#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "HeavyLightDecomposition.h" using namespace std; // Supports path (and subtree) updates and queries on a forest // Vertices and indices are 0-indexed // Template Arguments: // R: struct supporting range updates and queries on indices // Required Fields: // Data: the data type // Lazy: the lazy type // Required Functions: // static qdef(): returns the query default value of type Data // static merge(l, r): merges the datas l and r, must be associative // constructor(A): takes a vector A of type Data with the initial // value of each index // update(l, r, val, rev): updates the range [l, r] with the value // val, with rev indicating if the update range should be updated // right to left // query(l, r, rev): queries the range [l, r] with rev indicating // if the result needs to be reversed // Sample Struct: supporting range assignment and maximum subarray sum // struct R { // using Data = MaxSubarraySumCombine<int>::Data; // using Lazy = MaxSubarraySumCombine<int>::Lazy; // static Data qdef() { return MaxSubarraySumCombine<int>::qdef(); } // static Data merge(const Data &l, const Data &r) { // return MaxSubarraySumCombine<int>::merge(l, r); // } // SegmentTreeLazyBottomUp<MaxSubarraySumCombine<int>> ST; // R(vector<Data> A) : ST(move(A)) {} // void update(int l, int r, const Lazy &val, bool) { // ST.update(l, r, val); // } // Data query(int l, int r, bool rev) { // Data ret = ST.query(l, r); // if (rev) swap(ret.pre, ret.suf); // return ret; // } // }; // VALUES_ON_EDGES: boolean indicating whether the values are on the edges // (the largest depth vertex of the edge) or the vertices // Constructor Arguments: // G: a generic forest data structure // Required Functions: // operator [v] const: iterates over the adjacency list of vertex v // (which is a list of ints) // size() const: returns the number of vertices in the forest // A: a vector of type R::Data with the initial value of each vertex // rt: a single root vertex // roots: a vector of root vertices for each connected component // Functions: // updatePath(v, w, val): updates the path from v to w with the value val // updateVertex(v, val): updates the vertex v with the value val // updateSubtree(v, val): updates the subtree of vertex v with the value val // queryPath(v, w): queries the path from v to w // queryVertex(v): queries the vertex v // querySubtree(v): queries the subtree of vertex v // In practice, constructor has a moderate constant, // update and query functions have a small constant // Time Complexity: // constructor: O(V) + time complexity of R's constructor // updatePath, queryPath: O(log V) * time complexity of R's update/query // updateVertex, updateSubtree, queryVertex, querySubtree: // time complexity of R's update/query // Memory Complexity: O(V) + memory complexity of R // Tested: // https://www.spoj.com/problems/GSS7/ // https://judge.yosupo.jp/problem/vertex_set_path_composite template <class R, const bool VALUES_ON_EDGES> struct PathQueries : public HLD { using Data = typename R::Data; using Lazy = typename R::Lazy; R ops; void updatePath(int v, int w, const Lazy &val) { while (head[v] != head[w]) { if (dep[head[v]] < dep[head[w]]) { ops.update(pre[head[w]], pre[w], val, false); w = par[head[w]]; } else { ops.update(pre[head[v]], pre[v], val, true); v = par[head[v]]; } } if (v != w) { if (dep[v] < dep[w]) ops.update(pre[v] + VALUES_ON_EDGES, pre[w], val, false); else ops.update(pre[w] + VALUES_ON_EDGES, pre[v], val, true); } else if (!VALUES_ON_EDGES) { int i = pre[dep[v] < dep[w] ? v : w]; ops.update(i, i, val, false); } } void updateVertex(int v, const Lazy &val) { ops.update(pre[v], pre[v], val, false); } void updateSubtree(int v, const Lazy &val) { int l = pre[v] + VALUES_ON_EDGES, r = post[v]; if (l <= r) ops.update(l, r, val, false); } Data queryPath(int v, int w) { Data qu = R::qdef(), qd = R::qdef(); while (head[v] != head[w]) { if (dep[head[v]] < dep[head[w]]) { qd = R::merge(ops.query(pre[head[w]], pre[w], false), qd); w = par[head[w]]; } else { qu = R::merge(qu, ops.query(pre[head[v]], pre[v], true)); v = par[head[v]]; } } if (v != w) { if (dep[v] < dep[w]) qu = R::merge(qu, ops.query(pre[v] + VALUES_ON_EDGES, pre[w], false)); else qd = R::merge(ops.query(pre[w] + VALUES_ON_EDGES, pre[v], true), qd); } else if (!VALUES_ON_EDGES) { int i = pre[dep[v] < dep[w] ? v : w]; qu = R::merge(qu, ops.query(i, i, false)); } return R::merge(qu, qd); } Data queryVertex(int v) { return ops.query(pre[v], pre[v], false); } Data querySubtree(int v) { int l = pre[v] + VALUES_ON_EDGES, r = post[v]; return l <= r ? ops.query(l, r, false) : R::qdef(); } vector<Data> reorder(const vector<Data> &A) { vector<Data> ret; ret.reserve(A.capacity()); for (int i = 0; i < V; i++) ret.push_back(A[vert[i]]); return ret; } template <class Forest> PathQueries(const Forest &G, const vector<Data> &A, const vector<int> &roots = vector<int>()) : HLD(G, roots), ops(reorder(A)) {} template <class Forest> PathQueries(const Forest &G, const vector<Data> &A, int rt) : PathQueries(G, A, vector<int>{rt}) {} };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "LowestCommonAncestor.h" using namespace std; // Supports vertex updates and path queries for invertible operations on // a forest // Vertices and indices are 0-indexed // Template Arguments: // R: struct supporting point updates and range queries on indices // Required Fields: // Data: the data type // Lazy: the lazy type // Required Functions: // static qdef(): returns the query default value of type Data // static merge(l, r): returns the values l of type Data merged with // r of type Data, must be associative and commutative // static invData(v): returns the inverse of v of type Data // static invLazy(v): returns the inverse of v of type Lazy // constructor(A): takes a vector A of type Data with the initial // value of each index // update(i, val): updates the index i with the value val // query(l, r): queries the range [l, r] // Sample Struct: supporting point increments and range sum queries // struct R { // using Data = int; // using Lazy = int; // static Data qdef() { return 0; } // static Data merge(const Data &l, const Data &r) { return l + r; } // static Data invData(const Data &v) { return -v; } // static Lazy invLazy(const Lazy &v) { return -v; } // FenwickTree1D<Data> FT; // R(vector<Data> A) : FT(move(A)) {} // void update(int i, const Lazy &val) { FT.update(i, val); } // Data query(int l, int r) { return FT.query(l, r); } // }; // VALUES_ON_EDGES: boolean indicating whether the values are on the edges // (the largest depth vertex of the edge) or the vertices // Constructor Arguments: // G: a generic forest data structure // Required Functions: // operator [v] const: iterates over the adjacency list of vertex v // (which is a list of ints) // size() const: returns the number of vertices in the forest // A: a vector of type R::Data with the initial value of each vertex // rt: a single root vertex // roots: a vector of root vertices for each connected component // Functions: // connected(v, w): returns true if and only if v and w are connected // updateVertex(v, val): updates the vertex v with the value val // queryPathFromRoot(v): queries the path betwen vertex v and the root of // its connected component // queryPath(v, w): queries the path between vertices v and w // In practice, constructor has a moderate constant, // update and query functions have a very small constant plus // the constants of R's update and query functions // Time Complexity: // constructor: O(V) + time complexity of R's constructor // connected: O(1) // updateVertex, queryPathFromRoot, queryPath: // time complexity of update/query // Memory Complexity: O(V) + memory complexity of R // Tested: // https://judge.yosupo.jp/problem/vertex_add_path_sum // http://www.usaco.org/index.php?page=viewproblem2&cpid=921 template <class R, const bool VALUES_ON_EDGES> struct InvertibleVertexUpdatesPathQueries { using Data = typename R::Data; using Lazy = typename R::Lazy; LCA<> lca; int V, ind; vector<int> par, pre, post, vert; R ops; bool connected(int v, int w) { return lca.connected(v, w); } void updateVertex(int v, const Lazy &val) { ops.update(pre[v], val); if (post[v] + 1 <= post[lca.root[v]]) ops.update(post[v] + 1, R::invLazy(val)); } Data queryPathFromRoot(int v) { int l = pre[lca.root[v]] + int(VALUES_ON_EDGES), r = pre[v]; return l <= r ? ops.query(pre[lca.root[v]], pre[v]) : R::qdef(); } Data queryPath(int v, int w) { Data ret = R::merge(queryPathFromRoot(v), queryPathFromRoot(w)); int u = lca.lca(v, w); Data inv = queryPathFromRoot(u); if (VALUES_ON_EDGES) inv = R::merge(inv, inv); else if (par[u] != -1) inv = R::merge(inv, queryPathFromRoot(par[u])); return R::merge(ret, R::invData(inv)); } template <class Forest> void dfs(const Forest &G, int v, int prev) { par[v] = prev; vert[pre[v] = ++ind] = v; for (int w : G[v]) if (w != prev) dfs(G, w, v); post[v] = ind; } template <class Forest> vector<Data> reorder(const Forest &G, const vector<Data> &A, const vector<int> &roots) { if (roots.empty()) { for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) if (par[v] == -1) dfs(G, v, -1); } else for (int v : roots) dfs(G, v, -1); vector<Data> ret; ret.reserve(A.capacity()); for (int i = 0; i < V; i++) ret.push_back(A[vert[i]]); for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) if (post[v] + 1 <= post[lca.root[v]]) ret[post[v] + 1] = R::merge(ret[post[v] + 1], R::invData(A[v])); return ret; } template <class Forest> InvertibleVertexUpdatesPathQueries( const Forest &G, const vector<Data> &A, const vector<int> &roots = vector<int>()) : lca(G, roots), V(G.size()), ind(-1), par(V, -1), pre(V), post(V), vert(V), ops(reorder(G, A, roots)) {} template <class Forest> InvertibleVertexUpdatesPathQueries( const Forest &G, const vector<Data> &A, int rt) : InvertibleVertexUpdatesPathQueries(G, A, vector<int>{rt}) {} };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "../../datastructures/FischerHeunStructure.h" using namespace std; // Supports queries for the lowest common ancestor of 2 vertices in a forest // and the distance between 2 vertices by reduing the problem to a // range minimum query using the Fischer Heun Structure // Vertices are 0-indexed // Template Arguments: // T: the type of the weight of the edges in the forest // Constructor Arguments: // G: a generic forest data structure (weighted or unweighted) // Required Functions: // operator [v] const: iterates over the adjacency list of vertex v // (which is a list of ints for an unweighted forest, or a list of // pair<int, T> for a weighted forest with weights of type T) // size() const: returns the number of vertices in the forest // rt: a single root vertex // roots: a vector of root vertices for each connected component // Fields: // root: vector of roots for the forest each vertex is in // pre: vector of the pre order traversal indices for each vertex // dep: vector of depths to each vertex from the root of // its connected component // Functions: // lca(v, w): returns the lowest common ancestor of vertices v and w assuming // v and w are connected // lca(r, v, w): returns the lowest common ancestor of vertices v and w if // their component is rooted a r, assuming r, v, and w are connected // getDirectChild(anc, des): returns the direct child of anc that is on the // path from anc to des, where anc is an ancestor of des // connected(v, w): returns true if and only if v and w are connected // dist(v, w): returns the distance between vertices v and w assuming // v and w are connected // In practice, lca and dist have a moderate constant, constructor is // dependent on the forest data structure // Time Complexity: // constructor: O(V) // lca, getDirectChild, connected, dist: O(1) // Memory Complexity: O(V) // Tested: // https://judge.yosupo.jp/problem/lca // https://www.spoj.com/problems/LCASQ // https://dmoj.ca/problem/rte16s3 // https://dmoj.ca/problem/wac1p6 // https://www.acmicpc.net/problem/15480 template <class T = int> struct LCA { int V, ind; vector<int> root, pre, top, bot; vector<T> dep; FischerHeunStructure<int, greater_equal<int>> FHS; int getTo(int e) { return e; } T getWeight(int) { return 1; } int getTo(const pair<int, T> &e) { return e.first; } T getWeight(const pair<int, T> &e) { return e.second; } template <class Forest> void dfs(const Forest &G, int v) { pre[v] = ind; for (auto &&e : G[v]) { int w = getTo(e); if (pre[w] == -1) { dep[bot[ind] = w] = dep[top[ind] = v] + getWeight(e); ind++; root[w] = root[v]; dfs(G, w); } } } template <class Forest> vector<int> init(const Forest &G, const vector<int> &roots) { if (roots.empty()) { for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) if (pre[v] == -1) dfs(G, root[v] = v); } else for (int v : roots) dfs(G, root[v] = v); vector<int> tmp(V); for (int i = 0; i < V; i++) tmp[i] = pre[top[i]]; return tmp; } template <class Forest> LCA(const Forest &G, const vector<int> &roots = vector<int>()) : V(G.size()), ind(0), root(V, -1), pre(V, -1), top(V), bot(V), dep(V, T()), FHS(init(G, roots)) {} template <class Forest> LCA(const Forest &G, int rt) : LCA(G, vector<int>{rt}) {} int lca(int v, int w) { if (v == w) return v; if (pre[v] > pre[w]) swap(v, w); return top[FHS.queryInd(pre[v], pre[w] - 1)]; } int lca(int r, int v, int w) { int a = lca(r, v), b = lca(r, w), c = lca(v, w); int d = dep[a] > dep[b] ? a : b; return dep[c] > dep[d] ? c : d; } int getDirectChild(int anc, int des) { return bot[FHS.queryInd(pre[anc], pre[des] - 1)]; } bool connected(int v, int w) { return root[v] == root[w]; } T dist(int v, int w) { return dep[v] + dep[w] - T(2) * dep[lca(v, w)]; } };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; // Supports subtree updates and queries on a forest // Vertices and indices are 0-indexed // Template Arguments: // R: struct supporting range updates and queries on indices // Required Fields: // Data: the data type // Lazy: the lazy type // Required Functions: // static qdef(): returns the query default value of type Data // constructor(A): takes a vector A of type Data with the initial // value of each index // update(l, r, val): updates the range [l, r] with the value val // query(l, r): queries the range [l, r] // Sample Struct: supporting range sum updates and queries // struct R { // using Data = int; // using Lazy = int; // static Data qdef() { return 0; } // FenwickTreeRange1D<Data> FT; // R(vector<Data> A) : FT(move(A)) {} // void update(int l, int r, const Lazy &val) { FT.update(l, r, val); } // Data query(int l, int r) { return FT.query(l, r); } // }; // VALUES_ON_EDGES: boolean indicating whether the values are on the edges // (the largest depth vertex of the edge) or the vertices // Constructor Arguments: // G: a generic forest data structure // Required Functions: // operator [v] const: iterates over the adjacency list of vertex v // (which is a list of ints) // size() const: returns the number of vertices in the forest // A: a vector of type R::Data with the initial value of each vertex // rt: a single root vertex // roots: a vector of root vertices for each connected component // Fields: // pre: vector of the pre order traversal indices for each vertex // post: vector of the post order traversal indices (the last pre order index // in its subtree) for each vertex // vert: vector of vertex for each pre order index // Functions: // updateVertex(v, val): updates the vertex v with the value val // updateSubtree(v, val): updates the subtree of vertex v with the value val // queryVertex(v): queries the vertex v // querySubtree(v): queries the subtree of vertex v // In practice, constructor has a moderate constant, // update and query functions have a very small constant plus // the constants of R's update and query functions // Time Complexity: // constructor: O(V) + time complexity of R's constructor // updateVertex, updateSubtree, queryVertex, querySubtree: // time complexity of update/query // Memory Complexity: O(V) + memory complexity of R // Tested: // https://judge.yosupo.jp/problem/vertex_add_subtree_sum // https://codeforces.com/contest/620/problem/E template <class R, const bool VALUES_ON_EDGES> struct SubtreeQueries { using Data = typename R::Data; using Lazy = typename R::Lazy; int V, ind; vector<int> pre, post, vert; R ops; void updateVertex(int v, const Lazy &val) { ops.update(pre[v], pre[v], val); } void updateSubtree(int v, const Lazy &val) { int l = pre[v] + VALUES_ON_EDGES, r = post[v]; if (l <= r) ops.update(l, r, val); } Data queryVertex(int v) { return ops.query(pre[v], pre[v]); } Data querySubtree(int v) { int l = pre[v] + VALUES_ON_EDGES, r = post[v]; return l <= r ? ops.query(l, r) : R::qdef(); } template <class Forest> void dfs(const Forest &G, int v, int prev) { vert[pre[v] = ++ind] = v; for (int w : G[v]) if (w != prev) dfs(G, w, v); post[v] = ind; } template <class Forest> vector<Data> reorder(const Forest &G, const vector<Data> &A, const vector<int> &roots) { if (roots.empty()) { for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) if (pre[v] == -1) dfs(G, v, -1); } else for (int v : roots) dfs(G, v, -1); vector<Data> ret; ret.reserve(A.capacity()); for (int i = 0; i < V; i++) ret.push_back(A[vert[i]]); return ret; } template <class Forest> SubtreeQueries(const Forest &G, const vector<Data> &A, const vector<int> &roots = vector<int>()) : V(G.size()), ind(-1), pre(V, -1), post(V), vert(V), ops(reorder(G, A, roots)) {} template <class Forest> SubtreeQueries(const Forest &G, const vector<Data> &A, int rt) : SubtreeQueries(G, A, vector<int>{rt}) {} };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "LowestCommonAncestor.h" using namespace std; // Supports path updates and vertex queries for invertible operations on // a forest // Vertices and indices are 0-indexed // Template Arguments: // R: struct supporting range updates and point queries on indices // Required Fields: // Data: the data type // Lazy: the lazy type // Required Functions: // static merge(l, r): returns the values l of type Data merged with // r of type Data, must be associative and commutative // static mergeLazy(l, r): merges the lazy values l and r // static invData(v): returns the inverse of v of type Data // static invLazy(v): returns the inverse of v of type Lazy // constructor(A): takes a vector A of type Data with the initial // value of each index // update(l, r, val): updates the range [l, r] with the value val // query(i): queries the index i // Sample Struct: supporting range increments and point queries // struct R { // using Data = int; // using Lazy = int; // static Data merge(const Data &l, const Data &r) { return l + r; } // static Lazy mergeLazy(const Lazy &l, const Lazy &r) { // return l + r; // } // static Data invData(const Data &v) { return -v; } // static Lazy invLazy(const Lazy &v) { return -v; } // FenwickTreeRangePoint1D<Data> FT; // R(vector<Data> A) : FT(move(A)) {} // void update(int l, int r, const Lazy &val) { FT.update(l, r, val); } // Data query(int i) { return FT.get(i); } // }; // VALUES_ON_EDGES: boolean indicating whether the values are on the edges // (the largest depth vertex of the edge) or the vertices // Constructor Arguments: // G: a generic forest data structure // Required Functions: // operator [v] const: iterates over the adjacency list of vertex v // (which is a list of ints) // size() const: returns the number of vertices in the forest // A: a vector of type R::Data with the initial value of each vertex // rt: a single root vertex // roots: a vector of root vertices for each connected component // Functions: // connected(v, w): returns true if and only if v and w are connected // updatePathFromRoot(v, val): updates the path betwen vertex v and // the root of its connected component with the lazy value val // updatePath(v, w, val): updates the path between vertices v and w with // the lazy value val // queryVertex(v): queries the vertex v // In practice, constructor has a moderate constant, // update and query functions have a very small constant plus // the constants of R's update and query functions // Time Complexity: // constructor: O(V) + time complexity of R's constructor // connected: O(1) // updatePathFromRoot, updatePath, queryVertex: // time complexity of update/query // Memory Complexity: O(V) + memory complexity of R // Tested: // http://www.usaco.org/index.php?page=viewproblem2&cpid=102 template <class R, const bool VALUES_ON_EDGES> struct InvertiblePathUpdatesVertexQueries { using Data = typename R::Data; using Lazy = typename R::Lazy; LCA<> lca; int V, ind; vector<int> par, pre, post, vert; R ops; bool connected(int v, int w) { return lca.connected(v, w); } void updatePathFromRoot(int v, const Lazy &val) { int l = pre[lca.root[v]] + int(VALUES_ON_EDGES), r = pre[v]; if (l <= r) ops.update(l, r, val); } void updatePath(int v, int w, const Lazy &val) { updatePathFromRoot(v, val); updatePathFromRoot(w, val); int u = lca.lca(v, w); Lazy inv = R::invLazy(val); if (VALUES_ON_EDGES) inv = R::mergeLazy(inv, inv); updatePathFromRoot(u, inv); if (!VALUES_ON_EDGES && par[u] != -1) updatePathFromRoot(par[u], inv); } Data queryVertex(int v) { Data ret = ops.query(pre[v]); if (post[v] + 1 <= post[lca.root[v]]) ret = R::merge(ret, R::invData(ops.query(post[v] + 1))); return ret; } template <class Forest> void dfs(const Forest &G, int v, int prev) { par[v] = prev; vert[pre[v] = ++ind] = v; for (int w : G[v]) if (w != prev) dfs(G, w, v); post[v] = ind; } template <class Forest> vector<Data> reorder(const Forest &G, const vector<Data> &A, const vector<int> &roots) { if (roots.empty()) { for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) if (par[v] == -1) dfs(G, v, -1); } else for (int v : roots) dfs(G, v, -1); vector<Data> ret; ret.reserve(A.capacity()); for (int i = 0; i < V; i++) ret.push_back(A[vert[i]]); for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) if (post[v] + 1 < V) ret[post[v] + 1] = R::merge(ret[post[v] + 1], R::invData(A[v])); return ret; } template <class Forest> InvertiblePathUpdatesVertexQueries( const Forest &G, const vector<Data> &A, const vector<int> &roots = vector<int>()) : lca(G, roots), V(G.size()), ind(-1), par(V, -1), pre(V), post(V), vert(V), ops(reorder(G, A, roots)) {} template <class Forest> InvertiblePathUpdatesVertexQueries( const Forest &G, const vector<Data> &A, int rt) : InvertiblePathUpdatesVertexQueries(G, A, vector<int>{rt}) {} };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "../../datastructures/BitPrefixSumArray.h" #include "LowestCommonAncestor.h" using namespace std; // Wavelet Matrix supporting 2D aggregation path queries for invertible // operations on a forest where the data can change, but not the keys // Vertices are 0-indexed // Template Arguments: // T: the type of the element of the array // R: struct supporting point updates and prefix queries on indices // Required Fields: // Data: the data type // Lazy: the lazy type // Required Functions: // static qdef(): returns the query default value // static merge(l, r): returns the values l of type Data merged with // r of type Data, must be associative and commutative // static invData(v): returns the inverse of v of type Data // constructor(A): takes a vector A of type Data with the initial // value of each index // update(i, val): updates the index i with the value val // query(r): queries the prefix ending at index r // Sample Struct: supporting point increments updates and // prefix sum queries // struct R { // using Data = int; // using Lazy = int; // static Data qdef() { return 0; } // static Data merge(const Data &l, const Data &r) { return l + r; } // static Data invData(const Data &v) { return -v; } // FenwickTree1D<Data> FT; // R(const vector<Data> &A) : FT(A) {} // void update(int i, const Lazy &val) { FT.update(i, val); } // Data query(int r) { return FT.query(r); } // }; // VALUES_ON_EDGES: boolean indicating whether the values are on the edges // (the largest depth vertex of the edge) or the vertices // Cmp: the comparator to compare two elements // Required Functions: // operator (a, b): returns true if and only if a compares less than b // Constructor Arguments: // G: a generic forest data structure // Required Functions: // operator [v] const: iterates over the adjacency list of vertex v // (which is a list of ints) // size() const: returns the number of vertices in the forest // A: a vector of type T of the values in the array // X: a vector of type R::Data containing the initial data of the array // rt: a single root vertex // roots: a vector of root vertices for each connected component // cmp: an instance of the Cmp struct // Functions: // update(v, val): updates the vertex v with the lazy value v // query(v, w, hi): returns the aggregate value of the data associated with // all elements with a key less than or equal to hi (using the comparator) // on the path from v to w // query(v, w, lo, hi): returns the aggregate value of the data associated // with all elements with a key of not less than lo and not greater than hi // (using the comparator) on the path from v to w // bsearch(v, w, f): over all keys in the array, finds the first key k such // that query(v, w, k) returns true // In practice, has a moderate constant // Time Complexity: // constructor: O((V + C) log V) where C is the time complexity of // R's constructor // update: O(U log V) where U is the time complexity of R's update function // query, bsearch: O(Q log V) where Q is the time complexity of // R's query function // Memory Complexity: O(V + (V log V) / 64 + M log V) where M is the memory // complexity of R // Tested: // Fuzz and Stress Tested template <class T, class R, const bool VALUES_ON_EDGES, class Cmp = less<T>> struct WaveletMatrixTreeAggregation { #define clt [&] (const T &a, const T &b) { return cmp(a, b); } #define cle [&] (const T &a, const T &b) { return !cmp(b, a); } using Data = typename R::Data; using Lazy = typename R::Lazy; int V, H, preInd, postInd; vector<int> par, pre, post, last, mid1, mid2; vector<T> S; LCA<> lca; vector<BitPrefixSumArray> B1, B2; vector<R> D1, D2; Cmp cmp; template <class Forest> void dfs(const Forest &G, int v, int prev) { par[v] = prev; last[pre[v] = preInd++] = postInd - 1; for (int w : G[v]) if (w != prev) dfs(G, w, v); post[v] = postInd++; } void build(const vector<int> &A, const vector<Data> &X, const vector<int> &ind, vector<int> &mid, vector<BitPrefixSumArray> &B, vector<R> &D) { vector<int> C(V), P(V); vector<Data> Y = X, Z = X; D.reserve(H); for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) { C[ind[v]] = A[v]; Y[ind[v]] = X[v]; } iota(P.begin(), P.end(), 0); for (int h = H - 1; h >= 0; h--) { int ph = 1 << h; for (int i = 0; i < V; i++) B[h].set(i, C[P[i]] <= ph - 1); mid[h] = stable_partition(P.begin(), P.end(), [&] (int i) { return C[i] <= ph - 1; }) - P.begin(); B[h].build(); for (int i = 0; i < V; i++) Z[i] = Y[P[i]]; D.emplace_back(Z); for (int i = mid[h]; i < V; i++) C[P[i]] -= ph; } reverse(D.begin(), D.end()); } template <class Forest> WaveletMatrixTreeAggregation( const Forest &G, const vector<T> &A, const vector<Data> &X, const vector<int> &roots = vector<int>(), Cmp cmp = Cmp()) : V(A.size()), H(V == 0 ? 0 : __lg(V) + 1), preInd(0), postInd(0), par(V, -1), pre(V), post(V), last(V), mid1(H), mid2(H), S(A), lca(G, roots), B1(H, BitPrefixSumArray(V)), B2(B1), cmp(cmp) { sort(S.begin(), S.end(), cmp); if (roots.empty()) { for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) if (par[v] == -1) dfs(G, v, -1); } else for (int v : roots) dfs(G, v, -1); vector<int> C(V); for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) C[v] = lower_bound(S.begin(), S.end(), A[v], cmp) - S.begin(); build(C, X, pre, mid1, B1, D1); build(C, X, post, mid2, B2, D2); } template <class Forest> WaveletMatrixTreeAggregation(const Forest &G, const vector<T> &A, const vector<Data> &X, int rt, Cmp cmp = Cmp()) : WaveletMatrixTreeAggregation(G, A, X, vector<int>{rt}, cmp) {} bool connected(int v, int w) { return lca.connected(v, w); } using Ranges = vector<tuple<int, int, int, int, int>>; Ranges getRanges(int v, int w) { int u = lca.lca(v, w), rt = lca.root[v]; Ranges ranges; ranges.reserve(5); int t = VALUES_ON_EDGES ? 1 : (par[u] != -1 ? 2 : 0); if (t && pre[rt] - 1 > 0) ranges.emplace_back(pre[rt] - 1, last[pre[rt] - 1], -1, 0, 0); ranges.emplace_back(pre[v], last[pre[v]], 1, 0, 0); ranges.emplace_back(pre[w], last[pre[w]], 1, 0, 0); ranges.emplace_back(pre[u], last[pre[u]], t == 1 ? -2 : -1, 0, 0); if (t == 2) ranges.emplace_back(pre[par[u]], last[pre[par[u]]], -1, 0, 0); return ranges; } void update(int v, const Lazy &val) { for (int a = pre[v], b = post[v], h = H - 1; h >= 0; h--) { if (B1[h].get(a)) a = B1[h].query(a - 1); else a += mid1[h] - B1[h].query(a - 1); if (B2[h].get(b)) b = B2[h].query(b - 1); else b += mid2[h] - B2[h].query(b - 1); D1[h].update(a, val); D2[h].update(b, val); } } void qryRanges(int h, Ranges &ranges) { for (auto &&r : ranges) { get<3>(r) = B1[h].query(get<0>(r)); get<4>(r) = B2[h].query(get<1>(r)); } } Data qryAgg(int h, const Ranges &ranges) { Data ret = R::qdef(); for (auto &&r : ranges) { int a = get<3>(r) - 1, b = get<4>(r) - 1, t = get<2>(r); Data q = a >= 0 ? D1[h].query(a) : R::qdef(); if (b >= 0) q = R::merge(q, R::invData(D2[h].query(b))); if (t <= -1) q = R::invData(q); if (t == -2) q = R::merge(q, q); ret = R::merge(ret, q); } return ret; } void left(Ranges &ranges) { for (auto &&r : ranges) { get<0>(r) = get<3>(r) - 1; get<1>(r) = get<4>(r) - 1; } } void right(int h, Ranges &ranges) { for (auto &&r : ranges) { get<0>(r) += mid1[h] - get<3>(r); get<1>(r) += mid2[h] - get<4>(r); } } template <class F> Data qry(int v, int w, const T &x, F f) { Ranges ranges = getRanges(v, w); Data ret = R::qdef(); for (int cur = 0, h = H - 1; h >= 0; h--) { int ph = 1 << h; qryRanges(h, ranges); if (cur + ph - 1 >= V || f(x, S[cur + ph - 1])) left(ranges); else { ret = R::merge(ret, qryAgg(h, ranges)); cur += ph; right(h, ranges); } } return ret; } Data query(int v, int w, const T &hi) { return qry(v, w, hi, clt); } Data query(int v, int w, const T &lo, const T &hi) { return R::merge(qry(v, w, hi, clt), R::invData(qry(v, w, lo, cle))); } template <class F> pair<bool, T *> bsearch(int v, int w, F f) { Ranges ranges = getRanges(v, w); int cur = 0; Data agg = R::qdef(); for (int h = H - 1; h >= 0; h--) { qryRanges(h, ranges); Data val = qryAgg(h, ranges); if (f(R::merge(agg, val))) left(ranges); else { cur += 1 << h; agg = R::merge(agg, val); right(h, ranges); } } return make_pair(cur < V, cur < V ? &S[cur] : nullptr); } #undef clt #undef cle };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; // Decomposes a tree into chains, such that a path from any vertex to the root // will cover at most O(log V) chains // Can be used with PathQueries for path queries // Vertices and indices are 0-indexed // Constructor Arguments: // G: a generic forest data structure // Required Functions: // operator [v] const: iterates over the adjacency list of vertex v // (which is a list of ints) // size() const: returns the number of vertices in the forest // rt: a single root vertex // roots: a vector of root vertices for each connected component // Fields: // root: vector of roots for the forest each vertex is in // dep: vector of depths to each vertex from the root of // its connected component // par: vector of parent vertices for each vertex (or -1 if its a root) // size: vector of sizes of the subtree for each vertex // head: vector of the head of the chain of each vertex // pre: vector of the pre order traversal indices for each vertex // post: vector of the post order traversal indices (the last pre order index // in its subtree) for each vertex // vert: vector of vertex for each pre order index // Functions: // lca(v, w): returns the lowest common ancestor of vertices v and w assuming // v and w are connected // connected(v, w): returns true if and only if v and w are connected // dist(v, w): returns the distance between vertices v and w assuming // v and w are connected // kthParent(v, k): returns the kth parent of the vertex v (0th parent is v, // 1st parent is the parent of v) // kthPath(v, w, k): returns the kth vertex (0-indexed) on the path from // v to w // getChains(v, w, edgeChains): returns a tuple of left index, right index, // and a boolean indicating the ranges of the chains on the path from v to // w and whether the range is reversed, with the chains being provided in // order from v to w, with the lca of v and w being included if edgeChains // is false, and excluded if it is true // In practice, constructor has a moderate constant, // lca, dist, kthParent, kthPath, have a small constant // Time Complexity: // constructor: O(V) // lca, dist, kthParent, kthPath: O(log V) // connected: O(1) // Memory Complexity: O(V) // Tested: // https://www.spoj.com/problems/QTREE2/ // https://www.spoj.com/problems/GSS7/ // https://judge.yosupo.jp/problem/vertex_set_path_composite struct HLD { int V, ind; vector<int> root, dep, par, size, head, pre, post, vert; template <class Forest> void dfs(const Forest &G, int v, int prev, int r, int d) { root[v] = r; dep[v] = d; par[v] = prev; size[v] = 1; for (int w : G[v]) if (w != prev) { dfs(G, w, v, r, d + 1); size[v] += size[w]; } } template <class Forest> void hld(const Forest &G, int v, int prev) { if (head[v] == -1) head[v] = v; vert[pre[v] = ++ind] = v; int heavy = -1; for (int w : G[v]) if (w != prev && (heavy == -1 || size[heavy] < size[w])) heavy = w; if (heavy != -1) { head[heavy] = head[v]; hld(G, heavy, v); } for (int w : G[v]) if (w != prev && w != heavy) hld(G, w, v); post[v] = ind; } int lca(int v, int w) { while (head[v] != head[w]) { if (dep[head[v]] < dep[head[w]]) w = par[head[w]]; else v = par[head[v]]; } return dep[v] < dep[w] ? v : w; } int dist(int v, int w) { return dep[v] + dep[w] - 2 * dep[lca(v, w)]; } int kthParent(int v, int k) { while (par[head[v]] != -1) { if (pre[v] - pre[head[v]] >= k) return vert[pre[v] - k]; k -= pre[v] - pre[head[v]] + 1; v = par[head[v]]; } return pre[v] < k ? -1 : vert[pre[v] - k]; } int kthPath(int v, int w, int k) { int LCA = lca(v, w); if (dep[v] - dep[LCA] >= k) return kthParent(v, k); else return kthParent(w, dep[v] + dep[w] - 2 * dep[LCA] - k); } bool connected(int v, int w) { return root[v] == root[w]; } vector<tuple<int, int, bool>> getChains(int v, int w, bool edgeChains) { vector<tuple<int, int, bool>> vChains, wChains; while (head[v] != head[w]) { if (dep[head[v]] < dep[head[w]]) { wChains.emplace_back(pre[head[w]], pre[w], false); w = par[head[w]]; } else { vChains.emplace_back(pre[head[v]], pre[v], true); v = par[head[v]]; } } if (v != w) { if (dep[v] < dep[w]) wChains.emplace_back(pre[v] + edgeChains, pre[w], false); else vChains.emplace_back(pre[w] + edgeChains, pre[v], true); } else if (!edgeChains) { int i = pre[dep[v] < dep[w] ? v : w]; wChains.emplace_back(i, i, false); } reverse(wChains.begin(), wChains.end()); vChains.insert(vChains.end(), wChains.begin(), wChains.end()); return vChains; } template <class Forest> HLD(const Forest &G, const vector<int> &roots = vector<int>()) : V(G.size()), ind(-1), root(V, -1), dep(V), par(V), size(V), head(V, -1), pre(V), post(V), vert(V) { if (roots.empty()) { for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) if (root[v] == -1) { dfs(G, v, -1, v, 0); hld(G, v, -1); } } else for (int v : roots) { dfs(G, v, -1, v, 0); hld(G, v, -1); } } template <class Forest> HLD(const Forest &G, int rt) : HLD(G, vector<int>{rt}) {} };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "LowestCommonAncestor.h" using namespace std; // Mo's algorithm on a tree to answer offline queries over paths on a forest // where each vertex has a value provided by an array A // Template Arguments: // S: struct to maintain a multiset of the elements in a set // Required Fields: // T: the type of each element // R: the type of the return value for each query // Q: the query object that contains information for each query // Required Fields: // v: one vertex of the query path // w: the other vertex of the query path // Required Functions: // constructor(...args): takes any number of arguments (arguments are // passed from constructor of MoTree) // add(v): adds the value v to the multiset // remove(v): removes the value v from the multiset // Sample Struct: supporting queries for whether a value c exists on // a path between vertices v and w // struct S { // using T = int; using R = bool; // struct Q { int v, w, c; }; // vector<T> cnt; // S(const vector<T> &A) // : cnt(*max_element(A.begin(), A.end()) + 1, 0) {} // void add(const T &v) { cnt[v]++; } // void remove(const T &v) { --cnt[v]; } // R query(const Q &q) const { // return 0 <= q.c && q.c < int(cnt.size()) && cnt[q.c] > 0; // } // }; // Constructor Arguments: // G: a generic forest data structure // Required Functions: // operator [v] const: iterates over the adjacency list of vertex v // (which is a list of ints) // size() const: returns the number of vertices in the forest // A: a vector of type S::T of the values in the array // queries: a vector of type S::Q representing the queries // SCALE: the value to scale sqrt by // ...args: arguments to pass to the constructor of S // Fields: // ans: a vector of integers with the answer for each query // In practice, has a very small constant // Time Complexity: // constructor: O(C + K ((log K + U sqrt V) + T)) // for K queries where C is the time complexity of S's constructor, // U is the time complexity of S.add and S.remove, // and T is the time complexity of S.query // Memory Complexity: O(V + K) for K queries // Tested: // https://www.spoj.com/problems/COT2/ // https://www.spoj.com/problems/GOT/ // https://dmoj.ca/problem/year2018p6 template <class S> struct MoTree { using T = typename S::T; using R = typename S::R; using Q = typename S::Q; struct Query { Q q; int l, r, lca, i, b; Query(const Q &q, int l, int r, int lca, int i, int b) : q(q), l(l), r(r), lca(lca), i(i), b(b) {} pair<int, int> getPair() const { return make_pair(b, b % 2 ? -r : r); } bool operator < (const Query &o) const { return getPair() < o.getPair(); } }; int V, ind; vector<int> pre, post, vert; LCA<> lca; vector<R> ans; template <class Forest> void dfs(const Forest &G, int v, int prev) { vert[pre[v] = ind++] = v; for (int w : G[v]) if (w != prev) dfs(G, w, v); vert[post[v] = ind++] = v; } template <class Forest> LCA<> init(const Forest &G) { vector<int> roots; for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) if (pre[v] == -1) { roots.push_back(v); dfs(G, v, -1); } return LCA<>(G, roots); } template <class Forest, class ...Args> MoTree( const Forest &G, const vector<T> &A, const vector<Q> &queries, double SCALE = 2, Args &&...args) : V(G.size()), ind(0), pre(V, -1), post(V), vert(V * 2), lca(init(G)) { int K = queries.size(), bsz = max(1.0, sqrt(A.size()) * SCALE); vector<Query> q; q.reserve(K); vector<bool> vis(V, false); S s(forward<Args>(args)...); for (int i = 0; i < K; i++) { int v = queries[i].v, w = queries[i].w, u = lca.lca(v, w); if (pre[v] > pre[w]) swap(v, w); int l = u == v ? pre[v] : post[v], r = pre[w]; q.emplace_back(queries[i], l, r, u, i, l / bsz); } auto update = [&] (int v) { if (vis[v]) s.remove(A[v]); else s.add(A[v]); vis[v] = !vis[v]; }; sort(q.begin(), q.end()); int l = 0, r = l - 1; for (auto &&qi : q) { while (l > qi.l) update(vert[--l]); while (r < qi.r) update(vert[++r]); while (l < qi.l) update(vert[l++]); while (r > qi.r) update(vert[r--]); if (qi.lca != vert[l] && qi.lca != vert[r]) update(qi.lca); R res = s.query(qi.q); if (ans.empty()) ans.resize(K, res); ans[qi.i] = res; if (qi.lca != vert[l] && qi.lca != vert[r]) update(qi.lca); } } };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "HeavyLightDecomposition.h" using namespace std; // Supports path (and subtree) queries on a forest // Vertices and indices are 0-indexed // Template Arguments: // R: struct supporting range queries on indices // Required Fields: // Data: the data type // Required Functions: // static qdef(): returns the query default value of type Data // static merge(l, r): merges the datas l and r, must be associative // constructor(A): takes a vector A of type Data with the initial // value of each index // query(l, r, rev): queries the range [l, r] with rev indicating // if the result needs to be reversed // Sample Struct: supporting range assignment and maximum subarray sum // struct R { // using Data = MaxSubarraySumCombine<int>::Data; // static Data qdef() { return MaxSubarraySumCombine<int>::qdef(); } // static Data merge(const Data &l, const Data &r) { // return MaxSubarraySumCombine<int>::merge(l, r); // } // SegmentTreeLazyBottomUp<MaxSubarraySumCombine<int>> ST; // R(const vector<Data> &A) : ST(A) {} // Data query(int l, int r, bool rev) { // Data ret = ST.query(l, r); // if (rev) swap(ret.pre, ret.suf); // return ret; // } // }; // VALUES_ON_EDGES: boolean indicating whether the values are on the edges // (the largest depth vertex of the edge) or the vertices // Constructor Arguments: // G: a generic forest data structure // Required Functions: // operator [v] const: iterates over the adjacency list of vertex v // (which is a list of ints) // size() const: returns the number of vertices in the forest // A: a vector of type R::Data with the initial value of each vertex // rt: a single root vertex // roots: a vector of root vertices for each connected component // Functions: // queryPath(v, w): queries the path from v to w // querySubtree(v): queries the subtree of vertex v // In practice, constructor has a moderate constant, // query functions have a small constant // Time Complexity: // constructor: O(V) + time complexity of R's constructor // queryPath: O(log V) + time complexity of R's query // querySubtree: time complexity of R's query // Memory Complexity: O(V) + memory complexity of R // Tested: // https://dmoj.ca/problem/acc2p3 template <class R, const bool VALUES_ON_EDGES> struct StaticPathQueries : public HLD { using Data = typename R::Data; R ops; vector<Data> down, up; Data queryPath(int v, int w) { Data qu = R::qdef(), qd = R::qdef(); while (head[v] != head[w]) { if (dep[head[v]] < dep[head[w]]) { qd = R::merge(down[w], qd); w = par[head[w]]; } else { qu = R::merge(qu, up[v]); v = par[head[v]]; } } if (v != w) { if (dep[v] < dep[w]) qu = R::merge(qu, ops.query(pre[v] + VALUES_ON_EDGES, pre[w], false)); else qd = R::merge(ops.query(pre[w] + VALUES_ON_EDGES, pre[v], true), qd); } else if (!VALUES_ON_EDGES) { int i = pre[dep[v] < dep[w] ? v : w]; qu = R::merge(qu, ops.query(i, i, false)); } return R::merge(qu, qd); } Data querySubtree(int v) { int l = pre[v] + VALUES_ON_EDGES, r = post[v]; return l <= r ? ops.query(l, r, false) : R::qdef(); } vector<Data> reorder(const vector<Data> &A) { vector<Data> ret; ret.reserve(A.capacity()); for (int i = 0; i < V; i++) ret.push_back(A[vert[i]]); return ret; } template <class Forest> StaticPathQueries(const Forest &G, const vector<Data> &A, const vector<int> &roots = vector<int>()) : HLD(G, roots), ops(reorder(A)), down(A), up(A) { for (int i = 0; i < V; i++) { int v = vert[i]; if (head[v] != v) { down[v] = R::merge(down[par[v]], A[v]); up[v] = R::merge(A[v], up[par[v]]); } } } template <class Forest> StaticPathQueries(const Forest &G, const vector<Data> &A, int rt) : StaticPathQueries(G, A, vector<int>{rt}) {} };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "../../datastructures/FischerHeunStructure.h" #include "../../datastructures/unionfind/WeightedUnionFind.h" using namespace std; // Converts a tree or forest into a line graph to query for the maximum edge // value on a path between two vertices // Vertices are 0-indexed // Template Arguments: // T: the type of the weight of the edges // Cmp: the comparator to compare two values, // convention is same as std::priority_queue in STL // Required Functions: // operator (a, b): returns true if and only if a compares less than b // Constructor Arguments: // V: number of vertices in the graph // edges: a vector of tuples in the form (v, w, weight) representing // an undirected edge in the graph between vertices v and w with // weight of weight // cmp: an instance of the Cmp struct // Functions: // connected(v, w): returns true if and only if v and w are connected // query(v, w): returns the maximum edge weight (based on the comparator) on // the path from vertices v and w assuming v and w are connected // In practice, has a moderate constant // Time Complexity: // constructor: O(V) // connected, query: O(1) // Memory Complexity: O(V) // Tested: // https://dmoj.ca/problem/acc2p3 // https://codeforces.com/problemsets/acmsguru/problem/99999/383 template <class T, class Cmp = less<T>> struct LineTree { using Edge = tuple<int, int, T>; vector<int> root, ind; vector<T> weights; FischerHeunStructure<int> FHS; vector<int> init(int V, vector<Edge> edges, Cmp cmp) { sort(edges.begin(), edges.end(), [&] (const Edge &a, const Edge &b) { return cmp(get<2>(a), get<2>(b)); }); vector<int> nxt(V, -1), A(V, 0), ret; ret.reserve(V); int k = 0; auto op = [&] (const pair<int, int> &a, const pair<int, int> &b) { nxt[a.second] = b.first; A[a.second] = k; return make_pair(a.first, b.second); }; vector<pair<int, int>> W(V); for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) W[v] = make_pair(v, v); WeightedUnionFind<pair<int, int>, decltype(op)> uf(move(W), op); weights.reserve(edges.size()); for (auto &&e : edges) { assert(uf.join(get<0>(e), get<1>(e))); k++; weights.push_back(get<2>(e)); } for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) if ((root[v] = uf.find(v)) == v) for (int w = uf.getWeight(v).first; w != -1; w = nxt[w]) { ind[w] = ret.size(); ret.push_back(A[w]); } return ret; } LineTree(int V, vector<Edge> edges, Cmp cmp = Cmp()) : root(V), ind(V), weights(), FHS(init(V, move(edges), cmp)) {} bool connected(int v, int w) { return root[v] == root[w]; } T query(int v, int w) { assert(v != w); if (ind[v] > ind[w]) swap(v, w); return weights[FHS.query(ind[v], ind[w] - 1)]; } };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "../../datastructures/BitPrefixSumArray.h" #include "HeavyLightDecomposition.h" using namespace std; // Wavelet Matrix supporting 2D aggregation path queries using heavy light // decomposition on a forest where the data can change, but not the keys // Vertices are 0-indexed // Template Arguments: // T: the type of the element of the array // R: struct supporting point updates and prefix queries on indices // Required Fields: // Data: the data type // Lazy: the lazy type // Required Functions: // static qdef(): returns the query default value // static merge(l, r): returns the values l of type Data merged with // r of type Data, must be associative and commutative // constructor(A): takes a vector A of type Data with the initial // value of each index // update(i, val): updates the index i with the value val // query(l, r): queries the range [l, r] // Sample Struct: supporting point increments updates and // prefix sum queries // struct R { // using Data = int; // using Lazy = int; // static Data qdef() { return 0; } // static Data merge(const Data &l, const Data &r) { return l + r; } // FenwickTree1D<Data> FT; // R(const vector<Data> &A) : FT(A) {} // void update(int i, const Lazy &val) { FT.update(i, val); } // Data query(int l, int r) { return FT.query(l, r); } // }; // VALUES_ON_EDGES: boolean indicating whether the values are on the edges // (the largest depth vertex of the edge) or the vertices // Cmp: the comparator to compare two elements // Required Functions: // operator (a, b): returns true if and only if a compares less than b // Constructor Arguments: // G: a generic forest data structure // Required Functions: // operator [v] const: iterates over the adjacency list of vertex v // (which is a list of ints) // size() const: returns the number of vertices in the forest // A: a vector of type T of the values in the array // X: a vector of type R::Data containing the initial data of the array // rt: a single root vertex // roots: a vector of root vertices for each connected component // cmp: an instance of the Cmp struct // Functions: // update(v, val): updates the vertex v with the lazy value v // query(v, w, hi): returns the aggregate value of the data associated with // all elements with a key less than or equal to hi (using the comparator) // on the path from v to w // query(v, w, lo, hi): returns the aggregate value of the data associated // with all elements with a key of not less than lo and not greater than hi // (using the comparator) on the path from v to w // bsearch(v, w, f): over all keys in the array, finds the first key k such // that query(v, w, k) returns true // In practice, has a moderate constant // Time Complexity: // constructor: O((V + C) log V) where C is the time complexity of // R's constructor // update: O(U log V) where U is the time complexity of R's update function // query, bsearch: O(Q (log V)^2) where Q is the time complexity of // R's query function // Memory Complexity: O(V + (V log V) / 64 + M log V) where M is the memory // complexity of R // Tested: // Fuzz and Stress Tested template <class T, class R, const bool VALUES_ON_EDGES, class Cmp = less<T>> struct WaveletMatrixHLD : public HLD { #define clt [&] (const T &a, const T &b) { return cmp(a, b); } #define cle [&] (const T &a, const T &b) { return !cmp(b, a); } using Data = typename R::Data; using Lazy = typename R::Lazy; int H; vector<int> mid; vector<T> S; vector<BitPrefixSumArray> B; vector<R> D; Cmp cmp; template <class Forest> WaveletMatrixHLD(const Forest &G, const vector<T> &A, const vector<Data> &X, const vector<int> &roots = vector<int>(), Cmp cmp = Cmp()) : HLD(G, roots), H(V == 0 ? 