huge. In general, there are two kinds of tea. Black tea and green tea. Black tea is fermented. In the process, the tea loses nearly all of its healthy qualities. Green tea is steamed right after the leaves are picked. Green tea _ its healthy qualities. For example, it may prevent heart disease. How did we get tea bag? The answer: by accident. Tea merchants used to send samples in tin boxes. This was costly. One merchant thought of a cheaper way. He sent samples in small silk bags. Customers would cut open the bag. They would brew the leaves as usual. One customer put the bag into a pot. Then he just poured hot water over it. And the tea bag was born. Shen Nong was the first to drink tea. (Shen was a Chinese emperor.) This was about 2737 B.C. Shen had bad digestion. So he drank several cups of hot water daily. One day something happened. Leaves from a wild tea tree fell into the hot water pot. The next cup was poured. The water was now colored. Shen sipped it. He liked it. He drank it all. Shen was proud of his new drink. He served it to his guests. Word spread. People thought this way. Tea is good enough for the Emperor. So it must be good enough for the people. Tea became the drink of China.
What can we learn about Kamura from the text?
This March is a busy month in Shanghai.There's a lot to do.Here are the highlights. Live Music - Late Night Jazz Enjoy real American jazz from Herbie Davis, the famous trumpet player.He's coming with his new 7-piece band, Herbie's Heroes.Herbie is known to play well into the early hours, so don't expect to get much sleep.This is Herbie's third visit to Shanghai.The first two were sold out, so get your tickets quickly. PLACE: The Jazz Club DATES: 15---23 March PRICE: Y=80,120 TIME: 10:00p.m.till late! TEL: 6466--8736 Scottish dancing Take your partners and get ready to dance till you drop.Scottish dancing is fun and easy to learn.Instructors will demonstrate the dances.The live band, Gordon Stroppie and the Weefrees, are also excellent. PLACE: Jack Stein's DATES: every Monday PRICE: Y60 including one drink TIME: 7:00 ---0:00 p.m. TEL: 6402-1877 Exhibitions - Shanghai Museum There are 120,000 pieces on show here.You can see the whole of Chinese history under one roof.It's always interesting to visit, but doubly so at the moment with the Egyptian Tombs exhibition.There are lots of mummies and more gold than you've ever seen before.Let us know if you see a mummy move! PLACE: Shanghai Museum PRICE: Y=30 (Y= 15 for students) TEL: 6888-6888 DATES: daily TIME: Monday - Friday 9:00a.m.- 5:00p.m., Weekends 9:00a.m.--- 9:00p.m. Dining - Sushi chef in town Sushi is getting really big in Shanghai.In Japan, it's become an art form.The most famous Sushi 'artist' is Yuki Kamura.She's also one of the few female chefs in Japan.She'll be at Sushi Scene all of this month. PLACE: Sushi Scene in the Shanghai Hotel DATES: all month PRICE: Y=200 TIME: lunchtime TEL: 6690-3211 For a full listing of events, see our website.
What does the passage mainly talk about?
In Canada you can find dogs, cats, horses, etc. in almost every family. These are their pets. People love these pets and have them as their good friends. Before they keep them in their houses, they take them to animal hospitals to give them injections so that they won't carry disease. They have special animal food stores, though they can get animal food in almost every kind of store. Some people spend around two hundred Canadian dollars a month on animal food. When you visit people's houses, they would be very glad to show you their pets and they are very proud of them. You will also find that almost every family has a bird feeder( ) in their garden. All kinds of birds are welcomed to come and go and nobody animal in Canada. They have a law against an animal happened to get run over by a car, people would be very sad about it.
pets Canada
Who did Margaret Bourke-White marry?
