The meme poster mocks Kanye West by comparing his fans with the World war enemies.
A man is explaining the Nazi conspiracy to a large crowd.
### Instruction: The meme poster mocks Kanye West by comparing his fans with the World war enemies. ### Response:
The meme poster is tired by waiting for Biden's reply.
A skeleton leans back on a bench in a park.
### Instruction: The meme poster is tired by waiting for Biden's reply. ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey that TikTok users will choose to lose a game rather than not rip off YouTube talent.
Someone is holding up a wild uno card across from a man holding a bunch of cards in his hand.
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey that TikTok users will choose to lose a game rather than not rip off YouTube talent. ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey that Kanye West is trying to tell us about the good things Hitler did.
top image of Harry Potter talking to somebody the second and third image is Kanye West looking with big beard with mouth open
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey that Kanye West is trying to tell us about the good things Hitler did. ### Response:
Meme poster doesn't understand why 9/11 is now getting promoted as a stunt.
A plane is about to fly into the World Trade Center.
### Instruction: Meme poster doesn't understand why 9/11 is now getting promoted as a stunt. ### Response:
Meme poster makes a rhyme pun with walugi on the squeegee.
A squeegee has Waluigi on top.
### Instruction: Meme poster makes a rhyme pun with walugi on the squeegee. ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey that Ye says a positive comment about Hitler and Alex Jones is trying not to respond even when he knows he's wrong.
A woman says "Ye" to a teenager, and Alex Jones looks judgmental.
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey that Ye says a positive comment about Hitler and Alex Jones is trying not to respond even when he knows he's wrong. ### Response:
The meme poster intends to joke about the fact that reddit is getting rid of coin awards and stopped awarding them.
Jim is pointing at a white board then looks satisfied with himself.
### Instruction: The meme poster intends to joke about the fact that reddit is getting rid of coin awards and stopped awarding them. ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey that Russia has had about 100,000 soldiers that died in Ukraine, enough it can fill a large stadium.
the people are watching the match in the stadium
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey that Russia has had about 100,000 soldiers that died in Ukraine, enough it can fill a large stadium. ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey that the way to express the holiday spirit is dress your vehicles up in Christmas lights
A car is covered with Christmas lights.
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey that the way to express the holiday spirit is dress your vehicles up in Christmas lights ### Response:
The meme poster announced on social media that he would eat straws to mock turtles.
a still from a youtube video of a child with his tongue out
### Instruction: The meme poster announced on social media that he would eat straws to mock turtles. ### Response:
Meme poster's therapist lies and says meme poster's fear doesn't exist but it does.
A man is staring straight ahead in a black baseball cap.
### Instruction: Meme poster's therapist lies and says meme poster's fear doesn't exist but it does. ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey that boys see other world leaders tombs when they see the pyramids.
The Sphinx sits in front of three pyramids covered with a man's face that looks like obama.
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey that boys see other world leaders tombs when they see the pyramids. ### Response:
Meme poster misses their favorite show so they go places to forget about it but can't.
Pedro Escobar sits alone in a park bench, then at his desk, then on a sidewalk.
### Instruction: Meme poster misses their favorite show so they go places to forget about it but can't. ### Response:
The meme poster is confused and stuck on the fact that the Zero cube results in zero and Zero powers Zero, which is not Zero!
Master Chief is standing next to a large white light.
### Instruction: The meme poster is confused and stuck on the fact that the Zero cube results in zero and Zero powers Zero, which is not Zero! ### Response:
Meme poster is comparing their computer to their grandfather to their computer because they both have a bad memory.
an image of two male shaking hands and the other one is a close-up in red
### Instruction: Meme poster is comparing their computer to their grandfather to their computer because they both have a bad memory. ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey that their cat won't share their food, but expects meme poster to share theirs.
A cat hisses and another cat looks scared.
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey that their cat won't share their food, but expects meme poster to share theirs. ### Response:
The meme poster is mocking about the trending of Reddit.
Hilter is walking with his troops next to Kayne.
### Instruction: The meme poster is mocking about the trending of Reddit. ### Response:
Meme poster wants a girl to send naked pictures, so they're pretending that it's their cute dog who's asking for them.
a black dog standing by the dog bowl
### Instruction: Meme poster wants a girl to send naked pictures, so they're pretending that it's their cute dog who's asking for them. ### Response:
Meme poster is angry on the inside when they want to walk fast but are behind a slow walker.
sponge bob SquarePants is sitting in the chair
### Instruction: Meme poster is angry on the inside when they want to walk fast but are behind a slow walker. ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey that someone follows the meme poster on Instagram, and the meme poster doesn't care about it as it is an usual thing. Later, the meme poster got surprised when someone followed him on Reddit, as it was a rare thing for him.
Joey Tribbiani is contemplative in the top image, then completely shocked in the bottom one.
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey that someone follows the meme poster on Instagram, and the meme poster doesn't care about it as it is an usual thing. Later, the meme poster got surprised when someone followed him on Reddit, as it was a rare thing for him. ### Response:
The meme poster is trying to say that she gets very involved emotionally when singing an emotional song to the point where she wets the bed cover.
A charging cord is left on a bed with a wet spot.
### Instruction: The meme poster is trying to say that she gets very involved emotionally when singing an emotional song to the point where she wets the bed cover. ### Response:
The meme poster compared with the star wars character that he wakes up early his sight will be unopened
The green character has its eyes closed.
### Instruction: The meme poster compared with the star wars character that he wakes up early his sight will be unopened ### Response:
Meme poster acknowledges they are too old to be a mogul and accepts their life.
A man stands awkwardly in a red tracksuit.
### Instruction: Meme poster acknowledges they are too old to be a mogul and accepts their life. ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey that the older generation is passing on their experience to the meme poster, saying that once upon a time YouTube wasn't filled with ads, but the meme poster doesn't trust that.
A woman is helping her mom use a walker.
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey that the older generation is passing on their experience to the meme poster, saying that once upon a time YouTube wasn't filled with ads, but the meme poster doesn't trust that. ### Response:
The meme poster is saying men perform stupid stunts like these two men with a gun and this causes them to live shorter.
Two men standing on a road one has a gun pointed at the other ones arm about to shoot a spider off of it.
### Instruction: The meme poster is saying men perform stupid stunts like these two men with a gun and this causes them to live shorter. ### Response:
Meme poster is watching Mojo views blood pouring from a sliced neck as normal.
A man is getting decapitated by a sword.
### Instruction: Meme poster is watching Mojo views blood pouring from a sliced neck as normal. ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey that toilet paper users accept it leaves poop sometimes while bidet users freak out at the smallest amount left.
an image of a toilet paper roll a man facing the toilet paper roll a woman facing the toilet sink
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey that toilet paper users accept it leaves poop sometimes while bidet users freak out at the smallest amount left. ### Response:
The meme poster is crossing its limit by taking the role seriously.
A kid is getting tortured by the devil.
### Instruction: The meme poster is crossing its limit by taking the role seriously. ### Response:
The meme poster who is the hero of his dream about how to save everyone in the world
a little drawing of persons head and part of shoulder laying down with on a grey pillow with pink brain showing a word
### Instruction: The meme poster who is the hero of his dream about how to save everyone in the world ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey that looking up your symptoms on Google will give you exaggerated results
A man is cleaning his hands.
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey that looking up your symptoms on Google will give you exaggerated results ### Response:
Meme poster wants to sleep but his friend keeps asking him what he is doing.
there are two images of two gray cats, one cat is looking at the other cat or the other cat has his head down
### Instruction: Meme poster wants to sleep but his friend keeps asking him what he is doing. ### Response:
The meme poster feels herself ashamed after they've knocked out by Netherlands.
a cartoon woman looking annoyed labelled "its transient humor"
### Instruction: The meme poster feels herself ashamed after they've knocked out by Netherlands. ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey that the chinese government fired into the crowd of protesters.
top image of protesters and second image of Danny DeVito wearing read shirt holding a gun on both hands
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey that the chinese government fired into the crowd of protesters. ### Response:
Meme poster is saying that fans of one team are being unsportsmanlike to fans of the other team.
Two Birds talking to each other
### Instruction: Meme poster is saying that fans of one team are being unsportsmanlike to fans of the other team. ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey that Kanye West and Hitler are two Nazis who went to Paris.
Kanye and Hitler are in front of the Eiffel Tower.
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey that Kanye West and Hitler are two Nazis who went to Paris. ### Response:
Meme poster is happy the USMNT lost the match of Netherlands.
The US team is circled together after they lost the match.
### Instruction: Meme poster is happy the USMNT lost the match of Netherlands. ### Response:
Meme poster thinks Sebastian Vettel is the best.
A race driver stands behind a Christmas tree.
### Instruction: Meme poster thinks Sebastian Vettel is the best. ### Response:
Meme poster wants to rid normies of the Kanye idolation by reminding of Marcus Garvey.
Two astronauts are on a space walk with the earth visible behind them and the one astronaut has a gun pointed at the back of the second astronaut.
### Instruction: Meme poster wants to rid normies of the Kanye idolation by reminding of Marcus Garvey. ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey that Kanye claims he can say anti-semitic things without repercussion, but is quickly dropped (punched.)
A man with a Nazi flag raises his hand then gets punched in the face.
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey that Kanye claims he can say anti-semitic things without repercussion, but is quickly dropped (punched.) ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey that the champions are unbeatable
the avengers are a team of superheroes
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey that the champions are unbeatable ### Response:
The meme poster feels irritated by the spelling mistakes in the meme.
Rober Downy Jr. is be rolling his eyes.
### Instruction: The meme poster feels irritated by the spelling mistakes in the meme. ### Response:
Meme poster feels like the only one sad about the usmnt loss in the World Cup.
a single man with a glass of drinking is looking at other couples dancing
### Instruction: Meme poster feels like the only one sad about the usmnt loss in the World Cup. ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey that they think The Northman copied off of the storyline from The Lion King.
A man holding a coffee cup sitting at a table outside with a blank paper on the front of it.
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey that they think The Northman copied off of the storyline from The Lion King. ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey that Kanye West fantasizes about punishing the people who enabled his downfall.
A hooded masked man is standing behind two other gagged men.
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey that Kanye West fantasizes about punishing the people who enabled his downfall. ### Response:
The meme poster is the unhappy with the way that the Qatar World Cup was hypocritical.
A man with suit is telling a story.
### Instruction: The meme poster is the unhappy with the way that the Qatar World Cup was hypocritical. ### Response:
The meme poster and his son were amazed by the price of the Arizona Tea which haven't changed even in 2050.
Marty and Doc look concerned at the newspaper.
### Instruction: The meme poster and his son were amazed by the price of the Arizona Tea which haven't changed even in 2050. ### Response:
The meme poster in saying that people who sing at sporting events, himself included, go overboard instead of just singing in a normal voice.
Top image is a finger pushing one of the two red buttons, bottom image is male with red shirt, white hand given thumbs up
### Instruction: The meme poster in saying that people who sing at sporting events, himself included, go overboard instead of just singing in a normal voice. ### Response:
Meme poster goes through all the ways to steal memes in order of difficulty.
the different appearance of the brain
### Instruction: Meme poster goes through all the ways to steal memes in order of difficulty. ### Response:
Meme poster feels disgusting when they see the Advertisement of themselves on YouTube.
Ron Swanson angrily stares off-camera.
### Instruction: Meme poster feels disgusting when they see the Advertisement of themselves on YouTube. ### Response:
Poster thinks Dead Space was good
SpongeBob is holding up an image of Cthulu and SpongeBob looks at the calisto protocol and puts it in the flames.
### Instruction: Poster thinks Dead Space was good ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey that drinking McDonald's sprite is an out-of-body experience because of it's strength.
A anime character is staring forward intently.
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey that drinking McDonald's sprite is an out-of-body experience because of it's strength. ### Response:
The meme poster describes the rage between the countries over their language.
The different pictures of dragons
### Instruction: The meme poster describes the rage between the countries over their language. ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey that though the boss agrees to the meme poster's words before everyone, the boss fires the meme poster.
The player shakes the referee's hand then the ref gives him a red card.
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey that though the boss agrees to the meme poster's words before everyone, the boss fires the meme poster. ### Response:
Meme poster can only type real slow when they are being tested but can type really fast any other time.
in the top a turtle and the bottom a superhero
### Instruction: Meme poster can only type real slow when they are being tested but can type really fast any other time. ### Response:
Poster thinks Ye is not the top black hood character in media
Kayne is wearing a black ski mask next to a black fish.
### Instruction: Poster thinks Ye is not the top black hood character in media ### Response:
Meme poster is mad because someone put them in the friend zone.
A toad is dressed stiffly in a fancy coat.
### Instruction: Meme poster is mad because someone put them in the friend zone. ### Response:
The meme poster is trying to express that USA is very powerful and unique
Three dragons are connected with one looking a little crazy.
### Instruction: The meme poster is trying to express that USA is very powerful and unique ### Response:
The poster thinks its funny seeing people in Bangladesh though not known for having good soccer teams are wild fans of the Argentina soccer team.
A buff man is supporting a the team that is going against Argentina.
### Instruction: The poster thinks its funny seeing people in Bangladesh though not known for having good soccer teams are wild fans of the Argentina soccer team. ### Response:
The meme poster realizes to be cautious while mocking his mate who loves Nazis.
A woman looks happy at a conversation then looks alarmed.
### Instruction: The meme poster realizes to be cautious while mocking his mate who loves Nazis. ### Response:
Meme poster likes noodles without sauce, even if other people think it's disgusting.
a woman and pointing and screaming while another woman holds her back and a second image is a cat sitting on a table
### Instruction: Meme poster likes noodles without sauce, even if other people think it's disgusting. ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey that most pokemon say their own name but for some reason the pokemon Krabby and Kingler just say cookie
A man is offering up a gross looking food.
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey that most pokemon say their own name but for some reason the pokemon Krabby and Kingler just say cookie ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey that the news is like we are back in the Reagan years.
A wife is looking at her phone when her husband is looking at the calendar.
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey that the news is like we are back in the Reagan years. ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey that the website forum has no memes even though that is mostly the place to go to for them.
SpongeBob looking droopy with words all around him
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey that the website forum has no memes even though that is mostly the place to go to for them. ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey that they had a realization that a scottish person in the film is named with a scottish language
a dark image of a person with a skull face
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey that they had a realization that a scottish person in the film is named with a scottish language ### Response:
The meme poster is gaining more science knowledge from Reddit now than he did from his schooling.
A sketched image of a large man with mouth opened and water pouring from a pipe overhead drinking it.
### Instruction: The meme poster is gaining more science knowledge from Reddit now than he did from his schooling. ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey that pets are ready to help us to burn calories by playing with them.
A squirrel is trying to get up a pantleg.
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey that pets are ready to help us to burn calories by playing with them. ### Response:
Meme poster makes joke about climate change not being real because he has a lot of ice.
A dog is wearing a fancy suit and chain.
### Instruction: Meme poster makes joke about climate change not being real because he has a lot of ice. ### Response:
Meme poster's life is depressing without their cat.
The stick figure man on the top is surrounded by Blackness and on the bottom is happy to see a cat in a Santa hat
### Instruction: Meme poster's life is depressing without their cat. ### Response:
Meme poster used to be able to watch commercials without caring but now anxiously waits until they can skip a YouTube ad.
On top Keanu is smiling while on the bottom Keanu frantically loads a gun.
### Instruction: Meme poster used to be able to watch commercials without caring but now anxiously waits until they can skip a YouTube ad. ### Response:
The meme poster doesn't care about the loss of the American team in soccer, as the meme poster has lost interest in soccer.
Loki decides to talk about something else.
### Instruction: The meme poster doesn't care about the loss of the American team in soccer, as the meme poster has lost interest in soccer. ### Response:
Meme poster created a Rick Roll playlist and thinks they'll survive it.
image of a music player button
### Instruction: Meme poster created a Rick Roll playlist and thinks they'll survive it. ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey that the future is not as bright as people in the past thought.
A man's face is shown in color and then black and white.
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey that the future is not as bright as people in the past thought. ### Response:
The meme poster realizes his olden days of satisfied by toys and videogames got as christmas gift and the current situation of enjoying christmas for getting bonus money.
Patrick has a huge brain then nails a board to his head.
### Instruction: The meme poster realizes his olden days of satisfied by toys and videogames got as christmas gift and the current situation of enjoying christmas for getting bonus money. ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey who the first shooter is to the crowd
Amir holding up a car for his son that is empty in front of a crowd
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey who the first shooter is to the crowd ### Response:
Poster reminds men to not be creepy.
A-faced man has a menacing expression as he stands in a doorway.
### Instruction: Poster reminds men to not be creepy. ### Response:
The meme poster denies the fact that the available evidence suggests the Spanish Inquisition was well expected.
Darth Maul is looking alarmed at what is in front of him.
### Instruction: The meme poster denies the fact that the available evidence suggests the Spanish Inquisition was well expected. ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey that time travel can cause another outcome in the future.
A man with a beard is smiling.
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey that time travel can cause another outcome in the future. ### Response:
The meme poster is mocking anime characters for their unappealing outputs.
A chiseled white males' face with no shirt, bottom image is a chiseled cartoon character with black hair
### Instruction: The meme poster is mocking anime characters for their unappealing outputs. ### Response:
The meme poster is explaining to his friends that he is not leaving them out because he has many friends.
An older man at a microphone in a dark suit, white beard saying "Unfortunately there are people in our society".
### Instruction: The meme poster is explaining to his friends that he is not leaving them out because he has many friends. ### Response:
Meme poster rejects the virtue signaling others do.
The individual is using a fork while simultaneously displaying to the other individual how he is restricting other food in his hand.
### Instruction: Meme poster rejects the virtue signaling others do. ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey that females think that taking drugs won't affect their child, which is like the meme poster, who casually joined Twitter and later took over the site to destroy it.
top image is a pregnant woman drinking red one and smoking and the bottom image is the profile picture of Elon Musk
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey that females think that taking drugs won't affect their child, which is like the meme poster, who casually joined Twitter and later took over the site to destroy it. ### Response:
Meme poster makes pun about Weird al and wordle sounding similarly.
Weird al is playing the accordion with a grid on his face.
### Instruction: Meme poster makes pun about Weird al and wordle sounding similarly. ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey that conservative students are more concerned their kid will be gay than they will shoot up schools.
an image of Drake's body with a white male's face
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey that conservative students are more concerned their kid will be gay than they will shoot up schools. ### Response:
The meme poster appreciate himself for posting a meme on Reddit.
Hulk is pointing while wearing glasses.
### Instruction: The meme poster appreciate himself for posting a meme on Reddit. ### Response:
The meme poster has to cross the obstacles to spend time with it's crush.
A robot is stuck at a ledge next to metal spikes.
### Instruction: The meme poster has to cross the obstacles to spend time with it's crush. ### Response:
Meme is trying to convey that things can change in a instant and not know it, from overweight to ripped.
A overweight man is smiling and happy while a buff one is freaking out.
### Instruction: Meme is trying to convey that things can change in a instant and not know it, from overweight to ripped. ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey their frustration with completing captchas.
a captcha of a soccer player with a man underneath looking very stressed
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey their frustration with completing captchas. ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey that their mom took awkward pictures of them as a child.
A sea otter is sitting on a school desk chair.
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey that their mom took awkward pictures of them as a child. ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey that people that celebrate sports team wins are faking it
Alex Jones is happily clenching his fists.
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey that people that celebrate sports team wins are faking it ### Response:
Meme poster is angry their mother is driving past McDonalds.
Walter is yelling loudly from the car.
### Instruction: Meme poster is angry their mother is driving past McDonalds. ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey that people have a different opinion of Diives depending on how long they have been on Reddit.
A character that is wearing a box on its head, and in the bottom image is a guy from the Incredibles as a cartoon character and a picture of him in real life, black and white.
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey that people have a different opinion of Diives depending on how long they have been on Reddit. ### Response:
Meme poster knows their face is a meme when they are not amused with the chaos around them.
the man is wearing a gruesome mask on his face
### Instruction: Meme poster knows their face is a meme when they are not amused with the chaos around them. ### Response:
The meme poster realizes that it was depressed for silly reasons in its childhood days.
Amogus crying chopper
### Instruction: The meme poster realizes that it was depressed for silly reasons in its childhood days. ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey that there is a sad cycle when you are hungry but cant find anything you want to eat in the fridge even though you keep looking
A man is tearing up thinking thoughts in a circle.
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey that there is a sad cycle when you are hungry but cant find anything you want to eat in the fridge even though you keep looking ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey that Kanye West looked normal medicated, slightly weird unmedicated, and completely bonkers with a invermectin overdose.
Kayne West is shown as a young man, a older man, then finally in a mask.
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey that Kanye West looked normal medicated, slightly weird unmedicated, and completely bonkers with a invermectin overdose. ### Response:
Though it is nice to comment, "Can we appreciate how many efforts he puts into these videos" in a post, the meme poster exposes that the post is only filled with this bunch of similar comments rather than really appreciating him.
Buzz Lightyear is in a box filled with Buzz Lightyear toys.
### Instruction: Though it is nice to comment, "Can we appreciate how many efforts he puts into these videos" in a post, the meme poster exposes that the post is only filled with this bunch of similar comments rather than really appreciating him. ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey that if mistakes make you stronger, the most mistake free man is the person who invented Red Lobster biscuits.
a white male looking really scrawny with no shirt on black hair, beard and jeans
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey that if mistakes make you stronger, the most mistake free man is the person who invented Red Lobster biscuits. ### Response:
The meme poster mocks the random user for the reason behind the suspension of his account.
A grey man looks angrier as he talks to a white guy.
### Instruction: The meme poster mocks the random user for the reason behind the suspension of his account. ### Response:
Meme poster is trying to convey that he hasn't been happy in a while hence the vacant staring
A black cat is starring towards its right side.
### Instruction: Meme poster is trying to convey that he hasn't been happy in a while hence the vacant staring ### Response: