1 value
### Human: Yep. Which is what you were wanting?
### Assistant: Yeah.
### Assistant:
### Human: Yep, 50/50.
### Assistant: Until our birthday where we could figure out-- because at 16, the courts say that if we were to get our-- so we've got the 50/50, but we don't want to do it anymore, and Mum wants to take that to court and it doesn't exactly get looked at because they think it's a waste of time because we're old enough to make decisions like that, so unless how we're feeling, we can sort of flip between houses whenever we want. I think that's one thing though. I have to really speak with Dad abou
### Assistant:
### Human: No, you can take it off if you like, keep it on if you want.
### Assistant: Feeling just talking to you, it's sort of like a--
### Assistant:
### Human: At that level.
### Assistant: So yeah, I have to speak about Dad about that. He's got a bit more understanding than I do, and he and I--
### Assistant:
### Human: When does that come into play?
### Assistant: I have no idea. I know that Dad and Mum had it just them, having a conversation with him about it. They went back after we'd gone because it was just us four and then it was just Mum and Dad that wanted to come back-- wanted Mum and Dad to come back and speak about that, so I wasn't-- it comes into play. I think, again, I have to speak to Dad, Dad's got a bit more understanding. Mum doesn't like to speak about that stuff because she reckons it's just between her and Dad, but it invo
### Assistant:
### Human: And you said you and I? I interrupted you. You were about to say something.
### Assistant: Oh, and you and I are on the exact same page.
### Assistant:
### Human: Great.
### Assistant: In fact, whatever we do, we decided it'd be us two figuring it out, so it wasn't really what I wanted to do and what i wanted to do, we sort of found out stuff. And at the moment, what you and I want to do is sort of the exact same thing.
### Assistant:
### Human: And what is you both want to do?
### Assistant: Well, we both want to have half and half and in January we were going to speak with Dad, mum and I, and then end up speaking to Mum about it, just us four about it and figuring out what we can do, so whether or not we spend more time with Dad or we want to keep the half and half if it works out well. Then we can go on from there or we wanted to spend all the time with Dad and spend a weekend with Mum, which is what was originally-- but we'd only see Dad for a weekend. So that's what w
### Assistant:
### Human: Yep. What do you think that's about that she doesn't take the--
### Assistant: The fact that we don't want to be around her as much. That's the thing she finds hard to understand.
### Assistant:
### Human: And what's that about for you that you don't want to be-- refresh my memory from--
### Assistant: Ah, she's just-- she doesn't really hide her emotions very well, so if something happened, nothing to do with us, she'd come home crappy, and that sort of made it hard for us because we'd get home and she'd get home, and we'd be up on the computer or something, we'd be on our phones, that sort of thing, and she'd immediately come home and start getting us to do stuff. As soon as she walked through the door, there'd always be something wrong in what we were doing or what we'd had done or we h
### Assistant:
### Human: What not done. Yep.
### Assistant: Yeah. And yeah, it was just sort of that side of things were hard and the fact that she-- I don't know if she's getting better or she's trying to, but she really likes to not hint that she's taking it-- because what angry she gets or take it out somewhere else, the fact she's hinting to take it out at Dad, but not really saying it. Because she says, "I'll take it out on someone else that deserves it," or that sort of stuff.
### Assistant:
### Human: You get angry at Mum when she says take it out on someone-- does she?
### Assistant: Yeah, I get angry at Mum and she says, "Go save it for somewhere else," or "Go take it out on someone else." That sort of thing. The fact that she's hinting towards Dad-- well, that's my understanding, like she's aiming at that, might not be. And the fact that she doesn't accept the fact that when we're angry at her, we're angry at her. She doesn't believe that we're angry at her, so that sort of thing, it's sort of hard to take. And we sort of spoke to the psychiatrist guy that Mum and Dad
### Assistant:
### Human: That's great you were able to say that. Because that would've been really hard to go, "Hey, this is where I'm feeling," so that Mum knows where you're at so you can find that middle ground.
### Assistant: Yeah. And again, she didn't take it very well.
### Assistant:
### Human: What do you mean by that, she didn't take it very well?
### Assistant: The fact that we don't want to be with her because she's hard to live with, the fact that she's constantly barking orders at us, and the fact that we're angry at her. She doesn't like to believe that we are. She sort of saw that as the fact that she's not doing any of that, which is what she normally does. So it's sort of what was going on. I think it was after we got back.