Margaret Bourke-White was one of the leading news reporters of the 20th century. But she did not write news. She told her stories with a camera. Margaret Bourke-White began her career as an industrial photographer in the early 1930s. In 1936, she accepted the American publisher Henry Luce's invitation and went to his magazine, called Life, and later another magazine called Fortune. In the 1930s, Margaret Bourke-White met the American writer Erskine Caldwell. They decided to produce a book about poor country people of the South. They traveled through eight states. Their book, You Have Seen Their Faces, was published in 1937. It was a great success. In 1938, some countries in Europe were close to war. Margaret Bourke-White and Caldwell went there to report on these events. The next year they got married. During the World War Two, she became an official photographer with the United States Army. Her photographs were to be used jointly by the military and by Life magazine. She was the first woman to be permitted to work at the front during World War Two. After the war, she went to India and took a famous photograph of Mohandas Gandhi called "Gandhi at His Spinning Wheel". She was the last person to photograph Gandhi before he was murdered in 1948. Often, Margaret Bourke-White was not satisfied with what she had done. She would look at her pictures and see something she had failed to do, or something she had not done right. Reaching perfection was not easy. Many things got in the way of her work. She said, "There is only one moment when a picture is there. And a moment later, it is gone forever. My memory is full of those pictures that were lost."
What is the core of the holiday's significance?
Easter Eggs Easter falls officially on the Sunday following the first full moon after March 21. The name Easter itself derives from Europe, the Anglo-Saxon goddess of springtime and sunrise. Christians relate the rising of the sun to resurrection of Jesus, Son of God, and therefore Easter, like Easter, represents rebirth of the soul. It is because of this association of the holiday with rebirth that the egg has long been its chief symbol. The egg was a symbol of spring and fertility (for the egg is the original germ from which all life proceeds) long before the Christian era. The ancient Persians, Greeks and Chinese exchanged eggs at their spring festivals. In Christian times the egg took on a new meaning, symbolizing Christ's tomb---a cold and hard casket from which new life finally broke forth in triumph. In modern times the egg is still the most important part of Easter customs. Egg-rolling contests, egg hunts and egg-dyeing are still very popular with Americans at Easter time. Today Easter is more a family day than a religious holiday. Relatives and friends get together for large Easter dinners. Many American and friends get together for large Easter dinners. Many American cities have Easter parades. People enjoy the return of the milder weather by walking outdoors to display their new spring clothes.
new life
What will happen to Casey next?
Jan taught Casey's children in college for the past 4 years. They had become best friends after that.
confide Jan
What do you intend to do next ?
I am ever more driven to go back to school . I had been planning to go back in January but with all this going on I now am planning to go back in the fall . I have to go and get my degree and get a job that respects my qualifications .
plan getting degree
Who is the passage written for?
Dear teachers, do you want to find pen pals for your students? Boys and girls, do you want to find your own e-pals ? Here is some advice on how to make e-pals. First, take a look at community . Click on international pen pal sites to find some of our favorite international e-pal and pen pal web sites. Do not forget: some e-pal services are not free and some are safer than others. Remember to read a web site safety warning before you join! KidFu ( says it is the safest place online for kids to chat, play games and make friends. Get your parents to help you register and then you can write things about yourself or read what other kids have written. There are also chat monitors that make sure that the online chat rooms are safe and friendly. KidFu costs money, but the first month is free. If you join Epals (, you can choose a pen pal among 65,000 kids from 191 countries. You can also find information about how teachers can get pen pals for their pupils. Or if you want to start sending e-mails right now, go to Europa Pages ( penpal-form.html). Lots of young people have written their names, interests, home countries and their e-mail addresses. Just click on a name and start writing!
Teachers children
What problem did they have?
Man: Would you please tell me about your best holiday, Nancy? Woman: Well, it was my trip in Nepal. We went there 10 years ago, doing some walking in the mountains. Man: How long did you stay there? Woman: 20 days. Man: 20 days! That's a long time. How far did you walk every day? Woman: Perhaps 15 kilometers. You have to climb up and down a lot every day. Man: So, it was very hard. Woman: Yes, very hard. Sometimes, it's difficult to walk in the mountains where the air is very thin, and you have a lot of problems when breathing. Man: What kind of equipment did you take? Woman: Not much. Only a bag, a sleeping bag and some warm clothing. We carried all the things by ourselves. Man: And how was the food? Woman: There was rice and some vegetables, normally no meat. But it was good. Man: What was the best thing about the trip? Woman: The walking and the exercise. I hate sitting in the sun and like to be out in the countryside. The air is very clean and it's very quiet. Nepal is a good place. You must go!
n't enough oxygen sometimes
What will Riley want to do next?
