Meme poster is trying to convey that no matter what you do nothing good will happen.
A showerhead is above a flaming man and a frozen one.
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey that no matter what you do nothing good will happen. ### Response:
Meme poster thinks that by being too strict, parents fail to protect their children from making bad decisions.
A military man is leaning over a kid dreaming of knives and grenades in their sleep.
### Instruction: Meme poster thinks that by being too strict, parents fail to protect their children from making bad decisions. ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey that Denovo's pc port is so bad even after millions of development.
A bike rider puts a pick in their wheel and falls over.
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey that Denovo's pc port is so bad even after millions of development. ### Response:
Meme poster cheap shirt is better than the thousand dollar tank tops influencers wear.
A stern looking man watching a hand come towrds him in the top picture and the strern looking man grabing the hand in the bottom picture.
### Instruction: Meme poster cheap shirt is better than the thousand dollar tank tops influencers wear. ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey that give 100% on your actions including against overmatched opponents.
first image of partial body parts, bottom of kareta guys, second images is both fighting but can also bottom half
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey that give 100% on your actions including against overmatched opponents. ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey that Ohio is a hellish place containing hellish people.
an image of a volcano with a dark figure appearing with claw hands
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey that Ohio is a hellish place containing hellish people. ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey appreciation for their girlfriend on their cake day.
Kirby looks happy holding up a pink block.
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey appreciation for their girlfriend on their cake day. ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey that the society isn't ready to hear the men's problem.
Two pictures of a bus and a train getting into a accident.
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey that the society isn't ready to hear the men's problem. ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey that Shaft was the masculine ideal in the 70s despite what their clothes look like today.
An actor playing Ike Turner turns around and looks angry and bewildered.
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey that Shaft was the masculine ideal in the 70s despite what their clothes look like today. ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey that sharp corners on beds are comparable to deadly weapons because they hurt so bad when you accidently walk into them.
A bed has a sharp wooden corner on it's frame.
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey that sharp corners on beds are comparable to deadly weapons because they hurt so bad when you accidently walk into them. ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey that they get freaked out when they cant make a decision
A man has a tattoo on their arm above two kids freaked out seeing Tom trying to scare them.
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey that they get freaked out when they cant make a decision ### Response:
The meme poster feels proud to finish the website.
A man is taking a selfie while clenching his fist.
### Instruction: The meme poster feels proud to finish the website. ### Response:
Meme poster is showing appreciation for furries.
a cement dam with a field that is completely dry
### Instruction: Meme poster is showing appreciation for furries. ### Response:
Meme poster doesn't believe their therapist when the therapist tells the meme poster they have nothing to be scared of.
An ant is trying to climb from one stick to another leaves
### Instruction: Meme poster doesn't believe their therapist when the therapist tells the meme poster they have nothing to be scared of. ### Response:
Meme poster recreates the elf on the shelf with a rock on the clock.
dwayne "the rock" johnson on top of a circular device
### Instruction: Meme poster recreates the elf on the shelf with a rock on the clock. ### Response:
Meme poster's mum sent them a picture of a funny sign and they're confused by it.
black square across image with a background that appears indoors
### Instruction: Meme poster's mum sent them a picture of a funny sign and they're confused by it. ### Response:
Meme poster and friends is trying to fake being bad to get coal from Santa to heat up their apartment.
Three men are looking shocked at something.
### Instruction: Meme poster and friends is trying to fake being bad to get coal from Santa to heat up their apartment. ### Response:
Literally, the meme poster can't find the actual reason why people hate Kanye West and is afraid of asking about it.
A man is standing in a restaurant with a light color dress shirt and a tan tie with stripes on it.
### Instruction: Literally, the meme poster can't find the actual reason why people hate Kanye West and is afraid of asking about it. ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey that they doubt the claim about flat earthers being all over the world.
A dog is looking directly at the camera.
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey that they doubt the claim about flat earthers being all over the world. ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to express how they feel when things are happening outside their expectations
A man dressed in a suit and tie has a downturned mouth facial expression while passing a taller and heavier man also dressed in a suit and tie.
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to express how they feel when things are happening outside their expectations ### Response:
The meme poster is mocking the 4th anniversary of Reddit.
a large brow poo like object on a silver platter
### Instruction: The meme poster is mocking the 4th anniversary of Reddit. ### Response:
Meme poster knows they didn't cheat because he had the same barber forever but maybe cheating on his girlfriend.
Mr. Bean with a confused look on his face and head tilted wearing a dark suit and red tie.
### Instruction: Meme poster knows they didn't cheat because he had the same barber forever but maybe cheating on his girlfriend. ### Response:
Meme poster dresses like a cat better than his girlfriend.
A man is dressed up like a anime woman.
### Instruction: Meme poster dresses like a cat better than his girlfriend. ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey a funny joke about splitting up 100% effort into each day of the week
yoda with his back turn with a grey colored background
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey a funny joke about splitting up 100% effort into each day of the week ### Response:
The meme poster is saying he is bored with the meme that says blah blah blah.
on the left a cartoon cat with side eye and on the right a door labelled "bla"
### Instruction: The meme poster is saying he is bored with the meme that says blah blah blah. ### Response:
Meme poster makes pun about an elf on the shelf and alternate name for chicken and a sock.
a chicken with a sock stuck on its head
### Instruction: Meme poster makes pun about an elf on the shelf and alternate name for chicken and a sock. ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey that people who complain about back pain often don't realize it is mainly caused by bad sitting posture when using computers.
a man relaxes with his fit up at a desk with two computer screens
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey that people who complain about back pain often don't realize it is mainly caused by bad sitting posture when using computers. ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey that not washing their hands after eating a banana makes them feel powerful.
A bar chart about money, with a short green bar on top, a medium blue bar in the middle, and a long pink bar on the bottom.
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey that not washing their hands after eating a banana makes them feel powerful. ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey that the video game development cycle follows a predetermined levels.
The evolution from monkeys to humans.
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey that the video game development cycle follows a predetermined levels. ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey that new video gamers are shocked that the new version of Geralt in the updated version looks weird, while meme poster and other veteran gamers are used to the changes.
Geralt has trouble with a spell and other video game characters look concerned.
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey that new video gamers are shocked that the new version of Geralt in the updated version looks weird, while meme poster and other veteran gamers are used to the changes. ### Response:
Meme poster accidentally said soccer online and wants to ignore the football truther.
a female anime character with her hands on her mouth laying down sideways
### Instruction: Meme poster accidentally said soccer online and wants to ignore the football truther. ### Response:
The meme poster feels like a confused and scared andy dwyer when he has to ask questions.
A man is looking anxious in a white shirt and brown tie.
### Instruction: The meme poster feels like a confused and scared andy dwyer when he has to ask questions. ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey that the 12-imal number system doesn't like the idea of a futuristic society where math rules are broken.
A man looks moves at a futuristic city with flying cars.
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey that the 12-imal number system doesn't like the idea of a futuristic society where math rules are broken. ### Response:
Meme poster is amused to find their are boozy ice pops now.
A kid's toy is on top of a bottle of wine.
### Instruction: Meme poster is amused to find their are boozy ice pops now. ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey that the military industrial complex is booming because of the war in Ukraine.
Two men are standing next to a building that's turned to rubble.
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey that the military industrial complex is booming because of the war in Ukraine. ### Response:
Meme poster is satisfied with the birds hungry and try to get the food.
a bird with its feathers all ruffled
### Instruction: Meme poster is satisfied with the birds hungry and try to get the food. ### Response:
Meme poster is saying that a more prestigious brand has done something, so there is no reason that Ford shouldn't be able to also do it.
Lisa Simpson is walking on to a stage in a red dress, while holding a white paper.
### Instruction: Meme poster is saying that a more prestigious brand has done something, so there is no reason that Ford shouldn't be able to also do it. ### Response:
Meme poster failed most of his tests but has one silver lining of passing English.
one gold package in between some black packages.
### Instruction: Meme poster failed most of his tests but has one silver lining of passing English. ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey a joke that is too funny can hurt you compared to a regular joke.
A school bus getting hit by a train.
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey a joke that is too funny can hurt you compared to a regular joke. ### Response:
The meme poster jerking off with the lights out is the fastest thing on earth.
Its different pictures comparing the speeds of different things.
### Instruction: The meme poster jerking off with the lights out is the fastest thing on earth. ### Response:
Meme poster is making fun of the lack of footwork used in American football compared to European football.
The top images to pics. American football the bottom images depicts European football
### Instruction: Meme poster is making fun of the lack of footwork used in American football compared to European football. ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey that they don't understand finance.
Two men are having a conversion in a dark room.
