you guys are youre gonna get to enjoy
a fine light weight day movie
i think some of the women are going to enjoy this more than the guysum certainly
there are some scenes where i think some of the women are gonna feel more the emotion of it
there are some funny lines
great steamy bedroom scenes
i was surprised um the amount of skin they showed
but um it was in a good taste
um and i thought woody harelson was a funny
he um added a grat dimension to the movie as well
storyline was ok
but overall i thought it was it was a fun picture
i i do think its worth seeing
um certianly again more of a day movie than um seeing it alone
unless you ladies go together to see it together
so id go see it
thumbs up
but its actually worth talking about
because the movie itself is the same old crap from the series
and i actually am not finding the series to be very fun and popcorn kind of movie
you just cant walk in exopecting anything other than that
in this case it didnt take much convincing which is a little silly
but the acting is bad
the plot is you know
actually the acting is ok
i guess for this kind of movie the plot is is is threadbare
the the um character development is nil
but none of those things matter its a fun movie anyway
its a popcorn movie
which is a terrible picture
um but um this 3d definatelly looks a lot better i think that real d
i had ideal seats
because its good to sit right in the middle of the theater with 3d and
um but the they looked awesome
the 3d itself really had improved
um the color looked great
coz sometimes 3d can mess up the color at least the old anaglyphic 3d i think real d it you know had sort of had sort of tempted but it winds itself its also um not ideal for for the imigae itslef um
itslef um but this looked amazing looked really good
and it makes it worth going to see this movie if youve got um the dolby 3d somewhere in your town
and i hope this takes over as the new system
i would love that
that be that would be cool to see i mean
eventually were gonna get burned out as a soci as a society
once agian were gonna be burned out on 3d because
3d because its it is a gimmick ultmatelly um
ultmatelly um but i will say um with this with this quality of 3d you could almost make you know a regular like a dramatic movie or an action movie or something that was really good movie and you could make it 3d and it wouldnt at all
i just wanted to let you know that 3d is really ridiculously expensive
you know what you should see how to train your dragon
you should take your kids
and if you dont have kids you may wanna consider seeing it anyway
its probably the best thing currently in theaters
it is its a great story
its a lot of fun to watch
its beautifully done
and its really well written
i have two problems with it
number one im getting a little sick of the xxx kind of lead character sort of really awkward boy who is really awkward and stuff you know im getting sick of that character and im tired of it
and i get angry about it laughter xxx doesnt play best character in the film
but he might as well
so im im im through with that guy
second theres one massive plot hole in this film and it is the size of a dragon that is big as a mountain and when you see the film youll probably know what i mean
um theres no explanation for this thing
and the only explanation i come up with makes this story kind of kind of creepy
other then those two things this is a really fun film that you will enjoy unless you are soleless piece of machenery so
im gonna give this a grade b minus
the cgi work the 3d is spectacular
the flying sequences are beautiful
and the owls are really wonderful
and come of real
and they do have very nice personalites and
but the story is very dark
in fact my six years old was scared most of the movie
um my other complaint other than that theres like nothing light or funny in this story to break up the slumber mood is the battle itself
you cant tell which are the good owls which are the bed owls
they really needed to somehow set them apart with armor
anyway this is one you can skip
or you can see up to you
which is a reboot i guess it would be the best term for the i believe it was a 1981 movie clash of the titans
um unfortunatelly im going to have to say this movie was terrible
um i was really looking forward to it
i was a little hasitant at firstyou know as you are with with reboots you know
is it gonna be good
but as the trailers came out i i really liked what i was seeing
i think that music that music they kind of pull it with the soundtrack really got me excited about seeing this movie
and and being a fan of the original i was i was looking forward to seeing it
but to me someone needs to release the crackon on this movie and just totally destroy it
because i just felt like it was it seemed like it was a rushed movie
it seemed like there was no story development in it
um i just really didnt have good time
i felt like medusa really wasnt that scary
maybe it was coz i was a kid back at that day but medusa was a lot scar scarier then
um i just think they made her almost looked too you know they tried that you know make her look too beautiful
but um i just in whole really didnt like this movie
the screen you know was that i i kind of fo found myself you know wanted to lay my head back and take a nap
and actually the guy sitting next to me actually was taking a nap laughter he kept dozing off
and and after the movie um going out into the theater into the lobby i had noone i heard noone say anything good
and my friedns who were there had nothing good to say about it
so unfortunatelly i must say this one is probably gonna be waiting until it comes on hbo or
or get it at um um red box for a buck
um i just really didnt like it