After many months of only speaking over the phone, Riley finally met Alex in person.
greet Alex
How would Alex feel afterwards?
Alex ate potato chips. However, he ate too many and got a little nauseous.
What does the author suggest we should do in order to feel relaxed?
Here are some tips on how to relax after a long day's work. This will not only make sure you don't notice the cleaning you should do, but also make you more relaxed. When the light is weak, you will be more likely to relax your eyes. Use candles instead of electric lights! They can help you feel comfortable and relaxed. When it comes to relaxing, it is important for you to enjoy a good meal. Cook some food yourself. Enjoy _ when you are cooking as the process can help you relax. Make the food as delicious as you can! If you're too tired, you should think about ordering food just for this night, but don't make it a habit! Nothing can take your mind off work as a good friend can! Make sure you don't talk about work all night but do something fun together! After work, your friend is probably tired too, so don't plan on doing everything at once and save the exciting and fun activities for future. Have a cup of tea, play a game or watch your favorite TV series. It's good for you to be social after a long day of work. It is important to get a good night's sleep if you are planning to work better the next day and have the energy to do something nice after work. If you are working hard for a long period of time, enough sleep is necessary for keeping you going. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath. Make your body relax and let go.
turn lights light candles
How would you describe Aubrey?
Aubrey was very responsible and wanted to help a friend.
What kind of market would someone need to be searching for to take this deal ?
Click here for deal || $ 499.99 $ 449.99 after Coupon with Free Shipping Circuit City has this 5.1 channel home theater system for $ 449.99 . Click through to activate the 10 % off coupon and search for RM705BK to find this system . It has 4 satellite speakers , a center channel , and an 8-inch cone subwoofer . Shipping is free .
'd market electronics
What can be inferred from the passage?
If you remember taking class notes in longhand , there's a good chance you also remember more about a variety of topics than today's students do. A study investigated whether taking notes by hand helps you learn better than taking notes on a laptop. It was no contest. Study authors and psychologists Pam A. Mueller of Princeton University and Daniel M. Oppenheimer of the University of California- Los Angeles conducted three separate experiments involving a total of 327 students. All students got the same lectures, but some used laptops, and others took notes by hand. When it came to learning the concepts, the handwriters won. When it came to retrieving facts, the groups were comparable, except when given time to go home and look at their notes, at which point the handwriters did better. "Even when allowed to reviewnotes after a week's delay, participants who had taken notes with laptops performed worse on tests of both factual content and conceptual understanding," the study states. Learning suffered not because of "multitasking" or the distraction available to students using Wi-Fi- enabled laptops. In the lab, scientists allowed no extraneous activity. Students who paid attention and took deep notes on their laptop still didn't learn as well--in fact, the study suggests the thoroughness of their notes contributes to the problem. Laptop users tend to record long, _ quotes, which they type mindlessly. Handwriters are more selective. They "wrote significantly fewer words than those who typed," according to the study. By processing and selecting the more important information, they studied more efficiently, said researchers. Here's what's a bit frightening: When the laptop students were instructed to cut down or eliminate the verbatim note taking, they couldn't. The study adds to a ton of evidence that for learning, writing is better and that the hand has a "unique relationship with the brain when it comes to composing thoughts and ideas." Of course, the chance of persuading students to put away their laptops is probably zero. Many of them can't write longhand, a forgotten subject in many American schools, itself a source of controversy. So are we stuck with traditional classrooms and learning techniques if we want the brightest pupils? Perhaps not: Another possibility, some have suggested, is apps that permit handwriting on tablets, a compromise that students might accept.
experiments show advantages longhand laptop note taking
Brian Epstein died between what two years mentioned in the story?
{ { plot } } In 1964 , in the peak of Beatlemania , a reluctant John Lennon is persuaded by manager Brian Epstein to meet Freddie Lennon , the father who abandoned him seventeen years earlier , with the press in attendance . When they meet , John accuses his father of abandoning him , but his father says that `` he left it up to John . '' John and Brian quickly leave the meeting . The movie then jumps to 1967 , after Brian Epstein has died . The Beatles are giving a press conference about their new film, Magical Mystery Tour . John is skeptical about the film , but Paul ( ( ( Andrew Scott convinces him to go through with the idea . John then invites his father to his mansion to live with him . Freddie Lennon arrives and meets his grandson , Julian . Sitting with his wife , John reads the criticism of Magical Mystery Tour , while comparing his wife to Brigitte Bardot , whom he says he will meet after he returns from India . John finds a letter addressed to him , with the word `` Breathe '' written on it . Later , after finding his father in a neighbor's house , Freddie reveals that he has a 19 year old girlfriend named Pauline , with whom he wants to live . Lennon accuses his father of leaving him again , and then leaves , after telling his father that he wo n't live with him anymore . After meeting Maharishi Mahesh Yogi , the Beatles quickly return to London , and in a press conference they say they made a mistake when they trusted Maharishi . The journalists are curious about the Beatles new business -- Apple Records .
1964 1967
What is a result of this?
The girl pushed herself off the top of the slide.
glided slide
What's the main purpose of the online blog campaign started by Yu Jianrong?
Civil Affairs and Public Security Departments have been urged to take comprehensive steps to help children who are begging on the nation's streets and are often abused. Premier Wen Jiabao said during his online chat with netizens, China Daily reported. Wen said he has paid close attention to the ongoing micro blog campaign that calls on concerned netizens to post photos of children begging on the streets in the hope that police will rescue them and return them to their families. There are many reasons why children turn to begging, including poverty and family problems. Joint efforts will help end the problem. His remarks were welcomed by Yu Jianrong, a professor from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, who starts the online campaign to on child begging. The All-China Women's Federation (ACWF) also released a statement encouraging people to contact the police if they find any suspect who abuses, or forces juveniles to beg on the streets. People can either call 110 and or dial 12338 and connect with a hotline set up by the ACWF. The statement was reported by Xinhua News Agency. The micro blog campaign has gained support from charities, and other social institutions since it was launched in January. One Foundation, a Shenzhen-based charity, set up a fund on Feb 19 for a database for sharing information about missing children So far, One Foundation has raised 720,000 yuan ($109,500). Meanwhile, Shanghai Time Plastic Surgery Hospital has offered free plastic surgery to Ren Fangfang, an 8-year-old girl who suffered physical abuse at the hands of a man who used her to beg for him.
gain support charities social institutions
According to Mr Expert, why can't Joan tell her friends her feelings?
A letter to Edward, a columnist Dear Mr Expert: I grew up in an unhappy and abusive home. I always Promised myself that I'd get out as soon as possible. Now, at age 20,I have a good job and a nice house, and I'm really proud of the independence I've achieved. Here's the problem: several of my friends who still live with their parents wish they had places like mine -- so much so that they make mine theirs. It started out with a couple of them spending the weekends with me. But now they seem to take it for granted that they can shou up any time they like. They bring boyfriends over, talk on the phone and stay out forever. I enjoy having my friends here sometimes-- it makes the place feel comfortable and warm-- but this is my home, not a party house. I was old enough to move out on my own, so why can't I seem to ask my friends to respect my privacy ? Joan Edward's reply to Joan Dear Joan: If your family didn't pay attention to your needs when you were a child, you probably have trouble letting others know your needs now. And if you've gathesed yourfriends around you to rebuild a happy family atmosphere ,you may fear that saying no will bring back the kind of conflict you grew up with-- or destroy the nice atmosphere you now enjoy. You need to understand that in true friendship it's okay to put your own needs first from time to time. Be clear about the message you want to send. For example, "I really love your company but I also need some privacy. So please call before you come over."
family experience stops
Why should the recipient avoid commercially prepared products ?
