um but hey if youre looking to spend some money um go check it out maybe you will like it
but um from my review im gonna say im gonna give it two thumbs down
release the cracken on this movie dont go see it go see something else how to train the dragon and um thats all im gonna say about that
so disappointment definately i
i did not wanna give this movie a bad review
i im a fan of the original you know loved it
and um but i got to i got to do my duty and let you guys know its a a major suck fest
heard good things about the screenings on that
and um looking really forward to seeing that movie
it couldve been better
the first one was a lot better
they couldve made zeus a little less sparkly it was very distracting
um it was very hard to follow
the first one made more sense
and the crackon you know in the preview is like so much hype
they pretend theres gonna be this big scene it maybe lasts about a minute and i was like is that it
and than its definatelly not a 3d movie
the previews are much more 3d the ne so yeah it was very disappointing
i give it about one and a half stars
so thats thumbs down if you dont understand
so it is not a buy
but the cgi was great
and thats exectly how i thought a giant scorpion would look with the piece of driftwood that had blue fire on it
um medusa was way different from percy jackson and glandon laws
but the best part about the movie i ve got a free pair of glasses
and a guy who looks a lot like tom cruise
um lip smacking this movie is dumb
uh i personally think its a waste of money
just because i cant stand movies that are so predictable
laughing i just just cant stand movies where its like the same plot as like 50 other million movies
just different just different people playing the roles
i really dont care to see those
but you know what i took a chance
you know i like kate hudson
so i thought this movie would be funny
and dont get me wrong there were you know funny parts in the movie
i just dont care for the plot
i dont care for basically any of it
because its predictable
its the same you know rise and fall
but shes in trouble you know cuz she doesnt wanna tell her best friend blah blah blah
and so shes all sad walking in the rain blah blah blah
and blah blah blah
ive been saying that a lot in this video blah blah blah blah
um yea so anyways its really predictable
i mean you can go see i personally didnt like it
because i just got really bored with it
um and its really unpredictable
i just get so tired of unpredictable movies
that was pretty funny and um stupid for movies had this really long like really not really long but like really intense rent a about it
um and it it is just like everybody saying it is bad
i dont think its like the worst movie ive even seen just this year
but i would say i i enjoyed sucker punch
like i was more entertained by it than battle la which was just a slog and boring and i just try to totally uninteresting
and sucker punch is a failer but like a really ambitious weird the interesting idiosyncratic failure
um it is bad
but its not bad i think the way most people have been saying its bad
its not bad in the way i was expecting it to be bad
um it really is not trying to be a dramatic film or an action film
like i think most people thats their knock on it is that its not you know conventionally satisfying as like you know with drama that we dont get to know anything about these characters their play isnt interesting their path to freedom is not compelling and its basically telescoped within the first ten minutes of the movie where were sort of told whats gonna happen before it happens
um and and all those things are true but i dont think its trying to be that
i think its really much more like a musical
and i know this is gonna sound silly coz its such a broad goofy mainstream cult kind of movie
but it really has more in common with a musical or and opera or even a ballet than a regular narrative film
coz like am remains in narrative film is about character development and plot and then spectacle like in third place
so its like puts some people in it and youre gonna enjoy spending time with them therere some
funny dialogue
make them compelling in their relationships compelling and then have a story thats like at five minutes this happens and at ten minutes this happens that like moves forward and has momentum
and then you know put in some action or some romance or sex or whatever like to keep people sort of engaged
um and thats what traditionl narrative movies do
and this movie is really much more like the plot is what little there is
and the characters are they are all just place holders
its really like like if you went to go see the ballet and its about the spectacles
like the story of swan lake is why people go see swan lake its the movement and the dancing and the music and the sets and the experience
what can i say im just curious
dont get me wrong kate hudson is is pretty fine looking but i just think its kind of stupid everyone says has a fat ass
yes she has a fat ass in terms of white girls but her ass isnt really that fat
first of all the movie was boring
i mean the movie really wasnt funny at all
all the all the funny parts werent funny
i mean the movie was i guess it was a waste of time
i wa hey she might like it but even then its not really funny at all
anne hathaway is really over rated in my opinion
i mean her acting is like so so and i cant believe she even won a oscar beleive she won an oscar or for best supporting actress or best actress something
i mean that movie was a waste of time
its two girls trying too hard
and it just really wasnt good
i was a little bit disappointed in the film
but the movie itself was just a little dry
it didnt have a whole out of humor going on with it at least none that really made you wanna laugh out loud
um even the kids and the audience itself just kind of chuckled a little bit gave a few laughs
now im not gonna lie therere a few parts that have great action sequences now even though it is an animated film it did have some great fight scenes
um but as far as humor goes not as much as i was expecting
everything you see in the trailer itself was pretty much all the humor youre gonna see in the movie
um um a you know along with the xxx i would probably saying go see this movie an early showing dont spend a lot of money for the night viewing
um maybe better like next time dreamworks but for this one for me it just wasnt what i was hoping it would be
i love the shrek films
i liked ants
but as far as kung fu panda goes i was hoping for a lot more it just wasnt there for me i dont know
main draw for me for this movie was just the fact that its set in this like ridiculous world with all these bright beautiful colors and ridiculous action sequences