### Assistant:
### Human: And when did you get back? Last--
### Assistant: We got back from Vanuatu Sunday last week.
### Assistant:
### Human: Sunday last week, yep.
### Assistant: And we got back from Thailand weeks ago. Back on a Saturday. Yeah, about three weeks ago. Three weeks ago we got back from Thailand, we had a week of school, and then we went and had-- and got back. Which is what I thought it was, which was we had a week of school and then we had Vanuatu thing with the school, sorry.
### Assistant:
### Human: Yep, that's what you said it was going to be was three weeks, a week--
### Assistant: It's going to be a week of school, and then we go--
### Assistant:
### Human: And then school holidays, yep.
### Assistant: And then we'd go and then we'd be-- the first week of school holidays would be in-- yeah, would be in our-- yeah, we'd be in Vanuatu the first week of school holidays, and then we'd come back and we'd have another week of school holidays and two days.
### Assistant:
### Human: Yep. So you're not at school today?
### Assistant: No.
### Assistant:
### Human: Oh, you still got it off?
### Assistant: Yeah, we've had-- we go back to school Wednesday starting third term.
### Assistant:
### Human: And you were telling me, I remember, the last time going, "It's two days and I started Wednesday one term, that you started a Tuesday another term," and weren't sure which term it was.
### Assistant: Yeah.
### Assistant:
### Human: Hence, why you're not in your sports uniform today.
### Assistant: Yeah. Yeah, because I would be in sports uniform today. Yeah, so that's what-- yeah, so we go back to school tomorrow. So we had Monday off as well, which is good.
### Assistant:
### Human: How're you feeling about going back?
### Assistant: I'm sort of a bit happier.
### Assistant:
### Human: Yep.
### Assistant: Still sort of half and half, but yeah, a lot happier of the fact to get back into the swing of things and get back into school.
### Assistant:
### Human: Yeah. And are you okay with that at the moment?
### Assistant: Yeah, at the moment. Sort of half and half. Still looking at going back, but yeah, sort of happy to be there at the moment. At least for the fact that you know. If the friends that I have, our religion side of things, we don't have to--
### Assistant:
### Human: You're not too keen on the religion?
### Assistant: No. That we don't have to do it and we weren't going to move until the end of the year anyways, and we don't have to do it for year 11 and 12, and it's only up to year 10, so that sort of is also-- I did better as well.
### Assistant:
### Human: What is it about the religion thing that you don't like?
### Assistant: I don't believe in God and that sort of stuff, so it's a bit uncomfortable because of the fact that it's so-- that's them as a school, so.
### Assistant:
### Human: That would be different to the way it would work.
### Assistant: Yeah. So that was good to find out the fact that I don't have to do it for year 11 and 12, which is good, so.
### Assistant:
### Human: That changed your way of thinking a bit too?
### Assistant: Yeah. Whether or not I wanted to stay at the school or that sort of thing.
### Assistant:
### Human: So you're 50/50 at the moment, but it's okay.
### Assistant: It's okay to be here at the moment I think.
### Assistant:
### Human: Yep. That's good to hear because last time it was really tricky and you were really not liking school because of the friendships. It sounds like meeting someone new that you click with more has made it a bit more comfortable at the school.
### Assistant: Yeah, yeah. And a few other people that I would never thought of even talking to.
### Assistant:
### Human: What made you choose-- what happened that you started talking to them?
### Assistant: Because it's the sort of thing that you're just talking to them for two weeks and you're in groups with them.
### Assistant:
### Human: Aw, so this was from Vanuatu?
### Assistant: Yeah. So I found that easier.
### Assistant:
### Human: Yep. So it sounds like going to Vanuatu's had a big impact?
### Assistant: Yeah. I thought I would be sitting there alone, speak to no one, and that one person that I really knew and a few other people that I'd spoken to a few times. Yeah, it was only us four boys and the rest were girls, and we split into 11 kids, so.
### Assistant:
### Human: Is that four boys, including me?
### Assistant: No, we were split up into groups.
### Assistant:
### Human: You were split up, yep.
### Assistant: So there was four boys and there was 11, so there was six girls, 11 kids. So 22 kids, and then they split them up, I think. So yeah, the majority of them were girls. There were hardly any boys, but it didn't really matter and you sort of found-- yeah, other people to talk to that were all right, so that was good.
### Assistant:
### Human: That's good to hear. And what would you like to focus on in counseling? We had a few goals from last time when we spoke, but I was wondering if anything's changed or if it's similar stuff you want to work on?
### Assistant: Not really. Not really anything's changed.
### Assistant:
### Human: Do you want me to spark your memory of what we had written down as the goals? Would that help?
### Assistant: Yeah.
### Assistant:
### Human: We had you wanted to improve your sleep, manage your time better, and dealing with problems better, in particular, communicating with Mum. Are they still similar, or something you think is going okay that's not really a goal anymore? I don't--
### Assistant: Improving sleep, don't need to focus on at the moment. I'm really tired from being away for so long. Going back on planes, so I've been getting to sleep a bit easier.
### Assistant:
### Human: Right. Sleep's easier. You said that when you're physically tired, you sleep better?
### Assistant: Yeah.
### Assistant:
### Human: I had, I think-- we had written down that one-- the back of that on a different one, but you're saying-- are you still seeing the blurs? Is that still happening?
### Assistant: Yeah. I've been normally getting to sleep at around about 11:00, 12:00 now.
### Assistant:
### Human: 11:00, 12:00. And has it been hard to fall asleep, or you're able to?
### Assistant: I'm able to because I sort of sit down on bed and I can't keep my eyes open. I just sort of relax a bit and then that's it.
### Assistant:
### Human: What's that that you relax a bit, because that's something you previously said has been really hard to relax. What--
### Assistant: If I'm really tired, I can't keep my eyes open, I'll just close my eyes and I sort of just start to drift off and that's it. That's when I've been doing for the past-- that's been happening for the past three nights.
### Assistant:
### Human: Have you seen the blur or heard any sounds? Or do you feel you fall asleep and that hasn't--
### Assistant: I haven't really heard any sounds because it's cold, the sounds don't really happen as much.
### Assistant:
### Human: What do you think that's about. It's cold, the sounds don't happen as much.
### Assistant: Because when it's hot, Mum keeps the windows open. And there's little wooden beads on the end of it because our blinds, we pull them down, and they've got little things and they pull them closed. So you don't need to close them. They're little canvas things-- canvas blinds, and when you shut them, they got little wooden beads on the end. When the window's open, they crash in and on to the skirting around the windows. So now because they're all closed, I don't hear the noises much. The fridge
### Assistant:
### Human: How often is that?
### Assistant: The fridge normally turns off at the same time because the temperature gets to the point and it just shuts off.
### Assistant:
### Human: So it sort of shuts off, and--
### Assistant: That sort of depends-- it stops working as hard to get the fridge cool. I don't know, it doesn't happen at certain times, it happens--
### Assistant:
### Human: Just when it happens.
### Assistant: Yeah, when it's--
### Assistant:
### Human: And is that every night that scares you or every few nights, or?
### Assistant: Mostly happens every night. Sort of keeps me awake because you hear that voice. So it's sort of turning off the elements-- the other elements, so that scares me a bit.
### Assistant:
### Human: So that's most nights, it sounds like, but you said that it hasn't-- has that not been impacting on you the last week or so? You said you've been really tired.
### Assistant: Hasn't been impacting me in the last week, but that's just been one of the normal sounds that I hear. I got someone who banged on the door handle to know if people are coming into his room, which sometimes that can, I guess, basically like-- because it's ceramic, hits against the wooden door. Makes like a ting and that wakes me sometimes.
### Assistant:
### Human: And then how do you go falling asleep after you hear the sound and wake up? Because you've said it can be really hard to go back to sleep, but you said you've been sleeping--
### Assistant: I sleep the same before I did with traveling, before I was traveling. It hasn't really changed. It's still hard to go back to sleep.
### Assistant:
### Human: How many times do you wake up, do you feel, from hearing something? Obviously you don't keep track in your sleep and count.
### Assistant: I don't really keep track of how many times. Probably about three or four I hear a noise or something like that.
### Assistant:
### Human: And that's been the same as before holidays?
### Assistant: Yeah.
### Assistant:
### Human: Roughly, yeah.
### Assistant: Even before Thailand. Thailand was really easy because you're doing so much and Vanuatu's easy because we were doing so much. Actually, Vanuatu, not as much, but I still finding it hard to go to sleep there. But because we were constantly doing stuff over in Thailand, swimming in the pool, that sort of thing, I did genuinely get tired, so.
### Assistant:
### Human: And did you hear sounds or see a blur when you were in Thailand or Vanuatu?
### Assistant: Sort of when the lights turned off and stuff a little bit because I didn't know-- I don't know the room, so the light when people come in, that sort of thing. If anyone was to come in, there's a balcony that was pretty easy to get through, that sort of thing, so I don't really know what-- but yeah, still found it and there was a dividing door between Dad and mom's room. I believe mom and I, us three, and then it was Dad and me in the other room. So that was a bit-- yeah
### Assistant:
### Human: So you had some thoughts of what if someone comes in?
### Assistant: Yeah.
### Assistant:
### Human: Did you think someone actually would, or was it more of what if?
### Assistant: It was sort of like if someone would.
### Assistant:
### Human: Yep. If someone, what would I do? Kind of like protecting yourself, yeah?
### Assistant: Yeah. Different country and it was the same in Vanuatu.
### Assistant:
### Human: Yep. So that's wanting to feel safe. Yep?
### Assistant: Yeah.
### Assistant:
### Human: And have you been at Mum's or Dad's the last two weeks?
### Assistant: In the past two weeks, I've been at Dad's for a few days and Mum's. I'm still at Mum's.
### Assistant:
### Human: And the sounds--
### Assistant: Going back into the normal routine.
### Assistant:
### Human: Yep. So is back into this one?
### Assistant: Same one, yeah.
### Assistant:
### Human: Exact same one? I still have--
### Assistant: I'm not staying Thursday and then we go back to Dad's Wednesday and we go to Mum's Thursday and then we go back to Dad's Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
### Assistant:
### Human: Yep, that's it.
### Assistant: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday is Mum's.
### Assistant:
### Human: Stayed exactly the same? i had a different day potentially.
### Assistant: That should be. Yeah, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, back at Dad's Thursday, at Mum's Friday, Dad's Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and then next Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
### Assistant:
### Human: Yep. I think you started with this week, that's why I was confused looking at this one. Got it.
### Assistant: Yes, we're with Mum Monday, Tuesday.
### Assistant:
### Human: And are the sounds at Mum's and Dad's?
### Assistant: Yeah.
### Assistant:
### Human: Yep. And the blur, was that at Mum's or Dad's, or that has been happening--
### Assistant: That's both at Mum and Dad's.
### Assistant:
### Human: And it's still a crack in the door, or is it different, the blur?
### Assistant: I close the door at Dad's now. I can't close my door at Mum's.
### Assistant:
### Human: What's that about that you can't close it Mum's.
### Assistant: Hangs the towel on the door.
### Assistant:
### Human: Physically can't close it, yep.
### Assistant: Yeah, so I push it hard as I can and I can't see anything through it, but my room's still light enough to unplug my nightlight and it's still light enough to--
### Assistant:
### Human: What's that because that's changed, because you used to have the nightlight-- what's changed that you unplug it?
### Assistant: Just the fact that because when I first had the nightlight on, it was sort of like, "Aw, it's all right, I can't be able to see," but then I started seeing stuff because it was too bright. It started seeing shadows inside my room thinking that someone was there, but then I wake up, I think I see something at the door and it's not. not bright enough to see, and now I've unplugged the nightlight, it's a lot darker.
### Assistant:
### Human: So was that helpful?
### Assistant: So I guess I can't see anything now, so I'm a bit more worried, but I can't see because it was light enough that I could see something that-- stay awake because I thought I'd see someone, making me awake again and making it harder for me to sleep, and so yeah, that was sort of like a-- so that was the problem that I had with that, but now-- so the fact I can't-- sorry.
### Assistant:
### Human: No, you're all right.
### Assistant: The fact that I can't see in, so if I was to see a shadow, it wouldn't-- it wouldn't like scare me a bit, so that's why I unplug the nightlight, and--
### Assistant:
### Human: Because that would decrease you feeling scared because it's too dark to see anything.
### Assistant: Yeah. I think that someone's there, but if I can't see the shadow, it doesn't make me-- because I don't think someone-- because when I saw the shadow, I think someone's there and that makes me awake again.
### Assistant:
### Human: So by keeping it dark, you don't see a shadow that used to worry you, "What if someone's there?"
### Assistant: And that's what the problem was, and then I put the nightlight on and it seems like-- was a rock for ages, and then sort of started moving into light and I could start seeing things, even with the light on. Yeah, start seeing shadows.
### Assistant:
### Human: Because the light was there to help with seeing the shadow initially, wasn't it? Yep.
### Assistant: Yeah, so I didn't see any shadows and I had the thing and the fact could someone be there. But now it's sort of like, "Yeah, I can see the shadows, I'm seeing things," so it was a bit hard, so I unplugged it.
### Assistant:
### Human: When did you unplug it?
### Assistant: Before I left for Thailand. A few weeks before that.
### Assistant:
### Human: Yep. And you're finding-- because you say it's easy to get to sleep, so you don't see a blur or anything or hear anything else?
### Assistant: Not at the moment because I'm so tired and I still am physically drained from being sick.
### Assistant:
### Human: And are you hearing any sounds at the moment? Say in the last week?
### Assistant: I still am, but sort of not-- so tired it's sort of not-- it's like, "Yeah, I can hear it." So like that. I still have problems because I have to go the toilet.
### Assistant:
### Human: Yeah. How do you go, needing to the go to the toilet in the middle of the night?
### Assistant: I sort of hold on and then go to sleep, but I do wake up because I have an infection in my ankle coming back from Vanuatu.
### Assistant:
### Human: How'd that happen?
### Assistant: I ended up falling through a hole in concrete and got a little scrape and it was fine until the Sunday morning when I came back and it's going through. I've had antibiotics. It doesn't hurt to walk on it anymore, so I've been drinking a lot of water because it's been taking a lot out of me, and that's adding--
### Assistant:
### Human: So that would add on into--
### Assistant: And I needed to really go and I'm like, "I can't hold it or I'm going to piss myself in bed," so I had to get up and I went into the thing and I put it on lock and it was sort of looking back, and--
### Assistant:
### Human: Was this in Vanuatu or home?
### Assistant: No, it was just as home. And yeah, so I got-- went to bend and then-- so I went to the toilet and then I opened the door with the light on and then quickly turned it off and then ran. And again, leaving the door open. This was like 7:00 o'clock in the morning, still pretty dark, and-- actually, it was probably about 6:00 in the morning or something like that. Even earlier then that because I know this is the time I had to wake up to go to hospital to get X-rays and bloods done and that sor
### Assistant:
### Human: That makes sense you'd go to work to get that done.
### Assistant: Yeah. So I don't know when--
### Assistant:
### Human: That would have been?
### Assistant: Yeah, it was probably around 5:00 o'clock because it was still really dark and I heard a creaking noise, so I still didn't go to sleep. Was my point really. So I've got to wake up anyway, so I stayed awake and I started hearing the creaking of the toilet door because I didn't close it properly.
### Assistant:
### Human: And where do you think that comes from that you have that-- you freak out with, "Is someone in the house?"
### Assistant: I have no idea.
### Assistant:
### Human: Because you spoke a while ago saying that hearing sounds-- because you used to hear Mum and Dad arguing maybe.
### Assistant: Yeah, sort of frightened me, that sort of stuff. Yeah, it could be. I don't know. I really don't know what the thing is.
### Assistant:
### Human: And you've never been broken in to or someone you know that's been broken into the house before?
### Assistant: People that you know have been broken into, I think, while they were sleeping or something, either in a room or someone else.
### Assistant:
### Human: How old were you then?
### Assistant: This was not long ago, to be honest. Before that, I had no idea.
### Assistant:
### Human: And that was happening before?
### Assistant: I didn't know anyone who had been broken into.
### Assistant:
### Human: Just wondering if it maybe happened and that's where that piece come from, and it might not be.
### Assistant: I reckon it's from the video games I play.
### Assistant:
### Human: What do you think?
### Assistant: I know that video games don't do it.
### Assistant:
### Human: That's Mum's hypothesis.
### Assistant: I sort of know video games do and they're not real. The fact of someone being there, or-- yeah. I don't know where it comes from.
### Assistant:
### Human: What do you worry about with someone being there?
### Assistant: Just someone being there watching and being in the house when-- and that sort of thing. It's a bit weird.
### Assistant:
### Human: And why do you think someone would be in the house?
### Assistant: No idea. Just something that exactly doesn't feel right.
### Assistant:
### Human: Like you go, "What if?" Do you feel someone would be in the house? Is there a greater chance they would or wouldn't be?
### Assistant: So like the fact that they could be, but they're sort of not.
### Assistant:
### Human: Yep. You know that there's a greater chance there wouldn't be someone, but you really can focus on the what if someone is here.
### Assistant: Yeah. It hasn't happened, but it's just sort of a thing that could be.
### Assistant:
### Human: And then you lay the plan to put in a lot of place to keep safe with the nightlight, turning it on, having the door closed, yep?
### Assistant: Yeah, make sure windows shut, that sort of thing. Curtains closed. There's no one at the window, if there was. Keeping doors around me shut so there's no way getting in around me. Yeah, that sort of thing.
### Assistant:
### Human: And how would you like your sleep to look? How would you like things to look like?
### Assistant: Just sit down to bed and go straight away.
### Assistant: