Cardiomegaly;Aorta/tortuous;Thoracic Vertebrae/degenerative/mild
Cardiomegaly;Aorta;Thoracic Vertebrae
Stable cardiomegaly. Stable tortuosity of the aorta. No focal airspace opacities, pneumothorax or pleural effusion. Mild degenerative changes of the thoracic spine.
Stable cardiomegaly with clear lungs.
Lungs are clear bilaterally. Cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are normal. Pulmonary vasculature is normal. No pneumothorax or pleural effusion. No acute bony abnormality.
No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality.
Nodule/lung/upper lobe/right;Granuloma/lung/upper lobe/right;Calcinosis/lung/upper lobe/right
The XXXX examination consists of frontal and lateral radiographs of the chest. The cardiomediastinal contours are unchanged. Pulmonary vascularity is within normal limits. Calcified right upper lobe nodule with a granuloma is again seen but unchanged. No focal consolidation, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax identified. The visualized osseous structures and upper abdomen are unremarkable.
No evidence of acute cardiopulmonary process.
Lung/hypoinflation;Pulmonary Atelectasis/base/bilateral;Cicatrix/lung/base/bilateral;Surgical Instruments/abdomen/left
Lung;Pulmonary Atelectasis;Cicatrix;Surgical Instruments
Low lung volumes. Bibasilar atelectasis versus scarring. Stable left abdominal surgical clips. The heart size and mediastinal silhouette are within normal limits for contour. No pneumothorax or pleural effusions. The XXXX are intact.
Low lung volumes. Bibasilar atelectasis versus scarring.
Calcified Granuloma/lung/lower lobe/right
Calcified Granuloma
The cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits. Calcified right lower lobe granuloma. No focal airspace consolidation.. No visualized pneumothorax or large pleural effusion. No acute bony abnormalities.
No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality.
Cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal. Pulmonary vasculature and XXXX are normal. No consolidation, pneumothorax or large pleural effusion. Osseous structures and soft tissues are unchanged.
No acute cardiopulmonary disease.
The lungs are clear. There is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax. The heart and mediastinum are normal. The skeletal structures short thready changes of the spine.
No acute pulmonary disease.
Lungs are clear bilaterally, with no focal consolidation, pleural effusion, or pneumothoraces. Cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits. Calcified densities within the right paratracheal region and left perihilar region, may represent calcified granulomas. There is a round opacity measuring 2 cm in diameter within the posterior mediastinum. XXXX are unremarkable.
1. Round opacity measuring 2 cm in diameter within the posterior mediastinum. Recommend further evaluation of this nodule with chest CT with IV contrast.
Tube, Inserted/trachea;Cardiomegaly/mild;Pulmonary Congestion
Tube, Inserted;Cardiomegaly;Pulmonary Congestion
PA and lateral views of the chest were obtained. Tracheostomy tube. Probable mild cardiomegaly. Prominence of the central vasculature, unchanged. No pneumothorax pleural effusion or focal consolidation.
1. No acute cardiopulmonary disease. 2. Stable mild cardiomegaly. 3. Prominent central vasculature.
Cardiomegaly/mild;Atherosclerosis/aorta/severe;Aorta/tortuous;Opacity/lung/interstitial/diffuse;Bone Diseases, Metabolic/spine
Cardiomegaly;Atherosclerosis;Aorta;Opacity;Bone Diseases, Metabolic
There is mild cardiomegaly. Aorta is heavily calcified and tortuous, consistent with atherosclerotic disease. There are diffuse increased interstitial opacities identified. This may be secondary to edema, or alternatively atypical infection. No large effusion or visualized pneumothorax. Osteopenia of the spine is identified.
1. Cardiomegaly with diffuse interstitial opacities. Findings may be secondary to pulmonary edema. Atypical infection is another consideration.
Thoracic Vertebrae/degenerative/mild
Thoracic Vertebrae
The trachea is midline. Cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal. The lungs are clear, without evidence of acute infiltrate or effusion. There is no pneumothorax. The bony structures reveal no acute abnormalities. Lateral view reveals mild degenerative changes of the thoracic spine.
No acute cardiopulmonary abnormalities.