These include nonfat dairy products or processed foods . Finally , there are foods that you should absolutely avoid . These include meat , margarine or other oil products , avocadoes , nuts , dairy products , olives , sugar and alcohol . You should also avoid products that are commercially prepared .
tend myriad chemicals
What was the reason for Anny's mother asking Anny to pay for the necklace herself?
Anny was a five-year-old girl. One day when she and her mother were in a department store , Anny saw a plastic pearl necklace . What a beautiful necklace! She wanted it very much, so she begged her mother to buy it for her. The mother said, "Well, I can buy you the necklace, but when we get home, we should discuss what you can do to pay for it. Can we do that?" Anny agreed with much happiness, and she got the necklace. How much Anny loved the necklace! She wore it everywhere and every minute. Anny also did part - time jobs to make pocket money. She worked very hard. Soon she succeeded in paying off the price for the necklace. Anny's daddy knew how she tried her best to get the necklace. He also knew how much Anny cared about it. One night, he asked Anny if she loved him. "Sure, Daddy." the little girl said. "Then how about giving me your necklace?" "Oh, no, Daddy! Not my necklace!" Anny cried. "Oh, dear, it's fine." her father gave her a kiss. Several days later, Anny went to her daddy, with her lips trembling . "Here, Daddy. I love you." She held out her hand. Inside it was the plastic pearl necklace that she loved so much. When he saw this, Anny's father smiled with surprise. He then pulled a cute box out of his pocket. Inside the box was a real and colourful pearl necklace, which was waiting for Anny for so long.
wanted Anny know one buy pay oneself
Why did Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet sail to London?
The first outstanding deaf teacher in America was a Frenchman Laurent Clerc. He and Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet founded America's first school for the deaf. When Laurent Clerc was one year old, he fell into a fire. As a result, he lost both his hearing and his sense of smell. At the age of 12, Laurent entered the Royal Institution for the Deaf in Paris. After he graduated, the school asked him to stay on as an assistant teacher. Meanwhile, in America, Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet was studying to be a minister when he met a young deaf girl, Alice Cogswell. He was upset to learn that there were no schools for the deaf in America. Therefore, in 1815, Gallaudet sailed to London to seek ideas on how to teach deaf people. However, he was unable to get help. He met a French educator of the deaf who invited him to Paris to learn at the Royal Institution for the Deaf. Gallaudet went to the Royal Institution for the Deaf, where Clerc became his Sign Language teacher. The two worked and studied well together. When the time came for Gallaudet to return to America, he asked Clerc to come with him. The two men set sail on June 18, 1816. The voyage across the Atlantic Ocean took 52 days; however, Clerc and Gallaudet put the time to good use. They discussed the school for the deaf which they planned to open. On the long trip, they had many conversations about education and deafness. The year after they arrived, they founded a school for the deaf in Harford, Connecticut.
wanted study system deaf education
Why did Austin do this?
Austin had help to put her best foot forward during the game.
What would most likely make the author feel embarrassed?
"Confidence" is probably one of the most noticeable traits in the Americans. They show confidence in the way they talk, the way they smile, the way they dress and the way they walk. Living and competing with all these confident American students, I find it extremely important to be confident as an international student and instructor. As a student, being confident means you should never hesitate to raise your hand whenever a question or a point comes to your mind. Don't mind if it sounds simple or silly. Otherwise you will never get a chance to speak in class at all. What's worse, the professors may think you are not prepared for the discussion or you do not have your own opinion on the issue--this is the last comment any graduate would like to receive. Being confident for me as a foreign instructor means calmly asking the student to repeat what he or she has said if I did not get it. Pretending to understand what you actually did not may just bring yourself embarrassment or even disgrace. But the time I most need to be confident is when my students come to my office and bargain about the grades I have given for their speeches. (The course I'm teaching here is Public speaking). Modesty is a trait highly valued in China, but it won't be of much help here if you want to survive and succeed in a good American graduate program.
pretends known't
should you wait till the last minute?
Commissioner: "Do not leave your decision to the last minute. Do not think fire can't happen to you. Do not expect a fire truck." #nswrfs— NSW RFS (@NSWRFS) October 22, 2013
commissioner says wait
Why did the famous design houses need a "master designer"?
The revolution was over by the time Tom Ford started working in the fashion world. The expensive fashion design houses such as Channel, Yves Saint Laurent, and Christian Dior, which earned money by designing and making very expensive custom clothes, had lost many of their wealthy customers. To stay in business, they started selling more reasonably priced ready-to-wear clothing along with a wide range of accessories , that is, related products such as shoes, bags, watches. All of these products needed to blend with the clothing and with each other so that they made up a brand that everyone would recognize and wanted to buy. Though they did not use that name, each company needed a "master designer." Born in Texas and growing up in Santa Fe, New Mexico, Ford had a diverse background in the arts. Soon after completing high school, he moved to New York, where he studied art history, trained as an actor, and worked as a model. Following that, Ford completed a program in indoor design, but later decided that he was more interested in designing clothes than in decorating house. He was hired by the firm Cathy Hardwick in 1986, where he began to work as a fashion designer. His talent stood out from the rest and soon he moved to Perry Ellis, where he became design director. Then in 1990 he made an important move by taking a position with the New York branch of Gucci, the famous design house based in Milan, Italy. During his first years at Gucci, the company was going through a very difficult period. Its products were once considered highly desirable, and were worn by famous women such as Grace Kelly, Audrey Hepburn, and Jacqueline Kennedy. However, by the early 1990s they had lost their reputation for quality. Other producers had started making cheap, widely available imitations of the brand, and the sales of Gucci's own products had dropped. Things were so bad at one point that Ford was almost fired. However, some people at the company believed in his talent, and in 1994 they hired him to work in Milan as the creative director for the entire company. In this position Ford had artistic control over all of the company's products, as well as its advertising and the design of its stores. Under Ford's direction, Gucci's reputation for cutting-edge style soon returned, and the company began to recover. The style shows starting in 1994 were wildly successful. People loved the low-cut velvet pants, unbuttoned silk shirts, and shiny boots in metallic color1s. By 1999 Gucci, which had almost gone out of business, was worth over $4 billion. When Gucci bought Yves Saint Laurent , Ford became creative director for that fashion house while continuing to design for Gucci. When asked how he would be able to keep the two styles apart, Ford said it wasn't a problem and offered a comparison. Yves Saint Laurent was like Catherine Deneuve, he said while Gucci was more like Sophia Loren. Both are sexy and beautiful women, but with very different styles. Ford left Gucci and Yves Saint Laurent in 2004 to form his own company called simply "Tom Ford". Not long after, he was working together with cosmetics producer Estee Lauder to bring out new beauty products, and then developed and sold a perfume under his own name. His plans for the future? Ford says that someday he'd definitely like to make a film. He puts it his way: "That is the main design project. You don't just get to design what people wear, but you design the whole world and whether characters get to live or die. There is what fashion lacks.
blend range accessories ready-to-wear clothing
From whom did Shakespeare get much money?
Willam Shakespeare was a writer of plays and poems. Some of his most famous plays are Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth .He wrote thirty-seven plays in all. They are still popular today. He was born in 1564 in England. At school he liked watching plays. He decided to be an actor when he finished school at the age of fourteen. In 1582, he married a farmer's daughter. She was eight years older than he was. Their first child was a daughter .Later they had twins. In1585, Shakespeare left his hometown, Stratford-upon-Avon. His wife and children stayed behind .No one knows why he left or what he did between 1585 and 1592. At twenty-eight he moved to London and joined a theatre company which opened the Globe Theatre in 1599. He became an actor, and he also wrote plays. He usually acted in his own plays .He earned almost no money from his writing. But he made a lot of money from acting. With the money he bought a large house in his hometown. At the age of forty-nine, Shakespeare retired and went to live in Stratford-upon-Avon. He died at the age of fifty-two. He left his money to his family. He left his genius to the world. You still see his plays in English and in many other languages. He is one of the most famous writers in the world..
