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why is it raining tomorrow night after it wa sooo nice today guess i should be thankful that i wa able to enjoy it at least
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back to work i get to spend the next hour alone in the dispatch room
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kijuto em ng t h s ng gt h tr a d y n c m n xong ng ti p n t n b y gi m m t m m t
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linda james im not a morning person never have been prefer the night
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amelia torode have fun shopping but bear in mind the horrible forex truth http bit ly khbn
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two nfts worth 0k now worth 00 i m slowing sliding into depression
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school work boring working on a business law paper right now can t wait till i m done hopefully tomorrow grrrr
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brian armstrong what a pity youtube is currently blocked in china i can t see the vids
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riskyrevenge wait what sick
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thecoolestout ha the sun s already gone
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my man crush jake peavy let me down gayforpeavy
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ugh why did my mum wake me up so early geesh i need sleep and princessnadys there is noth awww
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i m yo female i just graduated in november and been diagnosed with depression and anxiety i always thought graduating wa great cause i always wanted to start a career and i can finally be a real adult plus my symptom were getting better and my shrink decided that i don t need med anymore shortly after i graduated i got a job were i basically create tiktok video for a company i thought i would enjoy this because i do really like being creative but they asked for too much video in a day with great quality not just simple tiktok type video and i had to basically do everything alone it took the joy out of something i truly passionate about plus they didn t pay me enough so i had to quit then i got a c job for a hosting company that pay well plus i can work from home which is a huge plus i thought it wa okay but oh no they didn t train u well to handle customes with their technical issue and i don t have a tech stem background and the workload wa scary for a fresh graduate even one of my co worker who had a computer science degree quit at the second day of the job i tried to suck it up but it worsen my depression and anxiety symptom that were practically gone were coming back to me i cried everyday because i keep thinking i m stupid and inadequate one day i had a panic attack in the middle of my shift and i decided that it wasn t worth it anymore so i quit not working wa so freeing but gave ne anxiety and depression a well because i see so many of my peer already starting their career and they seem to be able to suck it up so i had to apply for a new job tomorrow wa my first day and my last job really traumatized me i cried thinking that i would feel like that again feeling trapped again inadequate and stupid and just overall feel like shit plus thinking that we all have to do this for practically the rest of our life is fucking scary do you have any suggestion or anything you can say
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have the perfect combo of cash and depression to go for an absurdly long tattoo session tomorrow sorry to my artist
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where the magic happens every month lol sophia did a terrific job a usual what am i gon na have for dinner http twitpic com y bz
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ha anyone been prescribed mirtazapine or other alpha receptor antagonist to treat their anxiety i would prefer not to use start with ssri s what wa you experience
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pilvlp my luck i d probably get stopped by a cop or something stupid
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time to get me as in gear and start the day
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area nightclub making out of the bewilldered uni student who have arrived home while the poor folk like me have to struggle on
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study history of music bored help me please
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im a year old guy in highschool i suffer from bipolar depression and have been addicted to painkiller before and went through rehab during my freshman year during my addiction i had a girlfriend and we decided to go to a dance together she didn t show up my first reaction wa to not worry but all my friend had their date and we re having fun i immediately went into a panic and took too many pill i overdosed and almost died i decided to break up with my girlfriend after the incident and felt it wa best we moved on now i m a junior the first year i m allowed to go to prom and i don t wan na go i m single this year and all my friend have date and are probably going to have fun i don t think i will enjoy myself i don t want to relive a traumatic experience that nearly killed me my parent want me to go because they feel it is really important and will show my emotional growth they say that me going will make them happy and called me selfish when i said i wasn t going my dad keep telling me that i m going and that i need to look for a suit and stuff pretending like nothing is wrong my mom is telling me that i m selfish for not going and that it would make them happy if i would go i don t know what to do can i get some advice
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i feel rlly bad rn i wan na cry but i can t i wish i could cry but i feel so numb and distant like a robot all i can really do is lie down while a few drop fall from my eye i wish i could cry my heart out and let it all out im so tired i hate myself so much
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i m having a severe anxiety episode right now i can t focus i feel like i m going crazy and like i m going to pas out please help