Opacity/lung/base/bilateral/mild;Pulmonary Atelectasis/base/bilateral;Cicatrix/lung/base/bilateral;Calcified Granuloma/lung/upper lobe/left;Nodule/right/retrocardiac;Calcinosis/right/retrocardiac
Opacity;Pulmonary Atelectasis;Cicatrix;Calcified Granuloma;Nodule;Calcinosis
The heart is normal in size. The mediastinum is unremarkable. There are XXXX opacities in both lung bases compatible with scarring or atelectasis. Calcified granuloma in the left upper lung is noted as well as right retrocardiac calcified nodule. No significant pleural effusion is seen.
Mild XXXX XXXX opacities with scarring; no acute disease.
Opacity/lung/middle lobe/right/mild;Aorta, Thoracic/tortuous/mild;Atherosclerosis/aorta;Thoracic Vertebrae/degenerative;Pulmonary Atelectasis
Opacity;Aorta, Thoracic;Atherosclerosis;Thoracic Vertebrae;Pulmonary Atelectasis
The cardiomediastinal silhouette and pulmonary vasculature are within normal limits in size. There is minimal XXXX airspace opacity in the right middle lobe, XXXX atelectasis. The lungs are otherwise clear of focal airspace disease. There is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion. There is mild tortuosity of the thoracic aorta with atherosclerotic calcification of the aortic XXXX. There are moderate degenerative endplate changes in the thoracic spine. There are no acute bony findings.
No acute cardiopulmonary findings. .
Calcified Granuloma/lung/lower lobe/right;Osteophyte/thoracic vertebrae
Calcified Granuloma;Osteophyte
The cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal in size and contour. Stable right lower lobe calcified granuloma. No focal consolidation, pneumothorax or large pleural effusion. Spurring of the thoracic spine.
Negative for acute abnormality.
Pneumothorax/left;Pulmonary Atelectasis/lower lobe/left;Pulmonary Atelectasis/upper lobe/left;Pleural Effusion/left/small;Hemothorax/left/small
Pneumothorax;Pulmonary Atelectasis;Pulmonary Atelectasis;Pleural Effusion;Hemothorax
There is increased size of left pneumothorax, with XXXX partial collapse of the left upper and lower lobes. This pneumothorax measures up to 3.5 cm in maximum width at the apex. There is no significant mediastinal shift. The right lung remains clear. Cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits. There is a small left pleural effusion/hemothorax. No focal air space opacities. No free subdiaphragmatic air.
1. Increased size of left pneumothorax, with XXXX partial collapse of the left upper and lower lobes. 2. Small left pleural effusion/hemothorax.
The lungs are clear bilaterally. Specifically, no evidence of focal consolidation, pneumothorax, or pleural effusion.. Cardio mediastinal silhouette is unremarkable. Visualized osseous structures of the thorax are without acute abnormality.
No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality..
Lung/bilateral/hypoinflation;Markings/bronchovascular;Thoracic Vertebrae/degenerative
Lung;Markings;Thoracic Vertebrae
Low lung volumes bilaterally with central bronchovascular crowding without focal consolidation, pleural effusion, or pneumothoraces.. Cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits. Degenerative changes of the thoracic spine..
Low lung volumes bilaterally with central bronchovascular crowding without focal cardiopulmonary disease. .
The lungs and pleural spaces show no acute abnormality. Heart size and pulmonary vascularity within normal limits. .
1. No acute pulmonary abnormality.
No focal consolidation, suspicious pulmonary opacity, pneumothorax or definite pleural effusion. Heart size and pulmonary vascularity within normal limits, visualized osseous structures appear intact.
No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality.
The lungs are clear. There is no focal airspace consolidation. No pleural effusion or pneumothorax. Normal cardiomediastinal silhouette. There are minimal degenerative changes of the spine.
No evidence of active disease.
Thoracic Vertebrae/degenerative/mild;Cardiomegaly
Thoracic Vertebrae;Cardiomegaly
No acute osseous abnormality. Mild degenerative changes of the thoracic spine. There is stable enlargement of the heart. No focus of consolidation, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax.
1. No acute radiographic cardiopulmonary process.
The lungs are clear. The cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits. No pneumothorax or pleural effusion.
Negative chest.
No Indexing
No Indexing
The heart size and pulmonary vascularity appear within normal limits. The lungs are free of focal airspace disease. No pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen. Right XXXX-a-XXXX remains in XXXX.
1. No evidence of active disease.
Pleural Effusion/bilateral/small
Pleural Effusion
The lungs are clear. The cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits. Small pleural effusion is identified.
Small bilateral pleural effusions.
Both lungs are clear and expanded. Heart and mediastinum normal.
No active disease.
Aorta/tortuous;Thoracic Vertebrae/degenerative
Aorta;Thoracic Vertebrae
the heart size is normal. There is tortuosity of aorta. Pulmonary vascularity is normal. No focal airspace disease or effusion. Degenerative changes in the thoracic spine.
Tortuous aorta, otherwise unremarkable exam.
The lungs are clear bilaterally. Specifically, no evidence of focal consolidation, pneumothorax, or pleural effusion.. Cardio mediastinal silhouette is unremarkable. Visualized osseous structures of the thorax are without acute abnormality.
No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality..
Heart size is mildly enlarged. The pulmonary XXXX and mediastinum are within normal limits. There is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax. There is no focal air space opacity to suggest a pneumonia.
No acute cardiopulmonary disease.
Fractures, Bone/ribs/left/healed
Fractures, Bone
The heart is normal size. The mediastinum is unremarkable. There is no pleural effusion, pneumothorax, or focal airspace disease. There is stable irregularity of the posterior left 6th rib which XXXX represents an old fracture..
No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality.
Cardiomegaly/mild;Aorta, Thoracic/tortuous
Cardiomegaly;Aorta, Thoracic
The heart size is mildly enlarged. There is tortuosity of the thoracic aorta. No focal airspace consolidation, pleural effusions or pneumothorax. No acute bony abnormalities.
Cardiomegaly without acute pulmonary findings.
The heart is normal size. The mediastinum is unremarkable. There is no pleural effusion, pneumothorax, or focal airspace disease. The XXXX are unremarkable.
No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality.
No focal consolidation. No visualized pneumothorax. No large pleural effusions. The heart size and cardiomediastinal silhouette are grossly unremarkable.
1. No acute cardiopulmonary findings.
Cardiomegaly;Pleural Effusion/right/small;Lung/blood vessels/enlarged;Pulmonary Congestion;Lung/interstitial/prominent;Pulmonary Edema/interstitial
Cardiomegaly;Pleural Effusion;Lung;Pulmonary Congestion;Lung;Pulmonary Edema
There is stable cardiomegaly. Right pleural effusion is slightly increased in size. Pulmonary vasculature is persistently enlarged. Prominent interstitium is stable. No XXXX focal infiltrate. No pneumothorax. Visualized osseous structures intact.
Stable cardiomegaly and XXXX of interstitial edema with small but increasing right pleural effusion.
Density/thorax/round/multiple;Granulomatous Disease/chronic;Emphysema
Density;Granulomatous Disease;Emphysema
Heart size is normal. Cardiomediastinal silhouette stable. No pneumothorax, pleural effusion, or focal airspace disease. Nodular densities consistent with chronic granulomatous disease. Bony structures appear intact. Emphysema.
Negative for acute cardiopulmonary disease. No pulmonary nodules identified.
Cardiomediastinal silhouettes are within normal limits. Lungs are clear without focal consolidation, pneumothorax, or pleural effusion. Bony thorax is unremarkable.
No acute cardiopulmonary abnormalities.
Cicatrix/thorax/left;Volume Loss/lung/left;Lung/right/hyperdistention;Density/thorax/left
Cicatrix;Volume Loss;Lung;Density
There are postsurgical and postradiation changes of the left lung with a spiculated, hyperdense scar in the left upper thorax. There is a loss of lung volume on the left due to postsurgical change. XXXX deviation towards the left. Right lung is hyperexpanded. The right lung is clear. Heart size and vascularity within normal limits.
Postsurgical and postradiation changes on the left with no acute abnormality.
Surgical Instruments/abdomen
Surgical Instruments
The cardiomediastinal silhouette and pulmonary vasculature are within normal limits. There is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion. There are no focal areas of consolidation. Cholecystectomy clips are present.
No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality.
Cardiomediastinal silhouette and pulmonary vasculature are within normal limits. Lungs are clear. No pneumothorax or pleural effusion. No acute osseous findings.
No acute cardiopulmonary findings.
Cardiomegaly/moderate;Mediastinum/blood vessels/prominent;Pulmonary Congestion/mild;Spondylosis/thoracic vertebrae
Cardiomegaly;Mediastinum;Pulmonary Congestion;Spondylosis
Moderate cardiomegaly. Prominent vascular pedicle/upper mediastinal contour. Mild central vascular congestion. No overt edema or confluent lobar pneumonia. No pleural effusion. Thoracic spondylosis.
No acute findings, see above.
The bony thorax is intact and the heart size is normal. The lung XXXX are free of infiltrate and there is no pleural effusion. We again note the left hilar calcifications that are unchanged from the prior studies.
Negative chest.
Cardiomegaly;Aorta/tortuous;Calcinosis/aorta;Thoracic Vertebrae/degenerative/diffuse
Cardiomegaly;Aorta;Calcinosis;Thoracic Vertebrae
Stable cardiomegaly. Calcified tortuous aorta. No focal air space disease. Stable chronic lung changes. No large pleural effusion or pneumothorax. Diffuse degenerative changes of the thoracic spine.
No acute cardiopulmonary abnormalities.
Cardiac and mediastinal contours are unremarkable. Pulmonary vascularity is within normal limits. No focal air space opacities, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax. XXXX are grossly unremarkable.
1. Clear lungs.
The heart is normal in size. The mediastinum is unremarkable. The lungs are clear.
No acute disease.
Aorta/tortuous;Opacity/lung/base/left/streaky;Cicatrix/lung/base/left;Pulmonary Atelectasis/base/left;Calcified Granuloma/lung/middle lobe/right/small;Opacity/lung/base/right/round/multiple/small;Opacity/costophrenic angle/sulcus/right/round/multiple/small
Aorta;Opacity;Cicatrix;Pulmonary Atelectasis;Calcified Granuloma;Opacity;Opacity
Frontal and lateral views of the chest show an unchanged cardiomediastinal silhouette. The aorta is unfolded. There is left base streaky opacity due to XXXX scarring or discoid atelectasis. There is a midright lung small calcified granuloma. There are small nodular opacities projecting over the right base in the right costophrenic sulcus, posterior right 9th rib and the anterior T10 vertebral body. No XXXX focal airspace consolidation or pleural effusion.
1. XXXX indeterminant small nodular opacities. May be granulomas or bone islands. However, XXXX is recommended given the history of malignancy. 2. Otherwise no acute cardiac or pulmonary disease process identified.
No Indexing
No Indexing
The heart is normal in size and contour. There is no mediastinal widening. The lungs are clear bilaterally. No large pleural effusion or pneumothorax. The XXXX are intact.
No acute cardiopulmonary abnormalities.
Implanted Medical Device/left
Implanted Medical Device
Pacemaker generator overlying the left chest in stable position with 2 leads terminating in the right atrium and right ventricle in stable position. Stable XXXX sternotomy XXXX. No pneumothorax, pleural effusion, or focal airspace disease. Minimal fluid within the right horizontal fissure.
Stable pacemaker generator within the left chest with 2 distal leads terminating in the right atrium and right ventricle, also in stable position. No pneumothorax.
Both lungs are clear and expanded. Heart and mediastinum normal.
No active disease.
Pulmonary Atelectasis/base/left;Cicatrix/lung/base/left
Pulmonary Atelectasis;Cicatrix
The lungs are clear bilaterally. Specifically, no evidence of focal consolidation, pneumothorax, or pleural effusion.. Left basilar subsegmental atelectasis versus scar noted. Cardio mediastinal silhouette is unremarkable. Visualized osseous structures of the thorax are without acute abnormality.
No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality. Specifically, no evidence of active tuberculous process.
Medical Device;Lung/interstitial/prominent;Opacity/lung/base/patchy;Airspace Disease/lung/base/patchy
Medical Device;Lung;Opacity;Airspace Disease
Frontal and lateral views of the chest with overlying external cardiac monitor leads show normal size and configuration of the cardiac silhouette. Normal pulmonary vasculature and central airways. There is interstitial prominence and is basilar patchy air space opacity. No focal airspace consolidation or pleural effusion.
Nonspecific interstitial prominence and basilar patchy airspace disease. Maybe due to pulmonary fibrosis, scarring and/or atelectasis. Comparison with outside previous films may be useful.
Lung/hypoinflation;Markings/bronchovascular;Thoracic Vertebrae/right/degenerative/mild
Lung;Markings;Thoracic Vertebrae
Lung volumes are decreased from XXXX, and there is resultant bronchovascular crowding. No evidence of focal airspace disease. No definite pleural effusion or pneumothorax. Cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits given the low lung volumes. No free subdiaphragmatic air. Grossly stable mild degenerative changes of the right lower thoracic spine.
No acute pulmonary disease.
The cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal in size in appearance and stable from XXXX. The lungs are clear. Soft tissues and bony structures are unremarkable. No pneumothorax or pleural effusion.
Unremarkable examination of the chest.
Thoracic Vertebrae/degenerative/mild
Thoracic Vertebrae
No focal areas of consolidation. No suspicious pulmonary opacities. Mild degenerative change thoracic spine. No pleural effusions. No evidence of pneumothorax. Heart size normal limits.
No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality. .
The heart size is upper limits of normal. The pulmonary XXXX and mediastinum are within normal limits. There is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax. There is no focal air space opacity to suggest a pneumonia.
No acute cardiopulmonary disease.
Low lung volumes. Normal heart size. The trachea is midline. Lungs are clear. No pneumothorax. No pleural effusion.
No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality.
The heart, pulmonary XXXX and mediastinum are within normal limits. There is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax. There is no focal air space opacity to suggest a pneumonia.
No acute cardiopulmonary disease.
Lung/hypoinflation;Pulmonary Atelectasis/base/left/scattered;Catheters, Indwelling
Lung;Pulmonary Atelectasis;Catheters, Indwelling
Low lung volumes are present. The heart size and pulmonary vascularity appear within normal limits. No pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen. Scattered XXXX of left base atelectasis are noted. Left XXXX-a-XXXX is in XXXX with the tip projecting over the caval atrial junction.
1. XXXX of left base atelectasis. Otherwise, clear.
Surgical Instruments/mediastinum;Atherosclerosis/aorta;Aorta, Thoracic/tortuous;Cardiomegaly;Calcinosis/mitral valve/prominent;Mediastinum/prominent
Surgical Instruments;Atherosclerosis;Aorta, Thoracic;Cardiomegaly;Calcinosis;Mediastinum
XXXX sternotomy XXXX and numerous mediastinal clips appear stable in position. There is aortic atherosclerotic calcification. The thoracic aorta is tortuous. Stable widening of the upper mediastinum. Stable cardiomegaly. Prominent mitral annular calcification demonstrated on the lateral view. No pneumothorax, pleural effusion or airspace consolidation. XXXX XXXX appear intact.
1. No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality. 2. Stable cardiomegaly, tortuous thoracic aorta and atherosclerotic calcification. .
Consolidation/lung/lower lobe/right;Pulmonary Atelectasis/lower lobe/right;Costophrenic Angle/right/blunted;Airspace Disease/lung/lower lobe/left;Pneumonia/lower lobe/left;Pleural Effusion/right
Consolidation;Pulmonary Atelectasis;Costophrenic Angle;Airspace Disease;Pneumonia;Pleural Effusion
In the interval, consolidation and atelectasis have developed in the right lower lobe. Costophrenic XXXX blunted on the right. Left lung clear. Heart size normal.
Left lower lobe airspace disease consistent with pneumonia. Associated right pleural effusion.
Surgical Instruments/mediastinum;Cicatrix/lung/base/left;Deformity/lung/base/left;Deformity/ribs/left/chronic
Surgical Instruments;Cicatrix;Deformity;Deformity
Heart size within normal limits, stable mediastinal contours, mediastinal clips, left base pleural-parenchymal irregularity compatible with scarring. No focal alveolar consolidation, no definite pleural effusion seen. No typical findings of pulmonary edema. Chronic appearing left rib contour irregularities may be posttraumatic or postsurgical.
No acute findings
The lungs and pleural spaces show no acute abnormality. Stable paratracheal soft tissue density dating back to exams in XXXX, XXXX confluence of vascular shadows. Lungs are hyperexpanded. Heart size and pulmonary vascularity within normal limits.
1. No acute pulmonary abnormality.
The lungs and pleural spaces show no acute abnormality. Heart size and pulmonary vascularity within normal limits.
1. No acute pulmonary abnormality.
Lungs are clear. Heart size normal. The XXXX are unremarkable.
No acute cardiopulmonary finding.
Heart size and cardiomediastinal contours are normal. Lungs are clear without focal air space opacity, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax. Osseous structures are intact.
Negative for acute cardiopulmonary findings.
Cardiac and mediastinal contours are unremarkable. Pulmonary vascularity is within normal limits. No focal air space opacities, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax. There is is a calcified XXXX opacity in the left lung base suggestive of old empyema, hematoma, or prior TB. No cavitary lesions are seen. XXXX are grossly unremarkable.
1. Clear lungs. No radiographic evidence of active TB.
The lungs are clear. No pleural effusion is seen. The heart and mediastinum are normal. Arthritic changes of the spine are present.
No active disease.
Lungs are clear without focal infiltrates. No pneumothorax or pleural effusion. Normal heart size. Normal pulmonary vascularity. Bony thorax intact.
No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality.
Medical Device
Medical Device
Frontal and lateral views of the chest with overlying external cardiac monitor leads show normal size and configuration of the cardiac silhouette. Normal pulmonary vasculature and central airways. No focal airspace consolidation or pleural effusion.
No acute or active cardiac, pulmonary or pleural disease.
Atherosclerosis/aorta, thoracic;Aorta, Thoracic/tortuous;Diaphragmatic Eventration/right;Thoracic Vertebrae/degenerative/multiple;Lumbar Vertebrae/degenerative/multiple
Atherosclerosis;Aorta, Thoracic;Diaphragmatic Eventration;Thoracic Vertebrae;Lumbar Vertebrae
Cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits for size, with redemonstration of tortuous and atherosclerotic calcified thoracic aorta. No focal consolidation, effusion, or pneumothorax identified. Eventration of the right hemidiaphragm is stable compared to prior examination. Multilevel degenerative disc disease and thoracolumbar spine again noted without acute osseous abnormality.
No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality..
No focal lung consolidation. No pneumothorax or large pleural effusion. Heart size and pulmonary vascularity are within normal limits. Osseous structures are grossly intact.
No acute cardiopulmonary process.
Heart size and vascularity normal. External contour normal. Lungs clear. No pleural effusions or pneumothoraces.
No acute cardiopulmonary process.
Lung/base/bilateral/obscured;Lung/hypoinflation;Pulmonary Atelectasis;Pulmonary Fibrosis;Calcified Granuloma/lung/left;Infiltrate/lung/base/bilateral;Pleural Effusion/base/bilateral
Lung;Lung;Pulmonary Atelectasis;Pulmonary Fibrosis;Calcified Granuloma;Infiltrate;Pleural Effusion
There is obscuration of the bilateral lung bases with lower lung volumes compared to prior examination. Stable atelectatic/fibrotic changes of the visualized lung, and stable left-sided calcified granuloma. No acute osseous abnormalities identified. Cardiomediastinal silhouette unremarkable.
Obscuration of the bilateral lung bases, XXXX combination of atelectasis, infiltrate, effusions.
Cardiomegaly/moderate;Pulmonary Congestion;Catheters, Indwelling
Cardiomegaly;Pulmonary Congestion;Catheters, Indwelling
Heart size mildly to moderately enlarged, distal tip dual-lumen catheter near the caval atrial junction. Mild vascular cephalization, no definite interstitial changes of pulmonary edema, no focal alveolar consolidation. No pleural effusion XXXX demonstrated.
1. Mild to moderate cardiomegaly. 2. Vascular redistribution without definite findings of pulmonary edema
Lung/hypoinflation;Consolidation/lung/base/bilateral;Costophrenic Angle/bilateral/blunted;Surgical Instruments;Airspace Disease/lung/base/bilateral;Pleural Effusion/bilateral
Lung;Consolidation;Costophrenic Angle;Surgical Instruments;Airspace Disease;Pleural Effusion
Lung volumes are low. Bibasilar consolidation and bilateral costophrenic XXXX blunting are present. Heart size normal. Pulmonary XXXX normal. Shunt tubing traverses the entire image from top to XXXX.
Bibasilar airspace disease and bilateral pleural fluid.
Fractures, Bone/clavicle/right/healed;Aorta, Thoracic/tortuous/mild
Fractures, Bone;Aorta, Thoracic
The lungs are clear. There is no focal airspace consolidation. No pleural effusion or pneumothorax. Heart size is at the upper limits of normal. Thoracic aorta is mildly ectatic, stable. Old right clavicular fracture is again noted.
Clear lungs.
Thoracic Vertebrae/degenerative/mild
Thoracic Vertebrae
The heart size is normal. The mediastinal contour is within normal limits. The lungs are free of any focal infiltrates. There are no nodules or masses. No visible pneumothorax. No visible pleural fluid. Mild degenerative change is seen within the midthoracic spine. There is no visible free intraperitoneal air under the diaphragm.
1. No acute radiographic cardiopulmonary process.
Normal heart size. Diffuse bilateral reticulonodular interstitial opacities. There are no XXXX of a large pleural effusion. There is no evidence of pneumothorax. Heart is not enlarged. XXXX are unremarkable.
Compared to XXXX, there are XXXX extensive bilateral reticulonodular interstitial opacities, concerning for atypical infection. Result notification XXXX Primordial. .
Normal cardiomediastinal contours. No focal consolidation or pleural effusions. No pneumothorax.
No acute cardiopulmonary abnormalities.
Clear lungs bilaterally. Normal cardiac contours. No pneumothorax or pleural effusion.
1. No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality.
There are no focal areas of consolidation. No suspicious pulmonary opacities. Heart size within normal limits. No pleural effusions. There is no evidence of pneumothorax.
No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality.
The heart size and pulmonary vascularity appear within normal limits. The lungs are free of focal airspace disease. No pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen. No discrete nodules or adenopathy identified.
No evidence of active disease.
Heart size normal. Lungs are clear. XXXX are normal. No pneumonia, effusions, edema, pneumothorax, adenopathy, nodules or masses.
Normal chest
Airspace Disease/lung/lower lobe/right;Pneumonia/lower lobe/right
Airspace Disease;Pneumonia
There is XXXX airspace disease in the right lower lobe seen behind the right hemidiaphragm on PA view. This is also well seen on lateral view. Remainder of the lungs appear clear. The heart and pulmonary XXXX appear normal. Mediastinal contours are normal.
The right lower lobe pneumonia
Heart size within normal limits, stable mediastinal and hilar contours. No focal alveolar consolidation, no definite pleural effusion seen. No typical findings of pulmonary edema. No pneumothorax. Mild dextrocurvature of the spine again noted.
No acute findings
Fractures, Bone/ribs/left/posterior/multiple
Fractures, Bone
The heart is normal in size and contour. There is no mediastinal widening. The lungs are clear bilaterally. No large pleural effusion or pneumothorax. Fractures of the posterior left 4th, 5th, and 6th ribs, age-indeterminate.
1. No acute cardiopulmonary abnormalities. Specifically, no pneumothorax. 2. Fractures of the posterior left 4th, 5th, and 6th ribs, age-indeterminate.
The heart is normal in size. The mediastinum is unremarkable. There is XXXX biapical scarring. The lungs are otherwise clear.
No acute disease.
Cardiomediastinal silhouettes are within normal limits. Lungs are clear without focal consolidation, pneumothorax, or pleural effusion. Bony thorax is unremarkable.
No acute cardiopulmonary abnormalities.
Opacity/lung/base/bilateral/multiple;Foreign Bodies/thorax/left/posterior;Foreign Bodies/neck/right;Foreign Bodies/costophrenic angle/left
Opacity;Foreign Bodies;Foreign Bodies;Foreign Bodies
The heart is normal in size. The mediastinum is stable. The lungs are grossly clear. XXXX XXXX opacities in the lung bases. There are XXXX fragments overlying the posterior left chest, right neck base and XXXX fragments in the left costophrenic XXXX. There is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax.
XXXX bullet fragments, as described above. No evidence of acute parenchymal abnormality.
Cardiomegaly;Opacity/lung/base/bilateral/streaky/mild;Implanted Medical Device
Cardiomegaly;Opacity;Implanted Medical Device
Heart size is enlarged, pulmonary vascularity within normal limits. Cardiac defibrillator generator projects over the left mid lateral lung. No visible pneumothorax or pleural effusion. Minimal streaky airspace opacities in the lower lobes.
1. Cardiomegaly without pulmonary edema. 2. Minimal bibasilar opacities which may reflect atelectasis or infiltrate.
Lung/hyperdistention;Diaphragm/bilateral/flattened;Pulmonary Emphysema;Spine/degenerative/multiple
Lung;Diaphragm;Pulmonary Emphysema;Spine
Cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits for size and contour. Lungs are hyperinflated with flattening of the diaphragms consistent with emphysematous change. No evidence of focal airspace disease, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax. Multilevel degenerative changes of the spine are noted.
1. Emphysematous change without evidence of acute cardiopulmonary process.
Cardiomegaly/moderate;Fractures, Bone/sternum
Cardiomegaly;Fractures, Bone
Heart size is moderately enlarged. The pulmonary XXXX and mediastinum are within normal limits. There is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax. There is suspected right lower lobe airspace opacity XXXX demonstrated on the lateral study. There is a fracture of superior sternotomy XXXX unchanged.
Possible right lower lobe pneumonia. Cardiomegaly
Cardiomegaly/borderline;Lung/hypoinflation;Calcified Granuloma/lung/upper lobe/right
Cardiomegaly;Lung;Calcified Granuloma
Borderline cardiomegaly, XXXX at XXXX partially accentuated by low lung volumes. Right upper lobe calcified granuloma. No focal consolidation, pneumothorax or large pleural effusion. Negative for acute bone abnormality.
Low lung volumes, otherwise clear.
Heart size is within normal limits. Low lung volumes. No focal airspace consolidations. No pneumothorax or pleural effusion.
No acute cardiopulmonary findings.
PA and lateral views were obtained. Lungs are clear. There is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion. The heart and mediastinum are within normal limits. Bony structures are intact. A 5 mm stable right apical nodule.
No acute cardiopulmonary process.
Atherosclerosis/aorta;Kyphosis;Arthritis;Pleural Effusion/bilateral/small
Atherosclerosis;Kyphosis;Arthritis;Pleural Effusion
The lungs are clear. There appear to be small bilateral pleural effusions. The heart is not grossly enlarged. There are atherosclerotic changes of the aorta. Increased kyphosis is seen in the may be a thoracic XXXX deformity that is not well-characterized. Arthritic changes are seen.
1. Probable small bilateral pleural effusions. 2. Possible lower thoracic XXXX deformity not well characterized on today's study.
Opacity/lung/lower lobe/left/scattered/multiple;Lung/hilum/bilateral/prominent;Pulmonary Artery/bilateral/enlarged;Pneumonia/lower lobe/left
Opacity;Lung;Pulmonary Artery;Pneumonia
There are scattered XXXX opacities in the left lower lobe. Cardiac silhouette is within normal limits. There is prominence of the right and left hilum XXXX representing enlargement of the central pulmonary arteries. No pneumothorax or pleural effusion. No acute bone abnormality.
1. Left lower lobe opacities XXXX representing pneumonia. 2. Enlargement of the central pulmonary arteries raising the question of pulmonary hypertension.
The lungs are clear. Heart size is normal. No pneumothorax. There are endplate changes within the spine.
No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality. .
Diaphragmatic Eventration/left
Diaphragmatic Eventration
Heart size within normal limits, stable mediastinal and hilar contours. Left hemidiaphragm eventration. No focal alveolar consolidation, no definite pleural effusion seen. No typical findings of pulmonary edema.
No acute findings
Thoracic Vertebrae/degenerative/mild
Thoracic Vertebrae
XXXX sternotomy XXXX remain in XXXX. The cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits for appearance. No focal areas of pulmonary consolidation. No pneumothorax. No pleural effusion. Minimal degenerative changes of the thoracic spine.
1. No acute intrathoracic abnormality.
Lungs are clear without focal consolidation, effusion or pneumothorax. Normal heart size. Bony thorax and soft tissues unremarkable
Negative for acute cardiopulmonary abnormality.
Heart size normal. Lungs are clear. XXXX are normal. No pneumonia, effusions, edema, pneumothorax, adenopathy, nodules or masses.
Normal chest