Why were the seven workers from Fujian set free mainly?
He had travelled thousands of miles in the hope of earning some money, but 18-year old Lin Kongming never knew danger was waiting for him. He and six other migrant workers from Fujian Province spent 36 hours in Iraq as international hostages . But luckily, they were set free last Tuesday morning, unharmed by the people who had taken them hostages. After hard work by Chinese diplomats in the region, the Iraqi kidnappers agreed to hand them over to a local religious group. "The friendly relations between the Chinese and Iraqi people have played a key role in the release of the hostages," said Foreign Ministry spokesman Kong Quan. China refused to join the US-led coalition in the Iraqi war. Since April 4, over 60 hostages from 12 countries, including America, Italy and Japan, have been taken in Iraq. Some have been released, others were killed. The Iraqi resistance groups have started taking foreigners hostages in an attempt to force the US-led troops out of their country. As a result, many foreigners have left, fearing the situation will get worse. Some nations are also considering removing their troops from Iraq. Thailand has ordered its forces not to leave their camp and may bring them home before September as originally planned. New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark is considering similar action. But Dan Senor, spokesman for the US-led coalition in Baghdad, said that it would not negotiate with "terrorists or kidnappers" to get hostages released.
Chinan't take sides US-led coalition
what does summer bring?
if weather is stormy then there is a greater chance of rain. Unsettled, stormy weather with frequent rain is common, even during the summer.
what does a chipmunk do with acorns
a chipmunk eats acorns
transfer stomach
What was near the castle the princess and John wanted to live in?
Once upon a time there was a princess who lived in a high tower and she was not allowed to leave because of her mean mother. One day she chose to leave but her mother would not let her. The princess climbed out the window of the high tower and climbed down the south wall when her mother was sleeping. She wandered out a good ways. Finally she went into the forest where there are no electric poles but where there are some caves. There she met a young man who was running. His name was John. John asked the princess why such a beautiful woman like her was out in the middle of a forest. She said that she had been trapped for her whole life by an evil woman who said she was her mother. The man said that he would take the princess to a castle that was near. He also said that he thought that she may be the missing princess. As they go through the forest they run into many problems. They see that they are lost and have no way of finding where to go. After several days pass, the princess climbs up to the top of a tree in order to find out where they are. She sees that the castle where they want to go is not that far away and near a mountain. After thinking of the best way to get there, John and the princess go to the castle where they live for the rest of their lives.
What did the writer find in his car in Brooklyn?
I was born in Ireland and lived there until I was nineteen years old. I came to New York in 1956. At first, I held several jobs to earn a few dollars. Later, to live a better life, I bought my own taxi car. Till now, I've been in the taxi car business for thirty-five years. I know there is a lot about taxi drivers that is not so good. Because of this, people get the wrong impression that they are bad. In fact, taxi drivers are just like other honest people. You can read in the papers almost every week where a taxi driver turns in money or jewels people leave in their cars. One time in Brooklyn, I found a ring in my car. I remembered helping a lady with a lot of bags that day, so I went back to the store where I had dropped her off. It took me almost two days to look for her in order to return the ring. I didn't get as much as "Thank you." Still, I felt good because I had done what was right. In all my years of driving a taxi car, I have never had any trouble with the public because I always try to be nice to everyone. I try to be honest toward others. I have been trying this for a long time, and the longer I try, the easier it gets. I believe honesty is one of the greatest gifts there is. It's something that makes a man a good guy. This is also my way to live by.
How would you describe Jan?
Jesse was bed ridden and couldnt walk their dog. Jan took Jesse's dog for a walk.
happy could help Jesse
Where are the students from America?
Can you swim well? Are you free on Saturday and Sunday? Our club needs a swimming teacher to teach children from 8 to 10 years old. It is interesting to be with them. Please call Leo at 5968-4437. Are you busy after school? No? Can you speak English? Yes? Then we need you to help some American students. They study in Beijing. They can't speak Chinese now. They are _ and you can make friends with them. Please email Mr. Liu at Can you play the guitar or the drums? Do you have time this Wednesday? Our music club will have a party that day and we need you to join us. It is fun. Please call Sam at 235-1143.
What can we infer from the conversation between the woman and the recorder at the beginning of the passage?
A woman renewing her driver's license at the County Clerk's office was asked to state her occupation.She hesitated, uncertain how to classify herself. "What I mean is," explained the recorder, "do you have a job, or are you just a ..." "Of course I have a job," said Emily."I'm a mother." "We don't list 'mother' as an occupation... 'housewife' covers it," said the recorder. One day I found myself in the same situation.The clerk was obviously a career woman, confident and possessed of a high sounding title."What is your occupation?" she asked. The words simply popped out."I'm a Research Associate in the field of Child Development and Human Relations." The clerk paused, ballpoint pen frozen in midair. I repeated the title slowly, and then I stared with wonder as my statement was written in bold, black ink on the official questionnaire. "Might I ask, " said the clerk with new interest, "Just what you do in this field?" Coolly, without any trace of panic in my voice, I heard myself reply, "I have a continuing program of research (what mother doesn't), in the lab and in the field (normally I would have said indoors and out).Of course, the job is one of the most demanding in the humanities (any mother care to disagree?), and I often work 14 hours a day (24 is more like it).But the job is more challenging than most careers and rewards are more of a satisfaction rather than just money." There was an increasing note of respect in the clerk's voice as she completed the form, stood up, and showed me out. As I drove into our driveway, buoyed up by my glamorous new career, I was greeted by my lab assistants---ages 13, 7, and 3. Upstairs I could hear our new experimental model (a 6 month old baby), in the child-development program, testing out a new vocal pattern. I felt proud! I had gone on the official records as someone more distinguished and indispensable to mankind than "just another mother." Motherhood...What a glorious career! Especially when there's a title on the door.
Motherhood recognized respected job society
What is the reason a certain vase fell into the backpack ?
haha ... great times . in closing on saturday night , a certain vase from a certain lobby just happened to fall into the backpack that i was wearing and managed to come home with us that evening . oh and we went to this 24/7 burger king and as we pull up , the operator person says , we 're closed , we 're only serving breakfast . come back in thirty minutes to get burgers .
Who does Li Jing often go to the market with?
My name is Li Jing. Today let me show you around my community. In front of my apartment , there is a very small garden with a table, four chairs and some flowers. I love taking a walk in the garden in summer. After getting out of the garden, I can get to a big market soon. I walk past the market when I go to work every day. There are fresh vegetables, fruit and meat there. I often buy some fresh fruit there with my friends. After passing the market, I will be near the main road . There are a lot of shops on both sides of the road, like shoe shops, clothes shops ... After walking straight along the main road for fifteen minutes, I can see a bus stop. I only need to pay 0.5 yuan, and then I can go almost anywhere. That's very cheap. I feel very happy to live in a community like this.
where do the dealers need to come?
Awesome! Can we come too? MT @Sunith_DB8R Any dealers in Vaughan wanna make a 20sac chop? Come to Keele/Langstaff Mr. Lube, need a spliff.— York Regional Police (@YRP) August 13, 2013
keele/ langstaff mr. lube
Why did the coach want Ricardo for ages ?
Inter Milan coach Jose Mourinho is thrilled with their capture of ex - Porto winger Ricardo Quaresma . " I wanted Ricardo for ages but it only just became possible , " the Special One asserted . " When I arrived at Inter I wanted three players - Amantino Mancini , Quaresma and Frank Lampard .
Ricardo good player
The woman should have arrived by ________.
Woman: Excuse me, I wonder if the bus would come at all. It's already 10:45. Man: Oh, I'm afraid you've just missed the last one which left 5 minutes ago.