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"question": "\"185. Which two statements about indexes are correct?\nA. They can be created on tables and clusters.\nB. They can be created on tables and simple views.\nC. You can create a unique index using the same column.\nD. Multiple indexes can be created by specifying different combinations of the same column.\"",
"answer": "A,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-5"
"question": "You execute these commands:\nCREATE TABLE customers (customer_id INTEGER, customer_name VARCHAR2 (20)) ;\nINSERT INTO customers VALUES (1, 'Customer 1') ;\nSAVEPOINT post_insert; \nINSERT INTO customers VALUES (2, ' Customer 2') ;\n<TODO>\nSELECT COUNT(*) FROM customers;\nWhich two, used independently, can replace <TODO> so the query returns 1?\nA. COMMIT TO SAVEPOINT post_insert;\nB. ROLLBACK TO post_insert;\nC. COMMIT;\nD. ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT post_insert;\nE. ROLLBACK;",
"answer": "B,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-6"
"question": "which three statements are true about GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLES?\nA. A DELETE comand on GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE cannot be rolled back\nB. GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE rows inserted by a session are available to any other session whose \nuser has been granted selected on the table\nC. Any GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE rows exsting at session termination will be deleted\nD. A GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE's definition is available to multiple sessions;\nE. GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE space allocation occurs at session start.\nF. A TRUNCATE command issues in a session causes all rows in a GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE for \nthe issuing session to be deleteD.",
"answer": "C,D,F",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-7"
"question": "\"200. Which two SQL statements are correct when executed on table EMP_DETAILS?\nA. An EMP_IMAGE field can be included in the GROUY BY clause.\nB. An EMP_IMAGE field cannot be included in the ORDER BY clause.\nC. You cannot add new LONG fields to the table.\nD. You can modify the table, including the NOT NULL constraint on the EMP_IMAGE column.\"",
"answer": "B,C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-8"
"question": "In the PROMOTIONS table, the PROMO_BEGTN_DATE columm is of datatype DATE and the default \ndate format is DD-MON-RR.\nWhich two statements are true about expressions using PROMO_BEGIN_DATE contained in a \nqueny?\nA. TO_NUMBER(PROMO_ BEGIN_DATE. - 5 will return number\nB. TO_DATE(PROMO_BEGIN_DATE * 5) will return a date\nC. PROMO_BEGIN_DATE - SYSDATE will return a number.\nD. PROMO_BEGIN_DATE - 5 will return a datE.\nE. PROMO_BEGIN_DATE - SYSDATE will return an error.",
"answer": "C,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-9"
"question": "\"203. Which three statements about data types are correct in Oracle Database 10g/11g?\nA. Only one LONG field is allowed in each table.\nB. A TIMESTAMP data type field can only store time values with seconds.\nC. BLOB data type field is used to store binary data in operating system files.\nD. The minimum column width specified for a VARCHAR2 data type column can be 1.\nE. The values in a CHAR data type column are padded with spaces to the maximum defined column width.\"",
"answer": "A,D,E",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-10"
"question": "Exammine the desciption of the PRODUCT DETALS table:\nNAME NULL TYPE\n--------------------------------------------------\nPRODUCT_ID NOT NULL NUMBER(2)\nPRODUCT_NAME NOT NULL VARCHAR2(25)\nPRODUCT_PRICE NUMBER(8,2)\nEXPIRY_DATE DATE\nWhich two statements are true?\nA. PRODUCT_ID can be assigned the PEIMARY KEY constraint.\nB. EXPIRY_DATE cannot be used in arithmetic expressions.\nC. EXPIRY_DATE contains the SYSDATE by defalt if no date is assigned to it\nD. PRODUCT_PRICE can be used in an arithmetic expression even if it has no value \nstored in it\nE. PRODUCT_PRICE contains the value zero by default if no value is assigned to\nit.\nF. PRODUCT_NAME cannot contain dupicate values.",
"answer": "A,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-11"
"question": "19、In which two situations can you use Database Upgrade Assistant?\nA. when the operating system(OS)needs to be changed as part of the upgrade\nB. when multiple pluggable databases in a container database have to be upgraded in a specific \nsequence\nC. when the hardware platform needs to be changed as part of the upgrade\nD. when a character set conversion is required during the upgrade\nE. when the target and source database are on the same platform",
"answer": "B,E",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-12"
"question": "Examine this statement which executes successfully:\nINSERT ALL\nWHEN SAL > 20000 THEN\nINTO special_sal VALUES (EMP_ID, SAL)\nELSE\nINTO sal_history VALUES (EMP_ID, HIREDATE, SAL)\nINTO mgr_history VALUES (EMP_ID, MGR, SAL)\nSELECT employee_id EMP_ID, hire_date HIREDATE, salary SAL, manager_id MGR\nFROM employees\nWHERE employee_id < 125;\nWhich three are true?\nA. If the salary is 20000 or less and the employee id is less than 125, insert EMPLOYEE_ID, \nHIRE_DATE, and SALARY into the SAL_HISTORY tablE.\nB. If the salary is more than 20000 and the employee id is less than 125, insert EMPLOYEE_ID and \nSALARY into the SPECIAL_SAL tablE.\nC. Only if the salary is 20000 or less and the employee id is 125 or higher, insert EMPLOYEE_ID, \nMANAGER_ID, and SALARY into the MGR_HISTORY tablE.\nD. Regardless of salary, only if the employee id is less than 125, insert EMPLOYEE_ID, MANAGER_ID, \nand SALARY into the MGR_HISTORY tablE.\nE. Regardless of salary and employee id, insert EMPLOYEE_ID, MANAGER_ID, and SALARY into the \nMGR_HISTORY tablE.\nF. Only if the salary is 20000 or less and the employee id is less than 125, insert EMPLOYEE_ID, \nMANAGER_ID, and SALARY into the MGR_HISTORY tablE.",
"answer": "A,B,F",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-13"
"question": "Examine this partial command:\nCREATE TABLE cust (\ncust_id NUMBER(2),\ncredit_ limit NUMBER(10)\n)\nORGANIZATION EXTERNAL\nWhich two clauses are required for this command to execute successfully?\nA. the DEFAULT DIRECTORY clause\nB. the REJECT LIMIT clause\nC. the LOCATION clause\nD. the ACCESS PARAMETERS clause\nE. the access driver TYPE clause",
"answer": "A,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-14"
"question": "Which three statements are true about performing Data Manipulation Language (DML) operations \non a view in an Orade Database?\nA. Insert statements can always be done on a table through a view.\nB. Views cannot be used to query rows from an underlying table if the table has a PRIMARY KEY \nand the PRIMARY KEY columns are not referenced in the defining query of the view.\nC. The WITH CHECK clause has no effect when deleting rows from the underlying table through the \nview.\nD. Views cannot be used to add or modify rows in an underlying table if the defining query of the \nview contains the DISTINCT keyworD.\nE. Views cannot be used to add or modify rows in an underlying table if the defining query of the \nview contains aggregating funtions.\nF. Views cannot be used to add rows to an underlying table if the table has columns with NOT NULL \nconstraints lacking default values which are not referenced in the defining query of the view.",
"answer": "C,D,E,F",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-15"
"question": "Which three statements are true about a self join?\nA. It must be an inner join.\nB. It can be an outer join.\nC. The ON clause must be useD.\nD. It must be an equijoin.\nE. The query must use twodifferent aliases for the tablE.\nF. The ON clause can be useD.",
"answer": "B,C,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-16"
"question": "Which two tue about a sql statement using SET openatons such as UNION?\nA. The data type of each column returned by the second query must be implldtly convertible to \nthe data type of the corresponding column returned by the first query\nB. The data type of each colunn retuned by he second query must exactly match the data type of \nthe corresponding column returned by the first query\nC. The number, but not names, of columns must be identical for all SELECT statements in the query\nD. The data type group of each column returned by the second query must match the data type \ngroup of the corresponding column returned by the first query\nE. The names and muntber of columns must be identical for all SELECT statements in the query.",
"answer": "A,C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-17"
"question": "Examine this statement:\nCREATE TABLE orders \n(serial_no NUMBER UNIQUE,\norder_id NUMBER PRIMARY KEY,\norder_date DATE NOT NULL,\nstatus VARCHAR2 (10) CHECK (status IN ('CREDIT', 'CASH')) ,\nproduct_id NUMBER REFERENCES products (product_iD. ,\norder_total NUMBER) ;\nOn which two columns of the table will an index be created automatically?\nA. STATUS\nB. ORDER_TOTAL\nC. ORDER_DATE\nD. PRODUCT_ID\nE. ORDER_ID\nF. SERIAL_NO",
"answer": "E,F",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-18"
"question": "38、Which three are true about Rapid Home Provisioning (RHP), which has been available since \nOracle 18c?\nA. It can be used to deploy Grid Infrastructure homes, including Oracle Restart.\nB. It is an Oracle Grid Infrastructure service\nC. It is an Oracle Database service\nD. It cannot be used to provision middlewarE.\nE. It cannot be used to provision applications\nF. It can be used to deploy Oracle Database homes.",
"answer": "A,B,F",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-19"
"question": "\"193. Which of the following statements are DML (Data Manipulation Language)?\nA. SELECT\nB. INSERT\nC. DELETE\nD. CREATE\nE. DROP\"",
"answer": "B,C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-20"
"question": "Which two statements execute successfully?\nA. SELECT TO_CHAR('2019-DEC-25 15:30', 'YYYY-MON-DD HH24:MI', 'NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = \nAMERICAN' )\nFROM DUAL;\nB. SELECT TO_DATE (TO_CHAR('2019-DEC-25 03:30', 'YYYY-MON-DD HH12:MI'))\nFROM DUAL;\nC. SELECT TO_CHAR('2019-DEC-25 15:30', 'YYYY-MON-DD HH24:MI')\nFROM DUAL;\nD. SELECT TO_DATE('2019-DEC-25 15:30', 'YYYY-MON-DD HH24:MI', 'NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = \nAMERICAN')\nFROM DUAL; \nE. SELECT TO_CHAR(TO_DATE('2019-DEC-25 03:30', 'YYYY-MON-DD HH12:MI'))\nFROM DUAL; ",
"answer": "D,E",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-21"
"question": "\"192. In Oracle, a cursor with parameters is defined in a PL/SQL block as follows: CURSOR emp_cursor(dnum NUMBER) IS SELECT sal, comm FROM emp WHERE deptno = dnum; Which of the following statements correctly opens this cursor?\nA. OPEN emp_cursor(20);\nB. OPEN emp_cursor FOR 20;\nC. OPEN emp_cursor USING 20;\nD. FOR emp_rec IN emp_cursor(20) LOOP … END LOOP;\"",
"answer": "A,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-22"
"question": "Which two are true about the Program Global Area(PGA. and its management in an Oracle \ndatabase instance?\nA. PGA AGGREGATE LIMII is a hard limit on the PGA size for any one session\nB. The entire PGA is located in the System Global Area(SGA. when using shared servers\nC. The private SQL area(UGA. is located in the System Global Area(SGA. when using shared \nservers\nD. Sorts and Hash Joins use PGA memory.\nE. The private SQL area(UGA. is located in the System Global Area(SGA. when using dedicated \nservers",
"answer": "C,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-23"
"question": "98、Which three actions are mandatory post database upgrade?\nA. Resetting passwords to enforce case-sensitivity\nB. Setting threshold values for tablespace alerts\nC. Upgrading user tables that depend on Oracle-maintained abstract data types.\nD. Migration to unified auditing\nE. Run Patch commands from the new Oracle home\nF. Updating client scripts with the new Oracle homE.",
"answer": "C,E,F",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-24"
"question": "\"191. In Oracle, the functions that can be used to extract specific parts of date and time types (such as year, month, day, hour, minute, second) are:\nA. DATEPART\nB. EXTRACT\nC. TO_CHAR\nD. TRUNC\"",
"answer": "B,C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-25"
"question": "57、You want to install Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a Standalone Server using Oracle Universal \nInstaller (OUI)\nThere is no existing Oracle installation on the server.\nWhich two are prerequisites?\nA. the Oracle Inventory group oinstall\nB. the installation of Oracle ASMLIB\nC. an operating system user to own this installation\nD. a group called dba\nE. an operating system account called grid",
"answer": "A,C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-26"
"question": "Which two statements are true about the results of using the INTERSECT operator in compound \nqueres?\nA. Reversing the order of the intersected tables can sometimes affect the output.\nB. Column names in each SELECT in the compound query can be dfferent.\nC. INTERSECT returns rows common to both sides of the compound query.\nD. The number of columns in each SELECT in the compound query can be dfferent.\nE. INTERSECT ignores NULLs",
"answer": "B,C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-27"
"question": "94、Some archived log backups have been accidentally deleted from storage\nWhich two commands should be used to update the status of backups in the recovery catalog to \ndisplay only the missing backups?\nA. LIST ARCHIVELOG ALL\nB. RESYNC CATALOG\nC. CROSSCHECK BACKUP OF ARCHIVELOG ALL\nD. LIST ARCHIVELOG\nE. REPORT OBSOLETE\nF. LIST EXPIRED",
"answer": "C,F",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-28"
"question": "choose two.\n·MANAGER is an existing role with no privileges or roles.\n·EMP is an existing role containing the CREATE TABLE privilegE.\n·EMPLOYEES is an existing table in the HR schemA.\nWhich two commands execute successfully?\nA. GRANT CREATE SEQUENCE TO manager, emp;\nB. GRANT SELECT, INSERT ON hr.employees TO manager WITH GRANT OPTION:\nC. GRANT CREATE TABLE, emp TO manager;\nD. GRANT CREATE TABLE, SELECT ON hr. employees TO manager ;\nE. GRANT CREATE ANY SESSION, CREATE ANY TABLE TO manager;",
"answer": "A,C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-29"
"question": "Which three items does a direction of a relationship contain?\nA. an optionality\nB. an attribute\nC. a label\nD. a cardinality\nE. a unique identifier\nF. an entity",
"answer": "B,E,F",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-30"
"question": "11、 Which two are true about RMAN duplexed backup sets?\nA. They can be written to media\nB They can be created only by using the copies option of a BACKUP command\nC. They can be created by using the RMAN CONFIGURE command to specify duplexing before \ntaking a backup\nD. They can be written only to disk.\nE. They must be written to media",
"answer": "A,C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-31"
"question": "Which three actions can you perfom only with system privileges?\nA. Truncate a table in another schemA.\nB. Access flat files via a database, which are stored in an operating system directory.\nC. Log in to a databasE.\nD. Query any table in a databasE.\nE. Use the WITH GRANT OPTION clausE.\nF. Execute a procedure in another schemA.",
"answer": "C,D,F",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-32"
"question": "44、Which two are true about duplicating pluggable databases(PDBS) with RMAN?\nA. CDB$ROOT and PDBSSEED are automatically duplicated if a PDB is duplicated\nB. A user with SYSDBA or SYSBKUP must use RMAN logged in to a PDB in order to duplicate \nit.\nC. Two or more PDBS can be duplicated with the same RMAN DUPLICATE command\nD. The auxiliary instance is automatically created with ENABLE PLUGGABLE DATABASE \nTRUE\nE. All tablespaces belonging to a PDB must be duplicated when duplicating the PDB",
"answer": "A,C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-33"
"question": "76 Which three are performed by Oracle Automatic Storage Management(ASM)instances?\nA. mounting disk groups\nB. managing Allocation Units (AUS)for disk group content\nC. managing extent allocation for Oracle database segments\nD. acting as an I/O server to read data file blocks from ASM disks on behalf of database server\nprocesses\nE. acting as an I/O server to write data file blocks to ASM disks on behalf of Database Writer\nprocesses(DBWR)\nF. managing space allocation for Oracle ASM files",
"answer": "A,D,E,\n",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-34"
"question": "Which two are true about the NVL, NVL2, and COALESCE functions?\nA. NVL must have expressions of the same data typE.\nB. COALESCE stops evaluating the list of expressions when it finds the first null valuE.\nC. COALESCE stops evaluating the list of expressions when it finds the first non-null valuE.\nD. NVL2 can have any number of expressions in the list.\nE. NVL can have any number of expressions in the list.\nF. The first expression in NVL2 is never returneD.",
"answer": "A,C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-35"
"question": "Choose all that apply.\nWhich two statements are true about Oracle databases and SQL?\nA. A user can be the owner of multiple schemas in the same databasE.\nB. When you execute an UPDATE statement, the database instance locks each updated row.\nC. The database guarantees read consistency at select level on user-created tables.\nD. A query can access only tables within the same schemA.\nE. Updates performed by a database user can be rolled back by another user by using the \nROLLBACK commanD.",
"answer": "B,C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-36"
"question": "Which three are true about dropping columns from a table?\nA. A column can be removed only if it contains no datA.\nB. A column drop is implidtly committed\nC. A column that is referenced by another column in any other table cannot be droppeD.\nD. A column must be set as unused before it is dropped from a tablE.\nE A primary key column cannot be droppeD.\nF. Multiple columns can be dropped simultaneously using the ALTER TABLE commanD.",
"answer": "B,C,F",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-37"
"question": "Which two statements are true about the rules of precedence for operators?\nA. The + binary operator has the highest precedence in an expression in a SQL \nstatement.\nB. Multiple parentheses can be used to override the default precedence of operators in \nan expression.\nC. NULLS influence the precedence of operators in an expression.\nD. The concatenation operator || is always evaluated before addition and subtraction in \nan expression.\nE. Arithmetic operators with equal precedence are evaluated from left to right within \nan expression.",
"answer": "B,E",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-38"
"question": "Which two statements about INVISIBLE indexes are true?\nA. All INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements maintain entries in the index.\nB. You can only create one INVISIBLE index on the same column list.\nC. An INVISIBLE index consumes no storagE.\nD. The query optimizer never considers INVISIBLE indexes when determining execution plans.\nE. You use ALTER INDEX to make an INVISIBLE index VISIBLE.",
"answer": "A,B,E",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-39"
"question": "Which three are true about system and object privileges?\nA. Adding a foreign key constraint pointing to a table in another schema requires the REFERENCES \nobject privilegE.\nB. Revoking an object privilege that was granted with the WITH GRANT OPTION clause has a \ncascading effect.\nC. WITH GRANT OPTION cannot be used when granting an object privilege to PUBLIC.\nD. WITH GRANT OPTION can be used when granting an object privilege to both users and roles.\nE. Adding a primary key constraint to an existing table in another schema requires a system \nprivilegE.\nF. Revoking a system privilege that was granted with WITH ADMIN OPTION has a cascading effect.",
"answer": "A,B,E",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-40"
"question": "Examine the description of the BOOKS table:\nName Null? Type\n-------------------------------------------------------------\nTRANSACTION_ID NOT NULL VARCHAR2(6)\nTRANSACTION_DATE DATE\nAMOUNT NUMBER(10,2)\nCUSTOMER_ID VARCHAR2(6)\nThe table has 100 rows\nExamine this sequence of statements issued in a new session:\nINSERT INTO books VALUES ('ADV12','Adventures of Tom Sawyer',NULL,NULL);\nSAVEPOINT a;\nDELETE FROM books;\nROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT a;\nROLLBACK;\nWhich two statements are true?\nA. The first ROLLBACK command restores the 101 rows that were deleted and commits the inserted \nrow.\nB. The first ROLLBACK command restores the 101 rows that were deleted ,leaving the inserted row \nstill to be commiteD.\nC. The second ROLLBACK command does nothinG.\nD. the second ROLLBACK undoes the insert.\nE. The second ROLLBACK command replays the deletE.",
"answer": "B,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-41"
"question": "Which two are true about savepoints?\nA. After issuing a savepoint, you cannot roll back the complete transaction.\nB. They make uncommitted updates visible to other sessions owned by the same user.\nC. They make uncommitted updates visible to sessions owned by other users.\nD. A ROLLBACK To SAVEPOINT command issued before the start of a transaction results in an error.\nE. After issuing a savepoint, you can roll back to the savepoint name within the current transaction.\nF. You can commit updates done between two savepoints without committing other updates in \nthe current transaction.",
"answer": "D,E",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-42"
"question": "You and your colleague Andrew have these privileges on the EMPLOYEE_RECORDS table:\n1. SELECT\n2. INSERT\n3. UPDATE\n4. DELETE\nYou connect to the database instance and perform an update to some of the rows in \nEMPLOYEE_RECORDS, but do not commit yet.\nAndrew connects to the database instance and queries the tablE.\nNo other users are accessing the tablE.\nWhich two statements are true at this point?\nA. Andrew will be unable to see the changes you have madE.\nB. Andrew will be able to see the changes you have madE.\nC. Andrew will be able to modify any rows in the table that have not been modified by your \ntransaction.\nD. Andrew will be able to SELECT from the table, but be unable to modify any existing rows.\nE. Andrew will be unable to perform any INSERTS, UPDATES, or DELETES on the tablE.",
"answer": "A,C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-43"
"question": "Exanine the desatption of the BOOKS_TRANSACTIONS table\nName Null? Type\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTHANSACTION_ID NOT NULL VARCHAR2(6)\nTRANSACTION_TYPE VARCHAR2(3)\nBORROWED_DATE DATE\nBOOK_ID VARCHAR2(6)\nMEMBER_ID VARCHAR2(6)\nExamine this partial SQL statement:\nSELECT * FROM books_transctions;\nWhich twoWHERE condtions give the same resut?\nA. WHERE borrowed_date = SYSDATE AND (transaction_type= 'RM' OR member_id IN \n('A101','A102' ) );\nB. WHERE borrowed_date = SYSDATE AND transaction_type= 'RM' OR member_id IN \n('A101','A102' ) ;\nC. WHERE borrowed_date = SYSDATE AND (transaction_type= 'RM' AND member_id='A101' OR \nmember_id = 'A102') );\nD. WHERE (borrowed_date = SYSDATE AND transaction_type= 'RM' ) OR member_id IN \n('A101','A102' );\nE. WHERE borrowed_date = SYSDATE AND (transaction_type= 'RM' AND ( member_id= 'A101' OR \nmember_id = 'A102' ) );",
"answer": "B,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-44"
"question": "Which two statements are true about date/time functions in a session where NLS_DATE_PORMAT \nis set to DD-MON-YYYY SH24:MI:SS\nA. SYSDATE CAN be used in expressions only if the default date format is DD-MON-RR.\nB. CURRENT_TIMESTAMP returns the same date as CURRENT_DATE.\nC. CURRENT_DATE returns the current date and time as per the session time zone\nD. SYSDATE and CURRENT_DATE return the current date and time set for the operating system of \nthe database server.\nE. CURRENT_TIMESTAMP returns the same date and time as SYSDATE with addtional details of \nfunctional seconds.\nF. SYSDATE can be queried only from the DUAL tablE.",
"answer": "C,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-45"
"question": "55、Which three are true about RMAN archival backups with the RESTORE POINT clause?\nA. Archive logs are retained if they are necessary to allow the database to be recovered to a \nconsistent state when an archival backup is restored\nB. The SPFILE is included in the archival backup.\nC. The ARCHIVAI attribute for a backup overrides the RMAN retention policy\nD. They are never considered obsolete by RMAN\nE. They can optionally be written to a fast recovery area(FRA. .\nF. All archive logs are retained after an archival backup is taken, until the next archival backup is \ntaken of the same database\nG. Use of a recovery catalog is always required to support the creation and use of archival backups",
"answer": "A,B,C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-46"
"question": "\"198. Which two statements about constraints are correct?\nA. Foreign keys cannot contain NULL values.\nB. A field with a UNIQUE constraint can contain NULL values.\nC. Constraints are only executed on INSERT operations on one table.\nD. Constraints can be disabled even if the constrained field contains data.\nE. All constraints can be defined at the column level or at the table level.\"",
"answer": "B,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-47"
"question": "Examine these statements executed in a single Oracle session:\nCREATE TABLE product (pcode NUMBER(2),pname VARCHAR2 (20));\nINSERT INTO product VALUES (1, 'pen') ;\nINSERT INTO product VALUES (2, 'pencil');\nINSERT INTO product VALUES (3, 'fountain pen');\nSAVEPOINT a;\nUPDATE product SET pcode = 10 WHERE pcode = 1;\nCOMMIT;\nDELETE FROM product WHERE pcode = 2;\nSAVEPOINT b;\nUPDATE product SET pcode = 30 WHERE pcode = 3;\nSAVEPOINT c;\nDELETE FROM product WHERE pcode = 10;\nROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT b;\nCOMMIT;\nWhich three statements are true?\nA. The code for pen is 1.\nB. There is no row containing fountain pen.\nC. The code for fountain pen is 3.\nD. There is no row containing pen.\nE. There is no row containing pencil.\nF. The code for pen is 10.",
"answer": "C,E,F",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-48"
"question": "14、While backing up to an SBT channel, you determine that the read phase of your compressed \nRecovery Manager (RMAN)incremental level 0 backup is a bottleneck\nFORCE LOGGING is enabled for the database\nWhich two could improve read performance?\nA. Disable FORCE LOGGING for the database\nB. Enable asynchronous disk I/O\nC. Increase the size of the database buffer cachE.\nD. Increase the level of RMAN multiplexing\nE. Increase the size of tape I/O buffers",
"answer": "B,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-49"
"question": "22 、 Which three are true about recovery operations done without using Recovery \nManager(RMAN)?\nA. A lost SPFILE can be recovered from memory using SQL*PLUS\nB. A lost password file can be re-created with SQL*PLUS.\nC. A lost password file can be manually re-created with the orapwd utility\nD. A lost index tablespace can be re-created without performing any recovery\nE. A lost TEMPFILE must always be re-created manually.\nF. A lost PFILE can be re-created from alert log using SOL*PLUS",
"answer": "A,C,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-50"
"question": "\"187. Which two actions are included in instance recovery?\nA. Commit\nB. Roll forward\nC. Rollback\nD. Recover\nE. Restore\"",
"answer": "B,C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-51"
"question": "Which is true about the & and && prefixes with substitution variables?\nA. Both & and && can prefix a substitution variable name in queries and DML statements.\nB. The && prefix will not prompt for a value even if the substitution variable is not previously \ndefined in the session.\nC. An && prefix to an undefined substitution variable, which is referenced multiple times in \nmultiple queries, will prompt for a value once per query.\nD. & can prefix a substitution variable name only in queries.\nE. An & prefix to an undefined substitution variable, which is referenced twice in the same query, \nwill prompt for a value twicE.",
"answer": "A,E",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-52"
"question": "13、A schema owner truncated a table in error and must recover the data\nWhich Oracle Flashback feature could be used to recover the data?\nA. FLASHBACK VERSION QUERY\nB. FLASHBACK TABLE\nC. FLASHBACK TRANSACTION\nD. FLASHBACK DATABASE\nE. FLASHBACK DATA ARCHIVE",
"answer": "D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-53"
"question": "You have been tasked to create a table for a banking application.\nOne of the columns must meet three requirements:\n1) Be stored in a format supporting date arithmetic without using conversion functions\n2) Store a loan period of up to 10 years\n3) Be used for calculating interest for the number of days the loan remains unpaid\nWhich data type should you use?\nA. TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE\nB. TIMESTAMP\nC. TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIMEZONE\nD. INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH\nE. INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND",
"answer": "E",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-54"
"question": "\"1. Which of the following is not a shutdown mode for Oracle database?\nA. Shutdown immediate\nB. Shutdown abort\nC. Shutdown transactional\nD. Shutdown poweroff\"",
"answer": "D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-55"
"question": "\"80. Which of the following files is not necessary when the Oracle server starts up?\nA. Data files\nB. Control files\nC. Log files\nD. Archived log files\"",
"answer": "D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-56"
"question": "\"10. Which of the following statements about parameter files and parameters is correct?\nA. The content of dynamic parameter files (SPFILE) and static parameter files (PFILE) is the same, but they are saved in different formats.\nB. Dynamic parameter files (SPFILE) only store dynamic parameters, while static parameter files (PFILE) only store static parameters.\nC. Dynamic parameter files (SPFILE) can only be created through static parameter files (PFILE).\nD. Static parameter files (PFILE) can only be created through dynamic parameter files (SPFILE).\"",
"answer": "A",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-57"
"question": "The STORES table has a column START_DATE of data type DATE, containing the date the row was \ninserteD.\nYou only want to display details of rows where START_DATE is within the last 25 months.\nWhich WHERE clause can be used?\nA. WHERE MONTHS_BETWEEN (SYSDATE, start_datE. <= 25\nB. WHERE ADD_MONTHS (start_date, 25) <= SYSDATE\nC. WHERE TO_NUMBER(start_date - SYSDATE. <= 25\nD. WHERE MONTHS_BETWEEN(start_date, SYSDATE. <= 25",
"answer": "A",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-58"
"question": "\"179. View the structure of the PROMOTIONS table below: name Null Type\nPROMO_ID NOT NULL NUMBER(6)\nPROMO_NAME NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30)\nPROMO_CATEGORY NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30)\nPROMO_COST NOT NULL NUMBER(10,2)\nManagement wants to see the unique promotion costs for each promotion category. Which query below will get the desired result?\nA. SELECT DISTINCT promo_cost, promo_category FROM promotions;\nB. SELECT promo_category, DISTINCT promo_cost FROM promotions;\nC. SELECT DISTINCT promo_cost, DISTINCT promo_category FROM promotions;\nD. SELECT DISTINCT promo_category, promo_cost FROM promotions ORDER BY 1;\"",
"answer": "D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-59"
"question": "\"26. In Oracle, which statement displays 0 when the COMM field is empty and displays the value of COMM when it is not empty?\nA. SELECT ename, NVL(comm, 0) FROM emp;\nB. SELECT ename, NULL(comm, 0) FROM emp;\nC. SELECT ename, NULLIF(comm, 0) FROM emp;\nD. SELECT ename, DECODE(comm, NULL, 0) FROM emp;\"",
"answer": "A",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-60"
"question": "\"To update the current row in a cursor result set, you should use the clause:\nA. WHERE CURRENT OF\nB. FOR UPDATE\nC. FOR DELETE\nD. FOR MODIFY\"",
"answer": "A",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-61"
"question": "choose the best answer\nExamine the desciption of the CUSTOMERS table:\nName Null? Type\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nCUST_ID Not NULL VARCHAR2(6)\nFIRST_NAME VARCHAR2(50)\nLAST_NAME Not NULL VARCHAR2(50)\nADDRRESS VARCHAR2(50)\nCITY VARCHAR2(25)\nYou want to display detalls of all castomers who reside in cities starting with the letter D followed \nby at least two character\nWhich query can be used?\nA. SELECT * FROM customers WHERE city = 'D_%';\nB. SELECT * FROM customers WHERE city = '%D_';\nC. SELECT * FROM customers WHERE city LIKE 'D_ _%';\nD. SELECT * FROM customers WHERE city LIKE 'D_';",
"answer": "C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-62"
"question": "102、Which operating system group is NOT needed to perform an Oracle Database installation?\nA. OSRACDBA\nB. OSDBA\nC. OSASM\nD. OSKMDBA\nE ) OSOPER",
"answer": "E",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-63"
"question": "\"59. Which of the following statements is correct for adding a primary key to the STUDENTS table?\nA. ALTER TABLE students ADD PRIMARY KEY student_id\nB. ALTER TABLE students ADD CONSTRAINT PRIMARY KEY (student_iD.\nC. ALTER TABLE students ADD CONSTRAINT stud_id_pk PRIMARY KEY student_id\nD. ALTER TABLE students ADD CONSTRAINT stud_id_pk PRIMARY KEY (student_iD.\nE. ALTER TABLE students MODIFY CONSTRAINT stud_id_pk PRIMARY KEY (student_iD.\"",
"answer": "D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-64"
"question": "Examine the desaiption of the PRODUCT_INFORMATION table:\nName NULL? Type\n------------------------------------------------------------------------\nPROD_ID NOT NULL NUMBER(2)\nPROD_NANE VARCRAR2 (10)\nLIST_PRICE NUMBER(6,2)\nWhich query retrieves the number of products with a null list price?\nA. SELECT (COUNT(list_pricE. FERM Product_intormation WHERE list_price=NULL;\nB. SELECT Count(nvl( list_price,0) )FROM pruduct_information WHERE list_price is null;\nC. SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT last_pricE. FROM produet_infomation WHERE last_price is nulll.\nD. BELECT COUNT(list_pricE. from proceduct_information where list_price is NULL;",
"answer": "B",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-65"
"question": "Examine the data in the NEW_EMPLOYEES table:\nEMPLOYEE_ID NAME DEPARTMENT_ID MANAGER_ID JOB_ID SALARY\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n101 David 20 120 SA_REP 14000\n102 Sam 10 105 CLERK 12500\n103 Andrew 20 120 FIN_ADMIN 14200\n104 Adrian 30 108 MAR_CLERK 12500\n105 Maria 30 108 FIN_ADMIN 15000\n106 Tracy 40 110 AD_ASST 13000\n108 Kate 30 110 FIN_DIR 16500\n110 Anne 40 120 EX_DIR 18000\n120 Fran 20 110 SQ_DIR 16500\nExamine the data in the EMPLOYEES table:\nEMPLOYEE_ID NAME JOB_ID SALARY\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n101 David CLERK 14000\n102 Sam SA_REP 11500\n104 Adrian MAR_CLERK 12500\n108 Kate FIN_DIR 16500\n110 Annie EX_DIR 18000\nYou want to:\n1. Update existing employee details in the EMPLOYEES table with data from the NEW_EMPLOYEES \ntablE.\n2. Add new employee details from the NEW_EMPLOYEES table to the EMPLOYEES tablE.\nWhich statement will do this?\nA. MERGE INTO employees e\n USING new_employees ne\n ON (E.employee_id= nE.employee_iD. \n WHEN FOUND THEN UPDATE SET E.name=nE.name, E.job_id= nE.job_id, E.salary= nE.salary\n WHEN NOT FOUND THEN INSERT VALUES (nE.employee_id, ne .name, nE.job_id, nE.salary);\nB. MERGE INTO employees e\n USING new_employees ne\n WHERE E.employee_id= nE.employee_id\n WHEN FOUND THEN UPDATE SET E.name= nE.name, E.job_id= nE.job_id, E.salaly= nE.salary\n WHEN NOT FOUND THEN INSERT VALUES (nE.employee_id, nE.name, nE.job_id, nE.salary) ;\nC. MERGE INTO employees e\n USING new_employees ne\n WHERE E.employee_id= nE.employee_id\n WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET E.name= nE.name, E.job_id= nE.job_id, E.salary= nE.salary\n WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT VALUES (nE.employee id, nE.name, nE.job_id, nE.salary) :\nD. MERGE INTO employees e\n USING new_employees ne\n ON (E.employee_id= ne .employee_iD. \n WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET E.name=nE.name, E.job_id= nE.job_id, E.salary= nE.salary\n WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT VALUES (nE.employee_id, nE.name, nE.job_id, nE.salary);",
"answer": "D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-66"
"question": "\"100. Which of the following is not necessary for installing Oracle database server?\nA. Installing operating system\nB. Installing Oracle software\nC. Creating database\nD. Configuring DataGuard\"",
"answer": "D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-67"
"question": "\"105. Which of the following memory areas does not belong to SGA?\nA. PGA B. Log buffer C. Data buffer D. Shared pool\"",
"answer": "A",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-68"
"question": "\"54. Which of the following statements about the wildcard character \"_\" in partial match queries is correct?\nA. \"_\" represents multiple characters.\nB. \"_\" represents one character.\nC. \"_\" cannot be used together with \"%\".\nD. \"_\" represents zero or more characters.\"",
"answer": "B",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-69"
"question": "\"60. To view the current value of sequence DEPT_DEPTNO, which pseudocolumn should be used?\nA. CURRVAL\nB. NEXTVAL\nC. MAXVAL\nD. MINVAL\"",
"answer": "A",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-70"
"question": "\"68. Which statement can directly call a procedure in SQL*Plus?\nA. RETURN\nB. CALL\nC. SET\nD. EXEC\"",
"answer": "D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-71"
"question": "\"39. Which of the following statements about ROWNUM is correct?\nA. ROWNUM is a column that actually exists in each table.\nB. ROWNUM is a row number assigned to each row of data after each query is executed, starting from 0.\nC. Any arithmetic operator can be used when ROWNUM is used as a conditional expression.\nD. ROWNUM is often used for pagination queries.\"",
"answer": "D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-72"
"question": "\"158. In the relational model, the constraint of \"not allowing duplicate tuples in a relation\" is implemented through:\nA. candidate keys B. primary keys C. foreign keys D. superkeys\"",
"answer": "B",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-73"
"question": "\"45. The structure of the STUDENT_GRADES table is as follows: STUDENT_ID NUMBER(12), SEMESTER_END DATE, GPA NUMBER(4,3). Display STUDENT_ID, SEMESTER_END, and GPA, sorted first by semester_end in ascending order, and then by GPA in descending order. \nA. SELECT student_id, semester_end, gpa FROM student_grades ORDER BY semester_end DESC, gpa DESC;\nB. SELECT student_id, semester_end, gpa FROM student_grades ORDER BY semester_end ASC, gpa ASC;\nC. SELECT student_id, semester_end, gpa FROM student_grades ORDER BY semester_end, gpa DESC;\nD. SELECT student_id, semester_end, gpa FROM student_grades ORDER BY gpa DESC, semester_end DESC;\nE. SELECT student_id, semester_end, gpa FROM student_grades ORDER BY gpa DESC, semester_end ASC;\"",
"answer": "C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-74"
"question": "\"52. View ANN_SAL is based on the employee table, and the structure of the view is as follows: NAME NULL TYPE EMPNO NOT NULL NUMBER(4) YEARLY_SAL NUMBER(9,2) MONTHLY_SAL NUMBER(9,2). Which statement can retrieve data from the view ANN_SAL?\nA. SELECT * FROM ANN_SAL\nB. SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEE\nC. SELECT * FROM VIEW ANN_SAL\nD. SELECT * FROM VIEW ANN_SAL IS DON EMPLOYEE\"",
"answer": "A",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-75"
"question": "\"97. Analyze the following successfully executed statement:\n\nCREATE TABLE rental (\nrental_id int unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\nrental_date datetime NOT NULL,\ninventory_id int unsigned NOT NULL,\ncustomer_id int unsigned NOT NULL,\nreturn_date datetime DEFAULT NULL,\nstaff_id int unsigned NOT NULL,\nlast_update timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,\nPRIMARY KEY (rental_id)\nENGINE=InnoDB;\n\nNow, consider the following query:\n\nSELECT rental_id, customer_id\nFROM rental\nWHERE rental_date BETWEEN NOW() - INTERVAL 1 MONTH AND NOW()\nAND inventory_id=42\nAND staff_id=1024;\n\nYou want to add one or more indexes to minimize the workload of the query. Which of the following statements can accomplish this task?\n\nA. ALTER TABLE rental\nADD INDEX (inventory_id),\nADD INDEX (staff_id),\nADD INDEX (rental_date),\nADD INDEX (customer_id);\n\nB. ALTER TABLE rental\nADD INDEX (inventory_id, staff_id, rental_date, customer_id);\n\nC. ALTER TABLE rental\nADD INDEX (inventory_id, staff_id, customer_id, rental_id, rental_date);\n\nD. ALTER TABLE rental\nADD INDEX (inventory_id),\nADD INDEX (staff_id),\nADD INDEX (rental_date);\n\nE. ALTER TABLE rental\nADD INDEX (rental_date, inventory_id, staff_id, customer_id);\n\nF. ALTER TABLE rental\nADD INDEX (inventory_id, staff_id, rental_date); \"",
"answer": "B",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-76"
"question": "Examine this query:\nSELECT SUBSTR (SYSDATE, 1,5) \"Result\" FROM DUAL;\nWhich statement is true?\nA. It fails unless the expression is modified to TO_CHAR (SUBSTR (SYSDATE, 1, 5)).\nB. It fails unless the expression is modified to SUBSTR (TO_CHAR (SYSDATE. , 1, 5).\nC. It fails unless the expression is modified to SUBSTR (TO_CHAR (TRUNC (SYSDATE. ), 1, 5).\nD. It executes successfully with an implicit data type conversion.",
"answer": "D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-77"
"question": "\"101. Which one should be the expected state of a Data Guard standby database?\nA. Open & READ ONLY WITH APPLYING\nB. Mounted & READ ONLY WITH APPLYING\nC. Mounted & READ ONLY\nD. Open & READ ONLY\"",
"answer": "A",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-78"
"question": "10、A user complains about poor database performance\nYou want to verify if the user's session has waited for certain types of I/O activity\nWhich view displays all waits waited on by a session at least once?\nA. V$SESSTAT\nB. V$SESSION WAIT\nC. V$SESSION EVENT\nD. V$SESSION\nE. V$SESSION WAIT CLASS",
"answer": "C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-79"
"question": "\"16. Connect to a certain PDB database (ERP1) using sys and issue the following authorization command: Grant create session to abc container=all; Which of the following statements is correct?\nA. This authorization will result in an error.\nB. This authorization only takes effect within ERP1.\nC. This authorization only takes effect within the root container CDB$ROOT.\nD. This authorization takes effect in both ERP1 and CDB$ROOT.\"",
"answer": "A",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-80"
"question": "Examine this statement:\nSELECT 1 AS id, 'John' AS first_name\n FROM dual\nUNION\nSELECT 1, 'John' AS name\n FROM dual\nORDER BY 1;\nWhat is returned upon execution?\nA. 0 rows\nB. 2 rows\nC. 1 row\nD. an error",
"answer": "C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-81"
"question": "You execute this query: \nSELECT TO_CHAR (NEXT_DAY (LAST_DAY (SYSDATE. , 'MON') , 'dd \"Monday for\" fmMonth rrrr' )\n FROM DUAL;\nWhat is the result?\nA. It executes successfully but does not return any result.\nB. It generates an error.\nC. It returns the date for the first Monday of the next month.\nD. It returns the date for the last Monday of the current month.",
"answer": "C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-82"
"question": "\"145. What information will be displayed when querying the data dictionary DBA_USERS?\nA. The tablespace quota for all users.\nB. The tablespace quota for the current user.\nC. The creation date of the database user.\nD. Whether the current user has unlimited quota on a tablespace.\"",
"answer": "A",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-83"
"question": "\"111. Locks are used to provide ________.\nA. improved performance\nB. data integrity and consistency\nC. availability and ease of maintenance\nD. user security\"",
"answer": "B",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-84"
"question": "\"164. The correct description of a database is: \nA. A database is a DBF file \nB. A database is a relationship \nC. A database is a structured collection of data \nD. A database is a set of files\"",
"answer": "C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-85"
"question": "\"107. When creating a user in Oracle, if the DEFAULT TABLESPACE keyword is not mentioned, Oracle will allocate a tablespace to the user as the default tablespace.\nA. HR\nB. SCOTT\nC. SYSTEM\nD. SYS\"",
"answer": "C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-86"
"question": "6. What does DBWR do when the COMMIT command is issued?\nA. It immediately writes the log buffer to disk.\nB. It immediately writes the data buffer to disk.\nC. It notifies LGWR to write the log.\nD. It does nothing.",
"answer": "D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-87"
"question": "\"162. SQL language is a language for ________. \nA. hierarchical databases \nB. network databases \nC. relational databases \nD. databases\"",
"answer": "C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-88"
"question": "\"4. Which of the following is not a state of the online log group?\nA. UNUSED\nB. NOACTIVE\nC. INACTIVE\nD. ACTIVEE.CURRENT\"",
"answer": "B",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-89"
"question": "\"171. In table emp, calculate the annual salary of employees as SAL*12 and generate an alias as Annual Salary.\nA. SELECT ename, sal*12, Annual Salary FROM emp;\nB. SELECT ename, sal*12 \"Annual Salary\" FROM emp;\nC. SELECT ename, sal*12 AS Annual Salary FROM emp;\nD. SELECT ename, sql*12 AS INICTAP(\"Annual Salary\") FROM emp;\"",
"answer": "B",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-90"
"question": "Examine this query:\nSELECT TRUNC (ROUND(156.00,-2),-1) FROM DUAL;\nWhat is the result?\nA. 16\nB. 160\nC. 150\nD. 200\nE. 100",
"answer": "D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-91"
"question": "\"73. In ORACLE, the operator used to determine if a column value is null is:\nA. ==NULL\nB. NULLIS\nC. AS NULL\nD. IS NULL\"",
"answer": "C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-92"
"question": "\"42. Which command can ensure that only the data of table employeE. is deleted while keeping the structure of the table and it is necessary to be able to roll back?\nA. DROP TABLE employeE.\nB. DELETE FROM employeE.\nC. TRUNCATE TABLE employeE.\nD. This task can't be accomplished.\"",
"answer": "B",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-93"
"question": "\"44. The table structure of EMP is as follows: ENAME VARCHAR2(35) SALARY NUMBER(8,2) HIRE_DATE DATE Which sentence lists employees who have worked for more than five years in the company?\nA. SELECT ENAME FROM EMP WHERE SYSDATE-HIRE_DATE > 5;\nB. SELECT ENAME FROM EMP WHERE HIRE_DATE-SYSDATE > 5;\nC. SELECT ENAME FROM EMP WHERE (SYSDATE-HIRE_DATE) /365 > 5;\nD. SELECT ENAME FROM EMP WHERE (SYSDATE-HIRE_DATE) * 365 > 5;\"",
"answer": "C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-94"
"question": "\"51. Regarding the granting of permissions, which of the following statements is correct?\nA. The WITH GRANT OPTION option can achieve the transfer of system permissions.\nB. The WITH ADMIN OPTION option can achieve the transfer of object permissions.\nC. Both of the above statements are correct.\nD. Neither of the above statements is correct.\"",
"answer": "D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-95"
"question": "\"57. Which of the following statements about null values is correct?\nA. Any arithmetic expression that contains a null value results in a null value.\nB. The concatenation of a string that contains a null value with an empty string results in a null value.\nC. The syntax for using null values as a condition is to write: field = null.\nD. If the table Emp has 5 records with empID values of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, then the query Select * from Emp where empID not in (2, 3, 4, null) will result in 2 records.\"",
"answer": "A",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-96"
"question": "\"64. In Oracle database, user schema stores data dictionary tables and view objects.\nA. SYS\nB. SYSTEM\nC. SCOTT\nD. SYSDBA\"",
"answer": "A",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-97"
"question": "\"131. The database operated in non-archival logging mode has been disabled.\nA. Archival logging\nB. Online logging\nC. Log writing program\nD. Log file\"",
"answer": "A",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-98"
"question": "\"188. Which statement is correct regarding backup based on user management?\nA. It is not necessary to close the database, direct low-level copying can ensure consistency.\nB. The database can be cleanly and consistently closed, and then low-level copying can ensure consistency.\nC. It is not necessary to close the database because the underlying files are unrelated to the Oracle system.\nD. It is not necessary to close the database, but the backup tablespace needs to be set to backup mode.\"",
"answer": "B,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-99"
"question": "\"34. Which activity will result in an automatic rollback?\nA. GRANT\nB. CREATE\nC. System crash\nD. Exiting from SQL*Plus\"",
"answer": "C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-100"
"question": "The CUSTOMERS table has a CUST_LAST_NAME column of data type VARCHAR2.\nThe table has two rows whose COST_LAST_MANE values are Anderson and Ausson. \nWhich query produces output for CUST_LAST_SAME containing Order for the first \nrow and Aus for the second?\nA. SELECT REPLACE (REPLACE(cust_last_name,'son',''),'An','O') FROM customers;\nB. SELECT REPLACE (TRIM(TRALING 'son' FROM cust_last_namE. , 'An','O') FROM \ncustomers;\nC. SELECT INITCAP (REPLACE(TRIM('son' FROM cust_last_namE. ,'An','O')) FROM \ncustomers;\nD. SELECT REPLACE (SUBSTR(cust_last_name,-3), 'An', 'O') FROM customers;",
"answer": "A",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-101"
"question": "\"33. The query statement SELECT SUBSTR('Hello World',4,5) FROM DUAL; returns a result. Which one is correct?\nA. loWor B. World C. lloWo D. lo Wo\"",
"answer": "D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-102"
"question": "\"160. The command to delete a table from a database is:\nA. DROP TABLE B. ALTER TABLE C. DELETE TABLE D. USE\"",
"answer": "C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-103"
"question": "33、Which three are true about using Database Upgrade Assistant(DBUA. to upgrade a database?\nA. Multiple databases with the same ORACLE HOME can be upgraded simultaneously\nB. All pluggable databases are automatically upgraded as part of a container database upgradE.\nC. DBUA must be launched from the target Oracle Home\nD. The Pre-upgrade Information Tool script is executed by DBUA\nE. A whole database backup must exist before upgrade\nF. The database must be opened in read-only modE.",
"answer": "B,C,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-104"
"question": "The SALES table has columns PROD_ID and QUANTITY_SOLD of data type NUMBER.\nWhich two querdes execute successfully?\nA. SELECT COUNT(prod_iD. FROM sales WHERE quantity_sold>55000 GROUP BY prod_id;\nB. SELECT prod_id FROM sales WHERE quantity_sold > 55000 GROUP BY prod_id HAVING \nCOUNT(*) > 10;\nC. SELECT COUNT(prod_iD. FROM sales GROUP BY prod_id WHERE quantity_sold > 55000;\nD. SELECT prod_id FROM sales WHERE quantity_sold> 55000 AND COUNT(*) > 10 GROUP BY \nCOUNT(*) > 10;\nE. SELECT prod_id FROM sales WHERE quantity_sold> 55000 AND COUNT(*) > 10 GROUP BY \nprod_id HAVING COUNT(*) > 10;",
"answer": "A,B",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-105"
"question": "Which three statements are true about inner and outer joins?\nA. A full outer join returns matched and unmatched rows.\nB. Outer joins can only be used between two tables per query.\nC. Outer joins can be used when there are multiple join conditions on two tables.\nD. A left or right outer join returns only unmatched rows.\nE. A full outer join must use Oracle syntax.\nF. An inner join returns matched rows.",
"answer": "A,C,F",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-106"
"question": "Which three statements are true regarding single row subqueries?\nA. They can be used in the WHERE clausE.\nB. They must be placed on the right side of the comparison operator or condition.\nC. They must return a row to prevent errors in the SQL statement.\nD. They must be placed on the left side of the comparison operator or condition.\nE. A SQL statement may have multiple single row subquery blocks.\nF. They can be used in the HAVING clausE.",
"answer": "A,C,E",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-107"
"question": "Examine the description of the EMPLOYEES table:\nName Null? Type\n-------------------------------------------------------------\nEMPLOYEE_ID NOT NULL NUMBER(4)\nEMPLOYEE_NAME NOT NULL VARCHAR2 (100)\nSALARY NOT NULL NUMBER(6,2) .\nDEPARTMENT_ID NOT NULL NUMBER(4)\nWhich statement will fail?\nA. SELECT department_id, COUNT(*)\nFROM employees\nWHERE department_id <> 90\nHAVING COUNT(*) >= 3\nGROUP BY department_id;\nB. SELECT department_id, COUNT (*)\nFROM employees\nWHERE department_id <> 90\nAND COUNT(*) >= 3\nGROUP BY department_id;\nC. SELECT department_id, COUNT (*)\nFROM employees\nWHERE department_id < 90\nGROUP BY department_id\nHAVING COUNT(*) >= 3;\nD. SELECT department_id, COUNT (*)\nFROM employees\nHAVING department_id < 90\nAND COUNT(*) >= 3\nGROUP BY department_id;",
"answer": "B",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-108"
"question": "\"59. Which of the following statements is correct for adding a primary key to the STUDENTS table?\nA. ALTER TABLE students ADD PRIMARY KEY student_id\nB. ALTER TABLE students ADD CONSTRAINT PRIMARY KEY (student_iD.\nC. ALTER TABLE students ADD CONSTRAINT stud_id_pk PRIMARY KEY student_id\nD. ALTER TABLE students ADD CONSTRAINT stud_id_pk PRIMARY KEY (student_iD.\nE. ALTER TABLE students MODIFY CONSTRAINT stud_id_pk PRIMARY KEY (student_iD.\"",
"answer": "D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-109"
"question": "10、A user complains about poor database performance\nYou want to verify if the user's session has waited for certain types of I/O activity\nWhich view displays all waits waited on by a session at least once?\nA. V$SESSTAT\nB. V$SESSION WAIT\nC. V$SESSION EVENT\nD. V$SESSION\nE. V$SESSION WAIT CLASS",
"answer": "C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-110"
"question": "Examine this query:\nSELECT TRUNC (ROUND(156.00,-2),-1) FROM DUAL;\nWhat is the result?\nA. 16\nB. 160\nC. 150\nD. 200\nE. 100",
"answer": "D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-111"
"question": "\"132. Which backup method requires the database to be completely shut down?\nA. Database backup in non-archived log mode\nB. Database backup in archived log mode\nC. Logical backup using export utility\nD. None of the above\"",
"answer": "A",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-112"
"question": "Table ORDER_ITEMS contains columns ORDER_ID, UNIT_PRICE and QUANTITY, of data type \nNUMBER.\nExamine these SQL statements:\nStatement 1:\nSELECT MAX (unit_price * quantity) \"Maximum order\"\nFROM order_items;\nStatement 2:\nSELECT MAX (unit_price * quantity) \"Maximum order\"\nFROM order_items\nGROUP BY order_id;\nWhich two statements are true?\nA. Both statements will return NULL if either UNIT_PRICE or QUANTITY contains NULL.\nB. Statement 2 may return multiple rows of output.\nC. Statement 2 returns only one row of output.\nD. Statement 1 returns only one row of output.\nE. Both the statements give the same output.",
"answer": "B,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-113"
"question": "\"62. In the logical structure of an Oracle database, the components are as follows: 1. Tablespace 2. Data block 3. Extent 4. Segment. The correct order of these components from largest to smallest is: A. 1→2→3→4 B. 1→4→3→2 C. 1→3→2→4 D. 4→1→3→2.\"",
"answer": "B",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-114"
"question": "64、Which three are true about the Oracle Optimizer?\nA. It can re-optimize execution plans after previous executions detect suboptimal plans\nB. It considers the filters in WHERE clauses when generating execution plans for SQL statements\nC. It can only use SQL Plan Directives tied to the SQL statement for which a plan is being \ngenerated\nD. It considers object statistics when generating execution plans for SQL statements\nE. It updates stale object statistics in the Data Dictionary\nF. It obeys all hints.",
"answer": "A,B,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-115"
"question": "\"13. How to close a specific PDB (e.g. ERP1) in the root container of Oracle 12c?\nA. Alter pluggable database erp1 close immediate;\nB. Shutdown immediate;\nC. Alter pluggable database all close immediate;\nD. Shutdown abort;\"",
"answer": "A",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-116"
"question": "Which three are true about system and object privileges?\nA. Adding a foreign key constraint pointing to a table in another schema requires the REFERENCES \nobject privilegE.\nB. Revoking an object privilege that was granted with the WITH GRANT OPTION clause has a \ncascading effect.\nC. WITH GRANT OPTION cannot be used when granting an object privilege to PUBLIC.\nD. WITH GRANT OPTION can be used when granting an object privilege to both users and roles.\nE. Adding a primary key constraint to an existing table in another schema requires a system \nprivilegE.\nF. Revoking a system privilege that was granted with WITH ADMIN OPTION has a cascading effect.",
"answer": "A,B,E",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-117"
"question": "Which three actions can you perform by using the ALTER TABLE command?\nA. Restrict all DML statements on a tablE.\nB. Drop pseudocolumns from a tablE.\nC. Drop all columns simultaneously from a tablE.\nD. Lock a set of rows in a tablE.\nE. Rename a tablE.\nF. Enable or disable constraints on a tablE.",
"answer": "A,E,F",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-118"
"question": "\"135. If the two's complement of \"2X\" is \"90H\", then the true value of X is:\nA. 72\nB. -56\nC. 56\nD. 111\"",
"answer": "B",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-119"
"question": "146. How to enable password verification function?\nA. Use ORAPWD application\nB. Execute catproC.sql script in SYS mode\nC. Execute utlpwdmG.sql script in SYS mode\nD. Set the PASSWORD_VERIFY initialization parameter to TRUE.",
"answer": "C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-120"
"question": "\"Segment is a logical storage structure in a tablespace, and the following is not a segment type used by ORACLE database.\n(A. Index segment (B. Temporary segment (C. Rollback segment (D. Code segment)\"",
"answer": "D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-121"
"question": "Which three are true about multitable INSERT statements?\nA. They can be performed on relational tables.\nB. They can be performed only by using a subquery.\nC. They can be performed on remote tables.\nD. They can insert each computed row into more than one tablE.\nE. They can be performed on extemal tables using SQL*Loader.\nF. They can be performed on views.",
"answer": "B,C,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-122"
"question": "39、You want to transport the UNIVERSIRY tablespace from one database to another.\nThe universiry tablespace is currently open read/write\nThe source and destination platforms have the same endian format.\nExamine this list of steps:\n1. Make the UNIVERSIRY tablespace read-only on the source system\n2. Export the UNIVERSIRY tablespace metadata using EXPDP\n3. Create a cross-platform backup set from the UNIVERSITY tablespace on the source system, \nusing an\nRMAN command that includes the DAMAPUMP clause\n4. Copy the cross-platform backup sets to the destination system\n5. Copy the Data Pump dump set from the source to the destination system\n6. Restore the cross-platform backup set on the destination system using an RMAN command that\nincludes the pamapump clause\n7. Import the UNIVERSIRY tablespace metadata using IMPDP\n8. Make the UNIVERSIRY tablespace read/write on the destination system\nWhich are the minimum number of steps required, in the correct order, to transport the \nUNIVERSIRY tablespace?\nA. 3,4,6\nB. 1,3,4,6,8\nC. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8\nD. 2,3,4,5,6,7",
"answer": "B",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-123"
"question": "\"173. You need to increase the credit limit for each customer's information by $1000. When outputting, the column header for the customer's last name should be Name, and the column header for the new credit limit should be New Credit Limit.\nA. SELECT cust_last_name Name, cust_credit_limit + 1000 \"New Credit Limit\" FROM customers;\nB. SELECT cust_last_name AS Name, cust_credit_limit + 1000 AS New Credit Limit FROM customers;\nC. SELECT cust_last_name AS \"Name\", cust_credit_limit + 1000 AS \"New Credit Limit\" FROM customers;\nD. SELECT INITCAP(cust_last_namE. \"Name\", cust_credit_limit + 1000 INITCAP(\"NEW CREDIT LIMIT\") FROM customers;\"",
"answer": "C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-124"
"question": "Examine the data in the CUST NAME column of the CUSTOMERS table:\nCUST_NAME\n------------------------------\nRenske Ladwig\nJason Mallin\nSamuel McCain\nAllan MCEwen\nIrene Mikkilineni\nJulia Nayer\nYou want to display the CUST_NAME values where the last name starts with Mc or MC.\nWhich two WHERE clauses give the required result?\nA. WHERE INITCAP (SUBSTR(cust_name, INSTR(cust_name,' ') +1 ) ) IN ('MC%', 'Mc%)\nB. WHERE UPPER (SUBSTR(cust_nane, INSTR(cust_name, ' ') +1 ) ) LIKE UPPER('MC%')\nC. WHERE INITCAP(SUBSTR(cust_nane, INSTR(cust_name,' ') +1 ) ) LIKE 'Mc%'\nD. WHERE SUBSTR(cust_name,INSTR(cust_name,' ') +1 ) LIKE 'Mc%' OR 'MC%'\nE. WHERE SUBSTR(cust_name, INSTR(cust_name,' ') +1 ) LIKE 'Mc%'",
"answer": "B,C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-125"
"question": "38、Which three are true about Rapid Home Provisioning (RHP), which has been available since \nOracle 18c?\nA. It can be used to deploy Grid Infrastructure homes, including Oracle Restart.\nB. It is an Oracle Grid Infrastructure service\nC. It is an Oracle Database service\nD. It cannot be used to provision middlewarE.\nE. It cannot be used to provision applications\nF. It can be used to deploy Oracle Database homes.",
"answer": "A,B,F",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-126"
"question": "The PRODUCT_INFORMATION table has a UNIT_PRICE column of data type NUMBER(8, 2).\nEvaluate this SQL statement:\nSELECT TO_CHAR(unit_price,'$9,999') FROM Product_intormation;\nWhich two statements are true about the output?\nA. A row whose UNIT_PRICE column contains the value 1023.99 will be displayed as $1,024.\nB. A row whose UNIT_PRICE column contains the value 1023.99 will be displayed a5 $1,023.\nC. A row whose UNIT_PRICE column contains the value 10235.99 will be displayed as $1,0236.\nD. A row whose UNIT_PRICE column contains the value 10235.99 will be displayed as $1,023.\nE. A row whose UNIT_PRICE column contains the value 10235.99 will be displayed as #####",
"answer": "A,E",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-127"
"question": "Examine this query:\nSELECT employee_id,first_name,salary\nFROM employees\nWHERE hire_date > '&1';\nWhich two methods should you use to prevent prompting for a hire date value when this query is \nexecuted? \nA. Use the DEFINE command before executing the query.\nB. Store the query in a script and pass the substitution value to the script when executing it.\nC. Replace '&1' with '&&1' in the query.\nD. Execute the SET VERIFY OFF command before executing the query.\nE. Use the UNDEFINE command before executing the query.\nF. Execute the SET VERIFY ON command before executing the query.",
"answer": "A,C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-128"
"question": "Examine this description of the PRODUCTS table:\nName NULL? TYPE\n------------------------------------------------------------------------\nPROD_ID NOT NULL VARCHAR2(6)\nQUANTITY NUMBER(8,2)\nPRICE NUMBER(10.2)\nEXPIRY_DATE DATE\nRows exist in this table with data in all the columns. You put the PRODUCTS table in read-only modE.\nWhich three commands execute successfully on PRODUCTS?\nA. ALTER TAELE products DROP COLUMN expiry_date;\nB. CREATE INDEX price_idx on products (pricE. ;\nC. ALTER TABLE products SET UNUSED(expiry_datE. ;\nD. TRUNCATE TABLE products;\nE. ALTER TABLE products DROP UNUSED COLUMNS\nF. DROP TABLE products",
"answer": "B,E,F",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-129"
"question": "\"70. Which of the following locking modes does not belong to Oracle?\nA. Deadlock B. Exclusive lock C. Row-level shared lock D. Shared lock\"",
"answer": "A",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-130"
"question": "\"112. Locks are used to lock tables, allowing other users to query rows in the table and lock the table, but not allowing insertion, updating, and deleting of rows.\nA. Row shared B. Row exclusive C. Shared D. Exclusive\"",
"answer": "C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-131"
"question": "\"126. Data dictionary view containing the code text of stored procedures\nA. A.USER_OBJECTS\nB. USER_TEXT\nC. USER_SOURCE\nD. USER_DESC\"",
"answer": "C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-132"
"question": "7 、Which three actions will add a resource to an Oracle Restart configuration?\nA. creating a database service using Oracle Database Configuration Assistant(DBCA. \nB. creating a disk group using the CREATE DISKGROUP SQL statement\nC. creating a database using the CREATE DATABASE SQL statement\nD. creating an Oracle Database service by modifying the SERVICE NAMES parameter\nE. creating an Oracle Automatic Storage Management(AM)instance with ASM Configuration \nAssistant(ASMCA. \nF ) creating a database service using DBMS SERVICE CREATE SERVICE",
"answer": "A,B,E",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-133"
"question": "78、Which two are true about Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a Standalone Server?\nA. It requires Oracle Automatic Storage Management(ASM)components to be installed separately\nB. The CSS daemon runs from the Grid Infrastructure home\nC. It can manage database resources on the server where it is installed or on a different server.\nD. It supports volume management, file system, and automatic restart capabilities\nE. It must be installed before the Oracle database software is installed",
"answer": "B,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-134"
"question": "110 Which three are true about Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a Standalone Server?\nA. It includes both Oracle Restart and Oracle Automatic Storage Management(ASM) softwarE.\nB. It creates one disk group during installation.\nC. It requires the operating system ORACLE_BASE environment variable to be predefined before \ninstallation.\nD. It requires Oracle ASMLib to manage Automatic Storge Management(ASM) disks.\nE. It requires Oracle ASM Filter Driver(ASMFD. to manage Automatic Storge \nManagement(ASM) disks.\nF. Automatic Storge Management(ASM) requires that O/S groups OSASM and OSDBA be \nassigned as secondary groups for its installation owner.",
"answer": "A,B,F",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-135"
"question": "Examine the description of the COUNTRIES table:\nName Null? Type\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------\nCOUNTRY_ID NOT NULL CHAR(2)\nCOUNTRY_NAME VARCHAR2 (40) \nExamine the description of the DEPARTMENTS table: \nName Null? Type\n-------------------------------------------------------------------\nDEPARTMENT_ID NOT NULL NUMBER(4)\nDEPARTMENT_NAME NOT NULL VARCHAR2 (30)\nLOCATION_ID NUMBER(4)\nExamine the description of the LOCATIONS table:\nName Null? Type \n------------------------------------------------------------------------\nLOCATION_ID NOT NULL NUMBER(4)\nADDRESS VARCHAR2 (140)\nCOUNTRY_ID CHAR (2)\nWhich two queries will return a list of countries with no departments?\nA. SELECT country_id, country_name\nFROM countries\nMINUS\nSELECT l.country_id, C.country_name\nFROM locations l\nJOIN countries c ON l.country_id = C.country_id\nJOIN departments d ON D.location_id = l.location_id;\nB. SELECT country_id, country_name\nFROM countries\nJOIN locations USING (country_iD. \nJOIN departments USING (location_iD. \nWHERE department_id is NULL;\nC. SELECT country_id, country_name\nFROM countries\nWHERE country_id NOT IN (\nSELECT country_id\nFROM countries\nJOIN locations USING (country_iD. \nJOIN departments USING (location_iD. \n);\nD. SELECT country_id, country_name\nFROM countries\nINTERSECT\nSELECT l.country_id, C.country_name\nFROM locations l\nJOIN countries c ON l.country_id = C.country_id\nJOIN departments d ON D.location_id = l.location_id; ",
"answer": "A,C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-136"
"question": "\"41. Regarding the TRUNCATE and DELETE commands, which of the following statements is correct?\nA. Both belong to DML statements.\nB. Neither belongs to DML statements.\nC. After executing the TRUNCATE command, any previously uncommitted transactions in the session are automatically committed.\nD. After executing the TRUNCATE command, any previously uncommitted transactions in the session are automatically rolled back.\"",
"answer": "C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-137"
"question": "\"15. Connect to the root container (CDB$ROOT) as the sys user and issue the command: Create role c##r1 container=current; Which of the following statements is correct?\nA. The C##R1 role is only created in the root container.\nB. The C##R1 role is only created in all PDB containers.\nC. The C##R1 role is created in both the root container and all PDB containers.\nD. The command will result in an error.\"",
"answer": "D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-138"
"question": "106 A container database called CDB1 is OMF-enableD. PDB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT is not \nconfigured in CDB1. PDB1 was unplugged from CDB1 earlier in the week.\nExamine this command, which will be executed in CDB1:\nCREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE pdb1USING '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/pdb1.xml' \nSOURCE_FILE_NAME_CONVERT=('/u01/app/or acle/oradata/','/u02/app/oracle/oradata/');\nWhich two are true? (Choose two.)\nA. PDB1 data files already exist in the correct location.\nB. DBMS_PDB.CHECK_PLUG_COMPATIBILITY must be run in CDB1 before executing the \ncommanD.\nC. PDB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT must be set before executing the commanD.\nD. /u01/app/oracle/oradata/pdb1.xml does not contain the current locations of data files for PDB1. \nE. PDB1 must be dropped from CDB1.",
"answer": "A,E",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-139"
"question": "\"94. Oracle provides a tool for transferring data between Oracle databases on different hardware platforms.\nA. Archive log running mode\nB. RECOVER command\nC. Recovery Manager (RMAN)\nD. Export and Import tools.\"",
"answer": "D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-140"
"question": "\"95. Use the agentless installation of MySQL Enterprise Monitor to monitor MySQL servers. Which two features are available with this installation method?\nA. Disk usage and disk characteristics, including disk advisor program warnings\nB. Operating system memory utilization\nC. CPU utilization\nD. Advisor program warnings related to security\nE. MySQL replication monitoring\"",
"answer": "D,E",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-141"
"question": "\"208. Regarding the use of ALTER TABLE to modify the definition of a table, which of the following statements is correct?\nA. This command can be used to modify the name of a table.\nB. This command can be used to modify the name of a column.\nC. This command can be used to modify the data type of a column.\nD. This command can be used to modify the precision of a column.\"",
"answer": "B,C,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-142"
"question": "\"57. Which of the following statements about null values is correct?\nA. Any arithmetic expression that contains a null value results in a null value.\nB. The concatenation of a string that contains a null value with an empty string results in a null value.\nC. The syntax for using null values as a condition is to write: field = null.\nD. If the table Emp has 5 records with empID values of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, then the query Select * from Emp where empID not in (2, 3, 4, null) will result in 2 records.\"",
"answer": "A",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-143"
"question": "\"142. If table a was originally an empty table, which of the following statements is correct after executing the following statements: insert into a values(1,'abc','1'); insert into a values(2,'abc','2'); create table b as select * from a; rollback; \nA. Both table a and table b have no data \nB. Both table a and table b have two rows of data \nC. Table a has data, and table b has no data \nD. Table a has no data, and table b has data\"",
"answer": "C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-144"
"question": "Which two statements execute successfully?\nA. SELECT TO_CHAR('2019-DEC-25 15:30', 'YYYY-MON-DD HH24:MI', 'NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = \nAMERICAN' )\nFROM DUAL;\nB. SELECT TO_DATE (TO_CHAR('2019-DEC-25 03:30', 'YYYY-MON-DD HH12:MI'))\nFROM DUAL;\nC. SELECT TO_CHAR('2019-DEC-25 15:30', 'YYYY-MON-DD HH24:MI')\nFROM DUAL;\nD. SELECT TO_DATE('2019-DEC-25 15:30', 'YYYY-MON-DD HH24:MI', 'NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = \nAMERICAN')\nFROM DUAL; \nE. SELECT TO_CHAR(TO_DATE('2019-DEC-25 03:30', 'YYYY-MON-DD HH12:MI'))\nFROM DUAL; ",
"answer": "D,E",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-145"
"question": "\"87. When creating a user in Oracle, if the DEFAULT TABLESPACE keyword is not mentioned, Oracle will allocate a tablespace to the user as the default tablespace.\nA. USER\nB. SYSTEM\nC. SYS\nD. DEFAULT\"",
"answer": "B",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-146"
"question": "\"207. The correct statements about TRUNCATE and DELETE are:\nA. TRUNCATE belongs to DDL, while DELETE belongs to DML.\nB. Both TRUNCATE and DELETE can delete specified records in a table.\nC. TRUNCATE cannot delete specified records in a table, while DELETE can.\nD. TRUNCATE has a higher execution efficiency than DELETE when clearing table records.\nE. There is no difference between TRUNCATE and DELETE.\"",
"answer": "A,C,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-147"
"question": "You ceate a table by using this command:\nCREATE TABLE rate_list (rate NUMBER(6,2));\nWhich two are true about executing statements?\nA. INSERT INTO rate_list VALUES (-.9) inserts the value as -.9.\nB. INSERT INTO rate_list VALUES (0.999) produces an eror.\nC. INSERT INTO rate_list VALUES (-10) produces an error.\nD. INSERT INTO rate_list VALUES (87654. 556) inserts the value as 87654.6.\nE. INSERT INTO rate_list VALUES (0.551) inserts the value as .55.\nF. INSERT INTO rate_list VALUES (-99.99) inserts the value as 99.99.",
"answer": "A,E",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-148"
"question": "Examine this statement:\nCREATE TABLE orders \n(serial_no NUMBER UNIQUE,\norder_id NUMBER PRIMARY KEY,\norder_date DATE NOT NULL,\nstatus VARCHAR2 (10) CHECK (status IN ('CREDIT', 'CASH')) ,\nproduct_id NUMBER REFERENCES products (product_iD. ,\norder_total NUMBER) ;\nOn which two columns of the table will an index be created automatically?\nA. STATUS\nB. ORDER_TOTAL\nC. ORDER_DATE\nD. PRODUCT_ID\nE. ORDER_ID\nF. SERIAL_NO",
"answer": "E,F",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-149"
"question": "26、Which three are true about block media recovery?\nA. The target database for which one or more blocks are to be recovered must be in the OPEN \nstate\nB. The data file containing the block being recovered remains online\nC. It cannot repair logical corruption\nD. It can be performed on noncorrupt blocks\nE. A block being recovered is not accessible\nF. To use it, Flashback Database must be enabled",
"answer": "B,D,E",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-150"
"question": "\"53. Which statement is correct for increasing the salary of employees who earn less than 3000 yuan or less than the average salary by 10%?\nA. UPDATE EMP SET SAL=SAL*1.1 WHERE SAL < 3000 OR SAL < AVG(SAL)\nB. UPDATE SET SAL=SAL*1.1 FROM EMP WHERE SAL < 3000 OR SAL < AVG(SAL)\nC. UPDATE SET SAL=SAL*1.1 FROM EMP WHERE SAL < 3000 OR SAL < (SELECT AVG(SAL) FROM EMP)\nD. UPDATE EMP SET SAL=SAL*1.1 WHERE SAL < 3000 OR SAL < (SELECT AVG(SAL) FROM EMP)\"",
"answer": "D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-151"
"question": "The ORDERS table has a primary key constraint on the ORDER_ID column.\nThe ORDER_ITEMS table has a foreign key constraint on the ORDER_ID column,referencing the \nprimary key of the ORDERS tablE.\nThe constraint is defined with on DELETE CASCADE.\nThere are rows in the ORDERS table with an ORDER_TOTAL less than 1000.\nWhich three DELETE statements execute successfully?\nA. DELETE FROM orders WHERE order_total<1000;\nB. DELETE * FROM orders WHERE order_total<1000;\nC. DELETE orders WHERE order_total<1000;\nD. DELETE FROM orders;\nE. DELETE order_id FROM orders WHERE order_total<1000;",
"answer": "A,C,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-152"
"question": "Which two statements are true about substitution variables?\nA. A substitution variable prefixed with & always prompts only once for a value in a session.\nB. A substitution variable can be used only in a SELECT statement.\nC. A substitution variable used to prompt for a column name must be enclosed in single quotation \nmarks.\nD. A substitution variable used to prompt for a column name must be endlosed in double quotation \nmarks.\nE. A substitution variable prefixed with && prompts only once for a value in a session unless it is \nset to undefined in the session.\nF. A substitution variable can be used with any clause in a SELECT statement.",
"answer": "E,F",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-153"
"question": "\"26. In Oracle, which statement displays 0 when the COMM field is empty and displays the value of COMM when it is not empty?\nA. SELECT ename, NVL(comm, 0) FROM emp;\nB. SELECT ename, NULL(comm, 0) FROM emp;\nC. SELECT ename, NULLIF(comm, 0) FROM emp;\nD. SELECT ename, DECODE(comm, NULL, 0) FROM emp;\"",
"answer": "A",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-154"
"question": "Examine this SQL statement:\nDELETE FROM employees e\nWHERE EXISTS\n(SELECT 'dummy'\nFROM emp_history\nWHERE employee_id = E.employee_iD. \nWhich two are true?\nA. The subquery is executed for every row in the EMPLOYEES tablE.\nB. The subquery is not a correlated subquery.\nC. The subquery is executed before the DELETE statement is executeD.\nD. All existing rows in the EMPLOYEEE table are deleteD.\nE. The DELETE statement executes successfully even if the subquery selects multiple rows.",
"answer": "A,E",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-155"
"question": "\"203. Which three statements about data types are correct in Oracle Database 10g/11g?\nA. Only one LONG field is allowed in each table.\nB. A TIMESTAMP data type field can only store time values with seconds.\nC. BLOB data type field is used to store binary data in operating system files.\nD. The minimum column width specified for a VARCHAR2 data type column can be 1.\nE. The values in a CHAR data type column are padded with spaces to the maximum defined column width.\"",
"answer": "A,D,E",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-156"
"question": "choose two.\n·MANAGER is an existing role with no privileges or roles.\n·EMP is an existing role containing the CREATE TABLE privilegE.\n·EMPLOYEES is an existing table in the HR schemA.\nWhich two commands execute successfully?\nA. GRANT CREATE SEQUENCE TO manager, emp;\nB. GRANT SELECT, INSERT ON hr.employees TO manager WITH GRANT OPTION:\nC. GRANT CREATE TABLE, emp TO manager;\nD. GRANT CREATE TABLE, SELECT ON hr. employees TO manager ;\nE. GRANT CREATE ANY SESSION, CREATE ANY TABLE TO manager;",
"answer": "A,C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-157"
"question": "\"52. View ANN_SAL is based on the employee table, and the structure of the view is as follows: NAME NULL TYPE EMPNO NOT NULL NUMBER(4) YEARLY_SAL NUMBER(9,2) MONTHLY_SAL NUMBER(9,2). Which statement can retrieve data from the view ANN_SAL?\nA. SELECT * FROM ANN_SAL\nB. SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEE\nC. SELECT * FROM VIEW ANN_SAL\nD. SELECT * FROM VIEW ANN_SAL IS DON EMPLOYEE\"",
"answer": "A",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-158"
"question": "58、RMAN has just been connected to a target database and the recovery catalog database\nIn which two cases would an automatic full resynchronization occur between this target databases \ncontrol file and the RMAN recovery catalog?\nA. when control file metadata for archive log backups or image copies has been overwritten in the \ntarget databases control file due to being older than CONTROL FILE RECORD KEEP TIME\nB. when control file metadata for data file backups or image copies has been overwritten in the \ntarget databases control file due to being older than CONTROL FILE RECORD KEEP TIME\nC. when a backup of the current control file is created\nD. when the target is first registered\nE. when a new tablespace is added to a registered target database",
"answer": "C,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-159"
"question": "\"78. Which clauses in the SELECT statement can contain subqueries?\nA. SELECT B. GROUP BY C. WHERE D. ORDER BY\"",
"answer": "C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-160"
"question": "\"69. If the server process cannot find a free block in the data buffer to add data blocks read from the data file, which process will the system start?\nA. CKPT\nB. DBWR\nC. LGWR\nD. SMON\"",
"answer": "D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-161"
"answer": "A,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-162"
"question": "\"209. Regarding subqueries, which of the following statements is correct?\nA. Subqueries must be enclosed in parentheses.\nB. Subqueries can be written in the FROM, WHERE, and HAVING clauses.\nC. ALL is mainly used in multi-row subqueries, indicating that the result set should be less than any value in the subquery.\nD. Subqueries can be used in the SET clause of UPDATE.\"",
"answer": "A,B,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-163"
"question": "\"180. Which of the following CREATE TABLE syntaxes is valid?\nA. CREATE TABLE emp9$# (emp_no NUMBER (4));\nB. CREATE TABLE 9emp$# (emp_no NUMBER(4)); \nC. CREATE TABLE emp*123 (emp_no NUMBER(4)); \nD. CREATE TABLE emp9$# (emp_no NUMBER(4), date DATE. ;\"",
"answer": "A",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-164"
"question": "\"211. Which of the following statements is correct?\nA. Starting from 12c, Oracle allows one instance to be associated with multiple databases.\nB. The network interface names presented to Oracle by each node in Oracle RAC must be consistent according to their usage.\nC. The size of a tablespace is the sum of the sizes of all its data files.\nD. The logical structure and physical structure are associated through tablespaces and data files.\"",
"answer": "A,B,C,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-165"
"question": "\"120. To create a private synonym using one's own schema, the user must have system privileges.\nA. CREATE PRIVATE SYNONYM\nB. CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM\nC. CREATE SYNONYM\nD. CREATE ANY SYNONYM\"",
"answer": "C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-166"
"question": "Examine this query:\nSELECT SUBSTR (SYSDATE, 1,5) \"Result\" FROM DUAL;\nWhich statement is true?\nA. It fails unless the expression is modified to TO_CHAR (SUBSTR (SYSDATE, 1, 5)).\nB. It fails unless the expression is modified to SUBSTR (TO_CHAR (SYSDATE. , 1, 5).\nC. It fails unless the expression is modified to SUBSTR (TO_CHAR (TRUNC (SYSDATE. ), 1, 5).\nD. It executes successfully with an implicit data type conversion.",
"answer": "D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-167"
"question": "\"138. Which encryption algorithm is suitable for encrypting and transmitting a large amount of plaintext messages?\nA. RSA\nB. SHA-1\nC. MD5\nD. RC5\"",
"answer": "D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-168"
"question": "\"42. Which command can ensure that only the data of table employeE. is deleted while keeping the structure of the table and it is necessary to be able to roll back?\nA. DROP TABLE employeE.\nB. DELETE FROM employeE.\nC. TRUNCATE TABLE employeE.\nD. This task can't be accomplished.\"",
"answer": "B",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-169"
"question": "Choose the best answer\nExamine these statements and results:\nSQL> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM emp;\nCOUNT (*)\n--------------------\n14\nSQL> CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE t_emp AS SELECT * FROM emp;\nTable createD.\nSQL> INSERT INTO t_emp SELECT * FROM emp;\n14 rows createD.\nSQL> COMMIT;\nCommit completE.\nSQL> INSERT INTO t_emp SELECT * FROM emp;\n14 rows createD.\nSQL> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t_emp;\nHow many rows are retrieved by the last query?\nA. 0\nB. 14\nC. 28\nD. 42",
"answer": "B",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-170"
"question": "\"198. Which two statements about constraints are correct?\nA. Foreign keys cannot contain NULL values.\nB. A field with a UNIQUE constraint can contain NULL values.\nC. Constraints are only executed on INSERT operations on one table.\nD. Constraints can be disabled even if the constrained field contains data.\nE. All constraints can be defined at the column level or at the table level.\"",
"answer": "B,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-171"
"question": "5、You plan to perform cross-platform PDB transport using XTTS.\nWhich two are true?\nA. A backup of the PDB must exist, taken using the BACKUP command with the ro PLATFORM \nclause\nB. The source PDB can be in MOUNT or OPEN state\nC. The source PDB must be in MOUNT statE.\nD. The source PDB must not be an application root.\nE. Automatic conversion of endianess occurs.\nF. The source and target platforms must have the same endianess",
"answer": "A,F",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-172"
"question": "Which three statements are true about GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLES?\nA. A GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE cannot have PUBLIC SYNONYM.\nB. A GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE can have multiple indexes\nC. A GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE can be referenced in the defining query of a view.\nD. Data Manipulation Language (DML) on GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLES generates no REDO.\nE. A GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE can have only one index.\nF. A tigger can be created on a GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE",
"answer": "B,C,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-173"
"question": "Which two are true about multitable INSERT statements?\nA. The conditional INSERT FIRST statement always inserts a row into a single tablE.\nB. They always use subqueries.\nC. The unconditional INSERT ALL statement must have the same number of columns \nin both the source and target tables.\nD. They can transform a row from a source table into multiple rows in a target tablE.\nE. The conditional INSERT ALL statement inserts rows into a single table by \naggregating source rows.",
"answer": "B,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-174"
"question": "\"88. In Oracle database, user schema stores data dictionary tables and view objects.\nA. SYSTEM\nB. SYS\nC. SCOTT\nD. SYSDBA\"",
"answer": "B",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-175"
"question": "Examine this partial command:\nCREATE TABLE cust (\ncust_id NUMBER(2),\ncredit_ limit NUMBER(10)\n)\nORGANIZATION EXTERNAL\nWhich two clauses are required for this command to execute successfully?\nA. the DEFAULT DIRECTORY clause\nB. the REJECT LIMIT clause\nC. the LOCATION clause\nD. the ACCESS PARAMETERS clause\nE. the access driver TYPE clause",
"answer": "A,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-176"
"question": "\"71. The string data \"test\" is stored in fields of type char(10) and varchar2(10), with actual storage lengths of:\nA. 10 4\nB. 4 4\nC. 10 10\nD. 4 10\"",
"answer": "A",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-177"
"question": "\"47. The table structure of MARKS is as follows: STD_ID NUMBER(4) STUDENT_NAME VARCHAR2(30) SUBJ1 NUMBER(3) SUBJ2 NUMBER(3). Is there any error in the following SQL statement: SELECT subj1+subj2 total_marks, std_id FROM marks WHERE subj1 > AVG(subj1) AND subj2 > AVG(subj2) ORDER BY total_marks; If there is an error, please indicate which option it is: A. Can be executed successfully B. There is an error in the SELECT clause C. There is an error in the WHERE clause D. There is an error in the ORDER BY clause.\"",
"answer": "C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-178"
"question": "\"141. Check the following SQL statement, which one is incorrect? Alter user tempuser identified by oracle default tablespace users default temporary tablespace temp quota 100M on users;\nA. default tablespace users\nB. default temporary tablespace temp\nC. quota 100M on users\nD. identified by oracle\"",
"answer": "B",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-179"
"question": "51、Which three are true about performing an Oracle Database install on Linux?\nA. It can be done after installing Grid Infrastructure for a Standalone Server\nB. It allows you to select the languages supported by the Oracle database server.\nC. The Oracle Preinstallation RPM can be used to configure the Oracle database installation \nowner the Oracle Inventory group, and an Oracle administrative privileges group.\nD. It can be done before installing Grid Infrastructure for a Standalone Server\nE. The runfixup. sh script can install missing RPMS\nF. The Oracle Preinstallation RPM must be used to configure the Oracle database installation \nowner, the Oracle Inventory group, and an Oracle administrative privileges group.\nG. The Oracle database administrator must be granted access to the root operating system account \nto run root privileged scripts",
"answer": "A,C,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-180"
"question": "Which three are true about scalar subquery expressions?\nA. A scalar subquery expression that returns zero rows evaluates to zero.\nB. They can be used as default values for columns in a CREATE TABLE statement.\nC. They cannot be used in GROUP BY clauses.\nD. A scalar subquery expression that returns zero rows evaluates to NULL.\nE. They cannot be used in the VALUES clause of an INSERT statement.\nF. They can be nesteD.",
"answer": "D,E,F",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-181"
"question": "You execute this command:\nALTER TABLE employees SET UNUSED (department_iD. ;\nWhich two are true?\nA. The DEPARTMENT_ID column is set to null for all rows in the tablE.\nB. A query can display data from the DEPARTMENT_ID column.\nC. No updates can be made to the data in the DEPARTMENT_ID column.\nD. A new column with the name DEPARTMENT_ID can be added to the EMPLOYEES tablE.\nE. The DEPARTMENT_ID column can be recovered from the recycle bin.\nF. The storage space occupied by the DEPARTMENT_ID column is released only after a COMMIT is \nissueD.",
"answer": "C,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-182"
"question": "Which two statements are true regarding the UNION and UNION ALL operators?\nA. NULLS are not ignored during duplicate checkinG.\nB. The output is sorted by the UNION ALL operator.\nC. The number of columns selected in each SELECT statement must be identical.\nD. Duplicates are eliminated automatically by the UNION ALL operator.\nE. The names of columns selected in each SELECT statement must be identical.",
"answer": "A,C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-183"
"question": "\"156. What is the relationship between database system (DBS), database management system (DBMS), and database (DB)?\nA. DBS includes DB and DBMS.\nB. DBMS includes DB and DBS.\nC. DB includes DBS and DBMS.\nD. DBS is the same as DB, which is also DBMS.\"",
"answer": "A",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-184"
"question": "Which two statements about INVISIBLE indexes are true?\nA. All INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements maintain entries in the index.\nB. You can only create one INVISIBLE index on the same column list.\nC. An INVISIBLE index consumes no storagE.\nD. The query optimizer never considers INVISIBLE indexes when determining execution plans.\nE. You use ALTER INDEX to make an INVISIBLE index VISIBLE.",
"answer": "A,B,E",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-185"
"question": "\"4. Which of the following is not a state of the online log group?\nA. UNUSED\nB. NOACTIVE\nC. INACTIVE\nD. ACTIVEE.CURRENT\"",
"answer": "B",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-186"
"question": "Which two statements are true about a self join?\nA. The join key column must have an index.\nB. It can be a left outer join.\nC. It must be a full outer join.\nD. It can be an inner join.\nE. It must be an equijoin.",
"answer": "B,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-187"
"question": "\"Which SQL command cannot be used directly in a PL/SQL block?\nA. SELECT\nB. INSERT\nC. UPDATE\nD. DROP\"",
"answer": "D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-188"
"question": "\"82. In Oracle, all the database objects owned by a user are collectively referred to as:\nA. Database\nB. Schema\nC. Tablespace\nD. Instance\"",
"answer": "B",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-189"
"question": "101、Your database is in ARCHIVELOG mode and you plan to use Flashback DatabasE.\nWhich two features or parameters manage space availability in the fast recovery area?\nA. the backup retention policy\nB. the DB_CREATE_ONLINE_LOG_DEST_n parameter setting\nC. the archived log deletion policy\nD. the backup optimization policy\nE. using guaranteed UNDO retention\nF. the DB RECOVERY FILE DEST parameter setting",
"answer": "A,C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-190"
"question": "Which two statements are true about Oracle synonyms?\nA. A synonym can have a synonym.\nB. All private synonym names must be unique in the databasE.\nC. Any user can create a PUBLIC synonym.\nD. A synonym can be created on an object in a packagE.\nE. A synonym has an object number.",
"answer": "A,E",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-191"
"question": "You execute these commands successfully:\nCREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE invoices_gtt (\ncustomer_id INTEGER,\ninvoice_total NUMBER(10,2)\n) ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS;\nINSERT INTO invoices_gtt VALUES (1, 100) ;\nCOMMIT;\nWhich two are true?\nA. To drop the table in this session, you must first truncate it.\nB. When you terminate your session, the row will be deleteD.\nC. Other sessions can view the committed row.\nD. You can add a foreign key to the tablE.\nE. You can add a column to the table in this session.",
"answer": "A,B",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-192"
"question": "82、Which two are true about RMAN virtual private catalogs(VPCS)?\nA. Each VPC is owned by the recovery catalog schema owner.\nB. VPC functionality is enabled by default.\nC. Only one target database can be registered in a VPC\nD. The RMAN catalog owner can grant access for an already registered database to a new virtual \ncatalog owner\nE. RMAN uses Oracle Virtual Private Database(VPD. to implement VPCS",
"answer": "D,E,F",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-193"
"question": "\"10. Which of the following statements about parameter files and parameters is correct?\nA. The content of dynamic parameter files (SPFILE) and static parameter files (PFILE) is the same, but they are saved in different formats.\nB. Dynamic parameter files (SPFILE) only store dynamic parameters, while static parameter files (PFILE) only store static parameters.\nC. Dynamic parameter files (SPFILE) can only be created through static parameter files (PFILE).\nD. Static parameter files (PFILE) can only be created through dynamic parameter files (SPFILE).\"",
"answer": "A",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-194"
"question": "\"What is the function of the statement 'DELETE FROM S WHERE age>60'? \nA. To completely delete records in table S where age is greater than 60 \nB. To mark records in table S where age is greater than 60 for deletion \nC. To delete table S \nD. To delete the age column in table S\"",
"answer": "B",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-195"
"question": "\"168. It is a binary file used to record information about data files and online log files when starting a database.\nA. Data file\nB. Parameter file\nC. Control file\nD. Archive file\"",
"answer": "C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-196"
"question": "关于在对象上授予权限,哪两个是正确的?\nA. 只有对象的所有者才能将对象权限授予角色。\nB. 表所有者必须授予REFERENCES权限,以允许其他用户使用该表创建FOREIGN KEY约束。\nC. 对象的所有者默认获得该对象的所有对象权限。\nD. 只有对象的所有者才能将对象权限授予其他用户。\nE. WITH GRANT OPTION子句只能由DBA用户使用。",
"answer": "B,C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-197"
"question": "以下哪三个关于自动工作负载仓库(AWR)、自动数据库诊断监视器(ADDM)和可管理性监视器(MMON)后台进程是正确的?\n\nA. AWR快照在ADDM不再需要时必须删除\nB. 默认情况下,MMON每30分钟创建一个AWR快照。\nC. ADDM可以建议扩展缓冲区高速缓存\nD. ADDM可以建议缩小缓冲区高速缓存\nE. 默认情况下,AWR快照在8天后会自动清除\nF. ADDM仅在DBA请求时执行其分析。",
"answer": "C,D,E",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-198"
"question": "关于容器数据库(CDB)及其可插入数据库(PDB)中的锁定配置文件,哪两个说法是正确的?\n\nA. 可以在应用程序根中创建PDB锁定配置文件\nB. 可以在常规PDB中创建PDB锁定配置文件\nC. 从基本锁定配置文件创建的锁定配置文件如果基于其的配置文件被修改,则永远不会自动修改\nD. 可以在CDB$ROOT中创建PDB锁定配置文件\nE. 从基本锁定配置文件创建的锁定配置文件如果基于其的配置文件被修改,则总是会自动修改",
"answer": "A,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-199"
"question": "哪两个陈述关于全外连接是正确的?\nA. 它包括由笛卡尔积返回的行。\nB. 它包括由内连接返回的行。\nC. 它仅返回两个表中未匹配的行。\nD. 它返回两个表中匹配和未匹配的行。\nE. Oracle连接运算符(+)必须在WHERE子句中的连接条件的两侧使用。",
"answer": "B,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-200"
"question": "32、关于Oracle数据库中使用的字符集,哪两个说法是正确的?\nA. Unicode使得可以使用单一字符集存储来自任何语言的信息\nB. Unicode是使用Database Configuration Assistant(DBCA)创建的Oracle数据库唯一支持的字符集\nC. 单字节字符集比多字节字符集提供更好的性能\nD. 单字节字符集总是使用7位编码方案\nE. 多字节字符集允许比单字节字符集更有效的空间利用\nF. 单字节字符集总是使用8位编码方案。",
"answer": "A,C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-201"
"question": "\"检查以下语句:\nCREATE TABLE employees\n(emp_id NUMBER(5) PRIMARY KEY,\nename VARCHAR2 (15) ,\nemail VARCHAR2(40) UNIQUE,\naddress LONG ,\nresume LONG,\ndept_id NUMBER(3) CONSTRAINT emp_dept_id_fk REFERENCES departments (dept_iD. ,\nCONSTRAINT ename_nn NOT NULL\n);\n为了使其成功执行,必须更改哪两个内容?\nA. 在列级别而不是表级别上定义ENAME的NOT NULL约束。\nB. 在表级别而不是列级别上定义DEPT_ID的外键约束。\nC. 必须将LONG列中的一个更改为VARCHAR2或CLOB。\nD. 在DEPT_ID的外键约束中,将CONSTRAINT一词更改为FOREIGN KEY。\nE. EMP_ID的主键约束必须有一个名称。\"",
"answer": "A,C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-202"
"question": "\"40、一个数据库被配置为ARCHIVELOG模式\n存在完整的RMAN备份,但没有进行控制文件备份以进行跟踪\n发生了媒体故障\n在哪两种情况下需要进行不完全恢复?\nA. 在失去所有控制文件的副本后\nB. 在失去sysaux表空间数据文件后\nC. 在失去当前在线重做日志组的所有成员后\nD. 在失去一个非活动在线重做日志组的所有成员后\nE. 在失去正在使用的UNDO表空间后\"",
"answer": "C,E",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-203"
"question": "29、在Oracle多租户环境中,关于自动工作负载库(AR)和自动数据库诊断监视器(ADDM),哪三个是正确的?\nA. 可以在CDB$ROOT中创建AWR快照\nB. CDBSROOT SYSAUX表空间中没有存储任何AWR数据\nC. ADDM可以在非根容器中运行\nD. 所有AWR数据都存储在CDBSROOR SYSAUX表空间中\nE. 可以在PDB中创建AWR快照\nF. 可以在连接到任何容器时生成AWR报告。",
"answer": "A,E,F",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-204"
"question": "208.关于使用 AlTER TABLE 进行修改表的定义,下列描述正确的是\nA.使用该命令可以修改表的名称\nB.使用该命令可以修改列的名称\nC.使用该命令可以修改列的数据类型\nD.使用该命令可以修改列的精度",
"answer": "B,C,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-205"
"question": "\"PRODUCT_INFORMATION表有一个数据类型为NUMBER(8,2)的UNIT_PRICE列。\n评估以下SQL语句:\nSELECT TO_CHAR(unit_price,'$9,999') FROM Product_intormation;\n关于输出,哪两个陈述是正确的?\nA. UNIT_PRICE列包含值1023.99的行将显示为$1,024。\nB. UNIT_PRICE列包含值1023.99的行将显示为$1,023。\nC. UNIT_PRICE列包含值10235.99的行将显示为$1,0236。\nD. UNIT_PRICE列包含值10235.99的行将显示为$1,023。\nE. UNIT_PRICE列包含值10235.99的行将显示为#####。\"",
"answer": "A,E",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-206"
"answer": "C,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-207"
"question": "关于ORDER BY子句,哪三个陈述是正确的?\nA. 默认情况下,ORDER BY子句按降序排序行。\nB. ORDER BY子句可以执行语言排序。\nC. ORDER BY子句可以执行二进制排序。\nD. 默认情况下,ORDER BY子句按升序排序行。\nE. 如果在同一顶层查询中同时使用HAVING子句和ORDER BY子句,则ORDER BY子句将始终在HAVING子句之前。\nF. ORDER BY子句总是将NULL值排序到最后。",
"answer": "B,C,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-208"
"question": "关于Oracle数据库中的时区、日期数据类型和时间戳数据类型,哪三个陈述是正确的?\n\nA. DBTIMEZONE函数可以返回与协调世界时(UTC)的偏移量。\nB. TIMESTAMP数据类型列包含有关年、月和日的信息。\nC. TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIMEZONE数据类型列在数据库中使用插入行的会话的时区存储。\nD. SESSIONTIMEZONE函数可以返回与协调世界时(UTC)的偏移量。\nE. CURRENT_TIMESTAMP函数返回没有时区信息的数据。",
"answer": "C,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-209"
"question": "关于在应用程序容器中升级应用程序,哪三个说法是正确的?\n\nA. 可以在连接到cdb$root或PDB$SEED时执行升级\nB. 必须指定应用程序名称和版本号才能升级应用程序\nC. 应用程序升级后,应用程序容器的PDB保持与现有应用程序根同步\nD. 必须在连接到CDB$ROOT时执行升级\nE. 应用程序根自动创建克隆\nF. 应用程序升级后,应用程序容器的PDB会自动与应用程序根克隆同步。",
"answer": "B,C,E",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-210"
"question": "你执行了这个命令:\nALTER TABLE employees SET UNUSED (department_iD);\n哪两个是正确的?\nA. DEPARTMENT_ID列被设置为所有行中的null。\nB. 查询可以显示DEPARTMENT_ID列的数据。\nC. 无法对DEPARTMENT_ID列中的数据进行更新。\nD. 可以向EMPLOYEES表中添加一个名为DEPARTMENT_ID的新列。\nE. 可以从回收站中恢复DEPARTMENT_ID列。\nF. 只有在提交后,DEPARTMENT_ID列占用的存储空间才会被释放。",
"answer": "C,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-211"
"question": "24、关于解释返回到标准输出的恢复管理器(RMAN)错误堆栈,哪三个是正确的?\nA. 如果RMAN命令失败,输出将仅标识失败的命令。\nB. 如果RMAN命令失败,输出将标识故障发生的通道ID。\nC. 媒体管理错误显示为带有“ sbtio”的行。\nD. 错误堆栈中的某些消息不是错误。\nE. 媒体管理错误显示为带有“附加信息”和数字的行。\nF. 媒体管理错误显示为带有“ sbtio”和数字的行。",
"answer": "B,D,E",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-212"
"question": "\"79、HR_Root是一个应用程序容器,安装了HR App应用程序。\n在HR_ROOT中尚未创建应用程序PDBS和应用程序种子。\n必须创建一个应用程序PDB,PDB1,以便HR App应用程序的公共对象对其可访问。\n哪两种方法可以使用?\nA. 创建一个应用程序种子,将其与HR Root同步,然后创建PDB1应用程序PDB\nB. 创建PDB1应用程序PDB并将其与HR ROOT同步\nC. 创建一个应用程序种子,并在其中安装HR APP。\nD. 创建PDB1应用程序PDB并将其与PDBSSEED同步\nE. 创建PPB1应用程序PDB并在其中安装HR App。\"",
"answer": "A,B",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-213"
"question": "使用媒体管理器进行RMAN备份的哪两个说法是正确的?\nA. 创建RMAN代理副本需要媒体管理器。\nB. 媒体管理器总是将RMAN请求的备份写入磁带。\nC. Oracle提供的媒体管理器层(MML)例程支持任何供应商的媒体管理产品。\nD. 创建RMAN镜像副本需要媒体管理器。\nE. 默认情况下,请求代理副本可能导致备份集被创建。",
"answer": "B,E",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-214"
"question": "关于单个实例的Oracle数据库中的序列,哪三个陈述是正确的?\nA. 如果实例关闭,序列的未分配缓存值将丢失。\nB. 两个或多个表不能使用相同的序列生成键。\nC. 如果事务失败,分配的序列号可以回滚。\nD. 序列可以发出重复的值。\nE. 序列总是可能存在间隔。\nF. 只有DBA才能删除序列。",
"answer": "A,D,E",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-215"
"question": "以下哪三个陈述关于索引是正确的?\nA. SELECT语句可以访问一个或多个索引而不访问任何表。\nB. 属于一个用户的表可以有属于另一个用户的索引。\nC. UNIQUE索引可以被更改为非唯一。\nD. 对表的更新可能导致表的任何索引都没有更新。\nE. 当一个表被删除并移动到回收站时,建立在该表上的所有索引都被永久删除。\nF. 对表的更新可能导致表的任何或所有索引都被更新。",
"answer": "A,B,F",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-216"
"question": "关于外部表,哪两个陈述是正确的?\nA. 只能使用 SQL 或 PL/SQL 检索它们的数据。\nB. 它们的元数据和实际数据都存储在数据库外部。\nC. 可以使用 CREATE TABLE AS SELECT 命令从数据库中现有的数据填充它们。\nD. 不能对它们使用 DML 语句。\nE. 可以在它们上创建索引。",
"answer": "C,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-217"
"question": "\"检查BRICKS表中的数据:\n形状 重量\n--------------------------------------\n立方体 5\n长方体 10\n圆柱体 15\n检查BOXES表:\n箱子大小 最小重量 最大重量\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n小型 0 10\n哪两个查询仅返回立方体?\nA. 从砖块\n加入盒子\n在重量小于最大重量时;\nB. 从砖块\n加入盒子\n如果重量不大于最大重量,则为NOT;\nC. 从砖块\n加入盒子\n在重量大于最小重量时;\nD. 从砖块\n加入盒子\n在重量大于等于最小重量\n和重量小于最大重量时;\nE. 从砖块\n加入盒子\n在重量介于最小重量和最大重量之间时;\"",
"answer": "A,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-218"
"question": "186.实例(INSTANCE. 包含以下哪两个部分?\nA.SGA\nB.DataBase\nC.一系列后台进程\nD.Server Process",
"answer": "A,C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-219"
"question": "在哪三种情况下,总是会启动一个新的事务?\nA. 在同一会话中发出第一个数据操作语言(DML)语句之后,发出COMMIT或ROLLBACK语句\nB. 在同一会话中成功完成CREATE TABLE语句后,发出CREATE INDEX语句\nC. 在同一会话中DML语句失败后,发出DML语句\nD. 在同一会话中发出SELECT语句后,发出CREATE TABLE语句\nE. 在同一会话中发出SELECT语句后,发出TRUNCATE语句\nF. 在同一会话中发出CREATE TABLE AS SELECT语句后,发出SELECT FOR UPDATE语句",
"answer": "A,C,F",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-220"
"question": "59、使用Database Upgrade Assistant升级Oracle数据库时,以下哪三个说法是正确的?\nA. 手动升级后,必须更新TNSNAMES.ORA条目以反映新的ORACLE HOME。\nB. 必须通过运行utlrp.sql脚本启用新的扩展数据类型功能。\nC. 在升级Oracle数据库后,应更新Oracle Application Express配置。\nD. 任何恢复管理器(RMAN)恢复目录必须手动升级。\nE. 必须使用DBMS DST PL/SQL包手动升级时区文件。",
"answer": "B,C,E",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-221"
"question": "关于多表插入语句,哪三个说法是正确的?\nA. 它们可以在关系表上执行。\nB. 它们只能使用子查询执行。\nC. 它们可以在远程表上执行。\nD. 它们可以将每个计算行插入多个表中。\nE. 它们可以在使用SQL*Loader的外部表上执行。\nF. 它们可以在视图上执行。",
"answer": "B,C,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-222"
"question": "197.下列关于 ORACLE 的 to_date 函数和 to_char 函数,描述正确的是 \nA.to_char 函数是将字符串数据转换为日期数据 \nB.to_date 函数是将字符串数据转换为日期数据 \nC.to_char 函数是将日期数据转换为字符数据 \nD.to_date 函数是将日期数据转换为字符数据",
"answer": "B,C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-223"
"question": "哪两个查询返回字符串“Hello!我们准备好了”?\nA. 从DUAL选择'Hello!我们准备好了';\nB. 从DUAL选择q'[Hello!我们准备好了]';\nC. 从DUAL选择'Hello!我们\\'准备好了' ESCAPE '\\';\nD. 从DUAL选择“Hello!我们准备好了”;\nE. 从DUAL选择q'!Hello!我们准备好了!'。",
"answer": "B,E",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-224"
"question": "23、关于优化器统计信息,哪两个说法是正确的?\nA. 如果它们过时了,优化器会忽略它们。\nB. 它们提供有关模式对象的实时数据。\nC. 默认情况下,它们会被维护作业自动收集。\nD. 它们由SQL调优顾问收集。\nE. 它们可以由DBMS_STATS包收集。",
"answer": "C,E",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-225"
"question": "192.在Oracle中,PL/SQL块中定义了一个带参数的游标:CURSOR emp_cursor(dnum NUMBER) IS SELECT sal, comm FROM emp WHERE deptno = dnum;那么正确打开此游标的语句是。\nA.OPEN emp_cursor(20);\nB.OPEN emp_cursor FOR 20;\nC.OPEN emp_cursor USING 20;\nD.FOR emp_rec IN emp_cursor(20) LOOP … END LOOP;",
"answer": "A,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-226"
"question": "以下哪三个陈述关于Oracle数据库中的视图是正确的?\nA. 数据操作语言(DML)总是可以在视图上使用。\nB. 使用包含GROUP BY子句的定义查询的视图删除一个或多个行将导致错误。\nC. WITH CHECK子句可以防止在查询视图时显示某些行。\nD. WITH CHECK子句可以防止某些行被更新或插入。\nE. 使用包含GROUP BY子句的定义查询的视图插入一个或多个行将导致错误。\nF. 可以在不需要重新授予视图权限的情况下更新视图。\nG. 视图定义查询中的表必须始终存在才能创建视图。",
"answer": "B,E,G",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-227"
"question": "\"您需要计算从2019年1月1日到今天的天数。\n日期以默认的DD-MON-RR格式存储。\n哪两个查询可以给出所需的输出?\nA. SELECT SYSDATE - TO_DATE('01-JANUARY-2019') FROM DUAL;\nB. SELECT TO_DATE(SYSDATE, 'DD/MONTH/YYYY') - '01/JANUARY/2019' FROM DUAL;\nC. SELECT ROUND(SYSDATE - TO_DATE('01/JANUARY/2019')) FROM DUAL;\nD. SELECT TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'DD-MON-YYYY') - '01-JAN-2019' FROM DUAL;\nE. SELECT ROUND(SYSDATE - '01-JAN-2019') FROM DUAL:\"",
"answer": "A,C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-228"
"question": "关于使用RMAN将数据库克隆到现有CDB中,哪三个选项是正确的?\nA. 目标和辅助实例密码必须相同。\nB. 一次只能克隆一个PDB。\nC. 可以使用同一命令克隆两个或更多个PDB。\nD. 可以将非CDB克隆到PDB中。\nE. 在克隆PDB时,必须使用具有SYSDBA或SYSBKUP权限的用户登录到CDB$ROOT。\nF. 在克隆非CDB时,必须使用具有SYSDBA或SYSBKUP权限的用户登录到被克隆的非CDB中。",
"answer": "A,B,E",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-229"
"question": "哪两个语句执行成功?\nA. 从DUAL中选择TO_CHAR('2019-DEC-25 15:30','YYYY-MON-DD HH24:MI','NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = AMERICAN')\nB. 从DUAL中选择TO_DATE(TO_CHAR('2019-DEC-25 03:30','YYYY-MON-DD HH12:MI'))\nC. 从DUAL中选择TO_CHAR('2019-DEC-25 15:30','YYYY-MON-DD HH24:MI')\nD. 从DUAL中选择TO_DATE('2019-DEC-25 15:30','YYYY-MON-DD HH24:MI','NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = AMERICAN')\nE. 从DUAL中选择TO_CHAR(TO_DATE('2019-DEC-25 03:30','YYYY-MON-DD HH12:MI'))",
"answer": "D,E",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-230"
"question": "\"检查PRODUCT_STATUS表的描述:\n名称 空? 类型\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nPROD_ID NOT NULL NUMBER(2)\nSTATUS NOT NULL VARCHAR2(15)\nSTATUS列包含每行的值'IN STOCK'或'OUT OF STOCK'。\n哪两个查询将成功执行?\nA. SELECT prod_id || q'('s not availablE. ' \"CURRENT AVAILABLITY\" FROM product _status WHERE \nstatus = 'OUT OF STOCK';\nB. SELECT prod_id q's not available\" FROM product_status WHERE status='OUT OF STOCK';\nC. SELECT prod_id || q'('s not availablE. ' 'CURRENT AVAILABILITY' FROM product_status WHERE \nstatus = 'OUT OF STOCK';\nD. SELECT prod_id || q'('s not avallablE. ' FROM product_status WHERE status='OUT OF STOCK';\nE. SELECT prod_id || q\"'s not available\" FROM product_status WHERE status='OUT OF STOCK';\nF. SELECT prod_id \"CURRENT AVAILABILITY\" || q'('s not availabiE. ' FROM product_status WHERE \nstatus ='OUT OF STOCK';\"",
"answer": "A,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-231"
"question": "6、在从Oracle Database 19c开始进行静默模式安装时,关于操作系统脚本的自动执行,哪两个选项是正确的?\nA. 安装程序将提示输入root或sudo密码\nB. 静默安装始终自动运行操作脚本。\nC. 响应文件可以指定root或sudo密码\nD. 响应文件必须包含root或sudo密码\nE. 响应文件可以指定sudo程序的路径。",
"answer": "A,E",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-232"
"question": "关于Oracle数据库实例中的程序全局区(PGA)及其管理,哪两个说法是正确的?\n\nA. PGA AGGREGATE LIMII是任何一个会话PGA大小的硬限制。\nB. 当使用共享服务器时,整个PGA位于系统全局区(SGA)中。\nC. 当使用共享服务器时,私有SQL区(UGA)位于系统全局区(SGA)中。\nD. 排序和哈希连接使用PGA内存。\nE. 当使用专用服务器时,私有SQL区(UGA)位于系统全局区(SGA)中。",
"answer": "C,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-233"
"question": "199.查看表 PRODUCTS。你需要生成一个报表显示如下格式:CATEGORIES 5MP Digital Photo Camera's category is Photo Y Box's category is Electronics Envoy Ambassador's category is Hardware 哪两个查询可以获得需要的输出?\nA.SELECT prod_name || q'''s category is ' || prod_category CATEGORIES FROM products;\nB.SELECT prod_name || q'['s ]'category is ' || prod_category CATEGORIES FROM products;\nC.SELECT prod_name || q'\\'s \\' || ' category is ' || prod_category CATEGORIES FROM products;\nD.SELECT prod_name || q'<'s >' || 'category is ' || prod_category CATEGORIES FROM products;",
"answer": "C,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-234"
"question": "80、关于实例恢复,哪两个说法是正确的?\nA. 如果缺少归档日志,则无法进行实例恢复。\nB. 将FAST START MTTR TARGET设置为较高的值可以通过使日志写入更频繁来减少实例恢复时间,从而减少实例恢复期间所需的I/O次数。\nC. 在数据库打开后自动执行实例恢复;但需要恢复的块在恢复之前不可用。\nD. 将FAST START MTTR TARGET设置为较低的值可以通过更频繁地将脏缓冲区写入磁盘来减少实例恢复时间,从而减少实例恢复期间所需的I/O次数。\nE. 在数据库保持MOUNT状态时自动执行实例恢复,然后打开数据库。\nF. 实例恢复由恢复写入器(RVWR)后台进程执行。",
"answer": "D,E,F",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-235"
"question": "96、您必须将一个非CDB Oracle 11g数据库迁移到CDB,而不需要先对非CDB进行升级。用户定义的对象存储在非CDB中的多个表空间中。您可以使用哪三种方法?\nA. 数据泵可传输表空间\nB. 数据泵完整数据库导出和导入\nC. 数据泵完整可传输数据库\nD. 使用Goldengate进行复制\nE. 将非CDB克隆为PDB\nF. DBMS PDB包",
"answer": "B,D,E",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-236"
"question": "关于Oracle同义词,哪两个陈述是正确的?\nA. 不能为序列创建同义词。\nB. 可以为角色创建同义词。\nC. 用户必须具有DBA角色才能创建公共同义词。\nD. 不能为同义词创建同义词。\nE. 可以为包创建同义词。\nF. 用户必须具有对基础对象所需的特权才能使用公共同义词。",
"answer": "E,F",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-237"
"question": "30、使用恢复管理器(RMAN)复制数据库的哪四个说法是正确的?\nA. 总是需要连接到辅助实例\nB. 总是需要连接到目标数据库实例\nC. 可以复制目标数据库的子集\nD. 复制的数据库总是创建一个新的DBID\nE. 可以通过辅助数据库实例从目标数据库实例拉取备份集来进行复制\nF. 可以通过目标数据库实例将副本推送到辅助数据库实例来进行复制\nG. 总是需要连接到恢复目录实例\nH. 总是需要备份目标数据库。",
"answer": "A,C,E,F",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-238"
"question": "关于未使用的列,哪两个是正确的?\n\nA. 查询可以从未使用的列返回数据,但这些列无法进行DML操作。\nB. 未使用的列保留其数据,直到它们被删除。\nC. 外键列不能设置为未使用。\nD. 一旦列被设置为未使用,就可以添加一个同名的新列到表中。\nE. 主键列不能设置为未使用。\nF. DESCRIBE命令显示未使用的列。",
"answer": "B,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-239"
"question": "以下哪三个陈述关于内连接和外连接是正确的?\nA. 全外连接返回匹配和未匹配的行。\nB. 外连接只能在每个查询中使用两个表。\nC. 当两个表存在多个连接条件时,可以使用外连接。\nD. 左外连接或右外连接仅返回未匹配的行。\nE. 全外连接必须使用Oracle语法。\nF. 内连接返回匹配的行。",
"answer": "A,C,F",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-240"
"question": "以下哪三个关于Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a Standalone Server是正确的?\n\nA. 它包括Oracle Restart和Oracle Automatic Storage Management(ASM)软件。\nB. 它在安装过程中创建一个磁盘组。\nC. 它要求在安装之前预定义操作系统的ORACLE_BASE环境变量。\nD. 它需要Oracle ASMLib来管理Automatic Storage Management(ASM)磁盘。\nE. 它需要Oracle ASM Filter Driver(ASMFD)来管理Automatic Storage Management(ASM)磁盘。\nF. Automatic Storage Management(ASM)要求将操作系统组OSASM和OSDBA分配为其安装所有者的辅助组。",
"answer": "A,B,F",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-241"
"question": "选择三个正确的说法关于权限和角色的:\nA. 一个角色可以包含多个权限和角色的组合。\nB. PUBLIC作为默认角色授予数据库中的每个用户。\nC. 系统权限总是为整个数据库设置权限。\nD. 用户默认拥有其模式中每个对象的所有对象权限。\nE. PUBLIC可以从用户中撤销。\nF. 角色由创建它的用户拥有。\nG. 所有角色都由SYS模式拥有。",
"answer": "A,D,F",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-242"
"question": "关于索引及其在Oracle数据库中的管理,哪三个陈述是正确的?\nA. INVISIBLE索引在对其基础表执行数据操作语言(DML)时不会被维护。\nB. 索引可以作为CREATE TABLE语句的一部分创建。\nC. DROP INDEX语句总是在删除操作期间防止对表进行更新。\nD. 可以在同一表列上创建唯一和非唯一索引。\nE. 降序索引是一种基于函数的索引。\nF. 如果查询在索引列上进行过滤,则在查询执行期间它将始终被使用。",
"answer": "B,C,E",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-243"
"question": "你和你的同事Andrew在EMPLOYEE_RECORDS表上拥有以下权限:\n1. SELECT\n2. INSERT\n3. UPDATE\n4. DELETE\n你连接到数据库实例并对EMPLOYEE_RECORDS中的一些行进行更新,但尚未提交。\nAndrew连接到数据库实例并查询表。\n没有其他用户访问该表。\n此时哪两个陈述是正确的?\nA. Andrew将无法看到你所做的更改。\nB. Andrew将能够看到你所做的更改。\nC. Andrew将能够修改表中未被你的事务修改的任何行。\nD. Andrew将能够从表中进行SELECT,但无法修改任何现有行。\nE. Andrew将无法在表上执行任何INSERT、UPDATE或DELETE操作。",
"answer": "A,C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-244"
"question": "关于单行函数,哪两个陈述是正确的?\nA. CONCAT:可用于组合任意数量的值\nB. MOD:返回除法操作的商\nC. CEIL:可用于正数和负数\nD. FLOOR:返回大于或等于指定数字的最小整数\nE. TRUNC:可用于数字和日期值。",
"answer": "C,E",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-245"
"question": "\"65、HR_Root应用程序容器必须支持在应用程序本地PDBS PDB1和PDB2以及远程PDB PDB3共享的表上执行查询。哪三个选项是正确的?\nA. 在远程CDB中,应用程序根目录中必须存在代理PDB\nB. 在远程CDB中必须存在指向本地CDB的数据库链接\nC. 在本地CDB根目录中必须存在指向远程CDB的数据库链接\nD. HR_Root副本必须存在于远程CDB中\nE. 在本地CDB中的应用程序根目录中必须存在代理PDB\nF. PDB3的应用程序根目录副本必须存在于本地CDB中\"",
"answer": "C,D,E",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-246"
"question": "204.下面哪个 SQL 语句显示 1890.55 as $1,890.55?\nA.SELECT TO_CHAR(1890.55,'$0G000D00') FROM DUAL;\nB.SELECT TO_CHAR(1890.55,'$9,999V99') FROM DUAL;\nC.SELECT TO_CHAR(1890.55,'$99,999D99') FROM DUAL;\nD.SELECT TO_CHAR(1890.55,'$99G999D00') FROM DUAL; E. SELECT TO_CHAR(1890.55,'$99G999D99') FROM DUAL;",
"answer": "A,D,E",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-247"
"question": "\"94、存储中的一些归档日志备份已被意外删除。应使用哪两个命令来更新恢复目录中备份的状态,以仅显示缺失的备份?\n\nA. 列出所有归档日志备份\nB. 同步目录\nC. 交叉检查所有归档日志备份\nD. 列出归档日志\nE. 报告过时备份\nF. 列出已过期备份\"",
"answer": "C,F",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-248"
"question": "61、关于基于RPM的Oracle数据库安装,哪两个说法是正确的?\nA. 它需要一个Unbreakable Linux Network(ULN)订阅\nB. 它使用服务配置脚本作为安装的一部分创建单实例数据库\nC. 它执行仅软件的Oracle数据库安装\nD. 它包括Oracle Preinstallation RPM\nE. 从Oracle Database 18c开始,可以使用单个RPM仅安装单个实例的Oracle数据库服务器。",
"answer": "C,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-249"
"question": "148.如要关闭资源限制,应该修改如下的哪一个初始化参数? \nA.PROSESSES \nB.SESSION_LIMIT \nC.RESOURCE_LIMIT \nD.TIMED_STATISTICS",
"answer": "C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-250"
"question": "97.分析以下成功执行的语句:\nCREATE TABLE rental (\nrental id int unsigned NOT NULL AUTO INCREMENT,\nrental date datetime NOT NULL,\ninventory id int unsigned NoT NULL,\ncustomer id int unsigned NOT NULL,\nreturn date datetime DEFAULT NULL,\nstaff id int unsigned NoT NULL,\nIast update timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,\nPRIMARY KEY (rental iD. \nENGINE-InnoDB;\n现在,检查以下查询:\nSELECT rental_id,customer_id\nFROM rental\nwhere rental_date between now() - interval 1 month and now()\nAND inventory_id=42\nAND staff_id=1024;\n您希望添加一个或多个索引,最大程度地减少查询工作量。\n以下哪条语句可完成此任务?\nA. ALTER TABLE rental\nADD INDEx(inventory_iD. ,\nADD INDEX (staff_iD. \nADD INDEX (rental_datE. ,\nADD INDEx (customer_iD. ;\nB. ALTER TABLE rental\nADD INDEx (inventory_id, staff_id,rental_date,customer_iD. ;\nC. ALTER TABLE rental\nADD INDEx (inventory_id,staff_id customer_id, rental_id, rental_datE. ;\nD. ALTER TABLE rental\nADD INDEX (inventory_iD. ,\nADD INDEX (staff_iD. \nADD INDEX (rental_datE. :\nE. ALTER TABLE rental\nADD INDEx (rental_date,inventory_id, staff_id, customer_iD. ;\nF. ALTER TABLE rental ADD INDEX (inventory_id,staff_id,rental_datE. ;",
"answer": "B",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-251"
"question": "132.以下哪种备份方式需要在完全关闭数据库进行 。\nA.无归档日志模式下的数据库备份\nB.归档日志模式下的数据库备份\nC.使用导出实用程序进行逻辑备份\nD.以上都不对",
"answer": "A",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-252"
"question": "62.在 Oracle 数据库的逻辑结构中有以下组件:1. 表空间 2. 数据块 3. 区 4. 段这些组件从大到小依次是。\nA. 1→2→3→4 B.1→4→3→2 C.1→3→2→4 D. 4→1→3→2",
"answer": "B",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-253"
"question": "关于复合查询中使用的INTERSECT运算符,哪个陈述是正确的?\nA. 它忽略NULL值。\nB. INTERSECT的优先级低于UNION或UNION ALL。\nC. 同一SQL语句中不可能有多个INTERSECT运算符。\nD. 它处理所选列中的NULL值。",
"answer": "D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-254"
"question": "\"检查这个语句:\nSELECT 1 AS id, 'John' AS first_name\n FROM dual\nUNION\nSELECT 1, 'John' AS name\n FROM dual\nORDER BY 1;\n执行后返回什么?\nA. 0行\nB. 2行\nC. 1行\nD. 错误\"",
"answer": "C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-255"
"answer": "C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-256"
"question": "87.在 Oracle 中创建用户时,若未提及 DEFAULT TABLESPACE 关键字,则 Oracle 就将 表空间分配给用户作为默认表空间。\nA.USER \nB.SYSTEM \nC.SYS \nD.DEFAULT",
"answer": "B",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-257"
"question": "149.作为 DBA,运行了创建 VERIFY_FUNCTION 函数的脚本,并 且这个脚本修改了默认的概要文件。如果用户 KIMJ 被赋予了默认概要 文件,她当前的密码是 TIME_2_GO,请问以下哪个密码是可以接受的? \nA.KIM \nB.KIMJ \nC.KIM_J \nD.ITS4_ME \nE.TIME_2_GO\nF.TIME_3_GO ",
"answer": "D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-258"
"question": "\"检查SALES1表的描述:\n名称 空? 类型\n--------------------------------------------------------------------\nSALES_ID NOT NULL NUMBER\nSTORE_ID NOT NULL NUMBER\nITEMS_ID NUMBER\nQUANTITY NUMBER\nSALES_DATE DATE\nSALES2是一个与SALES1具有相同描述的表。\n一些销售数据在两个表中都有重复。\n您想显示SALES1表中不在SALES2表中的行。\n哪个集合运算符生成所需的输出?\nA. UNION ALL\nB. MINUS\nO) INTERSECT\nD. SUBTRACT\nE. UNION\"",
"answer": "B",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-259"
"question": "\"检查EMPLOYEES表的描述:\n名称 Null? 类型\n-------------------------------------------------- ----------\nEMPLOYEE_ID NOT NULL NUMBER(4)\nEMPLOYEE_NAME NOT NULL VARCHAR2 (100)\nSALARY NOT NULL NUMBER(6,2)。\nDEPARTMENT_ID NOT NULL NUMBER(4)\n哪个语句会失败?\nA. SELECT department_id, COUNT(*)\nFROM employees\nWHERE department_id <> 90\nHAVING COUNT(*) >= 3\nGROUP BY department_id;\nB. SELECT department_id, COUNT (*)\nFROM employees\nWHERE department_id <> 90\nAND COUNT(*) >= 3\nGROUP BY department_id;\nC. SELECT department_id, COUNT (*)\nFROM employees\nWHERE department_id < 90\nGROUP BY department_id\nHAVING COUNT(*) >= 3;\nD. SELECT department_id, COUNT (*)\nFROM employees\nHAVING department_id < 90\nAND COUNT(*) >= 3\nGROUP BY department_id;\"",
"answer": "B",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-260"
"question": "167.启动数据库的命令。 \nA.startup \nB.startup open \nC.shutdown \nD.startup database",
"answer": "A",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-261"
"question": "94.Oracle 提供的,能够在不同硬件平台上的 Oracle 数据库之间传递数据。\nA.归档日志运行模式 \nB.RECOVER 命令 \nC.恢复管理器(RMAN) \nD.Export 和 Import 工具",
"answer": "D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-262"
"question": "102.在 CS 架构的 Oracle 数据库服务器中,下列哪种进程可以不出现在服务器上\nA.Server process \nB.User process(正确答案) \nC.Background process \nD.listener process",
"answer": "B",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-263"
"question": "154.下列叙述中正确的是。\nA.数据库是一个独立的系统,不需要操作系统的支持\nB.数据库设计是指设计数据库管理系统\nC.数据库技术的根本目标是要解决数据共享的问题\nD.数据库系统中,数据的物理结构必须与逻辑结构一致",
"answer": "C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-264"
"question": "144.若允许一个用户在 DOG_DATA 表空间使用 38M 的磁盘空间, 需在 CREATE USER 语句中使用哪一个子句? \nA.QUOTA \nB.PROFILE \nC.DEFAULT TABLESPACE \nD.TEMPORARY TABLESPACE ",
"answer": "A",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-265"
"question": "108. 服务监听并按受来自客户端应用程序的连接请求\nA.OracleHOME_NAMETNSListener\nB.OracleServiceSID\nC.OracleHOME_NAMEAgent\nD.OracleHOME_NAMEHTTPServer",
"answer": "A",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-266"
"question": "14.以sys用户连接根容器(CDB$ROOT)并发出以下命令:Create user c##abc identified by abc;下面哪一个说法是正确的?\nA.仅在根容器里面创建了C##ABC用户\nB.仅在所有PDB容器里面创建了C##ABC用户\nC.根容器和所有PDB容器里面都会创建C##ABC用户\nD.该命令报错",
"answer": "C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-267"
"question": "9.下列关于还原与恢复说法正确的是?\nA.非归档模式下,无法还原数据库\nB.非归档模式下,可以还原数据库,也可以恢复数据库\nC.归档模式下,只能还原数据库,无法恢复数据库\nD.归档模式下,既可以还原数据库,也可以恢复数据库",
"answer": "D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-268"
"question": "163.在 SQL 中,删除视图用。 \nA.DROP SCHEMA 命令 \nB.CREATE TABLE 命令 \nC.DROP VIEW 命令 \nD.DROP INDEX 命令",
"answer": "C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-269"
"question": "32.Select 语句的执行顺序是 (1)select (2)from(3)where(4)group by(5)having(6)order by\nA 、123456 B 、234561 C 、234516 D 、124563",
"answer": "C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-270"
"answer": "C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-271"
"question": "118.在联接视图中,当 时,该基表被称为键保留表。\nA.基表的主键不是结果集的主键\nB.基表的主键是结果集的主键\nC.基表的主键是结果集的外键\nD.基表的主键不是结果集的外键",
"answer": "B",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-272"
"question": "\"检查EMPLOYEES表的描述:\n名称 Null? 类型\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nEMP_NO NOT NULL NUMBER(5)\nLAST_NAME VARCHAR2 (10)\nDEPT_NO NOT NULL NUMBER(5)\nSALARY NUMBER(6,2)\n你写了这个失败的语句:\nSELECT dept_no AS department_id, MAX(salary) AS max_sal\n FROM employees\nWHERE salary > 10000\nGROUP BY department_id\nORDER BY max_sal;\n哪个子句导致了错误?\nA. GROUP BY\nB. SELECT\nC. WHERE\nD. ORDER BY\"",
"answer": "A",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-273"
"question": "26.在Oracle中,下面哪条语句当COMM字段为空时显示0,不为空时显示COMM的值 。\nA.SELECT ename, NVL(comm, 0) FROM emp;\nB.SELECT ename, NULL(comm, 0) FROM emp;\nC.SELECT ename, NULLIF(comm, 0) FROM emp;\nD.SELECT ename, DECODE(comm, NULL, 0) FROM emp;",
"answer": "A",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-274"
"question": "\"检查EMPLOYEES表中的数据:\nID LAST_NAME SALARY DEPT_ID\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n1 Smith 1000 10\n2 Jones 2000 10\n3 Markham 1500 20\n4 Black 1300 20\n哪个语句将成功执行?\nA. SELECT dept_id, STDDEV (last_namE. , SUM(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY dept_id;\nB. SELECT dept_id, INSTR(last_name, 'A'), SUM(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY dept_id;\nC. SELECT dept_id, LENGTH(last_namE. , SUM(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY dept_id;\nD. SELECT dept_id, MAX(last_namE. , SUM(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY dept_id;\"",
"answer": "D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-275"
"question": "95、检查以下配置:\n1. cdb1是一个容器数据库。\n2. 在CDB1中有多个可插入数据库(PDBS)。\n5. 每个PDB都有多个带有引用完整性约束的表。\n6. FLASHBACK DATABASE已开启。\n7. UNDO RETENTION GUARANTEE已启用。\n在所有PDBS中进行了多个不需要的多表更改。使用哪种方法可以使用单个命令撤消更改?\nA. 闪回数据库\nB. 闪回表和事务\nC. 闪回事务\nD. 闪回表\nE. 恢复和恢复数据库",
"answer": "A",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-276"
"question": "23.在Windows操作系统中,Oracle的 服务是使用iSQL*Plus必须的。\nA.OracleHOME_NAMETNSListener\nB.OracleServiceSID\nC.OracleHOME_NAMEAgent\nD.OracleHOME_NAMEHTTPServer",
"answer": "B",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-277"
"question": "130. 触发器允许触发操作中的语句访问行的列值。\nA.行级\nB.语句级\nC.模式\nD.数据库级",
"answer": "A",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-278"
"question": "160.从数据库中删除表的命令是 。\nA. DROP TABLE B. ALTER TABLE C. DELETE TABLE D. USE",
"answer": "C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-279"
"question": "\"选择最佳答案\n您想编写一个查询,每次在会话中执行时提示两个列名和WHERE条件,但仅在第一次执行时提示表名。\n您查询中使用的变量在会话中从未未定义。\n哪个查询可以使用?\nA. SELECT &col1, &col2\nFROM &&table\nWHERE &condition:\nB. SELECT &col1,&scol2\nFROM \"&table\"\nWHERE &condition;\nC. SELECT &&col1, &&col2\nFROM &table\nWHERE &&condition = &&cond;\nD. SEIECT '&&col1', '&&col2'\nFROM &table\nWHERE '&&condition' = '&cond';\nE. SELECT &&col1, &&col2\nFROM &table\nWHERE &&condition;\"",
"answer": "A",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-280"
"question": "17.当Oracle服务器启动时,下列哪种文件不是必须的\nA.数据文件\nB.控制文件\nC.日志文件\nD.归档日志文件",
"answer": "D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-281"
"question": "84.在 Oracle 数据库的逻辑结构中有以下组件: A 表空间 B 数据块 C 区 D 段.这些组件从大到小依次是。\nA.A→B→C→D\nB.A→D→C→B\nC.A→C→B→D\nD.D→A→C→B",
"answer": "B",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-282"
"question": "3.控制文件是数据库启动第几阶段加载的文件?\nA.第四阶段加载PDB的时候\nB.第三阶段OPEN数据库的时候\nC.第二阶段MOUNT数据库的时候\nD.第一阶段NOMOUNT数据库的时候",
"answer": "C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-283"
"question": "哪个语句将返回 EMP_SEQ 序列生成的最后一个序列号?\nA. SELECT emp_seq. CURRVAL FROM DUAL;\nB. SELECT CURRVAL FROM emp_seq;\nC. SELECT NEXTVAL FROM emp_seq;\nD. SELECT emp_seq . NEXTVAL FROM DUAL;",
"answer": "A",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-284"
"question": "70.下列哪一个锁模式不属于 Oracle。\nA.死锁 B.排他锁 C.行级共享锁 D.共享锁",
"answer": "A",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-285"
"question": "在您的会话中,NLS_DATE_FORMAT为DD-MM-YYYY。\n一天有86400秒。\n检查以下结果:\nDATE\n-------------------\n02-JAN-2020\n哪个语句返回此结果?\nA. SELECT TO_CHAR(TO_DATE('29-10-2019') + INTERVAL '2' MONTH + INTERVAL '5' DAY - INTERVAL \n'86410' SECOND, 'DD-MON-YYYY') AS \"date\"\nFROM DUAL;\nB. SELECT TO_CHAR(TO_DATE('29-10-2019') + INTERVAL '3' MONTH + INTERVAL '7' DAY - INTERVAL \n'360' SECOND, 'DD-MON-YYYY') AS \"date\"\nFROM DUAL;\nC. SELECT TO_CHAR(TO_DATE('29-10-2019') + INTERVAL '2' MONTH + INTERVAL '5' DAY - INTERVAL \n'120' SECOND, 'DD-MON-YYYY') AS \"date\"\nFROM DUAL;\nD. SELECT TO_CHAR(TO_DATE('29-10-2019') + INTERVAL '2' MONTH + INTERVAL '6' DAY - INTERVAL \n'120' SECOND, 'DD-MON-YYYY') AS \"date\"\nFROM DUAL;\nE. SELECT TO_CHAR(TO_DATE('29-10-2019') + INTERVAL '2' MONTH + INTERVAL '4' DAY - INTERVAL \n'120' SECOND, 'DD-MON-YYYY') AS \"date\"\nFROM DUAL;",
"answer": "C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-286"
"question": "哪个查询是有效的?\nA. 选择dept_id,join_date,SUM(salary)FROM employees GROUP BY dept_id,join_date;\nB. 选择depe_id,join_date,SUM(salary)FROM employees GROUP BY dept_id:\nC. 选择dept_id,MAX(AVG(salary))FROM employees GROUP BY dept_id;\nD. 选择dept_id,AVG(MAX(salary))FROM employees GROUP BY dapt_id;",
"answer": "A",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-287"
"question": "\"检查INVOICES表中的数据:\nINVOICE_ID CURRENCY_CODE RAISED_DATE\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n1 EUR 01-JAN-2019\n2 USD 01-FEB-2019\n3 JPY 01-MAR-2019 \n检查CURRENCIES表中的数据:\nCURRENCY_CODE\n------------------------------\nJPY\nGPB\nCAD\nEUR\nUSD\n哪个查询返回在CURRENCIES中而不在INVOICES中的货币?\nA. 选择货币代码从currencies中\n减去\n选择货币代码从发票中;\nB. 选择*从currencies中\n减去\n选择*从发票中;\nC. 选择*从currencies中\n其中不存在(\n选择NULL从发票中其中货币代码=货币代码:\n);\nD. 选择货币代码从currencies中\n交集\n选择货币代码从发票中。\"",
"answer": "A",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-288"
"question": "12.观察以下命令:Rman target /RMAN> backup database format ‘/u01/app/oracle/backup/%U.full’ plus archivelog;下面说法正确的是?\nA.该命令会备份数据文件、控制文件、参数文件和归档日志文件\nB.该命令仅会备份数据文件和归档日志文件\nC.该命令仅会备份控制文件和参数文件\nD.该命令仅会备份日志文件和告警日志文件",
"answer": "A",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-289"
"question": "8.参数文件和密码文件的物理路径在什么地方?\nA.$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin\nB.$ORACLE_HOME/dbs\nC.$ORACLE_HOME/network/dbs\nD.$ORACLE_HOME/admin",
"answer": "B",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-290"
"question": "184.检查下列 SQL 语法: 用 PRODUCTS 表,你需要生成名字,当前价格列表,及打折扣 25%后小于$10 的所有的这 些产品。SQL>SELECT prod_name, prod_list_price, prod_list_price - (prod_list_price * .25) \"DISCOUNTED_PRICE\" FROM products WHERE discounted_price < 10; 此查询执行时发生一个错误。此错误的原因是什么?\nA.括号应包含整个表达式。\nB.双引号应该从列别名被删除。 \nC.在 WHERE 子句的表达式应被替换。 \nD.列别名应为大写且在 WHERE 子句中用双引号括起来。",
"answer": "C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-291"
"question": "29.在Oracle中,游标都具有下列属性,除了。\nA.%NOTFOUND\nB.%FOUND\nC.%ROWTYPE\nD.%ISOPEN\nE.%ROWCOUNT",
"answer": "C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-292"
"question": "175.你想去生成一个报表显示每个员工从入职以来的总的薪金。 你执行下列查询: SQL>SELECT ename ' joined on ' hiredate ', the total compensation paid is ' TO_CHAR(ROUND(ROUND(SYSDATE-hiredatE. /365) * sal + comm) \"COMPENSATION UNTIL DATE\" FROM employees; 输出结果:哪个说法是正确的? \nA.此查询执行错误是因为别名无效的。\nB.此查询能正确执行并得到正确的结果。\nC.此查询能正确执行但不能得到正确结果。\nD.此查询执行错误是因为 ROUND 函数是无效的。",
"answer": "C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-293"
"question": "\"检查EMP表的内容:\nID NAME SALARY\n-------------------------------------------------- -\n101 John 26000\n102 Neena 24000\n103 DeHaan 12000\n104 Lex 17000\n105 Bill 18000\n106 Daniel 26000\n107 Ben 12000\n108 George 25000\n检查成功执行的查询:\nSELECT id,name,salary\nFROM emp\nORDER BY salary\nFETCH FIRST 5 ROWS WITH TIES;\n结果是什么?\nA.它将以降序返回五个薪水最高的员工。\nB.它将以升序返回六个薪水最低的员工。\nC.它将以降序返回六个薪水最高的员工。\nD.它将以升序返回五个薪水最低的员工。\"",
"answer": "D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-294"
"question": "183.检查下列 CREATE SEQUENCE 语法: CREATE SEQUENCE seq1 START WITH 100 INCREMENT BY 10 MAXVALUE 200 CYCLE NOCACHE; 当 SEQ1 序列生成到最大值为 200。你执行下列 SQL 语法: SELECT seq1.nextval FROM dual; 此 SELECT 语法显示什么? \nA. 1 B. 10 C. 100 D. 出现错误",
"answer": "A",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-295"
"question": "108. 服务监听并按受来自客户端应用程序的连接请求\nA.OracleHOME_NAMETNSListener\nB.OracleServiceSID\nC.OracleHOME_NAMEAgent\nD.OracleHOME_NAMEHTTPServer",
"answer": "A",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-296"
"question": "168. 是启动数据库时用来记录数据文件、联机日志文件的相关信息的二进制文件。\nA.数据文件 \nB.参数文件 \nC.控制文件 \nD.归档文件",
"answer": "C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-297"
"question": "30、使用恢复管理器(RMAN)复制数据库的哪四个说法是正确的?\nA. 总是需要连接到辅助实例\nB. 总是需要连接到目标数据库实例\nC. 可以复制目标数据库的子集\nD. 复制的数据库总是创建一个新的DBID\nE. 可以通过辅助数据库实例从目标数据库实例拉取备份集来进行复制\nF. 可以通过目标数据库实例将副本推送到辅助数据库实例来进行复制\nG. 总是需要连接到恢复目录实例\nH. 总是需要备份目标数据库。",
"answer": "A,C,E,F",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-298"
"question": "使用FLASHBACK TABLE的前提条件是哪两个?\nA. 必须在要回滚的表上启用行移动\nB. 在执行回滚之前,表的索引必须设置为不可用\nC. 在执行回滚之前,表的约束必须被禁用。\nD. 必须授予执行回滚操作的用户FLASHBACK ANY TABLE系统特权或FLASHBACK对象特权\nE. 必须授予表所有者FLASHBACK ANY TABLE系统特权或FLASHBACK对象特权。",
"answer": "A,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-299"
"question": "32.Select 语句的执行顺序是 (1)select (2)from(3)where(4)group by(5)having(6)order by\nA 、123456 B 、234561 C 、234516 D 、124563",
"answer": "C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-300"
"question": "关于替换变量的&和&&前缀,哪个说法是正确的?\n\nA. &和&&都可以在查询和DML语句中作为替换变量名称的前缀。\nB. 即使会话中未定义替换变量,&&前缀也不会提示输入值。\nC. 对于未定义的替换变量,如果在多个查询中多次引用&&前缀,将会提示输入值多次。\nD. &只能在查询中作为替换变量名称的前缀。\nE. 对于未定义的替换变量,如果在同一查询中引用两次&前缀,将会提示输入值两次。",
"answer": "A,E",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-301"
"question": "163.在 SQL 中,删除视图用。 \nA.DROP SCHEMA 命令 \nB.CREATE TABLE 命令 \nC.DROP VIEW 命令 \nD.DROP INDEX 命令",
"answer": "C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-302"
"question": "199.查看表 PRODUCTS。你需要生成一个报表显示如下格式:CATEGORIES 5MP Digital Photo Camera's category is Photo Y Box's category is Electronics Envoy Ambassador's category is Hardware 哪两个查询可以获得需要的输出?\nA.SELECT prod_name || q'''s category is ' || prod_category CATEGORIES FROM products;\nB.SELECT prod_name || q'['s ]'category is ' || prod_category CATEGORIES FROM products;\nC.SELECT prod_name || q'\\'s \\' || ' category is ' || prod_category CATEGORIES FROM products;\nD.SELECT prod_name || q'<'s >' || 'category is ' || prod_category CATEGORIES FROM products;",
"answer": "C,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-303"
"question": "在NLS_DATE_FORMAT设置为DD-MON-YYYY SH24:MI:SS的会话中,哪两个陈述是正确的?\nA. 只有在默认日期格式为DD-MON-RR时,才可以在表达式中使用SYSDATE。\nB. CURRENT_TIMESTAMP返回与CURRENT_DATE相同的日期。\nC. CURRENT_DATE根据会话时区返回当前日期和时间。\nD. SYSDATE和CURRENT_DATE返回设置为数据库服务器操作系统的当前日期和时间。\nE. CURRENT_TIMESTAMP返回与SYSDATE相同的日期和时间,还有额外的功能秒数细节。\nF. 只能从DUAL表中查询SYSDATE。",
"answer": "C,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-304"
"question": "4.下面哪一项不属于在线日志组的状态?\nA.UNUSED\nB.NOACTIVE\nC.INACTIVE\nD.ACTIVEE.CURRENT",
"answer": "B",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-305"
"question": "使用恢复管理器(RMAN)镜像副本在不同平台之间传输数据库,以下哪三个说法是正确的?\n\nA. 传输的数据库会自动创建一个新的DBID。\nB. 默认情况下,传输的数据库将使用Oracle管理文件(OMF)。\nC. 数据文件可以在源系统上进行转换。\nD. 可以在不同字节序格式的系统之间传输数据库。\nE. 数据文件可以在目标系统上进行转换。\nF. RMAN会自动转换密码文件。",
"answer": "B,C,E",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-306"
"question": "\"79、HR_Root是一个应用程序容器,安装了HR App应用程序。\n在HR_ROOT中尚未创建应用程序PDBS和应用程序种子。\n必须创建一个应用程序PDB,PDB1,以便HR App应用程序的公共对象对其可访问。\n哪两种方法可以使用?\nA. 创建一个应用程序种子,将其与HR Root同步,然后创建PDB1应用程序PDB\nB. 创建PDB1应用程序PDB并将其与HR ROOT同步\nC. 创建一个应用程序种子,并在其中安装HR APP。\nD. 创建PDB1应用程序PDB并将其与PDBSSEED同步\nE. 创建PPB1应用程序PDB并在其中安装HR App。\"",
"answer": "A,B",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-307"
"question": "关于外部表,哪两个陈述是正确的?\nA. 只能使用 SQL 或 PL/SQL 检索它们的数据。\nB. 它们的元数据和实际数据都存储在数据库外部。\nC. 可以使用 CREATE TABLE AS SELECT 命令从数据库中现有的数据填充它们。\nD. 不能对它们使用 DML 语句。\nE. 可以在它们上创建索引。",
"answer": "C,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-308"
"question": "30.在Oracle中,当控制一个显式游标时,下面哪种命令包含INTO子句。\nA.OPEN\nB.CLOSE\nC.FETCH\nD.CURSOR",
"answer": "C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-309"
"question": "\"选择最佳答案\n您想编写一个查询,每次在会话中执行时提示两个列名和WHERE条件,但仅在第一次执行时提示表名。\n您查询中使用的变量在会话中从未未定义。\n哪个查询可以使用?\nA. SELECT &col1, &col2\nFROM &&table\nWHERE &condition:\nB. SELECT &col1,&scol2\nFROM \"&table\"\nWHERE &condition;\nC. SELECT &&col1, &&col2\nFROM &table\nWHERE &&condition = &&cond;\nD. SEIECT '&&col1', '&&col2'\nFROM &table\nWHERE '&&condition' = '&cond';\nE. SELECT &&col1, &&col2\nFROM &table\nWHERE &&condition;\"",
"answer": "A",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-310"
"question": "关于CREATE TABLE命令,哪三个是正确的?\nA. 它可以包括CREATE...INDEX语句来创建索引以强制执行主键约束。\nB. 表的所有者应该在定义表的表空间上有可用的空间配额。\nC. 它隐式执行提交。\nD. 它隐式回滚任何未决事务。\nE. 用户必须具有CREATE ANY TABLE特权才能创建表。\nF. 表的所有者必须具有UNLIMITED TABLESPACE系统特权。",
"answer": "A,B,C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-311"
"question": "\"检查EMPLOYEES表的描述:\n名称 Null? 类型\n-----------------------------------------------------------------\nEMPLOYEE_ID NOT NULL NUMBER (3)\nFIRST_NAME VARCHAR2 (15)\nLAST_NAME NOT NULL VARCHAR2 (15)\nSALARY NUMBER(6,2)\n哪两个语句将成功运行?\nA. SELECT 'The first_name is '' || first_name || '' FROM employees;\nB. SELECT 'The first_name is \\'' || first_name || '\\'' FROM employees;\nC. SELECT 'The first_name is ''' || first_name || ''' FROM employees;\nD. SELECT 'The first_name is ' || first_name || ' ' FROM employees ;\nE. SELECT 'The first_name is ''' || first_name || '''' FROM employees;\"",
"answer": "D,E",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-312"
"question": "一个容器数据库(CDB)包含两个可插拔数据库PDB1和PDB2。在CDB中,LOCAL_UNDO_ENABLED数据库属性设置为FALSE。PDB2的数据文件24被删除,需要进行恢复和恢复。唯一存在的RMAN备份是在连接到CDB$ROOT时使用BACKUP DATABASE命令创建的。哪三个是正确的?\nA. 可以在连接到CDB$ROOT时恢复和恢复数据文件24。\nB. 只能在连接到PDB2时恢复数据文件24。\nC. 只能在连接到PDB2时恢复数据文件24。\nD. 只能在连接到CDB$ROOT时恢复数据文件24。\nE. 可以在连接到PDB2时恢复数据文件24。\nF. 可以在连接到CDB$ROOT时恢复数据文件24。",
"answer": "A,E,F",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-313"
"question": "141.检查下面的 SQL 语句,哪一项是错误的? Alter user tempuser identified by oracle default tablespace users default temporary tablespace temp quota 100M on users; \nA.default tablespace users \nB.default temporary tablespace temp \nC.quota 100M on users\nD.identified by oracle",
"answer": "B",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-314"
"question": "以下哪三个陈述关于自连接是正确的?\nA. 它必须是内连接。\nB. 它可以是外连接。\nC. 必须使用ON子句。\nD. 它必须是等值连接。\nE. 查询必须使用两个不同的表别名。\nF. 可以使用ON子句。",
"answer": "B,C,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-315"
"question": "80.当 Oracle 服务器启动时,下列哪种文件不是必须的。\nA.数据文件 \nB.控制文件 \nC.日志文件 \nD.归档日志文件",
"answer": "D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-316"
"question": "“表EMPLOYEES包含列,包括EMPLOYEE_ID、JOB_ID和SALARY。\n只有EMPLOYEE_ID列被索引。\n存在员工100和200的行。\n检查以下语句:\nUPDATE employees\nSET (job_id, salary) =\n(SELECT job_id, salary\nFROM employees\nWHERE employee_id = 200)\nWHERE employee_id = 100;\n哪两个语句是正确的?\nA. 员工100的SALARY将被设置为员工200的SALARY相同的值。\nB. 员工100和200的JOB_ID将与更新命令之前相同。\nC. 员工100的JOB_ID将被设置为员工200的JOB_ID相同的值。\nD. 员工100和200的SALARY将与更新命令之前相同。\nE. 员工200的SALARY将被设置为员工100的SALARY相同的值。\nF. 员工200的JOB_ID将被设置为员工100的JOB_ID相同的值。”",
"answer": "A,C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-317"
"question": "关于SET VERIFY ON命令,哪两个陈述是正确的?\nA. 它显示以&&为前缀的变量的值。\nB. 它显示仅在查询的WHERE子句中使用的变量的值。\nC. 它只能在SQL*Plus中使用。\nD. 它可以在SQL Developer和SQL*Plus中使用。\nE. 它显示由DEFINE命令创建的变量的值。",
"answer": "A,C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-318"
"question": "在您的会话中,NLS_DATE_FORMAT为DD-MM-YYYY。\n一天有86400秒。\n检查以下结果:\nDATE\n-------------------\n02-JAN-2020\n哪个语句返回此结果?\nA. SELECT TO_CHAR(TO_DATE('29-10-2019') + INTERVAL '2' MONTH + INTERVAL '5' DAY - INTERVAL \n'86410' SECOND, 'DD-MON-YYYY') AS \"date\"\nFROM DUAL;\nB. SELECT TO_CHAR(TO_DATE('29-10-2019') + INTERVAL '3' MONTH + INTERVAL '7' DAY - INTERVAL \n'360' SECOND, 'DD-MON-YYYY') AS \"date\"\nFROM DUAL;\nC. SELECT TO_CHAR(TO_DATE('29-10-2019') + INTERVAL '2' MONTH + INTERVAL '5' DAY - INTERVAL \n'120' SECOND, 'DD-MON-YYYY') AS \"date\"\nFROM DUAL;\nD. SELECT TO_CHAR(TO_DATE('29-10-2019') + INTERVAL '2' MONTH + INTERVAL '6' DAY - INTERVAL \n'120' SECOND, 'DD-MON-YYYY') AS \"date\"\nFROM DUAL;\nE. SELECT TO_CHAR(TO_DATE('29-10-2019') + INTERVAL '2' MONTH + INTERVAL '4' DAY - INTERVAL \n'120' SECOND, 'DD-MON-YYYY') AS \"date\"\nFROM DUAL;",
"answer": "C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-319"
"question": "\"检查以下语句:\nCREATE TABLE orders \n(serial_no NUMBER UNIQUE,\norder_id NUMBER PRIMARY KEY,\norder_date DATE NOT NULL,\nstatus VARCHAR2 (10) CHECK (status IN ('CREDIT', 'CASH')) ,\nproduct_id NUMBER REFERENCES products (product_iD. ,\norder_total NUMBER) ;\n在这个表中哪两列会自动创建索引?\nA. STATUS\nB. ORDER_TOTAL\nC. ORDER_DATE\nD. PRODUCT_ID\nE. ORDER_ID\nF. SERIAL_NO\"",
"answer": "E,F",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-320"
"question": "62.在 Oracle 数据库的逻辑结构中有以下组件:1. 表空间 2. 数据块 3. 区 4. 段这些组件从大到小依次是。\nA. 1→2→3→4 B.1→4→3→2 C.1→3→2→4 D. 4→1→3→2",
"answer": "B",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-321"
"question": "\"检查EMPLOYEES表的描述:\n名称 Null? 类型\n-------------------------------------------------- ----------\nEMPLOYEE_ID NOT NULL NUMBER(4)\nEMPLOYEE_NAME NOT NULL VARCHAR2 (100)\nSALARY NOT NULL NUMBER(6,2)。\nDEPARTMENT_ID NOT NULL NUMBER(4)\n哪个语句会失败?\nA. SELECT department_id, COUNT(*)\nFROM employees\nWHERE department_id <> 90\nHAVING COUNT(*) >= 3\nGROUP BY department_id;\nB. SELECT department_id, COUNT (*)\nFROM employees\nWHERE department_id <> 90\nAND COUNT(*) >= 3\nGROUP BY department_id;\nC. SELECT department_id, COUNT (*)\nFROM employees\nWHERE department_id < 90\nGROUP BY department_id\nHAVING COUNT(*) >= 3;\nD. SELECT department_id, COUNT (*)\nFROM employees\nHAVING department_id < 90\nAND COUNT(*) >= 3\nGROUP BY department_id;\"",
"answer": "B",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-322"
"question": "207.下面关于 TRUNCATE 和 DELETE 的说法正确的是 \nA.TRUNCATE 属于 DDL ,而 DELETE 属于 DML \nB.TRUNCATE 与 DELETE 均能够删除表中的指定记录 \nC.TRUNCATE 不能删除表中的指定记录,而 DELETE 能够删除表中的指定记录 \nD.在清空表记录的操作时, TRUNCATE 的执行效率比 DELETE 高 \nE.TRUNCATE 和 DELETE 没有差异",
"answer": "A,C,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-323"
"question": "关于单行函数,哪两个陈述是正确的?\nA. CONCAT:可用于组合任意数量的值\nB. MOD:返回除法操作的商\nC. CEIL:可用于正数和负数\nD. FLOOR:返回大于或等于指定数字的最小整数\nE. TRUNC:可用于数字和日期值。",
"answer": "C,E",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-324"
"question": "检查BOOKS表的描述:\n名称 空? 类型\n-------------------------------------------------- -----------\nTRANSACTION_ID NOT NULL VARCHAR2(6)\nTRANSACTION_DATE DATE\nAMOUNT NUMBER(10,2)\nCUSTOMER_ID VARCHAR2(6)\n该表有100行\n检查在新会话中发出的语句序列:\nINSERT INTO books VALUES('ADV12','汤姆·索亚历险记',NULL,NULL);\nSAVEPOINT a;\nDELETE FROM books;\nROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT a;\nROLLBACK;\n哪两个语句是正确的?\nA.第一个ROLLBACK命令恢复了被删除的101行并提交了插入的行。\nB.第一个ROLLBACK命令恢复了被删除的101行,留下插入的行仍需提交。\nC.第二个ROLLBACK命令什么也不做。\nD.第二个ROLLBACK撤消了插入。\nE.第二个ROLLBACK命令重放了删除。",
"answer": "B,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-325"
"question": "9.下列关于还原与恢复说法正确的是?\nA.非归档模式下,无法还原数据库\nB.非归档模式下,可以还原数据库,也可以恢复数据库\nC.归档模式下,只能还原数据库,无法恢复数据库\nD.归档模式下,既可以还原数据库,也可以恢复数据库",
"answer": "D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-326"
"question": "8、如何为本地撤销模式配置CDB?\nA. 在受限模式下打开CDB实例。在CDB$ROOT中,删除UNDO表空间,在每个PDB中执行ALTER DATABASE LOCAL UNDO ON,然后重新启动CDB实例。\nB. 在受限模式下打开CDB实例。在CDB$ROOT中,执行ALTER DATABASE LOCAL UNDO ON,在每个PDB中创建一个UNDO表空间,然后重新启动CDB实例。\nC. 在升级模式下打开CDB实例。在CDB$ROOT中,执行ALTER DATABASE LOCAL UNDO ON,然后重新启动CDB实例。\nD. 在只读模式下打开CDB。在CDB$ROOT中,执行ALTER DATABASE LOCAL UNDO ON,然后将CDB更改为读/写模式。\nE. 在升级模式下打开CDB实例。在每个PDB中,执行ALTER DATABASE LOCAL UNDO ON,创建一个UNDO表空间,然后重新启动CDB实例。",
"answer": "C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-327"
"question": "104.在 sqlplus 中使用 create user 命令创建用户后,该用户没有任何权限。\nA.是 \nB.否",
"answer": "A",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-328"
"question": "14、在备份到SBT通道时,您确定压缩的Recovery Manager(RMAN)增量级别0备份的读取阶段是瓶颈\n数据库启用了FORCE LOGGING\n以下哪两个选项可以提高读取性能?\nA. 禁用数据库的FORCE LOGGING\nB. 启用异步磁盘I/O\nC. 增加数据库缓冲区缓存的大小。\nD. 增加RMAN多路复用的级别\nE. 增加磁带I/O缓冲区的大小。",
"answer": "B,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-329"
"question": "\"检查SALES1表的描述:\n名称 空? 类型\n--------------------------------------------------------------------\nSALES_ID NOT NULL NUMBER\nSTORE_ID NOT NULL NUMBER\nITEMS_ID NUMBER\nQUANTITY NUMBER\nSALES_DATE DATE\nSALES2是一个与SALES1具有相同描述的表。\n一些销售数据在两个表中都有重复。\n您想显示SALES1表中不在SALES2表中的行。\n哪个集合运算符生成所需的输出?\nA. UNION ALL\nB. MINUS\nO) INTERSECT\nD. SUBTRACT\nE. UNION\"",
"answer": "B",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-330"
"question": "关于标量子查询表达式,哪三个是正确的?\nA. 返回零行的标量子查询表达式计算结果为零。\nB. 它们可以用作CREATE TABLE语句中列的默认值。\nC. 它们不能用于GROUP BY子句中。\nD. 返回零行的标量子查询表达式计算结果为NULL。\nE. 它们不能用于INSERT语句的VALUES子句中。\nF. 它们可以嵌套使用。",
"answer": "D,E,F",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-331"
"question": "关于从一个容器数据库中拔出一个应用程序容器并插入到另一个容器数据库中,哪两个是正确的?\nA. 两个容器数据库都需要本地UNDO模式\nB. 在拔出应用程序根之前,必须先拔出应用程序容器中的应用程序PDBS。\nC. 应该先将应用程序容器的应用程序根插入到另一个CDB中,然后再插入其应用程序PDBS。\nD. 从CDB中拔出应用程序根会拔出其所有应用程序PDBS。\nE. 将应用程序根插入到不同的CDB中会插入其所有应用程序PDBS。\nF. 只需要在将应用程序容器拔出的数据库中使用本地UNDO模式。",
"answer": "B,C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-332"
"question": "关于Oracle数据库实例中的程序全局区(PGA)及其管理,哪两个说法是正确的?\n\nA. PGA AGGREGATE LIMII是任何一个会话PGA大小的硬限制。\nB. 当使用共享服务器时,整个PGA位于系统全局区(SGA)中。\nC. 当使用共享服务器时,私有SQL区(UGA)位于系统全局区(SGA)中。\nD. 排序和哈希连接使用PGA内存。\nE. 当使用专用服务器时,私有SQL区(UGA)位于系统全局区(SGA)中。",
"answer": "C,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-333"
"question": "121.PL/SQL 块中不能直接使用的 SQL 命令是 。\nA.SELECT\nB.INSERT\nC.UPDATE\nD.DROP",
"answer": "D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-334"
"question": "关于多表插入语句,哪两个是正确的?\nA. 有条件的INSERT FIRST语句总是将一行插入单个表中。\nB. 它们总是使用子查询。\nC. 无条件的INSERT ALL语句必须在源表和目标表中具有相同数量的列。\nD. 它们可以将源表中的一行转换为目标表中的多行。\nE. 有条件的INSERT ALL语句通过聚合源行将行插入单个表中。",
"answer": "B,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-335"
"question": "171.在表 emp 里,计算员工的年薪 SAL*12 并生成别名 Annual Salary。 \nA.SELECT ename,sal*12, Annual Salary FROM emp; \nB.SELECT ename,sal*12 \"Annual Salary \" FROM emp; \nC.SELECT ename,sal*12 AS Annual Salary FROM emp;\nD.SELECT ename,sql*12 AS INICTAP(\"Annual Salary \") FROM emp; ",
"answer": "B",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-336"
"question": "23、关于优化器统计信息,哪两个说法是正确的?\nA. 如果它们过时了,优化器会忽略它们。\nB. 它们提供有关模式对象的实时数据。\nC. 默认情况下,它们会被维护作业自动收集。\nD. 它们由SQL调优顾问收集。\nE. 它们可以由DBMS_STATS包收集。",
"answer": "C,E",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-337"
"question": "34.哪个活动将导致自动回滚\nA.GRANT\nB.CREATE\nC.系统崩溃\nD.从 SQL*Plus 退出",
"answer": "C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-338"
"question": "136.设有两个事务、有如下调度,产生的不一致性是。\nA.丢失修改\nB.不可重复读\nC.读脏数据\nD.幻影读",
"answer": "A",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-339"
"question": "170.关于单行函数,哪一个描述是正确的? \nA.他们只能接受一个参数。 \nB.他们只能嵌套两层。 \nC.参数只能是字段值或常量。 \nD.他们始终为查找表中的每个行返回一个值。",
"answer": "D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-340"
"question": "一个会话的NLS_DATE_FORMAT设置为DD Mon YYYY。\n哪两个查询返回值为1 Jan 2019?\nA. SELECT TO_DATE('2019-01-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD') FROM DUAL;\nB. SELECT DATE '2019-01-01' FROM DUAL;\nC. SELECT TO_CHAR('2019-01-01') FROM DUAL;\nD. SELECT TO_DATE('2019-01-01') FROM DUAL;\nE. SELECT '2019-01-01' FROM DUAL;",
"answer": "A,B",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-341"
"question": "166. 语言是过程化 SQL 的缩写\nA.SQL \nB.Tran-SQL \nC.PL/SQL\nD.以上都不对",
"answer": "C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-342"
"question": "\"检查CUSTOMERS表的描述:\n名称 空? 类型\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------\nCUSTOMER_ID NOT NULL NUMBER(38)\nCUSTOMER NAME NOT NULL VARCHAR2 (100)\nINSERT_DATE NOT NULL DATE\n哪三个语句将进行隐式转换?\nA. SELECT * FROM customers WHERE TO_DATE (insert_datE. = DATE '2019-01-01';\nB. SELECT * FROM customers WHERE customer_id = '0001' ;\nC. SELECT * FROM customers WHERE TO_CHAR (customer_iD. = '0001' ;\nD. SELECT * FROM customers WHERE customer_id = 0001;\nE. SELECT * FROM customers WHERE insert_date = DATE '2019-01-01' ;\nF. SELECT * FROM customers WHERE insert_date = '01-JAN-19' ;\"",
"answer": "B,E,F",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-343"
"question": "188.基于用户管理的备份,说法正确的是?\nA.不用关闭数据库,直接底层拷贝就可以保证一致性\nB.可以干净一致的关闭数据库,然后底层拷贝保证一致性\nC.不用关闭数据库,因为底层文件和oracle系统无关\nD.不用关闭数据库,但需要将备份的表空间置于备份模式",
"answer": "B,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-344"
"question": "一个关系的方向包含哪三个项目?\nA. 可选性\nB. 属性\nC. 标签\nD. 基数\nE. 唯一标识符\nF. 实体",
"answer": "B,E,F",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-345"
"question": "2.Oracle NET 相关的三个文件具体路径在什么地方?\nA.$ORACLE_HOME/dbs\nB.$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin\nC.$ORACLE_HOME/network/dbs\nD.$ORACLE_HOME/admin",
"answer": "B",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-346"
"question": "123.要更新游标结果集中的当前行,应使用 子句\nA.WHERE CURRENT OF\nB.FOR UPDATE\nC.FOR DELETE\nD.FOR MODIFY",
"answer": "A",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-347"
"question": "\"表ORDER_ITEMS包含ORDER_ID、UNIT_PRICE和QUANTITY三个数据类型为NUMBER的列。\n请检查以下SQL语句:\n语句1:\nSELECT MAX(unit_price * quantity) \"最大订单\"\nFROM order_items;\n语句2:\nSELECT MAX(unit_price * quantity) \"最大订单\"\nFROM order_items\nGROUP BY order_id;\n哪两个语句是正确的?\nA. 如果UNIT_PRICE或QUANTITY包含NULL,则两个语句都将返回NULL。\nB. 语句2可能返回多行输出。\nC. 语句2只返回一行输出。\nD. 语句1只返回一行输出。\nE. 两个语句给出相同的输出。\"",
"answer": "B,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-348"
"question": "关于复合查询中使用的INTERSECT运算符,哪个陈述是正确的?\nA. 它忽略NULL值。\nB. INTERSECT的优先级低于UNION或UNION ALL。\nC. 同一SQL语句中不可能有多个INTERSECT运算符。\nD. 它处理所选列中的NULL值。",
"answer": "D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-349"
"question": "关于在Oracle数据库中删除未使用的列,哪三个陈述是正确的?\nA. 如果使用CASCADE选项,可以删除被另一列引用为外键的主键列。\nB. DROP COLUMN命令可以回滚。\nC. 当包含该列的块下次查询时,未使用的列的空间会自动回收。\nD. 当包含该列的行下次查询时,未使用的列的空间会自动回收。\nE. 分区键列不能被删除。\nF. 设置为UNUSED的列仍然计入每个表的1000列限制。",
"answer": "A,E",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-350"
"answer": "D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-351"
"question": "143.在以下用户中,哪个用户不能删除?\nA.一个与数据库连接的用户 \nB.一个没有任何模式对象的用户 \nC.一个带有只读表的用户 \nD.在任何时间可以删除所有用户",
"answer": "A",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-352"
"question": "14.以sys用户连接根容器(CDB$ROOT)并发出以下命令:Create user c##abc identified by abc;下面哪一个说法是正确的?\nA.仅在根容器里面创建了C##ABC用户\nB.仅在所有PDB容器里面创建了C##ABC用户\nC.根容器和所有PDB容器里面都会创建C##ABC用户\nD.该命令报错",
"answer": "C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-353"
"question": "\"检查下面的PRODUCTS表的描述:\n名称 Null? 类型\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------\nPROD_ID NOT NULL NUMBER(2)\nQTY NUMBER(5,2)\nCOST NUMBER(8,2)\n你成功执行了以下命令:\nCREATE TABLE new_prices (prod_id NUMBER(2),price NUMBER(8,2));\n哪两个语句可以成功执行?\nA. MERGE INTO new_prices n\nUSING (SELECT * FROM products) p\nWHEN MATCHED THEN\n UPDATE SET n.price = p. cost*.01\nWHEN NOT MATCHED THEN\n INSERT (n.prod_id, n.pricE. VALUES (p.prod_id, cost* .01)\nWHERE (p.cost < 200) ;\nB. MERGE INTO new_prices n\nUSING (SELECT * FROM products WHERE cost> 150) p\nON (n.prod_id=p.prod_iD. \nWHEN MATCHED THEN\n DELETE WHERE (p.cost < 200)\nWHEN NOT MATCHED THEN\n INSERT (n.prod_id, n.pricE. VALUES (p.prod_id, p.cost*.01);\nC. MERGE INTO new_prices n\nUSING (SELECT * FROM products WHERE cost>150) p\nON (n.prod_id= p.prod_iD. \nWHEN MATCHED THEN\n UPDATE SET n.price= p.cost*.01\nDELETE WHERE (p.cost < 200);\nD. MERGE INTO new_prices n\nUSING products p\nON (p.prod_id = n.prod_iD. \nWHEN NOT MATCHED THEN\n INSERT (n,prod_id, n.pricE. VALUES (p.prod_id, p.cost*.01)\nWHERE (p.cost < 200);\"",
"answer": "C,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-354"
"question": "关于DUAL表,哪两个陈述是正确的?\nA. 它可以显示多行和多列。\nB. 只有SYS用户可以访问它。\nC. 任何在任何模式中具有SELECT权限的用户都可以访问它。\nD. 它可以显示多行,但只有单个列。\nE. 它由一个VARCHAR2数据类型的单行和单列组成。\nF. 它只能用于显示常量或伪列。",
"answer": "A,C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-355"
"question": "41.关于 TRUNCATE 和 DELETE 命令,下列描述正确的是\nA.两者都属于 DML 语句。 \nB.两者都不属于 DML 语句。 \nC.执行 TRUNCATE 命令之后,该会话中先前未提交的事务自动提交。 \nD.执行 TRUNCATE 命令之后,该会话中先前未提交的事务自动回滚。",
"answer": "C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-356"
"question": "22、以下哪三个说法是关于不使用恢复管理器(RMAN)进行恢复操作的?\nA. 可以使用SQL*PLUS从内存中恢复丢失的SPFILE。\nB. 可以使用SQL*PLUS重新创建丢失的密码文件。\nC. 可以使用orapwd实用程序手动重新创建丢失的密码文件。\nD. 可以在不执行任何恢复操作的情况下重新创建丢失的索引表空间。\nE. 必须始终手动重新创建丢失的TEMPFILE。\nF. 可以使用SQL*PLUS从警报日志中重新创建丢失的PFILE。",
"answer": "A,C,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-357"
"question": "39.关于 ROWNUM 的描述,下列正确的是 \nA.ROWNUM 是每个表中实际存在的列。 \nB.ROWNUM 是每条查询语句执行完成之后,给每行数据填充的行号,行号从 0 开始。 \nC.ROWNUM 做为条件表达式时,可以使用任何算术运算符。 \nD.ROWNUM 经常用来做为分页查询。",
"answer": "D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-358"
"question": "200.哪两个 SQL 语句在表 EMP_DETAILS 执行是正确的?\nA.一个 EMP_IMAGE 字段能包含在 GROUY BY 子句。\nB.一个 EMP_IMAGE 字段不能包含在 ORDER BY 子句。\nC.你不能在表中增加新的 LONG 字段。\nD.您可以更改表,包括对 EMP_IMAGE 列的 NOT NULL 约束。",
"answer": "B,C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-359"
"question": "184.检查下列 SQL 语法: 用 PRODUCTS 表,你需要生成名字,当前价格列表,及打折扣 25%后小于$10 的所有的这 些产品。SQL>SELECT prod_name, prod_list_price, prod_list_price - (prod_list_price * .25) \"DISCOUNTED_PRICE\" FROM products WHERE discounted_price < 10; 此查询执行时发生一个错误。此错误的原因是什么?\nA.括号应包含整个表达式。\nB.双引号应该从列别名被删除。 \nC.在 WHERE 子句的表达式应被替换。 \nD.列别名应为大写且在 WHERE 子句中用双引号括起来。",
"answer": "C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-360"
"question": "47.MARKS 表结构如下 :STD_ID NUMBER(4) STUDENT_NAME VARCHAR2(30) SUBJ1 NUMBER(3) SUBJ2 NUMBER(3)下面 sql 语句中是否存在错误 SELECT subj1+subj2 total_marks, std_id FROM marks WHERE subj1 > AVG(subj1) AND subj2 > AVG(subj2) ORDER BY total_marks; 如果有错误,请指出是哪一项?\nA.能够成功执行\nB.SELECT 子句中有错误\nC.WHERE 子句中有错误\nD.ORDER BY子句中有错误",
"answer": "C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-361"
"question": "“INVOICE表具有数据类型为NUMBER的QTY_SOLD列和数据类型为DATE的INVOICE_DATE列\nNLS_DATE_FORMAT设置为DD-MON-RR。\n以下哪两个关于查询表达式中涉及这些列的数据类型转换是正确的?\nA. invoice_date > '01-02-2019':使用隐式转换\nB. qty_sold =' 05549821 ':需要显式转换\nC. CONCAT(qty_sold, invoice_datE. :需要显式转换\nD. qty_sold BETWEEN '101' AND '110':使用隐式转换\nE. invoice_date = '15-march-2019':使用隐式转换”",
"answer": "D,E",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-362"
"question": "销售表格具有数据类型为NUMBER的PROD_ID和QUANTITY_SOLD列。哪两个查询语句可以成功执行?\nA. 选择COUNT(prod_id) FROM sales WHERE quantity_sold>55000 GROUP BY prod_id;\nB. 选择prod_id FROM sales WHERE quantity_sold > 55000 GROUP BY prod_id HAVING \nCOUNT(*) > 10;\nC. 选择COUNT(prod_id) FROM sales GROUP BY prod_id WHERE quantity_sold > 55000;\nD. 选择prod_id FROM sales WHERE quantity_sold> 55000 AND COUNT(*) > 10 GROUP BY \nCOUNT(*) > 10;\nE. 选择prod_id FROM sales WHERE quantity_sold> 55000 AND COUNT(*) > 10 GROUP BY \nprod_id HAVING COUNT(*) > 10;",
"answer": "A,B",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-363"
"question": "\"检查EMPLOYEES表的描述:\n名称 Null? 类型\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nEMP_NO NOT NULL NUMBER(5)\nLAST_NAME VARCHAR2 (10)\nDEPT_NO NOT NULL NUMBER(5)\nSALARY NUMBER(6,2)\n你写了这个失败的语句:\nSELECT dept_no AS department_id, MAX(salary) AS max_sal\n FROM employees\nWHERE salary > 10000\nGROUP BY department_id\nORDER BY max_sal;\n哪个子句导致了错误?\nA. GROUP BY\nB. SELECT\nC. WHERE\nD. ORDER BY\"",
"answer": "A",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-364"
"question": "关于单个实例的Oracle数据库中的序列,哪三个陈述是正确的?\nA. 如果实例关闭,序列的未分配缓存值将丢失。\nB. 两个或多个表不能使用相同的序列生成键。\nC. 如果事务失败,分配的序列号可以回滚。\nD. 序列可以发出重复的值。\nE. 序列总是可能存在间隔。\nF. 只有DBA才能删除序列。",
"answer": "A,D,E",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-365"
"question": "32、关于Oracle数据库中使用的字符集,哪两个说法是正确的?\nA. Unicode使得可以使用单一字符集存储来自任何语言的信息\nB. Unicode是使用Database Configuration Assistant(DBCA)创建的Oracle数据库唯一支持的字符集\nC. 单字节字符集比多字节字符集提供更好的性能\nD. 单字节字符集总是使用7位编码方案\nE. 多字节字符集允许比单字节字符集更有效的空间利用\nF. 单字节字符集总是使用8位编码方案。",
"answer": "A,C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-366"
"question": "122.以零作除数时会引发 异常。\nA.VALUE_ERROR\nB.ZERO_DIVIDE\nC.STORAGE_ERROR \nD.SELF_IS_NULL",
"answer": "B",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-367"
"question": "\"检查CUSTOMERS表的描述:\n名称 Null? 类型\n-------------------------------------------------------------------\nCUST_ID NOT NULL VARCHAR2(2)\nCUST_LAST_NAME VARCHAR2(30)\nCITY VARCHAR2(10)\nCUST_CREDIT_LIMIT number(6,2)\n您需要显示所有姓氏以A或B开头(不区分大小写),并且信用额度低于1000的客户的姓氏和信用额度。\n检查这个部分查询:\nSELECT cust_last_name,cust_credit_limit FROM customers;\n哪两个WHERE条件可以得到所需的结果?\nA. WHERE (UPPER(cust_last_namE. LIKE INITCAP('A') OR UPPER(cust_last_namE. LIKE INITCAP('B')) AND ROUND(cust_credit_limit) < ROUND(1000);\nB. WHERE(UPPER(cust_last_namE. LIKE 'A%' OR UPPER(cust_last_namE. LIKE 'B%') AND ROUND(cust_credit_limit) < 1000;\nC. WHERE UPPER(cust_last_namE. IN ('A%','B%') AND cust_credit_limit < 1000;\nD. WHERE (INITCAP(cust_last_namE. LIKE 'A%' OR INITCAP(cust_last_namE. LIKE 'B%') AND cust_credit_limit < 1000;\nE. WHERE UPPER(cust_last_namE. BETWEEN UPPER('A%' AND 'B%') AND ROUND(cust_credit_limit) < 1000;\"",
"answer": "B,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-368"
"question": "你可以对包含数据的现有表执行哪三个操作?\nA. 将包含数据的日期列更改为数字数据类型。\nB. 增加数字列的宽度。\nC. 添加一个新的非空列,其中包含默认值。\nD. 添加一个新列作为表的第一列。\nE. 更改列的默认值。\nF. 定义一个默认值,自动插入包含空值的列中。",
"answer": "B,C,E",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-369"
"question": "以下哪三个关于Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a Standalone Server是正确的?\n\nA. 它包括Oracle Restart和Oracle Automatic Storage Management(ASM)软件。\nB. 它在安装过程中创建一个磁盘组。\nC. 它要求在安装之前预定义操作系统的ORACLE_BASE环境变量。\nD. 它需要Oracle ASMLib来管理Automatic Storage Management(ASM)磁盘。\nE. 它需要Oracle ASM Filter Driver(ASMFD)来管理Automatic Storage Management(ASM)磁盘。\nF. Automatic Storage Management(ASM)要求将操作系统组OSASM和OSDBA分配为其安装所有者的辅助组。",
"answer": "A,B,F",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-370"
"question": "95.使用 MySQL Enterprise Monitor的无代理安装监视 MySQL服务器。以下哪两项功能可用于此安装方法?\nA.磁盘使用情况和磁盘特征,包括磁盘顾问程序警告\nB.操作系统内存利用率\nC.CPU 占用率\nD.与安全有关的顾问程序警告\nE.MySQL 复制监视",
"answer": "D,E",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-371"
"question": "162.SQL 语言是 语言。 \nA.层次数据库 \nB.网络数据库 \nC.关系数据库 \nD.数据库",
"answer": "C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-372"
"question": "你执行了这个命令:\nALTER TABLE employees SET UNUSED (department_iD);\n哪两个是正确的?\nA. DEPARTMENT_ID列被设置为所有行中的null。\nB. 查询可以显示DEPARTMENT_ID列的数据。\nC. 无法对DEPARTMENT_ID列中的数据进行更新。\nD. 可以向EMPLOYEES表中添加一个名为DEPARTMENT_ID的新列。\nE. 可以从回收站中恢复DEPARTMENT_ID列。\nF. 只有在提交后,DEPARTMENT_ID列占用的存储空间才会被释放。",
"answer": "C,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-373"
"question": "86.在 Windows 操作系统中,Oracle 的 服务是使用 iSQL*Plus 必须的。\nA.OracleHOME_NAMETNSListener \nB.OracleServiceSID \nC.OracleHOME_NAMEAgent \nD.OracleHOME_NAMEHTTPServer",
"answer": "B",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-374"
"question": "关于Oracle同义词,哪两个陈述是正确的?\nA. 同义词可以有同义词。\nB. 所有私有同义词名称在数据库中必须是唯一的。\nC. 任何用户都可以创建公共同义词。\nD. 可以在包中的对象上创建同义词。\nE. 同义词具有对象编号。",
"answer": "A,E",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-375"
"question": "在哪三种情况下,总是会启动一个新的事务?\nA. 在同一会话中发出第一个数据操作语言(DML)语句之后,发出COMMIT或ROLLBACK语句\nB. 在同一会话中成功完成CREATE TABLE语句后,发出CREATE INDEX语句\nC. 在同一会话中DML语句失败后,发出DML语句\nD. 在同一会话中发出SELECT语句后,发出CREATE TABLE语句\nE. 在同一会话中发出SELECT语句后,发出TRUNCATE语句\nF. 在同一会话中发出CREATE TABLE AS SELECT语句后,发出SELECT FOR UPDATE语句",
"answer": "A,C,F",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-376"
"question": "60.查看序列DEPT_DEPTNO的当前值,应该使用伪列\nA.CURRVAL \nB.NEXTVAL \nC.MAXVAL \nD.MINVAL",
"answer": "A",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-377"
"question": "以下哪四个关于Oracle表的约束条件是正确的?\nA. UNIQUE约束可以使用已有的索引来约束列或多列。\nB. UNIQUE约束允许NULL值。\nC. NOT NULL约束可以在表级别定义。\nD. CHECK约束可以引用其他行中的值。\nE. FOREIGN KEY列可以包含NULL值。\nF. PRIMARY KEY约束可以在表已创建并填充数据后添加。\nG. 一列只能有一个CHECK约束。",
"answer": "B,E,F,G",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-378"
"question": "90、关于SQL性能分析器(SPA),哪两个说法是正确的?\nA. 它提供了对分析任务中所有SQL语句的细粒度分析。\nB. 它为分析任务中每个SQL语句提供了执行前和执行后的统计信息。\nC. 它与SQL访问顾问集成。\nD. SPA会同时运行原本并发运行的SQL语句。\nE. 它预测系统变化对SQL工作负载响应时间的影响。",
"answer": "B,E",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-379"
"answer": "C,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-380"
"question": "\"检查INVOICES表中的数据:\nINVOICE_ID CURRENCY_CODE RAISED_DATE\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n1 EUR 01-JAN-2019\n2 USD 01-FEB-2019\n3 JPY 01-MAR-2019 \n检查CURRENCIES表中的数据:\nCURRENCY_CODE\n------------------------------\nJPY\nGPB\nCAD\nEUR\nUSD\n哪个查询返回在CURRENCIES中而不在INVOICES中的货币?\nA. 选择货币代码从currencies中\n减去\n选择货币代码从发票中;\nB. 选择*从currencies中\n减去\n选择*从发票中;\nC. 选择*从currencies中\n其中不存在(\n选择NULL从发票中其中货币代码=货币代码:\n);\nD. 选择货币代码从currencies中\n交集\n选择货币代码从发票中。\"",
"answer": "A",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-381"
"question": "9、PDBS 可以进行哪三种活动?\nA. 将应用 PDB 转换为常规 PDB\nB. 将应用 PDB 转换为应用种子\nC. 将常规 PDB 转换为应用 PDB\nD. 将一个应用容器复制到同一 CDB 中的另一个应用容器中\nE. 将应用种子转换为应用 PDB\nF. 将应用 PDB 转换为应用根\nG. 将一个应用容器复制到不同 CDB 中的另一个应用容器中。",
"answer": "B,C,E",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-382"
"question": "115. 分区允许用户明确地控制无序行到分区的映射。\nA.散列 B.范围 C.列表 D.复合",
"answer": "C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-383"
"question": "15.以sys用户连接根容器(CDB$ROOT)并发出以下命令:Create role c##r1 container=current;下面哪一个说法是正确的?\nA.仅在根容器里面创建了C##R1角色\nB.仅在所有PDB容器里面创建了C##R1角色\nC.根容器和所有PDB容器里面都会创建C##R1角色\nD.该命令报错",
"answer": "D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-384"
"question": "50、以下哪个陈述正确描述了SQL调优顾问执行的SQL分析?\nA. 它是优化器提供的一组建议,用于创建新的索引。\nB. 它是优化器提供的一组建议,用于更改访问方法。\nC. 它是优化器为SQL语句收集的辅助信息,以帮助使用更好的连接顺序。\nD. 它是优化器提供的一组建议,用于重构SQL语句以避免次优的执行计划。\nE. 它是优化器为SQL语句收集的辅助信息,以消除估计误差。",
"answer": "E",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-385"
"question": "102、哪个操作系统组不需要执行Oracle数据库安装?\nA. OSRACDBA\nB. OSDBA\nC. OSASM\nD. OSKMDBA\nE) OSOPER",
"answer": "E",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-386"
"question": "173.你需要为每个客户的信息额度增加$1000。在输出时,客户的 last name 列头应为 Name,cust_credit_limit 的列头为 New Credit Limit。\nA.SELECT cust_last_name Name, cust_credit_limit + 1000 \"New Credit Limit\" FROM customers;\nB.SELECT cust_last_name AS Name, cust_credit_limit + 1000 AS New Credit Limit FROM customers;\nC.SELECT cust_last_name AS \"Name\", cust_credit_limit + 1000 AS \"New Credit Limit\" FROM customers;\nD.SELECT INITCAP(cust_last_namE. \"Name\", cust_credit_limit + 1000 INITCAP(\"NEW CREDIT LIMIT\") FROM customers;",
"answer": "C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-387"
"question": "16、关于使用RMAN恢复表格,哪三个选项是正确的?\nA. RMAN可以恢复SYSAUX表空间中的表格\nB. RMAN总是使用辅助实例\nC. RMAN可以在DDL操作修改表结构后恢复表格\nD. RMAN可以恢复sys用户拥有的表格\nE. RMAN可以恢复SYSTEM表空间中的表格\nF. RMAN可以在备用数据库中恢复表格\nG. RMAN可以恢复SYSTEM用户拥有的表格。",
"answer": "B,C,G",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-388"
"question": "89.在 Oracle 中,下面哪条语句当 COMM 字段为空时显示 0,不为空时显示 COMM 的值\nA.SELECT ename, NVL(comm, 0) FROM emp; \nB.SELECT ename, NULL(comm, 0) FROM emp; \nC.SELECT ename, NULLIF(comm, 0) FROM emp; \nSELECT ename, DECODE(comm, NULL, 0) FROM emp;",
"answer": "A",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-389"
"question": "31、从Oracle 19c开始,数据库配置助手(DBCA)克隆远程可插拔数据库(PDB)的步骤中,以下哪三个是正确的?\nA. 将克隆的PDB保留在挂载状态\nB. 在本地数据库中从CDBSROOR创建到要克隆的远程系统中的PDB的数据库链接\nC. 在本地数据库中从CDBSROOR创建到要克隆的远程系统中的CDBSROOR的数据库链接\nD. 打开克隆的PDB\nE. 备份克隆的PDB",
"answer": "B,C,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-390"
"question": "42.下面哪条命令能够保证只删除表 employeE. 的数据而保留表的结构并且必要是可以回滚 ?\nA.DROP TABLE employeE. \nB.DELETE FROM employeE. \nC.TRUNCATE TABLE employeE. \nD.This task can’t be accomplisheD.",
"answer": "B",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-391"
"question": "关于COUNT函数,哪两个陈述是正确的?\n\nA. 它只能用于NUMBER数据类型。\nB. COUNT(DISTINCT inv_amt)返回不包含INV_AMT列中重复和NULL行的行数。\nC. COUNT(*)返回表中的行数,包括重复行和任何列中包含NULL的行。\nD. 使用DISTINCT关键字的COUNT函数的SELECT语句不能有WHERE子句。\nE. COUNT(inv_amt)返回表中包括INV_AMT列中NULL行的行数。",
"answer": "B,C",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-392"
"question": "\"检查两个表的结构:\nPRODUCTS:\n名称 Null? 类型\n------------------------------------------------------------------------\nPROD_ID CHAR(2)\nPROD_NAME CHAR(4)\nEXP_DATE TIMESTAMP (6)\nNEW_PRODUCTS:\n名称 Null? 类型\n------------------------------------------------------------------------\nPROD_ID CHAR(4)\nPROD_NAME VARCHAR2 (10)\nEXP_DATE DATE\n哪两个查询可以成功执行?\nA. SELECT prod_id, prod_name FROM products\nINTERSECT\n SELECT 100, prod_name FROM new_products;\nB. SELECT prod_id FROM products\nUNION ALL\n SELECT prod_id, prod_name FROM new_products;\nC. SELECT prod_id, exp_date FROM products\nUNION ALL\n SELECT prod_id, NULL FROM new_products;\nD. SELECT * FROM products\nUNION\n SELECT * FROM new_products;\nE. SELECT * FROM products\nMINUS\n SELECT prod_id FROM new_products;\"",
"answer": "C,D",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-393"
"question": "\"105 在哪两种情况下需要进行不完全恢复?\n在 CDB 中将 LOCAL_UNDO_ENABLED 属性更改为 false 的两个描述是正确的是什么?(选择两个。)\nA. 更改后,只有具有所需特权的公共用户可以在 CDB&ROOT 中创建撤销表空间。\nB. 任何新的 PDB 和现有的 PDB 都会自动配置为使用 CDB$ROOT 中的默认撤销表空间。\nC. 更改后,CDB$ROOT 中只能存在一个撤销表空间。\nD. 更改后,任何具有所需特权的用户都可以在 PDB 中创建撤销表空间。\nE. 必须在更改之前删除存在于 PDB 中的撤销表空间。\nF. 更改后,每个现有的 PDB 都必须重新打开以使新的撤销模式生效。\"",
"answer": "A,B",
"solution": "",
"id": "Oracle Database-394"