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey that they don't understand finance. ### Response:
Meme poster makes a literal version of the world cup to make people be specific of what they mean.
A miniature blue and white globe of the Earth is balanced on top of a yellow coffee mug.
### Instruction: Meme poster makes a literal version of the world cup to make people be specific of what they mean. ### Response:
Meme poster finds the bathroom door poster comical.
Two men are walking down a hallway.
### Instruction: Meme poster finds the bathroom door poster comical. ### Response:
Though someone advises the meme poster not to touch anything that is new to her, eventually she tries to do that first.
A woman in a hardhat is adjusting dials and looking at meters on a giant control panel.
### Instruction: Though someone advises the meme poster not to touch anything that is new to her, eventually she tries to do that first. ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey that schools make children get up too early for school.
cartoon goofy looking alarmed
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey that schools make children get up too early for school. ### Response:
Meme poster doesn't know whether the ball crossed over the line or not.
Soccer player is kicking a ball next to a white line by the goal.
### Instruction: Meme poster doesn't know whether the ball crossed over the line or not. ### Response:
Meme poster is saying that since the world and the award shows believe in Pierce Brosnan, than if he believes in himself then he can save Christmas.
Santa tries to pump up a man who then sees through it.
### Instruction: Meme poster is saying that since the world and the award shows believe in Pierce Brosnan, than if he believes in himself then he can save Christmas. ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey that Juaquin got into the villain roll by putting pineapple on pizza.
a man on costume and without a costume
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey that Juaquin got into the villain roll by putting pineapple on pizza. ### Response:
Meme poster gets mad when they're trying to enjoy a shower and the water randomly gets too hot.
Darth Mail is scared then attacked by Palpatine.
### Instruction: Meme poster gets mad when they're trying to enjoy a shower and the water randomly gets too hot. ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey that Scrat is the god in the Ice Age universe because they ate it.
A squirrel sees a acorn tries to eat it then feels like God.
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey that Scrat is the god in the Ice Age universe because they ate it. ### Response:
Meme poster found old Reddit post and think it's more insightful than stuff posted now.
Vince looks amused, shocked, then his eyes lit up.
### Instruction: Meme poster found old Reddit post and think it's more insightful than stuff posted now. ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey that Professor X is surprised to learn Bubbles' friend also comes from an accident.
Bubbles is talking to a friend ignoring her dad in the hallway.
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey that Professor X is surprised to learn Bubbles' friend also comes from an accident. ### Response:
The meme poster feels good after hiding that he had R. Kelly's ignition remix.
Both image is same but Left image was clear and right one was dark
### Instruction: The meme poster feels good after hiding that he had R. Kelly's ignition remix. ### Response:
The meme poster is trying to convey that while older people don't believe in bitcoin, the younger generation believes in it full heartedly and will even send it to each other to support other users with free coins,
A old man and his son have a loud argument with each other.
### Instruction: The meme poster is trying to convey that while older people don't believe in bitcoin, the younger generation believes in it full heartedly and will even send it to each other to support other users with free coins, ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey that Six toads are about to die for disection.
Six live toads are sitting on a metal specimen tray.
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey that Six toads are about to die for disection. ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey that the kidnapper at the top of the stairs is enjoying his life of luxury before locking up their victim in the basement.
a male wearing blue sweater with one hand touching a white coffee machine and has big smile wearing glasses
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey that the kidnapper at the top of the stairs is enjoying his life of luxury before locking up their victim in the basement. ### Response:
Meme poster makes fun of Mike Tyson having a lisp by posting christmas carol puns with sani-cloth.
A white bucket with a pink lid and a photo of Mike Tyson on it.
### Instruction: Meme poster makes fun of Mike Tyson having a lisp by posting christmas carol puns with sani-cloth. ### Response:
The meme poster is trying to convey that if you keep browsing and scrolling eventually you'll hit the top floor
A man and woman in an elevator wearing business attire both smiling and looking towards their right.
### Instruction: The meme poster is trying to convey that if you keep browsing and scrolling eventually you'll hit the top floor ### Response:
The meme poster feels silly about the corporates for asking her to differentiate between the same characters.
Pam is looking at two pictures of a green monster.
### Instruction: The meme poster feels silly about the corporates for asking her to differentiate between the same characters. ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey that Donald Trump is the puppet from Addams Family Values.
On the left is a maid with a puppet, on the right is Donald Trump, making similar facial expressions.
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey that Donald Trump is the puppet from Addams Family Values. ### Response:
The meme poster mocks the mobile users as noob when compared to PC and console gamers.
A girl holds a little boy in the corner there's a rabbit and a bucket on the floor and it says console gamers.
### Instruction: The meme poster mocks the mobile users as noob when compared to PC and console gamers. ### Response:
Meme poster is using a frog meme to convey that the same frog meme is dying.
A frog is wearing a fancy suit.
### Instruction: Meme poster is using a frog meme to convey that the same frog meme is dying. ### Response:
The meme poster is mocking the tough questions being asked in the exams.
Two glasses are filled with identical looking liquid, but one is Mountain Dew and the other is Windex.
### Instruction: The meme poster is mocking the tough questions being asked in the exams. ### Response:
The poster thinks the French national football team looks like a tribal African group because there are a lot of black players
A white man is standing around an African tribe talking to it's leader.
### Instruction: The poster thinks the French national football team looks like a tribal African group because there are a lot of black players ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey how there parents always told them how they got to school when they are young
A woman has unkempt hair in front of her face.
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey how there parents always told them how they got to school when they are young ### Response:
The opinion men shouldn't be able to show their emotions comes into direct contact with the more modern opinion that mem should cry and let it out.
First image of yellow bus crossing a train track, second image of bus getting hit by a yellow train
### Instruction: The opinion men shouldn't be able to show their emotions comes into direct contact with the more modern opinion that mem should cry and let it out. ### Response:
The meme poster feels proud of himself for hitting the 6.999 post karma milestone with his social media friends.
A group of kids in a creek, the center one is snapping while dancing with a big smile on their face.
### Instruction: The meme poster feels proud of himself for hitting the 6.999 post karma milestone with his social media friends. ### Response:
Meme poster learned to have a good handshake grip from riding the subway and grabbing the rails.
a woman riding the subway wearing a shirt that says they love porn
### Instruction: Meme poster learned to have a good handshake grip from riding the subway and grabbing the rails. ### Response:
The meme poster is strong about his opinion of pulling more from the wealthy person to provide the same quality of product at a cheap rate.
Conservative commentator Steve Crowder sits in an office chair at a desk in a city park, holding a mug that says "Louder with Crowder."
### Instruction: The meme poster is strong about his opinion of pulling more from the wealthy person to provide the same quality of product at a cheap rate. ### Response:
Meme poster is using the term "let that sink in", literally.
A sink is right outside the doorway on the welcome mat.
### Instruction: Meme poster is using the term "let that sink in", literally. ### Response:
Meme poster is presenting their thoughts about the Kanye Alex Jones interview.
A spiderman is giving a presentation in a auditorium.
### Instruction: Meme poster is presenting their thoughts about the Kanye Alex Jones interview. ### Response:
Meme poster knows their new roommate disapproves of their pride flag and acknowledges it'll be a long year.
A bald man has a white goatee and large eyebrows.
### Instruction: Meme poster knows their new roommate disapproves of their pride flag and acknowledges it'll be a long year. ### Response:
Meme poster is sad after listening to songs and realizing that his life is full of sorrow.
A man is crying at a good set of headphones.
### Instruction: Meme poster is sad after listening to songs and realizing that his life is full of sorrow. ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey that they will never give up on creating a good meme no matter how many times they fail.
A man is getting emotional about his thoughts going in circles.
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey that they will never give up on creating a good meme no matter how many times they fail. ### Response:
The meme poster is trying to express that, a girl will feel afraid if she supposed to be in touch with Alpha male.
A man touches a monster then talks to the troops.
### Instruction: The meme poster is trying to express that, a girl will feel afraid if she supposed to be in touch with Alpha male. ### Response:
Meme poster is making fun of Simon Cowell's plastic surgery by comparing him to a Star Trek character.
A man looks ragged next to a woman with her face altered by AI.
### Instruction: Meme poster is making fun of Simon Cowell's plastic surgery by comparing him to a Star Trek character. ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey that sitcom laugh tracks always find the tv show more funny than it is when meme poster sits at home alone.
A old man is laughing above Casper's blank face.
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey that sitcom laugh tracks always find the tv show more funny than it is when meme poster sits at home alone. ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey that it is worth it for a frog to drink their own eggs.
A colorful frog is next to a iced coffee.
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey that it is worth it for a frog to drink their own eggs. ### Response:
Poster thinks people do notrealize Central America exists.
A red circle on a map questions the location of america .
### Instruction: Poster thinks people do notrealize Central America exists. ### Response:
Meme poster finally realizes that one of his greatest mistakes is ready to hurt him.
flight is chasing Peter Griffin and he is running
### Instruction: Meme poster finally realizes that one of his greatest mistakes is ready to hurt him. ### Response:
Meme poster has accepted their fate having nothing else to do
A man looks at peace before he is about to be hanged.
### Instruction: Meme poster has accepted their fate having nothing else to do ### Response:
The meme poster is mocking the death of Gamora because the meme poster is tired of working in the franchise.
The gray hair man in black has his hand raised and looks upset then he looks happy.
### Instruction: The meme poster is mocking the death of Gamora because the meme poster is tired of working in the franchise. ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey that women dig man with beards
A person is riding a horse down the street.
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey that women dig man with beards ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey that their parents ask what they can buy them for christmas but they would rather just have the money
A bird is standing on a book looking at his friend.
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey that their parents ask what they can buy them for christmas but they would rather just have the money ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey that you don't want expensive mobile packages until you have a taste of how good they are.
A hungry bird seems loving the person who gives him the food.
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey that you don't want expensive mobile packages until you have a taste of how good they are. ### Response:
The meme poster feels the freedom and lonely after she has dropped her last friend.
A old woman is happily driving a car with no hands.
### Instruction: The meme poster feels the freedom and lonely after she has dropped her last friend. ### Response:
Meme poster trying to decide which candy is cherry vs strawberry is stressing them out.
A man looks worried deciding on two options of the same heart shaped candy.
### Instruction: Meme poster trying to decide which candy is cherry vs strawberry is stressing them out. ### Response:
Meme poster wants to buy steam on sale, but has no money.
A man is checking out another woman angering his girlfriend.
### Instruction: Meme poster wants to buy steam on sale, but has no money. ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey this what they look like when they are sick, feel like getting choke out
three images of a male, first two is same male with short hair, rough looking face, third image is getting chocked by a cop
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey this what they look like when they are sick, feel like getting choke out ### Response:
The meme poster is trying to expose the reality of the air vents over the fake air vents, which are displayed by cinemas
the top image shows a black woman crawling on a duct and the second image shows a tunnel
### Instruction: The meme poster is trying to expose the reality of the air vents over the fake air vents, which are displayed by cinemas ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey that the conversation rates for the US and Vietnam are amazing that 50 cent would become 11706 dong.
a black boy looking shocked with mouth open and eyes wide open and hands behind back of head
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey that the conversation rates for the US and Vietnam are amazing that 50 cent would become 11706 dong. ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey that both of these industries have one thing in common and that's selling ripped up jeans.
Two muscular men grasp hands like they are about to arm wrestle.
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey that both of these industries have one thing in common and that's selling ripped up jeans. ### Response:
Meme poster believes Obi Wan is the reason for Christmas.
Obi Wan is lit with a white halo around him.
### Instruction: Meme poster believes Obi Wan is the reason for Christmas. ### Response:
Meme poster is waiting for a long time for people to join his gta heist.
A skeleton is leaning back in his office chair at work.
### Instruction: Meme poster is waiting for a long time for people to join his gta heist. ### Response:
The meme poster tries to Rick Roll the view in both dark and light mode.
The silhouette of a person is gray against a black background.
### Instruction: The meme poster tries to Rick Roll the view in both dark and light mode. ### Response:
Meme poster rejects different countries that speak Portuguese until they find the ones they like.
A man in a turtleneck is looking at three different countries flags.
### Instruction: Meme poster rejects different countries that speak Portuguese until they find the ones they like. ### Response:
Meme poster they think they are under arrest but it is a stripper dancing.
A police officer is bending back while blowing a whistle.
### Instruction: Meme poster they think they are under arrest but it is a stripper dancing. ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey that its crazy how much people get wrapped up in the christmas season
A man is freaking out when a Twister covered with Christmas stuff is coming towards him.
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey that its crazy how much people get wrapped up in the christmas season ### Response:
The meme poster thinks it is easy to get random images from google to use in memes which is like driving a car with one hand as opposed to using meme templates which are harder like driving the car with both hands.
image of the same person has a mustache that's riding a car
### Instruction: The meme poster thinks it is easy to get random images from google to use in memes which is like driving a car with one hand as opposed to using meme templates which are harder like driving the car with both hands. ### Response: