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In a June 13 email to Gergis et al coauthors and Climate Audit antagonists Schmidt, Mann, Steig, Wahl (see documents obtained by Warwick Hughes here ), Gergis admitted that the paper was not merely on hold (whatever that means), but that they had decided to voluntarily withdraw the paper:
NATO was created as the political-military expression of the containment doctrine. While the father of the doctrine was diplomat George Kennan, the godfather of containment was geopolitician Nicholas Spykman. During World War II Spykman had challenged the centrality of the concept of the "Heartland" developed a generation earlier by Halford Mackinder (against Mahan's sea power thesis), and focused instead on what he called the "Rimland," by which he meant essentially continental countries with a maritime facade.
Environmentalist groups long have produced public service announcements for air on television. For example, most Americans have seen the so-called "Crying Indian" commercial depicting a Native American brought to tears by the sight of careless littering along a highway. The advertisement debuted on Earth Day in 1971, and it proved to be immensely effective: It is widely credited with boosting the nascent American environmentalist movement into national prominence.
The unvalidated IPCC (and CSIRO) computer climate models that project significant human-caused warming in the future are faulty, with many known inadequacies; not surprisingly, therefore, these models have proved to be incorrect when compared with real-world temperature data;
"Dragged before Congress as gas prices explode at the pump, oil executives mounted a vigorous defense of their business practices on Thursday -- pushing back against plans to eliminate tax breaks for the "big five" oil and gas companies."
I despise a vast majority of the Czech politicians and don't hold respect for them
Now, because there never was anyone hollering about peak coal, theres no such thing as unconventional coal, despite huge changes in mining technology. Coal mining has changed as much or more than drilling for oil so why isnt there unconventional coal?
All this information will feed into the Delta Plan, which will be written over the next 2.5 years by a DutchBangladeshi consortium of government departments, research organizations and engineering consultants. The Netherlands has pledged an initial 7 million (US$9.7 million) to develop the strategy.
Last night he recited part of the pledge of allegiance. Maybe he is thinking about becoming a naturalized citizen?
Restrictions on oil and natural gas production offshore, in the West, and on Alaskan lands should be lifted and encouragement given the oil and natural gas industry to start production. Professor Timothy Considine wrote in the Denver Post "Drilling on Federal Lands: How The West Could Be Won Again" that: if the output on federal lands had matched that on private property, the economic benefits would have been significant. I estimate that over the next decade, the region's seven states Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Montana, Nevada, and Idaho would gain between $9.5 billion and $26 billion in annual gross regional product, between $2.4 billion and $5.1 billion in annual tax revenue, and between 67,000 and 208,000 regional jobs.
A few days earlier, February 20, another Daily Express headline addressed the panic the U.K. is facing: "Cheaper energy is more important than going green." The "cheaper energy" article cites "rising energy prices" that have "gone up 159 per cent since 2004" and quotes Energy Secretary Ed Davey as saying: "energy prices are now out of control."
Since 1977, air quality, technology, and regulatory theory have improved dramatically, creating new opportunities to more cost-effectively protect air quality. Investors, too, have also rediscovered the inherent value of companies that manufacture real goods and services, and the negative impact that defective regulations can have on global competitiveness.
Perhaps worse is the ACIAs proposed prescription of fixing all the ills of the purported Arctic climate trend by taking steps toward the reduction of anthropogenic greenhouse gases. In the end, that premise is obviously more of a political posture than a legitimate scientific conclusion.
Last winter had the largest sea ice extent in the last six years, the largest North American snow extent on record, and the second largest northern hemisphere snow extent on record. On one day in February, at least 49 US states had snow cover. Northern hemisphere albedo was very high last winter.
Individual organic growers might promise retailers and consumers that their products will be completely free from all non-organic "contaminants," but that is a commitment they should know is difficult to keep. Tolerances for the presence of various unwanted substances are routinely incorporated into the standards for organic and other foods. Because farming takes place out-of-doors and in dirt, and products must be stored, the presence of actual contaminants like insect parts, rodent hairs and feces, and toxic molds is a fact of life, so federal safety regulations establish maximum limits for these things. The same rationale was at play when the USDA and representatives from the organic food industry jointly developed the standards for organic production.
Look for the satellite data to be adjusted to bring it into compliance with the fully fraudulent surface temperatures. The Guardian is now workingtodiscredit UAH, so it seems likely that RSS will soon be making big changes to match the needs of the climate mafia. Bookmark this post.
Something else also stands out in the 3 regions where current temperatures are warmest, my Figure 2. Only one of the reconstructions extends back the full 2000 years. Would Asia and Australasia have warmer temperatures than those weve experienced recently if their reconstructions could be extended farther back in time? Dunno.
"I believe low energy prices may complicate the transformation, to be very frank," Fatih Birol, the executive director of the International Energy Agency, told reporters in Brussels Thursday, "and this is a very important issue for countries to note; all the strong renewables and energy efficiency policies therefore may be undermined with the low fossil fuel prices."
Wind power line proposal irks some Midwest farmers
Examples abound. Federal fuel economy mandates force auto makers to produce smaller, lighter, less crash-resistant cars, causing thousands of highway deaths per year.1 FDA regulations delay the availability of life-saving therapies, killing tens of thousands over the past two decades.2 Banning DDT revived malaria epidemics in the developing world, afflicting 2.5 million people in Sri Lanka alone.3 Furthermore, a large body of literature documents that regulation can kill just by misdirecting resources and squandering wealth. Precautionists ignore the obvious connection between livelihoods, living standards, and lives as if jobs and income were not the chief safety nets for most of the world s people. Even in a relatively wealthy country like the United States, every $5 million to $10 million drop in economic output is associated with an additional statistical death.4
But for politicians, the worse the mess, the better. And Hurricane Katrina was a blessinga consecrated opportunity to make advocates of small government look small, to enlarge political largess with a public dole of private goods, and to expand the scope of politics to include everything.
Maybe the Blowout Prevention Act is simply a product of sloppy drafting. But maybe not.As written, the bill wouldrevive and expandthefederalban on offshore drilling.Indeed, it wouldcripple U.S. domestic petroleum production.Do the sponsors not know that banning offshore drilling wouldincreaseconsumers?? pain at the pump, destroy high-paying American jobs, and make the United States more dependent onOPEC oil? Or do they just not care?
2. Panama - Agreement Regarding a Debt-for-Nature Swap
Beyond all those contextual questions lies another reality. A presidency is
The argument that it's a different rumor is that he claims that the bottom-Higgs associated production would be linked with a 150 GeV Higgs boson - which would have to be be the heavier one, "H", in SUSY, not the lighter one, "h", so it couldn't coincide with his "light Higgs" observation.
The observed response equates to an approximate 480% increase in calcification rate in response to a 9C increase in water temperature or to a 160% increase in calcification rate in response to a 3C increase in temperature, the latter of which temperature increases is somewhere in the low to midrange of global warming that climate alarmists claim will result from a 300 ppm increase in the air's CO 2 concentration.?? As noted in our Editorial of 26 Jan 2005 , this positive effect of rising temperature far outweighs the negative effect of rising CO 2 concentrations on calcification in corals. Reviewed 9 February 2005
Glacier Bay was first surveyed in detail in 1794 by a team from the H.M.S. Discovery, captained by George Vancouver. At the time the survey produced showed a mere indentation in the shoreline. That massive glacier was more than 4,000 feet thick in places, up to 20 miles wide, and extended more than 100 miles to the St. Elias mountain range.
The Great Barrier Reef is being damaged by global warming in fact, there is no trend in the sea surface temperature of the reef over the last 40 years.
There are, of course, other weather elements that are helping Obama, such as his attentive efforts to help the victims of Sandy and his apparent turning of New Jersey Governor Christie into a implicit supporter. But these fade compared to the nationwide effects of benign weather that are predicted by our modeling systems.
EPA's rule will force poor and minority families to choose between buying food, putting gas in the car, going to the doctor, buying medicines, giving to their church, saving for retirement, or making mortgage, rent and car payments. Small businesses will have to find thousands more just to keep the heat, lights and air conditioning on, without laying people off or closing their doors. Factories, malls, school districts, hospitals and cities will have to pay millions more for energy.
Read here and here . The impressive success of the harmonic astronomical climate model (left chart) is in the realm of spectacular when compared to the robust, abysmal performance of the IPCC's (middle chart) and NASA's (right chart) traditional CO2-based climate models. The failure of the CO2-centric models is due in large part to their inability to reproduce the known decadal and multi-decadal oscillations that are part and parcel to the world's climate.
As above a 5,000ppm change in weight of atmosphere equates to 0.1C, so the 100ppm change in CO2 results in an order of magnitude smaller change in temperature. It isnt even worth me calculating as the answer is clearly no.
The interesting thing is that the Earth is actually -18 degrees C, as observed from outer space. Given the total energy input from the Sun, the Earth does have the global average temperature of -18 degrees C that is predicted when re-emitting that same energy from the Earth. The global average temperature is -18 degrees C when observed from outer space .
So far, Wall Street isn't biting. "The asymmetry of risk is just too large for Wall Street to finance these projects over time horizons that exceed political and economic cycles.... Utilities willing to make this investment, but I don't see stepping up and funding this program.... The markets aren't going to support it," said one veteran from Wall Street who attended a recent Manhattan Institute conference on nuclear power. While the financier characterized the 2005 subsidies as "helpful," he said that it's unlikely the sector will get off the ground without a far more comprehensive "federally based insurance scheme" that, in effect, would eliminate virtually every risk except, perhaps, commercial risk.
The authors write that "coral reef recovery from major disturbance is hypothesized to depend on the arrival of propagules from nearby undisturbed reefs," and, therefore, they say that "reefs isolated by distance or current patterns are thought to be highly vulnerable to catastrophic disturbance," which could well spell their local extinction. What was done
Well yesterday I emphasized that Pieresons review and critique of Pikettys book Capital in the Twenty-First Century failed to point some serious faults and weaknesses missed important things.
Since the rate of warming from 1976-2001, to which we could in theory have contributed, is statistically indistinguishable in the rates from 1860-1880 and from 1910-1940, to which we could not, Roy Spencer was right to say we cannot easily disentangle the anthropogenic from the natural contributions to warming. Spencer 5, Nuccitelli 0.
Swedish Waste Management said the 30 waste-to-energy incinerators in the country currently burn about 6.06 million tons of garbage each year, and planned expansions indicate the country would have to start importing 1.76 million tons of garbage from other countries each year to keep them in operation, The Local.se reported Thursday.
(i) Over the last 16 years, global average temperature, as measured by both thermometers and satellite sensors, has displayed no statistically significant warming; over the same period, atmospheric carbon dioxide has increased by 10%.
Thompson and Gordon Jacoby as most of their series are not on web sites.
An economist should look at the costs and benefits. In terms of Climate Change there are two sets of costs. First, those of climate change impacts and second, the costs of the policy to contain the global warming. The Stern Review put argument that the mitigation policy costs were 5 to 20 times less than letting climate change progress unchecked. Therefore there is a clear-cut case for global mitigation policy. But crucially Stern does not look at the consequences of ineffective and over-expensive policy. The Booker article For every new green job, nearly four are lost looks at one aspect of these real policy costs. An economist would also claim that the Greens fail to look at the opportunity costs, claim that the new jobs are a benefit.
In this year's campaign, Hillary Clinton repudiated much of the record of her husband's administration and ran on a platform more culturally liberal than ever. For the first time, it had an explicit call to end restrictions on taxpayer funding of abortion.
Study suggests snowball Earth was real and was reversed by An ultra-high carbon dioxide atmosphere
One of the biggest risks I see of companies in vertically integrated marketsis what I call disintermediation and what it really means is a Google comes in with an idea about improving the energy use in the home and the next thing you know the demand drops 30%.
25 Nov: ABC Lateline: $1.5 million Australian expedition to Antarctica Professor Chris Turney from the University of NSW is mounting the largest Australian science expeditions to the Antarctic with an 85-person team to try to answer questions about how climate change in the frozen continent might be already shifting weather patterns in Australia.
The latter is closely connected to the issue of free speech. This morning, climatologist Judith Curry published an informative overview of various lawsuits involving another climatologist, Michael Mann.
The Pine Lake sediment record convincingly demonstrates the reality of the non-CO 2 -induced millennial-scale climatic oscillation that alternately brings several-century periods of dryness and wetness to the southern Alberta region of North America during concomitant periods of relative hemispheric warmth and coolness, respectively. It also demonstrates there is nothing unusual about the region's current moisture status, which suggests that the planet may still have a bit of warming to do before the Modern Warm Period is fully upon us.
This PR from McGill University claims that the ???deep ocean heat has been unable to get out and melt back the wintertime Antarctic ice??. That might be true, but still, there are polynyas present in the location of interest (Weddell Sea) that they don??t mention. In fact, there??s even a large offshore polynya in progress in the Weddell Sea right now according to NSIDC imagery, and the Weddell sea has a lot more ice where it is not supposed to be according to ???normals??. See below ??? Anthony
Read the State Department document and decide for yourself whether these questions are worth asking.
Too hot to fly on Antarctic runway | The Courier-Mail
How many unquestionable climate activists are there? No, it is not one billion. The number of these particular loons was counted to be twenty-three. It's not hard to memorize them. Sane people just don't care about this dumb propaganda, certainly not to the point that they would actively sign petitions.
Most of the 7000 word article is paywalled, but Readfearn also writes at the ABC about it.
Do these people have any idea what their fear-mongering is doing to the minds of children - other than making them terrified, anxious, and sleep-deprived?
Anecdotally, from my weather station here on the Upper North Shore in Sydney, this has been the Year without a Summer. Mean temperatures for December, January and February were 18.6C, 21.5C and 21.6C, significantly lower than 2010/11 (21.7, 23.9, 24.1) and 2009/10 (22.9, 23.9, 23.4).
17d. The ability of regional climate models to model temperature values for the next 50 years
There is a saying that great minds discuss ideas, broad minds discuss events, and small minds discuss other people. Lets name those types of discussion I, II, and III respectively. Science and mathematics is type I. The subject of climate is definitively science and mathematics, yet for more than 25 years, popular and press discussion has dwelled obsessively on it as a type III discussion instead. Scientifically, climate is a deep, daunting mystery, wrapped in a complexity that tests the limits of what humans know or what they may ever know. Yet somehow the profound human limitations brought out by its scientifically uncompromising, rugged, alpine face gets lost in a socio-political fog rooted in grade school reasoning based on what daddy says and mendacious tattling about what the bad kids did when teacher was not looking.
A new report by Greenpeace claims that global warming will destroy the world's great coral reefs by 2100 if something isn't done to stop it. The report states that "Coral reefs could be eliminated from most areas of the world by 2100," and that even the Great Barrier Reef could be dead within 30 years. The report also claims that even if measures to reduce greenhouse gases are taken it may still take 500 years for the reefs to recover (www.greenpeace.org).
Simultaneous warming on Earth and Mars suggests that our planet's recent climate changes have a naturaland not a human-inducedcause, according to one scientist's controversial theory.
Google Resumes Work on Oklahoma Data Center:
Jones even blocked the opinion of the ABC??s own highly-respected conservative voice, Michael Duffy. Duffy could not get a word in, having made it clear that he would not tow the ABC pro-climate change line. Early on in the panel discussion, Duffy had queried why there was such organised criticism and deconstruction of Durkin??s documentary, and no such treatment of Al Gore??s Inconvenient Truth.
The EIA estimates that a program similar to the types of plans bipartisan members of Congress are considering to reduce the growth in emissions would force the price of power up 4 to 6 percent over what it otherwise would be by 2010, and by 11 to 13 percent by 2030. But those estimates hinge on another key assumption the EIA makes: that the nation's power producers will boost nuclear generation by 50 percent over today's levels by 2030-five times the growth expected without a cap.
Similarly, legislation on energy efficiency standards is moving forward after agreement by Sens. Rob Portman, R-Ohio, and Jeanne Shaheen, D-N.H. That's not an earthshaking issue, but it's one of those issues on which Congress needs to keep laws up to date in light of experience and technological developments.
Land-based thermometers are frequently compromised by the urban heat island effect. The microclimate around a land-based thermometer can change due to urban encroachment, such as nearby asphalt, concrete, buildings, air conditioners, cars, electrical appliances, or changes in vegetation. The annual mean air temperature of a city with 1 million people can be 13C warmer than its surroundings . In the evening, the difference can be as high as 12C.
This isn't the first time that NOAA has used dubious data to justify global warming alarmism. In early June, NOAA rewrote the historical climate record by making it "cooler" so the present appears warmer. Even climate scientists who believe that man is primarily responsible for the planet warming less than one degree Celsius over the last 100 years rejected NOAA's readjustments to hide the 18-year-and-counting global warming hiatus.
Good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome to SDA Late Nite Radio . Tonight, for your delectation and pursuant to our Tuesday night vintage music show, here are Harry Reser and his Syncopaters performing Shaking the Blues Away (1927, 2:49). Your Reader Tips are, as always, welcome in the comments.
Another impediment to fossil fuel development is the Environmental Protection Agency's designation of carbon dioxide as a pollutant a designation that should be abolished. Carbon dioxide is an airborne fertilizer that increased plant growth over the past 50 years. A recent report shows that the social benefits of carbon dioxide, for agriculture alone, are estimated at $3.2 trillion from 1960 to 2012 and $7.9 trillion from 2012 to 2050.
The big companies are putting their profits before the lives of people. And your dad is helping them.
"Decisions as to whether or not to block these sites would be best done at a local level, where librarians and educators are intimately aware of the needs of their users. More importantly, the law would give the Federal Communications Commission broad power to define what constitutes a social networking site, setting up the likelihood that a vague, overly expansive definition could restrict far more than what is intended."
The EU has earmarked 3 million Euros (approximately INR 19.5 crores) for this 3 years project, bringing together leading research institutions in Europe: Netherlands, UK and Switzerland, and India: TERI, IIT-Delhi & Kharagpur. The participation of Japan in this project is adding an international dimension.
"Oh please, Lord - let it happen ..." Really, I can't believe I'm the only one who can see the possibilities. Think of the headlines - "After A Divisive Nomination, The Democrats Join Cults"
If The Australian wants to control the dialogue instead of responding to the cat calls, there are many simple, probing, unasked questions they could start with in the Corruption series here , with The Skeptics Handbook (and part II ), or the Climate Money paper.
"At a candidate forum here last week, Representative Baron P. Hill, a threatened Democratic incumbent in a largely conservative southern Indiana district, was endeavoring to explain his unpopular vote for the House cap-and-trade energy bill."
However, glaciologists find such figures inherently ludicrous, pointing out that most Himalayan glaciers are hundreds of feet thick and could not melt fast enough to vanish by 2035 unless there was a huge global temperature rise. The maximum rate of decline in thickness seen in glaciers at the moment is 2-3 feet a year and most are far lower.
The incident shortwave radiation at the top of the atmosphere is based on a climate model forcing. The CMIP5 Modeling Info Forcing Data webpage provides a link to the SOLARIS website for the recommended solar forcing data. The recommendations can be found here . They recommend a total solar irradiance reconstruction by Judith Lean, and provide very clear instructions for solar cycles in the futurerepeat Solar Cycle 23.
The Heritage Foundation is the most broadly supported think tank in the United States. During 2013, it had nearly 600,000 individual, foundation, and corporate supporters representing every state in the U.S. Its 2013 income came from the following sources:
The fact is also: The projections from scientists have failed to forecast the stop in the temperature rise.
Gro Harlem Brundtland, Special Envoy on Climate Change, U.N. Skeptics of global warming present the same issues as tobacco companies did. . He then brings up the big, ancient Roman ports, which he says are now 20 kilometers inland]. Peter Brabeck Chairman, Nestl The climate change issue is much more complex than a low carbon economy.
Climate Science Destroyed, Online Drug Advertising and Opposing Net Neutrality
We calculate that 5 to 10 percent of worldwide air pollution mortalities are due to biomass burning, Jacobson said. That means that it causes the premature deaths of about 250,000 people each year.
This is good news for two reasons. First, warmer temperatures increase phytoplankton bioactivity (protein synthesis) all over the globe. Mark 1 Eyeball observations of FLL seasonal reef visibility are true everywhere. It is in the phytoplankton genes. That means more oxygen, more marine food chain food, and more carbon sequestration if waters warm. Second, temperature up-regulated gene expression shifts phytoplankton metabolic pathways away from phosphorus and toward nitrogen. This is a marvelous example of evolutionary adaptation. Phosphorus is a growth-limiting factor in most ocean regions, provided primarily by upwelling deep water. A shift toward N-limitation with more bioactivity avoids the phosphorus growth constraint. Oceans have their own nitrogen fixation mechanisms (e.g. cyanobacteria like Trichodesmium ) that would also get more productive. Less phosphorus consumed by phytoplankton means more is available to N-fixing cyanobacteria. ,
In the April 14 2009 news there is a well writtenarticle byKen Thomas of the APwhich provides another example of the multi-faceted effects of particular decision with respect to the environment.
But even with high estimates of rainforest loss, there are still problems with the "island biogeography" theory. To begin with, it requires two highly questionable assumptions. First is that islands and habitats are analogous. But they are quite different. Islands are surrounded by water which is hostile to most land species. Terrestrial habitat surrounded by land, which can be much more accommodating to migrating species.
The authors write that "the ability of coupled climate models to simulate the characteristics of the monsoon in present day climate is an important condition for the use of such models to make future climate projections." But they say that in the study of Smith et al . (2012), "the relationship between seasonal winds and rainfall was not always well represented," while adding that "the observed negative correlation between Indian rainfall and El Nio-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events was ... too weak in CMIP5 models," citing Sperber et al . (2013). What was done
3. The global cooling predictions that I made in 2000, based on recurring patterns of PDO and global climate, have so far proven to be correct.
Just think again, before you pour those extra spices in the soup, try to fix the brakes on your bike. Or try to fix international, economic statistics.
The authors note that several studies have raised concerns that tropical cyclones, or TCs -- and especially the severe ones -- "have become more frequent in many places in response to global warming," citing Emanuel (2005) and Webster et al . (2005). In addition, Callaghan and Power write that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, or IPCC, highlights several studies that conclude that "tropical cyclones are likely to become more intense in the future in response to global warming," citing Alley et al . (2007); but rather than accepting this set of claims on the basis of the IPCC's "authority," they go on to provide a much more compelling analysis of their own. What was done
Yesterday, after a four-month review, a committee of scientists concluded that the Nobel prize-winning Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has "assigned high confidence to statements for which there is very little evidence", has failed to enforce its own guidelines, has been guilty of too little transparency, has ignored critical review comments and has had no policies on conflict of interest".
The civil war over cap and trade is how the political process works; its results are always crooked and counterproductive. In the debate over manmade climate change, the interventionists typically contrast a flawed, real-world market economy with a textbook vision of a benevolent and all-wise global dictator setting emission caps.
Many refugees are fleeing Islamist persecution in Libya and the Sahel but as Dr Kandeh Yumkella, UN under-secretary-general, told the BBC , the long-term push factors that are driving people to make the miserable journey include the lack of energy in sub-Saharan Africa.
26 Dec: BBC: Andrew Luck-Baker: Science continues for trapped Australasian Antarctic expedition Science reporter Andrew Luck-Baker is on board the Russian research vessel Shokalskiy, covering the Australasian Antarctic Expedition 2013 for the BBC World Service programme Discovery
If the size of the talus area had been modeled as the only predictor of pika vacancies, any large talus area, (areas above the upper red line), would correctly predict full occupancy, accounting for 31% of the sites (20 of 67), regardless of temperature. Small talus area (areas below the lower red line) would correctly account for 70% of the vacancies (7 of 10 vacancies) regardless of temperature. In talus of intermediate areas, only 7% of the sites were vacant (3 of 39) which is close to the overall 6% finding of the USFS surveys. That 7% vacancy rate is easily accounted for by random extinction/colonization events, and the percentage is far better than vacancy rates Dr. Smith reported for Bodies ore piles.
A former human resources director at one of Abengoa's subsidiaries, who served as my "deep throat" in my earlier reporting, said: "What I came to realize, and it took me a while because I didn't want to realize it, is that they understood. They knew the law. They didn't care. I really came to believe that they're so politically connected that it's just hubris and arrogance."
"Although various research groups use different techniques to account for this problem, the absence of ground truth (true temperature) makes it impossible to ascertain whose technique is best. Esper uses a method aimed at retaining long-period (greater than a century or so) variations in the tree-ring records, whereas Mann uses a method that virtually eliminates all long-term variation." Esper concludes, "Higher-frequency climate variations are generally better understood than lower-frequency variations."
The Yale Forum on Climate Change has a good post SCC ? Social Costs of Carbon: Continuing a little told story. This article provides a lot of good background information.
The spiritual yet down-to-earth Mr. Modi knows that 300 million Indians still have no electricity. His priority is to turn on the lights all over India. In Bihar, four homes in five are still lit by kerosene.
Strike three : Even at the minimum summer ice is two thirds of what it was 30 years ago, not half
economic problems by advancing these other programs. But the real answer came
But he, Osama, has also added some improvements. He claims to have found an Al Gore Rhythm to destroy the U.S. economy even more quickly than the conventional cap-and-trade bills were planning to do. A forced demise of the U.S. dollar is a part of his project to decarbonize the world's economy.
NRDC's Heat Advisory report (September 2007) claims that, under a likely global warming scenario, the number of "bad air" days" (days when ozone levels exceed the 8-hour health-based air quality standard set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency) would increase by as much as 155% in some of the 10 cities studied. NRDC further states that, "by mid-century, people living in 50 cities in the eastern United States would see a 68 percent (5.5 day) increase in the average number of days exceeding the health-based 8-hour ozone standard established by EPA." This means the number of unhealthy ("Red Alert") days would "double."
What would be the consequences if the Dow-anti-shale gas coalition should prevail? A decision to cave to political pressures and constrain natural gas exports could rock world trade markets and even damage our green energy aspirations. "For example," wrote Levi, "the United States has filed with the World Trade Organization a challenge to Chinese restrictions on exports of so-called rare earth minerals, which are crucial for new technologies like wind turbines, missiles and smart phones. If Washington hypocritically limits gas exports, it might as well write the Chinese brief."