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it s been over two year since i had a real suicidal drive and made a plan to kill myself it is coming back i file like at the drop of a hat the most important person in my life my great and sweet girlfriend might not care about me anymore she know she ha to go to therapy to manage her strong emotion and to sort out many thing inside of her but every time we re close to getting help she back down it s been really hard on me i feel really worthless i feel like the only way to help is to stop being a nuisance the feeling of dread and misery is returning and it s tough i know this is fucking stupid and minor anyone active here and reading this probably ha real problem and maybe i should go vent somewhere else but i m just scared that the thought are coming back that those scary dark thought are actually back in my head
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observe amp report wa premiering at the chinese theater i wa driving by slowly but only saw the reporter amp red carpet no star
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cant sleep but im still feelin like a piece of shit
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clairerichard all of em
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ok so this neusea thing ha slowly started to ruin my life i have just recently realised it might be anxiety it started when i wa about every time when i went to a sleepover close to the bedtime i started feeling sick cant remember more since it wa so long timeago it still continues today year later i can not stay the night at anyone el place or have anyone stay over at mine when the night fall and we are supposed to be relaxing i start shaking dont want to be touched or spoken to i feel like i could throw up anytime i feel my muscle tensing up when i notice it i breathe out and i feel relaxed for few second until i remember the other person presense and i start shaking again playing videogames or going outside help a bit now i have a boyfriend and he would really wan na spend the night together but i just cant do it we tried i started feeling really sick and then he left and now i feel bad everytime i see him sometimes when ive been alone i wake up middle of the night feeling sick shaking everytime i try to continue sleeping i see flash of food and sometimes if my house smell like food a bit it get overwhelming i go to sit to my toilet for hour barely staying awake sipping water sometimes i throw up and it help sometimes i just end up sleeping while sitting it is terrible and i hate this so so much i dont wan na break up with my boyfriend because of this but he is gon na lose his patience soon p i think i have emetofobia aswell edit ive been officially diagnosed with depression amp anxiety and ive never told these symptom to my old psychologist i thought it wa dumb
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it all started a couple year ago when i wa about to start a new job i wa lucky and bet that the stock market would go down with the few thousand dollar i made from my internship of course this wa when covid wa just hitting so i became hugely profitable from only a couple thousand dollar to m in value in only a month thinking back on it i wa crazy reckless i made my first million and then le than a week later i made my second million i wa feeling incredible thought i could retire and never have to work again but like all gambler i kept putting my money in trying to make more and more of course with the risk i wa taking eventually it would all come crashing down fast forward today i m now k in debt plus another 0k in student loan on the surface my friend think i m hugely successful because i flexed i made m to them didn t spend a dime though just kept trying to make more and more i also make 00k a year 00k salary with the rest a a one time bonus but only have in my bank account currently i no longer play in the stock market but have recently been doing sport gambling of course i keep losing money on that there are time that i go on a nice streak but it s like every time i lose i keep trying to make back my loss which make me do even dumber play i m not sure what i m expecting by writing this but i feel so embarrassed to tell the people i m close with my girlfriend of multiple year know that i no longer have a lot of money but don t know i m in debt my parent are super supportive but i m too embarrassed to tell them how bad my situation is i guess that s why i m writing to a bunch of stranger online i know my pursuit of trying to make back my money is wrong but i can t stop trying to get out of debt i feel so dumb it s like i see a rock in front of me but i keep on tripping over it it feel like i m slowly unraveling and feeling incredibly hopeless i can t sleep thinking about how my life ha gone downhill in such a short period of time my younger self would be straight up embarrassed if he could see me now i don t have suicidal thought yet but no longer feel the same motivation in life that i used to if only i never made that money in the first place
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theekween vhulivhadza help those who suffer from depression anxiety heart break or have witnessed something traumatic thelmasherbs
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pistachenoire laurent brevesdepresse on ne trouve pa le plein emploi en for ant le gen bosser il n y arrivera pa avec s mesures il va gagner de en d arr t maladie d pression pour contourner le syst me on pourrait arriver au plein emploi en am liorant par exemple le condition de travail
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fact you take supplement for depression too lol
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this thread it s i don t know what i d do without it i m rarely ever on reddit and when i am i m on it for this i m on it because i m so overwhelmed by by everything and i m too scared or ashamed or or just so fucking tired to go to family friend my fucking partner to walk them through what i m feeling and how how it s not how it s not how it is how it is there s no reason it just happens it just happens it just happens and here r depression here here i feel safe and whenever i have a breakdown i come here to rant to feel to collect my thought even if no one read even if people do it s here i go to rant anonymously often drunk on alcohol sometimes but often drunk on emotion here is where i feel safe where i can be not who i am irl but an anonymous eddingsaurus rex amp x 00b it s okay had a bad day hand are bruised from breaking rock all day amp x 00b fuck depression fuck this fuck this feeling i hate myself i hate this i hate this so much i can t and it s working hour for fuck sake it s working hour i m supposed to be prodcitive ficmk this kyuck this shit
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is it okay stay up all night and and fall asleep at around am and then sleep all day long and then literally force yourself out of bed to do office work
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someone pls tell me how to get over this i m currently nearly so i ve known this guy for year met him early 0 9 i know this sound stupid af but i met him online on minecraft when i wa nearly so i wa and at that time my sister had attempted suicide multiple time i had no friend at school and didn t go outside for week it wa school summer holiday i spent all my time playing minecraft with him on call and would message him all night when i wasn t playing the game he s also american and i m british went back to school and had like friend and carried on talking to him he started to like me and told me that but i literally did not like him at all and wanted to just be friend a i thought dating online wa weird anyway we ended up stopping talking a i moved on with my life made more friend at school and started being a normal teen with a normal life boy etc probably around early 0 0 i started talking to him again a i messaged him on instagram we spoke for a day then wouldn t talk for or so and this went on for a few month then we stopped talking completely novemeber 0 0 i dropped out on school in year 0 due to mental health issue and wa really at my lowest point i started talking to him again btw i barely remember anything from 0 0 bc i think my mental health just f cked up my brain we spoke for hour every night and day i m just adding that he s hispanic he skate his voice is so nice and he s literally my entire type anyway we talked and talked and we both fell in love he made me feel like a person he made me feel like everything i felt like nothing for so long and like i didn t belong and nothing made me happy and he just fixed everything me being me i would cause argument with him when he didn t reply within like 0 minute which ik wa so wrong of me to do i ruined everything by just keep going on at him for being dry etc because i wa so scared he would fall out of love with me he started being distant with me and talking to me le and not being like he used to be it really upset me what i mean by that is i would not eat i would not sleep i would stalk everything he wa doing i ended up getting blocked by him on absolutely everything even spotify it ruined me i made new account to get unblocked and the whole talking for age him being dry getting blocked repeated about time up until now he doesn t love me anymore he told me he wa all i ever wanted in a person last time i wa blocked it wa for about month life wa pointless without him he s just some guy online who could be doing whatever and i wouldn t know because i live thousand of mile from him but i love him i don t know why but i have this obsession with him i don t even think it s love anymore he is on my mind with no exaggeration everytime someone mention his name i smile and get butterfly i don t want to be here anymore if he isn t in my life his mood affect my mood i m currently still talking to him but he s dry which make me feel so depressed sometimes i think he ha a love spell on me or some shit he changed he used to be so nice and innocent then he went to high school and smoke weed and talk differently and treat me like i m just there like i m not a person anyway when i m talking to him and he s dry i don t want to talk to him anymore when i don t talk to him i want to literally die it s a cycle i m never going to get out of please don t tell me to meet someone new because i ve already tried that i started meeting guy to try and get over him but he s always in my head with everything i do he s already in my mind and i can never let him go he doesn t care if i don t talk to him anymore he s only staying because he probably feel like he ha to no one else can compare to him i don t know why i m like this and i hate myself for it i hate myself and he s the only one to make it okay pls help i know i m young but it s messing with my head
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i purchased a helium tank just waiting for it to come i don t feel sad anymore just peaceful and ready for an exit
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i feel a if life is winning i simply dont want to be here anymore i cant tell if im loved by my parent because it certainly doesnt feel like it i feel like they just use me a a maid and thats just how ive been taught since i wa younger so there not and reason to think that im unable to every week feel the same monday friday is homework with study group and im struggling in class because i cant remember shit it not that i dont pay attention in class it that i am mentally unable to rememebr shit i know back in high school i never had the problem then two year of covid hit and now im aa dumb a rock in a engineering major ive wanted to switch so many time every semester but each time someone talk me out of it ive told my parent twoce already but they insist that i finish school before trying to learn other thing i cant tell if my girlfriend love me anymore after the argument we had a week or two ago about me playing clash of clan and not giving her attention even though i feel like im doing everything i can to give her attention i cant sleep anymore and i just find myself staying up late and repeating the cycle it not like im not trying to better myself either i go to the gym with my friend at school and ive been doing it for week now i just thought it would help me get into the right mindset and help me focus more on school and maybe bring me out of this year depressive episode ive been in since covid started but nothing ive done work now im afraid that i have been pushing my gf and my close friend away and i just want to end it all i just want to jump off a bridge into oncoming traffic where i will have no chance of recovering i just want to go so badly but i cant im trapped not by others but by myself cry doesnt make me le of a man right
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so tired but can t sleep
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you can be a guy or girl just make sure your an adult that s 0 year old and up just trying to make friend i legit haven t had a friend in year i do get depressed from time to time but i m currently not that much i don t have the gut to end it because i fear the unknown but i m here and gon na continue to do good in life for my own happiness any like minded people i can talk to lmk i m here to listen just don t be crazy
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http twitpic com y i miss thiss
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a little over a month ago i wa over at a friend s house and got to drinking pretty heavily over the night that i spent a his place every so often he would take the bottle away from me and temporarily and hide because he had the impression that i downing a full bottle of liquor at a dangerously fast pace for whatever neurotic reason the idea became supplanted in my head that he wa trying to intentionally hide it away from me so he could spike the bottle with a finely powdered lead in order to cause me to ingest large amount of a neurotoxic chemical to produce measurable brain damage surely this isn t likely whatsoever right it s all i ve been able to ob and ruminate over for well over a month now i could elaborate on a million different pattern and detail and inform you of the interpersonal context between the both of u but then i feel like i d be trying to create and extract a specific response out of people these are the bare bone and objective happening of the night in mention i ve even seen a doctor about trying to get tested for possible acute lead exposure and hinted towards psychological deterioration on a quantifiable level my intuition tell me that my saboteur had successfully managed to reduce my iq by several point and inflict a speech impediment issue which involves a portmanteau synthesis between word in my inner dialogue the way that it wa explained to me from a team of professional who discussed my case wa that because i m an adult it s much harder for a single instance of lead exposure ingestion to be absorbed or produce any perceptible effect or cross the blood brain barrier due to a lack of iron deficiency and binding capacity to red blood cell ergo a test would not be necessary or productive in my case however i can t shake the idea out of my mind i can t dissolve it or even compartmentalize it a i navigate through the day it s escalated to the point where it s infected every part of my conscious thinking and convinced me that i m no longer capable of achieving any of the goal i ve set for myself with my newfound profound disability that are only noticeable to me surely this is something so asinine so comically absurd that the idea should be laughed at the point of it conception why can t i disentangle the idea from my head it s put me into a state of complete inaction i m too paranoid to engage in any socially or mentally stimulating activity because i m terrified that the sting of observing my cognitive deficit in real time will manifest and i won t be able to articulate myself to anyone or anything for the rest of my life and the stuttering habit i never had that issue before never have i ever possessed an affinity for transposing syllable or stating sentence in incorreclty disjointed sequence i used to write quite frequently before this and conversely i feel an all consuming negation of my emotional affectivity and spontaneity my thought aren t being organically generated and i feel a if i have to strain to think of anything lucid or insightful is it natural to feel like your thought have been utterly attenuated and obliterated with anxiety is it normal to feel a if time is accelerating itself faster than your consciousness can adapt to it progression is it natural to feel former part of your identity and desire to become increasingly disfigured obscured and foreign to yourself the aforementioned friend that i spoke of no longer talk to me a we had a falling out with one another over a relationship that wa rife with gaslighting think of the breadcrumbing tactic some narcissist employ maybe that spurred the main causal effect for why i m patternizing my memory in the way that i am but pouring granulated lead into my liquor without me noticing or it producing any physiological effect that s laughable right
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staying at a friend house house sitting neighbor are so loud having a party
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i don t understand i got the dream girl and i m doing so good why do i still want to die why doe it still seem so appealing
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anyone else with this fear i can t go outside when it s dark i get panic attack thinking everyone is out to get me i also have a fear of getting killed by previous boyfriend friend and fear they will break into my house it make it hard to look into the future thinking everyday is the last
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is stuck in traffic
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sloanb got it sadly only work for uk amp u at the moment
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mir every single morning i feel sick
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but how many people more realistically have a debilitating mental illness
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hasnt done any work oh well
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ohdatsbeezy don t mind at all behind on my follows
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english revision class
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sittin here w kayla i really really reallly dis like having a brother he doesn t know when to stop i m waiting for the day when one of
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have a ouchy head which is making me feel sicky
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been on fluoxetine for year but anyway there seems to be some stupid national shortage and i m just constantly having to wait extra week for my med and missing out so i m just gon na come off them i don t think they help anyhow so the plan is to take one every other day for two week then one every day for a week then one every four day for a long a they last doe that sound like i could avoid withdrawal
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bipolarblogger well i ve been lied to that i am not ill biologically simple blood test proved them wrong telling me i m just mad and mentally ill or having motivation issue due to bipolar depression or irritability doesn t raise my thyroid hormone or help with bodily inflammation due
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haha not even yo i just didn t know how to do that thang to you on twitter haha
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f it s currently am and i m cry like every other night i seriously don t wan na go tomorrow i say this every day i hate it there i hate it so fucking much got so many absents this year i m pretty sure i ve missed a whole month at this point i at least get to see my friend for 0 minute during break but that s pretty much all that s good about school right now so i m thankful for them i can t stand one more second of sitting in class trying to pay attention like a if nothing is wrong with me i also absolutely hate the subject i take they don t teach what i want art so i m stuck with boring as lesson i don t give a shit about we have or more test every fucking week and i m so sick of it how the fuck am i supposed to study when i can t even get out of bed and do basic task this school doesn t give a shit about mental health well in their advertisement they do so but that s all for show i feel really guilty for even feeling this way because there s literally nothing wrong with my life i have a good family good friend in a safe country and am in a financially stable household don t get me wrong i am completely grateful for all these thing yet i m so depressed and nihilistic thinking about my future university work etc make me sick i can t comprehend living past i would ve killed myself long ago if it wasn t for the damage it would ve done to my family i m taking international a level so the workload is pretty brutal high school is a very small part of my life so i just need to be patient and get it over with i just have one more year left but it sound way easier said than done seriously feel like like i m over complicating my situation which is 00 the case because i always do this i m still so young none of this is gon na matter in the future wish i could just take the depression a well a the anxiety that make me overthink out of my brain like a if it wa a physical thing then all these negative thought and the anxiety i feel every second of every day would be gone sorry for the long as rant literally nobody is going to read this
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good morning i m off to the hospital with my dad to spend basically all day in the waiting room just for a two minute app fun fun fun
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fuck antidepressant all i want is a hug i know a hug will make me feel so good right now that s it that s my cent
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i just wanted to put it out there for after the fact
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jpfurry poor john this is what happens when you play with fruit and a microwave seriously though have you seen a doctor xxx
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for anyone who s contacted the suicide help hotline ha it actually helped i don t think i ll make past this week although i have friend here for me and therapy i ve written all my goodbye and i m ready to do the deed a i ve got nothing left to lose any input is helpful
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mother depression arc
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heidimontag why do you put up with him you should listen to your mom
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i ve never hated anything this much in my entire life i m stressed out i m so stressed out i m constantly stressed out i m tired of cry every day over school i m tired of being left out by people i thought were my friend everything is so difficult and i want to die i genuinely want to die this is too much it s too much and i m only in freshman year i m only life is only going to get harder from here on and if i m already like this i don t even want to see what s in store for me life suck school suck i want to shove a knife into my head
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working at home
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i d like to know why i never sleep
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celycarmo i m sorry i don t understand your last comment
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getting ill and very fed up with how thing have turned out
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think im an insomniac i just cant sleep birthday in day oh yay
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nach jahren die ich mit einem narzissten einem mann dem alles egal war und jemandem mit depression verbracht habe wird mir immer klarer da ich absolut keine vorstellung davon habe wie eine sichere vertrauens und liebevolle beziehung eigentlich aussehen sollte
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tony ha changed so much why did he have to change
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throat is so raw she can not sleep
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carvin lol they are some emotional as men omg all this late night eating both of u are broke
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miss kabalin hate me
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there s a very thin line between lack of money and depression
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glamgirlgargiee beleg bur or bhal hoisiii o exam huni huni moi depression t gusi goisiiii
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i had to take my dad off life support in september my mom almost died my mom ha abandoned me more time than i can count her and her bf of 0 year and a few other relative have been so abusive to me i m on disability and i m trying to find my first job at i get interview but no job yet i really only have one friend but i think he s trying to distance himself from me i m trying to save up for a car so i can drive to work when i get a job all of this is stressful i ve always felt like a bird in a tiny cage with it wing clipped my depression is coming back and i have a habit of isolating myself from all communication and i m feeling the urge to do it again i need advice on so many thing how to improve life how to manage my depression and mental stuff all advice welcome
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uh oh i think i am getting sick
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gmb ive just retired ive had nothing from the budget but gosh how in such a time of depression war and these time we are all in a terrible time cut the cloth the nh need help i think he is trying to help what do you want money around the world is the same it sad
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jee 0 90 9 sathiyama mudiyala bro day by day romba toxic ah poguthu namakum mentally depression aaguthu
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alejandralei i dont think i can cause it my cousin birthday party
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not feeling v good abt myself
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i believe it s a psychosomatic symptom in my arm but what s it called when you overthink about a limb and hyperfocus on it it feel weird like nothing actually wrong but it s a constant focus because you re thinking about it it s like if you overthink about a word it start to sound weird i hope that make sense i m not really sure how to refocus my attention off of my left hand feeling uncoordinated when it s not but it feel like it is like i m hyper aware my left hand exists and i know that sound so silly but any insight on how to stop this or redirect my thinking i don t feel like being in this rut any longer
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beththepq your blog won t let me comment again
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soluna is slower than accord
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t wolfe i miss u too i m totally comin back tho lastnight wa sooooooo much fun
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missed the train to york no wifi and blackberry battery is going to die soon not a good start to the day
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martingommel f hle so mit dir beim einschlafen immer flashback nachts manchmal panikattacken und beim aufwachen wieder nen flashback wa mir geholfen hat war eine psychotherapie mit traumatherapie inhalten dadurch ist e zumindest am tag besser geworden die chronische depression
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i miss jesus i miss the warmth warmth of the graspclasped onto me with both handsholy hand holding hand hold my handi remember i surrender to falsity and ill conceived connotation taught to believe misinformation that my purpose wa purposeful but it s all for man s profitand the only true prophet is the soothsayerand the soothsayer is an entity of many layersa coterie educates on blanket of misconceptionblanket me so i ll be warm full and fret freedisrobe me so i ll be broken open and emptyall i take is blue pill to calm mebut all i really intake is falsitythese line are just stanza so do a you willlife demand a mind of stabilitynot insanity but insane is written all over meso take your fake pill and snort up these linesor waste it all get ill and snort white lineswhite lie won t kill right get wasted don t wake up just wait for you to fucking taste itit s never enoughtake your blind pleasure freedom and delight it your birthrightfree will do a you willbut think twice before they put you on the spotlight because once they have you chained up you convert into a cenobite with no change you secure your own chainsand if you re unbothered call me deranged may a well fasten the rope and stay restrained no one s going to save you except the latter so choose a life of false glamour or have it shatterthe pain is worth itonce you re open you can truly observe it unlearn it be free from the cage or stay locked in and fall into the greyits all a fucking rat race
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my anxiety come with irritability avoidance of others impatience low frustration tolerance sleep issue restlessness and all sort of strange worry but the thing that really annoys the fuck out of me is the constant tight feeling in my head neck and chest anyone else feel this way
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at work plus im sick blah
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willadam i treated myself to that latte after the appointment which wa horrible i need to have my wisdom teeth surgically removed
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im so tired of being alive and experiencing thing in general nothing is fun i suffer non stop and i feel like people that try to get rid of me are following me what s the point to live when i m only going to encounter these people everywhere and work a hour job just to go home and sleep i feel like the only reason people want me to stay alive is so that i can be put to use for them i have 00g of sn and antiemetic maybe i will put them to use tomorrow sometimes i wish i could just hire a killer to do the job for me
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none of this shit matter where is all this effort and energy going i feel so bad and guilty because i feel i m a low life because i don t want to contribute to society it s a never ending cycle of bullshit i do not want to get married or have any kid because that s unnecessary work fuckkkk
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jess t they have diff camp gahh they re all rural though woga woga and bathurst but they re the best advertising
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so usually night time is the one time of day where i feel almost entirely anxiety free but over the last month or so i ve been having very strong anxiety when going to bed and not in an overthinking kind of way my irrational childish fear about demon and monster have been crawling back in my mind for the first time in year and i have absolutely no idea why i can t stop thinking of horrible scenario that have to do with freaky thing in general and i feel mentally attacked by negativity that i haven t really felt before i m certain it s just a phase but i m still curious if anyone might have an idea to any simple psychological factor or cause i don t watch horror film i don t take any anxiety inducing medication i ve had no recent trauma or past trauma that hasn t been dealt with and i have been trying and succeeding at not worrying too much about what s going on in the world
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theekween depression anxiety loss of love one heartbreak trauma thelmasherbs
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now i have to do my stupid italian homework
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art is a universal language art is a catharsis for me panting helped me out of depression latifa stopped painting when she left syria but used it a a way to deal with the struggle of displacement in lebanon now she teach others and sell her painting http t co viijhh ubc
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