0 : __lg(V) + 1), mid(H), S(A), B(H, BitPrefixSumArray(V)), cmp(cmp) { sort(S.begin(), S.end(), cmp); vector<int> temp(V), C(V), P(V); vector<Data> Y = X, Z = X; D.reserve(H); for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) temp[v] = lower_bound(S.begin(), S.end(), A[v], cmp) - S.begin(); for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) { C[pre[v]] = temp[v]; Y[pre[v]] = X[v]; } iota(P.begin(), P.end(), 0); for (int h = H - 1; h >= 0; h--) { int ph = 1 << h; for (int i = 0; i < V; i++) B[h].set(i, C[P[i]] <= ph - 1); mid[h] = stable_partition(P.begin(), P.end(), [&] (int i) { return C[i] <= ph - 1; }) - P.begin(); B[h].build(); for (int i = 0; i < V; i++) Z[i] = Y[P[i]]; D.emplace_back(Z); for (int i = mid[h]; i < V; i++) C[P[i]] -= ph; } reverse(D.begin(), D.end()); } template <class Forest> WaveletMatrixHLD(const Forest &G, const vector<T> &A, const vector<Data> &X, int rt, Cmp cmp = Cmp()) : WaveletMatrixHLD(G, A, X, vector<int>{rt}, cmp) {} using Ranges = vector<tuple<int, int, int, int>>; Ranges getRanges(int v, int w) { Ranges ranges; while (head[v] != head[w]) { if (dep[head[v]] < dep[head[w]]) { ranges.emplace_back(pre[head[w]], pre[w], 0, 0); w = par[head[w]]; } else { ranges.emplace_back(pre[head[v]], pre[v], 0, 0); v = par[head[v]]; } } if (v != w) { if (dep[v] < dep[w]) ranges.emplace_back(pre[v] + VALUES_ON_EDGES, pre[w], 0, 0); else ranges.emplace_back(pre[w] + VALUES_ON_EDGES, pre[v], 0, 0); } else if (!VALUES_ON_EDGES) { int i = pre[dep[v] < dep[w] ? v : w]; ranges.emplace_back(i, i, 0, 0); } return ranges; } void update(int v, const Lazy &val) { for (int i = pre[v], h = H - 1; h >= 0; h--) { if (B[h].get(i)) i = B[h].query(i - 1); else i += mid[h] - B[h].query(i - 1); D[h].update(i, val); } } void qryRanges(int h, Ranges &ranges) { for (auto &&r : ranges) { get<2>(r) = B[h].query(get<0>(r) - 1); get<3>(r) = B[h].query(get<1>(r)); } } Data qryAggLeft(int h, const Ranges &ranges) { Data ret = R::qdef(); for (auto &&r : ranges) { int a = get<2>(r), b = get<3>(r) - 1; if (a <= b) ret = R::merge(ret, D[h].query(a, b)); } return ret; } Data qryAggRight(int h, const Ranges &ranges) { Data ret = R::qdef(); for (auto &&r : ranges) { int a = get<0>(r) + mid[h] - get<2>(r); int b = get<1>(r) + mid[h] - get<3>(r); if (a <= b) ret = R::merge(ret, D[h].query(a, b)); } return ret; } void left(Ranges &ranges) { for (auto &&r : ranges) { get<0>(r) = get<2>(r); get<1>(r) = get<3>(r) - 1; } } void right(int h, Ranges &ranges) { for (auto &&r : ranges) { get<0>(r) += mid[h] - get<2>(r); get<1>(r) += mid[h] - get<3>(r); } } template <class F> Data qryPre(int h, int cur, Ranges &ranges, const T &x, F f) { Data ret = R::qdef(); for (; h >= 0; h--) { int ph = 1 << h; qryRanges(h, ranges); if (cur + ph - 1 >= V || f(x, S[cur + ph - 1])) left(ranges); else { ret = R::merge(ret, qryAggLeft(h, ranges)); cur += ph; right(h, ranges); } } return ret; } template <class F> Data qrySuf(int h, int cur, Ranges &ranges, const T &v, F f) { Data ret = R::qdef(); for (; h >= 0; h--) { int ph = 1 << h; qryRanges(h, ranges); if (cur + ph - 1 >= V || f(v, S[cur + ph - 1])) { ret = R::merge(ret, qryAggRight(h, ranges)); if (h == 0) ret = R::merge(ret, qryAggLeft(h, ranges)); left(ranges); } else { if (h == 0) ret = R::merge(ret, qryAggRight(h, ranges)); cur += ph; right(h, ranges); } } return ret; } Data query(int v, int w, const T &hi) { Ranges ranges = getRanges(v, w); return qryPre(H - 1, 0, ranges, hi, clt); } Data query(int v, int w, const T &lo, const T &hi) { Ranges ranges = getRanges(v, w); for (int cur = 0, h = H - 1; h >= 0; h--) { int ph = 1 << h; qryRanges(h, ranges); bool loLeft = cur + ph - 1 >= V || !cmp(S[cur + ph - 1], lo); bool hiLeft = cur + ph - 1 >= V || cmp(hi, S[cur + ph - 1]); if (loLeft != hiLeft) { Ranges leftRanges = ranges, rightRanges = ranges; left(leftRanges); right(h, rightRanges); Data ret = R::merge(qrySuf(h - 1, cur, leftRanges, lo, cle), qryPre(h - 1, cur + ph, rightRanges, hi, clt)); return h == 0 ? R::merge(ret, qryAggLeft(h, ranges)) : ret; } else if (loLeft) left(ranges); else { cur += ph; right(h, ranges); } } return R::qdef(); } template <class F> pair<bool, T *> bsearch(int v, int w, F f) { int cur = 0; Data agg = R::qdef(); Ranges ranges = getRanges(v, w); for (int h = H - 1; h >= 0; h--) { qryRanges(h, ranges); Data val = qryAggLeft(h, ranges); if (f(R::merge(agg, val))) left(ranges); else { cur += 1 << h; agg = R::merge(agg, val); right(h, ranges); } } return make_pair(cur < V, cur < V ? &S[cur] : nullptr); } #undef clt #undef cle };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "LowestCommonAncestor.h" #include "SubtreeQueries.h" using namespace std; // Supports online queries for the number of distinct elements in a // subtree for a static forest G with V vertices // Vertices are 0-indexed // Template Arguments: // T: the type of each element // Constructor Arguments: // G: a generic forest data structure // Required Functions: // operator [v] const: iterates over the adjacency list of vertex v // (which is a list of ints) // size() const: returns the number of vertices in the forest // A: a vector of type T of the values of each vertex // rt: a single root vertex // roots: a vector of root vertices for each connected component // Functions: // query(v): returns the number of distinct elements in the subtree of // vertex v // In practice, has a moderate constant, slightly faster than SmallToLargeTree // Time Complexity: // constructor: O(V log V) // query: O(1) // Memory Complexity: O(V) // Tested: // https://cses.fi/problemset/task/1139/ template <class T> struct CountDistinctSubtree { struct R { using Data = int; using Lazy = int; vector<Data> A; static Data qdef() { return 0; } R(vector<Data> A) : A(move(A)) {} void update(int l, int, const Lazy &val) { A[l] += val; } Data query(int l, int r) { return A[r] - (l == 0 ? 0 : A[l - 1]); } }; LCA<> lca; SubtreeQueries<R, false> sbtr; int query(int v) { return sbtr.querySubtree(v); } template <class Forest> CountDistinctSubtree(const Forest &G, const vector<T> &A, const vector<int> &roots = vector<int>()) : lca(G, roots), sbtr(G, vector<int>(A.size(), 0), roots) { int V = G.size(); vector<T> temp = A; sort(temp.begin(), temp.end()); temp.erase(unique(temp.begin(), temp.end()), temp.end()); vector<int> C(V), st(temp.size() + 1, 0), ind(V); for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) st[C[v] = lower_bound(temp.begin(), temp.end(), A[v]) - temp.begin()]++; partial_sum(st.begin(), st.end(), st.begin()); for (int v : sbtr.vert) ind[--st[C[v]]] = v; for (int i = 0; i < int(temp.size()); i++) for (int j = st[i]; j < st[i + 1]; j++) { sbtr.updateVertex(ind[j], 1); if (j + 1 < st[i + 1]) sbtr.updateVertex(lca.lca(ind[j], ind[j + 1]), -1); } partial_sum(sbtr.ops.A.begin(), sbtr.ops.A.end(), sbtr.ops.A.begin()); } template <class Forest> CountDistinctSubtree(const Forest &G, const vector<T> &A, int rt) : CountDistinctSubtree(G, A, vector<int>{rt}) {} };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "../../datastructures/trees/fenwicktrees/FenwickTree1D.h" #include "LowestCommonAncestor.h" #include "SubtreeQueries.h" using namespace std; // Supports online queries for the number of distinct elements in a // subtree for a forest G with V vertices with vertex updates // Vertices are 0-indexed // Template Arguments: // T: the type of each element // C: a container representing a mapping from type T to a set of integers // Constructor Arguments: // G: a generic forest data structure // Required Functions: // operator [v] const: iterates over the adjacency list of vertex v // (which is a list of ints) // size() const: returns the number of vertices in the forest // A: a vector of type T of the intial values of each vertex // rt: a single root vertex // roots: a vector of root vertices for each connected component // ...args: arguments to pass to the constructor of an instance of type C // Functions: // update(v, val): update vertex v with the value val // query(v): returns the number of distinct elements in the subtree of // vertex v // In practice, has a moderate constant // Time Complexity: // constructor: O(V log V) // update, query: O(log V) // Memory Complexity: O(V) // Tested: // https://dmoj.ca/problem/dmopc20c1p5 template <class T, class C = map<T, set<int>>> struct CountDistinctSubtreeUpdates { struct R { using Data = int; using Lazy = int; FenwickTree1D<Data> FT; static Data qdef() { return 0; } R(vector<Data> A) : FT(move(A)) {} void update(int l, int, const Lazy &val) { FT.update(l, val); } Data query(int l, int r) { return FT.query(l, r); } }; vector<T> A; C M; LCA<> lca; SubtreeQueries<R, false> sbtr; void upd(int v, const T &val, int delta) { int u = -1, w = -1; set<int> &mv = M[val]; auto it = delta == 1 ? mv.upper_bound(sbtr.pre[v]) : mv.erase(mv.find(sbtr.pre[v])); if (it != mv.begin()) sbtr.updateVertex(lca.lca(u = sbtr.vert[*prev(it)], v), -delta); if (it != mv.end()) sbtr.updateVertex(lca.lca(v, w = sbtr.vert[*it]), -delta); if (u != -1 && w != -1) sbtr.updateVertex(lca.lca(u, w), delta); sbtr.updateVertex(v, delta); if (delta == 1) mv.insert(it, sbtr.pre[v]); } void update(int v, const T &val) { upd(v, A[v], -1); upd(v, A[v] = val, 1); } int query(int v) { return sbtr.querySubtree(v); } vector<int> init(int V) { vector<int> ret; ret.reserve(V + 1); ret.resize(V, 0); return ret; } template <class Forest, class ...Args> CountDistinctSubtreeUpdates( const Forest &G, const vector<T> &A, const vector<int> &roots = vector<int>(), Args &&...args) : A(A), M(forward<Args>(args)...), lca(G, roots), sbtr(G, init(A.size()), roots) { for (int v = 0; v < int(G.size()); v++) upd(v, A[v], 1); } template <class Forest, class ...Args> CountDistinctSubtreeUpdates(const Forest &G, const vector<T> &A, int rt, Args &&...args) : CountDistinctSubtreeUpdates(G, A, vector<int>{rt}, forward<Args>(args)...) {} };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "../../datastructures/BitPrefixSumArray.h" #include "LowestCommonAncestor.h" using namespace std; // Wavelet Matrix supporting rank and select operations for paths on a forest // Vertices are 0-indexed // Template Arguments: // T: the type of the element of the array // VALUES_ON_EDGES: boolean indicating whether the values are on the edges // (the largest depth vertex of the edge) or the vertices // Cmp: the comparator to compare two elements // Required Functions: // operator (a, b): returns true if and only if a compares less than b // Constructor Arguments: // G: a generic forest data structure // Required Functions: // operator [v] const: iterates over the adjacency list of vertex v // (which is a list of ints) // size() const: returns the number of vertices in the forest // A: a vector of type T of the values in the array // rt: a single root vertex // roots: a vector of root vertices for each connected component // cmp: an instance of the Cmp struct // Functions: // rank(v, w, x): returns the number of values less than k (using the // comparator) on the path from v to w // count(v, w, lo, hi) returns the number of values not less than lo and // not greater than hi (using the comparator) on the path from v to w // select(v, w, k): returns the kth element (0-indexed) sorted by the // comparator if the values on the the path from v to w were sorted // In practice, has a moderate constant // Time Complexity: // constructor: O(V log V) // rank, count, select: O(log V) // Memory Complexity: O(V + (V log V) / 64) // Tested: // https://mcpt.ca/problem/hld2 (rank/count) // https://www.acmicpc.net/problem/11932 (select) template <class T, const bool VALUES_ON_EDGES, class Cmp = less<T>> struct WaveletMatrixTree { #define clt [&] (const T &a, const T &b) { return cmp(a, b); } #define cle [&] (const T &a, const T &b) { return !cmp(b, a); } int V, H, preInd, postInd; vector<int> par, pre, post, last, mid1, mid2; vector<T> S; LCA<> lca; vector<BitPrefixSumArray> B1, B2; Cmp cmp; template <class Forest> void dfs(const Forest &G, int v, int prev) { par[v] = prev; last[pre[v] = preInd++] = postInd - 1; for (int w : G[v]) if (w != prev) dfs(G, w, v); post[v] = postInd++; } void build(const vector<int> &A, const vector<int> &ind, vector<int> &mid, vector<BitPrefixSumArray> &B) { vector<int> C(V); for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) C[ind[v]] = A[v]; for (int h = H - 1; h >= 0; h--) { int ph = 1 << h; for (int i = 0; i < V; i++) B[h].set(i, C[i] <= ph - 1); mid[h] = stable_partition(C.begin(), C.end(), [&] (int v) { return v <= ph - 1; }) - C.begin(); B[h].build(); for (int i = mid[h]; i < V; i++) C[i] -= ph; } } template <class Forest> WaveletMatrixTree(const Forest &G, const vector<T> &A, const vector<int> &roots = vector<int>(), Cmp cmp = Cmp()) : V(A.size()), H(V == 0 ? 0 : __lg(V) + 1), preInd(0), postInd(0), par(V, -1), pre(V), post(V), last(V), mid1(H), mid2(H), S(A), lca(G, roots), B1(H, BitPrefixSumArray(V)), B2(B1), cmp(cmp) { sort(S.begin(), S.end(), cmp); if (roots.empty()) { for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) if (par[v] == -1) dfs(G, v, -1); } else for (int v : roots) dfs(G, v, -1); vector<int> C(V); for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) C[v] = lower_bound(S.begin(), S.end(), A[v], cmp) - S.begin(); build(C, pre, mid1, B1); build(C, post, mid2, B2); } template <class Forest> WaveletMatrixTree(const Forest &G, const vector<T> &A, int rt, Cmp cmp = Cmp()) : WaveletMatrixTree(G, A, vector<int>{rt}, cmp) {} bool connected(int v, int w) { return lca.connected(v, w); } using Ranges = vector<tuple<int, int, int, int, int>>; Ranges getRanges(int v, int w) { int u = lca.lca(v, w), rt = lca.root[v]; Ranges ranges; ranges.reserve(5); int t = VALUES_ON_EDGES ? 1 : (par[u] != -1 ? 2 : 0); if (t && pre[rt] - 1 > 0) ranges.emplace_back(pre[rt] - 1, last[pre[rt] - 1], -1, 0, 0); ranges.emplace_back(pre[v], last[pre[v]], 1, 0, 0); ranges.emplace_back(pre[w], last[pre[w]], 1, 0, 0); ranges.emplace_back(pre[u], last[pre[u]], t == 1 ? -2 : -1, 0, 0); if (t == 2) ranges.emplace_back(pre[par[u]], last[pre[par[u]]], -1, 0, 0); return ranges; } int query(int h, Ranges &ranges) { int val = 0; for (auto &&r : ranges) { get<3>(r) = B1[h].query(get<0>(r)); get<4>(r) = B2[h].query(get<1>(r)); val += get<2>(r) * (get<3>(r) - get<4>(r)); } return val; } void left(Ranges &ranges) { for (auto &&r : ranges) { get<0>(r) = get<3>(r) - 1; get<1>(r) = get<4>(r) - 1; } } void right(int h, Ranges &ranges) { for (auto &&r : ranges) { get<0>(r) += mid1[h] - get<3>(r); get<1>(r) += mid2[h] - get<4>(r); } } template <class F> int cnt(int v, int w, const T &x, F f) { Ranges ranges = getRanges(v, w); int ret = 0; for (int cur = 0, h = H - 1; h >= 0; h--) { int ph = 1 << h, val = query(h, ranges); if (cur + ph - 1 >= V || f(x, S[cur + ph - 1])) left(ranges); else { cur += ph; ret += val; right(h, ranges); } } return ret; } int rank(int v, int w, const T &x) { return cnt(v, w, x, cle); } int count(int v, int w, const T &lo, const T &hi) { return cnt(v, w, hi, clt) - cnt(v, w, lo, cle); } T select(int v, int w, int k) { Ranges ranges = getRanges(v, w); int cur = 0; for (int h = H - 1; h >= 0; h--) { int val = query(h, ranges); if (k < val) left(ranges); else { cur += 1 << h; k -= val; right(h, ranges); } } return S[cur]; } #undef clt #undef cle };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; // Supports queries on graphs that involve the set of vertices in a subtree // Template Arguments: // S: struct to maintain a multiset of the elements in a set // Required Fields: // T: the type of each element // R: the type of the return value for each query // Q: the query object that contains information for each query // Required Fields: // v: the vertex of the subtree to query // Required Functions: // constructor(A): takes a vector A of type T equal to the static array // representing the values for each vertex of the graph // add(v): adds the value v to the multiset // remove(v): removes the value v from the multiset // Sample Struct: supporting queries for whether a value c exists in // the subtree of vertex v // struct S { // using T = int; using R = bool; // struct Q { int v, c; }; // vector<T> cnt; // S(const vector<T> &A) // : cnt(*max_element(A.begin(), A.end()) + 1, 0) {} // void add(const T &v) { cnt[v]++; } // void remove(const T &v) { --cnt[v]; } // R query(const Q &q) const { // return 0 <= q.c && q.c < int(cnt.size()) && cnt[q.c] > 0; // } // }; // Constructor Arguments: // G: a generic forest data structure // Required Functions: // operator [v] const: iterates over the adjacency list of vertex v // (which is a list of ints) // size() const: returns the number of vertices in the forest // A: a vector of type S::T of the values in the array // queries: a vector of type S::Q representing the queries // rt: a single root vertex // roots: a vector of root vertices for each connected component // f: a function from S::T to any arithmetic type, f(A[v]) needs to return // the weight of the vertex v with value A[v] // Fields: // ans: a vector of integers with the answer for each query // In practice, has a moderate constant // Time Complexity: // constructor: O(C + U V log V + K T) // for K queries where C is the time complexity of S's constructor, // U is the time complexity of S.add and S.remove, // and T is the time complexity of S.query // Memory Complexity: O(V + K) for K queries // Tested: // https://cses.fi/problemset/task/1139/ // https://codeforces.com/contest/600/problem/E // https://codeforces.com/contest/375/problem/D template <class S> struct SmallToLargeTree { using T = typename S::T; using R = typename S::R; using Q = typename S::Q; vector<R> ans; template <class Forest, class F = function<int(T)>> SmallToLargeTree( const Forest &G, const vector<T> &A, const vector<Q> &queries, const vector<int> &roots = vector<int>(), F f = [] (T) { return 1; } ) { using weight_t = decltype(f(T())); int V = G.size(), K = queries.size(); vector<int> st(V + 1, 0), ind(K); S s(A); vector<weight_t> size(V, weight_t()); function<void(int, int)> getSize = [&] (int v, int prev) { size[v] = f(A[v]); for (int w : G[v]) if (w != prev) { getSize(w, v); size[v] += size[w]; } }; function<void(int, int, int, bool)> update = [&] ( int v, int prev, int heavy, bool add) { if (add) s.add(A[v]); else s.remove(A[v]); for (int w : G[v]) if (w != prev && w != heavy) update(w, v, heavy, add); }; function<void(int, int, bool)> dfs = [&] (int v, int prev, bool keep) { int heavy = -1; for (int w : G[v]) if (w != prev && (heavy == -1 || size[heavy] < size[w])) heavy = w; for (int w : G[v]) if (w != prev && w != heavy) dfs(w, v, 0); if (heavy != -1) dfs(heavy, v, 1); update(v, prev, heavy, 1); for (int i = st[v]; i < st[v + 1]; i++) { R res = s.query(queries[ind[i]]); if (ans.empty()) ans.resize(K, res); ans[ind[i]] = res; } if (!keep) update(v, prev, -1, 0); }; for (int i = 0; i < K; i++) st[queries[i].v]++; partial_sum(st.begin(), st.end(), st.begin()); for (int i = 0; i < K; i++) ind[--st[queries[i].v]] = i; if (roots.empty()) { for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) if (size[v] == weight_t()) { getSize(v, -1); dfs(v, -1, 0); } } else for (int v : roots) { getSize(v, -1); dfs(v, -1, 0); } } template <class Forest, class F = function<int(T)>> SmallToLargeTree( const Forest &G, const vector<T> &A, const vector<Q> &queries, int rt, F f = [] (T) { return 1; }) : SmallToLargeTree(G, A, queries, vector<int>{rt}, f) {} };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; // Finds the centroid of each component of a tree, // and recursively splits the component at that vertex // Can be used to create a centroid tree, which has depth O(log V) // Function Arguments: // G: a generic forest structure // Required Functions: // operator [v] const: iterates over the adjacency list of vertex v // (which is a list of ints) // size() const: returns the number of vertices in the forest // f(G, excl, c, p): a function to call on each centroid of its // component where G is a reference to the graph, excl is a reference to // an array of bools that indicates whether a vertex has been previously // used as a centroid, c is the current centroid (excl[c] is false), // and p is its parent in the centorid tree // Return Value: a vector of integers representing the parent of each vertex // in the centroid tree, or -1 if it is a root // In practice, has a moderate constant // Time Complexity: O(V log V) // Memory Complexity: O(V) // Tested: // https://codeforces.com/contest/321/problem/C // https://codeforces.com/contest/161/problem/D template <class Forest, class F> vector<int> centroidDecomposition(const Forest &G, F f) { int V = G.size(); vector<int> size(V), par(V, -1); vector<bool> excl(V, false); function<int(int, int)> getSize = [&] (int v, int prev) { size[v] = 1; for (int w : G[v]) if (w != prev && !excl[w]) size[v] += getSize(w, v); return size[v]; }; function<int(int, int, int)> dfs = [&] (int v, int prev, int compSize) { for (int w : G[v]) if (w != prev && !excl[w] && size[w] > compSize / 2) return dfs(w, v, compSize); return v; }; vector<pair<int, int>> q(V); for (int s = 0; s < V; s++) if (par[s] == -1) { int front = 0, back = 0; q[back++] = make_pair(s, -1); while (front < back) { int v = q[front].first, c = dfs(v, -1, getSize(v, -1)); par[c] = q[front++].second; f(G, excl, c, par[c]); excl[c] = true; for (int w : G[c]) if (!excl[w]) q[back++] = make_pair(w, c); } } return par; }
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include <ext/pb_ds/priority_queue.hpp> using namespace std; using namespace __gnu_pbds; // Computes the global minimum cut for a weighted graph // A cut is a partition of the vertices into two nonempty subsets // A crossing edge is an edge with endpoints in both subsets // The cost of a cut is the sum of the weights of the crossing edges // Vertices are 0-indexed // Template Arguments: // T: the type of the weight of the edges in the graph // Constructor Arguments: // V: the number of vertices in the graph // INF: a value for infinity // Fields: // cut: vector of booleans representing which side of the cut each vertex // is on // cutWeight: the weight of the global minimum cut // Functions: // addEdge(v, w, weight): adds an undirected edge between vertices v // and w, with a weight of weight // globalMinCut(): returns the global minimum cut of the current graph // and updates the cut array // In practice, has a very small constant // Time Complexity: // constructor: O(V) // addEdge: O(1) // globalMinCut: O(V (V + E) log V) // Memory Complexity: O(V^2 + E) // Tested: // https://dmoj.ca/problem/checkercut // https://hackerrank.com/contests/w37/challenges/two-efficient-teams/problem template <class T> struct StoerWagnerGlobalMinCut { struct Edge { int to, rev; T weight; Edge(int to, int rev, T weight) : to(to), rev(rev), weight(weight) {} }; struct Node { T w; int v; Node(T w, int v) : w(w), v(v) {} bool operator < (const Node &o) const { return w < o.w; } }; int V; vector<vector<Edge>> G; vector<bool> cut; T cutWeight, INF; void addEdge(int v, int w, T weight) { if (v == w) return; G[v].emplace_back(w, int(G[w].size()), weight); G[w].emplace_back(v, int(G[v].size()) - 1, weight); } StoerWagnerGlobalMinCut(int V, T INF = numeric_limits<T>::max()) : V(V), G(V), cut(V, false), cutWeight(INF), INF(INF) {} T globalMinCut() { vector<vector<Edge>> H = G; fill(cut.begin(), cut.end(), false); cutWeight = INF; vector<int> par(V); iota(par.begin(), par.end(), 0); for (int phase = V - 1; phase > 0; phase--) { vector<T> W(V, T()); __gnu_pbds::priority_queue<Node> PQ; vector<typename decltype(PQ)::point_iterator> ptr(V, PQ.end()); for (int v = 1; v < V; v++) if (par[v] == v) ptr[v] = PQ.push(Node(W[v], v)); for (auto &&e : H[0]) if (ptr[e.to] != PQ.end()) PQ.modify(ptr[e.to], Node(W[e.to] += e.weight, e.to)); for (int i = 0, v, last = 0; i < phase; i++, last = v) { T w = PQ.top().w; v = PQ.top().v; PQ.pop(); ptr[v] = PQ.end(); if (i == phase - 1) { if (cutWeight > w) { cutWeight = w; for (int x = 0; x < V; x++) cut[x] = par[x] == v; } fill(W.begin(), W.end(), T()); for (auto &&e : H[v]) W[e.to] += e.weight; for (auto &&e : H[last]) { e.weight += W[e.to]; H[e.to][e.rev].weight += W[e.to]; W[e.to] = T(); } for (auto &&e : H[v]) if (W[e.to] != T()) { H[e.to][e.rev].to = last; H[e.to][e.rev].rev = H[last].size(); H[last].emplace_back(e.to, e.rev, e.weight); } H[v].clear(); for (int x = 0; x < V; x++) if (par[x] == v) par[x] = last; } else { for (auto &&e : H[v]) if (ptr[e.to] != PQ.end()) PQ.modify(ptr[e.to], Node(W[e.to] += e.weight, e.to)); } } } return cutWeight; } };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; // Computes the global minimum cut for a weighted graph // A cut is a partition of the vertices into two nonempty subsets // A crossing edge is an edge with endpoints in both subsets // The cost of a cut is the sum of the weights of the crossing edges // Vertices are 0-indexed // Template Arguments: // T: the type of the weight of the edges in the graph // Constructor Arguments: // V: the number of vertices in the graph // INF: a value for infinity // Fields: // cut: vector of booleans representing which side of the cut each vertex // is on // cutWeight: the weight of the global minimum cut // Functions: // addEdge(v, w, weight): adds an undirected edge between vertices v // and w, with a weight of weight // globalMinCut(): returns the global minimum cut of the current graph // and updates the cut array // In practice, has a very small constant // Time Complexity: // constructor: O(V^2) // addEdge: O(1) // globalMinCut: O(V^3) // Memory Complexity: O(V^2) // Tested: // https://dmoj.ca/problem/checkercut // https://hackerrank.com/contests/w37/challenges/two-efficient-teams/problem template <class T> struct ClassicalStoerWagnerGlobalMinCut { int V; vector<vector<T>> G; vector<bool> cut; T cutWeight, INF; void addEdge(int v, int w, T weight) { if (v == w) return; G[v][w] += weight; G[w][v] += weight; } ClassicalStoerWagnerGlobalMinCut(int V, T INF = numeric_limits<T>::max()) : V(V), G(V, vector<T>(V, T())), cut(V, false), cutWeight(INF), INF(INF) {} T globalMinCut() { vector<vector<T>> H = G; fill(cut.begin(), cut.end(), false); cutWeight = INF; vector<int> par(V); iota(par.begin(), par.end(), 0); for (int phase = V - 1; phase > 0; phase--) { vector<T> W = H[0]; vector<bool> vis(V, true); for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) vis[v] = par[v] != v; for (int i = 0, v, last = 0; i < phase; i++, last = v) { v = -1; for (int w = 1; w < V; w++) if (!vis[w] && (v == -1 || W[v] < W[w])) v = w; if (i == phase - 1) { if (cutWeight > W[v]) { cutWeight = W[v]; for (int w = 0; w < V; w++) cut[w] = par[w] == v; } for (int w = 0; w < V; w++) { H[last][w] += H[v][w]; H[w][last] += H[v][w]; if (par[w] == v) par[w] = last; } } else { vis[v] = true; for (int w = 0; w < V; w++) W[w] += H[v][w]; } } } return cutWeight; } };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; // Computes the strongly connected components of a directed graph using // Tarjan's algorithm // Vertices are 0-indexed // Constructor Arguments: // G: a generic directed graph structure which can be weighted or unweighted, // though weights do not change the components // Required Functions: // operator [v] const: iterates over the adjacency list of vertex v // (which is a list of ints for an unweighted graph, or a list of // pair<int, T> for a weighted graph with weights of type T) // size() const: returns the number of vertices in the graph // condensationEdges: a reference to a vector of pairs that will store the // edges in the condensation graph when all vertices in an scc are // condensed into a single vertex (with an index equal to its scc id), // and it is guaranteed that this list of edges is sorted by the first // element in the pair in non decreasing order // Fields: // id: a vector of the index of the scc each vertex is part of // components: a vector of vectors containing the vertices in each scc and // is sorted in reverse topological order // In practice, has a moderate constant, faster than Kosaraju // Time Complexity: // constructor: O(V + E) // Memory Complexity: O(V) // Tested: // Stress Tested // https://judge.yosupo.jp/problem/scc // https://dmoj.ca/problem/acc2p2 // https://open.kattis.com/problems/watchyourstep struct SCC { int ind, top; vector<int> id, low, stk; vector<vector<int>> components; int getTo(int e) { return e; } template <class T> int getTo(const pair<int, T> &e) { return e.first; } template <class Digraph> void dfs(const Digraph &G, int v) { id[stk[top++] = v] = -1; int mn = low[v] = ind++; for (auto &&e : G[v]) { int w = getTo(e); if (id[w] == -2) dfs(G, w); mn = min(mn, low[w]); } if (mn < low[v]) { low[v] = mn; return; } int w; components.emplace_back(); do { id[w = stk[--top]] = components.size() - 1; low[w] = INT_MAX; components.back().push_back(w); } while (w != v); } template <class Digraph> SCC(const Digraph &G) : ind(0), top(0), id(G.size(), -2), low(G.size()), stk(G.size()) { for (int v = 0; v < int(G.size()); v++) if (id[v] == -2) dfs(G, v); } template <class Digraph> SCC(const Digraph &G, vector<pair<int, int>> &condensationEdges) : SCC(G) { vector<int> last(components.size(), -1); for (auto &&comp : components) for (int v : comp) for (auto &&e : G[v]) { int w = getTo(e); if (id[v] != id[w] && last[id[w]] != id[v]) condensationEdges.emplace_back(last[id[w]] = id[v], id[w]); } } };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "../../datastructures/unionfind/UnionFind.h" using namespace std; // Support online queries for the number of bridges in a graph, after edges // have been added // Constructor Arguments: // V: the number of vertices in the graph // Fields: // bridgeCnt: the current number of bridges in the graph // uf1: a UnionFind data structure representing the 1-edge connected // components // uf2: a UnionFind data structure representing the 2-edge connected // components // Functions: // addEdge(v, w): adds an edge between vertices v and w // Time Complexity: // constructor: O(V) // addEdge: O(log V) amortized // Memory Complexity: O(V) // Tested: // https://codeforces.com/gym/100551/problem/B struct IncrementalBridges { UnionFind uf1, uf2; vector<int> par, mn, vis; int stamp, bridgeCnt; IncrementalBridges(int V) : uf1(V), uf2(V), par(V, -1), mn(V), vis(V, -1), stamp(-1), bridgeCnt(0) { iota(mn.begin(), mn.end(), 0); } void addEdge(int v, int w) { if (uf2.connected(v, w)) return; if (uf1.connected(v, w)) { stamp++; int lca = -1; for (int x = v, y = w;; swap(x, y)) if (x != -1) { if (vis[x = mn[uf2.find(x)]] == stamp) { lca = x; break; } vis[x] = stamp; x = par[x]; } for (int h = 0; h < 2; h++, swap(v, w)) for (v = mn[uf2.find(v)]; v != lca;) { int p = mn[uf2.find(par[v])], pp = par[p]; uf2.join(v, p); par[v = mn[uf2.find(v)] = p] = pp; bridgeCnt--; } } else { if (uf1.getSize(v) < uf1.getSize(w)) swap(v, w); for (int p = -1, last = v, x = w; x != -1; last = x, x = p) { p = par[x = mn[uf2.find(x)]]; par[x] = last; } bridgeCnt++; uf1.join(v, w); } } };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; // Decomposes an undirected graph into 2-edge connected components and // identifies bridges // Vertices are 0-indexed // Constructor Arguments: // G: a generic undirected graph structure // Required Functions: // operator [v] const: iterates over the adjacency list of vertex v // (which is a list of ints) // size() const: returns the number of vertices in the graph // Fields: // id: a vector of the index of the 2-edge connected component each vertex // is part of // components: a vector of vectors containing the vertices in each 2-edge // connected component // bridges: a vector of pairs that stores the bridges in the graph // In practice, has a moderate constant // Time Complexity: // constructor: O(V + E) // Memory Complexity: O(V) // Tested: // Stress Tested // https://judge.yosupo.jp/problem/two_edge_connected_components struct Bridges { int ind, top; vector<int> id, low, pre, stk; vector<vector<int>> components; vector<pair<int, int>> bridges; void makeComponent(int v) { int w; components.emplace_back(); do { id[w = stk[--top]] = components.size() - 1; components.back().push_back(w); } while (w != v); } template <class Graph> void dfs(const Graph &G, int v, int prev) { id[stk[top++] = v] = -1; low[v] = pre[v] = ind++; bool parEdge = false; for (int w : G[v]) { if (w == prev && !parEdge) parEdge = true; else if (id[w] == -2) { dfs(G, w, v); low[v] = min(low[v], low[w]); if (low[w] == pre[w]) { bridges.emplace_back(v, w); makeComponent(w); } } else low[v] = min(low[v], pre[w]); } } template <class Graph> Bridges(const Graph &G) : ind(0), top(0), id(G.size(), -2), low(G.size()), pre(G.size()), stk(G.size()) { for (int v = 0; v < int(G.size()); v++) if (id[v] == -2) { dfs(G, v, -1); if (top > 0) makeComponent(v); } } };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "../../datastructures/unionfind/UnionFindUndo.h" #include "../../queries/LIFOSetDivAndConq.h" using namespace std; // Support offline queries on connected components, after edges have been // added or removed, using divide and conquer // Constructor Arguments: // V: the number of vertices in the graph // Fields: // ans: a vector of integers with the answer for // each query (1 is true, 0 is false for boolean queries) // Functions: // addEdge(v, w): adds an edge between vertices v and w // removeEdge(v, w): removes an edge between vertices v and w, assuming // an edge exists // addConnectedQuery(v, w): adds a query asking whether v and w are in the // same connected component // addSizeQuery(v): adds a query asking for the number of vertices in the // same connected component as vertex v // addCntQuery(): adds a query asking for the number of connected components // solveQueries(): solves all queries asked so far // In practice, has a small constant, faster than DynamicConnectivityLCT and // DynamicConnectivityLevelStructure // Time Complexity: // constructor: O(1) // addEdge, removeEdge, addConnectedQuery, addSizeQuery, addCntQuery: O(1) // solveQueries: O(V + Q log Q log V) // Memory Complexity: O(V + Q) for Q edge additions/removals and queries // Tested: // https://codeforces.com/gym/100551/problem/A // https://codeforces.com/gym/100551/problem/E struct DynamicConnectivityDivAndConq { struct S { using T = pair<int, int>; using R = int; struct Q { int type, v, w; }; UnionFindUndo uf; S(int V) : uf(V) {} void push(const T &e) { uf.join(e.first, e.second); } void pop() { uf.undo(); } R query(const Q &q) { if (q.type == 1) return uf.connected(q.v, q.w); else if (q.type == 2) return uf.getSize(q.v); else return uf.cnt; } }; int V; LIFOSetDivAndConq<S> s; vector<int> &ans = s.ans; DynamicConnectivityDivAndConq(int V) : V(V) {} void addEdge(int v, int w) { if (v > w) swap(v, w); s.addElement(make_pair(v, w)); } void removeEdge(int v, int w) { if (v > w) swap(v, w); s.removeElement(make_pair(v, w)); } void addConnectedQuery(int v, int w) { S::Q q; q.type = 1; q.v = v; q.w = w; s.addQuery(q); } void addSizeQuery(int v) { S::Q q; q.type = 2; q.v = q.w = v; s.addQuery(q); } void addCntQuery() { S::Q q; q.type = 3; q.v = q.w = -1; s.addQuery(q); } void solveQueries() { s.solveQueries(V); } };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "../dynamictrees/LinkCutTree.h" using namespace std; // Support offline queries on connected components, after edges have been // added or removed, using a Link Cut Tree // Constructor Arguments: // V: the number of vertices in the graph // Fields: // ans: a vector of integers with the answer for // each query (1 is true, 0 is false for boolean queries) // Functions: // addEdge(v, w): adds an edge between vertices v and w // removeEdge(v, w): removes an edge between vertices v and w, assuming // an edge exists // addConnectedQuery(v, w): adds a query asking whether v and w are in the // same connected component // addCntQuery(): adds a query asking for the number of connected components // solveQueries(): solves all queries asked so far // In practice, has a moderate constant, slower than // DynamicConnectivityDivAndConq, faster than // DynamicConnectivityLevelStructure // Time Complexity: // constructor: O(1) // addEdge, removeEdge, addConnectedQuery, addCntQuery: O(1) // solveQueries: O(V + Q (log Q + log V)) // Memory Complexity: O(V + Q) for Q edge additions/removals and queries // Tested: // https://codeforces.com/gym/100551/problem/A // https://codeforces.com/gym/100551/problem/E struct DynamicConnectivityLCT { struct Node { using Data = pair<int, int>; using Lazy = Data; static const bool RANGE_UPDATES = false, RANGE_QUERIES = true; static const bool RANGE_REVERSALS = true, HAS_PAR = true; bool rev; Node *l, *r, *p; Data val, sbtr; Node(const Data &v) : rev(false), l(nullptr), r(nullptr), p(nullptr), val(v), sbtr(v) {} void update() { sbtr = val; if (l) { sbtr = min(l->sbtr, sbtr); } if (r) { sbtr = min(sbtr, r->sbtr); } } void propagate() { if (rev) { swap(l, r); rev = false; if (l) l->reverse(); if (r) r->reverse(); } } void reverse() { rev = !rev; } static Data qdef() { return make_pair(INT_MAX, -1); } }; int V; vector<tuple<int, int, int, int>> queries; vector<int> ans; DynamicConnectivityLCT(int V) : V(V) {} void addEdge(int v, int w) { if (v > w) swap(v, w); queries.emplace_back(0, v, w, -1); } void removeEdge(int v, int w) { if (v > w) swap(v, w); queries.emplace_back(1, v, w, -1); } void addConnectedQuery(int v, int w) { queries.emplace_back(2, v, w, queries.size()); } void addCntQuery() { queries.emplace_back(3, -1, -1, queries.size()); } void solveQueries() { vector<pair<int, int>> edges; int Q = queries.size(); edges.reserve(Q); for (auto &&q : queries) if (get<0>(q) == 0) edges.emplace_back(get<1>(q), get<2>(q)); sort(edges.begin(), edges.end()); vector<int> last(edges.size(), Q); for (int i = 0; i < Q; i++) { int t, v, w, _; tie(t, v, w, _) = queries[i]; if (t == 0) { int j = lower_bound(edges.begin(), edges.end(), make_pair(v, w)) - edges.begin(); get<3>(queries[i]) = last[j]; last[j] = i; } else if (t == 1) { int j = lower_bound(edges.begin(), edges.end(), make_pair(v, w)) - edges.begin(); int temp = get<3>(queries[get<3>(queries[i]) = last[j]]); get<3>(queries[last[j]]) = i; last[j] = temp; } } vector<pair<int, int>> tmp(V + Q, make_pair(INT_MAX, -1)); for (int i = 0; i < Q; i++) tmp[V + i] = make_pair(get<3>(queries[i]), i); LCT<Node> lct(tmp); ans.clear(); for (int i = 0, cnt = V; i < Q; i++) { int t, v, w, o; tie(t, v, w, o) = queries[i]; if (t == 0) { if (v == w) continue; int z, j; tie(z, j) = lct.queryPath(v, w); if (j != -1) { if (z >= o) continue; lct.cut(get<1>(queries[j]), V + j); lct.cut(get<2>(queries[j]), V + j); cnt++; } lct.link(v, V + i); lct.link(w, V + i); cnt--; } else if (t == 1) { if (v == w) continue; if (lct.connected(v, V + o)) { lct.cut(v, V + o); lct.cut(w, V + o); cnt++; } } else if (t == 2) ans.push_back(lct.connected(v, w)); else if (t == 3) ans.push_back(cnt); } } };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "../../datastructures/unionfind/UnionFind.h" using namespace std; // Computes the connected components of a graph using Union Find // Vertices are 0-indexed // Constructor Arguments: // V: number of vertices in the graph // Fields: // id: a vector of the index of the component each vertex is part of // components: a vector of vectors containing the vertices in each component // uf: a UnionFind data structure representing the connected components // Functions: // addEdge: adds a bidirectional edge between vertices v and w // assign: assigns each vertex to a connected component and populates the // id and component vectors // In practice, has a small constant, faster than bfs and dfs // Time Complexity: // constructor: O((V + E) alpha V) // Memory Complexity: O(V) // Tested: // https://dmoj.ca/problem/ccc03s3 // https://codeforces.com/contest/1253/problem/D struct CC { int V; vector<int> id; vector<vector<int>> components; UnionFind uf; CC(int V) : V(V), id(V), uf(V) {} void addEdge(int v, int w) { uf.join(v, w); } void assign() { components.clear(); components.reserve(uf.cnt); fill(id.begin(), id.end(), -1); for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) if (uf.find(v) == v) { id[v] = components.size(); components.emplace_back(1, v); components.back().reserve(uf.getSize(v)); } for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) if (id[v] == -1) components[id[v] = id[uf.find(v)]].push_back(v); } };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "../../datastructures/unionfind/UnionFind.h" #include "../../datastructures/unionfind/PartiallyPersistentUnionFind.h" using namespace std; // Supports persistent queries on 2-edge connected component after // edges have been added // Constructor Arguments: // V: number of vertices in the graph // edges: a vector of pairs in the form (v, w) representing // an undirected edge in the graph between vertices v and w in the order // of the list // Functions: // find(t, v): inherited from PartiallyPersistentUnionFind, finds an // arbitrary root of the 2-edge connected component containing vertex v, // after the edge at index t in edges is added // connected(t, v, w): inherited from PartiallyPersistentUnionFind, // returns true if v and w are in the 2-edge connected component, after the // edge at index t in edges is added, returns false otherwise // getSize(t, v): inherited from PartiallyPersistentUnionFind, returns the // size of the 2-edge connected component containing vertex v, after the // edge at index t in edges is added // getCnt(t): inherited from PartiallyPersistentUnionFind, returns the number // of 2-edge connected components, after the edge at index t in // edges is added // getFirst(v, w): inherited from PartiallyPersistentUnionFind, returns // the index of the first edge in edges that vertices v and w are in the // same 2-edge connected component, -1 if v == w and curTime + 1 if they // are never in the same 2-edge connected component // getBridgeCnt(t): returns the number of bridges in the graph, after the // edge at index t in edges is added // In practice, constructor, find, connected, getSize, getCnt, // getBridgeCnt have a small constant, getFirst has a very small constant // Time Complexity: // constructor: O(V alpha V + E log V) // find, join, connected, getSize, getCnt: O(log V) // getFirst: O(log V log E) // getBridgeCnt: O(1) // Memory Complexity: O(V + E) // Tested: // https://dmoj.ca/problem/mcco17d1p3 struct PartiallyPersistentIncrementalBridges : public PartiallyPersistentUnionFind { vector<int> bridgeCnt; PartiallyPersistentIncrementalBridges(int V, const vector<pair<int, int>> &edges) : PartiallyPersistentUnionFind(V), bridgeCnt(edges.size()) { int E = edges.size(); vector<bool> inForest(E); vector<int> par(V, -1), dep(V), st(V + 1, 0), mn(V), to(E * 2); function<void(int, int, int)> dfs = [&] (int v, int prev, int d) { par[v] = prev; dep[v] = d; for (int e = st[v]; e < st[v + 1]; e++) { int w = to[e]; if (w != prev) dfs(w, v, d + 1); } }; UnionFind forest(V); for (int i = 0; i < E; i++) inForest[i] = forest.join(edges[i].first, edges[i].second); iota(mn.begin(), mn.end(), 0); for (int i = 0; i < E; i++) if (inForest[i]) { st[edges[i].first]++; st[edges[i].second]++; } partial_sum(st.begin(), st.end(), st.begin()); for (int i = 0; i < E; i++) if (inForest[i]) { int v, w; tie(v, w) = edges[i]; to[--st[v]] = w; to[--st[w]] = v; } for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) if (par[v] == -1) dfs(v, -1, 0); for (int i = 0, curBridgeCnt = 0; i < E; i++) { if (inForest[i]) curBridgeCnt++; else { int v, w; tie(v, w) = edges[i]; for (v = mn[find(i, v)], w = mn[find(i, w)]; v != w;) { if (dep[v] < dep[w]) swap(v, w); int p = mn[find(i, par[v])]; join(v, p); v = mn[find(i, v)] = p; curTime--; curBridgeCnt--; } } bridgeCnt[i] = curBridgeCnt; curTime++; } } int getBridgeCnt(int t) { return bridgeCnt[t]; } };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "../dynamictrees/LinkCutTree.h" using namespace std; // Support offline queries for the number of bridges in a graph, after edges // have been added or removed, using a Link Cut Tree // Constructor Arguments: // V: the number of vertices in the graph // Fields: // ans: a vector of integers with the answer for each query // Functions: // addEdge(v, w): adds an edge between vertices v and w // removeEdge(v, w): removes an edge between vertices v and w, assuming // an edge exists // addBridgeQuery(): adds a query for the number of bridges in the graph // solveQueries(): solves all queries asked so far // In practice, has a moderate constant // Time Complexity: // constructor: O(1) // addEdge, removeEdge, addBridgeQuery: O(1) // solveQueries: O(V + Q (log Q + log V)) // Memory Complexity: O(V + Q) for Q edge additions/removals and queries // Tested: // https://codeforces.com/gym/100551/problem/D struct DynamicBridges { struct Node { static constexpr const int NO_COVER = INT_MIN, NO_DEL = INT_MAX; static void check(int &a, const int &b) { if ((a > b && b != NO_COVER) || a == NO_COVER) a = b; } using Data = pair<int, int>; using Lazy = Data; static const bool RANGE_UPDATES = false, RANGE_QUERIES = true; static const bool RANGE_REVERSALS = true; bool isEdge, rev; Data val, sbtr; int edgeCnt, coveredCntSub, coverLazy, covered, coveredSub; Node *l, *r, *p; Node(const Data &v) : isEdge(false), rev(false), val(v), sbtr(v), edgeCnt(0), coveredCntSub(0), coverLazy(NO_COVER), covered(NO_COVER), coveredSub(NO_COVER), l(nullptr), r(nullptr), p(nullptr) {} int getCoveredCnt() { return coverLazy == NO_COVER ? coveredCntSub : edgeCnt; } void update() { edgeCnt = isEdge; coveredCntSub = isEdge && (covered != NO_COVER); coveredSub = covered; sbtr = val; if (l) { check(coveredSub, l->coveredSub); check(coveredSub, l->coverLazy); edgeCnt += l->edgeCnt; coveredCntSub += l->getCoveredCnt(); sbtr = min(l->sbtr, sbtr); } if (r) { check(coveredSub, r->coveredSub); check(coveredSub, r->coverLazy); edgeCnt += r->edgeCnt; coveredCntSub += r->getCoveredCnt(); sbtr = min(r->sbtr, sbtr); } } void propagate() { if (rev) { if (l) l->reverse(); if (r) r->reverse(); rev = false; } if (coverLazy != NO_COVER) { covered = max(covered, coverLazy); check(coveredSub, coverLazy); if (l) l->coverLazy = max(l->coverLazy, coverLazy); if (r) r->coverLazy = max(r->coverLazy, coverLazy); coveredCntSub = edgeCnt; coverLazy = NO_COVER; } } void removeCover(int cover) { if (coverLazy <= cover) coverLazy = NO_COVER; if (coveredSub == NO_COVER || coveredSub > cover) return; if (covered <= cover) covered = NO_COVER; if (l) l->removeCover(cover); if (r) r->removeCover(cover); propagate(); update(); } void reverse() { rev = !rev; swap(l, r); } static Data qdef() { return make_pair(NO_DEL, -1); } }; int V; vector<tuple<int, int, int, int>> queries; vector<int> ans; DynamicBridges(int V) : V(V) {} void addEdge(int v, int w) { if (v > w) swap(v, w); queries.emplace_back(0, v, w, -1); } void removeEdge(int v, int w) { if (v > w) swap(v, w); queries.emplace_back(1, v, w, -1); } void addBridgeQuery() { queries.emplace_back(2, -1, -1, -1); } void solveQueries() { vector<pair<int, int>> edges; int Q = queries.size(); edges.reserve(Q); for (auto &&q : queries) if (get<0>(q) == 0) edges.emplace_back(get<1>(q), get<2>(q)); sort(edges.begin(), edges.end()); vector<int> last(edges.size(), Q); for (int i = 0; i < Q; i++) { int t, v, w, _; tie(t, v, w, _) = queries[i]; if (t == 0) { int j = lower_bound(edges.begin(), edges.end(), make_pair(v, w)) - edges.begin(); get<3>(queries[i]) = last[j]; last[j] = i; } else if (t == 1) { int j = lower_bound(edges.begin(), edges.end(), make_pair(v, w)) - edges.begin(); int temp = get<3>(queries[get<3>(queries[i]) = last[j]]); get<3>(queries[last[j]]) = i; last[j] = temp; } } vector<pair<int, int>> tmp(V + Q, make_pair(Node::NO_DEL, -1)); for (int i = 0; i < Q; i++) tmp[V + i] = make_pair(get<3>(queries[i]), i); LCT<Node> lct(tmp); int bridgeCnt = 0; for (int i = 0; i < Q; i++) lct.TR[V + i].edgeCnt = int(lct.TR[V + i].isEdge = true); auto cover = [&] (int x, int y, int coverId) { lct.queryPath(x, y); bridgeCnt += lct.TR[y].getCoveredCnt(); lct.TR[y].coverLazy = coverId; bridgeCnt -= lct.TR[y].getCoveredCnt(); }; auto uncover = [&] (int x, int y, int coverId) { lct.queryPath(x, y); bridgeCnt += lct.TR[y].getCoveredCnt(); lct.TR[y].removeCover(coverId); bridgeCnt -= lct.TR[y].getCoveredCnt(); }; auto addTreeEdge = [&] (int v, int w, int i) { lct.link(v, V + i); lct.link(w, V + i); bridgeCnt++; }; auto removeTreeEdge = [&] (int v, int w, int i) { lct.cut(v, V + i); lct.cut(w, V + i); bridgeCnt += lct.TR[V + i].getCoveredCnt() - 1; }; ans.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < Q; i++) { int t, v, w, o; tie(t, v, w, o) = queries[i]; if (t == 0) { if (v == w) continue; int z, j; tie(z, j) = lct.queryPath(v, w); if (j == -1) addTreeEdge(v, w, i); else { if (z >= o) { cover(v, w, o); continue; } int x = get<1>(queries[j]), y = get<2>(queries[j]); removeTreeEdge(x, y, j); addTreeEdge(v, w, i); cover(x, y, z); } } else if (t == 1) { if (v == w) continue; if (lct.connected(v, V + o)) removeTreeEdge(v, w, o); else uncover(v, w, i); } else if (t == 2) ans.push_back(bridgeCnt); } } };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "../../datastructures/unionfind/UnionFind.h" using namespace std; // Decomposes an undirected graph into 3-edge connected components // Vertices are 0-indexed // Constructor Arguments: // G: a generic undirected graph structure // Required Functions: // operator [v] const: iterates over the adjacency list of vertex v // (which is a list of ints) // size() const: returns the number of vertices in the graph // Fields: // id: a vector of the index of the 3-edge connected component each vertex // is part of // components: a vector of vectors containing the vertices in each 3-edge // connected component // uf: a UnionFind data structure representing the 3-edge connected // components // In practice, has a moderate constant // Time Complexity: // constructor: O((V + E) alpha V) // Memory Complexity: O(V) // Tested: // https://judge.yosupo.jp/problem/three_edge_connected_components struct ThreeEdgeCC { int V, ind; vector<int> id, pre, post, low, deg, path; vector<vector<int>> components; UnionFind uf; template <class Graph> void dfs(const Graph &G, int v, int prev) { pre[v] = ++ind; for (int w : G[v]) if (w != v) { if (w == prev) { prev = -1; continue; } if (pre[w] != -1) { if (pre[w] < pre[v]) { deg[v]++; low[v] = min(low[v], pre[w]); } else { deg[v]--; int &u = path[v]; for (; u != -1 && pre[u] <= pre[w] && pre[w] <= post[u];) { uf.join(v, u); deg[v] += deg[u]; u = path[u]; } } continue; } dfs(G, w, v); if (path[w] == -1 && deg[w] <= 1) { deg[v] += deg[w]; low[v] = min(low[v], low[w]); continue; } if (deg[w] == 0) w = path[w]; if (low[v] > low[w]) { low[v] = min(low[v], low[w]); swap(w, path[v]); } for (; w != -1; w = path[w]) { uf.join(v, w); deg[v] += deg[w]; } } post[v] = ind; } template <class Graph> ThreeEdgeCC(const Graph &G) : V(G.size()), ind(-1), id(V, -1), pre(V, -1), post(V), low(V, INT_MAX), deg(V, 0), path(V, -1), uf(V) { for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) if (pre[v] == -1) dfs(G, v, -1); components.reserve(uf.cnt); for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) if (uf.find(v) == v) { id[v] = components.size(); components.emplace_back(1, v); components.back().reserve(uf.getSize(v)); } for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) if (id[v] == -1) components[id[v] = id[uf.find(v)]].push_back(v); } };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "../dynamictrees/LinkCutTree.h" using namespace std; // Support queries for the number of bridges in a graph, after edges have been // added, using a Link Cut Tree, as well as undoing the last edge added // Constructor Arguments: // V: the number of vertices in the graph // Fields: // bridgeCnt: the current number of bridges in the graph // history: a vector of tuples storing information of the last edge added // Functions: // addEdge(v, w): adds an edge between vertices v and w // undo(v, w): undoes the last edge added to the graph // twoEdgeConnected(v, w): queries whether v and w are in the // same 2-edge connected component // Time Complexity: // constructor: O(V) // addEdge, undo, twoEdgeConnected: O(log V) amortized // Memory Complexity: O(V) // Tested: // https://codeforces.com/gym/100551/problem/D struct IncrementalBridgesUndo { struct Node { using Data = pair<int, int>; using Lazy = int; static const bool RANGE_UPDATES = true, RANGE_QUERIES = true; static const bool RANGE_REVERSALS = true; bool rev; int sz; Node *l, *r, *p; Lazy lz; Data val, sbtr; Node(const Data &v) : rev(false), sz(1), l(nullptr), r(nullptr), p(nullptr), lz(0), val(v), sbtr(v) {} void update() { sz = 1; sbtr = val; if (l) { sz += l->sz; if (sbtr.first < l->sbtr.first) sbtr = l->sbtr; else if (sbtr.first == l->sbtr.first) sbtr.second += l->sbtr.second; } if (r) { sz += r->sz; if (sbtr.first < r->sbtr.first) sbtr = r->sbtr; else if (sbtr.first == r->sbtr.first) sbtr.second += r->sbtr.second; } } void propagate() { if (rev) { if (l) l->reverse(); if (r) r->reverse(); rev = false; } if (lz != 0) { if (l) l->apply(lz); if (r) r->apply(lz); lz = 0; } } void apply(const Lazy &v) { lz += v; val.first += v; sbtr.first += v; } void reverse() { rev = !rev; swap(l, r); } static Data qdef() { return make_pair(0, 0); } }; int V, treeEdges, bridgeCnt; LCT<Node> lct; vector<tuple<int, int, int>> history; vector<pair<int, int>> init(int V) { vector<pair<int, int>> ret(max(0, V * 2 - 1), make_pair(1, 1)); fill(ret.begin(), ret.begin() + V, make_pair(0, 1)); return ret; } IncrementalBridgesUndo(int V) : V(V), treeEdges(0), bridgeCnt(0), lct(init(V)) {} void addEdge(int v, int w) { pair<int, int> q = lct.queryPath(v, w); if (q.second == 0) { lct.link(v, V + treeEdges); lct.link(w, V + treeEdges++); bridgeCnt++; history.emplace_back(v, w, -1); return; } lct.updatePathFromRoot(w, -1); if (q.first == 1) bridgeCnt -= q.second; history.emplace_back(v, w, q.first == 1 ? q.second : 0); } void undo() { int v, w, delta; tie(v, w, delta) = history.back(); history.pop_back(); if (delta < 0) { lct.cut(v, V + --treeEdges); lct.cut(w, V + treeEdges); bridgeCnt--; return; } lct.updatePath(v, w, 1); bridgeCnt += delta; } bool twoEdgeConnected(int v, int w) { return lct.queryPath(v, w).first == 0; } };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; // Computes the biconnected components of an undirected graph // Vertices are 0-indexed // Constructor Arguments: // G: a generic undirected graph structure // Required Functions: // operator [v] const: iterates over the adjacency list of vertex v // (which is a list of ints) // size() const: returns the number of vertices in the graph // blockCutForestEdges: a reference to a vector of pairs that will store the // edges in the block-cut forest with the articulation vertices having the // same index in the original graph, non articulation vertices being // isolated, and each bcc/block having an index offset by V // Fields: // ids: a vector of vectors of the indices of the bccs each vertex is part of // components: a vector of vectors containing the vertices in each bcc // articulation: a vector of booleans that indicates whether each vertex // is an articulation point or not // In practice, has a moderate constant // Time Complexity: // constructor: O(V + E) // Memory Complexity: O(V + E) // Tested: // Stress Tested // https://judge.yosupo.jp/problem/biconnected_components struct BCC { int ind; vector<int> low, pre; vector<pair<int, int>> stk; vector<bool> articulation; vector<vector<int>> ids, components; vector<vector<pair<int, int>>> edgesInComp; void assign(int x, int id) { if (ids[x].empty() || ids[x].back() != id) { ids[x].push_back(id); components.back().push_back(x); } } void makeComponent(int s) { int x, y, id = components.size(); components.emplace_back(); edgesInComp.emplace_back(); while (int(stk.size()) > s) { tie(x, y) = stk.back(); stk.pop_back(); assign(x, id); assign(y, id); edgesInComp.back().emplace_back(x, y); } } template <class Graph> void dfs(const Graph &G, int v, int prev) { low[v] = pre[v] = ind++; bool parEdge = false; int deg = 0; for (int w : G[v]) { deg++; if (w == prev && !parEdge) parEdge = true; else if (pre[w] == -1) { int s = stk.size(); stk.emplace_back(v, w); dfs(G, w, v); low[v] = min(low[v], low[w]); if (low[w] >= pre[v]) { articulation[v] = true; makeComponent(s); } } else { low[v] = min(low[v], pre[w]); if (pre[w] < pre[v]) stk.emplace_back(v, w); } } if (deg == 0) { makeComponent(0); assign(v, int(components.size()) - 1); } } template <class Graph> BCC(const Graph &G) : ind(0), low(G.size()), pre(G.size(), -1), articulation(G.size(), false), ids(G.size()) { for (int v = 0; v < int(G.size()); v++) if (pre[v] == -1) dfs(G, v, -1); } template <class Graph> BCC(const Graph &G, vector<pair<int, int>> &blockCutForestEdges) : BCC(G) { for (int v = 0; v < int(G.size()); v++) if (articulation[v]) for (int id : ids[v]) blockCutForestEdges.emplace_back(v, int(G.size()) + id); } };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "../../datastructures/trees/binarysearchtrees/Splay.h" using namespace std; // Support online queries on connected components, after edges have been // added or removed, using a level structure (log V Euler Tour Trees) // Constructor Arguments: // V: the number of vertices in the graph // Fields: // cnt: the current number of connected components // Functions: // addEdge(v, w): adds an edge between vertices v and w, assuming // no edges currently exists // removeEdge(v, w): removes an edge between vertices v and w, assuming // an edge exists // connected(v, w): returns true if v and w are in the same // connected component, false otherwise // getSize(v): returns the size of the connected component containing // vertex v // In practice, has a moderate constant, slower than DynamicConnectivityLCT and // DynamicConnectivityDivAndConq // Time Complexity: // constructor: O(V) // addEdge, connected, getSize: O(log V) amortized // removeEdge: O((log V)^2) amortized // Memory Complexity: O((V + E) log V) // Tested: // https://www.acmicpc.net/problem/17465 struct DynamicConnectivityLevelStructure { struct Node { int v, sz; Node *l, *r, *p; Node(int v) : v(v), sz(1), l(nullptr), r(nullptr), p(nullptr) {} void update() { sz = 1; if (l) sz += l->sz; if (r) sz += r->sz; } void propagate() {} }; struct Level : public Splay<Node> { vector<map<int, Node *>> T; vector<set<int>> G; vector<int> vis; int stamp; Level(int V) : T(V), G(V), vis(V, -1), stamp(0) {} void insert(Node *&root, int i, Node *n) { applyToRange(root, i, i - 1, [&] (Node *&x) { x = n; }); } Node *disconnect(Node *&root, int l, int r) { Node *ret = nullptr; applyToRange(root, l, r, [&] (Node *&x) { ret = x; x = nullptr; }); return ret; } void makeRoot(int v) { if (!T[v].empty()) { Node *l = T[v].begin()->second; int i = index(l, l); Node *r = disconnect(l, i, l->sz - 1); insert(l, 0, r); splay(T[v].begin()->second); } } int findRoot(int v) { if (T[v].empty()) return v; Node *x = T[v].begin()->second; splay(x); for (x->propagate(); x->l; (x = x->l)->propagate()); splay(x); return x->v; } bool connected(int v, int w) { return findRoot(v) == findRoot(w); } int getSize(int v) { if (T[v].empty()) return 0; Node *x = T[v].begin()->second; splay(x); return x->sz / 2 + 1; } bool addEdge(int v, int w) { G[v].insert(w); G[w].insert(v); if (!connected(v, w)) { makeRoot(v); makeRoot(w); Node *l = T[v].empty() ? nullptr : T[v].begin()->second; insert(l, l ? l->sz : 0, T[v][w] = makeNode(v)); if (!T[w].empty()) insert(l, l->sz, T[w].begin()->second); insert(l, l->sz, T[w][v] = makeNode(w)); return true; } return false; } bool removeEdge(int v, int w) { G[v].erase(w); G[w].erase(v); auto it1 = T[v].find(w); if (it1 != T[v].end()) { auto it2 = T[w].find(v); Node *a = it1->second, *b = it2->second; int i = index(a, a), j = index(b, b); if (i > j) swap(i, j); Node *c = disconnect(b, i, j); clear(disconnect(c, 0, 0)); clear(disconnect(c, c->sz - 1, c->sz - 1)); T[v].erase(it1); T[w].erase(it2); return true; } return false; } void dfs(Node *x, vector<int> &verts) { if (!x) return; if (vis[x->v] != stamp) { vis[x->v] = stamp; verts.push_back(x->v); } dfs(x->l, verts); dfs(x->r, verts); } vector<int> vertsInComp(int v) { if (T[v].empty()) return vector<int>{v}; vector<int> ret; Node *x = T[v].begin()->second; splay(x); dfs(x, ret); stamp++; return ret; } }; int V, cnt; deque<Level> lvls; DynamicConnectivityLevelStructure(int V) : V(V), cnt(V), lvls(1, Level(V)) {} void addEdge(int v, int w) { cnt -= lvls[0].addEdge(v, w); } void removeEdge(int v, int w) { int i = -1; for (int j = 0; j < int(lvls.size()); j++) if (lvls[j].removeEdge(v, w)) i = j; if (i == -1) return; pair<int, int> f = make_pair(-1, -1); cnt++; for (; f.first == -1 && i >= 0; i--) { if (i + 1 == int(lvls.size())) lvls.emplace_back(V); if (lvls[i].getSize(v) > lvls[i].getSize(w)) swap(v, w); int r = lvls[i].findRoot(w); for (int x : lvls[i].vertsInComp(v)) { for (auto &&y : lvls[i].T[x]) lvls[i + 1].addEdge(x, y.first); for (int y : lvls[i].G[x]) { if (f.first == -1 && lvls[i].findRoot(y) == r) f = make_pair(x, y); else { lvls[i + 1].G[x].insert(y); lvls[i + 1].G[y].insert(x); } } } } if (f.first != -1) for (cnt--, i++; i >= 0; i--) lvls[i].addEdge(f.first, f.second); } bool connected(int v, int w) { return lvls[0].connected(v, w); } int getSize(int v) { return lvls[0].getSize(v); } };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "../../datastructures/unionfind/UnionFind.h" using namespace std; // Computes the minimum spanning tree (or forest) using Kruskal's algorithm // Vertices are 0-indexed // Template Arguments: // T: the type of the weight of the edges // Constructor Arguments: // V: number of vertices in the graph // edges: a vector of tuples in the form (v, w, weight) representing // an undirected edge in the graph between vertices v and w with // weight of weight // Fields: // mstWeight: the weight of the mst // mstEdges: a vector of tuples of the edges in the mst // In practice, has a small constant, faster than Prim and Boruvka // Time Complexity: // constructor: O(V + E log E) // Memory Complexity: O(V + E) // Tested: // Stress Tested // https://open.kattis.com/problems/minspantree template <class T> struct KruskalMST { using Edge = tuple<int, int, T>; T mstWeight; vector<Edge> mstEdges; UnionFind uf; KruskalMST(int V, vector<Edge> edges) : mstWeight(), uf(V) { sort(edges.begin(), edges.end(), [&] (const Edge &a, const Edge &b) { return get<2>(a) < get<2>(b); }); for (auto &&e : edges) { if (int(mstEdges.size()) >= V - 1) break; if (uf.join(get<0>(e), get<1>(e))) { mstEdges.push_back(e); mstWeight += get<2>(e); } } } };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; // Computes the minimum spanning tree (or forest) using Prims's algorithm // Vertices are 0-indexed // Template Arguments: // T: the type of the weight of the edges // Constructor Arguments: // G: a generic weighted graph structure // Required Functions: // operator [v] const: iterates over the adjacency list of vertex v // (which is a list of pair<int, T> with weights of type T) // size() const: returns the number of vertices in the graph // INF: a value for infinity // Fields: // mstWeight: the weight of the mst // mstEdges: a vector of tuples of the edges in the mst // In practice, has a small constant, faster than Boruvka, slower that Kruskal // Time Complexity: // constructor: O((V + E) log E) // Memory Complexity: O(V + E) // Tested: // Stress Tested // https://open.kattis.com/problems/minspantree template <class T> struct PrimMST { using Edge = tuple<int, int, T>; T mstWeight; vector<Edge> mstEdges; struct Node { T d; int v; Node(T d, int v) : d(d), v(v) {} bool operator < (const Node &o) const { return d > o.d; } }; template <class WeightedGraph> PrimMST(const WeightedGraph &G, T INF = numeric_limits<T>::max()) : mstWeight() { int V = G.size(); vector<bool> done(V, false); vector<T> mn(V, INF); vector<int> to(V, -1); std::priority_queue<Node> PQ; for (int s = 0; s < V; s++) if (!done[s]) { PQ.emplace(mn[s] = T(), s); while (!PQ.empty()) { int v = PQ.top().v; PQ.pop(); if (done[v]) continue; done[v] = true; for (auto &&e : G[v]) if (!done[e.first] && e.second < mn[e.first]) { to[e.first] = v; PQ.emplace(mn[e.first] = e.second, e.first); } } } for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) if (to[v] != -1) { mstEdges.emplace_back(v, to[v], mn[v]); mstWeight += mn[v]; } } };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "../../datastructures/unionfind/UnionFind.h" using namespace std; // Computes the minimum spanning tree (or forest) using Boruvka's algorithm // Vertices are 0-indexed // Template Arguments: // T: the type of the weight of the edges // Constructor Arguments: // V: number of vertices in the graph // edges: a vector of tuples in the form (v, w, weight) representing // an undirected edge in the graph between vertices v and w with // weight of weight // Fields: // mstWeight: the weight of the mst // mstEdges: a vector of tuples of the edges in the mst // In practice, has a small constant, slower than Prim and Kruskal // Time Complexity: // constructor: O(V + E log V) // Memory Complexity: O(V) // Tested: // Stress Tested // https://open.kattis.com/problems/minspantree template <class T> struct BoruvkaMST { using Edge = tuple<int, int, T>; T mstWeight; vector<Edge> mstEdges; UnionFind uf; BoruvkaMST(int V, const vector<Edge> &edges) : mstWeight(), uf(V) { for (int t = 1; t < V && int(mstEdges.size()) < V - 1; t *= 2) { vector<int> closest(V, -1); for (int e = 0; e < int(edges.size()); e++) { int v = uf.find(get<0>(edges[e])), w = uf.find(get<1>(edges[e])); if (v == w) continue; if (closest[v] == -1 || get<2>(edges[e]) < get<2>(edges[closest[v]])) closest[v] = e; if (closest[w] == -1 || get<2>(edges[e]) < get<2>(edges[closest[w]])) closest[w] = e; } for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) if (closest[v] != -1 && uf.join(get<0>(edges[closest[v]]), get<1>(edges[closest[v]]))) { mstEdges.push_back(edges[closest[v]]); mstWeight += get<2>(edges[closest[v]]); } } } };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "../../datastructures/trees/heaps/SkewHeapIncremental.h" #include "../../datastructures/unionfind/UnionFindUndo.h" using namespace std; // Computes the minimum arborescence, or directed minimum spanning tree using // Gabow's variant of Edmonds' algorithm // The directed minimum spanning tree is a set of edges such that every vertex // is reachable from the root, the sum of the edge weights is minimized // Template Arguments: // T: the type of the weight of the edges // Constructor Arguments: // V: number of vertices in the directed graph // edges: a vector of tuples in the form (v, w, weight) representing // a directed edge in the graph from vertex v to w with // weight of weight // root: the root of the directed mst to find // INF: a value for infinity // Fields: // mstWeight: the weight of the directed mst, or INF if none exist // mstEdges: a vector of tuples of the edges in the directed mst // In practice, has a moderate constant // Time Complexity: // constructor: O((V + E) log V) // Memory Complexity: O(V + E) // Tested: // https://open.kattis.com/contests/nwerc18open/problems/fastestspeedrun // https://codeforces.com/contest/240/problem/E // https://judge.yosupo.jp/problem/directedmst template <class T> struct GabowMinArborescence { using Edge = tuple<int, int, T>; struct Pair { Edge e; int ind; Pair(const Edge &e, int ind) : e(e), ind(ind) {} bool operator > (const Pair &p) const { return get<2>(e) > get<2>(p.e); } Pair &operator += (const T &add) { get<2>(e) += add; return *this; } }; using Heap = SkewHeapIncremental<Pair, greater<Pair>, T>; T INF, mstWeight; vector<Edge> mstEdges; GabowMinArborescence(int V, const vector<Edge> &edges, int root, T INF = numeric_limits<T>::max()) : INF(INF), mstWeight() { UnionFindUndo uf(V); vector<int> vis(V, -1); vis[root] = root; vector<Edge> in(V, Edge(-1, -1, T())); vector<Heap> H(V); for (int i = 0; i < int(edges.size()); i++) H[get<1>(edges[i])].push(Pair(edges[i], i)); vector<tuple<int, int, vector<Edge>>> cycs; for (int s = 0; s < V; s++) { int v = s; vector<pair<int, Edge>> path; while (vis[v] < 0) { if (H[v].empty()) { mstWeight = INF; return; } vis[v] = s; Pair p = H[v].pop(); path.emplace_back(v, edges[p.ind]); H[v].increment(-get<2>(p.e)); v = uf.find(get<0>(p.e)); mstWeight += get<2>(p.e); if (vis[v] == s) { Heap h; vector<Edge> E; int w, t = uf.history.size(); do { h.merge(H[w = path.back().first]); E.push_back(path.back().second); path.pop_back(); } while (uf.join(v, w)); H[v = uf.find(v)] = move(h); vis[v] = -1; cycs.emplace_back(v, t, E); } } for (auto &&p : path) in[uf.find(get<1>(p.second))] = p.second; } while (!cycs.empty()) { int v, t; vector<Edge> E; tie(v, t, E) = cycs.back(); cycs.pop_back(); while (int(uf.history.size()) > t) uf.undo(); Edge inEdge = in[v]; for (auto &&e : E) in[uf.find(get<1>(e))] = e; in[uf.find(get<1>(inEdge))] = inEdge; } for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) if (get<1>(in[v]) != -1) mstEdges.push_back(in[v]); } };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "../../datastructures/unionfind/UnionFindUndo.h" using namespace std; // Support offline queries for the minimum spanning tree, after edges have been // added or removed, using divide and conquer and UnionFindUndo // Template Arguments: // T: the type of the weight of the edges // Constructor Arguments: // V: number of vertices in the graph // Fields: // ans: a vector of type T with the minimum spanning tree for each query // Functions: // addEdge(v, w, weight): adds an edge between vertices v and w with // a weight of weight // removeEdge(v, w, weight): removes an edge between vertices v and w with // a weight of weight, assuming such an edge exists // addMstQuery(v, w): adds a query asking for the current minimum spanning // tree (or forest) // solveQueries(): solves all queries asked so far // In practice, has a small constant // Time Complexity: // constructor: O(V) // addEdge, removeEdge, addMstQuery: O(1) // solveQueries: O(V + Q log Q (log Q + log V)) // Memory Complexity: O(V + Q) for Q edge additions/removals and queries // Tested: // https://dmoj.ca/problem/ccoprep4p3 template <class T> struct DynamicMSTDivAndConq { int V; vector<tuple<int, int, int, T, int>> queries; vector<T> ans; DynamicMSTDivAndConq(int V) : V(V) {} void addEdge(int v, int w, T weight) { if (v > w) swap(v, w); queries.emplace_back(0, v, w, weight, -1); } void removeEdge(int v, int w, T weight) { if (v > w) swap(v, w); queries.emplace_back(1, v, w, weight, -1); } void addMstQuery() { queries.emplace_back(2, -1, -1, T(), -1); } void solveQueries() { vector<tuple<int, int, T>> edges; int Q = queries.size(); edges.reserve(Q); for (auto &&q : queries) if (get<0>(q) == 0) edges.emplace_back(get<1>(q), get<2>(q), get<3>(q)); sort(edges.begin(), edges.end()); vector<int> cntAdd(edges.size(), 0), cntRem = cntAdd, qinds{-1}; qinds.reserve(Q); for (int i = 0; i < Q; i++) { int t, v, w, _; T weight; tie(t, v, w, weight, _) = queries[i]; tuple<int, int, T> e(v, w, weight); if (t == 0) { int j = lower_bound(edges.begin(), edges.end(), e) - edges.begin(); get<4>(queries[i]) = j + cntAdd[j]++; } else if (t == 1) { int j = lower_bound(edges.begin(), edges.end(), e) - edges.begin(); get<4>(queries[i]) = j + cntRem[j]++; } else if (t == 2) qinds.push_back(i); } UnionFindUndo uf(V); ans.clear(); ans.reserve(Q); vector<bool> active(edges.size(), false), changed(edges.size(), false); auto cmpEdge = [&] (int i, int j) { return active[i] == active[j] ? get<2>(edges[i]) < get<2>(edges[j]) : active[i]; }; function<void(int, int, vector<int> &, T)> dc = [&] (int ql, int qr, vector<int> &maybe, T curMST) { int curSize = uf.history.size(); if (ql == qr) { for (int i = qinds[ql - 1] + 1; i <= qinds[qr]; i++) { int t = get<0>(queries[i]), j = get<4>(queries[i]); if (t == 0) active[j] = true; else if (t == 1) active[j] = false; else if (t == 2) { sort(maybe.begin(), maybe.end(), cmpEdge); for (int j : maybe) if (active[j] && uf.join(get<0>(edges[j]), get<1>(edges[j]))) curMST += get<2>(edges[j]); ans.push_back(curMST); while (int(uf.history.size()) > curSize) uf.undo(); } } return; } sort(maybe.begin(), maybe.end(), cmpEdge); for (int i = qinds[ql - 1] + 1; i <= qinds[qr]; i++) if (get<0>(queries[i]) <= 1) { int j = get<4>(queries[i]); changed[j] = true; uf.join(get<0>(edges[j]), get<1>(edges[j])); } vector<int> must; for (int j : maybe) if (!changed[j] && uf.join(get<0>(edges[j]), get<1>(edges[j]))) must.push_back(j); while (int(uf.history.size()) > curSize) uf.undo(); for (int j : must) if (uf.join(get<0>(edges[j]), get<1>(edges[j]))) curMST += get<2>(edges[j]); int curSize2 = uf.history.size(); vector<int> newMaybe; for (int j : maybe) if (changed[j] || uf.join(get<0>(edges[j]), get<1>(edges[j]))) newMaybe.push_back(j); while (int(uf.history.size()) > curSize2) uf.undo(); for (int i = qinds[ql - 1] + 1; i <= qinds[qr]; i++) if (get<0>(queries[i]) <= 1) changed[get<4>(queries[i])] = false; int qm = ql + (qr - ql) / 2; dc(ql, qm, newMaybe, curMST); dc(qm + 1, qr, newMaybe, curMST); while (int(uf.history.size()) > curSize) uf.undo(); }; if (int(qinds.size()) > 1) { vector<int> maybe(edges.size()); iota(maybe.begin(), maybe.end(), 0); dc(1, int(qinds.size()) - 1, maybe, T()); } } };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "../dynamictrees/LinkCutTree.h" using namespace std; // Supports queries for the minimum spanning tree (or forest) after // edges have been added, using a Link Cut Tree // Template Arguments: // T: the type of the weight of the edges // Constructor Arguments: // V: number of vertices in the graph // NEG_INF: a value for negative infinity of type T // Fields: // mstWeight: the weight of the current mst // mstEdges: a vector of tuples of the edges in the current mst in the form // (v, w, weight) representing an undirected edge in the graph between // vertices v and w with weight of weight // lct: a Link Cut Tree of the current mst of the graph // Functions: // addEdge(v, w, weight): adds an undirected edge in the graph between // vertices v and w with weight of weight // In practice, has a moderate constant // Time Complexity: // constructor: O(V) // addEdge: O(log V) amortized // Memory Complexity: O(V) // Tested: // https://dmoj.ca/problem/noi14p2 // https://open.kattis.com/problems/minspantree // https://codeforces.com/gym/101047/problem/I template <class T> struct IncrementalMST { struct Node { using Data = pair<T, int>; using Lazy = Data; static const bool RANGE_UPDATES = false, RANGE_QUERIES = true; static const bool RANGE_REVERSALS = true; bool rev; Node *l, *r, *p; Data val, sbtr; Node(const Data &v) : rev(false), l(nullptr), r(nullptr), p(nullptr), val(v), sbtr(v) {} void update() { sbtr = val; if (l) { sbtr = max(l->sbtr, sbtr); } if (r) { sbtr = max(sbtr, r->sbtr); } } void propagate() { if (rev) { if (l) l->reverse(); if (r) r->reverse(); rev = false; } } void apply(const Lazy &v) { val = sbtr = v; } void reverse() { rev = !rev; swap(l, r); } static Data qdef() { return make_pair(T(), -1); } }; using Edge = tuple<int, int, T>; int V, top; vector<int> stk; T mstWeight; vector<Edge> mstEdges; LCT<Node> lct; IncrementalMST(int V, T NEG_INF = numeric_limits<T>::lowest()) : V(V), top(max(0, V - 1)), stk(top), mstWeight(T()), lct(vector<pair<T, int>>(V + top, make_pair(NEG_INF, -1))) { iota(stk.rbegin(), stk.rend(), 0); mstEdges.reserve(top); } void addEdge(int v, int w, T weight) { if (v == w) return; T z; int j; tie(z, j) = lct.queryPath(v, w); if (j != -1) { if (z <= weight) return; lct.cut(get<0>(mstEdges[j]), V + j); lct.cut(get<1>(mstEdges[j]), V + j); stk[top++] = j; mstWeight -= z; } j = stk[--top]; Edge e(v, w, weight); if (j >= int(mstEdges.size())) mstEdges.push_back(e); else mstEdges[j] = e; lct.updateVertex(V + j, make_pair(weight, j)); lct.link(v, V + j); lct.link(w, V + j); mstWeight += weight; } };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "../dynamictrees/LinkCutTree.h" using namespace std; // Supports queries for the minimum spanning tree (or forest) after // edges have been added, using a Link Cut Tree, as well as undoing the // last edge added // Template Arguments: // T: the type of the weight of the edges // Constructor Arguments: // V: number of vertices in the graph // NEG_INF: a value for negative infinity of type T // Fields: // mstWeight: the weight of the current mst // mstEdges: a vector of tuples of the edges in the current mst in the form // (v, w, weight) representing an undirected edge in the graph between // vertices v and w with weight of weight // lct: a Link Cut Tree of the current mst of the graph // history: a vector of tuples storing information of the last edge added // Functions: // addEdge(v, w, weight): adds an undirected edge in the graph between // vertices v and w with weight of weight // undo(): undoes the last edge added to the graph // In practice, has a moderate constant // Time Complexity: // constructor: O(V) // addEdge, undo: O(log V) amortized // Memory Complexity: O(V) // Tested: // https://dmoj.ca/problem/ccoprep4p3 template <class T> struct IncrementalMSTUndo { struct Node { using Data = pair<T, int>; using Lazy = Data; static const bool RANGE_UPDATES = false, RANGE_QUERIES = true; static const bool RANGE_REVERSALS = true; bool rev; Node *l, *r, *p; Data val, sbtr; Node(const Data &v) : rev(false), l(nullptr), r(nullptr), p(nullptr), val(v), sbtr(v) {} void update() { sbtr = val; if (l) { sbtr = max(l->sbtr, sbtr); } if (r) { sbtr = max(sbtr, r->sbtr); } } void propagate() { if (rev) { if (l) l->reverse(); if (r) r->reverse(); rev = false; } } void apply(const Lazy &v) { val = sbtr = v; } void reverse() { rev = !rev; swap(l, r); } static Data qdef() { return make_pair(T(), -1); } }; using Edge = tuple<int, int, T>; int V, top; vector<int> stk; T mstWeight; vector<Edge> mstEdges; LCT<Node> lct; vector<tuple<int, Edge, int, Edge, bool>> history; IncrementalMSTUndo(int V, T NEG_INF = numeric_limits<T>::lowest()) : V(V), top(max(0, V - 1)), stk(top), mstWeight(T()), lct(vector<pair<T, int>>(V + top, make_pair(NEG_INF, -1))) { iota(stk.rbegin(), stk.rend(), 0); mstEdges.reserve(top); } void addEdge(int v, int w, T weight) { Edge e(v, w, weight); history.emplace_back(-1, e, -1, e, false); if (v == w) return; T z; int j; tie(z, j) = lct.queryPath(v, w); if (j != -1) { if (z <= weight) return; lct.cut(get<0>(mstEdges[j]), V + j); lct.cut(get<1>(mstEdges[j]), V + j); get<0>(history.back()) = stk[top++] = j; mstWeight -= z; get<1>(history.back()) = mstEdges[j]; } get<2>(history.back()) = j = stk[--top]; if (j >= int(mstEdges.size())) { mstEdges.push_back(e); get<4>(history.back()) = true; } else mstEdges[j] = e; lct.updateVertex(V + j, make_pair(weight, j)); lct.link(v, V + j); lct.link(w, V + j); mstWeight += weight; get<3>(history.back()) = e; } void undo() { int j = get<2>(history.back()); Edge e = get<3>(history.back()); if (j != -1) { mstWeight -= get<2>(e); stk[top++] = j; lct.cut(get<0>(e), V + j); lct.cut(get<1>(e), V + j); if (get<4>(history.back())) mstEdges.pop_back(); } j = get<0>(history.back()); e = get<1>(history.back()); if (j != -1) { mstWeight += get<2>(e); --top; mstEdges[j] = e; lct.updateVertex(V + j, make_pair(get<2>(e), j)); lct.link(get<0>(e), V + j); lct.link(get<1>(e), V + j); } history.pop_back(); } };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; // Computes the minimum spanning tree (or forest) using Classical Prims's // algorithm // Vertices are 0-indexed // Constructor Arguments: // G: a generic weighted graph structure // with the [] operator (const) defined to iterate over the adjacency list // (which is a list of pair<int, T> with weights of type T), as well as a // member function size() (const) that returns the number of vertices // in the graph // INF: a value for infinity // Fields: // mstWeight: the weight of the mst // mstEdges: a vector of tuples of the edges in the mst // In practice, has a small constant // Time Complexity: // constructor: O(V^2 + E) // Memory Complexity: O(V + E) // Tested: // Stress Tested // https://mcpt.ca/problem/anmstproblem template <class T> struct ClassicalPrimMST { using Edge = tuple<int, int, T>; T mstWeight; vector<Edge> mstEdges; template <class WeightedGraph> ClassicalPrimMST(const WeightedGraph &G, T INF = numeric_limits<T>::max()) : mstWeight() { int V = G.size(); vector<bool> done(V, false); vector<T> mn(V, INF); vector<int> to(V, -1); for (int s = 0; s < V; s++) if (!done[s]) { mn[s] = T(); while (true) { int v = -1; for (int w = 0; w < V; w++) if (!done[w] && (v == -1 || mn[v] > mn[w])) v = w; if (v == -1 || mn[v] >= INF) break; done[v] = true; for (auto &&e : G[v]) if (!done[e.first] && e.second < mn[e.first]) { to[e.first] = v; mn[e.first] = e.second; } } } for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) if (to[v] != -1) { mstEdges.emplace_back(v, to[v], mn[v]); mstWeight += mn[v]; } } };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "KruskalMST.h" using namespace std; // Computes the minimum spanning tree of a complete graph of N points where // the edge weights is equal to the Manhattan distance between the // points |x_i - x_j| + |y_i - y_j| // Generates up to 4N candidate edges with each point connected to its nearest // neighbour in each octant // Vertices are 0-indexed // Template Arguments: // T: the type of the coordinates of the points // Constructor Arguments: // P: a vector of pairs of type T representing the points // Fields: // mstWeight: the weight of the mst // mstEdges: a vector of tuples of the edges in the mst with the vertices // corresponding to the original indices of P // In practice, has a moderate constant // Time Complexity: O(N log N) // Memory Complexity: O(N) // Tested: // https://judge.yosupo.jp/problem/manhattanmst template <class T> struct ManhattanMST : public KruskalMST<T> { using Edge = typename KruskalMST<T>::Edge; static vector<Edge> generateCandidates(vector<pair<T, T>> P) { vector<int> id(P.size()); iota(id.begin(), id.end(), 0); vector<Edge> ret; ret.reserve(P.size() * 4); for (int h = 0; h < 4; h++) { sort(id.begin(), id.end(), [&] (int i, int j) { return P[i].first - P[j].first < P[j].second - P[i].second; }); map<T, int> M; for (int i : id) { auto it = M.lower_bound(-P[i].second); for (; it != M.end(); it = M.erase(it)) { int j = it->second; T dx = P[i].first - P[j].first, dy = P[i].second - P[j].second; if (dy > dx) break; ret.emplace_back(i, j, dx + dy); } M[-P[i].second] = i; } for (auto &&p : P) { if (h % 2) p.first = -p.first; else swap(p.first, p.second); } } return ret; } ManhattanMST(const vector<pair<T, T>> &P) : KruskalMST<T>(P.size(), generateCandidates(P)) {} };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "IncrementalBipartiteUndo.h" #include "../../queries/LIFOSetDivAndConq.h" using namespace std; // Support offline queries on connected components and bipartiteness, after // edges have been added or removed, using divide and conquer // Constructor Arguments: // V: the number of vertices in the graph // Fields: // ans: a vector of integers with the answer for // each query (1 is true, 0 is false for boolean queries) // Functions: // addEdge(v, w): adds an edge between vertices v and w // removeEdge(v, w): removes an edge between vertices v and w, assuming // an edge exists // addConnectedQuery(v, w): adds a query asking whether v and w are in the // same connected component // addSizeQuery(v): adds a query asking for the number of vertices in the // same connected component as vertex v // addCntQuery(): adds a query asking for the number of connected components // addComponentBipartiteQuery(v): adds a query asking for whether the // connected component containing vertex v is bipartite // addBipartiteGraphQuery(): adds a query asking if the graph is bipartite // addColorQuery(v): adds a query asking for the color of vertex v for one // possible coloring of the graph, assuming the component is bipartite // addPathParityQuery(v, w): adds a query asking for the parity of the path // from v to w (false if even number of edges, true if odd), assuming the // component is bipartite and v and w are connected // solveQueries(): solves all queries asked so far // In practice, has a small constant // Time Complexity: // constructor: O(1) // addEdge, removeEdge, addConnectedQuery, addSizeQuery, addCntQuery: O(1) // addComponentBipartiteQuery, addBipartiteGraphQuery: O(1) // addColorQuery, addPathParity: O(1) // solveQueries: O(V + Q log Q log V) // Memory Complexity: O(V + Q) for Q edge additions/removals and queries // Tested: // https://codeforces.com/contest/813/problem/F struct DynamicBipartiteDivAndConq { struct S { using T = pair<int, int>; using R = int; struct Q { int type, v, w; }; IncrementalBipartiteUndo uf; S(int V) : uf(V) {} void push(const T &e) { uf.addEdge(e.first, e.second); } void pop() { uf.undo(); } R query(const Q &q) { if (q.type == 1) return uf.connected(q.v, q.w); else if (q.type == 2) return uf.getSize(q.v); else if (q.type == 3) return uf.cnt; else if (q.type == 4) return uf.componentBipartite(q.v); else if (q.type == 5) return uf.bipartiteGraph; else if (q.type == 6) return uf.color(q.v); else return uf.pathParity(q.v, q.w); } }; int V; LIFOSetDivAndConq<S> s; vector<int> &ans = s.ans; DynamicBipartiteDivAndConq(int V) : V(V) {} void addEdge(int v, int w) { if (v > w) swap(v, w); s.addElement(make_pair(v, w)); } void removeEdge(int v, int w) { if (v > w) swap(v, w); s.removeElement(make_pair(v, w)); } void addConnectedQuery(int v, int w) { S::Q q; q.type = 1; q.v = v; q.w = w; s.addQuery(q); } void addSizeQuery(int v) { S::Q q; q.type = 2; q.v = q.w = v; s.addQuery(q); } void addCntQuery() { S::Q q; q.type = 3; q.v = q.w = -1; s.addQuery(q); } void addComponentBipartiteQuery(int v) { S::Q q; q.type = 4; q.v = q.w = v; s.addQuery(q); } void addBipartiteGraphQuery() { S::Q q; q.type = 5; q.v = q.w = -1; s.addQuery(q); } void addColorQuery(int v) { S::Q q; q.type = 6; q.v = q.w = v; s.addQuery(q); } void addPathParityQuery(int v, int w) { S::Q q; q.type = 7; q.v = v; q.w = w; s.addQuery(q); } void solveQueries() { s.solveQueries(V); } };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; // Supports queries for whether a graph component is bipartite // after edges have been added using Union Find by size supporting undos // Vertices are 0-indexed // V: the number of vertices in the graph // Fields: // UF: a vector of integers representing the parent of each vertex in the // tree, or the negative of the size of the connected component if that // vertex is a root // P: a vector of booleans representing the parity of the path to the root // of that connected component // B: a vector of booleans representing whether the component rooted at the // vertex is bipartite for root vertices, undefined otherwise // cnt: the current number of connected components // bipartiteGraph: a boolean indicating whether the current graph is // bipartite or not // history: a vector of tuples storing the history of all addEdge calls // Functions: // find(v): returns a pair containing the root of the connected component and // the parity of the path from the root to vertex v // addEdge(v, w): adds an edge between vertices v and w // undo(): undoes the last edge added by popping from the history stack // connected(v, w): returns true if v and w are in the same // connected component, false otherwise // getSize(v): returns the size of the connected component containing // vertex v // componentBipartite(v): returns whether the connected component containing // vertex v is bipartite or not // color(v): returns the color of vertex v for one // possible coloring of the graph, assuming the component is bipartite // pathParity(v, w): return the parity of the path from // v to w (false if even number of edges, true if odd), assuming the // component is bipartite and v and w are connected // Time Complexity: // constructor: O(V) // find, addEdge, connected, getSize: O(log V) // componentBipartite, color, pathParity: O(log V) // undo: O(1) // Memory Complexity: O(V + Q) for Q calls to addEdge // Tested: // https://www.spoj.com/problems/BUGLIFE/ // https://cses.fi/problemset/task/1668 // https://codeforces.com/contest/813/problem/F struct IncrementalBipartiteUndo { vector<int> UF; vector<bool> P, B; int cnt; bool bipartiteGraph; vector<tuple<int, int, int, bool, bool>> history; IncrementalBipartiteUndo(int V) : UF(V, -1), P(V, false), B(V, true), cnt(V), bipartiteGraph(true) {} pair<int, bool> find(int v) { bool p = P[v]; for (; UF[v] >= 0; p ^= P[v = UF[v]]); return make_pair(v, p); } void addEdge(int v, int w) { bool pv, pw; tie(v, pv) = find(v); tie(w, pw) = find(w); if (v == w) { history.emplace_back(v, w, 0, bipartiteGraph, B[v]); bipartiteGraph &= (B[v] = B[v] & (pv ^ pw)); return; } if (UF[v] > UF[w]) { swap(v, w); swap(pv, pw); } history.emplace_back(v, w, UF[w], P[w], B[v]); UF[v] += UF[w]; UF[w] = v; P[w] = pv ^ pw ^ 1; B[v] = B[v] & B[w]; cnt--; } void undo() { int v, w, ufw; bool pw, bv; tie(v, w, ufw, pw, bv) = history.back(); history.pop_back(); B[v] = bv; if (ufw == 0) bipartiteGraph = pw; else { UF[w] = ufw; UF[v] -= UF[w]; P[w] = pw; cnt++; } } bool connected(int v, int w) { return find(v).first == find(w).first; } int getSize(int v) { return -UF[find(v).first]; } bool componentBipartite(int v) { return B[find(v).first]; } bool color(int v) { return find(v).second; } bool pathParity(int v, int w) { return color(v) ^ color(w); } };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; // Supports queries for whether a graph component is bipartite // after edges have been added using Union Find by size with path compression // Vertices are 0-indexed // V: the number of vertices in the graph // Fields: // UF: a vector of integers representing the parent of each vertex in the // tree, or the negative of the size of the connected component if that // vertex is a root // P: a vector of booleans representing the parity of the path to the root // of that connected component // B: a vector of booleans representing whether the component rooted at the // vertex is bipartite for root vertices, undefined otherwise // cnt: the current number of connected components // bipartiteGraph: a boolean indicating whether the current graph is // bipartite or not // Functions: // find(v): returns a pair containing the root of the connected component and // the parity of the path from the root to vertex v // addEdge(v, w): adds an edge between vertices v and w // connected(v, w): returns true if v and w are in the same // connected component, false otherwise // getSize(v): returns the size of the connected component containing // vertex v // componentBipartite(v): returns whether the connected component containing // vertex v is bipartite or not // color(v): returns the color of vertex v for one // possible coloring of the graph, assuming the component is bipartite // pathParity(v, w): return the parity of the path from // v to w (false if even number of edges, true if odd), assuming the // component is bipartite and v and w are connected // Time Complexity: // constructor: O(V) // find, addEdge, connected, getSize, componentBipartite, color, pathParity: // O(alpha V) amortized, O(log V) worse case // Memory Complexity: O(V) // Tested: // Stress Tested // https://www.spoj.com/problems/BUGLIFE/ // https://cses.fi/problemset/task/1668 // https://tlx.toki.id/problems/troc-16/D struct IncrementalBipartite { vector<int> UF; vector<bool> P, B; int cnt; bool bipartiteGraph; IncrementalBipartite(int V) : UF(V, -1), P(V, false), B(V, true), cnt(V), bipartiteGraph(true) {} pair<int, bool> find(int v) { bool p = P[v]; for (; UF[v] >= 0; p ^= P[v = UF[v]]) if (UF[UF[v]] >= 0) { p ^= P[UF[v]]; P[v] = P[v] ^ P[UF[v]]; UF[v] = UF[UF[v]]; } return make_pair(v, p); } void addEdge(int v, int w) { bool pv, pw; tie(v, pv) = find(v); tie(w, pw) = find(w); if (v == w) { bipartiteGraph &= (B[v] = B[v] & (pv ^ pw)); return; } if (UF[v] > UF[w]) { swap(v, w); swap(pv, pw); } UF[v] += UF[w]; UF[w] = v; P[w] = pv ^ pw ^ 1; B[v] = B[v] & B[w]; cnt--; } bool connected(int v, int w) { return find(v).first == find(w).first; } int getSize(int v) { return -UF[find(v).first]; } bool componentBipartite(int v) { return B[find(v).first]; } bool color(int v) { return find(v).second; } bool pathParity(int v, int w) { return color(v) ^ color(w); } };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; // Determines whether an undirected graph is bipartite, or whether it has // an odd cycle // Vertices are 0-indexed // Constructor Arguments: // G: a generic undirected graph structure // Required Functions: // operator [v] const: iterates over the adjacency list of vertex v // (which is a list of ints) // size() const: returns the number of vertices in the graph // Fields: // bipartite: a boolean indicating whether the graph is bipartite or not // color: a vector of booleans for one possible bipartite coloring // oddCycle: a vector of the vertices in an odd cycle of the graph, empty // if the graph is bipartite // In practice, has a moderate constant // Time Complexity: // constructor: O(V + E) // Memory Complexity: O(V) // Tested: // Stress Tested // https://www.spoj.com/problems/BUGLIFE/ // https://cses.fi/problemset/task/1669 struct Bipartite { int V; bool bipartite; vector<bool> color; vector<int> oddCycle; template <class Graph> Bipartite(const Graph &G) : V(G.size()), bipartite(true), color(V, false) { vector<int> to(G.size(), -2), q(G.size()), stk(G.size()); int top = 0; for (int s = 0; s < V && bipartite; s++) if (to[s] == -2) { int front = 0, back = 0; to[q[back++] = s] = -1; while (front < back) { int v = q[front++]; for (int w : G[v]) { if (to[w] == -2) color[q[back++] = w] = !color[to[w] = v]; else if (color[w] == color[v]) { bipartite = false; int x = v, y = w; while (x != y) { x = to[stk[top++] = x]; oddCycle.push_back(y); y = to[y]; } stk[top++] = x; while (top > 0) oddCycle.push_back(stk[--top]); oddCycle.push_back(w); return; } } } } } };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; // Computes the dominator tree rooted at a vertex // A vertex dominates v another vertex w if all paths from the root to w must // pass through v // A vertex v is an immediate dominator of w if v dominates w and no other // vertex dominates w // Vertices are 0-indexed // Constructor Arguments: // G: a generic directed graph structure // Required Functions: // operator [v] const: iterates over the adjacency list of vertex v // (which is a list of ints) // size() const: returns the number of vertices in the graph // Fields: // idom: a vector of the immediate dominator of each vertex, or -1 if it // is not connected to the root, or is the root vertex // In practice, has a small constant // Time Complexity: // constructor: O(V + E log V) // Memory Complexity: O(V + E) // Tested: // https://judge.yosupo.jp/problem/dominatortree struct DominatorTree { int V, ind; vector<int> idom, sdom, par, ord, U, UF, m; vector<vector<int>> bucket, H; int find(int v) { if (UF[v] == v) return v; int fv = find(UF[v]); if (sdom[m[v]] > sdom[m[UF[v]]]) m[v] = m[UF[v]]; return UF[v] = fv; } int eval(int v) { find(v); return m[v]; } template <class Digraph> void dfs(const Digraph &G, int v) { ord[sdom[v] = ind++] = v; for (int w : G[v]) if (sdom[w] == -1) { par[w] = v; dfs(G, w); } } template <class Digraph> DominatorTree(const Digraph &G, int root) : V(G.size()), ind(0), idom(V, -1), sdom(V, -1), par(V, -1), ord(V, -1), U(V, -1), UF(V), m(V), bucket(V), H(V) { for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) { UF[v] = m[v] = v; for (int w : G[v]) H[w].push_back(v); } dfs(G, root); for (int i = ind - 1; i > 0; i--) { int w = ord[i]; for (int v : H[w]) if (sdom[v] >= 0) sdom[w] = min(sdom[w], sdom[eval(v)]); bucket[ord[sdom[w]]].push_back(w); for (int v : bucket[par[w]]) U[v] = eval(v); bucket[UF[w] = par[w]].clear(); } for (int i = 1; i < ind; i++) { int w = ord[i], u = U[w]; idom[w] = sdom[w] == sdom[u] ? sdom[w] : idom[u]; } for (int i = 1; i < ind; i++) { int w = ord[i]; idom[w] = ord[idom[w]]; } } };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; // Recursive helper function template <const int MAXV, class F> void maximalCliques(const vector<bitset<MAXV>> &matrix, F &f, bitset<MAXV> P, bitset<MAXV> X, bitset<MAXV> R) { if (!P.any()) { if (!X.any()) f(R); return; } auto q = (P | X)._Find_first(); auto cands = P & ~matrix[q]; for (int i = 0; i < int(matrix.size()); i++) if (cands[i]) { R[i] = 1; maximalCliques<MAXV, F>(matrix, f, P & matrix[i], X & matrix[i], R); R[i] = P[i] = 0; X[i] = 1; } } // Runs a callback on the maximal cliques in a graph // A clique is maximal if any vertex added to it would result in a non-clique // Vertices are 0-indexed // Template Arguments: // MAXV: the maximum number of vertices in the graph // F: the type of the function f // Function Arguments: // matrix: a matrix of bitsets representing the adjacency matrix of the // graph, must be symmetric // f(s): the function to run a callback on for each clique, where s is a // bitset representing which vertices are in the clique // In practice, has a very small constant // Time Complexity: O(3^(V / 3)), much faster in practice // Memory Complexity: O(V^2 / 64) // Tested: // https://open.kattis.com/problems/friends template <const int MAXV, class F> void maximalCliques(const vector<bitset<MAXV>> &matrix, F f) { maximalCliques<MAXV, F>(matrix, f, ~bitset<MAXV>(), bitset<MAXV>(), bitset<MAXV>()); }
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "../components/StronglyConnectedComponents.h" using namespace std; // Solves the two satisfiability problem and provides all possible values // for each variable // Given an implication graph, determine whether a consistent assignment exists // Functions for created an implication graph can be seen in ImplicationGraph.h // Variables are 0-indexed // Template Arguments: // MAXN: the maximum number of variables // Constructor Arguments: // G: the implication graph with N * 2 vertices for N variables with vertex // a * 2 + 1 representing the affirmative for variable a, and a * 2 // representing the negative for variable a // Required Functions: // operator [v] const: iterates over the adjacency list of vertex v // which is a list of ints) // size() const: returns the number of vertices in the graph // Fields: // scc: the SCC of the implication graph // possibilities: a vector of integers representing the possible values for // that variable; 0 if guaranteed to be false, 1 if guaranteed to be true, // 2 otherwise // In practice, has a very small constant // Time Complexity: // constructor: O(N + M + MAXN M / 32) for M equations // Memory Complexity: O(N + M + MAXN M / 32) // Tested: // https://dmoj.ca/problem/wac1p5 template <const int MAXN> struct TwoSatExtended { vector<pair<int, int>> DAG; SCC scc; vector<bitset<MAXN * 2>> dp; vector<int> possibilities; template <class ImplicationGraph> TwoSatExtended(const ImplicationGraph &G) : DAG(), scc(G, DAG) { int N = G.size() / 2; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) if (scc.id[i * 2] == scc.id[i * 2 + 1]) return; dp.resize(scc.components.size()); for (int i = 0; i < int(dp.size()); i++) dp[i][i] = 1; for (auto &&e : DAG) dp[e.first] |= dp[e.second]; possibilities.assign(N, 2); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { if (dp[scc.id[i * 2]][scc.id[i * 2 + 1]]) possibilities[i] = 1; if (dp[scc.id[i * 2 + 1]][scc.id[i * 2]]) possibilities[i] = 0; } } };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; // Finds small minimum vertex covers // Vertices are 0-indexed // Constructor Arguments: // V: the number of vertices in the graph // e: a vector of pairs in the form (v, w) representing // an undirected edge in the simple graph (no self loops or parallel edges) // between vertices v and w // K: the maximum size of the minimum vertex cover to find // Fields: // V: the number of vertices in the graph // E: the number of vertices in the graph // minCover: the size of a minimum vertex cover with at most K vertices, or // V if no such cover exists // inCover: a vector of booleans representing whether each vertex is in the // minimum vertex cover with at most K vertices or not // In practice, has a very small constant // Time Complexity: // constructor: O(E log E + 2^K KV) // Memory Complexity: O(V + E) // Tested: // https://dmoj.ca/problem/occ19g5 struct SmallMinVertexCover { vector<pair<int, int>> edges; int V, E, curE, minCover; vector<int> nxt; vector<bool> cur, inCover, temp; vector<pair<int, int>> history; vector<pair<int, int>> init(vector<pair<int, int>> e) { for (auto &&ei : e) if (ei.first > ei.second) swap(ei.first, ei.second); e.reserve(e.size() + 1); e.emplace_back(-1, -1); sort(e.begin(), e.end()); e.erase(unique(e.begin(), e.end()), e.end()); return e; } void cover(int v) { inCover[v] = 1; for (int e = nxt[0], last = 0; e <= E; e = nxt[e]) if (!cur[e] && (edges[e].first == v || edges[e].second == v)) { cur[e] = 1; curE--; nxt[last] = nxt[e]; history.emplace_back(e, last); } else last = e; } void uncover(int v, int revertSize) { inCover[v] = 0; for (; int(history.size()) > revertSize; history.pop_back()) { cur[nxt[history.back().second] = history.back().first] = 0; curE++; } } void solve(int K, int k) { if (k >= minCover) return; if (curE == 0) { minCover = k; temp = inCover; return; } if (curE > (K - k) * V) return; int v = -1, w = -1, curSize = history.size(); for (int e = nxt[0]; e <= E; e = nxt[e]) if (!cur[e]) { tie(v, w) = edges[e]; break; } cover(v); solve(K, k + 1); uncover(v, curSize); cover(w); solve(K, k + 1); uncover(w, curSize); } SmallMinVertexCover(int V, const vector<pair<int, int>> &e, int K) : edges(init(e)), V(V), E(edges.size() - 1), curE(E), minCover(V), nxt(E + 1), cur(E + 1, 0), inCover(V, 0), temp(V, 1) { iota(nxt.begin(), nxt.end(), 1); solve(K, 0); temp = inCover; } };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; // Functions for generating an implication graph // Each function runs a callback on the created edges // N variables will require a graph with N * 2 vertices, with vertex // a * 2 + 1 representing the affirmative for variable a, and a * 2 // representing the negative for variable a // Adds an implication (a -> b) with affA indicating if a is the affirmative // (if true) or the negative (if false), and similarly with b // Template Arguments: // F: the type of f // Functions Arguments: // affA: whether a is affirmative // a: the first variable // affB: whether b is affirmative // b: the second variable // f(i, j): the function to run a callback on for the corresponding edge // created by the implication template <class F> void addImpl(bool affA, int a, bool affB, int b, F f) { f(a * 2 + affA, b * 2 + affB); } // Adds a disjunction (a | b) with affA indicating if a is the affirmative // (if true) or the negative (if false), and similarly with b // Template Arguments: // F: the type of f // Functions Arguments: // affA: whether a is affirmative // a: the first variable // affB: whether b is affirmative // b: the second variable // f(i, j): the function to run a callback on for the corresponding edge // created by the disjunction template <class F> void addOr(bool affA, int a, bool affB, int b, F f) { addImpl(!affA, a, affB, b, f); addImpl(!affB, b, affA, a, f); } // Sets the variable a to true // Template Arguments: // F: the type of f // Functions Arguments: // a: the variable // f(i, j): the function to run a callback on for the corresponding edge // created by setting this variable to true template <class F> void setTrue(int a, F f) { addImpl(false, a, true, a, f); }
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "../components/StronglyConnectedComponents.h" using namespace std; // Solves the two satisfiability problem // Given an implication graph, determine whether a consistent assignment exists // Functions for created an implication graph can be seen in ImplicationGraph.h // Variables are 0-indexed // Constructor Arguments: // G: the implication graph with N * 2 vertices for N variables with vertex // a * 2 + 1 representing the affirmative for variable a, and a * 2 // representing the negative for variable a // Required Functions: // operator [v] const: iterates over the adjacency list of vertex v // which is a list of ints) // size() const: returns the number of vertices in the graph // Fields: // scc: the SCC of the implication graph // x: a vector of booleans for one possible valid assignment, or empty if // no valid assignment exists // In practice, has a moderate constant // Time Complexity: // constructor: O(N + M) for M equations // Memory Complexity: O(N + M) // Tested: // https://judge.yosupo.jp/problem/two_sat // https://codeforces.com/contest/1215/problem/F // https://codeforces.com/contest/780/problem/D struct TwoSat { SCC scc; vector<bool> x; template <class ImplicationGraph> TwoSat(const ImplicationGraph &G) : scc(G) { assert(G.size() % 2 == 0); int N = G.size() / 2; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) if (scc.id[i * 2] == scc.id[i * 2 + 1]) return; x.assign(N, false); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) x[i] = scc.id[i * 2] > scc.id[i * 2 + 1]; } };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; // Modified from https://github.com/kth-competitive-programming/kactl/blob/master/content/graph/MaximumClique.h, // which itself is based on // https://gitlab.com/janezkonc/mcqd/blob/master/mcqd.h, // which has a GPL3 license // Computes the clique with the maximum number of vertices in a graph // Can be used to compute the maximum independent set by finding the maximum // clique on the complement graph, with the minimum vertex cover being any // vertex not in the maximum independent set // Vertices are 0-indexed // Constructor Arguments: // matrix: a vector of vectors of booleans representing the adjacency matrix // of the graph, must be symmetric // Fields: // maximumClique: a vertex of vertices in the maximum clique // In practice, has a very small constant // Time Complexity: exponential, much faster in practice // Memory Complexity: O(V^2) // Tested: // https://dmoj.ca/problem/clique // https://judge.yosupo.jp/problem/maximum_independent_set struct MaximumClique { static constexpr const double limit = 0.025; struct Vertex { int i, d; Vertex(int i) : i(i), d(0) {} }; vector<vector<bool>> matrix; vector<vector<int>> C; vector<int> maximumClique, q, S, old; double pk; void init(vector<Vertex> &r) { for (auto &&v: r) v.d = 0; for (auto &&v : r) for (auto &&w : r) v.d += matrix[v.i][w.i]; sort(r.begin(), r.end(), [&] (const Vertex &v, const Vertex &w) { return v.d > w.d; }); int mxD = r[0].d; for (int i = 0; i < int(r.size()); i++) r[i].d = min(i, mxD) + 1; } void expand(vector<Vertex> &R, int lvl = 1) { S[lvl] += S[lvl - 1] - old[lvl]; old[lvl] = S[lvl - 1]; while (!R.empty()) { if (int(q.size()) + R.back().d <= int(maximumClique.size())) return; q.push_back(R.back().i); vector<Vertex> T; for (auto &&v : R) if (matrix[R.back().i][v.i]) T.emplace_back(v.i); if (!T.empty()) { if (S[lvl]++ / ++pk < limit) init(T); int mnk = max(int(maximumClique.size()) - int(q.size()) + 1, 1); int j = 0, mxk = 1; C[1].clear(); C[2].clear(); for (auto &&v : T) { int k = 1; auto f = [&] (int i) { return matrix[v.i][i]; }; while (any_of(C[k].begin(), C[k].end(), f)) k++; if (k > mxk) C[(mxk = k) + 1].clear(); if (k < mnk) T[j++].i = v.i; C[k].push_back(v.i); } if (j > 0) T[j - 1].d = 0; for (int k = mnk; k <= mxk; k++) for (int i : C[k]) { T[j].i = i; T[j++].d = k; } expand(T, lvl + 1); } else if (q.size() > maximumClique.size()) maximumClique = q; q.pop_back(); R.pop_back(); } } MaximumClique(const vector<vector<bool>> &matrix) : matrix(matrix), C(matrix.size() + 1), S(C.size()), old(S), pk(0) { vector<Vertex> V; V.reserve(matrix.size()); for (int i = 0; i < int(matrix.size()); i++) V.emplace_back(i); init(V); expand(V); } };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; // Computes the maximum weighted matching in a general undirected weighted // graph, such that each vertex is incident with at most one edge in the // matching, and the selected edges have the maximum sum of weights // Vertices are 0-indexed // Template Arguments: // T: the type of each edge weight // Constructor Arguments: // matrix: a V x V matrix containing the weight of the edge between two // vertices, 0 if an edge doesn't exist, must be symmetric and // non negative // INF: a value for infinity // Fields: // V: the number of vertices in the graph // cardinality: the cardinality of the maximum matching // INF: a value for infinity // cost: the maximum cost of the weighted matching // mate: the other vertex in the matching, or -1 if unmatched // In practice, has a moderate constant // Time Complexity: // constructor: O(V^3) // Memory Complexity: O(V^2) // Tested: // https://uoj.ac/problem/81 // https://judge.yosupo.jp/problem/general_weighted_matching template <class T> struct GeneralWeightedMaxMatch { struct Edge { int v, w; T weight; Edge() : v(0), w(0), weight(T()) {} }; int V, VX, cardinality, curStamp; T INF, cost; vector<int> mate, match, slack, st, par, S, stamp; vector<T> lab; vector<vector<int>> flo, floFrom; vector<vector<Edge>> G; queue<int> q; T eDelta(const Edge &e) { return lab[e.v] + lab[e.w] - G[e.v][e.w].weight * T(2); } void updateSlack(int v, int x) { if (!slack[x] || eDelta(G[v][x]) < eDelta(G[slack[x]][x])) slack[x] = v; } void setSlack(int x) { slack[x] = 0; for (int v = 1; v <= V; v++) if (G[v][x].weight > T() && st[v] != x && S[st[v]] == 0) updateSlack(v, x); } void qPush(int x) { if (x <= V) q.push(x); else for (int t : flo[x]) qPush(t); } void setSt(int x, int b) { st[x] = b; if (x > V) for (int t : flo[x]) setSt(t, b); } int getPr(int b, int xr) { int pr = find(flo[b].begin(), flo[b].end(), xr) - flo[b].begin(); if (pr % 2) { reverse(flo[b].begin() + 1, flo[b].end()); return int(flo[b].size()) - pr; } return pr; } void setMatch(int v, int w) { Edge &e = G[v][w]; match[v] = e.w; if (v <= V) return; int xr = floFrom[v][e.v], pr = getPr(v, xr); for (int i = 0; i < pr; i++) setMatch(flo[v][i], flo[v][i ^ 1]); setMatch(xr, w); rotate(flo[v].begin(), flo[v].begin() + pr, flo[v].end()); } void augment(int v, int w) { while (true) { int xnw = st[match[v]]; setMatch(v, w); if (!xnw) return; setMatch(xnw, v = st[par[w = xnw]]); } } int lca(int v, int w) { for (curStamp++; v || w; swap(v, w)) { if (!v) continue; if (stamp[v] == curStamp) return v; stamp[v] = curStamp; v = st[match[v]]; if (v) v = st[par[v]]; } return 0; } void addBlossom(int v, int anc, int w) { int b = V + 1; while (b <= VX && st[b]) b++; if (b > VX) VX++; lab[b] = T(); S[b] = 0; match[b] = match[anc]; flo[b] = vector<int>{anc}; auto blossom = [&] (int x) { for (int y; x != anc; x = st[par[y]]) { flo[b].push_back(x); flo[b].push_back(y = st[match[x]]); qPush(y); } }; blossom(v); reverse(flo[b].begin() + 1, flo[b].end()); blossom(w); setSt(b, b); for (int x = 1; x <= VX; x++) G[b][x].weight = G[x][b].weight = T(); for (int x = 1; x <= V; x++) floFrom[b][x] = 0; for (int xs : flo[b]) { for (int x = 1; x <= VX; x++) if (G[b][x].weight == T(0) || eDelta(G[xs][x]) < eDelta(G[b][x])) { G[b][x] = G[xs][x]; G[x][b] = G[x][xs]; } for (int x = 1; x <= V; x++) if (floFrom[xs][x]) floFrom[b][x] = xs; } setSlack(b); } void expandBlossom(int b) { for (int t : flo[b]) setSt(t, t); int xr = floFrom[b][G[b][par[b]].v], pr = getPr(b, xr); for (int i = 0; i < pr; i += 2) { int xs = flo[b][i], xns = flo[b][i + 1]; par[xs] = G[xns][xs].v; S[xs] = 1; S[xns] = slack[xs] = slack[xns] = 0; qPush(xns); } S[xr] = 1; par[xr] = par[b]; for (int i = pr + 1; i < int(flo[b].size()); i++) { int xs = flo[b][i]; S[xs] = -1; setSlack(xs); } st[b] = 0; } bool onFoundEdge(const Edge &e) { int v = st[e.v], w = st[e.w]; if (S[w] == -1) { par[w] = e.v; S[w] = 1; slack[w] = 0; int nv = st[match[w]]; S[nv] = slack[nv] = 0; qPush(nv); } else if (S[w] == 0) { int anc = lca(v, w); if (!anc) { augment(v, w); augment(w, v); return true; } addBlossom(v, anc, w); } return false; } bool matching() { q = queue<int>(); for (int x = 1; x <= VX; x++) { S[x] = -1; slack[x] = 0; if (st[x] == x && !match[x]) { par[x] = S[x] = 0; qPush(x); } } if (q.empty()) return false; while (true) { while (!q.empty()) { int v = q.front(); q.pop(); if (S[st[v]] == 1) continue; for (int w = 1; w <= V; w++) if (G[v][w].weight > T() && st[v] != st[w]) { if (eDelta(G[v][w]) == T()) { if (onFoundEdge(G[v][w])) return true; } else updateSlack(v, st[w]); } } T d = INF; for (int b = V + 1; b <= VX; b++) if (st[b] == b && S[b] == 1) d = min(d, lab[b] / T(2)); for (int x = 1; x <= VX; x++) if (st[x] == x && slack[x]) { if (S[x] == -1) d = min(d, eDelta(G[slack[x]][x])); else if (S[x] == 0) d = min(d, eDelta(G[slack[x]][x]) / T(2)); } for (int v = 1; v <= V; v++) { if (S[st[v]] == 0) { if (lab[v] <= d) return false; lab[v] -= d; } else if (S[st[v]] == 1) lab[v] += d; } for (int b = V + 1; b <= VX; b++) if (st[b] == b && S[b] != -1) { if (S[b] == 0) lab[b] += d * T(2); else lab[b] -= d * T(2); } q = queue<int>(); for (int x = 1; x <= VX; x++) if (st[x] == x && slack[x] && st[slack[x]] != x && eDelta(G[slack[x]][x]) == T() && onFoundEdge(G[slack[x]][x])) return true; for (int b = V + 1; b <= VX; b++) if (st[b] == b && S[b] == 1 && lab[b] == T()) expandBlossom(b); } return false; } GeneralWeightedMaxMatch(const vector<vector<T>> &matrix, T INF = numeric_limits<T>::max()) : V(matrix.size()), VX(V), cardinality(0), curStamp(0), INF(INF), cost(T()), mate(V, -1), match(V * 2 + 1, 0), slack(V * 2 + 1, 0), st(V * 2 + 1, 0), par(V * 2 + 1, 0), S(V * 2 + 1, 0), stamp(V * 2 + 1, 0), lab(V * 2 + 1, T()), flo(V * 2 + 1), floFrom(V * 2 + 1, vector<int>(V + 1, 0)), G(V * 2 + 1, vector<Edge>(V * 2 + 1)) { iota(st.begin(), st.begin() + V + 1, 0); T mx = T(); for (int v = 1; v <= V; v++) for (int w = 1; w <= V; w++) { G[v][w].v = v; G[v][w].w = w; floFrom[v][w] = (v == w ? v : 0); assert(G[v][w].weight >= T()); mx = max(mx, G[v][w].weight = matrix[v - 1][w - 1]); } fill(lab.begin() + 1, lab.begin() + V + 1, mx); while (matching()) cardinality++; for (int v = 1; v <= V; v++) if (match[v] && match[v] < v) { mate[mate[v - 1] = G[v][match[v]].w - 1] = v - 1; cost += G[v][match[v]].weight; } } };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; // Given N people of type A and M people of type B, and a list of their ranked // preferences for partners, the goal is to arrange min(N, M) pairs such that // if a person x of type A prefers a person y of type B more than their // current partner, then person y prefers their current partner more than x // It is guaranteed that a solution always exists // Constructor Arguments: // aPrefs: a matrix of size N x M with aPrefs[i][j] representing the jth // preferred choice for the partner of type B for person i of type A; // aPrefs[i] must be a permutation from 0 to M - 1 // bPrefs: a matrix of size M x N with bPrefs[j][i] representing the ith // preferred choice for the partner of type A for person j of type B; // bPrefs[j] must be a permutation from 0 to N - 1 // Fields: // N: the number of people of type A // M: the number of people of type B // bForA: a vector representing the partner of type B for each person of // type A, or -1 if that person of type A is unmatched // aForB: a vector representing the partner of type A for each person of // type B, or -1 if that person of type B is unmatched // In practice, has a moderate constant // Time Complexity: // constructor O(NM) // Memory Complexity: O(NM) // Tested: // https://www.spoj.com/problems/STABLEMP/ // https://open.kattis.com/problems/jealousyoungsters struct StableMarriage { int N, M; vector<int> bForA, aForB; StableMarriage(const vector<vector<int>> &aPrefs, const vector<vector<int>> &bPrefs) : N(aPrefs.size()), M(bPrefs.size()), bForA(N, -1), aForB(M, -1) { bool rev = N > M; if (rev) { swap(N, M); bForA.swap(aForB); } auto &A = rev ? bPrefs : aPrefs, &B = rev ? aPrefs : bPrefs; vector<vector<int>> bRankOfA(M, vector<int>(N)); for (int b = 0; b < M; b++) for (int a = 0; a < N; a++) bRankOfA[b][B[b][a]] = a; queue<int> q; for (int a = 0; a < N; a++) q.push(a); vector<int> cur(N, 0); while (!q.empty()) { int a = q.front(); q.pop(); while (true) { int b = A[a][cur[a]++]; if (aForB[b] == -1) { aForB[b] = a; break; } else if (bRankOfA[b][a] < bRankOfA[b][aForB[b]]) { q.push(aForB[b]); aForB[b] = a; break; } } } for (int b = 0; b < M; b++) if (aForB[b] != -1) bForA[aForB[b]] = b; if (rev) { swap(N, M); bForA.swap(aForB); } } };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; // Solves the assignment problem of matching N workers to M jobs with the // minimum cost where each worker can only be assigned to at most 1 job and // each job can only be assigned to at most 1 worker and there are exactly // min(N, M) assignments // Maximum cost assignment can be found by negating all non infinity values in // the matrix and taking the negative of the minimum cost // Maximum cost matching can be found by negating all non infinity values in // the matrix, setting all infinity values to 0 and taking the negative of // the minimum cost // Template Arguments: // T: the type of the cost // Constructor Arguments: // A: a matrix of size N x M with A[i][j] representing the cost of assigning // worker i to job j // INF: a value for infinity // Fields: // N: the number of workers // M: the number of jobs // cost: the minimum cost for a valid assignment // jobForWorker: a vector representing the job assigned to each worker, or -1 // if that worker is not assigned any job // workerForJob: a vector representing the worker assigned to each job, or -1 // if that job is not assigned any worker // In practice, has a very small constant // Time Complexity: // constructor: O(N^2 M) // Memory Complexity: O(NM) // Tested: // https://judge.yosupo.jp/problem/assignment // https://open.kattis.com/problems/cordonbleu // https://www.spoj.com/problems/BABY/ // https://dmoj.ca/problem/tle17c7p5 // https://open.kattis.com/problems/workers template <class T> struct HungarianAlgorithm { int N, M; T cost; vector<int> jobForWorker, workerForJob; HungarianAlgorithm(vector<vector<T>> A, T INF = numeric_limits<T>::max()) : N(A.size()), M(A.empty() ? 