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i ve been having an on and off anxiety attack since pm it s now i ve been exhausted and so tired all day but not able to sleep due to the anxiety everytime i close my eye my anxiety spike and i start freaking out even though i can barely keep my eye open i ve taken hydroxozyne in the past half hour i don t know what to do i just wan na sleep i feel like cry any advice or help
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natasja cupcake that would be great havin a crappy day again just can t seem to get in a good mood some sun would help
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i choosed depression out of my own choice i wonder if others are like this or most are just victim of life please answer your response
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i can t make friend because i m boring i can t socialize without offending someone unintentionally i have so many toxic way and view i m better off dead and not worrying about trying to fit in or be like by anyone anymore the more i try to get out and understand people the worse i feel it s been worse since hitting my 0 s
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there s an inch of snow on the ground and counting i m worried about the poor flower
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body of missing northern calif girl found police have found the remains of a missing northern california girl http tr im imji
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hmm a request for me to feature an app on my site from a quot merketing specialist quot sic addressed to quot dear editor quot oh dear
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camarade menthe profite bg on a peu de r pit entre et 0 si on saute la case calvasse j ai vit de la mettre d ailleurs pour viter le vagues de d pression l approche du w end
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i fell pain on my left chest and on my left back when i looking for an answer on google i feel it s a symptom of heart disease my mother also ha this and a far a i know heart disease can be inherited i didn t dare to go to the doctor because in our family there is a saying that say it s better not to know
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i m missin my baby really needed to talk to him today
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anjeebaby i m fine if thing are busy just get hard at quieter time
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i ve got one of those spot that doesn t really show yet but hurt like hell and will no doubt be a beauty tomorrow
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ellievolia if oooonly we were really so lucky eh and awh definitely too early for work
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ayodi avico allannyash depression
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got to take cleo to the vet not sure what s wrong with her but she s feeling very sorry for herself
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the american psychiatric association apa state that depression is a common and severe mental illness that affect how individual feel think and act http t co arsp syayj
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job interview in cardiff today wish me luck got about hour sleep
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my damn filling just fell out half of my tooth is gone
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depression cause feeling of sadness and or a loss of interest in activity you once enjoyed it can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problem and can decrease your ability to function at work and at home
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gop eleven one day pay all employee monthly pay one day you have no idea gop with gas a high a to rent being 00 useeoc these corporate company are going to lose to the depression and the government clash none of these company would survive without ppl like me
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i feel so alone all of the time i have a job where i get along great with coworkers however i have no genuine friend no one to hang out with i just spend time alone after awhile anxiety creep in i feel like i m trapped in a box and can t get out i tend to struggle a lot with moving forward in life and part of it is i feel i have no one by my side alone in the world
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getting 0 0 a piece thats out of the test i have done so far for atar in that i have failed test and pretty much cause the first real hit of depression i am working with people now to try improve those mark but the fact that my brain went to the length of saying
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so now it s just a wait amp see game i fall asleep amp it might or might not be there when i wake
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no music today blip fm is undergoing maintenance
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i am so low on energy that i don t even have word enough for this post i can not finish grad school and the job i m qualified to do i hate it i also can not talk frankly with anybody now given that i have suicidal tendency right now and that sound like emotional blackmail to everyone else if i express my wish also if i were to continue living it would be an embarrassment living a that middle aged woman who wanted to khs i m tired i don t want to fake anymore and i don t think i m even good at faking it either people can tell this is a sad loser
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stephenkruiser that s horrible sorryto hear that
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deadline ahead
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mangaaa i hope they will increase the capacity fast yesterday wa such a pain got the fail whale time in hour
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cpt depression don t do this to me yesterday wa exhausting
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ear size 00 hurt watching chaos theory wonderful movie love it
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loltrish hey long time no see yes rain a bit only a bit lol i m fine thanks how s you
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indiblogger do i neei dotn get any comment and suggestion
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home i really wana sleep but due to wasting my free line in town i have an assignment to finish
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yup i need to start being more independent since im getting my first job and my license all before june this year so doing these small thing will only help me
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seriously need to finish these job application
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lissie sorry just saw the post signed up even before i finished reading lol these guy are gold feel bad for those who paid 00
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twitter woke me up
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ketamine may relieve depression by repairing damaged brain circuit tm amp brain health http t co ija0nrvf9 cognitivefitness aging
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why must i be awake at this untimely hour
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rgdub yes i really wan na go bad but i have to work
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i finally have something to look forward to im starting a garden with my mom and she s putting me in charge of keeping all of the plant healthy im really looking forward to this and i hope this will help me slowly get better
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finished the second research paper of the week it s tuesday kind of kill me test friday
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fardachev reasonablemangh telefootball but we were winning thing it wa just imaginary depression on part of the football they got ole a manager and what did he do worse than moyes
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aripiprazole for some background i m and have diagnosed panic disorder ocd and i m getting an assessment for adhd my psychiatrist also said i have a mood disorder possibly mdd or bipolar she hasn t officially diagnosed me yet i took zoloft for about month it made me incredibly restless even more so than i wa before for of those month i wa taking aripiprazole on the side i noticed zoloft wa helping with my anxiety but not with my depression my main concern is that i recently got taken off the zoloft because it wasn t working i expected to be prescribed a different antidepressant to try but no now i m solely taking aripiprazole do you guy have any experience with aripiprazole i m really scared to be taking it by itself a i wa already going through a hard time where i didn t have any energy and aripiprazole make me more tired which is usually balanced out by zoloft but without zoloft i m scared i ll become a zombie i m also a bit concerned about long term side effect doe anyone know anything about those thank you in advance
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allergy playin up like mad today
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never felt so embarrassed by our fanbase these last few day all clamouring to support jodi when he spoke about his depression barely even mths ago shouting his name when they see him warming up now he s suddenly a drain on the club and doesn t deserve our support funny that
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levenrambin take it easy and be good to you
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kapag nakakapanood ako ng video about mental health depression etc nattrigger pa rin ako naaalala ko yung mga pinagdaanan ko but still kahit yun yung mga darkest moment ng buhay ko grateful pa rin ako na pinagdaanan ko yon
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i just had two people stop following me
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it s snowing again
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i cant bear not being beatiful im a man not girl i just can t i cant begin to process how i myself and be le beatiful im gon na die soon but i havent quiited my job i make good saving each month i have some other bunch of saved money how can i have some clean fun no s x no drug or should i try to help others gift food school supply clothes to those who need it i know i can donate my eyeball and no one will care because my face isnt beatiful beauty of the face is literally what made human conciousness how do i face the use of money since i wont be needing it in old age which ill never reach
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macbatchelor ah won t be at rehearsal tonight we are awaiting the imminent arrival
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morning all it s a grey day in holland come on spring you can do it
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i am i live at home i have a boring low paying job housing is impossible to afford and i m in a long distance queer relationship i have bpd dysthymia cptsd i don t think that my perception of reality is something that i could ever trust i m in therapy i m medicated nothing is really helping since i have relationship destroyer disease obviously my relationship is not doing the best entirely because i can t perceive anything for what it is i self sabotage constantly and i ruin everything i touch nothing feel real and everything feel dependent on whatever is happening in the moment i don t trust myself i will continue to ruin my own happiness for the rest of my life because treatment doesn t fucking help me with this shit ive been doing some ideation thinking about a plan i don t want to die and leave everyone behind but being here is too much for me to do forever i m and it feel like i m 9 i m so tired already and i m so scared i feel so alone i just want it to be over
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i get so many thing done when i m not in a depression episode
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i fear i may go into a depression pit i miss my friend
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is strangely sad about lilo and samro breaking up
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i am a work martyr give me chocolate coffee and sympathy and now my cat s decided she s dying
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m and i did what i wanted to in life grew up poor got an education make ton of money hit the top of ladder in a respect profession and i m not happy i m not rich but money isn t a a big a concern a it used to be i have a job i like sometimes but the reality of it are physically and mentally destroying i have good friend and am finding myself making more a i go but i m miserable completely miserable i wa told that you become successful you work hard and have good moral invest in your friend develop hobby and fulfillment and happiness come a a by product but when in the actual fuck doe this fullfillent and happiness come
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theekween heart break trauma anxiety depression pain of losing a loved one when u have witnessed something traumatic thelmasherbs
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i lost everything lost friend lost the love of my life most painful lost my tooth have a fragile filling lost my youth i keep losing i ruined everything and keep ruining everything i am tired i really want to know my future will i find my place in society and a loving heart or will i die alone miserable and pathetic should i risk and keep living i don t like risking dying seems like a safe option my existence is pathetic i am the worst man alive cowardly and egoistic
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wawaeilicious bdk skrg ni memg kurang didikan agama atau memg dah tak ada agama atau ramai bdk melayu bkn islam cara lain kau tu memg kau boleh decide ke utk matikan diri kau awal benda ni trigger kot utk org yg ada depression hari minta mati tp tau bunuh diri tu dosa ada cara tak dosa
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s geen how i met your mother vandaag
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ha tonsilitis on my birthday
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still no quot follower quot please some inform me on how this work
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seasonal depression session over
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kissability me too i is poor
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rcompo rachel hang outage is neccessary i wa gon na be home this wekend but dumb folk make me work so im free f and sat until
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mileycyrus i guess counting sheep didn t work hope you get some sleep
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chrisgedrim that s it we re over
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i miss sebby peek
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so my wife ha clinical depression she wa diagnosed two year ago and ha actively been taking medication i won t lie it get hard sometimes but i m trying to understand this more and more so that i can maintain my own stability and mental health while helping her when i can anyhow so from an outsider s point of view sometimes it feel like my wife experienced something or doe something and then the depression symptom happen sometimes they boil over and sometimes you go back into therapy to help when i ask she say nothing specifically happened she just doesn t feel good is this common can yo help understand how some of you experience an onset of symptom tl dr trying to understand to be there for my wife
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coffee time wish i had whiskey like cameronreilly
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matthew day yeah at work
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today s episode of quot house quot episode simple explanation wa so heartbreaking
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lyn thanks hun didnt even no he wa going to be on pitty we couldnt see him sing
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i know big love true blood and united state of tara have too long of wait between season
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taitaisanchez omg i know i am so sad
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ad not yet appeared google adsense team said it may delay hr on http womenissues info
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i dont want to hang myself i don t want my parent to find my body i d rather overdose of tsa antidepressant and other sleeping med i just want to take a whole bunch get in my car and then idk drive south until i get to the border or something go east to louisiana i don t know would my psychiatrist lose their job
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i return to work after a year of sitting at home with depression in this year i had to have a prosthesis put in my shoulder i am year old because of my past and depression my relationship with my colleague have diluted i ve said and done some bad thing that i couldn t help myself i wa just exhausted i realize that it is also difficult and strange for them but for me it is really difficult i still have anxiety attack daily with two teenager in the house the stress is certainly not gone due to stress i lost my hearing on my right side i got meniere s disease because of it i am sorry that there is no understanding for my situation now i had to have an ultrasound of my shoulder and it turn out that i have calcification it will probably need surgery again which i certainly don t like this would be the th time it s the first time i ve posted something like this anywhere on the internet i just had to write it off i really don t feel accepted in this world it s really difficult thanks for taking the time to read this
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nhsuk the issue with this a a formerly obese person is the jolly fat folk persona i wasn t amp all those i know amp help are not happy being fat it is a myth put out by the food industry suggesting we are happy being metabolically unhealthy the depression caused is astronomical
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ohonefourthree this is me word for word my stomach is all fucked up suck
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i am layin in bed am co my tummy is beatboxn so bd so i hd wake up can t eat unburnable calorie nt gd for my quot ab quot i am hungry
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waiting for my love to get home and getting sad that there won t be hot cross bun after next week
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everyone is saying i wa abusive i wasn t i genuinely felt like jumping off a cliff and would of if a friend wasn t there
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new video card is doa
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sianllewellyn ive txt you this morning
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shedfire mrsshedfire been taking picture of you without your shirt bleeeech
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mizzzidc move the fuck out of yr mother house she cant be getting disrespected in her own house bcoz of a pair sneaker dont play the depression card u are gng to be really depressed wen she kick u out
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i m just wondering if anyone ha experienced people in healthcare disbelieving how depressed you are because you have a job i hold a very low level easy work from home job i m sure if i wasn t depressed i d be able to do a much higher level job but my current job is not demanding at all and honestly there are day when i cry for the entire day however i ve had psychiatrist downplay how depressed i am because i have a job at all i wish i didn t have to work but i d become homeless pretty quickly so it s not like i really have a choice i just find it frustrating because some of these doctor aren t prioritizing getting me access to the help i need because of their bias ha anyone else had this kind of experience
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lennartspion finally overall mental state matter a lot when i wa at the worst of my depression writing my phd thesis it just made me sleepy no matter what work way better now im in a stable job with manageable project
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up since 00 going to be a looooong day
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so rylee grace wana go steve s party or not sadly since it easter i wnt b able do much but ohh well
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disobedientgirl wonderful i ll be slogging at 9 you get up at 9 eh
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hour laying down on a flattened bean bag ftl
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feel like she slept the day away not looking forward to any more bout with my gallbladder at least i have pill now for the pain
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i fell tired i want to sleep but im almost done with some work and i need to go to the bathroom
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im up guy lloll
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off to the doctor s today emily ha a rash which look like the measles
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