and i dont think thats a very good movie
but i do think its a very interesting one
i can tell you that tron legacy is not a good movie
but i was still ridicilously entertained by it
are these two things possible in the same sentancei i really do think so
tron legacy is a movie where on most counts that i judge movies it kind of fails
the performances are nah
the script can be horrible
its its a bit of a mixed bag coz there were some very bright moments
um the direction is a bit its wobbly
basically a lot of elements that i could take a movie on its really wobbly
but what it lacks in those areas it most definately makes up for just like sheer visual spectacle
i mean this movie has the most gorgeous visuals out of any movies since probably avatar me if not prettier
so many moments in this movie that are just framed and lit so perfectly that so that you just go like kind of huh thats really really cool
and then take that world that have been set like a crap tunnel of really kinetic really well done action sequences in it and you have tron legacy
it it doesnt make much sense i know
and basically this makes no sense
3d now this movie is just ridiculous and i i thought it was excellent
her acting was pretty bad
she didnt really do anything for me
but the real star that fell out of this movie was william fichtner character or william fichtner
and his acting wasnt really good in that movie
but it made it hysterical and it was just funny with all of these little one liners that he had
and whatever so no im not saying this movie is bad coz its its not
like i said before it had tacky one liners that were just hysterical
it was it was good
um one of the big things i was disappointed though was i felt that they couldve done a lot more with 3d i
and some really cool gun fights
and i thought it was just gonna be more than that but so i was a little disappointed in that
um now i dont really recommend this if you go on a date with some girl
um but if youre xxx movie goer like i am i totally recommend seeing this because its just a fun entertaining movie and i think that you will enjoye it
i dont really know i dont its so weird
i there were times in the movie where i felt really bored
and there were times that i thought it was funny
and there were times that i was just sitting there after they said their jokes and i was like thats not nobodys laughing thats not funny
i just dont think it was very good
and this is the thing friends with benefits and no strings attached they are the same movie different ways of getting to the same point but its the same point
so i think that no strings attached was better than friends with benefits
i was not bored during no strings attached
i thought it was very funny
um and uh friends with benefits had its moments
had a lot of really bad moments
and he is one of my favorite actors ever
he is brilliant there is not a movie that i see him in that i dont end up crying because he is so fantastic and he just breaks your heart whenever he does you know a role that usually his roles do break your heart at some point so definitely did in this movie
i like teared up in friends with benefits because of him
the lady who plays justin timberlakes sister um i thought she was very good in this movie
and i thought she was just like really natural and funny
and she looks like renee zellwegger and helen hunt from a twister movie
and she talks like her too
it was weird
the whole time i saw her all i thought was helen hunt and renee zellwegger another
zellwegger another thing was the fact that there was not one healthy relationship or positive good relationship in this whole movie
but thats kind of depressing
which would have been a better name for the movie
and i really enjoyed it
the countryside which they showed while going across ireland was astoundingly ble beautiful
and in the scene with the destroyed castle it really reminded me why i want to go there so badly
although i enjoyed the movie
if i think about it honestly the plot wasnt that great
its a fun chick flick
but other than that it doesnt really hold up under inspection
lip smacking all the problems that come to stop them from getting to their destination are although plausible a little weak
even though the whole movie is based on whether she gets to dublin in time youre never really worried about it because you know she gets there
lip smakcing a lot of this movie brings a cute laugh here and there
and both the actors amy adams and matthew goode work well with each other
and seem to be really enjoying themselves the whole way through
even when theyre fighting in the movie though it just seems like its their banter not actual dislike
all in all if youre looking for a cute romantic comedy with a beautiful setting then this will probably be a good movie for you
of suckerpunch poop
music in background laughing currently in theatres starring no one youve ever heard of
guardians of owl land whatever that came out and i never saw it
suckerpunch and this suckers getting this sucker is getting panned like last airbender garbage panned and i wanna say this i did not think it was like last airbender garbage
um heres why yes stuttering t theres problems with this and i wanna talk about them but you know it looks beautiful
there are some really cool uh moments in this
it actually has some some them thematically it has some cool themes about heroism and about like taking ownership of yourself and things like that which i resonated with and i whi and which i appreciated
but heres the essential problem with this movie the essentail problem of this movie well maybe this would be the best way to put it um there was a uh a comedian named dave chapelle um and dave chapelle um and another comedian chris rock are um african american and in their comedy they sometimes take on african american culture what they perceive to be african american culture and so they will essentially make fun of black people and the thing with dave chapelle and with chris rock is because theyre black they can kinda do that and theres something about that thats acceptable
um if like me or laughing some other white person or hispanic person or whatever did the same jokes it would not be funny
it would be completely inappropriate in fact it would be racist
so zach snyder here is making a movie thats ostensibly about female empow empowerment but its a movie about female empowerment which includes a lot of clearing throat slapping that includes a lot of women in bustiers that includes a lot of violence done against women and ultimately in which most of the women end up completely disempowered clapping
clapping laughing so okay if zach snyder were a woman i would say okay shes making a comment about the way women cant be empowered in male dominated societies in the way men um distract and and hurt and damage women and prevent them from asserting who they really are
i could kinda see that in a sort of chris rock dave chapelle way
but zach snyder is a guy and because of that this stuff kinda ends up looking like the sh he man woman haters club
so if i give zach snyder the benefit of the doubt this is a movie that looks great has some bad acting
and has way too much violence against women
if i dont give zach snyder the benefit of the doubt
and this is the one that i can say was definatelly disappointed
i love the first shrek and the second shrek and
and i was really hoping that this one be just as good
and it just that it hadnt anything new to offer
i was really disappointed with that
i mean i went in there hoping to see something original and funny like the first two
and it offered nothing of the such
it wasnt remotly funny
there was a few jokes ok yeah make you giggle or something
but thats nothing major
nothing really that funny
or anything original
the characters are all the same
and not even as good as the first two movies
and i loved puss in boots