0 : A[0].size()), cost(T()) { bool rev = N > M; if (rev) { swap(N, M); vector<vector<T>> B(N, vector<T>(M)); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) for (int j = 0; j < M; j++) B[i][j] = A[j][i]; A.swap(B); } jobForWorker.assign(N, -1); workerForJob.assign(M + 1, N); auto add = [&] (pair<int, T> &a, const pair<int, T> &b) { a.first += b.first; a.second += b.second; }; auto sub = [&] (pair<int, T> &a, const pair<int, T> &b) { a.first -= b.first; a.second -= b.second; }; vector<pair<int, T>> d1(N + 1, make_pair(0, T())); vector<pair<int, T>> d2(M + 1, make_pair(0, T())); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { int j0 = M; workerForJob[j0] = i; vector<pair<int, T>> dist(M + 1, make_pair(1, T())); vector<int> par(M + 1, -1); vector<bool> done(M + 1, false); do { done[j0] = true; int i0 = workerForJob[j0], j1 = M; pair<int, T> delta = make_pair(1, T()); for (int j = 0; j < M; j++) if (!done[j]) { pair<int, T> d = A[i0][j] >= INF ? make_pair(1, T()) : make_pair(0, A[i0][j]); sub(d, d1[i0]); sub(d, d2[j]); if (dist[j].first > 0 || d < dist[j]) { dist[j] = d; par[j] = j0; } if (dist[j] < delta) delta = dist[j1 = j]; } j0 = j1; for (int j = 0; j <= M; j++) { if (done[j]) { add(d1[workerForJob[j]], delta); sub(d2[j], delta); } else sub(dist[j], delta); } } while (workerForJob[j0] != N); for (; j0 != M; j0 = par[j0]) workerForJob[j0] = workerForJob[par[j0]]; } workerForJob.pop_back(); for (int j = 0; j < M; j++) { if (workerForJob[j] == N) workerForJob[j] = -1; else jobForWorker[workerForJob[j]] = j; } cost = d2[M].first < 0 ? INF : -d2[M].second; if (rev) { swap(N, M); jobForWorker.swap(workerForJob); } } };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; // Computes the maximum matching in a general undirected graph, such that each // vertex is incident with at most one edge in the matching // Vertices are 0-indexed // Constructor Arguments: // G: a generic undirected graph structure // Required Functions: // operator [v] const: iterates over the adjacency list of vertex v // (which is a list of ints) // size() const: returns the number of vertices in the graph // Fields: // V: the number of vertices in the graph // cardinality: the cardinality of the maximum matching // mate: the other vertex in the matching, or -1 if unmatched // In practice, has a very small constant // Time Complexity: // constructor: O(VE log V) // Memory Complexity: O(V) // Tested: // https://judge.yosupo.jp/problem/general_matching // https://codeforces.com/contest/1089/problem/B // https://uoj.ac/problem/79 struct GeneralUnweightedMaxMatching { int V, cardinality, front, back; vector<int> mate, first, q; vector<pair<int, int>> label; void rematch(int v, int w) { int t = mate[v]; mate[v] = w; if (mate[t] != v) return; if (label[v].second == -1) rematch(mate[t] = label[v].first, t); else { int x, y; tie(x, y) = label[v]; rematch(x, y); rematch(y, x); } } int find(int v) { return label[first[v]].first < 0 ? first[v] : first[v] = find(first[v]); } void relabel(int x, int y) { int r = find(x), s = find(y), join = 0; if (r == s) return; pair<int, int> h = label[r] = label[s] = make_pair(~x, y); while (true) { if (s != V) swap(r, s); r = find(label[mate[r]].first); if (label[r] == h) { join = r; break; } else label[r] = h; } for (int v : {first[x], first[y]}) for (; v != join; v = first[label[mate[v]].first]) { label[v] = make_pair(x, y); first[q[back++] = v] = join; } } template <class Graph> bool augment(const Graph &G, int s) { front = back = 0; label[q[back++] = s] = make_pair(first[s] = V, -1); while (front < back) { int v = q[front++]; for (int w : G[v]) { if (mate[w] == V && w != s) { rematch(mate[w] = v, w); return true; } else if (label[w].first >= 0) relabel(v, w); else if (label[mate[w]].first == -1) label[mate[first[q[back++] = mate[w]] = w]].first = v; } } return false; } template <class Graph> GeneralUnweightedMaxMatching(const Graph &G) : V(G.size()), cardinality(0), front(0), back(0), mate(V + 1, V), first(V + 1, V), q(V), label(V + 1, make_pair(-1, -1)) { for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) if (mate[v] == V && augment(G, v)) { cardinality++; for (int i = 0; i < back; i++) label[q[i]] = label[mate[q[i]]] = make_pair(-1, -1); label[V] = make_pair(-1, -1); } mate.pop_back(); for (auto &&m : mate) if (m == V) m = -1; } };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; // Given N people, and a list of their ranked preferences for roommates, // the goal is to arrange N / 2 pairs such that if a person x prefers // a person y more than their current roommate, then person y prefers // their current roommate more than x // Constructor Arguments: // prefs: a matrix of size N x (N - 1) with prefs[i][j] representing the jth // preferred choice for the person i // prefs[i] must be a permutation of 0 to N - 1, excluding i // Fields: // N: the number of people // mate: a vector representing the roommate of each person; all -1 if there // is no stable matching // In practice, has a moderate constant // Time Complexity: // constructor O(N^2) // Memory Complexity: O(N^2) // Tested: // https://codeforces.com/contest/1423/problem/A struct StableRoommates { struct NoMatch {}; int N; vector<int> mate; StableRoommates(vector<vector<int>> prefs) : N(prefs.size()), mate(N, -1) { if (N % 2 == 1 || N <= 0) return; vector<vector<int>> rnk(N, vector<int>(N, 0)); vector<int> fr(N, 0), bk(N, N - 1), proposed(N, -1); vector<vector<bool>> active(N, vector<bool>(N, true)); queue<int> q; auto rem = [&] (int i, int j) { active[i][j] = active[j][i] = false; }; auto clip = [&] (int i) { while (fr[i] < bk[i] && !active[i][prefs[i][fr[i]]]) fr[i]++; while (fr[i] < bk[i] && !active[i][prefs[i][bk[i] - 1]]) bk[i]--; if (fr[i] >= bk[i]) throw NoMatch(); }; auto add = [&] (int i, int j) { proposed[mate[i] = j] = i; while (true) { clip(j); if (prefs[j][bk[j] - 1] != i) rem(j, prefs[j][bk[j] - 1]); else break; } }; auto nxt = [&] (int i) { clip(i); int j = prefs[i][fr[i]++]; clip(i); prefs[i][--fr[i]] = j; return proposed[prefs[i][fr[i] + 1]]; }; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { q.push(i); for (int j = 0; j < N - 1; j++) rnk[i][prefs[i][j]] = j; } try { while (!q.empty()) { int i = q.front(); q.pop(); while (true) { clip(i); int j = prefs[i][fr[i]], i2 = proposed[j]; if (i2 != -1 && rnk[j][i2] < rnk[j][i]) { rem(i, j); continue; } if (i2 != -1) { mate[i2] = proposed[j] = -1; q.push(i2); } add(i, j); break; } } int cur = 0; while (true) { for (; cur < N; cur++) { clip(cur); if (bk[cur] - fr[cur] > 1) break; } if (cur == N) break; vector<int> cyc1, cyc2; int i = cur, j = i; do { i = nxt(i); j = nxt(nxt(j)); } while (i != j); do { cyc1.push_back(j); j = nxt(j); } while (i != j); for (int k : cyc1) { j = mate[k]; cyc2.push_back(j); mate[k] = proposed[j] = -1; rem(k, j); } for (int k = 0; k < int(cyc1.size()); k++) add(cyc1[k], cyc2[(k + 1) % cyc2.size()]); } } catch (NoMatch &) { fill(mate.begin(), mate.end(), -1); } } };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; // Computes the maximum matching (and minimum vertex cover) on // an unweighted bipartite graph // The maximum independent set is any vertex not in the minimum vertex cover // Vertices are 0-indexed // Constructor Arguments: // G: a generic undirected bipartite graph structure // Required Functions: // operator [v] const: iterates over the adjacency list of vertex v // (which is a list of ints) // size() const: returns the number of vertices in the graph // color: a vector of booleans of size V indicating the color of each vertex // Fields: // V: the number of vertices in the graph // cardinality: the cardinality of the maximum matching // mate: the other vertex in the matching, or -1 if unmatched // inCover: a vector of booleans indicating whether a vertex is in the // minimum vertex cover or not // In practice, has a very small constant // Time Complexity: // constructor: O((V + E) sqrt V) // Memory Complexity: O(V) // Tested: // https://www.spoj.com/problems/MATCHING/ // https://judge.yosupo.jp/problem/bipartitematching // https://dmoj.ca/problem/coci19c6p4 struct HopcroftKarpMaxMatch { int V, cardinality; vector<int> mate, lvl, q, type0; vector<bool> color, inCover, vis; template <class BipartiteGraph> bool bfs(const BipartiteGraph &G) { int front = 0, back = 0; for (int v : type0) { if (mate[v] == -1) lvl[q[back++] = v] = 0; else lvl[v] = -1; } while (front < back) { int v = q[front++]; for (int w : G[v]) { if (mate[w] == -1) return true; else if (lvl[mate[w]] == -1) lvl[q[back++] = mate[w]] = lvl[v] + 1; } } return false; } template <class BipartiteGraph> bool dfs(const BipartiteGraph &G, int v) { for (int w : G[v]) if (mate[w] == -1 || (lvl[mate[w]] == lvl[v] + 1 && dfs(G, mate[w]))) { mate[mate[v] = w] = v; return true; } lvl[v] = -1; return false; } template <class BipartiteGraph> void dfsVertexCover(const BipartiteGraph &G, int v) { if (vis[v]) return; vis[v] = true; for (int w : G[v]) if ((mate[v] == w) == color[v]) dfsVertexCover(G, w); } template <class BipartiteGraph> HopcroftKarpMaxMatch(const BipartiteGraph &G, const vector<bool> &color) : V(G.size()), cardinality(0), mate(V, -1), lvl(V), q(V), color(color), inCover(V, false), vis(V, false) { for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) if (!color[v]) type0.push_back(v); while (bfs(G)) for (int v : type0) if (mate[v] == -1 && dfs(G, v)) cardinality++; for (int v : type0) if (mate[v] == -1) dfsVertexCover(G, v); for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) inCover[v] = vis[v] == color[v]; } };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; // Floyd Warshall's all pairs shortest path algorithm for weighted graphs // with negative weight // Able to detect negative cycles // Vertices are 0-indexed // Template Arguments: // T: the type of the weight of the edges in the graph // Constructor Arguments: // matrix: a V x V matrix containing the minimum weight of a directed edge // between two vertices, INF if an edge doesn't exist // INF: a value for infinity, must be negatable // Fields: // dist: a vector of vectors of the shortest distance between each pair // of vertices, INF if there is no path, -INF if the shortest path // has no lower bound // par: a vector of vectors of the parent vertex for each vertex in the // shortest path tree for each source vertex (par[v][w] is the parent // of vertex w in the shortest path tree from vertex v), or -1 if there is // no parent // hasNegativeCycle: a boolean that is true if there is a negative cycle // in the graph and false otherwise // Functions: // getPath(v, w): returns the list of directed edges on the path from // vertex v to vertex w // In practice, has a very small constant // Time Complexity: // constructor: O(V^3) // getPath: O(V) // Memory Complexity: O(V^2) // Tested: // Fuzz and Stress Tested // https://open.kattis.com/problems/allpairspath template <class T> struct FloydWarshallAPSP { using Edge = tuple<int, int, T>; vector<vector<T>> dist; vector<vector<int>> par; T INF; bool hasNegativeCycle; FloydWarshallAPSP(const vector<vector<T>> &matrix, T INF = numeric_limits<T>::max()) : dist(matrix), par(dist.size(), vector<int>(dist.size(), -1)), INF(INF), hasNegativeCycle(false) { int V = dist.size(); for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) { for (int w = 0; w < V; w++) if (dist[v][w] < INF) par[v][w] = v; dist[v][v] = min(T(), dist[v][v]); par[v][v] = -1; } for (int u = 0; u < V; u++) for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) if (dist[v][u] < INF) for (int w = 0; w < V; w++) if (dist[u][w] < INF && dist[v][w] > dist[v][u] + dist[u][w]) { dist[v][w] = dist[v][u] + dist[u][w]; par[v][w] = par[u][w]; } for (int u = 0; u < V; u++) for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) for (int w = 0; w < V; w++) if (dist[w][w] < T() && dist[u][w] < INF && dist[w][v] < INF) { dist[u][v] = -INF; hasNegativeCycle = true; break; } } vector<Edge> getPath(int v, int w) { vector<Edge> path; for (; par[v][w] != -1; w = par[v][w]) path.emplace_back(par[v][w], w, dist[v][w] - dist[v][par[v][w]]); reverse(path.begin(), path.end()); return path; } };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; // Bellman Ford's single source shortest path algorithm for weighted graphs // with negative weights // Able to detect negative cycles // Vertices are 0-indexed // Template Arguments: // T: the type of the weight of the edges in the graph // Constructor Arguments: // V: the number of vertices in the graph // edges: a vector of tuples in the form (v, w, weight) representing // a directed edge in the graph from v to w with weight of weight // s: a single source vertex // src: a vector of source vertices // INF: a value for infinity, must be negatable // Fields: // dist: vector of shortest distance from the closest source vertex to each // vertex, or INF if there is no path, -INF if the shortest path // has no lower bound // par: the parent vertex for each vertex in the shortest path tree, or // -1 if there is no parent // hasNegativeCycle: a boolean that is true if there is a negative cycle // in the graph and false otherwise // Functions: // getPath(v): returns the list of directed edges on the path from the // closest source vertex to vertex v // In practice, has a very small constant // Time Complexity: // constructor: O(E (V + log E)) // getPath: O(V) // Memory Complexity: O(V + E) // Tested: // Stress Tested // https://open.kattis.com/problems/shortestpath3 // https://dmoj.ca/problem/sssp template <class T> struct BellmanFordSSSP { using Edge = tuple<int, int, T>; vector<T> dist; vector<int> par; T INF; bool hasNegativeCycle; BellmanFordSSSP(int V, vector<Edge> edges, const vector<int> &srcs, T INF = numeric_limits<T>::max()) : dist(V, INF), par(V, -1), INF(INF), hasNegativeCycle(false) { sort(edges.begin(), edges.end()); for (int s : srcs) dist[s] = T(); for (int i = 0; i < V - 1; i++) for (auto &&e : edges) { int v, w; T weight; tie(v, w, weight) = e; if (dist[v] < INF && dist[w] > dist[v] + weight) dist[w] = dist[par[w] = v] + weight; } for (bool inCycle = true; inCycle;) { inCycle = false; for (auto &&e : edges) { int v, w; T weight; tie(v, w, weight) = e; if (dist[v] < INF && dist[w] > -INF && (dist[v] <= -INF || dist[w] > dist[v] + weight)) { dist[w] = -INF; inCycle = hasNegativeCycle = true; } } } } BellmanFordSSSP(int V, const vector<Edge> &edges, int s, T INF = numeric_limits<T>::max()) : BellmanFordSSSP(V, edges, vector<int>{s}, INF) {} vector<Edge> getPath(int v) { vector<Edge> path; for (; par[v] != -1; v = par[v]) path.emplace_back(par[v], v, dist[v] - dist[par[v]]); reverse(path.begin(), path.end()); return path; } };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "../../datastructures/trees/heaps/PersistentRandomizedHeap.h" using namespace std; // Computes the K shortest walks from s to t in a directed graph // Template Arguments: // T: the type of the weight of the edges // Function Arguments: // V: number of vertices in the directed graph // edges: a vector of tuples in the form (v, w, weight) representing // a directed edge in the graph from vertex v to w with // weight of weight // K: the number of shortest walks to compute // s: the source vertex // t: the destination vertex // INF: a value for infinity // Return Value: a vector of type T of size K with the K shortest walks // In practice, has a moderate constant // Time Complexity: O((V + E + K) log V) // Memory Complexity: O((V + E) log V + K) // Tested: // https://judge.yosupo.jp/problem/k_shortest_walk template <class T> vector<T> kShortestWalks(int V, const vector<tuple<int, int, T>> &edges, int K, int s, int t, T INF = numeric_limits<T>::max()) { if (K == 0) return vector<T>(); using Heap = PersistentRandomizedHeap<pair<T, int>, greater<pair<T, int>>>; using ptr = typename Heap::ptr; vector<Heap> cand(V); struct Node1 { T d; int v; Node1(T d, int v) : d(d), v(v) {} bool operator < (const Node1 &o) const { return d > o.d; } }; struct Node2 { T d; int v; ptr p; Node2(T d, int v, ptr p) : d(d), v(v), p(p) {} bool operator < (const Node2 &o) const { return d > o.d; } }; vector<T> dist(V, INF), ret; ret.reserve(K); vector<int> ord; ord.reserve(V); vector<pair<int, int>> par(V, make_pair(-1, -1)); vector<vector<tuple<int, T, int>>> G(V), H(V); std::priority_queue<Node1> PQ; std::priority_queue<Node2> ans; for (int i = 0; i < int(edges.size()); i++) { int v, w; T weight; tie(v, w, weight) = edges[i]; G[v].emplace_back(w, weight, i); H[w].emplace_back(v, weight, i); } PQ.emplace(dist[t] = T(), t); while (!PQ.empty()) { T d = PQ.top().d; int v = PQ.top().v; PQ.pop(); if (d > dist[v]) continue; ord.push_back(v); for (auto &&e : H[v]) if (dist[get<0>(e)] > dist[v] + get<1>(e)) { PQ.emplace(dist[get<0>(e)] = dist[v] + get<1>(e), get<0>(e)); par[get<0>(e)] = make_pair(get<2>(e), v); } } for (int v : ord) { for (auto &&e : G[v]) if (get<2>(e) != par[v].first && dist[get<0>(e)] < INF) { T d = dist[get<0>(e)] - dist[v] + get<1>(e); cand[v].push(make_pair(d, get<0>(e))); } if (par[v].first != -1) cand[v].merge(cand[par[v].second]); if (v == s) { ret.push_back(dist[v]); if (cand[v].root) ans.emplace(dist[v] + cand[v].top().first, v, cand[v].root); } } while (int(ret.size()) < K) { if (ans.empty()) { ret.push_back(INF); continue; } T d = ans.top().d; int v = ans.top().v; ptr p = ans.top().p; ans.pop(); ret.push_back(d); if (p->l) ans.emplace(d + p->l->val.first - p->val.first, v, p->l); if (p->r) ans.emplace(d + p->r->val.first - p->val.first, v, p->r); v = p->val.second; if (cand[v].root) ans.emplace(d + cand[v].top().first, v, cand[v].root); } return ret; }
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; // Computes the shortest Hamiltonian cycle // All vertices are visited exactly once before returning to the start vertex // Vertices are 0-indexed // Template Arguments: // T: the type of the weight of the edges in the graph // Constructor Arguments: // matrix: a V x V matrix containing the minimum weight of a directed edge // between two vertices, INF if an edge doesn't exist // Fields: // shortestCycleDist: the distance of the shortest Hamiltonian cycle, INF if // no cycle exists (V == 0 implies shortestCycleDist == 0, // V == 1 implies shortestCycleDist == INF) // ord: the order the vertices are visited in the shortest Hamiltonian cycle, // the start vertex is not repeated // In practice, has a small constant // Time Complexity: // constructor: O(V^2 2^V) // Memory Complexity: O(V 2^V) // Tested: // Fuzz Tested template <class T> struct ShortestHamiltonianCycle { vector<vector<T>> dp; T INF, shortestCycleDist; vector<int> ord; ShortestHamiltonianCycle(const vector<vector<T>> &matrix, T INF = numeric_limits<T>::max()) : dp(1 << matrix.size(), vector<T>(matrix.size(), INF)), INF(INF), shortestCycleDist(matrix.empty() ? T() : INF), ord(matrix.size(), 0) { int V = matrix.size(); if (V > 0) dp[1][0] = T(); for (int mask = 1; mask < (1 << V); mask += 2) for (int i = 1; i < V; i++) if ((mask >> i) & 1) { for (int o = mask ^ (1 << i), j = 0; j < V; j++) if ((mask >> j) & 1) { if (matrix[j][i] < INF && dp[o][j] < INF && dp[mask][i] > dp[o][j] + matrix[j][i]) dp[mask][i] = dp[o][j] + matrix[j][i]; } } int cur = (1 << V) - 1; for (int i = 1; i < V; i++) if (dp.back()[i] < INF && matrix[i][0] < INF) shortestCycleDist = min(shortestCycleDist, dp.back()[i] + matrix[i][0]); if (shortestCycleDist >= INF) return; auto get = [&] (int mask, int j, int last) { if (dp[mask][j] >= INF || matrix[j][last] >= INF) return INF; return dp[mask][j] + matrix[j][last]; }; for (int last = 0, i = V - 2; i >= 0; i--) { int bj = -1; for (int j = 1; j < V; j++) if ((cur >> j) & 1) if (bj == -1 || get(cur, bj, last) > get(cur, j, last)) bj = j; cur ^= 1 << (last = ord[i] = bj); } } };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "../search/TransitiveClosureSCC.h" using namespace std; // Johnson's all pairs shortest path algorithm for weighted graphs // with negative weights // Able to detect negative cycles // Vertices are 0-indexed // Template Arguments: // T: the type of the weight of the edges in the graph // Constructor Arguments: // G: a generic weighted graph structure // Required Functions: // operator [v] const: iterates over the adjacency list of vertex v // (which is a list of pair<int, T> with weights of type T) // size() const: returns the number of vertices in the graph // MAXV: the maximum number of vertices in the graph // INF: a value for infinity, must be negatable // Fields: // dist: a vector of vectors of the shortest distance between each pair // of vertices, INF if there is no path, -INF if the shortest path // has no lower bound // par: a vector of vectors of the parent vertex for each vertex in the // shortest path tree for each source vertex (par[v][w] is the parent // of vertex w in the shortest path tree from vertex v), or -1 if there is // no parent // hasNegativeCycle: a boolean that is true if there is a negative cycle // in the graph and false otherwise // Functions: // getPath(v, w): returns the list of directed edges on the path from // vertex v to vertex w // In practice, has a small constant // Time Complexity: // constructor: O(VE log E) // getPath: O(V) // Memory Complexity: O(V + E + MAXV V / 64) // Tested: // https://dmoj.ca/problem/apsp template <class T, const int MAXV> struct JohnsonAPSP { using Edge = tuple<int, int, T>; int V; vector<vector<T>> dist; vector<vector<int>> par; T INF; bool hasNegativeCycle; struct Node { T d; int v; Node(T d, int v) : d(d), v(v) {} bool operator < (const Node &o) const { return d > o.d; } }; template <class WeightedGraph> JohnsonAPSP(const WeightedGraph &G, T INF = numeric_limits<T>::max()) : V(G.size()), dist(V, vector<T>(V, INF)), par(V, vector<int>(V, -1)), INF(INF), hasNegativeCycle(false) { bool hasNegativeWeight = false; for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) for (auto &&e : G[v]) hasNegativeWeight |= e.second < T(); vector<bool> inNegCyc(V, false); vector<T> h(V, T()); vector<int> id; vector<bitset<MAXV>> neg; if (hasNegativeWeight) { TransitiveClosureSCC<MAXV> tc(G); id = tc.scc.id; vector<bool> compInNegCyc(tc.dp.size(), false); for (int i = 0; i < V - 1; i++) for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) for (auto &&e : G[v]) if (id[v] == id[e.first]) h[e.first] = min(h[e.first], h[v] + e.second); for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) for (auto &&e : G[v]) if (id[v] == id[e.first] && h[e.first] > h[v] + e.second) compInNegCyc[id[v]] = true; for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) hasNegativeCycle |= (inNegCyc[v] = compInNegCyc[id[v]]); fill(h.begin(), h.end(), T()); for (int i = 0; i < V - 1; i++) for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) for (auto &&e : G[v]) if (!inNegCyc[v] && !inNegCyc[e.first]) h[e.first] = min(h[e.first], h[v] + e.second); neg.resize(tc.dp.size()); for (auto &&e : tc.DAG) { if (compInNegCyc[e.second]) neg[e.first] |= tc.dp[e.second]; else neg[e.first] |= neg[e.second]; } for (int i = 0; i < int(neg.size()); i++) if (compInNegCyc[i]) neg[i] = tc.dp[i]; } for (int s = 0; s < V; s++) { if (!inNegCyc[s]) { std::priority_queue<Node> PQ; PQ.emplace(dist[s][s] = T(), s); while (!PQ.empty()) { T d = PQ.top().d; int v = PQ.top().v; PQ.pop(); if (d > dist[s][v]) continue; for (auto &&e : G[v]) { int w = e.first; T weight = e.second + h[v] - h[w]; if (!inNegCyc[w] && dist[s][w] > dist[s][v] + weight) PQ.emplace(dist[s][w] = dist[s][par[s][w] = v] + weight, w); } } } if (hasNegativeWeight) for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) if (neg[id[s]][id[v]]) dist[s][v] = -INF; } if (hasNegativeWeight) for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) for (int w = 0; w < V; w++) if (dist[v][w] != INF && dist[v][w] != -INF) dist[v][w] = dist[v][w] - h[v] + h[w]; } vector<Edge> getPath(int v, int w) { vector<Edge> path; for (; par[v][w] != -1; w = par[v][w]) path.emplace_back(par[v][w], w, dist[v][w] - dist[v][par[v][w]]); reverse(path.begin(), path.end()); return path; } };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "../search/TopologicalOrder.h" using namespace std; // Computes the shortest path (based on the comparator) on a directed // acyclic graph // Vertices are 0-indexed // Template Arguments: // T: the type of the weight of the edges in the graph // Cmp: the comparator to compare two distances; less<T> will compute // the shortest path while greater<T> will compute the longest path // Required Functions: // operator (a, b): returns true if and only if a compares less than b // Constructor Arguments: // G: a generic directed acyclic graph structure (weighted or unweighted) // Required Functions: // operator [v] const: iterates over the adjacency list of vertex v // (which is a list of ints for an unweighted graph, or a list of // pair<int, T> for a weighted graph with weights of type T) // size() const: returns the number of vertices in the graph // s: a single source vertex // src: a vector of source vertices // INF: a value for infinity for shortest path, or negative infinity // for longest path; (Cmp()(INF, x)) must return false for all // values of x // cmp: an instance of the Cmp struct // Fields: // dist: vector of distance from the closest source vertex to each vertex, // or INF if unreachable, and is also the shortest distance for // an unweighted graph // par: the parent vertex for each vertex in the shortest path tree, // or -1 if there is no parent // Functions: // getPath(v): returns the list of directed edges on the path from the // closest source vertex to vertex v // In practice, has a moderate constant // Time Complexity: // constructor: O(V + E) // getPath: O(V) // Memory Complexity: O(V) // Tested: // https://atcoder.jp/contests/dp/tasks/dp_g template <class T, class Cmp = less<T>> struct DAGSP { using Edge = tuple<int, int, T>; vector<T> dist; vector<int> par; T INF; TopologicalOrder ord; int getTo(int e) { return e; } T getWeight(int) { return 1; } int getTo(const pair<int, T> &e) { return e.first; } T getWeight(const pair<int, T> &e) { return e.second; } template <class DAG> DAGSP(const DAG &G, const vector<int> &srcs, T INF, Cmp cmp = Cmp()) : dist(G.size(), INF), par(G.size(), -1), INF(INF), ord(G) { for (int s : srcs) dist[s] = T(); for (int v : ord.ord) for (auto &&e : G[v]) { int w = getTo(e); T weight = getWeight(e); if (cmp(dist[v], INF) && cmp(dist[v] + weight, dist[w])) dist[w] = dist[par[w] = v] + weight; } } template <class DAG> DAGSP(const DAG &G, int s, T INF, Cmp cmp = Cmp()) : DAGSP(G, vector<int>{s}, INF, cmp) {} vector<Edge> getPath(int v) { vector<Edge> path; for (; par[v] != -1; v = par[v]) path.emplace_back(par[v], v, dist[v] - dist[par[v]]); reverse(path.begin(), path.end()); return path; } };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; // Classical Dijkstra's single source shortest path algorithm for // weighted graphs without negative weights // Vertices are 0-indexed // Template Arguments: // T: the type of the weight of the edges in the graph // Constructor Arguments: // G: a generic weighted graph structure // Required Functions: // operator [v] const: iterates over the adjacency list of vertex v // (which is a list of pair<int, T> with weights of type T) // size() const: returns the number of vertices in the graph // s: a single source vertex // src: a vector of source vertices // INF: a value for infinity // Fields: // dist: vector of shortest distance from the closest source vertex to each // vertex, or INF if unreachable // par: the parent vertex for each vertex in the shortest path tree, or // -1 if there is no parent // Functions: // getPath(v): returns the list of directed edges on the path from the // closest source vertex to vertex v // In practice, has a small constant // Time Complexity: // constructor: O(V^2 + E) // getPath: O(V) // Memory Complexity: O(V) // Tested: // Stress Tested // https://dmoj.ca/problem/sssp template <class T> struct ClassicalDijkstraSSSP { using Edge = tuple<int, int, T>; vector<T> dist; vector<int> par; T INF; template <class WeightedGraph> ClassicalDijkstraSSSP(const WeightedGraph &G, const vector<int> &srcs, T INF = numeric_limits<T>::max()) : dist(G.size(), INF), par(G.size(), -1), INF(INF) { vector<bool> done(G.size(), false); for (int s : srcs) dist[s] = T(); for (int i = 0; i < int(G.size()) - 1; i++) { int v = -1; for (int w = 0; w < int(G.size()); w++) if (!done[w] && (v == -1 || dist[v] > dist[w])) v = w; if (dist[v] >= INF) break; done[v] = true; for (auto &&e : G[v]) if (dist[e.first] > dist[v] + e.second) dist[e.first] = dist[par[e.first] = v] + e.second; } } template <class WeightedGraph> ClassicalDijkstraSSSP(const WeightedGraph &G, int s, T INF = numeric_limits<T>::max()) : ClassicalDijkstraSSSP(G, vector<int>{s}, INF) {} vector<Edge> getPath(int v) { vector<Edge> path; for (; par[v] != -1; v = par[v]) path.emplace_back(par[v], v, dist[v] - dist[par[v]]); reverse(path.begin(), path.end()); return path; } };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; // Computes the shortest Hamiltonian path // All vertices are visited exactly once, does not return to the start // Vertices are 0-indexed // Template Arguments: // T: the type of the weight of the edges in the graph // Constructor Arguments: // matrix: a V x V matrix containing the minimum weight of a directed edge // between two vertices, INF if an edge doesn't exist // Fields: // shortestPathDist: the distance of the shortest Hamiltonian path, INF if // no path exists (V <= 1 implies shortestPathDist == 0) // ord: the order the vertices are visited in the shortest Hamiltonian path // In practice, has a small constant // Time Complexity: // constructor: O(V^2 2^V) // Memory Complexity: O(V 2^V) // Tested: // Fuzz Tested template <class T> struct ShortestHamiltonianPath { vector<vector<T>> dp; T INF, shortestPathDist; vector<int> ord; ShortestHamiltonianPath(const vector<vector<T>> &matrix, T INF = numeric_limits<T>::max()) : dp(1 << matrix.size(), vector<T>(matrix.size(), INF)), INF(INF), shortestPathDist(matrix.empty() ? T() : INF), ord(matrix.size(), 0) { int V = matrix.size(); for (int i = 0; i < V; i++) dp[1 << i][i] = T(); for (int mask = 0; mask < (1 << V); mask++) for (int i = 0; i < V; i++) if ((mask >> i) & 1) { for (int o = mask ^ (1 << i), j = 0; j < V; j++) if ((mask >> j) & 1) { if (matrix[j][i] < INF && dp[o][j] < INF && dp[mask][i] > dp[o][j] + matrix[j][i]) dp[mask][i] = dp[o][j] + matrix[j][i]; } } int cur = (1 << V) - 1; for (int i = 0; i < V; i++) shortestPathDist = min(shortestPathDist, dp.back()[i]); if (shortestPathDist >= INF) return; auto get = [&] (int mask, int j, int last) { T weight = (last == -1 ? T() : matrix[j][last]); if (dp[mask][j] < INF && weight < INF) return dp[mask][j] + weight; else return INF; }; for (int last = -1, i = V - 1; i >= 0; i--) { int bj = -1; for (int j = 0; j < V; j++) if ((cur >> j) & 1) if (bj == -1 || get(cur, bj, last) > get(cur, j, last)) bj = j; cur ^= 1 << (last = ord[i] = bj); } } };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; // Dijkstra's single source shortest path algorithm for weighted graphs // without negative weights // Vertices are 0-indexed // Template Arguments: // T: the type of the weight of the edges in the graph // Constructor Arguments: // G: a generic weighted graph structure // Required Functions: // operator [v] const: iterates over the adjacency list of vertex v // (which is a list of pair<int, T> with weights of type T) // size() const: returns the number of vertices in the graph // s: a single source vertex // src: a vector of source vertices // INF: a value for infinity // Fields: // dist: vector of shortest distance from the closest source vertex to each // vertex, or INF if unreachable // par: the parent vertex for each vertex in the shortest path tree, or // -1 if there is no parent // Functions: // getPath(v): returns the list of directed edges on the path from the // closest source vertex to vertex v // In practice, has a small constant // Time Complexity: // constructor: O((V + E) log E) // getPath: O(V) // Memory Complexity: O(V + E) // Tested: // Stress Tested // https://judge.yosupo.jp/problem/shortest_path // https://open.kattis.com/problems/shortestpath1 // https://dmoj.ca/problem/sssp template <class T> struct DijkstraSSSP { using Edge = tuple<int, int, T>; vector<T> dist; vector<int> par; T INF; struct Node { T d; int v; Node(T d, int v) : d(d), v(v) {} bool operator < (const Node &o) const { return d > o.d; } }; template <class WeightedGraph> DijkstraSSSP(const WeightedGraph &G, const vector<int> &srcs, T INF = numeric_limits<T>::max()) : dist(G.size(), INF), par(G.size(), -1), INF(INF) { std::priority_queue<Node> PQ; for (int s : srcs) PQ.emplace(dist[s] = T(), s); while (!PQ.empty()) { T d = PQ.top().d; int v = PQ.top().v; PQ.pop(); if (d > dist[v]) continue; for (auto &&e : G[v]) if (dist[e.first] > dist[v] + e.second) PQ.emplace(dist[e.first] = dist[par[e.first] = v] + e.second, e.first); } } template <class WeightedGraph> DijkstraSSSP(const WeightedGraph &G, int s, T INF = numeric_limits<T>::max()) : DijkstraSSSP(G, vector<int>{s}, INF) {} vector<Edge> getPath(int v) { vector<Edge> path; for (; par[v] != -1; v = par[v]) path.emplace_back(par[v], v, dist[v] - dist[par[v]]); reverse(path.begin(), path.end()); return path; } };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "Point3D.h" #include "Sphere3D.h" using namespace std; // Functions for a 3D polyhedron // Determines twice the vector area of a face of coplanar points // Function Arguments: // face: the coplanar points of the face // Return Value: twice the vector area of the face, points are in ccw order // when looking from above (where up is the direction of the return vector) // Time Complexity: O(N) // Memory Complexity: O(1) // Tested: // https://www.spoj.com/problems/CH3D/ // https://open.kattis.com/problems/threedprinter pt3 vectorArea2(const vector<pt3> &face) { pt3 ret(0, 0, 0); for (int i = 0, n = face.size(); i < n; i++) ret += face[i] * face[(i + 1) % n]; return ret; } // Returns the absolute area of a face of coplanar points // Function Arguments: // face: the coplanar points of the face // Return Value: the area of the face // Time Complexity: O(N) // Memory Complexity: O(1) // Tested: // https://www.spoj.com/problems/CH3D/ T faceArea(const vector<pt3> &face) { return abs(vectorArea2(face)) / T(2); } // Flips some of the faces of a polyhedron such that they are oriented // consistently (they will either all be pointed outwards or inwards) // Function Arguments: // faces: a reference to a vector of vectors of points representing // the faces of the polyhedron to be reoriented // Time Complexity: O(N) for N total points // Memory Complexity: O(1) // Tested: // https://open.kattis.com/problems/threedprinter void reorient(vector<vector<pt3>> &faces) { int n = faces.size(); vector<vector<pair<int, bool>>> G(n); map<pair<pt3, pt3>, int> seen; for (int v = 0; v < n; v++) for (int i = 0, m = faces[v].size(); i < m; i++) { pt3 a = faces[v][i], b = faces[v][(i + 1) % m]; auto it = seen.find(make_pair(a, b)); bool f = true; if (it == seen.end()) { it = seen.find(make_pair(b, a)); f = false; } if (it == seen.end()) seen[make_pair(a, b)] = v; else { int w = it->second; G[v].emplace_back(w, f); G[w].emplace_back(v, f); } } vector<char> flip(n, -1); vector<int> q(n); int front = 0, back = 0; flip[q[back++] = 0] = 0; while (front < back) { int v = q[front++]; for (auto &&e : G[v]) if (flip[e.first] == -1) flip[q[back++] = e.first] = flip[v] ^ e.second; } for (int v = 0; v < n; v++) { assert(flip[v] != -1); if (flip[v]) reverse(faces[v].begin(), faces[v].end()); } } // Returns the surface area of a polyhedron // Function Arguments: // faces: a vector of vectors of points representing // the faces of the polyhedron with consistent orientation // Return Value: the surface area of the polyhedron // Time Complexity: O(N) for N total points // Memory Complexity: O(1) // Tested: // https://www.spoj.com/problems/CH3D/ T getSurfaceArea(const vector<vector<pt3>> &faces) { T sa = 0; for (auto &&face : faces) sa += faceArea(face); return sa; } // Returns 6 times the signed volume of a polyhedron // Function Arguments: // faces: a vector of vectors of points representing // the faces of the polyhedron with consistent orientation // Return Value: 6 times the signed volume of the polyhedron, positive if // all vector areas point outwards, negative if inwards // Time Complexity: O(N) for N total points // Memory Complexity: O(1) // Tested: // https://www.spoj.com/problems/CH3D/ // https://open.kattis.com/problems/threedprinter T getVolume6(const vector<vector<pt3>> &faces) { T vol6 = 0; for (auto &&face : faces) vol6 += (vectorArea2(face) | face[0]); return vol6; } // Determines if a point is inside a polyhedron or not // Function Arguments: // faces: a vector of vectors of points representing // the faces of the polyhedron with consistent orientation // p: the point to check // Return Value: 1 if inside the polyhedron, 0 if on the face, -1 if outside // Time Complexity: O(N) for N total points // Memory Complexity: O(1) int isInPolyhedron(const vector<vector<pt3>> &faces, pt3 p) { T sum = 0, PI = acos(T(-1)); Sphere3D s(p, 1); for (auto &&face : faces) { pt3 a = face[0], b = face[1], c = face[2], n = (b - a) * (c - a); if (eq((n | p) - (n | a), 0)) return 0; sum += remainder(s.surfaceAreaOnSph(face), 4 * PI); } return eq(sum, 0) ? -1 : 1; }
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "../../utils/EpsCmp.h" using namespace std; // Functions for a 3D point // * operator between 2 points is cross product // | operator between 2 points is dot product #define OP(op, U, a, x, y, z) \ pt3 operator op (U a) const { return pt3(x, y, z); } \ pt3 &operator op##= (U a) { return *this = *this op a; } #define CMP(op, body) bool operator op (pt3 p) const { return body; } struct pt3 { T x, y, z; constexpr pt3(T x = 0, T y = 0, T z = 0) : x(x), y(y), z(z) {} pt3 operator + () const { return *this; } pt3 operator - () const { return pt3(-x, -y, -z); } OP(+, pt3, p, x + p.x, y + p.y, z + p.z) OP(-, pt3, p, x - p.x, y - p.y, z - p.z) OP(*, T, a, x * a, y * a, z * a) OP(/, T, a, x / a, y / a, z / a) friend pt3 operator * (T a, pt3 p) { return pt3(a * p.x, a * p.y, a * p.z); } bool operator < (pt3 p) const { return eq(x, p.x) ? (eq(y, p.y) ? lt(z, p.z) : lt(y, p.y)) : lt(x, p.x); } CMP(<=, !(p < *this)) CMP(>, p < *this) CMP(>=, !(*this < p)) CMP(==, !(*this < p) && !(p < *this)) CMP(!=, *this < p || p < *this) T operator | (pt3 p) const { return x * p.x + y * p.y + z * p.z; } OP(*, pt3, p, y * p.z - z * p.y, z * p.x - x * p.z, x * p.y - y * p.x) }; #undef OP #undef CMP istream &operator >> (istream &stream, pt3 &p) { return stream >> p.x >> p.y >> p.z; } ostream &operator << (ostream &stream, pt3 p) { return stream << p.x << ' ' << p.y << ' ' << p.z; } T norm(pt3 p) { return p | p; } T abs(pt3 p) { return sqrt(norm(p)); } pt3 unit(pt3 p) { return p / abs(p); } T distSq(pt3 a, pt3 b) { return norm(b - a); } T dist(pt3 a, pt3 b) { return abs(b - a); } // returns an angle in the range [0, PI] T ang(pt3 a, pt3 b, pt3 c) { a = unit(a - b); c = unit(c - b); return 2 * atan2(abs(a - c), abs(a + c)); } pt3 rot(pt3 a, pt3 axis, T theta) { return a * cos(theta) + (unit(axis) * a * sin(theta)) + (unit(axis) * (unit(axis) | a) * (1 - cos(theta))); } // sign of volume6 and above: 1 if d is above the plane abc with // normal ab x ac, 0 if on the plane, -1 if below the plane // 6 times the signed area of the tetrahedron abcd T volume6(pt3 a, pt3 b, pt3 c, pt3 d) { return (b - a) * (c - a) | (d - a); } int above(pt3 a, pt3 b, pt3 c, pt3 d) { return sgn(volume6(a, b, c, d)); } // Converts a position based on radius (r >= 0), inclination/latitude // (-PI / 2 <= theta <= PI / 2), and azimuth/longitude (-PI < phi <= PI) // Convention is that the x axis passes through the meridian (phi = 0), and // the z axis passes through the North Pole (theta = Pi / 2) pt3 sph(T r, T theta, T phi) { return pt3(r * cos(theta) * cos(phi), r * cos(theta) * sin(phi), r * sin(theta)); } T inc(pt3 p) { return atan2(p.z, T(sqrt(p.x * p.x + p.y * p.y))); } T az(pt3 p) { return atan2(p.y, p.x); }
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "../../utils/Random.h" #include "Point3D.h" using namespace std; // Computes the convex hull of a set of N points 3D points (convex set of // minimum points with the minimum volume) // Function Arguments: // P: the vector of points // Return Value: a vector of faces in the convex hull, with each face being a // vector of exactly 3 points, all facing outwards // In practice, has a large constant // Time Complexity: O(N log N) expected // Memory Complexity: O(N log N) // Tested: // https://www.spoj.com/problems/CH3D/ // https://open.kattis.com/problems/worminapple // https://open.kattis.com/problems/starsinacan vector<vector<pt3>> convexHull3D(vector<pt3> P) { vector<array<int, 3>> hullInd; shuffle(P.begin(), P.end(), rng); int n = P.size(); for (int i = 1, num = 1; i < n; i++) { if (num == 1) { if (P[0] != P[i]) { swap(P[1], P[i]); num++; } } else if (num == 2) { if (!eq(norm((P[1] - P[0]) * (P[i] - P[0])), 0)) { swap(P[2], P[i]); num++; } } else if (num == 3) { if (above(P[0], P[1], P[2], P[i]) != 0) { swap(P[3], P[i]); num++; } } } vector<bool> active; vector<vector<int>> vis(n), rvis; vector<array<pair<int, int>, 3>> other; vector<int> label(n, -1); auto addFace = [&] (int a, int b, int c) { hullInd.push_back({a, b, c}); active.push_back(true); rvis.emplace_back(); other.emplace_back(); }; auto addEdge = [&] (int a, int b) { vis[b].push_back(a); rvis[a].push_back(b); }; auto abv = [&] (int a, int b) { array<int, 3> f = hullInd[a]; return above(P[f[0]], P[f[1]], P[f[2]], P[b]) > 0; }; auto edge = [&] (int f, int s) { return make_pair(hullInd[f][s], hullInd[f][(s + 1) % 3]); }; auto glue = [&] (int af, int as, int bf, int bs) { other[af][as] = make_pair(bf, bs); other[bf][bs] = make_pair(af, as); }; addFace(0, 1, 2); addFace(0, 2, 1); if (abv(1, 3)) swap(P[1], P[2]); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) glue(0, i, 1, 2 - i); for (int i = 3; i < n; i++) addEdge(abv(1, i), i); for (int i = 3; i < n; i++) { vector<int> rem; for (auto &&t : vis[i]) if (active[t]) { active[t] = false; rem.push_back(t); } if (rem.empty()) continue; int st = -1; for (auto &&r : rem) for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { int o = other[r][j].first; if (active[o]) { int a, b; tie(a, b) = edge(r, j); addFace(a, b, i); st = a; int cur = int(rvis.size()) - 1; label[a] = cur; vector<int> tmp; set_union(rvis[r].begin(), rvis[r].end(), rvis[o].begin(), rvis[o].end(), back_inserter(tmp)); for (auto &&x : tmp) if (abv(cur, x)) addEdge(cur, x); glue(cur, 0, other[r][j].first, other[r][j].second); } } for (int x = st, y; ; x = y) { int lx = label[x]; glue(lx, 1, label[y = hullInd[lx][1]], 2); if (y == st) break; } } vector<vector<pt3>> hull; for (int i = 0; i < int(hullInd.size()); i++) if (active[i]) hull.push_back(vector<pt3>{P[hullInd[i][0]], P[hullInd[i][1]], P[hullInd[i][2]]}); return hull; }
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "Point3D.h" using namespace std; // Affine Transformations in 3D // Functions: // prependMatrix(m2, b2): sets m = m2 * m and b = m2 * b + b2 // transform(t): applies the AffineTransformation t to this // scale(p): scales the x, y, z coordinates by p.x, p.y, p.z respectively // translate(p): translates the point by p // rotate(axis, theta): rotates the point theta radians around the line from // the origin in the direction of axis // reflect(norm): reflects the point across the plane passing through the // origin with the normal vector norm // project(norm): projects the point across the plane passing through the // origin with the normal vector norm // applyTransform(p): applies the transformation to the point p // inverse(): returns the inverse of this transformation, // determinant of m must nonzero // Time Complexity: // constructor, prependMatrix, transform, scale, translate, rotate, reflect, // project, applyTransform, inverse: O(1) // Memory Complexity: O(1) // Tested: // https://codeforces.com/problemsets/acmsguru/problem/99999/265 struct AffineTransform3D { static array<array<T, 3>, 3> inverse(const array<array<T, 3>, 3> &A) { T a = A[0][0], b = A[0][1], c = A[0][2]; T d = A[1][0], e = A[1][1], f = A[1][2]; T g = A[2][0], h = A[2][1], k = A[2][2]; T det = a * (e * k - f * h) - b * (d * k - f * g) + c * (d * h - e * g); assert(!eq(det, 0)); array<array<T, 3>, 3> ret; ret[0][0] = (e * k - f * h) / det; ret[0][1] = -(b * k - c * h) / det; ret[0][2] = (b * f - c * e) / det; ret[1][0] = -(d * k - f * g) / det; ret[1][1] = (a * k - c * g) / det; ret[1][2] = -(a * f - c * d) / det; ret[2][0] = (d * h - e * g) / det; ret[2][1] = -(a * h - b * g) / det; ret[2][2] = (a * e - b * d) / det; return ret; } array<array<T, 3>, 3> m; array<T, 3> b; AffineTransform3D() { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { b[i] = T(0); for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) m[i][j] = i == j ? T(1) : T(0); } } void prependMatrix(const array<array<T, 3>, 3> &m2, const array<T, 3> &b2) { array<array<T, 3>, 3> resm; array<T, 3> resb; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { resm[i][j] = T(0); for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) resm[i][j] += m2[i][k] * m[k][j]; } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { resb[i] = b2[i]; for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) resb[i] += m2[i][j] * b[j]; } m = resm; b = resb; } void transform(const AffineTransform3D &t) { prependMatrix(t.m, t.b); } void scale(pt3 p) { prependMatrix({array<T, 3>{p.x, T(0), T(0)}, {T(0), p.y, T(0)}, {T(0), T(0), p.z}}, {T(0), T(0), T(0)}); } void translate(pt3 p) { prependMatrix({array<T, 3>{T(1), T(0), T(0)}, {T(0), T(1), T(0)}, {T(0), T(0), T(1)}}, {p.x, p.y, p.z}); } void rotate(pt3 axis, T theta) { axis = unit(axis); T x = axis.x, y = axis.y, z = axis.z, c = cos(theta), s = sin(theta); prependMatrix({array<T, 3>{x * x * (1 - c) + c, x * y * (1 - c) - z * s, x * z * (1 - c) + y * s}, {y * x * (1 - c) + z * s, y * y * (1 - c) + c, y * z * (1 - c) - x * s}, {z * x * (1 - c) - y * s, z * y * (1 - c) + x * s, z * z * (1 - c) + c}}, {T(0), T(0), T(0)}); } void reflect(pt3 norm) { norm = unit(norm); T a = norm.x, b = norm.y, c = norm.z; prependMatrix({array<T, 3>{1 - 2 * a * a, -2 * a * b, -2 * a * c}, {-2 * b * a, 1 - 2 * b * b, -2 * b * c}, {-2 * c * a, -2 * c * b, 1 - 2 * c * c}}, {T(0), T(0), T(0)}); } void project(pt3 norm) { norm = unit(norm); T a = norm.x, b = norm.y, c = norm.z; prependMatrix({array<T, 3>{b * b + c * c, -a * b, -a * c}, {-b * a, a * a + c * c, -b * c}, {-c * a, -c * b, a * a + b * b}}, {T(0), T(0), T(0)}); } pt3 applyTransform(pt3 p) { return pt3(m[0][0] * p.x + m[0][1] * p.y + m[0][2] * p.z + b[0], m[1][0] * p.x + m[1][1] * p.y + m[1][2] * p.z + b[1], m[2][0] * p.x + m[2][1] * p.y + m[2][2] * p.z + b[2]); } AffineTransform3D inverse() const { AffineTransform3D ret; ret.prependMatrix({array<T, 3>{T(1), T(0), T(0)}, {T(0), T(1), T(0)}, {T(0), T(0), T(1)}}, {-b[0], -b[1], -b[2]}); ret.prependMatrix(inverse(m), {T(0), T(0), T(0)}); return ret; } };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "Point3D.h" #include "Line3D.h" using namespace std; // Functions for a 3D plane struct Plane3D { pt3 n; T d; // ax + by + cz = d, above is ax + by + cz > d Plane3D(T a = 0, T b = 0, T c = 0, T d = 0) : n(a, b, c), d(d) {} // normal n, offset d Plane3D(pt3 n, T d) : n(n), d(d) {} // normal n, point p Plane3D(pt3 n, pt3 p) : n(n), d(n | p) {} // 3 non-collinear points p, q, r Plane3D(pt3 p, pt3 q, pt3 r) : Plane3D((q - p) * (r - p), p) {} T eval(pt3 p) const { return (n | p) - d; } // sign of isAbove, dist: 1 if above plane, 0 if on plane, // -1 if below plane int isAbove(pt3 p) const { return sgn(eval(p)); } T dist(pt3 p) const { return eval(p) / abs(n); } T distSq(pt3 p) const { T e = eval(p); return e * e / norm(n); } Plane3D translate(pt3 p) const { return Plane3D(n, d + (n | p)); } Plane3D shiftUp(T e) const { return Plane3D(n, d + e * abs(n)); } pt3 proj(pt3 p) const { return p - n * eval(p) / norm(n); } pt3 refl(pt3 p) const { return p - n * T(2) * eval(p) / norm(n); } // returns 1 if the projections of a, b, c on this plane form a ccw turn // looking from above, 0 if collinear, -1 if cw int ccwProj(pt3 a, pt3 b, pt3 c) const { return sgn((b - a) * (c - a) | n); } // returns a tuple (a, b, c) of 3 non-collinear points on the plane, // guaranteed that ccwProj(a, b, c) == 1 tuple<pt3, pt3, pt3> getPts() const { pt3 v = pt3(1, 0, 0); if (eq(abs(n * v), 0)) v = pt3(0, 1, 0); pt3 v1 = n * v, v2 = n * v1; pt3 a = proj(pt3(0, 0, 0)); return make_tuple(a, a + v1, a + v2); } }; Line3D perpThrough(Plane3D pi, pt3 o) { Line3D ret; ret.o = o; ret.d = pi.n; return ret; } Plane3D perpThrough(Line3D l, pt3 o) { return Plane3D(l.d, o); } // Transforms points to a new coordinate system where the x and y axes are // on the plane, with the z axis being the normal vector (positive z is in // the direction of the normal vector) // Z coordinate is guaranteed to be the distance to the plane (positive if // above plane, negative if below, 0 if on) // Constructor Arguments: // pi: a plane // p, q, r: 3 non-collinear points // Functions: // transform(p): transforms p into the new coordinate system // Time Complexity: // constructor, transform: O(1) // Memory Complexity: O(1) // Tested: // https://dmoj.ca/problem/utso15p6 // https://open.kattis.com/problems/starsinacan struct CoordinateTransformation { pt3 o, dx, dy, dz; CoordinateTransformation(Plane3D pi) { pt3 p, q, r; tie(p, q, r) = pi.getPts(); o = p; dx = unit(q - p); dz = unit(dx * (r - p)); dy = dz * dx; } CoordinateTransformation(pt3 p, pt3 q, pt3 r) : o(p) { dx = unit(q - p); dz = unit(dx * (r - p)); dy = dz * dx; } pt3 transform(pt3 p) const { return pt3((p - o) | dx, (p - o) | dy, (p - o) | dz); } }; // Intersection of plane and line // Function Arguments: // pi: the plane // l: the line // res: a reference to the point to store the intersection if it exists // Return Value: 0 if no intersection, 1 if point of intersection, 2 otherwise // Time Complexity: O(1) // Memory Complexity: O(1) int planeLineIntersection(Plane3D pi, Line3D l, pt3 &res) { T a = pi.n | l.d; if (eq(norm(a), 0)) return pi.isAbove(l.o) == 0 ? 2 : 0; res = l.o - l.d * pi.eval(l.o) / a; return 1; } // Intersection of 2 planes // Function Arguments: // pi1: the first plane // pi2: the second plane // res: a reference to the line to store the intersection if it exists // Return Value: 0 if no intersection, 1 if line of intersection, 2 otherwise // Time Complexity: O(1) // Memory Complexity: O(1) // Tested: // https://dmoj.ca/problem/utso15p6 int planePlaneIntersection(Plane3D pi1, Plane3D pi2, Line3D &res) { pt3 d = pi1.n * pi2.n; if (eq(norm(d), 0)) return eq(abs(pi1.d / abs(pi1.n)), abs(pi2.d / abs(pi2.n))) ? 2 : 0; res.o = (pi2.n * pi1.d - pi1.n * pi2.d) * d / norm(d); res.d = d; return 1; }
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "Point3D.h" #include "Line3D.h" #include "Plane3D.h" using namespace std; // Functions for a 3D sphere struct Sphere3D { pt3 o; T r; Sphere3D(T r = 0) : o(0, 0), r(r) {} Sphere3D(pt3 o, T r) : o(o), r(r) {} // 1 if p is inside this sphere, 0 if on this sphere, // -1 if outside this sphere int contains(pt3 p) const { return sgn(r * r - distSq(o, p)); } // 1 if s is strictly inside this sphere, 0 if inside and touching this // sphere, -1 otherwise int contains(Sphere3D s) const { T dr = r - s.r; return lt(dr, 0) ? -1 : sgn(dr * dr - distSq(o, s.o)); } // 1 if s is strictly outside this sphere, 0 if outside and touching this // sphere, -1 otherwise int disjoint(Sphere3D s) const { T sr = r + s.r; return sgn(distSq(o, s.o) - sr * sr); } pt3 proj(pt3 p) const { return o + (p - o) * r / dist(o, p); } pt3 inv(pt3 p) const { return o + (p - o) * r * r / distSq(o, p); } // Shortest distance on the sphere between the projections of a and b onto // this sphere T greatCircleDist(pt3 a, pt3 b) const { return r * ang(a, o, b); } // Is a-b a valid great circle segment (not on opposite sides) bool isGreatCircleSeg(pt3 a, pt3 b) const { assert(contains(a) == 0 && contains(b) == 0); a -= o; b -= o; return !eq(norm(a * b), 0) || lt(0, (a | b)); } // Returns whether p is on the great circle segment a-b bool onSphSeg(pt3 p, pt3 a, pt3 b) const { assert(isGreatCircleSeg(a, b)); p -= o; a -= o; b -= o; pt3 n = a * b; if (eq(norm(n), 0)) return eq(norm(a * p), 0) && lt(0, (a | p)); return eq((n | p), 0) && !lt((n | a * p), 0) && !lt(0, (n | b * p)); } // Returns the points of intersection (or segment of intersection) between // the great circle segments a-b and p-q vector<pt3> greatCircleSegIntersection(pt3 a, pt3 b, pt3 p, pt3 q) const { assert(isGreatCircleSeg(a, b) && isGreatCircleSeg(p, q)); pt3 ab = (a - o) * (b - o), pq = (p - o) * (q - o); int oa = sgn(pq | (a - o)), ob = sgn(pq | (b - o)); int op = sgn(ab | (p - o)), oq = sgn(ab | (q - o)); if (oa != ob && op != oq && oa != op) return vector<pt3>{proj(o + ab * pq * op)}; vector<pt3> ret; if (onSphSeg(p, a, b)) ret.push_back(p); if (onSphSeg(q, a, b)) ret.push_back(q); if (onSphSeg(a, p, q)) ret.push_back(a); if (onSphSeg(b, p, q)) ret.push_back(b); sort(ret.begin(), ret.end()); ret.erase(unique(ret.begin(), ret.end()), ret.end()); return ret; } // Returns the angle between 3 points projected onto the sphere, // positive angle if a-b-c forms a ccw turn, negative if cw, 0 if collinear T angSph(pt3 a, pt3 b, pt3 c) const { a -= o; b -= o; c -= o; T theta = ang(b * a, pt3(0, 0, 0), b * c); return (a * b | c) < 0 ? -theta : theta; } // Returns the surface area of a polygon projected onto the sphere, // inside area if points are in ccw order, outside area if points are // in cw order T surfaceAreaOnSph(const vector<pt3> &poly) const { int n = poly.size(); T PI = acos(T(-1)), a = -(n - 2) * PI; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { T ang = angSph(poly[i], poly[(i + 1) % n], poly[(i + 2) % n]); if (ang < 0) ang += 2 * PI; a += ang; } return r * r * a; } }; // Determine the intersection of a sphere and a line // Function Arguments: // s: the sphere // l: the line // Return Value: the points of intersection (if any) of the sphere and // the line, guaranteed to be sorted based on projection on the line // Time Complexity: O(1) // Memory Complexity: O(1) vector<pt3> sphereLineIntersection(Sphere3D s, Line3D l) { vector<pt3> ret; T h2 = s.r * s.r - l.distSq(s.o); pt3 p = l.proj(s.o); if (eq(h2, 0)) ret.push_back(p); else if (lt(0, h2)) { pt3 h = l.d * sqrt(h2) / abs(l.d); ret.push_back(p - h); ret.push_back(p + h); } return ret; } // Determine the intersection of a sphere and a plane // Function Arguments: // s: the sphere // pi: the plane // res: a pair of pt3 and T, representing the center of the circle, and the // radius of the circle of intersection if it exists, guaranteed to be on // the plane pi // Return Value: a boolean indicating whether an intersection exists or not // Time Complexity: O(1) // Memory Complexity: O(1) bool spherePlaneIntersection(Sphere3D s, Plane3D pi, pair<pt3, T> &res) { T d2 = s.r * s.r - pi.distSq(s.o); if (lt(d2, 0)) return false; res.first = pi.proj(s.o); res.second = sqrt(max(d2, T(0))); return true; } // Determine the surface area and volume of the sphere cap above the // intersection of a sphere and a half-space defined by the space above // a plane (surface area does not include the base of the cap) // Function Arguments: // s: the sphere // pi: the plane with the half-space defined as the space above the plane // Return Value: a pair containing the surface area and the volume of the // sphere above the intersection of the sphere and the half-space // Time Complexity: O(1) // Memory Complexity: O(1) pair<T, T> sphereHalfSpaceIntersectionSAV(Sphere3D s, Plane3D pi) { T d2 = s.r * s.r - pi.distSq(s.o); T h = lt(d2, 0) ? T(0) : s.r - abs(pi.dist(s.o)); if (pi.isAbove(s.o) > 0) h = s.r * 2 - h; T PI = acos(T(-1)); return make_pair(PI * 2 * s.r * h, PI * h * h / 3 * (3 * s.r - h)); } // Determine the intersection of two spheres // Function Arguments: // c1: the first circle // c2: the second circle // c: a tuple containing the plane the circle lies on (pointing away // from s1), the center of the circle, and the radius // Return Value: 0 if no intersection, 2 if identical spheres, 1 otherwise // Time Complexity: O(1) // Memory Complexity: O(1) int sphereSphereIntersection(Sphere3D s1, Sphere3D s2, tuple<Plane3D, pt3, T> &c) { pt3 d = s2.o - s1.o; T d2 = norm(d); if (eq(d2, 0)) return eq(s1.r, s2.r) ? 2 : 0; T pd = (d2 + s1.r * s1.r - s2.r * s2.r) / 2, h2 = s1.r * s1.r - pd * pd / d2; if (lt(h2, 0)) return 0; pt3 o = s1.o + d * pd / d2; c = make_tuple(Plane3D(d, o), o, sqrt(max(h2, T(0)))); return 1; } // Determine the surface area and volume of the intersection of two spheres // Function Arguments: // s1: the first sphere // s2: the second sphere // Return Value: a pair containing the surface area and volume of the // intersection of the two spheres // Time Complexity: O(1) // Memory Complexity: O(1) pair<T, T> sphereSphereIntersectionSAV(Sphere3D s1, Sphere3D s2) { pt3 d = s2.o - s1.o; T d2 = norm(d), dr = abs(s1.r - s2.r), PI = acos(T(-1)); if (!lt(dr * dr, d2)) { T r = min(s1.r, s2.r); return make_pair(PI * 4 * r * r, PI * 4 * r * r * r / 3); } T sr = s1.r + s2.r; if (lt(sr * sr, d2)) return make_pair(T(0), T(0)); T pd = (d2 + s1.r * s1.r - s2.r * s2.r) / 2; Plane3D pi = Plane3D(d, s1.o + d * pd / d2); pair<T, T> a = sphereHalfSpaceIntersectionSAV(s1, pi); pair<T, T> b = sphereHalfSpaceIntersectionSAV(s2, Plane3D(-pi.n, -pi.d)); a.first += b.first; a.second += b.second; return a; }
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "Point3D.h" using namespace std; // Functions for a 3D plane (represented in parametric form o + kd for real k) struct Line3D { pt3 o, d; // points p and q Line3D(pt3 p = pt3(0, 0, 0), pt3 q = pt3(0, 0, 0)) : o(p), d(q - p) {} bool onLine(pt3 p) const { return eq(norm(d * (p - o)), 0); } T distSq(pt3 p) const { return norm(d * (p - o)) / norm(d); } T dist(pt3 p) const { return sqrt(distSq(p)); } Line3D translate(pt3 p) const { return Line3D(o + p, d); } pt3 proj(pt3 p) const { return o + d * (d | (p - o)) / norm(d); } pt3 refl(pt3 p) const { return proj(p) * T(2) - p; } // compares points by projection (3 way comparison) int cmpProj(pt3 p, pt3 q) const { return sgn((d | p) - (d | q)); } }; // Closest distance between 2 lines // Function Arguments: // l1: the first line // l2: the second line // Return Value: the closest distance between 2 lines // Time Complexity: O(1) // Memory Complexity: O(1) T lineLineDist(Line3D l1, Line3D l2) { pt3 n = l1.d * l2.d; if (eq(norm(n), 0)) return l1.dist(l2.o); return abs((l2.o - l1.o) | n) / abs(n); } // Closest point on the line l1 to the line l2 // If l1 and l2 are parallel, it returns the projection of (0, 0, 0) on l1 // Function Arguments: // l1: the first line // l2: the second line // Return Value: the closest point on the line l1 to the line l2 // Time Complexity: O(1) // Memory Complexity: O(1) pt3 closestOnL1ToL2(Line3D l1, Line3D l2) { pt3 n = l1.d * l2.d; if (eq(norm(n), 0)) return l1.proj(pt3(0, 0, 0)); pt3 n2 = l2.d * n; return l1.o + l1.d * ((l2.o - l1.o) | n2) / (l1.d | n2); } // Intersection of 2 lines // Function Arguments: // l1: the first line // l2: the second line // res: a reference to the point to store the intersection if it exists // Return Value: 0 if no intersection, 1 if point of intersection, 2 otherwise // Time Complexity: O(1) // Memory Complexity: O(1) int lineLineIntersection(Line3D l1, Line3D l2, pt3 &res) { pt3 n = l1.d * l2.d; if (eq(norm(n), 0)) return eq(l1.dist(l2.o), 0) ? 2 : 0; res = closestOnL1ToL2(l1, l2); return 1; } // Determines if a point is on a line segment // Function Arguments: // p: the point to check if on the line segment // a: one endpoint of the line segment // b: the other endpoint of the line segment // Return Value: true if p is on the line segment a-b, false otherwise // Time Complexity: O(1) // Memory Complexity: O(1) bool onSeg(pt3 p, pt3 a, pt3 b) { if (a == b) return p == a; Line3D l(a, b); return l.onLine(p) && l.cmpProj(a, p) <= 0 && l.cmpProj(p, b) <= 0; } // Determine the intersection of two line segments // Function Arguments: // a: one endpoint of the first line segment // b: the other endpoint of the first line segment // p: one endpoint of the second line segment // q: the other endpoint of the second line segment // Return Value: if the line segments do not intersect, an empty vector // of points; if the line segments intersect at a point, a vector containing // the point of intersection; if the line segments have a line segment of // intersection, a vector containing the two endpoints of the // line segment intersection (it can return more if there is precision error) vector<pt3> segSegIntersection(pt3 a, pt3 b, pt3 p, pt3 q) { vector<pt3> ret; if (a == b) { if (onSeg(a, p, q)) ret.push_back(a); } else if (p == q) { if (onSeg(p, a, b)) ret.push_back(p); } else { pt3 inter; Line3D l1(a, b), l2(p, q); int cnt = lineLineIntersection(l1, l2, inter); if (cnt == 1) ret.push_back(inter); else if (cnt == 2) { if (onSeg(p, a, b)) ret.push_back(p); if (onSeg(q, a, b)) ret.push_back(q); if (onSeg(a, p, q)) ret.push_back(a); if (onSeg(b, p, q)) ret.push_back(b); } } sort(ret.begin(), ret.end()); ret.erase(unique(ret.begin(), ret.end()), ret.end()); return ret; } // Finds the closest point on a line segment to another point // Function Arguments // p: the reference point // a: one endpoint of the line segment // b: the other endpoint of the line segment // Return Value: the closest point to p on the line segment a-b // Time Complexity: O(1) // Memory Complexity: O(1) pt3 closestPtOnSeg(pt3 p, pt3 a, pt3 b) { if (a != b) { Line3D l(a, b); if (l.cmpProj(a, p) < 0 && l.cmpProj(p, b) < 0) return l.proj(p); } return lt(dist(p, a), dist(p, b)) ? a : b; } // Finds the distance to the closest point on a line segment to another point // Function Arguments // p: the reference point // a: one endpoint of the line segment // b: the other endpoint of the line segment // Return Value: the distance to the closest point to p on the line segment a-b // Time Complexity: O(1) // Memory Complexity: O(1) T ptSegDist(pt3 p, pt3 a, pt3 b) { if (a != b) { Line3D l(a, b); if (l.cmpProj(a, p) < 0 && l.cmpProj(p, b) < 0) return l.dist(p); } return min(dist(p, a), dist(p, b)); } // Finds the closest distance between two line segments // Function Arguments // a: one endpoint of the first line segment // b: the other endpoint of the first line segment // p: one endpoint of the second line segment // q: the other endpoint of the second line segment // Return Value: the closest distance between the two line // Time Complexity: O(1) // Memory Complexity: O(1) T segSegDist(pt3 a, pt3 b, pt3 p, pt3 q) { return !segSegIntersection(a, b, p, q).empty() ? 0 : min({ptSegDist(p, a, b), ptSegDist(q, a, b), ptSegDist(a, p, q), ptSegDist(b, p, q)}); }
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "../../utils/Random.h" #include "Point.h" #include "Circle.h" using namespace std; // Determines the minimum enclosing circle of a set of points // Function Arguments: // P: the points // Return Value: the minimum enclosing circle of P // In practice, has a large constant // Time Complexity: O(N) expected // Memory Complexity: O(N) // Tested: // https://www.spoj.com/problems/QCJ4/ // https://open.kattis.com/problems/starsinacan Circle minEnclosingCircle(vector<pt> P) { shuffle(P.begin(), P.end(), rng); Circle c(P[0], 0); for (int i = 0; i < int(P.size()); i++) if (lt(c.r, dist(P[i], c.o))) { c = Circle(P[i], 0); for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) if (lt(c.r, dist(P[j], c.o))) { pt p = (P[i] + P[j]) / T(2); c = Circle(p, dist(P[i], p)); for (int k = 0; k < j; k++) if (lt(c.r, dist(P[k], c.o))) c = circumcircle(P[i], P[j], P[k]); } } return c; }
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "Point.h" #include "Angle.h" using namespace std; // Computes the minimum area from 3 distinct points out of a set of N points // Angle::pivot is modified // Constructor Arguments: // P: the vector of points // Fields: // PA: the first point in the minimum area triangle // PB: the second point in the minimum area triangle // PC: the third point in the minimum area triangle // minArea2: twice the area of the minimum area triangle // hull: the points in the convex hull of P // In practice, has a moderate constant // Time Complexity: // constructor: O(N^2 log N) // Memory Complexity: O(N) // Tested: // Fuzz Tested struct MinTriangleArea { pt PA, PB, PC; T minArea2; MinTriangleArea(const vector<pt> &P) : minArea2(numeric_limits<T>::max()) { int n = P.size(); if (n < 3) return; vector<Angle> A(n); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) A[i] = Angle(P[i]); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { Angle::setPivot(P[i]); sort(A.begin(), A.end()); for (int j = 0; j < n - 1; j++) { pt b = A[j].p, c = A[(j + 1) % (n - 1)].p; T a2 = area2(P[i], b, c); if (a2 < 0) { swap(b, c); a2 = -a2; } if (a2 < minArea2) { PA = P[i]; PB = b; PC = c; minArea2 = a2; } } } } };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "Point.h" using namespace std; // Computes the Delaunay Triangulation of a set of distinct points // If all points are collinear, there is no triangulation // If there are 4 or more points on the same circle, the triangulation is // ambiguous, otherwise it is unique // Each circumcircle does not completely contain any of the input points // Constructor Arguments: // P: the distinct points // Fields: // tri: a vector of arrays of 3 points, representing a triangle in // the triangulation, points given in ccw order // In practice, has a moderate constant // Time Complexity: // construction: O(N log N) // Memory Complexity: O(N) // Tested: // https://dmoj.ca/problem/cco08p6 // https://codeforces.com/problemsets/acmsguru/problem/99999/383 struct DelaunayTriangulation { static constexpr const pt inf = pt(numeric_limits<T>::max(), numeric_limits<T>::max()); struct Quad { static vector<Quad> V; int rot, o; pt p; Quad(int rot) : rot(rot), o(-1), p(inf) {} int &r() { return V[rot].rot; } pt &f() { return V[r()].p; } int prv() { return V[V[rot].o].rot; } int nxt() { return V[r()].prv(); } }; int head; vector<Quad> &V = Quad::V; vector<array<pt, 3>> tri; int makeQuad(int rot) { V.emplace_back(rot); return int(V.size()) - 1; } bool circ(pt p, pt a, pt b, pt c) { T p2 = norm(p), A = norm(a) - p2, B = norm(b) - p2, C = norm(c) - p2; return lt(0, area2(p, a, b) * C + area2(p, b, c) * A + area2(p, c, a) * B); } int makeEdge(pt a, pt b) { int r = ~head ? head : makeQuad(makeQuad(makeQuad(makeQuad(-1)))); head = V[r].o; V[V[r].r()].r() = r; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { r = V[r].rot; V[r].o = i & 1 ? r : V[r].r(); } V[r].p = a; V[r].f() = b; return r; } void splice(int a, int b) { swap(V[V[V[a].o].rot].o, V[V[V[b].o].rot].o); swap(V[a].o, V[b].o); } int connect(int a, int b) { int q = makeEdge(V[a].f(), V[b].p); splice(q, V[a].nxt()); splice(V[q].r(), b); return q; } bool valid(int a, int base) { return ccw(V[a].f(), V[base].f(), V[base].p) > 0; } pair<int, int> rec(const vector<pt> &P, int lo, int hi) { int k = hi - lo + 1; if (k <= 3) { int a = makeEdge(P[lo], P[lo + 1]), b = makeEdge(P[lo + 1], P[hi]); if (k == 2) return make_pair(a, V[a].r()); splice(V[a].r(), b); int side = sgn(ccw(P[lo], P[lo + 1], P[hi])); int c = side ? connect(b, a) : -1; return make_pair(side < 0 ? V[c].r() : a, side < 0 ? c : V[b].r()); } int a, b, ra, rb, mid = lo + (hi - lo) / 2; tie(ra, a) = rec(P, lo, mid); tie(b, rb) = rec(P, mid + 1, hi); while ((ccw(V[b].p, V[a].f(), V[a].p) < 0 && (a = V[a].nxt())) || (ccw(V[a].p, V[b].f(), V[b].p) > 0 && (b = V[V[b].r()].o))); int base = connect(V[b].r(), a); if (V[a].p == V[ra].p) ra = V[base].r(); if (V[b].p == V[rb].p) rb = base; while (true) { int l = V[V[base].r()].o; if (valid(l, base)) while (circ(V[V[l].o].f(), V[base].f(), V[base].p, V[l].f())) { int t = V[l].o; splice(l, V[l].prv()); splice(V[l].r(), V[V[l].r()].prv()); V[l].o = head; head = l; l = t; } int r = V[base].prv(); if (valid(r, base)) while (circ(V[V[r].prv()].f(), V[base].f(), V[base].p, V[r].f())) { int t = V[r].prv(); splice(r, V[r].prv()); splice(V[r].r(), V[V[r].r()].prv()); V[r].o = head; head = r; r = t; } if (!valid(l, base) && !valid(r, base)) break; if (!valid(l, base) || (valid(r, base) && circ(V[r].f(), V[r].p, V[l].f(), V[l].p))) base = connect(r, V[base].r()); else base = connect(V[base].r(), V[l].r()); } return make_pair(ra, rb); } DelaunayTriangulation(vector<pt> P) : head(-1) { sort(P.begin(), P.end()); assert(unique(P.begin(), P.end()) == P.end()); V.reserve(P.size() * 16); if (int(P.size()) < 2) return; int e = rec(P, 0, int(P.size()) - 1).first, qi = 0, ind = 0; vector<bool> vis(V.size(), false); vector<int> q{e}; q.reserve(V.size()); while (ccw(V[V[e].o].f(), V[e].f(), V[e].p) < 0) e = V[e].o; auto add = [&] { int c = e; do { if (ind % 3 == 0) tri.emplace_back(); tri.back()[ind++ % 3] = V[c].p; vis[c] = true; q.push_back(V[c].r()); c = V[c].nxt(); } while (c != e); }; add(); tri.clear(); ind = 0; tri.reserve(V.size() / 3 + 1); while (qi < int(q.size())) if (!vis[e = q[qi++]]) add(); assert(ind % 3 == 0); V = vector<Quad>(); } }; vector<DelaunayTriangulation::Quad> DelaunayTriangulation::Quad::V = vector<DelaunayTriangulation::Quad>();
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "Point.h" #include "Line.h" using namespace std; // Helper struct for bentleyOttmann struct Seg { static T X; mutable pt p, q; mutable int i; bool isQuery; pair<T, T> y() const { pt v = q - p; return make_pair(cross(v, p) + v.y * X, v.x); } Seg(pt p, pt q, int i) : p(p), q(q), i(i), isQuery(false) { assert(!eq(p.x, q.x)); if (p > q) swap(this->p, this->q); } Seg(T Y) : p(X, Y), q(p), i(-1), isQuery(true) {} bool operator < (const Seg &s) const { if (isQuery) { pair<T, T> p2 = s.y(); return lt(p.y * p2.second, p2.first); } else if (s.isQuery) { pair<T, T> p1 = y(); return lt(p1.first, s.p.y * p1.second); } pair<T, T> p1 = y(), p2 = s.y(); return lt(p1.first * p2.second, p2.first * p1.second); } }; T Seg::X = 0; // Helper struct for bentleyOttmann struct SegEvent { pt p; int type, i, j; SegEvent(pt p, int type, int i, int j) : p(p), type(type), i(i), j(j) {} bool operator > (const SegEvent &e) const { return eq(e.p.x, p.x) ? (eq(e.type, type) ? lt(e.p.y, p.y) : lt(e.type, type)) : lt(e.p.x, p.x); } }; // Helper struct for bentleyOttmann struct VerticalSeg { T lo, hi; int i; VerticalSeg(T lo, T hi, int i) : lo(lo), hi(hi), i(i) {} bool operator < (const VerticalSeg &vs) const { return lt(hi, vs.hi); } }; // Runs a callback on all pairs of intersecting line segments (proper or not) // Template Arguments: // F: the type of the function f // Function Arguments: // segs: a vector of pairs of the endpoints of the line segments // f(i, j): the function to run a callback on for each pair of intersecting // line segments, where i and j are the indices of the intersecting // line segments; each unordered pair (i, j) is passed at most once // In practice, has a moderate constant // Time Complexity: O((N + K) log N) for N line segments and K intersections // Memory Complexity: O(N + K) // Tested: // Fuzz Tested // https://open.kattis.com/problems/polygon // https://open.kattis.com/problems/scholarslawn template <class F> void bentleyOttmann(const vector<pair<pt, pt>> &segs, F f) { std::priority_queue<SegEvent, vector<SegEvent>, greater<SegEvent>> events; int n = segs.size(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { pt a, b; tie(a, b) = segs[i]; if (a > b) swap(a, b); int isEq = eq(a.x, b.x); events.emplace(a, isEq, i, i); events.emplace(b, 4 - isEq, i, i); } multiset<Seg> active; using iter = decltype(active)::iterator; vector<iter> ptr(n, active.end()); set<pair<int, int>> seen; auto checkSeen = [&] (int i, int j) { if (seen.count(make_pair(i, j)) || seen.count(make_pair(j, i))) return true; seen.emplace(i, j); return false; }; auto checkInter = [&] (iter a, iter b) { vector<pt> p = segSegIntersection(a->p, a->q, b->p, b->q); if (int(p.size()) == 1 && cross(a->q - a->p, b->q - b->p) < 0) { if (!checkSeen(a->i, b->i)) f(a->i, b->i); events.emplace(p[0], 2, a->i, b->i); } }; auto checkRange = [&] (int i, T lo, T hi) { auto it = active.lower_bound(Seg(lo)); auto check = [&] { pair<T, T> y = it->y(); return !lt(hi * y.second, y.first); }; for (; it != active.end() && check(); it++) { pt a, b; tie(a, b) = segs[i]; if (segSegIntersects(a, b, it->p, it->q) && !checkSeen(i, it->i)) f(i, it->i); } }; multiset<VerticalSeg> vertical; while (!events.empty()) { SegEvent e = events.top(); events.pop(); Seg::X = e.p.x; if (e.type == 0) { checkRange(e.i, e.p.y, e.p.y); ptr[e.i] = active.emplace(segs[e.i].first, segs[e.i].second, e.i); if (ptr[e.i] != active.begin()) checkInter(prev(ptr[e.i]), ptr[e.i]); if (next(ptr[e.i]) != active.end()) checkInter(ptr[e.i], next(ptr[e.i])); } else if (e.type == 1) { T lo = segs[e.i].first.y, hi = segs[e.i].second.y; if (lo > hi) swap(lo, hi); checkRange(e.i, lo, hi); auto it = vertical.lower_bound(VerticalSeg(lo, lo, e.i)); for (; it != vertical.end(); it++) if (!checkSeen(e.i, it->i)) f(e.i, it->i); vertical.emplace(lo, hi, e.i); } else if (e.type == 2) { if (next(ptr[e.i]) != ptr[e.j]) continue; if (cross(ptr[e.i]->q - ptr[e.i]->p, ptr[e.j]->q - ptr[e.j]->p) < 0) { swap(ptr[e.i], ptr[e.j]); swap(ptr[e.i]->i, ptr[e.j]->i); swap(ptr[e.i]->p, ptr[e.j]->p); swap(ptr[e.i]->q, ptr[e.j]->q); if (ptr[e.j] != active.begin()) checkInter(prev(ptr[e.j]), ptr[e.j]); if (next(ptr[e.i]) != active.end()) checkInter(ptr[e.i], next(ptr[e.i])); } } else if (e.type == 4) { if (ptr[e.i] != active.begin() && next(ptr[e.i]) != active.end()) checkInter(prev(ptr[e.i]), next(ptr[e.i])); active.erase(ptr[e.i]); ptr[e.i] = active.end(); checkRange(e.i, e.p.y, e.p.y); } else vertical.clear(); } } // Transforms a set of line segments into another set of line segments // such that the union of the line segments remains the same, and any // intersection between any pair of segments is an endpoint of both segments // Function Arguments: // segs: a vector of pairs of the endpoints of the line segments // Return Value: the resulting vector of pairs of the endpoints of the // line segments after the transformation // In practice, has a moderate constant // Time Complexity: O((N + K) log N) for N line segments and K intersections // Memory Complexity: O(N + K) // Tested: // https://open.kattis.com/problems/scholarslawn vector<pair<pt, pt>> segArrangement(const vector<pair<pt, pt>> &segs) { int n = segs.size(); vector<vector<pt>> ptsOnSegs(n); set<pair<pt, pt>> ret; bentleyOttmann(segs, [&] (int i, int j) { for (auto &&p : segSegIntersection(segs[i].first, segs[i].second, segs[j].first, segs[j].second)) { ptsOnSegs[i].push_back(p); ptsOnSegs[j].push_back(p); } }); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { ptsOnSegs[i].push_back(segs[i].first); ptsOnSegs[i].push_back(segs[i].second); sort(ptsOnSegs[i].begin(), ptsOnSegs[i].end()); ptsOnSegs[i].erase(unique(ptsOnSegs[i].begin(), ptsOnSegs[i].end()), ptsOnSegs[i].end()); for (int j = 0; j < int(ptsOnSegs[i].size()) - 1; j++) { pt a = ptsOnSegs[i][j], b = ptsOnSegs[i][j + 1]; if (!ret.count(make_pair(a, b)) && !ret.count(make_pair(b, a))) ret.emplace(a, b); } } return vector<pair<pt, pt>>(ret.begin(), ret.end()); }
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; // Supports adding lines in the form f(x) = mx + b, or line segments // in the form of f(x) = mx + b over l <= x <= r, and finding // the maximum value of f(x) where all possible value of x are // known beforehand // Template Arguments: // T: the type of the slope (m) and intercept (b) of the line, as well as // the type of the function argument (x) // Cmp: the comparator to compare two f(x) values, // convention is same as std::priority_queue in STL // Required Functions: // operator (a, b): returns true if and only if a compares less than b // Constructor Arguments: // xs: a vector of type T of the possible x values for each query // cmp: an instance of the Cmp struct // inf: a value for positive infinity, must be negatable // Functions: // addLine(m, b): adds a line in the form f(x) = mx + b to the set of lines // addLine(m, b, l, r): adds a line segment in the form f(x) = mx + b // where l <= x <= r, to the set of lines // getMax(x): finds the maximum value of f(x) (based on the comparator) // for all inserted lines, x must be in the vector xs // clear(): removes all lines from the seg // In practice, has a moderate constant, performance compared to // IncrementalConvexHullTrick (which uses multiset) and // IncrementalConvexHullTrickSqrtBuffer can vary, faster than // SparseLiChaoTree // Time Complexity: // constructor: O(1) // addLine, getMax: O(log N) for the range [0, N) // addLineSegment: O((log N) ^ 2) for the range [0, N) // clear: O(N) for the range [0, N) // Memory Complexity: O(N) for the range [0, N) // Tested: // https://judge.yosupo.jp/problem/line_add_get_min // https://judge.yosupo.jp/problem/segment_add_get_min // https://open.kattis.com/problems/longestlife // https://www.spoj.com/problems/CHTPRAC/ template <class T, class Cmp = less<T>> struct LiChaoTree { using Line = pair<T, T>; int N; Cmp cmp; T INF; vector<Line> TR; vector<T> X; T eval(Line l, int i) const { return l.first * X[i] + l.second; } bool majorize(Line a, Line b, int l, int r) { return !cmp(eval(a, l), eval(b, l)) && !cmp(eval(a, r), eval(b, r)); } int cInd(T x) const { return lower_bound(X.begin(), X.end(), x) - X.begin(); } int fInd(T x) const { return upper_bound(X.begin(), X.end(), x) - X.begin() - 1; } LiChaoTree(const vector<T> &xs, Cmp cmp = Cmp(), T inf = numeric_limits<T>::max()) : cmp(cmp), INF(min(inf, -inf, cmp)), X(xs) { sort(X.begin(), X.end()); X.erase(unique(X.begin(), X.end()), X.end()); N = X.size(); TR.assign(N == 0 ? 0 : 1 << __lg(N * 4 - 1), Line(T(), INF)); } void addLine(int k, int tl, int tr, Line line) { if (majorize(line, TR[k], tl, tr)) swap(line, TR[k]); if (majorize(TR[k], line, tl, tr)) return; if (cmp(eval(TR[k], tl), eval(line, tl))) swap(line, TR[k]); int m = tl + (tr - tl) / 2; if (!cmp(eval(line, m), eval(TR[k], m))) { swap(line, TR[k]); addLine(k * 2, tl, m, line); } else addLine(k * 2 + 1, m + 1, tr, line); } void addLineSegment(int k, int tl, int tr, int l, int r, Line line) { if (r < tl || tr < l) return; if (l <= tl && tr <= r) { addLine(k, tl, tr, line); return; } int m = tl + (tr - tl) / 2; addLineSegment(k * 2, tl, m, l, r, line); addLineSegment(k * 2 + 1, m + 1, tr, l, r, line); } T getMax(int k, int tl, int tr, int i) const { T ret = eval(TR[k], i); if (tl == tr) return ret; int m = tl + (tr - tl) / 2; if (i <= m) return max(ret, getMax(k * 2, tl, m, i), cmp); else return max(ret, getMax(k * 2 + 1, m + 1, tr, i), cmp); } void addLine(T m, T b) { addLine(1, 0, N - 1, Line(m, b)); } void addLineSegment(T m, T b, T l, T r) { int li = cInd(l), ri = fInd(r); if (li <= ri) addLineSegment(1, 0, N - 1, li, ri, Line(m, b)); } T getMax(T x) const { return getMax(1, 0, N - 1, cInd(x)); } void clear() { fill(TR.begin(), TR.end(), Line(T(), INF)); } };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "Point.h" #include "Angle.h" #include "Line.h" using namespace std; // Computes the intersection of half-planes defined by the left side of // a set of lines (including the line itself) // Points on the intersection are given in ccw order and may be identical // Angle::pivot is set to (0, 0) // Function Arguments: // lines: a vector of lines representing the half-planes defined by the // left side // Return Value: a pair containing a return code and a vector of points with // the return codes defined as follows: // code == 0: the intersection is finite (possibly empty), // with the vector containing the points on the intersection; // code == 1: the intersection is infinite and bounded by a series of // line segments and rays (possibly a single infinite line), with the // vector P[0], P[1], ..., P[k] where the first ray is represented by // the point P[1] in the direction towards P[0], and the second ray is // represented by the point P[k - 1] in the direction towards P[k]; // the remaining points P[1], ..., P[k - 1] represent the intersections // between the line segments and rays; if there are only 2 points, then // the intersection is bounded by the left side of the line from // P[0] to P[1] // code == 2: the intersection is infinite and bounded by two lines // (possibly coincident lines in opposite directions), with the vector // containing exactly 4 points (P[0], P[1], P[2], P[3]), where P[0] is a // point on the first bounding line, P[1] is another point on the first // line in the positive direction (based on the direction vector of the // line) from P[0], P[2] is a point on the second line, and P[3] is another // point on the second line in its positive direction from P[2] // code == 3: the intersection is the entire plane, with an empty vector // In practice, has a moderate constant // Time Complexity: O(N log N) // Memory Complexity: O(N) // Tested: // https://open.kattis.com/problems/bigbrother // https://open.kattis.com/problems/marshlandrescues // https://dmoj.ca/problem/ccoprep3p3 pair<int, vector<pt>> halfPlaneIntersection(vector<Line> lines) { Angle::setPivot(pt(0, 0)); sort(lines.begin(), lines.end(), [&] (Line a, Line b) { Angle angA(a.v), angB(b.v); return angA == angB ? a.onLeft(b.proj(pt(0, 0))) < 0 : angA < angB; }); lines.erase(unique(lines.begin(), lines.end(), [&] (Line a, Line b) { return Angle(a.v) == Angle(b.v); }), lines.end()); int N = lines.size(); if (N == 0) return make_pair(3, vector<pt>()); if (N == 1) { pt p = lines[0].proj(pt(0, 0)); return make_pair(1, vector<pt>{p, p + lines[0].v}); } int code = 0; for (int i = 0; code == 0 && i < N; i++) { Angle diff = Angle(lines[i].v) - Angle(lines[i == 0 ? N - 1 : i - 1].v); if (diff < Angle(pt(1, 0))) { rotate(lines.begin(), lines.begin() + i, lines.end()); code = 1; if (N == 2 && diff == Angle(pt(-1, 0))) { pt p = lines[0].proj(pt(0, 0)); if (lines[1].onLeft(p) < 0) return make_pair(0, vector<pt>()); pt q = lines[1].proj(pt(0, 0)); return make_pair(2, vector<pt>{p, p + lines[0].v, q, q + lines[1].v}); } } } vector<Line> q(N + 1, lines[0]); vector<pt> ret(N); pt inter; int front = 0, back = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= N - code; i++) { if (i == N) lines.push_back(q[front]); while (front < back && lines[i].onLeft(ret[back - 1]) < 0) back--; while (i != N && front < back && lines[i].onLeft(ret[front]) < 0) front++; if (lineLineIntersection(lines[i], q[back], inter) != 1) continue; ret[back++] = inter; q[back] = lines[i]; } if (code == 0 && back - front < 3) return make_pair(code, vector<pt>()); vector<pt> P(ret.begin() + front, ret.begin() + back); if (code == 1) { P.insert(P.begin(), P[0] - q[front].v); P.push_back(P.back() + q[back].v); } return make_pair(code, P); }
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; // Supports adding lines in the form f(x) = mx + b, or line segments // in the form of f(x) = mx + b over l <= x <= r, and finding // the maximum value of f(x) at an integral point x where MN <= x <= MX // Template Arguments: // IndexType: the type of x for queries (and l and r for addLineSegment) // T: the type of the slope (m) and intercept (b) of the line, as well as // the type of the function argument (x) // Cmp: the comparator to compare two f(x) values, // convention is same as std::priority_queue in STL // Required Functions: // operator (a, b): returns true if and only if a compares less than b // Constructor Arguments: // MN: the minimum bound (inclusive) for the value of x, allowing queries // where MN <= x // MX: the maximum bound (inclusive) for the value of x, allowing queries // where x <= MX // cmp: an instance of the Cmp struct // INF: a value for positive infinity, must be negatable // Functions: // addLine(m, b): adds a line in the form f(x) = mx + b to the set of lines // addLineSegment(m, b, l, r): adds a line segment in the form f(x) = mx + b // where l <= x <= r, to the set of lines // getMax(x): finds the maximum value of f(x) (based on the comparator) // for all inserted lines // clear(): removes all lines from the seg // In practice, has a moderate constant, performance compared to // IncrementalConvexHullTrick (which uses multiset) and // IncrementalConvexHullTrickSqrtBuffer can vary, slower than LiChaoTree // Time Complexity: // constructor: O(1) // addLine, getMax: O(log(MX - MN)) for the range [MX, MN] // addLineSegment: O(log(MX - MN) ^ 2) for the range [MX, MN] // clear: O(Q log(MX - MN) + U (log(MX - MN))^2) for the range // [MX, MN], Q addLine queries, and U addLineSegment queries // Memory Complexity: O(Q log(MX - MN) + U (log(MX - MN))^2) for the range // [MX, MN], Q addLine queries, and U addLineSegment // queries // Tested: // https://judge.yosupo.jp/problem/line_add_get_min // https://judge.yosupo.jp/problem/segment_add_get_min // https://open.kattis.com/problems/longestlife // https://www.spoj.com/problems/CHTPRAC/ template <class IndexType, class T, class Cmp = less<T>> struct SparseLiChaoTree { static_assert(is_integral<IndexType>::value, "IndexType must be integeral"); using Line = pair<T, T>; struct Node { Line line; int l, r; Node(T m, T b) : line(m, b), l(-1), r(-1) {} }; IndexType MN, MX; Cmp cmp; T INF; int root; vector<Node> TR; T eval(Line l, IndexType x) const { return l.first * x + l.second; } bool majorize(Line a, Line b, IndexType l, IndexType r) { return !cmp(eval(a, l), eval(b, l)) && !cmp(eval(a, r), eval(b, r)); } SparseLiChaoTree(IndexType MN, IndexType MX, Cmp cmp = Cmp(), T inf = numeric_limits<T>::max()) : MN(MN), MX(MX), cmp(cmp), INF(min(inf, -inf, cmp)), root(-1) {} int addLine(int k, IndexType tl, IndexType tr, Line line) { if (k == -1) { k = TR.size(); TR.emplace_back(T(), INF); } if (majorize(line, TR[k].line, tl, tr)) swap(line, TR[k].line); if (majorize(TR[k].line, line, tl, tr)) return k; if (cmp(eval(TR[k].line, tl), eval(line, tl))) swap(line, TR[k].line); IndexType m = tl + (tr - tl) / 2; if (!cmp(eval(line, m), eval(TR[k].line, m))) { swap(line, TR[k].line); int nl = addLine(TR[k].l, tl, m, line); TR[k].l = nl; } else { int nr = addLine(TR[k].r, m + 1, tr, line); TR[k].r = nr; } return k; } int addLineSegment(int k, IndexType tl, IndexType tr, IndexType l, IndexType r, Line line) { if (r < tl || tr < l) return k; if (l <= tl && tr <= r) return addLine(k, tl, tr, line); if (k == -1) { k = TR.size(); TR.emplace_back(T(), INF); } IndexType m = tl + (tr - tl) / 2; int nl = addLineSegment(TR[k].l, tl, m, l, r, line); TR[k].l = nl; int nr = addLineSegment(TR[k].r, m + 1, tr, l, r, line); TR[k].r = nr; return k; } T getMax(int k, IndexType tl, IndexType tr, IndexType x) const { if (k == -1) return INF; T ret = eval(TR[k].line, x); IndexType m = tl + (tr - tl) / 2; if (x <= m) return max(ret, getMax(TR[k].l, tl, m, x), cmp); else return max(ret, getMax(TR[k].r, m + 1, tr, x), cmp); } void addLine(T m, T b) { root = addLine(root, MN, MX, Line(m, b)); } void addLineSegment(T m, T b, IndexType l, IndexType r) { root = addLineSegment(root, MN, MX, l, r, Line(m, b)); } T getMax(IndexType x) const { return getMax(root, MN, MX, x); } void clear() { root = -1; TR.clear(); } };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "Point.h" #include "ConvexHull.h" using namespace std; // Computes the maximmum area from 3 distinct points out of a set of N points // Constructor Arguments: // P: the vector of points // Fields: // PA: the first point in the maximum area triangle // PB: the second point in the maximum area triangle // PC: the third point in the maximum area triangle // maxArea2: twice the area of the maximum area triangle // hull: the points in the convex hull of P // In practice, has a small constant // Time Complexity: // constructor: O(N^2) // Memory Complexity: O(N) // Tested: // https://dmoj.ca/problem/dmpg18g5 struct MaxTriangleArea { pt PA, PB, PC; T maxArea2; vector<pt> hull; MaxTriangleArea(const vector<pt> &P) : maxArea2(0), hull(convexHull(P)) { int H = hull.size(), a = 0, b = 1, c = 2; if (H < 3) return; maxArea2 = area2(PA = hull[a], PB = hull[b], PC = hull[c]); for (;; b = (a + 1) % H, c = (b + 1) % H) { for (; c != a; b = (b + 1) % H) { T A = area2(hull[a], hull[b], hull[c]), B = A; while ((B = area2(hull[a], hull[b], hull[(c + 1) % H])) >= A) { c = (c + 1) % H; A = B; } if (maxArea2 < A) { maxArea2 = A; PA = hull[a]; PB = hull[b]; PC = hull[c]; } } if ((a = (a + 1) % H) == 0) break; } } };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "Point.h" #include "Angle.h" #include "Line.h" #include "Circle.h" using namespace std; // Functions for 2D polygons, represented by a vector of the N points in // the polygon // Returns i mod n if i is in the range [0, 2n) int mod(int i, int n) { return i < n ? i : i - n; } // Determines twice the signed area of a simple polygon // Function Arguments: // poly: the points of the simple polygon // Return Value: twice the signed area of the polygon, positive if // ccw, negative if cw // Time Complexity: O(N) // Memory Complexity: O(1) // Tested: // https://open.kattis.com/problems/polygonarea // https://open.kattis.com/problems/crane T getArea2(const vector<pt> &poly) { T ret = 0; int n = poly.size(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) ret += cross(poly[i], poly[mod(i + 1, n)]); return ret; } // Determines centroid of a simple polygon // Function Arguments: // poly: the points of the simple polygon // Return Value: the centroid of the polygon // Time Complexity: O(N) // Memory Complexity: O(1) // Tested: // https://open.kattis.com/problems/crane pt getCentroid(const vector<pt> &poly) { T A2 = 0; pt cen(0, 0); int n = poly.size(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { T a = cross(poly[i], poly[mod(i + 1, n)]); A2 += a; cen += a * (poly[i] + poly[mod(i + 1, n)]); } return cen / A2 / T(3); } // Determines the orientation of a convex polygon // Function Arguments: // poly: the points of the convex polygon // Return Value: 1 if ccw, -1 if cw, 0 if a point or a line // Time Complexity: O(1) // Memory Complexity: O(1) int isCcwConvexPolygon(const vector<pt> &poly) { return ccw(poly.back(), poly[0], poly[mod(1, poly.size())]); } // Determines the orientation of a simple polygon // Function Arguments: // poly: the points of the simple polygon // Return Value: 1 if ccw, -1 if cw, 0 if a point or a line // Time Complexity: O(N) // Memory Complexity: O(1) // Tested: // https://open.kattis.com/problems/abstractart int isCcwPolygon(const vector<pt> &poly) { int n = poly.size(); int i = min_element(poly.begin(), poly.end()) - poly.begin(); return ccw(poly[mod(i + n - 1, n)], poly[i], poly[mod(i + 1, n)]); } // Determines whether a point is inside a convex polygon // Function Arguments: // poly: the points of the convex polygon in ccw order or cw order // p: the point to check // Return Value: 1 if inside the polygon, 0 if on the edge, -1 if outside // Time Complexity: O(log N) // Memory Complexity: O(1) // Tested: // https://codeforces.com/contest/166/problem/B int isInConvexPolygon(const vector<pt> &poly, pt p) { int n = poly.size(), a = 1, b = n - 1; if (n < 3) return onSeg(p, poly[0], poly.back()) ? 0 : -1; if (ccw(poly[0], poly[a], poly[b]) > 0) swap(a, b); int o1 = ccw(poly[0], p, poly[a]), o2 = ccw(poly[0], p, poly[b]); if (o1 < 0 || o2 > 0) return -1; if (o1 == 0 || o2 == 0) return 0; while (abs(a - b) > 1) { int c = (a + b) / 2; (ccw(poly[0], p, poly[c]) < 0 ? b : a) = c; } return ccw(poly[a], p, poly[b]); } // Determines whether a point is inside a simple polygon // Function Arguments: // poly: the points of the simple polygon in ccw order or cw order // p: the point to check // Return Value: 1 if inside the polygon, 0 if on the edge, -1 if outside // Time Complexity: O(N) // Memory Complexity: O(1) // Tested: // https://open.kattis.com/problems/pointinpolygon int isInPolygon(const vector<pt> &poly, pt p) { int n = poly.size(), windingNumber = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { pt a = poly[i], b = poly[mod(i + 1, n)]; if (lt(b.y, a.y)) swap(a, b); if (onSeg(p, a, b)) return 0; windingNumber ^= (!lt(p.y, a.y) && lt(p.y, b.y) && ccw(p, a, b) > 0); } return windingNumber == 0 ? -1 : 1; } // Finds an extreme vertex of a convex polygon (a vertex that is the furthest // point in that direction, selecting the rightmost vertex if there are // multiple) // Function Arguments: // poly: the points of the convex polygon in ccw order // dir: the direction // Return Value: the index of an extreme vertex // Time Complexity: O(log N) // Memory Complexity: O(1) // Tested: // https://codeforces.com/contest/799/problem/G // https://www.acmicpc.net/problem/4225 int extremeVertex(const vector<pt> &poly, pt dir) { int n = poly.size(), lo = 0, hi = n; pt pp = perp(dir); auto cmp = [&] (int i, int j) { return sgn(cross(pp, poly[mod(i, n)] - poly[mod(j, n)])); }; auto extr = [&] (int i) { return cmp(i + 1, i) >= 0 && cmp(i, i + n - 1) < 0; }; if (extr(0)) return 0; while (lo + 1 < hi) { int m = lo + (hi - lo) / 2; if (extr(m)) return m; int ls = cmp(lo + 1, lo), ms = cmp(m + 1, m); (ls < ms || (ls == ms && ls == cmp(lo, m)) ? hi : lo) = m; } return lo; } // Finds the intersection of a convex polygon and a line // Function Arguments: // poly: the points of the convex polygon in ccw order // l: the line // Return Value: (-1, -1) if no collision // (i, -1) if touching corner i // (i, i) if along side (i, i + 1) // (i, j) if crossing sides (i, i + 1) and (j, j + 1) // crossing corner i is treated as crossing side (i, i + 1) // first index in pair is guaranteed to NOT be on the left side of the line // Time Complexity: O(log N) // Memory Complexity: O(1) // Tested: // Fuzz Tested // https://codeforces.com/contest/799/problem/G pair<int, int> convexPolygonLineIntersection(const vector<pt> &poly, Line l) { int n = poly.size(); if (n == 1) return make_pair(l.onLeft(poly[0]) == 0 ? 0 : -1, -1); if (n == 2) { int o0 = l.onLeft(poly[0]), o1 = l.onLeft(poly[1]); if (o0 == 0 && o1 == 0) return make_pair(0, 0); if (o0 == 0) return make_pair(0, -1); if (o1 == 0) return make_pair(1, -1); return o0 == o1 ? make_pair(-1, -1) : make_pair(0, 1); } int endA = extremeVertex(poly, -perp(l.v)); int endB = extremeVertex(poly, perp(l.v)); auto cmpL = [&] (int i) { return l.onLeft(poly[i]); }; pair<int, int> ret(-1, -1); if (cmpL(endA) > 0 || cmpL(endB) < 0) return ret; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { int lo = endB, hi = endA; while (mod(lo + 1, n) != hi) { int m = mod((lo + hi + (lo < hi ? 0 : n)) / 2, n); (cmpL(m) == cmpL(endB) ? lo : hi) = m; } (i ? ret.second : ret.first) = mod(lo + !cmpL(hi), n); swap(endA, endB); } if (ret.first == ret.second) return make_pair(ret.first, -1); if (!cmpL(ret.first) && !cmpL(ret.second)) { switch ((ret.first - ret.second + n + 1) % n) { case 0: return make_pair(ret.first, ret.first); case 2: return make_pair(ret.second, ret.second); } } return ret; } // Finds a single tangent of a convex polygon and a point strictly outside // the polygon // Function Arguments: // poly: the points of the convex polygon in ccw order // p: the point strictly outside the polygon // left: whether the left or right tangent line is found if p is // considered to be below the polygon // Return Value: the tangent index, with the closest point to p being // selected if there are multiple indices // Time Complexity: O(log N) // Memory Complexity: O(1) // Tested: // Fuzz Tested // https://dmoj.ca/problem/coci19c2p5 int convexPolygonPointSingleTangent(const vector<pt> &poly, pt p, bool left) { int n = poly.size(), o = ccw(p, poly[0], poly.back()); bool farSide = o ? o < 0 : lt(distSq(p, poly.back()), distSq(p, poly[0])); int lo = farSide != left, hi = lo + n - 2; while (lo <= hi) { int mid = lo + (hi - lo) / 2; if (ccw(p, poly[0], poly[mid]) == (left ? -1 : 1)) { if (farSide == left) hi = mid - 1; else lo = mid + 1; } else { if ((ccw(poly[mid], poly[mod(mid + 1, n)], p) < 0) == left) hi = mid - 1; else lo = mid + 1; } } return mod(lo, n); } // Finds the tangent of a convex polygon and a point strictly outside // the polygon // Function Arguments: // poly: the points of the convex polygon in ccw order // p: the point strictly outside the polygon // Return Value: a pair containing the tangent indices, with the first index // being the left tangent point and the second index being the right tangent // if p is considered to be below the polygon; all points strictly between // the tangent indices are strictly within the tangent lines, while all other // points are on or outside the tangent lines // Time Complexity: O(log N) // Memory Complexity: O(1) // Tested: // Fuzz Tested // https://dmoj.ca/problem/coci19c2p5 pair<int, int> convexPolygonPointTangent(const vector<pt> &poly, pt p) { return make_pair(convexPolygonPointSingleTangent(poly, p, true), convexPolygonPointSingleTangent(poly, p, false)); } // Finds the tangent of a convex polygon and a circle strictly and completely // outside the polygon // Function Arguments: // poly: the points of the convex polygon in ccw order // c: the circle strictly and completely outside the polygon // inner: whether to find the inner or outer tangents // Return Value: a pair containing the tangent indices, with the first index // being the left tangent point and the second index being the right tangent // if c is considered to be below the polygon; all points strictly between // the tangent indices are strictly within the tangent lines, while all other // points are on or outside the tangent lines (same index means all points // are inside or on the tangent lines) // Time Complexity: O(log N) // Memory Complexity: O(1) // Tested: // Fuzz Tested pair<int, int> convexPolygonCircleTangent(const vector<pt> &poly, Circle c, bool inner) { int n = poly.size(), a = 0, b = 0; vector<pair<pt, pt>> t; for (int h = 0; h < 2; h++) { assert(circleCircleTangent(Circle(poly[0], 0), c, inner, t) == 1); pt q = t[h].second; int o = ccw(q, poly[0], poly.back()); bool farSide = o ? o < 0 : lt(distSq(q, poly.back()), distSq(q, poly[0])); int lo = farSide == h, hi = lo + n - 2; while (lo <= hi) { int mid = lo + (hi - lo) / 2; t.clear(); assert(circleCircleTangent(Circle(poly[mid], 0), c, inner, t) == 1); q = t[h].second; if (ccw(q, poly[0], poly[mid]) == (h ? 1 : -1)) { if (farSide != h) hi = mid - 1; else lo = mid + 1; } else { if ((ccw(poly[mid], poly[mod(mid + 1, n)], q) < 0) != h) hi = mid - 1; else lo = mid + 1; } } (h ? b : a) = mod(lo, n); t.clear(); } return make_pair(a, b); } // Finds the tangents of two convex polygons that do not intersect // Function Arguments: // poly1: the first convex polygon // poly2: the second convex polygon that does not intersect with the first // inner: whether to find the inner or outer tangents // Return Value: a vector of pairs containing the tangent indices, with the // first element in each pair being the index in the first polygon, and the // second element being the index in the second polygon; first point in // each pair is the left tangent point of the first polygon if the second // polygon is considered to be below the first polygon // Time Complexity: O(log N log M) // Memory Complexity: O(1) // Tested: // Fuzz Tested vector<pair<int, int>> convexPolygonConvexPolygonTangent( const vector<pt> &poly1, const vector<pt> &poly2, bool inner) { int n = poly1.size(), a = 0, b = 0, c = 0, d = 0; vector<pair<int, int>> ret; for (int h = 0; h < 2; h++) { pt q = poly2[convexPolygonPointSingleTangent(poly2, poly1[0], inner ^ h)]; int o = ccw(q, poly1[0], poly1.back()); bool farSide = o ? o < 0 : lt(distSq(q, poly1.back()), distSq(q, poly1[0])); int lo = farSide == h, hi = lo + n - 2; while (lo <= hi) { int mid = lo + (hi - lo) / 2; q = poly2[convexPolygonPointSingleTangent(poly2, poly1[mid], inner ^ h)]; if (ccw(q, poly1[0], poly1[mid]) == (h ? 1 : -1)) { if (farSide != h) hi = mid - 1; else lo = mid + 1; } else { if ((ccw(poly1[mid], poly1[mod(mid + 1, n)], q) < 0) != h) hi = mid - 1; else lo = mid + 1; } } (h ? b : a) = lo = mod(lo, n); (h ? d : c) = convexPolygonPointSingleTangent(poly2, poly1[lo], inner ^ h); } ret.emplace_back(a, c); ret.emplace_back(b, d); return ret; } // Finds the closest point on the edge of the polygon to a point strictly // outside the polygon // Function Arguments: // poly: the points of the convex polygon in ccw order // p: the point strictly outside the polygon // Return Value: the closest point on the edge of the polygon to the point p // Time Complexity: O(log N) // Memory Complexity: O(1) // Tested: // Fuzz Tested pt closestPointOnConvexPolygon(const vector<pt> &poly, pt p) { pair<int, int> tangent = convexPolygonPointTangent(poly, p); int n = poly.size(), len = tangent.second - tangent.first; if (len < 0) len += n; if (len == 0) return poly[tangent.first]; int lo = 0, hi = len - 2; while (lo <= hi) { int mid = lo + (hi - lo) / 2, i = mod(tangent.first + mid, n); if (ptSegDist(p, poly[i], poly[mod(i + 1, n)]) < ptSegDist(p, poly[mod(i + 1, n)], poly[mod(i + 2, n)])) hi = mid - 1; else lo = mid + 1; } int i = mod(tangent.first + lo, n); return closestPtOnSeg(p, poly[i], poly[mod(i + 1, n)]); } // Determines the intersection of a simple polygon and a half-plane defined // by the left side of a line (including the line itself) // Function Arguments: // poly: the points of the simple polygon in ccw order // l: the line with the half-plane defined by the left side // Return Value: the polygon defined by the intersection of the simple polygon // and the half-plane, assuming the result is a single simple polyon // Time Complexity: O(N) // Memory Complexity: O(N) // Tested: // https://dmoj.ca/problem/utso15p6 // https://open.kattis.com/problems/canyon vector<pt> polygonHalfPlaneIntersection(const vector<pt> &poly, Line l) { int n = poly.size(); vector<pt> ret; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { int j = mod(i + 1, n), o1 = l.onLeft(poly[i]), o2 = l.onLeft(poly[j]); if (o1 >= 0) ret.push_back(poly[i]); if (o1 && o2 && o1 != o2) { pt p; if (lineLineIntersection(l, Line(poly[i], poly[j]), p) == 1) ret.push_back(p); } } return ret; } // Computes the area of union of multiple polygons // Function Arguments: // polys: a vector of the polygons represented by a vector of points given in // ccw order // Return Value: the area of the union of all the polygons // Time Complexity: O(N^2 log N) for N total points // Memory Complexity: O(N) for N total points // Tested: // https://open.kattis.com/problems/abstractart T polygonUnion(const vector<vector<pt>> &polys) { auto rat = [&] (pt p, pt q) { return sgn(q.x) ? p.x / q.x : p.y / q.y; }; T ret = 0; for (int i = 0; i < int(polys.size()); i++) for (int v = 0; v < int(polys[i].size()); v++) { pt a = polys[i][v], b = polys[i][mod(v + 1, polys[i].size())]; vector<pair<T, int>> segs{make_pair(0, 0), make_pair(1, 0)}; for (int j = 0; j < int(polys.size()); j++) if (i != j) for (int w = 0; w < int(polys[j].size()); w++) { pt c = polys[j][w], d = polys[j][mod(w + 1, polys[j].size())]; int sc = ccw(a, b, c), sd = ccw(a, b, d); if (sc != sd) { if (min(sc, sd) < 0) { T sa = area2(c, d, a), sb = area2(c, d, b); segs.emplace_back(sa / (sa - sb), sgn(sc - sd)); } } else if (j < i && !sc && !sd && sgn(dot(b - a, d - c)) > 0) { segs.emplace_back(rat(c - a, b - a), 1); segs.emplace_back(rat(d - a, b - a), -1); } } sort(segs.begin(), segs.end()); T sm = 0; for (auto &&s : segs) s.first = min(max(s.first, T(0)), T(1)); for (int j = 1, cnt = segs[0].second; j < int(segs.size()); j++) { if (!cnt) sm += segs[j].first - segs[j - 1].first; cnt += segs[j].second; } ret += cross(a, b) * sm; } return ret / 2; } // Determines the area of the intersection of a simple polygon and a circle // Function Arguments: // poly: the points of the simple polygon in ccw order // c: the circle // Return Value: the area of the intersection of the simple polygon and // the circle // Time Complexity: O(N) // Memory Complexity: O(1) // Tested: // https://open.kattis.com/problems/pizzacutting // https://open.kattis.com/problems/birthdaycake T polygonCircleIntersectionArea(const vector<pt> &poly, Circle c) { T r2 = c.r * c.r / 2; auto tri = [&] (pt p, pt q) { pt d = q - p; T a = dot(d, p) / norm(d); T b = (norm(p) - c.r * c.r) / norm(d), det = a * a - b; if (!lt(0, det)) return ang(q, pt(0, 0), p) * r2; T s = max(T(0), -a - sqrt(det)), t = min(T(1), -a + sqrt(det)); if (lt(t, 0) || !lt(s, 1)) return ang(q, pt(0, 0), p) * r2; pt u = p + d * s, v = p + d * t; return ang(u, pt(0, 0), p) * r2 + cross(u, v) / 2 + ang(q, pt(0, 0), v) * r2; }; T ret = 0; for (int n = poly.size(), i = 0; i < n; i++) ret += tri(poly[i] - c.o, poly[mod(i + 1, n)] - c.o); return ret; } // Computes the area of union of multiple polygons and multiple circles // Assertion failure likely means there is precision error // Function Arguments: // polys: a vector of the polygons represented by a vector of points given in // ccw order // circles: a vector of the circles // Return Value: the area of the union of all the polygons and all the circles // Time Complexity: O((N + M)^2 log (N + M)) for N total points and M circles // Memory Complexity: O((N + M)^2) for N total points and M circles // Tested: // https://open.kattis.com/problems/abstractart // https://www.spoj.com/problems/CIRU/ // https://dmoj.ca/problem/noi05p6 T polygonCircleUnionArea(const vector<vector<pt>> &polys, const vector<Circle> &circles) { int n = polys.size(), m = circles.size(); T ret = 0; auto rat = [&] (pt p, pt q) { return sgn(q.x) ? p.x / q.x : p.y / q.y; }; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) for (int v = 0; v < int(polys[i].size()); v++) { pt a = polys[i][v], b = polys[i][mod(v + 1, polys[i].size())]; if (a == b) continue; vector<pair<T, int>> segs{make_pair(0, 0), make_pair(1, 0)}; for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) if (i != j) for (int w = 0; w < int(polys[j].size()); w++) { pt c = polys[j][w], d = polys[j][mod(w + 1, polys[j].size())]; int sc = ccw(a, b, c), sd = ccw(a, b, d); if (sc != sd) { if (min(sc, sd) < 0) { T sa = area2(c, d, a), sb = area2(c, d, b); segs.emplace_back(sa / (sa - sb), sgn(sc - sd)); } } else if (j < i && !sc && !sd && sgn(dot(b - a, d - c)) > 0) { segs.emplace_back(rat(c - a, b - a), 1); segs.emplace_back(rat(d - a, b - a), -1); } } Line l(a, b); for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) { vector<pt> p = circleLineIntersection(circles[j], l); if (int(p.size()) == 2) { segs.emplace_back(rat(p[0] - a, b - a), 1); segs.emplace_back(rat(p[1] - a, b - a), -1); } } sort(segs.begin(), segs.end()); T sm = 0; for (auto &&s : segs) s.first = min(max(s.first, T(0)), T(1)); for (int j = 1, cnt = segs[0].second; j < int(segs.size()); j++) { if (!cnt) sm += segs[j].first - segs[j - 1].first; cnt += segs[j].second; } ret += cross(a, b) * sm / 2; } for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { vector<pair<Angle, int>> segs; Angle::setPivot(circles[i].o); segs.emplace_back(Angle(circles[i].o - pt(circles[i].r, 0)), 0); segs.emplace_back(Angle(circles[i].o + pt(circles[i].r, 0)), 0); segs.emplace_back(Angle(circles[i].o), 0); bool covered = false; for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) if (i != j) { int o = circles[j].contains(circles[i]); if (o > 0 || (o == 0 && (lt(circles[i].r, circles[j].r) || j < i))) { covered = true; break; } vector<pt> p; circleCircleIntersection(circles[i], circles[j], p); if (int(p.size()) == 2) { Angle a(p[0]), b(p[1]); segs.emplace_back(a, 1); segs.emplace_back(b, -1); if (a >= b) { segs.emplace_back(Angle(circles[i].o - pt(circles[i].r, 0)), 1); segs.emplace_back(Angle(circles[i].o), -1); } } } for (int j = 0; j < n && !covered; j++) { vector<pair<Angle, int>> tmp; bool hasInter = false; for (int w = 0; w < int(polys[j].size()); w++) { pt c = polys[j][w], d = polys[j][mod(w + 1, polys[j].size())]; if (c == d) continue; int sc = circles[i].contains(c), sd = circles[i].contains(d); vector<pt> p = circleSegIntersection(circles[i], c, d); if (sc != sd) { if (min(sc, sd) > 0 && int(p.size()) == 1) { hasInter = true; tmp.emplace_back(Angle(p[0]), sgn(sc - sd)); } else if (min(sc, sd) < 0 && int(p.size()) == 2) { hasInter = true; tmp.emplace_back(Angle(p[sc == 0]), sgn(sc - sd)); } } else if (int(p.size()) == 2) { hasInter = true; tmp.emplace_back(Angle(p[1]), 1); tmp.emplace_back(Angle(p[0]), -1); } } auto cmp = [&] (const pair<Angle, int> &a, const pair<Angle, int> &b) { return make_pair(a.first, -a.second) < make_pair(b.first, -b.second); }; sort(tmp.begin(), tmp.end(), cmp); if (!tmp.empty() && tmp[0].second < 0) { tmp.emplace_back(Angle(circles[i].o - pt(circles[i].r, 0)), 1); tmp.emplace_back(Angle(circles[i].o), -1); } segs.insert(segs.end(), tmp.begin(), tmp.end()); if (!hasInter && isInPolygon(polys[j], circles[i].o) >= 0) for (auto &&p : polys[j]) if (circles[i].contains(p) < 0) { covered = true; break; } } if (covered) continue; sort(segs.begin(), segs.end()); for (auto &&s : segs) if (s.first.p == circles[i].o) s.first.p -= pt(circles[i].r, 0); for (int j = 1, cnt = segs[0].second; j < int(segs.size()); j++) { if (!cnt) { pt a = segs[j - 1].first.p, b = segs[j].first.p; if (a != b) { ret += cross(a, b) / 2; ret += circleHalfPlaneIntersectionArea(circles[i], Line(b, a)); } } cnt += segs[j].second; } } return ret; }
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "../../search/BinarySearch.h" using namespace std; // Supports adding lines in the form f(x) = mx + b and finding // the maximum value of f(x) at any given x; this version allows for // updates and queries in arbitrary order // Template Arguments: // T: the type of the slope (m) and intercept (b) of the line, as well as // the type of the function argument (x), must be able to store m * b // Cmp: the comparator to compare two f(x) values, // convention is same as std::priority_queue in STL // Required Functions: // operator (a, b): returns true if and only if a compares less than b // Constructor Arguments: // cmp: an instance of the Cmp struct // SCALE: the value to scale sqrt by // Functions: // addLine(m, b): adds a line in the form f(x) = mx + b to the set of lines // getMax(x): finds the maximum value of f(x) (based on the comparator) // for all inserted lines // size(): returns the number of lines in the convex hull // reserve(N): reserves space for N lines in the convex hull // In practice, has a very small constant, performance compared to // IncrementalConvexHullTrick (which uses multiset) and SparseLiChao // can vary, slower than LiChao // Time Complexity: // constructor: O(1) // addLine: O(1) amortized // getMax: O(sqrt(N) + log(N)) amortized for N lines in the convex hull // size: O(1) // reserve: O(N) // Memory Complexity: O(N) for N lines in the convex hull // Tested: // https://judge.yosupo.jp/problem/line_add_get_min // https://open.kattis.com/problems/longestlife // https://www.spoj.com/problems/CHTPRAC/ template <class T, class Cmp = less<T>> struct IncrementalConvexHullTrickSqrtBuffer { struct Line { T m, b; Line(T m, T b) : m(m), b(b) {} T eval(T x) const { return m * x + b; } }; vector<Line> large, small; Cmp cmp; double SCALE; IncrementalConvexHullTrickSqrtBuffer(Cmp cmp = Cmp(), double SCALE = 4) : cmp(cmp), SCALE(SCALE) {} bool ccw(Line a, Line b, Line c) { return (b.m - a.m) * (c.b - a.b) <= (b.b - a.b) * (c.m - a.m); } bool slope(Line a, Line b) { return !cmp(a.m, b.m) && !cmp(b.m, a.m) && !cmp(a.b, b.b); } void rebuildHull() { int back = 0; for (auto &&line : large) { while (back >= 1 && slope(line, large[back - 1])) back--; while (back >= 2 && ccw(line, large[back - 1], large[back - 2])) back--; large[back++] = line; } large.erase(large.begin() + back, large.end()); } int size() const { return large.size() + small.size(); } void rebuild() { if (int(small.size()) > SCALE * sqrt(size())) { auto lcmp = [&] (Line a, Line b) { return cmp(a.m, b.m); }; int lSz = large.size(); sort(small.begin(), small.end(), lcmp); large.insert(large.end(), small.begin(), small.end()); small.clear(); inplace_merge(large.begin(), large.begin() + lSz, large.end(), lcmp); rebuildHull(); } } void addLine(T m, T b) { small.emplace_back(m, b); } T getMax(T x) { rebuild(); int ind = bsearch<FIRST>(0, int(large.size()) - 1, [&] (int i) { return cmp(large[i + 1].eval(x), large[i].eval(x)); }); T mx = (large.empty() ? small[0] : large[ind]).eval(x); for (auto &&line : small) mx = max(mx, line.eval(x), cmp); return mx; } };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "Point.h" #include "Angle.h" #include "Line.h" #include "Circle.h" using namespace std; // A ray represented by a point and line with a direction // Fields: // p: the point // l: a line passing through p, representing the direction // nxt: a pointer to the next ray in the circular set struct Ray { pt p; Line l; mutable const Ray *nxt; Ray(pt p, Line l = Line()) : p(p), l(l), nxt(nullptr) {} virtual bool cmp(const Ray &o) const { Angle::setPivot(pt(0, 0)); return Angle(o.l.v) < Angle(l.v); } bool operator < (const Ray &r) const { return r.cmp(*this); } }; // Helper struct for isIn struct IsInCmp : public Ray { pt q, r; IsInCmp(pt p, pt q, pt r) : Ray(p), q(q), r(r) {} bool cmp(const Ray &o) const override { return q != o.p && ccw(p, o.nxt->p, r) > 0; } }; // Helper struct for pointTangents struct PointTangentCmp : public Ray { pt q, r; bool left, farSide; PointTangentCmp(pt p, pt q, pt r, bool left, bool farSide) : Ray(p), q(q), r(r), left(left), farSide(farSide) {} bool cmp(const Ray &o) const override { if (farSide != left && o.p == p) return true; if (farSide == left && o.p == q) return false; if (ccw(r, p, o.p) == (left ? -1 : 1)) return farSide != left; else return (ccw(o.p, o.nxt->p, r) < 0) != left; } }; // Helper struct for circleTangents struct CircleTangentCmp : public Ray { pt q; Circle c; bool inner, h, farSide; CircleTangentCmp(pt p, pt q, Circle c, bool inner, bool h, bool farSide) : Ray(p), q(q), c(c), inner(inner), h(h), farSide(farSide) {} bool cmp(const Ray &o) const override { if (farSide == h && o.p == p) return true; if (farSide != h && o.p == q) return false; vector<pair<pt, pt>> t; assert(circleCircleTangent(Circle(o.p, 0), c, inner, t) == 1); pt q = t[h].second; if (ccw(q, p, o.p) == (h ? 1 : -1)) return farSide == h; else return (ccw(o.p, o.nxt->p, q) < 0) == h; } }; // Helper struct for closestPt struct ClosestPointCmp : public Ray { Angle lo, hi; ClosestPointCmp(pt p, Angle lo, Angle hi) : Ray(p), lo(lo), hi(hi) {} bool cmp(const Ray &o) const override { Angle::setPivot(pt(0, 0)); if (Angle(o.l.v) < lo) return true; if (hi < Angle(o.l.v)) return false; return ptSegDist(p, o.p, o.nxt->p) >= ptSegDist(p, o.nxt->p, o.nxt->nxt->p); } }; // Helper struct for lineIntersection struct LineIntersectionCmp : public Ray { Angle lo, hi; LineIntersectionCmp(Line l, Angle lo, Angle hi) : Ray(pt(0, 0), l), lo(lo), hi(hi) {} bool cmp(const Ray &o) const override { Angle::setPivot(pt(0, 0)); if (Angle(o.l.v) < lo) return true; if (hi < Angle(o.l.v)) return false; return l.onLeft(o.nxt->p) < 0; } }; // Maintains the convex hull of points where points can be added at any time // Points are stored as a circular ordered set of Rays, with an associated // Line in the direction towards the next point // Points are strictly convex // Fields: // a2: twice the area of the convex hull // Functions: // clear(): clears the points in the convex hull // isIn(p): returns 1 if inside the polygon, 0 if on the edge, -1 if outside // singlePointTangent(p, left): returns an iterator pointing to the left or // right tangent, with the closest point to p being selected if there are // multiple points, p must be strictly outside the polygon // pointTangents(p): returns a pair of iterators, with the first iterator // being the left tangent point and the second iterator being the right // tangent if p is considered to be below the polygon; all points strictly // between the tangent iterator are strictly within the tangent lines, // while all other points are on or outside the tangent lines, // p must be strictly outside the polygon // circleTangents(c, inner): returns a pair of iterators, with the first // iterator being the left inner or outer tangent point and the second // iterator being the right tangent if c is considered to be below the // polygon; all points strictly between the tangent iterator are strictly // within the tangent lines, while all other points are on or outside the // tangent lines (same iterator means all points are inside or on the // tangent lines), the circle must be strictly and completely outside the // polygon // hullTangents(hull, inner): returns a vector of pair of iterators, with the // first element in each pair being the iterator in the first polygon, // and the second element being the iteraetor in the second polygon; first // point in each pair is the left inner/outer tangent point of the first // polygon if the second polygon is considered to be below the // first polygon // closestPt(p): returns the closest point on the edge of the polygon to // the point p where p is strictly outside the polygon // addPoint(p): adds the point p and removes any points that are no longer // in the convex hull; returns true if p is in the hull, false otherwise; // Angle::pivot is set to (0, 0) // extremeVertex(dir): returns an iterator pointing to an extreme vertex // in the direction dir (a vertex that is the furthest point in that // direction, selecting the rightmost vertex if there are multiple); // Angle::pivot is set to (0, 0) // lineIntersection(l): if l does not intersect with this convex hull, an // empty vector is returned; if there is one point of intersection, a // vector containing the point of intersection is returned; if there is a // segment of intersection, a vector containing two endpoints of the // line segment intersection is returned // halfPlaneIntersection(l): intersects this convex hull with the half-plane // specified by the left side of l (including l itself); resulting hull // is strictly convex; Angle::pivot is set to (0, 0) // In practice, has a moderate constant // Time Complexity: // constructor: O(1) // clear: O(N) // isIn, singlePointTangent, pointTangents, circleTangents, // closestPt, extremeVertex, lineIntersection: O(log N) // hullTangents: O(log N log M) // addPoint, halfPlaneIntersection: O(log N + K) for K removed points // Memory Complexity: O(1) // Tested: // Fuzz Tested // https://codeforces.com/problemsets/acmsguru/problem/99999/277 // https://open.kattis.com/problems/bigbrother // https://open.kattis.com/problems/marshlandrescues // https://dmoj.ca/problem/ccoprep3p3 // https://www.acmicpc.net/problem/4225 struct IncrementalConvexHull : public set<Ray> { using iter = set<Ray>::iterator; T a2; IncrementalConvexHull() : a2(0) {} iter mod(iter it) const { return !empty() && it == end() ? begin() : it; } iter prv(iter it) const { return prev(it == begin() ? end() : it); } iter nxt(iter it) const { return mod(next(it)); } void erase(iter it) { iter a = prv(it), b = nxt(it); set<Ray>::erase(it); if (empty()) return; a->nxt = &*b; } void emplace(pt p, Line l) { iter it = set<Ray>::emplace(p, l).first; prv(it)->nxt = &*it; it->nxt = &*nxt(it); } iter rem(iter it) { iter a = prv(it), b = nxt(it); a2 += cross(a->p, b->p); a2 -= cross(a->p, it->p) + cross(it->p, b->p); erase(it); return b; } void clear() { set<Ray>::clear(); a2 = 0; } int isIn(pt p) const { if (empty()) return -1; pt a = begin()->p, b = prev(end())->p; if (onSeg(p, a, b)) return 0; auto it = lower_bound(IsInCmp(a, b, p)); pt q = nxt(it)->p; if (onSeg(p, it->p, q)) return 0; vector<pt> P{a, it->p, q}; sort(P.begin(), P.end()); P.erase(unique(P.begin(), P.end()), P.end()); if (int(P.size()) < 3) return onSeg(p, P[0], P.back()) ? 0 : -1; return ccw(it->p, q, p) >= 0 ? 1 : -1; } iter singlePointTangent(pt p, bool left) const { pt a = begin()->p, b = prev(end())->p; int o = ccw(p, a, b); bool farSide = o ? o < 0 : lt(distSq(p, b), distSq(p, a)); return mod(lower_bound(PointTangentCmp(a, b, p, left, farSide))); } pair<iter, iter> pointTangents(pt p) const { return make_pair(singlePointTangent(p, 1), singlePointTangent(p, 0)); } pair<iter, iter> circleTangents(Circle c, bool inner) const { pair<iter, iter> ret; pt a = begin()->p, b = prev(end())->p; for (int h = 0; h < 2; h++) { vector<pair<pt, pt>> t; assert(circleCircleTangent(Circle(a, 0), c, inner, t) == 1); pt q = t[h].second; int o = ccw(q, a, b); bool farSide = o ? o < 0 : lt(distSq(q, b), distSq(q, a)); (h ? ret.second : ret.first) = mod(lower_bound(CircleTangentCmp( a, b, c, inner, h, farSide))); } return ret; } pt closestPt(pt p) const { auto f = [&] (iter a, iter b) { if (a == b) return a->p; if (a != (b = prv(b))) a = mod(lower_bound(ClosestPointCmp( p, Angle(a->l.v), Angle(prv(b)->l.v)))); return closestPtOnSeg(p, a->p, a->nxt->p); }; iter a, b; tie(a, b) = pointTangents(p); if (*b < *a) { pt q = f(a, prev(end())), r = f(begin(), b); pt s = distSq(p, q) < distSq(p, r) ? q : r; pt t = closestPtOnSeg(p, prev(end())->p, begin()->p); return distSq(p, s) < distSq(p, t) ? s : t; } else return f(a, b); } vector<pair<iter, iter>> hullTangents(const IncrementalConvexHull &hull, bool inner) const; bool addPoint(pt p) { if (empty()) { emplace(p, Line(p, p)); return true; } if (isIn(p) >= 0) return false; iter l, r; tie(l, r) = pointTangents(p); l = prv(l); if (ccw(l->p, nxt(l)->p, p) > 0) l = nxt(l); if (ccw(p, r->p, nxt(r)->p) == 0) r = nxt(r); for (l = nxt(l); l != r; l = rem(l)); l = prv(l); pt a = l->p, b = r->p; a2 += cross(a, p) + cross(p, b) - cross(a, b); erase(l); emplace(a, Line(a, p)); emplace(p, Line(p, b)); return true; } iter extremeVertex(pt dir) const { return mod(lower_bound(Ray(pt(0, 0), Line(perp(dir), 0)))); } vector<pt> lineIntersection(Line l) const { vector<pt> ret; auto check = [&] (iter a) { pt p = a->p, q = a->nxt->p; if (p != q) { pt r; lineLineIntersection(l, a->l, r); if (onSeg(r, p, q)) ret.push_back(r); } if (l.onLeft(p) == 0) ret.push_back(p); if (l.onLeft(q) == 0) ret.push_back(q); }; auto f = [&] (iter a, iter b) { if (a == b) check(a); else check(mod(lower_bound(LineIntersectionCmp( l, Angle(a->l.v), Angle(prv(b)->l.v))))); }; Line l2(-l.v, -l.c); iter a = mod(lower_bound(Ray(pt(0, 0), l))); iter b = mod(lower_bound(Ray(pt(0, 0), l2))); if (*b < *a) { std::swap(a, b); std::swap(l, l2); } f(a, b); std::swap(l, l2); f(b, prev(end())); f(begin(), a); sort(ret.begin(), ret.end()); ret.erase(unique(ret.begin(), ret.end()), ret.end()); return ret; } void halfPlaneIntersection(Line l) { if (empty()) return; iter b = mod(lower_bound(Ray(pt(0, 0), l))); if (l.onLeft(b->p) >= 0) return; iter a = prv(b); while (a != b && l.onLeft(a->p) < 0) a = prv(a); if (a == b) { clear(); return; } iter c = nxt(a); while (c != b) c = rem(c); c = nxt(b); while (l.onLeft(c->p) < 0) c = nxt(b = rem(b)); pt p, q, r = a->p, s = c->p; Line la = a->l, lb = b->l; if (lineLineIntersection(la, l, p) != 1 || lineLineIntersection(l, lb, q) != 1) { assert(lineLineIntersection(la, lb, p) == 1); q = p; } a2 -= cross(r, b->p) + cross(b->p, s); erase(a); erase(b); a2 += cross(r, p) + cross(p, q) + cross(q, s); if (r != p) emplace(r, la); if (q != s) emplace(q, lb); if ((r == p && q == s) || p != q) emplace(p, l); } }; // Helper struct for hullTangents struct HullTangentCmp : public Ray { pt q; const IncrementalConvexHull &hull; bool inner, h, farSide; HullTangentCmp(pt p, pt q, const IncrementalConvexHull &hull, bool inner, bool h, bool farSide) : Ray(p), q(q), hull(hull), inner(inner), h(h), farSide(farSide) {} bool cmp(const Ray &o) const override { if (farSide == h && o.p == p) return true; if (farSide != h && o.p == q) return false; pt q = hull.singlePointTangent(o.p, inner ^ h)->p; if (ccw(q, p, o.p) == (h ? 1 : -1)) return farSide == h; else return (ccw(o.p, o.nxt->p, q) < 0) == h; } }; vector<pair<IncrementalConvexHull::iter, IncrementalConvexHull::iter>> IncrementalConvexHull::hullTangents(const IncrementalConvexHull &hull, bool inner) const { vector<pair<iter, iter>> ret(2); pt a = begin()->p, b = prev(end())->p; for (int h = 0; h < 2; h++) { pt q = hull.singlePointTangent(a, inner ^ h)->p; int o = ccw(q, a, b); bool farSide = o ? o < 0 : lt(distSq(q, b), distSq(q, a)); ret[h].first = mod(lower_bound(HullTangentCmp( a, b, hull, inner, h, farSide))); ret[h].second = hull.singlePointTangent(ret[h].first->p, inner ^ h); } return ret; }
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "../../search/BinarySearch.h" using namespace std; // Supports adding lines in the form f(x) = mx + b and finding // the maximum value of f(x) at any given x; this version only supports // adding lines in sorted order // Template Arguments: // T: the type of the slope (m) and intercept (b) of the line, as well as // the type of the function argument (x), must be able to store m * b // Cmp: the comparator to compare two f(x) values, // convention is same as std::priority_queue in STL // Required Functions: // operator (a, b): returns true if and only if a compares less than b // REVERSE: boolean to indicate whether the lines are added in reverse order // of the comparator // Constructor Arguments: // cmp: an instance of the Cmp struct // Functions: // addLine(m, b): adds a line in the form f(x) = mx + b to the set of lines, // lines must be added in the order of slope sorted by Cmp, or in reverse // order if REVERSE is true // getMax(x): finds the maximum x value (based on the comparator) for all // inserted lines // getMaxMonoInc(x): finds the maximum x value (based on the comparator) // for all inserted lines, where all queries have non decreasing x values // (based on the standard < operator) // getMaxMonoDec(x): finds the maximum x value (based on the comparator) // for all inserted lines, where all queries have non increasing x values // (based on the standard < operator) // size(): returns the number of lines in the convex hull // reserve(N): reserves space for N lines in the convex hull // In practice, has a moderate constant // Time Complexity: // addLine, getMaxMonoInc, getMaxMonoDec: O(1) amortized // getMax: O(log N) for N lines in the convex hull // size: O(1) // reserve: O(N) // Memory Complexity: O(N) for N lines in the convex hull // Tested: // https://www.spoj.com/problems/CHTPRAC/ // https://atcoder.jp/contests/dp/tasks/dp_z template <class T, class Cmp = less<T>, const bool REVERSE = false> struct ConvexHullTrick { struct Line { T m, b; Line(T m, T b) : m(m), b(b) {} T eval(T x) const { return m * x + b; } }; vector<Line> L; Cmp cmp; int front, back; ConvexHullTrick(Cmp cmp = Cmp()) : cmp(cmp), front(0), back(0) {} int size() const { return L.size(); } void addLine(T m, T b) { auto ccw = [&] { T c1 = (L.back().m - m) * (L[size() - 2].b - b); T c2 = (L.back().b - b) * (L[size() - 2].m - m); return REVERSE ? c1 >= c2 : c1 <= c2; }; while (!L.empty() && !cmp(m, L.back().m) && !cmp(L.back().m, m) && !cmp(b, L.back().b)) L.pop_back(); while (size() >= 2 && ccw()) L.pop_back(); if (size() == back) back++; L.emplace_back(m, b); front = min(front, size() - 1); back = min(back, size()); } T moveFront(T x) { while (front + 1 < size() && !cmp(L[front + 1].eval(x), L[front].eval(x))) front++; return L[front].eval(x); } T moveBack(T x) { while (back - 2 >= 0 && !cmp(L[back - 2].eval(x), L[back - 1].eval(x))) back--; return L[back - 1].eval(x); } T getMaxMonoInc(T x) { return REVERSE ? moveBack(x) : moveFront(x); } T getMaxMonoDec(T x) { return REVERSE ? moveFront(x) : moveBack(x); } T getMax(T x) const { return L[bsearch<FIRST>(0, size() - 1, [&] (int i) { return cmp(L[i + 1].eval(x), L[i].eval(x)); })].eval(x); } void reserve(int N) { L.reserve(N); } };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "Point.h" #include "Angle.h" #include "Line.h" #include "../../datastructures/IntervalUnion.h" using namespace std; // Functions for a 2D circle struct Circle { pt o; T r; Circle(T r = 0) : o(0, 0), r(r) {} Circle(pt o, T r) : o(o), r(r) {} // 1 if p is inside this circle, 0 if on this circle, // -1 if outside this circle int contains(pt p) const { return sgn(r * r - distSq(o, p)); } // 1 if c is strictly inside this circle, 0 if inside and touching this // circle, -1 otherwise int contains(Circle c) const { T dr = r - c.r; return lt(dr, 0) ? -1 : sgn(dr * dr - distSq(o, c.o)); } // 1 if c is strictly outside this circle, 0 if outside and touching this // circle, -1 otherwise int disjoint(Circle c) const { T sr = r + c.r; return sgn(distSq(o, c.o) - sr * sr); } pt proj(pt p) const { return o + (p - o) * r / dist(o, p); } pt inv(pt p) const { return o + (p - o) * r * r / distSq(o, p); } }; // Determine the intersection of a circle and a line // Function Arguments: // c: the circle // l: the line // Return Value: the points of intersection, if any, of the circle and // the line, guaranteed to be sorted based on projection on the line // Time Complexity: O(1) // Memory Complexity: O(1) // Tested: // https://dmoj.ca/problem/noi05p6 vector<pt> circleLineIntersection(Circle c, Line l) { vector<pt> ret; T h2 = c.r * c.r - l.distSq(c.o); pt p = l.proj(c.o); if (eq(h2, 0)) ret.push_back(p); else if (lt(0, h2)) { pt h = l.v * sqrt(h2) / abs(l.v); ret.push_back(p - h); ret.push_back(p + h); } return ret; } // Determine the intersection of a circle and a line segment // Function Arguments: // c: the circle // a: the first point on the line segment // b: the second point on the line segment // Return Value: the points of intersection, if any, of the circle and // the line segment, guaranteed to be sorted based on projection on the line // from a to b // Time Complexity: O(1) // Memory Complexity: O(1) // Tested: // https://dmoj.ca/problem/noi05p6 vector<pt> circleSegIntersection(Circle c, pt a, pt b) { vector<pt> ret; if (a == b) { if (c.contains(a) == 0) ret.push_back(a); } else { Line l(a, b); for (auto &&p : circleLineIntersection(c, l)) if (l.cmpProj(a, p) <= 0 && l.cmpProj(p, b) <= 0) ret.push_back(p); } return ret; } // Determine the area of the intersection of a circle and a half-plane defined // by the left side of a line // Function Arguments: // c: the circle // l: the line with the half-plane defined by the left side // Return Value: the area of the intersection of the circle and the half-plane // Time Complexity: O(1) // Memory Complexity: O(1) // Tested: // https://dmoj.ca/problem/noi05p6 T circleHalfPlaneIntersectionArea(Circle c, Line l) { T h2 = c.r * c.r - l.distSq(c.o), ret = 0; if (!lt(h2, 0)) { pt p = l.proj(c.o), h = l.v * sqrt(max(h2, T(0))) / abs(l.v); pt a = p - h, b = p + h; T theta = abs(ang(a, c.o, b)); ret = c.r * c.r * (theta - sin(theta)) / 2; } if (l.onLeft(c.o) > 0) ret = acos(T(-1)) * c.r * c.r - ret; return ret; } // Determine the intersection of two circles // Function Arguments: // c1: the first circle // c2: the second circle // res: the points of intersection, if any, of the two circles; // the first point is guaranteed to not be on the left side of the // line from c1.o to c2.o // Return Value: 0 if no intersection, 2 if identical circles, 1 otherwise // Time Complexity: O(1) // Memory Complexity: O(1) // Tested: // https://codeforces.com/contest/420/problem/E // https://open.kattis.com/problems/drawingcircles // https://dmoj.ca/problem/noi05p6 int circleCircleIntersection(Circle c1, Circle c2, vector<pt> &res) { pt d = c2.o - c1.o; T d2 = norm(d); if (eq(d2, 0)) return eq(c1.r, c2.r) ? 2 : 0; T pd = (d2 + c1.r * c1.r - c2.r * c2.r) / 2; T h2 = c1.r * c1.r - pd * pd / d2; pt p = c1.o + d * pd / d2; if (eq(h2, 0)) res.push_back(p); else if (lt(0, h2)) { pt h = perp(d) * sqrt(h2 / d2); res.push_back(p - h); res.push_back(p + h); } return !res.empty(); } // Determine the area of the intersection of two circles // Function Arguments: // c1: the first circle // c2: the second circle // Return Value: the area of the intersection of the two circles // Time Complexity: O(1) // Memory Complexity: O(1) // Tested: // https://codeforces.com/contest/600/problem/D T circleCircleIntersectionArea(Circle c1, Circle c2) { T d = dist(c1.o, c2.o); if (!lt(d, c1.r + c2.r)) return 0; if (!lt(c2.r, d + c1.r)) return acos(T(-1)) * c1.r * c1.r; if (!lt(c1.r, d + c2.r)) return acos(T(-1)) * c2.r * c2.r; auto A = [&] (T r1, T r2) { T a = (d * d + r1 * r1 - r2 * r2) / (2 * d * r1); T theta = 2 * acos(max(T(-1), min(T(1), a))); return r1 * r1 * (theta - sin(theta)) / 2; }; return A(c1.r, c2.r) + A(c2.r, c1.r); } // Determine the tangents of two circles // Function Arguments: // c1: the first circle // c2: the second circle // inner: whether to find the inner or outer tangents // res: a vector of pairs of size 2 of the tangents, with each pair // representing a point on the first circle and the second circle; // the first point in each pair is guaranteed to not be on the left side of // the line from c1.o to c2.o // Return Value: 0 if no tangents, 2 if identical circles, 1 otherwise // Time Complexity: O(1) // Memory Complexity: O(1) // Tested: // https://dmoj.ca/problem/nccc7s4 // https://dmoj.ca/problem/noi05p6 int circleCircleTangent(Circle c1, Circle c2, bool inner, vector<pair<pt, pt>> &res) { pt d = c2.o - c1.o; T r2 = inner ? -c2.r : c2.r, dr = c1.r - r2; T d2 = norm(d), h2 = d2 - dr * dr; if (eq(d2, 0) || lt(h2, 0)) return eq(h2, 0) ? 2 : 0; for (T sign : {T(-1), T(1)}) { pt v = (d * dr + perp(d) * sqrt(max(h2, T(0))) * sign) / d2; res.emplace_back(c1.o + v * c1.r, c2.o + v * r2); } return 1; } // Determines the circumcircle from 3 non-collinear points // Function Arguments: // a: the first point // b: the second point // c: the third point // Return Value: the circumcircle of the 3 points // Time Complexity: O(1) // Memory Complexity: O(1) // Tested: // https://www.spoj.com/problems/QCJ4/ Circle circumcircle(pt a, pt b, pt c) { b -= a; c -= a; pt ret = b * c * (conj(c) - conj(b)) / (b * conj(c) - conj(b) * c); return Circle(a + ret, abs(ret)); } // Computes the area of union of multiple circles // Function Arguments: // circles: a vector of the circles // Return Value: the area of the union of all the circles // Time Complexity: O(N^2 log N) // Memory Complexity: O(N) // Tested: // https://www.spoj.com/problems/CIRU/ T circleUnionArea(const vector<Circle> &circles) { int n = circles.size(); T ret = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { vector<pair<Angle, Angle>> intervals; Angle::setPivot(circles[i].o); bool inside = false; for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) if (i != j) { int o = circles[j].contains(circles[i]); if (o > 0 || (o == 0 && (lt(circles[i].r, circles[j].r) || j < i))) { inside = true; break; } vector<pt> p; circleCircleIntersection(circles[i], circles[j], p); if (int(p.size()) == 2) { Angle a(p[0]), b(p[1]); if (a < b) intervals.emplace_back(a, b); else { intervals.emplace_back(a, Angle(circles[i].o)); Angle c(circles[i].o - pt(circles[i].r, 0)); intervals.emplace_back(c, b); } } } if (inside) continue; if (intervals.empty()) ret += acos(T(-1)) * circles[i].r * circles[i].r; else { intervalUnion(intervals); if (intervals.back().second == circles[i].o) { intervals.front().first = intervals.back().first; intervals.pop_back(); } for (int j = 0, k = int(intervals.size()); j < k; j++) { pt a = intervals[j].second.p; pt b = intervals[j + 1 == k ? 0 : j + 1].first.p; ret += cross(a, b) / 2; ret += circleHalfPlaneIntersectionArea(circles[i], Line(b, a)); } } } return ret; }
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; // Helper struct for IncrementalConvexHullTrick template <class T> struct CHTLine { bool isQuery; T m, b; mutable T x; CHTLine(T m, T b) : isQuery(false), m(m), b(b), x(T()) {} CHTLine(T x) : isQuery(true), m(T()), b(T()), x(x) {} }; // Supports adding lines in the form f(x) = mx + b and finding // the maximum value of f(x) at any given x; this version allows for // updates and queries in arbitrary order // Template Arguments: // T: the type of the slope (m) and intercept (b) of the line, as well as // the type of the function argument (x) // Cmp: the comparator to compare two f(x) values, // convention is same as std::priority_queue in STL // Required Functions: // operator (a, b): returns true if and only if a compares less than b // Constructor Arguments: // cmp: an instance of the Cmp struct // INF: a value for positive infinity, must be negatable // Functions (in addition to std::multiset): // addLine(m, b): adds a line in the form f(x) = mx + b to the set of lines // getMax(x): finds the maximum value of f(x) (based on the comparator) // for all inserted lines // In practice, has a moderate constant, performance compared to // IncrementalConvexHullTrickSqrtBuffer and SparseLiChao can vary, slower // than LiChao // Time Complexity: // constructor: O(1) // addLine, getMax: O(log(N)) amortized for N lines in the convex hull // Memory Complexity: O(N) for N lines in the convex hull // Tested: // https://judge.yosupo.jp/problem/line_add_get_min // https://open.kattis.com/problems/longestlife // https://www.spoj.com/problems/CHTPRAC/ #define FUN function<bool(const CHTLine<T> &, const CHTLine<T> &)> template <class T, class Cmp = less<T>> struct IncrementalConvexHullTrick : public multiset<CHTLine<T>, FUN> { using MS = multiset<CHTLine<T>, FUN>; using iter = typename MS::iterator; using MS::begin; using MS::end; using MS::emplace; using MS::erase; using MS::lower_bound; Cmp cmp; T INF; FUN makeFun(Cmp cmp) { return [=] (const CHTLine<T> &a, const CHTLine<T> &b) { return a.isQuery || b.isQuery ? a.x < b.x : cmp(a.m, b.m); }; } IncrementalConvexHullTrick(Cmp cmp = Cmp(), T INF = numeric_limits<T>::max()) : MS(makeFun(cmp)), cmp(cmp), INF(INF) {} template <const bool _ = is_integral<T>::value || is_same<__int128_t, T>::value> typename enable_if<!_, T>::type div(T a, T b) { return a / b; } template <const bool _ = is_integral<T>::value || is_same<__int128_t, T>::value> typename enable_if<_, T>::type div(T a, T b) { return a / b - T((a < T()) != (b < T()) && T() != a % b); } bool intersect(iter x, iter y) { if (y == end()) { x->x = INF; return false; } if (!cmp(x->m, y->m) && !cmp(y->m, x->m)) x->x = cmp(y->b, x->b) ? INF : -INF; else x->x = div(y->b - x->b, x->m - y->m); return x->x >= y->x; } void addLine(T m, T b) { auto z = emplace(m, b), y = z++, x = y; while (intersect(y, z)) z = erase(z); if (x != begin() && intersect(--x, y)) intersect(x, y = erase(y)); while ((y = x) != begin() && (--x)->x >= y->x) intersect(x, erase(y)); } T getMax(T x) const { auto l = *lower_bound(CHTLine<T>(x)); return l.m * x + l.b; } }; #undef FUN
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "Point.h" #include "Angle.h" #include "Line.h" using namespace std; // Helper struct for polygonTriangulation struct Chain { static T X; mutable Line l; Chain(T Y) : l(0, 1, Y) {} Chain(pt p, pt q) : l(p, q) {} bool operator < (const Chain &c) const { return lt((l.c + l.v.y * X) * c.l.v.x, (c.l.c + c.l.v.y * X) * l.v.x); } }; // Helper struct for polygonTriangulation struct ChainInfo { int chainId, last, link; ChainInfo(int chainId, int last) : chainId(chainId), last(last), link(last) {} }; T Chain::X = 0; // Triangulates a polygon such that all N - 2 triangles are disjoint, with the // union of the triangles being equal to the original polygon // Function Arguments: // P: the points of the simple polygon in ccw order, no two points can // be identical // Return Value: a vector of arrays of 3 points, representing a triangle in // the triangulation, points given in ccw order // In practice, has a moderate constant // Time Complexity: O(N log N) // Memory Complexity: O(N) // Tested: // Fuzz Tested vector<array<pt, 3>> polygonTriangulation(const vector<pt> &P) { vector<array<pt, 3>> ret; auto monotone = [&] (const vector<int> &ind) { auto add = [&] (int i, int j, int k) { ret.push_back(array<pt, 3>{P[ind[i]], P[ind[j]], P[ind[k]]}); }; auto pccw = [&] (int i, int j, int k) { return ccw(P[ind[i]], P[ind[j]], P[ind[k]]); }; int st = min_element(ind.begin(), ind.end(), [&] (int i, int j) { return P[i].x < P[j].x; }) - ind.begin(); auto prv = [&] (int i) { return i == 0 ? int(ind.size()) - 1 : i - 1; }; auto nxt = [&] (int i) { return i + 1 == int(ind.size()) ? 0 : i + 1; }; deque<int> lo{st}, hi{st}; for (int k = 1; k < int(ind.size()); k++) { int a = nxt(lo.back()), b = prv(hi.back()); if (P[ind[a]].x < P[ind[b]].x) { while (int(lo.size()) >= 2 && pccw(lo[lo.size() - 2], lo.back(), a) == 1) { add(lo[lo.size() - 2], lo.back(), a); lo.pop_back(); } while (int(hi.size()) >= 2 && pccw(a, hi[1], hi[0]) == 1) { add(a, hi[1], hi[0]); hi.pop_front(); lo.front() = hi.front(); } lo.push_back(a); } else { while (int(hi.size()) >= 2 && pccw(b, hi.back(), hi[hi.size() - 2]) == 1) { add(b, hi.back(), hi[hi.size() - 2]); hi.pop_back(); } while (int(lo.size()) >= 2 && pccw(lo[0], lo[1], b) == 1) { add(lo[0], lo[1], b); lo.pop_front(); hi.front() = lo.front(); } hi.push_back(b); } } }; int n = P.size(); vector<int> ord(n); iota(ord.begin(), ord.end(), 0); sort(ord.begin(), ord.end(), [&] (int a, int b) { return P[a].x < P[b].x; }); auto isAdj = [&] (int i, int j) { int d = abs(i - j); return d == 1 || d == n - 1; }; auto prv = [&] (int i) { return i == 0 ? n - 1 : i - 1; }; auto nxt = [&] (int i) { return i + 1 == n ? 0 : i + 1; }; vector<vector<pair<int, int>>> G(n); int curEdge = 0, curChain = 0; auto addBiEdge = [&] (int i, int j) { if (i == -1 || j == -1 || isAdj(i, j)) return; G[i].emplace_back(j, curEdge++); G[j].emplace_back(i, curEdge++); }; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) G[i].emplace_back(nxt(i), curEdge++); multimap<Chain, ChainInfo> lo, hi; for (int l = 0, r = 0; l < n; l = r) { for (r = l + 1; r < n && !lt(P[ord[l]].x, P[ord[r]].x); r++); sort(ord.begin() + l, ord.begin() + r, [&] (int a, int b) { return P[a].y < P[b].y; }); Chain::X = P[ord[l]].x; for (int d = l, u = l; d < r; d = u) { for (u = d + 1; u < r && isAdj(ord[u - 1], ord[u]); u++); auto it1 = lo.upper_bound(Chain(P[ord[u - 1]].y)); auto it2 = hi.lower_bound(Chain(P[ord[d]].y)); if (it1 == lo.begin() || it2 == hi.end() || ((--it1)->second.chainId != it2->second.chainId && (nxt(it1->second.last) != ord[u - 1] || prv(it2->second.last) != ord[d]))) { lo.emplace(Chain(P[ord[d]], P[nxt(ord[d])]), ChainInfo(curChain, ord[d])); hi.emplace(Chain(P[ord[u - 1]], P[prv(ord[u - 1])]), ChainInfo(curChain++, ord[u - 1])); } else if (it1->second.chainId != it2->second.chainId) { auto it3 = next(it2), it4 = prev(it1); addBiEdge(ord[u - 1], it1->second.link); addBiEdge(ord[d], it2->second.link); addBiEdge(ord[u - 1], it3->second.link); addBiEdge(ord[d], it4->second.link); lo.erase(it1); hi.erase(it2); it3->second.chainId = it4->second.chainId; it3->second.link = -1; it4->second.link = ord[u - 1]; } else { bool conLo = nxt(it1->second.last) == ord[d]; bool conHi = prv(it2->second.last) == ord[u - 1]; if (conLo && conHi) { addBiEdge(ord[d], it1->second.link); addBiEdge(ord[d], it2->second.link); lo.erase(it1); hi.erase(it2); } else if (conLo) { addBiEdge(ord[d], it1->second.link); addBiEdge(ord[d], it2->second.link); it1->first.l = Line(P[ord[u - 1]], P[nxt(ord[u - 1])]); it1->second.last = it1->second.link = ord[u - 1]; it2->second.link = -1; } else if (conHi) { addBiEdge(ord[d], it1->second.link); addBiEdge(ord[d], it2->second.link); it2->first.l = Line(P[ord[d]], P[prv(ord[d])]); it2->second.last = it2->second.link = ord[d]; it1->second.link = -1; } else if (nxt(it1->second.last) == ord[u - 1]) { addBiEdge(ord[u - 1], it1->second.link); addBiEdge(ord[u - 1], it2->second.link); it1->first.l = Line(P[ord[d]], P[nxt(ord[d])]); it1->second.last = ord[d]; it1->second.link = ord[u - 1]; it2->second.link = -1; } else if (prv(it2->second.last) == ord[d]) { addBiEdge(ord[d], it1->second.link); addBiEdge(ord[d], it2->second.link); it2->first.l = Line(P[ord[u - 1]], P[prv(ord[u - 1])]); it2->second.last = it2->second.link = ord[u - 1]; it1->second.link = -1; } else { addBiEdge(ord[d], it1->second.link); addBiEdge(ord[d], it2->second.link); hi.emplace(Chain(P[ord[d]], P[prv(ord[d])]), ChainInfo(it1->second.chainId, ord[d])); it1->second.link = it2->second.link = -1; it2->second.chainId = curChain; lo.emplace(Chain(P[ord[u - 1]], P[nxt(ord[u - 1])]), ChainInfo(curChain++, ord[u - 1])); } } } } auto cmpAng = [&] (const pair<int, int> &a, const pair<int, int> &b) { return Angle(P[a.first]) < Angle(P[b.first]); }; auto eqAng = [&] (const pair<int, int> &a, const pair<int, int> &b) { return Angle(P[a.first]) == Angle(P[b.first]); }; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { Angle::setPivot(P[i]); sort(G[i].begin(), G[i].end(), cmpAng); G[i].erase(unique(G[i].begin(), G[i].end(), eqAng), G[i].end()); } vector<bool> vis(curEdge, false); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) for (auto &&e : G[i]) if (!vis[e.second]) { vector<int> ind; int cur = i, nxt = e.first, eid = e.second; while (!vis[eid]) { ind.push_back(cur); vis[eid] = true; Angle::setPivot(P[nxt]); auto it = lower_bound(G[nxt].begin(), G[nxt].end(), make_pair(cur, -1), cmpAng); it = prev(it == G[nxt].begin() ? G[nxt].end() : it); cur = nxt; nxt = it->first; eid = it->second; } monotone(ind); } return ret; }
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "Point.h" using namespace std; // Computes the convex hull of a set of N points // Function Arguments: // P: the vector of points // Return Value: a vector of points in the convex hull in ccw order // In practice, has a small constant // Time Complexity: O(N log N) // Memory Complexity: O(N) // Tested: // https://open.kattis.com/problems/convexhull vector<pt> convexHull(vector<pt> P) { vector<pt> hull; sort(P.begin(), P.end()); for (int h = 0; h < 2; h++) { int st = hull.size(); for (auto &&p : P) { while (int(hull.size()) >= st + 2 && ccw(hull[hull.size() - 2], hull.back(), p) <= 0) hull.pop_back(); hull.push_back(p); } hull.pop_back(); reverse(P.begin(), P.end()); } if (int(hull.size()) == 2 && hull[0] == hull[1]) hull.pop_back(); if (hull.empty() && !P.empty()) hull.push_back(P[0]); return hull; }
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "Point.h" using namespace std; // Computes the closest pair of points out of a set of N points // Constructor Arguments: // P: the vector of points // Fields: // best1: the first point in the pair of closest points // best2: the second point in the pair of closest points // bestDistSq: the distance squared between best1 and best2 // In practice, has a moderate constant // Time Complexity: // constructor: O(N log N) // Memory Complexity: O(N) // Tested: // https://open.kattis.com/problems/closestpair2 struct ClosestPair { static bool yOrdLt(pt p, pt q) { return lt(p.y, q.y); } pt best1, best2; T bestDistSq; void closest(vector<pt> &P, int lo, int hi) { if (hi <= lo) return; int mid = lo + (hi - lo) / 2; pt median = P[mid]; closest(P, lo, mid); closest(P, mid + 1, hi); vector<pt> aux; merge(P.begin() + lo, P.begin() + mid + 1, P.begin() + mid + 1, P.begin() + hi + 1, back_inserter(aux), yOrdLt); copy(aux.begin(), aux.end(), P.begin() + lo); for (int i = lo, k = 0; i <= hi; i++) { T dx = P[i].x - median.x, dx2 = dx * dx; if (lt(dx2, bestDistSq)) { for (int j = k - 1; j >= 0; j--) { T dy = P[i].y - aux[j].y, dy2 = dy * dy; if (!lt(dy2, bestDistSq)) break; T dSq = distSq(P[i], aux[j]); if (lt(dSq, bestDistSq)) { bestDistSq = dSq; best1 = P[i]; best2 = aux[j]; } } aux[k++] = P[i]; } } } ClosestPair(vector<pt> P) : bestDistSq(numeric_limits<T>::max()) { sort(P.begin(), P.end()); closest(P, 0, int(P.size()) - 1); } };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "Point.h" #include "ConvexHull.h" using namespace std; // Computes the farthest pair of points out of a set of N points // Constructor Arguments: // P: the vector of points // Fields: // best1: the first point in the pair of farthest points // best2: the second point in the pair of farthest points // bestDistSq: the distance squared between best1 and best2 // hull: the points in the convex hull of P // In practice, has a small constant // Time Complexity: // constructor: O(N log N) // Memory Complexity: O(N) // Tested: // Fuzz Tested struct FarthestPair { pt best1, best2; T bestDistSq; vector<pt> hull; FarthestPair(const vector<pt> &P) : bestDistSq(0), hull(convexHull(P)) { int H = hull.size(); pt o(0, 0); for (int i = 0, j = H < 2 ? 0 : 1; i < j; i++) for (;; j = (j + 1) % H) { T dSq = distSq(hull[i], hull[j]); if (lt(bestDistSq, dSq)) { bestDistSq = dSq; best1 = hull[i]; best2 = hull[j]; } pt a = hull[i + 1] - hull[i], b = hull[(j + 1) % H] - hull[j]; if (ccw(o, a, b) <= 0) break; } } };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "Point.h" using namespace std; // Functions for a 2D line struct Line { pt v; T c; // ax + by = c, left side is ax + by > c Line(T a = 0, T b = 0, T c = 0) : v(b, -a), c(c) {} // direction vector v with offset c Line(pt v, T c) : v(v), c(c) {} // points p and q Line(pt p, pt q) : v(q - p), c(cross(v, p)) {} T eval(pt p) const { return cross(v, p) - c; } // sign of onLeft, dist: 1 if left of line, 0 if on line, -1 if right of line int onLeft(pt p) const { return sgn(eval(p)); } T dist(pt p) const { return eval(p) / abs(v); } T distSq(pt p) const { T e = eval(p); return e * e / norm(v); } // rotated 90 degrees ccw Line perpThrough(pt p) const { return Line(p, p + perp(v)); } Line translate(pt p) const { return Line(v, c + cross(v, p)); } Line shiftLeft(T d) const { return Line(v, c + d * abs(v)); } pt proj(pt p) const { return p - perp(v) * eval(p) / norm(v); } pt refl(pt p) const { return p - perp(v) * T(2) * eval(p) / norm(v); } // compares points by orthogonal projection (3 way comparison) int cmpProj(pt p, pt q) const { return sgn(dot(v, p) - dot(v, q)); } }; // Bisector of 2 lines // Function Arguments: // l1: the first line // l2: the second line // interior: whether the interior or exterior bisector is used // Return Value: a line representing the bisector // Time Complexity: O(1) // Memory Complexity: O(1) // Tested: // https://dmoj.ca/problem/secret Line bisector(Line l1, Line l2, bool interior) { T s = interior ? 1 : -1; return Line(l2.v / abs(l2.v) + l1.v / abs(l1.v) * s, l2.c / abs(l2.v) + l1.c / abs(l1.v) * s); } // Intersection of 2 lines // Function Arguments: // l1: the first line // l2: the second line // res: a reference to a point to store the intersection if it exists // Return Value: 0 if no intersection, 1 if proper intersection, 2 otherwise // Time Complexity: O(1) // Memory Complexity: O(1) // Tested: // https://dmoj.ca/problem/nccc7s5 int lineLineIntersection(Line l1, Line l2, pt &res) { T d = cross(l1.v, l2.v); if (eq(d, 0)) return l2.v * l1.c == l1.v * l2.c ? 2 : 0; res = (l2.v * l1.c - l1.v * l2.c) / d; return 1; } // Determines if a point is on a line segment // Function Arguments: // p: the point to check if on the line segment // a: one endpoint of the line segment // b: the other endpoint of the line segment // Return Value: true if p is on the line segment a-b, false otherwise // Time Complexity: O(1) // Memory Complexity: O(1) // Tested: // https://open.kattis.com/problems/segmentintersection bool onSeg(pt p, pt a, pt b) { return !ccw(p, a, b) && !lt(0, dot(a - p, b - p)); } // Determine if two line segments intersect // Function Arguments: // a: one endpoint of the first line segment // b: the other endpoint of the first line segment // p: one endpoint of the second line segment // q: the other endpoint of the second line segment // Return Value: 0 if no intersection, 1 if proper intersection (a single // point and not an endpoint), 2 otherwise // Time Complexity: O(1) // Memory Complexity: O(1) // Tested: // https://open.kattis.com/problems/segmentintersection int segSegIntersects(pt a, pt b, pt p, pt q) { if (ccw(a, b, p) * ccw(a, b, q) < 0 && ccw(p, q, a) * ccw(p, q, b) < 0) return 1; if (onSeg(p, a, b) || onSeg(q, a, b) || onSeg(a, p, q) || onSeg(b, p, q)) return 2; return 0; } // Determine the intersection of two line segments // Function Arguments: // a: one endpoint of the first line segment // b: the other endpoint of the first line segment // p: one endpoint of the second line segment // q: the other endpoint of the second line segment // Return Value: if the line segments do not intersect, an empty vector // of points; if the line segments intersect at a point, a vector containing // the point of intersection; if the line segments have a line segment of // intersection, a vector containing the two endpoints of the // line segment intersection (it can return more if there is precision error) // Time Complexity: O(1) // Memory Complexity: O(1) // Tested: // https://open.kattis.com/problems/segmentintersection vector<pt> segSegIntersection(pt a, pt b, pt p, pt q) { int intersects = segSegIntersects(a, b, p, q); if (!intersects) return vector<pt>(); if (intersects == 1) { T c1 = cross(p - a, b - a), c2 = cross(q - a, b - a); return vector<pt>{(c1 * q - c2 * p) / (c1 - c2)}; } vector<pt> ret; if (onSeg(p, a, b)) ret.push_back(p); if (onSeg(q, a, b)) ret.push_back(q); if (onSeg(a, p, q)) ret.push_back(a); if (onSeg(b, p, q)) ret.push_back(b); sort(ret.begin(), ret.end()); ret.erase(unique(ret.begin(), ret.end()), ret.end()); return ret; } // Finds the closest point on a line segment to another point // Function Arguments // p: the reference point // a: one endpoint of the line segment // b: the other endpoint of the line segment // Return Value: the closest point to p on the line segment a-b // Time Complexity: O(1) // Memory Complexity: O(1) pt closestPtOnSeg(pt p, pt a, pt b) { if (a == b) return a; T d = distSq(a, b), t = min(d, max(T(0), dot(p - a, b - a))); return a + (b - a) * t / d; } // Finds the distance to the closest point on a line segment to another point // Function Arguments // p: the reference point // a: one endpoint of the line segment // b: the other endpoint of the line segment // Return Value: the distance to the closest point to p on the line segment a-b // Time Complexity: O(1) // Memory Complexity: O(1) // Tested: // https://open.kattis.com/problems/segmentdistance T ptSegDist(pt p, pt a, pt b) { if (a == b) return dist(a, p); T d = distSq(a, b), t = min(d, max(T(0), dot(p - a, b - a))); return abs((p - a) * d - (b - a) * t) / d; } // Finds the closest distance between two line segments // Function Arguments // a: one endpoint of the first line segment // b: the other endpoint of the first line segment // p: one endpoint of the second line segment // q: the other endpoint of the second line segment // Return Value: the closest distance between the two line // Time Complexity: O(1) // Memory Complexity: O(1) // Tested: // https://open.kattis.com/problems/segmentdistance T segSegDist(pt a, pt b, pt p, pt q) { return segSegIntersects(a, b, p, q) > 0 ? 0 : min({ptSegDist(p, a, b), ptSegDist(q, a, b), ptSegDist(a, p, q), ptSegDist(b, p, q)}); }
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "Point.h" using namespace std; // Kd Tree for randomized 2d points // Constructor Arguments: // xmin: the minimum x value // ymin: the minimum y value // xmax: the maximum x value // ymax: the maximum y value // P: the points // Functions: // empty(): returns true if the tree is empty, false otherwise // size(): the number of points in the tree // insert(p): inserts p into the tree // contains(p): returns true if the tree contains p, false otherwise // range(rect): returns a vector of the points in the rectangle rect // nearest(p, nearest): sets nearest to the nearest point in the tree to p, // returns true if a point exists, false otherwise (tree is empty) // In practice, has a moderate constant // Time Complexity: // constructor: O(N) for N randomized points // empty, size: O(1) // insert, contains: O(log N) for N randomized points // range: O(sqrt N + K) for N randomized points and K points in the rectangle // nearest: O(log N) for N randomized points // Memory Complexity: O(N) // Tested: // https://open.kattis.com/problems/closestpair1 struct KdTree { struct Rectangle { T xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax; Rectangle(T xmin = 0, T ymin = 0, T xmax = 0, T ymax = 0) : xmin(xmin), ymin(ymin), xmax(xmax), ymax(ymax) { assert(xmin <= xmax); assert(ymin <= ymax); } bool intersects(const Rectangle &that) const { return !lt(xmax, that.xmin) && !lt(ymax, that.ymin) && !lt(that.xmax, xmin) && !lt(that.ymax, ymin); } bool contains(pt p) const { return !lt(p.x, xmin) && !lt(p.y, ymin) && !lt(xmax, p.x) && !lt(ymax, p.y); } T distSq(pt p) const { T dx = 0, dy = 0; if (p.x < xmin) dx = p.x - xmin; else if (p.x > xmax) dx = p.x - xmax; if (p.y < ymin) dy = p.y - ymin; else if (p.y > ymax) dy = p.y - ymax; return dx * dx + dy * dy; } }; struct Node { pt p; Rectangle r; Node *lu, *rd; Node(pt p, const Rectangle &r) : p(p), r(r), lu(nullptr), rd(nullptr) {} }; deque<Node> TR; static bool xOrdLt(pt p, pt q) { return lt(p.x, q.x); } static bool yOrdLt(pt p, pt q) { return lt(p.y, q.y); } Node *makeNode(pt p, const Rectangle &r) { TR.emplace_back(p, r); return &TR.back(); } T XMIN, YMIN, XMAX, YMAX; int cnt; Node *root; template <class It> Node *build(Node *n, It st, int lo, int hi, bool partition, T xmin, T ymin, T xmax, T ymax) { if (lo > hi) return nullptr; int mid = lo + (hi - lo) / 2; if (partition) nth_element(st + lo, st + mid, st + hi + 1, xOrdLt); else nth_element(st + lo, st + mid, st + hi + 1, yOrdLt); pt p = *(st + mid); n = makeNode(p, Rectangle(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)); if (partition) { n->lu = build(n->lu, st, lo, mid - 1, !partition, xmin, ymin, n->p.x, ymax); n->rd = build(n->rd, st, mid + 1, hi, !partition, n->p.x, ymin, xmax, ymax); } else { n->lu = build(n->lu, st, lo, mid - 1, !partition, xmin, ymin, xmax, n->p.y); n->rd = build(n->rd, st, mid + 1, hi, !partition, xmin, n->p.y, xmax, ymax); } return n; } Node *insert(Node *n, pt p, bool partition, T xmin, T ymin, T xmax, T ymax) { if (!n) { cnt++; return makeNode(p, Rectangle(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)); } if (n->p == p) return n; if (partition) { if (xOrdLt(p, n->p)) n->lu = insert(n->lu, p, !partition, xmin, ymin, n->p.x, ymax); else n->rd = insert(n->rd, p, !partition, n->p.x, ymin, xmax, ymax); } else { if (yOrdLt(p, n->p)) n->lu = insert(n->lu, p, !partition, xmin, ymin, xmax, n->p.y); else n->rd = insert(n->rd, p, !partition, xmin, n->p.y, xmax, ymax); } return n; } bool contains(Node *n, pt p, bool partition) { if (!n) return false; if (n->p == p) return true; if (partition) { if (xOrdLt(p, n->p)) return contains(n->lu, p, !partition); else return contains(n->rd, p, !partition); } else { if (yOrdLt(p, n->p)) return contains(n->lu, p, !partition); else return contains(n->rd, p, !partition); } } void range(Node *n, vector<pt> &ret, const Rectangle &rect) { if (!n || !rect.intersects(n->r)) return; if (rect.contains(n->p)) ret.push_back(n->p); range(n->lu, ret, rect); range(n->rd, ret, rect); } bool findNearest(Node *n, pt p, bool hasNearest, pt &nearest) { if (!n || (hasNearest && lt(distSq(nearest, p), n->r.distSq(p)))) return hasNearest; if (!hasNearest || lt(distSq(n->p, p), distSq(nearest, p))) { hasNearest = true; nearest = n->p; } if (n->lu && n->lu->r.contains(p)) { hasNearest = findNearest(n->lu, p, hasNearest, nearest); hasNearest = findNearest(n->rd, p, hasNearest, nearest); } else { hasNearest = findNearest(n->rd, p, hasNearest, nearest); hasNearest = findNearest(n->lu, p, hasNearest, nearest); } return hasNearest; } KdTree(T xmin, T ymin, T xmax, T ymax) : XMIN(xmin), YMIN(ymin), XMAX(xmax), YMAX(ymax), cnt(0), root(nullptr) {} KdTree(T xmin, T ymin, T xmax, T ymax, vector<pt> P) : XMIN(xmin), YMIN(ymin), XMAX(xmax), YMAX(ymax), cnt(P.size()) { root = build(root, P.begin(), 0, cnt - 1, true, XMIN, YMIN, XMAX, YMAX); } bool empty() { return cnt == 0; } int size() { return cnt; } void insert(pt p) { root = insert(root, p, true, XMIN, YMIN, XMAX, YMAX); } bool contains(pt p) { return contains(root, p, true); } vector<pt> range(const Rectangle &rect) { vector<pt> ret; range(root, ret, rect); return ret; } bool findNearest(pt p, pt &nearest) { return findNearest(root, p, false, nearest); } };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "Point.h" using namespace std; // Struct to compare angles in the range [-PI, PI) around a pivot based // on arg(p - pivot) // Points directly to the left have an angle of -PI, points equal to the pivot // are placed after all points // Constructor Arguments: // p: the point // Fields: // static pivot: the pivot point // Functions: // static setPivot(p): sets p as the pivot point // <, <=, >, >=, ==, !=: compares 2 angles // +, +=, -, -=: arithmetic operators // Time Complexity: // constructor, setPivot, <, <=, >, >=, ==, !=, +, +=, -, -=: O(1) // Memory Complexity: O(1) // Tested: // https://judge.yosupo.jp/problem/sort_points_by_argument #define OP(op, body) Angle operator op (Angle a) const { return body; } \ Angle &operator op##= (Angle a) { return *this = *this op a; } #define CMP(op, body) bool operator op (Angle a) const { return body; } struct Angle { static pt pivot; static void setPivot(pt p) { pivot = p; } pt p; Angle(pt p = pt(0, 0)) : p(p) {} int half() const { if (eq(p.x, pivot.x) && eq(p.y, pivot.y)) return 2; return int(!lt(p.y, pivot.y) && (!eq(p.y, pivot.y) || !lt(p.x, pivot.x))); } bool operator < (Angle a) const { int h = half() - a.half(); return h == 0 ? ccw(pivot, p, a.p) > 0 : h < 0; } CMP(<=, !(a < *this)) CMP(>, a < *this) CMP(>=, !(*this < a)) CMP(==, !(*this < a) && !(a < *this)) CMP(!=, *this < a || a < *this) Angle operator + () const { return *this; } Angle operator - () const { return Angle(pivot + conj(p - pivot)); } OP(+, Angle(pivot + (p - pivot) * (a.p - pivot))) OP(-, *this + (-a)) }; #undef OP #undef CMP pt Angle::pivot = pt(0, 0);
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "Point.h" #include "Circle.h" #include "DelaunayTriangulation.h" using namespace std; // Computes the Voronoi Diagram and Delaunay Triangulation of a set of // distinct points // If all points are collinear, there is no triangulation or diagram // If there are 4 or more points on the same circle, the triangulation is // ambiguous, otherwise it is unique // Each circumcircle does not completely contain any of the input points // The Voronoi Diagram is represented as a graph with the first tri.size() // vertices being the circumcenters of each triangle in the triangulation // and additional vertices being added to represent infinty points in a // certain direction // An edge is added between (v, w) if either triangles // v and w share an edge, or if v is a triangle that has an edge that is // not shared with any other triangle and rayDir[w - tri.size()] is the // direction of the ray from the circumcenter of v passing perpendicular // to the edge of the triangle of v that is not shared // Constructor Arguments: // P: the distinct points // Fields: // tri: a vector of arrays of 3 points, representing a triangle in // the triangulation, points given in ccw order // circumcircles: the circumcircles of each triangle // rayDir: for edges in the Voronoi Diagram that are infinity, this vector // contains the direction vector of those edges // G: the adjacency list of each vertex in the Voronoi Diagram // In practice, has a moderate constant // Time Complexity: // construction: O(N log N) // Memory Complexity: O(N log N) // Tested: // https://open.kattis.com/problems/pandapreserve struct VoronoiDiagram { vector<array<pt, 3>> tri; vector<Circle> circumcircles; vector<pt> rayDir; vector<vector<int>> G; VoronoiDiagram(const vector<pt> &P) : tri(DelaunayTriangulation(P).tri), G(tri.size()) { map<pair<pt, pt>, int> seen; circumcircles.reserve(tri.size()); for (auto &&t : tri) circumcircles.push_back(circumcircle(t[0], t[1], t[2])); for (int h = 0; h < 2; h++) for (int i = 0; i < int(tri.size()); i++) for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) { pt p1 = tri[i][k], p2 = tri[i][(k + 1) % 3]; auto it = seen.find(make_pair(p1, p2)); if (h == 0) { if (it == seen.end()) it = seen.find(make_pair(p2, p1)); if (it == seen.end()) seen[make_pair(p1, p2)] = i; else { int j = it->second; G[i].push_back(j); G[j].push_back(i); seen.erase(it); } } else if (it != seen.end()) { int j = G.size(); G.emplace_back(); rayDir.push_back(perp(p1 - p2)); G[i].push_back(j); G[j].push_back(i); } } } };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "Point.h" using namespace std; // Affine Transformations in 2D // Functions: // prependMatrix(m2, b2): sets m = m2 * m and b = m2 * b + b2 // transform(t): applies the AffineTransformation t to this // scale(p): scales the x and y coordinates by p.x and p.y respectively // translate(p): translates the point by p // rotate(theta): rotates the point theta radians around the origin // reflect(dir): reflects the point across the line passing through the // origin with direction dir // project(dir): projects the point onto the line passing through the // origin with direction dir // applyTransform(p): applies the transformation to the point p // inverse(): returns the inverse of this transformation, // determinant of m must nonzero // Time Complexity: // constructor, prependMatrix, transform, scale, translate, rotate, reflect, // project, applyTransform, inverse: O(1) // Memory Complexity: O(1) // Tested: // https://dmoj.ca/problem/tree3 struct AffineTransform { array<array<T, 2>, 2> m; array<T, 2> b; AffineTransform() { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { b[i] = T(0); for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) m[i][j] = i == j ? T(1) : T(0); } } void prependMatrix(const array<array<T, 2>, 2> &m2, const array<T, 2> &b2) { array<array<T, 2>, 2> resm; array<T, 2> resb; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { resm[i][j] = T(0); for (int k = 0; k < 2; k++) resm[i][j] += m2[i][k] * m[k][j]; } for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { resb[i] = b2[i]; for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) resb[i] += m2[i][j] * b[j]; } m = resm; b = resb; } void transform(const AffineTransform &t) { prependMatrix(t.m, t.b); } void scale(pt p) { prependMatrix({array<T, 2>{p.x, T(0)}, {T(0), p.y}}, {T(0), T(0)}); } void translate(pt p) { prependMatrix({array<T, 2>{T(1), T(0)}, {T(0), T(1)}}, {p.x, p.y}); } void rotate(T theta) { T c = cos(theta), s = sin(theta); prependMatrix({array<T, 2>{c, -s}, {s, c}}, {T(0), T(0)}); } void reflect(pt dir) { T a = dir.x * dir.x - dir.y * dir.y, b = T(2) * dir.x * dir.y; T n = norm(dir); a /= n; b /= n; prependMatrix({array<T, 2>{a, b}, {b, -a}}, {T(0), T(0)}); } void project(pt dir) { T a = dir.x * dir.x, b = dir.x * dir.y, c = dir.y * dir.y; T n = norm(dir); a /= n; b /= n; c /= n; prependMatrix({array<T, 2>{a, b}, {b, c}}, {T(0), T(0)}); } pt applyTransform(pt p) { return pt(m[0][0] * p.x + m[0][1] * p.y + b[0], m[1][0] * p.x + m[1][1] * p.y + b[1]); } AffineTransform inverse() const { AffineTransform ret; ret.prependMatrix({array<T, 2>{T(1), T(0)}, {T(0), T(1)}}, {-b[0], -b[1]}); T det = m[0][0] * m[1][1] - m[0][1] * m[1][0]; assert(!eq(det, 0)); ret.prependMatrix({array<T, 2>{m[1][1] / det, -m[0][1] / det}, {-m[1][0] / det, m[0][0] / det}}, {T(0), T(0)}); return ret; } };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "Point.h" using namespace std; // Helper struct to maintain upper hull struct DecrementalUpperHull { struct Link; using ptr = Link *; struct Link { int id; pt p; ptr prv, nxt; Link(int id, pt p) : id(id), p(p), prv(nullptr), nxt(nullptr) {} }; struct Node { ptr chain, back, tangent; Node() : chain(nullptr), back(nullptr), tangent(nullptr) {} }; int N; vector<Node> TR; vector<Link> links; template <class F, class G> pair<ptr, ptr> findBridge(ptr l, ptr r, F f, G g) { while (f(l) || f(r)) { if (!f(r) || (f(l) && g(pt(0, 0), f(l)->p - l->p, f(r)->p - r->p))) { if (g(l->p, f(l)->p, r->p)) l = f(l); else break; } else { if (!g(l->p, r->p, f(r)->p)) r = f(r); else break; } } return make_pair(l, r); } void fixChain(int x, ptr l, ptr r, bool rev) { if (rev) { tie(r, l) = findBridge(r, l, [&] (ptr q) { return q->prv; }, [&] (pt a, pt b, pt c) { return ccw(a, b, c) >= 0; }); } else { tie(l, r) = findBridge(l, r, [&] (ptr q) { return q->nxt; }, [&] (pt a, pt b, pt c) { return ccw(a, b, c) <= 0; }); } TR[x].tangent = l; TR[x].chain = TR[x * 2].chain; TR[x].back = TR[x * 2 + 1].back; TR[x * 2].chain = l->nxt; TR[x * 2 + 1].back = r->prv; if (l->nxt) l->nxt->prv = nullptr; else TR[x * 2].chain = nullptr; if (r->prv) r->prv->nxt = nullptr; else TR[x * 2 + 1].chain = nullptr; l->nxt = r; r->prv = l; } void build(int x, int tl, int tr) { if (tl == tr) { TR[x].chain = TR[x].back = &links[tl]; return; } int m = tl + (tr - tl) / 2; build(x * 2, tl, m); build(x * 2 + 1, m + 1, tr); fixChain(x, TR[x * 2].chain, TR[x * 2 + 1].chain, false); } void rob(int x, int y) { TR[x].chain = TR[y].chain; TR[x].back = TR[y].back; TR[y].chain = TR[y].back = nullptr; } void rem(int x, int tl, int tr, int i) { if (i < tl || tr < i) return; int m = tl + (tr - tl) / 2, y = x * 2 + int(i > m); if (!TR[x].tangent) { TR[y].chain = TR[x].chain; TR[y].back = TR[x].back; if (i <= m) rem(x * 2, tl, m, i); else rem(x * 2 + 1, m + 1, tr, i); rob(x, y); return; } ptr l = TR[x].tangent, r = l->nxt; l->nxt = TR[x * 2].chain; if (TR[x * 2].chain) TR[x * 2].chain->prv = l; else TR[x * 2].back = l; TR[x * 2].chain = TR[x].chain; r->prv = TR[x * 2 + 1].back; if (TR[x * 2 + 1].back) TR[x * 2 + 1].back->nxt = r; else TR[x * 2 + 1].chain = r; TR[x * 2 + 1].back = TR[x].back; if (TR[y].chain == TR[y].back && TR[y].chain->id == i) { TR[y].chain = TR[y].back = nullptr; rob(x, y ^ 1); TR[x].tangent = nullptr; return; } if (i <= m) { if (l->id == i) l = l->nxt; rem(x * 2, tl, m, i); if (!l) l = TR[x * 2].back; } else { if (r->id == i) r = r->prv; rem(x * 2 + 1, m + 1, tr, i); if (!r) r = TR[x * 2 + 1].chain; } fixChain(x, l, r, i <= m); } void rem(int i) { if (TR[1].chain == TR[1].back) { TR[1].chain = TR[1].back = nullptr; return; } rem(1, 0, N - 1, i); } DecrementalUpperHull(const vector<pt> &P) : N(P.size()), TR(N == 0 ? 0 : 1 << __lg(N * 4 - 1)) { links.reserve(N); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) links.emplace_back(i, P[i]); build(1, 0, N - 1); } vector<int> getHull() { vector<int> ret; for (ptr x = TR[1].chain; x; x = x->nxt) ret.push_back(x->id); return ret; } }; // Computes the convex layer each point is on // Function Arguments: // P: a vector of points // Return Value: a vector of integers representing the convex layer each // point is on, with 0 being the outermost layer, and increasing when // moving inwards // In practice, has a small constant // Time Complexity: O(N (log N)^2) // Memory Complexity: O(N) // Tested: // https://judge.yosupo.jp/problem/convex_layers vector<int> convexLayers(const vector<pt> &P) { if (P.empty()) return vector<int>(); int N = P.size(); vector<int> ind(N); iota(ind.begin(), ind.end(), 0); sort(ind.begin(), ind.end(), [&] (int i, int j) { return P[i] < P[j]; }); vector<pt> tmp(N); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) tmp[i] = P[ind[i]]; DecrementalUpperHull up(tmp); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) tmp[i] = P[ind[N - i - 1]] * T(-1); DecrementalUpperHull down(move(tmp)); vector<int> ret(N, -1); for (int layer = 0, done = 0; done < N; layer++) { vector<int> hull; for (int i : up.getHull()) hull.push_back(i); for (int i : down.getHull()) hull.push_back(N - i - 1); for (int i : hull) if (ret[ind[i]] == -1) { ret[ind[i]] = layer; done++; up.rem(i); down.rem(N - i - 1); } } return ret; }
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "../../search/BinarySearch.h" using namespace std; // Supports adding lines in the form f(x) = mx + b, finding // the maximum value of f(x) at any given x, and removing the last line added // Template Arguments: // T: the type of the slope (m) and intercept (b) of the line, as well as // the type of the function argument (x), must be able to store m * b // Cmp: the comparator to compare two f(x) values, // convention is same as std::priority_queue in STL // Required Functions: // operator (a, b): returns true if and only if a compares less than b // Constructor Arguments: // cmp: an instance of the Cmp struct // Functions: // addLine(m, b): adds a line in the form f(x) = mx + b to the set of lines, // lines must be added in the order of slope sorted by Cmp // undo(): removed the last line added // getMax(x): finds the maximum x value (based on the comparator) for all // inserted lines // size(): returns the number of lines in the convex hull // reserve(N): reserves space for N lines in the convex hull // In practice, has a moderate constant // Time Complexity: // addLine: O(log N) if reserve is called beforehand, // O(log N) amortized otherwise // getMax: O(log N) // undo, size: O(1) // reserve: O(N) // Memory Complexity: O(N) for N lines in the convex hull // Tested: // https://oj.uz/problem/view/CEOI09_harbingers template <class T, class Cmp = less<T>> struct ConvexHullTrickUndo { struct Line { T m, b; Line(T m = T(), T b = T()) : m(m), b(b) {} T eval(T x) const { return m * x + b; } }; vector<pair<int, Line>> history; vector<Line> L; Cmp cmp; int back; ConvexHullTrickUndo(Cmp cmp = Cmp()) : cmp(cmp), back(0) {} int size() const { return back; } void addLine(T m, T b) { int i = back; if (i >= 1) i = bsearch<LAST>(1, i + 1, [&] (int j) { return cmp(m, L[j - 1].m) || cmp(L[j - 1].m, m) || cmp(b, L[j - 1].b); }); if (i >= 2) i = bsearch<LAST>(2, i + 1, [&] (int j) { T c1 = (L[j - 1].m - m) * (L[j - 2].b - b); T c2 = (L[j - 1].b - b) * (L[j - 2].m - m); return c1 > c2; }); if (i == int(L.size())) L.emplace_back(); history.emplace_back(back, L[i]); L[i] = Line(m, b); back = i + 1; } void undo() { tie(back, L[back - 1]) = history.back(); history.pop_back(); } T getMax(T x) const { return L[bsearch<FIRST>(0, back - 1, [&] (int i) { return cmp(L[i + 1].eval(x), L[i].eval(x)); })].eval(x); } void reserve(int N) { L.reserve(N); history.reserve(N); } };
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "../../utils/EpsCmp.h" using namespace std; // Functions for a 2D point // * operator between 2 points is complex number multiplication // / operator between 2 points is complex number division #define OP(op, U, a, x, y) pt operator op (U a) const { return pt(x, y); } \ pt &operator op##= (U a) { return *this = *this op a; } #define CMP(op, body) bool operator op (pt p) const { return body; } struct pt { T x, y; constexpr pt(T x = 0, T y = 0) : x(x), y(y) {} pt operator + () const { return *this; } pt operator - () const { return pt(-x, -y); } OP(+, pt, p, x + p.x, y + p.y) OP(-, pt, p, x - p.x, y - p.y) OP(*, T, a, x * a, y * a) OP(/, T, a, x / a, y / a) friend pt operator * (T a, pt p) { return pt(a * p.x, a * p.y); } bool operator < (pt p) const { return eq(x, p.x) ? lt(y, p.y) : lt(x, p.x); } CMP(<=, !(p < *this)) CMP(>, p < *this) CMP(>=, !(*this < p)) CMP(==, !(*this < p) && !(p < *this)) CMP(!=, *this < p || p < *this) OP(*, pt, p, x * p.x - y * p.y, y * p.x + x * p.y) OP(/, pt, p, (x * p.x + y * p.y) / (p.x * p.x + p.y * p.y), (y * p.x - x * p.y) / (p.x * p.x + p.y * p.y)) }; #undef OP #undef CMP istream &operator >> (istream &stream, pt &p) { return stream >> p.x >> p.y; } ostream &operator << (ostream &stream, pt p) { return stream << p.x << ' ' << p.y; } pt conj(pt a) { return pt(a.x, -a.y); } T dot(pt a, pt b) { return a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y; } T cross(pt a, pt b) { return a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x; } T norm(pt a) { return dot(a, a); } T abs(pt a) { return sqrt(norm(a)); } T arg(pt a) { return atan2(a.y, a.x); } pt polar(T r, T theta) { return r * pt(cos(theta), sin(theta)); } T distSq(pt a, pt b) { return norm(b - a); } T dist(pt a, pt b) { return abs(b - a); } T ang(pt a, pt b) { return arg(b - a); } // sign of ang, area2, ccw: 1 if counterclockwise, 0 if collinear, // -1 if clockwise T ang(pt a, pt b, pt c) { a -= b; c -= b; return arg(pt(dot(c, a), cross(c, a))); } // twice the signed area of triangle a, b, c T area2(pt a, pt b, pt c) { return cross(b - a, c - a); } int ccw(pt a, pt b, pt c) { return sgn(area2(a, b, c)); } // a rotated theta radians around p pt rot(pt a, pt p, T theta) { return (a - p) * pt(polar(T(1), theta)) + p; } // rotated 90 degrees ccw pt perp(pt a) { return pt(-a.y, a.x); }
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; // Binary search over a range for the first or last occurrence of // a return value for a boolean function // Template Arguments: // ISFIRST: boolean of whether or not the first of last occurrence is being // searched for // T: the type of the range to search over, must be integral // F: the type of the function that is being searched over // Function Argyments: // lo: the inclusive lower bound // hi: the exclusive upper bound // f: the function to search over // Return Value: // If ISFIRST is true: // Returns the first value in the range [lo, hi) where f(x) is true // if no value in [lo, hi) satisfies f(x), then it returns hi // assumes that all values where f(x) is true are greater than all values // where f(x) is false // IF ISFIRST is false: // Returns the last value in the range [lo, hi) where f(x) is true // if no value in [lo, hi) satisfies f(x), then it returns lo - 1 // assumes that all values where f(x) is true are less than all values // where f(x) is false // In practice, has a small constant // Time Complexity: O(log (hi - lo)) * (cost to compute f(x)) // Memory Complexity: O(1) // Tested: // https://mcpt.ca/problem/lcc18c5s3 // https://dmoj.ca/problem/apio19p3 // https://dmoj.ca/problem/pib20p2 const bool FIRST = true, LAST = false; template <const bool ISFIRST, class T, class F> T bsearch(T lo, T hi, F f) { static_assert(is_integral<T>::value, "T must be integral"); hi--; while (lo <= hi) { T mid = lo + (hi - lo) / 2; if (f(mid) == ISFIRST) hi = mid - 1; else lo = mid + 1; } return ISFIRST ? lo : hi; }
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#pragma once #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; // Ternary search for the maximum of a function // Template Arguments: // T: the type of the range to search over, must be a floating point type // F: the type of the function that is being searched over // Cmp: the comparator to compare two f(x) values, // convention is same as std::priority_queue in STL // Required Functions: // operator (a, b): returns true if and only if a compares less than b // Function Arguments: // lo: the inclusive lower bound // hi: the inclusive upper bound // f: the function to search over // iters: the number of iterations to run the ternary search // cmp: an instance of the Cmp class // Return Value: the value x in the range [lo, hi] such that f(x) is // maximum based on the comparator // In practice, has a small constant // Time Complexity: O(iters) * (cost to compute f(x)) // Memory Complexity: O(1) // Tested: // https://codeforces.com/contest/578/problem/C template <class T, class F, class Cmp = less<T>> T tsearch(T lo, T hi, F f, int iters, Cmp cmp = less<T>()) { static_assert(is_floating_point<T>::value, "T must be a floating point type"); for (int it = 0; it < iters; it++) { T m1 = lo + (hi - lo) / 3, m2 = hi - (hi - lo) / 3; if (cmp(f(m1), f(m2))) lo = m1; else hi = m2; } return lo + (hi - lo) / 2; }
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }