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i ve been dealing with multiple health issue currently having bad pain in my broken tooth my dentist checked it out last week and said it just need pulled and put me on antibiotic have an appointment to get it pulled this weekend but it look so infected im worrying of course about it causing death because im in pain i really feel like making another appointment to check it again but they don t seemed worried at all i just want to cuddle next to my bf or mom or dad but the anxiety always happens at night and no one want to wake up and help comfort me
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ill so i cant go to the cinema
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hanging in crooner wan na sing can t suck
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i loved mari trini s song when i wa a child
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profkarolsikora absolutely i m shortly been suffering with depression and medicated for year recently suicidal never been referred to mental health service until this year and been told i probably have adhd but i doubt i will find out until my 0 s unacceptable
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ripped switcheasy color
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deltawgmi for my depression
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original text in german translated with google translator sorry for any mistake i hope it s still understandable unhappy with myself constantly comparing to others what do i really want need to get my life on track want to solve problem myself don t accept help don t say how i really feel say everything is fine even though nothing is fine gt pretend to myself dishonest to myself gaming training etc distraction self therapy i have the feeling that something is wrong with me everyday routine make me sick depressed every day at work and at home everything the same there must be more to life look for a sense in everything gt no sense waste of time aversion to social medium gt constantly comparing and seeing the perfect life of others make me sick thought what if i jumped off the bridge now or what if i would jump out of the window now what if i drove my car into the tree now obsessive thought suicidal thought constant dissatisfaction gt self improvement self optimization very present topic e g room training except in one s own head feeling i am different nobody understands me and nobody will ever understand me feeling of not being myself not knowing who how what i really want reactively bad relationship with my sibling why thought what if my father is dead would i be sad would i be happier thought i just want to smack my dad in the face for what he did to me and my family i m worth nothing i am a bad person because of my bad thought try to distract me from my problem youtube gaming etc if i m asked about it i don t want to talk about it avoid it mental breakdown in the car 0 0 0 on the way back from vocational school completely cry all the time and resolve to tell my problem and change my life when i m at home gt not done thought i m breaking off my education i hate my job i can t quit again i ve already dropped out of high school and college i m a piece of shit everything get better after training if i could do that summer 0 is now and my training is over i would do it no self confidence self esteem completely screwed can t express my feeling emotion erectile dysfunction because of depression very emotional video in which i find myself e g depression what do others think about me do they notice that i m weird different gorge on everything don t talk about my problem feeling of not living in the present but in the past lack of drive lack of motivation why am i doing all this what s the point unhappy feeling wanting to flee from the world and everything disease unresolved childhood trauma depression social phobia anxiety disorder alcohol problem obsession personality disorder who am i what do i want need a lot of love feeling to be loved at work feel uncomfortable shy and tense gt situation in which i sit in the car driving home and start screaming and banging on the roof i find it more and more difficult with other people to get in touch i m getting more and more shy and withdrawn i feel lonely and sad what happens after the training how doe it go on afraid of not making the exam no strength to do school stuff afraid of a lecture at school finally want to find me and be happy with me and my life mental breakdown christmas 0 with daniel and thorsten topic father mental breakdown at grandma in the garden with michael reason longing for day when i wa happy and carefree i m turning already and i still haven t gotten anything right in my life don t let any feeling get to me only laugh very seldom strong self doubt feeling in society there is no right place for me feeling of having to be perfect not accepting my mistake myself seek my luck in thing like alternative way of life world travel etc want to get away from materialism consumer society capitalism fast life
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having a horrible headache day and nose bleeding awful feeling
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i m year old and i wish i wa born into a traditional family like the american family we see in movie a close knit and loving family not necessarily rich but with enough money to have a comfortable life travel with family on vacation christmas eve dinner etc but i wa born in a third world country where there is not much possibility of being rich and people are not a educated and refined a in first world country nor is there a high human development index my family is disunited there is no affection between u and we barely have enough money to survive but the biggest dream of my life is to one day have a family like the one i mentioned before united loving rich and happy i really want to have at least one daughter and a wife and on vacation we travel together to fascinating place go on a safari in south africa see lion elephant giraffe up close climb the andes mountain range embark on a transatlantic cruise in short many adventure and family memory also for this purpose i m already studying several language through apps but given my current situation all this seems to me to be nothing more than an impossible dream it s a if i look in the mirror and see that my true image is completely different from how i would like it to be it s like a beggar in rag looking at a rich man in a suit and envying his life i m studying software engineering at college and it give me a little hope that maybe i ll get a good job move to a better place maybe a first world country take my family with me and there i can make my dream come true but speaking like that it seems like i m dreaming too high it seems that this life i dream of having is not for me and i should just to accept my third world life is it possible for me to have the life i want or should i confirm myself with a mediocre and unhappy life i m not to give up on my life anyway i ve dealt with severe depression and existential crisis before
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i m think i m depressed and my anxiety is through the roof rn i m having a hard time focusing what should i do
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i am and i graduate in a couple of week i feel no where ready to graduate and i still feel like i m 9 i started applying for job but i do not have a full time offer yet it s so awful scrolling through linkedin seeing people posting that they accepted a full time job i m no where near there i m also a first generation student so there s that another one of my anxiety besides graduating from college is that my parent are moving to south florida i hate florida i hate the weather there and i love how it is up here in the northeast unfortunately i do not have the finance to move out even with roommate it would not work out i feel like i m going to be absolutely miserable in florida i hate the vibe there in fort lauderdale and florida to me is a place to visit not to live long term the idea of moving is so anxiety inducing and it just suck it also suck dealing with social anxiety which is preventing me from doing so much i hate it
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i cant do this i just cant anymore i wan na be happy again im dealing with lot rn ever since i watched some verg graphic gore smoked weed had dpdr researched solipsism it all too much for me i wan na be happy again i just cant see the world the same anymore but i want to please someone help ive had this kind of depression for year it come and go i hadnt had any kind of major depression tho for a while this doesnt feel like itll go away i rly need to know and make sure itll go away because i just cant especially at night thats when it get rly bad i just don t know what to do this doesn t feel like it ll ever go away please please help im desperate i just wan na be happy again i can t deal with this again
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i ve been off work for a week due to a neck injury i hate missing work i feel major guilt that others are working harder for my not being there i also have issue believing that coworkers bos will think that i m lying i don t know why i think this i had a doctor note for the first week off and my bos responded with i can t keep covering your shift i m having to pick up all the slack i explained it wa out of my control and i wa sorry for the extra work put on them cut to now a week later i thought i would be ok by now to go back in to work but i m still not well enough i have a physical job and neck nerve compression is making those movement difficult instead of just saying i wasn t ok to come back yet i said a small lie exaggerating why i wasn t able to work i said i had to go to emergency they checked me out and i m ok it instantly made my anxiety go from a 0 to a knowing the response back couldn t be a aggressive a the first i got from my bos i feel bad for lying i shouldn t have to lie i m actually injured but it made my anxiety much better is it ok to tell a small lie if it doesn t hurt anyone and it make you feel better
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well since i m too pusy to actually kill myself i ve just decided to tell everyone who care about me i ve past away from a random heart condition it s not like it matter i m clearly and problem and i m not worth their time of day anymore my friend are all long distance anyways it s not like they ll know my soon to be ex s mom wa right i am mental and she ha the right to not want that for her daughter and i respect that i honestly had myself fooled for a little while that i wa worth something and wa actually doing better i m never gon na be able to support her anyways i m a broke sorry fool with gas cost i can no longer afford to drive from the quad city to chicago to see you i ve failed a a man the pill only work so much it s not fair to you j that you have keep track of my suicidal as i honestly want to be able to be someone that can make you happy in the way i did and more with money and stuff i want you to finish college then go to medschool like you planned on i know you re going to make a great doctor i hope you ll be able to go back home to n c and see your family more this long distance isn t right for someone like you on top of it this isn t what someone like you need you were the most beautiful person i ve ever been with in everyway i m honestly glad for the month of an amazing relationship i m even more thankful for the year of friendship guess i just wanted someone to my reason out even though i know she ll never see this and they ll never see it i can t afford to be with you guy anymore i don t wan na be the friend with no money or boyfriend and such it s not fair i hope you don t mind i keep a photo of you guy that reminds me of why i m choosing to get better goodbye guy you re gon na be fine without me
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feeling low today
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it seems like it s just who how i am that s making me this miserable i ve tried it all it just seems hopeless
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so a the title say i m looking to go and see a doctor about my anxiety i ve been to a rehabilitation centre and talked to a few doctor people there i smoke weed for my anxiety and it doesn t help anymore it can t be everywhere and anytime i get a anxiety attack my weed usage ha been extremely high before going to the rehab place and now that i ve brought it completely down i get mad anxiety when i smoke i smoke to stop the anxiety now i just get anxiety from smoking i m not sure that i can go about smoking anymore financially it s not good for me doe anyone have any suggestion on what doctor would be good to talk to when i call to book a appointment
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the people that sh why do you do it i ve gotten this question a couple time since a couple year i m self harming almost daily i do it for three reason comfort seeing myself bleed physically is for some reason comforting to me my question to you do you see yourself in that too distraction it s is a quick temporary conversion from emotional pain to physical pain relieving my mind and thought for a quick moment shame the third reason is more of a response to the most asked question aren t you afraid people will see your wound scar and the answer is no people won t get to see it anyway it s on my torso leg and shoulder i never am in situation where those body part are exposed it s a simple a that
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iam gadifele gwen tlaka nna ke right ke tshwenya ke my gender gore ba tshwere bothata and they are getting stress depression and all sort of sickness because of basadi mxm
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anyone else get so distracted by so much around you that you just put off everything i ve been taking zoloft and literally since i ve taken it i ve been so unorganized it s hard for me to keep my room clean i have a bunch of appointment i have to make but keep forgetting to i have a credit card that i need to start using to build my credit but i haven t even read on it yet or gotten it activated i wan na travel and do all of this stuff i ve just been so tired i have so much to keep up with and the anxiety make me nervous to even go to appointment i need to go to the g i doc the breast cancer doc the dentist the gyno all of this stuff i need help getting organized i used to be so organized and now i feel like i m not at all
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ppd amp work hi everyone i m month postpartum and for the past couple of month i ve been calling into work a lot i ve had depression anxiety for year but during my pregnancy it got wayyyy worse anyways i m grateful that my job hasn t said anything since i always have a sub i work at a high school a a paraprofessional but i just can t come around to wanting to be at work anymore i don t want to work i don t want anyone watching my baby i just want to be home with my baby i haven t been to work all week and want to call in tomorrow i cry at night with the thought of going into work i m trying to push to the end of the year so i can get paid thru summer then quit in the fall but i don t think i can even last these next month without missing so much work any advice what should i do my boyfriend tell me to push thru until the summer at least when we ll move into a cheaper home situation and he can be the sole provider but i m also about to get my income tax and i know that can compensate for my working wage until then i m just so lost idk what to do also i can t come around to taking my zoloft consistently because i feel like it won t help and there s no point i feel like i m just broken
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i don t feel like revision
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i really want to play singstar but all my singstar disc are scratched
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is supposed to work for university but the construction sight close by make contant noise
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what s dating relationship like for the rest of you more specifically i m curious what it s like for those of u who have partner do they make it easier or harder are they supportive patient understanding and partner of those struggling with depression i would love to hear from i am incredibly lucky to have a partner that is all of those thing yet sometimes that can make me feel so much worse i m a huge burden on him a huge worry every night he call every cut he cry for everytime i pitifully sob in his arm he cradle me and tell me it will be okay and yet he try to keep his shitty day to himself i feel like he s disconnected me from his emotion so i have one le thing to worry about but i want him to talk to me i often feel like i should break up with him to spare him from me i know he can do so much better but i promised i wouldn t make his choice for him and i meant it i love him too much to even see that a a real option often time he s the only person i talk to all day the only reason i take care of myself leave the house work for him i don t want to be a weight on his shoulder
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early morning meeting
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babysitting this morning stiil it s an excuse to watch the chute on cbbc
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i guess i just need to vent but i also feel really guilty about all this for context we re on vacation and today we went to find one of the stop which wa one of the national park on the way there i had a panic attack but i m not too sure why i think it s possible that it wa because my mom wa driving too fast but that seems dumb since i m used to it by now anyways my panic attack are basically just me cry and zoning out with quick breathing on the way to the park i had the panic attack and after we finished the tour i told my mom how embarrassed i felt about it and she said not to worry about it and that it s no big deal well a few hour later i got hungry and we went to get mcdonalds but i had another panic attack on the way back to the hotel this time my mom got really mad at me and said you know if you can t handle going on vacation and stress out this easily then you should just stay home i felt really bad about it but i didn t apologize because i just feel like she will get more angry now she s giving me the silent treatment and neither one of u even ate the food we bought i feel so awful because i feel like i had those two panic attack over something so stupid and ruined the vacation
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fenrirclemo unfortunately that ain t how anxiety work though just telling people just do it is kinda like telling people with depression just be happy it take alot of work and i m proud of how far he s come even with his stream he far more himself than he used to be
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my stomach is hurting all day from anxiety i have constipation what can i do to help this breathing is hard and it feel tight so i can t even breath properly no matter what so trying to breath properly wouldn t help because it feel impossible when my stomach and chest feel tight
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miss him right now i need a hug
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i hate when software update downloads update without telling me i never know what s downloading when it is
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lilylauren i get sad when ppl shave their moustache i don t know if i d cry about it tho
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dammit episode of king won t play for some reason stopped in the middle now won t do anything
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leah you not going then
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hi update two i definitely go through a lot of mood swing throughout my day sometimes i feel pretty good but sometimes i feel very lonely and isolated it doesn t help that i m extremely insecure about my appearance right now and i don t even want to go out to social situation because i stress about how terrible i look i just want to look good i ve been trying very hard i ve been keeping to a strict skin care regimen i nearly cut carbs out of my diet in hope it ll help my acne and i eat like 000 calorie a day so i can be shredded it s a little rough honestly i m a male so that s not a lot of calorie to work with i guess at least it get me cooking because i can t afford to waste any calorie i ve gone from about 9 to about in like a month though i workout almost every day and i go very hard for over an hour non stop exercise i feel lonely a lot i want to talk to girl very badly but i don t have the confidence in my appearance to bother i know i m ugly so it s not like i ll be able to go anywhere with them im trying to change it though i just wish i had clear skin honestly that would erase of my problem anyways i m doing okay i guess not really satisfied with my life or all that happy but my thought have stayed away from certain subject for a few day now i guess i d call that an improvement peace out much love and good luck to everyone
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it may sound strange but i ve come to realize most of my anxiety stem from my appearance whenever i m out in public i get a rush of depression because i feel like i am ugly and everyone s judging me for it in reality i know it s not true because even if i wa hideous nobody would care it s just in the moment it feel so real and unbearable
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o have too much on my mind and is trying to write it all down so maybe i can get some sleep before class it s not really working
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we have avoided it the past two year but just now she showed me her lateral flow test and it looked positive i m worried about getting it i ve been with her most of the day this is my worst nightmare and i don t know what to do last week i did feel extremely fatigued but i chalked it up to my chronic illness i m worried about my mum a well a she ha asthma please if anyone can reassure me that i won t or might not get it or any reassurance would be great thank you
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jonathanrknight aw ok goonite
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kevchoice i just don t get it what in a person mind could even have them on some ish like this my prayer are with her fam for real
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why is it that i have follower none of whom acknowledge me
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life isn t good i opened up to some people but i fear they are planning to put me in a psych ward my shift is ending soon and i m in a corner here there s no point in elaborating further
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i recently lost a family member that i knew and met i ve only lost so far in this same criterion i ve been not doing so well even before any of that i feel like i m on autopilot daily i feel empty and nothing brings me joy even the thing i used to love and be passionate about i have a hard time communicating anything to anyone because all i want to do is be quiet and pas through people life a an invisible specter aimlessly living to survive and be away from everyone even the one that want to be in my life i have trouble sleeping at night drinking make me worse smoking only amplifies my anxiety and existential crisis meditating is useless now and i have no way to cope with what i m feeling have been feeling for the past few year it s easier for me to type thing out than it is to say them out loud i find myself losing my mind in work and zoning out while staring at my wall on a daily basis doe anyone have any advice for what i m dealing with and how to manage some of this i m not one to normally ask for help but at this point i m willing to try anything to get away from this darkness that haunt my life
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after am and i m still sniffling and sneezing can t sleep morning is going to come way too early
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awlred they dont exist however anodising service do exist so i could get it done
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go commit depression
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please don t judge me for what i do or how i m handling my current situation i don t have the capacity to get a job so i m a hooker and i barely get any client sadly i don t even make enough to eat i don t have a place of my own i give whatever i make to roommate so they can afford rent gas grocery etc i dreamed of being a mom and teacher since freshman year i wanted to attend university but my mom forced me out of school at and now i m almost 0 still no education no job nothing i know that this will probably be a rash decision but nobody will really care anyways i have no other way out i am just a street loser like my entire family and like my mom wanted me to be
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clarseek hajji if you do it a a you be ready for whatever come out of it but you know the right thing look for someone dat is aa we don t want story lamentation grief pain depression later in life my prayer is that you avoid this silly act
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yea what the title said
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my depression and self harm are at an all time high and today i woke up and decided to give myself two black eye by punching myself repeatedly until swollen cu i wan na look a bad a i feel now my boyfriend just got home and he s super angry at me how do i explain to this nigga it s my body my choice and he shouldn t be upset cu it s life man he got with someone year ago that is severely fucked up and now he s shocked that i m doing fucked up shit like wtf type nigga is he
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priscillacruz so funny because i watched only the strong today what are the chance i miss capoeira zoom zoom
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angery chungus most opppressed memory loss is a symptom of depression j
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i think jonathanrknight lost the net sure hope not
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to clarify i guess i wa only happy because i wa really high but i stopped for a minute and started thinking i wa thinking about who i am and how much of a sad useless piece of shit i am i wa hanging out with a few people at the time so i had to shake the thought pretty quickly fuck i wish i could just forget who i am altogether i m getting tired of me
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i know i ve already started this off pretty negative but i acknowledge that over the year i ve made a lot of progress with social anxiety i do thing now that i never thought i d be able to do presentation networking event planning hosting party however every time i do any of these thing or even small thing like having to run a work meeting i feel physically anxious my heart pound and i start doubting myself and my hand shake and i have to push through it because there s not usually another option i ve gotten better at it for sure and i m proud of that but sometimes it really just chip away at me i m about to cry tonight over something so minuscule that i ll probably look back on it in a few week and say wow that wa a dumb thing to worry about because that is what always happens i ve probably wasted day of my life just worrying about thing that didn t end up being worthy of that much worry i overthink thing so much and i just wish i could turn it off so badly to so many people now i appear to be this leader that ha shit together but in reality i struggle quietly with the most basic thing and i just feel so embarrassed sometimes i just wish i could turn off the social anxiety it get so frustrating
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twitringmachine anamardoll i mean with her portrayal of bipolar her view on depression amp victim of suicide autism really wasn t that far out it s like an ableism trifecta autism is weird amp ruin life personality disorder are abusive depression is fake amp attention seeking
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i miss them in adelaide i wish i wa there too the beach look beautiful
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kid up at the crack of dawn i m still full of cold bleh starting work stuckrecord
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rohitdoss yes romba depression aguthu stress aguthu mudiyala
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andrewwright yeah that s what i wa thinking would love to get your feedback on my creative will dm you when dentist ha finished
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i m year old i don t really want to get into it much so i ll just say that life is not good and hasn t really ever been that good and lately it feel like i ve finally been pushed over the edge a bit i look like i ve aged year in and my nerve are going crazy i feel so stressed out that i can feel my face getting hot and my hand shake whenever something raise my stress above the baseline even a little i never feel like i can relax anymore and i have a hard time talking to people this doesn t feel sudden it feel more like something that s been gradually getting worse for year but i used to be very composed and social i want to get help for this but i m honestly clueless i don t even know if i have anxiety or if it s something else i don t have a family doctor either i m just not sure what to expect i m open to medicine if it work how did everyone here begin to get help and what wa it that helped you
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behind on my class for work
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i wonder what misery awaits me in the msq today but that will have to wait until later i refuse to start off my morning with depression and a side of despair gold saucer shenanigan and such before starting work http t co mmfvogcfiu
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pelf but work is demanding for so much more
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my friend recently tried to kill themselves and i feel responsible in a way i feel like i should ve let them know i want to help i am sitting by the toilet hyperventilating and vomiting with a panic attack and i want to see them please help i give it out too much now i realize i need it
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niru0 who tf even care about her sneaker getting depression bc you can t wear your sneaker for a few day wtf
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eisie mate that s rubbish 0pt hug tom covered in spot and obviously not happy but doc say it s nothing bad tell that to tom
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another day i do not feel alive i do not feel like i matter i do feel like i am in the way and i do feel like my dream are my only escape lately i have had more anxiety or stress dream tho last one wa about the world ending and everyone rich enough could get a ticket to go on lot of huge spaceship ticket price wa low enough for my aunt and uncle to afford it left without a bother at all for me being alone it felt so strange seeing them board that ship and how little they cared the price wa like 00 000 dollar per person then added in wa pet and i have cat cat cost 00 per cat i could not afford it so i wa left alone just watching ship after ship leaving some malfunctioned and crashed it wa weird watching idk im just tired of feeling alone or abandoned even in my dream and how people dont get how much my cat matter to me they are here for me every day wish insomnia would go away too just another post from a living dead soul sorry
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theekween vhulivhadza help those who suffer from depression anxiety heart break or have witnessed something traumatic thelmasherbs
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alexrussin lucky i missed it
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but fuck insomnia that moment of peace is snatched too
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i need a hug
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i am having some severe anxiety attack these can last for hour my blood pressure and heart rate get very high i ve been to the er but they just gave me ativan and it doesn t help i have trouble breathing it s hard to talk my limb go numb my heart feel cold i have severe urge to vomit and go to the bathroom
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yesterday i noticed puncture wound on my thigh i m actually not really sure what they are they could be abrasion wound i might have scratched there but i can t remember but of course i ve been fixated on bat ever since i heard you might not feel a bat bite i ve been very afraid of them i know i m probably ok like 99 sure but that like a bat might have gotten under my cover bit me then flew out and disappeared is just freaking me out and i thought my toe leg felt a little tingly tonight so i just can t sleep health anxiety is so unreasonable
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beginning to enjoy lazy town oh dear
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viennaceleste no wednesday game with viewer that s almost equal to clinical depression c
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mathewsmichael i agree the jobros dont update there very often
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heidimontag i dvr d it and went to watch it apparently the dish network went down so i missed it i will have to catch a rerun
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my story is nothing compared to everyone else here it s such a stupid reason to post i know but i still wanted to say it please hate on me if you d like cause i deserve it there this girl i recenetly met from my college program for month so far obv with everything being online i have only met her irl once at school but i have severe social anxiety and always have been an introvert since i wa in like middle school so i couldnt talk to her that day i actaully even purposly avoided her because i dont know why we also live far away from each other with the college being hour away for u both but for each others house it hour so this would be a long distance relationship if i ever asked her out which i never will but it an idea before i met her i wa always sad with my life not studying playing game all day not going outside eating unhealthy spending money unwisely no friend and also with my parent not caring about me or talking to me at all so i wa alone and lonely i wa actaully thinking about killing myself because i wa just so done with life and thought there wa nothing left to do in life but literally right after i wa thinking about suicide i met her after meeting her i have been eating healthy studying with her playing game with her exercised because she told me to and she is just someone i can always talk to we basically talk to each other everyday with over 000 message and she is really a joy to talk with ive never really liked anyone this much in my life shes just perfect shes funny kind beautiful thoughtful trustworthy sweet list go on i like her too much and it now starting to affect the thought in my head im constantly thinking everyday how im unable to always be beside her how we will only stay a friend how we cant ever hang out together like friend normally do me not being able to say a word in front of her irl it just make me so fucking sad im such a fciuking loser and i hate it i hate anxiety i hate depression i hate my life ive grown too attached to her and i just cant stop having these thought in my head im also mad ugly so im also insecure about that im back to being suicidal but idk yet today we had an in person lecture that wa mandatory and i sat in the corner a i always do far far away from the people and she came in and sat right beside me i shouldve been happy i should have been gratful that we could be together in that short moment but my anxiety got the best of me and i ran away from her left the class left the school and went back home when i came home i saw so many message she ha sent me and i havent replied yet nor have i looked at it i dont know what to do anymore thanks for reading let me know how much of a dipshit i am please
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went to the dentist today totally a a last resort totally broke now too god damn the dental industry need competition policy
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just recently moved into a small condo to be someone s caregiver and i have my own space but i am constantly worried about my neighbor especially the one bellow and above me i worry about every single conversation being overheard and listened to i worry that a a bigger guy i sound like an elephant walking to those bellow i worry that the fancy sound bar and subwoofer i bought before moving wa even an idea is too loud even at quiet level i hate this i feel like i am worried about every single nosie i make i am so used to living in a house with space between each one back when i could blast my music or watch movie with the bass turned up now i am paranoid of watching horror movie because i am afraid that one of my neighbor is going to hear scream and think something weird is going on or hell watching pretty much anything else because i don t want to be annoying i know this is all irrational i know the floor and wall are probably thicker then i think but anxiety won t let me relax i am just paranoid about every sound i make here
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so i m have had depression since i wa snd i suffered from anxiety since 0 my anxiety wa not that bad overall i might have a bad day here or there but i never really had it for week or month like i have it now i know i get it really bad the longer i m in my head the next part is the backstory and i would like your guy opinion on what to do so there this girl in college that i absolutely adore we have the same major and we graduate in may i ve known her for about year and i told her how i felt and asked her out in december i didn t know she just gotten out of a relationship so she said she wasn t ready for one and she needed some time to get in the right mindset she told our mutual friend about and told her that s the only reason she didn t say yes the next part i completely screwed up i never told her that i wa waiting for her i wanted to but would chicken out i wa planning on texting her every couple of day but personal stuff came up and i thought some of it would be to heavy of a subject matter to talk with her about like my grandmother being on death s door so i didn t really sayuch during our winter break also this is when i really started to get in my head i would just imagine all these different scenario and date with her and it just made me anxious and i didn t know how to stop them then by the time i worked up the courage to figure through my anxiety to tell her some different stuff like i m willing to wait for her that i appreciated a certain day and how she made special to me and how i feel like a very closed person and i wanted to open up with her she got in a relationship and i don t blame her i blame myself because looking at it from her point of view it seems like i wa not interested in her anymore also just want to insert that she know i care for her when she had covid i checked up on her everyday since then i been having what i think are panic attack i will have the shortness of breath and my hand will start shaking uncontrollably and recently i will also have some chest pain with it before she got the relationship i started going to counseling to try to improve my mental health to let you know how i feel about this person she make me feel like no else ha ever done before my feeling gor her are so intense and i ve tried to move on but the feeling get stronger she belief in me more than i so myself plus my heart think she might be the one which i know is crazy she s the most important person in the world to me and i don t want to lose her after graduating here lately i feel like i been acting strange around and it s because of this anxiety so my question is do i tell her what i m going through i feel like this will help with my anxiety and give her some insight to why i ve been acting the way i been how much do i tell her i feel if i don t tell her my anxiety will keep on getting worse and i probably won t be able to actually have a conversation with her the rest of the school year and we might drift apart after graduation i would still like to be friend with her after graduation thank you for reading this also i don t know if this is the right community for this but i would really value your opinion
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a lovely day blazing sunshine too bad i have to work
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ha ha ha damn i had such good time chillin wit my favorite hizzo danced my face off the lodge never made it to backbooth
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going to sound vain but running out of my fav lip gloss
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i am prone to sinus infection and my nose is clogged and i had a slight earache a few day ago and chalked it up to a sinus infection i went to my cousin baby reveal and then i thought after the party what if i gave her covid she is a nurse and is around people with covid but wear ppe she also ha three booster shot and had covid before i can not get the thought of maybe infecting her and it will harm her pregnancy i am cry so hard because she tried so hard to have a baby and i m worried me disregarding my sinus infection a an allergy might of done something i can not sleep and i am going to throw up from the anxiety
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cant eat drink or breath properly thanks to the bad throat infection
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when i wa younger my mom would get me for month out of every summer a written out in the divorce paper during this month i wa hardly allowed to shower or brush my teeth and i often got in trouble for asking repeatedly for food or saying that i wa hungry i wasn t allowed to make friend in my mom s apartment complex and i wa never allowed to go outside unless my mom wa taking me to get food or we were doing her shopkick stuff i wa forced to drink coffee even though i didn t like it at the time and she d smoke in the apartment without opening a window from time to time a you guy can probably imagine i hated it there and i would become very unhealthy my mom would keep me up all night and refuse to let me go to sleep until like am i d pray for her to leave the apartment to go to the gas station for ciggarretts so that i could at least brush my teeth and chug down some water i wasn t allowed to drink water either because my mom didn t like it and she didn t want me drinking the tap water i wa only allowed to drink soda i d wait for her to fall asleep on the couch and try to sneak off to bed and finally get some sleep sometimes she d wake up while i wa sneaking and i d play it off a i wa going to the bathroom i wa always deathly afraid of making her mad because she d emotionally berate me or go overboard with the belt i wa also always afraid of getting caught for brushing my teeth or showering or going to sleep i wa ok for the most part when i d live with my dad i wa usually irritable for the next few week while i d readjust but now i m a sophmore in college and i m finding myself becoming more and more introverted and having more anxiety with le control over my emotion i am also doing the same exact thing that i d do when i wa with my mom for that month eating no more than once a day not sleeping staying up all night watching tv not taking shower not getting up to drink water not going outside and not talking to people and it s not for lack of wanting to do these thing i ve also seemingly developed a skin picking disorder where i pick my acne pick my bottom lip until it s completely covered in blood and my lip is raw and slightly swollen and pick my cuticle to the point of cry when i put my hand under running water i ve noticed that when i m picking at my skin i m thinking about how much i want to take a shower go to sleep eat food or drink water i have no idea why i m anxious about those thing again i m living with my boyfriend who encourages me to be healthy and is the complete opposite of my mom he s perfect all i know is that i need it to stop before my skin picking and or my introversion becomes so severe i can t come back to it i can t even go to the store by myself right now and i wa very independent my freshman year of college i m sorry for this being so long but if anyone ha any idea or advice that can help me get to the bottom of whatever is triggering me to feel this way again please comment below ask any additional question if you need to i would greatly appreciate it
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seating here helping my baby with his paper well he is forcing me too seat with him im sleepy
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the sun set way too early
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i ve been dealing with some really weird painful burning throughout my abdomen and my entire middle the last few week i don t know if anxiety is the culprit but it definitely make it ten time worse doe anyone have way to reduce the effect of psychosomatic symptom
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i recently got a weighted blanket to see if it would help with anxiety and it doe but at the same time it make me feel really sad it feel like a giant hug and that reminds me of how lonely i am i rarely receive any sort of physical touch from people whether it be friend or family so whenever i put it on and it feel like i m being hugged i question why i never get hug from actual people and why i m so alone
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kal penn oh my gosh i m still emotionally dying at the fact that kutner s gone arggg kal ily
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eri goodmorning hahaha let me guess cb hahaha me not
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arisan no free day for you
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i don t feel a will to live i don t want a family i don t want to work a 9 for 0 year and then die i have friend they care about me and my family is very loving but i can t see myself just being another copy of a human who is normal speaks normal and act normal i don t feel like doing anything if i end up just being a man who dosen t really live i ll just kill myself
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mizzzidc the word depression is thrown around a lot on this app honestly you could ve addressed any issue you have with your mom privately know what to post and not now we know how you speak to your mom and how disrespectful you are to her over a pair of sneaker
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i suddenly miss my flintstone vitamin tablet soooo gooood
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